THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID INTERESTING EVENTS IN THE axsionir OF THE UNITED STATES: BEING A SELECTION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING EVENTS WHICH HAVE TRANSPIRED SINCE THE DISCOVERY OF THIS COUNTRY TO THE PRESENT TIME. Carefully selected from the most approved Authorities, BY J. W. BARBER. NEW-HAVEN : PUBLISHED BY J. W. BARBER^ L.K.DOW, PRINTER. 1828. DISTB7CT OF CONNECTICUT, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on on the twenty- (first day of October, in the fifty-third year of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica, JOHN W. BARBER, of the said District* hath deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Author, in the words following, to wit : " Interesting Events in the History of the United States, being a selection of the most important and interesting- events which have transpired since the discovery of the country to the present time. Carefully selected from the most appro ved authorities. By J. W. Barber." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the au thors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." And also to the act, entitled, "An act supple mentary to an act, entitled, An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and feooks, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,* and extending the benefits, thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching his torical and other prints. * CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut, A fcree copy of Record, examined and sealed by me, CHAS. A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut PREFACE. AUTHENTIC accounts of important events which hare f&- ken place in past ages are of much utility : especially to the countries and people whose affairs are related. In a country like ours, it seems necessary to the existence of true and en lightened patriotism, that every person should possess some knowledge of the history of his own country. By the aid of history, we can call up past scenes and events in review we can see the effects they have had upon the nations before us, and from thence we can learn wisdom for the future. It is, in reality, interesting and instructive to every intelli gent mind, to be transported back to the time of the first settlement of our country, to observe the courage, fortitude^ and self-denial of our forefathers, amidst many surrounding; dangers, difficulties, and privations, their unconquerable love of freedom, the resistance they manifested to tyrannj in all its shapes, and the final success of their efforts to preserve the freedom and independence of their country entire. This work is not designed for the information of those who are conversant with the history of onr country in all its parts ; (this class of community is comparatively small ;) .. JL for those who cannot spare the time or expense of reading 1 or procuring a full and complete history. The object of the work is to give an account, in a short but comprehensive manner, of the most important and interesting events which have taken place in our country, nearly all of which are arranged in chronological order. Those events which a^e deemed of minor importance, are inserted in the nological Tables, at the end of the book, as r*y which is mentioned could not he detailed, witljo^t swe*lm the book to an expensive size. It is believed that this work will be found useful as a Re* ference Book, for events recorded in American History^ there being-, it is presumed, no event of any very coasiJera* ble importance, which is not noticed in this work. In making- the selection of events, care has been take* to consult the most approved authorities, and the Compiler would here state, that he feels himself under particular obli gations to Holmes 1 American Annals, the most valuable work of the kind which has ever appeared in this country, a work from which a great proportion of late Histories of the United States- have been benefitted, either directly or indirectly. Other authors have also been consulted, and extracts taken from them in many instances, as will be perceived in examining the work. The numerous engravings intersper sed through the book, it is thought will be of utility in making the work interesting, and of fixing the facts more Srmly in the mind. J. W. B, HATJMI, October, 182% fit/if . ,<r//i//i 11 The Indians of this country were generally Po- Jytheists, or believed in a plurality of Gods. Some were considered as local deities; yet they believed that there was one Supreme God, or Great Spirit, the Creator of the rest, and of all creatures and things. Him, the natives of New England called Kichtan. They believed that good men, at death, ascended to Kichtan, above the heavens, where they enjoyed their departed friends and all good things ; that bad men also went and knocked at the gate of glory, but Kichtan bade them depart, for there was no place for such, whence they wander ed in restless poverty. This Supreme Being they held to be good, and prayed to Him when they de sired any great favor, and paid a sort of acknowl edgment to Him, for plenty, victory, &c. The manner of worship in many tribes, was to sing and dance around a large fire. There was another power which they called Hob- bamock, in English the Devil, of whom they stood in greater awe, and worshipped him merely from a principle of fear, and it is said that they sometimes even sacrificed their own children to appease him.* They prayed to him to heal their wounds and dis eases. When found curable, he was supposed to be the author of their complaints; when they were mortal, they were ascribed to Kichtan, whose dis eases none were able to remove ; therefore they never prayed to him in sickness. Their priests, which were called Powaws, and their chief warri ors, pretended often to see Hobbarnock in the shape of a man, fawn, or eagle, but generally of a snake, who gave them advice in their difficult undertakings. The duty and office of the Powaws, was to pray to *Morse and Parish s Hist, of N. E. 12 Hobbamock for the removal of evils ; the common people said amen. In his prayer the Powaw pro mised skins, kettles, hatchets, beads, &c. as sacri fices, if his request should be granted. The apparent insensibility of the Indians under pains and wounds is well known ; yet they had aw ful apprehensions of death. When sick, and all hope of recovery was gone, their bursting sobs and sighs, their wringing hands, their flowing tears, and dismal cries and shrieks, were enough to excite sympathy from the hardest heart. Their affection was very strong for their children, who by indulgence were saucy and undu- tiful. A father would sometimes, through grief arid rage for the loss of a child, stab himself. Some tribes of Indians would not allow of mentioning the name of a friend after death. When a person died, they generally buried him with his bow and arrows, dogs, and whatever was valuable to him while liv ing, supposing he would want them in another world, as their ideas of the happiness of heaven consisted in finding plenty of game, feasting, &c. The Indians appeared to have distinct traditions of the creation and deluge, and some of their words, rites and ceremonies, bear a strong affinity to those of the ancient Hebrews. (2.) Expeditions of Ferdinand de Soto and M. de la Salle. The Mississippi was first discovered by Ferdinand de Soto in 1541, and Father Hennepin, (a French Catholic Missionary,) and Monsieur de la Salle were the first Europeans that traversed it. Soto had 13 served under Pizarro in the conqdest of Peru, with such reputation that the King of Spain entrusted him with the government of Cuba, with the rank of Ge neral of Florida, and Marquis of the lands he should conquer. Soto collected a body of 900 foot and 350 horse, for an expedition into Florida, where he landed in May, 1539. From the Gulf of Mexico, he pene trated into the country northward, and wandered about in search of gold, exposed to famine, hard ships and the opposition of the natives. He pursu ed his course north to the country inhabited by the Chickasaws, where he spent a winter. He then crossed the Mississippi, being, the first European that had discovered that vast river. After a long march into the country westward, in which Soto di ed, the remains of, his troops returned to the Mis sissippi. Here they built a number of small ves sels, in which they sailed down the stream, and made the best of their way to Panuco, in Mexico, where they arrived in September, 1543. In this extraordinary expedition, of more than four years duration, in search of gold in the wilderness, and among hostile savages, more than half the men per- i j j, isned. Father Hennepin, a missionary of the Francis can order, and M. de la Salle, with a party of men, embarked from fort Frontenac, in Canada, in Nov. 1678. After having passed through Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Michigan, and carried their ca noes over land to the head of the Illinois river, Hennepin passed down to the mouth of the Missis sippi. He set out upon his return to Canada, where he arrived in 1681, after having passed through ma ny hardships and difficulties , in this perilous enter- *Webster g Elements of Useful Knowledge, VoL I. 2* 14 prize among the savages, who for some time detained him as a prisoner. M. de la Salle returned to France ; and from the flattering account he gave of the country, and the advantages that would accrue from settling a colony in those parts, Louis XV, was induced to establish a company for that purpose. Salle embarked, with, an intention to settle near the mouth of the Missis sippi. But through mistake lie sailed 100 leagues to the westward of it, where he attempted to, settle a colony; but through the unfavorableness of the .climate, most of his men miserably perished, and he himself was villanously murdered, not long after, by two of. his own. men. (3.) Introduction of the use of Tobacco. This singular native American plant,, appears to have been used by the Indians in all parts of Ameri ca. It is said it was first discovered by the Span iards in 15*20, near the town of Tobasco, in Mexico., The Mexicans used it copiously, not only in smoke in the mouth, but also in snuff at the nose. " In order to smoke it," says the historian, " they put the leaves, with the gum of liquid amber, and, other hot and odorous herbs, into a little pipe of reed, or wood, or some other more valuable sub stance". They received the smoke by sucking the pipe and shutting the nostrils with their fingers, so, lhat it might pass more easily, by the breath, into the lungs/ It was such a luxury, that the lords of Mexico were accustomed to compose themselves to sleep with it. In the account of Cartier s voyage in 1535, we find it used in Canada ; it is thus described : : There groweth a certaine kinde of herbe, whereof Tirirmia 15. in. Sommer they make great provision for all the-, yeer, making great account of it, and onely men use of it, and first they cause it to be dried in the sunne, then weare it about their necks wrapped in a little beastes skinne, made like a little bagge, with a hollow piece of stone or wood like a pipe : then when they please they make pouder of it, and then put it in one of the ends of the said cornet, or pipe, and laying a cole of fire upon it, at the other ende, suckeso long, that they fill their bodies full of smoke, till it commeth out of their mouth and nos trils, even as out of the tonnell of a chimney." Tobacco was carried into England from Virgjn- ia, by Mr. Lane, in 1586. Sir Walter Raleigh, a man of gaiety and fashion, adopting the Indian usage of smoking, and by his interest and example, introducing it at court,, the pipe. soon became fash ionable. It was in vain that parliament discoura ged the use of this " vile Indian weed." In vain King James assured his subjects, that the cus tom of smoking it was loathsome to the eyes, hate ful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and danger ous to the lungs. Opposition made proselytes; and the united influence of fashion and habit, extended the practice through the kingdom.* Tobacco was first cultivated by the English in Virginia, about the year 1616 ; from that time to. the present, it has ever been one of the staple pro ductions of that state. (4.) Settlement of Jamestown, (Virg.) "North America was discovered in a period when the Arts and Sciences had made very eonside- "Holmes American Annalav 16 rafale progress in Europe. Many of the first ad venturers were men of genius and learning, and were careful to preserve authentic records of such of their proceedings as would be interesting to pos terity. These records afford ample documents for American historians. Perhaps no people on the globe, can trace the history of their origin and progress with so much precision, as the inhabit ants of North America ; particularly that part of them who inhabit the territory of the United States." The first European who discovered the coast of the United States, was John Cabot, a Venitian, who was employed by Henry VII. of England, to make discoveries. What is now called the Island of New foundland was first seen by him, and sailing thence in a westerly direction, he ranged the coast to Flo rida. This was in the year 1497 about five years after the first discoveries of Columbus. After many unsuccessful attempts to establish a permanent settlement, Capt. Christopher Newport was sent out by a company in England, with 1 50 co lonists. After a voyage of four months they enter ed the Chesapeake Bay, and proceeded up a river called by the natives Powhattan, (now James Riv er,) and landed, May, 1607, at the place which now bears the name of Jamestown. This was the first permanent colony in North America. (5.) Pocahontas. Among the most enterprising and brave of the Virginia settlers was Capt. John Smith. Under a pretext of commerce, he was drawn into an ambush of a numerous body of Indians*, who seized and carried him in triumph to Powhattan their king* IT Powhattan sentenced him to death. Gapt Smith was led out and his head placed upon a large stone, to receive the fatal blow. At this moment Pnca- hontas, the youngest and darling daughter of Pow hattan, then thirteen years old, rushed to the spot where Capt. Smith lay, threw her arms about his neck, and placed her own head on his, declaring that if the cruel sentence was executed the first blow should fall on her. The sachem was moved yield ed to the entreaties of his daughter, and consented to spare his victim upon the conditions of a ransom. The ransom was paid Capt. Smith was then relea sed, and returned, unhurt, to Jamestown. (6.) Jamestown saved. In 1609, two or three years after Pocahontas sa ved the life of Capt. Smith, Powhattan formed a horrid scheme for the entire destruction of the colo-- ny at Jamestown. His project was to attack them in time of peace, and cut the throats of the whole colony. In a dark and stormy night, Pocahontas, like an angel of mercy, hastened alone to Jamestown and discovered the inhuman plot of her father. The colonists, thus warned, took proper measures to re pel the insidious attack. Pocahontas, after this, was married to an English man, named Rolfe, with whom she went to England. She embraced the Christian religion and took the baptismal name of Rebecca, After a residence of several years in England, during which lime she exemplified the religion she professed, she died as she was about embarking for America. She left an only son, who was married and left 18 none but daughters ; from them descended some cf the most respectable families in Virginia. (7.) Plymouth Settlers. The colony at Plymouth, Mass, (the first Euro pean settlement in New England,) was planted principally for the sake of the free and undisturbed enjoyment of religious and civil liberty. The colo nists were originally from the north of England ; and were of that class of people in those days cal led Puritans, so named from, their uncommon zeal in endeavoring to preserve the purity of divine worship. Being persecuted by their enemies, during the reign of James I., they fled with their pastor, to Amsterdam in Holland, in 1608. They afterwards removed to Leyden, where they remained till they sailed for America. Having resolved upon a removal, they procured two small ships and repaired to Plymouth, (Eng.) and from thence they proceeded about 100 leagues on their voyage, when they were compelled to re turn, in consequence of one of the ship* , being leaky. This ship was condemned, and the other, cal led the May Flower, being crowded with passengers, again put to sea, Sept. G ; on the 9th of November, after a dangerous passage, they arrived at Cape Cod, and the next day anchored in the harbor which is formed by the hook of the Cape. Before they landed, having devoutly given thanks to God for their safe arrival, they formed themselves into a "body politic," and chose Mr, John Carver their Governor for the first year. 19 Their next object was to fix on a convenient place for settlement. In doing this they encounter ed many difficulties many of them were sick in consequence of the fatigues of a long voyage their provisions were bad the season was uncom monly cold the Indian?, though afterwards friend- ly, were now hostile and they were unacquainted with the coast. These difficulties they surmounted ; and on the 22d of December. 1620, they safely landed at a place which they named Plymouth. The anniversary of their landing is still celebrated by the descendants of the Pilgrims., as a religious festival. The whole company that landed consisted, of but 101 souls. Their situation and prospects were tru ly dismal and discouraging. The nearest Europe an settlement 500 miles distant, and utterly in capable of affording them relief .in time of famine or danger. Wherever they turned their eyes, dis tress was before them. " Persecuted in their native land grievecl for profanation of , the holy Sabbath, and other licentiousness in Holland fatigued by their long and.boisterous voyage forced on a dan gerous and unknown. shore in the advance of a cold -winter surrounded with hostile barbarians, without any hope of human succor denied the aid or fa vor of the court of England without a patent without a public promise of the peaceable enjoy ment of their religious liberties without convenient, shelter &?om the rigors of the weather. Such were the prospects, and such the situation of these pious and solitary Christians. To add to their distresses, a very mortal sickness prevailed among them, which swept off forty-six of their number before the ensu ing spring. 20 " To support them under these trials, they had weed of all the aids and comforts which Christianity affords; and these were found sufficient. The free and unmolested enjoyment of their religion, recon ciled them to their lonely situation they bore their hardships with unexampled patience, and perseve red in their pilgrimage of almost unparalleled trials, with such resignation and calmness, as gave proof of great piety and unconquerable virtue." (8.) Discovery of Indian Corn. Before the Settlers landed at Plymouth, (hey sent out a number of parties to explore the country. One of these parties consisted of sixteen men, under Capt. Miles Standish. In their route they discover ed several small hillocks which they conjectured to bo the graves of the Indians, but proceeding still further they discovered many more, and on closer examination each hillock was found to contain a considerable quantity of Indian Corn! It was buried in the ear, and excited in no small degree their curi osity. By a few of the company it was thought a valuable discovery; others, who had tasted the corn in its raw state, thought it indifferent food and of but little value. This corn served them for seed in the ensuing spring. They were instructed by Squanto, a friend ly Indian, how to raise it, and it was probably the means of preserving them from famine. * (9.) Massasoit, the Indian Sachem* The infant colony at Plymouth were much in debted to the friendship and influence of Massasoit Ma s ;? a elms *tt g a powerful Prince or Sachem in those parts. About three months nfter their establishment they received a visit from Massasoit with sixty of his men. They were conducted to the Governor who received them with military parade. The Governor and Massa soit kissed each others hands as a salutation and both sat down. "Strong water" was then given to the sachem " who drank a great- draught, that made him sweat all the while after." ^After eating they entered into a friendly treaty. They agreed to avoid injuries on both sides, to restore stolen goods, to assist each other in all just wars, and to en deavor to promote peace and harmo\y among their neighbors. This treaty was faithfully obterved by Massasoit and his successors for more than forty years after. In the year 1623, Massasoit was taken sick and sent information of it to the Governor,^ who sent two of his friends to make him a visit. Their vis it and the presents which they brought, were very gratifying to Massasoit, and the medicines they ad ministered were successful in restoring his health. -Gratitude for their kindness prompted him to dis close a conspiracy of the Indians, which had for its object the total destruction of the English. This - timely notice averted the calamity. (10.) Exploits of Capt. Standish. Capt. Miles Standish, the hero of New England, came over with the first Plymouth settlers in 1620. He was allied to the noble house of Standish, of Lancashire, (Eng.) and was heir apparent to a great estate, unjustly detained from him, which com pelled him to depend on himself for support. 3 " He was small in stature, but of an active spirit, a sanguine temper, and strong constitution." These qualities led him to the profession of arms, He entered into the service of Queen Elizabeth, in the aid of the Dutch, and afier the truce, he settled with Mr. Robinson s people in Leyden. When they emigrated to America, he commanded the de tachment for making discoveries after their arri val. He was chosen by the settlers as their military commander, and has since been considered as the Washington of the Plymouth Colony. One of his most celebrated exploits was the breaking up of a plot in 1623, which the Indians had formed to murder the English settlers at Wessagus- set, now Weymouth. The Governor of Plymouth having learned from Massasoit the plot of the na tives, sent Capt. Standish to their relief, and if a plot should be discovered, to fall on the conspirators. Standish made choice of eight men, refusing to take any more. When lie arrived at Wassagusset, he found the settlers scattered, and insensible of the destruction which awaited them. Standish was careful not to excite the jealousy of the natives till he could assemble the people of the plantation. An Indian brought him some furs whom he treated " smoothly," yet the Indian reported that he " saw by the Captain s eyes that he was angry in his heart." This induced Pecksuot, a chief of cou rage, to tell Hobbamock, Standish s guide and in terpreter, that he " understood the Captain had come to kill him and the rest of the Indians there ; but tell him," said he, " we know it, but fear him not ; neither will we shun him ; let him begin when he dare, he shall not take us at unawares. n Oth ers whetted their knives before him, using insult ing gestures and speeches. Pecksuot, being a 23 man of great stature, said to Standish "though you are a great captain, yet you are but a little man, and though I be no sachem, yet I am a man of great strength and courage." The next day, seeing he could get no more of them together, Pecksuot, and Wittuwamat, and his brother, a youth of eighteen, and one Indian more, being together, and having about so many of his own men in the room, he gave the word, the door was fast ; he seized Pecksuot, snatched his knife from him, and killed him with it ; the rest killed Wittuwamat and the other Indian. The youth they took and hanged. Dreadful was the scene ; incredible the number of wounds they bore ; without any noise, catching at the weapons, and striving till death.* This sudden and unexpected execution so terrifi ed the other natives, who had intended to join them m the conspiracy, that they forsook their houses, and fled to swamps and desert places, where they contracted diseases of which many of them died. (1 1.) First Settlements in Connecticut. In 1635, October 15th, about sixty men, women and children, from Dorchester, Mass., with their horses and cattle, and swine, took up their march across the wilderness to Connecticut river. Their dangerous journey over mountains and rivers, and through swamps they were two weeks in perform ing. "The forests through which they passed for the first time, resounded with the praises of God. They prayed and sang psalms and hymns ; the In dians following them in silent admiration." It was *Morse and Parish s Hist, of New 24 so late in the season when they reached the place (now called Windsor) of their destination, that they were unable to find feed for their cattle, most of which died the ensuing winter. Disappointed in receiving their provisions, famine threatened them, and those who remained through the winter were obliged to subsist on acorns, malt, and grains. The congregation at Nevvtown, (now Cambridge,) consisting of about one hundred men, women and children, with the Rev. Mr. Hooker, their pastor, at their head, also emigrated more than one hundred miles through a howling wilderness to Hartford. They had no guide but their compass; on their way they subsisted on milk, for they drove before them one hundred and sixty head of cattle. They were obliged to carry Mrs. Hooker upon a litter. They began a plantation and called it Newtozvn* which name was afterwards exchanged for Hartford. In the fall of 1637, a small party from Massachu setts journeyed to Connecticut to explore the lands and harbors on the sea coast. They chose Quinnipi- c, for the place of their settlement, and erected a poor hut in which a few men subsisted through the winter. And on the 30th of March following, a larger party sailed from Boston for Quinnipiac, where they arrived in about two weeks. This be gan the settlement of New-Haven. (12.) Blue Laws of Connecticut, The following is a transcript of the principal part of the celebrated judicial code, known by the name of Blue Laws, under which it is said the first. 25 colonists of Connecticut remained for a considerable time ; they are as follows : " The Governor and magistrates, convened in gen eral assembly are the supreme power under God, of this independent dominion. From the determination of the Assembly no ap peal shall be made. The Governor is amenable to the voice of the people. The Governor shall have only a single vote in de termining any question, except a casting vole when the assembly may be equally divided. The assembly of the people shall not be dismis sed by the Governor, but shall dismiss itself. Conspiracy against this dominion shall be punish ed Avith death. Whoever attempts to change or overturn this do minion shall suffer death. The Judges shall determine controversies with out a Jury. No one shall be a freeman, or give a vote, unless he be converted, OB a member in free communion in one of the churches in this dominion. No food or lodging .shall be afforded to a Quaker. Adamite, or other heretic. No one shall cross a river without an authorized ferryman.. No one shall run of a Sabbath day, or walk in his garden or elsewhere, except reverently to and from church. No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep houses, cut hair, or shave, on the Sabbath day. No woman shall kiss her child on the Sabbath, or fasting day. 3* 26 A person accused of trespass in the nightj shall be judged guilty unless he clear himself by his oath. No one shall buy or sell lands without permis sion of the select men. Whoever publishes a lie to the prejudice of his neighbor, shall sit in the stocks, or be whipped fif teen stripes. Whoever wears clothes trimmed with silver, or bone lace above two shillings a yard, shall be pre sented by the grand jurors, and the select men shall tax the offender at the rate of 300/ estate. Whoever brings cards or dice into this dominion shall pay a fine of 51. No one shall read Common Prayer, keep Christ inas or Saints day, make minced pies, dance, play cards, or play on any instrument of music, except the drum, the trumpet and Jews harp. When parents refuse their children suitable mar riages, the magistrates shall determine the point. The select men, on finding children ignorant, may take them away from their parents and put them into better hands, at the expense of the pa rents. A man that strikes his wife shall pay a fine of 1 01 ; a woman that strikes her husband, shall be punished as the court directs. Married persons must live together, or be impris oned. Every male shall have his hair cut round accor ding to a cap." This curious code appears to never have been written, but was declared, and interpreted by the select, men, the judges, and the pastors of the differ ent congregations.* *Analectic Magazine, Vol. 4, page 57. (13.) Earthquakes.] The first earthquake since the settlement of this country took place in New England on the first day of June, 1638. The earth shook with such vi olence, that, in some places, the people could not stand, without difficulty, in the streets ; and most moveable articles in their houses were thrown down.* It occurred between the hours of three and four P. M. The weather was clear and warm, and the wind westerly. " It came with a noise like continued thunder, or the rattling of coaches in London, but was presently gone." It was felt at Massachusetts, Connecticut, Narraganset, Pisca- taqua, and the circumjacent parts. It shook the ships which rode in Boston harbor, and all the ad jacent Islands. " The noise and shaking continu ed about four minutes. The earth was unquiet 20 days after by times."! On Jan. 6th, 1663, a great earthquake was felt in the northern parts of America. It was felt throughout New England and New Netherlands, (now New York,) but Canada was the chief seat of its concussions. It began there about half past five o clock, P. M. While the heavens were serene, there was suddenly heard a roar like that of fire. The buildings were shaken with violence. " The doors opened and shut themselves the bells rang without being touched -r the walls split asunder the floors separated and fell down the fields put on the appearance of precipices and the moun tains seemed moving out oi their places." The first shock continued nearly half an hour. Several violent shocks succeeded this, the same evening, *Holmes Annals. fWinthrop s Journal, 28 and the next day ; nor did the earthquake cease till the following July. The effects of the first, in Jan uary, were remarkable. "Many fountains and small streams were dried up. In others the water became sulphureous. Many trees were torn up, and thrown to a considerable distance ; and some mountains appeared to be much moved and broken. On the 29th of October, 1727, there was a great earthquake in New England. This earth quake commenced with a heavy rumbling noise about half past ten o clock, P. M., when the wea ther was perfectly calm and tranquil. The motion was undulatory. Its violence caused the houses to shake and rock, as if they were falling to pieces. Stone walls and the tops of several chimneys were shaken down. The duration appears to have been about two minutes. Its course appears to have, been from northwest to southwest. The most violent earthquake ever known in this- country, took place November 1 8th, 1755. It was felt at Boston, a little after 4 o clock in a serene and pleasant night, and continued nearly four and a half minutes. In Boston about one hundred chimneys were levelled with the roofs of the houses ; and about fifteen hundred shattered and thrown down in part. Many clocks were slopped. " At New Haven, the ground, in many places, seemed to rise like the sea; and the houses shook and cracked."* The motion of the earthquake was undulatory. Its course was nearly from northwest to southeast. Slight shocks of earthquakes have occurred in many instances since the first settlement of this, country. 29 (14.) Indian Cunning and Sagacity. The Indians have ever been remarkable for their cunning and sagacity. The following will serve to illustrate this part of their character. A Pequot Indian, in time of war, was pursued by a Narraganset. Finding it difficult to escape he had recourse to the following stratagem. Retiring behind a rock he elevated his hat upon his gun just above the rock, so that nothing but his hat appeared. The Narraganset who was some distance oft", per ceiving this, crept up softly, within a few feet, and fired, and supposed that he had shot his enemy though the head. But he soon found out his mis take, for the Pequot immediately sprung round the rock and shot him before he had time to load his gun. Such is the sagacity and habits of nice observa tion which an Indian possesses, that it is said, he can tell whether his enemy has passed any place will discern foot marks which an European could not see ; he wiH tell what tribe it was, and what were their numbers. On the smoothest grass, on the hardest earth, and even on the very stones, will he discern traces. In the pursuit of game they will track their prey in the same manner, and see which way to go in the pursuit. (15.) Expedition against the Pequots. The year 1G37 is memorable in the history of Connecticut for the war with thp Pequot Indians one of the most warlike and haughty tribes in New- England. Previous to the breaking out of the war, the Pequots had much annoyed the English, and. 30 murdered a number of them, whereupon a court was summoned at Hartford who determined upon a War with the Pequots. Ninety men were mustered from the towns of Hartford, Windsor and Wethers- field, being about half of the effective force of the whole colony. This expedition was commanded by Capt. Mason, assisted by Capt. Underbill. Previous to their marching, the Rev. Mr. Hooker, of Hartford, addressed them in the following manner : "Fellow Soldiers, Countrymen, and Companions, you are this day assembled by the special Providence of God, you are not collected by wifd fancy, nor ferocious passions. It is not a tumultuous assembly, whose actions are abortive, or if successful, produce only theft, rapine, rape, and murder; crime inconsistent with nature s light, inconsistent with a soldier s valor. You, my dear hearts, were selected from your neighbors, by the godly fathers of the land, for your known courage to execute such a work. " Your cause is the cause of heaven ; the enemy have blasphemed your God, and slain his servants ;, your are only the ministers of his justice. I do not pretend that your ene mies are careless or indifferent: no, their hatred is inflamed, their lips thirst for blood ; they would devour you, and all the people of God ; but my brave soldiers, their guilt has reached the clouds; they are ripe for destruction ; their cru elty is notorious ; and cruelty and cowardice are always united. "There is nothing, therefore, to prevent your certain vic tory, but their nimble feet, their impenetrable swamps, and: woods ; from these your small numbers will entice them, or your courage drive them. I now put the question Who would not fight in such a cause ? fight with undaunted boldness? do you wish for more encouragement? more I give you. Riches waken the soldier s sword ; and though you will not obtain silver and gold, on the field of victory ; you will secure what is infinitely more precious; you will secure the liberties-, the privileges, and the lives of Christ s Church, in this new world. w You will procure safely for your affectionate wives, safe ty for your prattling, harmless, smiling babes; you will se- jure all the blessings enjoyed by the people of God in the Si ordinances of the gospel. Distinguished was the honor ctm ferred upon David, for fighting the battles of the Lord ; this honor, O ye courageous soldiers of God, is now prepared for you. You will now execute his vengeance on the heathen ; yon will bind their kings in chains, and their nobles in fetters of iron. But perhaps some one may fear thai a fatal arrow may deprive him of this honor. " Let every faithful soldier of Jesus Christ, be assured, that if any servant be taken away, it is merely because the honors of this world are too narrow for his reward; an ever lasting crown is set upon his head ; because the rewards of this life are insufficient. March then with Christian cour age, in the strength of the Lord ; march with faith in his di vine promises, and soon your swords shall find your enemies; soon they shall fall like leaves of the forest under your feet." Being joined by Uncas, the sachem of the Mo- hegans, they all proceeded down the river to Say- brook, where they formed their plan of operations. It was determined to atfack ;the enemy in one of their principal forts (in the present town of Ston- ington,) where Sassacus, their chief sachem, had retired. Previous to the attack, Capt. Mason was joined by about five hundred Narraganset Indians, who, when they understood that they were to fight Sassacus, betrayed much fear and retired to the rear, saying " Sassacus was all one a god, and nobody could kill him." The time fixed on at length arrived the dawn of the 26th of May, which was to decide the fate of the Colony of Connecticut. The barking of a dog, when within a few rods of the fort, announced their approach and aroused the Pequot sentinel, who cried out Owanmix ! Owannux ! i. e. Englishmen ! Englishmen! The Captains, followed by their men, courageously pressed forward, found an entrance, and fired upon the enemy in the fort who made a desperate resistance. The destruction of the Pe- quots was terrible, yet the victory seemed doubtful, 32 Captain Mason (who with his men were now nearly exhausted) .seized a fire-brand and set fire to a wig wam, of which there were many in the fort, cover ed with mats and other combustible materials. The firo assisted by the wind spread rapidly, and directly the whole fort was in a flame. The roar and crack ling of the flames, with the yells of savages, and the discharge of musketry, formed an awful and terrific scene ! The troops who had now formed outside of the fort, with the friendly Indians, who had by this lime gathered courage to approach, surrounded the enemy and fired upon those who attempted to escape. The work of destruction was complete; of five or six hundred Pequots. only seven or eight esca ped the rest were either shot or perished in the flames. The loss of the English was only two kit- led and sixteen wounded. (16.) Elliot, the Indian Missionary. In 1650, the society in England instituted for propagating the gospel, began a correspondence with the commissioners of the Colonies of New- England, who were employed as agents of the so ciety. In consequence, exertions were made to christianize the Indians. Mr. John Elliot, minister of Roxbury, distinguished himself in this pious work. He collected the Indian families, and estab lished towns ; he taught them husbandry, the me chanic arts, and a prudent management of their affairs, and instructed them with unwearied atten tion in the principles of Christianity. For his un common zeal and success, he has been called the Apostle of New-England. Coimecticut 33 Mr. Elliot began his labors about the year 1646. His first labor was to learn the language, which was peculiarly difficult to acquire ; for instance, the In dian word Nummatchcchodtantamoonganunnonask signified no more in English than our lusts.* Elliot having finished a grammar of this tongue, at the close of which he wrote "Prayers and pains through faith in Christ will do any thing!" with very great labor he translated the whole bible into the Indian language. This Bible was printed ii* 1664, at Cambridge, and was the first Bible ever printed in America. He also translated the Prac tice of Piety, Baxters call to the Unconverted, be sides some smaller works, into the Indian tongue. Having performed many wearisome journeys, and endured many hardships and privations, this indefa tigable Missionary closed his labors in 1690, aged eighty-six years. The ardor and zeal of Elliot, Mahew, and others, were crowned with such success, that in 1660, there were ten towns of Indians in Massachusetts, -who were converted to the Christian Religion. In 1695, there were not less than three thousand adult Indian converts in the Islands of Nantucket and Martha s Vineyard. (17.) King Philip s War. (ATTACK ON BROOKFIELD.) In the year 1675, Philip, Sachem of the Wamp- an^gas, and grand-son of Massasoit, began the most general and destructive war ever waged by the In dians upon the infant Colonies. He resided at * Mather s Magnalia, vol. 1. 4 34 Mount Hope, in the present town of Bristol, in Rhode Island. It is supposed that his object was the entire ex tinction of the colonists, who were now rapidly ex tending their settlements. The immediate cause of the war was this : Sausaman, an Indian Missionary, had made a discovery of Philip s plots to the En glish, for which Philip caused him to be murdered The murderers were tried and executed by the En glish. This roused the anger of Philip, who im mediately commenced hostilities, and by his influ ence drew into the war most of the Indian tribes in New England. Philip fled to the Nipmucks, a tribe of Indians in that part of Massachusetts which is now called Worcester County, and persuaded them to assist him. The English sent a party also to this tribe, to renew a former treaty, but Philip s influence pre vailed, and this party were way-laid, and eight of their number killed. The remainder fled to Brook- field, pursued by the Indians into the town. Every house in this place was burnt by the Indians except one into which the inhabitants had fled for refuge, and this was soon surrounded by their foes, and for two days they poured into its walls a shower of musket balls. Only one person, however, was kil led. Brands and rags dipped in brimstone, attach ed to the ends of long poles, were used to fire the house; arrows of fire were shot against it, and a cart of tow and other combustibles, .was with long poles pushed against the house, and the savages stood ready to slaughter all who should attempt to escape. At this awful and critical moment a sudden tor rent of rain extinguished the kindling flames. Ma jor Willard soon after came to their assistance 35 raised the seige, and after some slaughter of the en emy, compelled them to retreat. (18.) Swamp Fight with the Narragansets. Lest^Philip should increase his power, by an alli ance with the Narraganset Indians, the English had made a friendly treaty with them in July, 1675. But notwithstanding this, in December of the same year, it was discovered that they were secretly aid ing Philip s party. This determined the English to undertake a winter expedition against them. For, this object the colony of Massachusetts furnished live hundred and twenty-seven men, Plymouth one hundred and fifty-nine, and Connecticut three hun dred ; to all these were attached one hundred and fifty Mohegan Indians. After electing Josiah Wins- low, Governor of Plymouth colony, to be their commander, the whole party met at Petty quams- quot. About sixteen miles from this place it was found that the Narragansets had built a strong fort in the midst of a large swamp, upon a piece of dry land of about five or six acres. This fort was a circle of pallisadoes surrounded by a fence of trees which was about one rod thick. On the 19th of December, 1675, at dawn of day, the English took up their march through a deep snow, and at 4 o clock in the afternoon attacked the Indians in their fortress. The only entrance which appeared practicable, was over a log or tree, which lay up 5 or 6 feet from the ground, and this opening was commanded by a sort of a block house in front. The Massachusetts men, led on by their Captains, first rushed into the fort, but the ene my from the block house and other places opened 36 so furious a fire upon them that they were obliged to retreat. Many men were killed in this assault, and among them Captains Johnson and Davenport. The whole army then made a united onset. The conflict was terrible, some of the bravest Captains fell, and victory seemed doubtful. At this crisis, some of the Connecticut men ran to the opposite side of the fort, where there were no pallisadoes ; they sprang in and opened a brisk and well directed fire upon the backs of the enemy. This decided the contest. The Indians were driven from the block house, and from one covert to another, until they were wholly destroyed or dispersed in the wilderness. As they retreated the soldiers set fire to their wigwams,, (about six hundred in num ber,) which were consumed by the flames. In this action it was computed that about seven hun dred fighting Indians perished,, and among thern twenty of their chiefs. Three hundred more died from their wounds to these numbers may be add ed many old men, women and children, who had retired to this fort as a place of undoubted security. " The burning of the wigwams, the shrieks of the women and children, the yelling of the warri ors, exhibited a most horrid and affecting scene, so that it greatly moved some of the soldiers. They were much in doubt whether the burning of their enemies alive, could be consistent with humanity and the benevolent principles of the gospel." From this blow the Indians never recovered. The victory of the English, though complete, was dearly purchased; six of their Captains and eighty of their men were killed or mortally wounded; and one hundred and fifty were wounded who afterwards recovered. About one half of the loss of this bloody fight fell upon the Connecticut soldiers* 37 (19.) Death of King Philip. The finishing stroke was given to the Indian power in New England by the death of Philip, Au gust 12th, 1676. Failing in his attempts to rouse the Mohawk tribe to war with the English, he returned to Mount Hope the tide of war against him. The English had killed or captured his brother, councillors, and chief warriors, his wife and family, and he was obliged to flee from one lurking place to another, from the pursuit of his foes. Firm and unbroken amidst all his misfortunes, he would listen to no proposals of peace. He even shot one of his own men for daring to suggest it. Captain Church, who for his courage and enter prise in this war had acquired renown, received in formation that Philip was in a swamp near Mount Hope. To this place he marched immediately, with a party of men whom he placed in ambush about the swamp, with orders not to move until day light, that they might distinguish Philip. Cap tain Church, confident of success, took Major San- ford by the hand, exclaiming, " It is scarcely possi ble that Philip should escape;" at this moment a bullet whistled over their heads, and a volley fol lowed. Immediately Philip with his powde/horn and gun ran fiercely towards a spot where lay con cealed a white man and a friendly Indian. The Englishman levelled his gun at Philip, but it miss ed fire. The Indian ally then fired. The bullet entered the heart of Philip, and he fell on his face in the mire of the swamp. By the order of Cap tain Church his body was drawn from the place where he fell, beheaded and quartered. The In dian who executed this order, taking his hatchet, thus "addressed the body of Philip : "You have been one very great man you have made a many a man afraid of you but so big as you be I will chop you in pieces." " Thus fell a brave chieftain who defended him self, and what he imagined to be the just rights of his countrymen, to the last extremity." After the death of Philip, the war continued in the province of Maine, till the spring of 1678. But westward, the Indians having lost their chiefs, wigwams and provisions, and perceiving further contest vain, came in singly, and by tens, and by hundreds, and submitted to the English. Thus closed a melancholy period in the annals of New England history ; during which, 600 men, in the flower of their strength, had fallen; 12 or 13 towns had been destroyed, and 600 dwelling houses consumed. Every llth family was houseless, and every llth soldier had sunk to the grave.