» \ (Lbc J0- p. W ^ibraro Jsorlb (Carolina ^intc (College .„.,.•, ,« (iii[ i,«ivt«siT( u»«A«;ts S01116125 H This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the circulation desk. EXCEPTION: Date due will be earlier if this item is RECALLED. 150M/01 -92-941 680 FARM AND GARDEN RULE-BOOK Xlbe IRural /IDanuals ^[anual of Gardening — Bailey ^Fanual of Farm Animals — Harper Farm and Garden Rule-Book — Bailey Manual of Home-Making — In j)reparation Manual of Cultivated Plants — In prepara- tion FARM AND GARDEN RULE-BOOK A MANUAL OF EEADY EULES AND REFERENCE WITH RECIPES, PRECEPTS, FORMULAS, AND TABULAR INFORMA- TION FOR THE USE OF GENERAL FARMERS, GARDENERS, FRUIT-GROWERS, STOCKMEN, DAIRYMEN, POULTRY- MEN, FORESTERS, RURAL TEACHERS, AND OTHERS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA BY l: h:' bailey NINETEENTH EDITION THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1929 All rights reserved Copyright, 1911, By the MACailLLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published November, iqii. Reprinted August, 1912 ; June, 1914. New edition, with corrections, November, 1915 ; July, 1917. NortoootJ 19reB8 J. 8. CiiHhliiL' <•'.. r.tTwick &, Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE The first edition of this manual was published late in 1889, and the second early in 1892, both by the Rural Publishing Company, publisher of the "American Garden" and " Kural New-Yorker." The third edition, much remodeled, was pub- lished by The Macmillan Co., May, 1895. The book has been reprinted, February, 1896; May, 1897; August, 1898; Au- gust, 1899; June, 1901; October, November, 1902; February, 1904; July, 1905; January, 1907; May, June, 1908; August, 1909. The old form of the book, under the title " The Horticulturist's Rule-Book," is now to be discontinued, having served its place and day So far as I know, it was the first compilation of its kind in this countr}^, and therefore it was very imperfect and incomplete. The intervening years, covering nearly a quarter century, have also seen a vast enlargement of the farmer's hori- zon, so that the little book that I prepared in my novice days can no longer represent the situation. I am sure that I have more misgiving in putting out this larger and completer book than I had in the small first effort The field is wider, and therefore more difficult to cover; and knowledge has grown so uninterruptedly that one knows scarcely where to begin and what to compass. The only definite point is where to end, for publishers fortunately set limits to sizes of books ; and when this limit was reached I discarded three or four chapters and prepared the index. For myself, I am conscious of the many good things that have not been printed in the book; but I hope that my consultant — I cannot expect to have a reader for a book of this sort — will find some satisfaction in the things that are included. Every 45648 vi PREFACE care has been taken to choose reliable sources of information, but I can scarcely hope to have escaped errors; and of course I cannot hold myself responsible for the value of the many diverse varieties of information and advice that are here collected. Any user of tlie book will do me a kindness if he reports to me any error that he may discover. If the new book should meet with the favor that fell to the old, I shall need these suggestions in the making of new editions ; but I can hardly hope that such continued favor will come to it, for this would mean that the two would span a half century, and in these rapidly enlarg- ing days this is too much to expect of any fascicle of facts. I am indebted to many good persons for the information con- tained in the book, as the names in the proper places testify ; but I am specially under obligation to Professor A. R. Mann for much help. L H. BAILEY. Ithaca, N.Y., September 1, 1911. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAOBS The Weather 1-23 How to use the Weather Map 2 The storm -tracks, 2 — The weather map, 4 — The weather indi- cations, 5. Weather Bureau Forecasts ,6 Signals of the United States Weather Bureau, 7 — Canadian signals, 8. Barometer and Wind Indications 9 Popular Weather Signs ll Frosts, and Methods of Protection 12 How frost forms, 12 — To find the dew-point, 14 — Table for determining temperature of dew-point, 15 — Methods of protec- tion against frost, 16. Phenology ^7 Climate and Crop Production ; keeping Becords .... 19 Climatic records compiled by the weather services, 20 — How climatic data may be secured, 21 — Making local observations, 23. CHAPTER II The Elements and the Soil 24-39 Distribution of the Elements 25 The atmosphere, 25 — The elements essential to the life and growth of plants, 25 — Ultimate composition of a wheat plant, 26 — Ultimate composition of human body, 26. The Ash and Mineral Parts of Animals and Plants .... 26 Mineral elements in animal bodies. 27 — Composition of ash of human body, 27 — Composition of the ash of leading farm crops, 28. Chemical Compounds 28 The Soil 29 Classification of soils in respect to origin, 29 — Classification of vii viii CCNTENTS PAQES soil constituents, 20 — Weight of soils, 30 — Texture of the soil, 32. Soil Watrr 32 Amount of water used by various crops in producing a ton of dry matter, 32 — Mean volume of water held by different soils, 33 — Water evaporated by growing plants for one i)art of dry mat- ter produced, 33 — Water needed under arid conditions, 34. Plant-food in the Soil 34 Plant-food in surface soil, with calculations to pounds in an acre, 34. Alkali Lands 35 The normal condition of arid lands, 35 — Percentage composition of alkali, 3<) — Quantity of gypsum required to neutralize sodium carbonate, 37. Tillage, and Soil Management . 37 Objects of tillage, 37 — Jordan's rules of fertility, 38. CHAPTER III Chemical Fkrtilizkks ; and Limk ...... 40-80 Some of the Sources of Chemical Fertilizers . . . . .41 Composition of materials used as sources of nitrogen, 41 — Com- position of materials used as sources of phosphoric acid, 41 — Marketed production of phosphate rock in United States, 41 — World's production of phosphate rock, 1005-11)07, 42 — Average composition of Stassfurt potash salts, 42 — Potash salts produced in the United States, 1850 to 1905, 43 — Importation of potash salts, 43 — Pota-ssic materials produced by the aid of electricity, 44 — Principal potash material used in United States, 45. Fertilizer Formulas and Guarantrcs ....... 45 Methods of Computing Value of Fertilizers 47 Trade-values of plant-food elements in raw materials and chemi- cals, 1010. 47 — Valuation and cost of fertilizers. 48 — Valuation, and agricultural value, 48 — Rule for calculating approximate commercial valuation of mixed fertilizers. 48 — Computing the trade value, 40— IIow to figure the trade value, in greater detail, 50. Home-Miring of Fertilizers 52 General advice, 52 — Incompatibles in fertilizer mixtures. 53 — Table for calculating raw materials required per ton by mixtures of given composition, 53. CONTENTS ix PAGES Soil Analysis and Fertilizer Tests . . o , o . . 54 Field tests to determine fertilizer needs, 56. Analyses of Various Chemical Fertilizer and Belated Materials . 57 Dissolved bone-black, 57 — Bone charcoal, 57 — Ground bone, 57 — Dried blood, 58 — Dry ground fish, 58 — Sulfate of ammo- nia, 58 — Sulfate of potash, 58 — Sulfate of magnesia, 58 — Nitrate of Soda, 58 — Muriate of potash, 58 — German potash salts, 58 — Kainit, 59 — Land-plaster or gypsum, 59 — Ashes, unleached, 59 — Ashes, leached, 59 — Coal ashes, bituminous, 59 — Coal ashes, anthracite, 59 — Gas-lime, 59 — Seaweed, 60. Fertilizer Formulas for Various Crops 60 Formulas suggested by Maine Experiment Station, 60 — Specific mixtures for different crops, 63. Lime for the Land .......... 77 To determine whether a soil is acid, 77 — Application of lime, 78 — Forms of lime, 78 — Fineness of division, 79 — Classification of lime for agricultural purposes, 79 — Other tests for lime, 80. CHAPTER IV Farm Manures, axd Similar Materials ..... 81-91 Composition and Characteristics of Manures 81 Cattle manure, 81 — Stable or horse manure, 81 — Sheep ma- nure, 82 — Hog manure, 82. Composition of Manure from Different Animals . . . .82 Composition of fresh excrement of farm quadrupeds, 8.3 — Com- position of drainage liquors, 83 — Composition of litter, 84 — Poultry manures, 81. Utilization of Manures 85 Rate of production, 85 — Use of manures, 86 — Commercial value, 86 — Losses by leaching, .87. Further Analyses of Animal Excrements . ..... 88 Common barnyard manure, fresh, 88 — Common barnyard manure, moderately rotted, 88 — Same, thoroughly rotted, 88 — Cattle-feces, fresh, 88 — Cattle-urine, fresh, 88 — Horse-feces, fresh, 88 — Horse-urine, fresh, 89 — Sheep-feces, fresh, 89 — Sheep- urine, fresh, 89 — Swine feces, fresh, 89 — Swine-urine, fresh, 89 — Peruvian guano, 89 — Human feces, fresh, 90 — Human urine, fresh, 90 — Sewage, 90. Analyses of Fruit and Garden Products^ with reference to their Fer- tilizing Constituents 90 X CONTENTS CHAPTER V PAOE8 Seed-Tahles 92-106 Quantity <\f Seed required per Acre ....... 92 liny and Pasture Seeds 94 rennaiii'iit meadows, 94 — Permanent pastures, 94 — Number and weight of grass seed, and another estimate of quantity to sow, 94 — Examples of seed mixtures that would furnish 20,000,000 grass seeds per acre, 95 — Testing grass seed, 96. Numher of Tree-Seeds in a Pound 96 Fruit trees, 96 — Forest trees, 96. Weights and Sizes of Seeds 97 Seedmen's customary weights per bushel, 97 — Weight and size of garden seeds, 98. Figures of Germination and Purity ....... 100 Testing seeds, 100 — High average percentage of purity and of germination of high-grade seeds, 101 — Average time required for garden seeds to germinate, 102. Longevity of Seeds 102 Vilmorin's tables, 102 — Haberlandt's figures, 104 — Vitality of seeds buried in soil, 104. Average Yields of Garden Seed- Crops 105 CHAPTER VI laxting-Tables 106-123 Dates for Sowing or Setting Kitchen-Garden Vegetables in Differ- ent Latitudes 106 Lansing, Michigan, 106 — Boston, 106 — New York, 107 — Nor- folk, 107 — Georgia, 108 — 'IVndor and hardy vegetables, 108. Date-Tahles 109 Vegeta])le-gardener's planting-table, 109 — Usual planting dates for field crops, 110 — Flower-planting table, 116. Distance -Tattles .119 Usual distances apart for planting fruits, 119 — Usual distances apart for planting vegetables, 119— Orange trees, 119 — Number of plants reijuired to set an acre of ground at given distances, 120 — Quincunx planting, 12.'}. Flan for a Home Garden . . « 123 CONTENTS Xi CHAPTER VII PAGES Maturities, Yields, and Multiplication 124-132 Matunty- Tables 124 Time required for maturity of different garden crops, reckoned from the sowing of the seeds, 124 — Time required, from setting, for fruit-plants to bear (for northern and central latitudes) 124 — Average profitable longevity of fruit-plants under high culture, 125. Yield-Tables 125 Average full yields per acre of various horticultural crops, 125 — Yields of farm crops, 127. Propagation- Tables . . 130 Tabular statement of the ways in which plants are propagated, 130 — Particular methods by which various fruits are multiplied, 130 — Stocks commonly used for various fruits, 131 — How vege- table crops are propagated, 131 — How farm crops are propa- gated, 132. CHAPTER VIII Crops for Special Farm Practices. Hojie Storage and Keep- ing OF Crops 133-149 Forage Crops 133 Roughage, 133 — Fodder, 133 — Soiling, 133 — Silage, 134. Soiling Crops 134 Soiling crops adapted to northern New England, 135 — Time of planting and feeding soiling crops, 135 — Soiling crops for Penn- sylvania, 136 — Crops for partial soiling for Illinois during mid- summer, 130 — Succession of soiling crops for dairy cows for Wisconsin, 136 — Mississippi, 137 — Kansas, 137 — Dates for planting and using soiling crops in western Oregon and western Washington, 137 — Dairyman's rotation in middle latitudes, 137. Cover-Crops 138 Catch-Crops 139 Nurse-Crops 140 Field Boot-Crops 140 Methods of Keeping and Storing Fruits and Vegetables . . . 141 Apples, 141 — Cabbage, 142 — Celery, 142 — Crystallized or glac6 fruit, 143 — Figs, 144 — Gooseberries, 144 — Grapes, 144 — Onions, 146— Orange, 147 — Pears, 147 — Quince, 147 — Roots, 147— Squash, 147 —Sweet-potato, 148 — Tomato, 149. Cold Storage 14fl xii CONTENTS CHAPTER IX PAQEB Commercial Grauks of Cuor Products. Fruit Packages . 150-171 Cotton Grades l''>0 Orades of Ilaij and Straw 151 Hay, 151 — Alfalfa, 152 — Straw, 152. Grades of Grain ........... 153 White winter wheat, 153 — Red winter wheat, 154 — Hard winter wheat, 154 — Northern spring wheat, 154 — Spring wheat, 155 — White spring wheat, 155 — Durum wheat, 155 — Velvet chaff wheat, 150 — Pacific Coast wheat, 150 — Mixed wheat, 157 — Rye, 157 — White oats, 157 — Mixed oats, 158 — Red or rust- proof oats, 158 — White clipped oats, 158 — Mixed clipped oats, 159_l»uritied oats, 159 — Corn, 150— White corn, 100 — Yellow corn, 100 — Mixed corn, 100 — Milo-maize, 100 — KalBr corn, 101 — Barley, 101 — Winter barley, 102 — Sample grades, 103. Fruit Packages ........... 163 California deciduous fruits, 103 — Chautauqua grape figures, 104 — California citrus fruits, 104 — Apple boxes, 104 — Canadian fruit packages, 1(57 — Proposed United States standards, 108. Packages for truck crops, including strawberries , . . . 169 CHAPTER X The JinoixG of Farms, Crops, and Plants. Exhibition and No- menclature Rules. Emblematic Plants and Flowers 172-180 Farms and Farm Practices . . . . . . . .172 The agricultural virtues, 172 — Loudon's rules for gardeners, 173 — Essential i)oint.s to consider in the organization of a farm, 174 — Points of a good farm, 174 — Score-card for farms, 175. Corn and Potators 177 Score-card for dent corn, 177 — For use in the plant selection of seed corn, 177 — Card for use in judging varieties of corn at husking time, 177 — Score-card for potatoes, 177. Standards for Judging Fruits at Erhibitinns 177 Api)les and pears, 177 — Peaches, 177 — Plums, 178 — Cherries, 178 — Grapes, 178 — Collections, 178 — Barrel apples, 178 — Box apples, 179. Flowers and Plants 179 The American Rose Society scale of points, 179 — Standardiza- tion of roses, 179 — Carnations, 179 — Gladiolus, 180 — Chrysan- CONTENTS xiii PAQE8 themum, 180 — Sweet pea, 180 — Scale of points of florists' plants, 180. Sample BuJes to Govern Exhibitions 181 Massachusetts Horticultural Society rules, 181. Nomenclature Rules 183 Rules for naming kitchen-garden vegetables, 183 — American Pomological Society rules of nomenclature, 183. Emblematic Plants and Flowers 185 State flowers, 185 — National and regional flowers, 186 — Party flowers, 186. CHAPTER XI Greenhouse and Window-Garden Work 187-201 Greenhouse Practice 187 Potting earth, 187 — Suggestions for potting plants, 188 — Wat- ering greenhouse and window plants, 188 — Liquid manure for greenhouses, 188. Lists of Plants 189 Twenty-five plants adapted to window-gardens, 189 — Vegetable- growing under glass, 190 — Twenty-five useful aquatic and sub- aquatic plants for outdoor use, 191 — Commercial plants and flowers, or "florists' plants," 191. The Heating of Greenhouses 192 Methods of proportioning radiating surface for heating of green- houses, 192 — Size of pipes connecting radiating surface and the boiler or heater, 194 — Table of dimensions of standard wrought- iron pipe, 194 — To design heating surface, 195. Other Infor7nation relating to Heating 195 Diameters for chimney flues, 195 — Effects of wind in cooling glass, 196 — Table of radiation for glass, 196 — Radiating surface of pipes, 197 — Method of finding boiler capacity for cast-iron pipe, 198 — Customary temperatures in which plants are grown under glass, 198. Various Estimates and Becipes 198 Percentage of rays of light reflected from glass roofs at various angles of divergence from the perpendicular, 198 — Angle of roof for different heights and widths of house, 199 — Standard flower- pots, 199 — To prevent boilers from filling with sediment or scale, 200 — To prepare paper and cloth for hotbed sash, 200 — Paint for hot-water pipes, 200 — Liquid putty for glazing, 201 — Paint for shading greenhouse roofs, 201 — To keep flower-pots clean, 201. xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XII PAGES Forestry axd Timber 202-220 Planting Xotes '^^^ NuraiTy planting-table for forest trees, 202 — Forest planting, 1-03. Eardness of Common Commercial Woods 204 Forest Yieldn 204 Approximate time required to produce wood crops, 204 — Yield of white pine, 206. Life of Fence- Pouts and Shingles 207 Durability of fence-posts in Minnesota, 207 — Prolonging the life of fenco-post.s, 207 — Prolonging the life of shingles, 209 — Sug- gestions for couiinunity action, 210. Board Mf'asure .......•.•• 210 Curd Measure ........... 211 Log Measure ........••• 212 Scribner decimal log rule, 214. U. S. Purest Service Log-Scaling Directions 214 Allowances for taper, 216. Cubic Log Measure . . . . . . . • .216 Method by measurement of length and middle diameters, 217 — By length and end diameters, 217 — Solid cubic contents of logs, 218. Cubic Contents of Square Timber in Bound Logs .... 218 The two-thirds rule, 219 — The inscribed-square rule, 220. CHAPTER XIII Weeds 221-233 General Practices 221 Annual weeds, 221 — Biennials, 222 — Perennials, 222. Chemical Weed-killers or Herbicides 223 Salt, 223 — Copper sulfate (blue vitriol), 223 — Iron sulfate, 223 — Kerosene, 223 — Carbolic acid, 224 — Sulfuric acid (oil of vitriol), 224 — Caustic soda, 224 — Arsenical compounds, 224. Applicatiun of Herbicides 224 Gravel roadways, gutters, tennis courts, walks, 224 — List of weeds that may be controlled by means of chemical sprays, 225 — List of weeds on which present spraying methods are not effec- tive, 22.') — Rhode Island experience with iron sulfate, 226 — South DakoU experience with iron sulfate, 220— Ohio experi- CONTENTS XV PAGES ence, 226 — Cornell experience, 227 — Various experiences, 227 / — When to apply weed sprays, 228. Treatment for Particular Weeds 229 Poison ivy, 229 — Prickly lettuce, 229 — Bracted plantain, 229 — Horse nettle, 229 — Buffalo bur, 229— Spiny amaranth, 229 — Spiny cocklebur, 229 — Chondrilla, 230 — Wild carrot, 230 — Wild oats, 230 — False flax, 230 — Mustard, 230 — King-head, 230 — Canada thistle, 230 — Dandelion, 231 —Sow thistle, 231 — Quack-grass, 231 — White daisy, 231 — Black mustard, 232 — Orange hawkweed and chickweed, 232. Lawns 232 Weeds in lawns, 232 — Moss on lawns and walks, 233. Moss or Lichen on Trees 233 CHAPTER XIV Pests and Nuisances 234-251 Mice and Bats 234 To prevent mice from girdling trees in winter, 234 — Washes to protect trees from mice, 235 — Carbonate of baryta for rats and mice, 235 — Tartar emetic, 235 — Strychnine for mice, 235 — Camphor for rats and mice, 236 — French paste, 236 — Phosphorus, 236 — To protect seed-corn from burrowing animals, 236. Rabbits 236 Wash for keeping rabbits, sheep, and mice away from trees, 236 — Blood for rabbits, 236 — To drive rabbits from orchards, 237 — Another wash, 237 — California rabbit- wash, 237 — California rabbit poisons, 237 — Sulfur for rabbits, 237 — Cow-manure, 237 — Asafoetida, 238 — Kansan method of protecting trees from rabbits, 238 — To remedy the injury done by mice, rabbits, and squirrels, 241. Ground Squirrel or Spermophile Bemedies 241 Moles 242 Prairie-dogs 242 Woodchucks or Ground-hogs 243 Pocket-gophers 243 Wolves and Coyotes 243 Muskrats 243 Pestiferotis Birds 243 Bird poisons, 243 — Poison for English sparrows, 244 — To pro- tect fruits from birds, 244 — To protect newly planted seeds, 244 XVl cox TEXTS PAGES — To protect corn from crows, 245 — To protect young chickens, 245. Mosquitoes ............ 245 Ki'ro.sfne for nufstiuitoes, 24') — Fishes available for destruction of uios> 3.12 17.90! 1.66 3.60 7.03 1.18 25.64 1.79 39.20 0.94 Barley . . . ^ « 2.61 20.92 2.39 2.64 8.83 1.19 35.10 1.80 25.90 1.02 Rye .... •i^ 2.09 32.10 1.47 2.94 11.32 1.24 47.74 1.28 1.37 0.48 Corn . . . 1.45 29.8 1.10 2.17 15.52 0.76 45.61 0.78 2.10 0.91 Flax .... p s. 3.67 26.27 o oo 9.61 15.86 1.11 42.48 0.88 Clover . . . as 4.50 35.35 0.95 6.40 12.90 1.70 37.93 2.40 1.30 1.23 Peas .... < 2.73 43.10 0.98 4.81 7.99 0.83 35.90 3.41 1.91 0.65 1.60 Beans . . . 3.63 41.48 1.10 4.99 V.16 0.46 38.86 1.80 Fodders ' Clover . , . ^ 7.02 27.25 0.80 29.26 8.32 0.57 10.66 6.18 Timothy . . 6.82 34.69 1.83 8.05 3.24 0.83 11.80 2.80 32.17 5.20 Brome grass . 08 6.55 :27.65 0.89 7.59 4.32 1.83 5.84 4.37 Corn . . . a^ 8.72 27.18 0.85 5.70 11.42 0.85 9.14 40.18 Straws 2^ Flax .... a u 2.86 34.07 4.37 24.81 15.04 3.67 6.24 6.70 Buckwheat ^a 6.15 46.60 2.20 18.40 3.60 11.19 5.50 Pea ... . i^ 4.80 21.40 5.70 38.80 7.20 1.40 7.10 5.40 Bean . . . 6.10 32.70 8.70 25.30 7.30 1.70 7.90 5.50 Wheat . . . 5.37 13.65 1.38 5.76 2.46 0.61 4.81 67.50 Oat ... . ■k 7.17 26.42 3.29 6.97 3.66 1.20 4.59 3.20 46.70 4.40 Barley . . . 5.35 23.26 3.54 7.22 2.58 1.13 4.24 3.80 51.00 3.20 Roots Potatoes . . 24 3.80 60.00 2.96 2.64 4.93 1.10 16.86 6.50 2.10 3.40 Sugar-beets . 15 3.80 53.10 8.92 6.10 7.86 1.14 12.20 4.20 2.28 4.80 Turnips . . 12 8.00 45.40 9.84 10.60 3.69 0.81 12.71 1.80 5.00 Chemical Compounds The chemist uses initials (or other letters) to designate the elements, when he makes a formula to express the composition of any compound ; and he adds a figure to each symbol when more than one part or atom (by atomic weight) enters into the make-up of the molecule. Thus II.jO represents a compound in which the molecules are two parts hydrogen and one part o.xygen ; in common language, this particular compound is known as water. KoO is potash (or potassium oxid) — two parts potassium and one part oxygen. Gypsum or land-plaster is calcium sulfate, — CaS04, which means calcium one part, sulfur one part, oxygen four parts. Quartz is SiOa- Quicklime is CaO. NATURE OF SOIL 29 Phosphoric acid is P2O5. Common table salt is NaCl (sodium and chlorin). Following are the formulas for various common substances : — Acetic acid C2H4O2 Ammonia NH3 Aniline NH^CCeHs) Arsenious oxid .... AsjOa Carbon dioxid .... CO2 Carbonic oxid .... CO Chloroform CHCI3 Ferric oxid (iron rust) . . FejOa Ferrous oxid FeO Hydrochloric acid . . . HCl Mercuric oxid .... HgO Nitrate of soda .... NaNOg Nitric acid HNO, Nitric oxid NO Nitric peroxid .... NO2 Nitrous oxid N2O Saltpetre KNO3 Starch CgHioOs Strychnine C21H22N2OJ Sugar, cane CijHjjOn Sugar, grape or glucose . CeHijOe Sulfate of potash . . . K2SO4 Sulfuretted hydrogen . . HjS Sulfuric acid ..... H2SO4 Sulfuric oxid SO3 Sulfurous oxid' .... SO2 The Soil The soil, as the farmer understands it, is the soft tillable covering or epidermis of the earth. It is derived primarily from disintegrated rock, but all productive soils contain organic remains, or materials derived directly from these remains. Some soils, as those in swamps, are very largely organic. Classification of soils in respect to origin (Merrill) Sedentary IB ^ J [Transported I Residual deposits Cumulose deposits CoUuvial deposits Alluvial deposits, including the aqueo-glacial . ^olian deposits . Glacial deposits . I Residuary gravels, sands, clays, wacke, I laterite, terra rossa, etc. j Feat, muck and swamp or palludal I soils, in part. j Talus and cliff debris, material of I avalanches. r Modern alluvium, marsh and swamp J deposits, estuarian clays. Loess and [ adobe in part. I Wind-blown material, sand-dunes. I Adobe and loess in part. (Morainal material, either lateral, ter- minal, or ground moraines, drum- lins, etc. Classification of soil constituents Name 1. Gravel 2. Coarse sand 3. Medium sand 4. Fine sand 5. Very fine sand 6. Silt 7. Clay^ (U. S. Dept. Agric.) Size of Particles (diameters in millimeters) 2.0 to 1.0 1.0 to 0.5 0.5 to 0.25 0.25 to 0.1 0.1 to 0.05 0.05 to 0.005 0.005 to 0.0000 30 THE ELEMENTS AND THE SOIL Weight of noils. Soils vary widely in weight according to their composition and the size of the particles. Humus soils arc the lightest, and sanrl}'' soils are the heaviest. Clay soils weigh less per cu))ic foot than aral^le soils or sandy soils. The larger the amount of organic matter in a cubic foot of soil, the less it weighs. For this reason, surface soils are lighter, as a rule, than subsoils (Stevenson). The weight of a cubic foot of dry soil is given by Shubler as follows : — LB. Silicious sand 110 Half sand and half clay 96 Common arable soil 80 to 90 Heavy clay 75 Garden mold rich in vegetable matter 70 Peat soil 30 to 50 Warington gives the following data regarding the weight of soil per acre : — 1. Old -pasture, Rothamsted, loam with clay subsoil Original Wet Soil Dry Soil Total Stones Fine soil Roots First 9 inches . Second 9 inches . Third 9 inches . Fourth 9 inches . lb. 3,294,380 3,867.780 4,091,620 4,139,420 lb. 2,328,973 3,098,939 3,273,324 3,343,787 lb. 174,091 353,322 217,515 280,730 lb. 2,144,470 2,744,715 3,055,501 3,063,057 lb. 10,412 902 308 2. Arable land, Rothamsted, loam with clay subsoil Original Wet Soil Dry Soil Total Stones Fine soil Roots First 9 inches . . Seconfl 9 inches . Third 9 inches . Fourth 9 inches . lb. 3.288..553 3,688.115 3,882,285 3,995,723 lb. 2.919.689 3.044.615 3.215.285 3.313.563 lb. 340.656 141.861 213,190 197,4oO lb. 2.578.634 2.902.682 3.002.095 3,116,163 lb. 399 72 WEIGHT OF SOILS 31 3. Arable land, Woburn, sandy soil Original Wet Soil Dry Soil Total Stones Fine soil Roots First 9 inches . . Second 9 inches . Third 9 inches . Fourth 9 inches . lb. 3,835,104 3,947,640 4,046,364 4,014,432 lb. 3,157,448 3,381,804 3,462,498 3,501,466 lb. 93,763 201,527 170,443 274,239 lb. 3,063,074 3,180,277 3,292,055 3,227,227 lb. 611 These tables show: (1) That each of these classes of soil is lighter at the surface ; (2) that in each case the weight increases with an in- crease in depth. This increase in weight of the lower zones is due: (1) to the increase of pressure to which the lower zones are subjected; (2) to the fact that the surface soil is more loose and porous; (3) to coarser texture of subsoil. This condition is brought about by the removal of the finest soil particles from the surface into the sub-soil by the action of rain ; by the accumulation of organic matter in the surface soil ; and, in the case of arable soils, by tillage. The specific gravity of a soil indicates its weight as compared with the weight of an equal volume of water. An English authority has published the following table, which gives the specific gravity of the more common soil constituents : — Water . 1.00 Dolomite .... . . . 2.8-3.0 Humus 1.2-1.5 Mica . . . 2.8-3.2 Clay . 2.50 Hornblende . . . 2.9-3.4 Quartz 2.62 Augite . . . 3.2-3.5 Feldspar 2.5-2.8 Limonite .... . . . 3.4-4.0 Talc . 2.6-2.7 Hematite .... . . . 5.1-5.2 Calcite 2.75 Schone gives the following for the specific gravity of soils : — Clay soil 2.65 Sandy soil 2.67 Fine soil 2.71 Humus soil 2.53 The true specific gravity of an arable soil varies from about 2.5 to 2.7. 32 THE ELEMENTS AND THE SOIL Texture of the soil. The size and shape of the particles of which the soil is composed determine its texture. The arrangement of the particles determines its structure^ as " loose," " open," " mealy," " friable," " cloddy," " porous," " hard," " compact," " retentive," " leachy." The texture determines the amount of soil-surface exposed to roots, and to a great extent the quantity of moisture that the soil may hold. The size and form of the particles determine the number in a given volume of soil. It has been estimated by Whitney that a gram of soil contains 2,000,000,000 to 20,000,000,000 soil particles. The number of particles per gram of different soil types is approximately as follows : — Early truck . . . . Truck and small fruit Tobacco Wheat Grass and wheat . . Limestone . . . . 1,955,000,000 3,955,000,000 6,786,000,000 10,228,000,000 14,735,000,000 19,638,000,000 Owing to the fact that a soil is made up of particles, there is between them a certain amount of space that is occupied by air or water ; this is kno^vn as the " pore space." In ordinary soils the pore space varies from a little over 50 per cent in the finest clay soils to about 25 or 30 per cent in coarse sands of uniform texture. Soil Water Water occurs in the soil in three forms : (1) Gravitational or hydro- static water ; (2) capillary water ; (3) hygroscopic water. Amount of water used by various crops in producing a ton of dry-matter (Stevenson) No. OF Trials Water used PER Ton of Dry-Matter Water Used Dry-Matter PER Acre Acre-inch OF Water PER Ton of Dry-Matter (King) Barley .... Oats .... Maize . . . . Clover . . . Peas .... Potatoes . . . Average 5 20 52 46 1 14 tons 464.1 503.9 270.9 576.6 477.2 385.1 446.3 in. 20.69 39.53 15.76 22.34 16.89 23.78 23.165 tons 5.05 8.89 6.59 4.39 4.009 6.995 5.987 4.096 4.447 2.391 5.0899 4.212 3.339 3.939 WATER IN THE SOIL 33 Mean volume of water held by different soils, in laboratory tests in columns 45 inches high, with calculations to field conditions (Lyon and Fippin) I II III IV V VI VII h Hi Approximate Per Cent of Mois- ture AT WHICH Crops will Wii.t °«'. i^ rj| ^<^ in U Ok «\ O J g Inches of Avail- able Water to Depth of Four Feet lb. cu. in. CC. 1. Dune sand . . 52 10.7 3 7.7 80 166 2,720 4.60 2. Coarse sand . . 51 10.6 3 7.6 81 170 2,790 5.20 3. Fine sandy loam 50 18.0 5 13.0 83 300 4,900 8.50 4. Light silt loam . 50 20.9 10 10.9 83 250 4,100 6.90 5. Clay .... 59 30.4 17 13.4 68 252 4,140 7.03 6. Muck soil . 80 1 250.0 80 170.0 15 740 11,550 20.50 1 Estimated. Water taken from the soil by evaporation is a loss additional to that transpired by the crop. The following results were secured at the Iowa Experiment Station in an experiment to determine the total amount of water removed from the soil by evaporation and tran- spiration : — One Ton Tons of Water Lost Acre-inch of Water Lost Clnvpr linv . . 1560 570 1200 13 7 Air-dried corn fodder Oats and straw 5.0 11.0 One inch of water covering an acre of land weighs about 226,875 pounds, or more than 113 tons. Water evaporated by growing plants for one part of dry matter produced, in pounds (Lyon and Fippin) Lawes and Gilbert Hellriegel Wollny King England Germany Germany Wisconsin Beans . . . 214 Beans . . 262 Maize 233 Maize . . 272 Wheat . . 225 Wheat . . 359 Millet . . 416 Potatoes . 423 Peas . . . 235 Peas . . . 292 Peas . . . 479 Peas . . . 447 Red clover . 249 Red clover . 330 Rape . . 912 Red clover . 453 Barley . . 262 Barley . . 310 Barley . . 774 Barley . . 393 Oats . . 402 Oats . . . 665 Oats . . . 55V Buckwheat . 371 Buckwheat . 664 Lupine . 373 Mustard 843 Rye . . . 377 Sunflower . 490 34 THE f:LEMENTS AND THE SOIL Water needed under arid conditions. Under di y-farniing conditions, Widtsoe calculates that 1 acro-iiK'h of water will produce 2>^ bu. wheat 10 acre-iiK'hes of water will produce 25 bu. wheat 15 acre-inches of water will produce 37^ bu. wheat 20 acre-inches of water will produce 50 bu. wheat if all the water could be saved and be fully utilized in plant growth. Under average cultural conditions in arid regions, he concludes that approximately 750 i)oundsof water are required for the production of one pound of dry matter. Plant-Food in the Soil In estimating plant-food, chemists usually catalogue only the three elements (or combinations of them) that are likely to be much depleted by the growing of crops, — nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. (These determinations were made by the solution-in-hydrochloric-acid method, sp. gr. 1 . 115. Other analytical methods in use would give higher readings, particularly in phosphorus and potash, as stronger acids are used to make the soil solutions.) Plant-food in surface soils, with calculations to pounds in an acre (Roberts) NiTBOGEN Phos. Acid Potash Lb. N. Lb. P,U, Lb. KaO No. N..% P2O5. % K,0, % IN IST 8 IN. Soir., IN IST 8 IN. Soil in 2d 8 in. Soil 1 .379 .059 .062 8.310 1,294 1,360 2 .293 .056 .034 0,250 1,194 725 3 .195 .196 .183 4,218 4,240 3,959 4 .282 .267 .866 6,430 0,094 19,766 5 .245 .05 .232 5,364 1.095 5,079 6 .26 .052 .348 5,700 1,140 7.630 7 .26 .029 .182 5,035 628 3,945 8 .26 .15 .903 5,700 3,289 19.800 9 .109 .032 .149 2,321 681 3.173 10 .334 .038 .056 7,224 822 1,211 11 .14 .051 .047 2,971 1,082 997 12 .295 .037 .130 0,312 792 2,782 13 .04 .23 .23 S72 5,016 5,016 14 .09 .019 .019 1,912 404 404 15 .12 .23 .9 2,54S 4,884 19,113 16 .07 .13 .83 1,512 2,808 17,929 17 .03 .22 .65 635 4.659 12,812 18 .09 !.r 2.1 1 ,958 6.52() 45,686 19 .07 .29 1.19 1,4<)7 6,202 25,448 20 .12 .44 1.96 2,571 9.428 42,000 000,000 000,000 000,000 THE ALKALINE SOILS 35 Phos. Acid Potash Lb. N. Lb. PjOg Lb. K2O in 2d 8 IN. Soil No. N.,% 1\.05. % K2O, % 8 IN. Soil 8 in. Soil 000,000 000,000 000,000 21 .10 .33 1.8 2,153 7,105 38,752 22 .11 .15 .83 2,343 3,195 17,682 23 .11 .28 1.95 2,455 6,250 43,526 24 .04 .13 .89 850 2,759 18,890 25 .07 .21 1.1 1,484 4,451 23,314 26 .08 .18 .98 1,701 3,846 20,833 27 .08 .19 .86 1,699 4,034 18,260 28 .03 .15 .54 636 3,180 11,447 29 oo .49 1.85 4,746 10,571 39,910 30 .16 .36 1.9 3,509 7,895 41,670 31 .04 .14 .73 848 2,967 15,480 32 .06 .14 .92 1,272 2,969 19,510 33 .17 .38 1.18 3,599 8,046 24,984 34 .1 2 1.13 2,143 4,285 24,212 Alkali Lands In countries of heavy rainfall, the alkaline materials are leached out in the drainage waters. In arid countries there is very little or no leachage ; the water passes off by evaporation, and the alkaline and other materials in solution are left at or near the surface of the ground. The normal condition of arid lands is illustrated in the table below (Means). The first part gives the percentage of total soluble salts in two soils from central Montana, where neither soil originally con- tained enough alkali within the zone of root action to be detrimental. The second part shows the condition of these soils after a few years of judicious irrigation, and the third part displays the condition after a few years of irrigation without drainage : — Table showing percentage of alkali in soils Unirrigated Irrigated Over-irrigated Depth Sandy Loam Clay Sandy Loam Clay Sandy Loam Clay First foot . Second foot Third foot Fourth foot Fifth foot . Sixth foot . Seventh foot Eighth foot Ninth foot Tenth foot Eleventh foot Twelfth foot .04 .04 .03 .03 .05 .06 .06 .17 .24 .24 .21 .12 .04 .04 .05 .20 .33 .34 .25 .25 .28 .04 .05 .04 .05 .06 .05 .06 .07 .05 .05 .07 .07 .10 .07 .08 .08 .08 .16 .21 .79 .92 .94 .79 .52 .52 .36 .36 .29 .76 .71 .63 .61 .59 .19 36 THE ELEMENTS AND THE SOIL Percentage composition of alkali in arid soils ^ (Lyon and Fippin) Yakima Co.,Wa8h. Meadowland Boise Val- ley, Idaho Billings, Montana California Sur- face 12 in. 2d 12 in. 3d 12 in. Sur- face 12 in. Sur- face Depo- sit Crust 0-1 in. Sur- face 10 in. Tu- lare Exp. Sta. Mo- jave Pla- teau Im- perial Des- ert Potassium chloride, KCl Potassium sulfate, K,S04 Potassium carbonate, K,C03 .... Sodium sulfate, Na,S04 . . . Sodium nitrate, XaXOa .... Sodium carbonate, XajCOs .... Sodium chloride, XaCl Sodium phosphate, Xa^HPO* . . . Magnesium sulfate, MgSO* .... Magnesium chloride, MgCU .... Calcium chloride, CaCl, Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCOa .... Calcium sulfate CaS04 .... Calcium bicarbonate, Ca(HC03), . . . Magnesium bicarbon- ate, (Mg(HC03)2 . Potassium bicarbon- ate. KHCO3 . . Ammonium carbon- ate (XHJjCOs 8.74 66.94 13.30 1.90 9.12 5.61 9.73 13.86 36.72 1.87 16.48 12.57 7.82 8.64 6.58 45.28 6.17 13.17 12.34 8.08 16.54 41.55 .82 31.27 .64 1.10 1.84 67.70 .10 17.56 6.15 .72 5.93 1.60 85.57 trace .55 8.90 .67 2.71 21.41 35.12 7.28 trace 4.06 22.06 10.07 3.95 25.28 19.78 32.58 14.75 2.25 1.41 .92 43.34 15.38 39.34 1.02 1.15 8.21 .58 28.83 2.81 58.42 ' Compiled from analyses made by the Bureau of Soils of the United States Department of Agriculture and by the California Experiment Station. TILLING THE SOIL 37 The following table shows the quantity of gypsum required to neutralize sodium carbonate in an acre-foot of soil : — Per Cent Sodium Gypsum per Per Cent Sodium Gypsum per Carbonate Acre-foot i Carbonate Acre-foot i Per cent Pounds Per cent Pounds .01 640 .06 3840 .02 1280 .07 4480 .03 1920 .08 5120 .04 2560 .09 5760 .05 3200 .10 6400 » An acre-foot of soil weighs 4,000,000 pounds. Very often the black alkali is accompanied by other soluble salts, and the change in kind of salt brought about by the gypsum leaves more white alkali than plants will stand. The economic use of gypsum is therefore restricted to localities having only small amounts of total soluble salts. As a general rule, drainage can be properly applied, and the land freed of both black alkali and white alkali at less expense than by the application of gypsum. Gypsum costs $4 to $10 per ton in the regions where it is needed in black alkali reclamation, and when it becomes necessary to apply sufficient to neutralize 0.1 per cent of sodium carbonate in two or three acre-feet of soil per acre, the cost is seen to be prohibitive. Tillage, and Soil Management Tillage is the preparing and stirring of the soil with the object to make it more congenial to the growth of plants. On the wise manage- ment of the soil depends the perpetuation of the human race. Objects of tillage (King). Stated in the broadest and briefest way, the purpose of tillage is to develop and maintain beneath the surface of the field a commodious and thoroughly sanitary home and feeding ground for the roots of crops and for the soil organisms that help to transform the organic matter and the less soluble forms of the mineral plant-food materials of the soil into more soluble and suitable conditions adapted to the immediate needs of plants. But to make the habitable part of the soil S8 THE ELEMENTS AND THE SOIL of a field coinmoclious and sanitary, and at the same time to maintain within it a sufficiently rapid develoi^ment of readily water-soluble plant-food materials so conditioned as to be highly available to the crop, requires careful attention to many essential details. Some of the chief objects of tillage are : — (1) To secure a thorough surface uniformity of the fiekl, so that an equally vigorous growth may take place over the entire area. (2) To develop and maintain a large effective depth of soil, so that there shall be ample living room, an extensive feeding surface and large storage capacity for moisture and available plant-food materials. (3) To increase the humus of the soil through a deep and extensive incorporation of organic matter, so that there may be a strong growth of soil micro-organisms and the maintenance of a high content of water-soluble plant-food materiab. (4) To improve the tilth and maintain the best structural condition in the soil, so that the roots of the crop and the soil organisms may spread readily and widely to place themselves in the closest contact with the largest amount of food materials. (5) To control the amount, to regulate the movement, and to deter- mine the availability of soil moisture, so that there shall never be an excess or a deficiency of this indispensable carrier of food materials to and through the plant. (6) To determine the amount, movement, and availability of the water-soluble plant-food materials present in the soil, so that growth may be both rapid, normal, and continuous to the end of the season. (7) To convert the entire root zone of the soil into a commodious sanitary living and feeding place, perfectly adapted to the needs of the roots of the crop and to the soil organisms, — adequately drained, perfectly ventilated, and sufficiently warm. (8) To reduce the waste of plant-food materials through the de- struction of weeds, and the prevention of their growth, through preven- tion of surface washing and drifting by winds. Jordan's rules of fertility. 1. Thorough tillage, with efficient machinery, to be given if possible when the moisture conditions of the soil admit of satisfactory pulveri- zation. RULES OF FERTILITY 39 2. Frequent surface tillage at times of scanty rainfall, in order to conserve the supply of soil moisture. 3. A sufficiently rapid rotation of crops to insure good soil texture, to allow the necessary frequency of applying fertilizing material, and as a main result to secure a paying stand of crops. 4. The introduction into the soil at frequent intervals of an amount of organic matter necessary to proper soil texture and water holding power, either by application of farm manures, by plowing down soiling crops, or by the rotting of the turf. 5. The scrupulous saving of all the excrement of farm animals, both solid and liquid. 6. The purchase of plant-food with due reference to the needs of the farm and to the system of farm management prevailing. 7. The maintenance in the soil of those conditions of drainage and aeration which promote the growth of desirable soil organisms, and the introduction into the soil when necessary, of such organisms as are essential to the growth of particular plants. CHAPTER III Chemical Fertilizers; and Lime A fertilizer is a material added to the soil for the purpose of supply- ing food for plants. An amendment is a substance or material that modifies the physical, mechanical and chemical nature of the soil. Stable manure is both fertilizer and amendment. Lime is used mostly as an amendment, since it is not often necessary to supply it for the plant-food that it contains. On sandy soils it may be needed as a fertilizer. The extent of the fertilizer industry is indicated by the following figures of complete fertilizers manufactured in the United States in two given years : — Quantity in tons of 2000 1b Value 1900 1,478,826 S26,318,995 1905 1,603,847 $31,305,057 Increase 125,021 $4,986,062 Per Cent of Increase 8.5 18.9 Fertilizer discussions are concerned mostly with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (always in combination with other elements, never used in their elemental form), since these are the elements most likely to be deficient in the soil. To be economically usable as a fertilizer, a material must not only contain some one or more of these three elements in available form, but it must be relatively low in price and obtainable in large quantities. Nitrate of potash (saltpetre) is a good fertilizer, but it is impossible to use it because of the cost. Many of the fertilizer materials, — as bone-black, blood, ashes, — are waste products or by-products. 40 FERTILIZER MATERIALS 41 Some of the Sources of Chemical Fertilizers Percentage composition of materials used as sources of nitrogen (Gorman Kali Works, N.Y. City) Nitrate of soda . . Sulfate of ammonia . Dried blood (high grade) Dried blood (low grade) Tankage Dried fish scrap Cottonseed meal Castor pomace Tobacco stems Nitrogen 15 to 16 193^ to 21 13 to 14 10 to 11 5 to 9 9 to 10 61^ to 7}4 5 to 6 2}4 to 3 Equivalent TO Ammonia to 193^ to 253^ 16 to 17 12 to 13 6 to 11 11 to 12 7}4 to 9 6 to 7 3 to SH Potash K2O 1}4 to 2 1 to IH 2 to 10 Phos. Acid Total 2 to 3 13^ to 2 9 to 16 5}4 to 7 2 to 3 IM to 2 H to 1 Composition of materials used as sources of phosphoric acid (Kali Works) Acid phosphate Carolina phos. rock Dissolved bone black . Bone meal . Dissolved bone Thomas slag Peruvian guano Total 16 to 19 26 to 27 17 to 20 20 to 25 15 to 17 22 to 24 12 to 15 Avail- able 14 to 17 16 to 18 5 to 8 13 to 15 7 to 8 Insol- uble 1 to 2 26 to 27 1 to 2 15 to 17 2 to 3 22 to 24 5 to 8 Nitrogen 1 to 43^ 2 to 3 6 to 10 Equivalent TO Ammonia ij4:to 5^ 2}4 to 33^ 7Mto 12 Potash K2O m to 4 Marketed production of phosphate rock in the United States, from the beginning oj the industry in 1867 to 1909, in long tons (Van Horn, U.S. Geol. Surv.) Year Quantity Value Year Quantity Value 1867-1887 . 4,442,945 $23,697,019 1900 . . . 1,491,216 S5,359,248 1888 . . . 448,567 2,018,552 1901 . 1,483,723 5,316,403 1889 550,245 2,937,776 1902 . 1,490,314 4,693,444 1890 510,499 3,213,795 1903 . 1,581,576 5,319,294 1891 587,988 3,651,150 1904 . 1,874,428 6,580,875 1892 681,571 3,296,227 1905 . 1,947,190 6,763,403 1893 941,368 4,136,070 1906 . 2,080,957 8,579,437 1894 996,949 3,479.547 1907 . 2,265,343 10,653,558 1895 1,038,551 3,606,094 1908 . 2,386,138 11,399,124 1896 930,779 2,803,372 1909 . 2,330,152 10,772,120 1897 1,039,345 2,673,202 1898 1,308,885 3,453.460 Total . 33,924,431 139,487,246 1899 1,515,702 5,084,076 42 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS : AND LIME World's production of phosphate rock, 1905-1907, by countries, in metric tons (Van Horn) Country 1906 1907 1908 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Algeria Aruba (Dutch West 333,531 $965,600 373,763 $2,183,404 452,060 $2,639,940 Indies) 26,138 I 36,036 1 29,061 1 Belgium . . 152,140 282,612 182,230 332.114 198.030 355,897 Canada . . 521 4,024 748 6.018 1,448 14,794 Christmas Islands (Straits Settle- ments) 92,010 1 112.147 1 110,849 1 France . . 469.408 1,872.000 431.237 1,876.736 485,607 1,896,606 Norway . . 3.482 46.524 2 Spain . . . 1.300 7,592 2 Tunis . . . 796.000 2,304,400 1.069,000 4,547,842 1,300,543 5,531,624 United King- dom . . 33 224 9 68 United States 2,114,252 8,579,437 2,301,588 10,653.558 2,424,453 11.399.124 Average composition of Stassfurt potash salts (German Kali Works) ■f' «^ lb u 5 ^ H a S« K 1 U 2; H Calculated Name of Salts 11 ii P < s 1^ n as TO Pure Potash K2O In 100 Parts are Contained 02^ ^§ ^^ 5- ^§ ss < SO4 KCI Mg- SO4 C12 xkci Ca- SO4 li Aver- age Guar- anteed A. Crude Salts (Natural Products) Kainit 21.3 2.0 14.5 12.4 34.6 1.7 0.8 12.7 12.8 12.4 Carnallit 15.5 12.1 21.5 22.4 1.9 0.5 26.1 9.8 9.0 B. Coufontratcd Salts (Manufactured Products) Sulfate of Potash (^^% 97.2 90.6 0.3 1.6 0.7 2.7 0.4 1.0 0.2 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.7 2 2 52.7 49.9 51.8 48.6 Sulfate ofpotash-magnesia 50.4 34.0 2.5 0.9 0.6 11.6 27.2 i 25.9 Muriate of (90-95% Potash 80-85% 91.7 0.2 0.2 7.1 — 0.2 0.6 57.7 56.8 83.5 0.4 0.3 14.5 — 0.2 1.1 52.7 50.5 Manure salt, min. pot- ash .... 20% 2.0 31.6 10.6 5.3 40.2 2.1 4.0 4.2 21.0 20.0 Manure salt, niin. 30% potash 1.2 47.6 9.4 4.8 26.2 2.2 3.5 5.1 30.6 30.0 Value not reported. * Statistics not yet available. SOURCES OF POTASH 43 Potash salts produced in the United States, 1850 to 1905 Survey.) (Phalen, U.S. Geol. Census Number of Establish- ments Product Average Price Quantity Value per Pound 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1905 569 212 105 68 75 67 2 39 2 lb. 4,571,671 5,106,939 3,864,766 1,811,037 $1,401,533 538,550 327,671 232,643 197,507 178,180 104,655 $0,051 0.039 0.046 0.058 1 Munroe, C. E., Bull. 92, Census of Manufactures, Bur. Census, 1905, p. 38. 2 Includes establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of other products. There was a time when the United States produced a large part, if not all, of the potash it consumed. The burning of wood and the lixiviation of the resulting ash to extract the potash, though of minor importance so far as the monetary value of the product is concerned, is one of the oldest of the purely chemical industries in this country. Cognizance was taken of it in the census reports as early as 1850, so that data are available for comparing the condition of the industry for each decade since that year. The above table gives the quantity and value of potash produced in the United States from 1850 to 1905. Potash salts are used extensively in the United States. They are essential to numerous industries that are vitally connected with the welfare of the American people — the most notable being the ferti- lizer industry. They are used also in the manufacture of glass, in certain kinds of soap, in some explosive powders, and in the chemical industries, including the inanufacture of alum, cyanides, bleaching powders, dyestuffs, and other chemicals. (Phalen.) Importation of potash salts The potash industry has not been revived in the United States thus far, and the great bulk of the potash salts now used are imported. The following table (by Phalen) shows the magnitude of the importation of potash salts for the years 1900, 1905, and 1910: — 44 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS : AND LIME Imports of potash salts for the calendar years 1900, 1905, and 1910, in poundsK [Figures from Bureau of Statistics] 1900 1905 1910 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value lb. lb. lb. Chlorate .... 1.243,612 $68,772 Chloride .... 130,175.481 1.976.604214.207.064 $3,326,478 381.873.875 $5,252,373 Nitrate (crude and refined) . . . 10,545,392 276,664 9.911.534 304.596 11,496.904 333,854 All other, including c:\rbonate (crude and refined), bi- carbonate, caustic (crude and re- fined), chromate and bichromate. cyanide, hydrio- date, iodide, io- date, permanga- nate, prussiate (red and yellow). sulfate (crude and refined) . . 54,904,088 1.407,303 82,935,532 1.891.081 116.820.873 2.777.396 Total .... 196,868,573 3.729,343 307,054,130 5,522,155 510.191,652 8,363,023 Increase .... 110.185,573, 1.792.812 203,137,522 2,841,468 Percentage of in- crease .... 55.96 48.07 66.15 51.45 Kainit, "kvanite," and kieserite, and manure salts * 520.605,120 1.508,217 830.903,360 3,116.884 1,288,199,360 3,251.511 1 This table is based on total imports for the calendar year, not on imports for consump- tion for the calendar year. * These figures are for the fiscal years. Potassic materials produced by the aid of electricity Among the chemicals produced by the aid of electricity are potas- sium chlorate and potassium hydroxid. The following table gives the quantity and value of the potassium salts made electrolyticallv at the censuses of 1900 and 1905, with the amount and percentage of increase (Phalen) : — 1900 J 905 Increase Per Cent op Increase Quantity, tons . . Value 1,900 $80,097 3,908 $200,008 2,008 $119,911 105.7 149.7 CONTENT OF FERTILIZERS 45 Principal potash materials used in fertilizers in the United States, 1900 and 1905 Kainit : Quantity, tons . Value .... Other potash salts : Quantity, tons . Value .... Nitrate of potash . Quantity, tons . Value .... Wood ashes : Quantity, bushels Value .... 1900 54,700 $520,833 $3,098,400 884 $32,156 1905 190,493 $1,891,073 122,107 $3,606,701 1,160 $39,039 17,083 $2,050 Increase 135,793 $1,370,240 $508,301 276 $6,883 Per Cent of Increase 248.3 263.1 16.4 31.2 21.4 Fertilizer Formulas and Guarantees (Voorhees) Probably more than nine-tenths of the fertihzers used in this country are purchased in the form of mixtures containing all three of the essen- tial constituents, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The various brands are prepared from formulas designed to be especially suitable for different crops and soils. This method of purchase saves labor and thought on the part of the farmer, but the cost of the constituents is greater than if the fertilizer materials are bought and home-mixed; besides, in the mixtures the farmer does not always obtain such pro- portions of the constituents as are best adapted to his conditions. These mixed fertilizers, as a rule, are, and should always be, accom- panied by a statement of guaranteed composition. This is very essen- tial, because purchasers are unable to tell, by mere visual inspection, what kinds and proportions of fertilizing materials have entered into the mixture. In many states the laws require that the source o! the materials also shall be distinctly stated, in order to insure the use of good products, as the mixing permits the disguising of poor forms, especially of those containing the element nitrogen. Guarantees, however, sometimes confuse the purchaser, because the method of stating the guarantee is such as to mislead, provided he does not understand the meaning of the terms, or is unable to convert the percentages into their equivalents. It is entirely legitimate, when there are no laws forbidding, for the manufacturer to guarantee ammonia, 46 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME instead of nitrogen ; bone phospliate, instead of phosphoric acid ; and sulfate of potash, instead of actual potash. The statement of the guarantee of the constituents in combination increases the percentage, thus leading ignorant purchasers to think that they are obtaining a larger percentage of the constituents than is really the case. In the case of raw materials, a guarantee based on the purity of the chemical salts is very frequently used. That is, a substance when pure contains 100 per cent of the specific salt, and the guarantee which accompanies this product is merely a statement that indicates its purity. For example, when nitrate of soda is guaranteed to contain 95 per cent nitrate, it means that it is 95 per cent pure nitrate, or that 5 per cent of the total substance consists of impurities. The same is true in the case of sulfate of ammonia, sulfate of potash, muriate of potash, and other potash salts that may be offered. In order that the farmer may have a simple method of determining the actual content of the constituents, however guaranteed, the following tables are given to show the terms that are used, their equivalent of actual elements, and the factors to use in converting the one into the other : — To convert the guarantee of Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate of soda .... Bone phosphate .... Phosphoric acid .... Muriate of potash . . . Actual potash Sulfate of potash . . . Actual potash into an equivalent of Ml Nitrogen . . Ammonia . . Nitrogen Phosphoric acid Bone phosphate Actual potash Muriate of potash Actual potash Sulfate of potash Itiply by 0.8235 1.214 0.1647 0.458 2.183 0.632 1.583 0.54 1.85 The following statements show the methods of stating guarantees on the basis of purity, in the case of many raw materials^ and the equiv- alent percentage on the basis of actual constituents : Guarantee on basis of purity : — Nitrate of soda, 95 per cent, or containing 95 per cent pure nitrate. Muriate of potash. 80 per cent, or containing 80 per cent pure muriate. Sulfate of potash, 98 per cent, or containing 98 per cent pure sulfate. Kainit, 25 per cent, or containing 25 per cent pure sulfate. Guarantee on basis of actual constituents : — Nitrate of soda, total nitrogen 15.64 per cent. Muriate of potash, actual pota.sh 50.50 per cent. Sulfate of potash, actual potash 53.00 per cent- Kainit, actual potash 13.50 per cent. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZERS 47 The following illustration shows a guarantee of the same mixed fertilizer, on the basis of equivalents in combination, and on the basis of actual constituents : Guarantee on basis of equivalents in combination : — Nitrogen (equivalent to ammonia), 2 to 3 per cent. Available phosphoric acid (equivalent to bone phosphate of lime), 16 to 20 per cent. Potash (equivalent to sulfate of potash), 6 to 8 per cent. Guarantee on basis of actual constituents : — Nitrogen (total) 1.65 to 2.50 per cent. Phosphoric acid (available) 7.00 to 9.00 per cent. Potash (actual) 3.25 to 4.25 per cent. It will be observed that the guarantee in the one case means the same as in the other. Different methods of stating guarantees should not mislead those who will familiarize themselves with the terms used, and with the conversion factors. In the case of the mixed fertilizers, the percentage of the constituent elements that are given on the basis of equivalents represents the amounts when they exist in combination with other elements, viz., nitrogen, as ammonia; phosphoric acid, as bone phosphate; and potash, as sulfate. Methods of Computing Trade Value of Fertilizers Trade-values of plant-food elements in raw materials and chemicals, 1910. The trade-values in the following schedule have been agreed upon by the Experiment Stations of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Vermont, as a result of study of the prices actually prevailing in the large markets of these states. These trade-values represent, as nearly as can be estimated, the average prices at which, during the six months preceding March, the respective ingredients, in the form of unmixed raw materials, could be bought at retail for cash in our large markets. These prices also corre- spond (except in case of available phosphoric acid) to the average whole- sale prices for the six months preceding March, plus about 20 per cent in case of goods for which there are wholesale quotations. 48 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME cts. per lb. Nitrogen in ammonia salts 16 NitroKon in nitrates 16 Organie nitrog(Mi in dry and fine-ground fish, meat and blood and mixed fertilizers 20 Organic nitrogen in fine-ground bone and tankage 20 Organic nitrogen in coarse bone and tankage 15 Phosphoric acid, wat(>r-soluble 4,'-^ Phosi)horic acid citrate, s()lul)le (reverted) 4 Phos|)h<)ric acid in fine-ground fish, bon(> and tankage .... 4 Phosphoric acid in cottonseed meal, castor-pomace and ashes . 3J^ Phosphoric acid in coarse fish, bone and tankage 33^ Phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers, in.solul^le in ammonium citrate or water 2 Potash as high-grade sulfate, in forms free from muriates (chlo- rides), in ashes, etc 5 Potash in muriate 4|^ Valuation and cost of fertilizers. The total cost (to the farmer) of a ton of commercial fertilizer may be regarded as consisting of the following elements: (1) Retail cash cost, in the market, of unmixed trade materials ; (2) cost of mixing ; (3) cost of transportation ; (4) storage, commissions to agents and dealers, selling on long credit, bad debts, etc. While the total cost of a fertilizer is made up of several different elements, a commercial valua- tion includes only the first of the elements entering into the total cost, that is, the retail cash cost in the market of unmixed raw materials. Valuation, atul agricultural value. The agricultural value of a fertilizer depends upon its crop-producing power. A commercial valuation does not necessarily have any relation to crop-producing value on a given farm. For a particular soil and crop, a fertilizer of comparatively low commercial valuation may have a higher agricultural value ; while, for another crop on the same soil, or the same crop on another soil, the reverse might be true. Rule for calculating appro.vimate commercial valuation of mixed ferti- lizers on basis of trade-values for 1910. Multiply the percentage of nitrogen by 4.0. Multipl}'' the percentage of available phosphoric acid by 0.8. Multiply the percentage of insoluble phosphoric acid (total minus available) by 0.4. Multiply the percentage of potash by 1.0. FIGURING FERTILIZERS 49 The sum of these 4 products will be the commercial valuation per von on the basis taken. Illustration. The table of analyses shows a certain fertilizer to have the following composition: Nitrogen 2.52 per cent; available phos- phoric acid 6.31 per cent ; insoluble phosphoric acid .89 per cent ; potash 6.64 per cent. According to this method of valuation, the computation would be as follows : — Nitrogen 2.52 X 4.0 =$10.08 Available phosphoric acid 6.31 X 0.8 = 5.05 Insoluble phosphoric acid 0.89 X 0.4 = 0.36 Potash 6.64 X 1.0 = 6.64 $22,13 This rule assumes all the nitrogen to be organic and all the potash to be in the form of sulfate. If a considerable portion of nitrogen exists in the fertihzer as nitrate of soda or as sulfate of ammonia, and potash is present as muriate, the results are somewhat less. Farmers should be warned against judging fertilizers by their valua- tions. A fertilizer, the cost of which comes chiefly from the phosphoric acid present, would value much lower commercially than a fertilizer with a high percentage of nitrogen, and yet the former might be the more profitable for a given farmer to purchase. Table for converting the fertilizer elements into their usually reported forms, and vice versa (J. P. Stewart) Corrected (a) Converting Elements into Com- (Jb) Converting Compounds into Ele- POUNDS MENTS K X 1.2043 = KoO. (Atomic wts. based K2O X .8303 = K. P X 2.2903 = P2O5. on O = 16) P2O5 X .4366 = P. NX 1.2154 =NH3. NH3X.8228=N. Mg X 1.6568 = MgO. MgO X .6036 = Mg. Ca X 1.3990 = CaO. CaO X .7148 = Ca. Computing the trade value. A simple way of figuring the value of a commercial fertilizer 1 (Cavanaugh) Example No. 1. Guaranteed Analysis Nitrogen 1.60 to 2.00 per cent Phosphoric acid available 7.00 to 8.00 per cent Potash 2.00 to 3.50 per cent Cost per ton $29.00 ^ In these and the succeeding examples, it happens that the trade values per lb. of chemicals are not those of 1910, given on pp. 47-48 ; but it is intended only to explain the method. E 50 CHEMICAL yERTILlZEHS; AND LIME Multiplying the lowest figure representing the per cent of the given element by 20, and calculating tiie value from the price per pound, we have in No. 1 (remembering that 1 per cent means one pound in a hundred, or twenty pounds in a ton) : — Nitrogen 1.60 X 20 = 32 lb. ^ 15^ = S4.80 Phosphoric acid 7 X 20 = 140 lb. @ 5^ = 7.00 Potash 2 X 20 = 40 lb. @ 5J? = 2.00 Commercial \alae per ton $13.80 Example No. 2. Guaranteed Analysis Nitrogen 3.30 to 4.00 per cent Phosphoric acid available 8.00 to 10.00 per cent Potash 7.00 to 8.00 per cent Cost per ton $38.00 Its value is calculated the same as No. 1 : — Xitrogen 3.30 X 20 = GG lb. @ 15 of soda .... Arid phosphate .... Muriate of potash . . . Total . . . . . . Percentage composition Clovers, or alfalfa, without other manure and on hmd earrying the proper root tu- l)ercl'^ ()rKani.sms : Nitrate of so(hi .... Acid phosphate .... Muriate of potash . Total Percentage composition Bean8 or peas without other manure on soil carrying the proper root tubercle organ- isms : Nitrate of soda Acid phosphate Muriate of potash .... Total Percentage composition Mangolds or other beets, based upon experiments at the Rothamstefi (England) Experiment Station (to be us(>d in conjunction with a liberal dressing of farm ma- nure) : Nitrate of soda Muriate of potash .... Common salt ^ . ... Total Percentage composition Manoolds or other beets without farm manure: Nitrate of soda Screened tankage .... Sulfate r)f animonia (or 300 pounds high-grad" dried blood) Acid phosphate Muriate of potasli .... Common salt Total Percentage composition * Rhode Island Sta. Bui. 90. ' Beets are successfully grown in Maine without salt. Nitro- gen lb. 54 Phosphoric Acid Avail- able lb. Total lb. FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS 63 It is of the utmost importance in purchasing materials for these home mixtures to buy only on a guaranty of composition and to insist that the materials shall be of standard high-grade quality. Specific mixtures for different crops (Agric. Exp. Sta. Geneva, N.Y., 14th Kept.). In the following tables (pages 64 to 77), Van Slyke gives formulas for various crops as an illustration of the kinds of mixtures that are ordinarily advised. He is convinced, however, that prac- tically all purposes would be satisfactorily served by the use of not more than a half dozen different formulas. We should work toward the more or less independent handling of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds, using them separately or together as special conditions and the results of observation and experience may suggest. This is possible, of course, only with the student farmer. For the mass of farmers, the formal recipe or the commercial mixture must yet form the basis of fertilizer applications. As a broad statement to guide the careful farmer, Van Slyke suggests the following : — For leguminous crops, a formula of 1-8-10 (in the order of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash). For cereals, 3-8-5. For all kinds of garden crops, 4-8-10. For grass and forage crops, 4-6-9. For orchards, 2-5-10. For root-crops, 3-8-7. The materials that are given for use in the succeeding tables are assumed to have a fairly definite composition, and the calculations are based on the following conditions of composition : — (1) Nitrate of soda, 95 to 96 per cent pure, containing 16 per cent of nitrogen. (2) Dried blood, containing 10 per cent of nitrogen. (3) Sulfate of ammonia, containing 20 per cent of nitrogen. (4) Stable manure, containing .5 per cent of nitrogen. (5) Bone-meal, containing 20 per cent of total phosphoric acid, one-half being calculated as available during first season on application ; also containing 4 per cent of nitrogen. Whenever bone-meal is used in a mixture, allowance should be made for its nitrogen, and so much less of other forms of nitrogen-materials used. 64 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME (f)) Dissolved bono, containing 15 per cent of available phosphoric acid and 3 per cent of nitrogen. (7) Dissolved bone-black, containing 15 per cent of available phos- phoric acid. (S) Dissolved rock, containing 12 per cent of available phosphoric acid. (9) Muriate of potash, 80 per cent pure, containing 50 per cent of potash. (10) Sulfate of potash, 90 to 95 per cent pure, containing 50 per cent of potash. (11) Kainit, containing 12 to 13 per cent of potash. (12) Wood-ashes, containing 5 per cent of potash. Alfalfa Nitrogen . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent 10 PorNDS FOR One Acre 5 to 10 30 to 60 40 to 80 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 30 to 60 lb. nitrate of soda : or (2) 25 to 50 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 50 to 100 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 1000 to 2000 lb. stable manure. (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone-meal or bone-black ; or (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 80 to 160 lb. muriate ; or (2) 80 to 160 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 325 to 650 lb. kainit ; or (4) 800 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. Apples Nitrogen . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent PorNDS 'forOne Acre 12 8 to 16 30 to 60 50 to 100 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 50 to 100 lb. nitrate of .soda; or (2) 40 to 80 lb. sulphate of ammonia; or (3) 80 to 160 lb. dried blood; or (4) 1600 to 3200 lb. stable manure, fd) 300 to 600 lb. bone- meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bono-meal or bone- black; or (3) 2.50 to .500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 100 to 200 lb. muriate; or (2) 100 to 200 lb. sulfate; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. kainit; or (4) 1000 to 2000 lb. wood- ashes. Pounds of Different Materials for One Tree (1) 1 to 2 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) H to VA lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) IM to 3 lb. dried blood; or (4) 35 to 70 lb. stable ma- nure. (1) 6 to 12 lb. bone-meal; or (2) 4 to 8 lb. dissolved bone or bone-black ; or (3) 5 to 10 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 2 to 4 lb. muriate ; or (2) 2 to 4 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 8 to 161b. kainit ; or (4) 20 to 40 lb. wood-ashes. FORMULAS FOR DIFFERENT CROPS 65 Asparagus Nitrogen Available phc phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds for One Acre 20 to 40 30 to 60 35 to 70 Pounds of Different Materials for One Ache (1) 120 to 240 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dried blood ; or (3) 4000 to 8000 lb. stable manure. (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone-meal or bone-black ; or (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 70 to 140 lb. muriate; or (2) 70 to 140 lb. sulphate ; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. kainit ; or (4) 700 to 1400 lb. wood-ashes. Barley Nitrogen . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds for One Acre 12 to 24 20 to 40 25 to 50 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 75 to 150 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 50 to 120 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 125 to 250 lb. dried blood; or (4) 2500 to 5000 lb. stable manure. (1) 200 to 400 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 150 to 300 lb. dissolved bone or bone- black ; or (3) 175 to 350 lb. dissolved rock. [(1) 50 to 100 lb. muriate ; or (2) 50 to 100 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 200 to 400 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 500 to 1000 lb. wood-ashes. Beans Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash . . . 1 7 9 5 to 10 30 to 60 35 to 70 (1) 30 to 60 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 25 to 50 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 50 to 100 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 1000 to 2000 lb. stable manure. (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone or bone black ; or (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 70 to 140 lb. muriate; or (2) 70 to 140 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. kainit ; or (4) 700 to 1400 lb. wood-ashes. 66 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME Beets Nitrogen . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 20 to 40 25 to 50 35 to 70 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 120 to 240 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 100 to 200 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; (3) 200 to 400 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 4000 to 8000 lb. stal)le manure. (1) 250 to 500 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 175 to 350 lb. dissolved bone or bone- black ; or (3) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 70 to 140 lb. muriate; or (2) 70 to 140 1b. sulfate; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. kainit ; or (4) 700 to 1400 lb. wood-ashes. Blackberries Nitrogen . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 15 to 30 30 to 60 40 to 80 Pounds of Different M.'^^terials for One Acre [(1) 100 to 200 lb. nitrate of soda; or (2) 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or ' (3) 150 to 300 lb. dried blood ; or 74) 3000 to 6000 lb. stable manure. (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meai ; or I (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone or bone- black ; or I (3) 250 to 500 lb. dis.solved rock. ' (1) 80 to 160 lb. muriate ; or (2) 80 to 160 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. kainit ; or 1(4) 800 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. Buckwheat Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid 4 8 15 to 30 30 to 60 (1) 90 to 180 11). nitrate of soda ; or (2) 75 to 150 11). sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 150 to 300 11). dried blood ; or (4) 3000 to 6000 lb. stable manure. (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone or bone- black ; or ; (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 70 to 140 lb. muriate; or Potash . . . 9 35 to 70 (2) 70 to 140 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. kainit; or (4) 700 to 1400 lb. wood-ashes. FORMULAS FOR DIFFERENT CROPS 67 Cabbage Nitrogen . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds for One Acre 40 to 80 70 tol40 90 to 180 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre '(1) (2) (3) ,(4) 1(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) .(4) 250 to 500 lb. nitrate of soda ; or 200 to 400 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; c 400 to 800 lb. dried blood ; or 8000 to 16,000 lb. stable manure. 700 to 1400 lb. bone-meal ; or 500 to 1000 lb. dissolved bone bone-black ; or 600 to 1200 lb. dissolved rock. 180 to 360 lb. muriate ; or 180 to 360 lb. sulfate ; or 700 to 1400 lb. kainit ; or 1800 to 3600 lb. wood-ashes. Carrots Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre C(l) 90 to 1801b. nitrate of soda; or Nitrogen . . . 3 15 to 30 1 (2) 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or ) (3) 150 to 300 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 3000 to 6000 lb. stable manure. Available phos- phoric acid . C(l) 350 to 700 lb. bone-meal ; or 7 35 to 70 1 (2) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved bone or bone- 1 black; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. dissolved rock. ((1) 80 to 160 lb. muriate; or Potash . . . 8 40 to 80 J (2) 80 to 160 lb. sulfate; or 1 (3) 300 to 600 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 8000 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. Celery Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre r(l) 250 to 500 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . . . 5 40 to 80 - (2) 200 to 400 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 8000 to 16,000 lb. stable manure. Available phos- phoric acid (1) 500 to 1000 lb. bone-meal ; or 6 50 to 100 (2) 350 to 700 lb. dissolved bone or bone black ; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 130 to 260 lb. muriate ; or Potash . . . 8 65 to 130 (2) 130 to 260 lb. sulfate; or (3) 500 to 1000 lb. kainit ; or (4) 1300 to 2600 lb. wood-ashes. 68 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME Cauliflower Same as for cabbage. Cherries « S5 u u C3 K B3 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for One Tree Nitrogen . Available phos- phoric acid Potash . . . 10 to 20 35 to 70 45 to 90 (1) 60 to 120 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 50 to 100 lb. sulfate of ammonia; or (3) 100 to 200 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 2000 to 4000 lb. stable manure. f(l) 350 to 700 lb. bone- meal ; or (2) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. dissolved rock. '(1) 90 to 180 lb. muriate; or (2) 90 to 180 lb. sulfate; or (3) 350 to 700 lb. kainit ; or (4) 900 to 1800 lb. wood- ashes. (1) H to 1 lb. nitrate of soda; or (2) H to 1 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 1 to 2 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 20 to 40 lb. stable ma- nure. (1) 3H to 7 lb. bone-meal; or (2) 214 to 5 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 3 to 6 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 1 to 2 lb. muriate; or (2) 1 to 2 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 3>^ to 7 lb. kainit; or (4) 9 to 18 lb. wood-ashes. Clover Same as for alfalfa. Corn Per Pounds for One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre f(l) 60 to 120 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 50 to 100 lb. sulfate of ammonia; Nitrogen . 2 10 to 20 or (3) 100 to 200 lb. dried blood ; or ^ (4) 2000 to 4000 lb. stable manure. Available phos- (1) 350 to 700 lb. bone-moal ; or phoric acid . 7 35 to 70 (2) 250 to 500 lb. dis.solved bone, etc. ; or I- (3) 300 to 600 lb. di.ssolved rock. f(l) 60 to 120 11). muriate; or Pota.sh 6 30 to 60 (2) 60 to 120 11). sulfate; or (3) 2.")0 to 500 11). kainit ; or i (4) 600 to 1200 lb. wocd-ashes. For sweet corn, somewhat larger amounts of nitrogen may be applied. FORMULAS FOR DIFFERENT CROPS 6\i Cucumbers Per Pounds • FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre r (1) 180 to 360 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . . . 4 30 to 60 1 (2) 150 to 300 lb. sulfate of ammonia; 1 or (3) 300 to 600 lb. dried blood ; or r (4) 6000 to 12,000 lb. stable manure. Available phos- phoric acid . 6 50 to 100 (1) 500 to 1000 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 350 to 700 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 130 to 260 lb. muriate ; or Potash . . . 8 65 to 130 J (2) 130 to 260 lb. sulfate ; or 1 (3) 500 to 1000 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 1300 to 26,000 lb. wood-ashes. Currants Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre (1) 60 to 120 lb. nitrate of soda; or (2) 50 to 100 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 100 to 200 lb. dried blood ; or Nitrogen . . . 2 10 to 20 Available phos- phoric acid . I (4) 2000 to 4000 lb. stable manure. 5 25 to 50 f (1) 250 to 500 lb. bone-meal ; or \ (2) 175 to 350 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or i (3) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 80 to 160 lb. muriate ; or Potash. . . . 8 40 to 80 (2) 80 to 160 lb. sulfate; or (3) 320 to 640 lb. kainit ; or I (4) 800 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. Egg-Plant Nitrogen . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash . Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 40 to 80 50 to 100 90 to 180 Pounds of Different Materials FOR One Acre f (1) 240 to 480 lb. nitrate of soda ; or I (2) 200 to 400 lb. sulfate of ammonia (3) 400 to 800 lb. dried blood ; or [ (4) 8000 to 16,000 lb. stable manure. f (1) 500 to 1000 lb. bone-meal ; or i (2) 350 to 700 lb. dissolved bone, etc : I (3) 400 to 800 lb. dissolved rock. f (1) 180 to 360 lb. muriate ; or I (2) 180 to 360 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 700 to 1400 lb. kainit ; or I (4) 1800 to 3600 lb. wood-ashes. 70 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS : AND LIME Flax Nitrogen Available phos- phoric acid Potash . . Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 10 to 20 25 to 50 30 to 60 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) fiO to 120 11). nitrate of soda; or (2) 50 to 100 II). sulfate of ammonia; or (3) 100 to 200 II). dried blood; or (4) 2000 to 4000 11). stable manure. (1) 250 to 500 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 175 to 350 lb. dissolved bone or bone- black ; or (3) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 60 to 120 lb. muriate; or (2) 60 to 1201b. sulfate; or (3) 250 to 500 lb. kainit ; or (4) 600 to 1200 lb. wood-ashes. Gooseberries Same as currants. Grapes Nitrogen Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent 11 Pounds FOR One Acre 8 to 16 30 to 60 45 to 90 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 50 to 100 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 40 to 80 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 80 to 100 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 1600 to 3200 lb. stable manure. (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone, et( or [ (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 90 to 180 lb. muriate ; or (2) 90 to 180 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 350 to 700 lb. kainit; or (4) 900 to 1800 lb. wood-ashes. Grass for Pastures Nitrogen . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 2 15 to 30 8 30 to 60 10 40 to 80 1 1 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 90 to 180 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 150 to 300 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 3000 to 6000 II). stable manure, f (1) 300t()C)00ll). bone-meal; or •I (2) 200 to 400 II). di.ssolved bone, etc. ; or ( (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. f (1) SO to 16011). muriate; or J (2) SO to 1601b. sulfate; or , (3) 275 to 550 lb. kainit; or I (4) 800 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. FORMULAS FOR DIFFERENT CROPS 71 Grass for Lawns Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 20 to 4C 25 to 50 30 to 60 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 120 to 240 lb. nitrate of soda; or (2) 100 to 200 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 200 to 400 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 4000 to 8000 lb. stable manure. (1) 250 to 500 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 175 to 350 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 60 to 120 lb. muriate; or (2) 60 to 120 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 250 to 500 lb. kainit ; or (4) 600 to 1200 lb. wood-ashes. As a more specific mixture, we suggest the following : 100 lb. nitrate of soda, 100 lb. bone-meal, 100 lb. acid phosphate (dissolved rock) and 100 lb. muriate of potash an acre. Grass for Meadows Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash . Per Cent Pounds for One Acre 15 to 30 30 to 60 35 to 70 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 90 to 180 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 150 to 300 lb. dried blood ; or [ (4) 3000 to 6000 lb. stable manure. ' (1) 300 to 600 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; ( (3) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 70 to 140 lb. muriate ; or (2) 70 to 140 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 275 to 550 lb. kainit ; or (4) 700 to 1400 lb. wood-ashes. Hops Nitrogen . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Pounds for Cent One Acre 20 to 40 35 to 70 100 to 200 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre r (1) 120 to 240 lb. nitrate of soda ; or I (2) 100 to 200 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or I (3) 200 to 400 lb. dried blood ; or [ (4) 4000 to 8000 lb. stable manure. f (1) 350 to 700 lb. bone-meal ; or j (2) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or [ (3) 275 to 550 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 200 to 400 lb. muriate ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 800 to 1600 lb. kainit ; or (4) 2000 to 4000 lb. wood-ashes. 72 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME Horse Radish Nitrogen Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent P0CND8 FOR One Acre 15 to 30 25 to 50 35 to 70 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre ' (1) 90 to ISO 11). nitrate of soda ; or (2) 75 to 150 II). sulfate of ammonia ; (3) ir)()t()3()()ll). (Irie(ll)lood; or [ (4) ;i(l()() to tiOOO II). stable manure. (1) 2r)()t() ')()() 11). bone-meal; or (2) 175 to 350 11). dissolved bone, etc. t (3) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 70 to 140 11). muriate; or (2) 70 to 1401b. sulfate; or (3) 275 to 550 lb. kainit ; or L (4) 700 to 1400 lb. wood-ashes. Lettuce Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 40 to 80 50 to 100 75 to 150 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 250 to 500 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 200 to 400 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 8000 to 16,000 lb. stable manure. (1) 500 to 1000 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 350 to 700 11). dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 150 to 300 lb. muriate; or (2) 150 to 300 lb. sulfate; or (3) 600 to 1200 lb. kainit ; or ; (4) 1500 to 3000 lb. wood-ashes. Millet Same as for meadow grass. MUSKMELONS Same as for cucumbers. Nursery Stock Nitrogen Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 10 to 20 25 to 50 30 to 60 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) 60 to 120 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 50 to 100 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 100 to 200 lb. dried blood; or (4) 2000 to 4000 11). stable manure. (1) 250 to 500 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 175 tf) 350 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 200 to 400 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 60 to 120 11). muriate; or (2) ()0to 120 11). sulfate; or (3) 240 to 480 lb. kainit ; or I (4) 600 to 1200 lb. wood-ashes. FORMULAS FOR DIFFERENT CROPS 73 Oats Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for Cent One Acre f (1) 75 to 150 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . . . 4 12 to 24 J (2) 60 to 120 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or 1 (3) 120 to 240 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 2500 to 5000 lb. stable manure. Available phos- f (1) 200 to 400 lb. bone-meal ; or phoric acid 6 20 to 40 \ (2) 140 to 280 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or [ (3) 160 to 320 lb. dissolved rock, f (1) 60 to 120 lb. muriate ; or Potash. . . . 9 30 to 60 J (2) 60 to 120 lb. sulfate ; or 1 (3) 250 to 500 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 600 to 1200 lb. wood-ashes. Onions Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 45 to 90 55 to 110 80 to 160 Pounds op Different Materials for One Acre (1) 270 to 540 lb. nitrate of soda ; or (2) 225 to 450 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; (3) 450 to 900 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 9000 to 18,000 lb. stable manure. (1) 550 to 1100 lb. bone-meal; or (2) 385 to 770 lb. dissolved bone, etc. (3) 450 to 900 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 160 to 320 lb. muriate ; or (2) 160 to 320 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 650 to 1300 lb. kainit ; or (4) 1600 to 3200 lb. wood-ashes. Parsnips Nitrogen . . . A vailable phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre 20 to 40 55 to 110 50 to 100 fd) \ (2) (1) 120 to 240 lb. nitrate of soda ; or ) 100 to 200 lb. sulfate of ammonia ] (3) 200 to 400 lb. dried blood ; or I (4) 4000 to 8000 lb. stable manure. ' (1) 550 to 1100 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 375 to 750 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; (3) 450 to 900 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 100 to 200 lb. muriate ; or (2) 100 to 200 lb. sulfate; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. kainit ; or (4) 1000 to 2000 lb. wood-ashes. 74 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME Peaches Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for Cent One Acre r (1) 90 to 180 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . . . 2 15 to 30 (2) 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 150 to 300 lb. dried blood; or (4) 3000 to GOOO lb. stable manure. Available phos- r (1) 400 to M)() lb. bono-nioal ; or phoric acid 5 40 to 80 \ (2) 2S()to560lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or . (3) 320 to 640 lb. dissolved rock. f (1) 110 to 220 lb. muriate; or Potash . . . 7 55 to 110 (2) 110 to 220 lb. sulfate; or (3) 450 to 900 lb. kainit ; or (4) 1 100 to 2200 lb. wood-ashes. Pears Same as for apples. Peas Same as for beans. Plums Same as for cherries. Potatoes Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for Cent One Acre r (1) 180 to 360 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . . . 4 30 to 60 (2) 150to3001b. sulfate of ammonia; or I (3) 300 to 600 lb. dried blood. Available phos- ■ (1) 400 to 800 lb. bone-meal ; or phoric acid . 6 40 to 80 \ (2) 275 to 550 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or I (3) 325 to 650 lb. di.ssolved rock, f (1) 130 to 260 lb. muriate; or Potash . . . 9 65 to 130 (2) 130 to 260 lb. sulfate ; or I (3) 520 to 1040 lb. kainit. Pumpkins Same as for cucumbers. Quinces Same as for apples. FERTILIZERS FOR SPECIAL CROPS 75 Radishes Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 15 to 30 35 to 70 45 to 90 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) (2) (3) (4) f (1) i (2) 1(3) fd) (2) (3) I (4) 90 to 180 lb. nitrate of soda ; or 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or 150 to 300 lb. dried blood; or 3000 to 6000 lb. stable manure. 350 to 700 lb. bone-meal ; or 250 to 500 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; o 280 to 560 lb. dissolved rock. 90 to 180 lb. muriate ; or 90 to 180 lb. sulfate ; or 350 to 700 lb. kainit ; or 900 to 1800 lb. wood-ashes. Raspberries Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre r (1) 75 to 150 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . . . 2 12 to 24 (2) 60 to 120 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or 1 (3) 120 to 240 lb. dried blood ; or i (4) 2400 to 4800 lb. stable manure. Available phos- (1) 400 to 800 lb. bone-meal ; or phoric acid . 7 40 to 80 \ (2) 280 to 560 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or I (3) 320 to 640 lb. dissolved rock, f (1) 120 to 240 lb. muriate ; or Potash . . . 10 60 to 120 J (2) 120 to 240 lb. sulfate ; or (3) 480 to 960 lb. kainit ; or . (4) 1200 to 2400 lb. wood-ashes. Rye Same as for oats. Sorghum Same as for corn. Spinach Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 15 to 30 55 to 110 40 to 80 Pounds of Different Materials for One Acre (1) (2) (3) (4) [ (1) (2) 1(3) fd) ! (2) (3) (4) 90 to 180 lb. nitrate of soda ; or 75 to 150 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or 150 to 300 lb. dried blood ; or 3000 to 6000 lb. stable manure. 550 to 1 100 lb. bone-meal ; or 375 to 750 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or 450 to 900 lb. dissolved rock. 80 to 160 lb. muriate; or 80 to 1601b. sulfate; or 320 to 640 lb. kainit ; or 800 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. 76 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME Squashes Same as for cucumbers. Strawberries Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre r (1) 150 to 300 lb. nitrate of soda ; or Nitrogen . 3 25 to 50 J (2) 125 to 2501b. sulfate of ammonia; or 1 (3) 250 to 500 lb. dried blood ; or I (4) 5000 to 10.000 lb. stable manure. Available pnos- r (1) 550 to 11001b. I)()ne-meal ; or phoric acid . 7 55 to 110 \ (2) 375 to 750 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or i (3) 450 to 900 lb. dissolved rock, f (1) 140 to 280 lb. muriate; or Potash . . 9 70 to 140 (2) 140 to 280 lb. sulfate ; or j (3) 550 to 1 100 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 1400 to 2800 lb. wood-ashes. Tobacco Nitrogen . . . Available phos- phoric acid Potash . . . Per Cent Pounds FOR One Acre 30 to 60 50 to 100 80 to 160 Pounds of Different Materials FOR One Acre (1) 180to3601b. nitrate of soda; or (2) 150 to 300 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or (3) 300 to 600 lb. dried blood ; or (4) 6000 to 12,000 lb. stable manure. (1) 500 to 1000 lb. bone-meal ; or (2) 350 to 700 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or (3) 400 to 800 lb. dissolved rock. (1) 160 to 320 lb. sulfate; or (2) 1600 to 3200 lb. wood-ashes. Tomatoes Pr,K Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre r (1) 150 to 300 lb. nitrate of soda; or Nitrogen . . . 4 25 to 50 1 (2) 125to2501b. sulfate of ammonia; or (3) 250 to 500 lb. dried blood ; or I (4) 5000 to 10,000 lb. stable manure. Available phos- r (1) 350 to 700 lb. bone-meal ; or phoric acid 6 35 to 70 ] (2) 250 to 500 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or [ (3) 280 to 560 lb. dissolved rock. f (1) 80 to 100 \h. muriate ; or Potash . . . 7 40 to 80 (2) 80 to 160 11). .sulfate; or (3) 320 to 640 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 800 to 1600 lb. wood-ashes. SPECIAL FERTILIZERS, -'LIME 7? Turnips Same as for beets. Watermelons Same as for cucumbers. Wheat Per Pounds FOR One Acre Pounds of Different Materials Cent FOR One Acre r (1) 75 to 150 lb. nitrate of soda ; or J (2) 60 to 120 lb. sulfate of ammonia ; or Nitrogen . . . 4 12 to 24 1 (3) 120 to 240 lb. dried blood ; or [ (4) 2400 to 4800 lb. stable manure. Available phos- r (1) 200 to 400 lb. bone-meal ; or phoric acid 7 20 to 40 \ (2) 140 to 280 lb. dissolved bone, etc. ; or I (3) 160 to 320 lb. dissolved rock, f (1) 25 to 50 lb. muriate ; or Potash . . . 4 12 to 24 J (2) 25 to 50 lb. sulfate ; or 1 (3) 100 to 200 lb. kainit ; or [ (4) 250 to 500 lb. wood-ashes. Lime for the Land Of late years the old custom of liming the land has been revived. It is now found that lime, or other alkaH, is needed to neutralize the acidity of certain soils. To determine whether a soil is acid, and therefore probably in need of lime (Wheeler). By litmus paper (to be secured at drug store). — -To half a cup of soil add water until it is like thick porridge, and then insert blue litmus paper without handling the end introduced into the soil. After an hour or two, remove and rinse only the lower end. If this end is in- tensely reddened, hming is probably desirable. The color is pinkish if much acid vegetable matter is present; but if it is not present, the color may be brick-red. By ammonia ivater. — To a tablespoonful of soil in half a glass of water add a teaspoonf ul or more of dilute ammonia water ; if the liquid 78 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME becomes intensely brown after standing for some hours, and especially if it becomes black, the probable presence of acid vegetable matter is indicated. When a soil test indicates only slight acidity, lime may not be needed for most plants. Application oj lime. On sandy soils, 500 lb. of lime to the acre may be sufficient. On soils very rich in acid organic matter, as much as 5000 to 6000 lb. may be needed. Under usual conditions, about one ton to the acre is a good dressing (20 to 40 bu., with 30 bu. perhaps the average). The legal weight per bushel of lime is 70 lb. in some states and 80 lb. in others. Some persons apply lime after plowing and mix it into the soil with the harrow ; others apply in fall and follow by spring plowing. Forms of lime (Fippin). In a pure form, the calcium equivalent in 100 lb. of lime is about a? follows (Ca is calcium ; 0, oxygen ; H, hydrogen) : — r*T/^TTT« TAi EQUIVALE>fT IN inn^» Composition to lUU LB. jQQ j^g L^j^p Ljj^^ (a) CaO, Lump lime, freshly burned lime, quirklime 71 100 (6) Ca(OH;j, Hydrated lime, water-slaked lime 54 132 (c) CaCOj, Lime carbonates, air-slaked lime, ground limestone, marl 40 180 id) CaSO^ + 2H2O, Gypsum, land plaster . . 23 310 (e) Ca3(P04)i, Lime phosphate, ground phos- 38 Pure 187 phato rork 39 25% CaCOa 181 CO CaH«(P04), + CaSO*. Acid phosphate (15% PjOr.) 23 310 ia) (CaO)4Pj06, Basic slag, Tomas phosphate powder 43 165 {h) Ashes (containing quicklime) 15 to 30 450 Strictly speaking, the lime manufacturers are concerned with only the first three fonns, but these must compete to some extent with other forms. Phosphate fertilizers may sometimes owe their benefits to their lime contents. The same result might then be secured at much less cost from lime. AGRICULTURAL LIME 79 Fineness of division of lime (Fippin). The finer the Hme (the smaller the particles) the greater its availa- bility. Considering the calcium content, first cost, freight, and fineness, it is often better to use the lump or hydrated or ground lime than the ground limestone or marl; the lump quicklime slakes into very fine particles when applied to the soil. It is impossible to attain the same degree of fineness by grinding that is attained by burning and slaking. Seventy-five per cent, at least, of the ground material should pass a 100-mesh screen. The larger the percentage of coarse material, the larger the amount necessary to get the same net effect. Considering composition and fineness as commonly found on the market, 50 lb. of lump hme is equivalent approximately to 60 lb. hydrated lime. 100 lb. air-slaked lime. 250 lb. ground limestone or marl. Classification of lime for agricultural purposes. (1) High Calcium Agreement between the Directors of the New England and New Jersey Ex- periment Stations and the Special Committee of the National Lime Manufac- turers' Association of Boston, March 3, 1909. (Must contain 93% combined oxides and hydrates and all pass a standard 100-mesh sieve. (1) Hydrate \ fMust contain not less than 90% combined oxides, hydrates, an J car- bonates, of which not over 25% shall be carbonates. Must contain 90% combined oxides and carbonates, of ^-, ^ which not more (2) Caustic \ (2) Fines \ than 10% shall be L (3) Ground carbonates, except LIME \ ing Ground, which may contain 20% I, carbonates. (Must contain 90% combined carbon- ates and pass 50- mesh sieve. (2) Land (2) Dolomitic or High Magnesium (3) Ground Limestone (4) Kiln Slaked (Not guaranteed, contains core, ashes, and refuse. 80 CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS ; AND LIME All shipments except Kiln Slaked shall be accompanied by a state- ment showing (1) proper class name and (2) guaranteed analj'sis, in which the respective percentages of calcium and magnesium oxides are given. Package shipments to show class and analysis on each package. Bulk shipments to have class and analysis statement attached either to invoice or imier side of the car. All lime to be sold by weight cwt. or ton. Analyses to be those at kiln, and guaranteed. Other tests for the need of lime (Fippin). There is no simple method for accurately determining the need of lime. The use of strips of blue litmus in the wet soil and their distinct change to a pink color in a half -hour is one common test that is indica- tive of such need. Strips of blue and red litmus paper may be placed in the bottom of a drinking glass and covered with white filter paper or blotting paper on which is placed the soil to be tested. The soil is then moistened with clear rain water until the paper becomes damp. This is a more exact test than the direct application of litmus paper to the soil. Another method of determining the presence of free bases is to put on the soil a drop of muriatic acid diluted four or five times. If there is any perceptible bubbling, or effervescence, this indicates the presence of sufficient lime. Should lime be shown in the subsoil but none in the soil, a moderate application of lime is likely to be beneficial. The best indication of the need for lime is the type of plant growth that the soil bears. The vigorous gro\\^h of lime-loving plants, such as alfalfa, clover, and the scab of potatoes, indicates the presence of sufficient lime ; while the absence or weak growth of plants of this kind, and the predominance of such plants as horse sorrel, white daisy, and redtop, indicate a need for lime. CHAPTER IV Farm Manures, and Similar Materials Animals are among the most essential agents in the maintaining of the fertihty of the land. Farm manures are of great value, not only for the plant-food they contain, but for the humus that they contribute and the organisms that they carry. Composition and Characteristics of Manures (Brooks) Cattle manure. For practical purposes, one will be sufficiently accurate in estimating well-kept barnyard (or cattle) manure to contain one-half of one per cent each of nitrogen and potash, and one-third of one per cent of phosphoric acid. On this basis, a ton of manure would contain 10 lb. each of nitrogen and potash, and 6§ lb. of phosphoric acid. A cord of well-preserved manure kept without loss of urine and without ex- posure to the weather will weigh a little more than three tons. A cord of such manure, therefore, should contain about thirty pounds of nitrogen and potash and twenty pounds of phosphoric acid. Stable or horse manure. The manure from horses is generally more valuable than that from the other larger domestic animals, excepting sheep, provided it has been well kept. It is richer in nitrogen, and usually also in phosphoric acid and potash, than the manure of either cattle or hogs. It contains relatively little water, and ferments rapidly. Experiments at the Cornell Experiment Station showed horse manure to have the following composition : water, 48.69 per cent ; nitrogen, 0.49 per cent; phosphoric acid, 0.26 per cent; potash, 0.48 per cent. Plaster was very freely used in this experiment, and this doubtless reduced the percentages, so that the figures are undoubtedly below the average. G 81 82 FARM MANURES, AND SIMILAR MATERIALS Sheep manure. Sheep manure is generally accumulated under the animals with sufficient litter to keep the latter dry and clean. Under these condi- tions, there is commonly no appreciable loss either of urine or of am- monia because of excessive fermentation. The amount of urine voided by sheep is relatively small, and the elements of value in shoej) manure ordinarily suffer less loss than is common in the case of other kinds of farm manure. When sheep manure is finally removed from the pens and put into loose piles, as is often the case, in order that it may be worked into suitable mechanical condition to spread, it very rapidly undergoes decomposition, and heats quickly. It is then likely to lose a part of its nitrogen in the form of ammonia. To prevent this, it is well to scatter kainit or land-plaster as the pile is built up. The aver- age of four analyses of sheep manure made at the Massachusetts Experiment Station showed it to contain : water, .2922 per cent ; nitrogen, 1.44 per cent; phosphoric acid, .92 per cent; potash, 1.17 per cent. Sheep manure is now sometimes collected, dried, and ground, and put on the market as sheep guano. In this form it is a concentrated manure, especially valuable for dressing lawns, for use in hothouses, and like purposes. Hog manure. The manure made from swine undoubtedly varies more widely than that from the other domestic animals, because of the wider varia- tions in the nature of their food and the conditions under which they are kept. The excrements of swine on most farms are not kept by themselves but are mixed with other manures, and this in general would seem to be the better system of management. Hog manure, if kept by itself, is relatively watery, and is usually poor in nitrogen and rich in phosphoric acid. It decomposes slowly, and must be ranked as a cold manure. Comparison of Manure from Different Animals (Brooks) Having made separate statements on the qualities and character- istics of the manure from cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, we may now compare these manures in tabular form : — CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MANURES 83 Composition of fresh excrement of farm quadrupeds. One thousand pounds of fresh dung contain : — Water Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Alkalies Horse Cow Swine Sheep 760 840 800 580 5.0 3.0 6.0 7.5 3.5 2.5 4.5 6.