PICTORIAL SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE , I U UNITED STATES; TO WHICH ARE ADDED THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES WITH QUESTIONS AND EXPLANATIONS. BY JOHN J. ANDERSON, A. M., ATE PRINCIPAL OF GRAMMAR SCHOOL No. 31, NKW YORK Cm. NEW YORK: CLARK & MAYNARD, PUBLISHERS, 5 BARCLAY STREET. 1870. SCHOOL HISTORIES JOHN J. ANDERSON, A. M., LATE PRINCIPAL OP GRAMMAR SCHOOL No. 31, NEW YORK Cm. 1. Introductory. School History of the Uiiitcci States. Illustrated with maps. 194 pp. Kimo. This work, though arranged on the catechetical plan, may be read independ ently of the questions as a continuous narrative, the text having been fully writ ten before the questions were prepared. IT is DESIGNED FOR CLASSES OF AD VANCED AS WELL AS LOWER GRADES, IN WHICH ONLY AN OUTLINE OF UNITED STATES HISTORY is TAUGHT. 2. Common School History of the United States. Illustrated with maps. 350 pp. 16mo. This work is more catechetical than the preceding, since the answers are move independent of eacli other. IT is DESIGNED FOR LARGE GRADED SCHOOLS. 3. Grammar School History of the United States. With one series of maps showing the places referred to in the work, and another phowing the progress of the country, with its territorial extent, at different pe riods in its History. 252 pp. 16mo. The narrative plan has been adopted in this book, with one set of questions at the bottom of the pages, and another for topical review at the end of the sections. THIS WORK WILL MEET ALL THE WANTS OF GRADED SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. 4. Pictorial School History of the United States. Fully illustrated with maps, portraits, vignettes, &c. 402 pp. 12mo. This work is also on the narrative plan, but more circumstantial in its state ments than any of the preceding. IT is DESIGNED FOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. *#* All of the above-named works contain the Declaration of Independence und the Constitution of the United States, with questions and explanations; and in the Grammar School History will also be found Washington s Farewell Address. 5. A Ulamial of General History. Copiously illus trated with maps, and accompanied with questions, Chronological Tables, Tables of Contemporaneous History. etc. etc. 420pp. 12mo. THIS WORK HAS BEEN PREPARED WITH GREAT CARE ON THE NARRATIVE PLAN. ITS STATEMENTS ARE BRIEF AND CLEAR. DESIGNED FOR ADVANCED CLASSES. 6. Anderson s ISIoss s Ancient History. Illustrated with colored maps and a chart. 445 pp. 12mo. DESIGNED FOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. ONE OF THE LEADING ATMS TN ALL OF ANDERSON S HISTORIES IS TO CON NECT THE GEOGRAPHY WITH THE CHRONOLOGY. /_ -1 7 " {& I/ fS l^ CLARK & MAYNARD, PUBLISHERS, 5 BARCLAY ST., New York. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18G8, BY JOHN J. ANDERSON, In the Clork u Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. THE work here offered embraces several features which, it is thought, will not fail to recommend it to such teachers as desire that their pupils should acquire a more comprehensive knowledge of the history of our country than can be obtained from either of the author s previous and more elementary works. ( It has been the leading aim, in the present one, to state every important fact in the history in clear and concise lan- guagey so that the pupil may be able readily to comprehend it, and, at the same time, to see its connection with the events preceding it/"~No important event, it is believed, has been omitted, nor any of the particulars necessary to make it fully understood. The questions at the bottom of the pages are more numer ous than in any other school history. This has been done as much for the benefit of the teacher as of the pupil ; for, though the former may not actually need them, they will facilitate his labor, and secure better recitations from his pupils, by requir ing greater precision, on their part, in the selection of their answers. In this way, the important habit of giving exact and explicit answers will be greatly encouraged. Discursive ness in recitation may, indeed, sometimes be allowed, but always with great caution, so as to avoid that rambling and immethodical mode of thought which is so tiresome and injurious. By the plan of this work, every fact is learned with a due regard to its relative importance, and all are linked together so as to constitute, in the mind of the pupil, a complete and uninterrupted chain. It may be objected, that the plan of re quiring only brief answers is not calculated to encourage this PREFACE. logical connection of events on the part of the young student. This objection has been obviated by the insertion, at the end of every few pages, of a list of review questions of an entirely different character, and much more comprehensive than those at the foot of each page. These review questions are, in the author s estimation, one of the chief recommendations of the book. They directly call into active exercise the pupil s power of continuous thought, the answer to a single question very often requiring the substance of several paragraphs of the text. The pupil is thus made to perceive more clearly the connection between the events, and habits of thoughtful study are necessarily induced. It will be also observed that the work is copiously illustra ted with maps ; that dates are inserted with great frequency ; and that the chronological tables of battles, the settlement and admission of the States, the inauguration of the Presi dents, and the general events in the history of the country from its discovery, are given with fullness and precision. These maps and tables do not serve merely to enhance the attractive appearance of the work, but will contribute, it is be lieved, greatly to its usefulness and value. Not only are they constantly referred to in the text, but a series of questions running through the book, and connecting the geography with the chronology, brings them forcibly before the pupil s atten tion, and thus serves to give additional accuracy as well as permanency to his knowledge of the subject. The pronunciation of proper names has also been given more copiously than in either of the author s previous works, the authorities used being the gazetteer of Baldwin and the dictionaries of Webster and Worcester. While returning thanks to his fellow-teachers for the favor with which his former works have been received, the author submits this new one, with the hope that it may not prove less acceptable. CON TENTS. SECTION I. DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS Page 11 Columbus (11); Amerigo Vespucci (13); John and Sebastian Cabot (13); Ponce de Leon (14); Balboa (15); L>e Ayllon (15); Cordova (16); Gri- ialva (16); Cortez (16); Narvaez(17), De Soto (17); Verrazani (18); Car- tier (18); Coligny (19); Melendez (20); De Gourges (20); Gilbert (20); Raleigh (21); Amidas and Barlow (21); Grenville (22); Gosnold (22); Pring (23); "Newport (25). SECTION II. COLONIAL HISTORY. . . 27 i (27); Massachusetts (37, 52); New Hampshire (43); Connecticut (45); Island (49); New York (60); New Jersey (66); Maryland (70); Ivaiiia (73); Delaware (76); North and South Carolina (78); Geor- Virginia Rhode I Pennsylvania (73); Delaware (76); North and South Carolina gia (81), SECTION III. THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR 86 Events of 1753 (86); Events of 1754 (88); Events of 1755 (91); Events of 1756 (95); Events of 1757 (96); Events of 1758 (100): Events of 1759 (103); Events of 1760 (106); Table of Principal Battles of the French and Indian War (108). SECTION IV. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 110 Causes of the war (110); Events of 1775 (116); Events of 1776 (127); Events of 1777 (136); Events of 1778 (154); Events of 1779 (159); Events of 1780 (163); Events of 1781 (174); Close of the Revolution, and events to the begin ning of Washington s Administration (186) ; Table of the Names of the Ameri can Revolutionary Officers (190) ; Table of Principal Battles of the Revolution (191). SECTION V. FROM THE BEGINNING OF WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLOSE OF JEFFER8ON 1 S 194 Washington s Administration (194); John Adams s Administration (200); Jetferson s Administration (203). SECTION VI. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION 210 Causes of the Second War with England (210) ; Events of 1812 (212) ; Events of 1813 (218); Events of 1814 and Close of the War (231); Table of the Prin cipal Land Battles of the Second War with England (243); Table of the Prin cipal Naval Battles (244); War with Algiers (244). SECTION VII. FROM THE BEGINNING OF MONROE S ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLOSE OF TYLER S 248 Monroe s Administration (248) ; John Quincy Adams s Administration (253); Jackson s Administration (254); Van Buren s Administration (261); Harrison s Administration (263) ; Tyler s Administration (264). SECTION VIII. FROM THE BEGINNING OF FOLK S ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLOSE OF BUCHANAN S Pa g e 269 Causes of the War with Mexico (270); Events of 1846 (271); Events of 1847 (278); Table of the Principal Battles of the War (2S4); Taylor s Administra tion (286); Fillmore s Administration (2S8); Pierce s Administration (289;; Buchanan s Administration (291). CONTENTS. SECTION IX. FROM THE BEGINNING OF LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLOSE OF JOHNSON S Page 297 The Great Rebellion (298); Events of 1862 (a06) ; Events of 1863 (318) ; Events of 1864 (326); Events of 1865 (337); Johnson s Administration (340). CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE of the principal events relating to the History of the United States, from 1492 346 A TABLE of the Presidents and Vice-Presidents 359 A TABLE of the Settlement and Admission of the States 360 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, with Questions and Explanations. 1. First Voyage of Columbus to America 2. Discoveries and Explorations 10 3. Discoveries of Cartier, in 1535 19 4. Gosnold s Expedition 23 5. Vicinity of Chesapeake Bay . . .................... 24 6. Environs of Jamestown. 29 7. Vicinity of Massachusetts Bay 37 8. German Ocean . .............. 39 9. Portsmouth and Vicinity . . . 44 10. Vicinity of Long Island Sound 47 11. The State of New York .,....!............ 62 12. The Upper part of New Jersey, with Vicinity of Philadelphia. . . 68 13. The Eastern part of the Carolinas 79 14. Map showing the location of Events in the French and Indian War v ...... . . . 85 15. Oswego . 96 16. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and vicinity. .......................... 103 17. Boston and Vicinity 120 IS. Part of the Sorel River ...... ... . .". .."!" 124 19. Vicinity of Charleston 1 29 20. New York Bay .......". . . V.V.V.V.V.V. 131 21. Central Part of New Jersey. . 136 22. Philadelphia ad Vicinity .".....". .. .. . .. . . .". . . . ] " 142 23. Vicinity of Fort Schuyler ". . .............. . . 148 24. Saratoga and Vicinity." . . 149 25. The Eastern part of the Carolinas 164 26. Stony Point and Vicinity 169 27. New London and Vicinity . . . 183 28. Part of the Western States 192 29. Detroit and Vicinity . . . . . . . . . . . 214 30. Niagara Frontier . 215 31. State of Alabama 223 32. Part of Virginia and Maryland . . 237 33. Baltimore and Vicinity 288 34. Mobile and Vicinity.. . 239 35. Part of Florida. . . ." !.".". . ."!. . ". !. . .". ."."!. !!!. . !!! ..". 257 36. Mexico, California, Texas, &c 268 37. Taylors Campaign in Texas and Mexico 271 38. Scott s Campaign in Mexico 279 39. Pensacola and Vicinity .295 40. Part of the Southern and Western States. . . " 300 41. Norfolk and Vicinity 312 42. Vicinity of Richmond 313 43. Part of the Southern States 326 44. Region Southwest of Washington 330 INTRODUCTION. 1. THE geographers of ancient times had no knowledge whatever of America ; though it has been asserted that, several years before Christ, navigators had sailed out of the Mediterranean Sea, and, being wafted across the Atlantic Ocean by the trade-winds, had reached the West ern Continent. 2. About five centuries previous to the discovery of America by Columbus, the Northmen, a people from Nor way and adjoining countries, colonized Iceland and Green land, and made explorations in America as far south as New England. Settlements are also said to have been made in these regions by them, and intercourse kept up for some time with the mother country. These expeditions, however, seem not to have attracted any general atten tion ; nor were their results permanent, or known to the other nations of Europe. 3. It is almost certain that when Columbus set sail on his eventful voyage in 1492, he had not the least knowl edge of the existence of a second continent ; nor is there any evidence whatever that he even imagined there was such a continent. His great aim was to find a shorter and better route to India than the one then traveled by way of Egypt and the Red Sea. The route around the south ern extremity of Africa was not discovered until five years after. To him, nevertheless, is justly ascribed the honor of being the discoverer of the New World, since it was INTRODUCTION. through his enterprise and sagacity that its existence came to be generally known. 4. At the time of Columbus s discovery the continent of America, from the icy latitudes of the North to the re gions far south of the equator, together with most of its islands, was inhabited by various races who differed in many respects from Europeans. As the country at that time, and until Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean (p. 15), was supposed to be a part of India, these inhabitants were called Indians. In some parts of the country they were found to have attained a considerable decree of O civilization ; in others they were in the savage state, being divided into tribes, living in rude huts called wig wams, and existing mostly by fishing and hunting. They spoke different languages, and their religion consisted in worshiping an unknown and invisible Deity, whom they called the " Great Spirit." 5. Whence did they come? How did they reach America ? How long had they been living there ? These questions have been asked a great many times, but have never yet been satisfactorily answered. Many theories have been advanced to solve the difficulty ; but the origin of these various races, both civilized and uncivilized, re mains as much a mystery as ever. 6. According to one of these theories, America received its first inhabitants from eastern Asia, by way of Behring s Straits ; while other and more probable statements are, that vessels were at various times wafted by the trade-winds across the Atlantic Ocean from the Old World, and that thus people of different races being accidentally carried to the other continent, settled there, and founded the differ ent nations which inhabited it at the time of its discov ery by Columbus. INTRODUCTION. V. Of one thing there can be no doubt. When America was discovered by Columbus, it had been inhabited for centuries ; and the previous occupants of certain portions of it had attained a degree of civilization not possessed by their inhabitants at the time of this discovery. The evi dences of this are still abundant in the ruins of temples and other buildings, and in the articles of copper and silver found buried beneath these ruins. Curious specimens of pottery of great antiquity have also been found; and mounds of remarkable extent are seen in certain parts, the origin of which was unknown to the uncivilized Indians. 8. After Columbus led the way, expeditions were un dertaken by Europeans of different nations, in order to ex plore the Xew World and make settlements in various parts of it. Xone were marked by more heroism and self-sacrifice than those conducted by the French Catho lics in their efforts to explore the country in the region of the great lakes, and along the Mississippi River and its tributary streams. Marquette (mar-ket ), La Safle (sal), and others, penetrated the vast wilderness by way of the St. Lawrence; and they were followed by others, who established stations at various places, and labored to con vert the Indians to their faith (p. 212). 9. At the close of the Revolutionary War the western boundary of the territorial possessions of the United States extended only to the Mississippi (p. 186). By the "Loui siana Purchase," in 1803, the limits were extended to the Rocky Mountains (pp. 203, 204). The coast strip about fifty miles wide, between Florida and Louisiana, claimed by Spain as a part of Florida, was occupied by the United States at the beginning of the "War of 1812," and, under the claim that it was part of the " Louisiana Purchase," was retained. In 1819, Florida was acquired by cession 8 INTRODUCTION. from Spain (p. 249), all the " rights, claims, and preten sions" of Spain, to territory west of the Mississippi and north of the 42d parallel, being, at the same time, also ceded to the United States. 10. The region west of the Rocky Mountains, extending from latitude 42 to about 548, with the Pacific for its west ern boundary, was long known as Oregon. It was claim ed by the United States, because, among other reasons, its principal river had been discovered by an American Captain Gray, of the ship Columbia, of Boston in 1792, and because, during the administration of President Jef ferson, it was explored by Captains Lewis and Clark, com manding an overland expedition sent out by the United States government. Gray gave the name of his vessel to the river he discovered. By the treaty made with Spain in 1819, the United States strengthened their claim to the region. 11. Great Britain also claimed Oregon until 1846, when by treaty, the boundary line between the possessions of the two nations was fixed at the 49th parallel ; and thus was settled a controversy which had been continued for a number of years, and which, at one time, threatened to produce a war between the two countries. In 1845, Texas became a member of the Union, by annexation (pp. 269, 270). California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada were acquired from Mexico by conquest ; and their pos session was confirmed by a treaty made at the close of the war with that country (p. 284), and by a subsequent treaty made in 1853. Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 (p. 343). DISCOVER IE S ^EXPLORATIONS ^=^-: NORTH^AMERICA. Scale of Miles. > ~"-\ /W$^ : ffst^nw rtn rf- /^s *^#Aiir*., B09 "* -ZJ. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. SECTION" I. Discoveries and Explorations. EXTENDING FROM THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, IN 1492, TO THE SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA, IN 1607. I. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS,* the discoverer of America, was born in the city of Genoa (jen -o-a), Italy. At an early age he manifested a predilec tion for the sea, and the most of his life, previous to its great event, was passed on the waters of the Mediterranean, and the west coast of Africa ; and he even made a voyage towards Greenland, passing beyond the island of Iceland. II. In those days, when navigation was yet in its infancy, t^e usual route to India the country in the southeast part of Asia with the adjacent islands being so called was by way of Egypt and the Red Sea. Columbus, believing the earth to be round, concluded that by sailing westward he would sooner * Columbus was born about the year 1435. He died at Valladolid, Spain, in 1506. I. QUESTIONS. 1. By whom was America discovered? 2. "Where was Columbus born ? 3. How is Genoa situated ? (See map of Europe.) 4. How did Columbus spend the most of his time previous to his discovery of America? II. 5. By what route did European travelers reach India at that time ? 6. What part of the earth was then known as India? 7. What theory did Columbus have as regards a more direct route to India ? 8. By what religious conviction was he also influenced ? 12 DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. reach India than by taking this route. He "was also influ enced by the conviction that he was commissioned by Heaven to carry the Gospel to the heathen of unknown lands. III. His first application for aid was to the government of Genoa : it was refused. After applying, without success, to the monarchs of England and Portugal, he was assisted by Isabella (iz-a-bel -lak), Queen of Spain, and he set sail from Palos (pah -los), at the mouth of the river Tinto, in that country, with three vessels, namely : the Pinta (peeri- tah), Santa Maria (so.n -tah ma-re - ah), and Nina (ne -nah). The first land which he saw was one of the Bahama Islands, called by the natives Guanahani (gwah-nah- hah -nc), by him San Salvador, now sometimes known as Cat Island; and thus, in 1492,* was America discovered. IV. Columbus made three other voyages to the New "World, in the first of which, as well as in the one just de scribed, his discoveries were confined to the islands between North and South America ; but in his third, voyage, in 1498, he discovered the mainland, at the mouth of the river Ori- According to a theory, advanced by a German author, there have been three different discoveries of ^S^3^ari2rririitf^^s Christ, by the Norwegians; and the third, in 1492, ISABELLA. III. QUESTIONS. 9. To whom did he first appeal to assist him in testing his the ory ? 10, With what success? 11. To whom did he afterwards appeal? 12. What was the result? 13. Who finally did help him? 14. Of how many vessels did his fleet consist? 13. Give their names. 16. From what place did he set sail ? 17. In what part of Spain is Palos situated? (See map, p. 2.) 18. The island which he first discovered belonged to what group? 19. How are the Bahama Islands situated? (See map, p. 10 ) 20. What did the Indians call the island discovered? 21. What name did Columbus give to it? 22. What is the meaning of the name San Salvador? An*. Holy Sar.imtr. 23. By what name is the island now known? 24 In what di rection is it from Cuba? (See map, p. 10.) 25. From St. Augustine? (See same map.) IV. 26. How many voyages in all did Columbus make to America? 27. What can you say of the first two ? 28. When did he make his third voyage ? 29. What discovery did he then make? 30. What did he accomplish in his fourth voyage? 81. In what conviction, touching the discovery of America, did Columbus die ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 13 noco, in South America ; and in the fburth and last, he examined the coast of Darien. He still, however, believed that the lands which he had discovered were a portion of Eastern Asia (a -she-a^ instead of a new continent, and in this conviction he died, being, ac intimated, entirely ignorant of the real grandeur of his discovery. Y. In 1499, the year after Columbus discovered the conti nent, Amerigo Vespucci* (a-ma-re -go ves-voot -sht), an Italian navigator, visited the eastern coast of South America, and, in 1501, made a second voyage to the same regions. He pre pared accounts of these two voyages, which were published in Europe, in which he claimed to be the first European that had landed on the western continent. In consequence of the claim set up by him, as well as from the fact that his were the first published accounts of the newly discovered country, it was called America. VI. In 1497, one year before Columbus discovered the conti nent, and two years previous to Amerigo s visit, John Cabot and his son Sebastian, while sailing under a commission from Henry VII., of England, discovered the coast of Labrador, and thus were the first to discover the continent of America. In a second voyage, made by Sebas tian Cabot in 1498, the coast SEBASTIAN CABOT. Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy, in 1451. He died in Seville, Spain, in 1512. V. QUESTIONS. 32. When did Vespucci visit America ? 33. What part of Amer ica did he visit? 34 How did the country come to be called America ? VI. 35. What discovery was made in 1497 ? 36. What large island southeast of Labrador ? (See map, p. 10.) 37. Did the Cabots or Vespucci first discover the con tinent? 38. Was the honor of naming this country rightly bestowed ? 39. Did that honor belong either to the Cabots or Vespucci, rather than to Columbus? 40. When did Sebastian Cabot make a second voyage . 41. Give an accountof it. 42. Of what special importance did the successes of the Cabots prove ? 14 DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. from Labrador to Chesapeake Bay some say to Florida was explored; landings were made in several places, and natives were seen, clad in the skins of beasts and makino" use O of copper. These achievements of the Cabots, the discovery and explorations, proved of momentous importance, especially to England, as, by reason of them, that country based hor claim to all the region from Labrador to Florida. VII. Twenty years after Columbus s first and great discov ery, Ponce de Leon* (pon -tha da la-on }, an aged Spaniard, sailed from Porto Rico (re -co), in search of a wonderful foun tain, which, it was said, existed in one of the Bahama Islands, and would impart immortal youth to all who might drink of its waters. After visiting several islands of the Bahamas, and tasting the waters of every river, lake, and fountain found, he turned to the northwest, and, in 1512, discovered an un known land. This was thought to be an island ; and, from the abundance of flowers with which the forests were adorned, and because the discovery happened on Easter Sunday, which the Spaniards call Pascua Florida (pah -scoo-ah flo-re -dah), it received the name of Florida. He continued htis search along the coast of Florida, and among the Tortugas^ Islands, but, of course, without finding any such fountain. VIII. Several years after, he made another voyage to Florida for the purpose of making a settlement, he having been appointed governor of the country upon the condition that he would colonize it. He effected a landing, but was met by the natives with determined hostility; and, in an attack made by them, the Spaniards were killed or driven back to their * Juan Ponce de Leon was born in Leon, Spain, He died in 1521. VII. QUESTIONS. 43. In what year did De Leon make a voyage in search of a wonderful fountain? 44. From what place did he sail? 45. Was he an old or a young man at the time? 46. What tradition then existed, in relation to the fountain? 47. What efforts did De Leon make to find the fountain ? 48. When did he discover Flo rida? 49. Why did he call it Florida? 50. Among what islands did he search be sides the Bahamas? 51. In what direction from Florida are the Tortugas Islands? (See map, p. 10.) VIII. 52. Why did De Leon go to Florida a second time ? 53. What appoint ment had he received? 54. What further account can you give of him ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 15 ships, and De Leon himself recqived a mortal wound of which he died in Cuba. IX. In 1513, Balboa,* the Governor of the Spanish colony at the Isthmus of Darien, the first colony established on the American Continent, while crossing the isthmus gained the summit of a mountain from which he discovered the Pacific Ocean. After falling upon his knees and thanking God for the privilege of being the discoverer of this great ocean, he descended to the sea-shore and took possession of the whole coast in the name of the Spanish crown. X. About the time of De Leon s defeat in Florida, De Ayllon (da ile-yone \ a Spanish adventurer, was engaged in an enterprise having for its object the procuring of a large number of Indians to work the plantations and mines of St. Domingo (do-mlng -go). At a place in the southern part of South Carolina, a great number of natives were treacherously captured ; but the undertaking proved unsuccessful, for of the two vessels employed, one was lost while on the return to St. Domingo, and many of the captives in the other sickened and died. XL It was not many months after this unprofitable specu lation, that De Ayllon obtained the appointment as governor of Chicora (che-kd -rah ), the name given to that part of Carolina which he had visited, and he wasted his fortune in fitting out an expedition to conquer the country The issue of this second enterprise was likewise disastrous: one of his ships, the largest and best, was stranded and lost ; many of his men were killed by the natives, in revenge for the treachery * Vaseo Nunez <le Balboa was born in Spain, in 1475. Having been superseded in the governorship of the colony at Darien. and afterwards charged by the new governor with the design of making other dis coveries without authority, he was tried and found guilty. Although he persisted that he was unjustly condemned, he was beheaded in conformity with the sentence, in 1517. IX. QUESTIONS. 55. By whom was the Pacific Ocean discovered ? 56. When waa the discovery made? 57. What civil position did Balboa hold at the time? 58." Where was he when he discovered the Pacific ? 59. What ceremony did he observe ? X. GO. Who was De Ayllon ? 61. What enterprise did he engage in ? 62. What was the result? XI. 63. What appointment did he afterwards receive? 64. What was the object of his second expedition? 65. What account can you give of it? 16 DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. which he had previously been guilty of ; and he himself barely made good his escape. XII. In 1517, Cordova, a Spanish navigator, sailed from Cuba and discovered the northern coast of Yucatan. Upon his return he gave such a favorable account of the civilization and riches of the people whom he had seen, as to awaken a keen desire among the Spaniards to undertake ^ their con quest. Accordingly Velasquez (va-lah -skefti), the governor of Cuba, sent an expedition under the direction of Juan de Grijalva (gre-hahl -wik), the result of which was very satisfac tory. Grijalva, after an exploration of the southern coast of Mexico, returned with a large amount of treasure, obtained by trafficking with the natives. XIII. Velasquez, then de termining to conquer the Mex icans and get possession of their wealth, sent an expedi tion, consisting of eleven ves sels and more than six hundred armed men, under the com mand of Fernando Cortez. Cortez landed, in 1519, near Vera Cruz (va -rah kroose), and was at once met by friendly deputations from Montezuma (mon-ta-thoo -mali), the Mexican emperor. By perseverance and a course of falsehood and duplicity, he succeeded in reaching the city of Mexico, the Indian capital ; and by stratagem and boldness, and with the aid of Indian tribes opposed to the Mexican rule, finally XII. QUESTIONS. 66. "When was Yucatan discovered? 6T. By whom? 68? What can you say of the account which he gave ? 69. What expedition was sent in consequence of this account? 70. What did Grijalva accomplish ? XIII. 71. What did Velasquez then determine upon ? 72. Who commanded the expedition against Mexico? 73. Of how many vessels did his fleet consist? 74. When did he land in Mexico ? 75. At what place ? 76. By whom wa3 he met ? 77. What account can you give of Cortez s further movements ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 17 completed the^conquest of the people, and Mexico became a province of Spain in 1521. XIV. In 1528, Narvaez (nar- vah -eth}, having been appointed governor of Florida by the Spanish sovereign, sailed from Cuba to con quer and possess the country. The attempt proved most disastrous ; for, of the three hundred men who land ed in Florida and penetrated the DE SOTO. wild regions, only four, after years of wandering, succeeded in reaching a Spanish settlement in Mexico. These four men asserted that Florida was the richest country in the world, a statement which the people of Spain generally believed ; but to no one was credulity more disastrous than to Ferdinand de Soto* (da so -to), a brave cava lier who had gained riches and military honors with Pizarro, in Peru. XV. De Soto having solicited permission to conquer Flori da at his own expense, the Spanish sovereign not only granted his request, but appointed him governor of Cuba, and of the immense territory to which the name of Florida was then vaguely applied. With a fleet of ten vessels and a gay com pany of six hundred armed men, he sailed for the New World in 1538. Leaving his wife to govern Cuba, he proceeded to Florida, landed on the shores of Tampa Bay, and, in the sum mer of 1539, commenced his march into the interior, toward the fancied land of gold. XVI. After wandering for nearly three years in the wilder- * De Soto was born in Spain, in 1500. He died in 1542. XIV. QUESTIONS. 78. What expedition was undertaken in 1528 ? 79. What was the result? 80. What opinion did De Soto entertain with regard to the wealth of Florida? 81. What successes had he previously met with ? XV. 82. What request did he make of the Spanish sovereign ? S3. How was the re quest treated? 84. When did he sail for America? 85. Where did he leav* his wife? 86. Where did he land? 87. In what part of Florida is Tampa Bay? (See map, p. 10.) 88. When did he commence his march ? IS DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. ness, encountering the hostility of the natives and suffering disasters and disappointments, De Soto sickened and died. To conceal his death from the natives, who regarded him with fear, his body was sunk beneath the waters of the Mississippi, a river which he had discovered in 1541. After vainly trying to reach Mexico through the forests, the remnant of his follow ers built seven frail barks, sailed down the Mississippi, and along the coast of Mexico until they arrived at a Spanish settlement. XVII. In 1524, Verrazanni (va-rat-tsah -ne), a Florentine navigator, while sailing in the service of France, explored the coast of North America from the Carolinas to New foundland (new -fund-land}. To the whole region thus explored he gave the name of New France, a name which was afterwards restricted to the territory o f Canada, and which was so retained while that country remained in the possession of the French. XVIII. No other explorations were made by the French until 1534. In that year and the following James Cartier* (car-ts-a } made two successful voyages, discovered the river St. Lawrence, explored its banks, and took possession of the whole country in the name of his king. Though Cartier and the Lord of Roberval (ro-bare-val ), some years after, un dertook to colonize Canada, the French effected no permanent * Cartier was born at St Malo, France, in 1494. The time of his death is not known, though it is sup posed he lived to an advanced age. XVL QUESTIONS. 89. What river did he discover? 90. When did he discover the Mississippi ? 91. How long did he wander in the wilderness? 92. What finally be- came of him ? 93. What was done by his followers after his death ? XVII. 94. What exploration was made seventeen years before De Soto discov ered the Mississippi? 95. What name did Verrazanni give to the region which he explored? 96. To what territory was that name afterward restricted? 97. How long did Canada retain the name of New France? XVIII. 93. When, after the exploration made by Verrazanni, did the French make other explorations? 99. Who commanded the expeditions? 100. How- many voyages did he make in 1534 and 1535? 101. Through what strait did he sail? (See map. p. 19.) 102. In what year did he discover the St. Lawrence? (See map, p. 10.) 103. When was Quebec settled? 104. By whom was it settled? 10&, How is Quebec situated ? (See map, p. 10.) DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 10 settlement until one was made on the site of Quebec, in 1608, by Champiain. XIX. Quebec is not however, the oldest French settle ment in America, as Port Royal, now Annapolis, in Nova Scotia (sco -she-ah), was settled three years before by De Monts (du-mong), a wealthy Huguenot. Port Royal was then spoken of as being in Acadia, a name which, at the time, was applied to the whole territory now included in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the adjacent islands. XX. More than forty years before the settlement of Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, the Huguenots, or French Protestants, undertook to establish a colony first in South Carolina and afterwards in Florida as a place of refuge for their people. Their expeditions were undertaken by direction and aid of Jaspar Coligny* (ko-leeri -ye) , Admiral of France. The first, intrusted to the command of John Ribault (re-bo ), reached the * Colijjny, or, as the nan dered at Paris, in 1572. is sometimes written, Coligni, was born in France, in 1517. He was mur- XIX. QUESTIONS. 106. Which is the oldest French settlement in America 107. ID what year was Port Royal settled? 108. How is Port Royal situated ? (See map, p. 10.) 109. By what name is Port Royal now known? 110. What territory was then called Acadia ? 20 DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. coast in 1562. The colonists landed at Port Royal entrance, selected their place of refuge, and built a fort, to which they gave the name of Carolina, in honor of King Charles (Caro- lus) of France. It was thus that this country received its name, a century before it was occupied by the English. Ri- bault, leaving twenty-six men to keep possession, returned to France for reinforcements ; but the promised aid not arriving, the colonists in despair embarked for their native land. The second expedition was sent out in 1564, when a settlement was made on the banks of the St. John s River, Florida. XXI. Hardly had the news reached Spain of the Huguenot settlement on the St. John s River than Melendez, who had been appointed governor of Florida upon condition that he would conquer the country within three years, departed on his expe dition of conquest. After forming a settlement at St. Augus tine (aw-yus-ttne } in 1565, which is the oldest in the United States, he proceeded against the Huguenots, whom he sur prised ; and massacring men, women, and children, broke up the colony. This did not long go unavenged ; for, in little more than two years after, De Gourges (du-goorg), a brave soldier of France, having fitted out three ships at his own expense, surprised two Spanish forts on the St. John s River, and hung two hundred captives upon the trees. XXII. The first enterprise on the part of the English for the purpose of planting a colony in America was undertaken in 1579, by Sir Humphrey Gilbert, who sailed from England under a patent which had been granted by Queen Elizabeth ; but severe storms and Spanish war vessels compelled him to put back, and the scheme, for a time, was abandoned. In XX. QUESTIONS. 111. Where had the Huguenots previously undertaken to es tablish a colony ? 112. What object had they in view ? 113. Who aided and direct ed them? 114. Who commanded their first expedition? 115. Give an account of it. 116. In what direction from St. Augustine is Port Royal entrance? (Se map, p. 10.) 117. When was the second expedition sent? 118. Where was a settlement made? 119. Describe the St. John s River. (See map, p. 10.) XXI. 120. What was the fate of the Huguenot settlement on the St. John s ? 121. When and where did Melendez make a settlement ? 122. What can you say of that settlement? 123. How was the massacre of the Huguenots avenged ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 21 1583 he sailed a second time for America, and landed at Newfoundland ; but accomplished little more than the erec tion of a pillar bearing the arms of his government. While returning to England, in the same year, his vessel foundered, and he, with all on board, perished. XXIII. Sir Walter Raleigh* (raw -le), not disheartened by the sad fate of his step-brother^ Gilbert, obtained from Elizabeth an ample patent, and sent two vessels, under the command of Amidas, and Barlow. The voyagers arrived on the coast of Carolina, visited the islands * n P Rirmco an( * Albemarle Sounds, took possession of the country in the name of Eliza- beth, and, after trafficking with the natives, returned to England. So glowing an account did they give of the country, that Queen Elizabeth declared the event to be the most glorious in her reign ; and, in memorial of her unmarried state, named the region Virginia. Upon Raleigh she conferred the honor of knighthood. XXIV. Two attempts were afterwards made by Raleigh to establish a colony in America ; one in 1585, and the other in 1587. In the first, more than a hundred persons were sent. * Raleigh was born at Haves, in Devonshire, a county of England, in 1552. The death of Queen Eliz abeth, in 1603, proved fatal to his fortunes. He was tried on a false charge of high treason convicted, and, after a period of fifteen years, thirteen of which he passed in confinement, he was beheaded m Lon don, on the 29th of October, 1618. XXII. QUESTIONS. 124. "What account can you give of the first English enter prise to establish a colony in America? 125. Wh.en did Gilbert sail a second time ? 126. At what place did he land? 127. What body of water is on the west of that island? (See map, p. 10.) 128. What became of Gilbert ? XXIII. \29. How were Gilbert and Raleigh related? 130. What patent did Raleigh obtain? 131. How many vessels did he send to America? 132. Who commanded them? 133. When did Amidas and Barlow reach America? (See map, p. 10.) 134. What exploration did they make? 135. What else did they do? 136. In what direc tion is Roanoke Island from Jamestown ? (See map, p. 29.) 137. What can you say of the account which Amidas and Barlow gave of the country they visited ? 22 DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. These, with Ralph Lane as governor, were conveyed by a fleet of seven vessels, under the command of Sir Richard Grenville. They proceeded to Roanoke, an island on the coast of North Carolina, where a settlement was commenced. After a year of distress, they all embarked for England with Sir Francis Drake, who had stopped at Roanoke on his way from the West Indies. XXV. The second colony was composed of agriculturists and artisans with their families. Having reached Roanoke, and there, on the site of the former settlement, commenced building " the city of Raleigh," John White, the governor, went to England for supplies. When he returned, after an absence of nearly three years, Roanoke was deserted, and no trace of the colonists could be found. XXVI. The next attempt, after Raleigh s, to plant an Eng lish colony in America, was made by Bartholomew Gosnold, in 1602. After discovering the promontory which he called Cape Cod, also Nantucket, Martha s Vineyard, and the group known as the Elizabeth Islands, he landed on one of the last named, where he selected a position for a settlement and built a storehouse and fort. The persons chosen to re main becoming alarmed at the menaces of the Indians and at the want of supplies, the design was abandoned, and the whole party returned to England. XXVII. Gosnold made such favorable reports of the coun try, that the merchants of Bristol were induced to fit out two XXIV. QUESTIONS. 138. How many attempts did Raleigh make to establish a colony in America? 139. "When were they made ? 140. Give an account of the first. XXV. 141. Of whom did the second colony consist ? 142. Who was their gov ernor ? 143. Where did they commence to build a city ? 144. What name did they give to the city? 145. Why did the governor of the colony leave? 146. How long was he gone? 14T. What did he find upon his return to Roanoke? XXVI. 148. When was the next attempt made to plant an English colony in America? 149. Who commanded the undertaking ? 150. What discoveries did 609. nold make? 151. In what direction from Martha s Vineyard is Nantucket? (See map, p. 28.) 152. At what place did Gosnold make preparation to make a settle ment? 153. What are the Elizabeth Islands now called ? (See map, p. 23.) 154. Why did not the settlement on Elizabeth Islands prove permanent? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 23 vessels, under the command of Martin Pring, for exploration and trade. During the first voyage, made in 1603, the shores and several large rivers of Maine, as well as the coast as far south as Martha s Vineyard, were examined, and a profitable traffic was carried on with the natives. Three years later, Pring re peated his previous voyage, and made a more accurate survey of Maine. XXVIII. The territory which the English claimed, basing XXVII. QUESTIONS. 155. "What reports did Gosnold make of the country which he had discovered and visitod? 156. Give an account of Pring s first voyage. 157. Of his second. 24 DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. their claim, as has been previously stated, principally upon the discoveries of the Cabots, extended from the 34th to the 45th degrees of north latitude. In 1606, James I. granted the northern portion, from the 41st to the 45th, to an associa tion of "knights, gentlemen, and merchants of the west of England," known as the Plymouth (plim -utk) Company, call ing the region North Virginia. The southern portion, from the 34th to the 38th, called South Virginia, he granted to an association of " noblemen, gentlemen, and merchants, in and about London," known as the London Company. XXIX. During the following year, 1607, the Plymouth Company sent a number of planters, who began a settlement at the mouth of the Kennebec River, in Maine ; but the in tense cold of the winter, the destruction of their storehouse XXVIII. QUESTIONS. 158. "What extent of territory did the English claim in America? 159. Upon what did they base their claim? 160. What two extensive grants were made of this territory ? DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS. 25 by fire, and the death of their president, George Popham, discouraged them, and they returned to England. XXX. The London Company were more successful. They sent a fleet of three vessels, commanded by Christopher New port, and carrying more than a hundred colonists. During the long voyage of four months, dissensions arose among the leading men, and John Smith, whose genius had excited their jealousy, was placed in confinement. The design of the colo nists was to form a settlement on Roanoke, but a storm car ried the vessels farther north, into Chesapeake Bay. They sailed about fifty miles up a large stream which they named James River, and, selecting a place for a settlement, called it Jamestown. XXIX. QUESTIONS. 161. When did the Plymouth Company attempt to make a settlement? 162. At what place ? 163. Describe the Kennebec River. (See map, p. 10.) 164 What else can you say of the settlement on the Kennebec? XXX. 1C5. Were the London Company more or less successful? 166. Of how many vessels did the fleet, sent by them, consist? 1GT. Who commanded the fleet? 168. How many colonists were there onboard of the three vessels? 169. How long a voyage did they have? 170. How was John Smith treated during the voyage? 171. At what place did the colonists intend to make their settlement? 172. Why did they not do so ? REVIEW QUESTIONS. PACK 1. Give an account of Columbus previous to the year 1492 11 2. How was India reached by European travelers at that time?. . . 11 3. "What theory did Columbus have respecting a different route ? 11, 12 4. How many and what applications did he make for aid? 12 5. For what was he indebted to Isabella, Queen of Spain ? 12 6. "What fleet did he command, and whence did he sail? 12 t. "What success did he meet with ? 12 8. Give an account of his three subsequent voyages 12, 13 9. When and at what place did Amerigo first visit America?.. 13 10. When and at what place did he make his second visit ? 13 11. What accounts did Amerigo prepare? .13 12. What was afterwards done with the accounts? 13 13. What was the consequence, and of Amerigo s claim? 13 14. When was the continent of America discovered? 13 15. Was that before or after Amerigo s first visit to America? 13 2 26 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 16. Give an account of the voyage made by the two Cabots 13 17. What explorations were made in 1498 ? 13, 14 18. "What claim was based upon the achievements of the Cabots ? 14 19. What account can you give of Juan Ponce De Leon ? 14 20. What of his expedition in search of a fountain? 14 21. What discovery was made in the year 1512? 14 22. Give an account of De Leon s second expedition 14, 15 23. What discovery took place in 1513 ? 15 24. Which was the first colony established on the continent ? 15 25. Give an account of the discovery of the Pacific 15 26. When did De Ayllon make his first expedition to Carolina? 15 27. What was the object of the expedition ?. 15 28. Give an account of it, stating what you can of De Ayllon himself 15 29. Give an account, in full, of the second expedition 15, 1C 30. Who was Cordova, and what discovery did he make ?. 16 31. What induced Velasquez to send the expedition under Grijalva? 1G 32. What induced him to send the one under Cortez ? 16 33. Of how many vessels and men did Cortez s expedition consist?. 16 34. Give the further account of the expedition 16, 17 35. When and whence did Narvaez make an expedition to Florida? 17 36. Give an account of it, including that of the four men 17 37. Who was Do Soto, and what great preparations did lie make?. . 17 38. Give an account of his expedition and sad fate 17, 18 39. Who was Verrazanni, and what explorations did he make ?...... 18 40. How many voyages did Cartier make to America ? 18 41. In his third voyage, what did he and another person undertake? 1 8 42. When and where did De Monts make a settlement in America? 19 43. Give an account of the Huguenot attempt to settle S. Carolina. 19, 20 44. Of the destruction of the Huguenot settlement in Florida. ... 20 45. Of De Gourges s expedition of retaliation 20 46. Of Sir Humphrey Gilbert s expedition and sad fate 20, 21 47. Of the expedition made by Amidas and Barlow 21 48. Of Raleigh s first attempt to colonize America 21 49. Of his second attempt, with some account of Raleigh himself, 21, 22 50. Of the attempt at colonization made in 1602 22 51. Give an account of Pring s first voyage to America 23 52. Give an account of his second voyage to America. . . 23 53. What region was afterward known as North Virginia? 24 54. What region was, at the same time, known as South Virginia ? 24 55. Give an account of the Plymouth Co. s attempt at settlement. 24, 25 56. Of the London Company s expedition, with its success 25 27 SECTION II. Colonial History. EXTENDING FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA, IN 1607, TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, IN 3754. VIRGINIA. I. THE first settlement in Virginia was made in 1607, at Jamestown.* The colony was gov erned under a charter granted by James I., the supreme government be ing vested in a council resident in England, and the local government in a colonial council, the members of both deriv ing their appointment from the king. II. The first* council consisted of seven per sons, among whom were Bartholomew Gosnold, John Srnith,f and John Ratcliffe, with Edward Wingficld, an avaricious and unprincipled man, for governor. the alenUown CePti n f the rU nS f tW r three houses > and of a church and fort nothing remains of t John Smith was born in Willonghby, county of Lincolnshire, England, in 1579. His life was a most ti?p n nf th ne> ,1 fT derlnK the aire in which he lived > he wa9 "deed a remarkable man. The narra tive of the part he took m wars against the Turks, of his captivitv by them, and his escape, seems more like a romance than a reality. He died in London, in 1631. VIRGINIA. I. QUESTIONS.!. When was Virginia first settled? 2. At what place? 8. How was Jamestown situated? (See map, p. 29.) 4. In what direction from the Bermuda Islands was Jamestown? <;See map, p. 10.) 5. How was the colony at first governed ? * Colonial. 28 COLONIAL HISTORY. Smith, at first, was not permitted to take a seat in the council, because of a false charge of sedition made against him by his colleagues ; but they were soon compelled to restore him to his station. III. For a time the colony did not prosper. The scarcity of provisions, the hostility of the natives, the want of indus trial habits among the settlers, and sickness, which carried to the grave fifty men in less than four months, proved nearly fatal to its existence. Bartholomew Gosnold, the projector of the settlement, and a man whose influence had greatly con tributed to promote harmony in the council, was among those who died. IV. Wingfield, the president, having embezzled the public stores, and become concerned in a plot to abandon the settle ment, in a vessel belonging to the colony, was expelled from the council. He was succeeded in the presidency by Rat- cliffe ; but, in consequence of the inefficiency of the latter, the management of affairs fell into the hands of Captain John Smith. Several months later, upon the actual deposition of Ratcliffe, Smith was formally elected in his place. V. To the efforts of the new president, almost unaided as they were, the salvation of the infant colony was owing. He made frequent excursions into the neighboring country, and returned with supplies of corn. He also explored Chesapeake Bay, ascended the James and other rivers as far as he could in boats, and made his knowledge, thus acquired, of great use in the government of the colony. II. QUESTIONS. 6. Of how many persons did the council consist? 7. Name four of the most prominent men belonging to the first council. 8. Who was the first governor ? 9. What was his character ? 10. How was Smith at first treated by the council ? III. 11. Did the colony, at the beginning, prosper or not? 12. What were the causes? 13. What is said of Gosnold? IV. 14. Of what two crimes was Wingfield guilty? 15. J>y whom was he super seded? 16. What is said of Katcliffe s management? 17. What was the conse quence ? V. 18- What is said of the efforts of Smith? 19. What of his excursions for corn? 20. Of his explorations? VIRGINIA. 29 (Questions to "be answered from the above map.) Name five rivers that tlr>w into Chesapeake Bay. What two capes are at the en trance of the bay? To what large body of water is Chesapeake Bay tributary? Ans. The Atlantic Ocean, How was Jamestown situated? Into what body of water does the Chowan Paver flow ? What other river flows into Albemarle Sound ? How is the Island of Eoanoke situated? In what direction is it from Jamestown ? COLONIAL HISTORY. JOHN SMITH. VI. On one of his expedi tions up the Chickahominy, in search of corn, he was sur rounded by about three hun dred Indians, and, after a des perate struggle, captured. In triumph they conducted him through the country, showing him to the various tribes on the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers, and then took him to a chief, dwelling near the fork of the York River. After being detained for three days he was sent to Powhatan, the prin cipal chief, or " emperor of the country," whose subjects numbered about eight thousand. His residence was on the York River. The Indian warriors met in council, and, after a long and solemn consultation, determined that Smith should be put to death. VII. Accordingly he was bound, and his head placed upon a large stone ; but, just as the savages were raising their clubs to dash oift his brains, Poca- hontas, the beloved daughter of Powhatan, a child only twelve years old, rushed for ward, clasped the captive s head in her arms, and begged that his life might be spared. Her generous and heroic conduct touched her father s heart, and the sentence was revoked. Smith was not only set at liberty, but an escort of twelve men was POCAIIONTAS. provided to conduct him to Jamestown.* * This story is disput Pooahontas. It had its origin in the narrative published by Smith after the death of VI. QUESTIONS 21 How was he captured? 22. To whom Oid the Indi.ms con- VIRGINIA. 31 VIII. On arriving there, after an absence ot seven weeks, he found every thing in disorder. The colony was reduced to forty men, the strongest of whom were preparing to quit the country. The attempt at desertion was prevented by deci sive action ; order was restored ; and a lar^e accession to s-WUL. TllK ATTEMPT AT DESERTION SUPPEfcSSED. their number by the arrival of Newport, who had been to England, revived the drooping spirits of the colonists. Smith, by his captivity and frequent expeditions, gained considerable knowledge of the language and manners of the Indians, and of the country and its resources, which enabled him to estab lish a peaceful intercourse between the settlers and the tribes of Powhatnn. duct him? 23. Where did Powtoitan live? 24. Describe the York Kiver. (See map, p. 29.) 25. What sentence was pronounced against Smith? VII. 26. How did the Indians undertake to carry out the sentence ? 2T Stata how Smith was saved. 28. What else did Powhatan do for Smith? VIII. QUESTIONS.-29. What condition of things did Smith find at Jamestowi, upon his arrival there? 30. Of what value did Smith s captivity prove to James town ? 32 COLONIAL HISTORY. IX. The administration of the affairs of Jamestown, how ever, gave no satisfaction to the company in England. Be lieving that under a new charter, conferring greater privileges, their dreams of profit would be realized, they sought and ob tained one, in 1609, and appointed Lord Delaware, a noble man distinguished for his virtues as well as his rank, gover nor for life. X. Christopher Newport, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers, who had been appointed commissioners authorized to administer the affairs of the colony till the arrival of Lord Delaware, were dispatched to America with a fleet of nine vessels and more than five hundred emigrants. While on the passage a severe storm dispersed the fleet. One of the vessels, that bearing the commissioners, was wrecked on one of the Bermuda Islands, and one small one foundered : the other seven reached the James River in safety. XI. Although no person had yet arrived authorized to su persede the president, Smith at first made no attempt to maintain his power ; but the disorder and disaster that ensued so alarmed the better portion of the colonists, that, at their request, he resumed his abandoned functions. While return ing from- a visit to one of the settlements near Jamestown which he had established, he was so severely injured by an explosion of gunpowder, that, feeling the need of the best sur gical skill, he returned to England towards the close of 1609. XII. No sooner had Smith fairly departed than the colonists gave themselves up to idleness and vice. The Indians be- IX. QUESTIONS. 31. When did the London Company get a second charter? 32. Why did they ask for it? 33. What appointment was coi.ferred upon Lord Del aware ? 34. What can you say of Lord Delaware ? X. 35. Who had been authorized to precede Lord Delaware in the management of the affairs of the colony? 36. How many vessels and emigrants did they have? 37. What accident happened to the fleet ? XI. 38. How was the colony governed after the arrival of the seven vessels? 39. What accident happened to Smith ? 40. What did he do in consequence? XII. 41. How did the colonists behave after his departure? 42. What was the consequence? 43. What was that period of time called? 44. What determination did the colonists finally come to ? 45. Why was not the determination carried out ? VIRGINIA. 33 came hostile, the horrors of famine ensued, and, in less than six months after, not more than sixty, of the five hundred per sons whom he had left, remained. This period of distress and gloom was long remembered as the " starving-time." In consequence of the destitute condition to which the colonists were reduced, and of the gloomy prospects ahead, it was determined to desert Jamestown entirely, and seek safety among the English fishermen at Newfoundland. In four ves sels they embarked ; but just as they were drawing near the mouth of the river, Lord Delaware appeared with emigrants and supplies, and persuaded them to return. XIII. Under the administration of the wise and good Dela ware, order and contentment prevailed, and the affairs of the colony began to prosper ; but, unfortunately, his health failed, and he was compelled to return to England, leaving the gov ernment to be administered by a deputy. New settlements were made in the vicinity of Jamestown, and notwithstanding the laws were harsh and strict, the colony continued to pros per. The company in England, however, with a view to greater advantages, obtained another charter, their third, in 1612. A remarkable feature of the new charter allowed the company to hold meetings for the transaction of business, thus giving to the body a democratic form of government. XIV. In 1613 occurred the marriage of Pocahontas to a young Englishman named John Rolfe (rolf}. This event proved to be of great importance, as it had the effect of es tablishing a confirmed peace with Powhatan, as well as with the powerful Chickahominy Indians. Three years after her marriage, Pocahontas accompanied her husband to Eng land, where she was an object of great interest to all classes XIII. QUESTIONS. 46. What is said of the affairs of the colony under the admin istration of Lord Delaware? 47. What, unfortunately, was he compelled to do? 48. When did the London Company procure their third charter? 49. What re markable feature did the new charter contain ? XIV. 50. What interesting event took place in 1613? 51. Of what importance did it prove ? 52. What further can you state of Pocahontas ? 2 34 COLONIAL HISTORY. of citizens, and was presented at court. While preparing to return to her native land she suddenly died, leaving a son, from whom are descended many well-known families in Vir ginia. XV. During the year 1613 two expeditions were sent from Virginia, under the command of Samuel Argall, an avaricious man, who afterwards became deputy -governor of the colony. Argall s object was the protection of the fisher men off the coast of Maine ; but discovering a French settle ment near the Pcnobscot, he destroyed it, and dispersed the inhabitants. In his second expedition lie reduced and plundered Port Royal, in Nova Scotia. XVI. The commencement of negro slavery in the English colonies dates from its introduction into Virginia, in 1620, when a Dutch vessel entered the James River with negroes, twenty of whom were landed and sold into perpetual slavery. The culture of cotton was begun the next year. A large number of colonists were sent to Virginia during the year 1620, among whom were about a hundred young women of good reputation, who were disposed of to the planters as wives, each purchaser giving one hundred pounds of tobacco, being the cost of the woman s passage to America. XVII. After the marriage of Pocahontas, until the death of her father, peaceful relations existed between the settlers and the Indians; but, in 1622, Powhatan s successor com menced a bloody war, in one day massacring about three hundred and fifty men, women, and children. The settlers retaliated, slaughtering great numbers of the Indians and driving the rest into the wilderness. XV. QUESTIONS. 53. Who was Samuel Argall? 54. Give an account of his first expedition from Virginia. 55. -Of his second. 56. Describe the Penobscot River. (Soe map of Maine.) 57. How is Port Royal situated ? (See map, p. 10.) XYL 58. How was negro slavery introduced into the English colonies in America ? 59. What can you say of the commencement of cotton culture ? 60. How did the planters get their wives ? XVII. 61. How long did peaceful relations continue between the whites and Indians? 62. Give an account of the first massacre. VIRGINIA. 35 XVIII. The affairs of the colony caused frequent meetings of the London Company. These were largely attended by the stockholders, and exciting debates, often of a political charac ter, took place. The freedom of speech manifested on such occasions displeased King James, and he determined to ac complish the dissolution of the company. Under the pre text, therefore, that the disasters to the colony were the re sult of bad government, the dissolution was effected, and, in 1624, Virginia became a royal province. XIX. The celebrated " Navigation Act," which secured to English ships the monopoly of the carrying trade with Eng land, and seriously abridged the freedom of colonial commerce, was passed by Parliament in 1651. It was not at first en forced against Virginia, but after its re-enactment in 1660, with new provisions, it was rigorously executed, despite the remon strances of the colonists. In 1673, Charles II., of England, granted to Lord Culpepper and the Earl of Arlington, " all the dominion of land and water called Virginia," for the term of thirty-one years. XX. The complaints of the people grew louder and louder. In addition to this lavish grant, and the oppressiveness of the " Navigation Act," the colonists were restricted in the elective franchise ; were required to conform to the doctrines and rituals of the Church of England ; and the taxes levied were unequal and oppressive. They wanted but an excuse for appearing in arms, and it was soon found in the invasion made by the Susquehanna Indians. The invaders penetrated Virginia from the north, and carried desolation and death to many a lonely plantation. XVIII. QUESTIONS. 63. Why did the London Company have frequent meetings? 64. What can you say of the meetings ? 65. What did King James determine upon ? 66. Why ? 67. When did he accomplish his purpose ? 68. What was his pretext for so doing ? XIX. 69. When was the celebrated "Navigation Act" passed ? 70. What was its most obnoxious feature ? 71. How did it affect the colonial commerce ? 72. What can you say of its enforcement ? 73. What grant of Virginia was afterward made to two persons? XX. 74 Of what did the people complain ? 75. What did they seek ? 76. What excuse was soon found ? 77. What did the Susquehannas do ? COLONIAL HISTORY. XXL The people, knowing Governor Berkeley s measures for defense to be very inefficient, dem-anded permission to arm and protect themselves ; but, being refused, they united ostensibly to repel the Indian invaders; and thus a struggle for popular liberty broke out in 1676, known as Bacon s Rebel lion. Nathaniel Bacon, from whom the movement took its name, was at once pointed out as the leader. His social po sition was good ; he was eloquent and courageous. XXII. With a force of five hundred men he marched against the Indians, whom he met and defeated ; and though Berkeley issued a proclamation declaring those in arms rebels, no notice was taken of the fulmination. The success against the Indians inspired the insurgents with confidence. They made demands which Berkeley consented to grant; but it soon becoming evident that he was acting treacherously, a desultory civil war broke out, in the course of which James town was burned to the ground. XXIII. Just as the success of the rebellion seemed to be established, and plans in respect to a new government were about to be adopted, Bacon suddenly died. The governor then pursued vigorous measures, and, regaining his former power, caused twenty-two of the insurgents to be hanged. Fines, imprisonments, and confiscations disgraced his adminis tration until he was recalled by the king, in 1677. XXIV. Berkeley s successor was Lord Culpepper, to whom and the Earl of Arlington the country had been granted in 1673, as previously stated. Virginia then became a pro- XXI. QUESTIONS. 78. What demand did the people make of the governor? 79. Who was the governor? 80. How did he treat their demand ? 81. What was the consequence ? 82. Who was the leader of the insurgents ? XXII. 83. Eelate the incidents of the rebellion. XXIII. 84. What misfortune befell the insurgents? 85. What was Berkeley s conduct afterwards towards them ? XXIV. 86. Who succeeded Berkeley as governor of Virginia? 87. What change was then made in the character of the government? 88 How long did Vir ginia continue as a proprietary government? 89. What can you eay of the subse quent government ? M ASS ACHUSETTS. 37 prietary government. Culpepper continued to rule until 1684, when, in consequence of his mismanagement, the king revoked the grant made to him and Arlington, and deprived him of his office. Virginia thus became a royal province again, and so remained till the REVOLUTION. MASSACHUSETTS. FROM ITS SETTLEMENT, IN 1620, TO THE UNION OF NEW ENGLAND COLONIES, IN 1643. I. CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH, who had performed so creditable a part in the settlement of Virginia, set sail from London in 1614, with two ships, for the purpose of trade and discovery MASSACHUSETTS. I. QUESTIONS. 1. "When do \ve next hear of Captain Johr. Smith? 2. With how many vessels did he sail from England? 3. Where did he intend to go? 4. What was his object? 5. What did he accomplish? 6. What wrong was perpetrated upon the Indians? 38 COLONIAL HISTORY. in the region of Cape Cod. He reached the American coast, examined the shores from the Penobscot Biver to Cape Cod, and prepared a map of the country, to which he gave the name of New England. The luster of the expedition, unfor tunately, was very much dimmed by the act of Thomas Hunt, who commanded one of the ships : by him twenty-four of the natives were captured and taken to- Spain, where they were sold into slavery. IT. The original Ply mouth Company havhig been superseded by an other, called the Coun cil of Plymouth, King James granted to the latter, in 1620, absolute ly and exclusively, all the territory between the 40th" and 48th parallels of north latitude, ex tending from the Atlan tic to the Pacific. It was not, however, under the direction of this council, or with the aid of the King, that the first permanent settlement in New England was made, but by a small band of Pilgrims, dissenters from the Church of England, who fled from their own country to find an asylum from religious per- IL QUESTIONS. 7. What company superseded the Plymouth Company? 8. What grant was made to the new company ? 9. Through which Atlantic State does the 40th parallel of north latitude run ? (See map of United States.) 10. Through what large island does the 4Sth parallel run ? (See map of North America.) 11. By whom was the first permanent settlement made in New England? 12. What direction and aid should they have had? 13. Why did the Pilgrims leave England ? MASSACHUSETTS. 39 secution. The sect to which they belonged were known in England as Puritans. III. They at first went to Amsterdam, in Holland, whence they removed to Leyden (li r -den.) At Leyden they lived in great harmony for about eleven years, under the pastoral care of John Robinson ; but, from various causes, they became dis satisfied with their residence in Holland, and desired to plant a colony in America, where they might enjoy their civil and reli gious rights without disturbance. After much solicitation they obtained a grant of land from the London Company, and, being G E RM A N ^m OCEAN III. QUESTIONS. 14. To what place did they first go after leaving England ? 15. In what direction from London is Amsterdam ? (See map. p. 39.) 16. To what place did they remove? 17. How long were they at Leyden? 18. Who was their pastor at Leyden? 19. "Why did they leave Holland? 20. From whom did they obtain a grant of land ? 21. What arrangement did they make with some merchants ? 40 COLONIAL HISTORY. without means, formed a contract with, some London mer chants, who furnished the capital for the undertaking. IV. As many as could be accommodated embarked on board a vessel called the Speedwell, but the larger portion re mained at Leyden with Robinson. The ship sailed to South ampton, England, where she was joined by another ship, called the Mayflower, with a body of Puritans from London. The two vessels soon set sail, but had not gone far before the Speedwell was found to need repairs, and they entered the port of Dartmouth, England. They started a second time, but again put back, this time to Plymouth, where the Speed well was abandoned as unseaworthy. V. Then, after permitting those who chose to abandon the enterprise, the Mayflower set sail alone, with one hundred and one persons, men, women, and children, the most dis tinguished of whom were John Carver, William Brewster, Miles Standish, William Bradford, and Edward Winslow. After a boisterous passage of sixty-three days, they reached the American coast, and in two days after were safely moored in Cape Cod Bay. In the cabin of the Mayflower, before they landed, they agreed to and signed a solemn compact, by the terms of which they were to be ruled, and immediately after they unanimously elected John Carver governor for one year. VI. Several days were spent by exploring parties in search ing for a favorable locality to commence the settlement. At length, on the 21st of December, 1620, they all landed at a place which they called Plymouth, in memory of the hospitalities which had been bestowed upon them at the last English port IV. QUESTIONS. 22. Did they all leave Holland ? 23. Who remained ? 24. On board of what vessel did they sail ? 25. To what place did the Speedwell first go ? 26. What accession was made to the company at Southampton ? 27. What then took place ? 28. What further can you state of the Speedwell ? Y. 29. From what place did the Mayflower set sail alone ? 30. "With how many persons ? 31. Who were the most distinguished of them ? 32. What kind of a passage did they have ? 33. What did they do before leaving the ship ? YI. 84. In what way were several days spent ? 35. When did they land ? 36. At what place ? 37. Why did they call it Plymouth ? 38. What can you say of their sufferings ? 39. What befell Carver s family ? 40. Who succeeded him as governor ? MASSACHUSETTS. 41 from which they had sailed. The winter was severe, and in less than five months nearly half of that Pilgrim band died from the effects of exposure and privations, Governor Carver and his wife being among the number. William Bradford was thereupon elected to fill the vacancy, and during thirty years he continued to be a prominent man in the colony. VII. In April, of 1621, a treaty of friendship was made with Massasoit (mas-sa^oit ), chief of the Wampanoags (wom-pa-no -ags), which was sacredly kept for more than thirty years. Canonicus, the great chief of the Narragan setts, who regarded the English as intruders, kept the colonists in fear for awhile; but the decided course of Bradford eventually compelled him to sue for peace. YIII. In the mean time other influences were at work to ex tend the range of settlements. A company composed of gen tlemen who Avere interested in the fisheries and trade of New England, having purchased a tract of land, sent out an ex pedition of a hundred persons, under the charge of John En- dicott. These reached Salem in 1628, and made a settle ment, thus laying the foundation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The proprietors soon after obtained a charter from the king, under the incorporated title of " The Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay, in New England." IX. Accessions were rapidly made to the new colony, and settlements at Charlestown and other places were made. An important change took place in 1629, by which the govern ment of the company was transferred from London to New England. This induced men of fortune and intelligence to become interested, among whom was John Winthrop, who VII. QUESTIONS. 41. What important treaty was made ? 42. For bow long a time was the treaty observed ? 43. What can you say of Canonicus ? VIII. 44. What settlement was made in 1628? 45. In what direction from Ply mouth is Salem ? (See map p. 31.) 46. What led to the settlement of Salem ? 47. When was Salem settled ? 48. W T hat charter was afterward obtained by the proprietors of Salem ? IX. 49. What can you say of the growth of the Massachusetts Bay Colony ? 50. What induced Winthrop and others to join <he colonists? 51. When was Eoston settled ? 52. By whom was it settled ? . 42 COLONIAL HISTORY. was afterward elected governor, and who set sail for the col ony in the beginning of April, 1630. Winthrop* was accom panied by about three hundred families, mostly Puritans, who settled at Boston and adjacent places, in 1630. X. The banishment of Eoger Williams, in 1635, was an event not only important in itself, but also On account of the principle it enunciated. Though a Puritan, Williams de nounced the religious intolerance practiced in New England, for which, as well as certain opinions touching civil matters, he was banished. Nor was this the only banishment. A Mrs. Hutchinson,f who persisted in holding meetings of her own sex, and promulgating peculiar views, was also compelled to leave. XI. An act of the " General Court" at Boston, in 1636, by which about two thousand dollars were appropriated for the purpose of founding a public school or college, led to the es tablishment of what is now the oldest literary institution in America. In 1638, the Kev. John Harvard bequeathed up wards of three thousand -dollars to it, which, in honor of the benefactor, was named Harvard College. Its location is at Cambridge (kame -brij^ about three miles from Boston. * John Winthrop was born in Groton, county of Suffolk, England, in 1588. He was re-elected governor of Massachusetts eVery year until 1634. With the exception of two or three years, he was afterwards deputy governor or governor until his death, which occurred in 1649. t Mrs. Anne Htitchinson, upon being sentenced to banishment, at first went to Rhode Island. After the death of her husband, which occurred in 1 642, five years later, she removed with her children to New Netherlands. The Indians and the Dutch were then at war, and, in an attack made by the former, her house was set on fire, and she and all her family, except one child, either perished in the flames or were massacred by the savages. X. QUESTIONS. 53. What intolerance was shown towards Eoger Williams? 54. What towards a woman ? XI. 55. Give an account of the establishment of Harvard College. 56. How is Cambridge situated? (See map, p. 120.) NEW HAMPSHIRE. 43 NEW HAMPSHIEE. I. The Council of Ply mouth, it will be recol lected, in 1620 obtained a grant of land including the whole of what is now known as New England. In 1622, a portion of this grant that extending from the Merrimac to the Kennebec was ceded by the council to Ferdinand Gorges (gor -jez) and John Mason, two of its most active members. Gorges and Mason called the territory which they thus obtained Laconia, and,in the spring of 1623, sent emigrants who made settlements at Little Harbor, near Portsmouth, and at Dover. These, then, were the first settle ments in New Hampshire. II. In 1629, the Rev. John Wheelwright and others, who evidently did not consider the grant to Gorges and Mason as of much value, purchased of the Indians all the territory be- NEW HAMPSHIRE. In 1629 John Mason obtaine< a grant of the territory between the Merrimac and Piscat Rivers, calling it New Han ip- p- hire in commemoration of the fact that he had once been gov ernor of Portsmouth, in Hamp shire counly, England. The Seal of the State is shown above. New Hampshire has no motto. NEW HAMPSHIRE. I. QUE8TIONS.1. How did the Council of Plymouth dispose of a portion of their lands in 1622? 2. Describe the Merrimac River. (See map p. 37.) 3. Describe the Kennebec. (See map, p. 10.) 4. What name did Gorges and Mason give to their country? 5. What rivers bounded Laconia? 6. How is Portsmouth situated? (See map, p. 44.) 7. In what direction from Portsmouth is Dover? (See map, p. 44.) II. 8. What purchase of territory was made in 1629? 9. How did this purchase conflict with the claims of Gorges and Mason ? 10. Into what body of water does the Piscataqua flow ? (See map, p. 44.) 11. What grant did Mason obtain in 1629 ? 12. What name did he give to the country? 44 COLONIAL HISTORY. tween the Merrimac and Piscataqua. In the same year Mason obtained from Gorges a grant, in his own name alone, of the country which Wheelwright had purchased, and to this he gave the name of New Hampshire. III. The different settlements of New Hampshire in time came to be governed by different proprietors ; but the people, believing their interests would be promoted by a change, in 1641 formed a union, and placed themselves under the pro tection of Massachusetts. This privilege was enjoyed for a period of nearly forty years, when, in 1680, the two colo nies were separated by order of the king, and New Hampshire became a royal province. IV. In the following year a vex atious controversy began, as to the proprietorship of the lands, which continued for a number of years. This dispute grew out of the claims which the heirs of Mason had laid to all the territory between the Merri mac and Piscataqua, and it was not terminated until they relinquished all the unoccupied portions of the province. During the wars known as King Philip s and King William s, the settlers of New Hampshire suffered severely from the incursions of the Indians. In one case, the attack upon Dover in the latter war, twenty-one persons were killed, and others were captured and taken to Canada. V. The district of New Hampshire was several times con nected with Massachusetts, the first from 1641 to 1680, as previously stated ; but, in 1741, it became a separate prov ince, and so continued till the Revolution. III. QUESTIONS. 13. What change in the government of the New Hampshire settlements took place in 1641? 14. Give a further account of the political con nection between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. (See, also, paragraph V.) IV. 15. "What controversy respecting lands began in 1681? 16. Give some ac count of it. IT. How did the wars of King Philip and King William aftect the set tlements of New Hampshire? PORTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. CONNECTICUT. 45 CONNECTICUT. I. IN 1630 the Coun cil of Plymouth ceded to the Earl of Warwick the soil of Connecticut ; and this grant, in the following year, was trans ferred to Lord Say-and- Seal, Lord Brooke, and associates. II. As the Dutch, at the time, laid claim to all the territory thus ceded, they resolved to prevent any settlements being made within the limits of the new grant. According ly, they proceeded from New York, sailed up the Connecticut River to where Hartford now stands, and there erected a fort. The structure was hardly completed when Captain William Holmes and a company from Plymouth sailed up the river, and, though forbidden by the Dutch, who threatened to fire upon them if they attempted to pass the fort, the English kept on unhurt, and commenced the settlement of Connecticut, at Windsor (win -zer), by erecting in that year, 1633, a trading-house there. III. In the autumn of 1635, a company of sixty men, CONNKCTICUT.-I. QUESTIONS.-!. What grant of land was made in 1630? 2. What, in 1631? II. 3. What resolution did the Dutch determine upon? 4. What action did they accordingly take ? 5. When and where was Connecticut first settled ? 6. D <he Connecticut River. (See map of New England.) 46 COLONIAL HISTORY. women, and children journeyed from Massachusetts through the wilderness, and settled at Windsor, Hartford, and Weth- ersfield. At about the same time a colony was commenced at the mouth of the Connecticut, which, in honor of Lord Say-and-Seal and Lord Brooke, was called Saybrook. But the migration conducted by the Rev. Thomas Hooker, in 1636, was one of the most important to Connecticut. With about a hundred persons he departed from the vicinity of Boston, and, after a toilsome journey through swamps and forests, arrived in the valley of the Connecticut. His people settled mostly at Hartford. IV. It was at this time that difficulties with the Indians began to arise. The Pequods, a warlike tribe inhabiting the southeast part of Connecticut, committed many acts of hos tility, and sought an alliance with the Narragansetts in an effort to exterminate the colonists ; but, through the exer tions of Roger Williams, the league was prevented. The Indians, however, continuing their murderous depredations, a court, summoned at Hartford, in 1637, formally declared war against them. Y. Soon a force of ninety colonists, with about the same num ber of Mohegan Indians, started against the foe. The expedi tion, commanded by Captain John Mason, sailed down the Connecticut and along Long Island Sound, and landed at a point in the southwestern part of Rhode Island. Here it was join ed by other Indian allies, until the whole force amounted to not less than five hundred men. Mason proceeded by quick marches, and surprised the chief fort of the Pequods, situated III. QUESTIONS. 7. "What account can you give of *ho settlements made in the autumn of 1635? 8. Of the colony at the mouth of the Connecticut? 9. Of the migration conducted by Hooker? IV. 10. "Who were the Pequods? 11. What alliance did they try to bring about? 12. How was it prevented ? 13. When and by whom was war declared against the Pequods ? V. 14. "What expedition was sent against them ? 15. Give an account of the movements of the expedition. 16 At what place was the chief fort of the Pequods situated ? 17. How is New London situated ? (See map, p. 47.) 18. What was the result of the expedition ? CONNECTICUT. on the Mystic River, eight miles northeast of New London. It and the wigwams were burned, and more than six hundred men, women, and children perished by fire or were slain. VI. The Pequods ne\:er recovered from their great loss. The severe blow dealt them was promptly followed by vigor ous measures, until finally the survivors, about two hundred in number, surrendered in despair, and. were sold into captivity LONG ISLAND SOUND or incorporated with other tribes. So complete was their overthrow that the very name of Pequods was no longer heard. VII. A third colony was established in Connecticut, in 1638, called the New Haven colony. The land was bought of the Indians, and under the guidance of the Rev. John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton, a colony, remarkable for the VI. QUESTIONS. 19. What effect did the blow have upon the Pequods? 20. What further account can you give of the Pequods ? VII. 2. When was a third colony established in Connecticut? 22. By whom? 28. At what place? 24. How is New Haven situated ? (See map, p. 47.) 48 COLONIAL HISTORY. religious /spirit that marked its laws, was plauted and flourished. VIII. It will be seen that three colonies were established in Connecticut, namely : the Connecticut colony, embracing Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, the inhabitants of which acknowledged the authority of Massachusetts ; the Say- brook colony ; and the New Haven colony. The one at the mouth of the Connecticut, Saybrook, maintained its separate existence until 1 644, when it was annexed to the Connecticut colony. Then there were only two. These were united in 1665, under a royal charter granted by Charles II., king of England. This charter was exceedingly liberal, and confirm ed in every particular the constitution which the people had adopted at Hartford, twenty-six years before. IX. For a number of years the colonists of Connecticut en joyed comparative freedom from anxiety and molestation ; but, in 1687, Sir Edmund Andros, who had been appointed royal governor of New England, appeared before the As sembly, then in session at Hartford, and demanded the sur render of their charter. A discussion at once arose which was protracted till evening, when the charter was brought in and laid upon the table ; but just as Andros was stepping forward to take it, the lights were suddenly extinguished. When the candles were relighted, the document could not be found : it had been carried away by Captain AVadsworth, and hid in the hollow of a tree which was afterward known as the Charter Oak. X. Andros, notwithstanding his inability to procure the charter, assumed the government, and administered it in his own name until he was seized at Boston, in 1689, and sent to England, for trial on a charge of maladministration of public affairs. The people then received the charter from its hiding - VIII. QUESTIONS. How many colonies, in all, were established in Connecticut? 26. Give their names. 27. What settlements did the Connecticut colony embrace? 28. What became of the Saybrook colony ? 29. What union afterward took place? IX. 30. What demand was made of the Connecticut people in 1687? 31. Give an account of the proceedings that followed. X. 32. What further can you say of Andros ? 33. Of the charter ? RHODE ISLAND. 49 place, and Connecticut again assumed her position as an in dependent colony. ~ RHODE ISLAND. I. UPON the "banish ment of Roger Williams* from Massachusetts, he remained several months with the Narragansetts, and then fixed his habi tation on the spot where the city of Providence now stands. This was in the year 163G. The place selected by him for settlement was purchased of the Indians, and to it he gave the name which it still bears, to com memorate " (rod s merci ful providence to him in his distress." Williams was prompt to proclaim religious toleration in his new home, and the rules governing the colony were made by a majority of the inhabitants ; con sequently immigrants came in great numbers, mostly from the oppressed of the neighboring colonies. II. A year after, William Coddington, who had become dis- * Roger Williams was born in Wales, in 1606. He died in Rhode Island, in 1683. RHODE ISLAND. I. QUESTIONS.!. When was Rhode Island settled ? 2. At what place? 3. By whom? 4. How did Williams procure the land? 5. Why was Providence so called? 6. What induced immigrants to flock to Rhode Island ? II. 7. What settlement was made by Coddington? 8. Why did he leave Bos ton ? 9. What was Coddington s settlement afterward called ? 10. What was Williams 1 s afterwards called? settled there, in resembled the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, thev call ed it Rhode Island: hence the name of the State. The State Coat of Arms is Riven above. Th motto is. In God COLONIAL HISTORY. satisfied with his residence in Boston, in consequence of the church opposition to which he had for a long time been sub jected, accepted an invitation from Williams, and, with eighteen others, purchased from the Indians the island of Rhode Island, and settled there. This settlement was after wards known as the Rhode Island Plantation, and that of Williams as the Providence Plantation. III. It was claimed on the part of Plymouth, and the as sumption was supported by Massachusetts, that the lands whereon Williams and Coddington had settled belonged to Plymouth, and that consequently the two settlements were under the jurisdiction of that colony. Rather than acknowl edge this claim, Williams went to England and obtained from Parliament a free charter of incorporation, whereby the two settlements of Rhode Island were united, in 1644, under one government, as the Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. IV. After Charles II. ascended the throne of England, Rhode Island, in 1663, obtained a new charter. When Andros assumed the government of New England, operations, under the charter, were for the time necessarily suspended ; but immediately after his seizure at Boston, as elsewhere stated, the charter again became the fundamental law of the colony, and was the only constitution of the State till 1842. III. QUESTIONS. 11. What claim did the colonies of Plymouth and Massachu setts set up ? 12. What did Williams do in consequence ? 13. When were the two plantations united? 14. Under what name ? IV. 15. By whom was a new charter granted to Ehode Island ? 16. When was it granted? 17. What can you say of it? 18. What interruption to its operation was for a time suffered ? 19. When was the administration of affairs under the charter resumed? 20. Till what year did the charter then continue in operation ? 21. How many years passed from the time it was granted till its final supersedure ? REVIEW QUESTIONS. 51 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGB 1. When, where, and by whom was Virginia settled ? 27 2. -What misfortunes did the colony for a time encounter? 28 3. Give an account of Edward Wingfield 27, 28 4. State how Smith attained to the presidency 28 5. What excursions and explorations did he make ? 28, 30 6. What misfortune befell him while up the Chickahominy ? 30 7. What parade and show did the Indians make of him? 30 8. What then did they determine to do with him? 30 9. Who was Pocahontas, and how did she save Smith ? 30 10. How many men did Smith find at Jamestown upon his return?. 31 11. What selfishness were some of them contemplating ? 31 12. How was a change in the condition of the colony effected?. ... 31 13. How long did the London Company hold their first charter?. . . 32 14. Whom did the company appoint governor for life ? 32 1 5. How long did Smith remain in the colony, and why did he leave ? 32 16. Give an account of the "Starving Time" in Virginia 32, 33 17. What change took place in the affairs of Virginia in 1012 ?. . . 33 18. Give an account of Pocahontas after she saved Smith s life. . 33, 34 19. Give an account of Argall s expeditions from Virginia 34 20. What additions were made to the Virginia colony in 1G20?. ... 34 21. What change took place in the affairs of Virginia in 1673? 35 22. Give an account of Bacon s Rebellion 35, 36 23. What account can you give of Virginia after the Rebellion?. 30, 37 24. What of Captain John Smith after he left Virginia ? 37, 38 25. What grant of land was made to an English company in 1020?. 38 26. Give an account of the settlement of Massachusetts 38, 39, 40 27 What can you say of Massasoit and Canonicus ? 41 28. How was the Massachusetts Bay Colony founded? 41 29. What took place in 1629 and 1630, in relation to that colony ? . 41, 42 30. What intolerant spirit was shown by the colony in 1635? 42 31. What joint grant of land was made to Gorges and Mason ? 43 32. What two settlements were made in 1623 ? 43 33. What two grants of the same land were made in 1629? . . .43, 44 34. What further can you state of the colonial history of New H. ? 44 35. How did Lord Say-and-Seal and Lord Brooke get Connecticut ? 45 36. Give an account of the settlement made at Windsor 45. 46 37. Give an account of the Saybrook colony 46, 48 38 Give an account of the Pequod War 46, 47 39. Give an account of the New Haven colony . 47, 48 40. State how the three colonies of Connecticut were united 48 41. Give an account of the two settlements made in Rhode Island 49, 50 52 COLONIAL HISTORY. MASSACHUSETTS. FROM THE UNION OF THE NEW ENGLAND COLONIES, IN 1643, TO " THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR." I. IN 1643 a union was formed by the four colonies of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven, the object being to secure mutual protection against the encroach ments of the Dutch and French, and for better security against the hostility of the Indians. When, five years after, Rhode Island desired to be admitted to the confederacy, the re quest was not granted, because she refused to be incorporated with Plymouth, as part of that colony, and thus lose her separate existence. The general affairs of the union were managed by a board of commissioners, consisting of two from each colony ; and, in this way, the confederacy ex isted for nearly fifty years. When, at last, it was destroyed, by the loss of their charters, the colonists still cherished a de sire for union. IT. In 1656 a lamentable trouble commenced, growing out of the arrival in that year of a number of Quakers from Eng land. A report, which represented them to be a people of peculiar opinions and conduct, had preceded them, and those who first arrived were consequently sent back at once. Shortly after, a law was passed, intended to prohibit their coining into the united colonies at all ; but this failing of its object the Quakers still continuing to come another law was enacted, decreeing the punishment of death upon all who returned from banishment. MASSACHUSKTTS. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What union was formed in 1643 ? 2, What request did Rhode Island make ? 3. Why was it not granted ? 4. How were the general affairs of the union conducted ? II. 5. What arrival took place in 1656? 6. What was done with those who first arrived ? 7. Why were they sent back ? 8. Did this course keep the Quakers from coming ? 9. What severe law was thereupon enacted ? MASSACHUSETTS. 53 III. This also failed of its object. Many of the banished re turned, four were executed, some were publicly whipped, and others were cast into prison. The great severity of the law finally caused a general feeling of condemnation ; a wide spread sympathy for the accused began to be felt, and, after five years of trouble, the atrocious act was repealed. KING PHILIP S WAR. IV. During the life of Massa- soit, the treaty of friendship made between him and the people of Plymouth was faith fully kept. After his death, his two sons, Alexander and Philip, were looked upon as being unfriendly to the whites ; and when, upoti the death of the elder brother, Philip be came chief, trouble began to be KING PHILIP. anticipated. Y. It was evident to the Indians that the spreading settle ments were fast reducing their domains and breaking up their hunting-grounds ; and they saw plainly, in the growing power of the whites, their own inevitable extinction. Nothing short of a combination of all the New England tribes for the ex termination of the colonists, it was thought, could arrest the tide against them ; and Philip, so it was alleged, was the lead ing spirit in plotting the combination. A converted Indian, who had been sent as a missionary among his people, was the principal informer against the chief. This man was after ward found murdered. The execution by the whites of III." QUESTIONS. 