s IF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF TRE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^M 1 fflJP^^ P^^. I DF CALIFORNIA mm OF CALIFORNIA J&sm W^iSii LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAR LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAR SUFFOLK SURNAMES. SUFFOLK SURNAMES. N. I. BOWUITCH. " A name ! If the party had a voice, What mortal would be a Bugg by choice ? " HOOD. iaecoito Htution, enlarge*). BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS. 1858. <— -o £ * / 1 s Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by NATHANIEL INGERSOLL BOWDITCH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON AND SOX. 22, School Street. TO THE MEMORY A. SHURT, "THE FATHER OF AMERICAN CONVEYANCING, WHOSE NAME IS ASSOCIATED ALIKE Pg gailg ftoiirf auft mg gailg Occupation. CONTENTS. Chapter. • Page. I. ORIGIN OF NAMES 1 II. REMARKABLE NAMES FROM LIFE AND DEATH ; LOVE AND FEAR; HOGGISH NAMES; SHORT AND LONG; ETC. . . 4 III. SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES 12 IV. OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED 21 V. PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER 31 VI. PECULIAR SURNAMES (CONTINUED); GOOSE, ETC 42 VII. NAMES FROM HEATHEN DEITIES, ETC. ; HEAVEN AND HELL, ETC.; MAN, AND PARTS OF A MAN 47 VIII. MALE FEMALE NAMES; NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES . 54 IX. NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES 75 X. NAMES FROM RELATIONSHIP AND AFFECTION ; FROM AGE, ETC. 90 XI. NAMES FROM NATIONS, COUNTRIES, TOWNS; AND NAMES OF PROMISCUOUS OR MULTITUDINOUS SIGNIFICATIONS . . 95 XII. NAMES FROM ARTICLES OF DRESS AND ORNAMENT . . . 100 XIII. NAMES FROM ANIMALS 107 XIV. NAMES FROM BIRDS 113 XV. NAMES FROM FISHES, INSECTS, REPTILES, ETC. ; AND OTHER DISAGREEABLE NAMES 119 XVI. NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE 127 XVII. NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, AND VEGETATION .... 136 XVIII. NAMES FROM THE ELEMENTS ; FROM HEAT, COLD, FUEL ; AND FROM POINTS OF THE COMPASS 147 XIX. NAMES FROM SEASONS, TIME, NUMERALS, DIMENSIONS, AND SPACE, ETC 154 Viii CONTENTS. Chapter. Page. XX. NAMES FROM MUSIC AND DANCING, AND FROM COLORS . 162 XXI. NAMES FROM SOCIETY, EDIFICES, PARTS OF EDIFICES, SIGNS OF INNS, BUILDING-MATERIALS, FURNITURE, ETC. . . 168 XXII. NAMES FROM STREETS, UTENSILS, ETC 178 XXIII. NAMES FROM MATHEMATICS, LOGIC, LITERATURE, AND LAW 182 XXIV. NAMES FROM MONEY AND THRIFT, AND THEIR OPPO- SITES 190 XXV. NAMES FROM CHARITY ; FROM COMMERCE AND NAVIGA- TION ; FROM DIGNITIES AND OFFICES 196 XXVI. NAMES FROM TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS 202 XXVII. NAMES FROM PRODUCTS AND OBJECTS OF TRADE. — NAMES FROM EATABLES 207 XXVIII. NAMES FROM HORSEMANSHIP AND LOCOMOTION ; FROM GAMES AND SPORTS 212 XXIX. NAMES FROM WAR AND FIGHTING 218 XXX. NAMES FROM DISEASES AND MEDICINES ; DRINKING NAMES 225 XXXI. NAMES FROM EJACULATIONS, ETC 232 XXXII. SURNAMES FROM CHRISTIAN NAMES ; OR ENDING IN OLD SAXON WORDS 235 XXXIII. NAMES ORIGINATING IN MISTAKE ; TRANSLATED, CHANGED, ETC 241 XXXIV. MISCELLANEOUS NAMES STILL EXTANT AMONG US . . . 246 XXXV. MISCELLANEOUS NAMES EXTINCT IN BOSTON 252 XXXVI. CONCLUDING REMARKS. — WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES 255 NOTES 263 INDEX 267 PREFACE. When our forefathers came to this country, they introduced at once a Registry of Deeds, or a uni- form system of recording land-conveyances ; and they also established a Probate Office, to contain the entire settlement of the estates of deceased per- sons, — the original probate of each will being for ever conclusive on all parties, both as to real and personal property. In both these particulars, they were two centuries in advance of the mother country, where such registries of conveyances were only locally and partially introduced, and where wills were required to be proved over again in each suit respect- ing real estate. The county of Suffolk consists of the city of Boston, and the small adjoining town of Chelsea and its various subdivisions. It formerly included also the several towns now constituting Norfolk County. Suffolk County, therefore, means Boston and its immediate vicinity. Our registry of deeds now numbers 735 volumes, of which the first PREFACE. 20 contain all the deeds prior to A.D. 1700. The deeds of the next hundred years come down only to Lib. 200. Those of the first quarter of this century reach to Lib. 300; and the last thirty years have added more volumes than were made during the whole former period. It is to this collection of Suffolk deeds that I refer by L. and f. All the records of Suffolk County were removed to Canada during the Revolution; and two volumes — L. 112 and L. 114 (for the years 1766, 1768) — were not returned. In these missing volumes, lawyers have presumed to be recorded all conveyances of or before that period which cannot be found, — a convenient hypothesis, which however, it must be confessed, would make these two volumes more bulky than any twenty others. It is an interesting fact, that, though these records have existed among us for two centu- ries, it is only within the present year that an appropriation of twelve thousand dollars has been made for a new and perfect Index since A.D. 1800, in which all the various surnames are to be arranged alphabetically. This Index will be of incalculable value, and will supersede for ever a vast amount of irksome labor. The existence of these records has produced among us a branch of the legal profession known as PREFACE. XI conveyancers, and examiners of titles to real estate. On the completion of my law-studies, my tastes led me to this pursuit ; and I have now fifty-five auto- graph folio volumes, of five hundred pages each, of these abstracts of titles. Beginning my researches in 1827, before the registry had become very volumi- nous, I, in every instance, traced back the estate to the settlement of the town ; whereas, at present, con- veyancers scarcely ever extend their investigations back of the present century. I have thus a fami- liarity with the names of the early owners of real estate among us which my successors have never obtained or sought for. Further, our law permits an attachment of real estate on mesne process to secure a debt ; and I have an alphabetical list of all those whose estates have been thus encumbered since 1831. As it is now provided that recordrbooks of attach- ments shall be kept by the clerks of the several courts, no such private list exists anywhere else. In connection with these my professional re- searches, I have now in my possession strictly alpha- betical indices, to the extent of three thousand pages, of names of persons who have been parties to convey- ances from the settlement of the country, or defend- ants in suits in our courts, or who have taken the benefit of the late Bankrupt Law of the United Xll PREFACE. States, or whose estates have been administered upon in the Probate Office. I also own the original editions of Pope's " Iliad " and "Odyssey," in eleven large quarto volumes (1715-25); Thomson's "Seasons," both the original edition of 1730, and a very rare one illustrated by Bartolozzi, published in 1797 ; and the Macklin Bible, in six large quarto volumes, published in 1800, of which it is believed that only one other copy exists in this country. These works contain long lists of subscribers in England and Scotland. Many of the names embraced in these volumes and in our early records are now unknown among us. " Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse, by Mary Jones," was published at Oxford in 1740, in the first style of typography of the day. This work is dedicated to " The Princess Royal and of Orange ; " and all the nobility and chief gentry are among the subscribers. It is in the possession of Charles Sprague, the poet ; and has been kindly placed at my disposal as ' ite a treasury of odd names. It is remarkable that a volume containing at least one piece which no lady would now read, should have been, only a century ago, written by a lady, and universally admired by the most refined and cultivated of the land. Who was Mary Jones'? PREFACE. Xlll I am indebted to Thomas J. Lee, Esq., of this city, for a printed subscription-list for Chauchard's maps of Germany, Italy, &c, — a work published under the like royal and noble patronage, in London, A.D. 1800. The venerable Charles Lowell, D.D., voluntarily sent to me several pages of names of members of the West Church in Boston during the last century ; all of which, however, I was gratified to find that I had in my own records. There is, in the Massachusetts Historical Society, a catalogue of the books in the library of Harvard College selected for the especial use of the under- graduates, printed in 1773. Of this collection, scarcely one book in ten is now seen or heard of. It has furnished me with several remarkable names. It recommends the " History of England, 5 vols. 8vo, by Mrs. Catherine Macauley;" of whom Dr. Johnson said, " There was one Mrs. Macauley in this town, — a great republican." Ozanam's " Cursus Mathematicus " has a less familiar sound to our ears than Macaulaifs " History of England." The names on tombs are chiefly from Tissington's " Epitaphs," London, 1857 ; a few being obtained from Dr. Johnson's " Collection of Epitaphs," Lon- don, 1806. XIV PREFACE. The early Colonial Records, recently printed by authority of the Commonwealth, in six splendid quarto volumes, contain very many of the most curious names in the following collection ; viz., all those to which ancient dates are affixed. Within a few weeks, the London Directory for 1858 was sent to me by Frederick W. Thayer, Esq. ; but its appalling dimensions, and the progress which I had already made in printing this edition, have pre- vented my availing myself of his courtesy to any considerable extent. The great work of Agassiz, so honorable to the country of his adoption, of which the first two volumes appeared in November, 1857, has a long list of subscribers throughout all the States of the Union. The financial crisis of 1857 led to the publication of lists of those who became insolvent in all our chief cities. From these sources, and from the perusal of the city Directories of Boston and Salem, of New York and Philadelphia, the Business Directories of New England and Canada, the American Almanacs, the Navy Register for 1849, the College Catalogues of Harvard and Yale, and of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, I derived the materials for this publi- PREFACE. XV cation. Its preparation solaced the weary hours of a long confinement. It gradually became too volumi- nous for what I at first designed it, — a series of newspaper articles; and it is printed in its present form, in the hope, that, although it possesses no permanent interest or value, others may derive from its perusal somewhat of the amusement which it has afforded to myself. In 1857, I printed, for private distribution, a few copies of a collection of surnames prepared almost exclusively from my own volumes of Records, and the works in my library. A kind notice of my little volume from the other side of the Atlantic (" House- hold Words," 1857) awaked a curiosity respecting it beyond the circle of my personal friends, and induces me to publish a small edition. It is dedicated to a conveyancer of 1626, of whose claims upon me I first became aware from a late publication of J. Wingate Thornton, Esq. It has, I trust, been rendered more complete than the first by the use of the numerous additional materials above referred to, and should now perhaps be entitled " Directories Digested ; or, the Romance of the Registry." Boston, July, 1858. SUFFOLK SURNAMES. CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OF NAMES. QURNAMES are known to have been assumed, in *J some instances, before the Norman conquest ; but they did not become general in England until two or three centuries later. Every name, no doubt, originally had a meaning, or was at first assumed or imposed from its real or supposed fitness, from some accidental circumstance, or from mere caprice. Each individual is distinguished from his fellows only by his name. But for this system, history and biography could scarcely exist. Christian names being given in infancy, and by friends and relatives, cannot, as a general rule, have bad significations, or be associated with crime and misfortune. What child was ever christened Judas or Dido % It is otherwise, however, with surnames. These will be found to be of all shades, from the best to the worst, the most pleasing to the most ridiculous. 2 ORIGIN OF NAMES. They originated later in life, after the character and habits of the individual had been formed, and after he had engaged in some permanent occupation, trade, or pursuit. They were given by the community in which he dwelt, — by enemies as well by friends. Surnames are traceable to several chief sources. The Christian names of parents : thus John, the son of Dick, becomes John Dickson. Dignities, offices, and occupations : thus John, the squire, sergeant, smith, or baker, becomes John Squire, John Sar- gent, John Smith, or John Baker. Countries, towns, particular localities of residence or ownership, including signs of inns : these local names are by far the most numerous of all, — perhaps more numerous than all others together. Bodily pecu- liarities, and virtues and vices, including names of beasts, birds, and insects (as wolf, fox, parrot, bee), or inanimate objects (as stone, flint, marble, &c), a resemblance to which is suggested by these personal or mental traits : these, likewise, constitute a very numerous class. Accidental circumstances or incidents : thus the being born at a certain season of the year, or in a certain month, or on a certain day, or at a certain hour, may have been the origin of the families of Spring, Winter, May, Monday, Sunrise. Mr. Nine may have been a ninth child. Foundlings are often unkindly dealt with, being named from the rather objectionable buildings in which they are found exposed. ORIGIN OF NAMES. Fortunes are amassed and dissipated ; dynasties rise, and pass away : but one's name (slightly changed or impaired, it may be, by time) is yet safely trans- mitted from father to son, — an inheritance of to-day from a remote and otherwise unknown ancestry. CHAPTER II. REMARKABLE NAMES, — FROM LIFE AND DEATH; LOVE AND FEAR; HOGGISH NAMES; SHORT AND LONG; &c. The names of persons, Christian and surname, form a very curious subject. Our records furnish some most remarkable specimens of them both. At Queens- town, C.W., lives A. Mirracle. Life died out many , years ago, though we yet have Mr. Living. Biot, the name of the distinguished French mathematician, is derived from the Greek word signifying " life." Cof- fins, Graves, Toomey, and Tombs are numerous. We have one Bier. Death and Slaughter had formerly some living representatives in our midst. Death, indeed, is one of our oldest families (1679}, and is also found in Canada and at Cincinnati. A Mr. Death made a mortgage to the Life Insurance Company. Mr. Slaughter was a commander in our navy, 1849. Seven families of this latter name live in Philadel- phia. Todtleben, the name of the distinguished Russian general, means " dead-life." An English author, Ilive, wrote in 1730-3. A domestic in the home of my boyhood (Salem, Mass.) was named Mercy Deadman. A Mr. Deadman lives at Delaware, REMARKABLE NAMES. 5 C.W..; Mr. Dyde, at Montreal. There is a living Corse at Duxbury, Vt. Mr. Corse, of Burlington? Iowa, subscribed for Agassiz' work. No less than Hve families of that name are found in Montreal ; and families of Corpse exist in England. Mr. Mors is a graduate of Harvard. In the New- York Directory are families of Todt (German for " dead"), Corse, Deadman, and Deady; also Dumsday (i.e., "day of judgment "). Matthew P. Deady is Associate Justice of Oregon (1856) ; and a Mr. Deady lives at Streetville, C.W. ; Mr. Buryhill, at Exeter, C.W. Bonehouse is found in Philadelphia (a name which seems equivalent to a grave) ; also families of Corse, Corsey, Mort, and Tomb. Mr. Mumma is Chairman of a Committee of the Pennsylvania Legislature, Octo- ber, 1857; and this name is also found in Dumbo, C.W. Hannah Births was married at Woburn in 1649. Nat ale is found in our Directory, and only one Lazarus. Six families of Lazarus, however, appear in Philadelphia. The spirit of Devotion may yet be seen in our city churches, and his house is standing in an adjoin- ing town ; but he is no longer visible, in the flesh, " on 'Change." One Scripture had a suit in our Supreme Judicial Court, 1855 ; and this name, indeed, is very common in New England, being sometimes spelled Scripter. There are, I hope, still many fami- lies of Love among us ; but, with a single exception, they now walk about under another nomenclature. O NAMES FROM LOVE AND FEAR. Once they even gave names to our streets. Thus, files- ton Street was originally Love Lane. It also became a Christian name, here and elsewhere, among the descendants of these ancestors. Love Rawlins owned real estate at the North End. In the Cathe- dral Church of Peterborough is a monument to John Loving, who died 1781. Some of our best illustra- tions of Irish character are from the pen of Samuel Lover. I do not find Cupid as a Christian name ; but I do find Lovey and Venus. We have Mr. Amor Hollingworth ; and Amory is one of our first fami- lies. Mr. Amour was lost in the Central America, 1857. In New York, I find families of L' Amour, L'Amoureaux, &c. ; and, in Philadelphia, there are twenty-seven families of Love. Fear,' I believe, has never been a surname among us: but we have Mr. Fearing ; and Mrs. Fear Bourne was a landholder. Mr. Fear lives at Elmira, C.W. ; and Mr. Fearman, at Hamilton, C.W. We have among us the surname of Hope, which is a name of great note in Eng- land. There was an interesting family-group, the mem- bers of which respectively rejoiced in the names of Cord Cordis, Cord Wing, Fathergone Dinely, and Dinely Wing. One of our thoroughfares was Hog Alley ; but perhaps some will be surprised to learn that a Mr. Pighog appears in an early volume of our records. Jonathan Pigg, of Dedham, is party to a deed in L. 78, f. 66. We have also Hoggeridge hoggish names. 1 (1674), Hogsflesh (1657), Farrow, Hoegg, Hogg, Shoats (L. 90, f. 230), Swiney, Ham, Hamm, Bacon, and Brine. Choate, though a distinguished, is not an imposing name. It is, perhaps, a corruption of Shote, a young pig ; which name still exists in Eng- land. From a late review, we learn that a former pope had a name signifying Hogs-mouth. The poetic wreath encircles the brow of a Scotch Hogg. When an action was called into court not long since, a smile was produced by the announcement, that Mr. appeared for Gammon. Another Mr. Farrow is a barber at Lewiston, Me. Mr. Lard arrived here in the " Star of the West," from Panama, October, 1857 ; and a Mr. Lard lives in Philadelphia. John Wallower & Son received a government contract for whiskey in Boston and New York, May, 1857. The name of Swil- laway occurs in our Middlesex records, being probably a corruption of Silloway. Thomas Bristleham, of Roxbury (September, 1857), shows a most swinish taste in nomenclature. In New York live families of Hoggs, Sties, Swilling, Swein, and Swiney. Mr. Hog, of that city, sells liquor. Mr. Hogben (Hog- pen]) lives at Toronto, C.W. ; and Wallowbury, Hogwood, Hams, and Shoat, at Philadelphia. Hog- mire is a common name in Livingston County, N.Y. Some names are very short. Mr. Ai Wheat made many deeds in an adjoining county. Ai Blood is a baker. We had our Bill Vose. In our Directory is Mr. Showe Ar, from the Celestial Empire. Mr. Ernst 8 SHORT NAMES. Au sells milk in New York. Using the initial letter only of his Christian name, he is Mr. E Au (the French for " water "). Mr. Ey lives in Philadelphia, as do also three families of Ox. I have met with Si Er ; and this case always seemed to me the very essence of brevity. Even the Frenchman, Monsieur d'O, having, proba- bly, a longer Christian name, must yield to this rival. Sa & Co. failed in London, November, 1857, in the Brazilian trade. Mr. Deas was graduated at West Point. Mr. Tuells ought to be considered as a name of two letters only ; and Mr. Dee, Mr. Kay, Mr. Pee,* and Mr. Wye, are obviously names of but one letter. Mr. Izard is Governor of Nebraska. We have very many names of three letters only, such as those last mentioned; and Ash, Elm, Bly, Car (L. 547), Can Fay, Fax, Foy, Fox, Fry, Gay, Gaw, Gow, Hay Ide, Ral, Sky, Sly, Guy, Cop (1669), Dam, Cam Lay, May, Nay, Ray, Rae, Rea, Way, Wey, Tay Roy, Coy, Moy, Toy, Tak, Tew, Nut, Tye, Gee, Lee Doe, Dow, Kah, Kop, Ker, Low, Man; Pid, 1642 Ted, 1648; Het, 1642; Dun, 1647; Dod, 1656 Tyd, 1671; Els, 1658; Iue, 1683; Bex, 1679 Ong, 1679; Bey, 1674; Bud, 1677; Mun, 1679 Got, 1682; Hix, 1677; Mow, Moe, Ord, Orr, Oxx Och, Eck, New, Nix, Rix, Wax, Rex, Lug, Ure Roe, Rue, Nau, Nye, Joy, Ela, Ely, Dix, Yeo, Hoy and Hox. Messrs. * c Box and Cox " doubtless often visit the Museum together. Mr. Coe figures exten- * In 1857, a libel was pending to which S. J. Pee was a party. SHORT NAMES. sively in various partnerships. Mr. Hoe is not an agriculturist. Edgar A. Poe's song of the " Raven " is familiar to us all. Mr. Mee, of Jersey City, JST.J., failed in October, 1857. Our Miss Mee, in October, 1857, married a husband who had prior claims upon him ; and our Mr. Mee, unable to discriminate between meum and tuum, committed ten larcenies in November, 1 85 7. Among the subscribers to Thomson's " Seasons," I find Mr. Jee and Mr. Mee ; and both these names exist in New York. Mee is also found in Philadel- phia. Mr. Lum lives at Derby, Conn., and also at Cambridgeport ; Mr. Lew, at Lowell; Mr. Yam, at Lawrence ; and Mr. Yaw, at North Adams. We have Hue's " Chinese Empire ; " Ure's " Dictionary of the Arts." Guy's Hospital is one of the glories of Lon- don. Mr. Gye presides over the Italian Opera in that city. Mr. Yem lives there (1857). Mr. Aby was a midshipman ; and Henry Eld, jun., a lieutenant in our navy, 1849. Mrs. Bew subscribed for Miss Jones's book. Dr. John Dee had great celebrity in his day. Our Mr. John Dee made a deed (Lib. 584). "We have now a Right Reverend Bishop Kip, at San Francisco; and Kip is found among the graduates of Yale, as is also Ion. Miss Hui was married in Boston, June 25, 1857. Louisiana has its Judge Bry. Dr. Dox is agent of the State Pri- son in Michigan. Dr. Uhl, of New York, circumvented Mrs. Cunningham in her maternity plot, 1857. Mr. Val arrived here in a Cunard steamer, September, ■2 10 SHORT NAMES. 185T ; and Mr. Kul came here from California, October, 1857. Mr. Amm was lost in the "Central America," 1857. Gau published a splendid French work on Nubia. Bishop Ken was a learned and pious divine. John Pym was a man of note in his day. No hero in human history has surpassed the Cid. The New -York Directory contains many additional names of three letters, as' Abt, Ach, Adt, Aey, Ahl, Ahm, Alt, Arl, Ase, Ast, Atz, Aug, Aul, Aur, Bal, Bek, Bem, Ber, Bli, Boe, Boh, Bom, Bos, Bow, Bub, Daw, Dax, Dod, Don, Dun, Ege, Elz, Epp, Etz, Erb, Erk, Ery, Igo, Ihl, Ing, Jex, Kab, Kas, Kip, Kos, Len, Loy, Lus, Luz, Mas, Max, Mon, Naf, Nam, Nee, Neu, Ney, Nix, Olt, Ort, Ott, Otz, Pia, Pim, Qua, Rad, Rau, Ree, Rek, Roh, Rue, Sam, Sax, See, Sim, Syz, Uch, Ulm, Unz, Ure, Utt, Utz, Vey, Voy, Wex, Wet, Wie, Yhm, Yoe. In Philadelphia, I find families of Abe, Ahn, Ang, App, Ard, Arn, Atz, Adb, Axt, Bos, Bry, Bik, Box, Dos, Dux, Duy, Eli, Ent, Epp, Erb, Eby, Ilk, Lao, Lob, Nax, Ohl, Opp, Ord, Orf, Ork, Ost, Ott, Hew, Rox, Teh, Ulp, Una, Unn, Wex, Zah, Zeh. Canada furnishes many names of three letters : Eby, Ley, Ede, Erb, Haw, Bry, Udy, Jex, Sim, Sym, You, Bew, Arl, Ead, Ott, Ery, Ure, Ens, Moy, Lor, Etu, Oke, Kee, Eli, Eno, Fex, Gex, Deo, Dea, Moe, Sye, Pim, Sax, Lox, Oel, Pey, &c. On the contrary, some names are of excessive length ; LONG NAMES. 11 as Partheimuller, Higginbottom or Hickinbotham, Champernoone, Corolleiauer, Breckenbury, Col- LINGBOURNE, CrOWNINSHIELD, DwELSHAUVERS, AlLETZ- HAUSSEIR. KwiNKELENBERG, FlENKENFLEUGEL, GrEP- PENHAGEN, GuGGENHEIMER, DlFFENDAFFER, HaCHE- DOORIAN, CHRISTOPHERSON (1661), TOURTELOTTE, Whittingham, and Wigglesworth. The English name of Featherstonhaugh goes beyond any of these. Featherstonehaugh is fonnd at Guelph, C.W. ; Christopherson, at Montreal ; and Messrs. Bidden clipper, Ohrongloweis, and Strachatinistry, at Philadelphia. A married lady of Boston (Mrs. F.) was, in 1838, about to sign a deed, releasing her dower (L. 434, f. 295). I asked her name. Her hus- band said that she used the initial A, but that her name was " Aldebarontiphoscofornia." This name is probably the longest that a parent ever inflicted on a child. 12 CHAPTER III SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. I have known a lady with a masculine Christian name. Her father, tired of waiting for a son, had made a vow to himself, that his next child, of what- ever sex, should be named John ; and he kept his vow at the expense of a daughter.* Sometimes a male Christian name is given to a daughter by mistake. Thus, a lady, having the Christian name of Cataline, died in Boston, in the summer of 1857. On the other hand, one of our merchants has the apparently female Christian name of Catholina. Parents of a sentimental character often display their taste in the nomenclature of their children. • Other names are of a decidedly prosaic and practical nature. One of the streets in Boston is called Shoe-and- Leather Street. An honest carpenter, named Josselyn, was christened Marquis Fayette, notwithstanding all titles of honor are illegal among us. Marquis McDuff also appears in our Directory. A late counsellor of this city named two of his sons William : they are distinguished from each other by * John Stewart. She died March, 1857, aged eighty-two years. SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 13 the middle names of Nye and Watson. Occasion- ally the family name is taken as a Christian name ; as Thomas K. Thomas, Owen Owens, &c. Heman, a familiar Christian name with us, is signally appro- priate to every male-child. Occasionally a permanent joke is aimed at. Thus it is said that Mr. Robert New named two of his sons Something and Nothing. This story is how- ever, I believe, apocryphal. In our Directory is a Mr. Castor Bean, and also a Mr. Ivory Bean ; both, doubtless, from the same stalk. Quincy is celebrated for its granite ; and we have Mr. Quincy Quary. We have also Mr. Coffin Pitts (L. 388, f. 164). King George also figures in our records. A former undergraduate of Harvard College, named Spear, had the Christian name of William Shake. Gen. Scott, so distinguished for his military achievements, has the Christian name of Winfield. Kutusoff was a celebrated Russian field-officer. Stirling Price is Governor of Missouri (1856). Mr. Louis Dorr lives in New York. Hurst means " a grove ; " and our Mr. Grove Hurst made many conveyances a hundred years ago. Mr. Always Gentler is found in the New- York Directory. Messrs. Major Depty and Bird Peat live in Philadelphia. Mr. Fish, a well-known resident of New York, was christened Preserved ; and a Mr. Crabtree, of Connecticut, personally known to a late Professor of Harvard College, was christened A. Green. There are enough of that surname in 14 SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. New England to make quite an orchard. Of the same class is the name of Salem Towne, the senior member of our late State Senate. Though nominally repre- senting the " city of peace,'' he has the military title of general. Marshal Net was recently indicted in our court. Sometimes a joke is committed uninten- tionally : thus Mr. Mudd, at the South, named a son, in honor of the great Western statesman, Henry Clay Mudd. Christmas Carrol died at Lowell, Nov. 22, 1857, nineteen years old. Dickens's "Christmas Carol " is destined to a much longer life. Pleiades Orion Lumbkin was a former student at West Point. Our Puritan forefathers often used as names long and pious sentences, and such expressions as Free Grace, Search the Scriptures, Elected, Praise God, &c. Hate-evil Nutter is noticed in our Colony Records, 1649 ; and Faint-not Wines became a freeman, 1644. In November, 1857, Rest- come Case and Pardon W. (Pardon Wicked 1) Case were parties to conveyances, and have a fraternal affinity, at least in name. Hume's amusing list of the names of twelve jurymen in Cromwell's time is familiar to us all. With these Puritanical exceptions, even double Christian names were scarcely known in England till within the last century. Lord Coke, indeed, declares more than one illegal. Milton, Shakspeare, Locke, Cromwell, &c, were satisfied with one. At last came Charles James Fox, &c. Now they are extremely common. We have, among SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 15 statesmen, John Quincy Adams and Robert C. , Win- throp ; historians, &c, William H. Prescott, John Lothrop Motley, and George S. Hillard ; and our poets, Longfellow, Bryant, Lowell, Holmes, Si- gourney, Dana, Whittier, Frothingham, Willis, Brooks, Emerson, Tuckerman, Parsons, Fields, Per- cival, Poe, Key, &c., all have middle names. Many, indeed, are not contented with two names. A married relative of my own, — who chooses to retain also her maiden name, — should she spread out her signature to its full proportions, would write five distinct words, amounting in all to forty-one letters* We had a Mr. Returne Munnings ; and a former high-government officer, Return Jonathan Meigs, got his name from the circumstance, that his mother at first declined the addresses of her Jonathan, and then asked him to return. Mr. Cumback is a mem- ber of Congress. Mr. Return is found in the Direc- tory. Mr. Usual Knapp, the last of Washington's Life-Guard, died in Newburg, N.Y., in January, 1856. Among the Massachusetts men who took the benefit of the United-States Insolvent Law, I find Orion Broad, Salmon Ensign, and Socrates Frissell. In Buffalo, N.Y., is a business-sign of Adam Eva. Many other odd Christian names may be mentioned as occurring in the records of this county, such as Aloys, Almond, Almeron, Alpha, Amittai, Ammial, Amphion, Ambroscene, Annaple, Arsmus, Achsah, * Mrs. Elizabeth Boardman Ingersom. Bowditch Dixwkll. 16 specimens of christian names. And, Ari, Ariel, Avonia, Bant, Barney, Belitho, Beiri, Biles, Bossenger, Bozoun, Brice, Bunker, Byby, Corydon, Sparrow, Chranston, Dan, Doda- VAH, DWELLEY, DeMAS, TaDE, MaNEER, RoOKSBY, Velma, Sarson, Salma, Zibeon, Kirk, Maudit, Kos- mos, Orleas, Sealum, Stansall, Pincus, Elven, Hilus, Briceno, Parny, Nymphas, Galusha, Selthia, Pruda (L. 711, f. 92), Zina, Ziba, Zarlock, Griffin (L. 251, f. 57), Sarkis, Hirieli, Talmuna, Sepha- more, Ferris, Scammel, Sabin, Hadassah, Cussander, Saloam, Lusher, Zabdiel, Milo, Manton, Reistle, Stokes, Hopley, Orange, Dedrum, Delos, Merari, Zattu, Hoop, Nyott, Gershom, Zeberton, Semira, LOBENA, LUEVA, LuNANA, ClAVARS, ArMEDA, ZeDA, zoeth, hlland, paraclete, orient, ohio, boston, Quincy, Amherst, Salem, Milton, Lowell, Philadel- phia, Brittain, Albion, Malagay, Holland, London, Vienna, Tunis, Florence, Cadis, Uri, Smyrna, Ednah, Corliss, Fenton, Tead, Sparack, Stidman, JOSEHEBETH, JeHU, JlREH, ElISHAWAY, RuHAMAH, Suyiah, Leister, Erdix, Salathiel, Vashti, Velzora, Thannie, Theron, Orpha, Ruel, Odeardo ! Luman, Wendlocke, Obid, Osson, Othniel, Bethuel, Clem, Cephorine, Vear, Lucitanus, Sebeus, Cotton, Ivory, Jasper, Emerald, Ruby, Violet, Elm, Greenleaf, Branch, Rezin, Egidius, Lazarus, Loa, Zoa, Nion, Oel, Oral, Oxel, Orra, Otto, Edee, Iola, Seamen, Seranus, Ryneer, Standfast, Life, Leader, Lodema, Holder, Bonum, Pilgrim, Increase, Seaborne, specimens of christian names. 17 Bridge, Supply, Deodat, Donation, Given, Tem- perance, Freegrace, Orison, Zion, Experience, Consider, Prudence, Stilson, Patience, Urbain, Mercy, Dependence, Deliverance, Hope, Reliance, Hopestill, Fearing, Welcome, Desire, Amity, Com- fort, Joice, Rejoice, Pardon, Remember, Selah, Stillman, Dummer, Gaudy, Debonar, Sweet, Shippie, Telley, Freeke, Frizzle, Grizzle, Barker, Wailey, Latter, Lately, August, Winter, Paschal, Mama, Bob, Bill, Cuff, Weed, Starling, Nabby, Frink, Hinds, Marks, Pye, Justus, Vistus, Virgil, Victor, Wealthy, Earl, Baron, Major, Chancellor (L. 710, f. 144), Dean, Primus, Quartus, &c. We have Min dwell ; an excellent name for a wife. Administration on the estate of America Sparrow was granted in 1855 ; and America C. Tabb was sued in 1857. Mr. Emulous Stackpole was lately- sued. Mr. Lemon P. (Lemon Peel 1) Harding has made many conveyances. Mr. Lack Clancy, laborer, has not yet become wealthy. Mr. Lumber Allen is a shipwright. Mr. Vespasian E. Flye has an aspiring Christian name, and Mrs. Vesuvea Foster a fiery one. Mrs. Minerva Gray occupies a humble tenement for a goddess, as does also Mrs. Vesta Morano. Urania is the Christian name of a citizen moving in a humble sphere. Mr. Ceaser Hodder is a carpenter; Mr. Julius Knottman, a peddler ; and Mr. Artaxerxes C. Hoyt, an upholsterer. A clergyman in our vicinity 3 18 SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. has the Christian name of Grindall * — more appro- priate for another profession. Mr. Duffey has selected the Law as a Christian name. John has more name- sakes than all the other evangelists together. Craven is found as a Christian name (L. 400, f. 15). Mr. Dunn has even the Christian name of Cain, — a decidedly exceptional case ; as is also that of Ananias CONCKLAYNE, Or CoNKLYN (1645). The Stickney and Shattuck families have each had members named One, Two, Three, &c. I have met with Eldesta. A father, doubtless intending that his son should have a liberal education, named him Dipluma. Another child, probably from being born on a particular kind of bed, was christened Matrassa. Mr. Ari Davis and Mr. Person Davis, from the oddity of their names, may perhaps be brothers. The romantic department is well represented by Garafelia (cava filia, or " dear daughter "), Philura, Belinda, Melinda, Ozia, Delicta, Hulda, Rosella, Lorenda, Luria, Anastasia, Pamela, Sophronia, Serena, Alvira, Galutia, Amanda, Fitzjames, Nelcour. We have Rodolphus Spalding. Orlando is a com- mon name : thus we have Orlando Ladd, a carpen- ter ; Orlando Libby, a cabinet-maker. Contrasted with this dignified name, I find, however, even more numerous specimens of the Christian name of Garret ; doubtless conferred from the circumstance, that the parties were born in an elevated locality. * England, indeed, has had its Rev. Edmund Grindal, D.D. SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 19 Mr. Friend Cushing probably does not belong to the sect of Quakers. I find a widow with the Chris- tian name of Tamer : I know nothing, however, of her married life. Another, with the ominous name of Bellona, died in 1857. Mr. Valorous Taft is a senator of Massachusetts. The name of Opportunity Hoppin is found near Boston. Miss Tamzene Twi- ning was married in February, 1857. Mr. Ether Shepley of Portland, Me., is not a rival of Dr. Mor- ton in the great discovery of the age. Coplestone War Bampfylde, Esq., was one of Miss Jones's sub- scribers. Mr. Avis Magnoni died in May, 1857. Wonder Wears was a pupil at Groton Academy in 1814; as was Miss Submit Nutting in 1813. Mr. Saxe-Gotha Laws was Clerk of the Delaware Senate in 1857. Our Mr. Luck Nash was unlucky enough to become a bankrupt in 1857. The wife of one of our distinguished merchants has the Christian name of Seraph. Miss Euphrosyne Tubbs, of West Ded- ham, was among the best contributors at a late Fair. We have Hodolphus Spalding and Aristides Talbot. Capt. Sparrow Horton died at Woburn not long since. Agassiz' subscription-list contains several curious Christian names ; as William Nephew King, of Georgia ; Flamen Ball, of Cincinnati ; Tipton Walker, of Galveston, Texas ; Janus (or " double- faced ") Fraiser, of Philadelphia, &c. England claims its Harbottle Grimston. The estate on Cambridge Street, at the east corner 20 SPECIMENS OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. of Staniford Street, was derived by Mungo Mackay from Giles Dulake Tidmarsh. John Noldus de vin Pronk (L. 435, f. 266) has an outlandish sound. Mr. July E. Wine lives in New York. A late satire on Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, whose name combines the glories of both the French dynasties, belittles him as Mr. L. N. Bonaparte; and a well-known writer among ourselves, who has the Christian name of Lucius Manlius, lays aside his Roman dignity under the unpretending initials of L. M. Mr. Vicesimus Knox is a well-known author. Tertius S. Clarke was a clergyman of Stockbridge. A near neighbor of my father's had his eighth daugh- ter. Appropriate names were rather scarce. I sug- gested Octavia : he selected Zebiah, or Zibby. Twentyman Wood, of Greenwich, Conn., obtained a patent for making shingles (1858). A Miss Eliot, one of the owners of a large pasture through which Carver Street was laid out, was christened Silence, and grew up deaf and dumb. The following anecdote was related to me by a friend : At a trial, in which a well-known Liverpool merchant, Ottiwell Wood, was a witness, he was re- quested by the presiding judge, who was somewhat deaf, to spell his name ; which he did as follows : "O double £, i double u, e double I; double u dou- ble o, dr 21 CHAPTER IV. OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. Mr. Belch lives in New York. We have had a Gov. Belcher, (what a corruption of the French Bel-chere !) and a Lieut.-Gov. Dummer. Gov. Gore married Miss Payne. Lieut.-Gov. Gill lived at Parker's in fine style, and was buried with great pomp, but died deeply insolvent. Mr. Derth figures in the Direc- tory of 1835 ; and Mr. Dearth, of a neighboring county, after enduring his name for many years, was at last induced by his family to change it. A law- student at Harvard is named Dearth. The English families of Houseless, Hunger, Need, and Want, have no representatives here: on the contrary, our records contain various deeds from persons named Plenty (L. 394, f. 247, &c). In New York, how- ever, I find Mr. Want, Mr. Wantman, Mr. Wants, Mr. Nead, Mr. Lack, Mr. Lackman, Mr. Unger, and Mr. Hungerford. Need and Needs are both found in Philadelphia. I have no reason to doubt that Messrs. Mellow, Haisy (1665), Mooney, Slewman, Dreyer, Drinker, Bibber, Brimmer, Spiller, Mead, Beers, Bere, 22 opposite surnames contrasted. Ales (1685), Goodale, Alesworth, Wines, Goodwine (1658), Potwine, Hockey, Negus, Ginn, Porter, Popp, Punch, Siders, Kilcup, Mugridge, Phillpot, Fillmore, Treat, Twohy, Revill, Revell, and Rum- rill are as strictly temperate as Mr. Drinkwater, and as regular in their habits as Mr. Clock (L. 384, f. 1); or that Messrs. Chew, Cram, Fullam, Mess, Goble, and Gobble are as moderate eaters as Mr. Fastin. Mr. Gready was a graduate of Yale in 1842. James T. Morsel is Associate Judge of the District of Columbia, 1856. George B. Dieter is Consul for Venezuela at New Orleans. Mr. Diety and Mr. Fast live in Montreal ; Mr. Fare, at Quebec ; Mr. Feast, at Wellington Square, C.W. ; Mr. Chewit, at Sandwich, C.W. Twenty-four families of Chew are found in Philadelphia ; also Messrs. Fill, Fillins, Fillman, Ifill. Lewis Gormandy, of Detroit, ap- propriated to himself what did not belong to him, August, 1857. J. F. Coolbroth lives in Portland, Me. Messrs. Colfish and Colflesh (i.e., Coldflsh and Coldflesh), Mr. Chowder and Mr. Gravy, are found in Philadelphia ; and both Mr. Faster and Mr. Feaster. A Mr. Feaster also lives at Altona, C.W. ; and another was wounded in a late riot at Baltimore. Mr. Chew Van Bibber, of that city, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Gobels lives at Bridgeport, Conn. ; Mr. Dainty at Pittsfield, and also at Phila- delphia. The families of Dining and Eatwell did not emigrate to this country. Mr. Woodfork, how- OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. 23 ever, is found in our Directory. Messrs. Forke and Forker live in New York ; and Messrs. Forcum and Forker, in Philadelphia. In the New-York Directory are also found Mr. Dainty, and Messrs. Crum, Crumb, and Crummy ; Messrs. Gready and Grede ; eleven families of Munch ; Mr. Larder, Mr. Meatman, Mr. Meels, and Messrs. Filling and Spill- ing. Mr. Fasting, of that city, is a grocer. Our Mr. Spooner seems to stand by himself between the eaters and drinkers. Mr. Rap is not a medium, nor is Mr. Tippin (L. 365). A Mr. Tipping appears in our Colony Records, 1676; and Thomas Tipping lived in Eng- land in 1800. Both Mr. Raps and Mr. Tipper live in New York ; and Mr. Wallrapp, in Philadelphia. In the Newhaven Churchyard, England, is a monu- ment to Thomas Tipper, who died in 1785. Sears is supposed to mean " soothsayer," and to be identical with Sayer. Mr. Augur has a case now pending, which his opponent doubtless feels to be a bore : he is of an old family. A Mr. Augur appears in 1658; and Mr. Augurs received the notice of our forefathers in 1671. Both Sibel and Sibell are found in New York. Mr. Soldem has ventured to bring a suit. Our Messrs. Parson, Parsons, Shriever, Friar, Friary, Priest, Divine, Deacon, Creed Quaker, Church, Pray, and Revere are probably not more pious than our Mr. Pagan or Mr. Turk. Both Mr. Churchman and Mr. Mussalman live in 24 OrPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. New York ; also Messrs. Bigot, Munk, and Nunns. Mr. K,osery lives at Lockport, C.W. ; Dr. Kirkbride, at Philadelphia ; also Messrs. Bigot, Bapst, and Musselman. Mr. Layman lives at Spring's Arbour. Mr. Layman, in 1857, committed a murder at the South, and will doubtless be hung without benefit of clergy. Mr. Praed, one of England's sweetest poets, has by no means confined his Muse to sacred themes. Dr. Verity lives at Haysville, C.W. An English clergyman, Rev. Arundel Verity, falsely and fraudulently converted to his own use funds designed for conversion of the heathen. Mr. New- gate (1651) was not an escaped convict; nor does it appear that Mr. Selman (1674) was a slaveholder. Mr. Mothersell lives at Kingston, C.W. No cleri- cal associations surround the name of Rev. William Youngblood, of New York. A Dr. Youngblood lives at Sandwich, C.W. Pleasant M. Mask, of Holly Springs, Miss., treacherously murdered a young lady in 1857. We have both the Bible and the Coran in our Directory. The Bible is nominally met with, both in New York and in Philadelphia. Mr. Pas- tor makes casks instead of converts, and can operate better upon hoops than upon heathens ; but, though our Pastor is a cooper, our Cooper was the best of pastors. William Pagan, Esq., subscribed for Chan- dos's maps. We have the name of Pfaff. Pfaffe is the German for " priest." I find a Mr. Tenant; and we have Wirth, the OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. 25 German for " landlord." Both Tenant and Tennent are found in Philadelphia. Mr. Charter and Mr. Cade, I hope, alike voted for Fremont. Mr. Derrick, Mr. Delvin, and Mr. Carty, are laborers. Our Lind and Mozart are not musical. Mr. Fluent and Mr. Flowry are not probably greater orators than Mr. Stuck, of St. Louis. Our Mr. Boniface is not a landlord. Our Marmion is a stone-cutter. Mr. Macbeth obtained sovereign power as Mayor of Charleston, S.C., in 1857; and Banquo keeps house in New York. I formerly knew a Mr. Dam, who intercepted other liquids than water. Mr. Bench, Mr. Mode, and Mr. Bodkin, are tailors. Mr. B. Coates was a tailor in Prince Street. Mr. Wax is not a cobbler, nor is Mr. Soles ; but Mr. Charles Carr drives a job-wagon, and Mr. Boss is a master- workman. Mr. Adorno is a varnisher in New York. Our Mr. Covert puts covers on books. Mr. Glass- brook has a most mirror-like name, and is a hair- dresser. We have Mr. Penn, Mr. Inker, and Mr. Standish ; but our Blott has been obliterated. Mr. Inkpen, Mr. Quill, and Mr. Smouch, remained in England. Mr. Spotts, however, was a passed midship- man in our navy in 1849. The old Romans had the name of Macula (" a spot ") ; and both Mr. Dabbs and Mr. Daub are found in the New-York Directory. Mr. Streek is a depositor in our Suffolk Savings Bank, 1858. Mr. Solace, of Bridport, Vt., is a lawyer. Mr. 26 OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. Grindall lives at Newburyport. Mr. Work, and Messrs. Sweat, Swett, and Swetting, represent cause and effect. Mr. Sweating (correctly spelt) lives at Providence. Mrs. Quick and Mr. Delay offset each other ; as do Mr. Long and Mr. Short, Messrs. Tank and Plugg, Messrs. Vent and Fawcett, Mrs. Standin and Mr. Faller, Mr. Rich and Mr. Poor, Messrs. Cumming, Comer, Comes (1677), Came, Goeth, and Going,* and Messrs. Byers and Sellers. Messrs. Waker, Wakeum, Wakum (L. 14, f. 383), Vigi- lante, Rouse, Rising, and Riser have their opposites in Messrs. Sleeper and Nappen,-)- and in Mr. Napp of New York. Among English writers, and also among the citizens of New York, there are more than one named Wake: and in New York I find Wakely, Wakes, and Wakeman ; two families of Watchhorn ; also Traum, the German for "dream." Wake's "Genuine Epistles of the Fathers" appears in the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. A Mr. Wake lives in Philadelphia ; and Mr. Wakeman, at Hamilton, C.W. Mr. Morphy is one of the champion chess-players of the United States. Mr. Bigg and Mr. Large, in name at least, outweigh Mr. Small and Mr. Little. England has its Wragg and Ragg. Mrs. Wragge was a subscriber to Jones's " Miscellanies." We have Raggens, Ragon, and Patch. A Mr. Wragg was a graduate of Harvard ; and a Miss Wragg, of South * Mr. Goings arrived here in a British steamer, November, 1867. t A Mr. Nappen is a clergyman at Ellsworth, Me. OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. 27 Carolina, lately married Dr. Toomer (Tumor'?). England has Bag; and we have Bagg, Bagworth, Baggerly, and Satchwell. One Mr. Bagg lives at Pitts field, and another is president of a paper com- pany. In Philadelphia are families of Bagg, Bagge, and Baggs. Mr. Sacks lives at Bradford, C.W. Both Parcells and Parsells are found in New York; Pearsells, at Philadelphia; and Parsill, at Belmore, C.W. Seventeen families of Paquet live in Montreal, and it is a common name in Quebec. Miss Hacker, of Salem, married Mr. Sharpless, of Philadelphia, several years ago. Mr. Clipp and Mr. Cropper both live in New York. Messrs. Wood and Rafters, housewrights, are partners in business, as are also Messrs. Millet and Bean. Messrs. Knott, Twist, Tyinge (1640), Tye, Tigh, Tighe, Messrs. Lemon and Peele, Messrs. Hammer and Tong, Messrs. Sower* and Tillet, Messrs. Bell and Ring, Messrs. Flint and Steel, Messrs. Rust, Mould, and Dust, Messrs. Slate and Chalk, Messrs. Beetle and Wedge (L. 59, f. 239), ought to be so. Mr. Ogg lives at Wellington Square, C.W. ; Mr. Magog, at Montreal. Both Mr. Gettings and Mr. Givings live at Kingston, C.W. A Mr. Raser is found in Philadel- phia. Sarah S. Raisor died unmarried (June, 1857). Richard Lathers still survives, and is President of the Great Western Insurance Company, of New York. Mr. Lathermore also lives in New York. The * In Philadelphia there is a firm of Sower and Barnes. 28 OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. firm of Shaves and Chisels are tool-manufacturers in Warren, Worcester County. In Portsmouth, N.H., there was for many years a firm of Neal and Pray. W. W. Marjoram made a deed to J. W. Pepper (L. 675, f. 31). Mr. Tiemann was elected Mayor of New York, 1857. A Judge of Probate in Alabama is named Tyus, and doubtless often ties the matrimo- nial knot. In 1828 there was a Sir Charles Lemon in Dublin, and there were English authors named Ringer (1734) and Knell (1660). Knell is found both in New York and in Philadelphia. Sir God- frey Kneller has a world-wide reputation. Mr. Bender is a porter. Cavendish is one of the great names of English science. Capt. Edward Cavendy, of the U. S. steamship " Washington," invented, in 1857, a tripod for zenith observations. Mr. Arnold, and his victim, Mr. Andre, are still in close proximity among us. Mr. Ferrill has a good name for a schoolmaster, as have also Mr. Ruhler and Mr. Rodman. Mr. Birch lives at Lachute, C.E. ; and both Mr. Breakwill and Mr. Breecher, at Kingston, C.W. The admirable Chrichton is a living example to our community. Our Guy and Herriott have founded no hospitals. Neither our Benyon nor our Kenyon has the celebrity of Lord Kenyon. Our Porteous has never been mobbed (L. 626). Our Defoe will never write a new " Robinson Crusoe." Our Gilpin has not performed any equestrian feats. Mr. Gulliver has OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. 29 ceased from his travels, and is at home with us.* Old Grimes is not dead : he lives in New York. Van winkle and Vanwinkler have only removed to Philadelphia. Mr. Iagoe lives in Hamilton, C.W. Mr. Shandy (not Tristram) lives in Quebec. Mrs. Grundy is a housekeeper in Boston, and " Mrs. Par- tington " is familiar to us as a nom de plume. Mr. Partington is a living reality in New York. Our Mr. Cottle is named Jonathan (not Amos). The English astrologer was Mr. Lilly : ours is Mr. Lister. We had, in old times, a Mr. Biss : we have now Mr. Hiss. Both Mr. Bis and Mr. Biss still live in Phila- delphia. Mrs. Jenny Cozier lives in a very snug tenement. Mr. Wiffe died in 1638; and yet the practice of smoking was never more prevalent. Mr. Pipe lives at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Landsee, of New York, has compassed sea and land to make one name. In England, there exist single names made up of opposites ; as Gocum, Fair- foul, Bindloose, Onslow (a family which uses the appropriate Latin motto of Festina lente). Mr. Less- more appears in our Directory of 1857. Rev. Mr. * In 1720 is recorded a deed of Jonathan Gulliver and wife (L. 34, f. 218). Just after the anonymous publication of " Gulliver's Travels," Pope, who, with one or two other friends, was alone in the secret of the authorship, writes to Swift in Ireland, under date of March 23, 1727-8, " I send you a very odd thing, — a paper printed in Boston, in New England, wherein you will find a real person, a member of their parliament (?), of the name of Jonathan Gulliver," &c. Swift, under date of May 10, thanks him for this newspaper, and adds, " And I remember Mr. Fortescue sent you an account 'from the assizes of one Lemuel Gulliver, who had a case there, and lost it on his ill reputation of being a liar," &c. Scott alludes, in a note, to this last as a " coincidence almost incredible." 