* (20.) Bacon s Insurrection in Virginia. Virginia, while a Colony of Great Britain, often Buffered from the oppressive acts of the mother country, and their essential interests were often sacrificed to individuals in Great Britain. These proceedings gave rise to a spirit of opposition in many of the colonists, which sometimes broke out into open acts of resistance. " The malcontents in Virginia, in 1676, taking ad vantage of a war with the Susquehannah Indians, ex cited the people to insurrection. Nathaniel Bacon, a bold,, seditious, and eloquent young man, who had *Goodrich. Rhode Island. Death of lung / /<//// tf7t Connecticut Pursuing ///< Regicide* been concerned in a recent insurrection, now offer ing himself as a leader of the insurgents, was cho sen their General ; arid soon after entered James town with six hundred armed followers. Having beseiged the grand assembly, then convened in the capital, he compelled them to grant whatever he de manded. On finding himself denounced, after his departure, as a rebel, by a proclamation of Govern or Berkley, he returned indignantly to Jamestown. The aged Governor, unsupported and almost aban doned, fled precipitately to Accomack, on the east ern shore of the colony ; and, collecting those, who were well affected towards his government, began to oppose the insurgents. Several skirmishes were fought with various success. A party of the insur gents burned Jamestown. Those districts of the Colony, which adhered to the old administration^ were laid waste. The estates of the loyalists were confiscated. Women, whose fathers or husbands obeyed what they deemed the legal government, were carried forcibly along with the soldiers. The Governor, in retaliation, seized the estates of many of the insurgents, and executed several of their leaders by martial law. In the midst of these cala mities, Bacon,- the author of them, sickened and di ed ; and the flames of war expired. This rebellion cost the Colony one hundred thousand pounds,"* (21.) TJie Regicides. Soon after the restoration of monarchy in Eng land, many of the Judges who had condemned King Charles T. to death, were apprehended. Thirty were condemned and ten were executed as ^Holmes American Annals. 40 traitors ; two of them, Colonels Goffe and Whalley made their escape to New England, and arrived in Boston, July, 1 660. They were gentlemen of worth, and were much esteemed by the colonists for their un feigned piety. Their manners and appearance were dignified, commanding universal respect. Whalley had been a Lieutenant General, and Goffe a Major General, in Cromwell s army. An or der for their apprehension, from Charles II. reached New England soon after their arrival. The King s commissioners, eager to execute this order, com pelled the Judges to resort to the woods and caves, and other hiding places ; and they would undoubted ly have been taken had not the colonists secretly aid ed and assisted them in their concealments.* Some times they found a refuge in a cave on a mountain near New Haven, and at others in cellars of the houses of their friends, and once they were secre ted under the neck bridge in New Haven, while their pursuers crossed the bridge on horseback. After many hair breadth escapes, the pursuit was given over, and they were finally suffered to die a natural death in their exile. * While Goffe was secreted in Hadley,in 1675, the Indians attacked the town, while the inhabitants were at public wor ship. The people were thrown into the utmost confusion, till Goffe, entirely unknown to them, white with age, of a venerable and commanding- aspect, and in an unusual dress^ suddenly presented himself among them, encouraging the affrighted inhabitants, put himself at their head, and by his military skill, led them on to an immediate victory. After the dispersion of the enemy, he instantly disappeared. The wondering inhabitants, alike ignorant from whence he came, and where he had retired, imagined him to be an angel, sent for their deliverance. Stiles * Hist, Judges. 41 (22.) William Penn. iThe territory of Pennsylvania was granted to William Penn, from whom it derives its name. This grant was made by King Charles II. of Eng land, in 1681, in consideration of service rendered to the crown by the father of Penn, who was an admiral in the English navy. In October, 1682, William Penn arrived in the Delaware, with his col ony of Friends or Quakers. He purchased, of the natives the land where he proposed to build his capital, which he called Philadelphia, or the seat of brotherly love. William Penn gave the Indians a satisfactory equivalent for all the lands which he obtained : and when he paid them, he administered such wholesome counsel and advice as proved salu tary to the natives, and greatly endeared him to- their affections. The treaty of peace, which he concluded with them in 1 682, lasted more than seven ty years. He parcelled out lands at moderate rents, gr>ve free toleration to all religious sects, enacted mild and equitable laws, and thus invited a rapid settlement of the colony. The respect and afiec- tion which the natives had for Perm, and those of his religious tenets, was so great that it is related as a fact, that, in their wars with the whites, they never, killed a Quaker, knowing him to be such. (23.) Tyranny of Andr OS. In the year 1684, it was decided in the high Court of Chancery that Massachusetts had forfeited her charter, and that henceforth her government should be placed in the hands of the King. This event was brought about chiefly by the instrumental- 42 ity of Edmund Andros. This man had been sent over as a kind of spy on the Colonies; he made it his business to collect charges against the Colo nies, and return to England and excite the jealousy of the British government. In this manner, the way was prepared for annulling the Colonial charters In December, J686, Andros arrived in Boston being commissioned by King James as Gover nor General, and Vice Admiral over New England, New York and the Jersies. Like all tyrants, Sir Edmund began his administration with professions of high regard for the public welfare. In a few months, however, the prospect was changed. The press was restrained, liberty of conscience infringed, and exorbitant taxes were levied. The charters being vacated, it was pretended all titles to lands wereiiestroyed ; farmers, therefore, who had culti vated their soil for half a century, were obliged to take new patents, giving large fees, or writs of intru sion were bought, and their lands sold to others. To prevent petitions or consultations, town meet ings were prohibited, excepting once in a year for the choice of town officers. Lest cries of oppres sion should reach the throne, he forbid any to leave the country without permission from the govern ment.* In 1689. King James having abdicated the throne, William, prince of Orange, and Mary, daughter of James, were proclaimed in February. A report of the landing of William in England, reached Boston, but before the news of the entire revolution in the British government arrived, a most daring one was effected in New-England. * Morse s History of New England. The colonists had borne the impositions of Andres s government about three years. Their pa- .tience was now exhausted. On the morning of April 18th the public fury burst forth like a volcano. The inhabitants of Boston were in arms and the peo ple from the country poured in to their assistance. Andros and his associates fled to a fort, resistance ,was vain, he was made a prisoner and sent to Eng land* ,(24.) Preservation o/ the Charter of Connecticut* Sir Edmund Andros, being appointed the first .governor general over New England, arrived at Boston in December, 1686. From this place he wrote to the colony of Connecticut to resign their charter; but without success. " The assembly met as usual, in October, and the government continued according to charter until the last of the month. About this time, Sir Edmund, with his suit, and more than sixty regular troops, came to Hartford when the assembly were sitting and demanded the char ter, and declared the government under it to be dis solved. The assembly were extremely reluctant and slow with respect to any resolve to surrender the charter, or with respect to any motion to bring it forth. The tradition is, that Governor Treat strongly represented the great expense and hardships of the colonists, in planting the country, the blood and treasure which they had expended in defending it, both against the savages and foreigners ; to what hardships and dangers he himself had been exposed for that purpose ; and that it was like giv ing^ p his life, now to surrender the patent and priv- 44 "ileges. so dearly bought and so long enjoyed. The important affair was debated and kept in suspense until the evening, when the charter was brought and laid upon the table, where the assembly were sitting. By this time great numbers of people were assembled, and men sufficiently bold to enterprise whatever might be necessary or expedient. The lights were instantly extinguished, and one Captain Wadsworth, of Hartford, in the most silent and se cret manner, carried off the charter, and secreted it in a large hollow tree, fronting the house of the Honorable Samuel Wyllys, then one of the magis trates of the colony. The people appeared all .peaceable and orderly. The candles were offi ciously relighted, -but the patent was gone, and no discovery could be made of it, or the person who had conveyed it away. Sir Edmund assumed the government, and the records of the colony were closed in the following words : : "At a general court at Hartford, October 31st, 1687, His excellency Sir Edmund Andros, knight, and captain general and governor of his Majesty s territories and dominions in New England, by order from his Majesty, James the II. king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, the 31st of October 1687, took into his hands the government of the Colony of Connecticut, it being, by his Majesty, an- nexH to Massachusetts and other Colonies under his Excellency s government. FINIS." TrumbuWs History of Connecticut. (25.) Destruction of Schenectady. In the war between England and France, in the year 1689, the French, who then possessed Canada, fhra mi a instigated the Indians to hostilities against the Col onies. A detachment of between two and three hundred French and Indians were sent from Mont real against the frontiers of New York. A march of more than twenty days in the depth of winter brought them to Schenectady, February 8th, 1690. In this march they had b(Mh reduced to such straits that they had thoughts of surrendering them selves prisoners of war. But their scouts brought to them information that the inhabitants were in a state of unsuspecting security, upon this they deter mined to attack them. On Saturday night, about eleven o clock, they entered the town through an unguarded point, and that they might invest every house at the same time, they divided into parties of six or seven men each. The inhabitants were in a profound sleep and unalarmed until the enemy had broken open their doors. In this dreadful surprise and consternation successful resistance was impos sible, and this wretched people were aroused from their midnight slumbers, to endure the perpetration of savage and. inhuman barbarities, too shockin^ here to record. Sixty of the inhabitants were killed and twenty taken off captives. To crown their work, the enemy set on fire the village, killed most of the cattle and the horses, and those which were spared, they drove off, laden with plunder. Those of the people who escaped, fled almost naked through a deep snow, and in a heavy storm ; twen ty five of whom lost the use of their limbs by the severe frost. (2b ) First Culture of Rice in the, Colonies. The planting of Rice was introduced into Care* lina. about the year 1695. Incidents, apparently small, are often productive of important consequen ces. A brigantine from Madagascar, touching at Carolina on her w*j>to Great Britain, came to an chor off Sullivan s Island. Landgrave Smith, on invi tation of the Captain, paid him a visit on board his vessel, and received from him a present of a bag of seed rice, with information of its growth in eastern countries ; of its suitableness for food ; and of its incredible increase. The Governor divided his bag of rice among some of his friends ; who agreeing to make an experiment, planted their parcels in differ ent soils. The success fully equalled their expectation ; and from this small beginning arose the staple commodity of Carolina, which soon became the chief support of the Colony, and the great source of its opulence. Holmes Annals ^ Vol. 2. (27) Salem Witchcraft, The year 1692 is memorable in New England for the convulsion produced in Salem and its vicinity by the supposed prevalence of Witchcraft. Many were supposed to be bewitched, and would complain of being bitten, pinched, pricked with pins, &c. ; some declared that they beheld a spectral repre sentation of the person whom they said was the cause of their affliction. Some were struck dumb, others had their limbs distorted in a shocking manner, sometimes running on their hands and feet, creeping through holes, and under chairs, tables, &c. ; bark- 47 ing like a dog, with other actions equally strange and unaccountable. Upon the accusation and tes timony of persons thus afflicted, many were impris oned, and nineteen were executed for practising zuitchcraft, most of whom died professing their inno- c ence.* The evil became awfully alarming; the most respectable persons in the country were accus ed ; but the magistrates finally acquitted those who were accused, and the menacing storm blew over to the great joy of the inhabitants. At this period many learned and eminent men, both in England and America, fully believed in the existence of witchcraft. Sir Matthew Hale, one of the brightest Ornaments of the English bench, re peatedly tried and condemned persons as criminals, who were brought before him charged with this crime. It must be confessed, that notwithstanding all the obloquy and contempt which is v now cast upon our forefathers for believing in the existence of witchcraft, many things took place at that time, *A cotemporary writer observes: "As to the method which the Salem Justices do take in their examinations, it is truly this : A warrant being 1 issued out to apprehend the per sons that are charged and complained of by the afflicted children, as they are called ; said persons are brought before the justices, the afflicted being- present. The justices ask the apprehended why they afflict those poor children ; to which the apprehended answer, they do not afflict them. The justices order the apprehended to look upon the said chil dren, which accordingly they do ; and at the time of that look (I dare not say by that look as the Salem gentlemen do,) the afflicted are cast into a fit. The apprehended are then blind ed, and ordered to touch the afflicted ; and at that touch, though not by the touch, (as above,) the afflicted do ordinarily come out of their fits. The afflicted persons then declare and affirm, that the apprehended have afflicted them ; upon which the apprehended persons, though of never so good re- pnte, are forthwith committed to prison on suspicion of witchcraft." 43 (if \ve can credit the accounts given by many re spectable witnesses,) which would be extremely difficult to account for, on natural principles. (28.) Captain Kidd, the Pirate. Capt. Robert Kidd, in the beginning of King William s war, commanded a privateer in the West Indies, and by several adventurous actions acquired the reputation of a brave man, as well as an expe rienced seaman. About this time the pirates were very troublesome in those parts: whereupon Capt, Kidd was recommended by Lord Bellamont, (then Governor of Barbadoes,) to the British government as a person very fit to be entrusted with the com mand of a government ship, for the purpose of sup pressing piracy. The proposal, however, through some cause, met with no encouragement from the government ; whereupon Lord Bellamont, and some others, who knew of great captures which had beca made by the pirates, and what prodigious wealth must be in their possession, were tempted to fit out a ship at their own private charge, and to give the command of her to Capt. Kidd ; and to give the thing a greater reputation, as well as to keep their seamen under better command, they procured the King s commission for Capt. Kidd. This commis sion was dated at Kensington, Jan. 26, 1 695, in the seventh year of the reign of King William the third. Kidd having received this commission for the sup pression of piracy, sailed from Plymouth, England, in the Adventure galley, of 30 guns and 80 men 5 and arrived in New York, where he had a family. Here he held out great encouragement for others to join him, and he soon increased his company to 15f* men. 49 With this company he proceeded to the Madeiras, mid Cape Verde Islands, and from thence to the East Indies, in order to suppress piracies. After hav ing cruised about in those seas for some time without any success, he formed the resolution of becoming a pirate himself. Finding his crew not averse to such a course, they accordingly commenced the practice uf robbing. After having taken a number of rich prizes, Kidd returned to America, and land ing at Boston openly, he was taken, sent to England, and executed at Execution Dock, with six of his companions, and afterwards hung in chains, at some distance from each other, down the river, where their bodies hung exposed for many years. , The remembrance of Capt. Kidd is kept alive in the eastern States by the circumstance of his having buried large sums of money, it is believed, some where on the coast. There have been many at tempts made to discover this treasure by digging, &c. at various places : how much of it has been found, or whether there has been any found at all. ?s a matter which would be difficult to ascertain. (29.) Great Snow Storm. In" February, 1717, fell the greatest snow, ever known in this country, or perhaps in any other. So deep was the snow, that people stepped out of their chamber windows on snow shoes ; with this fall of snow there was a terrible tempest. Eleven hun dred sheep, the property of one man, were found dead ; one flock of a hundred, on Fisher s Island, were found buried sixteen feet in the snow ; two of them only were alive, they having subsisled on the wool of their companions twenty eight days after the storm. 5* 50 (30.) Dark Days. We find recorded in History instances of extreme darkness in the day time, and in some cases, this obscurity has lasted for a number of days. The 19th of May, 1780, was distinguished by the phe nomenon of a remarkable darkness over all the northern States, and is still called the Dark day.* The darkness commenced between the hours of ten and eleven, A. M., and continued till the middle of the next night. It was occasioned by a thick vapor or cloud, tinged with a yellow color, or faint red, and a thin coat of dust was deposited on white substances. t The wind was at the southwest ; and the dark ness appeared to come on with clouds in that direc tion. Its extent was from Falmouth, (Maine,) to New Jersey. The darkness appears to have been the greatest in the county of Essex, (Mass.,) in the lower part of New Hampshire, and Maine ; it was also great in Rhode Island and Connec ticut. In most parts of the country where the dark ness prevailed, it was so great, that persons were unable to read common print, determine the time of day by their clocks or watches, dine, or manage their domestic business, without additional light ; * At this time the Legislature of Connecticut was in ses sion in Hartford. A very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at hand. The House of Representa tives, being unable to transact their business, adjourned. A proposal to adjourn the Council was under consideration. When the opinion of Col. Davenport was asked, he answer ed, " I am against an adjournment. The day of judgment is eifher approaching or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournment : if it is, I choose to be found do ing my duty. I wish therefore that candles may be brought." DwighVs Travels, Vol. 3. t Webster. 51 u candles were lighted up in their houses ; the bird:? having sung their evening songs, disappeared and be came silent ; the fowls retired to roost ; the cocks were crowing all around as at break of day ; objects could not be distinguished but at a very little dis tance; and every thingbore the appearance and gloom of night."* Beside this instance of uncommon darkness, there was one on the 21st of October, 1716; when "people were forced to light candles lo eat their dinners by, * but the particulars of it are not preserved.! (31.) Northern Lights. From the earliest times, we have some imperfect accounts of lights in the sky ; and superstition has represented them as the forerunners of bloody wars and other calamities. Sometimes historians speak of them as troops of men, armed and rushing to battle. For about three hundred years past, our accounts of northern lights, are tolerably correct. There was a discontinuance of them eighty or ninety years, anterior to 1707, when a small light was seen by persons in Europe. But they did not re-appear, in full splendor, till the year 1716, when they were ob served in England. Their first appearance in America was December 11, 1719, when they were remarkably bright, and as people in general had never heard of such a phenomenon, they were ex tremely alarmed, with the apprehension of the ap proach of the final judgment. All amusements, all business, and even sleep was interrupted for want of a little knowledge of history. From 1719 * Coll. Hist. Soc. I. 95-98. f Philosophical Trans. No. 423, 52 to 1790, these lights were frequent, when they again disappeared for ten or twelve years. Webster s Elements of Useful Knowledge. A beautiful phenomenon (connected, as is supposed with the Boreal Lights,) was seen in the northern States, on the 28lh of August, 1827. The following description is taken from the American Journal of Science and Arts, 14th vol. Art. i6th. "In this city (New York) it was first observed at about half past nine, P. M,, at which time the light, ex cepting as regards its whitish hue, resembled that produced by a fire at some distance. The light soon however became more intense, and its outline more distinctly defined, gradu ally assuming a columnar shape, and extending from about N. N. W. to a point in the opposite horizon, about E. N. E. In about 10 or, 15 minutes from the time I first observed it, waves of light in detached masses, but all in the line of the luminous arch, began to flow from the eastern towards the west ern part of its course, until the whole were blended, and the heavens were adorned with the beautiful arch extending from the terminations above named to a point about 15 degrees north of the Zenith. The greatest breadth of the arch at its centre, was about 9 or 10 degrees, tapering from that point to the western extremity, (where the light was much brighter,) al most to a point. . . . The whole arch moved with a gradual motion towards the south, and passed the Zenith, presenting a broad, bright band of wavy light. As it passed the Zenith to wards the south, its eastern limb became less distinct, while the western part became more exact in its outline, and was as well defined, as a pencil of rays passed through a prism into a dark room. The color was a bright white, and slowly faded, until about two hours from the time of its first appearance, when it was no longer visible." About 50 or 60 years since, similar appearances were observed in the northern States. (32.) Gov. Fletcher, and Capt. Wadszuarth. In 1692, Col. Fletcher arrived with the commis sion of Governor of New York, and was also vested with r>lo*"v powers of commanding the whole mi- 53 litia of Connecticut : and insisted on the exercise of that command. The Legislature of Connecticut, knowing that authority to be expressly given to the Colony by charter, would not submit to his requisi tion ; but the Colony, desirous of maintaining a good understanding with Gov. Fletcher, sent Wil liam Pitkin, Esq. to New York, to make terms with him respecting the militia, until his Majesty s pleas ure should be further known. No terms however could be made with the Governor, short of an ex plicit submission of the militia to his command. On the 2Glh Oct. 1693, he came to Hartford, while the Assembly were sitting, and, in his Majesty s name demanded that submission. The Assembly reso lutely persisted in a refusal. After the requisition had been repeatedly made, with plausible explana tions, and serious menaces, Fletcher ordered his commission and instructions to be read in audience of the trainbands of Haufuru, which bad uOcn prudentially assembled, upon his order. Capt. Wadsworth, the senior officer, who was at that mo ment exercising the soldiers, instantly called out, " Beat the drums," which in a moment overwhelm ed every voice. Fletcher commanded silence. No sooner was a second attempt made to read, than Wadsworth vociferated, " Drum, drum, I say." The drummers instantly beat up again with the great est possible spirit. "Silence, silence," exclaimed the Governor. At the first moment of a pause, Wads- worth called out earnestly, " Drum, arum, I say ;" and turning to his Excellency, said, "If 1 am inter rupted again, 7 will make the sun shine through you in a moment" This decision produced its proper effect; and the Governor and his suit soon returned to New York, Holmes* American Annals* 54 (33.) War with the Tuscaroras. In 1710, a large number of German emigrants arrived in this country and settled in North Carolina. Two years after their arrival, the Tuscaroras, Co- rees, and other tribes of Indians, formed a deep con spiracy for the extermination of the English settlers. Having fortified the chief town in the Tuscarora nation, for the security of their own families, the different tribes met at this place, to the number of 1200 warriors, and laid the horrible plot, which was concerted and executed with stability and great secrecy. From this place of rendezvous they sent out small parties which entered the settlements by different roads, under the mask of freindship. When the night agreed on had arrived, they enter ed the houses of the settlers and demanded provis ions ; and feigning displeasure, fell upon them, and murdered men, women and children, without distinction. About Roanoke, 13T perfeuua per ished in the massacre. A few persons escaping gave the? alarm to their neighbors the. next morn ing, and thus prevented the entire destruction of the Colony. Governor Craven, of South Carolina, as soon as he heard of this massacre immediately sent Col. Barn well with 600 militia and 360 friendly Indians, against these savages. Marching through a hideous wilderness, Barnwell came up with the enemy, and attacked them with great effect. In this action he killed 300 Indians, and took about 100 prisoners. The survivors fled to their fortified town, where Col. Barnwell surrounded them and killed a great num ber, and compelled the remainder to sue for peace. It is estimated that in this expedition, nearly a thou sand of the Tuscaroras were killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. Of Barnwell s men five were kil led, and several wounded ; of his Indians thirty-six were killed, and between sixty and seventy woun ded.* " Never had any expedition against the savages in Carolina been attended withrsuch hazards and difficulties ; nor had the conquest of any tribe of them ever been more general and complete."- Most of the Tuscaroras, who escaped, abandoned their country, settled among the Five Nations, and added a sixth tribe, since which time they have beeR called the Six Nations. (34.) War with the Yamasecs. In the year 1715, an Indian war broke out in South Carolina, which threatened a total extirpa tion of the Colony. The numerous and powerful tribe of the Yamasees, possessing a large territory back of Port Royal island, were the most active in this conspiracy. On the fifteenth of April, about break of day, the cries of war gave universal alarm ; and, in a few hours, above ninety persons were massacred in Pocataligo and the neighboring plantations. A Captain of the militia, escaping to Port Royal, alarmed the town ; and a vessel hap pening to be in the harbor, the inhabitants repaired precipitately on board, sailed for Charleston, and thus providentially escaped a massacre. A few families of planters on the island, not having timely notice of the danger, fell into the hands of the sav- -ages. * Holmes Annuls While some Indian tribes were thus advancing against the southern frontiers and spreading desola tion through the province, formidable parties from the other tribes were penetrating into the settlements on the northern borders ; for every tribe, from Flor ida to Cape Fearjfevas concerned in the conspiracy. The capital trembled for its own perilous situation. In this moment of universal terror, although there were no more than one thousand two hundred men in the muster roll, lit to bear arms ; yet the Govern or resolved to march with this small force against the enemy. He proclaimed martial law ; laid an embargo on all ships, to prevent either men or pro visions from leaving the country ; and obtained an act of assembly, empowering him to impress men, and seize arms, ammunition and stores, wherever they were to be found ; to arm trusty negroes ; and to prosecute the war with the utmost vigor. Agents were sent to Virginia and England, to solicit assis tance ; and bills were stamped for the payment of the army and other expenses. The Indians on the northern quarter, about fifty miles from Charleston, having murdered a family on a plantation ; Capt. Barker, receiving intelli gence of their approach, collected a parly of ninety horsemen, and advanced against them. Trusting however to an Indian guide, he was led into an am buscade, and slain with several of his men. The rest retreated in confusion. A party of four hun dred Indians came down as low as Goose Creek ; where seventy men and forty negroes had surroun ded themselves with a breast work, with the resolu tion of maintaining their post. Discouraged, how ever, almost as soon as attacked, they rashly agreed to terms of peace ; but on admitting the enemy Flight <"/ /ft- . ( />i tin </rt/,- TTnit-wl t ,rf/tf *//i>\v in 1T17 within their works, they were barbarously murdered. The Indians now advanced still nearer to Charles ton ; but were repulsed by the militia. In the mean time, the Yamasees, with their con-, had spread destruction through the par ish of St. Bartholomew, and proceeded down to Stono. ^Governor Cravan, advancing towards the .wily enemy, with cautious steps, dispersed their straggling parties, until he reached Saltcatchers, where they had pitched their camp. Here was fought a severe and bloody battle, from behind trees and bushes; the Indians with their terrible war whoops, alternately retreating, and returning with ..double fury to the charge. The Governor, undismayed, pressed closely on them with his pro vincials ; drove them from their territory ; pursued them over Savannah river; and thus expelled them from the province* In this Indian war, nearly four hundred of the inhabitants of Carolina were slain. The Yama sees, after their expulsion, went directly to the Spanish territories in Florida, where they were hos pitably received. Holmes 9 American Annals. (35.) Inoculation Introduced. The inoculation of small pox was first perform ed in the English dominions, in Apr^ 1721, upon a daughter of the celebrated Lady M. W. Mon tague, who had become acquainted with inocula tion as practised by Turkish women, during her residence in Constantinople. About this time, Dr. Zabdiel Boyelston, of Boston, was induced to adopt the same expedient, from reading an account of inoculation, and made hi? 6 58 first experiment by inoculating his only son a-nd two negro servants, on the 27th June, 1721. Probably there never was greater opposition to any measure of real public utility, than was exhibited on this occasion. Dr. Boyleston was execrated and persecuted as a murderer, assaulted in the streets, and loaded with every species of abuse. His house was attacked with violence, so that nei ther himself nor his family could feel secure in it. At one time he remained fourteen days in a secret apartment of his own house, unknown to any of^his family except his wife. The enraged inhabitants patrolled the town in parties, with halters in their hands, threatening to hang him on the nearest tree, and repeatedly entered his house in search of him, during his concealment. Such was the madness of the multitude, that even after the excitement had in some measure subsided, Dr. Boyleston only ven tured -to .v jsit his .patients at midnight, and then in disguise. He had also to encounter violent opposi tion from most of the members of his own profes sion, and notwithstanding he invited them all to vi sit his patients, and judge for themselves, received nothing but threats and insults in reply. Indeed, many sober, pious people, were deliberately of opinion, when inoculation was first commenced, that should any of his patients die, the Doctor ought to be capitallf indicted. He was repeatedly sum moned before the selectmen of Boston, and receiv ed their reprehension. His only friends were Dr. Cotton Mathqr, and other clergymen, most of whom became zealous advocates for the new practice, and consequently drew upon themselves much odi um from the populace. Some of them received personal injury ; others were insulted in the streets^ and were hardly safe in their own dwellings; nor 59 were their services acceptable on Sunday to their respective audiences* A bill for prohibiting the practice of inoculation, under severe penalties, was brought before the Le gislature of Massachusetts, and actually passed the House of Representatives, but some doubts exist ing in the Senate, it failed of becoming a law. Dr. Boyleston lived to see the cause he espoused triumphant, and its utility generally appreciated. So prone are mankind to vacillate from one extreme to the other, that, on a subsequent appearance of the small pox in Boston, in the year 1792, the whole town was inoculated in three days, to ap pease the infatuation of the inhabitants respecting the danger apprehended from this deadly pesti lence. Persons were inoculated indiscriminately, to the number of 9,152; and such was the hurry and confusion with which it was done, and such the impossibility of rendering proper assistance and at tention to so large a number, that 16 deaths was the consequence. Connecticut Journal. (36.) Father Ralle\ the French Jesuit. During the war between England and France, and while Canada was in the possession of the latter power, the Indians were often instigated by them, to fall on the frontier settlements of the British Co lonies. In these proceedings, the French Govern or of Canada was much assisted by the Roman Catholic Missionaries, who had attained a great as cendancy over the Indians. One of the most celebrated of these missionaries, was Father Sebastian Rnlle\ a French Jesuit, who spent thirty-seven years among the Indian tribes, 60 in the interior parts of America; and learned most of their languages. He was a man of learning and address ; and by a gentle, condescending deport ment, and a compliance with the Indian modes and customs, he obtained a complete ascendancy over the natives ; and used his influence to promote the interests of the French among them. u He even made the offices of devotion, serve as incentives to their ferocity; and kept a flag, on which was depict ed, a cross, surrounded by bows and arrows, which he used to hoist on a pole at the door of his church,, when he gave them absolution, previous to their en* gaging in any warlike enterprize." A dictionary of the Norridgwock language was found among Ralle s papers, composed by himself, and it was deposited in the Library of Harvard College. The English settlers, having for a number Of years suffered from the depredations of the Indians in those parts, in the year 1722, sent Col. West, brook, with 230 men to seize Halle , who was re garded as the principal instigator; but he escaped into the woods, and they merely brought oflf his strong box of papers. The Indians, to revenge this attempt to carry off their spiritual father, commit ted various acts of hostility, and at length destroy ed the town of Berwick. This last act, determined the government to issue a declaration of war, and send an expedition against Norridgwock, and en trust the execution of it to Captains Mouhon and Harman. These officers, each at the head of one hundred men, invested and surprised that village, killed the obnoxious Jesuit, with about eighty of his Indians, recovered three captives, destroyed the chapel, brought away the plate and furniture of the 61 altar, and a devotional flag, as trophies of their vic tory.* (37.) Natchez Indians Extirpated. In 1 729, the Natchez, an Indian nation on the Mis sissippi, formed a general conspiracy to massacre the French Colonists of Louisiana. M. de Chepar, who commanded at the post of the Natchez, had been somewhat embroiled with the natives ; but they so far dissembled, as to excite the belief, that the French had no allies more faithful than they. The plot having been deeply laid, they appeared in great numbers about the French houses, on the 28th of November, telling the people that they were going a hunting. They sang after the calumet, in honor of the French commandant and his company. Each having returned to his post, a signal was giv en, and instantly the general massacre began. Two hundred Frenchmen were killed. Of all the people at Natchez, not more than twenty French, and five or six negroes, escaped. One hundred and fifty children, eighty women, and nearly as many negroes were made prisoners. M. Perier, Governor of Louisiana, resolved on an expedition against the Natchez, to revenge their massacre of the French. M. le Sueur, whom he had sent to the Choctaws, to engage their assist ance, arrived in February near the Natchez, at the head of fifteen or sixteen hundred Choctaw war riors ; and was joined in March by a body of French troops under M. de Loubois, King s Lieutenant, who had the chief command of the expedition. The army encamped near the ruins of the^ old ^Holmes American Annals, 6* 62 French settlement; and, after resting there five days, marched to the enemy s fort, which was a league distant. After opening the trenches, and firing several days on the fort without much effect, the French at last approached so near, that the Natchez sent conditional proposals of releasing all the French women and children in their possession ; but, gaining time by negociation, they silently eva cuated the fort in the night, with all their baggage and the French plunder. The French prisoners however were ransomed ;. the stockade fort of the Natchez was demolished. ; a terrace fort built in its place j and a garrison, of a hundred and twenty men left there with cannoii and ammunition. M. Perier, learning afterwards, that the Natchez had retired to the west of the Mississippi, near the Silver Creek, about sixty leagues from the mouth of Red River, applied to the French court for suc cors to reduce them. M. Perier de Sal vert, brother of the Governor, arriving from France with a hun dred and fifty soldiers of the marine ; the two bro thers set out with their army, and arrived without ob struction near the retreat of the Natchez. The en emy, terrified at their approach, shut themselves up in a fort which they had built ; but were soon forced, by the fire from the French mortars, to make signals for capitulation. The French army carried the Natchez to New Orleans, where they were confined in separate prisons ; and afterwards were transport ed, as slaves, to St. Domingo. Thus that nation, the most illustrious in Louisiana, and the most use ful to the French, was destroyed* Holmes 9 Amen- ctin Annttls, *"~ (38.) Negro Insurrection in Carolina, In 1738, the Spaniards attempted to seduce the Negroes of South Carolina, who amounted at that time to the formidable number of forty thousand. Liberty and protection had long been promised and proclaimed to them by the Spaniards at St. Au gustine; and emissaries had been sent among them, to persuade them to fly from slavery to Florida. The influence of these measures was such as might have been expected. An insurrection of negroes broke out, this year, in the heart of Carolina. A number of them, having collected at Stono, surpri sed and killed two men in a warehouse, from which they took guns and ammunition ; chose a Captain ; and, with colors and drums, began a march toward the southwest, burning every house, and killing ev ery white person in their way, and compelling the negroes to join them. Governor Bull, returning to Charleston from the southward, and meeting them armed, hastened out of their way and spread the alarm. It soon reached Wihown, where a large, Presbyterian assembly was attending divince ser vice. The men, who, according to a law of the province, had brought their arms to the place of worship, left the women in the church, and instantly marched in quest of the negroes, who, by this time had become formidable, and spread deso lation above twelve miles. Availing themselves of their superior military skill, and of the intoxication of several of the negroes, they attacked the great body of them in the open field, killed some, and dispersed the rest. Most of the fugitives were ta ken and tried. They, who had been compelled to 64 join the conspirators, were pardoned ; but all the chosen leaders and first insurgents suffered death. Holmes American Annals. (39.) Invasion of Georgia. In 1742, two years after the declaration of war by England against Spain, the Spaniards attacked Georgia. A Spanish armament, consiting of thirty- two sail, with three thousand men, under command of Don Manuel de Monteano, sailed from St. Au gustine, and arrived in the river Altamaha. The expedition, although fitted out at great expense, failed of accomplishing its object. General Oglethorpe was at this time time at fort Simons. Finding himself unable to retain possession of it, having but about seven hundred men, he spi ked his cannon, and, destroying his military stores, retreated to his head quarters at Frederica. On the first prospect of an- invasion, General Ogle thorpe had applied to the Governor of South Caro lina for assistance, but the Carolinians, fearing for the safety of their own territory, and not approving, of General Oglethorpe s management in his late expedition against St. Augustine, declined furnish ing troops, but voted supplies. In this state of danger and perplexity, the Gene ral resorted to stratagem. A French soldier be longing to his army, deserted to the enemy. Fear ing the consequences of their learning his weakness, he devised a plan by which to destroy the credit of any information that the deserter might give. With this view, he wrote a letter to the French deserter in the Spanish camp, addressing him as if he were a spy of the English. This letter he bribed 65 a Spanish captive to deliver, in which he directed the deserter to state to the Spaniards, that he was in a weak and defenceless condition, and to urge them to an attack. Should he not be able, however, to persuade them to do this, he wished him to induce them to con tinue three days longer at their quarters, in which- time he expected two thousand men, and six Brit ish men of war, from Carolinia. The above letter, as was intended, was delivered to the SpanislvGene- ral, instead of the deserter, who immediately put the latter in irons. A council of war was called, and while delibe rating upon the measures which should be taken, three supply ships, which had been voted by Caro lina, appeared in sight. Imagining these to be the men of war, aHuded to in the letter, the Spaniards, in great haste, fired the fort, and embarked, leav ing behind them several cannon, and a quantity of provision. By this artful, but unjustifiable expedi ent, the country was relieved of its invaders, and Georgia, and probably a great part of South Caro lina was saved from ruin. Goodrich 1 s History of the United States. (40.) Capture of Louisburg* Great Britain having declared war agafnst France, in March, 1744, the Legislature of Massa chusetts planned a daring, but surcessful enterprize against Louisburg, a strong fortress, belonging to the French, on the island of Cape Breton. The place had been fortified by the French, at an ex pense of five millions and a half of dollars, and on account of is strength > was sometimes called the ss " Gibraltar of America. 1 About 4000 troops, from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hamp shire, under the command of Col. William Pe^er- ell, sailed from Boston in the last week in March, 1745. The expedition was undertaken without the knowledge of the government of England ; but a request had been made to Commodore Warren, then in the West Indies, to assist the expedition. He accordingly arrived at Louisburg, with a 60 g,un ship, and two or three frigates. In the last of April, the troops, 3,800 in number, landed at Cha- peaurogue bay. " The transports had been dis covered early in the morning from the town, which was the first nonce they had of the design. In the night of May 2, 400 men burned the warehouses, containing the naval stores. The French were alarmed, spiked their guns, flung their powder into a well, and abandoning the fort,, fled to the city. The New England troops cheerfully submitted to extreme hardships; for 14 nights successively, they were yoked together like oxen, dragging can non, and mortars through a morass of two miles. The commanding artillery of the enemy forbade this toil in the da^^^o people on earth, perhaps, are more capable o^Prch laborious and daring exploits, than the independent farmers of New England. On the 17th of June, the garrison capitulated, but the flag of France was kept flying, which decoyed into the harbor, ships of the enemy, to the value of /600.000 sterling. The weather, during the siege, was fine, but the day following the rains began, which continued 10 days, and must have proved fatal to the provincial troops, had not the capitu lation prevented. The people of New England were d< eply affected by this evident interposition of divine Providence." 67 -(41.) D Anmlh s Expedition. The capture of Louisburg, roused the Frencfc government to seek revenge. A very large fleet, in 1746, was sent from France, under the command of Duke D Anville, to America. This fleet consist ed of about forty ships of war, beside transports ; and brought over between three and four thousand regular troops, with veteran officers, and all kinds of military stores ; the most powerful armament, that had ever been sent to North America. The bb- ject of this great armament was supposed to be, to recover Louisburg; to take Annapolis*; to break up the settlements on the eastern coast of Massachu setts ; and to distress, if not attempt to conquer, the whole country of New England. The troops, destined for Canada, had now sufficient employ ment at home ; and the militia was collected to join them. The old forts on the sea coast were repair ed ; new forts were erected; and military guards appointed. The country was kept in a state of anxiety arid fear six weeks ; when it was relieved, by intelligence of the disabled state of the enemy. The French fleet had sustaine$J(plch damage by storms, and great loss by shipwrecks. An expect ed junction of M. Conflans, with three ships of the line and a frigate from Hispaniola, had failed. A pestilential fever prevailed among the French troops. Intercepted letters, opened in a council of war, raising expectation of the speedy arrival of an En- giish fleet, caused a division among the officers. Under the pressure of these adverse occurrences, D" Anville was either seized with an apoplectic fit, or took a poisonous draught, and suddenly ex pired. D Estournelle, who succeeded him in the command of the fleet, proposed in a council of of- 68 ficers, to abandon the expedition, and return to France. The rejection of his proposal caused such extreme agitation, as to bring on a fever, which threw him into a delirium, and he fell on his sword. The French, thus disconcerted in their plan, re solved to ma ke an attempt on Annapolis ; but hav ing sailed from Chebucto, they were overtaken -by a violent tempest, off Cape Sable, and what ships escaped destruction, returned singly to France. A more remarkable instance of preservation sel dom occurs. Had the project of the enemy suc ceeded, it is impossible to determine to what extent the American Colonies would have foeen distressed or desolated. When man is made the instrument of averting public calamity, the divine agency ought <still to fee acknowledged ; but this was averted with out human power. If philosophers would ascribe this event to blind chance, or fatal necessity, Chris tians will assuredly ascribe it to the operation of that Being, who, in ancient times, caused " the stars, in their. courses, to fight against Sisera." Holmes American Annals* (42.) Tumult in Boston. In the year 1747, a great tumult was raised in .the town of Boston. Commodore Knowles, while ly ing at Nantasket with a number of men of war, los ing some of his sailors by desertion, thought it reasonable that Boston should supply him with as many men as he had lost. He therefore sent his boats up to town, early in the morning, and surpri sed, not only as many seamen as could be found on board any of the ships, outward bound, as well as others, but swept the wharves, taking some ship 69 carpenter s apprentices, and laboring landmen. This conduct was universally resented as outra geous. A mob was soon collected. As soon as it was dusk, several thousand people assembled in King s-street, below the town-house, where the general court was sitting. Stones and brickbats were thrown into the council -chamber through the windows. A judicious speech of the Governor, from the balcony, greatly disapproving of the im press, promising his utmost endeavors to obtain the discharge of the persons impressed, and gently reprehending the irregular proceedings of the peo ple, had no effect. Equally ineffectual were the attempts of other gentlemen to persuade them to disperse. The seizure and restraint of the com manders and other officers, who were in town, were insisted on, as the only effectual method to procure the release of the inhabitants on board the ships. The militia of Boston was summoned the next day, to the aid of the government, but refused to appear. The Governor, judging it inexpedient to remain in town another night, withdrew to Castle William, Letters, in the meantime, were continually passing between him and the Commodore. The council and house of representatives now passed some vig orous resolutions ; and the tumultuous spirit began to subside. The inhabitants, assembled in town- meeting, while they expressed their sense of the great insult and injury" by the impress, condemned the riotous transactions. The militia of the town, the next day, promptly made their appearance, and conducted the Governor with great pomp, to his house. The Commodore dismissed, if not all, of the inhabitants, who had been impressed ; and the squadron sailed, to the joy and repose of the town. Holmes Annals. 