10. What effect did the law have ? 11. How were the Quakers then punished ? 12. What further can you say of the troubles ? IV. 13. Who was Alexander ? 14. Philip ? 15. To what position did Philip at, tain? V. 16. What became evident to the Indians ? 17. How did the Indians suppose they could be saved from extinction ? 18. Who was supposed to be the leading spirit in plotting an Indian combination ? 19. Who informed against Philip ? 64 COLONIAL HISTORY. three Indians, who had been arrested, tried, and convicted of the murder, may be considered as the immediate cause of the war. INDIAN WARFARE. THE BURPKISE. VI. The first attack was made by Philip, in 1675, upon the people of Swanzey, a village thirty-five miles southwest from Plymouth. The alarm was given, and he was pursued, by a force consisting of Plymouth troops and volunteers QUESTIONS. 20. What became of the informer? 21. What was the immediate canse of Kinp: Philip s war ? VI. 22. Give an account of the attack upon Swanzey. 23. To what place was Philip pursued? 21 Where is Mount Hope situated ? (See map, p. 37.) 25. What can vt>u sav of the war that followed ? MASSACHUSETTS. 55 from Boston, as far as his home at Mount Hope, which he was forced to abandon. He sought safety in a swamp. Here he was besieged for a number of days, but at length made his escape, with the most of his warriors. The war that followed was of the most desolating character. The savages, grown desperate, burned village after village, and carried death and destruction throughout the country for miles around. VII. Although a treaty of peace had been made with the Narragan setts, they proved unfaithful to their obligations, and became the allies of Philip. This becoming known, a strong force was sent against them, and, in an immense swamp in the southern part of Rhode Island, they were defeated with great loss. Yet they continued their depredations till the death of Philip, which occurred in 1676. The shot of a faithless Indian terminated the life of the wily chief. VIII. A controversy, which had been going on for a num ber of years, between the heirs of Gorges and Mason and the Massachusetts colony, concerning the province of Maine, was, in 1677, decided by judicial authority in favor of the heirs, and Massachusetts then purchased their interest. Three years after, a separation of New Hampshire from Massachu setts was declared, and the former became a royal province the first in New England ; but the title to Maine was re tained by Massachusetts until the year 1820. IX. The English Parliament, with a view to monopolizing the trade with the colonies, passed the " Navigation Act." The opposition to this, as well as to other obnoxious laws, as shown by Massachusetts, displeased the king, James II., and he therefore deprived that colony of her charter. Sir Ed mund Andros, who, by his subsequent career, made himself VII. QUESTIONS. 26. How did the Narragansetts behave? 27. What followed? 23. What became of Philip? VIII. 2y. What controversy was settled in 167T? 30. How was it settled? 31. What took place three years after? 32. Till what time was Maine a part of Massachusetts ? IX. 33. Why was the " Navigation Act" passed? 34. How was the law treated by Massachusetts? 35. What did the king then do? 56 COLONIAL HISTORY. infamous, on account of his unjust and oppressive government, was sent to govern New England. X. These proceedings on the part of the king rendered him exceedingly unpopular, so much so, that when the news of the English Revolution and James s dethronement reached Boston, it caused great rejoicing. Andros and the most ob noxious of his officers were seized and sent to England, and the former mode of government was again established. KING WILLIAM S WAR. I XI. James fled to France, and William, Prince of Orange, and Mary, his wife, the eldest daughter of James, were called to the English throne, as king and queen of that countrv. The cause of the fugitive king was earnestly espoused by the French monarch, and this, principally, led to a contest between the two powers, known in history as King William s War, in which the respective colonists became involved and suffered terribly. XII. During the early part of the contest, which lasted from 1689 to the peace of Ryswick (riz -vrick), in 1697, the French and their Indian allies made expeditions against Do ver, Schenectady (ske-neJc -ta-de}, and other settlements in the northern colonies, and committed barbarities of the most shocking character. To check these incursions, an expedition, under Sir W T illiam Phipps, was dispatched by Massachusetts against Nova Scotia, The capture of Port Royal was easily accomplished, and Phipps returned to Boston with a large amount of booty. XIII. A second undertaking, of greater magnitude, wa? X. QUESTIONS. B6. What made James II. unpopular in Massachusetts? 3T. What, consequently, caused great rejoicings there ? 33. What treatment was meted out to A 7id n is ? XI. 39. To what place did James retreat? 40. Who then was made king of England ? 41. Who, queen ? 42. What was the principal cause of King William s War? XIL 43. How long did the war last? 44. What places did the French and In dians attack? 45. How is Dover situated ? (See map, p. 44.) 46. How is Schenec tady situated? (See map, p. 62.) 47. Give an account of Phipps s expedition against *tova Scotia. MASSACHUSETTS. 57 planned by the New England colonies and New York, hav ing for its object the conquest of Canada, though the pros pect of plunder gave to it all the vitality it possessor!. A large naval force, under Sir William Phipps, left Massachusetts, while a land expedition proceeded from New York ; but the un dertaking proved a signal failure. The land troops reached the head of Lake Champlain, and then, because no means of trans portation were provided, turned back. The expedition by water was pushed with no more energy and dispatch, and it too failed. XIV. Phipps, after his return, was sent to England, for the purpose of procuring aid in the further prosecution of the war, and also to obtain for Massachusetts a restoration of the charter which King James had taken away. His mission, as regards the first purpose, was unsuccessful : as regards the second, King William refused to restore the old charter, but, instead, he granted a new one, which united Massachusetts, Plymouth, Maine, and Nova Scotia in one royal government, and upon Phipps was conferred the office of governor. XV. One of the very first acts of the new governor was the formation, in 1692, of a court to try certain persons who were accused of witchcraft, the belief in which, at the time, prevailed among the people of Salem and neighboring towns. Twenty persons were put to death, more than fifty were tor tured or frightened into a confession, and many suffered im prisonment. The delusion, which lasted more than six months, was finally dispelled, and the most of those who had partici pated as prosecutors in the unrighteous work confessed their error; still there were some, the most prominent of whom was Cotton Mather, an eccentric but influential minister, who de fended their course to the last. XIII. QUESTIONS. 48. What second undertaking was planned? 49. What save to it its vitality ? 50. Give an account of the land expedition. 51. Of the expedition by water. 52. How is Lake Champlain situated ? (See map, p. 62.) XIV. 53. Why was Phipps sent to England ? 54. How successful was he ? XV. 55. What was one of the first acts of Governor Phipps ? 56. How is Sa lem situated? (See map, p. 37.) 57. How many persons were put to death? 5& How many were tortured or frightened into a confession ? 59. What further ac count can you give of the delusion ? 3* 58 COLONIAL HISTORY. XVI. King William s War continued to afflict the colo nies, extending over a period of about eight years, till it was brought to a close, as before stated, by the treaty of 1697. QUEEN ANNE S WAR. XVII. Upon the death of James II., which occurred in France, in lYOl, the French monarch acknowledged his son, who was then in exile, to be the lawful heir to the English throne. This tended to produce a spirit of resentment in England, where the crown had been settled upon Anne (aw), the second daughter of James. While the English were mak ing preparations for war, King William died, and Anne became sovereign of England. The interference of France in the mat ter of the succession to the English crown, in connection with other causes, led to a war between England on the one side, and France and Spain on the other, which is known in Amer ica as Queen Anne s War, but, in Europe, as the War of the Spanish Succession. XVIII. In consequence of a treaty of neutrality which the confederated tribes of Indians, commonly known as the Five Nations, had made with the French in Canada, New York did not suffer from any invasion from the north, the Five Nations occupying lands within that colony. The Aveight of the war, therefore, fell upon the people of New England. Bodies of French and Indians made incursions from Canada, fell upon the defenceless villages, and murdered or carried into captivity the helpless inhabitants. XIX. The capture of Port Royal, in 1710, after an unsuc cessful attempt made three years before, was the most impor tant event of the war.* The name of the place was thereupon XVII. QUESTIONS. 60. What course did the French monarch pursue, upon the death of James II. ? 61. How did this affect the English people ? 62. While prepa rations were being made for war, what occurred ? 63. What were the causes of Queen Anne s War ? 64. By what other name was the contest known ? XVIII. 65. How did New York escape invasion during the war ? 66. Where was the weight of the war fult? MASSACHUSETTS. 59 changed to Annapolis, in honor of the English queen, and Acadia was permanently annexed to the British realm. The contest continued about eleven years, hostilities having com menced in 1702, and closed by the treaty of Utrecht (u -trekt), in 1713 KING GEORGE S WAR. XX. A peace of nearly thirty years followed, which was broken during the reign of George II., by King George^s War. This contest had its origin in European disputes, relating, prin cipally, to the kingdom of Austria, and, for that reason, is known in Europe as the War of the Austrian Succession. XXI. War having been declared between England and France in 1744, the colonial possessions were at once involv ed. The most important event was the capture of Louisburg (loo is-burff), by a force, mostly of New England troops, under William Pepperill, aided by an English fleet, commanded by Commodore Warren. The contest between the two nations continued about four years, and was terminated by the treaty of Aix-la-chapelle (akes-la-sha-pel ), in 1748, by which all ac quisitions of territory which had been made by England and France during the war were mutually restored. XIX. QUESTIONS. 67. What was the most important event of the war? 6& When was Port Koyal captured? 69. What change took place in the name? 70. Why was the name so changed? 71. What permanent annexation was made to the British realm? 72. How long did the war continue? XX. 73. How long did peace continue after King William s War? 74. What war then broke out? 75. What was the cause of King George s War? <6. By what other name is it known ? XXI 77. When was war declared? 73. What was the most important event of "the war? 79. How long did the war continue ? 80. By what treaty was it termi nated ? 81. What provision did the treaty make as regards acquisition of territory ? 00 COLONIAL HISTORY. NEW YORK. I. UNTIL most of the large bays and rivers on the eastern side of North America had been explor ed, it was generally sup posed that there existed a more direct and less dangerous passage by water, from the Atlan tic to the Pacific, than the route around Cape Horn. Among those who entertained this be lief was Henry Hud son,* an English naviga tor, who, actuated by the desire to become the for tunate discoverer of such a passage, if any existed, made four voyages to the coast of America. II. In his third voyage, made in 1609, while sailing in the service of " The Dutch East India Company," he discovered the river which now bears his name. Having sailed up the stream to the head of ship navigation, and explored it in a small boat for some miles further, probably as far as Albany, he returned to Europe. * Hudson made his fourth voyage in 1610. While in Hudson s Bay, a mutiny occurring among his men he, with tight who remained faithful to him, was put into an open boat and abandoned. Two ships were afterwards sent fro.n England to make search for him, but no tidings of the bold navigator could ever be gained. NEW YORK. 16K4, fituyvesant surren dered New Netherlands, in com pliment to the Duke of York, to whom it had been granted,, New Amsterdam was called New York, a name which was also applied to the whole province. Below the Shield of the State (given above) is the motto, Excthior, meaning more elevated, denoting that the course of the State is onward and higher. I. NEW YORK. QUKSTIONS. 1. Who was Henry Hudson ? 2. How many voy ages did he make to the coast of America ? 3. What was his object ? II. 4. When did he discover the Hudson? 5. In whose employ was he at the time? 6. How far up the Hudson did he proceed? 7. What was his object? 8. Who first discovered the Hudson liiver? Ans. Verrnz.nni in 1574. NEW YORK. 61 III. The Dutch, claiming that Hudson s discovery gave them a title to the country, in 1614 built a fort on Manhat tan or New York Island, and, in the following year, built a second fort, at Albany, which they called Fort Orange. Their claim to territory included the whole region from Cape Cod HENRY HUDSON. to the southern shore of Dela ware Bay, though that part in their possession was the only portion known as New Netherlands. IV. The actual colonization of the country did not com mence until 1623. In that year, under the auspices of a new organization, called "The Dutch West India Company," two settlements were made ; one at Fort Orange, the site of Al bany, and the other on Manhattan Island, to which the name of New Amsterdam was given. The company offered a large tract of land and certain privileges to every individual who would form a settlement of fifty persons. This led, more than two centuries afterward, to very serious disturbances, known as the " anti-rent difficulties." Y. New Netherlands had, in the course of time, four Dutch governors, the first of whom was Peter Minuits : he was suc ceeded by Wouter Van Twiller, during whose administration a controversy was begun, occasioned by the alleged encroach ments of the English on the eastern end of Long Island and on the Connecticut River. Sir William Kieft (keeft), the third III. QUESTIONS. 9. What claim to territory did the Dutch make ? 10. When and where did they build two forts? 11. How is Albany situated ? (See map, p. 62.) 12. What territory was known as New Netherlands ? IV. 13. When was New York first colonized by the Dutch ? 14. What settle ments were then made? 15. What inducements were oft ered to settlers? 16. What difficulties followed, a long time after? Y. 17. Give in order the names of the four successive Dutch governors of New Netherlands. 18. What occurred during Van Twiller s administration ? 19. What, during Kieft s ? 20. What was Kieft s fate ? 62 COLONIAL HISTORY. governor, involved the colony in a strife with the Swedes of Delaware, whose settlements he considered as encroachments upon New Netherlands. He also, by his unwise and inhu man conduct, brought on a disastrous war with the In dians. After an administration of about nine years, the West India Company deprived him of his office. On his return to Europe, the ship in which he sailed was wrecked,. and the guilty man perished. THE STATE OF NEW YORK ***&+*& t i> > ^ ^/fflfr *la*t***rtr\ VI. Peter Stuyvesant, the fourth and last of the Dutch governors, arrived in 1647, when he commenced a vigorous though often arbitrary rule. He conciliated the Indians, made a treaty settling boundary disputes with the English, VI. QUESTIONS. 21. What did Stuyvesant accomplish ? 22. What was the con sequence? 23. What did the people desire? 24. What did they demand? 25. How was their demand treated ? NEW YORK. 63 PETEK 8TUYVESANT. gained by conquest the Swedish settlements on the Delaware, and by judicious regulations did much to encourage commerce. The consequence was, that many immigrants came from the op pressed, the discontented, and the enterprising of other colo nies and European nations ; and soon a body of people were gathered together who, notwith standing all their privileges, de- I sired other and greater ones. They even demanded a share in the government; but Stuyvesant resisted, and his conduct was afterwards approved by the home government. VII. In 1664 Charles II., in entire disregard of the claims of the Dutch, granted to his brother, the Duke of York, the whole region from the Connecticut River to Delaware Bay, and a fleet, under Colonel Nicolls, was sent to take possession of the territory. In the mean time, all that portion no\f known as New Jersey was sold by the duke to Lord Berke ley and Sir George Carteret. VIII. The appearance of the English fleet before New Am sterdam convinced Stuyvesant, when too late, of the impru dence of his conduct in refusing the demand of the colonists. They, hoping to enjoy more freedom under English rule, de termined to comply with Nicolls s summons to surrender; but Stuyvesant, faithful to his employers, the Dutch West India Company, declined to sign the articles of capitulation VIL QUESTIONS. 26. Who was the Duke of York ? 27. From whom did he re- ceive an extensive grant? 28. When did he receive it? 29. What region was granted? 30. What was done to procure possession of the territory? 31. What disposition did the duke make of a portion of his grant? VIIL 32. What mistake had Stuyvesant made ? 33. How did it prove to be a mistake? 34. What can you say of Stuyvesantfs subsequent conduct? 35. What Changes In names took- place? 36. Who was the first English governor of New York. 64 COLONIAL HISTORY. until the town was actually in the possession of the English, The new occupants changed the name of New Amsterdam to New York, a name which was afterward applied to the whole territory under the control of the duke ; and Fort Orange was called Albany. Nicolls was the first English governor. IX. In 16*73, during a war between England and Holland, the Dutch regained possession not only of New York, but of New Jersey and the settlements on the Delaware. Their hold, however, proved of brief duration ; for, by the treaty of peace, made a few months after, the whole territory was re stored to the British crown. To remove all doubts concern ing the Duke of York s title to the lands, a new charter, con firming the former grant, was given by the king, and under it Sir Edmund Andros w^as appointed governor. When Charles II. died, his brother, the Duke of York, ascended the throne as James II. But, in consequence of the arbitrary conduct of James, a revolution took place, the king fled to France, and William and Mary were proclaimed joint mon- archs of England. X. The intelligence of these proceedings in England was- received in New York with demonstrations evincing the satis faction of the people. Jacob Leisler (llce -ler\ aided by sev eral hundred armed men, and with the approbation of the citizens generally, took possession of the fort in the name of the new sovereigns. Although never officially recognized as governor, Leisler continued at the head of affairs, managing with prudence and energy, for more than two years, his son-in- law, Milborne, acting as his deputy. Upon the arrival of Governor Sloughter (slaw -ler), bearing a commission direct IX. QUESTIONS. 37. What occurred in 1673? 38. How long did the Dutch keep possession ? 89. What grant was then given a second time ? 40. Who succeeded Charles II. as king of England? 41. What can you say of James s rule? 42. What was the consequence? X. 43. How was the news of the English revolution received in New York ? 44 What did Leisler do? 45. How long was he the acting governor? 46. Who was his deputy? 47. When did Leisler surrender his authority? 48. Did this satisfy the enemies of Leisler or not ? 49. What was the fate of Leisler and Milborne ? NEW YORK. 65 from the English sovereigns, Leisler surrendered all authority into his hands. This woutd not satisfy the enemies of Leis ler: they were bent upon his destruction. So he and Mil- borne were arrested, tried on a charge of treason, and con demned to death. Sloughter, while drunk at a feast, signed the death-warrant, and both were executed. XL In 1741 the Dutch church and other buildings in the city of New York were burned, and a house was robbed by slaves. Witnesses testified that the negroes had conspired to burn the city, murder the inhabitants, and set up a govern ment of their own. An intense excitement among all classes followed, and before it was allayed more than thirty persons, condemned as having been engaged in the plot, were exe cuted, and others were transported to foreign parts. Doubt less a plot of some kind had existed, though the accounts of it were evidently greatly exaggerated, and many innocent per sons were made to suffer. XII. The history of New York during the next few years, and till the commencement of the French and Indian War, contains no events of much importance. During King George s War, which commenced in 1744 and continued near ly four years, the Indians, in alliance with the French, made frequent incursions into the territory between Albany and Crown Point, and a number of skirmishes took place ; but in the great final struggle for territory between England and France, which had its beginning in 1754, New York took no inconsiderable part. XL QUESTIONS. 50. WTiat took place in 1741 ? 51. What testimony was pro duced ? 52. What followed ? 53. What punishments were inflicted ? XIL 54. When did King George s War commence ? 55. By what name is that war known in Europe ? Ans. As the " War of the Austrian Succession. 56. How did New York suffer during King George s War ? 57. How is Albany situated ? (See map, p. 62.) 58. How, Crown Point? (See same map.) 49. What war broue out in 1754 ? Ans. The French and Indian War. 66 COLONIAL HISTORY. NEW JEESEY. I. THE territory of New Jersey was included in the Dutch province of New Netherlands. The precise date of the first settlement within its lim its is not ascertained : it is known, however, that the Dutch had a trading settlement at Bergeh as early as 1622 ; and, in 1623, they built Fort Nassau, on the east side of the Delaware River, a few miles below Philadel phia; but the settlement made at Elizabeth, in 1664, by emigrants from Long Island, is considered as the beginning of colo nization in New Jersey. II. As stated in the colonial history of New York, the Duke of York, to whom the English king had granted, in 1664, the whole province of New Netherlands, in the same year sold New Jersey to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Car- teret. Philip Carteret, brother of Sir George, was the first governor ; and, by settling at Elizabethtown, now called Elizabeth, made it the first capital. NEW JERSEY. I. QUESTIONS. 1. In what province was the territory of New Jersey included? 2. Where, at an early period, did the Dutch have a trading set tlement 3. When did they build Fort Nassau ? 4. How was the fort situated? 5. W T hen was New Jersey first colonized ? 6. At what place ? 7. By whom? II. 8. How did Berkeley and Carteret acquire New Jersey ? NEW JERSEY. 67 III. The liberal constitution published by the proprietors, by which it was provided that no rents for the use of lands would be required for the space of five years, induced many persons to settle. The attempt to collect the rents, after the five years, produced a great deal of ill feeling, especially among those who had purchased lands of the Indians, they asserting that a deed from the aborigines was superior to any other title. After disputing about two years, the settlers revolted and elected James Carteret, a dissolute son of Sir George, governor. IV. After the Dutch had resigned possession of New Neth erlands by treaty stipulations, in 1674, New Jersey, a portion of the territory so given up, was again granted to the Duke of York. In disregard of the rights of Berkeley and Carteret, the duke appointed Andros governor over the entire reunited province, but afterward agreed to restore New Jersey to the rightful proprietors. This promise he only partially per formed. V. Berkeley having sold his interest in the proprietorship of New Jersey to Edward Byllinge (bil -linge), an English Quaker, the purchaser, in consequence of pecuniary embar rassment, made an assignment to William Penn and two other Quakers. The proprietors then divided the whole territory into two portions, Carteret taking the eastern, which there after was known as East Jersey, and the Quakers taking the western, known as West Jersey. In 1682 New Jersey be came the exclusive property of Quakers, William Penn and eleven of his brethren having, in that year, purchased the eastern division. III. QUESTIONS. 9. "What induced persons to settle in New Jersey ? 10. What was the consequence when an attempt was made to collect the rents? 11. After disputing two years, what did the people do? IV. 12. When did the Duke of York get possession of New Jersey a second time? 13. What wrong did the duke then perpetrate? 14 Did he persist in the wrong ? V. 15. What did Berkeley do with his interest in New Jersey? 16. What did Byllinge do with his? 17. What division was then made of the territory? la What was the condition of things, as regards ownership, in 1682? 68 COLONIAL HISTORY. UTTER TAUT OF NEW JERSEY "WITH: TOCixwnr OF PHILADELPHIA VI. When the Duke of York, as James II., ascended the throne of England, in seeking to annul the colonial charters,, he placed New Jersey under the jurisdiction of Andros ; but the revolution in England, and the expulsion of the tyrannical governor from America, put an end to the obnoxious rule. The Jerseys were in an unsettled condition until the proprie tors, in 1702, surrendered their powers of government to the crown.. The two provinces were then united, and for thirty- six years New Jersey was a gubernatorial dependency of New York, with a distinct legislative assembly of its own. In 1 738 the connection was severed forever, and from that time to the Revolution New Jersey was a separate royal province. VI. QUESTIONS. 19. How did the Duke of York, as James II., act towards New Jersey? 20. What proceeding put an end to the obnoxious rule? 21. What can you say of the subsequent condition of New Jersey ? 22. What connection after ward existed between New York and New Jersey? 23. What can you say of the subsequent colonial history of New Jersey? REVIEW QUESTIONS. 69 QUESTIONS. PAQK 1. When did the New England colonies form a union ? .......... 52 2. Which of the colonies was not admitted to the union ? ........ 52 3. Give an account of the troubles that commenced in 1656. . . 52, 53 4. What were the names of Massasoit s two sons? ....... ..... 53 5. What led to the conflict known as King Philip s War? ---- . . .53, 54 6. When and how was the war begun ? ........................ 54 7. Give an account of Philip s subsequent career, ............. 54, 55 8. Give the colonial history of Maine. . . ..................... 55 9. In what did the conduct of Massachusetts displease King James ? 55 10. What appointment did Andros receive from the King ? ---- 55, 56 11. What war of European origin broke out in 1689? ----- ...... 56 12. How did the French carry on the war in America ? ........... 56 13. How did the English, under Phipps, retaliate ? .............. 56 14. Give an account of the attempt to conquer Canada ......... 56, 57 15. On what mission was Phipps afterwards sent?. . ............ 57 16. What was the result of his efforts in England ? .............. 57 17. Give an account of the "witchcraft delusion" ................. 57 18. When and by what treaty was King William s War closed?. 56, 58 19. In how many years after did the next war break out ? ........ 58 20. What were the causes of Queen Anne s War ? ............... 58 21. What important capture did the English make in 1710? ---- 58, 59 22. What country was then called Acadia? .................. ~. . . . 19 23. When did Queen Anne s War begin and end ? ............... 59 24. By what war was the peace of the colonies next disturbed? ---- 59 25. Give an account of the capture of Louisburg ................ 59 26. When did King George s War begin and end? .............. 59 27. What did the English do with Louisburg at the close of the war? 59 28. When and by whom was the Hudson River discovered ? ...... 60 29. What was Hudson s object in exploring the river ? ........... 60 30. By what right did the Dutch claim the region explored? ....... 61 31. When did the Dutch commence to colonize New Netherlands?. 61 32. What can you state of Peter Minuits ? .................. 61 33. By whom was he succeeded in the office of governor?. ...*... 61 34. What account can you give of Kieft s rule and fate ? ...... 61, 62 35. By whom was Kieft succeeded in the office of governor ? ..... 62 36. Give an account of what occurred in 1664 ............... 63, 64 37. Give an account of the Leisler and Milborne troubles ...... 64, 65 38. Give an account of the settlement of New Jersey ............ 66 39. What connection did Penn have with the history of New Jersey? 67 40. During what period were New York and New Jersey united?. 68 41. When afterward was New Jersey a separate province? ....... 68 COLONIAL HISTORY. MAKYLAND. I. BY the charter granted to the London Company in 1609, the limits of Virginia were ex tended, and embraced all the territory now forming the States of Maryland, Virginia, and North Caro lina. The dissolution of the company having been effected in 1624, the whole region became the property of the crown. II. In 1631, William Clayborne obtained from Charles I. a license to traffic with the Indians. Under this authority, which was afterward con firmed by the Governor of Virginia, he established two trad ing-posts : one on Kent Island, in Chesapeake Bay, and the other at the mouth of the Susquehanna ; but the permanent settle ment of Maryland was accomplished by other agencies. III. Influenced by a desire to provide an asylum for Catho lics, then persecuted in England, Sir George Calvert, a Roman MARYLAND. I. QUESTIONS.!. Was Maryland once a part of Virginia ? 2. What other State was also a part ? 3. When and how did they become such ? 4. Wheii and by whom was the right to make divisions of the whole region afterward ac quired ? II. 5. What license did Clayborne obtain ? 6. "What did he do under its authority ? 7. How is Kent Island situated? (See map, p. 24.) S. Describe the Susquehanna River. (See map, p. 85.) 9. What large city is situated southwest from the mouth of the Susquehanna? (See same map.) III. 10. Who was Sir George Carteret ? 11. For what did he apply to the king? 12. What desire influenced him ? 13. Why was the charter issued to his son ? MARYLAND. The province granted to Cecil C vert, second Lord Baltimore, in I6 .li, was named in the charter Terra AIu- rias, Mary s Land, in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I., the English monarch, and daughter f Henry IV., King of France. Th motto o f the State, translated, is, In- crease and Multiply, MARYLAND. 71 LORD BALTIMORE (SECOND). Catholic nobleman, whose title was Lord Baltimore, applied for a charter to establish a colony in America. King Charles readily agreed to make the grant, but be fore the document received the royal seal, Calvert died. It was then issued to Cecil (se -sil) Cal vert, son of Sir George, who, by the death of his father, inherited the title of Lord Baltimore. IV. This charter was the most liberal one, in every respect, that had thus far been granted by the English crown. It secured to emigrants equality in religious rights and civil freedom, arid made the government of the colony independent of that of England. It also pro vided that no tax should be levied upon the colonists by the crown, and that no law should be established without the sanction of the freemen or their deputies. The province was called Maryland, in honor of Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. V. The first body of emigrants sent by Lord Baltimore con sisted of about two hundred persons, mostly Roman Catholics. Leonard Calvert, brother of the lord proprietary, who con ducted them from England, became the first governor. They arrived in 1634, and at once commenced a settlement, which they anticipated would become a great city, calling it St. Mary s.* VI. Clayborne, from the first, claimed Kent Island, and re fused to submit to the authority of the governor. Having determined to defend his claim by force of arms, a severe skirmish took place, in which his party suffered defeat. Clay- * Scarce a trace of the settlement now remains. IV. QUESTIONS. 14. What is said of the charter ? 15. Name four of its pro visions. 16. What is said of the colony s name ? V. 17. When, where, and by whom was Maryland settled? VI. 18. What claim did Clayborne insist upon ? 19. Give an account of the skir mish that followed. 2tt What further account can yon give of Clayborne? 72 COLONIAL HISTORY. borne himself had fled to Virginia just previous to the battle, but the Maryland Assembly having declared him guilty of treason, the Governor of Virginia sent the fugitive to England for trial. VII. His claim was refused ; but, being acquitted of the charge of treason, he returned to Maryland, and, in 1645, in cited a rebellion, in the course of which he made himself complete master of the province, and compelled the governor, in his turn, to fly into Virginia. In the following year, how ever, Calvert appeared at the head of a military force and recovered possession. VIII. After the governor s resumption of office, the assem bly enacted a law known as the " Toleration Act," which secured the free exercise of religious opinions to all persons professing belief in Jesus Christ. Although, by the terms of the charter, religious freedom was guaranteed to every indi vidual, yet, by the passage of this act, the guarantee received the sanction of law. IX. During the supremacy of Cromwell and the Puritans in England, Parliament appointed commissioners, of whom Clayborne was one, to administer the government of the colony. An act of the assembly declared that Catholics were not entitled to the protection of the laws of Maryland : this led to a civil war between the Catholics, who adhered to the proprietor, and the Protestants, who sided with Parliament. After Cromwell s death the rights of Lord Baltimore were restored, and, for nearly thirty years, the colony enjoyed re pose. X. Upon the death of the second Lord Baltimore, his son, Charles Calvert, inherited his title and became the proprietor of the province. He retained possession until 1691, when VII. QUESTIONS. 21. Give an account of " Clay borne 1 s Rebellion." VIII. 22. Of the Toleration Act IX. 23. How did Clayborne get to be a commissioner to administer the affairs of Maryland ? 24. Give an account of the civil war. 25. What change took placet after the death of Cromwell ? X. 26. What further can you state of the colonial history of Maryland? PENNSYLVANIA. 73 King William constituted Maryland a royal province, in which condition it continued for a space of more than twenty years. Finally, in 1715, the proprietor s rights were restored to his infant heir, the fourth Lord Baltimore, and Maryland remained a proprietary government from that time till the Revolution. PENNSYLVANIA. I. IN T the early part of 1681, William Penn,* whom we have already spoken of in the history of New Jersey, actuated by a desire to found a colony where civil and religious liberty would be enjoyed, and where the people might dwell to gether in the bonds of peace, obtained from Charles II., in payment of a debt due to his father, a grant of all the territory within the present limits of Pennsylvania. The permanent settlement of the colony dates from the founding of Philadel phia^ in 1682, by Penn, William Penn was born in London, in 16-i4. He died at Ruscorabe, Berks t Philadelphia, signifying brotherly love, though the name of a city in Asia Minor, was so called by Peun because of its intrinsic significance. PENNSYLVANIA. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What grant of land was made in 1681 ? 2. What was Perm s ruling desire ? 3. When was Pennsylvania settled? 4. At what place ? 5. Where and by whom had previous settlements been made ? 4 COLONIAL HISTORY. though small settlements of Swedes had been previously made on the Island of Tinicum and on the western bank of the Delaware. II. In addition to the grant from King Charles, Penn be came, by purchase and grant from the Duke of York, the proprietor of all that section now constituting the State of Delaware: this, he called the "Territories" or the "Three Lower Counties on the Delaware." As the natural conse quence of these two grants being made to the same party, all the territory embraced in both was united under one govern ment. III. Penn s arrival in America w r as greeted by the settlers of Delaware, and those whom he had sent to Pennsylvania in the previous year, 1681, with great enthusiasm; and, after several meetings for conference with the Indians, he made his famous treaty with the " red men" beneath a wide-spreading elm, at a place now called Kensington, a suburb of Philadel phia, and paid them for their lands. This treaty was " never sworn to and never broken." IV. His treatment of the Swedes on the Delaware was also marked by a spirit of liber ality. To them he gave assu rances that they should not be molested in their religion or laws. The wisdom of his course toward the Indians, as well as of his government gen erally, was soon apparent, for WILLIAM I ENN. the colony had a more rapid and peaceful growth than any other in America. II. QUESTIONS. 6. What territory was added to Penn s jurisdiction? 7. How was it so added? 8. What name did Penn give to the territory acquired from the Duke of York ? III. 9. How was Penn received in America? 10. What took place at Kensing ton ? 11. Where is Kensington ? 12. What statement is made respecting the treaty ? IV. 13. How did Penn treat the Swedes ? 14. What assurances did he give them ? 15. What was soon apparent? 16. How was it made apparent? PENNSYLVANIA. V. After devoting himself zealously for two years to his duties, he intrusted his government to a council, and ? termi nating his first visit to America by sailing for England, left a prosperous colony behind of seven thousand persons. After a lapse of fifteen years he made a second visit to Pennsylva nia ; but during his absence the " Three Lower Counties on the Delaware" had become dissatisfied and withdrawn from the union. In England he had been imprisoned on account of his supposed adherence to the cause of James II., the deposed king, and the government of his province had been conferred upon Colonel Fletcher, the Governor of New York, who re united Delaware to Pennsylvania. VI. Penn found his colonists discontented and clamorous for greater political privileges. He thereupon offered them a new frame of government, more liberal than the former one, which the people of Pennsylvania gladly accepted ; but the Delaware colonists declined it, declaring that they preferred to exist as an independent colony. Their preference was so far acquiesced in, as to allow them an assembly of their own. VII. Penn directed his attention to various reforms, having reference, especially, to the condition of the Indians and ne groes ; but his plans were arrested by tidings from England of a ministerial project for abolishing all the proprietary govern ments in America. Deeming his presence in England neces sary to the defeat of the project, he sailed from the colony in 1701, and never visited it again. VIII. Upon his death, which occurred in 1718, he left his American possessions to his three sons, who continued to ad minister the government, most of the time by deputies, until the Revolution, when their claims were purchased by the com monwealth of Pennsylvania. V. QUESTIONS. 17. What was the length of Perm s first visit to America? 18. How many colonists were there then in Pennsylvania? 19. "When did he again visit Pennsylvania? 20. What had occurred during his absence? VI. 21. How did Penn find his colonists? 22. What did he offer them? 23. Did they accept his offer ? 24. What was done as regards Delaware ? VII. 25. To what did Penn direct his attention ? 26. What arrested his plans ? 27. What followed ? VIII. 28. Give the subsequent colonial history of Pennsylvania. COLONIAL HISTORY. DEL A WAEE. I. THE settlement of Delaware may be said to have its origin in the de sire of Gustavus Adol- phus, the renowned king of Sweden, to found a free colony in the New World for all persecuted Christians. His death occurring before the pro ject was undertaken, a delay of several years fol lowed; but finally a char ter was granted by the government of that conn- try to the Swedish West India Company. II. In 1638 a body of about fifty emigrants, sent out by the com pany, arrived at Cape Henlopen. After purchasing of the In dians all the lands from the Cape to the Falls of the Delaware, at Trenton, they erected a fort and commenced a settle ment on Christiana Creek, near Wilmington. The territory thus purchased they called New Sweden, and, under the di rection of Peter Minuits, a former governor of New Nether lands, settlements were multiplied and contentment prevailed. III. The Dutch of New Netherlands were far from looking DELAWARE. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What was the origin of the settlement of Dela ware ? 2. What charter was granted ? II. 3. When was Delaware settled ? 4 What purchase of lands did the Swedes make ? 5. How is Cape Henlopen situated? (See map, p. 24.) 6. In what part of Delaware is Wilmington situated? (See map, p. 24.) 7. What did the Swedes call their territory ? 8. Who was the first governor of New Sweden ? DELAWARE. Delaware Bay and River A med in honor of Lord Delaware, who of Virginia in 1611. When" the present State of Delaware :ame into the possession of Wm. Penn,he & territories or three lower f the State. The motto of lh tate is, Liberty and Independei DELAWARE. upon these proceedings with favor. They protested against, what they considered, the intrusion upon their territory, and menaced the settlements with destruction ; but the Swedes, anxious to retain their possessions, heeded neither protest nor menace. On Tinicum Island, situated a few miles below Phila delphia, they built a fort, and there established the capital of the province. A fort which the Dutch afterward constructed, near their settlement on Christiana Creek, they destroyed. IV. In revenge for these defiant measures, Stuy vesant, then governor of New Netherlands, with a force of more than six hundred men, proceeded, in 1655, against the Swedes, sub jected them to the authority of Holland, and thus put an end to Swedish power in America. V. The Dutch retained possession of Delaware till they, in turn, were overpowered by the English, in 1664. From that time till 1682 it was connected with the province of New York. By the grant made to William Perm, in 1682, Dela ware was joined to the government of Pennsylvania, and the connection existed, with more or less closeness, until the Revo lution. III. QUESTIONS. 9. How did the Dutch look upon the Swedish settlements ? 10. What can you say of their protests and menaces ? 11. What did the Swedes do at Tinicum Island ? 12. How is Tinicum Island situated ? (See map, p. 68.) IV. 13. What did Stuyvesant do ? 14. When was the colony of New Sweden broken up ? V. 15. How long did the Dutch retain possession of Delaware ? 16. What further account of the colony can you give ? 78 COLONIAL HISTORY. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. T m 1. IHE earliest at tempts to settle North Carolina, as before de scribed, were made by parties of English emi grants, sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1585 and 1587. The whole region extending from Albemarle Sound to the St. John s River in Flori da, and designated as Carolina, was granted, in 1630, to Sir Robert Heath ; but as he made no attempts at coloniza tion, or at least none that were successful, the grant was subsequently declar ed forfeited. II. In 1663 this same territory was granted by Charles II. to Lord Clarendon and seven other noblemen of England. Previous to this, in or about 1650, a number of emigrants from Virginia had made a settlement upon the Chowan River, near the present village of Edenton, which was afterward called " The Albemarle County Colony." After the grant to Clarendon and his associates had been made, it was discover- NORTII AND SOUTH CAROLINA. I. QUESTIONS. 1. When and by whom were the first attempts made to settle North Carolina ? 2. What grant was made in 1630 ? 3. Why was it afterward declared forfeited ? II. 4. What grant was made in 1G63 ? 5. When, where, and by whom was North Carolina settled ? 6. Describe the Chowan River ? (See map, p. 79.) 7. How is Edenton situated? (See same map.) 8. Which colony was called the "Albe. marie County Colony ?" NORTH CAROLINA. Abody of Huguenots, under command of Ribault, landed at Port Royal en trance, in 156-2, and built a fort to which they grave the name of Carolina, in hon or of King Charles (Carolus) of France. It was thus that Carolina received its name. The Seal of North Carolina is given above. The State has no motto. NORTH AND 6OUTH CAROLINA. ed that the settlement upon the Chowan was outside of the northern boundary of the province : a new grant was therefore given, by which the limits of Carolina were extended from Virginia to the middle of Florida. III. A second settlement was made in North Carolina, pre vious to the grant to Clarendon and others, by a band of New England adventurers. This was near Wilmington ; but as it did not prosper it was soon abandoned. In 1665 a company of planters, from Barbadoes, founded a permanent settlement not far from the site of the former one near Wilmington, which was afterwards called " The Clarendon County Colony." IV. As it was anticipated by Clarendon and the other proprietors that Carolina would become a powerful empire, III. QUESTIONS. 9. What is said of a second settlement in North Carolina ? 10. Of the " Clarendon County Colony ?" IV. 11. What anticipation did Clarendon and his associates entertain? 12. What, therefore, did they decide upon ? 13. What accordingly was done? 14. How did the constitution work ? 80 COLONIAL HISTORY. they decided to have a form of government adequate to the grandeur of their anticipation. Accordingly, a constitution was prepared by the Earl of Shaftesbury, a statesman of ability, and John Locke, the eminent philosopher ; but, as might have been expected, it proved unsatisfactory to the colonists, not being suited to their circumstances ; and, after a strife of more than twenty years, it was repealed. V. The earliest at tempt to plant a colony in South Carolina was made by the Huguenots at Port Royal entrance, as before stated, in 1562. In 1670, more than a century after, a colony was founded on the west ern bank of the Ashley River, near its mouth, which, in honor of one of the grantees of Carolina, was called " The Carteret County Colony." In the course of time most of " The Clarendon Coun ty " settlers removed to the southern colony, and thus, as only two colonies remained in Carolina, the northern one was designated as North Carolina, while the other was known as South Caro lina. VI. The people of the southern colony, in a few years, came to the conclusion that the site of their settlement had not V. QUESTIONS. 15. What was the first attempt to settle South Carolina? 16 When, where, and by whom was South Carolina settled ? IT. What name was o. iven the colony ? 18. What took place in the course of time ? 19. How did North and South Carolina come by their names ? SOUTH CAROLINA. 1729 Carolina was sold to the King of England, and then separated into North and South Carolina. The Seal of South irolma is given above. The motto of the Slate \a,Animis opi- busqueparati, Ever ready with our lives and property. GEORGIA. 81 been well chosen, and that a location at the junction of the Cooper and Ashley Rivers would give them better facilities for commerce. Acting npon this conviction, they abandoned their first settlements, after an occupancy there of ten years, and, in 1680, laid the foundation of their new town, calling it Charleston, in honor of Charles II., King of England. VII. In 1729 Carolina was sold to the King of England, and then separated into North and South Carolina. From that time till the Revolution they were royal provinces. GEOKGIA. I. THE territory of Georgia, it will be recollected, was in cluded in the grant of Carolina, made in 1663, to Clarendon and others. After a period of sixty-six years it again became the property of the crown, at which time it was still a wilder ness, unoccupied except by savage tribes. II. Though claimed by Spain as a part of Florida, the English king, George II., disregarded the claim, and, in 1732, granted to a corporation of twenty-one trustees, for twenty- one years, all that tract between the Savannah and Altamaha (al-ta-ma-haw ] Rivers, which, in honor of the king, was called Georgia. The object of the corporation was to provide an asylum in America for the destitute of England, the grant being " in trust for the poor." VI. QUESTIONS. 20. What did the people of the southern colony conclude upon, in the course of time ? 21. How long did they stop at the first place settled ? 22. When was Charleston settled ? 23. How is Charleston situated ? (See map, p. 79.) VII. 24. What took place in 1729 ? 25. What is said of the subsequent colonial history of the two Carolinas ? GEOKGIA. I. 1. In what grant was the territory of Georgia at first included? 2. How long did it remain as a part of that grant? 3. What did it then become ? II. 4. What claim was set up by Spain ? 5. Notwithstanding the claim, what was done by the English king? 6. Describe the Savannah Eiver. (See map, p. 79.) 7. The Altamaha. (See map of Georgia.) 8. Why was Georgia so called ? 9. What was the object of the corporation ? 4* 82 COLONIAL HISTORY. III. The first settle ment was made in 1733, the year after the grant, by one hundred and twenty persons, under the guidance of James Oglethorpe * (o -gl- thorp), a member of the British Parliament, one of the trustees, and gov ernor of the colony. On a high bluff overlooking a river, the foundation of a town was laid, which received the name of Savannah. IV. The colony made rapid increase in num bers, but, owing to the poverty of the settlers, and to thtir being unac- O customed to habits of industry, as also to the impolitic regu lations established by the trustees, it did not grow much in wealth. Oglethorpe made two visits to England: in the first, returning with about three hundred emigrants ; and in the second, with a regiment of six hundred men for the defense of the southern frontier, which was threatened by the Span iards. V. In consequence of the conflicting claims to territory, * General James Oglethorpe was born in England, in 1688. He died there in 1785. III. QUESTIONS. 10. When and where was Georgia settled? 11. Who was Ogle- ehorpe? 12. How is Savannah situated? (See map, p. 79.) IV. 13. What is said of the colony s growth in population ? 14. Of its growth in wealth? 15. How many visits did Oglethorpe make to England? 16. Whom did he bring with him on his first return to the colony? 17. Whom, on his second? 18. Why did he bring the regiment? GEORGIA. 83 JAMES OGLETIIORPE. and during a war between Eng land and France, the colonists be came involved in hostilities with their Spanish neighbors. An ex pedition, under Oglethorpe, in vaded Florida to go against St. Augustine, but returned unsuc cessful. In 17 42, two years after, this invasion was retaliated, and a Spanish fleet, with a large number of men, appeared at the mfmth of the Altamaha River. The troops landed captured one fort, and were proceeding against another, situated on St. Simon s Island, when, by a stratagem conceived by Oglethorpe, they became alarmed, retreated to their ship ping, and sailed for Florida. VI. Peace was soon after restored ; but, though the colonists were free from one source of trouble, they were not satisfied with the rule of the corporation. This state of things, never theless, existed until 1752, when, wearied with their trouble some charge, the trustees surrendered their charter to the crown, and Georgia became a royal province. V. QUESTIONS. 19. What was the cause of the hostility between the people of Georgia and Florida? 20. Give an account of the expedition against St. Augus tine. 21. How is St. Augustine situated? (See map, p. 320.) 22. Give an account of the retaliativeexpedition. 23. How is St. Simon s Island situated? VI. 24. How did the colonists feel after the war? 25. How long did the trustees continue to rule ? 26. What took place then ? KEYIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. Give the history of Maryland previous to 1631 70 2. What trading ports did Clayborne establish? 70 3. Give some account of Sir George Calvert 70, 71 4. What grant was made to Cecil Calvert? 71 5. What liberal provisions did the charter contain? 71 6. Give an account of the first settlement 71 84 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 7 "What trouble did Clayborne give to the colony ? 71 8. Give an account of Clayborne up to the year 1645 71, 72 9. What success did he have against Governor Calvert? 72 10. "What liberal act was passed by the Maryland Assembly? 72 11. "What intoleration was shown by a subsequent assembly ? 72 12. Give a history of the ownership of Maryland 70, 71, 72, 73 13. "What grant of land did Charles II. make to William Penn?. . . 73 14. Was the grant a gift, or did Penn pay for it ? 73 15. What settlement was made in the year 1682 ? . 73 16. What people had previouslf settled in Pennsylvania? 74 17. How did Penn acquire the territory of Delaware? 74 18. By what two names did Penn call Delaware ? 74 19. How did Penn treat the Indians, as regards their land ? 74 20. What treatment did the Swedes receive at his hands? 74 21. What was the consequence of his righteous course? 74 22. What did Penn do after being two years in America? 75 23. How many years did be remain from his colony ? 75 24. What had caused him to remain away so long? 75 25. Why did he leave the colony again in 1701 ? 75 26. After Penn s death, to whom did he leave his colony?. ...... 75 27. How were the claims of Penn s heirs afterward disposed of?... 75 28. Who was Gustavus Adolphus ? 70 29. What desire, with reference to colonization, did lie have ? 76 30. When was his desire carried out ? 76 31. What account can you give of Peter Minuits ? 61, 76 32. Where did the Swedes settle, and locate their capital ? 76, 77 33. Give an account of the expedition against the Swedes 77 34. What can you tell of the subsequent history of Delaware?. ... 77 35. What were the first attempts to settle North Carolina?. .21, 22, 78 36. Give an account of "The Albemarle County Colony." 78, 79 37. Give an account of " The Clarendon County Colony." 79 38. What was done- to make Carolina a powerful empire ? 79, 80 39. Give an account of the first attempt to settle South Carolina. . . 20 40. Give an account of " The Carteret County Colony." 80 41. What change was made in the South Carolina Colony in 1680?. 81 42. When was Carolina separated into two provinces? 81 43. During what period did Georgia belong to Clarendon & Co. ? . . . 81 44. During what subsequent period did it belong to the king? 81 45. What can you say of the grant made in 1732 ? 81 46. In what year was Georgia first settled ? 82 47. Who was the leading man in the settlement of Georgia? 83 48. Give an account of Oglethrope s expedition southward 83 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 85 H OWING THE LOCATION OT SOME OF THE OST IMPORTANT EVENTS or THE RENCHfir INDIAN WAR (Questions to be answered from the above map.) How is Williamsburg situated ? Where was Fort Le Boeuf? In what direction did Washington travel, in going from Williamsburg to Fort Le Boenf ? What two rivers, uniting, form the Ohio ? Where did Fort Duquesne stand ? What two forts were on Lake Champlain ? Where was Fort William Henry ? Fort Oswego ? Fort Niagara? Fort Schuyler ? Fort Edward? ForlVenango? Fort Necessity ? 86 SECTION III. THE FKENCH AND INDIAN WAE. L ALTHOUGH the boundaries between the British and French possessions in America had been, for more than a quarter of a century, a subject of dispute, the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, made in 1748, left them still undefined. II. The English, basing their title upon the discoveries made by the Cabots, laid claim to all the territory from New foundland to Florida, extending from the Atlantic to the Pa cific. The French claimed all the interior portion adjacent to the rivers St. Lawrence and Mississippi and their tributaries, upon the ground that they had been the first to explore and occupy it ; and, the better to secure their claim, they erected forts at various places through this region, so as to make a complete chain of defenses from Nova Scotia to the mouth of the Mississippi. III. In consequence of these conflicting claims, a war broke out between England and her colonies on the one side, and France and her colonies, largely aided by the Indians, on the other, which is generally known as " The French and Indian War," or " The Old French War." It was a contest for ter ritory and dominion in America. EVENTS OF 1753. I. The first hostile act, it was alleged, was perpetrated by the French. They seized three British traders, whom they FRENCH AND INDIAN WAB. I. QUESTIONS. 1. When was the treaty of Aix-la- Chapelle made? 2. What had been for many years previous a subject of dispute? 3. In what condition did the treaty leave the boundaries? II. 4. What territory did the English claim? 5. What, the French? 6. Upon what did the English base their claim ? 7. What was the ground of the French claim? 8. What measures did the French adopt in order to secure their claim ? III. 9. What was the cause of the French and Indian War? 10. By what other name is the war also known ? 11. What was the war a contest for? EVENTS OF 1753. I. 1. By whom was the first hostile act of the war committed ? 2. Give an account of it 3. How is Erie situated ? (See map, p. 85.) FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 87 regarded as intruders upon their territory, and im prisoned them at Presque Isle (pres keel), now Erie, situated in the northwestern extremity of Pennsylvania. II. At the time of this event, there was in existence an organization which had been chartered in 1749, four years before, by the name of " The Ohio Company." This associ ation consisted of gentlemen, principally Virginians, who had obtained from the King of England a grant of six hundred thousand acres of land, on and near the Ohio River, for the purpose of carrying on the fur trade with the Indians and of settling the country. III. The French saw, in the formation of the Ohio Com pany, a systematic scheme, the first, perhaps, in a series of similar ones, to deprive them of their possessions, and, as a consequence, of their traffic and influence among the Indians: hence their seizure and imprisonment of the three traders ; hence, too, the vast preparations for hostile contingencies which they began to make, not the least of which was the erection of forts between the Alleghany River and Lake Erie. IV. The Ohio Company, on learning of these hostile meas ures, laid their complaints before the lieutenant-governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie. As the grant to the -company was within the original charter limits of Virginia, and as, per haps for no less a reason, the lieutenant-governor was a stock holder in the concern, the complaints were listened to with a willing ear. V. It was at once determined to send a letter to the French commander, remonstrating against the aggressive acts of his II. QUESTIONS. 4. Give an account of the origin, composition, and purposes of the Ohio Company. III. 5. How did the French regard the Ohio Company ? 6. How then did the French justify their seizure of the three traders? 7. Where did they erect forts to oppose the Ohio Company ? 8. What three forts were erected between the Alle ghany River and Lake Erie? Any. One at Presque Isle, and (for the other two see map, p 85.) IV. 9. To whom did the Ohio Company complain ? 10. Why did the governor listen to their complaints? 88 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. men, and demanding their withdrawal from the territory. This message was intrusted to George Washington, then a young man npt twenty-two years of age, who had, by the manner in which he had discharged the duties of adjutant-general of one of the districts of Virginia, acquired a reputation for prudence and ability. VI. Washington set out on his mission on the last day of October, 1753, from Williamsburg, then the capital of Virginia. After a difficult and dangerous journey of four hundred miles, more than half of which was through a wilderness inhabited by hostile Indians, he reached Fort Venango (ve-nang -go) , whence he was conducted to Fort Le Boeuf (buf). Here he found St. Pierre (pe-are f ), the French commander. VII. St. Pierre s reply was also by letter. He stated, in substance, that he could not leave the territory, as he was act ing by the orders of his superior officer, the Marquis du Quesne (kane), Governor-general of Canada, whose head-quarters were at Montreal (mont-re-aul ). EVENTS OF 1754. I. After an absence of eleven weeks, during which he en countered on his journey severe hardships, amid snow, icy floods, and hostile Indians, Washington reached Williams- burg and delivered St. Pierre s letter to Dinwiddie. This document, and the report which Washington made of the ex- V. QUESTIONS. 11. What did Dinwiddie at once determine upon? 12. To whom was the message intrusted ? 13. How old was Washington at the time ? 14. What military position had he held? 15. How had he discharged its duties? VI. 16. When and from what place did Washington set out? 17. Give an account of the journey to Fort Le Boeuf. 18 How was. Fort Venango situated? (Sec map, p. 85.) 19. What village now occupies the site of Fort Venango? Am. franklin. 20. How is Fort Le Boeuf situated? (See map, p. 85.) 21. What, village now occu pies the site of Fort Le Bceuf? Ans. Waterford. J2. Where did he find the French commander? 23. What was the commander s name? VII. 24. Did St. Pierre return a verbal or written reply ? 25. "What did he state in the letter? 26. How is Montreal situated ? (See map, p. 85.) EVENTS OF 1754. I. 1. How long was Washington absent on his mission? 2. Give an account of his homeward journey. 3. "What report did he make ? 4. Of what were Dinwiddie and hia council convinced? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 89 tensive warlike preparations he had discovered on H his journey, convinced the lieutenant-governor and his council that the French were intending to penetrate the territory of Virginia and take military possession. No time was therefore to be lost. II. At the confluence of the Alleghany and Monongahela Rivers the Ohio Company commenced the construction of a fort; and an expedition, of which Washington, at first second in command, soon became chief, was sent to protect the work men, assist in the building, and afterwards to garrison the place. III. But the French were too quick for the English : before the fort was half completed, a strong force, augmented greatly by Indians, had come from Venango and summoned the men there to surrender. What could the English do ? Less than forty in number, they capitulated and withdrew. The French completed the works, and called the place Fort Duquesne. IV. Washington, it will be seen, did not reach the fort. Learning that it had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and that a strong force was marching to intercept him, he fell back and took a position in a place called the Great Meadows. Here word came to him that a detachment of the French had advanced to within a few miles of his position, where they were skulking, evidently with hostile intent. With the determination of forestalling their. design, he sallied forth, came upon the foe by surprise, and, in the contest that followed, killed or captured all but one, their commander, Jumonville (zhoo- mony-veel 1 ), being among the slain. II. QUESTIONS. 5. Where did the Ohio Company commence to build a fort? 6. Describe the Alleghany River. (See map, p. 85.) 7. Describe the Monongahela Eivec, (See same map.) 8. What expedition did Washington Lave the command of? III. 9. How much of the "new fort" did the English succeed in building? 10. What then took place ? 11. "What name did the French give it? IV. 12. Did Washington reach the fort or not? 13. Why not? 14. Where were the Great Meadows ? (See map, p. 85.) 15. What word came to him at the Great Meadows? 16. Describe the battle that followed. IT. By what name is the battle known? Ana. The battle of the Great Meadows. 90 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. V. This battle, fought on the 28th of May, 1754, was Washington s first, as it was also the first of the war. Though the numbers engaged in it were small, its ef fects in the grand contest, of which it was the precursor, were by no means unimportant. VI. Washington s first care was in relation to the prisoners. These he sent, without delay, to Dinwiddie, and at once be gan to make preparations to resist the strong force coming against him. At his position in the Great Meadows, a fort which he had previously commenced was completed: and, owing to the pinching famine that prevailed during its con struction, he named it Fort Necessity. VII. Here he was attacked by a force of fifteen hundred French and Indians, commanded by De Villiers (vil-le-are ). After a brave defense of ten hours, continued till near mid night, while a violent rain-storm prevailed, he capitulated on the following morning, July 4th, 1754; and, before noon, marched out of the fort with the honors of war. VIII. Although war as yet had not been formally declared between the two nations, England and France, the British ministry, in anticipation of that event, recommended the colonies to unite in some plan for their common defense. In conformity therewith, a congress, held at Albany, made a treaty with the Indians of the Six Nations ; and adopted a plan of union, which had been prepared by Dr. Franklin, a delegate from Philadelphia. IX. The plan, however, was never carried into effect : the colonial assemblies rejected it because it gave too much power V. QUESTIONS. 18. "When was the battle of the Great Meadows fought? 19 What further can you say of it ? VI. 20. What was Washington s first care ? 21. What did he do with them ? 22. "What preparations did he then begin to make? 23. What fort was built? 24 What name was given to it, and why ? VII. 25. Give an account of the battle that took place there? VIII. 26. What recommendation did the British ministry make? 27. What was accordingly done ? IX. 28. What further can you say of the plan ? 29. What was then determined upon? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 91 to the crown, while, singularly enough, the crown also rejected it because it gave too much power to the people. It was then determined that the war should be carried on with British troops, and such auxiliary forces as the colonial assemblies might voluntarily furnish. EVENTS OF 1755. I. The disaster at Fort Necessity, together with the hostile attitude of the French government, aroused the attention of the British ministry, and preparations, on an extensive scale, were speedily made for aggressive operations in America. II. Four expeditions were ac cordingly planned for 1755 : one to expel the French from Nova Scotia ; another against Crown Point, to be led by Sir William Johnson; the third against Nia- agara, to be commanded by Gov ernor Shirley (shur -le), of Massa chusetts ; and the fourth against Fort Duquesrie. General Brad- GENKRAL BRADDOCK . dock,* an officer of distinction, who had been sent to America as commander-in-chief of all the royal forces in the colonies, took the immediate charge of the expedition against Duquesne. III. Colonel Monckton (monk -tun), commanding the first expedition, landed at the head of the Bay of Fundy, where he was joined by General Winslow, a New Englander, with * General Edward Braddock was born in Perthshire County, Scotland, about the year 1690. Before he came to America he had been forty years in the British army, and had served with credit in the wars against Spain, Portugal, and Germany. EVENTS OF 1755. I. QUESTION8.1. "What aroused the attention of the British ministry? 2. What preparations followed? II. 3. How many expeditions were planned for the year? 4. "What were they? 5. What part was assigned to Braddock ? III. 6. Who commanded the expedition against Port Eoyal? 7. Give an ac count of it. 92 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. -,*,-*. about three thousand troops from Massachusetts. The two forts of the French situated there were captured in June, 1755 ; the settlements of the Nova Scotians were wantonly destroyed ; a beautiful and fertile country was reduced to a solitude, and the inhabitants, by thousands, were driven on board the English ships, and scattered among the colonists of New England and other places. IV. Of the four expeditions planned for the year s cam paign, Washington became enlisted in the one against Fort Duquesne, and, during the memorable and disastrous battle that occurred, distinguished himself by his courage and pres ence of mind. Braddock, who was arrogant and conceited, marched his troops through the wilderness with great formality, as if against a foe of European tactics, in disregard of the suggestions of Washington, who was acting as his aide-de camp, and who was well acquainted with the mode of warfare practiced by the Indians. The result was, that when within ten miles of the fort he fell into an ambush, and was defeated with great loss. V. The British troops retreated in great disorder until they reached the Great Meadows, a distance of forty miles, where Braddock, who had been mortally wounded in the engage ment, died. This battle, sometimes called the battle of the Monongahela, occurred on the 9th of July, 1755, a little more than a year after Washington s capitulation at Fort Necessity. VI. By the death of Braddock, Shirley became the com- mander-in-chief of the royal forces in America. His expedi tion, though less disastrous than the one against Duquesne, was also a failure. His troops, assembled at Oswego, were de layed for months; the disaster of the Monongahela pars- IV. QUESTIONS. 8. In which expedition did Washington take part ? 9. What is said of his conduct in the battle that occurred? 10. What was Braddock s char acter? 11. What illustration of his character is given ? 12. What was the result? V. 13. What was Braddock s fate? 14. When did the battle occur? 15. By what name is it sometimes known ? VI. 16. Who succeeded Braddock as commander-in-chief? 17. What account eim you give of his expedition ? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 93 lyzed his efforts; the Indian allies deserted; and, finally, the expedition was abandoned. VII. The expedition under Johnson, though not resulting in the capture or destruction of Crown Point, was a success ful one. The troops employed were mostly from Massa chusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. At the " carrying- place," between the Hudson River and Lake George, a force of about six thousand men assembled under General Lyman, and constructed a fort, which was at first called Fort Lyman, but, owing to the jealousy of Johnson, was subsequently named by him Fort Edward. Upon the arrival of the com mander of the expedition, he moved forward with the main body of his men to the head of Lake George, fifteen miles from Fort Edward. YIII. While encamped here, the Indian scouts brought word that the enemy, French and In dians, two thousand strong, were on their march to attack Fort Edward. They were commanded by the Baron Dieskau (de-es-ko ), who had proceeded from Montreal (mont-re-aul r ) to Crown Point, and thence to the head of Lake Champlain. Losing no time, Johnson sent Colonel Williams with a thousand New England -troops, and the renowned chief Hendrick, with two hundred In dian warriors, to intercept the enemy. IX. But Dieskau changed his plan. As he approached the fort, his Indian allies, fearful of its cannon, refused to VII. QUESTIONS. 18. From what places did the men of Johnson s army come? 19. Where did a large force assemble? 20. Who, at first, commanded them there? 21. What building did they construct? 22. Where was Fort Edward situated? (See map, p. 85.) 23. Upon Johnson s arrival what did he do ? 24 In what direc tion from Fort Edward is Lake George ? (See map, p. 85.) VIII. 25. What word was brought to Johnson? 26. By whom was the invading force commanded ? 2T. What route had Dieskau taken ? 28. What did Johnson at once do ? 94 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. ,H-~ proceed to the attack ; he therefore took another di- 1 t OO. rection to go against the army at the lake, and, in so doing, took the road by which the forces sent out by John son were marching. Through his Indian scouts he soon heard of the approaching enemy. The res alt was, that the Eng lish and their allies were drawn into an ambush, on the 8th of September, and, after being defeated with signal slaughter, losing among their killed both Williams and Hendrick, they fled back to Johnson s camp, pursued by Dieskau. X. From behind a hastily formed breastwork of trees Johnson fired upon the assailants, but, being slightly wounded early in the action, retired to his tent. The defense, which was most gallantly kept up by the New England troops, was turned into an attack by General Lyman, the next in command, and the French and their Indian allies were routed with great slaughter. XI. Dieskau was found by the pursuers, wounded and alone, leaning against the stump of a tree. As they approached, he felt for his watch, to insure kind treatment by delivering it up : a soldier, thinking he was feeling for his pistol, shot him, inflicting an incurable wound. He was conveyed a prisoner to the English camp, and subse quently sent to Europe. After suffering for ten years, he died of the injuries which he had re ceived. XII. Johnson, instead of fol lowing up the victory, as he was urged to by his officers, loitered away the autumn, doing nothing except building a useless fort of wood near his encampment, which received the name of Fort SIK WILLIAM JOHNSON. IX. QUESTIONS. 29. What change took place in Dieskau s movements? 80. Describe what followed. X. 31. Give an account of the battle at Johnson s camp. XL 32. Give the subsequent history of Dieskau. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 95 William Henry. This he garrisoned, as also Fort H Edward, and then, as winter approached, he retired to Albany. Though General Lyman was the real hero of the campaign, Johnson* received the thanks of Parliament for the victory, was voted 5,000, and created a baronet of Great Britain. EVENTS OF 1756. I. Shirley s career as commander-in -chief of the royal forces in America drew to a close in the spring of 1756, when he was superseded by General Abercrombie, who was appointed to act until the arrival of Lord London. Dieskau s successor as commander-in-chief in Canada was the Marquis de Mont- calm (mont-kam f ). II. Although for a long time hostilities had been carried on in America between England and France, yet no formal dec laration of war was made until May of 1756, when England proclaimed hostilities against France, and, soon after, the latter power issued a declaration against England. III. The plan of the campaign for 1756, adopted by a con vention of colonial governors held at Albany, did not differ much from that of the preceding year Crown Point, Niag ara, and Fort Duquesne being the places aimed against. No part of it, however, was carried out, nor, beyond some tardy preparations, even attempted. Abercrombie, deeming the forces under his command inadequate, waited for the arrival of London, and the earl, when he came, effected nothing. * Sir William Johnson was born in Ireland, in 1715. He died at his residence near Johnstown, Fulton County, New York, in 1774. XII. QUESTIONS. 33. What should Johnson at once have done? 34. What did he do instead ? 35. How was he rewarded ? 36. State why the reward was not justly bestowed. 37. How is Fort William Henry situated? (See map, p. 85.) EVENTS OF 1756. I. 1. What changes took place in the commanders of the re spective forces? II. 2. What is said of the declaration of war? III. 3. What is said of the plan of operations for 1756? 4. Was the plan carried oat or not ? 5. State the cause. 96 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 1756 ^ "^^ S ^ e Drench. I* 1 an expedition against Oswego, which was then defended by two forts, Mont- calm laid siege to the place, drove the garrison out of one of the forts into the other, killed the commander, Colonel Mercer, and compelled the English to sur render. Fourteen hundred prisoners and a large amount of stores and money fell into the hands of the vic tors. After demolishing the forts, to allay the jealousy of the Indians, Montcalm left Oswego a solitude, and returned . to Canada. V. The defeat of Braddock, in 1755, left the western fron tier in a defenseless condition. Incited by French emissaries, the tribes of the Ohio commenced the work of desolation, and killed or carried into captivity about a thousand of the inhab itants. It was therefore evident that the inroads of the sav ages must be checked, or, in a short time, not a single white man, friendly to the English, would remain in that region. VI. A party of less than three hundred men, commanded by Colonel Armstrong, undertook to destroy Kittanning, the chief town of the perfidious tribes. The march through the forest was long and perilous, but the stronghold was reached, thirty or forty warriors were killed, and Kittanning was left a smoking ruin. EVENTS OF 1757. I. Loudon s plan of operations for 1757 was limited to an expedition against Louisburg (loo -is-burg). He sailed from IV. QUESTIONS. 6. Give an account of Montcalm s success against Oswego. 7. What did be do there after the victory ? S. How is Oswego situated ? (See map, p. 96.) V. 9. What induced the tribes of the Ohio to become hostile to the English set tlers? 10. What deeds of wrong were they guilty of ? 11. What became evident? VI. 12. Give an account of the expedition against Kittanning. 13. How is Kit- tanning situated ? (See map, p. 85.) EVENTS OF 1757. I. 1. Give an account of Loudon s operations during 1757. 2. How is Halifax situated ? (See map, p. 103.) 3. How is Louisburg situated ? (See same map.) FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 9*7 1757. New York with about six thousand men, and, at Halifax, was joined by a powerful naval armament and land force from England ; but, learning that the French were prepared for defense, he abandoned the enterprise and returned to New York. II. This, like the previous year, through the energy and ability of Montcalm, showed a marked superiority to the French arms. In the beginning of August that commander, with nine thousand men, two thousand of whom were Indians, laid siege to Fort William Henry. For six days, its com mander, Colonel Monroe, kept up a vigorous defense, trusting to receive aid from General Webb, who, at the time, was in command of a large force at Fort Edward. III. At length, learning that no assistance would be sent, and being entirely without ammunition, he was compelled to surrender on the 9th, capitulating that his men should havo a safe escort to Webb s quarters. Notwithstanding this stipu lation, the English had hardly left the fort before the Indian allies of Montcalm, incited by the hope of plunder, attacked them and massacred a large number. Fort William Henry was demolished by order of Montcalm ; and thus the year 1757 passed, like its pre decessor, without a single advantage to the English. IV. In consequence of the WILLIAM PITT. II. QUESTIONS. 4. How did the operations of 1757 compare with those of the previous year? 5. When and by whom was Fort William Henry besieged? 6. Who commanded the fort? 7. What is said of his defense ? III. 8. What unwelcome information reached Colonel Monroe? 9. How was he not in a condition to make a further defense ? 10. Give an account of the mas sacre. 11. What became of the fort? 12. Where did it stand? (See map, p. 85.) IV. 13. What change took place in the British Government ? 14. What as re gards the command of the royal forces in America? 6 98 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. disgraces of the American campaigns a new adminis tration of the British government was formed, with William Pitt,* afterward Lord Chatham, as prime minister. London, who by his inactivity had disappointed the anticipa tions of the people, was recalled, and preparations were made to carry on the war with greater vigor. * William Pitt, first Earl of Chatham, was born at Westminster, England, in 1708. At the beginning of the American Revolution he was opposed to the measures of the British ministry in the American colonies ; but, at the close of a speech, made in 1778 in Parliament, in which he spoke against a motion to acknowledge the independence of America, he fell in an apoplectic fit, and was borne home, where he died in a few weeks afterward. KEVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGB 1. What treaty was made in the year 1748 ? 86 2. What war did that treaty close ? 59 3. How long had France and England disputed about lands in Am. ? 86 4. What did the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle omit to settle ? 86 5. What claims to territory were made by France and England?. . 86 6. By what right or title did they make the claim ? 86 7. What did these conflicting claims lead to ? 86 8. Give an account of the first hostile act of the war 86, 87 9. What was the Ohio Company, and what were its purposes?. . . 87 10. Why did the French seize the traders and erect certain forts?.. 87 11. What course was then pursued by the Ohio Company? 87 12. Why did Dinwiddie respond with so much promptness ? 87 13. On what mission was Washington sent ? 87, 88 14. Give an account of his journey 88 15. What was St. Pierre s reply to Dinwiddie ? 88 16. What report did Washington make in addition? 88, 89 17. What effect did the letter and report have ? 88, 89 18. What measures for protection did the Ohio Company adopt ?. . . 89 19. On what expedition was Washington sent? 89 20. In what way did the French interfere with the English? 89 21. How many men surrendered to the French ? 89 22. What did the French do with the fort captured by them? 89 23. Did Washington reach the fort, or not? 89 24. What did he learn while on his march thither ? 89 25. What then did lie deem it prudent to do ? 89 26. What did he learn after reaching the Great Meadows ? 89 27. How did he forestall the intention of the French ? 89 28. What battle was fought on the 28th of May, 1754? . . . 90 29. In how many battles had Washington previously participated? 90 REVIEW QUESTIONS. 99 PAGE 30. Was that battle the first, second, or third, of the war? 90 31. To whom did Washington send his prisoners ? 90 32. What was then done by him in anticipation of an attack? 90 33. Who commanded the force that attacked him? 90 34. How large a force did De Villiers have at the time ? 90 35. For how long a time did Washington defend himself? 90 36. When did he capitulate ? 90 37. At whose instigation was a congress held at Albany ? 90 38. Why had the ministry made the recommendation ? 90 39. What man, afterward distinguished, was at the congress ? 90 40. What measure, prepared by Franklin, was adopted ? 90 41. Why was the plan rejected by both the colonies and the king ? 90, 91 42. What then did the British government determine upon ? 91 43. How many and what expeditions were planned for 1755 ? 91 44. Who was appointed commander-in-chief of the royal forces ? . . . 91 45. Give an account of the expedition against Nova Scotia 91, 92 46. What two forts did Monckton capture? (See map, page 103.) 47. Who commanded the expedition against Fort Duquesne? 91 48. What person, afterward eminent, was his aide-de-camp? 92 49. What suggestions did Washington make to Braddock ? 92 50. In what disaster did the expedition terminate? 92 51. When did the battle of the Monongahela take place? 92 52. To what position did Governor Shirley succeed? 92 53. Give an account of the expedition against Xiagara 91, 92, 93 54. What preparations did Lyman make against Crown Point ? 93 55. What movement was made by Johnson from Fort Edward? ... 93 56. What movement was made by Dieskau towards Fort Edward?. 93 67. Give an account of the battle between Dieskau and Williams . . 93, 94 58. Give an account of the battle fought at Lake George 94 59. What further account of Dieskau can you give ? 94 60. Who succeeded Shirley as commander-in-chief? 95 61. When was war declared between France and England? 95 62. Give an account of Montcalm s expedition against Oswego. ... 96 63. Why did the English attack and destroy Kittanning ? 96 64. What was done by Loudon during the year 1757 ? 96, 97 65. When did Montcalm lay siege to Fort William Henry? 97 66. What command did Monroe hold at the time ?. . . , 97 67. How long did Monroe hold out against Montcalm? 97 68. When and why did he at last surrender? 97 69. Give an account of what took place after the surrender 97 70. What can you state of the further history of Fort Wm. Henry ? 97 100 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. EYENTS OF 1758. I. The campaign of 1758 opened, on the part of the Eng lish, with fifty thousand men in the field. These forces were divided into three distinct bodies : one, under General Am- herst, for the subjugation of Louisburg, and the Island of Cape Breton (brit -on) ; another, under Abercrombie, who had suc ceeded London as commander-in-chief, was to proceed against Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; and the third, under General Forbes, was to undertake the reduction of Fort Duquesne. II. Amherst made Halifax, in Nova Scotia, his rendezvous, from which place he embarked in the fleet of Admiral Bos- cawcn. A landing was effected near Louisburg, then defend ed by the strongest fortress in America, and a siege, mem orable for its length and desperate resistance, commenced. At length, on the 26th of July, the French surrendered by capitulation, and, with the town, the whole Island of Cape Breton, as well as that of St. John s, fell into the hands of the British. III. During the siege two per sons particularly distinguished themselves by their courageous conduct. These were James Wolfe and Richard Montgomery (mont- gum -er-e) ; the first, the real hero of the enterprise, was slain at Quebec in the following year, while fighting for his king ; and the other, Montgomery, was also slain at JAMES WOLFE. EVENTS OF 1758. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What was the plan of the campaign for 1758? II. 2. Where did Amherst rendezvous ? 3. On whose fleet did he embark his troops? 4. Where did he land his troops? 5. How is Louisburg situated? (See map, p. 103.) 6. How was Louisburg defended ? 7. What was the result of the ex pedition ? 8. In what direction from Cape Breton Island is the Island of St. John s? (See map. p. 103.) III. 9. Give the names of the persons who distinguished themselves during the siege of Louisburg. 10. What is said of the further history of Wolfe and Mont gomery ? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 101 Quebec, but several years later, while contending for the cause of liberty. IV. While success was crowning the arms of the British at the east, Abercrombie was slowly making his way north ward. At the head of about sixteen thousand men, he de scended Lake George, and, debarking at its northern extremity, commenced a march through the dense forests towards Ticon- rleroga,* then commanded by Montcalm. V. An advance force suddenly coming upon a detachment of the French, on the 6th of July, a severe conflict ensued, in which, though the enemy were routed, Lord Howe, an officer greatly beloved by the army and the American people, was killed. VI. The death of Howe, who was the leading spirit in the expedition, was keenly felt. For awhile it put a complete check upon operations, and the most of the army fell back to the landing-place at the foot of the lake ; but, on the 8th of July, an advance was made in full force, and the fort was assaulted. The British fought gallantly, though fruitlessly. After losing nearly two thousand of their number in killed and wounded, they withdrew once more to the landing-place; whence, fearing an attack from the enemy, on the following morning, they re-embarked for the head of the lake. VII. The failure of this expedition was somewhat relieved *Fort Ticonderoga was built by the French in 1755. It was then called Carillon (chime of bells), in allusion to the music of the waterfalls in the outlet of Lake George, near it. IV. 11. What was Abercroinbie doing while Loudon was operating in Nova Sco tia? 12. In what direction from Albany is Lake George? (See map, p. 85.) 13. On what lake is Ticonderoga situated ? (See map, p. 85.) V. 14. Describe the action of the 6th of July. YI. 15. What effect did the death of Howe have npon the expedition? 16. De scribe the action of the Sth of July. 17. What movement did the British make after their defeat ? VII. 18. How was the failure of the expedition against Ticonderoga relieved? 19. What was Bradstreet s object in his enterprise ? 20. In what direction from Lake George was Fort Frontenac? (See map, p. 85.) 21. What city is situated where Fort Frontenac then stood? (See page 102.) 22. What route did Bradstreet take ? 23. Why was the blow a severe one to the French ? 24. How did Bradstreet dispose of his captures ? 102 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. H by the success of an enterprise conducted by Colonel Bradstreet, an officer under Abercrombie. While the main army was wasting away the season at the head of Lake George, Bradstreet obtained permission to go against Fort Frontenac, situated where Kingston now stands, on the north side of the entrance of Lake Ontario. Proceeding by way of the Mohawk and Oswego, he crossed the lake, and, on the 27th of August, captured the fort, the garrison having either fled or surrendered at discretion. This was a severe blow to the French, as the place, besides being in a commanding position, contained a vast amount of military stores intended for Fort Duquesne, and in the harbor were several armed vessels. Bradstreet, after sending two of the vessels, laden with the spoils, to Oswego, destroying the others, and dismantling the fort, returned to Lake George. VIII. In the third expedition planned for the year, that against Fort Duquesne, Washington held an important com mand under Forbes. Instead of advancing by the old road which Braddock had taken in 1755, it was decided, against the judgment of Washington, that a new one farther east should be opened for the expedition. As was to have been expected, the progress made was exceedingly tedious. Winter was fast approaching, and yet Forbes was many miles from Duquesne. A feeling of discouragement pervaded the troops, which was augmented by a defeat, and loss of three hundred men, sus tained by Major Grant while leading an advance detachment. IX. In this strait Forbes called a council of war, the result of which was a determination to abandon the expedition. Before, however, the order to return was given, intelligence of an encouraging character was received. The march was VIII. QUESTIONS. 25. In which expedition did Washington hold a command? 26. By what road was the advance against Duquesne made ? 27. What was the result ? 28. What check was experienced by Grant ? IX. 29. What was determined upon in a council of war? 80. Why was not the determination carried out? 31. What success finally rewarded the efforts of the ex pedition ? 32. Why had the French abandoned the fort ? 83. What did the English do with the fort? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 103 therefore resumed, and when, towards the latter part ^^ of November, Duquesne was reached, it was found in ruins. The French had set fire to it and retreated down the Ohio. The destruction of Frontenac had cut off all hope of reinforcements and supplies ; their savage allies, when des titution and danger threatened, had deserted hence the ruin and abandonment of the fort. The English at once repaired and garrisoned the place, and, in honor of their illustrious statesman, changed the name to Fort Pitt EVENTS OF 1759. I. The great object of the campaign of 1759 was the re duction of Canada; and General Amherst, who had gained great favor by Ms success at Louisburg, was appointed com- EVENTS OF 1759. QUESTIONS. -I. 1. What was the object of the campaign of 1759 ? 2. What change took place in the commanders ? 3. What was the plan of operations ? 104 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 1759 n:ian der-in-chief, to succeed Abercrombie. By the plan of operations, General Wolfe was to lay siege to Quebec ; Amherst was to reduce Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and then co-operate with Wolfe ; while a third divi sion, under General Prideaux (prid -o), after capturing Niag ara, was to proceed against Montreal. II. Early in July, Prideaux reached Niagara, and at once commenced a siege, during which he was unfortunately killed by the bursting of a shell. Sir William Johnson, having suc ceeded to the command, defeated a force of twelve hundred French and Indians who were advancing to the relief of the place, and compelled the besieged to capitulate. Instead, however, of proceeding against Montreal, according to the plan of operations, he garrisoned the fort which he had taken, and then made his way to Albany. III. In the mean time Amherst had reached the vicinity of Ticonderoga. As he advanced, the French fled from both Ticonderoga and Crown Point without striking a blow, and retired to an island in the Sorel Eiver. Neglecting to follow up his successes as he should have done, he allowed the sum mer to pass before he made any attempt at pursuit. Then a succession of storms damaged his fleet ; and the cold weather approaching, he went into winter quarters at Crown Point, and thus failed to co-operate against Quebec. IV. Of the three expeditions, that under Wolfe can be said to have been the only one completely successful. With an II. QUESTIONS. 1 What is said of Prideaux s operations and fete ? 5. Who suc ceeded him? 6. What success did Johnson meet with? 7. In what respect did ho deviate from the original plan of operations ? 8. How is Niagara situated ? (See map, p. 85.) III. 9. How far had Amherst proceeded, in the mean time ? 10. How are Ticon deroga and Crown Point situated ? (See map, p. 85.) 1 1. Of what lake is the Sorel Eiver the outlet? (See same map.) 12. By what other name is the Sorel some times known? (See map, p. 124.) IV. 13. With how many men did Wolfe advance against Quebec ? 14. What route did he take? 15. On what email island did he land his men? 16. In what direction from Quebec is that island ? (See map, p. 103.) IT. Where is Point Levi? la What did Wolfe do at Point Levi? 19. With what success? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 105 1759. army of eight thousand men, he ascended the St. Lawrence River as far as the Isle of Orleans, where, in the latter part of June, he landed his whole force in safety. Taking possession of Point Levi, opposite Quebec, he estab lished a battery there, which, though it destroyed the build ings near the river s edge, did but little damage to that part of the city situated on the promontory. THE ST. LAWRENCE, IN 1759. V. Becoming convinced that the battery was not near enough to accomplish the reduction of the place, he deter mined upon a bold attack. Accordingly, on the 31st of July, an attempt was made upon the enemy s intrenchments, but it resulted in defeat and the loss of nearly five hundred men. This contest is known as the battle of the Montmorenci. V. QUESTION. 20. Give an account of the battle of the Montinoreuci. 