30 OPPOSITE SURNAMES CONTRASTED. Banslow is a clergyman at Georgia, Vt. Mr. Fea- therstone, of Philadelphia, failed in 1857. Mr. Lightstone lives in New York; also Mr. Water- stone. Mrs. Waitstill Trott, buried in our Granary Burying-ground, is an instance of the like discrepancy between Christian and surname ; as is also Mr. "Water- man Colman. The familiar name of Noyes is a contradiction in terms. Mr. Ducklow, on the con- trary, has a name of which the two parts are in the strictest harmony ; and Miss Anguish Crackbone, of Cape Cod, has, in this respect, reason to be entirely satisfied. Mr. Weinbeer, of New York, represents a compound more pleasing to the ear than to the tongue. The name of THALBERG,sthe distinguished pianist, means, in German, " valley-mountain." Mr. Burg- thal lives in Philadelphia. Feuerbach (" fire- river ") — i. e., " a stream of fire " — is one of the distinguished names of the century. 31 CHAPTER V. PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. There is probably more intimacy in name than in fact between Messrs. Hook, Staple, and Staples, and between Messrs. Locke, Key, and Keyes. " Jeanne d'Arc " was printed by Triphook, in London, in 1824; and Mr. Hooks, of Tennessee, subscribed for Agassiz' work. In thinking of Mr. Wing and Mr. Bill, we are reminded that we have also Messrs. Finn, Finney, Phinney, and Gill. Miss Pinion, in 1648, as appears by our Colony Records, escaped from the meshes of the law ; and Miss Woodfin, of Marblehead, was married in 1857. Messrs. Drane, Drain, Suares, Trench, Moat, Sunks, Foss, Pitts, Hole, Fall, Faller, and Falls belong to the same family. We have also Chute, the French for " fall." In New York are found the names of Faller, Fall- man, Fallon, Falls, Sink, and Sinke. Mr. Drainey lives at Edwardsburg, C.W. ; Mr. Fallman, at Hamil- ton, C.W. ; also Mr. Fallbright and Mr. Sink, at Philadelphia. A Mr. Hole published a work in London in 1797. Hole's "Liturgy" I have never 32 PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. seen. Both Mr. Fell and Mr. Down are in the Directory of 1835. A Mr. Richard Fell lived in Bolton, England, in 1821. My washerwoman is Mrs. Bowlinwater, — perhaps a corruption of Boiling- water. Mr. Landfear, a graduate of Yale, is pro- bably not opposed to investments in real estate. Messrs. Dulles and Fyler may both be found in the catalogue of that institution. Messrs. Batt and Ball doubtless played together on the Common. The late able editor of the " Boston Courier " (Mr. Kettell) had as an associate Mr. Frye. Mr. Kittle appears as a grantor in L. 107. Mr. Caner, though his name sounds rather pugilistic, was a clergyman. Mr. Clinch and Mr. Lynch were also ministers of the gospel, at South Boston. Thomas Maule, of Salem, was a Quaker. The late Mr. Crackbon was an amiable, quiet citizen. One of the hymns in Greenwood's collection is written by Butcher, another by Toplady. Rev. Dr. Gannett, though named for a very stupid bird, has vastly more intellect than his predecessor, Rev. John Morehead. Our Boott is not yet worn out. We have a John Quincy Adams Bolster, — a name which happily unites the glorious and the use- ful. Gen. Pillow was one of the heroes of the Mexican war. Congress — that place for long yarns — has a Mr. Spinner for one of its members. Mr. Yarn all himself was in our navy in 1849. Just now, there are probably more Bolters in fact than in PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. 33 name. Mr. Stocks appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Brander and Mr. Crackstone are probably descended from an officer and a victim of the criminal law. Joseph Pickstone, Esq., subscribed for Chau- chard's maps. In New York are found families of Hang, Hangland, and Hangs. Steinschneider's (or "stonecutter's") "Jewish Literature" was pub- lished in London in 1857. Among the business- signs in Boston are those of " Henry Hyde — Boots and Shoes ; " " Eben E. Fowler — Bird and Cage Depot ; " and J. P. Draper advertises superior shirts, collars, &c. Among Miss Jones's subscribers, I find Mr. Bow- dry, Mr. Drax, Mr. Daddo, Rev. Mr. Dipple, Rev. Mr. Degg, Rev. Mr. Darch, Rev. Mr. Fowel, Mrs. Godschall, Mr. Gashry, Miss Gyde, Mr. Jubb, Mr. John Glubb, Mrs. Nab. Gubbins, Mrs. Gataker, Mrs. Holbrow, Miss Hindmarsh, Mr. Hewgoe, Mr. Hibbs, Mrs. Jagger, Mr. Lovibond, Rev. Mr. Mence, Mrs. Nares, Mrs. Niblett, Dr. Pardo (Principal of Jesus College), Mrs. Prall, Mr. Pypon, Miss Prat- veil, Mr. Pead, Miss Pysing, Rev. Mr. Pyle, Mr. Pering, Mr. Pargiter, Mrs. Questead, Miss Rain- storp, Mr. Spiltimber, Mrs. Spinckes, Miss Sturt, Rev. Mr. Twynihoe, Mr. Twiner, Mrs. Treacher, four named Vanhattem, Rev. Mr. Vatas, Mr. Wight- wicr, four named Worgan, Mr. Watters, Mr. Witt- noon, Mrs. WlTTEWRONG, &C. 5 34 PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. There is a Miss Silverheels in Boston : she signed as witness to a deed recorded in 1857. Mr. Silvertooth lives in Philadelphia. Mr. A. S. Scruggs is a subscriber to a Boston journal. Among the Harvard graduates are the names of Gushee, Quash, Sluman, Shissler, Frick, and Blight; and Yale matches these by her names of Brodnax, Chalker, Darken, Craw, Diggins, Sproat, Sprowl, Swope, Pumpelly, Munger, and Uricoechea. A Mr. Shouse, at the South, choused his creditors by forgeries, in July, 1857. Both Blight and Bleight are found in Philadelphia. Rev. Mr. Sprole once officiated at West Point. Mr. Switchell lives in Weybridge, Vt. Dr. Twitchell was an eminent surgeon in New Hampshire. Salem has residents named Smothers and Scriggins. Young Quattlebaum was a graduate of West Point in 1857 ; and Mr. Swisher became A.M. at Brown University in the same year. The State Auditor of Texas is named Swisher. Messrs. Quakenbush and Quakenbosh, as also Messrs. Brash, Broach, and Bubb, live in New York. Mr. Huckaby is one of the prosecuting attorneys of Indi- ana. Mr. Grush lives in Brookline, Mass. ; and Mr. Shunk was a midshipman in our navy in 1849. Mr. Quackenbush, of Albany ; Mr. Smull, of Balti- more ; Mr. Crudup, of North Carolina ; Mr. Crackett, of Nashville, Tenn. ; and Mr. Sloat, of San Francisco, — all subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Mishler is a West-Point cadet (1857). PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. 35 Some names are immortalized by a distich ; thus : — " There was longitude missed on By good Mr. Whiston, And not better hit on By Humphrey Ditton," &c. We have Whiston, Ditson, Dutton, &c. Humphrey Ditton 's work on the resurrection is recommended to the Harvard students in the catalogue of 1773, where also Hasselquist's " Travels " are (doubtless with equal reason) commended to the like favor. Mr. Trip- lett is probably descended from an ancestor who was one of three at a birth. Mr. Whitehead is, perhaps, a young man : his namesake, the late Mr. Hoar, was venerable alike for age and character. Mr. Hore, in the Directory of 1841, adopts a new spelling. We have Cain, Cane (L. 96, f. 175), and Kane. The latter name belongs to the nation. A Mr. Cane lives at Hardwick, Mass. Pontius Pilate has a representa- tive in Mr. Pilatte ; and even Nero has a namesake among us, Herrode is found in Philadelphia. One Mr. Hayman died in 1806, and others still live among us. The letter " y," though it does not vary the pro- nunciation, is yet decidedly an advantageous addition to this name. It appears, however, in the unmiti- gated form of Ham an, in the Colony Records of 1660. In 1781, there was an English writer named Rack; and, in 1761, another named Toll. Capt. Toll and Miss Toll subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies." Mr. Tolefree was graduated at Yale in 1828. Mr. 36 PECULrAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. Tole was a colonist in 1640; and Mr. Toll appears in our Directory of 1857. In the New-York Direc- tory, I find Mr. Toal ; also Mr. Zoll (the German for "toll") and Mr. Rack. Mr. Tolls lives at Newburg, C.W. Mr. H alpine probably came from Switzerland vid London. The ancient family of Clamp it is, after two centuries, still extant among us in the wife of a well- known artist. Five families of Clampitt live in Phi- ladelphia ; and Mr. Clampett lives in London, C.W. John Earthy settled among us in 1674. In 1790, there was an English author named Smellie. Our Essence is a black man : Mr. Savory and Mr. Otto, however, are white. Among our recent marriages are those of Mr. Lavender and Miss Garlick. Mr. Garlic lives at Toronto, C.W. One of England's belles in the last century was " the beautiful Molly Lepel."* Miss Lebel lives at St. Thomas, C.E. Mrs. Plato is a black woman. The noble house of Nassau has its representative in a hairdresser. Mr. Bruns- wick dealt in furniture. Mr. Hanover is a clerk ; and Mr. Lorrain, a housewright. Tudor holds its own. Titus has namesakes among us. Mr. Priam, of New York, is a waiter. Among the Messrs. As ay, of Philadelphia, not one is connected with the mint. Julius C^sar was knighted, and became Master of the Rolls, in England, a hundred and twenty-five years ago ; but our C^sar is only a hairdresser. * Mary Lepel, who married Lord Hekvey. PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. 37 Columbus himself is a shoemaker in New York, as is also our own Menzikoff. Our Bruce* and Wallace are not heroes. Br am ah is a citizen of Kingston, C.W. William Pitt once lived in North Square. Our Homer, Pindar, Tasso, Milton, Dryden, and Byron, and our Tate and Brady, have no poetic aspirations. Mr. Dante is a laborer at London, C.W. Messrs. Juvenal, Boileau, Voltaire, and Thackara, of Philadelphia, are not known in the literary world. Our Tully and Curran are not orators, nor is our Cadmus a literary man. Mr. Virgil, of New York, is an expressman. Mr. Sophocles, however, is an instruc- tor in our university ; and there was lately a Professor Tully at Yale College. Our Beede will not proba- bly be known to posterity as " the venerable." Our Davie, though not a philosopher, was a baronet. We have a Mr. Plato (1857). Judge Cato, of Kan- sas, hardly rivals his ancient namesake, or justifies his own Christian name of Sterling G. (" sterling gold " ?). Mr. Bogy, the banker, of St. Louis, found him- self in an insecure position in September, 1857 ; and even Mr. Rockhill, of Philadelphia, yielded to the pressure of the times. The two firms of Bottom and Co., of New Jersey, also got to the bottom of their resources at the same period. Mr. Gotham probably never saw New York. Messrs. Goldstone, of Co- * Immortal Bruce, however, was a guest at the New- York Hotel, in New York, February, 1858. 38 PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. bourg and of Toronto, C.W., and Mr. Nogget (1684), did not come from California. Mr. Harlem is out of his latitude. George Loyall, of Norfolk, being a navy agent, is doubtless a good patriot. Mr. Kings- land, of New York, did not become a refugee at the Revolution. Mr. Carland's estate is not well situated for a railroad depot. Mr. Chatel, of Ottawa, C.W., is not a slave; nor was Mr. Kilmaster, of Port Rowen, C.W. Mr. Schrouder, of Portsmouth, C.W., is not an undertaker. 'Mr. Hopkirk, of Kingston, C.W., is not a Shaker ; nor are the Haram families, of Quebec, Mormons. Rev. Mr. Facer, of St. Thomas, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Fear, of Vroomantown, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Feather- stone Ostler, of Ancaster, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Plow- man, of Ayr, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Oats, of Thamesford, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Tapp, of Cobourg, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Fawcet, of Consecon, C.W.', Rev. Mr. Lees, of An- caster, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Gravel, of La Prairie, C.E. ; Rev. Mr. Stalker, of Inverness, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Olscamps, of St. Stanislas de Batiscan, C.E., — form a group of clergymen of rather anomalous names. On the other hand, Rev. Mr. Service reads the Methodist- Episcopal service at Lynden, C.W. ; and Rev. Mr. Rally, of Haysville, C.W., manifestly belongs to the church militant. Mr. Lappe, of New Hamburg, C.W., is a shoemaker; Miss Vest, of Toronto, C.W., a dressmaker ; Mr. Vizard, of Peterborough, C.W., an attorney; and Mr. Supple, of Pembroke, C.W., a PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. 39 member of the Provincial Parliament (1857). Messrs. Caryeth, of Port Hope, C.W., and Mr. Gash, of Dunville, C.E., are butchers. Mrs. Lone is a widow, at Oriqois, C.E. Mrs. Cinnamon, of Kingston, C.W., keeps a grocery. The Messrs. Broadwater, of Phi- ladelphia, are fishermen. Mr. Brick, of that city, is a mason ; and Mr. Cartman, a laborer. Mr. Brick- layer, of Montreal, is a laborer ; Mr. Rumble, of Clinton, C.W., a wagon-maker; and Mr. Saddler, of Adelaide, C.W., a harness-maker. Mr. Builder, of Caledonia, C.W., is merely a cabinet-maker. Mr. Spurgeon, of Toronto, C.W., takes care of soles, not of souls ; and Mr. Hatter, of Ottawa, C.W., is a shoemaker. Mrs. Bloomy is a schoolmistress at St. Zepherine, C.E., — an employment decidedly unfavor- able to the complexion. The Paddy . family, though specifically extinct, is still the largest in Boston. We have the names of Frail and Parramore. Mr. Hake arrived here in a Cunard steamer, November, 1857. Many a Hussey may be met with. Leman s , Harridans, and Trulls * abound ; and Wantons have disappeared from among us only in name. Harlots, however, are not found here, though they are in London. Among the unfortu- nate passengers of the " Central America " (1857) was one named Fallen ; and Mr. Frailey w^as a lieutenant * A wealthy citizen of this name, in 1857, offered a donation to the city for the purpose of devoting a piece of land to public uses, under the name of u Trull Square." 40 PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. in our navy in 1849. Both Frailey and Fraily are found in New York ; and, in Philadelphia, I find Fallen, Paramore, Parremore, with no less than eight families of Frailey, and sixteen families of Fraley. Mr. Letcher, of Virginia, is a member of Congress. Rutter is a common name with us ; and there are twenty-one families of that name in Philadelphia. Rev. Samuel Rutter, D.D., was a former Bishop of Sodor and Man. A libel is pending in our United-States District Court against Mr. Rapes. Mr. Rape is a subscriber to one of our religious jour- nals. Among German naturalists is found Mr. Pander (1818). Well, indeed, may the poet ex- claim, — " Not to mention many a vulgar name, That would make a doorplate blush for shame, If doorplates were not so brazen ! " Some foreign names, if domesticated among us, would be deemed absolutely inadmissible in good society. Thus : " Col. Magnus Puke, Chief of the Navy Office, and the last representative of one of the oldest families in Sweden," died at Stockholm, of cholera, in September, 1857. We have Mr. Devine and Mr. Wonder. Mr. Wunders lives in Hartford, Conn. ; Mr. Marvel, at Rehoboth. The English Marvell was the wittiest man of his day. It is needless to add, that we have families of Guess. Mr. Gess lives in Philadelphia. We have also Whytall, Whittley, Cutting, and Whittle. Both Whittle PECULIAR SURNAMES GROUPED TOGETHER. 41 and Wittle are found in New York. I do not find the name of Swap ; but Rev. C. E. Swope (a name before alluded to, p. 34) was Rector of Grace Church, Chicago, in 1850 ; and twenty-two families of the name live in Philadelphia. 42 CHAPTER VI. PECULIAR SURNAMES, CONTINUED. — GOOSE, &c. The late European belligerents ought to have employed as umpire our fellow-citizen, Mr. Royal Makepeace. Mr. Jobs lived in New York, — a name, in the plural, rather suggestive of city contracts. Our Mr. Job is a family man, and probably owns railroad stock. Messrs. Tittle, Blank, and Cyfer have insignificant names. Mr. Blankman and Mr. Aught, and Messrs. Cypher and Cyphers, live in New York. At Philadelphia I find families of Blanck, Blank, and Blankman, two families of Dito, and six families of Null. Mr. Tittell lives at Preston, C.W. ; Mr. Ought, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Tweedle, at Glen William, C.W. Mr. Farless was sued in 1857. Mr. Mear made a deed in December, 1856. More is very common. Mr. Most appears in the Directory of 1857; and another Mr. Most lives at Hartford, Conn. Mr. Overmore was admitted a free- man in 1671 ; and Mr. Climax himself lives in New York. Mr. Very and Mr. Welcombe (L. 17, f. 10) appear extremely cordial ; while, on the other hand, Messrs. Nay, Nott, Nevers, Nerey, Naromore, PECULIAR SURNAMES, CONTINUED. 43 Den io, and Miss Repell, seem quite the reverse. Mr. Denyer lives at Toronto, C.W. Mr. Woodnot was present during the last days of the English poet Herbert. Willing is found here; and it is one of the first families in Philadelphia. In New York are found the names of Doolady, Duduit, and Ducom, — all implying a pressing request. Mr. Winder, a passed midshipman; and Mr. Toler, a midshipman in our navy in 1849, — have each an insinuating name. Mr. Joins was a sailmaker in the navy ; and Mr. Shock was in the engineer corps at the same time. That important little word " no " is repre- sented in the New- York Directory by eight families of Noe. Chillingworth was an eminent English divine of the seventeenth century. Mr. O. Very lives at Chesterfield, N.H. ; and Mr. Loth, at Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. Passavow is probably a decided charac- ter, as is also Mr. Eid (German for " oath "). Dr. Physic was one of the most eminent physicians of Philadelphia. In the list of subscribers to Pope's Homer, I find the name of Dr. Pellet ; a name which also occurs among the graduates of Yale. Rev. Dr. Kirk is one of the most distinguished clergymen of Boston, as was the late Dr. Kirkland. Our Sha- drach is a blacksmith. Alexander Garden was a distinguished Scotch botanist of the last century. Thomas P. Broker, of New York, is a member of that virtuous fraternity. Mr. Cars, of that city, is a carman ; and Mr. Carty, a driver. Among the late 44 PECULIAR SURNAMES, CONTINUED. failures in the Manchester trade is announced the name of James Cheetham. One of the greatest judges of England was named Law ; and Mr. Dun- ning has been seldom surpassed at the bar. Mr. Delight, of Lawrence, cures baldness ; and his name suits his trade to a hair. Mr. Newberth, of New Britain, Conn. ; Mr. Newbegin, of Ellsworth, Me. ; and our Mr. Newman, — have probably names of a Puritanic origin. Mr. Amend, of New York, has a more modest name of the same class. Many of our names have an undue share of con- sonants, as Berstck, Bertsch, &c. Nitzsch was a German naturalist. In others the vowels predomi- nate, as in Keyou. We have one name without any vowel (Mr. Vghl) ; and I find, in Philadelphia, the name of Shnpf, — each as embarrassing to the vocal organs as some which occur in a late poem. In New York I find Sminck. Of a very mean and contempti- ble person, we say that he is a perfect Peter Smink. About the year 1800, there was a veritable personage of this name ; of whose character, however, I know nothing. He was, by occupation, a bottle-washer. Peter Smink .is one of the characters in a play of John Howard Payne. There are many fools still to be found, and some- times even in the first society ; but the wealthy family of Goose has become extinct. It seems to have been always rather a distasteful name : hence their conveyances were sometimes made with an PECULIAR SURNAMES, CONTINUED. 45 alias, — " Goose, alias Yergoose ; " and generally they sank the Goose altogether. Some of the most valuable estates in Boston were held by this family for several generations. Isaac Vergoose, in 1768, conveyed to Jonathan Amory a tract of land on Washington Street, at the entrance of Temple Place. The deed was recorded in one of the two missing volumes (L. 114, f. 26), and I got it recorded again in 1832 (L. 360, f. 199). Peter Vergoose, the ancestor, owned as early as 1662, and died in 1667. His son Isaac died in 1711 ; and, in 1734, a division was made of his numerous estates (L. 50, f. 220). One of his daughters was Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Fleet, the printer, and mother of Thomas and John Fleet, also printers of note. Howe's Pasture, on Bedford Street, through which Eowe Street was laid out, and which measured three hundred and one feet on Essex Street, is derived from the devisees of Isaac Vergoose. The Essex-street Church and the Powe- street Church are thus traced back to a humble origin. A Mr. Goos still lives at New London, Conn. The analogous English names of Gander, Goat, Blunder, Folly, Trash, Mote, Chaff, and Nill are not found with us. The firm of G. W. Folley and Co., of Rochester, N.Y., as might have been anticipated, failed in 1857. Flatman's poems were published in 1686. Nihell's "Treatise on the Pulse" appeared in 1744. Dr. Nihell subscribed for Chauchard's 46 PECULIAR SURNAMES, CONTINUED. maps. We also have, in our Directory, Dr. Nihill. A Mr. Nill lives in New York, and another in Phila- delphia. Noddell on " Christ's Crucifixion " was published in 1715. East Boston was, for a century and a half, known as Noddle's Island. Ody wrote in 1817. In England we find Goose, Greengoose, and Gosling. Among the subscribers to Thomson's " Seasons " are Mrs. Gostling, also Mr. Enser (per- haps derived from anser, the Latin for " goose " ) ; and on the subscription list of the " Macklin Bible " is George Gostling, Esq. Mr. Anser appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Greengoose took the oath of fidelity to our government in 1674. Hon. David Sears informs me that a Mr. Wild goose was largely concerned in navigation at New Providence about twenty-five years ago. In New York I find Gandar and Gander ; also Gans, the German for " goose ; " and one solitary Goose, with several Goslings. One Gosling appears in our Directory for 1857. 47 CHAPTER VII. NAMES FROM HEATHEN DEITIES, &c; HEAVEN AND HELL, &c; MAN, AND PARTS OF A MAN. The heathen deities, Odin, Backus (said to be " bake- house "), and Mars, dwell with us. Rev. Mr. Mars is a clergyman in Worcester. The goddess Flora keeps house in Boston. An edition of Pallas's " Travels " appeared in 1812. We have also the name of Gott (the German for "God"); and the diminu- tive, Goddy. In New York there are no less than thirteen families of Christ, including a firm of Spies, Christ,* and Company. A Dr. Christ lives in Lon- don, C.W. Mr. Christman was lost in the " Central America" (1857). We have with us Christe (Pro- bate Records, 1731), Christian, Christy, Christen, Chraister, Gilchrist, Goddard (" Godward "), God- bold, &c. ; also the angel Gabriel. William God- win was a well-known essayist ; and John D. * L. If. Sargent, Esq., writes to me, Feb. 13, 1857 : " When I was in Vera Cruz, some years ago, I boarded in a family in which some Spaniards, male and female, also boarded ; and I met them first at dinner. I was quite amazed by the words, ' Jesus, shall I help you to more soup ? ' addressed by one of these gentlemen to his friend opposite. Presently, ' Miss Jesus, a little of the,' &c." 48 NAMES FROM HEATHEN DEITIES. Godman, an American author, died in 1830. In Phi- ladelphia are six families of Godshall ; also a Mr. Christian Godt. A tutor at Harvard has a Christian name compounded both of the evangelists and the apostles, — Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles. In England there are families of Saint, Apos- tles, Christmas, Martyr, &c. A short time since, a man fell in with three young girls in Boston, who robbed him : he gave his name as Thomas Saint. I have doubts, however, as to this saint among sinners ; since, not long ago, some rowdies gave to the court, as their own, the names of our most distinguished Unitarian clergymen, and were fined accordingly. Mr. Selig (i. e., German for " blessed ") deals in caps. Mr. Hevendeer lives at Woodstock, Vt. We have Angel (what a misnomer for a lawyer ! unless de- rived from the coin, when it becomes appropriate), Bogle (a spectre), Geist (the German for " spirit "), Soule, Fay, and Mabb; also Warloch. We have also Engal and Engels, from the German for " angel." Mr. Engelman, of St. Louis, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Puck lives in New York. Mr. Wand, of that city, deals in spirits. Our Mr. Paradise did not venture on the Eden of matrimony without making a marriage settlement, duly recorded (L. 653, f. 284). We have also Soll (the Latin for " sun "), Mond (the German for " moon "), Moon, Moone, Starr, Starrs, and Star. Mr. Solis pre- fers the genitive case. Another Mr. Moon lives at NAMES FROM HEAVEN AND HELL. 49 Coventry, R.I. We have also Cloud. The Attorney- General of Iowa is named Cloud; and six Clouds live in Philadelphia. Mr. Cloudman lives at Levant, Me. I find but one Sky. Sky, indeed, has been extensively used up in ending off names in Poland. Skey lives in Philadelphia. Elsewhere there are families of Heaven, Devil, and Hell. Maximilian Hell appears in the biographical dictionaries as a distinguished astronomer of Hungary, born in 1720. In the New-York Directory are ten families of Hell- man. Mr. Helhouse was an English author in 1819. Mr. Myhell lives at Beauville, C.W. Among the graduates of Yale are three named Dibble. Mr. Dibble lives at Brookfield, Conn., and also in Philadelphia; Mr. Teufel (German for "devil"), at Bridgeport ; and this last is common in New York. Indeed, our name of Holl is, I believe ? pronounced as if spelt with an e. And we have Deuell, Diehl, Devlin, and Debell. Himmel (German for " hea- ven ") was a well-known German composer. Eden is the name of a distinguished English family. Both Eden and Edenborn are found in Philadelphia. Mr. Jupiter lives at Waterbury, Conn. ; Mr. Jove, in New York ; Mr. Soul, at Lagrange, Me. Mr. Plan- nett is found in our Directory, and sells beer. Mr. Planert lives in New York ; Mr. Comet, in Mon- treal. Columbus discovered a world ; and so have I. Mr. World lives at Orillia, C.W. 7 50 NAMES FROM MAN, AND PARTS OF A MAN. Man is represented by families of Man, Mann, Freeman, Freeborn, Tasker, Freedman, Vassall, Prentice, Prentiss, Bond, Ladd, Child, Page, &c. Boies is probably a " wood." Mrs. Boycot subscribed for Miss Jones's book, as did also Mr. Lads. The " Lives of the Scottish Poets " was printed by Boys, London, 1821. Mr. Jipp (" a small boy ") lives in New York; also Mr. Laddy and Mr. Ladly. Messrs. Boy, Boye, and Boys, and Mr. Master, are found in Philadelphia. Free's Poems were published in 1757. A Mr. Free lives at Saco, Me. ; Mr. Freer, at New York; Mr. Thrall, at Rutfield, Vt. ; Mr. Freed, at Deerfield, N.H. ; and Mr. Masterman, at Weld, Me. Mr. Cerf lives in New York. On the other hand, Mr. Liberty has a home in London, C.W. ; and Mr. Bindless, at Hamilton, C.W. The parts of a man may be seen in families of Head, Knodle, Munns, Cheekly (1659), Eayres, Hair, Beard, Beardmore, Dent (" a tooth "), Gum, Bossom or Bosom, Chestly (1655), Sides (L. 674), Whitesides, Handyside, Kidney, Livermore, Arms, Armstrong, Hand, Dexter (i. e., " right hand "), Tuffnayle (1629), Nagel, Nagle (German for "nail"), Silvern ail, Knies, Kneeland, Weissbein (German for "white leg"), Legg, Foot, Foote, Schank, Heely, and the name, before alluded to, of Silver- heels. Several families of Finger appear in the Directory of 1857. Administration on the estate of one William Finger was granted in 1854. Mr. NAMES FROM PARTS OF A MAN. 51 Shank was, in 1857, Secretary in the Attorney-Gene- ral's office at Washington. Mr. Alfoot was dis- armed by a Colony order of 1637. Mr. Leg made his appearance in 1638. Miss Neck is first assistant in a private school in Brookline (1857); thus occupy- ing her appropriate position immediately under the head of the establishment. Mr. Skull was defaulted in our Municipal Court, October, 1857. The ankle, that most interesting part of the female figure, has, I believe, no representative here or elsewhere. Mr. Haupt (the German for "head"), of Philadelphia, subscribed for Agassiz' work. In New York are found families of Pate, Brain, Braine, Eye, Cheeks, Lipps, Chin, Chinn, Gumb, Gumbs, Maw, Mun, Munn, Nose, Hair, Haire, and Wisker ; also Shoulder, Shoul- ders, Back, Side, Waist, Lapp, Lung, Papps, Tette, Tettey, Teats, Thum, Thumm, Knee, Shank, Shanks, Shin, &c. The very peculiar name of Waterhair is found in L. 98, f. 180. Tozer is probably not derived from Toe. Mr. Toewater is Dutch consul at St. Louis. There is, elsewhere, a family of Belly ; and we have Venter (the Latin for " belly "). Mr. Felix Belly was sent to this country as special French minister to settle the South- American question, November, 1857. Mr. Magnus Ventress formerly lived at South Boston. Mr. Gaultrapp, in September, 1857, found one willing to become Mrs. Gaultrapp. Mr. Tung lives at Naugatuck, Conn. ; and Mr. Tongue, at 52 ' NAMES FROM PARTS OF A MAN. East Cambridge; Mr. Back, at Granville, Vt.; Mr. Shanks, at Orono, Me. B. It. Chinn was wounded at W. Baton Rouge, June, 1857. There are, in Eng- land, families of Skull, Brains, Pate, Face, Eye, Cheeke, Lipp, Tooth, Teeth, Chin, Allchin, Neck, Shoulder, Back, Body, Bowels, Paunch, Inwards, Skin, Bone, Kneebone, Side, Hip, Heele, Shin, and Toe. Mrs. Brain recovered a thousand pounds, in England, for a husband killed on a railroad in 1857. Engravings have been published from pictures in the possession of G. T. Braine, Esq., 1853. Daniel L. Braine was a midshipman in our navy in 1849. Mrs. Cheeke, of Lincoln-Inn Fields, was one of Miss Jones's subscribers ; as was also William Pate, Esq. A Mr. Dent was graduated at Yale. The Catalogue of Dent's Library was published in 1827. Mr. Foot- head was an instructor of youth, highly esteemed by Burke. Charles Eyes, Esq., lived at Liverpool ; Miss Bone, at Hackney ; and George Beardsworth, at Manchester, in 1821. Sir John Cheke was an author in 1641 ; and Mr. Mawe, in 1797. I find, in 1800, the name of Chinnery. Among the graduates of Harvard is Mr. Leib (the German for " body "). In the " Progresses of Queen Elizabeth," I meet the name of Boddye ; and Boddy is a common name in New York. Among the subscribers to the " Odyssey " are both Mr. Lippe and Mr. Gumley. There are eighteen families of Scull in Philadelphia. Mr. Heart is one of the editors of the " Charleston Mer- NAMES FROM PARTS OF A MAN. 53 cury." Sir Thomas F. Buxton relates, that in Italy he had as fellow-travellers Capt. Back and Mr. Sil- VERTOP. A Mr. Boddy lives at Toronto, and also at Bondhead, C.W. ; Mr. Lapp, at Cedar Grove, C.W. Mr. Bowell is a man of note at Belleville, C.W. Mr. Back lives at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Hipson, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Bones, at Milton, C.W. ; Mr. Hands, at Gode- rich, C.W. ; Mr. Handright, at Gould, C.E. Two specimens of the unique name of Nuckle are found at Isle Bizard, C.E. Mr. Nail lives at Centreville, C.W. Shanks is very common at Belleville, C.W. Mr. Maw is domiciled both at Beauharnois and at Georgetown, C.W. ; Mr. Munns, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Lipp, at Preston, C.W. ; Mr. Gumma, at Ayr, C.W. Mr. Papps lives at Hamilton, C.W. In Philadelphia there are seven families of Wolfin- ger, Mr. Vinger (i.e., "finger"); Messrs. Thum, Thumm ; Mr. Forehand, and eleven families of Fore- paugh ; Mr. Elbow, Mr. Nees, and nineteen families of Shinn ; seven families of Bumm ; Messrs. Side and Sides ; Mr. Brow, Mr. Eargood, Mr. Eayre, Mr. Ey, Mr. Godlip, Messrs. Lipp, Lippe, Lipps, arid Lips ; Mr. Pate; Mr. Pallat and Mr. Pallet; also the very peculiar names of Ringlet and Tress. 54 CHAPTER VIII. MALE FEMALE NAMES. - NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. The sexes are confused in the names of Mr. Maddam, Mr. Bloomer, Mr. Phillis, Mr. Cornelia, Mr. Allice and Mr. Allis (1679), Mr. Annis, Mr. Cate, Mr. Hagar, Mr. Isbell, Mr. Pattee, Mr. Pegge, Mr. Hannah, Mr. Hannahs, Mr. Ellen (1664), Mr. El- lens (1665), Mr. Libby, Mr. Beckey, Mr. Lucy, Mr. Lucey, Mr. Maggi, Mr. Elsie (1672), Mr. Marian (1654), Mr. Maud, Mr. Mercy (L. 40, f. 263), Mr. Nell, Mr. Nance, Mr. Rachel, Mr. Ruth* Mr. Rooth, Mr. Jenney, Mr. Bessie, Mr. Shea, Mr. Leddy, Mr. Liddy, Mr. Liset, Mr. Leuise (1684), Mr. Nunn, Mr. Dame, Mr. Virgin, Mr. Bride (L. 507, f. 144), Mr. Widdows, Mr. Maress (mayoress), and Miss Monks. Mr. Virgo (Latin for " virgin ") appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Eve is mentioned in the Boston newspapers, September, L857 ; but is not a dealer in fruit. Mr. Hester was a midshipman in 1849. Mr. John Augusta lives in New York, where are also found Mr. Dolly, Mr. Cara, Mr. Jane, Mr. Honnora, Mr. Frances, Mr. Leah, Mr. Sues, Mr. * We have also Mrs. Boaze. 'MALE FEMALE NAMES. 55 Lady, Mr. Lissa, Mr. Livey, Mr. Mall, Mr. Moll, Mr. Mollison, Mr. Mollman, Mr. Megson, Mrs. Male, Mrs. Males, Mr. Shee, Mr. Sally, and Mrs. Billy. Mr. Hattie is a medical student at Harvard. I find in our Directory John Molly. Mr. Manus Sally was admitted a freeman, 1647. Mr. Lydea is in the Directory of 1835. Mr. Maggy is buried in the Granary Burying-ground. Mr. Henrietta lives at Norwalk, Conn. ; Mr. Dolley, at Yarmouth, Me. In Lib. 162, f. 227, L. 188, f. 253, are deeds from Mary Polley and Jenny Polly. We have also Polleys. Betsey Bessee made a deed (L. 442, f. 243). Mr. Bess, of Dayton, O., failed in August, 1857. France had her Sue. Rev. Thomas Madge is a Unitarian clergyman in America. New York has its Tallmadge. Rev. Mr. Jane subscribed for Mrs. Jones's book. Both Mr. Jayne and Mr. Harriott are graduates of Yale. Master Betty is a well- known theatrical personage. This name seems rather to belong to those derived from mental qualities. Mr. Debby died in 1801. Mr. Weibrecht (or " wo- man's rights ") made a deed (L. 710, f. 254). Mr. Shewill was a colonist in 1653. At Canterbury Cathedral, England, is a monument to Lieut.-Col. William Prude, killed July 12, 1632. Mariana ranks high among Spanish historians. Hon. Justice Hellen, of Dublin, was a subscriber to the Macklin Bible. There was, in 1676, an English writer named Sall. Pegge's "Anonymiana" appeared in 1809. 56 MALE FEMALE NAMES. There have also been publications by Mr. Shee and by Mr. Shebbeare. Mrs. Hemans is an English classic. Hem an is found in New York. We have a Mrs. Heaman. Mr. Crone, of Aurora, 111., failed in 1857. Mr. Queen, of the marine corps in 1849, was doubtless a good republican. This name is also found in New York. " The lovely Thais " is also represented there. Mr. Wimen, of that city, seems to embody the whole sex. On the other hand, the dis- tinguished English astronomer, Dr. Ma skyline, seems to abjure them altogether. Mr. Hester resides at New Orleans. Mr. Sukey lives at Cobourg, C.W. ; Mr. Susand, at Berlin, C.W. ; Mr. Bridgit, at Oneida, C.W. ; Mr. Norah, at Kings- ton, C.W. ; Mr. Bettys, at Florence, C.W. We have a Mr. Goody at Quebec, and also at Beaverston, C.W. ; Mr. Crone, at Newmarket, C.W. ; and Mr. Postress, at Montreal. A Mr. Widder dwells at Goclerich, C.W., and another at Toronto. Sam Wel- ler w T ould be afraid to reside in Philadelphia, as it contains families both of Widdoes and Widdow. In that city I also find Mr. Ada, Mr. Alice, Mr. Ama- zella, Mr. Anne, Mr. Austis, Mr. Ella, Mr. Eva ; two families of Dorothy ; also Mr. Countiss, Mr. Virgo, and Mr. Miss. One name unites the masculine and the neuter, — Mr. Hickock (hic-hoc). Mr. Manlover, lost in the "Central America" (1857), had a name especially appropriate to the female sex. A name applicable to NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 57 the whole human race is borne by Mr. Z. R. Pang- born, a delegate from Massachusetts to the late Philadelphia Convention. This name is that of a place on the river Thames, of which an engraved view is given by Boydell. Mr. Someborn, of Philadelphia, may feel assured that somebody was his father. In 1698, there was a London publisher named Man- ship. One name among us seems to imply a doubt of its own identity : in L. 182, f. 173, is a deed to a Mr. Otherman ; probably, however, a mistake for Othe- man. Mr. Alter (the Latin for " other ") was graduated at Yale ; and this is a common name in Philadelphia. Mr. Knotmy (not me) appears in the Directory for 1857. A Mr. Notman lives at Dundas, C.W. ; and another, at Montreal. Mental qualities or states have given us ( many names. Messrs. Prime, Good,* Goode, Better, Best, Longworth, Langworthy, Goodman, Goodfellow, Goodenough or Goodnow, Twogood (1640), Buon- core (i. e., " good heart "), Merritt, Duty, Virtue, Candor, Eight (1642),Worthman (1680), and Worth probably all had their failings. Mr. Demeritt bears an excellent reputation. Mr. Pattern was men- tioned in the newspapers of January, 1858. Miss Betterman bettered her situation by matrimony in October, 1857. Our Gen. Worth was buried in New York, November, 1857. Mr. Scattergood lives at * Mr. and Mrs. Good, of Roxbury, in October, 1857, were before the Police Court. 58 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. Brown's Mills, N.J. (1857). Mr. Bonnemot (or " good word ") lives in Dedham. Miss Goodheart, of Philadelphia, is just married. Mr. Hartwell, Mr. D'Honneur, and Mr. Heyliger (heilig is the German for " holy "), were graduated at Yale. In New York are families of Just, Justus, Justerer, &c. Just and Co. is an English firm. Mr. Evilly appears in our Colony Records, 1673; and a Mr. Evily lives in New York. Margaret Dignum (Latin neuter for " worthy ") died in 1856. Rosa Bonheur is a distin- guished painter of animals. Our Mr. Ehrlich is the German for " honorable ; " and Adle is probably " noble." Mr. Frank lives at Greenfield, Mass. ; and Mr. Worthy, at Springfield ; Mr. L'Homedieu, at Nantucket; and Mr. Priestly, at Chicopee. Mr. Chasty lives in New York; as do also Mr. Faithy and Mr. Fairly, Mr. Moral, Mr. Model, and Mr. Leal ; Mr. Lyke, Mr. Melius (Latin neuter for " bet- ter "), and Mr. Rarer. There are English families of Toogood, Peerless, and Perfect. Dr. Priestley was eminent in the walks of science. Mr. Thorogood, of Cambridge, was married, July, 1857. Mr. Tho- rowgood was an English author in 1652 ; and Michael Towgood's work on dissent from the church of England appears on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773; as does also "Wildman on Bees." Mr. Vir- tue is a distinguished London publisher. Probus (" good ") and Pietas (" piety ") were Roman names. Mrs. Trollope is a writer of celebrity. Miss Jenny NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 59 Trollope subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies." Our Mr. Goodrich has a name most happily com- pounded ; and Aylwin means " beloved of all." The treatise on German names by Wiarda gives to Al- win the meaning of " victorious." Mr. Wellbeloved was an English writer in 1809. Thirteen popes have taken the name of Innocent. Both Goodman and Goodchild are found at Oshawa, C.W. ; Messrs. Goodbody, Goodfellow, and Goodheart, at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Purely lives at Cobourg, C.W. ; and Mr. Felon, at Montreal. Mr. Proper lives at Henningford, C.E. ; Mr. Mod- hull, at Kilworth, C.W. Both Mr. Perfect and Mr. Phalen live at Yorkville, C.W. ; Messrs. Sans- regret and Sanschagrin, at Quebec; and Mr. Malenfant (" bad boy "), at St. Arsene, C.E. Mr. Sinfoot lives at Stanley's Mills, C.W. ; and I find at Goderich, C.W., Mr. Sinfield. It would almost seem, so intimate is the connection between crime and intemperance, that Gingrass (a very common name in Canada) must be an offshoot from this last family. In Philadelphia I find the classic name of Candi- dus ; also Perfect, Rightly, and Shamely ; and twenty-one families of Scattergood. Synge's works were printed by Thomas Trye in the year 1740. Mr. Manage lives at New Bedford. Our Messrs. Cleverly, Clear, Smart, Wise, Wiseman, Wisdom, Witt, Whitty, Witman 60 names from mental qualities. (1680), Tallant, Keener, Force, Sage, Knower (1632), and Doer form a group that is balanced by Mr. Greenman (L. 608), and Messrs. Cilley, Silley, Sileman, Simple, Bubey, Dulley, Strange, Quier, Oddy, Droll, Fudger, Prigge, Gammon, Shallow, Gull (1673), Fallow, Flatman (1645), Skimmer, Doolittle, Dowlettell, Smallpiece (1718), All- wood, Smallwood, Wooden, and Woodhead. Mr. Brickhed appears as an early colonist; as does also Mr. Boreman (1657). Mr. Dowdell is a member of Congress (1857). In the Directory of 1835 are the names of Dolt, Lumex, Mean. Mr. Flatly arrived here from Liverpool, November, 1857. Mr. J. Flatt, of Benicia, Cal., subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Doldt was married in Boston, August, 1857; and Mr. Smallcorn made a deed (L. 492, f. 48). Mr. Dummkopf (German for " blockhead "), of Williams- burg, N.Y., hid his money in his chimney (October, 1857), and lost it. Mr. Wiser lives at Auburn; also at Philadelphia. Mr. Able lives at Memphis, Tenn. ; and another Mr. Wooden, at Salisbury, Conn. Messrs. True, Trueman, Truman, Trueworthy, Standfast, Allman, Holman, Manley, Ernest, Frank, Dare (1674), Bold, and Kuhn (i.e. "bold") are matched by Messrs. Guily, Guil, Guile (1642), Wiley, Wily (1640), Masker (1671), Sharp, Sly, Slyman, Foxcraft (1683), Kraft* Gummer, Cra- ven, Leys, Roulstone, Crumbley, Dowdell, Funk, * Kraft is German for " strength." NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 61 and Funke. Funk, who died in 1814, was author of several popular German school-books. There is also a Professor Funke at Leipsic. Belyed is a common name at Bronte, C.W. Mr. Hardgraft lives at Cobourg, C.W. ; also Mr. Stickle. Mr. Nudle resides at Dunbar, C.W. ; Mr. Dulmage, at Amherst Island, C.W. ; Mr. Lighthead, at Acton, C.W. ; Mr. Flater, at Blenheim, C.W. ; both Mr. Simple and Mr. Smart, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Long- head, at Hawkerville, C.W. ; Mr. Flatt, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Lockhead, at Jarvis, C.W. Rev. Mr. Greener is settled at Kemptville, C.W. There is a Capt. Shallow at St. Gregoire, C.E. Mr. Greeny lives at Toronto, C.W. Lazier is a common name in Canada, at Lonsdale, C.W., &c. A Mr. Wile lives at Port Elgin, C.W. ; Mr. Fickel, at Richmond, C.W. ; and Mr. Milsop (i. e., " milksop "), at Woodbourne, C.W. In Philadelphia are families of Witcraft and With- craft, Able, Skill, Skillman, Clever ; and, on the other hand, fourteen families of Dull, four of Dullard, and one of Dulley ; also Flatley, Flum, Quear, Triter, Simple, Simpler, Lippman, Lipman, four families of Twaddell, two of Twaddle, three of Funck, seventeen of Funk, and one of Pfonk. In the New- York Directory are found Mr. Clear- man and Mr. Droll, Mr. Cherly and Mr. Civill, Mr. Danderman and Mr. Cordial, Mr. Deplore and Messrs. Calm and Content, Mr. Constant and Mr. 62 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. Desire, Messrs. Craze, Queqe, Daft, and Donke (probably a word of two syllables), Mr. Happy and Messrs. Fash and Karker, Messrs. Ledman and Islip and Messrs. Guide and Guider, Mr. Likely and Mr. Racey, Mr. Trier and Mr. Trew. Three families of Wisdom, twenty-one of Wise, and one Wisehead, are also found there; also Witcraft and Whitcraft, Witts, Weiser, Weisheit (" wisdom "), Weiskopf (" white head "), Weisman, Weismann, and Mr. Wun- der. Professor Silliman, of Yale College, stands high among our men of science. This name is per- haps a corruption of Seligman (from selig, German for " blessed "). Eight families of this last name are found in New York ; and in Philadelphia I find both Silliman and Sillyman, and two families of Sense- man. Miss Knower made a deed (L. 206, f. 10). Green's " Extracts " was printed by J. Raw, in Eng- land, 1810. One Strangeways was connected with Perkin Warbeck. L'Estrange was a voluminous writer. We have Wunderlich (the German for " strange "). In Philadelphia are eight families of Wunderly, and eighteen families of Wunder. The word " spooney " is a slang phrase for simple- ton : we have Sponier. Ideler was a distinguished German scholar, born 1766. Le Sage was the immor- tal author of " Gil Bias." England has its Cardinal Wiseman. Mr. Dowdy became a freeman in 1645. Mr. Bohrer was in our navy in 1849. Brutus (the distinguished Roman) means " dull," " stupid." New NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 63 York has its families of Bette, Bettie, Betty, and Betyeman, Muddle, Noodle, and Rily, Proudfit and Proudfoot. Hon. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, LL.D., is Chief Justice of Georgia. Robert Fibbin arrived in this country in 1634. Alice, wife of John Cheater, of Newbury, cheated her husband, and was whipped (1654); and Mr. and Mrs. Cheater were passengers in a Cunard steamer, September, 1857. Col. Faithful was wounded before Delhi in 1857. Mr. Pert lives in Sedgwick, Me. ; and another Mr. Pert is a lawyer in New York. A Mr. Peart lived at Salem, as did also Mr. Meek. Both Mr. Meek and Mr. Moses are in the Directory of 1835. Mr. Meekey lives in New York ; and Mr. Job Moses was witness in a case, in Western New York, in 1857. Rev. Mr. Meeker lives at Burlington, Vt. ; Mr. Crouch, at Swansey, N.H. ; Mr. Sceery, at Spring- field, Mass. Mr. Fears lives at Gloucester, Mass. ; and Mr. Dare, in New York. Members of the Craven family have been among England's most gal- lant sons. Mr. Bold, wife, and two children, were passengers in a late Cunard steamer. Bold is also a grantor in one of our early deeds, but signs " Bowles." Mr. Bolde was an English author in 1696, as was also Mr. Care. Col. Careless was the most gallant Cavalier at the battle of Worcester. We have both Pride and Procd in our Directory. Miss Proudfoot, of Montreal, was a belle at our watering- places in 1857 ; and that name is found in Massachu- 64 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. setts. Mr. Proudman lives in Peoria, 111. Topping and Co. failed at Toronto, October, 1857. Miss Anna Bulley died in 1824. At St. Saviour's Church, Lon- don, is a monument to Richard Humble, alderman, born 1552. Thomas Bragg is Governor of North Carolina (1856). Zeal is a name still found in England. We have Wunsch, the German for " wish," Mr. Wishman lives in Philadelphia. Families of Earnest, Agen, and Agin, are found in Philadelphia. Mr. Langtry lives at Creemore Mills, C.W. Mr. Ingo, of Toronto, — a name equivalent to " push," — is, perhaps, a Yankee emi- grant. Mr. Proudlock, of Canada, took out a patent in 1844. In Philadelphia I find five families of Frowert, three of Proud, and one of Dare. Mr. Nack lives in New York. Capt. Joseph Skyll was dismissed in 1676 ; and it was ordered that " some other meet person be appointed in his room." Mr. Sapp is a member of Congress ; and that ~~ u name is found in Philadelphia. Mr. Gump's store, at Appalachicola, was lately inundated; and other Gumps are found in New York and Philadel- phia. An English hostler, named Dupe, was the victim of an accident, in 1857, occasioned by a rat. We have Cull, an obsolete word, meaning " dupe." Mr. Flat lives at New Haven ; and Mr. Flatly, in New York. Barrat and Pratt both mean " cun- ning." England has families of Lye, Lyer, Ulier, and Slye. Rev. Mr. Lye was one of Miss Jones's NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 65 subscribers. A former President of the Academy at Antwerp was Mr. Wappers. Mr. Lips ay lives in New York. Lye's " Method of Instructing " was published in 1662; and the late New-Haven mur- derer was named Sly. That name is also found in New York. Messrs. Sligo and Slyoff both live in Philadelphia, as do Messrs. Shirkey and Shurkey. Mr. Sherk lives at Stevensville, C.W. A Mr. Shirkey also lives at Winchester, C.W. Michael S. Shirk, of Lancaster, Pa., was lately a candidate for the office of presidential elector on the Union ticket. Mr. Snigg,. Mr. Sniggler, Mr. Patter, Mr. Sherk, Mr. Sherker, and Mr. Shuffler, all live in New York ; as do also Messrs. Wolper, Wolpper, and Wolpers. Mrs. Turning sailed from that city in the month of December, 1857. Mr. Cool lives in Sudbury, Vt. ; also at Montreal ; and Mr. Weatherhead, at Brattleborough, Vt. Our Mr. Weatherhead made a deed (L. 65, f. 108). Mr. Stringfellow is most unfavorably known in connec- tion with the late Kansas outrages. Fourteen families of Begin live in Pictou, C.W. Six families of Forget live in Montreal ; and it is a common name elsewhere in Canada. Three families of Memory live at Toronto, C.W. Messrs. Gay, Gayman, Merry, Merryman, Hart- well, Courteous (1653), Grigg, Bly, Blithe, Jolley, Gallant, Gaylord, Bright, Brightman, Hearty, Lively, Lovejoy, Gladden, Gladding, 66 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. Willing (L. 238), Smiley, Bland, Kind, Clement, Germain, Sweet, Sweetlin, Sweetman, Sweetsir, Shugarman, Flattery, Honey, Hunniman, Honey- bun, Easeman, Pardon (1645), Mercy, Pittee, Pitty, and Pittey stand opposed to Messrs. Grave, Blunt, Crabbie, Cross, Crosby (" cross boy 1 ?") Cross- man, Cholar, Spleen, Backup, Snapp, Furey, Mader (1643), Pride, Grim, Grimm, Grout (1651), Savage, Moody, Daunt, Hector, Fuess, Grieves, Rue, Wail, Moan, Freake (1667), Freeke, Frizzle, Friz- zell, Tease, Row (1670), Bickers, Blamey, Croak, and Quirk. Mr. Honeywood is a graduate of Yale, as are also many named Merriman, and a Mr. Cantey. Mr. Bienvenu (" welcome ") is an officer of the mint at New Orleans. John Mercy, despairing of mercy, attempted suicide in the jail at Worcester, October, 1857. Fuss's * " Roman Antiquities " was published at Oxford, 1840. Grinfield's " New Greek Testament " was printed in 1843. Miss Agnes P. Scowler, late of Glasgow, Scotland, was married at San Francisco, June 9, 1857. William Sadd, one . of Walker's " fillibusters," in becoming a sadder, has, it is to be hoped, become also a wiser man. Samuel Smiles has just published (1857) an admirable life of George Stephenson, — a work of serious interest. William Pester troubled our forefathers in 1638; and two families of Pester live in Philadelphia. Mr. Phese * Fuss is the German for " foot." NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 67 was admitted a freeman in 1643. N. P. Trist was one of our public men during the war with Mexico. Mr. Eobert Dudgeon gratified the New-York public and himself by exhibiting a new street-locomotive in Broadway, in September, 1857. Several of that name are found in the New- York Directory. Ireton was a warrior and statesman in the time of the English Commonwealth. Nerli was a distinguished Floren- tine historian. Mr. Grout was a midshipman in 1849. Thomas P. Gentle was party to a deed in Essex County. Gall and Aloe are both found in New York ; as are also Messrs. Anger, An German, Biteman, Bitter, Grim, Grimmer, Indig, Fury, Sour, Sulkie, Tease, Wixon ("vixen]"), Parter, Tear, Teary, Sadd, Grieve, Moan, and Mone ; as well as Messrs. Benigne, Jester, Gayer, Glad, Gladding, Griner, Flatter, Honey, Honeywell, Willing, Sweeten, Smiler, Smiles, Smylie. I find there also no less than thirteen families of Quirk. Mr. Gl adman lives at Lindsay, C.W. ; Mr. Mealey, at Oxford Mills, C.W. ; Messrs. Honeycomb and Honeyman, and Mr. Pardon, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Comfort, at Kilworth and at St. Ann's, C.W. Mr. Gentle and Mr. Grimman both live at Kingston, C.W. Rancour is a common name at Quebec ; where" lives also Rev. Mr. Plees. Mr. Angers lives at Point Levi, C.E. ; Mr. Anger, at Houghton Centre, C.W. ; Mr. Tart, at Boxton Falls, C.E. ; Mr. Stamp and Mr. 68 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. Frizell, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Balkwill, at Exeter, C.W. ; and Mr. Wileman, at Smithfield, C.W. In Philadelphia I find families of Wroth and Civil, Griner and Growlers, two families of Furey, seven of Fury, two of Grieves, Mr. Graver, Mr. Wagless, Mr. Tear, Mr. Mohn; also Mr. Lively and Mr. Mannywitch, Mr. Marter, Mr. Saurman, (" sour man "), Mr. Speight, Messrs. Sting, Stingal, and Stinger, and Messrs. Teas, Teasing, Teese, and Tees. Mr. Waggaman was a West-Point gra- duate. Mr. Serley lives at Bethel, Conn. ; Mr. Dares, at Compton, N.H. ; Mr. Lowrey, at Gorham, Me. ; Mr. Grumman, at Norwalk, Conn. ; Mr. Gruntal, at Portland, Me.; Mr. Croscup, at Beverly; Mr. Moen, at Worcester; and Mr. Gayer, at Ellington, Conn. Grumble's Ferry is found on the Colorado River, Texas. Messrs. Ould and Cross are the Commis- sioners to codify the laws of the District of Columbia. Mr. Lowry was a lieutenant in our navy in 1849. Perhaps the name of Winegar (see chap, xxx.) belongs here. A Mr. Wails is party to a deed in L. 109. We have Glum; and also Clum, perhaps a corruption of Glum. Mr. Fulsom* lives at Abing- ton ; a Mr. Softley, at Hamilton, C.W., and another at Toronto. The estates of James Softly and Thomas * Fulsom, or Folsom, is said to be a corruption of Foulsham, or Foulshame ; and the family claim to be descended from John Foulsham, who emigrated from a place of that name in England. NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 69 Easy were recently administered npon in Suffolk County ; and one is still living, — Easy, — at least in name, at Robbinston, Me. Mr. Hard is a mem- ber of the Legislature, from Lowell. In the New-York Directory are eight families named Hard ; also the names of Harder, Harden, and Hardman. Messrs. Hardman and Wailer are subscribers to the Mack- lin Bible, as is also Mrs. Smart. In England are found the names of Fussey, Anguish, Sad, Moper, and Prigg. In Westminster Abbey is a monument to Sir John Puckering. Capt. Stoney's " Tasmania " was published in London. Mr. Grieve was one of the chief losers by the fire at Covent-Garden Theatre. Rev. Mr. Lambe, Mrs. Bland, and Mrs. Gale, are three consecutive names in Miss Jones's subscription- list. Mr. Rubb was lost in the " Central America " (1857). I have several volumes from the library of a Thomas Jolley, Esq. In New York are families of Jolley, Jollie, and Jolly.