70 (43.) Braddock s Defeat. The encroachments of the French, and the erec tion, by them, of a chain of forts on the back set tlements of the Colonies, occasioned the British ministry to take measures to possess themselves of these forts, and drive the French from the country, In the spriife^f 1755, General Braddock arrived in Virginia witlftwo regiments, and was soon join ed by Colonel Washington (afterwards General Washington,) with a body of colonial troops; the whole force, two thousand men, took up their march for the French fort on the Ohio. General Braddock, on the 9th July, with twelve hundred of his troops, was within seven miles of Du Quesne, a French fortress, which stood where Pittsburg is now built. Here Colonel Washington, who under stood the Indian mode of warfare better than his General, requested him to reconnoitre with his Vir ginia riflemen. But General Braddock, who held the American officers in contempt, rejected Wash ington s council, and swelling with rage, replied with an oath, "High times! Pligh times! when a young buckskin can teach a British General how to fight /" The troops advanced in heavy columns, and passing a narrow defile, they fell into an am bush of French and Indians, who opened a deadly fire upon the English and American troops, who were obliged to fire at random, as they could not see their foe. Braddock continued to urge on his men, until he was mortally wounded, and about seven hundred men were killed, including many of his principal officers. Colonel Washington now covered the re treat of the regulars, and saved them from entire destruction. 71 (44.) Massacre at Fort William Henry. In the year 1757. Mons. Montcalm, with a body of 1 1,000 Regular French troops and Canadians, with 2,000 Indians, laid seige to Fort William Henry. This fort was defended by a garrison of but 2.300 men, British and Provincials, under the command of Col. Monro. The garrison made a brave re sistance, and would have probably preserved the fort, had they been properly supported by the Brit ish army under Gen. Webb, which was then en camped at Fort Edward. The General, however, sent to Col. Monro, and informed him that he could not assist him, and ordered him to give up the fort, on the best terms he could ; which was accordingly done. In consideration of the gallant defence the garri son had made, they were to be permitted to march out with all the honors of war, and with a guard to protect them from the fury of the savages. Soon after the capitulation was signed, the whole garrison, besides women and children, were drawn up within the lines, and on the point of marching off, when great numbers of the Indians gathered about and began to plunder, and soon after some of them began to attack the sick and wounded, when such were not able to crawl into the ranks; notwithstanding they endeavored to avert the fury of their enemies by their shrieks and groans, they were soon murdered. The brave Col. Monro hastened away, soon af ter the confusion began, to the French camp, to en deavor to procure the guard agreed by the stipula tion, but his application proved ineffectual. By this time the war-whoop was given, and the Indians be gan to murder those who were nearest them without 72 distinction. u It is not in the power of words?" says the narrator, who was one of this ill fated garrison, ;< to give any tolerable idea of the horrid scene that now ensued ; men, women, and children, were dispatched in the most wanton and cruel manner, and immediately scalped. Many of the savages drank the blood of their victims, as it flowed warm from the fatal wound." The garrison now perceived, though too late to avail them, that they were to expect no relief from the French, who instead of fulfilling their promises to furnish a guard to protect them, seemed tacitly to permit their savage allies to perpetrate these hor rid atrocities. A few of the most resolute men, see ing no other probable way of preserving their lives, made a desperate effort broke their way through- the surrounding savages, and escaped. It was computed that fifteen hundred persons were killed or made prisoners by these savages du ring this fatal day. Many of the latter were carri ed off by them and never returned. A few, through favorable accidents, found their way back to their native country", after having experienced a long and painful captivity. (45.) Abercrombie?s Defeat. The French had erected a fort at Ticonderogn, at the point of communication between Lake George, South Bay, and Lake Champlain. To dispossess them of this important place, an army, under Gen. Abercrombic, was sent against it. His force con sisted of 1C. 000 men, of which 6,000 were British regulars, and 10,000 were Colonial troops. On the 5th July, 1758. he embarked his troops on. 73 Lake George, on board 125 whale boats, and 900 batteaux. The imposing splendor of the military parade on this occasion, is thus described by Dr. Dwight : " The morning was remarkably bright and beautiful ; and the fleet moved with exact re gularity to the sound of fine martial music. The ensigns waved and glittered in the sun beams, and the anticipation of future triumph shone in every eye. Above, beneath, around, the scenery was that of enchantment. Rarely has the sun, since that luminary was lighted up in the heavens, dawn ed on such a complication of beauty and magnifi cence." After disembarking from the batteaux, the army formed in four columns, and began their march through the woods to Ticonderoga. When ap proaching the fort, a skirmish took place with the enemy, in which Lord Howe, the idol of the army, was killed ; on seeing him fall, the troops moved forward determined to avenge his death. About 300 of the enemy were killed on the spot, and 148 taken. Abercrombie having received information that the garrison consisted of about 6,000 men and that a reinforcement of 3,000 more were daily ex pected, determined to attack their lines. Without gaining a proper knowledge of the works of the enemy, or of the proper points of attack, Aber crombie ordered an immediate assault. " The ar my advanced to the charge with the greatest intre pidity, and for more than two hours, with incredi ble obstinacy, maintained the attack. But the works, where the principal attack was made, were eight or nine feet high, and impregnable, even by field pieces; and for nearly 100 yards from the breast work, trees were felled so thick, and wrought together with their limbs pointing outward, that it 7* 74 rendered the approach of the troops, in a great measure impossible. In this dreadful situation, un der the fire of about three thousand of the enemy, these gallant troops were kept, without the least prospect of success, until nearly two thousand were killed or wounded." After a contest of four hours, Abercrombie ordered a retreat; and the next day resumed his former camp, on the south side of Lake George. (46.) Capture of Quebec. The capture of Quebec, in 1759, was the most brilliant and important event which took place du ring the French war it gave the death blow to the French power in America. The command of the important expedition against Quebec, was intrust ed to Gen. James Wolfe, a young officer, who had distinguished himself at the capture of Louisburg* The army, amounting to 8,000 men, landed in June, on the island of Orleans, below Quebec. The city of Quebec stands on a rock, at the conflu ence of Charles and Iroquois rivers ; it is naturally a place of great strength, and was well fortified and defended by a force of 1 0,000 men, under the com mand of General Montcalm. Gen. Wolfe had to contend with immense difficulties, and after having failed in several attempts to reduce the city, he con ceived the bold project of ascending, with his troops, a steep, craggy cliff of from 150 to 200 feet, by which he would reach the plains of Abra ham, south and west of the city. This almost in credible enterprize was effected in the night, and by day light, (Sept. 13,) the army was formed, and ready to meet the enemy. The battle which took 75 place, is thus described by Mr. Goodrich, in his Hist, of the U. States. " To Montcalm, the intelligence that the English Avere occupying the heights of Abraham, was most surprising. The impossibility of ascending the pre cipice, he considered certain, and therefore had ta ken no measures to fortify its line. But no sooner was he informed of the position of the English ar my, than he perceived a battle no longer to be avoided, and prepared to fight. Between nine and ten o clock, the two armies, about equal in numbers, met face to face. " The battle now commenced. Inattentive to the fire of a body of Canadians and Indians, 1500 of whom Montcalm had stationed in the cornfields and bushes, Wolfe directed his troops to reserve their fire for the main body of the French, now rapidly advancing. On their approach within 40 yards, the English opened their fire and the de struction became immense. " The French fought bravely, but their ranks became disordered, and, notwithstanding the re peated efforts of their officers to form them, and to renew the attack, they were so successfully pushed by the British bayonet, and hewn down by the high land broadsword, that their discomfiture was com plete. During the action, Montcalm was on the French left, and Wolfe on the English right, and here they both fell, in the critical moment thatdeci- ced the victory. Early in the battle, Wolfe receiv ed a ball in the wrist, but bino^ng his handkerchief around it, he continued to encourage his men. Shortly after, another ball penetrated his groin ; but this wound, although much more severe, he concealed, and continued to urge on the contest, 76 till a third bullet pierced his breast. He was now obliged, though reluctant, to be carried to the rear of the line. " Gen. Monckton succeeded to the command, but was immediately wounded and conveyed away. In this critical state of the action, the command de volved on Gen. Townsend. Gen. Montcalm, fight ing in front of his battalion, received a mortal wound about the same time, and General Jenne- zergus, his second in command, fell near his side. " Wolfe died in the field, before the battle was ended ; but he lived long enough to know that the victory was his. While leaning on the shoulder of a Lieutenant, who kneeled to support him, he was seized with the agonies of death ; at this moment was heard the distant sound, " They fly they fly-" The hero raised his drooping head, arid eagerly asked, " who fly." Being told that it was the French " Then," he replied, " I die happy," and expired. " This death," says Professor Silliman, " has furnished a grand and pathetic subject for the pain ter, the poet, and the historian, and undoubtedly, (considered as a specimen of mere military glory,J it is one of the most sublime that the annals of war afford." " Montcalm was every way worthy of being the competitor of Wolfe. In talents in military skill in personal courage, he was not his inferior. Nor was his death much less sublime. He lived to be carried to the city, where his last moments were employed in writing^ with his own hand, a letter to the English General, recommending the French prisoners to his care and humanity. When inform ed that his^ wound was mortal, he replied, " I shall not then liVe to see the surrender of Quebec/ 77 (47.) Expeditions against the Spanish Settlements., in the West Indies. In 1740, war having been declared by Great Britain against Spain, expeditions were undertaken against the Spanish West Indies, Porto Bello, Car- thagena, and Cuba. Requisitions were made on the Colonies, to assist in these enterprises. Four regiments were raised from the American Colonies, for these expeditions; and the several Colonies were at the charge of levy money, of provisions, and of transports for their several quotas. An ar mament from Great Britain, under the command of Lord Cathcart, sailed for the West Indies, and for med a junction with Vice Admiral Vemon s fleet, at Jamaica. Lord Cathcart having died in the West" Indies before the complete junction of the fleets. Admiral Vcrnon found himself at the head of the most formidable fleet and army ever sent into those seas. The whole fleet consisted of 29 ships of the line, with nearly the same number of frigates, be sides fire ships and bomb ketches. The number of seamen amounted to 15,000; the land forces, in cluding the four regiments from the Colonies , were not less than 12,000. Vcrrion having taken and plundered Porto Bello, now proceeded with his fleet, and land forces, under General Went worth, to attack Carthagena. After demolishing the strong forts and castles in the harbor, an attack was made by Wentworth upon the town, but he was obliged to retire, with the loss of 4 or 500 men. In July the combined forces made an attempt on the Island of Cuba. They possessed themselves of a fine harbor, but by reason of an extraordina ry sickness and mortality, they were not able to ef fect any thing of consequence. 78 "According to the accounts given of the sick ness, it was nearly as mortal as the plague. More than a thousand men died in a day, for several days. Of nearly 1000 men from New England, not 1*00 returned; of 500 men from Massachusetts, 50 only returned. 1 "* In 1762, Admiral Pocock with a fleet of thirty- seven ships of war, and about one hundred and fifty transports, with a land force of about 15,000 men, under the command of Lord Albemarle, arrived be fore Havana, on the 5th June. On the 17th, the troops landed, and after a siege of more than two months, in which the beseiging army showed the most invincible courage, patience and perseverance, this important place capitulated to his Britannic Majesty. In this siege, before the middle of July, the army in this unwholesome and burning region, was redu ced to half its original number. Many of the sol diers dropped down dead, under the pressure of heat, thirst, and fatigue. A considerable number of Colonial troops enlisted under their own oflicers, and served in this arduous enterprize. Of the troops from New England, scarcely any of the private soldiers, and but few of the officers ever returned. Such as were not killed in the ser vice, were generally swept away by the great mor tality which prevailed in the army and navy. (48.) Whitfield, the celebrated Preacher. The Rev. George Whitfield, a clergyman of the Church of England, first arrived in this country, in the year 1738. He landed in Savannah, Geo. and laid the foundation of an orphan house, a few miles *Dr. Trumbnll. 79 from Savannah, and afterwards finished it at a great expense. He returned to England the same year. -On the following year he returned back to America, and landed at Philadelphia and began to preach in different churches. In this and in his subsequent visits to America, he visited most of the principal places in the Colonies. Immense numbers of peo ple flocked to hear him wherever he preached. The effects produced in Philadelphia and other places, were truly astonishing. Numbers of al most all religious denominations, and many who had no connection with any denomination, were brought to inquire with the utmost eagerness, what, they should do to be saved. Such was the eager ness of the multitude in Philadelphia, to listen to spiritual instruction, that there was public worship regularly twice a day fora year; and on the Lord s day it was celebrated thrice or four times. During his visit to Philadelphia, he preached fre quently after night, from the gallery of the court house, in Market-street. So loud was his voice at that time, that it was distinctly heard on the Jersey shore, and so distinct was his speech, that every word he said was understood on board a shallop, at Market-street wharf, ,a distance of upwards of 400 feet from the court-house,. All the intermedi ate space was crowded with his hearers." lie was truly remarkable for his uncommon eloquence, and fervent zeal. His eloquence was indeed very great and of the truest kind. He was utterly devoid of all affectation. The importance of his subject, and the regard due to his hearers, engrossed all his con cern. Every accent of his voice spoke to the ear, every feature of his face, every motion of his hands, and every gesture, spoke to the eye ; so that the most dissipated and thoughtless found their attention so arrested, and the dullest and most ignorant could not but understand. He appeared to be devoid of he spirit of sectarianism ; his only object seemed to be to " preach Christ and him crucified."* Mr. Whitfield died in Newbury-port, Mass, on the 30th of September, 1770, in the fifty-sixth year of iiis age, on his seventh visit to America having been in the ministry thirty-four years. v 49.) Col. Boon s first settlement of Kentucky* The country now called Kentucky, was well -known to the Indian traders, many years before its settlement. It however remained unexplored by the Virginians till ihe year 1769, when Col. Daniel Boon, and a few others, who conceived it to be an interesting object, undertook a journey for that pur pose. After a long fatiguing march over a moun tainous wilderness, in a westerly direction, they at length arrived upon its borders, and from the top of an eminence, with joy and wonder descried the beautiful landscape of Kentucky, " Here," says .Col. Boon " Nature was a series of wonders and a *The following anecdote respecting- his manner of preach ing, will serve to illustrate this part of his character. One day, while preaching- from the balcony of the court-house, in Philadelphia, he cried out, " Father Abraham, who have you got in heaven ; any Episcopalians ?" " No!" " Any Pres byterians?" "No!" " Any Baptists?" "No!" "Have you any Methodists there ?" u No !" " Have you any In dependents or Seccders ?" "No! No!" "Why, who have youthen?" "We dont know those names here; all that are here are Christians believers in Christ men who have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of his testimony !" " O, is this the case ? then God help me. God help us all to forget party names, and to become Christians in deed and in truth." onp Miffrr in Effigy M a 3 g aeBms ett ^ Destruction rf T&i in Bwtoii Harbour fund of delight. Here she displayed her ingenuity and industry in a variety of flowers and fruits, beau tifully colored, elegantly shaped, and charmingly flavored ; and we were favored with numberless an imals, presenting themselves continually to our view. The buffaloes were more numerous than cat tle on other settlements, browsing on the leaves of the cane, or crossing the herbage on these exten sive plains. We saw hundreds in a drove, and the numbers about the salt springs were amazing." Four years after, in 1773, Col. Boon and his family, with five other families, joined by forty men from Powell s valley, began the settlement of Kentucky. (50.) Stamp Act. The British Parliament, in the year 1765, for the purpose of raising a revenue from the Colonies, passed the famous stamp act; which ordained that -all instruments of writing, as contracts, deeds, notes, &c. should not be valid, unless executed on stamped paper, on which a duty should be paid. This alar med the Colonies and awakened their indignation. They determined to resist the execution of the law. The 1st Nov. 1765, was the day on which this act was to take effect. u In Boston, the bells tolled, the shops were shul, effigies of the royalists w.erc carried about in derision and torn in pieces. At Portsmouth, the bells tolled, a coffin was made, on the lid was inscribed "Liberty, aged 145, * and with unbraced drums and minute guns, a procession followed it to the grave. At the close of an ora tion, the coffin was taken up, signs of life appear ed in the corpse, " Liberty revived" was substitu- 8 82 ted, the bells struck a cheerful key, and joy sparkr led in every countenance." In New York the stamp act was contemptuously cried about the streets, under the title of " The fol ly of England and Ruin of America^ The stamp papers having arrived, Gov. Golden, took them into the fort in order to secure them. Many of the citizens of New York, offended at the conduct, and disliking the political sentiments of the Governor, as sembled in the evening, broke open his stable, and took out his coach ; and after carrying it about the city, marched to the common, when a gallows was erected, on one end of which they suspended his effigy, with a stamped bill of lading in one hand, and a figure of the devil in the other. After this, the populace took the effigy and the gallows entire, and carried it in procession, the coach preceding, to the gate of the fort, whence it was removed to the Bowling green, where the whole pageantry, with the coach, was comsumed in a bonfire, amidst the acclamations of thousands of spectators. Similar proceedings occurred in many parts of the country, and the obnoxious act was shortly after repealed. (51.) Massacre in Boston. The inhabitants of Boston had suffered almost every species of insult from the British soldiery ; who, countenanced by the royal party, had gene rally found means to screen themselves from the hands of the civil officers. Thus all authority rested on the point of the sword, and the partizans of the crown triumphed for a time in the plenitude of mil itary power, Yet the measure and the manner of 83 posting troops in the capital of the province, had roused such jealousy and disgust, as could not be subdued by the scourge that hung over their heads. Continual bickerings took place in the streets be tween the soldiers and the citizens ; the insolence of the first, which had been carried so far as to excite the African slaves to murder their masters, with the pro mise of impunity, and the indiscretion of the last, was often productive of tumults and disorder that led the most cool and temperate to be appre hensive of consequences of the most serious na ture. On the second of March, 1770, a fray took place in Boston, near Mr. Gray s rope walk, be-, tween a private soldier of the 29th regiment, and an inhabitant. The former was supported by his comrades, the latter by the rope-makers, till seve ral, on both sides, were involved in the consequen ces. On the fifth a more dreadful scene was pre sented. The soldiers, when under arms, were pressed upon, insulted and pelted, by a mob armed with clubs, sticks, and snow balls covering stones. They were also dared to fire. In this situation, one of the soldiers, who had received a blow, in re sentment fired at the supposed aggressor. This was followed by a single discharge from six others. Three of the inhabitants were killed and five dan gerously wounded. The town was immediately in commotion. Such was the temper, force and num ber of the inhabitants, that nothing but an engage ment to remove the troops out of the town, togeth er with the advice of moderate men, prevented the townsmen from falling on the soldiers. The killed were buried in one vault, and in a most respectful manner, in order to express the indignation of the inhabitants at the slaughter of their brethren, bv 4 soldiers quartered among them, in violation of their civil liberties. Captain Preston, who commanded the party which fired on the inhabitants, was com mitted to jail, and afterwards tried. The Captain and six of the men, were acquitted. Two were brought in guilty of man-slaughter. It appeared on the trial, that the soldiers were abused, insulted, threatened, and pelted, before they fired. It was also proved, that only seven guns were fired by the eight prisoners. These circumstances induced the jury to make a favorable verdict. The result of the trial reflected great honor on John Adams, (the late President of the United States,) and Josiah Quincy, Esqrs. the counsel for the prisoners ; and also on the integrity of the jury, who ventured to give an upright verdict, in defiance of popular opinions. " The people, not dismayed by the blood of their neighbors thus wantonly shed, determined no long er to submit to the insolence of military power. Col. Dalrymple, who commanded in Boston, was in formed, the day after the riot in King-Street, " that he must withdraw his troops from the town within a a limited term, or hazard the consequences. The inhabitants of the town assembled at Faneuif Hall, where the subject was discussed with be coming spirit, and the people unanimously resolved, that no armed force should be suffered longer to re side in the capital ; and if the King s troops were not immediately withdrawn by their own officers, the Governor should be requested to give orders for their removal, and thereby prevent the necessity of more rigorous steps. A committee from this body was deputed to wait on the Governor, and request him to exert that authority which the exigencies of the times required from the supreme magistrate. Mr. Samuel Adams, the chairman of the committee. 85 with a pathos and address peculiar to himself, expo* sed the illegality of quartering troops in the town in the midst of peace ; he urged the apprehensions of the people, and the fatal consequences that might en sue if their removal was delayed. But no arguments could prevail on Mr. Hutchin- son ; who from timidity, or some more censurable cause, evaded acting at all in the business, and grounded his refusal on a pretended want of autho rity. After which Col. Dalrymple, wishing to com promise the matter, consented that the twenty-ninth regiment, more culpable than any other in the late tumult, should be sent to Castle Island. This con cession was by no means satisfactory ; the people, inflexible in their demands, insisted that no British soldier should be left within the town ; their requisi tion was reluctantly complied with, and within four days the whole army decamped."* Morses Revolution* (52.) Destruction of Tea in Boston. The British ministry still persisting in their right to tax the Colonies, had for this purpose given per- *The circumstances and probable consequences of the tra gical affair just related, sunk deep into the minds of the peo ple, and were turned to the advantage of their cause. Its anniversary, for many years was observed with great solem nity, and the most eloquent orators were successively employ ed to deliver an annnal oration to preserve the remembrance of it fresh in their minds. On these occasions, the blessing! of liberty the horrors of slavery the dangers of a standing- army the rights of the Colonies, and a variety of such to pics, were represented to the public view, under their most pleasing and alarming forms. These annual orations ad ministered fuel to the fire of Liberty, and kept it burning with an incessaot flame, /&. a* 86 mission to the East India Company to ship a large quantity of Teas to America, charged with duty. The Americans fixed in their opposition to the prin ciple of taxation in any shape, opposed the landing of the tea. In New York, and in Philadelphia, the cargoes sent out were returned without being en tered at the Custom Houses. In Boston, the tea being consigned to the royal Governor, (Hutchin- son,).;the populace, " clad like the aborigines of the wilderness, with tomahawks in their hands and clubs on their shoulders, without the least molestation, marched through the streets with silent solemnity, amidst innumerable spectators, and proceeded to the wharves, boarded the ships, de manded the keys, and without much deliberation knocked open the chests, and emptied several thousand weight of the finest teas into the ocean. No opposition was made, though surrounded by the king s ships ; all was silence and dismay. This done, the procession returned through the town in the same order and solemnity, as observed in the outset of their attempt. No other disorder took place, and it was observed, the stillest night ensu ed that Boston had enjoyed for several months." Intelligence of this transaction reached the British ministry, and in 1774, they passed an act to restrain ali intercourse by water, with the town of Boston,, by closing the port. They also removed the gov ernment and public ofSces to Salem. (53.) First Continental Congress. The first General Congress met at Philadelphia in the beginning of September, 1774. It consisted 87 f fifty one delegates from twelve Colonies. They chose Peyton Randolph, President, and Charles Thompson, Secretary. The Delegates were ap pointed by the colonial legislatures, or where none existed, the appointments were made by select meetings and associations of citizens. " The nov elty and importance of the meeting of this Con gress excited universal attention, and their trans actions were such as could not but tend to render them respectable. The first act of Congress was an approbation of the conduct of Massachusetts Bay, and an exhorta tion to continue in the same spirit which they had begun. Supplies for the suffering inhabitants (whom the operation of the port-bill had reduced to great distress) were strongly recommended ; and it was declared that in case of attempts to enforce the obnoxious acts by arms, all America should join to assist the town of Boston ; and, should the in habitants be obliged, during the course of hostili ties, to remove farther up the country, the losses they might sustain should be repaired at the public expense. Congress next addressed a letter to General Gage; in which having stated the grievances of the people of Massachusetts, they informed him of the fixed and unalterable determination of all the other provinces, to support their brethren, and to oppose the British acts of parliament ; that they themselves were appointed to watch over the lib erties of America; and entreated him to desist from military operations, lest such hostilities might be brought on as would frustrate all hopes of recon ciliation with the parent state. Their next step was to publish a declaration of rights. These they summed up in the rights belong- 8*3 ing to Englishmen ; and particularly insisted, that as their distance rendered it impossible for them to be represented in the British parliament, their pro vincial assemblies, with a Governor appointed by the King, constituted the only legislative power within each province. They would, however, con sent to such acts of parliament as were evidently calculated merely for the regulation- of commerce, and for securing to the parent state the benefits of the American trade ; but would never allow that they could impose any tax on the Colonies, for the purpose of revenue, without their consent. They proceeded to reprobate the intention of each of the new acts of parliament, and insisted on all the rights they had enumerated as being unalien- able, and what no power could deprive them of, The Canada act they pointed out as being extreme ly inimical to the Colonies, by whose assistance it had been conquered ; and they termed it, "An act for establishing the Roman Catholic religion in Can ada, abolishing, the equitable system of English laws, and establishing a tyranny there." They further declared in favor of a non-importa tion and non-consumption of British goods, until the acts were repealed by which duties were impo sed upon tea, coffee, wine, sugar and molasses, im ported into America, as well as the Boston port act and the three others passed at the preceding ses sion of parliament. The new regulations against the importation and consumption of British commodities were then drawn up with great solemnity ; and they conclu ded with returning the warmest thanks to those members of parliament who had with so much zeal,, though without any success, opposed the obnoxious acts of parliament* 89" The next proceedings of Congress were to ffam a petition to the King, an address to the British na tion, and another to the Colonies ; all of which were in the usual strain of American language at that time, and drawn up in such a masterly manner as ought to have impressed the people of England with a more favorable opinion of the Americans, than they could at that time be induced to en tertain."* After a session of eight weeks, Congress dissolved themselves, after recommending another Congress to be convened on the 10th of May ensuing, unless their grievances should be previously obtained. Although the power of this Congress was merely advisory, their resolutions received the general sanc tion of the provincial Congresses, and of the Colo nial assemblies; "and their recommendations were more generally and more effectually carried into execution than the laws of the best regulated state,- (54.) Battle of Lexington. Determined to reduce the rebellious Colonies u> submission, the British ministry transported a force of 10,000 men, who were stationed at Boston. On the night of the 18th of April, 1775, Gen, Gage, the King s Governor of Massachusetts, de tached a body of 800 men, with orders to march to Concord, and destroy the military stores collected by the Americans at that place. Their movements were discovered, and the country was alarmed. Ear ly in the morning, about 170 of the Lexington militia had assembled on the green. Major Pitcairn, who commanded the detachment of British troops, rode * Williams History of the Re\elutiom 90 up to the militia, and addressing them as rebels or dered them disperse. Not being obeyed, Pitcairn discharged his pistol, and ordered his men to fire. Eight of the Americans were killed and several wounded. The British proceeded to Concord, destroyed the stores and returned to Boston, closely followed by the exasperated Americans, who from behind fences and walls, fired upon their rear. Had not the British had a reinforcement at Lexington, it is doubtful whether any of them had reached Boston. Thus began the contest which dismembered the British empire, and ended in the establishment of independence in our own country. (55.) Taking of Ticondcroga, by Col. Allen* The seizure of the important fortress of Ticon- deroga by Col. Ethan Allen, on the 10th of May, 1775, is thus related by himself. "The first sys tematical and bloody attempt at Lexington, to en slave America, thoroughly electrified my mind, and fully determined me to take a part with my country. And while I was wishing for an opportunity to sig nalize myself in its behalf, directions were private ly sent to me from the then Colony, now State of Connecticut, to raise the Green Mountain Boy; 1 ., and if possible, with them to surprise and take the for tress of Ticonderoga. This enterprise 1 cheerfully undertook ; and after first guarding all the several passes that led thither, to cut oft all intelligence between the garrison and the country, made a for ced march from Be.inington, and arrived at the lake opposite Ticonderoga, on the evening of the ninth - 91 day of May, 1775, with two hundred and thirty valiant Green Mountain Boys ; and it was with the utmost difficulty that I procured boats to cross the lake. However; I landed eighty three men near the garrison, and sent the boats back for the rear guard commanded by Col. Seth Warner ; but the day be gan to dawn, and I found myself necessitated to at tack the fort before the rear could cross the lake ; and as it was hazardous, 1 harangued the officers and soldiers in the manner following ; " Friends and fellow soldiers, You have for a number of years past been a scourge and terror to arbitrary powers. Your valor has been famed abroad, and acknowledged, as appears by the advice and orders to me from tnfc general assembly of Connecticut, to surprise and take the garrison now before us. I now propose to advance before you, and in person conduct you through the wicket gate ; for we must this morning either quit our pretensions to valor, or possess ourselves of this fortress in a few minutes ; and inasmuch as it is a desperate attempt, which none but the bravest of men dare undertake, I do not urge it on any contrary to his will. You that will undertake voluntarily, poise your firelock." The men being at this lime drawn up in three ranks, each poised his firelock. 1 ordered them to face to the right ; and at the head of the centre file, march ed them immediately to the wicket gate aforesaid, where I found a sentry posted, who instantly snap- Eed his fusee at me: I ran immediately towards im, and he retreated through the covered way into the parade within the garrison, gave a halloo, and ran under bomb proof. My party, who follow ed me into the fort, I formed on the parade in such a manner as to face the barracks which faced each other. The garrison being asleep, except the sen- -tries, we gave three huzzas, which greatly surprised them. One of the sentries made a pass at one of my officers with a charged bayonet, and slightly wounded him. My first thought was to kill him with my sword, but in an instant I altered the design and fury of the blow, to a slight cut on the side of the head ; upon which he dropped his gun, and asked quarters, which I readily granted him; and demanded the pUce where the commanding officer kept. He shewed me a pair of stairs in the front, which led up to a second story in said barracks, io which I immediately repaired, and ordered the commander, Capt. Delaplace, to come forth instant ly, or I would sacrifice the whole garrison : at which time the captain came immediately to the door with his breeches in his hand, when I ordered him to deliver to me the fort instantly ; lie asked me by what authority I demanded it. I answered him, ,* In the name of the great Jehovah, and the Con,- iinental Congress.^ The authority of Congress be ing very little known at that time, he began to speak again, but I interrupted him, and with my drawn sword near my head again demanded an im mediate surrender of the garrison ; with which he then complied, and ordered his men to be forthwith paraded without arms, as he had given up the garri son. In the mean time some of my officers had giv en orders, and in consequence thereof, sundry of the barrack doors were beat down, and about one third of the garrison imprisoned, which consisted of said commander, a lieutenant Feltham, a conductor of artillery, a gunner, two sergeants, and forty four rank and file; about one hundred peices of cannon, .one thirteen inch mortar, and a number of swivels. This surprise was carried into execution in the grey .of the morning of the tenth of May, 1775. The "Wajfunqttm <tf 93 sun seemed to rise that morning with a superior lus tre : and Ticonderoga and its dependencies smiled on its conquerors, who tossed about the flowing bowl, and wished success to Congress, and the liberty and freedom of America. Happy it was for me at that time, that the future pages of the book of fate, which afterwards unfolded a miserable scene of two years and eight months imprisonment, were hid from my view." (56.) Battle of Bunker Hill. The following, "full and correct account" of the Battle of Bunker Hill, is taken from a pamphlet published in Boston, June 17, 1825. After the affair at Lexington and Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775, the people, animated by one common impulse, flew to arms in every direction. The husbandman changed his plowshare for a mus ket, and about 15,000 men, 10,000 from Massachu setts, and the remainder from New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, assembled under Gen. Ward, in the environs of Boston, then occu pied by 10,000 highly disciplined, and well equip ped British troops, under the command of Gen erals Gage, Howe, Clinton, Burgoyne, Pigot, and others. Fearing an intention on the part of the British to occupy the important heights at Charlestown and Dorchester, which would enable them to command the surrounding country, Col. Prescott was detach ed by his own desire, from the American camp $t Cambridge, on the evening of the 16th of June, 1775, with about 1000 militia, mostly of Massachu setts, including 120 men of Putnam s regiment from 9 94 Connecticut, and one Artillery company, to Bunk er Hill, with a view to occupy and fortify that post. At this Hill the detachment made a short halt, but concluded to advance still nearer the British, and accordingly took possession of Breed s Hill, a po sition which commanded the whole inner harbor of Boston. Here, about midnight, they commenced throwing up a redoubt, which they completed, not withstanding every possible effort from the British ships and batteries to prevent them, about noon the next day. So silent had the operations been conducted through the night, that the British had not the most distant notice of the design of the Americans, until day-break presented to their view, the half for- formed battery and daring stand made against them. A dreadful cannonade, accompanied with shells, was immediately commenced from the British batte ry at Copps Hill, and the ships of war and floating batteries stationed in Charles River. The break of day on the 1 7th of June, 1 775, pre sented a scene, which for daring and firmness could never be surpassed-^1000 unexperienced militia, in the attire of their various avocations, without disci pline, almost without artillery and bayonets, scanti- Jy supplied with ammunition, and wholly destitute of provisions, defying the power of the formidable British fleet and army, determined to maintain the Jiberty of their soil, or moisten that soil with their blood. Without aid, however, from the main body of the army, it seemed impossible to maintain their posi tion the men having been without sleep, toiling through the night, and destitute of the necessary food required by nature, had become nearly ex hausted. Representations were repeatedly made,. 95 through the morning, to Head Quarters, of the ne cessity of reinforcements and supplies. Major Brooks, the late revered Governor of Massachu setts, who commanded a battalion of minute-men at Concord, set out for Cambridge about 9 o clock, on foot, it being impossible to procure a horse, so liciting succor; but as there were two other points exposed to the British, Roxbury and Cambridge, then the Head Quarters, at which place all the lit tle stores of the army were collected, and the loss of which would be incalculable at that moment, great fears were entertained lest they should march over the neck to Roxbury, and attack the camp there, or pass over the bay in boats, there being at that time no artificial avenue to connect Boston with the adjacent country, attack the Head Quarters and destroy the stores ; it was therefore deemed im possible to afford any reinforcement to Charlestown Heights, till the movements of the British rendered evidence of their intention certain. The fire from the Glasgow frigate and two float ing batteries in Charles River, were wholly direct ed with a view to prevent any communication across the isthmus that connects Charlestown with the main land, which kept up a continued shower of missiles, and rendered the communication truly dan gerous to those who should attempt it. When the intention of the British to attack the heights of Charlestown became apparent, the remainder of Putnam s regiment, Col. Gardner s regiment, bo ,h of which, as to numbers, were very imperfect, and some New Hampsmre Militia, marcued, not withstanding the heavy fire across the neck, for Charlestown Heights, where they arrived much fa tigued, just after the British had moved to the first attack. 