gal/elm 24.2 @104» 1956 ' Whz/ pas/aw pa/ka/z/kzy I 3 ‘I in cooperation with the TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE and the U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. DIRECTOR. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS - ' s a L2 a: -:~ fist}; -; --~\-. "'—--“'§;iif.Ta-r.cfii_f_ g. .1‘ 1, ‘em; . ,_ 1...; <. ,. .=.~..:_»;<_- '1»: SUMMARY Experiments have been conducted since 1949 at PanTe-ch Field Laboratory near Panhandle by personnel of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas Technological College and the U. S. Department of Agriculture on wheat pasture poisoning. The condition known as wheat pasture poisoning occurs primarily in sexually mature cows which are in the late stages of pregnancy or with a calf at side. Most cases developed sometime between 60 and 150 days on wheat, and in cows which had calves under 60 days of , k age. When the level of several components of the blood serum of normal cows was compared c; with the serum of cows affected with wheat pasture poisoning, a decrease in inorganic phos- phate, total and diffusible calcium, magnesium and the albumin-globulin ratio was found in, 1 the cases. The total serum protein, globulin and possibly the potassium levels were in- creased. The wide range of values observed in the cases suggests that the blood serum findings could be the result of the effect of wheat pasture poisoning rather than the cause. . f‘; Salt, cottonseed meal, mineral mixtures, silag-e and various dry feeds, either alone or in combination, gave little or no prote-ction against wheat pasture poisoning. Presumably, acting __ as a diluent, they may lengthen the time necessary for the attack to occur. They do not, however, act as a preventive. Treating the wheat land with nitrogen or potassium fertilizers, or both, did not appreciably alter the composition of the wheat plant or the blood of cows if and ewes grazing the fertilized wheat pastures. The best treatment appears to be the injection of a calcium gluconate solution with or ; witho-ut fortification with magnesium and phosphorus. Recovery seems to be speeded by removing the cow from wheat pasture for a short time. No recurrence was observed in any 5 animal which had recovered from the initial attack. A HE WINTER WHEAT GRAZING AREA, MORE rticularly in the Texas and Oklahoma Pan- ,s, a condition develops which is known as Wheat pasture poisoning when cattle are _}.t to graze on the growing wheat plant. _ ndition is most pronounced during periods . growth with plentiful moisture. _ YMPTOMS AND OCCURRENCE l- eat pasture poisoning symptoms begin _, ndue excitement, incoordination and loss of te. As the condition progresses, viciousness, ring and falling develop. Nervousness be- 2 more apparent with muscular twitching, i’ larly of the extremities. The animal has ‘Pious expression and may grind its teeth and te profusely. The third eyelid protrudes or s as is seen in tetanus. General tetanic k: tions of the muscles follow until the animal fa state of prostration; however, a sudden or merely touching the animal will cause a . response. Next to develop are labored a ing and a pounding heart followed by a se condition. If left untreated, convulsions periods of relaxation will be seen which ter- _- in death. Six to 10 hours usually are ed from the time the first symptoms develop the animal passes into the comatose condi- _ ' If treatment is not begun before coma, there e chance of recovery. hile wheat pasture poisoning has been re- ‘t in dry cows, heifers and sheep, we have A ed this condition only in sexually mature which were pregnant or with calf at side, th. The symptoms were observed in beef, and cross-bred cows. ase histories indicated that 80 percent oc- 1+ between 60 days and 150 days on wheat f e. Thirty-three percent of the cases occur- I ter 60 to 90 days on wheat, 21 percent a the 90 to 120-day period and 26 percent g the 120 to 150-day period. The length of on wheat pasture before the illness occurred a from 8 days to 6 months. e time the cow has the attack varied from ‘fth month of pregnancy to 6 to 7 months partum. Seventy-nine percent of the cases ctively, formerly associate veterinarian, Texas Ag- = ml Experiment Station; and animal nutritionist, i: and Poultry Husbandry Research Branch, Agri- I l Research Service, U. S. Department of Agricul- and associate professor of Animal Husbandry, Tex- chnological College. ' Wfzzz/ pas/aw parka/uh; FRANK H. SIMS and H. R. CROOKSHANK* occurred in cows which had calves under 60 days of age. Seventeen percent of the calves were under 1 week, 24 percent were 1 to 2 weeks, 11 percent were 15 to 29 days and 27 percent were 3O to 60 days of age. Seven percent of the cases occurred in the last 3 months of pregnancy. The remaining 14 percent had calves over 6O days of age. POSSIBLE CAUSES Many theories have been advanced for the cause of wheat pasture poisoning, but the exact cause or the prevention is not known. Most of the early experiments were based on the theory of a disturbance in the acid-base ratio of the blood with particular reference to potassium. Among the possibilities suggested for this disturbance in acid-base ratio were: 1. The high potassium content of the wheat plant at the time of its rank growth. 