- In our Directory is the name of Teear. A Mr. Teare published a treatise on the use and abuse of tobacco. Mr. Tear lives at Woburn. An edition of Gray's "Elegy," published in 1854, in New York, has illustrations engraved by J. W. Whymper. Mr. Cark lives at Toronto, C.W. ; and Mr. Anguish, at Balmoral, C.W. Mr. Sye has been mentioned among Canadian names of three let- ters. Mr. Sader and Mr. Sobbe live in Philadelphia. Among the English painters of note is Mr. Smirke ; and Mr. Tickell was an author of repute in his day. 70 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. We have also Canney, Canny, Canty, Gayetty. Rev. Mr. Rue is settled in Lee. Mr. Adam Cant, of Canada, took out a patent, in 1857, for a movable scaffold. There is, perhaps, too much of cant, in modern times as to dispensing with the scaffold alto- gether. Mr. Cantwell is a graduate of Harvard. Messrs. Hidden, Trodden, Crouch (L. 118, f. 32), Wilt, Worn, Meek, Coy, and Mumm have opponents in Messrs. Will, Bragg, Proudman, Rantem, Peeler, Shine, Shines, and Dashe. Mr. Dash, of New York, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Blush was a United-States bankrupt. Messrs. Meech, Meeker, and Hide are Yale graduates ; and we have Demuth (the German for "humility"). Mr. Tame lives at Cobourg, C.W. ; and Yielding is a common name in Canada, as at Toronto, &c. Mr. Humbly lives at Brandford, C.W. ; Mr. Patient, at Montreal ; Mr. Lordly, at Gait, C.W. ; Mr. Dash, at Lampton, C.W. Proudfoot is often met with in Canada, as at Hamilton, C.W., &c. Mr; Huddel lives at Montreal ; Mr. Stickle, at Stirling, C.W. We have the name of Cowing. Mr. Shier lives at Whitby, C.W. At Philadelphia are families of Brager, Daffy, and Crall. In England are families of Daffy, Faint, Giddy, Fears, Meeching, and Smitten. Lieut. W. H. Shover served in the Mexican war. Mr. Thruston was a West-Point graduate. Mr. H. B. Pushing, of Ply- mouth, Ind., was burnt out in March, 1857. Mr. NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 71 Pushee lives in Boston. Serville's "Tracts" were published at Paris in 1839. Mr. Hartsinck sub- scribed for Chauchard's maps. Mr. Trembley was a distinguished naturalist of the last century. Mr. Tremble, Mr. Trimble, and Mr. Awe, live in New York. Strutt published a Dictionary of Engravers. Mr. Edward Strutt, of England, has recently been elevated to the peerage. Major-General Strutt was one of Chauchard's subscribers. Thomas Pa- tience exhausted the patience of our forefathers in 1641. Mr. Pinor became a freeman of Northfield, 1682. In L. 210 is a deed of William Mock. Messrs. Ready, Readdy, and Constant are fully offset by Messrs. Hender, Hinder, Slack, Dodge, and Lar- kin. Mr. Goodwill is more than a match for Messrs. Bicker, Haight, Hayt, Hayter, Huff, Blamey, Leaver, and Severance. Mr. Leave, Mr. Lurch, and Mr. Ha it, live in New York. In England we find Huffy. Messrs. Eager, Unruh (i. e., " restless "), Wakeman, Hasty, Brisk, Spry, Wild, and Wilder have rivals in Messrs. Heed, Loheed, Still, Stille, Stillman. P. Stiller, Esq., is one of Chauchard's subscribers. Mr. Stillings lives in New York. In Suffolk L. 680, f. 25, is a deed of Eliza Haste. Messrs. Mouseall or Mousall (1651), Moser, Worm- all, Wormwell, Pieper, Pepys (pronounced Peeps)* * Pepys's " Diary " gives us some most amusing peeps into the private life of England in the time of Charles II. and James II. 72 names from mental qualities. Looker (1645), Harker, Harken, Harkin, Query, Askey, McQuestion, and Ferriter can find out what- ever they wish from Messrs. Sayer, Proser or Pros- ser, Speakman, Speaks (Speak died in 1804), Orall, Chater, Chatwell (1673), Chatman, Chatton, Claker, Telling, Converse, Tattler, and Gossip. Mr. Clack was graduated at Yale in 1847. A pupil at Groton Academy was named Tello. As long ak the world shall last, the tale of William Tell will be told. William Gossip, Esq., subscribed for Chau- chard's maps. Our Mr. Peter Pieper died in 1856. Dr. Tattle is a physician of Manchester, Vt. Mr. Gabb lives at Bloomfield, Conn. ; Mr. Mumbler, at Stoughton, Mass. Mr. Mumler is found in our Directory. Mr. Silence lives at Dubuque, Iowa. Say has written a text-book on political economy ; and Samuel Say's " Poems and Essays " appears on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Who was ever more sparing of his words than the great historian Tacitus ] (Latin for " silent "). Our Mr. Hearsay made a deed (L. 60, f. 82). Mr. Dum lives in New York; as do also Messrs. Gab and Chattin. I also find, in the Directory of that city, Mr. Tell, Mr. Teller, Mr. Wisegaber, Mr. Peek, and Mr. Noser ! Messrs. Hider, Leaker, and Secret live at Lon- don, C.W. Mumby is found at Port Robinson, C.W., and at Wilsonsburg, C.W. Three families of Gabler live at Montreal ; and Col. Muter, at Toronto. A Mr. Peer lives at Hamilton, C.W., and another at NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. 73 Philadelphia ; Mr. Utter, at Stewarttown, C.W. At Philadelphia I find families of Askings, Axt, Bable, Babler, Teller, Chatten, Chattin, and Gabb ; also three families of Dialogue, and Messrs. Shut and Shutever ; also Messrs. Peek and Peeker, and Mr. Hyder. Hawkins Street was formerly Tattle Street Say is a well-known English writer. Mr. Clear has his opposite in Messrs. Reilly and Riley. Dr. Doubt was a prompt, skilful physician. The English fami- lies of Bad, Evil, Base, Vice, Badman, Scamp, Blackmonster, Swell, Reckless, Careless, Idle, Trigg, and Tidy, I do not find among us; nor the names of Earwhisper, Reason, Conscience, Faith, Piety, Pluck, and Prudence. Mr. Coward, how- ever, recently resorted to the law in Suffolk County ; and Hon. David Outlaw, as a member of Congress in 1850, was a warm supporter of the compromise measures. Mr. Loskamp and Mr. Lye both reside in New York ; as do also Mr. Base, Mr. Fibs, Mr. Idler, Mr. Flash, Mr. Flashman, Mr. Folly, Mr. Larkey, Mr. Maudling, five families of Twaddle and Twad- dell, Mr. Sinn, Mr. Vice, Mr. Steal, and Mr. Robers, &c. : but, on the other hand, I find, in the same com- pany, Mr. Reason, Mr. Virtue, Mr. Vertue, Mr. Pluck, Mr. Trust, Mr. Weight, Mr. Value, &c. In Philadelphia I find thirteen families of Coward, two of Vice, Mr. Veiller, Messrs. Sinn and Sinley, Messrs. Idell, Idle, and Idler, three families of 10 74 NAMES FROM MENTAL QUALITIES. Rapine, four of Reaver, three of Stealin, Mr. Stohl, Mr. Fibe (" fib "), Mr. Liup, and three families of Lye, Mr. Cully, &c. ; and, on the other hand, I find fami- lies of Faith, Pluck, and Value, six families of Super, six of Trusty, and five of Virtue. In the Buffalo Directory for 1855 are families of Peckover, Peek, and Watchem ; of Kink, Workey, and Fix ; of Quell, Humble, and Doll ; of Bitterman, Prickle, and Kick; of Err, Wander, and Banish; of Paragon and Worst. In Peoria, 111., there are families of Shun and Sunken. 75 CHAPTER IX. NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. Bodily peculiarities are shown in various names. Speed is a well-known English writer. One -Spry wrote in 1650; and another in 1817. Mr. Capers* lives at Levant, Me. ; and another, a classmate, in Charleston, S.C. Dr. Lightfoot was an English divine and author in 1684. Our Messrs. Ahlert, Brisk, Start (1677), Gallop, Galloupe, Sloper, Scudder, Trott, Trotter, Travell (1640), Shinner, Shinners, Trippet (L. 14, f. 228), Lightfoot, Speed, Stalker (L. 32), Goodspeed, Rush, Swift, Fleet, Kace, Rann, Haste, Hasten, Hasty, Stride, Strachm, Stretch, Treadwell, Jumper, Springer, Scipp, Skipper (1650), Walke (1683), Walkup, Walker, Hardon, Leggett, Eargo, and Leader distance Messrs. Ambler, Tripp, Trip, Trail, Hitch, Hitchings, Hitchens, Hitchcus, Hoppin, Hopping, Budge, Limpin, Laming, Wating (1684), Pace, Pil- grim, Wander, Lazier, Slocumb, Slocum, Sloman, Cumber (L. 101), Laggon, Waitt, Haulbach, Back- man, and IlYNDMAN.f * One of that name ingeniously avoids all comments while travelling, by havi his trunks marked K. P. R. S. t This name probably indicates one who had the care of hinds. 76 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. Mr. Pass lives at Barrie, C.W. ; Mr. Shovon, at Cumber, C.W. ; Mr. Brisker, at Port Elgin, C.W. ; Mr. Lightfoot, at Kingston, C.W. Two families of Flight, also Messrs. Poston, Spry, and Speedy, are found at Toronto. Mr. Neer lives at Stanbridge, C.E. ; Mr. Overhalt, at Carlisle, C.W. ; Mr. Reste, at Montreal ; and both Rest and Restin, at Philadel- phia. At Quebec I find Mr. Fagg, and also eleven families of Tardy. Mr. Dalley lives at Harriston, C.W. ; and Mr. Poke, at Philadelphia. Mr. Summer- sett, of Barrie, C.W., has not adopted an improved mode of spelling. In Philadelphia I find also families of Lightfoot, LlGHTFEET, RUNNER, STREAKER, StEPP, TrAMP, Geton, Godown, Nigh; also Messrs. Slow, Slowe, Sloman, Stanback, Stayman, Islip, Tagg, and Stopp. One of the most distinguished of the present West- Point cadets (1857) is named Tardy. Mr. Hopper was a well-known American philan- thropist. One of the present judges of Maryland (1857) bears that name. Mr. Budge lives at Lee, Me. ; Mr. Stubbs, at Wellfleet ; Mr. Shove, at "Ox- bridge ; Mr. Toward, at Augusta, Me. ; and Mr. Presson, at Lynn. Frederick Jump, of Ashland, N.Y., failed in July, 1857. Dr. DeCamp was a gra- duate of Yale. In the New- York Directory I find nineteen families of Quick ; also Mr. Rusher, Mr. Racer, Mr. Start, Mr. Starter, Mr. Leap, Mr. Leaper, Mr. Stivers, Mr. Springman, Mr. Spry, NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 77 Mr. Stalker, Mr. Stamper, Mr. Wran, Mr. Went, Mr. Passmore, Mr. Hopp, Mr. Hopps, Mr. Jerker, Mr. Stramm, Mr. Walk, Mr. Walke, Mr. Welstood, Mr. Ambleman, Mr. Stan back, Mr. Slow, Mr. Slowey, Mr. Hobbler, Mr. Klump, Mr. Fagg, Mr. Tag, Mr. Dally, Mr. Tarry, Mr. Rest, Mr. Stops. Mr. Fugit (Latin for " he flies "), the Kansas murderer, though acquitted, has been obliged to fly from the Territory. Boston has Snell (schnell is the German for " swift "). Mr. Rushout is a member of the British Parliament (1857). John Scipp, Esq., was an active magistrate in England in 1735. John and Nutcombe Quick, Esqs., subscribed for Miss Jones's book ; as did also Mr. Spry, and no less than five persons named Tra- vell, and two named Trottman. Mr. William Hurry lived in Liverpool in 1821. Nichols's u Pro- gresses " mentions a Mr. Stradling ; and there was a Sir Edward Stradling in the time of Charles I. Mr. Stradling lives in Philadelphia. Mr. Lurch was lost in the " Central America" (1857). Mr. Rushout was a subscriber to the " Odyssey." Sir J. Rushout lived a hundred years ago. Mr. Rush- out is a British M.P. (1857) ; and that name is found in Roxbury (1857). Mr. Climb lives at Selby, C.W. We have Climie. Mr. Clymer is a graduate of Har- vard. Mr. Clymer, of Philadelphia, signed the Decla- ration of Independence. Mr. Creeper lives at Hampton, C.W. Mr. Diver was a witness as to a late fire in North Street ; and that name is found in 78 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. Philadelphia, as are also Divin and Stemmer. Mrs. Slider appears in our Directory for 1857 ; and Francis Flyer, in our Colony Records (1629). Mr. Flew lives in Philadelphia ; and Mr. Reising lives at Elmira, C.W. Mr. Puller is a member of Parliament (1857). Rev. George Tugwell published a work on sea- anemones, in London, 1857. Wrigley's "Mathema- tical Collection" appeared in London in 1845. Sir R. B. Crowder is one of the judges of the English Court of Common Pleas ; and in Illinois is a firm of C. J. Crowder and Co. Mr. Haule became a colonist here in 1638, as did Mr. Twitchwell in 1633, and Mr. Lug in 1647. Mr. Prest was admitted a freeman in 1643. In the New- York Directory I find seven families of Stucke, Mr. Pulling and Mr. Pullman ; also both Mr. Tugwell and Mr. Tugnot. Mr. Tuggy lives at Montreal. Dr. Lardner yielded to the fascinations of Mrs. Heaviside ; but our Mr. Heavy was lawfully mar- ried a short time ago. We have Waddle, Wad- leigh, and Wadlin, but no representatives of the English family of Wiggles : we have, indeed, Wig- glesworth. In New York I find Wigel, seven families of Waddell, and one Wrigley ; and in Toronto, C.W., I find both Waddle and Waddell. At Winonville, C.W., I find Mr. Wigle; and, at Philadelphia, Mr. Wrigler and Mr. Rigler. Wi- gle is a common name at Albertville, C.W. In NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 79 England there are also families of Gofirst, Go- lightly, Goes, Timeslow, Sudden, Slow, Later, Latter, and Last ; and the name of Timewell exists among us. Mr. Ferst and Mr. Lastley both live in New York. There are resident among us families of Strong, Armstrong, Hale, Littlehale, Harty, Hardy, Har- dier (1647), Coarser (L. 49, f. 93), Doubty, Doughty, DoUTY, BURLEY, BULKLEY, LARGE, GrEW, BlGG, MaN- sise (L. 330, f. 103), Gross, Grows, Gras (i.e., " fat "), Broad, Broadhead, Stout, Blowers, Blower (L. 45, f. 235), Puffer, and Bulger. Mr. Spread made a deed in L. 12, f. 74. John Large's estate was admi- nistered upon in 1852. Mr. Ironsydes appears in the Colony Records, 1629. We have Mr. Pent, in Dukes County; and Mr. Bustin lives at Watertown. Mr. Bigman lives at Cincinnati. Mr. Magnus (Latin for "large") is a New- York publisher (1857). Mr. Grow is a member of Congress. Mr. Growing lived in Salem, as also Mrs. Full. Mr. Boney lives in Manchester, N.H. ; Mr. Bloodgood, at Enfield, Conn. Mr. Skiney lives at Franklin, Vt. ; and there was an English author named Thicknesse in 1784. Crassus was one of the solid men of antiquity in name and estate, if not in person. We have also Messrs. Tallman, High, Hightman, Hoch (German for " high "), Long, Longfellow, Lang, Langmaid, Loomer, and Aery. Mr. Andrew Lofty, of Dudley, met with a fatal fall in August, 80 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 1857. Mr. Sturdy is a machinist at Augusta, Me. ; and that name occurs in New York. I find a Mr. Talboys at Oxford in 1828 ; and Mr. Littlehead lives at Newry, Me. Mr. Longbrow is a Massachu- setts man. Mr. Height was a late passenger from England. Bradfute (*. £., " broad foot ") is a well- known Scotch name. Mr. Honeyfoot lives in New York. Mr. High lives at Northampton. Highmore was a painter of the last century. The Longmans are celebrated English publishers. Mr. Longman lives at Toronto, C.W. Professor Airy is an eminent English mathematician. Rev. Dr. Long, John Short, Esq., Mrs. Bigg, and Mrs. Airey, all subscribed for Miss Jones's " Miscellanies," as did three ladies named Panting. Gaspey's " History of England " was published in London, 1856. Mr. Spradlin, of Virginia, was murdered in 1857. In the New- York Directory I find Mr. Fatt, three specimens of Fatt- man, Mr. Grossman, Mr. Lumpp, Mr. Massman, Mr. Hearty, Mr. Jutt, Mr. Largy, Mr. Weightman, Mr. Bigger, Mr. Hyman, Mr. Hyer, Mr. Loomer, Mr. Longer, Mr. Longmore, and Mr. Strongman ; also Mr. Lankeman, Mr. Lean, Mr. Wanmaker, Mr. Wanner, Mr. Weekman, and Mr. Wiekman. Mr. Weightman lives at Philadelphia; also families of Wider and Widener. Wideman is found at Altona, C.W., and at Montreal ; Ampleman, at Quebec ; Largy, at Hamilton, C.W. Biggar and Bigger are common names in Canada, at Brantford, Portville, NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 81 and London, C.W. Mr. Height lives at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Highman, *at Quebec ; Mr. Bare, at Edwardsburg, C.W. Both Mr. Bone and Mr. Bo- ney live at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Tuff and Mr. Har- den, at Quebec ; Mr. Tough, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Wanner, at Philadelphia ; Mr. Wanless, at Kings- ton, C.W. In Philadelphia I also find Mr. Weak, Mr. Weakley, Mr. Langer, Mr. Leathern and Mr. Leatherhead, and seven families of Doll. Dr. Ironside lives at Dunville, C.E. ; Mr. Light- body, at Douglas, C.W. ; Mr. Broadfoot, at Chat- ham, C.E. ; Mr. Steeper, at Cedar Grove, C.W. ; Mr. Upper, at Allansburg, C.W. ; Mr. Heavyeye, at Montreal. In the Directory of Buffalo, N.Y., for 1855, are families of Bulk, Fattey, Flesh, and Wilt ; and in Peoria, 111., are families of PiNY and Meals. We have Messrs. Petty, Petit, Pettee, Pettibone, Small, Weeman, Wenige (wenig means " little "), Gaunt, Litleyman, Little, Littell, Spare (a very common name), Low ; also Light, Bassett (i. £., "low"), and Vaughan (i.e., "little"). One Small- piece was a minor under guardianship in 1798. Mr. Littler lives at Lowell ; Mr. Lesser, at Bridgeport, Conn. ; Mr. Shortman, at Woodbridge, Conn. ; Mr. Razee, at Providence. Mr. Lowman, of New York, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Lower was married in Boston, February, 1858 ; and I find, in the New-York Directory, Mr. Lytle t 11 82 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. Mr. Slight, Mr. Lower, Mr. Person ette (" a little person'?"), Mr. Lessen, Mr. Lesser, and Mr. Lest. Mr. Lower is the author of a well-known treatise on English Surnames, and Mr. Shorter is a member of Congress. There is also a tomb of a Mr. Shorter in the Granary Burying-ground. Lesser's " Theology of Insects " is a work of merit. Miss Smaller arrived here in a Cunard steamer, October, 1857. One of the first Boston firms is made up of the stature and complexion of an old woman, — "Little and Brown." Mr. Smallman, of London, C.W., has a name natu- rally suggestive of mental endowments rather than of bodily stature. Mr. Shortall lives at Quebec. Messrs. Shorten, Shorter, and Shrivel are all found in Philadelphia. Rev. John Tottie subscribed for Jones's " Miscella- nies." Tottie's "Sermons" were published in 1775. In June, 1857, a suit was decided in Ohio against one Alfred Stunt. Sir Robert Walpole's first wife was a daughter of Sir John Shorter. Rev. Dr. Tauler's " Life and Sermons " were translated and published in London in 1857. Mr. Troplong (" too long") published a work on the "Civil Law," at Paris, in 1847. Lowman's " Hebrew Ritual " appears on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773, as does also Long's " Astronomy." Mr. Longest was defendant in a case reported in 16 Peters, Rep. 104. Dr. Short published a learned dissertation on tea in 1730. NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 83 Petty is one of the noble families of England (Mar- quis of Lansdowne). George Wither was an old English poet, and Dr. Withering was a well-known English botanist. Wither, Witherup, and Wilt are all of them New-York names. Dane cites the case of Mr. Lean. Our Thomas Lean's estate was administered upon in 1853. Schadow was a distin- guished sculptor of Berlin. Mr. Gauntt was one of our master commandants in 1839. I had a class- mate named Stout. We have families of Goodhue, Newman, Fair- brother, Fairchild, Comly (L. 477, f. 259), Neat, Gent, Jent, Gentleman, Smart, Trim, Trimm, Prigge, Dandy, Handy, Handyside, Whitesides, Grace, Bonney, Curl, Curly, Curley, Kerly (1642), Kirley, Curlyhead (Prob. Rec. 106, f. 486), Crispy, Lippman. There is a Dr. Handy, of Westport. Rev. William C. Dandy lives at Maysville, Ky. John Liptrap was a subscriber to the Macklin Bible. We have also Shaby, Foule, (1676), Hary, Redhead, Readhead, Strickenback, Clutterbuck, Rynex, Boleg, Allpin, Stammers, Lahm, Lamy, Bender, Bent, Broadbent, Stoops, Bowd, Crackey, Crooke, Crook, Crooks, Crookshanks, Crooker, Worn, Straight, Stiff, Stiffens, and Supple. Mr. Rocke- feller lives at Orehill, Conn. The name of Prettyman is found in Portland, Me. ; and a Mr. Prettyman is Clerk of the House in Dela- ware. Miss Pretty subscribed for Jones's " Miscel- 84 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. lanies." Mr. Pretty lives at Mount Hope, C.W. ; and both Mr. Prittie and Mr. Purty, at Toronto. Both Pretty and Prettyman are found in Philadel- phia. Brunette is found at Montreal, and various other towns in Canada. Mr. Dark lives in Clinton, C.W. Mr. Fairman lives in Troy, N.H. ; and Simeon Fair is Solicitor of the Middle Circuit of South Caro- lina. Messrs. Decharms and Bonbright are Yale graduates. 'Perhaps our Mr. Arch should be men- tioned here, rather than among architectural speci- mens. In New York I find eight families of Starin, Mr. Stamer, and Mr. Wandelip. Mr. Clutter is Auditor of Accounts in Virginia. Wiarda mentions Bottcher. Ruddiman's "Life" was published in 1740. Min- cing exists as an English name. Gen. Trigge, commander-in-chief at Martinique, subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Rev. Mr. Griesly subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies," as did also Mr. Mangy. The publisher Edward Curll figures in the " Dun- ciad." Mr. Greathed escaped from the massacre at Delhi in 1857. Rev. Richard Sheepshanks died in England, Nov. 7, 1855. Mr. Bronte's predecessor was Rev. Mr. Redhead. We have Inchbald's " British Theatre." In reading Mrs. Barbauld's works, we do not think of her name as synonymous with " bare-bald." In Westminster Abbey is an epi- taph by Dryden on Sir Palmes Fairbones. Mr. Ruffhead wrote a Life of Pope. Mr. Rough lives NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 85 in Philadelphia. Miss Backwell and Mr. Light- body are subscribers to the Macklin Bible. Mr. Crutchfield is Speaker of the House in Virginia. Mr. Pettibone, of New York, failed in October, 1857. Among the graduates of Yale I find Mr. Bald, Mr. . Cruikshanks, Mr. Crukshanks, Mr. Cuddeback, and Mr. Pettibone. In the New-York Directory I find Bald ; also Bonny, Bonnier, Fair, Fairbairn, Fair- brother, Fairman, Bloomer, Doll, Dolls, Light- foot, Lightbody, Gentil, Farcy; also Prink, Prigge, Trigg, Prim, Plain, Boor, Boorman, Foully, Grime, Brodhag, Crone, Bend, Boney, Blear, several speci- mens of Bald, Wollenhaupt (" woollen head ! "), Lineback, Broadfoot, Playfoot (i.e., "splay-foot"), Redfoot, Longpin (i. e., " long legs "), Loppin, Lamey, &c. Mr. Underfinger is found in the Buffalo Direc- tory of 1855. Mr. Tidy lives at Norwichville, C.W. ; Mr. Spink, at Toronto ; Mr. Grecey, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Sansfacon, at Quebec ; and Mr. Stamers, at To- ronto. At Philadelphia I find eighteen families of Comly, and four of Cumley ; nineteen families of Nice ; Mr. Tiedeman ; Mr. Prigley ; Messrs. Dowdy, Doudy, Doudle, and Dowdle; Mr. Fopless, Mr. Furrow, Mr. Grime, Mr. Leans, Mr. Slanteback, and Messrs. Tumplety and Tumpalty. Bald is a common name in Philadelphia ; and I find there two families of Blind, also Blonde, Bloom, and Bloomer. Mr. 86 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. Whiteside lives at Little Britain, C.W. Both White- head and Whites ides are found at Brampton, C.W. A Mr. Allchin lives at Canning, C.W. ; and another, at New Hamburg, C.W. Mr. Lenover lives at Flo- rence, C.W. ; Mr. Bends, at Grafton, C.W. ; also Mr. Blacklock. Mr. Sydle lives at Sandyhill, C.W. ; and Mr. Klump, at Sarnia, C.W. In 1741, there was an English author named Raw ; and a Mr. Raw sailed from Boston, Dec. 29, 1857. Rawson was a distinguished name among us in early times. A Mr. Askew wrote in 1605. Mr. John Askew, of Queen's College, subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies." Mr. Fairborn, F.R.S., is author of a work on Engineering, London, 1856. Boniface, though now so exclusively appropriated by landlords, is a name that has been borne by several popes. Mr. Laplass lives at Lyme, Conn. Our Mr. Lovely is a laborer at South Boston. Mr. Prim lives at Brewer, Me. Mr. Crofoot's estate is in a course of settle- ment. Mr. Crawfoot appears in the Colony Records of 1678. William Crotch, "a musical prodigy," was born in 1775. We have Messrs. Hasenfus (i. e., " hare-foot "), Strain, Strane, Gait, Gately, Breeding, Manners, Glance, Glancy, Look, Lear, Leear, Lears, Lear- ing, and Ogels. I find Ogle in England in 1800. England has had its Sir John Ogle. Mrs. Ogle sub- scribed for Jones's " Miscellanies ; " and Lieut.-Col. Ogle, for Chauchard's maps. Mr. Manners was for NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 87 many years British consul in Boston. We had a Midshipman Bredin in 1849. Rev. Mr. Winck is settled at Newton (1857). Robert Giggil appears in our Directory for 1857. Langhorne's Poems were printed in London, by Mawman, in 1804. In New York I find families of Gaites, Gaze, Looker, &c. Eldredge means " hideous." Mr. Wrinkle lives at Colebrook, Conn. ; Mr. Fair, at Newark, Vt. Our Shakeshaft and Turnbull indicate feats of strength of infrequent occurrence now-a-days. Mr. Waxman lives at Worcester. Mr. Whistler was a distinguished engineer ; and that name is found in New York, as are also Wisler, Wissler, and Wissel. Mr. Wistler lives at Philadelphia. Mr. Sniffen lives at Greenwich, Conn. ; and there are thirteen families of that name in New York. John Sniffin's lawsuit was decided at Washington, Dec. 18, 1857. Mr. Sniveldy lives at St. Catherine's, C.W. ; Mr. Snively, at Philadelphia ; Mr. Sniveley, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Snivelly, at Drummondville, C.W. ; Mr. Weese, at Centreville, C.W. ; Mr. Wees, at Hillsborough, C.W. ; Mr. Droolby, at Montreal ; and Mr. Hawkin, at Quebec. Hawker is a poet of Corn wall j England. Hawkins is a common name. Mr. Learmouth lives at Fitzroy Harbor, C.W. ; Mr. Ogleman, at Bourcherville, C.E. ; Mr. Sidleman and Mr. Simper, at Philadelphia, where I also find Messrs. Winker, Gaze, Stare, and Stares. Mr. Winks lives at Montreal. Mr. Searight was a West-Point 88 NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. graduate. Our Miss Touch died in 1798. Mr. Beau lives at Montreal ; Mr. Great, at Guelph, C.W. ; Mr. Bald, at Hamilton, C.W., where is also found Mr. Twitcher. Mr. Bigham lives at Kingston, C.W. A contribution for the relief of Miss Handless would not be amiss. Mr. Legless seems to have remained in England, as have also the families of Awkward, Ugly, Thick and Thin ; also Baldhead, Cockeye, Hunchback, Killingback, Leatherhead, Halfhead, Lofty, Lumpy, Bunch, Allbones, Scare- devil, and Wulgar (consistently spelt). Lord Stowell's decisions are admired in Haggard's Re- ports. Haggard is a common name at Campbell's Cross, C.W. : it is also found at London, C.W. Mr. Slayback lives at Fairfield, Conn. David Longe- necker was President of the broken Lancaster Bank of Pennsylvania, 1857 ; and a Mr. Longenecker lives in Philadelphia. Several ancient Roman family names were derived from personal peculiarities, as Plautus and Plancus (both "flat-footed "), Sedigitus (" having six fingers "), N^vius (" one who has a mole on his person "), Bal- bus (" stammering "), Ocella ("small-eyed"), Flac- cus (" flap-eared ; " this name still exists in New York), Florus (" shining "), Hirtius (hirtus means " hairy "), Pulcher (" beautiful "), Paulus (" small "), Celsus (" high "), Varro (vara, " a clodpate "), Seve- rus (" grave "), Serenus (" serene "), Commodus NAMES FROM BODILY PECULIARITIES. 89 (" friendly," " pleasant "), Curius (" full of sorrow "), Crassus, — before mentioned (" fat "), — Dentatus ("well provided with teeth"), Virginius (yirgineus means "maidenly"), Regillus ("royal," "magnifi- cent"), &c. 12 90 CHAPTER X. NAMES FROM RELATIONSHIP AND AFFECTION; FROM AGE, &c. Relationship and affection have given us the names of Kinsman, Kinman, Fader (Voter means " father "), Dady (1683), Dadd, Goodson, Boyson, Sonna, Sonne (June, 1857), Brothers, Fairbrother, Fairbairn, Fairchild, Darling, Dear, Dears, Dearborn, Deary, Suck, Tetley, Batchelor, Swayne (1666), Swain, Valentine, Benedict, Troth, Court, Spose, Suter, Billing, Billings, McFond, Lovewell, Doton, Hart- nett, Herman, Groom, Husband, Bride, Tochterm an, SlSTERMANS, HuGG, HuGGINS, PrESSEY, BUSS, BuSS- well, Neighbor (1659), Neighbour, Cousens, Cou- sins, Cozzens, Cuzens, Friend, Choice, Favor, Lefavour, Fancy, &c. Mr. William Brother died in 1742. Mr. Brotherson was bookkeeper of the Union Bank in New York in 1858. Mr. Kinne was graduated at Yale, as was also Mr. Elderkin. Gen. Elderkin, of New York, is a visitor at West Point. We have a Damon, but no Pythias. Mr. Son sells dry- goods at Bangor. John Son, of New York, failed in October, 1857. Mr. Cossit lives at Claremont, N.H., and also at New York. Mr. Petts lives at Ware- NAMES FROM RELATIONSHIP AND AFFECTION. 91 ham ; Mr. Cozzen, at Leominster ; and a Mr. Cou- sens, at Buxton, Me. Mr. Chose lives at Parsons- field, Me. In the New- York Directory I find two families of Suckley, Presser, Parshall, Wedlock, Wewer (" woer "), Kissam (a very common name), Atkiss, COURTER, COURTIN, SPARK, MARRY, ClING, SmACK, Kiss ; Dear, Deare, Dearman, and Deary ; Near, Neary, &c. ; and Bussing and Bussman. I also find there Parent, Paters (" fathers ] "), Paterson, and Nefew (" nephew % "). We have a Mrs. Neff (Neffe means "nephew"). Mr. Mutter, of Philadelphia (German for " mothers "), subscribed for Agassiz' work; as did also Mr. Deery, of Nashville, Tenn. Frere (" brother ") is a well-known English author. Pett's works were published in 1693. ' Parent is a very common name in Canada, at Quebec, &c. ; it is also found in Philadelphia. Mr. Papa lives at Newbury, C.W. Two families of Bro- thers live at Montreal ; and the name is found at To- ronto. Mr. Brotherson lives at Little Britain, C.W. ; Mr. Godson, at St. Catherine's, C.W. ; Mr. Orphan, at Kingston, C.W. A Mr. Younghusband lives at Carp, C.W. ; and another, at Port Hope, C.W. ; Mr. Swayne, at Cobourg, C.W. Loveless is found at Albertsville, C.W., and London, C.W. ; Mr. Smitten, at Campbellsville, C.W. ; Mr. Hug, at Bridgeport, C.W. Mr. Proudlove lives at Berlin, C.W. ; Mr. Newlove, at Summerville, C.W. ; Mr. Truelove, at 92 NAMES FROM RELATIONSHIP AND AFFECTION. Westport, C.W. ; Mr. Spark, at Three Rivers, C.E. ; Mr. Longmore, at Montreal ; Mr. Cosset, at St. Pierre des Bequets, C.E. ; and Mr. Wedd, at Toronto. Dr. Cousin lives at Grahamsville, C.W.; and Mr. Kins- min, at Toronto. Mr. Kindered lives at Peoria, 111. In Philadelphia I find Mr. Akin (perhaps a name indicative of suffering), Mr. Cousen, four families of Nece, Mr. Dady, Mr. Sonneborn, Messrs. Syster and Syz, Mr. Caress, Mr. Cling, Mr. Clinger, Mr. Likes, Mr. Likens, &c. Mr. Quitman, of Mississippi, is a member of Congress. We have many a Ward, but no Guardian. France has its Cousin ; and, in Dublin, there lived, in 1828, J. G. Children, Esq., and Mr. Cousins. Among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible is Mr. Goodson. Mr. Woodson is a graduate of Yale. Mr. Young- love was admitted a freeman in 1671. Dr. Kirk- bridge is the distinguished physician of the Pennsyl- vania Asylum. Mr. Truelove, a London bookseller, has just been indicted for a want of love to Louis Napoleon. Mr. Marriman lives at Woodbury, Conn. Incredible as it seems, there exist in England the names of Cuckold, Pympe, Bairnsfather, Bas- tard, and Bratt. Families of Goodhusband, YOUNGHUSBAND, WEDLOCK, AFFECTION, KlSS, StRAN- ger, and Quaintance are also found there. The names of Barnfather and Bastard are indeed both found at London, C.W. Mr. Carlos Bratt was a midshipman in our navy in 1849 ; and the name is in NAMES FROM AGE, ETC. 93 the New-York Directory. Mr. Croney also lives in New York. Rev. J. G. Bias is a clergyman at Phila- delphia. Mr. Husband was an author in 1711 ; and a Mr. Husband recently lost a limb by an accident in Boston, and subsequently died at the Hospital. Both Husband and Husbands are common names in Phila- delphia. On the other hand, Mr. Nicholas Wife was admitted a freeman in 1645. A marriage con- tract is recorded in Lib. 677, f. 261, one of the parties to which has the appropriate name of Standring. Our Mr. Freelove (L. 121, f. 105), in name at least, scorned all such ties. Mr. Spendlove, of New York, has also a promiscuous name. There is a work on " English Rhymes " by Guest. A Mr. Guest was a passed midshipman in our navy in 1849 ; and the name is found in New York, and in Canada, at Toronto, &c. Mrs. Tryst was a subscriber to Jones's " Miscellanies ; " and P. Bastard subscribed for Ackerman's " History of Oxford." Higgeson's " New-England Plantation " was printed for Michael Sparke in 1630. Ages are represented by Messrs. Young, Young- man, Younger, Younker, Junior, Minor, Senior, Olds, Whitehead, Elder, and Elders. Mr. Ages lives in Philadelphia; and Mr. Bibby is a depositor in one of our savings banks, being a decidedly juve- nile name. We have Miss Eunice V. Senex (i.e., " old man 51 ). Mr. Old lives in Franklin, Vt., and also in New York. Mr. Minor is Governor of Con- 94 NAMES FROM AGE, ETC. necticut (1856). Sir John Suckling was an English author of note in 1648; and Swadlin wrote in 1653. Whitelocke's Swedish embassy took place in 1653-4. Lieut.-Col. Whitelocke subscribed for Chau chard's maps. There is a resemblance in sound, if not in fact, between Whitehead and Wisehead. Mr. Grayhead lives in New York. The name of Blacklock is found in Virginia. Mr. Bibb was the first Governor of Ala- bama. Who can better play " Old Folks at Home" than the distinguished violinist, Mr. Vieuxtemps (i. e., " old times ") ] Both Jung and Junger* are German authors. There was a Roman family of Senicio (" an old man "). Mr. Oldman lived at Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. In the New-York Directory are the names of Babe and Babey. The family of Baby (correctly spelt) is still found in the mother country. A Mr. Baby was also a Canadian resident near Detroit in 1763 ; and the name is very common now throughout Canada. No less than five families are found at Moore, C.W. I also find, in Philadelphia, six families of Babe, and one Babey ; where are also seven families of Born, and three families of Weand. Mr. Cadet lives at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Ladson is consul for Denmark at Charleston, S.C. In Salem there is a family of Oldson. Mr. Altfater (German for " old father ") lives in New York. Mr. Oldfather was landlord in a real-estate suit reported in 27 Penn. State Rep. 285. * Being the German for "young" and "younger." 95 CHAPTER XL NAMES FROM NATIONS, COUNTRIES, TOWNS. &c; NAMES OF PRO- MISCUOUS OR MULTITUDINOUS SIGNIFICATIONS. Nations are represented by Greek, Gretian, Swit- zer (1668), Sabine, Britton, English, French, Dutch, German, Hollander, Irish, Russ, Dane, Fleming, Malay, Norman, Lombard, Scott, Welsh, Pickard, Finn, Wallach, Wallack, Turk, Amerigo, Amerige, &c. Our Thomas Gipsey is, in name, a citizen of the world. There was an English author named Welchman in 1767. Mr. Hunn was a clergy- man in Hadley in 1839. Mr. Neil Etheopean died in 1727 (Prob. Rec. 26, f. 144). John Bohemion made a deed in L. 10, f. 269. George Sirian was a gun- ner in our navy in 1849. Mr. Vandal lives at St. John's, C.E. ; and, in Philadelphia, I find families of Algier and Allgier. Countries are represented by Poland, Gaul, Spain, Spane, Flanders, Holland, Hague, Greenland, Finland (L. 626), Brittain, Scotland, Savoy, Wales, Ireland, Guernsey, Garnsey (L. 49), Lo- rain, Loring (Lorraine), Virginia, Maine, Domingo, Rhodes, Barbadoes, &c. Mrs. England lately died 96 NAMES FROM NATIONS, COUNTRIES, ETC. at Newbury port. In L. 169, Mr. Canada is party to a deed. Mr. Iceland lives at Sandhill, C.W. Mrs. Norway lives at East Brewster, Mass. Greece is found at Chatham, C.E. Mr. Brazil lately died in Suffolk County. Mr. France appears in our Direc- tory for 1857. The firm of Bates and France failed in New York in 1857. Mr. Illius, of that city, is perhaps of Trojan descent. Mr. Clime and Mr. Countraman, of New York, seem to have no fixed residence. Our Mr. Freeland's name is but an alias for America. Mr. Acte, who appears in our Colony Records, 1677, may perhaps claim his name from another continent. Seas, bays, harbors, and rivers give us Baltic, Casco, Sacket, Jordan, Tweed, Cam, Humber (1663), Nile (1680), Mersey, Shannon, Wye, Hudson, Charles, Rhoner, &c. Mr. Tweedy was graduated at Yale. Mr. Clide lives in New York. Lieut. Humber served in the Mexican war. Mr. Nile lives at Ottawa, C.W. ; Mr. Rhine, at Philadelphia, where I also find Rubican and Rubincam (" Rubi- con \ "). We have also the river of mythology, — Leathe ; though I do not find Styx. Charon, how- ever, lives in Troy, N.H. ; and Mr. Caron was a man of property among us (1629). Miss Lethe ad, of Roxbury, died in 1857. The Leman family would doubtless prefer a claim to a local origin by Lake Leman. Among mountains, I find Alp at Philadel- phia. NAMES FROM TOWNS, ETC. 97 Mr. Devonshire lives in Suffolk County ; and Mr. Norfolk, in Essex County. Mr. Westmoreland resides in New York. Derbishire is a common name at Toronto, C.W. ; and I find Derbyshire and Shropshire in Philadelphia. Many towns walk about among us as men and women ; such as Troy, Tyre, Parris, Lunnin, Lyons, Florence, Brussel, Hamburg, Maynz, Amsterdam, Stratford, Windsor, Winsor, Woburn, Worcester, York, Oxford, Glasgow, Chester, Dunbar, Dun- stable, Hartford, Sheffield, Bermingham, Birming- ham, Leeds, Manchester, Kent, Canterbury, Cork, Essex, Rindge, Winchester, Carlisle, Beverly, Cambridge, Boston, Milton, Liversedge, Hinsdale, Newport (1682), Newton, Weston, Quincy, Salom, Linn or Lynn (probably "a pool"), Lancaster, Weymouth, Edgarton, Needham, Randolph, Had- ley, Sharon, Somerville, Sherburne, Scarbo- rough (L. 69), Casteene, Conway, Newbury, Tewksbury, Leicester (L. 639), Springfield, Stock- bridge, Lenox, &c. Salisbury is one of our wealthy families. Mr. Carary ("Carrara]") appears in our records (1674). In L. 588, f. 73, is a deed of Mr. Copenhagen. Haverhill is found at Medford; Glasko, at Gris- wold, Conn. ; Florence, at New London ; London, at Bridgewater, Me. ; Lunnon, at Lowell ; Bristol, at Lee ; Lima, at Lawrence ; Weymouth, at Alna, Me. ; and Scarboro', at New Bedford. Mr. Hunger- 13 98 PROMISCUOUS OR MULTITUDINOUS NAMES. ford is a Yale graduate ; and Bristol is very common among the graduates of that institution. Young Jerusalem's tragic fate was incorporated by Goethe into the " Sorrows of Werther." We have among us representatives of the ancient battle-fields of Floden, Bosworth, Cressy, &c. ; and, in the New-York Directory, I find families of Lundoner, Rhinelander, Warsawer, Sarasin, Tunis, Rio, Wheeling, &c. In Philadelphia are families of Berlin, Corinth, Hague, Potsdamer, Tartar, Tarter, and Tartor. All these classes of names doubtless originated in ancestors who came from the countries or places thus indicated. On the other hand, several towns among us, as is well known, have received their names from distinguished citizens ; as Lowell, Law- rence, &c. Some have promiscuous names; as Canale, Peo- ples, Class, Fellows, Folk, Elders, Crowd, Garri- son, Troop, Troup, Many (1665), Chapp, Person, Persons, Province, Thing, Jury. Mr. Woolfolk is a graduate of Yale. The names of States, and of Coloney or Colony, are common in New England, as is also that of Voter. Mr. Colon ius lives in New York. Mr. Sargeants lives at Pittsfield, Vt. In England are families of Other, Every, M.jny, and Nobis, but no Omnibus. Mr. Many was plaintiff in a late suit. Mr. Few, of Amherst, N.H., sailed for England, July, 1857. Mr. Every was a passenger from Panama, October, 1857. A Mr. Every also PROMISCUOUS OR MULTITUDINOUS NAMES. 99 lived in Buffalo in 1855, as did Mr. Pair. One of the hymns in our church psalmody was written by " Medley." In St. Paul's Cathedral is a monument to Sir William Hoste ; and there was an eminent Danish scholar named Host. Mr. Batch, of Bridge- water, obtained an agricultural premium in September, 1857. Mr. Gentry lives in New York. In that city I find both Mr. Many and Mr. Few ; Mr. Mani- fold, Mr. Mesh, Mr. Mingle, and Mr. Missing; Messrs. Peoples, Peple, Shires, Tier, Tiers; also Mr. Parts, Mr. Peaces, Mr. Share, &c. Mr. Gentles lives at Goderich, C.W. ; Mr. Gentry and Mr. Sennet, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Nation, at Toronto, C.W. In Philadelphia I find families of Beaux, Caravan, Divers, and Council, five families of Mingle, and both State and States. Mrs. Mobbs was a subscriber to Jones's " Miscella- nies." Jabez Allies published a work on antiquities, in 1852, in London. We have also Mecum (L. 203, f. 231); and Mr. Coram was an English printseller. One of the chief proprietors of the Covent-Garden Theatre was Mr. Surnam (i. e., "surname"); and we have Mr. Four- name and Mr. Namer. Mr. Manname lives in Phila- delphia; Miss Mary Pedigree, of Saugus, was married June 21, 1857. 100 CHAPTER XII. NAMES FROM ARTICLES OF DRESS AND ORNAMENT. Ladies have their Wills : they are also devoted to the toilet. Accordingly, we find a Mr. Millener (L. 82, f. 176), and a Miss Mary Rigg; also Miss Riggins and Miss Pirks. Perk is found at Balmoral, C.W., and at Hamilton, C.W. We have likewise Mrs. Dresser and Mr. Tryon. Miss Fouldes is a dress- maker. Mr. Foldin arrived here in a Cunard steamer, November, 1857. Administration has been lately granted to the estate of Miss Mary Capps. Mr. Capp lives in New York. We have Kings, Lockett, Sables, Cashmer, Gems, Precious, Diamond, Ema- reld, Emereld, Berrell, Ruby, Jewell, Pearl, Pearly (1677), Perley, Jasper, Garnet (L. 84, f. 258), and Garnett (L. 103). In Philadelphia I find families of Berrel, Onyx, Opol. Mr. Ringgold was an officer at West Point. Mr. Gem lives at Bucksport, Me. Mr. Searing is a graduate of Yale. In England, and also in New York, are families of Agate, &c. Achates, the. friend of iEneas, means " agate;" and the Roman name of Torquatus means " adorned with a neck-chain." NAMES FROM DRESS AND ORNAMENT. 101 Wiggin is one of our first names. We have also Wiggins, Wigmore, &c. The name of Ludwig Hellwig is familiar to us all. Mr. Kilty was a lieutenant in our navy in 1849. George Busk is a distinguished Fellow of the Royal Society ; and Mr. Buske lives in New York. The " New-England Business Directory " shows that Mr. Shirt lives at Stamford, Conn. ; Mr. Jackett, at New Haven ; and both Dr. Shue and Mr. Stitch, at Hartford. Miss Katherine Frill died at Charlestown, Mass., seventy- four years old, worn out at last (1857). Mr. Stich, of New York, sells caps. Mr. Sew, however, of that city, is a cabinet-maker. Abraham Shurt, of Pema- quid (now Bristol, Me.), took an acknowledgment of an Indian deed in 1626, twenty years before any en- actment on that subject, and is considered the " Father of American conveyancing." Lovelace occurs among the subscribers to Jones's " Miscellanies ; " as do also the names of Rigg, Riggs, and Capper. There is also the English poet Lovelace. England has had its Admiral Freemantle. Richard Crawshay, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps : his name recalls a species of needlework. A lecture on public amuse- ments, by Edward Corderoy, Esq., was published in London (1857). Articles of dress are about equally divided among the sexes. Thus we have a Miss Garment (L. 639, f. 265), Rayment (1683), Dickey, Hatton, Hatten, Cravath, Coller (L. 125 ^and L. 308), Tippet, 102 names from dress and ornament. Coates, Shepcoat, Dublett (1676), Cloak, Wes- cott, Waiscot, Padden, Vesty, Blackstock, But- ten (1651), Button, Spencer, Brace, Wigley, Wiggin, Brownrigg, Gildersleeve, Cloutman, Combs, Comb, Edgecomb, Newcomb, Beede, Cope, Cowles, Cowls, Ruffe, Hood, Vail, Vaill, Lacy, Belt, Band, Loop, Vantassle, Bussell, Sachs, Vic- torin, Freemantle, Mode, Gear, Geer, Geir, Cloas, Mende, Mendum, Fitton, Mitts, Hoseum, Hosum, Stocking, Leathers, Schuch (Schuh means " shoe "), Brogan, and Patten. Francis Chapeau died in 1824. Mrs. Gaiter appears in our Directory for 1857 ; and Mr. Gaither is President of the Senate of Maryland. That name is found among the gradu- ates of West Point. Our Miss Linen, being unduly desirous of increasing her wardrobe, was sent to the House of Correction, October, 1857. Thomas Mitten was a party to a deed in Norfolk County ; and this name is found in New York, as is also Mitty. Mr. Mend all lives at Marion, Mass. Messrs. Maker, Makem, Mend, and Made, all live in New York. Mrs. Bracegirdle was a distinguished English actress. Mr. Broadbelt arrived here in a Cunard steamer, November, 1857. Mr. Veil lives at Paulet, Vt. ; Mr. Westcoat, at Dighton, Mass. ; Mr. Collar, at Athol. Mr. Cuff, of South Dedham, died November, 1857. Mr. Pinny lives at Middlebury, Conn. ; Mr. Beadley, at Cheshire, Conn. ; and Mr. Beedy, at Phillips, Me. William Faircloth made a deed in Norfolk County ; NAMES FROM DRESS AND ORNAMENT. 103 and that name is found in New York. Mr. Silk subscribed for Chauchard's maps. We are generally indebted for our fashions to Paris ; but Mr. Satten- shall (" satin shawl ] ") arrived here in an English steamer in September, 1857, as did also Mrs. and Mr. Cravat. At Woolwich, England, is a monument to Stephen Remnant. This family, notwithstanding its name, seems now to be extinct. Mr. Wigg lives at Canfield, C.W., and also at Port Robinson, C.W. ; Mr. Hoodless, at Hamilton, C.W. Mr. Hatt is collector of St. Ours, C.E. ; and the name is found at Cambly, C.E. Highhet (" high hat? ") is a name of note in Canada. Mr. Tippett lives at Co- bourg, C.W. ; Mr. Pelerin, at Grand Bay, C.E. ; Mr. Capes, at North Augusta, C.W. ; Mr. Ruff, at St. Clement's, C.W. Messrs. Risband and Scarff both live at Hamilton, C.W. ; and Scarff is also found at Woodstock, C.W. ; Mr. Lovelace, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Lawn, at Stanstead Plain, C.W. Rev. Mr. Wearey lives at Bodmin, C.W. ; Mr. Wear, at Albert, C.W. ; Mr. Makings, at Everton, C.W. ; Mr. Stringer, at Buxton, C.W. Messrs. Knitt and Lacy live at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Scane, at Ridge- town, C.W. Mr. Bask lives at Goderich, C.W. ; Mr. Buckles, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Kilt, at Ottawa, C.W. Mr. Legging lives at Toronto, C.W. Mr. Shoebottom is a law-student at London, C.W. Messrs. Robe, Silk, Sax, Hose, Hosen, live in Quebec. Mr. Tattersall and Mr. Wardrobe are both found in Toronto, as is also Mr. Cashmere. 