5* 106 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. _ VI. Not discouraged by the disaster, Wolfe resolved upon another plan. During the night of the 12th of September his troops effected a landing, at a place about two miles above the city, and, climbing by a narrow path the steep bank of the St. Lawrence, at daylight, on the following morning, they stood on the Plains of Abraham in battle array. VII. Montcalm, who was in command of the French, re fused at first to believe that the force on the Plains was any thing more than a small foraging or marauding party, such confidence did he feel in the unapproachableness of the place in that direction. But, becoming convinced of his error, he abandoned his intrenchments, and led his troops against the onemy. A fierce and bloody battle followed, which resulted in the defeat of the French. Wolfe fell in the moment of victory, and Montcalm,* mortally wounded in the action, ex pired soon after. The French, fearing a famine, and dreading the horrors of an assault, surrendered the city five days after the battle. EVENTS OP 1760, AND CLOSE OF THE WAR. I. Although the British had captured Quebec, the reduc tion of Canada, which was the object of the campaign of 1759, was not yet accomplished. This failure undoubtedly was owing to the want of activity on the part of Amherst. His long stay, too, at Crown Point, gave De Levi, Montcalm s successor, an opportunity to make preparation for the recov ery of Quebec. * Montcalm was born in France, in 1712. At the close of the battle in which he was mortally wound ed, on beinfr told that he could not live long;, " So much the better," he said ; " I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." He died on the morning of the 14th of September. YI. QUESTIONS. 21. What plan did Wolfe then determine upon? VII. 22. How was Montcalm surprised? 23. Give an account of the battle that followed. 24. By what name is that battle known ? An*. The battle of the Plains of Abraham. 25. On what day did it occur? 26. When did Quebec surrender ? EVENTS OF 1760. I. 1. Why had not the British completed the reduction of Canada before the close of 1759 ? 2. What, beside, was the result of Amherst s inac tivity ? 3. Who succeeded Montcalin in the command of the French ? FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 107 II. As soon as the St. Lawrence was free of ice, De Levi proceeded to besiege the city. The British, instead of await ing the approach of the enemy, and defending themselves from the strong position which they occupied, inarched about three miles above the city, and there, on the 28th of April, 1760, was fought one of the most desperate battles of the war. After losing a thousand men or more, the British were compelled to fall back to the defenses which they had unwisely abandoned. The opportune arrival of a British fleet, some days after, changed the scene completely ; and the French lost no time in raising the siege and retreating to Montreal. III. It was not till September that Amherst, taking the indirect route by way of Oswesjo, made his way into Canada and invested Montreal. The French governor, unable to re sist, signed a capitulation, by which not only Montreal, but the whole of Canada, was surrendered into the hands of the English. IV. On the 10th of February, 1763, a treaty of peace be tween Great Britain and France was signed at Paris. France, by the terms of the treaty, ceded to Great Britain all her American possessions east of the Mississippi, north of the Iber- ville River, in Louisiana (lou-e -z n -ah -na\ At the same time a treaty was made by which Spain ceded her possessions of East and West Florida to Great Britain. Thus, it will be seen, the French and Indian War lasted more than eight years. The first gun was fired in Washington s engagement with Jumonville, in 1754, and the contest was brought to a close by the treaty of Paris, in 1763. V. Among the dependencies which were surrendered to II. QUESTIONS. 4. Give an account of De Levfs operations. 5. How was Que bec saved to the English? III. 6. By what route did Amherst proceed against Montreal? 7. How is Quebec situated? (See map, p. 103.) 8. How, Montreal? (See map, p. 85.) IV. 9. By what treaty was the war brought to a close ? 10. What territory did Great Britain acquire ? 11. What other treaty was made at the same time ? V. 12. What stations or posts were included in the surrender of territory to the English? 13. What is said of this transfer? 14. Of what did the Indians soon make themselves masters ? 108 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Great Britain by the treaty, were several stations or posts between the lakes and the Ohio, and in the valley of that river. The transfer of these places from the French, with whom the Indians had been on friendly terms, to the English, whom they disliked, greatly exasperated the savages in that region, and they, in a short time, made themselves masters of all the posts, except those of Niagara, Fort Pitt, and Detroit ; and hundreds of families were butchered or driven from their homes. VI. Detroit was besieged for six months, bnt was finally re lieved. The Indians at last were compelled to sue for peace, though Pontiac (pon -te-ak), their principal chief, from whom the war takes its name, refused to submit. He wandered towards the Mississippi, endeavoring to stir up the western tribes against the English, till his career was terminated by the hand of one of his own people. PRINCIPAL BATTLES OP THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. DATES. BATTLES. COMMANDERS. VICTORS. English. | French. 1754. May 28, July 4, 1755. June 16, June 17, July 9, Sept. 8 j 1756. Aug. 14, 1757. Aug. 9, 1758. July 6, July 8, July 26, Sept. 21, 1759. July 25, July 31, Sept. 13, 1760. Apr. 28. Great Meadows Port Necessity . . . Washington Washington Jumonville . De Villiers. English. French Port Beausejour Fort Gasperau Monckton. . Monckton. . Braddock . . Williams . . Johnson. . . De Yergor. DeVillerai. Beaujeu. . . . Dieskan Dieskau. . . . English. English. French. French. English. Monongahela Near Lake George. . . Head of Lake George.. Oswego Mercer .... Montcalm. . French. Port William Henry. . Monroe. . . . Montcalm. . French. Near Ticonderoga. . . . Ticonderoga Howe Ab rcrombie Amherst.. . Grant De Trepesee Montcalm. . Drucourt. . . Aubry. .... English. French. English. French. Louisburg Near Port Duquesne.. Port Niagara .... Johnson . . . Wolfe Wolfe Aubry .... Montcalm . . Montcalm. . English. French. English. Montmorenci Plains of Abraham . . 3 miles above Quebec. Murray. . . . De Levi. . . . French. YL 15. What is said of the siege of Detroit? ,16. By what name is the war known? 17. What is said of the closing career of Pontiac? REVIEW QUESTIONS. 109 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. How many troops did the English have in the field in 1758 ?. . 100 2. What was the object of the division under Amherst ? 100 3. Give an account of Amherst s operations and success 100 4. What was the object of the division under Abercrombie ? 100 5. Give an account of Abercrombie s operations 101 6. What was the object of the division under Forbes ? . . . 1 00 7. Give an account of Forbes s operations 102, 103 8. Give an account of the expedition against Frontenac 102 9. Why did the French abandon Fort Duquesne, in 1758 ? 103 10. What further can you give of the history of that fort? 103, 108 11. In what year did the English determine to take Canada? 103 12. Who succeeded Abercrombie as commander-in-chief? 103, 104 13. What part against Canada was assigned to Wolfe ? . . 104 14. Give an account of Wolfe s operations until July 104, 105 15. What part against Canada was assigned to Prideaux? 104 16. Give an account of his operations and fate 104 17. What was done and also omitted by his successor ? 104 18. What part against Canada was assigned to Amherst? 104 19. Give an account of his march and tardy operations 104 20. What was done against Quebec by Wolfe, in July, 1759? .... 105 21. What was done by Wolfe on the night of the 12th Sept., 1759? 106 22. When did the battle of the Plains of Abraham occur? 106 23. What were the memorable words of the dying Montcalm? 106 24. When did the French surrender Quebec to the English ? . . . 106 25. Why did they not hold out longer before surrendering? 106 26. What was the great object of the English campaign of 1759?. 103 27. Did the English accomplish the object during that year ? 106 28. By whom was Montcalm succeeded in command of the French? 106 29. What was the consequence of Amherst s inactivity? 106 30. When did De Levi commence operations against Quebec? 107 31. What mistake did the British make ? 107 32. Give an account of the battle fought near Quebec 107 33. What prevented the French from recovering the city ? 107 34. How did the English get Montreal anffthe rest of Canada?. . 107 35. What took place on the 10th of February, 1763 ? 107 36. What territory did the French surrender to the English ? 107 37. What stations or posts were included in the surrender ? 107, 108 38. What was the consequence of surrendering them ?. . 108 39. Who was then the principal Indian chief in that section ? . . . . 108 40. How was the " Pontiac War" brought to a close ? 108 110 SECTION" THE AMERICAN REYOLUTIOK CAUSES OF THE WAR. I. THE expenses which Great Britain had incurred in the French and Indian War had increased her national debt more than three hundred millions of dollars. The English minis try, asserting that this had been done in defending the colonies, declared that the Americans ought of right to share in the burden ; and, accordingly, it was proposed by the min istry, George Grenville being at its head, that a direct revenue should be drawn from the colonies by a system of taxation. It was also affirmed that, regardless of the manner in which the national debt had been contracted or augmented, or even in the absence of any debt whatever, Parliament possessed the inherent right to tax America. ^\ II. On the other hand, it was maintained that the colonies had been founded at their own expense ; and that they had already contributed more than their fair proportion in defend ing themselves, while the advantages accruing from their preservation were shared by England in common with them selves. The colonists also maintained that they could only be justly taxed by a legislature in which they were repre sented. Inasmuch, therefore, as they were not allowed to send representatives to the British Parliament, that body had no right to impose upon them any taxes whatever. III. Beside, the policy of Great Britain towards her Ameri can colonies, from the very beginning of their existence, as CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION. ^ QUESTIONS.! How much did the French and Indian War add to Great Britain s debt? 2. What assertion did the British ministry make ? 3. What declaration did they deduce therefrom ? 4. What proposition was accordingly made ? 5. What strong affirmation was made? II, 6. What was maintained by the Americans, as regards the founding of their colonies? 7. What, as regards their contribution for defense in connection with the advantages? 8. What, as regards the principle of taxation ? III. 9. What is said of the policy of Great Britain? 10. What were the " Writs of Assistance ?" AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Ill shown in the " Navigation Act," with the oppressive measures that preceded and those that succeeded, even down to the au thorization of the "Writs of Assistance," in 1761, had been unjust and illiberal, and calculated to incite a rebellious spirit. These " Writs of Assistance" were general search-warrants, which empowered custom-house officers to break open ships, stores, and private dwellings, in search of merchandise which, it was suspected, had paid no duty; and the writs also empow ered the officers to compel sheriffs and others to assist in the odious task. IV. When, therefore, the news of the Stamp Act, passed by Parliament in 1765, reached America, intense indignation was produced throughout the country. By the provisions of the act, all instruments in writing, such as deeds, bonds, and notes, as well as printed pamphlets, newspapers, almanacs, etc., were to be executed on stamp ed paper, to be purchased from the agents of the British gov ernment. V. The first burst of opposi tion appeared in the legislature of Virginia, where Patrick Hen ry* distinguished himself by his bold and manly eloquence. In Massachusetts too the opposition was fearless, and, upon the re commendation of her Assembly, a Colonial Congress, composed PATRICK HENRY. * Patrick Henry was born in Virginia, in 1736. He died in 1799, the year f Washington s death. IV. QUESTIONS. 11. When was the Stamp Act passed ? 12. How was the news of its passage received in America ? 13. What was exacted by the provisions of the Act ? V. 14. What is^said of Patrick Henry ? . 15. Of the opposition in Massachusetts? 16. What recommendation did the Massachusetts Assembly make? 17. How many colonies were represented in the Congress ? 13. Who was the presiding officer of the Congress ? 19. Where was the Congress held ? 20. What was the result of their deliberations? 112 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. of delegates from nine colonies, with Timothy Ruggles,* of Mas sachusetts, for president, was held in New York, to consult with reference to the general safety. The result of their de liberations was the adoption of a Declaration of Rights, a Petition to the King, and a Memorial to both Houses of Par liament. VI. So intense was the popular indignation against the Stamp Act, as also against the officers appointed to distribute the stamps, that when the day came on which the obnoxious law was to go into effect, there were no officials courageous enough to carry it into execution. All the stamped paper was either destroyed or concealed ; and, for a time, all transactions requiring stamps were entirely suspended. VII. At length business resumed its previous course, being conducted without stamps. In addition to this general oppo sition, the merchants of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and other places, agreed to import no more British goods while the Stamp Act remained a law. A change in the British ministry occurring, William Pitt and others exerted themselves in opposition to the obnoxious measure, and it was repealed in 1766, the year after its enactment. VIII. The news of the repeal caused great rejoicing through out America, but, as the sequel proved, without adequate cause ; for, notwithstanding the repeal of the Stamp Act, Par liament, still claiming the right to tax the colonies, passed, at the same time, another law, called the Declaratory Act, which affirmed the right claimed, in all its length and breadth. It * Notwithstanding the patriotic stand taken by Ruggles before the hostilities of the Revolution actu ally commenced, he soon headed a body of loyalists and fought against the Americans. At the close of the war he went to Nova Scotia, and there resided till his death. VI. QUESTIONS. 21. What was the effect of the fueling against the Stamp Act? 22. What was done with the stamped paper? 23. What was the con sequence, for a time, as regards transactions? VII. 24. How did business afterward shape itself ? 25. In what way did the mer chants show their opposition to the Stamp Act? 26. Give the closing history of the act. VIII. 27. How was the news of the repeal received in America? 28. How did it appear that the cause for rejoicing was illusory? 29. How was the asserted right to tax the colonies shown in 1767 ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 113 was attempted to exercise the right so claimed by the passage of a bill, in the following year, 1767, for levying duties on glass, paper, painters colors, and tea, imported into the colo nies. Two other obnoxious acts were also passed during the same year. IX. The intelligence of these enactments produced a revival of the feelings which had been caused by the passage of the KABBDI& HALL, IN 1776.* Stamp Act. Non-importation associations were formed, the members of which were pledged not to import or use any ar ticles of British production, subject to duty. The Massachu setts Assembly Loied a circular to the other Colonial Assem blies, asking their co-operation in efforts to obtain redress : in response, the most of them rdopted resolutions protesting against the odious enactments. * Faneuil Hall, in Boston, was used by the patriots during the Revolution, and, for that reason, is often alled the Cradle of American Liberty." Tbe original building. comprising a market-place on the . ground floor, a town-hall, and other rooms, was erected by Pet euil, permission having been previ , ously granted by the authorities of Boston. In 1761 it was destroyed by fire, but in 1763 it was rebxiilt at the expense of the town, and when the British occupied Boston, in 1775, they used the hall for a theatre. In 1805 the building underwent considerable alteration, when it was also enlarged. IX. QUESTIONS. 30. How did the news of these enactments affect the colonists? 81. What organizations were formed? 32. What was done by the Massachusetts Assembly? 83.8. How did the other colonies ret/ 114 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. X. The people of Boston were particularly decided in their opposition to one of the enactments known as the " New Rev enue Law;" and, in consequence, repeated collisions took place between them and the custom-house officers. For the purpose of overawing the Bostonians, the Governor of Massa chusetts requested General Gage, the commander-m-chief of the British forces in America, to station troops in the city. In compliance therewith, two regiments arrived from Halifax, in September, 1768; but their presence still more exasperated the people, and affrays ensued, in one of which, called the " Boston Massacre," the soldiers fired upon the populace, kill ing three men and wounding others. XL Before the news of the " massacre" reached England, an act was passed by Parliament, revoking all the duties laid in 1767, excepting that of threepence per pound on tea. As, however, the people of America were contending, not against the amount of taxes imposed, but against the principle of tax ation without representation, the concession was by no means satisfactory. The Non-importation associations continued, but, of course, only as against the importation and use of the article upon which a duty was still laid. The tea for New York and Philadelphia was sent back to London, without being landed ; in Charleston it was stored in cellars, where it perished. XII. At Boston, on a cold moonlight night in December, 1773, a party of men, disguised as Indians, boarded the ships, broke open the chests of tea, emptied their contents into the water, and then quietly retired. In retaliation for X. QUESTIONS. 84. Wherein did the people of Boston evince particular opposi. tion? 35. What was the consequence? 36. What request did the governor of Mas sachusetts make? 3T. Why did he make the request? 38. How was the request complied with? 39. Give an account of the Boston massacre. XI. 40. What concessions were made by Parliament in 1770? 41. Why was not this concession satisfactory to the colonists? 42. To what extent did the agreement of the Non-irnportation associations continue ? 43. How was the tea which arrived disposed of? XII. 44. Give an account of the doings of the "Boston Tea Party/ 1 45. How was the act retaliated ? 46. How did the Salem people behave upon the occasion ? 47. How, the people of Marblehead ? 48. What other obnoxious act was also passed ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 115 this defiant destruction, the British government determined to punish Boston ; and the Boston Port Bill, intended to close that port to all commerce, and transfer the seat of the colonial government to Salem, was accordingly passed. But the peo ple of Salem refused to thrive at the expense of their neigh bors, and Marblehead, fifteen miles distant from the despoiled town, offered her port, free of charge, to the Boston merchants. Other acts, which were considered gross violations of the char ters and rightful privileges of the colonies, were also passed. Among these was one for quartering the king s troops on the colonies, at the people s expense. XIII. Meanwhile, delegates were chosen to represent the colonies at Philadelphia. Here, in September, 1774, a general congress, known as " The First Continental Congress," or the " Old Continental Congress," convened, to deliberate on such measures as the united interests of the colonies might require. Fifty-one delegates, representing all the colonies except Geor gia, were present, and Peyton Randolph,* of Virginia, was chosen President. XIV. Their first act was the passage of a resolution com mending the conduct of the people of Boston in their oppo sition to the obnoxious laws of Parliament. They also agreed upon a declaration of rights, recommended the suspension of all commercial intercourse with Great Britain, and voted an address to the king, another to the people of Great Britain, and a memorial to the Canadians. XV. General Gage, who, in addition to his position as commander-in-chief of the king s forces, had been recently ap- * Peyton Randolph was born in Virginia, in 1723. As atated above, he was the President of " The First Continental Congress." He was also elected President of the second Congress, held at Philadelphia in th following year, but political duties calling him to Virginia before the close of its session, he was succeeded in the position by John Hancock, of Massachusetts. His death was sudden, occurring at Philadelphia, to wards the close of October, 1775. XIII. QUESTIONS. 49. What convention took place in 17T4? 50. How many delegates were present? 51. Name the twelve colonies that were represented. 52. Who was chosen president of the Congress ? XIV. 53. What measures did they pass ? XV. 54. What appointment had Gage received? 55. What did he determine upon ? 56. What did he do in conformity with the determination ? 116 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. pointed governor of Massachusetts, determined, in this crisis, upon more active measures. lie fortified Boston Neck, and seizing the military stores which the Americans had collected at Cambridge and Charlestown, conveyed them to his head quarters. XVI. The people everywhere were excited, but their feel ings were controlled by a prudence befitting the solemnity of the occasion. A conflict with the " mother country" seemed to be inevitable. The Massachusetts Assembly, though dissolved by the governor, had again convened as a Provincial Congress, and adopted a plan for organizing the militia. The men in Massachusetts capable of bearing arms were daily trained in military exercises, and pledged to take the field at a minute s notice ; hence their name of " minute men." Military meas ures were also adopted in other colonies, and a general deter mination was manifested to resist, even with arms, the new oppressions attempted to be imposed by Great Britain. EVENTS OP 1775. I. The British government was not idle. Gage s forces at Boston had been so augmented by arrivals from England that in the beginning of April, 1775, he found himself in com mand of three thousand troops. II. For the purpose of destroying the stores which the Americans had collected at Concord, a town about sixteen miles from Boston, he dispatched, at night, a detachment of eight hundred men, under Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn ; XVI. QUESTIONS. 57. What is said of the excitement of the people? 58. In what respect did the Massachusetts Assembly undergo a change? 59. What is said of the "minute men?" EVENTS OF 1775. I. 1. "What activity had Gage shown? II. 2. What expedition was sent out under Smith and Pitcairn? 3. In what manner was it intended the expedition should be conducted ? 4. How was the in tention foiled? 5. In what direction from Boston is Concord? (See map, p. 87.) 6. In what direction from Boston is Lexington ? (See same map.) 7. When did the British reach Lexington ? 8. What did they find there ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 117 but notwithstanding the intended secrecy of the expedition, the alarm was given, and the " minute men" were aroused in every direction by messages and signals from Boston. When the British reached Lexington, half the distance to Concord, before sunrise, on the morning of the 19th of April, between sixty and seventy of the citizens were drawn up under arms. CONCORD, MASS., IN 1774. III. Pitedirn rode forward and shouted, " Disperse, you reb els ; throw down your arms and disperse ;" but, not being obeyed, he ordered his men to fire. Then was shed the first blood of the Revolution. Eight of the men of Lexington were killed, nine were wounded a quarter of that heroic band had thus fallen and the others dispersed. The British proceeded to Concord, and destroyed all the stores they could find. In the mean time the " minute men " from all directions had be gun to assemble, and a skirmish ensued, in which several per- III. QUESTIONS. 9. Describe what took place at Lexington. 10. At Concord- 118 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. sons were killed on both sides. Towards noon the invaders began their retrograde march for Boston. IV. The Americans pursued the retreating troops, keep ing up a constant fire upon them from behind trees and stone fences. Colonel Smith was severely wounded, and his men, fainting and exhausted, were in danger of being en tirely cut off, when they were joined at Lexington* by a re-en forcement of nine hundred men, under Lord Percy. A short interval for rest and refreshment was allowed, and then the united detachments of the British continued the retreat, taking the road to Charlestown. The minute men followed as be fore, keeping up the pursuit until after sunset. The loss of the British during the memorable affair of this day was about two hundred and eight, in killed, wounded, and missing ; that of the Americans was about ninety. Y. The tidings of the day s contest spread with wonderful rapidity, and the militia from New Hampshire, Connecticut, and other parts of New England, hastened to join their breth ren of Massachusetts in forming a camp in the neighborhood of Boston. Here General Artemas Ward, of Massachusetts, was exercising a limited command, by virtue of an appointment from the Provincial Congress of that colony ; but the men from the different colonies appeared mostly as independent corps, under leaders of their own choosing. This was not all. The effect of the day s strife took a direction which nobody could have anticipated, people began to talk of a separation from England, and of an independent government of their own. VI. It being deemed important to secure Ticonderoga and Crown Point, in May, 1775, a number of volunteers from Ver- * Lexington, the scene of the first encounter between the British and Americans in the Revolutionary contest, is situated about ten miles northwest from Boston, and seven miles east from Concord. At the time of the encounter the town contained about seven hundred inhabitants. IV. QUESTIONS. 11. Give an account of the retreat arid pursuit as far as Lexing- f,on. 12. How were the British aided at Lexington? 13. Give an account of what aftprwards took place. V. 14. What effect did the battle of Lexington have ? 15. Under what organi zation were the American forces which were collected near Boston? 16. What other effect did the day s strife have ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 119 mont and Connecticut, under Ethan Allen and Bene dict Arnold, captured both places without loss ; and, by this fortunate achievement, a large supply of military and naval stores fell into the hands of the Americans. VII. So closely were the British troops at Boston hemmed in by the provincials, that the place began to experience the privations of a besieged city. The timely arrival of re-enforce ments from England, under Generals Howe, Burgoyne, and Sir Henry Clinton, enabled Gage to act with more decision ; and that commander issued a proclamation, in which he declared all Americans in arms to be rebels and traitors, but offered pardon to those who should return to their allegiance. To this offer two exceptions were made John Hancock* and Samuel Adams f their offences being pronounced too great to admit of pardon. VIII. The Americans, antici pating that the British had de signs against the country be yond Charlestown, determined to seize and fortify the heights commanding the neck of the JOHN HANCOCK. peninsula. Accordingly, on the evening of the 16th of June, Colonel Prescott was sent with a detachment of one thou sand men to execute this perilous enterprise. * John Hancock was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, in 1737. In 1775 he was elected President of the Continental Congress, and in 1776 he signed the Declaration of Independence. He died in Quincy, in 1793. t Samuel Adams was born in Boston, in 17B2. He and John Adams were related, having the same great-grandfather, making them second cousins. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence. His death occurred in Boston, in 1803. VI. QUESTIONS. IT. Give an account of the capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. IS. How are these two places situated? (See map, p. 85.) VII. 19. What is said of the condition of the British troops in Boston ? 20. By whom was Gage joined from England? 21. What is said of a proclamation ? 22. Who were excluded from the offer in the proclamation ? 23. Why were they ex cluded? VIII. 24. On what business was Prescott sent? 25. Why did the Americana wish to occupy the heights ? 120 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BOSTO IX. On attaining the ascent of Bunker Hill* he con cluded, after consulting his officers, to deviate from the letter of his orders and fortify Breed s Hill, because the latter was nearer to Boston, and had a better command of the town and shipping. The consultation and change delayed matters until midnight. Then the work commenced.* Every man of the thousand seized, in his turn, the pick-axe and spade ; and by the dawn of day a strong redoubt was completed. X. The British, on discovering the works on Breed s Hill, began a cannonade from ves sels in the harbor, and also from a battery on Copp s Hill, in Boston ; but with little or no effect. They then made preparations for an as sault. About three thousand troops, under Generals Howe and Pigot, crossed over to Charlestown, while, mainly through the ex ertions of General Putnam, about five hundred men were added to Prescott s force in the course of the day. XL Meanwhile the British had set fire to the village of Charlestown, by means of shells thrown from Copp s Hill ; and, * Bunker Hill monument, an obelisk two hundred and twenty-one feet high, erected in commemoration of the battle, now stands on the spot where the redoubt was built on Breed s Hill. Its corner-stone was laid by General Lafayette, on the 17th of June, 1825, the fiftieth anniversary of the battle. An immense con course of persons was present on the occasion, including nearly two hundred revolutionary soldiers and forty surviving patriots of the battle, and President John Quint-y Adams, with his eutire cabinet. Daniel Webster delivered the oration. IX. QUESTIONS. 26. What conclusion did Prescott afterward coine to? 27. Why did he so conclude ? 28. How was the work then carried on ? X. 29. What did the British do on discovering tiie works ? 30. How next did they proceed ? XI. 31. When was the battle of Bunker Hill fought? 32. Give an account of it. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 121 1775. amid the glare of its flame, Howe and Pigot advanced to the attack. Twice did they get to within a few rods of the redoubt, when the Americans, each time, opened upon them so deadly, a fire that they were repulsed with heavy loss. General Clinton arriving, the third charge was more successful ; and the Americans, their ammunition being en tirely exhausted, were forced to retreat. XII. The loss to the British, in killed and wounded, accord ing to their own account, was more than a thousand men : the Americans lost less than half that number, though among their slain was Joseph Warren,* one of the ablest and most popular of the patriot leaders, and an estimable man. His loss was deplored as a severe calamity to the cause of freedom. XIII. Though the British had gained the hill the ground contended for the victory to them was more disastrous and humiliating than an ordinary defeat; while, to the Americans, the defeat had the effect of a triumph : it gave them confidence in themselves, and conse quence in the eyes of their enemies. The day s doings, too, convinced the people that the military training and experience which the Putnams, the Starks, and the Washingtons had acquired, in the " school" of the French and Indian War, had been gained to some purpose. * Joseph Warren was born in Roxbury, Mass., in 1741. After having been graduated at Harvard Col lege, he studied medicine, and became a physician of extensive practice in the city of Boston. He was one of the leading men in resisting the unjust and oppressive measures sought to be fastened upon the colonies by Great Britain, holding as he did, at the time of his death, two of the most responsible civil positions under the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a commission as major-general. JOSEPH WAKKEN. XII. QTTESTION-S. 33. What loss did the British sustain in the battle? 34. What, the Americans? 35. What is said of Warren? XIII. 36. How did the victory affect the British? 37. How, the Americans? 38. Of what did the people become convinced ? 6 122 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ^ XIV. On the very day of the capture of Ticondero- ga, May 10, the second Continental Congress convened at Philadelphia. That body voted to raise an army of twenty thousand men, and, on the 15th of June, by a unanimous vote, elected George Washington commander-in-chicf. Washing ton, who, at the time, was a delegate in the Congress from Virginia, rose in his place, and, with dignity and modesty, accepted the appointment, but declined all compensation for his services: he only asked for the payment of his expenses. He. thereupon resigned his position in the Congress, and re paired to Cambridge, three miles from Boston, where, on the 3d of July, he took command of the army, then numbering about fourteen thousand men. XV. While the revolution was gaining strength at the east, in the south it was also making progress. Lord Dunmore, the governor of Virginia, having seized some powder and re moved it to a vessel in the York River, Patrick Henry, at the head of a corps of volunteers, demanded and received com pensation therefor. Some months later, in December, a force, consisting of British regulars, tory volunteers, and negroes, which had been collected by Dunmore, attacked a body of Virginia patriots near Norfolk; but the assailants were re pulsed with great loss. In revenge, Dunmore, at a later period, reduced the town of Norfolk to ashes. XVI. It having been ascertained that the British intended to invade the colonies from Canada, Congress determined to anticipate the movement, by carrying the war into that pro- XIV. QUESTIONS. 39. When did Allen and Arnold capture Ticonderoga? 40. What also occurred on that day? 41. What two acts of Congress are mentioned? 42. How did Washington receive the appointment? 43. What did Washington there upon do ? XV. 44. Describe the York River. (See map, p. 85.) 45. What event is men tioned in connection with the York River? 46. What was done by Patrick Henry? 47. Give an account of the battle near Norfolk. 48. How did Dunmore gratify his revenge? 49. How is Norfolk situated? (See map, p. 24.) XVI. 50. What scheme of invasion did the British intend? 51. How was it determined to anticipate the movement? 52. What advantage did the possession ol Canada promise? 53. What forces were sent? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 123 GKNEBAL SCIITJYLER. vince. Beside, if Canada were gained, its use to the British as a place of rendezvous and supply would be prevented. Two forces were accordingly sent ; one by the way of Lake Cham- plain, under General Schuyler* (ski -ler\ and the other by the Kennebec River, commanded by Arnold. XVII. Schuyler proceeded down Lake Champlain, and encamped on an island at the head of the Sorel (so-rcll ) River, but sickness compelling his return to Albany, the com mand devolved upon Montgomery. Ethan Allen,f who, at the setting out of the expedition, had been engaged in reconnoiter- ing the country between the Sorel and the St. Lawrence, was again dispatched in the same direction, this time for recruits. Instead, however, of prosecuting the business on which he was sent, he crossed the St. Lawrence to make an attack upon Montreal. The result of this reckless enterprise was defeat ; and he was sent a prisoner to England, in irons. This mis hap did not in the least interfere with the operations of the main force ; and before the middle of November, Montgom ery, by a series of well-directed movements, had acquired * Philip Schuyler was born at Albany, New York, in 1733. He was engaged in the French and Indian war and accompanied Sir V, illiam Johnson in 1755. His death occurred ,t Albany, in 1804. t Ethan Allen was born m Connecticut, in 1742, or thereabouts. His parents, soon after his birth, took him toj ermont and there, when he grew to manhood, he was one of the most determined of the settlers in resisting the claims of New York to the Vermont territory. As colonel of an armed force he protected those who had received grants of land from the Governor of New Hampshire, and drive out of the dis trict the New York settlers The troubles continued about ten years, when the more important events ,, 5 ev " hltlon P ut an end to the n stile acts, though the controversy was afterward renewed. Alien as stated above, was sent to England in irons. After suffering a captivity of more than two years in Kng- ,, "- "= ---- -* New York, he was exchanged. He never afterward activefy rlington, Vt,in 1789. XVII. QUESTIONS. 54. Near what boundary-line is the head of the Sorel River? (See map, p. 124) 55. In what direction from the head of the Sorel is Montreal? (See same map.) 56. How long did Schuyler s connection with the expedition con tinue ? 57. Give an account of Allen s doings. 58. Give an account of Montgomery s 124 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1775. PAUT OF TIIK SOIJKL possession of Fort Chambly (sham -ble), St. John s, and Montreal, and was thereby master of a large part of Canada. lie then proceeded against Quebec. ^^__^^ = ^^ fr _^^ XVIII. In the mean time Arnold, hav ing performed a tedious march through the wilderness, enduring almost incredi ble toils and hardships, appeared before Quebec ; but not being sufficiently strong to attack the city alone, he retired twen ty miles up the St. Lawrence, and there awaited the arrival of Montgomery. A junction of the two forces was effect ed in the beginning of December, and, with Montgomery in the chief command, the entire army, numbering but nine hundred effective men, proceeded to take a position before Quebec. XIX. After a siege of three weeks without gaining any ad vantage, it was resolved to attempt the capture of the place by an assault. Accordingly, at dawn on the last day of the year, and while a violent snow-storm was prevailing, the Ameri can army, in four columns, advanced to the attack. Mont gomery,* who led one of the columns, had gained some ad vantage, when a discharge of grape-shot, from a single cannon of the enemy, made deadly havoc, killing him and one of his aides instant! v, and mortally wounding others. His column at once retreated. Arnold, who led another of the columns, was severely wounded and borne from the field, and Captain Morgan assumed the command. Morgan took refuge in a stone house, from which he defended himself awhile, but, * Richard Montgomery was born in Ireland, in 1736. In 1775 he was a representative from New York in the Continental Congress. XVIII. QUESTIONS. 53. What had Arnold been doins; in the mean time? 60. When did Montgomery s and Arnold s forces unite? 61. What movement did they then make ? XIX. 62. Give an account of the battle of Quebec. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 125 seeing no prospect of relief, he and his few followers were com pelled to surrender. XX. Arnold, though wounded and disabled, took command of the troops that had effected a re treat, and, in an encampment a short distance from Quebec, pass ed a rigorous winter. In the spring, General Wooster arrived from Montreal and took the com mand ; and he, in turn, was suc ceeded by General Thomas. The British, having received large re-enforcements from England, assumed the offensive, and before June, 1.776, the Americans had abandoned one place after another, and entirely evacuated Canada. GBNBEAL MONTGOMEBY. XX. QUE8TION8.-63. What did Arnold do after the battle? 64. By whom was he succeeded in the command ? 65. What further is stated of military operations in Canada? KEVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. How did the expenses of the French and Indian War affect the national debt of Great Britian ? HO 2. What assertion, having reference to the increased debt, did the British ministry make ? 110 3. What principle, in relation to taxing the colonies, was also main tained by the ministry ? IIQ 4. What two assertions were made by the colonists, in reply^ respecting the expenses which had been incurred in found ing the colonies, and in aiding the " mother country" to prosecute the war?. ., no 5. What principle of taxation did the colonists maintain ? HO 6. Inasmuch as the principle was not respected by the British government, what deduction was drawn therefrom?.. . . 110 126 REVIEW QUESTIONS. 7. What had been the policy of Great Britain toward her Ameri can colonies from their first establishment ? 110, 11 1 8. In what year were the "writs of assistance" authorized? 111 9. What obnoxious act was passed by Parliament, in 1765? 111 10. What effect did the news of its passage have in America? 111 11. "What were the obnoxious provisions of the act ? Ill 12. Who, in Virginia, was the first to oppose the act in public? 111 13. How did Massachusetts show her opposition to the act?. . Ill, 112 14. Give an account of the Colonial Congress Ill, 112 15. Give the further history of the Stamp Act 112 16. What law was passed at the time of the repeal of the Stamp Act ? 112 17. By what act was the " right to tax America" again asserted?. 113 18. State the circumstances which led to the Boston Massacre 114 19. What concession had been made by Parliament before the news of the " massacre" reached England ? 114 20. Why was not the concession satisfactory to the colonists ?. . . . 114 21. What became of the tea sent to America? 114 22. When and where did " The First Continental Congress" meet? 115 23. What acts, recommendations, &c., were passed by the Congress? 115 24. What active measures did General Gage adopt? 115, 116 25. What preparations were then made by Massachusetts ? 116 26. Who commanded the expedition sent by Gage in April, 1775 ? 116 21. What was the object of that expedition ? 116 28. State what took place at Lexington and Concord 117, 118 29. Give an account of the retreat and pursuit. 118 30. At what place, and how, did the Americans form a camp ?. . . 118 31. What was achieved by Allen and Arnold in May, 1775? 119 32. Give the preliminaries of the battle of Bunker Hill 119, 120 33. Give an account of the battle of Bunker Hill 120, 121 34. What was done by Congress and Washington in June and July ? 122 35. What took place in Virginia in the year 1775? 122 36. Where, at the North, did the Americans resolve to carry the war? 122 37. Why did they determine to go against Canada ? 122, 123 38. How were operations against Canada commenced? 123 39. How far did Schuyler proceed, and why did he return? 123 40. Give an account of Arnold s doings and misfortune 123 41. What progress did Montgomery make before December?. . 123, 124 42. What can you state of Arnold s operations meanwhile? 124 43. What was done by Montgomery and Arnold, acting together ? . 124 . 44. What was afterward done in Canada by Arnold alone? 125 45. How did the operations against Canada end? ........ 125 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 127 EYENTS OP m6. I. Owing to various causes, Washington s army in the vicinity of Boston had dwindled to less than ten thousand men, but by great exertions it was augmented to fourteen thousand before the close of February, 1776. Congress, be lieving that this force would be required in other directions, urged Washington to attack the British, and, if possible, drive them from the city. This accorded with his own desire, which had been previously made known ; yet, in a council of his officers, the recommendation was rejected as involving too much risk. A plan of action was, however, adopted, by which a line of fortifications was in one night erected on Dorchester Heights, which completely commanded the city and harbor of Boston. II. Howe, who had succeeded Gage* in the command, see ing that he must either dislodge the Americans at once or evacuate the city, resolved on an attack; but a violent storm preventing it till the Americans were strongly fortified, his only alternative was evacuation. An understanding was thereupon informally entered into, by which the British should be allowed to embark without molestation from the batteries, upon con dition that they would not set fire to the city. In accordance therewith, on the 17th of March, 1776, they evacuated Bos ton, accompanied by fifteen hundred families of loyalists, and sailed for Halifax. * Thomas Gaffe was the last royal governor of Massachusetts. He was an active officer during the French and Indian war, and, during Hradd<;k s campaign, he and Washington met. EVENTS OF 1776. QUESTIONS. I. 1. What fluctuations took place in the number of Washington s army? 2. What was Washington urged to do? 3. To whom did he submit the recommendation ? 4. What was its fate ? 5. What works were erect ed instead? II. 6. By whom was Gage succeeded in command of the royal forces? 7. What two alternatives were presented to Howe? 8. Upon what did he resolve? 9. Why did he not carry it out? 10. What is said of a certain understanding? 11. When did the British leave Boston? 12. By whom were they accompanied? 13. In what direction from Boston is Halifax? 128 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. HI- A little more than two months before their de parture, a secret expedition, conducted by Clinton, had been dispatched by water in a southerly direction. Surmising its destination to be New York, Washington gave General Charles Lee authority to raise volunteers in Connecticut and march to the protection of that city. It happened that on the very day of Lee s arrival in New York, Clinton appeared off Sandy Hook, just outside the harbor. IV. Foiled in his design against the city, Clinton sailed southward ; and Lee, who had been appointed to the command of the southern forces, pushed rapidly on, watching, as best he could, his movements. At Cape Fear Clinton was joined by Sir Peter Parker and Lord Cornwallis (corn-wol -lis), with a fleet and troops from England, and the whole force pro ceeded against Charleston, in South Carolina. V. The people of Carolina had received intelligence of the intended attack, and were making great exertions in the erec tion of defenses at various places in the harbor. A fort of palmetto wood, on Sullivan s Island, garrisoned by about five hundred men under Colonel Moultrie (jnole -tre), commanded the channel leading to the town, and was considered, in con nection with Fort Johnson, on James Island, the key to the harbor. A combined attack by land and water upon Sulli van s Island was commenced on the morning of the 28th of June, 1776. After a conflict of nine hours, during which Clinton was foiled in his attempt to reach the island, and the fleet was much shattered, the vessels drew oflf, and the British abandoned the enterprise. III. QUESTIONS. 14 What expedition was sent under Clinton? 15. In what way did Washington undertake to anticipate Clinton s designs? 16. What coinci dence occurred ? IV. 17. In what direction did Clinton then sail? 18. What took place at Cape Fear? 19. Where is Cape Fear? (See map, p. 79.) 20. Against what place did the British then proceed? V. 21. How were the people of Charleston prepared ? 22. What fort is between Forts Monltrie and Johnson? (See map, p. 129.) 23. Give an account of the battle of Fort Moultrie. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 129 VLClNTi l OF CHARLESTON VI. While success was thus attending the American arras at the South, Con gress was preparing to declare a separa tion of the political relations existing be tween Great Britain and the colonies. On the 7th of June, Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, offered the following resolu tion : "Resolved, That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the Brit ish crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dis solved." VII. Thereupon a discussion took place which continued for three days, when the further consideration of the subject was postponed to the 1st of July. In the mean time, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin,* Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, were appointed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence. Lee s resolution was passed by a large majority on the 2d of July ; and the DE CLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, which had been prepared by Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, in 1706. fie died in Philadelphia, in 1790. VI. QUESTIONS. 24 "What was Congress doing in the mean time ? 25. Recite the resolution which was offered by Lee. 26. When did he offer it? VII. 27. "What is said of the discussion that followed? 28. What committee was appointed? 29. "What became of Lee s resolution? 30. Give the further history of the Declaration. fi* 130 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. KB. FEASKION. Thomas Jefferson, the chairman of the committee, was unanimously adopted on the 4th of July, 1776.* Everywhere the action of Con gress was heartily approved by the people, and the Declaration was received in assemblies, cities, and among the troops, with de monstrations of joy. VIII. In the beginning of July, General Howe arrived from Hali fax, and took possession of Staten (stat -iji) Island, at the entrance of New York Bay. This he made the rendezvous for a powerful army intended to act against New York. He was soon joined by his brother, Admiral Lord Howe, from England, and by Clinton from the South : these, with other arrivals, including a body of Ger mans, or Hessians (hesh -ans), as they were generally called, gave him an army of thirty-five thousand men. IX. The design of the British was to seize the city of New York and the country along the Hudson River, establish a communication with Canada, separate the New England from the other States, and overrun the populous portions of the re volted districts. Washington s army, in the vicinity of New York city, amounted to twenty-seven thousand men ; but, as many of these were sick, and many others were with- * The old State House, in Philadelphia, where Congress met, is still standing. It is generally known by the name of Independence Hall, though the room in which the Declaration of Independence was adopted and signed, received at first that appellation. The building was erected in 1735, but its bell- tower was not put up until 1750. A bell which was imported from England, expressly for the tower, was found cracked upon its arrival, and thereupon it was recast in the city of Philadelphia, and raised to its placem 1768. Upon fillets around its crown are the words: Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. It has a world-wide reputation as the " Liberty BelL" VIII. QUESTIONS. 31. Of what island did Howe take possession? 32. In what direction from New York city is Btaten Island ? (See map, p. 131.) 33. By what additions did he acquire an army ? IX. 34. What was the design of the British ? 35. What is said of Washington s army? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 131 out arms, his effective force did not exceed seventeen thousand men. \J/ X. Lord Howe and his brother, having been commissioned to grant pardons to all who would lay down their arms and return to their allegiance, undertook to make known their pow ers by a proclamation addressed to the people, and by letters , to Washington. The letters were not received, because they were addressed to George Washington, Esquire, instead of being addressed to him as commander-in-chief of the Ameri can army. This rejection of the letters was owing, not to any official pride on the part of Washington, but to a con viction that to receive them would compromise American rights and dignities. XI. Baffled in the attempt, Howe determined to strike an effective blow without further delay. His troops were accord ingly landed on the western end of Long Island, and, in three divisions, by three different roads, they advanced towards the American camp at Brooklyn, which was then in command of General Putnam.* XII. While two of the divisions were engaging the Americans, the third, under Clinton, having taken a circuitous route, fell upon their rear. Some of the patriots, by a desperate effort, cut their way through the host of foes, but a great many were either killed or taken prisoners. The loss of the NEW YOKK BAY. * Israel Putnam was born in Danvers, Massachusetts, in 1718. He took an active part in the French and Indian war. His death occurred in 1790, at Brooklyn, Connecticut. X. QUESTIONS. 36. What special commission had Lord Howe and his brother received? 3T. How did they undertake to make known their powers? 38. How were the letters addressed ? 39. "What was their fate ? 40. Why were they rejected ? XI. 41. What did Howe then determine upon? 42. Where were his troops land ed? 43. What passage of water did he cross in going from Staten Island to Long Island ? (See map, p. 131.) 44. What plan of advance did the British adopt ? XII. 45. Give an account of the battle of Long Island. 132 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Americans, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was nearly two thousand ; that of the British was less than four hundred. This conflict, generally known as the battle of Long Island, was fought on the 27th of August, 1776. XIII. On the night of the 29th, while a heavy fog was hanging over Brooklyn, and concealing the movements of the Americans, the troops were embarked, under Washington s supervision, and in safety they all crossed to New York city. This retreat was undoubtedly one of the most signal achieve ments of the war, and redounded greatly to the military repu tation of Washington. XIV. As the evident design of the British was to encom pass the American army on the Island of New York, Wash ington called a council of his officers, and, influenced by their opinion, abandoned the city and retreated to the northern part of the island. A part of the British army, thereupon, crossed the East River and took possession of the city. XV. Desiring to gain a knowledge of the condition and plans of the enemy remaining on Long Island, Washing ton applied for a discreet officer to enter their lines and pro cure this intelligence. Captain Nathan Hale,* of Connecticut, volunteered for the service. Hale reached the British camp, and obtained the information desired, but on his return was arrested. He was taken before Howe, by whom, without even the form of a regular trial, he was ordered for execution the next morning. He died a patriot and a hero, saying with his last breath : " I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." * Nathan Hale was born in Connecticut, in 1755. After being graduated at Yale College, he became a teacher. Immediately after the battle of Lexington, he entered the army as lieutenant, and before the close of the year was promoted to be a captain. His death occurred on the morning of the 2 2d of Sept., 1776. The tree on which he was hung, was one cf an orchard owned by Colonel Rutgers, and stood "near the present intersection of East Broadway and Market street," New York city. XIII. QUESTIONS. 46. Give an account of Washington s masterly retreat to New York. XIV. 47. Why did Washington abandon the city of New York ? 48. To what place did he retreat ? XV. 49. Eelate the circumstances connected with the death of Nathan Hale. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. XVI. About the middle of Sep tember, a large detachment of the British crossed the East Riv er, at a point toward the upper part of New York Island, and formed a line almost across the island. On the morning of the 16th, they advanced, in strong force, towards the American lines, two miles off, when a GENERAL PUTNAM. spirited skirmish took place, resulting in the defeat and pur suit of the British. Though the Americans lost Colonel Knowlton and Major Leitch (leech], their principal officers en gaged, the affair was of advantage, inasmuch as it was the first gleam of success in the campaign, and consequently tended to revive the spirits of the army. XVII. It was evident, from Howe s movements, that he in tended to get above Washington s army and destroy his com munications with the Eastern States. While three English frigates were sent up the Hudson to cut off the communication with New Jersey, Howe passed through the strait at the east of New York Island, and landed the greater part of his army in Westchester county, beyond the Harlem River. To render these movements fruitless, Washington withdrew his troops further north, to White Plains, and here, the British following, a partial though severe engagement took place, on the 28th of October, in which the Americans suffered defeat, losing be tween three and four hundred men, a loss about equal to that of the enemy. XVIII. During the following night the Americans had so improved and strengthened their position, that Howe con- XVI. QUESTIONS. 50. Give an account of the battle that took place on the 16th of September. XVII. 51. What did Howe s movements indicate? 52. Describe the movements. 53. Give an account of the battle of White Plains. 54. In what direction from Tar- rytown is White Plains? (See map, p. 47.) AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1776. Cj " ded not to rencw the cont est until the arrival of re- enforcements ; but before these came Washington with drew his troops still further north, to the hills of North Castle. Instead of following, the British general turned his attention to the American posts on the Hudson, with the apparent de sign of invading New Jersey, and marching against Philadel phia. IX. Leaving one detachment, under Lee, at North Castle, and another, under Colonel Magaw, at Fort Washington, the American commander crossed the Hudson with the main body of his army, and entered New Jersey. On the 16th of November, 1776, the British made an attack upon Fort Wash ington, situated on New York Island, about eleven miles above the city, and, although they were successful, the victory cost them a thousand men. XX. They then, in large force, commanded by Cornwallis, crossed the Hudson and took possession of Fort Lee, nearly opposite Fort Washington, which had been abandoned on their approach. Closely pursued by Cornwallis, Washington retreated through New Jersey, and, early in December, crossed the Delaware with his diminished and disheartened army. Congress, then in session at Philadelphia, soon after adjourn ed to Baltimore. XXI. Lee,* who had been urged by his commander-in- chief to hurry to the support of the main army, instead of obeying, at first delayed, and then advanced leisurely. Hav- XVIII. QUK8TIONS.-55. Why did not Howe afterward renew the contest? 56 By what movement was Howe foiled f 57. In what direction from Verplanck s Point is North Castle ? (See map, p. 47.) 58. What was Howe s next movement ? XIX. 59. On what stream of water was Fort Washington situated ? (See man p 47.) 60. Give an account of the battle there. XX. 61. Give an account of the retreat and pursuit. 62. What movement did Congress make? 63. On what river is Philadelphia situated? (See map p 142) L Baltimore ? (See map, p. 237.) XXL 65. How did Lee obey Washington s order to hurry to his support? 66 What misfortune befell him ? 67. What was then done with Lee a detachment ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 135 GENERAL LEE. ing incautiously taken quarters at a distance from his detach ment, he was surprised and taken prisoner by a scouting party of the enemy. Sullivan, who had been made a prisoner at the battle of Long Island, and recently exchanged, then took command- of the detach ment, and promptly conducted it to Washington s camp across the Delaware. XXII. Owing to the reverses which the army had sus tained, a feeling of gloom and despondency prevailed among the patriots. This was soon dispelled by a bold enterprise accomplished by Washington. On the night of the 25th of December, 1*776, a division of the army crossed the Delaware under his command two other divisions, in consequence of the ice, not having succeeded in getting over and at eight o clock on the morning of the 26th, attacked a body of Hes sians stationed at Trenton. Rahl,* their commander, was mortally wounded, between thirty and forty of his men were slain, and nearly a thousand taken prisoners. Washington s loss was only four men, two of whom fell in the battle, and two were frozen to death. XXIII. Conscious that he could not hold Trenton against the superior force which the British could concentrate there in a few hours, he recrossed the Delaware with his prisoners and spoils. The victory restored confidence to the Americans, * The name of this officer was also spelled Rail, and in other ways. After the battle he was conveyet to the house of a Quaker family, where Washington and Greene visited the dying man. XXII. QUESTIONS. 68. In what direction from Philadelphia is Trenton ? (See map, p. 68.) 69. When did a battle take place there ? 70. Give an account of the battle. XXIII. 71. Why did Washington abandon Trenton ? 72. What effect did the result of the battle have? 73. What induced Washington to again proceed to Tren ton? 136 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1776. while it startled and mortified the British. Encour aged by his success, and finding his army strengthened very much by recent recruits, Washington resolved to act on the offensive. With that view he again crossed the Delaware and took post at Trenton, though the enemy were assembled in great force at Princeton, only ten miles distant. EVENTS OF IT 7 7. I. After being joined by troops under Generals Mifflin and Cadwallader, Washing ton s whole force at Tren ton, on the 1st of January, 1777, did not exceed five thousand men. Fortunately, Congress had invested him with almost dictatorial powers in all things relative to the operations of war, and, thus empowered, he was making efforts to augment his army by the addition of artillery bat talions. II. Towards the evening of the 2d of January, Cornwallis, at the head of a large body of troops, reached Trenton, and after making several attempts to cross the stream which runs through the town, and being as often repulsed with loss, he concluded to give his wearied troops a night s repose, and de fer hostilities until morning, feeling sure of then capturing Washington and his entire army. III. AVashington s situation was indeed critical. To retreat EVENTS OF 1777. I. QUESTIONS. 1. How large was Washington s army at Trenton in the beginning of 1777 ? 2. With what extraordinary power had Congress invested Washington ? II. 3. Give an account of what took place on the 2d of January. III. 4. Describe the situation in which Washington was placed. 5. What bold expedient suggested itself to his mind in this critical position ? 6. In what direction from Trenton is Princeton ? (See map, p. 136.) 7. When did the battle of Princeton take place ? 8. Describe it. 9. What officer did the Americans lose? CENTRAL PART OF NEW JEKSEY. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 137 across the Delaware, which was then very much obstructed by floating ice, or to remain and risk a battle with a superior force, appeared full of danger. In this hour of darkness, a bold expedient suggested itself, and he adopted it. Leaving his camp-fires burning, he marched by a circuitous route to ward Princeton, intending to surprise and attack the British troops left there. At sunrise, January 3d, the van of his forces encountered, near Princeton, a part of the British troops, already on their march to join Cornwallis. At first the American militia gave way, but Washington coming up with a select corps, turned the tide of battle and routed the enemy. The loss of the British, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was about four hundred men ; that of the Americans did not exceed thirty, but among them was General Mercer, who was mortally wounded. IV. Washington s army was encamped at Morristown during the first months of 1777. The place had not been se lected for winter quarters, but, being well protected by forests and rugged hills, no change was made until the latter part of May, when the encampment was removed to Middlebrook. V. Early in 1776, Congress sent Silas Deane to France, to solicit aid for the United States. He was af terward joined by Dr. Franklin and Arthur Lee. France hesitated to extend any open assistance, but secretly aided the Americans by loans and gifts of money, and by supplies of arms, provisions, and clothing. And what aid France FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES, ,. , , . ADOPTED IN JULY, 1777. did not extend as a nation, was, to IV. QUESTIONS. 10. Where did "Washington s army spend the first months of 1777? 11. Why did the army remain there so long? 12. When and to what place did the army remove? 13. In what direction from Morristown is Middlebrook? (See map, p. 68.) V. 14 What persons were sent to France for aid ? 15. In what way did France respond ? 16. What is said of Lafayette ? 138 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. some extent, at least, accorded by her citizens. The Marquis de Lafayette was a notable example. At his own expense he fitted out a vessel, and, in the spring of 1777, arrived in America. He at once joined the army of Washington as a volunteer without pay, but was soon after appointed by Congress a major-general. VI. Toward the close of April, 1777, General Tryon, late royal governor of New York, made an expedition eastward. With a force of two thousand men he marched against Dan- bury, Connecticut, and, after destroying the stores which had been collected there by the Americans, burned the town. Fearing an attack from the militia, who were assembling in great force, he retreated to his shipping in Long Island Sound, being repeatedly harassed on his retrograde march by de tachments of the Americans, commanded by Generals Wooster, Arnold, and Silliman. Tryon s loss, during the expedition, amounted to nearly three hundred men : that of the Americans was not so large, but Wooster was among the slain. VII. The destructive expedition against Danbury was fully retaliated in less than a month after. Colonel Meigs (>negz), with a party of Connecticut militia, crossed Long Island Sound, destroyed the British stores and shipping at Sag Harbor, and, carrying off ninety prisoners, returned to Con necticut without the loss of a man. VIII. This gallant exploit was followed, in July, by another of equal, if not greater daring. Colonel Barton, with a small party of resolute men, at night crossed Narragansett Bay to the Island of Rhode Island, surprised and captured General Prescott, the British commander there, and returned VI. QUESTIONS. IT. When and by whom was the town of Danbury burned? 18 In what direction from New Haven is Danbury ? 19. Give an account of Tryon a expedition. 20. What officer did the Americans lose ? VII. 21. How is Sag Harbor situated? (See map, p. 47.) 22. Give an account of the expedition conducted by Colonel Meigs. VIII. 23. Give an account of the expedition conducted by Colonel Barton. 24. What was afterward done with Trescott ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 139 safe to the mainland with his prisoner. This achievement put it into the power of the Americans to recover Lee, an officer of equal rank with Prescott, and the exchange was ac cordingly effected in May, 1778. THE JERSEY PRISON-SHIP.* IX. As spring approached, it became evident that Howe s scheme in New Jersey was to draw the Americans from their camp at Middlebrook, and bring on a general engagement. Tn furtherance of the plan, he concentrated the main body of his army at New Brunswick, within ten miles of the camp ; and, in one attempt, a skirmish took place between a corps under Cornwallis and Stirling s brigade, in which the British had the advantage. The scheme, however, failed : Washing ton continued to pursue his " Fabian policy," and, at length, the whole force of the enemy in New Jersey was withdrawn to Staten Island, leaving the American commander in complete possession of the State. During the Revolution, the British used the hulks of their decaying ships for the imprisonment of Americans captured by them. One of these, the Jersey Prison Ship, is proverbial in our revolutionary history on account of the great numbers who were confined there, and of the cruel and inhuman treat ment they received. She was anchored in the Wallabout, a small bay on the Long Island shore, opposite New York, and used as a prison -ship until the close of the war. IX. QUESTIONS. 25. What became evident as spring approached ? 26. Did th British succeed? 27. To what place did the British withdraw? 140 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. X. The troops thus withdrawn, amounting to eigh teen thousand men, were embarked on board the fleet commanded by Admiral Lord Howe, and the vessels put to sea, leaving a large force under Clinton still at New York, to retain possession there, and make the city a base of other operations then in progress. The destination of the fleet being unknown to Washington, he remained for many days in painful uncer tainty about it. XL At last the mystery was explained. The object of the British was to get possession of Philadelphia, but, on reach ing Delaware Bay, they were deterred from entering by re ports that measures had been taken to obstruct the navigation of the Delaware River. The Admiral, it afterward appeared, then determined to make for Chesapeake Bay, and, in that way, approach as near as possible to the city. Accordingly a landing was effected at a point on the Elk River, a stream flowing into the bay from the north. XII. Washington hastened to dispute the march of the British, and, with the main part of his army, took a position at Chad s Ford, on Brandywine Creek. On the llth of September, the enemy advanced in two divisions, and while one, under Knyphausen (nip-how -zen), made a direct attack upon the left wing of the Americans, the other, under Howe and Cornwallis, crossed the stream above, and unexpectedly fell upon their right. The patriots defended themselves with great valor, but were at length forced to give way. The loss of the Americans, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was full twelve hundred men; that of the British was about five X. QUESTIONS. 28. What disposition did Howe make of his troops ? 29. On what subject did Washington feel a painful uncertainty? XI. 30. How was the mystery of Howe s movements explained? 81. By what route did the British finally proceed ? 32. What town is situated at the mouth of the Elk Eiver? (See map, p. 142.) XII. 33. Where did Washington take a position to dispute the march of the British ? 34. Is Chad s Ford nearer the mouth of Brandywine Creek than Wilming ton ? (See map. p. 142.) 35. Give an account of the battle of Brandywine. 86. What distinguished officer, on the American side, was wounded ? 87. What otheV distinguished officer was in the battle ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 141 hundred. Lafayette, who was wounded, and Pulaski (pu-las - ke), a Polish nobleman, were both in the battle, doing brave service for the cause of libertv. WASHINGTON S HEAD-QUARTERS AT BRANDYWINE. XIII. During the following night, the Americans retreated to Chester, where they rendezvoused, and next day marched toward Philadelphia. Washington, desiring to save the city XIII. QHESTIONS. 38. To what place did the American army retreat during the night? 39. State how Washington s determination to meet the enemy again was frustrated. 40. Give an account of the battle of Paoli. 41. Into what body of water does the Schuylkill flow? (See map, p. 142.) 42. In what direction from Philadelphia is Paoli ? (See same map.) 142 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. H possible, recrossed the Schuylkill (skool -kil), with the determination of seeking the enemy and giving battle. The two armies met, and were on the point of engag ing, when a violent rain-storm prevented. To add to the dis aster of Brandywine, General Wayne, who had been detached with about fifteen hundred men to get in the rear of Howe s advancing army, and cut off his baggage train, when near Paoli (pa-o -le), on the 20th of September, was surprised by A midnight attack, and defeated with great loss. XIV. A movement on the part of the British, which threat ened the magazine and military stores at Reading (red -ding), induced Washington to make a counter-movement and take a position at Pottsgrove. Philadelphia, thus abandoned, was entered by the British on the 26th of September, 1777. Howe prepared to make the city his winter-quarters, while the main body of his army was encamped at Germantown, four miles distant. XV. Some days after, Washington, on learning that a strong detachment of the British had left for the reduction of Forts Mifflin and Mercer, determined to attack the force re maining at Germantown. Ac cordingly, early on the morn ing of the 4th of October, the Americans advanced upon the encampment of the enemy, and, for a time, had the ad vantage ; but a fog which pre vailed, and a stone house into which several companies of British troops had thrown themselves, favored the party attacked, and, after one of the PIIILADKLPHIA AND VICINITY. XIV. QUESTIONS. 43. How is Heading situated ? (See map, p. 142.) 44. How is Pottsgrove situated? (See same map.) 45. Why did Washington occupy Potts- grove ? 46. What was the consequence ? 47, Where did the main body f the British encamp for the winter? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 143 bloodiest and most obstinate conflicts of the war, the patriots were repulsed. The loss, on the part of the Americans, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was about a thousand men ; on the part of the British, about half that number. XVI. Seven or eight miles below Philadelphia, the Ameri cans had erected two forts on opposite sides of the Delaware River. One of these, called Fort Mifflin, was at Mud Island, near the Pennsylvania shore, and the other, Fort Mercer, was at Red Bank, on the New Jersey side. It was evident that while these two forts were in the hands of the Americans, and the obstructions remained which had been placed in the river, the British shipping could not ascend to Philadelphia, and consequently the army there would not readily obtain supplies. XVII. Howe was aware of this, and, in concert with his brother, a plan of operations was agreed upon for the reduc tion of the forts and the removal of the obstructions. Ac cordingly, on the 22d of October, both forts were attacked : Mercer, by a land force of two thousand Hessians, under Count Donop ; and Mifflin, by a powerful naval force of frigates and other vessels. But, in both cases, the British were most signally repulsed, with heavy loss. Donop was mortally wounded ; about five hundred of the Hessians and marines were either killed or wounded, and two of the largest ships were destroyed. Colonel Green, who commanded at Fort Mercer, Colonel Smith, who commanded at Fort Mif flin, and Commodore Hazelwood, who did good service in command of a small fleet of galleys, were thanked by Con gress for their courageous conduct, and to each was afterwards voted a sword. XV. QUESTIONS. 48. In what direction from Pottsgrove is German town ? (See map, p. 142.) 49. While at Pottsgrove, what information did Washington receive? 50. When did the battle of Germantown occur ? 51. Give an account of it. XVI. 52. How are Forts Miffliu and Mercer situated? 53. What was evident in connection with the two forts ? XVII. 54. What plan of operations was agreed upon ? 55. When were th-; two forts attacked? 56. Give an account of the two battles? 57. How was the gallant conduct of the American commanders afterwards noticed ? 144 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. COLONEL MOULTKIB. XVIII. On the tenth of November a second attempt to reduce Fort Mifflin was commenced. After a heroic defense of five days/ during which the British kept up a de structive fire from a battery which they had erected, and also from their ships-of-war, the gar rison set fire to and evacuated the fort, and crossed over to Red Bank at night by the light of the flames. Washington endeavored to keep possession of Fort Mer cer, but before he could send a sufficient force, Lord Cornwallis, with two thousand men, appear ed before it. As a defense against such odds was hopeless, the place was abandoned. XIX. During the winter of 1777 78, Washington s troops were quartered in huts at Valley Forge, on the west side of the Schtiylkill River, about twenty miles from Howe s head quarters at Philadelphia. Here they suffered greatly for want of food, clothing, and comfortable quarters, and many of the officers resigned in consequence of not receiving their pay. In a letter which Washington addressed to the President of Congress, on the 23d of December, he says: "We have no less than two thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight men now in camp unfit for duty, because they are barefoot and otherwise naked." XVIII. QUESTIONS. 58. When did the British a second time undertake to reduce Fort Mifflin? 59. Give an account of what followed. CO. What is said of Fort Mercer? XIX. 61. Where did Washington s army make their head-quarters during the winters of 1778-79? 62. In what direction from Fort Mifflin is Valley Forge? (See map. p. 142.) 63. What is said of the sufferings of the Americans at Valley Forge ? 04. What statement did Washington make in a letter? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 145 BURGOYNE S INVASION. I. The failure of the campaign of 1776 against Canada, left the British at liberty to make hostile demonstrations from that quarter, and they were not slow in availing themselves of it. An army of ten thousand men, consisting of British and German troops, and a large body of Canadians and Indians, was concentrated at St. John s, on the Sorel River. II. The immediate design of General Burgoyne, who com manded this large army, was to invade the United States by the way of Lake Cham plain, and force his way to Albany. He further designed to effect a junction of his own army with that of one from New York city, and thus cut off Washing ton s communications with the Eastern States. Before making any advance, however, he sent a detachment, under St. Leger, to proceed by way of Oswego, cap ture Fort Schuyler (ski -ler), situ ated on the Mohawk River, and then rejoin him at Albany. III. Burgoyne, at the head of his invading host, moved slow ly up the lake, and, after taking possession of Crown Point, pro- , , . ,. GENERAL 8T. CLAIB. ceeded to invest liconderoga, which was then garrisoned by a force of three thousand men, under General St. Clair.* This commander had determined * Arthur St. Clair was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1735. He wa with Wolfe in the battle of th 9 Plains of Abraham, and with Washington in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. He died near Greens. burg, Pennsylvania, in 1818. BITRGOYNE S INVASION. I. QUESTIONS. I. What was the consequence of the failure of the Canada campaign in 1776? 2. Where did the British army of invasion concentrate? 3. How is St. John s situated? 4. Is St. John s north or south ol House s Point? (See map, p. 124.) II. 5. Who commanded the army at St. John s ? 6. What was Burgoyne s im. mediate design? T. What further design did he have ? 8. What detachment did he send out? 146 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. to hold out to the last extremity, but, to his dismay discovering that the enemy had erected batteries on Mount Defiance, a rocky height commanding the fort, he determined upon a speedy retreat. IV. On the night of the 5th of July, while dispatching his ammunition and stores for Skenesborough (skeenz -bur-rd), now Whitehall, the army crossed over to Mount Independence, and took a road through the woods, on the east side of the lake, towards Fort Edward, the head-quarters of General Schuyler, who then commanded the American forces at the north. Early on the morning of the 7th, the rear division of the retreating army was overtaken at Hubbardton, Vermont, and, after a severe battle, routed with considerable loss. The ammunition and stores were also overtaken at Skenes borough, and destroyed. V. Schuyler, deeming his force, which then numbered only about four thousand men, inadequate to make a successful stand against that of the invaders, gradually fell back to the islands at the mouth of the Mohawk. Burgoyne reached Skenesborough, and thence his march was slow and difficult, owing to the impediments which Schuyler had placed in his way, by destroying the bridges and felling immense trees across the roads. III. QUESTIONS. 9. In what part of the State of New York is Lake Champlain situated? (See map, p. 62.) 10. What State is on the east of the lake? (See map, p. 62.) 11. How is Crown Point situated? (See map, p. 149.) 12. Ticonderoga? (Ditto.) 13. Mount Defiance ? (Ditto.) 14. Up what lake did Burgoyne sail ? 15. What place did he take possession of? 16. What place did he then proceed to in vest? IT. By whom was Ticonderoga defended? 18. What had St. Clair deter mined upon ? 19. Why did he not carry out his determination ? IV. 20. What did St. Clair do with his ammunition and supplies? 21. In what direction from Fort Edward is Whitehall? (See map, p. 149.) 22. To what place did the American army cross? 23. Where is Mount Independence? (See map, p. 149.) 24. What road did the army then take? 25. When was the battle of Hub bardton fought? 26. How is Hubbardton situated? (See p. 149.) 2T. Give an account of the battle fought there. 28. What became of the ammunition and stores ? V. 29. To what place did Schuyler retire ? 30. Into what river does the Mohawk flow? (See map, p. 149.) 81. Why did Schuyler retire to the islands at the mouth of the Mohawk? 32. What is said of Burgoyne s march after leaving Skenes- horough ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 147 VI. While approaching Fort Edward, an act of barbarity was perpetrated which excited wide-spread abhorrence. This was the murder of Miss McCrea. The lady, it appears, was on a visit to a friend residing near the fort. Several Indians, part of one of Burgoyne s marauding parties, burst into the house where Miss McCrea was, and carried her off. On the way, a quarrel arose among the savages as to whose prize the captive was. The dispute becoming furious, one of the In dians, in a paroxysm of rage, killed her, and bore off her scalp as a trophy. According to some authorities Miss McCrea was killed by a shot, intended for one of her captors, which was fired from an American gun at the fort. VII. St. Leger, who, it will be recollected, had been sent against Fort Schuyler, on reach ing the place, and finding it reso lutely defended by Colonel Gan- sevoort, determined upon a siege. The besiegers were a motley force, composed mostly of Brit ish and Indians, the latter led by the famous Brant, with some Royalists, Hessians, and Cana- .KOSCIUSKO.* dians. On the 6th of August, two days after the commencement of St. Leger s operations, General Hcrkimer, with a body of militia, while advancing to the relief of Gansevoort, fell into an ambuscade at Oriskany, (o-ris -kan-e), within a few miles of the fort, and was mortally wounded. * Thaddena Koeciusko, a Polish patriot, was born about 1755. He was with Gates in the two battles of Stillwater,and subsequently distinguished himself as an adjutant of Washington. His death, which oc curred in Switzerland, in 1817, was caused by a fall from his horse over a precipice. VI. QUESTIONS. 33. Give an account of the murder of Miss McCr-ea. 34. How j Fort Edward situated? (See map, p. 149.) VII. 35. Against what place had St. Leger been sent? 36. Where was Fort Schuyler? (See map, p. 148.) 37. By whom was Fort Schuyler defended? 38. Upon what did St. Leger determine? 39. Why did he not make an attack at once? 40. Of whom did the besiegers consist ? 41. Give an account of the battle of Oris kany. 148 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1777. VIII. At the same time, and for the purpose of making a diversion in favor of Herkimer, of whose ap proach Gansevoort had been in formed, a spirited sortie from the fort was made upon the camp of the besiegers, who were driven awav or fled, and a large quantity of baggage and stores was seized. OO & The Americans retreated in good VICINITY OF FORT 8CHUYLER. . T order to the fort just as St. Leger came up with re-enforcements. IX. Schuyler, upon hearing that Gansevoort was so closely pressed, sent a detachment of eight hundred men to his relief. Arnold, who commanded it, by contriving to send a report ahead, exaggerating the number of his force, so worked upon the fears of St. Leger s Indian allies that they fled, and the siege was abandoned. X. While these events were taking place on the Mohawk, others, of no less importance, were being enacted nearer to Burgoyne. That commander, in consequence of the delays to which he had been subjected, found himself in want of supplies for his army. Learning that large quantities were stored at Bennington, he sent a detachment of five hundred men, mostly Hessians, commanded by Colonel Baum, to seize them. The detachment was met a short distance from the town, on the 16th of August, 1777, by a body of New Hamp shire militia, under General Stark, and entirely defeated, Baum being killed. The victors then dispersed in various directions about the field. VIII. QUESTIONS. 42. Give an account of the sortie from the fort. IX. 43. Give an account of Arnold s stratagem. X 44 What did Burgoyne find himself in need of? 45. How came >t that his supplies were gone? 46. By what method did he undertake to procure supplies? 47 How is Bennlngton situated? (See map, p. 149.) 48. When did the battle of Bennington take place? 49. Give an account of it. 50. What error did the Amen- cans commit after the battle ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. -149 XL At this juncture, five hundred Hessians, whom Bur- goyne had sent to the aid of Baum, came up. These were joined by many of their coun trymen who had fled. Stark was endeavoring to gather to gether his scattered men, when, fortunately, Colonel Warner,* with a fresh body of militia, arrived from Bennington, and the enemy were again defeated. XII. The reverses experi enced by the British at Fort Schuyler and Bennington, se riously embarrassed the move ments of Burgoyne, and weak ened and dispirited his whole army. Just then, when the Americans were in good force to confront the British, a change was made in the com mand of the patriot army of the north General Gates, by act of Congress, was appointed to succeed Schuyler. XIII. Gates advanced to Bemis Heights, a little above * Seth Warner was born in Connecticut, about 1744. He took part in the capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, in 1775 ; was at the battles of Bunker Hill, Bennington, and Bemis Heights, and was with Montgomery in Canada. He died in Connecticut, in 1785. /MASS. SARATOGA AND VICINITY. XL QUESTIONS. 51. What occurred at this juncture? 52. How did fortune favor the Americans ? XII. 53. How did the defeat of the British at Bennington affect them? 54. Who was appointed to succeed Schuyler? 55. What injustice was done to Schuyler by the change? XIII. 56. To what place did Gates advance ? 5T. In what direction is that from Bennington? (See map, p. 149.) 58. What movement did Burgoyne make? 59. When was the first battle of Stillwater fought? 60. Give an account of it. 61. By what other name is that battle also known ? 150 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Stillwater, and Burgoyne crossed the Hudson, arriving within two miles of the American camp. On the following day, September the 19th, was fought the first battle of Stillwater, sometimes called the battle of Bern is Heights, in which Arnold was the leading spirit, and the bravest among the brave. Both parties claimed the victory ; but, though the British remained on the field of battle, their progress toward Albany was effectually checked. XIV. The two armies remained in sight of each other for more than two weeks, Burgoyne, in the mean time, strengthening his position, to await the co-operation of Clin ton from New York. Despairing of aid from that quarter, the British commander determined, if possible, to cut his way through the American lines. Then, October the 7th, occurred the second battle of Stillwater, or, as it is often called, the battle of Saratoga. XV. After a fierce conflict of sev eral hours, in which the British lost General Eraser and other valuable officers, beside over four hundred men, they were compelled to give way. Though having no command assigned him, Arnold was the most active in the battle, and was severely wounded just as victory was decid ing for the Americans. XVI. Burgoyne* retired to Sara toga shortly after, where, finding GENERAL BUBGOYNE. * John Burgoyne was born in England, about 1730. After his surrender to Gates he returned to Eng land, being tlien a prisoner on parole, where he was coldly received in Parliament, of which body he was a member. He died in London, in 1792. XIV. QUESTIONS. 62. How long did the two armies remain in sight of each other? 63. What did Burgoyne do in the mean time ? 64. What did he at last de termine to do? 65. When did the second battle of Stillwater occur? 66. By what other name is that battle also known ? XV. 6T. Give an account of the second battle of Stillwater. XVI. 68. To what place did Burgoyne then retire ? 69. What was his condition at Saratoga? 70. When did he surrender? 71. What did the Americans acquire by the surrender? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 151 himself so surrounded that all chance of retreat was cut off, and being without provisions, on the 17th of October he surrendered his whole army, numbering more than five thousand men, prisoners of war. By the surrender, the Ameri cans acquired a fine train of artillery, five thousand muskets, and a large quantity of clothing, tents, and military stores. XVII. In the mean time Sir Henry Clinton had ascended the Hudson as far as Forts Clinton and Montgomery, and captured the two forts ; but, in stead of hastening to the co-oper ation of Burgoyne, he sent an ex pedition to devastate the country, intending thereby to make a diver sion in favor of the northern Brit ish army. The troops garrisoning Ticonderoga and other forts on the northern frontier, upon hear ing of Burgoyne s surrender, aban- O O J GENERAL GATES. doned their posts and fled to Can ada, and Clinton s expedition returned to New York. XVIII. The all- important successes of Gates* at Bemis Heights and Saratoga formed an unsatisfactory contrast with Brandywine and Germantown, and served the purpose of a faction, subsequently known as " Conway s Cabal," who were laboring in secret to undermine the popularity of Washington. The leading conspirator, the one from whom the cabal de rived its name, was Thomas Conway, who had come from Europe with a military reputation, and been appointed a major-general in the American army. * Horatio Gates was born in England, in 1728. He was an officer in Braddock s expedition, in 1755, and was severely wounded in the battle of the Monongahela. After the Revolutionary \\ ar, he resided on an estate which he owned in Virginia, until 1790. He then removed to New York, where he died in 1806. XVII. QUESTIONS. 72. What had Sir Henry Clinton done in the mean time? 73. How were the two forts, Clinton and Montgomery, situated? (See map, p. 47.) 74. What expedition did he send ? 75. What effect did Burgoyne s surrender have upon the expedition, and the British troops on Lake Champlain ? XVIII. 76. What invidious contrast was made ? 77. What is said of the cabal and the leading conspirators ? 152 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. j^ XIX. A knowledge of this intrigue coming to Washington, his despondency, occasioned by the dis tresses at Valley Forge, was very much augmented, but during the trying season he comported himself with dignity ; and time fully vindicated the wisdom of Congress in electing him to be the commander-in-chief of the army. XX. In November, 1777, ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION for the government of the United States were adopted by Congress. These, however, in consequence of not being rati fied by all the States previous to 1781, did not go into effect before that year. EUIN8 OF FORT TICONDEEOGA. XIX. QUESTIONS. 78. Did Washington hear of the intrigue against hjm ? 79. How did the knowledge affect him ? SO. What was his conduct under the circum stances? 81. What is said of the -wisdom of Congress in connection with the sub ject? XX. 82. When did Congress adopt the Articles of Confederation ? 83. When did the Articles go into effect? 84. Why did they not go into effect sooner? REVIEW QUESTIONS. 153 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. What measures were taken to drive the British from Boston ?. 127 2. When and under what circumstances did they leave the city? 127 3. What authority did Washington give to General Charles Lee? 128 4. When, where, and by whom was Clinton s force increased?. . . 128 5. How was Charleston prepared for defense ? 128 6. Give an account of the battle of the 28th of June, 1776 128 7. What was done in Congress on the 7th of June, 1776 ? 129 8. What on the 2d of July and the 4th of July ? 129, 1 30 9. What extensive preparations were made by the British? 130 10. What was their design in making the preparations ? 130 11. Give an account of the battle of Long Island 131, 132 12. Of Washington s retreat to New York and evacuation of the city 132 13. Of Howe s subsequent movements to intercept Washington. 133, 134 14. How did the British get Fort Washington and Fort Lee? 134 15. How did Gen. Lee behave when ordered to join the main army ? 134 16. How did the British succeed in making him a prisoner ? 135 17. Give an account of the battle of Trenton 135 18. Give an account of the battle of Princeton 136, 137 19. Why were Dr. Franklin and others sent to France? 13t 20. What can you state of the generous conduct of Lafayette ?. . . 138 21. What expeditions were made in April, May, and July ? 138 22. In what way did Howe proceed from New Jersey to the Elk R. ? 140 23. Give an account of the battle of Brandy wine 140, 141 24. Give an account of Wayne s disaster at Paoli 142 25. When did the British army enter Philadelphia ? 142 26. Give an account of the battle of Germantown 142, 143 27. Give an account of the two battles fought October 22d 143 28. How were Forts Mifflin and Mercer afterwards lost? 144 29. What can you state of Washington s army at Valley Forge? . . 144 30. What army did the British concentrate at St. John s, Canada?. 145 31. Give an account of St. Leger s operations 145, 147, 148 32. Of Burgoyne s movements against Ticonderoga 145, 146 33. Of the battle of Hubbardtou 146 34. Of the two battles fought near Bennington 148, 149 35. By whom was Schuyler superseded in the Northern command ? 149 36. Give an account of the battle of Bemis Heights 149, 150 37. Give an account of the battle of Saratoga 150 38. What was Burgoyne finally compelled to do? 150, 151 39. What account can you give of Con way s Cabal? 151, 152 40. What can you say of the Articles of Confederation? 152 154 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. EVENTS OF 1778. I. The success of the Americans at Saratoga decided the negotiations which had been set on foot in 1776. France acknowledged the independence of the United States, and a treaty of alliance and commerce was concluded between the two countries. The commissioners by whom the treaty was made met at Paris, those on the part of the United States being Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, and on the 6th of February, 1778, signed the important docu ment. II. In England the tidings of Burgoyne s surrender pro duced alarm, which was aggravated by apprehensions that France was about to espouse the cause of the Americans ; and instead of the determination formerly manifested by the British ministry, to conquer the rebellious colonies at any cost, a more conciliatory spirit began to prevail, and two bills, in keeping with this feeling, were passed by Parliament. III. Commissioners were sent to America, with all dispatch, to negotiate a restoration of peace ; but Congress refused to treat with them until Great Britain should withdraw her fleets and armies, or acknowledge the independence of the United States. IV. One of the commissioners, in his eagerness to forward the end of his mission, attempted to bribe General Joseph Reed and Robert Morris, members of Congress. Said Reed, in reply, " I am not worth purchasing ; but, such as I am, the king of Great Britain is not rich enough to do it." m EVENTS OP 1778. I. QUESTIONS. 