' Bullelin Z51 A/oaemfim r954 ' Water Evaporation Studiex ' In T exas uo n30 LEGEND INCHES 73 = EVAPORATION O STAHONS 28=RAlNFALL (EXAMPLE) °%% ————— ——= RAINFA LL = EVAPORATION i8- Isogram showing the relationship and comparison of evapor- ation losses from free-water surfaces and rainfall in Texas. in cooperation with the TEXAS BOARD OF WATER ENGINEERS and the U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIUN - - - TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIUN SERVICE College Station, Texas A L E G E N D; Cooperative Evaporation Stations Weather Bureau Evaporation Stations international Boundary Commission A Evaporation Stations Figure 1. Location of cooperative, Weather Bureau and Inter national Boundary Commission evaporation stations in For detailed information on each location, see the facing page. " _"l'ION OF COOPERATIVE. WEATHER BUREAU AND INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION ‘l EVAPORATION STATIONS IN TEXAS. AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 1. ON FACING PAGE Name County Elevation Latitude Longitude Location COOPERATIVE EVAPORATION STATIONS Amarillo Potter 3.795 35° 10' 102° 05' 14 mi. W oi Amarillo Angleton Brazoria 27 29° 12' 95° 23' 4 mi. NE oi Angleton Balmorhea Reeves 3.225 31° 00' 103° 41' 4 mi. E oi Balmorhea Beaumont Ieiierson 30 30° 04' 94° 17' 10 mi. W oi Beaumont Beeville Bee 225 28° 27' 97° 42' 5 mi. E oi Beeville Big Spring Howard 2.528 32° 15' 101° 27' 1 mi. N oi Big Spring Blaoklands Expt. Watershed McLennan 450 31° 29" 96° 53' 1 mi. E oi Riesel Buchanan Dam (1) Travis 1.025 30° 44' 98° 25' 10 mi. W oi Burnet Chillicothe Hardeman 1.406 34° 17' 99° 29' 5 mi. SW oi Chillicothe College Station Brazos 308 30° 36' 96° 20' 8 mi. SW oi College Station Dalhart Dallam 3.993 36° 01' 102° 35' Denton Denton 621 33° 15' 97° 11' 4 mi. W oi Denton Iowa Park Wichita 978 33° 55' 98° 39' 2 mi. S oi Iowa Park Lake Kickapoo (2) Archer 1.045 33° 40' 98° 47' 26 mi. SW oi Wichita Falls Lubbock Lubbock 3.242 33° 35' 101° 48' 3 mi. E oi Lubbock Mansfield Dam (1) Travis 550 30° 22' 97° 55' 15 mi. NW oi Austin Nacogdoches Nacogdoches 435 31° 36' 94° 38' 2 mi. N oi Nacogdoches Possum Kingdom Dam (3) Palo Pinto 1.142 32° 52' 98° 26' 20 mi. NW oi Mineral Wells Prairie View Waller 254 30° 08' 46° 09' Prairie View [San Antonio Bexar 539 29° 09' 98° 21' 6 mi. S oi San Antonio ' Sonora Sutton 3.600 30° 16' 100° 35' 28 mi. S oi Sonora Spur Dickens 2.300 33° 29' 100° 52' 1 mi. W oi Spur Temple Bell 660 31° 03' 97° 21' 2 mi. S oi Temple Tortuga Ranch (4) Maverick 793 28° 43' 100° 24' 5 mi. E oi Eagle Pass Troup Smith 484 32° 20' 95° 17' 10 mi. NE oi Tyler at Lindale Tyler Smith 550 32° 27' 95° 22' l0 mi. NE oi Tyler at Lindale Weslaco Hildago 80 26° 09' 97° 58' 2 mi. E oi Weslaco William Harris Reservoir (5) Brazoria 40 29° 15' 95° 33' 3 mi. W oi Chenango Winter Haven Dimmit 596 28° 38' 99° 52' 5 mi. S oi Crystal City Ysleta E1 Paso 3.652 31° 42' 106° 19' 5 mi. E oi Ysleta WEATHER BUREAU EVAPORATION STATIONS Austin Travis 615 30° 18' 97° 42' Airport. Austin Del Rio Val Verde 1.091 29° 22' 100° 49' Del Rio Airport (Denison Dam (6) Grayson 613 33° 49' 96° 34' Dilley Frio 569 28° 40' 99° 10' Fort Stockton Pecos 2.925 30° 34' 102° 52' Grandialls Pecos 2.436 31° 15' 102° 53' Laredo Webb 500 27° 32' 99° 28' Red Bluii Dam Reeves 2.800 31° 54' 103° 55' INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION EVAPORATION STATIONS Dryden Terrell 2.800 30° 08' 102° 10' W edge oi Dryden Y Falcon Dam Zapata 311 26° 35' 99° 10' " A Fort McIntosh Webb 438 27° 40' 99° 30' Laredo it Iohnson Ranch Brewster 2.100 29° 05' 103° 25' Maravillus Brewster 1.760 29° 30' 102° 50' Presidio Presidio 2.594 29° 30' 104° 25' _In cooperation with Lower Colorado River Authority. Austin. ‘fln cooperation with Water Department. City oi Wichita Falls. In cooperation with Brazos River Conservation and Reclamation District. Mineral Wells. ‘In cooperation with Maverick County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1. Eagle Pass. lln cooperation with Dow Chemical Co., Freeport. ‘iln cooperation with Corps oi Army Engineers. CONTENTS Acknowledgments Introduction ._ Importance of Evaporation Data Types of Evaporation Pans Bureau of Plant Industry Pan Young Screen Pan Weather Bureau Pan .... _. Square Ground Pan Meteorological Equipment Required ____ __ Anemometer ______ _- ‘ Thermometers Psychrometer (Whirling Type)_-_--,- _- Hygrothermograph eeee __ Rain Gage Instrument Shelter Wind Direction Vane .... _- . Fence Enclosure .... __ Standardized Evaporation and Meteorological Stations Coefficients ._ Tabulated Data . Summarized Meteorological Data Evaporation Data Rainfall Data Evaporation Coefficients Literature Cited Appendix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A Data used in this bulletin came from the records of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas Board of Water Engineers, Soil and Water Conservation Research Branch of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau of the x. U. S. Department of Commerce, American Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, Lower Colorado River Authority, Brazos River Authority, Dow Chemical Company and the Water Department of the City of Wichita Falls. ERABLE DATA HAVE BEEN GATHERED IN Fover the years 0n evaporation rates from I ter surfaces. Some of the data have never ublished. Some have been published by federal and state agencies but many of blications are out of print and, therefore, p readily available for general use. 's bulletin contains a complete compilation , own data on water evaporation in Texas. - contains information on proper installation eration of evaporation stations, and dis- 1 procedures and coefficients to use in con- f pan evaporation losses to natural lake or foir losses. ORTANCE OF EVAPORATION DATA aporation data and their use are as impor- rainfall and other meteorological records. ount of such data available is small in j, ison with rainfall, temperature and rela- midity records that have been obtained at stations throughout the United States dur- De past century. Evaporation is the most nt single meteorological factor affecting l ation of rain upon which man, animal , nt life depend so much for their existence. portion of rainfall is dissipated by evap- }| losses from free-Water and soil surfaces, {transpiration losses from plant growth and osses. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as 1916 recognized the importance of V: tion data and established evaporation sta- _, some of its field units. At that time there E ly one evaporation station being operated s by the U. S. Weather Bureau, while 228 ‘lstations were in operation. i usefulness of evaporation data is recog- gby reservoir operators who are attempting rmine their evaporation losses. Its value i recognized by administrators and investi- in regions where water rights are in dis- cally or where interstate Water supply and id are not in balance. Valley or basin igations, to determine the proper division a existing supply between contending users, ust consider evaporation losses. l tively, irrigation engineer, Texas Board of Water eers, formerly irrigation engineer, Soil and Water rvation Research Branch, Agricultural Research _ , U. S. Department of Agriculture; vice director, ‘ Agricultural Experiment Station; and statistical 'sor, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. , Water Evaporation Studies in Texas DEAN W. BLOODGOOD, R. E. PATTERSON and R. L. SMITH, JR.* Much of the present irrigated agriculture of Texas has been made possible by the impounding of flood Waters. The future progress of irrigated agriculture also will depend on this water. Stor- age dams conserve a water supply for direct benefits to mankind that otherwise might be wasted. Reservoirs must be designed for a carry- over supply from Wet years for use during years of water deficiency. During these periods, part of the carryover is lost by evaporation. Studies of evaporation from storage reservoir indicate that for long periods of deficient stream flow, reservoirs may yield, for useful purposes, as little as 50 percent of the total Water impounded—the remainder is lost by evaporation. High evaporation losses from farm reservoirs and stock ponds often eliminate such structures as a useful and economic carryover reservoir. Evaporation is the natural process of changing Water into vapor. The vapor is invisible most of the time but can be seen when “steam” is rising from water or ground surfaces under certain meteorological conditions. It is especially notice- able in some localities from lakes or free-Water surfaces about sunrise. The rate of evaporation of water depends on the temperature of the water, the temperature of the air that is in contact with the water, the amount of Water vapor already in the air and velocity of the wind. Dry air has a greater capacity for absorbing moisture than moist air; hence, evaporation increases under conditions of low humidity. Wind increases evap- oration from water surfaces by replacing moist air over the water with dried air moving in from a distance. Evaporation increases as tempera- tures increase. In general, relatively low evapora- tion occurs in the coastal areas and high evapora- tion occurs in the places of high temperatures, low humidity and high Winds. Usually, evaporation losses from a reservoir cannot be measured directly because of unknown amounts of water entering or leaving the reser- voir. Therefore, research studies are necessary to determine the relationship between evaporation from small containers, which are measurable, and from large bodies of water which are not directly measurable. Most of the evaporation data now recorded are obtained from small galvanized pans and by hook-gage measurement at regular intervals. Al- lowance is made for any rain falling in the pan and the net results give the actual depth of evap- oration for the period of measurement. Since evaporation from small pans varies directly as evaporation from large reservoirs, evaporation LEEENQ l-COTTON-REGION TYPE INSTRUMENT SHELTER 2-u.s. WEATHER BUREAU _- (standard support and equipment) EVAPORATION PAN _3_-U.$- DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE DIVISION OF IRRIGATION EVAPORATION PA N i-BUREAU or PLANT IN- DUSTRY EVAPORATION PAN _5_-STANDARD a" RAlNGAGE _5_-REcoRama RAINGAGE l-ANEMOMETER _q_-s"rll_l.wEl_l_s flfllii No specifications on moxi- mum size of enclosure, nor on shape (when larger than 25' feet square). Hence no maxi- mum distances shown from fence to _l_,_§,g, and g Gate must be at least 31o" wide, 41o" to 41s" lllqll; must have facilities for secure latching, (locking where necessary); and must be as rodent proof as the fence. Fence must be 410" to 416" woven wire, and have at least as many posts as shown. There are to be no small fences or wire around gr agar" the BPI ground 00ft If: 2510" MINIMUM % E E “l 31o" MIN. I all? zusko" *—?.13.' .i_ .§. s10" mm —"_" $ 6|- Oil N ‘g1 o» RANGE 5'_ o" \,\Door to South X’ a 1. A i w I 1+ Htofllldlorftl“ SI-O" RANGE 4|‘ on ' n Gglooll E 4 ' O RANGE G 5'- MIN. , s'-o" mm s1 o" "_mm —“I L e d JL MILLS. and other local pests. v The observer should a screen net to dip strain out foreign mat: from the BPl pan. The top (cutting e’ the recording raingage I“ 436" above ground lev top of standard raingag 31s" a The center line of I anemometer cups must ‘ at least 5" above the '_ of the USWB pan. I’ A full area surface.) water shall be maintained I} a depth of at least 6". This means the walls of pan must be clean as as the actual water surf All animals and insects v be promptly ' The rim of the gro pans (and stillwells) protrude 3" above ground level The water surface the pans shall be main- tained at ground level below rim) as a maxim height, and at 6" below, rim as a minimum hei This means that the should add water when I oration has lowered the J surface below ground le and dip out water when» rain has raised surface removed. above ground level. , Evaporation readings t0 HOOP 0U‘ PQYOOIIQ‘ 0nd sho" be fake" f0 fhe n "°"' '5""°"‘°"~ ‘I "'°" STANDARD EVAPORATION STATION est o.oi" width of partially buried v2" mesh around the fence base (PIOI PIG") land gate) will largely lieep TEXAS BOARD OF WATER ENGINEERS out rats, mice, frogs, snalies m coopfluno" “n” US. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF IRRIGATION AND TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION if; l i l A standardized evaporation and meteoro- logical station at one of the cooper- ating stations. The instrument shelter is located in the northwest portion of the enclosure. Looking towards the west.. Texas agricultural experiment stations. Figure 2. Plans and specifications and installation of a standardized evaporation and meteorological station at one of l large areas may be estimated by applying roper coefficient to pan records. Evapora- from reservoirs or ponds may be considered w residual factor in the summation of the 2 of inflow to and outflow from the reservoir, ding bank storage, rain on the water area fchanges in the volume of the water stored. ' total is sometimes referred to as “gross” “ration as it is the actual loss from lake or v oir. Gross evaporation minus the rainfall led “net” evaporation, a term indicating the oss in storage resulting from evaporation .= and precipitation gains. Net evaporation be a minus quantity. Gross evaporation al- ‘v of the 0.70 value. 3 use and Ierifll 19c) of ‘ is ge 0| the be ce for ! 11o ; e earliest evaporation studies were made by ‘tion Investigations, Office of Experiment ns, U. S. Department of Agriculture, in 1905 dealt mostly with evaporation losses from a (1). Evaporation studies from water sur- V. were made in Denver in 1915 (2). Appar- l, this was the first attempt to determine the cteristic evaporation rates from different i Each pan and type was found to have a a ent rate of loss. Two of these studied were foot diameter pan, 3 feet deep set in the d, and a standard Weather Bureau pan, 4 n diameter by 10 inches deep, set on timbers e ground surface. Evaporation from the t pan was found to be 0.70 of that from a her Bureau pan. Such ratios are termed 'cients, and as evaporation differs according ‘- size of the pan, there is a different coef- 't for each size and type according to whether l. are circular or square, set in the ground, j g on water surface or on the ground sur- is positive. of the well Mace. musl und ould Id :6 in n. l u" num )Vl ight . >server evap- e level, m 11201- veral years later, Rohwer and Parshall, be- n intensive study at Fort Collins, Colorado, fl; largely with evaporation from an 85-foot ter copper-lined reservoir (3). Measure- y; from a Weather Bureau pan were made neously. The coefficient for conversion poration from the Weather Bureau pan to ration from the reservoir averaged 0.70 i was the same value resulting from the r study. As a result, a subcommittee of the “can Society of Civil Engineers recommend- this value be adopted for the conversion poration from a standard Weather Bureau , equivalent evaporation from a larger body ‘ r. More recent studies made in California exas indicate the average coefficients to be ently higher, averaging 0.76 to 0.78 in- TYPES OF EVAPORATION PANS of Plant Industry Pan ,f th is was the first pan generally used in the o» States for recording evaporation losses small galvanized tanks. The first records < s with the use of this pan were made about t the Bureau of Plant Industry experiment stations. When the Texas Agricultural Experi- ment Station established substations throughout Texas, this type of pan was adopted. As a result, there are more installations and records in Texas for this type than for any other type of evapora- tion pan. According to the standard specification, this type of pan is made of 22-gage galvanized iron, 6 feet in diameter by 24 inches in depth and set 20 inches in the ground with the water surface in the pan at ground level, as shown in Figure 3. Measurement of water loss is made with a hook gage in an outside stilling well. Because this pan is set in the ground and contains a greater volume of water than the Weather Bureau pan, its water temperature is cooler during the day and warmer during the night. Evaporation is lower than that from the more exposed Weather Bureau type pan. Young Screen Pan This type of pan (formerly known as the Division of Irrigation screen pan) was first used in 1936. It is gaining prominence because of its high coefficient as compared with other types of pans and because of other favorable factors (5,6). This type pan has been adopted as a standard by the American Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, and by the Texas Agri- cultural Experiment Station for future installa- tion and records. The pan is made of 22-gage galvanized iron, 2 feet in diameter by 3 feet deep covered with a screen and set in the ground to a depth of 33 inches. Water levels are maintained at ground surface and measurements of depths-of evapora- tion are made with a hook gage in an outside stilling well. The screen is made of galvanized hardware cloth with one-fourth inch mesh and suspended horizontally in the pan midway be- tween the rim and water surface, as shown in Figure 4. Experiments are being carried on at the Del Rio and Laredo stations in cooperation with the International Boundary and Water Commission and the Weather Bureau where stainless steel alloy is used instead of galvanized material in the construction of this type of pan. One year’s data at Laredo indicate that evaporation losses from the galvanized and stainless steel pans are practi- cally the same. The stainless steel pan is highly resistant to corrosion and will have a much longer life than the galvanized pan. If pan evaporation could be reduced to an amount equivalent to that from a lake or reser- voir, no reduction factor would be necessary for estimating reservoir evaporation from pan meas- A urements. Experiments with the Young screen pan under different climatic conditions in South- ern California and elsewhere indicated a conver- sion coefficient of near unity. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY EVAPORATION PAN TEXAS BOARD OF WATER ENGINEERS m COOPERATION WITH U.S.DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF IRRIGATION AND TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Fitted still i"xl"xi/8"galvanized iron angle band (riveted) l/4" clearance at-outting edge well cap tram angle iron bond I 1 .____ _ll___ ______ Maintenance at water level // Outside pipe threaded an extra to ground level as a maximum l"-il/2" and protruded through flange for attachment at tiret inside elbow SIDE I \All flanges, pipe, e tittlnge tor 3/4" ‘A I .9 \22 gage galvanized iron\’\ i I- I id I‘ 6'0 l)'I:m:ter ‘ 'I i‘: l'x i/e‘ galvanized Diameter 3" or 4', dependent m.“ "on on type at gage ueed "MI All tiangee, fittings, and pipe tar 3/4" .1- Stili well cap PARTIAL PLAN Ififlfifi" ' l. l- 1-7 A standard installation and maintenance a of a Bureau of Plant Industry type of evaporation pan. " Figure 3. Plans and specifications for a Bureau of Plant Industry evaporation pan. U.S. WEATHER BUREAU STANDARD EVAPORATION PAN TEXAS BOARD OF WATER ‘ENGINEERS IN aoonnnnon Irfl-l U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF IRRIGATION All) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ~ llfnl‘ galvanized may lven a, band Illveledl IA‘ clearance al culling edge 1/8": l" galvanized elrap Iron band Water level Inalnlalned la ivan band irlveledl} l 3" ham pan rim ae a 3- a maximum nelgnl —'”2__-q>__ i i 1.1.. i .__. u‘ drain .$_|Q.§ | |- VATI I PMS} \\\\—\\\\\—\\\\—\\"n—\\\\—\\\—\\\\ f. l-=—v--+-+=+~-l j _ _ 41 o" Slanaava ellllwell Oalnanal ellllwell (an ellllwell :_ plane) l: epolled lo lne 9°" “m Pan aniline/l i; - -- i _\~ ._ _ -__ I ‘J l/ X ._ z/ \ as h" 7 ' ' ' " \ The pan is conslvucled oI 22 gage / galvanized iron malarial with o _ ___________ __ ______ ____ __\_ bronze or galvanized drain plug flange -/- i‘ - - ‘i - - —'- -* "'-‘ "" \ 4'0 I5 l: " + I la \ ————i——r-i— —>——1—- I LL. l 1 ~1~+- E l0“ vusloe ozwm IA" clearance o1 \ V8" l" slap band eumnl “l! . ‘ ' 1i T—""'"'—"—"t—""- ls’: I | 3/4" drain plug |-—|s 5"—-l-—|s 5"—-I-—|5 5“—-| L-L-TA" “R9 flllofil P-LAI! Dimension _|_1_braod vldln a! I 2:4 Iaaplal. 3 58') sls- so A standard installation of the Weather Bureau type of evaporation pan at one of the cooperating stations. The ganemometer is supported on a wooden platform in the northwest corner and the center of the cups are approximately 1.75 feet above ground surface. Figure 4. Plans and specifications for a Weather Bureau Class A evaporation land pan. Weather Bureau Pan The Weather Bureau type pan first came into use in the Western States about 1916. Evapora- tion records from using this pan are the most numerous of any single type of pan now used in the West. As a result, these records are valuable for comparative study. The Weather Bureau pan is 4 feet in diameter by 10 inches deep and mounted on a set of 2 x 4- inch timbers that permit circulation of air be- neath the pan, as shown in Figure 5. The pan is constructed of 22-gage galvanized iron. A stilling well in the pan permits measurement by hook gage. Depth of water in the pan should not be less than 7 nor more than 8 inches. Since it is exposed above the ground and receives the full effect of the sun and Wind, water in the Weather Bureau pan warms up rapidly in the morning and cools rapidly after sundown. During the daytime, evaporation from this type pan exceeds that of any other evaporation pan in common use. Square Ground Pan The square ground pan, sometimes known as the Colorado pan, was first used at the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station about 1890. In some parts of the United States it has been in continuous use since that time. It appears to have the longest record of any evaporation pan known but has not been in common use in Texas. It was used, however, in connection with rice irri- gation studies made in Liberty county during 1901-03. The pan also has been used at the Black- lands Experimental Watershed near Riesel. The pan is made of 18-gage galvanized iron, 3 feet square by 18 inches deep and set 14 inches in the ground with the water held at ground level, as shown in one of the pictures of Figure 9. METEOROLOGICAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Since evaporation varies with atmospheric changes, each standardized station should have instruments for recording the influencing meteor- ologic data, such as wind movement, maximum and minimum temperatures, humidity and precip- itation. Anemometer The anemometer used for recording wind movement should be set at the northwest corner of the 2 x 4’s supporting the Weather Bureau pan where it will not throw shadows on the pan. When only the Young screen pan is used, the anemometer should be installed on the ground and in the same relative location as for the Weather Bureau pan. The center of the anemometer cups should be 21 inches above the surface of the ground. Thermometers Thermometers of the recording maximum and minimum Weather Bureau type should be kept 10 in a standard shelter about 5 feet above‘ ground. The standardized station should con a thermograph for continuous temperature-c cordings but thermometers are essential ' periodic checking of the thermograph. Fro‘ practical standpoint, recording temperature ~’ i to increments less than a full degree is not 1 sirable. 3 Psychrometer (Whirling Type) The psychrometer is used to measure the r tive humidity of the air. Relative humi records were obtained at the Texas experi “f l stations for many years by using the Whirl ‘ type psychrometer. It was considered the “j convenient and the most generally used. Rela v humidity observations were made at most of p i experiment stations one to three times a n ¢ The relative humidity records were for an app 1 l imate specified time or times each day and i l not measure the highest or lowest humidity i i any particular day. Mean relative humidity tained from one to three observations daily is 2 as accurate as that obtained from continu l hygrothermograph records. i l Hygrothermograph This type of instrument, which is gradu i replacing the whirling type psychrometer at . experiment stations and other standardized Z tions, continuously records both relative humi and temperature. With the use of this ins ; ment, temperature and relative humidity reco can be obtained for any time of the day or ni Simultaneous records of temperature and rela humidity are made on parallel sections of the s chart, thus making possible ready comparison these inversely related functions. The hygroth mograph is placed in a standard instrum shelter along with the maximum and minim thermometers. The American Section of i International Boundary and Water Commiss has adopted the hygrothermograph as its l_ instrument for recording relative humidity t, temperature data. Rain Gage A standard 8-inch Weather Bureau type rt gage is used at each of the standardized statio Records obtained by using this gage are essen in determining actual water losses from evapo tion pans. , A continuous recording rain gage also is a at each standardized station. This instrument useful in recording the intensity and time rainfall. Instrument Shelter The standard instrument shelter adopted; known as a cotton region type. It is used I housing and protecting the maximum and m mum thermometer and the hygrothermogra The shelter house, 2 feet 6M1, inches x 1 f S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE (DIVISIO n 0f Irrigation) PAN TEXAS some or WATER ENGINEERS IN COOPERATION WITH SCREEN PROFILE DETAIL U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF IRRIGATION "m" o“ o’ ‘out bongo") AND TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tubing to mum“, hook should be of rubber --» Hanger hook (welded ‘I "1 I" galvanized lfi4"cledrance at I I12" ta Inside screen Fitted etill well iltrap iron band cutting edge cg‘) I IO 807080 IIOOD) f eted) ‘ ltram band I IR | V2" ‘\ f j’ ____ __- GI “mp I14“ mesh cloth 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..__ ._____.._--i.__...__ 5 —I "°"d' No.4 Ive") galvanized wire hoop -——- -——- -— 1- (riveted) Maintenance of water le.vel ‘iV to ground level ae a maximum Io. Pa" W0" (22 9°99 OI) r I4‘ / i" 4 Screen hangers at quarter points 4" .. 1 IA Ineeh hardware cloth soldered to 5w E No.4 (l/B") galvanized \ 6. wire hoop ‘f: All etlll well pipe, 22 qeqe galvanized iron flfflnqg. find ,//1//// \\§§\\ flanges for 3fi4' -——————24"-—'é‘rii¥ém ~ Diameter 3" or 4", \\\ Still well cap dependent an type W" Wm” iflimnninwd J.:.