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 3.0 One thousand pounds of fresh urine contain : Water Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Alkalies Horse 890 12.0 0.0 15.0 Cow 920 8.0 0.0 14.0 Swine 975 3.0 1.25 2.0 Sheep 865 14.0 0.5 20.0 The potash of both the dung and the urine is included with Hme, magnesia, and other elements, to make up the so-called " alkalies." Composition of drainage liquors. One thousand pounds contain : — Water Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Potash Drainage from gutter behind milch cows . Drainage from manure heap 932 820 9.8 15.0 2.4 1.0 8.8 49.0 The figures presented in this last table are based on analyses made at the Hatch Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. It will be noticed that these liquors are richer both in nitrogen and in potash than the average of farm manures. 84 FARM MANURES, AND SIMILAR MATERIALS Composition of litter. One ton contains in pounds Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Potash Wheat straw . , Rye straw . . Oat straw . . , Barley straw . Pea straw . . Soy bean straw Buckwheat straw Millet straw . Marsh hay . . Ferns ... Leaves ... 9.6 11.2 14.4 11.4 20.8 14.0 13.0 14.0 17.2 00.0 15.0 4.4 5.1 3.6 5.0 7.0 5.0 7.1 3.6 10.6 7.4 3.2 16.4 18.1 23.0 23.5 19.8 22.0 24.2 34.0 54.0 37.2 6.0 Poultry manures. Poultry manures are richer than the other farm manures when well preserved. There are two principal reasons for this: First, the food is richer, as a rule ; and second, the excretion corresponding to the urine of the larger domestic animals is semi-solid, voided with the dung, and not subject to direct loss. Poultry manures as a rule are rich in nitro- gen and phosphoric acid, because the foods given the fowls are rich in these elements. These manures are relatively poor in potash, al- though they may contain a larger percentage of this element than do the other farm manures. The composition is subject to wide variation. The table shows the results of analyses : — Water Nitro- gen Phosphoric Acid Potash Hon manure, fresh, according to Storer . . Hen manure, fresh, analysis by Goessmann Hen manure, dry, average two analyses, Goessmann Per cent 56.00 52.35 8.35 56.60 77.10 52.00 Per cent 1.60 0.99 2.13 1.00 0.55 1.75 Per cent 1.50-2.00 0.74 2.02 1.40 0.54 1.75-2.00 Per cent 0.80-0.90 0.25 994 Duck manure, fresh, according to Storer . Goose manure, fresh, according to Storer . Pigeon manure, according to Storer . . . 0.62 0.95 1.0-1.25 HOW TO USE MANURES 85 Poultry manure ferments very quickly, and, as frequently handled, loses much of its nitrogen in the form of compounds of ammonia, which are rapidly formed and which escape into the air unless means to pre- vent are taken. The mixture of poultry manures with such materials as land-plaster, kainit, acid phosphate, or superphosphate plaster is almost imperative for satisfactory preservation. Often dry earth or powdered dry muck or dry sawdust are also excellent materials to mix with it. If kainit alone is used, poultry manure remains very moist, and will be found difficult of application. As a result of experiments in the Massachusetts Experiment Station, it is concluded that the annual excreta collected beneath the roosts per adult barnyard fowl will amount to about 30 to 45 lb., according to the breed. Utilization of Manures Rate of production (Roberts and Brooks). Extended investigations at the Cornell Experiment Station showed that the following amounts of excrements were produced daily for each 1000 lb. of live weight of animal : — Lb. Sheep 34.1 Calves 67.8 Pigs 83.6 Cows 74.1 Horses 48.8 Fowls 39.8 Total excrements 348.2 Total manure 388.0 If straw bedding be added, which is nearly or quite equal to ex- crements in potential manurial value, it will be seen how large a quantity of manure is produced from 6000 lb. of mixed live-stock. A dairy of twenty 1000-lb. cows comfortably fed would produce, in the six winter months, 133^ tons of excrement, or 146| tons of manure. Animals fed a highly nitrogenous ration, say 1:4 (as were the pigs in the above mvestigation), consume large quantities of water, and hence produce large quantities of excrements, especially liquid, the weight of which usually exceeds the weight of food consumed ; while those fed on a wide ration, say 1 : 9, consume comparatively little water, and hence produce less weight of excrements. The experienced farmer will know from the results of earlier years 86 FARM MANURES, AND SIMILAR MATERIALS about the quantity of manure that will be made from a given number oi animak For a beginner, some rule whereby the amount to be made can be estimated with reasonable accuracy will be useful. As the result of careful experiments, German investigators give the following rules to determine the quantity of manure that will be made : Multiply the dry matter in the food consumed by the different classes of farm animals by the following factors : for the horse, by 2.1 ; for the cow, by 3.S ; for the sheep, by 1.8. To the product, in any case, add the weight of the bedding used. The horse of average size consumes daily about 24 lb. of dry matter, and makes, therefore, 2.1 times 24 lb., or 50 lb., of manure daily. The cow of average size consumes daily about 25 lb. of dry matter, and makes 3.8 times 25 lb., or 95 lb., of manure daily. A 125-lb. sheep consumes about 3 lb. of dry matter daily, and makes 1.8 times 3 lb., or 5.4 lb., of manure daily. Use of manures. A thousand pounds of wheat, I63 bu., and 2000 lb. of straw (an average crop per acre) require 27 lb. of nitrogen, 12.4 lb. of phosphoric acid, 17.9 lb. of potash. Ten tons of fresh unrotted manure from horses and cattle fed a moderate grain ration contain 136 lb. of nitrogen, 44 lb. of phosphoric acid, 120 lb. of potash. In farm practice it is esti- mated that the first crop grown after manuring may utilize, under favorable conditions, one-half of the plant-food contained in the manure applied. The plant-food available in ten tons of good fresh manure is : nitrogen 68 lb., phosphoric acid, 22 lb., potash, 60 lb. Thirty bushels of wheat and 2600 lb. of straw require, approximately, 46 lb. of nitrO' gen, 21 lb. of phosphoric acid, and 27 lb. of potash {Roberts). Manures are frequently wasted by being applied too liberally. It is not economical, except for special crops or special conditions, to apply as much as thirty to forty two-horse loads or tons per acre at one time. For usual farm purposes, ten to twenty tons, or ten to twenty two-horse loads, is a liberal application per acre. It is best to apply it as it is made, if the land is not in a growing crop. The manure should be spread directly from the wagon, or a manure-spreader be used. Commercial value (Roberts). The value of manure in the fallowing tables is determined by in- vestigation during the winter months, and the nitrogen, phosphoric VALUE OF MANURES 87 acid, and potash are computed at 15, 6, and 4i cents per pound, re- spectively (see prices, p. 47). The indirect benefits of manures may be considered an equal offset for the slightly less availability of their plant-food constituents as compared with fertilizers : — • Kind of Manure Value per Ton Sheep $2.30 Calves 2.17 Pigs 2.29 Cows 2.02 Horses 2.21 Limited amounts of bedding were used in the tests "rom which the above figures were made. The plant-food in straw is not so quickly available as it is in the excrement of animals. The following table exhibits the value of manure from different animals of average or aggregate weight of 1000 pounds : — Kind of Animals Value per Year Fowls S51.10 Sheep 26.09 Calves 24.45 Pigs 60.88 Cows 29.27 Horses 27.74 Manurial value of a ton of the usual bedding material computed as above : — Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Potash Total Barley straw Oats Rye Wheat $1.65 1.38 1.47 1.44 $0.34 0.33 0.30 0.26 $1.74 1.59 0.77 0.57 $3.73 3.30 2.54 2.27 Losses by leaching (Roberts). Manures exposed at Ithaca in loose heaps of two to ten tons for six months showed loss of values as follows : — p^^ ^^^^ 1889 horse manure 42 1890 horse manure 62 1890 cow manure 30 1889 mixed manure (compacted) 9 In other cases, when small quantities of gypsum were mixed with the manure, the losses were notably diminished. 88 FARM MANURES, AND SIMILAR MATERIALS Further Analyses of Animal Excrements Common barnyard manure, fresh Water 710.0 Organic substance Ash Nitrogen Potash Soda no.o Lime . . 5.7 »40.0 Magnesia . . 1.4 44.1 Phosphoric acid . . . . . . 2.1 4.5 Sulfuric acid . . 1.2 5.2 Silica and sand . . . . . . 12.5 1.5 Chlorine and fluorine . . . 1.5 Common barnyard manure, moderately rotted Water 750.0 Organic substance 192.0 Ash 58.0 Nitrogen 5.0 Potash 6.3 Soda 1.9 Lime 7.0 Magnesia 1.8 Phosphoric acid 2.6 Sulfuric acid 1.6 Silica and sand 16.8 Chlorine and fluorine .... 1.9 Common barnyard manure, thoroughly rotted Water . . . Organic substance Ash .... Nitrogen . . . Potash . . . Soda .... 790.0 Lime 8.8 145.0 Magnesia 1.8 65.0 Phosphoric acid 3.0 5.8 Sulfuric acid 1.3 5.0 Silica and sand 17.0 1,3 Chlorine and fluorine .... 1.6 Cattle-feces, fresh Water . . . Organic substance Ash .... Nitrogen . . . Potash ... Soda .... 838.0 Lime . . . 145.0 Magnesia . . 17.3 Phosphoric acid 2.9 Sulfuric acid . 1.0 Silica and sand 0.2 Chlorine and fluorine 3.4 1.3 1.7 0.3 7.2 0.2 Cattle-urine, fresh Water 938.0 Organic substance Ash .... Nitrogen . . . Potash. . . . Soda .... 35.0 27.4 5.8 4.9 6.4 Lime. 0.1 Magnesia 0.4 Sulfuric acid 1.3 Silica and sand 0.3 Chlorine and fluorine .... 3.8 Water . . . Organic substance Ash .... Nitrogen . . . Potash . . . Soda .... Horse-feces, fresh 757.0 Lime 1.5 211.0 Magnesia 1.2 31.6 Phosphoric acid 3.5 4.4 Sulfuric acid 0.6 3.5 Silica and sand 19.6 0.6 Chlorine and fluorine .... 0.2 ANALYSES OF MANURES 89 Horse-urine, fresh Water 901.0 Organic substance . . . . 71.0 Ash 28.0 Nitrogen 15.5 Potash 15.0 Soda 2.5 Lime . . 4.5 Magnesia . . 2.4 Sulfuric acid . . 0.6 Silica and sand .... . . 0.8 Chlorine and fluorine . . . . 1.5 Water . . . Organic substance Ash .... Nitrogen . Potash . . . Soda .... Sheep-feces, fresh 655.0 Lime 4.6 314.0 Magnesia 1.5 31.1 Phosphoric acid , 3.1 5.5 Sulfuric acid 1.4 1.5 Silica and sand 17.5 1.0 Chlorine and fluorine .... 0.3 Sheep-urine, fresh Water 872.0 Organic substance Ash Nitrogen Potash Soda ?72.0 Lime . . 1.6 83.0 Magnesia . . 3.4 45.2 Phosphoric acid . . . . . . 0.1 19.5 Sulfuric acid . . 3.0 22.6 Silica and sand . . . . . . 0.1 5.4 Chlorine and fluorine . . . . 5.5 Swine-feces, fresh Water 820.0 Organic substance . . . Ash Nitrogen Potash Soda 820.0 Lime . . 0.9 150.0 Magnesia . . 1.0 30.0 Phosphoric acid .... . . 4.1 6.0 Sulfuric acid . . 0.4 2.6 Silica and sand .... . . 15.0 2.5 Chlorine and fluorine . . . . 0.3 Swine-urine, fresh Water . 967.0 . 28.0 15 Soda . . 2.1 Organic substance . . . Magnesia Phosphoric acid .... Siilfiin'o nniH . . 0.8 . . 0.7 Nitrogen Potash 4.3 8.3 . . 0.8 Chlorine and fluorine . . . - 2.3 Peruvian guano Moisture at 100° C. . . , Total phosphoric acid Soluble phosphoric acid Reverted phosphoric acid . Insoluble phosphoric acid . "Potassium oxide .... . 12.17 . 18.45 1.54 . 5.92 . 10.99 . 3.46 Total nitrogen .... Actual ammonia . . . Organic nitrogen . . . Nitrogen as nitric acid . Insoluble matter . . . . . 5.13 . . 3.94 . . 0.86 . . 0.33 . . 13.64 90 FJR.\f yfANURES, AND SUflLAR MATERIALS Water . . . Organic substance Ash .... Nitrogen . Potash . . . Soda .... Human feces, fresh 772.0 Lime 198.0 Magnesia .... 29.9 Phosphoric acid . . 10.0 Sulfuric acid . 2.5 Silica and sand . 1.6 Chlorine and riuorine 6.2 3.6 10.9 0.8 1.9 0.4 Human urine, fresh Water . . 963.0 Organic substance . . 24.0 Ash . . 13.5 Nitrogen . . 6.0 Potash . . 2.0 Soda . . 4.6 Lime ^L^gnosia .... Phosphoric acid . . Sulfuric acid . Chlorine and fluorine 0.2 0.2 1.7 0.4 5.0 Sewage (Samuel Rideal) 1000 tons of London crude sewage Lb. Ammonia 219 Phosphoric acid (soluble) 28 Phosphoric acid (in.soluble) 24 Potash 51 Analyses of Fruit and Garden Products, with Reference to their Ferti- lizing Constituents (Wolff and Goessmaiin) One thousand parts of the plants contain in pounds: — Name Corn, kernels . . . stalk and leaves . Potato, tubers . . . vines . . . . Peas, seed . . . . vines . . . . Beans, seed . , . . vines . . . . Carrots, roots . . . leaves . . . . Sugar beet, roots . . leaves . . . . White turnip, roots . leaves . . . . Swedish turnip, roots leaves . . . . White cabbage, head roots . . . . Water 144 150 750 770 143 160 150 160 850 822 815 897 920 898 870 884 900 890 Nitro- gen 16.0 4.8 3.4 4.9 35.8 10.4 39.0 2.2 5.1 1.6 3.0 1.8 3.0 2.1 3.4 3.0 2.4 Ash 12.4 45.3 9.5 19.7 23.4 43.1 27.4 40.2 8.2 23.9 7.1 15.3 6.4 11.9 7.5 19.5 9.6 15.6 Potash 3.7 16.4 5.8 4.3 10.1 9.9 12.0 12.8 3.0 2.9 3.8 4.0 2.9 2.8 3.5 2.8 4.3 5.8 Lime 0.3 4.9 0.3 6.4 1.1 15.9 1.5 11.1 0.9 7.9 0.4 3.1 0.7 3.9 0.9 6.5 1.2 2.8 Phos- phoric Acid 5.7 3.8 1.6 1.6 8.4 3.5 9.7 3.9 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.4 FERTILITY CONTENT OF VEGETABLES 91 Analyses of Fnxit and Garden Products — Continued Name Savoy cabbage, head Cauliflower . . . Horseradish, roots Spanish radish, roots Parsnip, roots . . Artichoke, roots . Asparagus, sprouts Common onion, bulb Celery .... Spinach .... Common lettuce . Head lettuce . . Roman lettuce . . Cucumber . Pumpkin . . . Rhubarb, roots stem and leaves Apples .... Pears Cherries .... Plums . . . . , Gooseberries . . . Strawberries . . . Grapes seeds . . . . Water Nitro- gen Ash Potash Lime 871 5.3 14.0 3.9 3.0 904 4.0 8.0 3.6 0.5 767 4.3 19.7 7.7 2.0 933 1.9 4.9 1.6 0.7 793 5.4 10.0 5.4 1.1 811 10.1 2.4 1.0 933 3.2 5.0 1.2 0.6 860 2.7 7.4 2.5 1.6 841 2.4 17.6 7.6 2.3 923 4.9 16.0 2.5 1.9 940 943 8.1 10.1 3.7 3.9 0.5 1.5 2.2 925 2.0 9.8 2.5 1.2 956 1.6 5.8 2.4 0.4 900 1.1 4.4 0.9 0.3 743.5 5.5 28.8 5.3 5.0 916.7 1.3 17.2 3.6 3.4 831 0.6 2.2 0.8 0.1 831 0.6 3.3 1.8 0.3 825 3.9 2.0 0.3 838 2.9 1.7 0.3 903 3.3 1.3 0.4 902 3.3 0.7 0.5 830 1.7 8.8 5.0 1.0 110 19.0 22.7 6.9 5.6 PHORIC Acid 2.1 1.6 2.0 0.5 1.9 1.1 0.9 1.3 2.2 1.6 0.7 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.6 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.5 1.4 7.0 For analyses of fertilizer ingredients in forage crops and feeding- stuffs, see Chap. XXII. Consult, also. Cover-crops and Catch-crops, Chap. VIII. CHAPTER V Seed-Tables The farm practice of the particular person greatly modifies the quan- tity of seed to be used to the acre, as also the purpose for which the given crop is to be grown ; but the average quantities are to be found about midway between the extremes given in these tables. Quantity of Seed Required per Acre Alfalfa (broadcast) Alfalfa (drilled) . . Artichoke, Jerusalem . Asparagus .... Barley .... Barley and peas Bean, dwarf (in drills) Bean, pole (in drills) Bean, field (small va rieties) . . . Bean, field (large va- rieties) . . . Beet Beggarweed (for forage) Beggarweed (for hay) Bent-grass . . . Berseem .... Blue-grass Brome-grass (alone for hay) Bronie-grass (alone for pasture) . . Brome-grass (in mix- ture) .... Broom-corn ... Broom-corn (for seed) Buckwheat . Bur-clover . Cabbage .... Carrots (for stock) Cassava .... Cauliflower . Celery 20-25 lb. 15-20 lb. 6-8 bu. 4 or 5 lb., or 1 oz. for 50 ft. of drill 8-10 pk. 1-2 bu. each IH bu. 10-12 qt. 2-3 pk. 5-6 pk. 4-6 lb. 5-6 lb. 8-10 lb. 1-2 bu. 1^-1 bu. 25 lb. (pure) 12-15 lb. 15-20 lb. 2-5 lb. 3 pk. Ipk. 3-5 pk. 12 1b. 3^-1 lb. 4-6 lb. By cuttings 1 oz. for 1000 plants 1 oz. for 2000 plants Chick-pea .... 30-50 lb. Chicory (and by cut- tings) ..... 1-11^ lb. Clover, alsike (alone, for forage) . . . 8-15 lb. Clover, alsike (on wheat or rye in spring) .... 4-6 lb. Clover, Egyptian or berseem .... 3^-1 bu. Clover, Japan (lespe- deza) 12 lb. Clover, mammoth . 12-15 lb. Clover, red (alone, for forage) .... 16 lb. Clover, red (on small grain in spring) . . 8-14 lb. Clover, sweet (melilo- tus) 2 pk. Clover, white . . . 10-12 lb. Clover, yellow (for seed) 3-5 lb. Clover, yellow (in mixture) .... 1 lb. Corn qt.-l bu. Corn (for silage) . . 9-11 qt. Cotton 1-3 bu. Cowpea 1-132 bu. Cowpea (in drill, with corn) 3^-1 bu. Cowpea (for seed) . 3 pk. Cress, upland (in drills) 2-3 lb. Cress, water ( in drills) 2-3 lb. Crimson clover . . 12-15 lb. Cucumber (in hills) . 2 lb. Durra. See Kafir and Milo 92 SEEDS TO THE ACRE 93 Eggplant .... 1 oz. for 1000 plants Field-pea (small va- rieties) .... 2K bu. Field-pea (large varie- ties) 3-31^ bu. Flax (for fiber) » . 13^-2 bu. Flax (for seed) 2-3 pk. Grass, for lawns . 3-5 bu. Guinea-grass Root cuttings Hemp (broadcast) 33^-4 pk. Hungarian-grass (hay) 2 pk. Hungarian-grass (seed) Ipk. Johnson-grass . 1-1 H bu. Kafir (drills) . . . 3-6 lb. Kafir (for fodder) . . 10-12 lb. Kale 2-4 lb. Kohlrabi 4-5 lb. Lespedeza .... 12 1b. Lettuce 1 oz. for 1000 plants Lupine 1^-2 bu. Mangels 5-8 lb. Meadow fescue . . 12-15 lb. Melon, musk (in hills) 2-3 lb. Melon, water (in hills) 4-5 lb. Millet, barnyard (drills) 1-2 pk. Millet, foxtail (drills) 2-3 pk. Millet, German (seed) 1 pk. Millet, Aino (drills) . 2-3 pk. Millet, pearl (for soiling) 4 1b. Millet, pearl (for hay) 8-10 lb. Millet, proso or pan- icle (drills) . . . 2-3 pk. Milo 5 1b. Mustard, broadcast . y2 bu. Oat-grass, tall . . . 30 1b. Oats 2-3 bu. Oats and peas . . . oats 2 bu., peas % bu. Onion (in drills) . . 5-6 lb. Onion seed for sets (in drills) 30 1b. Onion sets (in drills) . 6-12 bu. Orchard-grass . . . 12-15 lb. (pure) Para-grass .... Cuttings Parsnips ..... 4-8 lb. Peas, garden (in drill) 1-2 bu. Popcorn 3 1b. Potato (Irish) average 10-14 bu. Potato, cut to 1 or 2 eyes 6-9 bu. Potato, recommended by many for best fields 15-20 bu. Pumpkin .... 4 1b. Radish (in drills) . . 8-10 lb. Rape (in drills) . . . 2-4 lb. Rape (broadcast) . . 4-8 lb. Red-top (recleaned) . 12-15 lb. Rescue-grass . . . 30-40 bu. Rice 1-3 bu. Rutabaga .... 3-5 lb. Rye (early) .... 3-4 pk. Rye (late) .... 6-8 pk. Rye (forage) . . . 3-4 bu. Rye-grass .... 2-3 bu. Sage (in drills) . . . 8-10 lb. Sainfoin (shelled seed) 40 lb. Salsify (in drills) . . 8-10 lb. Sand lucerne (broad- cast) 15 lb. Serradella (alone, in drills) 40-50 lb. Sheep's fescue . . . 2^^-3 bu. Sorghum (forage, broad- cast) iy2-2 bu. Sorghum (for seed or syrup) 2-5 lb. Sorghum, saccharine (for silage or soiling, drills) eib.-Hbu. Sorghum and peas . 3-4 pk. each Soybean (drills) . . 2-3 pk. Soybean (broadcast) . 1-1% bu. Spinach (in drills) . . 10-12 lb. Spurry 6-8 qt. Spurry (for seed) . . 4 qt. Squash, bush (in hills) 4-6 lb. Squash, running (in hills) 3-4 lb. Sugar-beets .... 15-20 lb. Sugar-cane .... 4 tons of cane Sunflower .... 10-15 lb. Sweet clover . . . 2-4 pk. Sweet-potato . . . 1%^ bu. Teasel l-iy2 pk. Teosinte 1-3 lb. Timothy 15-25 lb. Timothy and clover jti-o^hvW lb. ( 1 tablespoonful Tobacco . . . . < to 100 sq. yd. to ( set out 6 acres Tomato (to transplant) V* lb. Turnip (broadcast) . 2-4 lb. Turnip (drills) ... 1-2 lb. Turnip (hybrid) . . 3-5 lb. Velvet bean .... 1-4 pk. Vetch, hairy (drilled) I ^^Vgraln Vetch, hairy (broad- | iy2 bu. -|- 1 bu. cast) ) small grain Vetch, kidney . . . 18-22 lb. Vetch, spring . . | 't^uVain- Wheat 6-9 pk. 94 SEED-TABLES Hay and Pasture Seeds Permanent meadoirn Timothy Red nlover . . . . Alsike Timothy Red-top Red clover . , . . Red-top Orchard-Rrass . . . Meadow fescue , . Red clover . . . . Tall oat-grass . Red clover .... Timothy Red clover .... Alsike Kentucky blue-grass . Red-top Orchard-grass , . . Red-top (recleaned) . Red-top (in chaff) Tall meadow oat-grass Red clover .... Alsike clover 121b.) 41b. 21b. 161b. 1 Ifi lb. > 4 lb. ) 13 lb. IS lb. 91b. 4 lb. . 281b. 8 lb. 81b. 41b. 21b. ■ 21b. 21b.. 101b. 1 51b. 121b. 121b. 81b. 4 lb. J 20-24 lb. per acre Permanent pastures: Timothy 31b. (^rchani-gra.ss . . .21b. Red-top 2 1b. 2 lb. lib. 2 1b. 4 1b. 2 lb. Slb.l 41b. I 9 1b. \ 31b. I K(>ntucky blue-grass Italian rye-grass . Meadow fescue Red clover ... White clover . . Kentucky blue-gra.ss . White clover . . , Perennial rye-grass Red fescue .... Red-top 81b. J Red-top 14 lb. ] Alsike 8 lb. ! Wet pas- Creeping bent . . . 6 lb. I" ture Perennial rye-grass . 12 lb. J Red fescue .... 20 lb. ] j • , . Red-top 101b. t'^lil Kentucky blue-grass . 8 lb. ( ^^^r^ White clover . . . 2 lb. j ^°" Timothy, red-top, Kentucky blue- grass and red clover, equal parts, 8 to 20 lb. pounds per acre of the mixture. For quantity of seed for cover-crops, see Chap. VIII. Number and weight of grass seeds, and another estimate of quantity to sow (Fraser). The following table has been adapted from "The Best Forage Plants," by Stebler and Schroeter, and from it calculations may be made. The actual number of grains in a pound will frequently vary 20 per cent either way ; for example, in recleaned fancy seed there are fewer grains to the pound, while in an uncleaned sample free from chaff, but con- taining many small seeds, the number will l)e greater. The recleaned seed weighs heavier ])er bushel. The uncleaned seed may contain a large proportion of chafT, and in such case the luimber of seeds per pound of material may be very low. The numbers given are per pound of pure seed. The percentage of germination of average snmj)les of seed is frequently but half, and even less than half, of that given in the table. The germination of the rye grasses given in the table is a little higher than ordinarily found in the United States, even witli imported seed. Low germinating power may be due to lack of uniformity in ripening the seed ; to part of the seed on a plant being mature before GRASS-SEED TABLES 95 the remainder, frequently seen in meadow foxtail of harvesting, as in Kentucky blue-grass : — or to poor methods 2 fe hi u ,, h fc. o o < a i O N 8^1 Name T TO CRE, IF i . Stan TY §26 « HO! ^» E^ >n H « « Amoun PER A ALONE QUALI 1° 1^ Pounds Pounds Pounds Awnless brome grass 137,000 30-50 75-90 13-14 72.99 Kentucky blue-grass 2,400,000 15-20 80-90 14-32 4.17 Orchard-grass .... 579,000 20-35 80-95 12-23 17.25 Perennial rye-grass 336,800 25-40 95-98 18-30 29.7 Italian rye-grass . 285,300 30-45 95-98 12-24 35.1 Meadow fescue 318,200 30-35 75-95 12-30 31.42 Sheep's fescue . 680,000 25-30 60-75 10-25 14.85 Tall oat-grass . 159,000 20-30 80-90 10-16 62.89 Meadow foxtail 907,000 20-25 60-90 6-14 11.02 Red-top . . . 6,030,000 8-16 90-95 12-40 1.65 Timothy . . . 1,170,500 10-16 95-98 45-48 8.54 Alsike clover . 707,000 10-13 95-98 60-64 14.14 Red clover . . , 279,000 10-16 95-98 60-64 35.8 White clover . , 740,000 10-12 95-98 60-64 13.51 Alfalfa. . . . • • 209,500 15-30 95-98 60-64 48.56 Examples of seed mixtures that would furnish 20,000,000 acre, and the weight of same (Fraser) No. of Seeds For hay and fall pasture. Heavy land. Brief duration. Timothy 13,400,000 Alsike 3,300,000 White clover 3,300,000 For hay and pasture. Timothy .... Kentucky blue-grass Orchard-grass . . . Alsike White clover . . . seeds -per Weight of Pure, Viable Seed. Lb. 11.44 4.66 4.46 For hay and pasture. Timothy .... Kentucky blue-grass Orchard-grass . . Meadow foxtail . . Alsike White clover . . . 20,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000 1,400,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 20.56 8.54 0.82 2.42 4.66 4.46 20,000,000 8,000,000 2,400,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 20.90 6.84 1.00 3.46 1.10 4.66 4.46 20,000,000 21.52 96 SEED^TABLES Examples of seed mixtures — Continued Heavy loam. For hay. Red clover Alsike Timothy Red-top ^A^^^^OOO^ 20,0007000 No.d Seeds 2,790,000 2,121,000 7,089,000 Weight of Pure, Viable Seed Lb. 10.00 3.00 6.06 1.32 20.38 Testing grass seed (Fraser). In testing the seed for germination power and purity it is more satis- factory to weigh out a sample of the seed, separate the chaff and inert matter, weigh it, and then proceed to make a germination test of the remainder. For example, if a sample of awnless brome grass contain 10 per cent of dirt and chaff, and 75 per cent of the pure seeds are viable, the actual germination power of the sample is 67.5 per cent, or 75X90 100 = 67.5. Number of Tree-Seeds in a Potind FRUIT TREES Apple . . Cherry pita Peach . . Pear . . Plum . . Quince . . Mulberry . About 12,000 1,000 200 15,000 600 15,000 200,000 FOREST TREES Butternut Juglans cinerea Black walnut Juglans nigra American horse-che-stnut Hickory (shollbark) American sweet chestnut iSilver-leaved maple Honey-locust lilark cherry Black ash .... American basswood Norway maple Acer platanoidos Sugar maple Acer saccharinum Barberry Berberis vulgaris Red cedar Juniperus Virginiant Rook elm Ulmus racemosa . American white ash .... Fraxinus Americana Osage orange Madura aurantiaca ^sculus glabra Carya alba Castanca vesca, var. Acer dascycarpum . Gleditschia triacanthos Prunus serotina Fraxinus sambucifolia Tilia Americana . By count 15 25 36 78 90 .?,421 2,496 4,311 5,629 6,337 7,231 7,488 8,183 8,321 8,352 9,858 10.656 FOREST AND FARM SEEDS 97 FOREST TREES — Continued By count . . Abies pectinata 12,000 Negundo aceroides 14,784 " ' ... 19,776 . . . 20,161 . . . 20,540 . . . 22,464 . . . 22,656 . . . 28,992 . . . 54,359 . . . 92,352 Silver fir Box elder Hardy catalpa Catalpa speciosa Ailanthus Ailanthus glandulosus White pine Pinus Strobus . . Scarlet maple Acer rubrum . . . Green ash Fraxinus viridis . . Black locust Robinia Pseudacacia Red elm Ulmus fulva ... American white elm .... Ulmus Americana American mountain ash . . Pyrus Americana 108,327 White birch Betula alba 500,000 Figures vary greatly in different counts, the variation probably amounting to as much as 20 per cent. It is usually estimated that white pine seeds run about 30,000 to the pound, and red cedar 20,000. Weights and Sizes of Seeds Seedsmen' s customary weights per bushel of seeds (Edgar Brown) Kind of Shed Pounds per bushel Kind of Seed Pounds per bushel Alfalfa Amber cane Bent-grass : Creeping Rhode Island .... Bermuda-grass . . . . . Bird'sfoot clover .... Bitter vetch Blue-grass : Canada Kentucky Texas Broad bean Brome, awnless Broom corn Bur clover : Hulled Unhulled Spotted Castor bean Clover : Alsike Crimson Egyptian Mammoth Red White 60 45-60 10-20 10-15 24-36 60 60 14-20 14-30 14 50-60 10-14 45-60 60 8-10 60 46-60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Cowpea Crested dog's-tail . . . Fescue : Hard Meadow Red Sheep's Tall Various leaved .... Flat pea Flax Hemp Japan clover : Hulled Unhulled Johnson-grass .... Kafir Lentil Lupine, white .... Meadow foxtail .... Meadow-grass Fowl Rough-stalked . . . Wood Millet : Barnyard Broom corn .... 56-60 14-30 12-16 14-24 12-15 12-16 14-24 14-18 50-60 48-56 40-60 60 18-25 14-28 50-60 60 50-60 7-14 11-14 14-20 14-24 30-60 45-60 98 SEED-TABLES Weights and Sizes of Seeds — Continued Kind op Seed Pounda per bushel Kind of Seed Pound3 per bushel Millet — contiiiUeH Common .... German Golden Wonder 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-56 50-60 10-14 7-14 45-60 10-18 60 60 56 20-30 50-60 10-14 25-40 12-28 43^5 Rye-grass : English Italian Sainfoin 10-30 14-25 14-3? Hungarian . .... Pearl Milo Oat-grass : Tall Yellow Orange cane Orchard-grass Pea: Field Garden, smooth .... Garden, wrinkled . . . Peanut Rape, winter Red-top : Chaff Fancy Rescue-grass Rice Serradeila Soybean SpBlt Sunflower 28-3 c 58-60 40-60 24-50 Sweet clover : Hulled Unhulled Sweet corn (according to variety) Sweet vernal, perennial . Teosinte Timothy Velvet bean Vetch : Hairy Spring Water-grass, large . Wild rice Yellow trefoil .... 60 33 36-56 6-15 40-60 45 60 50-60 60 14 15-28 60 For legal weights of seeds, grains, fruits, and other products, see Chap. XXVII. Weight and size of garden seeds (adapted from Vilmorin's tables) Weight of a qt. of seeds in oz. Number of seeds in 1 grain Angelica Anise Asparagus bean (Dolichos sesquipedalis) Balm Basil Bean Beet Borage Borecole Broccoli Cabbage Caper Caraway ... Cardoon Carrot with the spines .... Carrot without the spines .... 5.827 11.65 29.91 21.36 20.59 24.27 to 33.02 9.71 18.65 27.19 27.19 27.19 17.87 16.31 24.47 9.32 13.98 11.02 12.96 32.40 to 42.12 in 100 gr. 129.60 51.84 4.86 to 51.84 in 100 gr. 3.24 4.21 19.44 24.30 19.44 10.37 22.68 1.62 45.36 61.56 GARDEN SEEDS 99 Weight and size of garden seeds — Continued Catmint Cauliflower Celery Chervil Chervil sweet-scented Chervil turnip-rooted Chicory Chick-pea Coriander Corn salad Cress, American Dress, common garden Cress, meadow (cuckoo-flower) Cress, Para Cress, water Cucumber, common ....;. Cucumber, globe Cucumber, prickly-fruited gherkin . Cucumber, snake (Cucumis flexuosus) Dandelion iJill Egg-plant Endive Fennel, common or wild Fennel, sweet Gumbo, see Okra. Good King Henry Gourds, fancy Hop Horehound Hyssop Kohlrabi Leek Lettuce Lovage Maize, or Indian corn Marjoram, sweet Marjoram, winter Martynia Muskmelon Mustard, black or brown . . . . Mustard, Chinese cabbage-leaved . Mustard, white, or salad . , . . Nasturtium, tall Nasturtium, dwarf Okra Onion Orach Parsnip Parsley Pea Pea, gray or field Weight of a qt. of seeds in oz. 26.42 27.19 18.65 14.76 9.71 20.98 15.54 30.30 12.43 10.88 20.98 28.36 22.53 7.78 22.53 19.42 19.42 21.36 17.48 10.49 11.65 19.42 13.20 17.48 9.13 24.28 17.48 9.71 26.42 22.34 27.19 21.37 16.70 7.78 24.86 21.37 26.22 11.26 13.98 26.22 25.64 29.13 13.20 23.30 24.08 19.42 5.44 7.78 19.42 27.19 to 31.08 26.41 to 31.08 Number of seeds in 1 grain 77.76 24.30 162.00 29.16 2.59 29.16 45.36 1.94 in 10 gr. 5.83 64.80 61.56 29.16 97.20 220.32 259.20 2.27 6.48 8.42 2.59 77.76 to 97.20 58.32 16.20 38.88 20.09 8.10 27.86 1.29 12.96 64.80 55.08 19.44 25.92 51.84 19.44 2.59 to 3.24 in 10 gr. 259.20 777.60 1.29 2.27 45.36 42.12 12.96 4.54 to 5.18 in 10 gr. 9.7 in 10 gr. 9.7 to 11.66 in 10 gr. 16.20 16.20 14.25 22.67 1.29 to 3.56 in 10 gr. 3.24 to 5.18 in 10 gr. 100 SEED-TABLES Weight and size of garden seeds — Continued Peanut Pepper Pumpkin Purslane Radish Rampion Rhubarb Rocket Salad Rosemary Rue Sage Salsify Savory, summer .... Savory, winter Scorzonera Scurvy-grass Sea-kale Spinach, prickly-seeded . . Spinach, round-seeded . . Spinach, New Zealand Strawberry Strawberry blite (Blitum) . Strawberry tomato (Physalis) Sweet Cicely Tansy Thyme Tomato Turnip Valerian, African .... Watermelon Wax gourd Welsh onion, common . . Welsh onion, early white . Wormwood Weight of a qt. of seed in oz. Number of seeds in 1 grain 15.54 1.29 to 1.94 in 10 gr. 17.48 9.72 9.71 1.94 in 10 gr. 23.70 162.00 27.19 7.77 31.08 1620.00 3.10 to 4.66 3.24 29.13 35.64 15.54 58.32 22.53 32.40 21.37 16.20 8.93 6.48 19.42 97.20 16.70 162.00 10.09 5.83 23.30 97.20 to 116.64 8.16 9.72 to 11.66 in 10 gr. 14.57 5.83 19.81 7.13 8.74 6.48 to 7.77 in 10 gr. 23.30 51.84 to 162.00 31.08 324.00 25.25 64.80 9.71 2.59 11.65 453.60 26.41 388.80 11.65 19.44 to 25.92 26.03 29.16 4.27 16.20 17.87 3.24 to 3.88 in 10 gr. 11.65 1.36 18.65 19.44 22.92 32.40 25.25 745.20 Figures of Germination and Purity Seed testing. The testing of seeds is of two purposes, — to determine whether the sample is adulterated, and to determine the viability or germi- nating power. Adulteration or impurity is discovered by examining the sample under a lens. Viability is determined by sprouting the seeds under favorable conditions. Mix the sample well, and choose 100 seeds as they come, eliminating only the foreign seeds. Place them between folds of moist Canton flannel, and keep moist (not soaking wet) by covering GERMINATION TABLES 101 with a plate. Keep at living-room temperature. As rapidly as the seeds sprout, remove them. See that the seeds do not touch each other, or mold may spread. High average 'percentage of purity and of germination of high-grade seed (Duvel) Seed Purity Per Cent Germina- tion Per Cent Seed Purity Per Cent Germina- tion Per Cent Alfalfa . . . 99 95 Millet, hog . . 99 90 Asparagus . . 99 85 Millet, pearl 99 90 Barley . . . 99 98 Mustard . . 99 95 Beans .... 99 98 Oats . . . . 99 96 Beet, garden 99 150 1 Okra . . . . 99 80 Beggar weed . 99 90 Onion . . 99 96 Bermuda-grass . 98 90 Orchard-gra 3S . 95 90 Blue-grass, Can- Parsley . . . 99 80 ada .... 95 85 Parsnip . . . 98 85 Blue-grass, Ken- Peas . . . . 99 98 tucky . . . 95 85 Pumpkin . . 99 96 Brome, awnless . 90 90 Radish . . . 99 97 Buckwheat . . 99 96 Rape . . . . 99 96 Cabbage . . . 99 95 Red-top . . . 96 90 Caraway . . . 98 90 Rice . . . . 99 95 Carrot .... 98 85 Rye . . . . 99 96 Cauliflower . . 99 85 Rye-grass, I tal- Celery .... 98 85 ian . . . . 98 90 Clover, alsike . 98 95 Rye-grass, E ng- Clover, crimson . 98 97 Ush . . 98 90 Clover, red . 98 95 Salsify . . . 98 85 Clover, sweet 98 90 Sainfoin . . . 99 95 Clover, white 96 90 Sorghum . . . 98 95 CoUard . . . 99 95 Soybean . . . 99 95 Corn, field 99 99 Spinach . . . 99 90 Corn, sweet . . 99 94 Spurry . . . 99 90 Cotton . . . 99 90 Squash . . . 99 96 Cowpea . . . 99 95 Sugar-beet Cress .... 99 90 (large ball s) . 99 175 1 Cucumber . . 99 96 Sugar-beet Eggplant . . . 99 90 (small bal s) . 99 1501 Endive . . . 99 85 Sunflower 99 90 Fescue, meadow 98 90 Sweet-pea 99 90 Fescue, sheep's . 96 85 Teosinte . 99 90 Flax .... 99 95 Timothy 99 96 Hemp .... 99 90 Tomato . 99 94 Kafir corn 99 97 Tobacco . 99 90 Kale .... 99 95 Turnip . 99 98 Lettuce . . . 99 98 Velvet bean 99 90 Melon, musk 99 96 Velvet gr ass Melon, water . 99 96 (hulled) 97 85 Millet, common 99 90 Vetch . 99 93 Wheat . 99 98 1 Each beet fruit, or "ball," is likely to contain two to seven seeds. The numbers given in the table represent the number of sprouts from one hundred balls. 102 SEED-TABLES Average time required for garden seeds to germinate D\Y8 Bean 5-10 Beet 7-10 Cabbage 5-10 Carrot 12-18 Cauliflower 5-10 Celery 10-20 Corn 5 -S Cucumber 6-10 Endive 5-10 Days Lettuce 6-8 Onion 7-10 Pea 6-10 Parsnip 10-20 Pepper 9-14 Radish 3-6 Salsify 7-12 Tomato 6-12 Turnip 4-8 Longevity of Seeds Vilmorins tables Angelica Anise Asparagus bean {Dolichos sesquipedalis) Balm Barley Basil Bean Beet Borage Borecole Broccoli Buckwheat Cabbage Caraway Cardoon Carrot, with the spines Carrot, without the spines Catmint Cauliflower Celery Chervil Chervil, sweet-scented Chervil, turnip-rooted Chicory Chick-pea Clover Coriander Corn-salad, common Cress, American Cress, common garden Cress, meadow (cuckoo-flower) . . . Cress, Para Cress, water Cucumber, common Cucumber, globe Average Extreme Years Years 1 or 2 3 3 5 3 8 4 7 3 — 8 10 + 3 8 6 10 + 8 10 + 5 10 5 10 2 — 5 10 3 4 7 9 4 or 5 10 + 4 or 5 10 + 5 6 + 5 10 8 10 + 2 or 3. 6 1 1 1 1 8 10 + 3 8 3 — 6 8 5 10 3 5 5 9 4 (?) 5 7 + 5 9 + 10 10 + 6 (?) LIFE OF SEEDS Longevity of Seeds — Continued 103 Cucumber, prickly-fruited gherkin . Cucumber, snake (Cucumis flexuosus) Dandelion Dill Egg-plant Endive Fennel, common or wild .... Fennel, sweet Flax Gumbo, see Okra. Good King Henry Gourds, fancy Hop Horehound Hyssop Kohlrabi Leek Lentil Lettuce, common Lovage Maize, or Indian corn Marjoram, sweet Marjoram, winter Martynia Millet Muskmelon Mustard, black or brown .... Mustard, Chinese cabbage-leaved Mustard, white or salad Nasturtium, tall Nasturtium, dwarf Oats Okra Onion Orach Orchard-grass Parsnip Parsley Pea, garden Pea, gray or field Peanut Pepper Pumpkin Purslane Radish Rampion Rape Rhubarb Rocket salad Rosemary Rue Average Extreme Years Years 6 7 + 7 or 8 10 + 2 5 3 5 6 10 10 10 + 4 7 4 7 2 3 5 6 10 + 2 4 3 6 3 5 5 10 3 9 4 9 5 9 3 4 2 4 3 7 5 7 1 or 2 (?) 2 — 5 10 + 4 9 4 8 4 10 + 5 5 5 8 3 — 5 10 + 2 7 6 7 2 — 2 4 3 9 3 8 3 8 1 1 4 7 4 or 5 9 7 10 5 10 + 5 10 + 5 3 8 4 9 4 (?) 2 5 104 SEED-TABLES Longevity of Seeds — Continued Rye Sage Salsify Savory, summer .... Savory, winter Scorzonera Scurvy-grass Sea-kale Soybean Spinach, prickly-seeded . . Spinach, round-seeded Spinach, New Zealand . . Squash, bush-scallop . Strawberry Strawberry, tomato (Physalis) Sweet Cicely Tansv Thyme Timothy Tomato Turnip Valerian, African .... Watermelon Wax gourd Welsh onion, common . . Welsh onion, early white Wheat W'ormwood Haberlandt's figures of longevity (Quoted in Johnson's " How Crops Grow ") Percentage of Seeds that germinated in 1861 FROM THE Years 1850 1851 1854 1855 1857 1858 1859 1860 Barley . . . 24 48 33 92 97 Maize . not tried 76 56 not tried 77 100 96 Oats .... 60 56 48 72 32 80 100 Rve .... 48 96 Wheat . . . 8 4 73 60 84 89 Vitality of seeds buried in soil (W. J. Beal). In the fall of 1879, fifty fresh seeds of each of twenty-one kinds of plants (mostly weeds) were mixed with moderately moist sand and placed in uncorked bottles that were buried twenty inches below the surface, with the mouths slanting downward. Acorns were buried near the bottles. Six tests have been made of these seeds. The crosses (-h) indicate germinations : — LIFE OF SEEDS 105 Names of Seeds tested as 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th KNOWN IN 1879 Year Yeak Year Year Year Year Amarantus retroflexus . . . + + + + + + Ambrosia artemisiaefolia Brassica nigra ? + + + + + Bromus secalinus 6 Capsella Bursa-pastoris + ? + + + + Erechtites hieracifolia. 6 Euphorbia maculata . Lepidium Virginicum . 4- + + + + + Lychnis Githago. . . Maruta Cotula . . . + + + + Malva rotundifolia + + (Enothera biennis . . + + + + + + Plantago major . . . + Polygonum Hydropiper + + + + possibly Portulaca oleracea . . + + + + Quercus rubra . . . Rumex cripsus . . . + ? + + + + Setaria glauca . . . + + + + + Stellaria media . . . + + + + + + Thuja occidentalis . . Trifolium repens Verbascum Thapsus + ? + + In all of the six tests, eight species out of twenty-two failed to germi- nate; and of the remaining fourteen species, seeds of eight, possibly nine, germinated often when they had been buried thirty years. The acorns (Qiwrciis rubra) buried near the bottles of seeds were all dead at the end of two years. Average Yields of Garden Seed-Crops When Crop is as good AS 20 Bu. OF Wheat PER Acre would be When Crop is very heavy Bean Pea ... . Squash, summer Squash, winter Sweet corn Cucumber . . Muskmelon . Watermelon . Tomato . . Cabbage . . lbs. of seed per acre 600 900 100 100 1000 to 2500 (according to variety) 150 125 150 100 250 lbs. of seed per acre 1500 2500 700 400 2500 to 4000 700 600 1000 400 800 The average crop is probably 10 to 20 per cent less than the figures given in the first column. CHAPTER VI Planting-Tables The novice always wants exact advice as to dates, depths, and dis- tances. It is impossible to give such advice that is reliable in all times and places ; it must be given only for suggestion and guidance, not for exact and absolute application. Accepted in this spirit, planting-tables may be very useful, even for the experienced planter. Dates for Sowing or Setting Kitchen-Garden Vegetables in Different Latitudes Lansing, Michigan (Average of 4 and 5 years.) Bean, bush May 16. Bean, pole May 30. Beet April 20. Broccoli May 10. Brussels sprouts May 10. Cabbage, early, under glass March 15. Cabbage, late May 20. Carrot May 7. Cauliflower, under glass March 15. Celery, under glass March 18. Celery, in open ground May 20. Corn May 10. Cucumber May 23. Egg-plant, under glass March 15. Kale May 9. Kohlrabi May 9. Lettuce Maj' 5. Melon May 30. Okra May 15. Onion April 17. Parsnips May 7. Peas April 15. Pepper under glass Maroh 13. Potato May 3. Pumpkin May 31. Radish April 26. Salsify May 7. Spinach April 10. Squash May 28. Tomato, under glass March 13. Turnip April 15. Boston (Rawson) Asparagus About the end of April. Bean, bush About the first week in May. 106 DATES TO PLANT GARDEN SEEDS 107 Bean, pole From about the middle of May to the 1st of June. Bean, lima About the 1st of June. Beet About the middle of April. Borecole, or Kale . . . About the middle of April ; plant out in June. Brussels sprouts .... In March or April in hotbed. Cabbage Transplant the last week in April or the 1st in May. Carrots Last of May or 1st of June. Cauliflower From the 1st of May until the 1st of July. Celery The 1st week in April to the 2d in July. Corn, sweet About the 1st of May. Cucumber For 1st crop, about the middle of March. Egg-plant About March 15 in hotbed. Endive June or July. Kohlrabi May or June. Okra About the 10th of May. Peas During the last of April up to the 1st of May. Pepper Put out of doors about the 1st of April. Radish From the 1st of April to the middle of June. Spinach About the 1st of September. Tomato About the 25th of May set plants outdoors. Turnips, for fall use . . Any time from July 1 to August 20. Watermelon About the middle of May. New York (Henderson) Plants to sow from the middle of March to the end of April, shade averaging 45 degrees. Beet Carrot Cress Celery Cabbage Cauliflower Endive Kale Lettuce Onions Parsnip From the middle of May to the middle of June. averaging 60°. Thermometer in Parsley Peas Radish Spinach Turnip Thermometer in the shade Baan, bush Baan, cranberry Bean, lima Bean, pole Bean, scarlet Bean, runner Corn, sweet Cucumber Melon, musk Melon, water Nasturtium Okra Pumpkin Squash Tomato Norfolk, Virginia Months in which different crops are planted or sown, or set out in the open air. Kale and Spinach Cabbage . . . Onions Leeks . Lettuce Radish Peas Beans . Egg-plant Tomatoes sown during August, September, and October. The seeds are sown in August and September, and the plants are transplanted in the open air in November and De- cember. Sown in August, September, January, and February. The same as onions. Sown in September and January. Sown in every month in the year. December, January, February, March, April, August, and September. March and April. April and May. April and May. 108 PLANTING-TABLES Squash . . Cauliflower . Potatoes . . Sweet-potatoes Beets . . . Corn . . . Oats . . . Millet . . . Grass-seed Carrots . . Celery . . . Cucumbers . Watermelons Canteloupes . Peanuts . . December, February, and February, and March. April. March and April. February, March, and July. May. February and March. April, May, June, and July. September, October, November, March. June and July ; after potatoes. September, October, November, February and March. April and May. April. April. April. May. Georgia (Oemler) From December 1 to the middle of March. From the 1st to the middle of March. Through November and December. From the 1st of October to the 15th. Transplant about November 1 and later. From Mav to September. About March 1 to the 15th. To prick out, about the middle of January, otherwise ten or fifteen daj's later. About the middle of September. About January 1. About December 1. The 1st of February. From Christmas to the last of February. From September 10 until October 15. About the last of February up to the middle of March. In cold frames, about the 1st of January. About January 1. About the 15th of March. Tender and hardy vegetables Vegetables injured by a slight frost, and which should therefore be planted only after the weather has settled. Asparagus Bean, bush Beet . . Cabbage . Cauliflower Cucumber Egg-plant Lettuce Onion . Pea Potato Radish Spinach Squash Sweet-potato Tomato Watermelon All Kidney, Lima, and Common Beans Egg-plant Pumpkin Corn All melons Squash Cucumber Okra Sweet Potato Pepper Tomato Vegetables which, when properly handled, will end ure a frost. Asparagus Corn-salad Parsley Bean, Windsor, Broad or Horae Cress Parsnip Hcct Endive Pea Borecole Horseradish Radish liroc-coli Kohlrabi Rhubarb Brussels sprouts Kale Salsify Cabbage Leek Sea-kale Carrot Lettuce Spinach Cauliflower All Onions Turnip Celery WHEN TO PLANT GARDEN SEEDS 109 Date-tables Vegetable-gardeners planting-table (U. S. Dept. Agric.) See also separate table of distances on p. 119. Seeds or Plants required for 100 Feet of Row Distance FOR Plants TO Stand Rows apart Plants apart in rows Depth of Planting Horse culti- Hand culti- vation vation Artichoke, globe . . 3^ ounce 3 to 4 ft. 2 to 3 ft. 2 to 3 ft. 1 to 2 in. Artichoke, Jerusalem . 2 qt. tubers 3 to 4 ft. 1 to 2 ft. 1 to 2 ft. 2 to 3 in. Asparagus, seed . . 1 ounce 30 to 36 in. 1 to 2 ft. 3 to 5 in. 1 to 2 in. Asparagus, plants 60 to 80 plants 3 to 5 ft. 12 to 24 in. 15 to 20 in. 3 to 5 in. Beans, bush . . 1 pint 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 5 or 8 to ft. H to 2 in. Beans, pole . 3^ pint 3 to 4 ft. 3 to 4 ft. 3 to 4 ft. 1 to 2 in. Beets . . . 2 ounces 24 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 5 or 6 to ft. 1 to 2 in. Brussels sprouts }4 ounce 30 to 36 in. 24 to 30 in. 16 to 24 in. M in. Cabbage, early }4 ounce 30 to 36 in. 24 to 30 in. 12 to 18 in. M in. Cabbage, late H ounce 30 to 40 in. 24 to 36 in. 16 to 24 in. }/2 in. Cardoon . . }/2 ounce 3 ft. 2 ft. 12 to 18 in. 1 to 2 in. Carrot . . . 1 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 6 or 7 to ft. M in. Cauliflower . }4 ounce 30 to 36 in. 24 to 30 in. 14 to 18 in. M in. Celeriac . . Ji ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 4 or 5 to ft. Vs in. Celery . . . % ounce 3 to 6 ft. 18 to 36 in. 4 to 8 in. Vs in. Chervil . . 1 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 3 or 4 to ft. 1 in. Chicory . . H ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 4 or 5 to ft. M in. Citron . . . 1 ounce 8 to 10 ft. 8 to 10 ft. 8 to 10 ft. 1 to 2 in. CoUards . . J^ ounce 30 to 36 in. 24 to 30 in. 14 to 18 in. }/2 in. Corn salad 2 ounces 30 in. 12 to 18 in. 5 or 6 to ft. H to 1 in. Corn, sweet . H pint 36 to 42 in. 30 to 36 in. 30 to 36 in. 1 to 2 in. Cress, upland }4 ounce 30 in. 12 to 18 in. 4 or 5 to ft. J^ to 1 in. Cress, water . }4 ounce Broadcast On surface Cucumber J^ ounce 4 to 6 ft. 4 to 6 ft. 4 to 6 ft. 1 to 2 in. Dandelion 14 ounce 30 in. 18 to 24 in. 8 to 12 in. J^in. Eggplant . . Vs ounce 30 to 36 in. 24 to 30 in. 18 to 24 in. H to 1 m. Endive . . 1 ounce 30 in. 18 in. 8 to 12 in. >2 to 1 in. Horseradish . 70 roots 30 to 40 in. 24 to 30 in. 14 to 20 in. 3 to 4 in. Kale, or borecole }4 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 18 to 24 in. J^in. Kohlrabi . . 14 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 4 to 8 in. H in. Leek . . . }i ounce 30 to 36 in. 14 to 20 in. 4 to 8 in. lin. Lettuce . . }/2 ounce 30 in. 12 to 18 in. 4 to 6 in. H in. Melon, muskmelon 14 ounce 6 to 8 ft. 6 to 8 ft. Hills 6 ft. 1 to 2 in. Melon, watermelon 1 ounce 8 to 12 ft. 8 to 12 ft. Hills 10 ft. 1 to 2 in. Mustard J^ ounce 30 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 4 or 5 to ft. }4 in. New Zealand spinach 1 ounce 36 in. 24 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 1 to 2 in. Okra, or gumbo . . 2 ounces 4 to 5 ft. 3 to 4 ft. 24 to 30 in. 1 to 2 in. Onion, seed . . 1 ounce 24 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 4 or 5 to ft. 3^ to 1 in. Onion, sets . 1 quart of sets 24 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 4 or 5 to ft. 1 to 2 in. Parsley . . }4 ounce 24 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 3 to 6 in. % in. Parsnip . . 14 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 5 or 6 to ft. H to 1 in. Peas . . . 1 to 2 pints 3 to 4 ft. 30 to 36 in. 15 to ft. 2 to 3 in. Pepper . . Vg ounce % ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 15 to 18 in. H in. Physalis . . 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 18 to 24 in. ,H in. Potato, Irish 5 lb. (or 9 bu. per acre) 3 lb. (or 75 slips) 30 to 36 in. 24 to 36 in. 14 to 18 in. 4 in. Potato, sweet 3 to 5 ft. 3 to 5 ft. 14 in. 3 in. Pumpkin . . }/2 ounce 8 to 12 ft. 8 to 12 ft. Hills 8 to 12 ft. 8 to 12 to ft. 1 to 2 in. Radish . . 1 ounce 24 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 1^ to 1 in. Rhubarb, seed 14 ounce 36 in. 30 to 36 in. 6 to 8 in. H to 1 in. Rhubarb, plants 33 plants 3 to 5 ft. 3 to 5 ft. 3 ft. 2 to 3 in. Rutabaga . . }4 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 6 to 8 in. M to 1 in. Salsify . . . 1 ounce 30 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 2 to 4 in. 1^ to 1 in. Spinach . . 1 ounce 30 to 36 in. 12 to 18 in. 7 or 8 to ft. 1 to 2 in. Squash, bush 14 ounce 3 to 4 ft. 3 to 4 ft. Hills3to4ft. 1 to 2 in. Squash, late . }4 ounce 7 to 10 ft. 7 to 10 ft. Hills 7to 9ft. 1 to 2 in. Tomato . . Vs ounce 3 to 5 ft. 3 to 4 ft. 3 ft. 3^ to 1 in. Turnip . . }4 ounce 24 to 36 in. 18 to 24 in. 6 or 7 to ft. }^ to H in. Vegetable marrow M ounce 8 to 12 ft. 8 to 12 ft. Hills8to9ft. 1 to 2 in. 110 PLANTING-TABLES i < O a < 1^ 5" .3 s^ 1:3 s s 3 03 C 03 eS ej ej t a3 ^ S3 oS o3 oS c3 sS (NO 3 o. es cS £J as >> « -^ a 05 fl >>^S 3 § SS SSSSkSS SS X sssss A a OflJrtoJ 0303 S^^ .^SSS SS (N-H 93 93 SS 2 3 m 3 Yja hii 03 4' • --Q a> 3" eS CS « — FIELD-CROP DATES m o o o t, 1-1 o. < g § ;>. ss coSoo XO O 3 i 2 8 3 7 -7 ss s 2j;;i P 3 ^ • :3 >.^ rz, ^^ >>>>>>>> >>«' ^ — ^ c5 <5 ^ =* ft§< 03 03 03 c3 S3 a ea a S SS S§§§ Scg s S J3 3 a Is lb ^ 3 •-5 3 2.1 :b., Man Sept.-N ar. 25-A ay, June July 1- ay arch, Oc arch-M£ ly ar.,Sopt pt , Oct. arch 15- if 579 ^ ^ SSfe S^S^^c^S ^ & ^ 6 I, IC -d »o ■" ^ "a 7 J3 >> "3 7 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1% ^ — •-5 1 > >>>, >;§, >.>^>^>> ^ T>a^ ^ < ca 03 c3 03 03 03 03 03 ajJ?^o3 03 0. < S S SS SSSS S s ^ O _^- lO uf «c ■—I a In ^ ^ S O >^ O 1 3 1^ it § 12 7 7| O il 2 ^^ s >> 1 < 1 1 < 11 II 1 •-5 i! O 1 3 •-5 >^ >i >, >>;k >>>> >>>> >! >> ^ « >> >, >> a 03 & 03 03 03 03 03 03 rt 03 o 0,03 « 03 ^ S S SS SS ^S ^^ W ^ :§ S ^ r-l ^ o a fl s •-5 »-S •-S 212 2 1— 1 2 >. >> >> 2 2 >, >> >> >. >> >. >, oU 03 03 d a a 03 03 03 03 03 e3 % S S 3 3 S SS S S S S • "5 • » 04 . • . . I ■t|s III liil^llllllll 1 3 > Is 5 S o S ■- 112 PLANTING-TABLES 4 si o s 22 'J =2 5. H. o « 7 -< I lO L^ 12 J^ Ijlj lO 52 s< o I- 5 ?9 s^ >>*? eS u a ea a >rH a c C -^ b,-- (N ^ ^ <<2| oa I I as a^ cs ea 12 ^%^- 08 e3 O ea fl .^2 3 2 ^ I -^S a »^ a« o f^ r ^ I ^§ S>>• ^% tl ■ c t, "- o c « M a-; FIELD-CROP DATES 113 o o iCOO kO >> s o o O c^ ^^5 lO^ (N-H lO ^ >>>>>) >1 >> t: >, >, >. >, >, >. C3 05 a =« D, rt 83 rt §§s S S£ S^ s SS S ^ ^ lO O rH >Ci IC lO is 0) § 1-5 ^ it a < a < >1 rio'ifi >> 2 d l<^ 03 c3 . ^ n: := >> •-3 83 a! < S S= z, 2 B 00 i § £.1 a < 7 11 It i o. ■< II o. < < s s d 1^ 11 lO" >o ^lOiO* lO iC iC »o m »o iC»C »-l 1-H i-H t-H <-H 1-H 1— 1 1-1 1 >, >i >> >> W >l i>, >>o >J >, >. >> >>>. a ^ « ^°^ 3 « rt 4) sj- ^^ as d d d ^^ et J xi: J3 t^J3 ^ J= js -g x: -c"S J= J= j= J5 xj= O p r?. f^nf^ >.£:£io s>^ £i t t 5 , ■a a S3 .a s? « 1 n: ^;^ >>>.>> - s - Is •< o 1 1 •s O 1^ 1 Q a < 1 < Hi ft < Q 3 •-5 ft < ft 1 1 « ft ■< > 1 O 1 iC »o 1 ^ § 7 o Mo o >. d jg 1 ? >.>> >, w := :^ r.r = =^ rs « S 0. < 08 S ft < -^ft S ft < -lO -o o *^^ H ^ ^^^ -1 55 -go ^^-S -1 ^t III s V N -i f -^ -O 1 < ri •-5 cto |S -1 1^1 1 cc^ 7 ft 1^ eg cJ^ s< h'l •< << < < fc-^ < Is 51 03 03 a ill pacQU 1 d u 4; 1 X d d 1 lis FIELD-CROP DATES 115 5> a ^1 -^ a a ft ■^ ftp I- 3 (U ft ft ft ft - < M I 3 3 O3o33e3a>c3,c8 ^- cio.oPo o . e3 03 03 rt 83 e8 c3» §s§s § s :§ 03o3^c3c333c3 SS9^S77^ S^ ^§§S^ 9s S9s9s9 "*T ff3 ^ c3 rt oS S S ^ 1: a >>r3 >>>>>> >> & u ei ^ eg rt o >0 §i--i ill il .lis lllll ll.il cqoqHH H >• I Cu 3 -33 a8 116 PLANTING-TABLES Flower-planting table (Suburban Life) It is a wise plan to grow enough extra plants in a reserve bed or in pots during the sum- mer, so that any gaps in the bed may be filled as the occasion requires. This table includes some perennials and biennials, as well as annuals. It is made for about the latitude of New York. When to sow Seed Thin OR TR.\N8- PLANT Height (Inches) Season of Bloom Color op Variety Flowers Indoors Outdoors TO (Inches) Abronia .... March May 12 'A to \y2 July to frost Yellow, pink, Achillea (Sneezewort) June- Sept. 1 April 12 1 to VA July- October June- August June to frost rose White Adonis March 1 Crimson Ageratum .... March May 6 ^toM Blue, white Agrostemma (Rose- of-Heaven) . . . April May 6 1 to VA July to frost Rose, white Alonsoa .... April May 6 to 12 1 to 3 July to frost Scarlet, white Amaranthus . . . April 18 5 to 6 August Red, purple, yellow, white Aquilegia (Colum- July-Sept. 1 8 2^ June-Sept. 1 Yellow, white. bine) red, blue Argemone (Mexican April in May 12 VA to 2 July, Yellow, white Poppy) .... pots August Asperula .... April May 6 1 Aug., Sept. Blue Aster (China) . . March, April May 9 1 to 3 July- October Yellow, white red, blue Aster (Perennial) July- Sept. 1 12 1 to3 Sept., Oct. White, pink, blue Balloon Vine . . . April May 6 10 Aug., Sept. White Balsam April May 24 2to2H July to frost Yellow, white, pink, red Yellow Bartonia .... May 1 to 3 July-Sept. Beets April 6 1 to 2 Ornamental foliage Dark red Black Dahlia . . . March May 12 1 to P/a July. August Brachycome (Swan River Daisy) . . April May 6 i^tol Blue, white Cacalia (Emilia) . . May 6 1 to 2 July to frost Scarlet, yel- low Rose, purple Calandrina . . . May 6 Ji tol Calendula (Pot Mari- March Late April 6 % June-Oct. Orange, yel- gold) .... low Calliopsis (Coreopsis) March April 10 13^ June to frost Yellow r'aMirhoe (Poppy April May 9 1 to 3 July to frost Purple, lilac, red, cherry Mallow) .... T;-impanula (Canter- July- 12 2 to 3 June- Blue, white, bury Bell) . . . Sept. 1 August pink Candytuft . . . April May 4 to 12 'A to I A Juno-Oct. White Cannabis (Giant 10 Inconspicu- Hemp) .... ous Cardinal Flower March 9 1 to2H Aug., Sept. Scarlet Castor bean (Ricinus) April May 3 4 to 8 Grown for foliage Blue, white Catananche . . . March 6 2 to 3 June- August Celosia (Cockscomb) March, April May 6 >^to^ June to frost Red FLOWER PLANTING 117 Flower-planting table — Continued Vabiety Carnation (Marguer- ite) . . . Centaurea (Blue Bottle) . . Centranthua . Chrysanthemum, An nual . Cleome(Spider Plant) Cobcea . CoIIinsia Convolvulus . Cosmos, Early- Cosmos, Late Dahlia . . Dianthus (China Pink) . . Digitalis (Foxglove) Eschscholzia (Cal fornia Poppy) Evening Primrose Flax Four O'clock . . Gaillardia . . . Gilia .... Globe amaranth (Gomphrena) . Golden-tuft (Alys sum) .... Gourds .... GjT)sophila Hawkweed Helianthus flower) Hibiscus (Sun Hollyhock . . . Honesty (Lunaria) Hop IpomcBa (Morning- Glory) . . Kochia . . . When to sow Seed Indoors Outdoors March April March, April April March, April April April April, May March, April March, April April April April March, April April April, May March, April March, April March, April March April May May May May April May May May 5 July- Sept. 1 May May May May May May July- Sept. 1 May May April, May May July- Sept. 1 July- Sept. 1 Maj April, May April April Thin OR Trans- plant TO (Inches) 3 to 12 12 8 to 12 6 12 to 36 15 to 24 15 12 12 6 9 to 12 Height (Inches) 1 to VA 2 to 3 1 to 2 1 to IM 2 10 to 20 1 to 1}4 J^tol 4 6 to 8 4 1 to IJi 3 to 4 1 to VA 2 to 2A IH to 2 3/4 to 1 M to 2y2 15 1 to 2 H tol 3 to 6 5 to 7 5 to 7 13^ to 23^ 20 to 30 10 to 15 2 to2H Season of Bloom June to frost June to frost July to frost June-Oct. July, August Aug., Sept. July, August July to frost July, August Sept. to frost Aug. to frost July to frost July, August July-Sept. July-Sept. July-Sept. July to frost July to frost July-Sept. July to frost July- October September July-Sept. Aug., Sept. July to frost August August June, July June to frost Color of Flowers White, pink, red Blue, white, pink Red, white White, red, yellow Purple Violet, green- ish purple White, lilac, violet Blue White, pink White, pink, red White, red, yellow White, pink, red Pink, white Orange, yel- low, white Yellow Red, blue White, yel- low, red Yellow, red Blue, red, white Red, white, blue Yellow White Rosy Yellow, red Yellow White to red White to red Pink, purple Ornamental foliage Blue, red, white Grown for foliage 118 PLANTING-TABLES Flower-planting table — Continued Varibty Larkspur (Annual) Lobelia .... Lupinua . . . Madia (Tarweed) Marigold Martynia (Unicorn plant) . . . Matthiola bicornis Mignonette . . Myosotis (Forget-me not) . . . Nasturtium Nicotiana (Tobacco) Pansy ... Petunia . . Phlox (Annual) Poppy (Annual) Poppy, Iceland Pyrethrum Portulaca . . Salpiglossis Salvia ... Scabiosa (Mourning Bride) . . Silene (Catchfly) Snapdragon Stocks (Ten Weeks) Sweet Alyssum . . Sweet Pea .... Sweet William Venus' Looking-glass (Speccularia) . . Verbena .... Zinnia When to sow Seed Indoors Outdoors March, April Fcb.- April April April March, .\pril April April April March Feb., March March, April April Feb., March April March March March, April March Feb.- April March, April May 5 May May May May May April May 10 May May 1 May 10 April, July, August May May April, Sept., October April-Sept. July-Sept. May May May May April May April, May Mar., April July- Sept. 1 April May May Thin OR TRANS- PLANT TO (Inches) 12 12 to 12 12 Height (Inches) 1 to V4. 1 to 2 H to 3 1 M to 1 1 1 to 10 3 Vs 1 1 to 2 1 2 1 2 to 214 2 to 3 2 1 to Wi M to3 1 to IH 6 2 1)4 to 2 Season of Bloom June-Sept. June to frost July, August July-Oct. July to frost July Aug. to frost July to frost June- August June to frost July to frost April to frost June to frost July to frost June- August June- August July, August July to frost Aug. to frost Aug. to frost July to frost July-Sept July to frost July-Sept. June-Oct. July-Sept. June, July Aug., Sept. June to frost June-Oct. Color ok Flowers Blue, white, red, pink Blue, white Pink, blue, white Yellow Yellow Yellow, pur- ple, white White Greenish yellow Blue, pink, white Yellow, red, orange White, pink, red, yellow Various Red, white, pink Red, white, pink, yellow Pink, red, yel- low, white Red, yellow, white White, pink, red Red, white Yellow, white red, brown Scarlet White, pur- ple, yellow Red, white. Yellow, white, pink, red Pink, scarlet white, yellow White .\ll colors Red, white pink White, blue White, pink, red, blue Red, yellow, pink, white HOW FAR APART TO PLANT 119 Distance-Tables Usual distances apart for planting fruits Apples 30 to 40 feet each way. Apples, dwarf (Paradise stocks) 8 to 10 feet each way. Apples, dwarf (Doucin stocks) 12 to 25 feet each way. Pears 20 to 30 feet each way. Pears, dwarf 10 to 15 feet each way. Plums 16 to 20 feet each way. Peaches 16 to 20 feet each way. Cherries 16 to 25 feet each way. Apricots 16 to 20 feet each way. Nectarines 16 to 20 feet each way. Quinces 8 to 14 feet each way. Figs 20 to 25 feet each way. Mulberries 25 to 30 feet each way. Japanese Persimmons 20 to 25 feet each way. Loquats 15 to 25 feet each way. Pecans 35 to 40 feet each way. Grapes 8 to 12 feet each way. Currants Gooseberries 4X5 feet. 4X5 feet. Raspberries, black 3X6 feet. Raspberries, red 3X5 feet. Blackberries 4X7 to 6X8 feet. Cranberries 1 or 2 ft. apart each way. Strawberries 1 X 3 or 4 feet. Oranges and Lemons 25 to 30 feet each way. Distances recommended for orange trees in California Dwarfs, as Tangerines 10 to 12 feet. Half-dwarfs, as Washington Navel 24 to 30 feet. Mediterranean Sweet, Maltese Blood, Valencia . . 24 to 30 feet. St. Michael , 18 to 24 feet. Seedlings 30 to 40 feet. Usual distances apart for planting vegetables (see also table, p. 109) Artichoke . Asparagus Beans, bush Beans, pole Beet, early Beet, late . Broccoli Cabbage, early Cabbage, late Carrot . Cauliflower Celery . . Corn-salad Corn, Sweet Cress Cucumber Egg-plant . Endive Horseradish Rows 3 or 4 ft. apart, 2 to 3 ft. apart in the row. Rows 3 to 4 ft. apart, 1 to 2 ft. apart in the row. 1 ft. apart in rows 2 to 3 ft. apart. 3 to 4 ft. each way. In drills 12 to 18 in. apart. In drills 2 to 3 ft. apart. IH X 214 ft. to 2 X 3 ft. 16 X 28 in. to 18 X 30 in. 2 X 3 ft. to 2}4 X SH ft. In drills 1 to 2 ft. apart. 2 X 2 ft. to 2 X 3 ft. Rows 3 to 4 ft. apart, 6 to 9 in. in the row; "new celery culture," 7 X 7 in., each way. In drills 12 to 18 in. apart. ,^ ft. apart, 9 in. In drills 10 to 12 in. apart. 4 to 5 ft. each way. 3 X 3 ft 1 X 1 ft! to 1 X 1)^ ft. 1 X 2 or 3 ft. to 2 ft. in the row. 120 PLANTING-TABLES Kohlrabi Leek Lettuce Melons, musk Melons, wate Mushroom Okra . . Onion . . Parsley Parsnip Peas . . Pepper Potato . . Pumpkin . Radish . . Rhubarb . Salsify . . Sea-kale Spinach Squash, bush Squash, late Sweet Potato Tomato Turnip 10 X 1a ^LA/rra PmuBAitt 4smAltA%V9 I « V • KMviea. d^. — .... 44rc4d/_^jiwf/i/cf_uw.£e'MCi L«jc£t« BnfiA£inxJ'iv^v/sfpmiisMrJ!£f*v, _. iirsvtpievJit^-iHivutQ'LVte£tvurim>a^ C'a«.fl«i«.ji«totei»j:.Q'iSiurjifiJiu ___», . J2. J'ifAZOj^.VIItJSf'Ji'tejnALiSV- -0 D -O •••••• O I LAMTS. 3«\ fAA>ic3xLi£-LC»tA_^wjrrSS*£ >fii1.C«'_SK£«r &*._ . a»_»£."a evfifV- 70- E Fig. 4. — A garden for a family of six persons (Suburban Life). CHAPTER VII Maturities, Yields, and Multiplication Any figures of dates of maturity of the various plants or crops and of yields must necessarily be only approximately or averagely correct ; but methods of multiplication allow of more definite statement. Maturity-Tables Time required for maturity of different garden crops, reckoned from the sowing of the seeds Days from Seed Beans, string 45-65 Beans, shell 65-70 Beets, turnip 65 Beets, long blood 150 Cabbage, early 105 Cabbage, late 150 Cauliflower 110 Corn 75 Egg-plant 150-160 Lettuce 65 Melon, water 120-140 Melon, musk 120-140 Onion 135-150 Pepper 140-150 Pumpkin 100-125 Radish 30-45 Squash, summer 60-65 Squash, winter 125 Tomatoes 150 Turnips 60-70 Time required, from setting, for fr nit-plants to hear. (For northern and central latitudes) Apple — 3 to 5 years. Good croji in about 10 to 18 years. Apple, on paradise stocks, good crops in 4 to 5 years. Blackberry — 1 year. Good crops in 2 and 3 years. 124 MATURITY AND YIELD TABLES 125 Citrous fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.) — 2 to 3 years. Good crop 2 or 3 years later. Cranberry — 3 years gives a fair crop. Currant — 1 year. Good crops in 2 and 3 years. Gooseberry — 1 year. Good crops in 2 and 3 years. Grape — ■ Fair crop in 4 years. Peach — 2 j^ears. Good crop in 4 and 5 years. Pear — 3 or 4 years. Fair crop in 6 to 12 years ; dwarfs in 5 to 7 years. Persimmon, or Kaki — 1 to 3 years. Quince — 2 years. Good crop in 4 years. Raspberry — 1 year. Good crop in 2 and 3 years. Plum — 3 years. Good crop in 5 or 6 years. Strawberry — 1 year. Heaviest crop usually in 2 years. Average profitable longevity of fruit-plants under high culture Apple 35-50 years (Less in parts of the prairie states and more in northeastern states.) Blackberry 6-10 years Currant 20 years Gooseberry 20 years Orange and Lemon . . 50 or more Peach 8-12 years Pear 50-75 years Persimmon, or Kaki, as long as an apple-tree. Plum 20-25 years Raspberry 6-10 years Strawberry 1-3 years When serious trouble from diseases is to be apprehended, the plan- tation may be brought into early fruiting and then destroyed before the disease makes great headway. This is particularly applicable to black- berries, raspberries, and strawberries. Yield- Tables Average full yields per acre of various horticultural crops The yields of those crops in which the salable products are equal in number to the number of plants per acre, and in which the product is sold by the piece, are to be calculated from the planting-tables in Chap. VI — such as cabbage, celery, and the like. Usually the profits are secured from yields above the average. The statements here given are growers' estimates rather than census figures. Apples — A tree 20 to 30 years old may be expected to yield from 25 to 40 bushels every alternate year. 126 MATURITIES, YIELDS, AND MULTIPLICATION Artichoke — 200 to 300 bushels. Beans, Green or Snap — 75 to 120 bushels. Beans, Lima — 75 to 100 bushels of dry beans. Beets — 400 to 700 bushels. Carrots — 400 to 700 bushels. Corn — 50 to 75 bushels, shelled. Cranberry — 100 to 300 bushels. 900 bushels have been reported. Cucumber — About 150,000 fruits per acre. Currant — 100 bushels. Egg-plant — 1 or 2 large fruits to the plant for the large sorts like New York Purple, and from 3 to 8 fruits for the smaller varieties. Gooseberry — 100 bushels. Grape — 3 to 5 tons. Good raisin vineyards in California, 15 years old, \s\\\ produce from 10 to 12 tons. Horseradish — 3 to 5 tons. Kohlrabi — 500 to 1000 bushels. Onion, from seed — 300 to 800 bushels. 600 bushels is a large average yield. Parsnips — 500 to 800 bushels. Pea, green in pod — 100 to 150 bushels. Peach — In full bearing, a peach tree should produce from 5 to 10 bushels. Pear — A tree 20 to 25 years old should give from 25 to 45 bushels. Pepper — 30,000 to 50,000 fruits. Plum — 5 to 8 bushels may be considered an average crop for an average tree. Potato — 100 to 300 bushels. Quince — 100 to 300 bushels. Raspberry and blackberry — 50 to 100 bushels. Salsify — 200 to 300 bushels. Spinach — 200 barrels. Strawberry — 75 to 250 or even 300 bushels. Tomato — 8 to 16 tons. Turnip — 600 to 1000 bushels. For yields of seeds in various garden crops (by seed-growers), see p. 105. YIELD-TABLES 127 Yields of field crops (Cyclo. Am. Agric.) As reported by observers in several parts of the continent Quebec Average New York Average Best North Carolina Average Best Alabama Average Best Alfalfa . . Barley . . Beans, field Broom-corn Buckwheat Cabbage Carrots Clover . Cotton . Cowpeas Field-pea Flax . Kohlrabi Lespedeza Maize . Mangels Melilotus Millet . Oats . Parsnips Potatoes Pumpkin Rape . Rice Rutabaga Rye . Sorghum Soybean . Sugar-beets Sugar-cane Sweet-potatoes Timothy Tobacco Turnips Vetch . Wheat . 3 tons 25 bu. 20 bu. 25 bu. 12 tons 12 tons 2 tons 25 bu. 15 bu. 25 bu. 20 tons 35 bu. 150 bu. 20 tons 10 tons 15 bu. 15 tons 2 tons 1000 lb. 10 tons 2 tons 15 bu. 2.3 tons 23.9 bu. 10.5 bu. 565 lb. 16.9 bu. 10 tons 10 tons 1.1 tons 45 bu. 15 bu. 1.7 tons 10 bu. 10 bu. 455 lb. 10 bu. 100 crates 1-2 tons l^ bale 10 bu. 1.5 tons 1-2 tons 5 tons 25 bu. 30 bu. 200 crates 3 tons 2 bales 30 bu. 5 tons 10 bu. 100 bu. 40 tons 5 tons 80 bu. 1000 bu. 500 bu. 1.25 tons 13 bu. 2 tons 1.5 tons 10 bu. 70 bu. 2 tons 100 bu. 4 tons 50 bu. 14 bu. 60 bu. 14 tons 16 bu. 7.8 tons 18.9 bu. 30 tons 35 bu. 30 tons 200 bu. 4 tons 28 tons 60 bu. 360 lb. 100 bu. 5.5 bu. 5-6 tons 12 bu. 1.7 tons 7-8 tons 85 bu. 1-2 tons 650 lb. 100 bu. 1-2 tons 7-8 bu. 3 tons 30 bu. 12 bu. 7bu. 2.5 tons 15 bu. 1.7 tons 200 3 80 bu. 500 lb. 1.5 tons 8bu. 7 tons 45 bu. 600 lb. 10 tons 3 tons 1000 lb. 30 bu. 2 tons 75 bu. 3.5 ton; 3 tons 70 bu. 300 bu 30 bu. 20 bu. 7 tons 25 bu, 4 tons 600' 400 bu. 1000 lb. 3 tons 30 bu. Including varieties grown for stock-feeding. 2 Lint. 3 Gallons of syrup. 128 MATURITIES, YIELDS, AND MULTIPLICATION Yields of field crops — Continued As reported for this volume by observers in several parts of the continent Indiana Wisconsin Manitoba Eastern Texas Average Best Average Best Average Best Average Best Alfalfa . Barley . Beans, field Broom-corn Buckwheat Cabbage Carrots . Clover . Cotton . Cowpeas Field-pea Flax . . Kohlrabi Lespedeza Maize . Mangels Melilotus Millet . Oats . . Parsnips Potatoes Pumpkin Rape . Rice Rutabaga Rye . . Sorghum Soybean Sugar-beets Sugar-cane Swoct-potat Timothy Tobacco Turnips \'ftrh . Wheat . oes 3-4 tons 25 bu. 1.5 tons 18 bu. 40 bu. 18 tons 1.7 tons 30 bu. 100 bu. 14 bu. 9 tons 20 bu. 14 tons 1.5 tons 14 bu. 6 tons 40 bu. 2.5 tons 30 bu. 100 bu. 25 tons 4 tons SObu. 200 bu. 50bu.» 15 tons 35 bu. 20 tons 2 tons 45 bu. 3 tons 30 bu. 18 bu. 15 bu. 10 tons 3 bu. seed 1.5 tons 8bu. 10 bu. 13 bu. 41 bu. 25 tons 2.5 tons 30bu.seed 2 tons 36 bu. 8 tons 92 bu. 15 tons 12 tons 16 bu. 15 bu. seed 8 tons 15 bu. 12 tons 1.5 tons 1280 lb. 10 tons 8 tons 2 12 bu. 6 tons 65 bu. 30 bu. 35 bu. 18 tons 5 bu. seed 4 tons 15 bu. 25 bu. 25 bu. 100 bu. 60 tons 4 tons 65bu.seed 4 tons 97 bu. 15 tons 400 bu. 35 tons 40 tons 40 bu. 25bu.seed 15 tons 35 bu. 30 tons 3.5 tons 1800 lb. 35 tons 12 tons 2 35 bu. 3 tons 30 bu. 300 bu. 2 tons 40 bu. 18 bu. 800 bu. 2 tons 40 bu. 300 bu. 300 bu. 10 tons 500 bu. 20 bu. 300 bu. 1.5 tons 600 bu. 2 tons 27 bu. 4 tons 75 bu. 800 bu. 4 tons 65 bu. 1200 bu. 4 tons 110 bu. 600 bu. 800 bu. 1000 bu. 40 bu. 800 bu. 4 tons 1100 bu. 3 tons 56 bu. 3 tons 150 bu. 4000 lb. 9000 lb. Va bale 1.5 tons 40 bu. 1200 lb. SObu. 5 tons 1 ton 35 bu. 9000 lb 60 bu. 6 tons 50 bu. 6 tons 2.5 tons 4 tons 25 tons 100 bu. 800 lb. 6 tons 12 bu. 7 tons 200 bu. 6000 lb. 12.000 lb. 2 bales 3 tons 60 bu. 2000 lb. 90 bu. 6 tons 2 tons 85 bu. 12.000 lb. 150 bu. 8 tons 100 bu. 8 tons 6 tons 6 tons 40 tons 400 bu. 12001b. 8 tons 48 bu. 1 Winter rye. * Green feed. YIELD-TABLES 129 Yields of field crops — Continued As reported for this volume by observers in several parts of the continent New Mexico Wyoming Washington British Co- L.VMBIA. Average Best Average Be.st Average Best Range Alfalfa . . Barley . . Beans, field . Broom-corn . Buckwheat . Cabbage . . Carrots . . Clover . . Cotton , , Cowpeas Field-pea . Flax . . . Kohlrabi . Lespedeza . Maize . . Mangels . . Meliiotus . Millet . . Oats . . . Parsnips . . Potatoes Pumpkin Rape . . . Rice . . . Rutabaga . Rye . . . Sorghum Soybean . . Sugar-beets . Sugar-cane . Sweet-potato Timothy . . Tobacco . . Turnip . . Vetch . . . Wheat . . 3 tons 40 bu. 600 lb. 22 bu. 35 bu. 11.5 tons 10,000 lb. 30 bu. 7 tons 70 bu. 1000 lb. 60 bu. 85 bu. 19.5 tons 18,000 lb. 63 bu. 3 tons 35 bu. 12,0001b. 18 bu. 40 bu. 75 bu. 15 tons 18 bu. 10 tons 1.5 tons 25.5 bu. 8.5 tons 16,150 1b. 21,1071b. 34.7 bu. 16 bu. 15,4751b. 137 bu. 8200 lb. 972 bu. 34 bu. 28.7 tons 40 tons 50 bu.3 78 bu." 6 tons 1 29.7 bu. 13 bu. 3000 lb. 19.4 bu. ?855heads 476 bu. 2.2 tons 26 bu. 5.7 bu. 21 bu. 600 bu. 1.5 tons 42 bu. 377 bu. 142 bu. 1384 pumpkins 14.6 bu. 3.3 tons 2.9 tons 90 bu. 3.7 tons 1.5 tons 236 lb. 3 tons 25 bu. lOtonsi 80 bu. 5 tons 40 bu. 150 bu. 500 bu. 18 tons 2 irrigated dry land 100 bu. 35bu.tol05bu. 15bu. to25bu. 13bu.to41bu. 3 tons to 25 tons 4 tons to 85 tons 1.5 tons to 4.5 t. 25 bu.to 106 bu. 10 t. to 16 tons 10t.to45t.5 13 t. to50t. 1 ton to 6 tons 35 bu. to 125 bu. 8 t. to 28.5 1. 20 t. to 63 t. 15 bu.to 32 bu. 4.5 tons 6 tons to 23 tons 2 t. to 5.5 tons 11 bu.to 43 bu. 1 Under irrigation. On dry land, 2.5 tons and 4 tons, respectively. 2 Under irrigation, s Field culture. * Garden culture. * For silage. 130 MATURITIES, YIELDS, AND MULTIPLICATION Propagation-Tables Tabular statement of the ways in which ylants are 'propagated'^ A. By Seeds — Seedage I. On their own roots B. By Buds By unde- tached parts — Layerage II. By de- detached parts II. On roots of other plants — Graftage By de- tached scions 1. Root-tips. Stolons and runners. Layers proper. Simple. Serpentine. Mound or Stools. Pot or Chinese. By undivided parts. — Separa- tion. (Bulbs, corms, bulblets, bulb scales, tubers, etc.) ' Division. Cuttings proper. Of stems. Growing wood. Ripened wood. Of tubers. Of roots. Of leaves, flute, veneer, By divided parts — Cuttage Budding : Shield ring, annular, whistle or tubular. Grafting : Whip, saddle, splice, veneer, cleft, bark, herbaceous, seed, double, cutting. By undetached scions. — Inarching. Particular methods by which various fruits are multiplied Barberry Cuttings of mature wood ; seeds. Orange Seeds ; seedlings budded or grafted. Figs Cuttings, either of soft or mature wood. Mulberry Cuttings of mature wood. Some varieties are root-grafted, and some are budded. Olive Cuttings of mature or even old wood. Chips from the trunks of old trees are sometimes used. Pomegranate Cuttings, layers, and seeds. Apple and Pear .... Seeds ; seedlings budded or grafted. Peach and other stone-fruits Seeds ; seedlings budded. Peach-trees are sold at one year from the l>ud, but other stone-fruit trees are planted when two or three years old. Quince Cuttings, usually ; the cuttings often grafted. Grape Cuttings of from one to three buds ; layers. Currant and Gooseberry . . Cuttings ; gooseberry oftener by mound-layers. Raspberries, red .... Suckers from the root ; root-cuttings. Raspberries, black and purple Layers from tips of canes ; root-cuttings. Blackberry Root-cuttings ; suckers from the root. Dewberry Layers of tips of the canes ; root-cuttings. Dwarf Juneberry .... Sprouts or suckers from the root. Cranberry Layers or divisions. » Modified from a synopsis prepared by B. M. Watson, Jr., Bussey Institution. PROPAGATION-TABLES 131 Strawberry Runners ; tip-cuttings. Banana Suckers from the crown. Stocks commonly used for various fruits Almond Peach, hard-shell almond, plum. Apple Common apple seedlings. Paradise and Doucin stocks, crab-apple and wild crab. " French crab " stocks are common apple seedlings reared in France and imported. Apricot Apricot and peach in mild climates, and plum in severe ones ; Marianna. Cherry Mazzard stocks are preferred for standards ; Mahaleb stocks are used for dwarfing. The wild pin-cherry {Prunus Pennsylvanica) is sometimes used as stock in the Northwest, on account of its hardiness. Seedlings of Morelio cherries are also used there. Medlar Hawthorn, medlar, quince. Mulberry Seedlings of white and Russian mulberry; cut- tings of Downing. Orange Seedlings ; Otaheite orange, shaddock ; Citrus trifoliata, particularly for dwarfs. Peach and Nectarine . . . Peach. Plum is often used when dwarfs are wanted, or when the peach must be grown in a too severe climate or upon heavy soil. Pear Pear (seedlings of common pear and the Chinese type). Quince (rarely mountain ash, or thorn) for dwarfs. Apple temporarily. Persimmon, Japanese . . Native persimmon. Plum Plum, myrobalan plum, peach ; Marianna. Quince The finer varieties are sometimes grafted upon strong-growing kinds like the Angers. When cuttings are difficult to root, they are some- times grafted upon apple roots, the foster-root being removed upon transplanting, if it does not fall away of itself. How vegetable crops are propagated By seeds Artichoke, globe also by oflfsets (see p. 132) Kohlrabi Asparagus Leek Beans of all kinds Lettuce Beet Martynla Borecole or kale Muskmelon Brussels sprout Mustard Cabbage Onion (see also p. 132) Carrot Parsley Cauliflower and broccoli Parsnip Celeriac Pea Celery Pepper Chicory Pumpkin Corn Salsify Corn-salad Spinach Cress Squash Cucumber Tomato Dandelion Turnip Egg-plant Watermelon Endive 132 MATURITIES, YIELDS, AND MVLTITLICATION By other means than seeds Artichoke, globe ; by seeds, but many worthless plants may be secured ; by suckers about the crown of the old plant, if particular strains are to be per- petuated. Artichoke, Jerusalem ; by tubers, or divisions of the tubers. Horseradish, cuttings of side roots. Mushroom, by spawn (or dried and prepared mycelium) ; latterly also by spores. Onion, the "black seed" or usual onions, by seed ; potato or Egyptian onions, by " tops" or bulblets borne in the place of flowers ; multipliers, by the natu- ral di\'isions of the bulbs. Onion "sets" are small dry onions that renew their growth when planted. Potato, cuttings of the tubers. Rhubarb, or pie-plant ; by seeds, but these give variable progeny ; preferably by division of the roots into strong eyes. Sea-kale ; by seeds, but better by root-cuttings from the best plants. Yam, Chinese. Bulblets from the axils of the leaves ; division of the root. How farm crops are propagated By seeds Alfalfa Peanut Barley Pumpkin and Squash Bean Rape Broom-corn Rice Buckwheat Root-crops Cabbage Rubber, Para (Hevea), seeds in Clover nursery beds. Coffee, seeds started in beds, and trans- Rubber, Panama (Castilloa), planted. seeds in nursery beds. Corn Rubber, Ceara (Manihot), seeds Cotton and cuttings. Cowpea Rye Flax Sorghum Ginseng Sugar-beet Grasses Tea, in nursery beds Hemp Teasel Kafir Tobacco Millet • Vetch Oats Wheat By other parts than seeds Arrow-root, division of underground parts. Cassava, mostly by cuttings of the seed-canes, as for sugar-cane ; early va- rieties sometimes by seed.s. Hop, cuttings of the underground stems or "roots." Potato, cuttings of the underground stems or tubers. Sugar-cane, cuttings of the canes ; rarely by seeds for production of new va- rieties. Sweet-potato, sprouts from the potatoes, in seed-beds. CHAPTER VIII Crops for Special Farm Practices. Home Storage and Keeping of Crops Different systems or plans of farming are expressed in the char- acter of the cropping scheme ; and some of these schemes are so special that they may be thrown together in a reference advice-book. Forage Crops Forage is herbage food, whether green or cured. The forage crops are grasses (whether utilized in meadows, pastures, or otherwise), all coarse natural grazing crops such as animals are likely to find provided in nature, and miscellaneous roots and vegetative parts grown specifi- cally for feeding purposes. They are distinguished from the threshed grains and all manufactured products. It will be seen at once that there are two cultural groups comprised in the class of forage crops, — the group occupying the land for a series of years (meadows and pas- tures), and the group comprising the annual-grown or biennial-grown plants (as maize, cowpea, pea, millet, roots). These groups overlap, however, so that no hard and fast line can be drawn between them. The word roughage is applied to the coarser forage products, as maize, cowpeas, kafir; sometimes it is used as equivalent to forage. Fodder is practically equivalent to the word " forage," but is less specific ; it is by some restricted to dried or cured forage. The word is commonly used for the coarser kinds, in distinction from hay. Some of the leading forage crops are alfalfa, cabbage, the various cereals, clovers, cowpea, kafir, maize or Indian corn, mangels, millet, rape, soybean, sorghum, vetches. Soiling is the feeding of green harvested forage direct from the field to the animals. The feed is carried to them. This system is distinguished from pasturing. The animals are kept in small inclosures or in stalls, and thereby their feed is regulated and the standing crop is not injured by them. The term is probably derived from that use or origin of the verb " to soil " that indicates to satisfy or to fill. 133 134 CROPS FOR SPECIAL FARM PRACTICES A species of pasturing is sometimes known as soiling. By means of movable fences, the animals are allowed to graze a part of the crop clean antl then to move on at the next feeding to fresh foraging. This use of the term is allowable, since the object is the same, — to sui)i)ly the animal with a given amount of succulent food ; the animal does the harvesting. This practice may be known as pasture soiling. It would not do to allow animals to roam at will and to gorge themselves in such crops as maize, growing grain, heavy alfalfa, clover, or cowpeas ; consequently the animals are soiled on these crops in one way or another. Silage is green or uncured forage that is preserved, or ensiled, in a tight receptacle or silo (see Chap. XXV). The following croj)s have at various times been recommended for ensiling : corn, clovers, alfalfa, meadow-grasses, cowpeas, soybeans, Canada field peas, sorghum, sun- flower, millet, apple pomace, beet pulp, canning house refuse. Soiling Crops The more important soiling corps are : winter grains (cut before blooming), peas and oats, alfalfa, clover, vetch, soybeans, millet, cow- peas, corn, sorghum, and rape. If it is desired to feed green crops throughout the entire season, the following rotation is suggested (Woll) : — (1) Winter wheat or rye, ready to cut and feed during May; (2) Green clover, for feeding during the early part of June ; (3) Oats and peas, sown as early as possible in the spring, and later two or three times at weekly intervals; available for feeding during the remainder of June and July; (4) Corn, or corn and sorghum, planted at the usual time, for feeding in August and September; (5) The land occupied by oats and peas when cleared may be sown to millet or barley, for feeding during the fall months. The following crops for partial soiling are reconmicnded by Jordan : Three sowings of peas and oats in May and early June, and two plantings of corn, one at the usual time, the other two weeks later. These crops will furnish a supply of green feed when this is most likely to be needed. Quincy included four crops in his system, viz. early clover (for feeding during May and June), oats (for July), corn (for August), second growth of clover or grass (September to October 15), tops of carrots and turnips, cabbages (October 15 to November). SOILING CROP TABLES 135 Special rotations for soiling crops have been reconiniended by various authorities, and the farmer has the choice of a variety of crops that may be grown for this purpose. The rotations suitable for soiling in- cluded below are given as guides for farmers living in the states men- tioned, or under similar agricultural conditions (collected by Well) : — Soiling crops adapted to northern New England (Lindsey) (For 10 cows' entire soiling) Kind Seed per Acre Time of Seed- ing Area Time of Cutting Rye Wheat .... Red clover . . . Grass and clover . Vetch and oats Vetch and oats . . Peas and oats . . Peas and oats . . Barnyard millet . Barnyard millet . Soybeans (medium green) .... Corn 2bu. 2 bu. 20 1b. [ ^ bu. red-top, 1 pk. \ timothy, 10 lb. red[ [ clover J 3 bu. oats, 50 lb. vetch 3 bu. oats, 50 lb. vetch 1 1^ bu. Canada peas.l 1. 13^ bu. oats j 1^ bu. Canada peas,l 1 13^ bu oats J Ipk. Ipk. 18 qt. Sept. 10-15 Sept. 10-15 July 15-Aug. 1 September April 20 April 30 April 20 April 30 May 10 May 25 May 20 May 20 May 30 July 15 August 5 ^ acre ^ acre ^ acre § acre ^ acre ^ acre ^acre ^ acre § acre : acre ; acre § acre i acre ^ acre 1 acre May 20-May 30 June 1-June 15 June 15-June 25 June 15-Juno30 June 25-JuIy 10 July 10-July 20 June 25- July 10 July 10-July 20 July25-Aug. 10 Aug. 10-Aug. 20 Aug. 25-Sept. 15 Aug 25-Sept. 10 Corn Sept. 10-Sept. 20 Hungarian . . . Barley and peas . 1 bu. flHbu.peas, 1^ bu.\ Sept. 20-Sept. 30 Oct. 1-Oct. 20 Time of planting and feeding soiling crops (Phelps) The dates given in the table apply to central Connecticut and regions under approximately similar conditions Kind of Fodder Rye fodder Wheat fodder .... Clover Grass (from grass-lands) Oats and peas Oats and peas Oats and peas Hungarian Clover rowen (from 3) . . Soybeans Cowpeas Rowen grass (from grass- lands) Barley and peas . . . , Amount of Seed PER Acre 2H to 3 bu. 2}4 to 3 bu. 20 1b. 2 bu. each 2 bu. each 2 bu. each IH bu. 1 bu. 1 bu. 2 bu. each Approximate Time OF Seeding September 1 Sept. 5-10 July 20-30 April 10 April 20 April 30 June 1 May 25 June 5-10 Aug. 5-10 Approximate Time of Feeding May 10-20 May 20, June 5 June 5-15 June 15-25 June 25, July 10 July 10-20 July 20, Aug. 1 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 10-20 Aug. 20, Sept. 5 Sept. 5-20 Sept. 20-30 Oct. 1-30 136 CROPS FOR SPECIAL FARM PRACTICES Soiling crops for Pennsylvania (Watson and Mairs) Chop Rye Alfalfa Clover and timothy Peas and oats Alfalfa (second crop) .... Sorghum and cowpeas (after rj^e) Cowpeas (after peas and oats) Area for 10 Cows }4 acre 2 acres ^ acre 1 acre 2 acres }/2 acre 1 acre When to be Fed May 15-June 1 June 1-June 12 June 12-June 24 June 24-July 15 July 15- Aug. 11 Aug. 11-Aug. 28 Aug. 28-Sept. 30 Crops for partial soiling for Illinois during midsummsr (Fraser) Kind of Fodder Corn, early, sweet, or dent Corn, medium, dent . Cowpeas Soybeans Oats and Canada peas Oats and Canada peas I. Rape (Dwarf Essex) . 8. Rape, second sowing . 9. Rape, third sowing . . Amount of Seed PER Acre 6qt. 5 qt. 1 bu. 1 bu. 1 bu. each 1 bu. each 4 1b. 4 1b. 4 1b. Approximate Time of Seeding May 1 May 15 May 15 May 15 April 15 May 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 Approximate Time op Feeding July 1-Aug. 1 Aug. 1-Sept. 30 Aug. 1-Sept. 15 Aug. 1-Sept. 15 July 1-July 15 July 15-Aug. 1 July 1-Aug. 1 Aug. 1-Sept. 1 Sept. 1-Oct. 1 Succession of soiling crops for dairy cows for Wisconsin (Carlyle) Pounds OF Seed per Time FOR Sow- Approximate Degrees of Maturity Crop Time of Cutting 11 11 i h c Palata- BILITY Acre < Fall rye 168 Sept. 10 May 15-June 1 24S 38 }^ Before blooming Poor Alfalfa . . 20 Mar. 20 June 1-15 72 36 J Before blooming Fair Red clover 15 June 15-25 36 J In bloom Fair Peas and fP 60 io 48 fP 60 \0 48 April 16 June 25-July 5 70 32 J In milk Average Peas and April 26 July 5-15 70 32 h In milk Average Oats , . 80 May 5 July 15-25 70 32 s In milk .\verage Alfalfa (sec- ond crop.) — — Julvl5-30 — 36 — Before blooming .Vverage Rape . . 2.5 May 26 A UK. 1-15 67 42 i Mature Good Flint corn . — May 20 Aug. 15-25 86 40 i In silk Very good Sorghum . 50 June 1 Aug. 25-Sept. 10 86 39 A When well headed Very good EverRreen sweet corn — May 31 Sept. 10-25 102 30 A In silk \'erv good Rnne . . 2.5 July 20 Sept. 2.5-Oct. 10 67 42 4 Mature Good Remarks. — Feed in stable during day and turn cowa on pasture at night, or feed carefully in the pasture, spreading the forage. After cutting rye, use same ground for the rape, flint corn, and sorghum, and after rutting pea.san l(wt. The; onions mu.st not be subjected to extremes of lein|x'niture, and they should not thaw out during the winter. They can be »tor»J on the north side of a loft, being covered with two KEEPING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 147 or three feet of straw, hay, or chaff to preserve an equable temperature. They must not be handled while frozen, and they must thaw out very gradually in the spring. This method of keeping onions is reliable only when the weather is cold and tolerably uniform, and it is little employed. Orange. Aside from the customary wrapping of oranges in tissue paper and packing them in boxes, burying in dry sand is sometimes practiced. The fruit is first wrapped in tissue paper, and it should be buried in such manner that the fruit shall not be more than three tiers deep. Pears. Pears should be picked several days or even two weeks before they are ripe, and then placed in a dry and well-ventilated room, as a chamber. Make very shallow piles, or, better, place on trays. They will then ripen up well. The fruits are picked when full grown but not ripe, and when the stem separates readily from the fruit-spur if the pear is lifted up. All pears are better for being prematurely picked in this way. Winter pears are stored in the same manner as winter apples. Quinces are kept in the same way as winter apples and winter pears. Some varieties, particularly the Champion, may be kept until after New Year's in a good cellar. Roots of all sorts, as beets, carrots, salsify, parsnips, can be kept from wilting by packing them in damp sphagnum moss, like that used by nurserymen. They may also be packed in sand. It is an erroneous notion that parsnips and salsify are not good until after they are frozen. Squashes should be stored in a dry room in which the temperature is uniform and about 50°. Growers for market usually build squash houses or rooms and heat them. Great care should be taken not to bruise any squashes which are to be stored. Squashes procured from the market have usually been too roughly handled to be reliable for storing. 148 CROPS FOR SPECIAL FARM PRACTICES Sweet-potato. In I ho North. — Dig the potatoes on a sunny day, and allow them to dry th()r(»u«hly in the field. Sort out the poor ones, and handle the reinaindiT fart'fully. Never allow them to become chilled. Then pack them in barrels in layers, in dry sand, and store in a warm cellar. They are sometimes stored in finely broken charcoal and wheat-chaff. Sometimes they are kept in small and open crates, without packing- material, the crates being stacked so as to allow thorough ventilation. The I layman or Southern Queen keep well in this way. A wann attic is often a good place in which to store sweet-potatoes. A tight, warm room over a kitchen is particularly good. In the South (Berckmans). — Digging the tubers should be delayed until the vines have been sufficiently touched by frost to check vegeta- tion. Allow the potatoes to dry off in the field, which will take but a few hours. Then sort all those of eating size to be banked separately from the smaller ones. The banks are prepared as follows : Make a circular bed six feet in diameter, in a sheltered corner of the garden, throwing up the earth about a foot high. Cover this with straw and bank up the tubers in shape of a cone, using from 10 to 20 bushels to each i>ank. A triangular pipe made of narrow planks to act as a ventilator 8h(»uld be placed in the middle of the cone. Cover the tubers with straw 6 to 10 inches thick, and bank the latter with earth, first using only a small quantity, but increasing the thickness a week or ten days afterwards. A board should be placed upon the top of the ventilating I)ipe to prevent water from reaching the tubers. Several banks are u.sually made in a row, and a rough shelter of boards built over the whole. The main j)oint to be considered in putting up sweet potatoes for winter is entire freedom from moisture and sufficient covering to prevent heating. It is therefore advisable to allow the tubers tp under- go sweating (which invariably occurs after being put in heaps) before covering them too nmch ; and if the temporary covering is removed for a few hours, a week after being heaped, the moisture generated will be romovofi and very little difficulty will follow from thal^ cause. If rovoretl too thickly at once, the sweating often endangers rapid fer- mentation, and loss is then certain to follow. Sand is never used here in banking potatoes. Some varieties of potatoes keep much better than others. The Yellow Sugar yam and the Pumpkin yam are the TOMATOES — COLD STORAGE 149 most difficult to carry through; while the Trinidad potato keeps as readily as Irish potatoes, only requiring to be kept free from frost and light by a slight covering of straw, if the tubers are placed in a house. Next in keeping quality come Hayti yam, Red-skinned, Brimstone, Nigger Killer; and last of the potato section is the Nansemond. Tomato. Pick the firmest fruits just as they are beginning to turn, leaving the stems on, exercising care not to bruise them, and pack in a barrel or box in clean and thoroughly dry sand, placing the fruits so that they will not touch each other. Place the barrel in a dry place. In the autumn when frosts appear, tomatoes, if carefully picked and laid on straw under the glass of cold frames, will continue to ripen until near Christmas. Green but full-grown tomatoes may be gradually ripened by placing them in cupboards or bureau drawers. The ripening of tomatoes may be hastened ten days by bagging them as grapes are bagged. Cold Storage Storing under refrigeration is mostly a business by itself, and is therefore out of reach of a general book of rules. However, a few figures drawn from experience may be useful to the farmer : — Temperature for fruits and vegetables in cold storage (Rochester Cold Storage Co.). P. 345 Goods Apples^ . . Berries . . . Canned goods Celery . . . Cherries . . Cranberries . Dried berries Dried apples Dried corn . Dates . . . Evaporated app Figs .... Grapes . . . les Temperature 30-33° 36° 35° 32° with care 36° 33° 30-32° 30° 30° 35° 30° 36° Goods Lemons . . . Maple Syrup Nuts .... Oranges . . . Pears .... Peaches or plums Prunes .... Quinces . . . Raisins .... Vegetables . . Wine .... Watermelons Temperature 36° 35° 35° 36° 32° with care 35° 35° 30° 35° 35° 40° 35° 1 Apples are often carried as low as 30°, in a dry-air circulating room ; the heavier- skinned apples may be carried as low as 29°. With pears and celery, which contain mucn water, care should be taken that they do not go below freezing. CHAPTER IX Commercial Grades of Crop Products. Fruit Packages The market grades or classes of some products have been very care- fully standardized. This is particularly true of grains, hay, and straw, and to a less extent of fruit. In prepared animal products there has been very little standardizing by societies or committees. Cotton Grades No printed rules have been formulated for the official grading of cotton, as this work proceeds upon the basis of a set of types of actual cotton, adopted as standard on the recommendation of a committee representing the entire cotton industry. These sets of cottons are made up by the United States Department of Agriculture and furnished to all applicants at the cost of their preparation. The samples are put up in specially prepared boxes. In the Cotton Grades, as now being issued by the Department of Agriculture, several new ideas have been embodied, conspicuous among which is the protection of the grades by photographs. Each of the nine grade boxes contains twelve samples of cotton, separately packed, representing as nearly as possible the range of diversity in the grade represented. The boxes are twenty inches square; inside the lid of each is a full-size photograph showing the appearance of the cotton when certified by the Secretary of Agriculture. As each particle of tra.sh and each material unevenness in the surface of the cotton is shown in the photograph, it is evident that any material change in the appear- ance of the cotton itself can easily be detected by comparison with the photograph. Of course these photographs make no pretension to show the grade of the cotton, — only the position of the trash and fiber. The .sc«al of the Department of Agriculture and the signature of the Secretary, together with a seal-impress certifying the grade of the cotton, appear on the photograph. Experts of the highest class have 150 HAY AND STRAW 151 been employed in the preparation of the Official Cotton Grades, and each set is a correct copy of the original types promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture on the recommendation of Committee. Grades of Hay and Straw (Established by the National Hay Associa- tion, Inc.) Haij. Choice Timothy Hay — Shall be timothy not mixed with over one- twentieth other grasses, properly cured, bright, natural color, sound, and well baled. No. 1 Timothy Hay — Shall be timothy with not more than one- eighth mixed with clover or other tame grasses, properly cured, good color, sound, and well baled. No. 2 Timothy Hay — Shall be timothy not good enough for No. 1, not over one-fourth mixed with clover or other tame grasses, fair color, sound, and well baled. No. 3 Timothy Hay — Shall include all hay not good enough for other grades, sound, and well baled. Light Clover Mixed Hay — Shall be timothy mixed with clover. The clover mixture not over one-fourth, properly cured, sound, good color, and well baled. No. 1 Clover Mixed Hay — Shall be timothy and clover mixed, with at least one-half timothy, good color, sound, and well baled. No. 2 Clover Mixed Hay — Shall be timothy and clover mixed with at least one-third timothy. Reasonably sound and well baled. No. 1 Clover Hay — Shall be medium clover not over one-twentieth other grasses, properly cured, sound, and well baled. No. 2 Clover Hay — Shall be clover, sound, well baled, not good enough for No. 1. No Grade Hay — Shall include all hay badly cured, stained, threshed, or in any way unsound. Choice Prairie Hay — Shall be upland hay of bright, natural color, well cured, sweet, sound, and may contain 3 per cent weeds. No. 1 Prairie Hay — Shall be upland and may contain one-quarter midland, both of good color, well cured, sweet, sound, and may contain 8 per cent weeds. No. 2 Prairie Hay — Shall be upland, of fair color, and may contain one-half midland, both of good color, well cured, sweet, sound, and may contain 12J per cent weeds. 162 COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS No. 3 Pniirie Hay — Shall include hay not good enough for other grades and not caked. No 1. Midland — Shall be midland hay of good color, well cured, sweet, sound, and may contain 3 per cent weeds. No. 2 Midland — Shall be fair color, or slough hay of good color, and may contain 12J i)er cent weeds. Packing Hay — Siiall include all wild hay not good enough for other grades and not caked. No Grade Prairie Hay — Shall include all hay not good enough for other grades. Alfalfa. Choice Alfalfa — Shall be reasonably fine, leafy alfalfa of bright green color, properly cured, sound, sweet, and well baled. No. 1 Alfalfa — Shall be coarse alfalfa of natural color, or reasonably fine, leafy alfalfa of good color, and may contain 5 per cent of foreign grasses ; must be well baled, sound, and sweet. No. 2 Alfalfa — Shall include alfalfa somewhat bleached, but of fair color, reasonably leafy, not more than one-eighth foreign grasses, sound, and well baled. No. 3 Alfalfa — Shall include bleached alfalfa, or alfalfa mixed with not to exceed one-fourth foreign grasses, but when mixed must be of fair color, sound, and well baled. No Grade Alfalfa — Shall include all alfalfa not good enough for other grades, caked, musty, greasy, or threshed. Straw. No. 1 Straight Rye Straw — Shall be in large bales, clean, bright, long rye straw, pressed in bundles, sound, and well baled. No. 2 Straight Rye Straw — Shall be in large bales, long rye straw, pressed in bundles, sound, and well baled, not good enough for No. 1. No. 1 Tangled Rye Straw — Shall be reasonably clean rye straw, good color, sound, and well baled. No. 2 Tangled Rye Straw — Shall be reasonably clean ; may be some staineil, but not good enough for No. 1. No. 1 Wheat Straw — Shall be reasonably clean wheat straw, sound and well baled. HAY AND STRAW— GRA^N 153 No. 2 Wheat Straw — Shall be reasonably clean; may be some stained, but not good enough for No. 1. No. 1 Oat Straw — Shall be reasonably clean oat straw, sound and well baled. No. 2 Oat Straw — Shall be reasonably clean ; may be some stained, but not good enough for No. 1. The above grades of hay and straw have been adopted by Exchanges in the following markets : — Minneapolis, Minn. Jacksonville, Fla. Washington, D.C Philadelphia, Pa. New Orleans, La. Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Norfolk, Va. Duluth, Minn. Toledo, O. Richmond, Va. Buffalo, N.Y. Saginaw, Mich. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Columbus, O. Baltimore, Md.