1. How did the American success at Saratoga affect matters in France? 2. Who were the American commissioners by whom the treaty was negotiated ? 3. When was it signed ? II. 4. How did the success at Saratoga affect the cause in England ? 5. What was done by Parliament ? III. 6. Who were sent to America? 7. How did Congress act toward them? IV. 8. What is said of the attempt at bribery ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 15$ V. France, immediately upon the conclusion of the treaty with the United States, fitted out a squadron, commanded by D Es- taing* (des-taing }, the first object of which was to blockade the British fleet, then in the Dela ware. VI. In the mean time, Gen eral Howe had resigned his com mand, and General Clinton been appointed his successor. The British government, fearing for the safety of their fleet in the Delaware, and apprehending a result to their main army similar to that of Burgoyne s, ordered the ships to leave the river, and the troops to abandon Philadelphia, and both forces to proceed to New York. Consequently, D Estaing, in his first intention, was foiled, for, before his arrival, Admiral Howe had sailed. VII. On the 18th of June, Clinton completed the evacua tion of Philadelphia, crossed the Delaware, and commenced his march through New Jersey toward New York. Wash ington gave pursuit, and at Monmouth, on the 28th of June, a severely contested battle was fought. In the early part of it, Lee s division fell back, and was in full retreat just as Washington came up. Lee was sharply rebuked by the com- mander-in-chief, and directed to assist in further operations ; * Charl Assembly of Notables guillotined in 1794. Hector Count d Estaing was a native of France, born in 1729. He was a member of the French Revolution, but, falling under the suspicion of the Terrorists, was Y. QUESTIONS. 9. How did France commence to assist the Americans? VI. 10. What change took place in the British command? 11. In what intention was D Estaing foiled? 12. What was the cause ? 13. Why did Clinton leave Phila delphia? VII. 14. When did he leave ? 15. In what direction did he go ? 16. What move ment did Washington make? IT. When did the battle of Monmouth take place? 18. In what direction is Monmouth from Philadelphia ? (See map, p. 68.) 19. What is Monmouth now called ? Ans. Freehold. 20. Give an account of the battle. 156 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ^ e com P^ e d> an d during the remainder of the battle displayed both faithfulness and courage. VIII. Though, at the close of the -day, the result of the engagement was indecisive, the advantage was clearly with the Americans, and they slept on their arms, intending to re new the contest on the following morning ; but Clinton silently departed before dawn, and proceeded on his march. The loss of the British in the battle reached five hundred, and this was increased by more than a thousand desertions, prin cipally among the Hessians, before the march was ended. The Americans lost more than two hundred, many of whom fell from the excessive heat and fatigue of the day. IX. Lee s pride having been wounded by the rebuke he had received on the battle-field, he addressed two disrespectful let ters to Washington on the subject, and, at his own request, was tried by a court-martial. Three charges were made out against him, namely : disobedience of orders, misbehavior before the enemy, and disrespect to the commander-in-chief. A tedious investigation of more than a month was had, when he was found guilty and sentenced to be suspended from all command for a year. X. Lee never rejoined the army, but, just before the close of the war, died in Philadelphia. It is certain that his con duct, on more than one occasion during the war, gave rise to painful suspicions ; and the evidence is now strong that, once at least, he was ready to act a treacherous part. XI. During the summer of 1778, an enterprise was decided upon by Washington and D Estaing, having for its object the VIII. QUESTIONS. 21. What is said of the result? 22. What prevented a re newal of the contest? 23. What losses were sustained by each party ? IX. 24. To whom did Lee address two disrespectful letters ? 25. Why did he do so? 26. What action was taken at his request? 27. What charges were brought against him ? 28. "What was the resnlt of the trial ? X. 29. When and where did Lee die? 30. What is said of his conduct during the war? XI. 31. What enterprise did Washington and D Estaing decide upon ? 32. What force did the enemy have there at the time ? 33. How did the French and Ameri cans commence operations ? 34. In what direction from Providence is Newport ? (See map, p. 37.) AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 157 expulsion of the British from the Island of Rhode Island, which place had been made a military depot and stronghold by them. The enemy s force there, at the time, consisted of about six thousand men, commanded by General Pigot, whose head quarters were at Newport. In accordance with the plan of attack, the French fleet entered the harbor of Newport and anchored near the town, while Sullivan,* commanding the American troops, crossed from Tiverton and landed on the northern part of the island. XII. Just as arrangements were matured for a com bined attack, Lord Howe, who had heard of Pigot s danger, and hastened to his relief, made his appearance with his large fleet. The new-comer entirely diverted the French commander from his object, who, tempted by .-, -I /. 1 j. GENERAL BTTLLIVAN. the hope of a naval victory, sailed out to meet Howe. The two fleets were about to engage when a furious storm came on, which parted and disabled them. XIII. D Estaing returned to Newport, but, instead of co operating with the Americans, as agreed, he announced his intention of sailing for Boston, to refit his ships. Against this contemplated desertion, not only Sullivan, but Lafayette and Greene, who were then with the army at Rhode Island, re monstrated, but without effect. In the mean time, Sullivan had advanced almost to Newport, but, finding himself deserted * John Sullivan was born in Berwick, Maine, in 1740. In consequence_of ill health, he resigned hi jsitic 7 . 5. position in the army before the close of the war. His death occurred at Durham, New Hampshire, i XII. QUESTIONS. 35. Describe what took place in connection with D Estaing s fleet XIII. 36. Upon D Estaing s return to Newport, what announcement did he make? 37. How was the announcement received by the Americans? 38. What had Sullivan done in the mean time? 158 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. by the French, he withdrew to the northern part of the island, followed up by the British. XIY. Here, on the 29th of August, occurred an engage ment known as the battle of Quaker Hill, or, taking its name from another eminence, on which the Americans had thrown up a redoubt, the battle of Batt s Hill. After a loss, in killed, of over two hundred on each side, the British retired. Learning that a fleet with troops was coming to the aid of Pigot, Sulli van gained the mainland, by a night movement, just in time to avoid being intercepted by Sir Henry Clinton. XV. A little later in the season, a marauding expedition, commanded by General Grey, committed great devastation, burning vessels in Buzzard s Bay, sacking New Bedford and Fair Haven, and, at Martha s Vineyard, levying an immense contribution in sheep and cattle. But no acts of the enemy during the entire war were considered of greater atrocity than those committed by the Tories and Indians at Wyoming, in Pennsylvania, and at Cherry Valley, in New York. XVI. Early in July, 1778, a large force of Tories and In dians, under Colonel John Butler, entered the Valley of Wy oming, spread desolation in every direction, and defeated, with great slaughter, a body of the inhabitants, who had march ed out to check their ravages. In November, of the same year, a force of the same mixed character fell upon the settle ment of Cherry Valley, and killed, or carried into captivity, many of the settlers. XVII. Towards the close of the year, Sir Henry Clinton sent an expedition of two thousand men to invade Georgia. XIV. QUESTIONS. 39. When did the battle of Quaker Hill take place ? 40. Give an account of it. 41. What is said of Sullivan s escape? XV. 42. Give an account of Grey s expedition. 43. Where is Buzzard s Bay? (See map, p. 37.) 44. In what direction from Newport is New Bedford? (See same map.) 45. Where is Fair Haven ? Am. On the Acushnet Eiver, opposite New Bedford, with which it is connected by a bridge. 46. Where is Martha s Vineyard ? (See map, p. 37.) 47. What acts of the enemy were looked upon as of peculiar atrocity ? 48. Where is Cherry Valley ? (See map, p. 62.) 49. Where, Wyoming ? (See map, p. 62.) XVI. 50. Give an account of the " Massacre at Wyoming." 51. Of the "Massacre at Cherry Valley." AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 159 Colonel Campbell (kam -el), who commanded it, proceeded against Savannah, then defended by a force of only six hun dred regulars and two or three hundred militia, under General Robert Howe, and, on the 29th of December, made an attack. The Americans were defeated with much loss, and, in conse quence, Savannah fell into the hands of the British, and was retained by them until July, 1783. EVENTS OF 1779. I. Savannah having fallen into the hands of the British, no other post in Georgia remained to the Americans except Sun- bury (sun 1 -ber-e). On the 9th of January, 1779, General Pre- vost, who had arrived from. Florida with a body of troops, captured this post, and, assuming the command of the British forces in the South, ordered Campbell to occupy Augusta, for tire purpose of giving encouragement and support to the loy alists in that region. II. The Tories along the western frontiers of Carolina, having organized themselves into a body, and placed Colonel Boyd in command, marched to join the royal army under Prevost. Throughout their entire route, they committed depredations and cruelties upon the property and persons of the patriots ; but at Kettle Creek, Georgia, they were attacked, on the 14th of February, by a force of Carolina militia, under Colonel Pickens, and utterly defeated, Boyd being among the killed. III. Encouraged by this success, General Lincoln (link -on), who had arrived to take command of the American troops at XVII. QUESTIONS. 52. What expedition was sent against Georgia? 53. How is Savannah situated? (See map, p. 164.) 54. When did a battle occur? 55. Give an account of it. 56. What was the consequence ? EVENTS OF 1779. I. 1. What post in Georgia remained to the Americans after the fall of Savannah? 2. State how and when this, too, was lost 8. What command did Prevost assume ? 4. What order did he give ? 5. In what direction from Sa- rannah is Sunbury? (See map, p. 164.) II. 6. What organization of Tories was effected? 7. What is said of their acts ? depredations, etc. ? 8. When did the battle of Kettle Creek take place? 9. Where did it take place ? Ans. At Kettle Creek, Georgia, near its junction with the Sa vannah Eiver. 10. Give an account of the battle. 160 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. the South, sent General Ashe to drive the British from Augusta, and confine them to the country near the sea. Campbell fled at his approach ; but at Brier Creek, G-eorgia, Ashe was surprised by Prevost, on the 3d of March, and de feated, losing nearly his whole army by death, captivity, and dispersion. Elated with victory, Prevost advanced against Charleston, but the timely arrival of Lincoln forced him to retire. IV. Learning that a body of British troops was stationed at Stono Ferry, ten miles southwest from Charleston, Lincoln determined, if possible, to drive the enemy from a position so menacing to the city. Accordingly, on the 20th of June, the attempt was made, but, after a severe engagement, the Ameri cans were repulsed. V. While these operations were being carried on at the South, General Tryon made two more expeditions against Con necticut, and Clinton captured Stony and Verplanck s Points, on the Hudson. In Tryon s second expedition, he destroyed some salt-works at Horseneck, and dispersed a body of troops under Putnam ; in his third, he plundered New Haven, and laid East Haven, Fairfield, and Norwalk, in ashes. VI. Washington, desiring to recapture Stony Point, plan ned a midnight attack under General Wayne.* On the 15th of July, Wayne set out, and, dividing his force into two col- * Anthony Wayne was born at Waynesborough, Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1745. He died at Presque Isle, now Erie, in 1796, while on his way from the West, where he had been en public business. III. QUESTIONS. 11. Who succeeded General Kobert Howe in the command of the American troops at the South? 12. On what expedition did Lincoln send Ashe? 13. How is Augusta situated ? (See map, p. 164.) 14. When did the battle of Brier Creek take place ? 15. Into what body of water does Brier Creek flow ? (See map, p. 164.) 16. Give an account of the battle. IV. 17. When did the battle of Stono Ferry take place ? 18. Where was the battle fought ? 19. Give an account of it. V. 20. In the mean time, what had the British done at the East and North ? 21. How is Stony Point situated? (See map, p. 169.) 22. Which is the near-- er to Peckskill, Stony Point or Yerplanck s Point? (See map, p. 169.) 23. How are New Haven, Fairfield, and Norwalk situated? (See map, p. 47.) 24 Where is East Haven? Am. Four miles east from New Haven. 25. What did Tryon ac complish in his second expedition? 26. In his third? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 161 umns, for simultaneous attacks on opposite sides of the fort reached the outworks before the alarm was given : the two columns then forced their way with the bayonet, in the face of a tremendous fire of grape- shot and musketry, and, meet ing in the centre of the works, the garrison surren dered at discretion. The entire GENERAL WAYNE. loss of the Americans was fifteen killed, and eighty-three wounded : the British lost upward of six hundred, in killed and prisoners. This achievement, considered one of the most brilliant of the war, was effected without the firing of a single gun on the part of the victors. VII. Only four days after, July 19, another gallant exploit crowned the efforts of the Americans. The British post at Paulus ( paw -lus) Hook,* in New Jersey, opposite the city of New York, was surprised at night by Major Henry Lee, and one hundred and fifty men of the garrison were made prison ers. VIII. These two successes were counterbalanced by a com plete reverse, experienced about a month later, in Maine. A squadron of armed vessels, fitted out by Massachusetts, pro ceeded against a military post which the British had estab lished on the Penobscot River. Just as the Americans were about to make an assault, after an ill-judged siege of fifteen days, a British fleet arrived and defeated them with great loss. * Paulus Hook was so called for a number of years. Its name was afterwards changed to " the city of Jersey," and in 1838, by act of incorporation, it was called Jersey City. VI. QUESTIONS. 2T. What place did "Washington desire to recapture ? 28. How is Stony Point situated? (See map, p. 169.) 29. When was the battle of Stony Point fought? 30. Give an account of it 31. How is Wayne s achievement considered ? VII. 32. Give an account of the exploit at Paulus Hook. VIII. 33. Describe the Penobscot River. (See map, p. 103.) 34. Give an account of the reverse on the Penobscot. 162 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. IX. As many of the Indian tribes, especially those in the western part of New York, were constantly war ring upon the border settlements, General Sullivan was sent to check their depredations, as also to avenge the " Massacre of Wyoming." On his march, he was joined by General James Clinton, from the vicinity of Albany, when the united forces amounted to about five thousand men. After defeating a O body of Indians and Tories at Newtown, now Elmira, in a conflict known as the " Battle of Chemung" (she-mung f ),lie penetrated as far as the Genesee (jen-e-see ) River, destroying forty Indian villages and a vast amount of corn. This chastise ment greatly intimidated the Indians, and their murderous excursions became less frequent. X. The winter of 1779- 80 set in early, and was very se vere. Washington made his winter quarters at Morristown ; and, though he made great exertions for the comfort of his troops, they still were at times on half allowance, and suffered greatly for want of sufficient clothing and shelter. XI. D Estaing, it will be remembered, sailed from Rhode Island for Boston, to refit his ships, after they had been dis abled in a storm. From Boston he went to the West Indies. In September, 1779, he returned, and prepared to co-operate with Lincoln in an attempt to recover Savannah. On the 9th of October, after a siege of about three weeks, the two com manders made a combined assault, but were repulsed with the loss of nearly a thousand men, in killed and wounded. Among those who fell was the gallant Count Pulaski, a Po lish patriot, who had distinguished himself at the battle of Brandywine, and had otherwise rendered good service to the American cause. IX. QUESTIONS. 35. Upon what expedition was Sullivan sent? 36. By whom was he joined? 37. "Where is Elmira? (See map, p. 62.) 3S. What took place there? 39. What did Sullivan accomplish? 40. Describe the Genesee Eiver. (See map, p. 62.) X. 41. What is said of the condition of Washington s army during the winter of 1T79- 1 80? XL 42. What is said of D Estaing s movements? 43. Give an account of the attempt to recover Savannah. 44. What officer of note did the Americans lose? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 163 XII. In September of this year, one of the most obsti nate naval engagements aver fought took place off Flam- borough Head, England. It was between a small squad ron of French and American vessels, commanded by Paul Jones,* and two British frig ates that were convoying a mer chant fleet. At about seven, on the evening of the 23d, the battle commenced. The Bon- Homme Richard, Jones s flag ship, coming in contact with the Serapis, one of the frigates, commanded by Captain Pear son, Jones lashed the two vessels together. The contest con tinued with great fury till ten at night, when the Serapis struck. The other frigate in the mean time had surrendered to the Pallas, one of the vessels of the squadron. Jones, find ing that his own ship was sinking, was compelled to transfer his crew to the Serapis. XIII. Great Britain found an additional antagonist this year, in Spain ; that power with a view to regaining Gibraltar Jamaica, and Florida, joined France and declared war against her. EVENTS OF 1780. I. The principal military operations of 1*780 were carried on in South Carolina. Sir Henry Clinton, with a fleet com manded by Arbuthnot, having sailed from New York to pro- * John Paul Jones was born in Scotland, in 1747. At the age of twelve, he was apprenticed to a ship master who was engaged in the American trade. When the American Revolution broke out, he was in Virginia. His name was John Paul, to which, for some unknown reason, he added Jones. After the Revolution, he entered the Russian naval service, and died at Paris, in poverty and neglect, in 1792. XII. QUESTIONS. 45. Where did a naval battle take place on the 23d of September, 1779? 46. What was the character of the battle ? 47. Give an account of it XIII. 48. What additional antagonist appeared against Great Britain ? EVENTS OF 1780. I. 1. Where were the principal military operations of 1780 carried on? 2. When did Sir Henry Clinton appear before Charleston? 3. How is Charleston situated ? (See map, p. 164.) 4. What took place at Monk s Cor ner? 5. Where is Monk s Corner? (See map, p. 164.) 6. Give an account of the surrender of Charleston. 164 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1780 a & a * nst Charleston, appeared before that city in February, and, on the 1st of April, commenced a regu lar siege. While it was in progress, an American force, sta tioned at Monk s Corner, to keep open a communication between the city and the interior, was surprised by Colonel Tarleton, and put to flight. On the 12th of May, Lincoln, the American commander, unable to hold out any longer, surrendered, and every man in Charleston became a prisoner of war. II. To complete the subjugation of South Carolina, as Clin ton contemplated, three expeditions were sent into the inte rior. The first was to scour the country along the Savannah ; the second, to go against the post of Ninety-Six ; while the third was to pursue a body of troops which had been sent II. QUESTIONS. 7. Why did Clinton send three expeditions ? 8. What special objects had each ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 165 to the relief of Charleston, but, on learning of the surrender of that city to the British, had turned back, and were march ing towards North Carolina. III. The first and second expeditions met with no opposi tion. As Buford, the commander of the retrograding Ameri cans, was moving very rapidly, and had a long start of the third expedition, Cornwallis, its commander, detached Tarleton with a force of dragoons and mounted infantry, to lead the pursuers. At Waxhaw Creek, on the 29th of May, Tarleton overtook the retreating Americans, and, impetuously falling upon them, gave no quarters, but massacred or maimed nearly every man. IV. Sir Henry Clinton, believing South Carolina to be completely subdued, sailed for New York, leaving Cornwallis to carry the war into North Carolina and Virginia. In this opinion, however, Clinton was mistaken : for Generals Sumter and Marion, by their partisan warfare, kept alive the spirit of freedom. Although the former was repulsed at Rocky Mount, yet at Hanging Rock, only a week after, he attacked a large body of British and Tories and gained a decided victory. V. Previous to the surrender of Charleston, Washington had sent the Baron De Kalb with re-enforcements, for the pur pose of aiding Lincoln ; but, owing to various difficulties, De Kalb advanced no further than Deep River, in North Carolina, where, hearing of the fate of Charleston, he deter mined to await further orders. While thus waiting, Gates, who had been appointed by Congress to succeed Lincoln in III. QUESTIONS. 9. How did the first and second expeditions succeed? 10. When did the battle of Waxhaw Creek take place? 11. Give an account of it. 12. Into what river does Waxhaw Creek flow? (See map, p. 164.) IV. 13. Why did Clinton return to New York? 14. Whom did he leave in com mand? 15. What is said of Sumter and Marion ? 16. What is said of the battles at Rocky Mount and Hanging Rock ? 17. Where are these two places situated ? (See map, p. 164.) V. 18. How did Washington endeavor to prevent the loss of Charleston ? 19. Give an account of De Kalb s movements. 20. Into what body of water does the Deep River flow? (See map, p. 164..) 21. Who was Lincoln s successor in command at the South? 22. To what place did Gates march his army ? 166 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1780. the command at the South, arrived and took charge. The army then marched to Clermont, in South Carolina. VI. At this time there were two large forces of the British in South Carolina : one at Charleston, under Cornwallis, and the other on the Santee River, under Lord Rawdon. On hear ing of the approach of Gates, Rawdon concentrated his troops at Camden, twelve miles from Clermont, at which place Corn wallis soon arrived with a small number of troops and took the command. On the 15th of August, Gates sent re-enforce ments to aid Sumter in capturing a train of supplies intended for the enemy; and, on the night of the loth, he advanced towards Camden, for the purpose of attacking the British should they march out in force to repel Sumter. VII. On the same night, by a singular coincidence, Corn wallis sallied from Camden to attack the camp at Clermont. Just after midnight the two vanguards met at Sanders Creek, and a slight skirmish took place, and early in the morning a general battle commenced. After a desperate contest, the American reg ulars, being deserted by the militia, and overwhelmed by superior num bers, were forced to retreat, with a loss in killed, wounded, and prison ers, of about a thousand men. De Kalb* was among the mortally wounded, and died three days after. The loss of the British was between three and four hundred. This con test, fought on the 16th of August, GENERAL DE KALB. * The Baron De Kalb was a native of Alsace, a German province in possessl America with Lafayette, in 1777. i of France. He came to VL QUESTIONS. 23. Where, at the time, were the British in force in South Caro lina? 24. Describe the Santee Kiver. (See map, p. 104.) 25. How is Camden situ ated? (See same map.) 26. What movements did Kawdon and Cornwallis make before the 16th of August ? 27. What did Gates do on the 15th and 16th ? VII. 23. Give an account of the battle of Sanders Creek. 29. When did it take place? 30. By what other names is it also known? 31. What officer of note did th Americans lose ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 167 1780, is known as the battle of Sanders Creek. It is also known as the first battle of Camden, or, it is quite as often simply designated as the battle of Camden. VIII. Sumter was successful in capturing the train of sup plies ; but the defeat of Gates not only left him without any co-operation from that quarter, but let loose the enemy against him. He was pursued by Tarleton, and at Fishing Creek, a tributary of the Wateree, was surprised and routed with great slaughter. IX. Believing South Carolina to be at last subdued, Corn- wallis proceeded to overrun North Carolina. His first measure was to detach Major Ferguson to overawe the in habitants favoring the patriot cause, and embody the loyalists under the royal banner. A large number of Tories and dis reputable persons flocked to Ferguson s standard, and, as a consequence, his progress was attended by many disgraceful excesses. X. These acts of violence so exasperated the inhabitants, that, on the 7th of October, a hastily-formed force, consisting of bodies of mountaineers and backwoodsmen, under the general command of Colonel William Campbell, of Virginia, attacked the enemy at King s Mountain,* in South Carolina. Fer guson and one hundred and fifty of his men were killed, and the remainder, to the number of more than eight hundred, * King s Mountain is the name of a village in North Carolina. Near it, but in South Carolina, is the eminence of the same name, which was the scene of the battle. The conflict took place about a mile and a half south of the boundary-line between the two States. VIII. QUESTIONS. 32. What is said of Sumter s success and subsequent defeat ? 33. By what name is the Wateree Eiver known in North Carolina? Ans. The Catawba. 34. At what place was Sumter surprised and routed by Tarleton ? 35. Into what stream does Fishing Creek flow ? 36. Into what stream does the Wateree flow ? (See map, p. 164.) IX. 37. Under what delusion did Cornwallis proceed to overrun North Carolina ? 38. What was his first measure ? 39. What is said of the persons who flocked to Ferguson s standard ? 40. What was the consequence ? X. 41. When was the battle of King s Mountain fought? 42. Was the battle fought in North or South Carolina ? 43. In what direction is King s Mountain from the Cowpens? (See map, p. 164.) 44. Of whom did the American force at King s Mountain consist? 45. Give an account of the battle. 46. What officer did the Americans lose ? 47. How did the result of the battle affect Cornwallis ? 168 MERICAN REVOLUTION". 1780. surrendered. Though the Americans had only twenty men killed, the loss of Colonel Williams, a bravi and efficient officer, who was among the slain, was very much felt. The blow was a severe one to Cornwallis, and compelled hirn to make a retrograde march into South Carolina. XL Marion* (ma -re-un), by his stratagems and expedients, con tinued to frustrate the purposes of British detachments, and Sumter, appearing again in the field after his rout at Fishing Creek, was victorious in two engagements one at Fishdam Ford, with Major Wemyss (wtmz), and the other at Blackstocks, with Tarleton. XII. At the north, in the mean time, events of great importance were taking place. Sir Henry Clinton, having heard that a mutinous spirit was breaking out in Washington s army, deemed the occasion propitious for an expedition. Accord ingly, a force of five thousand men, under Knyphausen, advanced into New Jersey, took possession of Elizabeth, and burned " Connecticut Farms," a village now called Union. In a second advance, also led by Knyphausen, the British were met at Springfield, on the 23d of June, and repulsed. GENERAL MARION. ny to His death occurred in 1795. XL QUESTIONS. 48. What is said of Marion s successes? 49. OfSumter s? 50. Where is Fishdam Ford? (See map, p. 164.) 51. Where is Blackstocks? (See map, p. 164.) XII. 52. What prompted Clinton to send an expedition into New Jersey? 53. What expedition did he send ? 54. What did Knyphausen accomplish in his first advance? 55. How is the village of Union situated? (See map, p. 68.) 56. How is the city of Elizabeth situated? (See map, p. 136.) 57. What was the city of Elizabeth formerly called ? Ans. Elizabethtown. 58. When did a battle take place at Springfield? 59. What was the result? 60. How is Springfield situated ? (See map, p. 136.) AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 160 TREASON OF ARNOLD. XIII. The year 1780 is particu larly memorable for the treason of Arnold. In 1778, directly after the British had evacuated Phila delphia, Washington appointed Arnold to the command of that city, as the state of his wound, re ceived at Still water, would not per mit him to resume active duty. At Philadelphia he lived at an ex pense far beyond his income, and, to meet the demands of his credi tors, appropriated public funds to his own use. Charges were pre ferred against him, and, though acquitted by a court-martial of actual criminal intent, he was adjudged to be reprimanded by Washington. XIV. The decision of the court was received by Arnold with an ill grace, and with evident emotions of resentment ; and though Washington administered the sentence with great delicacy and consideration, Arnold felt the disgrace, and de termined to effect a plan by which he might wreak his ven geance, and, at the same time, repair his fortune. XV. He had already made secret advances to the enemy, XIII. QUESTIONS. 61. For what is the year 1780 particularly memorable ? 62. When was Arnold appointed to a command at Philadelphia? 63. Why was he not given a command requiring greater activity? 64. What is said of Arnold s style of living at Philadelphia? 65. What misappropriation of funds did he make? 66. What followed ? XIV. 67. How did Arnold receive tht decision of the court ? 68. How did Wash ington perform his unpleasant task? 69. Upon what did Arnold determine? XV. 70. Of what had Arnold already been guilty? 71. What command did he solicit? 72. What correspondence was he at that time engaged in? 73. What is said of the importance of West Point ? 74. Where is it situated ? .(See map, p. 169.) 75. How did Arnold s request strike Washington? 76. Why then did he grant tho request ? 8 170 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1780. under a feigned name; and while actually engaged in a treasonable correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton, he solicited the command of West Point, then the strongest and most important fortress in the United States. Washing ton expressed surprise that an officer so remarkable for energy and activity should seek a post where there was compara tively so little to be done ; but, having confidence in Arnold s patriotism, he granted the request. IIEAD-QUABTERS, OPPOSITE WEST POINT. XVI. The treasonable correspondence had now been car ried on eighteen months. The plot was ripe. Arnold was m the command of an important fortress which he proposed to betray into the hands of the British ; and Major Andre, aide- de-camp to Clinton, was sent to complete the plan of treason and adjust the traitor s recompense. Andre left New York, XVI. QUESTIONS. 77. How long had Arnold carried on his correspondence with Clinton before the treasonable plot was ripe ? 7S. On what mission was Andre sent? 79. Who was Andre ? 80. How did Andre reach Arruold ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 171 proceeded up the Hudson, and, at a place about six miles below West Point, met Arnold and completed the bargain. XVII. Instead of returning by water, as had been previ ously arranged, circumstances compelled Andre to cross to the east side of the Hudson, and proceed towards New York by land. When near Tarry town, he was stopped by three militiamen John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Wart and searched. In his boots were found a number of papers in Arnold s own hand-writing ; and he was therefore pronounced a spy. In vain he remonstrated, and attempted to bribe his captors ; they conducted him to North Castle, the nearest military station of the Americans. XVIII. Colonel Jameson, the commander at North Castle, in stead of initiating measures for the capture of Arnold, stupidly dis patched a letter to that officer, in forming him of the circumstances of the arrest. The traitor, startled and alarmed upon reading the let ter, immediately escaped on board the British sloop-of-war Vulture, BENEDICT ARNQLD the vessel which had been intend ed for Andre s return, and took refuge in New York. XIX. Andre was conveyed to Tappan, a village on the west side of the Hudson, opposite Tarrytown, and there tried by a court-martial, found guilty, and, agreeably to the law XVII. QUESTIONS. 81. What change was made in Andre s traveling arrange ments? 82. What was the consequence? 83. Where is Tarrytown? (See map, p. 169.) 84. Give the names of the three persons who arrested him. 85. What was the result of the search ? 86. Did Andre endeavor to effect his release, or not ? 87. By what means ? 88. What did his captors do with him ? 89. Where is North Cas tle? (See map, p. 4T.) XVIII. 90. Who commanded the Americans at North Castle? 91. What folly did he perpetrate ? 92. What was the consequence ? XIX. 93. Whither was Andre taken ? 94. How is Tappan situated ? 95. Where was he executed ? (See map, p. 169.) 96. How was Arnold rewarded for his treachery ? 172 AMERICAN REVOLUTION, and usages of nations, executed as a spy Arnold* was made a brigadier-general in the British service, and received six thousand three hundred pounds sterling as an additional reward for his treachery. * Benedict Arnold was born at Norwich, Connecticut, in 1740. After the Revolution he was engaged in business for a time at St. John s, New Brunswick. He went to England, and at London, where he died in 1801, he lived in obscurity, everybody avoiding him with disgust. REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. What foreign negotiations were commenced in 1776? 154 2. What acknowledgment did France make in 1778 ? 154 3. What treaty was also made at the same time ? 154 4. Who, on the part of the United States, signed the treaty?. . . . 154 5. What effect did Burgoyne s surrender have in England? 154 6. Upon what mission were commissioners sent to America?. ... 154 7. How did Congress act with reference to the commissioners?. . 154 8. What error did one of the commissioners fall into? 154 9. How did General Reed reply to him ? 154 10. What foreign squadron was fitted out to aid the Americans?. 155 11. By whom was Howe succeeded in the command of the British? 155 12. Why did not D Estaing capture the British fleet? 155 13. When did Clinton evacuate the city of Philadelphia ? 155 14. By whom was he pursued towards New York? 155 15. When did the battle of Monmouth occur ? 155 1G. Give an account of the battle 155, 156 17. What was the loss of the British during the battle and retreat? 156 18. How did Lee take the rebuke from Washington ? 156 19. Upon how many and what charges was he tried? 156 -20. What is said of the investigation and its result ? 156 21 Give the subsequent account of Lee 156 22. Where was Pigot in command during the summer of 1778?.. . 157 23. What rendered the place important at the time ? 157 24. What enterprise was decided upon against it? 156, 157 25. Into what harbor did D Estaing s fleet enter? 157 26 What was done by Sullivan at the same time ? 157 27 How was D Estaing diverted from the attack upon Newport?. 157 28. Upon his return to Newport, what announcement did he make? 157 29. How was the announcement received by the Americans?. . . . 157 30. Give an account of the battle that took place on the island. .158,159 REVIEW QUESTIONS. 173 PAGE 31. What fortunate retreat did Sullivan afterward make? 158 32. Give an account of Grey s marauding expedition 158 33. When did the " Massacre of Wyoming" take place? 158 34. When did the " Massacre of Cherry Valley" take place ? 158 35. Upon what southenf expeditioii was Campbell sent? 158. 159 36. Give an account of the battle between him and Gen. R. Howe 159 37. What did the Americans hold in Georgia at the opening of 17 79? 159 38. When and by whom was Sunbury captured? 159 39. How did the force under Colonel Boyd originate 159 40. Give an account of the battle between him and Pickens 159 41. Who, in 1779, commanded the American troops at the South? 159 42. On what expedition did Lincoln send General Ashe? 160 43. Give an account of the battle between Ashe and Prevost 160 44. Give an account of the battle of Stono Ferry 160 45. What was done by Tryon in his second and third expeditions?. 160 46. By whom was the recapture of Stony Point planned? 160 47. Give an account of Wayne s brilliant achievement. , 160, 161 48. What brilliant success crowned the efforts of Major Lee? 161 49. Where, in Maine, had the British established a military post?. 161 50. Give an account of the expedition against it 161 51. On what westward expedition was Sullivan sent? 162 52. What did he accomplish during tho expedition ? 162 53. What preparations were made, in 1779, to recover Savannah?. 162 54. Give an account of the battle of Savannah 162 55. What account can you give of Pulaski? 141, 162 56. Where did Paul Jones have his famous naval battle ? 163 57. Give an account of it 163 58. Give an account of the operations against Charleston 163, 164 59. What expeditions did Clinton send into the interior? 164, 165 60. What success did they meet with ? 165 61. After Lincoln s capture, who succeeded to his command? .... 165 62. Give an account of the battle of Sanders Creek 166 63. Give an account of the battle of King s Mountain.. * 167, 168 64. Of the events which led to Arnold s treason 169 170 65. What place did Arnold propose to surrender to tho British?.. . 170 66. Whom did Clinton send to negotiate with Arnold ? 170 67. At what place did Andre and Arnold meet ? 171 68. State the circumstances of Andre s arrest 171 69. What further account can you give of Andre? 171, 172 70. How did Arnold succeed in making his escape ? 171 71. How did the British afterward reward liim ? 172 174 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. EVENTS OF 1781. I. The Pennsylvania line of troops, to the number of thir teen hundred, having experienced much suffering through want of pay, clothing, and provisions, left their camp at Morris- town, with the intention of marching to Philadelphia and de manding redress from Congress. At Princeton they were over taken by two emissaries whom Clinton had sent, for the pur pose of inducing them by bribes to enter the service of the king. II. Though smarting under the neglect to which they had been subjected, the troops were not to be bribed. Regarding Clinton s attempt as a reflection upon their fidelity to the cause of freedom, they seized the emissaries and conducted them to General Wayne, to be treated as spies. While at Princeton a committee of Congress met the disaffected sol diers, and, after making concessions and granting relief, settled the difficulty. The two emissaries were tried by court martial, found guilty, and executed as spies. III. The plan of concession by which the troubles with the Pennsylvania troops were settled, had a pernicious effect ; for the example of the Pennsylvanians was soon followed by a part of the Jersey troops, who claimed like treatment ; but Washington, by vigorous measures, not only quelled this second mutiny, but repressed all similar manifestations among other portions of the army. IV. However much these two demonstrations were regretted at the time, they produced a quickening and salutary effect upon Congress. Direct taxes were resorted to, an agent was sent to Europe for aid, the Bank of North America was char tered, and other efficient measures were adopted for the support EVENTS OF 1781. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What is said of the mutiny Of the Pennsyl vania troops ? 2. Where and by whom were they overtaken ? II. 3. What did the troops do with the emissaries ? 4. What was finally done with them ? 5. How was the difficulty with the troops settled ? III. 6. What is said of the method by which the difficulty with the Pennsylvania troops was settled? 7. How was that soon shown? 8. How were the Jersey troops dealt with ? 9. What was the effect ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 175 EGBERT MORRIS. of the army and the maintenance of the government. Through the exertions of Robert Morris,* as su perintendent of the national treas ury, and by the help of the bank, was Congress mainly enabled to prosecute the war. V. Early in 1781, two months after he had joined the British, Arnold was appointed to the command of an expedition against Virginia. With about twelve hundred men, he sailed up the James River to Richmond, plundered and destroyed public and private property there, and all his movements, in every direction, were marked by ravages and distress. VI. Descending the river, he took post at Portsmouth. An opportunity for his defeat and capture seeming full of promise, Washington arranged a plan by which troops under Lafay ette,! co-operating with a French fleet from Rhode Island, were to make the attempt. But the effort failed in conse quence of the British fleet, under Arbuthnot, overtaking, that of the French off the capes of Virginia, and, after an engage ment of about 0&i hour, compelling it to return. VII. Gates s defeat at Sanders Creek craised his removal from the command of the Southern troops, and the appoint ment of Greene in his place. Establishing a camp on the * Robert Morris was born in Lancashire, England, in 1734. He came to America when thirteen yeara old, and was educated at Philadelphia. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. After the Revolution, he lost, by laud speculations, an immense fortune which he had gained in the China trade, and he died at Philadelphia, in 1S06, in comparative poverty. t The Marquis de Lafayette was born in France, of an ancient and distinguished family, in 1757. He was iu the battles of Brandywine, Monmouth, and Yorktown, and was a member of the court that tried Aiidr6 as a spy. He died in Paris, in 1834. IV. QUESTIONS. 10. "What is said of the effect which the two uprisings of the troops had upon the Congress? 11. What measures did Congress adopt ? 12. What is said of Robert Morris s exertions? V. 13. When did Arnold commence operations in behalf of those to whom he had deserted? 14. What is said of his expedition? 15. Describe the James Kiver. (See map, p. 85.) VI. 16. How is Portsmouth situated? (See map, p. 44.) 17. What plan of cap ture did Washington arrange ? 18. Why did it fail ? 176 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1781. LAFAYETTE. Great Pedec, the first care of the new commander was to reorganize the army, after vvhich, separating it into two divisions, he sent one, under Morgan, to check the devastations of the British in the western part of South Carolina; the other, he retained under his own immediate command. VIII. Cornwallis no sooner heard of the movement of Mor gan, than he dispatched Tarle- ton to disperse his force or drive it out of the State. Morgan, on receiving intelligence of the approach of the British, was at first inclined to make a stand where he was encamped, but, being informed of the superior ity of their numbers, he retreated and took a position near the Cowpens. Here Tarleton found him, on the morning of the 17th of January. IX. Upon the signal being given, the British rushed for ward with a shout, and a conflict ensued, in which, though Tarleton was confident of success, up to almost the very close of the battle, the Americans were completely victorious, inflict ing a loss, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, of more than eight hundred men, while their own did not exceed seventy. The battle of the Cowpens was one of the most decisive of the Revolution. The patriots fought, actuated by a desire to re venge the wrongs and outrages which the Tories and English had committed upon them, their neighbors, and their homes, VIL QUESTIONS. 19. What change in commanders did Gates s defeat at the South cause? 20. Where did Greene establish a camp? 21. Into what river does that flow ? (See map, p. 164.) 22. How did he divide his army, ana what did he do with one of the divisions? VIII. 23. What expedition was dispatched by Cornwallis ? 24 What movement did Morgan make? 25. Where is the Cowpens? (See map, p. 164.) 26. When did the battle of the Cowpens take place ? IX. 2T. Give an account of the battle. 28. What is said of the decisiveness of the battle ? 29. What is said of the desire which actuated the patriots? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 177 and the result was a blow which perceptibly paralyzed the power of the royalists in the South. X. Morgan* did not linger on the battle-field. Believing that Cornwallis would advance upon him with an overwhelming force as soon as he should hear of Tarle- ton s defeat, the victor set out in a northeasterly direction, his ob ject being to get across the Cataw ba before the enemy, then only .twenty-five miles distant, could intercept him. Nor was he mis- GENERAL MORGAN. taken with regard to the movement of Cornwallis. That com mander soon received the inglorious tidings from the Cowpens, and, starting off in pursuit of Morgan, reached the Catawba at evening, on the 29th, just two hours after the Americans had forded the river. He halted, intending to cross in the morning, but during the night a heavy rain set in, and by daybreak the stream was so swollen as to be impassable. XI. Greene, who had received intelligence of the victory and pursuit, hurried forward with only a guard of dragoons, and, reaching the east side of the Catawba, took command of Morgan s division, and continued the retreat. After some de lay and opposition, Cornwallis effected a crossing, and reached the Yadkin only in time to capture a few wagons which had lingered in the rear of the retreating army. Another fall of rain, which had occurred during the day, overflowed the ford * Daniel Morgan was born in New Jersey, in 1736. He was with Braddock in the expedition of 1758, ^^^^^^^^^^&^^^-&Sf^ BSaS3tta5RS^ ft^" 1 " " """ "*" " "" ^SJES <" X. QUESTIONS. 30. Why did Morgan hurry away after his victory? 31. What movement did Cornwallis make? 32. How were the Americans aided as if provi dentially? XI. 33. Who now assumed command of the American army ? 34 Give an ac count of the pursuit as far as the Yadkin. 35. Describe the Yadkin. (See map, p. 164) 36. How were the Americans aided the second time ? 8* GENERAL GREENE. 178 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Cornwallis had expected to use, and lie was therefore compelled to find a crossing higher up. XII. By stratagems and manoeuvers, Greene succeeded in reaching tbe Dan River, and effected a crossing just as the astonished enemy appeared on the opposite bank. Grieved and vexed, Cornwallis abandoned the pursuit, and marched southward to Hillsboro (hilz -bur-reh). XIII. Greene* recrossed the Dan, and, with his force increased to over four thousand men, felt himself to be in sufficient strength to confront Cornwallis with boldness. But at Guil- ford (ghil -furd) Court House, in North Carolina, he was attack ed on the 15th of March, and, after one of the severest actions of the war, was forced to retreat. His loss, in killed and wounded, amounted to four hundred men, in addition to which, many of the militia deserted. The result, though a victory to the British, cost them, in killed, wounded, and missing, more than five hundred men, and so disabled Cornwallis as to compel him to retreat from the field of victory. XIY. Undismayed by his reverse, Greene determined to follow the victor, and again give battle. The pursuit was Nathaniel Greene was born of Quaker parents, at Warwick, Rhode Island, in 1742. He aided, at the hMtallag of the Revolution, in driving the British from Boston, and he took a distinfruished part in the b ?" le ?" f Trenton IVinceton Brandy "ine,Germantown, and Quaker Hill; and commanded in the battle* v.f Guilford Court House. Hobkirk s Hill, and Eutaw Springs. He died of " sun-stroke," in Georgia, near XIL QUESTIONS. 37. Give an account of the retreat and pursuit after leaving the Tadkin. 38. Describe the Dan Kivcr. (See map, p. 164.) 39. To what place did Cornwallis then march ? 40. Where is Hillsboro ? (See map, p. 164.) XIII. 41. What bold movement did Greene malw ? 42. At what place did Corn wallis attack Greene? 43. When was the attack made? 44. How is Guilford Court House situated ? (See map, p. 164.) 45. Give an account of the battle. XIV. 46. What singular pursuit followed? 47. At what place did Greene almost succeed in overtaking Cornwallis? 48. Describe the Deep Elver, flee map, p. 164.) 49. Where is Wilmington? (See map, p. 164) AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 179 eagerly kept up for several days, and the retreating enemy was almost overtaken at the Deep River ; but there, in conse quence of the bridge being broken down, and also because of the fatigue of his men, Greene had to give up the chase. Cornwallis did not halt until he reached Wilmington. XV. Discharging a large number of the militia whose term of service had expired, Greene, with his reduced army, formed the bold resolve of entering South Carolina, and attacking the enemy at Camden. Lord Rawdon, who commanded the post at that place, wrote to Cornwallis, informing him of the threat ening danger ; but, believing that he would not be able to reach Camden in time to aid in its defense, Cornwallis took advantage of Greene s absence from North Carolina, and marched through that State into Virginia, where his army was strengthened by large additions. XVI. Greene appeared before Camden, but, finding the enemy there stronger, in position and numbers, than he had anticipated, withdrew to Hobkirk s Hill, about two miles distant. Here he was partly surprised by Rawdon, on the 25th of April, but succeeded in forming his troops and repel ling the first advance against him. Victory, for a time, hung in the balance : more than once, the British drove the Ameri cans before them, but were compelled to recede before the impetuous charges of the patriots. At length, a regiment of the Americans was charged so furiously that it broke and fell into disorder. The enemy followed up this success vigorously, until the disheartened Americans retreated in one mass. XVII. Each party lost about two hundred and fifty men, XV. QUESTIONS. 50. What movement into South .Carolina did Greene then make? 51. Why was his resolve a bold one? 52. Of what did Eawdon inform Cornwallis ? 53. Why did not Cornwallis go to the rescue of Eawdon ? 54. What did Cornwallis do instead ? XVI. 55. Why did not Greene attack Eawdon at Camden ? 56. To what place did Greene withdraw? 51. What occurred there? 58. When did it occur? 59. Give an account of the battle. XVII. 60. What loss did each party sustain in the battle? 61. Why did not the British follow up their advantage ? 62. Whither did Eawdon go, directly after the battle? 63. In what situation did he find himself there ? 64. What was ho then compelled to do? 180 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. but, as at the battle of Guilford Court House, the British, though victorious, were too much cut up to allow them to pursue the advantage which they had gained. They re-entered Camden, but finding their supplies cut off by the Americans, and realizing that by the northward march of Cornwallis no aid could be expected, they adopted the only alternative, that of evacuation, and Camden was left in flames. XVIII. A number of successes, in rapid succession, now at tended the American arms at the South. In pursuance of Greene s plan of operations, Colonel Henry Lee was detached with a small body of troops, known as " Lee s Legion," and, in consort with Marion, Sumter,* Pickens, and other partisan chiefs, carried on a harassing warfare against the enemy s scat tered posts. Forts Watson, Motte, and Granby, fell into the hands of the Americans, and Augusta, Georgia, also surren dered after a siege of about two weeks. XIX. Only three posts in South Carolina Ninety-Six, Eutaw Springs, and Charleston remained in the hands of the British. Greene proceeded against Ninety-Six,f but after besieging it for almost a month, and making an unsuccessful assault, the approach of Rawdon compelled him to raise the siege, and he retreated before the arrival of the enemy. A foray which he subsequently planned, against the British troops in the vicinity of Charleston, was partially successful. XX. As the fortunes of the British were beginning to de- * Thomas Sumter was born in South Carolina, about 1734. Durinsr the Revolution he took an active arid able part as one of the partisan leaders at the South. The qualitiea of bravery, determination, and cheerfulness, which he exhibited, endeared him to his followers, who bestowed upon him the sobriquet of the "Carolina Game-Cock. " Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, was so named in honor of him. His death occurred in South Carolina, in 1832. t The post of Ninety-Six was so called, because it was ninety-six miles from Prince George, a frontier fott in the northwestern part of South Carolina. XVIII. QUESTIONS. 65. How did the American arms then fare? 66. What is said of Colonel Lee and others ? 67. Name four of the places that fell into the hands of the Americans. 63. Give the situation of the four places. (See map, p. 164.) XIX. 69. How many posts were then left to the British? 70. Give the situation of the three places. (See map, p. 164.) 71. Give an account of Greene s attempt against Ninety-Six. 72. What is said of a foray ? XX. 73. What call did Kawdon make upon the people? 74. How came he to make such a call ? 75. Who was Colonel Isaac Hayne ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 181 cline, even Charleston itself being threatened, Rawdon called upon all persons who had given in their adhesion to the royal cause, to repair at once to his standard. Among the persons so called was Colonel Isaac Hayne, a distinguished patriot of South Carolina, who had been assured, when he took the oath of adherence, that he would never be required to take np arms against his countrymen. XXI. Believing this call to be in violation of the agree ment, and being thus compelled to assume the sword either for or against the patriots, he did not hesitate to choose the former. At the head of a troop of horse he gained some advantages, but, being surprised and captured, was taken to Charleston. After a brief examination, without any trial what ever, he was sentenced to be hung ; and, although the citizens united in petitioning for his pardon, the sentence was duly executed on the 4th- of August. XXII. Towards the latter part of August, Greene, who had been for several weeks on the " high hills of Santee," broke up his encampment to march against Stuart, who was then not twenty miles off. As he advanced, Stuart retreated to Eutaw Springs. Here, on the 8th of September, Greene, with a force not exceeding two thousand men, attacked the enemy, twenty-three hundred strong. XXIII. The contest was desperate, and, at one time, vic tory seemed certain for the Americans ; but the British rally ing, Greene drew off his troops, taking with him about five hundred prisoners. The enemy decamped during the night. In this battle, which may be said to have ended the contest in South Carolina, both parties claimed the victory. Washing- XXI. QUESTIONS. 76. What belief did Hayne hold respecting Eawdon s call f 77. What course did he consequently adopt? 78. What further account can you give of him ? XXII. 79. What movement did Greene make in August? 80. Where was a bat tle fought in the next month ? 81. Near what river did the battle take place ? (See map, p. 164.) 82. How did the battle commence? XXIII. 83. Give a further account of the battle. 84. What may be said of the battle as regards the contest South? 85. How did Washington consider the result? 182 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1781 t0n cons idered it a victory for the Americans, as the advantage certainly was with them. XXIV. Cornwallis s operations in Virginia, during the .sum mer of 1781, were very distressing to the patriots, property to the value of several millions having been destroyed thereby. Lafayette had endeavored to check these operations, but owing to the inferiority of his force, was not able to make, a stand against Cornwallis. XXV. Clinton, believing New York to be menaced by a combined force of French and Americans, directed Cornwallis to take a position near the sea, from which he might readily send re-enforcements to the city, when called upon. The order was obeyed. Cornwallis took post at Yorktown, on the south side of York River, Virginia, opposite a promontory called Gloucester (glos -ter). XXVI. The expected arrival of a French fleet, under Count de Grasse (du grass), in Chesapeake Bay, induced Washing ton to abandon the design which he had meditated against New York and proceed against Cornwallis, but, while doing so, to continue preparations as if against New York. The consequence was, that before Clinton became aware of the real intentions of the American commander, a body of French troops from Rhode Island and Washington s army were well on their way to Virginia. XXVII. Clinton, finding it too late to adopt any direct measures against the great southward movement wherein the XXIV. QUESTIONS. 86. What is said of Cornwallis s operations during the sum mer of 1781 ? 87. What had Lafayette endeavored to do? XXV. 88. What direction was sent to Cornwallis ? 89. "Why was he so directed? 90. How did Cornwallis obey? 91. How is Yorktown situated? 92. In what direc tion is Yorktown from Hampton? (See map, p. 237.) XXVI. 93. Why did Washington abandon his design against New York ? 94. What new project did he then determine upon ? 95. In what way did he undertake to deceive the enemy ? 96. Before Clinton became aware of his intentions, how far had his project progressed? XXVII. 97. What expedition did Clinton hurry off? 98. What was his object in sending the expedition ? 99. When did Arnold reach the harbor of New London ? 100. How is New London situated? 101. How was it defended? 102. Into what body of water does the Thames flow ? (See map, p. 183.) AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 183 French and Americans were combined, undertook to recall Washington by hurrying off an expedition of devastation to the eastward, under the command of Arnold. At daybreak, on the morning of the 6th of September, Arnold appeared off the harbor of New London, with a large fleet, carrying a strong land and marine force. New Lon don is situated on the west bank of the Thames River, three miles from its mouth ; and the approach to it was defended by Fort Trumbull, on the west side of the ***%. AN river, and Fort Griswold on the east. XXVIII. The invaders were landed in two divisions ; one, under Colonel Eyre (ire), on the east side, and the other, com manded by Arnold himself, on the west or New London side. Arnold advanced, meeting with but little resistance in taking Fort Trumbull, or in making himself master of the town. The militia which manned the fort, finding it untenable, aban doned their post and went to the aid of Fort Griswold, on the opposite side of the river XXIX. Meanwhile, Eyre proceeded against Fort Griswold, which had been hastily garrisoned by about a hundred and fifty militia, under the brave Colonel Ledyard. After a des perate contest, in which the assailants were repeatedly re pulsed, losing their commander and many men, the fort was at last carried. Irritated by the opposition which they had met, the victors set upon the garrison without mercy, killing and maiming more in the massacre that followed than in the previous contest. Colonel Ledyard was among the first slaughtered. Major Bromfield, a malevolent Tory, who XXVIII. QUESTIONS. 103. In what way did the invaders proceed ? 104. What success did Arnold meet with ? 105. Whither did the garrison of Fort Trumbull go? XXIX. 106. By whom was Fort Griswold garrisoned? 107. By whom con> manded ? 108. What is said of the contest and loss of men before the fort was car ried? 109. What is said of the massacre that took place afterward? 110. Relate the case of Colonel Ledyard. 184 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ^ had succeeded to the command, seized the sword which Ledyard was in the act of yielding up, and plunged it through the body of the brave man, killing him upon the spot. XXX. Arnold, in the mean time, had not been idle. He burnt a number of vessels all that had not effected their es cape up the river applied the torch to New London, and, while the town was in flames, retreated to his boats. VIEW OF NEW LONDON. XXXI. Arnold s expedition against Connecticut, though successful in itself, failed of its main object the recall of Washington from the South ; and consequently Cornwallis s position there was becoming every day more critical. York- town was besieged. The troops investing it were from the fleet of De Grasse, in addition to other French troops from Rhode Island, under Count de Rochambeau (ro-sham-bo ), and "Washington was there as commander-in-chief of the combined XXX. QUESTIONS. 111. What had Arnold accomplished in the mean time ? 112. In what dircctionfrom New Haven is New London? (See map, p. 47.) XXXI. 113. What is said of the success of Arnold s expedition ? 114. What was the consequence to Cornwallis? 115. Of what troops were the besiegers composed? 116. What service did De Grasse render ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 185 army, with a large American force. De Grasse blockaded the York and James Rivers and guarded the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. XXXII. A British fleet, under Admiral Graves, which had been sent from New York for the re lief of the besieged, appeared off the capes of Virginia, when De Grasse sallied forth, and a partial action took place. After remain ing in sight of the French fleet during five days, Graves, despair ing of success, bore away for New York. XXXTII. On the 9th of Octo ber, the allied armies besieging Yorktown commenced a cannon ade so heavy that, in a day or two, most of the British works were demolished, and several vessels in the harbor were burned. In this desperate extremity Cornwallis determined to escape, if possible, by crossing to Gloucester, cutting his way through a French detachment stationed there, and, by rapid marches, to reach New York. But his plan was frustrated. A violent storm dispersed his boats after one division of his army had crossed the river, and the attempt was necessarily abandoned. XXXIV. His position becoming untenable, and seeing no prospect of relief from Clinton, on the 19th of October, 1781, Cornwallis* surrendered Yorktown and Gloucester, with more than seven thousand British soldiers, to Washington : his shipping and seamen he surrendered to De Grasse. * Lord Cornwallis was born in 1738. After the Revolution he was appointed to an important command in India, where he inaugurated a series of victories by which the British authority there was finally estab lished. He died in India, in 1805. LORD COENWALLIS. XXXII. QUESTIONS. 117. What naval movement took place? 118. "What did Graves afterwards do? XXXIII. 119. What is said of the besiegers cannonade ? 120. What attempt at escape did Cornwallis make ? 121. What prevented the success of the attempt ? XXXIV. 122. State the circumstances of Cornwallis s surrender. 1 86 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. CLOSE OF THE REVOLUTION, AND EVENTS TO THE BE GINNING OP WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. I. The surrender of Cornwallis caused great rejoicings throughout the United States, being considered a death-blow to the war. The effect in England was as might have been anticipated. Public opinion became so decidedly opposed to the further prosecution of hostilities, that, upon the formation of a new ministry, negotiations were entered into for the es tablishment of peace. II. A convention of commissioners from the two countries met at Paris, four of whom, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Henry Laurens, represented the United States, and, on the 30th of November, 1782, they signed a prelimi nary treaty. A cessation of hostilities was proclaimed in the American army on the 19th of April, 1783, the eighth anni versary of the battle of Lexington ; and, on the 3d of Septem ber following, a definitive treaty of peace was signed at Paris. III. By the terms of the treaty, Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the United States, allowed boundaries extending to the great lakes on the north and the Mississippi on the west, and conceded an unlimited right to fish on the banks of Newfoundland. Florida was, at the same time, re turned to Spain. IV. The close of the war found the national treasury empty : the States were unable to respond to the call of Congress for money, and the resource of foreign loans was about exhausted. CLOSE OF THE BEVOLUTION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What effect did Cornwallis s sur render have in America and England ? II. 2. Where did peace commissioners from the two countries meet? 3. Who were the American commissioners? 4. When was a preliminary treaty signed? 5 What took place on the eighth anniversary of the battle of Lexington ? 6. When was a definitive treaty signed ? III. 7. What did the United States secure by the terms of the treaty ? IV. 8. What was the condition of things at the close of the war? 9. What was the consequence? 10. Where was the influence of Washington felt? 11. What ar rangements were soon made ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 187 The government was unable to meet the just claims made upon it, and the consequence was general discontent, particu larly among the officers and privates of the army. Through the influence of Washington the discontents in the army were soothed, and arrangements were soon after made by which Congress granted five years whole pay to the officers, instead of, as by resolution passed in 1780, half-pay for life. Four months whole pay was granted to the soldiers, in part pay ment of their claims. V. In conformity with general orders of Congress, the army was disbanded on the 3d of November, 1783; and on the 25th of the same month, Sir Guy Carleton, who had suc ceeded Sir Henry Clinton, evacuated New York. After the retirement of the British from the city, Washington met his officers there, and, * with a heart full of love and gratitude," took leave of them. VI. Washington then re paired to Annapolis, where Congress was in session at the time, and, on the 23d of De cember, 1783, resigned to that body his commission as com- mander-in-chief of the Ameri can army. His simple and impressive address upon the occasion, and the touching re sponse of General Mifflin,* the president of Congress, GENEUAL MIFFLIN. * Thomas Mifflin was born in Philadelphia, in 1744. By birth and education he waa a Quaker, but, not withstanding the peace principles of that sect, he was one of the first to enlist in the military service at the breaking out of the Revolution. He was with Washington at Cambridge : in the battle of Long Island he fought with credit, and he was also in the battle of Trenton. His death occurred at Lancaster, Penu., in 1800. V. QUESTIONS. 12. When was the American army disbanded ? 13. When was New York evacuated by the British ? 14. After the British left, what affecting scene occurred ? VI. 15. To what place did "Washington then repair ? 16. Where is Annapolis ? (See map, p. 24.) 17. State what took place at Annapolis. 18. To what place did Washington then hasten ? 19. How is Mount Vernon situated ? (See map, p. 24.) 188 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. affected the assemblage to tears. He then hastened to his home at Mount Vernon, where, in the retirement of private life, he hoped to spend the remainderof his days. MOUNT VERNON.* VII. Peace was no sooner established than it was foun<? that, by the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, Congress had no power to discharge the debts incurred by the war ; and this Mount Vernon, the home of Washington and the place of his burial, is situated on the western bank of the Potomac, fifteen miles from Washington city. The place, comprising the mansion, the tomb, and two hundred acres of the original estate, was sold. in 1858, by John A. Washington, a nephew of George Washington, to the " Ladies Mount Vernon Association," for $20Ci,000. " It is the design of the association hold it in perpetuity as a place of public resort and pilgrimage." VII. QUESTIONS. 20. What difficulty was found in regard to the debts of tho Kevolution? 21. What was the consequence? 22. How did Congress undertake to raise funds ? AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 189 condition of things was productive of embarrassments which for a while threatened to deprive the people of the fruits of their seven years contest for independence. As there was no other alternative, the individual States were called upon for funds, and they, in response, resorted to direct tax ation. VIII. The efforts thus made by the States were productive of great excitement, especially in Massachusetts, where the opposition grew to an open insurrection, known as SHAYS S REBELLION. Daniel Shays, its leader, made some bold moves against the courts of the State, as well as against the military power; but the outbreak was suppressed, in 1787, with but little bloodshed, by a strong force sent against the insurgents. IX. This daring attempt to destroy the government, though unsuccessful, filled its friends with gloomy apprehensions. Other causes increased the distrust, until at last it began to be generally felt thai the Articles of Confederation were not at all adequate to the exigencies of the Union, and that measures should be taken either to revise them, or substi tute others in their place. X. Accordingly, a convention of delegates from all the States, except Rhode Island, met at Philadelphia, and their first act, by a unanimous vote, was to make George Washing ton their presiding officer. Instead of revising the Articles of Confederation, as was at first intended, they formed a con stitution, after months of deliberation, and adopted it on the 17th of September, 1787. This, with some amendments tnade in after years, still exists as the Constitution of the United States. XI. The Constitution was then submitted to the people for ratification, and after a thorough discussion, lasting in some VIII. QUESTIONS. 23. Give an account of Shays s rebellion. IX. 24. How did Shays s attempt affect the public mind? 25. What, at last, be gan to be generally felt? X. 26. What, accordingly, took place ? 21. What was the first act of the conven tion ? 28. What did the convention accomplish ? 190 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. of the States for two or more years, it was accepted by every one of the thirteen States. When it had been adopted by eleven (the requisite number was nine), it became valid, and went into operation on the 4th of March, 1789. XI. QUESTIONS. 29. To whom was the Constitution then submitted ? 30. For what purpose? 81. Was the Constitution thoroughly discussed or not? 32. How long did the discussion last in some of the States ? 33. How many States finally ac cepted it? 34. When did it go into operation ? 35. How many States had adopted it up to that time ? 36. Which of the States had not adopted it when it went into effect ? Ans. North Carolina and Ehode Island. NAMES OF OFFICERS, MENTIONED IN THIS WOKK, WHO PARTICI PATED, ON THE SIDE OF THE AMERICANS, IN THE REVOLUTION; ARY WAR. NAME. DIED. NAME. DIED. Gen. William Alexander (Lord Major Leitch 1776 Stirling) 1783 Col. Ethan Allen 1789 Gen. Benjamin Lincoln 1810 Gen. Benedict Arnold 1801 Gen. Alex McDougall 1786 Gen. John Ashe 1781 Gen. Francis Marion 1795 Col. William Barton 1831 Gen. Hugh Mercer 1777 Col. Zebulon Butler 1795 Gen Thomas Mifflin 1799 Gen. John Cadwallader . Col. William Campbell 1786 1781 Gen. Richard Montgomery Gen Daniel Morgan 1775 1802 Gen. George Clinton 1S12 Col William Moultrie 1805 Gen. James Clinton 1812 Capt. Jonas Parker 1775 Gen. Thomas Coiiway Col. Andrew Pickens. 1817 Baron De Kalb 1780 CoL William Prescott 1795 Count D Estaing 1794 Gen. Casimir Pnlaski 1779 Gen. Peter Gansevoort 1812 1790 Gen Horatio Gates 1806 1785 Count de Grasse Col. Christopher Greene Gen. Nathaniel Greene 1788 1781 1786 Count de Rochambeau Gen. Arthur St. Clair 1807 1818 1804 Capt. Nathan Hale 1776 Gen. G G. Silliman ... . !".!.".!! Col. Alexander Hamilton 1804 Col Samuel Smith 1839 Col. Isaac Havne 1781 Gen. John Stark 1822 Gen. William" Herkimer 1777 Gen. John Sullivan 1785 Gen. Robert Howe 1785 Gen Thomas Sumter 1832 Gen. Isaac linger 1S55 Gen. John Thomas 1776 Capt. John Paul Jones 1792 Col. Seth Warner 1785 Col. Thomas Knowlton 1776 Gen. Artemas Ward . . . 1800 Gen. Henry Knox 1806 Gen. Joseph Warren 1775 Col. Thaddeus Kosciusko Gen. Lafayette 1817 1834 Gen. George Washington Gen. Anthony Wavne 1799 1796 Col. William Ledvard 1781 Col. Marinus Willett 1830 Gen. Charles Lee 1782 Col. Jarnes Williams 1780 Col Henry Lee 1818 Gen David Wooster 1777 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 19] PEINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTION. * The asterisk indicates the successful party, t Doubtful DATES. BATTLES. COMMANDEK8. MEN ENGAGED. American. British. Am ricn British. 1775. April 19, June 17, Dec. 81, 177(5. June 28, AUK. 27, Oct 28, Nov. 16. Dec. 26, 1777. Jan. 3, July 7, Aug. 6, -j Aug.16, ] Sept 11, Sep. 19. Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Oct. 6, | Oct. 7, Oct. 22 J Nov. 16, 1778. June 28, July 3, Aug. 29, Dec. 29, 1779. Jan. 9, Feb. 14, March 3, June 20, July 15, Aug. 13, July 19, Aug. 29, Sept. 23, Oct. 9, 1780. April 14, May 12, May 29, June 23, July 30, Aug. 6, Aug. 16, Aug. 18, Oct 7, Nov. 12, Nov. 20, 1781. Jan. 17, March 15 April 25, June 18, Sept. 6, Sept 8, Oct 19; Lexington Bunker Hill Quebec Parker Smith* unknwn 1,500 900 1,100 3,000 1,200 Prescott Montgomery . Gen. Howe*.. Carleton* Fort Moultric Long Island White Plains Fort Washington . ., Trenton Moultrie* .... Putnam McDougall . . . t Magaw "[Washington* Parker Gen. Howe*.. Leslie* Gen. Howe* . Rahl 400 10,000 1,600 3,000 2,400 4.000 20,000 2,000 5,000 1,000 Princeton ^Washington*. . Warner Herkimer Willett* Stark* Mawhood .. Fraser* St. Leger... } J. Johnson., j Baum ... 1 Breyman \ " Gen. Howe* . . Burgoyne Grey* Gen. Howe*.. Sir H.Clinton* Burgoyne. . . . Doiiop Gen. Howe . . . Gen. Howe*.. 3,000 700 1,000 2,000 11,000 2,500 1.500 11,000 600 8,000 450 400 400 1,800 1,200 1,500 1,200 18,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 3,000 4,500 2,000 Mixed. Mixed. Hubbardton. Oriskanyt F. Schuyler, sortie . Bennington (1st). . . (Second battle) , Brandy wine Bemis Heights Warner* ^Washington. . . Gates* Paoli German town Wayne Washington . . Jas. Clinton I Gov. Clinton [ Gates* Col. Greene*.. Col. Smith*. . . Major Thayer. Fort Clinton . . Fort Montgomery. . Fort Mercer Fort Milnin Fort Mifflin Monmouth ~: Wyoming Rhode Island Savannah "Washington* . Col. Z. Butler. Sullivan* Robert Howe. Clinton John Butler* Pigot Campbell*.... 12,000 400 5,000 900 11,000 1,100 5,000 2,000 Sunbury Lane Prevost* Boyd - 200 300 1,200 800 1,200 900 350 4,000 squad n 4,500 2,000 700 1,800 1,200 600 3,000 250 1,500 2 vessels 2,900 Kettle Creek *" -Pickens* Ashe Brier Creek Prevost* Maitlaml* .... Johnson McLean* Sutherland . . . Brant Lincoln Wayne* Lovell Major Lee*. . . Sullivan* Paul Jones* . . -.Ljncoln Stony Point Penobscot Paulus Hook Chemung Flamboro Head . .. Savannah , Pearson Prevost* Monk s Corner linger Lincoln Tarleton* Clinton* Tarleton* Knyphausen . . Turnbull* ... Brown Cornwallis* ,. Tarleton* Ferguson Wemyss Tarleton 300 8,700 400 3,000 600 600 3,000 700 900 500 500 600 9,000 700 5,000 500 500 2,200 350 1,100 450 400 W r axhaw Buford Greene* . . Rocky Mount Sumter Hanging Rock Sanders Creek Fishing Creek King s Mountain. . . Fishdam Ford Blackstocks Sumter* Gates Sumter Campbell*.... Sumter* Sumter*. Cowpens Morgan* ; Greene Greene Greene Ledyard Greene - Washington* . Tarleton . . Cornwallis* ?> Eawdon* Cruder* Eyre* Stuart Cornwallis 900 4,400 1,200 1.000 150 2.000 16,000 1,100 2,400 900 550 800 2.800 7,500 GuillordC. H Hobkirk allill.... Ninety-Six Fort Griswold Eutaw Springst. Yorktown .-r- 192 WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. f ^. a 3L ^ a 5 re ^P^i^^^pr aAwta 1.0^, ^^^s^-^:----^..^^,^::^^-/^ (Questions to be answered from the above map.) Where did the battle of Tippecanoe occur? Harmar s defeat ? St. Clair s defeat? Wayne s victory ? How is Fort Mackinaw situated ? In what direction is it from Detroit? From Fort Wayne? From Greenville? How is Sandusky situated? In what direction is it from Cairo ? From Nashville? REVIEW QUESTIONS. 193 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. Give an account of the two mutinies among the troops in 1781 . . 174 2. Give an account of Arnold s expedition against Virginia 175 3. What plan was arranged for his capture ? 175 4. Why did it not succeed ? 175 5. "Who succeeded Gates in the Southern command? 175 6. Relate the events which led to the battle of the Co wpens. .175, 176 7. Give an account of the battle, with its results.*. 176, 177 8. Of Cornwallis s pursuit of Morgan and Greene 177, 178 9. Of the battle of Guilford Court House, with ifs result 178 10. What course did Greene pursue after the battle? 178, 179 11. What events led to the battle of Hobkirk s Hill? 179 12. Give an account of the battle, with its result 179, 180 13. What advantages rapidly attended the American arms ? 180 14. What were Greene s operations against the post of Ninety-six ? 180 15. Relate the case of Colonel Isaac Hayne 180, 181 16. What battle took place on the 8th of September, 1781 ? 181 17. Give an account of it, with its results 181, 182 18. Where, in Virginia, did Cornwallis take post?. ... . ..... 182 19. What deception was practiced upon Clinton ? 182 20. What method did he adopt to recall Washington?. . . 182, 183 21. What plan of action against New London did Arnold adopt?. . 183 22. How did Arnold carry out his part of the plan? 183, 184 23. Give an account of the attack upon Port Griswold . . .183 184 24. How and by whom were the British at Yorktown invested ?. 1 84, 185 25. What naval action took place off the capes of Virginia ? .... 185 26. Give an account of the siege of Yorktown, with its results. . . 185 27. What was the consequence of Cornwallis s surrender ? 186 28. When and where was a definitive treaty of peace signed?. . 186 29. What was secured to the United States by the treaty ? 186 30. In what condition was the national treasury at that time ? 186 31. What sources for supplying the treasury were cut off?. . 186, 187 32. What discontents followed, and how were they checked? 187 33. When and where did Washington resign his commission? . . . 187 34. What can you say of the ceremony on the occasion ? 187, 188 35. What led to the insurrection known as Shays s Rebellion? 188, 189 36. Give an account of that insurrection , 189 37. What opinion existed about the Articles of Confederation?. . . 189 38. What convention was accordingly held, and with what result ?. 189 39. What further history of the Constitution can you give ?. . .189, 190 9 .A SECTION FROM THE BEGINNING OF WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION^ IN 1789, TO THE CLOSE OF JEFFERSON^, IN 1809. WASHINGTON S ADMIKLSTKATION. I. THE first election for President of the United States resulted in the choice of George Washington, he receiv ing the whole number of electoral votes. At the same time John Adams of Massachusetts was elected Vice-president. New York was then the capital of the Uni ted States, and in that city Washington ap peared before the first constitutional Con gress, and was inaugu rated on the 30th of April, 1789. II. Congress having created three executive departments, of state, treasury, and war, the heads of which WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. "Who was the first President of the United States ? 2. Who was the first Vice-president ? 3. When was Wash ington inaugurated? 4. Where did his inauguration take place? 5. What po litical relation did New York hold to the Union at that time ? WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. 195 were to constitute the Presid ent s cabinet, Washington ap pointed Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, Secretary of State, Alexander Hamilton, of New York, Secretary of the Treasury, and Henry Knox,* of Massa chusetts, Secretary of War. The condition of the treasury was the first thing to be considered, and Hamilton, the secretary of that department, was directed to report a system of revenue. The task imposed upon him was difficult, but it was per formed with ability ; and, upon his recommendation, the pub lic debts incurred during the war were assumed by the general government. III. In 1790, a law was passed, establishing the seat of gov ernment at Philadelphia for ten years, and afterward locating it somewhere on the Potomac ; and, in the following year, the Bank of the United States was incorporated. For many years, both New York and New Hampshiref had laid claim to the territory of Vermont, called, originally, the New Hampshire Grants. New York having finally yielded her GENERAL KNOX. IT. QUESTIONS. 6. What departments did Congress create ? 7. Whom did Wash ington appoint at the head of the respective departments? 8. What was the first thing for the consideration of Congress? 9. What was Hamilton directed to do? 10. How was the task performed? 11. What was done upon his recommen dation ? III. 12. What was done by Congress in relation to the seat of government? 13 What in relation to a national bank? 14. When was Vermont admitted into the Union? 15. Why had not the admission taken place at an earlier day? 16 By what name was Vermont originally called? 17. When was Kentucky admitted? 18. What is said of the previous history of Kentucky? 19. When was Tennessee admitted? 20. What is said of the previous history of Tennessee ? 196 WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. claim for $30,000, Ver mont became the four teenth State of the Uni on, in 1791. Kentucky, which had been previ ously claimed by Virgin ia, was admitted in the following year ; and Ten nessee, originally a part of North Carolina, was admitted in 1796. IV. For a number of years after the Revolu tion, the British continu ed to hold certain forts on the northwestern frontier, contrary to the requirements of the trea ty of 1783, by which they were called upon to relinquish them to the Americans. This fact, as well as the imprudent language used by the officers of the forts, and by British traders in that region, led the Indians to believe that the people of America would be deprived of their national existence, and be again subjected to Great Britain. V. This belief made them overbearing and hostile ; and, in 1790, they commenced war upon the settlements. Washing ton at first used pacific means ; but, these failing, an expedition, under General Harrnar, was sent against the hostile tribes. Harmar destroyed several of their villages, and large crops of corn ; and then dividing his army into two bodies, the better, as he thought, for pursuit, reckoned upon a speedy conquest. In this he was doomed to sad disappointment. He encountered IV. QUESTIONS. 21. What treaty violations were the British guilty of? 22. What belief did the Indians contract regarding the American Government ? 23. How was this belief caused? 24. When had a treaty been made by the English? WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. 107 the savages at two dif ferent times, once, on the 17th of October, and again, on the 22d, in the northeastern part of Indiana, and was both times defeated, with severe Joss. VI. A second expedi tion was then sent, com manded by General St. Clair; but he was not more successful than Harmar. While en camped in the western part of Ohio, in 1791, he was completely sur prised, and defeated with the loss of about six hundred men. VII. A third expedi tion was then planned, and the command given to Gen eral Wayne, the " Mad Anthony" of the Revolution. Wayne marched against the Indians, defeated them at the battle of the Maumee, in 1704, and laid waste their coun- V. QirE8TioNS. 25. What did the belief of the Indians lead to ? 26. How did Washington at flrst act towards the Indians? 27. What expedition did he then send? 28. What did Harmar accomplish? 29. Give the further account of the ex pedition. 30. What town is situated near where Harmar s two battles were fought? Aits. Fort Wayne. 81. How is Fort Wayne situated ? Ans.At tho confluence of the St. Joseph s and St. Mary s Rivers. 32. What river do the St. Joseph s and St. Mary s form? (See map, p. 192.) VI. 33. Give an account of the second expedition sent against the Indians. 34. Where did St. Glair s defeat take place ? 35. What town is situated near the place ? (See map, p. 192.) VII. 36. What was then planned against, the Indians ? 37. Give an account of the expedition. 38. Into what body of water does the Maumee flow? (See map, p. 193.) 89. What was the consequence of Wayne s victory and vigorous measures? 40. What elections took place at the expiration of the first presidential term ? 198 WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. try. His success, and subsequent vigorous measures, so humbled the savages that, in 1-795, they consented to a treaty, by which a large tract of country was ceded to the United States. This treaty was made at Fort Greenville, in the western part of Ohio, where the town of Greenville now stands. Washington, whose first term of office expired on the 4th of March, 1793, was unanimously re- elected : Adams also rechosen to vice-presidency. VIII. The great revolution in France, which broke during Washington s administration, was powerfully felt, in its principles and effects, in this country. When France declared war against England (the revolution there still being in pro gress), and looked to us for aid, a large part of the people here, remembering the assistance which she had given us in our struggle for independence, would gladly have seen the United States engaged in the trans-atlantic struggle, siding tfith their former ally. IX. M. Genet (zJie-na ), minister to the United States from Jie French republic, presuming upon the favor with which his country was regarded here, began to fit out privateers in our ports, to cruise against the vessels of nations at war was the out VIII. QUESTIONS. -41. What is said of the effect of the French Revolution in this country ? 42. How (lid a large part of the people here feel towards France ? WASHINGTON S ADMINISTRATION. 199 with France. Persisting in this course, in opposition to the remonstrance of the President, he was recalled by request of Washington. M. Fouchet (foo-sha )^]\\s successor, was instructed to assure the President that France disapproved the conduct of his predecessor. X. The first measure adopted by the United States govern ment for raising a revenue by internal taxation, was the law of 1791, imposing a duty on domestic liquors. This law, from the first, was very unpopular in certain sections of the country, especially in the western part of Pennsylvania, where the op position to it grew to an open rebellion in 1794, known as the Whisky Insurrection. The approach of a large body of mili tia, sent by Washington to enforce obedience, had the desired effect, and the rebellion was suppressed without bloodshed. XI. Although the treaty of 1783 established peaceful rela tions between the American and British governments, yet it was not long before each party accus ed the other of having violated its stipulations ; and so bitter did the spirit of the complaints and recriminations become, that a war seemed inevitable. XII. To avoid this calamity, the President sent John Jay* as a special envoy to England, where, JOHN JAY. * John Jay was bom m the city of New York, in 1745. In 1789, when Washington became President of the United States, so exalted was his opinion of Jay s honesty and fitness, that he tendered him a choice of the offices in his jrift. Jay preferred the bench, and, consequently, was the first Chief-Justice of the United States. His death occurred in 1829, at Bedford, Westchester Co., New York. IX. QUESTIONS. 48. What did Genet, the French minister, undertake to do? 44. Why did he presume upon such an undertaking ? 45. "What was the consequence to Genet? 46. Who was his successor? 47. What instructions did Fouchet receive from his government? X. 48. What was the first government measure for raising a revenue by internal taxation ? 49. How was the law regarded by the people ? 50. Give an account of the Whisky Insurrection. XI. 51. What accusations were made by the governments of the United States and Great Britain, each against the other ? 200 in 1*794, a treaty was concluded. This was published in the United States, and its provisions at once caused a prodigious storm of excitement and opposition, because they were regard ed as being too favorable to the English. In the following year, however, the treaty was ratified, and the threatened con flict happily avoided. At the close of the second term, Washington, having declined a re-election, retired to the qui etude of his home at Mount Vernon. "JOHN ADAMS S ADMINISTEATIOK I. The second President of the United States was John Adams. His inauguration took place at Philadelphia, on the 4th of March, 1797.* II. The neutral position taken by the United States in the war between France and England, gave offence to the former government ; and " Jay s Treaty," which had been ratified in 1795, by the American Senate, considerably augmented the unfriendly feeling. This was boldly made manifest by the act of the French government, in authorizing depredations to be committed upon the commerce of the United States, and in ordering our minister, Mr. Pinckney, to leave France. III. One of the first acts of President Adams was to con vene Congress in extra session, to consider these outrages. The cabinet selected by Adams consisted of Timothy Pickering, Secretary of State ; Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury; James Mcllenry, Secretary of War ; and Charles Lee, Attorney General. The navy department was not created until 1798, when lienjaiuiii Stodtlard was appointed its head. XIL QUESTIONS. 52. What did Washington do to avoid a war ? 53. What was the result of Jay s mission ? 54. By what name is the treaty known. ? Ans. " Jay s Treaty." 55. How was the treaty received in the United States? 56. Why was it BO received? 57. What course did Washington pursue at the end of his second presidential term? 58. How is Mount Vernon situated ? (See map, p. 24. ) JOHN ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. I. 1. Who was the second President of the Uni ted States? 2. When and where was he inaugurated? IL 3. What offended the French government? 4. How was the offense aug mented? 5. How was the feeling of the French government manifested ? III. 6. What was one of the first acts of President Adams? 7. How did the Amer ican government undertake to adjust the difficulties? 8. With what result? ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. 201 Three envoys were sent to France, with authority to adjust all difficulties, but the French government refused to receive them, and even order ed two of them, whom they looked upon as less friendly than the third, to quit the country. IV. The insult to the envoys excited great indignation in the United States ; and Congress at once a- dopted measures for putting the country in a state of defense, authorized a standing army and naval arma ment, and appointed Washington command- er-in-chief of the entire land forces. V. Hostilities at sea soon commenced. In one case, an American schooner was taken, and, ii> another, a French frigate was captured by the United States frigate Con stellation. The decided stand taken by the Americans had its effect upon the French government; and overtures of peace were made, which resulted in a treaty, concluded in 1800, with Napoleon Bonaparte, who had become First Consul of France. VI. But Washington did not live to see the troubles termi- IV. QUESTIONS. 9. What was the consequence of the insult to the envoys ? V. 10. What hostile acts actually took place? 11. What was the effect ? VI. 12. What mournful event took place before the troubles with France were terminated ? 13. When and where did Washington die ? 14. How was his death regarded ? 9* 202 ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. nated : he died at Mount Vernon, on the 14th of December, 1*799. His death was regarded as a national bereavement. Congress paid honors to his memory, and the whole people mourned the loss which each person felt that he had individu ally sustained. VII. In conformity with the provisions of the law passed in 1Y90, in relation to the future seat of government, the capital of the United States was removed from Philadelphia to Washington, during the summer of 1800. THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON. VIII. Adams was President for only one term, or four years. Towards the close of it a fierce strife took place between the two great political parties of the day, the Federalists and the Republicans, in relation to the presidential succession. Thomas Jefferson was the successful candidate, defeating Adams, his opponent ; and, at the same time, Aaron Burr, of New York, was elected Vice-President. _^_____ CL VII. QUESTIONS. 15. When was the capital of the United States removed to Washington? 16. How is Washington situated? (See map, p. 24.) VIII. IT. For how long was Adams president? 18. What took place towards the close of it? 19. Who were the successful candidates ? JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. 203 JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. I. The third Pres ident of the United States was Thomas Jefferson. His inau guration took place in the new capitol, at Washington, on the 4th of March, 1801.* During his adminis tration, the Ohio Ter- ritory,f which had previously formed the eastern part of the Northwest Territory, adopted a State gov ernment, and, in 1802, was admitted into the Union as the State of Ohio. II. In 1803, a most important addition was made to the ter ritory of the United States, by the purchase of an immense tract of land, for which fifteen millions of dollars were paid to France. The territory thus acquired included not only the * Jefferson s cabinet consisted of . I amea Madison, Secretary of State ; Henry Dearborn. Secretary of War; Albert Gallatin Secretary of the Treasury ; Robert Smith, Secretary of the Navy ; and Levi Lin coln, Attorney-General. t After the Revolutionary War, a dispute arose between several of the States respecting the ownership of the Ohio Territory, which was put au end to by the whole being ceded to the United States. JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was the third President of the United States? 2. When and where did his inauguration take place? 3. When was Ohio admitted into the Union ? 4. What is said of Ohio s previous his tory? 204 JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. present State of Louisi ana, but a vast region extending to the Rocky Mountains. One of the first advantages secured by this purchase was the free navigation of the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. III. In the same year, 1803, Commodore Preble (preb -el) was sent to humble the pi rates of the Barbary States, who, notwith standing the tribute which the United States had paid, in imitation of European nations, to secure their commerce in the Mediterranean from molestation, were becoming more insolent and exacting. IV. Preble first appeared against Morocco, and, after exact ing terras of the emperor, proceeded eastward. Before he had time to reach Tripoli, the frigate Philadelphia, one of the vessels of his fleet, which had preceded him, while reconnoit- ering in the harbor of Tripoli, struck on a rock, and was cap tured by the Tripolitans, who consigned her crew to slavery. . V. As the captured frigate added to the defenses of the place, and would undoubtedly be sent out to cruise, it was deemed important to recapture or destroy her. The latter IL QUESTIONS. 