||. r-la-eo A standardized installation of a Young (Division of Irrigation) screened ground pan that is installed at one of is the cooperating stations. Some minor ,d 1 revisions have been made in the con- ' i struction of this pan. is >f '1?!) ._-v I u t Figure 5. Plans and specifications for a Young screen evaporation pan. ll A standardized evaporation and meteoro- logical station at Possum Kingdom Dam. This station has good exposure to any _factors from water in the lake and it is about l5 feet above spillway crest of dam. A portion of the dam (concrete wall) is about 20o feet to the east and 25 feet higher than the station. The standardized evaporation station at“, Possum Kingdom Dam is located on the projection of land.that extends into t lake near the far end of dam as indicat by arrow. The exposure to the natural elements is good. A standardized evaporation and meteoro- logical station at Buchanan Dam.. _The station is well exposed to any factors occuring from the lake waters which_ might influence evaporation losses 1n the pans . ‘Y. Figure 6. Standardized evaporation stations adjacent to lakes. i! ches and 2 feet 8 inches high, is a wooden a nsisting of louvered sides. The louvered ; allow freedom of air movement throughout x at all times. The box is supported upon ng rigid wooden stand 4 feet above the "ll and firmly anchored in the ground to f» the house from toppling over during a windstorms. The standard height of the f is 6 feet 9 inches above ground and the f- floor supporting the hygrothermograph ‘feet 6 inches above ground. The thermo- i~ are usually about 1 foot from the floor f. box. The standard location for the instru- shelter is in the northwest corner of the 1 area. ye purpose of the shelter is to screen off the 5 and -=~reflected sunshine and the radiation d from the sky, as well as protecting the l ments from tampering and vandalism. q Direction Vane ind direction vanes are not standard equip- but some stations have been equipped with Enclosure me protection is necessary for the open type i poration pans and the meteorological in- tents. A woven wire fence enclosure is nec- ~ to prevent animals from drinking water pans and thereby making the evaporation a inaccurate. It is not necessary, however, _ ll a rodent or animal proof fence where _e Young screen pan is used, since the wire qaqscreen prevents any losses by animals. STANDARDIZED EVAPORATION AND METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS _ e Texas Board of Water Engineers first lized the need for better and comprehensive "ytion data in 1941. An era of construction 1., impounding lakes or reservoirs was ini- qj, about this time, creating a demand for ccurate and reliable data on evaporation from free-water surfaces. Coefficients for ion of evaporation losses from various ‘y; in Texas to losses from lake surface 0t available. Coefficients were being ap- rom data obtained in California or Colorado iiwere not necessarily applicable to condi- p Texas. At that time, the types of pans i used and their exposures and settings fwidely. g cooperative agreements entered into by ‘as Board of Water Engineers with the Agricultural Experiment Station, Soil Con- on Service of the U. S. Department of ilture, Lower Colorado River Authority, . River Authority, Dow Chemical Company, I Department of the City of Wichita Falls, averick County Water Control and Im- gent District No. 1, progress is being made q standardization of all evaporation and climatological stations at the various Texas ex- perimental substations and at many other places in the State. Figure 1 shows the location of all co- operatively operated stations, those established and operated by the U. S. Weather Bureau and those established and operated by the American Section, International Boundary and Water Com- mission. Prior to the standardization of evaporation sta- tions in Texas, little attention was paid to the im- portance of using standard equipment or to stand- ard installation. In some instances, the site of the station did not give the proper exposure to all of the instruments even when the station was established. After a few years, trees__and shrub- bery grew up around other locations,” changing exposure conditions and affecting evaporation losses. The most common evaporation pan used, while called the Bureau of Plant Industry type, did not conform to the BPI pan specifications. Al- though the standard size is 72 inches in diameter by 24 inches deep, some of the pans ranged from 54 to 120 inches in diameter and from 20 to 24 inches in depth. In one instance, a 3-inch layer of concrete was placed in the bottom of the pan to eliminate leakage. Some of the pans were installed with the top rim as much as 11 to 14 inches above the ground-the standard installation is 3 inches above the ground surface. Also, some of the top rims were covered with chicken wire netting or other type of small fencing to prevent rabbits, dogs or other animals from drinking water from pans. The top rim, according to specifications, is unobstructed by netting, grass or other obstacles. In some pans, the top rim was reinforced by iron pipe extending around the pan which prevents the equal apportioning of rainfall entering the pan and on the ground. Figures 7 and 8 show a typical installation of instruments and equipment before and after standardization. Most of the anemometer installations were about 6 feet above the ground. However, there was one instance where the anemometer was nearly 19 feet above the ground surface, as shown in one of the pictures of Figure 11. The standard Weather Bureau specification, and the one adopt- ed at standardization stations, specify that the center of the anemometer cups should be 21 inches above the ground. Studies in Texas and elsewhere have indicated considerable difference in wind movement at various distances above the ground. The height of the floor of the instrument shelter house at many of the stations ranged from 14 to 36 inches above the ground. At a stand- ardization station, the floor of the shelter is 52 inches above the ground. Elevations have some in- fluence on temperature. The first standardized evaporation station us- ing one to three different types and sizes of pans was established at Buchanan Dam in 1943 in cooperation with the Lower Colorado River Authority. A standardized station layout, shown l3 After Standardization After Standardization Before Standardization 7. iBefore Standardization Evaporation stations at the Texas agricultural experiment stations before and after standardization. After Standardization , m.4-mmH¢+-I'1'ihS"A'TjU3¢‘F-|> I 1 llation of a Bureau of Plant type of pan that has been used ayof the experiment stations. This has since been standardized. The badly rusted and corroded and many h’ ie noticeable at ground level or i A wire screen was spread across i» and sagged about l2" below upper pan. All of the instruments and nt were not protected with an l ‘ e. The wire screen was supposed 1;» ent animals and other obstacles igg the evaporation losses. wmniwuwm- »\v~.~,--..,.-¢,.,¢ ‘w, 440w mmnw-hi-ymuq. MW‘ . w, The installation of a Bureau of Plant Industry evaporation\pan at one of the cooperating stations before the removal and standardization of another well exposed location. The rim of the pan was lh" above the level of the ground to prevent small animals, toads, snakes, etc. from entering the pan. Note water faucet to supply water for replenishing water lost by evaporation. ‘A i. installation of a Bureau of Plant Wustry evaporation pan at one of the tions before standardization. The Ie fencing and improper installation 'luence evaporation losses from thistype ; pan. 7. I ' ' - . v egllperrdllattegnénssttgégglizllsons of a Bureau of Plant Industry eva-poratlon pan at several of the Texas agrlcultural 15 A Weather Bureau type of pan and installation at one of the more recent stations in Texas. The specifications call for a sharp rim on the pan; instead this one has a rounded rim about 3/8" in diameter. A good standardized Weather Bureau Class A evaporation station. The station consists of Weather Bureau --» anemometer , standard rain gage, and a shelter containing maximum and minimi- thermometers and in some places a sling psychrometer. A Colorado type of evaporation that‘ is used at one of the cooperative ' (State-Federal) experiment stations in‘. Texas. The pan is 30" square and 30" ' deep. Note the improper installation f of the Bureau of Plant Industry evapor-‘f ation with the wire fencing surrounding? it . ‘the two 12-feet diameter by 3 feet pound pans installed in Texas by the _tional Boundary in determining ‘tion losses and .a coefficient to f o a Young screen ground pan, 2 feet p) by 3 feet deep. The evaporation i from the larger pan are approximately as for 85-feet diameter pan and re water surfaces of lakes, “ponds , irs, etc. The coefficient for the ' pan is considered unity (1.00) in s evaporation studies. This tion is located at Fort McIntosh, cal installation of three different tof evaporation pans used at 15 _ ized cooperative stations in for the determination of coefficients. l; est ground pan in the picture is "eau of Plant ;Industry Pan (6' r x 2' deep; coefficient .92 to {QThe Weather Bureau pan (l+' diameter Qep; coefficient .7l+ to .77) is . ed on a wooden platform. The iscreen ground pan (2' diameter x '3 coefficient .96 to .98) is shown side of the Bureau of Plant }' Pan. free-water surfaces. Determination of evaporation and coefficients as applicable to the Young screen ground pan (small pan in ground) and Weather Bureau pan (on wooden support) using the 12-foot pan (larger pan) as evaporation losses from free water surface and a coefficient of unity (1.00). This installation was made by the International Boundary Gommission at Dryden. The tin cans suspended on wire acress fenced enclosure are used to frighten away birds who drink considerable water from the pans, especially in this area where rainfall is small and poils are scarce. Various pans used in Texas for the determination of coefficients to be applied for evaporation losses 17 from The installation of anemometer No. 1 of approximately 6 feet above ground surface has been standard at most of the experiment stations for many years._ The standard Weather Bureau installation (No. 2 anemometer) is 1.75 feet above ground. A study showed No. 1 anemometer recorded an annual movement of 50,092 miles as compared to 2h,2l5 miles for No. 2 anemometer. The No. 2 installation_has been_adopted at all standardized evaporation stations. The eather Bureau pan has not been installed on wooden platform at time picture was taken. f!) Lid 1m ca.-- The installation of No. 1 anemometer at this pk] station was 18.25 feet above ground while anemyi No. 2 was the standard installation of 1.75 fee? ground. During a six month study the No. l anva recorded 30,810 miles as compared to lh,37O mil; recorded by No. 2 anemometer. 5 The installation of No. 1 anemometer at this particular station is approximately 5.5 feet above the ground while No. 2 anemometer is installed at the standard height of 1.75 feet (center of cups) above the ground. A study was carried on at this station and No. l anemometer recorded a total annual wind movement of 29,311 miles as compared to 20,09h miles for No. 2 anemometer. Figure 11. Installation of_ anemometers for recording wind movement at various elevations above ground surfa}? stressing the importance of recognized standard installation. g 18 t !w"'_.»-4 n-a rn 2, was adopted after consultations with authorities on evaporation. Figure 6 s standardized stations at some of the kes in Texas. Specifications adopted by ther Bureau for the installation of a c” evaporation station, Figure 9, were con- the plan of the standardized station for COEFFICIENTS usefulness of evaporation coefficients is derstood when it is recognized that ‘ ion from small Water surfaces is greater loss from larger areas. The relation of ’ 'on from a given size or type of pan to j bnrfrom a larger body of water is desig- é a coefficient or ratio. This ratio is vari- Wording to the integrated effect of the (logical factors on the different pans. It lly higher in summer than in Winter. icients are useful for the reduction of Y evaporation from a small pan to reservoir tion. Average annual coefficients usually variable than are monthly coefficients. icoefficient for various pans used in Cal- fstudies (5, 6) based on evaporation from _. t pan and from an 85-foot diameter re- l» are: . TYPE COEFFICIENT ._ ,reau of Plant Industry pan i; (circular, in ground) 0.94 lorado pan (square, in ground) 0.89 eather Bureau pan '7 (circular, on surface of ground) 0.77 _ ung screen pan g (circular, screened, in ground) 0.98 ficients have been determined for the l. of Plant Industry and Weather Bureau t 15 standardized stations in Texas by [son with the evaporation losses from the screen pan, which is considered to give » e same evaporation losses as occur from ater or lake surface. The different types i. used for determining coefficients are in Figure 10. TABULATED DATA 1 main purpose of the following tables is to ' ailable complete evaporation and rainfall , that are useful in determining the evapo- osses for various locations in Texas. Some ata have been published in Texas Agricul- j xperiment Station bulletins (4, 7), in A of the Weather Bureau (8) and in reports "International Boundary and Water Com- " (9, 10). Many of these publications are ‘i ily available for general use. This bulletin solidation of all available evaporation and ted rainfall data obtained by federal, state i er agencies. The data obtained at the co- 've stations, which heretofore have not been ed, are incorporated in the main body of lication. Data previously published by the Weather Bureau and the International Boundary and Water Commission are incorporated in the appendix in Tables 61-90. Summarized Meteorological Data Table 1 contains evaporation, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and Wind move- ment data obtained at the experiment stations and data obtained at other locations in coope- ration with federal, state, municipal and in- dustrial agencies. Evaporation Data Tables 2-29 contain recorded monthly and an- nual evaporation losses from the Bureau of Plant Industry type of pan, unless otherwise specified, used at the various experiment stations and other cooperative stations in Texas. The data include all available records from the first establishment of the stations through 1953. Some of the data have not been available nor published in previous reports. Rainfall Data Monthly and annual rainfall, being closely as- sociated with evaporation losses from free-Water surfaces, are included. Tables 30-58 contain all recorded rainfall data obtained at or near the location of evaporation stations. Evaporation Coefficients Table 59 contains mean monthly and annual evaporation losses for the three different types of pans used. at the standardized evaporation sta- tions located at the various experiment stations, and coefficients to apply for the Bureau of Plant Industry and Weather Bureau pans. LITERATURE CITED (1) Sleight, R. B. Evaporation from surfaces of Water and river-bed materials. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. X., No. 5, pp. 209-262 illus. 1917. (2) Rohwer, C. Evaporation from free Water surfaces. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin 271, 96 pp. illus. 1931. (3) Rohwer, C. Evaporation from different types of pans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 99, pp. 673-703. 1934. (4) Karper, R. E. Rate of water evaporation in Texas. Texas Station Bulletin 484, 27 pp. illus. 1933. (5) Young, A. A. Investigations of evaporation from screen pan and development of a coefficient for the conversion of pan evaporation to lake evaporation. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Segice, Division of Irrigation, 160 pp. mimeographed. 19 . (6) Young, A. A. Evaporation from water surfaces in California. California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources, Bulletin 54, 59 pp. 1947. (7) Higgs, C. and E. Todd. Water evaporation and meteorological data revised to 1944. Texas Station PrZgress Report 685 (Revised) 10 pp. Mimeographed. 19 5. (8) Climatological Data (monthly and annual). U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau. (9) Flow of the Rio Grande and related data. Water bulletins, Department of State. (10) International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico. l9 Table 1 . Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Data for Stations fro which Evaporation Records are available. LENGTH OF RECORD YEARS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT AMARILLO a Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 2(1) 2.50 3.7h 5.72 7.67 8.56 11.19 11.32 9.36 6.88 Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) 3 1) 3.16 u.03 6.83 8.62 9.77 10.98 12.08 9.97 8.66 6.96 Evaporation - W.B. Pan (Inches) Experiment Station 26 - - - 7.6% 9.28 10.87 11.12 10.17 7.85 standardized station 3 3.h2 h.l6 7.37 9.h7 11.26 13.12 13.10 11.22 8.95 7 in Rainfall (Inches) ‘ , Amarillo w.B. Station 62 .5u .72 .80 1.56 '3.06 2.81 2.61 2.98 2.21 Expt. sta. Bushland 15 .55 .38 .h1 1.30 2.91 2.53 2.51 2.57 1.68 2.lh Mean Maximum Temperature Deg F) l5 51 56 65 72 80 89 91 90 85 7% Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F) 15 23 26 30 ho 50 60 63 62 5h at Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) in 60 58 k8 t9 5h 50 50 50 51 5 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 15 5,203 5,296 6,517 6,150 5,720 5,h59 h,688 h,h61 h,77h h,571 ANGLETON Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) Experiment Station 39 1.71 1.97 3.08 3.89 u.8h 5.36 5.32 5.13 h.30 ~ 3 standardized Station 2 2.86 2.52 3.2u 5.16 5.27 6.90 6.82 5.u2 6.0h 5 Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) 2(1) 3.10 2.19 2.h6 u.16 n.33 5.6h 5.87 h.7u 5.22 5 Rainfall (Inches) 39 3.56 3.13 3.37 2.97 u.01 3.99 5.29 n.62 n.83 3 Mean Maximum Temperature €Deg F) 39 65 68 72 78 8h 90 91 92 89 83 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F) 39 #5 n7 51 58 65 71 72 72 68 59 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 39 8h 82 80 80 80 79 80 80 81 79 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 35 3,726 3,601 h,352 3,926 3,332 2,572 2,120 1,961 2,0h6 2,312 BALMORHEA Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) Experiment station 38 2.h8 3.h1 5 58 6 92 8.10 8.67 8.h2 7.73 5.85 h 5h Standardized Station h h.25 h.2h 6.8h 8 96 9.90 10.86 9.90 9.58 7.3h 5 67 Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) h(l) u.60 u.51 r 6,96 8.99 10.01 10.80 9.63 9.h3 7.70 5 76 Evaporation - W.B. Pan (Inches) 3(1) 5.h7 5.5h 9.02 10 86 12.52 13.07 11.56 11 61 9.2h 6 70 Rainfall (Inches) 38 .60 .50 .39 .69 1.19 l.h1 1.68 1.77 1.97 l.hh Mean Maximum Temperature (neg F) 38 62 68 75 82 89 96 95 9h 89 81 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F; 38 31 35 ho ta 57 65 67 66 60 51 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent 38 63 56 n9 #7 51 53 58 62 66 65 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 38 2,672 2,933 3,68n 3,h70 3,35h 2,968 2,55h 2,207 2,0hh 2,108 BEAUMONT _ Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) Experiment station 37 2.16 2.32 3 t3 h.3h 5.30 5.6M 5.63 5.50 h.52 3.85 standardized station h 2.81 2.06 3 38 h.36 5.90 6.50 6.9h 6.h3 5.22 h.76 Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) hélg 2.ul 2.0u 3 10 3.h8 5.20 5.23 h.85 5.58 h.h3 u.67 Evaporation - w.E. Pan (Inches) u 1 3.85 2.88 h M3 5.h1 7.23 8.16 8.97 8.20 6.28 5.73 Rainfall (Inches) w.H. station 71 h.12 3.96 3.h7 3.97 u 72 h 62 5.h6 5 12 3.93 3.17 Experiment station 37 h.9h u.2l 3.75 h.13 h 86 h 80 5.55 A h7 h.78 3 61 Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 37 63 67 71 78 8h 90 92 92 88 82 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F; 37 hh H7 52 58 65 72 73 73 68 59 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent 37 8h 83. 81 81 81 80 82 82 83 82 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 35 h,003 3,9h h,800 n,h53 3,738 2,86h 2,311 2,1kO 2,27t 2,529 BEEVILLE _ - Evapo ation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 39 2.h5 2.82 k.h6 5.31 6.28 7.05 7.h9 7.37 5.58 k.56 Rain 1 (Inches) 39 2.02 l.5h 2.21 2.12 3.38 2.92 2.93 1.96 3.73 2.33 Mean imum Temperature (Deg F) 39 66 70 76 82 87 92 95 96 91 85 Mean Minimu Temperature (Deg F) 39 n5 #8 53 60 66 ~ 71 73 73 70 61 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 39 83 82 79 79 80 79 78 75 78 78 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 39 h,852 u,7ho 5,885 5;u79 h,8l7 h,050 3,716 3,60u 3,277 3,3h8 BIG SPRING Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 38 - - - 7.58 8.77 10.15 10.63 9-99 7.h2' Rainfall (Inches) 38 .6h .70 .98 1.5h 2.72 2.19 1.77 2.06 2.10 1.96 Mean Maximum Temperature €Deg E) 38 56 62 69 79 86 93 95 95 87 78 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F 38 28 32 39 n9 58 67 70 69 62 52 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 35 3,099 3,331 h,390 h,06l 3,5lh 3,u62 2,963 2,710 2,557 2,513 20 _‘__ Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Data for Stations from which Evaporation Records are available» Continued “ LENGTH OF 2120022 3 YEARS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT Nov nEc ANNUAL EZXPERIMZENTAL WATERSHED ' tion - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) = Experiment station 11 2.52 2.99 I 5.05 5.72 6.32 8.01 8.83 8.98 7.62 5.71 1.10 2.82 68.70 , 1910-1912 3 2.12 3.02 1 6.17 5.29 6.60 8.15 8.33 8.61 6.80 5.00 1.02 2.35 66.79 )1 tion - Colorado Pan (Inches) f 1910-1912 3 2.83 3.15 7.11 5.75 7.76 8.18 9.61 10.15 8.22 5.85 1.00 2.99 75.96 tion - v.2. Pan (Inches) V. - ‘ 1910-1912(5) 3 2.87 3.86 8.12 7.06 8.83 9.62 10.99 11.28 8.92 6.11 1.39 3.35 85.70 1 Inches) 16 2.31 2.61 x2.71 1.03 1.78 3.32 1.65 1.19 2.32 2.01 2.83 2.89 33.07 Temperature (neg F) 10 6o 61 71 78 81 91 . 91 96 90 81 69 62 78 jiinimum Temperature Deg F l0 39 1+2 118 55 63 7O 73 72 66 57 1+6 1+2 56 Relative Humidity (Percent) 16 77 75 , 69 72 75 75 73 69 69 67 70 75 72 Movement (Miles) “ 2 11 6,391 5,801 7,025 6,165 5,153 5,515 1,679 1,930 1,250 1,817 5,397 5,908 66,667 3) 5 1,077 1,215 1,919 1,155 3,253 2,929 3,068 3,221 2,712 2,892 3,655 3,632 12,761 , tion - 2.P.I. Pan (Inches) 11 1) 1.93 2.58 1.19 5.60 6.62 8.75 9.76 9.75 6.67 5.08 3.13 2.37 67.03 ation - Y Pan (Inches) 11 1) 2.33 2.52 1.11 5.30 6.05 7.97 8.97 9.30 6.10 1.95 3.75 2.76 61.71 é, tion - v1.2. Pan (Inches) 11 1) 2.87 3.28 5.85 7.22 8.16 10.11 11.51 11.55 7.81 6.10 1.19 2.93 81.97 1 (Inches) 11 1) 1.71 1.95 1.76 3.79 3.11 1.91 1.32 2.25 1.02 1.61 1.32 1.91 26.72 jnximum Temperature neg F) 11 1) 61 62 70 78 81 93 96 96 89 82 70 63 79 ‘Minimum Temperature Deg F) ll l) 36 39 1+5 53 61 69 71 71 65 56 1+1 36 51+ Jwvement (Miles)(3) 11 1) 2,373 2,259 2,860 2,875 2,128 2,685 2,559 2,180 2,011 1,882 2,111 2,387 29,216 l; . tifn - B.F)'.I. Pan (Inches) 12 2.21 2.90 5.11 6.57 7.71 9.10 9.78 9.37 6.71 1.69 3.02 2.15 69.38 Inches ~ - v.2. station 5o .86 .91 1.38 2.12 3.69 3.36 2.08 2.19 2.63 2.89 1.26 1.15 21.85 » Experiment station 12 .87 .96 1.32 2.10 3.80 2.96 1.86 2.20 2.86 2.88 1.18 1.10 21.39 Jlaximum Temperature (neg F) 10 53 59 68 77 81 93 97 97 88 78 61 55 76 Minimum Tanperature neg F) 10 28 32 39 19 59 68 71 7'0 63 52 39 31 50 ‘Relative Humidity (Percent 37 71 66 59 56 61 57' 51 55 62 61 66 71 62 Jiovement (Miles)(2) 11 1,753 5,121 6,570 6,299 5,876 5,125 1,262 3,819 3,769 3,901 1,198 1,103 58,129 ATIon aticn - 2.P.I. Pan (Inches) 36 2.11 2.12 3.87 1.56 5.61 6.65 7.19 7.13 5.17 1.10 3.05 2.31 51.83 _ all (Inches) v.2. Station 66 3.30 2.90 2.91 3.73 1.90 3.17 2.51 2.10 2.78 2.90 3.12 3.82 38.77 "I Experiment Station 38 3.10 3.05 3.00 3.71 5.15 3.15 2.77 2.38 2.61 3.13 3.18 3.68 39.27 I Maximum Temperature (neg F) 38 61 66 72 79 86 92 96 97 90 83 71 63 80 I Minimum Temperature Deg F; 38 1&1 111+ 5O 57 61+ 7O 72 72 67 58 1+8 1+3 57 Relative Humidity (Percent 38 85 83 80 8O 81 79 78 77 8O 81 83 85 81 (Movement (M11e=)(2) A 38 3,726 3,176 1,199 3,521 3,082 2,602 2,102 2,363 2,356 2,555 3,092 3,371 36,751 ‘ration - 2.P.I. Pan (Inches 10 - - - 6.88 8.12 9.10 9.93 8.81 7.09 - - - - 11. (Inches) , » 16 29 10 .66 1.65 2.81 " 2.73 2.51 2.66 1.50 1.66 .53 15 17.88 ' Maximum Temperature Deg F; 1+0 1+8 52 59 69 77 87 9l 89 83 72 59 1+8 7O 7 Minimum Temperature neg F 10 17 20 27 38 18 58 62 61 53 10 27 19 39 Relative Humidity (Percent 20 - - - 51 51 52 51 56 58 - - - - p. Movement (M11ea)(2) 31 1,197 1,178 5,617 5,758 5,239 1,213 3,618 3,186 3,650 3,787 3,858 3,918 51,519 3- aticm - 2.P.I. Pan (Inches) 36 1.69 2.29 1.03 1.93 5.51 7.02 7.89 7.85 5.87 1.28 2.87 1.92 56.18 "a1l(Inches) 1 37 2.00 2.31 2.10 3.70 1.68 3.11 2.17 2.05 2.36 3.11 2.10 2.31 32.33 I Maximum Temperature neg F 37 56 61 69 77 83 91 95 97 90 80 67 58 77 hinimuia Tanperature Deg F 37 33 37 13 52 60 69 72 72 65 51 12 35 53 Relative Hmnidity (Percent 37 76 72 68 69 73 68 61 62 67 68 72 75 70 , Movement (Milea)(2) 37 5,287 5,507 6,780 6,359 5,381 1,960 1,100 3,921 1,068 1,387 1,771 1,870 60,100 _1 ratiEn - 3.1521. Pan (Inches) 27 1.56 2.08 1.00 5.07 5.97 7.16 8.20 7.79 5.91 1.19 2.59 1.61 56.19 - 1 Inches S $1.3. Station Wichita Falls 63 1.13 1.20 1.71 2.60 1.51 3.11 2.11 2.09 2.56 2.52 1.61 1.51 27.38 p» Experiment station 28 1.21 1.69 2.05 2.55 1.66 3.16 2.39 2.31 2.83 3.51 1.61 1.73 29.76 A Maximum Temperature (neg F 28 56 62 70 78 85 93 97 98 90 81 67 58 78 Minimmn Temperature Deg F 28 30 35 11 51 60 69 72 72 61 53 10 33 52 Relative Humidity (Percent 28 67' 65 59 58 62 59 56 55' 59 62 63 67 61 - Movement (Miles)(2) 28 3,638 3,873 5,103 1,711 3,911 3,893 3,020 2,699 2,716 2,728 3,035 3,138 12,171 21 Table l . Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Data for Stations from which Evaporation Records are available» C LENGTH 8 0F RECORD YEARs JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT LAKE KICKAPOO 5f Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 6 1) ice 3.117 5.112 7.75 8.12 10.63 10.03 10.56 8.37 6.16 Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) 6 1) ice 3.67 5.112 7.59 7.78 10.15 9.76 10.55 8.25 6.115 p; Evaporation - ma. Pan (Inches) 2 l) ice. 3.8g 6.611 10.5 10.99 13.99 12.83 123678 10.802 7.63 Rainfall Inches 1 1.12 .9 1.39 1. 3.93 3.99 3.2 2. 1 2. 2.17%» Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 6 l) 51 55 611 711 82 91 95 95 88 78 Mean Minimum Temperature (neg F) 6 1) 32 35 1+1 52 63 73 75 75 66 56 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 3 1) 55 71+ 63 63 70 67 68 66 67 611 wind Movement (Miles)(3) 6 1) 11,853 11,1115 5,513 5,1156 5,201+ 5,015 11,020 3,1+1+l 3,282 3,671 LUBBOCK Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) Experiment Station 37 1.77 2.68 1+.91+ 6.69 87.38 8.33 11.23 standard zed Station 2.79 3. 1 5.57 7.1 .57 10. 9. 1 . 2 . 5.50 Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) 1+(1) 3.09 3.113 5.75 7.01 7.57 10.33 8.93 8.15 6.112 5.27 ’ Evaporation - v1.13. Pan (Inches) 1+(1) 3.50 3.91 6.89 8.311 10.57 12.96 10.87 9.111 7.211 6.011 ' Rainfall (Inches) 37 .63 .119 .78 1.17 2.83 2.21 1.91 1.90 2.63 2.05 Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 37 51+ 60 68 76 83 91 93 93 85 76 Mean Minimum Temperature neg F; 37 26 30 35 111+ 51+ 62 65 61+ 58 1+7 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent 37 66 60 511 50 -57 55 55 58 611 66 wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 37 11,020 11,2011 5,551+ 5,1198 5,156 5,105 11,006 3,1+511 3,566 3,677 _ MANSFIELD DAM 1‘... Evaporation - Y Pan (Inches) 10 l; 2.16 2.118 1+.00 11.89 6.17 8.21 9.19 9.50 6.66 5.112 Evaporation - 11.13. Pan (Inches) 10 1 2.115 2.75 11.95 5.96 7.35 9.60 10.63 l0.1+l 7.37 5.78 Rainfall (Inches) 10 1) 1.62 2.26 2.00 3.77 2.79 2.16 .91 2.05 2.79 1.50 » Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 10 1) 65 165 Kg 72 27 91+ 98 99 g2 811 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F 9 l 39 O 5 2 7O 72 72 5 57 '_ wind Movement (Mi1es)(3) 10(1) 1,892 1,726 2,178 2,235 2,131+ 2,1+1+6 1,778 1,752 1,1+51+ 1,523 1f NACOGDOCHES Evaporatizin - B.P)’.I. Pan (Inches) 33 1.56 2.06 3.12 3.89 11.68 5.1+8 5.83 5.82 11.62 3.67 Rainfall Inches . w.13. station 55 3.93 3.91 1+.09 11.80 5.117 3.50 3.89 2.115 2.80 2.98 M Maxim Egperimegt StationF) 33 1+.67 21187 1+.30 11680 £5.51 3.70 3.98 2.86 2.71 3.05 e211 11m empera we Des 33 59 70 7 3 91 93 95 90 2 Mean Minimum Temperature (Deg F) 33 39 1+2 1+7 55 62 » 69 71 71 66 56 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 33 86 85 81 82 83 81 81 80 82 82 wind Movement (Miles)(2) 33 3,167 3,305 3,822 3,086 2,1167 1,898 1,682 1,580 1,567 1,8112 POSSUM KINGDOM DAM Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 3 1) 3.15 3.70 5.112 7.18 7.86 11.13 10.75 11.17 8.58 6.25 Evaporation - YIPanPUnEIIiesI) ) 3 l; 13.96 239 7.27 10.32 10.99 111.08 9.311 3.92 vapora on - .B. an nc es 2 l 3. .97 .90 . 7 9.75 l1. 13.2 1 .19 9.7 .00 Rainfall (Inches) 3 l; .26 .55 1.52 1.90 3.19 2.12 1.09 .89 . 1.32 2.70 Mean Maximum Temperature (neg F) 3 1 61+ 62 68 76 83 95 97 99 92 80 Mean Minimum Temperature (neg F) 3 1) 1+0 110 1+6 52 60 73 71+ 71+ 66 53 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 3 1) 61 56 ‘ 56 58 60 59 51+ 50 58 55 , Wind Movement (M11es)(3) 3 1) 2,8311 2.932 3,586 3.3118 3.3117 3,631 2.6110 2,1111 2.259 2,566 -2f_ PRAIRIE vIEw 1;. Evaporation - B.;.I.(1;anh(I!)1ches) 3 2.9g 2.89 111.19 5.98 6.61 7.62 6.0g 5.639 _ vapora on - Y an nc es 3 3.2 3.02 .59 5. 2 5.27 7. . 