^ Cleveland, O. Birmingham, Ala. Cincinnati, O.i ^ Using grades in part only. St. Paul, Minn. Nashville, Tenn. St. Louis, Mo. Chicago, 111. Pittsburg, Pa. Louisville, Ky. State of Minnesota New York City Grades of Grain (Adopted by the Grain Dealers' National Associa- tion, 1909) White winter wheat. No. 1 White Winter Wheat — Shall include all varieties of pure soft white winter wheat, sound, plump, dry, sweet, and clean, and weigh not less than 58 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 2 White Winter Wheat — Shall include all varieties of soft white winter wheat, dry, sound, and clean, and shall not contain more than 8 per cent of soft red winter wheat, and weigh not less than 56 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 3 White Winter Wheat — Shall include all varieties of soft white winter wheat. It may contain 5 per cent o^ damaged grains other than skin-burnt wheat, and may contain 10 per cent of soft red winter wheat, and weigh not less than 53 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 4 White Winter Wheat — Shall include all the varieties of soft white winter wheat, not fit for a higher grade, in consequence of being of poor quality, damp, musty, or dirty, and shall not contain more than 10 per cent of soft red winter wheat, and weigh not less than 50 lb. to the measured bushel. 1.54 COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS Red mnter wheat. No. 1 R«'<1 WiiitiT Wheat — Shall be pure soft red winter wheat of both li^ht and dark colors, sound, sweet, plump, and well cleaned, and weigh not less than 00 lb. to the measured l)ushel. No. 2 RihI Winter Wheat — Shall be soft red winter wheat of both llRht and dark colors, sound, sweet, and clean, shall not contain more than 5 per cent of white winter wheat, and weigh not less than .58 lb. to the measureoth light and dark colors, not clean or plump enough for No. 2, and weigh not less than 50 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 4 Hard Winter Wheat — Shall include all varieties of hard winter wheat of both light and dark colors. It may be damp, musty, or dirty, and weigh not less than 50 lb. to the measured bushel. \orthern spring wheat. No. 1 Hard Spring Wheat — Shall be sound, bright, sweet, clean, and consist of over 50 per cent of the hard Scotch Fife, and weigh not less than 58 lb. to the measured bushel. No 1 Northern Spring Wheat — Must be northern-grown spring wheat, GRADES OF GRAIN 155 3ound, clean, and of good milling quality, and must contain not less than 50 per cent of the hard varieties of spring wheat, and weigh not less than 57 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 2 Northern Spring Wheat — ■ Shall be northern-grown spring wheat, not clean enough or sound enough for No. 1, and must contain not less than 50 per cent of the hard varieties of spring wheat, and must weigh not less than 56 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 3 Northern Spring Wheat — Shall be composed of inferior shrunken northern-grown spring wheat, and weigh not less than 54 lb. to the measured bushel, and must contain not less than 50 per cent of the hard varieties of spring wheat. No. 4 Northern Spring Wheat — Shall include all inferior northern- grown spring wheat that is badly shrunken or damaged, and must con- tain not less than 50 per cent of the hard varieties of spring wheat, and shall weigh not less than 49 lb. to the measured bushel. Spring wheat. No. 1 Spring Wheat — Shall be sound, plump, and well cleaned, and weigh not less than 59 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 2 Spring Wheat — Shall be sound, clean, of a good milling quality, and weigh not less than 57 J lb. to the measured bushel. No. 3 Spring Wheat — Shall include all inferior, shrunken, or dirty spring wheat, and weigh not less than 53 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 4 Spring Wheat — Shall include all spring wheat damp, musty, grown, badly bleached, or for any cause unfit for No. 3, and weigh not less than 49 lb. to the measured bushel. White spring wheat. White Spring Wheat — The grades of Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 White Spring Wheat shall correspond with the grades of Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Spring Wheat, except that they shall be of the white variety. Durum (Macaroni) wheat. No. 1 Durum Wheat — Shall be bright, sound, dry, well cleaned, and be composed of durum, commonly known as macaroni wheat, and weigh not less than 60 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 2 Durum Wheat — Shall be drv, clean, and of good milling 156 COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS quality. It shall include all durum wheat that for any reason is not suitable for Xo. 1 Durum, and weigh not less than 58 lb. to the measured buijhel. Xo. 3 Durum Wheat — Shall include all durum wheat bleached, shrunken, or for any cause unfit for Xo. 2, and weigh not less than 55 lb. to the measured bushel. Xo. 4 Durum Wheat — Shall include all durum wheat that is badly bleached or for any cause unfit for No. 3, and weigh not less than 50 lb. to the mea.sured bushel. Velvet chaff wheat. X'o. 1 Velvet Chaff Wheat — Shall be bright, sound, and well cleaned, and weigh not less than 58 lb. to the measured bushel. Xo. 2 Velvet Chaff Wheat — Shall be sound, dry, clean, maybe slightly bleach<'d, or shrunken, but not good enough for No. 1, and weigh not less than 57 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 3 Velvet Chaff Wheat — Shall include all wheat that is bleached, smutty or for any other cause unfit for No. 2, and weigh not less than 55 lb. to the measured bushel. Xo. 4 Velvet Chaff Wheat — Shall include all wheat that is very smutty, badly bleached and grown, or for any other cause unfit for Xo. 3. Pacific Coast wfieat. Xo. 1 Pacific Coast Red Wheat — Shall be dry, sound, clean, and free from .smut, and weigh not less than 59 lb. to the measured bushel. Xo. 2 Pacific Coast Red Wheat — Shall be dry, sound, clean, and only slightly tainted with smut and alkali, and weigh not less than 58 lb. to the measured bushel. Xo. 3 Pacific Coast Red Wheat — Shall include all other Pacific Coast red wheat. It may be smutty or musty, or from any other reason unfit for flouring purpo.scs, and weigh not less than 54 lb. to the measured bu.shel. Pacific Coa.st white wheat shall be graded according to the rules for Pacific Coast rer cent white, dry, sweet, shall not contain more than 2 per cent of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 32 lb. to the measured bushel. GRADES OF GRAIN 159 No. 3 White Clipped Oats — Shall be sweet, 90 per cent white, shall not contain more than 5 per cent of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 30 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 4 White Clipped Oats — Shall be 90 per cent white, damp, damaged, musty, or dirty, and weigh not less than 30 lb. to the measured bushel. Mixed clipped oats. No. 1 Mixed Clipped Oats — Shall be oats of various colors, dry, sweet, sound, bright, clean, free from other grain, and weigh not less than 35 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 2 Mixed Clipped Oats — Shall be oats of various colors, dry, sweet, shall not contain more than 2 per cent of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 32 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 3 Mixed Clipped Oats. — Shall be sweet oats of various colors, shall not contain more than 5 per cent of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 30 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 4 Mixed Clipped Oats — Shall be oats of various colors, damp, damaged, musty, or dirty, and weigh not less than 30 lb. to the measured bushel. Note — Inspectors are authorized, when requested by shippers, to give weight per bushel instead of grade on Clipped White Oats and Clipped Mixed Oats from private elevators. Purified oats. Purified Oats — All oats that have been chemically treated or purified shall be classed as Purified Oats, and inspectors shall give the test weight on each car or parcel that may be so inspected. Corn. The following maximum limits shall govern all inspection and grad- ing of corn : — Percentage Percentage cob rotten. Percentage Grade of Exclusive of bin burnt dirt and Moisture or mahogany corn broken grains 1 15 1 1 2 16 5 2 3 19 10 4 4 22 See No. 4 Corn rule, all colors. IGO COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS Whik corn. Xo. 1 White Corn — Shall be 99 per cent white, sweet, and well matured. No. 2 White Corn — Shall be 98 per cent white, and sweet. No. 3 White Corn — Shall be 98 per cent white, and sweet. No. 4 White Corn — Shall be 98 per cent white ; but shall include damp, damaged, or musty corn. Yellow corn. No. 1 Yellow Corn — Shall be 99 per cent yellow, sweet, and well matured. No. 2 Yellow Corn — Shall be 95 per cent yellow, and sweet. No. 3 Yellow Corn — Shall be 95 per cent yellow, and sweet. No. 4 Yellow Corn — Shall be 95 per cent yellow ; but shall include damp, damaged, or musty corn. Mixed com. No. 1 Mixed Corn — Shall be corn of various colors, sweet and well matured. No. 2 Mixed Corn — Shall be corn of various colors, and sweet. No. 3 Mixed Corn — Shall be corn of various colors, and sweet. No. 4 Mixed Corn — Shall be corn of various colors; but shall in- clude damp, damaged, or musty corn. Milo-maize. No. 1 Milo-Maize — Shall be mixed milo-maize of choice quality, Bound, dry, and well cleaned. No. 2 Milo-Maize — Shall be mixed milo-maize, sound, dry, and • N'an. No. 3 Milo-Maize — Shall be mixed milo-maize, not dry, clean, or sound enough for No. 2. No. 4 Milo-Maize — Shall include all mixed milo-maize that is Sadly damaged, damp, musty or very dirty. Milo-maize that is wet or in heating condition shall not be a?-aded. GRADES OF GRAIN 161 Kaffir corn} No. 1 White Kaffir Corn — Shall be pure white of choice quality, sound, dry, and well cleaned. No. 2 White Kaffir Corn — Shall be seven-eighths white, sound, dry, and clean. No. 3 White Kaffir Corn — Shall be seven-eighths white, not dry, clean or sound enough for No. 2. No. 4 White Kaffir Corn — Shall be seven-eighths white tliat is badly damaged, damp, musty, or very dirty. No. 1 Red Kaffir Corn — Shall be pure red corn, of choice quality, sound, dry, and well cleaned. No. 2 Red Kaffir Corn — Shall be seven-eighths red, sound, dry, and clean. No. 3 Red Kaffir Corn — Shall be seven-eighths red, not dry, clean, or sound enough for No. 2. No. 4 Red Kaffir Corn — Shall be seven-eighths red that is badly damaged, damp, musty, or very dirty. No. 1 Kaffir Corn — Shall be mixed kaffir corn of choice quality, sound, dry, and well cleaned. No. 2 Kaffir Corn — Shall be mixed kaffir corn, sound, dry, and clean. No. 3 Kaffir Corn — Shall be mixed kaffir corn, not dry, clean, or sound enough for No. 2, No. 4 Kaffir Corn — Shall include all mixed kaffir corn that is badly damaged, damp, musty, or very dirty. Kaffir corn that is wet or in heating condition shall not be graded. Barley (Barley Association of the United States). No. 1 Barley — Shall be sound, plump, bright, clean, and free from other grain, and not scoured nor clipped, shall weigh not less than 48 lb. to the measured bushel. No. 2 Barley — Shall be sound, of healthy color (bright or straw color), reasonably clean and reasonably free from other grains and seeds, and not scoured nor clipped, shall weigh not less than 46 lb. to the measured bushel. ' By some writers now spelled kafir, and written without the word "corn." See Cyclo. Amer. Agr. ii. 384, where the word "maize" is also dropped from milo. " Kafir " is used in this book by preference. 162 COMMf:RCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS Xo. 3 Barley — Shall include slightly shrunken or otherwise slightly damaged barley, not gootl enough for No. 2, and not scoured nor clipped, shall weigh not less than 44 lb. to the measured bushel. Xo. 4 Barley — Shall include barley fit for malting purposes, not good enough for Xo. 3. Xo. 1 Feed Barley — Shall test not less than 40 lb. to the measured bushel, shall be cool and reasonably free from other grain and seeds, and not good enough for Xo. 4, and may include barley with a strong ground smell, or a slightly musty or bin smell. Rejected Barley — Shall include all barley testing under 40 lb. to the mea.suretl bushel, or barley which is badly musty or badly damaged, and not good enough to grade " feed " barley, except that barley which has been chemically treated shall not be graded at all. Bay Brewing Barley — The grades of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Bay Brewing Barley shall conform in all respects to the grades of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Barley, excei)t that they shall be of the Bay Brewing variety, grown in the far West and on the Pacific Coast. Chevalier Barley — The grades of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Chevalier Barley shall conform in all respects to the grades of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Barley, except that they shall be of the Chevalier variety, grown in the far West and on the Pacific Coast. Bay Brewing Mixed Barley — In case of admixture of Bay Brewing barley with barley of other varieties, it shall be graded according to the quality thereof, and classed as 1-2-3 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. Chevalier Mixed Barley — In case of admixture of Chevalier barley with barley of other varieties, it shall be graded according to the quality thereof, and classed as 1-2-3 Chevalier Mixed Barley. Winter Barky. Xo 1 Winter Barley — Shall be plump, bright, sound, and clean, free from other grain, and weigh not less than 48 lb. to the measured bu.shel. Xo. 2 Winter Barley — Shall be sound, plump, may be stained, shall contain not more than 3 per c:':it of foreign matter, and weigh not less than 46 lb, to the measured bushel. Xo. 3 Winter Barley — Shall include all shrunken, stained, and dirty barley, shall contain not more than 5 per cent of foreign matter, and weigh not less than 44 lb. to the measured bushel. SIZES OF FRUIT PACKAGES 163 No. 4 Winter Barley — Shall include all barley not fit for a higher grade in consequence of being poor quality, damp, musty, or dirty ; shall contain not more than 10 per cent of foreign matter, and weigh not less than 40 lb. to the measured bushel. Sample grades — General rule. All wheat, barley, oats, rye and corn that is in a heated condition, souring, or too damp to be safe for warehousing, or that is badly bin-burnt, fire-burnt, fire-smoked, or badly damaged, mixed with garlic, onions, or containing live weevil, exceedingly dirty, or where different kinds of grain are badly mixed with one another, shall be classed as Sample Grade, and the inspector shall make notations as to quality and condition. Fruit Packages Sizes and weights of packages for deciduous fruits (California Fruit Distributors) Weights in first table, sizes in second Cherries 11 pounds per box Peaches 21 1/^ pounds per box Pears 50 pounds per box Pears for export to Europe 24 pounds per box Prunes 26 pounds per single crate Apricots 26 pounds per single crate Nectarines 25 pounds per single crate Plums 26 pounds per single crate Grapes 26 pounds per single crate Grapes 56 pounds per double crate Cherries, box Peaches, box Pears, box Pears, for export to Europe, box Apricots, single crate .... Nectarines, single crate Prunes, single crate .... Plums, single crate Grapes, single crate .... Grapes, double crate .... In Inches Depth Width Length 2% 9 19H 5 UH 19H 9 UH 19M 4K im 19^ 5 16 17^ o 16 17M 5 16 17^ 5 16 171^ 5 16 17H UH 16 17M \CA COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS Chautauqua, N.Y., grape figures. The grapes are shipped in 8-pound Climax baskets, which weigh, when not filled, 20 ounces. A carload is 2800 to 3000 baskets. A girl will pack from 100 to 150 baskets per day. One and one-fourth cents i)er l)a.^ket is paid for picking and packing. An average acre of Concord grapes yields about 500 baskets. The average annual cost of cultivating the vineyard up to picking time is $8. The expense of picking, packing, packages, and carting is about $28 for the 500 bas- kets. In hulk, the grapes are shipped in crates of 38 lb. capacity ; cost of picking in crates is about 2 cents for quantity representing 2\ baskets. The bunches are cut from the vines with shears made for the purpose. In the packing house the bunches are trimmed. Citrus fruits. The specifications of the boxes used in the packing of California oranges are shown in the railroad tariffs with an estimated weight, and the box so shown is the only one used. The inside dimensions are Hi in.XlU in.X24 in., the slats are 26 in. long, but the thickness of the ends and center-pieces is 2 in., making the inside length 24 in. No. 2 Jumbo orange-box, lU in. X 12^ in. X 24 in. The California box for lemons shown in the tarifT is IO2 in. X 14 in. X 25 in. Recently, the lemon shippers adopted a new-sized box which packs lemons to better advantage, and this new box will be used as soon as the accumulation of old stock is exhausted, and the tariffs will be changed to show its dimensions, which are, lOf in. X 13i in. X 25 in. inside. Old box, 3675 cu. in. ; new box, 3501^ cu. in. Florida orange-box, 12 X 12 X 24| in. inside. Half-box, 5t X 12 X 24^ in. Apple boxes (W. A. Taylor). The memoranda following (p. 165) show legal weights to the bushel of apples and legal sizes of apple-boxes and barrels ; also the usual standard (not legal) sizes of apple-boxes and the heaped-bushel ex- pressed in cubic inches in such states as have expressed the capacity of the heaped-bushel in that form. All these boxes when actually used are subject to considerable variation in capacity, resulting from the use or non-use of cleats under the covers. SIZES OF FRUIT PACKAGES 165 State Arkansas Apple legislation (Box and barrel sizes and weights per bushel) Barrel Size Pounds per Bu. Box Size " Green apples " 50 20" X 12" x 9" " lawful bu. measure" Connecticut Florida . . Iowa . . . Kansas . . Maine . . Maryland . . Massachusetts Michigan . . Minnesota Missouri . Nebraska . New Jersey- New York . North Carolina North Dakota Ohio .... Oregon "stand- ard box " . . Oregon "special box" . Tennessee Texas . . Vermont . Virginia . Washington Wisconsin . Apples" . . 48 Apples, green" 48 Apples" . . 48 Green apples" 48 Apples" . . 44 Apples ' Apples ' 20" X 11" X 10" 2250 cu. in (i) " stand, bu. box ' 2212 cu. in. . . 48 48 2160 cu. in. Head 17|" Stave 28V Bulge 64" 6253i cu. in. 3bu Apples, green" 50 Apples" . . 48 Green apples " 48 Apples" . . 50 Apples" . . 48 " Green apples" 48 " Apples" . . 50 "Apples" . . 50 "Apples' 20" X 11" X 10" "Apples, green" 50 "Apples " . . 50 "Apples" . . 46 "Apples" . . 45 "Green apples" 45 18"Xlirxl0r "Apples" . . 48 Heads 16|" Stave 27" or flour bbl. size Heads n\" Stave 28^' Diam. center inside 20g" Head 17|" Stave 28|" Bulge 64" 100 qt. Head 17|" Stave 28|" Bulge 66" . 45 18" X U\" X \Q\" 2173^ cu. in. 2200 cu. in. 2|bu. Head 171" Stave 27\" Bulge 64 100 quarts Other apple-box sizes California (40 lb.) 20|" X lOf" X 9|" 1965 California (50 lb.) 201" X lU" X lOf" : . . .2393 Canadian (legal) 20" X 11" X 10" 2200 Colorado 18"Xll"xl2" 2376 Washington "special" . . . . 20"xll"xl0" 2200 Norwestern special 20" X 12" X 10" 2400 1 Printed 2250 cu. in. in the law, but the dimensions figure 2200 cu. i] ^66 COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS Legal heaped-bushel capacities (Apples) Connectirut (hrapttl bu.) ^-^ ^!^- '.? Kansas (hi-apetl bu.) o'iaA •» •• Washington (heaped bu.) 25b4 Box packing of apples in Washington and Oregon (C. S. Wilson). Boies. — (a) Standard, lOJ in. X Hi in. X 18 in. inside measurement. (6) Special, 10 in. X 11 in. X 20 in. inside measurement. Makrial. — Knds, ^ in. ; sides, I in ; tops and bottoms, two pieces each, \ in. thick. There should be two cleats for each top and bottom. The sides of the box should be nailed with four nails at each end of each side. The cleats should be put neatly on the box, and four nails driven through them and through the top or bottom into the ends. Five- penny cement-coated nails are preferable. Wrapping paper. — Any of the following grades may be used : Light Manila, heavy-weight tissue, or " white news." The size of the wrapper will vary somewhat, according to the size of the apple. Two sizes should be ordered, 8 in. X 10 in. and 10 in. X 10 in. The approximate cost of this wrapping paper would be, light Manila and heavy-weight tissue, 4i or 5 cents per pound, or about 35 cents per thou- sand sheets; "white news," 3^ cents per pound, or about 30 cents per thousand sheets. Lining paper. — The lining paper is made from " white news," size 18 in. X 24 in. The approximate cost of this paper would be 31 cents per pound, or about SI. 15 per thousand sheets. Layer paper. — In some cases it is necessary to use layer paper to raise the pack in order to come out right at the top. For this purpose u.se colored tag-board, size 17i in. X 11 in., or 19^ in. X 10^ in., ac- cording to the box. The approximate cost of this paper would be alx)ut S7.50 per thou.sand sheets. Packing. — Before placing the apples on the packing table they are u.sually graded into different sizes. This facilitates very much the work of the packers. A sizer may be used at the beginning, but one soon trains the eye to recognize the different grades. The diagonal pack is preferable, although one is forced to use the straight pack for a few sizes. The following table was u.sed at Hood River, Oregon, in the fall of 1910 (C. I. Lewis, in "Better Fruits"): — SIZES OF FRUIT PACKAGES Table of commercial box packs 167 Size — Ex- pressed IN No. Apples Tier Pack No. Apples IN Row No. Layers IN Depth Box Used PER Box 45 3 3 St. 5-5 3 Standard 54 3 3 St. 6-6 3 Special 63 3 3 St. 7-7 3 Special 64 sy2 2-2 Diag. 4-4 4 Standard 72 sy2 2-2 Diag. 4-5 4 Standard 80 3^ 2-2 Diag. 5-5 4 Standard 88 3H 2-2 Diag. 5-6 4 Standard 96 3^ 2-2 Diag. 6-6 4 Special 104 SH 2-2 Diag. 6-7 4 Special 112 3y2 2-2 Diag. 7-7 4 Special 120 3y2 2-2 Diag. 7-8 4 Special 128 4 4 St. 8-8 4 Special 144 4 4 St. 9-9 4 Special 150 4K 3-2 Diag. 6-6 5 Standard 163 4H 3-2 Diag. 6-7 5 Standard 175 4^ 3-2 Diag. 7-7 5 Standard 188 43^ 3-2 Diag. 7-8 5 Special 200 43^ 3-2 Diag. 8-8 5 Special Fruit packages in Canada (Fruit Marks Act). The minimum legal limit of apple barrel is a barrel having a dimen- sion of not less than 26| inches between the heads, inside measure, and a head diameter of 17 inches, and a middle diameter of 18| inches, representing as nearly as possible 96 quarts. When apples are packed in Canada for export, for sale by the box, they shall be packed in good strong boxes, of seasoned wood, the inside dimensions of which shall not be less than 10 inches in depth, 11 inches in width, and 20 inches in length, representing as nearly as possible 2200 cubic inches. The Inspection and Sale Act, dealing with fruit baskets (May, 1907), reads as follows : — " 2. Every basket of fruit offered for sale in Canada, unless stamped on the side plainly in black letters at least three-quarters of an inch deep and wide, with the word ' Quart ' in full, preceded with the mini- mum number of quarts, omitting fractions, which the basket will hold when level-full, shall contain, when level-full, one or other of the fol- lowing quantities : — *' (a) Fifteen quarts or more. 168 COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS " (6) Eleven quarts, and be 5 J inches deep perpendicularly, 18* inches in Icnplh, and 8 inches in width at the top of the basket, 16 J inches in Icnpth, and dl inches in width at the bottom of the basket, as nearly exactly as practicable, all measurements to be inside of the veneer proper, and not to include the top band. •* (c) Six quarts, and be 4^ inches deep perpendicularly, 15i inches in length, and 7 inches in width at the top of the basket, 13^ inches in length, and ol inches in width at the bottom of the basket, as nearly exactly as practicable, all measurements to be inside of the veneer proper, and not to include the top band : Provided that the Governor in Council may by proclamation exempt any province from the opera- tion of this section. " id) Two and two-fifths quarts, as nearly exactly as practicable." Proposed United States standards (Provisions in the Lafean Bill, now before Congress, 1911). First. The standard box package for apples is a box having a ca- pacity of not less than 2342 cubic inches when measured without dis- tention of its parts. Second. The standard basket package for apples is a basket having a capacity of not less than 2342 cubic inches, when measured level- full, without distention of its parts. Third. The standard barrel package for apples is a barrel of the following dimensions, when measured without distention of its parts : Length of stave, 28^ inches; diameter of head, 17i inches, distance between heads, 26 inches; circumference of bulge, 64 inches, outside measurement. Section 3. That the standard grade for apples which shall be shipped or delivered for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, or which shall be sold or offered for sale within the District of Columbia or the Territories of the United States, are as follows : — Apples of one variety, which arc well-grown specimens, hand-picked, of go(Kl color for the variety, normal shape, practically free from in- sect and fungus injury, bruises, and other defects, except such as are necessarily caused in the operation of packing, or apples of one variety, which are not more than 10 per centum below the foregoing specifica- tions, are .standard grade " U. S. Size A," if the minimum size of the apples is two and one-half inches in transverse diameter : or are stand- SIZES OF TRUCK PACKAGES 169 ard grade " U. S. Size B," if the minimum size of the apples is two and one-fourth inches in transverse diameter; or are standard grade " U. S. Size C./' if the minimum size of the apples is two inches ia transverse diameter. Packages for truck crops, including strawberries (L. C. Corbett). Potatoes. — Truck crop potatoes are shipped from the Atlantic sea- board points in ventilated barrels holding 2\ bushels ; from the Mis- sissippi Valley and Gulf States in sacks holding 190 pounds ; from Maine in sacks holding 165 pounds; and from the California and Colorado sections in sacks holding 100 pounds (everything in this region being sold by net weight rather than by bushel) . In northern sections of Vermont, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, potatoes are largely sold in bulk by weight at so much per bushel. Cabbages from the Atlantic seaboard states south of Baltimore are shipped either in crates or ventilated barrels holding 2j bushels. These crates are usually flat, about 3 feet long. At the North, crates 3 feet square are often used for shipment of cabbage, but the general crop grown for storage and for the manufacture of kraut is sold in bulk by the ton (heads trimmed) . Cauliflower from the Southern fields is almost universally shipped in ventilated barrels, packed in excelsior, barrels being standard truck- crop-barrel of 2\ bushels. California package is a flat carrier holding I dozen or 1| dozen heads. Brussels sprouts are packed in quart cups, in crates holding 32 cups. Tomatoes from Eastern States in crates holding about 1 bushel, similar to those used for the shipment of muskmelons, dimensions about 12 in. X 12 in. X 22 in. Some fruits arrive from Florida in this type of package, but most tomatoes come in 6-basket carriers similar to those used for peaches. In Texas a flat, 4-basket carrier, which is only one tier deep, is almost universally used. Onions of the winter sorts are shipped either in ventilated barrels or standard sacks holding about 2f bushels. The Texas Bermuda crop is universally shipped in slatted bushel crates, 20 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 12 inches deep. Celery from the Florida section is packed in flat crates usually II in. X 20 in. X 24 in. The California package is a cubical crate, 170 COMMERCIAL GRADES OF CROP PRODUCTS 24 in. X 24 in. X 20 in. Most Eastern sections use the California type of packuRo. Muskmelons from incst sections arrive in a veneer crate very similar in shape to the orange-box but somewhat smaller, the dimensions be- ing approximately 12 in. X 12 in. X 22 in. Some sections ship melons in ()(^(iuart and 32-(iuart berry crates, while a small percentage of the crop arrives in flat carriers arranged to hold a single layer of melons. These carriers usually contain IS to 24 melons. Eggplants are usually wrapped in paper and forwarded in 60-quart berry crates. Peas are shipped largely in I standard Delaware baskets with ven- tilate. KunninK water. woUs 4U ImP»')VEMEN'TS 'M). Site of farmstoad 10 31. Huusr a.s adapted to needs of farm 60 32. Other buildings 60 33. Fences, kind, condition, arrangement 30 34. Timber, orchards, vineyards, etc 20 ToT.\L Deductions for Score .\rea in acres Price asked Price per acre Price per acre (excluding waste land) K.>5tinKited value Which farm would you prefer to buy ? The number of points assigned in the foregoing score-card is not the limit, but is suggestive. For example, if the water-supply is exception- ally good, give it more than forty points. Any other exceptional values may be scored more than the points assigned. In some cases, a (leiluction of all the points assigned is not sufficient. Distance to market may absolutely disqualify a farm for the sale of milk. If the score-card is followed exactly, this farm may score higher than a fairly po(xi farm near market. In all such cases, deduct additional points from the total score. It is only by this flexibility that scores can be made that are truly comparable. The best farm for the purpose should have the highest final score. The chief purposes of a score-card are to make the examination systematic and to prevent the forgetting of important items. If the points are not properly distributed for the kind of farming to bf followed, a new distribution of points should be made before com- I)aring farms. For example, for truck farms, all points that have to do with ease of tillage should be given a higher rating, while fertility is of less importance. In irrigated sections, water right, alkali, and ease of application of water must be included. No points are a.ssigned for climate. This should be considered when judging farms in different regions or at different altitudes, or when topography or proximity to water makes a difference in the climate of the farms that are being compared. This would be specially impor- tant near sea-coasts and in little understood climatic situations. SCORE-CARDS 177 Corn and Potatoes Score-card for dent corn (Ohio Improvement Association) For use in the final selection of seed ears 1. Adaptability 25 2. Seed condition ' 15 3. Shape of kernel ] I5 4. Uniformity and trueness to type ] 15 5. Weight of ear 10 6. Length and proportion 10 7. Color of grain and cob 5 8. Butts and tips 5 loo For use in the plant selection of seed corn 1. Adaptability 35 2. Vigor 25 3. Height of plant, and height and angle of ear 15 4. Uniformity and trueness to type 10 5. Weight of ear (estimated) 15 100 Card for use in judging varieties of corn at husking time 1. Bushels per acre (uniform moisture test) 50 2. Maturity 25 3. Uniformity and trueness to type 15 4. Color 10 100 Score-card for potatoes Uniformity 20 points Symmetry 15 points Trueness to type 20 points Freedom from disease and insects 15 points Commercial value 30 points 100 points Standards for Judging Fruits at Exhibitions (Ontario, Canada, Fruit-Growers' Association, 1911) Apples and Pears. — Single Plates Form ]^ Size if Color 25 Uniformity 25 Freedom from blemish _20 100 Peaches. — Single Plates Form 15 Size 20 Color 25 Uniformity ~JJ Freedom from blemish _^ 100 17S TiiK jrixnyr. or FAii}fs, crops, and plants Plums. — Single Plates ^;•>"" i? Color 15 lUiformity -5 l-rt't'doiu frum blfiiiish ^5 100 Clu'rries. — Single Platea Form 10 Size 20 Color 20 I'niformity 25 I'reetloin from blemish 25 100 Grapes. — Single Plates Form of bunch 10 Sixe of bunch 15 Size of iK-rrv 10 Color . ' 10 Hloorn 5 Fri'«' pin," ** Sweeting," *' Clreenins," I'tc, will not be considered as names. 2. All Fruits offered for premiums must be composed of exactly the number of specimens or quantity named in the Schedule. A " dish " of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Nectarines, Quinces, Figs, Apricots, etc., is understt)()d to contain twelve s|)ecimens, and this number will be rtHjuircd of all Fruits when not otherwise specified. 3. The whole quantity required of any one variety of Fruit must be 8ho\ni in a single dish or basket except in collections. 4. Contributors of Fruits for Exhibition or Prizes must present the same in the Society's dishes. All Small Fruits must be shown in baskets of uniform size, which will be furnished to exhibitors by the Superintendent at cost. 5. No person can compete for more than one Prize with the same variety or varieties of Fruit; except that a single dish of the same variety, but not the same specimens of fruit, may be used by an ex- hibitor for both Special and Regular Prizes. 6. The Fruit Committee, in making its awards, will consider the flavor, beauty, and size of the specimens, comparing each of these j)roperties with a fair standard of the variety. The adaptation of the variety to general cultivation will also be taken into account. Other things being equal, specimens most nearly in perfection as regards ripeness will have the preference. Score-cards may be used at the discretion of the Committee. Special rules of the vegetable committee. — 1. The specimens offered nmst be well grown and i)laced on the tables clean and correctly labeled. 2. All exhibits of Vegetables offered for premium must be composed of exactly the number of specimens or quantity named in the Schedule. 3. At all exhil)itions of Fungi distinctively colored cards, having the word "Poisonous" plainly printed thereon, shall be provided, and all persons exhibiting Fungi not known to be edible shall be required to use these cards in labeling all such exhibits. 4. All collections of vegetables will be judged on merit, giving con- sideration, first, to cjuality; second, to arrangement; and third, to variety. Not more than two varieties of one kind of vegetable admis- sible in collections. RULES FOR NAMING VEGETABLES 183 Nomenclature Rules Rules for naming kitchen-garden vegetables, adopted by the Committee on Nomenclature of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations (1889, and still in force). 1. The name of a variet}^ shall consist of a single word, or at most of two words. A phrase, descriptive or otherwise, is never allowable; as, Pride of Italy, King of Mammoths, Earliest of All. 2. The name should not be superlative or bombastic. In particular, such epithets as Neiv, Large, Giant, Fine, Selected, Improved, and the like, should be omitted. If the grower or dealer has a superior stock of a variety, the fact should be stated in the description immediately after the name, rather than as a part of the name itself; as, '^ Trophy, selected stock." 3. If a grower or dealer has secured a new select strain of a well- known variety, it shall be legitimate for him to use his own name in connection with the established name of the variety; as, Smith's Winnigstadt, Jones's Cardinal. 4. When personal names are given to varieties, titles should be omitted; as Major, General, etc. 5. The term " hybrid " should not be used except in those rare in- stances in which the variety is known to be of hybrid origin. 6. The originator has the prior right to name the variety, but the oldest name which conforms to these rules should be adopted. 7. This Committee reserves the right, in its own publications, to revise objectionable names in conformity with these rules. Code of 7iomenclature of the American Pomological Society. Priority. — Rule 1. No two varieties of the same kind of fruit shall bear the same name. The name first published for a variety shall be the accepted and recognized name, except in cases where it has been applied in violation of this code. A. The term " kind " as herein used shall be understood to apply to those general classes of fruits which are grouped together in common usage without regard to their exact botanical relationship, as apple, cherry, grape, peach, plum, raspberry, etc. B. The paramount right of the originator, discoverer, or introducer 184 Tin: jriK;iSU OF FARMS, CROPS, AND PLANTS of a new variety to name it, witliin the limitations of this code, is recog- nized and emphasized. C. Where a variety name through long usage has become thoroughly established in American pomological literature for two or more varieties, it should not be displaced nor radically modified for either sort, except in cases where a well-known synonym can be advanced to the position of leading name. The several varieties bearing identical names should be distingui.shed l)y adding the name of the author who first described each sort, or by adding some other suitable distinguishing term which will insure their identity in catalogues or discussions. D. Existing American names of varieties which conflict with earlier published foreign names of the same or other varieties, but which have become thoroughly established through long usage, shall not be dis- placed. Form of Names. — Rule 2. The name of a variety of fruit shall con- sist of a single word. A. No variety shall be named unless distinctly superior to existing varieties in some important characteristic, nor until it has been deter- mined to perpetuate it by bud propagation. B. In selecting names for varieties the following points should be emphasized : Distinctiveness, simplicity, ease of pronunciation and 8i)elhng, indication of origin or parentage. C. The spelling and pronunciation of a varietal name derived from a personal or geographical name should be governed by the rules which control the spelling and pronunciation of the name from which it was derived. D. A variety imported from a foreign country should retain its foreign name, subject only to such modification as is necessary to con- form it to this code or to render it intelligible in English. E. The name of a [)erson should not be ai)i)li(Hl to a variety during his life without his express consent. The name of a deceased horticul- turist should not be so applied, except through formal action by some competent horticultural body, preferably that with which he was most closely connected. F. The use of such general terms as seedhng, hybrid, pippin, pear- main, beurre, rare-ripe, damson, etc., is not admissible. (i. The use of a possessive noun as a name is not admissible. H. The use of a number, either singly or attached to a word, should RULES FOR NAMING FRUITS 185 be considered only as a temporary expedient while the variety is under- going preliminary test. I. In applying the various provisions of this rule to an existing varietal name which has through long usage become firmly embedded in American pomological literature, no change shall be made which will involve loss of identity. Rule 3. In the full and formal citation of a variety name, the name of the author who first published it shall be given. Publication. — Rule 4. Publication consists (1) in the distribution of a printed description of the variety named, giving the distinguish- ing characters of fruit, tree, etc., or (2) in the publication of a new name for a variety which is properly described elsewhere ; such pubH- cations to be made in any book, bulletin, report, trade catalogue, or periodical, providing the issue bears the date of its publication and is generally distributed among nurserymen, fruit-growers, and horticul- turists ; or (3) in certain cases the general recognition of a name for a propagated variety in a community for a number of years shall constitute publication of that name. A. In determining the name of a variety to which two or more names have been given in the same publication that which stands first shall have precedence. Revision. — Rule 5. No properly published variety name shall be changed for any reason except conflict with this code, nor shall another variety be substituted for that originally described thereunder. Emblematic Plants and Flowers State floviers adopted by the vote of the public schools, sometimes by the legislatures (*), sometimes by choice of the people. Alabama Goldenrod Alaska Forget-me-not Arkansas Apple blossom California California poppy (Eschscholzia) Colorado Columbine Connecticut Mountain laurel * Delaware Peach blossom Florida Orange blossom Idaho Syringa Illinois Violet Indiana Corn * Iowa Rose Kansas , . . . Sunflower Kentucky .' . . . Trumpet-flower Louisiana Magnolia 186 TiiF. jrnoixn of FAR}fs, crops, and plants ♦ Maine Maryland . • MirhiKun Minru\s«>tii Mississippi Mis.H<)uri • Montana • Nebraska Nevada New Y(»rk North Dakota Ohio . . Okhihoma . * Oregon Rh«Mle Island State tree iSouth Dakota Tennessee . Texas Utah . . ♦ Vermont WashinRton W4\st Virginia Wiseonsin (State tree) Pine cone and tassel Goldenrod Apple blossom Moccasin-flower Magnolia Golclenrod Bitter-root (Lewiaio) (k)ldenrod Sage-brush Rose Wild rose Scarlet carnation Mistletoe Oregon grape {Berheria) Violet Maple Pasque {Anemone) Daisy Blue bonnet Sego lily {Calochortus) Red clover Rhododendron (R. Calif ornicum) Rhododendron Maple Nalinnal and regional flowers Canada ?^y\iiar maple China Narcissus Egypt Lotus {Aymplijca Lotus) England '. '. Rose France Fleur-de-lis (Ins) dermany Corn-flower {Ccntaurca Cyanus) Greece (Athena) Violet _ ., ,. Ireland Shamrock (Tnfohum, usually T. repens) Italv Lily Japan Chrysanthemum Nova Scotia Mayflower {Epigaa) Prussia Linden Saxonv Mignonette Scotland Thistle Spain Pomegranate Wales Leek Party flowers Beaconsfield's follnwcra Primrose Bonapartists Violet Orleanists White daisy C;hibellines White lily Cuelph.H Red lily Prince of Orange The f)range I*arnellite- Ivy Jacobites White rose CHAPTER XI Greenhouse and Window-Garden Work Greenhouse production has now passed beyond the stage of exclusive amateurism, and has become a recognized form of agriculture. It is farming under glass. The area is small, but the investment is high and the skill is great. Greenhouse Practice Potting earth. Loam (decomposed sod), leaf-mold, rotted farm-yard manure, peat, and sand afford the main requirement of the plants most commonlj'' cultivated. Seedlings, and young stock generally, are best suited by a light mixture, such as one part each of loam, leaf-mold, and sand in equal parts. The older plants of vigorous growth like a rich, heavy compost, formed of equal parts of loam and manure ; and a sandy, lasting soil, made up of two parts each of peat and loam to one part of sand, is the most desirable for slow-growing sorts. A little lumpy charcoal should be added to the compost for plants that are to remain any great length of time, say a year, in the same pot. The best condi- tion of soil for potting is that intermediate state between wet and dry. Sphagnum (moss), or fibrous peat and sphagnum in mixture and chopped, should be used for orchids and other plants of similar epiphytal character. Cow-dung is highly prized by many gardeners for use in potting soil. It is stored under cover and allowed to remain until dry, being turned several times in the meantime to pulverize it. Manure water is made either from this dried excrement or from the fresh material. When made from the fresh material, the manure- water should be made weaker than in the other case. 187 188 GREENHOUSE AXD WINDOW-GARDEN WORK Suggestions for potting plants. The pots should be jierfcctly dry and clean, and well drained. How- ever one-sided a plant may be, it is advantageous to have the main stem as near the center of the pot as possible, and the potted plant is usually in the best position when perfectly erect. Soft-wooded plants of rapid growth, such as coleus, geraniums, fuchsias, and begonias, thrive most satisfactorily when the soil is loose rather than hard about the roots. Ferns should have it moderately firm, and hard- wooded stock, azaleas, ericas, acacias, and the like, should be potted firmly. In repotting plants, more especially those of slow growth, the ball of soil and roots should never be sunk to any great extent below the original level, and it is always preferable to pot a plant twice, or even three times, rather than place it in a pot too large. Watering greenhouse and window plants. Plants cannot be satisfactorily watered just so many times a day, week, or month. All plants should be watered when necessary — when they are dry. This is indicated by a tendency to flag or wilt, or by the hollow sound of the pots when tapped. The latter is the safest sign, as, after a prolonged period of dull weather, many plants wilt on exposure to bright sunshine, although still wet at the roots. But a growing plant should not be allowed to become so dry as to wilt, nor should the soil ever reach a condition as dry as powder. This is a condi- tion, however, which is essential to some plants, more particularl}'- the bulbous and tuberous kinds, during their resting period. Incessant dribbling should be avoided; water thoroughly, and be done with it until the plants are again dry. Plants under glass should not be sprayed overhead while the sun is shining hot and full upon them. The evening is the best time of the day for watering in summer, and morn- ing in winter. In watering with liquid manure, the material should not come in contact with the foliage. Plants recently potted should not be watered heavily at the roots for a week or ten days ; spray them fr('(iiu'ntly overhead. Li(piid manure for greenhouses. Most of the artificial fertilizers may be used in the preparation of TKiuid manure, but a lack of knowledge as to their strength and char- WINDOW-GARDEN PLANTS 189 acter lessens their value in the minds of gardeners. Clean cow manure, which varies little in stimulating property, is considered by gardeners to be the safest and most reliable material to use for a liquid fertilizer. A bushel measure of the solid manure to 100 gallons of water makes a mixture which can be used with beneficial results on the tenderest plants ; and for plants of rank growth the compound may be gradually increased to thrice that strength with safety. Soot may be added with advantage, using it at the rate of 1 part to 10 parts of the manure. The mixture should stand for a few days, being stirred occasionally, before application. Lists of Plants Twenty-jive plants adapted to window-gardens Adiantum cuneatum, particularly the Fuchsia, varieties, form known as A. gracillimum. Mahernia odorata. Aloysia citriodora. Myrtus communis. Begonia metallica, and many others. Pelargoniums, in variety. Cocos Weddelliana. Primrose, Chinese. Ficus elastica. Pteris serrulata. Freesia refracta. Vallota purpurea. BASKETS Epiphyllum truncatum. Saxifraga sarmentosa, beefsteak gera- Fragaria Indica. nium. Fuchsia procumbens. Sedum Sieboldii. Othonna crassifolia (O. Capensis). Tradescantia zebrina, wandering Jew Oxalis violacea. {Zebrina pendula). Pelargonium peltatum. WATER Eichhornia crassipes (E. speciosa). Narcissus Tazetta, var. orientalis. Hyacinths. Chinese sacred lily. In selecting plants for a window-garden or house conservatory, those plants should be omitted that are much subject to the attacks of aphis and mealy-bug. Amongst the common plants which are much infested are coleus, German ivy (Senecio scandens), calla, Vinca variegata, Cyperus alternifolius, fuchsia, cineraria, and carnation. Those that are nearly exempt are most kinds of geraniums, begonias, wandering Jew, and most ferns. Palms are very liable to scale in- festation. (For insects, see p. 301.) 190 GREENHOUSE AND WIXDOV-GARDEN WORK Vegetable-growing under glass Asparafjus Moans . . Cauliflower f'ucumbcr . lyottupe . . Mushrooms Muskmolon Parsley . P.-.is . . Ratiishos Rhubarb Spiniifh Tomato NtOHT Tem. ep 45-55 60-65 50-55 60-65 45-50 50-60 65-70 45-50 45-50 45 50 45 50 45-50 60-65 DAT Tem. 60-70 70-80 60-65 70-75 55-65 50-60 70-85 55-65 55-65 55-65 55-60 55-65 75 MATDRrrr rKOM Seed OR Roots 3-4 wk. 6-8 wk. 4-5 mo. 10-14 wk 7-12 wk. 6-8 wk. 10-14 wk. 8 wk. 70-80 d. 5-6 wk. 3-5 wk. 8-10 wk. 4-5 mo. Advice Roots are taken from field, 3-5 years old ; use only strong roots. Little grown commercially and then as incidental crop. Transplant once ; give abundance of air ; requires nmch water, yet good drainage. Avoid checking growth of plants. Commonly matured un- der glass, as a late spring crop. Often follows winter tomatoes, in ground beds, making a spring and early summer crop. Sometimes grown on benches. There are two types of forcing cucumbers, the common, or White Spine, type and the English or frame varieties. Grown mostly on the ground. Crow under benches, or in cellars ; an uncertain crop. Not conmionly forced. When grown, usually as a late fall or late spring crop. Transplant in the fall from the field, and cut back. Little grown under glass, as the yield is light. Must be off before hot weather of spring. Rapid growth should be secured ; use no old maruire. Roots dug in fall. froz(Mi and planted under benches or in frames. After cropping, replant in field. Grown as an incidental or secondary crop ; does well in solid beds. Transplant into pots, hand i)ollinate in winter and dark weather, but most growers depend on shaking the plants. Now widely grown in ground beds. Beets, cress, sweet herbs (particularly spearmint), are also grown under glass. GREENHOUSE PLANTS 191 Twenty-five useful aquatic and sub-aquatic plants for outdoor lise t denotes those that do not endure the winter (tender). Acorus gramineus, variegated. Aponogeton distachyum. Azolla Caroliniana. Caltha palustris. Cyperus alternifolius ; t. Eichhornia crassipes or azurea (prop- erly E. speciosa) ; t. Limnanthemum Indicum ; t. Limnanthemum nymphoides. Limnocharis Humboldtii (Hydrocleys Commersonii). Myriophyllum proserpinacoides ; t. Nelumbium (Nelumbo). Many species and varieties. Some t. Nuphar advena. Nymphisa. Many species and vari- eties. Some t. Ouvirandra fenestralis (Aponogeton fenestrale) ; t. Papyrus (Cyperus Papyrus) ; t. Pistia Stratiotes ; t. Pontederia cordata. Sagittaria Montevidensis ; i. Salvinia natans. Sarracenia purpurea. Scirpus Tabernaemontanus zebrina (J uncus effusus, variegated). Trapa natans. Typha latifolia. Victoria regia ; t. Zizania aquatica. Commercial plants and flowers, or "florists^ plants The following are chiefly grown by florists in this country ; — Adiantum. Alyssum. Anemone. Antirrhinum Asparagus plumosus. Aster, China. Azalea. Begonia. Bougainvillea. Bouvardia. Calla. Carnation. Cattleya. Chrysanthemum. Cineraria. Coreopsis. Cyclamen. Cypripedium. Dahlia. Daisy (Bellis perennis). Deutzia. Dracena. Freesia. Gaillardia. Gardenia. Genista (Cytisus). Gladiolus. Gypsophila. Helianthus. Heliotrope. Hyacinth. Hydrangea. Iris. Lilac. Lilium Harrisii (L. longiflorum, var. eximium). Lily of the Valley. Marguerite, or Paris Daisy (Chrysan- themum frutescens, and C. fcenicu- laceum). Mignonette. Narcissus. Nephrolepis (fern). Nymphaea. Pansy. Peony. Phlox. Poinsettia. Rhododendron. Rose. Smilax (Asparagus medeoloides) . Spirea (Astilbe). Stevia (Piqueria trinervia). Swainsona. Sweet pea. Tuberose. Tulip. Violet. 192 GRKKsnorsK and window-garden work The Heating of Greenhouses (R. C. Carpenter) Methyls oj proportioning radiating surface for heating of greenhouses. RadiatiiiR surface, whether from steam or hot-water pipes, is esti- mato^ 22.2 per cent IJ^ 41.2 per cent °^ 54.3 per cent GREENHOUSE FIGURES 199 Angle of roof for different heights and widths of house (Taft) Height Feet 4 Ft. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 9 Ft. Width o / o / Feet 6 33 21 39 48 45 49 24 53 8 56 18 7 29 44 35 32 40 36 45 48 49 52 07 8 26 33 32 36 52 41 11 45 48 22 9 23 57 29 3 33 5 37 52 41 38 45 10 21 48 26 33 30 58 35 38 39 41 59 11 24 26 28 36 32 28 36 2 39 17 12 22 57 26 33 30 15 33 41 36 52 13 21 2 24 47 28 18 31 36 34 42 14 23 12 26 34 29 44 32 44 Among greenhouse builders, 32° is the pitch of roof that has practically been established for all houses up to 25 feet in width ; beyond that width, 26° is commonly used for the slope or pitch of the roof. Standard flower-pots. American The Society of American Florists has adopted a standard pot, ia which all measurements are made inside, and which bears a rim or shoulder at the top. The breadth and depth of these pots are the same, so that they " nest " well. English. — Chiswick Standards DiAM. AT Top Depth Thimbles 2 23^ 3 4 4^ 6 8H 9H llM 12 13 15 18 In. 2 Thumbs 2H 60's 3M 54's 4 48's 5 32's ... 6 24's 8 16's . . 9 12's . 10 8's 11 6's . 12 4's . 13 2's 14 200 GREENHOUSE AND WINDOW-GARDEN WORK To prerent boilers from filling with sediment or scale. (1) Exercise care t(3 get clean water ami that wliich contains little lime. (2) Hlow it out often. It can be blown out a little every day, and occasionally it should be blown off entirely. (3) Put slippery- elni bark in the boiler tank. Or, if slippery-elm is not handy, use |K)tato-i)eelinKs, flax-seed, oak-bark, spent tan, or coarse sawdust. (4) Put in, with the feed-water or otherwise, a small quantity of good mo- la^wes (not a chemical sirup), say one-half to one pint in a week, de- pending upon the size of boiler. This will remove and prevent incrustation without damage to the boiler. These vegetable sub- stances prevent, in a measure, by mechanical means, the union of the particles of lime into incrustations. To prepare paper and cloth for hotbed sash. 1. Use a sash without bars, and stretch wires or strings across it to serve as a rest for the paper. Procure stout but thin manila wrapping-paper, and paste it firmly on the sash with fresh flour paste. Dry in a w^arm place, and then wipe the paper with a damp sponge to cause it to stretch evenly. Dry again, and then apply boiled linseed oil to both sides of the paper, and dry again in a wami place, 2. Saturate cloth or tough, thin manila paper with pure, raw lin- seed oil. 3. Dissolve IJ pounds white soap in one quart water; in another quart dissolve 1 1 ounces gum arable and 5 ounces glue. Mix the two li(iuids, warm, and soak the paper, hanging it up to dr3\ Used mostly for paiH'r. 4. 3 |)ints i)ale linseed oil ; 1 ounce sugar of lead ; 4 ounces white rosin. ( iriiid and mix the sugar of lead in a little oil, then add the other materials and heat in an iron kettle. Apply hot with a brush. Used U)T nmslin. Paint for hot-water pipes. Mix lampblack with boiled oil and turpentine. It is harmless to plants. GREENHOUSE RECIPES 201 Liquid putty for glazing. Take equal parts, by measure, of boiled oil, putty, and white lead. Mix the putty and oil, then add the white lead. If th? mixture be- comes too thick, add turpentine. Apply with a putty-bulb. Paint for shading greenhouse roofs. Make a paint of ordinary consistency of white lead and naphtha. It is removed from the glass by the use of a scrubbing-brush. Make it thin, or it is hard to remove. Ordinary lime whitewash is good for temporary use. If salt is added, it adheres better. It may be applied with a spray pump. To keep flower-pots clean. When the pots are cleaned, soak them a few hours in ammoniacal carbonate of copper (recipe, page 255). Soak them about once a year. This fungicide kills the green alga upon the pots, and prevents a new growth from appearing. CHAPTER XII Forestry and Timber Forestry is the raising of timber crops. It is not the planting of shade trees or ornamental trees, or even of groves, but the planting and rearing of forests. The primary product of the forest is timber; usually the timber is sawed into boards, known collectively in North America as lumber (lumber is properly and differently used in Eng- land) ; some timber is used for fire-wood, some for wood-pulp, and some for other uses. In the trades, timber usually means the squared or heavy sawed product used in framework. Planting Notes Nursery planting-table for forest trees (Farmer's Bulletin) Species When to COLLECT Seeds How TO STORE Seeds o Eli When to PLANT Seeds 0. Spacing of Seeds in Rows §2g In. In. Aah. green . . Oct. Bury in sand 35-50 Spring 3^ Scatter thickly 6-9 Ash. white . . " " 35-50 *' 1^ " 6-10 Ba.sswood . . Sept. or Oct. Sow at once 5-50 Fall /4 " 6-12 Beech . . . Fall Bury in sand 70-80 Early spring H 2 in. apart 3-6 Butternut • Sept. or Oct. " 75-80 " 1 3 to 6 in. apart 10-18 Box elder . . " 40-60 Spring H Touching in rows 10-14 Catalpa, hardy Oct. or Nov. Cool, dry place 40-75 " 1 Yi in. apart 14-30 Cherry, black . AuR. orSept. Bury in sand 75-80 " 1 2 to 3 in. apart 4-6 Coffee tree. Sept. or Oct. Cool, dry place. 70-75 " 1 " 3-6 Kentucky or bury in sand Cottonwood » . June or July Sow at once 75-95 Summer H 1 in. apart 20-30 Elm. Hiippery . May or June " 50-75 Late spring h Scatter thickly 15-18 Elm. white . . " " 50-75 " h " 5-10 Harkberry . . Oct. Bury in sand 70-80 Spring 1 to 2 in. apart 6-12 Hickory. pignut* Sept. or Oct. ! 50-75 1-2 3 to 6 in. apart 2-6 Hickon,'. shafc- hark ' . . . Hickory, shell- " 50-75 " 1-2 2-6 .. .. 60-75 .. 1-2 .. 2-6 bark . . . > Difficult to transplant on account of tap root. Advisable to sow seeds in permanent sites in field whenever possible. * Easily grown from cuttings. Not necessary or advisable to attempt growing from seed. 202 FOREST NURSERY 203 Nursery planting-table for forest trees — Continued Species When to COLLECT How TO STORE Seeds Q h 1^ a m When to PLANT 4 11 Spacing of Seeds in B « J Seeds M-S Seeds Rows r;^" w ^po bS^ In. In. Locust, black . Oct. Cool, dry place, or bury in sand 50-57 Spring 1 2 to 3 in. apart 18-20 Locust, honey . " " 50-75 Fall or spring ^ " 6-14 Maple, red . . Maple, silver . May or June Sow at once 25-60 25-50 Late spring 1 ]/i in. apart 6-10 12-20 Maple, sugar . Oct. Sow at once, or bury in sand 30-50 Fall or spring 1 " 6-12 Mulberry, Rus- sian . . . Oak, bur 1 . . July or Aug. Cool, dry place 75-95 Spring 'A Scatter thickly 8-10 Sept. or Oct. Sow at once, or 75-95 Fall or spring IH 3 to 6 in. apart 5-9 bury m sand Oak, red 1 . . " *' 75-95 1^ 6-20 Oak, white i . " 75-95 1^ ]/2 1 in- apart .5-9 Osage orange . " Cool, dry place 60-95 Spring 10-15 Poplar, yellow " Sow at once 5-10 Fall % Scatter thickly 4-6 Walnut, black i " Bury in sand 75-80;Spring lHj3 to6in. apart 10-18 For number of tree seeds in a pound, see Chapter V. 1 Difficult to transplant on account of tap root. Advisable to sow seeds in permanent sites in field whenever possible. Note on the conifers (MulforcD. — Whhepme, Scotch pine, and Norway spruce seed should be collected as soon a < it is ripe, m September. The cone^ should be dried, allowing the seed to fall out. The seed should be stored for the winter in bags hung in a dry, cool place, and should be sown thickly in the spring, covering with about one-eighth inch of soil. From 60 to 90 per cent of the seed should germinate. One-year-old seedlings are from one and one-halt to three inches high. Forest planting (Mulford). Forest planting is usually done with the mattock (grub hoe). A space about twelve to sixteen inches square should be cleared of all growth, and a hole dug in the middle of this large enough to receive the roots comfortably. Another method is to plow and harrow the ground, mark out with a corn marker, and simply set the tree in a slit pried open with a common spade, the slit being closed by a second thrust of the spade. By the former method, from 250 to 600 trees per day per man can be planted ; by the latter method, from 800 to 2000 trees. Forest trees are ordinarily planted 4X4,5X5, or6X6 feet (i.e. about 2700, 1750, and 1200 trees per acre, respectively), the closer spacing being more necessary with slow-growing trees and on poor soils. 204 FORESTRY AND TIMBER Hardness of Common Commercial Woods Shellhark hickory . 100 Hhick walnut . . . Go Yellow pine . . 54 Pignut hickory . 96 Black l)irch . . . 02 Chestnut . . 52 Wliitc oiik . . H4 Yellow oak .... 60 Yellow poplar . . 51 White ash . . 77 White elm . . . . 58 White birch . . 43 S7 34.91 .50.27 78..54 95.03 113.10 1.-^9.6 16S.9 201.1 17 . 3.34 5.93 9.27 13.:i5 20.Sti 30.01 37.09 .53.41 83.45 100.97 120.17 148.4 179.5 213.6 18 . 3.53 6.2S 9.S2 14.14 22.09 31. SI 39.27 .56.. 55 88.36 106.91 127.32 157.1 190.1 226.2 19 . 3.73 6.6.i 10. S6 14.92 2.J.32 33. 5S 41.45 59.69 93.27 112.85 134.30 165.8 200.6 238.8 20 . -3.93 6.9S 10.91 15.71 24.. 54 35.34 43.63 62.83 98.171118.79 141.37 174.5 211.2 251.3 21 . 4.12 7.V.i 11.4.") 16.49 25.77 37.11 45.82 65.97 103.08 124.73 148.44 188.3 221.7 263.9 22 . 4.32 7.6S 12.00 I7.2S 27.00 3S.SS 4S.00 69.11 107.99 1,30.67 1.55.51 192.0 232.3 276.5 23 . 4.52 S.0.{ 12.5 J IS. 06 2S.2:i 40.64 .50.18 72.26 112.90 136.61 162.58 200.7 242.9 289.0 24 . 4.71 H.SS l.i.09 IS. So 29.45 42.41 .52.36 75.40 117.81 142..55 169.65 209.4 2.53.4 .301.6 2.i . 4.91 S.7.< l.i.C} 19.61 .iO.OS 44. IS .54., 54 7S.54 122.72 148.49 176.71 21S.2 2(i4.0 314.2 26 . 5.11 9. OS 1 4 . 1 S 20.42 31.91 45.95 .56.72 S1.6S 127.63 1.54.43 183.78 22(5.9 274.5 326.7 27 . 5.30 9.42 14.7.i 21.21 33.13 47.71 .5S.90 S4.S2 132. .54 160.37 190.85 235.6 2S5.1 339.3 28 . 5..50 9.77 15.27 21.99 34 36 49. 4S ()1.0!» S7.96 137.44 166.31 197.92 244.3 295.7 351.9 29 . 5.69 10.12 15..S2 22.7s 35. .59 51.25 63.27 91.11 142.35 172.25 204.99 2.53.1 306.2 .364.4 30 . 5.89 10.47 16..i6 2.S.56 36. S2 .53.01 65.45 94.25 147.26 178.19 212.06 261.S 316.S 377.0 :u . 6.0«» H).S2 16. . 6.2S 11.17 17.4.-) 25. 1 3 39.27 .56.55 69. SI 100.. 53 1.57.0S 190.07 226.19 279.3 337.9 402.1 Xi . t).4s 1 1 ..-)2 IS. 00 25.92 40.. 50 .5S.32 71.99 103.67 161.99,196.01 2.«. 26 2SS.0 34S.5 414.7 .u . (l.tls 11. S7 ls.-,i 2ti.70 41.72 60.0^ 71. IS 10(i SI 16().90 201.95 240.33 296.7 3.59.0 427.3 '.i'> . li.s; 12.22 19.09 27.49 42.95 6 1.S-, 76 :;(; 109.96 171. SI 207. SS 247.10 305.4 ;}69.6 439.8 .<»> . 7.07 12..-)7 19.64 2S.27 44. IS (VA.(\2 7s. 51 113.10 176.71 213. S2 2,-)4.47 314.2 .-•iso.i 4.52.4 .{7 . 7.2f, 12.92 20. IN 29. Of, 45.41 65.3 S SO 72 116.24 1S1.62 21 . 7.6«i 13.61 21.27 .30.63 47.S6 6S. S5.0S 122.52 191.44 231.64 275.67 340.3 411.8 490.1 40 . 7.85 13.96 21.82 31.42 49.09j70.63 87.27 123.66 196.35 237.58 282.74 349.1 422.4 502.7 Cubic Contents of Square Timber in Round Logs (Woodsman's Handbook) The nioHt coninion nictliods of determining the cubic contents of s(iuare timber that may be cut from round logs is the so-called Two- thirds Rule, and the Inscribed Square Rule. CUBIC CONTENTS OF SQUARE TIMBER 219 The two-thirds rule. In the Two-thirds Rule the diameter of the log is taken at its middle point, or the diameters of the two ends of the log are averaged. The diameter of the log is reduced one-third to allow for slab, and the re- maining two-thirds is taken as the width of the square piece which may be hewed or sawed out of the log. The cubic contents of the squared log are then obtained by squaring this width and multiplying by the length of the log. Square timber cut from round logs (in cubic feet) (Inscribed-Square Rule) Average Diameter in Inches ^2 6 8 10 12 18 30 24 30 33 36 10 1.3 2.2 3.5 5 11.3 13.9 20 31.8 37.8 45 12 1.5 2.7 4.2 6 13.5 16.7 24 38.1 45.4 54 14 1.8 3.1 4.9 7 15.8 19.4 28 44.5 52.9 63 16 2.0 3.6 5.6 8 18.0 22.2 32 50.8 60.5 72 18 2.3 4.0 6.2 9 20.3 25.0 36 57.2 68.1 81 20 2.5 4.4 7.0 10 22.5 27.8 40 63.5 75.6 90 22 2.8 4.9 7.6 11 24.8 30.1 44 69.9 83.2 99 24 3.0 5.3 8.3 12 27.0 33.3 48 76.2 90.8 108 26 3.3 5.8 9.0 13 29.3 36.1 52 82.6 98.3 117 28 3.5 6.2 9.7 14 31.5 38.9 56 88.9 105.9 126 30 3.8 6.7 10.4 15 33.8 41.7 60 95.3 113.5 135 32 4.0 7.1 11.1 16 36.0 44.4 64 101.6 121.0 144 34 4.3 7.5 11.8 17 38.3 47.2 68 108 128.6 153 36 4.5 8.0 12.5 18 40.2 50.0 72 114.3 136.2 162 38 4.8 8.4 13.2 19 42.8 52.8 76 120.7 143.7 171 40 5.0 8.9 13.9 20 45.0 55.6 80 127.0 151.3 180 42 5.3 9.3 14.6 21 47.3 58.3 84 133.4 158.8 189 44 5.5 9.8 15.3 22 49.5 61.1 88 139.7 166.4 198 46 5.8 10.2 16.0 23 51.8 63.9 92 146.1 174.0 207 48 6.0 10.7 16.6 24 54.0 66.7 96 152.4 181.5 216 50 6.3 11.1 17.4 25 56.3 69.5 100 158.8 189.1 225 52 6.5 11.5 18.0 26 58.5 72.2 104 165.1 196.7 234 54 6.8 12.0 18.7 27 60.8 75.0 108 171.2 204.2 243 56 7.0 12.4 19.4 28 63.0 77.8 112 177.8 211.8 252 58 7.3 12.9 20.1 29 65.3 80.6 116 184.2 219.4 261 60 7.5 13.3 20.8 30 67.5 83.3 120 190.5 226.9 270 62 7.8 13.8 21.5 31 69.8 86.1 124 196.9 234.5 279 64 8.0 14.2 22.2 32 72.0 89.9 128 203.2 242.0 288 66 8.3 14.7 22.9 33 74.3 91.7 132 209.6 249.6 297 68 • 8.5 15.1 23.6 34 76.5 94.5 136 215.9 257.2 306 70 8.8 15.5 24.3 35 78.8 97.2 140 222.3 264.7 315 72 9.0 16.0 25.0 36 81.0 100.0 144 228.6 272.3 324 74 9.3 16.4 25.7 37 83.3 102.8 148 235.0 279.9 333 76 9.5 16.9 26.4 38 85.5 105.6 152 241.3 287.4 342 220 FORESTRY AND TIMBER The inscribed-square rule. The Inscribed-Square Rule gives the cubic contents of square pieces which can be exactly inscribed in cylinders of different sizes. The \Ni(lth of this square piece is usually obtained by multiplying the diam- eter of the cylinder by 17 and dividing the result by 24, or by multi- jiiying the diameter by 0.7071. This rule of thumb for calculating the width of the inscribed square piece is based on the fact that one side of the square inscribed in a circle 24 inches in diameter is 17 inches long. The exact mathematical rule for determining the side of a square inscribed in a circle is to square the diameter, divide by 2, and extract the scjuare root. The table on the preceding page was computed by this method. Practically the same results are obtained by the Seventeen-inch Rule, which is based on the fact that a 17-inch log will square 12 inches. According to the Seventeen-inch Rule, the cubic contents of a log are obtained as follows: Multiply the square of the diameter of the log by its length, and divide by the square of 17. CHAPTER XIII Weeds A Weed is a plant that is not wanted. The methods of weed- control depend largely on the character of soil, system of farming practiced in the neighborhood, and, particularly, on the type of weed concerned, whether annual, biennial, or perennial. The better the crop-scheme, the less will be the difficulty from bad weeds. The prime remedy, therefore, is to improve the general farm plan and practice, and to use only clean seed. Special means and methods may be dis- cussed, however; and these discussions are drawn from Farmers' Bulletins of the United States Department of Agriculture, from bul- letins of the Rhode Island, Ohio, and North Dakota Stations, Cyclopedia of American Agriculture, and other sources. General Practices For annual weeds, which reproduce from seed only, the root and branch dying each year, the essentials for eradication are the use of clean seed, the killing of plants before they ripen seeds, and the preven- tion of new infestation by such means as manure from stables where weed forage has been used. For permanent pastures, lawns, and roadsides the prevention of seed production is often the most practi- cable method, and it is sufficient if persistently followed. In culti- vated fields the land thus seeded may first be burned over to destroy as many as possible of the seeds on the surface. It may then be plowed shallow, so as not to bury the remaining seeds too deeply. The succeed- ing cultivation, not deeper than the plowing, will induce the germina- tion of seeds in this layer of soil and kill the seedlings as they appear. The land may then be plowed deeper, and the tillage repeated until the weed seeds are cleared out to as great a depth as the plow ever reaches. Below that depth, eight to ten inches, very few weed seeds can germinate and push a shoot to the surface. Barren summer- 221 222 WEEDS fallowing is often practiced to clear out weedy land by the method just described ; but usually a cultivated crop may better be grown. For bicnniali^, which also reproduce from seed, mowing them when coming into flower or cutting the roots below the crown is usually effect ive. Autumn is the best time for such grubbing. Biennial weeds are readily killed by such tillage as is given to hoed crops. For perennials which reproduce both from seed and from surface runners or perennial underground roots or stems, seed production must be prevented and the underground part must be killed. Seed production may be prevented by mowing when the first flower-buds appear. The best methods for killing the roots or rootstocks vary considerably according to the soil, climate, character of the different weeds, and the size of the patch or the quantity to be killed. In general, however, the following principles apply : — 1. The roots, rootstocks, bulbs, and the like, may be dug up and removed, a remedy that can be practically applied only in small areas. 2. Salt, coal oil, or strong acid applied so as to come in contact with the freshly cut roots or rootstocks destroys them for some distance from the point of contact. Crude sulfuric acid is probably the most effec- tive of comparatively inexpensive materials that can be used for this purpose, but its strong corrosive properties render it dangerous to handle. Carbolic acid is less corrosive, and nearly as effective. Arse- nite of soda and arsenate of soda, dangerous poisons, are effective, particularly the former, applied as a spray on the growing weeds. Fuel-distillate, a petroleum product, is very promising. 3. Roots may be starved to death by preventing any development of green leaves or other parts above ground. This may be effected by building straw stacks over small patches, by persistent, thorough cultivation in fields, by the use of the hoe or spud in waste places, and by salting the plants and turning on sheep in permanent pastures. 4. The plants may usually be smothered by dense sod-forming grasses or by a crop like hemp, buckwheat, clover, cowpeas, or millet that will exclude the light. 5. Most roots are readily destroyed by exposing them to the direct action of the sun during the summer drought, or to the direct action of the frost in winter. In this way plowing, for example, becomes effec- tive. 6. Proper crop rotation is one of the best means of eradication. WEED POISONS 223 Chemical Weed-Killers or Herbicides The usefulness of chemicals as weed-killers is largely limited to the following cases (Jones) : — 1. When an especially obnoxious weed, as poison ivy, occurs in a limited locality and is to be destroyed regardless of consequences to soil or neighboring plants. 2. When the aim is to render the soil permanently sterile, as in roadways, tennis courts, and the like. 3. When the weed plant, as orange hawkweed and mustard, is much more sensitive than the associated useful plants to the action of some herbicide. Kinds of herbicides (L. R. Jones). The chemicals used as herbicides, the worth of which has been established, are the following : — Salt (sodium chlorid), is more commonly used than any other com- pound, chiefly because of cheapness and handiness. It should be applied dry or in strong solution ; and it is most effective in hot, dry weather. Salt can be used in any weed-killing operation, but it is most valuable on roadways and like surfaces and for certain lawn weeds. Hot brine (one pound salt to one gallon water) is useful on walks and roadways. Blue vitriol (copper sulfate). — This is more powerful in herbicidal action than salt, but its cost prohibits its general use. For most pur- poses it is best used in solution, 2 to 10 per cent being effective. It is often used on gravel walks and similar surfaces, but salt will generally be found cheaper and arsenical poisons more effective. Its chief value is against charlock or mustard. Copper sulfate solution, containing 8 to 10 pounds of blue vitriol to 50 gallons of water, and applied at the rate of 40 to 50 gallons per acre, is a good formula. Iron sulfate (copperas) solution, containing If to 2 pounds of iron sulfate to the gallon of water (100 pounds iron sulfate to 52 gallons of water), is a good herbicide. Use at the rate of 50 to 75 gallons per acre. Kerosene. — This and other coal-oil products will kill plants. It is weak in efficiency, and relatively more costly than any other chemical 1.>1.>4 WEEDS licrc listed. A pint of crude carbolic acid will do better service than two gallons of kerosene, and costs much less. Carbolic acid. — This is one of the quickest and most valuable herbi- cides. The crude acid is relatively cheap. It is not quite equal to the arsenical poisons for penetrating the soil, or in lasting effects, but it is often preferable because of cost or convenience. It does not corrode metals, and therefore may be applied with any spray-can or pump. An effective method is to squirt the strong acid from an ordinary oil can on the roots or crown of individual weeds. If it is to be sprayed or sprinkled broadcast on the foliage or ground, it should be diluted with 15 to 30 parts of water, and this mixture agitated frequently during use. Sulfuric acid (oil of vitriol). — This is destructive to everything it touches. It can be applied in the crown or about the roots of coarse or especially hardy plants, provided the user is willing to kill the adjacent vegetation also. In general, carbolic acid will be preferred, partly because sulfuric acid can be handled only in glass vessels. Caustic soda. — A strong solution of this material makes a cheap and effective herbicide, commended especially for pouring on soil where it is desired to destroy poison ivy or other deep-rooted or woody plants. Soil so treated will be rendered sterile for some time, but the so28 WEEDS nozzles. Tli(» treat incut is most ofToctivoly made when the Rrain is A to () inches tall, since at this stage tlie larRC charlock leaves spreading alx)ve the grain are easily covered by the spray. About one i)arrel of the solution (30 to 50 gallons) suffices to cover an acre and destroy the charlock, and this amount causes little or no damage to the grain. This simie treatment is reported to be more or less effective against a variety of other common grain-field weeds. The wild turnip {Brassica rnmpcatris) and some allied cruciferous weeds are less easily killed because the spray does not adhere to their smooth leaves. When to apply icccd sprays (Ohio Station). In practice, the time of applying sprays needs to be adjusted to the condition of the growing crop, and the relative development of the weeds to l)e killed. It seems probable that very early spraying will be less effective than sjiraying after the weeds have developed a fair supply of leaves. The first sjiraying should be made not later than the beginning of bloom. Repeated applications need to be made as often as a new supply of leaves is developed, provided the condition of the host crop j)erinits this. In grain-fields, the best results will be obtained on prac- tically all weeds, when only a single spraying is to be made, to apply the s[)ray ju.st as the crop is ready to occupy the land. With mustards, this will find some already in bloom. With ragweed, it is best to spray before the stems of the plants become hardened. With other weeds, of which the.se two are the type, as well as with these, it is often profitable to make an extra earlier spi-aying than that designated. For perennial sow-thistle, wild lettuce, and orange hawkweed, the spraying in grain- fields should precede the blooming of the plants, and in cases of bad infestation with perennial sow-thistle or the golden hawkweed, two sprayings .'^hould be made before the grain occupies the land. It is not clear just what can be done in the handling of bindweeds in grain- fields, but similar principles will apply. For spraying in timoth}' or other grass meadows to kill white-top, yarrow, self-heal, ox-ej'e daisy, and a number of meadow weeds, the principle is similar to that stated for grain-fields, namely, to spray thoroughly just before the grass begins heading out. This will })e during late May and early June for Ohio. In spraying pastures to check weeds, the maximum returns will usually come from a beginning application in late June or early July before many weeds are coming to bloom. After the initial application, THE KINDS OF WEEDS 229 the spraying should be repeated as often as there is development of new foliage to a marked degree. In general, better results are secured from applications made in cloudy weather, although any weather, except that followed by rain, is satisfactory. Treatment for Particular Weeds Poison %and similar woody-rooted pests can be eradicated by cutting off the tops in hot, dry weather in midsummer and pouring a saturated solution of caustic soda about the roots. The arsenical solutions men- tioned above can be used, but are generally objectionable because they render the soil sterile for so long a period thereafter. Prickly lettuce (Lactuca Scariola), called also milk-thistle, English thistle, and compass plant. Biennial or annual. Mow the plants repeatedly as they first begin to blossom. Thorough cultivation with a hoed crop is most effective. Mow and bum mature plants. Most frequently introduced as an impurity in clover, millet, and the heavier grass seeds. Bracted plantain (Plantago aristata). Annual. Employ hand pulling and burning. If well established, a series of hoed crops may be necessary to eradicate. In permanent pasture, mow the plants as the seed stalks first appear. Horse nettle (Solanum Carolinense). Perennial. Keep the plants mown to prevent seed production. To destroy the roots, practice clean cultivation and grubbing or spudding to prevent any develop- ment above ground. A thick growth of grain will weaken the roots. After the grain is cut, the land should be immediately plowed and harrowed repeatedly, and then sown to a winter crop. Then follow with a hoed crop. Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum). Annual; subdued by preventing seed production by mowing as often as the yellow blossoms appear. Spiny amaranth (Amarantus spinosus). An annual, subdued by preventing seed production by thorough cultivation, mowing, or grub- bing out the plant before the flower spikes develop. An intertilled crop followed by a winter crop will keep down the weed. Spiny cocklebur (Xanthium spinosum). Annual; maybe choked down by any quick-growing crop that will crowd and shade it. In permanent pastures and waste places mow the plants twice a year, in 230 WEEDS August and September, or cut them out with hoe or spud in May and June. Chomlrilla (Chondrilla juncea). Biennial. Destroyed by cultiva- tion and fertilizers to encourage the growth of desirable grasses. Wild carrot (Daucus Carota). Biennial. In permanent pastures, mow persistently as the flowers appear. Cutting the roots well below the surface and hand })ulling are effective. Thorough cultivation subdues it. Wild oats (Avena fatua). Annual. Stir the land when it is warm and moist to cause the seeds to germinate, then cultivate to kill. Keep the ground occupied or stirred. Omit oats from the rotation. Plow shallow in late fall. In the spring, plow deep and summer fallow, keeping the ground clean. Plant to grain the next season without replowing. Then plow deep early the next fall. Then repeat the fallow, followed by grain two years later, again without replowing. False flax (Camelina sativa). Annual. Omit winter wheat and rye from the rotation, and raise crops that will permit full cultiva- tion. Hoed crops are best, as they induce the seeds to germinate. If well established in permanent pastures, plow and cultivate the land. Mustard, Charlock (Brassica Sinapistrum). An annual, destroyed by early cultivation. Destroyed by spraying, when the plants are just beginning to bloom, with iron sulfate, copper sulfate, common salt, and sodium arsenite. Use 75-100 pounds of iron sulfate in 52 gallons of solution per acre; of copper sulfate, 12-15 pounds to each 52 gallons of water ; common salt, ^ barrel to each 52 gallons of water ; sodium arsenite, ll pounds to each 52 gallons of water. Spray after a rain, or in a wet season on a bright, still day. King-head, Greater ragweed (Ambrosia trifida). Annual. Culti- vate to cause seed germination a sufficient time before cropping to allow the killing of the weeds by a subsequent cultivation. If the weeds are large on sunmier fallow, plow them completely under or collect and burn. Spray, when the plants are tender, with common salt, copper sulfate, iron sulfate, or sodium arsenite at the same rate and strengths as for mustard, except that at least 100 pounds of iron sulfate should be used for each 52 gallons. Throw the spray forcibly. Canada thistle (Carduus arvensis). Perennial. The plant should never be allowed to produce seeds, and the underground stems, which ire usually 3 to 12 inches under ground, must be removed or starved THE KINDS OF WEEDS 231 by covering with straw. Cutting the plants just before the budding period is destructive. To eradicate by cutting or cultivation no plant should be allowed to show green leaves for a period exceeding a few days. The most effective spray is sodium arsenite, H to 2 pounds per 52 gallons water ; or common salt, J to i barrels to 52 gallons water ; or copper sulfate, 15 pounds to 52 gallons water; or iron sulfate, 75 pounds to 52 gallons of water, sprayed on twice, one week apart. Spray just before the budding period. Spray again after the crop is harvested. Repeat the second year. Sodium arsenite is a very active poison, and must be used with care. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). Perennial. Dig up with spud or strong knife. Keep lawn heavily seeded to crowd out the dandelion. Spray with iron sulfate, li to 2 pounds for each gallon of water. Spray two or three days after mowing lawn, and do not again mow until two or three days after spraying. Spray on bright, sunshiny days. Heavy wetting within i^wo days after spraying destroys the weed-killing power. Spray at intervals of four to six weeks. New York State Station (Geneva) reports, 1911, that spraying dandelions with iron sulfate was not successful. The second season of treatment the grass was considerably injured. Sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis). Perennial. Spraying is not effective. Practice bare cultivation for two seasons, allowing no green leaves to appear. On small patches, smother by covering with straw or manure. There are annual species of Sonchus. Quack-grass (Agropyron repens). Perennial. In small patches, uproot in dry, hot weather and remove all underground stems. Cut off closely in July, and smother with straw or manure. In large areas, mow when in blossom, and break the sod shallow in mid-July. Back- set in mid-August slightly deeper than before. Disc and harrow throughout the fall, allowing no green leaves to show. Then plow deeply in late fall. Plant cultivated crop next season, and dig out every blade of grass. Or sow a heavy seeding of millet or other dense- growing annual forage late in May on a well-prepared seed bed. The drier the ground and the hotter the weather, the better the killing effect of cultivation. White daisy, White-weed (Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum). Peren- nial. Plow up old infested meadows. Spray with iron sulfate at rate of 150 to 200 pounds per acre. Spray when blossom stalks 232 WEEDS arc just fonniiif^. Two or more years are required for eradication. (K. i. Sta.). lilack mustard (Brassica nigra) and unlet mustard (B. arvensis). Annual. Si)ray with iron sulfate, 50 gallons to acre, using 75 to 100 pouniis of iron sulfate, depending on whether the plants are tender and succulent or more mature and hardy. Orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum), chickweed (Stellaria nicHlia), and some other of the shallow-rooted succulent weeds of lawns and gra.ss lands can he combated effectively by the use of salt, more so than by any other chemical. Fine, dry salt should be applied on a bright, hot sunnner day (late June or early July best), broadcasting it so as to cover all plants uniformly, since it kills chiefly by drawing water from the leaves. One to four quarts of salt can be used per square rod, with little or no permanent injury to the grass if on a strong soil in the north- cikstern states. Since the effect varies with local conditions, advance trials should be made on small scale. Following the application, the dead weeds should be raked out and a liberal application of grass- seed made. Weeds in lawns. Weeds usually come up thickly in newly sown lawns. They are to be prevented by the use of commercial fertilizers or very clean manure and clean grass-seed. Clean June-grass, or blue-grass, seed is usually best. Grass-seed should be sown very thick — 3 to 5 bushels to the acre — and annual weeds cannot persist long. Frequent mowings will keep those weeds dow^n (except low growers like chickweed), and most spc'cics will not survive the winter. In old lawns most peren- nial weeds can be kept down by frequent mowings. Grass can stand more cutting than weeds. If mowing cannot be practiced often enough for this purpose, the weeds may be cut off below the surface with a long knife or spud, and the crowns are then readily pulled out- Or a little sulfuric acid or other herljicide may be poured on the crown of each plant. It will usually be found that weedy lawns are those in which the sod is poor and thin. The fundamental remedy, therefore, is to secure a strong sod. This is done by raking or harrowing over the lawn in late spring, when it is somewhat soft, and sowing a liberal dressing of chemical LAWNS AND LICHEN 233 fertilizer and grass-seed. Roll the land down level. All poor spots in lawns should be repaired in this manner every year. The use of fresh and coarse stable manure on lawns should be discouraged, both be- cause it is offensive and because it generally abounds in weeds. Moss on lawns and walks. In damp and shady places, and also in sterile places, moss may ap- pear on walks and lawns. If the conditions cannot be improved, the following treatments may be tried : — One pound oil of vitriol (sulfuric acid) to ten quarts of water. Wet the surface thoroughly, being careful not to sprinkle edgings or good sod. In early spring when the ground is soft, work it backwards and for- wards with a long-toothed rake, in order to bring the moss to the surface. Clear away the moss, and leave the ground untouched for a fortnight. Early in March repeat the operation, and about the middle of that month apply a dressing of rich compost, which may consist of any old rubbish well decomposed, adding one-sixth of fresh lime. Mix with compost a few days before using. Cover the ground with the compost at the rate of 200 barrow-loads per acre, passing it through a 1-inch sieve, to save the trouble of rolling. Rake it evenly over the surface, and when dry seed down. An English method. Endeavor to improve the sod, as recommended on page 232, and thereby drive out the moss. In shady places, where grass will not grow, plant some shade-loving plant, as periwinkle (Vi7ica minor), lily-of- the- valley, violets, moneywort {Ltjsimachia nummularia), or species of carex. Note the ground-cover plants that grow in shady places in the region. Moss or Lichen on Trees Moss on fruit-trees is usually an indication of lack of vigor. Culti- vate and prune. Wash the trees with soap or lye washes. Scrape off the bark, exercising care not to expose the " quick," or the tender inner bark. A good scraper is made of a small and much-worn hoe with the handle cut to about two feet long. The moss is readily destroyed by bordeaux mixture and other good fungicides. CHAPTER XIV Pests and Nuisances Various kinds of mammals and birds become plagues and nuisances at times, sometimes destroying plants, sometimes annoying human brings ; and with these may be included mosquitoes and flies. Hoaniiiig cats are often nuisances that demand control. A tres- pas.sing cat should be considered as much a transgressor as a trespass- ing dog or chicken or goat, — and perhaps even more so if the neighbor- hood is choice of its music. Owners of cats are under just as much responsibility to keep their cats at home as to keep their horses or pigs at home ; if they cannot keep them at home, they should not be allowed to have them. A clean and tidy place harbors few pests. In general, if the plan- tation is free of litter, and the adjacent fields contain no harbors of brush, mice and rabbits are rarely annoying to orchards. In hard winters, with deep snow, these animals are more destructive than in open winters. Rabbits browse young growth of nursery stock and small trees. Sheep and hogs rarelj^ girdle trees if they are given sufficient food and water, the latter being especially important. Mice and Rats To prevent mice from girdling trees in winter. In hecling-in young trees in the fall, do not use straw or litter, in which mice can make their nests. In orchards, see that tall grass, corn- husks, or other dry materials do not gather about the trees in fall. If danger from mice is apprehended, tramp the first snow firmly about the trees, in order to compact the grass and litter so that mice cannot find shelter. Where the paper-birch grows, it is a good plan to place sections of birch-bark from limbs or small trunks about the base of the tree,, 234 TO KEEP MICE AND RATS AWAY 235 These sections roll tightlj^ about the tree, and yet expand so readily with the growth of the tree that they may be allowed to remain, al- though it is advisable to remove them each spring, so that they will not become a harboring-place for insects. Tie thin strips of wood, as laths or shingles, about the tree. Common window-screen placed about the tree is effective and safe. Remove in spring, as it is likely to attract borers. Tarred paper is sometimes advised to keep away mice and borers, but it is very likely to kill the bark, especially on 3''0ung trees, if tied on, or if left on in warm weather. Washes to protect trees from mice. Wash the trees wdth some persistent substance in which is placed paris green, Maynard finds the following substances useful for holding the poison : portland cement of the consistenc}' of common paint ; Portland cement 10 parts and gas- tar 1 part ; portland cement 10 parts and asphaltum 1 part ; portland cement 10 parts and Morrill's tree-ink 1 part. Lime-wash, to which is added a little sulfur, tobacco-decoction, and soapsuds. Carbonate of baryta for rats and mice. Sugar and oatmeal or wheat flour, of each 6 ounces ; carbonate of baryta, \ pound ; oil of anise-seed, enough to give the mixture a pretty strong odor. This remedy is frequently made simply of oatmeal and barium- carbonate, 1 part poison to 8 of oatmeal, the combined materials being made into a stiff dough by the use of water. This has the ad- vantage of w^orking so slowly that the victims generally leave the premises in search of water. Tartar emetic for rats and mice. Tartar emetic, 1 part ; oatmeal or flour, 4 parts ; beef or mut- ton suet enough to make all into a paste. Strychnine solution for mice. Mice have been successfully poisoned by the use of wheat soaked in strychnine solution. (See ground squirrel remedies, p. 241.) 236 PESTS AND NUISANCES Camphor for rats and mice. Mix a fi'W pieces of camphor with vegetable seeds, to repel vermin. French paste for rats and mice. Oatmeal or wheat flour, 3 j)ounds ; powdered indigo, \ ounce ; finely powdered white arsenic, 4 ounces ; oil of anise-seed, 2 dram. Mix, and add of mehed beef suet or mutton tallow 2i pounds, and work the whole uj) into a paste. Conunercial forms of phosphorus are popular as exterminators of vermin. To protect seed-corn from burrowing animals {chiefly field mice). Drop poisoned bait into small holes made into runways, then cover the holes. Corn or wheat treated as for ground-squirrels is effective. Or the grain may be moistened with water containing a little gum aral)ic, and then dusted with ordinary white arsenic. The grain may be allowed to dry before using. To prepare a bait that will work in a planter, it is recommended to dissolve one-eighth of an ounce of strych- nia sulfate in two quarts of hot water, preferably rain water. Soak the corn in this for forty-eight hours, and then spread it out and dry thoroughly. A teaspoonful of coal-tar to a peck of dampened grain seems to be effectual protection. Rabbits Wash for keeping rabbits, sheep, and mice away from trees. Some writers recommend fresh lime, slaked with soft water (old soa|)-suds are best) ; make the wash the thickness of fence or house wash. When 1 peck of lime is used, add, when hot, \ gallon crude carbolic acid, \ gallon gas-tar, and 4 pounds of sulfur. Stir well. For MHnmer wash leave gas-tar out, and add in place of it 1 gallon of soft scjap. To keep rabbits and sheep from girdling, wash late in fall, or alx)ut the time of frost, as high as one can reach. Blood for rabbits. Hlood smeared upon trees, as high up as rabbits can reach, will generally keep them away. TO KEEP RABBITS AWAY 237 To drive rabbits from orchards. Dip rags in melted sulfur, and then secure them to sticks which are stuck promiscuously through the orchard. Another wash to protect trees from rabbits. Fresh cow dung, 1 peck; quick-lime, i peck; flowers of sulfur, ^ pound ; lampblack, i pound. Mix the whole into a thick paint with urine and soapsuds. California rahbit-wash. Commercial aloes, 1 pound to 4 gallons of water, both sprinkled on leaves and painted on the bark, gives a bitter taste, which repels rabbits. California rabbit poisons. 1. Pieces of watermelon, canteloupe, or other vegetables of which they are fond, may be poisoned with strychnine and then scattered around the orchard. 2. To 100 pounds of wheat take 9 gallons of water and 1 pound of phosphorus, 1 pound of sugar, and 1 ounce oil of rhodium. Heat the water to boiling-point, and let it stand all night. Next morning stir in flour sufficient to make a sort of paste. Scatter it about the place. 3. Another preparation is \ teaspoonful of powdered strychnine, 2 teaspoonfuls of fine salt, and 4 of granulated sugar. Put all in a tin box and shake well. Pour in small heaps on a board. It hardens into a solid mass. Rabbits lick it for the salt, and the sugar disguises the poison. Sulfur for rabbits. Equal proportions of sulfur, soot, and lime, made into a thick paint with cow-manure. Smear upon the trees. Cow-manure for rabbits. A mixture of lime, water, and cow-manure, made strong, is said to be an excellent anti-rabbit composition. 238 PESTS AND NUISANCES Asafcttida for rabbits. A toaspoonful of tincture of asafcetida in I pailful of liquid clay, mud, or muck of any kind. Apply with a brush to the stem and branches of young trees. Two or three applications during winter. Kansdti methods of protecting trees from rabbits (Kansas Station). 1. Trtippiuq. — Traps of various sorts may be constructed. A simplo and successful method is to sink a barrel in the ground level with its surface. Fit the head slightly smaller than the top, and allow it to swing freely on a rod or old broomstick. Pieces of apple or grains of corn may be placed on the outer edge of the cover, and when the rabbit attempts to get these, the lid tips up, and he slides into the barrel, while the lid, which is slightly heavier on one side than the other, assumes its original position. The heavier side should strike against a heavy nail or bolt so that only the lighter side of the lid will drop. It should be covered over with brush or light, flat stones. ^ K V • * \ / c: ^ \y. ■ \ ::-. c d Fig. 5 — Wellhouse rabbit-trap. An ingenious trap for catching rabbits has been designed by Walter Wellhoase, and u.sed with remarkable success by him in his orchards (Fig. 5). The trap consists of a box made of fence boards (old ones proferr(Ml). six inches w'uXv and one inch thick. The boards are cut twenty-two inches long, and the top and bottom boards are nailed on to RABBIT TRAP 239 the side boards, thus making the opening four inches wide and six inches high. The door, D, is made of wire, shaped as shown in fig. d, and liung with two staples, cc, to the under side of the top board. To prevent the rabbit from pushing the door open, a strip three-fourths of an inch square is inserted in the opening and nailed to the bottom board, as shown in fig. a, and in part in fig. d. The door must be made long enough to reach well below this catch, as shown in fig. d. The trigger is made of wire, bent as shown in figs, h and c, and hung loosely with two staples to the center of the top board. These staples must be carefully placed, to allow the trigger to be pulled forward far enough so that the door will rest upon it when the trap is set, and also to allow the loop in the trigger. A, fig. c, to be pushed against the back of the trap by the rabbit when it is sprung, thus preventing its being bent. To operate the trap, push the door, D, inward, and with the forefinger catch the hooked end of the trigger, B, fig. c, and pull it forward until the door rests upon the wire above the hook. The rabbit enters the trap, prompted by curiosity or otherwise, just as he enters a hollow log, and thinks no more of the wire trigger than he would of a small piece of brush which he must push out of his way. As soon as he touches the trigger, the door drops and the rabbit is caught. No bait is used, and the trap cannot easily be sprung by birds or wind. Care must be taken to see that all staples are loosely set, so that the trigger slides easily and the door will drop of its own weight. If new boards are used, it would be well to stain with some dark coloring material which is not offensive to the rabbit's delicate sense of smell. 