104 NAMES FROM DRESS AND ORNAMENT. In Philadelphia I find a family of Wardrobe ; Messrs. Wigfall, Wigman, Wigmore ; also Barwig (" a lawyer's wig ? ") ; Mr. Clad and Mr. Strip ; seven families of Cloak, five of Collar, two of Nar- rowcoat ! eight of Lightcap ! and two of Long- cope ; Mr. Pelize ; Mr. Tippit ; Mr. Muff ; Mr. Coull; Mr. Frill; three families of Frock; Mr. Stock ; Mr. Boot ; Mr. Shoesmith ; two families each of Fitter, Fitting, and Fitton, and four families of Truefitt ; Mr. Ripp ; Mr. Pinyard ; nine families of Needles, and one Knedler. Mendi:nhall is a common name there. Miss Fix is a dressmaker of that city. Mr. Gird was an officer at West Point. In the Buffalo Directory for 1855, I find Loop and Vest. Messrs. Thredder, Pinner, and Cape live in London (1858); and Mr. Truefitt is a tailor in that city. Mr. Gere, Mr. Overall, Mr. Lining, Mr. Silkman, Mr. McHose, Mr. Padmore, Mr. Button, and Mr. Bonesteel, were all graduated at Yale. Bonnet was a Swiss philosopher ; and both Bonnet and Bonnett are found in New York. Mrs. Hatt, of Lachamsted, Berks, was one of Miss Jones's subscribers. Capt. Robe, of the Royal Artillery, subscribed for Chau- chard's maps. Kollar published a work on insects, in London, in 1840. Among those killed at Sebasto- pol was a gunner's mate named Pinhorn. Mrs. All- pin appears in our Directory of 1857. Dr. Pincoffs (" pincuffs'?") published a work on Eastern Hospitals, NAMES FROM DRESS AND ORNAMENT. 105 in London, in 1857. At Great-Billing Church, Nor- thamptonshire, is a monument to Justinian Brass- girdle, A.D. 1625. Mr. Buckle has commenced the publication of an admirable history of civili- zation in England. Mr. Shufeldt, a passed midship- man in our navy in 1849, represents a very humble item of apparel. Mr. Wigfall, of Iowa, subscribed for Agassiz' work. The names of Bone, Bones, and Bonesteel, are found in New York, and may perhaps be classed among articles of female costume. I find there, like- wise, Messrs. Gear, Gearing, Gird, and Herwig ; Messrs. Lace, Linen, Linnen, Musliner, Musk ; five families of Smock; Sp angler, Pelisse, Scarf, Scarff, Puff, Turns, Turnure, and Wimp ; also Wear, Woram, and Worn ; Hatt, Livery, Stock- ing, Stockings, Stockinger; Wigeman, Wiggans, Wigger, Wiggers. Mr. Copes of Louisiana, and Mr. Copeman of New York, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Among the subscribers to Thomson's " Seasons," I find Miss Bagless, Mr. Dickey, and W. J. Lockett, Esq. Among English authors are Cappe (1727) and Trimmer (1801). Cappe's "Discourses" were pub- lished in 1816. Robert Shorthose fell under the censures of our forefathers for his shortcomings. Mr. Barefoot appears in our Colonial Records (1670) ; and a Mrs. Barfoot lives at Chatham, C. W. ; also at Peoria, 111. Miss Barfoot subscribed for a royal 14 106 NAMES FROM DRESS AND ORNAMENT. paper copy of Jones's " Miscellanies." We have Bare- ham, perhaps from a Highland ancestry. In L. 173, f. 246, is a deed from Amie Pincomb. Shurtleff, probably, does not belong to this class of names. Dr. Shirtliff, of Massanippe,C.E., approaches more nearly to the real article of dress. Shirtcliff is found in Philadelphia. England has families of Hat, High- hat, Slipper, Slipshoe, Linen, Sheet, Needle, Ruff, Shirtfield, Pocket, Wardrobe, &c. Dr. Brownrig was a former Bishop of Exeter ; and Col. Brownrigg subscribed for Chauchard's maps. In 1821, John W. Buckle lived in Mark Lane ; Thomas Capper, in the Strand ; and Samuel Stocks, Esq., at Manchester. Rev. Mr. Richard Stock, of Baliol College, subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies. After death, one's toilet is not very important ; yet our Mr. Braid was an under- taker in 1839. Mr. Brade was himself lost in the " Central America" in 1857. Dane, in his " Abridg- ment," cites the law-cases of Lovelace and Wigg. 107 CHAPTER XIII. NAMES DERIVED FROM ANIMALS. From animals we have Flock, Heard, Hurd, Cat- tle, Catle, Keine, Breed, Beest, Lyon, Leo, Leo- man (1642), Wilboar, Beare (1668), Bear, Bruin, Boarman, Wolf, Wolff, DeWolf, Wolfson, Fox, Foxworthy, Tod (i. e., " fox "), Fuchs (t. e., " fox "), Raynard, Moos, Camel, Deer, Doe, Galloway, Pal- frey, Filley, Courser, Hobby, Hack, Knaggs, Dobbin (a name also borne by a former Secretary of the Navy), Colt, Coltman, Lamb, Lambson (1685), Lamson, Badlam, Lamkin, Bull, Bullman (363, f. 69), Bullock, Bullard, Goard (1644), Cowman, Ochs (i. e., " ox "), Oxx (in Directory of 1835), Maddox, Oxenbridge, Oxnard, Oxman (L. 32, f. 6), Bossey, Calef, Calfe, Calf (L. 99, f. 260), Metcalf, Keough (" cow % "), Cowden, COWHIG, CUDWORTH, BADGER, MlNK, BeVERSTOCK, Steer, Steere, Stearling (L. 126, f. 247), Stagg, Staigg, Buck, Buckman, Buckmaster (1669), Veal, Shep (i.e., " sheep "), Coon, Coney (i.e., " a rabbit"), Fawne, Leverett, Hare, Hart, Hartt, Hinds, Kurr, Whelfley, Welpley, Setter, Setters, Tray, 108 NAMES DERIVED FROM ANIMALS. Barker* Tabb, Pusey, Chatman (i.e., "man of cats"), Mousley, Mowle, Paddock, Warren, Bur- roughs, &c. We have already enumerated Hogg and its various derivatives. Thomas Cow became a freeman of Ipswich, 1681. Mr. Koon lives at North Adams; Mr. Mole, at the same place, and also at Williamstown ; Mr. Coult, at Manchester, N.H. Our Mr. Boreman, perhaps, derived his name from his colloquial powers. One Patrick Babbit was party to a deed in Essex County ; and a lad of that name was killed in Augusta, Me., April, 1857. Two families of the same name live in New York. Warren is eminent in the medical world, both here and in Europe. Madame De Pussy wrote in Paris in 1848. Mr: Batt appears in our Direc- tory for 1857. Cat's "Essay on the Senses" appears on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Mr. Catts lives at Philadelphia ; as do also two families of Kitts, and five of Pusey. Mr. Spaniel lives at Peoria, 111. (1858). Michael Weasel, of Cumberland, Md., was not vigilant enough to avoid failing in September, 1857. Mr. Beastall lives in Philadelphia ; as does Mr. Esquirell, which name may have been the origin of the Squirrel family ; also four families each of Fair- lamb and of Merino. Mr. Stearly also lives there, and Mr. Vension (" venison 1 "). Mr. Brouse lives at Prescott, C.W. ; and this is * Barker means " tanner." NAMES DERIVED FROM ANIMALS. 109 a common name at Iroquois, C.E. Horsey is a common name at Kingston, C. W. Mr. Ram lives at Tavistock, C.W. ; Mr. Mutton, at Toronto; Mr. Lambkins, at Jordan, C.W., and at Eiceville, C.E. ; Mr. Mink, at Kingston, C.W. ; also Mr. Midcalf. Mr. Cattell lives at St. Helen's Island, C.E. ; Mr. Cowthred, at Fort Erie, C.W. ; Mr. Brindle, at Quebec; Mr. Terrier, at St. Sylvester, C.E. ; Mr. Pointer, at Churchville, C.W., and also at Philadel- phia ; Mr. Pussey, at Quebec ; Mr. Kitty, at Dun- gannon, C.W. ; Mr. Catesmole, at Port Dover, C.W. ; Mr. Cattermole, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Moles, at Quebec ; Mr. Ratford, at Stirling, C.W. ; and Mr. Batte, at Henryville, C.W. Mr. Buckey lives at Montreal; also Messrs. Hird, Marmet, Tiger, and Squirrel, — these latter being unique specimens. Mr. Earratt, in the London Directory of 1858, has a name suggestive of a snug residence ; and Mr. Lambshead, of that city, has a decidedly sheepish name. Of their townsmen, Mr. De Porquet would seem to be an aristocratic derivative from hog ; while Mr. Cudd represents the ruminating animals. Wolfe, the hero of Quebec, was by no means of a savage temper. The monument erected jointly to him, and his rival Montcalm, has an inscription worthy of Tacitus : "Mortem communem virtus, famam historia, monumentum posteritas dedit"* Mr. Roebuck * " Their courage gave them a common death ; history gives them a common fame; posterity, a common monument." 110 NAMES DERIVED FROM ANIMALS. is a distinguished member of Parliament. Sir John Flock accompanied Charles II. in his exile. In Salem there lives a Mr. Bever. Miss Beaver, of Oxford, was one of Miss Jones's subscribers ; and Rev. James "Beaver subscribed for Chauchard's maps. There are seven families of Beaver in Phi- ladelphia. This name is also found in New York ; where likewise live Mr. Chuck and Mr. Otter. The firm of Beeves, Buck, and Co. failed in Philadelphia, in September, 1857. Ashmole was a distinguished English antiquary ; and Bos, a well-known philologist. Ramsden was a distinguished optician. The Orsini were a princely family of Italy. There was a Ho man family of Catulus (a " whelp " or " puppy "). There is, in Germany, a family of Katzenellenbogen, or Cats' elbows, as it is jocosely translated. We have Hayward (i.e., " keeper of cattle"). Mr. Bull owned a wharf at the foot of Summer Street, the subject of a recent lawsuit. Ole Bull is the great violinist of the world. The fabulous Griffin has a real existence among us. There are no less than a hundred and seven Griffin 8 in New York. The Ass seems to have been overlooked. Wiaida mentions Assman ; and I find, in Philadelphia, Mr. Wryass and Mr. Brayman. Braman is a common name with us. In New York live families of Curr, Fido, Pugley, Bich, Bitch, Welp, Whelpley, Whelps, Lechat, Catlet (i.e., "kitten"), Kitts, Mewhir, Coon, Cooney, Coons, Flock, Herd, Fold, names derived from animals. ill Kine, Wolfson, Lepard, Naggs, Oxx, Lamm, Lam- kins, Kidd, Does, Stagg, Staggs, &c. Families of Tiger, Stallion, Steed, Mare, Cow, Kid, Mutton, Pointer, Poodle, Pupp, Rabbit, Rat, Mouse, Otter, Heifer, Ram, Baa, are found in England. Lieut. Kid, a gallant British officer, fell in the assault on the Redan ; and Samuel Goodram was also killed before Sebastopol. Kidd is a very common name at Toronto, C.W. ; and there are eight families of it in Philadelphia, where are also found Ram and Ramm. Mr. Thomas Mole, of Liverpool, is on one of my subscription-lists ; also Rev. Dr. Bur- row and Mr. Snare. Mr. Snare also lives in New York. Three families of Snare are found in Phila- delphia ; and Mr. Snarey lives at Woodstock, C.W. There is an English publication by Mr. Trapp in 1647, and by Mr. Mole in 1732. Both Mr. Otter and Mr. Mole live in Philadelphia ; also Mr. Trapp. "Lectures on Poetry," by Joseph Trapp, D.D., ap- pears in the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Mr. Trap- man is consul for Hamburg at Charleston, S.C. Hinde's Life of Bruin (1641) was published by Cod- dington in 1799, being an odd conjunction of the names of two animals. Mr. Conybeare, a modern English writer, unites two animals in one surname. Bishop Conybeare's " Sermons " is a work recom- mended by the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. In New York I find Mr. Wolfram. Mr. Yoakum has pub- lished a history of Texas. A Mr. Yokom lives at 112 NAMES DERIVED FROM ANIMALS. Peterborough, C.W. ; and the postmaster of Wain- fleet Centre, C.W., is named Yokem. In Philadelphia I find families of Yocom and Yocum. Mr. Prey lives at Alburg, Vt. ; Mr. Buckmaster, at Mount Holly, Yt. ; and a Mr. Hind, at Letter D, Me. Herder is a German classic ; and that name is found in Lon- don, C.W. 113 CHAPTER XIV. NAMES FROM BIRDS. Birds and fowls are well represented, in the aggre- gate, by Bird, Birdsall, Avis (Latin for " bird "), Vogel (German for " bird "), also Fogel and Fogell, Fowle, and in the different branches of Robin, Ro- bins, ROBBINS, LlNNETT, GANNETT, QUAIL, QuAYL, Finch, Bulfinch, Canary, Dawes, Craine, Crane, Grew (" a crane "), Grouse, Chicken, Chickey, Chick, Schwab, Giese, Goose and Gosling (before alluded to), Blackbird, Brownbill, Partridge, Par- rott, Parrotts, Duck, Drake, Corlew, Curlew, Bunting, Coote, Coots, Pidgeon, Pigeon, Pidgin, Dove, Wren, and Titt ; also Peep, Teal, Teel, Teele, Geyer (the German for " vulture "), Hauk, Hawks, Sparhawk, Sparrow, Howlett, Buzzard, Pecker, Martin, Swallow, Crowe, Crow, Kroes, Rook, Corbett (t. e., " raven "), Storke (L. 41, f. 291), Starlings (1681), Starling ; likewise Hern (L. 694, f. 261), Herron, Henshaw (i. e., a "young heron"), Nightingale, Swan, Capron. Edward Daw re- volted on board a Boston ship, in April, 1857; and Mr. Dawson was a gunner in our navy in 1849. John Croe signed his name so in 1655. 15 114 NAMES FROM BIRDS. We have Hahn (the German for " cock "), Cock- rel (L. 36, f. 247), Cocks, Cox, Cock, Peacock, Tancock (died 1855), Moorcock, Woodcock, and all the various compounds of Cock ; as All, Bab, Bad, Han, Hand, His, Hitch, More (L. 40, f. 97), Shill, Po, &a, — which compounds, however, are not sup- posed to be really derived from that bird, but, in some cases, from Coque (" a cook ") ; while, in others, it is used as an affectionate diminutive. Hedgecock's quadrant has made a stir in the world of science, second only to that of the discovery of the quadra- ture of the circle some years since.* Dr. Locock is physician to Queen Victoria. Mr. Hecock (the " he " seems to be superfluous) was graduated at Yale in 1802. Mr. Glasscock, of Missouri, manumitted his slaves by will in 1857. Sir Isaac Pococke sub- scribed for Chauchard's maps ; and our Mr. Pococke was sent to England in 1648. Rev. Mr. Leacock died a missionary in Africa. In the New- York Direc- tory I find Adcock, Daycock, and Heacock. Mr. Laycock lives at Embro, C.W. ; Mr. Lacock, at Richmond, C.W. ; Mr. Maycock, at Sandwich, C.W. ; Mr. Willcock, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Wilcock, at Philadelphia, where I also find Messrs. Alcock, Ler- cock, and Veacock. Mr. Colcock was a West-Point graduate. Treblecock is a very common name in * A petition for a reward for this discovery was repeatedly presented to the Massachusetts Legislature ; and was once even referred to a committee, who gravely consulted my late father, Dr. Bowditch. NAMES FROM BIRDS. 115 Canada, as at London and Norway, C.W. It is spelt Triblecock at New Ireland, C.E., and Trebilcock at Toronto. Mr. Luckcock had the bad luck to be an officer of that mismanaged institution, the Birming- ham Jail, the groundwork of Reade's " Never Too Late to Mend." Mr. Samuel Slocock was a sub- scriber to Jones's "Miscellanies." Mr. Bocock is a member of Congress from Virginia, as is also Mr. Cockerill from Ohio. A graduate of Harvard is named Henry Clay Cockerell. The most distin- guished Protestant preacher of France is M. Coque- rel. Rev. Dr. Coxed (" cock's head "), warden of Winchester College, subscribed for ten copies of Jones's " Miscellanies." There was a Roman family of Gallus ("a cock"). Our Mr. Crowin, as if assured of victory, brought a suit in August, 1857. We have also Callow, Henville, Henfield, Henny, Henns (L. 407, f. 6), Hatchman, Hatch, Covey, Brude, Coop, Coops, Pippy, and Pippey. Mr. Henn lives in New Britain, Conn. (1858). We have Gladwing (1629). Mr. Gull was ad- mitted a freeman (1673). The Batt family owned very valuable real estates in Boston. This name is also found in Port Stanley, C.W., and at Toronto. Mr. Batman lives at London, C.W. ; and that name is found among the West-Point graduates. Mr. Crumpecker is a stable-keeper at Lynchburg, Va. John Quails was a pupil at Groton Academy. Among the distinguished persons who attended the 116 NAMES FROM BIRDS. funeral of Douglas Jerrold was Mr. Augustus Egg. There are two families of Egg in Philadelphia ; and Mr. Eggs lives in New York. Sir Christopher Wren has left behind him the noblest monument in London. In the churchyard of the parish of St. Peter the Apostle, Canterbury, is a monument to John Cuckow, who died 1760. Among the admirals of England are Drake and Hawke, and Sir George Rooke. With the first of these Queen Elizabeth is playfully asso- ciated, in the lines, — " Oh, give us, for our Icings, such queens, And, for our dux, such drakes ! " Mr. Grosbeck is a member of Congress from Ohio ; and Mr. Wattles is a graduate of Yale, as is also Mr. Heron. Miss Matilda Heron is a popular actress among us. Hahnemann was the father of Homoeo- pathy. Eulenspiegel (German for " owl's looking- glass "), born 1350, is as popular in the traditions of Germany as Robin Hood is in England. The great Roman name of Gracchus means merely a "jackdaw." Among Miss Jones's subscribers are Mrs. Cage, Miss Dove, Mr. Finch, Miss Parrot, Mr. Sparrow, Rev. Mr. Corbett, Christopher Crowe, Esq., Mrs. Gos- ling, Mr. Martyn, Miss Martin, &c. Mr. Feather- hoff, of Pennsylvania, failed in September, 1857. Mr. Hatcher was in the engineer-corps of the -U. S. navy in 1849. In the New-York Directory I find Brood, Beak, Beakman, Brant, Bustard, Duckman, names from birds. 117 Drakeman, Daw, Dawson, Jaycock, Jaycox, Lark, Raven, Ravenhill, three families of Starling, Storck, Stork, Thrush, Titt, Tittman, Walduck and Waldvogel (or " bird of the woods "), Covey, Gullman, Hen, Henn, Grouse, &c. Mandrake perhaps belongs here rather than among the vegeta- bles. Strange to say, I do not find in Boston a single specimen of the most glorious bird of all, — our own national emblem, — the Eagle. Mrs. Mary Eagles, however, died at Roxbury, March 31, 1857 ; and we have Eagleson. There are seven families of Eagle in the New- York Directory : it is also found at Ottowa, C.W., Yorkville, C.W., and Philadelphia. Mr. Egle, of Harrisburg, Pa., is one of Agassiz' subscribers. Mr. Heagle lives at Stirling, C.W. Of the hymns used in our churches, one is written by Josiah Conder. The Jays prefer New York ; though one has got to Montreal. The Phcsnix has arisen from its ashes, and moves about among us : it is, indeed, a graduate of Harvard. England has its families of Dearbird, Fowls, Linnet, Cuckoo, Coote, Gull, Rook, Stork, Thrush, &c. ; and among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible are Col. Cockerell, and John Crewe, Esq. Duck's Poems were published in 1764. France has its Mdlle. Falcon. Mr. Falcon lives at St. Jaques Le Mineur, C.W. Mr. Pippy is an editor at Woburn. Mr. Pippe lives at Matane, C.E. Mr. Ouellett lives at Madawaska, Me. Gen. Storks was an English officer in the late Russian war. At St. 118 , NAMES FROM BIRDS. Edmund's, Salisbury, is a monument to Richard Rook (died 1779). The note of the Nightingale charms the ear of the Englishman ; and that name is dear to his heart. Duck is a very common name at Chatham, C.W. The collector at Morpeth has that name. Lark is found at Coatacook, C.E., and at Kingston, C.W. ; Larke, at Chatham, C.W. ; and Larkworthy, at Kastner, C.W. Mr. Rain bird lives at Coldwater, C.W. ; Mr. Capon, at Cookstown, C.W. ; Mr. Stork, at Brampton, C.W. ; Mr. Storks, at St. Catherine's, C.W. ; Mr. Thrush, at Toronto ; Mr. Coot, at Lon- don, C.W. ; Mr. Graybill, at New Dundee, C.W. ; Mr. Blackbird, at Toronto; Mr. Birdsell, at Farmers- ville, C.W. Mr. Owler and Mr. Brant live in Mon- treal ; Mr. Owley, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Houlet, at Quebec ; Mr. Herron, at Streetville, C.W. In Philadelphia I find families of Bustard, Chick- ling, Coot, Coots, and Dau ; also four families of Stork, three of Wallraven, and five of Feather. Mr. Martin dale was a graduate of West Point. 119 CHAPTER XV. NAMES FROM FISHES, INSECTS, REPTILES, &c; AND OTHER DISAGREEABLE NAMES. Turning to the department of fishes, we find the names of Fish, Fisher, Fishers, Fishley, Bodfish (" bad fish ? "), Weir, Wier, Hook, Bate, Bateman, and Bates ; Sholes, Dolfin, Thrasher, Sharkly, Sharkey, Skates, Scates, Eels, Eeles, Eelles, Conger, Salmon, Skimmer, Schad, Hake, Bass, Cody, Codley, Codwise, Codding, and Codman ; also Pike, Roach, Rotch, Breams (L. 94, f. 272), Place, Plaice, Whiting, Herring, Turbat (1653), Mul- lett, Mullet, Ray, Smelt (L. 91, f. 177), Lamprey, Pollock, Haddock, Trout, Troutbeck, and Roe ; also Turtell. Mr. Whale lives in Toronto, C.W. ; and a Philemon Whale appears in our Colonial Records in 1656, with a signature as large as life. On July 22, 1857, Thomas Sculpin was fined five dollars for a criminal appropriation of another's chat- tels. A sculpin is a worthless and greedy fish, with a huge mouth. In this case, the man is named for the fish : on the other hand, the fish known as John Dory is said to have been so called from its 120 NAMES FROM FISHES. supposed resemblance to a person of that name. England has its Lamprey and Sprat ; also Turbet, Chub, Chubb, Chubbe, Par, Parr, Gilly, Gillies, Turtle, &c. Mr. Sturgeon received a degree at Yale in 1745 ; and Mr. Sturgeon, of St. Louis, sub- scribed for Agassiz' works. Thomas W. Sturgeon, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Dr. Eayles, of England, has lately died. Dr. Sprat was formerly Bishop of Rochester. Sprat's " History of the Royal Society " is on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. A Mr. Spratt lives at Toronto, C.W. Shadwell was an English dramatist. Miss Shad was the de- serving stewardess of the ill-fated " Empire State ; " and six families of Shadd live in Philadelphia. Mr. Chatfish (" cat-fish ! ") made a deed (L. 702, f. 211). Mr. Pollock is Governor of Pennsylvania. Sir Fre- derick T. Pollock is Chief Baron of the English Court of Exchequer. Miss Pyke subscribed for Miss Jones's work ; as did also Mr. Shard, Rev. Mr. Tench, and Miss Shelley. Carp itself I do not find; but Polycarp was one of the ancient Christian martyrs. In the Harvard Catalogue of 1773 is " Ray (John), all his works." One of the most distinguished French mathematicians is M. Poisson (French for " fish "). Edward Codd subscribed for Ackerman's " History of Oxford, &c." In New York are found families of Crabs, Craw, Cuskly, Haik, Lampry, Sturgeon, Trout, Troutt, Smelt, Whale, Whales, Whaley, and Wale. In Philadelphia I find three families of NAMES FROM FISHES. 121 Dolphin, nine of Flounders, four of Sturgeon, and a Mr. Dace ; also Mr. Oyster and Mr. Shellem. A Mr. Codd lives at Addison, C.W. ; also at Kings- ton, C.W., &c. ; Mr. Shadd, at Chatham, C.W. ; Mr. Sturgeon, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Sharky, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Hayck, at Spencer's Mills, C,W. ; and Mr. Fysh, at London, C.W. Concha, the name of the Governor-General of Cuba, is the Latin for " shell." There was a Roman family of Lamia (a kind of flat-fish). Mr. Finny lives at Monkton, Vt. Our Mr. Gil- feather partakes equally of the fish and bird. Mr. Borrowscale is satisfied with the permanent loan of part of a fish. We have Gilman. Mr. Cowgill, a judge in Indiana, prefers a union of fish and animal. Mr. Sheldrake, of Bolton, C.W., unites fish and bird. Our Mr. Chubbuck (married January, 1858) unites fish and flesh. Mr. Scales was killed July 4, 1857. Mr. Birdseye, of Derby, Conn., perhaps be- longs to the department of woods. Mr. Shelmire, of Philadelphia, failed in October, 1857. Mr. Shel- ley, the well-known writer, seems to embody the genus Crustacea. What lawyer has not heard of the rule in Shelley's case] Mr. Shelhammer is party to a deed in L. 689. John Mussel was whipped (1641). We have Shrimpton, Cockle, Shell, Schell, Krebs (i.e., "a crab "). Crabbe, the poet, has a namesake, — the author of the standard work on English Synonymes. One of the United- 16 122 DISAGREEABLE NAMES. States master commandants in 1839 was Mr. Crabb. Perhaps Crabb should have been inserted among names derived from mental qualities. There has been more than one English writer named Roe ; and Salmon's works were published in 1748. Mr. George Seal made a deed (L. 125, f. 234). The Codman family must regard it as a gratifying coincidence, that the great Persian monarch Darius is known in history as Darius Codomanus. Some of our fellow-citizens are even contented to bear the names of Cheyne, Chyne, Kohr, Marrow (L. 86), Spleen, Kidney, Horn, Langhorne, White- horn (L. 38, f. 21), Sides, Joint, Hide, Hides (1649); also Talon, Haslett, Hazlett, Withers, Vanderhoof, Hoofman, Gutting, and Gutman. Mrs. Bone appears in the Directory of 1857. Mr. Cart- lidge made a deed (L. 707, f. 157) ; and Mr. Wattle, in L. 41, f. 253. Thomas Caule was licensed as a victualler in 1645. Henry Antler, of New York, failed in August, 1857. I find, in that city, families of Brissel, Clawson, Sinew, Paus, Rumpf, and Rumpp. Ramshorn's Latin Synonymes was trans- lated and published in Boston in 1856. Mr. White- horne was a West-Point graduate. Dr. Gall was a distinguished phrenologist; and a Mr. Gall lives in Philadelphia. Mr. Gills lives at Rockport, Me. Who does not* involuntarily pity Messrs. Spittle, Tainter, and Pest? We have Crease, Creasy, Lees, and Skimmings. Mr. Fogo arrived here in a DISAGREEABLE NAMES. 123 Cunard steamer, November, 1857. Rev. Mr. Smellia lives at Fergus, C.W. ; Mr. Stinchman and Miss Stank, at Philadelphia. There are English families of Tripe and Rotten. Thus a writer, giving an account of the massacre at Delhi (1857), says, "Mr. Rotton and I buried thirty-one bodies." Here the name is appropriate to the act performed. Our Mr. Rotte died in 1839. In New York I find Rott, Rotty, Rottman, Spittel, and Spittle. Mr. Caul lives at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Brawn, at London, C.W. ; also Mr. Crock; Mr. Chine, at Toronto, C.W. Kidney is a common name in that city, and is found elsewhere in Canada. In Philadelphia are families of Joynt, Rump, Rumpp, Artery, and Urin. In our Directory of 1841 are the names of Tripe and Stench- field. Mr. Stinchfield is a very common name in New England : it is borne by three clergymen. Mr. Faulwasser (German for " dish-water," or " foul water") was married in Boston in June, 1857. One of the defendants in a suit now pending is Mr. Fore- paugh, and another is Mr. Wart. Mr. Worts appears in the Directory for 1857. We have also Rev. Mr. Rumpff and Dr. Braun. Gen. Wool belongs to the United-States army. There are English publications by Mr. Beek in 1692, and Mr. Beeke in 1737. Mr. Talon wrote in England in 1653. Mr. Featherson was boatswain in our navy in 1849. Mr. Featherhoff, of Pennsylvania, failed in September, 1857. 124 NAMES FROM INSECTS. Insects are represented by Messrs. Bease, Beeman, Bebee, Beebe, Weatherbee, Witherbee, Applebee, Leatherbee, Hornett, Hornet, Beetle, Fly, Flye, Cricket, Emmet (L. 182), Buggey, Bugden (L. 537), Wormley, and Grubb. This last name appears in a softened form, as Grube, among the graduates of Yale ; and Mr. Grub lives in New York. Mr. Ant- cliff appears in our Directory of 1857. We find Mr. Beebee in Paulet, Vt. Mr. Somerbee gathers his honey from the law. Mr. Bee dwells in Stowe, Vt. Another Bee was surgeon in our navy in 1849; and that name is found in New York. Mr. Bugbee goes strongly into this line. Miss Mabee died in Roxbury, April, 1857 ; and a Mr. Maybee lives in Codington, C.W. Among the graduates of West Point are Whedbee and Mr. B. E. Bee. " Foote's Dramatic Works," by John Bee, appeared in Lon- don, 1830. Messrs. Bea, Weavill, and Stemfly all live in Philadelphia ; where are also two families of Bugless, and four of Buggy ; and, at Toronto, I find Bugg, Buggs, and Buggy. We have Bugg's Tracts against the Quakers in 1698. Our Mrs. Sluggett stands alone. We have Mr. Cobb and Mr. Webb, but not the two united. The families of Spider, Moth, Nat, Wasp, Magot, &c, remain in England. One Natt was plaintiff in a suit reported 3 Mo. Rep. 404. In our records (L. 18, f. 261) is a deed from Mr. Robert Flea. Mr. Fleeman lives at East Wilton, N.H. A London edition of the " Vicar NAMES FROM INSECTS, REPTILES, ETC. 125 of Wakefield " was printed in 1843 by Fley. The newspapers of May, 1857, mention that Aaron Bed- bug, of Montgomery County, Ky., proposes to change his name. Mr. Wirm is found in Middleton, Vt. ; Mr. Wurm, at Trumbull, Conn., and also in New York. Mr. Wormstall was a colonist in 1653. Sir Richard Worme lies buried in Peterborough Cathe- dral. We have Worms. New York gave a home to the noble Irish exile, — Emmett. Reptiles have never been favorites, from the serpent of old to " the ugly and venomous toad ; " and few of our names are derived from this source. We have, however, Leech, Blackleach, and Adderly ; and Mr. Adino Paddock will be remembered among us as long as the trees shall flourish which he planted by the Granary Burying-Ground. We have Nute and Newts ; and in England is found a family of Black- adder. We have Bott; and the Hon. J. M. Botts is one of the most distinguished statesmen of Vir- ginia. Two families of Black adder live in Montreal ; Mr. Snake, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Dragon, at Freilighs- burg, C.E. ; and Mr. Toad, at Philadelphia. Dane's "^Abridgment " cites law-cases of Messrs. Mutton, Steed, Tabb, Mouse, Cud, Storke, Crop, Feathers, and Mussel, and a suit of Adderly versus Sparrow. The Bible informs us that man originally gave to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air their 126 A DEBT PAID. names. * The debt has certainly been repaid in these later times : they have given to man all their names back again. * Gen. ii. 20: "And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field." 127 CHAPTER XVI. NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. The face of nature has been ransacked for names. We have Gee (Greek for " earth ") ; and Mr. Terra (Latin for " earth ") died in 1853. We have Highland, Hiland, Hyland, Hight, Heitz, Hill, Greenhill (L. 36, f. 194, and in 1656), Hilly, Hills, Hillyard, Hilliard, Hillard, Hilbourn, Hilborn, Rock, Peak, Peake, Peaks, Craig, Craigie, Cragg, Mountain, Mount, Berg (the German for " mountain "), Ridg- way, Ridge (1632), Shortridge (1671), Cliff, Cut- cliff, Clift, Rock, Stone, Huddleston, Masse, Massy, Rockwood, Hubbell, Bigwood, Underhill, Underwood, Knowles, Croft, Vale, Vail, Wood- side, Woodburn, Dell, Ramsdell, Dale, Moulds- dale, Archdale, Littledale, Hayden, Dryden, Denne, Pentland, Borland (*. e., " Boarland "), CouLAND (1659), Wayland, Weinland, Woodland (L. 588, f. 32), Sweetland, Shankland, Glen, Glenn, Vallee, Level, Bower, Bowers, Acres, Hoaker, Desert, Close, and Ager (" a field "), (Mr. Close lives at Calais, Me. ; Mr. Glens lives at Salisbury, Conn.) ; Field, with its compounds, Moorfield, 128 names from the face of nature. Greenfield (1644), Bayfield, Bloomfield, Brom- field, Mansfield, Marshfield (1640), Widdifield ("wide field"), Winefield, Wakefield, Layfield, BUTTERFIELD, LlTTLEFIELD, MeRRIFIELD, FAIRFIELD, Barnfield, &c. ; Fields, Fieldy, Platt, Groves, Lee, Bentley, Longley, Bradley, Brickley, Hirst, Wheatland, Hedgeland (Lib. 381), Shaw, Brad- shaw, Orchard ; Park, Parks, and its compounds, Parker, Parkhurst, Parkman, &c. ; Garden, Bon- garten, Downs, Pebbles, Heath, Moor, Moorhead, Muirhead, Mum, Mead, Meads, Ashmead, Mea- dow, Moras, Boggs, Bogg, Bogman, Moat, Dyke, Dike, Dikes, Dykes, Dam, Marsh, Whitmarsh (i.e., "white marsh"), Clay, Clays, Barclay (i.e., " bare clay "), Marl, Peat, Peet, Peets, Fenn, Reedy, Sedgwick, Sedgley, Sedgely, Reil, Mudd, Myer, Myers, &c. Hon. Mr. Barkdale's wig on the floor of Congress will be an object of historic interest to our children's children. Mr. Grove lives at East Abington. Mr. Cole- grove is a graduate of Yale. England has its Littlewood and Wheatcroft. Meadowcraft (i.e., " meadow-croft ") lives in North Andover. Mr. Grandfield made a deed in Essex County. Mr. and Mrs. Woodifield arrived here from the Cape of Good Hope, December, 1857. Barnfield's Poems were published in London in 1818. We have Bloom- field's Poems and Bloomfield's Greek Testament. NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. 129 Lieut-Gen. Grinfield subscribed for Chauchard's maps ; as did also Mr. Heather, and Hon. Capt. Wingfield of the Coldstream Guards. C. J. Stub- blefield is Attorney of the Thirteenth Circuit Court of Tennessee (1857). Ann Oldfield was a celebrated English actress. Sir Henry Frankland owned a splendid mansion in Boston a hundred years ago ; and that name is found at Toronto, C.W. Buckland is an eminent geologist. In the Harvard Catalogue of 1773 is " Waterland, D.D., all his Works, — six vols. 4to." William Middleditch, Sergeant-Major of the Grena- dier Guards, died in the year 1834. There is, in New Jersey, a Mr. Middleditch ; and that name is found at St. Mary's, C.W. J. B. Gardenhire is At- torney of the First Circuit in Missouri. The Chief Justice of Texas is named Hemphill. Blooming- dale is found in New York, both as a name and a place. In that city are also found families of Glade, Plains, Plaines, Plateaux, Winfield, Wingrove. Mr. Lacus (" a marsh ") lives in New York ; as do also families of Landsdown, Laun, Lawny, one single Lea, Longbotham, Sidebottom, Martindale, Sand, Sandland, Stones, Stoney, Stoneall, Rocker, Rockefeller, Rocks, Peack, and Pebble. In the Tennessee Senate (November, 1857), Mr. Good- pasture presented a memorial from the citizens of Scott County. England has its Gladstone, and New York its Livingstone, — varieties not known to the 17 130 NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. geologist. Mr. Gravelly arrived in Boston in a Cunard steamer, August, 1857 ; as did a Mr. Long- mire in June, 1857. The firm of Longmire and Brooke failed in Philadelphia, September, 1857. Mr. Slough was, in 1857, expelled from the Ohio House of Eepresentatives. U. S. Mudd is Solicitor of the Courts of Alabama. Mr. Mudridge lives in Au- gusta, Me. Mr. Bogly lives at Rockland, Me. Dr. Gushee was a physician in 1839. Mr. Longacre is an officer of the mint at Philadelphia. Alabama has its Judge Shortridge. Lieut. Greenhill, of the British service in Persia, was wounded in 1857. There is an English author named Oldacre. Mr. Meadows published a work on China in 1856. La Grange was a distinguished French astronomer. Cave is a name familiar in English literature. There are six families of that name in Philadelphia ; where is also found Mr. Mines. Mr. Cartland lives at Windham, Me. ; Mr. Douney, at Kivkland, Me. Mr. Mountain wrote in 1800 ; Mr. Saltmarshe, in 1639. Netherclift's "Autographs" was published in London, 1855. Cumberland was a distinguished English dramatist. Sir Ferdinando Gorges was interested in the early settlement of our country. Mr. Hindmarsh was one of Miss Jones's subscribers. Three suits are pending (July, 1857) against Mr. Claystone. Both Mr. Aker and Mr. Ragland were lost in the "Central America" (1857); as was Mr. Lowenthal (or " the valley of the lions "). Mr. Thick- NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. 131 stone, of Meadville, Perm., was one of Agassiz' sub- scribers ; as was also Mr. Baumgarten (or " the tree-garden "), of St. Louis, and Mr. Cowley (or " cow-meadow "). This name is also well known in English literature. Mr. Learock lived in Salem. Mr. Diggins, of Cincinnati, should emigrate to Cali- fornia. Rev. Dr. Landend was a subscriber to Thomson's " Seasons ; " as was also John Purling, Esq. A Mr. Saltmarsh lives at Canton, Mass. ; Mr. Hardaker, at West Roxbury; Mr. Greenacre, at Bangor, Me. Among the Massachusetts physicians are Dr. Bottom and Mr. Rosenthal (or " valley of roses "). Mr. Prairie, strange to say, has gone to Canada, being domiciled at St. Athanase, C.E. Mr. Sandridge is a member of Congress. Mr. Craighead was a graduate at Harvard. In Philadelphia I find families of Hihill, Rock- hill, Parkhill, Summit ; twelve families of Mount, seven of Mountain, and two of Mounteny ; Hight, Hightsman, Boulder, Knoll; Hemphill is a common name there ; Longbottom, Pitchbottom, Rams bot- tom, and Sidebottom ; Bottomley (i. e., " bottom- meadow "), Chasm, Witmire (t. e., " white mire "), Lookmire, Lymire, Naymire, Overmire, Cragmire, Colmire, Whitemarsh, Marley, Slough, Dytch, Clayborn, Claypool, Holm, Vinyard, Dingle, Hallbower, Valley, Airth, Downey, Downie, Downy, Singlewood, Smallwood, Thistlewood, Woodland, four families of Shankland, Woodside, 132 NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. Acor, Longacre, Welbank, and Wellbank. Mr. Hillocks lives at Cloverhill, C.W. Messrs. High- field, Highland, and Hillman live at Quebec ; Mr. Ruffridge, at Seebringsville, C.W. ; Mr. Riehill, at Toronto, C.W. Mr. Terace lives at Dresden, C.W. ; Mr. Rockey, at Port Stanley, C.W. Gravel is a very common name in Canada, no less than seventeen families being found in Montreal. It is also found in Philadelphia. Mr. Stones lives at Mount Pleasant,* C.W. Mr. Brookmire lives at Leskard, C.W. Mo- rasse is found at Cap Sante, C.E., and at Montreal ; Mr. Peat, at Lowville, C.W., and Mr. Peatt, at Bowmanville, C.W. ; Mr. Ditchfield, at New Dur- ham, C.W, ; Messrs. Rowbottom and Shorediche, at Quebec. Mr. Longbottom, of Canada, took out a patent in 1852. Laun, of Campbellscross, C.W., and elsewhere, perhaps should be classed here, rather than with articles of dress: it has also an episcopal sound. Mr. Henwood lives at Cobourg, C.W. ; Mr. Middlewood, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Orchard, at Drummondville, C.W. ; Mr. Overfield, at Dundas, C.W. ; Mr. Oldfield, at Dunville, C.W. Both Crowhurst and Crowley are found in Montreal ; also Greenfield, Meadowcroft, and Sandilands. Mr. Maybank lives at Port Hope, C.W. ; Mr. Sunley, at Guelph, C.W. ; Mr. Drysdale, at Hamilton, C.W. Messrs. Heathfield and Goodacre live at London, C.W. We have Glyde, Rivers, Currant, Flood, Water, names from the face of nature. 133 Waters, Brooks, Glassbrook, Tinbrooks, Pond, Pool, Pooly (1635), Lake, Beck, Tarne (1644), Burn, Lakeman, Fountain, Lynn, Woodlin, Pons (" a bridge "), Bridge, Woodbridge, Brassbridge, and Ferry ; Ford, and its compounds, Paddleford, Bradford, Buckford (1665), Beckford, Gulliford (L. 37, f. 202), Hayford (707, f. 73), Woodford, Mudford, Langford, Oakford, Hickford, Hugge- ford, holford, mugford, clifford, mountford, and Fordin ; Seaward, Wade, Wady, Drown, Eddy, Channel, Sands, Sandy, Sand, Seawall (1675), Bar, Whorf, Beach, Pebbles, Shores, Shore (L. 63, f. 237), Durivage, Strand, Capewell, Haven, Banks, Fairbank, Fairbanks, Milbank, Millbanks, Wells, Horse well (L. 713, f. 291), Condit, &c. Harvard has its Professor Horsford. Our lamented Crawford stood pre-eminent as a sculptor. Mr. Blackford was a sailmaker in our navy in 1849. Mr. Main died on shore, and is buried in the Granary Burying-Ground. Sir Charles Eastlake published a treatise on oil- painting. Jane Shore is an historical personage. We have a Mr. Elm Burnside. Mr. Cove lives in Burke, Vt. ; Mr. Shoals, at East Hampton, Mass. Sir James Muddiford was active in introducing coffee into general use in London. Rev. Mr. Breaker, of Beaufort, S.C., states that he can easily baptize four black converts in a minute. A Mr. Wash lives at Powhattan, Va. ; and Mr. Outwater, at Syracuse and in New-York City. Mr. Spray was a tenor-singer of 134 • NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. note in the last century. Dane cites the case of Mr. Freshwater. Aquaviva (" living water ") was born three hundred years ago. In England are families of Gravel, Isle, Ore, Rill, and River. Mr. Garden subscribed to the " Odyssey." Mr. Fountain lives at Marblehead ; and the name is common in New York. Both Mr. Waterworks and Mi*. Waterfall appear in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Pebble lives at Natick. Mr. Harbour graduated at Harvard, as did Mr. Lea. A deed in L. 42 is executed by Harbour ; and this name is still found at Woodford, Vt., and in Montreal and Philadelphia. Mr. Coast lives in New York. Mr. Coldwell is a clergyman in Standish, Me. Mr. Fishpool, of New Baltimore, Mich., failed in 1857 ; as did also Mr. Bay, of Iowa. Rev. Richard Smallbrook, LL.D., was a subscriber to Jones's " Mis- cellanies ; " as were also Rev. Mr. Smalwell, and William Midford, Esq. Poole's "Annotations," in folio, appears on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Mr. Bankhead was in our navy in 1849. In New York I find several families of Billow, Clearwater, and Corral ; also Lingwater, Ripple, Water, Watrous, Gully, Sea, Coast, Shore, Sedgy, Seggie, and Ore. Mr. Midford lives at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Black- ford and Mr. Playford, at Philadelphia ; Mr. Ful- ford, at Brighton, C.W., and at London, C.W., where also lives a Mr. Glassford. Rev. Mr. Fishburn lives at Buttonville, C.W. ; Mr. Seaburn, at Collin- NAMES FROM THE FACE OF NATURE. 135 wood, C.W. ; Mr. Lightburn, at Cobourg, C.W. Eev. Mr. Broadwater is settled at Hamilton, C.W. ; the same name, as before mentioned, being fonnd in Phi- ladelphia. Mr. Lambrook lives at Exeter, C.W. ; Mr. Hornibrook, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Caldbeck, at Weston, C.W. Mr. Islet lives at Montreal ; Mr. Isles, at Philadelphia. Mr. Quay lives at Arthur, C.W. In Jessels " Court of England," in his Memoir of Beau Fielding, mention is made of Mrs. Streights. In Philadelphia I find Mr. Braker, Mr. Seas, Mr. Channel, Mr. Shoar, Longshore, &c. ; and Pan- coast is a common name in that city. Mr. Sea lives in Peoria, 111. (1858). 136 CHAPTER XVII. NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, AND VEGETATION. We have Forest, Chase (" a forest "), Wood, Woods, BlGWOOD, RoCKWOOD, WoODDY, WoODLEY (1636), Tree, Pollard, Hedge, Oaks, Oakes, Oakeman (1658), Oakman, Holyoke, Elm, Elms, Ellms, Pyne, Pine, Pineo, Ash, Ashe, Ashcroft, Ashley, Birch, Birchmore, Beech, Beecher, Beeching, Beechey? Chesnut, Chestnutwood, Crabtree, Cork, Cyprus, Hawthorne, Hazell, Hazleton, Furze, Hollie, Holly, Holley, Popalardo, Aspenwall, Alder- church, Lyme, Lind ("lime"), and Lindenbauer. Frances Tree was planted here in 1667. Miss Ellen Tree has played at our theatres. Mr. Goldtree, not paying a demand, was sued at the March Term of our Superior Court (1858). Mr. Oak lives at Amesbury; Mr. Trees, at Lawrence. Like the English Reviewer, I find no Fir or Larch. Nor have we the Ivy or Myrtle. Mr. Myrtle and Mr. Ivey, however, both live in New York ; and Mr. Frank Myrtle was lost in the " Central America " (September, 1857). Among Reviews, none takes a higher rank than Blackwood's. A Mr. Blackwood lives at Providence. Woodfall was a celebrated English printer. NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, ETC. 137 Among the public men of St. Louis, Mo., is Mr. .Palm ; and the fate of the German bookseller, Palm, executed in the time of Napoleon, awa- kened general sympathy. Mr. Ochiltree was a passed midshipman in our navy in 1849, — a name familiar to all readers of Scott's " Antiquary." Bloom- baum (" bloom-tree ") is found in New York ; as are also Hazelhurst, Walnut, Aspin, Lawrell, Lorell, Palm, and Pine. Bough is a very common name there. Mr. Maples is a graduate of Yale ; as are also Mr. Oakey and Mr. Oakley. Mr. Wellow (" willow 1 ") was admitted a freeman in 1666. Rev. Ralph Bride- oak, Rector of Abbotstock, Devon, subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies ; " as did also Capt. Birch and Mr. Ash. Ash's Introduction to Lowth's English Grammar is in the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. The distinguished tragedian Forrest, and the charming Mrs. John Wood, both performed at the Boston Theatre, and boarded at the same hotel. A serenade was given ; and Mrs. Wood gracefully declined any share in this honor, saying that it was intended for the great forest, and not for the little wood. Mr. Blackwood lives at St. Thomas, C.W. ; Mr. Smallwood, at Montreal ; Mr. Shade, at Gait, C.W. ; Mr. Arbour, at St. Therese de Blainville, C.E. ; Mr. Alder, at Charleville, C.W., and also at Philadel- phia ; Mr. Hawthorn, at Milton, C.W. ; Mr. Ash- plant, at Montreal ; Mr. Almond, at Ottowa, C.W. 18 138 . NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, ETC. Both Almond and Allmond are found at Philadel- phia ; Mr. Ivey, at Owen Sound, C.W. ; Mr. Maples, at Port Hope, C.W. ; Mr. Furzer, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Hazel and Mr. Willows, at Toronto. In Philadelphia I find families of Ashbash, Ashbridge, ASHBROOK, ASHBURN, AsHCRAFT, AsHMEED, ASPEN, Lime, Walnut, Syckelmore (" sycamore ! "), Green- tree, Rountree, Shady, and eight families of Shade. We have Woodward (" keeper of the forest "). Dr. Birch is the English historian of Louis Philippe. Mr. Burtch lives at Westford, Vt. ; and Mr. Burch, at Stonington, Conn. We have Berts ch ; hardly, however, derived from the tree. Mr. Cedarbloom hails from Portland. Among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible are the names of Linden and Beachey. Mr. Achorn lives at Lincolnville, Me. ; and Mr.. Acorn, at Newcastle, Me. Mr. Acorn also appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Wedge wood lives at Littlefield, Me. We have families of Moss, Mossman, Fearnes (1636), Redfern, Branch, Greenwood, Greenleaf, Topleaf, Maylief, Hemphill, Sheafe, Hay, Haycock, Rick, .Ricks, Straw, Wyeth, Bush, Reed, Reedy, Thissell, Thorn, Thorne, Langthorn, Thorndike, Thornton, Dorn (the German for " thorn "), Burr, Bryer, and Twigg. Mr. Twiggs was a captain of marines in 1839. Aaron Burr w r as Vice-Pre- sident of the United States. Fearne's " Contingent NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, ETC. . 139 Remainders " is one of the ablest law-books ever written. Dr. Snodgrass was medical attendant of Edgar A. Poe ; and there are eleven families of that name in Philadelphia. Mr. Plant lives at New Bed- ford. A Mr. Bushey lives in Maine ; Mr. Brier, at Belfast, Me. ; Mr. Grass, at Brunswick, Me. ; Mr. Bush way, at North Craftsbury, Conn. In L. 105 is a deed to Consider Osyer. Both Plant and Leaf are graduates of Yala Leaf and Leafy live in Philadelphia. Leaf, Son, and Co. are a London firm (1857). Mr. Woodlief had a case decided in Washington (1858). Mr. Rowan was lieutenant in our navy in 1849. Mr. Clover lives at St. Louis, Mo. On Beechey Island rest the remains of William Cut- bush, who died in 1853. Mr. Cutbush was a sur- geon at West Point. In the New-York Directory are Messrs. Heather, Haw, Haws, Fern, Ferns, Furze, Twigg, Twiggs, &c. Mr. Sheaves lives at Kingston, C.W. ; and Mr. Shortreed, at Scotchblock, C.W. Mr. Copperthorn goes both into the mineral and vegetable kingdom. This remark applies to Mr. Sil- verthorn, of West Goshen, Conn. Miss Plumbtree was a subscriber to Thomson's "Seasons." Plumptre's Songs were published in 1805 ; Moss's Sermons in 1732, and Moss's Bibliography in 1837; also Seed's Discourses in 1745. Seads, Seeds, and Seed, all live in Philadelphia; and Mr. Seeds also lives at Oneida, C.W. In the Harvard Catalogue of 1773, I 140 NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, ETC. find " Seed's (Jeremiah) Sermons, 8vo, 4 vols." Mr. Seeds, of Newport, Ky., was arrested for murder (December, 1857). Among the law-students at Har- vard are Moss and Hacock. Mr. Sprigge was an author in 1748, as was Mr. Vine in 1657. Both Sprigg and Spriggs are found in New York ; and Sprigg and Sprigman, in Philadelphia. Mr. Blossom made a deed (L. 491, f. 127). Mr. Sapp is, as we have seen, a member of Congress. He doubtless derives his name from vegetables, rather than from mental qualities. We have Bloom, Bloomfield, Blossom, Bud, Budd, Sprout, Twigg,* Vines, Langberry (1674), WOODBERRY, MULBERRY (L. 98, f. 16), TaCKABERRY, Berry, Mayberry, Hull, Podd, Nut, Nutt, Nutts, Nutze, Nutting, Tufts, Burr, Cobb, Kob,. Husk, Furss, Root, Hoots, Stubbles, and Stumpf. Miss Stump died in 1832. Henry Stump is Judge of the Baltimore Criminal Court (1857). Mr. Nutman is a graduate of Yale. Mr. Peanot (" pea-nut'? ") lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. George Wythe was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Berryman and Mr. Eootes were in our navy in 1849. Mr. Sprout, of Rutland, proves not to have been murdered. Mr. Blooms lives at Bath, Me. Snagg, though so ap- propriate for our Western States, is found only in England ; where are also families of Stick, Pole, &c. Walpole is eminent. Both Pole and Walpole are found in New York. Tendril's and Shrubb's cases NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, ETC. 141 are cited by Dane. Among our hymns is one written by Shrubsole. We have Stackpole, Stack, and Wagstaff. Miss Stickman was married in Boston in August, 1857. Mr. Pole was admitted a freeman (1666). Both Stick and Sticker are found in the Buffalo Directory of 1855. Mr. John Bickerstaff subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Mr. Longstaff lives in New York ; also Messrs. Rutley, Stubb, Stubbs, Stubbings, and Stump. Mr. Biggerstaff lives in Philadelphia ; Mr. Staff, at Petersburg, C.W. ; Mr. Langstaff, at North Augusta, C.W., and at Weston, C.W. ; Mr. Long- staff, at Carlisle, C.W. Messrs. Stack, Stackwell, and Stick, all live at Hamilton, C.W. ; and Mr. Claypole and Mr. Glasspole, at London, C.W. Mr. Heather lives at Montreal ; Mr. Vine, at Na- panee, C.W. ; Mr. Budds, at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Muckelberry lives at Toronto. Mr. Berrier was graduated at West Point. At Philadelphia I find families of Buddy, Stem, Stump, Tuft, and Viney, &c. ; Berriman, Berryman, and Galberry. We have Gage, Currant, Orange, Peeling, Lem- mon, Appell, Appleton, Applebaum (" apple-tree "), Applegate, Peach, Peachy, Pears, Pear, Pear- main, Perry, Backall, Pippin, Plumley, and Quincy. I find various deeds from Samuel Plumb (L. 376, &c). Mr. Apple was, in 1857, appointed Assistant Superintendent at Mount-Auburn Ceme- tery. The papers of the same week (November, 1857) 142 NAMES FROM TREES, FRUITS, ETC. mention the death of Mrs. Pear at Cambridgeport, and the destruction, by fire, of Mr. Apple's green- house in Cambridge. Mr. Beatley lives at Norwalk, Conn. Peach is a very common name in Salem ; where is also found Mr. Currants. Rev. Mr. Cherry was obliged to leave Georgia in July, 1857. There is a Dr. Eynd in Dublin. Mr. Rhind was a passed midshipman in our navy in 1849. Rhind's "Egypt" was published in Edinburgh. Mr.. Peeling is in our Directory of 1857. Shattuck is a common name among us ; perhaps derived from Shaddock, a fruit like an orange. We have also Chaddock. In New York are found families of Apple, Appleby, Apple- gate, and Appleyard ; Figge, Filbert, Mellon, Olive, Plum, and Quincey. Miss Peach was one of Miss Jones's subscribers. Mr. Figgs lives at Hamil- ton, C.W. ; Mr. Figg, at London, C.W. The very peculiar name of Sweetapple is found at Toronto, C.W. In Philadelphia I find families of Grape, Plum, Rasin, and Messrs. Coar and Core. Mellon is a very common name in that city ; where I also find Appledom, and twenty families of Apple. Among our fellow-citizens are Rev. Mr. Posey ; also Messrs. Flower, Flowers, Garland, Rose, Rosengarten (i. e., " garden of roses "), Rosenfeld ("field of roses"), Tansey, Lily, Lilley, Lillie, Lilly- man, Jessamine, Dasey, Pinks, Pinkman, Sorrell, Fennel, Mallows, Weed, and Nettle. Mr. Marigold lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. Col. Bouquet was NAMES FROM FLOWERS, ETC. 143 an able officer in the Indian war of 1763. Mr. Leek is a clergyman in Brooklyn, Conn. ; as is the Rev. Mr. Greenslit at Killingly, Conn. There was an English writer named Nettles in 1625. Mr. Prim- rose was passenger in a late steamer ; and five families of that name are found in Philadelphia. We have Chard. Mr. Cress is studying at Harvard Scientific School ; and fifteen families of that name live at Philadelphia. The name of Kingrose is found in England. Mrs. Colomblne was one of Miss Jones's subscribers ; as was also James Viney, Esq. In London there are families of Rackstraw, Clover, Pluckrose, and Peascod. The French barber-poet is Mr. Jasmyn. Gillyflower printed the Life of Richelieu (1693). Miss Bronte had an aunt, Mrs. Fennel. Families of Fennel and Fennell are found in Philadelphia. Rose's Biographical Dictionary was published in London in 1850. Agnes Sorel was the favorite of a French monarch four centuries ago. Blumenbach (or " the flowery stream ") is the name of a German naturalist. Mr. Rosenbush, of Rockville, Conn., failed in October, 1857. In the New- York Directory I find families of Melrose and Bosquet ; Leek, Pink, Plant, and four specimens of Primrose ; one of Sandbloom (or " the flower of the desert ") ; one of Wead; and no less than forty-nine families of Weed. Mr. Rosebush lives at Stirling, C.W. ; and Mr. 144 NAMES FROM VEGETATION. Vinebush, at Edmondsville, C.W. : both very peculiar names. Mr. Marigold lives at Brentford, C.W. ; Mr. Latulippe, at Coteau St. Louis, C.E. ; Messrs. Maybell and Daze, at Montreal. At Philadelphia I find the names of Plant, Daisey, and Vannela. In the vegetable line we have McGranary (1857), Corne (234, f. 175), Alcorn, Smallcorn (L. 492, f. 48), Bean, Been, Beens, Vetch, Onion, Bietz, Millet, Wheat, Wheatly, Pease, Eyland, Eice, Oatman, and Parshley. Thomas Cornhill was licensed as an innholder (1638). Mr. Beans lives at Westbrook, Me. A pupil at Groton Academy, in 1848, was named Carret. Peter Grain died at Jersey City in September, 1857. Mrs. Graine was a subscriber to Miss Jones's book; as were also Mr. Eye and Mr. Bulbeet. Mr. George Eye lives at Shenandoah, Va. Ehy's Account of Spain and Por- tugal is in the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Ey- land's Life of Kitto appeared in 1856. Mr. Eye was an English writer in 1719. Berryman was an English engraver. Two of Chauchard's subscribers are named Parslee. Flaxman is distinguished in the world of art. At St. Giles-in-the-Fields is a monument to Susannah Barly. Tennessee has its Bishop Otey. The family of Tare was early sowed among us (1679), but is believed to have been long since rooted out. Thistlewood suffered in England as a traitor (1820). Mr. Bulby arrived here in a Cunard steamer, October, 1857. Mr. Weeden was NAMES FROM VEGETATION. 