7.5 5.5 5. , Evaporation - W.B. Pan (Inches) 3 1) 1+.08 1+.06 5.611 6.911 7.98 9.1+6 9.19 9.50 7.26 6.09 Rainfall (Inches) 3 1) 1.92 3.89 2.66 5.01 1+.91 3.27 2.15 1.96 3.38 3.111 Mean Maximum Temperature Deg F 3 l 66 61+ 72 711 81 90 93 96 89 811 Mean Minimum Temperature neg F 3 1 1+8 116 51+ 55 63 71 711 73 67 62 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent 2 l 7O 7O - 71+ 77 78 71+ 71 711 75 Wind 110761110111 (Mus-ans) 3 1 3,566 3,033 3.11116 3.1110 2,5118 2.072 1.907 1.730 1,519 1,031 2; eAn Amonlo gvaporatizan - B.1)>.I. Pan (Inches) 21+ 2.116 3.03 11.116 5.53 6.51 7.95 9.10 9.19 6.81 5.10 ainfall Inches 11.13. station 82 1.119 1.60 1.82 2.91 3.21 2.82 2.13 2.30 3.32 2.29 Experiment station 22 21100 (15.82 1.92 2.60 a86 2.68 2670 1.90 3.98 $.91 Mean Maximmn Temperature Deg F 2 _9 75 2 93 9 97 91 5 Mean Minimum Temperature neg F§ 26 1+3 1+7 52 60 67 73 711 711 '71 63 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent 26 66 611 58 6O 62 62 6O 57 61 6O , wind Movement (Mi1es)(2) 23 2,752 2,880 3,592 3,2117 2,955 2,598 2,3110 2,1116 2,185 2,128 2, 22 LENGTH 0F RECORD YEARS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov n20 ANNUAL ation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 1 1) 2.91 3.69 5.87 7.11 7.90 10.39 10.06 9.93 7.31 5.80 3.69 2.86 77.85 ation - Y Pan (Inches) 1 1) 3.02 3.82 5.39 6.80 7.113 9.20 9.89 9.511 6.76 5.57 3.93 3.18 71.53 ation - 11.13. Pan (Inches) 1 1) 1.03 1.67 7.21 9.35 10.52 12.18 12.85 12.116 8.71 7.10 1.15 3.56 97.112 . 1 (Inches) 36 1.11 .88 1.27 1.77 3.09 2.70 2.05 1.91 3.08 2.33 .98 1.30 22.17 Maximum Temperature gDeg F) 5O 6O 611 72 79 811 9O 92 93 87 78 67 61 77 Temperature neg F) 50 35 38 11 53 61 67 69 68 611 55 1111 37 53 jlelative Humidity (Percent) 36 69 67 61 6O 66 67 63 63 68 69 69 7O 66 ' Movement (Miles ’ Experiment Station(11) 36 5,210 5,188 6,672 6,622 6,101 6,288 5,191 5,007 1,716 5,032 1,991 1,695 66,316 Standardized station(3) 11 2,611 2,1112 3,152 3,208 3,192 3,178 2,212 2,321 1,818 2,213 2,566 1,892 31,111 3 ration - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 38 2.12 3.01 5.11 6.36 7.27 8.71 8.87 8.13 6.06 11.80 3.37 2.119 66.66 (Inches) 38 .60 .67 .82 1.88 2.75 2.18 1.99 2.55 2.66 2.28 .81 .77 20.26 Maximum Temperature (neg F) 38 56 62 70 78 85 93 96 96 88 79 66 58 77 "Minimum Temperature (neg F) 38 26 31 36 16 55 611 67 66 59 118 36 28 117 gaelative Humidity (Percent) 37 70 66 61 61 61 62 61 61 68 - 70 69 70 65 ‘ Movement (Miles)(2) ~ 37 11,600 11,957 6,033 6,132 5,817 5,322 1,500 3,881 11,021 11,0116 1,356 11,395 58,093 ration - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 39 2.10 2.57 1.16 11.89 5.65 6.92 7.88 7.92 5.92 11.63 3.06 2.23 57.93 1' 1 ll (Inches) Temple w.n.stat1on 72 2.19 2.27 2.52 11.12 11.60 3.05 2.01 1.90 2.81 2.68 2.91 2.96 311.08 ,_ Experimentstation 39 2.56 2.31 2.26 11.13 11.70 2.88 1.90 1.76 3.28 2.66 2.68 2.69 33.81 jMaximum Temperature (neg F) 39 60 - 65 72 79 85 92 95 96 90 82 70 63 79 Minimum Temperature Deg F) 39 113 112 511 511 62 72 73 73 66 71 118 39 58 f Relative Humidity (Percent) 39 78 76 70 72 71 72 68 67 71 72 75 78 73 ‘Movement (Miles)(2) 39 11,795 11,861 5,991 5,151 11,665 11,270 3,722 3,660 3,311 3,639 11,232 11,1168 53,1011 ‘ration - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 18 1.59 2.21 3.119 11.117 5.62 6.78 7.21 7.15 5.115 11.10 2.56- l.82 52.15 "3 (Inches) 28 3.26 3.27 3.89 11.81 11.82 2.96 3.110 2.111 2.110 3.11 3.79‘ 1.63 112.80 "Maximum Temperature (neg F) 28 58 61 68 76 82 90 93 91 89 79 68 58 76 Minimum Temperature (neg F) 28 38 11 118 55 62 70 72 72 67 56 116 39 55 .1 Reletive 11111111111 (Percent) 19 77 75 72 73 76 75 73 73 75 71+ 75 77 75 3 ,.Movement (Mi1es)(2) " 19 11,532 11,1160 5,581 5,077 11,392 3,677 3.110 3,068 2,919 3,376 3,868 11,1135 18,195 e) Lnation - B-PJ. Pan (Inches) Experiment station 21 1.83 2.112 3.93 1.63 5.51 6.51 6.81 6.86 5.21 11.00 2.71 2.02 52.53 Standardized station 3 1.96 2.60 3.76 1.01 5.112 7.06 6.22 6.85 11.73 11.22 2.113 1.89 51.18 ration - Y Pan (Inches) 3(1) 2.08 2.60 3.23 3.67 11.118 5.92 11.98 6.21 11.75 11.25 2.118 2.18 116.83 (Inches) 21 11.01 3.72 11.113 11.85 5.50 3.38 3.25 2.67 2.62 3.11 1.57 1.73 16.81 Maximum Temperature Deg F) 21 58 61 69 76 83 9O 93 911 88 80 67 6O 76 Minimum Temperature Deg F) 21 38 111 118 55 62 7O 72 72 66 57 116 111 56 f; Relative Humidity (Percent) 21 79 77 73 711 78 76 76 73 71 75 76 80 76 ; Movement (Miles)(2) I 21 11,101 3,985 1,751 1,111 3,372 2,811 2,391 2,293 2,221 2,171 3,306 3,685 39,5113 ‘ration - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 22 2.17 2.82 11.26 5.18 5.92 6.57 7.01 6.75 1.91 1.11 3.31 2.10 56.07 ,1 all (Inches) 22 1.61 .93 1.12 1.31 3.12 2.18 1.93 2.82 3.93 1.58 .95 1.119 23.30 '» Maximum Temperature EDeg F) 22 72 76 81 86 9O 93 95 95 91 87 78 711 85 ~- Minimum Temperature neg F) 22 51 511 58 65 70 73 71 71 71 61 57 53 61 Relative Humidity (Percent) 21 80 78 75 71 75 711 73 73 77 76 76 80 76 f Movement (Mi1es)(2) 19 2,575 2,150 3,117 3,016 2,811 2,809 2,579 2,275 1,630 1,611 1,953 2,098 29,020 .* RESERVOIR ration - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 5 l) 2.30 2.32 3.95 1.118 5.65 6.56 6.21 6.90 5.25 11.59 3.12 2.28 53.91 fation - Y Pan (Inches) 5 l) 2.21 2.23 3.59 1.11 1.75 5.69 5.19 6.23 1.71 1.19 3.36 2.30 118.86 ration - v.13. Pan (Inches) 5 1) 2.72 2.75 1.75 5.17 6.91 7.85 7.31 7.87 5.90 5.00 3.85 2.50 62.88 =1 1 1 (Inches) 5 1) 3.19 1.21 2.19 1.79 1.39 1.59 11.18 2.81 3.13 5.60 3.91 3.37 117.02 1- Maximum Temperature EDeg F) 5 1) 69 67 73 77 82 91 92 91 90 811 73 66 80 M Minimum Temperature Deg F 5 1) 5O 5O 55 59 7O 72- 73 73 69 61 51 117 61 -S 3- Relative Humidity (Percent) 5(1) 85 87 81 79 82 83 86 83 86 82 78 85 83 1 1- Movement (Mi1es)(3) 5 1) 2,1111 2,063 2,596 2,290 1,939 1,131 1,150 1,066 1,087 1,320 1,736 2,013 21,102 23 Table 1 . Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Data for Stations frog: which Evaporation Records are available» Continued. LENGTH OF RECORD - YEARS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN am. AUG SEP ocT 110v WINTER HAVEN Evaporation - B.P.I. Pan (Inches) 23 2.02 2.56 1+.52 5 1+2 6.25 7.67 8 75 8 29 6.11 11.119 3.00 Rainfall (Inches) 23 1.18 1.07 1.17 1.81+ 3.52 2.05 1 61+ 2.33 _2.91 1.61 .75 Mean Maximum Temperature EDeg F 23 67 72 BO 86 91 96 99 99 93 86 T5 Mean Minimmn Temperature Deg F 23 1+3 1+7 52 59 67 72 71+ 71+ 69 61 50 Mean Relative Humidity (Percen 23 71+ 70 62 3 67 65 62 62 69 71 72 wind Movement (Mi1ee)(2) a 23 1,720 1,938 2,1+60 2,398 2,501+ 2,697 2,1+72 2,275 1,772 1,556 1,1+6o YSLETA . ' Evaporation - 13.2.1. Pan (Inches) 2(1) 3.1+2 1+.05 6.1+1 9.38 10.1+8 11 59 ' 9.72 9.32 7.98 5.90 3.61+ Evaporation - r Pan (Inches) 2(1) 3.56 1+.15 6.90 9.95 10.99 10.73 9.32 7.96 8.00 5.87 1+.01+ Evaporation - v1.1a. Pan (Inches) 2 1) 1+.33 1+.86 8.61 12.83 11+.36 15 30 12.16 10.92 9.78 6.96 1+.52 Rainfall (Inches) E1 Paso v.13. Station 98 .1+1 .1+3 .31 .26 .30 .63 1 58 1.61+ 1.33 .78 .1+8 - Experiment station 6 .59 .38 .22 .35 .28 .1+1 1 1+8 .73 .50 .55 T Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 11+ 56 63, 69 77 86 91+ 91+ 93 88 79 66 Mean Minimum Temperature (Deg F) 11+ 32 35 1+1 5o 58 67 70 69 62 52 38 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 12 50 1+2 33 29 28 32 1+2 1+5 1+3 1+3 h1+ wind Movement (Miles)(3) 5 1,703 1,81+5 2,800 2,802 2,21+7 1,777 1,591 1,263 1,181 1,151 1,1+17 NOTES: 1) Standardized station. 2 Anemometer about 6 feet above ground 3g Anemometer about 21 inches above ground I 1+ Anemometer about 18.75 feet above ground m! 5., 5) Pan made o1’ copper rather than galvanized material‘ ABBREVIATIONS: B.P.I. = Bureau of Plant Industry V1.13. = Weather Bureau Y. = Young 24 lé 2. Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Amarillo. Weather Bureau (W.B.) Pan. ANNUAL DEC ~ - - - NOV CT ¢ - - - » - - . - . - - < ¢ . . . ¢ - . - . . . - - . 98%10953017l4 152 30800 510/0 7.. 237» 35 89L~|493Z53447|6995OO¢J§~I Cool » ~ . . . - ¢ - . - - » - . . - . - . - - - ~ - . ~ - 7| 6775335163 7331575 75h 30ml 0890;TOQQunu/lQOQ/BQOOAKCJQJQOBRQQJ‘... l 1 ll lll 11111111 ll B8 89 23 395032 3 01695 7 53%mh9 18%w1O0575&3Qk8765mfi 9002187O8O2079O3Olh2172O53O 11111 l lull 1111111 1111.11 5823O%1.U29Q13 OL3lLw2oOQ/5%7|368 02001 87.92600 ‘#5171233 6222. . - - - - - - . . - Q . - . - . | . ' ~ - - » - - - . I 89080996/00715609911807 9019 l 1L l l l ll l ll 62396514 086895865366628 331uh3O7|7|596962356h73|423 h.“ - . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . ¢ - - . - . ~ MAR ......~...............-.... FEB . - - n . - - v . - . . - . - q - a - P a q . a p - - JAN p a _ a q - ¢ Q - - - a I . - - - - p - . . p o - - p 4 wutnmwmmwnwwnwwwwwwmwwwmo pk Bureau of Plant Industry 3. Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Angleton. (B.P:I.)Pan: 72* diameter x 2%" deep. MWM] . - - » - » - - - - . Q - ¢ - . - ¢ - - . ¢ ¢ » ¢ ¢ - Q » - o a 87600;.“ 1155. iuvhbshhw. 55hr.» DEC 92 8 5 63 9 l r0 35%owmWm®o%®16Q7%mH%m@5 W%%MWum%Wfl%%%%m@ 12122222121122121112111112112111111121221 7822 731201836983 6|43|4l97 n72 3671881 867|r)“&5h.O73h.n/..2r4~.i26%6|4|437l0K“38/%J8l6 - . . | ~ - . - » - . - - Q - . » . . ~ - - » ¢ - . Q - - . - Q Q Q . Q - ¢ ¢ . u 2222222222222229222222222222212122122232 awn an w%nwwwwewwnwvwwmwewwwwmnwwwwanwn . » . . ¢ o - - - - » ~ - - Q » - - . - . - - ¢ ¢ - u » - ¢ » - - Q - Q Q o - u . 39).“ 333k 3333333h 3333.“ 3333s“ 3333322222335143 nwwwnwwmuwwwmwwmwanwnmusmwonnnnwmwwwmwuw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LQIQIQ 5h|4333h 3l4l4 Bhnu. 53h“ 3|4h|4 5531M. Sh“ 2h 33h 3:16!“ 6l|42 2 O0 518 7 8809 2-“715 56331479717 3 51.36% 9&m_l 9h SW2 1L» 5O%%0l2295l fllhml I mwamwemwwwmwwwwwnwwwwamw@wmww%wnnmwwmwww . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..;............... . . 6h66h555%55k55h55656556k55hh55hk5$kk5k&5 neemymmaetfitmfimwnfinmuflutuefiwwnmewnwefimww 6 556|4|4h|4 55L» 55h SSKIS/Déh/DSSK/Klh 555.45% Sh.“ R1565 MAY wmwnwwwwwmwwmwnwwwwwnmwvwwwwwwmumn wnmnn &&kikkikiM&Miimkkikikkikkimkililkklmmzih APR nmwunwwwnmnwwwwwnwwmwnwanwnmwwwwwneawmmw n o o | n o Q o o o u Q n I v o o u Q I o | 0 Q a Q c a n a o o u 0 a o 3h 3huhh 333533335 fifiqhahhuh 2.11.,“ 1,3214 3333562 1.42 53 ‘MAR nwamnnwww nonwmwnmwnwwwumwumwwwmwwmwwunw muammaamaaazzzzzaazmmzzzmmzmmzzmzzzzmmmm FEB mummmetmnwmmwnmmfimnmmewmmnwweeenewefiwfitm 1112112111111111111111111111111111111121 11111 2 2 .1 u, 3 Q) 3 3 h 5 RI -tuo999s9ow9w9w av B9HMHM%MWMlWWWMM1Himuwwfi; 25 h . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Balmorhea. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter x 2%" deep. Table ANNUAL :1 :2.174 :1 L$‘ 1JRo:11iL4 11/0.4 7|:/aJw|n9L4 /0 nrmmw 7.0/Ao.Jmw n.o/L4 n~L4.# =2.4 owwwmana 9_wwA¢/m 1_m»kwhm.m~m”m»mw v.MQM% WM 631 91.82.4322 896519 678300930 h». 3 7| DEC 8 2,9lll7l537lhwl653R/OOO 27 l2 2WH907791O7876h161512 32LL&&2L222LLL&2L&L22L22LL22L22Mk&22 NOV 3 1 R223 08917h92O821 1W1W3229mM 590235095712 W@B@%%U@mM@m }&&2&k$&M222&&&}222&L&2&22$22&&k&l&& OCT h. 08h». l 663.001.48.476 1:200 O 2 I411 2%w031295.4l67%3232%.4 anamwaaaammaaamwmaammmaamazmammaaaam SEP l886h88 8165880901 3Ohh9 wI:JD_Q/O 2 9tw 2.2 Q10 1.7.0 q,17b Q/2 q,._n.m»mcm“umw~mw“”MMwmumw $6190Tliiiidlifidm&iM&&M&i&&m&&kiTT&& AUG 1.401 a4 29390322206 2803919 1AA? 0.72m6A11AflJ4.J9m1A17W%%W%%M an 2878 8&1 86 22909 h69h #511W778W98%W&h6676%9229%%W%%%%W%&@% imm&9%m&&&T%T&%&T&&&&T&TT&&&9&TTm&m& JUN 7:987! 9|47ll 313385 81128 MAY 1710 7| 63731 614295382 niinmammseeaemieianeie .mm mm mm mam APR 1h». WIT l 0192 0729708.“ 2Sww%82W8m1osamhl77317o$%%W%nflmWBnW% &&&TT&&i$T&&i&&&&i&&&&&i&&&&&Ti&&&%& MAR 2 0 2 902 7 0 .h0 aswwsuwueo1»ww1@w@sw%wv1%w@w@nww%wn T&T&i&&kiTiiii&&i&kiki&kki&&&&&&iTT& FEB O89 3 8 9 . W253%%hfl1W&HWwBfi %nw1@mew@w%%ew%ea@n anmiammaiamnzaaazaaamaezazaaazamanma JAN wme%w%ww@mwmaw%w%nwwewwmwmwnewuwuwww zazlizzazmzzizzzzzzaziiazittiaLamina 6789012678 O1 3h. 6 89012 mmmmwwwwwww%%w%%m%m%%%%%%w%%wwwwmwmM lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM 5 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Beaumont. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter x 2h" deep. Table ANNUAL 1 A 11 H80 331806 37 M =,mw»»m“Mwm»Mw“”=,M~=,.»mw.0..Q,mwmwQ,¢..on....>Mw...J u o n ~ o Q u o o o n o u Q u | u Q o o ¢ u ¢ o n | 0 a l wwmmnnewsmmwwwwwwmnnwawmnuww DEC we umwwwewwwnnwwnmmeawwewwwe 2L22L2L22L&LzL&L&LzLLL2%L2&z wwwwwmnnmwwa@w@@wm%@w%@wua%m 2222222322322222232222222222 wwamwmmmnwwea Wm%&&%%W%%M%m® 332 3333b». Bu.“ 3.“ 33in». 3333933.“ 333k“. l3 l 521 2 119 2 39%ewomwwasowemawwwwwwaolwas hhhh. 3h. 35h..4.4|+.4.k 514M». 33h.4.4 55L.h..#.4 wmwwwwwwnmwmnmwwwwnnwwmwwwww &&MM&Mk&&5&&&&&ik&&i&%&iiMii l Q10 l ow. .k 1.H,o.U 7. q|Av1.o/h.o_1J 1 0 7818M98@16hh9lW5717182®2$1@$ &ikk&kM&&kiiL&i&M&ki&&&&k&&& 6 7| 7 l l6 O O l 822 0$8w%w5%®8wwo1%H2$%%3H6fi995% 75314914 5555M». SSFILD/DIOrDh/O SSR/Shh. 56 MAY 86 .409 2888.46 8 7| 1:46 l6 20w/J&l22%§97|39l\4 OQuqimmfiuh3wfi/0l Sill-WM? C/K/CJLW/Oh. 216L114. KJSEJShh/O 555M». 55h». APR O 5 888827.]... 2MW9Wfl®5931891 Q u c o Q u - o o o o Q u - - Q - Q ¢ Q Q u ¢ Q o Q a u hhhh3333s3hu4hwuhhwhuhflhh3hw 3h». 3.143 MAR nenewnmneenenenmmmamfiwenwnfiw 3h. 333333l4 33332 3.4 3332 2 2 332 333 FEB manuw%wmw@nwmwm%w@wnwmwmwewa aaazznizzzazLaatzzzzzazaazza 8 3999.496...) 3:) 23 9970 lWhVIQ/Q/IIO/Q/x 092% . 221111221122211211211211222l 1917 1918 1927 23\4:)6 890123.456789..w123|4 %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%9%%%% lllll lllllllllllllllll 1919 1920 1921 Continued on next page 26 7 2 31 l4. o 7391 81 6 87- 86 3h h. 5 06681 $.30 k6 x M n%W52WWh_6 x M %%h208&9h%5@7O531WW23%2W%5$2h198&Ul2fl73n . . . . . . .. . ........................................ r 856ku7l45 7| e t E e .40 h. 232 i 866 7.83138 6..40623/Oh. 7.526851 3322 3 1L 2 M m asw9a.e1@ M m ufiowwmzouzown4m¢¢2¢¢%@aeaa@4me@m@wmamm@a "Ad D 2211222222 I D 1 w 4 996 12716 m 190015 608 79h5729l3689 65511 51 9% 5 M w vsewwszuov M w auaeammnl @2¢04A@¢1@91£wm1@»@J@JJ%6@m%@@ N 222l3333h-2 N 333223322|4233332.n-333223322233233333h3233 I I. P P . 80 983k 8 . 5h 3353h2O597 2 8888 5353 25957 8 R7 E6 n 1 0 l i w v a 5 61480 23 8178 07833“ 97 7| 985||QO568 131250 63 6 r s hkfi/MWR/hws/Dh-h». r S l456657h5h-756hh565uh55h6555535h6h65555h65 Q w n n n #710091 6T0 n 126k. 61 7266 2222k8l23Oh63I43O9/b26 2O l7 % M A 55h5667655 a A 659866788986776867677667666587675868m887 t Q % S n t t . .1 n 51200 7 3 D 331435187 70.190.400.82 #9893395!) l 356hShlOh. 9 r E e P W P x E m 7 l 9.h».26 3h. 219 o l O8 #22735 1728357 5l+2h+275 .....;.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ..¢..... € t t u,a a 3 i. 5 S l l l 2 1.- 23 68 m_m Y W5%WW%0W. m Y W%m%%B%W®%%7%%&n%NWFW%%%£%fl8M£2M@MNMMJ2 CWR M 5h556665 5 m M 5666b56575657653567665767655667656576866 n n i n1 3 63 2 h n 8 3 8 R 381h0k237kO3099h976 38 2 9 91 ‘m. R 2%w./».75%3M .3 m R §H.m|/B,%,Q-m|7..W»W£W./99BZIJ2flov9vnnmzw1dl9qw1ufifififlfififiififi3 r r O O P P a a 3 Mil 3 23 6 kl 3 l9 #832580 772 376 62 6756 M W Wm W0WO7$h M W %$9lWhW56W8w 6%9628026%£J$W9A3mWAARJ3£A .m . . M 26 89383 2 ‘NW/Ugh? 6 2 un». 198 88501 6117332 82362 M m @@$£2@@A.@ 1 m ..@@»m%mgmnwwsmm%1@@@¢fl¢@@&¢J@@A@@@¢A@4@ 8m. 22212312 2 3332222323k32223l21332223222322222222322 Ye Ye 6 e ma ma . +v t n" 8632712376 n “W81 l ‘h? 3 h». 3 3 663 8 mfl M J53£J9A36J MW M 505@6MJ%5B%M%8%%%%1%$%W%U®W%7W®%&W2l6%l% J 2212232232 J 2223112232222211112222122122213212233332 1F 1. 6 RI 7| 901.23 67:89 - 0- w wM%w%%%u R M mmmmmmmmmwmwmww 4 i1w11<111m ,0; 0 Y111#11i.@¢%@é%? e V; .?;0 _Y{§f,£§;F§?¢§ii11 1 Table 7 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at. the Experiment Station near Big Spring. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter x 21" deep . YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG s11? 001* NOV DEC WU » 1916 - - - 6.61 10.81 13.29 10.11 9.21 7.71 - - - - 1917 _ - - 10.01 10.87 13.38 13.16 12.25 8.13 - - - - 1918 - - - 9.67 11.32 10.62 13.21 12.61 8.13 - - - - 1919 - - - 6.99 8.31 8.03 10.27 10.58 6.67 - - - - 1920 - _ _ 8.71 8.82 * 9 35 12.18 6 98 7.06 - - - - 1921 - - - 9.21 9.11 9 13 11.51 12 81 8.82 - - - - 1922 - _ _ 8.18 8.16 8 79 12.93 11 67 9.69 - - - - 1923 - - - 5.95 8.85 9 79 10.37 10 33 6.93 - - - - 1921 - - - 7.18 8.18 11 56 10.87 11 09 7.13 - - - - 1925 - - - 1.11 8.17 11 21 11.87 8 10 6.12 - - - - 1926 - - - 5.10 8.29 10 15 9.98 10 11 7.66 - - -- - 1927 - - - 8.58 11.71 10.37 10.16 12 12 7.06 - - - - 1928 - - - 8.36 7.11 10 96 9.71 7 17 6.91 - - - - 1929 - - - 7.33 7.22 10 69 9.2 10 10 6.86 ~ - - - 1930 - - - 6.06 8.12 8 71 11.65 10 22 9.18 -- - - - 1931 - - - 5-61 7-55 9 17 9-55 9 55 9-21 - - - - 1932 - - - 7-50 6-51 7 90 9-73 8 03 3-95 e - - - 1933 - - - 8.17 9.08 11 11 10.38 8 32 7.00 - - - - 1931 - - - 7.01 10.15 12 56 12.08 11 72 8.72 - - - - 1935 - - - 8.23 7.79 7.66 9.10 9 31 1.10 - - - - 1936 - - - 8.59 7.16 10.30 10.98 11 36 6.32 - - - - 1937 — - ~ 8.00 8.91 10.31 11.33 10 93 8.09 - - - - 1938 - - - 7.80 10.87 9.28 9.09 10.79 9.00 - - - - 1939 - - - 8.91 9.03 11.97 11.77 9.06 9.89 - - - - 1910 - - - 8.82 9.03 8.70 11.68 8.53 8.17 - - - - 1911 - - - 5.67 6.11 7.23 8.71 1.07 6.50 - - - - 1 1912 - - - 7.01 9.16 10.2 11.67 7.87 5.68 - - - - ; 1913 - _ - 9.51 8.61 9.96 9 65 12.95 7.31 - - - - 1911 - - - 8;60 8.23 10.07 10 99 10.18 6.79 - - - - 1915 _ - - 6.5 10.82 11.32 7 25 7.99 7.98 - - - - 1916 - - - 7.26 8.50 9.15 10 90 10.16 5.65 1 - - - 1917 - - _ 6.28 7.51 9.68 11 22 9.99 8.32 - - - - 1918 - - - 8.53 9.16 10.02 9 51 10.83 7.03 - - - - 1919 _ - _ 1.70 6.62 9.09 9 98 9.18 6.11 - - - - 1950 - - — 7-25 7-39 9-12 8-39 9-81 5-72 - - - - 1951 - - - 8.05 8.76 9. 5 10.65 11.29 8.51 - - - - 1952 - _ - 8.10 10.01 12.09 10.15 12.11 7.23 - - - - 1953 - _ - 8.62 10.07 12.61 11.11 9.00 9.33 - - - - Mean - - - 7.58 8.77 10.15 10.63 9.99 7.12 - - - - Table 8 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the P-lacklands Experimental Watershed Station near Riesel. B.P.I. Pan: Y2" diameter x 21" deep. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Tun JUL AUG SEP ocr NOV DEC ANNUAL 1910 1.53 3.06 6.66 6.05 7.36 8.77 8.35 9.13 7.85 6.11 3.17 2.38 70.75 1911 2.98 2 51 1.76 1.97 6.90 7.70 8.51 8.38 7.22 1.7 5.03 1.91 65.67 1912 2.75 3 16 7.10 1.85 5.53 7.98 8.13 8.11 5.31 1.08 3.85 2.77 63.95 1913 2.58 3 81 1.51 7.05 7.51 6.72 - 9.18 7.06 5.80 3.81 2.26. - 1911 2.57 2 60 3.83 7.17 1.57 8.70 10 15 9.12 8.21 6.53 3.52 3.93 71.83 1915 2.85 2 76 3.91 1.65 8.18 8.11 7.70 7.33 12.11 1.17 1.15 2.61 69.13 1916 2.57 2 73 3.83 7.17 1.52 8.70 10.15 9.12 8.21 6.53 3.52 3.93 71.91 1917 2.11 1 22 1.21 1.78 6.11 8.11 9.10 9.11 7.86 6.17 1.09 2.19 68.99 1918 1.19 1 67 5.17 6.70 6.11 8.11 8.51 9.18 7.26 6.31 1.92 3.11 69.50 1919 1.55 2.15 3.80 3.36 5.12 6.92 7.36 6.1 6.31 " 5.19 1.00 2.11 53.97 1950 2.20 2.95 6.79 7.06 5.75 7.05 8.10 9.03 6.72 . 5.89 5.53 3.9‘ A 71.30 1951 1.17 3.38 7.59 7.21 6.73 7.60 11.52 12.97 7.02 5.27 3.81 3.03” 80.12 1952 3.23 3.88 5.63 5.31 6.18 8.79 8.19 10.01 8.77 7.29 3.80 2.28 73.72 1953 2.11 2.66 2.86 3.06 6.92 9.06 7.80 7.99 6.38 5.51 . 3.82 2.70 61.20 Mean 2.52 2.99 5.05 5.72 6.32 8.01 8.83 8.98 7.62 5.71 1I10 2.82 68.70 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Blaclglands Experimental Watershed Station near Riesel. Colorado Type Pan: 3' deep x 3' square. ' ~ YEAR JAN FEB biAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 6E? OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL 1910 1.72 3.08 8.15 6.97 9.31 7.63 9.53 11.18 9.87 7.09 3.15 2.15 80.73 1911 3.11 3.28 1.80 5.13 7.75 8.05 9.75 9.96 8.56 5.11 1.11 3.22 73.16 1912 3.33 3.98 8.17 5.15 6.22 8.86 9.63 9.32 6.21 5.06 1.11 3.30 73.70 Mean 2.83 3.15 7.11 5.75 7.76 8.18 9. 10.15 8.22 5.85 1.00 2.99 75. Continued 01f next page 28 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Blacklands Experimental Watershed Station near Riesel. “.3. Pan: made of copper instead of standard galvanized material. JAN ' FEB. MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL 7.8h 3.h5 2.70 89.67 5.68 4.35. 3.60 81.83 5.72 5.36 3.71+ 85.1+8 6.h1 u.39 3.35 85.70 1.56 h.06 9.50 8.17 10.11 9.76 10.76 11.8A 3.17 3.2h 5.36 6.61 8.9h 8.9h 11.10 10.9h 3.89 u.27 9.51 6.h0 7.hu 10.17 11.12 11.05 2.87 3.86 8.12 7.06 8.83 9.62 10.99 11.28 @999 saga Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Buchanan Dam. -B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter x 27+" deep. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL 3. - - - - - - - 11.13 6.21 h.h6 . 3.28 1.81 - 1.1u 1.96 3.89 6 9h 5.76 -8.51 9.7u 9.71 6.50 h.99 2.6u 2.19 63.97 ..5 1.90 2.51 h.20 h.76 8.69 8.h6 8.h6 8.79 7.71 5.56 3;h1 2.63 67.08 2.0h 2.8h 5.37 5.65 6.02 7.h0 11.17 10.22 5.n8 A.25 2.98 2.08 65.50 7 1.11 2.89 h.16 h.95 6.83 9.07 10.12 8.h5 6.80 5.16 3.39 1.58 6h.51 .. 1.h7 2.27 h.h1 7.0h 7.15 10.00 8.31 8.92 6.59 5.17 3.79 2.h1 67.53 9 1.56 1.50 h.02 u.27 5.2n 8.22 9.u6 8.56 6.75 h.n2 3.63 2.56 60.19 2.29 2.h2 5.32 h.8h 5.90 7.au 9.9h 9.70 6.2h 5.53 u.56 3.06 67.6h 1 9 - - - - - 11.h5 11.72 7.83 5.96 3.70 3.0u - 92 2.95 h.06 h.93 6.01 7.12 8.80 9.10 11.5h 7.13 5.8u 3.38 2.12 72.98 93 2.92 2.73 h.10 5.92 6.85 10.h2 9.85 8.5h 6.09 u.51 2.9h 2.6k 67.51 1.93 2.58 h.u9 5.60 6.62 8.75 9.76 9.75 6.67 5.08 3.h3 2.37 67.03 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Buchanan Dam. Young (Y.) Pan. ' JAN FEB MAR APR MAY A JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - - - - - 10.07 6.22 h.03 3.53 2.h8 - 1.29 2.05 3.86 6 A8 5.08 7.17 8.80 8.96 6.21 h.77 2.80 2.62 60.09 1.99 2.59 3.79 h.68 7.57 7.75 7.50 8.25 6.72 5.16 3.60 2.80 61.6h 2.66 2.70 h.89 5.28 5.h7 6.56 10.33 9.89 5.17 3.88 3.35 2.50 62.2h 1.36 2.90 h.00 5.13 6.hh 8.61 9.58 8.17 6.65 5.13 3.95 1.85 63.07 1.80 2.16 h.28 6.78 6.56 10.09 7.85 8.6h 6.32 h.96 3.89 2.72 6h.93 1.91 1.55 3.78 h.05 5.60 7.81 8.7h 8.09 6.52 u.27 3.62 3.15 58.h9 2.35 2.26 5.07 h.38 5.01 7.h6 9.91 10.20 6.05 5.55 n.86 3.36 66.h6 1 3.77 2.0h 5.62 5.96 - - 10.h1 11.21 7.91 6.h0 h.h2 3.60 - i 2 3.29 h.19 5.26 5.09 6.2h 7.00 7.27 10.70 6.86 5.62 3.72 2.19 67.h3 3 2.88 2.75 3.82 5.22 6.u7 9.27 9.28 8.11 5.81 h.70 3.h9 3.1u 6u.9u ‘ 2.33 2.52 h.hh 5.30 6.05 7.97 8.97 9.30 6.ho h.95 3.75 2.76 6u.7h Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Buchanan Dam W.B. Pan mm mm mm Mm mu mm mm mm‘ aw an MW lmc mmwu - - - - - - - 1u.03 7.33 5.h0 u.22 2.28 - 1.93 2.60 h.76 8.99 7.05 9.85 12.09 11.76 7.73 6.33 3.80 2.97 79.86 2.65 3.hh 5.61 5.85 10.03 10.hh 9.61 9.96 9.31 7.00 h.69 3.06 81.65 3.16 3.87 7.07 6.98 6.99 8.h9 13.31 11.7h 6.0h k.87 3.h9 3.11 79.12 2.09 3.h8 5.61 6.77 8.n1 10.9% 12.50_ 1o.h1 8.57 6.73 3.93 2.06 81.50 1.83 2.52 5.62 8.97 8.62 12.20 9.80 10.h2 7.87 6.25 h.70 3.1h 81.9% 1.78 2.29 5.31 5.h5 7.62 9.79 10.90 10.01 7.80 5.05 h.96 3.05 7h.01 2.72 3.20 6.21‘ 6.27 7.26 9.k6 11.h0 11:23 7.3A 7.05 5.31 3.69 81.1k h.k1 2.99 6.63 8.52 - - 13.k9 13.90 9.07 7.13 h.23 3.h3 - 2 3.91 5.13 6.16 6.98 8.86 10.33 10.67 13.7h 8.11 6.12 3.60 2.58 86.19 3 h.21 3.32 5.52 7.h6 8.57 12.h3 11.58 9.83 7.12 5.12 3.16 2.88 81.20 2.87 3.28 5.85 7.22 8.16 10.hh 11.5h 11.55 7.8h 6.10- h.19 2.93 81.97 Table 10 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Chillicothe. B.P.I. Pan: 72" di x 2h" deep. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001' NOV 01:0 1912 - - _ 6.63 9.11 8.79 10.69 9.28 7 02 - - - 1913 - - - 7.82 9.76 8.13 11.55 11.61 6 no - - - 191A - - - 5.86 u.8h 8.35 9 31 7.08 5 77 - - - 1915 - - - H-31 7-35 7-31 8-53 6-93 5 25 - - - 1916 - - - 5.73 8.73 10.31 10 72 10.67 7 07 - - - 1917 -_ - - 8.5h 7.6h 10.66 11.76 9 an 6.96 7.62 - - 1918 - - - 6.63 11.06 9.58 11.82 12 98 7.50 8.06 - - 1919 - - 3.92 5.70 6.36 6.53 8.38 9 52 6.90 3.36 2.h5 - 1920 - - 6.10 8.67 10.17 8.25 9.51 5 9h 6.6h h.85 3.56 - 1921 - - 3.66 7. 7 8.20 9.36 9.20 10 1h 8.50 7.18 1.69 - 1922 - - u.85 5.89 7.03 8.11 10.16 10 n9 8.09 5.5h 3.09 3.35 1923 3 63 2.19 5.80 6.08 10.26 8 79 9.71 10 88 5.80 3.18 2.06 2.0h 192k 2.59 3.27 3.7h 6.L2 8.02 10.65 8.65 8 L0 6.66 h.90 3.u0 2.16 1925 1.38 1.53 7.91 8.13 8.18 10.31 9.37 6 09 u.38 3.18 1.9h 2.29 1926 1.92 u.u6 3.9h 1.97 7.13 8.25 6.77 6.16 h.56 3.27 2.88 1.87 1927 1.68 2.56 u.92 6.66 8.88 7.63 7.62 7.00 5.08 3.68 2.8h 1.78 1928 2.5h 2.11 5.57 7.21 8.02 8.21 7.58 6.5u 5.93 1.16 2.09 1.58 1929 1.5h 1.21 5.07 7.u3 5.38 7.96 8.07 8.83 5.28 3.30 1.87 2.39 1930 .88 3.12 5.52 7.33 7.18 8.66 10.86 10.26 7.71 2.68 2.63 1.28 1931 1.56 2.08 3.31 h.3h 6.33 9.30 8.25 7.10 8.77 8.57 2.25 1.50 1932 1.59 2.12 u.87 6.53 6.26 7.18 7 86 9.10 h.83 h.98 3.17 1.1h 1933 2.h3 2.10 u.83 7.25 6.82 9.87 9.21 7.50 5.18 h.08 1.76 1.61 193h 2.26 2.8h h.7n 5.57 5.95 8.80 11.h1 12.u6 7.u2 5.92 3.h0 2.67 1935 2.72 3.u2 6.72 8.37 6.35 9.37 11.67 11 81 5.12 h.80 2.2h 1.89 1936 2.62 2.99 7.96 7.83 8.08 12.1h 12.00 13 20 5.80 h.23 3.8h 2.16 1937 1.87 3.98 h.59 7.11 9.55 9.22 11.hh 9 52 7.06 h.91 3.6h 1.70 1938 3.3h 2.11 6.5h 5.17 8.66 9.06 9.28 11.79 8.15 6.89 h.52 3.7h 1939 3.07 3.55 5.80 7.36 8.27 10.19 12.27 8.95 11.09 6.80 3.59 3.36 1910 2.1h 3.05 7.65 6.7h 9.15 9.23 13.16 9.7h 7.69 5.93 2.36 1.76" 19h1 1.99 2.09 3.57 5.2% 6.62 7.52 9.01 8.51 6.56 2.90 2.51 1.86 19h2 2.h8 3.71 5.90 5.12 8.67 9.51 10.67 9.08 7.30 h.18A 3.u3 1.3h 19h3 2.63 1.15 u.67 6.86 5.33 9.15 9.91 13.12 8.15 5.62 3.75 1.2h 19hh .83 2.10 h.19 7.33 7.26 8.8h 8.u6 8.59 5.66 3.92 2.92 1.5h 19h5 1.90 1.99 h.00 1.91 8.5A 9.h0 7.92 8.55 6.88 3.08 3.00 2.21 19u6 2.02 3.09 5.72 7.78 7.99 7.73 10.96 10.67 5.10 h.h8 2.92 2.h6 19h7 1.80 3.59 3.82 u.h6 6.11 10.h0 10.88 10.72 9.19 5.52 2.78 1.96 19h8 1.82 1.51 3.95 8.1h 7.58 8.h6 8.h2 8.32 7.36 h.h9 1.12 3.h3 1919" .87 1.29 u.01 h.51 6.9a 8.n3 9.79 8.35 5.55 h.30 3.56 2.27 1950 2.u3 3.59 6.19 7.02 5.89 8.68 6.62 7.31 h.h5 5.61 h.66 2.29 1951 2.97 2.15 6.08 7.05 7.59 9.01 10.3u 9.83 7.32 h.99 2.30 3.68 1952 3.26 3.28 h.99 6.12 7.75 12 30 10.61 12.25 8.01 7.23 3.60 2.02 1953 3.7h 1.37 u.89 6.58 8.68 12 13 10.38 8.72 9.16 2.95 1.88 2.20 Mean 2.21 2.90 5.11 6.57 7.71 9 10 9.78 9.37 6.7h h.69 3.02 2.15 Table ll . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Coilege Station. B.P.I. Pan: 95.5" diameter x 2h" deep. ' YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP - OCT NOV DEC 1916 2.67 2.83 6.69 6.31 5.93 7.00 6.56 6.93 6 79 5.11 3.08 1.69 1917 1.97 1.95 h.02 h.71 5.11 9.19 9.28 9.09 5 98 5.92 3.h1 2.62 1918 2.57 1.99 5.05 h.80 6.72 8.35 9.6h 7.59 5.55 3.50 2.hh 1.99 1919 1.52 1.9h 2.93 1.72 u.88 h.6h 6.32 6.08 h.53 3.00 2.58 2.15 1920 2.50 2.19 h.22 5.78 5.78 5.8h 6.96 5.0h 5.93 3.96 3.08 1.88;. 1921 2.56 2.65 3.52 1.75 6.09 8.73 9.h5 7.89 5.92 5.h6 3.hA 3.22 1922 2.h0 2.08 h.92 3.56 5.29 5.88 7.96 7.55 5.69 5.2h 3.01 2.h7 1923 2.h8 2.38 3.78 3.60 7.56 6.93 7.33 7.98 h.h8 u.06 ‘ 2.h3 2.10 192k 2.h1 2.69 3.22 u.08 5.hh 6.26 8.32 8.96 6.62 h.8A 3.83 2.79 1925 1.72 3.56 5.03 6.85 8.11 9.25 9.85 8.1h 5.h6 3.79 2.83 2.07 1926 2.18 3.17 3.33 h.03 5.83 6.37 6.56 7.09 5.67 u.16* 2.7h 1.9h 1927 2.18 2.2u 3.28 5.h0 6.66 5.88 6.66 7.97 5.uo 3.90 3.01 2.9h 1928 2.25 2.21 3.93 h.h1 5.73 8.3h 9.11 6.71 h.78 h.30 2.67 2.59 1929 3.10 2.2h h.15 h.73 5.h3 7.01 6.10 7.32 5.92 h.89 3.h8 1.7h 1930 1.27 2.3h 3.6h h.82 1.13 7.2h 7.93 8.08 5.5h h.37 2.77 2.03 1931 1.67 2.71 h.h0 3.8h 6.19 6.73 6.18 7.10 6.63 5.23 . 2.76 1.77 1932 2.11 2.55 h.00 1.71 5.28 5.59 7.62 6.79 h.30 h.12 3.20 1.81 1933 1.83 1.9h 3.8h 5.07 5.88 7.72 7.19 6.11 5.36 h.5h 3.09 2.h2 193k 1.86 2.51 3.11 h.21 6.33 8.91 9.25 7.97 h.97 h.98 3.h3 1.79 1935 1.80 2.52 1.01 3.78 3.9h 5.35 6.93 7.25 h.3h 3.6h 2.h0 2.06 1936 1.91 1.80 h.09 h.91 h.56 7.0h 5.95 6.h1 7.92 7.36 5.99 5.91 Continued on next page 30 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near College. Station. B.P.I. Pan: v 95.5" diameter x 21+" deep. i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001 NOV DEC ANNUAL ;1.01 6.05 5.60 7.51 6.73 5.77 7.11 6.81 5.51 1.55 2.61 1.17 61.09 £2.30 1,76 3.11 3.57 5.15 5.95 6.82 6.39 5.71 1.85 3.16 2.11 51.21 1.90 2.18 3.11 5.10 5.76 5.93 7.95 7.22 6.92 5.39 2.19 2.30 56.85 1.71 2.30 1.21 1.25 5.21 5.76 6.79 7.26 6.15 1.21 2.97 3.11 51.32 g 2.36 2.30 3.06 3.25 1.65 1.78 5.65 7.22 1.32 3.02 2.16 2.51 15.61 -; 2.11 2.28 3.50 2.93 1.11 5.75 5.38 5.81 1.16 3.53 3.12 2.10 15.11 1.90 2.85 3.12 1.86 5.86 6.08 7.11 6.85 1.83 1.06 2.78 1.82 52.12 ; 1.56 1.98 2.91 1.16 1.31 6.39 7.52 7.10 5.15 1.38 2.11 1.55 19.15 1.76 2.01 2.66 3.92 5.81 6.09 6.63 6.13 1.72 3.16 2.97 2.01 17.90 1.93 2.03 3.39 1.23 1.26 5.15 7.12 7 15 3.86 3.56 2.18 2.06 17.52 Q 1.26 2.61 2.78 3.68 5.78 6.01 6.71 6.03 5 55 1.30 2.90 1.68 19.38 ,1. 