v4 'iun-w-uiteiwn» ikl'4-q _?1\..m‘ w\ ' : a = ¢ i r a ., a 3-1149 i!’ ‘Qffgfi December 1974 rifaf‘ r, H‘ A REVIEW OF THE SPIDER-MITE PROBLEM ON GRAIN SORGHUM AND CORN m WEST TEXAS Tlie Texas A&M University System, The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, l. E. Miller, Diregtor College Station, Texas Summary and Conclusions 1. Intensive investigations during the 1972 and 1973 growing seasons revealed four species of spider-mites infesting corn and grain sorghum in West Texas. These were: Banks grass mite, Oligonychus pratensis (Banks); grass mite, O. stickneyi (McGregor) (corn only); two spotted spider-mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch; and carmine spider-mite, T. cinnabarinus (Boisduval) (grain sorghum only). Banks grass mite was the most frequent species encountered on both crops. 2. The recent wave of spider-mite outbreaks on grain sorghum and corn in “West Texas is apparently the indirect result of the evolution (or importation) of a genetic race (biotype) of spider-mites (presumably O. pratensis) which can utilize these host plants more efficiently. 3. Spider-mite outbreaks are closely correlated with reproductive maturity in the plant and appear to be separated, temporally and spatially, from populations of effective natural enemies. Available evidence indicates that, in general, infesta- tions need not be aggravated by pesticides in order to qualify as economic disasters. 4. Because of the genetic adaptability of spider-mite populations, those artificial control measures (includingthose directed to other pests) which can impose harsh selective pressure (e.g., chemical acaricides and/or insecticides, resistant host plants, sprinkler irrigation) on the population should not be expected to provide a long-term solution to the problem. These techniques should be ex- ploited to provide a short-term remedy until more sophisticated management techniques (particularly integration of these with biological control) can be de- veloped. 5. It is suggested that future research be directed toward developing a theoretical perspective for the grain sorghum agro-ecosystem in order to insure a scientifi- cally expedient approach to developing pest-management programs. 6. Finally, unless a well founded research program is realized, profitable grain- sorghum production on the High Plains of West Texas may suffer the same devastation from spider-mites as did the El Paso area. Contents Summary and conclusions, page two; history of Spider-Mite outbreaks, taxonomic considerations, page three; biological notes, page four; ecological considerations, page six; control considerations, page ten; directions for future research, page eleven; references cited, page fourteen. Acknowledgments I am grateful to P. L; Adkisson for the administrative and financial support given during the course of the investigation and to my assistants, R. D. Kirby, C. L. Jones, S. K. Peoples, F. R. Raubfogel and P. Iohnson, for their aid in conducting the necessary field and laboratory work. I thank C. R. Ward, G. L. Teetes, T. L. Pate, P. I. Lyerly and I. T. Pitts for their cooperation in much of the field investigations. Critical review of the manuscript was obtained from C. R. Ward, D. G. Bottrell, I. W. Smith, Ir., and G. L. Teetes. E. W. Baker and H. B. Boudreaux confirmed my taxonomic determinations and reviewed the section of the manuscript concerning taxonomy of spider-mites. Determination of specimens was rendered by I. B. Chapin (S tethorus spp.) and W. H. Ewart (Thysanoptera). I am extremely grateful to G. W. Frankie for awakening me to concepts of island biogeography. Lastly, I am indebted to the many growers, particu- larly I. D. Heinrich and I. Armstrong, for providing the necessary acreages in which the field studies were conducted. A Review of the Spider-Mite Problem on Grain Sorghum and Corn in West Texas _ Spider-mites (Acari:Tetranychidae) have re- ently become severe pests of grain sorghum , orghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and corn (Zea mays (L. )) the Trans-Pecos and High Plains of Texas. In cer- y ' areas (e.g., El Paso Valley) some growers have iefrained from planting these crops because of the (ttendant spider-mite problem. Furthermore, it ap- ears that the spider-mite problem has grown more ‘ evere each year throughout West Texas. p. Intensive investigations during the 1972 and ; 973 growing seasons revealed that this situation was more complex than originally suspected and that a different, more fundamental approach was needed for providing an ecologically sound and economically p. rewarding solution. The purpose of this paper is to i‘ summarize the available knowledge germane to the situation and to suggest directions for future research 5 to follow. Also, certain theoreticalexplorations rela- tive to pest management in the sorghum agro- l ecosystem are presented. A History of Spider-mite Outbreaks . Trans-Pecos g Pate and Neeb (1970, 1971) summarized the his- p‘ tory of spider-mite outbreaks on corn, grain sorghum f. and forage sorghums in