2. Wrapping. — When one has only a few trees, such as fruit or shade trees, the most satisfactory method is to wrap them. An ordinary tree veneer which is made of very thin wood may be purchased from any seed store or nursery company. This fits closely about the body of the tree, and will enlarge as the tree grows. However, during the summer it may offer a harbor for injurious insects, and should remain on the tree only during the winter. Trees may be wrapped with bur- lap, corn-stalks, or ordinary lath. The only caution with any of these is to remove them when the tree resumes growth in the spring. Ordi- nary wire screen answers very well as a protection for the tree. 3. Repellents. — The tree may be covered as far as the rabbit can reach with blood. The entrails and blood of the rabbit itself rubbed over the tree is quite effective, but is very apt to be washed off by rain. 240 PESTS AND NUISANCES A concoction of tallow and tobacco smeared on to the trees acts as a repellent. However, where there arc a great many trees, and especially small trees, such as honey locust, elm, and others, used as windbreaks, it is out of the question to treat each individual tree by hand. In this case, a spray applied by a hand pump will be found effective. The common lime and sulfur spray used to destroy the San Jos^ scale has IxMMi recommended, and can be applied with an ordinary spray pump. Mix together dry, fresh hydrated or ground lime, 4 pounds; powdered sulfur, 3 pounds. Add water to form a thin paste, and boil from one-half to one hour, or until the mixture becomes a reddish amber color. Dilute to 10 gallons, spra\^ on to the trees w-hile the liquid is still warm. This spray is excellent for the trees as well, but must not be applied to the trees while they are in leaf. Commercial aloes at the rate of one pound to four gallons of water sprayed on to the trees gives the bark and leaves a bitter taste which repels rabl)its. A spray made of buttermilk and common stove soot has proven quite satisfactory here. Buttermilk, 1 gallon ; common stove soot, i pound. Boil for twenty minutes. Keep well stirred to prevent clogging the pump. 4. Poisoning. — Much may be done in eradicating this pest with poison. The " Wellhouse " poison is made as follows : Sulfate of .strychnine, 1 part; borax, ^ part ; white syrup, 1 part; water, 10 parts. Put the mixture into a jug or large bottle, and shake well. Cut fresh twigs — apple w\ater sprouts are best — and with a small brush paint tliem, especially over the terminal bud, with the above [)reparati()n. Scatter the twigs in the runways and about the trees where the rabbits feed. Stock or fowls will not molest this poison, and it is siiid that dogs may eat the dead rabbits and suffer no ill effects. The Western Australia Department of Agriculture recommends a similar poison. Di.ssolve U ounces strychnine in 1 quart of vinegar; 42 PESTS AND NUISANCES 4. Tyiiij^ lu'wspapcrs al)out trees in sucli manner as to allow the upper part of the pai)er to project loosely a few inches frightens the squirrels away. Moles Moles are rather easily poisoned by inserting in the runways corn in the milk stage, freshly cut from the ear, and poisoned with strychnine solution. Moles li\'e in loose and sandy land. If the place is watched, they may be tlestroyed when they are heaving their burrows. Mole-traps are on the market. (See gophers, p. 243.) Prairie-dogs Prairie-dogs may be destroyed by much the same means as are ground squirrels. (See ground squirrel remedies, p. 241 ; and wood- chuck or ground-hogs, p. 243.) Poisoning b}^ grain soaked in strychnine solution has proved most successful. The following method has been devised and used by the Kansas Experiment Station : The mixture is in the form of a syrup, composed of the following ingredients (for 1 quart) : 1 ounce strychnia sulfate (powdered), 1 ounce potassium C3^anide, li ounces alcohol, 1 pint syrup. One ounce of green cofTee-berries is mixed with the white of one egg, and allowed to stand at least fourteen hours. The strychnia is di.s,solved in a half-pint of boiling water. The potassium cyanide is dis- solved in a (juarter-pint of hot water and allowed to cool. Add a little warm water to the mixture of coffee and eggs, and mix it with the po- tassium cyanide. Then strain this mixture through a coarse sieve into the mixing vessel, and add the syrup. Mix the alcohol with the hot solution ')f strychnine, and add it to the other mixture. Stir all thoroughly. (Jne quart of the mixture is sufficient to poison a half- bushel of wheat or kafir. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred before it is poured over the grain. Two or three pounds of fine corn-meal are stirred in with the grain to take up the extra moisture. On a bright, warm morning in .January, February, or March, place half a traspoonful or less of the bait in two or three little piles at the outside of each burrow occupied by prairie-dogs. A half-bushel of grain should I)oison 5(X) to GfX) holes. VARIOUS PESTS 243 Woodchucks or Ground-hogs These animals are readily trapped at the mouths of their burrows. They are also easily killed by the vapor of bisulfid of carbon, the liquid being poured on a handful of moss, cotton, or other absorbent material, and pushed down the burrow, all openings being at once closed. The vapor is heavier than air, and will settle to the bottom, where it will kill any animal present. Pocket-gophers These pests are readily destroyed by poisoned grain, corn being espe- cially recommended for the purpose, although various other materials may be employed. A dibble, made by adding a metal point to a spade handle, is used to make holes in the runways, into which the poisoned bait is dropped. " A skillful operator," writes D. E. Lantz, " can go over twenty to forty acres of badly infested land in a day, and, if the work is done carefully, at a time when the pocket-gophers are active, all the animals should be destroyed by the first application of poison." The pests may also be destroyed by trapping and by fumigation with carbon bisulfid. Wolves and Coyotes These animals are most easily destroyed by hunting out the breed- ing-places in early spring and killing the litters of pups. They may also be poisoned and trapped. Muskrats Powdered strychnia sulfate sweetened with powdered sugar or commercial saccharin and sprinkled over freshly cut pieces of apple, carrot, or ripe squash has proved effective. Crystals of the same poison may be inserted in the bait with a knife. „. , . Pestiferous Birds Bird poisons. 1. Place a shallow box on the end of a pole, and put it four or five feet from the ground to keep the poison out of the way of domestic fowls. In the box sprinkle corn-meal and a very little strychnine, which mixture the birds eat. It will not hurt dogs or cats to eat the 244 PESTS AND NUISANCES (load bird, for the reason that there is not enough poison absorbed by the bird. (California.) 2. Put the .strychnine in pieces of apples, and stick them on the ends of limbs of the trees. (California.) 3. Poison for English sparrows. Di.ssolve arsenate of soda in warm water at the rate of one ounce to one j)int ; pour this upon as much wheat as it will cover (in a vessel which can be closed so as to prevent evaporation), and allow it to soak for at l(>ast twenty-four hours. Dry the wheat so prepared, and it is ready for u.se. It should be distributed in winter in places where the sparrows congregate. Wheat maj^ be similarly ]ireparcd with strychnine. 4. Put i ounce of strychnia sulfate into f of a gill of hot water, and l)oil until dissolved. Moisten Ih teaspoonfuls of starch with a few drops of cold water, add it to the poison solution, and heat till the starch thickens. Pour the hot poisoned starch over a quart of wheat, and stir until every kernel is coated. To protect fruits from birds. One of the best devices is mosquito-bar spread over the bushes or trees. For ))ush-fruits and small trees the expense is not great. There is a commercial netting made for the purpose. Have a taxidermist mount several hawks, and place them in natural j)()sitions in the trees or vines. In large plantations of cherries or other fruits subject to the depre- dations of l)irds, the injury is generally proportionately less than in small areas. Some cherry-growers plant early sweet varieties to feed tlio liirds, which, getting their fill, give less attention to the main crop. P>irds prefer the Russian mulberry to cherries, and an occasional tree in the cherry orchard may protect the crop. Plantings of mulberry, buckthorn, elder, and chokeberry may serve to protect raspberries and blackberries. For strawberries, sweet early varieties which are left to ripen on the vines have been recommended. To protect newly planted seeds from birds. Coat the seeds with red lead by moistening the seeds slightly and stirring in red lead until all the seeds are thoroughly coated. Let the seeds dry for two or three hours before sowing. BIRDS, MOSQUITOES 1J4,-, Several ways to protect corn from crows. Dip the kernels in coal-tar, and then dust them with plaster ; tar the seed; plant it deeply; scatter soaked corn over the field to attract attention from the young plants ; hang streamers of cloth from twine strung about the field on poles; or use scare-crows. To protect young chickens. Young chickens may be protected from hawks by covering their runways with fine wire netting. Chickens are comparatively safe when king-birds or purple martins breed about the farm-yard, as these birds drive hawks away. They should be encouraged. Some hawks are frightened away by guinea-hens. A pair of ospreys or fish-hawks nesting near a farmhouse will keep other hawks away. Mosquitoes The discovery that certain mosquitoes carry the organisms of malaria and other diseases has started a crusade against these pests. We now feel that mosquitoes must be controlled, both as a sanitary meas- ure and as a relief against the insects themselves. The chief mode of attack is to destroy their breeding-places. They breed only in standing water. Draining the breeding-places, or filling them up and emptying all receptacles in which water stands, is the first thing to be considered. The big gray mosquitoes that breed in tide marshes are specially pestiferous. They propagate in the brackish pools. These pools should be filled or drained, or else the tide dyked out so that the pools may dry. The second thing to consider, if the above cannot be carried out, is to cover the breeding-pools with oil so that mosquito larvae may be deprived of air (they rise to the surface to breathe). In fountain tanks, lily ponds, and other water areas that are to be retained, the mosquitoes may be kept down by stocking with fish that eat the larvse or wrigglers. Kerosene for mosquitoes (Needham). An ounce of kerosene to every 15 square feet of surface is about the right proportion, according: to Howard. The fihn of oil will be retained 246 PESTS AXD XUISANCES for about two weeks. The grade of kerosene known as " light fuel oil ^ is best. Any kerosene will kill aquatic plants, if sprayed on them. It should be poured on surface of water in cultivated ponds and spread with a broom or mop. It should be applied oftener than once in two weeks in such c:ises, and in much less quantity. One-fourth as much twice as ofton will probably be equally effective. It is best not to use kerosene at all on ornamental jwnds ; it is un- sightly ; it smells badly ; it kills all larvce that require air derived from the surface, including those of many of the higher diptera which as adults are useful flower pollinators ; it endangers the plants even when most carefully applied, to say nothing of smearing them. Fishes available for deMruction of mosquito larva; (Xeedham). 1. Goldfish eat eggs by preference, also the larva^. They thrive in any wann pool, or even in cisterns with scant light ; eat prepared foods, so can be readily supplied with supplemental food if necessary. They are easily obtained in the market, and are ornamental. Must be taken indoors for winter. 2. Top minnows are natural enemies of mosquitoes in native water. They are hardy and long-lived ; but they are not on the market, and have to be sought with a seine. Not especiallj^ ornamental. 3. Sunfish are fond of mosquito larva^. They do well only in midst of aquatic growth; require much food, and insect food is pre- ferred. Ornamental. 4. Sticklebacks are most voracious mosquito enemies, and are also worthy of cultivation for their remarkable nest-building habits. Rather particular as to conditions, but in proper pools they are hardy. All these fishes require room in which pasturage may grow. A pair of the smallest of them would probably find scant natural food in a square rod of water area. Hihernating mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes hibernate in cellars, and from them the breeding starts in spring. Cellars may be fumigated with powdered Datura Stra- monium (.limpson weed), or with culicide (culex is the generic name of the greater number of mosquitoes). In either case, according to J. B. Smith, the cellar to be fmnigated should be as tightly closed as possible, MOSQUITOES 247 to hold the fumes and make them most effective. The powdered stramonium is used at the rate of eight ounces for each 1000 cubic feet of space, mixed with one-third its weight of saltpeter to facilitate com- bustion. Spread the mass out on a tin plate or stone flag and light at several points to hasten the burning. The vapor is not dangerous to human life, so even if some escapes into the rooms above, no harm will be done. If the cellar is leaky, use two or three times as much as ad- vised, and in all cases keep it as tightly closed as possible for two hours at least. Culicide is made of equal parts by weight of carbolic acid crystals and gum camphor. Melt the acid crystals over a gentle heat, and pour slowly over the gum. The acid dissolves the camphor, and makes a clear, somewhat volatile liquid, with rather an agreeable odor. This solution is permanent, and may be kept indefinitely in tight jars. Use three ounces of this culicide for every 1000 cubic feet of space, and volatilize over a lamp of some kind. A simple and inexpensive appa- ratus for this purpose (J. B. Smith) consists of an 8-inch section of galvanized-iron stove-pipe, cut so as to leave three legs, and with a series of J-inch holes near the top to make an outlet for the draft. Upon this place a shallow, flat-bottomed basin to hold the culi- cide, and beneath this use an ordinary glass or other alcohol lamp. Two ounces of culicide may be evaporated with I an ounce of alcohol in twenty-five minutes, and a larger quantity would probably re- quire proportionately less time if given a larger evaporating surface in a dish of larger diameter than the pipe. This combination is inflam- mable, but not explosive, and should be used on a cement, earth, or stone floor, or on bricks in a tub of water, to avoid danger of fire. The fumes are not dangerous to human life until they become very dense, and such as might penetrate into upper rooms through leaky floors or doors would do no harm to anything. This also should be allowed to act at least two hours before the doors are opened again. Flies and other insects succumb as readily as mosquitoes. Rules for extermination and prevention of mosquitoes. (Anti-Mosquito Convention, N. Y.) Pools of rain water, duck ponds, ice ponds, and temporary accumu- lations due to building ; marshes, both of salt and fresh water, and road- 248 PESTS AXD NUISANCES siilc drains; i)ots, kettles, tubs, springs, barrels of water, and other back-yaril eolleetions should be drained, filled with earth, or emptiiHi. Running streams should have their margins carefully cleaned and coveretl with gravel to prevent weeds and grass at the water's eilge. Lily ponds and fountain pools should, if possible, be abolished; if not, the margins should be cemented or careful!}' graveled, a good stock of minnows put in the water, and green slime (algie) regularly cleaned out, as it collects. Where tanks, cisterns, wells, or springs must be had to supply water, tlie openings to them should be closely covered with wire gauze (gal- vanized to prevent rusting), not the smallest aperture being left. When neither drainage nor covering is practicable, the surface of the standing water should be covered with a film of light fuel oil (or kerosene) which chokes and kills the larva?. The oil may be poured on with a can or from a sprinkler. It will spread itself. One ounce of oil is sufficient to cover fifteen square feet of water. The oil sliouki be renewed once a week during warm weather. Particular attention should be paid to cesspools. These pools, when uncovered, breed mosquitoes in vast numbers; if not tightly closed by a cemented top, or by wire gauze, they should be treated once a week with an excess of kerosene or light fuel oil. Certain simple precautions suffice to protect persons living in mala- rial districts from infection : — First : Proper screening of the house to prevent the entrance of the mosquitoes (after careful search for and destruction of all those already present in the house), and screening of the bed at night. The chief danger of infection is at night (the anopheles bite mostly at this time). Second : The screening of persons in malarial districts who are suffering from malarial fever, so that mosquitoes may not bite them and thus become infected. Third : The administration of quinine in full doses to malarial patients to destroy the malarial organisms in the blood. Fourth : The destruction of mosquitoes by one or more of the methods already described. These measures, if properly carried out, will greatly restrict the MOSQUITOES. HOUSE-FLIES 240 prevalence of the disease, and will prevent the occurrence of new malarial infections. It must be remembered that when a person is once infected, the organisms may remain in the body for many years, producing from time to time relapses of the fever. A case of malarial infection in a house (whether the person is actively ill or the infection is latent) in a locality where anopheles mosquitoes are present, is a constant source of danger, not only to the inmates of the house, but to the immediate neighborhood, if proper precautions are not taken. It should be noted in this connection that the mosquitoes may remain in a house through an entire winter, and probably infect the inmates in the spring upon the return of the warm weather. The House-Fly (C. R. Crosby) The typhoid fly, or house-fly (Musca domestica). For ages this ubiquitous pest has been looked upon as a harmless though annoying and unpleasant nuisance, and its presence has been tolerated as a necessary evil. It has now been scientifically demon- strated that it plays an important role in the transmission of certain intestinal diseases, such as typhoid, cholera, infantile diarrhoea, etc., by carrying infected matter from the excreta of patients to the food of healthy persons. It is now thought that next after polluted water and contaminated milk, flies are the most important factor in the sprearl of typhoid. Both in city and in country the presence of these pests is a constant menace to the health of the community. House-flies breed chiefly in horse manure, and to a less extent in garbage, human excrement, and other filth. Each female lays about 120 eggs, which hatch in a few hours. The maggots become full grown in about five days, and an equal period is spent in the pupal stage. The whole life cycle thus requires only ten to fourteen days in midsummer. In the climate of Washington, D.C., there are twelve or thirteen generations annually. Dr. L. 0. Howard reports finding 1200 larvae and pupae in a single pound of horse manure. The winter is passed either as adults hidden away in houses or as pupsB beneath manure piles. l>r,0 PESTS AND NUISANCES ( 'ontrol. The house-fly imisiuice can be abated most easily by the elimination of possible breeding-places. The great majority of the flies found in houses breed in piles of horse manure about near-by stables. Breeding in such places may be easily prevented by storing the manure, pending its removal, in a dark, fly-proof bin. This receptacle may be built as a lean-to attached to the stable with which it is connected by a small screen door. .V larger door outside provides for the removal of the contents. The manure should be carted away at least once a week, and spread out on the land, where by drying it soon becomes unfit for breeding purposes. Whenever it is necessary to store such material in piles in the open, they should be located as far as possible from the nearest dwelling or milk-house. Flies do not usually travel more than one-fourth mile from the place in which they breed. When only two or three horses are kept in a town, the manure can be handled in regular garbage-cans, in the same way as the kitchen refuse or ashes. Breeding in manure jVih s can be prevented by borax. Sift borax on manure, particularly around edges of pile, immediately after removal from barn, thci spritikle with water. Use fib. borax to 8 bu. of manure. Kitchen refuse and similar garbage should be kept in tight cans and removed at frequent intervals. Flies should be rigidly excluded from all places where food is exposed to contamination, including kitchens, dining-rooms, stores, etc. Especial care should be taken to protect milk and milk utensils, since milk furnishes an excellent medium for the growth of typhoid bacteria and is a common source of infection. Flies may be driven from rooms by leaving one door open and darken- ing all the rest. Then evaporate a spoonful of carbolic acid over a lamp, or burn some pyrethrum insect-powder. They may be caught on sticky .sheets, or poisoned with a sweetened 5 per cent solution of commerical formaldehyde. On isolated farms each owner has it in his power by proper measures in the dis[)()sal of manure to reduce the fly nuisance to a minimum. In towns the case is different; there cooperation is necessary. In attempting to reduce the numbers of house-flies in the District of Columbia, the health department has formulated a series of rules which L. O. Howard has summarized as follows : — HOUSE-FLIES. PONDS 251 " All stalls in which animals are kept shall have the surface of the ground covered with a water-tight floor. Every person occupying a building where domestic animals are kept shall maintain, in connection therewith, a bin or pit for the reception of manure, and, pending the removal from the premises of the manure from the animal or animals, shall place such manure in said bin or pit. This bin shall be so con- structed as to exclude rain water, and shall in all other respects be water- tight, except as it may be connected with the public sewer. It shall be provided with a suitable cover, and constructed so as to pre\eat the ingress and egress of flies. No person owning a stable shall keep any manure or permit any manure to be kept in or upon any portion of the premises other than the bin or pit described, nor shall he allow any such bin or pit to be overfilled or needlessly uncovered. Horse manure may be kept tightly rammed into well-covered barrels for the purpose of removal in such barrels. Every person keeping manure in any of the more densely populated parts of the District shall cause all such manure to be removed from the premises at least twice every week between June 1 and October 31, and at least once every week between Novem- ber 1 and May 31 of the following year. No person shall remove or transport any manure over any public highway in any of the more densely populated parts of the District, except in a tight vehicle which, if not inclosed, must be effectually covered with canvas, so as to prevent the manure from being dropped. No person shall deposit maimre removed from the bins or pits within any of the more densely populated parts of the District without a permit from the health officer. Any person violating any of the provisions shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not more than $40 for each offense." Slime on Ponds The slime, or algae, on ponds may be destroyed by copper sulfate. The common spirogyra is dispatched by 1 part of the sulfate to 25,000,000 parts of water, and other forms by a stronger solution. These weak solutions are little injurious to the higher plants and not much so to any animals. A better way is to keep the toads and to let their tadpoles eat the algae. Red-bellied minnows would also help. CHAPTER XV Fungicides and Germicides for Plant Diseases By Donald Reddick Plant diseases are caused by parasitic fungi or by bacteria, or otlier vegetable parasites; or by forms of physiological disturbance, l-^ac'li tlisease calls for special treatment. Most plant diseases must be preventetl, not cured. It should be understood that spraying is only one of the control measures effective against plant diseases. Many diseases are not iitTectetl by spraying, though perhaps more are susceptible to this treatment than to any other. A satisfactory fungicide must be one that does not injure the plants and at the same time is effective against the parasite. For spraying, ad- ditional recjuirements are imposed; it should not dissolve readily in rain water; it should adhere to foliage and fruit; in some cases it should !)(• colorless in order not to make ornamentals more unsightly than when diseased. The fungicide which has been used most for general purposes is bordeaux mixture. Lately some other preparations, par- ticularly lime-sulfur combinations, have come into use, and in many ca.ses are supi)lanting bordeaux. There are in addition a large number of other substances which have fungicidal value and are in more limited use for specific cases. Practices Didwijing ajfeded parts. — It is important that all affected parts should be removed and burned, if possible. In the fall all leaves and fruit that have been attacked by fungi should be raked up and burned. Diseased branches should be severed at some dis- tance below the lowest visible point of attack. Fungous dis- eases often spread rapidly, and prompt action is usually necessary. Practice clean and tidy culture. 252 STERILIZING 263 Rotation of crops. — One of the most effective and practical means of heading off fungous diseases. Especially applicable to diseases oi roots or root-crops, but also to many other diseases of annual plants. Sterilizing by steam. — An effective fungicidal practice for several soil-in- habiting organisms which attack roots and stems. This includes nematode worms. It is especially applicable in the greenhouse, where it may be applied (a) through sub-irrigation tile or through specially laid perforated steam pipes in the bottom of the bed. Cover the beds with blankets, introduce steam under pres- sure of 40 to 80 pounds for two hours. Insert thermometers at various places to see that the soil is being uniformly heated. (6) A large galvanized iron tight box may be constructed with finely perforated trays 4 to 6 inches in depth. Soil placed in these trays and steamed for two hours as above will be freed from par- asitic organisms. In this case the frames should be sprayed with a solution of formalin, 1 pint in 10 gallons of water. Steam sterilization of soil may be used on intensively cultivated areas or extensive seed-beds, A portable boiler is necessary. The beds are sterilized after they have been prepared for seed, and just before the seed is sown. A galvanized pan 10 bj' 6 feet and 6 inches deep is inverted, and the edges are pushed down into the soil one or two inches. The pan is connected with the steam boiler by means of a steam hose and live steam is run into the pan for about forty minutes under a pressure of 100 pounds and up. The higher the pressure the more thoroughly the soil will be sterilized. The cost of sterilizing is approximately three-fourths of a cent the square foot. It should be noted that soil sterilization has an invigorating effect on the plants, and it will be necessary to run greenhouses at a lower temperature (5°-10°) both night and day. Field sterilization also kills weed seeds, and with the reduction of the cost of weeding makes the process practicable. Substances Bordeaux mixture. — A bluish-green copper compound that settles out when freshly slaked lime and a solution of copper sulfate (blue- 254 Fi\\rrH'ii)f:s and germicides for plant diseases stone) art' mixed. Many formulas have been recommended and used. Tlie 5-5-50 formula may be regarded as standard. In such a fonnula the first figure refers to the number of pounds of copper sulfate, the second to the stone or hydrated lime, and the third to the number of gallons of water. Bordeaux must often be used as weak as 2-2-50, on account of injury to some plants. To make 50 gallons of bordeaux mixture, proceed as follows: (1) Pulverize 5 pounds of copper sulfate (blue vitriol), place in a glass, wooden, or brass vessel, and add two or three gallons of hot water. In another vessel slake 5 pounds of quicklime in a small amount of water. When the copper sulfate is all dissolved, pour into a barrel and add water to make 40 or 45 gallons. Now strain the lime into this, using a sieve 50 meshes to the inch or a piece of cheese-cloth sui)ported by ordinary screening. Stir thoroughly, and add water to the 50-gallon mark. The fiocculent substance which settles is the effective fungicide. Always stir vigorously before filling the sprayer. Never add the strong lime to strong vitriol. Always add a large amount of water to one or the other first. Blue vitriol used alone would not only wash off quickly in a rain, but cause a severe burning of fruit and foliage. Lime is added to neutralize this burning effect of the copper. If the lime were absolutely pure only slightly more than one pound would be re- quired to neutralize this burning effect. For many purposes an excess of lime is not objectionable and may be desirable. P'or nearly ripe fruit and ornamentals an excess of lime augments spotting. In such cases the least amount of lime possible should be used. Determine this by applying the cyanide test (2). (2) Secure from the druggist 10 cents' worth of potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate of potash) and dissolve it in water in an S-ounce bottle. Cut a V-shaped slit in one side of the cork, so that a few drops of the liquid can be obtained. Now proceed as before. Add lime with constant stirring until a drop of the ferrocyanide ccvises to give a reddish-brown color. (3) When bonh^aux mixture is desired in large quantities, stock solutions should be made. Place 100 pounds of copper sulfate in a bag of coffee-sacking, and suspend in the top of a 50-gallon barrel, and a74 PLANT DISEASES Drop or Rot {Sderotinia libertiana). — Base of the leaves or stem rots off, allowing leaves to drop. Control . — Sterilize the soil with steam before planting. See under Steld()m have the smut. Practice crop rotation. Drill into the soil with the seed 100 pounds of sulfur and 50 pounds of air-slaked lime to the acre. ONION — PEA CH 275 Pea. Mildew (Erysiphe polygoni). — A powdery mildew on pods and leaves. Control. — Dust dry sulfur over the plants, repeating the opera- tion if necessary. Pod Spot and Leaf-spot (Ascochyta pisi). — Black circular spots on stems, leaves, and buds. The fungus grows through the pod into the seed, and is thus carried through the winter. Control. — Select pods free from spots, and save the seed from these for the next year's planting. On a large scale have a clean seed garden in which to grow clean seed for the following year. Peach. Blight {Coryneum beyerinkii). — A spotting, gumming and death of the buds and twigs, particularly in the lower part of the tree. The fruit drops. Especially serious in Cali- fornia. Control. — For California conditions two applications of spray are made : (a) in November or December, and (6) in February or March. This also controls leaf-curl. Bordeaux mixture, 5-5-50, or lime-sulfur, 1-10, may be used. Brown-rot {Scerotinia frudigena). — Causes a rot of the fruit, and often runs down the spur, forming a canker in the limb. Also produces brownish irregular spots on the leaves. Control. — Spray with self-boiled lime-sulfur, 8-8-50, adding 2 pounds of arsenate of lead. Spray first about time shucks are shedding from young fruit; second, two to three weeks later, and third, about one month before the fruit ripens. Omit the arsenate of lead from the third spraying. On early maturing varieties two applications may be sufficient. Spraying within a month of picking time is apt to leave the fruit spotted. It is especially im- portant that sprayings be made before a continued storm period. Destroy rotten peaches. The rotten ones on the ground are as great a menace (especially if plowed under) as those on the tree, as the fungus winters readily on the fallen mummies. Brown-rot also occurs on cherries, plums, apricots, and sometimes on apples and pears. Leaf-curl {Exoascus deformans). — Causes the leaves to crimp and curl and often to turn bright red. Also causes shoots to swell and become distorted. Control — In an infected orchard more than 90 per cent ot >76 PLANT DISEASES the curl can be controlled the first year. The second year control should be complete. The secret of control of leaf-curl lies largely in the thoroughness with which the work is done. A number of spray substances may be used. A single thorough application before the buds swell in the spring is sufficient. Every bud must be covered and from all sides. Lime-sulfur as applied for San J()s<5 scale will control curl. Commercial lime-sulfur, 1-20; bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50; or a simple solution of blue vitriol in water, 2-50, are all specifics. Le.\f-hlst. — See under Plum (p. 279). LiTTLE-PE.\cH. — A disease that in its early stages resembles yellows. It differs from yellows in producing small fruit that matures later than normally. Fruit docs not have the small red spots characteristic of yellows, nor are there slender sickly branches. The cause of this disease is unknown. Apparently spreads more rapidly than yellows and commonly destroys the affected tree sooner. Occurs in the northern states. Preventive. — As for Yellows (sec ne.xt page). Powdery mildew (SpfuBrotheca pannosa). — A w^hitish powdery growth on the young shoots and leaves, and whitish spots on the fruit. Control. — Self-boiled lime-sulfur as for Rot. Root-gall, Root-Knot, Crown-gall, Hairy-root {Bacterium tumefacicns). — Hairy roots or tumerous outgrow^ths on the roots and root crowns ; sometimes occurs on trunks and limbs. Pri- marily a nursery disease. Does not seem to be a serious disease on peaches in the North, but is reported as very serious in the South. Attacks a wide range of orchard plants, including apple, pear, brambles, grape, etc. Control. — Reject all stock showing symptoms. Rosette. — An obscure southern disease of peach trees and some kinds of plums, characterized by bunchy growths containing very many rolled and yellowish leaves which fall prematurely. The tree dies the first or second year. There is no premature fruit as in yellows. It is often accompanied by gummosis of the roots. The disease is communicable by budding, and it may enter through the roots. All affected trees should be exterminated. Known in South Carolina, Georgia, Kansas, and Arkansas. PEACH AND PEAR DISEASES 277 Scab or Black-spot (Cladosporiiim cnrpophilum). ~ Black scab- like spots on the fruit, often causing it to crack deeply. Control. — Self-boiled lime-sulfur, as applied for Browx-hot. Yellows. — A fatal disease of peaches ; also attacks nectarine, almond, apricot, and Japanese plum. Cause unknown. The first symptom in bearing trees is usually the premature ripening of the fruit. This fruit contains definite small red spots, which extend towards the pit. The second stage is usually the appear- ance of " tips," or short, late, second growths upon the ends of healthy twigs, and which are marked by small, horizontal, usually yellowish leaves. The next stage is indicated by very slender shoots, which branch the first year and which start in tufts from the old limbs, bearing narrow and small yellowish leaves. Later the entire foliage becomes smaller and yellow. In three to six years the tree dies. The disease spreads from tree to tree. It attacks trees of any age. Known at present only in regions east of the Mississippi. Peculiar to America, so far as known. Preventive. — Pull up and burn all trees as soon as the disease appears. Trees may be reset in the places from which the " yellows " trees were taken. Laws aiming to suppress the disease have been enacted in most peach-growing states, and the enforce- ment of them will keep the disease well under control. Pear. Blight {Bacillus amylovorus). — A very serious bacterial disease. Bacteria winter just at the edge of the dead wood in trees blighted the previous year. With the advent of warm spring days they ooze through the bark in sticky drops and are carried by bees and flies to blossoms. The blossoms blight, and the spur may also blight. Plant-lice carry bacteria from blighted blossoms to spurs and shoots. If a spur becomes blighted, the bacteria may spread in the bark of the limb, causing a depression or canker. This may girdle the limb and cause its death. The leaves turn black and stick tenaciously, even through the winter. Succulent water sprouts are very apt to blight and cause large cankers. Generally distributed in North America, and known only in America. Attacks apple, quince, mountain ash, hawthorn ; the Spitzenburgh is specially liable to attack. Control. — Clean up hedgerows of hawthorn, old blighted pear trees and apple trees. In early spring cut out the blight 278 PLANT DISEASES of the i)n'vi()as year and disinfect the stubs with corrosive sub- linialc, 1-1 (K)(). Clean out cankers with a sharp knife, and dis- infect. Paint over with lead paint. At blossoming time make a systematic daily inspection for blossom blight, and break it out. Watch for blight in the shoots. When it appears get a long- handled pruning-liook, fasten a sponge near the knife, and saturate it with corrosive sublimate solution, 1-1000. Clip out the blighted twigs, cutting five or six inches below the blight, and sop the pruned stub with the sponge. During a blight epidemic, drop all other work. The work must be done systematically and per- sistently, or not at all. One week's work may save the pear crop and the pear trees. Leaf-bligiit and Cracking of fruit {Fabrea inacxdata). — Attacks nursery stock of pears and quinces, beginning as small circular brown spots on the leaves. These spread, and if numerous cause the leaf to fall. The same disease produces a black spot or pit on the fruit. Control. — In nurseries spray with bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50. In the orchard spray as for pear scab, with perhaps one additional application. Leaf-spot {Mycosphwrella sentina). — Small lecticular spots with white centers on leaves. Spots become so numerous as to cause defoli- ation. The fungus is known only on leaves, and it winters on them. Control. — Burn fallen leaves. Spray as for Scab. Scab ( Venturia pyrina). — Greenish brown or black spots on leaves and fruit, arresting growth and often causing fruit to crack. Severe on Flemish Beauty. Often attacks pedicles of fruits and causes them to drop, and may even cause defoliation. Is different from apple scab, but behaves much like it. Differs especially in the fact that the fungus winters on the twigs as well as on fallen leaves. Control. — Owing to the nearness of the fungus (on the twigs) and the slowness with which the pear-leaf unfolds, two applications of spray l)efore the blossoms open are sometimes necessary, and one immediately after they fall. Use lime-sulfur, 1-50, or bordeaux, 3-3-50. Remarks in regard to apple scab (on page 264) are equally important her*. PLUM AND POTATO DISEASES 279 Rust (Gymnosporangium globosum). — Having the same habits and appearance as apple rust. Control. — As for Scab. Plum. Black-knot {Plowrightia morbosa). —A black tumorous swell- ing from one to several inches in length, appearing on the limbs and twigs of American plums and sour cherries. Point of attack is usually under a bud or in crotches. Confined to America. A very serious disease. In some regions it has destroyed the plum industry. It was once supposed to be caused by an insect. Control. — Burn all affected parts in the fall. Cut several inches below the swelling. A badly infected tree should be cut down at once, as there is no hope of saving it. Many states have a law requiring the destruction of affected trees. Brown-rot. — See under Peach (p. 275). Shot-hole fungus. — See Leaf-spot of Cherry (p. 268). Leaf-rust {Puccinia priini-spinosoB) . — Small circular powdery spots of yellowish brown on the under surface of the leaves, and reddish spots on the upper surface directly above them. Control. — Early spraying with bordeaux, 3-3-50, or self-boiled lime-sulfur, 8-8-50. Powdery mildew. — See under Peach (p. 276). Potato. Early blight (Alternaria solani). — A blight of foliage begin- ning as an even circular spot and coming early in the season, usually in July. Progresses slowly. This disease does not attack the tubers. Control. — Bordeaux mixture at intervals of ten days, beginning when plants are 6-8 in. high. Late blight and Potato-rot {Phytophthorainfestans) . — The fungus winters in the tuber, which shows a faint pinkish tinge and a dry rot. Diseased tubers are planted, the fungus fruits on the cut surface and its swarm spores pass through the soil-water to the leaves which touch or are buried in the soil. An extensive ir- regular blighted area covers the leaf, the under surface of which may have a mildewy appearance. The disease spreads very rapidly. Later spores are washed down to the tubers and infect them. Appears late in the season, usually not much before August L 280 PLANT DISEASES Control. — Can be controlled successfully by the use of bor- deaux mixture, 5-5-50. It is always i)r()fitable to spray at least three times, and in a wet season six or more applications should be made. As the vines increase in size, greater quantities of spray and more nozzles must be used. Use from 40 to 100 gallons of sjiniy mixture per acre. Dry- Rot and Wilt {Fusarium oxysporum). — A dry rot of the tuber in storage and wilt of plants in the field. Can be detected in the seed tuber before there is any external appearance by examin- ing a section near the stem end. A black ring or chain of dots near the surface is indicative of the rot. Infection frequently takes place through wounds. Control. — Reject all diseased tubers for seed. Practice a rotation in which potatoes are not grown on the soil for at least two years. Scab {Oospora scabies). — A scabby and pitted roughness of potato tubers. Lime, ashes or manure added to the soil increases the amount of scab by favoring the growth of the fungus. It has become one of the serious diseases of the potato. Control. — Do not plant on land which has grown scabby potatoes. Plant clean seed. If only scabby seed is at hand, soak the uncut tubers in a solution of formalin, 1 pint in 30 gallons of water, for two hours. Drain, cut, and plant in clean soil. Use the formalin solution over and over. The same fungus also attacks beets. Pumpkin. — See under Muskmelon (p. 274). Quince. Bl.\ck-rot {Sphceropsis malorum). — A trouble which usually appears at the blossom end of young quince fruits, causing them to become black and hard, with a dry rot of the tissue. The same di.sejuse occurs on apples, which see. Blight. — See under Pear Blight (p. 277). \j£..KF- AND Fruit-spot. — See Pear-Leaf Blight, which is the same di.sease. Hu.sT. — The organism causing this disease is of the same habit and nature as that causing apple rust. Control. — As for Apple Rust (p. 264). Radish. White ru.st or Mildew (Albugo candidiis). — A whitish powdery growth on the leaves and petioles, often causing distortion. ROSE — SPINA CH 28 1 Control — Steam-sterilize the soil before planting. Club-root. — See under Cabbage (p. 266). Raspberry. Anthracnose {Glceosporium ye/ie^wm). — Circular or elliptical, gray scab-like spots on the canes. Control. — Avoid taking young plants from diseased plantations. Remove all diseased canes as soon as the fruit is picked. Practice frequent rotation. Crown-gall or Root-gall {Bacterium tumefaciens) . — Tumorous outgrowths on the roots, especially on red varieties. It is con- tagious and destructive. Control. — Never set plants which have galls on the roots. Avoid setting on infested land. See under Peach (p. 276). Red or Orange rust {Gymnoconia inter stilialis) . — k dense red powdery growth on the under side of the leaves of bhick varieties and of blackberries. The fungus hibernates in the roots. Control. — Dig up and destroy infected plants. Rice. Blast, Blight or Rotten-neck (Piricularia oryza;). — An ex- tensive paling and drying of leaf and stem, and a partial failure of the heads to fill. Control. — The selection of early maturing varieties is advis- able. Burn stubble and trash left in the fields. Rose. Black leaf-spot {Actinonema rosce). — Attacks the full-grown leaves, first appearing as small black spots, but later covering nearly or quite the whole surface with blotches. The spots have frayed edges. Control. — Spray with ammoniacal copper carbonate, beginning with the first appearance of the spots and continuing at intervals of one week until under subjection. Mildew {Sphcerotheca pannosa). — A white powdery mildew on the new growth. Control. — For greenhouse roses keep the steam pipes painted with a paste made of equal parts lime and sulfur mixed with water. Out-of-door roses should be dusted with sulfur flour or sprayed with potassium sulfid, 1 ounce to 3 gallons of water. Spinach. — There are numerous fungous diseases of this crop, but a practical method of control has not been developed. The best that can be done is to rotate crops. 282 PLANT DISEASES Strawberry. Leaf-spot or leaf-blight (Mycosphcerella fragarioe). — Small purple or red spots ajipearing on the leaves. They increase in size and make the leaf appear blotched. The fungus passes the winter in the old diseased leaves that fall to the ground. Control. — In setting new plantations remove all diseased leaves from the plants before they are taken to the field. Soon after growth begins, spray the plants with bordeaux mixture, 4_4-50. Make three or four additional sprayings during the season. The following spring spray just before blossoming, and again in ten to fourteen days. If the bed is to be fruited again, mow the plants and bum over the bed as soon as the crop is off. Mildew (SphcFrothcca cuMagnei). — A whitish cobweb-like mildew on fruit and leaves, causing the latter to curl. Control. — Spraying as for leaf -spot ; dusting with sulfur flour. Sweet-potato. Black-rot {Ceratocystis fimbriata) . — Causing black shank of the plant and a black rot of the tuber. The spots on the tuber are greenish black, from a quarter of an inch to four inches in diameter and extending for some distance into the tissue. Control. — Never use affected potatoes from which to grow sprouts. Steam-sterilize the soil in the hotbed. Practice rotation. Rots. — The sweet-potato is susceptible to a large number of rots, soft, dry, hard, white, etc. In practically^ all cases the organism producing the disease is an inhabitant of the soil. The best method of preventing these diseases is to use perfectly sound potatoes for sprouts and plant on soil which has not grown sweet- potatoes for several years. Tobacco. Root-rot {Thielavia hasicola). — A rot of the main root and dwarfs the plants. Occurs both in seed-bed and field. Control. — Steam-sterilize the seed-bed by the inverted pan method. (Soe discussion on p. 253.) Rotate crops. Avoid lim- ing, and add acid fertilizers. Wilt {Bacterium solanacearum). — A wilt of the plants caused by bacteria. Control. — Very difTicult to control, as the organism lives in the soil for years. Never jilant on land known to be diseased. Do not cultivate related plants, as potato, tomato, egg plant, or pepper, on the same soil. Transplant early, and avoid breaking the TOM A TO — VIOLET 283 roots. Where tobacco is grown under shade (as is now a common practice) the soil should be steam-steriHzed. Tomato. Bacterial blight. — See Tobacco Wilt. Blight or Scab {Cladosporium fulvum). — Soft brown irregular spots on the under surface of the leaves. The upper surface be- comes spotted with yellow. The leaves finally wither and die. Most serious in the greenhouse. Control. — In mild cases the disease can be prevented by pick- ing off the affected leaves. In severe cases spray with bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50, at intervals of ten days. Downy mildew^ (Phytophthora infedans). — The same fungus that causes Potato-blight, which see (p. 279). End-rot. — Not well understood, and no method of control is known. Leaf-spot (Septoria lycopersica) . — A serious disease attacking leaves and stems. At first small spots appear, which spread until the whole leaf is consumed. In severe cases the fruit may also be attacked. Control. — Spray with bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50, making the first application two weeks after the plants are set out, and repeating every two weeks throughout the growing season. (Edema. — A diseased condition of forced tomatoes characterized by rolled or curled leaves, distended veins, and by swollen areas having a frosty appearance on leaf veins, petioles and stem. This condition may be brought about by insufficient light, too much water in soil, excessive fertilization, high soil temperature. Prevention. — Avoid conditions favorable for the disease. Pro- vide good ventilation in forcing-house; in field, cultivate deep and avoid topping plants. (See p. 260.) Violet. Leaf-spots and leaf-blights. — A number of different or- ganisms are responsible. Usually not very destructive. Control. — Destroy affected plants; use fresh soil for new plantings; spray the fohage in the summer and fall with bor- deaux mixture, 4-4-50. Root-rot {Thielavia hasicola). — The same as the root-rot of tobacco. The plants make poor growth, owing to the fungus on the roots. Con^roZ. — Start in steam-sterilized soil, and transfer to sterilized beds. Wheat-Smut. — See under Smut of cereals (p. 260). 284 PLANT DISEASES o a o C^ t;^ ^-g O jj 09 ^ of o a ^.1 n e « 2 3 ■r o S^ §.5 -o 2i^ ^- - o 2 > 3* -So i £-: :^ ^5 : o ^ o Is. ^ . o 3 3^ ^O CO *>_ So o^ -c-s si Si i°- = o V .tiiJ 3 ^55 If I, O O l:1l^ ; 3 ° a— ■ < :?5- I a o (f a> 3 t£ t ° a — J3 . &C 15 3° 1.12 Hi § 3 a a- 2 S o ?a "2 3^ o ID a a ^ 3 a o 5 S fl «>o,^g g o.tiO :^o 0_- t« O • m fc I- 5 d' 2 I- ?« « > 2 t. ojg o. o2i8 - -ax a, j:i •^ § « "i O c a »22 -S^ .'^ Z o o . c *. c o 11 = t3 2o " ^ u O O If -ssj gl:;s -8-o2 2^"^ O .-a-i- o.tj.a . ^ o o- eas > o o aj_2 ° t> C u -w .2 c £ •" o c3 -^ ^ •£.2:5 •a'~.T:£>' -^ -I I- CtlH O cc^ o ti on _ =3' C OJ fl S E ° .^ 3XO 3^ "l§a& C o 2 Q 3 rt a o osOh a i* >« " I . a o o- § >..2« SEED AND SOIL TREATMENTS 285 § 03 * .J300 t5 C Tj< 0) O I 53 3 M .5 o ^1 "^ o O 3 1^ ■^l^-g S^ p!i IS 3 • 2 ^^ o ^ c a Q, O c3 OJ S ^ 01. £ 'in 2 C3 =3 S - S S 't; m e.2 .2 o"o o 3 = .2 c ^' "S'O-r o c •5 o S a =3 i! Hi "N a-d o t^ "XJ o o C« 02 03 o a t2-- -^'z: -^.2 o 00 U e3 « fl 5 =« •Si ^2? -I s S •2^ -21^ 33 OTJ 5 f^ C g.2 o X 11 l-§J 00 .is ■t3o 0C03 o ^ S . =i — o ~ - .i:-5 S ^a TD £ t: «'^ « C t' " CO " OJ g-5 C K o •5S: — a. c as "^ M c 5 "S I- _e c I- 0_ ^. "2 .— ^ *f 73 73 " -2-3S 7J 9^ 5 3 71 .5.S c E ^ c.E c -00 u — s g P o 9 c3 .S733ajC3<««.? u ^"2 OiO « 1- c 02 Q <13 A 73 Qj if >^ "O-O ="— 3 « >v-a o ■" ^ X! *^ 93 >- « ai= a 3 3 03 CM >, o -a -a c3tC •«3 03 03 "C a ^ a |i -Co o I2 V c3.i ^1 02 J3 73 -^ •3 8 *J O fl ^ « aos <$ I ■5 « g CHAPTER XVII Insecticidal Materials and Practices By C. R. Crosby The results secured from the use of an insecticide or fungicide depend upon the operator. Timeliness, thoroughness, and persistence are the watchwords of success. It is easier to keep an enemy away than to drive him away. The worst foes are often the smallest ones ; and the injury is often done before they are detected. Be ready; begin early. General Practices Cleanliness. — Much can be done to check the ravages of insects by de- stroying their breeding-places and hiding-places. Weeds, rub- bish, and refuse should be eliminated. Hand-picking is often still the best means of destroying insects, despite all the perfection of machinery and of materials. This is partic- ularly true about the home grounds and in the garden. The cul- tivator should not scorn this method. Promoting growth. — Any course that tends to promote vigor will be helpful in enabling plants to withstand the attacks of plant- lice and other insects. Burning. — Larva? which live or feed in webs, like the tent-caterpillar and fall web- worm, may be burned with a torch. The lamp or torch u.sed in campaign parades finds its most efficient use here. Banding. — To prevent the ascent of canker-worm moths and gypsy- moth ratcrpillars, various forms of sticky bands are in use. For this purpose there is no better substance than Tree Tanglefoot. It may be applied directly to the tree-trunk, but when so used leaves an unsightly mark and requires more material than when the following method is used : — First place a strip of cotton batting three inches wide around 286 FUMIGATION 287 the trunk ; cover this with a strip of tarred paper five inches wide ; draw the paper tight and fasten at the lap only with three or four tacks. Spread the tanglefoot on the upper two-thirds of the paper, and comb it from time to time to keep the surface sticky. Burlap bands are made by tying or tacking a strip of burlap around the trunk and letting the edges hang down. The larvas will hide under the loose edge, where they may be killed. Banding is now little used for the codlin-moth, since spraying with poison has been found so much more effective. Fumigation. — Fumigating or " smoking " or " smudging " in green- houses is performed by the slow burning of tobacco-stems. Best results are obtained when a sheet iron vessel made for the purpose is used, having holes in the bottom to supply draft. A quart of Uve coals is placed in the bottom of the vessel, and about a pailful of tobacco-stems is laid on them. The stems should not blaze, but burn with a slow smudge. If they are slightly damp, better results are obtained. Some plants are injured by a very heavy smoke, and in order to avoid this injury, and also to more effec- tually destroy the insects, it is better to smoke rather lightly and often. It is always well to smoke on two consecutive days, for the insects which persist through the first treatment, being weak, will be killed by the second. If the plants are wet, the smoke is more hkely to scorch them. The smudge often injures flowers, as those of roses and chrysanthemums. In order to avoid this injury, the flowers should be covered with paper bags. Tobacco fumes can be conveniently generated by burning strips of prepared nico- tine paper, or by vaporizing a concentrated aqueous solution of nicotine in pans over alcohol or special kerosene lamps. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas. — Hydrocyanic acid gas is a deadly poison, and the greatest care is required in its use. Al- ways use 98 to 100 per cent pure potassium cyanide and a good grade of commercial sulfuric acid. The chemicals are always com- bined in the following proportion : Potassium cyanide, 1 ounce ; sulfuric acid, 1 fluid ounce ; water, 3 fluid ounces. Always use an earthen dish, pour in the water first, and add the sulfuric acid to it. Put the required amount of cyanide in a thin paper bag, and when all is ready, drop it into the liquid and leave the room immediately. For mills and dwellings, use one ounce of cyanide f88 INSECTICIDAL MATERIALS AND PRACTICES for every 100 cubic feet of space. Make the doors and windows as tight as possible by placing strips of paper over the cracks. Remove the silverware and food, and if brass and nickel work cannot be removed, cover with vaseline. Place the proper amount of the acid and water for every room in two-gallon jars. Use two or more in large rooms or halls. Weigh out the potas- sium cyanide in paper bags, and place them near the jars. When all is ready, drop the cyanide into the jars, beginning on the top floors, since the fumes are lighter than air. In large build- ings, it is frequently necessary to suspend the bags of cyanide over the jars by cords running through screw-eyes and all leading to a place near the door. By cutting all the cords at once, the cyanide will be lowered into the jars and the operator may escape without injury. Let the fumigation continue all night, locking all outside doors, and place danger signs on the house. Fumigation of greenhouses. — No general formula can be given for fumigating the different kinds of plants grown in greenhouses, as the species and varieties differ greatly in their ability to with- stand the effects of the gas. Ferns and roses are very susceptible to injury, and fumigation, if attempted at all, should be per- formed with great caution. Fumigation will not kill insect eggs, and thus must be repeated when the new brood appears. Fumi- gate only on dark nights when there is no wind. Have the house as dry as possible, and the temperature as near 60° as prac- ticable. Fumigation of dormant nursery stock. — Dormant nursery stock may be fumigated in a tight box or fumigating house made espe- cially for the purpose. Fumigating houses are built of two thick- nesses of matched boards with building paper between, and are provided with a tight-fitting door and ventilators. The stock should be rea.sonal)ly dry to avoid injury, and should be piled loosely in the hou.se to permit a free circulation of the gas. Use one ounce of potassium cyanide for each 100 cubic feet of space, and let the fumigation continue forty minutes to one hour. Fumigation of citrus trees. — In this case the tree is covered with an octagonal sheet tent made of 6i ounce special drill or 8 ounce special army duck, and the gas is generated in the ordinary way beneath it. The tent is so marked that when in position it is FUMIGATIOir 289 an easy matter to determine the distance over the tent and the cir- cumference at the ground. When these figures are known, the n w J JD CD ^ o s CVJ 00 O CO CVJ s CO to o 1 OJ CO ? F F 1? " lO^lO 10,10 js ■" ioivfi'N'aty'e }^ S ^ o fe Pi ^ ^ ^ to fe (O S ?; 1 5 ? 15 vf ! ■^t ;:; »t 1 ■* ^ It R 15 s ?S C7^ ^ ?? ^ CO R ^ 1 ^ 53P 1 s ^ j^ g CM ^ ^ a ^ g ^ f; ^ " g ^ ^ K3 JS i CM s M W3 ^ s o fO ^ -^n to V.-) s S a g ^ CM s; cS r^ IM S S s tO^ g s 2} h CM g ^ CVi ^ ^ ^ « 5^ ^ 00 S cr. o fO OJ vi) (M -."^S*-^f o u> s O V0 5 — i CM s 1 JG c§ ^' 1^ S g ?s ^ IN/ s s:^fs:g o s s'^'i^*^ s s If) i2 s t 99 § ^ CO CM g ^ ^ ^ ^ g 00 lO Rj S CJD sl^ s s « ^ S 00 ^ ^ Si ^ ^ CM ^ s ^ ^ in s ^ f in ^^ £ S CM S S ^ ^ ^ ^ :£ it; m 00 S CM CM S3 -o VO ^ (Tl ^ o = ^ iC! [v. F^ CD ^ 0} O o jy 5 00 3 ^ CO 2 :z i!~^ iv Lfl :£ i\ ^ 1 5 IJ< ?5 ^ N N CO 00 -ji § § ^ (O ^ — v£ 1 ^ i:: 2 ? >» (S ? N CO ^ Oi if o S ? S = 't i£! )£ ? CO m IT) g vX) 00 fs ^^ 0^ o z 00 ro ^ ?C! ro ^ ^ ^ i5! in in CO ^ KD CO ^ i ^ ^ CM 't- lO i vC N 00 01 o % z: o m CO 't ^ ^ u § C7) o CO en S I^ kO K oo <5! CO 8 S i5 CM ro ^ ^ 00 lO to d5; vO rv JS N c^ ^~ s lo in s \ The lime and sulfur must be thoroughly boiled. An iron kettle is often convenient for the work. Proceed as follows: Place the lime in the kettle. Add hot water gradually in sufficient quan- tity to produce the most rapid slaking of the lime. When the lime begins to slake, add the sulfur and stir together. If con- venient, keep the mixture covered with burlap to save the heat. After slaking has ceased, add more water, and boil the mixture one hour. As the sulfur goes into solution, a rich orange-red or dark green color will appear. After boiling sufficiently, add water to the required amount and strain into the spray tank. The wash is most effective when applied warm, but may be applied cold. If one has access to a steam boiler, boiling with steam is more con- venient and satisfactory. Barrels may be used for holding the mixture, and the steam applied by running a pipe or rubber hose into the mixture. Proceed in the same manner as for boiUng in the kettle until the lime is slaked, when the steam may be turned on. Continue boiling for forty-five minutes to an hour, or more if necessary to get the sulfur well dissolved. This mixture can be applied safely only when the trees are dor- mant, — late in the autumn after the leaves have fallen, or early in the spring before the buds swell. It is mainly an insecticide for San Jose scale, although it has considerable value as a fungi- cide for certain diseases, like the peach leaf-curl. As the San Jose scale is not killed unless the solution comes in contact with it, great care should be exercised to completely cover the branches. 2. Home-made concentrated lime-sulfur wash. For making the concentrated mixture, the steps are the same as in making the usual boiled wash, but the following formula should be used : — iPure calcium oxide 36 lb. 95 per ct. calcium oxide 38 lb. 90 per ct. calcium oxide wn Ik' 296 INSEVTICIDAL MATERIALS AND PRACTICES Slakt' tlu' linu', make a thin i)asto, and add the sulfur. Flowers of sulfur or li^ht or heavy sulfur flour may be used. The lime should be fresh lump lime, free from dirt and grit, containing 90 per cent or more of calcium oxide and less than 5 per cent of magnesium oxide. Stir thoroughly during the hour of cooking, to break up the lumps of sulfur. Enough water should be added at the start so that the evaporation will not leave the quantity less than 50 gallons when the cooking is ended. If kettles are used, 10 to 15 gallons additional will be needed, while with steam none may be recjuired. The kettles should be considerably larger than the amount of wash to be made, to prevent loss of material by boiling over. The clear liquid should be drawn off into tight containers if to be kept any considerable time ; and stored where there is no danger of temperatures much below freezing. For use, test the clear solution with the hydrometer, and dilute as indicated in the table : — Dilutions of Concentrated Lime-Sulfur Solutions for Spraying (N. Y. Exp. Sta.) S r. With Each Gallon of '^^r-. With Each Gallon op kS it CONCENTR. ^TE, Use — U S it Concentrate, Use — n a < For San For Blister %t £^ For San For Blister Qffl MU Jo86 scale Mite QM mO Jos6 scale Mite Gala, water Gals, water Gals, water Gals, water 35 1.3181 9 12 25 1.2083 bh 7i 34 1.3063 8J lU 24 1.1983 b\ 7 33 1.2946 8 11 23 1.1885 Al 6i 32 1.2831 7i 10} 22 1.1788 4i 6i 31 1.2719 7i 10 21 1.1693 41 5J 30 1.2608 7 9i 20 1.1600 4 5i 29 1.2500 6J 9 19 1.1507 33 5 28 1.2393 6i 81 18 1.1417 3i 4J 27 1.2288 6 8i 17 1.1328 3 4i 26 1.2184 5i 7i 16 1.1240 2i 4 15 1.1153 2i 3J 3. Commercial concentrated mixtures. The lime-sulfur may be purchased in the concentrated form and the trouble of making it avoided. The strength of the commercial product varies considerably, and in order to compute the proper dilution correctly the strength should be determined by means of a hydrometer. Having determined the strength of the concen- VARIOUS INSECTICIDES 207 trated mixture, the proper dilution for use against the San Jos^ scale and blister mite may be obtained from the table on opposite page. 4. Self -boiled. See page 257. London purple. — See under Arsenicals, p. 291. Miscible oils. — There are now on the market a number of prepara- tions of petroleum and other oils intended primarily for use against the San Jose scale. They mix readily with cold water, and are immediately ready for use. While quickly prepared, easily applied, and generally effective, they cost considerably more than lime-sulfur wash. They are, however, less corrosive to the pumps, and more agreeable to use. They are especially valuable to the man with only a few trees or shrubs who would not care to go to the trouble and expense to make up the lime-sulfur wash. For use they should be diluted with 15 parts of water. Use only on dormant trees, and when the temperature is above freezing and the trees are not wet. Paraffine oil. — Essentially the same as Kerosene, which see (p. 294). Paris green. — See under Arsenicals, p. 291. Persian insect powder. — See Pyrethrum. Pyrethrum. — A very fine and light brown powder, made from the flower-heads of species of pyrethrum. It is scarcely injurious to man. Three brands are on the market : — Persian Insect-powder, made from the heads of Pyrethrum roseum, a species also cultivated as an ornamental plant. The plant is native to the Caucasus region. Delmation Insect-powder, made from Pyrethrum cimrariwJoUum. BuHACH, made in California from cultivated plants of Pyrethrum cineraricefolium. When fresh and pure, all these brands appear to be equally val- uable, but the home-grown product is usually considered most reliable. Pyrethrum soon loses its value when exposed to the air. It is used in various ways : — 1. In solution in water, 1 ounce to 3 gallons. Should be mixed up twenty-four hours before using. 2. Dry, without dilution. In this form it is excellent for thrips and lice on roses and other bushes. Apply when the bush is wet. Useful for aphis on house plants. 298 INSKCTICIDAL MATERIALS AND PRACTICES 3. Dry, diluted witli flour or any light and fine powder. The poison may be used in the proportion of 1 part to from 6 to 30 of the diluent. 4. In fumigation. It may be scattered directly upon coals, or made into small balls by wetting and molding with the hands and then set upon coals. This is a desirable way of dealing with mosquitoes and flies. 5. In alcohol. (1) Put a part of pyrethrum (buhach) and 4 parts alcohol, by weight, in any tight vessel. Shake occasionally, and after eight days filter. Apply with an atomizer. Excellent for greenhouse pests. For some plants it needs to be diluted a little. (2) Dissolve about 4 ounces of powder in 1 gill of alcohol, and add 12 gallons of water. 6. Decoction. Whole flower-heads are treated to boiling water, and the liquid is covered to prevent evaporation. Boiling the li(iuid destroys its value. Good insect-powder can be made from Pyrethrum roseum, and probably also from P. cinerariwfoliuni, grown in the home garden. Resin and fish-oil corn-pound. — Ten pounds of resin ; 1| pounds of fish-oil, 3 pounds of caustic soda, and enough water to make 50 gallons. Break the resin into small lumps, and place it together with the caustic soda in the boiler, with three or four inches of water. Stir till the resin is dissolved ; then add about one-fourth of the required water and boil one-half hour. Place in the spray tank and add the rest of the water. Used in California against the cottony cushion scale and the brown apricot scale. Soaps, whale-oil, or fish-oil soap. — Soaps are effective insecticides for plant-lice. Dissolve in hot water and dilute so as to obtain 1 pound of soap for every 5 or 7 gallons of water. Commercial whale-oil or fish-oil soaps frequently injure tender foliage be- cau.se of the free alkali which they contain. An excellent fish-oil soap free from uncombined alkali may be easily prepared at home, as follows : Six pounds of caustic soda ; U gallons of water ; 22 pounds of fish oil. VARIOUS INSECTICIDES l>yy Completely dissolve the caustic soda in the water, and then add the fish-oil very gradually, under constant and vigorous stirring. The combination occurs readily at ordinary summer temperatures and boiling is unnecessary. Stir briskly for about twenty minutes after the last of the oil has been added. (New York Experiment Station.) Soap and tobacco. — Dissolve 8 pounds of the best soft soap in 12 gallons of rain-water, and when cold add 1 gallon of strong tobacco liquor. For plant-lice. Soda and aloes. — Dissolve 2 pounds of washing-soda and 1 ounce of bitter Barbadoes aloes, and when cold add one gallon of water. Dip the plants into the solution, and lay them on their sides for a short time, and the insects will drop off. Syringe the plants with clean, tepid water, and return to the house. For plant-lice. Sulfur. — Fumes of sulfur are destructive to insects, but should be carefully used, or plants will be injured. The sulfur should be evaporated over an oil stove, until the room is filled with the vapor. The sulfur should never be burned, as burning sulfur kills plants. For greenhouse use. See p. 258. Sulfur and water. — To 3 gallons of weak soap suds add 1 pound of flowers of sulfur and stir thoroughly. Apply as a spray. For red spider and mites. Tanglefoot is a sticky commercial substance much used for banding trees. See under Banding, p. 286. Tar is sometimes used to prevent the female and wingless canker- worm from ascending trees. The tar should be placed on cotton, or some material which will prevent it from coming in contact with the bark, and a band of the preparation is then placed around the trunk. Care must be taken to see that the tar does not injure the tree. Tarred paper may be rolled loosely about trees to keep away mice, but it should be removed before warm weather. It is sometimes recommended as a preventive of the attacks of borers, but it very often injures trees, and should be used, if at all, with great caution. Tobacco. — 1. Stems, placed on the walks and under the benches of greenhouses, for plant-lice. Renew it every month. 2. Tobacco- water, used with whale-oil soap. 300 INSECTICIDAL MATERIALS AND PRACTICES 3. Dust iiiul snuff. Snuff may be blown lightly on plants, as house-plants, for lice. 4. Fumes. Burn dampened tobacco-stems. See Fumigation, p. 287. 5. Xicotyl. Steep tobacco-stems in water, and evaporate the water. 6. Tea, or common decoction. Boil the stems or dust thoroughly, and strain. Then adtl cold w^ater until the decoction contains 2 gallons of liquid to 1 pound of tobacco. There are various concentrated commercial preparations of tobacco which have recently been giving good results against plant- lice. White arsenic. — See Arsenicals, p. 291. White hellebore. — A light brown powder made from the roots of the white hellebore plant ( Veratrum album), one of the lily family. It is applied both dry and in water. In the dry state, it is usually applied without dilution, although the addition of a little flour will render it more adhesive. In water, 4 ounces of the poison is mixed with 2 or 3 gallons ; and an ounce of glue, or thin flour paste, is sometimes added to make it adhere. A decoction is made by using boiling water in the same proportions. Hellebore soon loses its strength, and a fresh article should always be de- manded. It is much less poisonous than the arsenicals, and should be used in place of them upon ripening fruit. Used for various leaf-eating insects, particularly for the currant-worm and rose-slug. CHAPTER XVIII Injurious Insects, with Treatment By C. R. Crosby Insects are of two kinds as respects their manner of taking food, — the mandibulate insects, or those that chew or bite their food, as larvaB {" worms ") and most beetles ; and those that suck their food, as tlie plant-lice and true bugs. The former class is dispatched by poisons, the latter by caustic applications, as kerosene or soap preparations. General or Unclassified Pests Angleworm or Earthworm. — The common angleworm often destroys greenhouse plants by its burrowing. It is sometimes annoying in gardens also. Treatment. — Lime-water applied to the soil. Ants. — See Lawns, p. 322. Aphides, Plant-lice or Green-fly, and Bark-lice. — Minute insects of various kinds, feeding upon the tender parts of many plants, both indoors and out. Treatment. — Kerosene emulsion. Hot water (about 125°). Pyrethrum. Fish-oil soap. Tobacco-water or extracts. Alco- holic and water extracts of pyrethrum. Hughes' fir-tree oil. In the greenhouse, fumigation with tobacco or hydrocyanic arid gas. Knock them off with the hose. In window gardens, dry pyre- thrum or snuff. Bag-worm or Basket-worm (Thyridopteryx ephernercEformis). —Liirvix working in singular dependent bags, and feeding upon many kinds of trees, both evergreen and deciduous. In winter the bags, empty or containing eggs, are conspicuous, hanging from the branches. Treatment. — Hand-picking. Arsenicals. 301 302 IXJf'RIOrS INSECTS, WITH TREATyfENT Blister-beetle {Lytln, two or three species). — Soft-shelled, long-necked and slim l)lack or gray spry beetles, feeding on the leaves of many trees and garden plants. Tirnttnrnt. — Arsenirals. Jarring. Brown-tail moth {Eiiprortis chrij^orrhaoa) . — This highly destruc- tive ICuropean insect was introduced near Boston a number of years ago, and i.now rapidly spreading over New England. The snow-white moths, with a large tuft of brown hairs at the tip of the abdomen, appear in July and deposit eggs on the leaves in elongate masses covered with brown hairs from the body of the female. The caterpillars become only partly grown the first season, and hibernate in conspicuous nests, three or four inches long, at the tips of the branches. The black-bodied caterpillars, clothed with rather long, brownish, stinging hairs, complete their growth the next spring, feeding ravenously on the tender foliage and causing great damage in orchards, parks, and forests. Treatment. — Cut out and burn all winter nests before the buds start. In the spring spray with arsenate of lead, as reconnncnded for the gipsy-moth. Prevent the ascent of caterpillars from other trees by banding the trunks with tanglefoot. Keep the bands fresh by combing the surface every few days. Cutworm. — Various species of Agrotis and related genera. Soft brown or gray worms, of various kinds, feeding on the roots, crown, or even the tops of plants. TreattnerU. — Encircle the stem of the plant with heavy paper or tin, coating the top with tanglefoot. Arsenicals sprinkled upon small bunches of fresh grass or clover, which are scattered at short intervals about the garden towards evening. They will often collect under boards or blocks. Arsenicals mixed with shorts and placed about the plants. Make two or three deep holes by the side of the plant with a pointed stick ; the worms will fall in and cannot escape. Dig them out. Plow infested land in the fall to give birds a chance to find the worms. Cutworm, Climbing. — Several species. The worms climb grape vines and small trees of various kinds at night and eat out the buds. Preventive. — Band of cotton batting tied about the tree by lower edge, and the top rolled down like a boot-leg. Baits (see p. 293). Treatment. — Arsenicals. Hellebore. VARIOUS INSECTS 303 Flea-beetle (Phyllotreta vittata; Haltica striolata, etc.) — Minnie, dark- colored beetles, feeding upon many plants, as turnip, cabbaRo, radish, mustard, potato, strawberry, and stocks. They jump upon being disturbed. Closely related species attack various plants. Very destructive to plants which are just appearing above the surface. Treatment. — Bordeaux mixture applied liberally is the best remedy, — it drives them away. Four-striped Plant-bug {Pwcilocapsus lineatus). — A bright yellow, black-striped bug about one-third of an inch long, puncturing the young leaves and shoots of many plants. Treatment. — Jarring at any time of day into a dish of dilute kerosene. Kerosene emulsion (diluted five times) when the bugs are young, in their nymphal stage. Cut off and burn the tips of the growing shoots in early spring to destroy the eggs. Galls. — See Nematode Root-gall, below. Gipsy-moth {Porthetria dispar). — Larva, between two and three inches long when mature, dark brown or sooty in color, with two rows of red spots and two rows of blue spots along the back, and with a dim yellowish stripe between them. Devjurs many kinds of foli- age. Confined to New England. It has become a serious pest. Treatment. — Spray with arsenate of lead as soon as the cater- pillars hatch in the spring. Band trees with tanglefoot. May-beetle or May-bug (Laclmosterna fusca). — A large and familiar brown beetle, feeding upon the leaves of many kinds of trees. The common white grub is the larval state. It often does great damage to sod and to strawberries. Sometimes called June-bug. Remedies. — See under Corn, p 314. Mealy-bug (Pseudococcus citri and P. longijilis). — A white, scale-like insect, attacking greenhouse plants. Treatment. — Whale-oil soap. Carbolic acid and soap. Re- moving insects with brush on tender plants. House-plants may be washed in soapsuds. The best procedure in greenhouses is to knock them off with the hose. A small, hard stream of water upsets their domestic affairs. Nematode Root-gall {Heterodera radicicola). — A disease characterized by the knotting and contortion of the roots of the peach, orange, and many other plants. The knots are mostly rather soft swell- 304 ixjriiiocs ixsects, with treatment iiiRS, and on tlic smaller roots. It is usually most destructive on the peach. It is caused by a nematode, or true worm (not an insect). (Uilf States. Attacks greenhouse plants in the North. Preventive. — Plant non-infested plants in fresh soil ; bud into healthy stocks. Fertilize highly, particularly with potassic fertilizers. Set the trees 8 or 10 inches deep in high and dry soils. Infested small trees may be remedied, in part at least, by transplanting them into highly manured holes which have been prepared contiguous to them. Does not live in regions where the ground freezes deeply. If it is feared in greenhouses, see that the soil has been thoroughly frozen before it is used. White- wash the IxMU'hos. Red-spider or mite {Tc(r(uiychus bimaculatus). — A small mite infest- ing many plants, both in the greenhouse and out of doors. It flourishes in dry atmospheres, and on the under sides of the leaves. In some forms it is reddish, but usually light-colored and two-spotted. Common. Remedies. — Persistent syringing with water will generally destroy them, if the spray is applied to the under surface. Use much force and little water to avoid drenching the beds. Sulfur antl water. Dry sulfur. On orchard trees flour paste may be used. San Jose Scale (Aspidiotus peniiciosus) . — This scale is nearly cir- cular in outline and about the size of a pin-head. When abun- dant it forms a crust on the branches, and causes small red spots on the fruit. It multiplies with marvelous rapidity, there being three or four broods annually, and each mother scale may give birth to several hundred young. The young are born alive, and breeding continues until late autumn, when all stages are killed by the cold weather, except the tiny, half-grown, black scales, many of which hibernate safely. Spray thoroughly in the fall after the leaves drop, or early in the spring Ix'forc growth begins, with lime-sulfur wash, or miscible oil, 1 gallon in 10 gallons of watcT. When badly infested, make two applications, one in the fall and another in the spring. In case of large, old trees, 25 per cent crude oil emulsion sIkhiUI be ap- plied just a.s the buds are swelling. Scale-insects. — Various species of small in.sects inhabiting the young growth of trees, and sometimes the fruit, in one stage character- VARIOUS INSECTS 305 ized by a stationary scale-like appearance. Lime-sulfur and miscible oils are the best remedies. Species which migrate on to the young growth in spring can be readily dispatched at that time by kerosene emulsion. Snails. — These animals are often very troublesome in greenhouses, eating many plants voraciously. Preventives. — Trap them by placing pieces of turnip, cab- bage, or potatoes about the house. Scatter bits of camphor-gum about the plants. Strew a line of salt along the edges of the bed. Lime dusted about the plants will keep them away. White ants or termites. — These insects often infest orchard trees in the southern states, particularly in orchards which contain old stumps or rubbish. Remedy. — The soap-and-arsenites wash brushed over the trunk and branches of the tree. Wire-worm (various species). — Slim and brown larvae, feeding upon the roots of various plants. They are the larva) of the click- beetle, or snapping-beetle. Remedy. — Arsenicals sprinkled upon baits of fresh clover or other material which is placed about the field under blocks or boards. Sweetened corn-meal dough also makes a good bait. The best treatment is to plow infested land early in the fall. A system of short rotations of crops will lessen injury from wire- worms. Insects classified under the Plants they chiefly Affect Apple. Apple-bucculatrix (Bucculatrix pomifoliella) . — A minute yellow or green larva feeding upon the upper surface of the leaves, causing the lower surface to turn brown. The cocoons are white and slender, and are laid side by side upon the under side of twigs, where they are conspicuous in winter. Treatment. — Lime-sulfur while tree is dormant. Arsenicals for the larvae in summer. Apple-curculio (Anthonomus quadrigibbus) . — A soft, white grub, about half an inch long, living in the fruit. Treatment. —Clean cultivation. Rake the small apples that drop early out into the sun where they will dry up. See Plum- cuRCULio, p. 329. X 3()0 ixjfiiiors ixsECTs, WITH treatment Apple Fij-ia-hketij-: {(iraptudcni foliacca). — Brassy, green beetle, one-fiftli iiK'li or less loii;;, feeding upon leaves. TrealnwuL — Arseiiieals. Linu'-sulfur or bordeaux mixture as a repellent. Apple-.m.\(Jc;ot or Railuoad-wohm {Rhiujoletis pumojiella). — Mag- got ; infests harvest and fall apples mostly, oceasionally attacks winter fruit. It tunnels apples through and through, causing the fruit to fall to the earth. Treatment. — Pick up all windfalls every two or three days, and either feed them out or bury them deeply, thus killing the maggots. Pasture to hogs. Bud-moth {Tmetocera ocellana). — The small brown caterpillars with black heads devour the tender leaves and flowers of the opening buds in early spring. Treatment. — Make two applications of either 1 pound paris green or 4 pounds arsenate of lead in 100 gallons of water ; the first when the leaf-tips appear, and the second just before the blossoms open. If necessary, spray again after the blossoms fall. In ca.ses wiiere lime-sulfur is used just before the buds open for scale or blister mite, arsenate of lead, 4 pounds to 100 gallons, may be added and will help to control the bud-moth. Ca.se-beaiiers. The pistol-case-bearer {Coleophora malivorella) and the cigar-case-bearer (C. fletcherella) . — The small cater- pillars live in pistol or cigar-shaped cases, about a quarter of an inch long, that they carry around with them. The}' appear in sj)riiig on the opening buds at the same time as the bud-moth, and may be controlled by the same means. Canker-worm. Spring and fall {Paleacrita vcrnata and Alsophila pometaria). — Larva ; a " measuring worm," an inch long, dark, and variously striped, feeding upon the leaves. Preventive. — Band the trees with tanglefoot to prevent the wingless females from climbing. Treatment. — Arsenicals, thoroughly applied in spray, are very effective. See Banding, p. 286. CoDLiN-MoTH (Carpocapsa pomonella). — This is the pinkish caterpill.ir which causes a large proportion of wormy apples. The eggs are laid by a small moth on the leaves and the skin of the fruit. Most of the caterpillars enter the apple at the blossom end. APPLE INSECTS 307 When the petals fall, the calyx is open, and this is the time to spray. The calyx soon closes, and keeps the poison inside ready for the young caterpillars' first meal. After the calyx lias closed, it is too late to spray effectively. The caterpillars become full grown in July and August, leave the fruit, crawl down on the trunk, and there most of them spin cocoons under the loose bark. In most parts of the countrj^ there are two broods annually. Treatment. — When the majority of the petals have fallen, spray with 4 pounds arsenate of lead in 100 gallons of water, using a stiff spray to force it into the blossom end of the apple. Repeat the application three weeks later. For use of the poison with bordeaux or lime-sulfur, see Apple Scab, p. 264. Paris green was formerly used. Fall Web-worm {Hyphantria cunea). — Hairy larva, about an inch long, varying from gray to pale yellow or bluish black, feed- ing upon the leaves of many trees, in tents or webs. Treatment. — Destroy by burning the webs, or removing them and crushing the larvae. Spray with arsenicals. Leaf Blister IMite (Eriophijes pyri). — The presence of this minute mite is indicated by small irregular brownish blisters on the leaves. Treatment. — Spray in late fall or early spring with lime-sulfur, or miscible oil. For dilution of commercial lime-sulfur, see p. 296. Flat-headed Borer {Chrysobothris femorata). — Larva about an inch long, flesh-colored, the second segment (" head ") greatly enlarged ; boring under the bark and sometimes into the wood. They are readily located in late summer or fall by the dead and sunken patches of bark. Preventive. — Soap and carbolic acid washes applied from May to July. Keep trees vigorous. Treatmeyit. —Dig out the borers in early summer and fall. En- courage woodpeckers. Pear Twig-beetle. — See under Pear, p. 326. Plum-curculio {Conotrachelns nemiphar) . — Beetle ; deforms the fruit by its characteristic feeding and egg-laying punctures. The grubs develop in the fruit and cause it to fall. Treatment. — Sprsiying with arsenate of lead, as for codlin- moth, whenever it can be applied with a fungicide so as not to increase expense, will help to control the trouble. Thorough su- 308 ixjcRiors insects, wirii treatment perficial tillage of the surface soil during July and August will kill many of the pupir, and is recommended. For treatment on l)luni, see under Plum, p. 329. Railroad-worm. — See Apple-maggot, p. 306. Root-louse, "American Blight." — See under Woolly Aphis, page 310. Rose-chafer. — See under Grape, p. 322. At the first appearance of the l)eetles spray plants with arsenate of lead at the rate of 8 or 10 pounds to 100 gallons of water, to which should be added 1 gal- lon of molasses (New York Experiment Station). Round-headed Borer (Saperda Candida). — A yellowish white larva, about one inch long when mature. It is said to remain in the larval state three years. Preventive. — Keep the beetles from laying eggs by spraying the trunks several times during the spring and summer with kerosene emulsion or by coating them with an alkaline wash made from soap, caustic potash, and carbolic acid. Tarred paper tree-protectors well tied at the top, or wire mosquito netting protectors closed at the top and encircling the trunk so loosely that the beetles cannot reach the bark, are effective in preventing egg-laying. Practice clean cultivation, and do not let water sprouts or other rank vegetation encircle the base of the tree. Remedial. — Dig out the borers whenever they can be located by discolored bark or by the sawdust thrown out of the burrow. San Jose Scale {Aspidiotns perniciosus). — Seep. 304. Leaf-crumpler {Mineola indigenella) . — Reddish brown caterpillars that live in slender, horn-shaped cases and feed on the tender leaves. They hibernate as partly grown larvae and attack the opening buds the following spring. They usually live in a nest of several leaves fastened together with silk. Treatment. — Gather the nests and burn them. Arsenicals when the buds open. Oyster-shell Scale (Lepidosaphes idmi). — This is an elongate scale (sometimes called bark-louse) , one-eighth inch in length, resembling an oyster-shell in shape and often incrusting the bark. It hiber- nates as miiuite white eggs under the old scales. The eggs hatch during the latter part of May or in June, the date depending on the season. After they hatch, the young may be seen as tiny whitish APPLE INSECTS 309 lice crawling about on the bark. When these young appear, spray with kerosene emulsion, diluted with 6 parts of water, or whale-oil, or any good soap, 1 pound in 4 or 5 gallons of water. Where trees are regularly sprayed with lime-sulfur as for the San Jose scale or blister mite, the oyster-shell scale is usually controlled. Scurfy Scale {Chionaspis f urfurus) . — This whitish, pear-shaped scale, about one-eighth inch in length, often incrusts the bark, giving it a scurfy appearance. It hibernates as purplish eggs under the old scales. Treatment. — Spray as recommended for Oyster-shell Scale (p. 308). Tent-caterpillars {Malacosoma americana and M. disstria). — Larva, nearly two inches long, spotted and striped with yellow, white, and black ; feeding upon the leaves. They congregate in tents or in clusters on the bark at night and in cool weather, and forage out upon the branches during the day. Treatment. — Arsenicals, as for Codlin-moth (p. 306). Bum out nests with torch, or cut them out and crush the larvae. Pick off egg masses from twigs during winter and spring. Tussock-moth {Hemerocampa lencostigma) . — A handsome, red- headed, yellow and black tufted caterpillar, about an inch long, which devours the leaves and sometimes eats into the fruit. Remedial. — Collect the frothy egg-masses in fall and winter and band the trees to prevent a reinfestation by migrating cater- pillars. Spray with arsenicals as for codlin-moth, taking care to cover the under side of the leaves. Twig-borer (Schistoceros hamatus). — Beetle, three-eighths inch long, cylindrical and dark brown, boring into twigs of apple, pear, and other trees. The beetle enters just above a bud. Treatment. — Burn the twigs. The early stages are passed in dying wood such as prunings, diseased canes, and in upturned roots. Burn such rubbish, and thus destroy their breeding- places. This is also a grape pest. TwiG-PRUNER (Elaphidion villosum) .— Yellowish white larvae, about a half inch long, boring into young twigs, causing them to die and break off. Treatment. — Burn the twigs. 310 ixjrRiors ixsects, with treatment Woolly Aphis {Schizoneura lanigera). — Hmii\\ reddish-brown plant- lice covered with a conspicuous mass of white, waxy fibers, found on the branches, sprouts, trunks, and roots. Preventive. — Do not set infested trees. Treatment. — For the form above ground drench the infested parts with 15 per cent kerosene emulsion ; for the underground form remove tlie eartli beneath the tree to a depth of 3 inches, and apply 10 per cent kerosene emulsion liberally, and replace the earth. In tlie case of nursery stock the emulsion may be applied in a sliallow furrow close to the row. Apricot. Pkau Twig-beetle. — See under Pe.\r, p. 326. Pin-hole Borer. — See Bark-beetle under Peach, p. 325. Plum-curculio. — See under Plum, p. 329. Brown Apricot-scale {Eulecanium armeniacum). — A soft brown scale infesting the under side of the smaller branches. Treatment. — Spray with resin and fish-oil compound, taking care to hit the underside of the twigs. In California the applica- tion should be made in January and February. Asparagus. Common Asparagus-beetle (Crioceris asparagi). — Beetle, less than one-fourtli inch in length, j'ellow, red, and shin- ing black, with conspicuous ornamentation, feeding upon the tender shoots. Larva feeds upon the leaves and tender bark. Treatment. — Freshly slaked lime dusted on before the dew has disappeared in the morning. Poultry. Cut down all plants in early spring to force the beetles to deposit their eggs upon the new shoots, which are then cut every few days before the eggs hatch ; or leave a row or so around the field as a lure for the beetles where they may be killed with arsenicals. The T\velve-spotted Asparagus-beetle (Crioceris 12-punctata). — Similar to the last, but with twelve spots on the wing- covers. Treatment. — Similar to that used above, except that the grubs cannot be destroyed by lime, since they live within the berry. Asparagus Miner {Agromyza simplex). — A maggot mining under the skin near the base of the plant. Treatment. — Leave a few volunteer plants as a trap in which the fly will deposit her eggs. Pull and burn these plants in late June and early July. ASTER — CABBAGE 311 Aster. Aster- WORM {Papaipema nitela). — A small larva boring in the stem of garden asters about the time they begin to flower, causing the heads to droop. All infested stocks should be burned. Destroy by burning all rank weeds, such as ragweed and cocklebur, before September. Bean. Bean- weevil or Bean-bug {Bruchus obtedus). — Closely resembles the pea-weevil, which see for description and remedies. Holding over the seed will be of no value with this insect. Seed-corn Maggot. {Pegomya fusciceps). — A maggot attacking germinating seeds and roots of young plants. Treatment. — Avoid stable manure ; practice crop rotation. In the garden use sand moistened with kerosene around the plants to keep the flies from laying the eggs. Birch. Bronze Bircil-boreb. {Agrilus anxius) . — A slender, creamy white grub, three-fourths inch in length when full grown, that burrows under the bark of the white birch, ultimately killing the tree. The eggs are laid during May and June by a slender, olive- bronze beetle about one-half inch in length. Treatment. — After a tree has become thoroughly infested, nothing can be done to save it. As the first indication of the presence of the borer is usually a dying of the topmost branches, such trees should be carefully examined, and if infested should be cut down and burned before May 1, to prevent a spread of the trouble to other trees. Blackberry. Cane-borer. — See under Raspberry, p. 330. Root Gall-fly. — See under Raspberry. Snowy Cricket. — See under Raspberry. Cabbage. Cabbage-worm or Cabbage-butterfly (Pontia rapiE).-- The green caterpillars hatch from eggs laid by the common white butterfly. There are several broods every season. Treatment. — If plants are not heading, spray with kerosene emulsion or with paris green to which the sticker has been added. If heading, apply hellebore. Flea-beetle, — See Flea-beetle, p. 303. Common Cabbage-looper {Autographa brassic(E) . — A pale green caterpillar, striped with lighter lines. Feeds on the leaves. Treatment. — Arsenicals applied to lower surface of leaves. Cabbage Aphis (Aphis brassicce). -These smaU. mealv plant-lice 312 ix.nHKjrs lysKCTS, with treatment are especitilly troul^lesoinc chirint; cool, dry seasons, when their natural enemies are less active. Treatment. — Before the plants begin to head, spray with kero- sene emulsion diluted with 6 parts of water or whale-oil soap, 1 pound in gallons of water, or use one of the concentrated tobacco extracts. Destroy all cabbage stalks and other crucif- erous plants in the fall. Dip infested plants in soap solution before planting. Harlequin C.\bbage-bug {Murgantia histrionica) . — Bug about a half-inch long, gaudily colored with orange dots and stripes over a blue-black ground, feeding upon cabbage ; two to six broods. Treatment. — Hand-picking. Place blocks about the patch, and the bugs will collect under them. In the fall make small piles of the rubbish in the patch, and burn them at the approach of winter. Practice clean culture. Destroy all cabbage stalks and other cruciferous plants in fall. Early in the spring plant a trap crop of mustard, radish, rape, or kale. When the overwintering bugs congregate on these plants, destroy them with pure kerosene or by hand. Maggot (Pegomya hrassiccB). — A minute white maggot, the larva of a small fly, eating into the crown and roots of young cabbage, cauliflower, radish, and turnip plants. Treattnent. — Carbolic acid emulsion diluted with 30 parts of water applied the day following the transplanting of the cabbage plants, and repeated once a week for several appli- cations. Remove a little earth from about the plants, and spray on the emulsion forcibly. It has also been found practi- cable to protect the plants by the use of tightly fitting cards cut from tarred paper. In seed beds protect the plants by surrounding the bed with boards one foot wide placed on edge, across which a tight cover of cheese-cloth is stretched. Carrot. Pausley-worm. — See under Parsley, p. 324. Carrot-beetle {Ligyrus gibhosus). — A reddish brown beetle one-half inch or more long, which attacks the young plants. The larva lives in the ground, where it feeds on humus. Preventive. — Crop rotation and other remedies for white grub, which see under Corn, p. 314. CARROT — CHRYSANTHEMUM 313 Cauliflower. Cauliflower or Cabbage-worm. — See under Cabbage. Maggot. — See under Cabbage, p. 311. Celery. Carrot Rust-fly {Psila roses). Minute whitish yellow maggots infesting the roots and stunting the plants. Preventive. — Late sowing and rotation of crops. Celery or carrots should not follow each other. Celery Caterpillar {Papilio polyxenes). — A large green caterpillar, ringed with black and spotted with yellow, which feeds on the leaves. Treatment. — Hand-picking as soon as observed. Celery Leaf-tyer {Phlyccenia ferrugalis). — A greenish cater- pillar, feeding on the under side of the leaves. Treatment. — Spray with arsenicals while the larva? are still young. Little Negro-bug (Corimeloena pulicaria). — Glossy black bugs one-eighth inch in length, which collect in clusters in the axils of the leaflets and cause the plants to wilt. Treatment. — Kerosene emulsion or tobacco extract. Cherry. Canker-worm. See under Apple, p. 306. Plum-curculio. See under Plum, p. 329. Rose Beetle. See under Apple and Grape, pp. 308, 322. Slug {Eriocampoides limacina). — Larva, one-half inch long, black- ish and slimy, feeding upon the leaves ; two broods. Treatment. Arsenicals, hellebore, tobacco extract. Aphis (Myzus cerasi). Blackish plant lice infesting the leaves and tips of new growth. Treatment. Spray as soon as the first lice appear with whale- oil soap or tobacco extract. Chestnut. Weevil (Balaninus proboscideus and B. rectus). — A grub working in chestnuts, making them wormy. The weevil is a curculio-like insect. Preventives. — Destroy wild trees where the insects breed. Plant the most immune varieties. Gather and destroy the in- fested nuts immediately after they fall. Chrysanthemum. Cabbage-looper. — See under I^ttuce, p. 322. Chrysanthemum Leaf-miner (Phytomyza chrysanthemi).— Remedy. — Q^ray leaves with ''Nicofume Liquid," or "Black Leaf 40," 1 part in 450 parts water, at intervals of week or 10 days. Clover. Flower-midge (Dasyneura leguminicola,) . — An orange-red 314 lyji'Riors insects, with treatment maggot infesting the flower-buds, where they consume the contents of the ovary. Preventives. — Cut the first crop for hay as early as possible, thus destroying the undeveloped larvae of the first brood. In the latitude of Illinois this should be done before June 25. Seed-ch.\lcis {Bruchophagus funebris). — A white grub found in- side the seed. Preventive. — Same as for Flower-midge, above. Destroy all volunteer clover plants. Seed-c.\terpillar {Enarmonia inter stidana) . — A small whitish or orange caterpillar infesting the heads. Preventive. — Early cutting of first crop, as for Flower-midge. Root-borer (Hylastinus obscuriLs). — Small white grub burrow- ing in the roots. Preventive. — Plow under badly infested fields as soon as pos- sible after cutting. Hay- WORM (Hypsopygia costalis). — A brownish caterpillar three- fourths inch long, infesting stacked or stored clover. Preventive. — Remove old clover hay before putting in the new. Place stacks on log or rail foundation, and salt the lower layers. (Illinois Experiment Station.) Corn. CoRX-ROOT Aphis( Aphis maidiradicis) . — A bluish green aphis infesting the roots. Preventives. — A short rotation period in corn, especially in dry years. Deep and thorough and repeated stirring of old corn ground in fall and spring as a preparation for corn-planting. Maintenance and increase of the fertility of the soil. White Grubs (Lachnosterna spp.). — The large white curved larvae of the common June beetle. Preventives. — Rotation of crops ; do not let corn follow sod, but let a crop of clover or clover and oats intervene. To help clear sod land of grubs, pasture to hogs any time between April and October. To prevent laying of eggs in corn-field, keep the ground free from weeds during May and June. Thorough cul- tivation and heavy fertilization. Northern Cor.v Root- worm (Diabrotica longicornis) . — A whitish grub two-fifths inch long, which burrows in the roots. Preventive. — Crop rotation ; corn should not follow corn. CL VER — CORN 315 Wire-worms {Elateridoe) . — YLd^vd, yellowish, or reddish, cylin- drical larvae feeding on the roots. Preventives. — Crop rotation ; let clover intervene between sod and corn, planting the corn late the second or third year. Early fall plowing. Cut-worms {Agrotis, Hadena, etc.). — Soft-bodied caterpillars eat- ing and cutting off the young plants. See p. 302. Preventives. — Early fail plowing of grass lands intended for corn ; pasturing by pigs of grass or clover land intended for corn ; distributing a line of poisoned bran by means of a seed-drill. To prevent the caterpillars entering from a neighboring grass field, destroy them with a line of poisoned vegetable bait. Sod Web-worms (Crambus spp.). — Gray or brownish caterpillars about one-half inch long, living in a silk-lined burrow in the soil at base of the plant. They thrive in grass land. Preventive. — Early fall plowing of grass land intended for corn, or else plow as late as possible the next spring. Army- WORM. (Leucania unipuncta). — A cut- worm-like caterpillar, which normally feed on grass. When this food supply is exhausted, they migrate in numbers to other fields and attack corn, wheat, etc. Preventive. — To stop the advance of the " army," plow deep furrows so the dirt is thrown towards the colony ; in the bottom of the furrow dig post holes into which the caterpillars will fall and where they may be killed with kerosene. Chinch-bug {Blissus leucopterus) . — A red or white and black suck- ing bug, three-twentieths of an inch long. Attacks wheat and corn in great numbers. Preventives. — Clean farming to destroy suitable hibernating shelter. Stop the migration of the bugs from the wheat-fields into corn by maintaining along the field a dust strip ten feet wide in which a furrow and post-hole barrier has been constructed. This may be supplemented by a coal-tar barrier. Grasshoppers ( A end icte). — Kill them with poison bran mash fla- vored with lemons or oranges. Corn Ear-worm {Heliothis armiger) . — A green or brownish striped caterpillar feeding on the corn beneath the husk. Three to six generations yearly. 