1.81 1.19 3.10 1.69 5.91 7.72 7.29 - - - - - - 15' - - 3.15 3.50 6.16 6.21 6.35 6 72 5 68 3.80 1.22 2.90 - 2.25 2 06 1.31 3.66 5.37 5.87 6.81 7 61 5.12 1.17 3.85 2.86 51.30 2.61 2.20 5.20 5.52 6.17 7.11 1.32 7.13 - - - - - 7: - - - - - - - - - 2.68 - - ; 2.11 2.12 3 87 1 56 5.61 6 65 7 19 7.13 5.17 1.10 3.05 2.31 51.83 ‘ Monthly and. Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Dalhart. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter x ' 211" deep. T JAN Ema MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - 5.92 10.92 12.07 9.18 9.89 7.95 7.10 - - - - - - 8.53 9.90 10.89 11.68 10.56 7.81 - - - - , - - - 8.51 8.18 12.02 11.63 8.82 8.11 6.07 - - - v - - - 7.56 9.90 12.37 9.71 10.90 8.77 - - - - .1 - - - 8.21 10.21 8.18 11.10 9.13 6.75 - - - - ; - - - 7.69 10 06 8.71 12.70 10.77 6.31 - - - - ‘ - - - 6.51 7.81 10.26 8.81 9 06 8.23 - - - - ‘f - - - 5.78 8.08 8.71 9.26 7.92 6.85 - - - - V‘ - - - 6.60 11.09 10.37 11.02 9.60 7.11 - - - - i - - - 8.56 9.07 11.70 11.00 9.61 7.16 - - - - - - - 6.37 10.61 9.16 11.23 10.85 6.32 - - - - _ - - - 5.58 6.99 7.18 9.86 8.29 6.93 - - - - v - - - 7.00 8.05 8.71 7.88 7.62 6.95 - - - - = - - - 6.83 7.12 6.91 7.66 7.35 8.30 - - - - 2 - - - 6.10 7.96 9.09 9.58 9.91 6.81 - - - - .1 - - - 6.16 7.17 7.13 8.11 8.31 5.82 - - - - A - - - 7.31 7.16 9.11 9.09 9.08 6.39 - - - - - - - 7.39 7.01 9.72 9.01 6.60 5.57 - - - - ;; - - - 1.62 6.31 6.96 8.50 9.27 6.95 - - - - f; - - - 7.27 10.73 9.53 9.08 6.61 5.17 - - - - - - - 6.61 7.21 7.55 7.51 7.21 7.13 - - - - 1, - - - 7.30 6.13 8.28 9.81 8.18 6.29 - - - - 5 - - - 7.52 9.27 9.97 11.16 9.36 8.07 - - - - _ - - - 5.19 o 7.36 10.62 10.53 7.73 8.15 - - - - - - - 7.32 8.31 7.92 10.11 9.86 6.75 - - - - i - - - 7.57 10.55 13.08 12.10 10.33 8.17 - - - - v - - - 7.93 9.68 11.56 13.10 10.88 7.68 - - - - - - - 7.92 7.31 9.72 11.17 9.57 6.11 - - - - - - - 8.19 - - - - - - - - I I I I I I ' I I I I I I - - - 7.13 9.09 10.89 11 00 9.75 8.88 - - - - - - - 7.36 8.18 10.65 13 07 9.62 7.11 - - - - - - - 5.93 7.05 7.36 7 66 7.02 6.12 - - - - 7 - - - 5.97 9.10 7.85 _9.60 7.76 6.32 - - - - - - - 6.62 7.52 9.12 10.18 9.68 7.09 - - - - - - - 5.53 7.31 8.53 8.70 9.23 6.21 - - - - i - - - 5.77 8.68 9.70 8.01 8.21 7.62 - - - - 3 - - - 7.60 8.27 9.13 10.87 8.32 6.11 - - - - / - - - 5.60 6.75 8.31 8. 8.11 8.72 - - - - i - - - 7.16 7.91 8.11 10.11 7.39 7.25 - - - - 5 - - - 5.06 5.85 7.21 8.55 7.66 6.33 - - - - - - - 7.30 9.16 9.51 7.90 7.11 5.01 - - - - - - - - 6.88 8.12 9.10 9.93 8.81 7.09 - - - - Table l3 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Denton. 21+" deep. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter 111411]! \J 5 .55 5 5 5-h- ssln-QYSSS 5 DEC 131 80176 3650 861730652778 .h+7|7283622 22112211.22211112211112111111111212211 NOV 872305 2.496)+3l77lO8386»43O52|4735190967 35J+h|46 7661657||4hw85llhw333ll537|nv22h3928 anemiaLanaimingazaazziamaazzazznzazez OCT n4]... 5582 5/0 58l46768 990M... l ll47|87|5l l 5m l2 1189297914.3593767|l2hw6S932lu97l 932 h. 2 &L&&&M&kkk&mk&LM%i&&kk&k&&&&&&&Miikik B.P.I. Pan: 96" diamete- SEP 92160952823012.46262307|9lh693l532856983 7| 2571422.u.28665h570/‘4617791928100721 339%8 &&kiTT&&&&&&$61k&&k&&&&&£Mi&&&&&M&i&& AUG 2:221 107.700 132 81 n39?) ‘4011622033065 2188 #36722 971 k9 ._I:U.28%O39O566668O7|8 h. VIQuAaJIK/lSIQ/ORJQ/STTQuul/OOYAJOT O19 O0 69 O&OO./O8|4o7|O/87l6309359h35OUOQ/l 63l4%7|6 88 37|~1I~I|Ol46O|4l7|7l69o8323 O3 17568275513 22 . #75609s36l/Oohl/uh4hlzw3swghh73602070 I40 &T&&&iT9%T&&&TT&&m&&T&Ti&&&T&&&Ti%5TT MAY 1,2903 3h».3\4.92lhwlll 531 37 6333 0O l4 7:14.22 91.036 33778 726 92/Wh 0.4% i&km&k&&&&&&Mk&&&&k&Ti&i&iMM&kMkkk&&& APR 9 31 O1 2 8 l 1%%m%39%m5%wW%o%&6W2H@%mB%@u&%&%%%W®% &&k&kk&i&&k&M&k&&Lk&i}&&&Mii&k&&&&&&k MAR o/O/Ohao 0651507: 99362 9 9 23417-3 9 3 Q/QJOJKJQJQ/w 9836867 37532||0w7| O,_.m.W®26l28.%5/%|O Mi&m&Lliiz&M&m&kk&M5&k&k&M&&&&&&&kM3k IFEB O75 2:18:42 8 7h262n4 8.4221527 r0609 9o 96OM535|+7 h,w%§96ll.4O%:/2995O89ww3l73&w2 232222123322 211222221211231122112122 JAN 29129 28 9 2 7| 383o8%h2$m%6%%$fi%7%WWBB2W$%%$wH@mm®M® 2 11112111112 22111111111119.21- Table 11+ . Monthly and Annual E 21;" deep. vaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Iowa. Perk. 66 6 66555555“ h». 55 “.56 DEC . l 8 9 %m%%%%fi%%%%m%®0B%Hw®%%%&5M7& LLLLLLLLLLLL&LLLLLLLLL&LLzLL NOV loohnd 38 7| 9132933826 29 9 %7|3l75%&OQ/m4¢.rOWll887|l/Ol2O 08%..) amzznzzzanzzzninmzzzzziamnzz OCT 8817162 l8 2h.2.492936 6‘7-5Q\4059 2 58O1+8523578OlOnwh5O6lhOl mmamammmmaammmamamazammammem 90607 2 9 31 52575 6 7.120124 93167 309 567578h66h5&i&&MM&i&k&&MM&&i AUG 817106936 8l7||40l 9775881 139 9OO|ABEBJ£W1Z37IAMR5HANAH£ 367i wme nwnmn % %$%% mwmwwwwm mm &T&&m%m&mT&%T&T&T&&i&T%Ti&&& nwwmwwwwmmwennmmwwwwmnwnwwnw &&%T&%T&m&&T&T&i&&T&&T&&&&&%. MAY nnwwwwwwsmwwwnwunnnnwwwnwnww &&T&&&&&&i&&&&&Mi&ii&iiii&&&. APR wwmnm mmwwwwwnnawmnmnwawnww M&&&TM&&kiiikiiaikiliiiikiki MAR wmwnmmwwmmmm nwnmnwwwnnmwwmw anawnaammmaammmzmaazazaammam FEB 733l4h+2 3 8 8 l 8 9 3 nu5978%o$hm6%3%526&%&HW&1&%w o o a Q o o o Q I Q u n n o o 0 a o | Q n n o o o Q o 0 JAN 3:27 93 295 9 810 82 .6 anlmismmaniwlmmmimlnaanawwww 112111 21111111111111.1111 ... -.vvvv-- ~v-\puv-au\wu\uululuu+vlt-‘VJL/OO l U A . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Lake Kickapoo. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter i x 2h" deep. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocm Nov DEC ANNUAL - 1.87 h.60 9.78 8.98 11.0h 10.96 12.63 11.99 - h.50 3.80 - - - h.71 5.20 - 9.11 10.97 9.1h 6.19 h.86 h.3k 2.78 - . - - 8.31 5 A9 9.22 5.h9 7.79 5.31 6.6h 5.h1 - - A - - 5.61 7.96 7.87 8.03 11.u5 11.h8 8.h5 6.36 3.8h - - - 3.88 5.83 7.h6 9.h7 12.27 11.0h 13.29 9.32 7.75 k.71 - - - h.66 6.33 7.77 8.77 1h.13 10.25 9.03 8.96 5.21 2.96 3 15 - - 3.h7 5.h2 7.75 8.12 10.63 10.03 10.56 8.37 6.16 h.29 3.2h - Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Lake Kickapoo Y. Pan JAN FEB MAR ' APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OT Nov DEC ANNUAL - 1.81 ’ h.60 9.2h 8.78 9.39 10.05 10.76 9.h8 - h.95 h.59 - A - h.95 5.39 - 9.39 11.39 10.h2 6.uo 5 23 h.79 3.27 - , =2 - - 8.h2 6.23 9.2u 5.h8 7.78 h.55 6.19 5.22 - - ; .- - 5.7h 7.27 6.31 6.28 10.50 11.09 8.79 6.6M 3.75 - - - h.39 5.82 7.21 8.75 11.h6 10.98 13.62 10.10 8.53 5.67 - - - h.81 5.99 8.02 8.81 15.15 10.15 9.61 10.16 5.68 3.15 3.73 - - 3.67 5.h2 7.59 7.78 10.15 9.76 10.55 8.25 6.h5 k.59 3.86 - Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Lake Kickapoo. W B. Pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001 NOV DEC ANNUAL - 2.6h 5.68 . 11.82 11.85 15.h2 13.61 1h.06 11.82 8.08’ 5.72 5.h5 - - - 6.5h 7.62 - 10.98 1h.28 11.93 7.57 6.9h 5.uh 3.h2 - - - - 10.96 7.83 11.22 7.60 9.0h 6.h2 7.32 6.1h - - - - 7.00 10.88 11.02 11.35 13.98 1h.25 10.87 7.6h 3.68 - - - h.97 7.32 9.h7 12.h1 16.07 1u.u3 16.11 11.56 9.21 5.62 - - - - - 10.28 11.85 18.90 12.88 11.29 11.75 6.57 3.3h 3.h1 - - 3.80 6.6h 10.17 10.99 13.99 12.80 12.78 10.00 7.63 h.99 h.09 - . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Lubbock. B.P.I. Pan: 70.5" diameter x 2b" deep. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC ANNUAL 1.53 3.h5 6.h5 8.38 9.1k 11.19 11.u0 8.91 6.0M 6.25 3.21 1.20 77.15 .27 2.30 6.32 8.32 9.26 7.33 9.67 9.30 6.6h h.51 2.k9 .96 67.37 .59 3.27 2.h5 5.61 5.30 5.h1 7.8h 7.69 h.77 2.65 1.7h 1.62 h8.9h .73 2.36 5.30 7.3% 5.83 6.37 7.2h 5.30 5.32 3.90 1.88 2.35 53.92 2.11 2.18 5.18 7.h1 7.28 5.79 6.77 8.hh 5.67 h.95 3.33 2.h5 61.56 1.62 3.19 5.08 6.36 6.76 6.97 8.9u 8.h6 7.31 h.72 2.2h 2.26 63.91 2.68 2.13 h.55 5.76 7.57 7.8h 8.25 7.66 5.12 2.h8 1.h1 1.18 56.59 1.7h 2.22 3.82 6.71 6.7h 10.36 8.k0 8.32 5.59 3.96 ,2.96 1.80 62.62 1.29 h.0h 6.72 7.n7 6.66 9.7h 9.66 6.10 h.30 -3.37 2.62 1.91 63.88 1.h6 3.62 3.31 h.13 6.05 7.23 8.16 7.51 h.72 3.08 2.75 1.12 53.1h 1.52 2.36 h.8h 7.29 10.67 8.h8 8.h0 8.67 5.71 h.89 3.79 1.62 68.2h 2.h2 1.98 5.88 7.91 6.6h 10.uh 8.96 5.86 6.22 h.80 1.88 1.81 6h.80 2.1h 1.86 5.20 7.3h 6.31 9.17 9.18 8.76 6.06 3.90 1.90 2.18 6h.00 .98 3.39 h.85 7.h8 7.8h 8.h6 10.78 9.21 8.15 2.92 2.hh 1.05 67.55 1.33 1.8h 3.75 h.65 6.h7 10.29 9.h3 7.52 8.31 n.79 2.20 1.35 61.93 1.6h 2.99 5.h8 7.27 6.53 7.h7 8.57 7.05 h.28 3.59 2.98 1.09 58.9h 2.32 2.09 5.35 7.h6 8.52 11.5h 9.95 8.27 6.10 h.69 2.72 2.59 71.60 2.22 3.08 h.67 6.77 8.h8 12.18 12.h3 10.35 6.89 5.56 3.32 2.22 78.17 . 2.82 3.05 5.86 7.77 6.26 8.37 9.57 8.97 n.67 h.09 2.22 1.52 65.17 1.79 2.78 6.25 7.10 7.00 9.60 9.39 10.0h h.31 3.68 2.32 1.50 65.76 1.72 3.11 3.7h 6.09 8.09 7.39 9.38 8.0h 5.03 3.68 2.68 1.h3 60.38 2.10 1.87 5.30 6.21 8.02 7.29 7.07 8.65 5.8h h.8h 3.22 2.13 62.5h 1.78 2.33 h.53 6.8h 6.95 10.00 9.19 7.5% 8.06 h.99 2.53 2.05 66.79 1.0h 1.63 5.5h 6.50 7.63 7.55 10.2h 6.95 6.79 h.07 1.93 1.h6 61.33 1.69 1.87 3.2h 5.15 h.5h 6.72 6.85 6.hn h.60 2.66 2.01 1.56 h7.33 1.66 2.7h h.85 h.6h 8.33 5.27 8.01 7.36 3.96 3.07 2.75 .7h 53.38 1.79 3.h8 h.29 6.55 5.98 8.38 7.0h 9.6h 5.68 h.06 2.98 1.07 60.9k 1.h1 1.76 3.97 6.81 6.86 8.92 7.71 7.62 5.02 3.h2 2.28 1.31 ~ 57.09 1.63 2.22 h.9h 6.05 9.15 10.21 8.07 7.h6 7.27 2.98 3.3h 1.99 65.31 1.89 3.02 5.10 7.h0 7.83 9.92 9.56 9.32 h.5h h.30 2.28 1.7k 66.90 1.01 2.h1 2.60 5.22 7.98 8.58 8.19 " 7.8h 8.96 5.10 2.72 1.55 62.16 1.31 2.55 5.25 7.59 7.70 8.05 8.95 8.11 6.2h h.h6 3.h5 2.96 66.62 1.68 2.17 h.60 5.11 5.23 8.06 7.56 8.17 6.50 3.32 u.12 2.52 59.0h Continued on next page 33 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Lubbock. B.P.I. Pan: 70.5" diamet 2h" deep. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocw Nov DEC 3 1950 2.81 2.83 5.80 6.07 6.0h 6.81 h.83 7.03 h.82 6.kh h.58 2.99 6' 1951 3.08 3.70 6.76 8.66 9.12 10.50 11.96 9.68 7.9h 5.63 2.95 3.02 8 1952 2.h3 3.7h 5.8h 6.58 8.52 10.90 8.h1 9.35 6.66 5.71 2.89 2.06 7 1953 3.27 3.38 5.06 7.u2 8.80 11.20 10.69 7.9u 8.69 5.12 3.10 2.76 Mean 1.77 2.68 u.9u 6.69 7.38 8.65 8.83 8.09 6.02 h.23 2.71 1.81 6 Table 17 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative station at Mansfield Dam. Y Pan YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001* NOV DEC 19hu - - - - - 6.38 7.89 7.3h 5.50 h.33 3.05 1.9h 19h5 1.83 3.h7 2.90 3.hh 6.93 6.12 6.18 7.00 6.66 5.06 3.h6 2.h5 55 19h6 1.92 2.26 3.99 h.96 h.18 6.h9 9.15 9.12 h.1h 3.70 2.83 2.23 5k 19h7 1.01 3.07 3.5M h.23 6.33 9.11 9.85 8.15 8.h3 6.66 h.30 2.15 66 19h8 1.80 1.30 3.82 6.h8 6.51 9.35 8.71 9.58 7.h7 5.51 u.2u 2.98 67 19h9 1.77 1.hh 3.32 3.7h 6.55 8.68 9.28 8.67 7.51 u.72 u.3h 2.13 62 1950 2.11 2.09 5.55 h.13 5.59 7.18 10.u6 10.6h 6.36 5.88 5.32 3.18 68 1951 3.11 1.95 u.h8 6.20 6.07 8.70 11.51 12.25 7.17 6.25 h.01 3.03 7k 1952 2.76 3.66 h.h8 u.90 6.35 9.19 8.82 12.5h 7.36 6.99 h.12 2.10 73 1953 3.16 3.11 3.9h 5.93 7.00 10.87 10.07 9.71 5.95 5.1u 2.83 3.68 71 Mean 2.16 2.h8 h.00 h.89 6.17 8.21 9.19 9.50 6.66 5.h2 3.85 2.59 65 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at Mansfield Dam. W.B. Pan YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 19hh - - - - - 7.65 10.u8 9.51 6.55 5.0u 2.81 1.82 f 19h5 2.23 2.88 h.12 u.33 8.h1 8.31 7.97 8.26 a.u2 6.38 h.35 2.h6 68_ 19h6 2.57 3.09 5.h3 6.83 5.u8 8.35 10.56 10.26 h.u9 h.05 2 67 2.29 66_ 19h7 1.50 3.19 h.53 5.10 6.87 10.58 11.17 9.52 9.22 7.09 3.57 1.87 I 7hi 19h8 1.52 1.5h h.85 7.32 7.79 11.09 10.82 10.78 7.81 5.85 h.h7 3.09 76‘ 19h9 1.h8 1.97 h.60 h.55 8.38 9.59 10.h7 9.38 8.01 h.7h h.67 1.85 69 1950 1.97 2.u7 5.9u 5.26 7.11 8.75 11.26 11.3h 7.02 6.11 h.83 3.02 75 1951 3.52 2.h9 5.28 7.h8 7.17 9.73 12.55 12.19 7.h2 6.37 3.52 3.hh 81 1952 3.11 h.07 5.16 6.05 7.u6 9.66 9.88 13.22 8.00 6.99 3.93 2.35 79 1953 n.11 3.0h u.66 6.73 7.h8 12.3u 11.15 9.6u 6.7u 5.21 2.76 h.13 77 Mean 2.h5 2.75 h.95 5.96 7.35 9.60 10.63 10.h1 7.37 5.78 3.76 2.63 733 Table 18 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Nacogdoches. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diame x 2h" deep. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1915 1.h7 2.0u 2.63 2.63 h.32 5.77 6.56 h.38 h.09 3.81 2.21 1.29 #1 1916 1.12 2.26 u.uu h.15 u.72 h.96 n.h0 3.90 h.h5 3.73 2.06 1.68 hi 1917 1.32 2.31 3.37 h.35 h.61 6.88 5.8h 7.17 h.h6 h.50 2.61 1.71 A9 1918 1.57 1.76 h.01 3.90 5.h5 6.39 7.h0 5.80 5.03 2.7M 2.52 1.78 A8‘ 1919 1.39 2.20 3.15 h.80 3.89 3.36 1.91 5.63 h.h9 2.27 2.32 1.85 h01 1920 1.36 2.10 3.53 u.s2 h.09 5.31 5.00 3.73 h.26 3.10 2.10 1.51~ ho 1921 1.62 2.08 3.18 3.3u 5.21 h.15 h.98 5.97 u.02 3.73 2.21 1.71 N2 1922 1.52 1.7u 2.5a 2.9h u.30 n.51 5.09 h.62 u.uu 3.86 1.86 1.56 38 1923 1.69 1.77 2.73 2.96 h.63 h.85 5.23 6.0h 3.01 3.h9 1.69 1.19 39f 192A 1.63 1.76 2.53 3.11 h.2h 5.13 7.16 6.98 5.05 u.12 2.73 1.69 h6' 1925 1.h5 2.h2 3.22 5.18 5.3h 7.17 6.2u 6.78 5.22 3.h0 2.03 1.98 50" 1926 1.25 2.56 2.37 3.38 5.06 5.26 5.08 6.0u 5.22 3.86 2.h5 1.h7 hh' 1927 1.60 2.30 2.7h h.12 5.10 u.uu 5.89 6.87 5.13 3.69 2.71 2.11 A63 1928 '1.72 2.32 3.16 3.81 5.52 5.31 5.68 6.20 A.97 3.98 2.20 1.87 h6_ 1929 1.6h 1.78 3.18 3.91 3.60 5.28 5.75 6.37 h.88 3.86 2.01 1.18 h" 1930 1.2M 1.76 3.0h h.99 3.88 6.35 7.38 6.h5 h.75 3.22 2.12 1.83 N7 1931 1.69 1.98 2.99 3.35 h.32 6.h6 6.u8 5.75 5.9h u.25 . 2.22 2.01 k7 1932 2.03 1.77 3.53 h.2h h.71 6.06 6.hu 5.66 h.56 3.82 2.36 1.55 k6 1933 1.66 1.91 3.30 h.25 5.h9 6.17 5.23 5.71 u.31 3.80 2.87 2.1h A6- 193h 2.01 2.12 3.01 h.17 5.39 6.95 7.uu 7.03 u.62 3.7h 2.96 2.01 513 1935 2.0h 2.5u 3.69 3.57 h.13 5.31 5.13 6.13 3.98 3.7h 2.33 1.80 hhi 1936 1.3h 1.61 3.51 h.26 n.59 6.81 5.h6 5.83 h.91 3.22 2.23 1.38 A51 Continued on next page 34 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Nacogdoches. B.P.I. Pan: Continued from preceding page 72" diameter x 21+" deep. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL 1.h3 2.05 2.28~ 3.68 6.0h 5.8h 6.h7 6.23 u.u5 3.93 2.31 1.87 u6.58' 2.26 2.8h 3.2h 3.6M 5.k2 5.72 5.h6 5.68 u.81 u.1h 2.5A 1.73 u7.Aa 1.66 2.20 3.12 h.32 h.68 5.29 6.96 6.12 6.03 h.92 2.10 1.95 u9.35 1.26 1.62 3.h7 3.8h 5.10 5.0h 5.01 h.79 A.27 3.28 2.06 1.53 h1.27 1 1.70 1.78 2.7h 3.h9 h.13 h.25 h.7h u.60 3.99 3.18 1.98 1.7u 38.32 _ 2.06 1.91 3.2h 3.33 3.9h h.55 5.37 5.61 h.33 3.55 2.53 1.52 u1.9n '3 1.68 2.82 3.10 h.2h 5.k9 5.90 6.26 6.72 A.26 3.92 2.28 1.53 h8.20- ‘ 1.01 1.52 2.70 h.02 3.56 5.59 6.27 6.5h h.50 h.10 1.82 1.32 h2.95 I5 1.62 1.79 2.71 3.72 h.95 5.h7 5.30 -h.85 u.05 2.80 2.30 1.90 u1.h6 1.h2 2.10 3.66 h.53 h.23 h.89 5.60 5.5A 3.82 3.33 1.72 1.63 u2.h7 )7 1.1h 2.21 ' 2.72 3.07 h.38 5.52 6.25 6.30 6.05 3.99 2.50 1.h2 u5.55 1.56 2.06 3.12 3.89 h.68 5.h8 5.83 5.82 u.62 3.67 2.27 1.68 hA.68 l; 19 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Possum Kingdom Dam. B.P.I. Pan: 7 .1 72" diameter x 21+" deep. 1 i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC ANNUAL ‘1 - - - 7.85 7.22 7.92. 11.1u 11.65 8.0h 6.39 3.29 2.9u - . 2.76 3.78 5.37 6.61 8.18 11.h8 11.23 12.86 8.7u 7.28 3.69 2.25 8A.23 3 3.5h . 3.63 5.h8 7.09 8.18 13.98 9.88 9.01 8.96 5.08 2.80 3.18 80.81 _ 3.15 3.70 5.h2 7.18 7.86 11.13 10.75 11.17 8.58 6.25 3.26 2.79 81.2u Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Possum, Kingdom Dam. Y Pan JAN FEB MAR I APR MAY JUN JUL AUG‘ SEP OCT Nov DEG ANNUAL I 1 - - - 7.23 6.h0 7.12 10.98 10.02 8.67 7.16 3.68 3.3h - 3.09 h.08 5.h3 6.17 7.65 11.26 11.52 13.65 9.68 8.08 h.h1 2.56 87.58 )3 3.86 3.8a 5.35 7.12 7.77 1u.u8 10.h7 9.58 9.58 5.51 3.21 3.72 8u.49 ‘ 3.h8 3.96 5.39 6.8h 7.27 10.95 10.99 11.08 9.31 6.92 3.77 3.21 83.17 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at theExperiment Station near Possum Kingdom Dam. W.B. Pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC ANNUAL - - _ - 9.5h 9.13 9.80 13.21 13.86 9.21 ‘ 7.66 3.80 3.61 - 3.68 h.97 6.90 8.21 10.37 13.88 13.26 1h.52 10.26 8.33 h.63 2.82 101.83 3.68 h.97 6.90 8.87 9.75 11.8h 13.2h 1h.19 9.7h 8.00 h.22 3.22 98.62 20 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Prairie View. .P.I. Pan: '72" diameter p. x 2 " deep. i -JAN FEB MAR APR _MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL ' 1 - - - 5.h8 5.83 9.05 8.29 9.63 5.97 5.37 h.02 2.h8 - 2 2.97 3.36 h.88 7.ho 8.92 9.25 7.83 7.87 7.21 6.h1 3.78 3.63 73.5h 3 2.89 2.h2 3.50 5.06 5.08 9.20 7.33 5.h6 h.98 h.ho 3.03 2.87 56.22 2.93 2.89 h.19 5.98 6.61 9.17 7.82 7.65 6.06 5.39 3.61 2.99 65.29 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Prairie View. Pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT’ NOV DEC ANNUAL 51 - - 5.16 5.12 5.23 5.90 8.0h 9.63 5.13 5.h0 k.A5 3.22 - 92 3.07 3.23 5.16 5.71 6.73 7.89 6.06 7.68 7.25 7.17 h.12 3.83 67.90 3 3.h8 2.80 3.h6 5.k3 3.86 9.20 5.87 5.30 h.36 h.3h 3.37 2.78 5n.25 3.28 3.02 h.59 5.h2 5.27 7.66 6.66 7.5h 5.58 5.6h 3.98 3.28 61.92 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Prairie View. .B. Pan v JAN FEB - MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC ANNUAL ' 1 - - - 6.89. 7.72 8.h8 10.69 12.17 7.73 5.97 h.18 3.23 - 3.79 h.71 6.h6 8.12 9.17 10.h2 .72 9.7h 8.20 7.55 h.h3 h.31 85.62 53 h.36 3.h2 h.83 5.81 7.06 9.h8 .15 6.60 5.85 h.7n 3.58 2.73 66.61 k.08 h.06 5.6h 6.9h 7.98 9.h6 9.19 9.50" 7.26 6.09. h.06 3.h2 77.68 35 Table 21 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at {he Experiment Station near Sonora. B.P.I. Pan: 72" diameter’ x 2h" deep. m W“ 1i. 7 .. _ _.l_o v.0. l Q o Q a o_ u o u n o u 0 o I v o o Q o o c 0 Q 0 I 0 Q o u \ o n‘%& u 19 W. W UWWMQMn@%mB@@$@&&W%&@&mU@fi$ &m@&“fl$%®U77% 8 z 86 8 9 6 00 O 9 $2 m wwnuw m nwwww m names Q m w1%%awe%mswmsa%vmm%m3% 5@%@ mmwamwwmwwmus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r............ ............. D 33222 D 33223 D 3h233 M D 3213hh222212231123222132212 1112213223222 d n a 36hh 35 03 3918 t 7 83960 8 357952h29 810 66 8 O88 2 7 0 552k V h9@59 V 1h01 S V 3m52729%1%h5h5l63hh@ 109333 7®%59h%6@8W7$ ..... O..-.. O..... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . - .. N h3333 N H.333?) n N Shun“ M1 N 333i“ 35225233223233323352333 33232233h3323 a m P P . 0235 P 75527 . 82h 0 . ,6 99 7 k6 926 5630 b81992 T $296M Y T 62J25 M M O52 1 M T 9 717M8%h9W363%h129U958399 W%Rn&%$%@U%W% W 566h5 W h67h5 0 77857 KL M 565h5553hh3h5h3hh56hhh5551U 35N33hh3h555R h a a 9 r r .1 o 0 815 1 n 5 16 6 69h ur 8 O68 9857 52 2 3 O 33 H 59fi@3 % W %8.17 M H 7 637 Wm W ?9®777%6539%O6%%6%hWWm%hWM% %%15%%nwH%%n S 67857. r S 570056 r S 7m978 rm 5 656551475.“ 5h 56579357555687U6 5666|4765|46676 a a ac e e n n mm 55h73 n 0951b n 75766 n8 1 993 32 538 2 233 2 6 3 3 W £9193 m W #2315 m W Olhlh mm W %8W656M56%320W%Wfi2Wh05®hw3B Wl@%5$%@ @%®H A 9wH79 M A 8wH89 M A H NEH Mm A 99w766988668588877w8m797778 7m97967678978 t t te S S SM t t t 71 5 n 951 9 n l51h5 nc 66h9hh 35082823 62 8935 9 26 3 M JJ&5% e M 289.8 e M 36228 e) M 735171925137953R%%76%W050ln %6W@%%07%mW@2 9m9wm M 999m9 M HUBER M? MNm876w98w6878H989R88m7mH79 8675mm8769898 e e e l D. P l E11 m m EX 231 9 299 0 851 hl612 20 O0hh 0012 21923 38 6 6 93 M 816.3 M M 73h.2 M M 256.W MT M 55J99%97&7537%h279$97h66%85 2M3%5u%h8%%%@ w9w N t 989 9 t HRH H tk ww955577w97798897wH6987N768 8899888778HH9 t t t/\ a a a S S S 613 e 3883 e h7h2 M 1 0O308O317hlb366b8h371 3h28 85 83 5 Y .JO5% m Y .£O3h m Y .2025 mt Y .J9h697hh6121335361363%8581 70®23R6%&&&MM M 887.7 h M 6787 h M MW M 98955668665m6676688667877|47 77797675578m7 n n n n i 1 1- 21 n 667 n 9 O 6 3 M .nw@h m R .12». m m .7W£§ mm R 9w%w@lnwwwwwnnnnmwwwwwmwwwn wwmmmwwmmnnwa 7777 M M 7666 M 9899 M1 M 1776565h6637777h68666657656 h7767h7k67686 r r rr 0 0 oe P P Pb a a ao 2 97 v 3699 v 8hl vt 911988 6 1972 22 22 636 66 392 30 3 2 M .J.08 E W .0183 E W . 912 EM W 5h0700 h%5h32 90 h2 162 61 88h&@h7WMW8W1 t u M M mp 3 29 8532 O5 7 862 3 8 76 d 9598 d 85,W6 d) W639W. fin n%fl8&%%WWB%M/w~m%Bm$/Q»w% améwnxwmm,» ww - ¢ - 0 D - u n - H - . . ¢ . M" | . - ¢ ~ | - . . - - - - - ~ ' . ¢ ~ - » ~ - ~ v ¢ ~ » - - - Q . ¢ ¢ - n v o - 2h33 a 2h33 35hh % F 2332h3h22h32213232332323223 3322221222h32 Y Y Y m. m m x t t tn l91h n 5192 n 081 n2 8l9271O8h319965 388 2 69 0 6 6 M .2189 M M .J39O M M .2AA. mu M h826h3116h608l2ww972U9%%%2h 2%%%2NW%W%W%2 J 3132 J 3133 J h25h J 12123333222222l222232l32122 2211221l222h2 2 1 2 m wwwwm M wwwwm m wmwmm R M wmwwwww%w%%w%%wwW%w%%W%w%WW w%w%%wM%WwWmm E 1111M E 1111M E 1111M w H 11111l111l1l11l1l1l11l1ll1M lllllwllllllm T 36 g3 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Temple. B.P.I. Pan: 96" diameter x 2b" deep. ANNUAL 10/08 O258U 2557\409997 O39l2h» 0870 51914 3 7335%22705@hv33307.2989%530566%Oh.3-(E68OQ 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..._..........._............. 85875266h68986202527.l687|2h»/OO6201.433|45587. 5666b.555556h.56/066566555565h55555c/6556655 DEC 31O7|22Q4221125559778 l58&29\45h98 9595365215765985501 831 5918931 9 71 2 LearnnzzrggranLrrrazaLnazznnrrnnrarnzzzz NOV 891 368%583UO27»O%23079.4 58h. 7|l4l4 52U81Q%106&6 6127.41 99261175 2623hw2/O528611uU/Oll 21h. O 33322232232 3322233332223322332 3231434 3323 OCT M5291 96 52%6732 9&672125877|872l33rw/O5\42108 O 098588 91255 3183836832hwh36h31599621 MiflkaLikL}&m&$&&&&k&}&Mkim}}kM}&&iLmkTMk SEP 8147.423l95wh778893l968wll7l2722892 22hf425O9h 06163205899 336l4559727| .49 n69 ililkiiik$6&&&T&&M5&&&&&T&&M&&&&&&&m&T$& AUG 0879337722OhOK/O272959%\47|71%h» WmlZJJQ/YIOYQE 9298189189939127h8795 1569. 5 6hl7|lu5989 6T&9&mT&&&TT&&9&&&&9TT&T&T&&TT&&T&T&m9%T h» h79932252 2 370.4976 281815 812M.» 567.93 3“ 9619hh~Ohw7% 3%8l136h1%OR/6 9h» 9%7O7.7&019hw 5% 9T&m&&T%&&m&T&Tm&T&%T&&&&5&&&T&WTT&T&1lT 9.41 1.403229539593512 23991359 1 3141599 T&%T&&&&TT&&&TTTT&&%$T&&&5M&&&&&T&&&&&T& MAY mwwwwwnwwwwnwwmww wwwwwmwnmwwnaewwewwewe i&&&h&&miiik&T&M&&&TMMT&&&MM&M&MM&&Mi&&& APR 8147-08 5O61773|4Ohwhw3%5231928/O231O1h5023239 h222/O 9507|h87759OO OG/uhna/Ohw/Oi-Jhihahls-{Oalflu &&&iM&L&&kT&ki&&&&&&k&&M&M&L&5&k}&L}&M&M MAR 96/%75922.,n.|4h725l7O82 206nQQ/25%2595|43229186 O9 20h3970h6239277|h oTnlllhnU 77913Ol406o51 Mii$}M&}&&&aL&}MkMM}&&&Mkk&i&&&MLk&&&M}M FEB 1 2 2 8 O02 5M8 h...) 297 l3 1621-46 87 7 &6 OnmwOwfilndwh62%3O2§82@27h%65%93955%,36W5 1amazeyangamen121111zzzzaarzmrrzzrrramaa JAN newmwfimmfimwwfimwmwmmnnneeewwwmmenwwwwmemw '2h. Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Tyler (Lindale). B.P.I. Pan: 96" 2 diameter x 2h" deep. ANNUAL 071009 2 8511M». 738 l3 7O875h;w5%lh973@.465 _ n o o u Q o o o A o a a newwwwenwwwwwwnwww wow DEC wwwwmwewawmwww amauwww c ¢ Q n n o | a 0 o u o o a o ¢ o n a - o o 2111122221112222122112 wwmwwwwwmwwwwwwwnwwmw o Q o o c - o a c c 0 c a o Q n u o o 0 o o o_:J.u~¢.¢ 2J9.o.9_>_o.9_9_:Jo.9_o_=Jaea.o19_ wwwwnnwnwewwwmnmwwwwww o ¢ Q Q o n Q a o < A n o 0 o a o o a Q o o 3h 33h 5:11“ 333333l4-u 2 33.“ 3.“ SEP1 358 916 o1 1 RJBRlhDJ/Ool 261%352Sl57|137|2 o o o ¢ < o Q n - 4 o 0 o 0 Q o o . Q o a o m@@»m@ww»w@»»Mmm$m.@@Mt q/o/7'1-v|7|7Lb,0,o~l£vR1b,b_l=1Au Ronib M www%wwnne»mwnw@&@m.wwn &9&&T&&&&&&&%&T1&i 6&6 mwwmweunawwwmewwwmwmwn T&$T&&&&&&&&&&&T&i$$&& MAY O 1.9. 1iRv 1; 24 2) w%w1v9nww11»9eww3n%@2» 55h 5666555555555555555 APR wwwwnwnwnmwmwwnwwwmmwe o - o a ¢ c Q o Q n Q o o s c o o o ~ o - u 145k. 5MR55UI455|4H363N Rikki-w MAR 8 311 I470 68 26 .44 - ¢ ¢ - ~ oooolbiilloolocauo 3hhh3hhu3h333h333hh333 mmmmmemflmmwwnmnwfimmnnn 2221323222>Nz222112l322 mwwwnwemwawwwmnanwwmwm ¢ - . ¢ - < o o o 0000010000000 2121122122111111112211 \ , . . , . Table 25 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Weslaco. 2h" deep. RRLPm:%"MmdQ o Q Q o Q a u o c a o u o Q o n n n o u o 0 n NW 97614142 33l4l46 5kg 56 o1 733 o Q o - o u o Q o o o o u u o u o u ~ ¢ o a 3332233333322333h. 3h.32 33 mwfihh 9|.» 95hw8 3599181136 32h». ¢ 1 6 6 888R 121 5M%W%WW7WE%w@2%hO32m0Oh 5\4h.h»3|4.4|4h|4\4)...hh3h».4\4.4.45hh. |4®960h5227|2727|98l87|93 l 2 3329896092791677227 9 n - ~ u a Q - - - - Q - @ . ¢ u ¢ Q Q Q Q ¢ O .4.u.3\4.451+).»55\4\4\45|4 C/LQ-h». 5555b». 78O92h833h83l379973005 %96l966h98053979l598h97 n Q Q Q o - ~ u u - Q - ¢ ¢ Q o ¢ - ¢ ~ - n o 75675766706676 S/OhY/O 757166 805.lh0@l89OO%9666%123h H35 lh5 59200 9192 6090 &&&&&&&&&&&&TTTT&1TT&TT C) l+569l65292 150500 6077 9whhln475l667 0ll26w2Ol5 &TT5%%&&&k&&&T&TT&&&&&& WU 7202390141472 7| 80l46820l2 23938290 l66%3&h» 7.5566019 &Ti&M6i&&ki&&&&i&&Ti&&& 98l838282/Olh. l2ol4l307|28 R 522|46523226h®98557|2l67l fi SC/SSK/SR/E/R/hhsuhhh/OQJCJR/R/RJS 2658w886 3867855631 136 5622 925 hnclOQVIO/Oh/O 252 wm annaaamaazmnmaaanamnmaa NB 5820 h5337|2h6 1252202662 31115-693142026 “68705688 }&&&&22&&&2&&&&&LL&&&22 MW 2 l7|295l58502l5l|437|2v| %7|%%\498.u.3l2lOllO3\4Q/27|Oh aaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaamama EM 23h5678Q/Ol23u5678Q/Ol23n 33333333-4hwhf4l4hl4l4hr45555a 99999999999999999999998 llllllllllllllllllllllM Table 26. Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at William Harris Reservoir} B.P.I. P I 72" diameter x 2h" deep. * 5 52 55 nwnwww,a P 2hl6h&8 m 6276 20 . 39l95hO M H7709 2 P W 5JAl 03 B M 6J03295 D 2222112 Y D 222212} W D 2232212 5h%72 2 #182636 3503625 W £..4£.A W 60J2£83 W 0204228 N #333223 N #333223 N 63H3323 773h59 62 O99 2 l l W _86l395 T .12 061 T .2%6Wl% . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. O 3hh5hh W 3h35hh M h5h555 575005 . 838801 8 3610 H _2JA£h2 W .h7l387 M .6 27fi9 S 55-4655 S |4\4\45|4h_. S 555665 822710 2h22h3 O25h37 m _£fl££A9 m _¢@1au@ m _91@19s A 668656 A 66B5h6 A JW WU MR WU MR o - Q ¢ o a - o Q ¢ a u WU MR 5 77514 - ¢ a Q 0 - Wm EB Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at William Harris Reservoir. EB Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Cooperative Station at William Harris Reservoir. HE 9U89lO l2057l 90 752 M .@@aana m .0n54A2 m .79 627 J 122222 J 122222 J 123232 % 890l23n % 890l23n % 890l23n %%%%%%w aassswa aassssa E llllllM H llllllM E llllllM 38 v\v\vl IV \J\LJ diameter x 21" deep. W Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Winter Haven. B.P.I. Pan: 120" a&4§¥&66$GE85&$$$F$S5¥& S i- JAN FEB MAR _ APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 00'r Nov DEC ANNUAL 1.55 2.16 ~1.77 3.61 1.85 6.27 6.91 7.09 7.28 5.89 3.77 1.65 55.86 2.10 2.31 5.22 5.98 6.21 8.86 8.95 8.11 1.12 1.1_9 3.09 1.62 61.12 1, 2.12 1.28 5.98 7.77 8.97 8.91 7.78 6.68 1.57 3.19 2.75 61.71 _1' 1. 2 2.99 5.12 5.61 7.10 10.05 9.53 9.07 6.85 5.16 3.86 1.82 69.31 f, 1.91 3.12 5.56 5.75 6.33 5.15 7.71 8.98 1.81 1.12 2.25 1.12 57.77 2.21 2.99 1.97 6.16 5.79 7.90 7.50 8.57 5.12 3.58 2.08 1.76 59.23 1.55 3.00 3.58 6.12 7.08 8.30 8.15 9.71 6.76 5.05 3.00 1.21 61.11 2.01 2.16 1.71 1.81 6.11 8.59 9.21 9.01 6.92 5.51 3.71 2.36 65.56 1 2.11 3.25 5.22 7.18 6.63 8.32 _ 9.32 6.53 6.51 1.29 2.37 1.98 63.71 1.90 2.71 1.22 1.70 5.12 6.03 7.16 7.32 6.11 1.28 2.10 2.00 51.91 ' 1.82 1.86 2.83 1.18 1.71 5.31 7.55 7.65 5.56 1.25 2.63 1.81 50.22 f 2.22 2.18 1.92 1.25 5.38 7.18 7.30 7.96 1.81 3.96 3.18 2.20 56.11 1.81 2.89 5.13 6.66 7.88 6.11 7.36 8.39 1.10 3.52’. 2.67 - 1.33 58.21 1.79 v 1.96 3.96 5.61 5.17 6.50 8.20 7.35 1.78 1.29 2.11 1.73 53.75 1.81 1.91 3.39 1.50 6.08 6.92 7.15 7.39 6.26 3.09 2.51 2.21 53.61 i? 1.95 2.18 1.70 1.87 3.93 6.38 7.76. 7.37 1.68 3.16 2.82 1.95 52.05 _ 1.10 2.19 3.88 1.11 5.21 5.75 7.17 5.66 6.11 1.53 2.53 1.85 50.99 r 2.01 1.60 1.23 5.30 6.11 7.13 7.11 7.12 5.30 3.10 3.25 2.07 55.59 ; 1.95 1.65 3.39 3.18 1.69 6.13 6.89 6.02 5.69 3_.59 2.56 1.28 17.02 1.31 1.72 1.31 3.98 5.00 5.70 - 7.30 6.63 1.82 3.91 2.75 2.13 19.59 2.26 1.88 1.11 5.01 5.85 10.53 12.60 12.31 8.87 6.71 1.55 3.68 78.15 '- 3.36 1.88 6.01 7.20 8,70 10.35 16.20 13.38 10.09 7.69 1.01 2.17 90.98 . 3.65 1.08 5.37 8.83 10.92 13.11 13.91 10.813 7.11 1.61 3.31 3.03 88.89 A 2.02 2.56 1.52 5.12 6.25 7.67 8.75 8.29 6.11 1.19 3.00 2.02 61.10 ' . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Experiment Station near Ysleta. l"‘@\OF'‘.o6 .1% .00 .66 .39 .60 2.73 .33 3.39 .%7 .00 T 8.77 .02 .18 1.07 T 1.%0 .65 1.57 .66 .39 .23 .10 .10 6.37 .07 .%0 T 1.69 1.%7 1.9% %.00 .17 .%7 .00 .93 .66 11.80 ;'.o8 .06 T .32 .32 .%3 .%9 .15 .30 2.59 .01 .56 5.31 Q .69 .50 .39 .69 1.19 1;%1 1.68 1.77 1.97 1.%% .56 .59 12.79 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Beaumont. JAN FEB MAR ‘APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC ANNUAL .%3.2o 2.35 1.36 2.92 1.68 .7% 2.29 3.97 1.88 1.%3 .63 1.69 2%.1% ‘§1.%% 6.%1 1.97 6.10 .%6 2.63 3.1% 3.17 %.3% 5.26 9.05 %.67 %8.6% g 9.73 3.98 5.%3 2.28 6.91 10.02 5.36 3.93 1.88 19.%5 3.88 5.15 78.00 _ 7.93 3.23 3.52 .37 7.6% 7.38 %.%% %.%7 2.50 5.85 %.35 6.09 57.77 ;j%.80 1.02 %.53 7.88 2.%0 10.21 7.26 .99 7.%7 .89 2.5% %.17 5%.16 q;7.52 %.28 5.71 5.55 %.53 7.51 6.88 2.57 1.38 3.81 1.70 3.51 5%.95 >;3.r7 7.23 3.90 9.97 1%.23 3.18 3.12 9.53 7.%1 3.33 3.25 16.73 85.05 »f%.75 5.20 2.22 5.83 1.88 5.20 1.10 .