145 a sailmaker in our navy in 1849. Mr. Grassie lives in Illinois. New York has its Police-officer Beany ; also Mr. Beeny and Mr. Allcorn ; and I find there families of Barbary, Beete, Beetson, Beety, Bran, Corn, Clo- ver, Cropp, Grain (very common), Grist, Gourd, Grass, Maize, Bycroft, Oats, Lettish, Podmore, Sause (i. e., " vegetables "), Spinnage, Thistle, This- tledon, Tares, Rick, and three families of Straw. Mr. Grist lives at Quebec. Families of Corn are found at Montreal and at Philadelphia. Mr. Oats lives at Portland, C.W. ; Mr. Oatman, at Springford, C.W. There are nine families of Oat in Philadel- phia ; also Mr. Bran, Mr. Reap, Messrs. Grane, Grain, Alcorn, Grass, &c. ; four families of Bram- ble ; and Mr. Nettle. Mr. Beatson lives at To- ronto. Prof. Wheatstone has been a greater producer than his name would indicate. Mr. Bran lives at West Gardiner, Me. Oat is found in England ; as are also Herbage, Grain, Rye, Barley, Beet, Bar- berry, Bramble, Cabbage, Melon, Quince, Olive, Peach, Chestnut, Cranberry, Grapes, Hemp, Seed, Seeds, Pink, Tulip, Violets, and Spinnage. Mr. Krout was lately killed in Williston, Me. ; and there is a live Krout in Philadelphia. Mr. Parsley lives at East Sangerville, Me. ; Mr. Lentell, at Spencer, Mass. Titus Oates has an undesira- ble celebrity. The Governor of Texas in 1856 is 19 146 NAMES FROM VEGETATION. named Pease. Mr. Pease, of New York, is cele- brated in connection with the Five-Points Mission. One of our first families is Peabody. The munifi- cence of the London banker of that name is well known. The pilgrim who lightened his penance by boiling his pease before he put them in his shoes, and who, while saving his soul, thus also saved his body, may perhaps have been the progenitor of this family. Joseph Peas was a subscriber to Thomson's " Sea- sons." Pea itself is found at Salem, Conn. Cicer, cicera, means, in Latin, " chickpea ; " and the great orator of antiquity, Cicero, was, to his contempora- ries, only the eloquent Mr. Pea. 147 CHAPTER XVIII. NAMES FROM THE ELEMENTS; FROM HEAT, COLD, AND FUEL; AND FROM POINTS OF THE COMPASS. The elements have been laid under contribution. Thus we have families of Ayer, Winde, Breeze, Gale, Lull, Blitz (" lightning "), Storm, Storms, Raines (1653), Raney (L. 181, f. 52), Rayne, Rane, Rayner, Reinhard, Sleater, Hail, Shower (L. 67, f. 207), Flood, Hayes, Hays, Hase, Haase, Dew, Dewey, Fogg, Whetter, Philbrook, Wetmore ; also Bath, Colbath, Dowse, Swab, Washer, Fries, Freese, Defriez, Chilley, Knipplng, Frost, Snow, Flake (L. 189, f. 257), Lowry, Bleakley, and Fairweather. We have also Weatherwax (L. 306) and Weatherly (L. 45, f. 112). Mr. Merriwether is Governor of the Territory of New Mexico (1856). Thomas Lightnin, of Valley Forge, R. I., was assassinated in California (June, 1857). Donner (German for " thunder ") was a distinguished Austrian sculptor. Hegel (German for " hail ") was an eminent philosopher. Mr. Gayle was a midship- man in our navy in 1849 ; as was also Mr. Rainey. Bleeker is a common name in New York : where I 148 NAMES FROM THE ELEMENTS. also find Bleak, Bleakhorn, Bleakie, Bleakley, Blow and Blew, Gust, Rain, Rains, Rainbold, Wash, Washman, Washmore, Docker, Reaker, Showry, Hail, Haill, &c. I find there eighteen families of Storm, and twenty-two families of Storms ; also Tempest. Mr. Jetter, of that city, has also an aqueous name. Both Mr. Rains and Mr. Haile are graduates of Yale. It is a remarkable coincidence of name and office, that Mr. Wetmore should have been for many years Chairman of our Cochituate Water Board. In like manner, Mr. Rein hard was, some years since, a water- carrier ; and on his ambulatory cart was painted the advertisement, — " W. Reinhard : soft water." Mr. Hail lives at Brandon, Vt. ; Mr. Foggs, at Readfield, Me. John Rainbow was a carpenter in our navy in 1849. The names of Thunder, Freeze, Mist, Rain- bow, Shade, &c, are found in England. The name of Miss Bronte, the novelist, is the Greek for " thun- der." Edward Hailstone, Esq., is a collector named in Shaw's work on " Decorative Art." Rev. Prof. Hailstone is one of Chauchard's subscribers ; as is also Rev. Dr. Raine. Among the subscribers to Thomson's " Seasons " is John Tempest, Esq. ; and Nichols's " Progresses " mentions two knights named Tempest. That name is also found in Philadelphia. Mr. Wind lives in Peoria, 111. (1858); and Mr. Thunder is in the Directory of Buffalo, N.Y., for 1855. Mr. Storm, of Boston, was an eminent en- NAMES FROM THE ELEMENTS. 149 graver. Mr. Weatherspoon made a deed (L. 569, f. 301). Mr. Baptist, of New York, found himself financially submerged in 1857. Dr. Fludd wrote in England in lb31 ; and Shower, in 1692. Shower's Reports are well known in the law. Messrs. Gush and Sluce live in London (1858). Spirt's case is cited by Dane. Rev. J. Raine lived in Dublin in 1828 ; and Mr. Rendrop w r as a subscriber to the Macklin Bible. Messrs. Crack live at Edwardsburg, C.W., and at Putnam, C.W. Col. Leake has pub- lished a work on Greek coins. Mr. Leeksin lives in New York. Ingulphus was an ancient abbot of Croyland. Mr. Dippie lives at Montreal. In Philadelphia are four families of Dripps, and Mr. Wipen. Mr. Reekin lives at Pefferlow, C.W. ; Messrs. Dowse and Ducker, at London, C.W. Mr. Aires lives at Phila- delphia ; Mr. Blow, at South Mountain, C.W. I also find, in Philadelphia, two families of Thunder, seven of Trinkle, and Mr. Thaw. Mr. Fog lives at To- ronto, C.W. Belleau (or " beautiful water ") is very common in Quebec; where I also find Mr. Rain and Mr. Hailstrip. Mr. Snowball 4ives at St. George's, C.W., and is probably a black man. Mr. Flake lives at Stevensville, C.W. ; Mr. Sleet, at Stratford, C.W. ; Mr. Rain both, at Papineauville, C.E. We have Sparks, Furness, Bellows, Frye, Fry, Flaming (L. 536, f. 221), Burn, Burns, Burnap, BlRNER, BlRNSTILL, BURNETT, BURNHAM, McBuRNEY, 150 names from heat, fuel, etc. Het, Hett, Heaton, Heten, Heater, Heaty (1650), Hotty (Lib. 131), Boyle, Boylen, Blazo, Parcher, Crisp, Crispin, and Crispy. T. Brand, of London, subscribed for the Macklin Bible. A family of Brand resides at St. Louis, and also at Norwich, Conn. ; and one was a passed midshipman in our navy in 1849. Mr. Crisp was an author in 1704; and Mr. Hett, in 1824. Miss Lightup lives in Lon- don (1858). Rev. Thomas Fry, D.D., Fellow of St. John's College, subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies ; " as did also Miss Dewe. Sir Nicholas Crispe erected a monument to Charles I. Mr. Stive was passenger in a Cunard steamer (1857). In the New- York Directory I find Mr. Blase, Mr. Rauch * (German for " smoke "), and even Mr. Whiteheat; as also Boil, Boiler, Brand, Brande, Fried, Friedman. As a relief to these names, we find Mr. Fanning. Both parts of Mr. August Fries's name seem indicative of heat. D. R. Byler lives at Morgentown, Pa. Squib's case is cited by Dane. Dr. Squibb, of the U. S. navy, delivered, in New York (July, 1857), some interesting remarks on chloroform. Mr. Rockett was admitted a freeman in 1666. The publication of Synge's works has been before alluded to (p. 59). In my library are several volumes which have the book-mark of Sir Edward Synge, Bart., a former owner. Fuel is extensively represented by Wood, Gass, * We have Kausch (1858). NAMES FROM HEAT. FUEL, ETC. 151 Coke, Cokar, Cokely, Cole, Coale, Coley, Tarr, and Tarbox. Mr. Coal lives at Milford. In L. 268 is a deed of Mr. Cord. The family name of Lumber is found in England. John Chip appears in our Probate Records (L. 17, f. 34); and Mr. Chipp lives in New York ; as do also Mr. Cannel, Mr. Gathercole, Mr. Morewood. Mr. Sea wood, of New York, has not a very combustible sound. Messrs. Chip, Chippey, and Coal live in Philadelphia. Mrs. Seacole was popu- lar among the soldiers at the siege of Sebastopol: and among the London bankrupts of 1857 appears the same name ; it is to be hoped, not of the same person. Coke is one of England's greatest names in the law. Mr. Rosewharm lives at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Wharm, at Blenheim, C.W. ; Mr. Heats, at Hills- borough, C.W. Three families of Ovens live at Kings- ton, C.W. ; and that name is found at Toronto, as is also Synge. Mr. Chillman lives at Hamilton, C.W. In Philadelphia I find Ovens, Ovenshire, and four families of Bakeoven ; Messrs. Blase, Brands, Firing,' Sinder, Broyler ; seven families of Fried, fifteen of Fries, and one of Friey ; also Messrs. Cooling, Colder, Chillman, and Shiver ; nineteen families of Freas, and one of Freeze. A Mr. Shivers lives at White Co., Va. Mr. Firebrace was a faith- ful follower of Charles I. In the Directory of Buffalo, N.Y., for 1855, are families of Burnup and Ovens. Rev. Jared Sparks, late President of Harvard College, 152 NAMES FROM POINTS OF THE COMPASS. was formerly settled at the Unitarian church in Balti- more. Afterwards, the Rev. Messrs. Bellows, Fur- ness, and Greenwood temporarily officiated in the same pulpit ; and the fiery ministry continues with the Rev. Mr. Burnap, the present incumbent. The points of the compass are represented by Mr. Vane, Mr. North, Mr. Northey, Mr. Northend, Mr. Northstream ; Messrs. East, Easte, Easty (1673), Eastburn, Eastford, Eastham, Eastman ; Messrs. West, Westman, Westland (1659), West- ern, Westgate, &c. Mr. South has sent but very few representatives, so far, to the North, — perhaps because one William South was whipped and banished in 1638; yet I find Southard, Souther, SOUTHWORTH, SoUTHGATE, SOUTHLAND, SoUTHWICK, SOUTHACK, SoUTHALL, SOUTHWARD, and SOUTHERLY. Mr. Southmayd lives at Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Easterly's child fell out of a window in Boston in June, 1857. Sailors, in boxing the compass, use abbreviations, as " nor," " nor-east ; " and thus our name of Norcross may be " north cross." Wesley is " west lea," or " west meadow." Sir Henry Vane was as well known in the Old World as the New. England has had its Lord North, its Dr. South, its poets Southey and Southern, its painter West, its designer and draughtsman Westall, and its preacher Wesley. Rev. Mr. Westbrook is settled at Phila- delphia. In New York I find families of Westbrook, Westall, Wester, Westerfield, Westerman, West- names from points of the compass. 153 fall, Westfield, Westlake, Westman, Westwood, &c. Our Mr. Westwood died in 1758. Mr. North- wood lives at Thamesville, C.W. ; Mr. Southwood, at Toronto, C.W. ; where I also find Mr. West- broom. 20 154 CHAPTER XIX. NAMES FROM SEASONS, TIME, NUMERALS, DIMENSIONS, SPACE, &c. The seasons are seen in Mr. Spring, Mr. Summers, Mr. Winter, and Mr. Winters : Mr. Callender regu- lates them. We have also Mr. Summerfield, Mr. Win- terflood, and Mr. Goodyear. Mr. Hardyear was graduated at Yale in 1818. Mr. Summerbell is a clergyman in Somerset, Mass. Mr. Summerhays lives at Nantucket. Mr. Wintersmith is State Treasurer of Kentucky. In New York I find twenty-four fami- lies of Winter ; ten of Winters; also Winterbottom, WlNTERFIELD, WlNTERMUTE, and WlNTEROTH. Messrs. Winterbottom and Midwinter live in Philadelphia ; Mr. Summer, at Oakville, C.W. ; and Mr. Sommerlad, at Toronto, C.W. Mr. Yearly stands alone, Mr. Quarterly having remained in England. Both Mr. Yearey and Mr. Yeary live in Philadelphia. Mr. Weekley lives in New York. Dane cites the case of Mr. Weekly. We have Herbst (the German for " harvest ") ; also Herbest. Mr. Vernal lives at Vergennes, Vt. ; a Mr. Summer, at Norton; and another, at Milford, Mass. Harvest's Sermons were published in 1754. Mr. Christmas NAMES FROM SEASONS AND TIME. 155 lives in Montreal. In Philadelphia I find families of Easter, and four families of Easterday. We have both Mr. Easter and Mr. Lent. Mr. Pentecost lives at Sudbury. Mr. Middlemiss lives at Elora, C.W., and at Sheffield, C.W. Mr. Past lives in New York ; and Mr. Date, of that city, seems to live in the past. The months have given us Messrs. March, May, Mildmay, Mayall, June, and Augustus. Mr. Au- gust lives in Philadelphia. We have Kinmonth ; which is, perhaps, equivalent to December, with its Christmas gatherings of kindred : and the yule-log is represented by Mr. Yule, of New York. I find, in that city, Mr. June, Mr. July, and many families of August. Mr. Mildmay is a graduate of Harvard. Mr. Mayson was in our marine corps in 1849. In England there are families of April and August ; also of Midwinter. Rev. Mr. Janvier (French for " January ") is Presbyterian missionary at Lodiana, India (1857) ; and Gen. Fabvier was born 1783. Some of our months are named from old Romans, — Junius, Julius, Augustus. Shorter periods give us Mr. Weeks, Mr. Day, Mr. Daley, Mr. Dailey, Mr. Doubleday, Mr. Holliday, and Mr. Hallowday. Mrs. Days lives at Drumbo, C.W. ; Mr. Dayman, at Elgin, C.W. ; Mr. Dayfoot, at Georgetown, C.W. ; Mr. Holyday, at Aurora, C.W. We have Knight ; and Night itself may be seen in L. 206, f. 8. Mr. Nox (" night") lived in Buffalo, 156 NAMES FROM TIME. N.Y., in 1855. We have also Munday. A Mr. Monday appears in our Colony Eecords of 1639; and another Mr. Monday lives at Woburn. Capt. Mundy has described Napoleon's tomb at St. Helena. Sunday is found in New York. Two sons of Mr. Sundy, of Canada West, murdered him in July, 1857. Sontag (i. e., " Sunday ") paid us only a flying visit. Cruso is living at Wellington Centre, C.W. ; and Crusoe's faithful Friday did not die without issue. Sebastian Friday, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps ; and this name is found in New York, as is also Freytag (" Friday ] "). Mr. Friday also lives at Thorold, C.W., and at Philadelphia. There exists an English family of Thursday. Mr. Try- day lives in Philadelphia, — meaning, probably, washing-day, or the day which tries the souls of housekeepers. Naturally enough, we have but one Now, while we have a long series of Morrows. We are truly a go-ahead people ; and accordingly we have no Yes- terdays. I find, indeed, a Mr. Yesterday at Phila- delphia. For many a distant day, the name of Faraday will be kept in remembrance. Both Mr. Ante ("before") and Mr. Ende live in New York. I do not find the name of Hour ; but Mrs. Hours owns land at East Boston. Three families of Killhour live in Philadelphia. Miss Minnett appears in our Directory. We have Mr. Early, and his rival, Mr. Twilight. Messrs. Dark and Darke live in New NAMES FROM TIME. 157 York. Miss Mary Earley made a deed in L. 667, f. 164. Mr. Erly lives at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Rouse appears in the Directory of 1841. Faithfull Rouse was an early colonist (1644). Mr. Rouser lives in Philadelphia. Mr. Dozeville is a resident of New York. We have also Mr. Morgenstern (the " morning star "), M'Noon, and Mr. Abendbrod (or "evening meal"). Mr. Morningstar, of Canada West, lately killed his child. In New York I find Mr. Morgenroth (t. e., " the red of the morning," or " the dawn ") and Mr. Morgenthaler (or " the morn- ing dollar ") ; also Mr. Noon and Mr. Mitnacht (or " midnight "). Mr. Morn lives in Montreal. Four families of Eve, also Messrs. Vespre and Vesper, and Mr. Midnight, live in Philadelphia. Mr. Knap- ping lives at Brooklyn, Conn. Among the subscribers to the " Odyssey," I find Mr. Loveday and Mr. Gape. Mr. Eve, of Augusta, Ga., subscribed for Agassiz' work. Rev. Thomas Sunrise is settled in New Bed- ford; and Rev. John Noon, in Savoy, Mass. Mr. Nooning is found in the Directory of 1835, and still lives at Fall River. Mr. Twylight is a clergyman at Brownington, Vt. ; and Mr. Night is a clergyman at Fort Fairfield, Me. In England are families of Dawn, Eve, Vesper, Gotobed, Sleep, Slumber, Noon, and Nox (i. e., " night "). Rev. Mr. Nodder, Rector of Ashover Church, Derbyshire, England, had a pro- vidential escape from robbers while his household were asleep (1857). 158 NAMES FROM NUMERALS. Numerals have given us Mr. Onely, Mr. Tew, Mr. Biss (Latin for " twice "), Mr. Twohig, Mr. Three- needle (who was perhaps born in Threadneedle Street, London), Mr. Tribble, Mr. Fowers, Mr. Dix (i.e., " ten "), Mr. Twelves, Mr. Twelve (1671), and Mr. Duzzen. Thomas One was cited before our courts in 1637. Mr. Nine appears in the Directory of 1841. Rev. Mr. Quint is settled in Roxbury. In New York I find families of Dusen, Halbe (German for "half"), Semy (from Latin for "half"), Mr. Tway, Mr. Twiname, and seven families of Quarter- man. Among high numbers, it has Mr. Forte, Mr. Saxty, and even Mr. Million. Mr. Fores and Mr. Last live in London (1858). Mr. Edward Score subscribed for Jones's " Miscel- lanies ; " as did Col. Twentyman for Chauchard's maps. The gallant Col. Unett was killed at the assault on the Redan. Tenneman's " Manual of Philosophy" was published at Oxford (1832). Our Michael Quarters got his arm subdivided by a rail- road accident (August, 1857). Mrs. Greenhalf was one of Miss Jones's subscribers. Decius, the name of a Roman family, very much resembles that of Mr. Tentimes. Mr. Both lives at Montreal ; Mr. Couples, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Twose, at Sherbrooke, C.W. Mr. Treble is Collector of Houghton Centre, C.W. ; and that name is also found at London, C.W. Mr. Second and Mr. Upper both live .at St. Anne's, C.W. NAMES FROM MEASURES AND DIMENSIONS. 159 Mr. Octeau ("eight") lives at St. Bernard, C.E. ; and Mr. Fortye, at Peterborough, C.W. In Philadelphia I find families of Onely and Single ; six families of Tway and Tribbel ; Messrs. Six, Sixsmith, and Sixty ; Mr. Ceayen (" seven I "), Mr. Forty, and five families of Halfman. The families of Six, Ten, and Eighteen, seem to have remained in the mother country ; as have also those of Unit, Once, Twice, Single, Double, Sendfirst, Second, and Third. William Forsteen, Esq. (perhaps a corruption of " fourteen "), subscribed for the Macklin Bible. In measures we have Mr. Measures, Mr. Gill, Mr. Peck, and Messrs. Grose, Groce, and Gross. England has its Bushell and Gallon ; and we have likewise. Thus Mr. Bushell made a deed in Lib. 75 ; and Mr. Gallon appears in our Directory for 1835, and also for 1856 ; and he sells ale, Sec. We have Rundlett (t. e., " a small barrel "). In L. 141, f. 181, is a deed from John Peck to Joseph Barrell. Mr. Barrell owned Franklin Place in Boston ; also the hundred-and-fifty-acre farm in Somerville, of which part is now occupied by the McLean Asylum. A Mr. Measure lives at Woburn. Quart is . found at Arthur, C.W., and at Quebec ; Quintal, at Vergennes, C.E., and at Montreal; and Pound, at Quebec. In dimensions we have Gunter, Inch, Inches, Ells, Tuells, Foote, Rood, Furlong, Myles, Meil, Mile (1653), and Miles. There is an English family 160 NAMES FROM DIMENSIONS AND SPACE. of Yard ; a Mr. Yard lives at Crittenden, Vt. ; and another was a lieutenant in our navy in 1849. We have Yardley. A distinguished American tra- veller was named Ledyard. There is a Prof. Rood, of Vermont. Mr. Cubitt lately died in Scotland, very wealthy ; and that name is found in Toronto, C.W. In Philadelphia are thirteen families each of Yard and Yardley ; also Copestick (" yardstick 1 "), and Messrs. Link, Linke, and Linck. An edition of Rodd's " Spanish Ballads " was published in 1821. Samuel Span, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps ; and that name is found in New York ; where are also families of Yard, Yardley, Link, and Mile. Link was a German author of note. In space we have Senter, Center, Bound and Bourne, Place, Sise, Brim, Welts, Edge, Verge, Brink, Rimmer, End, Farr, and Girdler. Mr. Edges lives in Philadelphia ; Mr. Br in km an, at Griersville, C.W. ; Mr. Centre, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Girdle- stone, at Toronto, C.W. Both Mr. Space and Mr. Size live in New York. Mr. Stent lives at London, C.W. ; and Mr. Near, at Brydges, C.W. We have Dr. Rounds and Dr. Rimmer among our Massachu- setts physicians. Mr. Brims owns a lot at Forest Hills. Mr. Brimlow lives in New York ; Mr. Round, at Lancaster, N.H., and also at Philadelphia. A Miss Round made a deed (L. 265, f. 152). Thomas Ridge, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Brink is also found at Manchester, Conn., and in Philadel- NAMES FROM SPACE. 161 phia ; Mr. Middlehook, at Wilton, Conn. ; Mr. Middlebrooks, at Sharon, Conn. ; Mr. Cource, at Thomaston, Me. ; and Mr. Corner, at Lowell, and in New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto. Rev. Mr. Monod (" monad ") has a chnrch at Paris, France. 21 162 CHAPTER XX. NAMES FROM MUSIC, DANCING; FROM COLORS. In music we have families of Toner, Lay, Lutz, Melody, Horgan, Organ, Taber, Phyfe, Fife, Horn, Horne, Hornsman, Piper, Sing, Singer, Pitt- singer, Sanger, Gingle(1661), Fogelgesang ("bird's song "), Correster, Harper, Tute, Tuten, Chirp- sir, Carroll, Clap, Clapp, Ringwell, Crier, Noyes, Rapper, Slatt, Slamm, Loud, Lowd, Lowder, Call, Kauler, Croak, Siss, Hiss, Howly, Bray, Bello, Yell, Roer, Roers, Dinnin, Dinning, Babell, and Babel. Mr. Noyse lives at North Bennington, Vt. Pope's sister was Mrs. Racket. Hollar was an English engraver. Holler is found in New York. » Francis Horner was a distinguished English states- man. One Horner was married in Dan vers in 1857. The Chief Justice of New Jersey is Mr. Hornblower. One of the best books in the language ■ — " Boswell's Johnson " — has been best edited by Croker ; and one of the hymns in Greenwood's Collection was written by a Croker. A Dr. Mew was Bishop of Winchester two centuries ago. Messrs. Trill, Houle, and Mew live in London NAMES FROM MUSIC. 163 (1858). Major Parke G. Howle, of the marine corps, died at 1 Washington, July, 1857. Lieut. Bellot, of the French navy, was drowned near Beechy Island (1853). Mrs. Bray wrote a Life of Handel. Mr. Tamborine arrived here in a Cunard steamer, Septem- ber, 1857. Mr. Klink is settled at Lewiston, Pa. La Harpe was a French dramatic poet. Charles Carroll was a signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence. Mr. Tener is a commissioner in Philadelphia. Mr. Tinklepaugh is Commander of the U. S. Steam- ship "Northern Light" (1857); and that name is found in Kelvin, C.W. .A* Mr. Lute lives in Ando- ver. Madame Ida Pfeiffer is a distinguished traveller. Mr. Fyffe was a midshipman in our navy in 1849, as was Mr. Harmony himself. In New York I find families of Harmony, Harp, Luter, Rung, Peal, Toon, Toote, Clink, Dinn, Callaway, Cheer, Clapper, Baller, Balling, and Bellow. Mr. Barkey lives at Milnesville, C.W. ; Mr. Coo, at Montreal; Mr. Caw, at Paris, C.W. ; Mr. Sang- ster, at Kingston, C.W. Messrs. Melady and Melody are both found at Toronto, C.W. ; also Mr. Peal ; Mr. Chant and Mr. Ding, at Montreal. Mr. Stampinbell, of Quebec, has, in his name, an odd union of sounds. Mr. Harp lives at Quebec ; Mr. Tone, at Montreal; and Mr. Louder, at Oro, C.W. In Philadelphia I find two families of Songster, Mr. Musick, Mr. Pfifer, Mr. Balls, Mr. Balor ; 164 NAMES FROM DANCING. Messrs. Roarer, Rorer, Yelpbot, and Boom. Mr. Sing was a West-Point graduate. In dancing we have Polk, in the Directory of 1835, and also a President of the United States ; Treadaway (1646), Steptoe, Gavett or Gayott, German, Hopps, Jigger, and Mr. Minuter, — per- haps derived from " minuet." Mr. Fling lived in Bristol, N.H. Mr. Galliard is a graduate of Yale. Chaussee is a French dramatic writer of the last century. The Marquis of Boul anger subscribed for Wild's Dramas (1805). Rondelet published a work on Fishes (1854). One of our Territorial Governors was named Steptoe. Families of Dance, Fidler, &c, are found in England ; also Steptoe, Treadaway, and Tune. Mr. Treadaway was graduated at Yale in 1759. Mr. Dance was a midshipman in our navy (1849). Messrs. Dance, Dancer, and Fidler also live in New York. Mr. Waltz lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. Mr. Chasse lives at Frazerville, C.E. ; Mr. Jiggins, at Beachville, C.W. ; Mr. Fiddler, at Puslinch, C.W., and at Lindsay, C.W. ; and both Dance and Fidler are found at Toronto, C.W. In Philadelphia I find families of Dance, Dancer, Dancey, Fidler and Fidlar, Fling, Galliard, and Hopp ; and Walz and Waltz are very common names there. Dancey is also found on the West-Point Catalogue. Nathaniel Dancer was a well-known English miser. Miss Shillitoe was lately married. NAMES FROM COLORS. 165 Colors have furnished us with Hues (1684) and Staines, and an endless series of the names Brown, White, Wight, Gray, Green, and Greene. We have also Roan, Greaney, Sallowes (1659), Paler, and several specimens of Black and Scarlet. This last is a name illustrious in English law. M. Buff is a European chemist ; and a Mr. Buff lives in Rox- bury. Mr. Roane was an engineer in the navy in 1849. Our Mr. Hallgreen (" all green ? ") was married, October, 1857. Mr. Dingy was murdered in Duchess County, N.Y., October, 1857. Lord Campbell refused to allow an attorney named Violet to resume practice, as his previous character had been black. Le Noir ("black") was a director of the French Museum. Our Swartz and Dow both mean " black." There is a curious caprice against particular colors. Thus I find but two Purples in New England, — one at East Haddam, Conn., and one at Gill, Mass., — and no Crimson or Yellow ; though the latter name exists in England, as do also the names of Alabaster and Nutbrown. There is but one Blue in the Direc- tory, though many look and feel blue on 'Change. Blue, Blew, and Blewey are all found at Hamilton, C.W. Dane cites the cases of Gawdy and Stain. Mr. Gaudy is Mayor of Stoneham, C.E. Mr. Taney (pronounced " tawny ") is Chief Jus- tice of the United States. Miss Tauney subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies ; " as did also several named Tyntl, and Edward Blackit, Esq. Paley is 166 NAMES FROM COLORS. one of the finest writers in the language. Thomas Brassey was an eminent railroad engineer, whose skill is especially shown on the Rouen and Havre Road. Rev. Mr. Vermilye is a clergyman in New- buryport. Dr. Green how was an assistant surgeon in our navy in 1849 ; and that name is found in Frankfort, C.W. Mr. Green sill lives at Isle du Pads, C.E. ; Mr. Greenless, at Kilbride, C.W., and at Toronto ; Mr. Greenwell, at Raglan, C.W. ; Mr. Greenslade, at Rodgersville, C.W. John Brown made a deed to Moses Black in L. 210, f. 298 ; and James Brown married Hannah White, Jan. 17, 1858. Mr. Reddish sailed from Boston in a Cunard steamer in March, 1858. In New York I find fami- lies of Stain, Stainburn, Sulley, Sully, Pailler, Shade, and Ruddy ; also four families of Speck, and a Dr. Purple. In Philadelphia I find ten families of Dingie ; also Darkies and Darker, Ruddy, Brassy, Daub, Dotter, Dotts, Dye and Dyball, Speck and Spotts ; and Messrs. Greener, Greenly, and Green wise. There are many compounds of colors; as Black- man (a disagreeable name, by the way, for a white young lady), Blacker, Blackstock, Blackstone, Blackden, Blackhall, Blackmer (" blackamoor'? "), Blackmore, Redding, Redman, Redfern, Redpath, Brouner, Browner (L. 605, f. 56), Browning, Greenwood, Greenough, Greenleaf, Greenslit. We have Harblue (perhaps derived from hair of a NAMES FROM COLORS. 167 blue color, although that is certainly not a common shade), Wightman, Whiteman, Whitman, Whita- ker (i. e., " white acre "), Whitehorn, Whiting, Whitechurch, &c. Miss Whitest appears in our Directory for 1857. We have also a Whitehouse here as well as at Washington. Mr. Redpath is the great English forger. Mr. Redhouse published a Turkish Dictionary in London in 1857. Mr. Green- house, of Montreal, ought to have a taste for botany. Blackmore was a well-known English physician and poet. England has also its Dr. Whitely ; and Scotland, its Professor Blackie. In London there is (1858) a firm of Del Negro, Candido, and Co. ; also a Mr. Greenlees. In the New-York Directory I find families of Blackee, Blackie, Greenfield, Greenhill, Greenoak, Greensvvord, Polegreen, Redgate, Redline, Redway, Redwood, Redfield, Whitbread ("white bread"), Whiteall, White- berry, Whitefield, Whitehill, Whitehorne, Whitehorn, Whitenock, Whiteside, Whitewright. 168 CHAPTER XXI. NAMES FROM SOCIETY, EDIFICES, PARTS OF EDIFICES, SIGNS OF INNS, BUILDING-MATERIALS, FURNITURE, &c. Civilized life has given us Heiligenberg (t. e., " holy mount "), Cairns, Hautville (i. £., " high city "), Village, Town, Towne, Province, Parish, County, Shire, Burrough, Ward, Homes, Burgess, Burgh. Richard Borough, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Samuel G. City was a gunner in our navy in 1849. Mr. Middlestadt (i. £., " middle town ") lives in Philadelphia. In edifices we have Temple, Castle, Castles, Cas- tell, Tower, Chappell, Chappel (L. 673), Church, Kirk, Monkhouse, House, Newhouse, Waterhouse, Moorhouse, Woodhouse, Stonehouse, Brookhouse, Housen, Hamblet, &c. English mathematics has its Bonnycastle. Mr. Abbey is a graduate of Yale ; and this is a common name in Philadelphia. Mr. Mailhouse lives at New Haven, — not a postmaster. Mr. Carthouse lives at Dubuque, Iowa. Sir John Stonhouse was a subscriber to Jones's "Miscella- nies." The firm of Newhouse, Spats, and Co. received a consignment from California in April, 1857. In NAMES FROM EDIFICES. 169 the Buffalo Directory for 1855 are found Messrs. Mansion, Hut, Newhouse, and Threehouse. Maison (French for " house ") served with distinction under Bonaparte. Mr. Hillhouse was a graduate of Yale ; as was Mr. Maison. In New York I find five fami- lies of Hardcastle, one Buttress, and Mr. Minster. Mr. Odion lives at Portsmouth, N.H. We have Lodge, Booth, Shed, Shedd, Stowers, Stoeher, Block, Cot (t. £., " cottage "), Barn, Barnes, Barnwell; also Mills, Kingmill, Rymill, &c. Mr. Barn side invented a breech-loading carabine. Mr. Block lives at Newburyport ; Mr. Hamlet, at Dracut. In New York are families of Shopp and Shopps. Mr. Stackhouse is found in the Directory of 1841. Mr. Backhouse makes a frequent appearance in our Colonial Records. Mr. Backhouse's narrative of a visit to South Africa was published in 1839. Rev. Mr. Outhouse is a clergyman in Hodgdon, Me. Both these names are found in the New-York Directory ; as is also that of Liftchild, — being probably all derived from foundlings. He#ry Stable, Esq., lived at Leicesterfields in 1821 ; and among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible is Mr. Stables. Mr. Hutt is a member of the British Parliament (1857). Mr. Shoppee and Mr. Hovel live in London (1858). Mr. Cottman, of Louisiana, subscribed for Agassiz' work. In England are found the names of Crucifix, Sanctuary, and Gallows. Mr. Gallow lives at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Winterhalter, at Philadelphia. 22 170 NAMES FROM EDIFICES. Pew, Steeple, and Spire live in England. Mr. Spire appears in our Directory for 1857. M. Lacroix is eminent among French mathematicians. Families of Pew are found in our vicinity, and at Port Robinson, C. W. ; and both Pew and Pews, in Philadelphia ; also Messrs. Spire, Spires, and Steepleton. John Pew was a defendant in the United-States Court in 1856. Mr. Bethell was passenger in a Cunard steamer (1857). Mr. Depew is a graduate of Yale. A Mr. Churchyard is mentioned, in 1593, in Nichols's " Progresses." Churchyard's " Chips " was pub- lished in 1817. Churchill was the family name of the Duke of Marborough. Mr. Bookstore lives in Montreal. Mr. Bellhouse lives at Brantford, C.W., and at Hamilton, C.W. ; Messrs. Gatehouse and Salthouse, at Montreal ; Mr. Longhouse, at New Hope, C.W. ; Mr. Roadhouse, at Newmarket, C.W., and at Sydenham, C.W. ; Mr. Woolhouse, at Port Hope, C.W., and at Hyacinthe, C.E. ; Mr. Fieldhouse, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Hole- house, at Quebec ; Mr. Stacrhouse, at St. Andrew's, C.E. ; Mr. Backhouse, at St. William's, C.W. ; Mr. Barn, at Kingston, C.W., and also at Philadelphia ; Mr. Lighthall, at Durham, C.E., and at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Broomhall, at Philadelphia. Mr. Her- mitage lives at Quio, C.E. ; Mr. Hutt, at St. Cathe- rine's, C.W. ; and Mr. Hutty at Toronto, C.W. In Philadelphia I find ten families of Newhouse, twenty-eight families of Stackhouse, Mr. Spittal- NAMES FROM PARTS OF EDIFICES. 171 house (»'. e. " hospital "), Mr. Burrhouse, Mr. Kill- house, and seven families of Drinkhouse, — these two last families intimately connected ; Mr. Mar- ket, Mr. Minster, and seven families of New- kirk. Rev. John Bapst, of Thomaston, Me., has a name resembling John the Baptist. Mr. Bulpit, though not a clergyman, is settled at Portland, Me. The parts of a house have given us families of Hall, Newhall, Kitchen, Laundry, Buttery (1663), Buttry, Chamber, Chambers, Kammer (German for " chamber "), Garrits, Garrett, Garratt ; also Woodroofe, Room, Roome, Story, Frame, Gla ss, Glas, Fennester (" a window "), Flohr, Whall, Wall, Be ames (1658), Seling, Rafter, Lath, Lathe, Dore, Dohr, Porch, Banister, Stayers, Friese, Rivet (1629), Brackett, Gates, Woodgate (L. 79, f. 361 ; also in 1629), Post, Pickett, Fence, Stiles, Stile- man (1657), Latchet, and Barr. Mr. Latch, of Spreadeagle, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Sill is a graduate of Yale. In L. 601 is a deed of Mr. Sellars. Mr. Plank lives at Cumberland, R.I. ; also at Uxbridge, C.W. Verplank is one of the great names of New York. Mr. Eaves also lives there, Capt. Slate, and Mr. Cornice. Messrs. Timber and Lumber lived in Buffalo, NY., in 1855. Mr. Vanear lives in Monkton, Vt. Ten families of Shingle, and one of Shingles, live in Philadelphia. We have Mrs. Slates living among us ; also the 172 NAMES FROM PARTS OF EDIFICES. adjective Garretty. Mr. Bolt lives in Kent, Conn. ; also in Philadelphia ; Mr. Pegg, at New Haven. Catherine Peg was one of the favorites of Charles II. Mr. Post is a Harvard graduate. Mr. William Stairs has a suit in our Circuit Court. Mr. Pillars, of Ohio, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Pyle lives in Quebec ; Mr. Dredge, at Toronto and Montreal ; and Mr. Derick, at St. Thomas, C.E., — persons who might well erect buildings on a watery foundation. In 2 Denio, Pep. 546, is the case of a Mr. Gable. Dr. Van Oven, of London, is a medical writer. Cib- ber's " Apology " was edited by Bellchambers in 1822. Bishop Blackhall's Works, in folio, are recommended to the Harvard students of 1773 ; as is also Blackwall's " Sacred Classics ; " also Wall's work on Infant Baptism. Chambers's Cyclopaedia is a standard work. Zimmer (" chamber ") and Zimmer- man are both German writers of note. Mr. Beam lives at Stevensville, C.W. ; Mr. Rafter, at Montreal. Mr. Casement is postmaster at Lake- field, C.W. ; Mr. Parlor lives at St. Catharine's, C.W. ; Mr. Frame, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Cealens, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Clat, at Philadelphia ; Mr. Eves, at Belleville, C.W., and at Philadelphia ; Mr. Lefloor, at Riceville, C.W. ; Mr. Bordridge, at St. Thomas, C.W. (probably a corruption of Bowditch) ; Mr. Gilding, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Gilt, at Phila- delphia. Two families of Funnell (doubtless a cor- NAMES FROM PARTS OF EDIFICES. 173 ruption of Faneuil) live in Kingston, C.W. Mr. Bathgate lives at Pefferlaw, C.W. In Philadelphia I also find four families of Tim- bers, four of Wallwork, five of Flue, three of Flues; Messrs. Gable, Gabel, and Gabell; Gar- retson, Parlor, Stairs, and Highgate. The Earl of Stair was formerly English ambassador to France. Mr. Stair lived in Buffalo in 1855. Families of Portico, Parlour, Casement, Window, Lath, Latch, and Sellar, are found in England. Pev. Henry Gabell subscribed for Chau chard's maps. Pev. Mr. Portall, of Exeter College, was one of Miss Jones's subscribers ; and Mr. Glass, a surgeon of Oxford, took two copies. Consider Glass was a painter and glazier in Norfolk County some years since. The maiden name of Mrs. Clive, the actress, was Paftor. Locker's " Spanish Scenery " was published in 1824. Mantell's "Medals of Creation" was published in London in 1854. Beam is a very common name in New York ; where are also found families of Beams, Board, Plank, Poof, Walls, LlGHTHALL, ZlMMER and ZlMMERMAN, FlNSTER (" WH1- dow "), Gable, Sill, Woodgate, Paling, Stiles, Spiles, Pegg, &c. Mr. Lathe lives at Clare- mont, N.H. ; Mr. Parleir, at Charleston, Vt. ; and Emerson T. Parlor, fireman of the " Canonicus," at Fall River, was killed (1857). Mr. Cellar lives at Windsor, Conn. ; Mr. Door, at Jericho, Vt. Per- haps our Sellers, like our Sellars, may have had 174 NAMES FROM SIGNS OF INNS. an architectural origin. Among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible I find the names of Garrett, Glasse, Wall, &c. The Messrs. Arch flourished in 1828. Mr. Arch appears in our Directory of 1856. Mr. Creake was an author in 1754; and Mr. Dore, in 1786. Mr. Overlocke lives at Tho- maston, Me. Our Mr. Cutlock has a most burgla- rious name. Mr. Trulock is one of the prosecuting attorneys of Indiana. Mr. Bedlock lives in Phila- delphia. Mr. Knoblock lives at Montreal ; Mr. Knobbs, at Oakland, C.W. ; Mr. Knubley, at Mon- treal ; and Messrs. Nitch and Pannell, at Philadel- phia. Messrs. Nobbs, Creak, and Shutter live in London (1858). Caroline Post is postmistress at Gilead, Conn. ; and Charles Post is postmaster at Hebron, Conn. Mr. Stairbird, of Carrol, Me., has rather a nautical than an architectural sound. Dane's "Abridgment" cites the cases of Eaves and Pos- tern. Many of our most absurd and strange names, par- ticularly those of animals, are doubtless derived from signs of inns and other like objects. Thus Mr. Turk may have come from Turkey, or he rnay have been employed at the Turk's Head Inn. Summer Street bore successively the names of Mylne Street and Seven-Star Lane, from its leading to a windmill, and from its tavern standing on the site of Trinity Church. So Prince Street was Black -Horse Lane, from the tavern in it ; and Salutation Alley or Street NAMES FROM BUILDING-MATERIALS. 175 was so named from the inn at its entrance on Ann Street, known by the sign of " The Salutation, or the Two Palaverers." If we suppose a tavern to have existed with the sign of a litter of pigs luxuriating at their mother's breast, — which would certainly be a most suggestive emblem of the parental recep- tion which awaited its guests, their satisfactory fare, and entire contentment, — what is more natural than that a person identified with this locality, as landlord or otherwise, should acquire the name of Pighog % As to the materials of our houses, we have Brick, Stone, Freestone, Iron or Jyons, Marble, Pew- ter, Tinney (1658), Brass, &c. T. K. Brick and Co.'s " Fire-brick Works " are in South Brooklyn, N.Y. Our navy has its Commodore Shubrick. Mr. Neubrick lives in New York; also Mr. Pimbrick and Mr. Zink ; and there are seven families of Zink in Philadelphia. Mr. Ma stick is an attorney at San Francisco. Mr. Stoneman was a graduate at West Point. Mr. Nickle lives at New Glasgow, C.E. Mr. Ivory was a colonist in 1646 ; and that name is found in New York, where are also families of Chris- tal, Chrystal, Cristal, and Crystal. Mr. Irons lives at Mystic Bridge, Conn., and at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Sayles Irons was a late plaintiff in our courts. Mr. Spike lives at Harrowsmith, C.W. An under- graduate of Harvard College is named Brick. Dane cites the case of Mr. Brickwood ; and this name is found in Kingston, C.W. 176 NAMES FROM HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. Inside of our houses may be found many a living Hamock, Couch, Cushing, Mattrass, Cribbs, Rugg, Divan (1656), Curtain, Curtin, Bolster, Bureau, Stove, Spitz, Holder, Lampe, Lampee, Matt, Tray, &c. Mr. Matte lives in Cap Sante, CE. ; and no less than seventeen families of Bureau are found in Que- bec. In Philadelphia I find Brush, Brusher, and eleven families of Broom. Mr. Thickbroom, of New York, would make an efficient mayor of that city. Margery Rugs was whipped (1640). Mr. Bocking lives in London (1858). In New York are found families of Tabele, Bench, and Dais. Mr. Wedge- wood appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Tre- vett (an old word for a " three-legged stool ") died in 1822. Besom exists as a name, though obsolete as a word. One Beasom has charge of the High School at Nashua. Among the public men of Indiana, and also among the graduates of Harvard, is a Mr. Sheets ; and Sheets is a common name in Philadel- phia. Mr. Sheatin lives at Hamilton, C.W. Mr. Quilter was a colonist in 1679. Mr. Cribb was whipped in 1630. Both Quilt and Swing are found in the Directory of Buffalo, N.Y., for 1855 ; and we have Mr. Tuck and Mr. Tuckwell. Mr. Soffee died in 1794. Mr. Sopher lives at Bristol, Vt. The name of Sackenbotam is found in Massachusetts. Mr. Bedgood made a deed (L. 54, f. 140). Both Beddome and Bedloe are names known in English literature. Mr. Quilty lives in New York. Rear- NAMES FROM HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. 177 Admiral Blankett was a British officer in the wars against Napoleon. Mr. Caddy lives at Plainfield, Vt. Mr. Lamp lives at Norwich, Conn. ; and Mr. Wick, at Guilford, Conn., and in Philadelphia. Wickware, Wick, Wickes, Wicks, are all found in New York. Dane cites the case of Mr. Candell. Mr. Candlish lives at St. Therese de Bleinville, C.E. Wicke's Works were published in 1761. Wightwick wrote "Hints to Young Architects." I own Be- wick's " Fables." Mr. Oyles was a subscriber to the « Odyssey." Mr. Oill lives at St. Catherine's, C.W. If we wish to see the candle swale, we can do so in Miss Jones's subscription-list. Both Swail and Swale live in Montreal. H. Sockett, Esq., sub- scribed for Chauchard's maps. Rushworth's " His- torical Collections " is not a light work. Mr. Shine appears- in our Directory ; and Mr. Shoner lets his deeds be seen in our 'Registry. 23 178 CHAPTER XXII. NAMES FKOM STREETS, UTENSILS, &c. On leaving our houses, we meet and converse with Messrs. Street, Rhoades, Rohde, Lane, Alley, Ridgway, Way, Bridge, Lowbridge, and Draw- bridge (L. 636). Our Shimmin is probably a cor- ruption of chemin (" a way "). Mr. Chemin made a deed in 1857. Messrs. Causey, Walbridge, Lilli- bridge, and Longstreet are all graduates of Yale. We have had a Gov. Bradstreet (i. e., " broad street"). Lieut. J. Longstreet served in the Mexi- can war. Berrystreet's " Sermons " appears in the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Strada ("street") is an eminent Italian historian. Mr. Causey is Gover- nor of Delaware (1856). In New York I find Mr. Pathe. Broadway and Co. failed in London in 1857. Burton's "Diary" was edited in London (1828) by Rutt. We have also families of Rutty, Rutz, and Hubbell. Mr. Rutty was an English writer in 1772. In Salem is a family of Longeway. Gutterson is a common name with us. Mr. Gutterman was pas- senger in a late Cunard steamer. Mr. Guttering became a freeman in 1642. Mr. Crossway lives at NAMES FROM UTENSILS. 179 Hamilton, C.W.; Mr. Brad way (i.e., " broad way"), at London, C.W. ; Mr. Roads, at Toronto, C.W. Messrs. Path, Pathman, and Road, all live in Phila- delphia. The following utensils and articles may be pur- chased of persons bearing the same names ; viz., Viall, Ewer, Pitcher, Grater, Cann, Can, Bason, Chalice (1680), Challis, Brush, Broome, Hone, Box, Bowles, Bolles, Boles, Biggin, Butt, Butts, Tubbs, Tank, Binns, Hodde, Kettle, Toole, Ham- mer, Mallet, Crain, Lash, Bell, Standish, Potts, Pottle, Pott (L. 608), Spade, Mattock (L. 32, f. 26), Barrow, Barrows, Sickels, and Chirnes. We have also Mr. Binns, Binney, &c. Mr. Hatchet was a colonist in 1639; and Mr. Axey was deputy from Lynn (1654). Mr. Benjamin Saucer is noticed in the Colony Records (1654). Mr. Harrow was married in 1857. Capt. A. S. Hooe, of the U. S. army, served during the Mexican war. Von Hammer was a distinguished Orientalist. In the New- York Directory I find families of Panne, Plate, Platt, Platte, Platter, Wares, Witherspoon, Wother- spoon ; also Messrs. Tool, Toole ; Messrs. Wain and Teather ; Messrs. Sickle, Sickles, Sicklemore, and Sythe ; Mr. Plows, Mr. Shears, Mr. Axman, Mr. Awl, Mr. Caske, and Mr. Chest. Families of Skil- let and Pestel live in London (1858). Mr. Shear lives at Canton, C.W. ; Mr. Shears, at the City of the Falls, C.W. ; Mr. Cleaver, at Low- 180 NAMES FROM UTENSILS. ville, C.W. ; Mr. Plough, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Vansickle, at Lynden, C.W. ; Mr. Dray, at Mon- treal ; Mr. Ladle, at Canton, C.W. ; Mr. Leadle, at Quebec; Mr. Bowl, at Mt. Elgin, C.W. ; Mr. Basin, at Ottowa, C.W. ; Mr. Juggs, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Jarman, at London, C.W. Mr. Bowdish also lives in that city. This is a corruption of Bo wd itch ; which name was spelt in the like erroneous manner in the early records of Salem, Mass. In Philadelphia I find eight families of Axe, one Awl, and one Aull ; Mr. Caulter, Mr. Chizel, and Mr. Cleaver. Hammer is common there. I also find, in that city, Mr. Inkhammer and Mr. Long- hammer, Mr. Churn, six families of Caskey, six of Castor ; Messrs. Boal, Bottel, Bottles, Biggin ; Messrs. Pann, Plate, Platter, and Shellcup ; also Mr. Breake, — a dangerous neighbor for such a brittle company. Mr. Breakey lives at New Liver- pool, C.E. ; and Mr. Spillet, at Newtown Robinson, C.W. Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Hatchett, and Miss Hatchet, are among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible. Indiana has its Judge Pitcher. Mr. Hamor lives at East Eden, Me. ; Mr. Augur and Mrs. Toole, at New Haven. Mr. Crain was a midshipman in our navy in* 1849. There was, in 1821, a Thomas Barrow, Esq., of Manchester. Bushell's Works were pub- lished in 1660; Butts's Poems, in 1795; Koop's Works, in 1801. Mallet wrote in 1740 ; Neadler, NAMES FROM UTENSILS. 181 in 1665. Among the Yale graduates of 1824 was Mr. Spayd. Sir Cloudesly Shovel lived a hundred and fifty years ago; and Archdeacon Pott, in 1821. Mr. Bole lives at South Ryegate, Vt. Among Miss Jones's subscribers I find Mr. Cann, Mrs. Ewer, and Mr. Ewers. There were Roman families of Piso (" a mortar "), Patina (" a stew-pan "), &c. 182 CHAPTER XXIII. NAMES FROM MATHEMATICS, LOGIC, LITERATURE, LAW. Mathematics has its living Co an, Cone, Force (L. 91, f. 156), Given, &c. ; and very abstract ideas are repre- sented by men and women. Thomas Line was a colonist in 1637. Mr. Degree lives at Hinesboro', Vt. ; Mr. Ratio, at Bromfield, Me. ; Mr. Force, at Charlemont ; Mr. Vary, at South Berwick, Me. ; another Mr. Given, at Brunswick, Me. Mr. Power holds an official station among us. Mr. Masse pub- lished a work on Commercial Law, in 1846, in Paris ; and Mr. Matter also published a work there in 1841. La Place was the greatest of French mathematicians. Mr. De L' Angle subscribed for Jones's " Miscella- nies." Mr. Angles and Mr. Bevil live in New York ; as does also Mr. Base, — whom in charity I ought, perhaps, to place here rather than among names from moral traits. There are no less than five families named Cozine and Cosine in the New-York Directory ; where I also find Line, Lines, Planes, Lever, Lens, Place, and Sypher, &c. Mr. Anglin lives at Brewer's Mills, C.W. ; Mr. Angleman, at Philadelphia ; Mr. Point, at Sandwich, C.W., and NAMES FROM LOGIC AND LITERATURE. 