96 The British commenced crossing troops from Boston about 12 o clock, and landed at Moreton s Point, S. E. from Breed s Hill. At 2 o clock, from the best accounts that can be obtained, they had landed between 3 and 4,000, men under the immedi ate command of Gen. Howe, and formed, in appa rently invincible order, at the base of the hill. The position of the Americans at this time was a redoubt on the summit of the height of about eight rods square, and a breastwork, extending on the left of it, about seventy feet down the eastern de clivity of the hill. This redoubt and breastwork was commanded by Prescott in person, who had superintended its construction, and who occupied it with the Massachusetts Militia, of his detachment, and a part of Little s regiment, which had arrived about one o clock. They were dreadfully defi cient in equipments and ammunition, had been toil ing incessantly for many hours, and it is said by some accounts, even then were destitute of provis ions. A little to the eastward of the redoubt, and northerly to the rear of it, was a rail fence, extend ing almost to Mystick river, to this fence another had been added during the night and forenoon, and some newly mown grass thrown against them, to af ford something like a cover to the troops. At this fence the 120 Connecticut Militia were posted. The movements of the British made it evident their intention was to march a strong column along the margin of the Mystick, and turn the redoubt on the nortn, while another column attacked it in front; accordingly, to prevent this design, a large force be came necessary at the breastwork and rail fence. The whole of the reinforcements that arrived, amounting in all to about 800 or 1000 men, were ordered by Gen, Putnam, who had been extremely 97 active throughout the night and morning, and who had accompanied the expedition to this point. At this moment thousands of persons of both sex es had collected on the Church steeples, Beacon Hill, house tops, and every place in Boston and its neighborhood, where a view of the battle ground could be obtained, viewing with painful anxiety, the movements of the combatants wondering, yet ad miring the bold stand of the Americans, and trem bling at the thoughts of the formidable army mar shalled in array against them. Before 3 o clock the British formed, in two col umns, for the attack one column, as had been an ticipated, moved along the Mystick River, with the intention of taking the redoubt in the rear, while the other advanced up the ascent directly in front of the redoubt, where Prescott was ready to re ceive them. Gen. Warren, President of the Pro vincial Congress and of the Committee of Safety, who had been appointed but a few days before a Major General of the Massachusetts troops, had vol unteered on the occasion as a private soldier, and was in the redoubt with a musket, animating the men, by his influence and example, to the most daring de termination. Orders were given to the Americans to reserve their fire till the enemy advanced sufficiently near to make their aim certain. Several vollies were fired by the British with but little success ; and so long a time had elapsed, and the British were allow ed to advance so near the Americans without their fire being returned, that a doubt arose whether or not the latter intended to give battle but the fatal moment soon arrived : when the British had ad vanced to within about eight rods, a sheet of fire was poured upon them and continued a short time 98 with such deadly effect that hundreds of the assail ants lay weltering in their blood, and the remainder retreated in dismay to the point where they had first landed. From day light to the time of the British advan cing on the works, an incessant fire had been kept up on the Americans from the ships and batteries this fire was now renewed with increased vigor. After a short time the British officers had succeed ed in rallying their men, and again advanced in the same order as before, to the attack. Thinking to divert the attention of the Americans, the town of Charlestown, consisting of 500 wooden buildings, was now set oa fire by the British the roar of the flames, the crashing of falling timbers, the awful appearance of desolation presented, the dreadful shrieks of the dying and the wounded in the last at tack, added to the knowledge of the formidable force advancing against them, combined to form a scene apparently too much for men bred in the qui et retirement of domestic life to sustain but the stillness of death reigned within the American works and nought could be seen but the deadly presen ted weapon, ready to hurl fresh destruction on the assailants. The fire of the Americans was again reserved till the British came still nearer than be fore, when the same unerring aim was taken, and the British shrunk, terrified, from before its fatal ef fects, flying, completely routed, a second time to the banks of the river, and leaving, as before, the field strewed with their wounded and their dead. Again the ships and batteries renewed their fire, and kept a continual shower of balls on the works. Notwithstanding every exertion, the British officers found it impossible to rally the men for a third at tack; one third of their comrades had fallen j ajic} finally it was not till a reinforcement of more than 1000 fresh troops, with a strong park of artillery, had joined them from Boston, that they could be in duced to form anew. In the mean time every effort was made on the part of the Americans to resist a third attack ; Gen. Putnam rode, notwithstanding the heavy fire of the ships and batteries, several times across the neck, lo induce the militia to advance, but it was only a few of the resolute arid brave who would encounter the storm. The British receiving reinforcements from their formidable main body the town of Charles- town presenting one wide scene of destruction the probability the Americans must shortly retreat the shower of balls pouring over the neck pre sented obstacles too appalling for raw troops to sus tain, arid embodied too much danger to allow them to encounter. Yet, notwithstanding all this, the Americans on the heights were elated with their success, and waited with coolness and de termination the now formidable advance of the enemy. Once more the British, aided by their reinforce ments, advanced to the attack, but with great skill and caution their artillery was planted on the eastern declivity of the hill, between the rail fence and the breast work, where it was directed along the line of the Americans, stationed at the latter place, and against the gate way on the north east ern corner of the redoubt at the same time they attacked the redoubt on the south eastern and south western sides, and entered it with fixed bay onets. The slaughter on their advancing, was great ; but the Americans, not having bayonets to meet them on equal terms, and their powder being Exhausted, now slowly retreated, opposing^and ex- 100 tricating themselves from the British with the butts of their pieces. The column that advanced against the rail fence was received in the most dauntless manner. The Americans fought with spirit and heroism that could not be surpassed, and had their ammunition have held out, would have secured to themselves a third time the palm of victory ; as it was, they effectually prevented the enemy from accomplishing his purpose, which was to turn their flank and cut the whole of the Americans off; but having become perfectly ex hausted, this body of the Americans also slowly re^ tired, retreating in much better order than could pos sibly have been expected from undisciplined troops, and those in the redoubt having extricated them selves from a host of bayonets by which they had been surrounded. The British followed the Americans to Bunker Hill, but some fresh militia at this moment coming op to the aid of the latter, covered their retreat. The Americans crossed Charlestown Neck about 7 o clock, having in the last twenty hours performed deeds which seem almost impossible. Some of them proceeded to Cambridge and others posted them selves quietly on Winter and Prospect Hills.. From the most acurate statements that can be found, it appears the British must have had nearly 5,000 soldiers in the battle ; between 3 and 4000 having first landed, and the reinforcement amount ing to over 1,000. The Americans, throughout the whole day, did not have 2,000 men on the field. The slaughter on the side of the British was im mense, having had nearly 1 ,500 killed and wounded - y twelve hundred of which were either killed or mor tally wounded, the Americans about 400L 101 Had the Commanders at Charlestown Heights become terrified on being cut oft" from their main body and supplies, and surrendered their army, or even retreated before they did, from the terrific force that opposed them, where would have now been that ornament and example to the world, the independence of the United States ? When it was found that no reinforcements were to be allowed them, the most sanguine man on that field could not have even indulged a hope of success, but all deter mined to deserve it and although they did not ob tain a victory, their example was the cause of a great many. The first attempt on the commence ment of a war is held up, by one party or the other, as an example to those that succeed it, and a Victory or Defeat, though not, perhaps, of any great magni tude in itself, is most powerful and important in its effects. Had such conduct as was here exhibited, been in any degree imitated by the immediate Com mander in the first military onset of the last war, how truly different a result would have been cffect- ed to the fatal one that terminated that unfortunate expedition. From the immense superiority of the British, at this stage of the war, having a large army of highly disciplined and well equipped troops, and the Amer icans possessing but few other munitions or weap ons of war. and but little more discipline, than what each man possessed when he threw aside iiis plougn and took the gun that he had kept for pastime or for profit, but now to be employed for a different purpose, from off the hooks that held it, perhaps it would have been in their power, by pursuing the Americans to Cambridge, and destroying the few- stores that had been collected there, to implant a blow which could never have been recovered 102 from, but they were completely terrified. The awful lesson they had just received, filled them with horror, and the blood of 1,500 of their com panions, who fell on that day, presented to them a warning which they could never forget. From the Battle of Bunker Hill, sprung the protection and the vigor that nurtured the Tree of Liberty, and to it, in all probability, may be ascribed our Indepen dence and Glory. The name of the first martyr that gave his life for the good of his country on that day, in the impor tance of the moment was lost, else a Monument, in connection with the gallant Warren, should be rais ed to his memory. The manner of his death was thus related by Col. Prescott : " The first man who fell in the Battle of Bunker Hill was killed by a cannon ball, which struck his head. He was so near me that my clothes were besmeared with his blood and brains, which I wiped off in some degree, with a handful of fresh earth. The sight was so shocking to many of the men, that they left their posts and ran to view him. I ordered them back, but in vain. I then ordered him to be buried instantly. A subaltern officer expressed surprise that I should allow him to be buried with out having prayers said ; I replied, -this is the first man that has been killed, and the only one that will be buried to day. I put him out of sight that (he men may be kept in their places. God only knows ivho, or how many of us, will fall before it is over, To your post, my* good fellow, and let each man do his duty." The name of the patriot who thus fell is suppo sed to have been POLLARD, a young man belonging to Billerica. He was struck by a cannon ball thrown from the line of battle ship Somerset 103 (57.) Arnolds march through the Wilderness.* About the same time that Canada was invadad by the usual route from New York, a considerable de tachment of the American army was brought thither by a new and unexpected passage. Arnold, who conducted this bold undertaking, acquired thereby the name of the American Hannibal. He was sent, by General Washington, with a thousand men, from Cambridge, with orders to penetrate into that province, by ascending the Kennebec, and then, after crossing the mountains which divide Canada from Maine, by descending the Chaudiere, to the St. Lawrence. Great were the difficulties, and se vere the deprivations, they had to encounter, in marching three hundred miles, by an unexplored way, through an uninhabited country. In ascend ing the Kennebec, they were constantly obliged to struggle against an impetuous current ; they were often compelled, by cataracts, to land, and haul their batteaux up rapid streams, and over falls of riv ers. They had to contend with swamps, woods, and craggy mountains. At some places, they had to cut their way, for miles together, through forests, so embarrassed, that their progress was only four or five miles a day. One third of their number were, from sickness and want of food, obliged to return. Provisions grew at length so scarce, that some of the men eat their dogs, cartouch boxes, leather small clothes, and shoes. Still they pro ceeded with unabated fortitude. They gloried in the hope of completing a march which would rival the greatest exploits of antiquity ; and on the third of November, after thirty-one days spent in traver sing a hideous desert, they reached the inhabited parts of Canada, where the people were struck with 104 amazement and admiration, when they saw this ar med force emerging from the wilderness. Grimshavfs Hist. U. S. (58.) Death of Gen. Montgomery. Richard Montgomery, a Major General in the ar my of the United States, was born in the north of Ireland, in the year 1737. He possessed an excel lent genius, which was matured by a fine education. Entering the army of Great Britain, he successfully fought her battles with Wolfe, at Quebec, in 1759, on the very spot, where he was doomed to fall, when fighting against her, under the banners of freedom. After his return to England, he quitted his regiment, in 1772, though in a fair way to pre ferment. He had imbibed an attachment to Ameri ca, viewing it as the rising seat of arts and freedom. After his arrival in this country, he purchased an estate in New York, about a hundred miles from the city, and married a daughter of Judge Living ston. He now considered himself as an American. When the struggle with Great Britain commenced, as he was known to have an ardent .attachment to liberty, and had expressed his readiness to draw his sword on the side of the Colonies, the command of the continental forces in the northern department, was entrusted to him and General Schuyler, in the fall of 1775. By the indisposition of Schuyler, the chief com mand devolved upon him in October. He reduced fort Chamblee, and on the third of November, cap^ tured St. Johns. On .the 12th, he took Monk- real. In December, he joined Col, Arnold, and marclied to Quebec. The city was besieged, and 105 on the last day of the year it was determined to make an assault. The several divisions were ac cordingly put in motion, in the midst of a heavy fall of snow which concealed them from the enemy. Montgomery advanced at the head of the New York troops, along the St. Lawrence, and having assisted with his own hands in pulling up the pick ets, which obstructed his approach to one of the barriers he was determined to force, he was pushed forwards, when one of the guns from the battery was discharged, and he was killed, with his two aids. This was the only gun that was fired, for the enemy had been struck with consternation and all but one or two had fled. But this event probably prevented the capture of Quebec. When he fell, Montgomery was in a narrow passage, and his body rolled upon the ice, which formed by the side ot the river. After it was found the next morning among the slain, it was buried by a few soldiers, without any marks of distinction. He was thirty-eight years of age. He was a man of great military talents, whose measures were taken with judgment, and executed with vigor. With undisciplined troops, who were jealous of him in the extreme, he yet in- inspired them with his own enthusiasm. He shared with them in all their hardships, and thus prevent ed their complaints. His industry could not be wearied, nor his vigilance imposed upon, nor his courage intimidated. To express the high sense entertained by his coun try, of his services, Congress directed a monument of white marble, to his memory, should be placed in front of St. Paul s Church, New York. The remains of General Montgomery, after rest ing 4<2 years at Quebec, by a resolve of the State of New York, were brought to the city of Ne\y 10 106 York, on the 8th of July, 1818, and deposited with ample form and grateful ceremonies, near the afore said monument in St. Paul s Church. Morse s Rev. (59.) Washington, Commander in- Chief of the American Army. In May, 1775, Congress met agreeable to adjournment. Hostilities having commenced, it was a point of vital importance to the American cause, to select a proper person for Commander in Chief of the American forces. George Washington,* a delegate from Virginia, *For three years subsequent to the defeat of Braddock, Washington superintended the troops of Virginia; in which highly dangerous service, he continued until peace was giv en to the frontier of his native Colony, by the reduction of fort Duquesne ; an enterprize undertaken in conformity with his repeated solicitations, and accompanied by himself, at the head of his own regiment. The arduous duties of his situation, rendered irksome by the invidious treatment exr perienced from the Governor, and by the unmanageable dis position of the officers and privates under his command, were related by himself, ip a highly interesting narrative, and fully acknowledged by the assembly of Virginia. Soon afterwards, he retired to his estate at Mount Vernon, and pursued the arts of peaceful life, with great industry and success. When the proceedings of the British Parliament had alarmed the colonists with apprehensions that a blow was levelled at their liberties, he again came forward to serve the public; was appointed a delegate to Congress; and in that body, was chairman of every committee selected to make arrangements for defence. He was now in his forty- fourth year, possessed a large share of common sense, and was directed by a sound judgment. Engaged in the busy scenes of life, he knew human nature, and the most proper method of accomplishing his plans. His passions were sub dued, and held in subjection to reason. His mind was supe rior to prejudice and party spirit; his soul too generous to burthen his country with expense ; his principles too just to 107 tvas, by the unanimous voice of Congress, appoint ed tofiflthis important station, on the 15th of June, 1775. " To Washington s experience in military affairs were united sound judgment, extensive know ledge of men, perfect probity, pure morals, a grave deportment, indefatigable industry, easy manners, strict politeness, a commanding person, cool bravery, unshaken fortitude, and a prudence that baffled and confounded his enemies." Soon after his appointment, General Washing ton repaired to the army, who were besieging Bos ton ; he was received with profound respect and joyful acclamations by the American army. The Americans having so closely invested Boston, the British commander judged it prudent to evacuate the town, which they did on the 17th of March, 1776, taking with them 1500 of the inhabitants, allow his placing military glory in competition with the pub lic good. On the President of Congress announcing his commission, he replied : " Though I am truly sensible of the high honor done me in this appointment, yet, I feel a deep distress, from a consciousness, that my abilities and military experience may not be equal to the extensive and important trust. However, as the Congress desire it, I will enter on the mo mentous duty, and exert every power I possess, in their ser vice for the support of the glorious cause. I beg they will accept my most cordial thanks for this distinguished testimo ny of their approbation. But, lest some unlucky event should happen, unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room, that I this day declare, with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure the Congress, that, as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happi ness, I do not wish to make any profit from it. I will keep an exact account of my disbursements ; those, I doubt not, they will discharge, and that is all I desire." Grimshaic s Hist. U. S. 108 who dared not stay, on account of their attachment to the British cause. General Washington immediately entered the town, to the great joy of the inhabitants. (60.) Attack on Sullivan s Island. In the months of June and July, in 1776, the British commanders, G.en. Clinton and Sir Peter Parker, attempted to destroy the fort on Sullivan s Island, near Charleston, S. C. Their force con sisted of two 50 gun ships, and four frigates of 2& guns each, besides several smaller vessels, with 3000 troops on board. The fort was commanded by Col. Moultrie r with a garrison of but 375 regu lars, and a few militia. This fort, though not en tirely finished, was very strong. " However, the British Generals resolved, with out hesitation, to attack it ; but though an attack was easy from the sea, it was very difficult to obtain a co-operation of the land forces. This was at tempted by landing them on Long Island, adjacent to Sullivan s Island on the east, from which it is. separated by a very narrow creek, said> to be not above two feet deep at low water^ Opposite to this ford, the Americans had post ed a strong body of troops, with cannon and en trenchments, while Gen. Lee was posted on the main land, with a bridge of boats betwixt that and Sullivan s Island, so that he could at pleasure send reinforcements to the troops in the fort on Sullivan s Island. On the part of the British, so many delays oc curred, that it was the 24th of June before matters were in readiness for an attack ; and by this time^ the Americans had abundantly provided for their 109 reception. On the morning of that day, the bomb ketch began to throw shells into Forf. Sullivan, and about mid-day, the two fifty gun ships, and thirty gun frigates, came up, and began a severe fire. Three other frigates were ordered to take their station between Charleston and the fort, in order to enfilade the batteries, and cut oif the communica tion with the main land; but through the ignorance of the pilots, they all stuck fast ; and though two of them were disentangled, they were found to be to tally unfit for service. The third was burnt, that she might not fall into the hands of the Americans. The attack was therefore confined to the five ar med ships and bomb-ketch, between whom and the fort a dreadful fire ensued. The Bristol suffered excessively, the springs on her cable being shot away, she was for some time entirely exposed to the enemy s fire. As the Americans poured in great quantities of red hot balls, she was twice in, Sames. Her Captain, Mr. Morris, after receiving five wounds, was obliged to go below deck, in or der to have his arm amputated. After undergoing this operation, he returned to his place, where he received another wound, but still refused to quit his station. At last, he received a red hot ball in his belly, which instantly put an end to his life. Of all the officers and seamen who stood on the quarter-deck of the Bristol, not one escaped with out a wound, excepting Sir Peter Parker alone ; whose intrepidity and presence of mind on this oc casion, were very remarkable. The engagement lasted till darkness put an end to it. Little damage was done by the British, as the works of the Amer icans lay so low, that many of the shot flew over ; and the fortifications, being composed of palm trees 10* no mixed with earth, were extremely well calculated to resist the impression of cannon. During the height of the attack, the American batteries remained for some time silent, so that it was concluded that they had been abandoned; but this was found to proceed only from want of pow der ; for as soon as a supply of this necessary arti cle was obtained, the firing was resumed as brisk as before. During the whole of this desperate en gagement, it was found impossible for the land for ces to give the least assistance to the fleet ; the Ame rican works were found to be much stronger than they had been imagined, and the depth of water effectu ally prevented them from making any attempt. In this unsuccessful attack, the killed and woun ded on the part of the British, amounted to about two hundred. The Bristol and Experiment were so much damaged, that it was thought they could not have been got over the bar ; however this was at last accomplished, by a very great exertion of naval skill, to the surprise of the Americans, who had expected to make them both prizes. On the American side, the loss was judged to have been considerable-" Williams Revolution. (61.) Declaration of Independence. The American people, exasperated by the pro ceedings, of the British Government, which placed them out of their protection, and engaging foreign mercenaries to assist in subduing them, began to broach the subject of Independence from the British crown. Accordingly, the subject was brought before Con gress ; but some of the members of that body being absent, they adjourned its consideration to the first of July. Ill They accordingly met, and appointed Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Philip Livingston, to frame the De claration of Independence. They agreed that each of their number should draft a declaration, and read it next day, in rotation, to the rest. They ac cordingly met, and Mr. Jefferson was fixed upon to " read first ;" his gave such satisfaction that none other was read, Their report was accepted, and Congress declared " the thirteen United States Free and Independent^ July 4, 1776. " This declaration was received by the people with transports of joy. Public rejoicings took place in various parts of the Union. In New York, the statue of George III. was taken down and the lead of which it was composed was converted into mus ket balls." The Declaration of Independence was, by order of Con gress, engrossed, and signed by the following members: JOHN HANCOCK. JVew Hampshire. Francis Lewis, Josiah Bartlett, Lewis Morris, William Whipple, JVew Jersfy. Matthew Thornton. Richard Stockton, Massachusetts Bay. John Witherspoon, Samuel Adams, Francis Hopkinson, John Adams, John Hart, Robert Treat Paine, Abraham Clark. Elbridge Gerry. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, fyc. Robert Morris, Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Rush, William Ellery. Benjamin Franklin, Connecticut. John Morton, Roger Sherman, George Clymer* Samuel Huntington, James Smith, William Williams, George Taylor, Oliver Wolcott. James Wilson, JVfito York* George Ross, William Floyd, Thomas M Kean. Philip Livingston, 112 Delaware. Carter Braxton. Caesar Rodney , North Carolina. George Read. William Hooper, Maryland. Joseph Hewes, Samuel Chase, Joha Penn. William Paca, South Carolina, Thomas Stone, Edward Rutiedge, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton.Thomas Hey ward, Jr. Virginia, Thomas Lynch, Jr. Georg-e Wythe v \ Arthur Middieton. Richard Henry Lee, Georgia. Thomas Jefferson, Button Gwinnett, Benjamin Harrison, Lyman Hall, Thomas Nelson, Jr. George Walton. Francis Lightfoot Lee, (62.) Battle on Long Island. The command of the British force, destined to operate against New York, was given to Admiral Lord Howe and his brother Sir William, who, ia addition to their military powers, were appointed commissioners for restoring peace to the Colonies. General Howe, after waiting two months at Halifax for his brother, and the expected reinforcements from England, sailed with the force which he had previously commanded in Boston ; and directing his course towards New York, arrived in the latter end of June, off Sandy Hook. Admiral Lord Howe, with part of the reinforcement from England, arri ved at Halifax, soon after his brother s departure j and without dropping anchor, followed and joined him near Staten Island, These two royal commis sioners, before they commenced military operations, attempted to effect a re-union between the Colonies and Great Britain ; but both the substance and the form of their communications for that purpose, wera too exceptionable, to be for a moment seriously re garded, us The British forces waited so long to receive acf-* cessions from Halifax, South Carolina, Florida, the West Indies and Europe, that the month of August was far advanced before they were in a condition to open the campaign. Their commanders, having re solved to mate their first attempt on Long Island, landed their troops, estimated at about twenty-four thousand men, at Gravesend Bay, to the right of the Narrows. The Americans, to the amount of fifteen thousand, under Major General Sullivan, were posted on a peninsula between Mill Creek, a little above Red Hook, and an elbow of East River, cal led Whaaleboght Bay. Here they had erected strong fortifications, which were separated from New York by East River, at the distance of a mile, A line of entrenchments from the Mill Creek enclosed a large space of ground, on which stood the American camp, near the village of Brooklyn, This line was secured by abattis, and flanked by strong redoubts. The armies were separated by a range of hills, covered with a thick wood, which intersect the country from west to east, terminating on the east near Jamaica. Through these hills there were three roads ; one near the Narrows, a second on the Flatbush road, and a third on the Bedford road ; and these were the only passes from the south side of the hills to the American lines, ex cepting a road, which leads to Jamaica round the easterly end of the hills. General Putnam, agree ably to the instructions of General Washington, had detached a considerable part of his men to occupy the woody hills and passes; but in the performance of this service there appears to have been a deficien cy, either of skill or of vigilance. When the whole British army was landed, the Hessians, under General De Heister, composed the iU centre atPlatbush ; Major General Grant command ed the left wing, which extended to the coast; and the principal army, under the command of General Clinton, Earl Percy, and Lord Cornwallis, turned short to the right, and approached the opposite coast at Flatland. The position of the Americans having been reconnoitered, Sir William Howe, from the intelligence given him, determined to attempt to turn their left flank. The right wing of his ar my, consisting of a strong advanced corps, com manded by General Clinton and supported by the brigades under Lord Percy, began at nine o clock at night, on the 26th of August, to move from Flat- land ; and, passing through the New Lots, arrived on the road that crosses the hills from Bedford to Ja maica. Having taken a patrol, they seized the pass without alarming the Americans. At half after eight in the morning, the British troops, having pas sed the heights and reached Bedford, began an at tack on the left of the American army. In the cen tre, General De Heister, soon after day light, had begun to cannonade the troops, which occupied the direct road to Brooklyn, and which were command ed by General Sullivan in person. As soon as the firing towards Bedford was heard, De Heister ad vanced and attacked the centre of the Americans, who after a warm engagement, were routed and driven into the woods. The firing towards Bedford giving them the alarming notice, that the British had turned their left flank, and were getting completely into their rear ; they endeavored to escape to the camp. The sudden route of this party, enabled De Heister to detach a part of his force against, those who were engaged near Bedford. There also the Americans were broken and driven into the woods ; and the front of the British column, led by General Ho Clinton, continuing to move forward, intercepted and engaged those whom De Heister had routed, and drove them back into the woods. They again met the HeSvsians, who drove them back on the British. Thus alternately chased and intercepted, some forced their way through the enemy to the lines of Brooklyn ; several saved themselves in the coverts of the woods ; but a great part of the der tachment were killed or taken. The left column, led by General Grant, advan cing from the Narrows along the .coast, to divert the attention of the Americans from the principal attack on the right, had about midnight fallen in with Lord Sterling s advanced guard, stationed at a strong pass, and compelled them to relinquish it. As they were slowly retiring, they were met on the summit of the hills about break of day, by Lord Sterling^ who had been directed with the two nearest regi ments, to meet the British on the road leading from the Narrows. Lord Sterling having posted his men adr vantageously, a furious cormonade commenced on both sides, which continued several hours. The firing towards Brooklyn, where the fugitives were pursued by the British, giving notice to Lord Ster ling, that the enemy had gained his rear, he instant ly gave orders to retreat across a creek, near the Yellow Mills. The more effectually to secure the retreat of the main body of the detachment, he de termined to attack in person; a British corps under Lord Cornwallis, stationed at a house somewhat above the place where he proposed crossing the creek. With about four hundred men, drawn out of Smallwood s regiment for that purpose, lie made a very spirited attack, and brought up this small corps several times to the charge, with confident expecta tions of dislodging Lord Cornwallis from his postj > 116 but the force in his front increasing, and General rrant now advancing on his rear, he was compelled to surrender himself and his brave men prisoners of war. This bold attempt, however, gave opportuni ty to a large part of the detachment to cross the creek and effect an escape.* Holmes Annals. " After this severe defeat, Gen. Washington, with the advice of a council .of officers, ordered a retreat from Long Island. On the night of the 29th, this was effected, with, a success that wasdeemed a mer ciful interposition of heaven. Within a single night, an army of 9,000 men, with their artillery, tents, and baggage, was transported to New York, over a difficult ferry, a mile in width, while the British army .was encamped within 600 yards, and did not discover the retreat, till too late to annoy the Amer- ^cans." (63.) Death of Capt. Hale. r After General Washington, by his retreat, had left the British in complete possession of jLong Island, and not knowing what would be their future opera tions, he applied to General Kriowhon, commander of a regiment of light infantry, to devise som$ means for gaining necessary information of the de sign of the British in their future movements. Cap tain Hale nobly offered himself for this hazardous *The loss of the British and Hessians, is stated by Ameri can historians at about 450; Sledman says, "it did not exceed 300 killed anci wounded." The ioss of the Ameri cans was not admitted by General Washing-top lo exceed 1000 men; " hut i fhis estimate, he could only have inclu ded the regular troops." General Hv>we states the prisoners v to have been 1037; among- vrljom were Majar General Sul liran, and Brigadiers Lord Sterling and Woodhull. 161 Murder o in and important service. His amiable, pious, intel ligent, and patriotic character, and the sacrifice of his life in the manner in which he made the sacrifice, entitle him to a distinguished rank among th patriots of the revolution. The particulars o Viis tragical event, sanctioned by General Hull, was knowing to them at the time, are related by H. Adams, in her History of New England. " The retreat of General Washington, left the British in complete possession of Long Isiand. What would be their future operations, remained uncertain. To obtain information of their situation, their strength, and future movements, was of high importance. For this purpose, General Washing ton applied to Col. Knowlton, who commanded a regiment of light infantry, which formed the van of the American army, and desired him to adopt some mode of gaining the necessary information. Col. Knowlton communicated this request to Nathan Hale, of Connecticut, who was then a Captain in his regiment. This young officer, animated by a sense of duty, and considering that an opportunity presented itself by which he might be useful to his country, at once offered himself a volunteer for this hazardous service. He passed in disguise to Long Island, examined every part of the British army, and obtained the best possible information respect ing their situation and future operations. In his attempt to return, he was apprehended, carried before Sir William Howe, and the proof of his object was so clear, that he frankly acknowledg ed who he was, and what were his views. Sir William Howe at once gave an order to the provost marshal to execute him the next morning. The order was accordingly executed in a most unfeeling manner, and by as great a savage as ever H 113 disgraced humanity. A clergyman, whose attend ance he desired, was refused him ; a bible, fora mo ment s devotion was not procured, though he re- ]uc. *ed it. Letters, which on the morning of his ition, he wrote to his mother and other friends, destroyed ; and this very extraordinary reason was given by the provost marshal, " that the reb els should not know that they had a man in their army, who could die with so much firmness." i{ Unknown to all around him, without a single friend to offer him the least consolation, thus fell as amiable and as worthy a young man as Americacould boast, with this as his dying observation, "that he only lamented he had but one life to lose for his country." (f>4.) Battle of Trenton, The summer and fall of 1776, was the most gloomy period of the American revolution. Gen, Washington had been obliged to retreat from Long Island to New York, thence over the Hudson to New Jersey, and through New Jersey to Pennsyl vania, vigorously pursued by an enemy flushed with a series of success. The retreat through New Jersey, was attended with circumstances of a pain ful and trying nature. Washington s army, which had consisted of 30,000 men, was now diminished to scarcely 3,000, and these were without supplies, without pay, and many of them without shoes or comfortable clothing. Their footsteps were stain ed with blood, as they fled before the enemy. The affairs of the Americans, seemed in such a despe rate condition, that those who had been most con fident of success, began despairingly to give up all as lost. Many Americans joined the British and 119 took protections from them. In this season of gen eral despondency, the American Congress recom mended to each of the states, to observe " a day of solemn fasting and humiliation before God." Gen. Washington saw the necessity of making a desperate effort for the salvation of his country. On the night of the 25th of December, 1776, the American army recrosscd the Delaware, which was filled with pieces of floating ice, and marched to at tack a division of Hessians, who had advanced to Trenton. The sun had just risen as the tents of the enemy appeared in sight. No time was to be lost Washington rising on his stirrups, waved his sword towards the hostile army, and exclaimed, " There, my brave friends, are the enemies of your country ! and now all I have to ask of you is to remember what you are about to fight for ! March ! /" The troops animated by their commander, pres sed on to the charge the Hessians were taken by surprise, and before they could form, the contest was decided; about 1000 were taken prisoners, and 40 killed, among whom was their commander, fa German officer,) Col. Rahl. (65.) Battle of Princeton. On the 2d of January, 1777, Lord Cornwallis ap peared near Trenton, with a strong body of troops.. Skirmishing took place, and impeded the march of lh? British army, until the Americans had secured their artillery and baggage ; when they retired to the southward of the creek, and repulsed the ene my in their attempt to pass the bridge. As General Washington s force was not sufficient to meet the enemy, and his situation was critical, he determin- 120 ed, with the advice of a council of war, to attempt a stratagem. He gave orders for the troops to light fires in their camp, [which were intended to deceive the enemy,] and be prepared to march. Accord ingly, at twelve o clock at night, the troops left the ground, and by a circuitous march eluded the vigi lance of the enemy, and early in the morning ap peared at Princeton. A smart action ensued, but the British troops gave way. A party took refuge in the college, a building with strong stone walls, but were forced to surrender. The enemy lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, about five hundred men. The Americans lost but few men ; but among hern was a most valuable officer, General Mercer* H ebster s Elements Useful Knozvledge. (66.) Battle of Brandy wine. The British General Howe, with a force of 16,000 men, on the 1 5th of August landed at the head of Elk river* It being obvious that his design was the occupation of Philadelphia, General Washing-^ ton immediately put the American army in motion towards that place, to prevent its falling into the hands of the enemy. The two armies met at Bran dy wine, in Delaware. " At day break on the morning of the eleventh, the royal army advanced in two columns ; the one commanded by Lieutenant General Knypausen, and the other by Lord Cornwallis. While the first col umn took the direct road to Chadd s Ford, and made a show of passing it in front of the main body of the Americans, the other moved up on the west side of the Brandywine, to its fork, crossed both its branches about two in the afternoon, and marched down on 121 its eastern side, with the view of turning the right wing of their adversaries. General Washington, on receiving intelligence of their approach, made the proper disposition to receive them. The divis ions commanded by Sullivan, Sterling, and Stephen, advanced a little farther up the Brandywine, and fronted the column of the approaching enemy ; Wayne s division, with Maxwell s light infantry, re mained at Chadd s Ford, to keep Knypausen in check; Green s division, accompanied by General Washington, formed a reserve, and took a central position between the right and left wings. The di visions detached against Cornwallis, took posses sion of the heights above Birmingham church, their left reaching towards the Brandywine ; the artillery was judiciously placed, and their flanks were cov ered by woods. About four o clock, Lord Cornwallis formed the line of battle, and began the attack. The Americans sustained it for some time with intrepidity ; but the right at length giving way, the remaining divisions, exposed to a galling fire on the flank, continued to break on the right, and the whole line was soon completely routed. As soon as Cornwallis had commenced the attack, Knypausen crossed the ford, and attacked the troops, posted for its defence ; which, after a severe conflict, were compelled to give way. The retreat of the Ameri cans, which soon became general, was continued that night to Chester, and the next day to Philadel phia. The loss sustained by the Americans in this action, is estimated at three hundred killed and six hundred wounded. Between three and four hun dred, principally the wounded, were made prison ers. The loss of the British was stated to be rath er less than one hundred killed, and four hundred wounded. Holmes Jlnnals. 11* Among 1 the wounded were two general officers; the Mar quis de La Fayette, and General Woodford. The first of these was a French nobleman, who at the age of 19 years only, left France and offered his services to Congress, which gave him the rank of Major General in their army. Count Pulaski, a Polish nobleman, fought also with the Americans ,, in this battle. Ib. (67.) Battle of Germantown, and the Attack on Red Bank. After General Howe had taken possession of Phil adelphia, it became necessary for him to take the forts on the Delaware, in order to open a commu nication with the Atlantic. Accordingly, a part o the royal army were detached for that purpose. Gen. Washington seized this opportunity to attack the remainder, at Germantowii. On the morning of the 4th of October, Washington attacked the enemy with such judgment and fury, that they gave way in every quarter. u The tumult, disorder, and despair in tfie British army," says Washington, u were unparalleled^ But unfortunately, an un common thick fog, occasioned many mistakes in the American army; and after a severe action, they were obliged to retreat, with the loss of about 1000 men in killed and wounded ; among them was Gen. Nash, and his aid, Major Wkherspoon. The Brit ish lost upwards of 500 men, with Gen. Agnew and Col. Bird. The detachment of the British army, sent to at tack the fort at Red Bank, on the Jersey shore, was commanded by Count Donop, a brave and high spirited German officer. The fort was defend ed by about 400 men, under Col. Green. Count Donop, with undaunted firmness, led on his men to. an assault. After a few well directed fires, Green 123 and his men artfully retired from the ouhvorfis* The enemy now supposing the day their own, rush ed forward in great numbers,, along a large opening in the fort, and within twenty paces of a masked battery, of eighteen pounders, loaded with grape shot and spike nails. Immediately the garrison opened a tremendous fire upon their assailants,, which swept them down in great numbers. Count Donop was mortally wounded and taken prisoner In this expedition, the enemy are supposed to have lost about 400 men. (68.) Murder of Miss McCrea. Previous to the American revolution, there resi ded near fort Edward, an accomplished young man, named Jones, and a young lady by the name of McCrea, between whom a strong attachment sub sisted. Upon the breaking out of war, Mr. Jones, who favored the royalists, fled into Canada. Thence he accompanied the expedition of Bur- goyne into the States. When the British army were within about three miles of fort Edward, Mr. Jones found means secretly to inform Miss Mc Crea of his approach ; he entreated her not to leave the place, and informed her, that as soon as the fort had surrendered, he would seek an asylum where they might peacefully consummate the nuptial cere mony. Confiding in her lover, Miss McCrea hero ically refused to follow the flying villagers. The tears and intreaties of her parents and friends avail ed nothing. Mr. Jones, anxious to possess his in tended bride, despatched a party of Indians to con vey her to the British army, and offered to reward them for their service with a barrel of rum. The 124 Indians brought a letter from her lover, and als his horse to convey Miss McCrea ; she scrupled riot to place herself under their protection, and ac cordingly set out for the British camp. When about half way, a second party of Indians hearing of the captivating offer made by Mr. Jones, deter mined to avail themselves of the reward. A bloody strife ensued, in which some Indians were killed, when the chief of the first party, to decide the con test, with his tomahawk knocked the lady from her horse, tore off her scalp, and bore it as a trophy to her anxious and expectant lover ! This atrocious and cruel murder, roused the American people, and produced one general burst of horror and indigna tion throughout the States, against the British and their savage allies, and probably hastened the downfall of Burgoyne. (69.) Battle of Bennington and Capture of Burgoyne. In the spring of 1777, it was determined in Eng land that an invasion of the States should be at tempted from the north, and a communication form ed between Canada and the city of New-York, and thus cut off the communication between the New England and more southern States. u The troops destined for this service were up wards of seven thousand ; with a train of artillery, the finest, and the most efficiently supplied, that had ever been assigned to second the operations of an equal force. Arms and accoutrements were provi ded for the Canadians, and several nations of In dians induced to take up the hatchet under the royal banners. The command was given to General Bur goyne ; an officer whose abilities were well known^ 225 and whose spirit of enterprise, and thirst of military fame, could not be exceeded. The British had the exclusive navigation of Lake Champlain. Their marine force on that inland sea, with which, in the preceding campaign, they had destroyed the Ameri can flotilla, was not only entire, but unopposed. " Having gained possession of Ticonderoga, as well as of the other defences which had served to prevent or to impede the advance of an enemy into the United States on the side of Canada, and with a degree of alacrity and perseverance not to be excel led, they reached Fort Edward, on the Hudson, Bur- goyne proceeded, in the beginning of August, to force his passage down towards Albany. In the meantime, every obstruction had been thrown in his way, by Schuyler, Arnold, St. Clair, and other vi gilant commanders ; who, at this period, owing to the evacuation of the northern forts, and the exer tions of the leading patriots in New-York and the contiguous provinces, had in that quarter an army of thirteen thousand men. " In his advance to Albany, Burgoyne formed a plan to draw resources from the farms of Vermont, For this purpose, he detached five hundred Hessians and one hundred Indians, with two field-pieces, under the command of Colonel Baum ; a force deemed sufficient to seize a magazine of provisions collected by the Americans at Bennington. But he proceeded with less caution than his perilous situa tion required. On the 16th of August, Colonel Starke attacked him, near that place, with about eight hundred New-Hampshire militia, undisci plined, without bayonets, or a single piece of artil lery; killed or capiured the greater part of his de tachment, and got possession of his cannon. This "was a brilliant service. Another achievement, 126 scarcely less conspicuous, immediately succeeded* Colonel Breyman, who had been sent by General Burgoyne to support that party, arrived on the same ground, and on the same day, not, however, until the action was decided. Instead of meeting his friends, he found himself vigorously assailed. This attack was made by Colonel Warner; who, with his continental regiment, had come up, also to support his friends, and was well assisted by Starke s militia, which had just defeated the party of Colonel Baum. Brey man s troops, though fatigued with the prece ding march, behaved with great resolution ; but were at length obliged to abandon their artillery, and retreat. In these two actions, the Americans took four brass field-pieces, four ammunition wagons, and seven hundred prisoners* " The overthrow of these detachments was the first, in a grand series of events, that finally involved in ruin the whole royal army. It deranged every plan for continuing, or even holding, the advantages previously obtained ; inspired the Americans with ., confidence, animated their exertions, and filled them with justly-formed expectations of future victory, " After the evacuation of Ticonderoga, the Ame ricans had fallen back, from one place to another, until they at last rested at Vanshaick s island. Soon after this retreating system was adopted, Congress removed their commanding officers, and placed General Gates at the head of the northern army. His arrival, on the 19th of August, gave fresh vigor to the inhabitants. Encouraged by a hope of cap turing the whole British forces, a spirit of adventure burst forth from every quarter, and was carried into various directions. An enterprise was undertaken by General Lincoln, to recover Ticonderoga arid the other posts in the rear of the British army 5 and. 127 though the first object was not accomplished, yet with so much address did Colonel Brown, who was despatched to the landing at LakeGeorge, proceed, that, with five hundred men, he not only surprised all the out-posts between the landing at the north end of the lake and the body of that fortress ; took Mount Defiance and Mount Hope, the old French lines, and a block-house ; also two hundred bat- teaux, several gun boats, besides two hundred and ninety prisoners ; but at the same time, released one hundred Americans, " Burgoyne, after crossing the Hudson, advanced along its banks, and encamped about two miles from General Gates, a short distance above Still-Water, The Americans thought no more of retreating ; and, @n the 19th of September, engaged him with firm ness and resolution, The conflict, though severe, was only partial, for the first hour and a half; but, after a short pause, it became general, and continu ed for three hours without intermission. A constant blaze of fire streamed forth, and both sides seemed determined on victory or death. The Americans and British were alternately driven by each other, until night ended the effusion of blood. The enemy lost five hundred men, including killed, wounded, and prisoners ; the Americans, three hundred. " Every moment made the situation of the British army more critical. Their provisions were lessen ing, their Indian and provincial allies deserting; whilst the animation and numbers of the Americans increased. From the uncertainty of receiving fur ther supplies, Burgoyne curtailed the soldiers ra tions. His opponents pressed him on every side. Much hard fighting ensued. The British were again defeated. One of Burgoyne s Generals, together with his aid-de-qamp, was killed, and he himself 128 narrowly escaped ; as a ball passed through his hat, and another through his waistcoat. The American Generals Arnold and Lincoln were wounded. To avoid being surrounded, General Burgoyne left his hospital to the humanity of Gates, and retreated to Saratoga. He was still followed, and harassed ; driven on one side and straitened on another. The situation of his army was truly distressing : aban doned by their allies, unsupported by their fellow- soldiers in New- York, worn down by a series of in cessant efforts, and greatly reduced in number ; without a possibility of retreat, or of replenishing their exhausted stock of provisions : a continual cannonade pervaded their camp, and grape-shot fell in many parts of their lines. " The 12th of October arrived ; the day until which hope had bidden the afflicted General wait for the promised assistance from New-York. But ex pectation vanished with the departing sun. He took an account of his provisions. There was only a scanty subsistence for three days. A council of war declared that their present situation justified a capitulation on honorable terms ; and a negotia tion was commenced. After various messages pass ed between the hostile armies, it was stipulated, that, on the 17th, the British were to march out of their camp with the customary honors of war ; the arms to be piled by word of command from their own officers ; and an undisturbed passage allowed them to Great Britain, on condition of their not serving again in North America during the war. " By this convention, were surrendered five thou sand seven hundred and ninety, of all ranks ; which number, added to the killed, wounded, and prison ers, lost by the royal army during the preceding part of the expedition, made, altogether, upwards oi" J3atfl< at 129 ten thousand men ; an advantage rendered still more important to the captors, by the acquisition of thirty- five brass field-pieces, and nearly five thousand muskets. The regular troops in General Gates s army were nine thousand; the militia, four thousand: but, of the former, two thousand were sick or on furlough ; and of the latter, five hundred. " The celebrated Polish patrioc, Kosciuski, was chief engineer in the army of General Gates. " On learning the fate of Burgoyne, the British on the North river retired to New York. Those who had been left in his rear destroyed their cannon, and, abandoning Ticonderoga, retreated to Canada ; so that this whole country, after experiencing for several months the devastations of war, was now restored to perfect tranquility. Grimshaw^s Hist. U. S, (70.) Treaty with France. On the 16th of March, 1778, Lord North intima ted to the House of Commons, that a paper had been laid before the King by the French ambassador, in timating the conclusion of an alliance between the court of France arid the United States of America. The preliminaries of this treaty had been concluded in the end of the year (777, and a copy of them sent to Congress, in order to counteract any pro posals that might be made in the mean .time by the British ministry. On the 6th of February, 1 778, the articles were formally signed, to the great satisfac tion of the French nation. They were in substance as follows : 1. If Great Britain should, in consequence of this 12 330 treaty, proceed to hostilities against France, the tws nations should mutually assist one another. 