=1‘! Q35’ fi B-‘IOOQ APRIL ‘I964 Se|ecfec| Operating Costs for Storage Of Sorghum Grain TEXAS A8 Total fixed costs 2,084 - 8.33 2,084 4.17 2,084 2.08 2,084 1.04 2,084 ,; Variable costs: Labor 38 .15 76 .15 152 .15 304 .15 608 Power2 50 .20 100 .20 170 .17 320 .16 600 Repairs 12 .05 25 .05 50 .05 100 .05 200 f- Fuel“ 56 .22 105 .21 200 .20 380 .19 760 j Total variable costs 156 .62 306 .61 572 .57 1,104 .55 2,168 Total fixed and variable costs 2,240 8.95 2,390 4.78 2,656 2.65 ’ 3,188 1.59 4,252 ‘Based on these assumptions-Power, .04 per KWH through 50,000 bu., .035 per KWH through 100,000 bu., .0325 i through 200,000 bu., and .03 through 400,000 bu.; Gas, .45 per mcf through 25,000 bu., .42 per mcf through 50,000 bu., . i through 100,000 bu., and .38 per mcf through 200,000 bu. and above. Moisture removed in drying assumed to be 23%. 2' 250 KWH per 1,000 bu. ‘*5 cu. ft. per bu. l0 __ Field dried grain would be moved directly storage. In so-me cases grain having less than rcent moisture will be moved to storage and g1 immediately and continuously. In one case I ed the grain thus treated improved in grade jNo. 3 to No. 1. rain having 15 percent or more moisture will l’? be dried. It may go directly to the dryer 0r f3 special bin or tank and then through the dryer Tinto storage. 11:? computing fixed costs for receiving grain into Istorage the estimated initial cost of the pit and gthe cost of all other grain moving equipment W arged to receiving and the balance to the load- out operations. In upright storage a share of costs would also be borne by the turning tion. As will be noted in Table 3, there is only slight fence in costs of receiving grain among the areas tied. This, of course, is due to the assumption of _ar sizes and organization of the units budgeted. §$11ght differences shown are the result of differ- ‘__ 'n the cost of such items as taxes, insurance and ‘i, and these tended to offset each other to a large ‘t. The lower tax and insurance rate-s in the 3 Plains area as compared with the other two is due to the fact that the majority of the eleva- tudied on the High Plains were in open country not subject to city taxes. _t will be noted that while fixed costs per bushel to vary inversely with the amount of grain led, the differences in costs are not proportionate to the differences in the volume of grain. This is because o-f the difficulties involved in adjusting the investment in grain handling facilities to differences in the size and number of storage units. One scale and dump may be sufficient to serve a wide range in the size and number of storage units but ‘the point is eventually reached where additional facilities such as another elevator or another dump must be added to meet the needs if good service is rendered. Variable costs per bushel of receiving grain also decrease with an increase in the volume of grain handled but not to the same extent as do fixed costs. l/Vhile there is a tendency for variable costs to increase directly with increases in the volume of grain handled, in actual practice it is not possible to adjust the labor force in proportion to differences in the volume of grain handled. Furthermore, power costs do not vary directly with changes in volume of grain. While the rate charged for power tends to be less as the quantity used increases, the decrease is never proportionate to the increase in the quantities of power used. Cost of Loading Out Grain Loading out grain from flat storage reportedly is more costly than from upright storage. This opinion is supported by the practice of storage opera- tors 0-f retaining grain in flat storage as long as possible. Also, they prefer upright storage for mer- chandising grain. Grain is moved out of upright storage almost entirely by gravity whereas at least half of the grain in flat storage must be moved into the auger or conveyor manually or with some type of mechanical equipment. This part of the loading out E s. BUDGETED DIRECT COSTS or DRYING SORGHUM GRAIN IN LOCAL ELEVATORS, NORTH CENTRAL, TEXAS, 19621 Direct cost of drying volumes of sorghum grain 25,000 bu. 50,000 bu. i'_ ~: item 100,000 bu. 200,000 bu. 400,000 bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. ¢ Dollars Cents ' costs: __ A preciatiozi 1 ,400 5 .60 1,400 2.80 "terest 525 2.10 525 1.05 axes 145 .58 145 .29 ' urance 83 .33 83 .16 Total fixed costs 2,153 8.61 2,153 4.30 35 .14 70 .14 50 .20 100 .20 12 .05 25 .05 _, 45 .18 84 .17 Total variable costs” 14 .57 279 .56 Total fixed and variable costs 2,295 9.18 2,482 4.86 Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents 1 ,400 1.40 1,400 .70 1,400 .35 525 .52 525 .26 525 .13 145 .15 145 .07 145 .04 83 .08 83 .04 83 .02 2,153 2.15 2,153 1.07 2,153 .54 140 .14 280 .14 560 .14 170 .17 320 .16 600 .15 50 .05 100 ' .05 200 .05 160 .16 300 .15 600 .15 520 .52 1,000 .50 1,960 .49 2,673 2.67 3,153 1.57 4,113 1.03 '_ H per 1,000 bu. 1ft. per bu. ‘on these