2. Since the water in the Texas Panhandle is alkaline, it could augment the effect of the high potassium content of the wheat plant. 3. The wheat plant contains some substance or combination of substances which tend to make the potassium more readily available. CONTENTS Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Symptoms and Occurrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Possible Causes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grazing Studies . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Blood Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Forage Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Treatment oi Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conditions Causing Confusion . . . . . . . . . . 6 Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 4. Interference with calcium ab- sorption in the digestive tract because of the high potassium content of the wheat plant. 5. Malfunction of the parathyroid gland or hormone, or both, which would upset calcium metabolism. Caldwell and Hughes (1) suggested the theory of the malfunctioning parathyroid gland. Previously, McMillen and Langham (2) had sug- gested wheat pasture poisoning to be a complex nervous and glandular disturbance rather than a simple mineral deficiency. The possibility of the high protein content preventing calcium absorp- tion and the method of grazing also were con- sidered. GRAZING STUDIES From 194-9 through the spring of 1953, em- phasis in the grazing studies with both cows and ewes was on the addition of mineral supplements correlated with changes in the composition of the blood. Objectives of this type of study were: 1. it was highly desirable to be able to produce or to increase the production of wheat pasture poi- soning cases for laboratory study, and this was one possible procedure; 2. the possibility of the control of wheat pasture poisoning by mineral supplements presented a highly practical means of control which would be available to the ranch- man and wheat farmer. Blood changes would serve as the diagnostic tool to determine when cases might occur. The various supplements used were calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, calcium plus a urine acidifier-ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride alone, silage and calcium carbonate, silage and ammonium chloride, silage alone, calcium car- bonate and magnesium oxide, and potassium bi- carbonate. Drinking water was acidifed with hy- drochloric acid. Wheat was fertilized with nitro- gen at 50 to 200 pounds per acre, with potash and with combinations of potash and nitrogen. In addition, one group of sheep received injections of the parathyroid hormone, parathormone. One study with ewes was made using a basic ration high in protein and low in minerals to which were added the following supplements: low potassium- high magnesium, high potassium-high magnesium and high potassium and l-ow magnesium. Blood samples were taken every 28 days while the ani- mals were on experiment. During these experiments, none of the test or control animals developed Wheat pasture poi- soning, and no significant changes were observed in the composition of the blood from the control and test animals. These supplements had no effect in preventing or causing wheat pasture poisoning. Barrentine (3) at Mississippi State College has been able to produce symptoms in lactating 4 ewes similar to those of wheat pasture ~j by controlling the method of grazing win The pasture was grazed or cut short, th' group of ewes was placed on the pastu ’ oats started a rapid growth. In this m I was able to produce symptoms in a very f J When the Barrentine procedure was re PanTech Field Laboratory with both W oats, We were unable to obtain any sym blood changes. T‘ The effect of available stubble was, during the 1953-54 grazing season. , pastures were used. Both had the same of wheat pasture available and one in, grain sorghum stubble field. Forty co placed in each field. Four cases of whea : poisoning occurred in each wheat field , cases occurred in the pasture which wheat available before any developed in' bination pasture. Evidently the stubble effective only in