183 Philadelphia. Mr. Rule lives at Port Hope, C.W. In Philadelphia I also find families of Force, Sign, and Lines. Lord Ellenborough, in 1818, wished that Sargeant Lens might be his successor, — a decidedly astronomical name. Mr. Level lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. Logic is well represented in New York by Mr. Such, Mr. Test, Mr. Pledge, Mr. Quest, Mr. Cleu, and Mr. Poser. Mr. Gist was surveyor for the Ohio Company a hundred years ago. Mr. Mood lives in Philadelphia. Test is a common name there. Mr. Method lives in Quebec ; and Mr. Pozer, at St. George's, C.E. Origen is a great name in the early Christian church. Literature has its Schoolcraft, Learned, Riddle, Maxim, Gloss, Spellman, Worde (1642), Quillman, Write (1648), Grammer ; and Reading, Read, Skanning, Scribner, Scollard, Scrivener, Printy, Usher, Schouler, Tomes, Lines, Rymes, Hebard, Bardwell, and Lay. We have also Nibbs, Marky, Labell, Conn, Slate, Wax, Wafer, &c. Perhaps Mr. Seal belongs here, rather than among the speci- mens of animated nature. It is certain that Mr. Sigel was wrecked in the "Central America " (1857). In New York I find Messrs. Seal, Seals, Sealer, and Sealy. Mr. Scrivener published a history of the iron trade. Sir Henry Spelman was a distinguished antiquary. Mr. Scholer, of Iowa, subscribed for 184 NAMES FROM LITERATURE. Agassiz' work. Mr. Shoolbred {%, e., "school-bred") is a graduate of Yale ; as is also Mr. Righter ; both of whom spell their names in an illiterate manner. Auguste Eugene Scribe is a celebrated French dra- matist. Messrs. Letterman subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Miss Reading subscribed for Jones's " Miscel- lanies." Mrs. Centlivre did not publish as many books as her name would indicate. Among German naturalists is Buch (i. £., " book "). J. B. Budget has just published a treatise on tobacco, not on finance. Mr. Conover is Commissioner of* the Board of Public Works in Ohio ; and, in the New-York Directory, I find forty families of that name. In England are families of Style, Rymer, Poet, Bards, Sermon, &c. Thomas Sermon, Esq., sub- scribed for Chauchard's maps. Mrs. Laye was a subscriber to the Macklin Bible. Mr. Muse was, in 1849, assistant messenger in the navy office at Wash- ington. Father Couplet was one of the missionaries to China. Thomas Rymer' s Works are as far as possi- ble from being poetical. Rev. Mr. Bard lives at Free- port, Me. ; Mr. Bardwell, at Cambridge. There is a Dr. Poet in San Francisco ; and Mr. Poet lives at Kingston, C.W. Mr. Maxhum lives at Pomfret, Conn. Mr. Morrow, of Maine, sailed for Europe in a late steamer (1857). Thomas Idyl was robbed in North Street in 1856. Mr. Parradee lives at Vergennes, Vt. Dr. Syntax has probably no repre- sentative out of the realms of fiction. Capt. Stamp NAMES FROM LITERATURE. 185 was lately wrecked. Mr. Grammer and Mr. Riddle are both law-students at Harvard. Mr. Truant made a deed (L. 27, f. 261). Mr. Teachem lately died at Westport, Me. Mr. Teachout lives in Essex, Vt. ; and Mr. Stiles, at Middleton, Conn. Perry's " Expedition to Japan " has been abridged by Mr. Tomes. One of the earliest printers was the celebrated Wynken de Worde. Messrs. Stopps, Commal, and Colon, all live in New York ; where are also found families of Book, Booker, Bookman, Scollard, Reader, Reading, Letter, Letterman, Penwell, Penman, Quill, Larner, Primer, Lattin, Utter, Trope, Style, Styles, Parcy, and Musy, &c. Mr. Fabel lives at Chatham, C.W. ; and, in Phila- delphia, there are four families of Fable ; also Messrs. Muse and Paradee. Mr. Versey lives at Canfield, C.W. ; Mr. Penphraise, at Cobourg, C.W. ; Mr. Learn, at Ridgeway, C.W. ; Mr. Lingo, at West Port, C.W., and at Philadelphia ; Mr. Spellin, at Toronto. Mr. Tuype, of that city, goes for printing. Mr. Nibbet seems to prefer manuscript. Both Quire and Ream are found in Philadelphia, and furnish writing materials. In that city I find also a Mr. Wrighter, nineteen families of Righter, and eight families of Roat ; also eight families of Book, Mr. Bookman, Mr. Spell, Mr. Spellbrink, Mr. Spellenbuch, and two families of Word. Quil appears in the Buffalo Directory for 1855. Mr. Barrable (" parable ! ") lives in London (1858). 24 186 NAMES FROM LAW. Miss Ledger subscribed for Wild's Dramas (1805), having a business rather than a literary name. Mr. Bookstore, of Montreal, has been mentioned among names derived from edifices; but he is also entitled to a separate paragraph, as the very embodi- ment of literature. Law has furnished many names of families ; as Brass (its raw material), Wyles, Law, Laws, Law- less, Coad (73, f. 151), Codey, Court, Leet, Roll, Record, Docket, Case, Traverse, Levy, Chancel- lor, Mace, Judge, Justice, Foreman, Sheriff, Sheriffs, Constable, Marshall, Beadle, Crier, Sumner* (i.e., " summoner "), Warning, Warner, Warn, Sessions, Dunn, Dunham, Dunning, Jewett, Sew all, Fee, Fines, Bail, Lien, Search, Ferriter, Nabb, Ketchum. Mr. Getum lives at Toronto, C.W. Mr. Fetchem appears in the Middlesex Records ; also Mr. Greaves. Greaves's Miscellaneous Works ap- pears on the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. I do not add Leys to this collection; though it is justified by the conundrum, " Why is a lawyer like a person who cannot sleep at night ? " — " Because he first lies on one side, and then lies on the other." Mr. Leet lives at Brownington, Conn. Mr. Leete is a graduate of Yale. Giles Firman was appointed * Charles Sumner is indeed a " summoner," whose warning voice in behalf of freedom and humanity will ring through the ages. There is no more pleasing incident recorded in the history of Massachusetts than his recent re-appointment, by an almost unanimous vote of her Legislature, to his high post of duty in the Senate of the nation. NAMES FROM LAW. 187 to serve writs, in 1641, at Ipswich. Mr. Teste lives in Salem ; and Mr. Records, at Fall River. Messrs. Doe and Roe are not fictitious personages. Mr. Warrant, Mr. Argue, and Mrs. Countsell, all live in New York ; as does also Mr. Writmire, — a most suggestive name. J. G. Fee, of Madison, Ky., is a clergyman, having apparently mistaken his profession. Pulling and Pynchon was an old law- firm in Salem, colloquially called Pullem and Pinch- em. Mr. Sheard, of Toronto, has a name appropriate to a patron of the law. Dane cites the law-cases of Legal, Title, Fairtitle, Goodtitle, Fetter, &c. England has its family of Catchpole. Messrs. Bye and Law are a London publishing firm ; and among the subscribers to the Macklin Bible are Mr. Court, Mr. Foreman, and Mr. Law. Mr. Rule was an author, who wrote in 1766. Shackell was a London prin- ter in 1825. James Summons was sentenced to be hung in Ohio (1857). Daniel W. Courts is Trea- surer of North Carolina (1856). Mr. Bailieff arrived here in a Cunard steamer (September, 1857). Mr. Lawman lives at Wellfleet, Mass. In New York I find families of Dun, Dunner, Detter, Duely, Ittem ("item"), Legal, &c. ; also Satchell, which seems to belong here, as a green bag was formerly a lawyer's badge. Mr. Brason lives at Walters Falls, C.W. ; Mr. Suttle, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Latorney, at Kings- ton, C.W. ; Mr. Argue, at Ashton, C.W. ; and three 188 NAMES FROM LAW. families of that name are found in Philadelphia. Mr. Jury lives at Carp, C.W. ; Mr. Jurey, at Prince Al- bert, C.W. ; Mr. Writt, at Kincora, C.W. ; and both Mr. Catchpole and Mr. Warrant, at London, C.W. Mr. Handgrave (i. e., " hand-greave," or " fetter ") lives at Ste. Therese de Blainville, C.E. ; Mr. Shackell, at Toronto; and Mr. Rivet, at St. Thomas, C.E. The Messrs. Deeds, of Toronto and of Philadelphia, may be regarded as the representatives of conveyan- cing. Mr. Search, of Stewarttown, C.W., and Mr. Flaws, of St. Mary's, C.W., perhaps belong to the same department of the law. In Philadelphia are families of Bailiff, Bilboe, Fet- ter, Fetters, Fetch, and Cought ; Messrs. Sarch, Serch, and Search; five families of Triol, and three families of Fees. I also find there families of Justus, Justis, Justice, Juery, and Jurist. Lex is a com- mon name there. I find, likewise, Mr. Records, and two families each of Regester and Register. Among the graduates at West Point I find Messrs. Fetterman, Sitgreaves, Irons, and Shackleford. Among Miss Jones's subscribers are Miss Case, Mrs. Foreman, and Mr. Travers. Joseph Ruse, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps. A Dr. Codex was distinguished for his high-church zeal in the time of Sir Robert Walpole. Among French writers, few have acquired greater popularity than Sue. Gen. Sheriffs was a subscriber to Thomson's " Seasons," uniting in himself both civil and military NAMES FROM LAW. 189 powers. Sir Walter Scott was involved by the fail- ure of Mr. Constable. The law is supposed to be expensive; but among the latest English publica- tions is one by Mr. Shillinglaw. Mr. Sparrow was a member of our bar in 1839. Mr. Sparhawk (i. e., " sparrow-hawk ") has a more appropriate name ; as have also Mr. Shears, Mr. Shearer, Mr. Skinner, Mr. Keen, and Mr. Scaley. Mr. Trick was per- mitted to serve on the Grand Jury (1674) ; and another of that name lives at Bowmanville, C.W. Mr. Blacklaw lives in New York. Mr. Carlaw, of the same city, can give only travelling advice. Mr. Greenlaw would seem to be equally unreliable. If the law be viewed as one of the black arts, as was was once suggested by the late Douglas Jerrold, it is a curious coincidence that its chief ministers are Coke and Blackstone. We have two names which seem amenable to the law, — Mr. Swindle, Mr. Swindell, and Mr. Robb ; and, unless Mr. Sharper and Mr. Trickey are care- ful, their names will bring them into trouble. This last name is very common in Bangor ; but it is not known whether the family own Eastern lands. Mr. Hooker has also an equivocal name. Sharpey's " Human Anatomy " was published in London in 1848. Mr. Tricker lives in Philadelphia. 190 CHAPTER XXIV. NAMES FROM MONEY AND THRIFT, AND THEIR OPPOSITES. Money has its representatives in families of Money, Schatz (German for " treasure "), Fortune, Means, Coin, Coyne, Cashman, Cash, Cashdollar, Flush, Tylls (1639), Till, Hopper, Bill, Gold, Gould, Goulden, Golden, Silver, Siller, Crown, Min- ter, &c. For many years a suit of Dunham vs. Cashdollar was pending in our courts. Mr. De Silver was a naval storekeeper in 1849. Mr. Copperman, Mr. Coppers, and Mr. Grote, all appear in the New-York Directory ; as do also Mr. Mony, Mr. Moneypenny, and Mr. Markthaler (or " mark-dollar "), Mr. Thaler (German for " dollar "), Mr. Barn dollar, Mr. Bank, and the analogous names, which it suggests, of Mr. Brittell and Mr. Burst. Miss Cost was married in Boston, April 7, 1857. Mr. Goldman, of Fulton City, III, became insolvent in 1857. Mr. Hitch is a graduate of Yale. Rich is a very common name. The late election resulted in the loss to Mr. Poore of a barrel of apples. By an exchange of currency, England has a Mill ; while we have a Penny, Hapenny, Half- names from money. 191 penny, Pence, Penniman, Groate (1656), Croune (1660), Sterling, &c. A Mr. Ruble, of Massachu- setts, had his name changed in 1846. The Peruvian minister to this country, lost in the "Central Ame- rica" (1857), was named Sequin. We have also Schellinx (i.e., " shilling "), Mark, Marks, Duckett, and Franc. Mr. Markes lives in Fletcher, Vt. The families of Twopenny, Farthing, and Groat, however, have remained in England ; and Mr. Ducat is also found there. Dane cites the case of Ruble. John Pounds established the ragged-school system. Mr. Grote is the historian of Greece. Sovereign is found at Bronte, C.W., Paris, C.W., and at Wellington, C.W. ; Mr. Ryno, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Treadgold, at Toronto ; Mr. Riches, at Quebec ; Mr. Costley, at Camelford, C.W. ; Mr. Stiver, at Buttonville, C.W. ; Mr. Groat, at Arkono, C.W., and at Calumet Island, C.E. Jonn Farthings lives at Port Burwell, C.W. ; Mr. Reals, at Cobourg, C.W. Perhaps Mr. Pound, of Quebec, belongs in this company. In Philadelphia I find families of Armgold, Coffre, Coin, Cost, Summ ; Messrs. Heap and Heaps ; three families of Forten, two of Fortin, and three of For- tune ; Messrs. Pennyfather and Pennypacker ; Messrs. Stiver and Stivers ; Mr. Barringdollar, Mr. Farthing, and even Mr. Cent ! Mr. Check subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Wil- liam Millions, one of Walker's " fillibusters," re- 192 NAMES FROM THRIFT, ETC. turned to New York utterly penniless (July, 1857). On the contrary, Mark Brummagim and Co. were consignees of fourteen thousand dollars in gold from California in October, 1857 ; and Mr. Pinchbeck lives in New York. Thrift is represented by Thrift, Hoard, Heap, Tyte (1663), Close, Gladwin, Gain, Gainer (1648), Gainor, Gane, Garner, Stockwell, Winn, Pen- sion, Gettings, Pickens, Picup, Holding, Cribbin, Cribby, More, Muchemore, Muchmore, Pa ye, Land, Loveland, Noland, Micklefield, &c. One of the judges of Missouri is named Lackland. Mr. Scant- land was a midshipman in the year 1849. The Lieut-Governor of Tobago is named Shortland. Our Mr. Haviland seems to doubt about his real- estate investments. Littlefield is very common in all senses. Mr. Morehouse lives at Highgate, Vt, and is also found among the graduates of Yale. Mr. Grist left that institution in 1848. Mr. Manypenny is Agent for Indian Affairs. Mr. Borrow is a gra- duate of Yale. Mr. Borrows is found in our late Probate Records. George Borrow is a well-known English author. One Mr. Gains made a deed in L. 44, f. 274. Another Mr. Gains lives at Willing- ton, Conn. Our army has its Gen. Gaines. Mr. Pick lives at Providence, R.I. We have, in Boston, a Miss Charity Pickens. Begg is a very common name in New York ; where are also found Beggs and Beggins, Bare and Bare- NAMES FROM MONEY, THRIFT, ETC. 193 more, Faile and Failing. Mr. Mickell, of New York, subscribed for Agassiz' work ; as did also Mr. Getty. In New York are found families of Get- ter, Getting, Smalpenny, Tyte, Picken, Pick, and even Myser. Eno (i. e., " enough ") exists only in the Directory of New York; and Mr. Ernall, of that city, has the best name for attaining that object. That city has also families of Fortune, Fortu- nati, Heap, Heape, Heritage, Lucre, Loning, Lender, Purss, Ryno, Rino, Shiner, Penney, Penny, Shilling, Paer, Pa ye ; and, on the other hand, I find Spender, Waste, &c, and the names before enumerated (p. 21). Mr. and Mrs. Monypenny both patronized Jones's " Miscellanies." Mickle translated the " Lusiad." A Mr. Silverstone, of Reading, Pa., failed (May, 1857) ; as did Messrs. Burstall and Co., of Quebec, in October following. Capt. Broke subscribed for Chauchard's maps. We have our Hohn (L. 266) ; and Mr. Hone was former mayor of New York. Whetstone's Works were published in 1586. Lieut.- Col. Bagwell subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Mr. Bagwell is a member of the British Parliament (1857). One of the British officers in the war against Napoleon was named Pickmore. Mr. Fortune pub- lished his work on China in 1855. The late Hon. Leonidas Shaver was Judge of Utah. Mr. Sheers made a deed (L. 64, f. 203); and we have also the names of Sheerin, Shearin, Shears, Dockham, 25 194 NAMES FROM MONEY, THRIFT, ETC. Dockum. Perhaps Mr. Close belongs here, rather than among the fields. Mr. Closer was lost in the "Central America" (1857); and Mr. Owings then paid his last debt. Dane cites the cases of Sheers, Grindstone, and Tyte. Mr. Tite lives in London (1858); also Mr. Meiser. Messrs. Bigland and Dives subscribed for Wild's Dramas (1805). We have Kammerer (Ger- man for " treasurer "). In England live families of Profit, Saveall, Shaveall, Scrapescin, Self, Trea- sure, and Treasurer : this latter name is that of the most lucrative of all modern employments. I once heard of a person's remarking, " If I am only the executor of a will, I don't care who are the legatees." Mr. Sake, of New York, pursues his trade of a butcher, probably for his own sake ; and I find, in the Directory of that city, no less than six families of Self. Mr. Ego (« I ") of Pefferlaw, C.W., has a selfish name. Mr. Ownes lives at Toronto. C.W. ; and Mr. Eachman, at Philadelphia. Mr. Spary, Mrs. Tight, and Mr. Slicer, all live in Montreal ; Mr. Pinch, at Bowman ville, C.W. Shaver is a very common name in Canada, as at Ancaster, &c, Iroquois, C.W. Mr. Skimmings lives at Goderich, C.W. Mr. Gittings is a West-Point cadet (1857). Mr. Heritage lives at Montreal. Payment is a very common name in Canada, at Beau- harnois, C.E., Montreal, &c. Mr. Mutch lives at Fergus, C.W. ; Mr. Purse, at Toronto, C.W. ; and a NAMES FROM MONEY, THRIFT, ETC. 195 single specimen of Enouf is found at St. Gervais, C.E. In Philadelphia are families of Fobbe, Purse, and PURSEGLOVE J WoODTHRIFT, PlCKUP, and DOWER J Mr. Ower and Mr. Shorton ; Mr. Harder, Mr. Harderman, Mr. Klinkheart, Mr. Meene ; nine families of Nippes ; Sharpley, Sheer, Sheerman, and Steelman ; twenty-three families of Sharpless, and Mr. Sharpshears ! 196 CHAPTER XXV. NAMES FROM CHARITY; COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION; DIGNITIES AND OFFICES. Charity has its Grant (a name borne by one among us truly distinguished for that quality), Boon, Dole, Pension, Ransom, Givens, Begg, Beggs, and Plea- sure. Roger Bounty is mentioned in the Colony Records of 1657. England has a family named Cha- rity. Col. Boone is celebrated in the early history of Kentucky. Mr. Giving became, perhaps from his too great liberality, a United- States bankrupt. Mr. Sharer arrived here from Panama in October, 1857. Mr. Lend all lives in Salem (1857). A new London edition of the " Pilgrim's Progress " is edited by George Offor. George W. Gift was a midshipman in our navy in 1849. Mr. Charity lives at Chatham, C.W. ; Mr. Genereux, at Kilbride, C.W. ; and Mr. Freely, at Philadelphia. Commerce and navigation have furnished us with the names of Navy, Fleet, Shippen, Shippey, Ship- pie, Vessel, Barge, Carrick, Carrack, Brigman, Briggs, Brigg (1653), Skiff, Scow, Cuddy, Dorey, Hull, Deck, Decke, Hatches, Helm, Sterne (1657), NAMES FROM COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. 197 Keels, Luff ; also Cable, Guy, Hoy, Saile (1681), Sayles, Ancor (1659), and Anchor ; Calkins, Wharff, Whorf, Pier, Piers, Ferry, Crew, and Crewe, Beacon, Fraitz, Marts, Barter, Barters, Sale, Sales, Selling, Goodsell, Bale (1680), Loan, Byers, Byus, Dickerman, Price, and Chart. There is a deed from John Prow in L. .153. Miss 'Oar made a deed (L. 285, f. 282) ; and Mr. Stearman, in L. 331, f. 113. Our Mr. Navy is a stevedore. John Galley was fined in 1632. Mr. Shippe lives at Brooklyn, Conn. ; Mr. Shipman, at Lowell. Messrs. Caulkins, Calking, and Calkins are graduates of Yale. Mr. Caulkins lives at East Lyme, Conn. ; Mr. Coyle, at Machias, Me. ; Mr. Carrique, at Paw- tucket ; and Mr. Shipper, at Rhode Island. A Mr. Helme lives at Newport, R.I. ; Mr. Marine, at Rich- mond, Me. Mr. Shipway, of Montreal, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Barge lives at Mitchell, C. W. ; Messrs. Galley and Chaloup, at Montreal ; Mr. Pilot, at Quebec. In Philadelphia are families of Vessels, Wessell, Wessells, and Wessels ; Sloope, Boate, Boatman, Sailer, Sailor, Prows, Mast, Rudder, Ancker, Keel (a very common name there), Veer, and Dock. Mr. Goodsell lives at East Shel- don, Vt. We have Starbird ; Stairbird has been before mentioned (p. 174); and Mr. Starboard himself lives at Lubec, Me. Dane cites the cases of Mr. Le- ward and Mr. Boats. Families of Barge, Keel, Mast, Spar, and Grapel exist in England ; also of Trader, 198 NAMES FROM COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. Cheap, and Maps. Mr. Spar lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. Who has not heard of Sterne and of Sternhold % There is a firm of Stern and Co. at Keasanqne, Iowa. Mr. Reefer was engineer of the wrecked "Central America" (1857). Woodhull's translation of Euripides was published in 1809. Rev. Mr. Woodhull is settled at Holden. Mr. Boate was an author in 1652, as were also Mr. Sale and Mr. Seller. Mr. Sells lives at St. Thomas, C.W. Sales's translation of the Koran is well known, as is Purchas's " Pilgrimages." Mr. Purchase, of New York, sells provisions. The old India firm of Cheap and Leslie failed in 1857. Among the subscribers to Thomson's " Seasons " is Rev. Mr. Brigstock. Mr. Lading, of Baltimore, was recently drowned. Judge Dock lives at Harrisburg, Pa. (1857). John Caulk was a gunner, and Mr. Seaman a sailmaker, in our navy in 1849. In New York are found families of Ship, Wessel, Wessell, Wessels, Wessells, Galley, Bargy, Mast, Sturn, Saile, Reef, Tacke, Boom, Bilger, Shipper, Ship- well, Boatman, Tackman, Sailor, Lerch, Luff, Bale, Bales, Ballasty, Cargo ; also Quay, Mart, Dickers, and Fairs. Dignities, temporal and ecclesiastical, are seen in Powers, Monarch, Regal, Regally, Royal, Roy, Rex (L. 655, f. 282), King, Kingman, Prince, Prin- cess, Grandy, Peers, Earl, Earle, Duke, Barron, Baron, Viscount, Marquis, Noble, Lord, Herr NAMES FROM DIGNITIES AND OFFICES. 199 (i. £., " lord "), Laird, Chevalier, Waldgrave (1648), Opperman, Headman (64, f. 39), Masters, Mayer, Mayers, Gentrey, Squire, Squier, Franklin, Cady, Pope, Legate, Bishop, Rector, Crosier, Crozier, See, Stall, Templeman, Morse, Shreve, Abbot, McVicker, Dean, Prior, Priary, Proctor, War- den, Sexton, Clark, Vesterman, Major, Capt, Cor- poral, Sargent, and Herald. Mr. Ensign was a member of the bar in 1839. Mr. Cornett is a mem- ber of the Unitarian Association. Mr. Kahn arrived here (November, 1857) from Liverpool, not Tartary. Mr. Landgrave's estate is now in process of settle- ment ; and that name is found in Philadelphia. Mr. Dey is a graduate of Yale. Mr. Grandey is Speaker of the House in Vermont. Mr. Sheik lives in New York ; also Mr. Throne and Mr. Peer. Eleven families of Monarque live in Montreal, and seven families of Queen in Philadelphia ; where are also found Rex and Rey, Mr. Dauphin, and four families of Rank. Cardinal is found at Beaufort, C.E., and other towns in Canada ; and two families of Bishoprick live at Ottowa, C.W. Mr. Mighter, of Durham, C.E., adopts a novel mode of spelling ; as does also Mr. Leggate, of Marmora, C.W. Mr. Archdeacon lives at Philadelphia. A Mr. Chaplain lives in that city, and also in Montreal. Mr. Might lives at New Hamburg, C.W. ; Mr. Wand, at Epsom, C.W. Both Captain and Commander live at To- ronto, C.W. ; Mr. Headman, at Yorkville, C.W. 200 NAMES FROM DIGNITIES AND OFFICES. England, as we have seen, has its Toplady. Mr. Deputy lives in Philadelphia. Mr. President lives at Windsor, Vt. ; Mr. Pro- vost, at Bridgeport, Conn., and in New York. Mr. Thaine lives at New Salem, Mass. ; and Mr. Ranks at Bath, Me. Mrs. Archdeacon is a washerwoman in New York. We have from subordinate posts the names of Stewart, Usher, Vallett, Vallet (L. 239, f. 262); also Kammerling (German for "valet"); Beadle, Beadleston, Footman, Clerk, Cook, Cook- son, Groom,* Prentice, Driver, Foreman, Cham- berlain, Lacky, Lackey, Reeve, Herthman, Tub- man, Henchman, Page, Workman, and Houseman. Rev. Mr. Alderman was settled at Milbury ; and the name appears in our Directory for 1857. A Mr. Councilman was graduated at Yale. Among the graduates of Harvard is the name of Henck (Hencker is the German for " hangman "). Yale has its Hengst. John Carrier is postmaster at Middle Had- dam, Conn. John Dishman is Attorney of the Twelfth Circuit Court in Kentucky (1857). A Mr. Skullion lives in New York ; and Scullion, in Philadelphia. Mr. Lackie lives in Quebec ; and Mr. Disher, at Ridgway, C.W. ; Mr. Cookman, at St. Athanase, C.E. Mr. R. P. Helper, of North Carolina, has published a work on slavery. In England are families of Alderman, Council- * Groom does duty here a second time: his first position (p. 90, ante) is decidedly the preferable one. NAMES FROM DIGNITIES AND OFFICES. 201 man, Emperor, Vickars, &c. Hon. Mrs. Kingdom subscribed for Miss Jones's " Miscellanies ; " and Edward Kingdom, Esq., took a royal paper copy of it. A Mr. Kingdom lives at Peterborough, C.W. Mr. Serjeantson subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Mr. Adelman (" nobleman ") lives in New York. Bedle's Works were published in 1610. Mrs. Mas- ters's Poems appeared in 1733. Mace's Sermons were published in 1751; and Mr. Helps has just published a work on " Spanish Conquests in Ame- rica." Salem furnishes many families of Monarch, and one Imperial. Mr. Grandey lives in Vergennes, Vt. Dane cites the law-case of Vast vs. Gawdy. Mr. Famous lives at Philadelphia ; and Mr. Fame himself was married at Lynn, April, 1857. •26 202 CHAPTER XXVI. NAMES FKOM TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. Trades and occupations are a most prolific source of names. Thus we have Smith (a host of themselves), "Wright, Mason, Carpenter, Boardman, Bordman, &c. We have very many Bakers, one Bake, one Bakewell, and also one Bunn ; and we have Baxter (which means " baker "), Brazier, Bra- zer, Burnish, Brewer, Brewster (Mr. Brew figures in Lib. 81), Barber, Butler, Banker, Barker (i. e., " tanner "), Binder, Buckleman, BUTTONMAN, BoOTMAN, BUTCHER (1857), CoOKSON, Coleman, Colman, Cooper, Cotter, Chandler, Chapman, Cheeseman (L. 110, f. 231), Chipman, Clo- thier, Currier, Cutler, Cutter, Cutting, Corker, Carter, Cartwright, Carver, Collier, Coker, Cordner, Cordiner (t. £., " cordwainer ") ; also Cloutman, Carrier, and Crocker (». e., " a potter "). Ditcher is engaged in the Puseyite controversy. We have Delver, Draper, Dyer, Dyre, Diman, Stainer, Staines, Farmer, Akerman (i. e., " a farmer "), Fisher, Fuller, Forrester, Friar, Fyler, Furman, names from trades and occupations. 203 Glazier, Gloyer, Grover, Gardner, Goldsmith, Gager, Hosier (1631), Hooper, Jenner (t. £., "joiner"), Leadbeater, Lyman, Merchant, Miller, MlLWARD, MlLMAN, MeALEY, MeRCER, MONK, MoWE, Mower, Mariner, Miner, Mining, Milkman, Nourse, Nurse, Naylor, Nutter, Packer, Pilott, Plummer, Palmer, Parker, Parkman, Potter, Painter, Ped- lar, Pitman, Printy, Ranger, Slater, Shepherd, Sadler, Soper, Soaper (L. 74), Salter, Schuman, Shoemaker, Sutor (*. 6., " shoemaker "), Sawyer, Sawin, Sayer, Sower, Sowman, Spicer, Stabler, Skinner, Shearer (these two names may also indicate a snug disposition in money matters), Shearman (Lib. 13 1),Seamans, Spinney, Spindler, Spinner, Stockman, Schneider (German for " tailor "), Taylor, Tailer, Tolman, Turner, Thatcher, Tanner, Tucker (i.e., " a fuller"), Tuckerman, Tubman, Tinker, and Tyler. Ark, a chest, gives us Arkwright. We have also, in like manner, Wheelwright, Wainwright, &c. ; Webster, Waterman, Webber, Weaver, Wheeler, Washer, Woodman, Workman, and Yeoman. A Mr. Bun lives at Sudbury, Vt. ; Mr. Wagoner, at Litchfield, Conn., and at Philadelphia. A deed was made in January, 1858, to William Carpenter, of Boston, carpenter. Dr. Butcher is one of the most eminent surgeons in Dublin ; and in London there are (1858) families of Bellringer, Leathersellers, and Drudge. Eng- land had an Admiral Hosier in the early part of the 204 NAMES FROM TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. last century. A Mr. Hosier lives at Nantucket ; Mr. Harrower, at Newburyport ; Mr. Joyner, at Rich- mond, Vt. ; and Mr. Joiner, at Sheffield, Mass. Lead- beater's Poems were published in Dublin in 1808. Mr. Lymeburner lives at Brookville, Me. ; and Mr. Schoonmaker, at Springfield. A suit is now pending at Washington (1857) against the administrators of John Blacksmith. Mrs. Brownsmith was one of Miss Jones's subscribers. Mr. Wagon seller was the cashier of the Bank of Newcastle, Pa., in 1857. Mr. Hubbs is Superintendent of Public Instruction in California (1857). Carrier was one of the monsters of the French Revolution. Bellman was a Swedish poet of the last century. In New York are families of Bakeman, Bakes, Bakewell, Bakey, Bellman, Caster, Teller, Teler, Ferrier, Firman, Furman, Hopman, Hosier, Ire- monger, Kettleman, Landesman and Marine, Mun- ger, Nusser, Oysterman, Payfer (" paver 1 "), Pearman, Pesant, Plowman, Purser, Renter, Sand- man, Silkman, four families of Spinning, Spiker, and Wasserman (i. e., " waterman ") ; also Yeoman and Yeoman s. Mr. Shoecraft lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855 ; also Mr. Smithhammer, Mr. Hatter, and Mr. Brew. In the post-office of Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 31, 1857, was a letter to the firm of Medler and Shoe- maker. Mr. S. Tanner, of Newark, advertises a new method of tanning (Boston " Journal," Dec. 20, 1857). NAMES FROM TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. 205 We have also families of Guild, Craft, Crafts, Labor, Service, Fairservice, Wares (1647), Works, Work, Maker ; and in England are families of Skill, &c. Messrs. Art and Artist live in Philadelphia. Mr. Hewers was subscriber to the " Odyssey." Mr. Works lives at Lowell, Vt. ; and Mr. Toyl, at Gardiner, Me. Both Mr. Laber and Mr. Laden live in New York. My French teacher was Mr. L'Ouvrier (French for " workman "). In Phi- ladelphia are families of Worknot and Bissey (" busy ? "). Mr. Buckholder lives at Bartonsville, C.W. ; Mr. Cowherd, at Bradford, C.W. ; Mr. Waggoner, at Baker's Corner, *C.W. ; Mr. Shoveller, at Tara, C.W. ; Mr. Hewer, at Guelph, C.W. ; Mr. Cuttler, at Toronto ; Mr. Graver, at Barrie, C.W. ; Mr. Playter, at Richmond Hill, C.W. ; Mr. Tinline, at Jordan, C.W. ; Mr. Bleacher, at Bartonsville, C.W. ; Mr. Dier, at Montreal. Four families of Clothier live at Kemptville, C.W. ; and that name is found at Stratford, C.W. Mr. Tanny also lives at Kemptville. Mr. Borrowman, of Amherstsburg, C.W., represents a most numerous class of trades- men. In Philadelphia are families of Backster, Basket- ter, Beachman, Brickman, Carman, Coachman, Coiner, Cookman, Cooker, Coobler (i. e., " cobbler "), Cornman, Cotter, Cottman, Countryman, Cropper, Diggs, Householder, Housekeeper; Messrs. Joyn 206 NAMES FROM TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS. and Joyner ; Mr. Leatherman, Mr. Maltman, Mr. Nuss, Mr. Peddle, Mr. Pilot, Mr. Poleman ; five families of Poulterer ; Mr. Slaymaker, Mr. Spa- der, Mr. Sentman ; Messrs. Tinney and Tinsman ; Mr. Vinter, &c. 207 CHAPTER XXVII. NAMES FROM PRODUCTS AND OBJECTS OF TRADE. — NAMES FROM EATABLES. The products of the various trades and occupations are also most extensively represented in family names. Thus we have families of Sample, Barr, Staples, Staple, Wyre, Wier, Wyer, Winch , Hone, Ware, Wedge, Weld, Sickels, Barrows, Mattock, Spade (Mr. Spady is a son of Harvard ; Mr. Robert Raikes is identified with one department of philanthropy in Great Britain), Mallet, Tool, Lathe, Toy, Twine, Lines, Ropes, Felt, Mace, Coffee, Whiting, Emery, Dough, Glew, Pipe, Sugar, Sault, Saltonstall, Creamer, Milk, Alsop, Butters, Butter, Butter- worth, Buttermore, Bread, Roll, Maldt, Pickell, Pickles, Pepper, Peppers, Rick, Ricks, Segar, Tann, Staff, Tak, Yoke, Axel, Lindsey, Linzee, Silk, Wool, Woolley. Our Hendrina Boltins died in 1752. In New York I find families of Wool- sey, Wolsey, Woolley, Wooly, Woolcocks, and Woollen. Mr. Woolfield is an English resident at Cannes. In Philadelphia I find families of Amber, Ambers,) . 208 NAMES FROM EATABLES. and Alum. Mr. Leather lives at London, C.W. ; Mr. Ivory, at Toronto ; Messrs. Welding and Coil, at Philadelphia ; also Messrs. Paist and Puttey. Hoops and Hooper are very common names there. Samuel Whitbread (or " white bread ") was one of Chauchard's subscribers. Mr. Rusk, of the U.S. Senate, died in 1857. Thomas Cakebread served as a grand juryman in 1637. Mr. Bredcake appears in 1644, as does Mr. Bridecake in 1651, and Edward Bunn in 1642. Mr. Bread was admitted a freeman in 1671, as was Mr. Butter in 1665. In New York I find Mr. Weisbrod (t. e., " Ger- man for "white bread"); also Mr. Whitbread and Mr. Roll. I also find there Mr. Dairy, Mr. Pap- worth, and Mr. Sourmilk ! Mr. Cheese was mur- dered in New York in 1857. Lieut. T. J. Curd was in the Mexican war. Our John Milk made a deed to Ebenezer Waters, — a conjunction which, it is to be feared, takes place too often. Milk Street is the chief street in Boston for sale of manufactures. Mr. Lofe lives at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Rolls, at Morpeth, C.W. ; Mr. Bathcake, at Owen Sound, C.W. ; Mr. Rusk, at Quebec ; both Mr. Butter and Mr. Buttrey, at London, C.W. Whitebread is also found at Philadelphia, and Mr. Milkey and Mr. Shugurgh (" sugar 1 "). A Mr. Pye lives at Quebec ; Mr. Jellyman, at Edwardsburg, C.W. Perhaps Mr. Tart, of Canada, should be classed among names derived from mental qualities. In Philadelphia there NAMES FROM EATABLES. 209 are four families of Cake, two of Pye, two of Candy, and a Mr. Custard. In New York I find families of Cate, Cater, Cately, Ginger, Weyman, Pie, Pye, Pies, Piewell, and Py. George Pye is noticed in the Colony Re- cords of 1638. Rev. Robert Pye was a subscriber to Jones's " Miscellanies." Mrs. Pye's Poems were published in England in 1767 ; and Mr. Pye was an author in 1807. The families of Cream, Cus- tard, Suet, Raisin, and Pudding, seem to have remained in England ; as have also Alum, Balsam, Candy, Maceroni, Packet, Basket, Bottle, Buck- ett, Hamper, Jugg, Pail, Tub, and Trowell. Mr. Suett subscribed for Wild's Dramas (1805). Among the graduates of Yale, however, I find Can dee and Cande. Simon Rason, of Boston, got into our courts in September, 1857. T. J. Cloves subscribed for Ackerman's " History of Oxford," &c. Mr. Spicely lives in Kansas. At Bowdoinham, Me., are two named Mustard ; and that name is found in Philadelphia. Mr. Kenister lives in Dukes County. We have Wey, Pastree, Kandy, and Jelly. The last is a very common name in Salem ; where are also families of Honeycomb and of Creamer. Mr. Candee lives at New Haven ; and Mr. Cates, at Vassalborough, Me. Mrs. Pickles recently created a disturbance in a school because her child had been punished. Mr. 27 210 NAMES FROM PRODUCTS OF LABOR, ETC. Pickell was graduated at West Point. Mrs. Bryne appears in the Directory of 1857. In New York are families of Pickill, Pickel, Pikel, Soy, and Salt; and, in Philadelphia, both Pickel and Brines. Pev. Mr. Pickle is settled at Dumbo, C.W. Ginger is found at Quebec ; and Pepper, at Montreal and Kingston, &c. ; this being a very common name in Philadelphia. A Mr. Salt lives at Toronto. Mr. Salt is well known in connection with Belzoni's Egyptian researches. Samuel Salt, Esq., of the Inner Temple, subscribed for Jones's " Miscellanies." Mr. Winegar became a United-States bankrupt. Another Mr. Wi- negar still lives at Hartford, Conn. ; and the name is found in New York. Sir William Pepperell was distinguished in our Colonial history. Mr. Files lives at Gorham, Me. Mr. Fyle, Mr. File, and Mr. Files, all live in New York ; as does also Mr. Wyre. Both Wire and Wireman live in Philadelphia ; and Mr. Wires, at Burlington, Vt. Mr. Loom lives at Monterey, Mass. ; Mr. Woof, at Philadelphia. England had its great Cardinal Wolsey. Mr. Dyes was a master's mate in our navy in 1849. Mrs. Twine was a subscriber to the " Odyssey." In New York I find families of Cord, Cords, and Coil; also String and Sunder. The two daughters of a Mr. String, of South Carolina, are reported to have eloped with one person (November, 1857), — who thus has two strings to his bow. In Philadelphia are four families of Strayline. Our Mr. Cord has already appeared in NAMES FROM PRODUCTS OF LABOR, ETC. 211 the fuel department [ante, p. 151). Messrs. Junck and Junk, of New York, are names of somewhat the same class. In the Buffalo Directory for 1855 I find Mr. Axe (a plane-maker), Mr. Plow, Messrs. Nail and Tack, and Mr. Basket. 212 CHAPTER XXVIII. NAMES FROM HORSEMANSHIP; LOCOMOTION; GAMES AND SPORTS. From locomotion and horsemanship we have the names of Hunt, Hunter, Huntress, Hunting, Chace, Chase, Traill ; also Horsman, Eider, Hide- out, Ryde, Driver, Rowell, Spurr, Rearer, O'Chaise, Schaye, Shays, Shay, Schley, Dray, Whains (L. 659), Wain, Waine, Whaines, Wat- gig (" what a gig] "), Spavin, Curry, Osler, Stabler, Stall, and Canter. Mr. Trueworthy Rowell lately made a deed. A Mr. Curry is Governor of Oregon. Hon. Edward Horseman is Chief Secretary for Ire- land (1856). Both Mr. Horsman and Mr. Horsfall are members of Parliament in 1857. Mr. Osler, of Salem, is a clergyman. Bridle was left behind in England ; as were also Girth, Goad, Tackle, Spokes, and Traveller. Perhaps our Mr. Bug gey ought to be regarded as a substantive rather than an adjective. A Mr. Buggy lives at Quebec. Mr. Hunts lives at Canaan, Conn. Mr. Rodewell was lost in the " Cen- tral America " (1857). Lieut. Steedman was in our navy in 1849. Rev. William Bridle, Fellow NAMES FROM HORSEMANSHIP. 213 of New College, subscribed for Miss Jones's " Mis- cellanies ; " and a Mr. Bridle appears in the New- York Directory. Our Mr. Whipp should perhaps be mentioned here, rather than among pugnacious names. Mr. Raynes was tied to the matrimonial bit, October, 1857 ; and a Mr. Rains was a West-Point graduate. Mr. Champ lives in New York. Mr. Coache lives at St. John's, C.E. ; Mr. Van, at Strathroy, C.W. ; Mr. Stillwagon, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Hurdle, at Vienna, C.W. Mr. Runners, of Montreal, seems to be part of a sleigh. Mr. Trace, of London, C.W., is more connected with tackling. Mr. Horseman lives at Richmond Hill, C.W. ; Mr. Rear, at Toronto, C.W. In Philadelphia are families of Buss and Cabb ; three families of Trucks ; also Mr. Truckless, Mr. Stallman, Mr. Bitting, Mr. Ridey ; and Messrs. Canter, Pacer, and Racer. In the Buffalo Directory for 1855, 1 find the names of Convey, Convoy, and Stager. Mr. Stage lives in Peoria, 111. In the churchyard of Christ's Church, Hampshire, is a momument to Walter Spurrer, who died 1693. Our Mr, Hack made a deed (L. 79, f. 261). Capt. William Hacke's " Collection of Voyages " was published in 1699. Perhaps these belong to the warlike names. Mr. Hackney, of Virginia, was chosen doorkeeper of Congress (December, 1857). Mr. Hackman lives in New York ; also Mr. Landau, 214 NAMES FROM LOCOMOTION AND GAMES. six families of Stage, Mr. Stager, Mr. Stall, Mr. Stallman ; also Messrs. Ridabock, Ridings, and Todhunter (i. e., " fox-hunter "). Before railroads were invented, we had Carr, Cars, Carman, and Train ; and Mr. Brake is found in New York ; as are Messrs. Brakeman and Whitecar, in Philadelphia. Mr. Fares lives at Lobo, C.W. ; Mr. Crank, at Enterprise, C.W. ; and in December, 1857, Mr. Switch arrived here in a Cunard steamer. We have Sculley, Scullim, Rowe, Le Row, Bail, Balem, Dorey, Stearman, Shipley, and Shipman. George Steers was the most distinguished naval architect in New York or in the United States. Mr. Cockson lives at North Bennington, Vt. In games we have Showe, Gamer (1649), Gam- ble (L. 397), Gambell, Gambling, Card, Billiard, Chequer, Bassett, Hazard, Risk, Monte, Lew, Piquet, Chessman, Chess, Propst, Betton, Better, Betts, Bidwell, Deal, Deel, Dealey, Sortwell, Sortor, Hapgood, Luckis, Losey (L. 622, f. 206), Nicks, Nix, Lotts, Talley, Tally, Cue ; Wagit, Goodwin, Wynne, and Winn. Winslow is one of our chief names. Our Mr. Giles Player was whipped in 1638. Mr. P. Game is U. S. Consul at Guyaquil. Charles F. Loosey is one of the Foreign Consuls at New York, and Mr. Luckles is in the Directory of that city ; as are also families of Bett, Bidgood, Bidwell, Bidlow, Dealfaro, Dealling, Deally, Deals, Faro, Mark well, Trumpp, Trumpy, and names from games. 215 Trumper ; Wager, Winlow, Winner, Winning, Player, Playfair, Talley, Stakem, and Stake. J. N. Luckey, of New York, failed in July, 1857; and u A. Stake " was lost in the " Central America " in 1857. In Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855, I find both Gambler and Winner. Royal G. Stakely made a losing venture as one of Walker's fillibusters. Mr. Staker lives at Farmerville, C.W. ; Mr. Counter, at Kingston, C.W., and at Stratford, C.W. ; Mr. Losie, at Whitby, C.W. ; Mr. Lots, at Quebec. Mr. Deal, of Canada, took out a patent in 1847. In Philadelphia are families of Winning, Wins- more ; four families of Winpenny ; Messrs. Game- well and Gamester (Gammble is a very common name there) ; Mr. Staker, Mr. Pharo, Mr. Trumpp, and eight families of Trump. One of the Cunard steamers is commanded by Capt. Lott. Rev. Mr. Betsworth was one of Miss Jones's subscribers ; as were also Lewis Pry&e, Esq., and Francis Winning- ton, M.P. In Westminster Abbey is a monument to Sir Charles Wager. Gluck (the German for " luck ") is a distinguished musical composer. Perhaps Mr. Better should be placed . here, rather than with Good and Best. Miss Card made a deed in L. 522, f. 51. In our Directory for 1835, and also for 1857, are families of Card. Judge Betts is a United-States District Judge in New York ; and in the Directory of that city are Wist and Whistpot ! Mr. Burlingame is our member of Con- 216 NAMES FROM GAMES AND SPORTS. gress. Dr. Wager is a physician at Burlington, Vt. Mr. Dicy lives at Alton, N.H. ; Mr. Bidwell, at Lang- don, N.H. ; Mr. Pack, at Tolland, Conn. ; Mr. Dealing, at Bangor, Me. In England are also found families of Cards, Whist, Wager, Luck, Goodluck, Has- luck, and Loss. Among English writers are more than one named Raffles. Rev. A. Dyce collected Webster's Dramas. John Winpenny subscribed for Ackerman's " History of Oxford," &c. Among the subscribers to the " Odyssey " is Mr. Pack. Player's case, and Trumper's, are cited by Dane. Luck's Poems were published in 1727. A Mr. Luck lives in Montreal ; and Mr. Lucke, at Great Barrington. One of the best text-books on the Law of Powers was written by Chance ; and eight families of Chance live in Philadelphia. Rev. Mr. Unwin was a sub- scriber to Thomson's " Seasons." Playfair is emi- nent. Betterton was a well-known English actor. Mr. Bidder is Superintendent of the Grand Trunk Railway. There has been a good deal of Gambling at Harvard College in old times ; but only two gra- duates bear that name. There is a Judge Gamble in Missouri. In sports we have also Kyte, Topp, Toy, Scates, Bowles, Bowler, Ball, and Balls ; also Fowler, Winshot (1640), Gunning, &c. Mr. Keitt, of South Carolina, is member of Congress (1857). Miss Mary Topp was among us as early as 1653. The most celebrated beauties in English society in the last NAMES FROM SPORTS. 217 century were the two Irish Miss Gunnings. A suit is pending (1856) between Ames and Sparrow. Our Mr. Dodavah Scates has, in all respects, a peculiar name. The Chief Justice of Illinois is named Scates. B. D. Sleight is an undergraduate of Yale. Mr. Tourney, of Tennessee," is a U. S. Senator. Mr. Foyll was one of Miss Jones's .subscribers ; as were also Mrs. Keyt, Rev. Mr. Kyte, and Rev. Dr. Bowles. Charles Kite, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps. Mr. Masker and Mr. Skate live in New York. In Philadelphia are seventeen families of Kite ; also Shuttle, Shuttlesworth, Tennis, and Sportes. Mr. Rattel lives at Abercrombie East, C.E. ; and Mr. Rattle, at London, C.W. At Quebec are three fami- lies of Gunner ; and that name is also found at Hamilton, C.W. 218 CHAPTER XXIX. NAMES FROM WAR AND FIGHTING. !From war we derive the names of Warr, Warfield, Goare(1658), Gore, McGory, Blood, Slaughter, Conquest, Ambush, Archer, Arms, Armor, Armour, Bowe, Bowes, Bowman, Arculus (" a little bow "), Broadbent, Bills, Brounbill (" an old weapon "), Billman, Carabine, Carribine, Fletcher (from fleche, " an arrow "), Knight, Shield, Shields, Sword (L. 61, f. 50), Swords, Hilt, Tilt, Passe, Dagger (L. 134, f. 183), Dart (died 1801), Gauntlet, Tar- get, Tent, Camp, Campbell, Champion, Herald, Sentry ; also Lancey, Lance, Spear, Spiers, Poignard, Pike, Pierce, Stabbs, Staab, Hackett, Hews, Cutts, Mangles, Killin (L. 174), Kilgore, Kilbride, Kilm aster (1641), Killman (September, 1857), Killer, Killy, Slane, Gunn, Cannon, Pow- derly, Wadwell, Prime, Ames, Schott, Shotter, Shute,* Boomer, Bang, Bangs, Pinkham, Hitt, Salyo, Brunt, Battle, Battelle, Battles, Batter, Battery, Batterman, Shatter, Train, Trainer, Solger, Forward, March, JSTewmarch, Drummer, * Shute is probably from chute (" a fall "). names from war. 219 Drummey, Flagg, Pennant, Banner, Buntin, Garri- son, Troup, Troop, Gard (1667), Valory, Foss, Dan- gers, Router, Winfield, &c. Our Winship has a good name for a naval hero. We have also among us the German names of Held (" hero "), Heldenbrand, Degen (" sword "), and Bogen (" bow "), &c. Mr. Powder, of Roxbury, was killed on a Boston railroad (October, 1857). In Stowe, Vt., is Mr. Sallies ; in Fairfax, Vt, Mr. H albert. Our Mr. Gauntlett died in 1852. Mr. Marchall lives in New Haven. Lieut. Newmarch lives in Lynn ; and Col. John V. Plume, at Lake Mohapac, N.J. (1857). Many Plumes are also found in New York. Florida has its Judge Forward; Alabama, its Judge Rapier; and California, its Judge Dangerfield. Lieut. Drum figures in the troubles in Kansas ; and in the New- York Directory are families of Drum, Drumm, and Drummer. Mr. Cocking lives at Woodstock, Conn., and also in Philadelphia ; Mr. Truce, at Le- vant, Me. Dane cites the case of Mr. Chal- lenger. Mr. Buckler lives at Montreal ; Mr. Halbert, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Ponton, at Belleville, C.W. Hendershot is a common name in Canada, as at Cashmere, C.W., and Jarvis, C.W., &c. Mr. Parry- man lives at Acton, C.W. ; Mr. Guard, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Spearin, at St. Nicholas, C.E. ; Mr. Shotter, at Erin, C.W. ; Mr. Gory, at To- ronto ; Mr. Kilboy, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Bug- 220 NAMES FROM WAR. ler, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Gunne, at Florence, C.W. In Philadelphia are families of Warder, Sapper, CoRNETT, FURLOW, PASS, ARROW, DaRT, DaGER, MuS- ket, Bigonet (i. e., " bayonet "), Blade, Atack, and two families of Conquest. Among the West-Point graduates I find the names of Drum, Swords, Shields, Bledsoe, -Hendershot, and Slaughter. In the Directory of Buffalo, N.Y., for 1855, are families of Blade, Muster, and Kill ; also of Pax (" peace "). Dr. Stabb is at the head of the Lunatic Asylum of Newfoundland (1857). Rev. Mr. Shuter was one of Miss Jones's subscribers ; as were also Mrs. W^arry, Mr. Mash, Mr. Armorer, and Rev. Mr. Buckler. Sir Alexander Bannerman is Governor of Newfound- land (1857). Sir A. Spearman is a public man in England. George Gun, Esq., subscribed for Chau- chard's maps. Pennant is a well-known English writer. Dr. Plot's work is of local interest in Northampton, England. Byron's Miss Chaworth became Mrs. Musters. La Guerre was a well- known engraver at the end of the last century. Mr. Warley was a passed midshipman in our navy in 1849. Miss Waddy subscribed for W T ild's Dramas (1805). Shakespeare is the greatest name in Eng- lish literature. An ancient weapon and modern means of attack and defence are united in the name of Bow- NAMES FROM WAR. 221 ditch.* Mr. Wardwell has a good name for resistance. By a singular coincidence, I do not find the name of Peace anywhere in Massachusetts, except in Salem. It is, however, found in New York ; and, in Phila- delphia, there are three families of Peace, and Mr. Peaceport. Dane mentions a suit brought by Mr. Peaceable. Mr. Victory lately died in Marblehead. There are, in New York, three families of Victor and Victory. In Philadelphia I find two families of Vic- tor. Mr. Victorson appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Hero, of Milford, successfully pursued a person who stole his hay (August, 1857). In Eng- land there are families of Passe, Dagger, Lance, Muskett, Pistol, Armory, Blades, Challenger, Cockshott, Officer, &c. J. S. Muskett was a sub- scriber to Ackerman's " History of Oxford." Rev. James Shooter published an interesting account of the Kaffirs. New Jersey has its Judge Arrowsmith. Mr. Arrowsmith is a cotton-broker in Liverpool. I find also, in 1800, the names of Fort and Furlow. There was an English author named Wadd in 1811. Dane cites the case of Mr. Thrustout. Rev. Mr. Warrey was a subscriber to Thomson's "Seasons." Mr. Valliant was an English engraver. Among our Massachusetts physicians are Drs. Champion, Hero, and Camp ; and our lawyers furnish Mr. Manley * This name is said to be derived from an ancient encampment near Chew Magna, in the county of Somerset, England. A family of the name is found in the neighboring county of Dorset. — Dixon on Surnames. 222 NAMES FROM FIGHTING. and Mr. Ensign. A recent graduate of Harvard Col- lege is named Riggin Buckler. In names from fighting, we have Bickers, Bralley, Harras, Taunt, Madden, Coyle, Clash, Lash, Lasher, Wagstaff, Whalen, Hasham (L. 97, f. 67), Faught, Pounder, Pushee, Punch, Thresher, Feight, Whippen, Whipping, Backer, BOXALL, BlCKERSTAFF, KNOCK, KNOX, NoCK (1665), Cuff, Hurll, Lynch, Clinch, Maul, Gouge, and Burk. Mr. Buffet is a graduate of Yale. J. Bicker, Esq., subscribed for Chauchard's maps ; as did the Right Hon. Lady Ann Wallop for Jones's " Miscellanies." Schiller's " Robbers " was trans- lated by Render (1799). Weale is the celebrated publisher of architectural works. Mr. Nock, of Windsor Locks, Conn., failed in 1857. Mr. Wag- staff, of New York, having made an assault, was killed in 1857. Messrs. Bravo and Brother, of Jamaica, belying their name, displayed great huma- nity towards slaves brought into that island in 1857. In New York are families of Backen, Backer, Harm, Harms ; fifteen families of Striker ; ten of Stryker ; also Strip, Struck, Strucke, Stun, and Wacker. Mr. Striker is postmaster at Bloomfield, C.W. Mr. Strike lives at Perrytown, C.W. ; Mr. Lasher, at Col Saree, C.W. ; Mr. Trouse, at Chelsea, C.E. ; Mr. Clench, at Cobourg, C.W. ; Mr. Hackwell, at Boscobel, C.E. ; Mr. Hacking, at Listorel, C.W. ; Mr. Strype, at Mono Mills, C.W. ; Mr. Beat, at NAMES FROM FIGHTING. 223 Gore, C.E. ; Mr. Dirkin and Mr. Club, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Harms, at Hamilton, C.W. ; Mr. Stick- ler, at Lancaster, C.W. In the Directory of Buffalo, N.Y., for 1855, are families of Maul, Fister, Kick, &c. In Philadelphia are families of Backer, Banger, Banghart, Wallop, Clubbe, Tingle, Tingleman, Tingley, Crasher, Harmer, Pfister, Pound, Rouw, Stryker and Striker ; Stun ; twelve families of Fite, and twenty-nine families of Butcher, — a queer assortment for the city of brotherly love ! Capt. Boxer is at the Woolwich Arsenal in Eng- land. Miss Boxer, of Quebec, was passenger in a Cunard steamer (November, 1857). Nathaniel Rench died at Fulham, England, a hundred and one years old (1783). In Wirks worth Church, England, is the tomb of Francis Hurt, Esq., of Alderwasley (1854). Charles Hurt, Esq., subscribed for Chau- chard's maps ; and a Mr. Hurt, at the South, mur- dered his wife (July, 1857). Mr. Whippey lives at Nantucket. Mr. Thrash died at our hospital in October, 1857. Perhaps Thrasher should be intro- duced into this company, rather than among fishes. Mr. Thresher made a deed (L. 726, f. 158). Mr. Whipp is found in South Lyme, Conn. ; and both Whip and Whipp, in New York. Mr. Pfister is Quartermaster-General of Alabama. Mr. Strokes lives in Manchester, N.H. Mr. Stryker was a candi- date for the mayoralty of Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Fling 224 NAMES FROM FIGHTING. lives in Gardiner, Me. Mr. Harmar is a graduate of Yale. Mr. Harms, a distinguished German preacher, was born 1778. Mr. Hurter lives at Littleton, Conn.