%5 3.18 .20 .85 5.27 36.13 ;;6.27 1.30 .89 2.91 .29 3.03 3.75 2.26 5.09 7.8% 8.90 2.61 %5.1% s 3.96 1.70 10.99 %.83 3.66 5.06 3.%6 %.15 1.96 %.39 2.81 5.29 52.26 ;.2.01 %.26 %.97 2.7% 1.%3 5.36 %.86 .03 1.78 1.39 2.92 10.36 %2.11 a .%5 %.3% 3.12 3.27 .28 15.02 3.71 2.%2 %.82 3.15 %.59 2.83 %8.00 1 6.0% 5.%6 5.87 %.31 8.29 3.75 3.68 _1.17 2.33 3.32 1%.62 2.50 61.3% ¢ 5.30 3.8% 3.09 .7% 3.87 .17 5.11 %.90 %.51 6.31 %.69 5.9% %8.%7 ,J%126 5.78 3.15 1.21 3.22 1.60 %.%1 %.36 2.85 3.%8 5.0% 9.08 %8.%% ; 8.65 6.03 1.3% 2.66 1.52 1.62 1.93 %.26 5.31 1.9% 71.53 %.31 %1.10 A %.29 %.59 3.66 1.38 %.2% %.11 18.56 %.09 3.02 1.07 1.18 %.10 5%.29 . 9.%3 5.92 9.%2 %.22 1 89 .69 5.30 5.2% 12.56 .98 5.70 2.89 6%.2% g 2.92 %.08 %.91 %.30 3 56 10.07 3.9% 6.67 12.91 .53 3.73 7.25 6%.87 g 1.73 %.19 .88 1.75 1%.59 .85 5.19 5.32 %.38 1.%8 2.65 5.%7 %8.%8 g;3.3% 1.32 %.53 .7% 1.00 - %.97 %.18 5.59 3.50 5.67 1.76 %.%7 %1.07 ;.6.53 2.58 1.8% %.96 3.86 5.7% 6.81 3.36 %.71 2.63 3.83 3.66 50.51 } 8.2% 3.17 .80 1.6% 2.79 1.%7 %.91 3.67 1.67 .97 3.52 3.10 35.95 5 1.75 %.%6 2.32 5.21 .92 5.85 5.25 11.90 2.26 3.%7 6.58 7.65 57.62 1 3-75 2.%8 5.36 3.56 19.70 7.60 10.91 3.11 9.5% 9.23 2.29 3.16 80.69 f 1.53 3.53 3.50 10.59 2.15 6.71 11.81 1%.08 %.82 3.68 1.68 3.22 67.30 ; 5.80 %.1% 5.80 3.06 6.87 3.71 1%.%6 2.1% %.69 ..63 5.%0 5.7% 62.%% 3 9.61 3.%8 5.70 1.%5 1%.98 .9% 1.60 8.59 %.05 .7% 10.57 9.01 70.72 7 3.72 5.28 2.57 8.00 1.80 6.33 5.65 11. 1.67 6.21 3.22 9.90 65.39 1'7.73 %.58 3.15 %.21 12.98 7.07 7.37 %.73 8.89 3.78 16.55 3.78 8%.82 “76.26 1.02 %.50 1.31 5.89 3.68 2.08 6.23 1.09 .8% 7.35 %.06 %%.31 1 7.6% %.70 1.%2 2.66 3.55 1.35 %.52 2.2% 1.%2 .%1 6.2% 1.70 37.85 ; 5.%o 9.50 7.27 9.06 .60 %.5% 10.%1 2.30 3.98 16.05 1.60 8.71 79.%2 k 1.93 6.%6 2.51 8.6% 3.17 11.%0 3.95 2.88 15.93 .77 1.1% 2.83 61.63 1 7.%2 1.83 3.70 .22 1.57 2.32 2.05 1.19 1%.79 .67 1.78 .6.6% %%.18 b.2.03 7.63 2.%0 9.3% 3.55 1.02 7.82 .18 1.62 .00 6.%9 5.92 %8.07 1 2.1% 5.5% .%2 3.00 7.69 %.79 %.07 8.38 .80 1.67 %.95 5.50 %8.95 k~%.9% %.21 3.75 %.13 %.86 %.80 5.55 %.%7 %.78 3.61 %.58 5.38 55.06 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station" in Beaumont. l JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - 2.30 2.00 %.10 %.00 2.30 1.%o 1.70 - - - - - - 2.80 3.20 .20 2.00 .18 1.20 2.60 - - - - - - - - .10 3.90 - .53 .36 - - - - - - .10 .03 .%8 .02 .00 2 5% .00 - - - - - - - . - .00 .%0 3.03 %.17 5.%0 - - - - - - %.32 3.53 10.75 6.98 3.26 .63 2.9% . - - - - - - - - - - 6.05 2.80 - - - -- - - - - 2.87 - 9.98 6.29 5.61 %.8% 1.90 - . - Continued on next page 43 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Beaumont. DEC o o o o u o n a c u o Q o o o 0 o n n a o o n 0 o o o o n Q Q 0 Q Q o Q o u u o u o n Q u Q » Q Q u u u u Q ¢ u Q o ¢ o Q u o o |4623l429 .08 7 26 0900225 122m 32871 7J1 311559511 56192662966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. n o n o a o u o o u c o o o u o SEP u n u u Q u o Q e o Q n Q o Q Q o 0 o u n u o Q Q a o o o o o \ o o Q u n Q o Q o Q Q n a o n o u u o o u o o o o u Q Q o n o a n AUG lhwn887|20l89667|59 3311 n4 8987 I4 10203 3\427|9369 2 776103191607764 3992 5%2l6l8.w69O6937.h,w\4w239695391281 - - - Q - - - - - . 6 - 6 6 - 6 - . » - 6 - 6 - - » n - . » ¢ - 6 ¢ - ¢ - - ¢ - 6 - 6 ~ 6 u 6 - - ¢ 6 6 » - - - 6 - - - . ¢ 6 u u o o u o u o o u ¢ u - u o u ¢ u Q o n o o o Q ¢ Q u o - o Q n n Q o o Q u u u o Q o u o o o | n o u u o o o - u u o u u u o u u - a u o u 6 u n n - u u u o o Q u Q n u o Q Q o o n Q o n u o Q o o u u o Q o Q n Q Q Q n - u Q u u a o Q u u o n u Q Q o 0 a 271 202610 l42h52808O l 15620889918711 83/0 2796140830 5o 17309555952 2O 290020 OO7851+|4O5%7 358559llO59blw725w Ok83732hfi565O53 2385267: l6 l 1123222643 mh/O7l6hw77l 87|\4c)nO/_l 2 6l+|42226fil33 ml/OrP/lmfi/‘M. 14.25914 APR 205628686753 6 6 6 6 6 2l45h7IO2rOQ/3O2 MAR O8 6820hl99h28Q/06923995O 181 71881.. 002088 I42 2 33307 o9%65832 73593738ll6627|33%mmw66\4 &5ol6\u.%827||4l630/-T/5%3082LW 89085.4 -2o322l 23239314. FEB 2l7|lOL+oOl7|87| 262882l2622l7|2|4lh 2o7|\u.28 9030 36 l 892614863 3 6602bIOOhl75%O9559337682O9O666w6Oh3h 3\_..¢_../\u.223fill:7hH%R/%907l28\4 . - . . - . . . . - . . . 6 . . - - . - 6 6 6 - . 6 - . - - . . - . - . 6 . 6 . - - . . - 6 6 . . . . - 6 - - - . . - ~ - 6 JAN 393 l u43 O 1910 l 8 3 h». 6 l 766Wu%W6h%hw976o%%7%&3%H3fl%R%%W hfi mun %fi®@8W%mflm e Q Q Q u o o n o u a o o Q o o o n o u Q a o o o Q 0 u n o u u o o u o u o u n Q o o n o o o a o o o u eemewwwwwmna . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Beeville. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC ANNUAL 1.36 .83 2.06 2.h0 1.82 T .33 .81 2.06 .9h .08 1.89 1h.58 .81 T T 1.36 .9h 1.28 5.h7 5.19 1.1h 1.62 1.22 .33 19.36 .36 .18 .16 1.65 2.91 .81 1.00 .13 .81 .21 1.18 T 9.h0 T 2.2u 1.09 2.96 h.28 3.1h .87 .h8 3.h5 5.29 h.05 2.98 30.83 h.80 1.87 3.17 2.86 6.17 3.93 5.69 1.03 11.36 5.96 1.5h .38 h8.76 k.21 .3h .72 .63 5.30 3.68 .78 1.6h .27 2.15 2.28 .31 22.31 1.16 .97 2.82 1.96 2.55 3.20 1.13 1.57 8.26 .36 .57 1.2h 25.79 1.62 1.73 h.1h 1.98 6.h7 5.52 2.13 2.62 6.21 1.93 2.93 .hh 37.72 1.20 9.10 3.50 1.93 .19 .25 h.36 1.90 6.85 h.h9 3.85 8.83 h6.h5 3 1.23 1.32 .85 1.0h 6.60 h.32 .30 .06 1.71 .00 .20 h.02 21.65 .h3 .15 h.39 1.69 2.33 .91 2.83 3.38 6.h7 h.50 1.38 2.67 31.13 3.11 .32 h.h8 .71 3.59 2.61 h.52 .37 .58 7.h2 .88 3.00 31.59 .h1 .82 3.76 .72 .37 h.86 2 56 .80 2.h3 2.05 .52 1.29 20.59 .91 2.90- 1.61 .69 2.67 h.h2 .3h 2.80 6.85 .65 7.h7 5.53 36.8h 3.88 .2h h.08 1.h6 8.87 1.57 5.52 1.20 .32 2.35 3.77 5.12 38.38 ._ 1.75 2.11 2.h5 2.36 2.60 2.80 1.68 .20 2.90 3.35 3.h2 1.29 26.91 A 5.72 1.79 ‘1.68 1.78 3.72 8.05 h.01 1.98 .31 2.8h ' .79 5.08 37.75 9.66 3.9h 1.98 h.28 1.50 3.28 .15 5.98 8.07 .5h 1.09 2.23 h2.70 1.15 2.68 2.55 .h2 1.99 3.33 1.99 2.19 5.39 1.25 3.h2 .30 29.66 8.02 .58 2.97 2.68 1.u2 .22 5.h3 .1h 2.55 .6h 5.50 1.96 32.11 .72 1.9h h.75 1.59 3.93 5.20 2.31 .18 7.11 .33 .87 h.27 33.20 .76 .65 2.50 2.02 6.73 5.22 1.21 2.h3 3.86 2.60 1.08 1.63 33.72 1.1h .71 2.26 .30 1.29 1.80 1.75 1.52 .16 2.h0 1.38 8.59 23.30 1.51 1.12 .27 3.01 2.75 .99 .11 1.85 2.99 1.h3 1.58 3.nh 21.05 1.hh .37 .h6 .h9 1.31 2.u2 h.13 .h8 3.72 .2h .29 1.h6 16.81 .38 1.25 2.21 .h0 h.35 6.26 2.51 1.52 1.h3 3.82 h.55 h.35 33.03 1.6h 2.7h 2.06 6.77 6.9h 3;9h 7.62 3.93 3.08 2.53 2.u8 3.80 h7.53 .70 1.68 1.02 2.03 2.3h 2.80 13.50 7.5M 3.h9 3.6h .h8 .7h 39.96 2.09 .h8 2.36 .3h 6.78 3.18 3.58 .h9 h.79 1.13 5.77 2.58 33.57 3.12 .73 5.53 .03 1.91 1.55 .71 3.8% 3.66 .3h 2.37 1.61 28.h0 .52 .87 u.31 3.91 1.13 3.17 3.72 2.12 2.h3 2.36 .03 1.28 25.85 3.2h 2.61 1.52 2.53 3.05 h.5h 1.02 h.26 6.7h 5.92 .83 .88 37.1% 2.68 .07 1.2h h.95 6.21 .97 .06 2.89 .56 1.20 2.h3 1.93 25.19 1.h9 1.8u 1.36 2.09 1.1a 2.76 1.18 , 1.5h 3.08 2.1h 1.10 .09 20.11 2.17 2.26 .90 8.77 .83 3.28 5.81 2.71 .36 5.1h .00 3.38 35.61 1.27 .h1 .10 2.9h 2.06 1.83 3.39 1.03 .57 .06 .13 .00 1h.09 1 71 .73 2.7h 1.09 2.75 n.80 .3h T 5.2h 1.61 3.75 1h 2h.93 3h 3.8h 1.58 1.76 3.51 .9h h.03 .02 12.05 .00 3.07 1.02 32.16 19 1.7h .39 1.95 1.57 .1h .11 3.u9 2.02 5.38 .37 1.92 19.27 2 02 1.5h 2 21 2.12 3.31 2.92 2.93 1.96 3.73 2.33 2.02 2.36 29.h8 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL .13 .00 1.7h 2.12 .1h 1.59 2.u2 h.31 .87 1.30 1.01 .10 15.73 .28 ..00 .03 .97 .61 .98 .73 .17 _.79 .00 .12 .00 k.68 .60 .73 .09 .10 1.19 3.53 .16 .2h 1.66 1.99 .7h 1.32 12.35 57 .06 3.06 1.h5 1.h3 8.28 .95 3.60 7.h3 6.31 .78 .09 3h.01 1 97 .20 .12 .08 5.32 1.33 .91 6.30 .69 1.95 2.22 .20 21.29 25 .90 1.15 .11 3.69 2.77 .h5 .85 .91 .23 T T 11.11 38 .08 1.73 12.77 2.36 2.89 .38 .22 .00 1.15 1.35 .00 23.31 29 3.01 2 16 h.58 1.2h 2.61 1.68 .98 1.53 5.31 1.18 1.69 26.26 03 .50 62 .91 3.62 .05 .96 1.92 .68 1.h2 .05 .13 10.89 15 .00 T h.h3 2.09 1.00 1.22 2.96 3.06 3.11 .1h .00 18.16 98 .06 2.18 2.2h 1.96 h.38 2.27 1.62 3.56 3.h9 .32 2.19 25.25 53 1.69 .27 1.10 1.28 2.18 1.22 .h2 h.00 .h5 T .h2 13.56 35 .75 .02 .h8 10.10 .95 1.87 2.68 .76 1.31 .71 .06 20.0h 32 .85 2.89 .13 3.18 1.08 2.81 1.72 5.hh 3.28 .7h .00 22.hh A6 .00 .11 2.33 1.95 1.65 .68 2.18 .2h 2.62 2.32 1.h3 15.97 1 31 .97 1 20 2.53 .75 .59 2.h8 .95 .0h 7.06 3.38 1.33 22.59 1.12 3.81 .17 2.2u 5.17 u.63 .23 h.68 8.70 .50 T 3.00 3k.25 .11 .79 .18 .05 .96 .16 1.h1 h.76 .6h .5h 1.15 .5h 11.29 31 .56 1.50 1.73 . .08 1.25 .99 2.9h .91 .17 1.60 .05 12.09 13 1.32 1.88 1.16 h.60 5.98 .88 1.5u 3.93 2.59 1.k8 .h6 25.95 16 .03 1.9h .51 h.55 .h8 .95 .00 10.52 1.90 .58 .63 22.25 1h .09 1.51 .63 3.36 1.ih .89 1.95 .3k 1.35 1.58 1.56 1u.5u 1.91 1.96 1.33 .95 1.80 6.85 5.35 .h5 .11 1.06 .73 .02 22.52 2 71 .13 .06 .hh 2.90 2.61 1.h5 2.h7 .00 .08 1.21 - .66 1h.72 .h0 1.08 .09 .55 1.82 5.03 .07 3.03 .19 1.kh 1.81 .62 16.13 1.19 1 02 3.1h 2.8h h.89 h.19 3.10 2.06 3.62 3.9h .18 1.15 31.62 Continued on next page 45 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Big Sprin:. Continued from preceding page YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC 19h2 .10 .30 .00 2.57 1.85 1.27 .5h 8.h3 A.26 1.u7 .08 2.81 19h3 .20 .02 .86 .25 h.hh .93 3.05 .10 .28 .18 1.17 2.76 19hh 1.05 2.62 T .1h 2.90 1.36 2.13 .99 1.6h .90 2.70 1.36 19h5 .85 .29 1.9h .00 .68 1.15. 9.25 6.06 1.65 3.03 .03 .38 19h6 1.h2 .13 .56 .12 1.08 1.80 ‘ .09 1.21 2.31 2.68 .16 1.h7 19h7 .58 .05 1.5h T k.51 .72 1.u2 .02 .70 .56 1.h9 1.35 19h8 .10 .75 .16 .00 .9h 1.16 5.79 1.11 .02 2.08 .00 .36 19h9 2.1h .90 .31 2.23 h.h2 2.76 .52 .91 1.u3 1.91 .00 .56 1950 .88 .30 _.00 2.60 7.99~ 1.62 h.26 .71 2.39 .00 .00 .00 1951 .09 .1h .56 1.38 2.06 1.95 2.28 2.u2 1.00 .9u .12 .22 1952 .10 .23 .22 .51 .82 .00 .71 .71 3.22 .00 1.61 1.07 1953 .03 .39 1.91 1.20 .71 .29 .67 .70 .55 6.35 .12 .13 Mean .6h .70 .98 1.5h 2.72 2.19 1.77 2.06 2.10 1.96 .86 .80 Table 36 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Blacklands Experimental Watershed Station near Riesel. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1938 h.16 3.05 2.86 k.01 2.50 3.17 1.56 .57 .96 .1H .96 2.71 1939 3.80 2.90 1.16 .78 u.90 2.75 .30 2.26 .73 1.73 2.21 .92 19h0 .9h 2.h7 .51 h.50 1.88 6.u1 1.72 3.00 1.09 h.01 9.39 3.65 19h1 2.86 5.h9 3.66 h.2h 5.00 7.26 3.55 1.35 .7h 3.h9 2.18 2.h7 19h2 .65 1.72 1.13 6.68 u.31 8.1h .71 1.13 7.A0 2.30 3.1h 3.53 19h3 1.01 .13 2.20 1.51 5.02 2.58 3.52 .29 1.85 2.86 1.92 3.13 19hh h.88 5.75 3.8h 7.09 12.55 1.56 1.98 1.51 1.67 .1h 6.70 h.h6 19h5 2.hh 2.95 7.50 5.82 3.17 3.8h 1.79 u.63 3.51 3.09 1.06 h.91 19h6 2.88 3.06 u.1h 2.87 9.02 2.33 1.23 1.75 u.71 1.61 h.86 2.h0 19h7 3.86 .57 1.31 2.76 h.28 .35 .78 1.39 1.hu .22 1.39 3.65 19h8 2.09 1.96 1.03 5.53 5.50 1.38 1.25 .6h 1.79 ‘.6h 1.13 1.h3 19h9 h.16 1.68 2.55 u.03 1.1h h.90 5.19~ 1.59 .20 u.h5 .23 2.98 1950 1.98 3.59 .25 3.65 2.99 2.h5 1.77 .08 2.71 .91 1.1u .h0 1951 1.hh 2.39 1.76 2.61 3.11 u.36 .13 .11 5.92 1.31 1.02 .h9 1952 .78 2.79 3.23 5.26 5.11 1.18 .61 T .63 .00 7.08 h.73 1953 .57 1.81 3.72 3.15 5.98 .51 .35 3.60 1.78 5.70 .93 h.36 Mean 2.3a 2.6a 2.7h u.03 h.78 3.32 ~ 1.65 1.h9 2.32 2.0h 2.83 2.89 Table 37 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station at Buchanan Dam. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC 19h3 - - - " - - - - .00 5.71 1.68 2.16 1.88 19uu 2.h7 3.h0 2.53 2.h1 7.19 1.3h .19 9.21 2.18 2.76 3.05 3.35 19h5 2.19 2.82 1.68 6.09 .85 u.30 .93 ' 3.12 6.32 - 2.68 1.h3 19h6 3.h2 2.01 1.56 2.69 3.9h 1.h1 .00 1.28 h.h3 1.37 1.39 2.67 19h7 5.05 .32 2.67 2.69 1.0h 2.70 .95 1.8h - .00 1.80 1.56 19h8 .32 1.52 1.03 h.15 2.39 2.01 h.00 2.93 .71 2.20 .00 1.73 19h9 2.38 2.h1 1.70 5.6h 1.5h 2.95 1.2h 1.39 3.h9 2.h2 .00 2.37 1950 .95 2.08 .37 2.57 2.87 1.32 2.0h 1.h7 1.9h .76 .13 .00 1951 .00 1.97 2.13 1.80 h.11 .h7 .56 .71 h.37 .61 .5u .25 3 1952 .32 1.71 2.11 6.21 h.8h 2.57 1.h6 .00 8.33 .00 2.65 5.22 31 1953 .31 1.22 1.79 3.63 2.3h .06 1.88 2.8h 2.72 h.30 .18 .90 Mean 1.7h 1.95 1.76 3.79 3.11 1.91 1.32 2.25 h.02 1.61 1.32 1.9h Table 38 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Chillicothe. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC 1912 .00 1.86 3.22 1.82 .53 A.69 1.39 3.35 2.92 2.69 .10 .3h .1913 .53 1.90 1.32 1.77 1.01 2.33 .29 .05 h.21 u.71 2.79 5.51 191k T .30 1.68 2.h0 6.16 1.67 1.76 8.h7 1.0h 1.hh .h1 1.28 1915 .3h 1.88 1.22 5.13 2.15 6.71 h.07 3.73 3.83 5.07 .15 .53 1916 1.00 T 1.h8 3.62 1.02 1.17 .u8 1.19 1.77 3.06 1.53 .02 1917 .20 .30 .30 .73 2.33 .3h h.05 1.11 2.06 :35 .82 T 46 Continued on next page ~191 @192 A 193i (193 Continued from preceding page $'Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Chillicothe. ‘m FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov mac ANNUAL .h2 1.56 1.15 .95 A.A9 .76 .26 3.35 6.35 2.82 3.hh 25.80 .76 2.28 5.27 8.79 2.88 1.22 1.A1 2.6h 13.23 2.2A .29 n1.27 .63 1.h9 2.h1 7.36 1.h5 1.39 8.37 3.61 5.h2 2.83 .52 37.h0 1.02 1.20 .69 .1u 9.60 .06 2.73 1.52 .03 T .13 17.h3 .66 1.h6 5.1h h.03 1.53 3.56 .10 .85 .85 .h8 .05 19.32 .57 .61 2.77 6.75 A.17 .13 5.31 2.81 8.2a 2.80 1.08 37.26 .13 1.90 2.10 1.05 2.57 3.80 2.23 ..67 2.31 .h0 .3h 17.63 .10 .19 2.hh A.3h 1.95 2.h7 5.23 7.79 .91 1.01 .16 27.0h .00 1.66 u.A5 2.67 h.29 2.85 u.7a h.60 1.9h .17 3.55 31.8% .70 A 1.09 2.38 2.2u 2.63 2.81 2.20 u.16 .78 .29 .u9 21.19 1.95 1.15 1.0h 2.95 3.h9 5.53 1.19 .1h 2.12 1.h5 .18 21.53 .h5 2.13 .97 5.81 3.26 6.62 .31 3.h8 1.h1 1.h7 .23 26.A7 T .81 3.59 1.57 .95 .h3 1.h0 .58 8.30 1.07 2.h9 22.39 1.95 2.50 1.60 .5h 1.38 1.33 .35 .26 h.28 3.h7 2.h3 20.85 1.A8 .20 .99 1.32 n.85 1.78 .96 1.76 1.35 .25 3.71 22.76 1.19 .52 .82 3.66 1.17 1.72 A.09 1.89 .32 2.06 .91 18.50 .65 2.17 1.86 u.n6 2.00 .81 2.21 u.95 .09 2.50 .0u 22.27 1.03 1.10 2.1u 5.00 2.h5 .95 1.h2 6.00 2.29 1.9h .85 25.2h .01 .02 2.23 2.59 1.22 .h6 T 13.67 1.01 .10 .32 22.32 T 2.13 1.50 1.50 2.63 1.81 2.91 .99 3.15 .89 .71 18.92 2.83 2.71 1.08 6.hA 5.31 2.96 .39 .11 .82 1.19 .18 2h.66 .23 2.12 1.02 2.53 2.80 .35 2.92 .00 .90 .53 .92 16.50 2.hh T 2.h6 5.36 1.9n .05 2.59 2.16 .2.75 2.75 .uu 23.69 2.6h .86 5.97 11.62 8.3h 2.u8 3.23 A.20 A.76 .58 1.02 h7.25 .51 .95 6.27 1.08 1.12 .59 2.16 h.31 5.28 .56 2.21 25.18 .10 1.h3 2.75 7.15 1.98 .16 .01 1.0a .6u .75 2.79 19.03 2.30 .90 1.h2 .92 2.h8 1.52 2.28 1.71 1.57 1.58 1.59 19.69 1.66 1.33 2.81 .k7 6.10 2.22 1.12 5.13 1.22 .82 .01 25.55 .99 1.10 .u0 3.73 1.72 .2h .28 5.A6 2.n1 1.95 1.67 21.37 .26 1.01 2.67 10.16 .29 .58 .20 .07 2.92 1.57 2.32 23.19 2.09 1.13 .h3 5.61 h.10 1.30 .51 .03 .81 .28 T 17.09 .h1 1.20 1.88 A.95 2.80 .75 2.06 1.53 3.86 .00 1.06 23.95 1.65 ‘ T 1.u0 h.81 5.32 3.75 3.01 7.u6 .20 T .10 28.52 1.10 .86 .8u 8.19 3.16 3.66 3.86 1.h3 2.17 .35 T 26.63 .57 1.7h 3.97 h.83 .03 2.88 T .93 .00 1.60 1.10 18.63 .hh 2.53 2.3u .99 1.05 2.08 2.h6 - 9.05 .95 - - .96 1.32 2.h0 3.80 2.96 1.86 2.20 2.86 2.88 1.18 1 10 2h.39 and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Chillicothe. FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - 3.00 6.90 8 80 1.00 .00 h.55 .25 .32 - .20 1.50 1.75 1.33 .32 .36 1.75 1.07 1.93 2.h5 13.53 - - - - - - - 5.02 A.58 - - - .23 1.99 .98 7.81 2.58 1.h6 1.52 1.71 6.60 80 1.15 28.01 T .28 3.51 6.60 8.u1 5.68 T 2.22 1.88 h.13 .00 33.h1 .32 2.59 1.h1 .56 8.06 .h9 1.07 .26 1.8n h.57 .60 21.79 .12 1.08 1.62 2.7h 1.97 1.h2 1.7u 1.22 1.30 T .15 1h.03 3.89. .12 1.85 1.93 .06 3.35 3.h1 3.0h .81 .70 5.07 2h.h0 1.86 3.22 1.82 .53 h.92 1.00 3.83 3.5h 2.5h .10 .6h 2h.00 1.90 1.12 1.81 1.11 1.8M 1.28 .12 3.8h A.51 2.83 5.80 26.69 .30 1.75 2.10 7.h0 1.10 1.90 8.u3 1.56 1.70 .h9 1.51 28.2h 2.63 1.39 5.73 h.h5 7.18 6.10 3.76 3.59 5.20 .26 .h2 h1.10 T .58 5.8M 1.05 1.65 1.10 1.13 1.22 3.92 1.9A .11 19.86 .25 .A0 .75 2.32 .22 3.12 1.uh 1.02 .31 1.12 .51 11.78 .n7 1.7a .61 1.22 A.67 . .61 .30 2.07 u.68 2.39 3.h3 22.59 1.15 2.37 5.05 6.22 3.71 1.86 1.76 1.70 11.9A 1.8h .29 38.19 .76 .66 2.96 5.71 2.12 1.35 9.01 5.50 6.51 2.75 .77' 39.50 1.10 1.96 1.33 .59 9.63 .82 1.03 1.20 T T .12 18.28 .66 1.66 u.33 h.61 .97 3.3n .66 .h7 1.01 .55 .07 18.92 .62 .68 3.50 n.55 6.65 .21 3.29 1.23 8.88 1.89 1.0h 3h.55 .23 2.61 2.32 .h9 2.68 2.86 3.07 .6A 2.23 .22 .2n 17.63 .17 .39 u.77 3.39 1.26 u.62 6.h0 6.60 .96 1.05 .17 30.36 .00 2.09 5.0h 5.0h 2.97 2.87 h.h3 5.15 2.18 .20 3.07 3h.19 1.h6 .90 2.h9 1.22 2.09 2.29 1.58 6.26 .u9 .50 .52 21.30 1.95 1.30 .93 2.55 2.50 2.12 .56 .05 1.uA 2.15 .18 16.03 .61 2.33 .28 7.50 h.12 5.80 .28 A.96 1.A9 1.60 .20 29.52 T .65 3.hh 1.77 1.31 .87 1.66 .77 9.52 1.03 2.36 25.08 1.67 2.52 1.66 .26 .79 1.h1 .27 .21 h.37 3.65 2.18 19.61 1.hh .31 2.22 1.3u 7.32 2.16 .81 3.0u 1.35 .21 3.68 26.35 1.35 1.h7 .28 3.89 .88 .92 6.88 1.78 .33 1.79 .61 20.33 Continued on next page 47 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Chillicothe. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 193k .60 .69 2.29 " 2.13 3.01 2.00 .70 1.86 3.55 .03 2.28 1.60 ~ 1935 .08 1.06 1.70 2.25 5.70 3.32 1.87 1.09 5.37 1.85 1.83 .87 - 1936 .77 .00 .01 2.02 2.52 2.10 .29 T 3 15.76 .95 .12 .10 2h 1937 .37 .25 2.17 1.55 1.69 1.6h 1.h5 3.10 1.88 2.57 .9h .55 18 1938 .7h 2.88 2.97 1.13 h.h9 h.60 .97 .9h .2h .92 1.20 .27 21 1939 2.35 .21 3.02 1.06 h.00 3.97 .97 3.h8 .00 1.20 .h5 .85 2' 19u0 .50 2.53 T 2.61 3.3u 1.72 .09 1.97 3.8M 2.09 2.82 .h1 21 19h1 1.50 2.57 .80 5.h6 12.2h 9.h6 1.67 u.16 2.13 7.25 .h9 1.05 A8. 19h2 T .u8 1.50 6.91 1.85 1.92 1.h7 2.h5 5.00 5.h5 .3h 1.98 29f 19h3 .20 .10 1.62 2.29 8.11 1.73 .63 .1h 1.16 .63 .8h 3.01 20; 19hh 2.01 1.99 .63 2.09 .70 2.58 1.h7 2.81 2.38 2.1a 1.3u 1.u6 21; 19h5 2.75 1.36 .97 2.67 .60 5.71 1.98 .81 h.26 1.1h 1.00 .05 23; 19h6 - .63 1.29 .51 3.15 1.62 1.h2 .76 5.16 2.h7 2.00 1.57 19h7 1.03 .30 .81 3.69 7.88 .h2 .80 .07 .06 3.71 1.80 2.33 19h8 .76 1.61 1.56 .h8 6.h9 5.36 2.17 1.17 .08 .76 .35 .02 19h9 h.29 .h0 1.35 2.38 h.82 3.2h .87 2.33 2.31 h.19 .00 .8h 1950 .83 1.10 .07 1.h1 h.06 3.88 h.82 2.9n h.90 .00 .00 .20 1951 .57 .59 .87 .90 7.7h 8.06 2.02 3.87 1.h6 1.38 .20 .00 1952 1.06 .69 1.h9 2.82 5.81 .05 2.h5 .03 .h8 .00 1.51 1.17 1953 .09. .50 2.92 1.88 .8h 1.31 3.72 3.0u .00 7.65 1.18 T Mean .86 .9h 1.38 2.h2 3.69. 3.36 2.08 2.19 2.63 2.89 1.26 1.15 Table 39 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near College Station. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC 1916 5.90 .00 .36 .83 11.55 2.9h 1.59 .80 .81 1.35 1.56 .36 1917 1.86 2.21 .h5 2.7h 1.86 .00 .60 2.h8 2.09 .16 .99 .06 1918 1.96 h.39 .62 h.78 2.52 2.73 .h7 1.23 :81 5.72 5.83 3.h8 1919 h.12 6.58 2.55 1.32 8.28 9.02 h.07 5.h1 3.26 8.19 2.h5 1.76 1920 6.35 .80 1.h1 .6h 5.97 5.09 h.6h 7.h9 3.63 6.30 3.01 2.38 1921 2.09 1.88 h.15 12.6h 1.8h 10.92 .6h .20 3.67 .16 .38 h.7n 1922 5.39 h.13 3.95 7.28 9.31 h.56- .58 .98 1.72 1.82 3.0h .75 1923 3.28 h.80 6.35 h.01 3.80 .66 2.32 1.62 h.8h 3.37 5.33 8.33 192k h.2h 6.51 2.67 6.22 6.18 1.75 1.28 .12 1.06 .26 1.08 1.72 1925 1.72 .62 .38 1.95 .02 1.67 1.12 2.5M 3.02 1.62 5.82 .99 1926 h.37 .21 8.09 k.79 h.51 .90 3.16 1.92 .91 7.21 2.38 9.h8 1927 1.63 6.25 2.88 6.63 1.80 5.01 3.h7 .02 .71 8.h0 .33 1.15 1928 .39 h.31 2.29 2.8h 1.6h h.63 h.60 1.33 1.u5 1.76 2.71 6.39 1929 5.09 1.17 2.68 7.35 13.87 .2h 5.95 .u7 .10 3.00 7.50 .98 1930 3.h1 3.6h _ 3.78 .7h 10.51 1.h2 .63 2.2h 3.33 6.11 h.56 3.57 1931 3.58 5.76 3.63 3.33 1.93 1.0h 2.61 1.03 .55 1.58 2.10 7.65 1932 10.53 5.63 2.50 2.32 3.19 2.77 .76 3.h7 7.53 .2h 1.17 h.81 1933 3.16 3.6h 2.h6 1.89 h.61 .2h n.99 6.12 h.30 1.60 .61 3.23 193k 10.20 2.81 6.1h 6.01 .36 .02 .8h 1.23 h.u1 .96 5.h7 5.90 1935 2.10 2.hh 1.38 3.2h 10.29 1.h2 h.5u 1.66 u.55 1.78 2.77 5.39 1936 .30 2.12 1.00 3.33 7.88 1.00 13.27 1.88 5.20 2.67 2.h0 1.87 1937 5.01 .h9 h.28 1.36 .95 2.91 1.h6 1.0h .7h 5.87 3.h9 3.25 1938 h.3h 1.62 5.h1 h.60 2.89 h.02 3.23 1.93 .82 1.08 2.7u 2.23 1939 h.hh 5.36 .98 .93 6.h1 1.79 1.96 .96 1.22 2.26 3.05 5.10 19h0 1.00 h.25 .92 h.20 1.16 8.97 3.55 .87 1.89 2.26 8.27 8738 19h1 1.55 3.6h 6.63 1.91 3.06 6.39 5.h9 2.76 2.67 6.75 1.61 2.12 19h2 .56 1.15 1.27 7.79 3.91 '5.36 2.58 3.05 6.17 2.05 5.18 2.32 19h3 2.98 .18 2.17 .67 7.0h 1.76 5.66 .50 3.1M .77 2.11 3.19 19hh 6.97 h.18 3.96 .30 10.70 1.52 .95 5.82 2.8h .15 8.89 7.26 19h5 2.83 2.66 2.87 3.02 1.63 3.76 2. 8.11 1.70 3.66 .27 1.39 19h6 3.20 3.27 3.72 3.53 7.h9 6.69 .58 2.72 h.88 5.27 6.3h 2.9u 19h7 3.32 .98 5.5h 1.22 8.39 1.90 2.6h 12.60 .26 .33 2.65 h.07 19h8 1.58 3.17 1.36 2.58 2.92 1.7h 2.51 .66 1.00 .05 1.7h 1.86 19h9 5.82 3.59 3.05 6.19 .87 3.10- 3.26 .89 3.31 8.h0 .0h 7.35 1950 1.37 3.62 2.8h 5.26 5.52 6.27 2.81 .73 2.15 .33 .12 .10 1951 .61 2.5h 5.hh 1.38 2.91 1.51 .52 .51 h.53 .53 2.5h 1.3h 1952 .01 2.58 1.57 5.19 7.23 .u9 1.20 .00 1.88 .00 7.09 h.n7 1953 2.13 2.65 2.hh 6.93 7.27 3.58 2.00 2.95 3.03 h.h6 2.68 A.u9 Mean 3.h0 3.05 3.00 3.7h 5.15 3.15 2.77 2.38 2.6u 3.13 3.18 3.68 4'8 Continued on next page Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in College Station. 8I48 31140 215 l403727 219198369 68086006577 o 95Ol66890ht43 7 14.6517 M - - _6.h.2%7939 8o7%l72576 _ - ~ - . - ~ . . . . - . - . . . . ....-....-...-.-.-.--...-..-...-. - ¢.....-. 0023950921901919512 O9022286358.427325860|43563lOlhhQ/hlO3u0317lhR/h8 K/uhh22h33n262332k3h. 333l4uu2l35hwuhwh33h».aJOJCJh-QJL»3h*.h~..h.333\4.h».h3535.42.4323h3 8 O73u33687lu75557596 2536699u3573l.Q9 0513226 l37530222Q/69k7 m 3_OO72O721._8/Oh».853llQ/O6 _ _7..23A~3no..425.438O27 2128.14.80 78822l/Ol3l2,39o%3l3hw.48 D 6 lO/ul 213651 l33h3l 675255 QJl2l4l8l 8.4:) 35535hwl32582237l2hl7 lhwl43 I 6 769679075885l55ho8l6 672|408l3 18859770058Q/2299uOQ/u57l8u97h5h62 982 W Q/_2o9\4.h_.536h».2l579h_..h.l62O _ _289755Q./9 827322652223080309k7flv26lh82367nvl 06h». N h. 56 .4145 141121619 131B 21 14611 hwl3l35l52 39331153132381528 621 2723 0/ nUlndOO/7752787Q/5lh7853 75h».3314525hw7h.591ll2l677.96%3l2w/O/O55756735o33O6O T 7 _8_l_/OO.IA_.ll3\..»O.h_.88O8~/.O.M.6hw_ _756.4.495285Ol5ll26OlO»4/ol6 O23 227o7l623nuu3R/Oh9 X 2 l 2 2 l335222lhh3uh5 31h». l 58/0 loJu R/O/OQQJ/Ol .1 22612262 35 8 k2 623252296 021875633 01.14.5987352m5193100323623583h+22977hv&O%6%lE./3838 w _ _ _80/9375l5l4 089737991. _ 611675288 850714135097121917828611 7 2 315807 - . . . . . - . . - . - . . . . . - . . - . - ...--.-.-.-...-..........-...»-..-..... S Mhh2lll92 523 21 1113 121333174 2121 3 73.455 1126321.“ 132.4132 O 595 11081116080120 H.141 5061953hw885h».l29687@206.%3676502ln/_O693l 5o Wu 9. _ 701 08662067026679. .16 7296065276 390l430/l7 233 9987058176687 T914 A 3 l 2172 h. .4 131.4 l2 7n 21.48 l 21 l 1121411111 23 582R , 22 6 756050 850031080503 %7863l6l5692lO68llfluhwarOOzrOO/O/O/O3659865h8hl6l20O m 2_ .l4.432)47 hh/OS/OrOQJSrDlQ/OJ- _ 69081881R/l95322h56070/2\4766.h.295.h.5696565285 O l 2 1.4 l 12161961152 52 ll 1 35 3 l23\4.6 l 5 3613103525 2 2232 122 O lSO&O%C./OZ 1314011390 .48l369l55O 2).».4|42@3579.4l9.451129796626905861987 w h. _ _OQ/6 c) 218 827.48708.h»._ _/O32529_1.O99 9995/0 hhlO882o/O6Q/O79QJ3757697925.451 9.413315 253 112ml 3 21 23 283m3 21 5h l 2 l/O2hwl8rOR/ll36ll36l 33 6 QSQ/ho/Ohooguafi/OSQ/OQ/ 0002146516917655l2o72.o3%%68O7R/®l6 lhO399272l 7O Y 2 _ _.h».395l6\4373l25879l0 _ _57l.h».36 8h..h_.73hw.h.8l\4997O 2.4.h».09 l4.“ 9076h39859 20/ fi h. QhlQJOJlR3Q33B33l53Q/O 52h28lwl2852836 3ll..w_fl2.45 m8 26.4337wl782 5277b». 14 hR/lmlul67953OC/C/3lu3 5 lnOR/O/3ll63C/53287®l O149l5796®30l9 02328968933 R ..h. .750 .427.|4567J3320327_ 2 l 0741495063 § 3 2572l3lllu2922l36l3 1472239 251 u735lC/C/l47 32l633lh». .417 3312651563 . 9 9380h6227l7 .4061? rO 14.583 638o3o797753flv7hw5k/O .46 81002377672.“ 5 7.141 t _8 -3985l523858 hl0h2w9. _.4052&6.h_.5563270150215056&22&2.fl.9962l9875r%JO&MC/h#9 - - . . - -. . . - . . . . - - - - - . . - - . .. . - - . - . . . - - ¢ - . . - » . . . . - . . . . . ¢ . - . - Q ¢ | - - - . - . - n» 23 2222221413212 312 l363l42 2lh.363l8222.h.3226l I45 61232351325122 .0 9856hw738532 001457.95 7033701719 314.4253 88:20 66lOQ/265uC/88 8792.485 B _9-22o92o63l\42% 57676- _..455677035l%8l5l2l . . . . . . - . - - . . - . . . - - - . - . . . - . - . - . . . . - . . - - - - - - . - . - - - . . . . ¢ ¢ - » ¢ . . ¢ . . - . . W. l 232112114 5123151112 232331 2h.7 11.7471 6513653222 151431 .423 3332222 JAN mummmnteeenemwmmflwe 7683 QJINQJOJIA-hl - l 7l288.h.6 72 60 8382207 29211.- l.» 568 30 o1 3 _ O 3995O6w8 R/l%7526773&27o2 0 . :.;.<.... . 49 Table A0 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Dalhart. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC 1908 T .85 .0A 2.28 .53 2.83 A 11 1 08 .39 .29 99 00 1909 T .28 .71 .18 1.70 5.10 1.27 65 2 12 2.60 1 21 .15 1910 .20 .03 .12 1.51 2.96 A.0A 2.A8 3.28 .05 .00 .07 .02 * 1911 .00 .5A .A3 .59 3.37 .28 3.65 1.87 .58 1.72 .25 1.28 1912 .00 1.30 .38 2.56 2.37 3.36 1.68 2.6A 1.98 .05 .00 .03 1913 ' .06 .1A .02 .88 2.35 1.29 .85 1.50 1.A5 .19 1 78 3 18 191A .05 T T 3.98 7.29 3.65 2.58 1.38 .32 3.00 00 56 1915 .19 .72 .A2 5.15 2.58 2.15 3.70 2.11 1.21 2.60 10 01 1916 .AA .00 .12 1.A9 .69 A.A2 2.55 3.A5 .72 .22 03 37 1917 .1A .09 .03 .37 2.70 .93 1.6A 2.28 1.28 .31 1.02 .00 1918 .27 .05 2.85 .89 A.87 1.23 1.A9 1.67 1.A9 1.87 .25 1.7A 1919 .09 .96 3.18 3.A8 _2.75 1.88 2.A1 3.A5 5.12 2.50 1.1A T 1920 .36 .A3 .05 .32 3.25 6.81 2.56 1.33 .81 A.A9 .3A 08 1921 1.80 .08 .15 .76 3.70 5.82 5.12 .69 .0A .5A .00 26 1922 .37 .67 .73 5.20 5.06 3.A0 1.57 1.88 .52 .15 36 02 1923 .00 1.03 1.72 A.09 1.78 6.05 .87 6.92 2.10 6.29 1.23 1.32 192A .05 .09 1.61 1.16 2.AA .69 1.32 5.00 1.72 1.01 .2A 03 1925 .07 .3A -.5A 1.12 3.36 1.93 A.09 3.00 A.56 1.16 :35 1A 1926 .19 .01 1.00 2.8A 3.70 A.00 .68 1.32 2.05 .33 .10 81 1927 T .33 .29 .90 .00 3.59 A.85 A.53 2.76 .22 T 05 1928 .00 .27 .80 .A7 6.28 3.37 3.1A A.91 .13 A.25 1 75 79 1929 .0A .56 2.A3 .A0 2.21 2.91 1.60 5.66 1.53 1.0A 09 1930 .09 T .63 2.53 1.50 5.58 A.09 2.28 .66 6.79 36 T 1931 .27 .Ao 1.6A 2.13 1.92 .85 2.37 2.A0 .80 .85 36 31 1932 .A2 .A6 ".30 1.61 1.AA 8.7A 1.2A 1.68 1.71 .81 18 86 1933 .02 .17 .0A .08 .80 .66 .56 35.61 .5A .76 90 00 193A T .3A .09 .81 1.52 1.A8 .66 1.1A 1.9A 1.A6 3A T 1935 .68 .02 .27 T 2.63 1.63 2.91 2.26 1.89 .65 87 08 1936 .37 .01 T .01 3.67 2.AA 1.A9 .25 1.19 07 T A3 1937 .01 .10 .60 1.0A 5.81 1.28 1.68 1.27 _ 1.10 1.12 15 32 1938 T .A0 .61 .77 1.A7 1.11 1.A9 1.0A A.12 2.52 .0A .51 1939 2.0A .15 .35 2.15 .62 3.1A .81 2.79 .57 .61 .10 1.11 19A0 .27 .A6 .31 .50 2.7A .28 .89 1.17 1 90 .03 3.83 36 19A1 .25 .36 2.18 2.71 9.9A 5.3A 6.78 2.29 5 2A 5.67 .02 13 19A2 T .A0 .87 3.35 .15 2.99 1.80 . A.32 1 87 A.66 T 85 19A3 .06 .06 .01 1.07 1.55 A.A8 .75 3.79 31 .08 .51 1 06 19AA .92 .A9 .31 3.32 3.19 .36 3.16 2.78 1 A7 1.65 .71 1 19 .19A5 .95 .23 .A3 .81 .10 .62 A.67 2.1A 3 01 .AA - 16 19A6 T .16 .33 2.15 3.28 1.6A 1.31 A.20 1 A5 A.37 .90 02 19A7 .19 .25 .A9 2.22 5.57 1.32 3.81 2.82 T 30 .85 1 06 19A8 .52 2.A6 .A0 .12 2.A6 1.59 2.37 A.93 10 2.29 .02 06 19A9 .7A 1.27 .80 2.77 5.92 3.25 6.31 1.11 6A .13 .0A 50 1950 .01 .02 .02 .75 1.2A A.65 5.6A 1.51 A 8A .18 .03 18 1951 .83 .75 .A8 .A2 2.80 1.06 A.A5 1.13 07 .91 .11 03 1952 .21 .71 .91 3.98 1.69 1.25 1.30 3.90 35 .00 .78 29 1953 T .16 .79 .08 A 1.20 .2A 2.02 A.73 13 5.00 .69 25 Mean .29 .A0 .66 1.65 2.81 2.73 2.5A 2.66 1 50 1.66 53 A5 Table Al . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Denton. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC 1917 .69 1.A1 1.68 5.75 5.87 1.28 A.A5 A.26 2.38 .19 .81 .03 1918 1.50 .08 .86 5.66 2.26 A.52 .71 .33 3.62 5 1A 6.07 A A3 1919 2.8A 2.6A 3.17 2.87 A.00 3.23 A.10 A.09 3.5A 10 99 3.31 1297 1920 3.A9 .A2 2.39 1.82 11.01 6.76 5.2A 5.7A 3.12 6.13 1.76 2.05 .1921 2.A7 2.28 1.82 5.02 2.52 2.27 2.57 1.16 .7A .10 .23 1.71 1922 1.66 1.57 2.29 8.73 A.00 3.0A .26 .78 .57 1.89 A.57 19 1923 2.A3 1.55 1.99 3.39 .88 5.57 .50 1.79 1.61 7.38 2.A0 5 52 192A .65 1.16 A.0A 2.93 1.70 .92 .57 2.12 3.23 .00 .21 2 09 1925 1.32 .77 .05 A.28 A.56 .66 .56 A.32 1.5A 3.23 1.53 01 1926 A.23 .38 3.5A 2.75 A.65 3.16 5.A0 3.30 1.71 6.08 .59 3.89 1927 2.08 A.93 1.72 3.72 .69 2.91 A.12 .69 2.60 A.27 .03 5.A7 1928 .67 2.23 .67 3.18 A.o3 5.7A 1.96 2.30 .13 2.35 1.82 3.81 1929 2.66 1.11 1.30 2.51 8.75 .69 1.39 .23 2.A6 3.26 1.A5 2.95 1930 .79 1.69 1.2A 1.78 7.6A 1.72 .53 3.30 1.05 7.30 2.63 1.22 1931 1.35 3.77 3.87 1.71 2.19 1.37 2.01 2.A8 .33 A.16 2.11 2.17 1932 7.12 A.15 .61 1.96 A.57 A.82 2.79 .7A . 2.08 1.33 .0A 5.60 1933 3.33 1.68- 3.A1 2.2A 5.22 .05 A.11 3.70 1.91 1.26 .59 1.5A 193A 1.25 1.85 3.75 A.19 A.2A .23 .05 .19 3.37 .1A 2.69 .A1 1935 A.A5 2.55 2.20 3.5A 11.52 5.27 3.08 .21 7.36 3.11 3.09 2.86, Continued on next page Continued from preceding page Q Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Denton. FEB . MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL .11 1.82 .60 7.77 .02 1.60 .12 9.75 3.72 .89 1.60 28.85 .h6 3.22 .92 1.00 h.10 1.A2 2.56 .h3 3.72 1.82 1.51 25.92 h.hh 8.58 2.75 2.3h 3.08 2.29 T .70 .07 1.55 1.67 30.76 3.51 1.96 5.02 2.1h 3.06 .97 2.0A T .67 2.23 .73 25.25 3.17 .51 6.0h 6.63 1.91 h.00 2.59 1.02 2.31 6.31 u.22 u2.35 .3.75 1 :0 h.60 2.60 9.26 .65 5.36 1.50 7.27 .72 1.u6 39.26 .80 1.16 11.55 u.22 5.20 .17 3.05 3.15 3.97 1.29 1.51 I 36.2A .83 h.69 1.38 8.75 2.10 2.03 .00 u.29 .99 1.08 h.22 30.81 2.53 5.60 1.50 5.h3 5.73 .31 1.36 5.07 .66 2.80 3.96 3.78 38.73 1.36 6.80 6.57. 