2. The main end of the treaty was, in an effectual manner to maintain the Independence of America. 3. Should those places of North-America still sub ject to Britain, be reduced by the States, they should be confederated with them, or subjected to their ju risdiction. 4. Should any of the West-India Islands be redu ced by France, they should be deemed its property. 5. No formal treaty with Great Britain should be concluded, either by France or America, without the consent of each other ; and it was mutually agreed, that they should not lay down their arms till the In dependence of the States had been formally acknow* ledged. 6. The contracting parties mutually agreed, to invite those powers that had received injuries from Great Britain, to join in the common cause. 7. The United States guaranteed to France all the possessions in the West-Indies w r hich she should conquer ; and France, in her turn, guaranteed the absolute Independence of the States, and their su preme authority over every country they possessed, r might acquire during the war.* This treaty was signed, on the part of France, by M. Gerard ; on the part of the United States, by Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee. On the 20th of March, the American commissioners were received at the court of France, as the repre sentatives of a sister nation ; an event which was considered in Europe at that time, as the most im portant which had occurred in the annals of America, since its first discovery by Columbus. * Williams Revolution. 131 (71.) Battle of Monmouth or Freehold. At the opening of the campaign in 1778, General Howe wont to England, and left the command to Sir Henry Clinton. In June the British army left Phil adelphia, and marched towards Staten Island. In their march they were annoyed by the Americans, and on the 28th of June, a division of the army, under General Lee, was ordered, if possible, to bring them to an engagement. The order was riot obeyed General Washington arrived, and riding up to Gene ral Lee, addressed him in terms that implied cen sure. General Lee answered with warmth and dis respectful language. General Washington led the troops in person, and a smart action took place, in which both parties claimed the victory, but the ad vantage was clearly on the side of the Americans. The loss in killed and wounded amounted to three or four hundred, on each side ; but the British left the field of battle in the night and pursued their re treat. This battle happened at Freehold, in Mon mouth county, during a period of extreme heat, the mercury being above ninety degrees by Fahrenheit s scale. Many of the soldiers died on the spot, by heat, fatigue, or drinking cold water. General Lee was tried by a court martial for disobedience, and his command suspended for one year. Webster^s Elements of U. Knowledge. (79.) Taking of Savannah and Charleston. In 1778, Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, an officer f courage and ability, embarked on the tuenty- seventh of November from New-York for Savan nah, with about two thousand men, under the con- 132 voy of some ships of war, commanded by Commodore Hyde Parker ; and in about three weeks landed near the mouth of Savannah river. From the landing place, a narrow causeway of six hundred yards in length, with a ditch on each side, led through a swamp. At this causeway a small party was posted, under Captain Smith, to impede the passage of the British ; but it was almost instantly dispersed. General Howe, the American officer, to whom the defence of Georgia was committed, had taken his station on the main road, and posted his little army, consisting of about six hundred continentals and a few hundred militia, between the landing place and the town of Savannah, with the river on his left, and a morass in front. SVhile Colonel Campbell was making arrangements to dislodge his adversaries, he received intelligence from a negro, of a private path, on the right of the Americans, through which his troops might march unobserved ; and Sir James Baird, with the light infantry, was directed to avail himself of this path, in order to turn their right wing, and attack their rear. As soon as it was judged that he had cleared his passage, the British, in front of the Americans, were directed to advance and en gage. General Howe, finding himself attacked both in front and rear, ordered an immediate retreat. The British pursued, and their victory was entire. Upwards of one hundred of the Americans were kill ed ; and thirty-eight officers, four hundred and fif teen privates, the town and fort of Savannah, forty- eight pieces of cannon, twenty-three mortars, the fort with its ammunition and stores, the shipping in the river, and a large quantity of provisions, were in a few hours in possession of the conquerors. The whole loss of the British, during the day, amounted to no more than seven killed and nineteen wounded. Holmes American Anna Is. 133 Sir Henry Clinton, finding it more easy to make an impression on the southern States, which were less populous than the northern, and being a level country, rendered the transportation of artillery less difficult, determined to make them the seat of war. Agreeable to this resolution, he sailed from New- York, with a large force, in the severe winter of 1779 80 ; and after a tempestuous passage, in which he lost some of his transports, arrived at Sa vannah the latter part of January. From Savannah the army proceeded to Charleston, and in April laid siege to that city. The enemy made regular ap proaches, and finally being prepared to storm the town, General Lincoln was compelled to capitulate. About two thousand five hundred men, besides the militia and inhabitants, became prisoners, and all the cannon and military stores. Ttys happened on the 12th o May, 1780. General Clinton left Lord Cornwallis to command the troops in the southern army, and returned to New-York. Great numbers of the people in South-Carolina, being left defence less, returned to their allegiance, and the British commander represented the state as subdued. Webster ] s Elements of U. Knowledge. (73.) Paul Jones Naval Battle. On the 22d of September, 1778, occurred on the coast of Scotland, " that unexampled sea-fight, which gave to the name of Paul Jones such terrific eclat. This man was a native of Scotland, but engaged in the service of the United States. His flotilla was composed of the Bon-homme Richard, of forty guns, the Alliance, of thirty-six, (both American ships,) the Pallas, a French frigate of thirty-two, in the pay 12* 134 of Congress, and two other smaller vessels. He fell in with a British merchant fleet, on its return from the Baltic, convoyed by Captain Pearson, with the frigate Sera pis, of forty-four guns, and the Countess of Scarborough, of twenty* Pearson had no sooner perceived Jones, than he bore down to engage him, while the merchantmen endeavored to gain the coast. The American flo tilla formed to receive him. The two enemies joined battle about seven in the evening. The British having the advantage of cannon of a longer reach, Paul Jones resolved to fight them closer. He brought up his ships, until the muzzles of his guns came in contact with those of his enemy. Here the phrenzied combatants fought from seven till ten. Paul Jones now found that his vessel was so shat tered, that only three effective gu-ns remained., Trusting no longer to these, he assailed his enemy with grenades ; which, fulling into the Serapis, se t her on fire in several places. At length her maga zine blew up and killed all near it. Pearson, enra ged at his officers, who wished him to surrender, commanded them to board. Paul Jones at the head of his crew, received them at the point of the- pike ; and they retreated. But the flames of the Serapis had communicated to her enemy, and the vessel of Jones was on fire. Amidst this tremen dous night-scene, the American frigate Alliance came up, and mistaking her partner for her enemy, fired a broad-side into the vessel of Jones. By the broad glare of the burning ships she discovered her mistake, and turned her guns against her exhausted foe. Pearson s crew were killed or wounded, his artillery dismounted, and his vessel on fire ; and he could no longer resist. The flames of the Serapis Tvere however arrested : but the leaks of the Good- 135 man Richard could not be stopped, and the hulk went down soon after the mangled remains of the crew had been removed. Of the 375 who were on board that renowned vessel, only sixty-eight left it alive. The Pallas had captured the Countess of Scarborough ; and Jones, after this horrible victory, wandered with his shattered, unmanageable vessels for some time ; and at length, on the 6th of October, had the good fortune to find his way to the waters of the TexelS>+-ffillard*s Hist. U. States. (74.) Gen. Putnam s Escape at Horseneck. About the middle of the winter of 1778, General Putnam, -\ bold and veteran officer, was on a visit to his outpost at Horseneck, where he found Tryon^ the British Governor, advancing upon thai place with, a corps of fifteen hundred men. To oppose this force General Putnam had only a force of one hun dred and fifty men, with two iron field pieces, with out horses or drag-ropes. Having planted his can non on an eminence, he fired until the enemy s horse (supported by infantry) were about to charge ; he then ordered his men to shelter themselves in a neighboring swamp inaccessible to the enemy s cavalry and putting spurs to his horse, he plunged down a precipice so steep that about one hundred stone steps or stairs had been constructed for the accommodation of foot passengers. The British dragoons, who were but a sword s length from him, not daring to follow, stopped, and, before they could gain the valley, Putnam was far beyond their reach, Genu Putnam was much distinguished, both in the French and Revolutionary wars, for his bravery and a spirit of daring Enterprise. He also rendered himself famous by a noted ex 136 jjloit in a wolf s den. When he removed to Pomfret, ori. that part of the country was much infested with wolves. In liis immediate vicinity a she-wolf committed considerable de predations for several years. After many unsuccessful at tempts were made to destroy this ferocious animal, Putnam and his neighbors tracked her to her den, and endeavored b? fire and smoke, dogs, &c. to expel her from her habitation. These means proving ineffectual, Putnam at length carne to the hazardous resolution of attacking the wolf in her den. With a torch in one hand and his gun in the other, he crawl ed a considerable distance into a subterraneous cavity, and discovered the wolf by the glare of her eye-balls, evidently at the point of springing at him. Putnam fired : upon this he was drawn out of the cave by his neighbors, by means of a rope he had attached to one of his legs Putnam again de scended, and finding the wolf dead, took hold of her ears, and the people above, with much exultation, dragged them out together. (75.) Storming of Stoney Point. The reduction of this place, July 15, 1779, was one of the most bold enterprises which occurred in the Revolutionary war. (Stoney point is 40 miles north of New- York, on the Hudson.) " At this time Stoney Point was in the condition f a real fortress ; it was furnished with a select gar rison of more than 60Q men, and had stores in abundance, and defensive preparations which were formidable. Fortified as it was, Gen. Washington ventured an attempt to reduce it. The enterprise was committed to Gen. Wayne, who, with a strong detachment of active infantry, set out towards the place at noon. His march of fourteen miles over high mountains, through deep morasses, and difficult defiles, was accomplished by eight o clock in the evening. At the distance of a mile from the point,. Gen, 137 Wayne halted and formed his men into two col umns, putting himself at the head of the right. Both columns were directed to march in order and silence, with unloaded muskets arid fixed bayonets* At midnight they arrived under the walls of the fort."* " An unexpected obstacle now presented itself: the deep morass which covered the works, was at this time overflowed by the tide. The English opened a tremendous fire of musketry and of cannon loaded with grape shot : but neither the inundated znoross, nor a double palisade, nor the storm of fire that poured upon them, could arrest the impetuosity of the Americans ; they opened their way with the bayonet, prostrated whatever opposed them, scaled the fort, and the two columns met in the centre of the works. The English lost upwards of 600 men in killed and prisoners. The conquerors abstained from pillage, and from all disorder ; a conduct the more worthy as they had still present in mind, the ravages and butcheries which their enemies had so recently committed, in Virginia and Connecticut. Humanity imparted new effulgence to the victory which valor had attained."! (76.) Battle of Camden. On the 16th of August, 1730, Earl Cornwallis. who commanded the British troops, obtained a sig nal victory over the vVmericans under Gen. Gates, at Camden. " The action began at break of day, in a situation very advantageous for the British troops, but very unfavorable to the Americans. * Goodrich s United States. f Botta s Revolution. 138 latter were much more numerous ; but the ground on which both armies stood was narrow r ed by swamps on the right and left, so that the Ameri cans could not avail themselves properly of their superior numbers. There seems to have been some want of general ship on the part of Gates, in suffering himself to be surprized in so disadvantageous a position. But this circumstance was the effect of accident ; for both armies set out with a design of attacking each other, precisely at the same time, at ten o clock the preceding evening, and met together before day light, at the place where the action happened. The attack was made by the British troops, with great vigor, and in a few minutes the action was general along the whole line. It \vas at this time a dead calm, with a little haziness in the air, which prevented the smoke from rising, and occasion d so thick a darkness that it was difficult to see the effect of a heavy and well-supported tire on both sides. The British troops either kept up a constant fire, or made use of bayonets, as opportunities offered ; and after an obstinate resistance of three quarters of an hour, threw the Americans into total confusion, and forced them to give way in all quarters. The continental troops behaved remarkably well, but tho militia were soon broken, leaving the former to oppose the whole force of the British troops. Gen. Gates drl nil in his power to rally the militia, but without effect : the continentals retreated in some order ; but he rout of the militia was so great, that the British cavalry continued the pursuit of them to the distance of twenty-two miles from the place of action. The loss of the Americans, on this occasion, was very considerable ; about one thousand prisoners 139 were taken, and more than that number were said to have been killed and wounded, although the number was not %^ry accurately ascertained. Seven pieces of brass cannon, various stands of colors, and all the ammunition waggons of the Ame ricans, fell into the hands of the enemy. Among the prisoners taken, was Major-General the Baron de Kalb, a Prussian officer in the American service, who was mortally wounded, after exhibiting great gallantry in the course of the action, having received eleven wounds. Of the British troops, the number of killed and wounded amounted to two hundred and thirteen." Williams Hist. Revolution. (77.) Murder of Mrs. and Mr. Caldwell. In the summer of 1780, the British troops made frequent incursions into New Jersey, ravaging and plundering the country, and committing numerous atrocities upon its inhabitants. In June, a large body of the enemy, commanded by Gen. Kniphau- sen, landed at Elizabethtown Point, and proceeded into the country. They were much harrassed in their progress by Col. Dayton, and the troops under his command. When they arrived at Connecticut Farms, according to their usual but sacrilegious cus tom, they burnt the Presbyterian church, parsonage house, and a considerable part of the village. But the most cruel and wanton act that was perpe trated during this incursion, was the murder of Mrs, Caldwell, the wife of the Rev. Mr. Caldwell of Elizabethtown. This amiable woman, seeing the enemy advan^ .cing, retired with her house keeper, a child of three y<ears old, an infant of eight months, and a little 14Q maid, to a room secured on all sides by stone walls, except at a window opposite the enemy. She pru dently took this precaution toavoid the danger of transient shot, should the ground be disputed near that place, which happened not to be the case ; nei ther was there any firing from either party near the house, until the fatal moment, when Mrs. Caldwell, unsuspicious of any immediate danger, sitting on the bed with her little child by the hand, and her nurse, with her infant babe by her side, was instant ly shot dead by an unfeeling British soldier, who had come round to the unguarded part of the house, with an evident design to perpetrate the horrid deed. Many circumstances attending this inhuman murder, evince, not only that it was committed by the enemy with design, but also, that it was by the permission, if not by the command, of Gen. Kniphausen, in or der to intimidate the populace to relinquish their cause. A circumstance which aggravated this piece of cruelty, was, that when the British officers were made acquainted with the murder, they did not interfere to prevent the corpse from being strip ped and burnt, but left it half the day, stripped in part, to be tumbled about by the rude soldiery ; and at last it was removed from the house, before it was burned, by the aid of those who were not of the army. Mrs. Caldwell was an amiable woman, of a sweet and even temper, discreet, prudent, benevolent, soft and engaging in her manners, and beloved by all her acquaintance. She left nine promising children, Mrs. Caldwcll s death was soon followed by that of her husband. In November, 1781, Mr. Cald well hearing of the arrival of "a young lady at Eliz- abethtown Point, whose family, in New York, had been peculiarly kind to the American prisoners, HI rode down to escort her up to town. Having re ceived her into his chair, the sentinel observing a little bundle tied in the lady s handkerchief, said it must be seized for the state. Mr. Caldwell in stantly left the chair, saying he would deliver it to the commanding officer, who was then present ; and as he stepped forward with this view, another sol dier impertinently told him to stop, which he imme diately did ; the soldier notwithstanding? without further provocation, shot him dead on the spot. Such was the untimely fate of Mr. Caldwell. His public discourses were sensible, animated and per suasive ; his manner of delivery agreeable and pa thetic. He was a very warm patriot, and greatly distinguished himself in supporting the cause of his suffering country. As a husband he was kind ; as a citizen given to hospitality. The villain who mur dered him was seized and executed.* (78.) Massacre at Wyoming. The following account of the devastation of the flourishing settlements of Wyoming, in July, 1778, and the massacre of its inhabitants by a party of to- ries and Indians, under the command of the infamous Co/. Butler, and Brandt, a half-blooded Indian, is thus related by Mrs. Willard, in her History of the United States. " The devastation of the flourishing settlement of Wyoming, by a band of Indians and tories, was marked by the most demoniac cruelties. This settle ment consisted of eight towns on the banks of the Sus- quehannah,|and was one of the most flourishing as well as delightful places in America. But even in this 13 H2 peaceful spot, the inhabitants were not exempt irons the baneful influence of party spirit. Although the majority were devoted to the cause of their country, yet the loyalists were numerous. Several persons had been arrested as tories, and sent to the proper authorities for trial. This excited the indignation of their party, and they determined upon revenge. They united with the Indians, and resorting to arti fice, pretended a desire to cultivate peace with the inhabitants of Wyoming, while they were making every preparation for their meditated vengeance. The youth at Wyoming were at this time with the army, and but 500 men capable of defending the settlement remained. The inhabitants had con structed four forts for their security, into which these men were distributed. In the month of July, 1600 Indians and tories, under the command of Butler and Brandt, appeared on the banks of the Susque- hannah. Two of the forts nearest the frontier imme diately surrendered to them. The savages spared the women and children, but butchered the rest of their prisoners without exception. They then sur rounded Kingston, the principal fort, and to dismay the garrison, hurled into the place 200 scalps, still reeking with blood. Col. Denison, knowing it to be impossible to defend the fort, demanded of But ler what terms would be allowed the garrison if they surrendered; he answered, "the hatchet." They attempted further resistance, but were soon compel led to surrender. Enclosing the men, women, and children, in houses and barracks, they set fire to these, and the miserable wretches were all consumed. The fort of Wilksbarre still remained in the pow er of the republicans ; but this garrison, learning the fate of the others, surrendered without resis tance, hoping in this way to obtain mercy. But 143 submission could not soften the hearts of these unfeeling monsters, and their atrocities were renew ed. They then devastated the country, burnt their dwellings, and consigned their crops to the flames. The lories appeared to surpass even the sava ges in barbarity. The nearest ties of consanguin ity were disregarded ; and it is asserted, that a mother was murdered by the hand of her own son. None escaped but a few women and children ; and these, dispersed and wandering in the forests, without food and without clothes, were not the least worthy of commiseration. (79.) Distress and Mutiny of the American Army. The situation of Gen. Washington was often, du ring the war, embarrassing, for want of proper sup plies for the army. It was peculiarly so, while at Morristown, in 1780, where he had encamped du ring the winter. The cold during the winter was uncommonly severe, and the army suffered extreme- Jy. The following account of the state of the Ameri can army is taken from Grimshavv s History of the United States. " The distress suffered by the American army did not arrive at its highest pilch until the present sea son. The officers of the Jersey line, now address ed a memorial to their state legislature, complaining, that four months pay for a private would not pro cure for his family a single bushel of wheat ; that the pay of a colonel would not purchase oats for his horse; and that a common laborer received four times as much as an American officer. Tlir-y urged, that unless an immediate remedy were provided, the otal dissolution of their line was inevitable ; and 144 concluded, by saying, that their pay should be re alized, either by Mexican dollars, or something equivalent. Nor was the insufficiency of their stip- port the only motive to complaint. Other causes of discontent prevailed. The original idea of a continental army, to be raised, paid, and regulated, upon an equal and uniform principle, had been, in a great measure, exchanged, -for that of state estab lishments ; a pernicious measure, partly originating from necessity, because state credit was not quite so much depreciated as continental. Some states, from their superior ability, furnished their troops, not only with clothing, but with many articles of convenience. Others supplied them with mere ne cessaries ; whilst a few, from their particular situa tion, could give little or perhaps nothing. The offi cers and men, in the routine of duty, daily intermix ed and made comparisons. Those who fared worse than others, were dissatisfied with a service that al lowed such injurious distinctions. Mutiny began to spread, and at length broke out amongst the sol diers at fort Schuyler. Thirty one privates of that garrison w r ent off in a body. They were overtaken, and thirteen of their number instantly killed. About the same time, two regiments of Connecticut troops mutinied, and got under arms ; determined to re turn home, or gain subsistence by the bayonet. Their officers reasoned with them, and used every argument that could interest their passions or their pride. They at first answered, " Our sufferings are too great we want present relief," But military feelings were in the end, triumphant : after much expostulation, they returned to the encampment. It is natural to suppose, that the British comman der would not lose so favorable an opportunity of severing the discontented from their companions^ 145 and attracting them to his own standard. He circu lated a printed paper in the American camp ; tend ing to heighten the disorder by exaggeration, and cre ate desertion by promises of bounty and caresses. But. so great was the firmness of the soldiery, and so strong their attachment to their country, that, on the arrival of only a scanty supply of meat, for their immediate subsistence, military duty was cheerfully performed, and the rolls were seldom dishonored by desertion. The necessities of the American army grew so pressing, that Washington was constrained to call on the magistrates of the adjacent counties for spe cified quantities of provisions to be supplied in a given number of days ; and was compelled even to send out detachments, to collect subsistence at the point of the bayonet. Even this expedient at length failed ; the country in the vicinity of the army, being soon exhausted. His situation Was painfully em barrassing. The army looked to him for provisions ; the inhabitants for protection. To supply the one, and not oifenc! the other, seemed impossible. To preserve order and subordination, in an army of re publicans, even when well fed, regularly paid, and comfortably clothed, is not an easy task ; but to re tain them in service, and subject them to the rules of discipline, when wanting, not only the comforts, but often the necessaries, of life, require such address and abilities, as are rarely found in human nature. These were, however, combined jn Washington. He not only kept his army in the field, but opposed those difficulties with so much discretion, as to com mand the approbation of both soldiers and people. To obviate these evils, Congress sent a commit tee of its own members to the encampment of the main army. They confirmed the representations- 13* 146 previously made, of the distresses, and the disorder^ arising from commissarial mismanagement, which every where prevailed. Jn particular, they stated, that the army was unpaid for five months ; that it seldom had more than six days provision in ad vance ; and was on different occasions, for several successive days, without meat ; that the horses were destitute of forage ; that the medical department had no sugar, tea, chocolate, wine, nor spiritous liquors of any kind ; that every department was without money, and without credit; and that the patience of the soldiers, worn down by the pres sure of complicated sufferings, was on the point of being exhausted. Misfortunes, from every quarter, were, at this time, pouring in upon the United States. T3ut they seemed to rise in the midst of their distresses, and gain strength from the pressure of calamities. When Congress could obtain neither money nor, credit for the subsistence of their army, the inhabit ants of Philadelphia gave three hundred thousand dollars, to procure a supply of necessary provis ions for the suffering troops: and the ladies of that city, at the same time, contributed largely to their immediate relief. Their example was generally followed. The patriotic flame, which blazed forth in the beginning of the war, was rekindled. The different states were ardently excited ; and it was arranged, that the regular army should be raised to thirty- five thousand elective men. ? (80.) Capture of Andre, and Treason of Arnold. In the year 1780, a plot fraught wiih much dan ger to the American cause was happily discovered. 14? This plot, originated with Arnold, a General in the American army, who by his extravagance and over bearing behavior, had brought upon himself a rep rimand from the American Congress. Of a temper too impetuous to bear reproof, Arnold, bent on re venge, entered into a negotiation through Major John Andre, Adjutant General in the British army, to deliver up to the enemy the important post of West Point, of which Arnold had the command. Andre proceeded in disguise to West Point, drew a plan of the fortress, concerted with Arnold, and agreed upon the manner and time of attack. Hav ing obtained a passport, and assumed the name of Anderson, Andre set out on his return to New- York by land. He passed the outposts of the American army without suspicion. Supposing him self now out of danger, he pressed forward, elated with the prospect of the speedy execution of a plot which was to give the finishing blow to liberty in America. But, mark the hand of Providence, about thirty miles from New York, as Andre was entering a vil lage called Tarry town, three militia men, who hap pened that way, JOHN PAULDING, DAVID WILLIAMS, and ISAAC VANWERT, seized the bridle of his horse, and accosted him with : Where are you bound?" Andre supposing that they were of the British, did not immediately show his passport, but waving iheir question, asked them, "where they belonged to?" they replied "to below," (referring to the course of the river, and implying that they were of the British party.) "And so do /," said Andre, (confirmed in his mistake by this stratagem,) at the same time informed them that he was a British offi cer, on urgent business, and must not be detained. <* You belong to our enemies," exclaimed the militfa 148 men, " and zee arrest you." Andre, struck with as tonishment, presented his passport, but this, after what had passed, only rendered his case the more suspicious. He then offered them a purse of gold, his horse and watch, besides a large reward from the British government, if they would but liberate him. But these soldiers, though poor and obscure, were not to be bribed. They searched him and found concealed in his boot, papers which evidenced his guilt, and they immediately conducted him to Col. Jameson, their commanding officer. Andre was tried by a board of general officers of the American army, and executed as a spy, at Tap- pan, N. Y. October 2. He was a young officer, high minded, brave, accomplished and humane. Me suffered with fortitude, and his fate excited the universal sympathy of all parties.* * Major Andre Lad many friends in the American army^ and even Washington would have spared him, had duty to his country permitted. Every possible effort was made by Sir Henry Clinton in his favor, but it was deemed important that the decision of the board of war should be carried into execution. When Major Andre was apprized of the sentence of death, Jie made a last appeal in a letter to Washing-ton, that he might be shot rather than die on a gibbet. The letter of Andre roused the sympathies of Washing- ton, and had he only been concerned, the prisoner would have been pardoned and released. But the interests of his country were at stake, and the sternness of justice demanded that private feelings should be sacrificed. Upon consulting his officers on the propriety of listening to Major Andre s request, to receive the death of a soldier, (to be shot,) it was deemed necessary to deny it, and to make him an example. As a reward to Paulding, Williams, and VanWert, for their virtuous and patriotic conduct, Congress voted to each of them an annuity of $200, and a silver medal, on one side pf which, was a shield with this inscription fidelity,"-*. 149 (81.) Battle of the Cowpens. In the autumn of 1780, Gen. Greene was ap pointed to the command of the American forces in Carolina. He was accompanied by Colonel Mor gan, a brave and active officer, who commanded a body of riflemen. On the entrance of Morgan into the district of Ninety Six, Lord Cornwallis detached Lieut. Col. Tarleton to drive him from this station, and to "push him to the utmost*" Tarleton s fojce consisted of about 1000 choice infantry, and 250 horse, with two field pieces. To oppose this force, Morgan had but 500 militia, 300 regulars and 75 horse, under the command of Col. Washington. The two detachments met on the 17th of Jan. !781,attheCow- pens. The ground on which this memorable battle was fought, was an open pine barren. The militia were drawn up about 280 yards in front of the regulars, and the horse some small distance in the rear. Just after day break, the British came in sight; and halting within a bout a quarter of a mile of the militia, began to prepare for battle. The sun had just risen, as the enemy, with loud shouts, advanced to the charge. The militia, hardly wait ing to give them a distant fire, broke, and fled for and on the other, the following motto, ("vinctt amor pat rice,"} --the love of country conquers. Arnold, the miserable wretch, whose machinations led to the melancholy fate Andre experienced, escaped to New York, where, as the price of his dishonor, he received the commission of Brigadier General, and the sum of ten thou sand pounds sterling! This last boon was the grand secret of Arnold s fall from virtue ; his vanity and extravagance had led him into expen ses which it was neither in the power nor will of Congress to support. He had involved himself in debt, from which he saw no hope of extricating himself: and his honor, therefore, was bartered for British gold. GoodrisVa Hist. U. S. 150 heir horses, which were tied at some distance, Tarle ton s cavalry pushed hard after them, and coming up just as they reached their horses, began to cut them down. On seeing this, Col. Washing ton with his cavalry, dashed on to their rescue. As if certain of victory, Tarleton s men were all scat tered in the chase. Washington s men, on the con trary, advanced closely and compactly, and gave the British cavalry such a fatal charge, that they fled in the utmost precipitation. The British infant ry now came up ; and, having crossed a little valley, just as they ascended the hill, they found themselves within twenty paces of the regular Americans, un der Col. Howard, who at this moment poured upon them a general and deadly fire. This threw them into confusion. The militia seeing this change in the battle, recovered their spirits, and began to form on the right of the regulars. Morgan, waving his sword, instantly rode up, exclaiming with a loud voice, " Hurrah ! my brave fellows ! form, form ! old Morgan was never beat in his life I one fire more, my heroes, and the day is our own!" With answering shouts, both regulars and militia then advanced upon the enemy ; and following their fire with the bayonet, instantly decided the con flict.* The British lost in this engagement, upwards of 300 killed and wounded, and more than 500 prison ers. The loss of the Americans was but 12 killed and 60 wounded. (82.) Battle of Guilford. After the disaster at the the Cowpens, Lord Cornwallis determined lo intercept Col, Morgan, and *Weems Life of Washingtop. retake the prisoners ; but a heavy rain in the night- swelled the rivers so as to prevent his design. Tc enable his troops to march with more celerity, he destroyed all his heavy baggage. At length Gen eral Greene joined Col. Morgan, with additional for ces, and Lord Cornwallis, having collected his troops, the armies met near the court-house in Guil- ford. The action was fought on the 15th of March,. 1781 . The Americans amounted to be! ween 4 and 5000 men, but mostly militia, or inexperienced sol diers. The British force consisted of about half that number of veterans.* The Americans were drawn up in three lines. The front was composed of North Carolina militia, commanded by Gene rals Butler and Eaton ; the second, of Virginia mi litia, commanded by Stephens and Lawson ; the third of continental troops, commanded by Gene ral Huger and Colonel Williams. The British, af ter a brisk cannonade in front, advanced in three columns, the Hessians on the right, the guards in the centre, and Lieutenant Colonel Webster s brig ade on the left; and attacked the front line. The militia composing this line, through the misconduct of an officer in giving occasion to a false alarm, pre cipitately quitted the field. The Virginia militia stood their ground, and kept up their fire, until they were ordered to retreat. The continental troops were last engaged, and maintained the con flict with great spirit an hour and a half; but were then forced to give way before their veteran adver saries. The British broke the second Maryland brigade ; turned the American left flank ; and got in the rear of the Virginia brigade. On their ap pearing to be gaining Greene s right, and thus threatening to encircle the whole of the continental *Webster, 152 troops, a retreat was ordered, which was well conducted.* The battle was fought with great bra very and effect ; for although Lord Cornwallis remained master of the field, his losses, in a coun try where he could not recruit his army, had the effect of a defeat. His loss was more than five hundred men. That of the Americans was about four hundred in killed and wounded, of which more than three fourths were continentals. (83.) Battle of But aw Springs. On the 9th of September, 1781, Gen. Greene, having assembled about two thousand men, pro ceeded to attack the British, who, under the com mand of Col. Stewart, were posted at Eutaw Springs. The American force was drawn up in two lines : the first, composed of Carolina militia, was commanded by Generals Marion and Pickens, and Col. De Mai- medy. The second, which consisted of continental troops from North-Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland, was commanded by Gen. Sumpter, Lieut. Col, Campbell, and Col. Williams Lieut, Col. Lee, with his legion, covered the right flank ; arid Lieut, Col. Henderson, with the state troops, covered the left, A corps reserve was formed of the cavalry, under Lieut. Col. Washington, and the Delaware troops, under Capt. Kirkwood. As the Americans came forward to the attack, they fell in with some advanced parties of the enemy, at about two or three miles ahead of the main body. These being closely pursued were driven back^-and the action soon became general. The militia were at length forced to give way, but were bravely supported by the second line. In the hottest part of the engage* * Holmes Annals, Ifcw-York cf Andre Virginia ny New for 153 ment, Gen. Greene ordered the Maryland and Vii ginia continentals to charge with trailed arms. This decided the fate of the day. Nothing, says Dr. Ramsay, could surpass the intrepidity of both officers and men on this occasion. They rushed on, in good order, through a heavy cannonade, and a shower of musketry, with such unshaken resolution, that they bore down all before them. The British were broken, closely pursued, and upwards of five hundred of them taken prisoners. They however made a fresh stand, in a favorable position, in im penetrable shrubs and a picquetted garden, Lieut. Col. Washington, after having made every effort to dislodge them, was wounded and taken prisoner. Four six pounders were brought forward to play upon them, but they fell into tneir hands ; and the endeavors to drive them from their Station being found impracticable, the Americans retired, leaving a strong picquet on the field of battle, Their loss was about five hundred ; that of the British up wards of eleven hundred. Gen. Greene was honored by Congress with a British standard, and a gold medal, emblematic of the engagement and success, for his wise, decisive and magnanimous conduct, in the action of Kutaw Springs, in which, with a force inferior in number to that of the enemy, he obtained a most signal vic tory. In the evening of the succeeding day, Col\ Stew art abandoned his post, and retreated towards Charleston, leaving behind upwards of seventy of his wounded, and a thousand stands of arms. He was pursued a considerable distance but in vain. The battle of Eutaw produced most signal conse quences in favor of America. The British, who had for such a length of time, lorded it absolutely in 14 154 South Carolina, were, shortly after that event, obli ged to confine themselves to Charleston. Morse s Revolution. (84.) Storming of Fort Griswold. While the combined armies were advancing to the siege of Yorktown, General Arnold, who had lately returned from Virginia, was appointed to conduct an expedition against New London. The troops employed in this service, were landed on each side of the harbor, in two detachments ; the one commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Eyre, and the other by General Arnold. New London is a seaport town, situaled near the mouth of the Thames, on the west side of that river. For the defence of the place, therej had been constructed, below the town, and on the western side of the harbor, a fort, called Fort Trumbull, with a re doubt; and opposite to it, on Groton Hill, another fort, called Fort Griswold, a strong square fortifi cation, insufficiently garrisoned. Fort Trumbull, the redoubt, and the town of New London, being totally untenable, were evacuated on the approach of Arnold, who took possession of them with in considerable loss. Fort Griswold was defended by Colonel Ledyard, with a garrison of about one hundred and sixty men, some of whom had just evacuated the works on the opposite side of the river. On the rejection of a summons to surrender, the British marched up to the assault on three sides ; and, though the ascent was steep, and a continued fire was directed against them, they at length made a lodgement on the ditch and fraized work, and en tered the embrasures with charged bayonets. An 155 officer of the conquering troops, on entering the fort, asked who commanded it, " I did," answer ed Colonel Ledyard, u but you do now," and pre sented him his sword, which was instantly plunged into his own bosom. Although resistance had now ceased, yet, to the indelible infamy of the con querors, they commenced a merciless slaughter, which " was kept up until the greater part of the garrison was killed or w r ounded." The town of JNevv London, and the stores contained in it, were reduced to ashes; and General Arnold, having completed the object of the expedition, returned in eight days to New York. Holmes 1 Annals. (85.) Surrender of Cornwallis. The 19th of October, 1781, was rendered me morable by the surrender of the British army, con sisting of 7000 men under Cornwallis, at York town, Va. This joyful event decided the Revolutionary contest, and laid the foundation fora general peace. About the last of August, Count de Grasse with a French fleet, arrived in the Chesapeake and block ed up the British troops who had fortified themselves at Yorktown. Previous to this, the American and French troops, under General Washington, had moved to the south ward; and as soon as he heard of the arrival of a French fleet, made rapid marches to the head of Elk river, where embarking, the troops soon arri ved at Yorktown. A close siege was now commen ced, and carried on with such ardor and determin ation, by the American and French troops, that Cornwallis was forced to surrender. 