5. How was the State of Louisiana acquired by the United States f 6. What advantage accrued from the purchase ? IIL 7. What expedition was sent across the Atlantic in that year? 8. What had the Barbary pirates done ? * IV. 9. What was the first thing accomplished by Preble? 10. Give an account of the loss of the Philadelphia. river "The 1 \viere, :atioii , ror.-KpoTHK, s BJIH, o a o e In- j _ dian appellation, Ohio." The State Seal J is given above. Ohio has no motto. OHIO. j This State was named from the ri I forming its southern bomuiarv. 1 Kn-n.-h c;.ll,.,l th.-riverZa Belle Riviere, the beautiful rivtr, which signilicatiou , , it is said, to that of the In- j JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. 205 COMMODOBE DECATUR. being considered the more prac ticable, Lieutenant Decatur,* with a few brave companions, entered the harbor on the night of the 15th of February, 1804, boarded the Philadelphia, killed or drove into the sea every one of the Tri- politan crew, and, after setting the vessel on fire, escaped without losing a man. VL About a year later, Mr. Eaton, an agent of the United States, concerted an expedition with Hamet, the exiled though rightful heir to the throne of Tripoli, against the reigning sovereign. He left Egypt, accompanied by Hamet, with a force of about five hundred men, four-fifths of whom were Arabs : the other fifth was composed of adventurers, prin cipally Greeks, and only nine Americans. VII. He accomplished a remarkable march of several hun dred miles across a desert country, and captured Derne, a Tri- politan city, after a fierce struggle. He held the place for several weeks, despite the exertions of an opposing army, and finally routed the enemy in a general engagement, in which more than three thousand men took part. In the midst of his successes, a treaty of peace was concluded between the reigning bashaw and Mr. Lear, the American Consul-General at Algiers. Stephen Decatur, Jr., was born in Maryland, in 1779. The affair between the Chesapeake and Leop ard, in 1807, in the opinion of Decatur was disgraceful to the Americans, and he did not hesitate to animad vert freely upon the conduct of Commodore Barrop, who commanded the Chesapeake on that occasion. The consequence was a duel with Barren, at Bladensburg, Md., as late as 1820, in which Decntur was killed, and Barren was so severely wounded that he was not expected to live, and he only recovered after months of great suffering. Y. QUESTION S.T 11. What was deemed important with regard to the captured frigate? 12. Why? 13. What, consequently, was determined upon? 14. Give an account of the exploit. VI. 15. What expedition was concerted against the reigning sovereign of Tripoli ? 16. From what place did the expedition start? 17. Of whom was it composed? VII. 18. What is said of the march? 19. What city did Eaton capture? 2<X Give an account of his subsequent successes. 206 JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, VIII. In July, 1804, the un fortunate duel between Alexander Hamilton* and Aaron Burrf oc curred : the latter, at the time, was Vice-President of the United States. This sad affair, which re sulted in the death of Hamilton, grew out of a political quarrel between the two men. By it Burr s political influence was com pletely destroyed ; and when Jef ferson was re-elected President for a second term, George Clinton, of New York, was chosen Burr s successor as Vice-President. IX. After his retirement from the vice-presidency, Burr made a journey to the Southwest, and there his conduct sub jected him to strange suspicion. He made considerable pro gress in the organization of an expedition which, it was alleged, was designed for the invasion of Mexico. His ultimate pur pose, it was further alleged, was to establish an empire which should embrace one or more of the Southwestern States of the Union. X. By order of the President of the United States he was arrested, taken to Richmond, Virginia, and there tried on a * Hamilton was born in the Island of Nevis. West Indies, in 1757. At the age of thirteen he was sent to New York to be educated. He was one of the first to take up arms at the beginning of the Revolution, and as captain of an artillery company, performed a creditable part in the battle of Long Island. By his activity and intelligence he attracted the attention of Washington, and. after the battles of Trenton and Princeton, in which he took part, he accepted an invitation from the commander-in-chief to take a place in his staff as aide-de-camp. He afterwards participated in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. "f Burr was born at Newark, New Jersey, in 1756. In 1775 he was engaged in the expedition against Canada, and accompanied Arnold upon his toilsome march through the wilderness. He was in the battles of Quebec and Monmouth. His death occurred at Staten Island, N. Y., in 1836. VIII. QUESTIONS. 21. What sad affair, in which two public men were the princi pal actors, took place daring Jefferson s administration ? 22. "When did it take place ? 23. At what place ? Ans. At Hoboken, New Jersey, opposite the city of New York. 24. What position was Burr holding at the time ? 25. What was the cause of the duel? 26. What was the result of it? 27. What was the consequence to Burr? IX. 28. In what project was Burr subsequently engaged? X. 29. What order did President Jefferson issue with regard to Burr f 30. What is said of the trial and its result? JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. 207 AAEON BTTRB. charge of treason. The trial was a protracted one; but, under a ruling of the court, which did not involve the merits of the charge, he was acquitted. XL The wars in Europe, grow ing out of the French revolution, continued during Jefferson s ad ministration. That between Eng land and France, though it at first proved profitable to the Ameri can shipping interests engaged in the carrying trade between the ports of the two hostile nations, re sulted in the adoption of measures injurious to our commerce. XTI. To annoy and cripple her adversary, England declared the whole northern coast of France in a state of blockade. Napoleon retaliated by the " Berlin Decree," in which he pro nounced the British islands in a state of blockade. But the crowning grievance was the " right of search," asserted by Great Britain, under which claim American vessels were boarded, and all sailors of English birth found on board, were impressed as subjects of the king. XIII. An event occurred in June, 1807, which brought things towards an issue. The American frigate Chesapeake, when off the capes of Virginia, was attacked by the British frigate Leopard. The Chesapeake, being unprepared for ac tion, struck her colors, after having three men killed and eighteen wounded. Four of her crew, who were claimed by the commander of the Leopard as British deserters, were then XI. QUESTIONS. 31. How did the war between England and France affect Amer ican interests? XII. 32. What did England do to annoy and cripple her adversary ? 33. How did Napoleon retaliate ? 34. What was the crowning grievance of which Americans complained ? XIII. 35. What event brought the relations of growing hostility between Eng land and America towards an issue? 86. When did it occur? 87. What did the outrage provoke President Jefferson to do? JEFFERSON S ADMINISTRATION. transferred to the Leopard. This outrage provoked the Pres ident to issue a proclamation interdicting the entrance of British armed vessels into the ports or waters of the United States. XIV. Although the act of the Leopard was disavowed by the English government, no reparation was made ; and towards the close of the year the British " Orders in Council," forbid ding all trade with France and her allies, were issued. Bona parte again retaliated by issuing the " Milan Decree, inter dicting all trade with England and her colonies. XV. In consequence of this policy of the two European nations, so destructive to our commerce, Congress laid an embargo upon all American vessels, forbidding them to leave the ports of the United States. As the act of Congress not only failed to obtain an acknowledgment of American rights, but, on account of its ruinous effects upon the shipping in terests, was very unpopular among the commercial classes, it was repealed, and the non-intercourse law, prohibiting all com merce with France and Great Britain, was substituted. XVI. At this point in the history of the country, Jefferson, following the example of Washington, declined a second re election to the presidency, and terminated his political career. He was succeeded by James Madison, of Virginia. XIV. QUESTIONS. 38. How was the outrage committed by the Leopard treated by the British government? 39. What is said of reparation ? 40. When were the British " Orders in Council" issued ? 41. What were the u Orders in Council ?" 42. How did Bonaparte again retaliate ? XV. 43. What action did Congress take in consequence of the trade-interdicting policy of France and England ? 44 Why was the embargo act afterward repealed ? 45. What law was substituted for it? XVI. 46. Why was not Jefferson continued in the presidency for more than eight years? 47. By whom was he succeeded? REVIEW QUESTIONS. PACK 1. What event took place on the 30th of April, 1789 194 2. How was Washington s cabinet constituted? 195 3. How were the State debts of the war disposed of ? 195 4. What controversy had existed between N. T. and N. H.?.. . 195 REVIEW QUESTIONS. 209 PACK 5. How was the controversy finally settled ? 195, ] 96 6. When were Kentucky and Tennessee admitted to the Union ? . 196 7. In what respect did the British violate the treaty of 1783 ?.. . 196 8. To what war did this treaty violation conduce ? 196 9. Give an account of the expedition conducted by Harmar. .196, 197 10. Give an account of the expedition conducted by St. Glair 197 11. Give an account of the expedition conducted by Wayne. . .197, 198 1 2. How did the French Revolution influence the people of the U. S. ? 1 98 13. Give an account of the Whisky Insurrection 199 14. Why was John Jay sent as a special envoy to England? 199 15. What was the result of Jay s mission? 199, 200 16. What event took place on the 4th of March, 1797 ? 200 17. How did the difficulty with France originate ? 198, 199, 200 18. What were the events of the difficulty? 200, 201 19. What sad event took place towards the close of 1799? 201, 202 20. When did Philadelphia cease to be the capital of the U. S. ?. . . 202 21. What event took place on the 4th of March, 1801 ? 203 22. Which State was added to the Union in 1802 ? 203 23. How was Louisiana acquired by the United States ? 203, 204 24. On what expedition was Com. Preble sent in 1803 ? 204 25. What can you state of the loss of the frigate Philadelphia?. . . 204 26. Give an account of her recapture and destruction 204, 203 27 Give an account of Hamet s expedition and successes 205 28. When did the duel between Hamilton and Burr take place ?. . . 206 29. What was the result of it? 206 30. How did the result affect Burr s political influence ? 206 31. In what expedition was Burr afterward engaged ? 206 32. How was the expedition brought to an end? 206, 207 33. How did the European wars affect American commerce? . . , . . 207 34. What decrees were issued by England and France ? 207 35. Of what grievance did the United States especially complain ? 207 36- Relate the affair between the Chesapeake and Leopard 207, 208 37. Did the English government approve the Leopard s attack ?. . 208 38. Was any reparation made for the injury done by the Leopard ? 208 39. What " orders" and " decrees" were afterwards issued ? 208 40. What can you say of the embargo laid upon U. S. vessels ?. . . 208 41. Why was the act repealed, and wnat substitute was passed ?. 208 42. What did Jefferson decide upon towards the close of his sec ond presidential term ? < 208 43. Whose example did he follow in this respect ? 208 44. Did he afterward participate in political matters? 208 14 SECTION MADISON S ADMINISTRATION; FROM MARCH 4TH, 1809, TO MARCH 4TH, 1817. - THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. I. THE fourth Pres ident of the United States was James Madison. His inau guration took place at Washington, on the 4th of March, 1809, at a crisis in the affairs of the na tion which required of his administration the utmost caution, prudence, and reso lution.* The United States were on the verge of war with Great Britain. Na poleon revoked his hostile "Decrees" in 1810, but the British "Orders in Council" continued in active force. * Madison s cabinet consisted of Robert Smith, Secretary of State; William Eustis, Secretary of War ; Paul Hamilton, Secretary of the Navy Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury ; and Cajsar A. Rod ney, Attorney-General. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was the fourth President of the United States? 2. When did his inauguration take place? 3. What was peculiarly required of Madison s administration? 4. Why? 5. What concession did Napoleon make? 6. What is said of the British " Orders in Council?" MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 211 II. In May, 1811, an affair occurred which tended to widen the breach which already existed between Great Britain arid the United States, though, in this case, the British were the greater sufferers. The British sloop-of-war Little Belt, Cap tain Bingham, when off the coast of Virginia, fired into the American frigate President, Commodore Rodgers, but found her fire returned with such heavy broadsides, that, in a few minutes, thirty-two of her crew were killed-or wounded III. About the year 1804, the Indians on the western fron tiers, incited by British emissaries and influenced by the ap peals of Tecumseh,* one of their boldest and most active warriors, began to form a confederacy against the people of the United States. A brother of Tecumseh, known as the "Prophet," who by his predictions and promises had ac quired great influence over the tribes along the \V abash, was a leading agent in the business of bringing about an alliance. IV. General Harrison, then governor of the Indian terri tory, marched towards the western frontier and approached Tippecanoe, the town of the Prophet, situated at the junction of the Tippecanoe and Wabash Rivers, in the present State of Indiana. The Prophet, in the absence of Tecumseh, at once proposed a conference, to take place the next day, and requested the Americans to encamp for the night at a place which he designated. Harrison, suspecting treachery, or dered his troops to sleep on their arms. This proved a fortu nate precaution, for, early on the following morning, Novem ber 7th, 1811, the Indians made a furious attack upon the American camp ; but, after a desperate and bloody contest of * Tecumseh, or, as the name is sometimes written, Tecumtha, was a chief of the Shawnee Indians. He was born on the banks of the Scioto River, in Ohio, about 1770. " The Prophet s" name was Elkswatawa. II. QUESTIONS. 7. Give an account of the naval affair which took place in May, 1811. 8. What did the affair tend to ? III. 9. What took place among the Indians about the year 1804? 10. Who was Tecumseh s principal co-operator in bringing about the alliance ? IV. 11. Where was the battle of Tippecanoe fought ? 1 2. What town is situated not far from the battle-ground? (See map, p. 192.) n. When was the battle fought? 14. Give an account of it. 213 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. two hours, they were repulsed. This battle ruined the plans which Tecumseh had formed, and his next attempt against the Americans was in the alliance which he formed with the English, in 1812. EVENTS OF 1812. V. The United States government had endeav ored to induce the British government to abrogate its " Orders in Council," and negotiate terms for sus pending the impressment of American seamen, but in vain. That government absolutely refused, and nothing remained but war. VI. Accordingly, in June, 1812, the President of the United States, in conformity with an act of Congress, issued a procla mation declaring war against Great Britain ; and preparations were at once made for raising a large army. General Dearborn, of Massa chusetts, an officer who had served with credit in the Revolu- LOTTT8IANA. "In 16S2, La Salle* descended the Mississippi to the sea, and, for mally taking possession for France i of the whole new country watered 1 by the Mississippi from its mouth j ij to its source, he named it Louisian I m honor of Louis XIV., King ^ France." The Seal of the State is ,, given above. The motto of Louis _ iana \s,Unionand Confident * La Salle, a celebrated French navigator, was born in Rouen, about 1635. His death occurred in 1687. lie made four visits to America, In his first, while endeavoring to find a passage by water to China he explored Lake Ontario. In his third, he descended the Mississippi. The fourth was made for the pur- pose of settling Louisiana. A fleet, containing more than two hundred colonists, sailed from France but instead of landing near the mouth of the Mississippi, by mistake they proceeded to Texas. After La Salle had passed two years in Texas, some portion of the time in the vain attempt to reach the Mississip pi, his nephew was murdered by one of his few remaining followers, and he was shot by another. Y. QUESTIONS. 15. How had the United States endeavored to avert the war? VI. 16. "When was war declared? IT. Who was placed at the head of the array ? 18. Before the commencement of hostilities, what revocation on the part of England took place ? 19. But what was still insisted upon ? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 213 tion, being appointed commander-in-chief. Before hostilities actually commenced, the British government had revoked its " Orders in Council," but the " right of impressment" was still insisted upon. VII. At the time of the declaration of war, General Hull, the governor of Michigan (mish -e-gun) Territory, was march ing with two thousand men from Ohio to Detroit, his pur pose being to accomplish the reduction of the hostile Indians of the Northwest. In anticipation of the war with England, he had been invested with discretionary power to invade Canada. VIII. Learning, while on the march, that war had been declared, he crossed the Detroit River, with the avowed in tention of going against Fort Maiden (maul -den) ; but, instead of at once marching upon the place, he encamped at Sand wich, eighteen miles distant, and thus gave the enemy an opportunity to prepare for defense. IX. In the mean time Fort Mackinaw, an American post situated on an island at the outlet of Lake Michigan, was sur prised by a force of British and Indians, and captured before the garrison had even heard of the declaration of war. This loss was a severe one, as the fort was the key to that section of the country, and the grand depot of the fur companies there. X. Hull, while at Sandwich, sent a detachment to convoy a party who were approaching his camp with supplies. Van Horn, the commander, neglecting to exercise sufficient caution, was led into an ambush near Brownstown, August 5, by six VII. QUESTIONS. 20. On what expedition was General Hull engaged? 21. With what discretionary power was he invested? VIII. 22. What information did Hull receive while on this march ? 23. What river did he cross? 24. What was his avowed intention ? 25. Where is Fort Mai den? (See map, p. 214.) 26. Is Sandwich north or south of Fort Maiden? (See same map.) 27. What advantage did Hull s halt at Sandwich give to the British? IX. 28. Give an account of the loss of Fort Mackinaw. 29. Where is Fort Mack inaw situated? 30. In what direction from Detroit is Fort Mackinaw? (See map, p. 192.) X. 31. Give an account of the defeat of Yan Horn. 214 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. DETROIT hundred British and Indians, and utterly defeated. XI. After waiting nearly a month at Sandwich, Hull re- crossed the river and took post at Detroit, to the great vexation and disappointment of his troops. Three days after the defeat of Van Horn, a second detach ment, under Colonel Miller, was sent to convoy the supply party. As Miller approached Brownstown, on the evening of the 9th, he came upon the British and Indians, who were protected by a breastwork of logs and branches of trees, and, after a sharp contest, completely routed them. XII. The withdrawal of Hull across the Detroit embold ened General Brock, the British commander, who began to erect a battery opposite the American post. Not being mo lested, he became still bolder, and, on the 16th of August, crossed the river with seven hundred regulars and six hundred Indians, and demanded an immediate surrender of Detroit. XIII. The Americans were strongly posted, and confident of victory in the conflict which seemed to be before them ; and yet, to the great indignation of his troops, Hull ordered them to withdraw to the fort, and a white flag, in token of sub mission, to be lifted above the works. By this act of sur- XI. QUESTIONS. 32. What retrograde movement did Hull make ? 33. Give an account of the victory gained by Miller. XII. 34. Give an account of Brock s operations against Detroit. XIII. 35. What is said of the ability and disposition of the Americans to defend themselves at Detroit ? 36. What made them indignant f 37. What did the Brit ish acquire by the surrender ? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 215 render, not only Detroit, but the whole Territory of Michigan, passed into the hands of the enemy. XIV. Hull s conduct, two years after, underwent ex amination by a court-martial, and though he was acquitted of treason, the court pronounced him guilty of cowardice, and he was sentenced to be shot ; but, in consideration of his age and revolutionary services, the sentence was remitted by President Madison. Hull s* conduct was severely criticised at the time, as well as in after years ; but a series of letters which he published in 1824, and a volume which appeared at a still later period, together form a complete vindication of his surrender, as regards either the charge of treason or cow ardice. XV. During the year 1812 a second invasion of Canada was made in another quarter. On the morning of the 13th of October, Colonel Sol omon Van Ilensselaer (yan-ren -se-ler}, with a detachment of only two hundred and twenty- five men, crossed the Niagara Elver to storm the heights of Queens- town. The command er having been severely wounded at the landing, * William Hull was born in Connecticut, in 1753. He was in the battles of White Plain*. Trenton. Princeton, Bemis Heights, Saratoga, Momnouth, and Stony Point ; and in all of them fought with courage. His death occurred in Massachusetts, in 1825. XIV. QUESTIONS. 38. To what was Hull s conduct afterward subjected? 39. What sentence was pronounced upon him ? 40. Why was not the sentence exe cuted ? 41. How was Hull s conduct subsequently regarded 1 XV. 42. At what place did the second invasion of Canada occur? 43. Describe the events that took place on the morning of the 13th of October. 44. What town, in New York, is opposite Queenstown ? (See map, p. 215.) 216 1812 tis tro P s led ky Captains Ogilvie and Wool, gal lantly moved forward, carried a British battery, and gained the heights. XVI. The enemy, re-enforced by several hundred men under Brock, attempted to regain the battery, but were repulsed, and Brock was killed. While this struggle was going on at the west side of the Niagara, a large body of militia was col lected at Lewiston, on the east side. General Stephen Van Rensselaer, a cousin of Solomon, and the superior in com mand of the troops in that quarter, endeavored to send re- enforcements across the river, but only about a thousand men could be induced to go : the rest professed to consider it wrong to invade the enemy s country. XVII. On the afternoon of the same day, 13th, the Amer icans on the heights were attacked by fresh troops, under General Sheaffe (shefe), from Fort George, and nearly all were killed or taken prisoners. General Van Rensselaer, disgusted with the conduct of the militia, soon retired from the service, when the command on the Niagara frontier devolved on Gen eral Smyth. Smyth accomplished nothing : after projecting two invasions of Canada, neither of which was carried out, he also resigned. XVIII. The triumphs of the Americans on the ocean, du ring 1812, were as decided as their reverses on the land. The first of importance was the capture of the sloop Alert by the frigate Essex, Captain Porter. The second, of greater im portance, was achieved by Captain Isaac Hull,* nephew of General Hull, on the 19th of August, off the coast of Massa- * Captain Isaac Hull, afterward Commodore, was born in Derby, Conn., in 1775. During the war with the Barbary States, from 1303 to 1805, he served with distinction in the squadrons of Commodores Preble and Barren, and co-operated with Eaton in the capture of Derne. He died m Philadelphia, in 1843. XVI. QUESTIONS. 45. Give an account of the repulse and loss sustained by the British. 4G. Where was the main body of the American militia at the time sta tioned? 47. Why did they not cross over to Queenstown? XVII. 48. Give a further account of the battle of Queenstown. 49. Who suc ceeded General Van Rensselaer in the command of the forces on the Niagara fron tier ? 50. Why had Van Eensselaer resigned? 51. What can you state of Smyth and his operations ? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 217 chusetts. Hull commanded the American frigate Constitu tion, and Dacres the British frigate Guerriere (gare-e-are }. The action between the two frigates lasted about forty min utes, and resulted in the capture of the Guerriere. The cap tured vessel had been so much injured it was found impossible to bring her into port, and she was consequently burned by the victors. XIX. In October, the American sloop-of- war Wasp, Captain Jones, while cruising off the coast of North Carolina, fell in with the British brig Frolic, Captain Whinyates, and after a conflict of three-quarters of an hour, boarded her. A melancholy scene of destruction was presented. The decks were covered with the dead and the wounded. Not twenty of the Frolic s crew escaped unhurt. Scarcely had the enemy s vessel been taken possession of, when an English ship of seventy-four guns hove in sight, and captured both vessels. XX. A second naval victory by the Americans occurred in this same month, October. The frigate United States, Com modore Decatur, encountered the British frigate Macedonia (mas-se-do -ne-a) west of the Ca nary (ka-na -re) Islands, and, after an action of nearly two hours, compelled her to surrender. She was taken to New York. XXL A little more than two months later, the Constitution, then commanded by Commodore Bainbridge, gained her second victory, in the capture of the frigate Java (jah -va). The ac- COMMODORE XVIII. QUESTIONS. 52. What comparison is made between the land reverses and the ocean triumphs ? 53. Which was the first important naval victory ? 54. The second? 55. When did the action between the Constitution and the Guerriere take place ? 56. Give an account of it. XIX. 57. Give an account of the action between the Wasp and the Frolic. 58. What event deprived Captain Jones of the fruits of his victory ? XX. 59. Give an account of the action between the United States and Macedonian. 10 218 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. tion took place off the coast of Brazil, on the 29th of December, and lasted nearly two hours. Bain- bridge,* finding the captured frigate so much riddled that it was impossible to get her into an American port, destroyed her by fire, and the Constitution then put into San Salvador, where the prisoners were landed on parole. XXII. In the belief that the navy of the United States would be entirely destroyed or captured by that of England, it had been decided, at the beginning of the war, to lay up our ships to save them. But, happily, that policy was soon departed from. American privateers, too, scoured the ocean, and British commerce suffered in every direction. During the year 1812, more than three hundred vessels, with not less than three thousand prisoners, beside valuable cargoes, were taken by the Americans. EYENTS OF 1813. I. For the campaign of 1813 three armies were raised. That of the West, near the head of Lake Erie, was commanded by General Harrison ; that of the Centre, between Lakes Erie and Ontario, by General Dearborn ; and that of the North, near Lake Champlain, by General Hampton. II. The leading object of the army of the West was to re cover Michigan and avenge the disgrace of Hull. A division of the army, composed mostly of Kentuckians, commanded by * William Bainbridge was born in Princeton, N. J.,in 1774. In 1803 he was in command of the frigate Philadelphia when that vessel struck on a rock and was captured in the harbor of Tripoli. He and his crew, of more than three hundred persons, were taken prisoners by the Tripolitans and neld in captivity nineteen months. He died in Philadelphia, in 1833. XXI. QUESTIONS. 60. Give an account of the action between the Constitution and the Java. 61. What did Bainbridge do with his prize and prisoners ? XXII. 62. What policy had been decided upon at the beginning of the w ar, with reference to American ships? 63. Why was that decision made? 64. What is stated of the successes of the Americans on the ocean, during the year 1812? EVENTS or 1813. I. 1. What armies were raised for the campaign of 1813? II. 2. What was the object of the army of the West? 3. What command did "Winchester have ? 4 What place did he roach in January? 5. How did his men at first employ themselves there ? 6. What did he learn while there ? 7. What request did he receive ? 219 General Winchester, reached the rapids of the Maumce on the 10th of January. Here, while constructing huts for the re ception of supplies, Winchester learned that Frcnchtown, then a small settlement, nearly forty miles distant, was threatened with an attack from a body of British and Indians. He, at the same time, received an urgent request from the inhabi tants to come to their assistance. III. Accordingly, he sent a detachment of five hnndred men, under Colonel Lewis, in advance, while he prepared to follow. Lewis, ascertaining that the British and Indians were already in possession of the town, hurried forward, and, on the 18th of January, made a charge upon the enemy, driving them into the woods. On the following day, Winchester arrived. The Americans were, on the 22d, attacked by a force of fifteen hundred British and Indians, commanded by General Proctor. They made a brave defense, but Winchester, who had been made prisoner during the engagement, agreed upon a capitu lation, and the Americans surrendered on condition that they should be protected. But Proctor failed to observe the condition : his Indian allies murdered the wounded prisoners who were unable to travel, and then set fire to the houses. IV. Upon hearing of AVinchester s defeat, Harrison took a position on the Maumee River, where he constructed a forti fied camp, which, in honor of the governor of Ohio, he called Fort Meigs (megz). On the 1st of May, Proctor advanced against this fort, and, with a force of not less than a thousand British and Indians, commenced a siege. Four days after, III. QUESTIONS. 8. How did he act in response to the request? 9. "What did Lewis accomplish? 10. What battle took place on the following day ? Ans. The battle ofYrenchtown. 11. Give an account of it. 12. Give an account of the massa cre that followed. 13. How is French town situated? (See map, p. 214.) IV. 14. Where did Harrison make a stand, upon hearing of Winchester s misfor tune? 15. Describe the Maumee. (See map, p. 192.) 16. Is Fort Meigs above or below Toledo? (See map, p. 214) 17. How was Fort Meigs threatened? 18. Give an account of the event that took place on the 5th of May. 19. When and why did Proctor abandon the siege ? 220 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. General Clay* arrived, with twelve hundred Kentuck- 1 Q "I O ians, and successfully attacked the besiegers, compel ling them to disperse ; but, unfortunately, a large body of his troops, while pursuing the enemy, was surrounded and cap tured. On the ninth day of the month, Proctor, deserted by his allies, and despairing of success, withdrew, and returned to Fort Maiden. V. In a little more than two months after, Proctor and Tecumseh again threatened Fort Meigs ; but, finding it well garrisoned, terminated a brief siege by a sullen withdrawal. Proctor s next movement was against Fort Stephenson, at Lower Sandusky, now Fremont, situated on the Sandusky River. The place was garrisoned by only one hundred and fifty men, under the command of Major Croghan,f a young man not yet twenty-two years old, and they had but one gun, a six-pounder. Proctor s force consisted of more than twelve hundred men, half regulars and half Indians. VI. A cannonade was directed against the fort until a breach was effected, when the enemy, on the 2d of August, attempted to carry the place by assault ; but they were met by a volley of musketry and a discharge from the six-pounder with such terrible effect, that, panic-struck, they fled in confu sion, leaving one hundred and fifty of their number killed or wounded. VII. The naval supremacy on Lake Erie (e -re) and Lake Ontario (on-ta -re-o), became an object of much importance to the belligerent governments, and, as early as the beginning of October, 1812, preparations were in progress, on both sides, to * Green Clay was born in Virginia, in 1757. After his success in driving the British and Indians from Ihe siege of Fort Meigs, he was left in command there, and defended the fort when it was a second time t George CroHian was born in Kentucky, in 1791. He was in the battles of Tippecanoe and Fort igs (May 5), and served with Taylor in Mexico. His death occurred at New Orleans, in 1849. Meigs (M V. QUESTIONS. 20. What can you state of the second demonstration against Fort Meigs ? 21. To what object did Proctor next direct his attention ? 22. In what direction from Fort Meigs was Fort Stephenson? (See map, p. 214.) 23. How was Fort Stephenson prepared to resist Proctor ? VI. 24. Give an account of Proctor s efforts against the fort. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 221 secure it. To Commodore Chauncey* was given the general command of the American naval forces on the two lakes, while to Commodore Perry f was assigned the immediate command on Lake Erie. On the part of the enemy, Sir James Yeo held the general command, and Commodore Barclay the spe cial one on Lake Erie. VIII. By the first of August, 1813, two squadrons had been fitted out on Lake Erie. One of these, the American, consisted of nine vessels, carrying fifty-four guns ; and the other, the British, consisted of six vessels, carrying sixty- three guns. They met, on the 10th of September, near the western extremity of the lake, when a hard-fought battle of four hours duration took place, resulting in a complete and brilliant victory to the Americans, every vessel of the enemy having surrendered. In dis patching information of his victory to General Harrison, Perry wrote: "We have met the enemy, and they are ours." IX. The consequences of the victory were highly impor tant. The Americans complete ly established their naval su premacy on the lake, Detroit was evacuated by the British, the Indians of Michigan were * Isaac Chauncey was born in Connecticut, in 1772. When a young man, he was engaged in the mer chant service, and during a voyage, a mortal sickness prevailed, leaving him on board as the only survivor. He navigated the vessel into port, for which he was rewarded by being appointed to the command of her. He served in the war against Tripoli, and during the war of 1812, he rendered important service on Lake Ontario, by his active co-operation with the land forces. His death occurred at Washington, in 1840. t Oliver Hazard Perry was born at Newport, H. I., in 1785. He died at Port Spain, Island of Trinidad, of yellow fever, contracted while he was engaged on government service, up the Orinoco River, in South America. OOMMODOBB 1 KHIIY VII. QUESTIONS. 25. What is said of the naval supremacy on Lakes Erie and On tario? 26. What command was given to Chauncey? 2T. To Perry? 28. To Yeo? 29. To Barclay? VIII. 30. How large a fleet did Perry command ? 31. Barclay ? 32. When did the battle of Lake Erie take place? 33. What produced enthusiasm among the Americans? Am. A flag floating from the mainmast of Perry s ship, upon which were the dying words of Lawrence: "Don t give up the ship." 34. Give an account of the battle. 35. How did Perry inform Harrison of his victory ? 222 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. intimidated, and the way to success for the army at Fort Meigs was clearly opened. Harrison saw his opportu nity, and was not slow to profit by it. X. Having been re-enforced by a large body of Kentucldans, under Governor Shelby, Harrison resolved to seek Proctor and give him battle. While, in conformity with his orders, a regi ment of horse, one thousand strong, proceeded by land, cross ing the river at Detroit, the rest of the army crossed Lake Erie in Perry s fleet, and landed near Fort Maiden. But Proctor, on hearing of Barclay s defeat and Harrison s ap proach, was seized with alarm ; and when the fort was reached, it was found deserted, and Proctor and Tecumseh were in full retreat towards the Thames (temz) River. The Americans followed in eager pursuit, and, on the 5th of October, overtook them near the Moravian village on the Thames, about eighty miles from Detroit. XI. The enemy, seeing that a battle could not be avoided, took a favorable position on a narrow strip of land between the river and an extensive swamp. The Americans charged, breaking the line of the British, and soon compelling them to surrender; but the contest with the Indians was more obsti nate. At length, Tecumseh fell, mortally wounded, and the savage warriors dispersed in all directions. Proctor was gone: he had fled at the first onset, leaving his carriage, private pa pers, and even his sword, behind him. XII. Besides six hundred prisoners taken by Harrison, sev eral cannon and a large quantity of stores and ammunition fell into his hands. By the victory thus achieved, the terri tory which Hull had surrendered was entirely recovered, the IX. QUESTIONS. 36. What were the important consequences of the battle ? X. 37. What accession arrived for Harrison s army? 38. What did Harrison re- eolve upon ? 39. How did the two parts of his army proceed ? 40. Why did not Proctor remain at Fort Maiden ? 41. How is Fort Maiden situated ? (See map, p. 214.) 42. What is said of the flight of Proctor and the pursuit ? 43. When was the battle of the Thames fought ? XI. 44. Give an account of it. 45. Where was the battle fought? (See map, p. 214.) MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 223 destruction of Tecumseh s Indian Confederacy was completed, and the war on the western frontier was terminated. XIII. In the spring of 1813, several months before the suc cesses of Perry and Harrison had been achieved, the Southern Indians were visited by Tecumseh and urged to take up arms against the whites. . The Creeks yielded, and began to com mit depredations upon the settlements of the Americans. In the latter part of August, fifteen hundred of their warriors surprised Fort Minis,* on the Alabama River, and massacred nearly three hundred men, women, and children. XIV. This sanguinary and unprovoked attack aroused the whole South, and a large force, under Generals Jackson and Coffee, marched into the country of the Creeks to avenge the deed of horror. Sev eral battles were fought in quick succession, at Talladega, Autossee, Emucfa, and other places, in every one of which the Indians were defeated. XV At length a thousand warr io rs, with their women and children, made a final stand at Tohopeka, or, * The name of this place was also written Fort Mimms. The fort was situated on the east side of the Alabama, about ten miles above its junction with the Tombigbee. XII. QUESTIONS. 46. "What were the fruits of Harrison s victory? XIII. 47. What had Tecumseh been about in the spring of 1813? 48. What fol lowed? 49. What is said of the massacre at Fort Mims? 50. In what direction from Mobile was Fort Mims? (See map, p. 223.) XIV. 51. What effect did the massacre nave upon the people of the South ? 52. What can you say of the battles that were fought? 53. Give the location of the three places named. (See rnap, p. 223.) 54. What two rivers uniting form the Ala bama Eiver? Ans. The Coosa and the Tallapoosa. 224 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. as the whites called it, the Horse-Shoe Bend of the Tallapoosa River, where they had established a camp, skillfully fortified. Here, on the 27th of March, 1814, they were attacked by a force of three thousand men, under Jack son. The doomed Creeks, being hemmed in on all sides by their assailants, fought with the energy of despair, and not till almost six hundred of their number were slain did the battle cease : their defeat was complete. XVI. While these events were transpiring at the South, others of equal moment were taking place at the North. To wards the latter part of April, 1813, General Dearborn, with seventeen hundred men, embarked on board Chauncey s fleet, at Sackett s Harbor, with the design of going against York, the capital of Upper Canada. XVII. On the 27th, the fleet anchored off that town, and on the same day the troops effected a landing in the face of a severe fire from British and Indians, commanded by General Sheaffe. Still they pressed forward, led by General Pike,* and were carrying every thing before them, when the enemy s magazine exploded, mortally wounding Pike, and making sad havoc among his men. After a moment s pause, the Ameri cans continued to advance, and were soon in possession of the town. XVIII. The capture of York GENERAL PIKE. having been attained, Dearborn * Zebulon Montgomery Pike was born in New Jersey, in 1779. He made two important expeditions; one in 1805 and 6, to explore the sources of the Mississippi, and the other about a year after to examine vhe region west of the Red River. XV. QUESTIONS. 55. Where did the battle of Tohopeka take place? (See map, p. 223.) 56. Give an account of the battle. XVI. 57. What movement was made on Lake Ontario towards the latter part of April ? XVII. 58. When did the battle of York take place ? 59. Give an account of it 60. Bj what name is York now known? Am. Toronto. 61. How is Toronto sit uated ? (See map, p. 215.) MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 225 after several days delay, during which he received re-enforce ments, proceeded to attack Fort George, situated on the Ni agara River, near its mouth. The British made but a short defense, and then retreated to Burlington Heights, at the western extremity of Lake Ontario, pursued by a large force, under Generals Chandler and Winder. On the night of the 6th of June, nine days after the capture of the fort, the Brit ish suddenly fell upon the camp of the pursuing Americans, and, though they were repulsed, in the darkness and confusion both Chandler and Winder were made prisoners. XIX. The British in Canada, on being informed that Chaun- cey s fleet, carrying a large body of troops, had sailed from Sackett s Harbor, sent a thousand men across the lake in Yeo s fleet, to attack the place. Sir George Prevost, the British commander, effected a landing on the 29th of May. The militia fired a couple of volleys upon the invaders, and then, panic-struck, / life \ broke and fled. A small body of regulars acted with more firmness. While the advance of the British was held in check by a galling fire from the regulars, General Brown,* the American commander, rallied the militia, and led them by a cir cuitous route, as if he designed to seize the enemy s boats and cut off their retreat. The strata gem succeeded completely, and the British made a rush for their boats, leaving their dead and wounded behind. XX. Dearborn remained at Ft George more than a fortnight * Jacob Brown was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1775. He died in Washington, in 1828. XVIII. QUESTIONS. 62. Against what place did Dearborn next proceed? 63. Was Fort George above or below Queenstown ? (See map, p. 215.) 64. What sue, cess did Dearborn meet with against Fort George ? 65. What took place afterward? XIX. 66. How is Sacketfs Harbor situated? (See map, p. 62.) 6T. What in duced the British to attack the place? 68. When did they attack it? 69. Give au account of the battle. 10* GENERAL BROWN. 226 after the misfortune to Chandler and Winder, without doing any thing. Not so the British. They busied themselves in taking possession of the mountain passes there, thus narrowing the limits of Dearborn s position, and cutting off his communications with the country. At length, a detach ment of six hundred men was sent to break up a post which the British had established seventeen miles from the fort. After pro ceeding fifteen miles, the Americans were suddenly surround ed by a body of British and Indians, and compelled to surrender themselves prisoners of war. Dearborn,* not long after, resign ed his command, and was succeeded by General Wilkinson. XXI. General Armstrong, upon whom President Madison had recently conferred. the appointment of Secretary of War, devised a plan for the invasion of Canada, by which the two armies that of the Centre, under Wilkinson, and that of the North, under Hampton were to form a junction on the St. Lawrence, and proceed against Montreal. XXII. In passing down the St. Lawrence, the fleet of boats employed in conveying Wilkinson s army, was harassed by the British whenever an opportunity occurred. Near Williams- burg, a strong detachment was landed to make an advance, disperse a body of the enemy, and cover the descent of the fleet. At Chrysler s (kris -lers) Field, a severe battle ensued on the llth of November, in which the Americans, though losing about one-fifth of their entire force engaged, maintained their position. * Henry Dearborn was born in New Hampshire, in 1751. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill, was with Arnold in the expedition through the wilderness of Maine, and participated in the battle of Quebec, where he was taken prisoner. Being exchanged, he served under Gates in the Northern campaign, and did good service at the battle of Monmouth, in Sullivan s expedition against the Indians, and in the suc cessful operations before Yorktown. He died in Massachusetts, in 1829. XX. QUESTIONS. TO. What is said of Dearborn s inactivity at Fort Erie? 71. What, of the activity of the British ? 72. Give an account of the mishap to the American detachment. 73. Who succeeded Dearborn in the command ? XXI. 74. What office did Armstrong hold? 75. What plan of action did he devise? XXII. 76. What annoyance did Wilkinson experience while sailing down the St. Lawrence? 77. What did he do when near Williamsburg ? 78. How is Williams- burg situated ? (See map, p. 62.) 79. When did a battle take place near Williams- burg ? 80. By what name is that battle known t 81. Give an account of it. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 227 XXIII. Hampton,* in the mean time, had entered Canada, encountered the British near St. John s, and been defeated. In consequence of a hostile feeling which existed between him and Wilkinson, he declined to co-operate with that com mander, but made his way back to Lake Champlain, and left his army in winter quarters at Plattsburg, under the com mand of General Izard. Wilkinson went into winter quarters at French Mills, about nine miles east of St. Regis. XXIV. During 1813, there were many severe battles on the ocean ; and though the American seamen were not so uni formly successful as in the preceding year, their gallantry continued to be the theme of admiration. On the 24th of February, the sloop-of-war Hornet, Captain Lawrence, when off the mouth of the Demerara River, fell in with a British brig, which, after an action of only fifteen minutes, struck her colors and raised a signal of distress. She proved to be the brig Peacock, Captain Peake, and was so riddled that she sunk in a few minutes after the surrender, carrying down with her nine of her own crew and three of the Hornet s. XXV. On his return to the United States, Lawrence was promoted to the command of the frigate Chesapeake, then lying in Boston harbor. In the forenoon of June 1st, the British frigate Shannon, Captain Broke, appeared off the harbor for the express purpose of meeting the Chesapeake. Though the American frigate had imperfect equipments and an ill-assorted crew, while the British ship had a select crew and * Wade Hampton was born in South Carolina, in 1755. He took an active part in the Revolutionary War serving under Marion and Sumter. After he retired from the army, in 1814, he engaged in agricul tural pursuits, and was considered the wealthiest farmer in the United States, owning extensive planta tions, and about three thousand slaves. He died in South Carolina, in 1835. XXIII. QUESTIONS. 82. What misfortune had befallen Hampton in the mean time? 83. How is St. John s situated ? (See map, p. 231.) 84. What did he neglect to do? 85. Why? 86. Where and in whose charge did he leave his command? 8T. How is Plattsburg situated? (See map, p. 149.) 88. Where did Wilkinson go into winter quarters? 89. Where is St. Eegis? Ans. On the south side of the St. Lawrence. XXIV. 90. What is said of the naval successes of the Americans during the year 1813 ? 91. Give an account of the action between the Hornet and Pelican. XXV. 92. How was Lawrence rewarded for his victory over the Peacock ? 9a What movement was made by the Shannon ? 94. In what condition were the two ships for action? 228 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. was in the best possible condition, Lawrence still felt impelled to go out and engage her. XXVI. At about six o clock in the afternoon the two vessels met, and a terrific contest of fifteen minutes ensued. Lawrence* was mortally wounded in the early part of the action, and his last injunc tion as he was borne below was, "Don t give up the ship." The Chesapeake, after having all her superior officers either killed or wounded, was boarded by the en emy and her flag hauled down. XXVII. The second disaster to the American navy that oc curred during the year was the loss of the brig Argus, Captain W. H. Allen, f on the 14th of August. After Allen had con veyed the American minister, Mr. Crawford, to France, he proceeded to cruise in the waters about England, and was suc cessful in taking a large number of prizes and capturing prop erty to the amount of two millions of dollars. While in the English Channel he fell in with the sloop-of-war Pelican, and in the action which ensued, and which resulted in the capture of the Argus, he was mortally wounded. He was taken to Plymouth, England, where he died on the day after the action. XXVIII. Fortune next favored the Americans. On the 5th of September, Lieutenant Burrows, while in command of * James Lawrence was torn in Burlington, N. J., in 1781. He was one of Decatar s party that board ed and destroyed the frigate Philadelphia in the harbor of Tripoli, in 1804. t William henry Allen was born in Rhode Island, in 1784. He was the first lieutenant of the frigate United States when that vessel captured the Macedonian. XXVI. QUESTIONS. 95. Give an account of the action. XXVII. 96. What vessel did Lieutenant Allen command in the snmmer of 1813 ? 97. What duty did he perform before making a cruise ? 98. "What were his suc cesses? 99. When did the Argus and Pelican meet? 100. Give an account of the action between them. XXVIII. 101. Where did a naval action take place on the 5th of September? 102. Give an account of it 103. What honors were paid to the dead commanders? 104. Where is Portland ? (See map of Maine.O MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 229 the brig Enterprise, fell in with the British brig Boxer, Cap? tain Bl ythe, off the coast of Maine. An action of forty min utes ensued, resulting in the capture of the Boxer. Both commanders were killed in the engagement, and their bodies were buried side by side at Portland, with the honors of war. XXIX. In 1812, Captain Por ter,* commanding the American frigate Essex, in a short cruise captured a number of British merchantmen, and, after an action of only eight minutes, took the sloop-of-war Alert. In 1812 and 13, Porter, in command of the same vessel, made a long and re markable cruise of more than a year, in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Besides capturing a great many ships, and making prisoners of more than four hundred men, he did immense service to the American shipping by the pro tection which he afforded. XXX. At length, on the 28th of March, 1814, lie was at tacked in the harbor of Valparaiso (yal-pa-rl -so), by two British war vessels that had been expressly dispatched in quest of him, and, after one of the most desperate conflicts of the war, was forced to surrender. <^/^/- * David Porter was born in Boston, Mass., in 1780. When the frigate Philadelphia was captured by the Tripolitans, in 1803, Porter WHS made captive and held nineteen months. In 1824 he commanded an expedition atrainst the pirates of the West Indies. He subsequently entered the service of Mexico, as com mander -in-chief of her naval forces ; but, in 1829, returned to the United States. At the time of his death, which occurred at Constantinople, in 1843, he was resident minister of the United States there. COMMODORE PORTEB. XXIX. QUESTIONS. 105. What were Porter s successes in 1812 ? 106. What, in 1813? XXX. 107. Where was he attacked by two British war vessels ? 108. Where ia Valparaiso ? (See map of South America.) 100. Give an account of the action. 230 REVIEW QUESTIONS. REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. "What event took place on the 4th of March, 1809 ? 210 2. Give an account of the naval action which occurred in 1811 ?. 211 3. "What hostile movement among the Indians was begun in 1804 ? 211 4. Give an account of the battle of Tippecanoe 211, 212 5. What were the causes of the War of 1812 ? 212 6. When did President Madison issue his war proclamation?. ... 212 7. On what expedition was Gen. Hull engaged at the time ? 213 8. What movement against the British did he first make ? 213 9. What can you say of the loss of a fort further north? 213 10. Give an account of the first battle of Brownstown 213, 214 11. Give an account of the second battle of Brownstown 214 12. Give an account of Brock s operations and Hull s surrender. . . 214 13. What further account can you give of Hull himself? 215 14. Give an account of the battle of Queenstown 215, 216 15. Of the action between the Constitution and Guerriere 216, 217 16. Of the action between the Wasp and the Frolic. . 217 17. Of the action between the United States and Macedonia 217 18. Of the action between the Constitution and the Java 217, 218 19. State the events preliminary to the battle of Frenchtown. 218, 219 20. Give an account of that battle, with the massacre 219 21. Under what circumstances was Fort Meigs constructed ? 219 22. What can you say of Clay s operations and success? 219, 220 23. Give an account of the battle of Fort Stephenson 220 24. What hostile preparations were made on the northern lakes ? 220, 221 25. Give an account of the battle of Lake Erie 221 26. What effects did the result of the battle have ? 221, 222 27. State the events preliminary to the battle of the Thames 222 28. Give an account of it, with the effects of the victory 222, 223 29. State the events preliminary to the battle of Tohopeka 223 30.. Give an account of the battle of Tohopeka 223, 224 31. Of the expedition from Sackett s Harbor against York 224 32. Of the expedition from the same place against Fort George. . . . 225 33. Of the British expedition against Sackett s Harbor 225 34. Of the operations of Wilkinson and Hampton 226, 227 35. Of the action between the Hornet and Peacock 227 36. Of the action between the Chesapeake and Shannon 227, 228 37. Of Lieutenant Allen s operations and sad fate 228 38. Of the action between the Enterprise and the Boxer 228, 229 39. Of Porter s operations and final defeat 229 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 231 EVENTS OP 1814, AND CLOSE OF THE WAR. I. IN the early part of 1813, a proposition from the Rus sian Emperor was received, in which he offered to mediate be tween the belligerent powers, England and the United States. It was accepted on the part of the American government, and President Madison appointed three commissioners to proceed to St. Petersburg to negotiate a treaty. It was not, however, accepted on the part of the other belligerents ; but towards the close of the year the American government was informed that Great Britain was ready to make a treaty of peace. Accord ingly, two persons were added to the commission previously appointed, and, in January, 1814, they sailed for Europe, where they joined their three associates. The belligerent governments however continued to prosecute war measures, and even with more vigor than before. II. Towards the close of February, 1814, Wilkinson broke up his winter quarters at French Mills and removed to Plattsburg, and Brown marched to Sackett s Harbor, taking two thousand men, mainly for the protection of the fleet there. III. Late in the following month, Wilkinson* advanced as far as Rouse s Point, where he determined to erect a battery, but the British penetrating his PAKT OF THE SOREL EIVER. * James Wilkinson was born in Maryland, in 1757. He served in Canada under Arnold, in 1776, and on the staff of Gates, in 1777. During Washington s administration he was engaged on the Northwestern frontier against the Indians, and commanded one of the divisions of Wayne s army in the battle of the Maumee. He subsequently was governor of the Louisiana territory, and an active agent in exposing the plans of Burr, in 1806. He died in Mexico, in 1825. EVENTS OP 1814, AND CLOSE OF THE WAR. QUESTIONS. I. 1. When did a pro position come from the Emperor of Russia ? 2. What was it? 3. What action was taken in relation thereto by the American government? 4. What by the British government ? 5. Of what was the American government afterward informed ? & In accordance therewith, what action was taken by the American government ? II. 7. What movement did Wilkinson make toward the close of the winter ? 8 To what place did General Brown march? 232 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. design, concentrated a force of two thousand men at La Colle Mill, three miles below the point. An at tack which he made upon the British, on the last day of the month, was unsuccessful, and he returned to Plattsburg. In consequence of this defeat, he threw up his command and asked to be tried by a court-martial. Gen. Izard was appointed to succeed him. IV. Brown did not remain long at Sackett s Harbor ; but, having been appointed to the command of the army destined to act on the Niagara frontier against Canada, he made haste to carry out the views of the Secretary of War for another invasion of the enemy s territory. Preparations being com pleted, on the 3d of July a large force, the advance of Brown s command, crossed the Niagara River, and took Fort Erie without a struggle. Pushing forward next day along the bank of the river, the American army reached a plain on the south side of the Chippewa River, in view of the enemy s camp on the other side of that stream. V. General Brown determined to attack the British in their position ; and, apparently, the British commander in tended a similar operation against the Americans, for the morning of the 5th beheld both armies deploying into the plain. The battle that ensued was severe, resulting in the defeat of the British, who made good their retreat across the Chippewa. This brilliant victory was owing to the admirable discipline of the American army, no less than to the skill and bravery of General Scott. VI. The British commander, General Riall, made no at- IIL QUESTIONS. 9. What movement did Wilkinson make from Plattsburg ? 10. How did the British anticipate him? 11. How are Rouse s Point and La Colle situ ated ? (See map, p. 124.) 12. When did the battle of La Colle Mill take place ? 13. Give an account of it. 14. What was the consequence to Wilkinson ? IV. 15. To what command had Brown been assigned while at Sacketfs Harbor? 16. Give an account of the taking of Fort Erie. 17. How was Fort Erie situated? (See map, p. 233.) 18. What movement was made on the 4th of July ? V. 19. What is said of the intention of the two commanders ? 20. Give an ac count of the battle of Chippewa. 21. How is Chippewa situated ? (See map, p. 233.) 22. To what was the success of the Americana at Chippewa owing ? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 233 tempt to dispute the passage of the Chippewa, but, hurriedly burning the bridge after he had effected a crossing, continued his retreat to Burlington Heights, near the head of Lake On tario. The American army rested but two days after the battle, then advanced across the Chippewa and took post at Queenstown, in tending to make a fur ther advance towards Fort George, which the British then held. Not having the necessary cannon with which to attack the fort, they fell back, after a few days, to the Chippewa. VII. Here, on the 25th of July, Brown was informed that General Drummond, who had reached Fort George with re-enforcements, had crossed the Niagara to attack Fort Schlosser (shlos -ser), where supplies for the American army were deposited. Be lieving that a demonstration against the forts at the mouth of the river would induce the British to return, Brown ordered Scott to advance with twelve hundred men. VIII. A march of but two miles had been accomplished when, about sunset, Scott unexpectedly came upon a British force of two thousand men advantageously posted at Lundy s Lane, in the immediate vicinity of Niagara Falls. The most obstinate bat- VI. QUESTIONS. 23. What was Biall s movement after the battle? 24. What Brown s ? VII. 25. Where was Brown on the 25th of July? 26. What information did he get there ? 27. Where is Fort Schlosser situated ? 28. What order did Brown give to Scott ? 29. What was his object? VIII. 30. Where is Lundy s Lane? (See map, p. 233.) 31. Give an account of the battle fought there while Scott was in command. 234 tie of the war ensued. Scott took the offensive; and though the enemy outnumbered him, he sustained the unequal contest for an hour, when General Brown, with the main body of the army, arrived upon the field. In the mean time, the British force had been largely augmented by re-enforcements under Drummond, who took the command. IX. It became evident to Brown that a battery, which the British had placed on a commanding hight, and which swept all parts of the field, must be captured or the Americans be defeated. Upon asking Colonel Miller* if he could take it, the fearless soldier replied, " I ll try, sir." At the head of his regiment, Miller steadily advanced up the hight, while, at every step, his ranks were thinned by the enemy s fire ; but his troops pressed forward, and, in one determined charge, gained possession of the battery, and drove the enemy in con fusion down the hill. X. Three times did the British rally and attempt to regain their lost battery, but without success : they were repulsed with fearful loss at every assault. Finally, at midnight, they withdrew, leaving the Americans in quiet possession of the field, each party losing about eight hundred men in killed and wounded. Brown and Scott having both been severely wounded, the command devolved upon General Ripley, who retired with his forces to Fort Erie, where General Gaines arrived soon afterward, and, being a senior officer, assumed the command. XL In a few days, General Drummond advanced against Fort Erie, and with a force of five thousand men, commenced a .siege. On the 1 oth of August, eleven days after, the enemy * James Miller was born in New Hampshire, in 1776. He took part in the capture of Fort Erie and in the battle of Chippewa. He died in New Hampshire, in 1851. IX. QUESTIONS. 32. What, during the battle, became evident to Brown ? 33. What question was asked and reply given? 84. Give an account of Miller s heroic achievement. X. 35. Give a further account of the battle. 36. What officers were wounded in the battle? 37. Who, after the battle, took the command? 38. Whither did Eipley retire ? 39. By whom was he succeeded ? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 235 undertook to carry the fort by assault, bat were repulsed with the loss of more than a thousand men. Though the wounds which Brown had received at Lundy s Lane were yet un- healed, he repaired to the fort and took the command. XII. Having ascertained that formidable preparations were being made for pressing the siege, he resolved not to await their completion. Accordingly, at noon, on the 17th of Sep tember, a sortie was made with nearly the whole of his dis posable force. In the space of an hour, the advanced works of the besiegers, which had cost nearly fifty days labor to erect, were destroyed, and about seven hundred of their num ber either fell or were taken prisoners. Drummond, upon being informed soon afterward that Izard was approaching with re-enforcements, retired to Fort George. The Ameri cans, in November, abandoned and destroyed Fort Erie, and, crossing the Niagara, went into winter quarters. XIII. Izard, when he started from Plattsburg on his march for the relief of Brown, left General Macomb* (ma-Jcoom ) in command of only fifteen hundred men ; but, as the enemy began to threaten Plattsburg, this force was augmented by volunteers from Vermont. Sir George Prevost, at the head of fourteen thousand men, a large number of whom were vet erans who had served under Wellington, in Europe, marched against Macomb ; and the British fleet on Lake Champlain, commanded by Commodore Downie (dowri-e), sailed to attack the American fleet, under Commodore MacDonough (mac-don -o). * Alexander Macomb was born in Michigan, in 1782. He died at Washington, in 1841. XI. QUESTIONS. 40. How was Fort Erie threatened by Drummond ? 41. Wliat took place on the 15th of August? 42. Who afterward took command at Fort Erie? XII. 43. When did Brown make a sortie from the fort? 44. What induced him to make it? 45. What was his success? 46. Why did Drummond afterward retire to Fort George ? 47. What did the Americans do in November ? XIII. 48. In what state for defense did Izard leave Plattsburg? 49. How was Macomb s force augmented ? 50. What southward movement did Prevost make? 51. What movement was made by Downie ? 236 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 1814. XIV. Macomb withdrew his forces to the south side of the Saranac River, and prepared to dispute any attempt which the enemy might make to cross, while Prevost took a position on the north side, where he erected batteries. For four days the two armies were on the opposite banks of the Saranac, and all attempts of the British to force a passage were successfully resisted. XV. On the llth of Septem ber, the battle of Plattsburg and of Lake Champlain took place. The British commenced the one on the land by opening a heavy cannonade upon the American works, while at the same time their fleet bore down and engaged MacDonough s* vessels, which were at anchor in the bay of Plattsburg. Af ter an action of two hours and a quarter between the two fleets, flag after flag of the British struck, and the victory of MacDonough was complete. XVI. The contest on the land continued throughout the day. The British undertook to cross the Saranac, making the attempt in three columns, but without success. After the de feat of Downie, the fire from their batteries slackened, and at nightfall ceased entirely. They then commenced a hasty retreat, leaving behind their sick and wounded, and a large quantity of military stores. Of the army of fourteen thousand men which Prevost led against Macomb, two hundred and fifty were * Thomas MacDonough was born in New Castle Co., Delaware, in 1783. He was one of Deoatur s P^ l -v w^hich boarded and destroyed the frigate Philadelphia in the harbor of Tripoli, iu 1804. He died at XIV. QUESTIONS. 52. How did Macomb prepare to meet Prevost ? 53. Where did Prevost take a position ? 54. What is said of his attempts to cross the Saranac ? 55. Into what body of water does the Saranac flow? (See map, p. 149.) XV. 56. Give an account of the battle of Lake Champlain. XVI. 57. Give an account of the battle of Plattsburg. 58. What losses were sus tained by each party ? COMMODORE MACDONOUGH. MADISON 8 ADMINISTRATION. 237 killed or wounded, and more than two thousand deserted. The loss of the Americans was one hundred and twenty. XVII. During the greater part of 1814 the whole Atlantic seaboard was locked up by British cruisers, from which de scents were often made upon small towns. About the middle of August, a squadron of the enemy arrived in Chesapeake Bay, bringing a large body of troops, commanded by General Ross. This force, it was evident, was intended to strike a heavy blow at some of the important cities. XVIII. Ross, with five thousand men, landed at Benedict, situated on the Patuxent River, twenty-five miles from its mouth. His first object was the destruc tion of an American flotilla, commanded by Commodore Barney, which had harassed and injured the lighter vessels of the enemy s fleet, but which was then lying in the Patux ent. As the British approach ed, Barney, rather than have his boats fall into their hands, burnt them. XIX. Ross s next object was the capture of Washing ton; but, instead of making a direct march, he proceeded by the way of Bladensburg, where he met with some op position from the militia under General Winder, but the only XVII. QUESTIONS. 59. What is said of the operations of British cruisers during the most of 1814 ? 60. What arrival took place in August? 61. What was the evi dent intention of the force ? XVIII. 62. Where did Ross land? 63. On which side of the Patuxent is Bene dict? (See map, p. 287.) 64 What was Ross s first object ? 65. Did he succeed ? MAKYLANI) . 238 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. - . check that he received was from a body of seamen and marines, commanded by Barney.* He, reached "Washington on the 24th of August, burned the capitol, presi dent s house, and other buildings, and, after effecting this wanton destruction, made a hasty retreat to the shipping, a division of which was still in the Patuxent. XX. In the mean time, a division of the fleet had ascend ed the Potomac as far as Alexandria, the people of which, to save their city from bombardment, sur rendered their mer chandise and ship ping to the enemy. The two divisions of the fleet then uni ting, it was determin ed to make an attack on Baltimore. XXI. On the 12th of September, Ross landed his troops at North Point, fourteen * Joshua Barney was born in Baltimore, in 1759. Though he was but a youth at the beginning of the Revolution, he was appointed master s mate in sloop-of-war, in which vessel he aided in capturing the town of New Providence, on one of the Bahama Islands. He was engaged in several naval enterprises, and was three times made prisoner. His death occurred at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1818. "VTCUTITY" -XIX. QUESTIONS. 66. What was his second object ? 67. What route did ho take to Washington ? 6S. On which side of the Potomac is Washington? (See map, p. 237.) 69. In which direction from Bladensburg is Washington ? (See same map.) 70. What opposition and check did Eoss meet with on his march ? 71. When did he reach Washington ? 72. What did he effect there T 73. What did he then do ? XX. 74. What had another division of the fleet been doing in the mean time? 75. What did the British then determine upon. XXI. 76. When did Eoss land at North Point , 77. What is the name of the other point at the mouth of the Patapsco ? (See map, p. 238.) 78. How far is North Point from Baltimore? 79. What was done by the enemy s vessels on the 12th? 80. How far is Fort McHenry from Baltimore ? 81. What befell Eoss himseJf ? 239 miles from Baltimore, while sixteen of the enemy s ships moved up the Patapsco River, to bombard Fort McHenry, com manding the channel, at the distance of about two miles below the city. On his march Ross was met by an advance corps of Americans, and, in a slight skirmish, killed. XXII. General Brooke, Ross s successor, gave the order to continue the advance, but the progress of the British at one point was disputed, for more than an hour, by a body of militia, commanded by General Strieker. The Americans then fell back in good order, and took a position near the defenses of the city. Brooke resumed the march, but the resolute front which the Americans presented, deterred him from making an attack until he could hear from the fleet. XXIII. In the mean time, Fort McHenry had been sub jected to a heavy bombardment. The firing commenced on the morning of the 13th, and continued till near the follow ing morning, but without making any serious impression. Brooke, therefore, seeing no prospect of success against the city, embarked his troops, and the whole force of the enemy withdrew. XXIV. During the summer, the authorities of Pensacola, then a Span ish port, allowed the British to take possession of their forts, and fit out an expedition against Fort Bowyer (bo ~ yer\ now Fort Morgan, situated at the entrance to Mobile (mo-bcel ) Bay. On the 15th of September, the fort was assailed by a British XXII. QUESTIONS. 82. Who succeeded Eoss? 83. Give an account of the battle that took place. 84. Why did not Strieker attack the Americans at their position near the defenses of Baltimore? XXIII. 85. Give an account of the attack upon Fort McHenry. 86. What did Brooke then do ? XXIV. 87. How is Pensacola situated ? (See map, p. 223.) 88. Did Pensacola belong to Spain or the United States in 1814? 89. Which of the belligerent powers did the authorities of Pensacola favor during the war? 90. How did that appear? 91. In what direction from Mobile is Fort Morgan? (See map, p. 2 23.) 92. Give an account of the attack upon Fort Morgan. MOBILE AND VICINITY. 240 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. fleet, aided by a combined force of Indians and ma rines; but the enemy were repulsed, losing one of their ships and many men. The other ships effected their escape, returning to Pensacola. XXV. Florida was then a Spanish province, but it was used by the English, who made Pensacola the rendezvous of their forces, and from that port fitted out expeditions against the United States. The Spaniards made not the least attempt to prevent this abuse of neutral territory ; indeed, it is certain they had no disposition to interfere with the operations of the English. Jackson, who, -in 1814, was in command at Mobile, placed himself at the head of three thousand men, and marched upon Pensacola. Negotiations failing, he seized the town by force, and compelled the British to leave. XXVI. Returning to Mobile, he made preparations to meet an anticipated attack upon that place ; but learning that the Brit ish were about to invade Louisiana for the special purpose of se curing possession of New Orleans, he sent the mass of his troops to that city, and reached it himself at the beginning of Decem ber. He found the city in no condition for defense, and at once adopted the most energetic measures to oppose the enemy. XXVII. Towards the middle of December, a British squad ron entered Lake Borgne (born), the shortest avenue of ap proach from the Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans, carrying a land force of over twelve thousand men, many of whom were veterans who had served under Wellington. This army was commanded by Sir Edward Pakenham, one of their most dis tinguished military leaders. On the 14th, Lieutenant Jones, commanding a flotilla of American gunboats, was attacked by XXV. QUESTIONS. 93. What is said of the use made by the English of Pensa cola, and of the disposition of the authorities there towards the United States? 94. State what was done by Jackson. XXVI. 95. "Where did Jackson go after leaving Pensacola? 96. "What did he do there ? 97. "What information did he receive while there ? 98. What course did he then pursue? XXVII. 99. With what force did the British advance against New Orleans? 100- What avenue of approach did fliey take to that city? 101. Give an account of the action of the 14th of December. MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 241 a portion of the British squadron, and, after a sanguinary en gagement, was compelled to surrender, thus giving the enemy the control of the route to New Orleans. XXVIII. The vanguard of the British army landed on the 16th, and marched to a place on the Mississippi, about nine miles from New Orleans, where an encampment was formed on the morning of the 23d. Here the British were attacked by Jack son on the following night. The contest was spirited, and the result advantageous to the Americans, as the enemy s advance was thereby checked, giving Jackson more time to prepare his line of defenses, four miles from the city. On the 28th of De cember, and again on the first day of the new year, the British attacked the American works, but without success. XXIX. Pakenham at length determined to make a general assault. Accordingly, on the 8th of January, 1815, the battle of New Orleans, which was the final contest of the war, was fought. The British advanced in the face of a destructive fire from the American batteries : when they were within reach of the muskets and rifles from behind the intrenchments, vol ley after volley was poured upon them with such terrible effect, that they were thrown into confusion. Pakenham was slain, and his troops fled in dismay, leaving two thousand of their number killed, wounded, and prisoners. The Americans lost only thirteen, seven killed and six wounded. XXX. A large number of citizens of the United States, be longing to the Federal party,* had been opposed to the war from its very commencement, and they continued to oppose its prosecution till the close. These persons were mostly resi- * The people of the United States were, at that time, divided into two great political parties, calling themselves Democrats and Federalists. The former were iu favor of prosecuting the war, while the latter were opposed. XXVIII. QUESTIONS. 102. Of the landing of the British, their march and en campment 103. Of the battle on the 23d of December, 104. Of the two following attacks. XXIX. 105. "When did the battle of New Orleans take place ? 106. Give an ac count of it 10T. What losses were sustained by both parties ? 108. In what direc tion from Mobile is New Orleans ? (See map, p. 223.) 11 242 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 1814. dents of New England. They regarded the war as un necessary and impolitic ; the losses, too, which they were sustaining in their commerce and fisheries, were not with out influence upon thorn. XXXI. For the purpose of considering their grievances, and devising means of redress, a convention was held at Hart ford, Connecticut, in December, 1814. The friends of Presi dent Madison and of the war looked upon this assemblage of delegates, commonly known as the " Hartford Convention," as a treasonable body ; but their doings were, to say the least, harmless, their principal act being the adoption of a document which presented a statement of grievances, and recommended several amendments to the Constitution. After three weeks of secret session, the convention adjourned. XXXII. The joyful tidings of peace at length reached the United States. In February, 1815, an English sloop-of-war arrived from Europe, bearing a treaty of peace which had been agreed upon by British and American commissioners who had assembled at Ghent, a city of Belgium. The document was signed on the 24th of December, fifteen days before the battle of HENRY CLAY.* J^Qw Orleans. The commissioners on the part of the United States, who had negotiated it, were * Henrv Clay was born in Hanover Co., Virginia, in 1777. He died at Washington in 1852, and it was lid of bfm, in a eulogy pronounced by John C. Breckinridge, a political adversary, that . As a leader in delibsrative body, Mr. Clay had no equal in America." XXX. QUESTIONS. 109. "What is said of the course pursued by certain persons who were opposed to the war? 110. State what is said of their residence, opinions. &c. XXXI. 111. Give an account of the "Hartford Convention," and its doings. XXXII. 112. What news reached the United States in February, 1815? 113. At what place did the commissioners meet who negotiated the treaty ? 114. "Who were the American commissioners ? 1 15. When was the treaty signed at Ghent ? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 243 Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Jonathan Russell, James A. Bayard, and Albert Gallatin.* XXXIII. The two great points of dispute the encroach ments upon American commerce, and the impressment of American seamen which were the main causes of the war, were left untouched by the treaty. The omission, however, was not important, inasmuch as, by the termination of the European war, all encroachments upon American commerce ceased, and, by the great success of the American navy and privateers, the impressment question was effectually disposed of. * Albert Gallatin was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1761. In 1780, he arrived in the United States and at once aided the Americans, with his hands and money, in their military operations in Maine. He was, at one time, a teacher of French in Harvard College was several times elected to the House of Kepresentatives from Pennsylvania, and he was Secretary of the Treasury under Jefferson and Madison. His death occurred at Astoria, Long Island, N. Y., in 1849. XXXIII. QUESTIONS. 116. In what respects was the treaty incomplete and un satisfactory ? 117. By what events were these omissions rendered unimportant? PRINCIPAL LAND BATTLES OF THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. * The asterisk indicates the successful party. DATES. BATTLES. COMMANDERS. MEN ENGAGED. American. British. Amer. British. 1812. Aug. 5, Aug. 9, | Oct. 13, 1813. Jan. 22, April 27, May 5, May 29, Aug. 2, Oct. 5, Nov. 11, 1814. March 30, July 5, July 25, Aug. 15, Aug. 24, Sept. 11, Sept. 12, Sept. 13, Sep. 15, Sept 17, Dec. 23, 1815. Jan. 8, Brown stown Maguaga, or 2d of Brownstown . . . Queenstown Van Horn [Miller* Van Eensselaer Tecumseh* . . . Tecumseh Brock* 200 600 1,200 600 900 2,500 Frenchtown . York Winchester... Pike* Clay* Brown* .... Croghan* Harrison* Boyd Proctor* Sheaffe 800 1,700 1,200 1,000 100 2,500 1,200 1,500 1,500 2,000 1,000 1,300 2,000 2,000 Fort Meigs Sackett s Harbor... Fort Stcphenson. . . Thames Proctor Prevost Proctor Proctor Morrison Chrysler s Field . . . La Colle Mill Chippewa Wilkinson ... Brown* Brown* Gaines* Winder Macomb* Strieker Armistead*. .. Lawrence* . . . Brown* Jackson. ..... Hancock* Riall Drummond . . Drummond. .. Eoss* Prevost Brooke* Cochrane Nicholls Drummond. . . Keane 4,000 1,900 3,500 2,500 3,500 8,000 2,000 1,000 120 2.500 2,000 2.000 2,100 5,000 5,000 5,000 14,000 5,000 16 ships. Mixed 3,500 2,500 Lundy s Lane Fort Erie (assault). . Bladensburg Plattsburg North Point FortMcHenry Fort Bowyer Fort Erie (sortie) . . 9 miles from N. O.. New Orleans Jackson* Pakenham 6,000 12,000 244 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. PRINCIPAL NAVAL BATTLES OF THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. * The asterisk indicates the successful party. DATES. WHERE FOUGHT. VESSELS. COMMANDERS. 1812. Aug. 13, Off Newfoundland -| Am. Frig. Essex Porter.* Aug. 19, OS Massachusetts -j Am. Frig. Constitution... Br. Frig. Guerriere Hull.* Dacres. ! \m Sloop Wasp Jones.* Oct. 18, Off North Carolina -j Br Brio- Frolic Whinyates. Oct. 25, Dec. 29, Near Canary Islands -j Off San Salvador j Am. Frig. United States.. Br. FrigT Macedonian Am. Frig. Constitution. . . Br. Frig. Java Decatur.* Carden. Bainbridge.* Lambert. Am. Sloop Hornet Lawrence.* June 1, Massachusetts Buy . . . . -j Br. Brig Peacock Am. Frig. Chesapeake Br. Frig. Shannon Peake. Lawrence. Broke.* ( Am. Brig Argus Allen. Sept. 5, Sept 10 Off coast of Maine -1 Lake Erie -j Br. Sloop Pelican Am. Brig Enterprise Br. Brig Boxer Am. 9 ves. 54 guns Maples.* Burrows.* Blythe. Perry.* Br. 6 ves. 63 guns Barclay. March 28 Harbor of Valparaiso . . -< Am. Frig. Essex Br Bri^ Phcebe Porter. Hillvar.* April 29, Off coast of Florida . . . -j Br. Sloop Cherub Am. Sloop Peacock Br. Brig Epervier Tucker. Warrington.* Wales. June 28, Sept. 1, Sept. 11, Near British Channel -j Near Africa -j Lake Champlain -j T 1 T> i Am. Sloop Wasp Br. Sloop Reindeer Am. Sloop Wasp Br. Sloop Avon Am. 14 vessels, 86 guns... Br. IT vessels. 95 guns . . . Blakely.* Manners. Blakely.* Arbuthnot. McDouough.* Downie. Jones Dec. 14, Lake Borgne < Br 40 barges Lockyer.* Jan. 15, Feb 20 Off New Jersey -j Off Island of Madeira -] Am. Frig. President Br. (Squadron) Am. Frig. Constitution.. . Br Ship Cyane Decatur. Hayes.* Stewart* Falcon. Br. Ship Levant Douglass. March 23 Off Brazil -j Am. Sloop Hornet Biddle.* Br. Brig Penguin Dickenson. WAR WITH ALGIERS. XXXIV, During "The War of 1812," the Algerines, be lieving that the United States were unable to protect their interests in the Mediterranean, resumed their old practice of XXXIV. QUESTIONS. 118. What is said of the Algerines during u The War of 1812 ?" 119. Who was sent against them? MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. 245 piracy, seized several American vessels, and insulted and plundered the consul of the United States. In May, 1815, a naval force, commanded by Decatur, was sent to the Medi terranean. XXXV. On the 17th of June, Decatur encountered the largest vessel in the Algerine navy, and captured her, after a running fight of twenty-five minutes. Two days after this success he captured another frigate, with more than five hun dred men. He then ap peared before Algiers, and compelled the Dey to liberate the American prisoners in his hands, and relinquish all future claims to the annual tribute which the United States had paid to Al giers since 1V95, for the purpose of securing the American commerce from molestation in the Medi terranean. XXXVI. Decatur next proceeded to Tunis (too -nis) and Tripoli, and from both powers exacted payment for American vessels which the English had been allowed to capture in their harbors during the war. They were likewise compelled to make indemnity for other losses which American citizens had sustained at their XXXV. QUESTIONS. 120. Give the account of Decatur s two successes against the Algerine vessels. 121. "What did he further accomplish against Algiers ? XXXVI. 122. To what two places did Decatur next proceed ? 123. What did ha e two powers to do ? 246 MADISON S ADMINISTRATION. hands, and to agree to abstain from further depredations upon the commerce of the United States. XXXVII. Dining Madison s administration, two States were added to the Union: Louisiana, in 1812, and Indiana, previously a portion of the Northwest Territory, in 1816. Madison, having served two presidential terms, like Jefferson, followed the example of Washington, and declined a second re-election. He was succeeded by James Monroe, also of Virginia. XXXVII. QUESTIONS. 124 When were Louisiana and Indiana admitted into the Union? 125. Why was not Madison elected President for a third term? 126. By whom was he succeeded ? REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 1. What peace proposition was made in 1813 ? 231 2. What further can you say of the proposition ? 231 3. How came five U. S. commissioners to be chosen? 231 4. What movement did Wilkinson make in Feb., 1814 ? 231 5. What movement, at the same time, was made by Brown? 231 6. Give an account of the battle of La Colle Mill 231, 232 7. What was the consequence to Wilkinson of his defeat ? 232 8. What was Brown s object after leaving Sackett s Harbor?. . . . 232 9. When and how did the Americans capture Fort Erie ? 232 10. What battle was fought July 5, 1814? Ans. Battle of Chippewa. 11. What were the preliminary movements of the battle ? 232 12. Give an account of the battle, with its results 232 13. What was Riall s first movement after the battle ? 232, 233 14. What movements were made by the American army ? 233 15. What information did Brown receive on the 25th of JulyJ? 233 16. State the preliminaries of the battle of Lundy s Lane 233 17. Which battle was the most obstinate of the war? 233, 234 18. When did the battle of Lundy s Lane take place ? 234 19. Who commanded the Americans there before Brown arrived ?. 234 20. Who beside Scott distinguished himself in the battle ? 234 21. State how Miller distinguished himself. 234 22. What efforts were made by the British to regain the battery ? . 234 23. At what time and how did the battle end ? 234 24. Give an account of Drurnmond s assault upon Fort Erie. . .234, 235 REVIEW QUESTIONS. 247 25. Who commanded the Americans on that occasion? 234 26. Who took the command again after the battle ? 235 27. When did Brown make a sortie from Fort Erie ? 235 28. Why did he make it then instead of at a later day? 235 29. Give an account of it, with its result 235 30. What movements were afterwards made by both armies? 235 31. Who commanded at Plattsburg after Izard left? 235 32. Who commanded the army that advanced against Plattsburg?. 235 33. Of how many men did Prevost s army consist? 235 34. Who commanded the American fleet on Lake Champlain? .... 235 35. Who commanded the fleet that sailed against MacDonough ?. . 235 36. What positions did the two armies occupy before the battle ? . . 236 37. Give an account of the action between MacDonough and Do wnie 236 38. Give an account of the battle between Macomb andPrevost. . 236 39. With how many men did Prevost effect his retreat? 236, 237 40. What loss did the Americans sustain in the battle ? 237 41. What did the British cruisers effect during 1814? 237 42 . What naval accessions did the British have in Aug. of that year ? 237 43. How did General Ross commence operations ? 237 44. Why did Commodore Barney destroy his flotilla ? 237 45. What was Ross s object after the flotilla was destroyed? 237 4G. Give an account of what took place at Bladensburg 237, 238 47. Give an account of Ross s operations at Washington 238 48. How was Alexandria threatened arid finally saved ? 238 49. What city did the British next determine to attack ? 238 50. What operations, under Ross, took place on the 12 of Sept. ? 238, 239 51. Whom did General Brooke succeed in command? 239 52. What operations took place under the command of Brooke?. . . 239 53. How many of the British ships proceeded against Baltimore ?. 239 54. Give an account of the efforts made to reduce the fort 239 55. What aid did the people of Pensacola extend to the British ? . . 239 56. Give an account of the expedition against Mobile 239, 240 57. Give an account of Jackson s expedition against Pensacola . . . 240 58. Why did Jackson afterwards leave Mobile for New Orleans ?. . 240 59. How did the British commence operations against New Orleans ? 240 60. Give an account of the naval battle in Lake Borgne 240, 241 61 . Give an account of the battle nine miles from New Orleans. . 241 62. Give an account of the battle of New Orleans 241 63. Give an account of the Federalists and their convention. . .241, 242 64. When, where, and by whom was the treaty of peace nego tiated? 242, 243 65. Give an account of Decatur s success against Algiers, &c., 244, 245, 246 SKCTIOIS" "VII. FROM THE BEGINNING OF MONROE S ADMINISTRATION, IN 181 7, TO THE CLOSE OF TYLER S, IN 1845. MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. I. JAMES MONROE, the fifth President of the United States, was in augurated at Washing ton, on the 4th of March, 1817 ; and his adminis tration commenced un der very favorable cir cumstances.* We were at peace with all foreign powers, our commerce rode every sea unmo lested, and the strife at home, between the two great political parties, Democrats and Federal ists, had entirely ceased. II. Towards the close of 1817, the Seminole Indians, joined by some Creeks, commenced de predations on the frontier settlements of Georgia and Ala- * President Monroe s cabinet consisted of John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State ; William H. Craw ford, Secretary of the Treasury : John C. Calhoun. Secretary of War; Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Secre tary of the Navy; and Willhim Wirt, Attorney-General. MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. When and where was Monroe inaugurated ? 2. How did his administration commence ? 3. State the three cir cumstances. MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. 249 General Gaines was sent against them, but his force being in sufficient, General Jack son was ordered into service. Jackson soon overran the Indian country, and being con vinced that the Semi- noles had been instigated to hostilities by persons in Florida, he seized the Spanish forts, both at St. Mark s and Pensa- cola. III. Two British sub jects, Arbuthnot and Am- brister, having fallen into his hands, were tried by a court-martial, on a charge of having incited the Indians to hostilities, found guilty, and executed. Jackson s invasion of Florida, a territory be longing to a nation at peace with the United States, and his summary proceedings in the prosecution of the war, were condemned by many persons ; but they were approved by the President and Congress. IV. A treaty was made in 1819, by which Florida was ceded to the United States ; but it was not till towards the close of 1820 that the King of Spain ratified the treaty, nor till July, 1821, that the government of Spain surrendered posses sion of the province. Although the Seminoles, a fierce and II. QUESTIONS. 4. What troubles commenced towards the close of 1817? 5. Who was first sent against the Seminoles ? 6. Who was next sent ? 7. Of what was Jackson soon convinced? 8. What did he accordingly do ? 9. How are St. Mark s and Pensacola situated? (See map, p. 223, also of Florida.) III. 10. State the cases of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. 11. What acts of Jackson were much condemned ? 11* The first settlements within the present limits of the State were made by the French. . The motto of Illinois is given ? above, on the State seal. 250 MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. V warlike Indian race, occu pied the best lands in the territory, immigration set in, and a considerable population soon estab lished themselves in the country. V. The Mississippi Territory, which em braced the present States of Alabama and Missis sippi, was divided in 1817, and the western portion admitted into the Union as the State of Mississippi. Illinois (il- lin-ol), which up to 1800 had been a part of the Northwest Territory, and from that time to 1809, had formed, with Indiana, the Indiana Territory, and subsequently by itself the Illinois Territory, was admitted into the Union as a State in 1818. Alabama was admitted in 1819. In 1820, Maine, which had, up to that time, been a district of Massachusetts, was organized as a State, and admitted into the Union. VI. The most important event of Monroe s administration, was the controversy preceding the admission of Missouri (mis-soo 1 -re) into the Union, by which, for the first time, the MISSISSIPPI. This State derived its name from) 1 the river so called. The word Missis sippi is of Indian origin. It wa " spelled by some old writers Micht Sepe. and interpreted by them the) Great River, and the Great Fathe _ Waters." A settlement was made by! the French, within the present limits! of the State, as early as the year 1716.1 The Seal of the State is represented j above. Mississippi has no motto. IY. QUESTIONS. 12. State the facts connected with the acquisition of Florida. j8. What is said of the Seminoles and their possessions ? 14 Of immigration to Florida? V. 15. When was Mississippi admitted into the Onion ? 16. What can you state of the previous history of Mississippi? 17. When was Illinois admitted into the Union? 18. What can you state of the previous history of Illinois? 19. When was Maine admitted ? 20. What can you state of the previous history of Maine ? VI. 21. What was the most important event of Monroe s administration ? 22. How were tha States arrayed on the slavery question ? MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. 