-; Mr. Bumpus, at Wareham, Mass. Who has not heard of Strype's " Annals and Memorials " 1 Gouge's " Domestic Duties," published in 1634, is less generally known ; as is the publication of Mr. Cuffe in 1633. The ancestor of our Mr. Ammidown was probably floored. 225 CHAPTER XXX. NAMES FROM DISEASES; MEDICINES; AND DRINKING NAMES. From diseases we have the names Fitt (1673), Fitts, Fitz, Secic, Byles, Bilye, Aiken, Ayling, Ricketts, Goutier, Bane, Banes, Bain, Wenbane (1645), Fatal, &c * Dr. Badarague (" bad-air ague % ") died in Boston Harbor (October, 1857). Mr. Phelon lives in Chelsea, Mass. Mr. Fever year was a graduate at Harvard ; as were Mr. Mesick and Mr. Coffing at Yale. Fyt was a Dutch printer of note. Mr. Ailman lives at Newport, R.I. Mr. Cramp, of Nova Scotia, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Messrs. Aik- man and Akyng live in New York ; also Mr. Grips. In England are found families of Headache, Cramp, Fever, Ague, Aikman, Akenside, Bunyan, and even Gumboil and Pimple. Mr. Bayne is a distinguished English author. Mr. Mange is consul for Belgium at New York. Piles's " Lives of Painters " is re- commended in the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Mr. * Quincy I do not add to my list of diseases ; for that name is borne by one among us who unites the fire of youth to the wisdom of age. Like the monarch of the forest, still crowned with verdure, in him is fulfilled the promise of Holy Writ, " His leaf also shall not wither." It is needless to add, that 1 refer to Hon. Josiah. Quincy, late President of Harvard College. 29 226 NAMES FROM DISEASES. Gumbell and Mr. Boils live in New York ; and Mr. Glander, of New York, has also an unpleasant name. I find there, likewise, families of Sick, Sick- man, Lefever, Measel, Piles, Pock, Twitchings, Tumer ; three families of Wart, two of Warts, two of Wartman ; also Wortt, Worts, Wortman, Wen- ning, Wenman, and Whitelaw (i. e., " whitlow] "). Lepper is a very common name in Canada, at Auro- ra, C.W., St. Catherine's, C.W., Toronto, C.W., &c. Three families of Cramp live in Montreal ; also Mr. Surgeon and Mr. Patient. This latter name, per- haps, indicates a gentle disposition. Messrs. Whit- law and Felon also live there. Felon may, perhaps, be traced to a more questionable origin than a mere bodily ailment. Mr. Flux lives at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Mesill, at Snow Village, C.W. ; Mr. Kauffman, at Toronto, C.W., where I also find Messrs. Sorely, Warty, Whitelow, and Witheron. In Philadelphia are families of Ake, Ache, Akens, Akey, Achey, Aker, and Akin, — a most numerous delegation ; Mr. Wart ; two families of Dropsie ; fourteen families of Cramp ; Mr. Coffman, Mr. Stag- ers, Mr. Vitus (" St. Vitus's dance % "), Mr. Illman ; Messrs. Sick, Sickman, and Sickling. In Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855, were families of Fester, Prickle (before mentioned), Pharnambucey (" phar- macy'?"), and Newback. Mr. Liver, of that city, is probably descended from one who had that organ dis- eased. A letter addressed to Thomas Pilling was NAMES FROM DISEASES AND MEDICINES. 227 advertised at the Potts ville post-office, Dec. 31, 1857. Mr. Headeach was a subscriber to the Macklin Bible. As an offset to these names, we have Truss, Set- right, POTTECARY, LeACH, LeECH, HeALEY, HeAL, Heald, Wellman, Wombwell, Bloodgood, Mixer, Messer, Pillsbury, Seton, Wormwood, Garlick, Hartshorn, Tansey, Marjoram, Mullen, Cruse (L. 229), Kruse, &c. Mr. Goodyear lives at Caledonia, C.W. Mr. Well lives at Loretto, C.E. ; Mr. Healing, at Montreal ; Mr. Messmore, at Port Dalhousie, C.E. ; Mr. Pill- man, at Stratford, C.W. In Philadelphia are families of Alwell, Cure, Bitters. Mr. Splint seems born for surgery. Mr. Somwell, of that city, has a convalescent name ; and Mr. Longwell seems to have dispensed with medical attendance. k In London I find (1858) families of Hadrot and Pilbeam ; Sweatman and Dietman ; Mr. Crutch ; and, as a matter of course, Mr. Motion, &c. The Medici family is one of the most eminent in history. Disease and health seem to be contending in the suit of Coughamour vs. Bloodgood, reported 27 Penn. State Rep. 285. A Mr. Mix was a Harvard gra- duate : others of the name now live at New Haven, and at Warren, Vt. Mrs. Messum is a nurse in New York. A Mr. Pilling is found at Stockbridge, and 228 NAMES FROM DISEASES AND MEDICINES. another at Lynnfield. Mr. Pellett lives in Spencer. Mr. Stillweel lives at Fall River, Mass ; and there was in our navy, in 1849, a midshipman of that name. Motherwell's Poems are familiar to us all. Mr. Motherwell lives at Stratford, C.W. Cruise's " Digest " is one of the best text-books of English law. Cruice's Poems were published in 1857 in England ; and Leadbitter is found there. Mr. Vigor, and even Mr. Health himself, lives in New York ; where are also found families of Pill, Salts, Tingle, and Wel. Mr. Weller (not Samuel) also lives there. In England are families of Pilley, Purge, &c. Lieut.- Col. Cure was wounded at the assault on the Redan. There was a John Soda in Queen Elizabeth's time. Dr. Toothaker, of Middlesex County, is a general practitioner, not a mere dentist. Mr. Prickett, a midshipman in our navy (1849), probably never wielded the lancet. Dr. Bump, of Freetown, is not exclusively a surgeon; nor was Mr. Thomas Bump, of Bristol County, a mere criminal lawyer. This family is widely extended. Thus Mrs. Patience J. Bump lives in Mantua, Ohio. Habits of intemperance are so fruitful a cause of disease, that names derived from these two sources may well be classed together. Besides the numerous list of drinking names alluded to in p. 21, we have Inman, Dryman, Ta- verner, Bibbins, Tift, Tapley, Pottle (L. 618, f. 47), Cordial, Ginn (L. 439, f. 100), Corker, Sherry, drinking names. 229 Ciders, Mull, Mullery, Rumsell, Rummer, Rumery, &c. The name of Sipple, perhaps corrupted from Tipple, occurs in L. 679. Gingrass has been before mentioned (p. 59) as a very common name in Canada. There are fifty- seven families of it in Quebec. Mr. Portt lives at Adare, C.W. ; Mr. Allport, at Churchville, C.W. ; Mr. Beveridge, at Hamilton, C.W. Mr. Wincup (" wine-cup ") lives at Willowdale, C.W. ; Mr. Beer, at Bourg Louis, C.E., and Orono, C.W. ; Mr. Tiplin, at Kingston, C.W. Messrs. Sippet and Spilling both live at Toronto ; Mr. Giddy, at Cobourg, C.W. ; Mr. Slooman, at London, C.W. ; Mr. Booze, at Mid Grove, C.W. ; Mr. Boosey, at Romney, C.W. ; Mr. Reel, at Port Hope, C.W. Mr. Swigg is town-clerk at Pictou, C.W. Mr. Tapper lives at Cherry Creek, C.W. ; Mr. In sell and Mr. Barnight, at London. C.W. Mr. Inright, of Que- bec, is perhaps in wrong among this company. In Philadelphia are families of Winpress (i. e., " wine-press "), Allely, Sack, Popp, Madera, Mull, Mullincup, Kork, Plug, Booz and Boozer, Fresh, Sipler, Siples, Sippel, Sipple, and Sipps. J. B, Sippet was convicted in Middlesex County (November, 1857) for a violation of the liquor-law. Mrs. Tiffts lived in Salem. In Ohio there, is a town named Tiffin. Mr. Tiffen lives in London (1858). We have the names of Dreyer and Mugridge. Mr. Cater lives at Barrington, N.H. Mr. Potwin and 230 DRINKING NAMES. Mr. Potwine are both Yale graduates. John Bar- more was wrecked in the " Central America " (1857). In the Directory of 1857 is Mr. Orum ("O rum!"), and four families of that name live in Philadelphia. Mr. Drinkard was appointed Chief Clerk in the war-department at Washington in 1857. Mr. Swig- ert is Clerk of the Courts at Kentucky. Mr. Branda is consul for Belgium at Norfolk, Va. Mr. In keep, of Iowa, was married October, 1857. Mr. Bibbler, of Berwick, Ohio, failed in September, 1857. Mr. Fresher sailed for Liverpool in a Cunard steamer (December, 1857). In the New- York Directory I find Beer (well spelt), Firehock, Hock, Popp, Poppe, Sack, Sherrey, Sherry, Wein, Wines, Creter, Dram, Bibber, Bib- bins, Distill, Corkery, Colthirst (i.e., cold thirst," — a name indicative of a wish for something warming), Ripps, Rover, Row, Sackmann, Sipp, Zipp, Zippill, Tapper, Tappy, Treter, Reel, Weiner, Weiners, Weinman, Wineman, Winehart, Weinstock, Wine- stock, Weingartner, Winegardner; also the ex- pressive names of Swiger and Whiskeyman. Mr. Sauerwein (" sour wine") lives in Baltimore (1858). In the Buffalo Directory for 1855, I find Sourwine, Lightwine, Tosspot, Beer, and Port ; and, in the Peoria Directory for 1858, Mess, Sip, and Fill- drought. In England are families of Sack, Rum, Ale, Dram, Drunken, Gin, Claret, Coignac, Port, Drinkmilk, drinking names. 231 Drinkdregs, Pledger, Dryer, Somedry, Sober, Muddle, Tipple, and Udrink. Champagne was a Flemish painter. One Mr. Lees lives at Westport, Conn. ; another, at Winchendon, Mass. ; and Mr. Driggs, at Cheshire, Conn. Another Mr. Pottle lives at Northport, Me. ; Mr. Beeker, at Fitchbnrg, Mass. Beveredge's Works were published in 1720. Bishop Beveridge's " Thoughts on Eeligion " are recommended by the Harvard Catalogue of 1773. Col. Drought was wounded in. a sortie from Delhi (1857) ; and two privates of that name served on this continent a hundred years ago, under Rogers (see his Journal in 1765). Cheare's Works were published in 1668; Philopot's Works, in 1672; and Glass's Works, in 1752. Among the subscribers to Thom- son's " Seasons " is Mrs. Sober. 232 CHAPTER XXXI. NAMES FROM EJACULATIONS, &c. We have families of Butt, Orr, From, Thus, How, Ware, Watt, and Wye. Whatman's drawing- paper is advertised among us. Dane cites the case of Mr. Yea. Mrs. Yea was a subscriber to Jones's " Miscellanies." In New York are the names of Ask, Askin, Askins. We have Licet (" although ") ; and, in England, there exist families of And, By, Truly, Ho, Hum, Lo, Yett, Try, Helpusgod, Bythe- way, Pugh, and Hangitt. Orr's Sermons were published in 1739 ; and Over's Architecture in 1758. Mr. Over lives in New York. An ancient English navigator was named With. With's " Railroad Accidents " was translated and published in Boston in 1856. Mr. About has written about Greece. Dane cites a case of Mr. Always. Mr. Alway made a deed (L. 45, f. 2). Mr. Alloway lives at Hamilton, C.W. ; and Mr. Alway, at Philadelphia. Within the present year, there has been recorded a deed to Mr. Only (L. 694). Mr. Dickins appears in our records (1650). Among the graduates of Harvard College, I find the names of See and Pugh. NAMES FROM EJACULATIONS, ETC. 233 Mr. Malison was a United-States bankrupt. Mr. Benison appears in our Directory for 1857. Mr. Dam- min is mentioned in our records (1665). England has had its Archbishop Laud, who was very much detested. Lady Cust published the " Invalid's Own Book." Mr. Kerse* made a deed (L. 702, f. 82). In New York are families of Bless and Blessing ; also Pardee (i.e., "pardieu"), Sworn, Darner, Cus- him, Cursin, Dambmann, and Damm. In Philadel- phia I find both Blessing and Blest, Damman and Demme. Mr. Damm lives in London (1858). Miss Fudge changed her name by matrimony, doubtless for the better, in July, 1856. I do not know whether she was connected with the family whose travels in Paris form one of the most amusing works of fiction in the language. Mr. Mygatt (" my God ! ") lives at New Milford, Conn. ; and also in New York. Mr. Migeod lives in Philadelphia; Mr. Purdeu ("par Dieu "), at Chelsea ; Pudor (" oh, shame ! "), at Port- land, Me. Mr. Hugh Pugh is found in Guilford, Vt. ; and Mr. Pishon lives at Vassalborough, Me. Mr. Harrah (" hurrah ! ") arrived here in a Cunard steamer (November, 1857). We have the name of Oomen. Mr. John E. Portent, of Charleston, S.C., was appointed consul to Oporto, July, 1857. The English have the names of Bigod, Bygod, Oly- father, &c. Dickens is the most popular writer of the age. Mr. Bosch is found among the graduates of Yale. * This means a " bulrush." :J0 234 NAMES FROM EJACULATIONS, ETC. Mr. Bosh lives in New York ; where are also found families of Augh ! Ahoa ! Oeh ! Letts and Letus, Pahview ! Presto ! Perdue, and Wrely (" really "). We have the word Swares ; also the ejaculations GODSOE, GODSO, GORHEY, GoRI, SlREE, MYHE, HlST, Ha ark, Harke, Selah, List, Look, and Fab, well. Mr. Adee ("adieu") is a graduate of Yale. Mr. Ough lives at Cobourg, C.W., and at Holland Landing, C.W. ; Mr. Lor, at Drummondville, C.W. ; Mr. Fye, at Montreal ; Messrs. Tutt and Tutty, at Toronto, C.W. ; Mr. Gorrie, at Richmond, C.E. ; Mr. Gorry, at Yorkville, C.W. ; Mr. Weldone, at La- colle, C.E. ; Mr. Holady, at Toronto ; Mr. Goodeve, at Cobourg, C.W. Mr. Fain was graduated at West Point. In Philadelphia are seventeen families of Weldon ; Mr. Wist, Mr. Ahem ! Mr. Allbutt ; Messrs. Fey, Fie, and Phy ; Mr. Off, Mr. Pish, Mr. Poe, Mr. Poh, Mr. Pue, Mr. Sartain, Mr. Heugh, Mr. Hey, Mr. Hark, Mr. Biddam (an emphatic word), Mr. Achuff (sounding like a sneeze), Mr. Bye, and Mr. Bibi (an infant's adieu). Mr. Finis lives at Almira, C.W. ; Mr. Farewell, in Albany, Vt. ; and Mr. Goodby is a clergyman in East Poultney, Vt. 235 CHAPTER XXXII. SURNAMES FROM CHRISTIAN NAMES; OR ENDING IN OLD SAXON WORDS. Many Christian names appear among us as surnames ; as Aaron, Abel, Abner, Abraham (1682), Adam, Albert, Alfred, Alonzo, Ambrose, Amos, Andrew, Antonio, Angus, Archibald, Archbald, Arthur, Asher, Augustus, Gustus, Guss, Barnaby, Bartho- lomew, Bartemas, Ben, Benn, Benjamin, Calvin, Christopher, Casper, Carl (German for " Charles "), Charles, Claude, Conrad, Cornelius, Daniell, David, Donald, Duncan, Edgar, Edward, Edmond, Eli, Ely, Elisha, Enos, Enoch, Ezekiel (L. 593, f. 94), Felix, Ferdinand, Francis, Frederick, George, Gilbert, Giles, Godfrey, Gregory, Hen- ry, Hosea, Humphrey, Hugh, Isaac, Littlejohn, James, Job, Joseph, Joshua, Lawrence, Leonard, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Luke, Luther, Manuel, Melvin, Moses, Nathan, Nicholas, Oliver, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Philo, Ralph, Roger (L. 167, f. 281), Roland, Sampson, Samuel (1656), Saul, Solomon, Standfast (1650), Stephen (L. 630), Shadrach, Thomas, Thom, Tristram (1653), Titus, Tobias, 236 surnames from christian names. Tobey, Tobie, Uriah (1653), Vivian, Will, Willey. To this list should be added all the female names enumerated ante, p. 54-56. Mr. Goodwillie lives at Montreal; Mr. Good- Frederick, at Kingston, C.W. ; Mr. Meiklejohn, at Quebec ; Mr. Tom, at Port Hope, C.W. ; Mr. Jerry, at Toronto. Among the West-Point graduates are Mr. Marma- duke and Mr. Nicodemus. In Philadelphia are families of Benny, Ezra, Hugh, Natt, Noah, and Silas. Mr. Fred lived in Buffalo, N.Y., in 1855. Walter has been eminent in the editorial line, — at the head of the great London " Times " and of our little " Transcript." George Gideon, jun., was an engineer in our navy in 1849. Mr. Bennie lives in New York ; also families of Caleb, Gyles, Jonas, Marcus, Nathan, Peterkin, Simon, Tobias, Wil- helm and Willhelm (German for " William "), and Wilhelmy. Will's " Analysis " appeared in London in 1856. Mr. Tims was a subscriber to the " Odys- sey." Jesse is a well-known English writer. Sammes's "Britannia Antiqua " appeared in 1676. We had two members of the bar named respectively Benja- min James and James Benjamin. In Salem are families of Dan, Noah, Saul, and Nick. A vast number of surnames are derived from Chris- tian names by the prefix of Ap, Mac, or Fitz ; or by the addition of Son at the end ; or of Cock, used SURNAMES FROM CHRISTIAN NAMES. 237 as a diminutive (as, " my little cock "). Thus Adam gives us Adams, &c. ; Andrew gives Andrews, &c. ; Benjamin gives Benson (perhaps Bentson is also thus derived); David gives Davids, Davis, Davies, Davidson, Davison ; Edward gives Edson ; Eleanor gives Nelson ; Hugh gives Hughes, Huse, &c. ; Isaac gives Isaacks, Hiscock, &c. ; Jacob gives Jacobs ; John gives Jones, Jackson, Johnson, Jack, &c, and even Hancock; Nathan gives Nathanson ; Nicholas gives Nichols ; Oliver gives Noll ; Peter gives Peters, Peterson, and even Perkins, Pierce, Parr, &c. ; Richard gives Richards, Richardson, Dick, Dicks, Dix, Dickson, Dixon, Dickman, &c. ; Robert gives Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, &c. Babsou is perhaps Bobson. Saul gives Sauls ; Stephen gives Stevens, Stevenson, Stephenson, &c. ; Samuel gives Samuels, Sampson. Thomas gives Thompson, Timothy, Timson, &c. ; William gives Williams, Williamson, Bilson, &c. The firm of Fitshugh and Littlejohn, of Oswego, failed in 1857. A Mr. Jack is a graduate of Yale. This name popularly indicates a lack of intellect. Paulsen (" Paul's son ") is the American Philidor. He played at one time (October, 1857), in New York, five games of chess, blindfolded, beating in four of them ; the fifth being a drawn game ; evincing a power of abstraction and memory unparalleled in the history of the world. Ten families of Molson live in Mon- treal ; Mr. Peterkin, at Toronto, C. W. ; and in 238 NAMES ENDING IN OLD SAXON WORDS. Philadelphia are families of Aaronson, Albertson, Peterwharf, &c. I find, in 1828, a Mr. Sams, of Darlington, England. Barry and Parry are both supposed to be derived from Ap Harry, Austin from St. Augustine, Hodges from Roger, Hallet from Allan, Tudor from Theodore, Timmins from Timothy, Everett from Everard, Ellis from Elias ; and Bryant, Du- rant, Dodd, Eddy, Edes, Goodwin, Hammond, Harding, Harvey, Searle, Sewall, and Warner, are all said to be derived from obsolete Christian names. Cradock is from the Welsh Christian name Caradoc. Many names, derived from the Saxon or other sources, are made up of endings or parts which had an appropriate meaning. Thus Cott is an abbre- viation of " cottage ; " Endicott, " cottage at the end;" Middlecott, &c. ; Prescott, or "priest's cot- tage." Perhaps, however, this stands for " prest- coat," derived from a tailor. Brad means " broad ; " and Ing, " a meadow ; " Brading, " broad meadow." Ing also means " progeny ; " as in Dearing, &c. Hame, or Ham, means " a home," " farm," or " a village ; " as, Cunningham, Brigham. Sall means "a hall;" as, Ingersall,* "meadow hall." Bury, "a house;" as, Bradbury, &c. Ford and Bridge; as, Sandford or Sanford, and the seats of the two * Dixon, in his second edition of " Surnames," defines Lxgersoll as " Inger's hall or palace." NAMES ENDING IN OLD SAXON WORDS. 239 ^reat universities, — Oxford and Cambridge. Brad- ford is one of our first names. Pont means " a bridge ; " as in Pierpont, Woodbridge. Forth means " a way ; " as, Danforth. Throp, or Thrope, means " a village ; " as, Winthrop, " wine village." Ledge or Lidge ; as, Coolidge, &c. Dike or Ditch ; as, Thorndike, Babbidge or Babbage, Bowditch. Shaw, " a small, shady wood ; " as, Bradshaw : it is itself one of our chief names. Croft, " a little enclo- sure near a house ; " as, Bancroft. Wold, " a plain ; " as, Griswold. Beck and Burn, " a small stream ; " as, Broadbeck, Beckford or Bickford, Washburn, Colburn, Blackburn, Troutbeck, &c. Lee, Lea, Lay or Ley, Leigh, Leith or Leth, " a field," or " pasture ; " as, Bradlee, Brinley, Walley, Bay- ley, Eveleth, &c. Kampe or Kemp, from " campus" a plain or field. Wood; as, Harwood, Underwood, Atwood, &c. Hurst or Bosk, " a small wood ; " as, Ashhurst, Parkhurst. Wie or Wich, u a village " or " a bay ; " as, Hardwick, Norwich. Hill ; as, Churchill, Underhill, &c. Ling, " a pool from which a river flows ; " as, Hamling or Hamlin. Mere, " a lake ; " as, Lechmere, &c. Stead or Sted, " a shore " or " place ; " as, Burchstead, Bum- stead, &c. Stan, Stane, or Stone ; as, Blackstone. Knapp, " a protuberance ; " as, Belknap. Nett, abbreviation of " nettle ; " as, Bennett. Low means " a flame or fire," " a head," " a small hill," or " gentle rise of ground ; " as, Biglow, Winslow, &c. 240 NAMES ENDING IN OLD SAXON WORDS. Ton means " a hedge " or " wall," but is often proba- bly used as Town ; as, Appleton, Milton, &c. Den, " a valley " or " woody place ; " as, Hampden. Lair or Laer; as, Van Rensselaer. Marsh is very common ; and we have Tidmarsh (*. e., " tide-marsh "), &c. Bray, " a bank of earth ; " Bury or Burg, and Char or Car, " a city ; " Vale or Vall, Dale or Dall, Pool or Poll, are all parts of our surnames. Also Water ; as in Atwater, &c. Many names end with Street, Gate, Tree, Way, &c. ; as, Bradstreet, Southgate, Shumway, &c. Mrs. Westgate, of New York (May, 1858), is the great poisoner of the century. End itself is sometimes the end of a surname; as in Tow t nsend, &c. 241 CHAPTER XXXIII. NAMES ORIGINATING IN MISTAKE; TRANSLATED; CHANGED; &c. Many names are undoubtedly the mere result of mis- take or mis-spelling. A late resident officer of our Hospital informs me that he has received bills made out against the institution, in which that word has been spelt in forty-six different ways, a list of which he sends me. In 1844, one Joseph Galliano died in Boston ; and, in our Probate Records, he has the alias of Joseph Gallon, — that having been his popular name. Plamboeck, in some of our con- veyances, became Plumback. These are names in a transition state. So likewise a Spanish boy, having the Christian name of Benito, pronounced Beneeto, who shipped with Dr. Bowditch in one of his voyages (as mentioned in his Memoir, 1839), became Ben Eaton ; * and a foundling, named Personne (i. e., " nobody "), became Mr. Pearson. Perhaps our Barnfield is but a corruption of the glorious old Dutch name Barneveldt. Jacques Beguin, of Texas, as we learn from Olmstead, became John Bacon. The firm of Wehle and Weniger, in Rox- * See Memoir prefixed by me to the " Mecanique Celeste." 31 242 NAMES TRANSLATED AND CHANGED. bury, might easily be thus transmuted to Veal and Vinegar. Bellows is supposed to be a corruption of de Belle Eau. The family crest represents " water poured from a chalice into a basin." The "beautiful waters" of Bellows Falls will for ever appropriately commemorate the name and home of the founder of this family in our country."* In one part of East Boston, chiefly occupied by Irish labor- ers, the streets are named for the poets Byron, Southey, Wordsworth, &c. Alexander Wadsworth is a surveyor well known to many of those residents, no one of whom, probably, ever heard of the Sage of Grasmere ; and, in the deeds of their lots, the sur- veyor has very generally carried the day. Mr. Cisco is Sub-treasurer of New York. This family origi- nated in a foreigner named John Francisco, who, for brevity, voluntarily changed his signature to John F. Cisco. Europe has a similar name in Rev. F. G. Lisco, of Berlin. Many foreign names are entirely altered by transla-' tion. Thus Pierpont would be Stonebridge. And, if not translated, they often wholly lose their original significance. Thus the German Gutman should be Goodman; Kraft, Sinn, and Lust should be Strength, Meaning, Pleasure, &c. In the London Directory of 1858 are the names of Gut and Gutkind (*. e., " good " and " good child "). Goodchap, in plain * See " History of the Bellows Family," by Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D.D., of New York. NAMES TRANSLATED AND CHANGED. 243 English, is found in their company. A French family of Blanchpied, settled in Essex County, has had its name both translated and corrupted, — ending in families of Whitefoot and Blumpey ; and a German named Rubsum, who emigrated to Charles- ton, S. C, became, by translation, Mr. Turnipseed. It is not only gravely asserted, but is considered to be proved, that the French "jour " is derived from the Latin " dies" through the changes of diurno, journo, jour. Many grotesque names are known to have been given to foundlings. A female infant left at a house in Otis Place, Boston, in 1856, was called Mary Otis ; and one left in an outbuilding in Brookline, in 1856, was appropriately named Fanny Shed. Many other names have, from time to time, been silently changed. Thus the Blague family, of this county, became Blake ; Everedd was altered to Webb ; Fitzpen became Phippen. It is said that Nye ended in Noyes. Other names are pronounced so differently from the mode in which they are spelt as to be hardly recognized. Like the coin of a coun- try, they are universally clipped and worn. Thus the English names of Cholmondeley, Brougham, Ha- worth, Auchinleck, Mohun, and Cockburn, are Chumley, Broom, Horth, Affleck, Moon, and Co- burn ; and a fellow-collegian from the South, Mr. Taliaferro, was Mr. Tolliver, &c. Our own Thuolt, of Hungarian origin, is pronounced Tote. Such names, in the course of time, often become spelt as 244 NAMES TRANSLATED AND CHANGED they are pronounced. Thus Putnam is supposed to be PUTTENHAM ; FROTHINGHAM, tO be FOTHERINGHAM, &c. Pultenham still exists as an English name. Snooks is known to be an abbreviation of Seven- oaks. Crowninshield was formerly popularly called Groundsell ; and this name is found in New York. St. John is pronounced Sinjohn ; and that name is common in Canada. The letter " p " is almost uni- versally cut off. Thus Cold Lane, in Boston, became Cole Lane ; and we have the name of Colburn (i. e., " cold stream "). Mr. Colegrove, of Middle- town, Mass., and Mr. Colwell, of Philadelphia, sub- scribed for Agassiz' work. Very many names were annually changed by au- thority of the General Court, sometimes decidedly for the better, but often with little or no improve- ment. It is a remarkable circumstance, that since the jurisdiction of this matter has been given to the Judges of Probate in the respective counties, so that sufferers in name can no longer claim the sympathy of the whole Commonwealth, the number of those who apply to the law for relief is very small. A mere abstract of the names changed by the Legislature would be very amusing. Thus we find Broadbrooks, 1805 ; Snupe, 1806; Bumside,* 1807; * A distinguished lawyer of Middlesex County, named Burnside, disliking his Christian name, applied for leave to change it ; and, as he wrote a bad hand, it was supposed that he wished to change his surname also into Bumside. The change was made accordingly; and, after suffering a year's penance, it became again necessary to ask legislative aid. names translated and changed. 245 Linkhornew, 1800; Frickey, 1824; Tink, 1826; Slate, 1827; Crouch, 1832; Turn, 1837; Feachem, 1845 ; Pedder, 1847 ; &c. Mr. Pepper Mixer, in 1810, retained his surname, while he parted with his Christian name. Mr. Thode Coats, in 1814, fol- lowed his example. Samuel Quince Whitefoot, on the contrary, in 1833, liked his Christian name, and merely dropped the foot. An entire family of Corpo- ral, in 1847, laid aside that dignity; and a very numerous family of Vest divested themselves in 1848. Mr. Thomas Jest, in 1850, decided that it was no joke to retain such a name any longer. Mr. Gest, of Cincinnati, however, as lately as 1857, subscribed for Agassiz' work. Mr. Mock, in this mode, escaped from the mockeries of his friends (L. 241, f. 36). 246 CHAPTER XXXIV. MISCELLANEOUS NAMES STILL EXTANT AMONG US. The following names still exist among us, the deriva- tion of some of which is not very obvious : viz., Adwers, Alcorn, Arey, Asag, Axtall, Ades, Alker, Alvonere, Anguerra, Annaple, Anazin, Appollo- nio, Arbuckles, Arrisall, Atroplich, Atta, Auld, Auty, Azarian, Athearn, Averill, Arbogast; Babb, Babbs, Babo, Baetge, Barcave, Barrus, Barsenter, Barta, Bartol, Basta, Baty, Baxtux, Bedel, Belyea, Bennelick, Besent, Bement, Binnse, Bish- pan, Bittle, Blain, Blease, Blinn, Blish, Blos, Blute, Boit, Bors, Bott, Botume, Bouves, Boody, Bowzer, Boze, Braan, Brash, Bree, Breck, Bris- coe, Brubbs, Bub, Bundy, Buzzell, Byus, Bywaters ; Calder, Caddick, Calnan, Came, Canan, Caneday, Canegaly, Cardial, Carnes, Cartledge, Cary, Casmay, Castin, Casty, Cates, Caup, Caulback, Chard, Chism, Chithrick, Chizen, Chute, Clegg, Clerkin, Clendinin, Cline, Comber, Comboy, Cono- logue, Comsett, Copp, Corp, Cotchet, Cropps, Crawshaw, Creech, , Crego, Crimlisk, Crump, Cuddy, Cull, Cumber, Cundy, Cuntz, Cudworth, miscellaneous names still extant. 247 Curry, Curick, Codwise, Cutcliff ; Dasha, Dardy, Dapmar, Darrah, Darrow, Dartady, Dashwood, # Deacy, Dearby, DeFrites, Dench, Deturbe, Devar, Devens, Dibblee, Diggles, Dill, Dillenback, Ding- well, DlNTER, DlSCH, DlZER, DoAK, DoCKHAM, DoU- dican, Duquid, Drew, Duff, Dustin, Dwelle, Dwelley ; Earnrigo, Easby, Eason, Eliaers, Emmes, Esson, Esback, Estle, Erquit, Erdis, Eliot, Everett; Fadloaf, Fague, Fanning, Faour, Far- dle, Fardy, Farn, Fasbeude, Faulwasser (see p. 123), Faxe, Feber, Federhen, Feiling, Felbel, Felker, Fergy, Fette, Feustle, Fewoer, Feyhl, FlLENE, FlLHIOL, FLACK, FlANG, FlATCHLEY, FlIN- ders, Fluet, Fluker, Flusk, Foie, Foltz, Fogue, Forror, Fred, Frury, Fruin, Friary, Fuess, Fy- ler, Frink, Fricke, Fettyplace ; Gair, Gabay, Gakin, Garsid, Garside, Gathut, Gatup, Gaut, Georgius, Gero (L. 708, f. 199), Ghio, Giblin, GlGAR, GlGER, GlLDERSLEEVE, GlLE, GlNTY, GlIN, Gloan, Glueter, Goell, Gobbett, Goggin, Goget, Gopper, Gossee, Gove, Greer or Grier, Grice, Gribben, Grandy, Griggs, Grindle, Grissom, Grout, Grummun, Grupee, Grush, Gumstay, Guppage, Gup- py, Guptill, Guewey, Guell, Gutch ; Hauthwat, Hackett, Hadaway,Haggett, Hakey, Hanks, Hant, Harbottle, Harnes, Harrub, Hartnett, Hash- ell, Hesz, Heyer, Hirzel, Henk, Herkin, Hibra, Hiewe, Hoogs, Huil, Hurn, Hazall, Haviland, Huber, Hutch ; Iasigi, Ivers; Janes, Janvarn, Jes- 248 miscellaneous names still extant. sar, Jervar, Judd, Junio, Juzezst*; Kaharl, Kakas, # Kaplin, Kahrcher, Keeler, Kell, Kells, Keyou, KlBBIE, KlELY, KlLCUP, KlLTY, KlPP, KLOUS, KoLP, Kough, Kuntz, Kyle ; Larvan, Latchat, Lathrop and Lothrop, Latz, Leavens, Lecktus, Legroo, Leet, Lemire, Letts, Lish, Lobb, Loftus, Loquest, Lootz, Lutz, Longdo, Lubke, Lysight ; Magner, Manix, Manks, Maralious, Mair, Math, Mecum, Meddix, Milo, Minel, Mingo, Moffatt, Moro, Muneig ; Narromore, Noll, Nudd, Nye ; Oeding, Olsen, Oomen, Onthank, Orto, Orgill, Orvice, Otis, Oviatt ; Partheimuller, Parshley, Passedu, Par- ban, Pasco, Pember, Pender, Pendergrass, Phister, Pevear, Piggott, Pigrim, Pitrat, Pishon, Pinter, Planequet, Plageman, Podgea, Poggman, Poindex- ter, Pendexter, Polfary, Pook, Povah, Pote, Pozner, Prieto, Pringle, Printy, Prout, Prouty, Pussedu, Pyser, Paulk, Pero, Presho, Pottle, Pycot ; Qualey, Quary, Quan, Quilty ; Hall, Rammie, R-ance, Rauschert, Rebal, Rebola, Rerri- nason, Relch, Renne, Reyallion, Rhal, Riha, RlST, RlTZ, RlKER, ROYLANCE, ROUTER, RoAF, RoAK, roath, rokue, rollo, roncati, ronimus, ruck, Ruddle, Rupp ; Sahlein, Sagendorph, Sancry, Satchwell, Sandicky, Scanlan, Schaier, Schenk, schitler, schlimper, schnur, schuttee, schriever, SCIEPPS, SCORSUR, SCRIGGINS, ScOURSE, SeALLY, SeNIN, Sharf, Sheikeshaft, Shearin, Sheir, Shine, Shick, Shiloh, Shirpsir, Sholp, Shopperie, Shinitz, Shenk- MISCELLANEOUS NAMES STILL EXTANT. 249 burgh, Shankland, Shufelt, Shissler, Sias, Sim, SlVADIE, SlSK, SlVRET, SeLLEW, ShIMMIN, SkEELE, Slatterly, Slattery, Sliloh, Slines, Sloan, Sloog, Sloave, Snaith, Snide, Snoden, Snuts, Soesman, Solly, Sonk, Sosnowky, Soule, Spargo, Speirs, Splane, Spokesfield, Spoor, Sproat, Sprague, Sproul, Sprowel or Sproule, Spurgin, Stanyan, Stantial, Starkweather, Steepleton, Stemler, Steugel, Stilfin, Stintion, Stitt, Stroble, Stubbs, Stokes, Strale, Strack, Straine, Stroelin, Stru- BLE, SUDERGREEN, SuMFLETH, SuMPTER, SpRINGALL and Springoll, Strauss, Sughrue, ' Swabb, Swad- KINS, SWEETLIN, SwEETLAND, SYLVEIRA J TACY, TaIT, Tarp, Tatrow, Taytasac, Teamoh, Telton, Teltow, Temel, Tevein, Toel, Totman, Throop, Thughness, Tillock (164, f. 222), Timmins, Titus, Tinkham, Tobey, Tonks, Tope, Traill, Tr avers, Travis, Trenckle, Trescott, Tribble, Triggs, Trow, Trus- SELL, TUIG, TUNKS, TuNNICLIFF, TWINING, TwiSS, TWY- cross (L. 191, f. 223), and Tyzzer; Vanderslice, Vans, Veager, Veber, Vietz, Vigkle, Vipen, VlSALL, VlTTUM, VlTTY, VoLK, VoUGHT ; WaGGET, Walko, Warshaw, Wasgatt, Wass, Watker, Wedin, Wefer, Wellock, Wentz, Wesberg, Weintz, Weins, Whaines, Wheples, Wherty, Whicher and Whitcher, Whidden, Whitten, Whittier, Wholers, Widger, Widgery, Wiget, Wigmore, Wirth (" landlord "), Witherspoon, Weatherwax, Willwert, Worthley, Woodsum, 32 250 miscellaneous names still extant. Wrin ; Yankower, Yeaker, Yerxa, Youlen ; Zremm, Zenn. Mr. Arsenault lives at Swanton, Vt. ; Mr. Bram, at Pittston, Me. ; Messrs. Cyr and Cys, at Madewaska, Me. ; Mr. Craw, at Norwalk, Conn. ; Mr. Crump, at New London, Conn., and also at Whately, Mass. ; Mr. Fasset, at Gloucester, R. I. There was an English author named Fettiplace (1666). Mr. Millsaps is a law-student at Harvard. Noad's " Chymical Analysis " appeared in London in 1848. Prus's Algeria was published in 1852. Sheple was a common name at Groton Academy. Sugden is also found there : this is a name eminent in English law. Mr. Sachrider lives at Nashua, N.H. ; Mr. Shuck, at Hartford, and Mr. Sawn, at Windsor, Conn. Mr. Unbehin is a subscriber to a Boston journal. Mr. Wattles lives at Norwich, Conn. In New York I find families of Faber, Facks, Frip, Pare, Pase, Penfold, Quee, Warse, Warsh- ing, Whyms, Weney, Weil, Weiler, Weill, Wimp, Windle, Wrapp, Wreaks, and Wust. Mr. Arrand lives at Melrose, C.W. ; Mr. Crump, at London, C.W. ; Rev. Mr. Perdue, at Kempt- ville, C.W.; Mr. Puttock, at Elmira, C.W. ; Mr. Seafart, at New Aberdeen, C.W. ; Mr. Snook, at Brocksville, C.W. ; Mr. Snooks, at Chatham, C.W. ; Mr. Smout, at Cornwall, C.W. ; Mr. Swail, at Cote des Nieges, C.W. ; Mr. Scram, at Errol, C.W. ; Messrs. Scrimger, Scroggie, and Slagrim, at Gait, C.W. ; MISCELLANEOUS NAMES STILL EXTANT. 251 Mr. Springall, at Richmond, C.W. ; Mr. Shuts, at St. Armand Centre, C.E. ; Mr. Shook, at Springfield, C.W. ; Mr. Took, at Elgin, C.W. ; and Mr. Trivett, at Exeter, C.W. Mr. Tidball was a West-Point gra- duate. Mr. Winger, of Canada, took out a patent in 1849. In Philadelphia are many families of Altemus ; also Mr. Arrandts and Mr. Beagle. Bockius is a common name there. I also find there Messrs. Flit- craft, Grawl, Ingrain, Jeanyeaw, Paffrags ; eight families of Quicksall; Schiffley and Sites. Lloyd and Floyd are both common names in Bos- ton. A Mr. Gloyd lived at Abington, Mass. 252 CHAPTER XXXV. MISCELLANEOUS NAMES EXTINCT IN BOSTON. The following names are probably extinct, or nearly so, in Boston ; viz., — Abdy, Aery, Aish, Akeley, Allam, Allardice, Allchorous, Allds, Allistre, Andem, Andon, An- nan, Ausley, Autram, Avis, Aves. Baralet, Barger, Bastar, Bearbenn (1677), Blackleach, Bongarten, Bowd, Breeol, Breising, Brunnon, Bulmer, Blinko, Bill, Biggs, Belitho, Blackadore, Blantaine, Boos, Boulds, Bernard,* Betanque, Boggust, Broaders. Caillouil, Carwithie or Curwithie, Chitty, Clew- ley, Clinkard, Clutterbuck, Codner, Copley, Coess, Cranmer, Crick, Cricke, Croakham or Crocum, Carivano, Cleaze. * Darroll, Deverill, Deffick, Dettrick, Deven, Domblide or Domblider, Dorion. Engs. Fane, Ferniside, Fick, Flick. Gatcomb, Gatliffe, Getlive, Gethoths (1654), * Barnard is still a common name in Boston. NAMES EXTINCT IN BOSTON. 253 GUILLE, GUMMER, GuSS, GuTCH (1642), GUTTERY, Getty, Gaudel. HOBUN, HUCKSTABLE, HeDDEBALL, HaBBERFIELD. Jeffs, Jopp, Jukes, Judavine. Karr, Kitto, Kast, Knodle, Katland. Lepeau, Lytherland, Lobb, Leaming, Linglater, Lunerus (1654), Lusher (1650). Mansise, Mattox, Mico. Naptin. Odlin, Ochterlony, Oanabus. Paiba, Pimm, Peoples or Pebbles, Peppiloco, Pepys, Perrigo, Perrum, Perwort, Pesbeth (1656), Petel, Pruden, Pullin, Pynchon, Popkin. quiner, quiddy. Riff (1678), Rushton. Satterly, Sawen, Sawdy, Saywell, Scholes, SCOTTO, SCHRIYARNEY, SCHUCHARTEL, SCOBIE, SePPENS, Shaller, Sharrow, Seaberry, Selkrig, Sellick, Sendall, Sherrod, Sherran, Sherren, Shillcock, Sinet, Smibert, Sisan, Skeath, Sophus, Snawsell, Souter (Scotch for " shoemaker "), Spaul, Sprake, Squamong, Stead, Stirt, Stokes, Stoodly, Stretten, Stroble, Sumbrado, Surrage, Surcomb, Synder- land, Sadey. Tarn, Tead, Toker, Talby, Tawley, Tetherly, Tefft, Trewin, Truan, Truesdale, Tomlin, Tonkin, Tothell, Trail, Tyre, Toodle, Tate, Tudman. Underhay. Venn, Venner, Vibert, Viers, Vanbushirk, 254 names extinct in boston. Vandeleer, Vanvoorkis, Voltz, Vryling, Vifven, Vaux. Walkman, Wase (a very common name a hundred years ago), Wadland, Wampas, Wasson, Weager, Weare, Wedberg, Werdall, Whippo (L. 27), Whittingham, Wimble, Winaus, Winneberger, WoRTHYLAKE, WrAY, WlSLICENUS, WlCKS. Yeale, Yeamans, Youring. zumgrunde. Mr. Anketell is a graduate of Yale. Chitty is a distinguished legal writer in England. Sir David Ochterlony was born in Boston. Shute Shrimpton Yeamans owned Noddle's Island, now East Boston, and subscribed for a royal paper copy of Miss Jones's " Miscellanies." Spix, the naturalist, was an author in 1824. There are, in Philadelphia, four families of Entwistle. A life of Gen. Monk was published by Thomas Gumble, D.D. In the last century, Mr. Bubb assumed the name of Doddington, and became Lord Melcombe. I Kind in 1828, in England, the names of Windus, Gutch, Weale, and of the Rev. Samuel Wix ; and, in 1797, the names of Bauyl, Entwistle, Higgs, and Yenn, among the subscribers to Thomson's " Seasons." 255 CHAPTER XXXVI. CONCLUDING REMARKS. — WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. I have now completed my desultory remarks on the subject of surnames. In classifying them, I have sometimes regarded their apparent rather than their actual derivations and original meanings. In some instances, as I well know, my analogies have been more fanciful than real. I was led to prepare these remarks by an article in the "Edinburgh Review" for April, 1855 ; and my attention was subsequently called to a little treatise on surnames, privately printed in the year 1856, by B. Homer Dixon, Esq., which I found very interesting and suggestive. After I had completed my collection, Lower's elaborate essay fur- nished me with additional illustrations. Had I seen these publications at an earlier period, the great extent of the subject would have deterred me alto- gether. Many words in our language are derived from names either of ancient gods or heroes, &c. Thus we have martial from Mars, the god of war ; cereal, from Ceres, the goddess of fruits ; bacchanalian, from Bacchus, the god of the wine-cup. An epicure is a 256 WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. most familiar word and person. Poetry deals in boreal blasts, ceolian strains, and gentle zephyrs. We may speak with propriety of a village Vulcan. Her- cules may never have existed ; but herculean, augean, Sec, are indisputable exponents of his labors. His- torical allusions are endless. We speak of Van- dalism, of a modern Brutus, of the Nestor of an assembly, of a Xantippe, of a Platonic attachment, of a Ciceronian style, of a Shakespearian or Spen- serian stanza, of the Byronic school of poetry, of an Augustan age of literature, a Machiavellian policy, a Jeremiad, &c. We have also the adjective Elizabethan. We have Calvinism, Arianism, and Mesmerism. Pasquinade is derived from Pasquino, a Roman cob- bler. Munchausen will always be the type of lying travellers. Ferdinand Mendez Pinto begins to have a better reputation for veracity than he had in Shake- speare's day. Patronage will always have its repre- sentative in Maecenas, and Croesus will never be displaced by any modern Rothschild. Sometimes the name is preserved, but with a bad sense affixed to it ; thus working positive, and not merely negative, injustice. For instance, Hector, Hectoring, are terms equivalent to bully, blustering. Indeed, the very god- dess of grace and beauty herself has but given a name to the most loathsome of diseases. Gibberish is said, by the Reviewer to whom I have referred, to be derived from Geber, the alchemist. Earl Spencer and Lord Raglan will each be remembered by an outside WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. 257 garment; and Sir William Congreve, by his rockets. The names of other persons are still preserved in popular phrases ; such as, " Before I could say- Jack Robinson ; " and " My eye and Betty Martin." But who were they ] No men or women have more truly lived than those described in some works of. fiction ; and, from some of these, various words have been derived. The hero of La Mancha figures in every Quixotic enter- prise ; and lawyers and politicians daily abuse each other in a Pickwickian sense. Shylock stands forth for ever the embodiment of avarice. Discoverers and inventors have not always had justice done them in the matter of nomenclature. Thus America* is named for one who did not dis- cover it, — a flagrant wrong which poetry in vain attempts to address in " Hail, Columbia, happy land," &c. A short name stands a much better chance of commemoration than a long one ; and yet Daguerre is immortalized in the daguerreotype. Dr. Guillotin, acting from a benevolent purpose of producing insen- sibility to pain under peculiarly disagreeable circum- stances, will go down to posterity as a monster of cruelty. Persons rendered insensible by ether, during surgical operations, ought to be spoken of as Mor- * This name has been lately vindicated quite ingeniously as derived from the Italianized form of the German "Emmerich," which is regarded as a contraction of the Gothic " Airmanareiks ; " and, as applied to a country, is considered as mean- ing " Most sublime dominion." — B. Homer Dixon. 33 258 WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. tonized. We speak of Macadamized roads; and, in this latitude, we hear of the Nicolson pavement. Science has its voltaic battery ; and the verb to galvanize is very expressive, and entirely legitimate beyond the limits of science : but Fulton's name will never supersede the more significant word steamer. Celebrated events of mythology and history are thus perpetuated. We speak familiarly of " crossing the Rubicon," of " an apple of discord," of " Pandora's box," &c. American editors thought, till the fall of Sebastopol, that the Russian would prove as long as the Trojan war. Marathon and Thermopylae belong to the geography of freedom. The Colossus may be a myth ; but we have colossal. Such is the origin of many of our proverbial aphorisms. Words are some- times coined with a general signification from parti- cular striking instances of the conduct which they describe ; as, nepotism. Some crimes are of such atrocity, that the perpetrator's name is at once appro- priated to them. Thus, to murder for the sake of selling the dead body is to Burke ; so the systematic species of secret murder, extensively practised in India, has enriched the language with Thug. The summary proceedings of Judge Lynch have also given us a new word. If we had not already the verb " to humbug," Barnum would, I think, stand a very fair chance of verbal immortality. Squatter has, with us, its appropriate significa- WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. 259 tion of a possessor or actual occupant of lands without title. The subject of squatter sovereignty, indeed, just now bids fair to be one of fearful national importance. Pecuniary defaulters are so numerous that no one has yet given his own name to the pro- cess. Even the verb to Swartwout or Schuylerize has not yet forced its way into our language. The pub- lic is better pleased with the more general term, " to absquatulate." This expression, by its elegance, reminds one of the popular names of localities. Jeffrey spent his summer months at Stuckgown. In Danvers, Mass., is, or was, a spot known as " The Devil's Dishful." The town of " Backbone " is found in Arkansas ; " Bad Axe," in Wisconsin ; " Why Not," in Mississippi." The Post-office Directory con- tains the towns of " Bad Track " and " Broken Road," " Blue-Black " and « Yellow-Red," « Coffin-Grove " and " Dead-Man's Hollow," &c. ; and, among the recent mining nomenclature of California, I find " Rot-Gut," " Hen-Peck City," " Louse Village," " Ragtown," " Shirt-tail Bend," " Hell's Delight," &c. To Scotch ears, " Bannockburn " has glorious associa- tions ; and the " Brandy wine " is not the least of our rivers. We have had also our battle of the " Cow- pens." Politics give a temporary significance to the most absurd and grotesque party designations, — "Silver Greys," " Hard .Shells," "Softs," "Old Hunkers," " Locos," " Know Nothings," &c. How instantly 260 WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. do the public take any allusion to Gov. Marcy's " pantaloons," or to Scott's " hasty plate of soup " ! The simple words, " so much noise and confu- sion," have a marked significance as applied to political epistles. " The Law-and-Order Party " is but another name for Missouri Border Ruf- fians. Science and art, in all their various branches and departments, are constantly creating new words. Prof. Treadwell, in a recent admirable pamphlet, suggests the reflection how impossible it would now be to write in the language of Cicero the most ele- mentary treatise on mechanics or geology. While on the one hand, therefore, the names of persons may often possess much value and importance as indicat- ing the origin of the various families, and thus of the nation which they together compose ; on the other hand, the words in use in any language throw great light on the national character, indicating, in an unerring manner, its social peculiarities, its degree of advancement in knowledge, virtue, and refine- ment ; besides often indicating its remote origin, and affording a means of approximately estimating the proportions in which its heterogeneous elements have at last become mingled together and consoli- dated. The seemingly barren field of philology has been traversed by many an enthusiastic inquirer after truth, whose researches have enriched the literature WORDS DERIVED FROM NAMES. 261 of Europe and America. And the few additional materials now faithfully collected may perhaps, in a slight degree, facilitate future investigations in a corresponding department of knowledge. NOTES. Pagk. 9. For " Dr. Dox " read " Mr. Dox." 10. For « Bal " read " Bab." Add to the New- York names of three letters, Fei, Fey, Fix, Fok, Fos, Fux, Han, Hau, Hix, Hof, Hon, Hor, Hou, Hoy. 15. The authors of "The Anatomist's Hymn" and of "Thana- topsis " cannot, with propriety, be ranked below a writer of even the exquisite taste of Longfellow. Perhaps, indeed, it would have been safer for me to have men- tioned all the poets alphabetically. 16. For "Clavars" read "Clavara;" for"STiDMAN" read " Stidmon ; " and add to the specimens of Christian names there given the following : Peleg, Murch, Omen, Ded- rum, Dimis, Delight, Eigena, Florilla, Rosetta, Julel. Debonair Farrar died in Boston, March 14, 1858 ; and Mrs. Duty Phettyplace, in Woonsocket, R.I., in May, 1858. One of our citizens has the Christian name of True worthy Muchmore ; and Zealous Bates, Esq., lives at Cohasset (1858). The late report of the English Registrar- General gives us the name of Mr. Eli Lama Sabachthani Pressnail. 18. | Mr. Rodolphus Spalding will doubtless be satisfied with 19. ) being once named. 20. We have Mr. Septimus Norris. 264 NOTES. Page. 24. For " Lockport, C.W.," read " Lockton, C.W." For " Chan- dos's " read " Chauchard's." 39. The classic name of Remus is found in the Buffalo Directory for 1855 ; and William Tell lives at Peoria, 111. (1858). 44. Mr. Prrsch is in the Directory of Peoria, 111. (1858). 48. Mr. Martyr subscribed for Wild's Dramas (1805). 56. For " Austis " read " Anstiss." 60. Mr. Stray lives at Hartford, Conn. 66. Mr. Hopewell's house, in Catland, Ind., was burnt in May, 1858. 72. Mary Clacker was before our courts (May 6, 1858). 81. Mr. Thynne and Mr. Smallbone live in London (1858). One of the most striking monuments in Westminster Abbey is that of a Mr. Thynne, who was distinguished for his wealth and his — assassination. 87. Our Mr. Hemmer made a deed (L. 728, f. 283) : he should be added to Sniffen, Hawkins, &c. 88. Miss Ellen Backoff consented to be married in Boston, May 2, 1858. 92. Our Mr. Children made a deed (L. 651, f. 173). 108. There is a Kitten in the Boston Directory, whom (which f) I had overlooked. 116. I owe Mr. Featherhoff an apology for mentioning his failure twice. 141. For " Backall " read '^Bacall " (*. e., " bake all "). 150. A young friend writes me, May 3, 1858 : "The fires of dis- sension and enmity in the Smoke family appear to have broken out last year in an action of trespass to try title brought by Andrew Smoke vs. James D. Smoke: Richard- son's S.C. Reports, vol. xiv. p. 433. — Yours, &c, S. M. Quincy." Thus my present attempt at authorship may be said to end in Smoke. NOTES. 265 Page. 17G. Mr. Batting's factory {not a cotton factory), at Newark, N. J., was burnt in May, 1858. 177. Peter Flare lives in Middletown, Md. (1858). 183. Frederick Seaquill was before our courts, in the month of May, 1858. 223. Featherstonhaugh's " Canoe Voyage," &c, London, 1847, mentions a Mr. Slit as having been long in the employ of the Hudson's-Bay Company. 240. For " Westgate " read " Westlake." Thus altered, the name should have appeared in p. 133; though the trans- position would put Sir Charles Eastlake into very bad company. 243. For " diurno, journo," read " diurnal, journal" 248. Mr. Rist should precede Mr. Hand (p. 50). Mr. Nee, of page 10, may also be mentioned here. Mr. Sidebother, of Milwaukie, was a passenger in a Cunard steamer, June 16, 1858. 249. ^ Several names, such as Stokes, Stroble, and Traill, 253. j though extant, are nearly extinct in Boston. 254. I received a printed sheet entitled "Monthly Catalogue of efficient and reliable Lawyers, for May, 1858," which, I am gratified to observe, is a very large one. I extract from it the following specimens : — Smoote, o$ Magnolia, Ark. ; Chain, of Milton, Fla. ; Cul- verhouse, of Knoxville, Ga. ; Ezzard, of Atlanta, Ga. ; Mobley, of Hamilton, Ga. ; Hardeman, of Clinton, Ga. ; Harrow, of Lawrence, 111. ; Suit, of Frankfort, Ind. ; Fuselier, of St. Martinsville, La. ; Reasons, of M'Nutt, Miss. ; Walkup, of Wapakoneta, Ohio ; Coffinberry, of Findlay, Ohio ; Garrott, of Marion, Ala. ; Cun- ning, of Port Washington, Wis. ; Pullum, of Pickens, S.C. ; and Deuel, of Stockbridge, Wis. Mr. Loving, of Bowling Green, Ky., seems to be out of place among these associates. 