VING • • • Patents Will be Issued Only on Proof of Ability to Manage Own in the U, S. Indian haYe not of the Gove:tnment to protect and assist Indians in lands whi oh they sti 11 own , . As in the, be i ~sued only to Indi ens who application for them proof of ability to manage their· own affai r-s. rs one years of appli oati on .and ~======::;::u L I B R A ,9117 lose a. portion of the mall land holdings which they 1till retain. They have been assured that no fee patent wi 11 be 1 asued except upon application by the Indian 01Nner and that no fee patent will be reoommended or i11ued except upon praa entati on of proof that the Indian is oap~b le of managing· his own affairs and 1afeguarding and preserving his land resources tor the seo\lrity and welfare or himself and his children. · Not only is the Indian Service attempting ii,. every poisible way to protect Indians in the ownership of land, but n~eded credit is avail• able and special assistance is given to Indian.11 in the use of their ov,n lands. Special assistance is also given to I~dians in soil e.nd moisture conservation as a means of preserving and improving the pr oductd Vi ty and value of their lands. It is believed that thi• protection of Indians in the ownership and use of their lands and Ln •oll and moisture conservation is not only in the best interest of the Indians themselves, but is alao in the best interest of the people of Oklahoma.