251 country was divided upon the slavery question ; the States of the North op posing the admission of Missouri as a slave State, while those of the South favored such admission. VII. In Congress, the debate was long and acri monious. At length a* /x bill, known as the " Mis souri Compromise," was passed, by which it was declared that slavery was prohibited forever in all territory north of thirty- six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude, and west of the Missis sippi, Missouri excepted. Under this compromise, Missouri was admitted into the Union as a slave State, in 1821. VIII. Another important event of Monroe s administration was the recognition of the Spanish American republics, which had declared and maintained their independence for several years. In 1823, the year following the recognition, President Monroe declared in his annual message, that, " as a principle, the American continents, by the free and independent position riginally a part of Georgia, In 1798, all the region com , prising the present States of Alabama and Mississippi was organized as the territory of Mississippi. In 1817, its western portion became the State of Mississippi, while the other part continued to be the territory of Alabama until ita admission as a State. VIL QUESTIONS. 23. What is said of the debate in Congress? 24. What bill was passed ? 25. What was the important declaration of the bill ? 26. What is said of the admission of Missouri ? VIII. 27. What other important event took place during the administration of Monroe ? 28. Recite the whole of the " Monroe Doctrine." 29. When and under what circumstances was that " doctrine" put forth ? 252 MONROE S ADMINISTRATION. SEAL OF MAINE.* which they have assumed arid maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subject for future colonization by any European power ;" a declaration which has since been famous as the " Monroe Doctrine." IX. During Monroe s adminis tration, two events occurred which are worthy of notice. The first was the President s tour, in 1817, through the eastern and other States, for the purpose of making a personal examina tion of military posts. The second was the visit of La fayette to this country. The distinguished visitor arrived in the summer of 1824; and his tour, which was extended through all of the twenty -four States, was everywhere signal ized by tokens of respect from a grateful people. X. Monroe, having served two presidential terms, declined, in imitation of his predecessors, Washington, Jefferson, and Madi son, being a candidate for a third term, and was succeeded by John Quincy Adams, of Massa- SEA L OK MISSOITBLt ChuSCttS. * Authors are not agreed with regard to the derivation of the name given to this State. The prevailing pinion is that Maine was so called in compliment to Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. of England, who, was supposed, owned the province of Maine, in France. The Coat of Arms of the State of Mi leated on the seal (given above), and contains the motto of the State, Dirigo, signifying I direct, t This State takes its name from the great river which passes through it. The word Missouri, signifying Mud River, was applied to the river by the Indians, because of the turbid character of that stream. The u , , ause o e ur caracer o a s motto of Missouri (shown on the seal of the State above) is : Salus populi supremo lex The the people is the first great law IX. QUESTIONS. 30. What account can you give of Monroe s tour in 1817? 81. What of Lafayette s visit to the United States in 1824? X. 32. Why was not Monroe elected President for a third term ? 33. By whom was he succeeded ? JOHN QUINOV ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. 253 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. I. FOUR candidates were put in nomination to succeed President Monroe, and the con sequence was that none of them had a majority of the electoral votes. The election then went to the House of Rep resentatives, for the second time, Jefferson having been thus elect ed, in 1801 ; and John Quincy Adams was chosen the sixth Presi dent of the United States. His inaugura tion took place at Washington, on the 4th of March, 1825.* II. On the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence, July the 4th, 1826, occurred the death of the two venerable ex- presidents, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. As this remarkable coinci- JOHN QTTINCY ADAMS Was born in Braintree, near Boston, Mass., J uly 1 1, 1 767. In 1 797 he married ughter of Joshua Johnson,American nsul at London. His death occur at Washington, Feb. 23, 1848. * The cabinet of President John Quincy Adams was constituted as follows: Henry Clay, Secretary of State ; Richard Rush, Secretary of the Treasury ; James Barbour, Secretary of War; Samuel L. South ard, Secretary of the Navy ; and William Wirt, Attorney-General. ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. How many candidates were put in nomination to succeed Monroe? 2. What was the consequence? 3. Where did the election then go? 4. Who was elected? 5. When did his inauguration take place ? II. 6. What remarkable coincidence occurred during the administration of John Quincy Adams? 7. When did it occur ? 8. State the parallels in their lives. 254 JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. dence took place more than a year after the commencement of the tenth presidential term, John Adams lived to see his son President. When it is recollected that Adams and Jeffer son were members of the committee that framed the Declara tion of Independence; that both signed the important document; that both had been foreign ministers, vice-presidents, and presi dents of the United States ; and that each had lived to a vener able age, the coincidence of their deaths is indeed remarkable. III. The administration of John Quincy Adams was one of wisdom and peace ; and under it the nation made rapid in crease in population and wealth. Towards its close the presi dential contest for the succession was carried on with great o animation and virulence* and resulted in the election of Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee. JACKSON S ADMINISTKATIOK I. The inauguration of Jackson took place at Washington, on the 4th of March, 1829,* and the new president at once commenced a series of vigorous measures which he carried out for eight years. The practice of removing office-holders, and appointing the political friends of the President, was begun by him. II. In his first annual message to Congress, President Jackson took strong ground against the renewal of the charter of the United States Bank, arguing that " such an institution is not au thorized by the constitution." Notwithstanding this opposition, President Jackson s cabinet consisted of Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State ; Samuel D. Ineham. Secretary of the Treasury ; John H. Eaton, Secretary of War ; John Branch, Secretary of the Navy ; John McPherson Berrien, Attorney-General ; and William T. Barry, Postmaster-General. The Postmaster- General was, for the first time, made a member of. the cabinet. In 1831, in consequence of a personal quarrel, changes were made in the cabinet. Edward Livingston was Secretary of State ; Louis McLane, Secretary of the Treasury ; Lewis Cass, Secretary of War ; Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Navy ; and Roger B. Taney, Attorney-General. Other changes afterward took place. III. QUESTIONS. 9. What is said of the administration of John Quincy Adams? 10. Of the contest for the presidential succession ? 11. What was the result of the contest ? JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. I. 1. When was Jackson inaugurated ? 2. How did he commence and continue to govern ? 3. What practice did he begin ? JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. 255 Congress, in 1832, passed a bill to re- charter the bank, but Jackson vetoed it ; and as it subsequently failed to receive suffi cient votes to secure its passage over the veto, the original charter ex pired by limitation in 1836, and the bank then ceased to be a national institution. III. In 1832, the Northwest frontier suf fered from Indian hos tilities ; but after sev eral skirmishes, most of the savages were driven west of the Mis sissippi River. Black Hawk, their most noted leader, and from whom the contest became generally known as The Black Hawk War, was taken prisoner. After a detention of some months, during which he was conducted through Washington and other cities, for the pur pose of convincing him that resistance against the power of the whites was useless, he was allowed to rejoin his people. IV. A tariff bill, which had been passed by Congress during the administration of John Quincy Adams, had been II. QUESTIONS. 4. What stand did Jackson take with reference to the United States Bank ? 5. What was his main objection ? 6. What action did Congress take ? 7. How came it that the bank ceased to be a national institution ? III. 8. Give an account of The Slack Hawk War. 9. How was Black Hawk treated after the war ? IV. JO. What is said of a tariff bill, passed before Jackson was President? 11. How was the dissatisfaction increased ? 256 JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. BLACK HAWK. Exceedingly distasteful to the cotton- growing States; and when, in 1832, an act was passed imposing addi tional duties on foreign goods, the dissatisfaction was greatly increased, especially in South Carolina. ^V. A convention, held in that State, declared the tariff acts uncon stitutional, and, therefore, null and void. It also declared that duties should not be paid, and proclaimed that any attempts on the part of the general government to enforce the collection of duties would produce the withdrawal of South Carolina from the Union. One of the chief leaders of the nullifiers, as those persons in South Carolina who sustained the declarations of the convention were called, was John C. Calhojin,* who had recently re signed the vice-presidency of the United States. Another leader, of not much less distinction, was Robert Y. Hayne, who, when a United States Senator, in 1830, was the first to declare and defend in Congress the doctrine of nullifi cation, and to whom Daniel Web ster, of Massachusetts, then replied JOHN C. CALHOTJN. L in one of the most remarkable * John C. Calhoun was horn in the district of Abbeville, S. C., in 1782. He was for gix years a repre sentative in Congress ; for a number of years was a United States Senator; was Secretary of War in Mon roe s cabinet ; and was twice elected Vioe-President of the United States. In 1845, while Secretary of State in Tyler s cabinet, he was " the author of the annexation of Texas." He died at Washington, iu 1850. Y. QUESTIONS. 12. What was declared by a South Carolina Convention ? 13. "What else did it declare? 14. Who was the great leader of the nullifiers? 15. "What high position had Calhoun resigned? 16. Who was another leader of the nul lifiers? 17. What d;d Hayne do in 1830? 18. Who replied to him? 19. What is said of that reply ? JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. DANIEL WEBSTER.* speeches ever delivered in Con gress. Although Hayne was the first to declare this doctrine in Congress, Calhoun, in a paper known as the " South Carolina Exposition," was its author. VI. In this crisis, President Jackson acted with that prompt ness and energy which were so characteristic of the man. By his direction an army, under General Scott, was ordered to Charleston ; and he issued a proclamation against the nullifiers and their doctrine, which met with a cordial response from every friend of the Union. A " corn- promise bill," offered by Mr. Clay and passed by Congress, was accepted by Calhoun and his friends, and thus the danger which threatened the Union was averted. THE SEMINOLE WAR. VII. Towards the close of 1835, the Seminole Indians, influenced by Micanopy, their head sachem, and by Osceola (os-e-o -la), the most noted of their chiefs, and a man of great cunning and courage, commenced hostilities against the settlements of the whites in Florida. This outbreak of the Seminoles had its origin PAET OF FLORIDA. * Daniel Webster was born at Salisbury, N. H., in 1782. A large portion of his life was passed at Washington, either as a member of Congress or the cabinet. In 184 . , while Secretary of State in Tyler s cabinet, he negotiated with Lord Ashburton a treaty nettling the differences betwee n the United States and Great Britain in relation to the northeastern boundary, differences which had disturbed the relations of the two countries for more than sixty years. Webster died at Marshfield, Mass., in 1852. VL QUESTIONS. 20. How did Jackson act in this crisis? 21. What was done by his direction ? 22. What proclamation did he issue ? 23. How was the danger to the Union averted ? 258 JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. in an attempt to remove them from Florida to lands west of the Mississippi, in accordance with the terms of a treaty which had been made with some of the chiefs, but which a majority of the tribe did not consider binding. VIII. In consequence of the offensive conduct of Osceola in opposition to the fulfilment of the treaty, the government agent, General Thompson, put him in irons, and kept him a prisoner for six days at Fort King. By feigning penitence and making promises, Osceola obtained his liberty ; but, in stead of doing as he had agreed, he placed himself at the head of a war party of Indians and fugitive slaves, and com menced the work of slaughter and devastation. IX. On the 28th of Decem ber, 1835, he approached a house in which Thompson and some friends were dining, and, making a sudden attack, killed five of the number, in cluding Thompson, and car ried off their scalps, in re venge for the imprisonment which he had suffered. On the very day of Thompson s OSCEOLA - death, " Dade s massacre" oc curred. Major Dade, with a detachment of one hundred and ten soldiers, while marching from Tampa Bay to join General Clinch, at Fort Drane, was suddenly attacked ; and that young commander and the whole of his detachment, except four men, were massacred. VII. QUESTIONS. 24. What troubles broke out in 1835? 25. Why did the Sem- inoles so act ? 26. What was the character of Osceola ? Till. 27. Why was Osceola put in irons and imprisoned? 28. In what direction was Fort King from Fort Bade ? (See map, p. 257.) 29. How long was Osceola kept at Fort King ? 30. How did he obtain his liberty ? 31. What did he do instead of performing his promises? IX. 32. How did he have revenge for his treatment at Fort King ? 33. Give an account of Dade s massacre. 34. In what direction was Dade marching when he was attacked? (See map, p. 257.) JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. 259 X. On the 30th of December, two days after, Osceola en countered an American force of six hundred men under Gen eral Clinch, at the crossing of the Withlacoochee River, but, after a hard-fought action of upward of an hour, was com pelled to retreat. In February and March, 1836, at the head of a force of more than a thousand Indians, he fought several actions against the troops under General Gaines, in the most important of which, occurring on the 29th of February, near the scene of Clinch s battle-ground, one American was killed, and more than thirty, including Gaines, were wounded. XI. In May, 1836, a large number of the Creeks joined the Semi- noles, and in Georgia and Alabama, as well as Flor ida, committed great de vastations, compelling thousands of whites to flee for their lives. Gen eral Scott, who had been appointed to the com mand in the South, pro secuted the war with vigor, but he was soon su perseded by General Jes- sup. The Creeks were speedily reduced, and transported beyond the Mississippi. XII. In October, 1836, Governor Call, of Georgia, took command of the forces in Florida. A detachment of more than five hundred of his men X. QUESTIONS. 35. Give an account of the battle of Withlacoochee. 36. Of the battles in February and March of 1836. XI. 3T. What took place in May, 1836 ? 38. Who was then sent against the In dians? 39. Who was next sent? 40. How was the war ended as respects the Creeks ? 260 JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. encountered the Indians at a place a short distance from the scene of Dade s massacre ; and although the enemy dispersed after the action, yet neither in this nor in other battles could the Americans claim a decided victory. XIII. For upwards of a year did Osceola* conduct the struggle against superior forces, with energy and skill ; but, in October, 1837 r he ap peared in Jessup s camp, near St. Augustine, with a flag of truce, for the purpose of holding a conference. Suspecting a repetition of treachery, and desiring to prevent further bloodshed, Jes- sup disregarded the flao- L D and seized the chief, who was taken to Fort Moul- trie, and there kept in confinement till his death, which occurred on the last day of Jan uary, 1838. XIV. The capture of Osceola did not end the war with the Seminoles. They amused Jessup for a while with overtures, but he, finding the Indians not sincere, directed Colonel Taylor (afterward General Taylor, and Pres- * Osceola was born in Florida. His father was an Indian his mother was the daughter of an Indian chief. ader, an Englishman named Powell, XII. QUESTIONS. 41. "Who took command of the forces in Florida towards the latter part of 1836 ? 42. What is said of the battles fought by Call s forces ? XIII. 43. How long did Osceola conduct the struggle ? 44. In what manner did he conduct it? 45. What mistake did he make? 46. Why did Jessup seize Osceola ? 47. What further can you state of Osceola? VAN BUREN S ADMINISTRATION. 261 ident of the United States) to proceed against them. With about a thousand men Taylor accordingly marched, and on the 25th of December, 1837, encountered the Indians in strong force on the northern side of Lake Okeechobee, and defeated them in one of the most desperate and hotly con tested battles in the annals of our warfare with the red men. XV. Though the Serninoles continued their hostilities through the administration of Jackson, as well as that of his immediate successor, they never again rallied in large force. A treaty was made with them in 1839, but it was not till 1842 that peace was finally secured. ^ J / VAN BUREN S ADMINISTRATION. I. JACKSON was succeeded in the presidency by Martin Van Bu- ren, of New York. Van Buren s ad ministration was continued during One term, Or four OCEAN BTEAMEK.* years, extending from the 4th of March, 183Y,f the day of inauguration, to the 4th of March, 1841. The first regular passages across the Atlantic by steamships were made in 1838, by the Siriuo and Great Western. t President Van Buren s cabinet was constituted as follows: John Forsyth, Secretary of State; Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury ; Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War ; Mahlon Dickerson. Secretary of the Navy ; Benjamin F. Butler, Attorney-General ; and Amos Kendall, Postmaster-General. All of these, except Poinsett, had held their respective offices in Jackson s cabinet at the close of his last term. In 1838, Dickerson and Butler resigned, and James K. Pauldins; was appointed in the place of the former, and Felix Grundy in that of the latter. Grundy was succeeded ill 1840, by Henry D. Gilpin, and Kendall by John M. Miles. XIV. QUESTIONS. 48. Did the capture of Osceola end the war or not? 49. Whom didJessup order to go against the Serainoles? 50. Give an account of tho battle of Okeechobee. XV. 51. What is said of the subsequent part of the Seminole war? VAN BUREN S AD>HNISTKATION. I. 1. Who was Jackson s successor in the presi dency ? 2. When was Van Buren inaugurated? 262 VAN BUREN S ADMINISTRATION. \f\.. Soon after his inauguration, a revolution in monetary- affairs took place, producing great distress in all branches of business throughout the country. Commerce and manufac tures were prostrated, and the crash was finally consummated 45y the suspension of specie payments by all the banks. In this crisis, the President called an extraordinary session of Congress, but little was accomplished by it for the general re lief. III. In the latter part of 1837 an in surrectionary move ment commenced in Canada, having for its object the overthrow of the British rule there, and the estab lishment of an inde pendent government. The movement enlist ed the sympathy of Americans, particu larly of those living along the borders in New York, and it engaged their active co-operation. A pro clamation, issued by the President, forbidding interference in the affairs of Canada, together with the decided measures taken II. QUESTIONS. 3. What took place soon after his inauguration ? 4. How were commerce, manufactures, and the banks affected ? 5. "What did the President do in the crisis? III. 6. What insurrection at the North, beyond the limits of the United States, broke out in 1837? 7. What was its object? 8. What proclamation did the Pres ident issue ? 9. Why did he find it necessary to issue it ? HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION. 263 by the British authorities, had the effect intended, and the attempt at insurrection was suppressed. HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION. I. VAN BUREN S suc cessor in office was William Henry Harri son, of Ohio, the hero of Tippecanoe and the Thames. The inaugu ration took place on the 4th of March, 1841. His cabinet was judiciously composed,* and the people anticipated for him a successful admin istration ; but within a month, and after a brief illness of only eight days, he died : the sad event occurring on the 4th of April. II. By virtue of a provision of the Con stitution, John Tyler, of Virginia, then Vice-fresident, became President ; his in auguration taking place on the 6th of April, 1841. Thus, for the first time in the history of the United States, the admin istration devolved on the Vice-President. * President Harrison s cabinet was constituted as follows: Daniel Webster, Secretary of State; Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Treasury; John Bell, Secretary of War; George E. Badger, Secretary of the Navy ; Francis Granger, Postmaster-General ; and J. J. Crittenden, Attorney-General. HARRISON S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. Who succeeded Van Buren in the presidency ? 2. When was Harrison inaugurated? 3. What is said of his cab inet ? 4. Of the anticipations of the people ? 5. What was the length of his admin istration ? 6. How was it brought to a close? II. 7. Who was his successor? 8. By what right did Tyler become President? 9. What is noted as peculiar in the accession of Tyler to the presidency? 264 TYLER S ADMINISTRATION. TYLEE S ADMINISTRATION.^ fil I. IN 1842 serious difficulties occurred in Rhode Island, growing out of a movement which was stigmatized by its opponents as the Dorr Rebellion. The government of Rhode Island, at that time, was based upon the charter granted by Charles II., in 1663, and conse quently no change had taken place in her fun damental law during a period of almost one hundred and eighty years. The movement in 1842 had its origin in a determination among the citizens to substitute a liberal constitution in place of the old charter. II. The people soon became divided into two parties, those who favored the movement being called the suffrage party, and those who were opposed, the charter party ; and so vio- * President Tyler retained the cabinet officers of hia predecessor until September, 1841, when all but Webster resigned. His cabinet was then constituted as follows: Daniel Webster, Secretary of State; Walter Forward, Secretary of the Treasury ; John C. Spencer, Secretary of War ; Abel P. Upshur, Sec retary of the Navy; Charles A. Wickliffe/Postmaster-General ; and Hugh S. Legarc, Attorney -General. llowing W. Gil- In May, 1843, Webster resigned, and Legare was appointed acting secretary in his place. In the following month Legare died, and thereupon Upshur was transferred to the State Department, and rnor was appointed Secretary of the Navy. On the 28th of February, 1844, both Upshur and Gilmer were " killed bv the bursting of a gun on board "the United States war steamer Princeton, while on an excursion on the Potomac. A large party, including the President and many ladies, were on board at the ti John C. Calhoun was then made Secretary of State, and John Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navy TYLER^S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. "When did the " Do*r Rebellion" occur? 2. What was the object on the part of those engaged in it? TYLER S ADMINISTRATION. 265 lent did the controversy grow that both parties at length ap pealed to arms. The Governor of the State, at the head of a large military force, marched against a body of the suffrage party, who had appeared in arms at Providence. Upon his approach they dispersed. They again assembled at another place, but, upon being approached, again dispersed without resistance ; and this ended the affair. A constitution, the one now in force, was soon afterward adopted. III. Thomas W. Dorr, the leader of the suffrage o party in the insurrection, was afterward arrested, tried, convicted of high treason, and sentenced to imprisonment for life. He was, however, par doned in 1847 ; and, at a later period, his civil rights were restored to him, and the record of his sentence was ex punged. ANNEXATION /TEXAS. OP IV. A proposition for the admission of Texas into the Union caus ed excited discussion throughout the whole country during the closing months of Tyler s administration. Texas had been a province of Mexico, but in consequence of the arbitrary policy pur- II. QUESTIONS. 3. What division of parties soon took place ? 4. What is stated as evidence of the violence of the controversy? 5. Give an account of the "Rebel lion." IIL 6. What account can you give of Thomas W. Dorr? 12 266 TYLERS ADMINISTRATION. sued by that government towards her inhabitants, the most of whom were from the United States, they declared their in dependence, and by force of arms sustained the declaration. V. A bill for the ad mission of Texa, under certain conditions, was passed by Congress three days before the expira tion of Tyler s term of office, and at once was signed by him. Tyler s last important official act was the signing of the bill admitting Florida and Iowa into the Union. He was succeeded in the presidency by James K. Polk, of Tennessee. IV. QUESTIONS. T. What important proposition was made in relation to Texas ? 8. What did the proposition cause? 9. What can you state of the previous history of Texas? Y. 10. What progress did the proposition for the admission of Texas make during Tyler s administration? 11. When were Florida and lowaadrnitted into the Union? 12. Who succeeded Tyler in the presidency ? REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGB 1. In what condition were the United States, in 1817 ? 248 2. What Indian troubles commenced in 1817 ? 248 3. What did Jackson accomplish against the Indians ? 249 4. When was Missouri admitted into the Union ?. 251 5. What controversy preceded the admission of Missouri?. . .250, 251 6. When andbj whom was the "Monroe Doctrine " enunciated?.. 251 REVIEW QUESTIONS. 267 7. What interesting events occurred in 1817 and 1824? 252 8. How was John Quincy Adams elected to the Presidency? 253 9. When did the ex- Presidents, Adams and Jefferson, die ? 253 10. Give an account of Jackson s Bank controversy 254, 255 11. Give an account of the Indian war which broke out in 1832. . . 255 12. How did the " nullification troubles " in S. C. commence ? 255, 25G 13. What action was taken by a convention in that State? 256 14. What can you state of J. C. Calhoun and Robert Y. Hayne ? 256, 257 15. What anti-nullification measures did Jackson adopt? 257 16. What can you state of " Clay s Compromise Bill?" 257 17. What Indian troubles commenced in the year 1335 ? 257 18. What was the cause of the Seminole War ? 257, 258 19. What was done to Osceola because of his offensive conduct?. . 258 20. By what means did lie obtain his liberty? 258 21. State the circumstances of Thompson s massacre 258 22. Give an account of the other event happening the same day. . . 258 23. Give an account of the battle which happened Dec. 30 259 24. What events took place in February and March, 1836 ? 259 25. State what was done by the Indians in May of the same year. . 259 26. State what you can of Scott s and Jessup s part in the war. . . 259 27. Who afterward took command against the Indians? 259 28. What can you say of a battle fought by a body of his men ? 259, 260 29. Under what circumstances was Osceola at last captured? 260 30. What can you state of his subsequent history ? 260 31. What was the last great battle of the war ? 261 32. When and where did it occur ? 261 33. What can you say of the battle and its result? 26*1 34. What further account can you give of the war? 261 35. What event took place on the 4th of March, 1837 ? 261 36. What can you say of the revolution in monetary affairs ? 262 37. Give an account of the Canadian insurrection 262, 263 38. What event took place on the 4th of March, 1 841 ? 263 39. Give an account of Harrison subsequent to his inauguration. . . 263 40. Who succeeded Harrison in the Presidency ? 263 41. What troubles occurred in Rhode Island in 1842 ? 264 42. How did the troubles originate ?. . ; 264 43. Give an account of the trouble 264, 265 44. What proceedings were afterward taken against Dorr ? 265 45. What was afterward done in relation to the proceedings ? 265 46. What can you state of the early history of Texas? 265, 266 47. What can you say of the bill for the admission of Texas? 263 268 FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. (Questions to be answered from the above map.) How is San Antonio de Bexar situated ? YeraCruz? Alvanido? Matamoras? Jalapa? Puebla? Saltillo? Leavenworth? San Francisco? Into what body of water does the Eio Grande flow ? In what direction is Santa Fe from Leavenworth ? Saltillo from Matamoras ? Victoria from Saltillo ? City of Mexico from Jalapa ? POLK S ADMINISTRATION. 269 SECTION VIII. FROM THE BEGINNING OF POLK ? S ADMINISTRATION, IN 1845, TO THE CLOSE OF BUCHANAN^, IN 1861. FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. I. FOLK S inaugura tion took place on the 4th of March, 1845.* His administration con tinued during only one term, or four years, ending on the 4th of March, 1849 ; but it was an eventful one. At the beginning of it, he found the country involved in dis putes with Mexico, in consequence of the pas- sage of the bill for the admission of Texas. On the 4th of July, 1845, the legislature of Texas approved this bill, and, by the act of approval, Texas was ad- * President Folk s cabinet was constituted as follows : James Buchanan, Secretary of State ; Robert J. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury, William L. Msircy, Secretary of War; George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy; Cave Johnson, Postmaster-General, and John Y. Mason, Attorney-General. FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. When was Polk inaugurated? 2. When did his term of office begin and end ? 3. In what disputes were the United States a party at the beginning of his administration? 4. When and by what act was the annexation of Texas consummated? 270 POLK 8 ADMINISTRATION. mittcd into the Union, making the whole num ber of States twenty- eight. WAR WITH MEXICO. II. The annexation of Texas led to a war with Mexico ; for, notwith standing the independ ence of Texas had been acknowledged by the United States, England, France, and other gov ernments, Mexico still claimed it as a part of her own territory, and considered the act of annexation as sufficient cause of war. III. The Mexican minister at Washington having protested against the tneasure of annexation, and returned home, and his government having assumed a belligerent attitude, General Tay lor, who was then in command of a camp in the western part of Louisiana, was directed to hold his army in readiness to protect the Texan territory. By the advice of the Texan authorities, he was induced to concentrate his troops at Corpus Christi* (eastern Texas), July 8, 1719, calls the ( ! country the province of Las Tekas ; and , (this is the first mention of the name Corpus Christ! is a Latin term, signifying the body of Christ. t Texas has no motto. II. QUESTIONS. 5. What did the annexation of Texas lead to? 6. By what governments had the independence of Texas been acknowledged ? 7. What claim .lid Mexico still maintain ? 8. What then was the cause of the war between Mexico ind the United States? III. 9. What course did the Mexican minister pursue ? 10. What, his govern ment? 11. Where was Taylor at the time? 12. What direction did he receive? 13. Where did he afterwards concentrate his troops? 14. Into what body of water does the Nueces flow? (See map, p. 271.) 15. Why did Taylor go to Corpus Christi ? POLK S ADMINISTRATION. 271 (kor -pus kris -te), situated on the western bank of the Nueces (noo-a -thes] River, near its mouth, where, in November, his forces amounted to about four thousand men. xt /- EVENTS OF 1846. IV. The United States, by the annexation of Texas, claim ed the Rio Grande (re -o grahn -da) as their boundary, while the Mexicans maintained that the western limits of Texas never extended beyond the Nueces. In conse quence of these con flicting claims, the country between the two rivers, in time, ac quired the appellation of the " disputed terri tory ;" and when, early in 1846, President Polk ordered Taylor to proceed with his forces to the Rio Grande, across this territory, the was treated advance by the T-AYI OIL S CAMPAI GN Scale F=1 1. 100 Mexicans as the actual commencement of hostilities. V. On his route from Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande, Taylor established a depot at Point Isabel (iz-a-bel ), about twenty-one miles northeast of Matamoras (rnat-a-mo -ras). On reaching the Rio Grande he took a position opposite Matamo ras, and erected a fortress, which was afterward named Fort IV. QUESTIONS. 16. What two boundary claims were maintained? IT. What region was known as the "disputed territory?" 18. What movement did Polk order Taylor to make ? 19. How did the Mexicans regard the movement? V. 20. Where is Point Isabel? (See map, p. 271.) 21. What use did Taylor make of the place ? 22. Where was Fort Brown erected ? 23. By whom was it erected ? 24. Why was it culled Fort Brown? 25. Give an account of the disaster to Thorn ton. 272 1846 -B rown > in honor of its brave defender. Learning that the Mexicans were assembling troops at a point higher up the river, Taylor sent Captain Thornton, with a party of sixty-three dragoons, to reconnoiter. On the 26th of April, this little band was attacked, and, after a loss of six teen men, was compelled to surrender. VI. Thus was shed the first blood in the war. The news of this afiair produced the wildest excitement throughout the United States ; and a war-spirit, unknown before to exist, was at once aroused. The President sent a message to Congress, announcing that Mexico had u invaded our territory, and shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil ;" and Con gress, adopting the spirit of the message, declared that " war existed by the act of Mexico." VII. The Mexicans, in large force, having crossed the Eio Grande for the purpose, as Taylor thought, of moving against Point Isabel, he marched to the relief of that place, leaving a small garrison for the defense of Fort Brown. Having placed the depot in a better condition to resist an attack, he set out on his return to the fort. VIII. On the 8th of May, the Mexican army, numbering full six thousand men, commanded by General Arista (ah- rees -tah), was discovered upon a beautiful prairie, called Palo Alto* (pah -lo akl -to), drawn up in battle array, prepared to dispute his progress. Although the Americans numbered not more than two thousand three hundred men, they pressed for ward to the attack ; and from noon till twilight, a hot contest was maintained. The enemy then were driven from their position, and the victorious Americans encamped upon the * Palo Alto, a Spanish term, signifying " tall timber." VI. QUESTIONS. 26. What effect did the news of it have in the United States ? 27. What is said of the President s message ? 28. Of the action of Congress ? VII. 29. Why did Taylor march to the relief of Point Isabel ? 30. Did he remain at the Point or not? 31. In what direction did he then march? VIII. 32. When did the battle of Palo Alto take ^ace? 33. Give an account of it. 34. What loss was sustained by each party ? POLKAS ADMINISTRATION. 273 battle-field. The loss of the Mexicans was about six hundred ; that of the victors, was only nine killed and forty-four wounded, but among the mortally wounded was the brave Major Ringgold, who died four days after. IX. On the following day, May the 9th, Taylor resumed his inarch, and, towards evening, encountered the enemy under Arista, within three miles of Fort Brown, posted in and near a ravine called Resaca de la Palma* (ra-mh -Jcah da lah pahl - maJi). The action was commenced on both sides by the artil lery, but the Mexican guns, well aimed and rapidly discharged, were holding the Americans in check, when Captain May was ordered to silence them. At the head of his dragoons, May rushed forward with great fury, killed or dispersed the gun ners, and captured. General La Yega (lah va -gaJi). The charge being supported by the infantry, a general engagement en sued ; and, after a most obstinate resistance, the Mexicans gave way, their retreat becoming a perfect rout. Their loss, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, was at least one thousand, while the killed and wounded of the victors did not much exceed a hundred. X. During the greater part of Taylor s absence from Fort Brown, a period of nearly eight days, it had been subjected to a bombardment from the Mexican batteries in Matamoras. The gar rison made a successful defense, though their heroic commander, Major Brown, was mortally wounded by the bursting of a shell. On the 18th of May, Taylor crossed the Rio Grande and took possession of Matamoras without opposition ; but, owing to the difficulties experienced in getting re-enforce ments and supplies, it was not till the end of more than three * Resaca de la Palma, a Spanish term, signifying " a ravine of palin-trees." IX. QUESTIONS. 35. When did Taylor next meet the enemy? 36. "What battle ensued ? 37. Give an account of it 38. What loss was sustained by each party ? X. 39. How long had Taylor been absent from Fort Brown ? 40. What had occurred there during his absence? 41. What is said of the defense made? 42. What is said of the taking of Matamoras ? 43. How is Matamoras situated ? (See map, p. 271.) 44. How long did Taylor remain at Matamoras? 45. Why did ho not advance sooner ? 12* 274 FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. months that he found himself strong enough to make a further advance. XI. He then directed his march against Monterey (mon-ta- ra f ), an inland city of Mexico, strong in its natural defenses, and, besides, well garrisoned by about ten thousand regular troops, under General Ampudia (am-poo -de-ati). After gar risoning several towns on his route, he reached Monterey on the 9th of September, with a force of less than seven thoii sand men. On the 19th he commenced operations; and, after a series of assaults, continued through three days, in which Generals Worth and Quitman rendered brilliant service, Am pudia capitulated on the 24th. An armistice of eio;ht weeks was agreed upon, or the truce was to continue till the ex piration of that period, unless instructions to renew hostilities should be received in the mean time from either of the respec tive governments. XII. Before the eight weeks had expired, Taylor received orders from Washington, directing him to renew offensive operations. Accordingly, one division of his army, under General Worth, occupied Saltillo (sahl-teel -yo), while, at a lit tle later period, another division, under General Patterson, took possession of Victoria, with the intention of going against Tampico (tam-pe -co), but ascertained, before proceed ing, that the place had already surrendered to Commodore Conner, commanding the " Home Squadron" in the Gulf of Mexico. XIII. In the mean time, General Wool, with an army of about three thousand men, had set out from San Antonio de XI. QiTESTioNS.^46. Against what place did he next proceed? 47. In what di rection from Matamoras is Monterey ? (See map, p. 271.) 43. What is said of its defenses and the garrison then there? 49. When did he capture Monterey? 50. Give an account of the efforts which resulted in the capture. 51. What is said of the armistice? XIL 52. Why did Taylor renew offensive operations? 53. What was done by General Worth ? 54. What, by General Patterson ? 55. What, by Commodore Con ner? 56. In what direction is Saltillo from Monterey ? (See map, p. 271.) 57. Yic toria from Monterey ? (See map, p. 268.) 5& Tampico from Monterey ? (See saino map.) FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. 275 Bexar (san an-to -ne-o da ba-ha.r }, town in Texas, with the design of penetrating the province of Chihuahua (chc-wati- waty. After crossing the Rio Grande, and learning that Mon terey was in the possession of the Americans, influenced by the advice of Taylor, he abandoned the design against Chihua hua, and joined General Worth at Saltillo. XFV r . In June, 1846, an expedition under General Kearny set out from Leavenworth (lev -en-wurth), on the Missouri River, to conquer New Mexico and California. Kearny ac complished the march of nine hundred miles to Santa Fe (san -tahfa), the capital of New Mexico, and took possession of the country without opposition. After organizing a new government for the place, he proceeded westward, but soon met a messenger who informed him that California was already in possession of the Americans. All the troops with him, except a hundred, then returned to Santa Fe ; and, with the small force remaining, he completed his journey across the continent. XV. With less than a thousand men, being the main body of Kearny s invading army, Colonel Doniphan, starting from Santa Fe, marched more than a thousand miles through Mex ico, and. arrived at Saltillo. During this brilliant achievement he fought and was victorious in two battles, one, that of Bra cito* (brah-the -to), on the 25th of December, 1846, and the other, of Sacramento (sah-crah-mane -to), on the 28th of Feb- * Bracito, a Spanish word, signifying " Little Arm." It was so called because of the little arm or bend in the river where the battle was fought. XIII. QUESTIONS. 59. How is San Antonio de Bexar situated? (See map, p. 268.) 60. By what name is the place often called ? Ans. San Antonio. 61. Where is Chihuahua? (See same map.) C2. What march did General Wool make? 63. Why did he not continue to Chihuahua? 64. What did he do instead? XIV. 65. What expedition set out in June ? 66. In what direction is New Mex ico from Leavenworth? (See map, p. 268.) 6T. What was Leavenworth then called? Ans. Fort Leavenworth. 68. What did Kearny accomplish? 69. How is Santa Fe situated? (See map, p. 268.) 70. Give an account of Kearny s subsequent movements. XV. Tl. What march did Doniphan make? 72. What two successes did he achieve? 73. How are Bracito and Sacramento situated ? (See map, p. 268.) 276 POLK S ADMINISTRATION. 1846. ruary, 1847. Whjle these events the successes of Taylor, Doniphan, and others were transpiring in Texas and the eastern part of Mexico, the Pacific coast had also become the scene of important occurrences. XVI. Before the breaking out of the war, John C. Fro* mont,* who had been brevetted captain for valuable services rendered the Government in western explorations, was sent to make a survey of the then unknown regions lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, as well as to dis cover, if possible, a new and shorter route than the one al ready known from the western base of the mountains to tb<? mouth of the Columbia River. After a series of perilous ad ventures among the mountains, and encounters with hostile Indians, he made his way into California, then a department of Mexico, to recruit his men, secure supplies, and obtain from the Mexican authorities permission to winter in the country. XVII. The permission was grant ed, but in a few days it was revoked, the order of revocation requiring him to leave the country at once, accom panied by a threat of destruction in case of non-compliance. His men being in an exhausted condition and not yet furnished with supplies, and consequently in no condition to re- pass the mountains at that time, lie refused to go. Learning that Gen eral Castro, the governor of the province, was mustering a force to come against him, he took JOIIN C. FREMONT. to*the Roo XVI. QUESTIONS. 74. On what expedition had Fremont been sent? 75. What trials did he meet with ? 76. Why did he enter California ? XVII. 77. Was the permission granted or not ? 78. What fickleness did the au thorities of California betray? 79. Why did Fremont refuse to go? 80. Of what movement did he soon hear? 81. What defensive course did he then adopt? 82. What did Castro do instead of attacking Fremont? FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. 277 a position on a mountain peak, thirty miles east of Monterey, where, in March, 1846, he built a rude fort, hoisted the Uni ted States flag, and determined to defend himself. Castro gathered a force of not less than five hundred men in the vicinity of the Americans, but spent several days in doing little more than making idle threats. XVIII. At length Fremont, tired of inaction, and convinced that he could not obtain the needed supplies, withdrew with his party, and, taking a northern route, passed through the valley of the Sacramento, and slowly pursued his journey into Oregon. Here, on the 9th of May, he was overtaken by a messenger with dispatches from Washington, directing him to protect the interests of the United States in California. Retracing his steps, he found Castro already marching against the Amer ican settlements on the Sacramento. The settlers flocked to Fremont s standard with such alacrity and in such large num bers that he soon found himself able to confront the Mexican general. Several skirmishes took place, in which the enemy were defeated, and finally compelled to retreat towards the southern part of the province. XIX. On the 5th of July, 1846, California was declared to be independent, and free from all Mexican rule. A few days later, Commodore Sloate, who commanded the United States squadron on the Pacific coast, having previously received in formation that hostilities had commenced on the Rio Grande, took possession of Monterey. Towards the latter part of the month, Commodore Stockton arrived at Monterey, took com mand of the squadron, and, with Fremont s co-operation, soon gained possession of the whole of California. XVIII. QUESTIONS. 83. What did Fremont do in consequence of the inaction of Castro? 84. Why did he retrace his steps from Oregon ? 85. What did he find as regards a movement of Castro ? 86. How did the settlers act ? 87. What successes did Fremont have ? XIX. 88. What took place on the 5th of July ? 89. What was done by Commo dore Sloate? 90. Is the Monterey on the Pacific north or south of San Francisco? (See map, p. 268.) 91. What did Commodore Stockton accomplish ? 278 EVENTS OF 1847. I. In the mean time, it had been decided by the authorities at Washington that, in order to " conquer a peace," the central part of the Mexican Republic would have to be penetrated, and the capital itself menaced. Accordingly, a plan of inva sion was arranged by which Vera Cruz, the most important Mexican city on the Gulf of Mexico, was to be captured ; and then an army, under General Scott, was to march through Mex ico against the capital. This plan not only deprived Taylor of a large portion of his best troops, but it gave to Scott the chief command of the American forces in Mexico, he being the senior officer. II. Taylor s last engagement in Mexico was the battle of Bue- na Vista (bwa -nah vees -tati), fought on the 23d of February, 1847, nearly five months after his preceding one, that of Mon terey. Learning, towards the latter part of February, that Santa Anna (san-tah an -nah), the ablest of the Mexican gen erals, with an army of not less than twenty thousand men, was moving to attack his little force of less than five thousand, he took a position at Buena Vista, a mountain pass nine miles in advance of Saltillo, and awaited the approach of the ene my. On the morning of the 23d, the Mexicans appeared, and began the attack. The battle continued until sunset ; and, although the Mexicans fought with resolution, and more than once seemed on the eve of victory, their immense superiority in numbers and heroic fighting were of no avail ; they were signally defeated, losing, in killed and wounded, about two 1 thousand. The loss of the Americans was between seven and eight hundred. Santa Anna made good his retreat with his EVENTS OF 1847. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What, in the mean time, had been decided at Washington ? 2. What plan of invasion was accordingly arranged ? 3. How did this operate as regards Taylor s troops and command ? II. 4. Which was Taylor s last battle in Mexico? 5. When did it occur? 6. Give an account of it. 7. What loss did the Mexicans sustain ? 8. What, the Americans! 9. What was the effect of the victory along the Eio Grande frontier? POLK S ADMINISTRATION. 279 disheartened followers, and, during the rest of the war, the Americans were left in quiet possession of the frontier of the Rio Grande and the valley of that river. SCOTT S CAMPAIGN IN MEXICO. III. Scott s campaign was commenced by an attack on Vera Cruz, which was defended by the strong fortress of San Juan de Ulloa (san whahn da ool-yo -ah), standing upon the island of the same name, about half a mile from the shore. On the 9th of March, 1847, he effect ed the landing of his entire army, consisting of twelve thousand troops, without the least casualty ; and the city was at once invested from shore to shore. After a delay of several days, for the purpose of completing preparations, and also to induce, if possible, the Mexican commander to surrender, the Americans opened a tremendous fire from their land batteries, as well as from their fleet, under Commodore Conner. The bombardment was continued for five days ; and so destructive to life and prop erty was it, that, on the 27th, the* city and fortress were com pelled to surrender. IV. The march towards the interior was commenced on the 8th of April, the army taking the national road by the way of Jalapa (hal-lah -pah). At Cerro G-ordo (thar -royor -do), III. QUESTIONS. 10. How did Scott begin his campaign ? 11. How is Vera Cruz situated? (See map, p. 279.) 12. How was it defended ? 13. When did Scott effect a landing? 14. Give an account of the operations that followed. 280 FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. ^ a mountain pass, about fifty miles from Vera Cruz, Santa Anna was strongly fortified, prepared to resist the advance of the Americans. Scott had with him only about eight thousand men those who were not sick and wounded having been left to garrison Yera Cruz and its fort while Santa Anna had an army of nearly double the numerical strength of Scott s. V. On the morning of the 18th, a daring assault was made upon the works of the enemy ; and, before noon, the whole were in the possession of the Americans. Besides losing the most of their artillery and munitions of war, the Mexicans had one thousand of their number killed or wounded, and three thousand made prisoners. On the following day, April 19th, the Americans entered Jalapa: farther on in their march they took without opposition the strong castle of Pe- rote (pa-ro -ta), and, on the 15th of May, they entered the ancient and populous city of Puebla (poo-a -blali), VI. The American army had been so reduced by sickness, death, and other causes, that Scott deemed it advisable to rest at Puebla for re- enforcements. After a halt of nearly three months, during which Santa Anna had time to create a new army and to fortify the capital, he resumed his march, passing through a beautiful region without the least resist ance, and reaching the town of Ayotla (ah-yot -laJi), fifteen miles from the city of Mexico. VII. Finding that the direct route by the national road was strongly fortified, and being anxious to spare the lives of IV. QUESTIONS. 15. "When did Scott march from Yera Cruz ? 1*6. What road did he take? 17. How is Jalapa situated? (See map, p. 279.) 18. Where were the Mexicans posted to dispute Scott s advance ? 19. What is said of the strength of the respective armies? V. 20. Give an account of the battle of Cerro Gordo. 21. Give an account of the further advance of the Americans, and their three captures. 22. In what direction from Vera Cruz is Perote ? (See map, p. 279.) 23. In what direction from Yera Cruz is Puebla ? (See same map.) YI. 24. At what place did Scott make along rest? 25. Why did he remain there so long? 26. What advantage did this give to the Mexicans? 27. What is said of his further march ? POLK S ADMINISTRATION. 281 his men, Scott* turned . southward, and, passing around Lake Chalco, encamped at San Angnstin (san aw-yus-teen ), about ten miles from the capital. Thence the approaches to the city were guarded by batteries at Contreras (con-tra -ras) and San Antonio, and by the strong forts of Churubusco (choo* roo-boos -co) and Chapultepec (chah-pool-ta-p ://). VIII. In a night inarch, the Americans advanced upon Con treras. At sunrise,, on the 20th of August, they commenced the attack, and, in less than twenty minutes, the Mexican batteries were carried and the victory was complete. The garrison of San Antonio, being somewhat unsup ported by the loss of Contreras, made but a slight resistance, and then retreated before the pursuing Americans, commanded by General Worth. On the same day, the 20th, a grand move ment upon Churubusco was next directed, to which the vic tory already achieved opened the way. After an obstinate and bloody conflict, the Mexicans, who were commanded by Santa Anna, though numbering at least twenty-five thousand, were driven from the fort and from every part of the battle field. Some retreated to Chapultepec, the fortress nearest the capital, and others fled to the city itself. IX. On the day after these two battles, and while Scott was at an advanced position within three miles of the city, Santa Anna asked for an armistice, for the purpose, it was stated, of negotiating. a peace. The request was granted, and * Winfieia Scott was born in Petersburg, Virginia, in 1786. Died in 1867. GENERAL SCOTT. VII. QUESTIONS. 28. Why did Scott torn southward from Ayotla? 29. W>e-0 did he encamp? 30. In what direction is San Augustin from the city of Mexico? (See map, p. 279.) 81. How were the approaches from San Angustin to the city of Mexico gnarded ? VIII. 32. Give an account of the battle of Contreras. 33. Of Churubusco. 282 FOLK S ADMINISTRATION. 1847 for several da y s efforts were made to bring the war to a close, but without success. The Mexican com mander not only refused to agree to the terms proposed by the Americans ; but, while offering others, more becoming a conqueror, he actually violated the armistice by strengthening his defenses. X. Scott, losing all confidence in the integrity of his foe, declared the truce at an end, and ordered General Worth to storm the Moli- no del Rey (mo-le -no dale ra), an outer defense of Chapultepec. Ac cordingly, on the 8th of September, the attack was made ; and, after a hard-fought battle, in which Worth* lost nearly a fourth of his men, the Mexicans were driven from their position. Chapultepec itself, a strongly fortified castle, situated on a lofty hill, was yet to be taken before the capital could be reached. XI. Several batteries were erected to bear upon the place, and, on the 12th of September, a heavy fire was commenced, which made several breaches through the stone wall defenses. On the next day, the 13th, the battle of Chapultepec was fought. The Americans, in two columns, the one headed by * William Jenkins Worth was born in Hudson, Columbia Co., N. Y., in 1794. In the war of 1812 he performed an honorable part, being twice promoted, once for gallant conduct in the battle of Chippewa and afrain for important service in the battle of Lundy s Lane. His distinguished services in 1842* against the Florida Indians, were also rewarded by promotion. He was with Taylor in Mexico and for his achievements in the battle of Monterey he was brevetted a major-general. Afterward he joined Scott s army. His death occurred in Texas, in 1849. SANTA ANNA. IX. QUESTIONS. 84 What request did Santa Anna make ? 35. Where was Scott at the time? 36. How did Scott treat the request? 37. What followed for several days? 38. What perfidy was Santa Anna guilty of ? X. 39. What order did Scott give to Worth ? 40. When was the battle of Molino del Eey fought? 41. Give an account of it. 42. What yet remained to be done? XI. 43. How was Chapultepec menaced on the 12th of September? 44. Give an account of the next day s battle. POLK S ADMINISTRATION. 283 General Pillow, and the other by General Qnitman, advanced to the assault, and in the most gallant style carried the out works and then the castle, though at the expense of many lives. XII. Qtiitman pur sued the flying Mexi cans ; and at night his division rested within the gates of the city, while Worth s division, which had advanced by a circuitous route, halt ed in the suburbs. Du- rinor the night. Santa O O Anna, with most of his army and the princi pal officers of govern ment, fled from the city. On the following morn ing, September 14th, the American army passed into the city, and run ning up the United States flag on the na tional palace, took for mal possession of the Mexican capital amid the greatest enthu siasm. XIII. The Mexicans, taking advantage of the weakness of the garrison which Scott had left at Puebla, laid siege to the place; and, after Santa Anna s* flight from the capital, he Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was born in Jalapa, Mexico, in 1798. XII. QUESTIONS. 45. What is said of Quitman s and Worth s advance ? 46. State what took place on the following morning. XIII. 47. To what place in the mean time had the Mexicans laid siege ? 48. What circumstance had induced them to commence the siege ? 49. By whom were they joined during the siege? 50. Why did Santa Anna afterward leave the besiegers? 51. Give an account of the battle that followed. 284 POLK S ADMINISTRATION. joined the besiegers with some thousands of his fugitive troops. Learning that General Lane, with a body of re cruits, was on his inarch from Vera Cruz to re-enforce Scott, Santa Anna left Puebla to intercept him. At Huamantla (whah-mant 1 f -lah) the encounter took place, and though the Mexicans were vastly superior in numbers to the Americans, the result was, as usual, a total defeat to them. XIV. On the 2d of February, 1848, a treaty of peace was signed at Guadaloupe Hidalgo (ywah-dah-loo -pahe-dahl -go}, a small town about four miles from the capital, and Mexico was soon after evacuated by the American armies. By the treaty, all the territory north of the Rio Grande, together with the whole of New Mexico and California, was relinquish ed to the United States. On the part of the United States, it was agreed that $15,000,000 should be paid for the territory, and that debts due from Mexico to American citizens, to the amount of $3,000,000, should be assumed. After the treaty had been ratified by both governments, peace was proclaimed by President Polk, on the 4th of July, 1848. (Ef XIV. QUESTIONS. 52. When was a treaty of peace signed ? 53. At what place? 54. What territory did the United States acquire by the treaty? 55. What amount of money was paid by the United States ? 56. When did President Polk issue a pro clamation of peace ? PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF THE WAR WITH MEXICO. (The Americans were successful in every battle.) DATES. BATTLES. COMMANDERS. FORCES ENGAGED. AMERICAN. MEXICAN. AMER. MEX. 6,000 5.000 10.000 1,200 1846. May 8, May 9, Sept. 24, Dec, 25, 1847. Feb. 23, Feb. 28, March 27, April 18, Aug.20,| Sept. 8, Sept. 13, Oct. 9, Palo Alto Resaca de la Pulma. Monterey Bracito Taylor Arista 2,300 2,200 6,600 500 Taylor Arista Tayl or. ... Doniphan. Ampudia Ponce de Leon . Buena Vista Sacramento Vera Cruz Cerro Gordo Contreras Churubusco Molinodel Rey. .. Chapul tepee Taylor. . . . Doniphan. Scott Scott Scott Scott. ... Worth. . . . Scott Santa Anna Trias Morales Santa Anna Valencia Santa Anna Alvarez 4.700 900 12.000 8,500 4,000 8,000 3,500 7.200 500 17,000 4.000 6,000 12,000 7,000 25,000 14,000 25,000 1,000 Lane .... Santa Anna. . . . REVIEW QUESTIONS. 285 REVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGB 1. What event took place on the 4th of March, 1845 ? 269 2. By what process did Texas become a State of the Union ? 266. 269 3. What was the consequence of the annexation of Texas ? .... 270 4. Why did Mexico consider the annexation a cause of war ?. . . . 270 5. What powers had acknowledged the independence of Texas?. 270 6. Why did Taylor take his army from Louisiana to Texas ? 270, 271 7. What conflicting boundary claims grew out of the annexation ? 271 8. Why did Taylor advance to the Rio Grande ? 271 9. How was the advance of Taylor treated by the Mexicans ? 271 10. Where did Taylor establish a depot ? 271 11. Where did he take a position and erect a fortress? 271 12. What misfortune occurred on the 26th of April, 1846 ? 272 13. How did the news of the affair affect the people of the U. S. ?.. 272 14. What effect did it have upon the President and Congress ? 272 15. What movements led to the battle of Palo Alto ? 272 16. Give an account of the battle, with its results 272, 273 17. Give the preliminaries of the battle of Resaca de la Palma 273 18. Give an account of the battle, with its results 273 19. What took place at Fort Brown during Taylor s absence ?.. . . 273 20i When did Taylor enter and leave Matamoras ? 273, 274 21. Give the preliminaries of the battle of Monterey. 274 22. Give an account of the battle, with its result 274 23. By whom were Saltillo, Victoria, and Tampico taken? 274 24. What can you state of Gen. Wool s march ? 274, 275 25. Give an account of Gen. Kearuy s expedition 275 26. Of Doniphan s expedition and two battles ..275, 276 27. Of Fremont and his expedition to California 276 28. What was done by Fremont in March, 1846 ? 276, 277 29. Give an account of Fremont s further operations 277 30. What was done in July, 1846, .and by Com. Stockton ? 277 31. Give an account of the battle of Buena Vista, with its results.. 278 32. Give an account of the taking of Vera Cruz 279 33. Give an account of the battle of Cerro Gordo 279, 280 34. Of Scott s progress from Cerro Gordo to San Augustin 280, 281 85. Of the battles of Contreras and Churubusco 281 36. What efforts were made to negotiate a peace ? 281, 282 37. Give an account of the battle of the Molino del Rey 282 38. Of Santa Anna s flight and the taking of the city of Mexico 283 39. Of the siege of Puebla and battle of Huamantla 283. 284 40. Of the treaty of peace, with its principal provisions 284 286 TAYLOR S ADMINISTRATION. TAYLOR S ADMIKISTRATIOK I. FOLK S successor in the presidency was General Zachary Tay lor, the hero who had achieved such bril liant victories in the war with Mexico. His inauguration took place at Washington, on the 5th of March, 1849,* the 4th being Sunday. One of the earliest and most diffi cult of the questions which commanded the attention of his administration, grew out of the acquisition of California and New Mexico. II. In February, 1848, gold began to be found in California in large quantities. When the news of the discovery reached the Atlantic States, and spread through out the other States, a wonderful excitement was at once cre ated, and in a very short time thousands of emigrants were * President Taylor s cabinet consisted of John M. Clayton, Secretary of State ; William M. Meredith Secretary of the Treasury ; George W. Crawford, Secretary of War; William B. Preston, Secretary of the Navy ; Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Interior ; Jacob Col lamer, Postmaster-General ; and Reverdy Johnson, Attorney -General. The department of the Interior had been created by Congress on the 3d of March, two days before Taylor s inauguration. TAYLOR S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS.!. Who succeeded Polk in the Presi dency ? 2. When was Taylor inaugurated ? II. 3. When was an important discovery made in California? 4. What was It? 5. What was the consequence ? TAYLOR S ADMINISTRATION. 28V on their way to the land of gold. The rush thither was truly marvelous ; not only did people go from the United States, but they likewise flocked from Europe, Asia, South America, and even the isles of the sea. III. So rapidly did the territory become populated, that in September, 1849, there was a sufficient number of settlers there to constitute a State; and a constitution was then adopted, preparatory to petition ing Congress for ad mission into the Union. An article of the Con stitution, by which sla very was excluded from California, became a cause for a violent dis pute, not only in Con gress, but in the legis latures of the several States, and among the people throughout the Union. While Con gress was in session, engaged in angry de bate, President Taylor, after an administration of only one year, four months, and four days, died on the 9th of July, 1 850, at the presidential mansion. III. QUESTIONS. 6. What did the people of California do in September, 1849 < 7. What became a cause for a violent dispute in Congress and elsewhere? 8. What calamity befell the nation, while Congress was in session? 288 FILLMORE S ADMINISTRATION. FILLMORE S ADMHSTISTKATIOK I. BY the death of Taylor, the Vice-President of the Uni ted States, Millard Fillmore, became President, taking the oath of office on the 10th of July, 1850.* II. The question in relation to the admis sion of California had been greatly compli cated in Congress, by the application of New Mexico for admission into the Union, and by a claim on the part of Texas to a large por tion of New Mexico. For the purpose of making " an amicable arrangement of all questions in contro versy between the Free and the Slave States growing out of the subject of slavery," Henry Clay made a proposition, known as the "Omnibus Bill," or the "Compromise Act of 1850." - President Fillmore s cabinet was constituted as follows: Daniel Webster, Secretary of State- Thomaa Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury ; Charles M. Conrad, Secretary of War; Alexander H. H. Stuart Sec retary of the Interior; William A. Graham, Secretary of the Navy : Nathan K. Hall Postmaster-Gen eral ; and John J. Crittenden, Attorney-General. FILLMOKE S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. Who succeeded "Taylor ? II. 2. How had the question of California s admission been complicated? 8. What was the object of the " Omnibus Bill ?" 4. Who offered that bill ? 5. By what other name is it also known ? PIERCE S ADMINISTRATION. 289 III. Although Mr. Clay s proposition did not pass Con gress in the shape offered, the result aimed at was attained, after Taylor s death, by separate bills. These provided for the admission of California as a free State ; territorial govern ments for New Mexico and Utah, leaving the admission or ex clusion of slavery to be decided by the people of the respec tive territories ; the settlement of the claim made by Texas ; the abolition of the slave-trade in the District of Columbia ; and the surrender of fugitives from labor, this last bill being known as the " Fugitive Slave Law." IV. Fill more remained President during the unexpired part of the term for which Taylor was elected, a period of nearly two years and eight months, when he was succeeded by Frank lin Pierce, of New Hampshire. PIEKCE S ADMINISTRATION. I. PIERCE was President for only one term, or four years, extending from the 4th of March, 1853,* the day of his inau guration, to the 4th of March, 1857. II. His administration had scarcely commenced when the controversy was renewed between the slaveholding and non-slaveholding sections of the Union, the one being in favor of, and the other opposed to, the extension of slavery into the Territories of the United States. This fresh outbreak * President Pierre s cabinet was as follows: William L. Marcy, Secretary of State; James Guthrie, Secretary of the Treasury; Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War; James C. Dobbin, Secretary of the Navy; Robert McClelland, Secretary of the Interior ; James Campbell, Postmaster-General ; and Caleb Ousting, Attorney-General. III. QUESTIONS. 6. "in what shape did Mr. Clay s bill afterward appear ? 7. What did the separate bills provide for? 8. What was the object of the "Fugitive Slave Law ?" IV. 9. For how long a time was Fillmore President? 10. By whom was he suc ceeded ? PIERCE S ADMINISTRATION. I. 1. When was Pierce inaugurated? 2. How long T7as he President 1 ? II. 3. What controversy was renewed at the beginning of his administration? 4. What were the slaveholding States in favor of? 5. What the non-slaveholdiug ? 6. How did this fresh outbreak begin? 13 290 PIERCE S ADMINISTRATION. liad its origin mainly with Congress, in the introduction there of what is known as the "Kansas - Nebraska Bill." III. By the " Mis souri Compromise Bill," passed in 1820, it was provided that, in consideration of the admission of Missouri as a Slave State, slavery should forever be pro hibited in all the re maining territories of the United States north of latitude thirty- six degrees and thirty minutes, the southern boundary of that State. By the "Kansas-Nebraska Bill," which Congress passed in 1854, this prohibition was repealed, and the two territories of Kansas and Nebraska were duly organized. IV. No sooner had the bill passed than emigrants from both sections of the Union began to pour into Kansas, those from the North being determined to make it a free State, while those from the South were equally -resolved the other way. And with such undue zeal was the strife carried on, that frequent collisions took place, in which blood was some times shed. III. QUESTIONS. 7. When was the "Missouri Compromise Bill" passed? 8. What was its important provision? 9. When was the "Kansas-Nebraska Bill" passed? 10. What was its important provision? IV. 11. What began to be done as soon as the "Kansas-Nebraska Bill" was passed? 12. What were the people of the North determined upon ? 13. What those of the South ? BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. 291 KIVEB 6TEAMEE. V. The Kansas controversy, in Congress and ev erywhere else throughout the Union, as well as the strife in the Territory, contin ued all through Pierce s administration, and into and nearly to the close of his successor s. In the course of the debate in Congress, Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts, made a speech, partly directed against South Carolina and some of her repre sentatives. For this he was afterward assaulted by a repre sentative from that State, while writing at his desk in the Senate-chamber, and so seriously injured that he was not able to resume his legislative duties until two years after. BUCHANAN S ADMINISTKATIOK I. JAMES BUCHANAN of Pennsylvania, Pierce s successor in the presidency, was inaugurated at Washington on the 4th of March, 1857.* His administration continued one term, ending on the 4th of March, 1861. II. The slavery question continued to be the prominent topic of discussion in Congress and throughout the country during the four years of his administration, and, even in the last one, the Kansas strife seemed very little nearer a con clusion than it had been at any previous time. As his term of office drew towards its close, no less than four candidates were nominated to succeed him. rreswent Bticnanan s cabinet was constituted as follows: Lewis Cass, Secretary of State; Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury ; John B. Floyd, Secretary of War ; Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy ; Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior ; Aaron V. Brown, Postmaster-General ; and Jeremiah S. Black, Attorney- General. V. QUESTIONS. 14. How long did the Kansas controversy continue? 15. What affair took place in the course of the debate in Congress ? BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. I. 1. Who succeeded Pierce in the presidency ? 2. When was Buchanan inaugurated ? II. 3. What is said of the slavery question ? 4. Of the Kansas strife ? 5. Of presidential successors ? 292 BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. III. The Democratic party was divided be tween Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, and John C. Breckin- ridge, of Kentucky. The Republican party, opposed to the further extension of slavery, nominated Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois ; while the American party presented for its candidate John Bell, of Tennessee. After an exciting canvass, in which the slavery ques tion was the all-ab sorbing one, the elec tion resulted in the success of the Repub lican nominee. IV. When it became known that Lincoln would be the next President, public meetings were held in Charleston and elsewhere in South Carolina, at which resolutions were adopted in favor of the secession of the State from the Union. In pursuance of a special act of the South Carolina legisla ture, delegates were elected to assemble in convention at Columbia on the 17th of December, 1860. They accordingly met, but, in consequence of the prevalence of small-pox in that city, an adjournment to Charleston took place, where, on III. QUESTIONS. 6. How was the Democratic party divided ? 7. Who were the other candidates ? 8. To what was the Republican party opposed ? 9. What was the- result of the election ? IV. 10. When Lincoln s success became known, how did the people of South Carolina act? 11. What convention was held in the State? 12. What was done by the convention ? BUCHANANS ADMINISTRATION. 293 the 20th of December, an ordinance of secession was unani mously passed. V. In the mean time a great deal of interest was felt re specting the forts in Charleston harbor, only one of which Fort Moultrie was garri soned. Threats had been uttered and demon strations made which rendered it probable that they would be seized by the South Carolinians. Towards the close of December, as the danger of an at tack upon Fort Moultrie became more imminent, the commander, Major Anderson,* convinced that his position there would not be tenable if attacked by well-organ ized and disciplined troops, on the 26th of December, I860, withdrew the garrison, which consisted of only about eighty men, and established himself at Fort Sumter. VI. The excitement in Charleston, produced by this act of removal, was intense ; and it spread with lightning speed over the whole State. Tlie authorities of South Carolina at once * Major Robert Anderson was born near Louisville, Ky., in 1805. In 1825, ho was graduated at West Point He was in the Seminole War, and with Scott s army in the Mexican War. At the battle of the Mohno del Key he was severely wounded. In May, 1861, he was made brigadier-general in the U. b. army. V. QUESTIONS. 13. What interest was felt in the meantime? 14. What was the ground of concern respecting the forts? 15. Who commanded Fort Moultrie? 1C. How many men did Anderson have with him ? 17. What movement did he make ? 18. Why did he make the movement? VI. 19. How did Anderson s removal influence the people of Charleston and the other parts of the State? 20. What buildings did the State authorities seize ? 21. What disposition did they make of troops? 22. What was done with a view to a Southern Confederacy? LMM ADMINISTRATION. seized the United Stutcs custom - house, post- olliee, un<l arsenal, at, Charleston, and scut, troops to occupy Castle I inckney and Fort Moiiltric, in the harbor of that, city ; urn I, lit the (lose of the month, the State sent: Commission ers to the other Slave States, with a view to the formation of a Southern ( onfederaey. VII. On the 10th of .January, I Si! I, the steamer Star of the West, which had been dispatched from New York with supplies and re-enforeements for Fort Sumter, arrived oil Charleston, and was fired upon and driven back to sea by batteries erected to command the entrance of the harbor. The Star of the West thereupon re turned to New York. During this month, January, live States, \i/,. ; Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, (Jeorgia, and Louisiana, following the lead of South Carolina, passed secession ordinances, and, on the 1st VII. QuitHTioNH.- 2tt. (llvo the, account connected with the, Htnr of the, West, 14. Uow many States, In January, 18(11, followed tho lead of South Carolina? 2ft \Vlu-n dl<l Texas tiecedc? BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. 295 of February, Texas did the same. VIII. Nearly all the forts, arsenals, navy- yards, and custom-houses within these States, and which belonged to the United States, were seized by the secession ists. Fort Sumter, still held by Major Anderson, and Fort Pickens, near Pcnsacola, which had been saved by the de cided action of its com mander, Lieutenant Slemmer, were the only important forts which remained in the posses sion of the general gov ernment on the 1st of February. The posts at the southern extremity of Florida also remained in the hands of the government. IX. In the mean time, upon the recommendation of the legislature of Virginia, delegates had been ap pointed by twenty-one States to a so-called "Peace Conference," to decide upon a plan " for a settle ment of all difficulties and the preservation of the Union." The convention assembled at Washing- PEN8ACOLA AND VICINITY. VIII. QUESTIONS. 26. What is said of the seizure of forts, arsenals, &c. ? 27. Of Forts Sumter and Pickens? 28. How is Fort Sumter situated ? (See map, p. 129.) 29. How is Fort Pickens situated ? (See map, p. 295.) 30. What southern posts remained in the hands of the government? 296 BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. ton, on the 4tli of February, and was organized by the unani mous election of ex-President Tyler as chairman. After a session of three weeks it adjourned ; and the result of its labors, a series of proposed amendments to the Constitution, was laid before Congress, but -without meeting the approval of that body. FOET SUMTEE. X. On the very day upon which the "Peace Congress" assembled, February 4th, a congress, composed of delegates from six of the Southern States, met at Montgomery, Ala. ; and, four days after, organized a Confederacy, by the adop tion of a " Provisional Constitution," calling it the " Confed erate States of America." This constitution was superseded, in little more than a month, by one intended to be permanent. On the 9th of February, Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, was elected President of the Confederacy by the Montgomery Congress, and, on the 18th, he was duly inaugurated. , XL In this distracted and sad condition were the affairs of the country upon the retirement of Buchanan from the presi dency, and the assumption of the office by Lincoln. IX. QUESTIONS. 31. When and where did the "Peace Convention" meet? 32. How many States were represented there? 33. Upon whose recommendation had the delegates been chosen ? 34. Who was chosen president of the convention ? 35. Give a further account of the convention and its doings. X. 36. Where did a second convention meet on the 4th of February? 37. What States were represented in that convention ? 38. What was done by the conven tion ? 39. What was done on the 9th and 18th of February ? SECTION IX. FROM THE BEGINNING OF LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLOSE OF JOHNSON S. MARCH 4, 1861, TO MARCH 4, 1869. LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. I. ON the llth of February, 1861, Lincoln left his home at Spring field, Illinois. forW^ash- ington. On his way he made brief stops at various cities, and was everywhere received with great enthusiasm. It had been arranged that his route from Harrisburgh should be through Baltimore, but, in consequence of the excited state of feeling existing be tween the political clubs of the last-named city, and desiring to prevent an anticipated outrage, he made a night journey, arriving in Washington at an early hour on the morning of the 22d of February. His inauguration took place on the 4th of March, " amid a greater display of military force than had ever before been witnessed on such an occasion."* * President Lincoln s cabinet was constituted as follows : William II. Seward, Secretary of State ; Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury ; Simon Cameron, Secretary of War ; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy ; Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior; Edward Bates, Attorney-General; and Mont gomery Blair, Postmaster-GeneraL 13* BUCHANAN S ADMINISTRATION. ton, on the 4tli of February, and was organized by the unani mous election of ex-President Tyler as chairman. After a session of three weeks it adjourned ; and the result of its labors, a series of proposed amendments to the Constitution, was laid before Congress, but -without meeting the approval of that body. FOET SUMTEE. X. On the very day upon which the " Peace Congress" assembled, February 4th, a congress, composed of delegates from six of the Southern States, met at Montgomery, Ala. ; and, four days after, organized a Confederacy, by the adop tion of a "Provisional Constitution," calling it the "Confed erate States of America." This constitution was superseded, in little more than a month, by one intended to be permanent. On the 9th of February, Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, was elected President of the Confederacy by the Montgomery Congress, and, on the 18th, he was duly inaugurated. XL In this distracted and sad condition were the affairs of the country upon the retirement of Buchanan from the presi dency, and the assumption of the office by Lincoln. IX. QUESTIONS. 31. When and where did the "Peace Convention" meet? 32. How many States were represented there? 33. Upon whose recommendation had the delegates been chosen ? 34. Who was chosen president of the convention? 35. Give a further account of the convention and its doings. X. 36. Where did a second convention meet on the 4th of February? 37. What States were represented in that convention? 38. What was done by the conven tion ? 39. What was done on the 9th and 18th of February ? SECTION IX. FROM THE BEGINNING OF LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION TO THE CLOSE OF JOHNSON S. MARCH 4, 1861, TO MARCH 4, 1869. LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. I. ON the llth of February, 1861, Lincoln left his home at Spring field, Illinois, for Wash ington. On his way he made brief stops at various cities, and was everywhere received with great enthusiasm. It had been arranged that his route from Ilarrisburgh should be through Baltimore, but, in consequence of the excited state of feeling existing be tween the political clubs of the last-named city, and desiring to prevent an anticipated outrage, he made a niovht journey, arriving in Washington at an early hour on the morning of the 22d of February. His inauguration took place on the 4th of March, " amid a greater display of military force than had ever before been witnessed on such an occasion."* * President Lincoln s cabinet was constituted na follows: William H. Seward, Secretary of State; Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury ; Simon Cameron, Secretary of War ; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy; Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior; Edward Ba tes, Attorney -General ; and Mont gomery Blair, Postmaster-General. 13* 298 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. II. In his inaugural address, Lincoln announced that he had " no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists ;" further stating that, in his opinion, he had no right to do so. This assurance, however, did not satisfy the politicians of the South ; the scepter of power had departed from them, and only by setting up a government of their own, with slavery as its corner-stone, could they again expect to rule. Their duty to the General Government they regarded as secondary to their duty to their respective States. THE GREAT REBELLION. EVENTS OF 1861. I. The Confederates soon organized an army, and General Beauregard (bd -re-gard\ who had been a major in the service of the United States, was placed in command of the forces intended to drive Anderson from Fort Sumter. On the morn ing of the 12th of April, 1861, the first shot was fired upon the fort. After a bombardment of thirty-four hours, the de fense being but feeble, in consequence of the smallness of the garrison and a poor supply of ammunition, Anderson was com pelled to capitulate. On the 14th he departed with his com mand, and sailed for New York. II. The news of this event, as it was flashed along the wires, produced an almost uncontrollable excitement through out the country ; and the President s proclamation, issued on the following day, April 15th, calling for seventy-five thousand LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. Where did Lincoln live at the time of his election to the Presidency ? 2. What can yoii state of his journey to "Washington ? 3. When was he inaugurated ? 4. What can you state of the occasion ? II. 5. What did Lincoln proclaim in reference to the Slavery question ? 6. On what occasion did he proclaim it? 7. How did the politicians of the Sonth receive the assurance ? 8. How did they expect to retain power ? 9. How did they regard their duty to the Nation? EVENTS OP 1861. I. 1. What command was given to Beauregard ? 2. When did hostilities acFually commence ? 8. By whom were they commenced ? 4. Why did not Anderson make a better defense ? 5. What was the result of the attack ? II. 6. What effect did the news have? 7. News of what? 8. What action did President Lincoln take? 9. What can you state of the response? 10. What took place in Baltimore ? 1L Where were the troops going? 12. What meetings of the people were held t .. - LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 299 troops, was responded to at once by all the Free States. The national capital being menaced, troops were hurried off for its defense. A Massachusetts regiment, while thus on its way to Washington, was attacked, April 19th, in the streets of Baltimore, by a mob of Southern sympathizers, and two of the soldiers were killed, and a number wounded. This and other acts of the Secessionists aroused the people of the North : a great mass meeting was held in New York city, and similar gatherings took place in other cities, in favor of the Union. III. Nor were the Confederates inactive. They seized the arsenal at Harper s Ferry. They also made preparations to get possession of the navy -yard near Norfolk : the Union offi cers there, despairing of a defense, set fire to the government buildings, and scuttled and sunk most of the vessels in the harbor. Immense quantities of ordnance, shot, and shell* thus fell into the hands of the insurgents, and they likewise acquired by seizure, arsenals and strongholds in other direc tions, as well as ships, steamboats, and government property wherever they could find it. In consequence of these acts, President Lincoln issued a proclamation, April 19th, declar ing certain Southern ports closed ; and, eight days after, he issued an additional proclamation, extending the blockade to all ports in the Slave States south of Maryland. IV. It can hardly be said that the National Government made any offensive movement before the 24th of May. Then troops were sent into Virginia by order of General Scott, who commanded the army of the United States. Alexandria and III. QUESTIONS. 13. "What activity did the Confederates manifest? 14. How is Harper s Ferry situated ? (See map, p. 237.) 15. Norfolk? (Same map.) 16. Why did not the Union officers defend Norfolk? 17. What did they do? 18. What then fell into the hands of the Confederates? 19. What else did they acquire ? 20. What proclamation did Lincoln issue? 21. Why did he do so? 22. When did he do it? 23. What additional proclamation did he issue ? IV. 24. When did the Government begin in earnest to move against the insur gents? 25. Who, at the time, was in command of the Federal armies? 26. What places did the Government troops occupy? 27. Where are those places? (See map, p. 320.) 23. What took place at Philippi ? 29. At Big Bethel ? 30. Where is Phi- lippi? (See map, p. 320.) 31. Big Bethel ? (Map, p. 312.) 32. Give dates of the battles. 300 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION: (Questions to be answered from the above map.*) Where is Port Hudson? Baton Eouge? Natchez/ Vicksburg? Memphis? Fort Pillow? Island No. 10? Paducah? Bowling Green ? Fort Donelson ? Fort Henry? Arkansas Post? Shreveport? Pea Eidge? Lawrence? Springfield? Corinth? New Orleans? Ship Island ? Port Gibson? Huntsville? Little Kock? LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 301 Arlington Heights were occupied, and a camp at Philippi was surprised, June 3d, the Confederates being completely routed ; but seven days after, a Union force, sent from Fortress Monroe, was severely repulsed at Big Bethel. Y. In the mean time efforts had been made by the Seces sionists to take Missouri out of the Union : in this, however, they failed, mainly through the prompt action of General Lyou,* who captured a Confederate camp, defeated the enemy at Booneville, on the 17th of June, and frustrated the designs of the disloyal governor. On the 5th of July, a division of his troops, under Colonel Sigel (see-gel) defeated a body of the enemy at Carthage ; and, on the 2d of August, at Dug Spring, the loyal forces were again victorious; but on the 10th, having been confronted by a vastly superior force, and fearing a retro grade movement would be fatal to the cause, Lyon made an unsuc cessful attack upon the enemy at Wilson s Creek, near Springfield, and was killed. VI. The Confederate army, to the number of about one hun dred thousand men, occupied a line through Virginia from Ilar- Der s Ferry to Norfolk, their J m JEFFERSON DAVIS. strongest position being on the direct road from Washington to Richmond, at a place called * Nathaniel Lyon was born in Connecticut, July 14th, 1819. He served under Taylor and Scott in the Mexican War, and was promoted for meritorious conduct. V. QUESTIONS. 33. What efforts had been made meanwhile in Missouri? 34. Why were not- the efforts successful? 85. What did General Lyon accomplish? 36. Where is Booneville ? (See map, p. 300.) 3T. What account can yon give of the battle of Carthage ? 38. Dug Spring ? 39. Wilson s Creek ? 40. Where is Carthage ? (See map, p. 300.) 41. Dug Spring ? 42. Wilson s Creek ? VI. 43. Where is Manassas Junction? (See map, p. 330.) 44. How large an army did the Confederates have in July, 1861 ? 45. How was the army stationed ? 46. What place was then the capital of the Southern Confederacy? 47. What place had been the previous capital ? 48. How is Richmond situated ? (See map, p, 320.) 49. Montgomery ? (See map, p. 223.) 302 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 1861 Manassas Junction - Richmond was then the capital of the Southern Confederacy, the transfer from Montgom ery, their first capital, having been effected in July, and Jef ferson Davis had been chosen the President of the so-called "Confederate States of America." VII. About the middle of July a large army, commanded by General McDowell, marched to attack the Confederates at Manassas Junction. On the 18th, a division of this army, under General Tyler, encountered the enemy, under General Beau- regard, near Bull Run, and after a contest of three hours, fell back to Centreville. On the 21st occurred the battle of Bull Run. In this conflict, which was exceedingly desperate, and lasted ten hours, more than forty thousand men were engaged. At length the insurgents, being largely re-enforced, prevailed, and the Union troops, panic-stricken, fled in disorder toward Washington. The Union loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners numbered nearly three thousand men : the loss of the enemy in killed and wounded did not much exceed half that number. VIII. On the following day, July 22d, General McClellan succeeded McDowell in the command of the Potomac Army. McClellan had just closed with credit a brief campaign in West Virginia, where a division of his army, under General Rosecrans (roz -krants), had defeated the enemy at Rich Mountain. This, with other victories, had given him the entire GENERAL M CLELLAN. control ot that region. Congress, VII. QUESTIONS. 50. Who commanded the army opposed to this large one of the Confederates ? 51. Give an account of General Tyler s operations. 52. Of the battle of Bull Run. 53. "Where is Bull Eun ? (Map, p. 830.) 54. Centreville ? (Same.) VIII. 55. Was McDowell continued in the command of the army ? 56. By whom was he superseded? 57. When did the change take place ? 58. Where had McClellan previously done good service ? 59. What did Rosecrans accomplish? 60. Where is Rich Mountain ? (See map, p. 320.) 61. What action did Congress take ? 62. The President! LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. which had met in extra session on the 4th of July, promptly voted to raise 500,000 men, to serve three years or during the war ; and in August, the President issued a proclamation forbidding all intercourse with the States in rebellion. IX. A naval expedition, commanded by Commodore String- ham, was successful in taking, August 20th, Hatteras and Clark, two forts at Hatteras Inlet. A more important expedi tion, consisting of about fifty vessels, and carrying fifteen thousand men, sailed from Hampton Roads, and on the 7th of November, after a fight of three hours, captured Forts Walker and Beauregard, at the entrance of Port Royal harbor. Commodore Dupont commanded the naval forces on the occasion, and General Sherman* those of the land. This vic tory secured a fine rendezvous for the blockading squadron, and also a base for subsequent operations during the war. In the mean time, Scott having resigned the command of the Union armies, McClellan was appointed in his place. X. Affairs in Missouri meanwhile kept growing worse in stead of better. Colonel Mulligan, commanding two thousand five hundred men at Lexington, was attacked by a Confederate force of about ten thousand, under General Price, and, after four days struggle, was compelled to surrender, September 20. General Fremont, who two months before had been placed in command of the Western Department, thereupon marched from St. Louis against Price, who, instead of moving farther northward, retreated in an opposite direction, followed by Fremont. The pursuit was brought to a close at Spring- * Brig.-Gen. T. W. Sherman. IX. QUESTIONS. 63. What success did Commodore Stringham meet with ? 64. How large a fleet sailed from Hampton Koads ? 65. Who commanded it ? 66. W ho commanded the land forces on board ? 67. What success did they have ? 68. What made the victory particularly important? 69. Where is Hatteras Inlet? (See map, p. 320.) 70. Port Royal harbor ? (Same map.) 71. To what position did McCl. X. 72. Give an account of the battle of Lexington, Missouri. 73. Of Fremont s operations 74. By whom was Fremont succeeded in the command ? 75. By whom was Hunter succeeded ? 76. Where is Lexington ? (See map, p. 300.) 77. St. Louis ? (Same map.) 78. Springfield? (Same map.) 304 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. field, where Fremont, on the 2d of November, received an order removing him from the command. He was succeeded by General Hunter, who retained the position until the appointment of General Halleck. XI. In the early part of October, the Confederate army which had threatened Washington began to fall back and the Union army to push forward. A division of General Stone s command, having crossed the Potomac at Edward s Ferry or BalPs Bluff, to make a reconnoissance, was disastrously de feated, October 21, and its commander, Colonel Baker,* killed. In the mean time a number of battles and skirmishes had taken place in Kentucky and in other States. In one at Bel- mont, Missouri, on the 7th of November, General Grant, who commanded the Union troops, gained credit, though his men finally retired to their boats, the enemy having been largely re-enforced. XII. On the sea an event had occurred in the mean time which produced great excitement both in the United States and Great Britain, and a war between the two countries seemed for a time imminent. Captain Wilkes, in command of the frigate San Jacinto, intercepted the English steamer Trent in the Bahama Channel, and took from her Messrs. Mason and Slidell, Confederate commissioners to Europe. The two pris oners were then brought to the United States, and placed in Fort Warren, near Boston. As the act committed by Wilkes was contrary to the doctrine of the sanctity of a neutral ves sel, a doctrine which had long been avowed by the American Government, and as the British authorities resented the act * Edward D. Baker waa born in England. He was a member of Congress from Illinois, and an officer /n the Mexican War. At the time of his death he was a United States Senator from Oregon. XI. QUESTIONS. 