34 266 NOTES. Page. 254. Boston may boast of being the native place of one most " efficient and reliable lawyer," — John Singleton Copley (Lord Lyndhurst), — now eighty-six years old, late Lord Chancellor of England. A few months since, he was elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Our venerable associate, Mr. Quincy, men- tioned, on this occasion, a family tradition, that the same nurse successively attended upon the mothers of Lord Lyndhurst and himself, who were confined about the same time. Her touch seems to have imparted to both infants an almost unprecedented degree of mental and physical vigor. Since Romulus and Remus, indeed, there has probably never been a more remarkable pair of nurs- lings. 39. For "Oriqois" read "Iroquois." During the interval required for preparing the Alphabetical Index, the following names have come under my notice : — Cyprian, notwithstanding its objectionable meaning, has been often used as a Christian name : as Cyprian Southack, a hun- dred and fifty years ago ; Cyprian Hall, 1857, L. 718, f. 115. The estate of Mr. Amos Pot ami a, of Reading, was lately administered upon. Mr. Blackmoore is the translator of a " History of the Russian Church." Capt. Trueblood, of the schooner " D. V. Sessums," from Baltimore to North Carolina, was wrecked May 18, 1858. In the recent wholesale railroad bribery of the Legislature of Wisconsin, Mr. Whipperman, a member of the Assembly, is stated to have received, as his share, bonds for five thousand dollars. Perhaps he was the whipper-in of his asso- ciates. In 1 Duer's Rep. 354 (New York), is reported the case of " Fatman vs. Loback." Rev. C. P. Goliohtly (England) has recently made charges against the Cuddesdon Theological NOTES. 267 College. The Kit-Cat Club was so called from its first meetings being held at the shop of a pastry-cook named Christopher Cat, in Shire Lane, who was celebrated for his meat-pies. A Miss Bradfield (i.e., Broadfield) was in our hospital in May, 1858. In 1855, certain loan-fund associations were established by law ; and their organizations, with lists of the shareholders, are recorded. Thus I find in L. 667, f. 170, Messrs. Dea and Gladson ; in L. 667, f. 267, Courier, Worth, Anger, Bibber, Oxford, Wrymill, and Macbeth ; in L. 667, f. 297, Chater, Hight, and Haggart ; in L. 667, f. 58, Holeman ; in L. 673, f. 157, Freeze and Surges ; in L. 674, f. 192, Single and Proud- foot ; in L. 676, f. 129, Large and Eiggers ; in L. 679, f. 177, Hero; in L. 682, f. 72, Readhead and Kux ; in L. 683, f. 149, Butterworth ; in L. 684, f. 66, Butt and Gall ; in L. 687, f. 268, Basin and Fulsom ; also Samuel Weller, of Taunton, Mass. Further researches may perhaps enable me to add Mr. Pickwick to my names connected with Lamps, &c. In one of these instruments, recorded in L. 677, f. 203, 1 find Michael Spine, of Roxbury, and the following residents of Boston ; viz., William Kidney and William Brane, John Biggin and John Broom, Anna Munch and Lawrence Inkhorn ! It is by no means an act of surplusage to state that Patrick Surpluss is party to a deed in Norfolk County. INDEX. ire a surname occurs more than once in the Same page, the number of the page id repeated. Christian Names. — Pp. 11, 12-20, 30, 37, 38, 42, 48, 55, 101, 150, 185, 207, 245, 263, 264, 266. Surnames. Aaron, 235. Aaronson, 238. Abbey, 168. Abbot, 199. Abdy, 252. Abe, 10. Abel, 235. Abendbrod, 157. Able, 60, 61. About, 232. Abraham, 239. Abt, 10. Aby, 9. Ach, 10. Achates, 100. Ache, 226. Achey, 226. Achorn, 238. Achuff, 234. Acie, 96. Ackerman, 202. Acor, 132. Acorn, 138. Acres, 127. Ada, 56. Adam, 235. Adams, 15, 236. Adcock, 114. Adderly, 125, 125. Adee, 234. Adelman, 201. Ades, 246. Adle, 58. Adorno, 25. Adt, 10. Adwers, 246. Aery, 79, 252. Aey, 10. Affection, 92. Agate, 100. Agen, 64. Ager, 127. Ages, 93. Agin, 64. Ague, 225. Ahem, 234. Ahl, 10. Ahlert, 75. 270 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Ahm, 10. Ahn, 10. Ahoa, 234. Aiken, 225. Aikman, 225, 225. Ailman, 225. Aires, 149. Airey, 80. Airth, 131. Airy, 80. Aish, 252. Ake, 226. Akeley, 252. Akens, 226. Akenside, 225. Aker, 130, 226. Akey, 226. Akin, 92, 226. Akyng, 225. Alabaster, 165. Albert, 235. Albertson, 238. Alcock, 114. Alcorn, 144, 145, 246. Alder, 137. Alderchurch, 136. Alderman, 200, 200. Ale, 230. Ales, 22. Alesworth, 22. Alfoot, 51. Alfred, 235. Algier, 95. Alice, 56. Alker, 246. Allam, 252. Allardice, 252. Allbones, 88. Allbut, 243. Allchin, 52, 86. Allchorous, 252. - Allcock, 114. Allcorn, 145. Allds, 252. Allely, 229. Allen, 47. Alletzhausseir, 11. Alley, 178. Allgier, 95. Allice, 54. Allies, 99. Allis, 54. Allistre, 252. Ailman, 60. Allmond, 138. Alloway, 232. Allpin, 83, 104. Allport, 229. Allwood, 60. Almond, 137, 138. Aloe, 67. Alonzo, 235. Alp, 96. Alsop, 207. Alt, 10. Altemus, 251. Alter, 57. Altvater, 94. Alum, 209. Alvonere, 246. Alway, 232, 232. Always, 232. Alwell, 227. Alwin, 59. Amazella, 56. Amber, 207. Ambers, 207. Ambleman, 77. Ambler, 75. Ambrose, 235. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 271 Ambush, 218. Amend, 44. Americus, 257. Amerige, 95. Amerigo, 95. Ames, 217, 218. Amm, 10. Ammidown, 224. Amoreaux, 6. Amory, 6. Amos, 235. Amour, 6. Ampleman, 80. Amsterdam, 97. Anazin, 246. Anchor, 197. Ancker, 197. Ancor, 197. And, 232. Andem, 252. Andon, 252. Andre, 28. Andrew, 235. Andrews, 237. Ang, 10. Angel, 48. Anger, 67, 67, 267. Angerman, 67. Angers, 67. Angleman, 182. Angles, 182. Anglin, 182. Anguerra, 246. Anguish, 69, 69. Angus, 235. Anketell, 254. Annan, 252. Annaple, 246. Anne, 56. Annis, 54. Anser, 46. Anstiss, 56. Antcliff, 124. Ante, 156. Antler, 122. Antonio, 235. Apostles, 48. App, 10. Appell, 141. Apple, 141, 142, 142, 142. Applebaum, 141. Applebee, 124. Appleby, 142. Appledom, 142. Applegate, 141, 142. Appleton, 141, 239. Appleyard, 142. Appollonio, 246. April, 155. Aquaviva, 133. Ar, 7. Arbogast, 246. Arbour, 137. Arbuckles, 246. Arch, 84, 174. Archbald, 235. Archdale, 127. Archdeacon, 199, 200. Archer, 218. Archibald, 235. Arculus, 218. Ard, 10. Arey, 246. Argue, 187, 187. Arkwright, 203. Arl, 10, 10. Armgold, 191. Armor, 218. Armour, 218. Armorer, 220. 272 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Armory, 221. Armstrong, 50, 79. Arms, 50, 218. Arm 10. Arnold, 28. Arrand, 250. Arrandts, 251. Arrisall, 246. Arrow, 220. Arrowsmith, 221. Arsenault, 250. Art, 205. Artery, 123. Arthur, 235. Artist, 205. Asag, 246. Asay, 36. Ase, 10. Ash, 8, 136, 137. Ashbash, 138. Ashbridge, 138. Ashbrook, 138. Ashburn, 138. Ashcraft, 138. Ashcroft, 136. Ashe, 136. Asher, 235. Ashhurst, 239. Ashley, 136. Ashmead, 128. Ashmeed, 138. Ashmole, 110. Ashplant, 137. Askew, 86. Askey, 72. Askin, 232. Askins, 73, 232. Aspen, 138. Aspenwall, 136. Aspin, 137. Ass, 110. Assman, 110. Ast, 10. Atack, 220. Atkiss, 91. Atroplich, 246. Atta, 246. Atwater, 240. Atwood, 239. Atz, 10, 10. Aii, 8. Aub, 10. Auchinleck, 243. Aug, 10. Augh, 234. Aught, 42. Augur, 23, 180. Augurs, 23. August, 155, 155, 155. Augusta, 54. Augustus, 155, 155, 235. Aul, 10. Auld, 246. Aull, 180. Aur, 10. Ausley, 252. Autram, 252. Auty, 246. Averill, 246. Aves, 252. Avis, 113, 252. Awe, 71. Awkward, 88. Awl, 179, 180. Axe, 180, 211. Axel, 207. ' Axey, 179. Axman, 179. Axt, 10, 73. . Axtall, 246. NDEX OF SURNAMES. 273 Ayer, 147. Ayling, 225. Aylwin, 59. Azarian, 246. Baa, 111. Bab, 10. Babb, 246. Babbidge, 239. Babbs, 246. Babcock, 104. Babe, 94. Babel, 162. Babell, 162. Babey, 94. Bable, 73. Babler, 73. Babo, 246. Babson, 237. Baby, 94. Bacall, 264. Back, 51, 52, 52, 53, 53. Backall, 141. Backen, 222. Backer, 222, 222, 223. Backhouse, 169, 170. Backman, 75. Backoff, 264. Backster, 205. Backup, 66. Backus, 47. Backwell, 85. Bacon, 7, 241. Bad, 73. Badarague, 225. Badcock, 114. Badger, 107. Badlam, lot Badman, 73. Baetge, 246. Bag, 27. Bagg, 27. Bagge, 27. Baggerly, 27. Baggs, 27. Bagless, 105. Bagwell, 193. Bagworth, 27. Bail, 214. Bailieff, 187. Bailiff, 188. Bain, 225. Bairnsfather, 92. Bake, 202. Bakeman, 204. Bakeoven, 151. Baker, 202. Bakes, 204. Bakewell, 202, 204. Bakey, 204. Bald, 85, 85, 85, 85, 88. Baldhead, 88. Bale, 197, 198. Balem, 214. Baler, 163. Bales, 198. Balkwill, 68. Ball, 19,32, 216. Ballasty, 198. Bailer, 163. Balling, 163. Balls, 163,216. Balsam, 209. Baltic, 96. Bampfylde, 19. Bancroft, 239. Band, 102. Bane, 225. Banes, 225. Bang, 218. 3.5 274 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Banger, 223. Banghart, 223. Bangs, 218. Banish, 24. Banister, 171. Bank, 190. Banker, 202. Bankhead, 134. Banks, 133. Banner, 219. Bannerman, 220. Banquo, 25. Bapst, 24, 171. Baptist, 149. Bar, 133. Baralet, 252. Barbadoes, 95. Barbauld, 84. Barber, 202. Barberry, 145, 145. Barcave, 246. Barclay, 128. Bard, 184. Bardwell, 183, 184. Bare, 81, 192. Barefoot, 105. Bareham, 106. Barfoot, 105. Barge, 196, 197, 197. Barger, 252. Bargy, 198. Barkdale, 128. Barker, 108, 202. Barkey, 163. Barley, 145. Barly, 144. Barmore, 230. Barn, 169, 170. Barnaby, 285. Barnard, 252. Barndollar, 190. Barnes, 27, 169. Barneveldt, 241. Barnfather, 92. Barnfield, 128, 128, 241. Barnight, 229. Barnside, 169. Barnum, 259. Barnwell, 169. Baron, 198. Barr, 171, 207. Barrable, 185. Barratt, 64. Barrell, 159. Barringdollar, 191. Barron, 198. Barrow, 179, 180. Barrows, 179, 207. Barrus, 246. Barsenter, 246. Barta, 246. Bartemas, 235. Barter, 197. Barters, 197. Bartholomew, 235. Bartol, 246. Bar wig, 104. Base, 73, 73, 182. Basin, 180, 267. Bask, 103. Basket, 209, 211. Basketter, 205. Bason, 179. Bass, 119. Bassett, 81, 214. Basta, 246. Bastar, 252. Bastard, 92, 92, 9$. Batch, 99. Batchelor, 90. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 275 Bate, 119. Bateman, 119. Bates, 96, 119, 263. Bath, 147. Bathcake, 208. Bathgate, 173. Batman, 115. Batt, 32, 115. Battelle, 218. Batter, 218. Batterman, 218. Battery, 218. Batting, 265. Battle, 218. Battles, 218. Baty, 246. Baumgarten, 131. Bauyl, 254. Baxter, 202. Baxtux, 246. Bay, 134. Bayfield, 128. Bayley, 239. Bayne, 225. Bea, 124. Beach, 133. Beachey, 138. Beachman, 205. Beackman, 116. Beacon, 197. Beadle, 186, 200. Beadley, 102. . Beadleston, 200. Beagle, 251. Beak, 116. Beam, 172, 173. Beames, 171. Beams, 173. Bean, 13, 27, 144. Beans, 144. Beany, 145. Bear, 107. Bearbenn, 252. Beard, 50. Beardmore, 50. Beardsworth, 52. Beare, 107. Bease, 124. Beasom, 176. Beastall, 108. Beat, 222. Beatley, 142. Beatson, 145. Beau, 38. Beaux, 99. Beaver, 110. Bebee, 124? Beck, 133. Beckey, 54. Beckford, 133, 239. Bedbug, 125. Beddome, 176. Bedel, 246. Bedgood, 176. Bedle, 201. Bedlock, 174. Bedloe, 176. Bee, 124, 124. Beebe, 124. Beech, 136. Beechey, 136. Beeching, 136. Beede, 37, 102. Beedy, 102. Beek, 123. Beeke, 123. Beeker, 231. Beeman, 124. Been, 144. Beens, 144. 276 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Beeny, 145. Beer, 229, 230, 230. Beers, 21. Beest, 107. Beet, 145. Beete, 145. Beetle, 27. Beetson, 145. Beety, 145. Beeves, 110. Begg, 196. Beggins, 192. Beggs, 192, 196. Begin, 65. Beguin, 241. Bek, 10. Belch, 21. Belcher, 21. Belitho, 252. Belknap, 239. Bell, 27, 179. Bellchambers, 172. Belleau, 149. Bellhouse, 170. Bellman, 204, 204. Bellot, 163. Bellow, 162, 163. Bellows, 149, 152, 242. Bellringer, 203. Belly, 51, 51. Belt, 102. Belyea, 246. Belyed, 61. Bern, 10. Ben, 235. Bench, 25, 176. Bender, 28, 83. Bends, 86. Benedict, 90. Benigne, 67. Benison, 233, 237. Benito, 241. Benjamin, 235, 236. Benn, 235. Bennelick, 246. Bennett, 239. Bennie, 236. Benny, 236. Benson, 237. Bent, 83, 85. Bentley, 128. ' Benyon, 28. Ber, 10. Bere, 21. Berg, 127. Berlin, 98. Bermingham, 97. Bernard, 252. Berrell, 100, 100. Berrier, 141. Berriman, 141. Berry, 140. Berryman, 140, 141, 144. Berry street, 178. Berstck, 44. Bertsch, 44, 138. Besent, 246. Besom, 176. Bess, 55. Bessee, 55. Bessie, 54. Best, 57, 215. Betanque, 252. Bethell, 170. Betsworth, 215. Bett, 214. Bette, 62. Better, 57, 214, 215. Betterman, 57. Betterton, 216. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 277 Bettie, 63. Betton, 214. Betts, 214, 215. Betty, 55, 63. Bettyeman, 63. Bettys, 56. Bever, 110. Beveredge, 231. Beveridge, 229, 231. Beverly, 97. Beverstock, 107. Bevil, 182. Bew, 9, 10. Bewick, 177. Bex, 8. Bey, 8. Bias, 93. Bibb, 94. Bibber, 21, 22, 267. Bibbins, 228. Bibbler, 230. Bibby, 93. Bibi, 234. Bible, 24. Bich, 110. Bicker, 71, 222. Bickers, 66, 222. Bickerstaff, 141, 222. Bickford, 239. Biddam, 234. Biddenclipper, 11. Bidder, 216. Bidgood, 214. Bidlow, 214. Bidwell, 214, 214, 216. Bienvenu, 66. Bietz, 144. Bigg, 26, 79, 80. Biggar, 80. Bigger, 80, 80. Biggerstaft', 141. Biggin, 179, 180, 267. Biggs, 252. Bigham, 88. Bigland, 194. Biglow, 239. Bigman, 79. Bigod, 233. Bigonet, 220. Bigot, 24, 24. Bigwood, 127, 136. Bik, 10. Bilboe, 188. Bilger, 198. Bill, 31, 190, 252. Billing, 90. Billings, 90. Billman, 218. Billow, 134. Bills, 218. Billy, 55. Bilson, 237. Bilye, 225. Binder, 202. Bindless, 50. Bindloose, 29. Binney, 179. Binns, 179, 179. Binnse, 246. Biot, 4. Birch, 28, 136, 137, 138. Birchmore, 136. Bird, 113. Birdsall, 113. Birdsell, 118. Birdseye, 121. Birmingham, 87. Birner, 149. Birnstill, 149. Births, 5. 278 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Bis, 29. Bishop, 199. Bishoprick, 199. Bishpan, 246. Biss, 29, 29, 158. Bissey, 205. Bitch, 110. Biteman, 67. Bitter, 67. Bitterman, 74. Bitters, 227. Bitting, 213. Bittle, 246. Black, 165. Blackadder, 125, 125. Blackadore, 252. Blackbird, 113, 118. Blackburn, 239. Blackden, 166. Blackee, 167. Blacker, 166. Blackford, 133, 134. Blackhall, 166, 172. Blackie, 167, 167. Blackitt, 165. Blacklaw, 189. Blackleach, 125, 252. Blacklock, 86, 94. Blackman, 166. Blackmer, 166. Blackmonster, 73. Blackmoore, 266. Blackmore, 166, 167. Blacksmith, 204. Blackstock, 102, 166. Blackstone, 166, 189, 239. Blackwall, 172. Blackwood, 136, 137. Blade, 220, 220. Blades, 221. Blague, 243. Blain, 246. Blake, 243. Blarney, 66, 71. Blanchpied, 243. Bland, 66, 69. Blank, 42. Blankett, 177. Blankman, 42. Blantaine, 252. Blase, 150, 151. Blazo, 150. Bleacher, 205. Bleak, 148. Bleakhorn, 148. Blea'kley, 147, 148. Blear, 85. Blease, 246. Bledsoe, 220. Bleeker, 147. Bleight, 34. Bless, 233. Blessing, 233, 233. Blest, 233. Blew, 148, 165. Blewey, 165. Bli, 10. Bligh, 34, 34. Blind, 85. Blinko, 252. Blinn, 246. Blish, 266. Blithe, 65. Blitz, 147. Block, 169, 169. Blonde, 85. Blood, 7, 218. Bloodgood, 79, 227, 227. Bloom, 85, 140. Bloombaum, 137. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 279 Bloomer, 54, 85, 85. Bloomfield, 128, 128, 140. Bloomingdale, 129. Blooms, 140. Bloomy, 39. Bios, 246. Blossom, 140, 140. Blott, 25. Blow, 148, 149. Blower, 79. Blowers, 79. Blue, 165. Blumenbach, 143. Blumpey, 243. Blunder, 45. Blunt, 66. Blush, 70. Blute, 246. Bly, 8, 65. Boal, 180. Board, 173. Boardman, 202. Boarman, 107. Boate, 197, 198. Boatman, 197, 198. Boats, 197. Boaze, 54. Bobson, 237. Booking, 176. Bockius, 251. Bocock, 115. Boddy, 52, 53. Boddye, 52. Bodfish, 119. Bodkin, 25. Body, 52, 52. Boe, 10. Bogel, 48. Bogen, 219. Bogg, 128. Boggs, 128. Boggust, 252. Bogly, 130. Bogman, 128. Bogy, 37. Boh, 10. Bohemion, 95. Bohrer, 62. Boies, 50. Boil, 150. Boileau, 37. Boiler, 150. Boils, 226. Boit, 246. Bok, 10. Bold, 60, 63. Bolde, 63. Bole, 181. Boleg, 83. Boles, 179. Bolles, 179. Bolster, 32, 176. Bolt, 172. Bolter, 32. Boltins, 207. Bom, 10. Bonaparte, 20. Bonbright, 84. Bond, 50. Bone, 52, 81, 105, 122. Bones, 53, 105. Bonesteel, 104, 105. Boney, 79, 81, 85. Bongarten, 128, 252. Bonheur, 58. Boniface, 25, 86. Bonnemot, 58. Bonnet, 104. Bonnett, 104. Bonney, 83. 280 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Bonnier, 85. Bonny, 85. Bonnycastle, 168. Boody, 246. Book, 185, 185. Booker, 185. Bookman, 185, 185. Bookstore, 170, 186. Boom, 164, 198. Boomep, 218. Boon, 196. Boone, 196. Boor, 85. Boorman, 85. Boos, 252. Boosey, 229. Boot, 104. Booth, 169. Boott, 32. Bootman, 202. Booz, 229. Booze, 229. Boozer, 229. Bordman, 202. Bordridge, 172. Boreman, 60, 108. Borland, 127. Born, 94. Borrow, 192. Borrowman, 205. Borrows, 192. Borrowscale, 121. Bors, 246. Bos, 10, 10, 110. Bosch, 233. Bosh, 234. Bosom, 50. Bosquet, 143. Boss, 25. Bossey, 107. Bossom, 50. Boston, 97. ■ Bosworth, 98. Both, 158. Bott, 125, 246. Bottcher, 84. Bottel, 180. Bottle, 209. Bottles, 180. Bottom, 37, 131. Bottomley, 131. Botts, 125. Botume, 246. Boulanger, 164. Boulder, 131. Boulds, 252. Bound, 160. Bounty, 196. Bouquet, 142. Bourne, 160. Bouves, 246. Bow, 10. Bowd, 83, 252. Bowdish, 180. Bowditch, 172, 180, 220, 239. Bowdry, 33. Bowe, 218. Bowell, 53. Bowels, 52. Bower, 127. Bowers, 127. Bowes, 218. Bowl, 180. Bowler, 216. Bowles, 63, 179, 216, 217. Bowlinwater, 32. Bowman, 218. Bowzer, 246. Box, 8, 179. Boxall, 222. INDEX OF SURNAMES, 281 Boxer, 223. Boy, 50. Boycot, 50. Boye, 50. Boyle, 150. Boylen, 150. Boys, 50, 50. Boyson, 90. Boze, 246. Braan, 246. Brace, 102. Bracegirdle, 102. Brackett, 171. Bradbury, 238. Brade, 106. Bradfield, 267. Bradford, 133, 238. Bradfute, 80. Brading, 238. Bradlee, 239. Bradley, 128. Bradshaw, 128, 239. Bradstreet, 178, 240. Bradvvay, 179. Brady, 37. Brager, 70. Bragg, 63, 70. Braid, 106. Brain, 51, 52. Braine, 51, 52. Brains, 52. Brake, 214. Brakeman, 214. Braker, 135. Bralley, 222. Bram, 250. Bramah, 37. Braman, 110. Bramble, 145, 145. Bran, 145, 145, 145. Branch, 138. Brand, 150, 150. Branda, 230. Brande, 150. Brander, 33. Brands, 151. Brane, 267. Brant, 116, 118. Brash, 34, 246. Brason, 187. Brass, 175. Brassbridge, 133. Brassgirdle, 105. Brassey, 166. Brassy, 166. Bratt, 92, 92. Braun, 123. Bravo, 222. Brawn, 122. Bray, 162, 163, 240. Bray man, 110. Brazer, 202. Brazier, 202. Brazill, 96. Bread, 207, 208. Breake, 180. Breaker, 133. Breakey, 180. Breakwill, 28. Breams, 119. Breck, 246. Breckenbury, 11. Bredcake, 208. Bredin, 87. Bree, 246. Breecher, 28. Breed, 107. Breeding, 86. Breeol, 252. Breeze, 147. 36 282 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Breising, 252. Brew, 202, 204. Brewer, 202. Brewster, 202. Brick, 39, 175, 175, 175. Brickhed, 60. Bricklayer, 39. Brickley, 128. Brickman, 205. Brick wood, 175. Bride, 54, 90. Bridecake, 208. Brideoak, 137. Bridge, 133, 178. Bridgit, 56. Bridle, 212, 212, 213. Brier, 139. Brigg, 196. Briggs, 196. Brigham, 238. Bright, 65. Brightman, 65. Brigman, 196. Brigstock, 198. Brim, 160. Brimlow, 160. Brimmer, 21. Brims, 160. Brindle, 109. Brine, 7. Brines, 210. Brink, 160, 160. Brinkman, 160. Brinley, 239. Briscoe, 246. Brisk, 71, 75. Brisker, 76. Brissel, 122. Bristleham, 7. Bristol, 98. Brittain, 95. Brittell, 190. , Britton, 95. Broach, 34. Broad, 15, 79. Broadbeck, 239. Broadbelt, 102. Broadbent, 83. Broadbrooks, 244. Broaders, 252. Broadfoot, 81, 85. Broadhead, 79. Broadwater, 39, 135. Broadway, 178. Brodhag, 85. Brodnax, 34. Brogan, 102. Broke, 193. Broker, 43. Bromfield, 128. Bronte, 148. Brood, 116- Brookhouse, 168. Brookmire, 132. Brooks, 15. Broom, 176, 179, 267. Broomhall, 170. Brother, 90. Brothers, 90, 91. Brotherson, 90, 91. Brougham, 243. Brounbill, 113, 218. Brouner, 166. Brouning, 166. Brouse, 108. Brow, 53. Brown, 82, 165. Brownbill, 113. Browner, 166. Browning, 166. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 283 Brownrig, 106. Brownrigg, 102, 106. Brownsmith, 204. Broyler, 151. , Brubbs, 246. Bruce, 37. Brude, 115. Bruin, 107, 111. Brummagim, 192. Brunette, 84. Brunnon, 252. Brunswick, 36. Brunt, 218. Brush, 176, 179. Brusher, 176. Brussel, 97. Brutus, 62. Bry, 9, 10, 10. Bryant, 15. Bryer, 138. Bub, 10, 246. Bubb, 34, 254. Bubey, 60. Buch, 184. Buck, 107, 110. Buckett, 209. Buckey, 109. Buckford, 133. Buckholder, 205. Buckland, 129. Buckle, 105, 106. Buckleman, 107, 202. Buckler, 219, 220, 222. Buckles, 103. Buckman, 107. Buckmaster, 107, 112. Bud, 8, 140. Budd, 140. Budds, 141. Buddy, 141. Budge, 75, 76. Budget, 184. Buff, 165. Buffet, 222. Bugbee, 124. . Bugden, 124. Bugg, 124. Buggey, 124, 212. Buggs, 124. Buggy, 124, 212. Bugler, 220. Bugless, 124. Builder, 39. Bulbeet, 144. Bulby, 144. Bulfinch, 113. Bulger, 79. Bulk, 81. Bulkley, 79. Bull, 107, 110. Bullard, 107. Bulley, 64. Bullman, 107. Bullock, 107. Bulmer, 252. Bulpit, 171. Bumm, 53. Bump, 228. Bumpus, 224. Bumside, 244. Bumstead, 239. Bun, 203. Bunch, 88. Bundy, 246. Bunn, 202, 208. Buntin, 219. Bunting, 113. Bunyan, 225. Buoncore, 57. Burch, 138. 284 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Burchstead, 239. Bureau, 176, 176. Burg, 168. Burgess, 168. Burgthal, 30. Burk, 222. Burke, 258. Burley, 79. Burlingame, 215. Burn, 133, 149. Burnap, 152. Burnett, 149. Burnham, 149. Burnish, 202. Burns, 149. Burnside, 133, 244. Burnup, 151. Burr, 138, 138, 140. Burrliouse, 170. Burrough, 168. Burroughs, 108. Burrow, 111. Burst, 190. Burstall, 193. Burtch, 138. Buryhill, 5. Bush, 138. Bushell, 159, 180. Bushey, 139. Bushway, 139. Busk, 101. Buske, 101. Buss, 90, 213. Bussell, 102. Bussing, 91. Bussman, 91. Bustard, 116, 118. Bustin, 79. Buswell, 90. Butcher, 32, 202, 203, 223. Butt, 179, 232, 267. Butten, 102. Butter, 207, 208, 208. Butterfield, 128. Buttermore, 207. Butters, 207. Butterworth, 207, 267. Buttery, 171. Button, 102, 104. Buttonman, 202. Buttress, 169. Buttrey, 208. Buttry, 171. Butts, 179, 180. Buzzard, 113. Buzzell, 246. By, 232. Bye, 187. Byers, 26, 197. Bygod, 233. Byler, 150. Byles, 225. Byron, 137, 242. Bytheway, 232. Byus, 197, 246. Bywaters, 246. Cabb, 213. Cabbage, 145. Cable, 197. Caddick, 246. - Caddy, 177. Cady, 197. Cade, 25. Cadet, 94. Cadmus, 37. Caesar, 36. Cage, 116. Caillouil, 252. Cain, 35. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 285 Cairns, 168. Cake, 209. Cakebred, 208. Caldbeck, 135. Calder, 246. Caleb, 236. Calef, 107. Calf, 107. Calfe, 107. Calking, 197. Calkins, 197, 197. Call, 162. Callaway, 163. Callender, 154. Callow, 115. Calm, 61. Calnan, 246. Calvin, 235. Cam, 8, 96. Cambridge, 97. Came, 26, 246. Camel, 107. Camp, 218, 221. Campbell, 218. Can, 8, 179. Canada, 96. Canale, 98. Canan, 246. Canary, 113. Cande, 209. Candee, 209, -209. Candell, 177. Candido, 167. Candidus, 59. Candlish, 177. Candor, 57. Candy, 209, 209. Cane, 35, 35. Caneday, 246. Canegally, 246. Caner, 32. Cann, 179, 181. Cannel, 151. Canney, 70. Cannon, 218. Canny, 70. Cant, 70. Canter, 212, 213. Canterbury, 97. Cantey, 66. Canty, 70. Cantwell, 70. Cape, 104. Capers, 75. Capes, 103. Capewell, 133. Capon, 118. Capp, 100. Cappe, 105. Capper, 101, 106. Capps, 100. Capron, 113. Capt, 199. Captain, 199. Car, 8. Cara, 54. Carabine, 218. Carary, 97. Caravan, 99. Card, 214, 215. Cardial, .246. Cardinal, 199. Cards, 216. Care, 63. Careless, 63, 73. Caress, 92. Cargo, 198. Carivano, 252. Cark, 69. Carl, 235. 286 NDEX OF SURNAxMES. Carland, 38. Carlaw, 189. Carlish, 97. Carlisle, 97. Carman, 205, 214. Carnes, 246. Caron, 96. Carp, 120. Carpenter, 202, 203. Carr, 25, 214. Carrack, 196. Carret, 144. Carribine, 218. Carrick, 196. Carrier, 200, 202, 204. Carrique, 197. Carrol, 14. Carroll, 162, 163. Cars, 43, 214. Carter, 202. Carthouse, 168. Cartland, 130. Cartledge, 246. Cartlidge, 122. Cartman, 39. Cartwright, 202. Carty, 25, 43. Carver, 202. Carveth, 39. Carwithie, 252. Cary, 246. Casco, 96. Case, 14, 186, 188. Casement, 172, 173. Cash, 190. Cashdollar, 190. Cashman, 190. Cashmere, 103. Caske, 179. Caskey, 180. Casmay, 246. Casper, 235. Casteene, 97. Castell, 168. Caster, 204. Castin, 246. Castle, 168. Castles, 168. Castor, 180. Casty, 246. Cat, 108, 267. Catchpole, 187, 188. Cate, 54, 209. Cately, 209. Cater, 209, 229. Cates, 209, 246. Catesmole, 109. Catle, 107. Catlet, 110. Cato, 37. Cattell, 109. Cattermole, 109. Cattle, 107. Catts, 108. Catulus, 110. Caul, 123. Caulback, 246. Caule, 122. Caulk, 198. Caulkins, 197, 197. Caulter, 180. Caup, 246. Causey, 178, 178. Cave, 130. Cavendish, 28. Cavendy, 28. Caw, 163. Cealens, 172. Ceaven, 159. Cedarbloom, 138. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 287 Cellar, 173. Celsus, 88. Cent, 191. Center, 160. Centlivre, 184. Centre, 160. Cerf, 50. Chace, 212. Chaddock, 142. Chaff, 45. Chain, 265. Chalice, 179. Chalk, 27. Chalker, 34. Challenger, 219, 221 Challis, 179. Chaloup, 197. Chamber, 171. Chamberlain, 200. Chambers, 171. Champagne, 231. Champernoone, 11. Champion, 218, 221. Chance, 216. Chancellor, 186. Chandler, 202. Channel, 133, 135. Chant, 163. Chapeau, 98. Chaplain, 199. Chapman, 202. Chapp, 98. Chappel, 168. Chappell, 168. Chard, 143, 246. Charity, 196, 196. Charles, 96, 235. Charon, 96. Chart, 197. Charter, 25. Chase, 136, 212. Chasm, 131. Chasse, 164. Chasty, 58. Chatel, 38. Chater, 72, 267. Chatfish, 120. Chatman, 72, 108. Chattin, 72, 73. Chatton, 72, 73. Chatwell, 72. Chaussee, 164. Cheap, 198, 198. Cheare, 231. Cheater, 63. Check, 191. Cheeke, 52, 52. Cheekly, 50. Cheeks, 51. Cheer, 163. Cheese, 208. Cheeseman, 202. Cheetham, 44. Cheke, 52. Chemin, 178. Chequer, 214. Cherry, 61. Cherry, 142. Chess, 214. Chessman, 214. Chest, 179. Chester, 97. Chestly, 50. Chestnut, 136, 145. Chestnutwood, 136. Chevalier, 199. Chew, 22, 22. Chewit, 22. Cheyne, 122. Chick, 113. 288 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Chicken, 113. Chickey, 113. Chickling, 118. Child, 50. Children, 92, 264. Chilley, 147. Chillman, 151, 151. Chin, 51, 52. Chine, 123. Chinn, 51, 52. Chinneiy, 52. Chip, 151, 151. Chipman, 202. Chipp, 151. Chippey, 151. Chimes, 179. Chirpsir, 162. Chisels, 28. Chism, 246. Chithrick, 246. Chitty, 252, 254. Chizel, 180. Chizen, 246. Choice, 90. Cholar, 66. Cholmondeley, 243. Chose, 91. Chowder, 22. Chraister, 47. Chrichton, 28. Christ, 47. Christal, 175. Christe, 47. Christer, 47. Christian, 47. Christman, 47. Christmas, 48, 154. Christopher, 235. Chris topherson, 11, 11. Chrystal, 175'. Chrysty, 47. Chub, 120. Chubb, 120. Chubbe, 120. Chubbuck, 121. Chuck, 110. Church, 23, 168. Churchill, 170, 239. Churchman, 23. Churchyard, 170. Churn, 180. Chute, 31, 246. Chyne, 122. Cicero,. 146. ' Cid, 10. Ciders, 229. Cilley, 60. Cinnamon, 39. . Cisco, 242. City, 168. Civil, 68. Civill, 61. Clack, 72. Clacker, 72, 264. Clad, 104. Clampett, 36. Clam pit, 36. Clampitt, 36. Clancy, 17. Clap, 162. Clapp, 162. Clapper, 163. Claret, 230. Clark, 199. Clarke, 20. Clash, 222. Class, 98. Clat, 172. Claude, 235. Clawson, 122. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 289 Clay, 128. Clay born, 131. Claypole, 141. Clay pool, 131. Clays, 128. Claystone, 130. Clear, 59, 73. Clearraan, 61. Clearwater, 134. Cleaver, 179, 180, 180. Cleaze, 252. Clegg, 246. Clement, 66. Clench, 222. CLendinin, 246. Clerk, 200. Clerkin, 246. Cleu, 182. Clever, 61. Cleverly, 59. Clewley, 252. Clide, 96. Cliff, 127. Clifford, 133. Clift, 127. Climax, 42. Climb, 77. Clime, 96. Climie, 77. Clinch, 32, 222. Cline, 246. Cling, 92. Clinger, 92. Clink, 163. Clinkard, 252. Clipp, 27. Clive, 173. Cloak, 102, 104. Cloas, 102. Clock, 22. Close, 127, 127, 191, 194. Closer, 194. Clothier, 202, 205. Cloud, 49. Cloudman, 49. Cloutman, 102, 202. Clover, 139, 143, 145. Cloves, 209. Club, 223. Clubbe, 223. Clum, 68. Clutter, 84. Clutterbuck, 83, 252. Clymer, 77. Coache, 213. Coachman, 205. Coad, 186. Coal, 151, 151. Coale, 151. Coan, 182. Coar, 142. Coarser, 79. Coast, 134. Coates, 25, 102. Coats, 245. Cobb, 124, 140. Cock, 114. Cockburn, 243. Cockerell, 115, 117. Cockerill, 115. Cockeye, 88. Cocking, 219. Cockle, 121. Cockrell, 114. Cocks, 114. Cockshot, 221. Cockson, 214. Codd, 120, 121. Codding, 119. Codex, 188. •67 290 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Codey, 186. Codley, 119. Codman, 119, 122. Codner, 252. Codomanus, 122. Codwise, 119, 247. Cody, 119. Coe, 8. Coess, 252. Coffee, 207. Coffin, 4. Coffinberry, 265. Coffing, 225. Coffman, 226. Coffre, 191. Coignac, 230. Coil, 208, 210. Coin, 190, 191. Coiner, 205. Cokar, 151. Coke, 151, 151, 189. Cokely, 151. Coker, 202. Colbath, 147. Colburn, 239. Colcock, 114. Colder, 151. Coldwell, 134. Cole, 150, 151. Colegrove, 244. Coleman, 202. Colfish, 22. Colflesh, 22. Collar, 102, 104. Coller, 101. Collier, 202. Collingbourne, 11. Colman, 30, 202. Colmire, 131. Colombine, 143. Colon, 185. Coloney, 98. Colonius, 98. Colony, 98. Colt, 107. Colthirst, 230. Coltman, 107. Columbus, 37, 257. Colwell, 244. Comb, 102. Comber, 246. Comboy, 246. Combs, 102. Comer, 26. Comes, 26. Comet, 49. Comfort, 67. Comly, 83, 85. Commal, 185. Commander, 199. Commodus, 88. Comsett, 246. Concha, 121. Cocklayne, 18. Conder, 117. Condit, 133. Cone, 182. Coney, 107. Conger, 119.' Congreve, 257. Conklyn, 18. Conn, 183. Conologue, 246. Conover, 184. Conquest, 218, 220. Conrad, 235. Conscience, 73. Constable, 186, 189. Constant, 61, 71. Content, 61. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 291 Converse, 72. Convey, 213. Convoy, 213. Conway, 97. Conybeare, 111. Coo, 163. Coobler, 205. Cook, 200. Cooker, 205. Cookman, 200, 205. Cookson, 200, 202. Cool, 65. Coolbroth, 22. Coolidge, 239. Cooling, 151. Coon, 107, 110. Cooney, 110. Coons, 110. Coop, 115. Cooper, 24, 202. . Coops, 115. Coot, 118, 118. Coote, 113, 117. Coots, 113, 118. Cop, 8. Cope, 102. Copeman, 105. Copenhagen, 97. Copes, 105. Copestick, 160. Copley, 252, 265. Copp, 246. Copperman, 190. Coppers, 190. Copperthorn, 139. Coquerel, 115. Coram, 99. Coran, 24. Corbett, 113, 116. Cord, 151, 210, 211. Corderoy, 101. Cordial, 61, 228. Cordiner, 202. Cordis, 6. Cords, 210. Core, 142. Corinth, 98. Cork, 97, 136. Corker, 202, 228. Corkery, 230. Corlew, 113. Corn, 145, 145. Come, 144. Cornelia, 54. Cornelius, 235. Corner, 161. Cornett, 199, 220. Cornhill, 144. Cornice, 171. Cornman, 205. Corolleiauer, 11. Corp, 246. Corporal, 199, 245. Corpse, 5. Corral, 134. Correster, 162. Corse, 5. Corsey, 5. . Cosine, 182. Cosset, 92. Cossit, 90. Cost, 190, 191. Costley, 191. Cot, 169. Cotchett, 246. Cotter, 202, 205. Cottle, 29. Cottman, 169, 205. Couch, 176. Coughamour, 227. 292 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Cought, 188. Couland, 127. Coull, 104. Coult, 108. Council, 99. Councilman, 200, 200. Count, 90. Counter, 215. Countess, 56. Countraman, 96. Countryman, 205. Countsell, 187. County, 168. Couples, 158. Couplet, 184. Cource, 161. Courier, 267. Courser, 107. Court, 90, 186, 187. Courteous, 65. Courter, 91. Courtin, 91. Courts, 187. Cousen, 92. Cousens, 90, 91. Cousin, 92, 92. Cousins, 90^92. Cove, 133. Covert, 25. Covey, 115, 117. Cow, 108, 111. Coward, 73, 73. Cowden, 107. Cowgill, 121. , Cowherd, 205. Cowhig, 107. Cowing, 70. Cowles, 102. Cowley, 131. Cowls, 102. Cowman, 107. Cowthred, 107. Cox, 8, 114. Coxed, 115. Coy, 8. Coyle, 197, 222. Coyne, 190. Cozier, 29. Cozine, 182. Cozzen, 91. Cozzens, 90. Crabb, 122. Crabbe, 121. Crabbie, 66. Crabs, 120. Crabtree, 13, 136. Crack, 149. Crackbon, 32. Crackbone, 30. Crackett, 34. Crackey, 83. Crackstone, 33. Craft, 205. Crafts, 205. Cragg, 127. Cragmire, 131. Craig, 127. Craighead, 131. Craigie, 127. Crain, 179, 180. Craine, 113. Crall, 70. Cram, 22. Cramp, 225, 225, 226, 226. Cranberry, 145. Crane, 113. Crank, 214. Cranmer, 252. Crasher, 223. Crassus, 79, 89. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 293 Cravat, 103. Cravath, 101. Craven, 60, 63. Craw, 34, 120, 250. Crawfoot, 86. Crawford, 133. Crawshaw, 246. Crawshay, 101. Craze, 62. Creak, 174. Creake, 174. Cream, 209. Creamer, 207, 209. Crease, 122. Creasy, 122. Creech, 246. Creed, 23. Creeper, 77. Cress, 143. Cressy, 98. Creter, 230. Crewe, 117. Cribb, 176. Cribbin, 192. Cribbs, 176. Cribby, 192. Crick, 252. Cricke, 252. Cricket, 124. Crier, 162, 186. Crimlisk, 246. Crimson, 165. Crisp, 150, 150. Crispe, 150. Crispin, 150. Crispy, 83, 150. Cristal, 175. Croak, 66, 86, 162. Croakham, 252. Crock, 123. Crocker, 202. Crocum, 252. Croe, 113. Crofoot, 86. Croft, 127. Croker, 162. Crone, 56, 56, 85. Croney, 93. Crook, 83. Crooke, 83. Crooker, 83. Crookshanks, 83. Crop, 125. Cropp, 145. Cropper, 27, 205. Cropps, 246. Crosby, 66. Croscup, 68. Crosier, 199. Cross, 66, 68. Crossman, 66. Cross way, 178. Crotch, 86. Crouch, 63, 70, 245. Crow, 113. Crowd, 98. Crowder, 78. Crowe, 113, 116. Crowhurst, 132. Crowin, 115. Crowley, 132. Crown, 190. Crowninshield, 11, 244. Crozier, 199. Crucifix, 169. Cruckshanks, 85. Crudup, 34. Cruice, 228. Cruikshanks, 85. Cruise, 228. 294 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Crum, 23. Crumb, 23. Crumbley, 60. Crummy, 23. Crump, 246, 250. Crumpecker, 115. Cruse, 227. Cruso, 156. Crusoe, 156. Crutch, 227. Crutchfield, .85. Crystal, 175. Cubitt, 160. Cuckold, 92. Cuckoo, 117. Cuckow, 116. Cud, 125. Cudd, 109. Cuddeback, 85. Cuddy, 196, 246. Cudworth, 107, 246. Cue, 214. Cuff, 102, 222. Cuffe, 224. Cull, 64, 246. Cully, 74. Culverhouse, 265. Cumback, 15. Cumber, 75, 246. Cumberland, 130. Cumley, 85. Cumming, 26. Cundy, 246. Cunning, 265. Cunningham, 238. Cuntz, 246. Curd, 208. Cure, 227, 228. Curick, 247. Curius, 89. Curl, 83. Curlew, 113. Curley, 83. Curll, 84. Curly, 83. Curlyhead, 83. Curr, 110. Cur ran, 37. Currant, 132, 141. Currants, 142. Currier, 202. Curry, 212, 212, 247. Cursin, 233. Curtain, 176. Curtin, 176. Curwithie, 252. Cushim, 233. Cushing, 19, 176. Cuskly, 120. Cust, 233. Custard, 209, 209. Cutbush, 139. Cutcliff, 127, 247 Cutler, 202. Cutlock, 174. Cutter, 202. Cutting, 40, 202. Cuttler, 205. Cutts, 218. Cuzens, 90. Cyfer, 42. Cypher, 42. Cyphers, 42. Cyprus, 136. Cyr, 250. Cys, 250. Dabbs, 25. Dace, 121. Dadd, 90. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 295 Daddo, 33. Dady, 90, 92. Daffy, 70, 70. Daft, 62. Dager, 220. Dagger, 218, 221. Daguerre, 257. Dailey, 155. Dainty, 22, 23. Dairy, 208. Dais, 176. Daisey, 144. Dale, 127. Daley, 155. Dally, 76, 77. Dam, 8, 25, 128. Dambman, 233. Dame, 54. Damm, 233, 233. Damman, 233. Dammin, 233. Damon, 90. Dan, 236. Dana, 15. Dance, 164, 164, 164, 164. Dancer, 164, 164, 164. Dancey, 164, 164. Dandy, 83, 83, 247. Dane, 95. Danforth, 239. Dangerfield, 219. Dangers, 219. Daniell, 235. Dante, 37. Dapmar, 247. Darch, 33. Dardy, 247. Dare, 60, 63, 64. Dares, 68. Dark, 84, 156. Darke, 156. Darken, 34. Darker, 166. Darkies, 166. Darling, 90. Darner, 233. Darrah, 247. Darroll, 252. Dart, 218, 220. Dartady, 247. Dasey, 142. Dash, 70. Dasha, 247. Dashe, 70. Dashwood, 247. Date, 155. Dau, 118. Daub, 25, 166. Daunt, 65. David, 235. Davids, 237. Davidson, 237. Davie, 37. Davies, 237. Davis, 18, 237. Davison, 237. Daw, 10, 113, 117. Dawes, 113. Dawn, 167. Dawson, 113, 117. Dax, 10. Day, 155. Daycock, 114. Day foot, 155. Dayman, 155. Days, 155. Daze, 144. Dea, 10, 267. Deacey, 247. Deacon, 27. 296 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Deadman, 4, 5. Deady, 5.. Deal, 214, 215. Dealey, 214. Dealfaro, 214. Dealing, 216. Dealling, 214. Deally, 214. Deals, 214. Dean, 199. Dear, 90, 91. Dearbird, 1 17. Dearborn, 90. Dearby, 247. Deare, 91. Dearing, 238. Dearraan, 91. Dears, 90. Dearth, 21. Deary, 90, 91. Deas, 8. Death, 4. Debby, 55. Debell, 49. De Belle Eau, 242. De Camp, 76. Decharms, 84. Decius, 158. Deck, 196. Decke, 196. Dee, 8, 9. Deeds, 188. Deel, 214. Deer, 107. Deery, 91. Deffick, 252. Defoe, 28. Defriez, 147. De Frites, 247. Degg, 33. Degree, 182. De L' Angle, 182. Delay, 26. Delight, 44. Dell, 127. Del Negro, 167., Delver, 202. Delvin, 25. Demeritt, 57. Demme, 233. Demuth, 70. Dench, 247. Denio, 43. Denne, 127. Dent, 50, 52. Dentatus, 89. Denyer, 43. Deo, 10. De Pew, 170. Deplore, 61. De Porquet, 107. Depty, 13. Deputy, 200. Derbishire, 97. Derbyshire, 97. Derrick, 25, 172. Derth, 21. Desert, 127. De Silver, 190. Detter, 187. Dettrick, 252. Deturbe, 247. Deuel, 265. Deuell, 49. Devar, 247. Deven, 252. ■ Devens, 247. Deverill, 252. Devil, 49. Devine, 40. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 297 Devlin, 49. Devonshire, 97. Devotion, 5. Dew, 147. Dewey, 147. DeWolf, 107. De Worde, 185. Dexter, 50. Dey, 199. D'Honneur, 58. Dialogue, 73. Diamond, 100. Dibble, 49. Dibblee, 247. Dick, 237. Dickens, 233. Dickerman, 197. Dickers, 198. Dickey, 101, 105. Dickins, 232. Dickman, 237. Dickson, 237. Dicy, 216. Diehl, 49. Dier, 205. Dieter, 22. Dietman, 227. Diety, 22. Diffendaffer, 11. Diggins, 34, 131. Diggles, 247. Diggs, 205. Dignum, 58. Dike, 128. Dikes, 128. DiU, 247. Dillenback, 247. Diman, 202. Dinely, 6. Ding, 163. Dingie, 166. Dingle, 131. Dingwell, 247. Dingy, 165. Dining, 22. Dinn, 163. Dinnin, 162. Dinning, 162. Dinter, 247. Dippie, 149. Dipple, 33. Dirkin, 223. Disch, 247. Disher, 200. Dishman, 200. Distill, 230. Ditcher, 202. Ditchfield, 132. Dito, 42. Ditson, 35. Ditton, 35, 35. Divan, 176. Diver, 77. Divers, 79. Dives, 194. Divin, 78. Dix, 8, 158, 237. Dixon, 237. Dixwell, 15. Dizer, 247. Doak, 247. Dobbin, 107. Dock, 197, 198. Docket, 186. Dockham, 193, 247. Dockum, 194. Dod, 8, 10. Dodge, 71. Doe, 8, 107, 187. Doer, 60. 38 298 INDEX OF .SURNAMES. Does, 111. Dohr, 171. Doldt, 60. Dole, 196. Dolfin, 119. Doll, 74, 81, 85. Dolley, 55. Dolls, 85. Dolly, 54. Dolphin, 121. Dolt, 60. Domblide, 252. Domblider, 252. Domingo, 95. Don, 10. Donald, 235. Donke,- 62. Donner, 147. Doolady, 43. Doolittle, 60. Door, 173. Dore, 171, 174. Dorey, 214. Dorion, 252. Dorn, 138. Dorothy, 56. Dorr, 13. Dory, 119, 196. Dos, 10. Doton, 90. Dotter, 166. Dotts, 166. Double, 159. Doubleday, 155. Doubt, 73. Doubty, 79. Doudican, 247. Doudle, 85. Doudy, 85. Dough, 207. Doughty, 79. Douney, 130, 131. Douty, 79. Dove, 113, 116. Dow, 8, 165. Dowdell, 60, 60. Dowdle, 85. Dowdy, 62, 85. Dower, 195. Dowlettell, 60. Down, 32. Downie, 131. Downs, 128. Downy, 131. Dowse, 147, 149. Dox, 9. Doy, 263. Dozeville, 157. Dragon, 125. Drain, 31. Drainey, 31. Drake, 113, 116. Drakeman, 117. Dram, 230, 230. Drane, 31. Draper, 33, 202. Drawbridge, 178. Drax, 33. Dray, 180, 212. Dredge, 172. Dresser, 100. Drew, 247. Dreyer, 21, 229. Driggs, 231. Drinkard, 230. Drinkdreggs, 231. Drinker, 21. Drinkhouse, 170. Drinkmilk, 230. Drinkwater, 22. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 299 Dripps, 149. Driver, 200. Droll, 60, 61. Droolby, 87. Dropsie, 226. Drought, 231. Drown, 133. Drudge, 203. Drum, 219, 220. Drumm, 219. Drummer, 218, 219. Drummey, 219. Drunken, 230. Dryden, 37, 127. Dryer, 231. Dryman, 228. Drysdale, 132. Dublett, 102. Ducat, 191. Duck, 113, 117, 118. Ducker, 148, 149. Duckett, 191. Ducklow, 30. Duckman, 116. Ducom, 43. Dudgeon, 66. Dudifit, 43. Duely, 187. Duff, 247. Duffey, 18. Duke,' 198. Dull, 61. Dullard, 61. Dulles, 32. Dulley, 60, 61. Dulmage, 61. Dum, 72. Dummer, 21. Dummkopf, 60. Dumsday, 5. Dun, 8, 10, 187. Dunbar, 97. Duncan, 235. Dunham, 190. Dunn, 18. Dunner, 187. Dunning, 44. Dunstable, 97. Dupe, 64. Duquid, 247. Durivage, 133. Dusen, 158. Dust, 27. Dustin, 247. Dutch, 95. Dutton, 35. Duty, 57. Dux, 10. Duy, 10. Duzzen, 158. Dwelle, 247. Dwelley, 247. Dwelshauvers, 11, Dyball, 166. Dyce, 216. Dyde, 5. Dye, 166. Dyer, 202. Dyes, 210. Dyke, 128. Dykes, 128. Dyre, 202. Dytch, 131. Eachman, 194. Ead, 10. Eager, 71. Eagle, 117. Eagles, 117. Ea 192, 193, 194. Tyus, 28. Tyzzer, 249. Uch, 10. Udrink, 231. Udy, 10. Ugly, 88. Uhl, 9. Ulier, 64. Ulm, 10. Ulp, 10. tJna, 10. Unbehin, 250. Underfinger, 85. Underhay, 253. Underhill, 127, 239. Underwood, 127, 239. Unett, 158. Unger, 21. Unit, 159. Unn, 10. Unruh, 71. Unwin, 216. Unz, 10. Upper, 81, 158. Ure, 8, 9, 10, 10. Uriah, 236. Uricoechea, 34. Urin, 123. Usher, 183, 200. Utt, 10. Utter, 73, 185. Utz, 10. Vail, 102, 127. Vaill, 102. Val, 9. Vale, 127. Valentine, 90. Vallee, 127. Vallet, 200. Valley, 131. Valliant, 221. Valory, 219. Value, 73, 74. Van, 213. Vanbushirk, 253. Vandall, 95. Vandeleer, 254. Vanderhoof, 122. Vanderslice, 249. Vane, 152, 152. Vanear, 171. Vanella, 144. 374 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Vanhattem, 33. Van Oven, 172. Van Rensselaer, 240. Vans, 249. Vansickle, 180. Vantassle, 102. Vanvoorkis, 254. Vanwinkle, 29. Vanwinkler, 29. Varro, 88. Vary, 182. Vassal, 50. Vast, 201. Vatas, 33. Vaughan, 81. Vaux, 254. Veacock, 114. Veager, 249. Veal, 107, 242. Veber, 249. Veer, 197. Veil, 102. Veiller, 73. Venn, 253. Venner, 253. Vension, 108. Vent, 26. Venter, 51. Ventress, 51. Verge, 160. Vergoose, 45. Verity, 24. Vermilye, 166. Vernal, 154. Verplank, 171. Versey, 185. Vertue, 73. Very, 42, 43. Vesper, 157, 157. Vespre, 157. Vessel, 196. Vessels, 197. Vest, 38, 104, 245. Vesterman, 199. Vesty, 102. Vetch, 144. Vey, 10. Vghl, 44. Viall, 179. Vibert, 253. Vice, 73, 73, 73. Vickars, 201. Victor, 221. Victorine, 102. Victorson, 221. Victory, 221. Viers, 253. Vietz, 249. Vieuxteraps, 94. Vifven, 254. Vigilante, 26. Vigkle, 249. Vigor, 228. Village, 168. Vine, 140, 141. Vinebush, 144. Vinegar, 241. Vines, 140. Viney, 141, 143: Vinger, 53. Vinter, 206. Vinyard, 131. Violet, 145, 165. Vipen, 249. Virgil, 37. Virgin, 54. Virginia, 95. Virginius, 89. Virgo, 54, 5Q. Virtue, 57, 58, 73, 74. :ndex of surnames. 875 VisaU, 249. Viscount, 198. Vittum, 249. Vitty, 249. Vitus, 226. Vivian, 236. Vizard, 38. Vogel, 113. Volk, 249. Volta, 258. Voltaire, 37. Voltz, 254. Von Hammer, 179. Vose, 7. Voter, 98. Vought, 249. Voy, 10. Vryling, 254. Wacker, 222. Wadd, 221. Waddell, 78, 78. Waddle, 78, 78. Waddy, 220. Wade, 133. Wadland, 254. Wadleigh, 78. Wadlin, 78. Wads worth, 242. Wady, 133. Wafer, 183. Wager, 215, 215, 216, 216. Waggaman, 68. Wagget, 249. Waggoner, 205. Wagit, 214. Wagless, 68. Wagoner, 203. Wagonseller, 204. Wagstaff, 141, 222. Wail, 66.' Wailer, 69. Wails, 68. Wain, 179, 212. Waine, 212. Wainwright, 203. Waiscot, 102. Waist, 50. Waitt, 75. Wake, 26, 26. Wakefield, 128. Wakely, 26. Wakeman, 26, 26, 70. Waker, 26. Wakes, 26. Wakeum, 26. Wakum, 26. Walbridge, 178. Waldgrave, 199. Walduck, 117. Waldvogel, 117. Wale, 120. Wales, 95. . Walk, 77. Walke, 75, 77. Walker, 19, 75. Walkman, 254. Walko, 249. Walkup, 75, 265. Wall, 171, 172, 174. Wallace, 37. Wallach, 95. Wallack, 95. Walley, 239. W T allop, 222, 223. Wallowbury, 7. Wallower, 7. Wallrapp, 23. Wallraven, 118. Walls, 173. 376 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Wallwork, 173. Walnut, 137, 138. Walpole, 140. Walter, 236. Waltz, 164, 164. Walz, 164. Warn pas, 254. Wand, 199. Wandelip, 84. Wander, 74, 75. Wanless, 81. Wanmaker, 80. Wanner, 80, 81. Want, 21, 21. Wantman, 21. Wanton, 39. Wants, 21. Wappers, 65. Ward, 92, 168. Warden, 199. Warder, 220. Wardrobe, 103, 104, 106. Wardwell, 221. Ware, 207, 232. Wares, 179, 205. Warfield, 218. Warley, 220. Warloch, 48. Warn, 186. Warner, 186. Warning, 186. Warr, 218. Warrant, 187, 188. Warren, 108. Warry, 220, 221. Warsawer, 98. Warse, 250. Warshaw, 249. Warshing, 250. Wart, 226, 226. Wartman, 226. Warts, 226. Warty, 226. Wase, 254. Wasgatt, 249. Wash, 133, 148. Washburn, 239. Washer, 147, 203. Washman, 148. Washmore, 148. Wasp, 124. Wass, 249. Wasserman, 204. Wasson, 254. Waste, 193. Watchhorn, 26. Water, 132, 134. Waterfall, 134. Waterhair, 51. Waterhouse, 168. Waterland, 129. Waterman, 203. Waters, 133. Waterstone, 30. Waterworks, 134. Watgig, 212. Wating, 75. Watker, 249. Watrous, 134. Watt, 232. Watters, 33. Wattle, 122. Wattles, 116, 250. Wax, 8, 25, 183. Waxman, 87. Way, 8, 178. Wayland, 127. Wead, 143. Weager, 254. Weak, 81. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 377 Weakley, 81. Weale, 222, 254. Weand, 94. Wear, 103, 105. Weare, 254. Wearey, 103. Wears, 19. Weasel, 108. Weatherbee, 124. Weatherhead, 65. Weatherly, 147. Weatherspoon, 149. Weatherwax, 147, 249. Weaver, 203. Weavill, 124. Webb, 124, 243. Webber, 203. Webster, 203. Wedburg, 254. Wedd, 92. Wedge, 27, 207. . Wedgewood, 138, 176. Wedin, 249. Wedlock, 91, 92. Weed, 142, 143. Weeden, 144. Weekley, 154. Weekly, 154. Weekman, 80. Weeks, 155. Weeman, 81. Wees, 87. Weese, 87. Wefer, 249. Wehle, 241. Weibrecht, 55. Weight, 73. Weightman, 80,- 80. ' Weil, 250. Weiler, 250. Weill, 250. Wein, 230. Weinbeer, 30. Weiner, 230. Weiners, 230. Weingartner, 230. Weinland, 127. Weinman, 230. Weins, 249. Weinstock, 230. Weintz, 249. Weir, 119. Weisbrod, 208. Weiser, 62. Weisgaber, 72. Weisheit, 62. Weiskopf, 62. Weisman, 62. Weismann, 62. Weissbein, 50. Wei, 228. Welbank, 132. Welchman, 95. Welcombe, 42. Weld, 207. Welding, 208. Weldon, 234. Well, 227. Wellbank, 132^ Wellbeloved, 59. Weiler, 228, 267. Wellman, 227. Wellock, 249. Wells, 133. Welp, 110. Welpley, 107. Welps, 110. Welsh, 95. Welstood, 77. Wenbane, 225. 4S 378 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Weney, 250. Wenige, 81. Weniger, 241. Wenman, 226. Wenning, 226. Went, 77. Wentz, 249. Werdall, 254. Wesburg, 249. Wescott, 102. Wesley, 152. Wessel, 198. Wessell, 197, 198. Wessells, 197, 198. Wessels, 197, 198. West, 152, 152. Westell, 152, 152. Westbrook, 152, 152. Westbroom, 153. Westcoat, 102. Wester, 152. Westerfield, 152. Westerman, 152. Western, 152. Westfall, 153. Westfield, 153. Westgate, 152, 240, 265. Westlake, 153, 265. Westland, 152. Westman, 152, 153. Westmoreland, 97. Weston, 97. Westwood, 153. Wetmore, 148. Wetts, 160. Wewer, 91. Wex, 10, 10. Wey, 8, 10, 209. Weyman, 209. Weymouth, 97, 97. Whaines, 202, 249. Whains, 212. Whale, 119, 120. Whalen, 222. Whales, 120. Whaley, 120. Whall, 171. Wharf, 197. Wharm, 151. Whatman, 232. Wheat, 7, 144. Wheatcroft, 128. Wheatland, 128. Wheatly, 144. Wheatstone, 145. Whedbee, 124. Wheeler, 203. Wheeling, 98. Wheelwright, 203. Whelpley, 107, 110. Whelps, 110. Wheples, 249. Wherty, 249. Whetstone, 193. Whetter, 147. Whicher, 249. Whidden, 249. Whip, 223. Whipp, 213, 223. Whippen, 222. Whipperman, 266. Whippey, 223. Whipping, 222. Whippo, 254. Whiskeyman, 230. Whist, 216. Whistler, 87. Whiston, 34. Whistpot, 215. Whitaker, 166. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 379 Whitbread, 167, 208, 208. Whitcher, 249. Whitcraft, 62. White, 165, 166. Whiteall, 167. Whiteberry, 167. Whitebread, 208. Whitecar, 214. Whitechurch, 166. Whitefield, 167. Whitefoot, 243, 245. Whitehead, 35, 86, 93, 94. Whiteheat, 150. Whitehill, 167. Whitehorn, 122, 167. Whitehorne, 122, 166, 167. Whitehouse, 166. Whitelaw, 226. Whitelocke, 94. Whitelow, 226. Whitely, 167. Whiteman, 166. Whitemarsh, 131. Whitenock, 167. Whiteside, 50, 86, 167. Whitesides, 83, 86. Whitest, 166. Whitewright, 167. Whiting, 119, 166, 207. Whitlaw, 226. Whitman, 166. Whitmarsh, 128. Whitten, 249. Whittier, 15, 249. Whittingham, 11, 254. Whittle, 40. Whittley, 40. Whitty, 59. Wholers, 249. Whorf, 133, 197. Whorff, 197. Whymper, 69. Whyms, 250. Whytall, 40. Wick, 177. Wicke, 177. Wickes, 177. Wicks, 177, 254. Wick ware, 177. Widders, 56. Widdifield, 128. Widdoes, 56. Widdow, 56. Widdows, 54. Wideman, 80. Widener, 80. Wider, 80. Widger, 249. Widgery, 249. Wie, 10. Wiekman, 80. Wier, 119, 207. Wife, 93. ' Wiffe, 29. Wigel, 78. Wigeman, 105. Wiget, 249. Wigfall, 104, 105. Wigg, 103, 106. Wiggans, 105. Wigger, 105. Wiggers, 105. Wiggin, 101, 102. Wiggins, 101. Wiggles, 78. Wigglesworth, 11, 78. Wight, 165. Wightman, 166. Wightwick, 33, 177. Wigle, 78, 78. 380 NDEX OF SURNAMES. Wigley, 102. Wigman, 104. Wigmore, 101, 104, 249. Wilboar, 107. Wilcock, 114. Wild, 71. Wilder, 71. Wildgoose, 46. Wildman, 58. Wile, 61. Wileman, 68. Wiley, 60. Wilhelm, 236. Wilhelmy, 236. Will, 70, 236, 236. Willcock, 114. Willey, 236. WiUhelm, 236. Williams, 237. Williamson, 237. Willing, 43, 66, 67. Willis, 15. Willows, 138. Wills, 100. Willwert, 249. Wilt, 70, 81, 83. Wily, 60. . Wimble, 254. Wimin, 56. Wimp, 105, 250. Winaus, 254. Winch, 207. Winchester, 97. Winck, 87. Wincup, 229. Wind, 148. Winde, 147. Winder, 43. Windle, 250. Window, 173. Windsor, 97. Windus, 254. Wine, 20. Winefield, 128. Winegar, 68, 210. Winegardner, 230. Winehart, 230. Wineman, 230. Wines, 14, 22, 230. Winestock, 230. Winfield, 129, 219. Wing, 6, 31. Winger, 251. Wingfield, 129. Wingrove, 129. Winker, 87. Winks, 87. Winlow, 215. Winmore, 215. Winn, 192, 214. Winneberger, 254. Winner, 215, 215. Winning, 215, 215. Winnington, 215. Winpenny, 215, 216. Winpress, 229. Winship, 219. Winshot, 216. Winslow, 214, 239. Winsor, 97. Winter, 2, 154, 155. Winterbottom, 154. Winterfield, 154. Winterflood, 154. Winterhalter, 169. Wintermute, 154. Winteroth, 154. Winters, 154, 154. Wintersmith, 154. Winthrop, 15, 239. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 381 Wipen, 149. Wire, 210. Wireman, 210. Wires, 210. Wirm, 125. Wirth, 24, 249. Wisdom, 59, 62. Wise, 59, 62. Wisehead, 62, 94. Wiseman, 62. Wiser, 60. Wishman, 64. Wisker, 51. Wisler, 87. Wislicenus, 254. Wisman, 59. Wissel, 87. Wissler, 87. Wist, 215, 234. Wistler, 87. Witcraft, 61, 62. With, 232. Withcraft, 61. Wither, 83. Witherbee, 124. Withering, 83. Witheron, 226. Withers, 122. Witherspoon, 249. Witherup, 83. Witman, 59. Witmire, 131. Witt, 59. Wittewrong, 33. Wittle, 41. Wittnoon, 33. Witts, 62. Wix, 254. Wixon, 67. Woburn, 97. Wolf, 107. Wolfe, 109. Wolff, 107. Wolfinger, 53. Wolfram, 111. Wolfson, 107, 111. Woollenhaupt, 85. Wolper, 65. Wolpers, 65. Wolpper, 65. Wolsey, 207, 210- Wombwell, 227. Wonder, 40. Wood, 20, 20, 27, 136, 137, 150. Woodberry, 140. Woodbridge, 133, 239. Woodburn, 127. Woodcock, 114. Wooden, 60, 60. Woodfall, 136. Woodfin, 31. Woodford, 133. Woodfork, 22. Woodgate, 171, 173. Woodhead, 60. Woodhouse, 168. Woodhull, 198. Woodifield, 128. Woodland, 127, 131. Woodley, 136. Woodlief, 139. Woodlin, 133. Woodman, 203. Woodnot, 43. Woodroofe, 171. Woods, 136. Woodside, 127, 131. Woodson, 93. Woodsum, 249. Woodthrift, 195. 382 INDEX OF SURNAMES. Woodward, 138. Woody, 136. Woof, 210. Wool, 123, 207. Woolcocks, 207. Woolfield, 207. Woolfolk, 98. Woolhouse, 170. Woollen, 207. Woolley, 207, 207. Woolsey, 207. Woolly, 207. Woram, 105. Worcester, 97. Word, 185. Worde, 183. Wordsworth, 242. Worgan, 33. Work, 26, 205. Workey, 74. Workman, 200, 203. Worknot, 205. Works, 205, 205. World, 49. Wormall, 71. Worme, 125. Wormley, 124. Worms, 125. Wormstall, 125. Worm well, 71. Wormwood, 227. Worn, 70, 83, 105. Worst, 74. Wort, 226. Worth, 57, 57, 267. Worthley, 249. Worthman, 57. Worthy, 58. Worthy lake, 254. Wortman, 226. Worts, 123, 226. Wortt, 226. Wotherspoon, 179. Wragg, 26, 26. Wragge, 26. Wran, 77. Wrapp, 250. Wray, 254. Wreaks, 250. Wrely, 234. Wren, 113, 116. Wright, 202. Wrighter, 185. Wrigler, 78. Wrigley, 78, 78. Wrin, 250. Wrinkle, 87. Write, 183. Writmire, 187. Writt, 188. Wroth, 68. Wry ass, 110. Wrymill, 267. Wulgar, 88. Wunder, 62, 62. Wunderlich, 62. Wunderly, 62. Wunders, 40. Wunsch, 64. Wurm, 125. Wust, 250. Wye, 8, 96, 232. Wyer, 207. Wyeth, 138. Wyles, 186. Wynne, 214. Wyre, 207, 210. Wythe, 140. Yam, 9. INDEX OF SURNAMES. 383 Yard, 159, 160, 160. Yardley, 160, 160, 160. Yarnall, 32. Yaw, 9. Yea, 232. Yeaker, 250. Yeale, 254. Yeamans, 254, 254. Yearey, 154. Yearly, 154. Yeary, 154. Yell, 162. Yellow, 165. Yelpbot, 164. Yem, 9. Yenn, 254. Yeo, 8. Yeoman, 203, 204. Yeomans, 204. Yerxa, 250. Yesterday, 156. Yett, 232. Yhm, 10. Yielding, 70. Yoakum, 111. Yocom, 112. Yocum, 112. Yoe, 10. Yoke, 207. Yokem, 112. Yokom, 111. York, 97. You, 10. Youlen, 250. Young, 93. Youngblood, 24. Younger, 93. Younghusband, 91, 92. Younglove, 92. Youngman, 93. Younker, 93. Youring, 254. Yule, 155. Zah, 10. Zeal, 64. Zeh, 10. Zenn, 250. Zimmer, 172, 173. Zimmerman, 172, 173. Zink, 175. Zipp, 230. Zippill, 230. Zoll, 36. Zremm, 250. Zumgrunde, 254. 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