assumptions-Power, .04 per KWH through 50,000 bu., .035 per KWH through 100,000 bu., .0325 per KWH F»; 200,000 bu., and .03 through 400,000 bu.; Gas, .45 per mcf through 25,000 bu., .42 per mcf through 50,000 bu., .40 per mcf h 100,000 bu., and .38 per mcf through 200,000 bu. and above. Moisture removed in drying assumed to be 23%. ll operation is complicated and made more difficult by the presence of air ducts associated with the aeration system. The cost of repairs to the aeration system may be increased through damage to these air ducts while grain is being loaded o-ut of flat storage. It costs less to load out grain than to receive grain. Less equipment is involved and consequently less power is used. However, somewhat more labor is required for loading out grain from flat storage than is used in receiving grain. The net effect of these differences is seen in Table 4. It will be noted that in general, costs of loading out grain behave in a manner similar to the costs of receiving grain. The narrowing of the spread in costs as affected by the volume of grain handled is found partly in the differ- ence in the relationship of capital costs to volume of grain and partly to the larger place of labor in the variable costs of loading out grain. The costs per bushel for both receiving and load- ing out grain would be lower or higher than those shown in Tables 3 and 4 assuming larger or smaller proportions of the capacity received or loaded out. The resulting difference would be largely the effect of spreading ownership or fixed costs over larger or smaller volumes of grain. Cost of Drying Grain The practice of harvesting sorghum grain before the moisture content reaches safe storage levels in the field is a growing problem for storage operators. Researchers have developed evidence that the quality of grain is enhanced if harvested before it is fully field dried. Also, field losses from shattering, weather TABLE 7. BUDGETED DIRECT COSTS OF DRYING SORGHUM GRAIN IN LOCAL ELEVATORS, COASTAL BE 1962‘ and insect damage are reduced through less - in the field. Several methods of meeting this probl' been developed. W'hen the excess of moisf; slight it may be blended with dry grain to re, moisture content to the safe 13 percent stora Some storage operators place grain of less y; percent moisture in flat storage and aerate i ously until the moisture content reaches the _ age level. The more common practice is to red f moisture content of the grain by artificial A survey made in the winter of 1960-61 indica artificial drying of sorghum grain had its n; on the High Plains and in North Central- during the past 10 years (1953-63). Humidii high in the Coastal Bend and the danger g losses from tropical storms is always a con producers. There is little risk involved fr‘! drying in North Central Texas but the short ; season in the High Plains area means slow ‘ of the grain crop in most years. Late-planti may be left in the field until frost hastens its if In the above-mentioned survey, it was f f in the Coastal Bend 70 percent of the stora tors dried three-fourths of the grain rece“ storage and none of them dried less than on, At the same time only 11 percent on the Hi and none in North Central Texas dried as three-fourths of the grain stored. However, three-fourths of the operators" on the High Pl‘ less than one-fifth of them in North Cent dried some of the grain received for storage; ; Direct cost of drying volumes of sorghum grain 200,000 bu. 400 - Cost item 25,000 bu. 50,000 bu. 100,000 bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. Total Per bu. Total '1 Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars “Y; Fixed costs: ' 7 Depreciation 1,400 5 .60 1,400 2 .80 1,400 1 .40 1 ,400 .70 1,400 Interest 525 2.10 525 1.05 525 .52 525 .26 525 Taxes 148 .59 148 .30 148 .15 148 .07 148 Insurance » 64 .26 64 .13 64 .06 64 .03 64,1 Total fixed costs 2,137 ' 8.55 2,137 4.28 2,137 2.13 2,137 1.06 2,137 Variable costs: Labor 34 .14 68 .14 135 .14 270 .14 540 Power2 50 .20 100 .20 170 .17 320 .16 600 _ Repairs 12 .05 25 .05 50 .05 100 .05 200 “i Fuel“ 45 .18 84 .17 160 .16 300 .15 600 Total variable costs 141 .57 277 .56 515 .52 990 .50 1,940 Total fixed and - variable costs 2,278 9.12 2,414 4.84 2,652 2.65 3,127 1.56 4,077 1 ‘Based on these assumptions—Power, .04 per KWH through 50,000 bu., .035 per KWH through 100,000 bu., .0325 through 200,000 bu., and .03 through 400,000 bu.; Gas, .45 per mcf through 25,000 bu., .42 per mcf through 50,000 bu., through 100,000 bu., and .38 per mcf through 200,000 bu. and above. Moisture removed in drying assumed to be 23%. g_. 