316 jxjcniors ixsects, with treatment Preventives. — Plant as early as possible, and still avoid a " set back " to the crop. For insects infesting stored corn, see under Fumigation, p. 287. Cotton. — lioLLWoHM (Ifcliothis ob.soleta). — This insect is also known ji^ the corn earworni and tomato fruit-worm. The caterpillars are over an incii in length, antl vary in color from greenish to dark bro\Mi. Preventives. — Produce an early crop of cotton by planting early varieties, heavy fertilizing, early and frequent cultivation. Practice fall plowing, to destroy as many hibernating pupa? as possible. Use corn as a trap crop. Plant it in strips across the fiekl and time it so that the crop will be in silk and tassel about August 1. In areas infested by the boll weevil follow the recom- mendations given below. (Piureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agric.) Mexican Boll- weevil {Anthonomus grandis). — A snout beetle about one-fourth inch in length, which lays its eggs in the squares and bolls, producing a grub which eats out the contents. Treatment (U. S. Dept. Agric.) : — 1. Destroy the vast majority of weevils in the fall by up- rooting and burning the plants. This is the all-important step. It results in the death of millions of weevils. It insures a crop for the following season. 2. Destroy also many weevils that have survived the pre- ceding operation and are found in the cotton-fields and along the hedgerows, fences, and buildings. This is done by clearing the places referred to thoroughly. 3. As far as possible, locate the fields in situations where damage will be avoided. This cannot be done in all cases, but can frequently be done to good adv^antage. 4. Prepare the land early and thoroughly in order to obtain an early crop. This means fall plowing and winter working of the land. 5. Provide wide rows, and plenty of space between the rows and the plants in the drill, for the assistance of the natural enemies of the weevil, which do more against the pest than the farmer can do himself l)y any known means. Check-rowing, wherever prac- ticable, is an excellent i)ractice. COTTON — CRANBERRY 317 6. Insure an early crop by early planting of early-maturing i^arieties, and by fertilizing where necessary. 7. Continue the procuring of an early crop by early chopping to a stand and early and frequent cultivation. Do not lose the fruit the plants have set by cultivation too deep or too close to the rows. 8. Where the labor is sufficient, pick the first appearing weevils and the first infested squares. Do not destroy the squares, but place them in screened cages. By this means the escape of the weevils will be prevented, while the parasites will be able to escape to continue their assistance on the side of the farmer. 9. Use a crossbar of iron or wood, or some similar device, to cause the infested squares to fall early to the ground, so that they will be exposed to the important effects of heat and parasites. 10. Do not poison for the leaf-worm unless its work begins at an abnormally early date in the summer. Cranberry. Fruit-worm {Mineola z^accmu). —Small caterpillar work- ing in the fruits, eating out the insides. Preventive. — For bogs with abundant water, reflow for ten days immediately after picking. Let the foliage ripen, and then turn on water for winter. Draw off water early in April, and every third or fourth year hold it on until the middle of May. For dry bogs spray three times with arsenate of lead during July. Bury all screenings. Fire-worm, Cranberry-worm, or Black-headed Cranberry- worm (Eudemis vacciniana). — Small larva, green, black-headed, feeding upon the shoots and young leaves, drawing them together by silken threads ; two broods. Treatment. — Flooding for two or three days when the worms come down to pupate. Arsenicals. Yellow-headed Cranberry- worm {Acleris minuta). — Stout, yel- lowish-green, small caterpillar, with a yellow head, webbing up the leaves as it works. Treatment. — Hold the water late on the bog in spring to pre- vent egg-laying. Arsenicals from the middle of May till July 1. Cranberry-gird LER {Crambns hortuellus). — Small caterpillars feed- ing on the stems just beneath the surface of the sand. Preventive. — Reflow just after picking, for a week or ten days, or reflow for a day or two about June 10. 318 IXJT'RIOrS INSECTS, WITH TREATMENT False Army-worm {Calocampa nupera). — Green to blackish caterpillars devouring the leaves and buds. Treatment. — Reflow for from twenty-four to thirty-six hours soon after the middle of May. It may be necessary to reflow a second time. Destroy all caterpillars washed ashore while the water is on. In dry bogs, spray early in May with arsenate of lead. Cucumber. Pickle-worm (Diaphania nitidalis). — Larva, about an inch long, yellowish white, tinged with green, boring into cucum- bers; two broods. Preventives. — Clean farming, fall plowing, and rotation of crops. Remedies. — Kill the caterpillars before they enter the fruit by spraying with arsenate of lead about the time the buds begin to form, and repeat in two weeks. Stem-borer. — See under Squash (p. 331), where it is described as root-borer. Melon-worm. — See under Melon, p. 322. Spotted Cucumber-beetle {Diabrotica 12-punctata). — Beetle, yellowish and black spotted, about one-fourth inch long, feeding upon the leaves and fruit. Sometimes attacks fruit-trees, and the larva may injure roots of corn. Treatment. — Same as for Striped Cucumber-beetle, below. Striped Cucumber-beetle (Diabrotica vittata) . — Beetle, one-fourth inch long, yellow with black stripes, feeding on leaves. Larva one- eighth inch long and size of a pin, feeding on roots; two broods. Preventive. — Cheap boxes covered with thin muslin or screens of mosquito-netting, placed over young plants. Remedies. — Arsenicals in flour. Arsenate of lead. Ashes, lime, plaster, or fine road dust sprinkled on the plants every two or three days when they are wet. Air-slaked lime. Plaster and kerosene. Tobacco powder, applied liberally. Apply remedies when dew is on, and see that it strikes the under side of the leaves. Currant. Borer {Scsia tipidiformis). — A whitish larva, boring in the canes of currants, and sometimes of gooseberries. The larva remains in the cane over winter. Treatment. — In fall and early spring cut and burn all affected canes. These canes are distinguished before cutting by lack of vigor and by limberness. CURRANT — ELM 319 Currant-worm, or Currant and Gooseberry Sawfly (A^ema/jrter period down to seven days unless the butter-fat amounts, on the average, to one and seven-tenths pounds per day. Year's tests. — (2) Year's tests must be authenticated by applying the Babcock test to a sample of the milk of every milking during two consecutive days in each month. If a test for the period of one year is cojnmenced the day the cow is two years old, or previous to that day, she must produce, within one year from the date the test begins, 250.5 pounds butter- JERSEY RECORDS 355 fat. For each day the cow is over two years old at the beginning of her year's test, the amount of butter-fat she must produce in the year is fixed by adding 0.1 (one-tenth) of a pound for each such day to the 250.5 pounds required when two years old. This ratio of increase applies until the cow is five years old at the beginning of her test, when the required amount will have reached 360 pounds, which will be the amount of butter-fat required of all cows five years old or over. These standards are based upon one complete year's record from the time of beginning, regardless of any time which may be lost by being dry or calving during that period. The production of butter-fat for each month is to be estimated from the results obtained by the official application of the Babcock test. The milk of every milking during the continuance of a test must be weighed, and, in reporting the test to the Club, must be set forth in detail and certified to on a form provided for the purpose. "Authenticated milk tests" of the American Jersey Cattle Club are as follows, (authentication consists of a check by the tester for two successive days per month, on which days he shall weigh the milk of every milking and report the same to the Club. Such milk yields as meet any of the following requirements may be received and published as authenticated milk jdelds) : — If a test for the period of one year is commenced the day the cow is two years old, or previous to that day, she must produce within one year from the date the test begins 6,000 pounds of milk. For each day the cow is over two years old at the beginning of her year's test, the amount of milk she mast produce in the year is fixed by adding 3.65 pounds for each such day to the 6,000 pounds required when two years old. This ratio of increase applies until the cow is five years old at the beginning of her test, when the required amount will have reached 10,000 pounds, which will be the amount of milk required of all cows five years old or over. These standards are based upon one complete year's record from the time of beginning, regardless of any time which may be lost by being dry or calving during that period. A cow meeting the requirements as to year's milk yield as stated above is eligible to the Register of Merit. 356 LIVE-STOCK RULES AND RECORDS HIGHEST YIELDS OF JERSEYS Best Five Records in Year's Tests at Various Ages. No. of Cows) Sept. 1, 1915 (with H. R. Class 1. — Cows under 2 Years Milk Lb. 14260 9830 9749 5. 6.4 10214 11.2 1. 12345 8. 14513 2. 11115 11. 14160 5. 11730 10. Luckv Faroe 20S177 . . . Lass 64th of Hood Farm 266735 King's {;o1(1lmi Diploma 252638 Northern Beauty 2d 296337 Ruby's Bonnie Lass 264498 Class 2. — Cows Pearly Exile of St. Lambert 205101 Lass 66th of Hood Farm 271896 Corinne of Roycroft 247303 Lass 54th of Hood Farm 257375 Majesty's EminentLady 265699 Class 3. — Cows Lass 73d of Hood Farm 277540 10953 6.4 Salem's Golden Lucy 271911 11891 1.6 Sayda's Tina of Meridale 274725 9178 Agatha's Elista 252719 . . 10147 Mary Golden Letta 240917 9295 5. Class 4. — Cows Lass 74th of Hood Farm 281203 Tonona Pogis' Azalia 261480 Lass 63d of Hood Farm 266734 Successful Queen 278743 . . Landseer's Pacific Pearl 205097 Class 5. — Cows Lass 66th of Hood Farm 271896 Figgis 97th of Hood Farm 273502 Lass 40th of Hood Farm 223642 Lass 47th of Hood Farm 240327 Lass 30th of Hood Farm 214511 Class 6. — Cows Lass 64th of Hcjod Farm 266735 Flying Fox's Maid 265318 . . Golden Massoy Polo 3d 234393 St. Mawes Zoo 253435 . . . Mabel's Raleigh's Snowdrop 243890 Edith Marigold 247304 . . . Class 7. — Cows Olympia's Fern 252060 . . Sophie 19th of Hood Farm 189748 14373 3. Rosaire's Olga 4th's Pride 179509 14104 13.6 Lou 2d of Hood Farm 250505 12458 3.2 Lass;30thof Hood Farm 214511 11413 13. Butter-pat Lb. oz. 635 11.8 606 10.1 559 0.13 543 539 8.9 2. 8823 2 Years and under 2\ Years 816 1.27 720 8. 640 15.3 628 1.5 626 14. 2\ Years and under 3 Years 659 609 591 588 557 3 Years and under 3| 13713 12.8 747 13339 11.2 702 12694 15. 690 13088 6.4 682 9045 15. 659 3 J Years and under 4 17793 11.2 910 14796 14.4 15362 1. 11410 9. 11990 5. 750 747 685 684 4 Years and under A\ 13444 10 817 14315 9.6 785 12426 11.2 747 11299 8 685 12936 1.6 653 11842 695 IJ Years and under 5 16147 13.6 937 6.5 9.0 2.3 14.1 7.8 Years 10. 3.1 6.9 7.5 6.6 Years 9.6 9.1 5.2 12.6 13.9 Years 13 14.7 15.6 5.1 13.8 .8 Years 13.3 854 13.7 836 708 664 15.8 8.6 Butter, 85% Fat Lb. oz. 747 14 713 10 657 639 634 960 847 754 738 737 879 826 812 1 10 1 15 775 12 717 2 695 6 692 12 655 14 802 14 775 12 1071 4 883 879 3 806 13 805 12 962 924 9 879 15 806 4 769 4 819 10 1103 5 1005 11 984 11 833 9 781 2 FAST HORSES 357 Class 8. — Cows 5 Years and over Butter Milk Butter-fat 85 % Fat Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Sophie 19th of Hood Farm 189748 17557 12. 999 2.2 1175 7 Spermfield Owl's Eva 193934 . . 16457 6.4 993 4.06 1168 8 Eminent's Bess 209719 .... 18782 15.6 962 13.2 1132 12 Jacoba Irene 146443 17253 3.2 952 15.4 1121 2 Sophie 19th of Hood Farm 189748 15099 6. 931 15.5 1096 7 Best Records in Year's Tests at Various Ages. October 1, 1914 Class 1. — Cows under 2 Years Milk Butter-fat 87 % Butter Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lb. oz. Lucky Farce 298177 . . . 14260 635 11.8 747 14 Class 2. — Cows 2 Years and under 2| Years Pearly Exile of St. Lambert 205101 12345 8. 816 1.27 960 1 Class 3. — Cows 2| Years and under 3 Years Sayda's Tina of Meridale 274725 9178 591 2.3 695 6 Class 4. — Cows 3 Years and under 3| Years Tonona Pogis' Azalia 261480 . 13339 11.2 702 3.1 826 1 Class 5. — Cows 3^ Years and under 4 Years Lass 40th of Hood Farm 223642 15362 1. 747 5.2 879 3 Class 6. — Cows 4 Years and under 4| Years St. Mawes Zoe 253435 . . . 11299 8. . 685 5.1 806 4 Class 7. — Cows 4| Years and under 5 Years Olympia's Fern 252060 . . 16147 13.6 937 13.3 1103 5 Class 8. — Cows 5 Years and over Sophie 19th of Hood Farm 189748 17557 12. 999 2.2 1175 7 Fast Horse Records^ Trotters Arranged according to record to close of 1910 Uhlan, bl. g., by Bingen, 29567 . . . 1 : 58 The Abbott, b. g., by Chimes, 5348 . 2 : 03J ~ ~' ~""" Alix, b. m., by Patronage, 4143 . . 2 : 03| Highball, b. g., by Dr. Hooker, 24518 2: 03| Nancj^ Hanks, br. m., by Happy Me- dium, 400 2:04 Jack Leyburn, ch. g., by Alto Ley- burn, 38399 2 : 045 Penisa Maid, b. m., by Pennant, 1968 2 : 04J Sonoma Girl, b. m., by Lj'nwood W., 32835 2:04J Bob Douglas, gr. h., by Todd, 33822 2: 04^ Lou Dillon, ch. m., bv Sidnev Dillon, 23157 l:58i Major Delmar,b.g.,bvDelmar, 13313 1: 59| The Harvester, br. h., by Walnut Hall, 31641 2:01 Hamburg Belle, b. m., by Axworthy, 24845 2:0U Sweet Marie, b. m., by McKinnev, 8818 ".2:02 Cresceus, ch. h., by Robert McGregor, 647 2 : 02i 1 Abbreviations are as follows : — ch., chestnut in color br., brown. g., gelding, bl., black. gr., gray. m., mare, b., bay. p., pacer. h., horse. 55S LIVE-STOCK RULES AND RECORDS Pacers Arranged according to record to close of 1910 Dan Patch, hr. h., hv Joe Patchen. 30239 . . Minor Heir, b. h., hv Heir-at-Law, 14035 . . Audubon Hov, ch. h., by J. J. Audubon, 16995 Star Pointer, b. h., by Brown Hal, 16935 . . Prince Alert, b. g., by Crown Prince .... Dariel, b. ni., by Alcander, 6617 John R. Gentry, b. h., by Ashland Wilkes, 2291 Ladv Maud C, ch. m., bv ("hitwood, 5212 Bolivar, b. g., by Wayland W., 22516 . . . The Broncho, b. m., by Stornicliffe, 11674 . . ("opa de Oro, b. h., by Nutwood Wilkes, 22116 Hedgewood Bov, ch. h., by Chitwood, 5215 Joe Patchen, bl. h., by Patchen Wilkes, 3550 . Little Boy, b. g., by Kenton, 6779 .... Robert J., b. g., by Hartford, 3574 .... Fastest records for one mile To Sulky — Race Evelyn W., b. m., by The Spy Minor Heir, p., br. h., by Heir-at-Law To Sulky — Against Time Dan Patch, p., br. h., by Joe Patchen To Wagon — Race Angus Pointer, p., b. g., by Sidney Pointer To Wagon — Against Time Dan Patch, p., br. h., by Joe Patchen Under Saddle Country Jay, ch. g., by Jay hawker Team Record — In a Race Charles B., p., bl. g., by Octoroon ) Bobby Hal, p., b. g., by Octoroon J Team Record — Against Time Minor Heir, p., b. h., by Heir-at-Law 1 . . . . George Gano, p., b. h., by Gambetta Wilkes | • • • * Team, Three Abreast — Against Time Belle Hamlin, b. m., by Almont Jr. Globe, b. g., by Almont Jr. Justina, b. m., by Almont Jr. Team, Four-in-Hand — Against Time Damania, ch. m., by Nutmeg Belnut, ch. g., by Nutmeg Maud V, ch. m., by Nutmeg Nutspra, ch. m., by Nutmeg With Running Mate — Races Frank, b. g., by Abraham With Running Mate — Against Time Uhlan, bl. g., by Bingen Flying Jib, p., b. g.. bv Aleona 1912 1891 55} 58 i 59 i 59} 2 o 59 i 00} 001 2 00 1 00 f 2 00 i 2 01 2 01 2 2 2 01^ 01 01 1912 2:00^ 2:00J 1901 1905 l:55i 1904 2: 04| 1903 1: 57i 1909 2: 08i 1900 2 13 2:02 2: 14 1896 2 : 30 1883 2:08^ 1913 1894 1 : 54^ 1 : 58} FAST HORSES 359 Fastest records for two miles In Harness — Race Monette, bl. m,, by Monon 1894 4:45 In Harness — Against Time , The Harvester, br. h., by Walnut Hall 1910 4 : 15^ To Wagon — Race Dexter, br. g., by Hambletonian 10 1865 4 : 56| To Wagon — Against Time Ed Byran, b. g., by Little Corporal 1907 4 : 43 To Road Wagon — Against Time Temple Hope, b. h., by Nerval 1905 5 : 14| Under Saddle George M. Patchen, b. h., by C. M. Clay 1863 4:56 Fastest records for three miles In Harness — Race Fairywood, b. g., by Melbourne 1895 7:16^ In Harness — Against Time Nightingale, ch. m., by Mambrino King 1893 6 : 55| Fastest records for four miles In Harness — Race Longfellow, p., ch. g., by Red Bill 1869 10 : 34| In Harness — Against Time Joe Jefferson, p., br. h., by Thomas Jefferson 1891 10 : 10 Fastest records for five miles In Harness — Race Zambra. b, g., by McKinney 1902 12 : 24 In Harness — Against Time Pascal, bl. g., by Pascarel 1893 12:45 Fastest records for six miles In Harness — Against Time Long Time, b. g., by Jack Rowett 1893 16:08 For ten miles In Harness — Race Controller, b. g., by May Boy 1878 27 : 23i In Harness — Against Time John Stewart, b. g., by Tom Wonder 1867 28 : 02^ For eighteen miles In Harness — Race Bill, ch. g., pedigree unknown 1885 58 : 10 360 LIVE-STOCK RULES AND RECORDS For twenty miles Capt. McGowaa, roaa h., pedigree unknown . For thirty miles Gen. Taylor, gr. h., by Morse Horse For thirty-two miles Chancellor, gr. h., by Chancellor For fifty miles Black Joke, bl. g., pedigree not traced 1865 58 : 25 1857 1:47:59 1831 1 : 58 : 00 1835 3 : 57 : 00 Fo:- one hundred miles Conqueror, b. g., by Bellfounder 1853 8:55:53 Fastest records at different decades since 1800 Yankee Boston Horse, ch. g Bowery Boy, p., pedigree unknown . Drover, p., b. g., pedigree unknown . Unknown, p., ch. g., breeding unknown Pocahontas, p., ch. m., by Cadmus . Billy Bovco, p., b. g., by Corbeau Sleepy Tom, p., ch. g., by Tom Rolfe Johnston, p., b. g., by Joe Bassett Star Pointer, p., b. h., by Brown Hal Dan Patch, p., br. h., by Joe Patchen 1800-1810 1810-1820 1820-1830 (2 miles) 1830-1840 1840-1850 1850-1860 1860-1870 1870-1880 1880-1890 1890-1900 1900-1910 :59 :48^ :04^ : 28 :23 :17l :141 • j2- :0q\ : 59\ :55i Profit-and-loss Figures Profit or loss in dairy cows (Conn. Agric. Coll.) The cow is charged with the cost of food eaten at regular market rates, in the locality where the herds were tested. The prices for the year averaged as follows : Hay $16 per ton, silage $3.50 per ton, and grain S30 per ton. Besides the cost of food, each cow was sub- ject to a fixed charge of $45 for conducting the business, obtained as follows : — Bedding for one year $2.00 Scrvifo of bull 1.00 Labor 27.00 Interest on investment 6.00 Taxes 60 Insurance .40 Depreciation 8.00 $45.00 It was estimated that one good man would do the work for 20 cows, including milking, feeding, handling of the milk, and delivering it to the depot, washing all utensils used about the barn, etc. Sucli PROFIT AND LOSS WITH ANIMALS 361 a man would be kept busy caring for twenty cows. If his wages were $45 per month, it would therefore make a labor bill of $27 per cow per year. The next item is one of interest on investment. Allowing $60 as the value of the cow, and $60 as each cow's share of the investment in barn, tools, etc., the total investment per cow is $120. Interest at 5 per cent equals $6 per cow. Taxes at ten mills on one-half valuation calls for 60 cents, and insurance for at least 40 cents. These interest charges must not be overlooked in any careful reckoning. The last item in the general bill of expense is one of $8 per year for depreciation in the value of the cow. Unfortunately money put into cows is not a permanent investment. The period of usefulness of dairy cows will not average over four or five years. A large num- ber turn out to be poor milkers not worth keeping, and must be sold at a loss. Others are ruined by accident and by sickness, so that prob- ably five years covers the average milking period of dairy cows. Summary for one herd of 16 cows for the year, February to February Total Cost FOR the Total Year, Lb. of Value of Income for charging Net Profit Age of Cow Milk Average Milk for the Year, Cost of $45 per OR Loss GIVEN Per Cent THE Year counting Food for Cow FOR FOR THE FOR THE Fat AT 4 Cents Manure THE Year Labor, De- Year per Year PER Quart and Calf worth $12 preciation, Taxes, Insurance, Etc. Cow 3 3289 5.0 $61.18 $68.18 $34.68 $57.18 $11.00 10 4312 3.6 80.23 86.39 35.69 54.44 31.95 3 3209 4.2 59.69 65.85 32.93 51.68 14.17 3 2634 4.0 49.00 54.33 31.56 46.56 7.77 9 4507 3.1 83.84 95.84 62.94 107.94 -12.10 8 7685 3.1 142.98 154.98 71.67 116.67 38.31 9 6735 3.0 125.40 137.40 69.70 114.70 22.70 9 7493 3.6 139.40 151.40 75.85 120.85 30.55 9 7853 2.9 146.10 158.10 71.00 116.00 42.10 — 6454 3.2 120.07 132.07 70.15 115.15 16.92 10 5678 4.3 105.64 117.64 63.40 108.40 9.24 8 5439 3.6 101.20 113.20 58.13 103.13 10.07 9 1804 4.3 33.57 39.73 25.66 44.41 -4.68 6 6214 3.7 115.52 127.52 68.29 113.29 14.23 10 5738 5.1 106.76 118.76 61.98 106.98 11.78 8 7023 2.9 130.6 14.96 59.14 96.64 44.32 362 LIVE-STOCK RULES AND RECORDS Profit or loss in fattening steers (Nebraska Bulletin 116) 84 days' feeding Initial cost of 1043-pound steer @S5.00 per cwt. $52.15 Cost of 1680-pounds corn @ 52c per bu. 15.60 Cost of 640-corn-stover @ 4.00 per T. 1.28 Cost of 570-alfalfa hay @ 7.00 per T. 2.00 Risk, labor, and shelter 5.00 Total cost .... 76.03 Selling price, 1274-pound steer 6.02 per cwt. 76.70 Value of manure 5.00 Income 81.70 Total cost of steer . . 76.03 Total profit .... 5.67 Profit per SI. 00 invested .08 Profit or loss in fattening sheep (Ohio Bulletin 187) 96 days' feeding Initial cost of 50-pound lamb @ $ 6.00 per cwt. S3.00 Cost of 134 pounds corn @ 40c per bu. .96 Cost of 125 pounds clover hay @ 12.00 per T. .75 Risk, labor and shelter .50 Total cost .... 5.21 Selling price. 74-pound lamb @ 7.00 per cwt. 5.18 Value of manure .60 Income 5.78 Total cost .... 5.21 Profit .57 Profit per 8 1.00 invested .11 Profit or loss in fattening swine (Indiana Bulletin 137) 60 days' feeding Initial cost of 115-pound hog @S5.25 per cwt. S6.04 Cost of 214 pounds corn-meal @ 18.00 per T. 1.93 Cost of 214 pounds middlings @ 25.00 per T. 2.67 Risk, labor, and shelter .75 Total cost .... 11.39 Selling price. 234-pound hog @ 5.25 12.29 Value of manure .50 Total income .... 12.79 Total cost .... 11.39 Profit 1.40 ProfitperS 1.00 invested .12 Cow-testing Associations (Cornell Station) All evidence goes to show that the dairy business maintains a fairly profitable status only because good individual cows make up for the deficiencies of the poor ones. The elimination of poor producing COW-TESTING ASSOCIATIONS 363 animals is undoubtedly the first step toward improvement, and this elimination cannot be successfully brought about unless records of in- dividual production of each cow are systematically kept, and along with such records of production, it is also, if not absolutely essential, at least highly desirable, that a record of food consumed as well be kept. There is no reason why any dairyman should not himself keep the records that are necessary for this selection, but the fact that most dairymen do not keep such records has led to the formation of cow- testing associations, so that the ordinary dairyman by cooperative effort may secure information at small cost that in most cases he would not take the trouble to secure for himself. Cow-testing Associations may be organized in various ways and under various plans, and each association should be organized with due regard to its own local conditions. The essential feature in any organization is to secure a good, reliable, trustworthy, and painstaking man to do the work. Such organizations have now been in successful operation in other states for several years, and it would seem that the time is ripe for the dairymen of New York State to avail them- selves of these organizations in order to make their business more satisfactory and more profitable. The most feasible method of organizing such associations seems to be for twenty-five or twenty-six dairies to associate themselves into a cow-testing association, each owner agreeing to weigh the milk of each cow every day, and the tester to test the milk of each cow at least for one day each month. This may be done by the tester himself visiting the individual farms in turn and taking the samples and making the test ; or it may be done by the owners themselves taking the samples and carrying them to a central point to be tested. In either case the tester makes the tests, calculates the production of fat for the cow for the month, and makes record of the same and of the food consumed, and reports regularly to the owner on blanks furnished for the purpose. The details of carrying out this work may be varied to suit con- ditions. In any case it would require the services of a reliable man for his whole time, and this man will have to be paid a fair salary. Experience has shown that an assessment of one dollar for each cow represented in the association will cover the expense of the work for a year, and in some cases it has been done for somewhat less than this. 364 LIVE-STOCK RULES AND RECORDS Apparatus required. Babcock tester, not less than 10-bottle size, and if to be used in a creamery where steam is available, at least 24-bottle size. Babcock glassware (state brand). At least twice as many test bottles as the capacity of the machine, with acid measure, pipettes, thermometer, etc. Sulfuric acid,- - about a pint or two pounds per cow per year. Sixty-pound spring balance scales, graded to tenths. As many wide-mouth sample bottles as there are cows in the largest herd to be tested. Each bottle should be supplied with a numbered metal band, or otherwise plainly and durably labeled. A supply of record blanks, ruled so that the whole record for a cow for a year can be entered upon it. The cost of the above should be approximately as follows : — Wages of man one year at S50 per month $600.00 10-bottle Babcock tester, SIO, % original cost each year 2.50 Extra gla.ssware and breakage 10.00 125 gal. sulfuric acid at 55 cents gal 67.75 1 set spring balances 5.00 4 dozen sample bottles 10.00 Record blanks 20.00 S715.25 Value of cow-testing associations in Virginia (Virginia Bulletin 190) 6 is ■< O - ^ D i b. O S o > H O < ^ z w O fc. O Z S fe. o u HO, <<^ >cc?^2 Ho O •< J o >-) 1 8109 4.33 351.12 $102.09 $16.22 $118.31 $44.54 $73.77 2 5023 5.20 261.20 76.12 10.04 86.16 " 41.62 3 4897 5.13 251.22 72.87 9.79 82.66 " 38.12 4 4573 5.30 242.38 ' 69.70 9.14 78.84 " 34.30 5 4423 5.33 235.75 68.36 8.85 77.21 " 32.67 6 4805 4.63 222.47 63.99 9.61 73.60 " 29.06 7 4100 5.20 213.20 59.73 8.20 67.93 ♦' 23.39 8 3808 5.33 202.97 58.05 7.61 65.66 " 21.12 9 3128 5.83 192.36 55.70 6.25 61.95 " 17.41 10 3164 5.27 166.74 47.85 6.33 54.18 " 9.64 11 2850 5.75 163.88 47.13 5.70 52.83 " 8.29 12 3215 4.80 154.32 44.08 6.43 50.51 " 5.97 13 2755 5.13 141. .33 40.56 5.51 46.07 " 1.53 14 2835 4.60 1.30.41 37.56 5.67 43.23 " 1.31 15 2345 5.13 120.30 34.15 4.69 38.84 " 6.VU 4002 5.13 203.31 $66.66 $44.54 $21.99 CHAPTER XX Poultry The term poultry is used to designate all birds that are in the nature of farm animals or farm live-stock, as chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys. Birds grown merely as pets or fancy animals, or to stock f2/e ' /yo3e Beak Head Fig. 6. 7«3 Zb5. 700 !>5 650 =1 /;! ^r-1' 600 ^ — / // / \/ .^^ **; r- 550 ^ / / J 1 \ \ r^ / 500 W / 7/ /^< ^ctCo/ somi a ^^^ ^ :^ / / fr ^50 > /^ c/ V V / f ^00 '"■\\ /! / \ V^/ 1 350 ^ / v^ / / v ,'iOO / •A / 1 420 380 m/ r 'J i^ r XTT. — J \ m '/if/7r -— ^ \.__ . ^./T' r^' ~ ^==^ ^— , --— : -''J>r- ^ ^0 r .^ \ n"'^- /'/ /(^ "^ ^ ^- JO (/£ar^ '7/ /^^/-r '/7^^ 79^^ 'jc/i/a Wv ^ \ so' '\ /' / / ^ \ m ^^ \^ ^ \ V . "\ ^ •^.-. ^ --,'/ J V ;^" Fig. 8. — A comparison of one-, two-, and three-year-olds per period of 28 days, of both starved and fed fowls. A = Consumption of food. B = Weight of fowls. C = Percentage egg-production. Note that an increase or decrease in weight is usually preceded by corresponding increase or decrease in the amount of food consumed by each flock, and that an increase or decrease in per cent egg-pro- duction is preceded by a corresponding increase or decrease in weight of each flock. It will also be observed that there is great uniformity between the various flocks each period as to increase or decrease in food consumption, weight, and per cent egg-production. The transverse chart-lines show upper- most set starting at 1 year, 2 years, 3 years ; middle set, 3 years, 1 year, 2 years ; lowest set, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years. 373 374 POULTRY illustrated in the plotted curves of production during the sixteen periods of twenty-ciglit days each, for the six flocks of fowls of different ages (C). From August 11, the beginning of the ex- periment, there was a gradual decline in production with all the flocks until the latter part of December. From this time production increased rapidly until the latter part of Aj^ril, when it remained practically stationary until the middle of May ; then it declined grad- ually until the close of the experiment, November 8. Preparing Fowls for Market by Bleeding (Graham) Hold the head of the bird with the left hand, back of the head up, keeping the hand on the back of the neck to avoid cutting yourself should the knife slip and pass through the top of the head. Take the knife in the right hand, the back of the blade toward your body. Insert the blade in the mouth, keeping the point to the right side of the bird's neck and as near the outer skin as possible until it is well past the neck bone. Then press the edge toward the bone and slowly draw the knife from the mouth, the hand moving from your body, so that the knife appears to pass across the neck. Repeat the process on the left side of the neck. This should cause the bird to bleed freely, but by holding the beak up the blood will remain in the neck, giving you plenty of time to pierce the brain. The latter is located just above the eye and can be easily reached through the upper part of the mouth by using a stiff steel blade, inserted in the mouth with blade edge up and pointing slightly over the eye. With young birds little trouble is ex- l)erienced in piercing the brain, but with older birds a very stiff blade is required, as the bones are much harder. When the point of the blade enters the brain, give the knife a quick twist to right or left to widen the aperture. If the brain has been reached, the bird will attempt to squawk or will give a nervous jerk as the blade touches the spot, and this touching the brain or nerves not only loosens the feathers of the bird for dry plucking, but will greatly improve the appearance of scalded stock. A weight, which may consist of an old tomato can half filled with stones and cement, is immediately attached by means of a wire hook to the lower mandible of the bird. Then by grasping the wings close to the back, the bird will not be able to flutter, and can be easily and TO KEEP EGGS 375 rapidly plucked. This, of course, should always be done while the bird is bleeding. The can catches the blood, and by hanging the bird over a barrel the feathers may easily be saved. Care of Feathers and Eggs (Lambert) Feathers. When dry picked and sorted so as to keep the stiff from the soft, and the white from the colored, feathers have a market value worth considering. Mixed colors of soft chicken feathers bring 4| to 10 cents per pound, and pure white bring 20 cents per pound. Duck feathers bring 33 to 42 cents per pound, goose feathers 42 to 60 cents per pound, goose quills 15 cents per pound. Long, bright-colored chicken feathers are sold for millinery purposes at about $1 per pound. The stiff turkey feathers are in great demand for feather dusters and the like. Feathers are cured in sacks of thin material exposed to the sun and air for several days. They can be sold and shipped in these original sacks. General care of eggs. Eggs for market will keep better from spoiling if not fertilized. Those from mated pens should be kept from heat over 60° Fahr. The nests should be kept supplied liberally with dry sawdust or some clean absorbent. The eggs that become soiled should be wiped with a damp cloth and never submerged in water if they are to be kept more than one week. The natural color of the shell is not indicative of the quality of the contents, although the preferences of the market should be catered to, if one wishes to secure best prices. Brown-shelled eggs are usually larger than white shelled ones, because all the larger breeds except one lay brown eggs, or those from a delicate pink to a light chocolate. The color of the yolk is controlled by feeding green foods and certain grains. Eggs are porous and susceptible to taint from bad odors. Care must be taken to keep them in clean, cool places. Marking the shells in any way is not desirable. Cartons holding one dozen eggs can be purchased from paper dealers. These have specially printed covers, " One Dozen Fresh Eggs," etc., and can be used several times if desired. Cases holding fifteen or thirty dozen each, for shipping to the trade, are popular sizes. 376 POULTRY Deliveries and shipments should be made each week ; if a private trade, on the same day of each week. There are wire fillers for the cartons that display the eggs very attractively, but require more time in plac- ing the eggs and removing them from the trays. With the straw- board fillers, each egg is in a separate compartment, and there is little danger of breakage. If one becomes cracked, the leakage is usually confined to the one compartment. Eggs intended for cold storage must be absolutely fresh, free from dirt, and i)acked in standard-size thirty-dozen cases ; and the fillers must be free from mold, dirt, or odors of any kind. Cold-storage plants begin operations as soon as the lower prices are reached, about April 1, and continue until the latter part of May. During warm weather the quality of eggs deteriorates, and they do not keep so well as when cooler. The market for these cold-storage goods opens in the fall and continues until Christmas. Eggs should be gathered every day, and all broody hens removed from the house. If a nest is found in an unusual place, the eggs should be tested before a bright light, and the unclear ones discarded. Preserving eggs. There are several methods of preserving eggs during spring and summer and keeping them wholesome until they will bring higher prices, but none by which they can be kept any length of time and sold as fresh-laid ones. The shells may be covered with melted paraffin or vaseline to prevent evaporation, and they will not spoil so long as they are kept cool and turned every few days. Packing in common salt and turning occasionally is another method. The contents remain sweet and wholesome, but the all)umen will not beat up as it will in fresh- laid ones. The shell will lose its freshness, and the eggs will not remain good long after being taken out of the preservatives, and they should be designated as preserved eggs when oiTered for sale. The best method of preservation is as follows : One part of water-glass (sodium silicate) mixed with nine parts of boiled spring water. Put the eggs in a .stoneware crock when gathered from the nests, if cool and clean, until the crock is nearly full ; then pour in the water- glass solution until there is at least two inches of licjuid over the top layer of eggs. Keep in a cool place. If carefully done, this method is reliable. PRESERVING EGGS — HEN LICE 377 Another successful method is to slake two pounds of good lump lime, and while hot add one pound of common salt. After cooling, add ten quarts of boiled spring water and stir thoroughly several times the first day. Then let it settle, using only the clear liquid, which may be poured over the eggs after they have been placed in a stoneware crock; or the liquid can first be put in the crock and the eggs put in that, day by day, when gathered. The eggs must always be two inches below surface. More of the solution can be put in when necessary. Stone- ware vessels are the most desirable ones for keeping these mixtures in. Eggs are sometimes removed from the shells, canned, and kept in cold storage or frozen, and sold to large consumers. The most whole- some method is evaporation. The egg is then reduced to powder that will keep any length of time, in any climate, and can be carried to places where poultry-keeping is out of the question and where all eat- ables carried must be reduced to a minimum weight. Parasites of Fowls (Crosby) Hen Louse (Menopon pallidum). — There are several species of lice infesting poultry, of which this is the commonest. When full grown, it is over one twenty-fifth inch in length, slender, and of a pale straw-yellow color. The eggs are laid on the feathers near the base. The lice do not suck blood, but run actively over the body and feed on the dried skin and feathers, but in so doing irritate the skin with their sharp claws. Treatment. — Keep poultry in clean, airy, well-lighted houses, and use perches and nest boxes that can be removed easily. Spray perches, nest boxes, and the whole interior of the house either with a 2 per cent solution of cresol disinfecting soap (formula page 436) or with a mixture of one part of crude carbolic acid and three parts kerosene. The application should be repeated in about a week to kill any lice that may have escaped before. To free the fowls of lice, brush the powder (see formula, p. 436) in among the feathers about vent, fluff, and under wings. Repeat in two weeks in extreme cases. Chicken Mite (Dermamjssus gallinoe). — Minute grayish or red- dish mites which attack poultry, mostly at night, and suck their blood. During the day they hide in cracks and crevices about the perches and nests. 378 POULTRY Treatment. — Keep the houses clean as directed above. Supply the fowls with a dust bath and separate sitting hens, which are especially liable to infestation, from the rest of the flock. Scaly Leg {Sarcoptes jmitans). — A disease caused by minute mites working beneath the scales on the feet and legs. The irritation causes the secretion of a fluid which on drying turns to a whitish powder beneath the scales and raises them from their natural position. Crusts or scabs are formed, and the fowls become lame. Treatment. — Isolate infested birds to prevent the spread of the disease. Carefully remove the crusts by soaking in warm water and soap and apply carbolic ointment or a mixture of creosote and lard (1 to 20). Disinfect the house as directed on preceding page. Depluming Scabies {Sarcoptes Icevis). — Minute mites working at the base of the feathers, causing them to break at the surface of the body. The mites also set up an irritation which causes the birds to pull out their own feathers. Treatment. — The disease is contagious, and infested birds should be isolated. Apply creosote and lard (1 to 20), or dust fresh Buhach into the feathers. Hen Fleas {Argopsylla gallinacea). — In the South these fleas are very annoying to fowls, especially to sitting hens. They attach them- selves in great numbers to the face, comb, etc., where they remain until ready to lay eggs. Treaimeni. — The same measures are advised as for lice and mites. Chicken Tick (Argas miniatus). — A reddish brown tick, some- what larger than the common bedbug, infesting poultry in the South. Treatment. — Keep the houses thoroughly clean, and disinfect at frequent intervals. Sample Rules and Regulations for the Exhibition of Poultry Ontario (N. Y.) Poultry Association, 1911. 1. All entries must be made on blanks furnished by the Secretary, and all remittances should be made payable to the Secretary, and should be made by P.O. money order, express money order, or registered letter. 2. Labels will be sent to each exhibitor ; the reverse side must have the sender's name and address legibly written thereon, and the name of EXHIBITION RULES 379 the express company for their return delivery. If from accident the Association labels do not arrive in time, send exhibits without them, and the Secretary will make duplicates. Unhealthy specimens will not be exhibited, but will be returned to the owners at their expense. When more than one specimen is sent in the coop, each entry must be properly, divided and separately labeled. 3. Entries will positively close Monday, January 9, 1911, but should be sent as long before that date as possible. This rule will be strictly adhered to. The building will be open for the reception of specimens at 8 A.M., Monday, January 16, and those not received by 8 a.m., Tues- day, Januar}^ 17, will be debarred from competition. 4. All specimens shall be exhibited in their natural condition, with the exception of Games and Game Bantams. Any violation of this rule shall exclude the specimen from competing and cause the with- holding of all premiums awarded the owner of such birds. 5. The reports of judges shall be made in writing to the Secretary, and will be final after having been approved by the Executive Com- mittee. As soon as possible after the awards of the judges have been supervised and approved, a card or badge stating the premium will be placed on each winning coop, where it must remain until the close of the show, and each winning exhibitor will be notified by postal card at once. 6. The judges are strictly prohibited from making known their awards, except through the Secretary or Superintendent. Any person attempting to interfere with the judges in their decisions, by letter or otherwise, will be excluded from competition and exhibition. 7. No protests against awards will be received unless accompanied by a deposit of $2, and if after the matter has been thoroughly in- vestigated by the Show Committee, the protest should prove to be without foundation, the deposit will be forfeited to the Association. Protests must be made before 6 p.m., Wednesday, January 18, 1911, and must be made in writing. 8. All display premiums in the open classes, unless otherwise stated, will be decided thus : First Prize to count 6 points ; Second Prize, 4 points ; Third Prize, 3 points ; Fourth Prize, 2 points ; Fifth Prize, 1 point. 9. Season tickets will be issued free of charge to all exhibitors whose entry fee amounts to $2 ; single admission tickets, 25 cents ; tickets for 380 POULTRY children above eight years and under fifteen years of age, 15 cents. Exhibitors' tickets are not transferable, and will be forfeited if presentetl by any one but the owner. Season tickets will be sold for SI. 10. Xo specimens will be allowed in the hall except those which have been duly entered in the books of the Association and the entry fee and express charges paid. 11. The Association will be pleased to undertake the sale of birds for the exhibitor, free of charge, selling price to be stated on entry blank. All sales must be reported at the office at once. 12. During the exhibition no specimens can be removed except by order of the Secretary. Any fowl showing disease will be removed and cared for. 13. No one will be allowed in the aisle while judging is in progress, except by permit from the Superintendent. 14. The term " Cock " means hatched prior to 1910 ; the term '' Hen " means hatched prior to 1910 ; the term " Cockerel " means hatched during 1910, and the term '' Pullet " means hatched during 1910. 15. Prizes in cash, special prizes, ribbons, etc., for all exhibits will be awarded. Blue Ribbon for First Prize, Red for Second, Yellow for Third, and Green for Fourth. Lost prize ribbons will be duplicated at 15 cents each. 16. The entry fee for poultry, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc., in competi- tion is 50 cents, exhibition pens, $1.25, pigeons and pet stock, 25 cents each. This includes coop, feed, and attendance. All specimens entered for competition must be shown in coops provided by the .^Association. 17. The Association reserves the right to place more than one bird of the same variety and belonging to the same exhibitor in one coop. IS. There must in all cases, whether competing as pens or single birds, be four entries, or first prize will be awarded and second money paid, or if the birds are not worthy of first prize and gain second prize, they will be awarded third, etc. In no case will more than the entry fee be paid on any variety containing only one entry. Four entries means four birds of the same kind and variety, as four cocks, four hens, etc., whether shown by one person or several. SCORING A POULTRY FARM 38} Outline for Critical Examination of a Poultry Farm (Rice) Visit the farm and make careful observations to secure answers to the follow- ing questions : — Part I — The location 1. Where is the farm located ? (a) State (6) County (c) Town 2. What are the climatic conditions ? (a) Temperature : Max Min Mean (6) Season of frost : Early Late (c) Rainfall : Max Min Mean (d) Sunshine : Max Min Mean (e) Prevailing winds : (/) Amount of snow (season of bare ground) : {g) As influencing egg production. As influencing crop production. As influencing number of labor days. As influencing cost of buildings. 3. What are the market conditions ? (a) Name principal market or markets. (6) Population. (c) Distance from local station. id) Express rate on eggs (30 doz.) ; dressed poultry (100 lb.) ; live poultry (100 lb.), (e) Freight rate (per ton feed). if) Passenger rate ; frequency of train service. (g) Commercial importance as regards kind and type of customers. 4. What is the condition of the roads ? (a) Dirt, stone, etc. (&) Grades. (c) Distance from farm (a) R.R. Station. (6) Express, (c) Post office. {d) Church. (d) Free or toll. (e) How kept in repair. 5. What is the size of the farm ? 6. What is the shape of the farm ? (Make sketch.) 7. What are the topographical conditions regarding : (a) General direction of slope of the land ? (6) Air drainage ? (c) Contour as affecting location of buildings? (d) Shelter from prevailing winds ? (e) Altitude. 8. What is the nature of the soil as regards : (a) Fertility. (6) Drainage — natural artificial 9. What is the condition of the farm as regards weeds, stone, stumps, old fences, etc. ? 10. What is the condition of the farm as regards healthfulness ? 11. What is the nature of the water supply? (a) Quantity. {h) Quality. (c) How secured. 12. What are the existing crops ? (a) Timber — kind, size, and condition. (h) Orchards — kind, size, and condition, (c) Field crops — kind, siae, and condition. 382 POULTRY 13. What are the educational advantages? (a) Distance from school ? (6) Size and kind ? 14. What are the reliRious and social advantages? (a) Denomination ? (6) Distance from church ? (c) Character and progressiveness of people ? (d) Organizations — Granges, farm clubs, poultry associations, coopera- tive associations, etc. {e) Kind of neighbors and distance from residence. 15. What are the neigborhood conveniences — Telephone, R.F.D. of mail. Part II — Arrangement and nature of buildings 16. Make a sketch of the farm showing the approximate location of all build- ings, fences, fields, and crops. 17. Give dimensions of main building, and make sketch showing (a) front and (6) end elevation ; (c) floor plan, (d) state kind of materials used in con- struction, (e) square feet floor space, (/) cubic feet air space. 18. What kind or kinds of la^nng houses are used ? Take measurements, and make front and end elevation and floor plan sketches. 19. Estimate square feet floor space and cubic feet air space. 20. State kind of material used in construction of sides, roof, floor, p,nd founda- tion. 21. Give dimensions of incubator cellar and nature of construction, and esti- mate square feet floor space and cubic feet air space. 22. Give number and dimensions of brooder houses, and make sketches showing end and front elevations and floor plan, and estimate square feet floor space and cubic feet air space. 23. Give number and dimensions of fattening houses, and make sketches show- ing end and front elevations and floor plan, and estimate square feet floor space and cubic feet air space. 24. Give number and dimensions of barn or other auxiliary buildings, and make sketches showing end and front elevations and floor plan, and estimate square feet floor space and cubic feet air space. 25. Make sketch and brief description of residence, giving principal dimensions, number of rooms, etc. Part III — Equipments 26. Name all the more important machinery and equipment used on the farm. 27. State kind and capacity of incubators. 28. State kind and capacity of outdoor brooders. Part IV — Live-stock 29. State kind and quantity of live stock : Mature fowls Mature males (a) Fowls Pullets Cockerels Young Chicks (b) Ducks. (c) Geese. (d) Turkeys. (e) Guineas. (/) Horses. (g) Cows. (h) Swine. (i) Sheep. CHAPTER XXI Exhibiting and Judging Live-stock. Market Grades It is intended in this chapter to give a sample plan for the adminis- tering of a live-stocli exhibition, standards to aid in the making of j udgments of the qualities of animals, and a view of a few regulations governing the grading of animals and animal products in the markets. This is comparable, in a way, with Chapter IX for plants and plant products. General Rules and Regulations Governing Exhibits of Live-stock (Ohio State Board of Agriculture, slightly modified.) Competition open to the world, except where otherwise specified. Receiving exhibits. 1. All animals for competition and exhibition, except speed horses, having first been properly entered within the time specified in the rules, must be placed in proper position by the first day of fair at 9 o'clock A.M. Exhibits not in position by the time required will be positively excluded from competition. 2. Entries in the several departments must be received by the Secre- tary fifteen days before the opening of the Fair. Entries of animals. 3. All entries of animals must specify the owners' names, and the name, age, sex, record number (if any), and description of every animal offered ; ages of horses to date from the first of January of the year foaled ; ages of other animals, except cattle, to be considered in months and days at date of fair, basing dates of dairy cattle to be February 1 and August 1, while in the beef breeds the basing date shall be September 1. A breeder is held to be the owner of the female at the time of service. 383 384 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK All entries of live-stock must positively be made on the regulation entry blanks, which will be furnished upon application to the Secretary. 4. Entries must be made in the names of bona fide owners. Should any be found to be otherwise entered, they will forfeit any premiums awarded by the judges. 5. An animal entered for exhibition in one class cannot compete for a premium in any other, except where specified. 6. A single animal may be exhibited as one of a pair or herd. 7. All animals shall be exhibited to the satisfaction of the award- ing judges. Recording entries. 8. On receipt of entries of live-stock, cards will be made out indicat- ing the books, entry numbers, and classes, and will be ready for delivery by the superintendents of the appropriate departments when exhibitors arrive on the grounds, or will be sent by mail when specially requested. Delivery of animals. 9. Exhibitors must see to the delivery of their animals to the super- intendent of the appropriate department, and to placing them in position under his direction. The buildings and grounds will be in com- plete readiness for the reception of exhibits during the entire week previous to the opening of the Fair, and it will greatly facilitate arrange- ments if exhibitors will early take in hand the preparation for the dis- play of their exhibits. A place is provided for storing boxes, crates, and the like, all of which must be promptly removed from the buildings to this place of storing. Removal of animals. 10. Live-stock, other than speed horses, may be removed the last day of the Fair, at 4 o'clock p.m. Speed horses may be removed any time after their racing engagements. Protection of animals. 11. The Fair Board will take every precaution in its power for the safe preservation of stock on exhibition, after its arrival and arrangement on the grounds, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. RULES FOR LIVE-STOCK EXHIBITS 385 Register number of animals. 12. Persons exhibiting pure-bred animals, one year of age and over, will be required to furnish register number of animals to be exhibited, or, in case of younger animals not registered, the names and register number of sires and dams. Animals exhibited as breeders. 13. Evidence satisfactory to the members in charge, or the Award- ing Judges, will be required that the animals exhibited as breeders are not barren, and no awards of premiums shall be made where there is unsoundness in breeding animals, which is transmissible. Interference with judges. 14. No person other than the judges, except the officers of the Fair Board, the superintendent, and the grooms in charge, will be permitted to go into the rings where the stock is being passed upon by the Award- ing Judges, and no exhibitor or other person will be allowed to inter- fere or communicate with the judges of live-stock during the adjudica- tions. If j udges desire information from exhibitors or others concerning animals on exhibit, they will make the fact known and call for such ex- planation or information as may be necessary in the case. A violation of this rule will disqualify exhibitors from competing, or subject them to a forfeiture of any premium that may have been awarded. Disrespect to awards or judges. 15. If any disrespect is shown to an award or to the Awarding Judges, by the exhibitor or his agent, he shall forfeit all awards made to him, and the member in charge shall report the same promptly to the Secretary. False evidence. 16. Should a premium be found to have been obtained by false evidence or misrepresentation, or a violation of any of the rules of the Board, it will be withheld. Animals entering the ring. 17. Horses and cattle can enter the arenas only under halter unless otherwise specified, and in charge of grooms, and sheep and swine only in charge of attendants. 2c 386 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Premiums indicated. 18. Horses, cattle, swine, and sheep will be exhibited in the arenas of ample capacity, and the premium ribbons attached or delivered by the judges before the animals leave the arenas. First premium, blue ; second premium, red ; third premium, white ; fourth premium, yellow; fifth premium, green; Championship, purple ; Reserve Championship, pink ; Grand Championship, royal purple rosette. Protests. 19. Protests against awards in any of the departments of the Fair must be made in writing, clearly setting forth the grounds for protest, and must be filed with the Secretary not later than one day after the awards are made. All protests will be considered by the Board at its first meeting succeeding the Fair, unless otherwise ordered. Parties interested will be duly notified, and opportunity given them to sub- mit evidence. Premiums on protested animals will be withheld until the protests are decided. Animals not entered. 20. A charge of double the regular fee will be made for each stall or pen occupied by animals not entered for premium competition. Advertising. 21. Exhibitors will not be permitted to attract attention to their ex- hibits by means of perambulating advertisers, or any method tending to objectionable noise and confusion. The promiscuous distribution of hand-bills or other advertising matter is strictly prohibited, and no tacking or posting of advertising bills or cards will be permitted on or in any of the buildings. Exhibitors may advertise at and distribute from their places of exhibit only. Judges. 22. Expert judges, appointed by the Board, will report to the Sec- retary, and he will direct them to the members in charge of the depart- ments in which they are to serve. 23. No person who is an exhibitor can act as judge, or in any other capacity, in the department in which he exhibits, or upon stock in which he has an interest. RULES FOR LIVE-STOCK EXHIBITS 387 24. When animals are not deemed worthy, judges will refuse to award premiums, whether or not there be competition in the classes. 25. Animals for which no premiums are offered, but which in the opinion of the judges deserve special commendation, will be so re- ported, but premium cards or ribbons must not be attached. 26. If there be any question as to the regularity of an entry or the right of an animal to compete in a given class, the judge shall report the same to the member in charge for adjustment. 27. Judges in the several departments, when requested, may give the reasons for their decisions, embracing the valuable and desirable qual- ities of the animals to which the premiums are awarded. As the one great object of the Board is to collect valuable information upon subjects connected with agriculture and the industrial arts, the several judges and superintendents are requested to gather all the in- formation possible from exhibitors in their respective departments, and make their report as complete as circumstances will permit. Reports of awards are to be made to the members in charge as clearly' as pos- sible after the adjudications. Payment of premiums. 28. Premiums are payable in cash (check) except when cups, medals, or diplomas are specified or desired in lieu of cash. Medals and di- plomas will be forwarded as directed, to the proper person, by the Sec- retary. Speed premiums will be paid on the last day of the Fair, and all other premiums will be paid within fifteen days after the close of the Fair, or at the time stated. All premiums awarded, and not called for during the calendar year in which awards are made, will be forfeited. Exhibition and examination. 29. Examination by the judges for premium awards will begin in each of the live-stock departments at 9 o'clock a.m. of the day named for showing, except special classes as noted, and the judges will pro- ceed in the order directed by the members in charge of the departments. Forfeiture of space. 30. When space has been assigned to any exhibitor, the member in charge shall have the right, in case the exhibitor shall fail to make 388 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK or maintain a creditable display, to declare the space assigned, or any portion thereof, forfeited. Exhibitors must arrange their exhibits in as neat and attractive a manner as possible, in default of which the member in charge will report the entries to the Secretar}" for cancel- lation, and require the removal of the stock at the expense of the ex- hibitor. Signs and arrangements of exhibits. 31. The members in charge of the several departments shall have the right to prescribe the dimensions and to regulate the positions of all signs, and generally to direct the arrangement of exhibits, so far as the same may be necessary to secure harmony and to be attractive in appearance. Straw and feed. 32. Arrangements will be made with a responsible party to furnish straw, hay, corn, oats, and chopped feed on the grounds at market prices, in quantities to suit the purchasers. Regulation for helpers. 33. The members in charge of the several departments will issue free daily admission tickets to such helpers as are necessary and actually under pay in caring for or operating exhibits. A list of such helpers must be furnished to the superintendents of the departments, on arrival of exhibits at the buildings or grounds. Special rules governing horses. 34. Entries must be made fifteen days before the fair opens, and be accompanied by proper fees to cover charges for exhibitor's ticket and stall rent. Exhibitors are requested to specify the number of stalls required, upon receipt of which information stalls will be assigned and their numbers sent to the person or firm making entries. 35. Charges for stalls. Box stall $4.00 Open stall 2.00 Pony stall 1(^0 Exhibitor's ticket 2.00 36. The published order of exhibition will be conformed to as nearly as possible ; provided, however, the right is reserved to make such RULES FOR LIVE-STOCK EXHIBITS 389 changes in the order of exhibition, as in the discretion of the mem- ber in charge will facilitate the work. 37. The superintendent of each department must check the entries shown in the entry books in each ring, with the exhibits present, and so mark the entry books that they will show what animals were passed on by the judges. 38. The member in charge may exclude from competition exhib-. itors who occasion unnecessary or embarrassing delay in bringing ani- mals into the show ring. 39. The judges shall not make any award where there is unsound- ness in breeding animals which is transmissible. 40. All breeding animals must be recorded in Standard Stud Books, and exhibitors must be prepared to submit certificates or registry. ^ ,. . Speed classes — trotting and racing Conditions. 41. Entries will close the tenth day before the Fair opens at 11 o'clock P.M. Records made within fifteen days no bar. Entrance fee five per cent of purse, with five per cent additional from winners. The same horse entered in more than one class will only be required to pay entrance for the starts made, except if no starts are made the fee in each class entered may be required. 42. Five entries and three starters required. Horses will be called at 1 o'clock P.M. daily. 43. Races will be mile heats, three in five, to harness, and will be conducted under the rules of the National Trotting Association (or American Trotting Association). 44. Heats in each day's races may be trotted or paced alternately. The published order of program will be followed as nearly as possible, but the State Board of Agriculture reserves the right to make modi- fications, in the discretion of the member in charge of the speed depart- ment, to meet conditions as they arise. Usual weather clause rights reserved. 45. A horse distancing the field, or any part thereof, will receive but one premium. 46. All premiums for speed classes will be paid on the last day of the Fair, by bank check payable to the order of the owner or the party in whose name the entry is made. 390 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK 47. The race track will be placed in the best possible condition for each of the interesting events. The track is a most excellent one, the back stretches being wide and easy, with a great home stretch one hundred feet in width. 48. The speed barns, located conveniently near the track, are in good condition and well equipped for the care of race horses. The races are in circuits that will give horsemen the advantage of several weeks' con- tinuous work. Special rules governing cattle. 49. Entries must be made fifteen days before the Fair opens, and be accompanied by proper fees to cover charges for exhibitor's ticket and stall rents. Exhibitors are requested to specify the number of stalls required, on receipt of which information stalls will be assigned and their numbers sent to the person or firm making entries. 50. Charges. Each animal over one year old, $2; each animal under one year old, $1; exhibitor's ticket, $2. 51. Purity of blood as established by pedigree, symmetry, size, early maturity and general characteristics of the several breeds of animals to be considered; the judges will make proper allowance for age, feeding and other conditions. 52. Persons exhibiting pure bred animals will be required to furnish to the Secretary, at the time of making the entry, the name and register number of each animal entered. 53. Basing dates of dairy cattle to be February 1 and August 1, while in the beef breeds the basing date shall be September 1. 54. All cows over thirty-six months old must have given birth to calf at full maturity within past year, or show unmistakable evidence of being in calf at time of exhibition. 55. }A\ cows in the dairy breeds, to be judged in the morning shall be milked at six o'clock p.m., the day previous to being judged, and all dairy cows, to be judged in the afternoon, to be milked at six o'clock a.m., of the same day. The judge may, at his option, require any cow to be milked while in the ring or before the awards are made. 56. Exhibitors will be required to have blankets removed from cattle between the hours of nine a.m., and four p.m, each day of the Fair. RULES FOR LIVE-STOCK EXHIBITS 391 57. Cattle will be assigned to the exposition building, the judging to take place in the arena of same. 58. The superintendent of each department must check the entries shown in the entry books in each ring, with the exhibits present, and so mark the entry books that they will show what animals were passed on by the judges. Special rules governing swine. 59. Entries must be made fifteen days before the Fair opens and be accompanied by proper fees to cover exhibitor's ticket and pen rent. Price of pens, $1 each ; exhibitor's ticket, $2. 60. Swine must be owned by the individual or firm making the ex- hibit and must be registered in the accredited records of their, respective breeds. 61. The superintendent of each department must check the entries shown in the entry books in each ring, with the exhibits present, and so mark the entry books that they will show what animals were passed on by the judges. Special rules governing sheep. 62. Entries must be made fifteen days before the Fair opens, and be accompanied by proper fees to cover cost of exhibitor's ticket and pen rent. Price of pens, $1 each ; exhibitor's ticket, $2. 63. Sheep must be owned by the individual or firm making the exhibit and must be registered in the accredited records of their respective breeds. 64. Each exhibitor restricted to two entries in one class. 65. Sheep competing in the Merino classes must be recorded in the American and Delaine-Merino Record Association, or the Merino Record Association of Ohio, Vermont, or New York, and certificates of registration, properly signed by the secretary'' of one of the above-named associations, must accompany each animal in the ring. 66. The superintendent of each department must check the entries shown in the entry books in each ring, with the exhibits present, and so mark the entry books that they will show what animals were passed on by the judges. 392 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Score-cards for Farm Animals Herewith are given sanii)le score-cards for different species and classes of animals. For score-cards of the breeds see \'ol. Ill, Cych. Amer. Agr. (from which most of the following cards, by F. B. Mumford, are taken) : — Draft-horse score-card Class, Gelding General characters Form. — Broad, massive, blocky, low-down, compact and symmetrical. Scale large for the age. Fig. 9. — Parts of the horse. 1, muzzle ; 2, nostrils ; '.i, face ; 4, eye ; 5, forehead ; G, ear ; 7, neck ; 8, crest ; 9. withers ; 10, back, II, loin ; 12, hip ; 13, croup ; 14, tail ; 15, thigh ; IG, quarter ; 17, gaskin or lower thigh ; IS, hock ; 19, stifle ; 20, flank ; 21, ribs ; 22. tendons ; 23, fetlocks ; 24, pastt^rn ; 25, foot ; 26, heel of foot ; 27, canon ; 28, knee ; 29. forearm ; 30, chest ; 31, arm ; 32, shoulder ; 33, throatlatch ; A, thoroughi)in ; B. curb ; C, bog and blood spavin ; D, bone spavin ; E, splint ; F, windgall ; G, cappel elbow ; H, poll- evil. (Cyclo. Amer. Agric.) POINTS OF A DRAFT-HORSE 393 Quality. — General refinement of clean-cut and symmetrical features ; bone clean, large, and strong ; skin and hair fine ; tendons clean, sharply defined, and prominent. Constitution. — Generous and symmetrical development ; lively carriage ; ample heart-girth, capacity of barrel and depth of flanks ; eyes, full, bright and clear ; nostrils large and flexible ; absence of grossness or undue refinement. Scale of points Perfect Score 1 . Height, estimated hands ; corrected hands. 2. Weight, estimated lb. ; corrected lb. ; score according to age and condition 10 3. Action, walk : rapid, springy, regular, straight ; trot : free, balanced, straight 15 4. Temperament, energetic, tractable 3 5. Head, proper proportionate size ; well carried ; profile straight . . 1 6. Muzzle neat ; nostrils large, flexible ; lips thin, even, firm .... 1 7. Eyes, bright, clear, full, both same color 1 8. Forehead, broad, full 1 9. Ears, medium size, well carried 1 10. Lower jaw, angles wide, well muscled 1 11. Neck, well-muscled, arched ; throat-latch fine ; wind-pipe large . . 2 12. Shoulder, moderately sloping, smooth, snug, extending into back . . 3 13. Arm, short, strongly muscled, thrown back 1 14. Forearm, long, wide, clean, heavily muscled 2 15. Knees, straight, wide, deep, strong, clean 2 16. Fore cannons, short, wide, clean ; tendons clean, well defined, prominent 2 17. Fetlocks, wide, straight, strong, clean 1 18. Pasterns, moderatelj sloping ; strong, clean 3 19. Fore feet, large, even size ; sound ; horn dense, waxy ; soles concave ; bars strong, full ; frogs large, elastic ; heels wide, one-half length of toe, vertical to ground 8 20. Chest, deep, wide ; breast bone low ; girth large 2 21. Ribs, deep, well sprung ; closely ribbed to hip 2 22. Back, broad, short, strong, muscular 2 23. Loins, short, wide, thickly muscled 2 24. Barrel, deep, flanks full 2 25. Hios. broad, smooth, level, well muscled 2 26. Croup, wide, heavily muscled, not too drooping 2 27. Thighs, deep, broad, muscular 3 28. Quarters, plump with muscle, deep 2 29. Stifles, large, strong, muscular, clean 2 30. Gaskins, lone wide, clean, heavily muscled 2 31. Hocks, large, strong, wide, deep, clean, w-ell set 8 32. Hind cannons, ^hort, wide, clean ; tendons clean, well defined ... 2 33. Fetlocks, wade, straight, strong, clean 1 34. Pasterns, moderately sloping, strong, clean 2 35. Hind feet, large, even size ; sound ; horn dense, waxy ; soles concave ; bars strong, full ; frogs large, elastic ; heels wide, one-half length of toe, vertical to ground .... 6 Total 100 Light-horse score-card Class, Gelding General characters Form. — Light, lean, lithe and muscular ; long-legged, short in back ; having general appearance indicative of extreme activity. 394 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE STOCK Quality. — Extreme rofinomont of symmotrical and clean-cut feature .s, showing every requirement of strength, endurance, style, and grace ; skin thin and pliable, showing veins plainly ; hair fine ; mane and tail fine and long ; bone possessing plenty of substance but great refinement ; tendons clean, strong, and sharply defined. Constitution. — Generous and symmetrical development ; an expression of great nervous energy ; action spirited ; heart-girth large ; floor of chest full ; barrel well rounded and moderately deep ; hind flanks properly developed ; eyes full, bright, and clear ; nostrils large ; bone possessing abundant substance as well as refinement. Scale of points Perfect Score 1. Weight, lb. ; corrected lb. 2. Height, hands; corrected hands 2 3. Action, walk : long, fast, elastic, straight and regular ; trot : rapid, regular, straight 15 4. Temperament, spirited, energetic, and tractable 5 5. Skin, thin, pliable, showing veins plainly ; coat fine, soft, bright . . 3 6. Head, correct proportionate size, well carried ; features clean cut ; pro- file straight 2 7. Muzzle, neat, nostrils large, flexible ; lips, thin, firm, and even . . 1 8. Eyes, full, bright, clear, same color 2 9. Forehead, broad and full 2 10. Ears, medium size, pointed, well carried, alert 1 11. Lower jaw, angles wide, space clean, well muscled 1 12. Neck, well muscled, arched, throatlatch fine; windpipe large ... 2 13. Shoulder, long, sloping, smooth, extending into back 3 14. Arm, short, strong, well muscled, thrown back 1 15. Forearm, long, wide, clean, well muscled 2 16. Knees, straight, wide, deep, strong, clean, strongly supported ... 4 17. Cannons, short, clean, wide ; tendons large, clean, and prominent . 2 18. Fetlocks, wide, straight, strong, clean 1 19. Pasterns, long, sloping, strong, clean 3 20. Fore feet, medium size, even and sound ; horn dense and waxj' ; soles concave ; bars strong and full ; frogs large and elastic ; heels wide, one-half length of toe ; vertical to ground 6 21. Withers, high, extending well into back 1 22. Chest, deep, low, girth large 3 23. Ribs, deep, well sprung, closely coupled 2 24. Back, short, broad, strong, muscular 2 25. Loins, short, broad, thickly muscled 2 26. Barrel, long in under line ; flanks well let down 1 27. Hips, smooth, wide and level 2 28. Croup, long. wide, muscular, not drooping 2 29. Tail, attached high, w^ell haired, well carried 1 30. Thighs, deep, broad, strong, muscular 3 31. Quarters deep, plump with muscle 1 32. Stifles, strong, clean, muscular 2 33. Gaskins, long, wide, muscular 3 34. Hocks, large, strong, wide, deep, clean, well set 7 35. Cannons, short, clean, wide ; tendons large, clean, and prominent . 2 36. Fetlocks, wide, straight, strong, and clean 1 37. Pasterns, strong, slojjing. springy, clean 3 38. Hind feet, medium size, even, sound ; horn dense, waxy ; soles con- cave ; bars strong, full ; frogs large, elastic ; heels wide .... 4 Total 100 HORSE SCORE-CARD 395 Student's card for the proportions of the horse (Cornell) Name of Animal Breed or service Sex Age Color and Markings Blemishes Defects Estimated Weight Actual Weight Owner P. O. Inches Height at withers Height to highest point of croup Length from point of shoulder to quarter From lowest point of chest to the ground From the point of elbow to the ground From the point of elbow to trapezium From trapezium to ground Circumference of the arm Circumference of cannon in center Circumference of foot at coronet Length of head Width of forehead Circumference of muzzle at angle of mouth Width of chest from outside of shoulder points Width across hips From center of dock to anterior point of patella From point of hock to point of hip From point of hock to ground Circumference of thigh Circumference of shank in the center Circumference of body at the girth Length of croup Height of crest of occiput from ground Dorsal angle of scapula to hip From angle of lower jaw to forehead above eye From throat to superior border of neck Beef-cattle score-card Class, Breeding Females General characters Form. — Compact, thick-set and short-legged in appearance ; body deep, thick, and of medium length ; top line straight, under line low in flanks ; scale medium to large, not greatly above average for the breed. Quality. — General refinement of symmetrical and clean-cut features; breed characters pronounced ; bone fine and clean ; hair fine and soft ; skin of not more than medium thickness ; head, neck, and legs short and fine, but strong. Condition. — Great wealth of natural flesh, as from abundant supplj' of best grass or other roughage, but not excessively' fat ; flesh firm, mellow and springy, without ties, lumps, patches, or rolls, especially in the back and loin ; skin loose and soft ; depth and evenness of flesh consistent with degree of fatness. Constitution. — Generous and symmetrical development ; lively carriage ; ample heart-girth, capacity of barrel and depth of flanks ; eyes full, bright, and clear ; nostrils wide apart, large and open ; absence of refinement to point of delicacy ; skin of at least medium thickness and free from scurf ; coat soft and bright. Early maturity. — General refinement and compactness; body large, extrem- ities small ; shortness of head, neck, and legs ; amplitude of girth in chest, belly, and flanks. 396 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Sexuality. — Strongly marked ; a general appearance of sensibility and feminine refinement of features ; moderate length and great capacity in coupling ; width in loin, hip-bones, and pin-bones ; well-developed udder and prominent milk veins ; horn and coat fine ; eyes expressive of mild and gentle sensitiveness. Fig. 10. — Parts of the cow. 1, muzzle ; 2, face ; 3, forehead ; 4, throat ; 5, neck ; 6, dewlap ; 7, shoulder ; 8, wethers ; 9, back ; 9i, crops ; 10, chine ; 11, ribs ; 12, fore ribs ; 12i, fore flank ; 12, 12i, chest ; 13, belly ; 14, flank ; 15, loin ; 16, hips ; 17, rump ; 18, setting of tail ; 19, thurl or pin-bone ; 20, quarter ; 21, thigh; 22, hock; 23, switch; 24, leg; 25, stifle; 26, udder; 27, teat; 28, forearm ; 29, knee ; 30, shank ; 31, hoof. (Cyclo. Amer. Agric.) Scale of points Perfect Score 1. Age, estimated ; corrected 2. Weight, estimated lb.; corrected lb.; score according to age and condition 5 3. Skin, of medium thickness, loose, soft, elastic, free from scurf ... 3 4. Hair, fine, soft, thick ; color and markings according to breed ... 3 5. Temperament, quiet, mild, and contented 3 6. Muzzle, mouth large, lips thin, nostrils large, open, and wide apart . 2 7. Face, fine, moderately short and broad 2 8. Forehead, full, broad, and square 2 9. Eyes, full, bright, clear, and placid 1 10. Jaws, wide, deep, and strong 1 11. Horns, medium to small, fine texture, shape and color according to breed 1 12. Ears, medium size, fine texture 1 13. Neck, thick, short, curving smoothly into shoulders and brisket; throat clean ; dewlap slight 3 14. Shoulders, compact, snug, smooth, well fleshed 5 CATTLE SCORE-CARDS 397 Perfect Score 15. Fore legs, short, straight, strong ; arm full ; bone fine and clean ; feet small, strong, even ; hoofs dense 3 16. Brisket, moderately projecting, neat and broad 1 17. Chest, full, deep, wide ; heart-girth large ; fore flanks deep and full . 10 18. Barrel, capacious, medium length 5 19. Crops, moderately full, flesh thick and even 5 20. Ribs, long, closely set, well sprung, extending fairly well back ; back broad and straight ; flesh thick and even 10 21. Loin, broad, straight ; flesh thick and even 6 22. Hips, wide but not prominent, capable of being smoothly covered . 3 23. Rump, long, level, wide ; tail-head smooth ; flesh thick and even . 5 24. Pin-bones, far apart, not prominent 2 25. Tail, tapering, bone fine 1 26. Thighs and twist, full, muscled well down to hocks 6 27. Hind legs, short, straight, strong ; bone fine and clean ; feet small, strong, even ; hoofs dense 3 28. Hind flank, low, full, thick 3 29. Udder, large, shapely, evenly quartered, not fleshy ; teats uniform, . medium-sized, squarely placed, milk veins prominent 5 Total loo Beef-cattle score-card Class, Breeding Bulls General characters Form. — Compact, thick-set, and short-legged in appearance ; body deep, thick, and of medium length ; top line straight, under line low in flanks ; fore quarters heavier than in a cow ; scale medium to large, not greatly above aver- age for the breed. Quality. — Features clean cut and symmetrical ; showing great strength with- out grossness ; breed characters pronounced ; bone strong and clean ; hair moderately fine and soft ; skin of medium thickness ; head, neck, and legs short, strong, and massive. Condition. — Great wealth of natural flesh as from abundant supply of best grass or other roughage, but not excessively fat ; flesh firm, mellow, and springy, without ties, lumps, patches, or rolls, especially in the back and loin ; depth and evenness of flesh consistent with degree of fatness. Constitution. — Generous and symmetrical development ; lively carriage ; ample heart -girth, capacity of barrel and depth of flanks ; eye full, bright, and clear ; nostrils wide apart, large, and open ; absence of grossness or of undue refinement. Early maturity. — Compactness and strength, with as much refinement as is consistent with masculinity ; body large, extremities small ; shortness of head, neck, and legs ; amplitude of girth in chest, belly, and flanks. Sexuality. — Strongly marked ; a majestic carriage and general appearance of masculine power and aggressiveness ; great strength without grossness in head, neck, and legs ; chest well developed ; shoulders very strong ; well-devel- oped sexual organs. Scale of points Perfect Score 1. Age, estimated ; corrected 2. Weight, estimated lb. ; corrected lb. ; according to age and condition 5 3. Skin, moderately thick, loose, soft, elastic, free from scurf .... 3 398 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Perfect Score 4. Hair, thick ; moderately fine and soft, color and markings according to breed 3 5. Temperament, alert but quiet and good-natured 3 6. Muzzle, mouth large, lips round and firm ; nostrils large, open, and wide apart 2 7. Face, short, straight, strong, full 2 8. Forehead, full, very broad, heavy between eyes 2 9. Eyes, full, bright, clear, mild 1 10. Jaws, wide, deep, and strong 1 11. Horns, fine texture, strong ; shape and color according to breed . . 1 12. Ears, medium size, well haired, not coarse 1 13. Neck, short, massive, curving strongly into shoulders and brisket; crest strong ; throat clean ; dewlap slight 3 14. Shoulders, strongly developed, compact, snug, well fleshed .... 5 15. Fore legs, short, straight, arm full, bone strong and clean ; hoofs large, strong, even, and dense 3 16. Brisket, deep, broad, rounded, neat, moderately projecting .... 1 17. Chest, full, deep, wide ; heart-girth large ; fore flanks deep ... 10 18. Barrel, deep, broad, medium length 4 19. Crops, full and thick, straight in top line 5 20. Ribs, long, closely set, well sprung, extending well back ; back broad and straight ; flesh thick and even 10 21. Loin, broad, straight; flesh thick and even 6 22. Hips, wide, but not prominent, capable of being smoothly covered . 3 23. Rump, long, level, wide ; tail-head smooth ; flesh thick and even . 5 24. Pin-bones, far apart, not prominent 2 25. Tail, tapering, bone moderately fine 1 26. Thighs, full, wide and deep ; muscled well down to hocks .... 4 27. Twist, deep and full 4 28. Hind legs, short, straight, bone strong and clean ; hoofs large, strong, and even 3 29. Hind flank, full, low 4 30. Testicles, well developed, both present and normally placed . . . 3 Total 100 Dairy-cattle score-card Class, Breeding Females General characters Form. — Spare, angular, moderately short-legged ; barrel, capacious ; hind quarters, wide and deep ; scale, medium to large, not greatly above average for the breed. Quality. — General refinement of symmetrical and clean-cut features ; bone fine and clean ; hair fine and soft ; skin of not more than medium thickness ; head, neck, and legs fine and of moderate length. Condition. — Spare, no fat apparent ; skin loose and mellow. Conslitxdion. — Generous and symmetrical development ; lively carriage ; ample heart-girth ; capacity of barrel and depth of flanks ; eyes full, bright, and clear ; nostrils, wide apart, large, and open ; absence of refinement and spareness to point of delicacy or emaciation ; skin of medium thickness, free from scurf ; coat soft and bright. Nervous energy. — Spinal column prominent, vertebra? wide apart ; forehead high and wide ; ears active ; temperament alert ; also the indications of con- stitution and quality. Sexuality. — A general appearance of sensibility and feminine refinement of features ; moderate length and great capacity in barrel, width in loin, hip- DAIRY-CATTLE POINTS 399 bonea and pin-bones ; well-developed udder ; horn and coat fine ; eyes expres- sive of mild and gentle sensitiveness. Milk-giving capacity. — Udder large, shapely, evenly quartered, free from fleshiness, extending well up behind and far forward, strongly attached ; milk- veins large and tortuous ; milk-wells large ; secretions of skin abundant and yellow ; also the above indications of all the other general characters. Scale of points Perfect Score 1. Age, estimated 2. Weight, estimated lb. ; corrected lb. ; score according to age and condition 2 3. Skin, medium fine, loose, mellow, elastic, free from scurf; secretions yellow and abundant 5 4. Hair, fine, soft, thick ; color and markings according to breed ... 2 5. Temperament, alert, but mild and tractable 5 6. Muzzle, clean-cut, mouth large, lips thin, nostrils large 1 7. Face, lean, fine, slightly dished 1 8. Forehead, broad, high, slightly dished 1 9. Eyes, full, bright, clear, mild 3 10. Horns, medium to small, fine texture, shape, and color according to breed 1 11. Ears, medium size, fine texture 1 12. Neck, fine, spare, medium length, throat clean ; dewlap light ; neatly attached to head and shoulders 2 13. Shoulders, lean, sloping ; narrow at withers, moderately wide at points 2 14. Fore legs, straight, short, bone clean and fine ; feet strong, hoofs dense and even 2 15. Brisket, light, thin 1 16. Chest, deep, capacious 8 17. Barrel, capacious, medium length 10 18. Back, lean, straight, medium length ; vertebrae wide spaced and promi- nent ; ribs long, broad, wide spaced, moderately well sprung . . 8 19. Loin, broad, lean, coupling, roomy 3 20. Hips, far apart, level with back 2 21. Rump, lean, long, broad ; pelvic arch prominent ; pin-bones high, far apart 4 22. Tail, tapering, bone fine, length according to breed 1 23. Thighs, thin, incurving, twist roomy 3 24. Hind legs, straight, short, bone clean and fine ; feet strong ; hoofs dense and even 2 25. Udder, large, shapely, evenly quartered, mellow, free from fleshiness, extending well up behind and far forward, strongly attached ; teats uniform, well placed, of size and shape convenient for milking . . 20 26. Milk veins, large, tortuous ; milk wells large 10 Total 100 Mutton-sheep score-card Class, Fat Wethers General characters Form. — Compact, thick-set and short-legged ; body deep, thick, and of medium length ; top line straight ; under line low in flanks ; scale large for age. Quality. — General refinement and symmetry of clean-cut features ; mutton breed character pronounced ; head, neck, and legs short ; bone fine and smooth ; fleece pure and fine. Condition. — Prime ; a deep, even covering of firm, mellow, and springy flesh, without lumps, patches, rolls, or undue accumulations of fat, especially in back 400 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK loin, rump, or fore flanks ; nock thick ; shoulder-vein full ; top and points of shoulder, back-bone, and loin smoothly covered, and leg of mutton deep and full. Constitution. — Should be thoroughly healthy. Early maturity. — General refinement and comj^actncss ; body large ; ex- tremities small ; shortness of head, neck, and legs ; amplitude of girth in chest, belly, and flanks. Fig. 11. — Parts of the sheep. 1, head ; 2, neck ; 3, shoulder vein ; 4, shoulder ; 5, brisket ; 6, fore leg ; 7, chest ; 8, ribs ; 9, top of shoulder ; 10, back ; 11, loin ; 12, hip ; 13, rump ; 14, tail ; 15, giggot or leg of mutton ; 16, hind leg ; 17, flank ; 18, belly 19, fore flank ; 20, twist. {.Cycle. Amer. Agric.) Scale of points Perfect 1. Age, Score 2. Scale, estimated weight — lb. ; corrected — lb. ; score according to age 12 3. Skin, bright, clean, and free from scurf ; color according to breed . 1 4. Fleece, pure, uniformly long and dense ; crimp, even and fine ; quality fine ; condition bright, clean, and lustrous ; yolk evenly distributed and moderately abundant ; general character according to breed . 12 5. Muzzle, fine, nostrils open 1 6. Face, short ; color and covering according to breed 2 7. Eyes, bright and clear 2 8. Forehead, broad ; wooled according to breed 2 9. Ears, fine ; length, color, covering and carriage according to breed . 2 10. Neck, short and thick, blending smoothly with shoulder 3 11. Shoulder, broad, compact and snug ; thickly and evenly fleshed . , 5 12. Fore legs, straight, short, arm full ; bone fine and smooth ; feet strong; color and covering according to breed 3 13. Chest, deep, broad, and full ; brisket wide, heart-girth large ; fore flanks deep and full 5 14. Back, broad, straight, and of medium length ; ribs well sprung ; thickly and evenly fleshed 10 15. Loin, broad and straight ; thickly and evenly flashed 10 16. Rump, long, level and wide; hips smooth; thickly and evenly fleshed 10 17. Thighs, full, floslied low down, twist deep and full 15 18. Belly. nf)t unduly large 2 19. Hind legs, straight and short, bone fine and smooth ; feet strong ; color and covering according to breed 3 Total 100 POINTS OF SHEEP 401 Breeding-sheep score-card General characters Form. — Compact, thick-set, and short-legged ; body deep, thick, and of me- dium length ; top line straight ; under line low in flanks ; scale large for age. Quality. — General refinement and symmetry of clean-cut features ; breed character pronounced ; head, neck, and legs short ; bone smooth, moderately fine in ewe, somewhat stronger in ram ; fleece pure, fine in ewe, somewhat coarser in ram. Condition. — Great wealth of natural flesh, but not excessively fat ; flesh firm, mellow and springy, without lumps, patches, rolls or undue accumulations of fat, especially in back, loin, rump, and foreflanks ; depth and evenness of flesh consistent with degree of f'^tness. Constitution. — Generous and symmetrical development ; ample heart-girth, capacity of barrel and depth of flanks ; eyes full, bright, and clear ; nostrils large and open ; throat free from lumps ; absence of refinement to point of delicacy ; skin bright ; fleece bright, soft, and long, crimp even, yolk moderately abundant. Early maturity. — General refinement and compactness ; body large, extrem- ities small ; shortness of head, neck, and legs ; amplitude of girth in chest, belly, and flanks. Sexuality. — In males : A bold, active, and aggressive carriage ; great strength without grossness in head, neck, legs, and shoulders ; well-developed sexual organs. In females : General refinement ; good development of barrel ; head, neck, and legs lighter and finer than in ram. Scale of Points Mutton Sheep FlNE- WOOLED Sheep Perfect Score Perfect Score 1. Age, 2. Scale, estimated weight lb. ; corrected lb. ; score according to age 3. Skin, bright, clean, and free from scurf; color ac- cording to breed . ... 10 3 15 1 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 8 5 4. Fleece, pure, uniformly long and dense ; crimp even and fine ; quality fine ; condition bright, clean, and lustrous ; yolk evenly distributed and moder- ately abundant ; general character according to breed 30 5. Muzzle, fine in ewe, broad in ram ; nostrils open . 6. Face, short ; fine in ewe, strong in ram ; color and covering according to breed 7. Eyes, large, bright, and clear 8. Forehead, broad in ewe, still broader in ram ; wooled according to breed 9. Ears, fine ; length, color, covering, and carriage ac- cording to breed ... 1 5 3 3 3 10. Neck, short, blending smoothly with shoulders ; es- pecially thick in ram 2 11. Shoulder, broad, compact, snug, and well fleshed 12. Fore legs, straight, short, arm full, feet strong ; bone smooth, fine in ewe, stronger in ram ; color and covering according to breed 3 3 2d 402 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Scale of Points Mutton Sheep FlNE- WOOLED Sheep Perfect Score Perfect Score 13. Chest, deep, broad, and full ; brisket wide ; heart- girth large ; fore flanks deep and full .... 14. Back, well fleshed, broad, straight, and of medium length ; ribs well sprung 15. Loin, well fleshed, broad, and straight 16. Rump, long, level, wide, and well fleshed .... 17. Thighs, full ; fleshed low down ; twist deep and full 18. Body, deep and capacious in belly and hind flanks . 19. Hind legs, straight and short ; feet strong ; bone smooth, moderately fine in ewe, strong in ram ; color and covering according to breed .... 10 6 6 6 10 4 4 10 4 4 4 6 3 3 Total 100 100 FiQ. 12. — Parts of the hog. a, snout ; h, ear ; c, neck ; d, jowl ; e, shoulder ; /, back ; g, loin ; h, rump ; j, ham ; k, side or ribs ; I, flank ; m, belly ; n, fore flank ; o, fore leg ; p, hind leg {Cyclo. Amer. Agric.) Fat-hog score-card Class, Breeding Hogs General characters Form. — Low-set, broad and deep ; standing squarely on short and strong legs and feet ; back slightly arched ; body compact in male, of good length in female ; under line approximately straight ; scale medium to large, not greatly above average for the breed. Quality. — General refinement of symmetrical and clean-cut features ; bone clean and strong, moderately coarse in male, moderately fine in female ; skin smooth ; hair fine ; head, neck, and legs short ; shields in male notj unduly coarse ; breed characters pronounced. Condition. — Strongly muscled and thickly fleshed, but not excessively fat ; flesh firm, mellow, even, and smooth. POINTS OF SWINE 403 Constitution. — Generous and sj'mmetrical development ; lively carriage ; ample heart-girth, capacity of barrel and depth of flanks ; eyes full, bright, and clear : coat thick, smooth, and bright ; absence of refinement to point of delicacy. Sexuality. — Strongly marked. In males : Active carriage, aggressive dis- position ; strength without grossness in head and legs ; neck arched and heavy ; snout broad ; shoulders strong ; shields present in mature animals ; well de- veloped sexual organs. In female : General refinement of features ; good length and depth in barrel ; full number of well-placed and well-developed teats present ; head lighter than in boar, neck narrower behind ears ; good breadth in loin, hips, and rump. Early maturity. — General refinement and compactness ; body large, extrem- ities small ; shortness of head, neck, and legs ; amplitude of girth in chest, belly, and flanks. Scale of points Perfect Score 1. Age, estimated ; corrected 2. Scale, estimated weight lb. ; corrected lb. ; score accord- ing to age 6 3. Skin, smooth, mellow, and free from scurf 2 4. Hair, thick, bright, smooth, fine, and uniformly distributed ; color and markings according to breed 2 5. Temperament, aggressive in male ; gentle and quiet in female • • , • 2 6. Snout, short and smooth, tapering from face to tip of nose ; broad in male, finer in female 1 7. Face, short, smooth, broad between eyes, dished according to breed ; cheeks full ; forehead high and wide 2 8. Eyes, full, bright, clear and not obscured by wrinkles 1 9. Ears, medium or small, fine in texture, neatly attached, carriage ac- cording to breed 1 10. Jowl, full, smooth, firm, and neat 2 11. Neck, wide, deep, short, and nicely arched, blending smoothly with shoulder ; in male, heavy ; in female, finer behind the ears . . • • 3 12. Shoulder, broad, deep, full, and compact ; heavier in male than in fe- male, but shields not unduly coarse 8 13. Fore legs, short, straight, strong, squarely set, wide apart ; pasterns short ; feet strong ; bone moderately coarse in male, moderately fine in female 6 14. Chest, deep, wide, and full ; breast-bone advanced 8 15. Back and loin, broad, strong, and slightly arched ; moderately short in male, moderately long in female ; thickly and evenly fleshed ; ribs well sprung 12 16. Sides, deep, full, and smooth 8 17. Belly, wide ; under line approximately straight 3 18. Udder (female), full number of well-developed and well-placed teats . Testicles (male), well-developed, both present and normally placed . 8 19. Hind flank, low 2 20. Rump, long, broad, gradually rounding from loin to root of tail ; thickly and evenly fleshed ; hips wide and smooth 6 21. Hams, full, deep, and broad ; fleshed well down to hocks .... 10 22. Hind legs, short, straight, strong, squarely set, wide apart ; pasterns short ; feet strong ; bone moderately coarse in male, moderately fine in female 6 23. Tail, tapering, medium-sized, or small 1 Total 100 The fat-hog is peculiarly an American product. It is universal throughout the corn-belt. It is marked by extreme compactness and by very small development of bone and of waste parts. The hams and sides bring the highest prices, and these have been much developed. The tendency to lay on fat is very marked. 404 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Bacon-hog score-card General characters Form. — Long, deep, smooth, and of medium width ; sides straight ; legs short for the breed ; head light ; back slightly arched, under line straight ; scale large for age ; standard weight 170-200 pounds. Quality. — General refinement of symmetrical and clean-cut features ; bone smooth, fine, and strong ; skin and hair fine and smooth ; head, neck, and legs short for the breed ; bacon hog breed character pronounced. Condition. — Heavily muscled, moderately fat ; covering firm, smooth, and of uniform thickness, especially in sides and belly. Constitution. — Should be thoroughly healthy. Early maturity. — General refinement, especially of head, neck, and legs ; body large ; extremities small ; amplitude of girth in chest, belly, and flanks. Scale of points Perfect Score 1. Scale, large for age 6 2. Skin, smooth and fine ; color according to breed 2 3. Hair, abundant, fine, bright, smooth ; color according to breed . . 4. Snout, shaped according to breed 5. Face, smooth and slightly dished 6. Eyes, full and bright ; not obscured by wrinkles 7. Ears, fine in texture ; shape and position according to breed . . . 8. Jowl, light, smooth, and neat 3 9. Neck, light, medium length 3 10. Shoulders, smooth, compact, free from any coarseness ; moderately fat 8 11. Fore legs, straight, short for the breed ; bone fine, strong, and smooth ; pasterns upright, feet strong 3 12. Chest, deep ; full in heart-girth 5 13. Back and loin, long, smooth, strong, medium and uniform in width ; moderatelj^ fat 15 14. Rump, long, smooth, medium in width ; rounding from loin to tail ; moderately fat 5 15. Hams, firm, smoothly covered, fleshed deep and low toward hocks . 