156 The spectacle of the surrender was impressive and affecting. The road through which the cap tive army marched, was lined with spectators. On one side, General Washington, with the American .staff, took their station ; on the opposite side, was the Count de Rochambeau, with the French staff. " The captive army approached, moving slowly in columns, with grace and precision. Universal .silence was observed amidst the vast concourse, and the utmost decency prevailed ; exhibiting, in de meanor, an awlul sense of the vicissitude of human life, mingled with commiseration for the unhappy." Lord Corn wa His, unable to endure the humilia tion of marching at the head of his troops, appoint ed General O Hara his representative, who deliver ed up the sword of Cornwallis to the American Com mander in Chief. (86.) Washington taking leave of the Army. The storm of the revolution having subsided, the definitive treaty was signed on the 30th of Septem ber, 1783, and the 3d of November was fixed on by Congress, for disbanding the United States Ar my. On the day preceding, General Washington gave an affectionate farewell to the soldiers, who, during " the time that tried men s souls" had fought by his side. " Being now," he said in his address to the army, " to conclude these, my last public or ders, to take my ultimate leave in a short time of the military character, and to bid a final adieu to the armies I have so long had the honor to command, I can only again offer in your behalf, my recommend- , ations to our grateful country, and my prayer to the God of armies. May ample justice be done you 157 here, and may the choicest favors, both here and hereafter, attend those, who under the divine auspi ces, have secured innumerable blessings for others ! With these wishes and this benediction, the com mander in chief is about to retire from service. The curtain of separation will soon be drawn, and the military scene will be closed forever." The officers of the army assembled at New York. Washington was there also, and at parting, thus addressed them : " With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take my leave of you. I most de voutly wish, that your latter days may be as pros perous and happy, as your former ones have been glorious and honorable. 1 " Taking each by the hand, he bade them farewell. They then accom panied him to the shore of the Hudson, where he was received in a barge, magnificently decorated, and manned with thirteen sea captains and waving his hat, while the tears started from his eyes, he bade a silent adieu to the companions of his glory. (87.) Continental Money. The expedient of supplying the deficiencies of specie, by emissions of paper bills, was adopted very early in the Colonies. In many instances, these emissions produced good effects. These bills were generally a legal tender, in all colonial or private contracts, and the sums issued did not gene rally exceed the granted requisite for a medium of trade ; they retained their full nominal value in the purchase of commodities. But as they were notre- ceived by the British merchants, in payment for their goods, there was a great demand for specie and bills, which occasioned the latter, at various 14* 158 times, to depreciate. Thus was introduced a dit* ference between the English sterling money, and the currencies of the different States, which remains to this day.* The advantages the Colonies had derived from paper currency, under the British government, sug gested to Congress, in 1775, the idea of issuing bills; for the purpose of carrying on the war. And this, perhaps, was their only expedient. They could not raise money by taxation, and it could not be borrowed. The first emissions had no other ef fect upon the medium of commerce, than to drive the specie from circulation. But when the paper substituted for specie, had, by repeated emissions, augmented the sum in circulation, much beyond the usual sum in specie, the bills began to lose their value. The depreciation continued, in proportion to the sums emitted, until one hundred paper dol lars, were hardly an equivalent for one Spanish mil led dollar. With this depreciated paper was the army paid, and from 1775 to 1781, this currency was almost the only medium of trade ; until the sum in circulation amounted to two hundred millions of dollars. But about the year 1780, specie began to be plentiful, being introduced by the French army, a private trade with the Spanish islands, and an il licit intercourse with the British garrison in New York. This circumstance accelerated the depreci ation of the paper bills, until their value had sunk *A dollar in sterling- money, is 4s. 6d. But the price of a dollar rose, in New England currency to 6*.; in New York, to 8s.; in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, to 7*. 6d. ; in Virgin ^, to 6s.; in North Carolinia, to 8s.; in South Carolina and Georgia, to 4s. Qd. This difference, originating between paper and specie, or bills, continued after wards to exist in the nominal estimation of gold and silver. Franklin s Miscellaneous fFor%/, to almost nothing. In 1781, the merchants and brokers of the southern States, apprehensive oi the approaching fate of the currency, pushed im mense quantities of it suddenly into New England made vast purchases of goods in Boston and in stantly the bills vanished from circulation. The whole history of this Continental paper, is a history of public and private frauds. Old specie debts were often paid in a depreciated currency and even new contracts, for a few weeks or days, were often discharged with a small part of the val ue received. From this plenty, and the fluctuating state of the medium, sprang hosts of speculators^ and itinerant traders, who left their honest occupa tions for the prospect of immense gains, in a fraud ulent business, that depended on no fixed princi ples, and the profits of which, could be reduced to no certain calculations. Morsels Geography, 1789. (88.) Shays Insurrection in Massachusetts. In the year 1786, an insurrection took place in Massachusetts. " A heavy debt lying on the State, and almost all the corporations within it; a relaxa tion of manners ; a free use of foreign luxuries ; a decay of trade ; with a scarcity of money ; and above all, the debts due from individuals to each other ; were the primary causes of this sedition. Heavy taxes, necessarily imposed at this time, were the immediate excitement to discontent and insur gency."* The leader of the malcontents in Massachusetts,, was Daniel Shays. At the head of three hun dred men, he marched to Springfield, where the *Holmes Annals Supreme Judicial Court was in session, and took possession of the court-house. He then appointed a committee, who waited on the Court with an order, couched in the humble formof a petition, requesting them not to proceed to business ; and both parties re tired. The number of insurgents increased ; the post ure of affairs became alarming; and an army of 4000 men was at length ordered out for their dispersion. Thisjforce was placed under the command of Gener al Lincoln. His first measure was to march to Wor cester ; and he afforded such protection to the Court at that place, that it resumed and executed the judicial functions. Orders were given to Gene ral Shepard, to collect a sufficient force to secure the arsenal at Springfield. Accordingly, he raised about 900 men, which were reinforced by 300 mili tia from the county of Hampshire. At the head of this force, he marched, as directed, to Springfield. On\he 25th of January, Shays approached, at the head of 1100 men. Shepard sent out one of his aids to know the intention of the insurgents, and to warn them of their danger. Their answer was, that they would have the barracks, and they pro ceeded to within a few hundred yards of the arse nal. They were then informed, that the militia were posted there by order of the Governor ; and that they would be fired upon, if they approached pcarer. They continued to advance, when Gene ral Shepard ordered his men to fire, but to direct their fire over their heads ; even this did not intimi date them, or retard their movements. The artille ry was then levelled against the centre column, and the whole body thrown into confusion. Shays at- jtempted in vain to rally them. They made a pre cipitate retreat to Ludlow, about ten miles from Springfield. Three men were killed and one 161 wounded. They soon after retreated to Petersham; but General Lincoln pursuing their retreat, they finally dispersed. Some of the fugitvies retired to their homes ; but many, and among them their principal officers, took refuge in the States of New Hampshire, Vermont and New York.* (89.) Adoption of the Federal Constitution. In pursuance of the request of Virginia, most of the States appointed delegates, who assembled at Annapolis, September 14, 1786. But on examin ing their commissions, it w r as judged that their pow ers were too limited to enable them to accomplish any desirable purpose. The} thereiore adjourned, with instructions to advise the States to appoint agents with more ample powers, to meet at Phila delphia, the next year. Accordingly, delegates from the several States, assembled in that city, in May 1787, and appointed the venerable Washing ton for their President. That gentleman had reti red to his farm in 1783, with a fixed determination never mof-e to engage in public affairs ; but he was selected by Virginia as one of the delegates, on this important occasion, and pressed to accept the appointment. After four months deliberation, the convention agreed to a frame of government for the United States, and recommended it to the seve ral States for adoption. The States referred the question of adopting the frame of government, to conventions appointed for that express purpose. On that occasion, popular jealousy appeared in all its force. Jt was object ed, that the plan of government proposed, abridg- *Mrs. Willard s History U. S, 162 td the States of their sovereignty, and amounted t6 a consolidation. This was a fruitful theme of decla mation, notwithstanding all the calamities that had arisen from the jealousies and clashing interests of the States, and a want of uniformity in public meas ures. Many other objections were urged, especial ly in the large States. At length, however, the proposed frame of federal government was accept ed and ratified in 1788, by eleven States, and be came the constitution of the United States. The first convention of North Carolina rejected it ; as did the town meetings, to which it was referred, in Rhode Island. But North Carolina acceded to it in November, 1789, and Rhode Island in May, 1790. The ratification of the constitution was cel ebrated in the large cities, with great joy and splen did exhibitions. A ship, the emblem of commerce, and stages for mechanical labor, the emblems of manufactures, were mounted on wheels and drawn through the streets, attended by immense processions of citizens, arranged according to their professions ; while bands of music, streaming flags, and the roar of cannon, manifested the enthusiasm with which the people received the authority of the national govern ment. Webster. (90.) Inauguration of President Washington. On the 3d of March, 1789, the delegates from the eleven States, which at that time had ratified the constitution, assembled at New York, where a convenient and elegant building had been prepared for their accommodation. On opening and count ing the votes for President, it was found that George Washington was unanimously elected to thatdigmfi^ 163 ed oftice, and that John Adams was chosen Vice President. The annunciation of the choice of the first and second magistrates of the United States, occasioned a general diffusion of joy among the friends of the Union, and fully evinced that these eminent characters were the choice of the people. On the 30th of April, 1789, George Washington was inaugurated President of the United States of Ameri ca, in the city of New York. The ceremony was performed in the open gallery of Federal Hall, in the view of many thousand spectators. The oatk was administered by Chancellor Livingston. Sev eral circumstances concurred, to render the scene unusually solemn the presence of the beloved father and deliverer of his country the impressions of gratitude for his past services the vast concourse of spectators the devout fervency with which he repeated the oath, and the reverential manner in which he bowed to kiss the sacred volume these circumstances, together with that of his being chosen to the most dignified office in America, and perhaps in the world, by the unanimous voice of more than three millions of enlightened freemen, al! conspired to place this among the most august and interesting scenes which have ever been exhibited on this globe.* " It seemed, from the number of witnesses," said a spectator of the scene, " to be a solemn appeal to heaven and earth at once. Upon the subject of this great and good man, I may perhaps be an enthusi ast ; but I confess I was under an awful and reli gious, persuasion, that the gracious Ruler of the Universe was looking down at that moment, with peculiar conplacency on an act, which, to a part of * Dr. Morse. 164 iiis creatures, was so very important. Under this impression, when the Chancellor pronounced, in a very feeling manner, Long live George Washing- tonj my sensibility was wound up to such a pitch, that I could do no more than wave my hat, with the rest, without the power of joining in the repeated .acclamations which rent the air." (91.) Whiskey Insurrection in Pennsylvania. The year 1794 is distinguished by an Insurrection in Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey In surrection. " In 1791, Congress had enacted laws, laying duties upon spirits distilled in the United States, and upon stills. From the commencement of the operation of these laws, combinations were formed in the four western counties of Pennsylvania to defeat them ; and violences were repeatedly com mitted. In July of the present year, (1794,) about one hundred persons, armed with guns and other weapons, attacked the house of an inspector of the revenue, and wounded some persons within it. They seized the marshal of the district of Pennsyl vania, who had been previously fired on, while in the .execution of his duty, by a party of armed men, and .compelled him to enter into stipulations to forbear the execution of his office. Both the inspector and the marshal were obliged to fly from that part of the .country to the seat of government. These, and many other outrages, induced President Washington, on the seventh of August, to issue a proclamation, commanding the insurgents to disperse, and warning all persons against aiding, abetting, or comforting, the perpetrators of these treasonable acts, and re quiring all officers, and other citizens, according tp Fewr-lbvlc 165 their respective duties and the laws of the land, to exert their utmost endeavors to prevent and sup press such dangerous proceedings. The President, having ordered out a suitable number of the militia, proceeded in October, to Bed ford, whence he gave out instructions to Governor Lee, of Maryland, whom he appointed to conduct the militia army for the suppression of the insur gents. Governor Lee marched his troops, amount ing to fifteen hundred men, into the western counties of Pennsylvania ; and, on the approach of this re spectable force, the insurgents laid down their arms; solicited the clemency of government ; and promis ed future submission to the laws." Holmes 1 Annals U. States. (92.) Yellow Fever in Philadelphia, in 1793. The Yellow Fever, which has been the scourge of most of our principal southern cities, appears to have been in existence ever since the first settle ment of our country. What the first cause of this disease is, or how it is propagated, are subjects up on which physicians have a variety of opinions.- The most remarkable and fatal instance of the prev alence of the Yellow Fever in our country, is that which occurred in Philadelphia in 1793, The following description is taken from Dr. Rush s account of the Yellow Fever. This distinguished physician continued in the city during the whole of this calamitous period, and rendered himself con spicuous by his humanity and courage, amidst the appalling scenes of contagion, and his skill in com bating this destructive disorder. It commenced early in August, and continued till about the 9th of 1-5 166 November, during which time four thousand persons died out of a population of 60,000. Its greatest height was at about the middle of October, when one hundred and nineteen persons died in one day. " The disease, (says Dr. Rush,) appeared in ma ny parts of the town, remote from the spot where it originated ; although in every instance it w r as easi ly traced to it. This set the city in motion. The streets and roads leading from the city were crow ded with families flying in every direction for safety to the country. Business began to languish. Wa ter-street, between Market and Race-streets, became a desert. The poor were the first victims of the fever. From the sudden interruption of business, they suffered for a while from poverty, as well as disease. A large and airy house at Bush-hill about a mile from the city, was opened for their recep tion. This house, after it became the charge of a committee appointed by the citizens on the 14th of September, was regulated and governed with the or der and cleanliness of an old and established hos pital. An American and French physician had the exclusive medical care of it after the 22d of Sep tember. The contagion, after the second week in Septem ber, spared no rank of citizens. Whole families were confined by it. There was a deficiency of nurses for the sick, and many of those w r ho were employed were unqualified for their business. There was likewise a great deficiency of physi cians, from the desertion of some, and the sickness and death of others. At one time, there were on ly three physicians who were able to do business out of their houses, and at this time, there were probably not less than 6,000 persons ill with the fever. 167 jOuring the first three or four weeks of the prev alence of the disorder, I seldom went into a house the first time, without meeting the parents or children of the sick in tears. Many wept aloud in my en try, or parlor, who came to ask advice for their re lations. Grief, after a while descended below weeping, and 1 was much struck in observing that many persons submitted to the loss of relations and friends, without shedding a tear, or manifesting any other of the common signs of grief. A cheerful countenance was scarcely to be seen in the city for six weeks. 1 recollect once, in enter ing the house of a poor man, to have met a child of two years old that smiled in my face. I was strangely affected with this sight (so discordant to my feelings and the state of the city) before I recol lected the age and ignorance of the child. I was confined the next day by an attack of the fever, and was sorry to hear upon my recovery, that the father and mother of this little creature died, a few clays after my last visit to them. The streets every where discovered marks of the distresss that pervaded the city. More than one half the houses were shut up, although not more than one third of the inhabitants had fled into the country. In walking, for many hundred yards, few persons were met, except such as were in quest of a physician, a nurse, a bleeder, or the men who buri ed the dead. The hearse alone kept up the remem brance of the noise of carriages or carls in the streets. Funeral procesions were laid aside. A black man, leading or driving a horse, with a corpse on a pair of chair wheels, with now and then half a dozen relations or friends following at a distance from it, met the eye in most of the streets of the city at every hour of the day, while the noise of 168 the same wheels passing slowly over the pavement kept alive anguish and fear in the sick and well, ev- ory hour of the night." (93.) Gen. Waynes Victory over the Indians* In 1790, an Indian war opened on the northwestern frontier of the States. Pacific arrangements had been attempted by the President with the hostile tribes in Ohio, without effect. On their failure,- Gen. Harmer was sent with about 1400 men to re duce them to terms. In this expedition Harmer suc ceeded in destroying a few villages, and a quantity of grain belonging to the Indians ; but in an en gagement with them near Chillicolhe, he was de feated with considerable loss. Upon the failure of Harmer, Gen. St. Clair was appointed to succeed him. With an army of nearly 1500 men, St. Clair suffered himself to be surprised, with the loss of 630 men killed and missed, and 260 were wounded. Among the killed was Gen. Butler, who, being wounded in the engagement, was carried off the field ; an Indian, discovering the place where he lay, killed him with his tomahawk before any one could come to his assistance. This action took place near the Miami, on the 4th of Nov. 1791. The Indians still continuing hostile, Gen. Wayne was appointed to succeed Gen. St. Clair. Failing to conclude a treaty, Wayne, with a force of 900 men, on the 20th of August, 1794, attacked a body of 2000 Indians, on the banks of the Miami. The Indians were totally routed, a great number killed, and their whole country laid waste* "By means of this victory over the Miamis, a general war with the Six Nations, and all the tribes Horth- west of the Ohio, was prevented." 163 ;t Th the year after, Wayne concluded, at Green ville, treaties with the hostile Indians north-west of the Ohio ; by which peace was established, on terms mutually satisfactory and beneficial. A hu mane system now commenced for ameliorating their condition. They were, henceforth, protected by the United States from the impositions and incur sions of lawless white people ; taught the use of the loom ; and encouraged in the pursuits of agriculture : measures reflecting high praise on Colonel Hawkins, who was amongst the first to execute the benevolent intentions, originally projected by the humane spirit of General Washington.*" (94.) Difficulties with the French. In 1797, France wished to involve America in her European wars ; but finding her maintaining a steady system of neutrality, she adopted measures highly injurious to the American commerce, and many ves sels were taken and confiscated. The American Government sent envoys to France, in order to settle the differences. Before the French government would acknowledge the envoys, money, by way of tribute, was demanded this was refused. " These events were followed by depredations on American, commerce, by the citizens of France ; which excited general indignation throughout the United States. ivil discord appeared extinct ; and this was the general motto ; " Millions for defence, not a cent for tributes * The treaty of alliance with France was considered by Congress as no longer in force ; and further measures were adopted by Congress, foe * Grimshaw. IS* 170 retaliation and defence. A regular provisional army was established, taxes were raised, and additiona l internal duties laid. General Washington, at the call of Congress, left his peaceful abode to command the armies of the United States, while General Ham ilton was made second in command. The navy was increased, and reprisals were made on the water. At sea, the French frigate L Insurgente, of forty guns, was captured after a desperate action, by the frigate Constitution, of thirty-eight guns, commanded by Commodore Truxton. The same officer com pelled another frigate of fifty guns to strike her colors ; but she afterwards escaped in the night. On hearing of these vigorous preparations, the French government indirectly made overtures for a renewal of the negotiations. Mr. Adams promptly met these overtures, and appointed OliverEllsworlh, Chief Justice of the United States, Patrick Henry, late Governor of Virginia, and William Van Murray, ?*Iinister at the Hague, envoys to Paris for conclu ding an honourable peace. They found the direc tory overthrown, and the government in the hands of Napoleon Buonaparte, who had not partaker/ in the transactions which had embroiled the two coun tries, With him negotiations were opened, which terminated in an amicable adjustment of all disputes The provisional army was soon after disbanded by order of Congress." WillarcPs History U. States. (95.) Death of Washington, On the 14th of December, 1799, Gen. Washing, ton expired at his seat, at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, leaving a nation to mourn his loss, and to embalnl his memory with their tears". 171- The disorder of which Gen. Washington died 4 was an inflammatory affection of the windpipe, oc casioned by an exposure to a light rain, while at tending, the day before, to some improvements oa his estate. The disease at its commencement was violent, and medical skill was applied in vain. Respiration, became more and more contracted and imperfect, until half past eleven o clock on Saturday night, when, retaining the full possession of his intellect, he expired without a groan. On the melancholy occasion, the Senate addressed to the President, a letter, in which they say ; t% Permit us, sir, to mingle our tears with yours. On this occasion, it is manly to weep. To lose such a man, at such a crisis, is no common calamity to the world. Our country mourns a father. The Almighty Disposer of events has taken from us our greatest benefactor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with rev erence to HIM who maketh darkness his pavilion. " With patriotic pride we review the life of Washington, and compare him with those of other countries who have been pre-eminent in favor. Ancient and modern names are di minished before him. Greatness and guilt have too often been allied ; but Ms fame is whiter than it is brilliant. The de stroyers of nations stood abashed at the majesty of his virtues. It reproved the intemperance of their ambition, and darkened the splendor of victory. " The scene is closed ; and we are no longer anxious lest misfortune should sully his glory. He has travelled on to the end of his journey, and carried with him an increasing weight of honor. He has deposited it safely, where misfortune can not tarnish it ; where malice cannot blast it. Favored of heaven, he departed without exhibiting the weakness of hu manity ; magnanimous in death, the darkness of the grave could not obscure his brightness." The committee appointed to devise some mode by which to express the national feelings, recommend ed that a marble monument be erected by the UnU fed States, at the city of Washington, to comment 172 rate the great events of Washington s military and political life : that a funeral oration be delivered by a member of Congress : that the President be re quested to write a letter of condolence to Mrs. Washington : and that it be recommended to the citizens of the United States, to wear crape on the left arm for thirty days. These resolutions passed both houses unanimous ly. The whole nation appeared in mourning. The funeral procession at the city of Washington was grand and solemn, and the eloquent oration, deliver ed on the occasion by Gen. Henry Lee, was heard with profound attention, and with deep interest. Throughout the United States, similar marks of affliction were exhibited. Funeral orations were delivered, and the best talents devoted to an expres sion of grief, at the loss of u the man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow- citizens." Goodrich s Hist. U. States. (96.) Dr. Franklin? s experiments in Electricity. In the summer of 1752, Dr. Franklin was enabled to make a grand and unparalleled discovery re specting Electricity, by an experiment. At this time the subject of Electricity was a new science, and the philosophers of Europe were busy with it. Dr. Franklin, in his studies and reasonings on the subject, took up the idea that the thunder and lightning of the heavens were caused by electricity, and conceived the bold idea, that the electric fluid might be conducted, by sharp pointed iron rods, rais ed upon houses, ships, &c., to the ground or water, and thus preserve them from injury. He was determined to make an experiment, to test 173 the truth of his theory. He accordingly prepared a kite, which he made by fastening two cross sticks to a silk handkerchief, which would not suffer so much from the rain as paper. To the upright stick he affixed an iron point. The string was, as usual, 01 hemp, except the lower end, which was silk. At the lower end of the string he tied a key. Perceiv ing a thunder storm coming on, Dr. Franklin, ac companied by his son, went out back of Philadel phia, on the common, and raised his kite towards the clouds. A thunder cloud passed over it no sign ef elec tricity appeared. He almost despaired of success ; when, suddenly, he observed the lose fibres ol his string to move towards an erect position. He now presented his knuckle to the key and received a strong spark. Repeated sparks were drawn from the key, a phial was charged, a shock given, and all the experiments made, which are usually performed with electricity. By this and other experiments, Franklin s theory was established in the mosi convincing manner. When it was known that an American, an inhabitant of the obscure city of Philadelphia, should be able to make discoveries and to frame theories, which had escaped the notice of the enlightened philoso phers of Europe, it was quite mortifying to the pride of their scientific societies. (97.) Invention of Steam Boats. The first successful application of steam for the purpose of propelling boats, was accomplished by bert Fulton, a native of the Stale of Pennsylvania. Mr, Fulton s inventive genius displayed itself at 174 an early age. It seems that as early as the year 1793, he had conceived the idea of propelling ves sels by steam, and he speaks in some of his writings with great confidence of its practicability. After a number of years residence in Europe, and making a variety of experiments both in that coun try and in this, his labors were finally crowned with success. In the spring of 1807, the first steam boat built in this country was lanched from a ship yard in New- York, on the East-River. The engine which he procured from England was put on board in Au- fust, and the boat was completed, and moved by er machinery to the Jersey shore. This boat, which was called the Clermont, soon after sailed for Albany, which voyage she accomplished, going at the rate of about five miles an hour 5 she afterwards became a rcu,ular passage boat between New-York and Albany. From the time that this boat was put in motion, this noble invention has been rapidly extended ; till it is now used in every part of the civilized world. (98.) Wars with the Barbary States. War with Tripoli. In 1803. Congress sent out a squadron under the command of Commodore Preble to the Mediterranean, to protect the American com merce, and to bring the Tripolitans to submission. The Tripolitan cruisers had long annoyed our com merce many merchantmen had been taken, and their crews imprisoned, and cruelly used. After having taken a number of the enemy s ves sels, Com. Preble arrived before Tripoli and blocka ded the harbour : his force consisted of 1 frigate. 175 3 brigs, 3 schooners, and six gun-boats. The num ber of men engaged in the service amounted to one thousand and sixty. With this force, Preble re peatedly attacked and bombarded the city, although it was defended by a castle and batteries, on which were mounted 115 pieces of cannon; besides this they had armed vessels in the harbor. In addition to the ordinary Turkish garrison, and the crews of the armed vessels, estimated at 3000, upwards of 20,000 Arabs had been assembled for the defence of the city.* Such, however, was the effect of American bravery, that the haughty Bashaw was chastised into a peace, which was negociated by Col. Lear, the American Consul. The Pope made a public declaration, that " the United States, though in their infancy, had in this affair done more to humble the anti-christian barbarians, on that coast, than all the European states had done for a long series of time." Closely connected with the above, is the celebra ted Expedition of Gen. Eaton, across the desert of Barca. " It happened that some time before this, the then reigning Bashaw of Tripoli, Jussuf, third son of the late Bashaw, had murdered his father and eldest brother, and proposed to murder the second, in order to possess himself of the throne. But the latter, Hamet Caramelli, made his escape, and Jus suf, without further opposition, usurped the govern ment. Hamet took refuge in Egypt, where he was kindly treated by the Beys. Here he was, on the arrival of an accredited agent of the United States, (Gene ral Eaton,) who revived his almost expiring hopes t pf regaining his rightful kingdom. * JSaval Temple, 176 Gen. Eaton, had been Consul for the United States up the Mediterranean, and was returning home when he heard of the situation of Hamet. Conceiving a plan of liberating the Americans in captivity at Tripoli, by means of the assistance of Hamet, and, at the same time, of restoring this exile to his throne, he advised with Hamet, who readily listened to the project, and gave his co-operation. A convention was accordingly entered into be tween Gen. Eaton, on the part of the United States, and Hamet, by which the latter stipulated much in favor of the Americans, and was promised to be re stored to his throne. With a small force, consisting of seamen from the American squadron, the followers of Hamet, and some Egyptian troops, Gen. Eaton and Hamet, with incredible toil and suffering, passed the desert of Barca and took possession of Derne, the capital of a large province belonging to the kingdom of Tripo li. The forces of Eaton were now so much increas ed, and the cause of Hamet had become so popular, that the prospect was flattering, of his being able to reduce the city of Tripoli, and of effecting the libe ration of the captives without ransom. The successes of Eaton struck the usurper Jussuf with terror; trembling for his fate, in this juncture he proposed to Mr. Lear, the Consul-gen eral of America, then in the Mediterranean, to enter into negotiation. Mr. Lear, who was authorized to enter into a negotiation, accepted the proposal, al though he knew of the success of Eaton, and Hamet, and a treaty ensued. Eaton and Hamet were con* sequently arrested in the prosecution of their pur pose, and the unfortunate exile failed of his pro mised restoration to the throne.* * Goodrich s U. S, 177 Algerine War. Soon after the ratification of peace with Great Britain, in February, 1815, Con gress, in consequence of the hostile conduct of the Regency of Algiers, declared war against that power. A squadron was immediately sent out under the command of Commodore Decatur, (who had for merly highly distinguished himself in the Tripolitan war,) consisting of three frigates, two sloops of war, and four schooners. With this force Com. Decatur sailed from New- York, May 20th, 1815, and arrived in the bny of Gibraltar in twenty-five days. On the 17th of June, off Cape de Gatt, he captured the Al- gerine frigate Mazouda, after a running fight of 25 minutes. After the second broadside the Algerines ran below. In this affair the famous Algerine Ad miral, or Rais Hammida, who had long been the terror of this sea, was cut in two by a cannon shot. On the 19th of June, off Cape Palos, the squadron captured an Algerine brig of twenty-two guns. From Cape Palos the American squadron proceeded to Algiers, where it arrived on the 28th of June. Decatur immediately dispatched a letter from the President of the United States to the Dey, in order to afford him a fair opportunity for negotiation. The Captain of the port was immediately sent to the squadron on receipt of this letter, accompanied by the Swedish Consul ; and Commodore Decatur, who, with Mr. Shaler, had been empowered to negotiate a treaty, proposed a basis, on which alone he would consent to enter into a treaty This was the abso lute and unqualified relinquishment of any demand of tribute, on the part of the Regency. To this the Captain demurred But being informed of the cap ture of the frigate and brig, and the death of Ham- mida, he was unnerved, and agreed to negotiate on the proposed basis. The model of the treaty was 16 178 sent to the Bey, who signed it. The principal arti cles in this treaty were, that no tribute, under any circumstances whatever, should be required by Al giers from the United States of America ; that all Americans in slavery should be given up without ransom ; that compensation should be made for American vessels, or property seized or detained at Algiers ; that the persons and property of Ameri cans, found on board of an enemy s vessel, should be sacred ; that vessels of either party putting into port should be supplied at market price ; that if a vessel of either party should be cast on the shore, she should not be plundered, &c. The rights of American citizens on the ocean, and the land, were, generally fully provided for, in every instance ; and it was particularly slipulated, that all citizens of the United States, taken in war, should be treated as prisoners of war are treated by other nations ; held subject to an exchange without ransom. After con cluding this treaty, so highly honorable and advan tageous to our country, the commissioners gave up the frigate and brig, which had been captured, to their former owners. After this, Commodore Decatur visited Tunis and Tripoli, demanded and obtained compensation for injuries done American citizens by those powers. (99.) Burros Conspiracy. In the autumn of 1 806, a project was detected, at the head of which was Col. Burr, for revolutionizing the territory west of the Alleghanies, and of estab lishing an independent empire there, of which New- Orleans was to be the capital, and himself the chief. Towards ike accomplishment of this scheme, which 179 it afterwards appeared had been some time in con templation, the skilful cunning and intrigue of Col. Burr were directed. Happily, however, govern ment being apprised of his designs, arrested him, while as yet he had few adherents and before his standard was raised. He was brought to trial at Richmond, on a charge of treason committed within the district of Virginia ; but no overt act being proved against him in that State, he was released. In addition to this project, Col. Burr had formed another, which in case of failure in the first, might be carried on independently of it : ihis was an attack en Mexico, and the establishment of an empire there.* " A third object was provided, merely os tensible, to wit, the settlement of the pretended pur chase of a tract of country on the Washita, claimed by a Baron Bastrop. This was to serve as a pre text for all his preparations, an allurement for such followers as really wished to acquire settlements in that country, and a cover under which to retreat in the event of a final discomfiture of both branches of his real designs." " He found at once that the attachment of the west ern country to the present Union was not to be shaken : that its dissolution could not be effected with the consent of the inhabitants : and that his re sources were inadequate, as yet, to effect it by force. He determined, therefore, to seize New- Orleans, plunder the bank there, possess himself of the mili tary and naval stores, and proceed on his expedition to Mexico. He collected, therefore, from all quarters, where himself or his agents possessed influence, all the ardent, restless, desperate, disnffrcfe;; prrsons, who were for an enterprise JOP!O >ous to their characters. * Goodrich s Hist. U. S. 180 He also seduced good and well meaning citizens, some by assurances that he possessed the confi dence of the government, and was acting under its secret patronage ; and others by offers of land in Bastrop s claim in the Washita."* (100.) Expedition of Captains Lewis and Clarke to the Pacific Ocean. In the year 1803, the extensive Territory of Lou isiana was purchased from the French government, by President Jefferson, for fifteen millions of dollars. Upon the acquisition of the new territory, the atten tion of the government of the United States was di rected towards exploring the country. According ly, Captains Lewis and Clarke, and a party of 25 men, who were enlisted for the purpose, were sent on this expedition. The party proceeded to the mouth of Wood River, near St. Louis, and on the 14th of May, 1804. with three boats, began the te dious and difficult expedition of exploring the vast wilderness before them. Following the course of the Missouri, they arrived, in October, at the Man- dan villages, where they built a kind of fort and en camped for the winter. In April they left thciren- campment, and with two large boats and six small canoes proceeded on their expedition. On the 12th of August, 1805, they discovered the sources of the Missouri, the longest river in the known world, if we add the distance after it unites with the Missis sippi, to the ocean, it being almost 4,500 miles long. After following the course of the river, at the foot of a mountain, it became so diminished in width that one of the men, in a fit of enthusiasm, with one foot on * President s Message to Congress, July 21, 1807, 181 each side of the river, thanked God that he had lived to bestride the Missouri. After they went about 4 miles, they reached a small gap, formed by the high mountains, which recede on each side, leaving room for an Indian road. "From the foot of one of the lowest of these mountains, which rises with an ascent of about half a mile, issues the remotest water of the Missouri." After they had quenched their thirst at the foun tain, they sot down by the brink of the little rivulet, and felt themselves rewarded for their labor and difficulties, in thus attaining one of the grand objects of their expedition. Leaving this interesting spot, they, pursuing the Indian path through the interval of the hills, arrived at the top of a ridge, from whence they saw high mountains, partially covered with snow, still to the west of them. The ridge on which they stood formed the dividing* line between the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They followed the d >scent of the ridge, and at the distance of three ijuarters of a mile, reached a bold creek of clear, cold water, running to the westward. They stopped to taste, for the first time, the waters of the Columbia. Having proceeded as far as they could with canoes, they were obliged to leave them and pur chase horses of the natives, with which they crossed the Rocky Mountains. In performing this journey they were reduced to great straits, being obliged to kill some of their horses for food. After passing several ranges of steep and rugged mountains, they descended the Columbia River, till it discharges itself into the Pacific Ocean, where they arrived November 14th, 1805. They encamped for the winter, and, on the 23d of March, 1806, set out on -their return to the United States. After encounter^ 182 ing many dangers, hardships and privations, they finally arrived at St. Louis, Missouri, on the 23d of September, 1806. The route which the party took from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, was a distance of 4.134 miles. In returning, they passed upon a better and more direct route, shortening the distance to 3,555 miles, from the Pacific to St. Louis. (101.) Second War with Great Britain. Causes of the War. Embargo. Declaration of War. The remote causes of the second War with Great Britain appear to have arisen from the war existing between that power and France. America endeavored to maintain a strict neutrality, and peace ably to continue a commerce with them. Jealousies, however, arose between the contending powers, with respect to the conduct of America, and events occurred, calculated to injure her commerce, and to disturb her peace. The Berlin Decree of 1 806, and that of Milan, in the succeeding year, (both issued by the French government, to prevent the American flag from trading with their enemy,) were followed by the British Orders in Council ; no less extensive than the former, in the design, and equally repug nant to, the law of nations. In addition to these circumstances, a cause of irritation existed some time between the United States and Great Britain. This was the right of search, claimed by Great Brit ain, as one of her prerogatives. This was to take her native born subjects, wherever found, for her navy, and to search American vessels for that pur pose. Notwithstanding the remonstrances of the American government, the officers of the British navy, were not unfrequenlly seizing native born Brit- ish subjects, who had voluntarily enlisted on board of our vessels, and had also impressed into the Brit ish service some thousands of American seamen. " On the 22d of June, 1807, the indignation of the country was aroused by the attack on the American frigate Chesapeake, o ; the Capes of Virginia, by the British frigate Leopard ; four men were killed and sixteen were wounded, on board the Chesa* peake, and four seamen impressed, three of which were natives of America."* In consequence of the British and French decrees, a general capture of all American property on the seas seemed almost inevitable. Congress, there fore, on the recommendation of the President, on the 22d of December, 1807, laid an embargo on all ves sels within the jurisdiction of the United States. " In a moment, the commerce of the American Re public, from being, in point of extent, the second in the world, was reduced to a coasting trade between the individual States. The opposition to the act in several States was so great, that they declared against it, and individuals throughout the whole, seized every opportunity of infringement. In 1 809 r Congress repealed the embargo law, and substituted a non-intercourse with France and England. On the 1 8th of June, 1812, an act was passed de* claring war against Great Britain. This act passed the House of Representatives by a majority of 79 to 49; in the Senate by a majority of 19 to 13. In the Manifesto of the President, the reasons of the wac were stated to be " the impressment of American seamen by the British ; the blockade of her enemies 5 , supported by no adequate force, in conse* *Grimshaw s Hist. U. States 184 quence of which the American commerce had been plundered in every sea ; and the British orders in council." (102.) Mob in Baltimore. A few days after the declaration of war, the town of Baltimore was seriously disturbed. Some harsh strictures on the conduct of government having ap* peared in a newspaper of that city, entitled the " Federal Republican," the resentment of the op posite party was shown by destroying the office and press of that establishment. The commotion excited by this outrage, had, however, in a great measure, subsided, and the transaction was brought before a criminal court for investigation. But events more alarming and tragical shortly afterwards succeeded. On the 26th of July, Mr. Hanson, the leading editor of the obnoxious journal, who had deemed it prudent to leave the disordered city, returned ; accompanied by his political adherents ; amongst whom, was General Henry Lee, of Alexandria ; an officer dis tinguished in the Revolution, for his bravery in par tisan warfare at the head of a legion of cavalry afterwards Governor of Virginia, and a Representa tive from that State in the Congress of the Federal Government. Determined to re-coinmence the pa per, by first printing it in Georgetown, in the Dis trict of Columbia, and then transmitting it to Balti more for distribution, a house was, for this purpose, occupied in Charles-street, secured against external violence, and guarded by a party well provided for defence. On the 28th, papers were accordingly issued. These contained severe animadversions against the Mayor, police, and people of Baltimore. 585 for the depredations committed on the establishment in the preceding month, and were generally circula ted throughout the city. In the course of the day, it became known that Mr. Hanson was in the new office in Charles street, and it was early whispered that the building would be assailed. A number of citizens, who espoused his opinions, went, therefore, to the house, and joined in its protection. Towards the evening, a crowd of boys collected ; who, after using opprobrious epi thets to those within, began to throw stones at the windows ; and, about the same time, a person on the pavement, endeavoring to dissuade the youths from mischief, was severely wounded, by something ponderous thrown from the house. They were cau tioned from the windows to desist ; but still continu ed to assail the place with stones. Two muskets were then fired from the upper story ; charged, it was supposed,- with blank cartridges, to .deter them from further violence; immediately, the crowd in the street greatly increased ; the boys were displa ced by men ; the sashes of the lower windows were broken, and attempts made to force in the door. Muskets, in quick succession, were discharged from the house : some military arrived to disperse the crowd ; several shots were fired in return ; and, at length, a Doctor Gale was killed, by a shot from the office door. The irritatio" of the mob was increas ed. They planted a cannon against the house, but were restrained from discharging it, by the timely arrival of an additional military force, and an agree ment that the persons in the house would surrender to the civil authority. Accordingly, early in the fol- tawing morning, having received assurances, on which they thought themselves safe in relying, they surrendered, and were conducted to the county jail. 186 contiguous to the city. The party consisted oi about twenty persons ; amongst whom, were Gen. Lee, Gen. James Lingan, and Mr. Hanson. The Mayor directed the sheriff to use every pre caution to secure the doors of the prison, and the commander of the troops to employ a competent force to preserve the peace. In the evening every thing bore the appearance of tranquility ; and the soldiers, by the consent oi that magistrate, were dismissed. But, shortly after dark, a great crowd of disorderly persons, re-assembled about the jail, and manifested an intention to force it open. On being apprized of this, the Mayor hastened to the spot, and, with the aid of a few other gentlemen, for a while prevented the execution of the design : but they were at length overpowered, by the num ber and violence of the assailants. The Mayor was carried away, by force ; and the turnkey com pelled to open the doors. A tragedy ensued, which cannot be described: it can be imagined only by those who are tami liar with scenes of blood. Gen. Lingan was killed ; eleven were beaten and man gled with weapons of every description, such as stones, bludgeons, and sledge-hammers, and then thrown, as dead, into one pile outside of the door. A few of ihe prisoners fortunately escaped through the crowd : Mr Hanson, fainting from his repeated wounds, was earned by a gentleman (of opposite political sentiments) at the hazard of his own life, across the adjoining river, whence he with difficulty reached the dwelling of a friend. No effectual inquisition was ever made into this sig nal violation of the peace, nor punishment inflicted on the guilty. The leaders, on both sides, under went trials ; but, owing to the inflammation of public feelings, they were acquitted, Gnmshanfs U* & 187 (103.) General HulPs Surrender. Soon after the declaration of war, on the 16th of .August, General Hull, the Governor of Michigan Territory, surrendered his whole army, and the fort at Detroit, without a single battle, to General Brock. " So entirely unprepared was the public for this extraordinary event, that no one could be lieve it to have taken place, until communicated from an official source." Hull had been sent at the head of about .2500 men, to Detroit, with a view of putting an end to the Indian hostilities in that part of the country. At the time of the surrender of the fort, it is said that his force consisted of more than 1000 men, that of the British of 1300, of whom more than half were Indians. When the British column had arrived within 500 yards of the Ameri can lines, General Hull ordered his men, who were placed in a favorable situation to annoy the enemy,, to retreat into the fort, and that the cannon should not be fired. " Immediately there was heard an universal burst of indignation." The order, how ever, could not be disobeyed. The men were or dered to stack their arms ; a white flag was hung o*at upon the walls, and a communication passed be tween the two Generals, which was shortly follow* ed by a capitulation. The American volunteers and militia were sent home, on condition of not serving again during the war, unless exchanged. The General and the regular troops were sent to Quebec as prisoners of war. Being exchanged, General Hull was prosecuted by the government of the United States, and ar raigned before a military tribunal, who acquitted him of the charge of treason, but sentenced him to jdeath, for cowardice and unofficer-like conduct. 188 But in consequence of his age and revolutionary services, the President remitted the punishment of death, but deprived him of all military command. (104.) Capture of the Guerriere, The Constitution, Captain Hull, had sailed from Annapolis on the 5th of July. On the 17th, he was chased by a ship of the line and four frigates; when, by an exertion of able seamanship, than which, the victory itself, though more beneficial, could not be more worthy of applause, he escaped from the enequal combat. On the 19th of August, he had an opportunity of trying his frigate against a single vessel of the enemy. This was the Guer- riere ; one of the best, of the same class, in the British navy, and in no way averse to the rencoun ter; as she promptly awaited her antagonist s arri val. She had, for some time, been searching for an American frigate ; having given a formal chal- lange to every vessel of the same description. At one of her mast heads, was a flag, on which her name was inscribed in conspicuous letters ; and on anoth er, the words, " Not the Little Belt ;" alluding to the broadsides which the President had fired into that sloop, before the war. The Constitution be ing ready for action, now approached, her crew giving three cheers. Both continued manoeuvre- ing for three quarters of an hour ; the Guerriere attempted to take a raking position, and failing in this, soon afterwards began to pour out her broad sides, with a view of crippling her antagonist. From the Constitution, not a gun had been fired. Already, had an officer twice come on the quarter deck, with information that several of the men had 189 fallen at the guns. Though burning with impa tience, the crew silently awaited the orders of their commander. The long expected moment at length arrived. The vessel being brought exactly to the designed position, directions were given to fire broadside after broadside, in quick succession. Never was any scene more dreadful. For fifteen minutes, the lightning of the Constitution s guns is a continued blaze, and their thunder roars with out intermission. The enemy s mizen mast lies over her side, and she stands exposed to a fire that sweeps her decks. She becomes unmanagea ble ; her hull is shattered, her sails and rigging cut to pieces. Her mainmast and foremast fall over board, taking with them every spar, except the bowsprit. The firing now ceased, and the Guer- riere surrendered. Her loss was fifteen killed, and sixty-three wounded ; the Constitution had seven men killed, and seven wounded. The Guerriere was so much damaged, as to render it impossible to bring her into port ; she was, therefore, on the following day, blown up. The Constitution re ceived so little injury, that she was, in a few hours, ready for another action. Grimshaw s Hist. U. S, (105.) Battle at Queens town. Early in the morning of the 13th of October, 1812, a detachment of about 1000 men, from the army of the Centre, crossed the river Niagara and attacked the British on Queenstown heights. This detachment, under the command of Colonel Solo mon Van Rensellaer, succeeded in dislodging the en- emy but not being reinforced by the militia, from the American side, as was expected, they were ul- timately repulsed, and were obliged to surrender* The British General Brock, was killed during the engagement. Tne forces designed to storm the heights, were divided into two columns ; one of 300 militia, un der Colonel Van Rensellaer, the other 300 regulars, under Colonel Christie. These were to be follow ed by Colonel Fenwick s artillery, and then the other troops in order. Much embarrassment was experienced by the boats, from the eddies, as well as the shot by the enemy, in crossing the river. Colonel Van Rensel laer led the van, and landed first with 100 men. Scarcely had he leaped from the boat, when he re ceived four severe wounds. Being, however, able to stand, he ordered his officers to move with rapid ity and storm the fort. This service was gallantly performed, and the enemy were driven down the hill in every direction. Both parties were now reinforced the Ameri cans by regulars and militia the British by the 49th regiment, consisting of 600 regulars, under Gene ral Brock. Upon this the conflict was renewed, in which General Brock, and his aid, Captain McDo nald, fell almost in the same moment. After a des perate engagement, the enemy were repulsed, and the victory was thought complete. General Van Rensellaer now crossed over, for the purpose of fortifying the heights, preparatory to another attack, should the enemy be reinforced. This duty he assigned to Lieutenant Tottcn, an able engineer. But the fortune of the day was not yet decided. At 3 o clock in the afternoon, the enemy, being re inforced by several hundred Chippewa Indians, ral lied, and again advanced, but were a third time re- 191 pulsed. At this moment, General Van Rensellaer, perceiving the militia on the opposite side embark ing but slowly, hastily re-crossed the river, to ac celerate their movements. But what was his cha grin, on reaching the American side, to hear more than 1200 men, (militia,) positively refuse to ern bark. The sight of the engagement had cooled that ardor, which, previously to the attack, the commander in chief could scarcely restrain. While their countrymen were nobly struggling ior victory, they could remain idle spectators of the scene. All that a brave, resolute, and benevo lent commander could do. General Van Rensellaer did he urged, entreated, commanded, but it was all in vain. Eight hundred British soldiers, from fort George, now hove in sight, and pressed on to renew the attack. The Americans, for a time, con tinued to struggle against this force, but were final ly obliged to surrender themselves prisoners of war. The number of American troops killed, amount-. ed to about 60, and about 100 were wounded. Those who surrendered themselves prisoners of war, including the wounded, were about 700. The loss of the British is unknown, but must have been severe. Goodrich? s Hist. U. S. (106.) Massacre at Fort Mimms. In 181-2. Tecumseh, the celebrated Shawnee chief and British ally, appeared among the Indians of the SouU:, and by his arts of persuasion, induced a large majority of the Creek nation, and a consider able portion of the other tribes, to take up arms against the United States. Being supplied with im plements of war from the British, through the chan- 193 nel of the Floridas, they accordingly commenced hostilities. " Alarm and consternation prevailed among the white inhabitants ; those of Tensaw district, a con siderable settlement of the Alabama, fled for safety to fort Mimms on that river, sixteen miles above fort Stoddard. The place was garrisoned by one hundred and fifty volunteers, of the Mississippi territory, under Major Beasly. The inhabitants collected at the fort, amounted to about three hun dred. At eleven o clock in the forenoon of the 30th of August, a body of Indians, to the amount of six or seven hundred warriors, issued from the adjoining wood, and approached the fort ; they advanced within a few rods of it before the alarm was given. As the centinel cried out, Indians," they immedi ately gave a war-whoop, and rushed in at the gate, before the garrison had time to shut it. This deci ded their fate. Major Beasly was mortally wound ed at the commendfcmentof the assault; he ordered his men to secure the ammunition, and retreat into the house; he was himself carried into the kitchen, and afterwards consumed in the flames. The fort was originally square, but Major Beasly had enlarged it by extending the lines upon two sides about fifty feet, and putting up a new side, into which the gate was removed ; the old line of pickets were standing, and the Indians on rushing in at the gate, obtained possession of the outer part, and through the port holes of ihe old line of pickets, fired on the people who held the interior. On the opposite side of the fort, was an offset, or bastion, made round the back gate, which being open on tho outside, was occupied by the Indians, who, with tho that lay scattered about, cut dovyn the gate, 193- The people in the fort, kept possession of the port holes on the other lines, and fired on the Indians who remained on the outside. Some of the Indians ascended the block-house at one of the corners, and fired on the garrison below, but were soon dis lodged ; they succeeded, however, in setting fire to a house near the pickets, which communicated to the kitchen, and from thence to the main dwelling- house. When the people in the fort saw the In dians in full possession of the outer court, the gate open, the men fast falling, and then houses in flames, they gave up all for losi, and a .scene of the most distressing horror ensued. The women and chil dren sought refuge in the upper story of the dwel ling-house, and were consumed in the flames, the Indians dancing and yelling round them with the most savage delight. Those who were without the buildings were murdered and scalped without dis tinction of age" or sex; seventeen only escaped. The battle and massacre lasted from eleven in the forenoon until six in the afternoon, by which time the work of destruction was fully completed, the fort and buildings entirely demolished, and upwards of four hundred men, women, and children, massa cred". Perkins Late War. (107.) Capture of York, (U. C.) On the 23d of April, Gen. Dearborn embarked at Sackett s Harbor, with sixteen hundred men, on an expedition against York, at the head of the lake, leaving the defence of the harbor, with all the stores, public property, and a new ship on the stocks, to a handful of regulars, under Col. Backus, and the neighboring militia, not then arrived, It seemed to in liave escaped the observation of the commanding General, that the enemy would probably, in his ab sence, strike at an important post thus left uncover ed* On the 27th, Gen. Dearborn with the fleet, ar rived before the town of York and immediately com menced a disembarkation. The commanding Gen eral intrusted the further prosecution of the expe dition to Gen. Pike, and remained on board the ileet. To oppose their landing, a corps of British grena diers, the Glengary fencibles, and several bodies of Indians, appeared at different points on the shore. At eight o clock the troops commenced their land ing, three miles westward of the town, and a mile and a half distant from the British works. The place first designed for their landing, was a cleared field near the site of the old French fort Tarcnto ; but the wind was high and prevented the first division, from landing at that place, and also prevented the ships from covering their disembarkation. The ri flemen under Major Forsythr, first landed under a heavy fire from ihn enrmy. Major Gen. SheafFe had collected his whole force consisting of about seven or eight hundred regulars and militia, with a hundred Indians, to oppose their landing, and commanded in person. Major Forsythe, although supported by Jt Other troops as promptly as possible, was obli ged to sustain alone a sharp conflict with the whole British force for nearly half an hour. As soon as Gen. Pike had effected his landing, with about eight hundred men, the British retreated to their works, The main body of the Americans landed and formed at old fort Tarenlo, and quickly advanced through ok wood to an open ground near the British works. The first battery was carried by assault, and the columns moved on towards the mam works; when the head of the column had arrived within, 195 about sixty rods, a tremendous explosion took place from a magazine prepared for that purpose, and killed and wounded one hundred men. Gen. Pike was mortally wounded by a stone which was thrown up by the explosion, and struck him on the breast. He was immediately conveyed on board the Commo dore s ship, and soon expired. After the confusion which these events necessarily occasioned, the American troops proceeded to the town, and agreed to a capitulation with the commanding officers of the Canadian militia, by which it was stipulated, that all the public property should be delivered to the Amer icans, the militia surrendered prisoners of war, and private property protected. Immediately after the explosion, Gen. Sheaffe, with the regulars, re treated out of the reach of the American arms. Two hundred and fifty militia, and fifty marines and regulars, were included in the capitulation. The American loss was fourteen killed in battle, and fif ty-two by the explosion; twenty-three wounded in battle, and one hundred and eight by the explosion. One large vessel on the stocks, and a quantity of naval stores were set fire to by the British, and con sumed ; but more naval stores were taken by the Americans than could be carried away. The pub lic buildings for military use, and the military stores which could not be removed, were destroyed. York was the seat of government for Upper Cana da, and the principal depot fr the Niagara frontier, and Detroit. Gen. Sheaffe s baggage and papers were taken. In the government "hall a human scalp was found, suspended over the speaker s chair with the mace and other emblems of power. This buil ding was bunted, contrary to the orders of the American General. Perkins 9 History of the War. 196 (108.) Battle on Lake Erie. The American fleet consisted of nine vessels, car rying fifty four guns, commanded by Commodore Perry, a young officer. The British fleet of six ves sels and sixty three guns, under Commodore Bar clay, an old and experienced officer, who had served under Nelson. The line of battle was formed at 11 o clock, (Sept. 10, 1813.) At fifteen minutes before 12, the enemy s flag ship, "Queen Charlotte," opened a furious fire upon the "Lawrence," the flag ship of Com. Perry. The wind being light, the rest of the squadron were unable to come to his as sistance, and he was compelled for two hours to sus tain the fire of two of the enemy s ships, each of equal force. By this time the Lawrence had be come unmanageable, every gun was dismounted, her crew except four or five were all killed or wounded. In this desperate condition, Commodore Perry, with great presence of mind, formed the bold design to shift his flag, and leaping into an open boat, wa ving his sword, he passed unhurt through a shower of balls to the Niagara of twenty guns. At this critical moment the wind increased, and Perry bore down upon the enemy, passing the "Detroit," * Queen Charlotte," and "Lady Provost," on one side, and the "Chippewa" and "Little Belt" on the other, into each of which while passing he pour ed a broadside. He then engaged the " Lady Pro vost," which received so heavy a fire that the men ran below. The remainder of the American squad ron now one after another came up. After a con test of three hours the Amewcan fleet gained a com plete victory, and captured every vessel of the en emy. Commodore Perry announced this victory in the following laconic style; " WQ have met the enemy : and they are Oregon Xoxitanr 100 < <if*tui!t.f Lewis atul Clarke e tt t/f r>tT7f7i of / >*7arnl>ia ILalke Erie 197 TJhe Americans lost in this action twenty seveu killed and ninety six wounded. The British had about two hundred killed and wounded the Amer icans took six hundred prisoners, which exceeded the whole n-umber of Americans engaged in the action. (109.) Death of Tecumseh. On the 5th of October, a battle was fought be tween the American army under Gen. Harrison, and the British, under Gen. Proctor, in which the Brit ish were defeated, and Detroit fell into the hands of the Americans. The British were assisted by a body of 1200 or 1500 Indian warriors, led on by Tecumseh, a cele brated Indian chieftain. Upon the left, the onset was begun by Tecumseh, with great fury. He was opposed by Col. Johnson, of Kentucky. The In dians seemed determined to conquer or die. The terrible voice of Tecumseh was heard encouraging his warriors ; although beset on every side, they fought with determined courage. Col. Johnson now rushed towards the spot, where the savage war riors were gathering round their undaunted chief tain. In a moment a hundred rifles were aimed at the American, the balls pierced his dress and accou trements, and himself and his horse received a num ber of wounds, At the instant his horse was about to fall under him, he was discovered by Tecumseh: having discharged his rifle he sprang forward with his tomahawk, but, struck with the appearance of the brave man before him, he hesitated for a -moment, and that moment was his last. Col. Johnson level led a pistol at his breast, arid they both, almost at 18 198 the same instant, fell to the ground. Col. Johnson men now rushed forward to his rescue, and the In dians, hearing no longer the voice of their chief, soon after fled. "Thus fell Tecumseh, and with him, fell the last hope of our Indian enemies." Since the year 1790, he had been in almost every engagement with the whites; he was a determined enemy to the attempts to civilize the Indians, and had for years endeavor ed to unite the tribes in opposing the progress of the settlement of the whites, any farther to the west ward. On the opening of the last war, he visited many tribes, and by his uncommon eloquence and address, roused his countrymen to arms against the United States. " Tecumseh had received the stamp of greatness, from the hand of nature, and had his lot been cast in a different state of society, he would have shone as one of the most distinguish ed of men. He was endowed with a powerful mind, and with the soul of a hero. There was an uncommon dignity in his countenance and manners, and by the former he could be easily distinguished, even after death, among the slain, for he wore uo Insignia of distinction." (110.) Battle of Niagara. On the 25th of July, 1814, Gen. Scott arrived at the Niagara cataract, and learned that the British were in force directly in his front, separated only by a narrow piece of wood. Having despatched this intelligence to Gen. Brown, he advanced upon the enemy, and the action commenced at six o clock in the afternoon. Although Gen. Ripley, with the second brigade, Major Hendman, with the corps of 199 artillery? and Gen. Porter, with the volunteers, pres sed forward with ardor ; it was an hour before they could be brought up to his support: during this time his brigade alone sustained the conflict. Gen. Scott had pressed through the wood, and engaged the Bi-itish on the Queenston road, with the 9th, 1 1th, and 12th regiments, the 25th having been thrown on the right. The fresh troops, under Gen. Ripley, having arrived, now advanced to relieve Gen. Scott, whose exhausted brigade formed a reserve in the rear. The British artillery had taken post on a commanding eminence, at the head of Lundy s lane, supported by a line of infantry, out of the reach of the American batteries. This was the key of the whole position ; from hence they poured a most deadly fire on the American ranks. It became ne cessary either to leave the ground, or to carry this post and seize the height. The lutter desperate task was assigned to Col. Miller. On receiving the order from Gen. Brown, he calmly surveyed the position and answered, "/ will try szV," which expression was afterwards the motto of his regi ment. The first regiment, under the command of Col. Nicholas, were ordered to menace the British infantry, and support Col. Miller in the attack. This corps, after a discharge or two, gave way and left him without support. Without regarding this occurrence, Col. Miller advanced coolly and stead ily to his object, amid a tremendous fire, and at the point of the bayonet, carried the artillery and the height. The guns were immediately turned upon the enemy ; Gen. Ripley now brought up the 23d regiment to the support of Col. Miller ; the first re giment was rallied and brought into line, and the British were driven from the hill. At this time Ma jor Jcssup, with the 25th regiment, was engaged in 200 a most obstinate conflict, with all the British that re mained on the field. He had succeeded in turning the British left flank. Capt. Ketchum, with a de- i.achment of this regiment, succeeded in gaining ;he rear of the British lines at the point where Gen erals Drummond and Riall, with their suites, had. ta ken their stations, and made them all prisoners* The British officers, mistaking this detachment for a company of their own men, were ordering them to to press on to the combat, when Capt. Ketchum stepped forward, and coolly observed, that he had the fionor to command at that time, and im mediately conducted the officers and their suites, in to the rear of the American lines ; General Drum mond, in the confusion of the scene made his escape. The British rallied under the hill, and made a des perate attempt to regain- their artillery, and drive the Americans from their position, but without suc cess ; a second and third attempt was made with ihe like result. Gen. Scott was engaged in repelling these attacks, and though with his shoulder fractur ed, and a severe wound in the side, continued at the head of his column, endeavoring to turn the en emy s right flank. The volunteers under Gen. Por ter, during the last charge of the British, precipita ted themselves upon the lines, broke them, and took a large number of prisoners. Gen. Brown, during the whole action, was at the mos.t exposed points, directing and animating his troops. He received a severe wound on the thigh, and in the side, and would have given the command to Gen. Scott, but on inquiring found that he was severely wounded. He continued at the head of his troops until the last effort of the British was repulsed, when loss of blood obliged him to retire ; he then consigned the command to Gen. Ripley. At twelve o clock, both 201 parlies retired from the field, to their respective en- oampments, fatigued and satiated with slaughter. The battle continued with little intermission, from six in the afternoon until twelve at night. After Col. Miller had taken the battery, and driven the British from the heights, and Gen. Riall and suite had been taken, there was a short cessation, and the enemy appeared to be about yielding the ground, when reinforcements arrived to their aid, and the battle was renewed with redoubled fury for another space of two hours ; much of this time the combat ants were within a few yards of each other, and sev eral times, officers were found commanding enemy platoons. Capt. Spencer, aid to Gen. Brown, was despatched with orders to one of the regiments; when about to deliver them, he suddenly found him self in contact with a British corps; with great eoolness and a firm air, he inquired what regiment is this? On being answered, the Royal Scotts, he immediately replied, Royal Scolts, remain as you are* the commandant of the corps, supposing the orders eame from his commanding General, immediately halted his regiment, and Capt. Spencer rode off. Col. Miller s achievement, in storming the battery, was of the most brilliant and hazardous nature ; it was decisive of the events of the battle, and enti tled him and his corps to the highest applause ; most of the officers engaged in that enterprise were killed or wounded. The battle was fought to the west of, and within half a mile of the Niagara cat aract. The thunder of the cannon, the roaring of the falls, the incessant discharge of musketry, the groans of the dying and wounded during the six hours in which the parties were engaged in close combat, heightened by the circumstance of its being night, afforded such a scene, as is rarely to be mc ? . With, in the history of human slaughter. The eve ning was calm, and the moon shone with lustre, when not enveloped in clouds of smoke from the firing of the contending armies. Considering the numbers engaged, few contests have ever been mor?: sanguinary.* This was one of the most severe and bloody bat tles, which Was fought during the war. The iintish force engaged in tnis battle amounted to 5,000 men : many of their troops were selected from Hie flower of Lord Wellington s army. The American force consisted of 4,000 men. The loss of Americans in killed, wounded, and missing, was 860 men ; that of the British was 878 men. (111.) Burning of Washington City. In August, 1814, a body of about 6000 British troops, commanded by Gen. Ross, landed at Bene dict, on the Pafuxent, 47 miles from Washington ; on tho 21st of August, he marched to Nottingham. He met with little opposition on his march, until within about six miles of Washington, at Bfddehs- burg. Here Gen. Winder, with the American forces, composed mostly of militia, hastily collected, op posed them. The Americans, however, fled at the beginning of the contest. Com. Barney, with about 400 men, made a brave resistance ; but the enemy, superior in numbers, compelled him to surrender. Leaving B lad ens burgh, Gen. Ross went to Wash ington, where he arrived in the evening of the 23d of August, about 3 o clock, with 700 men, having left Ur main body about a mile and a half from the *Perkins Late War. 203 Capitol. Immediately on his arrival, Gen. issued orders to set on fire the public buildings."* The Capitol and the President s house, two noble buildings, were burnt ; the valuable libraries in the Capitol were also destroyed. The great Bridge across the Potomac a splendid Hotel, and many other private buildings. On the 25th they retired by rapid marches, and regained their shipping, leaving behind them seve ral officers of rank, and 150 non-commissioned offi cers and privates, whose wounds did not admit of a removal. Their whole loss during this expedition was 400 in killed and wounded, besides 500 more, .who were made prisoners or deserted. (112.) Battle on Lake Champlain, In September, 1814, an army of 14,000 men., under the command of Sir George Prevost, Governor General of Canada, and a fleet on Lake Champlain, * According to the account of a British officer, who was in this expedition, the sole object of the disembarkation was the destruction of the American flotilla. When that flotilla re treated from Nottingham , Admiral Cockburn urged the ne cessity of a pursuit, and finally prevailed on Gen. Ross to proceed on to attack Washing-ton. When he arrived near the city. Gen. Ross sent in a flag of truce with terms. Scarce ly had the party with the flag- entered the city, when they were fired upon from the windows of one of the houses. Two corporals of the 31st, and the horse of the General himself, who accompanied them, were killed. This outrage roused the indignation of every individual of the army. All thoughts of accommodation were instantly laid aside; the troops ad vanced forthwith into the city, and having first put to the sword all who were found in the house from whence the shots were fired, and reduced it to ashes, they proceeded without delay, to burn and destroy every thing in the most distant degree connected with the government, 04 under Commodore Downie, carrying 95 guns, and 1050 men, approached Plattsburgh. The American fleet, commanded by Commodore Macdonough, carried but 86 guns, and 826 men. While lying off Plattsburgh, on the llth of Sep tember, the British fleet bore down upon them in order of battle. Ordering his vessels to be cleared for action, Commodore Macdonough gallantly received the enemy. The engagement was exceedingly obsti nate; the enemy fought bravely; but the superiori ty of the American gunnery prevailed they fired much oftener than their enemies. After an engage ment of two hours and twenty minutes, the British ships were silenced, and one frigate, one brig, and two sloops of war, fell into the hands of the Ameri cans. Several British gallies were sunk, and a few others escaped. The Americans lost 52 killed, and 58 wounded. The loss of the British was 84 killed, and 110 wounded. Sir Geo. Prevost, who commanded the land forces, commenced an attack upon the American works at Plattsburgh, at the same time that the fleets were engaged, but was compelled to retire by the Ame ricans, under Gen. Macomb, with the loss of 2500 men. (113.) Hartford Convention. During the second war with Great Britain, the people of the United States were divided into two political parties, one party condemning the war as unwise and unnecessary; the other contending that the war was just, and necessary for the maintenance of national honor. The opposition to the war was Wa&hmrton of the uipiM at H Lake Qiamplaim 114 205 the greatest in the New-England States, and during its continuance this opposition was confirmed. En listments of troops was in some instances discoura- ed, and dissentions arose between the general and tate governments, respecting the command of the militia, called out by order of the former, to defend the sea-board. In October, 1814, the Legislature of Massachusetts appointed " delegates to meet and confer with the delegates from the States of New England, or any of them, upon the subjects of their public grievances and concerns." The delegates met at Hartford, Con. Dec. 15th, 1814, and sat nearly three weeks with closed doors. This Con vention consisted of delegates from the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island ; two members from New-Hampshire and one fron^ Ver mont: these last were appointed at County meet ings. After their adjournment, the Convention pub lished an address, charging the National government with pursuing measures hostile to the interests of New-England, and recommending amendments to the Federal Constitution. " These alterations consisted of seven articles first, that Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned to the number of free persons : secondly, that no new State shall be admitted into the Union without the concurrence of two thirds of both houses : thirdly, that Congress shall riot have power to lay an embargo for more than sixty days: fourthly, that Congress shall not interdict commercial intercourse, without the concurrence of two thirds of both houses -ffthly, that war shall not be declared without the concurrence of a similar majority : sixthly, that no person who shall be hereafter naturalized, shall be eligible as a member of the Senate or House of Representatives, or hold 19 206 any civil office under the authority of the United States : and, seventhly, that no person shall be elected twice to the Presidency, nor the President be elected from the same State two terms in suc cession. The report of the Convention concluded with a resolution, providing for the calling of another con vention, should the United States " refuse their consent to some arrangement whereby the New England States, separately, or in concert, might be empowered to assume upon themselves the defence of their territory against the enemy," appropriating a reasonable proportion of the public taxes for this purpose ; or, " should peace not be concluded, and the defence of the New England States be neglected as it has been since the commencement of the war." 4 Tile committee appointed to communicate these resolutions to Congress, met at Washington the news of peace : and owing to this event another Con vention was not called. The proposed amendments of the Constitution were submitted to the several States, and rejected by all except Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Connecticut. (1 14.) Gen. Jackson s Victory at New-Orleans* In the month of Dec. 1814, fifteen thousand British troops, under Sir Edward Packenham, were landed for the attack of New-Orleans. The de fence of this place was entrusted to Gen. Andrew Jackson, whose force was about 6000 men, chiefly raw militia. Several slight skirmishes occurred before the enemy arrived before the city : during this time Gen. Jackson was employed in making * Goodrich. 207 preparation for his defence. His front was a straight line of 1000 yards, defended by upwards of three thousand Infantry and Artillerists. The ditch contained five feet of water, and his front, from having been Hooded by opening the levees, and by frequent rains, was rendered slippery and muddy. Eight distinct batteries were judiciously disposed, mounting in all 12 guns of different calibres. On the opposite side of the river was a strong battery of fifteen guns. On the 8th of January, Gen. Packenham, with upwards of 1 2,000 men, deliberately advanced in solid columns, to the attack, over an even plain, in front of the American intrenchments, his men carry ing, besides their muskets, facines, and ladders. Entire silence prevailed through the American lines until the British were within reach of their batteries, when a destructive cannonade was opened ; yet they advanced, closing up their ranks as fast as they were opened by the fire of the Americans. But when within the reach of musketry and rifles, the Americans poured in such a tremendous and de structive fire, that the British columns were literally swept away. Unable to stand the shock, confusion followed, and Gen. Packenham, in the attempt to rally his troops, was killed. The two Generals, Gibbs and Kean, succeeded in pushing forward their columns the second time, but this was more fatal than the first. The continued rolling fire from the American lines resembled peals of thunder. A few platoons only reached the ditch, to meet a more certain destruction. A third attempt was made to lead up the troops, which proved equally unavailing. Gen. Gibbs and Kean were severely wounded, the former mortally. The plain before the American lines now pre* 208 sented a wide field of blood. Seven hundred of the British were killed, 1400 wounded, arid 500 were taken prisoners ; making the whole of their loss, nearly 3000 men. The loss of the Americans did not exceed seven killed, and they had only six wounded ! ! The enemy, soon after, with great secrecy, em- harked on board their shipping. (115.) Bank of the United States. The Bank of the United States was established by an act of Congress of April 10th, 1816, and con tinues to March 3d, 1 836. Its stock consists of three hundred and fifty thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each, constituting a capital of thirty-five mil lions of dollars. Seventy thousand shares, or seven millions of the stock, was taken by the United States, and the remaining two hundred and eighty thousand shares, amounting to twenty. eight millions of dollars, by individuals, companies, &c. Of this twenty-eight millions of dollars, seven was required by the charter to be paid in gold or silver coin, arid twenty-one millions in gold or silver coin, or funded debt of the United States. The property of the Bank, including its whole capital, is not to exceed in value, fifty-five millions of dollars. The Bank is located in Philadelphia, governed by twenty-five Directors, chosen annually; five of whom, being stockholders, are appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate ; and twenty are annually elected at the Banking-house, in Philadel phia, by the qualified stockholders of the capital, (other than the United States,) on the first Monday 209 &f January. No person can be a Director in the Bank of the United States at the same time that he is a Director in any other Bank. At the first meet ing after their election, the Directors choose a Pre sident. The President is selected from the Di rectors. The number of votes to which stockholders are entitled, are, for one share and not more than two, one vote ; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote ; for every four shares above ten, and not exceeding thirty, one vote ; for every six shares above thirty, and not exceeding sixty, one vote; for every eight shares above sixty, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote ; and for every ten shares above one hundred, one vote ; but no person, co-partnership, or body politic, is entitled to more than thirty votes. No share or shares con fer the right of voting, that shall not have been held three calendar months previous to the day of elec tion. No stockholders but those actually resident, within the United States, can vote by proxy. By the act of March 3d, 1819, it is provided that any per son offering more than thirty votes, including- those offered in his own right, and those offered by him as attorney, &c. the judges of the election are required to administer an oath to the person so offering more than thirty votes, to the following- effect : " That he has no interest, directly or indirectly, in the shares upon which he offers to vote as attorney ; and that the shares are, to the best of his knowledge and belief, truly, and in good faith, owned by the persons in whose names they stand at that time." No person is allowed to vote as proxy, &c. without a power, witnessed with an oath, endorsed, and fi? >d in Bank, that the giver of the proxy, " is the real and anly owner of the shares specified in the power of attorney, that he owns no other shares ; that no other person has any inter est in the said shares, and that no other power, now in force, has been given to any other person, to vote at any election of Directors of the said Bank. Judges of elections, permitting -any person to give more than thirty votes at one election-, 20 210 without taking the oath prescribed by law, are subject to ? fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding one year : and persons swearing falsely, are liable to the pains and penalties for the punishment of wilful and corrupt perjury. Persons giving money, or any thing, as a bribe, to procure the interest, &c. of the President or any Director of the Bank, or the President or Director receiving such bribe, are forever disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit, under the Corporation, or under the United States. Not more than three fourths of the Directors elected by the Stockholders, nor more than four- fifths of those appointed by the United States, shall serve two successive years ; no Director shall hold his office more than three years out of four in suc cession ; but the Director who is President, may serve without limitation. None but a Stockholder, resident citizen of the United States, shall be a Director, nor shall be en titled to any emolument. Seven Directors may constitute a board, of whom the President shall always be one, unless unavoida bly prevented, in which case his place may be sup plied by any other Director whom he, by writing under his hand, may depute for that purpose. A number of Stockholders, not less than sixty, if proprietors of one thousand shares, have power to call a general meeting of the Stockholm!- vs, giving ten weeks notice in two newspapers of the place where the Bank is seated, and specifying the object of f he meeting. The Cashier is required to give bond with two or more sureties, in a sum not less than fifty thousand dollars, as a security for the faithful performance of his duties. 211 The Lands, &c. lawful for the Bank to hold, is only for its immediate accommodation in business, or iTK>rt<roged to it as security or satisfaction for df !.*.. previously contracted, or purchased at sales i} .,, ju ents for such debts. Tha total amount of debts, of every description, which ih<i Bank shall at any time owe, must not ex ceed thirty-five millions of dollars, unless authorised by law to exceed that amount. In case of excess, the Directors under whose administration it takes place, are liable in their private capacities. This provision, however, does not exempt the property of the Bank from being, also, liable. Directors who may dissent, or be absent, when such excess is crea ted, on giving notice thereof to the President of the United Slates, and to the Stockholders, are exone rated from such liability. The Bank is prohibited from dealing or trading in any thing, except bills of exchange, gold and silver bullion, or sales of goods pledged for moneys lent by the Bank. It can not become the purchaser of any public debt, nor take more than six per centum per annum for or upon its loans or dis- ounts. The Bank cannot loan more than five hundred thousand dollars to the United Slates; or to any particular State an amount exceeding fifty thousand dollars ; or to any foreign Prince or State, unless previously authorised by a law of the United States. The Stock is assignable and transferable, according to rules established by the Bank. Bills obligatory and of credit, under the seal of the Bank, made to any person, are assignable by the endorsement of such person. But the Bank is prohibited from making any bill obligatory, &c. under its seal, for a sum less than five thousand dollars. All bills issued by order of the Bank, and signed by the President and Cashier, are bin-ling as if made by private persons. All bills or notes so issued, are payable on demand, except such as are for the p .yment of a sum not less thnn one hundred dollars, which ms\ be made payable to order, at any time not exceeding sixty days from date. 212 Half-yearly dividends of the profits may be made. And once in three years the Directors must lay before the Stock holders an exact and particular statement of the situation of the Bank. The Directors of the Bank are authorised to es tablish Offices of Discount and Deposite whereso ever they shall think fit, within the United States, or the Territories thereof. Or, instead of establishing such offices, it is lawful for the Directors to employ any other Bank or Banks, to be first approved by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, to transact business other than discounting. Not more than thirteen, nor less than seven Directors of every Office of Discount and Deposite, shall be an nually appointed by the Directors of the Bank, to serve for one year : each shall be a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State or Terri tory where the Office is established : not more than three-fourths of those in office, shall be appointed for the next succeeding year ; and no Director can hold his office more than three years out of four in succession ; but the President may be always re- appoirited. The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, must be furnished, as often as he may require, not exceeding once a wcek r with, full statements of the concerns of the Bank, and he has a right to exa mine such of the books of the Bank as relate to said statement. No Stockholder, unless he be a citizen of the United States, has a vote in the choice of Directors,, No note can be issued of less amount than five dollars. If the Bank, or any person on its account, shall deal or trade, in any respect contrary to its charter, every person concerned as agent or party therein, 213 shall forfeit treble the value of the goods, <fcc. ia which such dealing shall have been ; one half there of to the informer, the other to the United States ; to be recovered in any action of law, with costs of suit. The bills or notes of the Bank, are receivable in all payments to the United States, until otherwise directed by act of Congress. The Banks must, whenever required by the Secretary of the Treasury, give the necessary facilities for transferring- the public funds from place to place, within the United States, for the payment of public creditors, without charging commis sions ; and also perform the duties of Commissioners of Loans. The deposites of moneys of the United States, in places in which the Bank or its branches are established, must be made in the Bank or its branches, unless the Secretary of the Treasury shall otherwise direct; in .which case he must im mediately lay before Congress, if in session, and if not, imme diately after the commencement of the next session, the rea sons of such direction. The Bank is prohibited from suspending pay ments in specie. In case of suspension, the holder of any bill, &c. can recover the amount thereof, and until it is paid, is entitled to interest at the rate of twelve per centum per annum. Forging, counterfeiting, &c. the Notes, &c. of the Bank, is felony, and punishable by imprisonment and hard labor, or im prisonment and fine. If any person shall engrave, or have in his possession, any metallic plate, similar to the plates from which the notes, &c. of the Bank are printed, or shall cause or suffer the same to be used, &c. shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to imprison ment at hard labor not exceeding five years, or imprisoned not exceeding five years, and fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. No other Bank shall be chartered by Congress during the continuance of the charter of the Bank of the United States, except within the District of Columbia. And the Corporation of the Bank shall 30* 214 exist for two years after the expiration of its charter, for the close of its concerns. Committees of either House of Congress have power to inspect the books of the Bank, and to ex amine into its proceedings, &c. and whenever there is reason to believe the charter has been violated, a scire facias may be sued out of the Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania, in the name of the United States, and the Bank compelled to show cause why the charter should not be declared for feited 5 and it i lawful for the said Court to examine into the truth of .he alleged violation, and if such violation be made appear, then to pronounce the charter forfeited. The final Judgment of the Court aforesaid is examinable in the Supreme Court of the United Slates,- Force s National Calendar, 1823. (116.) Piracies in the We^t Indies. The American commerce had for several years suffered severely, in consequence of the depreda tions committed by pirates. The West Indian Seas were infested with these marauders, and transactions of the most flagrant and outrageous character had become frequent. Great quantities of property were, seized by them, and their captives were often murdered in the most inhuman manner. They re spected no law, and the flag of no nation. An event occurred in 1822, which excited general attention, and showed that the evil had become so alarming as to call loudly for the strong arm of Government to, interpose for the protection of its citizens. The Al ligator, United States schooner, was about entering the harbor of Ma tan zas, when information was re ceived- that two American vessels, which the pirates bad just captured, were lying a short distance that place. The Alligator was immediately ordered to their relief. An engagement with the pirates en sued, in which the Americans were victorious. They recaptured five American vessels which were in possession of the pirates, and took one piratical schooner. But Allen, the brave commander of the Alligator, was wounded in the engagement, and died in a few hours. His death excited much feeling throughout the United States. The pirates made the island of Cuba their general rendezvous, and they carried their depredations to such an extent, that it was extremely dangerous for vessels to enter or leave the port of Havana. Con gress at length passed a law appropriating a sum of money to fit out an expedition for the suppression of piracy. Commodore Porter, to whom was given the command of this expedition, sailed for the West Indies, and after touching at Porto Rico, arrived at Matanzas with a squadron consisting of a steam- frigate, eight schooners., and five barges. No cap tures were made by this squadron, as the pirates had obtained knowledge of their movements ; but the, object of their going out was accomplished in the protection afforded to commerce. The American squadron remained near the islands, and afforded convoys to merchant vessels ; and in consequence of this protection of the sea, the pirates were com* pelled to remain upon the islands, where they com mitted depredations upon the inhabitants. But one vessel was taken from the Americans during this time, and that was recaptured by Commodore Porter WMarfs Hist. U. 216 (117.) Western Antiquities. The numerous remains of ancient fortifications, mounds, &c. found in the Western States, are the admiration of the curious, and a matter of much speculation. They are mostly of an oblong form, situated on well chosen ground, and near the water. One of the fortifications or towns at Marietta, (Ohio,) contains forty acres, accompanied by a wall of earth from six to ten feet high. On each side are three openings at equal distances, resembling gate ways. The works are undoubtedly very ancient, as there does not appear to be any difference in the age or size of the timber growing on or within the walls, and that which grows without; and the In dians have lost all tradition respecting them. Dr. Cutler, who accurately examined the trees on the works at Marietta, thinks from appearances, that they are on the second growth, and that the works must have been built upwards of 1000 years. At a convenient distance from these works al ways stands a mound of earth, thrown up in the form of a pyramid. Upon examination some of these mounds are found to contain an immense number of human skeletons. The ancient works on the western branches of the Muskingum river, extend nearly two miles, the ramparts of which are now in some places more than eighteen feet in perpendicular height. There must have been a dense population to have erected such works as these, and a people more devoted to labor, than the present race of Indians. The most probable conjecture respecting these people is, that they were of Tartar origin, and came across to this continent near Beering s Straits*, 217 knd going southward, folio wed the course of the great rivers finding the soil fruitful on the Ohio and Mississippi, resided there for a while, till at length fol lowing each other they established themselves in the warm and fertile vales of Mexico. (118.) Erie Canal. This Grand Canal, the longest in the world, (if we except the Imperial Canal of China,) was commen ced July 4th, 1817, and completed Oct. 26th, 18-5, at the expense of about eight millions- of dollars. This Canal extends from Albany on the Hudson, to Buffalo on Lake Erie, a distance of 350 miles. From the Lake to the River there is generally a de scent, though in some places there is an ascent : so that the aggregate of rise and fall is 662 feet, and the difference of level between the Lake arid River is 564 feet. The Canal is 40 feet wide on the surface, 28 at the bottom, and 4 feet deep. It contains 80 locks, with several considerable embankments and aqueducts. I; is the property of the State of New York, and will probably afford a large revenue for public pur poses. When the Canal was completed, October 26, a Canal Boat from Lake Erie entered the Canal, which event was announced by the tip rig <>i cannon placed at suitable distances, from Lake Erie to the city of New York, and from thence back again to Lake Erie, On the 5th of November, when the Canal Boat ar rived at the city of New York, the day was celebra ted by splendid processions, military parades, c, fcc. 218 In the aquatic procession, which accompanied the Canal boat from New- York to Sandy Hook, were 22 Steamboats and Barges. When they ar rived at the Hook, Governor Clinton went through the ceremony of uniting the waters, by pouring that of Lake Erie into the Atlantic. (119.) Gen. La . Fayetttfs Visit. Gilbert Mottie La Fayette, the Marquis de La Fayette, America s early and tried friend, was born on the 6th of September, 1767, in the province of Auverne, now the department of Haute Loire, in France, about 400 miles from Paris. He sprang from the ancient and illustrious family of Mottle, which, for several centuries past, has add ed the name of La Fayette. In 1774, at the age of seventeen, he was married to the Countess Anastasie de Noailles, daughter of the Duke de Noailles. The fortune of this lady, added to his own, increased his income to about 40,000 dollars annually ; an im mense revenue at that period. The contest between Great Britain and her North American Colonies, was a subject of much interest to the nations of Europe, especially to the French people. The Marquis La Fayette, fired with enthu siastic ardor in the cause of Liberty, tore himself from an affectionate family and the honors of the Court, and notwithstanding the prohibition of the French Court, embarked for A r erica in January, 1777, and entered the American army as a volun teer, without compensation. The American Con gress, struck with his magnanimity, gave him the commission of a Major General in the army of the IJnited States. 