the Trans-Pecos area, espe- Icially El Paso, Reeves and Pecos Counties. The spider-mites in question were presumably Banks grass mite [Oligonychus pratensis (Banks)], although . other species could have been involved (Ehler, 1973). Spider-mites reached pest status on corn in 1967 f) and on grain sorghum in 1968. Similar outbreaks g» occurred on both crops in 1969 and have continued I thrdugh the present. Pate and Neeb also reported . that ‘spider-mites were difficult to control with stan- - ‘Former assistant professor, The Texas Agricultural Experiment . Station (Department of Entomology) Texas A&M University Sys- tem; present address: Department of Entomology, University of i California, Davis, California 95616. r Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not consti- , tute a guarantee or warranty of the product by The Texas Agricul- . tural Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. L. E. Ehler* dard insecticides and acaricides although they pre- sented no direct evidence to indicate spider-mite re- sistance to these materials. A concomitant decline in grain sorghum produc- tion in this area was reported by Ward (1973) who speculated that a major cause for this was the lack of successful chemical control of spider-mites. Ward also noted that spider-mites in this area may possess genetic resistance to the available chemical acaricides and insecticides. High Plains Outbreaks of spider-mites were first reported on grain sorghum on the High Plains in 1967 (Huddles- ton et al ., 1968) and have increased in severity since then (C. R. Ward, personal communication). The in- tensity of spider-mite infestations on the HighPlains has generally been less than in the Trans-Pecos re- gion. Several chemical acaricides and insecticides have been effective in controlling spider-mites on grain sorghum (Ward et al., 1972; Teetes, 1973) although the degree of control is often erratic. Ward et al. (1971) presented limited evidence which indicated spider- mites were developing resistance to pesticides al- though no direct evidence is available to corroborate this conjecture. High Plains grain sorghum is especially in danger of spider-mite outbreaks since the average crop usually receives at least one application of organo-phosphate insecticide for control of greenbug [Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)] and/or corn leaf aphid [Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)]. These treat- ments have, in general, been made since 1968 when explosive outbreaks of greenbug first occurred. Thus, aphid control could yield the attendant phenomena of resistance and secondary outbreaks of spider- mites. Taxonomic Considerations Ehler (1973) demonstrated that spider-mites on grain sorghum and corn, previously considered to be Banks grass mite [Oligonychus pratensis (Banks)], could in fact be other species or represent multiple- species infestations. Since different species of spider-mites may show differing susceptibilities to acaricides (Smith and Bryan, 1951; Leigh, 1963) and 3 because different species on the same host may inflict different kinds of damage t0 plants (Flaherty and Huffaker, 1970), it is necessary to obtain proper iden- tification of the spider-mites in order to control, ob- serve or experiment with them. It is the purpose of the following sections to describe suitable techniques for preparing spider-mites for study and to present keys and diagnostic characters for separating species encountered on grain sorghum and corn in Texas. Preparation of Specimens Spider-mites can be collected and stored in either lacto-phenol (3 parts lactic acid, 1 part phenol cryst- als) or in ethyl alcohol. Specimens should be mounted in a modified Hoyer’s medium (Pritchard and Baker, 1955) which can be obtained by mixing the following ingredients in sequence: Distilled water . . . . . . . . . . .50 grams Gum arabic (flakes) . . . . . . .30 grams Chloral hydrate . . . . . . . . .200 grams Glycerine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 grams Specimens are usually mounted according to their sex. Females should be mounted dorso-ventrally whereas males must be mounted laterally for proper study of the aedeagus. The latter process is easily accomplished by placing a 22 mm’ coverslip on the preparation and, while observing the specimen under the microscope, gently sliding the coverslip in the proper direction until the specimen's aedeagus is in proper lateral profile. For semi-permanent mounts and to facilitate use of the oil-immersion objective, preparations should be placed on a hot plate or slide warmer and kept ca. 50°C until the medium has hard- ened. Finally, the mount can be ringed, preferably with Glyptal®, for further protection. Specimens should be examined with the aid of a phase-contrast microscope although most diagnostic features can be discerned with a light microscope. Boudreaux and Dosse (1963a) recommend an alternative method for preparing Tetranychus females for study; however, the above described technique is usually adequate. Diagnosis The