5.08 1.00 3.79 3.69 .79 3.82 h.13 1.29 .91 39.23 ;2.h3 h.03 3.08 h.35 7.h6 2.63 1.31 2.37 1.65 1.11 8.17 3.2h h1.83 ’..97 .37 2.98 3.00 3.19 2.76 .00 2.16 2.97 2.h9 2.71 5.97 29.57 ‘ 56 h.86 .70 .6h A.20 2.81 2.30 .51 1.10 1.33 .50 .33 19.8h 1 3.05 2.76 .92 7.50 3.85 2.11 2.h1 u.88 6.11 .00 1.8u u0.87 . h 2.20 .96 h.09 5.95 1.15 5.83 2.36 3.98 .1h .05 .0h 3h.59 .59 2.29 .81 1.67 3.28 5.82 1.60 .61 2.h9 2.06 1.17 .36 22.78 .5h 2.00 2.h1 6.u6 u.30 .30 1.69 .3h .27 .08 . 5.07 2.18 25.6u .3h 1.07 2.86 h.59 u.73 2.09 2.66 1.78 1.15 3.76 3.15 1.07 29.25 2.00 2.31 2.h0 3.70 h.68 3.11 2.17 2.05 2.36 3.11 2.10 2.3u 32.33 f? Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Iowa Park. FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL ’{1.69 .03 2.79 3.85 2.29 3.88 7.93 5.66 u.06 3.66 .28 5.08 u1.20 "1.78 2.5h 1.h3 3.27 1.61 5.u5 3.27 .95 1.90 1.33 1.31 1.29 26.13 .72 1.18 1.08 2.13 3.90 6.10 8.33 1.19 .16 2.67 .85 1.21 29.52 ’.h2 1.27 3.h5 .53 7.30 1.h8 h.6h .u6 u.51 1.31 1.63 .02 27.02 .95 .52 1.16 2.62 3.68 5.13 2.69 1.31 2.13 12.1u 1.u0 2.80 36.83 -1.71 3.79 3.13 1.61 2.7M .77 1.73 1.06 .59 8.u1 3.2u 2.3h 31.12 .3.09 h.51 .30 1.95 2.11 2.73 3.09 5.19 2.h9 1.39 .15 6.09 33.09 .55 .93 u.17 .71 7.82 .25 .28 5.98 .78 .26 1.67 2.65 26.05 .52 1.06_ h.21 1.22 2.93. 1.12 .u8 2.h0 .13 .6h 5.62 .07 2u.70 .h1 1.33 2.97 1.h1 9.70 h.h0 1.93 1.07 3.63 2.79 1.68 1.18 32.50 ‘1.21 .11 .30 1.29 3.69 .67 .85 .00 12.56 1.89 .16 .62 23.35 .91 .01 2.66 1.23 2.71 3.32 1.79 u.72 .35 6.11 1.13 1.85 26.82 1.5h 7.30 6.10 2.28 6.76 6.57 2.95 2.85 2.07 .26 1.6A .36 h0.68 :2.h3 .hh 2.73 .83 3.07 3.58 1.68 3.2M .u9 2.13 1.72 .70 23.0h '.2h 2.11 T h.39 5.23 3.1h 3.hh A.00 2.72 3.71 h.60 2.38 35.96 . 3.23 .83 h.98 11.30 7.20 1.71 3.26 h.56 16.62 .86 1.68 58.78 .h3 1.06 7.20 1.h5 2.29 1.02 1.38 2.66 "7.11 1.71 2.32 29.13 .12 2.35 6.75 h.58 1.88 .02 .02 2.05 1.50 .95 2.59 22.9h 2.90 .83 1.23 2.31 1.81 .98 3.5h 1.75 5.7u 2.51 1.85 27.60 3.7h 3.26 3.71 1.09 6.18 2.71 1.99 6.75 1.19 .u0 .20 33.33 1.90 1.52 1.58 3.91 1.h2 1.06 .12 h.50 .80 2.80 u.A2 26.59 .h0 1.h1 5.56 7.82 .75 .62 .07 .68 1.h7 2.97 2.9n 25.31 2.1u 1.06 1.25 5.01 3.99 .89 3.12 .00 2.11 .59 .9h 21.u6 1.38 1.70 1.1M 6.u8 3.25 .92 .78 h.62 3.93 .00 1.21 29.78 1.13 .03 3.11 7.8h 3.97 6.88 6.u0 h.68 .63 - .0h - 1.h6 1.86 1.87 h.65 2.73 2.55 .31 2.77 1.58 .31 .00 20.h9 .61 1.69 1.83 6.u2 .12 1.52 .83 .0h .00 2.38 1.37 17.u7 .6h 2.91 1.96 2.19 u.08 .97 3.26 1.60 6.13 .85 .19 2u.98 1.69 2.05 2.55 h.66 3.16 2.39 2.3u 2.83 3.51 1.61 1.73 29.76 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Wichita Falls (Iowa Park). FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV _DEC ANNUAL 03 1.70 6.h0 2.69 5.80 3.30 1.80 1.90 .50 .50 2.50 31.h2 .20 2.u3 .50 6.h1 .00 3.00 - - - - - - - - .60 2.80 - - - - .20 1.83 - .88 2.29 3.1h 5.61 3.12 1.25 3.19 1.23 .u0 T 1.28 23.77 .90 1.h9 1.h3 .99 8.30 h.97 .72 T 2.70 3.0u 2.93 28.07 .57 .9h .20 .10 2.1M .32 .36 .92 1.07 1.93 2.5n 12.38 .h2 3.65 1.63 6.60 h.06 2.15 1.75 2.00 1.75 .83 1.37 27.60 2.00 h.65 1.92 2.73 u.85 1.96 1 2.k3 .29 .h8 .65 2.77 26.16 .20 .33 3.1M 2.86 6.39 8.35 .00» 1.51 5.36 6.70 3.26 39.73 .h0 1.hh 6.60 10.8A .18 5.39 2.67 7.11 7.10 .35 T h2.k1 1.50 .50 1.10 12.79 1 1.65 1.80 .10 2.36 T 1.10 .91 23.97 Continued on next page 51 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Wichita Falls (Iowa Park). Continued from preceding page JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN ~JuL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC 1902 .10 .00 2.66 2.07 11.05 T .98 .00 6.95 1.90 7.39 1.15 1903 1.35 6.80 2.30 .35 6.20 3.59 .03 2.53 1.02 .55 .00 .50 2 1901 1.50 .15 .00 3.35 1.02 3.35 .82 3.10 7.58 .60 .00 .00 27 1905 1.37 1.80 1.71 1.12 9.90 3.61 3.17 1.10 6.22 1.90 1.00 1.90 1906 1.50 .75 .33 3.30 1.65 1.93 2.18 5.72 1.33 1.17 1.87 .91 1907 1.18 .23 1.99 1.30 5.62 2.78 2.72 1.68 1.10 1.32 1.91 .15 2 1908 .05 .11 .07 8.05 7.57 6.90 5.06 A .50 . 1.77 2.01 .00 - 1909 06 .18 1.96 .80 1.10 6.08 .60 1.68 .50 1.50 3.28 1.30 1 1910 .25 .59 .61 1.51 5.07 2.31 2.62 1.12 .30 1.60 .63 1.21 1911 .21 1.83 .25 2.68 .19 .29 1.66 1.87 .73 .13 .62 6.21 1912 .07 2.30 3.19 2.15 .96 5.01 1.19 2.12 2.00 3.97 .00 1.50 2 1913 1.00 .80 1.10 3.15 3.20 2.70 1.80 .00 5.65 2.20 7.20 1.27 3 1911 .00 .00 3.06 3.87 7.00 1.25 3.95 11.05 .11 1.10 2.26 2.25 1915 1.20 2.35 .95 6.25 11.18 7.10 2.05 6.00 3.15 1.35 .20 .90 1916 1.75 .00 1.95 6.70 1.15 1.90 2.15 2.55 1.10 1.10 .90 .00 21 1917 .30 1.00 .32 1.50 3.55 1.10 3.85 3.05 1.15 .00 1.65 .10 17 1918 1.00 .00 3.30 3.25 2.35 2.85 .85 .15 3.30 5.85 1.55 1.80 29 1919 3.05 1.20 3.05 1.50 9.90 7.15 2.90 1.10 6.50 7.95 2.55 .00 17 1920 2.20 .10 - - - - - - - - - - ' 1921 - - - - - - - - - - - 1922 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1923 - - - - - - - - - - - 2.13 f 1921 .09 1.07 2.16 2.15 1.11 1.78 .39 2 38 2.68 .37 1.06 .75 16 1925 1.12 .33 .11 1.69 2.81 1.97 1.13 1.05 5.73 3.26 1.38 .16 23“ 1926 2.06 .01 3.57 3.55 2.31 5.50 5.10 3.10 2.81 1.80 .15 1.77 35 1927 2.21 2.51 .78 2.61 .99 5.35 1.20 1.15 3.63 2.29 1.78 1.30 29‘ 1928 1.01 1.15 1.11 1.17 3.99 6.28 5.68 2.67 .30 1.93 1.05 1.06 28‘ 1929 1.13 .97 2.08 .16 7.33 1.51 3.71 1.05 3.53 1.80 1.09 .18 251 1930 1.82 1.09 1.17 1.30 3.01 1.08 .12 1.35 1.02 9.79 1.18 2.31 29 1931 1.37 1.16 3.18 1.17 3.35 1.00 1.76 .51 .60 5.81 3.10 2.25 281 1932 3.11 1.11 .29 2.11 1.28 3.35 3.02 3.30 2.57 1.02 .05 1.63 29 1933 .27 .79 3.02 .15 8.91 .05 .99 1.20 .92 .19 1.20 2.21 23 1931 .67 .87 2.72 1.19 2.98 1.52 .06 2.11 3.62 1.11 1.37 .05 21 1935 .11 1.31 1.81 1.29 6.15 6.57 1.75 .96 2.22 3.61 1.37 .96 28. 1936 .71 .09 .09 1.51 1.22 .62 .62 .00 9.93 1.82 .16 .52 20. 1937 .10 .01 1.99 1.06 1.59 2.32 .53 3.87 .11 1.73 1.96 1.18 20. 1938 1.86 1.50 3.12 1.89 3.13 3.87 3.09 .85 .51 .11 1:71 .36 25. 1939 2.12 .23 2.30 1.10 2.96 1.62 .66 3.15 T 2.36 1.31 .50 18. 1910 .08 1.10 T 3.15 3.23 3.20 2.25 3.77 1.98 1.78 2.83 1.82 25. 1911 1.78 2.28 .85 1.93 3.91 8.22 2.12 2.29 3.53 11.77 .60 1.12 13. 1912 .13 .59 .50 7.35 1.12 3.31 .58 1.25 3.63 5.33 1.66 1.17 26. 1913 .07 .12 1.91 3.11 3.30 3.83 T T .51 .39 .69 2.56 16. 1911 1.83 2.31 .77 .98 3.71 3.09 1.32 2.11 3.12 1.55 2.10 1.38 27. 1915 2.00 3.13 -3.61 2.831 1.09 8.38 2.38 2.62 5.89 1.31 .31 .17 31 1916 2.32 1.57 1.59 1.18 5.11 1.62 1.67 1.22 3.95 1.13 2.61 1.32 28. 1917 .53 .31 1.12 5.21 5.15 3.29 .81 .02 .93 1.01 3.08 1.80 23. 1918 .17 2.78 1.35 1.20 6.71 3.97 1.17 1.15 T 1.75 .50 .37 21. 1919 3.92 1.28 1.16 1.92 6.35 1.11 1.27 1.77 1.89 3.69 .00 1.06 28. 1950 1.09 .87 .07 3.28 7.29 3.93 11.86 6.51 1.13 .20 T .02 39. 1951 .35 1.25 2.63 3.02 5.12 3.77 2.88 .51 1.18 1.13 .20 .07 22. 1952 .71 .56 1.72 2.17 1.07 .80 2.17 .21 .03 T 2.15 1.11 16. 1953 .16 .83 1.90 1.80 2.25 2.88 1.33 2.71 .37 5.07 1.58 .52 21. Mean 1.13 1.20 1.71 2.60 1.51 3.11 2.11 2.09 2.56 2.52 1.61 1$51 27. Table 13 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Lake Kickapoo. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV mac 1918 - 1.86 1.06 1.28 2.25 7.56 1.16 .35 .10 1.26 .63 .59 - 1919 3.30 1.50 2.01 .28 7.00 5.95 .98 ‘1.29 5.36 3.15 .00 1.23 32. 1950 .58 .58 .02 3.39 6.72 1.19 11.35 10.78 2.87 .00 .00 .00 10. 1951 .12 .71 .51 1.67 2.90 3.81 1.03 .75 2.78 1.56 .00 - -- 1952 - .31 1.06 1.18 3.37 .90 1.61 .75 .28 .00 2.21 1.03 - 1953 .16 .71 3.63 1.71 1.36 1.21 3.52 1.75 .87 7.03 1.08 .13 23. Mean 1.12 .96 1.39 1.61 3.93 3.99 3.28 2.61 2.01 2.17 .66 .60 21. 52 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Lubbock. Continued on next page ’ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC ANNUALj .35 .05 .21 .58 1.07 .6A 1.u2 1.16 3.03 .1h .08 T 8.73 .8A .58 .05_ .72 1.67 2.95 .53 .79 .79 .51 .69 2.03 12.15 .12 .25 3.39 3.53 2.10 3.52 2.28 2.83 5.70 7.3A .36 .19 31.61 .90 .11 .2h .15 2.91 3.66 2.19 2.6h 1.63 1.A3 2.21 .09 18.16 .1h .h5 1.A7 .2u .A3 7.71 .8h .92 h.50 .02 T T 16.72 3h .20 .55 3.59 3.50 2.h3 1.36 .28 .17 .60 1.50 .07 1h.59 2A .76 1.0M 3.18 2.77 3.98 1.65 1.59 2.67 6.80 .85 .6h 26.17 T .17 .96 .86 .90 1.79 1.20 1.76 1.25 .u7 .03 .06 9.h5 65 .02 T 1.12 2.31 .86 3.38 3.32 9.AA 1.33 .11 .21 22.75 .56 .0A 1.6A 1.81 5.1A 1.10 1 03 2.75 A.15 8.A0 .67 1.77 29.06 .79 .37 T .A0 T 2.91 2.16 .59 1.16 .A0 T .81 9.59 .31 1.18 T A .09 3.08 1.06 6.78 A.0A .08 2.10 .7u .28 19.7h A3 .3A 2.03 .15 6.91 .90 .20 1.68 1.36 3.56 1.00 .07 18.63 61 .03 ZA5 1.0h 1.71 1.70 .12 1.3A .11 3.91 .9h 1.Ah 13.h0 32 1.98 1.3M 1.82 1.32" .95 2.17 2.hh .72 3.h7 1.39 1.Ah 19.36 .93 1.09 .0h 1.8A 2.37 5.66 1.90 3.15 3.A1 1.29 .00 2.A8 2A.16 .37 .95 .02 .06 2.97 .21 1.36 2.19 .71 .h2 .99 .06 10.31 .06 .06 1.98 1.08 1.26 .28 .65 1.66 1.86 .28 .55 T 9.72 "12 .60 .89 .0u 3.A9 2.57 1.25 1.69 3.02 1.22 2.0A .33 17.26 1.08 T .59 .92 5.86 .92 1.13 .13 13.93 1.52 .7A .21 27.03 .26 .01 1.81 2.01 h.00 3 12 1.32 2.06 3.85 3.22 .07 .52 22.25 .91 1.18 .h9 .1h 1.99 5 89 A.01 .A7 .63 .51 .27 .03 16.52 2.A5 .19 .09 .28 1.82 67 1.73 2.75 .01 .9A .18 .60 11.71 23 1.97 T 1.8A 1.7A 2.06 T 1.57 .73 1.07 2.35 .20 13.76 55 .61 3.56 2.23 12.69 A.13 3.68 1.85 A.A7 5.89 .17 .72 h0.55 oh .18 .51 3.25 .35 1 7A 2.58 h.97 7.61 3.39 .01 2.70 27.33 .0h .02 .25 .53 2.71 2 37 3.17 .00 1.16 .10 .62 1.87 12.8h 1.28 1.36 1.09 .8A 3.03 1.75 2.93 2.37 3.73 .80 1.72 1.6u 22.5A .69 .39 .10 .A6 .A6 .36 3.08 2.17 2.22 2.26 .27 .32 12.78 1.18 .15 .76 .07 1.A9 2.72 .58 3.55 3.u9 u.67 .hh 1.0A 20.1A .82 T .92 1.13 6.03 .55 1.18 .25 .13 .7h 1.37 .51 13.63 .11 1.59 .22 .A8 2.05 1.22 1.22 .31 1.06 1.09 .02 .10 9.h7 3.67 .38 .78 1.78 6.95 A.62 2.A7 2.36 u.87 1.02 .00 .39 29.29 .23 07 .00 68 2.51 .77 2.67 1.u0 2.2A .29 .03 .02 10.91 .21 .72 .61 .55 2.61 1.91 ,1 92 3.93 .50 .6h .13 T 13.73 1.16‘ .1h .02 3.39 1.73 1.76 3.31 1.17 :90 00 .7A .22 1u.5h 35 .09 - .h8 ..85 .A5 1.07 2.21 .08 A.02 .12 - - 63 .h9- 78 1.17 2.83 2.21 1.91 1.90 2.63 2.05 .63 .6A 17.87 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Mansfield Dam. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC ANNUAL - " - - ; - 2.72 .10 5.92 2.18 .58 3.hh 3.17 2.77 3.73 3.27 A.90 1.89 6.19 2.83 2.9A 2.85 - 1.8A 1.52 - 3.A8 3.h2 2.28 h.95 h.8A 2.A2 .57 2.A7 3.60 1.10 5.2A 3.08 37.h5 3.52 .31 1.63 2.17 h.0A .05 .35 .89 .00 .00 1.h2 1.56 15.9h .80 2.A2 .96 1.90 2.63 1.67 .85 .88 1.32 1.95 - 1.18 - 2.63 2.05 2.82 7 5.82 .39 2.03 1.29 3.18 2.58 3.1h .00 2.96 28.89 .55 2.76 .A3 6.30 2.1A 1.99 .8A .99 1.81 .7A .06 .00 18.61 .13 2.25 3.0A .58 3.89 1.90 .00 .75 h.A8 .92 .57 .56 19.07 .A5 1.77 2.12 5.29 A.17 1.26 1.85 .00 h.65 .00 A.18 2.85 28.59 .29 ‘1.62 1.u3 2.01 1.1A 1.36 .h1 2.A8 h.A2 5.06 .56 2.07 22.85 1.62 2.26 2.00 3.77 2.79 2.16 .91 2.05 2.79 1.50 1.92 1.90 25.67 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Nacogdoches. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov DEC ANNUAL h.72 3.87 2.51 A.0A h.11 1.09 5.56 11.1A - 2.1A .97 A.51 3.35 A8.o1 8.29 .23 .79 5.26 11.32 2.22 h.09 1.92 .77 1.h0 3.73 3.29 h3.31 3.12 3.87 2.38 3.75 2.73 .A8 5.92 .h1 2.77 1.27 .8A .72 28.26 1.18 1.11 1.99 8.20 2.10 2.8h 1.39 5.18 2.81 A.91 7.05 2.86 h1.62 5.36 A.69 3.58 .95 7.37 16.81 2.ns A.82 1.75 10.6h 3.52 1.87 63.8h 6.77 1.20 A.18 h.33 3.66 2.86 3.88 8.36 1.u8 A.80 5.13 5.68 52.33 3.12 1.92 6.50 7.32 2.h8 7.0h A 7.33 2.30 2.A2 1.A6 .79 3.82 h6.50 . 7.19 6.AA 9.03 12.91 5.h1 3.81 3.92 3.A5 .93 .6h h.38 h.10 62.21 3.89 6.85 -6.36 9.78 A.30 3.10 h.19 1.71 13.52 2 7A 5.29 10.03 71.76 53 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Nacogdoches. YEAR JAN MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC 1928 5.33 . 8.51 5.90 8.22 8.07 .13 .08 2.25 .08 1.81 3.29 1925 5.56 . 1.87 1.16 3.03 .39 3.87 1.11 3.29 11.26 8.18 1.51 1926 3.82 . 9.58 8.81 3.13 7.01 6.97 1.22 .96 1.85 3.75 8.52 1927 1.36 3. 6.58 6.60 3.80 10.50 .76 2.12 1.22 3.82 1.19 8.23 1928 .76 3. 5.58 3.18 2.86 8.10 6.92 .78 1.00 2.53 5.88 3.60 1929 3.72 3. 3.15 8.38 12.79 1.97 3.76 .66 .69 1.38 7.61 6.17 1930 6.77 8. 2.59 .67 8.86 2.38 1.91 3.08 8=18 5.86 5.68 3.25 1931 3.87 6. 8.08 8.97 3.61 .60 3.72 5.70 .32 2.30 8.23 10.68 1932 11.79 8. 3.88 2.80 2.07 .99 2.51 2.39 1.52 1.51 2.79 7.66 1933 2.78 6. 5.69 5.18 8.65 .67 13.76 1.05 1.52 .51 .37 7.99 1938 10.29 8. 6.50 6.83 3.03 .78 1.25 1.33 3.36 .86 10.30 5.21 1935 3.31 3. 2.88 8.53 17.05 3.97 3.89 .95 8.80 2.96 5.61 6.08 1936 1.25 1. 1.71 3.35 6.12 .27 8.17 2.78 1.33 3.10 2.75 8.78 1937 8.22 2. 8.35 3.76 1.25 2.83 2.18 1.98 5.51 3.71 8.85 6.58 1938 8.16 3. 6.18 8.70 3.36 8.09 8.39 .83 1.28 1.89 3.75 2.83 1939 8.87 7. 1.98 2.56 8.88 1.02 3.01 1.35 .67 1.85 5.28 8.69 1980 2.21 7. 2.68 6.56 8.36 6.35 3.07 6.93 1.91 1.87 16.12 8.85 1981 1.99 8. 3.68 2.19 5.25 7.76 7.33 2.16 7.63 12.68 3.68 3.77 1982 2.80 1. 2.80 5.28 3.97 6.60 1.00 8.66 8.70 .76 1.71 3.51 1983 3.88 1. 2.78 .88 3.02 2.78 8.22 1.80 2.99 2.81 2.57 8.90 1988 6.00 8. 5.58 8.95 10.63 2.37 1.08 5.00 1.89 .29 7.83 8.92 1985 8.68 8. 8.65 5.69 8.80 8.11 6.98 2.51 8.88 6.67 1.62 8.86 1986 7.50 5. 7.78 3.17 8.80 3.18 8.29 8.71 2.92 1.82 9.18 3.51 1987 8.85 2- 5.07 8.89 5.96 3.29 2.28 .80 .80 1.19 5.08 5.17 Mean 8.67 . 8.30 8.80 5.51 3.70 3.98 2.86 2.71 3.05 8.73 5.13 Monthl and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Nacogdoches. EAR JAN MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1892 1.76 3. 3.78 8.39 8.65 3.51 1.82 3.81 1.18 1.70 7.10 8.30 1900 8.70 1. 6.88 7.00 8.13 6.59 3.72 3.28 3.77 8.08 6.58 1.67 1901 1.83 5. 3.51 5.79 2.25 5.81 8.62 2.18 5.17 8.50 2.59 2.19 1902 2.51 3. 5.21 2.91 8.58 18.22 5.77 .88 10.03 5.57 6.19 2.08 1903 8.86 6. 5.05 1.23 2.98 2.99 7.52 3.01 .15 5.98 .37 5.17 1908 1.86 3. 3.23 8.81 2.71 8.06 5.58 3.56 8.68 .33 .88 8.03 1905 3.19 3. 5.62 8.88 8.99 5.21 9.83 3.69 2.78 1.78 10.16 5.86 1906 8.85 1. 1.63 8.26 1.58 8.65 7.91 1.68 1.78 8.12 1.91 3.60 1907 2.96 2. 2.15 8.65 9.07 .21 2.33 .15 .63 6.88 10.39 8.55 1908 2.31 6. 3.80 8.12 6.87 .92 2.86 3.92 5.59 .12 2.98 1.56 1909 .88 3. 2.01 3.93 8.79 3.90 8.33 1.15 1.23 2.89 .85 8.80 1910 1.56 9. .89 8.22 8.52 8.92 2.18 1.88 .98 2.27 3.81 5.28 1911 T 2. 3.89 9.62 .61 .52 11.17 2.09 .53 1.88 5.00 10.51 1912 1.96 3. 7.18 7.86 9.88 8.66 .68 2.30 T .91 .80 6.89 1913 8.08 3. 8.63 8.82 5.01 1.61 .81 .68 11.87 3.81 2.75 6.88 1918 1.00 3. 8.32 8.68 7.32 1.03 T 5.22 1.83 .67 8.11 3.90 1915 8.61 3. 2.30 2.82 2.87 1.75 8.61 7.85 1.53 1.21 3.03 2.88 1916 7.66 . .81 5.28 10.78 2.83 3.57 .76 167 1.27 3.75 3.18 1917 3.79 8. 1.91 3.27 3.25 .77 5.83 .06 3.78 1.38 .69 .11 1918 1.85 . 1.81 6.99 1.67 2.63 2.28 3.31 3.87 8.50 6.55 3.02 1919 8.16 8. 2.88 1.29 6.96 8.72 1.82 5.89 2.82 9.65 8.06 1.50 1920 6.93 1. 5.33 8.98 8.57 3.06 8.78 6.83 1.87 3.51 8.66 5.69 1921 3.12 2. 7.28 6.30 1.71 5.90 7.10 3.21 3.22 1.05 .61 8.20 1922 6.36 6. 8.35 11.66 5.05 2.78 3.11 3.81 1.03 .70 5.26 3.88 1923 3.75 6. 6.22 9.90 8.92 8.20 1.82 1.88 8.80 2.71 5.07 9.38 1928 5.01 5. 8.35 5.71 9.86 3.07 .06 T 1.97 .05 2.18 3.75 1925 5.77 1. 1.00 1.10 1.85 .28 3.02 .63 2.63 11.18 8.79 .93 1926 3.65 . 8.39 8.95 2.80 6.62 7.35 1.76 .50 .68 3.50 7.61 1927 1.27 2. 7.10 6.13 3.58 7.87 .89 .56 2.89 3.65 1.22 8.82 1928 .82 3. 5.66 2.86 2.92 8.38 5.15 .98 1.08 2.31 5.53 3.03 1929 3.76 2. 3.00 8.67 12.73 3.28 3.98 .89 1.87 1.55 7.69 7.39 1930 6.85 8. 2.35 .88 6.66 2.36 1.78 2.85 8.57 5.88 5.53 3.17 1931 3.63 5. 3.52 3.85 2.96 .78 1.99 6.81 .22 2.10 8.17 9.77 1932 11.61 9. 3.82 2.82 2.37 .95 1.83 2.36 .92 1.32 2.98 6.85 1933 1.90 8. 5.50 8.09 5.50 .60 12.72 .60 1.77 .73 .35 7.80 1938 8.01 8. 6.68 6.38 8.39 .93 1.28 .96 3.68 1.88 9.85 8.55 1935 3.03 2. 2.37 7.23 15.60 2.73 1.61 .50 3.88 2.83 5.65 5.53 1936 1.77 1. 1.02 3.08 8.89 .80 8.09 3.55 1.00 2.90 2.79 5.01 1937 7.75 2. 3.91 5.11 1.88 3.86 3.15 3.38 2.96 3.65 8.18 5.13 1938 8.13 2. 5.88 5.32 2.86 3.60 3.81 .83 .56 1.72 8.68 2.57 1939 5.62 6. 1.86 2.68 8.20 1.38 2.88 .98 .58 2.55 3.88 9.05 1980 1.85 8. 2.88 6.67 3.96 5.78 .80 7.86 2.53 .67 18.85 8.87 54 Continued on next page ~u.u\o oooo-qwoowwoc-mwwoow HCn 665-6 6di-irix7uo3olr3bxKifi fiiiiyG p35 5451i)‘ Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Nacogdoches. .:JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001' NOV DEC ANNUAL .25 h.95 3.65 1.61 6.66 7.69 7.56 2.h6 5.89 12.79 3.h7 3.70 62.68 2.58 1.51 3.0A 5.51 h.23 5.7h 2.00 h.09 3.h0 1.02 1.9A 3.67 38.73 .9h 1.90 2.15 .6A 2.A6 1.37 3.89 2.80 2.03 2.61 3.19 u.39 30.37 :6-35 5.h9 6.57 5.23 12.57 3.60 1.93 5.15 2.07 .76 7.7h 8.89 66.38 ‘ .99 h.68 ' h.65 5.69 A.80 h.11 6.9u 2.51 A.A8 6.7h 1.62 h.h6 56.67 ,7.h0 5.55 7.78 3.17 8.80 3.1A h.29 u.75 2.92 1.82 9.1A 3.51 62.27 k.h5 2.06 5.07 A.A9 5.96 3.29 2.28 .A0 .80 1.19 5.08 5.17 A0.2h .95 h.20 2.28 5.16 h.10 .99 3.11 .76 1.02 1.0A 5.98 A.30 36.89 .16 3.37 A.36 5.05 5.A7 2.u7 3.23 1.Ao 3.27 13.2A .59 5.57 55.18 .91 6.51 1.723 5.3A 10.61 6.09 A.78 .72 a.au 1.09 2.37 u.32 58.30 ., .8h 3.56 h.31 1.53 1.u0 3.59 2.9h .A6 5.h5 .6A 3.06 6.30 37.08 j .79 3.16 - 3.71 5.12 5.3h 1.01 h.21 .82 .9A T 6.05 6.02 39.17 i<3.09 A.1h 7.57 8.71 11.82 5.h1 6.15 3.21 1.9A 3.05 3.21 6.02 6h.32 5;§93 3.91 A.09 A.80 5.h7 3.50 3.89 2.h5 2.80 2.98 h.Ah 5.07 h7.33 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Possum Kingdom Dam. ‘JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - 1.12 3.h6 5.15 1.92 1.02 2.A6 2.60 1.37 .03 - .50 .51 1.19 3.22 2.71 .58 .52 .01 1.19 .00‘ 3.69 .79 1u.91 .01 .59 1.86 1.35 3.h0 .63 .8A 1.65 .32 » 5.50 1.20 .39 17.7h .26 .55 1.52 1.90 3.19 2.12 1.09 .89 1.32 2.70 2.09 .u0 18.03 ’ Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Prairie View. .“JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL 3 3- - h.73 1.02 3.99 A.63 1.h3 .A6 8.01 .92 1.55 2.06 - §r2.51 .87 2.56 7.93 6.62 1.61 3.86 .0A 1.83 - 6.50 3.A9 - _ 1.3h 3.91 .70 6.08 h.12 3.57 1.16 5.37 .29 5.35 2.58 6.78 u1.25 § 1.92 3.89 2.66 5.01 h.91 3.27 2.15 1.96 3.38 3.1h 3.5h h.11 39.9h Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near San Antonio. ;.___ JAN FEB . MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL .h6 5.h7 3.07 3.25 1.33 .79 2.5a 2.9h 2.98 1.39 h.21 A.29 32.72 .97 h.h5 1.33 2.91 u.95 5.83 .07 T A.63 .58 .12 2.58 28.h2 3 .21 .09 .80 .28 '3.09 .10 2.06 2.05 3.35 2.32 1.77 1.29 17.h1 3.2.h2 .11 5.01 5.65 3.39 3.59 .66 1.11 1.83 2.60 1.83 2.73 30.93 .92 3.0h 2.77 2.98 * 2.58 5.71 .3A .56 1.35 2.57 T 2.23 25.05 3 .78 2.77 1.30 2.08 5.55 2.A3 u.29 .A2 8.10 2.05 2.65 3.11 35.53 Q 1.21 .25 3.1u 1.75 13.26 2.2A 3.81 .12 1.01 2.68 2.18 1.89 33.5h .;1.2h 1.27 1.71 1.52 .93 h.57 2.96 .15 2.A9 h.05 2.76 1.25 2h.9o 6.38 2.57 3.60 2.26 2.66 2.26 7.00 .78 .03 .78 .37" 3.h7 32.16 h.h0 2.99 1.20 2.17 2.28 1.35 2.97 3.98 5.56 .55 .73 1.3h 29.52 .32 2.08 .50 1.82 3.2h 1.77 7.05 3.20 1.98 .5u .69 .67 23.86 5.h6 .80 2.38 5.37 1.33 .11 3.16 .26 3.08 .23 3.65 5.3A 31.17 .58 2.55 1.2h h.35 8.79 h.96 2.06 .16 9.20 .99 .65 3.1A 38.67 _.38 .h2 1.56 2.00 5.h3 h.62 3.hA 2.89 5.3A 2.AA 2.10 1.25 31.87 -72 .09 1.90 .97 5.85 1.72 2.53 2.21 .01 2.55 .7u 7.67 26.96 3.80 1.11 3.08 5.17 3.55 .79 1.51 .3h 1.37 .03 .62 1.89 23.26 1.91 1.00 .33 .12 1.h0 .hA 2.93 3.0A 1.83 .10 .93 .71 1h.7h .75 1.73 1.8h 3.63 1.91 5.62 1.3h 1.03 1.62 3.57 3.9h h.57 31.55 2.56 2.69 1.98 A.89, h.78 h.22 .22 3.92 5.18 2.h3 1.00 1.10 3A.97 ‘.09 1.87 .63 u.hh 2.37 2.03 8.56 1.6u 7.73 8.88 1.67 .2h u0.15 .92 .03 1.50 .h9 2.32 1.21 h.A7 .18 A.11 1.39 3.12 .86 20.60 'h.38 1.0h 2.21 .67 5.05 1.u1 .20 3.28 1.9h 1.A2 3.35 2.87 27.82 3.5h 3.98 2.20 1.h1 1.57 n.33 2.06 .16 u.10 1.77 .20 .83 26.15 13.16 1.80 2.h5 5.58 5.09 3.58 .05 6.32 21.96 2.37 1.83 1.92 56.11 73.63 .19 1.7h .h0 A.36 .10 .17 7.30 .06 .29 1.3A 2.01 21.59 ,<.75 2.99 .56 1.AA 3.22 3.8A 3.6u 1.2h , 2.79 1.89 1.09 .33 23.78 ;,2.00 1.82 1.92 2.60 3.86 2.68 2.70 1.90 3.98 1.9A 1.67 2.29 29.36 Coitinuecf 0'1 next page 55 L» 1 1 9T3 .. 2,1 1,2 3 , 122 2.1 231 21 ,_ 1 38 17 1O 8 8366 lufih. 9051266 189567373 1563OQ/19LW958 9197- 52h. 573.40 wewmo1ma1wa1_.wwsmmsv17m%1a%sv¢snQammfiasa4A1aaw@»J@¢£s@n1ammnnadwnziweefie 3 62 71 1 1 22 15h». 113 2 111 111112.411 7J2 h212222 21 #1161 2 1 %m%%@.@mmmmR . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ..T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2921563 715 59369 692 O60 0560071 0710099 07011465734 215111018 83hr4823 0O 68o115Q/W69& 97671@O09 99h 000/0295 w 73u2fiL 9016121429T73l2Oh377%o/71.4O22%7 1 1 1 Continued from preceding page w w O 6l4f437a9 O72 6109b». 55.6 8h5hw952o2 0U 77373223900 Q/Bohfl/hwl-O/QJ 9 28318212hw2 2 .5.477O%8O9®W 2282785500 6%23O2OO9S.H.6%3L41E)O£3LQO 9W./59\86689l66 71v“ 1221126 612 61 l4. 12 222337I32h2 3111 k217i 2 11 1213513121 2 83% n O 8076099326 1 21 9663.09 19 862 31280 50201392513929 8719930141481395073 1d _ ._.1HO/D.13 532900\403fi~85Qw7|&\n».CWQ/2Jo1nuw7l1hh.161hwO%Q/% 80/2 23l422 32l4hhw23l32 27h». 1 .416 1 32 372-43 l4 37.32.4311 862 7211K t. H O C 6085 975114521... 3 212768593 6 191hw58h77211826 58hO986h68 07081062 68 0.13 - 7...Q./2 5J1627&.4@15372 O97|883hw7|32&82 160 7l42 31%%7|3226 3 22533 1 52 725k. 22 21129 21363032 3311511 5312533 72122221h32 6 2-431 MAR FEB 62710h27|1l483 :10 628112765 1\41 2 1 11 m5622963oo213 17 h93715931m337%%&6W%MH%%m9 8owm%wa%w@ww%%m%m%%@mmnw%%%m@ Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station 1n San Antonio. JAN - . . - - . . - . . . -.-.Jq.-.-....-.-...-....-.-..-......-.-..-..¢-.-.-..--.. 800 997088 1 o51117l3112h. 568210 0 9 1O 280 355086036762 515 06813 8 I433 3|45@1137|9hw 9 O72618651hw2%5l43|4hw7 3%2%Ol%029W52917.3h2|493\4,_m/622%3683.4/%/§O&117 1 56 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in San Antonio. 85 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT Nov DEC ANNUAL 3.h9 1.68 3.72 .9h 6.76 1.6h T h.32 1.30 1.52 3.66 h.16 33.19 2.97 3.90 2.73 2.91 1.2h 5.31 1.19 1.19 3.00 3.h9 1.35 1.18 30.h6 3.6h 2.2h 1.75 5.5h 3.h7 2.92 .20 h.03 15.78 1.31 1.86 2.h3 h5.17 2.1h .29 1.h6 .30 3.32 .31 1.00 5.3h .06 .19 1.01 1.90 17.32 .61 1.86 .59 1.h0 1.59 2.96 2.35 5.83 1.98 3.2h 1.00 .23 23.6h 2.91 2.98 2.27 8.99 .85 8.26 2.2h 1.03 .78 7.58 .13 2.79 h0.81 ..32 1.h3 .2h 3.h2 2.11 1.03 1.60 6.15 3.02 .08 .13 .03 19.89 .25 2.h3 2.76 .93 1.11 7.07 .51 .06 3.75 1.11 .67 .13 21.11 .81 2.01 2.3h 3.h0 1.91 1.86 2.75 .00 3.02 T h.h7 3.67 26.2h .h1 .90 .53 0 2.08 1.00 2.19 .01 3.12 2.u8 3.06 .3h 1.11 17.56 1.h9 1.60 1.82 2.91 3.21 2.82 2.13 2.30 3.32 2.29 1.87 1.82 27.58 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Sonora. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL - - - - 3.2h 1.21 .00 .61 1.90 5.50 1.90 1.70 - 2.28 1.h5 2.15 2.h9 3.58 5.h8 .95 1.98 9.1h 2.hn 1.16 .51 33.61 2.33 .36 .h0 .32 2.59 h.67 1.96 6.09 2.2h 2.78 1.62 .15 25.51 1.13 1.h9 3.17 .8h h.76 2.66 .h5 1.05 .6h .38 A .h0 .30 17.27 .65 .10 2.13 5.19 1.03 h.1h 1.30 3.23 2.1h 3.18 1.93 .05 25.07 1.55 3.98 2.59 u.09 .29 .56 3.38 .16 2.26 5.69 3.99 2.81 31.65 1.02 2.68 2.51 1.37 h.91 .5h .60 1.62 3.70 .10 T .56 19.61 .08 .0h T 1.55 9.23 .82 .31 3.89 2.6h 1.83 .93 .57 21.92 1.97 .07 2.28 2.97 1.93 1.2u .99 1.25 .25 1.h5 1.37 3.51 19.28 .33 1.53 1.59 h.h7 .57 3.h1 1.8h .55 3.83 5.51 .12 1.11 28.86 ..32 .9h .85 .70 3.97 h.73 1.26 2.6h 6.8h 1.h8 1.06 1.18 25.97 .33 .h6 1.90 .67 h.99 2.31 2.06 .12 1.67 3.22 .25 u.67 22.65 .16 .05 .5h 1.6h .95 3.86 1.hn 2.05 1.11 12.80 2.63 .73 27.96 2.95 1.51 2.h5 3.23 3.37 1.h6 3.2h 2.10 .03 .52 3.51 2.23 26.63 .52 1.17 .6h 1.18 6.h8 .h2 1.51 8.92 13.83 .65 1.20 2.7h 39.26 1.2h .90. .11 .2h 6.52 .00 .27 1.u3 .12 1.17 .75 .22 12.97 1.59 .22 2.23 .76 .15 2.79 .60 .18 2.25 .2h .25 .38 11.9h .h6 1.5h .33 1.58 5.96 9.93 h.h5 .62 1h.05 .90 .n7 1.22 u1.51 .h1 .08 .83 .66 5.12 1.8h 3.78 1.26 10.h7 2.33 .50 .70 27.98 .2h .26 1.32 .31 .39 2.27 .75 1.69 2.89 2.13 .81 3.98 17.0h 1.75 .71 .39 .78 1.77 .67 12.87 .05 .2h .13 .06 1.0h 20.h6 2.66 .06 .19 .68 2.0h .62 2.78 1.50 .5h 1.79 2.60 1.89 17.35 .h1 1.15 .69 3.09 h.h8 5.1h .00 2.2h .15 .52 1.95 1.21 21.03 .87 1.h9 2.57 2.59 1.9h 3.01 6.25 1.h7 2.65 h.68 .35 .50 28.37 .33 .65 .22 2.8u .1h .98 1.60 h.9h 2.03 3.71 .2h 1.2h 18.92 .ho .00 1.30 .68 6.29 2.82 1.6h .2h 3.35 1.23 1.26 2.66 21.87 2.51 1.50 2.21 1.11 2.60 1.32 1.h0 2.30 2.23 2.39 1.2h 1.75 22.86 1.hh 1.56 2.31 1.19 .19 2.60 2.03 .55 1.8h 3.3h .0h .12 17.21 1.55 T .53 2.h1 2.90 3.93 1.25 .09 3.17 2.98 .10 1.12 20.03 3.35 .03 1.68 .63 1.71 2.92 .6h h.u2 1.06 1.05 1.07 1.08 19.60 .02 .76 .66 2.h2 2.62 9.08 h.87 .58 .67 .91 .61 1.29 2h.h9 2.h9 3.11 .31 h.15 5.3h 5.h7 1.91 h.35 3.52 3.59 .00 2.h8 36.72 .55 .60 .00 2.20 5.h2 2.35 3.35 1.18 5.53 .03 .00 .00 21.21 T .20 1.h0 .73 .h6 1.73 .85 .27 .07 .20 .0h .18 6.13 .h6 .00 .66 1.37 2.61 .25 .30 .00 .15 .00 .86 .25 6.91 .h8 .00 1.35 .63 .h9 .00 .75 2.78 1.76 2.93 .00 .79 ‘11.96 1.11 .88 1.27 1.77 3.09 2.70 2.05 1.91 3.08 2.33 .98 1.30. 22.h7 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Spur -JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT Nov DEC ANNUAL .00 .00 .h3 2.35 1.31 2.36 .56 h.01 1.12 2.63 .82 .00 15.59 .22 .51 .00 1.27 1.71 .1h 2.17 1.58 u.12 .12 .07 .00 11.91 .00 .6h .30 .62 2.hu 1.97 .hh 1.h2 .92 2.60 .20 1.37 12.92 .28 .21 3.56 3.78 h.37 2.03 2.60 2.hh h.26 7.h8 .80 .00 31.81 1.31 .00 .16 .99 6.91 3.36 .75 8.3h 2.20 2.h9 1.11 .38 28.00 .30 1.08 .66 .00 .91 1.15 .00 .09 h.08 .00 .00 .05 11.62 .31 .00 .76 5.57 5.18 1.77 .25 1.60 1.00 1.06 1.80 .03 19.33 .05 .85 1.01 3.89 1.1h h.95 .26 1.h0 1.57 6.58 2.36 .87 2u.93 Continued on next page 57 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Spur. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV nEc 192k .00 .09 1.88 .81 1.98 .65 2.01 .87 2.00 .80 .00 .00 3 1925 .3h .16 .19 h.77 2.75 1.7h 3.h3 7.37 3.66 .73 .22 .2h 2 1926 .67 .0h 1.62 h.18 3.17 2.1h 7.37 7.0u 3.50 5.13 .52 2.70 1927 1.10 .26 1.06 .h0 .66 h.56 1.h7 .78 h.22 1.19 .00 .h2 1928 .2h .96 .36 .20 h.33 1.60 5.15 3.97 .05 1.37 1.n3 .33 1 1929 .27 .21 1.h9 .02 2.80 1.23 1.17 .33 3.7h 3.07 .h0 .03 1 1930 .86 T .h3 1.66 1.5h 1.28 .05 2.05 .89 6.53 .75 2.56 1931 .79 1.62 .33 2.18 1.22 1.29 1.80 1.1h T 2.53 2.h2 1.1h 1 1932 1.71 2.39 .00 1.91 1.u3 3.38 2.67 5.55 u.2u .58 .09 3.75 1933 .19 1.A7 T .15 2.86 T 2.51 3.32 3.17 .35 1.12 ‘.h5 1 193A .12 .21 2.20 1.16 2.50 . .07 .11 1.18 2.52 .87 1.93 .01 _ 1935 .01 .61 .98 .71 h.5h 6.93 .99 1.05 3.62 2.22 1.50 .62 2 1936 1.11 T .22 2.h9 2.79 1.h3 2.85 .11 11.13 1.h1 .h8 .h5 2 1937 .38 T 2.05 .86 2.92 1.31 .68 6.93 2.18 2.h7 .09 .h1 1938 1.1h' 3.31 .82 .89 2.89 5.16 3.30 .21 .09 1.33 .78 .0h 1 1939 1.98 .25 .52 .29 2.07 1.80 .hh 1.85 .00 2.62 .60 .6h 1 19h0 .16 1.1h .00 1.79 1.17 1.06 .07 3.2u .h1 1.3a 3.16 .0h 1 19h1 .88 1.6h 2.0M h.17 6.9u u.12 2.9h 1.h6 9.90 7.90 .21 .67 h' 19h2 .06 .33 .31 3.67 1.63 3.un 1.60 3.u0 3.88 2.82 .17 1.79 2 19h3 .10 T .32 1.1h 2.81 2.95 5.36 .00 2.37 .31 .80 1.6M 1 19hh 1.77 1.78 .12 .89 2.h9 2.50 2.51 2.3h 1.18 1.07 1.95 2.72 V 19h5 .89 1.0h .3h .58 .08 3.30 u.29 1.78 u.27 2.12 .69 .21 1 19h6 1.05 .19 .36 1.h0 1.66 3.33 .05 3.71 2.h8 2.78 .32 1.68 1 19u7 .60 .00 1.51 1.27 6.u3 2.01 .00 .28 .15 .65 2.1h 2.03 1 19h8 .18 2.28 .15 .57 2.00 u.78 1.30 .89 .07 1.58 .h5 .08 1 19h9 2.50 .h3 1.78 1.62 5.28 h.63 2.h5 u.06 2.71 2.6h .00 1.08 1950 .35 .38 .01 7.9u n.92 3.16 3.91 .90 6.23 T .0u .02 1951 .27 .35 2.19 .81 3.01 2.88 2.30 5.82 1.29 2.29 .03 T 1952 .70 .21 .23 3.33 1.36 .06 2.81 .u6 1.22 .00 1.25 .86 1953 T .76 .66 .9h .35 .31 2.96 3.82 .53 5.00 .06 .09 1 Mean .60 .67 .82 1.88 2.75 2.h8 1.99 2.55 2.66 2.28 .81 .77 Table 52 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Temple YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC 1915 2.13 1.h7 1.57 8.h8 1.55 1.52 .57 6.92 3.u0 1.09 3.03 2.50 3 1916 6.09 .0u .16 3.19 6.92 1.85 1.31 .81 1.28 1.08 2.h3 .20 2_ 1917 1.29 .93 .57 3.03 3.19 1.18 2.67 1.19 h.12 .00 2.37 .21 1918 1.03 1.35 .81 7.72 1.19 1.57 .00 .07 1.h2 2.89 6.2h 5.07 1919 3.51 3.36 h.95 1.77 3.20 7.87 .92 5.10 h.09 7.08 3.hh 2.16 A. 1920 h.81 .79 1.98 .52 h.80 3.06 3.66 10.h1 5.76 2.37 5.h0 1.17 Mk 1921 1.hh .78 2.62 7.92 1.h2 5.u2 2.1h .87 13.60 .28 .76 3.50 1922 2.71 2.28 h.h3 10.36 6.70 .13 .79 1.55 .90 1.72 2.91 .12 ‘ 1923 .80 5.29 2.3h 7.06 1.23 2.97 1.80 .75 5.15 5.h6 2.38 8.30 h; 192k 1.99 h.39 2.78 2.90 5.38 1.32 .28 .61 5.37 .1h 1.21 1.22 27 1925 1.38 .17 T 1.99 2.60 .31 .51 1.89 3.77 5.88 3.67 .50 2 1926 6.23 .18 6.u8 5.92 2.1u 2.65 1.u0 1.31 2.05 7.26 1.78 3.71 hi 1927 1.97 u.51 2.70 2.19 3.77 7.02 1.27 .08 3.00 9.15 .19 1.71 3 1928 1.20 u.36 .6h 2.39 .67 3.62 5.1a 1.h6 3.58 .87 1.23 h.28 2 1929 2.hh 2.07 2.93 6.13 16.01 .37 1.75 .31 1.57 2.A8 h.36 1.11 A 1930 .89 1.73 1.91 1.2h 11.23 .35 .21 2.55 2.79 7.18 2.83 1.8M 3f 1931 2.70 3.73 3.57 2.99 1.5h 1.62 1.8u .29 .38 .78 1.19 3.30 2 1932 5.15 3.06 1.62 2.61 5.06 3.08 .99 1.2a 3.96 .1n .u9 3?88 1933 2.28 1.33 1.31 .79 3.80 .08 5.52 1.86 u.87 .96 .72 2.07 2» 193k h.h6 2.00 h.11 h.73 1.3h .10 1.31 .95 .69 .19. 