79. Give an account of the battle of Ball s Bluff. 80. By what other name is it also known ? 81. Where is Ball s Bluff ? (See map, p. 820.) 82. Give an account of the battle of Belmont. S3. Where is Belmont ? (See map, p. 300.) XII. 84. On what mission were Mason and Slidell sent? 85. Give an account of tneir captur by Captain Wilkes. 86. What war did the act of Wilkes nearly lead to? 87. What disposition was finally made of the two commissioners? 88. Why were they given up by the United States Government ? LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 305 as an insult to their flag, the two captured commissioners were put on board an English vessel bound for Europe. XIII. Since the beginning of the war the United States Government had increased its navy to about two hundred vessels. This had been done by completing those on the stocks, and by purchasing and chartering such steamers and other vessels as were found suitable for the public service. This whole force was required in blockading the ports of the South ; and as it was increased in the three succeeding years, the blockade became more effective. Meanwhile the relations of the United States with England and France were by no means amicable. The rebellion had hardly been fully inau gurated before Queen Victoria issued a proclamation, May 13th, acknowledging the South as a belligerent power ; and France soon after did the same. The course thus pursued by the two powers was not considered friendly by the Govern ment of the United States. XIV. During this year the Confederates fitted out a num ber of privateers to prey upon the commerce of the North. On the 1st of June, the Savannah, a little schooner thus fitted out, captured a vessel ; but on the 3d, she fell in with the United States brig Perry, which ahe mistook for a merchant man, and was easily made captive. Some of the Savannah s crew were afterward tried as pirates, but not convicted. Two months later the Petrel, formerly a revenue-cutter, which had been surrendered to the Confederates at the beginning of the war, ran the blockade of Charleston ; but, encountering the United States gunboat St. Lawrence, was sunk with five of her crew. XIIL QUESTIONS. 89. How many vessels we. e in the United States navy at the close of 1861? 90. How hart the increase in the navy been effected? 91. How was the navy employed ? 92. What caused unfriendly feelings between the Unite* States on the one side and England and France on the other ? XIV. 93. For what purpose was the schooner Savannah fitted ont? 94. tt became of her? 95. Of her crew? 96. What became of the Petrel? 97. Give t previous history of the Petrel. 306 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. XV. One of the most successful of the privateers was the steamer Sumter, Captain Semmes, which ran the blockade of New Orleans, June 30th, 1861, and having in fifteen days captured as many vessels, ran into the British port of Nas sau, where she was supplied with coal. The Sumter made other captures in her subsequent cruise, and then crossed the At lantic, entering the British harbor of Gibraltar. Here, she was found by an United States gunboat, and from a Spanish port opposite was watched. Finally she was sold, and her crew went to England, where a faster steamer, the Alabama, was being constructed for the Confederate government. Semmes soon resumed his career of destruction upon the seas, luring vessels by hoisting the British flag, and then consign ing his prizes to the flames. EVENTS OF 1862. I. At Cairo the Union troops established a base of opera tions, General Grant being in command. From a point on the Mississippi, a few miles below Cairo, the whole river, to its mouth, was in possession of the Confederates, and great preparations were being made on both sides for the mastery of the river. The Confederates had also built a line of forts stretching irregularly from the Mississippi to Cumberland Gap, the principal ones being at Columbus, Bowling Green, Mill XV. QUESTIONS. 98. What vessel did Semmes command in 1S61 ? 99. In what business was the Sumter engaged ? 100. From what American port did the Sumter escape? 101. How many vessels did she capture in fifteen days? 102. Where did she get a supply of coal ? 103. What further account can you give of the Surnter? 104. What vessel did Semmes next command ? 105. Where was the Alabama built ? 106. By what means did Semmes get possession of his prize."? 107. What disposi tion did he then make of them ? EVENTS OF 1862. I. 1. Where is Cairo situated? (See map, p. 300.) 2. What was established at Cairo ? 8. Who was in command there? 4. How much of the Mississippi was in possession of the Confederates in the beginning of 1862 ? 5. What line of forts had the Confederates built? 6. Give an account of the battle of Mill Spring. 7. Where is Mill Spring? (See map, p. 320.) 8. Columbus? (Map, p. 300.) 9. Bowling Green ? (Same.) 10. Fort Henry ? (Same.) 11. Fort Donelson ? (Same.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 30 1 ADMIRAL FOOTE. Spring, and Forts Henry and Donelson. In January, 1862, a division of Union troops under the command of General Thomas, advanced against Mill Spring, and on the 19th a battle took place, resulting in the defeat of the Con federates, and the death of Zollicoffer (tsol -le-ko -fer), one of their ablest generals. II. On the 6th of February, Cap tain, afterward Admiral Foote,* commanding a fleet of gunboats, reduced Fort Henry. Upon the approach of General Mitchell a few days later, Bowling Green was abandoned, the forces retiring to Fort Donelson. Simultaneously with Mitchell s movement, a land and naval expedition proceeded against Fort Donelson, which was assaulted by General Grant n the 15th. The battle lasted the whole of that day with varying fortune, but during the night several thousand men of the Confederate force escaped up the Cumberland, and on the following morning the fort was surrendered, General Buckner and sixteen thousand men becoming prisoners. The evacuation of Nashville and Colum bus followed as a necessary consequence. III. While these events were transpiring, a powerful land * Andrew Hull Foote was born in Connecticut, September 12th, 1806. He spent the most of his life in the naval service of his country. He was an active friend of religious and philanthropic enterprises, being particularly active in discouraging profanity and intemperance. He died in New York, June 20th, 1*63, while making preparations to take charge of the squadron off Charleston. II. QUESTIONS. 12. By whom was Fort Henry captured ? 13. When was the capture made? 14. Why did the Confederates abandon Bowling Green ? 15. Give an account of the movements against Fort Donelson. 16. What places did the Con federates then abandon ? 17. Why did they leave ? III. 18. What expedition sailed from Hampton Eoads ? 19. When did the vessels reach Hatteras Inlet ? 20. When did they commence an attack ? 21. What place did they attack ? 22. What success did the troops have ? 23. Who commanded he troops ? 24 What other success did the troops have ? 25. -What were the successes of the fleet? 26, What expedition was successful? 27. Give an account of the capture of Fort Pulaski. 28. Where is the fort situated ? 308 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. and naval expedition was fitted out and placed under the command of General Burnside and Commodore Golds- borough. It sailed from Hampton Roads, and, though a destruc tive storm sprang up soon after, most of the vessels reached Hatteras Inlet by the 17th of January, and entered Pamlico Sound. On the 7th of Feb., the fleet opened a fire upon Roan- oke Is!., while the troops landed, and, storming the enemy s in- trenchments on the 8th, captured twenty-five hundred prisoners. This success was followed by the destruction of the Confed erate flotilla at Elizabeth City, by the seizure of that and other places, and also by a victory gained by Burnside, at Newbern, on the 14th of March. An expedition, fitted out at Port Royal, against certain seaports in Florida, was entirely success ful, and, on the llth of April, Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savannah, was bombarded and captured. IV. No events of the war produced more interest than those which occurred at Hampton Roads, on the 8th and 9th of March. When Norfolk was abandoned, at the beginning of the war, the steamship Merrimac was sunk. She was, how ever, soon raised by the Confederates, cut down almost to the water s edge, and covered with a plating of iron. On the 8th of March, she made her appearance in Hampton Roads, sunk the U. S. sloop Cumberland, and compelled the frigate Congress to surrender. Night set in, and it was anticipated, on the next day, all the national vessels in the roads would be destroyed. During the night, however, a newly invented floating battery, the Monitor, commanded by Lieutenant Worden (wur den), arrived from New York, and on the following day en countered the Merrimac. After a contest of several hours, the latter, in a disabled condition, retreated to Norfolk. IV. QUESTIONS. 29. "What havoc was committed on the 8th of March, 1862 ? 80. Give the previous history of the Merrimac. 31. By what name did the Confed erates call her? Ans. The Virginia. 32. What was the prospect for tht 9th of March? 33. What occurred during the night? 34. What then followed ? 35. Where is Hampton lioads? (See map, p. 312.) 36. Norfolk? (Same map.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 309 V. In Missouri and Arkansas, movements of importance had in the mean while occurred. The Confederates in those States were commanded by General Van Dorn. A division 01 their army having retreated from Missouri before General Curtis, their forces, to the number of about twenty-five thou sand, concentrated at Pea Ridge, where one of the most deter mined battles of the war was fought. It took place on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of March, and resulted in the signal defeat of the Confederates. Curtis, in his official report, commended General Sigel and others of his officers for their gallant con duct. VI. Early in March, General McClellan ordered an advance from Washington toward Richmond, the enemy falling back from the position at Centreville and Manassas, which he had occupied nearly a year, and taking up a new line of defense along the Rappahannock. Qn the 23d, General Shields, com manding a Union detachment, gained a splendid victory at Winchester. McClellan having taken the field, an organiza tion of military departments was effected, Gen. Halleck being assigned to the West, Gen. Hunter to the South, Gen. Butler to the Gulf, Gen. Fremont to West Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, Gen. Banks to the Shenandoah, Gen. McDowell to the Rappahannock, and Gen. McClellan to the Potomac. VII. After the Confederates had evacuated Columbus, they retreated down the Mississippi to Island No. 10, and to New Madrid, Missouri : they also took a strong position at Corinth. V. QUESTIONS. 37. Where is Pea Eidge ? (See map, p. 300.) 38. Give an account of the battle that took place there. 39. What commendation did General Sigel receive ? VI. 40. What movement was made early in March ? 41. What movement did the Confederates make in consequence? 42. What success did General Shields have? 43. What department organizations were effected ? 44. Where is Winchester? (See map, p. 320.) 45. Into what river does the Eappahannock flow? (Same map.) VII. 46. To what places did the Confederates retreat from Columbus ? 47. What took place at New Madrid ? 48. Describe the process by which the Confederates were compelled to evacuate Island No. 10. 49. Where is Columbus? (See map, p. 300.) 50. New Madrid ? (Same map.) 51. Island No. 10 ? (Same map.) 310 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. On the 14th of March, General Pope succeeded in taking New Madrid, and on the 16th the bombardment of the island was opened by the gunboat fleet of Commodore Foote. The plan of attack required the co-operation of Pope, but as that officer had no means of crossing the Mississippi, the difficulty was overcome by cutting a canal twelve miles long, through the neck of land formed by a bend in the river opposite the island, by which the needed transports from Foote s fleet were enabled to reach him. As soon as his troops began to cross, April 7th, the enemy proceeded to evacuate the island ; and on the following day the place, with about six thousand prisoners, was in the hands of the Unionists. VIII. In the mean time the main body of the Western army, under Grant, was advancing toward Corinth. On the 6th of April, having reached Shiloh, near Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee, here, early in the morning of that day, it was attacked by the enemy, commanded by Johnston and Beaure- gard. The battle raged till near nightfall, the Union troops being compelled to retreat to the river, where the gunboats aided them to make a stand. The arrival of re-enforcements under Buell enabled Grant to assume the offensive on the following day, and the enemy were finally driven back toward Corinth. The forces engaged in this battle, on both sides, numbered more than a hundred thousand men, and the losses were very severe. Johnston (Albert S.) was killed. IX. Halleck, having arrived from St. Louis, took command in person of Grant s victorious army. He at once commenced an advance upon Corinth, slowly progressing every day for nearly two months, when, May 30th, the place was found to VIII. QUESTIONS. 52. Where is Corinth ? (See map, p. 300.) 53. Shiloh ? (Same map.) 54. Into what river does the Tennessee flow? (Same map.) 55. Describe what took place on the 6th of April. 56. Give an account of subsequent operations. IX. 57. Who then took command of Grant s army? 58. Give an account of his movements. 59. Of Mitchell s movements. 60. Of operations at and near Fort Pillow. 61. Of operations at and before Memphis. 62. Where is Nashville? (See map, p. 800.) 63. Huntsville ? (Same map.) 64. Fort Pillow ? (Same.) 65. Memphis ? (Same.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION, 311 be evacuated. A small body of troops under Mitchell mean while had marched from Nashville, occupied several towns in Tennessee, and seized Huntsville, in Alabama. The Confede rates, after their loss of Island No. 10, made a stand at Fort Wright, or, as it is also called, Fort Pillow. The fleet on the Mississippi, commanded by Commodore Foote, descended the river, and was unsuccessfully attacked by the enemy s fleet near the fort the fort itself being afterward abandoned. On the 6th, two days later, Commodore Davis, Foote s successor, gained a victory over the fleet defending Memphis, and the town, in consequence, fell into his hand?. X. Lower down the Mississippi, the Union cause had met with a success of still more importance. This was the capture of New Orleans, on the 25th of April. Commodore Farragut s fleet of forty-five vessels, including a number of mortar-boats under the special command of Commodore Porter, ascended the Mississippi, and for six days bombarded Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on opposite sides of the river, about seventy-five miles below the city. Having broken the chain which had been stretched across the stream, Farragut ran past the forts, April 24th, and destroyed a squadron of the enemy s rams and gunboats. As he approached New Orleans, the Confede rates set fire to the vast stores of cotton and sugar there. The two forts, Jackson and St. Philip, surrendered to Porter, and then General Butler moved up the river from Ship Island, and, taking formal possession of the city, placed it under martial law. XL At Alexandria, McClellan embarked his army, to the X. QUESTIONS. 66. When was New Orleans captured by the Union forces * 61. When was the capture made 1 68. By whom were the victors commanded 1 69. Give an account of the achievement. TO. Who then took military possession of the city ? 71. Where is New Orleans? (See map, p. 300.) XI. 72. How large an army did General McClellan have at Alexandria? 73. What movement did he make from Alexandria ? 74. Give an account of operations at Yorktown. 75. At Williamsburg. 76. At West Point. 77. Where is Alexandria? (See map, p. 237.) 78. Fortress Monroe ? (Map, p. 820.) 79. Yorktown ? (Same.) 80. Kichsnoud ? (Same.) 81. Williamsburg ? (Same.) 82. West Point ? 312 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. number of eighty-five thousand men, for Fortress Mon roe, whence he advanced upon Yorktown. A siec;e com menced on the 5th of April, and continued, with much fighting, until the 4th of May, when the place was found to be evacuated. The Confederates retreated toward Richmond, pursued by the Union troops ; and at Williamsburg, where they were over taken the following day, a severe action took place. The pursuers at first met with a serious check; but the timely arrival of General Kearny restored the battle, and the enemy fled. A division of the pursuing army proceeded up the York River, and, having landed near West Point, were unsuc cessfully attacked on the 7th. XII. President Lincoln at this time visited Fortress Monroe, and having urged a movement upon Norfolk, an ex pedition was accordingly dispatched under General Wool. Upon approaching the city, the Union commander was met by the civil authorities and informed that MAP OF NORFOLK AND the P laC(3 Lad been abandoned by the VICINITY. Confederate army. Besides this aban donment, the insurgents had burned the navy-yard near Nor folk ; evacuated Craney Island, where they had erected formi dable defenses ; and they also destroyed their iron-clad vessel, the Merrimac. They needed all their men to oppose the march of McClellan s army against Richmond. XIII. This army, in the mean time, was steadily advancing. By the 20th of May, most of the troops had reached the XII. QUESTIONS. 83. What visit did the President make? 84. What, did he urge ? 85. What success did General Wool have? 86. What previous acts had the insurgents committed ? 87. Why did they do so ? 88. Where is Norfolk ? (See map, p. 312.) 89. Craney Island ? (Same map.) XIII. 90. What advance did McClellan s army make by the 22d of May? 91. When was the battle of Hanover Court House fought ? 92. Give an account of the battle of Fair Oaks. 93. What can you state of General McDowell s movements? 94. Into what river does the Chickahominy flow? (See map, p. 29.) 95. Where is Fair Oaks ? (See map, p. 313.) 96. Bowling Green ? (See map, p. 237.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 313 Chickahominy, a small river running through a swampy country, and, on the 22 d, the stream was crossed. Five days later, a detachment under General Porter defeated the enemy at Hanover Court House. At Fair Oaks, a position within about five miles of Richmond, a bloody battle took place on the last day of May and the first of June, the North losing five thousand men and the South eight thousand, without advantage to either side. McDowell, who had been ordered to co-operate in the movement against Richmond, reached Bowling Green, when he was directed by the President to march for the Shenandoah. XIV. Banks s division, at the time, was at Strasburg, and this force the enemy formed the plan of capturing ; but the Confederates meeting with resistance at Front Royal, Banks became aware of their purpose, and made a masterly retreat to the Potomac. Jackson, the pursuing general, advanced to Harper s Ferry, but, meeting with a repulse, made a retrograde movement. At Strasburg, he was overtaken, June 1st, by Fremont, who had made a forced march across the mountains, and was driven from the place. Fremont continued the pursuit, fighting an undecisive battle at Cross Keys and another at Port Republic. Although Jackson had failed to capture Banks s army, he had succeeded in preventing re-enforcements being sent to McClellan. XV. McClellan, believing that the force at his disposal was XIV. QUESTIONS. 97. Give an account of Banks s retreat from Strasburg. 98. Where, on the Potomac, did Jackson meet with defeat ? 99. What took place at Strasburg ? 100. At Cross Keys ? 101. At Port Republic ? 102. What was the result of Jackson s expedition ? 103. Where is Strasburg? (See map, p. 320.) 104. Cross Keys? (Same map.) 105. Port Republic? (Same.) XV. 106. What change of base did McClellan effect? 107. Why did he make the change? 108. What took place while the change was in progress ? 109. How was the army protected at Harrison s Landing? 110. Where is the White House? (See map, p. 313.) 111. Harrison s Landing ? (Same map.) 112. What army changes were made? 14 314 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. not sufficient to protect his lines, which extended from the White House, on the Pamunkey, where the army had its supplies, transferred his base of operations to Harrison s Landing-, on the James. While this movement was in progress, the Confederates fell upon the Union troops, June 25th, and a series of destructive battles, lasting through seven days, took place. At this new position the Federal army remained until the 14th of August, protected by a fleet of gunboats. Prior to this, the corps of Fremont, Banks, and McDowell had been consolidated with the army of the Potomac, and the command given to General Pope, and, on the 1st of July, the President issued a call for three hundred thousand more volunteers. On the llth, Halleck was appointed commander- in-chief, Grant succeeding him in the command of the army of the Mississippi. XVI. Other operations of importance had in the mean time taken place, both in the east and west. General Hunter had made an unsuccessful attempt upon James Island, and great damage had been done to the property of Union people in Missouri^ Kentucky, and Tennessee, by guerrilla bands. A severe fight took place on the Yazoo River, July 1 5th, between the Confederate ram Arkansas and three Federal vessels, after which the ram ran through the fleets of Farragut and Davis to Vicksburg. Some days later she sailed down the Missis sippi, to aid in an attack on Baton Rouge. In this movement, which proved unsuccessful, the ram was not able to take part, but on the following day, August 6th, after a brief action with the United States gunboat Essex, she took fire and was blown up. At luka (I-u -kah), on the 19th of the following month, Rosecrans fought and dispersed the Confederate force under Price, and on the 4th of October he gained another victory at Corinth. XVI. QUESTIONS.- 113. In what did General Hunter fail? 114 Where did guerrilla bands destroy property? 115. Give an account of the doings of the ram Arkansas. 116. What took place at luka? 117. At Corinth ? 118. Where is luka? (See map, p. 300.) 119. Corinth ? (Same map.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 315 XVII. Freed from the necessity of defending their own capital, the enemy undertook to menace that of the Union. McClellan was ordered to withdraw from the James and co-operate with Pope against this movement; but before he commenced the transfer of his troops a hotly contested battle was fought, August 9th, at Cedar Mountain, eight miles from Culpepper Court House, between a division of Pope s army, commanded by Banks, and a force under Jackson. The Confederates, though superior in numbers, were unsuccess ful. The main army of the enemy, commanded by General Lee, advanced, and, until the close of the month, the struggle between the two great armies was desperate. In a conflict, attended with great slaughter, occurring on the 29th and 30th, and known as the "second battle of Bull Run," Pope was defeated, and at night retreated to Centrevillc. At Chantilly, two days after, a body of Confederate troops was met and at last driven back, but not till they had killed two valuable Union officers, Generals Stevens* and Kearny.f XVIII. Pope s army fell back to the intrenchments before Washington, but Lee s, instead of following, turned northward and crossed the Potomac into Maryland. McClellan was then in command of all the troops concentrated near Washington for its defense. He pursued Lee, and, on the 14th of Sep- * Isaac Ingalls Stevens was born in Massachusetts, in 1817. He graduated at West Point, was an officer in the Mexican war, Governor of Washington Territory, and a delegate in Congress. t Philip Kearny was born in the city of New York, June 8d, 1815. He went to Europe by direction of the United States Government, to report upon the French cavalry tactics, and was promoted for gal lant conduct in the Mexican war, losing his left arm. His merits as a disciplinarian were very superior. XVII. QUESTIONS. 120. What permitted the Confederates to menace the city of Washington? 121. What order was given to McClellan ? 122. What took place be fore McClellan s troops began to move ? 123. Give an account of the battle of Cedar Mountain. 124. Of the other events of the month. 125. Of the battle of Chantilly. 126. Where is Culpepper Court House? (See map, p. 320.) 127. Cedar Mountain? 128. Centreville ? (See map, p. 330.) 129. Chantilly ? (Same map.) XVIII. 130. To what position did Pope s army fall back ? 131. What did Lee s army do ? 132. What duty did McClellan have assigned to him just then ? 138. Give an account of the battle of South Mountain. 134. Of the surrender of Harper s Ferry. 135. Where is South Mountain? Ans. In Maryland, near Harper s Ferry. 136. Harper s Ferry ? (See map, p. 320.) 316 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. tember, overtook and successfully attacked him at South 1 86^ Mountain. At the same time a strong body of the Con federate army was drawing around Harper s Ferry. These opened fire, and on the 15th the place was surrendered, with eleven thousand men and vast munitions of war. XIX. The captors of Harper s Ferry entered Maryland, and, join ing Lee at Antietam (an-te -tarn}, were in time to aid him in the great battle fought there on the 17th. In this contest, which lasted from day light to nightfall, and which resulted in favor of the Union cause, not less than eleven thousand Federal troops were killed or wounded, while the loss of the enemy was GENERAL LEE. . . , - , even greater. On the night of the 18th, Lee withdrew his forces across the Potomac, having lost during his campaign in Maryland, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, more than twenty-five thousand men. XX. In Tennessee and Kentucky, the Confederates were very active during the summer. General Smith moved north ward, and defeated a body of Union troops at Richmond, Kentucky, on the 30th of August. His march thence to Frankfort, during which he was joined by a guerrilla force under Morgan, caused great excitement in Cincinnati, and .effectual measures were adopted by General Wallace to repel his advance across the Ohio. With the main army, of which XIX. QUESTIONS. 137. Give an account of the battle of Antietam. 13S. What did Lee afterward do ? 139. How many men did Lee lose during his campaign? 140. Where is Antietam ? (See map, p. 320.) XX. 141. Give an account of the battle of Richmond. 142. What was done by General Wallace ? 143. Through what place did General Bragg inarch ? 144. What placo did he intend to attack? 145. Why did he not do bo ? 146. What took place at Munfordsville? 147. At Perry ville? 148. What plunder did Bragg escape with ? 149, Who succeeded Buell in the command ? 150. How is Richmond, Kentucky, situated? Ans. Near Lexington. 151. Frankfort ? (See map, p. 320.) 152. Louis ville ? (See map, p. 192.) 153. Perry ville? (Same.) 154 MurifordsYille ? (p. 300.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 3] 7 Smith s was an advanced division, General Bragg marched through Chattanooga, his point -of attack being Louisville. Munfordsville, after a day s contest, was surrendered to the Confederates ; but Buell, who had followed up Bragg from the South, finally outstripped him, and, arriving at Louisville, put an end to further invasion by the enemy. On his retreat Bragg was successfully attacked at Perryville, October 8th, but he made good his escape, with nearly four thousand wagon loads of plunder. Buell was soon after superseded in the command by Rosecrans. XXL Although in the capture of New Orleans, and in other successes, the Federal Government had made progress toward regaining possession of the Mississippi, yet the enemy still held Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and consequently their communication with States on opposite sides of the river con tinued. An attempt made by Sherman to capture Vicksburg failed, Grant, who had advanced to co-operate, having been compelled to fall back, his line of communication having been cut by the enemy. Sherman s repulse took place on the 29th of December. XXII. The Army of the Potomac, having made an advance, were in the vicinity of Front Royal on the 7th of November. On that day McClellan was superseded in the command by Burnside, and, later in the month, the troops, led by their new commander, reached the Rappahannock, the design being to march against Richmond by the route from Fredericksburg. Owing to delay in the arrival of pontoons necessary for cross- XXI. QUESTIONS. 154. To what end did the capture of New Orleans tend ? 155. What advantage did the holding of Yicksburg and Port Hudson give to the Confed erates ? 156. When and why did Sherman fail to take Vicksburg ? 157. Where is Vicksburg? (See map, p. 800.) 15S. What was done by the Confederate cavalry? Ans. Stuart made a raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania, completely passing around the Union lines. XXII. 159. Who succeeded McClellan in the command of the army, November 7th ? 160. Where was the army then ? 161. Where is Front lloyal situated ? (See map, p. 320.) 162. What plan did Burnside undertake to carry out? 163. Why did he not cross the Eappahannock without delay ? 164. Give an account of the further operations of Burnside ? 165. Where is Fredericksburg ? (See map, p. 320.) 318 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. in<>- the river, the enemy had time to throw up strong 1862 intrenchments on the hills in the rear of the city. The river was finally crossed on the 12th of December, and Fred- ericksburg taken possession of ; but all attempts to carry the enemy s position failed, and on the 15th the army recrossed the river, having sustained a loss, in killed, wounded, and missing, of over twelve thousand men. EVENTS OF 1863. I. On the 1st of January, 1863, President Lincoln issued his memorable emancipation proclamation, declaring forever free all the slaves in the States then in rebellion, excepting in such portions as were occupied by the national troops. This step was taken in accordance with a notice given by the Presi dent a hundred days before. By it more than three millions of slaves were declared free. On the same day the city of Galveston was taken by the Confederates, and the naval force before the place captured, destroyed, or dispersed. II. In the latter part of 1862, Rosecrans moved from the vicinity of Cincinnati, intending to penetrate Alabama, and at Murfreesboro he encountered the enemy under Bragg. After a severe struggle, which lasted several days, victory, on the 2d of January, 1863, decided in favor of the national forces. Rosecrans remained at Murfreesboro several months. In June his army was again put in motion, and by a flank movement he compelled Bragg to retreat into Georgia. EVENTS OF 1863. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What Proclamation did President Lincoln issue ? 2. When did he issue it? 3. Had he given notice of his intention to issue such a document ? 4. When ? 5. What was the nature of the proclamation ? Ans. " It warned all the insurgents to lay down their arms and return to their allegiance, under the penalty that, in all the districts where the insurrection should be still maintained, with the support of the people, he would, on the first of January then next, proclaim, as a military measure, the freedom of the slaves." 6. What took place at Galveston ? 7. Where is Galveston ? (See map, p. 208.) II. 8. What movement did Rosecrans make ? 9. Give an account of the battle at Murfreesboro 1 . 10. Where is Murfreesboro 1 ? (See map, p. 192.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. III. Burnside having, at his own request, been relieved of the com mand of the Army of the Potomac, was succeeded by Hooker. Toward the latter part of April the army ao-ain crossed the Rappahannock, but being met by the enemy under Lee at Chancellorsville, a severe bat tle was fought on the 2d and 3d of May, to the disadvantage of the J* JACKSOX (STONEWALL). national troops. Hooker recrossed the river, and occupied his former camp opposite Fredericks- burg. In this attempt the army sustained a loss of about eleven thousand men ; that of the Confederates was less, but among their mortally wounded was "Stonewall Jackson,"* one of their ablest generals. IV. On the 9th of June, Lee s army, numbering nearly a hundred thousand men, began a northward movement, Hooker following. On the 15th President Lincoln issued a call for one hundred thousand men, to repel the invaders, who, cross ing the Potomac, on the 27th were near Hagerstown. On the following day the command of the pursuing army was trans ferred to General Meacle. At Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, Lee concentrated his forces-; and here, on the 1st, 2d, and 3d of July, one of the most important conflicts of the war took * Thomaa Point, served i of his State. It was remarked by ^ .. ,-.,,.. like a stone wall ;" hence he waa afterward popularly known as Stonewall Jacks III. QUESTIONS. 11. Who, after Burnside, commanded the Army of the Poto mac ? 12. Why was Burnside relieved of the command ? 13. What movement die the army soon after make? 14. What account can you give of the battle that fol lowed ? 15. What did Hooker then do ? 16. Where is Chancellorsville ? (See map, P IV. IT. How large an army did Lee have on the 9th of June, 1S63? 18. What movement did he then make ? 19. Who, after Hooker, commanded the Army of the Potomac ? 20. Give an account of the battle of Gettysburg. 21. Where is Gettys burg? (See map, p. 320.) 22. Hagerstown? (Same map.) Jonathan Jack wa. born in Virginia, January 21st, 1824 He was a Palate f i under Taylor and Scott in the Mexican war, and was a profess r of the MiUtary Inta . It was remarked bv one of his associate officers that in the battle of B..H Run he stood 320 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. (Questions to Je an&ceredfrom the above map.) Where is Washington? Richmond? Olustee? Norfolk? Lynchburg? Peters burg? Fredericksburg? Gettysburg? Kesaca? Winchester? Harper s Ferry? Chambersburg ? Monocacy? Strasburg? Front Eoyal? New Market? Martins- burg? Hagerstown? Cross Keys? Chantilly ? Philippi ? Williamsburg ? 321 place. The invaders were finally defeated, and, with their army reduced one-third, they made a rapid retreat into Vir ginia. Y. In the beginning of the year a plan of attack against Arkansas Post was concerted by Sherman and Admiral Por ter. General McClernand arriving and taking the command of the Army of the Mississippi, the place, with its garrison of five thousand men, was captured on the llth of January. At this time General Banks was in command of the Department of the Gulf, he having superseded Butler. After making vic torious incursions over a large part of Louisiana, he proceeded to invest Port Hudson. VI. It was the chief object of Grant, then in command of the Army of the Mississippi, to open the great r:ver. His first point of attack was Vicksburg, the strongest post held by the enemy on the Mississippi. Failing to get in the rear of the city, he moved his army down the west side of the river, while Porter s fleet ran by the batteries of Vicksburg. The army then recrossed the Mississippi below Vicksburg, and, near Port Gibson, May 1st, gained a decided victory. General Pemberton, who was the chief in command at Vicks burg, had a force under him of at least thirty thousand men. He sallied forth to attack the rear of the investing army, when a series of battles took place, from the 12th to the 17th of the month, in which he met with defeat. The investment was then made more complete, and the city s defenses were twice assaulted. Pemberton, however, still held out, hoping for relief from General Johnston ; but in vain, and, with an Y. QUESTIONS. 23. Give an account of the capture of Arkansas Post. 24. "Who, after Butler, commanded the Department of the Gulf? 25. What did Banks accom plish in Louisiana ? VI. 26. What great object did Grant have in view? 27. How did his army get from the east side of the Mississippi to the vicinity of Port Gibson ? 28. What took place near the fort? 29. How did Porter s fleet get below Vicksburg ? 80. What battles took place ? 31. Give an account of the surrender of Vicksburg. 32. Where is Vicksburg ? (See map, p. 300.) 33. Port Gibson ? (Same map.) 34. Port Hudson ? (Same.) 14* 322 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. army on the verge of starvation, he surrendered the city on the 4th of July. VII. Banks s operations against Port Hudson continued until its commander was informed of the fall of Vicksburg, when he too surrendered. Thus was the Mississippi opened. In the assaults which had been made upon the enemy s works before Port Hudson, the colored troops, of which there were several regiments in Banks s army, behaved with so much bravery as to call forth official commendation. While the Union forces were operating against Yicksburg and Port Hudson, as just related, Colonel Grierson made a cavalry raid of great boldness. Entering the State of Mississippi from the north, he broke the communications of the Confederates, destroyed stores, and effected captures, finally reaching Baton Rouge (bat -on-roozh) without serious loss. The news of the victories at Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Port Hudson, caused great rejoicings among the loyal people of the country. VIII. Almost simultaneously with Lee s invasion of Pennsylvania, a bold raid was made into Indiana and Ohio by the partisan ranger, General Morgan. At first he met with considerable success, plunder ing and destroying as he moved eastward ; but after having been pursued day and night for a dis- SEAL OF WEST VIBGINIA * ^^ Qf ^^ ^^ ^^ miIeSj and baffled by the gunboats in an attempt to recross the Ohio, * West Virginia was admitted into the Union in 1863. It includes most of that portion of the old State lying west of the Alleffhany Mountains hence its name. The motto of the State, Montani Semper Libert, signifies, Mountaineers are always free. VII. QUESTIONS. 35. What success did General Banks have ? 3C. What was the consequence? 37. What is said of the conduct of the colored troops? 38. Give an account of Grierson s raid. 39. W r hat effect did the news of victory have ? VIII. 40. Into what States did Morgan make a raid ? 41. What success did he have ? 42. What pursuit was made ? 43. Where was he overtaken ? Ans. Near Kyger s Creek, Ohio. 44. What was the result? 45. What afterward took place ? LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. he was overtaken by General Hobson, July 21st, and a large part of liis force captured. He and about five hundred men succeeding in escaping, and were not taken until five days after. IX. During the year, the principal operations in the Caro- linas took place in the vicinity of Charleston. The Confede rates undertook to recover their lost possessions in North Carolina, but without success, a demonstration which they made on Newbern failing, as did also their designs against Washington, on the Tar River. On the 7th of April, Admiral Dupont, commanding a fleet of iron-clads, made an attack, upon the fortifications of Charleston harbor, but his vessels were driven off. A vigorous attempt to capture Charleston was made on the 10th of July, by the Union land and naval forces, under General Gillmore and Admiral Dahlgren (dal 1 - gren). Though this also failed, Morris Island, with the exception of its northern portion, containing Fort Wagner, was gained. Twice afterward, on the llth and 18th, was the fort unsuccessfully assailed. At last the Confederates were forced to abandon the island altogether. During seven days in August, Fort Sumter was subjected to a bombardment so destructive as to reduce it to a mass of ruins, and shells were thrown into the city of Charleston itself. X. Bragg, who had been compelled by Rosecrans to retreat into Georgia, having been re-enforced by troops from Lee s IX. QUESTIONS. 46. What can you state of operations in North Carolina? 47. Give an account of the operations of April 7th. 48. July 10th. 49. Of the assaults. 50. What noted officer was killed ? Ans. Colonel Shaw, " commanding the first regiment of colored soldiers from a free State ever mustered into the United States service." 51. What took place afterward, during a period of seven days ? 52. Where is Charleston? (See maps, pp. 79 and 129.) 53. Morris Island ? (See map, p. 129.) 54. Where, was Fort Wagner ? 55. What position on the island, beside Fort Wagner, did the Confederates hold? Ans. Battery Gregg, situated on the north point of tho island. 56. Describe the Tar Eiver. (See map, p. 164.) X. 57. Give an account of the battle of Chickamauga Creek. 58. How was Eose- crans s army saved from defeat ? 59. What losses were sustained in the battle ? 60. What movement did Eosecrans make? 61. Where is Chickamauga Creek? (See map, p. 320.) 62. Chattanooga ? (Same map.) 324 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. army under General Longstreet, turned upon his pur suers near Chickarnauga Creek. The battle that fol lowed, September 19th and 20th, was furious; and at the close of the second day General Thomas held a position from which the Confederates vainly by the most desperate efforts endeav ored to force him ; this alone saved the Union army from utter defeat. On the following day, the entire army of Rosecrans fell back to Chattanooga. In this conflict the loss to the national army exceeded sixteen thousand men : the enemy s was certainly as large. . XI. The army of Rosecrans at Chattanooga was for a time in danger of starvation. Its lines of communication had been cut by the enemy, who also occupied a threatening position on Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. At this time Thomas superseded Rosecrans, and General Hooker oppor tunely arrived with re-enforcements. Generals Sherman and Grant also arrived, the latter holding the supreme command. Hooker stormed and carried Lookout Mountain, November 24th, and on the following day, Bragg was ronted and driven back into Georgia. The losses on both sides were very severe XII. In the mean time Burnside had been sent from Ken tucky to drive the enemy from East Tennessee. Brao-^ on being informed of this, detached Longstreet against him ; consequently Burnside was besieged in Knoxville for a period of fifteen days. During the siege the enemy made a fierce assault upon Burnside s defenses, November 29th, but were repulsed. The victory at Chattanooga having enabled Grant to send Sherman to the relief of Burnside, Longstreet was compelled to flee. lie made good his retreat, succeeding at last in rejoining Lee s army in Virginia. XL QUESTIONS. 63. What can you state of the condition of the army at Chatta nooga ? 64. What relief came ? 65. What operations took place in November ? 66. "Where are the two mountains spoken of? Ans. Northern part of Georgia. XII. 67. On what expedition was Burnside sent ? 68. What can you state of the siege and assault ? 69. What compelled Longstreet to retreat ? 70< Where did he go ? 71. Where is Knoxville ? (See map, p. 192.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. XIII. A great deal of activity was kept up for months by Generals Price, Marmaduke, and others, commanding portions of the Confederate army west of the Mississippi. They, how ever, met with but little success. Marmaduke was repulsed at Springfield, January 8th, also at Cape Girardeau (jir ~ar-do\ April 26th, and Price and he at Helena, Arkansas, July 4th. General Steele was afterward sent into Arkansas. He pushed the Confederates with vigor, and by the close of October re stored most of the State to the national authority. Bands of guerrillas, however, continued to plunder and destroy ; the sacking of Lawrence in Kansas being one of the many out rages thus committed. XIV. The navy of the United States during the year was very active. It was divided .into six squadrons, and employed alonjr the Atlantic seaboard and in the western rivers in blockading duties, and in movements co-operating with the armies of Banks, Grant, and others. A number of vessels were also employed from time to time in cruising after Con federate privateers. The blockade became so effective as to be fully respected by the nations of Europe, Wilmington alone, of all the Confederate ports, on account of its wide and numerous inlets, being at all successful in maintaining an in tercourse with Nassau (nas-saw ), and other British ports. XV. Congress, by its several enactments, fully empowered XIII. QUESTIONS. 72. What can you state of the activity of the Confederates west of the Mississippi ? 73. What took place at Springfield ? 74. At Cape Girar deau ? 75. At Helena? 76. At Lawrence ? 77. Where is Springfield ? (See map, p. 300.) 78. Cape Girardeau ? (Same map.) 79. Helena ? (Same.) 80. Lawrence ? (Same.) XIV. 81. Into how many squadrons was the United States Navy divided ? 82. How was the navy employed? S3. How were other vessels employed ? 84. What is said of the effectiveness of the blockade ? 85. Where is Wilmington ? (See map, p. 320.) 86. What is Nassau? Ans. Nassau is the capital of the Bahama Inlands. 87. Where are the Bahama Islands? (See map, p. 10.) XV. 88. What power did Congress confer upon the President? 89. How large was the navy at Me close of the year ? 90. How many men were in the army ? 91. What power di(fthe conscription act confer? 92. How was the great riot in New York brought arout ? 93. Give an account of the riot. 94. When was West Virginia admitted into the Union? (See note, p. 322.) 326 the President to carry on the war, placing at his disposal all the money and men needed. The navy numbered at the close of the year nearly six hundred vessels, carrying twenty- five thousand seamen, and the army consisted of not less than half a million of effective men, of whom above sixty thousand were colored troops. Among the congressional enactments was a conscription act, empowering the President to recruit the army by drafting. By virtue of this authority, he ordered a draft of three hundred thousand men. An opposition to this measure was at once excited, which culminated in a riot in the city of New York, commencing July 13th, while the draft was in progress, and continuing four days. Buildings were sacked and burned, the Colored Orphan Asylum among the number, and the most fiendish acts were committed, particu larly against the colored people. At length the police, aided by a military force, quelled the riot, but not before at least a hundred of those engaged in it had been killed. EVENTS OF 1864. I. In February, 1864, Sherman,* at the head of twenty-five thousand men, marched eastward from Vicksburg, nearly across the State of Mississippi. An expedition from Mem phis, designed to co-operate with him, met with so much op position from the enemy as to be compelled to put back. Sherman effected the destruction of many miles of railroad, and on his march back to Yicksburg was accompanied by *ibout six thousand of the slaves whom he had liberated. In the same month an expedition from Port Royal, under Gen eral Seymour, was made into Florida, which resulted in severe disaster, the Union force being defeated at Olustec, on the 20th inst., with terrible slaughter. EVENTS OF 1864. I. QUESTIONS.!. What inarch did Sherman make early in 1864? 2. What destruction did he effect? 3. What is stated of tTRkslaves ? 4. Give an account of the battle of Olustee. 5. Where is Vicksburg? (Seiiap, p. 300.) 6. Memphis? (Same map.) 7. To what place did Sherman s expedition extend? Ans. Meridian. (See map, p. 300.) 8. Where is Olustee ? (See map, p. 320.) * Wrn. T. LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 327 II. A concentration of forces took place at New Orleans early in 1864 : these, according to the plan of General Banks, were to co-operate with Porter s fleet in an expedition np the Red River as far as Shreveport. General Smith, commanding about ten thousand troops from Vicksburg, preceded Banks, took Fort De Russy, March 14th, and, two days after, entered Alexandria. A column from the main army here joined the expedition. At Cane River the enemy undertook to check the further advance of the Unionists, but they were repulsed. Near Mansfield, on the 8th of April, they were entirely suc cessful, and the Union army during the night retreated to Pleasant Hill : the enemy, following, renewed the attack on the following day, not, however, with a like result. Though the Unionists were successful in this last battle, their losses during the campaign were severe, and Banks ordered the army to fall back to the river. III. Meanwhile the fleet had made progress up the river, but the retrograde movement of the army decided Porter to return. On Ins way back he was almost constantly annoyed by the enemy s batteries and sharpshooters on the banks of the stream. The water too had fallen so much that, when his vessels approached the rapids near Alexandria, they could not pass. In this emergency, a plan proposed by Lieutenant-Col onel Bailey was adopted, and under his direction a dam was constructed across the river, by which the boats were enabled to go over the fells. The army returned to New Orleans and the fleet to the Mississippi. General Banks during this expe- II. QUESTIONS. 9. Of what forces was the Eed River expedition composed ? 10. How far up the river did General Banks design to go? 11. What did General Smith accomplish alone ? 12. "What took place at Cane Eiver? 13. At Mansfield? 14. At Pleasant Hill ? 15. Describe the Eed Eiver. (See map, p. 300.) 16. Where is Shreve port? (Same map.) 17. Fort De Russy? (Same.) 18. Alexandria ? (Same.) 19. Mansfield? (Same.) 20. Pleasant Hill? (Same.) 21. Camden? (Same.) 22. Littla Rock? (Same.) III. 23. What effect did Banks s retreat have upon Commodore Porter? 24. What annoyance did Porter experience ? 25. What difficulty did he meet near Alexandria? 26. How was the difficulty overcome ? 27. What movements did the army and fleet then make ? 28. What account can you give of General Steele s movements ? 328 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. dition had expected the co-operation of General Steele, from Arkansas. That officer made a successful advance as far as Camden, but the failure experienced by Banks left him no alternative other than a return to Little Rock. On his way he was harassed by the Confederates, and though he defeated them in a battle fought on the 30th of Apr, his losses were severe. IV. The withdrawal of forces from Vicksburg to engage in the Red River expedition emboldened the Confederates under General Forrest to make a raid into the western part of Ten nessee and Kentucky. The garrison at Union City surren dered after a slight resistance. On the following day, March 25th, two unsuccessful attacks were made upon Fort Ander son, near Paducah. Early on the morning of the 12th of April an attack was made on Fort Pillow. The garrison, con sisting of between five and six hundred men, more than half of whom were colored troops, made a brave resistance, but the place at last was carried by assault, and three hundred of its defenders massacred. In North Carolina the Confederate soldiers were also successful, capturing Plymouth with the aid of the iron-clad ram Albemarle. In October, a little more than six months afterward, the Albemarle was sunk by Lieu tenant Gushing, by means of a torpedo. The main defense of Plymouth being thus removed, the town was retaken on the 31st of the same month. V. The services which General Grant had rendered the country, added to his peculiar fitness as a commander of large armies, induced Congress to revive the grade of Lieutenant- General, with special reference to him. This grade had been IV. QUESTIONS. 29. Why did Forrest decide upon making a raid ? 30. What took place at Union City ? 31. At Fort Anderson ? 82. At Fort Pillow ? 33. Give an account of the loss and recapture of Plymouth. 34. Where is Union City ? (See map, p. 300.) 35. Paducah? (Same map.) 36. Fort Pillow ? (Same.) 37. Plymouth ? (See map, p. 320.) V. 38. Why did Congress revive the grade of Lieutenant-General ? 39. Give the previous history of the grade. 40. What was done in reference to General Grant? 41. "What preparations were begun? LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 329 LIEUT.-GEN. GHANT. previously conferred on only two persons,AVaslnnjrton and Scott, and on the retirement of the latter, became extinct. Accord ingly the President nominated Gen eral Grant for this position, the highest in the military service of the country, and the nomination was confirmed by the Senate on the 3d of March. Vast prepara tions were at once commenced for two campaigns, one against Rich mond by the Army of the Potomac; and the other against Atlanta by an army of a hundred thousand men under Gen. W. T. Sherman. Early in May both armies began to move forward. VI. To oppose Sherman was an army sixty thousand strong, commanded by Gen. J. E. Johnston. The Union troops advanced from Chattanooga, and, by a flank movement, com pelled Johnston to fall back to Resaca. From this position, after a severe contest of two days, May 14th and 15th, he was also obliged to retreat. Other battles were fought, the Union troops carrying line after line of rifle-pits, intrenchments, and fortifications most of the time through a mountain region outflanking the enemy and pursuing him to the strong fortifi cations of Atlanta. Johnston s " retreating policy " was loudly condemned by the Confederates, and he was conse quently superseded in the command by General Hood. VII. From the 20th to the 28th of July, Hood made three VI. QUESTIONS. 12. What army did Sherman have against him ? 43. From what place did Sherman commence his movement? 44. What took place at Resaca? 45. What account can yon give of the operations "before the fortifications of Atlanta were reached ? 46. Who succeeded Johnston in the command of the Confederate army ? 4T. Why was Johnston removed ? 48. Where is Chattanooga? (See map, p. 820.) 49. Resaca? (Same map ) 50. Atlanta? (Same.) VII. 51. What can yon state of the assaults made by Hood ? 52. Of Stoneman s expedition? 53. How did Sherman manage to divide the Confederate army ? 54. What took place at Jonesboro ? 55. Why was Hood compelled to evacuate Atlanta? *6. What were the losses of both sides ? 5T. Where is Jonesboro ? 330 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. furious assaults upon the Union troops before Atlanta, but each time he was defeated with heavy loss. While besieging Atlanta, Sherman sent out cavalry expeditions to de stroy the railroads by which it received re-enforcements of troops and supplies. General Stoneman, commanding one of these, not only failed tg perform the task assigned him, but was de feated, and thus the most important road remained in possession of the Confederates. This road Sherman, however, determined to cut. Moving with nearly the whole of his army for the purpose, he succeeded in getting between Atlanta and a large portion of Hood s army at Jonesboro, which force he defeat ed ; and Hood, his army being severed, was compelled, Sep tember 2d, to evacuate Atlanta. Sherman thus gained the object of his campaign, but at a loss in killed, wounded, and missing, of thirty thousand men : the enemy s loss during the same period exceeded forty thousand. VIII. As has been previously stated, the Army of the Potomac began to move toward Richmond early in May, crossing the Rapid an on the 4th of that month. Though General Meade commanded the army, General Grant was in the field and planned its movements, as well as the movements of the other armies. Lee, who held a position south of the Rapidan, rather than retreat, pre pared to resist the progress of the advancing army. The conse- -quence was a fierce contest, known as the battle of the Wilder ness, which, commencing on the morning of the 5th of May, did not end till the close of the 7th, when Lee fell back toward VIII. QUESTIONS. 58. When did the army of the Potomac, cross the Rapidan ? 59. By what other name is the Rapidan also known ? Ans. The Rapid Anna or the Rapid Ann. 60. Into what river does the Rapidan flow? (See map, p. 330.) Cl. Who commanded the Army of the Potomac ? 62. What was done by General Grant ? 63. Give an account of the battle of the Wilderness. 64. What Union officer of note fell in that battle? Ans. General Wadsworth. 65. How many men were engaged in Ihe conflict ? 66. What recommendation did the President make ? 67. Where is the Wilderness? (See map, p. 330.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 331 Richmond. Probably not less than two hundred and fifty thou sand men on both sides were engaged in it, and the slaughter was terrible. The favorable result of the three days conflict called forth a proclamation from the President, recommending the following Sunday, May ] Oth, as an occasion of " thanks giving; and prayer to Almighty God." This recommendation was generally complied with. IX. Near Spottsylvania Court House, Lee made a stand, and here, during six days, some of the severest fighting of the war took place. The result was again to the advantage of the national arms, and once more the enemy fell back. By a series of successful attacks and flank movements, Lee was driven from one position after another, until, early in June, he was within a short distance of Richmond. In the mean time, important movements in co-operation with Meade were made by the forces in the Shenandoah valley and West Virginia. It had been designed to act against Lynchburg, but reverses prevented the execution of the plan, General Sigcl, who was to have cut the western communica tion of Lee, having met with defeat, on the 15th, near New Market, X. Another movement, in co-operation with Meade, was made by General Butler, from Fortress Monroe up the James River. Landing at a point on the south side of the river, just above the Appomattox, he made his position secure by strong intrenchments, and thus threatened both Petersburg and Richmond. Expeditions sent by him to cut the enemy s IX. QUESTIONS. 68. "Where did Lee make his next stand ? 69. Where is Spott sylvania Court House? (See map, p. 330.) 70. What account can you give of the struggle there 71. What Union officer of note was killed during the contest ? Ans. General Sedgwiek, on the 9th of May. 72. What movement, in co-operation with Meade, was planned? 73. Where is Lynchburg ? (See map, p. 320.) X. 74 What movement did Gen. Butler make ? 75. What is the name of the place which Butler occupied? Ans. Bermuda Hundred. 76. Give an account of Butler s operations while he was in command there. 77. What change in position was effected by the Army of the Potomac ? 78. Where is Fortress Monroe ? (See map, p. 320.) 79. Describe the Appomattox. (Same map.) 80. The James. (Same.) 81. Where was Fort Darling? (See map, p. 313.) 332 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. communications were not entirely successful, nor was an attempt made against Fort Darling. He also failed in demonstrations against Petersburg, Beauregard, on his way from the Carolinas to join Lee, having arrived there with a strong force to oppose him. His success, however, in gaining the position he did, was important to a movement made by Grant, by which the Army of the Potomac was transferred across the James to the south side of that river. XI. The career of three English-built privateers sailing under the Confederate flag was terminated this year. They had for months roamed the seas, and by avoiding armed antagonists had succeeded in pillaging and destroying a large number of American merchantmen. More than sixty vessels, estimated with their cargoes as worth not less than $10,000,000, had been destroyed by the Alabama alone. This privateer was at last discovered by the Kearsarge, Captain Winslow, in the French port of Cherbourg (sher -boorg}. Off that har bor an action took place between the two vessels on the 19th of June, resulting in the sinking of the Alabama. Her com mander, Capi:ain Semmes, with forty of his crew, was picked up by a British vessel, and, without authority from Winslow, they were all carried to England. The Florida and Georgia were oaptured, the first by the Wachusett and the second by the Niagara. XII. A new expedition against Lynchburg was organized, General Hunter taking the place of Sigel. Moving up the Shenandoah valley, Hunter gained a victory over the enemy at Piedmont, June 5th, whence he marched on Lynchburg. XI. QUESTIONS. 82. What is said of the career of three privateers ? 83. What had they done? 84. What destruction had the Alabama alone effected? 85. Give an account of the action between the Kearsarge and the Alabama. 86. What were the names of the other privateers? 8T. By what vessels were they captured ? XII. 88. What took place at Piedmont? 89. What can you say of Hunter s fur ther movements ? 90. What invasion followed ? 91. What took place at Monocacy ? 92. What danger was apprehended? 93. Where is the Shenandoah valley? (Sea map, p. 320.) 94. Piedmont? (Same map.) 1 J5. Martinsburg? (Same.) 9G. Hagers- town ? (Same.) 97. Monocacy ? (Same.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 333 Finding that re-enforcements from Lee were arriving there, he withdrew, closely followed by a Confederate force, into West Virginia. The valley being thus open, Lee detached twenty thousand men, under General Early, to invade Maryland. Passing through Martinsburg, the invaders crossed the Poto mac to Hagerstown, scouring the country in all directions for horses, forage, provisions, and money. With overwhelming numbers. Early defeated General Wallace at Monocacy (mo- noc -ah-se), July 9th, producing great excitement in Washing ton and throughout the Northern States, it being feared that the National Capital itself was in danger. XIII. Grant hurried off troops for the defense of Wash ington, and these were rapidly joined by others from the loyal States. After threatening both Baltimore and Wash ington, the Confederates, loaded with plunder, recrossed the Potomac. They were pursued by General Averill, and de feated at Winchester, July 20th, but were in turn victorious on the 24th, their cavalry pursuing the Union troops to Mar tinsburg. Again did they invade Maryland, penetrating even to Chambersburg, in Pennsylvania. This town they offered to spare upon the payment of $500,000, but, not receiving the money, they burned more than half of the place. On their way back into Virginia they met with opposition from bodies of Union troops, and were badly defeated by Averill, losing their artillery and many prisoners. XIV. For the defense of the Shenandoah valley, a strong force was at length organized, and put under the command of General XIII. QUESTIONS. 98. What action did Grant take ? 99. What large cities did the Confederates threaten ? 100. What then did they do ? 101. What took place at Winchester? 102. What, four days after? 103. In which direction did the Confed erates then go ? 104. How was Chambersburg made to suffer ? 105. Were the Con federates pursued? 106. With what result? 10T. Where is Winchester? (See map, p. 320.) 108. Chambersburg ? (Same map.) XIV. 109. What was at lensth done for the defense of the Shenandoah valley T 110. Give an account of Sheridan s first battle there. 111. Of his second. 112. His third. 113. Where is Fisher s Hill ? (See map, p. 320.) 114. Stanatoi ? (Same map ) 115. Cedar Creek ? (Same.) 334 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. Sheridan. On the morning of the 19th of September, Sheridan marched to attack Early, who, with an army largely re-en forced, was near Winchester. After a stubborn engagement, occurring on the same day, the Union troops gained a complete victory. On the 22d, at Fisher s Hill, MAjOU-Uii.Ni.itAL bilJiKiL>AA. ,1 t ^ they achieved another signal vic tory, following up their success by a pursuit of the enemy as far as Staunton. After destroying barns and flour-mills, two thousand in all, so as to make the country untenable by a Confederate army, Sheridan returned northward. Before daylight, October 19th, his troops, then at Cedar Creek, were suddenly attacked, he at the time being absent at Winches ter, and were driven back four miles. Sheridan, arriving at this critical time, arranged his lines, repulsed an attack of* the enemy, and, becoming the assailants in return, completely routed the enemy. The Confederates made no further at tempt to invade the North by way of the Shenandoah val ley. XV. Immediately after crossing the Army of the Potomac to the south side of the James, as previously stated, Grant laid siege to Petersburg. On the 30th of July a mine was exploded under one of the enemy s forts, so that a storming party might rush through the gap thus made, and, with the co-operation of other movements, the city be captured. The assault was, however, a disastrous failure. On the 18th of August an important advantage was gained by the seizure of the Weldon Railroad. To regain possession of it, the Con- XY. QUESTIONS. 116. After crossing the James, to what place did Grant lay siege? 117. Give an account of the attempt made in connection with the mine ex plosion. 118. The Weldon Railroad. 119. What can you state of other conflicts? 120. How is Petersburg situated ? (See map, p. 320.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 335 federates made repeated arid desperate assaults, but were as often repulsed. A number of conflicts took place by the two great armies of Grant and Lee, on both sides of the James, in September and October, yet Petersburg and Rich mond, at the close of the year, were still held by the Con federates, though it was evident their grasp was daily be coming less firm. XVI. Of all the achievements of the army or navy of the United States during the war, none were perhaps more brilliant than that of Admiral Farragut in Mobile Bay. On the morning of the 5th of August, his fleet of monitors and wooden vessels, two abreast and lashed together, moved up the bay, the admiral being on board his flag ship, the Hartford, lashed to the main-top, the better to observe the operations, and give the necessary orders. The vessels succeeded in passing Forts Morgan and Gaines, with no serious disaster beyond the loss of the monitor Tecumseh, which was sunk by a torpedo. An engagement then took place with the enemy s fleet, consisting of the iron-clad ram Tennessee and three gunboats. After a brief encounter, the Tennessee surrendered, Admiral Buchanan, the Confederate commander, being severely wounded ; one of the gunboats was captured, but the other two escaped. Mean while a co-operative body of troops was landed, and Fort Gaines was taken on the 7th. Fort Morgan held out till the 23d, when it too surrendered. XVI. QUESTIONS. 121. How is Farragut s achievement in Mobile Bay spoken of in comparison with other achievements? 122. What was the name of Farragut s flag-ship? 123. Where did Farragut take a position during the battle? 124. What disaster befell one of the fleet ? 125. State what afterward took place. 126. What at Fort Gaines. 127. At Fort Morgan. 128. Did the two vessels that escaped reach Mobile ? Ans. One was so badly injured that she had to be destroyed. 129. Where is Mobile ? (See map, p. 300.) 130. Fort Morgan ? (Same.) 131. Fort Gaines? (Same.) EEAK-ADMIKAL FAKKAGUT. 336 LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. XVII. After the fall of Atlanta, Hood, with increased forces, assumed the offensive by attempting to destroy Sherman s communication ; but being followed by the latter he withdrew into northern Alabama. Leaving General Thomas to watch Hood, Sherman returned to Atlanta, which city he destroyed, and on the loth of November commenced his memorable march to the sea-coast. His army advanced through Georgia, living upon the country. The State capital and other large towns were occupied by him, and on the 10th of December the vicinity of Savannah was reached. Three days after, Fort McAllister was carried by assault, and by this achievement a communication was opened with the fleet. General Hardee, in command at Savannah, perceiving the prepara tions which Sherman w r as making for a grand assault, effected his escape on the night of the 20th, and on the following morn ing the Union army entered the city. XVIII. In the mean time Hood advanced into Tennessee, while Thomas fell back toward Nashville. At Franklin, November 30th, a fierce battle was fought, at the close of which the NEVADA. This State derived its name from the S ; erra Nevada, the mountain range bounding it on the west. The two words, sierra and nrvada, are Spanish, the former signifying mountain range, and the latter snow-clad or snow-covered. The State was admitted into the Union in 1864. XVII. QUESTIONS. 132. What did General Hood do after the fall of Atlanta? 133. Why did he withdraw into northern Alabama? 134. What great movement did Sherman then commence? 135. Give an account of his march. 136. Who, com manding the cavalry, rendered important service ? Ans. General Kilpatrick. 137. When did Sherman s army reach the vicinity of Savannah ? 138. What success was had soon after? 139. What success followed a few days later? 140. Where is Sa vannah? (See map, p. 320.) 141. Fort McAllister? XVIII. 142. What advance did Hood make ? 143. What took place at Franklin ? 144. Give an account of the further movements. 145. Of the battle near Nashville. 146. What movement did Hood then make? 147. Where is Nashville? (See map, p. 192.) 148. Franklin ? (Same.) 149. Describe the Cumberland Kiver. (Same.) LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 337 Union army fell back to the outer line of the Nashville in- trenchments, three miles from the city. With a view to com pel Thomas to abandon the defense of Nashville, Hood made preparations to blockade the Cumberland, and cut the railroads leading to the city ; but, before he could put his plan into execution, Thomas attacked him, December 1 5th, renewing the battle on the following day, and finally routing him with very great loss. Hood, with the remnant of his army, retired to Alabama. EVENTS OF 1865. I. The active operations of 1865 began with the reduction of Fort Fisher, situated at the mouth of Cape Fear River. This was the main defense of Wilmington. In December, 1864, General Butler, with about six thousand troops, had effected a landing near the fort, for the purpose of operating in conjunction with Admiral Porter s fleet ; but, deeming the works too strong to be carried by his force, returned to Fort ress Monroe. In January, 1865, the enterprise was renewed by General Terry, with eight thousand men, including Butler s force. Under cover of a fire from the fleet, the troops were landed on the morning of the 13th, and on the 15th the works were carried, after desperate hand-to-hand fighting. The fall of Fort Fisher carried with it the other defenses on the river, the Confederates were driven from Wilmington, and the city was occupied by the Federal troops on the 22d of February. II. General Sherman, having halted at Savannah only long EVENTS OF 1865. I. QUESTIONS.!. How is Fort Fisher situated ? 2. Describe the Cape Fear Kiver. (See map, p. 164.) 3. "What can you state of Butler s prepara tions to attack Fort Fisher? 4. Why did he not make the attack? 5. What force afterward made a successful attack ? 6. Give an account of the capture. 7. What were the consequences of the capture ? II. 8. When did Sherman move from Savannah ? 9. When did he take Columbia ? 10. How was the capture of Charleston effected ? 11. What is said of Fort Sumter ? 12. Give a further account of Sherman s march northward. 13. At what place did the battle on the 16th of March occur ? Ans. Averysboro 1 . 14. The battle on the 19th and 20th? Ans. Bentonville. 15. What place did Sherman reach on the 13th of April? 16. What retreat did Johnson make? 17. Where is Ealeigh? (See map, p. 320.) 18. Goldsborough ? (Same map.) 19. Hillsboro ? 15 338 enough to refit his armv, 1865. entered upon a campaign through the Carolinas, and by the 1st of February his whole force was again in motion. On the 17th he captured Columbia, thus rendering it necessary for the Confederates to evacuate Charleston. General Gillmore, com manding the land forces operating MAJOR-GENERAL SHERMAN, against Charleston, from the coast, took possession of the city on the 18th, and the national flag floated once more from Fort Sum- ter. Sherman continued his march northward, entering North Carolina, while General Schofield from Newborn, and General Terry from Wilmington, co-operated with him. On the 16th of March, and on the 19th and 20th, he encountered the enemy, repulsing them in both engagements. On the 21st he occupied Goldsborough, and on the 13th of April reached Raleigh, Johnston retreating beyond Hillsboro . III. Sheridan, in the mean time, was making a raid up the Shenandoah valley. At Waynesborough, March 2d, he attacked and routed Early. Marching onward, through Charlottesville, he destroyed the railroads and the canal by which Richmond and Lee s army received supplies, and finally formed a junction with the Army of the Potomac south of Petersburg. As the issue of the great struggle became more dubious to the Confederates, their Congress, after considerable opposition, passed a bill to increase their military forces by arming the slaves. Lee, seeing that he was hemmed in, deter mined, if possible, to divide Grant s army, and, by getting into III. QUESTIONS. 20. What was Sheridan doing in the mean time ? 21. Give an account of his victory there in March. 22. What destruction did he effect? 23. What junction did he form ? 24. What extraordinary measure did the Confederate Congress pass ? 25. What, determination did Lee form ? 26. Give an account of the attempt made by him to carry out his plan. 27. Where was Fort Steadman ? Ana. East of and near Petersburg. LINCOLN S ADMINISTRATION. 339 its rear, force it to abandon its lines. With this intention he made a sudden clash at Fort Steadman, and captured it ; but there his success ended, for on the same day, March 25th, the fort was retaken, and, still later in the day, a forward move ment, ordered by General Grant, was completely successful. IV. On the 29th of March the final movement of the national forces around Richmond began, and, after ten days marching and fighting, the campaign was finished. On the 3d of April both Petersburg and Richmond were occupied by Grant s victorious troops, Lee and his army having fled the day before toward Lynchburg, and Jefferson Davis toward the sea-coast. The retreating troops were hotly pursued by Sheridan, and, on the 9th of April, Lee surrendered what remained of his army to General Grant. From this period the history of the war is but a record of national successes, in the surrender of the several remaining Confederate com manders. V. The hearts of the loyal people were throbbing with ecstasy at a triumph so long struggled for, and the dawn of peace appeared ; but this feeling of joy was suddenly turned into mourning. In less than one week after Lee s surrender, April 1 4th, President Lincoln was assassinated by a desperado acting in sympathy with the Confederate cause, and an attempt was also made upon the life of Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State. VI. The intelligence of this sad event filled every loyal IY. QUESTIONS. 28. When did the great final military movement commence ? 29. How long did it continue ? 30. In what direction did General Lee retreat ? 81. When were Petersburg and Eichmond captured ? 32. What direction did Jefferson Davis take? 33. What further account can you give of Davis? Ans. He was cap tured at a place in Georgia, and then, at Fortress Monroe, put in close confinement. 34. After Lee s surrender, what did the other Confederate commanders do ? V. 35. What sad event took place ? 36. When was President Lincoln assassin ated? 3T. When did he die? Ans. He lingered a few hours in an insensible con dition, expiring on the morning of the 15th. 38. What attempt at assassination was made, but without success ? VI. 39. How did the news of the President s death affect the people? 40. How did the people manifest their grief ? 41. What may be truly said of Mr. Lincoln ? 340 heart throughout the land with overwhelming sorrow : -I on K and even those against whom the murdered- President had so long contended, expressed the strongest feeling of regret that so wicked and, to them, useless, if not baneful, an act should have been committed. The demonstrations of grief throughout the North were unprecedented, and for several weeks all the great cities were draped in badges and emblems of mourning. The funeral cortege of the deceased President was followed by hundreds of thousands of the citizens of the republic, as it wended its way from the capital to his former home at Springfield, where the remains were deposited ; and it may be truly said that upon no President since Washing ton, and no personage in the history of the country, Avere the affections of the people more warmly bestowed, and that none was ever more generally or more sincerely lamented. JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. I. UPON the death of Mr. Lincoln, which occurred on the morning of the 15th of April, the Vice-President, Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, was sworn into office, and thereupon assumed the duties of President of the United States.* The assassin of the lamented President eluded pursuit until the 26th, when, on being tracked to his hiding-place and refusing to surrender, he was shot. It appearing that the assassination was part of a conspiracy to disorganize the Government, by the simultaneous destruction of its principal executive officers, a trial was had ; and, of the seven persons tried and found guilty, four were hanged and the others imprisoned. * rresiueni jonnson retained the uaoinet Ol Ins predecessor, which ihcn consisted of William II. Seward, Secretary of State ; Ilu^h McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury ; Kdwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy; James Harlan, Secretary of the Interior; James Speed, Attorney-General ; and William Dennison, Postmaster-General. JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. When did Mr. Lincoln s death occur? 2. Who then became President? 3. What was the fate of the person who shot Mr. Lincoln? 4. What can you state of the conspiracy? JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. 341 II. Hostilities having ceased, the work of 11 Reconstructing the Union " began. On the 29th of April, the President issued a pro clamation removing re strictions on commerce in the South ; and, a month after, a procla mation of amnesty was addressed to a large class of those who had been concerned in the rebellion. Three- fourths of the States having ratified the reso lution of Congress pro posing an amendment to the Constitution, by which slavery should be abolished, the formal announcement that slavery was constitutionally abolished was made on the 18th of December. III. Upon the assembling of Congress, in December, 1865, it appeared that the entire debt of the Government amounted to about two billions seven hundred millions of dollars, the great bulk of which had been contracted in the prosecution of the war. To raise the enormous sums required during the contest, loans were offered, and were freely taken by the II. QUESTIONS. 5. As soon as hostilities were ended, what began ? 6 What proclamation was issued April 29th ? 7. May 29th ? 8. What can you state in rela tion to the abolition of slavery? III. 9. The debt of the Government? 10. Of loans? 11. Duty on importations ? 12. Taxes on incomes? 13. Revenue-stamps? 14. Gold, as an article of merchan dise? 342 JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. loyal people. Still further to increase the ability of the trea sury to meet the heavy drain upon it, the duty on importa tions had been increased, taxes had been imposed on incomes and manufactures, and revenue-stamps required to be placed on bonds, mortgages, and other documents. A general sus pension of specie payments by the banks of the North having taken place at the close of 1861, specie circulation soon gave way to that of paper, and gold became an article of merchan dise, commanding a high premium. IV. In March, 1865, Congress passed an act known as the Freedmen s Bureau Bill. By the term Freedmen were meant all the colored people of the South, who, at the break ing out of the Rebellion, were slaves; but who had afterward been declared free by proclamation of the President. The bill had for its object the supervision and relief of freedmen and loyal refugees. A second bill, amending and continuing in force the first, although vetoed by the President, was passed in July, 1866. V. It soon became evident that Congress and President Johnson were at variance on the subject of " Reconstructing the Union," the former being opposed to the restoration of the late insurgent States to their former political standing, until certain guarantees of protection should be extended to the colored population, and other conditions complied with by the States. A Reconstruction Act was, however, passed by Congress, notwithstanding the veto of the President, March 2d, 1867, and two Supplementary Reconstruction Acts were also passed, in like manner. VI. In March, of the same year, a bill to regulate the tenure of certain civil offices was passed over the President s IV. When was the Freedmen s Bureau Bill passed? "Who were meant by the terra Freedmen ? What was the object of the Bill ? What is said of the second Freedmen s Bureau Bill? V. What soon became evident as between Congress and the President? What position did Congress take? What is said of the Reconstruction Bill? Of the two Supplementary Acts? JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. 343 veto. By this bill it is declared that persons holding, or appointed to, any civil office, by and with the advice and con sent of the Senate shall be entitled to hold such office until a successor shall have been, in like manner appointed and duly qualified. This is known as the Tenure-of- Office Bill. VI f. Daring the year 1867, Nebraska was ad mitted into the Union, and the territorial pos sessions of the United States were very much enlarged by the addition of Alaska, formerly known as Russian Ame rica. This vast tract of land was purchased of Russia, the price agreed to be paid being $7,200,- 000 in gold. VIII. In August, 1867, the President suspended Mr. Stanton, the Secreta ry of War from office, be cause, " upon important questions, the views of the secretary differed from his own." General Grant was ap pointed to discharge the duties of the office. In December, the President notified the Senate of the change he had made, and of his reasons for so doing. The Senate having duly considered the reasons, passed a resolution of non-concurrence VI. State what you can in relation to the Tenure-of-office Bill. VII. What is said of the admission of Nebraska? What is said of Alaska? VIII. From what office was Mr. Stanton suspended? By whom was the suspen sion made ? Why was it made ? What course in relation to the matter did the President afterward take? What course and action did the Senate take? What course did Mr. Stanton take ? 344 JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. in the suspension ; and, thereupon, January 13th, 1868, 1868. Mr. Stanton resumed the exercise of the duties of Secretary of War. IX. On the 21st of February, the President sent a message to the Senate, declaring that he had removed Mr. Stanton from office, and had placed General Lorenzo Thomas in his stead until a successor should be appointed. This produced great excitement in both houses of Congress. The Senate passed a resolution notifying the President " that under the Constitu tion and laws of the United States, he had no power to re move the Secretary of War and designate any other officer to perform the duties of that office." X. On the 24th, a resolution, impeaching President John son of high crimes and misdemeanors, was adopted by the House of Kepresentatives. In accordance therewith, nine articles of impeachment, prepared by a committee of the House, were, on the 2d of March, adopted ; and seven mana gers were thereupon selected from among the members of the House, to conduct the impeachment before the Senate. XL Two more articles of impeachment having been added, in which the President was charged with declaring that Con gress, as then constituted, was an illegal body, the trial was begun on the 30th of March. On the 16th of May a verdict of acquittal was declared on the eleventh article ; and, ten days after, a like verdict was rendered on two other articles, when the Senate, as a court, adjourned and the trial ended. On the same day, May 26th, Mr. Stanton resigned his position as Secretary of War. In the fall of the same year (1868), Gen eral Grant was elected President to succeed Johnson. IX. "What course did the President take in the following February? What was the effect in Congress? What resolution did the Senate pass? X. What resolution was after-ward adopted by the House of Representatives? What subsequent action was taken by the House? XL How many articles of impeachment, in all, were brought against the Presi. flent? What charge was made in the last two? "What is said of the tria ;i d tye result? "What course did Mr. Stanton then take? "Who was elected President ol the United States to succeed Johnson ? CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 345 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF IMPORTANT EVENTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 1492. America discovered by Christopher Columbus, Oct. 12 1497. Labrador discovered by John and Sebastian Cabot, . . . July 3. 1498. Coast of North America explored by Sebastian Cabot. Continent of South America discovered by Columbus, Aug. 10. 1499. South America visited by Amerigo Yespucci. 1512. Florida discovered by Juan Ponce de Leon, April 6. 1513. The Pacific Ocean discovered by Yasco Nunez do Balboa, Sept. 29. 1520. Carolina visited by Lucas Yasquez de Ay lion. 1521. Mexico conquered by Fernando Cortez. 1524. Coast of North America explored by John Yerrazani. 1528. The conquest of Florida undertaken by Pamphilo de Narvaez. 1534. The St. Lawrence River discovered by James Cartier,. June. 1539. Ferdinand de Soto undertook to conquer Florida. 1541. The Mississippi River discovered by De Soto. 1562. Colony of Huguenots settled at Port Royal entrance. 15 64. Colony of Huguenots settled in Florida. 1565. St. Augustine, Florida, founded by the Spaniards, Sept. 18. Huguenot colony in Florida destroyed by the Spaniards, Oct. 1. 1583. Newfoundland taken possession of by Sir H. Gilbert.. 1584. Amidas and Barlow explored the coast of North Caro lina. 1585. First attempt to form a settlement at Roanoke. 1587. Second attempt to form a settlement at Roanoke. 1602. Cape Cod discovered by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 24. 1605. Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, settled by the French. 1606. London and Plymouth Companies received charters, . . April 20. 1607. Jamestown settled by the London Company, May 23. The Plymouth Company began a settlement on the Kennebec River, Aug. 21. 1608. Quebec settled by the French, under Champlain, July 3. 1609. Yirginia received its second charter, June 2. The Hudson River discovered by Henry Hudson, . . . Sept. 21. 1610. "The Starving Time" in Yirginia. 1612. Yirginia received its third charter, March 22. 1613. Pocahontas married to Rolfe, April. 346 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1613. French settlements in Maine and Nova Scotia destroyed by Samuel ArgalL 1614. The coast of New England explored by John Smith, New York settled by the Dutch. 1616. The culture of tobacco commenced in Virginia. 1620. Commencement of Negro slavery in the English colonies, Aug. Charter granted to "The Council of Plymouth," Nov. 3. Massachusetts settled at Plymouth, Dec. 21. 1621. Treaty with Massasoit made, April 1. 3 622. First Indian massacre in Virginia, April 1. 1623. New Hampshire settled at Little Harbor and Dover . .. 1633. Connecticut settled at "Windsor, Oct. 1634. Maryland settled at St. Mary s, April 6. 1636. Ehode Island settled at Providence. Harvard College founded. 1631. The Pequod War. 1638. Delaware settled near "Wilmington, April 1 641. New Hampshire settlements united to Massachusetts . 1643. Union of New England colonies formed, May 29. 1644. Second Indian massacre in Virginia, April. 1 645. Clayborne s Rebellion in Maryland. 1650. North Carolina settled on the Chowan Eiver. 1651. The "Navigation Act" passed by Parliament. 1652. The Maine settlements united to Massachusetts. 1655. Civil War in Maryland. New Sweden conquered by the Dutch, Oct. 1663. Carolina granted to Clarendon and others. 1664. New York became an English Province, Sept. 8. New Jersey settled at Elizabethtown. 1670. South Carolina settled on the Ashley River. 1673. Virginia granted to Culpepper and Arlington. 1 675. King Philip s war commenced, by an attack upon Swan- zey, July 4. 1676. Bacon s Rebellion. 1680. Charleston founded. New Hampshire made a Royal Province, Sept. 28. 1682. Pennsylvania settled. Delaware granted by the Duke of York to "William Penn, Aug. 31. 1686. Andros arrived at Boston as governor of New England, Dec. 30. 1689. King William s War commenced. Attack upon Dover, July 7. 1690. Schenectady, burned by the French and Indians, Feb. 8. Port Royal taken by the English under Phipps, May. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 347 1692. " Salem Witchcraft" delusion prevailed. 1697. King William s War terminated by the "Treaty of Eyswick," Sept.20. 1702. Queen Anne s War commenced. 1710. Port Royal, Nova Scotia, captured by the English,. . . Oct. 13. 1713. Queen Anne s War terminated by the "Treaty of Utrecht," A P ril n - 1729. North and South Carolina became separate provinces, July. 1732. Washington born in Westmoreland county, Virgina, . Feb. 22. 1733. Georgia settled at Savannah, Feb. 12. 1741. "The Negro Plot" in New York. 1744. King George s War commenced in America. 1745. Louisburg captured by the English, June 28. 1748. King George s War terminated by the "Treaty of Aix la Chapelle," Oct - 18 - 1753. Washington sent with a letter from Dinwiddie, Oct. 31. 1754. Washington delivered St. Pierre s reply to Dinwiddie,. Dec. 11. The battle of the Great Meadows, May 28. Congress of Commissioners met at Albany June. The battle of Fort Necessity, July 4. 1755. French expelled from Nova Scotia by Monckton, June. Braddock s defeat at the .battle of Monongahela, July 9. The British defeat by Dieskau near Lake George, Sept. 8. Dieskau defeated by the British at Lake George, Sept. 8. 1756. Great Britain declared war against France, May 17. France declared war against Great Britain, June 9. The French, under Montcalm, captured Oswego, Aug. 14. Indians defeated at Kittaning, Sept. 8. 1757. Fort William Henry surrendered to Montcalm, Aug. 9. The massacre at Fort William Henry, Aug. 10. 1758. Lord Howe killed in a skirmish near Ticonderoga, .... July 6. Abercrombie repulsed by Montcalm at Ticonderoga, . .. July 8. Louisburg taken by Amherst and Wolfe, July 26. Fort Frontenac surrendered to the English, Aug. 27. Grant defeated by Aubury near FortDuquesne Sept. 21. 1759. Ticonderoga and Crown Point abandoned by the French. Niagara surrendered to the English, under Johnson,... July 25. Battle of Montmorenci, July 31. Battle -of the Plains of Abraham, Sept. 13. Quebec surrendered to the English, Sept. 18. 1760. The French, under De Levi, attempted the recovery of Quebec (battle three miles above the city), April 28. 348 CHBONCTLOGICAI, TABLE, 1760. Montreal and the rest of Canada surrendered to the English, ............,.....;,.*...*..; Sept. 8. 1763. The peace of Paris between Great Britain and France, Feb. 10. Florida ceded to Great Britain by Spain, .............. Feb 10. 1765. The Stamp Act passed by Parliament,. .......,... March 8. A colonial Congress met at New York, ......... . . ., . Oct. 7. 1766. The Stamp Act repealed by Parliament, March 18. 1767. A bill imposing duties on glass, paper, etc., passed,,. .. June 29. 1768. A body of British troops arrived at Boston,. ......... Sept. 27. 1770. " The Boston Massacre," .......................... March 5. All duties, except on tea, repealed by Parliament, ..... April 12. 1773. The cargoes of tea at Boston thrown overboard, Dec. 16. 1774. " Boston Port Bill" passed by Parliament, March. "The First Continental Congress" met at Philadelphia,. Sept. 5. 1775. The battle of Lexington, ........ April 19. Ticonderoga, New York, captured by Allen and Arnold, May 10. Crown Point, New York, captured by the Americans,.. May 12. "Washington elected commander-in-chief, June 15. The battle of Bunker Hill, June 17. "Washington took command of the army, , July 12. Montreal surrendered to Montgomery, Nov. 13. Battle of Quebec, Dec. 31. 1776. Norfolk, Virginia, destroyed by Lord Dunmore, Jan. l v Boston evacuated by the British troops, March 17. The battle of Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, June 28. The Declaration of Independence, July 4. The battle of Long Island, New York, Aug. 27. The city of New York abandoned by the Americans,... Sept. 15.- The battle of White Plains, New York, Oct. 28. The battle of Fort Washington, New York, Nov. 16. Fort Lee, New Jersey, taken by the British, Nov. 18. Gen. Lee surprised and taken prisoner, Dec. 13. The battle of Trenton, New Jersey, Dec. 26. 1777. The battle of Princeton, New Jersey, Jan. 3. Try on s first expedition against Connecticut, April. Meigs s expedition against the British at Sagg Harbor,. May 23. Invasion of New York by Burgoyne, June. Ticonderoga abandoned by the Americans, July 5. The battle of Hubbardton, Vermont, July 7. Gen. Prescott captured by Colonel Barton, July 10. Murder of Miss Jane McCrea, near Fort Edward, July 27. Fort Schuyler, New York, besieged by St. Leger, .... Aug. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 849 1777. The battle of Oriskany, near Fort Schuyler, Aug 6. The battle of Fort Schuyler, Aug. 6. The battle of Bennington, Vermont, Aug. 16. The battle of Brandy wine, Pennsylvania, Sept. 11. The battle of Bemis Heights, or first of StiU water, .. . Sept. 19. The battle of Paoli, Pennsylvania, Sept. 20. Philadelphia entered by the British, Sept. 26. The battle of Germantown, Pennsylvania, Oct. 4. Forts Clinton and Montgomery taken by the British,. . Oct. 6. The battle of Saratoga, second of Stillwater, Oct. 7. The surrender of Burgoyne, Oct. 17. The British repulsed at Fort Mercer, New Jersey, Oct. 22. The British repulsed at Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania,... . Oct. 22. Articles of Confederation adopted by Congress, Nov. 15. Fort Mifflin abandoned by the Americans, Nov. 16. Washington encamped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Dec. 11. 1778. American Independence acknowledged by France, Feb. 6. Treaty of Alliance with France, Feb. 6. British commissioners sent to America. Philadelphia evacuated by the British, June 18. The battle of Monmouth, New Jersey, June 28. The battle of Wyoming, Pennsylvania, and massacre, July 3. The French fleet under D Estaing arrived, July 11. The battle of Rhode Island, Aug. 29. Grey s ravaging expedition to the eastward, Sept. Ferguson s expedition against Egg Harbor, Oct. The massacre at Cherry Valley, New York, Nov. 11, 12 The battle of Savannah, Georgia, Dec. 29. 1779. Sunbury, Georgia, captured by the British, Jan. 9. The battle of Kettle Creek, Georgia, Feb. 14. The battle of Brier Creek, Georgia, March 3. Tyron s second expedition against Connecticut, March. Stony Point, New York, captured by the British, May 31. Verplanck s Point, New York, captured by the British, June 1. War declared against Great Britain by Spain, June 26. The battle of Stono Fewy, South Carolina June 20. Tryon s third expedition against Connecticut July. The battle of Stony Point, New York, July 15. British garrison at Paulus Hook surprised by Lee,. . July 19. The battle of the Penobscot, Maine, Aug. 13. Sullivan s expedition against the Indians. " The battle of the Chemung," New York, Aug. 29. 350 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1779. Savannah besieged by the French, and Americans, Sept. Oct. Jones s naval battle off the coast of England, Sept. 23. D Estaing and Lincoln repulsed at Savannah, Oct. 9. 