219 His gallant conduct at the battle of Brandywine, (where he was wounded,) and at many other places till the close of the war, proved him worthy of the confidence placed in him. La Fayptte likewise gave large sums for the pur pose of clothing arid arming the American troops. After the close of the revolutionary war, La Fay- ette returned to France, where he was appointed commander of the French armies. During the furi ous and bloody storm of the French Revolution, he was obliged to flee, and surrender himself to the Aus- trians, who imprisoned him in the castle of Qlmutz* Having suffered a rigorous imprisonment for five years, he was through the influence of Buonaparte (afterwards Emperor of France) released on the 25th of August, 1797. After an absence of forty years, General La Fayette determi-ned once more to visit the country of his adoption. Congress hearing of his determi nation, offered a public ship for the conveyance of the " NATION S GUEST," but he politely declined their offer, and chose a private conveyance. He, accordingly, with his son, George Washington La Fayette, embarked at Havre, on board the ship Cadmus, and arrived at New- York, Aug. 16, 1824. He was received with enthusiastic demonstrations of joy, by all classes of the American people. From New-York he proceeded by land to Boston, passing through New-Haven, and Providence. From Bos ton he proceeded to Portsmouth, N. H. from whence he returned to Boston, and New-York, passing through Worcester, Hartford, and Middletown. From New- York he went up the Hudson, visiting Albany and other places on the river. Returning to New-York, he proceeded on to Philadelphia, Balti more, and Washington. Here he was received by 220 the House of Representatives and Senate of the Uni ted States, who voted him two hundred thousand dollars and a township of land, for the important ser vices rendered by him during the Revolutionary war. General La Fayette commenced his tour from Washington, through the southern and western States, and returned to Albany by the way of Buf falo and the Grand Canal. From Albany he pro ceeded through Springfield, to Boston, where he ar rived on the 16th of June, and was received by the Legislature of Massachusetts, then in session. On the 17th he was present at the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Bunker Hill Monument. He then visited the States of New-Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont, and returned to New- York to partici pate in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence. He took his final leave of New-York, July 14th, visited the Ex-Presidents in Virginia, and soon after embarked for France, on board the frigate Brandy- iciwe, followed with the grateful benedictions of th^ American people. Ohio Westeni Antiquities JTcw-Tbrk 119 . Z*i Rtycttes Visit A CHRONOLOGICAL, TABLE, OF THE DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, WARS, AND RE* MARKABLE EVENTS, IN THE UNITED STATES* DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS. 1492 America first discovered by Columbus. 1497 North America first discovered by Sebastian Cabot, a Venetian, in the service of England. 1512 John Ponce de Leon discovered and named Florida, from its being discovered on Easter day, or feast of flowers. 1528 P. de Narvaez, with 400 men, lands in Florida, and at tempts the conquest of the country. He is defeated by the natives. 1535 Cartier, a Frenchman, first attempts a settlement in Canada. > "^ 1539 Ferdinand de Soto, a Spaniard, landed in Florida, with 1200 men, in search of gold. He penetrated into the country, and discovered the Mississippi. 1562 Ribault, with a colony of French Protestants, began a settlement on the Edisto. It was abandoned. 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh obtains a patent for making dis coveries. Amadas and Barlow, by order of Raleigh, landed on Woconon and Roanoke. On their return, Queen Elizabeth named the country Virginia. -1585 Sir R. Grenville sent with 7 vessels to settle Virginia. A colony left at Roanoke, under Gov. Lane. The colony returned to England fr^ next year. 1 ji CHRONOLOGIC AT. TABLE* 1586 Grenville left a second colony at Roanoke, which was destroyed by the natives. 1587 A third colony, under Gov. White, left at Roanoke. Gov. White returned to England for supplies. He came back in 1590, but not finding- the men he had left, he returned to England. 1602 Bartholomew Gosnold sailed to America, named Cape Cod, discovered Martha s Vineyard, and the adjacent Islands, built a fort and store-house, but returned to England the same year. 1607 Capt. Newport arrived in Virginia, and began the first permanent British settlement in North America, at Jamestown, in Virginia. 1608 Capt. Smith first explored the Chesapeake. Canada settled by the French, Quebec founded July 3d . 1610 Capt. Henry Hudson, an Englishman, in the service of the" Dutch, discovers the Manhattan, now Hudson river. 1611 Champlain, a Frenchman, discovered the lake which now bears his name. 1614 Capt. Smith made a fishing voyage to the northern part of America. Made a chart of the coast, which he presented to Prince Charles, who named the country New England. Settlements commenced by the Dutch, at Manhattan, now New- York, at Albany, and in New-Jersey. 1619 Capt. Dermer, the first Englishman who sailed through Long-Island Sound. 1620 Plymouth settlers arrived at Plymouth, Dec. 22. 16.23 First settlement of New-Hampshire, at Dover, and at Little Harbor. 1627 Delaware and Pennsylvania settled by the Swedes and Fins. 1629 Salem settled by Gov. Endicott, 1630 Charlestown, Boston, Watertown, and Dorchester, set tled by Gov. VVintJirop and others. T633 Maryland settled by Lord Baltimore and a colony of Roman Catholics. The Dutch erect a fort on Connecticut river, in the present town of Hartford. The Plymouth people erect a trading house in the present town of Windsor, Con. ^634 Wethersfield, Cen. settled by people from Dorchester^ .CHRONOLOGICAL. TABLE. Jit- 1-635 Windsor settled by people from Dorchester. Saybrook fort built by J. Winthrop s men. 1636 Hartford settled by Mr. Hooker and his congregation. Providence, K. I. settled and named by Roger Williams. 1638 New-Haven settled by Messrs. Davenport, Eaton, and others. Exeter, New-Hampshire, founded. 1639 Newport, Rhode-Island, settled. Milford, Guilford, Stratford, and Saybrook, io Con. settled. J640 Southampton, on Long-Island, settled by people from Lynn, Mass. 1642 T. May hew and others settle Martha s Vineyard. 1648 New-London, Con. settled. 1654 Col. Wood, of Virginia, sent a company of men to ex plore the country of the Ohio. 1658 Northampton and Hadley, Mass, settled by people from Connecticut. 1663 Carolina planted. 1664 Elizabeth town, New-Jersey, settled. 1665 Sir J. Yeamans settled 01 the southern banks of Cape Fear river, with a colony from Barbadoes. 1677 Burlington, N. J. settled by a number of families from Yorkshire, Eng. 1680 Charleston, South-Carolina, settled. 1682 Pennsylvania settled by William Penn and others, Philadelphia founded. 1683 Germantown, Pa. settled by a number of Quakers from Germany. 1682 M. de la Salle descended the Mississippi to its mouth, took possession of the country in the name of Louis 14th, the French King, and named the country Louisiana. 1692 A fort built at Pemaquid by Sir William Phips. 1702 The French send colonies into Louisiana. 1710 2700 Palatines, from Germany, arrived and settled i New- York and Pennsylvania. 1717 New-Orleans founded by the French. 1 722 Gov. Burnet, of N. Y. erects a trading house at OswegoV 1723 First settlement in Vermont. 1*24 Trenton, N. J. founded by William Trent. 1731 Fort at Crown Point built by the French. 1733 Georgia settled by Mr. Oglethorpe and others .:- A eolonv of Swiss came to Carolina; |V CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1740 Tennessee explored by Col. Wood, Patton, Dr. Walker and others. 1741 The Moravians, or United Brethren, began the settler mcnt of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 1749 Halifax, Nova Scotia, settled by the British. 1756 Fort Loudon, on the Tennessee river, built. 1764 A large body of German settlers arrive in Carolina. 1765 The settlement of Tennessee commenced. 1771 Nootka Sound, the north-west coast of America, disco vered by Capt. Cook. 1773 Kentucky settled by Col. Boon and others. V774 Connecticut formed a township on the Susquehanna, 40 miles square, called Westmoreland, and annexed it to the county of Litchfield. 3787 8 Twenty thousand settlers, men, women, and chil dren, passed the Muskingum river in Ohio. 1804Capt. Lewis and Clarke explored the Missouri to its source, crossed the Rocky mountains, arrived at the Pacific Ocean in November, 1805, returned to the United States in 1806. 1312 First house in Eochestcr, N. Y. built. EVENTS, &c 1614 The Dutch built a fort at Manhattan, (near New-York.) 1622 The Indians massacred 349 of the Virginia colonists, March 22. Narragansett Indians threaten war. 3623 Massasoit discloses an Indian conspiracy. 1634 The Indians in Connecticut began hostilities. 1635 Fort built at Saybrook, Con. 1637 War with the Pequots in Connecticut ; their fort takep by surprise and destroyed, May 26. 1638 Uncaa*. sachem of the Mohegans, makes a treaty with the English. 1642 The Dutch Fort at Hartford, seized by the inhabit ants of Connecticut. Indian war in Maryland. 1643 War between the Mohegans and Narragausetts. 1645 Action between a New England ship, and an Irish man of war. 1646 Battle fought between the Dutch and Indians, near the confines of Connecticut ; great numbers slain on both sides. CHRONOLOGICAL 1651 Dutch trading house on the Delaware taken by the Swedes. 1654 The Jroquois Indians exterminate the Erics. The Dutch extirpate the Swedes from the Delaware. 1664 .New ,York and Albany taken from the Dutch. jf,^i. War between the N. England Indians and the Mohawks l<67a> New York arid New Netherlands taken by the Dutch they were restored to the English, the next year. 3675 King Philip s War commenced; action at Swanzey, June; Brookfield burnt , Deerfield burnt, Sept. 1; Hadicy assaulted ; Springfield burnt ; Capt. Lathrop, with 80 men, surprised by the Indians almost eve ry man slain, September 18. Cov. Winslow, with 1000 men, attacked the Narnsgan- setts, (the allies of Philip,) in their fort : the fort de stroyed, and their country ravaged, December. 1676 Lancaster burnt ; Capt. Pierce and his company, slain; Capt. Wadsworth, and about 50 of his men killed ; Fall fight the Indians surprised in the night, they lost 300 men, women, and children, May 18; Hat* field and Hadley attacked. King Philip killed, August 12 which ends the war. Bacon s Insurrection in Virginia; Jamestown burnt. ^677 Insurrection in Carolina; the insurgents exercised au~ thority for two years in that colony. 1678 Fort built at Pemaquid ; treaty at Oasco with the In dians. 1636 Port Royal, Carolina, broken up by the Spaniards from St. Augustine. 1687 The French, under Denonville, make war upon the Seneca Indians. 1.688 Qov. A ndros 5 expedition against the eastern Indians. 1690 A body of French and Indians, from Montreal, burn Schenectady, and massacre the inhabitants, Feb. 8.. Salmon Falls surprised by the French and Indians. Casco fort destroyed ; fort at Pemaquid taken. Port Royal taken by Sir, William Phips he make* an expedition against Quebec, but is unsuccessful. 1691 Major Schuyler, with a party of Mohawks, attacks the French settlements on Lake Champlain. 1 692 The French and Indians attack York and Wells. 1693 Count Frontenac, Governor of Canada, makes an ex pedition against the Mohawks. 1694 Gor. Fletcher makes a treaty with the Five Nations Vi CHRONOLOGICAL TABLti 1696 The French destroy the fort at Pemaquid and lay- waste Nova Scotia. 1700 Carolina infested with Pirates. 1702 Gov. Moore s expedition against the Spaniards, at &t. Augustine it proves abortive. 1703 Gov. Moore subdues the Apalachian Indians. 1704 Deerfield burnt and most of the inhabitants carried captive by the French and Indians, Feb 28. 1705 The French ravage Newfoundland. 1706 The Spaniards and French invade Carolina they are defeated. 1707 The New England troops make an unsuccessful expe dition against Port Royal. 1708 Haverhill surprised by the French and Indians. 1710 Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, taken by General Nichol son, Oct 2. 17 1 1 Expedition against Quebec failed by the loss of trans ports in the St. Lawrence, August. 1712 War with the Tuscaroras in North Carolina they are defeated. 1715 A general conspiracy against the Carolinians, by the Yamasees, Cherokees, and other tribes Governor Craven attacks and defeats them in their camp. 1719 Pensacola taken by the French from the Spaniards, 1724 War with the eastern Indians. 1730 The Natchez Indians extirpated by the French. 1736 The Chickasaw Indians defeat the French. 1740 General Oglethorp, with 2,000 men, makes an unsuc cessful expedition against St. Augustine. 1741 Expedition against Cuba. 1742 Spanish expedition against Georgia failed. 1745 Louisburg and Cape Breton taken by the New Eng land troops, aided by a British squadron, June 17. 1746 French expedition under Duke D Anville, which threatened New England, failed, by means of storms, sickness in the fleet, &c. 1747 Saratoga village destroyed, the inhabitants massacred by the French and Indians. 1753 The French erect forts on the back of the colonies. 1754 Colonel Washington with 400 men, in fort Necessity surrendered to the French, July 4. 1755 Expedition against Nova Scotia ; the French are sub dued, the inhabitants brought away and dispersed among the colonies. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, 1fitf 1755 General Braddock defeated by the French and In dians, July 9. Battle of Lake George ; the French under baron Di- eskau defeated, Dicskau mortally wounded, Sept 8, 1756 Oswego taken by the French under Rlontcalm. 1757 Fort William Henry capitulated to the French, many of the garrison massacred by the Indians. 1758 Louisburg taken by the British, July. General Abercrombie defeated at Ticonderoga with great loss ; Lord Howe killed, July. Fort Frontenac taken from the French by Colonel Bradstreet. Fort du Quesne abandoned by the French, taken by the English, and named Pittsburg, Nov. 25. 1759 Ticonderoga and Crown Point taken by Gen. Amherst Niagara taken by the English, Gen. Prideaux killed The English repulsed at iMontmorency near Quebec. Battle of Quebec* Gen. Wolfe, the English command er, and Montcalm, the French commander, killed ; the French defeated and Quebec taken, September. J7GO M. de Levi attempts to recover Quebec, he is com pelled to re tire. Montreal capitulated to the English, September, and Canada is subdued. The Cherokees take fort Loudon and treacherously massacre the garrison. 1761 The Cherokees defeated by Col. Grant and compelled to make peace. 1762 Havana taken by the British and provincials. 1763 Treaty of peace signed at Paris between Great Brit ain and Franco; ( anada, Nova Scotia, and Cape Breton, confirmed to the British king. 1768 Two British regiments stationed at Boston, Sept. 1770 Massacre in Boston ; the British troops fired upon the inhabitants^ and killed three and wounded five, March 5. 1773 Tea thrown overboard at Boston, December 16. 1775 JUattle at Lexington, which began the revolutionary war, April 19. Ticonderoga taken by Col. Allen, May 10. George Washington appointed commander in chief of the American army, June 15, took command of the troops investing Boston, July 2. Generals Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne, with a rein-; Viit CHRONOLOGICAL TABLEt forcement from England arrived at Boston, May 25. liattle of Hunker Hill, June 17. General Montgomery penetrated into Canada, took fort Chamblee, St. John s, and Montreal, Nov. Colonel Ethan Allen captured near Montreal and sent in irons to England. Colonel Arnold, with 3,000 men, penetrates through the wilderness to Canada. Assault upon Quebec ; General Montgomery killed, and the Americans defeated, December 31. 1776 Norfolk, Va. burnt by the British, January 1. Boston evacuated by the British, March 17. Loyalists defeated in North Carolina by general Moore, Febuary 27. Blockade of Quebec raised by the Americans, May 5. A body of Americans at the Cedars surrendered, May. The Americans evacuate Canada, June 18. The British defeated in their attack on Sullivan s Isl and, July 28. General Howe and Admiral Lord Howe, with 24,000 men arrive at Sandy Hook, June. Declaration of Independence, July 4. Battle on Long Island, August 27. American army withdrawn from Long Island, Aug. 30. Captain Nathan Hale, of Con. executed as a spy. New York evacuated by the Americans, taken posses sion of by the British, September 15. General Arnold defeated on Lake Champlain, Oct. 12. Battle at the White Plains, October 28. Fort Washington taken with about 2,000 prisoners, November 16. Fort Lee evacuated, November 18. Americans attack fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia, but are repulsed, November 20. American army retreated through New Jersey, and crossed the Delaware, pursued by the British, No vember and December. The British take possession of Rhode Island, Dec. 8. Congress adjourn to Baltimore, December 12. General Lee surprised and taken prisoner, Dec. 13. Battle of Trenton, 1000 Hessians taken, Dec. 26. 1777 Battle at Princeton, General Mercer killed, Jan. 3. Washington retires to Morristown. More than 20,000 stands of arms and 1.000 barrels <jf nowder arrive from France, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. IX. Danbury Con. burnt, General Wooster killed, April 28 Colonel Meigs crosses over to Long Island from Con. and captures 90 of the British, without the loss of a man, May 23. General Prescott surprised and taken prisoner by Co lonel Barton, of Rhode Island. Battle of Brandywine, General Lafayette wounded* September 11. General Wayne surprised and defeated with the loss of about 300 men, ^-eptember 28. The British takep ossession of Philadelphia, September 27. Ticonderoga evacuated by the Americans, July 6. Battle at Bennington, August. Battle of German town, October 4. Burgoyne encamps at Saratoga, September 14. General Burgoyne surrendered to General Gates, Octo ber 17. Assault on Red Bank ; British defeated ; Count Donop killed. Treaty of Alliance, with France, signed, Feb 6. The British evacuate Philadelphia, June 18. Battle of Monmouth ; many soldiers died of the heat, June 28. Count D Estaing arrives with a French fleet off New port, July. Massacre at Wyoming, July. Battle on Rhode Island, August 29 ; Americans re- treat from Rhode Island, August 30. Paul Jones Naval Battle, on the coast of Scotland, Sept. 22. Col. Bayton s regiment of Cavalry surprised by Gen, Grey, Sept. 28. Expedition of the Americans against East Florida* failed. Savannah taken by the British, under Col. Campbell, Dec. 29. The American Frigate Randolph, of 36 guns, and 300 men, blown up in an engagement; only 4 men saved. Gen. Ash surprised and defeated by the British at Brier Creek with the loss of 300 men, March 3. Engagement at Stono Ferry ; Americans obliged to retreat, June 20. Unsuccessful assault on Savannah; Count Pulaski, a 3 X CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, Polish officer in the service of the Americans, raor tally wounded, October 9. The British make incursions into Virginia ; property to an immense amount destroyed. The British plunder New Jersey, June. Gov. Tryon invades and plunders New Haven, July 5 , Fairfield and Nonvalk burnt. Stony Point taken by Gen. Wayne, July 15. The Americans made an unsuccessful attempt against the British post at Penobscot. Gen. Sullivan ravages the country of the Six Nations, 1780 Gen. Lincoln capitulated and Charleston, S. C. sur rendered to Sir Henry Clinton, May 12. Col. Buford defeated at the Wexbaws by the British under Col. Tarleton ; the Americans lost about 300 men, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, May 29. Col. Sumpter defeats a party of British at Williamson s plantation, July 12 ; and a body of Tories at Hang ing 1 Rock, August 6. Gen. Rochambeau arrives at Newport, R. I. with a French fleet and army, July 10. Battle of Camden; the Americans under Gen. Gates defeated August 16 ; Baron de Kalb, a German offi cer, killed. Gen. Sumpter surprised and defeated by Col. Tarleton^ August 18. Treason of Arnold ; Major Andre taken and execu ted, October 2. Action at Kings Mountain; the British and Tories, un der Major Furguson, defeated with the loss of 150 killed, and 800 prisoners, October 7. Incursion of the British Gen. Kniphausen, into New Jersey ; action near Springfield, N J. June 23. 1781 Mutiny in the Pennsylvania line of troops, Jan. 1. Gen. Greene takes command of the southern Ameri can army. Battle of the Cowpens; Gen. Morgan defeats Col. Tarleton, January 17. Battle of Guilford, N. C. between Gen Greene, and Lord Cornwallis, March 15. Gen. Marion takes fort Watson, April 23. Fort Cornwallis, at Augusta, taken June 5. Gen. Greene lays siege to Ninety Six, but is repulsed^ Jane 18. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. XL The combined armies under Gen. Washington, decamp from the Hudson and inarch for Virginia, August 19. "Vfew London, Con. burnt, fort Griswold stormed, and the garrison put to the sword by Arnold, Septem ber 8. Battle of Eutaw Springs; Gen. Greene defeats the British, with the loss of 1000 men, September 8. Lord Cornwallis pursues the Marquis de La Fayette,. in Virginia. Count de Grasse, with a French fleet, and 3,200 troops,, enters the Chesapeake, September. Yorktown invested, and batteries opened against it, October 9. The British army under Lord Cornwallis, surrendered at Yorktown, Va., to Gen Washington, October 19 ; this event decided the Revolutionary war. 1782 The British evacuate Savannah, July. Provisional articles of peace, signed, Independence of the United States acknoivledg-ed, November 30. 1783 Definitive treaty signed, September 3. The army disbanded, October 18. Farewell address of Gen. Washington to the army, November 2. Gen. Washington resigned his commission, Dec. 23. 1790 Gen. Harmer defeated by the Indians in Ohio. 1791 Gen. St. Clair defeated by the Indians. 1794 Gen. Wayne gains a decisive victory over the Indians on the Miami., August 20. 1797 Collisions with the French Republic. 1*798 Gen. Washington appointed to command the armies of the United States, July 7. 1799 Capt. Truxton, in the Constellation, took the French Frigate Insurgent, February 10. 1800 Treaty of Peace with France, September 30. 1803 War with Tripoli. 1804 Corn. Preble makes an ineffectual attack on Tripoli. 1805 Gen. Eaton, takes possession of Derne, a Tripolitan city, and a peace with Tripoli soon after ensues. ;1807 The American frigate Chesapeake fired into by the British frigate Leopard, off the capes of Virginia, 4 men killed, and 16 wounded, June 22. 1809 Non-intercourse with Great Britain and France, estab lished by Congress, March 1. 1811 Engagement between the American frigate President, 3& CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Capt. Rogers and the British sloop of war Little Be lfc Capt. Binghafrn, May. Battle of Tippacanoe between Gen. Harrison and the Indians, November 7. 1012 Declaration of War by the United States, against Great Britain, June 18. Gen. Hull surrendered his army, and the fort of De troit to the British, August 16. U. S. frigate Constitution, Capt. Hull, captured the British frigate Gurriere, Capt. Dacres, August 19. 400 men, women, and children, massacred at fort Mimms, on the Alabama, by the Indians, August 30. U. S. frigate United States, Com. Decatur, captured the Macedonian. October 2S. Battle of Queenstown, U. C.; Gen. Brock killed,Oct. 3. U. S frigate Constitution, Com. Bainbridge, captured the Java, December 29. J813 Bloody action at the river Raisin, between Americans under Gen. Winchester, and the British and Indians under Gen. Proctor: Gen. Winchester killed, and the American prisoners massacred by the Indians, January 22. U. S. sloop of war Hornet, Capt. Lawrence, captured the British sloop of war Peacock, Capt. Peak, who was killed. York (Upper Canada) taken by the Americans ; Gen. Pike killed, April 27. U. S. frigate Chesapeake, Capt. Lawrence, captured by the British frigate Shannon, Capt. Lawrence kil led, June 1. Gallant defence of fort Stephenson, by Major Croghan, August 1. The American fleet on Lake Erie, under Com. Perry, capture the British fleet under Com. Barclay, Sep tember 10. Gen. Harrison defeats the British and Indians under Gen. Proctor ; Tecurnseh killed* October 5. Detroit fell into the hands of the Americans,. War with the Creek Indians; March 26, 1814, Gen. Jackson obtains a decisive victory over the Creeks ; upwards of 500 warriors slain at the Great Bend of the Tallapoosa. 1814 U. S frigate Essex. Capt. Porter, captured by a supe rior force, March 28, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE? Xiii Port Erie taken by the Americans, July. Battle of Chippewa, July 6. Battle of Niagara, July 25. Washington captured and burnt by the British under Gen, Ross, August 23. Attack on Baltimore ; Gen. Ross killed, Sept. 12. Unsuccessful attack by the British, under Gen. Drura- mond, on fort Erie, August 14. Castine taken by the British, September 1. Com. Macdonough captures the British fleet on Lake Champlain : retreat of Gen. Provost, from Platts- burg, September 11. 1815 Memorable victory of Gen. Jackson over the British, before New-Orleans, January 8. Treaty of peace between the United States and Great Britain, signed at Ghent, December 24, ratified by the President and Senate, February 17, 1815. Massacre of American prisoners at Dartmoor, Eng. April 6. War declared against Algiers ; Com. Decatur cap tures the Algerine frigate Mazouda, June 17 ; ar rives with a squadron before Algiers, and compels the Dey to a treaty of Peace. 1818 War with the Seminole Indians. 1822 Com. Porter sent against the Pirates in the West In dies, REMARKABLE EVENTS. J587 Virginia Dare, born -the first child of Christian pa rents born in the United States. 1608 John Laydon, married to Ann Burras, the first Chris tian marriage in Virginia, and in the United States. 1610 Starving time in Virginia, of nearly 500 colonists, all perished but 60, in the course of six months. 1613 Rolfe, an Englishman, married Pocahontas, daughter of Powhattan the Indian king. 1616 Tobacco first cultivated by the English settlers in Virginia. 1617 Pocah.ntas di -d in England, aged about 22. 1618 A great pestilence destroyed most of the Indians Narragansett to Penobscot ajT CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1619 20,000 pounds of Tobacco, exported from Virginia to England. 1620 African slaves first brought into Virginia by a Dutch ship and sold to the colonists. Peregrine White, the first English child born in New- England. 1621 Edward Winslow and Susanna White, married, the first Christian marriage in New England. 1623 George Sandys, of Virginia, translated Ovid s Meta morphosis, the first, literary production of the En glish colonists in America. 1624 The first cattle brought into New England by Edward Winslow, agent for the Plymouth colony. 1630 Gov. Winthrop first abolished the custom of drinking healths. John Billington executed for murder, the first exe cution in Plymouth colony. 1631 First vessel built in Massachusetts, called the Blessing of Bay, launched July 4. 1632 Magistrates of the colony of Massachusetts, first cho sen by the freemen in the colony. The magistrates of Massachusetts, ordered that no to bacco should be used publicly. The General Court of Plymouth passed an act, that whoever should refuse the office of Governor should pay a fine of 20, unless he was chosen two years sucessively. 1633 Virginia enacted laws for the suppression of religious sectaries Messrs. Cotton, Hooker, and Stone, three eminent 7 ministers, arrived at Boston, from England. A specimen of Rye. first brought into the Court of Massachusetts, as the first fruits of English grain. 1634 Roger Williams, minister of Salem, banished on ac count of his religious tenets. First merchant s shop in Boston opened. 1635 Great storm of wind and rain in New England; the tide rose twenty feet perpendicularly, August 15. 1636 The Desire, a ship of 120 tons, built at Marblehead, the first American ship that made a voyage to Eng land. The first court in Connecticut, held April 26. 1637 Ann Hutchinson holds lectures in Massachusetts for the propagation of her peculiar religious sentiments, stie gains many adherents, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. XV A Synod convened at Newtown, Mass., the first Synod holden in America; they condemn 82 erroneous opinions, which had been propagated in New Eng land. 1638 Great earthquake in New England, June 1. Two tremendous storms in August and December ; the tide rose 14 feet above the spring tides, at Narra- gansett, and flowed twice in six hours. Harvard College, Mass, founded ; it was named after the Rev. John Harvard one of its principal bene factors The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, for med at Boston. Three Englishmen executed by the government of Plymouth colony, for the murder of an Indian. )639 First General Election in Hartford, Con.; John Haynes first Governor. First Baptist Church in America formed at Provi dence, R. I. Severe tempest and rain, Connecticut river rose 20 feet above the meadows, March. First Printing in North America at Cambridge, Mass.,, by Samuel Green ; the first thing printed was the Freeman s oath. House of Assembly established in Maryland. 1640 The General Court of Massachusetts prohibited the use of Tobacco. 1641 Severe winter; Boston and Chesapeake bays frozen ; Boston bay passable for carts, horses, &c. for five weeks. 1642 The New England ministers invited to attend the As sembly of Divines, at Westminster, Eng.; but they declined. " First commencement at Harvard College ; 9 candid ates took the degree of A. B. 1643 Union of the colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Haven, for mutual defence. 1646 Mr. Elliot commenced his labors among the Indians. The Friends or Quakers first came to Massachusetts ; laws passed against them; four executed in 1659. 1647 First influenza mentioned in the annals of America. Legislature of Massachusetts passed an act against the Jesuits. First general assembly of Rhode Islantf. XVI CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, Rev. Thomas Hooker, the first minister in Connecti cut, died, aged 61 years. 1648 Laws of Massachusetts first Diluted. Margaret Jones of Charlestown, Mass, executed for witchcraft. "The (Cambridge Platform" and the "Westminster Confession of Faith" received by most of the New England churches. The Congregational Church and its pastor ordered to depart from Virginia by the Governor of that colony. fr649 John Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts, and the Rev. Thomas Shepard, died. The Governor of Massachusetts, with the assistants, signed a declaration against men s wearing long hair, as unscriptural. 1650 Indians of Martha s Vineyard Christianized. Constitution of Maryland established. 1651 The Legislature of Massachusetts passed laws against extravagance in dress. 1652 The Province of Maine taken under the pro tection of Massachusetts. The first mint for coining money inN. England, erected. John Cotton, a celebrated minister in Boston, died, aged 68. 1654 College at New Haven projected by Mr. Davenport Gov. Haynes, of Connecticut, died. 1656 Miles Standish, the hero of New England, died. 1657 Disputes concerning Baptism in New England. Gov. Eaton, of New Haven, died. 1658 Earthquake in New England. 1660 At this time the colonies of Virginia, New England, and Maryland, are supposed to contain no more than 80,000 inhabitants. Goffe and Whalley, the Regicides arrived in Boston. 1661 Society for propagating the gospel among the Indians of New England Incorporated by Charles II. 1.662 Charter of Connecticut, granted by King Charles II. The Legislature of Massachusetts appointed two licen- cers of the press. The Assembly of Maryland established a mint in that colony. 1663 Great earthquake in Canada, and New England. 1664 Elliott s Indian Bible printer! at Cambridge* Mass., the first Bible printed in America. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. If jj A large Comet seen in New England. $665 New-Haven and Connecticut united into one colony. At this time the Militia of Mass consisted of 4,400 men. The government of Rhode-Island passed an order to outlaw Quakers, for refusing to bear arms. 1666 The Buccaaiers of America began their depredations in the West Indies. 1672 Laws of Connecticut printed ; every family ordered to have a law book. 1673 New England contained at this time about 120,000 in habitants. 1675 Virginiacontainedat this time about 50,000 inhabitants. 1680 New-Hampshire separated from Massachusetts. The first Assembly met at Portsmouth. A great, Comet seen in New England; it occasioned much alarm. 1681 Thomas May hew died at Martha s Vineyard, aged 93. 1682 William Penn held a treaty with the Indians. 1683 The Governor of Virginia ordered that no printing- press should be used in that colony, " on any occasion whatever." 2686 First Episcopal society formed in Boston. 1687 Charter of Con. hid from Andros, in a hollow oak, and saved. M. de la Salle, the discoverer of Louisiana, killed by his own men, in a mutiny. 1688 New York and the Jersies added to the jurisdiction of New England. Andros appointed Captain General and Vice-Admirai over the whole. Opposition to Andros s administration in Mass. 1689 William & Mary proclaimed in the colonies. Andros is seized and sent a prisoner to England. Rev. J. Elliot, " apostle of the Indians," died, 1690 Bills of credit issued by the government of Mass. ; the first ever issued in the tn^rican colonies. The W/.ale Fishery, at ISantucket, commenced. 1691 The Assembly of Virginia obtain of the crown the charter of William and Mary College, so named from the English sovereigns. 1692 19 persons executed for witchcraft, in Massachusetts. Edmund Andros, the tyrant of New England, made Governor of Virginia. Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies united. 4 XViii CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Sir William Phips arrived, as Governor of Mass, the new charter. 1693 Episcopacy introduced into New-York. 1694 Legislature of Mass, caused the names of drunkards, in the several towns, to be posted up in the public houses,, and imposed a fine for giving them entertainment. 1695 Rice introduced into Carolina. 1696 Thirty Indian churches in New England, at this time. 1697 Severe winter ; the Delaware frozen. 1698 Seat of government in Virginia removed to Williams- burgh, the streets of which were laid out in the form of a W, in honor of the reigning King of Eng. William. 1699 Assembly of Maryland removed to Annapolis. Yellow Fever in Philadelphia. 1700 Legislature of New- York made a law to hang every Popish priest, who should come into the province. 262,000 inhabitants in the American colonies at the beginning of this century. 1701 Yale College received its charter. 1702 First emission of paper currency in Carolina. First Episcopal Churches in N. Jersey and R. Island. 1703 The Church of Eng. established by law in Carolina. 1704 First Newsjmpcr in America published in Bostdri, called the Boston News Letter. 1706 The Legislature of Con. exempted the ministers of the Gospel from taxation in that colony. 1707 Episcopal Church formed at Stratford ; the first formed in Connecticut. 1708 Saybrook Platform formed by a Synod of ministers under the authority of the State of Connecticut. 1709 First issuing of paper currency in N. Y., N. J., arid Con. 1717 Greatest snow ever known, February. Yale College removed from Saybrook to New-Haven. Bellamy, a pirate, wrecked with his fleet on Cape Cod. 1718 Piracy suppressed in the West Indies. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, died iu England, aged 74. 1719 Carolina throws off the proprietary government. First Presbyterian church in New-York founded. Northern lights appeared in New England, Dec. llth. Lotteries suppressed by the Legislature of Mass. 1721 First Inoculation for the Small Pox in America at Boston. Etfha Yale, the Benefactor of Yale College, died in Er^, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. XI* 1*723 Twenty-six pirates executed at Newport, R. I. Paper currency in Pennsylvania, first issued. 1724 The sect of Dunkers took its rise in Pennsylvania. 1725 Synods abolished in New England. First newspaper printed at N.York by William Bradford. 1727 Great Earthquake in New England, Oct 29. 1728 Drought and hurricane in Carolina ; Yellow Fever in Charleston. Rev.Cotton Mather, a distinguished writer, died, aged 6. 1731 Rev. Solomon Stoddard, a Theological writer, died. 1732 Corn and Tobacco made a legal tender, in Maryland. Corn at 20 pence pr. bushel ; tobacco at 1 penny pr. Ib, George. Washington born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, Feb. 22d. 1733 First Masonic Lodge held in Boston. 1737 Earthquake in New- Jersey. 1738 College at Princeton, N. j. founded. 1740 George Whitefield, a celebrated preacher, first arrives in America. He died inNewburyport, Mass.Sep.1770. Hard winter ; severe cold. 1.741 Four white persons executed, 13 negroes burnt, 18 hanged, and great numbers transported, for a con spiracy to burn the city of New- York. 1745 Indigo plant discovered in South- Carolina. 2746 First ordination among the Separate ministers in New England. About 30 congregations of this order were formed from 1740 to 1750. 749 Severe drought m New England ; causes great distress ; some of the inhabitants sent to England for hay. 1750 Mass, enacts a law against theatrical entertainments. 1752 JVew Style introduced into Britain and America ; Sept. 2d reckoned !4th. Charleston, S. C. laid under water by a tempest, Sept. Dr. Franklin makes his Electrical experiments. 1754 Convention at Albany of delegates from seven of the colonies, agree on a plan of union never carried into effect. 755 Great Earthquake in North America, Nov. 18. 1758 Jonathan Edwards, a celebrated Theologian, died, aged 55. 1759 Lotteries granted by the Legislature of Mass, for the be iiefjtf of public works. 1761 Violent whirlwind near Charleston, S. C. 762 Severest Drought known in America. rw rain frn May to September. XX CHRONOLOGIC &L TABLED 1764 Spanish Potatoe introduced into iNew England. Medical Lectures first read in Philadelphia. 1769 Dartmouth College, N. Hampshire, receives its charter; It was named from the Earl of Dartmouth, its bene factor. American Philosophical Society, at Philadelphia, founded. 1771 R. Sandcman, founder of the SandemaniaBs, died, at Danbury, Con. 1774 The Shakers first arrived from England ; they settle near Albany. First Congress, at Philadelphia. 1775 Peyton Randolph, first President of Congress, died a aged 52. The first line of Post Offices established ; Dr. Franklin appointed Post Master. 1776 Declaration of Independence, July 4. 1777 Vermont declares herself an Independent State. 1780 American Academy of Arts and Sciences incorporated. Dark day in the Northern States, 19th of May ; candles necessary at noon. 1781 Massachusetts Medical Society incorporated. 1782 First English, Bible printed in America, by Robert Aiken, of Philadelphia. The America launched at Portsmouth, N. H. Nov. 5th> the first 74 ever built in America. 1783 Slavery abolished in Massachusetts. 1783 4 Severe Winter, great floods in March. 1784 Empress of China, a ship of 360 tons, sailed from New- York for Canton ; the first voyage from the United States to China. Anthony Benezet, a distinguished philanthropist, died. The towns of Hartford, New-Haven, Middletown, New- London, and Norwich, in Con. constituted cities by the Legislature. 1785 First instance of Instrumental Music in the Congrega tional Churches in Boston, 1786 Shay s Insurrection in Massachusetts. Universalist Church founded in Boston. 178& Federal Constitution ratified.and became the Constitu tion of the United States. 1789 George Washington inaugurated first P.zsident, April 30th. Convention of Episcopal Clergy in Philadelphia; the first Episcopal Convention in Aieria> MRONOLOGIAL TABLED X3fei Dr. Carrol, of Maryland, consecrated Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church ; the first Catholic Bishop in the United States. 1790 Dr. Franklin died, aged 85. 1792 National Mint established at Philadelphia. 1793 Yellow Fever in Philadelphia, 4,000 persons died. John Hancock, Henry Laurens, Arthur Lee, and Roger Sherman, died this year. 1794 Whiskey Insurrection in Pennsylvania. Destructive frost in New England, May 24th. 1796 Detroit given up by the British to the United States. 1797 John Adams elected President. 1798 Yellow Fever in Philadelphia. 1799 Washington died, aged 68. 1800 Seat of government transferred from Philadelphia to Washington. The Inoculation of the Kine Pock introduced into America by Professor Waterhouse, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1801 Thomas Jefferson elected Presidentof the United States. 1802 Merino sheep introduced into the United States, by Mr. Livingston and Gen. Humphreys. 1803 Louisiana purchased of the French Government, for 15 millions of dollars. 1804 Gen. Hamilton killed in a duel, by Col. Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United Stales. 1807 First Steamboat built in this country. Col. A. Burr arrested on charge of Treason. Several Meteoric stones fell in the County of Fairfield, (on one weighing 35 pounds, Dec, 4tU. 1809 James Madison elected President. 1811 Richmond Theatre burnt, Dec. 26 ; many persona lost their lives. 1814 Meeting of the Hartford Convention, Dec. 15. 1816 American Bible Society formed, May 8th. Colonization Society formed. Cold Summer. Frost every month in the year, in the Northern States. Bank of the Unitt-.d States, with a capital of 35 millions of dollars, incorporated in April. 1817 Grand Canal in the State of New- York commenced. James M ;nroe elected President. 1820 First M nner s Chu -oh erected < t New-York,, 1821 Florida ceded to the United States. ^HRONOLOGICAL 1824 Gen. La. Fayette arrived at New- York. 1825 John Quincj Adams elected President. 1 826 Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, two Ex-Presio emg died Jnly 4th, on the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAD BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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