systematic position of spider-mites has been described by Pritchard and Baker (1955) and can be summarized as follows: spider-mites belong to the family Tetranychidae which consists of those pro- stigmatid mites having the paired basal segments of the chelicerae fused into the pouch-like lobe (stylophore) in which are anchored the proximal ends of the movable digits or stylets (Tetranychoidea) and in which the fourth palpal segment bears a distinct thumb-claw process and the dorsum of the body bears not more than 16 pairs of setae. These charac- teristics can be used to separate spider-mites from other groups of mites. F Identification Since, during 2 years of intensive surveys, only four species of spider-mites have been collected on 4 corn and grain sorghum in Texas (Ehler, 1973), a sim- ple key, presented below, should serve to distinguish 3 specimens of those species. A detailed account of the morphology of spider-mites has been given by Pritchard and Baker (1955) and is not presented here; i illustrating material from their work is referred to as needed, however. Oligonychus males are required for species determinations whereas Tetranychas females are adequate for identification to species level. Key to Species of Spider-Mites Known to Occur on Corn and Grain Sorghum in Texas‘ 1. Empodium claw-like and equal in length to proximo-ventral hairs (Figure 305); peritreme straight distally and ending in a simple bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Oligonychus) 2 Empodial claw shorter than proximo-ventral hairs, often not visible (Figure 387); peritreme recu rved distally (Figure 3) . . . . . .(Tetranychus) 3 2. Knob of (male) aedeagus not over V4 as long as dorsal arm of shaft (Figure 306) pratensis (Banks) Knob of aedeagus ca. V; as long as dorsal arm of shaft (Figure 297) . . . . . . . . ..stickneyi (McGregor) 3. Color of live summer females green (usually with 2 dark food spots); dorsal integumentary folds (striae) bearing semi-oblong lobes; eggs usually white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..urticae Koch Color of live summer females carmine, often with 4 dark spots; dorsal integumentary folds bearing triangular lobes; eggs usually with a trace of red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cinnabarinus (Boisduval) Biological Notes Oligonychus pratensis (Banks), Pritchard and Baker (1955) Commonly known as Banks grass mite (others include date mite and timothy mite), O. pratensis was originally described as Tetranychus pratensis (Banks, 1912) from timothy grass near Pullman, Washington. Other names include Paratetranychus pratensis Banks, P. simplex Banks, P. heteronychus Ewing, and Tetranychus simplex Banks. Pritchard and Baker (1955) proposed the new combination Oligonychus pratensis (Banks). Diagnosis. Pritchard and Baker (1955) state that in O. pratensis the distal knob (or enlargement) of the aedeagus is ca. twice the width of the stem of the knob, the axis of the knob forms a distinct angle with the axis of the shaft, the dorsal margin of the knob is nearly straight with the tip slightly down or curved or angulate, the anterior projection of the knob is bluntly angulate, the posterior angulation acute and there is no constriction of the shaft. The knob is ca. 1A the length of the dorsal arm of the shaft, whereas, it is V3 the length of the dorsal arm in O. stickneyi. Also, the knob is smaller than in O. stickneyi . In males, the 1Figures refer to those in Pritchard and Baker (1955); illustrations of T. urticae and T. cinnabarinus are in Boudreax (1956) and Boudreaux and Dosse (1963a). i proximo-ventral hairs of tarsus I are fused to form a claw-like structure. Females of O. pratensis and O. stickneyi are indistinguishable. Distribution. Banks grass mite (BGM) has been collected throughout the corn and grain sorghum producing regions of Texas, including the Rio Grande Valley (Walter and Wene, 1956; Dean, 1957), and Trans-Pecos, High Plains and Central Texas (Ehler, . 1973). Pritchard and Baker (1955) reported that BGM y. occurred in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, - Kansas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Florida. Addi- ~ tional records include Missouri (Thewke and Enns, ' 1970), Arizona (Tuttle and Baker, 1964), and Georgia I (Flechtmann and Hunter, 1971). Records from out- side the U.S. include Mexico (Beer and Lang 1958, Estebanes and Baker, 1966), Central America (Baker and Pritchard, 1962), and South Africa (Meyer and . Ryke, 1959). These records indicate that BGM is perhaps na- tive to North America although this conclusion re- I mains tentative until the tetranychid fauna of South ; America, other areas of Africa and Asia are more thoroughly described. The South African record would then represent an introduction from North America. Present evidence substantiates this hypothesis, i.e., BGM was not collected in Mauritius ' and the Congo (Baker and Pritchard, 1960), not in the v Philippines (Rimando 1962), Australia (Womersley, ° 1940), Brazil (Ehara, 1966, Flechtmann and Baker, A 1970, Paschoal, 1970) and not in Paraguay (Aranda _. and Flechtmann, 1971). Host Plants. Banks grass mite is generally re- ‘ stricted to monocotyledenous plants, particularly grasses. Malcolm (1955) listed over 80 species of gras- U; ses in 17 genera which were infested by BGM. Pritch- 1 ard and Baker (1955), Tuttle and Baker (1968) and i McGregor and Stickney (1965) also present host plant ' information for BGM. In Texas, Ehler (1973) reported . O. pratensis on corn and grain sorghum. An up to date ] host list is not presented here. f Oligonychus stickneyi (McGregor), Pritchard and I Baker (1955) This spider-mite was originally described as Paratetranychus stickneyi and designated a grass I mite" by McGregor (1939). Pritchard and Baker (1955) ‘ proposed the new combination of Oligonychus stick- 1 neyi (McGregor). >4 Diagnosis. According to Pritchard and Baker I (1.955) males of O. stickneyi can be recognized by the knob of the aedeagus, which is ca. Va the length of the i‘ dorsal arm of the shaft. In addition, the anterior mar- ’~ gin is broadly rounded, the caudal is acutely angu- ¥ late, and the axis of the knob forms less than a 30 degree angle with the axis of the shaft. The shaft is a sharply constricted before the dorsal bend. As in O. ’ pratensis males, the proximo-ventral hairs of tarsus I are fused and form a claw-like structure. The knob of the aedeagus in O. stickneyi is larger than in O. praten- sis and in the latter species the knob is not over 1/4 the length of the dorsal arm of the shaft. Presently, only males can be used in species determinations. Females of O. pratensis and stickneyi are indistinguishable. Distribution. Pritchard and Baker (1955) report grass mite occurring in California, Arizona, Florida and Mexico. Ehler (1973) reported this species in Texas (El Paso County). The writer is aware of no reports of grass mite in areas other than the U.S. and Mexico. This would indicate that this spider-mite is native to North America. Host Plants. Pritchard and Baker (1955) studied grass mite from corn, Bermuda grass and maiden cane grass. McGregor (1950) recorded grass mite from 11 different grasses. This mite has been collected from corn in Texas but not from grain sorghum. Tetranychus urticae Koch, Boudreaux and Dosse (1963b) This species is the common two-spotted spider-mite which has been commonly referred to in the literature as Tetranychus bimaculatus Harvey and T. telarius (Linnaeus). Boudreaux (1956) gave species rank to T. telarius ( = urticae) and the closely related T. cinnabarinus which previously comprised the T. telarius complex. Boudreaux and Dosse (1963b) then proposed T. urticae as the proper name for two- spotted spider-mite. These authors also presented a complete synonymy. Diagnosis. According to Boudreaux (1956), T. ur- ticae summer females are basically green (occasionally yellowish or dark green) and possess ”semi-oblong" lobes (often semi-circular). In T. cinnabarinus, the summer females are carmine and the lobes are pointed and usually triangular. Diapausing females of T. urticae, collected from greenhouses during the winter, may be carmine (H. B. Boudreaux, personal communication). Females are adequate for making species determinations. For determining males, study of the aedeagus is required; since the attendant diagnostic features are difficult to observe and be- cause artifacts are easily encountered, it is suggested that only females be used for species determinations. Distribution. Two-spotted spider-mite is a cos- ‘mopolitan species which can be collected from most cultivated crops and many wild hosts. In Texas, Ehler (1973) collected T. urticae on corn and grain sorghum i although most collections were from corn. In view of recent systematic revisions, much of the literature pertaining to the host records of T. urticae (and T. cinnabarinus) is open to question since it is not possi- ble to determine presently which species was actually being studied. For this reason, host records are not presented for either species. Such records for T. telarius (= T. cinnabarinus + urticae) are given by Pritchard and Baker (1955). Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval), Boudreaux (1956) This species is known as carmine spider-mite (also "red spider") and for many years was consid- ered to be conspecific with what is now considered T. urticae Koch. The binomen T. cinnabarinus was 5 proposed by Boudreaux (1956); Boudreaux and Dosse (1963b) presented a complete synonymy. Diagnosis. Boudreaux’s (1956) description of T. cinnabarinus can be summarized as follows: Basic color of summer female carmine (restricted to area caudad of eyes; body anterior of eyes yellowish), usually 4 dark spots laterally, dorsal integumentary folds (striae) with triangular lobes (some may be semi-circular). The shape of the lobes of the striae and the basic color of the summer females will serve to distinguish T. cinnabarinis and T. urticae. Boudreaux described differences in male aedeagi of these species; however, this distinction is often difficult to observe. Hence, this issue is not considered here. Distribution. Pritchard (in Boudreaux, 1956) re- ported T. cinnabarinus from the U.S., Europe, Israel, Turkey, Argentina and Japan. It is likely that this species is cosmopolitan. . In Texas, Ehler (1973) reported T. cinnabarinus taken from corn in College Station and recent collec- tions reveal the species to occur on grain sorghum in this area. Carmine spider-mite occurs sporadically on grain sorghum on the High Plains. Frequency During the 1972 and 1973 growing seasons, sam- ples of spider-mites were taken from grain sorghum and corn in 3 areas: High Plains (Lubbock, Hale, Lamb, Deaf Smith, Swisher and Castro Counties), Trans-Pecos (El Paso, Pecos and Reeves Counties), and College Station (Brazos County). One sample was taken per field per growing season, normally when spider-mites were relatively abundant. Usu- ally, 10-20 specimens per sample were examined and determined to species level. In samples from 11 High Plains corn fields, 8 contained O. pratensis, 2 contained T. urticae and 1 contained a mixture of these species. In Trans-Pecos corn, all 5 fields sampled were infested with O. pratensis whereas 2 of the 5 contained multiple- species infestations, i.e., O. pratensis + O. stickneyi and O. pratensis + O. stickneyi + T. urticae. The latter fields were virtually destroyed by the spider-mites (see Figures 3 and 4). In College Station, 3 corn fields were sampled; 2 were infested with T. cinnabarinus and 1 was infested with O. pratensis. Banks grass mite occurred most frequently in West Texas corn al- though researchers and growers should anticipate T. urticae and O. stickneyi, particularly in combination with O. pratensis. All samples from 17 High Plains grain sorghum fields contained O. pratensis, including multiple- species infestations with T. urticae (1 case) and T. cinnabarinus (2 cases). In Trans-Pecos, only 5 fields of grain sorghum were sampled — all contained only O. pratensis. In College Station, samples from 3 grain sorghum fields each contained a different species, i.e., O. pratensis, T. urticae and T. cinnabarinus. Banks grass mite was the predominant species on grain sorghum in West Texas. (However, in greenhouse 6 sorghum, T. urticae often replaces O. pratensis as the predominant species.) Ecological Considerations Ecological investigations can proceed in a sophis- ticated manner only when the organisms to be studied can be segregated taxonomically. In the pre- vious section, such taxonomic considerations were detailed. The purpose of this section is to summarize available ecological data relative to spider-mites and the factors which affect their population fluctuations. Sampling .. General aspects of sampling tetranychid popula- tions have been reviewed by Huffaker et al. (1970) who reported numerous techniques for estimating population parameters. Ieppson (1951) used the method of counting adult females in the field — a technique used in most of the present studies. The density of females (number per plant) is a sufficient, index of population trends. Natural enemies and other associates can usually be counted directly (pref- erably on a per plant basis) since they are larger in size and fewer in number. For the study of population dynamics, it is best to express mite population den- sity in terms of number per plant since number per leaf, used alone, could easily lead to artifacts in the data due to spatial pattern of the mites. For purposes of gathering efficacy data for chemical agents, Ward et al. (1972) employed a stratified sampling technique which was sufficient for assessing chemical control. Phenology Observations relative to seasonal occurrence of the spider-mites in question have dealt largely with Banks grass mite. This species is present throughout the growing season on Iohnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) and can be found infesting this plant in late fall and early spring. Presumably, BGM overwinters on Iohnsongrass although hiburnal diapause has not been established. (BGM infests numerous grasses in Texas; Iohnsongrass, which is widely distributed, was the major host plant sampled. Hence this discus- sion relates largely to this plant.) Malcolm (1955) reported that fertilized BGM females (and a few males and immatures) overwin- tered although he did not report diapause in the species. Malcolm also demonstrated that BGM over- wintered near the base of the previously infested plant in the debris and top soil. Samples which were taken from previously heavily infested corn and grain sorghum fields in West Texas during the winter months did not yield any BGM when processed via a Berlese funnel. These samples included stalk, leaf litter and top soil. The data indicate that, in West Texas, BGM does not successfully overwinter in pre- viously infested fields, although more intensive sur- veys may yield contrary evidence. In conclusion, any perennial grass (e.g., S. halepense) should serve to perpetuate temporal continuity in BGM populations, whereas annual species (e.g., corn, grain sorghum) would seem less suitable. if Incidence on corn and grain sorghum. Pate and Neeb (1971) observed a relationship I between rate 0f spider-mite population increase and stage of maturity of the grain sorghum plant. In the present study, this phenomenon was documented .2 for both corn and grain sorghum. In grain sorghum, spider-mites are usually pres- .1 ent at low levels during the vegetative stages of owth and increase rapidly, often exponentially, ' after the plant has reached reproductive maturity s (Figures 1 and 2). In general, this rapid increase in L density occurs during the dough stage of seed mat- 1 uration, usually when ca. 5O percent of the seeds are . at hard dough. However, as is apparent from Figures a 1 and 2, there can be considerable variation in the a expression of this phenomenon. The general relationship between spider-mite l. surges and plant or seed maturity on grain sorghum 1 has been observed regardless of year, plant varieties, r cultural practices (e.g., fertilizer, irrigation) and pes- l ticide history of the crop. These data imply a strong ‘ correlation between spider-mite population growth and the physiological condition of the host plant. At this developmental stage, concomitant variables in 1 the plant include sugars, alcohol-extractable proteins and alkali-extractable proteins (Wall and Blessin, 1970). In corn, the rapid increase in spider-mite density If was closely associated with the tassel (bloom) stage (Figures 3 and 4). However, since only 2 fields were observed, it is premature to offer a precise conclusion y: relative to this point. . Natural Control The ecology and natural control of spider-mite populations has been treated exhaustively by Huf- faker et al. (1969, 1970), McMurtry et al. (1970) and van de Vrie et al. (1972). These authors summarize and critically analyze the two central hypotheses concern- ing spider-mite outbreaks, namely, reproductive A ' stimulation by pesticides and fertilizers versus inhibi- tion of predator efficiency via pesticide interference. In essence, either phenomenon can act singly or can interact with the other to engender serious outbreaks of spider-mites. In the following discussion, these hypotheses are considered relative to spider-mite outbreaks on corn and grain sorghum in West Texas. Predators. In the present study, only insect and acarine predators of spider-mites were observed. In- sectan parasites (parasitoids) and bacterial.pathogens have not been reported from spider-mites (Huffaker et al. 1969); also, no pathogenic agents have been isolated from the spider-mites in question although these are likely to accur. The following predators have been observed feeding on either adults or developmental stages of spider-mites (especially BGM) on corn and/or grain sorghum in Texas: Coccinellidae Stethorus punctum (LeConteP Stethorus atomus Caseyz, 3 Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Menevillez Olla abdominalis (Say)2 Anthocoridae Orius insidiosus (Say)2, 3 Orius tristicolor (White)3 Thripidae Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Pergande)2, 3 Chrysopidae Chrysopa rufilabrus Burmeisterz Chrysopa carnea Stephens?’ Phytoseiidae Amblyseius (= Typhlodromisfiallacis (Carmen): Typhlodromus mesembrinus Dean2 Tydeidae Pronematus ubiquitus (McGregor)2 Cecidomyidae (?) Arthrocnodax sp.3 Pertinent biological features of these and other spider-mite predators have been outlined by McMur- try et al. (1970). Evaluation of predation. In the absence of experi- mental evidence which would quantify the role of predators in controlling or regulating spider-mite populations, we can only make correlative assess- ments of the relationship, that is, the numerical re- sponse of predators to the increase in density of prey (Figures 3 and 4). The available evidence corroborates the observa- tions of Pate (personal communication) that the de- layed response, primarily reproductive, of the pre- dators is not sufficient to subjugate spider-mite out- breaks and, hence, to avoid economic loss. This is illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, which describe the predator-prey interaction in two corn fields near El Paso during 1972. In general, spider-mites (a variable mixture of O. pratensis and O. stickneyi in these cases) were present at very low densities throughout the growing season and increased rapidly when the _ plants reached reproductive maturity, or, 50 percent bloom. Most of the predators present (i.e., Orius, Chrysopa and Scolothrips) did not show a strong num- erical response to the prey density increase, whereas Stethorus almost completed one generation. The data suggest that Stethorus, especially because of its host specificity, might be an effective natural-control agent if manipulated properly. In grain sorghum, similar phenomena occur and, generally, the same natural enemies are involved. In this study, densities of spider-mites seldom reached levels sufficient to maintain the number of enemies found in corn near El Paso. zObservations of Dean (1957). zObservations of the writer and associates. 50‘ 15' 1a 2a 1- % 40- 12- % (f) H 30- a 9-' < 5 5 m < ~» a d 20* 6- 2 2 Z E 10" E 3- E I BOOT IBLOOMI oouon MATURE] aoor | BLOOM oousu mnum: ] I I I so ea a2 92 10s 12o 5a 65 as 10o DAYS AFTER EMERGENCE DAYS AFTER EMERGENCE 1501 1°00 1 b w 2 b g 1201 5 soo- 5‘ S \ n. Q 9°" ‘E 100* é é’ u; m ‘L 60- “. so- g 2 z 5 < 30' lu 5-1 lg! 2 !BO0T IBLOOMI ooucau MATURE !BOOTJIBLOOM oouen MATURE ] 40 6O 80 105 140 4° 59 75 105 13° DAYS AFTER EMERGENCE DAYS AFTER EMERGENCE 50‘ 2501 1° 2c i; 40- E 200- E 2 \ a 3 30- S 150- ;‘ § r; ti‘ . 2°“ . 100- O O z z z Z “ 10- ‘ g g 50- ! aoor |awo|v|| DOUGH | mnuns ] BOOT |s|.oou| oouoa [imruns] 4O 6O 8O 105 14O 5,4 7% a 7 "'0 DAYS AFTER EMERGENCE DAYS AFTER EMERGENCE Figure .1. ‘Popililation ‘trends-of spider-mites (predominantly O. Figure 2. Population trends of spider-mites (predominantly O. pratensis) in High Plams grain sorghum fields at Slaton (a) and pratensis) in High Plains grain sorghum fields at Abernathy during Springlake (b and C) during 1972. 1972 (a) and Slaton (b) and ldalou (c) during 1973. 8 MEAN NO. PER PLANT Pesticide influence. Numerous lines of evidence can be used to evaluate the influence of pesticides (namely, acaricides and insecticides) on spider-mite outbreaks, either via pest stimulation or natural K I enemy inhibition, or both. The general conclusion reached here may or may not be applicable to " localized areas since, in certain areas, chemical con- 1 trol has been erratic (suggesting local genetic differ- ‘ ences) and in other areas spider-mite outbreaks may A i be associated with chemical control of aphids on grain ' . sorghum. Pate and Neeb (1971) reported that, during 1967, i spider-mites were a problem in the Trans-Pecos area . regardless of the use of organo-phosphate acaricides. In fact, the two corn fields sampled in 1972 near El “ Paso (Figures 3 and 4) were literally destroyed by _' spider-mites and neither field received a pesticide a application of any sort. These observations strongly suggest that spider-mite infestations in the Trans- ] Pecos area need not be exacerbated by pesticides in A order to qualify as economic disaster. QLIGONYCHQS g9 §IETHORUS 50- 25- CHRYSO PA SCOLOTHIRIPS JUNE JULY AUG. I Figure 3. Population trends of spider-mites (a mixture of O. pratensis and 0. stickneyi) and natural enemies on field corn near Clint (El Paso Co.) during 1972. Asterisk denotes 50 percent tassel in plants. 1041 99 10’- F i * E 1 I a! STETHORLI§ n: E so- 0' Z E I I u: ORI S S 25- "" I I CHRYSOPA 25- scoioriimg I ' 25" JUNE l JULY I AUG. Figure 4. Population trends of spider-mites (a mixture of 0. pratensis and 0. stickneyi) and natural enemies on field corn near Fabens (El Paso Co.) during 1972. Asterisk denotes 50 percent tassel in plants. In High Plains grain sorghum, spider-mite (pre- dominantly O. pratensis) infestations do not appear, in general, to be aggravated by pesticides. For exam- ple, Huddleston et al (1968) reported outbreaks of spider-mites during 1967 — one year prior to initia- tion of massive chemical control measures for green- bug. Secondly, and more definitively, in a series of experiments conducted by the writer, application of the insecticides disulfoton (LC, 0.1 AI/A), disulfoton (G, 0.5 AI/A), parathion (EC, 0.5 AI/A) and phorate (G, 0.5 AI/A) did not engender increases in spider- mite density over the nontreated control. In fact, in most instances, the spider-mite density was signif- icantly reduced and seldom resurged to a level com- parable to the control. In most of these studies, natural enemies of the spider-mites were absent or at low levels and did not become abundant until spider-mites had reached near economic injury levels. These data establish that the hypothesis of pesticide influence on spider-mite outbreaks cannot be accepted. To summarize, available evidence indicates that spider-mite outbreaks are (1) conditioned by the physiological condition of the host plant, pesticide 9 influence not withstanding, and (2) are temporally and spatially separated from effective natural enemies such that virtual crop destruction often oc- curs before natural enemies can exert sufficient con- trol. Abiotic factors. Of the abiotic mortality factors act- ing on spider-mite populations, only rainfall has been considered in any detail (e.g., see Ward, 1973). Ob- servations by the writer indicate that rainfall and at- tendant phenomena (so termed because thunder showers are usually accompanied by dust, hail, wind, etc.) can drastically reduce spider-mite den- sity. Such a case is illustrated in Figure 5 in which pest density after thunder showers was as great as 90 percent less than before the rain. These correlations have not been experimentally verified. l l 30-: 25- n O I MEAN NO. FEMALES/PLANT 8 6-‘ I l 5Q I I T 15 2O 25 3O flit A O AUGUST Figure 5. Populations trends of spider-mites (predominantly O. pratensis) on grain sorghum near Fabens (El Paso Co.) during August, 1972. Arrows denote rainfall of ca 1.0” on Aug. 12 and ca 4.0” on Aug. 26. Control Considerations A proper appreciation for the taxonomic prob- lems (if any) and ecological complexity of a pest prob- lem is prerequisite for developing a solution which is both ecologically sound and economically rewarding. A remaining topic to be discussed, then, is control of spider-mites on corn and grain sorghum. Also, some specific directions for future research are presented. In the present case, control actions are desired; hence, the concept of integrated control (Smith and Reynolds, 1966) would seem most appropriate and should be the final desiderata. Chemical control Although chemical control of spider-mites has been erratic and appears to be breaking down (Ward, 10 1973), insecticides and acaricides will likely remain the most potent short-term tactic for controlling r spider-mites. However, in view of the genetic adap- tability of spider-mites (Helle and Overmeer, 1973), it can be expected that genetic counter-selection by spider-mite populations will render effective chemi- cal materials ineffective in a few years or in a few generations. Adaptability (proirnpt response to chem- ical selection in this case) in spider-mites is particu- larly enhanced by the haplo-diploid sex- determination mechanism (arrhenotoky) (Helle and Overmeer, 1973) which allows for immediate expres- sion of mutations in the male, whether mutations are recessive or dominant. Hence, there is a prompt in- teraction between mutation and selection. In the present case, all spider-mite species involved are pre- sumed to be arrhenotokous. It is imperative that exclusive reliance on chemi- cal control be avoided and that chemicals be applied only when necessary and in a prescribed manner. With respect to the latter point, it is questionable whether or not aerial applications of acaricides on mature corn can lead to sufficient spray coverage so as to produce economic control. In California, O. G. Bacon suspects that such applications do not result in sufficient coverage for economic control (personal communication). Resistant Host Plants Pate and Neeb (1971) noted that spider-mite in- ‘festations were more severe on corn and grain sor- ghum than on forage sorghums. These observations suggest that breeding varieties which are resistant to spider-mites would offer potential for controlling them. Such studies are now in progress (G. L. Teetes, personal communication). Such resistant varieties (exclusive of those whose resistance mechanism is largely tolerance) may be relatively short-lived because of the genetic adapta- bility of spider-mites. For example, Banks grass mite has apparently evolved a genetic race (biotype) which can utilize both corn and grain sorghum more effi- ciently. In this case, BGM was reported on corn as early as 1954 (Walter and Wene, 1956) in the Texas Rio Grande Valley and during the early 1950's on wheat on the High Plains (Daniels et al., 1956). This species occurred sporadically and then reached major pest status on corn and grain sorghum in West Texas during the late 1960's. (In this respect, we must not discount the possibility that such a race of BGM was accidentally imported from another region.) Biological Control The use of natural enemies to maintain spider- mite population density at sub-economic levels, either through importation of exotic predators and pathogens or manipulation of native enemies, is a viable approach, and should be further exploited. Since, in the opinion of the writer, proper theoretical perspective for such tactics relative to the grain sor- ghum and/or corn agro-ecosystems is partially lack- mg, the entire issue will be treated in the next major section. . Unexploi ted Techniques A number of biological processes in spider-mites are presently being studied and, presumably, some of these should have practical applications in control. In a series of papers, Cone et al. (1971a, 1971b and ’ 1972) have presented evidence for a sex pheromone I in T. urticae. The behavior of mature males of this species parallels that observed by the writer in O. . pratensis. It is feasible that manipulation of spider- mites using pheromones could be used to control A outbreaks or to preclude their development. i, Pathogens of spider-mites include fungi and vi- ruses (McMurtry et al., 1970) although extensive re- { search has not been directed toward these agents for . control. The writer is aware of no published reports of pathogens of O. pratensis and O. stickneyi, the major pest species in West Texas. Microbial control of spider-mites offers some promise and should l5lil .. 7 w »- ,._.~»~,”__. . -........, . we“... . < .. v 4a "l' l‘) w.“ Jackson, H. B., C. E. Rogers and R. D. Eikenbary. 1971. Coloniza- tion and release of Aphelinus asychis, an imported parasite of the greenbug. I. Econ. Entomol. 64(6):1435-38. Ianzen, D. H. 1968. Host plants as islands in evolutionary and contemporary time. Amer. Natur. 102:593-95. Ieppson, L. R. 1951. New acaricides for control of citrus red mite, 1940-1950. I. Econ. Entomol. 44:823-32. Kinn, D. N., I. I. Ioos and R. 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