8.22 1.81 1935 1.17 3.05 1.19 2.9h 10.15 8.72 2.55 1.33 6.95 2.20 .55 5.78 1936 .31 .87 .19 2.9M 8.01 .62 7.35 .81 8.21 5u.79 1.98 h.00 1937 2.22 .36 2.99 .68 1.31 1.93 3.75 .6h 1.63 2.62 5.36 5.17 2 1938 h.08 1.65 1.55 6.22 u.37 3.28 1.96 .37 1.28 .21 1.3h 1.55 1939 h.1h 2.89 1.83 1.5h 3.30 3.87 .96 1.52 .12 1.38 2.h0 .91 2 19h0 1.08 2.73 .92 2.50 2.uu 8.51 3.09 .28 1.29 u.09 8.h2 5.67 A1 19h1 h.69 3.69 3.69 6.21 u.15 6.25 3.80 2.70 .hh h.6h 1.5M 2.h9 ‘ 19h2 .37 1.h8 .87 6.38 6.63 3.1h .16 3.u6 6.85 3.33 1.97 2.00 19h3 .92 .02 3.26 1.53 3.52 1.08 5.36 .36 3.53 1.19 1.75 1.97 2% 19hu 5.80 u.7u h.11 1.90 12.91 3.8h .35 2.17 3.22 .26 6.80 u.71 5 19h5 2.98 5.26 2.85 7.7h 2.h2 h.39 .23 h.18 1.7h 3.33 .61 2.93 19h6 h.06 3.h3 3.17 h.77 7.85 3.00 .98 2.7h 6.6h 1.16 6.26 2.93 19h7 h.52 .62 3.h8 h.h3 5.25 .50 .95 3.9h .h5 .23 2.01 2.62 Continued on next page 58 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Temple. JAN ~FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL 1.8% 1.99 1.35 2.91 3.06 3.51 1.hh .59 .67 .93 .68 1.hh 20.h1 3.29 2.11 3.01 6.53 .50 5.30 2.37 .59 1.36 h.92 .10 3.h8 33.56 1.0h h.37 .27 5.05 3.2a 2.77 .95 .31 2.99 1.32 .38 .05 22.7h 1.59 2.6h 1.69 2.72 7.39 2.5h .10 .0& 6.27 1.66 1.09 .h1 ' 28.1u .h6 3.51 2.75 5.6h 5.39 1.h9 .76 .00 .55 .00 5.18 5.38 31.11 .97 1.23 1.66 2.61 7.72 1.03 2.h8 2.57 2.18 8.hh 1.n0 2.62 3h.91 2.56 2.31 2.26 h.13 n.70 2.88 1.90 1.76 3.28 2.66 2.68 2.69 33.81 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Temple. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - .83 6.85 .16 2.95 3.77 2.11 1.35 - - - - - - 1.76 2.31 3.55 2.63 .05 .2h - - - - - H! - - 5.39 7.11 2.07 .h2 .00 3.77 - - - - - - - - 2.97 .06 .11 ihl 2.59 .12 - - - - - - h.06 .00 1.60 2.00 3.26 h.89 .9h - - - - - - - 6.h7 2.32 .89 2.1h 2.8h 1.56 - - - - - - h.59 5.36 3.86 .8h 3.78 .98 2.h9 - - - 5.53 2.89 - 1.55 1.22 10.98 1.52 .92 5.n0 .07 u.73 - - - - - - 2.16 2.11 .16 .h2 .1h 2.10 .07 - - 5.28 30 1.77 5.90 1.71 2.50 2.70 1.60 1.81 .15 2.00 6.75 32.39 2.20 1.h5 2.1h 2.60 h.50 h.30 .80 3.20 .60 5.11 .85 5.35 33.10 .90 .58 2.53 2.h5 2.5h 1.79 2.85 3.07 1.00 .00 u.00 .37 22.08 1.71 2.37 h.63 9.05 5.00 .70 1.25 2.nu .82 2.20 1.00 1.22 32.39 2.70 1.h5 1.05 2.90 h.9h h.07 1.37 3.10 3.15 5.36 h.h8 2.h1 36.98 6.13 5.80 1.32 2.61 1.31 .h7 1.59 .32 h.72 3.83 .68 2.33 31.31 3.35 .88 5.h1 2.27 3.07 9.20 .30 2.70 3.h3 2.8h .93 2.67 37.05 2.36 2.58 1.75 3.93 1.05 5.92 .73 2.50 1.81 1.30 2.62 2.20 28.75 .82 .97 .15 2.17 u.19 10.97 .70 .15 .70 h.90 2.h0 5.3h 33.u6 3.37 .38 6.76 11.h6 10.02 .00 2.36 h.60 5.60 1;h2 1.29 1.72 h8.98 .75 2.h9 2.h8 1.52 2.66 1.37 .97 .25 2.27 2.27 1.81 2.08 20.92 .30 .99 2.37 2.89 5.67 1.91 20.h2 .00 5.03 2.ua 13.90 3.22 59.18 2.02 8.07 3.21 .96 2.02 u.12 6.u8 .90 .u5 2.23 .00 1.53 31.99 .20 1.77 .36 h.21 6.20 3.30 1.80 u.26 3.11 3.60 .35 .91 30.07 .9h 1.66 u.2a 7.32 5.78 9.32 2.36 .61 7.62 2.86 2.30 h.91 u9.96 1.12 2.36 1.h1 n.09 1.85 3.79 h.08 2.73 3.92 1.11 1.08 u.25 31.82 1.21 1.h7 .98 2.62 9.36 1.19 3.73 .17 .80 5.91 7.25 2.8h 37.53 1.02 3.11 2.78 7.h9 11.70 .80 1.61 1.38 3.5h 1.17 2.71 2.8h h0.15 .12 1.78 1.29 2.1h 3.12 2.60 .77 h.9h .00 3.hu u.01 2.7h 26.95 .62 1.9h 2.6h 3.67 8.17 1.39 .hh .62 1.60 1.59 1.19 2.79 26.66 .39 1.83 2.28 5.32 2.09 1.23 3.02 .6u .h6 u.32 1.27 n.37 27.22 .00 3.23 5.93 3.79 1.27 1.96 .38 1.58 .55 h.1h 3.22 3.36 29.h1 2.09 2.58 1.02 1.80 1.95 1.78 .50 .81 6.55 6.72 6.33 11.16 n3.29 .21 1.92 2.90 7.36 9.h3 1.76 2.13 7.76 .70 u.73 5.37 3.96 u8.23 1.36 1.78 2.18 8.97 2.01 1.32 .89 5.u9 2.0u 1.2h 3.01 3.15 33.hh 5.01 .00 .21 2.67 8.05 1.h7 .89 .90 1.h8 .97 2.h6 .70 2h.81 1.16 .77 .37 2.7h 2.89 2.35 2.06 .85 1.86 T 1.9h .05 17.0u .62 .86 1.0h 7.19 1.03 2.17 .80 .15 .60 2.50 6.uh 5.36 28.76 2.92 2.98 h.h0 1.61 3.57 6.79 2.06 h.97 h.0h 5.9h 3.h0 1.76 hh.hh h.70 .56 1.82 .61 3.99 1.88 1.80 7.86 h.56 3.99 h.95 .86 37.58 .90 .96 h.59 8.56 2.7a 6.62 3.80 .95 11.9n .h2 .73 3.15 u5.h0 2.68 2.57 3.91 11.63 6.05 2.15 .70 1.u2 1.00 1.53 3.32 .33 37.29 .62 h.59 2.37 7.31 1.57 3.36 1.76 .50 n.13 5.29 2.22 8.63 n2.35 1.75 h.30 2.93 3.29 u.90 1.h2 .27 1.h5 u.s1 .63 1.h0 1.17 28.32 1.28 .13 T 1.55 1.98 .35 .2h 1.67 h.12 5.91 3.23 .h0 20.86 6.28 .15 6.7h 5.3h 2.63 1.28 2.18 3.02 1.2h 9.62 1.86 3.7h uh.o8 1.22 3.77 3.77 5.h2 3.51 7.37 .92 .09 3.9h 8.h7 .h0 1.83 u0.71 A3 1.00 h.75 .72 2.h8 1.26 3.hh h.30 1.16 h.35 1.00 1.33 0.13 29.92 A 2.7h 2.12 2.h7 5.8h 1h.51 .71 1.1n .60 1.78 1.93 h.50 1.58 39.92 A 6.55 1.h7 2.00 1.3h 11.73 .99 .18 3.68 2.h1 8.0h 3.h6" 1.81 37.66 1.95 3.61 3.52 3.05 1.76 1.58 2.26 .25 .n3 .82 1.97 2.99 2u.19 5.25 3.33 1.61 2.70 6.19 3.h0 .85 3.60 u.h7 .29 .63 n.15 36.h7 1.7h 1.93 2.18 1.20 3.32 .00 h.93 1.68 2.30 1.23 .98 2.19 23.68 k.61 2.h8 h.58 3.68 1.05 .15 1.58 .5h .39 .00 11.65 1.30 32.01 1.65 3.35 1.h8 2.91 9.68 8.55 2.77 1.35 7.32 2.57 .78 u.50 h6.91 .h8 1.00 .28 2.91 7.87 .11 6.52 .uu 7.9h h.70 2.13 h.51 38.89 2.39 .32 h.06 “.68 1.26 3.0h 3.68 .58 1.27 3.05 5.93 5.1h 31.h0 h.23 1.96_ 1.72 6.58 h.61 3.95 1.58 .21 1.58 .3h 1.6h 1.72 30.12 h.h7 2.89 1.99 1.57 3.n7 3.53 1.15 1.37 .1u 2.10 2.72 .99 26.39 1.oh 2.68 .85 2.5h 2.19 9.h9 2.70 .17 1 32 2.21 9.70 6.37 n1.26 h.12 3.66 3.96 5.75 h.97 7.28 h.70 2.23 .25 h.83 1.76 2.71 h6.22 Continued on next page 59 Continued from preceding page Monthly and. Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in Temple. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT Nov DEC 19h2 .hh 1.82 1.31 6.5h 8.53 2.21 .93 3.h9 7.5h 3.72 2.19 1.90 19h3 1.00 .0h 3.06 2.33 h.02 .h5 h.92 .33 3.53 1.57 1.89 2.09 19hh 5.11 5.12 5.78 1.81 12.3h 3.15 .89 2.h8 3.85 .38 - 6.7h 5.15 19h5 3.20 h.7u 3.00 8.26 2.78 5.h9 .20 h.89 1.59 3.30 .59 3.33 19h6 h.3h 3.50 3.h8 u.09 7.u7 2.93 .68 2.58 7.83 1.36 h.60 2.73 19h7 h.30 » .60 3.77 3.15 5.u1 .86 .8h h.15 .61 .6h 2.50 2.17 19u8 2.06 2.oh 1.2h h.77 1.98 3.21 1.78 .h9 3.02 1.09 .77 .99 19h9 3.75 2.32 - 6.hh .50 h.93 1.u7 2.05 .85 3.20 .03 2.96 1950 1.37 h.59 .38 h.h7 h.u0 - 1.h8 .36 2.17 1.36 .77 .0u 1951 1.00 - - - 7.93 2.85 .0h .01 5.22 .82 1.37 .h6 1952 .56 2.93 2.51 5.76 5.55 1.82 .u3 .02 .51 .00 5.22 5.36 1953 .h9 1.63 2.02 3.20 7.u6 .uo 1.h8 3.u9 2.70 8.23 1.78 2.58 Mean 2.19 2.27 2.52 h.12 h.60 3.05 2.0h 1.90 2.8h 2.68 2.91 2.96 Table 53 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Troup. I I YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC 1913 -- - - - - - 2.13 .69 10.19 n.11 1.19 7.86 191h 1.1h 2.uh 7.08 3.27 13.u2 2.15 .33 3.63 1.96 .99 h.36 7.12 1915 h.u5 3.08 2.53‘ 5.65 1.63 1.16 3.16 8.6h ~ .21 2.18 3.51 2.80 1916 h.6h .05 .h2 h.3o 7.13 2.06 2.56 1.26 1.02 1.09 3.80 2.2h 1917 2.93 2.51 2.15 h.58 3.0h .95 6.11 .72 3.59 .73 1.80 .71 1918 2.21 .38 2.67 9.15 .71 3.77 1.67 3.78 1.96 2.51 7.28 3.57 1919 3.28 3.37 3.95 2.77 5.37 5.60 5.90 h.28 2.96 9.08 7.62 2.19 1920 6.32 1.22 3.35 3.h0 3.h1 1.81 8.92 5.2M 1.36 h.7h u.u2 h.39 1921 2.86 2.55 3.73 8.07 3.30 10.1h 2.5h 1.60 3.13 T .72 2.61 1922 h.91 5.91 9.82 8.81 3.68 1.20 6.15 1.7h .62 1.79 5.h6 1.65 1923 h.25 6.10 3.59 7.28 1.50 3.78 1.63 2.h6 h.52 h.29 2.26 7.52 192h 3.69 u.32 5.08 2.96 9.06 1.0h .05 .52 1.92 .18 1.3h 1.57 1925 3.93 2.16 1.0h 1.33 3.21 .82 3.31 .66 1.86 5.6h 7.93 1.21 1926 5.28 .u9 ' 9.68 2.82 h.78 2.97 5.uh .32 1.28 2.u2 1.86 8.26 1927 1.55 3.29 h.63 8.82 2.35 3.71 3.62 T 3.08 5.25 2.31 h.13 1928 1.06 u.22 3.11 5.h2 5.03 6.07 2.10 .28 1.17 5.59 5.5h 5.39 1929 5.19 2 77 2.h6 h.3h 6.1h 1.56 3.72 .h9 3.88 2.32 5.79 3.09 1930 3.78 h.91 1.78 1.22 11.h8 T 1.h1 3.h7 2.68 7.39 n.u8 3.30 1931 3.uu - - - - - - - - - - - - Mean 3.61 2 93 3.95 h.95 5.01 2.87 3.38 2.21 2.63 3.35 3.98 3.87 Table 51+ . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Tyler (Lindale). YEAR JAN FEB ' MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT Nov DEC 1933 5.15 2.00 h.95 h.32 h.3o T h.83 » h.13 h.37 2.01 .91 8.01 193k 2.90 3.17 6.88 7.20 1.17 1.98 .58 .91 2.h5 .38 6.27 3.21 1935 3.h9 3.55 2.86 5.38 8.30 3.10 2.31 1.09 3.75 6.30 h.00 h.89 1936 1.01 2.37 1 28 3.81 8.h2 T h.96 .81 3.1h 5.72 2.h2 5.8h 1937 7.55 2.11 . h.52 2.78 .9h 3.55 2.81 3.30 1.72 2.21 5.25 6.79 1938 5.78 2.28 h.80 h.36 2.10 3.89 1.h0 2.5u .7h 55 h.57 3.52 1939 5.50 8.33 1 7h 2.38 3.62 5.h6 3.u5 1.33 .0h 2 73 5.88 2.98 19h0 1.2h 3.89 2.50 h.5h 5.17 6.18 h.27 6.03 3.h9 5 A3 9.56 6r1h 19h1 1.89 3.61 h.3h h.70 2.20 12.85 5.01 3.13 5.20 2 50 8.01 5.51 19u2 2.03 1.78 2.53 11.05 h.31 h.80 1.59 12.50 2.72 1 92 1.17 6.85 19h3 1.6h .1h 2.90 h.68 9.30 2.51 2.08 .73 3.h8 5 80 1.72 h.05 19hh 5.67 9.18 h.05 h.19 7.52 1.09 .91 u.uu 1.h2 02 7.57 8.76 19h5 3.26 5.79 16.5h 5.09 3.h6 6.51 3.85 .97 h.h7 5 ho 2.21 3.70 19h6 9.25 h.35 7.63 5.10 12.17 3.hh .72 3.83 2.36 3 07 15.15 1.96 19h7 2.95 ' 2.28 5.93 5.37 5.52 3.62 .35 3 83 2.13 3 A9 h.81 7.06 19n8 3.66 3.2h 3.29 3.09 8.08 .90 .25 A1 1.23 1.28 3.62 2.32 19h9 9.25 2.10 3.5n 5.37 h.21 2.95 10.11 2 A3 .81 10.63 .38 3.31 ~ 1950 5.93 6.85 1.67 6.07 9.59 1.13 u.80 1 30 3.51 1 07 2.69 T 1951 2.51 h.35 2.66 2.22 2.25 u.76 2.11 20 5.u6 2 26 2.89 2.6h 1952 1.77 h.92 3.7h 6.22 5 2h .97 2.53 T .62 16 7.93 5.97 1953 1.77 1.77 A 97 3.87 7 60 1.70 9.22 2 21 1.89 2 31 2.9h 5.92 Mean h.01 3.72 u A3 h.85 5 50 3.38 3.25 2 67 2.62 3.11 h.57 h.73 Continued on next page 60 ANNUAL 21%. 7|h+3 29 O31 8702c) . .\492 902 %7|357l5 _l47| @213 l 6 h. .. m%$%W&%%8M%&6%M%W%W$%5% 4 O I Q O I O C D O O Q O I I O 2 3 . O awwnwnawwus wwwuew o o Q 0 Q o a o a 0 u o o o o Q o 0 Q o n o 0 2 91 l3 l 3 Qhmlzwnmmaznznmmnnz mmn 5 m m 7 2h303 21 9&1 .0 79 7| 079222 55 88769 6 3779 he .__.....nm.@5@21.2o 933m.3mT5A&9 m lllaeamenwezlllamzmhfirl m h. 2132333212128 23 27.52 D l 136551 7-1 ll l 2 l 92 95 1388 O 3 86 I45 3 181 37 9919360 5 5 61 00150 T235 39 2 3 1 .4 5 8 2 3 887.4 28 T JJw5J&J5%Jn&J%$%%fi&%WDww_h1$8Hh% T OOWw0M2%JWhw&®2685%m95 W 72 l l5 kl 3l4ll22 2212 1m 2,22 w; 221212 l 12141 3 ll 21 SEP 3 o9 2 l 9fi%%UWm%%19 vwwwwwwmwuen 2 wwm M O O O I O I I I nmLlnmhulfufunowcwnmqwf/flfll 35~4l33 235132 sm .h .m .@ .a -W .& -B .% 0 .% O92 .w -W .& 056 .w .& -B .m .& .w -% -% AUG Q Q o c o o u o o o o o Q o o Q o Q o o o 61 6 007.5 916 ll l 20wmw3$l676w675mm%\_m:fizmfi.wdmu “MO/SW 8%. 31 1 T mmmmwnmnamewwunmmww %%ww wmwwwew 6 L&&T&z&Lz&iLLkL&.66&% #32153 wwwnwmnmwwwwmwwmewwnwwmw wuwmww» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m wmfihhneemwnfifiwnwefihwmwm 631 5u10l223h. 5 323:» H.457 111.4113. l 9 22227:) 225 1132 2 Continued from preceding page ' MAY Mhmwmwhemenmmhfimeemnnflwwe.%@@@ww 5 H2 1h. 2r4l526lhhfiu. 3k.85 awnmn/TM/mk Y uwsumwewwwwwnmwamwnmmum L&.k&&Lz.&L&&.&&&.&zkz& O9 20 h. 3 O . 2 2 7362O6h2h7 831.3 920 l l R 38599hwlho6@20n/_9m199m5 0Q 2 l Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inehes at the Weather Bureau Station in Tyler. Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Weslaco. MA % 2h...) 66.45% LL3.}|+.$2.3L3&&.|4/mn¢ih"l w... ...L..L.4..3...2.JL&.L...T .2 3 22.6.3L7|4&.4&=../h. 312353 W l l 11L...) 2 l 1 m ...._..wm&...@»@mm$mwwm@@.@$@ww» m mm&mmmmmmmmmm&&mmmmmm¢% 312 .713 ll4l6\4|42 25h.h.l3 11 1 ll 1 22 &@%. .u@»@@»@m@m@m.mwmmmm M&mm%mmm%%mm%@mm&%mmum& JAN B 9 . IDKJLWK/Salndlsl 8521 .4 JAN l 5 lll 612 131 1 L 5% Table 56 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near William Harris Reservoir. nun mm mm mm Mm mu mm mm mm am an mw mm 19A8 - - - - - - - - - - 3.07 .50 19h9 3.h0 6.h0 3.86 7.69 .72 2.95 u.93 u.58 2.06 23.17 .35 7.38 1950 1.92 3.h7 .76 h.39 1.85 5.25 3.h2 .89 1.80 .11 .h9 2.59 1951 8.78 1.3h h.86 1.56 2.60 8.29 3.38 3.23 9.h0 1.70 1.69 1.93 1952 .75 5.91 2.77 9.59 6.h5 .62 5.73 .66 3.h5 .03 8.2h 3.09 1953 1.09 h.07 .20 .72 10.32 5.86 3.h3 u.8h .h2 3.01 9.6h h.7h Mean 3.19 h.2h 2.h9 h.79 u.39 h.59 h.18 2.8h 3.h3 5.60 3.91 3.37 Table 57 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Winter Haven. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC 1931 5.3h .79 1.52 h.h7 6.09 2.82 3.13 3.57 T T .27 3.32 1932 .h6 1.95 -68 .51 2.67 .3h 1.16 6.96 3.79 ,7h .63 .76 2 1933 1.62 3.05 .30 .16 1.9M .11 1.89 1.12 .52 1.13 .56 .30 ' 193k 3.05 .28 .73 1.60 2.36 .10 2.78 .63 1.15 .72 1.55 1.67 1935 .19 .85 .91 3.32 1.88 5.07 6.28 .13 3.20 .69 .59 2.06 2' 1936 .12 .07 .25 1.51 3.69 3.11 1.28 2.28 8.65 1.62 1.19 .67 2 1937 .60 .13 1.33 .05 3.h1 .h0 1.37 T 1.61 1.37 .86 _ h.69 1_ 1938 1.38 .51 .38 2.77 1.68 .66 2.55 .63 .11 .06 .02 1.00 1939 .90 .33 .18 .01 7.31 .77 1.86 h.hh 1.h1 3.21 1.6M 1.21 2 19h0 .hh 1.37 1.19 1.81 5.58 h.90 .h9 1.66 .31 1.01 1.16 2.02 1 19h1 3.h8 3.h8 1.92. 5.36 3.3h 1.30 1.20 1.15 3.53 1.55 .62 .63 1 19h2 .69 1.71 .97 2.58 3.29 .n6 2.05 3.26 5.91 1.h9 .12 .66 2 19h3 .96 .12 .02 .36 3.50 3.62 1.29 T 6.85 .98 1.66 1.11 19hh 1.28 .61 1.73 .0h 7.8h 2.32 .00 10.91 1.59 .31 2.07 1.9h 19h5 .86 1.09 5.58 3.72 1.26 1.00 .05 1.27 7.66 3.u6 .6h .26 19h6 1.66 .19 .28 h.90 1.99 2.18 .00 2.97 5.57 3.56 .h3 .77 2' 19u7 1.81 .10 .35 .9h 3.99 2.60 1.06 3.17 1.20 1.57 .67 .57 1 19us .13 1.63 .15 .85 2.67 2.h1 .71 .0h u.10 2.53 1.11 .21 1~ 19h9 1.78 2.76 .71 h.76 .58 6.73 1.21 3.52 .79 6.73 .00 2.35 1950 .27 .79 .08 1.70 h.00 n.57 3.68 2.h1 h.33 .18 .0h .00 1951 .15 .85 h.h6 .27 n.23 .h8 .09 .18 1.83 .56 .1h .17 1 1952 .07 1.28 1.35 .11 7.21 1.01 .31 .00 .23 .00 1.33 1.oh 13 1953 .00 .71 1.85 .60 .h2 .18 .00 3.28 2.61 3.h7 .00 .h6 1; Mean 1.18 1.07 1.17 1.8a 3.52 2.05 1.6h 2.33 2.91 1.61 .75 1.21 21 Table 58 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Experiment Station near Ysleta. YEAR - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC 19h8 .20 .62 .00 .00 .03 .72 1.16 .70 .00 .h9 .00 .62 k 19h9 2.17 .15 .00 .12 .8h .50 1.05 .36 1.10 1.36 .00 .66 8“ 1950 .91 .31 .00 .00 .00 .00 2.68 .00 1.93 .h2 .00 .00 6 1951 .28 .81 .h2 .00 .00 .06 .96 1.80 .00 .50 .00 .75 53 1952 .00 .32 .h9 1.1h .51 .8h 1.65 1.32 .00 .00 T .h0 68 1953 .00 .10 .h2 .71 .28 .33 1.36 .21 .00 .52 .00 .10 hi Mean .59 .38 .22 .35 .28 .h1 1.h8 .73 .50 .55 T .h2 5f Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in El Paso near Ysleta. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Nov 12:51: t’ 1850 - - - - - - - .70 .05 .60 h.60 1.10 1851 .00 .90 .00 .70 .02 1.05 2.h9 - - _ - - 1852 - - - - - - - - - - - 1853 - - - - - - - - - - - 185k - - - - - - .10 5.71 3.70 1.5h .00 .50 1855 .00 .00 - .00 - .05 .16 1.12‘ 7.22 1.05 1.25 .00 . 1856 .33 5.55 2.02 .00 .00 .58 2.20 3.38 7.00 .00 .75 .00 21 1857 .00 .50 .00 - .00 .63 1.52 3.73 h.15 2.87 .07 - 1858 .25 .15 .06 .00 .00 .19 1.52 2.h2 .10 .00 .01 .00 53 1859 .10 .10 .00 .01 .01 03 1 60 .22 1.11 .70 95 .00 h 1860 T .2h 00 .01 .00 .30 .53 .08 .18 -‘ .20 .h5 * 1861 .h0 00 - - - - - - - - - - 1862 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1863 - - - - - - -9 - -- - - - 186% - - - - - - - - - - - - 62 Continued on next page u . s i 1 ~ 1 a '2 ~ a Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in El Paso near Ysleta. ..-;...-_. . 7, ‘,l._._ 7- mm mm mm mm mu mm mm mm am an MN lmc mmwu 5 - - - .. - .. - _ _ .- - J10 - ‘;- .00 .00 - T - - - - 1 n5 .00 .15 .11 - -7 .0h .19 .2h .00 .05 .00 h7 .17 1.29 .30 .02 .07 2.8h .: .h7 .17 .05 - - - - - - - - 7 - 7-- '- - - .00 .h0 1.30 .26 5.1h T .58 .2h .00 - '0 .10 - .00 - .00 .01 1.h3 h.01 .00 .05 T .60 - 1 .59 .00 .20 T .33 1.5h 1.20 .82 2.6h .01 .00 .28 7 61 2 1.00 .00 T .00 .05 1.83 2.72 .0h .58 .32 .06 1.08 7.68 3 .6h .00 .30 .36 .07 1.3M .56 .98 .50 .00 1.02 .00 5.77 h .37 .3h .06 .52 .00 .26 .50 .96 1.08 1.38 .5h 1.23 7.2k 5 .00 88 .10 .08 T 80 1.80 .92 1 87 .00 .00 .03 6.h8 6 .21 .00 .00 T .50 1.71 3.76 .00 .25 .00 9.h6 8 ~*¢ - - - - - 1.25 2.55 66 1.02 .66 .11 - 9 1.57 .83 .18 .07 .00 .08 2.h7 .35 .0h .95 .01 .26 6 81 :»- 1.01 T .30 .10 .00 .00 6.5h 3.60 .80 .h7 .02 1.53 1h.37 41 .35 .2h .01 .22 1.83 .02 8.18 3.15 1.hh 1.u5 .50 .78 18.17 _.: .6h .78 .38 .00 .10 .h3 1.26 2.82 .h0 .00 1.h6 .00 8.27 ¢¢3 .10 .h0 2.09 .10 .02 .0h 2.8h 1.31 2.51 2.03 .61 .8h 12.92 ,: .55 .8u .33 .91 T .11 .16 3.98 3.68 5.15 .22 2.07 18.30 1' .12 .03 .3h .0h 1.27 2.63 1.06 .h6 .22 .h6 .31 .37 7.31 ' .31 .hh .28 T _ .01 1.03 1.62 1.85 1.16 .80 .52 .0h 8.06 .03 .15 .32 .09 .13 .3h .73 1.68 .9h .78 7 .56 1.01 6.76 .32 1.51 .95 .7h .15 .12 1.39 1.32 .19 1.13 1.32 .05 9.79 .76 .18 .67 .0h .00 .28 1.59 .01 2.6M .35 .55 .00 7.10 .72 .02 .01 .06 T .63 .95 3.25 1.81 .n1 .35 .28 8.h9 .27 .09 .16 .00 .38 .h0 .06 .13 .23 T T .50 2.22 1.25 .57 .30 .11 T T 1.1h .07 .12 .22 '.93 .61 5.32 .02 .52 .31 .00 2.28 T 2.08 3.15 2.08 T .02 .h2 10.88 .33 .29 .13 .01 .01 .01 1.h0 .6h .h0 .39 .00 .63 h.2h .65 .17 .05 T 2.11 .21 2.h8 2.01 .28 .88 1.05 .31 10.20 1.63 .1h T T T .60 2.73 1.09 1.h8 2.02 .0h .06 . 9.79 .5h .00 .05 .1h .h6 2.17 2.89 2.57 2.73 .77 T .09 12.h1 .25 .0h .h3 .81 .01 .h6 1.h6 1.00 .50 T .16 1.0h 6.16 .06 .03 .23 .88 T .61 3.08 .91 .6h .01 .6k .21 7.30 .11 .h3 .26 .02 .h1 .27 2.38 .h3 2.18 1.23 .23 T 7.95 .35 .68 .h7 .h7 .05 .39 1.05 .3h .82 2.98 1.05 .03 8.68 .57 .01 .00 .00 T .01 3.27 2.85 1.86 .31 .h9 ‘.78 10.15 .61 1.09 .15 .5h .29 2.50 1.19 1.73 3.52 .00 .00 .01 11.63 T .01 .00 .00 .06 .5h .59 2.2k 3.50 3.51 .01 .8h 11.30 .86 1.88 1.h6 1.38 .03 2.12 2.55 .53 2.29 1.28 2.h0 1.02 17.80 .87 1.37 .01 .h0 .90 T 2.02 h.10 1.18 .hh 2.50 1.20 1h.99 .h2 T T .07 .10 .76 .35 2.50 .96 2.52 .73 T 8.h1 .10 .26 .35 .88 .01 .00 2.07 2.55 T .12 .h5 .15 6.9h .0h .16 .77 .00 T .05 1.62 .51 .60 .02 T .56 h.33 .21 .10 T T T 1.35 .60 1.18 .2h .02 .03 .30 h.03 .36 .96 .h3 .h7 .39 2.36 3.h3 .h5 1.00 .h3 .35 .25 10.88 .00 .15 .27 .96 T 1.27 1.11 2.83 1.77 .50 .80 .h8 10.1h .u9 1.26 .29 .1h T .91 1.13 .5h .60 T .97 .76 7.09 .03 .53 .10 .47 1.23 1.h7 h.91' 1.85 .56 .80 1.13 3.9% 17.02 1.01 .59 1.3h .20 T T 2.h5 1.37 2.68 .18 .01 .h3 10.26 .66 .02 .3h .20 .h3 .00 .59 3.07 .55 1.07 .52 .32 7.77 .32 T .07 T .1h .36 .h1 h.39 .76 T .0h .00 6.h9 1.20 .01 .08 .00 .05 .83 1.52 1.66 .01 1.03 1.0h .78 8.21 .08 .20 .62 .65 .1h .27 1.87 .72 3.30 .97 .93 .12 9.87 1.06 .83 .22 .03 .03 .99 .8h 1.33 .31 .57 T T 6.21 .06 .26 .0h .01 .31 .79 2.13 .35 2.h9 .11 .22 .15 6.92 .30 T .16 .28 .36 .05 1.08 .27 1.07 .35 .29 .09 h.30 .6h 1.h1 .33 .0h .01 .09 .20 2.96 .k1 .58 .53 .93 8.13 .ho .13 .h1 .32 T T 3.00 2.58 .1k .2h .01 .05 7.28 .03 .05 T T .59 .17 1.h0 2.16 1.03 .79 .02 .27 6.51 .5h .17 1.h9 1.11 .70 .11 3.31 .27 2.2h .89 .15 .75 11.73 .05 .18 .28 T .00 .10 2.52 1.3h 1.0% .02 T .72 6.25 T .71 .05 .22 .96 T 1.15 2.69 .0h 1.h7 .79 .13 8.21 T .29 .21 T 1.51 .5h 3.01 1.18 .12 1.60 .33 .507 9.29 .17 .16 .03 T .62 .53 1.33 1.29 .ok .75 .7h .h3 6.09 .83 .89 .38 2.2h .06 1.3h .73 2.1h 1.10 .1h .6h .30 10.79 .17 .68 .03 T 1.h6 .15 2.28 2.1h 2.85 .53 .00 .65 10.9h .19 .23 T .09 .0h 2.1h 1.3h .27 .99 .60 .0h .00 5.93 .01 .12 .2h .05 .37 .01 .19 .60 .17 .hh .21‘ .32 2.73 .2h .h7 .1h .02 .17 .09 .16 1.72 1.2h .1h .92 .31 5.65 .57 .06 T .11 .56 .3h .68 1.9h 3.52 .32 1.32 .51 9.93 Continued on next page 63 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station in El Paso near Ysleta. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV nsc 1937 .12 .32 .h8 T .19 1.05 .39 .36 .h8 1.71 .22 .91 1938 1.22 .17 .h9 T .02 2.82 .60 .20 2.31 .19 T .28 1939 .65 .08 .hh .h5 .01 T .60 .91 .90 .93 .75 .19 19h0- .5h .h1 .02 .02 .h3 1.87 1.06 .78 .25 .82 1.25 .31 19h1 .h6 .h6 .63 1.h9 1.23 .18 1.h0 2.13 h.19 1.65 .u8 .35 19h .1h .72 .02 1.0u T .52 .68 33.82 1.03 1.53 .00 1.26 19h3 .25 .00 .07 T T 1.63 .92 .hh 1.36 T 1.53 .80 19hh .h5 1.h2 .15 T .39 1.67 1.52 1.0h .25 1.30 .11 .h8 19h5 .11 .17 - .6h T T .03 .h7 .8h .12 h.31 .00 .05 19h6 1.23 T .0u .36 1.23 .20 .71 1.19 1.51 .h1 .03 1.31 19h7 .87 T .66 .06 .68 .53 .97 1.63 .02 .35 .53 .82 19h8 .25 .63 .0h .11 T .96 .82 1.82 .03 .18 T .86 19h9 1.8h .22 .0h .05 .39 .51 1.18 .h3 1.7h 1.50 .00 .86 1950 .29 .26 T T .10 .11 3.57 .16 1.32 .91 .00 .00 1951 .33 .63 .59 .u5 T T 2.h8 .72 .01 .h3 .12 .68 1952 .02 .96 .92 1.08 .h6 1.1h 1.88 1.06 .07 .00 23 .15 1953 .00 .3h .12 .71 .27 .53 .99 .12 T 65 T .39 Mean .h1 .13 .31 .26 .30 .63 1.58 1.6h 1.33 .78 .h8 .h8 1. Determination of Coefficients to apply for evaporation losses from the Bureau of Plant Industry, Young, and Weather Bureau pans. Coefficient for conversion of evaporation losses from W.B.Pa.n W.B.Pan to evapo to evapo to evapc Y.Pa.n 1 Length . t1 1.1 fie of Mean Evaporation Losses In Inches fizmgglfigmggl Pan Record Feb Jun Jul Aug Dec Annual Pan Pan months I Ratio Ratio '1 3.3.1. 211 3.711 11.19 11.32 9.36 79.35 Y. 110 11.03 10.98 12.08 9.97 87.60 v.3. 110 11.16 13.12 13.10 11.22 95.115 ~11‘ 0.83 1.10 3.3.1. 16 2.52 6.90 6.82 5.112 511.99 Y. 16 2.19 5.611 5.87 11.711 119.18 v.3. - - - - - - A - 0.89 . 3.3.1. 111 11.211 6. 10.86 9.91 9.58 811.93 ' Y. 111 11.51 6. 10.80 9.63 9.113 86.37 v.3. 31 5.511 9. 13.07 11.56 11.61 103.88 1 0.82 1.02 . 3.3.1. 37 2.06 3.38 6.50 6.911 6.113 511.511 Y. 110 2.011 3.10 5.23 11.85 5.58 118.115 v.3. 39 2.88 11.113 8.16 8.97 8.20 68.113 0.80 0.89 . 3.3.1. 36 3.02 8.15 8.33 8.611 6.80 66.79 1- v.3. 36 3.86 9.62 10.99 11.28 8.92 85.70 c. (1) 36 3.115 8.18 9.611 10.15 8.22 75.96 0.78 088(3) 3.3.1 119 2.58 8.75 9.76 9.75 6.67 67.03 Y. 123 2.52 7.97 8.97 9.30 6.110 611.711 A v.3 123 3.28 10.1111 11.511 11.55 7.811 81.97 0.82 0.97 3.3.1 72 3.117 10.63 10.03 10.56 8.37 78.011(11) Y. 72 3.67 10.15 9.76 10.55 8.25 78.07 v.3. 72 3.80 13.99 12.80 12.78 10.00 97.88 0.80 1.00 3.3.1. 110 3.111 10.116 9.81 8.62 6.88 711.56 Y. 110 3.113 10.33 8.93 8.15 6.112 72.19 v.3. 110 3.91 12.96 10.87 9.111 7.211 86.115 0.86 0.97 3.3.1. - - - - - - - Y. 115 2.118 8.21 9.19 9.50 6.66 65.12 v.3 115 2.75 9.60 10.63 10.111 7.37 73.611 3.3.1. 311 3.70 7.86 11.13 10.75 11.17 8.58 6.25 81.211 _ Y. 311 3.96 7.27 10.95 10.99 11.08 -9.31 6.92 83.17 v.3. 22 11.97 9.75 11.811 13.211 111.19 9.711 8.00 98.62 0.82 1.02 3.3.1 311 2.89 5.98 6.61 9.17 7.82 7.65 6.06 5.39 65.29 , Y. 311 3.02 5.112 5.27 7.66 6.66 7.511- 5.58 5.611 61.92 v.3. 311 11.06 6.911 7.98 9.116 9.19 9.50 7.26 6.09 77.68 0.811 0.95 3.3.1 112 3.69 7.111 7.90 10.39 10.06 9.93 5.80 77.85 Y. 112 3.82 6.80 7.113 9.20 9.89 9.511 5.57 711.53 ~ v.3. 112 11.67 9.35 10.52 12.118 12.85 12.116 7.10 97.112 0.80 0.96 ‘ 3.3.1. 3 1.96 2.60 -11.011 5.112 7.06 6.22 5.85 11.22 51.18 . Y. 3 2.08 2.60 3.67 11.118 5.92 11.98 6.21 11.25 116.83 . v.3. - - - - - - - - - - - 0.92 13.3.1. 62 2._30 2.32 3.95 11.118 6.56 6.21 6.90 5.25 11.59 3.112 53.91 ‘ Y. 62 2.21 2.23 3.59 11.11 5.69 5.119 6.23 11.71 11.19 3.36 118.86 ' v.3. 62 2.72 2.75 11.75 5.117 7.85 7.31 7.87 5.90 5.00 3.85 62.88 0.86 0.91 13.3.1. 17 3.112 11.05 6.111 9.38 11.59 9.72 9.32 7.98 5.90 3.611 83.86 . Y. 17 3.56 11.15 6.90 9.95 10.73 9.32 7.96 8.00 5.87 11.011 . 83.95 A v.3. 17 11.33 11.86 8.61 12.83 15.30 12.16 10.92 9.78 6.96 11.52 .56107.19 0.78 1.00 Table 59 . pans.- Continued. Determination of Coefficients to apply for evaporation losses fran the Bureau of Plant Industry, Young, and Weather B Coefficient for of evaporati from " W.B.Pan W.B.P to evapo t0 e q ration. TYPe Length Mean Evaporation Losses In Inches ratmn of of from Y from =11 Station Pan Record Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual - Pan Pan “ months Ratio Ratio 7 International Boundary and Water Commission Stations Fort 12-rt 23 3.88 3.80 6.98 7.23 8.70 9.78 12.56 11.06 7.73 6.h0 h.51 3.59 86.12 McIntosh Y. 23 h.59 1.13 7.22 8.h8 8.95 11.15 1h.21 12.56 9.12 7.79 5.05 h.31 97.56 Laredo w.B. 23 5.h5 5.75 8.89 10.66 12.83 13.89 12.56 15.69 11.59 8.39 5.5h 1.95 121.19 0.80 0. - 12-rt 27 3.59 3.63 7.20 9.1.3 10.50 11.71 12.1+6 11.75 8.92 6.03 1+.95 3.82 93.99 Dryden Y. 28 3.51 3.87 8.06 0.1m 9.90 10.61 12.81 11.79 8.15 6.22 5.31 1+.31+ 93.31 +1.8. 87 1+.02 5.63 10.27 12.52 l1+.09 15.72 16.23 15.1+7 11.83 7.1.16 5.91 1+.75 123.90 5 0.75 0.76 7. 1) Colorado Type Pan 2 Coefficient for conversion of evaporation losses from W.B. Pan to evaporation from g Pan. 3 Coefficient for conversion of evaporation losses from Q pan to evaporation from B.P.I. pan. 1+ ll months data 5 Coefficient for conversion of evaporation losses from W.B. Pan to evaporation from l2-ft pan. 6 Coefficient for conversion of evaporation losses from l2-ft pan to evaporation from Y pan. Abbreviations: B .P. I . : Y . : Young Pan) $1.13. : 66 Bureau of Plant Industry Pan) 72" diameter x 21+" deep, sunken 1E the ground. 21+" diameter x 36" deep, screened, sunken in the ground. Weather Bureau Pan) 1+8" diameter x 10" deep, supported on wooden platform above ground surface. Net evaporation losses from free water surfaces at various locations in Texas at Texas Agricultural Experiment Stations and other cooperating stations. Actual and Evaporation estimated losses from Mean annual mean free water Net observed coefficients surface by Evaporation evaporation to apply to applying a Mean loss from losses from evaporation determined Annual free water Station County B.P.I.Pan(l) pans (2) coefficient Rainfall surface Inches Ratio Inches Inches Inches 1 Amarillo Potter 79.35 1.10 87.28 18.1111 68.811 Angleton Brazoria 5h.99 0.89 k8.9h h7.9h l.OO . Balmorhea Reeves 811.93 1.02 86.63 12.79 73.811 .- Beaumont Jefferson 511.511 0.89 118.511 55.06 6.52( 12) k Beeville Bee 59.11 097(6) 57.311 29.118 27.86 = Big Spring _ Howard 511.51(3) 0 97(6 52.87 18.32 311.55 if Blacklands Experimental ___ _ ._ Watershed (Riesel) ‘McLennan 68.70 0.97(6) 66.611 33.07 33.57 31 Buchanui Dam Burnet 67.03 0.97 65.02 26.72 38. 30 1; Chillicothe Hardeman 69.38 0.97 6) 67.30 211.39 112.91 * College Station Brazos 5h.83 0.97 6) 53.19 39.27 13.92 Dalhart Dallam 5056(3) 0.97 6) 119.011 17.88 31.16 ; Denton Denton 56.18 0.97 6) 511.119 32.33 22.16 ‘ Iowa Park Wichita 56.119 0.97 6) 511.80 29.76 25.011 *5 Lake Kickapoo Archer 78.011(11) 1.00 78.011 211.39 53.65 f Lubbock Lubbock 7h.56 0.97 72.32 17.87 5h.h5 ‘ ‘Mansfield Dam Travis 65.12(5) 1.00 65.12 25.67 29.115 _ Nacogdoches Nacogdoches hh.68 O.97(6) h3.3h 99.31 5.97(l2) a Possum Kingdom Dam Palo Pinto 81.211 1.02 82.86 18.03 611.83 .- Prairie View waller 65.29 0.95 62.03 39.911 22.09 San Antonio Bexar 65.711 0.97(6) 63.77 29.36 311.111 .;Sonora Edwards 77.85 0.96 7D.7h 22.87 52.27 ‘ Spur Dickens 66.66 0.9726) 611.66 20.26 1111.110 j Temple Bell 57.93 0.97 6) 56.19 33.81 22.38 Troup Smith 52.115 097(6) 50.88 112.80 8.08 i Tyler (Lindale) Smith 51.18 0.92 117.09 116.811 .25 fveslaco Hidalgo 56.07 0 97(6) 1111-39 25-30 31-09 » William Harris ‘(Reservoir Brazoria 53.91 0.91 119.06 117.02 2.011 Jinter Haven Dimmit 61.10 0.97(6) 59.27 21.28 37.99 fYsleta El Paso 83.86 1.00 83.86 8.63 75.23 Weather Bureau Stations (using only Weather Bureau evaporation pan) Austin Travis 69.59 0.79 7) 511.98 33.118 21.50 ?De1 Rio Val verde . 97.01 0.76 8) 73.73 18.211 55.119 Denison Dam Grayson 82.29 0.80 9) 65.83 311.811 30.99 ;Di1ley Frio 79.99 0.80 10) 63.99 21.81 112.18 a Fort Stockton Pecos 106.83 0.78 11; 83.33 111.75 68.58 p randfalls Pecos 105.93 0.78 11 82.63 12.119 70.111 f-Laredo Webb 120.77 0.80 10; 96.62 19.117 77.15 gRed Bluff Dam Reeves 108.69 0.78 11 811.78 10.1111 711.311 5 International Boundary and Water Commission Stations ‘(Dryden Terrell 93. 31 1 . 00 93.31 12.70 80.61 fjalcon Dam Zapata 113.07 1.00 ll3.07 l3.65 99.h2 Port McIntosh (Laredo) Webb 97.56 1.00 97.56 19.21 78.35 Johnson's Ranch Brewster 126.61 1.00 126.61 8.69 117.92 Marsvillas Brewster 99 .80 1 . 00 99.80 11.35 88.115 Presidio 112.50 1.00 112.50 8.96 103.511 7*residio §§mean coefficient ‘n coefficient for coefficient for coefficient for - coefficient for _ coefficient for 1“rsinfall exceeds Eions in Texas. 7~1the Bureau of Plant Industry pan. 7‘ll months of the year; for the the the the the the 13 stations in Texas. Heather Bureau Pan Weather Bureau Pan Weather Bureau Pan Heather Bureau Pan Heather Bureau Pan evaporation losses at Buchanan Dam. at Sonora Experiment Station. at Lake Kickapoo Station. at International Boundary and Hater Commission at Laredo. at Ysleta Experiment Station. ieau of Plant Industry type pan used at all Texas Agricultural Experiment Stations. dag the water losses from the Young screened ground evaporation pan as unity or a ratio of 1.00 which is nearly Q actual evaporation losses from large pans or free water surface. 5-rmmntal studies made in Texas by conversion of evaporation losses from the Young pan to evaporation losses Evaporation studies made in California showed this coefficient to be a Fio of 0.98. The coefficients were determined by studies made at various stations where the Bureau of Plant gustry, Young screened, and Weather Bureau types of evaporation pans were used. f-oration records for April, May, June, July, August and September (for a 6 months season). January records were excluded on account of ice on pans. T~0rati0n records for the Young screened ground pan. Bureau of Plant Industry pan was not installed at this station. The ratio or coefficient was.determined from fro a free water surface - only occurred at two out of R3 evaporation 67 APPENDIX Table 61 .. Mean Monthly and Annual Meteorological Data for Stations from which Evaporation Records are available. LENGTH 0F RECORD YEARS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC AUSTIN _ Evaporation - Floating Pan (1) 1+ 1.86 2.+0 3.91 +.73 5.29 5.97 6.80 6.85 +.9+ 3.9+ 2.+5 1.98 ‘ Evaporation - W.B. Pan (Inches) 29(2) 2.56 3.21 5.16 6.0+ 7.16 8.+1 9.36 9.51 6.88 5.36 3.50 2.++ i Rainfall (Inches) 92 2.15 2.+2 2.+0 3.68 +.18 2.5+ 2.20 2.17 »3.72 2.93 2.++ 2.61 Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 56 60 6+ 71 79 85 91 9+ 95 90 82 70 62 Mean Minimnm Temperature (Deg F) 56 +0 ++ +9 57 65 72 7+ 7+ 69 60 +8 +2 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) -12:30 a.m. 1+ 78 79 75 80 8+ 83 80 76 79 79 77 79 6:30 a.m. 27 83 83 80 8+ 88 88 88 87 87 85 82 83 12:30 p.m. 25 63 61 5+ 55 57 55 51 +8 52 51 5+ 61 6:30 p.m. 27 6+ 61 52 5+ 58 55 51 +7 5+ 5+ 59 65 wind Movement (Miles) 12 2,793 2,551 2,885 2,609 2,+6+ 2,+36 2,200 2,336 1,7+6 1,83+ 2,370 2,+72 DEL RIO Evaporation - W.B. Pan (Inches) 8 3.51 1+.50 7.1+7 8.89 10.27 12.08 13.59 12.75 9.28 6.76 1+.58 3.33 Rainfall (Inches) +8 .67 .83 .90 1.+3 2.+o 2.13 1.83 1.5+ 2.+9 2.20 1.00 .82 Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) +8 62 68 7+ 81 86 91 93 9+ 88 80 70 63 Mean Minimum Temperature (Deg F) 1+8 1+2 1+6 52 61 68 71+ 76 76 72 62 5O 1+1+ Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 12:30 a.m. 16 70 66 56 59 67 6+ 58 58 65 68 66 70 6:30 a.m. +8 81 77 73 76 82 82 80 78 83 83 81 81 12:30 p.m. 35 58 55 +8 +8 5+ 5+ 50 +7 5+ 55 5+ 58 6:30 p.m. 26 53 +6 38 +0 +7 +5 +2 +1 +9 5+ 53 57 wind Movement (Miles) 6 1,636 1,73+ 2,188 2,167 2,658 -2,852 2,610 1,981 1,612 1,651 1,5+2 1,+96 DENISON DAM Evaporation - w.B. Pan (Inches) 6 3.26 3.69 5.81 7.70 8.7+ 11.20 10.29 10.36 7.99 6.1+ +.21 2.90 Rainfall (Inches) 6 2.68 3.3+ 1.99 3.87 +.66 3.26 5.08 1.89 2.+9 2.+7 1.85 1.26 Mean Maximu Temperature (Deg F) 6 57 60 66 73 82 92 9+ 96 88 79 65 58 Mean Minimum Temperature (Deg F) 6 3+ 37 +2 +9 60 70 72 71 62 52 +0 38 wind Movement (Miles) 6 3,910 2,818 3,913 3,822 2,862 2,962 2,136 1,8+8 1,90+ 2,+15 3,060 3,258 DILLEY Evaporation - w.B. Pan (Inches) 25 2.93 3.58 6.15 7.+2 8.+2 9.68 10.88 10.85 7.77 5.89 3.69 2.73 Rainfall (Inches) . ++ 1.02 1.17 1.+2 1.97 3.13 2.59 1.8+ 1.66 2.58 1.81 1.20 1.+2 Mean Maxhmum Temperature (neg F) 9 66 69 77 85 91 96 100 100 9+ 86» 76 67 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F) 9 +1 +3 +9 58 66 _ 72 73, 72 68 59 +8 +2 wind Movement (Miles) 25 1,273 1,356 1,616 1,+58 1,32+ 1,282 1,179 1,158 956 962 1,057 1,033 FORT STOCKTON Evaporation - w.B. Pan (Inches) 13 +.06 +.9+ 8.9+ 10.79 12.68 1+.25 13.58 12.37 9.13 7.08 +.97 +.0+ Rainfall (Inches) 79 .5+ .51 .5+ .78 1.56 1.68 1.79 1.98 2.55 1.33 .67 .82 Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 6 62 66 73 80 89 96 96 96 90 82 69 6+ Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F) 6 32 36 1+1 1+9 58 68 69 68 61 51 38 33 wind Movement (Miles) 6 2,290 2,25+ 3,21+ 3,621 3,238 3,665 2,888 2,305 1,69+ 1,83+ 1,679 1,870 GRANDFALLS Evaporation - w.E. Pan (Inches) 11 3.17 +.9+ 9.03 11.66 13.10 13.99 13.65 12.78 9.07 6.95 +.59 3.00 Rainfall (Inches) 31 .+5 .57 .57 .98 1.53 1.02 .9+ 1.65 2.0+ 1.+0 .56 .78 LAREDO Evaporation - w.s. Pan (Inches) 5 5.59 6.21 8.91 10.96 12.9+ 1+.59 16.+5 15.63 11.10 8.27 5.87 +.25 Rainfall (Inches) +0. .96 .79 .8+ 1.+5 3.22 1.99 1.36 1.57 3.15 1.88 1.10 1.16 Mean Maximu Temperature (Deg F) 17 69 73 80 88 93 97 100 100 9+ 88 77 70 Mean Minimum Temperature (Deg F) 17 +6 51 56 6+ 70 7+ 76 76 73 65 5+ it +8 Mean Relative Humidity (Percent) 12:30 a.m. 10 72 73 69 69 I 7+ 7+ 69 68 72 73 71 72 6=30 a.m. 10 81 82 78 80 85 86 8+ 83 85 8+ 80 79 12:30 p.m. 10 58 57 50 +7 52 +9 +7 +7 +8 51 52 55 6:30 p.m. 10 52 +9 +3 +0 ++ +3 +2 +2 +6 +7 50 53 wind Movement (Miles) 6 2,662 2,698 3,271 3,822 +,259 +,+82 +,666 3,800 2,578 2,++6 2,38+ 2,13+ RED BLUFF DAM Evaporation - w.B. Pan (Inches) 10 3.76 5.13 8.95 11.28 13.60 1+.77 13.77 13.00 10.23 6.50 +.50 3.20 Rainfall (Inches) 10 .+7 .2 .22 .51 1.79 1.36 1.10 .95 1.63 1.26 .37 .5+ Mean Maximum Temperature (Deg F) 2 7O 67 71+ % 90 100 98 100 91+ 82 68 60 Mean Minimum Temperature Deg F) 2 31+ 32 1+0 1+ 51+ 67 69 66 57 1+6 36 26 wind Movement (Miles) 2 3,390 2,931 +,1o9 +,362 3,388 2,6+3 2,328 1,976 1,626 1,70+ 2,173 2,570 Note : 68 i; 36" ‘square x 13" deep galvanized pan floating on a reservoir 30' x 200' Includes only records for Hill's Ranch and Austin Airport. and 30' east of land pan. 162. Monthly and Annual-Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Austin. HLB. Pan o o u a a v u u o o u Q o Q Q o o u O a WU 8 3220 ®Mo532Q£%fiWW%WWu%%Q .mmaaaam@aamman@amma MR 857876 %207769&%wW%@%%W%%W amaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaa mm 009580 1k1126W&W%%Bflfi®@%%fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66h6h55h6336hh5Mhh5 HE 5 92871818339 677.» 7 11 a .1._@a1e1a1¢a@amooa.__ .1%%.u2.%..m.w 135129 572O3M&M LQQ LO Z 1% 9 E % 666667%66666667 677 78 7 8 6 201 393868h55O25O75 658 027033 h m 1@am@tJeaa@1¢@@@1@am__ _6so_ 69a92e_n D 322132212212221l1321 212 2232332 2 5586 3385 888 7107 l 8 3 33 8 w @@@1.1¢11m@@@w@1@1%1.. .owwwmamau%w1w N 34232322h33322233332 #32M3h5h53H33 95 M883 m ¢¢m§@1@wmm@amw@mnmm_.. _wwwn mmwnwnww 5753hh6hhh5h5536556 k55kh77566755 253 608 00981553601 #153 8350908 M a@n@w@nama1i1@na@1a1_. .%1vun uo1471s S 678h656h666666675675 5778598889776 6269539827 6 2837 9 2h7O9 221 w A0££JA380JM%Jm3k61®8.. .www%e12asw9us A 7| 8 O I I I I I I I I O I O O O I O I O u u o o o Q o u u ¢ n a o 991481587 688k 16619952 .8270 #7658885 7766 685862502 7:376 27169636127331 MW O6 659103? -95&h922u15w%%$w% 122312&&lZLLZZ&& 3 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Del Rio. W.B. Pan MWM 615859763 m 578263873 . . . . . . . .. 1L 323233333 95 96 .478 N 485553858 5 82 730/0 W 5858669718 22 19.14168 H 5A=43J252 S 898889m99 714699729 x 00572119“ 802823732 A 111 11111 6367 9 2210 l4593 1111m1111 62 92 l4l4 0 O90 8 91ml lulu 35 3 282 188 9950 7N1 11 h. 8 5789 R 9 %1%3038 33 888.97 m O7» 314568 977577687 23016 630 m 0-7789-31-35 6.4232 56h». h. 8 21 m wmamtafiza J 22322h363 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Denison Dam. W.B. Pan 2 809 M 8 - _O/72 I I I I 1 2 m 8 $5 7968760 nEo 3293039 D 3223232 0 n o o o o 0 2219 m 5 .t1sa S 8 87.87- 3 3228.6 m J.fl£4A6 22 A 998119m 1 0.4009 1 38.522 mm HE MW 2% 69 Table 65 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Dilley. W.B. Pan YEAR JAN FEB _ MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 00w Nov DEC 1929 3.16 3.81 7.09 8.17 . 9.71 10.38 10.65 11.90 9.12 7.18 3.09 2.96 1930 1.88 1.66 5.19 7.50 5.93 7.57 10.51 10.17 7.69 1.82 2.19 2.56 1931 2.58 - 2.71 6.16 5.19 6.67 8.32 8.61 8.39 8.25 6.68 1.20 2.22 1932 2.89 3.31 5.83 6.88 8.11 9.81 10.21 9.89 5.15 1.57 3.52 -2.03 1933 2.16 2.10 5.61 8.09 9.51 10.37 11.38 8.77 6.62 5.86 3.80 3.80 1931 2.78 1.11 6.22 7.07 9.52 11.11 11.50 10.91 7.95 5.77 1.26 2.62 1935 2.61 3.97 7.68 6.35 7.10 6.77 9.51 11.21 6.11 3.99 2.61 1.73 1936 2.90 3.51 5.87 7.89 6.72 9.15 7.55 9.28 5.28 1.88 2.73 2.28 1937 1.68 3.61 1.31 7.89 9.15 10.38 9.93 11.63 7.80 6.62 3.93 1.55 1938 2.18 3.08 5.17 5.82 7.10 9.18 11.19 10.88 8.13 7.56 1.73 3.31 . -1939 2.50 3.82 6.30 9.01 8.71 9.70 12.01 9.51 8.79 6.31 3.50 3.10 8 1910 2.25 3.39 5.56 6.10 8.03 6.38 8.60 10.18 8.36 5.80- 2.66 2.52 7 1911 2.71 2.32 3.69 5.80 6.19 7.05 9.10 10 10 7.85 6.10 3.98 2.51 1912 3.18 2.90 6.81 5.65 6.53 10.01 8.65 10.00 5.81 1.32 3.70 3.56 7 1913 2.69 1.78 6.58 7.67 - - - - 6.01 6.51 3.75 2.69 1911 3.51 2.52 5.79 8.79 8.67 9.91 13.26 11.15 - 7.97 7.08 1.12 2.08 1915 3.19 3.25 7.01 8.12 11.69 - 12.18 11.97 12.10 11.55 5.31 1.11 3.38 _ 1916 3.20 1.20 8.16 9.11 6.60 10.11 13.16 12.19 5.71 3.92 3.21 2.62 ‘ 1917 2.59 3.77 6.25 8.01 8.68 9.11 11.93 9.53 9.78 7.22 3.88 2.53 8' 1918 3.17 2.95 6.25 9.69 10.70 13.26 10.67 11.12 7.61 1.90 1.13 3.15 8 1919 2.26 3.31 1.98 5.00 6.96 7.80 10.26 - - - - - 1950 - - 6.63 6.02 8.61 9.01 10.70 10.68 8.31 6.15 1.53 3.10 _ 1951 1.11 - 6.99 8.31 8.31 9.57 12.80 12.16 8.63 6.58 3.88 3.21 . 1952 3.82 5.06 6.95 7.51 10.09 10.56 11.98 13.92 8.92 7.55 1.05 3.01 9 1953 5.05 1.69 6.26 9.07 11.21 13.68 11.28 11.90 8.01 5.71 3.10 3.03 V Mean 2.93 3.58 6.15 7.12 8.12 9.68 10.88 10.85 7.77 5.89 3.69 2.73 7 Table 66 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Fort Stockton. W.B. Pan YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001 Nov DEC 1910 - - _ - 10.08 11.39 9.77 11.71 9.35 9.71 7.29 1.10 3 17 1911 3 07 3.68 6.16 9.52 8.17 11.02 10.91 9.58 7.70 1.92 3.51 1.58 8 1912 3.78 5.73 10.89 10.82 13.10 13.06 13.01 7.66 7.36 - - - 19 3 — — - - — - ' - - - - - - ' - 1911 - - - - 13.59 15.39 15.07 13.71 8.20 6.16 1.68 2.55 1915 3.69 5.68 9.38 11.12 15.90 16.31 11.22 13.58 11.35 1.76 5.31 1.63. 1 1916 3.15 5.11 - 10.79 12.33 13.22 11.88 13.62 9.21 6.96 - 3.70 1917 - 1.51 7.68 10.66 12.16 11.00 15.02 11.85 11.23 9.52 1.92 3.27 1918 2.95 1.19 9.21 12.96 13.16 15.67 13.83 11.77 - - - - 1919 2.11 5.03 9.17 7.79 11.60 11.71 13.05 10.21 8.50 6.55 5.87 1.52 1950 1.16 1 69 10.55 10.75 12.17 11.00 11.12 12.96 7.97 8.19 6.37 5.53 1 1951 6.55 - ~ 8.21 11.65 11.58 11.01 17.37 16.11 - - - - 1952 - - 9.27 11.16 11.33 11.87 13.17 13.66 10.03 9.06 1.77 3.51 _1953 6.79 5.51 8.50 11.88 11.70 19.25 15.19 13.71 - - 5.11 1.61 Mean 1.06 1.91 8.91 10.79 12.68 11.25 13.58 12.37 9.13 7.08 1.97 1.01 106 Table 67 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Grandfalls. W.B. Pan YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001 Nov ifiw 1910 2.10 1.67 7.98 13.12 11.00 10.63 12.89 11.10 10.21 8.13 3.97 3.20 100~ 1911 3.36 3.63 6.39 10.11 9.77 11.36 11.01 11.12 8.09 6.09 3.61 3.15 88 1912 - 5.02 8.71 10.52 13.00 15.50 15.13 12.19 8.17 6.51 6.08 3.98 1913 5.02 7.10 9.60 12.69 15.39 11.10 11.21 11.73 8.38 6.87 1.31 2.00 115 1911 3.16 1.23 9.29 11.17 11.70 15.61 12.82 10.98 7.58 7.71 1.12 2.21 106 1915 3.32 5.63 8.95 11.00 11.02 12.15 10.89 12.20 10.10 5.52 5.17 3.25 102 1916 3.21 5.16 8.91 10.60 12.19 11.16 15.36 13.95 10.12 6.51 1.17 3 62 1083 1917 - _ 1.77 7.81 10.96 13.83 11.02, 11.66 12.67 11.12 8.38 1 36 2.59 1918 3.11 1.77 10.13 -11.30 11.01 17.16 15.79 15.78 - 1 - - 1919 1.78 , 1.52 9.61 8.10 - - - - 7.83 6.11 5.21 - 3 1950 - 1.56 11.90 12.11 - - - - - - - - ~ ‘" Mean 3.17 1.91 9.03 11.66 13.10 13.99 13.65 12.78 9.07 6.95 1.59 3.00 105 70 f Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Laredo. W.B. Pan Q JAN FEB MAR APR A MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL } - - - - - 13.98 1u.aA 1h.98 11.09 7.01 6.02 2.93 - ;*h.32 h.9o 8.53 9.58 12.h0 12.91 16.96 1A.77 12.19 9.90 6.95 h.93 118.3h ;;5.71 6.53 9.23 12.h8 11.76 1h.61 17.00 16.05 11.31 7.99 5.h8 5.h7 123.62 ;;5.h9 6.85 9.hh 10.13 1h.02 1h.31 15.01 17.55 10.89 9.38 _ 5.37 h.00 122.hh .j6.8h 6.55 8.hh 11.66 13.58 17.12 18.h2 1u.79 10.01 7.05 5.5h 3.99 123.99 %~5.59 6.21 8.91 10.96 12.9u 1u.59 16.h5 15.63 11.10 8.27 5.87 u.25 120.77 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the Weather Bureau Station near Red Bluff Dam. W.B. Pan i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL :?2.h2 5 50 ' 9.98 11.89 13.10 12.75 15.09 11.38 12.00 7.70 3.58 3.3h 108.73 ;f3.02 h.53 6.36. 9.88 8.86 10.hh 11.6h 11.3h 8.19 5.69 3.68 3.27~ 86.90 5 3.15 5.28 8.55 10.19 13.51 15.08 15.07 11.01 9.51 6.5h 6.19 h.28 108.36 j'h.50 6.22 9.8h 10.62 1h.60 15.hh 12.08 16.33 10.09 7.h0 h.70 2.26 11h.08 752.59 ' 3.87 9.56 13.h5 15.22 15.92 1h.h3 12.21 - 5.67 3.88 2.07 . ;j2.81 - 9.h3 11.h2-_\ 1h.73 16.18 11.31 13.h9 10.65 h.29 5.h2 3.87 A - ;,2.67 5 00 9 06 11.07 13.35 13.72 1h.05 13.77 8.65 6.03 5.01 3.0h 105.k2 i h.25 A 38 7 30 10.8h 12.51 16.01 16.20 -- 12.h1 8.h7 h.53 2.91 - 5-29 6.55 9.79 10.16’ 13.89 1n.26 12.38 1h:h2 I 7.18 318k 3.53 I 6 95 h.83 9.66 13.26 16.26 '17.87 15.h2 13.05 10.32 6.07 h.15 3.38 121.22 3.76 5.13 8.95 11.28 13.60 1h.77 13.77 13.00 10.23 6.50 h.50 3.20 108.69 71 I 4 liialiualiolillxaiqlv.i.lli.1\aelxlallilz. t . , 1.111.101, 11-1043! 4. . ... .. U , Q 0 I 0 0 . 0 a I 0 0 o 0 o 0 u o o a Q u 0 0 _ >.¢, .¢.v ,-.n¢n.o.o-u.r III. m Efififi@%&%%fl%WW§M@B%%@%Mflfi%% 2h 05OR/Ol2l87h897o2335 512 601548125200 O 010000 057i. 6 71368911 hh68l59h+287| w o1uua@s1l@u9¢5As115aea@@¢A.llntnfitgaaamnmnnannzmlsawnalanaalafimaeaeaoeeoln N 26 C} 21|T42ul3u227l7|222 22 231 16.41111.» 3 2116 21711112-142 12-“12 2h». MR2 25 1h». 28 h». 3 266 C) h80325 58 5 O 120 l6 22 2 6 .32 n) 3 2 T %§%W%BO0 uoens@@2m9uvm1w1 16s¢@»9m2mw3w191wwmmw@ @m@@nww9euwm99wwm2@6@waw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81 8582 7. 12663 8 958 l 02673262 5020 .490 O1 l 7| O8 38 893118.“ 53 63 W30 23onv.~h~5 K37‘. bi A Tab Th‘. \OO\I\) \D\l1—~| e 79 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Dryden. W.B. Pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001' Nov DEC ANNUAL nu - - - - - - - - - 6.65 h.32 3.30 - k5 h.06 h.93 10.h1 12.31 15.66 17.72 11.67 16.87 12.03 5.03 5.25 n.98 120.92 h.h0 ' 6.72 12.11 13.52 10.u9 12.76 17.76 17.8h 10.81 6.h3 5.81 A.h3 123.08 k7 3.67 6 2h 7.85 11.78 13.6h 15.30 18.01 13.h0 11.95 9.87 5.05 3.h3 120.19 k8 3.8h 5.1h 11.02 1u.69 17.23 19.19 16.59 16.93 11.76 6.71 6.93 5.h7 135.50 ‘ 9 2.06 - 9.28 10.19 11.75 15.03 15.18 11.20 11.01 6.28 6.10 u.32 - 50 3.60 h.89 11.h2 11.23 1h.39 15.82 1u.93 13.50 11.u9 8.91 7.97 6.31 12h.h6 51 6.51 5.85 9.78 13.91 15.h5 1u.21 19.50 18.53 13.79 9.83 5.87 5.78 139.01 an h.02 5.63 10.27 . 12.52 1h.09 15.72 16.23 15.u7 11.83 7.u6 5.91 h.75 123.90 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Connnission Station near Dryden. Y Pan ta mm mm w mm mu mm mm mm am mm MW lmc mmwu 9 - - - - - - - - 7.09 3.90 h.h9 3.58 - 50 2.03 3.3M 8.81 7.27 10.02 11.98 11.67 10.27 7.85 6.99 6.33 n.89 91.n5 1 h.98 h.h0 7.32 9.61 9.78 9.2h 13.95 13.32 10.h0 7.78 5.10 n.56 100.uh 3.51 3.87 8.06 8.hh 9.90 10.61 12.81 11.79 8.h5 6.22 5.31 u.3u 93.31 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Dryden. l2-foot sunken pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cm Nov DEC ANNUAL 9 - - - - - - - - - h.h9 h.h7 3.23 - 50 2.h8 3.76 7.29 8.99 11.21 13.16 11.66 10.37 8.10 6.67 5.66 h.07 93.h2 1 h.70 3.51 7.12 9.88 9.79 10.25 13.25 13.12 9.75 6.9h h.73 h.17 97.21 3.59 3.63 7.20 9.h3 10.50 11.71 12.h6 11.75 8.92 6.03 u.95 3.82 93.99 8O . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Falcon Dam. Y Pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0c'r Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - 8.9h 12.1h 13.h1 15.91 1h.03 10.98 8.2u 7.83 5.7h - 1 5.2% 6.21 10.31 9.26 11.1h 13.58 1h.31 12.00 8.36 6.82 5.32 h.60 107.15 5.2h 6.21 10.31 9.10 11.6h 13.h9 15.11 13.02 9.67 7.53 6.58 5.17 113.07 81 . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Fort McIntosh and Laredo Water Works Plant. W.B. Pan JAN FEB~ MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUO SEP OCT Nov ' DEC ANNUAL - 5.31 8.25 9.90 13.30 13.69 17.16 16.h8 10.85 9.3h 5.98 h.h5 - 1 5.h5 6.18 9.5h 11.h1 12.36 1h.09 17.95 1h.89 12.32 7.hh 5.10 5.hh 122.17 5.h5 5.75 8.89 10.66 12.83 13.89 17.56 15.69 11.59 8.39 5.5M h.95 121.19 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Fort McIntosh and Laredo Water Works Plant. Y Pan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL - 3.78 6.52 8.21 8.92 10.90 13.83 13.oh 8.97 8.01 5.66 h.01 - 1 h.59 h.h8 7.93 8.75 8.98 11.h0 1h.59 12.08 9.26 7.57 u.uu h.62 98.69 A h.59 h.13 7.22 8.h8 8.95 11.15 1h.21 12.56 9.12 7.79 5.05 u.31 97.56 Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Fort McIntosh and Laredo Water Works Plant. lQ-foot sunken pan um mm mm Mm mu am mm mm nm an MW Imc mmwm - 3.62 6.58 6.9h‘ 8.89 9.85 12.30 11.63 7.13 6.99 u.7h 3.u1 - 3.88 3.97 7.38 7.52 8.52 9.72 12.82 10.h9 8.52 5.80 h.27 3.78 86.67 3.88 3.80 6.98 7.23 8,70 9.78 12.56 11.06 7.73 6.h0 u.51 3.59 86.22 79 Table 82. Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Johnson's Ranch. Y Pan YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC 19119 - - - - - - - - - 8.66 5.18 11.511 . 1950 3.53 5.117 9.52 11.36 13.17 111.05 13.31 13.77 10.38 9.36 6.12 11.56 11 1951 5.00 5.26 8.76 11.111 13.78 15.36 111.12 15.79 13.13 10.30 6.08 5.30 12 Mean 11.27 5.36 9.111 11.38 13.117 111.71 13.71 111.78 11.76 9.1111 5.79 11.80 1 Table 83. Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Maravillas. Y Pan YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 001' Nov DEC 19119 - - _ - - - - - - - 11.92 11.22 1950 3.79 11.58 8.01 9.78 10.117 13.02 11.38 10.68 7.99 7.911 6.03 11.97 y 1951 5.31 3.90 7.16 10.86 9.79 11.110 11.00 13.35 11.011 7.92 6.28 3.92 10 Mean 11.55 11.211 7.58 10.32 10.13 12.21 11.19 12.02 9.52 7.93 5.711 11.37 ' Table 8h . Monthly and Annual Evaporation in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Comission Station near Presidio. Y Pan ' YEAR JAN FEB ‘MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 00w Nov DEC 19119 - - - - - - - - - - 5.13 11.06 . 1950 3.56 11.93 9.116 10.91 12.62 12.58 11.20 13.26 9.33 8.113 5.79 3.116 10 1951 11.68 11.62 8.115 10.79 13.65 15.18 111.10 15.90 12.63 9.118 5.67 11.75 11 Mean 11.12 11.78 8.95 10.85 13.111 13.88 12.65 111.58 10.98 8.95 5.53 11.09 1 h. $.85. Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Dryden. §- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG .SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL 5 2.16 1.h3 .99 2.81 h.58 1.58 .17 2.33 .00 .01 1.21 1.h6 18.73 ;* .18 .76 .13 .35 3.09 .30 1.78 u.8A 10.82 .h3 .01 1.01 23.70 13 .0h .0h .h5 1.25 .33 .51 2.23 2.0h .00 2.63 .13 .00 9.65 : .39 .07 .22 .62 1.10 .7h .33 .12 .52 .00 .08 .39 h.58 ;5 .11 .68 .0h .66 2.90 1.h7 .5h 1.6h h.65 .67 .27 .59 1u.22 3. .09 .00 .76 .76 3.12 .27 3.7h .76 3.52 1.16 .77 .18 15.13 37 .h3 .5h .h8 1.03 2.2k .80 1.26 1.71 3.02 .81 .h1 .90 13.63 5: 1.63 .16 .02 T .57 1.77 3.30 1.80 .07 .01 .03 .19 9.55 ;- 1.50 .06 06 .hh 2.71 .17 1.85 2.82 25 2 77 2.3h .37 15.3u _flo .35 1.06 .32 .13 5 86 1.h5 .09 1 A2 .03 - - - - .1 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ .3 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - 1.10 33 - *5 .76 .6u 1.70 .09 .0h .97 u.30 .29 .83 3.87 T .10 13.59 §;. .77‘! .02 .19 2.99 2.65 .h2 .20 1.63 .h1 2.06 T 1.00 12.3h ; 1.h9 .03 .59 T 3.10 1.53 .32 1.h1 .u0 .10 .27 .35 9.59 ‘ : .18 .82 .00 .19 .25 .20 .51 ’ .52 .21 1.u5 .08 .39 u.80 ;- 1.53 - .06 3.31 2.21 3.30 1.08 2.22 3.78 3.18 .00 1.12 - ,~ .3h .27 .00 .59 .92 .h7 .97 .27 3.19 .00 .00 .00 7.02 .1 .00 .12 1.16 .h6 3.25 2.73 T 1.32 .21 .13 .00 .32 9.70 ‘;- .70 .h2 .u2 .85 2.29 1.10 1.33 1.60 1.88 1.21 .39 .51 12.70 t 86. Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near H Falcon Dam. 3- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 1 AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL .» - - - 1.76 3.51 1.35 .18 .10 .83 .00 .00 .00 - . .0h .00 1.02 .60 1.96 3.72 .10 .93 7.h2 1.15 .06 .1h 17.1h 1. .0h .00 1.02 1.18 2.7h 2.5u .1h .52 h.12 1.15 .06 .1h 13.65 i 8?. Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Q Fort McIntosh and Laredo Water Works Plant. ;j JAN FEB MAR APR ~MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL T1 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.h0 .80 .00 3.20 h.50 .00 .00 .00 9.90 §- .00 1.65 .56 1.30 1.78 5.00 .00 2.22 .3u .u0 1.37 3.75 18.37 53 .03 .10 6h 1.25 .25 6.32 1.25 2.81 3.5h 71 .u2 1.h2 18.7A gh .08 .21 .81 .08 1,50 h.16 2.75 .10 9 73 .00 .66 1.7h 21.82 _’5 .h8 - - .30 1.50 .h0 .62 _ - _ - 2.10 - i6 T 1.89 .00 .12 - - - - 3.h6 2.80 .88 3.93 - 3 1.36 7.5h .85 1.07 .67 2.09 1.76 .10 .59 .52 .u5 h.39 21.39 ; 8 .93 1.h5 3.55 1.20 3.h5 2.h9 5.83 h.30 1.30 T 2122 .77 27.h9 @ 9 .35 .9h 1.96 .0h .67 2.h5 .00 12.59 2.18 .27 .00 .06 21.51 .1. .77 2.67 3.82 1.20 .92 .09 5.81 8.03 1.05 .72 1.07 .58 26.73 ‘$1 3.15 .31 .27 2.53 7.75 .00 .12 2.02 3.75 5.A9 1.7h 1.01 28.1A| g; 1.7h .86 T 1.80 1.59 2.57 .91 7.h1 .99 3.75 .28 .96 22.86 .=- .30 .79 1.26 1.50 .95 u.6h 1.51 2.76 h.h0 .00 T .00 18.11 ~= .00 .6h .56 .10 3.02 3.90 1.00 2.68 3.72 .15 3.12 3.82 22.71 1: 1.38 .93 1.11 5.78 1.50 1.11 .21 3.87 h.h2 .37 .51 .h5 21.6h ‘:- 1.98 2.20 2.30 2.h6 .97 1.85 h.21 .08 7.36 2.10 .50 .00 26.01 -¢ .90 .05 .20 3.06 5.80 2.h8 2.09 .10 .33 .18 .35 .20 15.71 . ;'1 1.61 .00 2.00 8.30 1.57 .61 2.31 2.10 .89 .61 .18 .33 20.5u _ ,; .71 1.h1 .7u .00 1.65 .00 3.11 7.h8 2.10 1.25 1.30 1.30 21.05 i 7;3 1.00 .00 .00 .00 3.15 1.20 .70 2.00 .h0 .00 .20 .00 8.65 I 3- .72 .20 .00 2.20 5.25 1.30 1.10 u.19 2.61 .00 .00 .00 17.57 - ‘-5 T .9h .60 T 2.72 1.65 .00 2.3h .86 2.00 .86 .00 11.97 y .-- .58 2.06 .10 1.06 1.11 .75 h.07 .69 5.52 3.02 .76 1.52 21.2u 7- 1.10 .00 2.06 .15 3.u8 .56 .80 7.22 2.10 .10 .00 1.30 18.87 ,-= .00 1.56 .55 1.15 1.85 2.83 .15 1.56 1.25 1.u5 .92 .5h 13.81 f-- .00 .00 .30 3.72 1.97 7.67 .61 .00 1.88 2.71 1.61 .28 20.75 1-» 2.61 T 2.85 h.76 6.32 .h3 1.15 2.52 .05 2.9a .00 1.80 25.u3 ;~1 .75 .57 T .72 .27 .h0 .00 .00 1.13 .00 .u7 .00 u.31 io 1.h0 .h0 .00 .88 .18 .10 .25 .00 .09 2.32 1.90 1.8u 9.36 .13 3.h2 1.h3 2.hh .00 2.17 8.56 8.59 .75 8.02 1.00 .00 T 36.38 ;~ .05 .50 .05 2.66 .96 1.90 1.21 .65 6.55 1.05 2.35 .70 18.63 Continued on next page 81 Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Fort Mclntish and Laredo Water Works Plant. YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0cT NOV DEC 1905 .50 1.60 1.0h 7.35 2.58 1.82 .70 .00 9.83 .69 5.01 1.89 1906 .16 1.65 .38 .85 h.05 .h5 7.37 3.30 2.58 .86 2.25 .20 2 1907 .60 .00 .30 .6h 3.12 .07 3.67 .23 1.79 1.05 2.20 .70 1908 .10 .h3 1.76 5.00 5.00 .00 2.h3 1.h6 1.98 1.56 1.65 .55 1909 .00 1.12 1.21 1.07 2.08 2.75 1.61 3.27 .00 .h2 .5u 1.26 1 1910 .h5 .03 1.02 1.12 1.18 .30 .25 1.75 1.u7 2.30 .10 1.00 1 1911 .18 1.55 2.27 1.72 2.00 .00 .71 .52 .00 3.07 h.85 .52 1 1912 .00 .00 .39 1.h2 .85 7.h2 .00 .00 1.20 2.12 .1h 1.u6 1 1913 .h7 1.18 .97 .06 2.16 7.76 .00 1.32 5.93 5.68 1.28 .82 191h .00 1.12 .00 2.h3 10.18 .59 .11 2.61 .90 3.71 3.95 .70 1915 3.60 .27 .62 1.82 2.65 .00 .00 5.h2 2.31 h.10 .00 .00 1916 1.16 .00 .00 .30 .05 .05 2.38 2.75 2.65 3.20 1.10 .10 1 .1917 .05 .00 .15 .32 1.55 .00 .00 u.59 .5u .10 .00 .00 1918 .02 .h2 .33 1.36 2.90 1.35 .10 1.15 .69 2.59 1.81 .38 1 1919 .60 2.02 1.50 2.30 2.50 h.87 10.29 .10 10.07 6.81 6.50 .78 1920 1.82' .08 .2h .05 2.25 1.52 1.18 2.90 2.13 1.05 .82 .02 1 1921 .13 .09 .76 .35 3.33 1.90 1.56 .00 2.28 .13 .05 .32 1 1922 .13 .32 .17 2.0h u.77 1.61 2.u0 1.20 1.81 2.17 .55 .20 1923 .35 5.50 2.30 .30 .h5 1.h7 .h0 T 12.9h 1.80 1.89 2.11 2 192k .96 1.h9 .17 .00 3.15 .8h T .00 1.73 .03 .00 .69 1925 .08 .00 .07 :02 .95 .20 .01 2.u6 7.85 .62 2.72 2.10 1 1926 2.0h .00 1.60 1.82 3.81 1.22 3.5h .85 T 3.51 .h7 1.97 1927 .61 .59 .97 .58 1.12 3.3h .05 .95 .98 .69 .h3 1.05 1928 2.09 2.27 .35 .50 9.38 .00 .91 .22 2.93 .87 2.u7 2.11 2 1929 .12 .28 1.53 1.h1 h.87 1.51 .87 .00 2.22 .19 1.20 1.15 1 1930 .27 1.00 .61 2.02 3.89 2.58 .h0 .10 3.1h 6.67 3.h6 .12 2 1931 h.hh .97 1.17 .h1- 8.h5 2.3h 3.70 3.89 .67 .73 .19 2.85 1932 1.01 .76 .85 2.32 3.93 1.u0 .07 .58 3.53 .11 .09 .36 1 1933 .23' 1.00 .h2 .92 1.05 .55 1.h8 3.23 7.hh 1.52 .h1 .12 1 193A 3.36 .33 .25 3.28 .20 .95 3.12 .h6 2.h7 .13 1.6h .85 1 1935 .21 1.73 2.23 1.01 2.29 7.hh 2.36 .67 h.h0 .39 1.90 2.85 1936 .13 .27 .96 1.71 6.01 2.33 2.29 2.15 5.33 .89 .11 .72 2 1937 .h8 .22 .50 .oh .58 .76 1.18 ..51 1.53 .26 23 3.73 1 1938 1.79 .36 .h7 .65 2.18 .58 .51 1.68 1.69 .15 .00 2.00 1939 .75 .1h .09 .11 3.60 1.86 2.h7 2.12 2.983 2.53 .75 .72 1 19h0 .53 .32 2.71 .11 h.32 h.90 .12 1.50 .10 5.59 1.91 2.69 2 19h1 1.65 1.70 1.63 2.52 2.56 5.61 .26 .91 h.33 .23 .38 .63 2 19h2 .36 .83 .h1 .h1 3.99 .22 5.h7 2.32 7.53 1.10 .01 .19 2 19h3 1.38 .27 .55 .26 1.17 .69 1.62 .0h 3.81 .95 .30 1.05 19hh .93 1.5M 1.71 .30 1.92 1.28 .00 3.95 1.30 T 1.7h 2.71 1 19h5 .85 1.79 .15 1.81 T 2.11 2.09 .26 .57 3.0h .01 .18 19h6 .77 .02 .03 1.h1 3.07 3.73 .12 2.h2 6.00 2.85 .08 .h1 2_ 19h7 1.62 .00 T 1.53 1.h6 1.hh .98 \3.60 .00 3.82 2.22 .56 1 19h8 1 2h 1.30 1.5h 2.62 1.5h 5.60 .58 .82 2.59 .35 .25 .72 1 19h9 .hh .87 .h7 7.12 .2h h.22 .27 .09 3.69 1.66 .00 2.27 21 "1950 - .38 .7h .6h h.75 2.07 .33 1.h2 .76 .00 .85 .00 1951 .0h .25 .91 .30 2.36 3.89 .00 .20 6.18 .29 .3h .06 1h Mean .86 .90 .88 1.h8 2.63 2.19 1.59, 2.00 2.98 1.5h 1.10 1.06 19 Table 88 . Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Johns Ranch. nun mm mm mm mm mu mm mm mm aw an MW fimc 1933 - - - - - - .87 .71 .h2 1.29 .00 .00 193k .00 .00 .00 .20 .60 .00 .69 .25 .30 .h0 .00 .00 2 1935 .h0 .50 .00 .50 .00 1.65 1.20 .53 3.A9 .51 .02 . .6h 9 1936 .13 .00 .h8 .11 1.5h .1h 2.28 .33 3.10 .00 .00 .00 8 1937 .00 .16 .00 .00 3.35 2.21 .8h .83 .75 .28 .39 2.10 7 1938 .78 .h5 .00 .50 .00 1.28 h.52 .00 1.28 .00 .00 .00 8 1939 1.50 .00 .h0 1.20 1.60 .75 .62 1.50 .00 1.75 1.25 1.5h 12 19h0 .80 30 .60 00 1.22 .90 .79 2.90 .00 .97 .55 .00 9 193; .88 .37 .07 2.58 1.87 3.06 .77 .h7 2.06 .h9 .25 .15 13 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - 19h3 - - - - - - .00 2.3h .00 1.53 - 19hh - - - - - - - - - - - - 19h5 - - - .8h .19 .20 2.09 .38 1.h0 1.00 .00 .06 19h6 .95 .00 .00 .72 .89 1.08 .37 .08 1.01 2.57 .00 .h5. 11 82 Continued on next page Continued from preceding page Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Comission Station near Johnson's Ranch. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL 1.28 .17 Lou .00 .53 .1h .3h 2.38 1.51 .22 .08 .38 7.07 .09 T .00 .21 1.16 .1h .8h .0h .71 1.09 .10 .05 h.h3 .81’ .18 T 1.27 .22 u.21 1.59 - 1.90 2.87 .76 .00 L62 1u.h3 .50 T .00 .02 .88 1.87 1.56 .h2 1.92 .00 .00 .00 7.17 T T 1.06 T .96 .23 2.99 .20 .31 .17 .00 .0h 5.96 .58 .15 .19 .5h 1.00 1.19 1.h0 .76 1.56 .68 .26 .38 8.69 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Maravillas. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC ANNUAL - - - - - - - - - 1.78 .00 .h9 - .35 .05 T 1.3h .75 2.07 2.25 2.95 2.15 .00 .00 .00 11.91 T .1h .86 .20 1.80 2.h9 .66 2.37 .35 .33 T .22 9.h2 .18 .10 .h3 .77 1.28 2.28 1.h6 2.66 1.25 .70 .00 .2h 11.35 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches at the International Boundary and Water Commission Station near Presidio. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AU0 SEP OCT Nov nnc ANNUAL .22. .15 .01 T .31 .03 1.71 .30 1.88 .6h 1.15 .00 6.u0 .00 .19 .05 .53 1.33 .73 1.35 .62 1.83 1.65 T .16 8.hh .16 .2h .01 T .67 .23 1.81 1.03 .00 3.95 1.11 .61- 9.82 2.38 .92 .60 1.71 .16 .98 .80 .96 .03 .28 .02 1.11 9.95 .23 .61 .00 .09 .30 .07 1.33 2.77 3.85 .09 .00 .12 9.h6 T T .00 .00 .00 .83 .11 .65 .11 .32 .09 .00 2.11 T .00 .01 2.nu .56 .10 1.50 1.0u .00 .00 .00 T 5.65 .h3 .53 .h0 .00 .13 1.25 .12 .21 1.65 .98 .20 .51 6.h1 .00 .00 1.02 .00 1.h1 .26 1.55 .97 2.96 .00 .82 .0h 9.03 .00 .18 .00 .00 .n9 .h9 1.h0 .50 1.21 1.08 .89 1.36 7.60 .u1 .33 .00 .3h .21 2.05 2.76 1.03 2.82 .08 .00 .80 10.83 .85 .00 .26 .h8 .57 1.h3 .76 h.32 .12 .35 1.8% .60 11.58 .h3 .3h .27 .00 h.97 1.13 .71 1.62 .7h 1.33 .52 .05 12.11 .82 .57 .05 1.h0 5.37 2.37 2.85 1.93 3.79 3.63 .07 .58 23.h2 .00 .09 .02 .08 .07 1.7h .35 3.1h 2.h0 .29 .32 .16 8.66 .2h .00 .17 .03 .99 1.05 3.08 .21 3.15 .02 1.68 1.53 12.15 1.00 .18 .08 .00 1.01 2.97 1.20 3.03 3.66 =01 .70 1.00 1k.8h .10 .00 .06 .08 .07 .00 3.76 .78 .66 h.31 .00 .00 9.82 1.u2 .01 .00 .11 .69 .h2 .10 .1u 1.29 2.05 .07 .25 6.55 1.07 .0h .26 .00 .66 2.55 .00 .93 1.h7 .37 .2h 1.35 8.9h .07 .00 .00 .18 .00 .73 2.08 .56 .59 1.h7 .65 .12 6.h5 1.05 .00 .00 1.13 .06 .2h 1.h1 2.37 .20 .9h .h3 .06 7.87 .17 .18 .00 .08 .11 .57 2.33 .29 3.10 .57 .00 - - .15 .0h .65 .00 .30 .7u 1.08 .31 .01 T .00 .22 3.50 .30 .12 .07 .62 .23 .78 - .0h .00 .00 .57 .h6 - .h6 .19 .16 .37 .83 .95 1.h2 1.19 1.50 .98 .h5 .h6 8.96 83