250 KWH per 1,000 bu. 34 cu. ft. per bu. 12 The amount of grain requiring drying varies itly from year to year and from one part of the I" to another. For example, a minimum amount , in required drying in 1962 in all of the areas ,'ed. In 1963, however, a large part of the crop uced in the Coastal Bend needed drying and r‘ of it contained excessive amounts of moisture. roperator reported grain with moisture content 'gh as 29 percent. Drouth had resulted in weak ium stalks and excessive loss from heavy rain or 'cal storms was feared. No similar situation in the other areas. When grain is received at the elevator, it is tested _oisture and moved into storage or into tempo- 1. storage depending upon its moisture content. _~ elevators have what they call their wet tank “wet” grain is stored while it awaits drying. .1 tuations where grain is being received in amounts tantially in excess of the dryer capacity the tanks ibe aerated to keep down molds and other forms ilage until the grain can be dried. :When the moisture content of the grain is ex- ve it may be passed through the dryer 2 or 3 i. in order to bring the moisture content to safe 5;; levels. One operator dries wet grain to 15 int as quickly as possible, then moves it into ht storage from which it will be dried to 13 per- ‘after harvest. The cost of drying grain varies with the size of the dryer, the amount of moisture to be removed and with the volume of grain dried. The data available were insufficient for evaluating the effects of size of dryer and moisture content on drying costs. The budgeted cost in Tables 5-7 show how volume of grain dried affects drying costs when 2 to 3 percent moisture is removed in a continuous flow dryer. With volumes ranging from 25,000 to 400,000 bushels the direct cost of drying ranged from about 9 cents to slightly more than 1 cent per bushel. Fixed costs made up largely of depreciation and interest on the capital invested in the dryer, account for most of the difference. Variable costs on the other hand tend to vary directly with volume and only account for a small part of the change in the cost per bushel with the increase in the volume of grain dried. The slight difference of .08 of a cent per bushel in the variable cost of drying 25,000 or 400,000 bushels is the result of differences in the rates that would be paid for power and fuel when such widely different quantities of grain are dried. COST OF MAINTAINING THE GRADE OF GRAIN IN STORAGE The principal concern in this phase of the study is in the problems involved in preserving the grade 1E 8. BUDGETED DIRECT COSTS OF AERATION OF SORGHUM GRAIN IN LOCAL ELEVATORS, BY AREAS, r TEXAS, 1962‘ Direct cost of aeration of sorghum grain by volume and area High Plains North Central Coastal Bend Cost item 250,000 600,000 1,250,000 250,000 600,000 1,250,000 250,000 600,000 1,250,000 bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels g _ _ _ _ - - — — — — — — — — — Dollars — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — .costs: preciation 333 800 1,667 333 800 1,667 333 800 1,667 _ terest‘ 125 300 625 125 300 625 125 300 625 axes 24 58 121 37 88 185 39 94 195 ' surance 6 14 29 20 48 100 22 52 108 Total i fixed costs 488 1,172 2,442 515 1,236 2,577 519 1,246 2,595 _le costs: 3 or 27 36 45 25 34 42 24 32 40 wer 300 630 1,125 638 1,338 2,390 1,012 2,126 3,797 ypairs 50 120 250 62 150 312 75 180 375 - Total variable costs 377 786 1,420 744 1,522 2,744 1,111 2,338 4,212 Total fixed and 7 variable costs 865 1,958 3,862 1,239 2,758 5,321 1,630 3,584 6,807 - — — — — ~ — — — — — — — — — Cents — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - i.‘ Fixed cost .; per bushel .20 .20 .20 .21 .21 .21 .21 .20 ‘ Variable cost 7 per bushel .15 .13 .ll .30 .25 .22 .44 .39 .34 Total cost i per bushel .35 .33 .31 .50 .46 .43 .65 60 .54 '_ rates at .03 per KWH for large systems, .035 on these accumptions~—lnitial cost in each area—$5,000 for 250,000 bu., per KWH for medium size systems and .04 per KWVH for small systems. ted to hours of use, High Plains 400 hours, North Central 850 hours and Coastal Bend 1,350 hours. $12,000 for 600,000 bu. and $25,000 for 1,250,000 bu. Repairs 13 or quality of the grain while in storage. Grade maintenance has always been a problem in grain stor- age but it has increased as the accumulation of grain stocks has lengthened the storage period. In recent years large quantities of grain have remained in stor- age for two or more years. Prior to the surplus prob- lem mo-st storage was upright and local storage was used primarily for merchandising purposes. In other words, the length of the storage period was relatively short. With upright storage the grain could be turned or moved from. one bin to another at which time it could be thoroughly inspected, treated for insect con- trol and uniformly cooled. The great increase in the need for storage led to the construction of many flat storage buildings. The extent of the shift in emphasis from upright to flat storage is illustrated in data on storage space collected during the second phase of this study} Prior to 1956, 6'7 percent of the available storage was upright, but from 1956 to 1960, inclusive, available storage space in Texas more than doubled. Eighty percent of the new construction was flat stor- age, thus bringing flat storage to about 57 percent of all available storage at that time. This trend to flat storage is largely due to less costly and more rapid construction. Also it is more easily adapted to other uses should the future demand for storage space for grain decline. It would be very expensive to turn grain in flat storage but it is well adapted to aeration. Grade maintenance is largely a matter of con- trolling moisture, temperature and insects. The prob- lem of control is simplified by goo-d preparation before the grain goes into storage. Clean, dry grain is easily managed in buildings that are tight and clean. In flat storage grade maintenance depends largely on aeration and insect control. Cost of Aeration In 1960, two-thirds of all storage space on the High Plains and four-fifths of the space in the other two areas was equipped with aeration. More has been added since. Practically all flat storage is presently equipped with aeration. Aeration is being added to upright storage more gradually, probably because of the alternative of turning. Aeration has become the key operation in quality maintenance. It is used (l) to remove harvest or dryer heat; (2) to prevent molds and heating in wet grain prior to drying; (3) to remove small amounts of moisture; and (4) to maintain the quality of grain during storage. The aeration system, also, is used to distribute fumigants uniformly in store-d grain. When the aeration system is properly engineered or fitted to the storage unit there is very little differ- ence in the capital investment in equipment per bushel of grain. Consequently, there is very little difference in fixed or ownership costs per bushel. ‘Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 996. 14 This is one of the assumptions in the budgeted. shown in Table 8. There are slight differen costs from area to area because of slight diffe, in taxes and insurance in the case of fixed cos‘ in wages and repairs in the case of variable f Most of the difference in costs from area to area j to differences in hours of operation. Hours of = tion in turn are related differences in w conditions during and following harvest. i In the High Plains area most sorghum ; ' harvested in October and November when " little danger from harvest heat and the pr reducing grain temperatures to desired storager can be started very‘ soon if not immediately, Ti Under these conditions the objective is reach comparatively short period of time. i" There were six cases studied in the High In each case aeration was applied intermitte equalize grain. temperatures within the bin - duce temperatures to desired levels. No a' was performed at any elevator after March ‘ storage year studied. 7 At four of the six elevators, the sorghu aerated an average of about 250 hours each.f elevators aerated more than 500 hours. The with the most aeration did not attain a higher Y value than the lesser aerated sorghums so t cost of the additional aeration was an expense. 7 There was a slight to moderate moisture-f up» in the spring and summer months of 196 there was no aeration. At two elevators, the v _‘ was enough to reduce grade. There was littl change in damage content during the storage In the North Central area, sorghum is h I in August and September. Temperatures ar but the period until cooler temperatures prev r_ long. Five cases were observed in this area. content of the lots observed was unusually l0 the sorghums moved into storage. The from. 10.6 to 12.4 percent. Aeration was s soon as the sorghums were binned but the in? operators followed no pattern as to the am‘ continuous and intermittent aeration perfo "i total number of hours of aeration, or thele, time intermittent aeration was continued. number of hours of aeration ranged from 225 Two operators did not aerate after January’ three aerated a small number of hours in th of 1963. _ {- Two operators aerated a total of less _ hours; two others operated between 800 a § hours. While the sorghums aerated less hours maintained market grade as well ‘i aerated 800-1000 hours, the lesser amount: recommended because the sorghums were ui dry when stored. In other years, with u.’ 6c conditions and higher moisture contents, 400 do aeration might not be sufficient. ', ‘the Coastal Bend most sorghums are harvested when summer temperatures are nearing their f Also, sorghums are normally harvested at a moisture content than in the other areas. Of fr cases observed all sorghums were above 13.0 ‘t moisture, the maximum content for No. 1. ‘n is most important in this. area, since it 7 mold growth to some extent and also removes amounts of moisture. In each of the cases enough moisture was removed to improve the n 0m No. 2 to No. 1 on that factor. fration is started when the grain is binned and i, continuously for more than a month. Then ;'n is aerated part of each day until it ap- a outside temperatures of 40 to 50 degrees {Qusually occur sometime in December. From F1»- until May the bins received an average of 'tiona1 120 hours of aeration. A total of 1350 f-aeration was budgeted for this area. It is ile that most sorghums can be stored in the Bend with less aeration but in a hot humid the risk is great and the small additional cost 1 insurance. was assumed in the budgeted costs in Table 8 a hours of aeration would be adequate in the lains area while 850 hours and 1,350 hours {serve the needs in North Central Texas and ‘I’ tal Bend, respectively. In actual practice, of gthere are wide differences in the hours of , of the aeration system from storage to stor- A ‘ ong cooperating elevators in 1962 the range it 240 to 528 hours for flat storage on the High Plains, 225 to 1,690 hours in the North Central area and from 808 to 1,820 hours in the Coastal Bend area. Some of the variation in the hours of operation of the aeration systems is owing to the broader uses made of the system by some operators. If the system is used to remove some of the moisture content o-f the grain and to maintain the quality of the grain during the warm part of the season many more hours of operation are needed than is required when operation is limited to periods when temperatures are favorable to cooling. It may also be caused by the degree of control exercised. Most of the smaller systems are manually controlled which means that the operation may not be synchronized with changes in temperature. Some of the larger systems are automatically con- trolled and are in operation only when the tempera- ture and humidity are favorable for efficient opera- t1on. Cost of Turning Grain The basic operation for quality maintenance in upright storage is turning. For example, grain is moved from one bin to another with the grain moving equipment. Currently all upright storage not equipped with aeration will turn stored grain from 1 to 4 times during the year. Even after adding aeration equip- ment some operators may continue to turn occa- sionally. The turning operation provides the oppor- tunity to thoroughly inspect the grain, equalize the temperature and treat the grain with a protectant. Some operators provide more cooling to the operation by passing the grain through the dryer in the process of turning. This is done without heat and with both the hot and cool fan in operation. . TEMPERATURES DURING SORGHUM GRAIN HARVEST AND NORMAL AERATION PERIODS, BY AREAS, TEXAS, 1962-63 Temperatures Month Minimum Maximum artist; .2225; $53.. ind‘ July 72 103 75.1 96.8 86.0 August 72 109 76.4 100.0 88.2 September 65 98 74.2 93.0 83.6 October 50 99 68.8 90.9 79.9 November 42 90 53 .8 77 .3 65 .5 December 33 81 46.7 65.3 56.0 i; January 18 87 38.3 60.6 49.5 " tral’ August 70 10s 75.8 100.1 88.0 ¥ September 57 98 69.9 90.8 80.4 October 45 93 62.3 82.2 72.3 November 35 ‘ 86 47.8 67.8 57.8 December 22 74 39.1 59.1 49.1 \ Jariitiary 14 80 29.8 51.9 40.9 September 44 94 57.1 81.3 69.2 F October 37 90 45.7 75.8 60.8 November 28 80 35.4 62.9 49.2 December 12 76 27.6 55.1 41.4 January -_6 74 12.9 49.2 31.1 “Waco “Plainview 15 Although this study did not provide sufficient data to permit an analysis of the costs of managing grain in upright storage, the following single example of the cost 0f turning may throw some light on this subject and more especially on the problems and costs of quality maintenance. The basic equipment used in turning are the upper and lower augers or con- veyors and the elevators. Since this same equipment is used, also, in receiving grain, in loading out grain and in moving grain to and from the dryer, the fixed costs involved must be divided among these opera- tions. In Table 10, the fixed costs are allocated to turning based on estimates of the proportionate use made of the grain moving equipment by these operations. Cost of Insect Control If aeration is the key to quality control, insects are the core of the problem. Insect control is a matter of primary concern to all storage operators. The primary purpose of cooling grain to low temperatures is to create an unfavorable environment for insects. Under favorable conditions very little more than aeration may be needed. However, poorly designed aeration, trashy grain and grain of different depths in the same bin may result in poor distribution of air, uneven cooling, moisture migration and moldy, insect-infested grain. Despite the best that can be done with aeration some difficulty with insects may be expected and most storage operators are constantly alert in antici- pation of trouble. Systematic probing and testing is a must if infestations are to be detected early and damage kept at a minimum. An abnormal rise in temperature in some part or parts of the bin is a common signal that insects are at work. Some of the larger storage systems are equipped with automatic temperature sensing systems. But most storage opera- tors use some type of probe thermometer as. did all of those that cooperated in this study. Probing is laborious, time consuming and easily neglected. But if it is to serve its purpose it must be done frequently and systematically. Some operators prepare a chart for each building showing the locations of each probe for which the temperatures are to be recorded each time. A thorough job of probing with a vacuum type probe*will require between 2 and 3 hours of labor per 1,000 bushels of grain per year and with the costs of the probe included would cost about .4 cents per bushel of grain in storage. The job of controlling insects begins with pre- vention. When. bins are emptied they are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before refilling. The area surrounding the bins is kept clean and sprayed to keep down migration. A protectant can be applied when grain is being put into storage or when as in case of upright storage it is being turned. In either case malathion mixed 16 .TABLE 10. DIRECT COST or TURNING GRAIN ELEVATOR, TEXAS, 1962 Times grain is turnedb; Cost item 1 2 3 — — — —- -— Dollars — — —§ Fixed costsz’ ‘i Depreciation 533 "; f,’ 800 960 Interest 200 300 360 Taxes 56 85 91 Insurance 25 37 40 Total fixed costs 814 1,222 1,451 Variable cost: Labor 564 1,128 1,692 Power y 209 418 627 g Repairs 180 270 292 Total variable costs 953 1,816 2,611 Total fixed and variable costs 1,767 3,038 4,062 — —- — — — Cents —- — - Total fixed and variable cost per bushel .51 .87 1.17 ‘Number bushels turned is 348,000 bushels for each t V "Based on estimates of proportionate use of grain movi ment for receiving, loading out, moving grain to and 1 dryer and for turning 1 to 4 times. '0 with water at the rate of 3 gallons to 52 ; H 7 water is sprayed into the upper auger as a» moves into storage. Calibrated nozzles are regulate the amount of insecticide. As little per 1,000 bushels is used but 2 pints is more Ci It will be noted from Table ll that the c‘; cost of this protectant is less than 1A cent pen It is claimed that the effects of malathion? as a protectant will last from 6-9 months. y 5 of 7 elevators that used a protectant also f once. On the other hand 7 of 8 elevators _ not apply a protectant fumigated twice, see I’ Malathion is also used for top-dressing storage. In most instances the same mixture. It is sprayed on the surface from where it ,1, into the top 3 to 4 feet of the grain. No i,- cost is less than .01 cent per bushel. In thy Bend most storage operators mix the mala I an oil which is designed to seal the surfal grain and serve as a repellent. It is about expensive as when it is mixed with water. ‘ The use of protectants is more commf High Plains than in the other two areas. When grain in flat storage becomes fumigation is indicated. Fumigants most cf used were Methyl Bromide, Cynogas and pills. A liquid fumigant (80 percent car? chloride and 20 percent carbon disulfide) some extent. It is usually applied to the s’; the grain to gravitate through the mass. * there was insufficient observation of this. to permit a cost analysis. " ‘ ost commonly used were Synogas and Methyl- ide, both applied through the aeration system. are passed through the grain in the form of {To be most effective the storage building must 'ghtly sealed and the gas uniformly spread - fhout the grain mass. Most aeration systems are ed to permit recirculation of the gas but a -:- treatment is not uncommon. After fumigation ilding is usually kept sealed for about 30 days Qwhich the aeration system is operated for 6 to 8 to clear out the gas. Great caution is indicate-d ie use of gas forming fumigants. Carelessness “Plead to asphyxiation. To avoid the risk, some tors contract the fumigation of their grain to ists. i here is a difference of about one-tenth of a cent _' shel in the cost of fumigation when these two tnts are applied through the aeration system, ll. The difference is due solely to the differ- i the cost of the fumigants. An almost stand- i? 'ce charged for fumigation by contractors was If cent per bushel. ‘ other fumigant which seems to be increasing iularity is p-hostoxin. It comes in the form of ich slowly form a gas when exposed to air. g about four hours for complete transformation. umigant is applied by spreading pills over the of the grain and by systematically probing into the grain at different levels. The use of yethod varies from complete dependence upon pot treatments. Here again grain bins need to tly sealed to insure effective use. The popu- this fumigant is due in part at least to the y low cost of about .15 cent per bushel of " eated, Table 11. SYSTEMS OF QUALITY CONTROL t ere are no set systems of quality control. Most operators vary their practices with the nee-d th their experience. There is much shifting within the year in the use of fumigants. The use of aeration ranges widely amo-ng storage systems. These variations may be explained in terms of experience of the operators, efforts to adjust to changes in the prob- lems involved and to the desire on the part of the operators for more effective controls. Condition of the grain going into storage as well as the condition of the storage buildings may be involved, also. Grades were obtained on samples of 1962 grain from l5 0-f the 18 cooperating storage systems. The samples were drawn from each mass of grain studied in the following manner. In each flat storage build- ing, four or five positions were selected and charted so that they could be readily located each time a sample was taken. Three probes were made at each position and at three different depths. The depth intervals varied with the depth of the grain. The samples were drawn from the same positions and depths each time. No surface samples were taken. These l2 to l5 samples were placed in a bucket and thoroughly mixed to produce a composite sample. A part of the sample was placed in. a cellophane bag to protect its moisture content, and it in turn was placed in a canvas bag with the rest of the sample. Each sample thus drawn was sent to the Inspection Office of the Grain Division of the Agricultural Marketing Service and tested for weight per bushel, moisture, damaged kernels and foreign material. The same procedure was followed for upright storage except that five or six probes were made at only two positions. All of the grain sampled was aerated to some extent. On the High Plains two out of six storage systems applied a protectant as the grain went into storage and aerated it, Table 12. One of them top- dressed the grain once. This represented the mini- mum of quality maintenance treatment. Both started with No. 2 grain and ended the year with No. 1 grain. Two other High Plains storage systems aerated, used a protectant, fumigated once and top dressed. ill. COST OF TREATMENT OF GRAIN SORGHUM FOR INSECT CONTROL IN LOCAL ELEVATORS, TEXAS, 1962‘ Quafltity of Cost of chemical Amount Cost of labor Cost of power Total cost A; 0d of chemical used of labor l control per 1000 Per Per 1000 per 1000 Per 1000 Per 1000 Per 1000 Per t bushels unit bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bu. » Unit Number — — Dollars — —- Hours — —— — — Dollars — — —— — Cents applied at ‘f storage or g A_'_ turning grain Quart 1 2.13 2.13 .05 .08 .20 2.41 .24 _'cd through .1‘ system: i‘, I. anide (HCN) Pound 5 .85 4.25 .24 .36 .34 4.95 .50 ' yl bromide Pound 5 .65 3.25 .24 .36 .34 3.95 .40 i) pills .~- into grain Pill 12 .08 .96 .35 .50 .00 1.46 .15 custom rate for applying gas through the aeration system was .5 cents per bushel. Grain from both graded N0. 1 at the beginning of storage and No. 2 at the year’s end. A third pair did not apply’ a protectant but fumigated twice and did not top-dress. One’s grain graded No. l throughout the year while the other’s grain dropped from No. 1 at the beginning to No. 2 at the end of the year. Using the budgeted costs in Tables 8 and ll and adding .4 cent for probing and testing the total cost of quality maintenance would be 1.0 cent per bushel for the first pair, 1.4 cents for the second pair and 1.55 cents for the third pair. In North Central Texas all samples graded No. 2 throughout the year in each case. As to quality maintenance practices, one used a protectant, aerated and fumigated once. His costs were 1.22 cents per bushel. Three others aerated, fumigated twice and top-dressed. Their budgeted costs for quality main- tenance were 1.55 cents. In the Coastal Bend three sets of samples came from flat storage and two from upright storage. One flat storage system aerated, fumigated once and top- dressed. The grain graded No. 3 at the beginning of the year and No. l at the year’s end. The cost of maintaining quality in this case would be about 1.4 cents per bushel. This same grain was put in storage with the moisture content between 14 and 15 percent. The moisture was reduced by aeration. Two other flat storages aerated, fumigated twice and top-dressed. The first samples graded No. 2. At the year's end one was still No. 2 while the other graded No. 1. The cost based on Tables 8 and ll would be 1.80 cents per bushel. TABLE 12. QUALITY MAINTENANCE SYSTEMS AND RESULTING GRADES OF SORGHUM GRAIN IN LOCAL A TORS, TEXAS, 1962-63 I Of the two upright storage systems, both , lightly, put on a protectant, fumigated once a i dressed. One turned grain once and the other‘ In both cases the protectant was applied in ing operation. They both started and ended Q with No. 2 grain. The estimated costs ba ' Tables 8 and 9 are 1.99 cents per bushel for the and 2.42 cents for the latter‘, If the latter ha a protectant on the second‘ tiirning rather than gating the cost of all quality control operations ,1 have been 2.26 cents instead of 2.42 cents. ' Since many systems were used and many were encountered, it is difficult to evaluate Y‘ procedures. However, certain tentative cone can be drawn: i l. In all cases but one, the average in V damage was less than one half of one percent v the storage year. The one lot that was an ex increased in damage from none at the u‘ sorghums were moved into storage to 5.0 perce one year. it 2. All of the combinations of protectants, gation and top dressing were reasonably eff v Onl one stora e develo ed an insect infestati Y g P ._ 3. A protectant applied at time of stora‘ one fumigation is usually all that is needed. sects appear after the fumigation they can eliminated by spot fumigation with phostoxi low co-st. 5 4. A protectant of malathion is reco n: because of low cost and has the added advan being applied with little extra labor or time i the storing ope-ration. * Operation performed Samplesl Area Aeration Protectant Fumigation Turning Top dress 1st 2nd 3rd 4th: Grades — - — — — — — — - -— — Times Performed — — — — — — — — — — -— High Plains 1 l O 0 l 2 l l 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 2 2 l 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 North Central 1 0 2 0 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 O 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 Coastal Bend 1 O 1 0 l 3 2 l 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 l 2 2 ‘Grades by Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fort Worth, Texas. “In 5 cases grain had been sold or moved—grade obtained from elevator manager. 3M I Moisture, W: Weight per bushel, FM I Foreign matter. 18 In the High Plains and North Central Areas ommended that the sorghums be watched ior moisture build-up during the spring and months. Reducing moisture to a point below l3 per- sential as a preventative to spoilage of the g‘ d as a deterrent to insects. There is little or no economic advantage in l; e grade of the sorghums from either No. 3 i to N0. l on the moisture factor because any j in price received for No. 1 sorghums is lately cancelled by the loss in weight due to reduction. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was conducted under contract by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station for the Mar- keting Economics Division, Economic Research Serv- ice, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Albert Graf, ERS, USDA, in the initial planning of this study and for his review and suggestions which materially contributed to the finished manuscript. Professor C. A. Moore was responsible for the com- pletion of the first two phases of the grain sorghum storage study and he planned the research summarized here. His transfer to.ERS, USDA prevented his com- pletion of the study. ' 19 lac-nu n’, mv- m“ i um: mnou . TlEl SUIITLTIOIS I TIES FIELD LIIOIITORIES A GOOFIRITIII STLTIOIIS Location oi field research units oi the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies OPERATION QRGANIZATION Research results are carried to Texas farmers, ranchmen and homemakers by county agents and specialists of the Texas Agricultural Ex- tension Service 906161? ii QQJQQFCA .94 §OITLOPFOLU ii pfOgféd State-wide Resear ‘k m... The Texas Agricultural Experiment St is the public agricultural research ag oi the State oi Texas, and is one oi parts oi Texas AdtM University. IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, are l) matter departments, 3 service departments, 3 regulatory services administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultural areas of “ 20 substations and 1O field laboratories. In addition, there are 13 c‘ stations owned by other agencies. Cooperating agencies include i_ Forest Service, Game and Fish Commission of Texas, Texas Pris i U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas T v College, Texas College of Arts and Industries and the King Q experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in rural --r_ THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 450 active research projec in 25 programs, which include all phases of agriculture in Texas.’ these are: » Conservation and improvement of soil Conservation and use of water Grasses and legumes Grain crops Cotton and other fiber crops Vegetable crops Citrus and other subtropical fruits Fruits and nuts Oil seed crops Ornamental plants Brush and weeds Insects Beef cattle Dairy cattle Sheep and goats Swine Chickens and turkeys Animal diseases and par Fish and game _ Farm and ranch engin Farm and ranch busin Marketing agricultural P Rural home economics ' Rural agricultural econ,‘ Plant diseases A Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeep, and central AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH seeks the WHATS, i" WI-IYS. the WHENS. the WHERES and the HOWS, hundreds oi problems which confront operators oi -- and ranches. and the many industries depending or serving agriculture. Workers oi the Main St and the iield units oi the Texas Agricultural - I ment Station seek diligently to iind solutions to - problems.