10 16. Sides, long, smooth, deep, straight, moderately fat 20 17. Belly, long, smooth, straight, and firm 12 18. Hind legs, straight, short for the breed ; bone fine, strong, and smooth, pasterns upright ; feet strong 3 Total 100 Market Classes and Grades Beef, veal, mutton, and pork recognized in Chicago wholesale markets. (Hall, Illinois Station.) Beef The general divisions of the beef trade are (1) Carcass Beef, (2) Beef Cuts, and (3) Cured Beef Products. Carcass Beef. — The classes are Steers, Heifers, Cows, and Bulls and Stags. They differ not only in sex, but also in the uses to which they are adapted. GRADES OF BEEF AND VEAL 405 The grades within these classes are prime, choice, good, medium, common, and canners. The grades are based on differences in form, thickness, finish, quaUty, soundness, and weight. The terms " Native," " Western," and " Texas " beef each include various classes and grades of carcasses, and refer to general differences in form, finish, and quality. The terms " Yearlings," '' Distillers," " Butcher," and " Kosher " also include various classes and grades of beef, and merely indicate characteristic features of carcass beef used by certain branches of the trade. "Shipping beef" refers to that sent to eastern cities and consists principally of steers, heifers and cows of medium to prime grades. Export beef consists largely of medium to prime steers. Beef Cuts. — The " straight cuts " of beef are Loins, Ribs, Rounds, Chucks, Plates, Flanks, and Shanks. The grades of beef cuts are No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and Strippers. The grade of a beef cut depends upon its thickness, covering, quality, and weight. Cured Beef Products. — These are classified as (1) Barreled, (2) Smoked, and (3) Canned Beef. Barreled Beef is graded as Extra India Mess, Extra Plate, Regular Plate, Packet, Common Plate, Rolled Boneless, Prime Mess, Extra Mess, Rump Butt and Mess Chuck Beef, Beef Hams and Scotch Buttocks. Smoked Beef consists of Dried Beef Hams, Dried Beef Clods, and Smoked Brisket Beef. Canned Beef consists principally of Chipped Beef, Beef Loaf, Corned and Roast Beef. Veal The divisions of the veal trade are (1) Carcass Veal and (2) Veal Cuts. Carcass Veal. — The grades are choice, good, medium, light, and heavy. The grade of a veal carcass depends upon its form, quality, finish, and weight. The terms " Native " and " Western " veal each include several grades of calves, and refer to general differences in form, quality, and finish. Veal Cuts. — The regular veal cuts are Saddles and Racks. They are graded as choice, good, medium, and common, according to the same factors as carcass veal. 406 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE STOCK Subdivisions of the regular cuts are made in some markets and sim- ilarly graded. Mutton and Lamb The divisions of the trade are (1) Carcass Mutton and Lamb and (2) Mutton and Lamb Cuts. Carcass Mutton and Lamb. — The classes are Wethers, Ewes, Bucks, Yearlings, and Lambs. The grades within these classes are choice, good, medium, common and culls. The grades are based on differences in form, quality, covering, and weight. The shipping trade goes principally to cities in the eastern seaboard states, and consists largely of medium to choice lambs. Mutton and Lamb Cuts. — The leading cuts are Saddles and Racks, together with Legs, Loins, Short Racks, Stews, and Backs. They are graded in the same manner as carcass mutton and lamb. Pork Hog products are described under three heads : (1) Dressed Hogs, (2) Pork Cuts, and (3) Lard. Dressed Hogs. — The classes are Smooth, Heavy, Butcher, Packing and Bacon Hogs, Shippers, and Pigs. The classification is based on the uses to which the hogs are adapted. Distinct grades are recognized only in the Packing and Bacon classes, the former being based on weight and the latter chieflj'' on quality and finish. Pork Cuts. — The classes are Hams, Sides, Bellies, Backs, Loins, Shoulders, Butts and Plates, and Miscellaneous. Pork cuts are quoted as fresh pork, dry-salt and bacon meats, bar- reled or plain-pickled pork, sweet-pickled meats, smoked meats, " Eng- lish " meats, and boiled meats, respectively. The grading of pork cuts is much more complex than that of other meats. It involves not only their quality, shape, finish, and weight, but also the styles of cutting and methods of packing used. Lard. — The grades are Kettle-Rendered Leaf, Kettle-Rendered, Neutral, Prime Steam, Refined, and Compound Lard. The grading is based on the kinds of fat, included, method of rendering, color, flavor and grain. GRADES OF PORK AND SWINE 407 Grades Prime heavy hogs, 350 to 500 lb. , Butcher hogs, 180 to 350 lb. Packing hogs, 200 to 500 lb. Light hogs, 125 to 220 lb. Pigs, 60 to 125 lb. Swine Subclasses Grades Prime Heavy butchers. 280 to 350 lb [Wo^A Bacon Medium butchers, 220 to 280 lb | E"™,^ Light butchers. 180 to 220 lb [Common Heavy packing. 300 to 500 lb Good Medium packing. 250 to 300 lb ] Common Mixed packing, 200 to 280 lb [ Inferior [ Choice English, 160 to 220 lb Light LFat I Choice Good Common I Good Light mixed, 150 to 220 lb Common [ Inferior Good Light light, 125 to 150 lb ] Common [ Inferior Choice Good Common Roughs. Stags. Boars. Miscellaneous : — Roasting pigs, 15 to 30 lb. Feeders. Governments. Pen-holders. Dead hogs. Roughs are hogs of all sizes that are coarse, rough, and lacking in condition — too inferior to be classed as packing hogs or as light mixed hogs. The pork from these hogs is used for the cheaper class of trade for both packing and fresh meat purposes. Stags are hogs that at one time were boars beyond the pig stage and have been subsequently castrated. They sell with a dockage of eighty pounds. If they are of good quality and condition and do not show too much stagginess, they go in with the various grades of packing hogs. When they are coarse and staggy in appearance, they are sold in the same class with boars. The intermediar}^ grades sell for prices ranging between these extremes, dependent on their freedom from stagginess and their quality and condition. 408 EXHIBITING AND JUDGING LIVE-STOCK Boars are always sold in a class by themselves, aud bring from $2 to $3 per hundredweight less than the best hogs on the market at the same time. They always sell straight, with no dockage. There is no distinction as to grades ; they simply sell as boars. The pork from these animals is used to supply the cheaper class of trade, and also for making sausage. Roasting pigs are not generally quoted in market reports. They come to market in small numbers and only during holiday seasons, and their price varies greatly. Feeders are hogs bought on the market and taken back to the country to be further fed, a practice which is followed only to a very limited extent. Governments are hogs rejected by the government inspector as not sound in every respect. They are usually bought up by a local dealer and taken to one of the smaller packing houses, where they are slaugh- tered under the supervision of an inspector. If found to be affected so as to make their flesh unfit for human food, they are condemned, slaughtered, and tanked. The tank is a large, steam-tight receptacle, like a steam boiler, in which the lard is rendered under steam pressure. This high degree of heat destroys all disease germs with which the diseased carcass may have been affected. The product of the tank is converted into grease and fertilizer. The commission men who sell the stock as it comes to the yards, and the speculators who handle part of it, pay nothing for their privi- lege of doing business in the yards. They hold their respective positions by common consent and their respective pens by keeping hogs in them. These hogs are called pen-holders, and have no influence on the market. Dead hogs are those killed in the cars in transit. They are used for the manufacture of grease, soap, and fertilizer. CHAPTER XXII Computing the Ration for Farm Animals Modern experiments (principally German) have resulted in formu- lating standard rations for different animals at different ages and under different conditions. These feeding standards are only approximate guides, but they are sufficient for practical purposes. Computing by Energy Values A method is proposed of calculating feeding requirements, reckoned on the protein and the energy values or therms of chemical energy. A therm is the heat required to raise the temperature of 1,000 kilo- grams of water 1° C. The chemical energy contained in anthracite is 3.583 therms per pound. (A pound of anthracite produces heat enough to raise the temperature of 3.583 kilograms of water 1° C.) In the same way the amount of chemical energy contained in many feeding stuffs has been measured. Following are determinations of chemical energy in 100 pounds (with 15 per cent moisture) : — Therms Therms Timothy hay 175.1 Corn-meal 170.9 Clover hay 173.2 Oats 180.6 Oat straw 171.0 Wheat bran 175.5 Wheat straw 171.4 Linseed-meal 196.7 Maintenance requirements of cattle and horses, per day and head (Armsby) (Production requirements are also determined, and must be used in calculat- ing rations.) Cattle Horses Live Weight Digestible Energy Digestible Energy protein value protein value Pounds Pounds Therms Pounds Therms 150 0.15 1.70 0.30 2.00 250 0.20 2.40 0.40 2.80 500 0.30 3.80 0.60 4.40 750 0.40 4.95 0.80 5.80 1000 0.50 6.00 1.00 7.00 1250 0.60 7.00 1.20 8.15 1500 0.65 7.90 1.30 9.20 409 410 COMPUTING THE RATION FOR FARM ANIMALS Computing on Basis of Quality and Quantity of Milk " The quality of milk is quite as important a factor in formulat- ing a feeding standard or guide to feeding practice, as quantity of milk yielded," according to Haecker (Minn. Bull. 79). " It would seem quite as consistent to feed an animal food regardless of its composition as to feed an assumed ration regardless of the composi- tion of the product which is to be elaborated from the nutrients of the food." It is probably not possible to "feed fat into milk," provided the animal is otherwise well nourished, but the Haecker standards are not founded on that idea, but on the assumption that the greater the yield of butter-fat the greater should be the feed of maintenance. This method is sometimes used instead of the German method (p. 413), in figuring rations for dairy cows. Net nutrients used by mature cows for the production of one pound of milk testing a given per cent butter-fat (Haecker) Protein Carbohy- drates Ether Extract Milk testing 2.5 .0362 .164 .0124 . . 2.6 .0369 .167 .0126 . 2.7 .0376 .171 .0128 . 2.8 .0383 .174 .0131 . . 2.9 .0390 .177 .0133 . 3.0 .0397 .181 .0136 . 3.1 .0404 .184 .0138 . 3.2 .0411 .187 .0140 . 3.3 .0418 .190 .0142 . 3.4 .0425 .194 .0145 . 3.5 .0432 .197 .0147 . 3.6 .0439 .200 .0149 . 3.7 .0446 .204 .0152 . 3.8 .0453 .207 .0154 . 3.9 .0460 .210 .0156 . 4.0 .0467 .214 ,0159 . 4.1 .0474 .217 .0161 . 4.2 .0481 .220 .0163 . 4.3 .0488 .223 .0165 . 4.4 .0495 .227 .0168 . 4.5 .0502 .230 .0170 . 4.6 .0509 .233 .0172 . 4.7 . 4.8 . 4.9 .0516 .0523 .0530 .237 .240 .243 .0175 .0177 .0179 THE HAECKER STANDARDS 411 Net nutrients used by mature cows — Continued Protein Carbohy- drates Ether Extract Milk testing . . . 5.0 .0537 .247 .0182 " . . . 5.1 .0544 .250 .0185 << . . . 5.2 .0551 .253 .0187 ran . . 8.2 4!9 12.6 32.9 37.9 3.5 4 Buckwheat shorts . 11.1 5.1 27.1 8.3 40.8 7.6 2 Buckwheat middlings 12.8 5.0 26.7 4.4 44.3 6.8 40 Sorghum seed 12.8 2.1 9.1 2.6 69.8 3.6 10 Broom-corn seed 12.8 2.8 9.9 7.0 64.3 3.2 4 Kafir seed .... 9.9 1.6 11.2 2.7 71.5 3.1 19 Millet seed . . . 12.1 2.8 10.9 8.1 62.6 3.5 6 Hungarian-grass seed 9.5 5.0 9.9 7.7 63.2 4.7 1 Flax seed .... 9.2 4.3 22.6 7.1 23.2 33.7 50 Linseed meal (old process) 9.8 5.5 33.9 7.3 35.7 7.8 191 Linseed meal (now process) 9.0 5.5 37.5 8.9 36.4 2.0 52 Cottonseed 10.3 3.5 18.4 23.2 24.7 19.9 5 Cottonseed roasted 6.1 5.5 16.8 20!4 23.5 27.7 2 Cottonseed meal 7.0 6.6 45.3 6.3 24.6 10.2 319 Cottonseed hulls 11.1 2.8 4.2 46.3 33.4 2.2 20 Cottonseed kernels (with- out hulls) 6.2 4.7 31.2 3.7 17.6 36.6 2 Coooanut cake . . . . 10.3 5.9 19.7 14.4 38.7 11.0 — Palm-nut meal . . . . 10.4 4.3 16.8 24.0 35.0 9.5 600 Sunflower seed . . . . 8.6 2.6 16.3 29.9 21.4 21.2 2 COMPOSITION OF FEEDING-STUFFS Table II — Continued 421 Percentage Composition No. of Feeding-stuffs Nitro- gen-free extract analy- Water Ash Protein Crude fiber Ether extract ses Sunflower-seed cake 10.8 6.7 32.8 13.5 27.1 9.1 Peanut kernel (without hulls) 7.5 2.4 27.9 7.0 15.6 39.6 7 Peanut cake 10.7 4.9 47.6 5.1 23.7 8.0 2480 Rape-seed cake .... 10.0 7.9 31.2 11.3 30.0 9.6 500 Pea meal 10.5 2.6 20.2 14.4 51.1 1.2 2 Soybean 11.7 4.8 33.5 4.5 28.3 17.2 16 Cowpea 14.6 3.2 20.5 3.9 56.3 1.5 2 Horse bean 11.3 3.8 26.6 7.2 50.1 1.0 1 Roughage Corn forage, field-cured — Fodder corn 42.2 2.7 4.5 14.3 34.7 1.6 35 Corn stover (ears removed) 40.5 3.4 3.8 19.7 31.5 1.1 60 Corn forage, green — Fodder corn, all varieties . 79.3 1.2 1.8 5.0 12.2 0.5 126 Dent, kernels glazed 73.4 1.5 2.0 6.7 15.5 0.9 7 Flint, kernels glazed 77.1 1.1 2.7 4.3 14.6 0.8 10 Sweet varieties .... 79.1 1.3 1.9 4.4 12.8 0.5 21 Leaves and husks 66.2 2.9 2.1 8.7 19.0 1.1 4 Stripped stalks .... 76.1 0.7 0.5 7.3 14.9 0.5 4 Hay from grasses — Hay from mixed grasses . 15.3 5.5 7.4 27.2 42.1 2.5 126 Timothy, all analyses . . 13.2 4.4 5.9 29.0 45.0 2.5 68 Timothy, cut in full bloom 15.0 4.5 6.0 29.6 41.9 3.0 12 Timothy, cut soon after bloom 14.2 4.4 5.7 28.1 44.6 3.0 11 Timothy, cut when nearly ripe 14.1 3.9 5.0 31.1 43.7 2.2 12 Orchard-grass .... 9.9 6.0 8.1 32.4 41.0 2.6 10 Red-top, cut at different stages 8.9 5.2 7.9 28.6 47.5 1.9 9 Red-top, cut in bloom . . 8.7 4.9 8.0 29.9 46.4 2.1 3 Kentucky blue-grass . . 21.2 6.3 7.8 23.0 37.8 3.9 10 Kentucky blue-grass, cut when seed is in milk . . 24.4 7.0 6.3 24.5 34.2 3.6 4 Kentucky blue-grass, cut when seed is ripe . . . 27.8 6.4 5.8 23.8 33.2 3.0 4 Hungarian-grass .... 7.7 6.0 7.5 27.7 49.0 2.1 13 Meadow fescue .... 20.0 6.8 7.0 25.9 38.4 2.7 9 Italian rye-grass .... 8.5 6.9 7.5 30.5 45.0 1.7 4 Perennial rye-grass . . . 14.0 7.9 10.1 25.4 40.5 2.1 4 Rowen (mixed) .... 16.6 6.8 11.6 22.5 39.4 3.1 23 Mixed grasses and clovers . 12.9 5.5 10.1 27.6 41.3 2.6 17 Barley hay, cut in milk . 15.0 4.2 8.8 24.7 44.9 2.4 1 422 COMPUTING THE RATION FOR FARM ANIMALS Table II — Continued Percentage Composition No. of iiEEDINQ-STUFFS Nitro- gen-free extract analy- Water Ash Protein Crude fiber Ether extract ses Oat hay, cut in milk . . 14.0 5.7 8.9 27.4 41.2 2.S 4 Swamp hay 11.6 6.7 7.2 26.6 45.9 2.0 8 Salt-marsh hay .... 10.4 7.7 5.5 30.0 44.1 2.4 10 ^Vild-oat grass .... 14.3 3.8 5.0 25.0 48.8 3.3 1 Buttercups 9.3 5.6 9.9 30.6 41.1 3.5 2 White daisy 10.3 6.6 7.7 30.0 42.0 3.4 2 Johnson-grass .... 10.2 6.1 7.2 2S.5 45.9 2.1 2 Fresh grass — Pasture grass 80.0 2.0 3.5 4.0 9.7 0.8 — Kentucky blue-grass . . 65.1 2.8 4.1 9.1 17.6 1.3 18 Timothy, different stages . 61.6 2.1 3.1 11.8 20.2 1.2 56 Orchard-grass, in bloom . 73.0 2.0 2.6 8.2 13.3 0.9 4 Red-top, in bloom . 65.3 2.3 2.8 11.0 17.7 0.9 5 Oat fodder 62.2 2.5 3.4 11.2 19.3 1.4 6 Rye fodder 76.6 1.8 2.6 11.6 6.8 0.6 / Sorghum fodder .... 79.4 1.1 1.3 6.1 11.6 0.5 11 Barley fodder .... 79.0 1.8 2.7 7.9 8.0 0.6 1 Hungarian-grass .... 71.1 1.7 3.1 9.2 14.2 0.7 14 Meadow fescue, in bloom . 69.9 1.8 2.4 10.8 14.3 0.8 4 Italian rye-grass, coming into bloom 73.2 2.5 3.1 6.8 13.3 1.3 24 Tall oat-grass, in bloom . 69.5 2.0 2.4 9.4 15.8 0.9 3 Japanese millet .... 75.0 1.5 2.1 7.8 13.1 0.5 12 Barnyard millet .... 75.0 1.9 2.4 7.0 13.1 0.6 2 Hay from legumes — Red clover 15.3 6.2 12.3 24.8 38.1 3.3 38 Red clover in bloom . . . 20.8 6.6 12.4 21.9 33.8 4.5 6 Red clover, mammoth . . 21.2 6.1 10.7 24.5 33.6 3.9 10 Alsike clover 9.7 8.3 12.8 25.6 40.7 2.9 9 White clover 9.7 8.3 15.7 24.1 39.3 2.9 7 Crimson clover .... 9.6 8.6 15.2 27.2 36.6 2.8 7 Japan clover 11.0 8.5 13.8 24.0 39.0 3.7 2 Alfalfa 8.4 7.4 14.3 25.0 42.7 2.2 21 Cowpea 10.5 14.2 8.9 21.2 42.6 2.6 17 Soybean 11.8 7.0 14.9 24.2 37.8 4.3 12 Pea vine 15.0 6.7 13.7 24.7 37.6 2.3 1 Vetch 11.3 7.9 17.0 25.4 36.1 2.3 5 Flat pea 8.4 7.9 22.9 2G.2 31.4 3.2 5 Peanut vines (without nuts) 7.0 10.8 10.7 23.6 42.7 4.6 6 Fresh legumes — Red clover, different stages 70.8 2.1 4.4 8.1 13.5 1.1 43 Alsike clover 74.8 2.0 3.9 7.4 11.0 0.9 4 Crimson clover .... 80.9 1.7 3.1 5.2 8.4 0.7 3 Alfalfa 71.8 2.7 4.8 7.4 12.3 1.0 23 Cowpea 83.6 1.7 2.4 4.8 7.1 0.4 10 COMPOSITION OF FEEDING-STUFFS 423 Table II — Continued Percentage Composition No. of Feeding-stuffs Nitro- gen-free extract analy- Water Ash Protein Crude fiber Ether extract ses Soybean 75.1 2.6 4.0 6.7 10.6 1.0 27 Horse bean 84.2 1.2 2.8 4.9 6.5 0.4 2 Straw — Wheat 9.6 4.2 3.4 38.1 43.4 1.3 7 Rye 7.1 3.2 3.0 38.9 46.6 1.2 7 Oat 9.2 5.1 4.0 37.0 42.4 2.3 12 Barley 14.2 5.7 3.5 36.0 39.0 1.5 97 Wheat chaff 14.3 9.2 4.5 36.0 34.6 1.4 — Oat chaff 14.3 10.0 4.0 34.0 36.2 1.5 — Buckwheat-straw . . . 9.9 5.5 5.2 43.0 35.1 1.3 3 Soybean 10.1 5.8 4.6 40.4 37.4 1.7 4 Horse bean 9.2 8.7 8.8 37.6 34.3 1.4 1 Silage — Corn (immature) .... 79.1 1.4 1.7 6.0 11.0 0.8 99 Sorghum 76.1 1.1 0.8 6.4 15.3 0.3 6 Red clover 72.0 2.6 4.2 8.4 11.6 1.2 5 Soybean 74.2 2.8 4.1 9.7 6.9 2.2 1 Cowpea vine 79.3 2.9 2.7 6.0 7.6 1.5 2 Barnyard millet and soy- bean 79.0 2.8 2.8 7.2 7.2 1.0 9 Corn and soybean . . . 76.0 2.4 2.5 7.2 11.1 0.8 4 Rye 80.8 1.6 2.4 5.8 9.2 0.3 1 Roots and tubers — Potato 79.1 0.9 2.1 0.4 17.4 0.1 41 Beets, common 88.5 1.0 1.5 0.9 8.0 0.1 9 Beets, sugar . 86.5 0.9 1.8 0.9 9.8 0.1 19 Beet, mangel 90.9 1.1 1.4 0.9 5.5 0.2 9 Turnip . . 90.1 0.9 1.3 1.2 6.3 0.2 8 Rutabaga . 88.6 1.2 1.2 1.3 7.5 0.2 4 Carrot . . 88.6 1.0 1.1 1.3 7.6 0.4 8 Parsnip . . 88.3 0.7 1.6 1.0 10.2 0.2 — Artichoke . 79.5 1.0 2.6 0.8 15.9 0.2 2 Sweet-potato 68.3 1.1 1.9 1.1 26.8 0.7 48 Miscellaneous Cabbage 90.0 0.8 2.6 0.9 5.5 0.2 1 Sugar-beet leaves 88.0 2.4 2.6 2.2 4.4 0.4 — Pumpkin (field) . 90.9 0.5 1.3 1.7 5.2 0.4 — Prickly comfrey 88.4 2.2 2.4 1.6 5.1 0.3 41 Rape . . . 84.5 2.0 2.3 2.6 8.4 0.5 2 Apples . . . 80.8 0.4 0.7 1.2 16.6 0.4 3 Cow's milk 87.2 0.7 3.6 — 4.9 3.7 793 Cow's milk, colostrum 74.6 1.6 17.6 — 2.7 3.6 42 Skim-milk, gravity . 90.4 0.7 3.3 — 4.7 0.9 96 Skim-milk, centrifugal 90.6 0.7 3.1 — 5.3 0.3 97 424 COMPUTING THE RATION FOR FARM ANIMALS Table II — Continued Percentage Composition No. of analy- Feedinq-stuffs Crude fiber Nitro- Ether extract Water Ash Protein gen-free extract ses Buttermilk 90.1 0.7 4.0 4.0 1.1 85 Whcv 93.8 0.4 0.6 — 5.1 0.1 46 Dried blood 8.5 4.7 84.4 — — 2.5 3 Meat scrap 10.7 4.1 71.2 — 0.3 13.7 144 Dried fish ... . . 10.8 29.2 48.4 — — 11.6 6 Beet pulp (wet) . . 89.8 0.6 0.9 2.4 6.3 — 116 Beet molasses . 20.8 10.6 9.1 — 59.5 — 35 Apple pomace , 83.0 0.6 1.0 2.9 11.6 0.9 6 SorKhum bagasse , 83.9 0.6 0.6 3.2 11.71 — 2 Distillery slops . 93.7 0.2 1.9 0.6 2.8 0.9 1 Dried sediment from dis- tillery slops .... 5.0 11.3 27.4 8.0 36.1 12.3 1 1 Includes fat (sorghum bagasse). T.\BLE III. — Digestible Nutrients in 1 lb. of the More Common Feeding-stuffs (Calculations by J. L. Stone) Kind and Amount of Feed Total Dry Mat- ter Pounds of Digestible Nutrients Protein Carbo- hydrates + (fat X 2.25) Total Nutri- tive Ratio Soiling fodder — Fodder corn Peas-and-oats Peas-and-barley (Practically the same as peas-and-oats) Red clover Alfalfa Hungarian-grass Corn silage Roots and tubers — Potatoes Beet, mangel Beet, sugar Carrot Flat turnip Hay and straw — Timothy Mixed grasses and clover .... Hungarian hay Red clover hay .20 .16 .16 .29 .28 .29 .21 .21 .09 .13 .11 .10 .87 .87 .92 .85 .010 .018 .017 .029 .039 .020 .009 .009 .011 .011 .008 .010 .028 .062 .045 .068 .125 .076 .077 .164 .138 .169 .129 .165 .056 .104 .082 .077 .465 .460 .546 .396 .135 .094 .094 .193 .177 .189 .138 .174 .067 .115 .090 .087 .493 .522 .591 .464 12.5 4.2 4.5 5.6 3.5 8.4 14.3 1: 18.3 1:5.1 1: 9.4 1 : 10.3 1:7.7 16.6 7.4 12.1 5.8 DIGESTIBILITY OF FEEDING-STUFFS 425 Table III — Continued Kind and Amount of Feed Total Dry Mat- Pounds OF Digestible Nutrients Protein Carbo- hydrates + (fat X 2.25) Total Nutri- tive Ratio Alfalfa hay Corn fodder . Corn stover . Pea-vine straw Bean-straw Wheat-straw . Oat-straw . Grain — Corn (average) Wheat . . . Rye . . . . Barley . . . Oats . . . Buckwheat Peas Mill products — Corn-and-cob meal Wheat bran Wheat middlings Dark feeding flour Low-grade flour Rye bran Buckwheat bran Buckwheat middlings By-products — Malt-sprouts Brewers' grains, wet Brewers' grains, dry Buffalo gluten feed Chicago gluten meal Distillers' dried grains, Bile's xxxx Hominy chops Linseed meal (old process) . . . Linseed meal (new process) . . . Cottonseed meal Miscellaneous — Cabbage Sugar-beet leaves Pea-vine silage Sugar-beet pulp Beet molasses Apple pomace Apples Skim-milk, centrifugal . . . . Buttermilk .92 .58 .60 .86 .95 .90 .91 .89 .90 .88 .89 .89 .87 .90 .85 .88 .88 .90 .90 .87 .90 .24 .92 .90 .88 .92 .89 .91 .90 .92 .15 .12 .27 .10 .79 .233 .19 .094 .10 .110 .025 .017 .043 .036 .004 .012 .079 .102 .099 .087 .092 .077 .168 .044 .122 .128 .135 .082 .115 .074 .220 .186 .039 .157 .232 .322 .248 .075 .293 .282 .372 .018 .017 .025 .006 .091 .011 .007 .029 .039 .423 .373 .340 .341 .397 .372 .404 .764 .730 .700 .692 .568 .533 .534 .665 .453 .607 .658 .647 .548 .347 .456 .409 .125 .478 .699 .468 .552 .705 .485 .464 .444 .091 .051 .141 .073 .595 .164 .188 .059 .065 .533 .398 .357 .384 .433 .376 .416 .843 .832 .799 .779 .660 .610 .702 .709 .575 .735 .793 .729 .663 .421 .676 .595 .164 .635 .931 .790 .800 .780 .778 .746 .816 .109 .068 .166 .079 .686 .175 .195 .088 .104 1:3.8 1: 14.C 1: 19.C 1:7.9 1: ll.C 1:93 1 : 33.e 1:9.7 1:7.2 1:7.1 1:7.9 1:6.2 1:6.9 1:3.2 1: 15.1 1:3.7 1:4.7 1:4.9 1:7.9 1:4.8 1:4.7 1:2.1 1:2.2 1 :3.2 1:3 1:3 1: 1.5 1: 2.2 1:9.4 1: 1.7 1: 1.6 1: 1.2 1:5.1 1:3 1:5.6 1: 12 1: 6.5 1 : 14.9 1 : 26.8 1: 2 1: 1.7 426 COMPUTING THE RATION FOR FARM ANIMALS Table IV. Average Fertilizing Constituents in American Feeding-stuffs Name of Feed Concentrates Corn, all analyses . . . Corn cob Corn-and-cob meal . . . Corn bran Gluten meal Germ meal Starch refuse Grano-gluten Hominy chops Glucose meal Sugar meal Gluten feed Wheat High-grade flour .... Low-grade flour .... Dark feeding flour . . . "Wheat bran Wheat shorts Wheat middlings .... Wheat screenings .... Rye Rye bran Rye shorts Barley Malt-sprouts Brewers' grains, wet . Brewers' grains, dried Oats Oat feed or shorts . . . Oat hulls Rice Rice hulls Rice bran Rice polish Buckwheat Buckwheat hulls .... Buckwheat bran .... Buckwheat middlings . . Sorghum seed Broom-corn seed .... Millet Flax seed Linseed meal (old process) . Linseed meal (new process) Cottonseed Cottonseed meal .... Fertilizing Constituents in 1000 Lbs. Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Potash Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 18.2 7.0 4.0 3.9 0.6 6.0 13.6 5.7 4.7 17.9 10.1 6.2 54.8 3.3 0.5 34.7 3.9 2.1 7.6 2.9 1.5 49.8 5.1 1.5 16.8 9.8 4.9 57.7 36.3 4.1 0.3 40.0 3.7 0.4 19.0 5.5 8.7 19.2 5.7 5.4 28.9 5.6 3.5 29.4 21.4 10.9 24.6 26.9 15.2 28.2 13.5 5.9 26.3 9.5 6.3 20.0 11.7 8.4 18.1 8.6 5.8 23.3 22.8 14.0 18.4 12.6 8.1 19.2 7.9 4.8 42.1 17.4 19.9 10.7. 4.2 0.5 40.0 16.1 2.0 18.2 7.8 4.8 12.8 6.1 7.2 5.3 1.6 4.9 11.8 1.8 0.9 5.1 1.7 1.4 19.0 2.9 2.4 19.0 26.7 7.1 17.3 6.9 3.0 7.3 4.3 14.7 20.2 4.2 12.7 42.7 12.3 11.4 14.6 8.4 3.4 15.8 7.2 5.2 17.4 6.5 3.3 36.2 13.9 10.3 54.2 16.6 13.7 60.0 17.4 13.4 29.4 10.5 10.9 72.5 30.4 15.8 FERTILIZING VALUES IN FEEDING-STUFFS 427 Table IV — Continued Name of Food Concentrates Cottonseed hulls .... Cocoanut cake Palm-nut cake Sunflower seed Sunflower-seed cakes . . . Peanut cake Rape-seed cake .... Peas Soybean Horse bean Roughage Fodder corn — Fodder corn, green Fodder corn, field-cured Fresh grass — Pasture grasses Kentucky blue-grass . . . Timothy, different stages . Orchard-grass, in bloom . Red-top, in bloom . . . Oat forage in mUk .... Rye forage Sorghum fodder .... Meadow fescue, in bloom . Hungarian-grass .... Hay — Timothy (all analyses) . . Orchard-grass Red-top Kentucky blue-grass . . . Hungarian-grass .... Mixed grasses Rowen (mixed) .... Meadow fescue .... Mixed grasses and clover . Soybean hay Straw — Wheat Rve Oat Barley Wheat chaff Fertilizing Constituents in 1000 Lbs. Nitrogen Lbs. 6.7 31.5 26.9 26.1 52.5 76.2 49.9 37.9 53.6 42.6 2.9 7.2 5.6 6.6 5.0 4.2 4.5 5.4 4.2 2.1 3.8 5.0 9.4 12.9 12.6 12.5 12.1 11.9 18.6 11.2 16.2 23.8 5.0 5.0 5.8 7.0 7.2 Phosphoric Acid Lbs. 4.3 16.0 11.0 12.2 21.5 20.0 20.0 8.4 10.4 12.0 1.1 5.4 2.6 2.6 1.6 1.3 2.5 0.7 1.2 3.3 3.7 3.6 4.0 4.3 2.7 4.3 4.0 6.7 2.2 2.5 3.0 2.0 3.8 428 COMPUTING THE RATION FOR FARM ANIMALS Table IV — Continued Name of Food Fresh legumes— Roughage Red clover, dififerent stages Alsike, bloom Crimson clover Alfalfa Cowpea Soybean Legume hay and straw — Red clover, medium .... Red clover, mammoth . . . Alsike clover White clover Crimson clover Alfalfa Cowpea Soybean straw Pea-vine straw Silage — Corn Roots and tubers — Potato Beet, common Beet, sugar Beet, mangel Flat turnip Rutabaga Carrot Parsnip Artichoke Miscellaneous Cabbage Spurry Sugar-beet leaves Pumpkin, garden Prickly comfrey Rape Dried blood Meat scrap Dried fish Beet pulp, wet Beet molasses Cow's milk Cow's milk, colostrum . Skim-milk, gravity .... Skim-milk, centrifugal . Buttermilk Whey Fertilizing Constituents in 1000 Lbs. •vt:* Phosphoric Nitrogen ^^j^ Lbs. 7.0 6.2 5.0 7.7 3.8 6.4 19.7 17.1 20.5 25.1 24.3 21.9 14.3 17.5 14.3 4.3 3.4 1.6 2.4 0.8 2.9 0.8 2.2 0.9 2.1 0.9 1.9 1.2 1.8 0.9 2.6 2.0 4.2 1.4 4.2 1.1 3.8 2.5 4.2 1.5 2.9 1.6 3.7 1.2 3.5 1.2 135.0 13.5 114.0 81.1 77.4 140.0 1.4 0.3 14.5 0.5 5.8 1.9 28.2 6.6 5.6 2.0 5.0 2.1 6.4 1.7 1.0 1.1 Lbs. 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 5.5 5.2 5.0 7.8 4.0 5.1 5.2 4.0 3.5 1.1 CHAPTER XXIII External Parasites of Animals The many diseases of farm live-stock cannot be treated in a book of this kind, and very brief advice might be more dangerous than useful ; but the ticks, lice, fleas, and similar things that infest animals may be included. The spraying of live-stock is as important, in many cases, as the spraying of plants. Handling the cattle-tick, or Texas-fever tick (Margaropus annulatus) (H. W. Graybill, Bur. Animal Ind., U. S. Dept. Agric.) On the pasture there are three stages of the tick — the engorged female, the egg, and the larva ; and on the host are four stages — the larva, the nymph, the sexually mature adult of both sexes, and the engorged condition of the female. Animals may be freed of ticks in two ways. They may be treated with an agent that will destroy all the ticks present, or they may be rotated at proper intervals on tick-free fields until all the ticks have dropped. Dips for cattle-ticks, their preparation and use Crude petroleum. — Various kinds of crude petroleum have been used with more or less success in destroying ticks. The heavier varieties of oil are very injurious to cattle. On the other hand, the very light oils are so volatile that their effect lasts but a short time thus rendering them less efficient. The petroleum known as Beau- mont oil, obtained from Texas wells, has given the best results. The best grade of this oil to use is one that has a specific gravity ranging from 22j° to 24^° Beaume, containing \\ to I2 per cent of sulfur, and 40 per cent of the bulk of which boils between 200° and 300° C. The oil may be applied by employing a spray pump or a dipping vat. Animals that have been dipped in crude oil, especially during warm 429 430 EXTERNAL PARASITES OF ANIMALS weather, should not be driven any great distance immediately after- wards, and should be provided with shade and an abundance of water. Unless these precautions are observed serious injur}^ and losses may result. Emulsions of crude petroleum. — In the majority of cases the best agent to use is an emulsion of crude petroleum, preferably Beaumont crude petroleum. The use of the emulsion makes the treatment less expensive than when the oil alone is used. The emulsion is not so injurious to the cattle and is almost if not quite as effective as the oil alone. The formula for preparing an emulsion of crude petroleum is as follows : — Hard soap 1 lb. Soft or freestone water 1 gal. Beaumont crude petroleum 4 gal. Making five gallons of 80 per cent stock emulsion. When a greater quantity of stock emulsion is desired, each of the quantities in the above formula should be multiplied by such a number as to furnish the required amount. For example, if it should be con- venient to mix 10 gallons at one time, the quantities would have to be multiplied by 2 and if 15 gallons were desired, they would have to be multiplied by 3, and so on. In preparing the emulsion the soap should be shaved up and placed in a kettle or caldron containing the required amount of water. The water should be brought to a boil and stirred until the soap is entirely dissolved. Enough water should be added to make up for the loss by evaporation during this process. The soap solution and the required amount of oil are then placed in a barrel or some other convenient re- ceptacle, and mixed. The mixing maybe effected by the use of a spray pump, pumping the mixture through and through the pump until the emulsion is formed. A convenient and time-saving method is to do the mixing in a barrel by first pouring in one part of hot soap solution and then four parts of crude petroleum, and repeating this until the barrel is filled. The oil should be poured in with as much force as pos- sible, and the mixture stirred constantly with a long paddle until the oil is completely emulsified. The mixing is facilitated also by dipping up the mixture and pouring it back with a pail. If made properly, this stock emulsion is permanent, and will keep indefinitely. TEXAS TICKS 431 To prepare the stock emulsion for use, it is diluted with water to a 20 or 25 per cent emulsion. In order to obtain a 20 per cent emulsion of oil, it is necessary to use one part of the stock emulsion to three parts of water, and for a 25 per cent emulsion, one part of stock emulsion to 2\ parts of water. The stock emulsion is permanent, but the diluted emulsion does not remain uniformly mixed, so that if allowed to stand it should be thoroughly mixed by stirring before using. Only rain or freestone water should be used for diluting, and if this is not available, the water should be " softened " by adding a sufficient amount of con- centrated lye, sal soda, or washing powder. Care should be observed in this process not to use an excess of these preparations. An 80 per cent stock emulsion is on the market, and much time and labor can be saved by obtaining this instead of making the emulsion. To prepare it for use, it should be diluted in the same manner as in- dicated above for the home-made stock emulsion. The arsenical dip. — This dip is used considerably, on account of its cheapness and the ease with which it is prepared. In general, it has proved very effective in destroying ticks, and is less likely than crude petroleum or emulsions of the same to injure cattle when dipping has to be done in hot weather. Some injury to the skin is, however, likely to occur when the arsenical mixture is used, and this injury, which will be so slight as to be scarcely noticeable if the cattle are prop- erly handled, is hable to be serious if the cattle are driven any distance, especially if allowed to run while being driven within a week after treatment. The formula given below for making an arsenical dip is the one most commonly used in this country : — Sodium carbonate (sal soda) 24 lb. Arsenic trioxid (white arsenic) 8 lb. Pine tar 1 gal. Sufficient water to make 500 gallons. If a stronger arsenical dip is desired, ten pounds of arsenic may be used in place of eight pounds, but in general the stronger solution should not be used. In warm weather particularly it is not advisable to use a solution stronger than that given in the above formula, if the animals are to be treated every two weeks. In preparing the dip, a large caldron or galvanized tank is required for heating the water in which to dissolve the chemicals. Thirty or forty gallons of water should be placed in the caldron or tank and 432 EXTERNAL PARASITES OF ANIMALS brought to a boil. The sodium carbonate is then added and dissolved by stirring. When this is accomplished, the arsenic is added and dissolved in a similar manner. The fire is then drawn and the pine tar added slowly in a thin stream and thoroughly mixed with the dip by constant stirring. This strong stock solution is diluted to 500 gallons before using. The diluted arsenical solution may be left in the vat and used re- peatedly, replenishing with the proper quantities of water and stock solution when necessary. When not in use, the vat should be tightly covered with a waterproof cover to prevent evaporation on the one hand and further dilution by rain on the other hand. Securely cov- ering the vat when not in use also lessens the risk of accidental poison- ing of stock and human beings. On account of the fact that arsenic is a dangerous poison, great care must be observed in making and using the arsenical dip. From the time the arsenic is procured from the druggist until the last particle of unused residue is properly disposed of, the most scrupulous care should be taken in handling this poison. Guessing at weights or measures or carelessness in any particular is liable to result in great damage, and not only may valuable live-stock be destroyed, but human beings may lose their lives as well. In the use of arsenical dips care should be taken not only to avoid swallowing any of the dip, but persons using the dip should also bear in mind the possibility of absorbing arsenic through cuts, scratches, or abrasions of the skin, and the possibility of absorbing arsenic by in- halation of vapors from the boiler in which the dip is prepared or by the inhalation of the finely divided spray when the spray pump is used. It should be remembered that the absorption of even very small quan- tities of arsenic, if repeated from day to day, is liable ultimately to re- sult in arsenical poisoning. Cattle should always be watered a short time before they are dipped. After they emerge from the vat they should be kept on a draining-floor until the dip ceases to run from their bodies ; then they should be placed in a yard free of vegetation until they are entirely dry. If cattle are allowed to drain in places where pools of dip collect, from which they may drink, or are turned at once on the pasture, where the dip will run from their bodies on the grass and other vegetation, serious losses are liable to result. Crowding the animals before they are dry should TEXAS TICKS 433 also be avoided, and they should not be driven any considerable dis- tance within a week after dipping, especially in hot weather. If many repeated treatments are given, the cattle should not be treated oftener than every two weeks. In addition to protecting vats properly containing arsenical dip when not in use, another precaution must be observed when vats are to be emptied for cleaning. The dip should not be poured or allowed to flow on land and vegetation to which cattle or other animals have access. The best plan is to run the dip in a pit properly protected by fences. The dip should not be deposited where it may be carried by seepage into wells or springs which supply water used on the farm. The same precautions should be observed when animals are sprayed as when they are dipped. Method of spraying. Spraying is probably the most practicable and convenient way of treating cattle on the majority of farms. A good tj^e of pail spray pump, costing from $5 to $7, will be found to be satisfactory for treating small herds. About fifteen feet of three-eighths-inch high-pressure hose is required, and a type of nozzle furnishing a cone-shaped spray of not too wide an angle will be found satis- factory. A nozzle with a very small aperture should not be used, because the spray produced is too fine to saturate properly the hair and skin of the animals without consuming an unnecessary amount of time. The animal to be sprayed should be securely tied to one of the posts of a board or rail "fence, or better still, when convenient, to the corner post in an angle of the fence. This will facilitate the spray- ing by preventing the animal from circling about to avoid the treat- ment, and will reduce the amount of help necessary. Every position of the body should be thoroughly treated, special attention being given to the head, dewlap, brisket, inside of elbows, inside of thighs and flanks, the tail, and the depressions at the base of the tail. Crude oil alone may be used, but in general a 20 to 25 per cent emulsion will be found more satisfactory. All the cattle on the place should be sprayed every two weeks with this emulsion. The horses and mules should be kept free of ticks by picking or other means. 2p 434 KXTKRNAL PARASITES OF ANIMALS Disinjtdant fur ticks in infested stables. Eradication will be inucli facilitated if at the beginning of the work all litter and manure are removed from stables, sheds, and yards that have been occupietl by the cattle, and deposited on land where cattle are not permitted to run. After this is done, the buildings should be thoroughly disinfected to tlestroy any eggs or ticks that may be there. For thi.s purpose the following substances may be used : 1. A mi.xture made with not more than U pounds of lime and i j)()und of pure carbolic acid to each gallon of water. 2. Any coal-tar creosote dip permitted by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture in the official dipping of sheep for scabies, diluted to one-fifth of the maximum dilution specified for dipping sheep. A spray pump should be used to apply the disinfectant, and the walls, floors, and various fixtures of the buildings should be thoroughly sprayed. Other External Parasites of Farm Animals (Crosby) The iiiseclicides. Following are the leading insecticidal substances used against fleas, lice, ticks, and other pests of farm live-stock : — Lime-and-sulfur dip. Unslaked linic 8 lb. Flowers of .sulfur 24 lb. Water 100 gal. Slake the lime in a little water and add the sulfur, stirring constantly. Transfer the mass to 25 gallons of hot water, and boil for two hours, adding water to replace that boiled away. Let the solution stand until all .sediment has settled and then draw off the clear liquid and dilute to 100 gallons. (U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry.) Nicotine 8ohUio7is. — There are now on the market nicotine solutions with a guaranteed strength of from 5 to 40 per cent of nicotine. For uav. they should be so diluted as to give a solution containing lEo of 1 per cent of nicotine, and I62 pounds of flowers of sulfur should be added to each 100 gallons of the liquid. I Eradication of ticks by rotation of fields (Graybill.) nao A/0 2 a OCZIZ.MOVCTHeHEnD. TO niLO N0.3. OATJ rewowco by roR»G£. nCLD NO.ZA. SePT.Z2M0V€ THE Hf«0 TO FIELD N0 2B. nn.0 N0.3, CORN. COItTCM. neto NO. ♦. COTTON. „ nr£on crimson Ctoven P/?5TUflC: eCRMOO/J, \/rrCH,/?NO BUR CLOvea. nao NO./ a . srpT2 Movf rHfHffloTO nao N02A. HiCP OUT ALLnNmALS UNTIL JUlv/,k/HfN THI5FI£IL0 Mil 8t ffltf or TICKS /tNO ThC TmPOmHY DOUBU fENU MAY BE PEMOVEO. I flELD NO. I R. ! JUHi 15. MOVE THEHEHO TOnELP [no.ib. KEfP our /lit animals „. FROM THIS D/nC UNTIL NOV. I.UHCN I THIS HELD WILL BE FREE OF TICK5. OATS. COWPlAi UNO evncioveit. HOVE HERD TO FIELD C/tmEUILLBEFREE OrTlCKSBY DEC. 20 BETWEEN THIS DATE ANDFIBR.IS MOVE THE HCRO TO new wa* COTTON. FIYi ANO WINTlr, riELO NO.IB. OCT. IS- MOVE THr HEFtO TO FIELD N0.2. ! P/1STUFIE. FIELD r;,i I n ^ — \>«HYI.HINtHiROTQ P'KTURE NO.I B. IHEEP ALL ANIMAi-a OVT OFTHIS iFIELO UNTIL MAR.I,IMiN IT.UILLBC IFREE orricKS. Fig. 13. — Rotation plan for freeing planta- tion in South from ticks in 4j mos. Fig. 15. — Plan requiring 8 mos. FIELD NO.Z. CORN. COWFCAS niLD N0.3. COTTON fOUOWCO BY aiiMsoNaovai.vcToi. euACLOvat or Arc. HELD N0.4: evA coavER mVE THE HERD FROM This FIELD TO FIELD N0.3 FEBR. IS.HOIfETNCHCRO TO FIELD NO * BECOMES THE NEh' P^STURC E FIELD NO 1 PASTURE. OCT is: MOVE HCRO TO FIELD NO.Z. PLANT IN O/fT.5 AND FOLLOM kJITH CQWPUH miD N0.4t COffN. COI^EAi. FIELD ND^/i. I OATS. I SORCHUM ANO COWPCAS. I OR 1 MILL IT AND COWPUS. .HOyi.RETURN HERO TO PASTURE. LOTMOi AiK.mMon HIAO TO L0TN0.2. Miyisnm MIHD TO lOT N0.3. iTNO.I. _, JULrSHOtt HOOTOim HO. 2. riELD NO.Z. COTTON. COUPtAS. milium [H0J3C BE FREE OF TICKS. Fig. 14. — Plan requiring 4 mos., with pasture. new 435 Fig. 16. — Feed-lot or soiling method of elimi- nating ticks. 436 EXTERNAL PARASITES OF ANIMALS Commercial dips. — There are a large number of these proprietary- dips on the market, many of which contain as the active agent coal- tar derivatives. Use only those that have the approval of the United States Department of Agriculture, and follow closely the directions given on the container. Crude oil emulsion (for spraying stock). Soap lib. Crude oil 4 gal. Water 1 gal. Dissolve the soap in hot water, and while still hot add the oil slowly and agitate into an emulsion by pumping the mixture back into itself. For use, dilute with water so as to secure a 20 or 30 per cent emulsion (see p. 430). Lice powder. Gasoline 3 parts Crude carbolic acid (90-95 per cent strength) 1 part Mix these together, and then stir in enough plaster of Paris to take up all the moisture. If properly made, a dry pinkish powder will be the result. If good crude carbolic acid of the proper strength cannot be obtained, cresol may be substituted, but will not give quite as good results. Store in a closed can or jar. Cresol disinfecting soap. — Measure out 3| quarts of raw linseed oil in a four or five-gallon stone crock ; then weigh out in a dish 1 pound 6 ounces of commercial lye or " Babbit's potash." Dis- solve this lye in as little water as will completcl}'' dissolve it. Start with 2 pint of water, and if this will not dissolve all the lye, add more water slowly. Let this stand for at least three hours until the lye is completely dissolved and the solution is cold ; then add the cold lye solution very slowly to the linseed oil, stirring constantly. Not less than five minutes should be taken for the adding of this solution of lye to the oil. After the lye is added, continue the stirring until the mixture is in the condition and has the texture of a smooth, homoge- neous liquid soap. This ought not to take more than a half hour. Then, while the soap is in this liquid state, and before it has a chance to harden, add with constant stirring, 8§ quarts of commercial cresol. The cresol will blend perfectly with the soap solution and INSECTICIDES FOR ANIMALS 437 make a clear, dark brown fluid. The resulting solution of cresol soap is then ready to use. This cresol soap will mix in any pro- portion with water and yield a clear solution. Use a 20 per cent solution for disinfecting chicken houses, incubators, etc. The kinds of parasites (Crosby) . Following are the leading external parasites of cattle, horses, sheep and swine (for parasites of poultry, see page 377). Cattle. Ox BOT-FLY OR WARBLE-FLY {Hypoderma bovis and H. lineata). — Large lumps or warbles along the animal's back filled with pus, within which a large, thick-bodied maggot develops. When full grown these maggots, about an inch in length, work their way out through the skin, fall to the earth, and there after a time transform to a large blackish fly with yellow markings. The flies glue their eggs to the hair of the host, usually around the heels and flanks. The eggs are licked off by the animal, hatch in the mouth or oesophagus, and the larva bores its way through the tissues until it comes to lie under the skin along the back. The cattle have an instinctive dread of the flies, and are thrown into a panic by their presence. Badly infested animals lose flesh, and the flow of milk is greatly reduced ; the holes made in the skin also decrease the value of the hide. Treatment. — Squeeze out and crush the grubs and disinfect the sore. The practice of killing the grub under the skin by the application of grease or kerosene is more liable to cause an infection from the de- caying maggot and produce a serious sore. Horn-fly {Hcematohia serrata). — Flies considerably smaller than the house-fly, which they closely resemble in shape and color. They at- tack cattle in great numbers, clustering on any part of the body and sucking blood. They have the peculiar habit of resting in dense clusters on the horns. The eggs are laid and the maggots develop in fresh droppings, and the transformation to the fly takes place in the ground. Treatment. — Spread out or mix with lime the manure as soon as de- posited, to prevent the development of the maggots. Let hogs run with the cattle ; scatter the manure. Spray the animals with crude oil emulsion often enough to prevent attack, or apply train oil or a mixture of two parts of crude cottonseed oil and one pint of pine tar. The last two may be applied with a large brush, and remain 438 EXTERNAL PARASITES OF ANIMALS effective fcr four or five days. Where the flies have produced sores, treat them with a weak solution of carbolic acid. On the range where large numbers of animals are to be treated, dip them in a dipping vat provided with a splash-board which will throw the spray down on the animal and kill most of the flies. Use any of the oily dips recommended for the Texas-fever tick. Cattle lice {Ihrmatopinus spp. and Trichodedes scalaris). — Cattle are especially liable to become infested with lice during the winter and early spring. They acquire a generally unthrifty look, and the flow of milk is greatly lessened. On young stock the injurious effects are more noticeable ; lousy calves are thin and do not make the proper growth. Treatment. — When the weather will permit, spray or wash infested animals with a 10 per cent kerosene emulsion or the nicotine-and-sulfur sheep dip as used for sheep scab. Southern buffalo-gnat (Simulium peciianan). — A small black gnat or punkie occurring in the lower Mississippi Valley, where it causes immense loss to the live-stock interests. The larva? are aquatic, and are able to develop only in swiftly running waters. The gnats appear in great swarms in early spring and attack cattle, mules, horses, sheep, and other animals in countless numbers. They feed by sucking the blood and at the same time inject a poison into the wound, causing great distress and producing an acute inflammation. Animals in poor condition from exposure or lack of food are frequently killed. Treatment. — Protect the animals by smudges producing a dense smoke, or keep them in dark stables until the swarms of gnats have disappeared. Working teams can be protected by using train-oil or the cotton-seed oil and tar mixture advised, under Horn-fly. To reduce the irritation caused by the bites, rub the animal thoroughly with water of ammonia and give internally a mixture of 40 to 50 grains of carbonate of ammonia in a pint of whiskey, and repeat the treatment every three or four hours until relieved. ScREW-woRM fly ( Chrysomyia macellaria) . — Whitish maggots, three-fourths inch in length when full grown, infesting sores and wounds of animals in the Southern States. The eggs are laid on the wounds in masses of 100 or more by a bright, metallic green fly a little larger than the house-fly. The maggots enter the wound, feed on the putrid matter within, and as they increase in size burrow into the flesh, fre- CATTLE AND HORSE PARASITES 439 quently excavating a large cavity. The purulent discharge from such sores attracts other flies to lay their eggs, more maggots enter the wound, and unless aid is rendered the animal dies. A slight scratch or merely a mass of blood from a crushed tick may serve as a starting- point for the trouble. The flies also breed in decaying carcasses. Treatment. — Prevent the deposition of eggs by washing all wounds as soon as noticed with a disinfectant, and then apply a dressing of pine tar or tar and grease. When wounds are found infested, dislodge the maggots by injections of carbolic acid diluted with 30 parts of water, or one of the coal-tar sheep dips may be used. After the maggots have been removed and the sore thoroughly disinfected, dress the wound with a coating of pine tar. Deep sores should be packed with sterilized absorbent cotton. By careful attention to the destruction of garbage, carcasses, and other filth in which the maggots breed in enormous numbers, much loss may be avoided. Carcasses left to decay exposed to the air about pastures are constant sources of danger. Horse. Horse bot-fly {Gastrophilus equi). — The light yellow eggs are glued to the hairs on the shoulders, forelegs, and under side of the body by a brownish fly about three-fourths inch in length. By licking these parts the egg-cap is removed and young maggots taken into the mouth. On reaching the stomach they attach themselves to the walls and remain there until the following spring. When abun- dant they may nearly cover the whole inner surface of the stomach, interfere with the secretion of the digestive juices, and by collecting near the pyloric opening prevent the natural passage of the food from the stomach. When mature they loosen their hold and are voided with the excrement in late spring. These full-grown bots are about three-fourths inch in length ; they burrow into the ground where the pupal stage is passed. The flies emerge thuiy or forty days later. Treatment. — Remove the eggs within a week after they have been deposited by clipping the hair, or destroy them by washing with a solu- tion of carbolic acid in 30 parts of warm water. When only a few bots are present in the stomach, they do not seem to cause the animal inconvenience ; when very abundant, they may cause fretting and colic, and the horse may loose flesh. In such cases consult a veteri- narian. 440 EXTERNAL PARASITES OF ANIMALS Sheep. Sheep bot-fly or head-maggot {CEstris ovif^). — The dark brownish parent flics, somewhat larger tlian tlie house-fly, emerge during June and July, and deposit living maggots in the nostrils of sheep. The animals have an instinctive fear of the flies, and are thrown into a panic by their attack. The maggots work their way up the nostril, and find lodgment in the frontal sinuses, where they feed on the mucus. Their presence causes great irritation and the discharge of purulent matter. Sometimes the maggots penetrate into the brain cavity, and death may result. Treatment. — It is almost impossible to dislodge the maggots by the injection of any substance, and such treatment is not advised. Never try to extract them with a wire. To prevent the flies from depositing their young, smear the sheep's nose with tar and grease. This is most easily done by placing in the pasture logs in which holes have been bored. Salt is placed in the holes, and the edges smeared with grease and tar. In trying to get the salt the sheep will keep their noses covered with the tar. Sheep scab {Psoroptes communis). — The cause of this disease is a minute mite which lives on the skin under a scab or crust and causes the wool to fall out in large irregular patches. The irritation causes intense itching, the sheep become restless, lose in weight and vitality, and in severe cases die. The disease is contagious and may be trans- mitted either directly from animal to animal or by means of infested quarters, cars or pasture fields. Treatment. — Dip the infested or suspected animals in some reliable sheep dip at the temperature of about 100° Fahrenheit ; hold the sheep in the liquid two or three minutes, and immerse the head once or twice just before the sheep is released. Soften thick scabs before dipping by wetting with some of the dip and by rubbing with a smooth stick, taking care not to draw blood. Repeat the dipping in ten days or two weeks to kill any mites which may have hatched from eggs since the last treatment. After dipping do not return the sheep to the same field in less than thirty days, to avoid reinfestation. When it is necessary to return the sheep to the same barn or pen, these quarters should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with cresol or some other coal-tar dip, used at the rate of one part to 50 parts of water. The addition of whitewash to the disinfectant will serve as a marker and show when the work has been thoroughly done. Avoid introducing the disease SHEEP AND SWINE PARASITES 441 by having all sheep brought from infested regions dipped before delivery. Sheep tick {Melophagns ovinus). — Reddish or gray brown, flat- tened, wingless flies that infest sheep of all ages, but are most in- jurious to lambs. They remain on the sheep throughout their whole life cycle. The young are nourished within the mother until full grown, and are ready to pupate when born. Treatment. — The nicotine-and-sulfur dip has given the best results in the control of this pest ; many of the commercial cresol and coal-tar creosote dips are also effective. The lime-and-sulfur dip will not kill the ticks. When only a few are to be treated, kerosene emulsion may be used as a spray and rubbed into the wool. Swine. Hog louse (Hcematopinus suis). — Lousy hogs are likely to be in a stunted, unthrifty condition, and when badly infested the skin becomes covered with scales and sores. Treatment. — Clean and whitewash the pens and sleeping quarters, adding 1 pint of crude carbolic acid to each 4 gallons of the wl ite- wash. Spray or dip infested animals with 10 per cent kerosene emulsion, or use the tobacco-and-sulfur sheep dip. Repeat the ap- plication in two weeks to kill any lice that may have escaped. A wallowing trough containing five to eight inches of water on which is floated a thin layer of crude oil is frequently used with success. CHAPTER XXIV Milk and Milk Products; D.\iry Farms Dairying comprises two occupations, — dairy husbandry, or the producing of milk ; and dairy industry, or the marketing and manufacturing of milk and milk products. This chapter is designed to compass chiefly some phases of the latter subject. Composition of Milk Composition of cow's milk Constituents Quantity in Average Milk Extent of Varia- tion in Normal Milk Fat Per Cent 4.0 2.6 0.7 5.0 0.7 87.0 2.5-8.0 2.0-3.5 Albumen 'Sugar Ash 0.6-0.9 4.0-6.0 0.6-0.8 Water 84.0-88.0 Fat in milk is in the form of minute globules having a diameter of 1-55(5 to W66 of an inch. These float in the milk, forming an emulsion. When highly magnified, these fat globules may be easily seen. In any milk, many different sizes of globules are found, but the average size of globules in Jersey and Guernsey milk is much larger than the average size of globules in the milk given by other breeds. As the specific gravity of the fat is .93 and the specific gravity of the remainder of the milk is about 1.04, the fat globules always tend to rise. They are more or less entangled by other constituents of the milk, and great numbers of the smallest sized globules fail to reach the top, or the cream layer (Pearson). Milk-fat is a mixture of several different fats which are combinations 442 COMPOSITION OF MILK 443 of glycerine and fatty acids. The principal fats and their proportion in milk-fat are as follows: — Per Cent Palmitin 40 Olein , 34 Myristin 10 Butyrin 6 A few others vary from 1 to 3 per cent each. Butyrin is the characteristic butter-fat, and is absent from butter substitutes, such as oleomargarine. The melting-point of milk-fat is about 92° F. (Pearson). Average composition of milk of various kinds (U. S. Dept. Agric.) Kind of Water Total Protein Fat Carbo hydrates Mineral Fuel Value Milk Solids (Milk Sugar) Matters Casein Albumin Total Pound Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent ^dories Woman 87.58 12.6 0.80 1.21 2.01 3.74 6.37 0.30 310 Cow . . 87.27 12.8 2.88 0.51 3.39 3.68 4.94 0.72 310 Goat 86.88 13.1 2.87 0.89 3.76 4.07 4.64 0.85 315 Sheep . 83.57 16.4 4.17 0.98 5.15 6.18 4.73 0.96 410 Buffalo 82.16 4.26 0.46 7.51 4.77 0.84 (Indian) Zebu . . 86.13 3.03 4.80 5.34 0.70 Camel . 87.13 3.49 0.38 2.87 5.39 0.74 Llama . 86.55 3.00 0.90 3.15 5.60 0.80 Reindeer 67.20 8.38 1.51 17.09 2.82 1.49 Mare 90.58 9.9 1.30 0.75 1.14 5.87 0.36 Ass . . 90.12 10.4 0.79 1.06 1.37 6.19 0.47 215 Average composition of typical cow's milk (Conn. Sta.) Authority English (Richmond, 1906) . . . (Richmond, 1907) . . . (Richmond, 1908) . . . (Vieth) Canadian (McGill) German (Koenig) German (Fleischmann) Dutch (Fleischmann) American (Van Slyke) (Van Slyke, cheese factory) (Voorhees, Ayrshire) . . (Voorhees, Guernsey) . . (Voorhees, Holstein) . (Voorhees, Jersey) . (Voorhees, Shorthorn) Total Fat Solids Solids NOT Fat 12.70 3.73 8.97 12.64 3.71 8.93 12.69 3.75 8.94 12.90 4.10 8.80 12.62 3.80 8.82 12.83 3.69 9.14 12.25 3.40 8.85 12.00 3.25 8.75 12.90 3.90 9.00 12.60 3.75 8.85 12.70 3.68 9.02 14.48 5.02 9.46 12.12 3.51 8.61 14.34 4.78 9.56 12.45 3.65 8.80 Per Cent OF Fat IN Solids 29.37 29.35 29.56 31.78 30.11 28.76 27.25 27.08 30.23 29.76 29.05 34.66 28.96 33.33 29.32 444 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS The milk of different breeds. The analyses of large numbers of samples of milk given by different breeds have been made by the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, and the averages of fat for the different breeds are : — Per Cent Holstein-Friesian 3.4 Ayrshire 3.6 Shorthorn 4.4 Devon 4.6 Guernsey 5.3 Jersey 5.6 Composition of milk solids from six breeds of cows (Van Slyke) Breed of Cow Holstein American Holderness Devon Ayrshire Guernsey . . . . Jersey Fat Casein Sugar 28.0 27.4 39.1 28.1 26.8 39.7 30.1 27.3 36.8 27.3 26.3 40.8 35.1 24.7 35.0 36.4 25.4 33.4 Ash 5.93 5.53 5.52 5.34 5.16 4.82 Ash in cow's milk and its products (Simon) Whole milk 0074 Skim milk 0074 Cream 0061 Buttermilk 0067 Whey 0065 Mineral constituents in milk (Abderhalden) Specieh Human DoK . Swine Sheep Goat . Cow . Horse Rabbit Potas- sium Sodium Chlo- rine Iron Cal- cium Mag- nesium Phos- phor- us Parts per hundred 066 .190 .047 .0006 .035 .004 .025 .115 .058 .166 .0014 .325 .012 .222 .078 .058 .076 .0028 .178 .010 .135 .810 .064 .130 .0029 .175 .090 .128 .108 .046 .102 .0025 .141 .090 .124 .148 .072 .137 .0015 .119 .014 .083 .087 .010 .031 .0014 .089 .008 .057 .209 .147 .135 .0014 .637 .033 .435 0.20 1.33 0.80 0.84 0.78 0.70 0.40 2.50 COMPOSITION OF MILK 445 Variation in average composition of 574 samples of market butter samples collected each month for a period of one year (Illinois Experiment Station) . Month Collected March }, April May June July . August . September October November December January February Average Number Samples each Month 47 49 49 49 40 37 54 49 50 41 53 56 Water 13.59 12.94 13.48 13.23 13.92 13.64 13.31 14.05 13.31 13.35 14.16 13.54 13.54 Percent Fat 82.73 83.34 82.97 83.58 82.83 83.57 83.64 82.73 83.53 83.56 82.59 83.29 83.20 Salt Casein and Ash 0.74 0.85 0.82 0.94 0.99 1.04 0.90 Nutrients and energy in 1 pound of the water-free edible portion of several food materials in comparison with milk (United States Depart- ment of Agriculture) . Fooo Materialb Protein Fat Carbohy- drates Mineral Matter Fuel Value Whole milk Skim milk (0.3 per cent fat) Buttermilk Cheese Pound 0.25 .36 .33 .39 Pound 0.31 .03 .06 .52 .40 .66 .01 .02 .01 .03 Pound 0.39 .55 .53 .03 .85 .82 .85 .92 Pound 0.05 .06 .08 .06 .03 .08 .01 .01 .04 .02 Calories 2,475 1,835 1,845 2,990 Beef, round Smoked ham Wheat flour Wheat bread Potatoes ... Apples .57 .26 .13 .15 .10 .03 2,750 3.275 1,865 1,865 1,790 1,885 446 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS ; DAIRY FARMS Average composition of milk products and other food (U. S. Dept. Agric.) Material Whole milk Skim milk Cream Buttermilk Whey Condensed milk, unsweetened Condensed milk, sweetened . . Butter Cheese, American Cheddar . . Cheese, cottage Cheese, Swiss Milk powder (from skimmed milk) Kephir Koumiss Infant and invalid foods, farina- ceous Infant and invalid foods contain- ing milk and starches Infant and invalid foods, malted preparations Beef, sirloin steak Eggs as purchased Wheat flour, patent roller process Wheat bread, white Beans, baked Potatoes, as purchased .... Apples, as purchased .... Refuse Per cent 12.8 11.2 Water Per cent 87.0 90.5 74.0 91.0 93.0 71.3 26.0 13.0 33.5 53.0 31.4 3.0 89.6 90.7 9.4 4.3 4.2 54.0 65.5 12.0 35.3 68.9 62.6 63.3 Pro- tein Per cent 3.3 3.4 2.5 3.0 1.0 7.4 8.2 1.0 26.0 19.6 27.6 34.0 3.1 2.2 9.4 9.6 12.0 16.5 11.9 11.4 9.2 6.9 1.8 3 Fat Per cent 4.0 .3 18.5 .5 .3 8.5 9.6 83.0 35.5 23.2 34.9 3.1 2.0 2.1 0.4 3.8 1.0 16.1 9.3 1.0 1.3 2.5 0.1 0.3 Carbo- hy- drates Per cent 5.0 5.1 4.5 4.8 5.0 11.1 54.3 1.5 2.1 1.3 51.9 4.5 » 4.12 79.93 80.2^ 79.8^ 7.51 53.1 19.6 14.7 10.8 Ash cent .7 .7 .5 ,7 ,7 ,7 .9 ,0 5 ,1 ,8 ,8 ,9 3.9 2.1 3.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 1.1 2.1 0.8 0.3 ' Including 2.1 per cent alcohol and 0.8 per cent lactic acid. 2 Including 1.7 per cent alcohol and 0.9 per cent lactic acid. ' Including 6.62 per cent soluble carbohydrates (sugars). * Including 49.05 per cent soluble carbohydrates (sugars). * Including 48.39 per cent soluble carbohydrates (sugars). Milk, Butter, and Cheese Tests Babcock test for hutter-fnt (Pearson). A measured sample of milk is mixed with strong sulfuric acid, which dissolves all of the milk constituents except the fat. The mixture of milk and acid is then subjected to centrifugal force in a specially con- structed machine, by whicli the fat is separated from the heavy liquid, and, after the addition of water, the fat is brought into a part of the bottle where it can be (juickly measured. The entire test can be made in fifteen to twenty minutes. MILK TESTS 447 In detail the test is made as follows : The milk to be sampled is thoroughly mixed by pouring it several times from one vessel to another. By means of a milk pipette, or measure, graduated to hold 17.6 cc, this quantity of milk is transferred to a special form of bottle, which has a capacity of a little more than one ounce and a long neck with graduations or per cent marks from to 10. The cubic capacity of the neck, from to 10, is exactly 2 cc. This is the volume of 1.8 grams of melted fat, which is the substance to be measured on the scale. As the bottle is so graduated that 1.8 grams represents 10 per cent, it is necessary to use a sample weighing ten times as much, or 18 grams, and it is found that the 17.6 cc. pipette will deliver approximately this weight of milk. There is then added 17.5 cc. of concentrated commercial sulfuric acid, having a specific gravity of 1.82 to 1.83. The acid and milk are mixed by a rotary motion. The action of the acid on the water and solids of the milk generates considerable heat. The sample is promptly placed in a centrifugal machine and whirled for five minutes. Hot water is then added to bring the fat to the base of the neck. It is then whirled two minutes, and more hot water is carefully added until the fat rises in the neck so that it is opposite the graduations. The sample is then whirled one minute, to insure collecting as much fat as possible in the neck. While the fat is still warm, its percentage is ascertained by reading the marks at its upper and lower levels and taking the difference between them. The cost of a small complete outfit for testing milk is $6 to SIO. Computing total sol'ds of milk. Babcock and Richmond have proposed formulae for computing the total solids of milk. One of the best is : — - + 1.2 F + .14 = total solids. 4 L represents the second and third decimal figures of the specific gravity, or the Quevenne reading, and F represents the percentage of fat. This formula is used largely, and for practical purposes agrees closely enough with results of gravimetric analysis. Test for acid in milk (Pearson). It is not practicable to isolate lactic acid from milk and measure it as milk-fat is measured. But its quantity can be easily determined by 448 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS slowly lukling to a known weight of milk an alkali of known strength until all the acid is neutralized. The neutralization is indicated by phenolphthalein, which wa^ previously added to the milk and which causes the milk to turn pink as soon as it begins to show an alkaline reaction. It is customary (Mann's test) to use deci-normal alkali solution, 1 cc. of which will neutralize .009 gram of lactic acid. The equipment includes, besides the neutralizer and phenolphthalein, a burette for measuring the neutralizer, cup and glass rod. If twenty grams of milk is used and it requires 6 cc. of alkali to neutralize the acid, it is known that the milk contains 6X.009 or .054 gram of lactic acid, or .27 per cent. Alkali tablets (Farrington's), each capable of neutralizing .034 gram of acid, are on the market. They may be used in solution instead of the deci-normal solution. Test for boiled milk. It is sometimes desirable to determine whether milk has been sub- jected to 176° F. or higher heat. A successful test has been devised by Storch. To 5 cc. of the suspected milk add a few drops of potassium iodid and a similar quantity of starch solution, also a few drops of hydrogen peroxid. If the milk has not been cooked, an enzyme which is present will decompose the hydrogen peroxid, setting free oxygen. This combines with the potassium salt, and thus iodine is in turn set free and with the starch it forms a purple color. If the milk has been heated so that the enzyme is killed, no color will result. Another test for cooked milk is given by Arnold, as follows : Tincture of guaiac is added, drop by drop, to a little milk in a test-tube. If the milk has not been heated to 176° F., a blue zone is formed between the two fluids. If it has been heated, there is no reaction. The guaiac- wood tincture is said to be more reliable than other tinctures, and it should not be used when fresh, but when at least a few days old and its potency has been determined. The lactotneter test for specific gravity in milk (Pearson). As the specific gravity of milk is markedly changed when it is adul- terated by the addition of water or the removal of cream, the lactometer is an important instrument to indicate such adulteration. It is of little use if both kinds of adulteration have been practiced on the same sample of milk, as the increase in weight due to removal of cream can be offset by the addition of water, which is lighter than MILK TESTS 449 skimmed milk. In connection with the Babcock test, the lactometer is most valuable, and several formulae are in use by which the solids not fat or the total solids of milk may be closely computed from the specific gravity and the fat test. The lactometer is a form of hydrometer adapted especially for use in milk. Several styles are in use, the Quevenne being the most con- venient because its readings indicate the specific gravity without the necessity of more than a simple mental calculation. The readings on the stem of the Quevenne lactometer are from 15 to 40, and they represent the second and third decimal figures of the specific gravity, the preceding figures always being 1.0 ; thus, a reading of 29 represents a specific gravity of 1.029. This instrument should be used in milk at a temperature of 60° F. If the temperature varies therefrom, a cor- rection of the reading must be made, .1 of a lactometer degree being added to the reading for each degree of temperature of the milk above 60° F. or if the temperature is below 60° F, .1 of a lactometer degree is subtracted from the reading for each degree of temperature of the milk below 60° F. Thus, if the lactometer reads 31 at a tem- perature of 65° F., the corrected reading for 60° F. would be 31.5, and the specific gravity of this milk at 60° F. would be 1.0315. Special tables for making corrections for different temperatures are published in books treating on the subject. Bj^ the rule given, it is not advis- able to attempt to correct for a variation of more than 10° from 60° F. Another style of lactometer in common use is know^n as the New York Board of Health lactometer. Its graduations are from 10 to 120. The instrument stands at 100 in milk having a specific gravity of 1.029, and it would stand at 0, if graduated to that point, in a fluid having a specific gravity of 1. Thus, 100° in the B of H lactometer equals 29° on the Quevenne lactometer, and it is a simple matter to compute the equivalent reading of one lactometer for any given reading on the other by the formula : — Q = .29BofH, orBof H = -^. .29 Test for boric acid or borax used as preservatives (Van Slyke). Add lime-water to 25 cc. of milk until the mixture is alkaline to phe- nalphthalein ; evaporate to drj'ness and burn to an ash in a small por- celain or platinum dish. Add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid 2a 450 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS to the ash, care being taken not to use too much acid, then add a few drops of water, and place a strip of turmeric paper in this water solution. Dry the paper, and if either borax or boric acid is present, a cherry- red color will api)ear. This test is confirmed by moistening the red- dened paper with a drop of an alkali solution, w^hen the paper will turn to a dark olive color, if borax or boric acid is present. Test for formaldehyde in milk. This test can be performed in connection with the Babcock test. Measure into the Babcock test bottle 17.6 cc. of milk. Add five or six drops of ferric chloride solution and shake thoroughly. Add 17.5 cc. of sulfuric acid, but do not mix the acid and milk. If formaldehyde is present, a lavender-colored ring will appear at the point of contact of the acid and milk. If the contents of the bottle are mixed slowly, the entire mass of curd will turn a lavender color. This test will not work if the sample is too old. Standardizing milk (Pearson). Standardized milk is that which has been changed in its composition to cause it to contain a required amount of fat. This is usually ac- complished by adding cream or skimmed milk. A convenient rule for determining the amount of ingredients to make a mixture testing a cer- tain per cent of fat, is as follows, supposing cream and milk are to be used (in most States it is unlawful to add skimmed milk) : — Draw a rectangle, placing the per cent of fat in the cream at the upper left-hand corner, and the per cent of fat of the milk at the lower left- hand corner. Place the desired per cent of fat in the center. The dif- ference between the numbers in the center and at the lower left-hand corner should be written at the upper right-hand corner, and the dif- ference between the numbers in the center and at the upper left-hand corner should be written at the lower right-hand corner. These right- hand numbers represent the proportions of the substances represented at the corresponding left-hand corners, which must be mixed to produce a milk testing the desired amount of fat. Thus : To raise the fat test of a 3.8 per cent milk to 4 per cent by the use of cream testing 25 per cent, by completing the figure as explained, it will be seen that for every 21 pounds of 3.8 per cent milk there should be used .2 of 1 pound of 25 per cent cream. MILK TESTS 451 BvUer moisture-test (Cornell test). The apparatus used in the Cornell moisture-test is an alcohol lamp, stand, asbestos sheet, hot-pan lifter, aluminum cup for holding the sample, and a special moisture scale. The scale is especially adapted for moisture work, but may be used as a cream scale in operating the Babcock test. The scale has a tare weight for balancing the cup and a large and small weight for weighing the sample and obtaining the percentage of moisture. The beam has two rows of figures, which give readings with the larger weight. The lower row gives readings in grams and the upper row in percentages. The smaller weight gives readings in grams when the weight is moved from 1 forward. Each notch repre- sents .02 gram, the total value of the small scale being .2 gram. When the small weight is moved from backward, each notch represents a loss of .1 per cent of moisture when 20.2 grams of butter are used. The small weight is intended to be used only in moisture work. In using the scale for Babcock work, the small weight is not used, but is left at rest on the figure 1. Then when the scales are balanced, the small weight is negligible. Care must be taken not to let any draft of air, as from an open window, strike the scales when in use, as they are so sensitive that a very slight current of air would throw them out of balance. The scales will give readings in percentages only when 20.2 grams of butter have been weighed, or, in other words, when the large weight is on 20 (of the gram scale) and the small weight is on zero. The cup used is of cast aluminum, and is durable and perfectly smooth. The absence of creases or crevices allows it to be cleaned and dried thoroughly. Taking the sample. — It is necessary that a representative sample be taken for a moisture-test. If the butter is sold in tubs, the sample should be taken from the tub with a butter-trier, after the butter has been packed. It is best to take three drawings — one from near the edge, one from the middle, and one half-way between the edge and the middle. Some butter-makers test the butter as soon as it is worked. This is a mistake, since considerable moisture is lost in the process of printing and Dacking. 452 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Operation of the test. — After the cup is thoroughly cleaned and dried, it is placed on the scales and balanced by means of the tare weight on the round bar attached to the beam of the scales. The large weight should rest on the zero mark (of the gram scale) and the small weight on 1 while the cup is being balanced. The cup should not be balanced until it is about the same temperature as that of the room. After the cup is balanced, the larger weight is moved to the 20 mark (of the gram scale) and the small weight to the zero mark. Butter from the prepared sample is then added to the cup until the scales are accurately balanced. The alcohol lamp is then placed under the iron stand and the asbestos sheet placed on the stand. The lamp is lighted and the cup placed on the asbestos sheet. It is well to light the lamp at least two or three minutes before placing the cup on the asbestos in order to heat the asbestos and save time. The heat of the flame may be in- creased or diminished by raising or lowering the wick. The cup should always be handled with the hot pan lifter, as by so doing it will be kept clean and errors in weight due to dirt on the cup will be avoided. While the sample is heating it should be shaken from time to time, aj3 this breaks up the blanket of casein on the surface and hastens the escape of moisture. As soon as the casein has lost its snow-white color, the cup should be removed from the flame. When the moisture has all been driven from the sample, a slightly pungent odor may be noticed. This may also be used as a guide to tell when the sample has been heated enough. The foam begins to subside at this point. Often one or two small pieces of casein are slow to give up their moisture. This is indicated by the snow-white color of the pieces. Evaporation can be hastened by shaking the sample with a rotary motion and thoroughly mixing these pieces with the hot liquid. If this is not done, one might have to heat the sample so long that some of the fat which had already given up its moisture would volatilize. After all the moisture is driven off, the sample is allowed to cool to room temperature. While cooling, the cup should be covered with something (a sheet of paper will do) to prevent the sample taking up moisture from the atmosphere. After cooling, the cup is placed on the scales. The sample is lighter than before heating, because it has lost its moisture. The bar of the scales will therefore remain down. The weights are then reversed until the scales just balance. MILK TESTS 453 Each notch that the larger weight is reversed has a value of 1 per cent (reading on the upper scale), and each notch that the smaller weight is reversed has a value of .1 per cent. If, for example, after heating, the scales just balance when the larger weight rests on 15 (upper scale) and the smaller weight rests on .2, it would mean that the sample contained 15.2 per cent moisture. Test Jor salt in butter (Ross). Weigh out accurately, from a well-mixed sample, 10 grams of butter. Add to the 10 grams of butter 100 cc. of hot water, and thoroughly mix the butter with the water. Then cool to harden the fat, and pour off into a clean dish the 100 cc. of water. Repeat this operation until 300 cc. of water has been used. Thoroughly mix the 300 cc. of water, and meas- ure out 17.5 cc. into a glass beaker or white cup, and add five or six drops of potassium chromate. This will turn the solution a lemon- yellow color. Run in from a burette an — normal solution of silver 10 nitrate. Thoroughly mix the solution as the silver nitrate is added. When the solution turns to an orange-yellow color, enough silver ni- trate has been added to neutralize all of the salt. The number of cc. of silver nitrate solution added equals the per cent of salt in the butter. For example, if it requires 2 cc. of silver nitrate, there is 2 per cent of salt in the butter. If more or less than 10 grams of butter are used and more or less than 17.5 cc. of the solution are used for the test, the burette will not give readings directly in terms of per cent. Care should be taken not to run in too much silver nitrate. If too much silver nitrate is used, the color will be a dull brick-red, and incor- rect results will be obtained. An — normal solution of silver nitrate, 10 which is accurate enough for the purpose, may be made by dissolv- ing 17.5 grams of silver nitrate in 200 cc. of water and then making the solution to 1000 cc. or 1 liter. Test for salt in cheese (Ross). Burn to a gray ash in a porcelain dish 5 grams of the cheese. Care should be taken to keep the contents in the center of the dish. Xf this is done, it will make it easier to reduce the cheese to an ash. 454 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Cool and dissolve the ash in 20 cc. of pure, clean water. Transfer the 20 cc. of the ash solution to a glass beaker or a white cup. Add five or six drops of a water solution of potassium chromate. This will turn the solution a lemon-yellow color. Run in from a burette an — 10 normal solution of silver nitrate. Thoroughly mi.x the solution as the silver nitrate is added. When the color of the solution turns to an orange-yellow, enough silver nitrate has been added to neutralize all the salt. Then multiply the number of cc. of silver nitrate used by .00585. Divide this result by 5, the number of grams of cheese taken, and multiply the quotient by 100. This is the per cent of salt in the cheese. Care should be taken not to run in too much silver nitrate. If too much silver nitrate is used, the color will be a dull brick-red, and in- correct results will be obtained. An — normal solution of silver 10 nitrate, which is accurate enough for the purpose, may be made by dissolving \7\ grams of silver nitrate in 200 cc. of water and then making the solution up to 1000 cc. or one liter. Over-run in butter-making (Pa. Sta. and U. S. Dept. Agric). Over-run in butter is the amount of water, casein, and salt incor- porated in the butter-fat in making butter. Creamery over-run, how- ever, should always be computed from the number of pounds of butter- fat received and the pounds of butter sold. The formula for calculating over-run in percentage is as follows : Pounds of butter made — pounds of butter-fat received ^ . ^^ pounds of butter-fat received = per cent over-run. In a whole-milk creamery it is possible to obtain from 18 to 20 per cent over-run and have only 14 to 14^ per cent moisture in the butter, while in a creamery where hand separator cream is received, 20 to 22 per cent over-run can be obtained. This is shown by the following two examples : — MILK TESTS 455 Example : 10,000 pounds 4 per cent milk contains 400 pounds butter-fat. 10,000 pounds 4 per cent milk gives 1600 pounds 24+ per cent cream and 8400 pounds skim milk. 1,600 pounds of cream testing 24+ per cent contains 391.6 pounds butter-fat. 8400 pounds skim milk, loss (maximum) .1 per cent, is 8.4 pounds butter-fat. 1600 pounds cream less 391.6 pounds butter-fat, leaves 1208.4 pounds buttermilk. 1208.4 pounds buttermilk at .2 per cent loss is 2.4 pounds butter-fat, the loss in churning. 8.4 pounds butter-fat, loss in skim milk, and 2.4 pounds butter- fat, loss in buttermilk, gives 10.8 pounds butter-fat loss in both. 10.8 pounds butter-fat from 400 pounds butter-fat leaves 389.2 pounds of butter-fat to be churned into butter. If 389.2 pounds butter-fat is churned into butter containing 14 per cent water and 4 per cent salt and casein, it will make 474.6 pounds of butter. 474.6 pounds less 400 pounds gives 74.6 pounds of butter, which is the over-run. 74.6 pounds of butter times 100 makes 7460, divided by 400 gives 18.6 per cent over-run. Spoon-test for oleomargarin and renovated butter. Place in a tablespoon a piece of the sample, about the size of a hickory-nijt. Hold the spoon over the flame until the sample is melted, and stir frequently while melting. Then lower the spoon into the flame. Oleo and renovated butter will boil with a loud crackling noise, and there will be almost no foam on the surface of the sample. Genuine butter will boil quietly and the surface will be covered with foam. The test for moisture in cheese (Ross). Obtain a representative sample of cheese as directed in the test for fat in cheese. Then in a flat-bottom dish at least three inches in diameter weigh out 3 grams of cheese. If no glass dish is at hand, a tea saucer 456 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS will answer the purpose. Heat the sample in a water oven at the tem- jierature of l^oiliuf]; water for eight hours. Cool the dish, weigh and divide tiie loss in weight by the three grams of clieese taken. Multiply the quotient by 100. This quotient is the percentage of moisture in the cheese. Care should be taken to place the cheese in the dish in as thin a layer as possible. This will make it easier for the moisture of the clieese to escape. The Babcock lest for fat in cheese (Ross). Secure a representative sample of the cheese. This is best done by means of a cheese trier, taking a plug from the center of the cheese one- half way between the center and the outside of the cheese and one very near the outside of the cheese. Using a knife, mince these three plugs as fine as possible and mix them thoroughly. After the sample is minced very fine and thoroughly mixed, weigh out on a set of cream balances in a cream bottle 4 grams of the cheese. Add 5 cc. of warm water and shake thoroughly for one or two minutes. Then make the sample up to approximately 18 grams by the addition of water, and add 17.5 cc. sulfuric acid. After the acid is added, shake the sample thoroughly for from two to three minutes. The purpose of this shaking is to dissolve all of the cheese curd. If this is not done, the fat column will be cloudy. Then place the bottles in the machine and proceed with the test in the ordinary way. Test for determining casein in milk (Van Slyke and Bosworth). A given amount of milk, diluted with water, is made neutral to phe- nolphthalein solution by addition of a solution of sodium hydroxid. The casein is then completely precipitated by addition of standardized acetic acid ; the volume of the mixture is made up to 200 cc. by ad- dition of water, thoroughly shaken, and then filtered. Into 100 cc. of the filtrate a standardized solution of sodium hj-droxid is run until neutral to phenolphthalein. The solutions are so standardized that 1 cc. is equivalent to 1 per cent of casein when a definite amount of milk is used. The number of cubic centimeters of standard acid used, divided by 2, less the amount of standard alkali used in the last titration, gives the percentage of casein in the milk examined. When one uses 17.5 cc. (18 grams) of milk, the amount used in the Babcock milk- MILK TESTS 457 fat test, the standard acid and alkali solutions are made by dilut- ing 795 cc. of tenth-normal solutions to one liter. By using 22 cc. of milk, tenth-normal solutions can be used directly ; or by using 20 cc. of milk and tenth-normal solutions, adjustment is made by multiplying the final result by 1.0964. Wisconsin curd-test. This curd-test may be of use to creamerymen in detecting milk which is giving trouble on account of odors, taints, gas, and so forth. Sometimes the milk from a certain cow contaminates the milk of the entire herd. In such a case, the dairyman may find this test useful. Sterilize as near as possible by immersing in boiling water for 30 minutes as many pint glass fruit-jars as there are samples to be tested. Cool the jars at the same time, keeping them covered to prevent contamination. Then fill the jars two-thirds full of the milk to be examined. Set the jars in a tank of water, the temperature of which is about 100° F., and allow the milk to come as near as possible to the temperature of the water in the tank. The temperature of the milk may be taken with a thermometer that has been held for at least one minute in boiling water; the thermometer should be thus treated after taking the temperature of each sample to prevent car- rying contamination from one sample to another. When the temperature of the milk has reached about 95° F. to 98° F., add to each jar of milk about 10 drops of rennet and shake thor- oughly. The rennet will coagulate the milk in about 20 minutes, and the whey should then be poured off. The whey will separate more readily from the curd if the latter is broken up with a knife or other instrument which has been dipped for at least one minute in boiling water. As much of the whey as possible should be drawn off. The jars should then be set in the tank and kept at a temperature of about 100° F. for 6 to 8 hours. Examination of odor and condition of the curd may be made every 30 minutes. The condition of the curd may best be told by cutting it with a sharp knife and examin- ing the freshly cut surface for gas pockets. Great care should be exercised in the entire process to have every - thing which comes in contact with the milk as near sterile as pos- sible. 458 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Propagation of Starter for Butter-making and Cheese-making (Guthrie) 1. Take three one-quart milk bottles or fruit jars. 2. Use fresh, clean milk (either whole milk or skimmed milk) which must have a nice flavor. 3. Fill the containers one-half to two-thirds full of milk. 4. Protect the containers with regular covers (caps or tops). 5. Pasteurize by heating to 180°-200° F. for thirty minutes or longer, and then cool to ripening temperature of 60°-75° F. 6. After pasteurization the milk is ready for inoculation. Inoculate in a quiet place where the wind cannot blow dirt and bacteria into this clean seed bed. 7. Incubate at about 60°-75° F. The first inoculation from the commercial culture should be incubated at about 70°- 85° F. 8. The starter is ripe when a curd forms. This curd should be soft and like custard in appearance. 9. After the starter is ripe, hold it at 50° F. or a few degrees lower until time to use. For best results a starter should not be held longer than a few hours. 10. Upon examination the curd should be smooth and compact, without gas pockets. Gas shows the presence of undesirable bacteria. Farm Butter-making (Tnieman, Conn. Exp. Sta.) The farmer will not ask, is it more scientific to make butter than to sell milk, or is it less trouble, or does it take less time and work, but, does it pay ? That question can best be answered by a comparison of the amount received for 1000 pounds of milk by each method. One thousand pounds of milk equals 465 quarts. At 3^ cents per quart, its value is SI 6.27. The value of the same amount of milk made into butter will depend upon the richness of the milk. If it will test 4 per cent of fat, then the 1000 pounds will contain 40 pounds of fat. Under ordinary conditions this will make about 44.5 pounds of butter. This at 35 cents per pound is worth $15.57. Add to this the value of 800 pounds of skim milk and 150 pounds of buttermilk, a total of 950 pounds at 25 cents per hundredweight, equal to $2.37, a total of $17.94 for the 1000 pounds of milk when made into butter. This gives a balance of $1.67, in favor of making butter, to say nothing of the value FARM BUTTER-MAKING 459 of the fertilizer material in the skim milk and the profit in having healthy, rapid-growing calves. It will readily be seen that the side on which the profit will appear will depend wholly on the prices received for milk and butter. If the milk is sold at the farm at four cents per quart and the butter must be sold at 30 cents per pound, then the margin of profit would amount to $2.88 per 1000 pounds of milk, in favor of selling by the quart, provided the milk tests 4 per cent as in the first case. If, however, the herd in question consisted of well-bred Jerseys, giving milk testing 5 per cent on the average, the result would be some- what different : 1000 lb. milk 465 quarts 465 quarts ©4^- $18.60 1000 lb. milk testing 5% 50 lb. fat 50 lb. fat 57 lbs. butter 57 lb. butter @ 30j? $17.10 950 lb. skim milk and buttermilk @ 25^- per ewt 2.37 Total $19.47 This leaves a balance of 87 cents per 1000 pounds of milk, in favor of making butter. Bitter milk and cream. Milk may have an acrid, bitter taste, caused by the cows eating ragweed, an herb which is common in pastures late in the summer. Flavors produced by what the cows eat are most noticeable when the milk is first drawn from the udder, while flavors produced by the growth of bacteria get worse as the milk gets older. The only remedy for rag- weed flavor is to remove the cows from the pasture containing the weed. Bitter milk is sometimes given by cows that are advanced in their period of lactation and giving a small quantity of milk. Such cows should be dried up at once. Certain bacteria that develop at low temperatures may produce bitter flavors in the ripening cream. In this case the cream is all right when fresh but gradually develops the bitter flavor. This can be stopped by using plenty of steam or boiling water to sterilize thor- oughly all utensils, and by using a good active starter to hasten the development of lactic acid. The cream should not be allowed to get old and the temperature should be kept up to 70° F. or 75° F. during ripening. 460 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS', DAIRY FARMS Why butter will not " come." One of the most common complaints is that the butter will not come. This j^cnerally hapjKMis in the fall in herds where the cows freshen in the spring or early winter. When fall comes, these cows have been milk- ing a long time and are not giving much milk. The character of the milk changes as the lactation period advances. The per cent of fat and of solids-not-fat, increases. This makes the cream more viscous, and more inclined to ''whip," or to froth ui) and fill the churn. When this happens, and the churn is full of frothy cream, about the only thing to do is to add liot water to warm up the fat and to destroy the viscosity of the cream. Such treatment will not make the best of but- ter, but is better than cliurning all day and finally becoming so dis- couraged that the whole churning is thrown out. This trouble may be avoided by using more starter, ripening at a higher temperature, say 75° F. to 80° F., and churning at a higher tem- perature, say 65° F. This again will not make the best of butter, but will enable one to handle successfully that kind of cream. Sometimes the butter will not come because the cream is too thin. The fat globules are not crowded closely enough together in the milk serum to cause them to stick together when the cream is agitated. Cream should contain over 20 per cent of fat in order to make it churn easily, and 30 per cent is better. Sweet cream does not churn as easily as sour cream. Souring tends to reduce viscosity and prevent whipping. Frequently the butter will not come because the cream is too cold. The thermometer should be used, and if below 60° F. warm up by add- ing hot water, or by taking out some of the cream and warming it antl then returning it to the main lot in the churn. Unless the cream is already too thin, hot water, added carefully, will generally be found satisfactory. Cream may become too cold from churning in a cold room, especially if a metal or crockery churn is used. Too thick cream will sometimes stick to the sides of the churn and the butter will not come from lack of concussion. Water or skim milk of the proper temperature may be added to reduce the thickness of the cream. If the churn is too full, the proper amount of concussion is not pro- duced and the butter fails to come. Take out part of the cream and make two churnings. FARM BUTTER-MAKING 461 Old cream makes poor-flavored butler. Probably the most common cause of poor-flavored butter is cream that has grown stale before being churned. Fine, fresh-tasting butter, with dehcate flavors and aroma, cannot be made from old cream. Three days should be the limit of age, if the best quality is to be produced. White specks in the butter. These are caused by dried cream, and by lumps of coagulated casein. The cream should be stirred frequently while ripening and always strained through a fine-mesh wire strainer, when put in the churn. Mottled butter. "Mottles" are caused by an uneven distribution of the salt. The action of the salt on the casein causes light streaks and spots to show all through the butter. The remedy is to wash weU until the water is clear, and to work a little longer until the salt is evenly mixed with the butter. The proper point at which to stop working can be learned only by experience. Effect of feed on butter-fat. We have not much definite knowledge about the effect of feeds upon texture and flavor of butter. Strong-flavored feeds, such as turnips, garlic, cabbage, silage, etc., may be fed immediately after milking and they will then have little or no effect upon the flavor of the milk. Gluten feed, oil meal and soy beans are known to produce softer butter than corn meal and cotton-seed-meal, the latter being especially noted for the production of a hard, tallowy fat. Butter from Whey The quantity of butter that can be made from the whey from 100 pounds of milk is somewhat variable, depending on the amount of fat that is lost in the whey during the process of cheese-making. This loss depends on a great many conditions, but on the average about 5 ounces of butter can be made from the whey from 100 pounds of milk. 462 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Milk, Butter, and Dairy-farm Scores Score-card for market milk (U. S. Dept. of Agric, Dairy Division) NUMERICAL SCORE Flavor, 40 Composition, 25 Bacteria, 20 Acidity, 5 Appearance of package and contents, 10 Perfect score, 100 Judge's score. DESCRIPTIVE SCORE Flavor Excellent Good . Fair . Bad . Flat . Bitter . Weedy Garlic . Silage . Manure Smothered Other Taints Composition Perfect Fat, — per cent Solids not fat, — per cent Bacteria Perfect Total. Liquefiers Acidity Perfect — per cent Package and contents Perfect Foreign matter Metal parts Unattractive Remarks : Date : - Flavor. Directions for scoring If rich, sweet, clean, and pleasant flavor and odor, score perfect (40). Deduct for objectionable flavors and odors according to conditions found. Composition. If 3.25 per cent fat or above and 8.5 per cent solids not fat or above, score perfect (25). Deduct one point for each one-fourth per cent fat below 3.25, and one point for each one-fourth per cent solids not fat below 8.5. SCORE-CARDS 463 Bacteria. Less than 10,000 per cubic centimeter (perfect) . 20 Over 10,000 and less than 25,000 per cubic centimeter 19 Over 25,000 and less than 50,000 per cubic centimeter 18 Over 50,000 and less than 75,000 per cubic centimeter 17 Over 75,000 and less than 100,000 per cubic centimeter 16 Deduct 1 point for each 25,000 above 100,000. ^\^len an unusually large number of liquef3'ing bacteria are present, further deduction should be made according to conditions found. Acid. If 0.2 per cent or below, score perfect (5). Deduct one point for each 0.01 per cent above 0.2 per cent. (If Mann's test is used, dis- continue adding indicator on first appearance of a pink color.) Appearance of package and contents. If package is clean, free from metal parts, and no foreign matter can be detected in the contents, score perfect (10). Make deduc- tions according to conditions found. Butter score-card (Cornell) Flavor 45 Body 25 Color 15 Salt 10 Package 5 Total 100 Name of Judge Flavor Desirable Due to farm conditions Clean, creamery — pleasant bouquet, Dirty {name cause if possible) aroma. Pails, cans, barn, milkhouse, etc. Weedy (name weed if possible) Undesirable Barny _ ^ ,. . Cowy Due to creamery conditions Feedy (name feed if possible) Dirty (name cause if possible) ^^^^^e, hay, grain Churn vat. refrigerator, separator, ^^^ ^^ ^.^^^^ creamery or farm con- Woody' Rancid ditions or both Poor starter Too high ripening Flat Cheesy Oily temperature Smothered Bitter Fishy Metallic Turpentiny Dirty strainer 464 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Body Salt Desirable Desirable Waxy, medium grain (in length) Well dissolved, medium in amount Undesirable Undesirable Weak Too much water Tallowy Milky brine Not enough water Water not well incor- Too high Too light Gritty Not well distributed Greasy porated Short grain Leaky Color Package Desirable Desirable Uniform, medium shade (June or Neat clean, attractive straw) Undesirable Undesirable Not suited to market Not finished Mottled Too high Poorly packed Moldy Streaked Too light Cheap Not full Wavy Not clear Dirty Damaged Flavor . . 60 Body and Texture . 25 Color ... 15 Finish. . . 10 Total . .100 Cheese score-card (Cornell) Perfect, clean, too much acid, too little acid, sour, sweet, tainted. Weedy, cowy, old milk, bitter, fishy, yeasty, fruity, rancid, feedy. Perfect, smooth, silky, waxy, pasty, stiff, curdy, mealy. Greasy, close, loose, gassy, yeasty, acidy, sweet, watery, too dry. Perfect, white specks, streaked, seamy, mottled, wavy. Rust spots, acid cut, too high, too light, uncolored. Perfect, undesirable size, uneven, edges, cracked rinds, unclean surfaces, wrinkled bandage, greasy, no end caps. Flavor Texture Color University of Wisconsin score-cards Cheese 45 30 15 General make-up and package 10 Total 100 SCORE-CARDS ' 465 Butter Flavor 45 Body 25 Color 15 Salt 10 Package . 5 Total . , 100 Butter Classifications and Grades (N.Y. Mercantile Exchange) 1. Butter shall be classified as Creamery, Process, Factory, Pack- ing Stock, and Grease Butter. Definitions. 2. Creamery. — Butter offered under this classification shall have been made in a creamery from cream separated at the creamery or gathered from farmers. 3. Process. — Butter offered under this classification shall be such as is made by melting butter, clarifying the fat therefrom, and rechurn- ing the same with fresh milk, cream, or skim milk, or other similar process. 4. Factory. — Butter offered under this classification shall be such as is collected in rolls, lumps, or in whole packages and reworked by the dealer or shipper. 5. Packing Stock. — Butter offered under this classification shall be original farm-made butter in rolls, lumps, or otherwise, without additional moisture or salt. 6. Grease Butter shall comprise all classes of butter grading below thirds, or of packing stock grading below No. 3 as hereinafter specified, free from adulteration. Grades. 7. Creamery, Process, and Factory shall be graded as Specials, Extras, Firsts, Seconds, and Thirds ; and Packing Stock shall be graded as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. 8. Grades of butter must conform to the following requirements : Specials. 9. Shall comprise the highest grades of butter obtainable in the season when offered, under the various classifications. Ninety per 2h 466 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS cent shall conform to the following standard ; the balance shall not grade below Extras. Flavor. — Must be fine, sweet, clean, and fresh, if of current make, and fine, sweet, and clean, if held. Body. — Must be firm and uniform. Color. — A light straw shade, even and uniform. Salt. — Medium salted. Package. — Sound, good, uniform, and clean. Extras. 10. Shall be a grade just below Specials, and must be fine butter for the season when made and offered, under the various classifications. Ninety per cent shall conform to the following standard ; the balance shall not grade below Firsts. Flavor. — Must be sweet, clean, and fresh if of current make, and sweet and clean if held. Body. — Must be good and uniform. Color. — A light straw shade, even and uniform. Salt. — Medium salted. Package. — Sound, good, uniform, and clean. Firsts. 11. Shall be a grade just below Extras, and must be good butter for the season when made and offered, under the various classifica- tions. Ninety per cent shall conform to the following standard; the balance shall not grade below Seconds. Flavor. — Must be good, sweet and fresh if of current make, and good and sweet if held. Body. — Must be firm and fairly uniform. Color. — Reasonably uniform, neither very high nor very light. Salt. — May be reasonably high, light, or medium. Package. — Sound, good, uniform, and clean. Seconds. 12. Shall be a grade just below Firsts. Flavor. — Must be reasonably good. Body. — If creamery, must be solid boring. If factory or process, must be 90 per cent solid boring. Color. — Fairly uniform, but may be mottled. BUTTER GRADES 467 Salt. — May be high, medium, or light. Package. — Good and uniform. Thirds. 13. Shall be a grade below Seconds, and may consist of promis- cuous lots. Flavor. — May be off-flavored and strong on top and sides. Body. — Not required to draw a full trier. Color. — May be irregular or mottled. Salt. — High, light or irregular. Package. — Any kind of package mentioned at time of sale. No. 1 'packing stock. 14. Shall be sweet and sound, packed in large, new, or good uniform second-hand barrels, having a wooden head in each end, or in new tubs, either to be parchment paper lined. Barrels and tubs to be packed full. No. 2 packing stock. 15. Shall be reasonably sweet and sound, and may be packed in promiscuous or different kinds of barrels, tubs, or tierces, without being parchment-paper lined, and may be packed in either two-headed or cloth-covered barrels. No. 3 packing stock. 16. Shall be a grade below No. 2, and may be off-flavored, or strong ; may be packed in any kind or kinds of packages. 17. Charges for inspection of packing stock shall be the same as the rules call for on other grades. 18. Mold. — There shall be no grade for butter that shows mold. 468 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Score-card for Production of Sanitary Milk (Cornell) Score SCORE Equipment Methods Perfect Allowed Perfect Allowed COWS cows Health 6 . Cleanliness of cows . 8 Apparently in good (Free from dust, 7 ; health .... 1 free from coarse dirt, 6) If tested with tuber- culin within a year STABLE and no tuberculo- Cleanliness of stable . 6 sis is found, or if Floor 2 tested within six Walls 1 months and all re- Ceiling and ledges 1 acting animals re- Mangers and parti- moved .... 5 tions .... 1 (If tested within a Windows. . . . 1 year and reacting Stable air at milking animals are found time 6 . and removed, 2.) Freedom from dust 3 Food (clean and whole- Freedom from odors 2 some) 2 Cleanliness of bed- Water 2 ding 1 Clean and fresh . 1 Barnyard clean . . 1 2 • • • Convenient and Well drained . . 1 abundant . . 1 Removal of manure STABLES daily to field or Location of stable . . 2 . . . proper pit .... 2 • • • Well drained . . 1 (To 50 feet from sta- Free from contami- ble, 1.) nating surroundings 1 Construction of stable 4 MILK ROOM Tight, sound floor and Cleanliness of milk proper gutter . 2 room 3 . • • Smooth, tight walls and ceiling . . 1 UTENSILS AND MILKING Proper stall, tie, and Care and cleanliness manger ... 1 of utensils .... 8 . . . Provision for light : Thoroughly washed 2 Four sq. ft. of glass Sterilized in live steam per cow 4 . for 30 minutes . 3 (Three sq. ft.. 3 ; 2 (Placed over steam sq.ft., 2; lsq.ft.,1. jet or scalded with Deduct for uneven dis- boiling water, 2.) tribution.) Inverted in pure air 3 Bedding 1 . Cleanliness of milking 9 . . . Ventilation .... 7 . Clean, dry hands . 3 Provision for fresh Udders washed and air, controllable dried .... 6 flue system . . 3 (Udders cleaned with (Windows hinged at moist cloth, 4 ; cleaned bottom, 1.50; slid- with dry cloth or brush ing windows, 1 ; at least 15 minutes be- other openings, .50) 1 fore milking, 1.) INSPECTION SCORES 469 Score Score Equipment Methods Perfect Allowed Perfect Allowed Cubic feet of space HANDLING THE MILK per cow, 500 feet 3 Cleanliness of attend- (Less than 500 ft., 2: ants in milk room 2 less than 400 ft., 1 ; Milk removed imme- less than 300 ft., 0) diately from stable Provision for con- without pouring from trolling tempera- pail 2 ture 1 Cooled immediately UTENSILS after milking each Construction and con- cow 2 . . . dition of utensils . . 1 Cooled below 50° F. . 5 . . . Water for cleaning . . 1 . (51°to55°, 4; 50° to 60°, 2.) Stored below 50° F . . (51° to 55°, 2 ; 56° to 60°, 1.) (Clean, convenient and abundant.) Small-top milking pail 3 3 • • • Facilities for steam (hot water, .5) . . 1 (If delivered twice a (Should be in milk day allow perfect house, not in kitchen.) score) Milk cooler .... 1 Transportation below 2 . . . Clean milking suits . 1 . . . 50° F (51° to 55°, 1.50; 56° MILK ROOM, OR MILK to 60°, 1.) HOUSE Location free from contaminating sur- roundings .... 1 . Construction of milk room 3 . Floor, walls, and ceiling .... 1 Light, ventilation, screens ... 1 Separate rooms for washing utensils and handling milk 1 Total Total 40 . . . 60 Equipment + Methods Final Score Note 1. — If any exceptionally filthy condition is found, particularly dirty utensils, the total score may be further limited. Note 2. — If the water is exposed to dangerous contamination, or if there is evidence of the presence of a dangerous disease in animals or attendants, the score shall be 0. Milk inspection of farm dairies (Cornell) Dairj^man Date . P. O Location Cans or Bottles No. cows milking . . . In herd . . Qts. Milk . Name of family physician Milk sold to License No. Report by At milking time ? . . . . Hour M. 470 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Equipment I. Cows. Do all cows appear healthy ? What signs are there of disease ? Are udders sound ? Are cows tuberculin tested ? Date of last test By whom tested ? Number of cows added to herd since last test Number and kind of other animals in cow stable Kinds of feeds used . . . Roughage .... Concentrated . . . Are they of good quality ? Method of watering . . . Cleanliness of trough and surroundings . . . Is water supply abundant ? . Where are cows kept when sick or at calving time? II. Stables. Is stable well located ? Construction of ceiling Walls . . . Are ceiling and walla smooth and tight ? . . . . Size of stable, length Width Height Size of stall, length Width Kind of stanchion Kind of mangers Kind of floor State of repair Kind of bedding used Cubic feet of air space per cow Number and size of windows Distribution of light Sq. ft. of light per cow How is stable ventilated ? Any special provision for controlling temperature? Kinds and number of other animals, if any, in same room with cows . . III. Utensils. Are all utensils well constructed and comparatively easy to clean ? . . . Are milk pails covered or small topped ? Is any cooler used ? . . . . Kind ? Are there any facilities for sterilizing utensils ? What are they ? IV. Milk room or milk house. Location Is milk house near any source of contamination, such as pig sty, privy? Is milk house well drained ? Construction, Floor Walls Ceiling State of repair ? Is house well lighted? Ventilated? Are windows prov-^ided with screens ? Are there separate rooms for handling milk and washing utensils ? . . . _ ^ Method I. Cou^s. Are cows free from dirt ? Dust ? How often are cows cleaned ? How are cows cleaned ? Are udders and flank clipped ? . . . . How often ? II. Stable. Is stable clean ? Is there dust or cobwebs on ceiling ? Ledges ? Isthere old dried manure on floor? . . . Walls? . . . Mangers or partitions? .... Is stable whitewashed ? . . . . How often ? Is stable air free from dust and dirt ? Is feeding done before or after milking? Has the stable any bad odors? CLEAN MILK 471 Is bedding clean ? Is barnyard clean ? Well drained ? . . . . How often is manure removed from stable ? How far is manure removed from stable ? Is pasture free from mud-holes or stagnant water ? III. Milk room. Is milk room clean ? Has it any bad odors ? . . . . IV. Utensils and milking. Are utensils clean ? . . . Sterilized ? . . . How ? How soon after milking are utensils cleaned ? How are utensils cared for after milking ? Are milkers healthy ? . . . Do they milk with clean, dry hands ? . Do they wear special over-all suits ? How often are suits washed ? Where are suits kept when not in use ? How long before milking are cows cleaned ? Are udders wiped with damp cloth before milking ? Is stable floor dampened before milking ? . . Where is milk strained V. Handling the milk. Are attendants in milk room clean ? What kind of a strainer is used ? How soon after milking is milk cooled ? What kind of a cooler is used ? To how low a temperature is milk cooled ? . . . . Is ice used ? . How is milk protected during transportation to market ? Rules for the production of clean milk (Ross) The presence of bacteria in milk is what causes the milk to become unfit for human food. If there were no germs in milk, it would keep sweet and whol3- some indefinitely. The problem of producing clean milk is therefore one of keep- ing bacteria out of the milk. The following rules are comparatively simple and inexpensive to follow, and at the same time they will do much to help the dairymen produce clean milk : — 1. Keep the cow clean. 2. Clip the hair about the flank and udder at least twice each year. 3. Wipe the udder with a damp cloth just before milking. 4. Do not brush or feed the cow just before milking. 5. Do not sweep the floor within three-quarters of an hour before milking. 6. Use a small-top or covered milk-pail. 7. Milk with clean hands and clean suits. 8. Rinse all of the milk utensils with cold water, and then wash them thoroughly with a brush and hot water in which washing powder has been dis- solved. Then scald everything in boiling water. 9. Have the barns well lighted and ventilated. Bacteria do not thrive in sunlight. Have not less than four square feet of glass per cow. 10. Keep the milk utensils in a place free from dust. 11. In purchasing dairy apparatus, insist that all seams be filled with solder. Cracks and seams make an ideal place in which germs grow. 12. Keep the milk cold (at least 50° F.) after milking. Rules for care of milk by consumer 1. Do not leave milk sitting on the door step or other place exposed to dust and rays of the sun. 2. Do not keep milk in the same compartment with other food. 3. Keep the milk on ice from time of delivery until it is used. 472 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS; DAIRY FARMS Sanitary inspection of city milk plants (U. S. Dept. of Agric, Bureau of Animal Industry, Dairy Division) Owner or manager Trade name City Street and No. State f Milk Gallons sold daily Cream [ Buttermilk - Date of inspection , 19 . Number of wagons — Permit or license No Equipment il Methods o 5 02 Cl, Plant : Location Convenience 6 Surroundings . . . .12 Arrangement Proper rooms 3 Convenience 4 Construction Floor 5 Walls 3 Ceiling 1 Light 18 7 9 1 1 20 28 4 11 Plant : Cleanliness Floor 6 Walls 4 Ceilings 1 Doors 1 Windows 1 Good order 1 Free from odors ... 1 Machinery and utensils : Cleanliness Milk : Handling (Clarifying, pasteurizing, cooling, bottling) Storage 45° F. or below ... 20 45° to 50° F 15 50° to 55° F 10 Wagons Cleanliness 3 Protection of product . . 3 Salesroom : Cleanliness ADDITIONAL DEDUCTIONS For exceptionally bad conditions 15 25 Ventilation Screens Machinery and utensils . . . Kind and quality ... 7 (Steam or hot water, bottle and can washer, bottling machine, drying racks, crates, sinks, pasteurizer, cold storage.) Condition 7 Arrangement 6 Water for cleaning Wagons : Construction, condition . Salesroom Location 4 Construction 4 Equipment 3 25 20 6 9 100 100 ADDITIONAL DEDUCTIONS For exceptionally bad conditions : Total deductions . . . Net total Total deductions .... Net total CHAPTER XXV Construction, Farm Engineering, Mechanics Farm engineering is concerned with layouts, and the projection of physical enterprises on the land, — as surveying, laying out drains, irrigation works, roads, bridges, and the like. Farm mechanics has to do with construction, and the principles of physics underlying it. Farm machinery as a department of knowledge has to do with the application of mechanics to those devices known as machines. Farm architecture is concerned with the building of barns, residences, and other housing structures. Silos Least number of dairy cows that should be fed from silos of given diameters (Rawl and Conover) Diameter of Silo (in feet) Number of Cows TO BE Fed 10 12 12 17 14 23 16 30 18 38 Feeding capacity of silos (Wis. Sta.). When the cows are getting 40 pounds of silage daily, each cow should be allowed 4 to 5 square feet of feeding surface in the silo. Ten cows would require a feeding surface of 50 feet. A silo 8 feet in diameter would have a cross section, or feeding surface, of 50 square feet. For 10 cows, therefore, a silo should be 8 feet in diameter. Fif- teen cows should have a silo 10 feet in diameter ; 20 cows should have a silo 12 feet in diameter. The diameter of silos required for different numbers of cows is shown in the following table. It is assumed that each cow eats 40 pounds of silage daily. 473 474 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS Feed for 180 days Silo 30 Ft. Deep, 24 Ft. of Silage Silo 36 Ft. Deep, 30 Ft. of Silage Number of Cows IN Herd Fed down at rate 1 ^ in. daily Fed down at rate of 2 in. daily Tons Silage Inside Diameter Tons Silage Inside Diameter 14 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 52 60 70 80 90 100 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 216 252 288 324 360 10 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 33 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 216 252 288 324 360 9 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 28 Approximate quantity of silage required per day (111. Sta.) Kind of Stock Daily Ration Beef Cattle — Wintering calves, 8 months old . . . Wintering breeding cows Fattening beef cattle 18-22 months old First stage of fattening Latter stage of fattening .... Dairy cattle Sheep — Wintering breeding sheep Fattening lambs Fattening sheep Pounds 15 to 25 30 to 50 20 to 30 12 to 20 30 to 50 3 to 5 2 to 3 3 to 4 This table, in connection with the following, may be used to de- termine the size of silo needed to fulfill various conditions. For ex- ample, if the silage is to be fed to a herd of 40 dairy cattle at the rate of 40 pounds per head per day, a silo 16 or 18 feet in diameter will be satisfactory. SILO FIGURES 475 Capacity of silo (King) Inside Diameter Height Capacity Tons Acreage to FILL, 15 Tons TO THE Acre Amount that should be FED Daily Pounds 10 r28 42 2.8 525 10 30 47 3.0 525 10 32 51 3.4 515 10 34 56 3.7 525 10 38 65 4.3 525 10 40 70 4.6 525 12 28 61 4.1 755 12 30 67 4.5 755 12 32 74 5.0 755 12 34 80 5.3 755 12 36 87 5.8 755 12 38 94 6.4 755 12 40 101 7.3 755 14 28 83 5.5 1030 14 30 91 6.1 1030 14 32 100 6.7 1030 14 34 109 7.2 1030 14 36 118 7.9 1030 14 38 128 8.5 1030 14 40 138 9.2 1030 16 28 108 7.2 1340 16 32 131 8.7 1340 16 34 143 9.5 1340 16 36 ]55 10.3 1340 16 38 167 11.1 1340 16 40 180 12.0 1340 18 30 151 10.0 1700 18 32 166 11.0 1700 18 34 181 12.0 1700 18 36 196 13.2 1700 18 38 212 14.1 1700 18 40 229 15.26 1700 18 42 246 16.4 1700 18 44 264 17.6 1700 18 46 282 18.8 1700 20 30 187 12.5 2100 20 32 205 13.6 2100 20 34 224 15.0 2100 20 36 243 16.2 2100 20 40 281 18.8 2100 20 42 300 20.0 2100 20 44 320 21.3 2100 20 46 340 22.6 2100 20 48 361 24.0 2100 20 50 382 25.5 2100 476 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICJ Necessary diameter of silos for feeding different numbers of cows while re- moving from 2 to 3,2 inches of silage daily (King) Each cow is allowed 40 pounds of silage daily ; silos to be of sufficient capac- ity to hold silage for ISO days. Silo 30 Ft. deep, no Partition Mean Depth fed Daily, 2 In. Silo 24 Ft. deep with Partition Mean Depth fed Daily, 3.2 In. No. OF Cows Contents Round diam- eter in ft. Square sides in ft. Contents Round diam- eter in ft. Sauare sides in ft. Tons Cu. Ft. Tons Ct. Ft. 30 40 50 60 70 90 100 108 144 180 216 252 324 360 4,091 6,545 8,182 9,818 11,454 14,727 16,364 15.0 16.75 18.75 20.50 22.00 25.00 26.50 12 X 14 14 X 16 16 X 18 18 X 18 20 X 20 22 X 24 24 X 24 108 144 180 216 252 324 360 5,510 7,347 9,184 11,020 12,857 16,531 18,367 17.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 29.75 31.25 16 X 16 18 X 18 20 X 20 22 X 22 22 X 26 26 X28 28 X28 Other silo figures. Silos are now preferably cylindrical, for the silage packs and settles more evenly than in square or cornered constructions. Most silos now are wooden tank-like structures built of upright wooden staves. In the northernmost dairy regions, the silo may be inside the barn ; but usually it is outside the main barn structure. Weight of silage in silos of different depths two days after filling the silo (King) Depth of Silage Weight at Different Mean Weight of Silage for Depths Whole Depth of Silo Feet Lb. per cu. ft. Lb. per cu. fl. 1 18.7 18.7 5 25.4 22.1 10 33.1 26.1 15 40.0 29.8 20 46.2 33.3 25 51.7 36.5 30 56.4 39.6 35 61.0 42.8 SILO AND BARN FIGURES 477 Approximate capacity of cylindrical silos for well-matured corn silage, in tons (King) r^ Inside Diameter in Feet 5- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 23 24 25 26 Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons 20 . 58.8 67.0 75.6 84.7 94.4 104.6 115.3 126.6 138.3 150.6 163.4 176.8 21 . 62.9 71.6 80.8 90.6 100.9 111.8 123.3! 135.3 147.9 161.0 174.7 189.0 22 . 67.4 76.5 86.4 96.8 107.9 119.6 131.8 144.7 158.1 172.2 186.8 202.1 23 . 71.7 81.6 92.1 103.3 115.1 127.5 140.6! 154.3 168.7 183.6 199.3 215.5 24 . 76.1 86.6 97.81 109.6 122.1 135.3 149.2 163.7 179.0 194.9 211.5 228.7 25 . 80.6 89.6 103.6 116.1 129.3 143.3 158.0 173.4 189.5 206.4 223.9 242.2 26 . 85.5 97.2; 109.8 123.0 137.1 151.9 167.5 183.8 200.9 218.8 237.4 256.7 27 . 90.2 102.6 115.8 129.8 144.7 160.3 176.7 194.0 212.0 230.8 250.5 270.9 28 . 95.0 108.1 122.0 136.8 152.4 168.9 186.2 204.3 223.3 243.2 263.9 285.4 29 . 99.9 113.7 128.3 143.9 160.3 177.6 195.8 214.9 234.9 255.8 277.6 300.2 30 . 105.0 119.4 134.8, 151.1 168.4! 186.6 205.7 225.8 246.8' 268.7 291.6 315.3 31 . 109.8 124.9 141.1 158.2 176.2 195.2 215.3 236.3 258.21281.8 305.1 330.0 32 . 115.1 135.9 147.8 165.7 184.6 204.6 225.5 247.5 270.5 294.6 319.6 345.7 Bam Figures A comparison of the cost of material in round and rectangular barns, in- cluding foundation and silos (111. Sta.) Lumber in barn . . . . Material in foundation . Material in silo .... Total cost of material in barn Actual money saved . Proportional cost .... RODND Barn, 60 Feet In Diameter $799.76 86.89 159.01 $1045.66 100% Rectangular Barn, 36 X 78V2 Feet Plank frame $1023.27 105.90 295.26 $1424.43 378.77 136% Mortise frame $1233.41 105.90 295.26 $1634.57 588.91 156% Wire Fence On the model form of woven-wire fence, the tensile strain figures to a very small degree. What the manufacturer aims to accomplish is to produce a hard wire without having this of spring-steel grade, so that it will stand more or less abuse and still not be so hard but that it can be spliced. Some types of fence are of rather weak construction, and for top and bottom wire high carbon steel is used to hold up the fabric. 478 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Acre Requires 7. Requires s Requires 56 Rods ! 1 52 2 50 Rods of Rod!«of o 10 ft. of Fence 1. " a Fence w fence 12 rods 10 It 9 In. 10 rods 8 rods 16 rods 22 rods 2 Acres 3 Acres Requires ^ K Requires 88 Rods 72 rods of O J of Fence Fence I 1 20 rods 4 Acres Requires 1 04 25 rods 5 ft. Rods of Fence 4 Acres Requires lOl Rod* | 3^ feet ol Fence w c< Fig. 17. — Dimensions of 1, 2, 3, and 4 aero lots, and fonco roquired to enclose them. Dimensions given are exact, so that in buying fence, sufficient allow- ance should be made to cover fence taken up in wrapping around end and corner posts. WIRE FENCING Gauges, sizes, and weights of plain wire 479 Gauge Diameter of Gauge, Inches Weight One Mile, Pounds Feet to Pound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ..... . 16 17 18 19 20 .2830 .2625 .2437 .2253 .2070 .1920 .1770 .1620 .1483 .1350 .1205 .1055 .0915 .0800 .0720 .0625 .0540 .0475 .0410 .0348 1128.0 970.4 836.4 714.8 603.4 519.2 441.2 369.6 309.7 256.7 204.5 156.7 117.9 90.13 73.01 55.01 41.07 31.77 23.67 17.05 4.681 5.441 6.313 7.386 8.750 10.17 11.97 14.29 17.05 20.57 25.82 33.69 44.78 58.58 72.32 95.98 128.6 166.2 223.0 309.6 Barb-wire. In barb-wire fencing, it is reasonably safe to estimate that four- point cattle barb-wire (which means barbs approximately five inches apart) weighs about one pound to the rod ; and that four-point hog barb-wire (barbs about three inches apart), measures about thirteen feet to the pound. Galvanized coiled spring-steel wire. Coiled or wavy wire is employed in making fences in various forms, although it is not used to any great extent. It is so coiled that it will retain its springiness against all expansion and contrac- tion due to weather conditions. Gauge Feet per Pound Gauge Feet per Pound No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 11.00 13.33 16.70 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 20.00 24.61 32.00 480 CONSTRUCTION^ FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS ■4 mile or SO rods 40 rods ^ NrwU <0 111 i 1 1 1 e 80 Acres ^ i Requires 1^ miles jB g o/- 480 rods of fence^ >^ the;r, e)ne; e;nel of the l)ae;k slul) will lie If) ine;he;s nearer the center of the roadway than the front one, giving what is known as "se;t bae-k." The; holes she)ulel be; 2 ine;iie'S in diameter. Care must be taken te) hold the auger pluml) in be)rinf^ th(;se; he)le;s in oreleT that tlie' stake;s shall fit pr()|)e'rly. The- lie)le te> re- ceive the; fe>rwarei e;nel e>f the chain she)uld be* be)re;el at the; same' time. The two slabs should be held 30 inche;s apart by the stakes. Straight-graine;el timber shoulel be se;le;cte;d for the stakes, so that each stake shall fit snuf^ly inte) the twe)-inch hole when the; two slabs are in the prope;r i)e)sitiem. The' stake-s she)uld taper graehially te)warel the ends. There; she)ulel be no she)ulele'r at the' point where the; stake;s e;nter the slab. The stakes should be fastened in place by wedges only. When the stakes have been placed in position and tightly wedged, ROAD-DRAGS. WATER FIGURES 489 a brace two inches thick and four inches wide should be placed diagon- ally to thorn at the ditch end. The brace should be dropped on the front slab, so that its lower edge shall lie within an inch of the ground, while the other end should rest in the angle Vjetween the slab and the end stake. A strip of iron about 3^ feet long, 3 or 4 inches wide, and \ of an inch thick nriay be used for the blade. This should be attached to the front slab, so that it will be \ inch below the lower edge of the slab at the ditcli end, while the end of the iron toward the middle of the road should be flush with the edge of the slab. The bolts holding the blade in place should have flat heads, and the holes to receive them iihould be countersunk. If the face of the log stands plumb, it is well to wedge out the lower edge of the blade with a three-cornered strip of wood to give it a set like the bit of a plane. A platform of inch boards held together by three cleats should be plac(;d on the stakes betwe(.'n the slabs. These boards should be spaced at least an inch aparf. to allow any earth that may heap up and fall over the front slab to sift through upon the road again. Data on Water 1 U.S. j?allon 1 U.S. gallon 1 cu. ft. wator 1 cu. ft. water 2.31 cu, in. 8i lb. 62.5 lb. 7.48 j?al. Feet-head of water, and equivalent pressure Feet- Head Pound* PEH Sq. In. Feet-Head Pounds PEB Sq. In. Feet-Head Pounds PER Sci. In. 1 .43 60 25.99 200 86.62 2 .87 70 30.32 225 97.45 3 1.30 80 34.65 250 108.27 4 1.73 90 38.98 275 110.10 5 2.17 100 43.31 300 120.03 6 2.60 110 47.64 325 140.75 7 3.03 120 51.07 350 151.58 8 3.40 1.30 56.30 400 173.24 9 3.90 140 60.63 500 216.55 10 4.33 150 64.96 600 259.85 20 8.66 160 69.29 700 303.16 .30 12.00 170 73.63 800 346.47 40 17.32 180 77.96 900 389.78 50 21.65 190 82.29 1000 433.09 490 CONSTRUCTlONy FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS Pressure arid equivalent feet-head of water Pounds perSq.In. Feet-Head Pounds PER Sq. In. Feet-Head Pounds PEK Sq. In. Feet-Head 1 2.31 40 92.36 170 392.52 2 4.62 50 115.45 180 415.61 3 6.93 60 138.54 190 438.90 4 9.24 70 161.63 200 461.78 6 11.54 80 184.72 225 519.51 6 13.85 90 207.81 250 577.24 7 16.16 100 230.90 275 643.03 8 18.47 110 253.98 300 692.69 9 20.78 120 277.07 325 750.41 10 23.09 125 288.62 350 808.13 15 34.63 130 300.16 375 865.89 20 46.18 140 323.25 400 922.58 25 57.72 150 346.34 500 1154.48 30 69.27 160 369.43 1000 2308.00 Table of equivalents for moving water 42-Gallon Barrel Gallons Inches of 9 Gal. per PER PER Minute PER Hour Minute Minute Bbls. per Minute Bbls. per Hour Bbls. 24 Hours 10 1.11 1.3368 600 .24 14.28 342.8 20 2.22 2.6733 1,200 .48 28.57 685.7 25 2.66 3.342 1,500 .59 35.71 857.0 27 3.0 3.609 1.620 .64 38.57 925.0 35 3.88 4.678 2.100 .83 50.0 1,200.0 36 4.0 4.812 2,100 .86 51.43 1,234.0 40 4.4 5.348 2,400 .95 57.14 1,371.0 45 5.0 6.015 2,700 1.07 64.28 1,543.0 75 8.33 10.026 4,.500 1.78 107.14 2,581.0 80 8.88 10.694 4,800 1.90 114.28 2,742.0 90 10.0 12.031 5,400 2.14 128.5 3,0S5.0 100 11.1 13.368 6,000 2.39 142.8 3,428.0 125 13.8 16.710 7,500 2.98 178.6 4,286.0 150 16.6 20.052 9,000 3.57 214.3 5,14:^.0 175 19.4 23.394 10.. 500 4.16 250.0 6,0( )().() 180 20.0 24.062 10,800 4.28 257.0 6,171.0 225 25.0 30.079 18,. 500 5.35 321.4 7,714.0 250 26.7 33.421 15,000 5.95 357.1 8,570.0 270 30.0 36.093 16.200 6.33 385.7 9,257.0 360 40.0 48.125 21.600 8.57 514.3 12,342.0 400 44.4 53.472 24,000 9.52 571.8 13.723.0 450 50.0 60.158 27.000 10.7 642.8 15,428.0 WATER FIGURES 491 Table of equivalents for moving water — Continued Gallons Miner's Inches of 9 Gal. per Cubic Feet per Minute 42-Gallon Barrel PER PER Hour Minute Minute BbLS. PER Minute Bbls. per Hour Bbls. 24 Hours 500 55.5 66.842 30,000 11.9 714.3 17,143.0 540 GO.O 72.186 32,400 12.8 771.3 18,512.0 600 66.0 80.208 36,000 14.3 857.1 20,570.0 630 70.0 84.218 37,800 15.0 900.0 21,600.0 675 75.0 90.234 40,500 16.0 964.0 23,143.0 720 80.0 96.25 43,200 17.0 1028.0 24,685.0 800 88.8 106.94 48,000 19.05 1142.0 27,387.0 900 100.0 120.31 54,000 21.43 1285.0 30,857.0 1000 111.1 133.68 60,000 23.95 1428.0 34,284.0 1350 150.0 180.46 81,000 32.14 1928.0 46,085.0 1500 166.0 200.52 90,000 35.71 2142.0 51,427.0 1800 200.0 240.62 108,000 42.85 2571.0 57,713.0 2000 222.0 267.36 120,000 47.64 2857.0 68,568.0 2500 266.0 334.21 150,000 59.52 3571.0 85,704.0 2700 300.0 360.93 162,000 63.33 3857.0 92,572.0 3000 333.0 401.04 180,000 71.43 4285.0 102,840.0 Foot-loss by friction of water through pipes, by gravity (Ogden) The spring or other source used for a water-supply would have to be as much higher than the highest fixture is as shown in the table, in order to provide the pressure required to overcome the friction in the pipe. The table shows the force required to keep the water moving through a small pipe, expressed in number of feet of head, when the water flows by its own weight and is not forced by a pump : — Head in Feet lost by Friction in Each 100 F»et Flow in Gallons per OF Length Minute y2-inch pipe 1-inch pipe 0.5 4 1.0 7 0.3 2.0 17 0.7 4.0 54 1.6 7.0 140 5.3 10.0 224 9.3 492 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENaiNEERING, MECHANICS Friction-loss in pounds of water in pipes Pounds pressure per square inch for each 100 feet of length in different size clean iron pipe, discharging given quantities water per minute. Gal- Sizes OF Pipe — Inside Diameter lons PER Min- ute |in. 1 in. liin. IJin. 2 in. 3 in. 4 in. 6 in. Sin. 10 in. 12 in. 5 3.3 0.84 0.31 0.12 0.03 10 13.0 3.16 1.05 0.47 0.12 15 28.7 6.98 2.38 0.97 0.27 20 50.4 12.3 4.07 1.66 0.42 0.03 25 78.0 19.0 6.40 2.62 0.67 0.10 30 27.5 9.15 3.75 0.91 0.12 0.03 35 37.0 12.4 5.05 1.26 0.14 0.05 40 48.0 16.1 6.52 1.60 0.17 0.06 45 20.2 8.15 2.01 0.27 0.07 50 24.9 10.0 2.44 0.35 0.09 75 56.1 22.4 5.32 0.74 0.21 0.03 100 39.0 9.46 1.31 0.33 0.05 125 14.9 1.99 0.51 0.07 150 21.2 2.85 0.69 0.10 0.02 175 28.1 3.85 0.95 0.14 0.03 200 37.5 5.02 1.22 0.17 0.05 0.01 250 7.76 1.89 0.26 0.07 0.03 0.01 300 11.2 2.66 0.37 0.09 0.04 Gal- lons 3 in. 4 in. Sin. 6 in. 7 in. 10 in. 12 in. 16 in. 20 in. 24 in. 30 in. 350 400 450 500 600 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 15.2 19.5 25.0 30.8 3.65 4.73 6.01 7.43 10.6 1.28 1.68 2.10 2.70 3.45 5.40 9.60 0.50 0.65 0.81 0.96 1.72 2.21 3.88 0.25 0.32 0.42 0.49 0.86 1.11 1.91 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.32 0.49 0.70 0.95 1.23 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.20 0.29 0.38 0.49 0.77 1.11 0.009 0.036 0.71 0.123 0.188 0.267 0.365 0.47 0.593 0.73 0.09 0.124 0.158 0.20 0.244 0.067 0.08 0.102 0.022 0.027 0.035 WATER FIGURES 493 Friction-head in feet in clean wrought-iron pipe for each 100 feet of length when discharging various quantities of water from a windynill (Fuller) If the water is to be carried some distance fom the pump to a res- ervoir in the use of windmills in irrigation, then the pipe-line convey- ing the water to the reservoir will offer friction to the flow, and this friction expressed in feet should be added in determining the total head against which the pump must operate. Friction-head in Pipe, with Diameter of — Size of Gal- lons PER Min- ute fin. lin. IJin. Uin. 2 in. 2^ in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 7 in. Sin. 10 in. 12 in. Pipe to use for Eco- nomi- cal Dis- tribu- tion 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 Feel 7.60 29.95 66.12 116.12 179.71 Feet 1.93 7.28 16.08 28.33 43.77 63.36 85.24 110.59 Feet 0.71 2.42 5.48 9.37 14.74 21.08 28.56 37.09 46.54 57.37 129.25 Feet 0.27 1.08 2.23 3.82 6.03 8.64 11.63 15.02 18.77 23.04 51.61 89.85 Feet 0.07 0.28 0.62 0.97 1.53 2.09 2.90 3.68 4.63 5.62 12.25 21.79 34.33 48.84 64.74 86.40 Feet 0.07 0.14 0.30 0.48 0.69 0.96 1.17 1.42 1.86 4.14 7.37 11.26 19.12 21.76 28.73 i5.29 64.65 Feu 0.07 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.39 0.62 0.80 1.70 3.01 4.58 6.56 8.87 11.56 17.87 25.80 Feet 0.07 0.11 0.13 0.16 0.20 0.48 0.76 1.17 1.58 2.18 2.80 4. .34 6.12 Feet 0.07 0.13 0.27 0.39 0.57 0.78 0.97 1.49 2.13 Feet 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.23 0.32 0.39 0.60 0.85 Feet 0.07 0.18 0.30 0.41 Feet 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.20 Feet 0.02 0.07 0.09 Feet z 0.02 Inches 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Suppose, it is desired to deliver 60 gallons of water per minute through a pipe-line 100 feet long. The table shows that a 3-inch line delivers 50 gallons per minute at a loss of 0.8 foot head, and a 4-inch line 75 gallons per minute mth 0.48-foot loss. The size desired is therefore between 3 and 4 inches, and as no intermediate size is made in wrought-iron pipe, the 4-inch pipe is best, and the total head to pump against would be 25 + 3 + 0.48, or a total o' 28.48 feet. 494 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS Barometric pressure at different altitudes, as affecting pumps With equivalent head of water and the vertical suction lift of pumps Altitude Sea level . . imile, 1,320 ft. imile, 2,640 ft. fmile, 3,960 ft. 1 mile, 5,280 ft. li mile, 6.600 ft. l^mile, 7,920 ft. 2 miles, 10,560 ft, Barometric Pressure 14.70 14.02 13.33 12.66 12.02 11.42 10.88 9.88 Equivalent Head of Water 33.95 32.38 30.79 29.24 27.76 26.38 25.13 22.82 Practical Suction Lift OF Pumps 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 16 Windmill Figures Windmills for pumping (Rayner). Windmills vary in type and efficiency from a four-arm direct-con- nected paddle wheel, erected on a single post, to the modern curved blade, back-geared, steel windmill, erected on a scientifically con- structed steel tower. To select a proper-sized windmill for the purpose required, the speed of the wind in the particular locality should be considered. In the United States, this information can be readily secured from the nearest weather bureau station. When the average speed is above eight miles per hour, throughout the year, the following table may be fol- lowed safely : — Lift (ft.) 8-ft. diameter windmill 3 -inch diameter pump, 40 8-ft. diameter windmill 2i^-inch diameter pump, 70 10-ft. diameter windmill 3 -inch diameter pump, 70 10-ft. diameter windmill 2J^-inch diameter pump, 120 12-ft. diameter windmill 3 -inch diameter pump, 100 12-ft. fiiameter windmill 2J/^-inch diameter pump, 180 12-ft. diameter windmill 2*^ -inch diameter pump, 200 12-ft. diameter windmill 2 -inch diameter pump, 300 When the average speed of the wind is less than given above, a pro- portionally larger diameter windmill should be chosen. In the lift that is required of the pump, the elevation above the ground to the top of the elevated tank or cistern should be added to the depth of the well. ^ o 496 WINDMILLS 497 Loading and speed of 14-foot power windmill when developing its maximum power (Fuller) Wind Velocity — Miles per Hour Horse-power Speed of Wheel — Revolutions per Minute Load in Pounds PER Stroke 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 0.01 0.27 0.85 1.80 3.45 4.82 5.60 2.0 20.0 29.5 38.0 45.0 51.0 55.0 4.35 10.35 14.20 26.35 29.20 31.00 Sizes of circular reservoirs and estimated cost for various areas of land to be irrigated from windmills (Fuller) The following table gives the dimensions of circular reservoirs of different capacities ; the quantities of earth in the embankments, if these have inside slopes of three to one and outside slopes of one to one ; the areas which can be irrigated, provided the reservoir full of water is used once in ten days throughout five months and the land receives water to a depth of one foot ; the sizes of mills recommended, and the costs of reservoirs and mills. The lift assumed in choosing the mills is 14 feet : — >> I'L lol fa o'o Ml III III if a 111 u III Estimated Cost of Plant Erected and Completed i 1 « 0.07 4 21.30 45.30 19 3 212.00 1 8-foot $21.20 $81 1 0.16 4 34.96 58.96 19 3 281.52 1 8-foot 28.15 88 2 0.24 4 45.62 69.62 19 3 336.25 1 10-foot 33.62 113 3 0.32 4 54.61 78.61 19 3 381.88 1 10-foot 38.18 119 4 0.40 4 62.27 86.27 19 3 422.46 1 12-foot 42.24 202 5 0.49 5 58.58 88.58 24 4 684.71 2 10-foot 68.47 228 6 0.56 5 63.64 93.64 24 4 725.80 2 12-foot 72.58 392 7 0.63 5 69.00 99.00 24 4 747.75 3 12-foot 74.77 550 8 0.72 5 74.37 104.37 24 4 813.51 3 12-foot 81.35 561 9 0.80 5 79.36 109.36 24 4 854.16 3 12-foot 85.41 565 10 1 Not including well. 2k 498 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS Average cost of windmills of different sizes, and areas irrigated by them in Colorado (Fuller) Number of Mills Size OF Mills Average Cost Average Area 18 8 10 12 14 16 $102 198 195 265 188 0.7 12 1.8 9 2.4 8 3.8 2 ... 3.6 Machinery and Motors Rules for widths of belting d = diameter of either driving or driven pulley in inches. n = number of revolutions per minute of pulley considered. Wi = width in inches of single leather belting or of 4-ply canvas or 4-ply rubber belting. tf>s = width in inches of 5-ply canvas or of 5-ply rubber belting. Wq = width in inches of double leather belting or 6-ply canvas or 6-ply rubber belting. H.P. = Horse-power to be transmitted by belt. Rule:— u'4 = 3000^^ an Rules for determining size and speed of pulleys or gears The driving pulley is called the Driver, and the driven pulley the Driven. To determine the diameter of Driver, the diameter of the Driven and its revolutions, and also revolutions of Driver, being given. Diam. of Driven X revolutions of Driven Revolutions of Driver Diam. of Driver. To determine the diameter of Driven, the revolutions of the Driven and diam- eter and revolutions of the Driver being given. Diam. of Driver X revolutions of Driver Revolutions of Driven Diam. of Driven. To determine the revolutions of the Driver, the diameter and revolutions of the Driven and diameter of the Driver being given. Diam. of Driven X revolutions of Driven t^ e t^ • r ^ ,-^- = Rev. of Driver. Diameter of Driver To determine the revolutions of the Driven, the diameter and revolutions of the Driver, and diameter of the Driven being given. Diam. of Driver X revolutions of Driver Diameter of Driven = Rev. of Driven. If the number of teeth in gears is used instead of diameter, in these calcula- tions, number of teeth must be substituted wherever diameter occurs. PUMP FIGURES 499 -«* w o N 00 « 8 a3 H "3 a w 9. Q fc< o in o o a O C5 0) 2 OJ u, QO t >> 03 Q, O 6 »fl '* w OOOOO'-'-H(N(NC0-^'OOt>.G00iOC^M>Ct~-.0CO'N'*O00 dddddddodddddddd^^-*.-;.-; (MC^(N(NC^fOo6cOr}.^(Nt>^ dddddddddd( o q r-. 00 Cir-H c^i CO ic o c« q cvi^? o t^ C2 -^ CO o ^ d o o in t^ 5 do OOOOOi-^r-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-HCMr^rMrvjrNirvj^ri^rX^^irNirsfi-'. >X.r^^ q q q q q q '~| ^ c^ ^ ^ w ^^ s»^ i-^ ^aj w^ t— < '-n '-'j ^i* ^^ l#j ^^j -n c^ l"^ r^ w^ ^ cc c^ ^ co ~~~ dddddddi-i— <^— oooo-^oo35coot^c^o5-^cDoocoT).CDOO'*t^:00-^OOOOOCOCOC3C^O'*COO--'OCO-^0'-HOOC<)0000<000'*CO»COO"*:DO qqqqqq-H^_'--HTro ddddddddddddddddddd'-H.-Hr-<-H^,--<,-!cv4(N(N(N(NcoMcoc^TfTrdc^iicc: 00:0^'Hrf'>iiOCOOiCa5h-i-HC5'*^5t>.OOOt<-^00 0;0000032iOO'-ir>.COLO^OOOCOTfiO qqqqqqq-H_>--coo50'--i(NcO'^»ot>.Q005coo;^?ocoO'Hrf<(NfO oooooooodddddddddddd'-H^i-ii-.Tj'OC<)COt^OOit>.GO-^-^05t^Oh->0>TttT)oooioo-HO qqqqqqq'-H.-H^_(Nc^_r'^roT).ooa;0'--i(NcO'*iococ;o^Tt'Ot^O'^Ob'.oo oooooooodddddddddddddd'HT-^^--^rH1-i.-^1-^,--((^^l^^l^^(^^o^Joco^"o6<--^70 Q0iMt>.CO— iQ005Tt0-H.-^iOCOOOOfOC50iCf<:iO-H01iCM'*05^I^OOO(NCn--0»-':!C^100 0---^'NM2'OCTiiMioa):0(^c^t^^C2 0-HCRO-r(N — oo2C50o;c^:cio^-^t^:Dccoocc — Tj< qqqqqqqq^ ^_^oocot>.oooiO'-i-HCv)fOT»t^050iN'^t^-^aiXOO dddddoddddddddddddddddddd^'.-J.-ir-;^^^,-;c^'iNi4c^'ddc«d iCGO-^OOlNcOrOC^COGO'^TtICI-^iNOOO— -';o-^t^r^ooa30'--'3t^0iN^--r^00'^-*0 OOO— I— iC^l:0'tiOCDXOC^Tf<'-OC5-HT).iO(Nt0320aiCO-HiCO--0'^--iOXXr^'*OC«5 0LOS5rO©»CiNt^C^O'OC. q IN q ^ t^ -"T '-_ -; c^ t>; — ; q oq ic t>. q ■<«; — < d d d d d ^ ^' IN ro cc ■^' ic t>^ X c^' -^' c^' ^' u-:: r^ d -^ CO uo X d CO »o 00 'It t^ d d d cc d X d -^ _^^^rtr-iCvlC^<(NC^4COCC!>OCO'*»0>nioir5;OOCOOt^l>t^OOXX05050»OOXO :^;^ 500 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS Table of power required to operate high-grade triplex pumps The estimates given in the table are made with a liberal allowance of power. The power for other capacities and heights is. approximately, in proportion to that tabulated. By " head " is meant the vertical distance from surface of water supply to point of delivery. One foot head is equivalent to .43 pound pressure. The head is increased by the friction of the water in pipes and elbows. General service pumps Diameter AND Stroke of Usual Capacity PER Minute 50 Feet Head or 100 Feet Head or 150 Feet Head or 2.50 Feet Head or 350 Feet or Head 21 Pounds 43 Pounds 65 Pounds 108 Pounds 150 Pounds Pdmp Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure in. gal. h. p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. 1J4 X 2 1.8 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 m X 2H 4.2 0.50 0.50 0.65 0.85 1.12 2X3 6.0 0.50 0.50 0.70 1.05 1.33 2H X 4 12.0 0.60 1.0 1.36 1.85 2.33 3X4 18.0 0.75 1.1 1.6 2.5 3.15 3H X 4 25.0 0.83 1.3 1.8 2.7 3.25 4X4 32.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 4X6 ^.0 1.9 2.5 3.1 4.8 6.25 5 V'' 75.0 2.0 3.5 4.0 6.25 8.75 a 5X8 90.0 2.5 4.0 5.0 7.5 10.5 o 5^ X 8 110.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.7 12.5 < . 6X8 132.0 3.6 4.5 7.0 11.0 15.5 6 X 10 154.0 4.05 6.0 8.0 12.75 17.8 a 6H X 8 153.0 4.25 6.0 8.0 12.75 17.8 tc 7X8 180.0 5.0 7.0 9.5 15.0 21.0 7 X 10 209.0 5.25 7.8 10.75 17.25 23.33 8X8 234.0 5.85 9.0 12.0 19.5 25.5 8 X 10 273.0 7.0 10.5 15.0 22.75 30.0 8 X 12 312.0 8.25 12.0 17.0 26.0 34.0 9 X 10 344.0 8.50 13.0 18.0 28.0 37.5 10 X 10 428.0 10.6 16.2 22.5 35.0 46.8 11 X 10 516.0 12.7 19.5 27.0 42.0 56.2 12 X 10 617.0 15.3 23.4 32.4 50.4 67.5 8H X 12 352.0 8.5 14.0 19.0 28.0 38.0 ^9 X 12 396.0 9.5 15.6 21.3 31.3 42.5 f 4 X 6 94.0 2.4 3.9 5.2 7.5 10.1 4H X 8 140.0 3.5 5.9 7.8 11.2 15.2 5X8 175.0 4.4 7.3 9.75 14.0 19.0 5H X 8 211.0 5.3 8.8 11.7 17.0 22.8 .S 6X8 252.0 5.75 10.2 13.5 20.0 27.0 < 6H X 8 297.0 6.75 12.0 16.0 23.5 31.7 ^ 7X8 346.0 8.5 13.0 18.0 28.0 37.0 3 7 X 10 411.0 9.35 15.7 21.5 32.5 44.0 1 8 X 10 533.0 12.0 20.0 28.5 42.0 58.0 8 X 12 612.0 14.0 24.0 33.0 50.0 68.0 8H X 12 684.0 15.7 26.5 36.7 55.0 75.0 9 X 12 776.0 18.0 29.8 40.0 62.0 84.0 10 X 12 952.0 21.6 36.6 50.0 76.0 103.0 PUMP AND SHAFTING FIGURES 501 Table of theoretical horse-power required to raise water to different heights Allowance should be made for friction; for ordinary pumps, allow twice the power given in table. Feet 5 10 30 35 30 45 60 75 100 135 150 175 350 40fl Gals per mm. 5 006 0.012 025 0,031 0.037 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.44 0.50 in 012 0.025 0.050 0.062 0.075 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.37 0.44 0.87 l.OU 15 ,019 0,037 0.075 0.094 0.112 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.56 0.66 1.31 1.50 20 025 0.050 0.100 0,125 0,150 0.22 0.30 0.37 0.50 0.62 0.75 0.87 1.75 2.00 25 .031 0.062 0.125 0.156 0.187 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.62 0.78 0.94 1.09 2.19 2.50 30 .037 0.075 0.150 0.187 0.225 0.34 0.45 0.56 0.75 0.94 1.12 1.31 2.62 3.00 35 ,043 0.087 0.175 0.219 0.262 0.39 0.52 0.66 0.87 1.08 1.31 1.53 3.06 3.50 40 .050 0.100 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 3.50 4.00 45 .056 0.112 0.225 0.281 0.337 0.51 0.67 0.84 1.12 1.41 1.69 1.97 3.94 4.50 50 .062 0.125 0.250 0.312 0.375 0.56 0.75 0.94 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 4.37 6.00 60 .075 0.150 0.300 0.375 0.450 0.67 0.90 1.12 1.50 1.87 2.25 2.62 5.25 6.00 75 093 0.187 0.375 0.469 0.562 0,84 1.12 1.40 1.87 2.34 2.81 3.28 6.56 7.50 90 112 0.225 0.450 0,562 0,675 1.01 1 .35 1.68 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.94 7.87 9.00 100 .125 0.250 0.500 0.625 0.750 1.12 1.50 1.87 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.37 8.75 10.00 125 .156 0.312 0.625 0.781 0.937 1.41 1.87 2.34 3.12 3.91 4.69 5.47 10.94 12.50 150 .187 0.375 0.750 0.937 1.125 1.69 2.25 2.81 3.75 4.69 5.62 6.56 13.12 15.00 175 .219 0,4.37 0.875 1 .093 1.312 1.97 2.62 3.28 4.37 5.47 6.56 7.66 15.31 17.50 200 .250 0.500 1.000 1.250 1.500 2.25 3.00 3.75 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 17.50 20.00 250 .312 0.625 1.250 1.562 1.875 2.81 3.75 4.69 6.25 7.81 9.37 10.94 21.87 25.00 300 .375 0.750 1.500 1.875 2.250 3.37 4.50 5.62 7.50 9.37 11.25 13.12 26.25 30.00 350 .437 0.875 1.750 2.187 2.625 3,94 5.25 6.56 8.75 10.94 13.12 15.31 30.62 35.00 400 .500 1.000 2.000 2.500 3.000 4.50 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 35.00 40.00 500 .625 1.250 2.500 3.125 3.750 5.62 7.50 9.37 12.50 15.62 18.75 121.87 43.75 50.00 Horse-power of steel shafting For line-shaft service Shaft Revolutions PER Minute Sizes In. 100 135 150 175 300 335 350 300 350 400 Un 2.4 3.1 3.7 4.3 4.9 5.5 6.1 7.3 8.5 9.7 1/r 4.3 5.3 6.4 7.4 8.5 9.5 10.5 12.7 14.8 16.9 Uh 6.7 8.4 10.1 11.7 13.4 15.1 16.7 20.1 23.4 26.8 m 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 2y% 14.3 17.8 21.4 24.9 28.5 32.1 35.6 42.7 49.8 57.0 2/b 19.5 24.4 29.3 34.1 39.0 44.1 48.7 58.5 68.2 78.0 21^ 26.0 32.5 39.0 43.5 52.0 58.5 65.0 78.0 87.0 104.0 2il 33.8 42.2 50.6 59.1 67.5 75.9 84.4 101.3 118.2 135.0 3^ 43.0 53.6 64.4 75.1 85.8 96.6 107.3 128.7 150.3 171.6 3/r. 53.6 67.0 79.4 93.8 107.2 120.1 134.0 158.8 187.6 214.4 3^^ 65.9 82.4 97.9 115.4 121.8 148.3 164.8 195.7 230.7 243.6 SH 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 160.0 200.0 240.0 280.0 320.0 4/b 113.9 142.4 170.8 199.3 227.8 256.2 284.7 341.7 398.6 455.6 4il 156.3 195.3 234.4 273.4 312.5 351.5 390.6 468.7 546.8 625.0 5^ 207.9 260.0 311.9 363.9 415.9 459.9 520.0 623.9 727.9 830.0 6 270.0 337.5 405.0 472.5 540.0 607.5 675.0 810.0 945.0 1080.0 6^ 343.3 429.0 514.9 600.7 686.5 772.4 858.0 1029.0 1201.0 1372.0 7 428.8 535.9 643.1 750.3 847.5 964.7 1071.9 1286.0 1500.0 1695.0 8 640.0 800.0 960.0 1126.0 1280.0: 1440.0 1600.0 1920.0 2240.0 2560.0 602 CONSTRUCTION, FARM ENGINEERING, MECHANICS Electric appliances on the farm. Many electrically-operated machines and devices are now on the market. The list is being added to rapidly. The following tabulation will give some idea of the development along these lines, aside from electric lighting and house wiring : — I Device Horse-power Required Cream separator K to 4 Milking machine . 3 to 5 Grindstone H Bottle-washer K Water-pump 1 to 10 Shredder 10 to 15 Silage-grinder 10 to 20 Feed-grinder 5 to 10 Threshing 10 to 20 Wood-saw 3 to 5 Corn-sheller 1 to 4 Hay-press 4 to 25 Refrigerating H to 25 The motor power of a stream (Rose). The power of a stream may be calculated by the following formula : P = Awh, in which A is the number of cubic feet of water falling in one second of time, w is the weight of a cubic foot of water, and h is the head or height through which the water falls. To reduce this to horse- Awhe power the formula should read : H.P. = , in which e represents 550 the efficiency, in percentage, of the type of wheel to be used. The effi- ciencies of the various types of water-motors run about as follows : — Per Cent Undershot water-wheels 35 Poucelet wheels 60 Breast wheels 55 High breast wheels 60 Overshot wheels 68 Pelton wheels 75 Turbines . . . 60-80 Water-pressure engines 80 Rams 60 These values are only approximate, and may vary either way sev- eral per cent. RAMS AND ENGINES 503 Hydraulic rams (Ogden). The following table gives data as to size, capacity, and cost of hy- draulic rams : — Size No. 2 . No. 4 . No. 6 . No. 10 . Flow of Water Spring Drive Discharge Pumped PER MiN. PER MiN. gal. gal. 1 1 h ^ 5 n i 1 20 2b 1 3 50 4 2 7 Cost of Ram $6.00 8.00 15.00 35.00 This table is based on the assumption that the length of discharge pipe is not over 100 feet, and that the head against which the ram works is not over five times as great as the fall of the stream. The drive pipe should always be made as short as the conditions will permit. In winter the ram may be kept from freezing by housing it and pro- viding a small coal fire for the coldest weather. Hot-air engines (Ogden). The following table gives data of sizes, capacities, fuel cost, of the hot-air engines commonly used : — Diameter op Cylinder Size of Pipe Fuel Consumption per Hour Capacity in Gal. Cost Gas cu. ft. Keros'e qt. Coal lb. inch 5 . . . . 6 . . . . 8 . . . . 10 ... . 1 1 11 13 16 20 50 1* 2 2 3 4 5 150 300 500 1000 $100 140 175 250 CHAPTER XXVI Mason Work. Cements, Paints, Glues and Waxes Any material that sets or hardens when dry is a cement ; and under this general name may therefore be included glues and materials used for mending or sticking together broken articles. As commonly used, however, the word cement now refers to building or construction material, used by masons. The formulas here given are largely for home-made compounds, and many of them are old-fashioned. Building or Mason's Cement ; Gravel, and Pitch Two kinds of building cement comprise the common construction grades in this country, — natural-rock cement (Rosendale), and port- land cement. The former is made from limestone containing much clay; the material is burned at a low heat, and is then ground. It is a quick-setting cement. The portland cement (named from Port- land Island on the south of England) is an artificial mixture of some form of carbonate of lime, with some clay, burnt at white heat and then ground. The natural-rock cements are light-colored, and weigh from fifty to sixty pounds to the cubic foot. The portland cement is dark-colored, and weighs from ninety to one hundred pounds to the cubic foot ; it is one-half to twice stronger than natural-rock cements. Approximate estimates of mason-work. Three and one-half barrels of lime are required to cover 100 square yards plastering, two coats. Two barrels of lime will cover 100 square yards plastering, one coat. One and one-half bushels of hair are needed for 100 square yards plastering. One and one-fourth yards good sand are required for 100 square yards plastering. 604 CEMENT FOR BUILDING 505 One-third barrel of plaster (stucco) will hard-finish 100 square yards plastering. One barrel of best lime will lay 1000 bricks. Two barrels of lime will lay one cord rubble-stone. One-half barrel of lime will lay one perch rubble-stone (| cord to perch) . To every barrel of lime estimate about f cubic yard of good sand for plastering and brick work. A barrel of portland cement contains approximately 3| cubic feet, and weighs 380 pounds ; a bag contains about | cubic feet, and weighs 95 pounds. A barrel of natural cement contains approxi- mately 3^ cubic feet, and weighs 300 pounds ; a bag contains about I cubic feet, and weighs about 75 pounds. Use 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, 4 parts aggregate (gravel or crushed stone), for very strong and impervious work. Use 1 cement, 2| sand, 5 aggregate, for ordinary work requiring moderate strength Use 1 cement, 3 sand, 6 aggregate, for work where strength is of minor importance. Floors, borders, walks, and foundations. Grout floor. 1. To secure a good grout floor, make a good foundation of small stones or brickbats, and cover three or four inches thick with a thin mortar, made of two parts sharp sand and one part common cement. 2. Fresh powdered lime, 2 parts ; portland cement, 1 part ; gravel, broken stone, or brick, 6 parts. Mix with water to a liquid consistency, and let it be thrown forcibly, or dropped, into its position. It should be well beaten or rammed to render it solid. A " skim " of thin, rich mortar may be placed on top as a finish. 3. Equal parts of gravel, well screened, and clean river or pit sand. With 5 parts of sand and gravel mix 1 part of portland cement. Mix with water and apply 1 inch thick. For garden borders. 4. Nine parts gravel and 1 part unslaked lime ; slake the lime and cover it with gravel, then add water sufficient to make a very thin mortar. Apply three inches deep, allow it to stiffen a little, then roll. Finish an inch thick of 1 part lime and 3 parts gravel. Apply soft. See No. 11. 506 MASOX WORK. CEMENTS, PAINTS, GLUES, WAXES For walks. 5. Walks should always have a well-made foundation of stones or brickbats to give hardness and insure drainage. The top of the walk may be made of gravel, sifted coal ashes, cinders from foundries, fur- naces, etc. If gravel is used, care should be exercised to avoid the round or washed gravel, particularly that lying in the beds of streams, for it will not pack. One part of clean clay to four or five of gravel makes a good walk. Or the following old English recipes may be used (6-10) : 6. One part mineral pitch, 1 part resin, 7 parts chalk, and 2 parts coarse sand. Boil together, and lay it while in a hot state, adding a little gravel. 7. Boil for a short time 18 parts of mineral pitch and 18 parts of resin in an iron kettle ; then add 60 parts of coarse sand, mix well and lay on the path to the thickness of one inch ; then sift a little fine gravel over it and beat it down before the cement sets. 8. Put down a coat of tar, and sift some road sand or coal ashes over it very thickly. When this is dry, repeat the operation until you have four coats of tar and as many of coal ashes or road sand. 9. Two parts of thoroughly dried sand, one part cinders, thoroughly dried. Mix together ; then spread the sand and cinders on the ground and make a hole in the center, into which pour boiling-hot tar and mix into a stiff paste ; then spread on the walk, beat and roll. 10. Two parts lime rubbish and one part coal ashes, both very dry and finely sifted ; in the middle of the heap make a hole; into this pour boiling-hot coal-tar ; mix to a stiff mortar and spread on the ground two or three inches thick. The ground should be dry and beaten well. Cover with coarse sand ; when cold, roll well. 11. Cement walks. A good method of making concrete walks is to lay four to six inches on well-drained compact ground in propor- tion of 1 part cement to 6 of binder, as: 40 shovels fine cinders, 15 shovels sharp sand, 1 sack portland cement. Put on a finish, while the under part is not hard set, made of 30 shovels screened sharp sand and 1 sack portland. Also used for borders and gutters. For foundations 12. Concrete foundations for buildings and heavy work may be made of portland cement, 2 parts; sand, 7 parts; grav^el, 1 part. CEMENTS FOR MENDING 507 Coloring cement work. For gray or black, lampblack may be employed. For yellow or buff, yellow ocher. For red, Venetian red. For blue, ultramarine. For brown, umber. Mending Cements Cements for iron. 1. (Slow setting.) Sal ammoniac, 2 ounces ; sulfur, 1 ounce ; clean iron borings or filings reduced to powder, 12 pounds ; water enough to form a thin paste. Excellent for making a rust joint. If a quick- setting joint is desired, use half as much sal ammoniac as sulfur, and half as much iron borings as above ; not so good as above 2. Sal ammoniac, 2 ounces ; iron-filings, 8 pounds ; sufficient water. 3. One or two parts of sal ammoniac to 100 of iron-filings. When the work is required to set quickly, increase the sal ammoniac slightly and add a small amount of sulfur. 4. Iron-filings, 4 pounds ; pipe-clay, 2 pounds ; powdered pot- sherds, 11 pounds ; make into a paste with moderately strong brine. 5. Equal parts of red and white lead, mixed into a paste with boiled linseed oil. Used for making metallic joints of all kinds. 6. To four or five parts of clay, thoroughly dried and pulverized, add 2 parts of iron-filings, free from oxide, 1 part of peroxide of man- ganese, I of sea salt, and h of borax ; mix well, and reduce to a thick paste with water. Use immediately. Expose to warmth, gradually increasing almost to white heat. 7. Sifted coal ashes, 2 parts, and common salt, 1 part. Add water enough to make a paste, and apply at once. This is also good for stoves and boilers, as it stands heat. Boiler cements. 8. Chalk, 60 parts; lime and salt, of each, 20 parts ; sharp sand, 10 parts ; blue or red clay and clean iron-filings, of each, 5 parts. Grind together and calcine or heat. 9. Powdered clay, 6 pounds ; iron-filings, 1 pound. Make into a paste with linseed oil. 508 MASON WORK. CEMENTS, PAINTS, GLUES, WAXES 10. Powdered litharge, 2 parts ; silver sand and slaked lime, of each, 1 part ; boiled oil enough to form a paste. These cements are used for stopping leaks and cracks in boilers, iron pipes, stoves, etc. They should be applied as soon as made. Tar cement. 11. Coal-tar, one part ; powdered slate (slate flour), three or four parts ; mix by stirring until thoroughly incorporated. Very useful for mending watering-pots, barrels, leaky sash, etc. It remains some- what elastic. It does not adhere to greasy surfaces. It will keep for a long time before using. Copper cement. 12. Beef blood thickened with sufficient finely powdered quicklime to make it into a paste is sometimes used to secure the edges and rivets of copper boilers, kettles, etc. Use immediately. Fireproof or stone cement. 13. Fine river sand, 20 parts ; litharge, 2 parts ; quicklime, 1 part ; linseed oil enough to form a thick paste. Used for walls and broken stonework. Earthenware cement. 14. Grated cheese, 2 parts ; powdered quicklime, one part; fresh white of egg enough to form a paste. Use as soon as possible. For fine earthenware, liquid glue may be used. Cement for glass. 15. Wood alcohol to render liquid a half dozen pieces of gum-mastic the size of a large pea ; in another bottle dissolve the same quantity of isinglass, which has been soaked in water and allowed to get surface dry, in 2 ounces of methylated spirit ; when the first is dissolved add two pieces of gum-galbanum or gum-ammoniac ; apply gentle heat and stir ; add the solution of isinglass, heat again and stir. Keep in a tightly stoppered bottle, and when used in boiling water. Sealing cements. 16. Beeswax, 1 pound; resin, 5 pounds. Stir in sufficient red ocher and Brunswick green, or lampblack, to give the desired color. HOME-MADE PAINTS 509 17. Black pitch, 6 pounds ; ivory-black and whiting, of each, 1 pound. Less attractive than the former. These are used for sealing up bottles, barrels, etc. Paints and Protective Compounds Home-made washes for fences and out-buildings may be made by various combinations of lime and grease. The following are good formulas : — • 1. Slake fresh quicklime in water, and thin it to a paste or paint with skim-milk. The addition of two or three handfuls of salt to a pail of the wash is beneficial. 2. Two quarts skim-milk, 8 ounces of fresh slaked lime, 6 ounces of boiled linseed oil, and 2 ounces of white pitch, dissolved in the oil by a gentle heat. The lime must be slaked in cold water and dried in the air until it falls into a fine powder ; then mix with i part of the milk, adding the mixed oil and pitch by degrees; add the remainder of the milk. Lastly, add 3 pounds of the best whit- ing and mix the whole thoroughly. 3. Slake ^ bushel of lime in boiling water, keeping it covered; strain and add brine made by dissolving 1 peck of salt in warm water, and 3 pounds rice flour, then boil to a paste ; add ^ pound whiting and 1 pound of glue dissolved in warm water. Mix and let stand for a few days before using. Fire-proof paint. 4. In a covered vessel slake the best quicklime, then add a mixture of skim-milk and water, and mix to the consistency of cream ; then add 20 pounds of alum, 15 pounds of potash and 1 bushel of salt to every 100 gallons of the liquid. If white paint is desired, add to the above 6 pounds of plaster of paris. For damp walls. 5. Three-fourths pound of hard soap to 1 gallon of water. Lay over the bricks steadily and carefully with a flat brush, so as not to form a froth or lather on the surface. After 24 hours mix ^ pound of alum with 4 gallons of water ; let it stand twenty-four hours, and then apply it in the same maimer over the coating of soap. Apply in dry weather. 510 CEMENTS, PAINTS, GLUES, WAXES 6. One and one-half pounds resin, 1 pound tallow, 1 quart linseed oil. Melt together and apply hot, two coats. Water-proofing paint for leather. 7. One-half pound of shellac, broken into small pieces in a quart bottle ; cover with methylated spirit (wood alcohol), cork it tight, put it in a warm place, and shake well several times a day ; then add a piece of camphor as large as a hen's egg ; shake again and add an ounce of lampblack. Apply with a small paint brush. 8. Put into an earthen jar | pound of beeswax, ^ pint of neat's foot oil, three or four tablespoonfuls of lampblack, and a piece of camphor as large as a hen's egg. Melt over a slow fire. Have both grease and leather warm, and apply with a brush. 9. One pint of linseed oil, h pound mutton suet, 6 ounces of clean beeswax, and 4 ounces of resin; melt and mix well. Use while warm with a brush on new boots or shoes. For cloth for pits and frames. (See page 200.) 10. Old pale linseed oil, 3 pints ; sugar of lead (acetate of lead) 1 ounce ; white resin, 4 ounces. Grind the acetate with a little of the oil, then add the rest and the resin. Use an iron kettle over a gentle fire. Apply with a brush, hot. For paper. 11. Dissolve if pounds of white soap in 1 quart of water; in another quart of water dissolve 1| ounces of gum arabic and 5 ounces of glue. Mix the two liquids, warm them, and soak the paper in it and pass through rollers, or simply hang it up to dry. To PREVENT METALS FROM RUSTING. 12. Melt together 3 parts of lard and 1 part of powdered resin. A very thin coating applied with a brush will keep stoves and grates from rusting during summer, even in damp situations. A little black lead can be mixed with the lard. Does well on nearly all metals. To PREVENT RUSTING OF NAILS, HINGES, ETC. 13. One pint of linseed oil, 2 ounces black lead ; mix together. Heat nails red-hot and dip them in. OLUE AND GUM hl\ To REMOVE RUST. 14. Heavily rusted iron may be cleaned by immersing it in a bath (not too acid) of chlorid of tin, for twelve to twenty-four hours. After removing, rinse in water and then in ammonia. 15. Rusted steel may be brushed with a paste of ^ ounce cyanide potassium (poisonous), | ounce castile soap, 1 ounce of whiting, and water. Then wash in 2 ounces water containing \ ounce cyanide. Amount of paint required for a given surface. It is impossible to give a rule that will apply in all cases, as the amount varies with the kind and thickness of the paint, the kind of wood or other material to which it is applied, the age of the surface, etc. The following is an approximate rule : Divide the number of square feet of surface by 200. The result will be the number of gallons of liquid paint required to give two coats ; or divide by 18, and the result will be the number of pounds of pure ground white lead required to give three coats. Glues Liquid glue. 1. Dissolve 2 pounds of best pale glue in a quart of water in a cov- ered vessel, placed in a hot-water bath; when cold, add to it 7 ounces of commercial nitric acid. When cold put in bottles. 2. Finest pale orange shellac, broken small, 4 ounces ; methylated spirit, 3 ounces ; put in a warm place in a closely corked bottle until dissolved. Should have the consistency of molasses. Or, borax, 1 ounce ; water, f pint ; shellac as before ; boil in a closely covered kettle until dissolved ; then evaporate until nearly as thick as molasses. Flower gum. 3. Very fine white shellac mixed with methylated spirit in a stone jar ; shake well for half an hour and place by a fire, and shake it frequently the first day. Keep in a cool place. Leave the camel's- hair brush in the gum. Never fill the brush too full and gum the petals close to the tube. 512 CEMENTS J PAINTS, GLUES, WAXES Gum for labels and specimens. 4. Two parts of gum-arabic, one part of brown sugar ; dissolve in water to the consistency of cream. 5. Five parts of best glue soaked in 18 to 20 parts of water for a day, and to the liquid add 9 parts of rock candy and 3 parts of gum- arabic. 6. Good flour and glue, to which add hnseed oil, varnish, and tur- pentine, \ ounce each to the pound. Good when labels are liable to get damp. Waxes for Grafting and for Covering Wounds Common resin and beeswax waxes. 1. A standard and reliable wax is as follows : — Resin, 4 parts by weight. Beeswax, 2 parts by weight. Tallow (rendered), 1 part by weight. Melt all the ingredients together, exercising care to avoid boiling. Pour the hot liquid quickly into a pail of cold water. With greased hands flatten the spongy mass beneath the water so that it cools uni- formly. Permit it to get cold and tough, but not brittle. Remove from the water and pull until ductile and fine in grain. Lumps in wax are common, and are due to improper handling. If too lumpy, remelt and pull again. Make into balls or small skeins and put away in a cool place. When wanted soften with heat of hand or in hot water. It can be kept for years. One of the best waxes, either for indoor or outdoor use. For general purposes the above formula gives a wax of the proper consistency. The ingredients may be varied, however, for special pur- poses. If a softer wax is desired, more tallow in proportion should be added. The addition of more beeswax makes the wax tougher. By thus changing the amount of the different ingredients a wax for almost any purpose can be secured. 2. The following wax, which is slightly softer, may be applied more conveniently in cold weather : — Resin, 4 parts by weight. Beeswax, 2 parts by weight. Linseed oil, 1 pint. GRAFTING-WAXES 513 Melt all together gradually, turn into cold water and work as above. On account of the impurities contained in linseed oil, its use is not recommended for grafting wax. In general the tallow is to be preferred. Alcoholic wax. The alcoholic or liquid wax is a thick paste. It is useful for work in winter when the resin wax can not be applied ; and also for cover- ing the wounds where bark has been injured or removed, and for bridge grafts. Lefort's hquid wax : White resin, 1 pound. Beef tallow, 1 ounce. Turpentine, 1 tablespoonful. Alcohol, 5 ounces. Melt the resin slowly. When hot, add the beef tallow. Remove from the fire and add slowly, stirring constantly, the turpentine and alcohol. Keep in closed bottles or cans. Use a brush or swab to apply. Pitch wax. Some of the French authors recommend the following : — Two pounds 12 ounces of resin and 1 pound 11 ounces of Burgundy pitch. At the same time melt 9 ounces of tallow ; pour the latter into the former, while both are hot, and stir the mixture thoroughly. Then add 18 ounces of red ocher, dropping it in gradually and stir- ring the mixture at the same time. Waxed string and bandages. 1. Waxed bandage. Waxed bandages are very useful for covering wounds where the bark has been broken or injured. They are prepared as follows. Old cloth is torn into strips of the desired width and the strips wound into balls, or bandage cloth (not gauze) may be used. These balls are placed in the kettle of melted resin wax. In a few min- utes they will be thoroughly saturated, when they should be re- moved and allowed to drain and dry. 2. Waxed string for root-grafting. Into a kettle of melted resin wax place balls of No. 18 knitting cotton. Turn the balls frequently, and in a few minutes they will be thoroughly saturated. Remove from 2l 614 CEMENTS, PAINTS, GLUES, WAXES the kettle and allow to drain and dry, after which they may be put away for future use. This material is strong enough and at the same time breaks so easily that it does not injure the hands. When the string is used, it sticks without tying. Covers for wounds. Before applying any dressing, the wounds should be thoroughly cleaned. Cut out or remove the broken bark and the decayed wood. It is also advisable to disinfect with Bordeaux mixture or a solution of corrosive sublimate, 1 ounce in 7 gallons. It should be remembered that dressings do not hasten the healing of wounds, but they allow the healing process to progress unchecked, because they prevent the wounds from drying out and protect them from disease. 1. Any of the above grafting-waxes are excellent for dressing wounds, although most of them cleave off after the first year, in which case it is necessary to apply another dressing. 2. HosKiNs' WAX. — Boil pine-tar slowly for three or four hours ; add ^ pound of beeswax to a quart of the tar. Have ready some dry and finely sifted clay, and when the mixture of tar and wax is partly cold, stir into the above-named quantity about 12 ounces of the clay ; continue the stirring until the mixture is so stiff and so nearly cool that the clay will not settle. This is soft enough in mild weather to be easily applied with a knife or spatula. — Used by the late Dr. Hoskins, of Vermont. 3. Sch.\efell's healing-paint. — Boil linseed oil (free from cotton- seed oil) one hour, with an ounce of litharge to each pint of oil ; then stir in sifted wood ashes until the paint is of the proper consistency. Pare the bark until smooth, as the fuzzy edge left by the saw will cause it to die back. Paint the wound over in dry weather, and if the wound is very large, cover with a gunny-sack. 4. Paint. — One of the most convenient and useful dressings for wounds is paint. Use white lead, but mix thicker than usually ap- plied. A little lampblack should be added to this until the paint is nearly the color of the bark. Apply with a brush or swab, working the paint into the grain of the wood. Be careful that it does not run down from the wound. WOUNDS ON TREES 515 5. Coal-tar. — Coal-tar is sometimes useful as a dressing, especially for shade or ornamental trees. Apply a thin coating to the wound. 6. Tar for bleeding in vines. Add to tar about three or four times its weight of powdered slate or some similar substance. 7. Collodion for bleeding in vines. In some extreme cases two or three coats will be needed, in which case allow the collodion to form a film before applying another coat. Pharmaceutical collodion is better than photographic. 8. Cement for cavities. Rotten spots and cavities in trees should be cleaned out to hard wood, the place filled solid with good cement. (See Manual of Gardening, 145-151.) The grafting-waxes are applied to the cut surfaces of graft-unions for the purpose of preventing evaporation of the plant juices, and protecting from weather and the germs of decay. Buds covered by wax will push through as they grow. The softer the wax when it is applied, the closer will be its adhesion to the wood. Wax is often applied to ordinary wounds ; but if the wounds are large they should first be treated with antiseptics (as bordeaux mixture or similar compounds). CHAPTER XXVII Computation Tables Most of the tables and estimates that the farmer needs in his "figur- ing " will be found in this chapter ; but greenhouse computations will be found in Chapter XI, silos and other construction in Chapter XXV, and board measure and log measure in Chapter XII. Tabhs of Regular American Weights and Measures Avoirdupois or commercial weight 27Ji grains =1 dram. 16 drams =1 ounce. 16 ounces =1 pound. 25 pounds =1 quarter. 4 quarters, or 100 pounds =1 hundredweight. 20 hundredweight, or 2000 lb =1 ton. 480 pounds =1 imperial quarter. 100 pounds is also called 1 cental. 2240 pounds =1 long ton. t. cwt. lb. oz. dr. gr. 1 = 20 = 2000 = 32,000 = 512,000 1 = 100 = 1.600 = 25,600 1 = 16 = 256 = 7000 1 = 16 = 4375 Troy or jewelers' weight 24 grains =1 pennyweight. 20 pennyweights =1 ounce. 12 ounces =1 pound. lb. oz. pwt. gr. 1 = 12 = 240 = 5760 1 = 20 = 480 1 = 24 Apothecaries' weight 20 grains =1 scruple. 3 scruples =1 dram. 8 drams =1 ounce. 12 oiinces =1 pound. lb. oz. dr. 8cr. gr. 1 =- 12 = 96 = 288 = 5760 1 = 8 = 24 = 480 1 = 3 = 60 1 = 20 516 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 617 Table of comparative weights Avoirdupois Troy Apothecaries 7000 gr. = 1 lb. 5760 gr. = 1 lb. 5760 gr. = 1 lb. 1 lb. = l?i\ lb. = 1^ lb. or 144 lb. = 175 lb. = 175 lb. 1 oz. = i5§ oz. = iSt oz. or 192 oz. = 175 oz. = 175 oz. Dry measure 2 pints =1 quart. 8 quarts =1 peck, 4 pecks =1 bushel. 8 bushels (480 pounds) =1 quarter. 36 bu =1 chaldron. bu. pk. qt. pt. 1 = 4 = 32 = 64 1 = 8 = 16 1=2 Liquid measure 4 gills =1 pint. 2 pints =1 quart. 4 quarts =1 gallon. 313^ gallons =1 barrel. 2 barrels, or 63 gallons =1 hogshead. gal. qt. pt. gi. 1 = 4 = 8 = 32 1=2=8 1 = 4 Apothecaries* fluid measure 60 minims =1 fluid dram. 8 fluid drams =1 fluid ounce. 16 fluid ounces =1 pint. 8 pints =1 gallon. cong. o. f. 3. f. 3. m. 1 = 8 = 128 = 1024 = 61,440 1 = 16 = 128 = 7,680 1 = 8 = 480 1 = 60 1 minim equals 1 drop of water. Line or linear measure 12 inches =1 foot. 3 feet =1 yard. 53^ yards, or 163^2 feet =1 rod or pole. 40 rods = 1 furlong. 8 furlongs (320 rods) = 1 mile (statute mile). 3 miles =1 league. 1. m. fur. rd. yd. ft. in. 1 = 3 = 24 = 960 = 5280 = 15,840 = 190,080 1 = 8 = 320 = 1760 = 5,280 = 63,360 1 = 40 = 220 = 660 = 7,920 1 = 5}4 = 16^ = 198 1 = 3 = 36 1 = 12 518 COMPUTATION TABLES Surveyors' or chain measure 7.92 inches =1 link. 25 links =1 rod or pole. 4 rods, or 66 feet =1 chain. 80 chains =1 mile. mi. ch. rd. 1. in. 1 = 80 = 320 = 8000 = 63,360 1 = 4 = 100 = 792 1 = 25 = 198 1 = 7.92 Square or surface measure 144 square inches =1 square foot. 9 square feet =1 square yard. 30^^ square yards = 1 sq. rod or perch. 160 square rods =1 acre. 640 acres = 1 sq. mile or section sq . m. a. sq. rd. sq. yd. sq. ft. sq. in. 1 = 640 = 102,400 = 3,097,600 = 27,878,400 = 4,014.489.600 1 160 = 4,840 = 43,560 = 6,272,640 1 = 30M = 272 K = 39,204 1 = 9 1 =, 1,296 144 Surveyors* square measure 625 square links =1 square rod or pole. 16 poles =1 square chain. 10 square chains =1 acre. 640 acres = 1 sq. mile or section. 36 square miles (6 miles square) =1 township. tp. sq. mi. a. sq. ch. sq. rd. sq.l. 1 = 36 = 23,040 = 230.400 = 3.686,400 = 2,304.000.000 1 = 640 = 6,400 = 102,400 = 64,000,000 1 B 10 = 160 = 100.000 1 = 16 1 _ 10,000 625 Solid or cubic measure 1728 cubic inches =1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet =1 cubic yard. 16 cubic feet =1 cord foot. 8 cord feet, or 128 cubic feet =1 cord of wood. 24^ cubic feet =1 perch. cu. yd.cu. ft. cu. in. cd. cd. ft. cu. ft. cu. in. 1 = 27 = 46,656 = 1 = 8 = 128 = 221,184 METRIC TABLES 51v) Paper and book denominations 24 sheets =1 quire. 20 quires =1 ream, 2 reams =1 bundle. 5 bundles =1 bale. bale bdl. rm. qr. sheets 1 = 5 = 10 = 200 = 4800 1 = 2 = 40 = 960 1 = 20 = 480 1 = 24 500 sheets is often called a ream in commerce. Folio in a book or folded periodical = 2 leaves, or 4 pages. Quarto = 4 leaves, or 8 pages. Octavo = 8 leaves, or 16 pages. Duodecimo =12 leaves, or 24 pages. 16mo =16 leaves, or 32 pages. 18mo =18 leaves, or 36 pages. 24mo =24 leaves, or 48 pages. 32mo. =32 leaves, or 64 pages. Metric Weights and Measures Metric weight Names Millier or Tonneau Quintal .... Myriagram Kilogram or Kilo Hectogram Dekagram . . Gram .... Decigram . . Centigram . . Milligram . . . Number op Grams 1,000.000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 tV TOiJ tasa Equivalents in Denominations of Avoirdupois Weight 2204.6 lb. 220.46 lb. 22.046 lb. 2.2046 lb. 3.5274 oz. 0.3527 oz. 15.432 gr. 1.5432 gr. 0.1543 gr. 0.0154 gr. One gram is the weight of one cubic centimeter of distilled water at its maximum density (39.1° F.) in a vacuum. As a matter of fact, however, the gram now in use is the one-thousandth part of the weight of a kilogram of platinum, which was deposited in the Palace of the Archives in Paris, in 1799, by the international commission which was appointed to fix the standards of what is now known as the metric system. 520 COMPUTATION TABLES Metric capacity Names NUMBEB OF Liters Equivalents in Dry Measure Equivalents in Liquid or Wine Measure Kiloliter or Stere Hectoliter Dekaliter Liter Deciliter Centiliter Milliliter 1000 100 10 1 h 1000 28.372 bu. 2 bu. and 3.35 pk. 9.08 qt. 0.908 qt. 6.1022 cu. in. 0.6102 cu. in. 0.061 cu. in. 264.17 gal. 26.417 gal. 2.6417 gai. 1.0567 qt. 0.845 gill. 0.338 fluid oz. 0.27 fluid dr. 1 liter 18 equivalent to 1 cubic decimeter. Metric length Myriameter 10,000 meters. Kilometer 1,000 meters. Hectometer 100 meters. Dekameter 10 meters. Meter 1 meter. Decimeter T*oofameter. Centimeter too of a meter. Millimeter looo of a meter. Equivalents in Denominations IN Use 6.2137 miles. 0.62137 mile, or 3.280 ft.lO in. 328 ft. 1 in 393.7 inches. 39.37 inches. 3.937 inches. 0..3937 inch. 0.0397 inch. Metric surface Hectare 10,000 square meters. Are 100 square meters. Centare 1 square meter. 2.471 acres. 119.6 square yards. 1550 square inches. Metric cubic measure Myriaster 10,000 cu. meters. Kiloster 1,000 cu. meters. Hectoster 100 cu. meters. Decaster 10 cu. meters. Ster 1 cu. meter. Decister 1*0 cu. meter. Centister iSo cu. meter. Minister ra'ao cu. meter. The word ster is soldom used. The names of solid measures are commonly made by adding cubic to the denominations of linear measure ; as cubic meter, cubic decimeter, and the like. METRIC TABLES 521 Equivalents of American measures in metric terms Approximately 1 inch is 2J^ centimeters 1 foot is 0.3 of meter . . 1 yard is 0.9 of meter . . 1 rod is 5 meters .... 1 chain is 20 meters . 1 furlong is 200 meters . . 1 mile is 1600 meters . . 1 nautical mile is 1850 meters Exactly (2.54) (.3048) (.9144) (5.029) (20.117) (201.17) (1609.3) (1853.2) 1 sq. inch is 6\ sq. centimeters 1 sq. foot is 0.09 of sq. meter . 1 sq. yard is 0.83 of sq. meter 1 sq. rod is 25 sq. meters . . 1 rood is 1000 sq. meters . . 1 acre is 0.4 of hectare . . . 1 sq. mile is 258 hectares . . (6.451) (.0929) (.8361) (25.29) (1011.7) (.4047) (258.99) 1 cubic inch is 161 cubic centimeters 1 cubic foot is 0.028 of cubic meter 1 cubic yard is 0.76 of cubic meter 100 cubic feet is 2.8 cubic meters 1 M board meas. is 23^ cubic meters 1 cord is 3.6 cubic meters . 1 U. S. liquid pint is 0.47 of liter 1 U. S. liquid quart is 0.9 of liter 1 U. S. liquid gallon is 3.7 liters . 1 peck is 9 liters 1 bushel is 36 liters 8.81 35.24 (16.387) (.028316) (.7645) (2.8316) (2.36) (3.624) (.473) (.946) (3.785) Eng. 9.08) Eng. 36.35) 1 grain is 0.06}^ of gram 1 troy oz. is 31 grams . . 1 avoir, oz. is 28 grams . . 1 avoir, lb. is 0.45 of kilo . 60 lb. (wheat bu.) is 27 kilos 80 lb. (coal bu.) is 36 kilos 1 cental is 45 kilos . . . 112 lb. (cwt.) is 50 kilos . 1 net ton is 0.9 metric ton . 1 gross ton is 1 metric ton . (.0648) (31.103) (28.35) (.4536) (27.216) (36.287) (45.36) (50.8) (.9072) (1.016) Money Tables English money 4 farthings (qr.) = 1 penny (d.). 12 pence =1 shilling (s.). 20 shillings = 1 pound or 80vereign(£). 21 shillings =1 guinea (g.). £. 8. d. qr. 1 = 20 = 240 = 960 1 = 12 = 48 1 pound is about $4.86. 1=4 622 COMPUTATION TABLES French money 10 millimes (m.) =1 centime (c). 10 centimes =1 decime (d.). 10 decimes =1 franc (Jr.). fr. d. c. m. 1 = 10 = 100 = 1000 1 = 10 = 100 1 franc is nearly 20 (19.3) cents. 1 = 10 German money 100 pfennige (p/.) =1 mark. A mark is about 24 cents. Dutch money 100 cents =1 florin or guilder. A florin is 40 cents. Italian money 100 centesimi =1 lira. A lira is nearly 20 (19.3 ) cents. Spanish money 100 centimos =1 peseta. 1 peseta is nearly 20 (19.3) cents. Russian money 100 copecks =1 ruble. A ruble is about 51 cents. Austrian money 100 heller =1 crown. A crown is about 20 cents. Monetary units of American countries, and value of coins in U. S. money (1911) Argentina Bolivia Brazil British possessions, N. A. (except Newfoundland) Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Newfoundland Nicaragua Panama Peru Salvador Santo Domingo Uruguay Venezuela Monetary Unit VALUE IN Terms of U. S. Gold Dollar Peso $0,965 Boliviano 0.389 Milreis 0.546 Dollar 1.000 Peso 0.365 Dollar 1.000 Colon 0.465 Peso 0.439 Sucre 0.487 Peso 0.389 Gourde 0.965 Peso 0.389 Dollar 0.498 Dollar 1.014 Peso 0.389 Balboa 1.000 Libra 4.866 Peso 0.389 Dollar 1.000 Peso 1.030 Bolivar 0.187 MONEY TABLES 623, In Argentine Republic, paper money is in circulation, convertible in U. S. gold at 44 per cent of face value. In Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Haiti, most Central American countries, the paper currency is inconvertible ; the exchange rate is now (1911) approximately $0,324 in Brazil, SO. 215 in Chile, SlOO paper to SI gold in Colombia, SO. 238 in Haiti, much depreciated and subject to wide fluctuations in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Salvador. In British Honduras the mone- tary unit is the dollar, being worth par in U. S. gold. Paraguay. — The Argentine paper peso, which has a value of 42.46 cents U. S. gold, circulates currently in Paraguay, as do the silver coins of Argentina. A large amount of paper money of the Republic of Paraguay is also in circulation. This money fluctuates in value, but usually a Paraguayan paper peso is worth about eight cents U. S. gold. Other foreign coins in equivalents of U. S. money (1911) Austria-Hungary Crown = $0,203 U. S. Money Belgium Franc = 0.193 British India Rupee = 0.324 China Tael = 0.420-0.649 (according to the province) Denmark Crown = 0.268 " " Egypt Pound = 4.943 (100 piasters) " •' Finland Mark = 0.193 France Franc = 0.193 Germany Mark = 0.238 Great Britain Pound = 4.866 Greece Drachma = 0.193 " " Italy Lira = 0.193 Japan Yen = 0.498 Liberia Dollar = 1.000 Netherlands Florin = 0.402 Norway Crown = 0.268 Persia Kran = 0.170 Philippines Peso = 0.50 " " Portugal Milreis = 1.08 " " Roumania Leu = 0.193 " " Russia Ruble =^ 0.515 " " Servia Dinar -= 0.193 Siam Tical = 0.370 Spain Peseta = 0.193 Straits Settlements Dollar = 0.421 Sweden Crown = 0.268 Switzerland Franc = 0.193 Turkey Piaster = 0.044 The shekel of the Hebrews (silver) was probably between 70 and 75 cents in value. The talent (silver) of the Hebrews was upwards of $2100. The penny (value in pennies is pence, as two-pence, six-pence) is an English denomination, equivalent to about 2 cts. in U. S. money ; used also colloquially for the U. S. cent. The shilling is typically an English denomination, practically equivalent to the " quarter ' ' in the U. S. and Canada. In the U. S. it has different value in different regions (but now little used), due to the extent of depreciation of the pound when the decimal system was adopted. The usual values are 16§ cts. in New England, and 12j cts. in New York and westward. In parts of the country farther south it was 135 cts. and 21^ cts. A shilling is sometimes called a bit. 524 COMPUTATION TABLES Approximate money-table. (Baedeker) English Dutch French and Belgian German American £ B. d. florin cent franc cent mark Pfg. dollar cent 1 12 25 20 4 86 19 11 40 23 75 19 4 53 18 10 80 22 50 18 4 29 17 10 20 21 25 17 4 5 16 9 60 20 16 3 81 15 9 18 75 15 3 57 14 8 40 17 50 14 3 34 13 7 80 16 25 13 3 10 12 7 20 15 12 2 86 11 6 60 13 75 11 2 62 10 6 12 50 10 2 38 9 5 40 11 25 9 2 14 8 4 80 10 8 1 91 7 4 20 8 75 7 1 67 6 3 60 7 50 6 1 43 5 3 6 25 5 1 19 4 2 40 5 4 95 3 1 80 3 75 3 71 2 1 20 2 50 2 48 1 8}-^ 1 2 15 1 70 40 1 7 96 2 1 60 38 1 9li 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 60 48 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1 1 25 94 83 73 62 52 42 31 21 10 1 80 75 66 58 50 41 33 25 16 8 24 19 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Legal rates of interest Legal Rate Per Cent Rate allowed bt Contract. Per Cent Alabama 8 6 6 7 8 6 6 6 8 8 Arizona Arkansas As agreed 10 As agreed As agreed Connecticut 6 6 District of Columbia Florida 10 10 INTEREST TABLE Legal rates of interest — Continued 525 Georgia .... Idaho .... Illinois .... Indiana .... Iowa Kansas .... Kentucky . . . Louisiana . . . Maine .... Maryland . . . Massachusetts Michigan . . . Minnesota . . . Mississippi Missouri . . Montana . Nebraska . . . Nevada .... New Hampshire . New Jersey . . New Mexico . . New York . . . North Carolina . North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma . Oregon .... Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . . South Carolina . South Dakota Tennessee . . . Texas .... Utah .... Vermont . . . Virginia . . . Washington . . West Virginia . . Wisconsin . . . Wyoming . Canada British Columbia Manitoba . . New Brunswick Nova Scotia . Ontario . Quebec . . . Scotland . . . England Legal Rate Rate Allowed by Per Cent Contract. Per Cent 7 8 7 12 5 7 6 8 6 8 6 10 6 6 5 8 6 As agreed * 6 6 6 As agreed 5 7 6 10 6 10 6 8 8 As agreed 7 10 7 As agreed 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6« 6 6 7 12 6 8 7 10 6 10 6 6 6 As agreed 7 8 7 12 6 6 6 10 8 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 10 8 12 5 As agreed 6 As agreed 5 As agreed 6 7 or 10 5 As agreed 6 As agreed 5 As agreed 4 As agreed 1 Maine, 15 per cent by contract unless stipulated. * New York, on collateral loans of $5000 and upward, any rate agreed. 526 COMPUTATION TABLES Wage-Tables Day wages (10-hr. day) — Continued on opposite page Fractions of a Day at — Time 75 J? $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 A DAT A DAY A DAY A DAY A DAY A DAY A DAY A DAY i hour .031 .05 .06} .07i .08f .10 ..2J .15 1 " .07i .10 .12n .15 .17:: .20 .25 .30 2 hours .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 3 " .22i .30 .37^ .45 .52J .60 .75 .90 4 " .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.20 5 •* .37i .50 .62^ .75 .871 1.00 1.25 1.50 6 " .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.50 1.80 7 " .52J .70 .871 1.05 1.221 1.40 1.75 2.10 8 " .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 2.00 2.40 9 " .67i .90 1.12i 1.35 1.57^ 1.80 2.25 2.70 Month wages (26 days) When men are employed by the year at a monthly wage, it is customary to calculate by calendar months, whether they contain 25 or 27 working days. TniE $15 $18 $20 $22 $24 $25 $27 $30 $35 $40 MO. MO. MO. MO. MO. MO. MO. MO. MO. MO. Iday .58 .69 .77 .85 .92 .96 1.04 1.15 1.35 1.54 2 days 1.15 1.38 1.54 1.69 1.85 1.92 2.08 2.31 2.69 3.08 3 • 1.73 2.08 2.31 2.54 2.70 2.88 3.12 3.46 4.04 4.62 4 " 2.31 2.77 3.08 3.38 3.69 3.85 4.15 4.62 5.38 6.16 5 " 2.89 3.46 3.85 4.23 4.62 4.81 5.19 5.78 6.73 7.70 6 " 3.46 4.15 4.62 5.08 5.54 5.77 6.23 6.92 8.08 9.24 7 " 4.04 4.85 5.38 5.92 6.46 6.73 7.27 8.08 9.42 10.76 8 " 4.62 5.54 6.15 6.77 7.38 7.69 8.31 9.24 10.77 12.30 9 " 5.19 6.23 6.92 7.61 8.31 8.65 9.35 10.38 12.11 13.84 10 " 5.77 6.92 7.69 8.46 9.23 9.62 10.38 11.54 13.46 15.38 11 " 6.35 7.62 8.46 9.31 10.15 10.58 11.42 12.70 14.81 16.92 12 " 6.92 8.31 9.23 10.15 11.08 11.54 12.46 13.84 16.15 18.46 13 " 7.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.00 12.50 13.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 14 " 8.08 9.69 10.77 11.85 13.92 13.46 14.54 16.16 18.85 21.54 15 " 8.65 10.38 11.54 12.69 14.85 14.42 15.58 17.30 20.19 23.08 16 " 9.23 11.08 12.31 13.54 14.77 15.38 16.62 18.46 21.54 24.62 17 " 9.81 11.77 13.08 14.38 15.69 16.35 17.65 19.62 22.88 26.16 18 " 10.38 12.46 13.85 15.23 16.62 17.31 18.69 20.76 24.23 27.70 19 " 10.96 13.15 14.62 16.08 17.54 18.27 19.73 21.92 25.58 29.24 20 •• 11.54 13.85 15.38 16.92 18.46 19.23 20.77 23.08 26.92 30.76 21 " 12.11 14.54 16.15 17.77 19.38 20.19 21.81 24.22 28.27 32.30 22 " 12.69 15.23 16.92 18.61 20.31 21.15 22.85 25.38 29.61 33.84 23 " 13.27 15.92 17.69 19.46 21.23 22.12 23.88 26.54 30.96 35.38 24 " 13.85 16.62 18.46 20.31 22.15 23.08 21 02 27.70 32.31 36.92 25 " 14.42 17.31 19.23 21.15 23.08 24.04 '_'."). '.Hi ■JS,S.") ;^3.65 38.46 THERMOMETERS 527 Whole Days at — TUO! 7b ^ $1.25 $1.50 $1.7.5 $2.00 $2..50 $.3.00 A DAT A DAT A DAY A DAT A DAT A DAT A DAY 2 days 1.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 3 " 2.25 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 7.50 9.00 4 " 3.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 5 " 3.75 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 12.50 15.00 6 " 4.50 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 15.00 18.00 7 " 5.25 8.75 10.50 12.25 14.00 17.50 21.00 8 " 6.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 " 0.7.5 11.2.5 13.50 15.75 18.00 22.50 27.00 11 " 8.2.5 13.7.5 16.50 19.25 22.09 27.50 33.00 12 " 9.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 13 " 9.75 16.25 19.50 22.75 26.00 32.50 39.00 14 " 10.50 17.50 21.00 24.50 28.00 35.00 42.00 Thermometer Scales Fahrenheit. — The fref3zing-point is taken as the thirty-second degree of the scale, and 180 degrees are made between that and the boiling- point, which therefore becomes 212^. The zero of Fahrenheit was sup- posed to represent the absolute zero, or lowest po.ssible temperature. Centigrade or Celsius. — The freezing-point of water Is taken as zero, and boiling-point as 100^. Reaumur. — The freezing-point of water is taken as zero, the boiling- point as 80°. A degree Centigrade Is therefore greater than a degree of Fahrenheit as 9 Ls greater than 5; and a degree of Reaumur Is greater, as 9 Is greater than 4. To reduce Fahrenheit degrees to Centigrade, subtract 32 from the given degree of Fahrenheit, and multiply the remainder by 5 and divide it by 9 ; CF. degrees — 32) f- To reduce Centigrade to Fahr- enheit, multiply the given degree of Centigrade by 9 and divide the product by 5, then to the quotient add 32: (f C.° + 32). To reduce Fahrenheit to Reaumur, subtract 32 from the given degree of Fahrenheit and multiply the remainder by 4 and divide by 9 : fF.°-32)i To reduce Reaumur to Fahrenheit, multiply the given degree of Reau- mur by 9 and divide by 4, then add 32 : (I R° + 32). To reduce Reaumur to Centigrade, multiply by f . 628 COMPUTATION TABLES Miscellaneous Measures, Weights, and Estimates Measures and dimensions of many kinds ^ of an inch = a line (American). !>(, of an inch = a line (French). 3 inches = a palm. 4 inches = a hand. 9 inches = a span. 18 inches = a cubit. 2^ feet = a military pace. 3 (or 3.3) feet = a pace. 6 feet =1 fathom. 240 yards =1 cable's length. 12 of any article =1 dozen. 12 dozen =1 gross. 20 of any article =1 score. A wine gallon (U. S. standard) = 231 cubic inches, A dry gallon = 268.8 cubic inches. An imperial gallon (British standard) = 277.274 cubic inches. An imperial or English bushel = 2218.192 cubic inches. A U. S. bushel = 2150.42 cubic inches. A U. S. bushel heaped (heaped to a cone 6 inches high) = 2747.7 cubic inches. 1 pint of water weighs 1.0431 pounds. 1 gallon of water weighs 8.3448 pounds. 1 cubic foot of water weighs 62.425 pounds at 39.2° F. 1 atone is 14 pounds. An English (statute) mile is 1760 yards. A Scotch mile is 1984 yards. An Irish mile is 2249 yards. A Dutch mile is 8101 yards. A Roman mile is 1628 yards. A German mile is 6859 yards. A Russian mile is 1100 yards. An Arabian mile is 2148 j'ards. A sea (nautical) mile is 2026 yards (IJ mi.). A knot is the traveling speed of a ship, reckoned by making 1 sea-mile in 1 hour. 1 tael (Chinese) is li oz. avoir. 1 Dani.sh pound is 1.102 lb. avoir. 1 Russian pound is 9 lb. avoir. 1 libra (Spanish) is 1.014 lb. avoir. 1(X) pounds nails =1 keg. 196 pounds flour =1 barrel. 150 pounds potatoes =1 barrel of freight. 280 pounds salt =1 barrel. 200 pounds beef, fish, or pork =1 barrel. 45 drops of water is a tea.spoonful. 1 tea.spoonful equals 1 fluid dram. 1 dos.sert.spoonful equals 2 tea.spoonfuls, or 2 drams. 1 tableapoonful equals 2 do.s.sertspoonfuls, or 4 teaspoonfuls. 2 tablespoonfuls equal 8 tea.spoonfuls, or 1 fluid ounce. 1 common-size wineglassful e2 1.02 ]iy 4.08 i>2 9.18 2 16.32 2J4 25.50 3 36.72 t 65.28 f 102.00 6 146.90 Number of gallons in circular tanks and wells To find the contents in gallons of circular tanks, square the diameter in feet, multiply by the depth, and then multiply by 5.875. GALLONS WHEN THE DEPTH IS jjia ete m- 3 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. 9 ft. 10 ft. lift. 12 ft. ft. 4 282.00 376.00 470.00 564.00 658.00 752.00 846.00 940.00 10.34.00 1128.00 5 440.63 587.50 734.38 881.25 1028.13 1175.00 1321.89 1468.76 1615.63 1762.50 6 634.50 846.04 1057.50 1269.00 1480.50 1692.00 1903.50 2115.00 2326.50 2538.00 V 863.63 1151.50 1439.38 1727.25 2015.13 2303.00 2590.89 2878.76 3166.63 3454.50 8 1128.00 1504.00 1880.00 2256.00 2632.00 3008.00 3384.00 3760.00 4136.00 4512.00 y 1427.63 1903.50 2379.38 2855.26 3331.13 3807.04 4282.89 4758.76 5234.63 5710.52 10 1762.52 2350.00 2937.52 3525.00 4112.52 4700.00 5287.56 5875.04 6461.52 7050.00 11 2132.63 2843.50 3554.38 4265.26 4976.12 5687.00 6397.89 7108.76 7819.63 8530.52 12 2538.00 3384.00 4230.00 5076.00 5922.00 6768.00 7614.00 8460.00 9306.00 10152.00 Approximate contents of cylinders Depth Quantity X 3 in. contains 1 gill. X 3 in. contains 1 pint. X 6 in. contains 1 quart. X 6 in. contains 1 gallon. X 12 in. contains 8 gallons. X 15 in. contains 10 gallons. DiAM. IH in. 3H in. ^2 in. 7 in. 14 in. 14 in. 532 COMPUTATION TABLES Number of gallons in squore-huilt tanks To find the number of gallons in any square or oblong vessel, multiply the number of cubic feet contained in it, by 7.4805 ; or, to find the contents of a depth not given in this table, multiply the contents of tank one foot deep by the required depth in feet. For other comparable figures, see page 531 ; for capacities of silos, pages 473 to 477 ; for capacities of reservoirs, page 497. Various pipe figures may be found in Chapters XI and XXV. Size of Tank 4 by 5 by 6 by 6 by 6 by 6 by 7 by 7 by 7 by 7 by 8 by 8 by 8 by 8 by 8 by 9 by 9 by 9 by 9 by 9 by 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 by 11 by 11 by 11 by 11 by 11 by 11 by 12 by 12 by 12 by 12 by 12 by 12 by 12 by 4 feet . 5 feet . 3 feet . 4 feet . 5 feet . 6 feet . 4 feet . 5 feet . 6 feet . 7 feet . 4 feet . 5 feet . 6 feet . 7 feet . 8 feet . 5 feet . 6 feet . 7 feet . 8 feet . 9 feet . 5 feet . 6 feet . 7 feet . 8 feet , 9 feet , 10 feet . 6 feet , 7 feet , 8 feet , 9 feet , 10 feet 11 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 feet 1 Ft. Deep 12 feet 1077.19 119.68 187.01 134.64 179.53 224.41 269.29 209.45 261.81 314.18 366.54 239.37 299.22 359.06 418.90 478.75 336.62 403.94 471.26 538.59 605.92 374.02 448.83 523.63 598.44 673.24 748.05 493.71 575.99 658.28 740.56 822.85 905.14 538.59 628.36 718.12 807.89 897.66 987.42 3 Ft. Deep 359.06 561.03 403.9 538.5 673.2 807.8 628.3 785.4 942.5 1099.6 718.1 897.6 1077.1 1256.7 1436.2 1009.8 1211.8 1413.8 1615.7 1817.7 1122.0 1346.4 1570.9 1795.3 2019.7 2244.1 1481.1 1727.9 1974.8 2221.7 2468.5 2715.4 1615.7 1885.0 2154.3 2423.6 2692.9 2962.2 3231.5 4 Ft. Deep 478.75 748.05 538.5 718.1 897.6 1077.1 837.8 1047.2 1256.6 1466.2 957.4 1196.8 1436.2 1675.6 1915.0 1346.4 1615.7 1885.0 2154.3 2423.6 1496.1 1795.3 2094.5 2393.7 2692.9 2992.2 1974.8 2303.9 2633.1 2962.2 3291.4 3620.5 2154.3 2513.4 2872.5 3231.5 3590.6 3949.6 4308.7 5 Ft. Deep 598.44 935.06 673.2 897.6 1122.0 1346.4 1047.2 1309.0 1570.8 1832.7 1196.8 1496.1 1795.3 2094.5 2393.7 1683.1 2019.7 2356.3 2692.9 3029.6 1870.1 2244.1 2618.1 2992.2 3366.2 3740.2 2468.5 2879.9 3291.4 3702.8 4114.2 4525.7 2692.9 3141.8 3590.6 4039.4 4488.3 4937.1 5385.9 LEGAL WEIGHTS OF THE BUSHEL 633 Legal Weights of the Bushel List of products for which legal weights have been fixed in but one or two states Apple seeds, forty pounds (Rhode Island and Tennessee). Beggarweed seed, sixty-two pounds (Florida). Blackberries, thirty-two pounds (Iowa) ; forty-eight pounds (Ten- nessee) ; dried, twenty-eight pounds (Tennessee). Blueberries, forty-two pounds (Minnesota). Bromus inermis, fourteen pounds (North Dakota). Cabbage, fifty pounds (Tennessee). Canary seed, sixty pounds (Tennessee). Cantaloupe melon, fifty pounds (Tennessee). Cherries, forty pounds (Iowa) ; with stems, fifty-six pounds (Ten- nessee) ; without stems, sixty-four pounds (Tennessee). Chestnuts, fifty pounds (Tennessee) ; fifty-seven pounds (Virginia). Chufa, fifty-four pounds (Florida). Cottonseed, staple, forty-two pounds (South Carolina). Cucumbers, forty-eight pounds (Missouri and Tennessee) ; fifty pounds (Wisconsin). Currants, forty pounds (Iowa and Minnesota). Feed, fifty pounds (Massachusetts). Grapes, forty pounds (Iowa) ; with stems, forty-eight pounds (Ten- nessee) ; without stems, sixty pounds (Tennessee). Guavas, fifty-four pounds (Florida). Hickory nuts, fifty pounds (Tennessee). Hominy, sixty pounds (Ohio) ; sixty-two pounds (Tennessee). Horseradish, fifty pounds (Tennessee). Italian rye-grass seed, twenty pounds (Tennessee). Johnson-grass, twenty-eight pounds (Arkansas). Kafir, fifty-six pounds (Kansas). Kale, thirty pounds (Tennessee). Land-plaster, 100 pounds (Tennessee). See page 540. Meal, forty-six pounds (Alabama) ; unbolted, forty-eight pounds (Alabama) . Middlings, fine, forty pounds (Indiana) ; coarse middhngs, thirty pounds (Indiana). [Continued on page 540] 534 COMPr TA TI ON TABLES a H H go o p338aO))03 pOBldQ lllll ISM \ 1 1 \ II MS ^8?^^ 1 MM! I^M§ IIMI 1 III 1 Ul .paaButn^oo 1 jc^lgl ||M?:?^IIII 1 III II II 1 •lE'ciToo 1 II II 1 II ^ II II II 1 1 III II II •iBiS'Ko Mill 1 U II 1 II II 1 III II 1 1 UBatniuoo «M«| §§||« ^M^l § SSI IISS 6 uiOopa„aqs 1 |g|§| jj || S S II !g 1 SS 1 § 1 II |§g •aParSToo l{2l^l MM? Mill Mill Mill •aXal^oo 1 1 g 1 g 1 g 1 1 1 1 g II g 1 £^| M II 1 ^? t«^oo gisll 1 II 1 1 II II 1 ! M Is §11 II aaas aaAoiQ | | | | o | go | | | o | oo | oooo | | | ooo 8XOHHVO IIMI Iglll Mill Mill 0|0|^ xvaHM.s3ag 5IIS5 S5II 1 Sigsl SSSSI 5I55S aaaS NHOO-KOOHa |||X| Mill IIMI |0||| Mill;; ,NVHa 1 1 ISI IS MS ^ MSI Igggl MS II aaag BflVHO-aaag 1112:1 2:1111 2112:1 2:2:12:1 II 12:2: s^^^'a 1 Mill IIMI Mill Mill gills 00 Z < a PQ (paiiaqs) saBaq-jo^SBO Sll 1 1 II 11^ 1 ll^l ^^^%\ II 1^1 .«a«9a IsSII §8 111 lllll §§§|l §l|§§ AaiHVor 1 oor^iciooo ooool loo r^ooooool oooooot^oo ooloooooo eu BaiddBpaiiQ I^l^l ISllSSilg^l S^SSl IISSS i««i^c I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SI 1 1 1 1 1 1 §1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ^11 1 I ^1 1 1 1 1 1 ^£1 1 I 1^ 1 1 1 1 1 \^\^ 1^ 1 1 1 1 1 1^1 1^ 1 1 1 1 1 1^1 §1 I I I I I Sll I I I COCOCO I I IN I ) Ttt I 1^ I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 en o ^ .2 O-S g^ 13 'S X^%>^' m^^^^ >^&&t: r.s^g^s "o^-sg g-^g" ^^^^^ ;2;;z;;2;:z;^ ;z:ooo&^ ^mcbh ir^^» i^^^^ c IS ^ o S 5^ js a . 08 P » ss 2 s a ^ >- a- O «^0 C1T3 § « Qoo "^ 3^ o3 S3 53, "i^ 2i ^ a> <»-,3 o3 _ a ID s-- ■'^ ^ > T3 «^5 doo a «.- al;;^ «t>. o3 636 COMPUTATION TABLES 1 sava J I I nils 1151 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 SiQNVaj 1 1 1 1 1 li^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 aaiaadNQ 'saHovaj aaiHQ CO I « \n\ I CO I OOM M I (NCO I I I I I I BdlNSaVJ 1 1 1 151 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 51 1 1 aaag aoNvuo aovso I I I Mil 1 1 nn\\\ III aaag sevHO-aavHOHO 1 I I I I I 112:1 I I I B^ag UOIUQ 1 1 1 1 1 MM II III II I II [Suoiuo 1 \\^ SXVQ >o8 ^ a a. n u gj OS ;; ;= S q o - 5 a "O if ■£■5 oo'S-2o «««:=•« 'S'rtSg «««•=•= - ^fc^^t! t.o^«= -§11 11 •%>%-a ^SS^Z J2;;z;2;z^ ;z;oooci. rtMiMH hpp»> ^^^^ 1 oa nj O ISI \^ I IS , eao^B^oj I I SSISI MSI «OiC«D I I esaj ISl I Sll I I ISI panaqsan 'SBOj punojo I I I I I I I II II I II II II II BBaj naajQ I I I ^11 I M Ul II II ill 11 • o • ^ O • 3 -^ • o S csi-c O O i' • - Js -a 3- • as: 'mS o" • c3.— "O "O > a! (U ^ * ^ c3._.— LEGAL WEIGHTS OF THE BUSHEL 539 o«o «o to I o I oo o I 6< O I to o to I to ' 1^1 I I Mill I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I SISSI I I I I o I oo lO I to»o 1^1 ic>o >o» 11 1^1 1^51 II 1 1 1 1 1 15^1 1 1 1 1 1 1^1 I I I I I Mill II II II I M 1^1 MM 1 1 II II I SI I I OOiO 1 1 I II I II II Mill M 1^1 Mill ^111 II II ll^l I II I MSI I II II I IISl II i IS §11 I I II I llgl 1 1 1 CD — .2 3 ^ o totototo I iCiO I »C lO II I II SIISI II II I §111 II I ISI lgll I II II I II II I II II II 1 1 I lgl II II I II II I II II I II II I II I MM 1 1 1 II II I II II MM ll^l ISII I Mill Mill 111^ Ills 11 II §8I§I ISIS I 2\ I oo o I I to 119 1 I tOtO to I I "3 I I to I OtO I O I I tOiO I lO I I I u IISII 1 1 §§ II l§g 8§§l I 1 1 oo toco l§l |5g|| I II II I Mill 111^ MM II II ^M M II II I Mill II II I II I MM =3 ii od o a ^ , J= o 5 _J O C3 M S o;s3 73.9 5 *2 ri e <» -"3 3 a a 2 C CI M±:-S a JJS-g> ttt%o S:S3£g ^ggg S5fe.|- ^--^^ ^SSziz; ^:z;;z;;z;^ ^oooc^ rtcgccH hp» ^^^^ 640 COMPUTATION TABLES [Continued from page 533] Millet, Japanese barnyard, thirty-five pounds (Massachusetts). Mustard, thirty pounds (Tennessee). Plums, forty pounds (Florida) ; sixty-four pounds (Tennessee). Plums, dried, twenty-eight pounds (Michigan). Popcorn, seventy pounds (Indiana and Tennessee) ; in the ear, forty-two pounds (Ohio). Prunes, dried, twenty-eight pounds (Idaho) ; green, forty-five pounds (Idaho). Quinces, forty-eight pounds (Florida, Iowa, and Tennessee). Rape seed, fifty pounds (Wisconsin). Raspberries, thirty-two pounds (Kansas) ; forty-eight pounds (Ten- nessee). Rhubarb, fifty pounds (Tennessee). Sage, four pounds (Tennessee). Salads, thirty pounds (Tennessee). Sand, 130 pounds (Iowa). Spelt or Spiltz, forty pounds (North Dakota) ; forty-five pounds (South Dakota). Spinach, thirty pounds (Tennessee). Strawberries, thirty-two pounds (Iowa) ; forty-eight pounds (Ten- nessee). Sugar-cane seed, fifty-seven pounds (New Jersey). Velvet-grass seed, seven pounds (Tennessee). Walnuts, fifty pounds (Tennessee). Other articles. One bushel of house ashes (wood) is calculated to weigh forty-eight pounds; ground gypsum, seventy pounds (see p. 533, under land- plaster) ; sand, 1222 pounds. For lime, see pp. 78, 536 ; cement, pp. 504, 505. Legal weights of seeds and grains in Canada. Section 90 of the Inspection and Sale Act of the Department of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada, dealing with the legal weights of farm products, reads as follows : — In contracts for the sale and delivery of any of the undermentioned articles a bushel shall be determined by weighing, unless a bushel by CANADIAN WEIGHTS 541 measure is specially agreed upon, and the weight equivalent to a bushel shall, except as hereinafter provided, be as follows : — lb. Barley 48 Buckwheat 48 Flaxseed 56 Indian corn 56 Oats 34 Pease 60 Rye 56 Wheat 60 Section 337 reads as follows : — In contracts for the sale and delivery of any of the undermentioned articles, the bushel shall be determined by weighing, unless a bushel by measure is specially agreed upon and the weight equivalent to a bushel shall be as follows : — lb. Beans 60 Beets 60 Blue-grass seed 14 Carrots 60 Castor-beans 40 Clover seed 60 Hemp seed 44 Malt 36 Onions 50 Parsnips 60 Potatoes 60 Timothy seed 48 Turnips 60 In the province of Quebec, when potatoes are sold or offered for sale by the bag, the bag shall contain at least eighty pounds. Government Townships The word " town " has a variety of meanings. It is commonly loosely used to designate merely a settlement or a community. In New England, however, it is the primary administrative division It is there very irregular in shape and size, following the lines of contour and of early settlement. In New England, outside of Rhode Island, a township unit was essentially an ecclesiastical unit. In Rhode Island, the township government was separated from church control. In the South, the county came to be the primary 542 COMPUTATION TABLES political unit in most cases, and there is no highly developed town- ship system. The New England type of town spread westward to New York, al- though the full town-meeting form of go\'ornment did not follow ; the townships remained irregular and followed no system of territorial division. When the new pubUc domains began to be surveyed by the federal government, a regular system of townships, or terri- torial divisions, was laid out. These townships are right-angled, being six miles on a side and containing 36 square miles. They are determined and also divided by the intersection of meridians or range-lines running north and south, and by parallels or town-lines running east and west. The township is subdivided into 36 square miles, each of these square miles being known as a " section " and containing 640 acres. The sections are numbered consecutively from 1 to 36, beginning at the northeast corner of the township and running directly across to the northwest corner, then back again to the east and back to the west, and so on back and forth until the 36th sec- tion stands at the southeast corner of the township, as showTi in the diagram. In each township, section 16 is set aside for school purposes. The sections are themselves divided into quarter-sections, each containing 160 acres. These quarter-sec- tions are again divided into fours, of 40 acres each; and these 40 acres are the smallest divisions recognized in government surveys. The location of any piece of land is determined by the section number and by the half-section or quarter-section in which it is lo- cated. The township itself is located by its town-line and its range. That is to say, a township in any state might be number 10 south of the base-line that was established by the goverment, and range 9 west of some one of the principal meridians fixed by the govern- ment. A particular quarter-section in this township might be the southwest quarter of section number 27 in township 10 south and range 9 west of the sixth principal meridian. 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 29 28 27 26 25 31 32 33 34 35 36 CHAPTER XXVIII Collecting and Preserving Specimens for Cabinets or Exhi- bition. Perfumery. Labels Every good farm establishment should have a room or a cabinet in which the museum materials of the particular farm are collected, — soils, minerals, plants, insects, curiosities, and the like. Collecting and Storing Samples of Soil (Fippin) The farmer should know his soil. The collecting of soils and their preservation and study has been a source of much interest to some persons, — quite as much as the collecting of seeds, plants, or souvenirs. To secure samples that fairly represent a particular soil- formation or soil-region requires much care in selection. Soils usually vary greatly from point to point. They also vary at different depths. Usually the top soil is more rich in organic matter than the subsoil. It is therefore best to take small samples from a number of points in an area of a few square rods and mix them together, and preserve the desired sample from this composite lot. Some arbitrary depth must be chosen, and one foot is best on the average. Since the subsoil is also of great importance, it is desirable to have a sample taken from one to two feet in the same holes as the top soil. A common wood auger one and one-half inches in diameter with a handle sufficient to make a total length of thirty-six, with an eight-inch pipe cross bar at the top, is most convenient for collecting samples in soils that are not excessively stony. The stem may be made in sections, connecting by means of milled threads. Before being finally stored, the soil samples should b3 thoroughly dried on a piece of paper in the air. Collection should not be made when the soil is so wet as to puddle, and the sample would preferably not be pulverized after drying. 543 544 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS The amount of the sample must depend on the object of the work. For general stud}' and analysis, one quart is usually abundant, and one pint is often adequate for chemical and physical analysis. For private collections, even smaller samples put up in four- or six-ounce vials of five or six inches in length, straight sides, and metal screw-top, are very convenient. Regular specimen-jars holding about one-third of a pint or more and with cork in the bottom are excellent for small samples. For larger samples, screw-top glass fruit-jars are usually the most convenient form of storage vessel. For shipping samples, a stout canvas bag closely woven and simply labeled on a tag is most convenient, and several such samples may be inclosed in a large bag of the same material. Samples of Seeds and Grains Every farmer should have samples in his study or elsewhere of the common commercial grades of wheat, oats, and other grains, and speci- mens of the seeds of the leading grasses and the most frequent weeds. He can secure the weed seeds from the plants themselves ; or in some cases the Experiment Station will aid him to secure them. Whenever a pernicious weed appears on the plantation, seeds should be saved of it. The farmer should determine how it was introduced, whether with grain or with grass seed ; he will then be on the guard for future invasion. He should have a good hand lens with which to examine all grass seed and clover seed that he purchases. He should have samples of pure grass seed, the dififerent kinds of clover, alfalfa, and similar crops. Samples of the different grades of wheat and other grains, of the leading varieties, and of shrunken or injured grains, would be very useful to persons who are engaged in the growing of grain or in the handling of it. They will serve as standards. In some of the states, the experiment stations supply such seeds ; if they do not supply them, they can put the farmer in touch with the ways of securing them. All seeds should be placed in tight bottles and be thoroughly dried before being put away. In bottles they are easy of examination, and they are also free from weevils and other insects. If they should become affected with insects, the pests may be destroyed by pouring a little bisulfid of carbon into the bottle and quickly corking it up tight. HERBARIUM 545 For samples of corn, buckwheat, rye, rice, and other commercial grains, it is well to use one of the small fruit-jars. The weed seeds may be put up in vials with wide necks. Collecting and Preserving Plants for Herbaria Collect samples of all parts of the plant, — lower and upper leaves, stem, flowers, fruit, and in most cases roots. In small species, those two feet high or less, the whole plant should be taken. Of larger plants, take parts about a foot long. Press the plants between papers or '^ driers." These driers may be any thick porous paper, as blotting-paper or carpet-paper, or, for plants that are not succu- lent or very juicy, newspapers in several thicknesses may be used. It is best to place the specimens in sheets of thin paper — grocer's tea paper is good — and place these sheets between the driers. Many specimens can be placed in a pile. On top of the pile place a short board and a weight of thirty or forty pounds, or a lighter weight if the pile is small and the plants are soft. Change the driers every day. The plants are dry when they become brittle, and when no moisture can be felt by the fingers. Some plants will dry in two or three days, while others require as many weeks. If the pressing is properly done, the specimens will come out smooth and flat and the leaves will usually be green, although some plants always turn black in drying. Specimens are usually mounted on single sheets of white paper of the stiffness of very heavy writing paper or thin bristol-board. The standard size of sheet is 11^ by 16| inches. The plants may be pasted down permanently and entirely to the sheet, or they may be held on by strips of gummed paper. In the former case, Denison's fish-glue is a good gum to use. Only one species or variety should be placed on a sheet. Specimens that are taller than the length of a sheet should be doubled over when they are pressed. The species of a genus are collected into a genus cover. This cover is a folded sheet of heavy manila or other firm paper, and the standard size, when folded, is 12 by 16j inches. On the lower left-hand corner of this cover the name of the genus is written. A label should accompany each specimen upon the separate sheets, recording the name, date of col- lecting, name of the collector, and any notes that may be of interest, 2n 546 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS The specimens are now ready to be filed away on shelves in a horizon- tal position. If insects attack the specimens, they may be destroyed by fumes of bisulfid of carbon (see page 293) or chloroform. The bisLilfid treatment is probably the best yet devised, particularly for large herbaria. In this case it is necessary to place the specimens in a tight box and then insert the liquid. Lumps of naphthalin placed in the cabinet are useful in keeping away insects. Various poisons have been used on herbarium plants. At one time, the Gray Herbarium used an arsenic solution, but this proved to be injurious to curators. Three corrosive sublimate (bichloride of mer- cury) recipes are as follows : — 1. Place as much corrosive sublimate in alcohol as the liquid will dissolve. Apply with a brush, or dip the plants before they are mounted and dry them between sheets. A common method. 2. Dissolve If ounces of corrosive sublimate in one pint of alcohol ; add 2^ fluid drams of carbolic acid, and apply with a paint brush. 3. One pound of corrosive sublimate, one pound of carbolic acid, to 4 gallons of wood alcohol. Preserving, Printing, and Imitating Flowers and Other Parts of Plants To Preserve the Color of Dried Flowers. — 1. Immerse the stem of the fresh specimen in a solution of 32 parts by weight of alum, 4 of niter, and 186 of water for two or three days until the liquid is thoroughly absorbed, and then press in the ordinary way, except that dry sand is sifted over the specimen and the packet submitted to the action of gentle heat for twenty-four hours. 2. Make a varnish composed of 20 parts of powdered copal and 500 parts of ether, powdered glass or sand being used to make the copal dissolve more readily. Into this solution the plants are carefully dipped ; then they are allowed to dry for ten minutes, and the same process is repeated four or five times in succession. 3. Plants may also be plunged in a boiling solution of 1 part of salicylic acid and 600 of alcohol, and then dried in bibulous paper. But this should be done very rapidly, violet flowers especially being decolor- ized by more than an instantaneous immersion. 4. Red flowers which have changed to a purplish tint in drying may have their color restored by laying them on a piece of moistened paper PRESERVING FLOWERS 547 with dilute nitric acid (one part to ten or twelve parts of water), and then submitting them to moderate pressure for a few seconds ; but the solution must not touch the green leaves, as they are decolorized by it. 5. With sulfur (Quin). — Procure a chest about three or four feet square with a small opening in the under part of one side, to be closed by a bar, through which the basin containing brimstone must be put into the chest ; this opening must be covered inside with per- forated tin, in order to prevent those flowers which hang immediately over the basin from being spoiled. Paper the inside to render it air- tight. When the chest is ready for use, nail small laths on two opposite sides of the interior, at a distance of about six inches apart, and on these lay thin round sticks upon which to arrange the flowers ; these should not be close together, or the vapor will not circulate freely through the vacant spaces around the flowers. When the chest is suffi- ciently full of flowers, close it carefully, place a damp cloth on the sides of the lid, and some heavy stones upon the top of it ; then take small pieces of brimstone, put them in a small, flat basin, kindle, and put through the opening in the bottom of the chest and shut the bar. Leave the chest undisturbed for twenty-four hours, after which time it must be opened, and if the flowers be sufficiently smoked, they will appear white, if not, they must be smoked again. When sufficiently smoked, take the flowers out carefully and hang them up in a dry, airy place in the shade, and in a few days or even hours they will recover their natural color, except being only a shade paler. To give them a very bright and shining color, plunge them into a mixture of ten parts of cold water and one of good nitric acid ; drain off the liquid, and hang them up again the same as before. The best flowers for this process are asters, roses, fuchsias (single ones), spireas (red-flowered kinds, such as Japonica, Douglasi, etc.), ranunculus, del- phiniums, cytisus, etc. The roses should be quite open, but not too fully blown. 6. In sand (Quin). — Dry the plants in clean silver sand, free from organic matter (made so by repeated washing, until the sand ceases to discolor the water). Heat the sand rather hot, and mix with it by constant stirring a small piece of wax candle, which prevents the sand from adhering to the flowers. Have a box not higher than three inches, but as broad as possible ; this box should have instead of a bottom a narrow-meshed iron-wire net at a distance of three-fourths 548 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS inch from where the bottom should be. Place the box on a board and fill with sand till the net is just covered with a thin layer of sand ; upon this layer of sand, place a layer of flowers, on that a layer of sand, then flowers, and so on ; the layers of sand should vary in thickness according to the kind of flowers, from one-eighth to one-fourth inch. When the box contains about three layers of flowers, it must be removed to a v^ery sunny dry place, the best being close under the glass in an empty greenhouse, exposed to the full influence of the sun. After a week, if the weather is sunny and dry, the flowers will be perfectly dried ; then the box is lifted a little, the sand falls gently through the iron net, and the flowers remain in their position over the net without pny disturbance whatever. They should then be taken out carefully and kept in a dry and, if possible, dark place, where no sun can reach them, and afterwards chey will keep very well for many years. Care should be taken that the flowers are cut in dry weather, and that while lying in the sand no part of a flower shall touch another part, as this always spoils the color and causes decay. Sand should be filled in between all the parts of the flower ; therefore it is necessary to insert the double flowers in an erect position, in order to fill the sand between the petals, while most of the single flowers must be put in with the stalks upwards. Printing Plants. — 1. First, lightly oil one side of paper, then fold in four, so that the oil may filter through the pores, and the plant may not come into direct contact with the liquid. The plant is placed between the leaves of the second folding, and in this position pressed (through other paper) all over with the hand, so as to make a small quantity of oil to adhere to its surface. Then it is taken out and placed between two sheets of white paper for two impressions, and the plant is pressed as before. Sprinkle over the invisible image remaining on the paper a quantity of black lead or charcoal, and dis- tribute it in all directions ; the image then appears in all its parts. With an assortment of colors the natural colors of plants may be reproduced. To obtain fixity, rosin is previously added to the black lead in equal parts. Expose to heat sufficient to melt the rosin. 2. The best paper to use is ordinary wove paper, without water- marks; if it can l)e afforded, use thin drawing-paper. First select the leaves, then carefully press and dry them. If they be placed in a plant LEAF-PRINTS AND THE LIKE 549 press, care must be taken not to put too great pressure on the specimens at first, or they will be spoiled for printing. An old book is the best for drying the samples to be used. Secure printers' or proof ink, and a small leather dabber ; work a bit of ink about the size of a pea on a small piece of slate or glass, with the dabber, until it is perfectly smooth. A drop or two of linseed oil will assist the operation. Then give the leaf a thin coating, being careful to spread it equally ; now lay the leaf ink downwards on a sheet of paper and place it between the leaves of an old book, which must then be subjected to a moderate pressure in a copying-press, or passed between the rollers of a wringing-machine. Impressions can be taken with greater rapidity by laying the book on the floor and standing upon it for a few seconds. Soft book-paper is the best. Previous to using it, place a few sheets between damp blot- ting-paper, which causes it to take the ink still more readily. At first you will find that you lay on too much ink. If the impression is too black, use the leaf again. If the midrib of the leaf is too thick, it must be shaved down with a sharp knife. 3. Leaf-prints (Engle). — 1. A small ink-roller, such as printers use for inking type. 2. A quantity of printers' green ink. 3. A pane of stout window-glass (the larger the better) fastened securely to an evenly planed board twice the size of the glass. A small quantity of the ink is put on the glass and spread with a knife, after which it is distributed evenly by going over in all directions with the ink-roller. When this has been carefully done, the leaf to be copied is laid on a piece of waste paper and inked by applying the roller once or twice with moderate pressure. This leaves a film of ink on the veins and network of the leaf, and by placing it on a piece of blank paper and applying con- siderable pressure for a few moments the work is done, and when the leaf is lifted from the paper, the impress remains with all its delicate tracerv, faithful in color and outline to the original. To make the ink of proper consistency, add several drops of balsam copaiba to a salt-spoonful of ink. If the leaf sticks, the ink is too thick. Skeletonizing Plants. — 1. By maceration. Place the leaves in water, and allow them to remain in the same water for from three to four months, until the soft matter decays, and the stem may be taken in the hand and the refuse shaken away. There remains behind a network or skeleton of the original object, which can be bleached with 550 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS a little lime. Leaves and pods may both be treated satisfactorily in this manner. The pod of the " Jimson weed " or Datura Stramonium is a favorite for this purpose. 2. By chemicals. — Chloride of lime, I pound ; washing soda, ^ pound. Put the soda into H pints boiling water (rain-water is best) and let it thorouglily dissolve. Put the chloride of lime in a large pitcher, and add same quantity of cold water. Stir well and cover closely to prevent the escape of the chlorine. When the soda- water is cool, pour it on the chloride of lime, stir well together and cover tightly, leaving it for an hour or more. Then pour off very gently the clear liquid, which must be bottled tightly. This solution will remove fruit-stains from white goods, and will bleach any vegetable substances. When used for cotton or linen, it must be considerably diluted, and the goods well rinsed afterwards. Waterproof Paper for Artificial Flowers. — Waterproof paper, transparent and impervious to grease, is obtained by soaking good paper in an aqueous solution of shellac and borax. It resembles parchment paper in some respects. If the aqueous solution be colored with aniline colors, very handsome paper, of use for artificial flowers, is prepared. Prepared paraffin paper is now much used. To keep Flowers Fresh. — If cut flowers are not needed im- mediately, wet them and then wrap them in paper and place in a tight box in a cool place. Keep as cool as possible without freezing. The disagreeable odor which comes from flowers in vases is due to the decay of the leaves and stems in the water. Therefore remove all the lower leaves before putting flowers in vases. Flowers that have stood in a vase for a day or so can be greatly refreshed if taken from the vase at night, thoroughly sprinkled and wrapped, stems, blossoms, and all, as closely as possible in a soaked cloth and laid aside until the morning. They will be much fresher than if they had been left in their vases, yet will not have bloomed out so much. Before thus laying them aside, and again in the morning, a bit of each stem should be cut off, as the end soon hardens. This ought also to be done once or twice a day, even if the flowers are kept constantly in their vases. Roses that have drooped before their time — as, for example, when worn on the dress — may be revived if the stems, after being thus cut, are placed for ten minutes in almost boiling water and then removed to cold water. INSECTS — PERFUMERY 551 Collecting and Preserving Insects Flying insects are caught in a net made of mosquito-bar, or cheese- cloth after the fashion of the minnow-net. The material is made into a bag about a yard deep, and about a foot in width at the top. The opening is fastened upon a wire hoop, which is secured to a pole — as a broomstick. Insects are killed by placing them in a " cyanide- bottle." This is prepared by placing two or three lumps of cyanide of potassium the size of a quail's eg-^ in a wide-mouthed glass bottle, covering the lumps with a layer of fine sawdust held in place by snugly fitted pieces of pasteboard. The insects are quickly killed by the fumes of the poison. Keep the bottle corked. The cyanide is very poisonous, and the fumes should not be inhaled. Bugs and beetles, etc., may be pinned and mounted as soon as they are dead. It is customary to pin beetles through the right wing-cover, and bugs — as squash-bugs — through the triangular space between the wings. Butterflies and moths should have the wings carefully spread. This is done by placing on a " setting-board." This apparatus is a little trough with a crack at the bottom. The sides of the trough are made of thin bits of board, three or four inches wide and a foot or more long. These sides have very little slant. The crack in the bottom of the trough is left about a half-inch wide, and it is covered beneath with a strip of cork. The body of the insect is now placed lengthwise the crack, a pin is thrust through the thorax or middle division of the insect, into the cork, and the wings are laid out on the sides of the trough. The wings are held in place by strips of cardboard or mica pinned over them. Take care not to stick the pins through the wings. In about two weeks the insects will be dry and stiff. Insects must be kept in tight boxes to keep other insects from de- vouring them. Cigar-boxes are good. Tight boxes with glass covers are generally used by collectors. Place sheets of cork in the bottom of the box to receive the pins. If insects attack the specimens, expose them in a tight box to vapors of bisulfid of carbon or benzine. Larvae, and some other soft bodies, may be preserved in 95 per cent alcohol. Making Perfumery at Home Permanent Attar or Otto of Roses (Ellwanger) . — The roses employed should be just blown, of the sweetest-smelling kinds, 652 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS gathered in as dry a state as possible. After each gathering, spread out the petals on a sheet of paper and leave until free from mois- ture ; then place a layer of petals in a jar, sprinkling with coarse salt ; then another layer of coarse salt, alternating until the jar is full. Leave for a few days, or until a broth is formed ; then in- corporate thoroughly and add more petals and salt, mixing thor- oughly daily for a week, when fragrant gums and spices should be added, such as benzoin, storax, cassia-buds, cinnamon, cloves, car- damon, and vanilla-bean. Mix again and leave for a few days, when add essential oil of jasmine, violet tuberose, and attar of roses, together with a hint of ambergris or musk, in mixture with the flower ottos, to fix the odor. Spices, such as cloves, should be spar- ingly used. Perfume-jar. — 1. One pound of dried rose-petals bought at a drug-store, 4 ounces of salt, and 2 ounces of saltpeter, on which put 8 drops of essence of ambergris, 6 drops of essence of lemon, 4 drops of oil of cloves, 4 drops of oil of lavender, and 2 drops of essence of bergamot. 2. One-half pound of common salt, \ pound saltpeter, \ ounce storax, one-half dozen cloves, a handful of dried bay-leaves, and an- other handful of dried lavender-flowers. This basis will last for years, and petals of roses and other fragrant flowers gathered on dry days may be added annually, or powered benzoin, chips of sandalwood, cinnamon, orris-root, or musk may be added. Lavender-b.a-G. — One-half pound lavender-flowers, one-half ounce dried thyme and mint, one-fourth ounce ground cloves and caraway, one ounce common salt. Tie up in a linen bag, which is hung in a wardrobe. Orris-root is a good medium in which to place delicate perfumes for perfumery bags. The Preservation of Fruits for Exhibition Purposes Six Canadian recipes (Frank T. Shutt, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, 1911). Specimens of course not edible. In the preparation of these fluids, it is desirable to employ distilled water, usually obtainable from druggists at a small cost. The alcohol used in these formulae may be the ordinary spirits of wine. PRESERVATIVE FLUIDS 653 Fluid No. 1. — Formaldehyde Formaldehyde (formalin) 1 part Alcohol 5 parts Water, to make 50 parts To prepare one gallon of the fluid 3§ ounces of formaldehyde and 16 ounces of alcohol will be required, the remainder of the gallon to be made up with water. The addition of a volume of hydrogen peroxide equal to that of the formaldehyde has been found to somewhat enhance the value of this fluid for red fruits. Fluid No. 2. — Boric Acid Boric (boracic) acid 1 part Alcohol 5 parts Water, to make 50 parts For one gallon, 3^ ounces of boric acid and 16 ounces of alcohol will be required. The powdered form of boric acid is the most convenient to use. There is no necessity to employ hot water, but stirring should be con- tinued until complete solution is effected. Fluid No. 3. — Zinc Chloride Zinc chloride 3 parts Alcohol 10 parts Water, to make 100 parts For one gallon of fluid, 5 ounces of zinc chloride and 16 ounces of alcohol will be required. Zinc chloride, of good quality, passes readily into solution ; any white, flocculent precipitate that may appear is allowed to settle out, and the clear fluid decanted. Fluid No. 4. — Sulfurous Acid Sulfurous acid 1 Part Alcohol 1 part W^ater, to make 10 Parts For one gallon, 16 ounces each of sulfurous acid and of alcohol will be required. Fluid No. 5. — Copper Sulfate Copper sulfate 2 parts Alcohol 10 parts Water, to make 100 parts 554 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS For one gallon, 3l ounces of copper sulfate and 16 ounces of al- cohol will be required. To facilitate solution, powder the copper sulfate (bluestone) and dissolve it in a small quantity of hot water ; when cold, add the alcohol and the remainder of the water to the required volume. Fluid No. 6. — Alum Alum 5 parts Alcohol 10 parts Water, to make 100 parts For one gallon, 8 ounces of alum and 16 ounces of alcohol will be required. If powdered alum is not obtainable, crush the crystals and dissolve as directed in No. 5. For the most successful treatment, it is desirable to have the fruit sound, unbruised, and not over-ripe when placed in the fluid. When practicable, the fruit should be left on the stalk or branch, the whole being so supported or suspended in the bottle that the fruit is not subjected to any undue pressure. Sufficient fluid should be used to completely cover the fruit. It is well to hermetically seal the stopper with melted paraffin and to keep the bottles of preserv^ed fruit in a cool, darkened room. Recommendation on the six Canadian recipes. In the following paragraphs, the fluids are indicated that have proved to be the best preservatives with the various fruits under trial. Apples and Crabs. Red: No. 2 ; the best fluid in the larger number of tests. No. 1 has also proved effective for many varieties. No. 2. A fairly satisfactory fluid. Green and russet: No. 3. White and yellow : No. 4. This solution, while in most respects quite satisfactory, is apt to give the fruit an unnatural paleness. Beans in Pod. Green: No. 5 ; this is undoubtedly the best fluid. No. 1 may be used for short periods of preservation. PRESERVATIVE FLUIDS 655 Yellow or wax: No. 3 has given the best results. No. 4 can be used, but bleaches rather excessively. Currants. Black: No. 1 and No. 2. Both are fairly satisfactory, the prefer- ence being with No. 1. Owing to the large amount of coloring matter extracted at the outset from this fruit, the fluid should be changed, say at the expiration of two or three weeks. Red: No. 3, closely followed by No. 2, are successful preservatives for the fruit. White : Nos. 2 and 3 are almost equally satisfactory. Gooseberries. No. 5 ; this fluid has given very good results — incomparably better than any of the other solutions under investigation. Grapes. Black : No. 1 is satisfactory and excellent. Red : No. 3 is probably the best. No. 1 (with peroxide of hydrogen) and No. 2 have been used successfully. White : (green) No. 2 and No. 3. Neither of these has proven satisfactory, but No. 2 seems to be the better. Peas in Pod. No. 5 ; by far the best fluid. No. 3 has been used with some success for short periods. Plums. Our experience in preserving this fruit has been very limited, but fluid No. 2 has been used with fair success. Raspberries. Red and purple : A very difficult fruit to preserve in its natural form and color. No. 6. This is the best of the many fluids tried ; by an occasional change of solution, this preservative gives fairly good results. White : No. 2. 556 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS Strawberries. No. 1 ; this fluid, both with and without peroxide, will preserve the fruit with much of its natural color. No other fluid among those under experiment has proven at all satisfactory for this fruit. Tomatoes. No. 2 has given fairly satisfactory results. Preserving fruits and vegetables for exhibition (A California method). Glycerine 2 to 24 oz. Sulfurous acid 1 to 3 oz. Rock salt 1 oz. Saltpeter 1 oz. The above amounts are for one gallon of water. The amount of glycerine is governed by the specific gravity of the juice of the subject, it being requisite to have the density of the fluid the same as that of the juice. The amount of sulfurous acid is governed by the nature of the subject, fruits of delicate tint being given the minimum amount, while most vegetables will take the maximum. It is absolutely essential for success to have pure sulfurous acid, and this is best obtained by treating charcoal with sulfuric acid and running the gas directly into the water in the preserving jar. The sulfurous acid must be generated in a strong vessel, as the chemical action is violent. No particular pains are taken to have the fruit clean at the time it is placed in the jars. After the solution is on it, it must be set away in a dark, cool place, and carefully examined at intervals of a few days. If any cloudiness or discoloration appears, the liquid must be promptly removed and replaced by fresh. This is best done by running in clear water from a hose until all the preserving fluid is displaced, and then recharging the water in accordance with the formula. This clearing will also remove all dirt and sediment. After the fruit has remained in a dark place for several months without change, the fluid should be removed and substituted by fresh, in which there is only one ounce of sulfurous acid to the gallon. This latter strength is known as the " show liquid." LABELS FOR PLANTS 657 Labels Tree Labels may be made of various kinds of material. The commonest and cheapest label is made of clean white pine, primed with thin white lead. These can be purchased of dealers in nursery- men's supphes. The ordinary nursery tree label is 3| inches long. The Cornell tree label is made from the " package label " used by nurserymen. It is a pine notched tally 6 inches long and U inches wide. (Cost, painted, about $1.30 to $1.50 per thousand.) These are wired with heavy stiff wire, not less than eighteen inches long, so that the loop is five or six inches across. The labels are hung on one of the lower limbs of the tree, where they are very conspicuous. The ends of the wire are hooked together around the limb by means of pincers, and, being stiff, it is not readily removed by careless or mis- chievous persons. The name is written firmly with a very soft black lead-pencil, and when the label is hung upon the tree, it is dipped in thin white lead, which fixes the writings and preserves it almost indefi- nitely ; or the name may be written firmly into a fresh white lead. Labels made of small strips of common zinc are often used, the name being written on the metal with a lead-pencil. The label is wound about a limb, and it expands as the part grows. The label is so inconspicuous and so easily removed that it is unsatisfactory. Thick tallies of lead, with the name stamped in with dies, are good. Thin metal labels that hang on a wire are often broken or torn out at the eyelet by the wind. Stake Labels, made of pine or other soft clear wood, are most sat- isfactory for garden use, unless, perhaps, in botanic gardens, or other permanent exhibition grounds where a more conspicuous and orna- mental label is wanted. The label should be primed with white lead, after which it takes a permanent mark from a medium soft lead-pencil. A good label for grounds which are cultivated by horses, and which are therefore likely to be broken by the whiffietrees, is a pine stake 2 feet long, 3^ inches wide, and 1^ inches thick, sawed to a taper at the lower end. Give them two coats of thin white lead, taking care not to pile them on their faces whilst drying. Make the record with a soft large lead-pencil. When the writing wears off, or the label is wanted for other uses, plane a shaving off the face, paint again, and it is as good as new. 558 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS To PRESERVE Wooden Labels. — Thoroughly soak the pieces of wood in a strong solution of copperas (sulfate of iron) ; then lay them, after they are dry, in lime-water. This causes the formation of sulfate of lime, a very insoluble salt, in the wood. Black Ink for Zinc Labels. — Verdigris, 1 ounce ; sal am- moniac, 1 ounce ; lampblack, ^ ounce ; rain-water, 1^ pint. Mix in an earthenware mortar or jar and put up in small bottles. To be shaken before use and used with a clean quill pen on bright zinc. Jars for Specimens The jars, bottles, or boxes in which specimens are kept shc«uld be tight, to prevent evaporation, to keep out dust and mold, and to protect from insects. There are specially made museum jars of manj' attractive patterns. Four-sided fruit-jars with covers held by lever fastenings are also excellent. If one cannot secure such receptacles as these, he may prepare old bottles, and then fasten covers over them. Following are old methods of cutting bottles in two : — 1. Pass five or six strands of coarse packing-twine round the bottle on each side of the line where you want it divided, so as to form a groove i inch wide; in this groove pass one turn of a piece of hard-laid white cord, extend the two ends, and fasten to some support. Saw the bottle backwards and forwards for a short time ; after a minute's friction, by a side motion of the bottle throw it out of the cord into a tub of water, and then tap on the side of the tub and the bottom \vill fall off. 2. Fill the bottle the exact height you wish it to be cut, with oil of any kind; dip, very gradually, a red-hot iron into the oil. The glass suddenly chips and cracks all round, then the upper surface may be lifted off at the surface of the oil. 3. For cutting off bottoms of bottles, make a slight nick with a file, and then mark round with a streak of ink where you want it to come off. Make an iron red-hot and lay it on the nick. This will cause it to expand and crack ; then, by moving the rod round, the crack ^vill follow. CHAPTER XXIX DiRECTOEIES The farmer now secures his technical information from the colleges and schools of agriculture and experiment stations in the different states, territories, and provinces (directories given on the succeeding pages) ; from the United States Department of Agriculture, at Wash- ington ; from departments of agriculture at the capitals of the states, territories, and provinces ; and from other pubhc institutions. The number of agricultural and country-life societies is now very- great. A general directory of them is printed in Vol. IV of the Cyclopedia of American Agriculture, and by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture ; and local lists may sometimes be secured from the state departments of agriculture, and in the rural press. Some of the Institutions and Agencies making for a Better Rural Life 1. Departments of Agriculture, national and state. 2. Colleges of agriculture, one for each state, territory, or province. 3. Agricultural experiment stations, in nearly all cases connected with the colleges of agriculture. 4. The pubhc school system, into which agriculture is now being incorporated. Normal schools, into many of which agriculture is being introduced. 5. Special separate schools of agriculture and household subjects. 6. Special colleges, as veterinary and forestry institutions. 7. Departments or courses of agriculture in general or old-line col- leges and universities. 8. Farmers' institutes, usually conducted by colleges of agriculture or by boards or departments of agriculture. (The above institutions may engage in various forms of extension work.) 9. The agricultural press. 559 560 DIRECTORIES 10. The general rural newspapers. 11. Agricultural and horticultural societies of all kinds. 12. The Patrons of Husbandry, Farmers' Educational and Cooper- ative Union, and other national organizations. 13. Business societies and agencies, many of them cooperative. 14. Business men's associations and chambers of commerce in cities and towns. 15. Local political organizations (much in need of re-direction). 16. Civic societies. 17. The church. 18. The Young Men's Christian Association, and other religious organizations. 19. Women's clubs and organizations, of many kinds. 20. Fairs and expositions. 21. Rural libraries. 22. Village improvement societies. 23. Historical societies. 24. Public health regulation. 25. Fraternal societies. 26. Musical organizations. 27. Organizations aiming to develop recreation, and games and play. 28. Rural free delivery of mail (a general parcels post is a necessity). 29. Postal savings banks. 30. Rural banks (often in need of redirection in their relations to the development of the open country). 31. Labor-distributing bureaus. 32. Good thoroughfares. 33. Railroads, and trolley extensions (the latter needed to pierce the remoter districts rather than merely to parallel railroads and to connect large towns). 34. Telephones. 35. Auto-vehicles. 36. Country stores and trading-places (in some cases). 37. Insurance organizations. 38. Many government agencies to safeguard the people, as public service commissions. 39. Books on agriculture and country life. 40. Good farmers, living on the land. COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS 561 Agricultural and Forestry Colleges, Schools, and Stations in Canada Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, opened 1874. Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, present farm purchased and building begun 1885. Prince Edward Island ; a professorship of agriculture in Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown. Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Ontario, founded 1903, for home economics, nature study, and manual-training. Macdonald College (incorporated with McGill University), Sainte Anne de Bellevue, Province Quebec, opened 1907. Oka Agricultural School, Oka, Province of Quebec, recognized by province government in 1893. Provincial Dairy School, St. Hyacinthe, Province of Quebec, present building erected 1906. Eastern Dairy School, Kingston, Ontario, established 1894. School of Forestry, Toronto University (1907). Laval University Forestry School, Quebec (1910). University of New Brunswick, chair of forestry. Agricultural School of Sainte Anne de la Pocatiere, Pr. Quebec, 1858. Manitoba Agricultural College, Winnepeg, opened 1906. Saskatchewan Agricultural College, Saskatoon (in course of erection). Central Experimental Farms, Ottawa (for the Dominion, 1886) ; branches at Nappan, Nova Scotia, for the maritime provinces ; Bran- don, Manitoba ; Indian Head, Saskatchewan ; Lacombe and Leth- bridge, Alberta ; Agassiz, British Columbia. Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations in the United States The following table shows the number of acres of land received by each state from the Land-Grant Act of 1862, the date of establish- ment of the institution that cares for the agricultural work, and the date at which instruction in agriculture was begun : — The experiment station is connected with the college, except in: Ohio, at Wooster; Georgia, at Experiment (dept. of the college at Athens) ; Conn. Experiment Station at New Haven, and Storrs Station at the college ; New York, the State Station at Geneva, but the federal station at the college. 2o 562 DIRECTORIES a u >i '^ aJ 3 " 5 C5 S2<: 00O5 00 o o 3 O ^ 2 a. 3 CC 2 I 00 CD t- 00 CO rH 00 r-( rH . (M o oco i-H CO 00 t^OJ r^ 00 00 00 00 00 (N'^'M 00 t^ Cit^cO X X XX !>• X t^»-< O-^ C^ iM t^ "^ OiCO UO ^lOOSt'. lO t^X t^X t^ O CD t^ COO CO COiOO lO XX XX X X X X XX X • "X XX X 05 o oco 05 CO X t^o CD X X XX X 1 §i II OO §§ g| §8 oco o^ O__C0__ ox oooo ooco oooo o'o'o'o' (M(N t-'o* o" 05 O !> Oi 05 3 :S ^ M ^ N 2::3lj cj "o o O O g +J rt . - . ti .t; '^ '^ • n 2 ■/) 73 73 <; H -g ^ s a Si*^ o ^?> ■&^^ K^ CO c> c3 a> 3 =:P 3 .2-SoJ o o >, ^ ^ .ti — — . "-^ v« 'm 3 03 m c O >^a < £>> ^-^ ^ £ m > ° C OT3.„* O^ 33 3 oj-s 3 Ah 5 fl «3 ^ M ^ a: 5; ^-g cs -G^ 3 o P^-S go .«i bc o S i^" 3 d O 73 .0 i o o E^rt*^ O c3 cj »H ij o — •— .^ r.j ►. n eg ■»-; 3^ ^^6Z.M.^ •So -so ggfeb C/23 .^"-'.•Sc^S ,&C3« b£>"3 g a M^ X ^ -. . C tc C M O tC-^ 5 m S w ~ b 3 *;; M o o|2 t£ 3 3 3 :* I-, X "7" "^ 3 -< • -" -» -» '^ . S'C2 5 ? rt to*' c 3 o ::^ ^r ^.2-2 = ^ ^ I-, Ui 53 O rt c3 G G c3 O c3 a c:.;5 o .t* 1^ 1^ «3 S G^ AMERICAN COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE 563 vo 00 00 00 00 o 5 CO 00 fl 00 00 08 tH b COOO 05 C00 00 t^ flo 0000 00 00 0300 Oi ^ o Q o i-HOOiO 00 Oi ,_! ■* 1— 1 00 liD 00 o 00 05 t^ 05 0>0 00 00 00 s o (X) 00 22 cc 00 00 00 00 GO 00 00 t- 00 00 00 (M (M t- 00 000000 00 o o o o o o r-l (M o o o o iM O O O 0:__ O^ O^ O o' o" o" o" OO t^ CO CO O (N ^ O ooo ooo ooo IOO5 00 o o o o o o o' o" o o .-H CO oo oo oo ooo o coo o ooo o ooo 005 10 CO --H tn 03 (U 3 o 02 cZ O! MS O «3 gj o3 w> > IS 'S m o •^ o so 03 O. o -e a3 o g c'S'*'5. O) -en 9. 3 5 n g •en c5 MOP ;3 (V, 0) bJC 03 03 a, X (D W) o Sh to C O ^ ^ oO *" 03^ -^^ O_o3 fi 2 Q?-^5 J ^ C S > ^^"^ M Op e3 +J > -tn o ^ « •rs 1^ S do -S's e3 O O > 3 ^Ift- !li||32||lll||ifl|li|l1l 03* > 03 02 "^ tf ^ ^ ;^ ;z; H O O^tf O c» M <5 <^ > H^O Si >> ^ > o'S bC^. o o O a o -G ^ ■go 03 . C3TS e G >^ bO G^ o c 2 OPhPh H H CI o ■il -2 g)C3 M III I 564 DIRECTORIES Forestry Schools in the United States, 1911-12 Many institutions give courses in forestry. Following are those that have separate schools, faculties, or comparable organizations, or that have four-year courses ; there are many other American institutions giving more or less instruction in forestry. Graduate schools Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Yale Forest School (founded in 1900). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., Course of Forestry (founded in 1901). Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Division of Forestry, School of Applied Science. Undergraduate schools and departments University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, College of Forestry. University of Washington, Seattle, School of Forestry (estab. 1907). Colorado College, Colorado Springe, School of Forestry (established 1905). Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Collins. University of Georgia, Athens, School of Forestry. University of Idaho, Moscow. Iowa State College, Ames. University of Maine, Orono. Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing. Forestry course (established 1902). University of Montana, Missoula. University of Nebraska, College of Agriculture. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis. Pennsylvania State College, State College. State College of Washington, Pullman. University of Missouri, Columbia. New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University, Ithaca. Biltmore Forest School. This school holds a winter session in VETERINARY INSTITUTIONS 565 Germany, a spring session in the Adirondacks and Southern Appa- lachians, and during the autumn months in the Lake States. Pennsylvania State Forest Academy, Mont Alto. State College of Forestry, Syracuse University, N.Y. (legislation passed 1911). North American Veterinary Colleges and Departments, 1910-11 Colleges, schools, and divisions, giving full courses or leading to veterinary degrees Alabama Polytechnic Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn. Chicago Veterinary College (1883). Cincinnati Veterinary College. George Washington University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington, D.C. United States College of Veterinary Surgeons, Washington, D.C. Grand Rapids Veterinary College, Grand Rapids, Mich. (1897). Indiana Veterinary College, Indianapolis (1892). Iowa State College, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Ames (1884). Kansas City Veterinary College (1891). University Veterinary College, Kansas City. Western Veterinary College, Kansas City (1897). McKillip Veterinary College, Chicago (1894). New York American Veterinary College, New York City (1899). New York State Veterinary College, Cornell University, Ithaca (1896). Ohio State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbus (1883). San Francisco Veterinary College. Collins Veterinary Medical College, Nashville, Tenn. University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Phila- delphia (1884). Washington State College, School of Veterinary Science, Pullman (1899). University of Toronto, Ontario Veterinary College. School of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science, Montreal (Laval University). 566 DIRECTORIES Departments and chairs A regular professor or teacher in veterinar}^ science is also provided in the institution carrying the college of agriculture in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Teachers of animal husbandry give more or less instruction in the veterinary subjects. Home Economics Institutions and Departments, 1910-11 Instruction of advanced or of college grade in the homemaking subjects is now provided in many of the colleges of agriculture, with particular bearing on rural conditions ; and several other institutions also have departments for these subjects, and a few are devoted exclusively to such work. The work passes under different names, as domestic science, household science, domestic art, domestic economy, home economics. In the colleges of agriculture, departments or teachers are provided for these subjects in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Penn- sylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Among other institutions that provide instruction in the home and household subjects are Teachers College of Columbia University, New York City ; University of Chicago ; Northwestern University ; Lewis Institute, Chicago ; Simmons College, Boston ; Pratt Institute, Brooklyn ; Drexel Institute, Philadelphia ; Worcester Domestic Science School, Worcester, Mass. ; Mechanics Institute, Rochester, N.Y. ; School of Domestic Science and Arts, Chicago; Domestic Science Training School, Chicago ; University of Kansas (Lawrence) ; Boston Y. W. C. A. School of Domestic Science ; Berea College (Ken.) ; Rockford College (III.) ; Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria; HOME ECONOMICS AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING 567 James Milliken University, Decatur, 111. ; Southern University, New Orleans; Northfield Seminary (Mass.); Louisiana Industrial In- stitute, Ruston; Stout Institute, Menomonie, Wis.; Milwaukee- Downer College; Lake Erie, College, Painesville, 0.; American University, of Harriman, Tenn. ; College of Domestic Arts, Denton, Tex.; Industrial Institute and College, Columbus, Miss.; Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Ont. ; Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P. Q. ; Mt. Allison University, Sackville, New Bruns- wick; Manitoba Agricultural College, Winnipeg; and instruction is also supplied in normal schools, high-schools, seminaries, and in many other institutions, and in cooking schools. Institutions teaching Landscape Architecture (or Landscape Gardening) of College Grade, 1910-11 Full or extended college courses in landscape architecture are given at Harvard, Cornell, and Massachusetts Agricultural College. More or less instruction is given in the subject in departments of horticul- ture in some institutions; and it is separately represented in the colleges of agriculture of Illinois, Missouri, and Oregon. Colleges and departments of architecture give attention to these subjects. Library K. C, State College INDEX Abderhalden, on milk, 444. Acanthacara similis, 328. Acanthorhynchus vaccinii, 269. Acetic acid, 29. Acleris minuta, 317. Acorus, 191. Acre, plants to the, 120. Acrobasis nebulella, 328. Acrostalagmus sp., 271. Actinomena rosse, 281. Adiantum, 189. Advanced registry, 345. .^cidium grossularise, 271. Age of animals, 337. Agencies of better rural life, 559. Agricultural colleges, 561, 562. Agricultural virtues, 172. Agrilus anxius, 311. Agromyza simplex, 310. Agrotis, sp., 302, 315. Albugo candidus, 280. Alcoholic wax, 513. Aleyrodes spp., 323. Alfalfa, diseases, 262 ; fertilizer for, 62, 64; grading, 152. Algae in ponds, 251. Alkali, 35. Allen, on gestation, 343. Almond, diseases, 263. Aloysia, 189. Alsophila pometaria, 306. Alternaria panacis, 270 ; solani, 279. Alum to preserve fruits, 554. Aluminum, 24, 25. Amendment, 40. Ammonia, 29. Ammoniacal carbonate of copper, 255. Ampelophaga myron, 321. Analyses of fertilizers, 57 ; of feces, 88; of fruits, etc., 90; of soils, 54. Anarsia sp., 325, 332. Ancylis comptana, 332. Angleworm, 301. Aniline, 29. Animal bodies, composition of, 27. Animals, exhibiting, 383 ; feeding of, 409; judging, 383, 386, 392; parasites of, 429. Anthonomus grandis, 316; quadrigib- bus, 305 ; signatus, 332. Antidote for arsenic poisoning, 290. Antimony, 24. Ants in lawns, 322 ; white, 305. Aphides, 301. Aphis brassicae, 311; forbesii, 332; maidiradicis, 314 ; on house plants, 189 ; persicae-niger, 325. Aponogeton, 191. Apothecaries' measure, 517; weight, 516. Apple, boxes, 164, 165 ; diseases, 263 ; fertilizer for, 64 ; insects, 305 ; seed, weight, 533. Apples, for cider, 529; packing, 166; scoring, 177, 178 ; storing, 141 ; to preserve for exhibition, 554 ; weight, 529, 534. Appliances, electric, 502. Apricot, diseases, 265; insects, 310. Aquatic window plants, 191. Architecture, farm, 473. Argas miniatus, 378. Argentina, money, 522, 523. Argon, 24. Argopsylla gallinacea, 378. Armsby, on feeding, 409, 416. Army-worm, 315. Arsenate of lead, 291. Arsenic, 24 ; antidote for, 290 ; as insecticide, 290; for dips, 431; for weeds, 222, 224. Arsenious oxid, 29. Asafoetida for rabbits, 238. 569 570 INDEX Ascochyta pisi, 275. Ash. 26. Ashes, analysis, 59 ; weight, 540. Asparagus, diseases. 205 ; fertilizer for, 65 ; insects, 310; packages, 170. 171; pluniosus, 198; under glass. 190. Aspidiotus aurantii, 323 ; perniciosus, 304. Ass, gestation, 342, 343; milk of, 443. Aster, insect, 311. Atmosphere, composition, 25. Attar of roses, 551. Auger, soil, 543. Austrian money, 522, 523. Autographa brassicae, 311, 322. Avoirdupois weight, 516. Ayrshire records, 350. Azalea, 198. Azolla, 191. Babcock, greenhouse heating, 194. Babcock test, 446, 456. Bacillus amylovorus, 277 ; campestre, 266 ; tracheiphilus, 270. Bacon, grades of, 406. Bacon-hog, scoring, 404. Bacterium phaseoli, 265 ; solanacea- rum, 282, 283; tumefaciens, 266, 272, 276, 281. Baedeker, money, 524. Bag- worm, 301. Bait for insects, 293. Balanced rations, 409, 410, 413. Balaninus sp., 313. Ball-weevil, 316. Bandages, waxed, 513. Banding for insects, 286. Barb-wire, 479. Barium, 24. Bark-lice, 301. Barleycorn, 528. Barley, diseases, 261 ; fertilizer for, 65; grading. 161; weight, 534, 541. Barn figures, 477. Barnyard manure, 88. Buroriictcr indications, 1. 9. Barrels, apple. 105; various, 528. Baryta for mice, 235. Basket-worm. 301. Beal. W. J., on seeds, 104. Bean, diseases, 265 ; fertilizer for, 62, 65; insects, 311. Beans, packages, 170, 171 ; to preserve for exhibition, 555 ; under glass, 190 ; weight, 534, 541. Bear, gestation, 342, 343. Beaunis, quoted, 27. Beaver, gestation, 342, 343. Beef-cattle, scoring, 395. Beef, market classes, 404. Bees, in pound, 530. Beeswax, 512. Beet, diseases, 266 ; fertilizer for, 62, 66. Beets, packages, 170; utider glass, 190; weight, 534, 541. Beggarweed, 139 ; weight, 533. Begonias, 189. Belgium money, 523. Belting, 498. Bembecia marginata, 331. Berckmans, on storing sweet-potatoes, 148. Beryllium, 24. Bichloride of mercury for fungicide, 255 ; for herbarium, 546. Bins, contents of, 530. Birch, insects, 311. Birds, pestiferous, 243. Bismuth, 24. Bisulfid of carbon, 293 ; also 241, 243, 544, 546. Bit or shilling, 523. Bitter milk, 459. Blackberries, weight, 529. Blackberry, diseases, 266 ; fertilizer for, 66; insects, 311; seed, 533. Black-knot, 279. Black-rot of grape, 272. Blepharida rhois, 334. Blight, pear. 277. Blissus leucopterus, 315. Blister-beetle, 302. Blood, analysis, 58 ; quantity in ani- mals, 345. Blue-grass seed, weight, 534, 541. Blue-stone for bordeaux, 253. Blue vitriol as fungicide, 258 ; for bordeaux, 254 ; for weeds, 223. Board measure, 210. Boars, grades of, 408. Boiled milk. 448. Boiler cements, 507. INDEX 671 Boilers, to prevent rust, 200. Bolivaa, money, 522. Bollworm, 316. Bone, analysis, 57. Bone-black, analysis, 57. Bone charcoal, analysis, 57. Book measure, 519. Boracic acid to preserve fruits, 553. Borax in milk, 449. Bordeaux mixture, formula, 253. Borders, cement, 505. Borers, 307, 308, 325, 328. Boric acid test, 449. Boron, 24. Boston, dates in, 106. Bosworth, on casein test, 456. Bot-fly, 437, 439, 440. Bottles, to cut in two, 558. Bouguer, reflection of light, 198. Boxes for fruits, 163. Box packing of apples, 166. Bran, weight, 534. Brazil, money, 522, 523. Bremia lactucae, 273. Brimstone as fungicide, 258. British India, money, 523. Bromin, 24. Bromus inermis, weight, 533. Brooks, on manures, 81, 82, 85. Broom-corn seed, weight, 534. Brown, Edgar, on seeds, 97. Brown-tail moth, 302. Bruchophagus funebris, 314. Bruchus obtectus, 311 ; pisi, 324. Brussels sprouts, diseases, 266 ; pack- ages, 169. Bucculatrix pomifoliella, 305. Buckwheat, fertilizer for, 66 ; weight, 534, 541. Bud-moth, 306. Buffalo bur, 229. Buffalo, gestation, 342, 343; milk of, 443. Buffalo-gnat, 438. Buhach, 297. Bulbs, 198. Burning insects, 286. Bushel, legal weight, 533. 534, 540. Bushels, capacities, 528, 530. Butter classifications, 465 ; making, 458; scores, 463 ; tests, 451-455. Butyrin, 443. Cabbage, diseases, 266; fertilizer for, 67; insects, 311; storing, 142; weight, 533. Cabbages, packages, 169, 171. Cabinets or museums, 543. Cable, measure, 528. Cadmium, 24. Cae-sium, 24. Calcium, 24, 25. California fruit packages, 161, 164. Calla, 189, 198. Calocampa nupera, 318. Calories in milk, 443. Caltha, 191. Camel, milk of, 443. Camphor for mice, 236. Canada, packages in, 167 ; weights in, 540. Canada thistle, 225, 230. Canadian weather signals, 8. Canary, incubation, 342, 343. Canary seed, weight, 533. Canker of apple, 263, 264. Canker-worm, 306. Canteloupe, weight, 533. Capacity measures, 517, 520. Carbolic acid as insecticide, 293 ; for weeds, 222, 223. Carbon, 24, 25. Carbonate of copper, 255. Carbon bisulfid, 293; also 241, 243, 544, 546. Carbon dioxid, 29. Carbonic oxid, 29. Carlyle, on soiling, 136. Carnation, 198 ; diseases, 267. Carnations, scoring, 179. Carpenter, greenhouse heating, 191, 195. Carpocapsa pomonella, 306. Carrot, as field crop, 140 ; fertilizer for, 67; insects, 312. Carrots, weight, 534, 541. Case-bearers, 306, 328. Casein in milk, 442. Casein-test, 456. Cast-iron pipe, 198. Castor-beans, weight, 534, 541. Cat, controlling, 234; gestation, 342,343. Catch-crops, 139. Cattle, determining age, 337 ; manure, 81, 83, 87, 88; parasites, 437 ; scor- ing, 395 ; ticks, 429. 572 INDEX Cauliflower, fertilizer for, 68 ; insects, 312 ; packages, 169 ; under glass, 190. Caustic soda for woods, 224. Cavanaugh, quoted, 49, 54. Celery, diseases, 267 ; fertilizer for, 67; insects, 312; packages, 169; storing, 142. Celsius scale, 527. Cement, 504. Centigrade scale, 527. Centimes, etc., 522. Ceratocystis fimbriata, 282. Cercospora angulata, 270 ; apii, 267 ; beticola, 266. Cereals, smut, 260. Cerium, 24. Chaetocnema confinis, 335. Chafer, rose, 308, 322. Chain measure, 518. Charcoal, 26. Charlock, 227, 230. Chase, on road-drags, 485. Chautauqua grape figures, 164. Cheese score-cards, 464 ; tests, 453, 455, 456-457. Cherries, scoring, 178. Cherry, diseases, 267 ; fertilizer for, 68; insects, 313. Chestnut, diseases, 268; insects, 313. Chestnuts, weight, 533. Chicken mite, 377 ; tick, 378. Chickens, to protect from hawks, 245. Chickweed, 232. Chile, money, 522, 523. Chimney sizes, 195, China, money, 523. Chinch-bug, 315. Chionaspis furfurus, 309. Chiswick pots, 199. Chlorin, 24. Chloroform, 29. Chromium, 24. Chrysanthemum, 198; diseases, 268; insects, 313; scoring, 180. Chrysobothris fomorata, 307. Chrysoniyia macollaria, 438. Chufa, weight, 533. Cider, 529. Cineraria, 198. Citrus measures, 164; trees, fumigat- ing, 289. City milk plants, 472. Cladosporium carpophilum, 277; ful« vum, 283. Clark, on the elements, 25. Classification of butter, 465. Clean milk, 471. Climate and crops, 19. Cloth for pits and frames, 200, 510. Clover, fertilizer for, 62, 68 ; insects, 313; seed, weight, 534, 541. Club-root, 266. Coal ashes, analysis, 59. Coal-tar cement, 508 ; for wounds, 515. Cobalt, 24. Coccotorus prunicida, 329. Cocklebur, 229. Coconuts, packing, 530. Cocos, 189. Codlin-moth, 306. Cold storage, 149 ; of animal products, 345. Coleophora sp., 306. Coleus, 189. Collecting specimens, 543. Colleges, lists of, 561, 562, 564, 565. Colletotrichum gossypii, 269 ; lagen- arium, 274 ; lindemuthianum, 265 ; malvarum, 273. Colombia, money, 522, 523. Color of flowers, 546. Columbium, 24. Combinations in chemistry, 25. Commercial grades of crops, 150. Composition tables, 419. Compounds, 25, 28. Computations, 516. Computing fertilizer values, 49. Computing rations, 409, 410, 413. Conotracholus crata^gi, 330 ; nenuphar, 307, 326, 329. Conover, on silos, 473. Construction, chapter on, 473. Contarinia violicola, 336. . Contents of pipes and tanks, 531, 532. Copeck, 522. Copper, 24. Copperas for woods, 223, 227 ; as fun- gicide, 258. C()I)por carbonate, 255. Copper cement, 508. Coi>per sulfate as fungicide, 258 ; for bordeaux, 253 ; for ponds, 251 ; for INDEX 673 weeds, 223, 227 ; to preserve fruits, 553. Corbett, on packages, 169. Cord measure, 211. Corimelsena pulicaria, 313. Corn, diseases, 268, 269 ; fertilizer for, 60, 68; grading, 159; insects, 314; meal, weight, 534 ; scoring, 177 ; weight, 529, 533, 534, 536, 538, 540, 541. Corrosive sublimate as fungicide, 255. Coryneum beyerinkii, 263, 275. Costa Rica, money, 522. Cotton, diseases, 269 ; grades, 150 ; insects, 316. Cottonseed, weight, 533, 534. Cover-crops, 138. Cow-dung for potting, 187. Cow, gestation, 342, 343 ; parts of, 396. Cows, profit-and-loss, 360. Cow-testing, 362, 364. Cox, on frost, 13. Coyotes, 243. Crab-apples, for exhibition, 554. Crambus spp., 315, 317. Cranberry, diseases, 269 ; weight, 536 ; insects, 317. Craponius inaequalis, 320. Crates, for fruits, 163. Cream, bitter, 459. Creamery, bitter, 465. Creosote for posts, 208. Cresol, 436. Cress under glass, 190. Cribs, contents of, 530. Criddle mixture, 293. Crioceris sp., 310. Crops for special purposes, 133. Crosby, on house-fly, 249 ; on insecti- cides, 286 ; on insects, 301 ; on poultry insects, 377 ; on animal parasites, 434. Crown-gall, 264, 272, 276, 281. Crown (of money), 522, 523. Crows, 245. Crude oil for stock, 436. Cryptorhynchus lapathi, 329. Crystallized fruit, 143. Cuba, money, 522. Cubic measure, 518, 520. Cubing logs, 217, 218. Cubit, measure, 528. Cucumber, diseases, 270 ; fertilizer for, 69; insects, 318; packages, 170, 171; under glass, 190; weight, 533. Curculio, 307, 326, 329, 330. Curd-test, 457. Currant, diseases, 270 ; fertilizer for, 69; insects, 318; to preserve for exhibition, 555 ; weight, 533. Cuscuta epithymum, 262. Cutworms, 302, 315, 355. Cyanide of potassium, 287. Cylamen, 198. Cylas formicarius, 334. Cylinders, capacities, 531. Cyhndrosporium padi, 268. Cymatophora ribearia, 319. Cyperus, 189, 191. Dahlia, insects, 319. Dairy-cattle, scoring, 398. Dairy-cows, profit-and-loss, 360. Dairy farm scores, 467. Dairying, chapter on, 442. Dairy score-cards, 462-472. Daisy, white, 231. Dakruma covolutella, 320. Dalmatian insect powder, 297. Damping-off, 260. Damp walls, paint for, 509. Dandelion, eradicating, 231. Darwin, on gestation, 343. Dasyneura Icguminicola, 313. Data on water, 489. Dates for planting, 106, 109, 110. Date-tables, 109, 110. Dean, radiation for glass, 196. Denmark, money, 523. Depluming scabies, 378. Depressaria heracliana, 324. Dermanyssus gallinae, 377. Dew-point, 13, 15. Diabrotica longicornis, 314 ; sp., 318. Diaphania hyalinata, 322 ; nitidalis, 318; quadristigmalis, 330. Diaporthe parasitica, 268. Diaspis pentagona, 328. Diatroea saccharalis, 333. Digestable nutrients, 424. Dinar, 523. Diplodia zese, 268. 574 INDEX Diplnsis pyrivora, 326. Dips for cattlo. 431, 434. Directories, 559. Disinfectant for stables, 434, 436. Distances to plant. 109, 119, 120. Distillate emulsion, 294 ; fuel, 222. Dock. 225. 226. Dodder on alfalfa. 262. Dog. gestation. 342. 343 ; milk of. 444. Dollar. 522, 523. Domestic science schools, 566. Drachma, 523. Draft-hor.se, scoring. 392. Drags, road. 485. 487. Draining, tile. 481. Dried fruit, 529, 534. Dropsy of plants, 260. Dry measure, 517. Duck, incubation, 342, 343. Durum wheat, 155. Dutch money, 522. Duvel, seed table, 101. Dysprosium, 24. Earthenware cement, 508. Earth for potting, 187. Earthworm, 301. Ecuador, money, 522. Egg-plant, fertilizer for, 69 ; insect, 319; packages, 170, 171. Egg-production, 372. Eggs, care of, 375.; scoring, 368. Egypt, money, 523. Eichhornia, 189, 191. Elaphidion villosum, 309. Electric appliances, 502. Electricity in producing potash salts, 44. Elements, the, 24. Elephant, gestation, 342, 343. Ell, 528. Elliott, draining, 481, 482. Ellwanger, on perfumery, 551. Elm, in.sects, 319. Emblematic flowers, 185. Emphytus macuhitus. 332. Empoa albopicta, 319. Enmlsions as insecticides, 294. Enarmonia interstictana, 314. Endive, insect. 320. Energy values. 409, 445. Engineering, chapter on, 473. Engines, hot-air, 503. Engle on leaf-prints, 549. English money, 521, 523. English sparrows, 244. Epiphyllum, 189. Epitrix parvula, 335. Erbium, 24. Eriocampoides limacina, 313. Eriophyses pyri, 307, 326. Erysiphe polygoni, 275. Eudemis vacciniana, 317. Eulecanium armeniacum, 310. Euproctis chrysorrhsea, 302. Europium, 24. Euthrips citri, 323 ; pyri, 327. Euvanessa antiopa, 336. Evaporated fruit, 529, 534. Excrement, animal, 88. Exhibiting live-stock, 383 ; poultry, 378. Exhibitions, rules for plants, 181. Exoascus deformans, 275. Exobasidium oxycocci, 269. Experiment stations, list of, 561. Fabrea maculata, 278. Fahrenheit scale, 527. Fairs, live-stock in, 383. False flax, 230. Farm architecture, 473 ; butter-mak- ing, 458 ; crops, composition of, 27 ; crops, propagation of, 132 engmeering, 473 ; mechanics, 473 machinery, 473 ; points of, 174 practices. 172 ; scoring. 175. Fast horses, 357. Fat-hogs, scoring, 402. Fathom, measure, 528. Fat in milk, 442. Feathers, care of, 375. Feeding of animals, 409 ; poultry, 372; standards, 414; stuffs, com- position, 419, 424 ; weights, 533. Fence-posts, 207. Fence, wire, 477. Ferns, temperature for, 198. Ferrocyanide of potassium, 254. Fertilizer analyses, 57; definition. 40; formulas, 45. Fertilizers, chapter on, 40; for va- rious crops, 60, 03 ; trade values, 47, 50. INDEX 575 Ficus, 189. Fidia viticida, 320. Field crops, dates to plant, 110 ; yields of, 127. Figs, grades, 530 ; storing, 144. Figuring fertilizer values, 49. Finch, on incubation, 370. Finland, money, 523. Fippin, on drains, 481, 483, 484; on soils, 33, 36, 78, 79, 543. Fireproof cement, 508, 509. Fish, analysis, 58 ; for mosquitoes, 246 ; for algae, 251. Fish-oil as insecticide, 298. Fitzroy, on weather, 12. Flax, fertilizer for, 70. Flaxseed, weight, 536, 541. Flea-beetle, 303, 306, 330, 335. Fleischmann, on milk, 443. Floors, material for, 505. Florida fruit packages, 164. Florin, 522, 523. Florists' plants, Hst, 191 ; scoring, 180. Flower gum, 511 ; flower-planting tables, 116; flower-pots, sizes, 199; to keep clean, 201. Flowers, preserving, 546 ; scoring, 179 ; state, 185 ; to keep fresh, 550. Fluorin, 24. Fodder, 133 ; composition, 28. Forage crops, 133. Forcing of vegetables, 190. Forecasts of weather, 6. Forestry, chapter on, 202. Forestry schools, 564. Forest-tree seeds, 96. Forest yields, 204. Formaldehyde for preserving fruits, 553 ; in milk, 450. Formalin, 256. Formulas for fertilizers, 45. Foundations, cement, 506. Four-striped plant-bug, 303. Fowl, parts of, 365 ; chapter on, 365 ; parasites of, 377 ; preparing for market, 374. Fox, gestation, 342. Fragaria for baskets, 189. Franc. 522, 523. Fraser, on grass seed, 94, 95, 96 ; on soiling, 136. Freesia, 189. French money, 522, 523. Friction of water in pipes, 491. Frost, 12 ; smudging, 16. Fruit crops, yields, 125; packages, 163; packages in Canada, 167; preserv- ing for exhibition, 552, 556 ; protect- ing from birds, 244 ; scoring, 177. Fruit Marks Act, 167 ; fruit-tree seeds, 96; distances, 119. Fuchsia, 189. Fuel-distillate, 222. Fuller, windmills, 493, 495, 496, 497. Fumigation for insects, 287. Fungicides, 252. Fungous diseases as insecticides, 290. Fusarium oxysporum, 280 ; sp., 267 ; vasinfecta, 269. Fusicoccum viticolum, 273. Gadolinium, 24. Galerucella luteola, 319. Gall-fly, raspberry, 331. Gallium, 24. Gallons, capacities, 528. Galls, 303. (See Crown-gall.) Gardeners, rules for, 173. Gardens, dates to plant, 106. Garriott, on weather, 10, 11, 12. Gas-lime, analysis, 59. Gastrophilus equi, 439. Gears, 498. Geese, incubation, 342, 343. Geldings, judging, 393. Georgia, dates in, 108. German feeding standards, 413. Germanium, 24. German ivy, 189. German money, 522, 523. German potash salts, analysis, 42, 58. Germicides, 252. Germination, 100, 102. Gestation, period of, 342. Ginseng, diseases, 270. Gipsy-moth, 303. Giraffe, gestation, 342, 343. Girdling by rats and mice, 234. Glace fruit, 143. Gladioli, scoring, 180. Glass, cement for, 508; radiation for, 191. 697. Glazing, putty for, 201. Gloeosporium ribis, 270 ; venetum, 281. 576 INDEX Glomerella rufomaculans, 263, 272. Glvifinuni, 24. Glues, 511. Goat, gestation, 342, 343; milk of, 443, 444. GcEssmann, analyses, 90. Gold, 24. Golden-seal, diseases, 271. Gooseberries, storing, 144 ; to pre- serve for exhibition, 555 ; weight, 536. Gooseberry, diseases, 271 ; fertilizer for, 70 ; insects, 320. Gophers, 243. Grades of cotton, 150 ; of live-stock, 404. Grading butter, 465 ; of crops, 150. Grafting-wax, 512. Graham, on poultry, 374. Grain, grading, 153. Grape boxes, 163, 164; diseases, 271; fertilizer for, 70 ; insects, 320. Grapes and raisins, 529. Grapes, scoring, 178; storing, 144; to preserve for exhibition, 555 ; weight, 529. Graptodera chalybca, 321 ; foliacea, 306. Grass, fertilizer for, 61, 70, 71 ; seeds, 94, 95. Grasshoppers, 315. Graybill, on ticks, 429, 435. Great Britain, money, 523. Greece, money, 523. Green-fly, 301. Greenhouse heating, 191 ; work, 187 ; fumigating, 288. Green, on fence-posts, 207. Gross, 528. Ground bone, analysis, 57. Ground hogs, 243. Ground stjuirrels, 241. Grout floors, etc., 505. Grub, wliite, 303, 314. Guano, composition, SO. Guatemala, money, 522. 523. Guaves, weight, 533. Guernsey records, 351. Guignardia bidwellii, 272 ; vaccinii, 2()9. Guilder. 522. Guinea-hen, incubation, 342, 343. Gums, 511. Guthrie, (juoted, 458. Gymnoconia interstitialis, 281. Gymnosporangium globosum, 279 ; macropus, 264. Gypsum, 28, 37 ; analysis, 59 ; weight (land-plaster), 533, 540. Haberlandt, on seeds, 104. Hadena sp., 315. Haecker, on feeding, 410. Haematobia scrrata, 437. Hsematopinus sp., 438, 441. Hair, plastering, weight, 536. Hairy-root, 276. Haiti, money, 522, 523. Hall, on grades of live-stock, 404. Haltica rufipes, 326 ; striolata, 303. Hams, grades of, 406. Hand, measure, 528. Hand-picking insects, 286. Hardness of woods, 204. Hardy vegetables, 108. Harger, on pulse of animals, 344 ; on quantity of blood, 345. Harper, on young at birth, 343. Hawks, 245. Hawkweed, 232. Hay and pasture seeds, 94. Hay, grading, 151 ; to figure on, 530. Hazen, on frost, 15. Head-maggot, 440. Heat in animals. 344. Heating of greenhouses, 191. Heliothis armiger, 315; obsoleta, 316, 335. Helium, 24. Hellebore insecticide, 300. Heller, 522. Hemerocampa leucostigma, 309. Hemp seed, weight, 536, 541. Hen, fleas. 378 ; incubation, 342, 343 ; louse, 377. Henderson, quoted, 107. Henry, on feeding, 414, 418, 419. Herbarium, making, 545. Herbicides, 223, 228. Herd-book, 345. Herd's-grass, weight, 536. Hessian-fly. 336. Ileterodera radicicola, 303. Hickory nuts, weight, 533. INDEX 577 Hinges, to prevent rusting, 510. Hog manure, 82, 83, 87, 89 ; parasites of, 441 ; parts of, 402. Hollyhock, diseases, 273 ; insect, 322. Holstein-Friesian registry, 346 ; records, 349. Home economics schools, 566. Home garden plan, 123. Home-mixing of fertilizers, 52. Hominy, weight, 533. Honduras, money, 522, 523. Hops, fertilizer for, 71. Horn-fly, 437. Horse, age of, 339; manure, 81, 83, 87, 88 ; milk of, 443, 444 ; parasites, 439; parts of, 392; rations, 418. Horse-nettle, 229. Horse-power to raise water, 501 ; of shafting, 501. Horse radish, fertilizer, 72 ; weight, 533. Horses, fast, 357 ; judging, 392. Hoskin's wax, 514. Hot-air engines, 503. Hot water as insecticide, 294. House-fly, 249. Household measures, 528. Household science schools, 566. House-plant insects, 322. Howard, on flies, 249, 250. Howard, on weather, 12. Human body, composition of, 26, 27. Human feces, 90 ; milk of, 443, 444. Hungarian-grass, weight, 536. Hunter, on soiling, 137. Hyacinths, 189, 198. Hydraulic rams, 503. Hydrochloric acid, 29. Hj'drocyanic acid gas, 287. Hydrogen, 24, 25. Hygroscopic water, 32. Hylastinus obscurus, 314. Hyphantria cunea, 307. Hypoderma sp., 437. Hypsopygia costalis, 314. Incompatibles in fertilizers, 53. Incubation, machine, 370 ; periods, 342. India, money, 523. Indium, 24. Inorganic compounds, 25. Insecticides, chapter on, 286 ; for animal parasites, 434. 2p Insects, collecting, 551 ; injurious, 301. Inspection of dairies, 469, 472. Institutions for agriculture, 599. Interest, rates of, 524. lodin, 24. Iridium, 24. Iron, 24, 25 ; cements, 507 ; rust, 29. Iron sulfate as fungicide, 258 ; for weeds, 223, 227. Isobars. 5. Isosoma sp., 336. Isotherms, 5. ItaHan money, 522, 523. Italian rye-grass, weight, 533. Japan, money, 523. Jars for specimens, 558. Jenyms, on weather, 12. Jersey records, 354. Jewelers' weight, 516. Johnson-grass, weight, 533. Jones, on drains, 484. Jones, L. R., on weeds, 223. Jordan, on fertility, 38. Judging animals, 383, 386, 392. Kafir, grading, 161 ; weight, 533. Kainit, analysis, 42, 59. Kale, weight, 533. Kaliosysphinga ulmi, 319. Kali, works, quoted, 41, 42. Katydid, on peach trees, 325 ; on pineapple, 328. Keeping fruits and vegetables, 141, 149. Kellner, on feeding standards, 416. Kerosene for emulsion, 294 ; for mos- quitoes, 245 ; for weeds, 223. King, on silos, 475, 476, 477; on til- lage, 37. King, D. W., on road-drags, 487. King-head, 230. Knot, measure, 528. Koenig, on milk, 443. Kosher, 405. Kran, 523. Krypton, 24. Labels, 557; gum for. 512; to pre- serve, 558. Lachnosterna fusca, 303, 314, 328. 578 INDEX Lactometer tost, 448. Lafean bill, 168. Lamb, grades of, 406. Lambert, on feathers and eggs, 375. Land-plaster, 28, 37 ; analysis, 59 ; weight, 533. 540. Lanthanum, 24. Lavender-bag, 552. Lawes and Gilbert, quoted, 27. Lawn, fertilizer for, 71 ; insects, 322 ; weeds in, 232. Lead, 24; arsenate of, 291. Leaf-curl, 275. Leaf-prints, 549. Lecanium corni, 329. Legal weights of bushel, 533, 534, 540. Leguminous cover-crops, 138. Lehmann feeding standards, 413. Lemon boxes, 164 ; insects, 323. Length, measures of, 517, 520. Lepidosaphes beckii, 323 ; ulmi, 308. Leptinotarsa decemlineata, 329. Lettuce, diseases, 273 ; fertilizer, 72 ; under glass, 190 ; insects, 322 ; for packages, 170, 171. Leu, 523. Leucania unipuncta, 315. Leuchars, on wind, 196. Lewis, C. L, quoted, 166. Liberia, money, 523. Lice, on cattle, 438 ; powder, 436. Lichen on trees, 233. Light-horse, scoring, 393. Light, reflection from glass, 198. Ligyrus gibbosus, 312; rugiceps, 334. Lily of the valley, 198. Lily, under glass, 198. Lima bean, diseases, 265. Lime a.s fungicide, 256 ; classification of, 79; for the land, 77; weight per bii.shel. 78, 536. Lirne-sulfur flip, 434. LiiMc-sulfur. formula, 256, 294. Litiiiiarithemum, 191. I^imnochari.s, 191. Lina scripta, 329. Lindsey, on .soiling, 135. Line or linear mea.sure, 517, 520, 528. Lin.seed, weight, 536. Lion, gestation, 342, 343. Lifjuid manure, 83; for greenhouses, 188. Liquid measure, 517. Lira. 522, 523. Lists for window-gardens, 189. Litharge in cement, 508. Lithium, 24. Litmus test, 77. Litter (manure), 84. Little-peach, 276. Liver of sulfur, 258. Live-stock, exhibiting, 383 ; judging, 383, 386, 392 ; rules, 337. Lixus concavus, 331. Llama, milk of, 443. Loess, 29. Log measure, 212, 216, 218 ; rules, 214, 217, 219, 220; scaling, 214. London purple, 291. Longevity of fruit plants, 125 ; of seeds, 102, 104. Loudon's rules for gardeners, 173. Louse, hog, 441. Luke, on weather, 11. Lumber, defined, 202, Lutecium, 24. Lyon and Fippin, quoted, 33, 36. Lytta sp., 302. Macaroni wheat, 155. Maceration, skeletonizing plants, 549. Machine incubation, 370. Machinery, chapter on, 473. . Macrodactylus subspinosus, 322. Macrosyphum pisi, 324. Magnesium, 24, 25. Mahernia, 189. Mairs, on soiling. 136. Maize, weight, 534. 536, 541. Malacosoma, sp., 309. Malaria, 249. Malt, weight, 536, 541. Manganese, 24. Mangels as field crop, 140 ; fertilizer for, 62. Manure and house-flies, 249 ; chaptei on, 81. Mare, gestation, 342, 343; milk of, 443, 444. Margaropus annulatus, 429. Margolin, on forest yields, 205. Mark, 522, 523. Market classes of live-stock, 404. Marketing poultry, 374. INDEX 679 Market milk, scores, 462. Marssonia perforans, 273. Mason work, 504. Massachusetts Hort. Soc. rules, 181. Matthew, on weather, 11. Maturities, 124. May-bug or beetle, 303, 314, 328. Mayetiola destructor, 336. McGill, on milk, 443. Meal, weight, 533, 534. Mealy-bug, 189, 303, 323, 333. Means, on alkali, 35. Measures and weights, 516. Mechanics, chapter on, 473. Melittia satyriniformis, 331. Melon, insects, 322. Melophagus ovinus, 441. Memythrus polistiformis, 321. Mending cements, 507. Menopon pallidum, 377. Mercuric bichloride as fungicide, 255. Mercuric oxid, 29. Mercury, 24. Merrill, on soil, 29. Methylated spirit, 508. Metric equivalents, 521 ; weights and measures, 519. Mexican boll-wee\dl, 316. Mexico, money, 522. Mice, 234. Michigan, dates in, 106. Middlings, weight, 533. Midge, pear, 326. Miles, different, 528. Milk, chapter on, 442 ; composition of, 442 ; inspection, 469 ; tests, 446. Millet, fertilizer for, 72; weight, 536, 540. Milo, grading, 160. Milreis, 522, 523. Mineola indigenella, 308 ; vaccinii, 317. Minnows for mosquitoes, 246 ; for slime, 251. Minns, on root-crops, 140. Miscible oils, 297. Mite, 304, 323. Moisture-test for milk, 45 1 ; for cheese, 455. Moles, 242. Molybdenum, 24. Monetary values, 522, 523. Money tables, 521, 524. Monophadnus rubi, 331. Moore, on soiling, 137. Mosquitoes, 245. Moss on trees, 233. Motors, 498. Mottled butter, 461. Mows, contents of, 530. Mulford, forestry, 203. Multiplication of plants, 130. Mumford, F. B., on gestation, 342; on heat, 344. Murgantia histrionica, 312. Muriate of potash, analysis, 58. (See Kainit.) Musca domestica, 249. Museums, 543. Mushroom, insects, 190, 323. Muskmelon, diseases, 274 ; fertilizer for, 72 ; packages, 170 ; under glass, 190. Muskrats, 243. Mustard, weight, 540; wild, 225, 226, 230, 232. Mutton, grades of, 406. Mycosphaerella sentina, 278 ; fragariae, 282. Myriophyllum, 191. Myristin, 443. Myrtus, 189. Myzus cerasi, 313 ; persicse, 325. Narcissus, 189. National flowers, 186. Nectarine, diseases, 274. Needham, on mosquitoes, 245, 246. Nelumbium, 191. Nematode galls, 303. Nematus ventricosus, 319. Neodymium, 24. Neon, 24. Netherlands, money, 523. Newfoundland, money, 523. New York, dates in, 107. Nicaragua, money, 522, 523. Nickel, 24. Nicotine dips, 434. Niobium, 24. Nitrate of potash, 40 ; of soda^ 29 ; of soda, analysis, 58. Nitric acid, 29 ; oxid, 29. Nitrogen, 24, 25 ; source of, 41. Nomenclature rules, 183. 580 INDEX Norfolk, datos in, 107. Norway, money, 523. Nuphar. 191. Nurse-crops, 140. Nursery, for forest trees, 202. Nursery stock, diseases, 274; fertilizer for, 72 ; fuiuiKating, 2ScS. Nutrients, digestible, 424. Nutritive ratio, 413, 414. Nymphavi, 191. Oats, disease's, 262, 274 ; fertilizer for, 73; grading, 157; weight, 53G, 541. Oberea bimaculata, 330. CEcanthus niveus, 331. CEdenia, 2G0 ; of tomato, 283. Oemler, quoted, 108. (Estris ovis, 440. Ogden, on water-flow in pipes, 491 ; on hydraulic rams, 503 ; on hot-air engines, 503. Oils, miscible, 297. Okra, packages, 170. Olein, 443. Oleomargarin, test for, 455. Oncideres sp., 328. Onion, diseases, 274 ; fertilizer for, 73 ; insects, 323 ; packages, 169, 171 ; weight, 536, 541. Oospora scabies, 266, 280. Orange boxes, 164 ; insects, 323 ; trees, distances, 119. Oranges, storing, 147. Orchard-grass, weight, 536. Organic compounds, 25. Organization of a farm, 174, Orris-root, 552. Orthotylus delicatus, 322. Osage orange .seed, weight, 536. Oscinis sp., 313. (Sec Phytomyza.) Osmium, 24. Othonna, 189. Otis, on .soiling. 137. Otto of ro.ses, 551. Ouvirandra, 191. Over-run in butter-making, 454. Oxalis, 189. Oxygen, 24, 25. Oyster-shell scale. 308. Ozonium omnivorum, 269. Pa ce, u measure, 528. Pacers, 358. Packages, for fruits, 163 ; for vege- tables, Ki*. 171. Packing ai)ples, 166. Paint, for greenhouse roofs, 201 ; for hot water pipes, 200 ; required for giv(Mi surface, 511. Paints, 509. Paleacrita vernata, 306. Palladium, 24. Palmatin, 443. Palm, measure, 528. Palms, house, 189, 198. Panama, money, 522. Papaipema nitela, 311. Paper for hotlieds, 200. Paper measure, 519. Paper, paints, 510. Papilio astcrias, 324 ; polyxenes, 313. Papyrus, 191. Paraffinc oil, 297. Paraguay, money, 523. Parasites of animals, 429, 434 ; of fowls, 377. Paris green, 291. Parsley, insects, 324 ; under glass, 190. Parsnip, fertilizer for, 73 ; insects, 324; weight, 536, 541. Parturition, 343. Party flowers, 186. Pasture seeds, 94 ; soiling, 134. Pattison, on storing grapes, 145. Peach, diseases, 275 ; dried, 529 ; scor- ing, 177; weight, 536; fertilizer for, 74 ; insects, 325. Pea, diseases, 275 ; fertilizer for, 62, 74. (See Peas.) Pea-hen, incubation. 342, 343. Peanuts, weight, 536. Pear, disea.ses, 277 ; fertilizer for, 74 ; insects, 326. Pearson, quoted, 172, 442, 443, 446, 447, 44S, 450, 467, 469. Pears, storing, 147 ; weight, 536. Peas, packages, 170, 171 ; to preserve for exhibition, 555 ; under glass, 190; weight, 538, 541. Pecan, insects, 327. Pegomya brassicie, 312, 330; cepe- torum, 323; fusciceps, 311. Pelargoniums, 189. Penicilliura sp., 262. INDEX 58i Penny, 521, 523. Peppers, packages, 171. Perfume-jar, 552. Perfumery, 551. Peronospora schleideniana, 274. Persia, money, 523. Persian insect powder, 297. Persimmon, insects, 328. Peru, money, 522. Peseta, 522, 523. Peso, 522, 523. Petroleum for ticks, 429, 436. Pfennig, 522. Phalen, quoted, 43, 44. Phelps, on soiling, 135. Phenology, 17. Phenolphthalein, 448, 449. Philippines, money, 523. Phlffiotribus liminaris, 325. Phlegethontius sp., 335. Phlycaenia ferrugalis, 313. Phoma betae, 266. Phosphate rock, production of, 41. Phosphoric acid, source of, 41. Phosphorus, 24, 25. Phosphorus for mice, 236. Phthorimsea operculclla, 330. Phyllosticta solitaria, 263. Phyllotreta vittata, 303. Phylloxera, 321. Phytomyza, 313. Phytophthora cactorum, 260, 271 infestans, 279, 283 ; phaseoli, 265. Phytoptus oleivorus, 323. Pi, 528. Piaster, 523. Pickle-worm, 318. Pigeon, incubation, 342, 343. Pineapple, insects, 328. Pipes, contents, 531 ; paint for, 200. Piricularia oryzae, 281. Pistia, 191. Piston pumps, 499. Pitch wax, 513. Plan for home garden, 123. Plantain, 226, 229. Plant-bug, 303. Plant diseases, chapter on, 259. Plant-food, in soils, 34. Planting-tables, 106, 109, 110, 116, 119; for forest trees, 202. Plant-lice, 301. Plants, collecting, 545. PlcvSmodiophora brassicae, 266. Plasmopara viticola, 272. Plastering hair, weight, 536. Plaster of paris paint, 509. Platinum, 24. Plowrightia morbosa, 279. Plum, diseases, 279 ; fertilizer for, 74 ; insects, 329 ; scoring, 178 ; to pre- serve for exhibition, 555 ; weight, 540. Podosphaera oxycanthae, 267. Pcecilocapsus lineatus, 303. Point (in type), 528. Points of a farm, 174. Poison ivy, 229. Poisons for herbaria, 546. Polychrosis viteana, 320. Pomological nomenclature, 183. Ponds, slime on, 251. Pontederia, 191. Pontia rapse, 311. Popcorn, weight, 540. Poplar, insects, 329. Pork, grades of, 406. Porthetria dispar, 303. Portland cement, 504. Portugal, money, 523. Potash, 28; salts, analysis, 42, 58; source of, 42, 43, 44, 45. Potassium, 24, 25. Potassium cyanide, 287. Potassium ferrocyanide, 254. Potassium sulfid, 258. Potato, diseases, 279 ; packages, 169 ; weight, 538, 541; fertilizer for, 74; insects, 329 ; scoring, 177. Potting earth, 187. Poultry, chapter on, 365 ; farm, judg- ing, 381 ; manure, 84 ; rules, 378. Pound (of money), 521, 523. Prairie-dogs, 242. Praseodymium, 24. Preservatives in milk, 449, 450. Preserving flowers, 546 ; fruits for exhibition, 552, 556; labels, 558: fence-posts, 207. Prickly lettuce, 229. Prim, insects, 330. Primrose, 189, 198. Primulas, 198. Prince, on weather, 11. j Printing plants, 548. I Privet, insects, 330. 582 INDEX Profit-aiul-loss in dairying, 300. PropaKation of crops. 130. 131, 13l>. Protcoptcryx tleiudana. 327. Prunes, wi-ight. 540. Prussiatr of potiush, 254. Psi'udoroccus calceolariaj, 333 ; citri, 323 ; sp., 303. Psoudoporonospora cubensis, 270. Pseudopt'ziza niodicaginis, 262. Psila rosaj, 302. Psoroptos comniunis, 440. Psylla, 327. Pteris, 189. Puccinia asparagi, 265 ; chrysanthemi, 268 ; coronata, 274 ; malvacearum, 273 ; maydis, 269 ; pruni-spinosae, 279. Pulleys, 498. Pulse of animals, 344. Pumping by windmills, 494. Pumpkin, diseases, 280 ; fertilizer for, 74. Pumps, capacity of, 499, 500. Purity of seed, 100. Putty for glazing, 201. Pyrethrum powder, 297. Pythium deBaryanum, 260. Quack-grass, 225, 231. Quantity of seed per acre, 92. Quevenne readings, 447, 449. Quicklime, 28. Quin, on preserving flowers, 547. Quince, diseases, 280 ; fertilizer for, 74; insects, 330; storing, 147; weight, 540. Quincunx planting, 123. Quincy, on soiling, 134. Rabbit, milk of, 236, 238, 444. Racing horses. 357. Radiation for glass, 196. Radish, diseases, 280 ; fertilizer for, 75 ; insects, 330 ; packages, 171 ; under glass, 190. Radium, 24. Railroad worm, 306. Raisins, 529. Rams, hydraulic, 503. Rape seed, weight, 540. Raspberries, dried, 529 ; to preserve for exhibition, 555 ; weight, 540 ; diseases, 281; fertilizer for, 75, insects, 330. Rat, 234; gestation, 342, 343. Rations for animals, 409, 410, 413; for poultry. 372. Rawl and ( 'onover, silos, 473. Raw materials of fertilizers, 46. Rawson, quoted, 106. Rayner, on windmills, 494. Reaumur scale, 527. Reddick on fungicides, 252 ; on plant diseases, 259. Red-spider, 304, 323, 328, 336. Red-top, weight, 538. Registry, advanced, 345. Regolith, 29. Reindeer, milk of, 443. Renovated butter, 455. Resin and fish-oil, 298. Resin-sol-soda-sticker, 258. Resin waxes, 512. Rhagolctis pomonella, 306. Rhizoctonia. sp., 200. 267, 274. Rhodites radicum, 331. Rhodium, 24. Rhubarb, insects, 331 ; under glass, 190 ; weight, 540. Rice, diseases, 281 ; weight, 538. Rice, on poultry farms, 381. Richmond, on milk, 443, 447. Rideal, on sewage, 90. Road-drags, 485, 487. Roberts, on horse's teeth, 339 ; on manures, 85, 86, 87 ; on soil, 34. Roofs for greenhouses, 199. Root-crops, 140. Root-gall, 303. See Crown-gall. Roots, composition, 28 ; storing, 147. Root-worm of grape, 320. Ropes, str(>ngth of, 481, Rose, 198 ; diseases, 281 ; insects, 331 ; scoring, 179. Rose blooms, to keep fresh, 550. Rose-chafer on bug, 308, 322. Rose, on motor power of stream, 502. Rosette of peach, 276. Ross, on dairying, 453, 455, 456, 471. Rotation for plant diseases, 253 ; for ticks, 435. Rothamsted, quoted, 30. Rot of potatoes, 279. INDEX 583 Roughage, 133. Roughs, grades of, 407. Roumania, money, 523. Rubidium, 24. Ruble, 522, 523. Rules for gardeners, 173 ; for plant exhibitions, 181, Rupee, 523. Russian money, 522, 523. Rusting of boilers, 200 ; of nails and pipes, 510, 511. Rutabaga as field crop, 141, 538. Ruthenium, 24. Rye, fertilizer for, 75 ; grading, 157 ; weight, 538, 541. Rye-grass, weight, 533. Sage, weight, 540. Sagittaria, 191. Saissetia oleae, 323. Salads, weight, 540. Sal ammoniac, 507. Salt, 29 ; for weeds, 222, 223 ; test for butter, 453 ; for cheese, 453 ; weight, 538. Saltpeter, 29, 40. Salvador, money, 522, 523. Salvinia, 191. Samarium, 24. Sample rations, 417. Sanitary milk, scoring, 467, 471. San Jose scale, 304. Sanninoidea exitiosa, 325. Santo Domingo, money, 522, Saperda Candida, 308. Sarcoptes sp., 378. Sawfly, currant, 319. Saxifraga, 189. Scab of apple, 264 ; of potatoes, 280 ; of sheep, 440. Scabies of fowls, 378. Scale in boilers, 200. Scale-insects, 304, 308, 323, 329. Scale, San Jose, 304. Scaly-leg of fowls, 378. Scandium, 24. Schaefell's wax, 514. Schistoceros hamatus, 309. Schizocerus sp., 334. Schizoneura lanigera, 310. Schone, on soil, 31. Schools of agriculture, 561, 564. Schroeter, on seeds, 94. Scirpus, 191. Sclerotinia fructigena, 267, 275 ; lib- ertiana, 274. Scolytus rugulosus, 326. Score, 528. Score-card for apples, 177 ; for carna- tions, 179 ; for cherries, 178 ; for chrysanthemum, 180 ; for corn, 177 for farms, 175 ; for gladioli, 180 for grapes, 178; for peaches, 177 for plums, 178 ; for potatoes, 177 for poultry, 367 ; for roses, 179 for sweet pea, 180 ; for animals, 392 ; for florists' plants, 180 ; cards in dairying, 462-472. Screw-worm fly, 438. Sealing cements, 508. Seaweed, analysis, 60. Sections of land, 542. Sediment in boilers, 200. Sedum, 189. Seed diseases, 284 ; per acre, 92 ; test- ing, 96, 100. Seeds, chapter on, 92 ; collecting, 544 ; composition, 28 ; vitality of, 102, 104. Seedsmen's weights of seeds, 97. Selandria vitis, 320. Selenium, 24. Senecio, 189. Septoria chrysanthemi, 268 ; lyco- persica, 283; petroselina, 267; ribis, 270. Serradella, 138. Servia, money, 523. Sesia pyri, 326; scitula, 328; tip- uliformis, 318. Sewage, analysis, 90. Shafting, 501. Sheep, determining age, 338 ; gesta- tion, 342, 343; judging, 399, 401; manure, 82, 83, 87, 89; milk of, 443, 444; parasites, 440; parts of, 400 ; profit or loss, 362. Shekel, 523. ShiUing, 521, 523. Shutt, on preservatives, 552, Siam, money, 523. SUage, 134, 474. Silicon, 24, 25. Silos, 473. 584 INDEX Silver, 24. Simon, on milk, 444. Simulium pecuarum, 438. Six's thermometers, 1. Size, measure, 528. Sizes of seeds, 98. Skeleton of cock, 368. Skeletonizing plants, 549. Slime on ponds, 251. Smilax, 198. Smith, J. B., on mosquitoes, 247. Smoking for insects, 287. Smudging for frosts, 16; for insects, 287. Smut of cereals, 260, 261, 262; of corn, 269 ; of onions, 274. Snails. 305. Snyder, quoted, 28. Soap insecticide, 293, 298, 299. Societies, rural, 560. Soda-and-aloes insecticide, 299. Sodium, 24, 25. Soil analysis, 54 ; chapter on, 24 ; diseases, 284 ; taking samples, 543. Soiling, 133, 134. Solid measure, 518. Sorghum, fertilizer for, 75 ; seed, weight, 538. Sow, gestation, 342, 343. Sow-thistle, 231. Spain, money, 523. Span, a measure, 528. Spanish money, 522, 523. Sparrows, 244. Spearmint under gla.ss, 190. Specific gravity of soils, 31. Specimen jars, 558. Specks in butter, 461. Speltz, weight, 540. Spermojjhile.s, 241. Sphaceloma ampelinum, 271. Sphajropsis malorum, 264, 280. Spha;rotheca castagnei, 282 ; leuco- tricha, 264 ; mors-uvse, 271 ; pan- nosa, 276, 281. Spinach, diseases, 281 ; fertilizer for, 75 ; packages, 170 ; under glass, 190; weight, 540. Spiny amaranth, 229. Spirogyra in p(jnd.s, 251. Split-log drag, 487. Spoonful, measure, 528. Spoon-test for oleomargarin, 455. Spraying cattle, 433 ; plants, 252, 286. Square measure, 518. Squashes, package, 171; storing, 147; fertilizer for, 76; insects, 331. Squirrel, gestation, 342, 343. Stable manure, 81. Stables, to disinfect, 434. Stacks, contents of, 530. Stags, grades of, 404, 407. Stake labels, 557. Standardizing milk, 450. Starch, 29. Stassfurt salts, 42. State flowers, 185. Steam, sterilizing by, 253. Stebler and Schroeter, 94. Steers, grades of, 404 ; profit or loss, 362. Sterilizing by steam, 253. Stevenson, on soil, 30, 32. Stewart, J. P., quoted, 49. Stigmaeus fioridanus, 328. Stocks, 198. Stocks for various plants, 131. Stone, J. L., on feeding, 424. Stone, a measure, 528. Storing fruits and vegetables, 141, 149; animal products, 345. Storms, 2. Straits Settlements, money, 523. Straw, grading, 151, 152; composi- tion, 28. Strawberries, packages, 171 ; to pre- serve for exhibition, 556 ; weight, 540 ; diseases, 282 ; fertilizer for, 76; insects, 332. Stream, power of, 502. String beans, packages, 170. String, waxed, 513. Strontium, 24. Strychnine, composition, 29 ; for mice, 235 ; for sparrows, 244 ; for ground .squirrels, 241, 242. Sugar, composition, 29. Sugar-cane, insects, 333 ; seed, weight, 540. Sulfate of ammonia, analysis, 58. Sulfate of copper as fungicide, 258: for bordeaux, 253; for ponds, 251. Sulfate of iron as fungicide, 258. Sulfate of magnesia, analysis, 58. INDEX 585 Sulfate of potash, 29 ; analysis, 58. Sulfid of potassium, 258. Sulfur, 25 ; as fungicide, 258 ; as insecticide, 299 ; for rabbits, 237. Sulfuric acid, 29 ; for weeds, 222, 223. Sulfurous acid to preserve fruits, 553. Sumac, insects, 334. Surface measure, 518, 520. Surveyors' measure, 518. Surveys, government, 541. Sweden, money, 523. Sweet clover, 138. Sweet herbs under glass, 190. Sweet pea, 198 ; scoring, 180. Sweet-potato, diseases, 282 ; packages, 170; weight, 538; insects, 334; storing, 148. Swine, determining age, 339 ; grades of, 407 ; judging, 402, 404 ; milk of, 444 ; parasites, 441 ; profit or loss, 362. Switzerland, money, 523. Tablespoonful, 528. Tael, 523. Taft, on greenhouses, 199. Talent (of money), 523. Tanglefoot, 299. Tanks, circular, 531 ; square, 532. Tantalum, 25. Taper in logs, 216. Tar as insecticide, 299. Tar cement, 508. Tartar emetic for mice, 235. Taylor, on fruit packages, 164. Teaspoonful, 528. Teeth of animals, 337, 339. Tellurium, 25. Temperature for incubation, 370 ; of animals, 344 ; for animal prod- ucts, 345 ; for plants under glass, 198. Tender vegetables, 108. Tent-caterpillar, 309. Terbium, 25. Termites, 305. Test-plots for soils, 56. Tetranychus bimaculatus, 304, 336 ; sexmaculatus, 323. Texas-fever ticks, 429. Texture of soil, 32. Thallium, 25. Therm, 409. Thermometer scales, 527. Thermometers, 1. Thielavia basicola, 271, 282, 283. Thorium, 25. Thrips. See rose, grape, pear, etc. Thrips tabaci, 323. Thulium, 25. Thyridopterix ephemerseformis, 301. Tical, 523. Tick of fowls, 378 ; of sheep, 441 ; cattle, 429. Tile-draining, 481. Tillage, 37. Tilletia foetens, 262. Timber, defined, 202. Time for germination, 102,- for fruit- bearing, 124. Timothy seed, weight, 538, 541. Tin, 25. Titanium, 25. Tmetocera ocellana, 306. Tobacco, diseases, 282 ; fertilizer for, 76 ; insecticide, 299 ; insects, 335 . Tomato, diseases, 283 ; packages, 169 ; weight, 538 ; fertilizer for, 76 ; in- sects, 335 ; storing, 149 ; under glass, 190. Ton, 516 ; to figure by, 530. Townships, measurement of, 541. Trade value of fertilizers, 47, 50. Tradescantia, 189. Trapa, 191. Tree seeds in pound, 96. Trichobaris trinotata, 29. Trichodectes scalaris, 438. Trotters, 357.' Troy weight, 516. Truck packages, 169, 171. Trueman, on butter-making, 458. Tulip, 198. Tungsten, 25. Turbines, 502. Turkey, incubation, 342, 343. Turkey, money, 523. Turnip as field crop, 141 ; fertilizer for, 77; weight, 538, 541. Tussock-moth, 309. Twig-borer, 309. Twig-pruner, 309. Tyloderma fragariae, 332. Typha, 191. 5SG INDEX Tvphlocyba comes, 321 ; roste, 331. Typhoid fly. 249. Typophorus rancllus, 333. Uranium, 25. Urine, 83, 88, 89, 90. Urocystis cepula?, 274. Uromyces caryophyllinus, 267. Uruguay, money, 522. Ustilago sp., 261, 262, 269. Vallota, 189. Vanadium, 25. Van Dine, sugar-cane insects, 333. Van Horn, quoted, 41, 42. Van Slyke on fertilizers, 63 ; on milk, 443, 444, 449, 456. Veal, grades of, 405. Vegetable packages, 169, 171. Vegetables, dates for, 106 ; distances for, 109, 119; nomenclature, 183; propagation of, 131 ; under glass, 190. Velvet-grass seed, weight, 540. Venezuela, money, 522. Venturia intcqualis, 264 ; pyrina, 278. Veratrum album, 300. Vetch, as cover-crop, 138, 139 ; weight of, 139. Veterinary schools, 565. Victoria, 191. Vieth, on mUk, 443. Vilmorin, on seeds, 98, 102. Vinca, 189. Violet, 198 ; diseases, 283 ; insects, 335. Voorhees, on milk, 443 ; quoted, 45, 50. Wage-tables, 526. Walks, material for, 505, 506 ; weeds on, 233. Walnuts, weight, 540. Wandering Jew, 189. Warble-fly. 437. Warren, scoring farms, 175. Warrington, (luoted, 30. Washes for fences, 509. Water, data on, 489. Water in soil, 32. Water-cress, packages, 170. Watering plants, 188. Watermelon, fertilizer for, 77 ; grades, 530. Waterproofing. 510 ; paper, 550. Water-wheels. 502. Watson, on .soiling, 136. Wax, grafting, 512. Weather, 1 ; map, 2, 4 ; records, 19 ; signs, 11 ; vane, 23. Web-worm, 307. Weed-killers, 223, 228. Weeds, chapter on, 221 ; lawns, 232. Weight of soils. 30 ; weights and meas- ures, 516, 520; poultry, 366; seeds, 97, 98. Wellhouse, rabbit-trap, 238. Wells, capacities, 531. Wethers, scoring, 399. Whale-oil soap, 298. Wheat, fertilizer for, 77 ; grading, 153 ; insects, 336; weight, 538, 541. Wheeler, on lime, 77. Whey, butter from, 461. White ants, 305. White daisy, 231. White grub, 303, 314. White hellebore, 300. White-wash, 509. White-weed, 231. Whitney, on soil, 32. Widtsoe, on soils, 34. Wild carrot, 230. Wild oats, 230. Willis, on fence-posts, 207 ; on shingles, 209. Willow, insects, 336. Wilson, C. S., box packing, 166. Wilson, on weather, 11, 12, 16, 19. Wind, in cooling glass, 196 ; indica- tions, 9. Windmills, 493, 494. Wing, age of animals, 337. Winter injury, 268. Wire, fence, 477. Wire-worm, 305, 315. Woburn, quoted, 31. Wolf, gestation, 342. Wolff, analyses, 90. Wolff-Lehmann Standards, 413. Woll, on soiling crops, 134, 135. Wolves, 243. Wood, hardness of, 204. Wood crops, 204. INDEX 587 Woodchucks, 243. Woolly aphis, 310. Wounds, waxes for, 514. Xenon, 25. Xyleborus pyri, 326. Yellows, 277. Yen, 523. Yields of forests, 204; tables, 125, 127. of seeds, 105 Youatt, on gestation, 342. Ytterbium, 25. Yttrium, 25. Zebrina, 189. Zebu, milk of, 443. Zinc, 25. Zinc chloride to preserve fruits, 653. Zirconium, 25. Zizania, 191. Printed in the United States of America. m' m