increasing the time reqi the onset, but was ineffective as a g agent. ~+~ Since salt, mineral mixes, cottons dry feeds, silage or various combinations supplements had been suggested as a p measure, the histories of 41 cases of s‘ ture poisoning occurring during the 19 ter wheat grazing season were analyzed‘ plements (4). Table 1 gives the supple? Usually more than one supplement '; Only 2 cows received salt alone. Table" that these supplements, either alone or" nation, gave little, if any, protection. P Q by a diluting effect, they may lengthen required for the attack to occur, but prevent it. _s Because of the almost complete winter wheat in this area, no grazing stuq‘ conducted during the 1954-55 grazing g group of ewes were started in May i_ small patch of irrigated volunteer wh were placed on a simulated wheat ra October 1955 when some wheat pastu -, available. In December 1955, they We on dehydrated Wheat pellets and finally, green wheat from March until May 1956, time they had completed 1 year on gr I or a simulated wheat ration. No symp .3 observed nor were there any signifi .5 changes. I TABLE 1. SUPPLEMENTS FED DURING IN u WHEAT POISONING Mineral Cottonseed Dry .- None Saw mixtures meal feed’ q - — — — — Number of cases — —-'_, 3 4 32 3 20 ‘Salt alone. It salt is a part 0t a mineral -- included in this category. but under mineral , “Includes bundles, grain. hay or stalk field. BLOOD STUDIES lood serum samples were obtained from mber 1949 through May 1954, from 60 un- cases of wheat pasture poisoning which not complicated by other conditions. Forty- ; of this number were seen during the 1953-54 wheat grazing season. For comparative ses, 185 serum samples were obtained from __ord cows grazing winter wheat at PanTech -¢ The cows were comparable in age, condi- y d length of time on wheat with those which ttacks of wheat pasture poisoning. he following determinations were made on rum: alkaline phosphatase, in-organic phos- total calcium, diffusible calcium, magne- l total proteins, albumin, globulin and the in-globulin ratio. Analytical results are ed in Table 2 (5). g e data indicates a decrease in inorganic hate, total and diffusible calcium, magne- »- and the albumin-globulin ratio, while the q proteins, globulin and possibly the potas- "levels increased in wheat pasture poisoning. se of the extreme variation found in the ne phosphatase of the normal cows, it was gssible to make any comparison of this com- t. In addition to the values given in Table ‘mited number of determinations were made ‘e serum sugar, carbon dioxide combining ,, hematocrit, sedimentation rate and the red hite blood cell counts. No significant varia- found in any of these components. The brange of values observed in the cases sug- that the blood serum findings could be the , of the effect of wheat pasture poisoning _ _r than the cause. FORAGE ANALYSIS ' hemical analyses of the growing wheat plant ibegun at the start of the 1953-54 winter __ grazing season, and were continued through 5. Analyses were made for ash, crude pro- nitrogen x 6.25), calcium, magnesium, phos- s, potassium and sodium. i imples of the growing wheat plant were ‘ from pastures where wheat pasture poison- ‘ad occurred and from pastures where this condition had not been observed. No significant differences in composition were found in the wheat from the two types of pasture. There were certain differences in composition depending on the age of the plant. These differences are discussed in more detail later in this bulletin. Since some of the theories as to the cause of wheat pasture poisoning were concerned with the high potassium and protein contents of the growing wheat plant, a series of plots were treated with nitrogen or potassium, or both, with one plot which was not fertilized serving as a control. The nitrogen treatment varied up to 200 pounds per acre, while all potassium treated p-lots received 50 pounds of potassium per acre. Samples of growing plants were taken at weekly intervals from the time the plants were tall enough to clip until they started to head. No differences in com- position were found among the various te-st plots regardless of the fertilizer treatment. This was first observed on single samples taken from larger plots. a In another study, wheat was planted at inter- vals of 2 weeks and samples were taken as soon as the plants could be clipped. Forty days elapsed from the time the first sample from the first planting was taken until the first sample from the last planting was taken. Differences in the crude protein, phosphorus and potassium levels in samples taken the same day were noted. However, when samples were compared with regard to the time since planting, these differences almost com- pletely disappeared. The younger plants had higher contents of crude protein, phosphorus and potassium. There was little variation in the cal- cium, magnesium and sodium levels. This same pattern was observed in oats and rye. Oats had four to five times the sodium content of either wheat or rye. Blood composition studies were made on cat- tle and sheep grazing the experimental pastures. No changes from ‘the normal blood serum levels were observed in any of the fertilized pasture grazing studies. Since no significant change in plant composition had been observed, this lack of change in the blood is not surprising. ’ Several varieties of winter wheat were ana- lyzed to see if strain or variety dIffGTGIICGS» could 2. BSLOOD SERUM-VALUES FOR NORMAL COWS AND COWS SUFFERING FROM WHEAT PASTURE POISONING Wheat pasture poisoning cases Normal Hereford cows . . Differences in Item ~ means and Range Mean and Range Mean and probable errors High Low std. dev. High Low std. dev. ’ p phosphatase, Bod. units 11.5 0.6 4.23(2-1l) 45-5 0-3 5496-73) Z-17(0.40) 'c phosphate. mg./ 100 ml. 13.3 1.2 4.33(2.3'5) 8.9 1.5 5.56(l.56) l.23(0.22) ‘calcium. mg./ 100 ml. 15.1 3.3 6.68( 1.12) 12.4 9.4 11.08(0.67) 5.40(0.11) 74- calcium. mg./ 100 ml. 5.2 1.3 2.61(0.77) 5.8 3.9 4.93(0.45) 2.32(0.07) ‘ ‘um. mg./ 100 ml. 3.2 0.4 1.35(0.73) 2.8 1.0 2.05(0.25) 0.70‘(0.07) um, mg./100 ml. 47.0 12.3 23.4 (8.3) 26.5 14.1 19.7 (2.2) 3.70(0.92) . protein. gm./ 100 ml. 10.71 6.58 8.07(0.77) 9.10 6.44 7.35(0.45) 0.72(0.07) I . gm./ 100 m1. 5.38 2.35 4.00(0.54) 5.20 3.67 4.38(0.24) 0.38(0.05) ' gm./ 100 ml. 6.14 2.82 4.11(0.70) 5.20 1.95 2.97(0.53) 1.14(0.07) ' l ‘lglobulin ratio, globulin = 1: 1.63 0.40 1.02(0.24) 2.44 0.71 1.63(0.29) 0.61(0.03) be observed. None was observed either in plant composition or in the blood levels of animals grazing the wheat. This wasconfirmed by the case histories of actual cases. Outbreaks occur- red without regard to the strain of wheat or time of planting. Deijs and Wind (6) and Brouwer (7) from the Netherlands have suggested the possibility of the ratio of certain minerals in the plant as a possible cause of grass tetany. The minerals were potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. They observed changes in certain of these ratios in for- age when cases of grass tetany developed in the Netherlands. However, when these same ratios were calculated for Oklahoma and Texas wheat, all of the samples, regardless of any incidence of wheat pasture poisoning, had ratios which were close to those found by Deijs and Wind at the time grass tetany was prevalent. A few exploratory tests were made of the wheat plant for alkaloids and similar substances. Tests were made on the who-le plant, the sap ex- pressed by placing the plant under 8 tons of pressure, and on the residue from the pressing. None of the general screening tests used gave definite positive tests. It is felt, however, that further work of this nature might be of value. TREATMENT OF CASES During the period covered by these studies, the basic treatment for Wheat pasture poisoning has been the intravenous and intraperitoneal in- jection of a calcium gluconate solution. For im- mediate response, the injection is given intraven- ously; for slower utilization and prolonged protec- tion, the intraperitoneal route is preferred. We .have "found that the need of a second treatment can be reduced if the preparation con- tains at least 17 percent calcium gluconate. ‘Until 1953, treatment with calcium gluconate alone and leaving the cow on pasture was a satisfactory method. In the 1953 outbreak, best results were obtained with calcium gluconate preparations which were fortified with magnesium and phos- phorus plus placing the cow on dry feed for a few days. Commercial preparations of the forti- fied and unfortified calcium gluconate are readily available. Among other treatments tested were injec- tions of thiamine hydrocloride and of dextrose, and drenches of sodium propionate and an organic calcium preparation-sodium and calcium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid. They either had no effect or were inferior to the .‘ gluconate preparations. I The suggested method of treatment‘ the injection of a calcium gluconate pre Our practice has been to give 500 ml. intra ly for immediate effect, followed by 500 ? peritoneally for prolonged protection. Th venous injection should be given slowly . l‘ fully, since an injection made too fast fatal. Because of the effect on the w; intravenous injection should be given at. rate so as to increase respiration. only c‘ It also increases salivation. The time s for intravenous treatment may vary fro 45 minutes, depending on the reaction of r No special precautions, other than to , the needle is in the peritoneal cavity,~ar sary in intraperitoneal treatment. The is absorbed slowly into the blood stream =v not produce the side effects noted when r venous treatment is used. 1 If a treatment was given during the i hours of the symptoms, recovery usually» ~~ and uneventful. If 8 to 12 hours ela , w treatment, recovery generally was dou slow, regardless of the type of treatm some cases, the animal would get to her f i, the first treatment but would go back a a matter of hours. No recurrence of w ture poisoning was observed in any ani '_ had recovered sufficiently from the init' to stay on her feet for 24 hours. CONDITIONS CAUSING CO Other maladies have been confu " wheat pasture poisoning and many invesg were made of what were thought to be ‘I calves, steers and cows. The most comm tion causing confusion has been spinose; infestation with incoordination closely that seen in wheat pasture poisoning‘. ease, or Clostridium novyi infection, s l.” confined to sheep, has accounted for m w; of both yearling and mature cattle grazi This diagnosis was confirmed by bac - culture and animal inoculation. '- though a separate condition, has been ~F Some other conditions which have u taken for wheat pasture poisoning are: = ~g in mature cows, prussic acid poisoning v ing bundles or grazing nearby stalk fie _ monia and shipping fever, milk fever, breeds of cattle, “water belly” or urin » in young steers and contagious abortio‘ —all of which were grazing wheat. LITERATURE CITED A Suggested Explanation for the Action of Mineral Elements on Nerve Irritability, Caldwell, M. J. and J. G. Hughes, J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 106, 298 (1945). Grazing Winter Wheat with Special Reference to the Mineral Blood Picture, McMillen, W. N. and W. Lang- ham, J. Animal Sci., 1, 14 (1942). Grass Tetany in Sheep Grazing Winter Forages, Bar- rentine, B. F. and E. G. Morrison, Proc. Assoc. S Agric. Workers, 64 (1953). Personal communications 1953 and 1954, Barrentine, B. F. Wheat Pasture Poisoning in Cattle, Sims, F. H. and H. R. Crookshank, Texas Agric. Expt. Sta. Progress Rpt. 1739 (1954). Serum Values in Wheat Pasture Poisoning Cases, Crookshank, H. R. and F. H. Sims, J. Animal Sci., 14, 964 (1955). Personal communication 1952, Deijs, W. B. and J. Wind. On the Base Excess, the Alkaline Alkalinity, the Alka- line Earth Alkalinity and the Mineral Ratios in Grass and Hay with Reference to Grass Tetany and Other Disorders in Cattle, Brouwer, E., British Vet. J., 108, 123 (1952). w bl n ‘n ‘s! State-wide Researc The Texas Agricultural Experiment Statij is the public agricultural research agen, oi the State oi Texas. and is one oi ' parts oi the Texas AétM College Syste a Location oi iield research units in Texas main- tained by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies ' IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, are 16 subject-matter departments, 2 departments, 5 regulatory services ‘and the administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultural of Texas are 21 substations and 9 field laboratories‘. {In addition, there are 14 cooperating stations by other agencies, including the Texas Forest Service, the Game and Fish Commission of Texas, the Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas Technological College and the King Ranch. i. experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in rural homes. RESEARCH BY THE TEXAS STATION is organized by programs and projects. A program of research’ sents a coordinated effort to solve the many problems relating to a common objective or situation. search project represents the procedures for attacking a specific problem within a program. THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 550 active research projects, grouped in 25 programs w ' clude all phases of agriculture in Texas. Among these are: conservation and improvement of so' servation and use of water in agriculture; grasses and legumes for pastures, ranges, hay, conservati improvement of soils; grain crops; cotton and other fiber crops; vegetable crops; citrus and other s j cal fruits, fruits and nuts; oil seed crops—other than cotton; ornamental plants—including turf; br weeds; insects; plant diseases; beef cattle; dairy cattle; sheep and goats; swine; chickens and turk mal diseases and parasites fish and game on farms and ranches; farm and ranch engineering; fa ranch business; marketing agricultural products; rural home economics; and rural agricultural eco Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeep, and central services. RESEARCH RESULTS are carried to Texas farm and ranch owners and homemakers by specialists and agents of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.