1780. Charleston besieged by the British, Ap. May. The battle of Monk s Corner, South Carolina, April 14. Charleston surrendered to the British, May 12. The battle of Waxhaw, South Carolina, May 29. The battle of Springfield, New Jersey, June 23. French fleet arrived at Newport, Ehode Island, July 10. The battle of Eocky Mount, South Carolina, July 30. The battle of Hanging Rock, South Carolina, Aug. 6. The battle of Sanders Creek, South Carolina, Aug. -16. The battle of Fishing Creek, South Carolina, Aug. 18. Arnold s treason. Andre executed as a spy at Tappan, New York, Oct. 2. The battle of King s Mountain, South Carolina, Oct. 7. The battle of Fishdam Ford, South Carolina, Nov. 12. The battle of Blackstocks, South Carolina, Nov. 20. 1781. Revolt of the Pennsylvania troops, Jan. 1. ^The battle of the Cowpens, South Carolina, Jan. 17. The revolt of New Jersey troops, Jan. 18. Arnold s depredation in Virginia, Jan. Cornwallis s pursuit of Morgan and Greene, Jan. Feb. Articles of Confederation ratified by the States. The battle of Guilford Court-House, North Carolina, . . March 15. The battle of Hobkirk s Hill, South Carolina, April 25. Siege of Ninety-Six by General Greene May, Jim. The battle of Ninety-Six, South Carolina, June 18. Colonel Hayne executed by the British at Charleston, July 31. Arnold s expedition against Connecticut, Sept. The battle of Fort Griswold, Connecticut, Sept. 6. The battle of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina, Sept. 8. The siege of Yorktown, Virginia, Oct. The surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Oct. 19. 1782. Preliminary articles of peace signed at Paris, Nov. 30. 1783. Cessation of hostilities proclaimed in the American army, . April 1 9. Savannah, Georgia, evacuated by the British, July 11. Definitive treaty of peace signed at Paris, Sept. 3. American army disbanded by orders of Congress,.. . . Nov. 3. New York evacuated by the British, Nov. 25. Charleston, South Carolina, evacuated by the British, Dec. 14. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 351 1783. Washington resigns Ms commission, Dec. 23. 1787. Shays : s Rebellion in Massachusetts. Constitution of the United States agreed on by the convention of delegates at Philadelphia, Sept. 17. 1789. The first Congress under the Constitution met at New York, March 4. Washington inaugurated President of the United States, April 30. 1790. Harmar defeated by the Indians in Indiana, Oct. 17, 2 2 1791. United States Bank established at Philadelphia. Vermont admitted into the Union, Mar. 4. St. Glair defeated by the Indians in Ohio, Nov. 4. 1792. Kentucky admitted into the Union June 1. 1793. The difficulties with France. 1794. Wayne defeated the Indians on the Maumee, Aug. 20. "Whisky Insurrection" in Pennsylvania. 1795. " Jay s Treaty" with Great Britain ratified, June 24. Treaties with the Western Indians, Spain, and Algiers, 1796. Tennessee admitted into the Union, June. 1. 1797. John Adams inaugurated President of the United States, Marcb - * 1799. The death of Washington, Dec. 14. 1800. The seat of government removed to Washington. Treaty of peace conducted with France, Sept. 30. 1801. Thomas Jefferson inaugurated President, March 4. War declared against the United States by Tripoli. . .. June 10. 1802. Ohio admitted into the Union Nov. 29. 1803. Louisiana purchased of France, April 30. Commodore Preble sent against Tripoli. 1804. The frigate Philadelphia destroyed by Decatur, Feb. 15. The duel between Hamilton and Burr, July 11. 1805. Dome, a Tripolitan city, captured by Eaton, April 27. Treaty of peace concluded with Tripoli, June 3. 1806. British blockade from the Elbe to Brest declared, May 16. Bonaparte issued his " Berlin Decree," Nov. 21. 1807. British "Orders in Council" prohibited coast trade with France, Jan- T. American frigate Chesapeake attacked by the Leopard. . June 22. British armed vessels ordered to leave the United States, July. British "Orders in Council" prohibited all trade with France and her allies, Nov. ] 1. Aaron Burr tried for treason, and acquitted, Sept. Bonaparte issued his "Milan Decree," Dec. 17. 352 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1807. Embargo on American ships laid by Congress, Dec. 22. 1809. Commerce with Great Britain and France interdicted by Congress, March 1. James Madison inaugurated President, March 4. 1811. Action between the President and Little Belt, May 16. Battle of Tippecanoe, Indiana, Nov. 7. 1812. Louisiana admitted into the Union April 8. War against Great Britain proclaimed by the United States, . June 19. Invasion of Canada by Gen. Hull, July 12. Surrender of Fort Mackinaw, Michigan, July 17. The first battle of Brownstown, Michigan, Aug. 5. The second battle of Brownstown, Aug. 9. Surrender of Detroit, Michigan, by Gen. Hull, Aug. 16. British sloop Alert taken by the Essex, Aug. 13. British frigate Guerriere taken by the Constitution, . . Aug. 19. The battle of Queenstown, Canada, Oct. 13. British brig Frolic taken" by the Wasp, Oct. 18. British frigate Macedonian taken by the United States, Oct. 25. British frigate Java taken by the Constitution, Dec. 29. 1813. The battle of Frenchtown, Michigan, Jan. 22. British brig Peacock taken by the Hornet, Feb. 24. Madison commenced a second presidential term, March 4. The battle of York, Canada, April 27. Fort Meigs, on the Maumee, besieged by Proctor, . . . May 1. The battle of Fort Meigs, Ohio, May 5. Fort George, Canada, taken by the Americans, May 27. The battle of Sackett s Harbor, New York, May 29. American frigate Chesapeake taken by the Shannon, . . June 1 . The battle of Fort Stephenson, Ohio, Aug. 2. American brig Argus taken by the Pelican, Aug. 14. Creek War commenced by the massacre at Fort Mims, Aug. 30. British brig Boxer taken by the Enterprise, Sept. 5. Perry s victory on Lake Erie, Sept. 10. The battle of the Thames, Canada, Oct. 5. The battle of Chrysler s Field, Canada, Nov. 11. 1814. The battle of Tohopeka, the last of the Creek War,.. . March 27. American frigate Essex taken by the British war ves sels Phoebe and Cherub, March 28. The battle of La Colle Mill, Canada, March 30. British brig Epervier taken by the Peacock, April 29. British sloop Keindeer taken by the Am. sloop Wasp . June 28. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 353 1814. Fort Erie captured by the Americans, July 3. The battle of Chippewa, Canada, July 5. The battle of Lundy s Lane, or Bridgewater, Canada, July 25. The first battle of Fort Erie, Canada, Aug. 15. The battle of Bladensburg, Maryland, Aug. 24. The city of Washington taken by the British, Aug. 24. British sloop Avon taken by the Am. sloop Wasp,. . . Sept. 1. McDonough s victory on Lake Champlain, Sept. 11. The battle of Plattsburg, New York, Sept. 11. The battle of North Point, Maryland, Sept. 12. The battle of Fort McHenry, Maryland, Sept. 13. The battle of Fort Bowyer, Alabama, Sept. 15. The second battle of Fort Erie, Canada, Sept. 17. The British driven from Pensacola by Gen. Jackson, . Nov. 7. The battle on Lake Borgne, Louisiana^ Dec. 14. Hartford Convention, Dec. The battle nine miles from New Orleans, Dec. 23. Treaty of peace between the United States and Great Britain, Dec. 24. 1815. The battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8. The U. S. frigate President captured by a British squadron, Jan. 15. The Cyane and Levant taken by the Constitution, Feb. 20. The British brig Penguin taken by the Hornet, March 23. War with Algiers declared by Congress, March. Commodore Decatur sent against Algiers, May. 1816. Bank of United States rechartered for twenty years, . . . April 1 0. Indiana admitted into the Union, Dec. 11. 1817. James Monroe inaugurated President, March 4. Mississippi admitted into the Union, Dec. 10. The Seminoles and Creeks commenced depredations. 1818. General Jackson went against the hostile Indians, . March. Arbutlmot and Ambrister executed, April 30. Pensacola seized by General Jackson, May 24. Illinois admitted into the Union, Dec. 3. 1819. Alabama admitted into the Union Dec. 14. 1 820. Maine admitted into the Union, March. 1 5. Florida ceded to the United States by Spain, Oct. 1821. Missouri admitted into the Union, Aug. 10.. 1824. Lafayette visited the United States, Aug. 1825. John Quincy Adams inaugurated President, March 4. 1826. Death of the two ex-presidents, Adams and Jefferson, July 4. 354 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1829. Andrew Jackson inaugurated President, March 4. 1831. Death of Ex-president Monroe, July 4. 1832. " The Black Hawk War." ^Nullification" in South Carolina. t/1833. Eemoval of the Government funds from the U. S. Bank, Oct. 1835. War with the Seminoles commenced. Gen. Thompson and friends massacred by the Seminoles, Dec. 28. Major Dade and party massacred by the Seminoles, . . . Dec. 28. 1836. Arkansas admitted into the Union, June 15. 1837. Michigan admitted into the Union, Jan. 26. Martin Van Buren inaugurated President, March 4. The battle of Okechobee, Florida, Dec. 25. 1838. "The Canadian Rebellion." 1841. "William Henry Harrison inaugurated President, March 4. Death of William Henry Harrison, April 4. John Tyler inaugurated President, April 6. 1842. The war with the Seminoles terminated. The " Dorr Rebellion" in Rhode Island. 1845.<foint resolutions for the annexation of Texas signed by President Tyler, March 1. James K. Polk inaugurated President, March 4. Florida admitted into the Union, March 3. w^Fexas admitted into the Union, Dec. 29. 1846. Thornton s party captured by the Mexicans, Texas,.. . Aoril 26. Fort Brown bombarded by the Mexicans, May. The battle of Palo Alto, Texas, May 8. The battle of Resaca de la Palma, Texas, May 9. Congress declared " war existed by the act of Mexico," May 11. Taylor crossed the Rio Grande and took Matamoras, . . May 18. Monterey, Mexico, surrendered to Gen. Taylor, Sept. 24. The battle of Bracito, Mexico, Dec. 25. Iowa admitted into the Union, Dec. 28. * 847. The battle of Buena Yista, Mexico, Feb 23. The battle of Sacramento, Mexico, Feb. 28. The surrender of Vera Cruz to General Scott, March 27. The battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico, April 18. The battle of Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, .... Aug. 20. The battle of Molino del Rey, Mexico, Sept. 8. The battle of Chapultepec, Mexico, Sept. 13. City of Mexico entered by the Americans under Scott, Sept. 14 The battle of Huamantla, Mexico, Oct. 9. 1848. Treaty of peace signed at Guadalupe, Hidalgo, Feb. 2. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. . 355 1848. Wisconsin admitted into the Union, May 29. 1849. Zachary Taylor inaugurated President, March 5. 1850. The death of President Taylor, July 9. Millard Fillmore inaugurated President, July 10. California admitted into the Union, Sept. 9. 1853. Franklin Pierce inaugurated President, March 4. 1854. " Kansas-Nebraska Bill " passed, June. 1857. James Buchanan inaugurated President, March 4. 1858. Minnesota admitted into the Union,.. May 11. 1859. Oregon admitted into the Union, Feb. 14. John Brown s raid into Virginia, Oct. 16. 1860. Secession Ordinance passed by South Carolina, Dec. 20. 1861. Secession of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, and North Carolina declared. Steamer Star of the West, off Charleston, fired into,. Jan. 9. Kansas admitted into the Union, Jan. 29. " Southern Confederacy " formed at Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 4. Jeff. Davis inaugurated President of the " Confed eracy," Feb. 18. Abraham Lincoln inaugurated President of the United States, March 4. Fort Sumter attacked by the Confederates, Ap. 12, 13. President Lincoln calls for 75,000 troops, April 15. Volunteer troops attacked in Baltimore, April 19. The President issues a second call for troops, May 4. Union victory at Philippi, Virginia, June 3. Confederate victory at Big Bethel, Virginia, June 10. Union victory at Eomney, Virginia, June 11. Union victory at Booneville, Missouri, June 1 7. Meeting of Congress in Extra Session, July 4. Battle of Carthage, Missouri, July 5. Battle of Rich Mountain, Virginia, July 11. Battle near Centre ville, Virginia, July 18. Confederate Congress meets at Richmond, July 20. Battle of Bull Run, Virginia, July 21. Battle of Dug Spring, Missouri, Aug. 2. Battle of Wilson s Creek, Missouri, Aug. 10. Forts Hatteras and Clark, N. C., captured, Aug. 29. Confederates take Lexington, Missouri, Sept. 20. 356 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1861. Battle of Edward s Ferry, or Ball s Bluff, Virginia,. , Oct. 21. Capture of Port Eoyal entrance by Union fleet, Nov. 7. Battle of Belmont, Missouri, Nov. 7. * Mason and Slidell taken from English steamer, Nov. 8. 1862. Battle of Mill Spring, Kentucky, Jan. 19. Fort Henry captured by Union fleet, Feb. 6. Roanoke Island captured by Union forces, Feb. 8. Fort Donelson captured by Union forces, Feb. 16. Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 6, 8. U. S. ves. Congress and Cumberland sunk by the Merrimac, March 8. Engagement between the Monitor and Merrimac, . . . March 9. Newbern, N. C., captured by Union troops, March 14. Battle at Winchester, Virginia, March 23. Battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh, Tenn., Ap. 6, 7. Capture of Island No. 10, Mississippi River, April 7. Fort Pulaski, Ga., captured by Union fleet, April 11. New Orleans captured by Union forces, April 25. Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5. Norfolk, Va., surrendered to the Unionists, May 10. Confederates retreat from Corinth, Miss., May 28, 29. Battle of Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks, May 31, June 1. Memphis, Tenn., surrendered to the Unionists, June 6. Seven days contest on the Virginia peninsula, June 25 to July 1. The President calls for 300,000 more troops, July 1. Battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Aug. 9. Pope s battles between Manassas and Washington, . .Aug. 23, 30. Battle -near Richmond, Kentucky, Aug. 30. Invasion of Maryland by Lee s army, Sept. 5. Battle of South Mountain, Maryland, Sept. 14. Harper s Ferry surrendered to the Confederates,.. . , Sept. 15. Battle of Antietam, Maryland, Sept. 17. Battle of Munfordsville, Kentucky, Sept. 17. Battle of luka, Mississippi, Sept. 19. Battle of Corinth, Mississippi, Oct. 4. Battle of Perryville, Kentucky, Oct. 8. Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, Dec. 13. Union Repulse at Vicksburg, Mississippi, Dec. 29. Battle of Stone River, or Murfreesboro , Tennessee,. Dec. 31. 1863. The President s Emancipation Proclamation issued,. Jan. 1. Battle of Murfreesboro resumed and ended, Jan. 2. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Arkansas Post captured by Union forces, Jan. 11. Bombardment of Fort Sumter, South Carolina, April 7. Union cavalry raid, under Grierson, in Mississippi, . . April. Battle at Port Gibson, Mississippi, May 1. Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 2, 3. Battle of Raymond, Mississippi, May 1 2. Union victory near Jackson, Mississippi, May 14. Battle of Champion Hill, Mississippi, May 16. Battle at Big Black River, Mississippi,.. May 17. Second invasion of Maryland by Lee s army, June. "West Virginia admitted into the Union, June 20. Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-3. Vicksburg surrendered by the Confederates, July 4. Port Hudson surrendered by the Confederates, July 8. Great riot in New York city, July 13-16. Morgan defeated near Kyger s Creek, Ohio, July 21. Morgan captured near New Lisbon, Ohio, July 26. Fort Wagner, S. C., captured by Union troops, Sept. 6. $attle of Chickamauga, Georgia, Sept. 19, 20. Knoxville, Tenn., invested by the Confederates,. . . . Nov. 18. Union victory at Lookout Mountain, Georgia, Nov. 24. Union victory at Missionary Ridge, Georgia, Nov. 25. Union victory at Knoxville, Kentucky, Nov. 29. President orders a draft for more men, Feb. 1. Battle of Dlustee, Florida, Feb. 20. Grant created Lieutenant-General March 3. Fort De Russy, La., captured by Union troops, March 14. Battle of Cane River, Louisiana, March 26. Battle of Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads, La., .... April 8. Battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, April 9. Fort Pillow, Tenn., captured by the Confederates,. . . April 12. Plymouth, N. C., surrendered to the Confederates,. . April 20. Army of the Potomac commenced a forward move ment, May 3. Battle of the "Wilderness, Virginia, May 5-t. March from Chattanooga against Atlanta commenced, May 7. Battles near Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, . . May 7, 12. Battle of Resaca, Georgia, May 15. Battle of New Market, Virginia, May 15. Army of the Potomac crossed to south side of the James, June 14. 358 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1864. Battle between the Kearsarge and Alabama, June 19. Invasion of Maryland by Early s army, July 5. Battle of Monocacy, Maryland, July 9. President calls for 500,000 volunteers, July 18. Battles before Atlanta, Georgia, July 23, 22, 28, Chambersburg, Pa., sacked and burned, July 30.- Explosion of mine and Union repulse at Petersburg, July 30. Confederates defeated in Mobile Bay, Ala., Aug. 5. Weldon railroad seized by Union troops, Aug. 18. Atlanta, Ga., captured by Union army, Sept. 2. Battle of Winchester, Virginia, Sept. 19. Battle of Fisher s Hill, Virginia, Sept. 22. Battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia, Oct. 19. Confederate ram Albemarle destroyed by torpedo, . Oct. 28. Plymouth, N. C., recaptured by Union troops, Oct. 31. Nevada admitted into the Union, Oct. 31. Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, Nov. 30. Battle near Nashville, Tennessee, Dec. 16. Savannah, Ga., captured by Union army, Dec. 21. 1865. Fort Fisher, N. C., captured by Union troops, Jan. 15. Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery passed by Congress, Jan. 31. Columbia, S. C., captured by Union troops, Feb. 17. Charleston, S. C., captured by Union troops, Feb. 18. Wilmington, N. C., captured by Union troops, Feb. 22. Battle of Bentonville, North Carolina, Mar. 19, 20. Battle near Goldsboro , North Carolina, March 21. Battle of Fort Steadman, Virginia, March 25. Petersburg and Richmond captured, April 3. Surrender of Lee s army, April 9. Mobile, Ala., captured by Union forces, April 13. President Lincoln assassinated April 14. Andrew Johnson inaugurated President, April 15. Surrender of Johnston s army, April 26. Jefferson Davis captured in Georgia, May 10. Close of the Great Rebellion. Slavery declared abolished, Dec. 18. 18G7. Nebraska was admitted into the Union . . .March 1. Alaska was purchased for $7,200,000 June 20. 1868. The House of Rep. impeached President Johnson Feb. 24. The President was declared acquitted April 26. RESIDENTS AND VICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. NO. PRESIDENTS. RESIDENCE . INAUGURATED. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 2. George Washington. . John Adams. Virginia Massachusetts . April 30, 1789 . . . March 4, 1797 John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. 3. Thomas Jefferson... Virginia March 4, 1801 .... j Aaron Burr. George Clinton. 4. James Madison Virginia March 4, 1809 .... | George Clinton. Elbridge Gerry 5. 6. James Monroe John Q. Adams Virginia Massachusetts . March 4, 1817 . . . March 4, 1825 Daniel D. Tompkins. John C. Calhoun. 7. Andrew Jackson Tennessee ^4 v ..}fi!^2fe 8. Martin Van Buren .. New York . March 4, 1837 . . Richard M. Johnson. 9. William H. Harrison. Ohio : March 4, 1841 1 John Tyler. 10. 11. 12. 13, John Tyler James K. Polk Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore .... Virginia April 6, 1841. . . Tennessee .. . . jMarch 4, 1845 . ... Louisiana March 5, 1849 . .. New York.. . . Jnljr 10, 1850. . . George M. Dallas. Millard Fillmore. 14. 15. Franklin Pierce James Buchanan . . . New Hampshire March 4, 1853 Pennsylvania . . \ March 4, 1857 William R. King. John C. Breckinridge. 16. Abraham Lincoln. . . . Illinois March 4, 1861 j j V :, , 5. 17. Andrew Johnson Tennessee April 15. 1865 ia Ulysses S. Grant Illinois M arch 4, 1869 1 Schuy ler Colfax. (Questions to "be answered from the above TtiUe, and in connection with th& preceding one.) 1. When was Washington inaugurated President of the United States ? 2. How many years did he serve? 3. Who, during the same period, was Vice-President? 4. What States were admitted into the Union while Washington was President? 5. Who succeeded Washington in the presidency ? 6. When was John Adams inaugu rated? 7. How many years did he? serve? 8. Who, during the same period, was Vice-President ? 9. Were any States admitted into the Union while. John Adams was President? 10. Who succeeded John Adams in the presidency? 11. When was Jefferson inaugurated ? 12. How many years did Jefferson serve ? 13. Who was the Vice-President during his first term of office? 14. Who, during the second ? 15. What State was admitted into the Union while he was President? 16. By whom was he succeeded ? 1 7. When was James Madison inaugurated ? 18. For how many years was he President? 19. Who were the Vice-Presidents during that period? 20. Name the two States that were admitted into the Union during his presidency? 21. Who was his successor in office ? 22. When was Monroe inaugurated ? 23. How many years was Monroe President? 24. Who, during the same period, was Vice- President? 25. Name the five States that were admitted into the Union during Monroe s presidency? 26. Who succeeded Monroe in the presidency ? 27. When was John Quincy Adams inaugurated? 23. Did he serve four or eight years? 29. Who was Vice-President during that time? 30. Were any States admitted into the Union while John Quincy Adams was President ? 31. Who succeeded him in the presidency ? 32. When was Jackson inaugurated ? 33. Was he President four or eight years ? 34. What two States were admitted during Jackson s administration ? 35. What two during Tyler s? 36. What two during Folk s? 37. Which one dur ing Fillmore s? 38. Were any admitted during Pierce s? 39. What three were admitted during Buchanan s? 40. What was the length of Jackson s administra tion? 41. Of Van Buren s? 42. Harrison s? 43. Tyler s? 44. Polk s? 45. Tay lor s? 46. Fillmore s? 47. Pierce s? 48. Buchanan s ? 49. Who were Vice-Presi dents during Jackson s administration? 50. Who was during Harrison s? 61 Tyler s? 52. Polk s? 53. Taylor s? 54. Fillmore s? 55. Pierce s? 360 SETTLEMENT OF THE STATES. SETTLEMENT AND ADMISSION OP THE STATES. STATES. SETTLED. When. Where. By Whom. Virginia 1607 Jamestown English New York 1614 New York Dutch . ro * * Massachusetts . . 1620 Plymouth English . . . 5- New Hampshire Connecticut 1623 1633 Little Harbor . . . Windsor . . . English . . . English . CQ* Maryland 1634 St. Mary s English . . . i; Rhode Island . . . Delaware 1636 1638 Proyidence Wilmington English . . . Swedes . . c* o* d * North Carolina . . . New Jersey 1650 1664 Chowan River . . Elizabeth English . . . Dutch 8* * bm South Carolina . . . Pennsylvania Georgia . . . 1670 1682 1733 Ashley River . . . Philadelphia Savannah English . . . English . . . English el i: Vermont 1724 Fort Dunimer . English . . . 1791 Kentucky 1775 Boonesboro (English 1792 Tennessee 1757 Fort London English . . 1796 Ohio 1788 Marietta English . . . 1802 Louisiana 1699 Iberville French . 1812 Indiana 1730 Vincennes. . . French . . . 1816 Mississippi 1716 Natchez French .... 1817 Illinois 1720 Kaskaskia French . . . 1818 1711 Mobile French 1819 Maine 1625 Bristol French 1820 Missouri . . 1764 St. Louis . . French . . . 1821 Arkansas 1685 Arkansas Post. . French . . . 1836 Michigan 1670 Detroit French 1837 Florida. 1565 St. Augustine Spaniards 1845 Texas Iowa 1692 1833 S. A. DeBexar.. Burlington Spaniards . ^ngflish . . 1845 1846 Wisconsin 1669 G reen Bay French .... 1848 California 1769 San Die^o Spaniards 1850 Minnesota. ...... 1846 St. Paul Americans 1858 Oregon 1811 Astoria Americans 1859 Kansas . . Americans 1861 West Virginia 1863 Carson City Americans. 1864 Nebraska. . . 1867 (Questions to be answered from the above Table.) When and where was Virgina settled? New York? Massachusetts? New Hampshire? Connecticut? Maryland? Khode Island? Delaware? North Caro lina? New Jersey? South Carolina? Pennsylvania? Georgia? When was Ver mont admitted into the Union? Kentucky? Tennessee? Ohio? Louisiana? Indiana? Which five States were admitted during the five succeeding years? When were Arkansas and Michigan admitted ? Florida and Texas ? Iowa? Wis consin? California? Minnesota? Oregon? Kansas? West Virginia? GENERAL REVIEW QUESTIONS. 361 GENERAL REVIEW QUESTIONS. . (One of these questions, in most cases, ia sufficient for a. lesson ; and then the pupil had better answer it in writing in the form of a composition.) PAGB 1. Name in order the principal events from 1492 to 1524.. * 2. Give an account of Columbus and his discoveries 11, 12, 13 3. Of the Cabots and their American discoveries 13, 14 4. Of Amerigo Vespucci and his two voyages to South America. . 13 5. Of Ponce de Leon and his two voyages to Florida 14, 15 6. Of Balboa and his discovery of the Pacific 15 7. Of De Ayllon and his two expeditions to Carolina 15, 16 8. Of Cortez and his conquest of Mexico 16, 17 9. Of Narvaez and his expedition to Florida 1*7 10. Of De Soto and his expedition for conquest and wealth 17, 18 11. Of Verrazani and his North American explorations 18 12. Name in order the principal events from 1524 to 1583 298 13. Give an account of Cartier and his two voyages to America. . . 18 14. Of the Huguenots and their settlements in America 19, 20 15. Of the two attempts made by Gilbert to settle in America. . 20, 21 16. Name in order the principal events from 1583 to 1608 * 17. Give an account of Raleigh and his attempts at settlement.. 21, 22 18. Of Gosnold, his voyage in 1602, and efforts in Virginia.. .22, 27, 28 19. Of the origin of the London and Plymouth Companies 23, 24 20. Name in order the principal events from 1608 to 1616 * 21. Give the history of Jamestown to the end of Ratcliffe s rule 25, 27, 28 22. Give the further history to the close of Smith s rule. 28, 30, 31, 32 23. Till the commencement of the Revolution.. . 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 24. Name in order the principal events from 1616 to 1637. * 25. Give an account of Captain John Smith. 27, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38 26. Of the Pilgrims and their settlement in New England. 38, 39, 40, 41 27. Of New Hampshire till the beginning of the Revolution. ... 43, 44 28. Of Connecticut till the beginning of the Revolution. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 29. Of Roger Williams, and Rhode Island till the Revolution. 49, 42, 50 30. Name in order the principal events from 1637 to 1663. ....... * 31. Give an account of the " Union of the New England Colonies." 52 32. Of the persecution of the Quakers in Massachusetts 52, 53 33. Of King Philip s War 53, 54, 5534. King William s War 5G, 57, 58 35. Of Queen Anne s War, 58, 59 36. Of King George s War, 59, 65 37. Of Henry Hudson, his voyage and discoveries 60 38. Give the history of New York under the Dutch governors 61, 62, 63 39. Its subsequent history till the Revolution 63, 64, 65 40. Name in order the principal events from 1C 63 to 1682 * * Sec the Chronological and other tables at the end of the History. 362 GENERAL KEVIEW QUESTIONS. PAGE 41. Give the colonial history of New Jersey 66, 67, 68. 42. Name the events in the colonial Justory of Maryland, 70, 71, 72, 73. 43. In the colonial history of Pennsylvania 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 44. Name in order the principal events from 1682 to 1710.. . . * 45. In the colonial history of North and South Carolina. .78, 7J), 80. 81. 46. In the colonial history of Georgia 81, 82, 8.".. 47. Name in order the principal events from 1710 to 1753 * 48. Of 1754 49. Of 1755. 50. Of 1756 * 51. Of 1757. 52. Of 1758. 53. Of 1759 * 54 Give an account of Gen. Wolfe 100, 104, 105, 10(5. 55. Give an account of Gen. Montcalm 95, 9G, 97, 101, ]OG. 56. Give the causes of the Revolution. 110, 111.112, 113, 114.315, 116. 57. Nnme in order the principal events from 1760 to 1775 * 58. Name in order the principal events of 1775 * 59. Of 1776. 60. Of 1777. 61. Of 177*8 * 62. Of 1779. 63. Of 1780. 64. Of 1781 * 65. Of 1782. 66. Of 1783 * 67. Give an account of Gen. Joseph Warren . 121 68. Of Gen. Schuyler 123, 146, 148, 149 69. Of Gen. Montgomery 124, 100, 123 70. Of Gen. Putnam 131, 120, 132, 133 71. Of Gen. Charles Lee 134, 128, 135, 138, 139, 155, 156 72. Of Gen. Gates 151, 149, 150, 165, 166, 167, 175 73. Of Gen. Sullivan, 135, 157, 158, 162. 74. Gen. Lincoln, 159, 160, 164 75. Sir Henry Clinton, 119, 121, 128, 130, 131, 140, 150, 151, 155, 156, 158, 163, 164, 165, 168, 170, 174, 182, 187. 76. Gen. HoW. . . .119, 120, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 139, 140, 142,155 77. Cornwallis, 128, 134, 136, 137, 140, 165, 166, 167, 176, 177, 178, * 179, 182, 185. 78. Arnold, 172, 119, 123, 124, 125, 148, 150,169, 170, 171, 183, 175, 184 -79. Gen. Lafayette 175, 138, 141, 157, 175, 252 80. Gen. Greene 178, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181 81. Gen. Morgan 177, 124, 125, 176, 177 82. Gen. Marion,168, 165, 180. 83. Gen. Sumter. . .180, 165, 168, 180 84. Name the battles of 1775. 85. Of 1776. 86. Of 1777 191 87. Of 1778. 88. Of 1779. 89. Of 1780. 90. Of 1781 191 91. Name the events of Washington s administration, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200. 92. Of John Adams s administration 200, 201, 202 93. Of Jefferson s administration 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 94. Name in order the principal events from 1782 to 1787 * GENERAL REVIEW QUESTIONS. 363 95. From 1787 to 1792. 06. From 1792 to 1799 * 97. From 1799 to 1805. 96. From 1805 to 1809 * 99. From 1809 to 1812 * 100. Name in order the principal events of 1812 * 101. Of 1813. 102. Of 181410;}. Of 1815 * 104. itfame in order the principal events from 1815 to 1818 * 105. From 1818 to 1826106. From 1826 to 1836 * 107. Give an account of Gen. "Wayne 160, 142, 161, 197, 198 108. Of Gen. St. Glair 145, 146, 197 109. Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin 129, 90, 137, 186 110. Name the battles of 1812. 111. Of 1813. 112. Of 1814... 243 113. Give an account of the war with Algiers 244, 245, 246 114. Give an account of Henry Clay 242, 243, 257, 288, 289 115. Of JolmC. Calhoun * 116. Name the events of Monroe s administration 248, 249, 250, 251, 252 117. Give an account of Lafayette 175, 138, 141, 252 118. Name the events of John Quincy Adams s administration 253, 254 119. Of Jackson s administration 254, 255, 256, 257, 258,259, 260, 261 120. Account of Jackson 255, 223, 224, 240, 241, 249, 254, 256, 257 121. Of Yan Buren and his administration 262, 254, 261 122. Of Harrison and his administration 263, 211, 218, 219, 220 123. Of Tyler and his administration 264, 265, 266 124. Name in order the principal events from 1836 to 1845 * 125. Name in order the principal events of 1845 * 126. Of 1846. 127. Of 1847 * 128. Give the names with the dates of the battles of 1846 284 129. Give the names with the dates of the battles of 1847 285 130. Give an account of Gen. Taylor 286, 260, 270, 271, 287 131. Of Fillmore and his administration i 288, 289 132. Of Pierce and his administration 289, 290, 291 133. Of Buchanan and his administration 292, 269, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296 1 34. Of President Lincoln * 297 135. Name in order the principal events from 1847 to 1860 * 136. Name the presidents in the order of their succession * 137. Name, in order of settlement, the thirteen original States. ... * 138. State when and where each was settled * 139. Name the events connected with the early history of Boston 42, 55, 114, 115, 119, 120, 127. 140. New York. 141. Baltimore. 142. Philadelphia. 143. Charleston. 144. Savannah. 145. Albany. 146, Give an account of Gen. "Washington 194, 88, 89, 90, &c. 14 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A DECLARATION BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, JULY 4TH, 1776. WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have con nected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident : that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with cer tain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, govern ments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new gov ernment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed," will dic tate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, 1 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former sys tems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submit ted to a candid world : He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained ; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature ; a right inestima ble to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for oppo sing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, in capable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise ; the State remaining, in the mean time, ex posed to all the danger of invasion from without, and convul sions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States ; for that purpose, obstructing the laws for naturalization of for eigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lande. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their sub stance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these States : For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world : For imposing taxes on us without our consent : For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury: For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses : For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neigh boring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an ex ample and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rulo into these colonies : For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the powers of our govern ments : For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring them selves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases what- soever. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. \ He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun, with circumstances of cruelty and per fidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall them selves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms ; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince whose char acter is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British breth ren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts made by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdic tion over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war in peace, friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general Congress assembled, appealing to the Su- THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. preme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the Brit ish crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that, as free and independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish com merce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do. And, for the support of this declara tion, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Provi dence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. The foregoing declaration was, by order of Congress, en grossed, and signed by the following members : JOHN HANCOCK. New Hampshire. New Jersey. Charles Carroll, of Car- Josiah Bartlett, Richard Stockton, rollton. William Whipple, John Witherspoon, Matthew Thornton. Francis Hopkinson, Virginia. John Hart, George Wythe, Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Adams, John Adams, Abraham Clark. Pennsylvania. Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Robert Treat Paine, Robert Morris, Thomas Nelson, jun. r Elbridge Gerry. Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. Rhode Island. Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery. John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, North Carolina. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, James Wilson, John Penn. Connecticut. George Ross. Roger Sherman, South Carolina. Samuel Huntington, Delaware. Edward Rutledge, William Williams, Caesar Rodney, Thomas Heyward, jun., Oliver Wolcott. George Read, Thomas Lynch, jun., Thomas M Kean. Arthur Middleton. New York. William Floyd, Maryland. Georgia. Philip Livingston, Samuel Chase, Button Gwinnett, Francis Lewis, William Paca, Lyman Hall, Lewis Morris. Thomas Stone. George Walton. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. The device of the Seal of the United States was adopted June 20, 1782, as way of thirteen pieces, argent and gules; a chief azure; the escutcheon on the eagle displayed proper, holding in his dexter talon an olive-branch, and in his s follows: " Arms-Pale- breast of the American nister a bundle of thir teen arrows, all proper, and in his beak a scroll, inscribed with this motto, " E pluribua Unum." For the Crest over the head of the eagle, .... a glory, on breaking through a cloud, proper, ana surround ing thirteen stars, forming a constellation, argent, oil an azure field." ORIGIN" OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. I. WHEN the Revolutionary struggle commenced, there were three forms of Colonial government in force among the colonies, namely : the Provincial or Royal, the Proprietary, and the Charter. II. The Provincial or Royal government was that which was under the control of a governor, who, appointed by the king, administered affairs according to instructions from his royal master. The colonies of this class were New Hamp shire, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. ORIGIN OF THE CONSTITUTION. I. QUESTIONS. 1. What forms of government existed among the colonies previous to the Revolution ? II. 2. "What was the Provincial or Koyal government? 3. Which of the colonies were Provincial or Koyal ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. III. The Proprietary government was that which was under the control of one or more proprietors, who derived their authority by grant and privileges conferred by the king. Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, were subject to the proprietary rule. IV. The Charter government was that wherein certain political rights were secured to the people by royal charter. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, were charter governments. V. In July, 1775 a year before the Declaration of Inde pendence Dr. Franklin submitted to Congress a sketch of Articles of Confederation between the colonies. By this plan it was proposed to establish a Confederation, and continue it until a reconciliation with Great Britain should take place ; or, in the failure of that event, to make it perpetual. It ap pears, however, that Franklin s plan was never discussed. VI. On the llth of June, 1776, the very day on which the Committee to prepare the Declaration of Independence was chosen Congress resolved that a committee should be appointed to prepare and digest a form of Confederation, to be entered into by the colonies. VII. On the 12th of July following, this committee, con sisting of one from each State, reported a draft of Articles of Confederation, which was considered and debated from time to time, until the 15th of November, 1777, when, with some amendments, it was adopted. VIII. These Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1778 by all the States except Delaware and Maryland, and by III. QUKSTIONS. 4. What was the Proprietary government? 5. Which of the colonies were subject to the Proprietary rule ? IV. 6. What was the Charter Government? 7. Which of the colonies were pro vided with charters ? V. 8. When was a sketch of Articles of Confederation first submitted to Congress ? 9. By whom was it submitted? 10. What was proposed by Dr. Franklin s plan? YI. 11. When was the Committee to prepare the Declaration of Independence appointed? 12. What resolution was passed by Congress on that day? VII. 13. Of how many persons did the committee consist ? 14. When did they submit their report ? 15. What was done with the report ? *1 10 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Delaware, in 1779; but, in consequence of the delay on the part of Maryland, they did not go into effect until the 1st of March, 1781, the day on which they were signed by the delegates from that State. IX. It was soon found that the Articles of Confederation were not adequate to the wants of the Government. They were deficient as regards the regulation of commerce, the settling of controversies between the States, and the making of treaties with foreign nations ; and especially deficient in not conferring the necessary power upon Congress to liquidate the debts incurred during the war. X. Consequently, a convention of delegates from all the States, except Rhode Island, met at Philadelphia, in May, 1787, for the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation ; but it was thought best by a majority of the delegates to adopt an entirely new form of government, instead of making any at tempts to amend the defective one then in existence. Accord ingly, after four months deliberation, the present Constitution, except some changes which were made in after years, was adopted by the Convention on the 17th of September, 1787. XI. The new Constitution was submitted to the people, who, in the newspapers, legislative halls, and elsewhere, discussed it with earnestness and thoroughness. It met with considerable opposition, but, by the 4th of March, 1789, when it went into operation, it had been adopted by all the States, with the exception of North Carolina and Rhode Island.* Delaware adopted it on the 7th of December, 1787 ; Pennsylvania, on the 12th of December : New Jersey, on the 18th of December, Georgia, on the 2d of January, 1788; Connecticut, on the 9th of Janu ary ; Massachusetts, on the 6th of February ; Maryland, on the S8th of April ; South Carolina, on the 23d of May ; New Hampshire, on the 21st of June ; Virginia, on the 26th of June ; New York, on the 26th of July ; North Carolina, on the 21st of November, 178y ; and Rliode Island, on the 29th of May, 1790. VIIL QUESTIONS. 1C. When did the States ratify the Articles of Confederation? 17. When did the Articles of Confederation go into effect? IX. 18. What was soon ascertained with reference to the Articles of Confedera tion ? 19. In what respects were they deficient ? X. 20. What convention was held in May, 1787? 21. What was done by the convention ? XL 22. To whom was the Constitution submitted ? 23. Where was it discussed ? 24. When did it go into operation ? 25. Which of the States had adopted it at that time? THE CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PREAMBLE. WE, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general wel fare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. PREAMBLE. 26. "What is the introductory part of the Constitution called? 27. What is the object of the preamble ? A m. To state the purposes of the COD stitution. 28. How many and what purposes are stated in the preamble ? 29. By whom was the Constitution ordained and established? 30. Eecite the preamble. 31. How many and what departments of government are established under the Constitution ? Ana. Three: the legislative, the judicial, and the executive. 32. What is the legis lative department? Ans. The power that enacts the laws. 33. What is the execu tive department? Ans. The power that enforces the laws. 34 What is the judi cial department ? Ans. The power that interprets the. laws. ARTICLE I. THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SEC. I. 35. Of what does Article first of the Constitution treat? 36. In whom is the legislative power vested ? 37. Of how many and what branches does Congress consist ? 12 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. SECTION II. 1st. Clause. The House of Representatives shall be com posed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature. 2 d Clause. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years; and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3d Clause. Representatives and direct taxes shall be appor tioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and ex cluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons.* The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not SEC. II. 1st Clause. 38. By whom are the representatives chosen ? 39. How *ften are they chosen ? 40. What qualifications are requisite for electors or repre sentatives ? 41. What is an elector ? Ans. One who has the right to vote in choos ing an officer. Id Clause. 42. How old must a person be before he can be a repre sentative? 43. How long must he have been a citizen of the United States? 44. What is the requisite in regard to his habitation ? 45. Now name the three qualifications requisite for a representative. 3d Clause. 46. How are representatives and direct taxes apportioned among the States ? 47. How arc the respective numbers of the rep resentative population of the several States to be determined ? 48. What provision is made in regard to Indians ? 49. What is meant by " all other persons ? " Am. Slaves. 50. When was the first census or enumeration to be made ? 51. How often thereafter is the census to be made? 52. How many inhabitants at least are required for one rep resentative? 53. If a State should not have that number, what is the law? 54. Was the first representation in Congress based upon the actual population of the several States? 55. W r hich State at first sent the greatest number of representatives ? 56. Which two States sent the smallest number? 5T. Of how many members did the first House of Representatives consist? 58. Of how many does the present House consist? Ana. * See Article XIV. p. 39. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 13 exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Provi dence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. 4th Clause. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5th Clause. The House of Ptepresentatives shall choose their speaker and other officers ; and shall have the sole power of impeachment. SECTION III. ls^ Clause. The Senate of the United States shall be com posed of two senators from each State, chosen by the legis lature thereof, for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. 2d Clause. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as 4th Clause. 59. How are vacancies in the representation of a State to be filled ? 5th Clause. 60. By whom is the speaker of the House of Representatives chosen ? 61. By whom are the other officers of the House chosen ? 62. What sole power has the House? 63. What is meant by impeachment? Ans. An impeachment is an accusation against a public officer, charging him with misconduct in the discharge of his official duties. SEC. III. 1st Clause. 64. Of whom is the Senate composed ? 65. By whom are the senators chosen ? 60. For how long a period are they chosen? 67. How does the mode of electing a senator differ from that of a representative ? Ans. A senator of the United States is chosen by the legislature of his State ; a representative is chosen by the people. 68. How do their terms of office differ? Am. A senator is chosen for six years ; a representative for only two. 69. How many votes is each senator entitled to ? 70. Have the large States any more senators than the small ones? 2eZ Clause. 71. Into how many classes were the isenators at first divided? 72. In what order were their seats of office vacated ? 73. What proportion of the Senate is elected every second year? 74. How often is one-third elected? 75. When may the executive of a State fill a vacancy in the Senate ? 76. For how long a time docs a senator so appointed hold his office ? 77. How is the vacancy then filled ? 73. Now state how vacancies In the Senate are filled. 14 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the sec ond year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year ; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the re cess of the legislature of any State, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. 3d Clause. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citi zen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. 4th Clause. The vice-president of the United States shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 5th Clause. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro tempore, in the absence of the vice-presi dent, or when he shall ex.ercise the office of president of the United States. 6th Clause. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall all be on oath or affirmation. When the president of the United States is tried, the chief-justice shall preside : and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. &d Clause. 79. How old must a person be before he can be a senator? 80. How long must he have been a citizen of the United States? 81. What is required of him in regard to residence? 82. Now name the three requisites for a senator. 83. How do they differ from those of a representative ? (See page 12.) 4th Clause. 84. Who is president of the Senate ? 85. When only is he entitled to vote ? 5th Clause. 8G. What officers are chosen by the Senate? ST. What is meant by a u president pro tempore f" Ann. A " president pro tempore" 1 is one chosen only for the time being. 88. When does the Senate choose a " president pro tempore ?" 6th Clause. 89. What sole poAver has the Senate ? 90. What sole power has the House? (See page 13.) 91. Under what solemnity does the Senate sit for the trial of impeachment? 92. When does the chief-justice preside in the Senate? 93. Who presides when the president of the United States is tried? 94. Whut proportion of the Senate is necessary to a conriction ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 15 *lth Clause. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punish ment, according to law. SECTION IV. 1st Clause. The times, places, and manner of holding elec tions for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. 2d Clause. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. SECTION v. 1st Clause. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties, as each house may provide. 2d Clause. Each house may determine the rules of its pro- 1th Clause. 95. How far may judgment extend in cases of impeachment? 96. To what is the convicted party further liable? SKC. IV. 1st Clause. $1. What is prescribed by each State legislature in regard to elections for senators and representatives? 98. What power has Congress over such regulations? 2d Clause. 99. How often does Congress assemble ? 100. On what day is it prescribed that the meeting shall take place? 101. May a different day be appointed ? 102. How ? SEC. V. 1st Clause,. 103. Of what is each house constituted the judge ? 104. What proportion constitutes a quorum? 105. What is meant by a quorum ? Ans. By a quorum is meant a sufficient number to do business. 106. What power do a smaller number possess, as regards adjourning? 107. What else may they do, as regards ab sentees? 2d Clauw.lOS. What power has each house, over the rules of its pro ceedings? 109. What power docs each house possess for enforcing its rules? 16 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. 3d Clause. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceed ings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question, shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 4th Clause. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. o SECTION VI. 1st Clause. The senators and representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall, in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged. from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. 3d Clause. 110. What is required of each house, in respect to keeping a journal? 111. How is publicity given to the proceedings of Congress? 112. What part of its journal may either house withhold from publication? 113. When shall the yeas and nays be entered on the journal? 4tk Clause. 114. For what length of time may either, house adjourn without the consent of the other? 115. How is each house restricted, as regards the place to which it may adjourn ? SEC. VI. 1st Clause. 116. Are members of Congress compensated for their ser vices? 117. How is the compensation determined ? 118. Are members of Congress paid by their States, respectively, or by the general government ? Ans. The sena tors and representatives in Congress are not compensated for their services by the in dividual States, but by the general government, out of the treasury of the United States. 119. What personal privileges are members of Congress entitled to? 120. What are the three exceptions to the general privilege that the Constitution, allows to Congressmen? 121. In what does treason consist ? (See page 32.) 122. What is felony ? Arts. A felony is understood to mean a crime punishable with death. 123. What is meant by a breach of the peace ? Ans. " A breach of the peace is a viola tion of the public order." 124. For what are members of Congress not to be ques tioned? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 17 2d Clause. No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased, during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. SECTION VII. 1st Clause. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. 2d Clause. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the president of the United States ; if he approve, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall like- 2d Clause. 125. To what offices cannot members of Congress be elected? "126. Suppose that a person holds an office under the United States, what then? SEC. VII. 1*2 Clause. 127. In which branch of Congress must all bills for raising revenue originate ? 128. What power has the Senate over such bills ? 2d Clause. 129. After a bill has passed both houses of Congress, what must be done with it? 130. What must the president do with the bill? 131. What is the president s act of objecting to a bill called? Am. The president s act of returning a bill with his ob jections, is called a veto. 132. Why was the veto power given to^ the president? Am. The veto power was given to the president to enable him to protect the execu tive department of the government against the encroachments of the legislature; also with a view to greater security against the enactment of improper laws. 133. When the president vetoes a bill, what is the duty of the house to which it is sent? 134. When is the bill sent to the other house? 135. What accompanies the bill to the other house? 136. Then what does that other house do with the bill? 13T. If two- thirds approve of the bill, what then? 138. Now state how a bill may become a law, notwithstanding the veto of the president. 139. When the two houses re- consider a vetoed bill, how do they determine the votes ? 140. What record of names is imperative ? 141. State how a bi. l may become a law, even though the president has neither signed nor vetoed it. 142. In what case does a bill fail to become a law, though it has passed both houses of Congress, and is not vetoed ? 18 CONSTITUTION OF TllF, UNITED STATES. wise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the president within ten days (Sun days excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, un less the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, iu which case it shall not be a law. 3d Clause. Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the president of the United States ; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate arid House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. SECTION VIII. The Congress shall have power 1st Clause. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and ex cises ; to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, iru- 3d Clause. 143. What is necessary to be done with orders, resolutions, and votes, requiring the concurrence of both houses before they can take effect ? 144. What is the object of the provision ? Ans. If it were not for the provision, Congress might pass laws, calling them orders or resolutions, and thus evade the president s veto. 145. When the president vetoes an order, resolution, or vote, what course does it take ? 141 In what case, requiring the concurrent action of both houses, has the president no veto power? SEC. Till. 1st Clause. 111. What power has Congress in regard to taxes, duties, imposts, and excises? 143. What are taxes? Ans. Contributions of money exacted by government from individuals, for public purposes. 149. How many kinds of taxes are there? Ans. Two kinds; direct and indirect. 150. What are direct taxes? Ans. Those laid directly on the person or property of individuals. 151. What are indirect taxes? Ann. Those laid on the importation, exportation, and consumption of goods. 152. What are duties? Ans. Taxes on the importation and exportation of goods. 153. What are imposts? Ans. Taxes on goods imported. 151. What are excises? Ans. Taxes on goods produced or manufactured in the country. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 19 posts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; 2d Clause. To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; 3d Clause. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; 4th Clause. To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies, throughout United States ; 5th Clause. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and to fix the standard of weights and meas ures ; 6th Clause. To provide for the punishment of counterfeit ing the securities and current coin of the United States ; 1th Clause. To establish post-offices and post- roads ; 8th Clause. To promote the progress of science and use ful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; 9th Clause. To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; 2d Clause. 155. "What power has Congress in regard to borrowing money? 3d Clause. 156. What, in regard to regulating commerce? 4th Clause. 157. What, in regard to a rule of naturalization ? 158. What is meant by naturalization ? Ans. The act by which a foreigner becomes a citizen of the United States. 159. How long must a person reside in the United States before he can be naturalized? Am. Five years -at least. 160. What power has Congress in regard to bankruptcies ? 161. What is meant by bankruptcies? Ans. A person is a bankrupt when he is unable to pay his just debts. 5th Clause. \&l. What power has Congress in regard to coining money? 163. What, in regard to the value of money? 164. What, in regard to for eign coins? 165. What, in regard to weights and measures? 6th Clause. IG6. What power has Congress in regard to counterfeiting? 1th Clause. 167. What, in regard to post-offices and post-roads? 8th Clause. 168. In what way may Congress promote the progress of science and arts? 169. For how long a time is the author of a book entitled to the exclusive right of publishing it ? Ans. Twenty-eight years. 170. What is the right called ? Ans. A copyright. 171. May a copyright be renewed? Ans. At the expiration of the twenty-eight years, the copyright may bo renewed for the further period of fourteen years. 172. For how long a time is the inventor of a machine entitled to the exclusive right of manufacturing it? Ans. Fourteen years. 173. What is the right called? Ans. A patent right. 174. Can a patent right be extended? Ans. The commissioner of patents is authorized, at the end of the fourteen years, to extend the patent right for the further period of seven years. 20 CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES. 10th Clause. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations; 11 th Clause. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and wa ter ; 12th Clause. To raise and support armies ; but no appropri ation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; 13^ Clause. -To provide and maintain a navy ; 14th Clause. To make rules for the government and regu lation of the land and naval forces; 15th Clause. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; IQth Clause. To provide for organizing, arming, and dis ciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserv ing to the States respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the dis cipline prescribed by Congress ; 17th Clause. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases 9th Clause. 175. What power has Congress in regard to judicial tribunals? Wth Clause. 116. What, in regard to piracies, felonies, etc. ? 177. What is piracy? Ans. Robbery on the high seas. 178. What is meant by the term "high seas?" An. The " high seas 11 are all the waters oft he ocean beyond the boundaries of low- water-mark. l\th Clause. -179. What power has Congress in regard to declaring war? 180. What, in regard to "letters of marque and reprisal?" 1S1. What are "letters of marque and reprisal?" Ans. Commissions granted by the government to individuals, authorizing them to seize the persons and property of the citizens or subjects of a nation that refuses to make satisfaction for some injury which it has committed. 182. What power has Congress in regard to rules concerning captures? VMh Clause. 1$3. What power has Congress in regard to armies? 184. In what way is such power restricted? \Zth Clause. 185. What power has Congress in regard to a navy ? lith Clause. 1 86. What power, in regard to the government of the land and naval forces? 15th Clause. 187. What power, in regard to calling forth the militia, etc. ? 16th Clause. 188. What power, in regard to organizing armies, and disciplining the militia ? 189. What, in regard to governing the militia? 190. What reservations are secured to the respective States ? I~t7i Clause. 191. What power has Congress in regard to the seat of government, and to places purchased for certain pur poses set forth ? 192. What is the district occupied by the seat of government called ? Ans. The District of Columbia. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 21 whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needfnl buildings ; and 18th Clause. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Govern ment of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. SECTION IX. 1st Clause. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. 2d Clause. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or inva sion, the public safety may require it. 195. How large was the District of Columbia originally ? Ans. A tract ten miles square. 194 From what States had it been derived? Ans. Maryland and Virginia. 195. Is the District of Columbia at present tan miles square ? Ans. The portion which had been derived from Virginia having been ceded back to that State in 1846, the District of Columbia is now confined to the Maryland side of the Potomac. 196. What consent is requisite before the United States can acquire property in a State, for the erection of forts, magazines, etc.? IStt, Claitse.Wl. What general powers are conferred upon Congress in regard to making laws? SEC. IX. 1st Clause. 198. What restrict! on was imposed upon Congress, in regard to the migration or importation of certain persons ? 199. Who were meant by " snch persons?" Ans. Slaves. 200. What was the great object of the clause ? Ans. To enable Congress to put an end to the importation of slaves into the United States, after the year 1808. 201. In what way was Congress left to restrain the importation, without actually forbidding it? 202. When was the importation actually prohibited? Ans. On the first of January, 1S08. 2cZ Clause 203. What is said of the writ of habeas corpus ? 22 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 3d Clause. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. 4th Clause. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeratioc herein be fore directed to be taken. 5th Clause. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. 6 th Clause. No preference shall be given, by any regulation of commerce or revenue, to the ports of one State over those of another : nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clearj or pay duties in another. *lth Clause. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expendi tures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 8th Clause. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. 204. What is a writ of habeas corpus ? Ans. A written command from a judge or other magistrate, directing that the body of a certain person shall be brought before him. 205. What is the object of the writ? Ans. Theobjectofa writ of habeas corpus is to provide a means of redress for all manner of illegal imprisonment, 206. Eepeat the clause in relation to the writ of habeas corpus. 20T. In what cases may the privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus be suspended ? 3d Clause. 208. What is said of bills of attainder or ex post facto laws ? 209. What is a bill of attainder ? Ans. An act of the legislature, inflicting the punishment of death, without trial, upon persons supposed to be guilty of high crimes. 210. What is an ex post facto law? Ann. A law which renders an act punishable in a manner in which it was not punishable at the time of its commission. 4th Clause. 211. In what way may Congress lay a capi tation or other direct tax? 212. What is meant by a capitation? -Ans. A direct tax upon individuals. 213. How is the census *o betaken? (See page 12.) 5th Clause. 214 What prohibition is imposed upon Congress in relation to articles exported from any State? 6th Clause. 215. What preference is forbidden in relation to a reg ulation of commerce or revenue? 216. What freedom have vessels that are bound from one State to another? Itk Clause. 21T. Under what circumstances only can money be drawn from the national treasury? 218. What publication must be made in regard to receipts and expenditures of all public money ? Bth Clause. 219. What is said in the Constitution about titles of nobility ? 220. What is said of office-holders accepting presents, etc. ? 221. Under what circumstances may an office-holder ac cept a present ? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 23 SECTION X. 1st Clause. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing but gold and sil ver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attain der, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of con tracts, or grant any title of nobility. 2d Clause. No State shall, without the consent of the Con gress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws : and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. 3d Clause. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actu ally invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. 222. Kepeat the clause relating to titles and presents. SEC. X. 1st Clause. 223. What prohibition is placed upon the several States as regards treaties, alliances, or confederations ? 224. What, as regards letters of marque and reprisal? 225. What, as regards the coining of money? 226. What, as regards bills of credit ? 227. What is meant by bills of credit ? Ans. Bills of credit, within the meaning of the Constitution, are bills intended to circulate as money among the people. 228. What is constituted a legal tender in payment of debt? 229. What prohibition is placed upon individual States, in regard to a bill of attainder ? 230. What, in regard to an ex postfficto law ? 231. What, in regard to a law impairing an obligation ? 282. What, in regard to a title of nobility? 233. Eecite the clause just considered. 2d Clause.- 234. What prohibition are individual States under, as re gards imposts or duties? 235. In what case only, may a State lay any imposts or duties? 236. What are inspection laws ? Am. Laws requiring certain articles of commerce to be examined by officers called inspectors. 237. What is the object of inspection laws ? Ans. To protect the public against fraud or imposition on the part of the producer, and to cause improvement after improvement in the quality of articles produced. 238. What disposition must be made of the net produce of all duties and imposts la d by individuals ? 239. What are the inspection laws of individual States, as regards imports or exports, subject to? 3d Clause, 240. What prohibition are individual States under, as to the laying of a duty of tonnage? 24 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE II. THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. 1st Clause. The executive power shall be vested in a presi dent of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the vice-president, chosen for the same term, be elected as fol lows : 2d Clause. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress : but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. 241. What is a duty of tonnage ? Ans. A duty of tonnage, or a tonnage duty, is a tax laid on vessels at a certain rate per ton. 242. What prohibition are individual States under as to the keeping of troops? 243. What, as to the keeping of ships of war? 244. What, as to an agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power? 245. What, as to engaging in war? 246. Under what circumstances, then, may a State engage in war ? ARTICLE II. THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. SEO. I. 1st Clause. 247. Of what does Article II. of the Constitution treat? 248. In whom is the executive power of the United States vested ? 249. What is the president s term of office ? 250. How often may a president be re-elected ? Ans. The Constitution does not limit the number of terms for which a president may be re- elected. 251. Who was the first president of the United States ? An*. Washington. 252. For how many terms did Washington serve? Ans. Two. 253. Why was not Washington elected for a third term ? Ans. At the close of his second term of office, Washington declined to be a candidate for a third term. 254. What has been the effect of his declination ? Ans. Washington s example, in declining to be elected for a third term, has become a precedent by which subsequent presidents have been guided. 255. How many and what presidents have served two terms each ? (See History, p. 309.) 256. Which has the longest term of office ; the president, a senator, or a repre sentative ? 257. What term has each ? 258. What is the vice-president s term of office? 259. Who was the first vice-president of the United States? Ans. Johp. Adams. 2CO. By whom are the president and vice-president chosen ? Ans. The president and vice-president are not chosen by the people directly, but by electors. 2a> Clause. 261. In what manner does each State appoint electors? 262. What num ber of electors is each State entitled to? 263. Who are prohibited from being electors? CONSTITUTION- OF THE UNITED STATES. 25 [The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two per sons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a .list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of government of the United States, directed to the president of the Senate. The presi dent of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Eepresenta- tives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person hav ing the greatest number of votes shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Eepre- sentatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for president; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list, the said House shall in like manner choose the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the president, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the vice-president. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the vice-president.] THE TWELFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. l.s Clause. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for president and vice-president, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice-president,* and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the Senate ; the president of the Senate shall, in the pres ence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for president, shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole num- TIIE TWELFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. 264. "W hat has been done with the original clause, of the Constitution prescribing the proceedings to be taken to elect a president and vice-president? Ans. It has been repealed, and its place supplied by the twelfth amendment to the Constitution. 265. Where do the electors for president and vice-president meet ? 266. In what way do they vote ? 267. What is prescribed respecting one of the persons for whom they shall not vote ? 268. How is it required that their ballots shall be made out? 2 26 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ber of electors appointed : and if no person have such major ity, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as president, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote : a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a mem ber or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a president, when ever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice-president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or other con stitutional disability of the president. 2d Clause. The person having the greatest number of votes as vice-president, shall be the vice-president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no person have a majority, then, from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the vice-president : a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number 269. After voting, what lists are they required to prepare ? 270. What provision must be complied with, before the lists can pass out of their hands ? 271. After the lists are signed, certified, and sealed, to whom are they directed ? 272. To what place are they then transmitted? 273. What docs the president of the Senate do with the certificates ? 274. How is it determined who is elected president ? 275. Now de scribe the manner in which the electors choose a president. 276. In the event of no choice being made by the electors, by whom is the president chosen? 277. From h;)W many and what candidates must the House of Eepresentatives choose the presi dent ? 278. In what way must the choice be made ? 279. How are the votes taken in choosing the president ? 280. How many votes is each State entitled to ? 281. How many is each entitled to, when voting by electors? 282. In choosing the presi dent by the House of Representatives, how many constitute a quorum ? 283. In such case, how many States are necessary to a choice? 284. Whenever the right of choos ing a president devolves upon the House of Eepresentatives, till what time may the right be exercised ? 285. Now describe the manner in which the House of Repre sentatives choose a president. 286. In the event of both the electors and House of Representatives failing to choose a president, what takes place ? 287. How is it deter- mined whom the electors have chosen for vice-president? 288. In the event of no person having a majority of electoral votes, by whom is the vice-president chosen? 289. When choosing a vice-president, how many senators are requisite to a quorum? 290. How many are necessary to a choice ? 291. What is said of the eligibility to the office of president, as compared with that of vice-president? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 27 of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3d Clause. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president, shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States. 4th Clause. The Congress may determine the time of choos ing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5th Clause. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States #t the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty -five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6th Clause. In* case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice-president, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the 4th Clause. 292. What power has Congress over the time of choosing the electors? 293. What, as to the day on which the electors shall vote ? 294. In the event of Con gress determining the day on which the electors shall give their votes, what sameness is prescribed ? 295. When are the electors chosen ? Ans. On the Tuesday next after the first Monday, in the last November of each presidential term. 296. Where do the electors meet to give their votes ? Ans. In their respective States, at a place ap pointed by the legislature thereof. 297. What place is usually appointed for their meeting ? Ans. The capital of their State. 298. When do the electors meet to give their votes ? Ans. On the first "Wednesday in the last December of each presidential term. 5th Clause. 299. What person, as regards his place of birth, cannot be eligible to the office of president? SOO. How old must a person be to be eligible to that office? 801. How many years must a person, to be eligible to that office, have resided within the United States? 802. Now state the legal qualifications of a president. 803. Recite the clause relating to the qualifications. 6^ Clause. 304. In .vhat contingencies does the oSise of president devolve on the vice-president? 805. What provision is made by the Constitution for the case of removal or death, etc., of the president ? 28 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. president and vice-president, declaring what officer shall then act as president, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a president shall be elected. 1th Clause. The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. 8th Clause. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitu tion of the United States." SECTION II. 1st Clause. The president shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices ; and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for of fences against the United States, except in cases of impeach ment. 806. What, for the case of removal, etc., of both president and vice-president ? 307. In the case of removal, etc., of both president and vice-president, what officer shall, by law of Congress, act as president? Am. The president of the Senate, pro tern- pore, shall act as president. 308. What is to be done, in case there is no president of the Senate ? Am. Then the speaker of the House of Representatives shall act as president 309. How long shall such officers, acting as president, continue to act? 1th Clause. 310. What does the Constitution provide as regards the compensation to be allowed to the president? 311. What restriction is imposed, in regard to any other emolument? 312. Eecite the clause relating to the president s compensation. 313. What is the salary of the president? Ans. $25,000 a year, together* with the use of the presidential mansion and its furniture. 314. What is the salary of the vice-president? Ans. $8,000 a yeai- 8th Clause, 315. What does the president do, Jiiat before entering on the execution of his office? 316. Repeat the oath or affirmation token by the President CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 29 2d Clause. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassa dors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper, in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. 3d Clause. The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions, which shall expire at the end of their next session SECTION III. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration SEC. IL 1st Clause. 317. In what relation does the president stand toward tho army and navy? 318. When only can he command the militia? 319. Whose opin ions may he require in writing? 320. Upon what subjects may he req lire the opin ions? 321. Is he bound to be guided by such opinions? Ans. He is not. 322. What executive departments have been established by Congress? Ans. Six, namely: (1) Department of State, (2) Department of the Navy, (3) Department of War, (4) De partment of the Treasury, (5) Post-office Department, and (6) Department of the Interior. 323. For what purpose were they established ? Ans. For the purpose of aiding the president in the executive and administrative business of the govern ment 324. How are the heads of the departments appointed? Ans. By the presi dent, with the advice and consent of the Senate. 325. How is the attorney -general appointed? Ans. In like manner with the heads of the departments. 326. Of whom does the president s cabinet consist? Ans. Of the heads of the Departments and the attorney-general of the United States. 327. What power has the president in relation to reprieves and pardons? 32S. What is a reprieve? Ans. A limited suspension or delay of the execution of a sentence in a criminal case. 329. With what exception is the president vested with the power to grant reprieves and pardons? 2d Clause. 330. What power has the president relative to treaties? 331. In whom is the appointing power vested? 882. What is the first step in making an appointment? 833. What offices are enumerated, for which the presi dent and Senate make appointments? 334. What may Congress do in relation to the appointment of inferior officers? 3d Clause. 335. What vacancies can the presi dent fill? 336. When does such appointment expire? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them ; and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. SECTION IV. The president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. (7+ ARTICLE III. THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in SBC. III. 337. What information is the president required to give to Congress? 838. What recommendations is ho required to make? 839. In what way are the re commendations made ? Ans. By means of written messages. 340. Was the read ing of written messages always the practice? An*. The first two presidents, Washington and Adams, used to meet both houses of Congress, and make their recommendations by verbal addresses. 341. Is Congress obliged to adopt the presi dent s recommendations ? Ans. Congress is under no obligation to adopt the recom mendations of the president 342. When may the president convene both houses ? 343. May he convene only one house? 344. When? 345. When may the president adjourn Congress? 346. What is the duty of the president respecting ambassadors, etc. ? 347. What is his duty respecting the execution of the laws ? 34& What ia his duty respecting the granting of commissions? SEC. IV. 349. For what crimes may government officers be removed from office ? 350. How may the removal be effected ? AETICLE III. THE JUDICIAL DEPABTMENT. SEC. I. 351. Of what does Article III. of the Constitution treat? 352. In what is the judicial power of the United States vested? 353. How long do the judges hold their offices ? 354. What is established as to the compensation of the judges ? 355. How can the judges be removed from office? (See page 14.) 356. How is the su preme court of the United States organized ? Ans. The supreme court of the Uni ted States is composed of one chief-justice and eight associate justices, any five of whom constitute a quorum. 357. What is the salary of the chief-justice? Ans. $6,500 a year. 358. What is the salary of each associate justice ? Ans. $6,000 a year. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 31 one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior , and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION II. 1st Clause. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more States ; be tween a State and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different States ; between citizens of the same State claim ing lands under grants of different States ; and between a State, or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens, or subjects. 2d Clause. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have SEC. II. 1st Clause. -359. Name the first of the nine subjects in which the United States courtshave jurisdiction. 360. Name the second, concerning ambassadors, etc. 361. Name the third, concerning certain jurisdiction. 362. The fourth, concerning Controversies with the United States. 3G3. The fifth, concerning controversies be tween States. 364. The sixth, concerning controversies between a State and citi zens. 365. The seventh, concerning controversies between citizens. 366. The eighth, concerning controversies between citizens claiming lands. 367. What is the last of the nine subjects? 2d Clause. 368. In what cases has the supreme court original jurisdiction? 369. What is meant by original jurisdiction? Ans. The original jurisdiction of a court is that in which a suit originates or commences. 3TO. "What is meant by appellate jurisdiction ? Ans. The appellate jurisdiction of a conrt is that in which the decision of an inferior court is taken on appeal. Sd Cl<niRe.S7\. Before whom must the u trial of all crimes" be held? 3T2. What cases are exceptions to the law? 373. By whom are impeachments tried? (See page 14.) 374. Where must the trial of a crime committed within a State be held? 375. Where, when not committed within a State f 376. Kepeat the entire clause iust considered. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such excep tions, and under such regulations, as the Congress shall make. 3c? Clause. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of im peachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. SECTION III. 1st Clause. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their ene mies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be con victed of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2d Clause. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. SECTION I. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the pub lic acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner SEC. III. 1st Clcnise.ST?. Of how many things does treason against the United States consist? 378. What are the two things? -379. What is necessary to a con viction of treason? 2d Clause. 380. What power has Congress relative to the punishment of treason? 381. What punishment has Congress accordingly declared ? Ans. Congress has declared that the punishment of treason shall be death by hang ing. 382. How does the Constitution limit the consequences of attainder? 383. What is meant by attainder? Ans. Attainder means a staining, corruption, or rendering impure. 384. What is meant by corruption of blood ? Ans. By " cor ruption of blood" a person is disabled to inherit lands from an ancestor; nor can he either retain those in his possession, or transmit them by descent to his heirs. ARTICLE IV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. . SEO. I. 385. Of what does Article IV. treat? 886. How are the public acts, etc., of the several States, to be treated in each State ? 387. How are they to be proved 9 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 33 in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION II. 1st Clause. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 2d Clause. A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. 3d Clause. No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in conse quence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. SECTION III. 1st Clause. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State, nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of the Congress. *2d Clause. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the ter ritory or other property belonging to the United States ; and SEC. II. 1st Clause. 388. What privileges and immunities are the citizens of each State entitled to ? 2d Clause. 389. What is said of persons charged with crime, fleeing into another State? 3d Clause. 390. What is said of persons escaping from service or labor? 391. What persons are referred to in the third clause? Ana. Fugitive slaves, and persons bound by indentures of apprenticeship. SEC. III. 1st Clause. 392. By whom may new States be admitted into the Union? 393. What is said of the formation of new States? 394. How many States belonged to "the Union at the adoption of the Constitution ? (See page 10.) 395. How many belong to the Union now? 2d Clause. 3Q&. What power has Congress respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States? 397. What construction as to claims is not to be put upon any part of the Constitution? 3* CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to preju dice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State. SECTION IV. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and, on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitu tion ; or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amend ments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as a part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conven tions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress ; provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. SEC. IV. 398. What guarantee does the Constitution make to the several States in respect to their form of government ? 399. In what two events are the United States bound to protect individual States? AETICLE V. MODE OF AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION. 400. Of what does Article V. treat? 401. In what two ways may amendments to the Constitution be proposed ? 402. What two ways are provided for ratifying amendments ? 403. What three restrictions upon the power of making amendments were originally imposed by the Constitution ? 404. Why have two of the restric tions lost their force ? 405. What do " the first and fourth clauses" referred to, de clare ? 406. What permanent restriction upon the power of making amendments still exists in full force? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 35 ARTICLE VI. 1st Clause. All debts contracted, and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. 2d Clause. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitu tion or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 3d Clause. The senators and representatives before men tioned, and the members of the several State legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirma tion to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. AETICLE VI. ADDITIONAL MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 1st Clause. 407. What debts and engagements does the Constitution, recognize? 2d Clause. 408. What is declared to be the supreme law of the land ? 409. By what are the judges in every State bound? 3d Clause.ilQ. Who, besides the judges, are bound to support the Constitution? 411. In what way shall they be bound? 412. What prohibition is made in regard to religious tests? AETICLE VII. 413. How many States were necessary to ratify the Constitution, in order to its establishment? 414. Where did the Convention meet which framed the Constitu tion? Ann. Philadelphia. 415. In what year was it framed? (See p. 10.) 416. Who was the president of the convention? Ans. George Washington. 41T. How many delegates signed the Constitution? 418. Which of the thirteen States was not represented in the convention ? Ans. Ehode Island. 419. How many States ratified the Constitution before it went into effect? Ans. Eleven. 420. Which of the thirteen States did not ratify the Constitution until afterward ? A ns. North Carolina and Ehode Island failed to ratify the Constitution until after it had been ratified by the other eleven States and had gone into operation. 36 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. AMENDMENTS, PROPOSED BY CONGRESS, AND RATIFIED BY THE LEGISLATURES OF THE SEVERAL STATES, PURSUANT TO THE FIFTH ARTICLE OF THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridg ing the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right ,of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the govern ment for a redress, of grievances. ARTICLE II. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ARTICLE III. .No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner ; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and par ticularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized. AMENDMENTS. 421. How may the amendments to the Constitution be regarded ? Ans. All the amendments to the Constitution, with the exception of the 12th, may be regarded as a declaration, securing to the people and States certain rights, beyond the possibility of being encroached upon by Congress. 1st Article. 422. What declaration does the first amendment make, respecting religion ? 423. What, respecting the freedom of speech? 424. What, respecting the freedom of the press? 425. What, respecting the right of petition? 2d Article. 426. What is the declaration respecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms? 3d Article. 427. What is said of quartering soldiers? th Article. 428. What is said of searches and seizures? CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or other wise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be com pelled iu any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have com pulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor ; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. ARTICLE VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined, in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. 429. What is said of the issuing of warrants ? 5th Article. 430. What is said of holding persons to answer for crimes? 431. What is said of a second trial for the same offense? 432. What is the meaning of the clause, that no person shall "be twice put in jeopard) ," etc. ? Ans. It means that no person shall be a second time tried for the same offense, of which he has been legally acquitted or convicted. 433. When shall not a person be compelled to witness against himself? 434. What guar antee of protection to life, liberty, and property is given? 435. When only can private property be taken for public use ? 6th Article.-^36. What right shall a per son accused of crime enjoy ? 437. What right, as to the witnesses against him? 438. "What right, as to the witnesses in his favor ? 439. What right, as to the assistance of counsel? 1th, Article.-*. In what suits shall the right of trial by jury be pre served ? 38 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Con stitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be con strued to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. ARTICLE XIII.* SECTION I. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. SEC. II. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. * For the twelfth amendment, see page 25. 441. In what way only shall the re-examination of facts tried by a jury be made? Sth Article. 442. What is said of bail, fines, r ad punishments ? 9th Article. US. What is said of rights retained by the people ? lOtfi Article. 444 What is said of the powers reserved to the States ? \\th Article.- 445. What v said of the restriction upon the judicial power? 13th Article. Section I.-446 What is said of slavery and involuntary servitude ? Sec. II. What power has Congress with reference to this subject? Give the history of Article XIII. of the Constitution. (See history, p. 341.) IWi Article. When was the 14th Article adopted ? Ans. Having ben ratified by three-fourths of the States it was declared adopted on the 2Sth of July, 1868. Sec. I.-- Who are declared to be citizens of the United States ? What restric tion is imposed upon the States with regard to the privileges or immunities of cili- CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 39 ARTICLE XIV. SECTION I. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. SEC. II. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in re bellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty- one years of age in such State. SEC. III. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or zens ? What, with regard to the lives, liberty, or property of persons ? What, with regard to the protection of the law given to persons ? Sec. II. How are representa tives and direct taxes apportioned among the States? How does this provision of the Constitution differ from the one formerly in force? (See Article I., Sec. II., 3d clause, p. 12.) When shall a reduction be made in the basis of representation to which a State may be entitled ? Sec. III. What class of persons, in consequence of their rebellious acts, are deprived of certain exalted privileges? Name the privi leges which are withheld from them. Is it possible for any person belonging to that 40 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies there of. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. SEC. IV. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for pay ment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing in surrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or eman cipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. SEC. V. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by ap propriate legislation, the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV. SECTION I. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous con dition of servitude. SEC. II. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. class to have the privileges accorded him? How? Sec. IV. What shall not be questioned as regards the debts of the United States? What debts, obligations, and claims are declared illegal and void ? What restriction is imposed upon the General Government and individual States, with respect to such debts, obligations and claims? Sec. V. What legislation may Congress enact, in regard to the provisions of Arti cle XIV. 2 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on ili^la^l fllUC siuuutd below. JAN 28 1948 JAN 29 1948 m LD 21-100m-9, 47(A5702sl6)476 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3flblfit,57 ^OL^^- ET/.7 A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY