5-1074 August ‘I968 , A f“ ¢ \\ i: the Effects of Certain PREC|S|QN PRACT|CES on the Efficiency of Cotton Production TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Texas Agricultural Experiment Station H. O. Kunkel, Acting Director, College Station, Texas SUMMARY A careful evaluation of the conventional system of field crop production indicates that a tremendous potential for increasing production efficiency exists by overcoming or minimizing the following deficien- cies: (l) Normal yields are less than 70 percent of the potential yield in many fields because of variations in production among individual rows and areas within the fields. (2) More than 5O percent of the plants in a typical cotton field will bear less than 25 percent of the total yield. (3) Non-uniform growth and plant development, particularly during the early part of the season, reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of many of the cultural operations. (4) The overall efficiency of the harvesting operation is reduced by the non-uniform rate of maturity among the plants along the rows and among the rows which will either result in a delayed harvest for the major portion of the fruit or the harvest of a high moisture product. Investigations and analysis of present produc- tion procedures indicate that many of the factors that influence the variables can be related directly to the performance and operational characteristics of machine components. The lack of a means of maintaining precise control over the movements and operational characteristics of the principal soil- working components is one of the basic problems. Nonuniformity of seed placement combined with the micro-environments to which the seed are exposed during the germination and emergence periods are principal factors contributing to variability in emer- gence, growth, maturity and yields. Department of Agricultural Engineering field experiments have shown that it is feasible to establish and maintain precision control surfaces that can be used by properly designed sensing and controlling devices to maintain precise control over the move- ments of the implements in the vertical and hori- zontal planes. The following operational character- istics of the machine components and equipment indicate increases in efficiency and effectiveness that can be achieved: (1) From 5O to 100 percent reduction in soil movement in field operations with an overall increase in efficiency and effectiveness of soil working tools. (2) More precise control over seed placement in the vertical and lateral planes within the intended seed zone. 2 (3) Significant increase in speed an‘ (4) Significant reduction in power at (5) Establishment and: maintenan _ favorable environmental conditions ~-' germination and growth of the planted Crop response to the new approa ti indicated by the following: ‘ (1) Increased uniformity in rate of (2) Increased total emergence. (3) Increased rate and uniformity and maturity. (4) Reduced sensitivity of the pl: ation to climatic factors that influence ,1 and emergence. (5) Increased production, ranging cent to 44 percent with an overall ave " of 28.2 percent. c o N Summary ......................................................... .5 Introduction .............................................. .- Analysis of the Conventional Production System ................................. .. Land Preparation ................................ Planting .................................................. .. Post-emergence Operations ................ Crop Response .... .............................. .. " Development and Construction of Pr f Control Surfaces ......................................... . Forming Precision Shaped Seedbeds”: Precision-Depth Planting ................... .. Evaluations of Planting Methods .... Emergence .......................................... .. l Soil Temperature ............................. .. Cultivation and Other Cultural Practic) Acknowledgments ....................................... ... the Effects of Certain PRECISION PRACTICES on the Efficiency of Cotton Production ' D EQUIPMENT HAS PLAYED a major role in ~ ing the high degree of efficiency which is 5 d in field crop production. The most _ tribution of mechanization to the overall has been the dramatic reduction 0f labor I ts. Practically all phases of crop produc- been mechanized. That is, most of the func- erly performed by hand labor and animal- uipment are now being accomplished with "ity motorized equipment and chemicals. -. most operations have been mechanized, trends for the immediate future to combat y rising cost of labor will be in the develop- 1_ use of larger equipment with higher ca- Unless the fields and farms are sufficient permit efficient operation of the larger ftional cost involved may nullify the in- vings. The success of past research and ts has greatly diminished potentials for the efficiency of present production systems » e development of new machines. fetbulletin reports research developments of ‘tment of Agricultural Engineering at A8cM 1.; approach to field crop production. Cotton used as the principal test crop. However, . should be adaptable to most major field '- e intensive investigation and analysis of ‘entional production system defines and some of the major recurring problems g i“ machines. Qnew approach is based on the principle achine is limited in its performance only ill of the operator or the control plane I is designed to follow, regardless of the it or precision encompassed in the machine. ‘ufacturing industry has been successful in izing many of the production systems by this principle. In most cases, where the “is been automated with a machine following ‘n reference plane or pattern, the quality quantity of the products are normally su- _; those produiied with similar equipment y. and operated by skilled labor. In order achines to operate effectively as independent i e type of guidance or control mechanism established-such as a reference plane, track, for template. A high degree of precision incorporated in the control mechanism, Lambert H. Wilkes and Price Hobgooo|* which in turn, determines the uniformity and ac- curacy of the machine. Research in the Brazos River Valley near College Station has dealt with the establishment and main- tenance of precision control surfaces for use in field operations. Implements have been developed to utilize the potentials this approach offers. Control surfaces have been highly effective in providing pre- cise control over critical movements in the vertical and lateral planes. In addition to the precision that has been obtained, a significant increase in crop productivity has resulted. ANALYSIS OF THE CONVENTIONAL PRODUCTION SYSTEM A critical examination of the current production system reveals that most of the practices and equip- ment have evolved from those employed when animals were used as the chief source of power. Land prepa- ration, planting and cultivation procedures and equipment are basically the same. Much of the human energy and all of the animal power have been replaced with mechanical energy. Equipment and procedures have been modified to function at higher speeds, which modern tractors can obtain. Larger power units have also made it possible, in many instances, to combine several functions into one operation. In mechanizing field crop production, many of the machines have retained their basic operating principles. During the era of animal power, the operator was responsible for the performance of a single unit. As more power has become available, his responsibility has increased, according to the number of rows the power unit can handle. These responsibilities add to those required in operating the tractor or power unit. In field operations, there are two distinct planes in which the movements of the implements are involved. These include the vertical and horizontal planes. The effectiveness of most functions of *Respectively, associate professor and professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering. 3 machines depends on the machine components being held at a relative and constant position in the two planes to a selected reference while in operation. Normal references used in field operations include the soil surface, prepared furrows or seedbeds and the planted crop. \ The lateral position of the machine components in the horizontal plane depends entirely upon the operator's skill while the equipment is moving. Previously prepared furrows or ridges and the planted crop- are normally used as the reference by the operator to steer the tractor. Individual row com- ponents in a multiple-row machine are mounted in fixed positions laterally along tool bars, which the tractor supports. This arrangement causes the entire machine to» function as a rigid unit in the horizontal plane. The effectiveness of practically all operations —including cultivation, flaming, chemical and fer- tilizer app-lications and harvesting-depends upon the operator to maintain the operating component of the machine in a fixed position relative to the crop. In many cases, the effectiveness and resulting effi- ciency of field operations can be increased by main- taining closer tolerance-s than most operators can maintain. Position of the machine components in the verti- cal plane is normally maintained at a selected distance from the soil surface. Position of the components, with respect to depth of penetration or height above the surface, is normally sensed and controlled through the tractor wheels, gage wheels on tool bars or small gage wheels on individual row components. Precise control over the relative position is also important in all cultural practices, including cultivating, chemi- cal and fertilizer applications and harvesting. Al- though the principles of sensing and controlling the vertical movements of the components are sound, Figure 1. These are lister-formed seedbeds before planting. Typical variations in sizes and shapes among the rows, along with the rough, irregular surface, prevent using precision plant- ing and production techniques. 4 conventional land preparation and cultural do not permit effective use of the system. w field operations, such as with sweep cultiva ations of surface profiles make it necessary? and use greater penetration depths than required. This is to insure that the coma: effective in all parts of the field. Rate of travel is also?‘ a major factl efficiency and effectiveness “of the machin is critical in operations where chemical, see tilizer applications are involved. Travel spe’ fects the effectiveness of the tillage implemi as the cultivator. Most tractors are equir adequate governing systemsto maintain s‘ operator selects. One of the principal fa determines the selected speed is the operat” and skill. Land Preparation Field crop-s in the humid areas of g normally planted on raised seedbeds to pro i age away from the seed in case of exce after planting. This method is generall to as “bed planting.” The seedbeds are f0 listers or row disks several months before so that the normal spring rainfall will p ficient moisture in the soil for germin“ emergence. Although the listed beds satisfactory in providing the desired en‘, for the planted seed, profiles of most seedb, , be used effectively as control planes for i t‘ A typical field which has been prepared f0, is shown in Figure 1. The beds appear to bee‘ uniform in shape and size. However, me: taken at random locations in a typical shown that cross-sectional dimensions, height and width, may vary as much as These dimensions along a single row have to vary as much as 4 to 6 inches in differe of a field. These irregularities are oft,‘ aggravated by tillage operations for control that occur on the beds before planting. the uniformity of the profiles may be im‘ operating the bedding equipment more f. the rounded profile and the loose soil on have not satisfactorily provided the precisi’ in most operations. a Planting ' A typical planter, which has been usedlii ly for planting on the listed beds, appears i Most of the planters used in multiple ro are suspended through flexible linkages bars attached to the tractor. A large whe planter operates on the convex surface o and helps control vertical movements of i, vidual planters. Immediately behind the is a wide sweep, which removes loose, dryé the crest of the beds and establishes a new, elevation and profile. i Because of nonuniformity of the a, The conventional row-crop planter used for planting ~ seedbeds uses a large sweep t0 remove loose dry soil "_ crest of the listed beds. Amount of soil removed by ~ is determined by the depth of moist soil required for on and emergence o-f the planted seed. A chisel type ener forms the seed trench. Chisel covering shovels iigthe moist covering soil. th to moist soil from the surface varies con- ply. Since it is not practical to compensate }varying depths of dry soils, maximum depths ally selected so that all seed are placed in h This removes more soil than necessary areas of the field and causes principal com- ‘ of the planter, including the furrow opener ering device, to operate in high moisture soil. a nting depth is determined from the new the sweep establishes. The furrow opener is "a to the desired planting depth and is secured f ed position relative to the sweep. Small chisels 11g on each side of the seed furrow provide covering soil for the seed. eral problems related to seed placement in have not been solved in the mechanization Although some improvements have been yd with other devices for forming the seed in the conventional planting system, these “t been great enough t0 overcome the practical f of the chisel type opener. As with most ‘implements, moisture content and soil type affect the performance of the opener. Scour- let and sticky soils is the most difficult problem openers. It is difficult to form a clearly seed trench. Measurements taken at random Ans within a field have shown that the cross- Sal dimensions of a seed furrow are often 50 I percent greater than the opener. in intensive study 20f seed furrows created by nventional planting system has shown immense on in seed distribution and in the resulting nment to which the seed are exposed. In ‘in to the scatter within the planting zone, the lie of this zone to the surface of the covering fective planting depth) has varied as much as 1 inch in different areas of the field. Bulk density of the soil in the seed zone, which has been used to indicate intimacy of contact between the soil and seed, has varied as much as 78 percent. Soil tempera- tures to which the seed are exposed are also an apparent variable that causes nonuniform emergence. Seed scatter in the vertical plane, coupled with vari- able depths of the seed zone along the row, results in the seed depth range of 1 to 3 inches. Tempera- tures may vary as much as 1° F. to 3° F. between the two depths. Soil samples in the seed zone have shown that moisture content of the soil has been relatively uniform and apparently is not a critical factor in the conventional planting system. Large press wheels usually compact the surface of the beds after planting. Compacting the covering soil retards the drying rate and improves to some extent the soil-to-seed relationship. Extra large drum- type rollers are also used in some instances to improve the surface profile of the beds to help subsequent cultural operations. Post-emergence Operations Many cultural operations depend on the success of the planting operation and surface profiles. Most common to all crops is mechanical cultivation. Other practices include application of herbicide, flame, fertilizers and insecticides. For maximum effective- ness in most of these operations, a high degree of control should be exercised. Many o-f the herbicides are applied as directed sprays to minimize possible crop damage. The same principle applies to the use of flame cultivation to control weeds among crop plants along the drill. The maximum potential and extensive use of many of the new practices have been handicapped by the lack of uniform surfaces, Figure 3. Figure 3. Non-uniformity of the listed seedbeds, combined with the lack of a suitable means of controlling the vertical and lateral movements of the planters, results in extremely irregular row profiles. The effectiveness of early-season cultivation is severely reduced because it is difficult to select an ideal setting of the cultivators to compensate for the variations in profiles among the rows. The only practical means of accomplishing the post- planting operations in a field without uniform sur- faces is to rely on the operator's skill. Speed and effectiveness of the operation are severely affected while the plants are small. Where the row profiles have been destroyed, elevated sections of the rows are normally reconstructed by gradually moving the soil to the base of the plants with cultivating imple- ments. In most areas a depressed area between the rows for channeling irrigation water and for drain- age, in case of excessive rains, is needed. Crop Response Difficulty in maintaining positive control over the functions of conventional production machines often relates to the uniformity of emergence of plants, rate of growth, maturity and production among indi- vidual rows and plants within a field. Variations in plant emergence among consecutive rows that often occur are shown in Figure 4. Rows from which the emergence data were obtained were planted with a four-row machine. The two areas were selected in the field along the same rows to illustrate how the performance of planters may vary in different sections of the field. Usually, no established pattern of variability exists among the rows. This makes it difficult to detect the exact causes. AREA NO. I ROW | ROW 3 ROW 4 3 ROW 2 O t! h. o l- : 6 8 |o I2 l4 u_ DAYS AFTER PLANTING o AREA NO. 2 l! LU O. ,"_’ now 2 z ROW 3 j ROW 4 CL ROW I 6 8 IO I2 I4 DAYS AFTER PLANTING Figure 4. Variations in the performance of conventional plant- ers is illustrated by plant emergence patterns. The data were taken from the same four rows in two areas of a field. These variations stem basically from the performance of the opening and covering devices, which the moisture content and soil type influence. 6 m YIELDS PER ROW n: . oz _‘ 4° a 0-20- f 5:; F 0.0 ’ o3 A l J: l5" 1 m“ i ;0 a f’ fig <1 . 2o s»- 32 = o . LLI _' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO ll, l2 ll‘ CONSECUTIVE ROWS Figure 5. Graph shows typical variations in yields; of cotton. The difference in maximum and minim varied as much as 100 percent. Variations are; uniformity of emergence and final stands in di I of the row. These data indicate that the potentiaf» be increased by approximately 35 percent by 0bta' production among the rows. " Yield data from individual rows all’ signficant variation in equipment perfo ton yields obtained from consecutive ro i have shown that production from the r0 as much as 100 percent in some areas o Difference in yield is partly because of plant populations along the row. i Another important variable measure fields is the productivity range among Other factors, in addition to planting and" practices, could influence the plant grow i ing habits. The productivity range amon termined by the number of bolls per pla V, cal cotton field is shown in Figure 6. As A NUMBER OF sous/PLANT '7'.» OF TOTAL PLANTS 0 N :- I I o n: ul 5 u| m ~ Figure 6. Productivity among cotton plants vari p within a given stand or field. Variations do not/ related to varietal characteristics, since similar tr recorded in several cotton varieties. Plants that p” bolls or less represented approximately 50 percent- population. The yield from this portion of the sta only 24 percent of the total. / / I / / / / / \’ / \0€t / / / / I / , / \- / I / I l l l l l l | I l IO 2O 3O 40 5O 6O 7O 8O 9O IOO PLANTS" °le i 7. Percent of yield, as distributed among the plants ‘factual field conditions, contrasts with an ideal stand, in itotal yield is distributed uniformly among the plants. l. of the plants produced no fruit at all. Plants iroduced eight bolls or less represented 49.9 per- the total plants. However, the yield from this i,» of the stand represented only 23.8 percent if total yield. Actual distribution of the total among the plants is contrasted to an ideal stand fich the yield is distributed uniformly among ants in Figure 7. Identifying factors that cause fl or non-productive plants, which would either ve the productive capacity or be eliminated s seed stage before planting, has a tremendous M itial for increasing production efficiency. It rd be emphasized that the low producing plants, as the low producing area of the field, received N e cultural treatments during the production as the more productive plants and areas. DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION or PRECISION CONTROL SURFACES he initial phase of this research was for obtain- ore precise control over the planting depth. he research progressed, approaches and techniques in obtaining precision in the planting were also ed to other cultural operations. n developing an overall system, special consider- was given to the following objectives: (1) de- ing and maintaining uniform surfaces to control fl and lateral movements of the implements; lion that is expected and required by machines 'ng the surface; and (3) developing row profiles provide the environment required for germi- ‘n, emergence and, growth of planted crops in i'd areas. i“ " he fields in which this research was conducted been prepared with listed beds formed in the ntional manner. Several methods and machines f, used in the initial stages of the research to lish a flat, smooth surface on the crest of the fveloping control surfaces which exhibit the. listed beds. Equipment included drum-type roller, bed planes (drags) and conditioners. In some fields with uniform listed beds, using bed conditioners followed by the drum-type rollers provided a satis- factory surface on the beds for adapting precise planting techniques, when compared with conven- tional planting equipment and practices. Although flat surfaces formed this way were satisfactory in some instances for controlling planting depth, the beds did not provide suitable surfaces which could be used for controlling lateral movements of the planter and other implements. Forming Precision Shqped See-dbecls The most effective control surfaces were obtained with precision formed or shaped seedbeds. The De- partment of Agricultural Engineering designed a bedshaper, Figure 8, for listed beds in the humid areas. This was because commercial shapers were not available in the area. “Bedshaping” has been asso- ciated with a wide variety of bed-forming equipment. However, in this research, it refers to forming seed- beds with precise dimensions in the horizontal and vertical planes. The implement used in forming the beds is basically a leveling and molding device, which creates the desired profiles with smooth surfaces. Forward components of the shaper accumulate soil from the high points along the sides and tops of the listed beds. Soil which is accumulated is then deposited in the low sections along the row, establish- ing beds with uniform profiles throughout the field. Several operational characteristics to be con- sidered for successfully using this equipment in soils in the humid areas have been established. Listed Figure 8. The two-row precision bedshaper was designed and built at A8t-M. Four-row shapers have been constructed and used in a wide variety of soil types. A dry soil mulch is neces- sary in the heavy clay soils to prevent moist soil from coming in contact with the shaper. A 7 beds must be relatively uniform in height and shape. The shaper can compensate for variations of 3 t0 4 inches in height and width for distances l0 to 15 feet along the row. One of the principal problems en- countered was scouring in heavy soils. Using drum rollers in heavy soils immediately ahead of the shaper to reduce the bed height reduced this problem in most cases. The generation of a loose, dry soil mulch over the listed beds with mechanical equip- ment has been necessary in some fields to reduce the scouring problem and to help operate the shaper properly. A way to adjust the pitch or attitude at which a shaper is operated must be available, since this feature can be critical in moist soils. Adjusting the top link in a standard three-point hitch system was suitable. Design of the shaper determines desired shapes of the row profiles, including height, width and slopes of the beds. Much experimentation with various configurations showed that most listed beds contained sufficient soil to form a bed 4 to 5 inches high and 20 inches wide. The 20-inch horizontal surface has been adequate for maintaining precise control over the movements of the implements in the vertical plane during planting and other produc- tion operations. Height of the precision beds was adequate for maintaining lateral stability of the pro- duction implements. Precision shaped seedbeds have been formed with the A8cM bedshaper in several soil types, includ- ing Lufkin Fine Sandy Loam near College Station; the Miller Clay and Norwood Silt Loam in the Brazos River Valley; and the Houston Clay in the Blackland areas of Texas. The beds have been highly effective in providing the desired control surfaces for planting and the various cultural operations. It should be CONVENTIONAL ,, BED-SHAPING m 4O | I "l DECEMBER-JANUARY I APRIL Figure 9. The conventional planting system is compared sche- matically with the precision system. Research shows that the beds should be shaped in enough time before planting, so that normal rains will provide the moisture required for planting. Moisture must be available at a uniform depth from the surface at planting time. A precision depth planter should be used on the shaped bed to realize the maximum potentials of the system. 8 emphasized, however, that maximum pot the precision shaped seedbeds will not be unless planters and cultural equipment desi this approach are used. ‘A The time at which beds are shaped in; to planting is an important factor. Equip ployed to maintain a uniform planting dep adequate moisture for germination and i at uniform depth from thelsurface of the sh The most practical way to achieve this ob the humid areas has been to shape the beds planting, Figure 9. The time interval bet two operations depends upon the expected:- Once the precision beds have been f0 in the intended seed zone should not be Preplant weed control should be accompli soil-incorporated herbicides, flaming or oils. The firm, undisturbed surface must su planters and provide positive control over ing depth. The dry surface also mini scouring problem with the furrow openers, the openers to form a precision shaped seq Precision-depth Planting L The need for greater precision in pl been demonstrated in some basic studi involved the effects of certain micro-envii factors upon germination and emergence seed. These factors include soil temperatl ture and intimacy of contact between the; soil. The principal problem in these studies relating laboratory findings to field resul of varied conditions that often occur ‘A rows, as well as along a given row, in diff sections. if This research has chiefly tried to obt precision in seed placement in lateral . i‘ planes of the seed zone. No efforts have: voted to longitudinal seed placement, since’ commercial seed were used in the research.’ A planter was designed and constructe; the top surface of the precision-shaped b reference plane to maintain precise contro penetration depth of the furrow opener, ; Two semi-pneumatic gauge wheels were the depth control mechanism. Gauge p placed as close to the opener as practi mediate response to surface variations. The seed furrow opener is the most f ponent of the planter. After the seed » metered from planter hoppers, they are l’ free-fall into the soil. The shape or co ‘A of the furrow is, therefore, the chief facto; trols lateral and vertical seed displacem intended placement zone. Field evalua several types of openers show that the -=‘ opener, along with its ability to scour in y are the principal factors that govern the fu f, ~l A precision-depth planter was designed and con- ‘for precision-shaped seedbeds. Only the furrow opener or disturbs the soil. Penetration depth is controlled ' wheels adjacent to the modified runner opener. A seed Peel may be used to press the seed into the mo-ist soil to the relationship between the soil and the seed. An “ter press wheel is used to cover the seed. A piece of g resistant plastic on the trailing edge prevents moist from sticking to the opener. lative effectiveness of three types of openers ing seed furrows on precision shaped beds are irted in Figure ll by resulting seed distribution Furrows formed by the standard chisel y resulted in only 33.3 percent of the seed pg] ed in the desired zone. The double disk 3 _- provided good seed control in the vertical SEED FURROW OPENERS DOUBLE DISK CHISEL *1'/el~ SEED CONCENTRATION IN TARGET ZONE 64.5 °/.> 33.3 ‘v. Design and operational characteristics of seed fur- jfners in various soil types are principal factors that e seed distribution in the horizontal and vertical planes Iseed furrow. When operating on pre-shaped seedbeds, fified runner opener gave the highest seed concentration he intended planting zone. Poorest concentration was Q with the chisel opener. Field emergence of cotton little differences between the modified opener and the ers, even though the seed were scattered more in the lane. Seed Tube iRear Mounting Bracket Begin Taper at Leading Edge 30° (angle of seed furrow) Figure l2. Diagram illustrates principal construction features of the modified, runner-type furrow opener. The shape of the opener was designed to act as a sliding wedge to minimize soil disturbance and to fo-rm a firm “V”-shaped trench. The point of the wedge started at the leading edge of the opener and expanded gradually to the trailing edge. plane. The seed, however, were scattered over a l-inch lateral span. Approximately 65 percent of the seed were located in the intended zone. The highest degree of uniformity was obtained with the modified runner opener. Approximately 80 percent of the seed were concentrated in a cross sectional area of 1/3 inch square. The modified opener, Figure l2, moves like a sliding wedge in the soil, forming a “V”-shaped furrow. An open center press wheel easily closes the furrow after the seed have been deposited. Seed press wheels pressed the soil around the seed to retard the loss of moisture and obtain positive contact between the soil and seed. This attachment was used effectively with the modified and double disk furrow openers. It was not effective with the chisel opener. Evaluations of Planting Methods The precision-depth planting system has been evaluated in field experiments to test pro-cedures and equipment against the principal variables that nor- mally affect the performance of the equipment and crop being planted. Variables included soil types, soil temperatures and rainfall following planting. In each field experiment, the conventional planting system was included for comparison. Such factors as seeding rate, seed quality and variety, planting depth and operating speed were the same for the two planting methods. Performance of the planted crop has been used as the main indicator to evaluate the planting system. Measurements of micro-environ- mental conditions in the seed zone were made where feasible. Emergence Plant counts were made at periodic intervals during the emergence period to evaluate effects of 9 i PRECISION BEDS noo- [I] couvzuruoum. b Q o o I I J_ _ J —?;l 20*- TOTAL EMERGENCE, ‘k PLANTEO SEED O1 O I 1 iii__»__ __ _ __v_ I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FIELD EXPERIMENT NO. Figure 13. Effects of planting methods on total emergence of cotton are shown. Soil types, minimum soil temperatures and rainfall conditions encountered in each experiment are sum- marized in Table 1. Overall average emergence was 74.4 percent for cotton planted on precision beds with the precision depth planter, as compared with 46 percent with the conventional planter. planting methods on rates of emergence and total emergence. Plant emergence data have been expressed as percent of planted seed. Effects of the two planting systems on maximum plant emergence in eight of the field experiments are given in Table 1 and pre- sented graphically in Figure l3. Principal variables, including soil types, minimum soil temperatures and rainfall, during the emergence period for each of the experiments are given, Table 1. Typical emer- gence patterns obtained with the two planting systems under different climatic conditions are illustrated in Figures 14 and l5. Maximum plant emergence obtained with the conventional planting system TABLE 1. A SUMMARY OF THE FIELD EXPERIMENT IN WHICH THE PRECISION PLANTING SYSTEM PARED WITH THE CONVENTIONAL PLANTING SYSTEM I00»- PRECISION sens ---- convzunount LU 2 °°P 3 K UJ I u 60»- b- Z DJ U I a’ 40- 2o- L l 1 o 2 4 DAYS AFTER PL ANTIN 6 Figure 14. Graph shows emergence rate of cotton " by the two planting systems when the average of.‘ minimum temperatures at seed depth was 64.5° F. w‘ A during the germination emergence period. Alth emergence was equal, the emergence rate was grea pre-shaped precision beds. " ranged from 23.4 percent to 72.6 percen the same climatic conditions and soil types, u; emergence ranged from 67.3 percent to l7 with the precision-depth planter on shal” Overall average emergence of the eight was 46 percent of the planted seed with th‘ tional planter, as compared with 74.4 perce precision planting system. The greatest Q‘ between the two systems were obtained i‘ periments where low soil temperatures ' occurred during the emergence period. T_ gence data reflected little differences between; methods where the mimimum soil "I averaged 64.5° F. or higher with no rain. 4' Field Soil Maximum experiment Soil temperature Rainfall Planting emergence no. Year type °F1 inches’ system percent l 1964 Norwood 66.4 .00 Conventional 72.6 Silt Loam Precision beds 79.3 2 1965 Norwood 63.5 .00 Conventional 67.8 I Silt Loam Precision beds 67.3 3 1966 Norwood 58.2 .76 Conventional 41.3 Silt Loam Precision beds 80.0 4 1966 Norwood 59.4 4.12 Conventional 23.4 Silt Loam Precision beds 78.4 5 1966 Miller Clay 58.2 .75 Conventional 39.0 Precision beds 72.4 6 l966 Houston Clay 1.25 Conventional 24.2 Precision beds 68.4 7 1967 Norwood 61.2 .45 Conventional 57.2 Silt Loam Precision beds 74.5 8 1967 Miller Clay 62.5 .55 Conventional 52.5 Precision beds 74.7 ‘Average of the minimum daily soil temperature at 2-inch depth during the germination and emergence period. zTotal rainfall during the first 5 days after planting. l0 PRECISION BEDS ,/" couvsunouna. I I I I I I I a no I2 l4 l6 I’ z ' DAYS AFTER PLANTING U. Emergence rate of cotton appears as affected by ilanting systems, when minimum daily soil tempera- ged 62° F. during the emergence period. Total rain- 'proximate1y 3 inches during the germination period. ' g caused significant reduction in rates and total of cotton planted with the conventional planter. e faster, however, with the precision system periments, even under favorable climatic ns. iperuiure ‘ eased effectiveness of the new planting system uted to the improved micro-environmental } s into which the seed were introduced. icontrol over the vertical movement of the . ow opener results in uniform planting depth. mbined with the high seed concentration sou. TEMPERATURE - ‘F 2"DEPTH APRIL 2o, use: .0 /,/'4:\ i‘ so / \ l / \ .. / \ 1 \ D I; 1o \- K / h] l z ‘N :1‘ so ' convzunonnl. esos PRECISION BEDS -i-——-u1iu— 5O I I I 1 I I I 2 4 6 B IO l2 2 4 5 9 |Q |g ILM. NOON RM, Figure 16. Soil temperatures were recorded on an hourly basis at the 2-inch depth in the conventional and precision seedbeds after planting. Temperatures indicated that a greater amount of radiant energy was absorbed and retained in the precision shaped beds, when compared with the conventional beds. within the planting zone, as in Figure 11, exposes more seed to the same micro-environment within the seed furrow. The precision seed trench also permits more intimate contact between the seed and soil, which, in turn, increases the absorption rate of heat and moisture. The increase in radiant energy absorbed by soil in precision beds, as compared with conventional beds, has been a major factor in the effectiveness of the new planting system when soil temperatures are a limiting factor. Soil temperature records were kept i.‘ SOIL TEMPERATURES DURING TWO 8-DAY PERIODS RECORDED IN THE CONVENTIONAL AND PRE- iiB-EDS DURING THE 1965 PLANTING SEASON IN THE BRAZOS RIVER VALLEY Soil temperatures — °F — 2-inch depth ES Minimum Maximum Averagel Degree-Hours Per Day’ Conventional Precision Conventional Precision Conventional Precision Conventional Precision Planting No. 1. March 27, 1965 47 45 71 75 59.0 60.1 27 55 62 62 79 84 67.5 69.0 94 131 55 54 81 86 66.3 67.1 115 148 56 55 80 84 65 .5 66.4 86 116 54 55 78 81 65.5 66.0 101 118 64 64 72 74 67 .5 68.3 66 86 66 66 69 70 67.1 67 .5 52 60 66 66 79 82 71.5 72.3 150 169 58.8 58.3 76.1 79 .5 66.2 67.1 86.4 110.4 Planting No. 2. April 16, 1965 61 63 75 76 67.4 68.3 72 84 64 64 86 86 72.0 72.2 170 174 67 67 87 89 75.9 76.9 162 285 70 71 85 87 75 .6 7 6.9 254 285 71 72 83 85 75.9 77.4 262 297 72 72 81 83 75 .4 76.7 249 281 72 72 86 89 77.4 78.7 297 333 72 72 92 95 79.9 81.9 359 406 68.7 69.1 84.4 86 .6 74.9 76.1 241 268 iiof hourly temperatures during 24-hour day. ours represent number of degrees above 65° F. accumulated each hour during the 24-hour period. l1 0n an hourly basis during the germination and emer- gence period for several small scale plantings. Ther- mocouples used as sensing elements were placed with the seed in the soil 2 inches deep with both planting methods. Soil temperature records were normally valid for periods up to 8 days after planting. After the seedlings began to emerge, soil around the thermocouples was disturbed. Erratic readings were obtained after this period. Typical soil temperatures, which were recorded during a clear day, are shown in Figure l6. Table 2 summarizes daily soil tempera- tures recorded during two germination and emergence periods. Minimum daily soil temperatures at seed depth were approximately the same in both planting methods. Maximum temperatures at seed depth, however, ranged from 1-4° F. higher in the precision bed. The average of the daily maximum temperatures for the first planting, Table 2, was 34° F. higher in the shaped beds than in the conventional seedbeds. In the later planting with higher daily temperatures, the difference was 22° F. Additional heat energy absorbed by the shaped beds was retained and re- sulted in a temperature differential of 14° F. for periods up to 1O hours per day. Heat energy accumu- lated each day in the seed zones is expressed in degree- hours in Table 2. The degree-hour system of indi- cating differences in heat energy absorbed in the seed zones reflects differences in temperatures and the time in which higher temperatures occurred. Values are determined by accumulating total number of degrees each hour that the temperature was above 65° F. An overall average of 26.5 more degree-hours were accumulated per 24-hour day in the precision beds than in the conventional beds, Table 2. Further evidence of crop response to the precision system of production has been indicated in the rate of plant growth, root development and rate of ma- turity and yields. Differences in plant growth rates are usually quite apparent in the first 3O to 45 days after planting, Figure 17. Plant measurements on two Figure 1'7. Difference in rate and uniformity of cotton growth experienced in several plantings is evident. Cotton on the left was planted in shaped beds. That on the right was planted in conventional beds. The test was in the Blackland area near Thrall. 12 PRE-SHAPED. esoa uoomeo PLANTER [Icouvaunouat PLANT, PERCENT or YliEfii-‘D I000 — w q; 72.2 54.0 o < 800- \ m - 2 s00 - :> a T‘ ii 400- T‘ Z _l 200 - SEPT. 9 00T. || HARVEST DATES Figure 18. An increase in the maturity rate has been p, with the precision planting system, as reflected by the pe I of the total yield harvested in the first mechanical f’ These data were taken from the planting made in ex No. 2 in Table 1. Eight hundred and twenty-five p0 lint cotton, representing 72 percent of the total yield, A at the first harvest in the precision planted plots, as c with only 550 pounds representing 54 percent of the t0 _ in the conventionally-grown cotton. f’ of the plantings have shown that the average? heights on the precision seedbed were 25 "i percent greater than the plants which emeri the conventional system. Final plant hei harvest have been approximately equal. In s i, the experiments, the increase in rate of pl velopment has been reflected in maturity cotton, Figure 18. In 1967, cotton plants from both planting were extracted by hand from adjacent rows replicated blocks. The soil was Norwood Silt Tap root length was measured from the If soil contact on the stems to where the rootsi when pulled from the soil. Average lengthi main roots on the plants from the plots on , cision beds was 9.12 inches, as compared wi; inches for plants grown in the conventional tion system. Besides difference in root leni percent of the roots from the conventionally-p cotton had some deformity. Only 17 percent] plants from the precision beds had similar d? tap roots. The malformed roots consisted of‘ j twisted roots, abrupt changes in direction of and plants which had no main tap roots. INCREASE m PRODUCTION g as 15ml |s.a I 2&5] ate I 44.1 I 3a.: 2a.: .51 2 a 4 s 1 AVERAGE _ PRECISION sens Ii couveunoum. e, ll U“ l f l. _ 2 I a 4 I a 1 AVERAGE FIELD EXPERIMENT NO. 9. Cotton yields were obtained with the two planting ‘ r six experiments. Increase in yields obtained in the 3 planted system over the conventional system ranged to 44.7 percent. were obtained from six of the eight field lents, in which the two planting systems have ympared. These data are given in Table 1 isented graphically in Figure 19. Yield in- if cotton planted in the precision beds with ision-depth planter ranged from 13.8 percent ifpercent with an overall increase of 28.2 per- ” ield increases were attributed primarily to niformity established along and among the typical comparison of yields from individual "tween the two planting systems is shown in 20. In other experiments, variation among ftive rows in the conventional system have ifas much as 72 percent, as compared with ll in the new planting system. ATION AND OTHER CULTURAL PRACTICES cision shaped seedbeds, which were used to Ygreater precision in seed placement in the A also be used effectively for control planes pal production operations. Horizontal surfaces ‘A crest of the bells} as well as in the furrows, 3v used as the control plane for vertical ents. Slanting vertical surfaces on the sides en used effectively as control planes for lateral tents. Both gauge wheels and sliding skids 1 en used effectively on the horizontal surfaces trol mechanisms for the vertical movements. The basic machine consists of a multiple tool bar arrangement, from which the various implements and tools are suspended. The height of the tool bars can be adjusted in relation to the controlling mechanism to accommodate the crop and the tools. Sled-type runners, as controlling mechanisms, have maintained the selected vertical position of the tool bars in relation to the soil surface while operating. They also support the machine weight. Because of the weight, the horizontal surfaces of the furrows between the shaped beds have provided the most effective reference plane for movements in the vertical plane. Required lateral movements of the machines were controlled with cone-shaped guide wheels, Figure 21. The convex surface of the wheels, operat- ing against the sides of the shaped beds, senses the changes in the direction of rows. The wheels, which are fixed in a rigid position to the tool bars, cause the entire machine to shift laterally in the required direction. Field evaluations with this approach for main- taining control over the critical lateral and vertical movements of the machine have shown that the tool carrier must be completely independent of any tractor movements, except for the required draft in the longitudinal plane. Machine components are interconnected to where the entire machine performs as an independent rigid unit. In these evaluations, the standard three-point-hitch system without the stabilizer linkage satisfactorily provided the required free movement for normal operations. Four cultivations have been made during a single growing season with the mafiine shown in .___ g YIELD AMONG ADJACENT ROWS I966 ROW LENGTHS-675' ROW LENGTHS-675' eo-_cpq_y,‘— _ _ 40- l 20- YIELD-POUNDS SEED COTTON/ROW l ROWS ROWS BED SHAPED CONVENTIONAL Figure 20. One of the major factors contributing to yield in- creases, which have been obtained in the precision planting system, has been the uniformity of production along the rows as well as among the rows. Yield increases along the rows in the precision planted cotton have been attributed to the uniformity of emergence and final stands. Yield variations among consecutive rows was 42 percent in conventionally-planted cotton, as compared with 4.5 percent in the shaped bed in this experiment. 13 Figure 22. QpLerating frequency was determined by weed infestations, which usually develppeTl after rains 5E irri ationsd. The shape of the original row profile was maintanied durng the season with the cultivating tools so that the beds could be used as reference planes for subsequent cultivations. Subjective observations in this research have indicated that this approach has potential for in- creasing efficiency in the production operations. These observations were made concurrently with Figure 22. This is a side view of the precision cultivator de- signed for precision shaped seed- beds. The cone-shaped guide wheels maintained positive con- trol over the lateral movement of the machine. Precision type sweeps were used to cultivate the top surface of the beds. Standard cultivating disks cultivated sides of the beds and kept the desired shape for subsequent operations. The furrows were cultivated with standard sweeps. The entire machine functioned as an inde- pendent unit. 14 Figure 21. Cone-shaped N‘ wheels operating against: sides of the beds are control lateral movements i four-row precision planter; to center the planter drill top surface of the pre- beds. Height of the tool‘. is maintained in a c0? position relative to the "- face by the skid runners. i complete machine operates- pendently from the tract‘ cept for the required dra a y, . conventional equipment operating in the planted and produced in the conventional m L. a One of the most obvious differences be * the two systems was the power requirements i 5 ~ cultivating and planting operations. Approxi; 230 tons of soil per acre being displaced durini’ ' conventional planting operation in removing crest of the listed beds confirms this. Coverinf over the seed is also pressed in a separate oper. from planting in the conventional production sy i, 'on only is required in the precision ft the soil that contacts the precision _ er is displaced or disturbed. Lack of ofiles, combined with poor depth control lements, displaces approximately 200 tons i- acre for each conventional cultivating This is compared with less than 100 tons an the precision system, where uniform crmit the implement to be operated at gepths without sacrificing the effectiveness i» ivators. ‘fexperience with this equipment has also L ed that the cultivator sweeps could be i closer tolerances than in the conventional A ich relies upon the operator's skill. In g» the increase in effectiveness, it was pos- ltain practical operating speeds of 4 to 6 >hour for the early season operations. This i v with 2.5 to 3 miles per hour with con- Picultivators. Increased speeds have indi- ‘ the precision production system can obtain increases in capacities in acres per hour of 35 to 50 percent per machine. Two other precision operations have been per- formed, utilizing the control surfaces of the precision beds. These include applying systemic insecticides to the plant stems and in the soil. A rotary brush applicator developed at A8cM successfully applied 65 percent of the material to the stems of cotton plants in the precision system. A maximum of only 15 per- cent was successfully applied in the conventional production systems. Using precision beds for positive control, continuous bands of systemic insecticides have been placed 8 inches deep and 5 inches laterally from the base of the growing plants. Without a guidance system, the latter treatments were impracti- cal. Significant plant damage resulted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The project in which this research was conducted is contributing to the Southern Regional Cotton Mechanization Project S-2. 15 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Texas A8cM University College Station, Texas 77843 H. O. Kunkel, Acting Director- Publications “'4"5’§‘I'5?”-"F-" A, , , P‘ U. S. Depart