/^ l/«* > BOSTON, September i, 1S78. Dear Sir : As the Author of this book is connected with our house, any further information which you may wish on any subject contained in the work will be cheerfully furnished upon receipt of inquiry; and we respectfully solicit a share of your patron- age for Dyestuffs, Chemicals, etc. After a careful perusal of this work you will kindly favor the Author by sending your WRITTEX OPTXIOX in regard to it. Very truly yours, F. WOODMAN & CO., So/e A gen's. No. 44 Kii.iiv Street, Boston. 4^ THE AMERICAN DYER, (EXLARGED AND RFAMSF.D) : A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE COLOEING OF AVOOL, COTTON, YAEN AND CLOTH, ALSO, CAI.ICO-PR1XTIXG, ETC. GIVING A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT^OF THE DYESTUFFS, THEIR ORIGIN, WHERE PRODUCED, HOW CULTIVATED, AND HOW PREPARED FOR USE, THEIR CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS,' GENERAL ADAPTABILITY, HOW THEY ARE ADULTERATED, ETC. IT EMBRACES RECIPES FOR COLORING RAW COTTON TO BE MIXED WITH WOOL, FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF ALL KINDS OF FABRICS ; RECIPES FOR COLORING WOOL, WOOLEN GOODS, COTTON AND WOOL GOODS IN THE PIECE, COTTON YARN (WITH SAMPLES), COTTON THREAD, AND WOOLEN YARN; CONTAINING SEVENTY SAMPLES OF TTOOL,, COTTON YARN, AND CLOTH; SAMPLE OF BLACK ON RAW COTTON, COLORED AT ONE OPERATION; EMBRACING, IN ALL, OYER FOUR HUNDRED RECIPES. By RICHARD H. GIBSON, Pkactical Dver and Chemist. BOSTON: ALBERT J. WRIGHT, PRINTER, 79 MILK STREET (Corner of Federal). 18*8. Entoifd according to the Act of Congress, in tlic year 1878, By RICHARD H. GIBSON, In the office of the Librai-ian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. LMEODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION. Ix publishing this book, I have no doubt but there will be some dyers who will stigmatize me as an unprincipled scoun- drel, for giving to the trade at large what they call the secrets of the trade. I will say to such, that the time has gone by when every one who was engaged in the art of dyeing, thought it was his iniperative duty to keep everything connected with his trade a secret. This was an idea that universally pre- vailed among dyers. "Within a few years, however, those connected with the pursuit of this branch of industry find that it is for their interest to make themselves familiar with every one engaged in the same pursuit, and to freely converse and exchange opinions upon those subjects in which they are most interested. This familiarity among dyers has called forth other means of suppl} ing the demand for information, so as to enable those not directly located in manufacturing centres to keep pace with the improvements and new methods of dyeing ; and to supply this demand for information, books and papers are printed, which are freely read and well supported. But among the many volumes of books on dyeing in circu- lation, there are at present none that can be called complete, as they merely give a recipe for a few pounds of wool or cot- ton, instead of a kettle-full, or the usual amount of wool colored at a time in all dye-houses, so that a person performing the operation, if not well acquainted (or a skilful dyer) with the quality and amount of the coloring matter contained in the drugs and dyestuSs they have to use, cannot use them economically, and, in most cases, cannot produce the color or shade desired. 4: IITTRODUCTION. In this work I have endeavored to give all the necessary information as to the coloring principles, their derivation, their adaptal)ility and proper application, and it is, strictly speaking, a practical work upon the art of dyeing. If there are any dyers who wish to obtain more extended information, or fuller explanations upon the dyestuffs, than what is found in this book, they should consult such works as those of Berze- lius, Bancroft, Berthollet, Chevrueil, Thomson, Napier, and others, which will repay them well for the time expended in perusing them. The reader, in perusing this book, will find some quotations from the above-named eminent chemists, as well as from my father's works. ^ To these eminent men dyers are greatly indebted ; they have given us a correct explanation of the chemical changes that take place in the different processes of dyeing ; their skil- ful and laborous investigations have been very beneficial to dyers, in pointing out to them the necessity of a chemical knowledge of the first principles of the art of making artificial color, or dyeing; for, if there is one art more than another that requires such a knowledge, it is the art of dyeing, for it is of the utmost importance for a dyer to understand chemis- try, at least that part of it that is connected with his trade ; for without this chemical knowledge, dyeing cannot be either profitably or economically followed, as it depends entirely upon chemistry for its full deveio[)inent and successful prac- tice. I have not written this book with the expectation that every one who will purchase it, and who understands the manual of operations in a dye-house, can be made a skilful dyer by the perusal of it, and every intelligent dyer will exonerate me from harboring such an idea. RICHARD H. GIBSON. PEEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In offering this my second work on the art of dyeing to my brother dyers and others, it becomes necessary that I make a few preliminary observations. In the first phice, this work is, in one sense of the word, a revision and enlargement of my former work. As the anthor, I claim to have no more scientific knowledge than just the "quantum siifficil" for the successful practice of the su])ject upon which I write, and which has engaged my strict attention and earnest study for over twenty years ; and the trade of a dyer has been followed, under similar circumstances, by my family, in direct succession, for nearly two centuries. Therefore I am a dyer simply by necessity, as it were, and having received but a common English education, and acquired enough chemical knowledge to qualify me for the situation in life which I have thus far filled, nothing more, therefore, must or should be expected from my pen, by men of science, than merely to call their atten- tion to the investigation of an art that will repay their trouble by the pleasure they will derive from observing these beauti- ful and delicate chemical changes which take place in the diflferent operations of dyeing, or the producing of artificial colors. To men of science, no new and brilliant discoveries are announced, to create astonishment; neither, in these pages, is there any strange theory brought up, to call out the mind in subtle controversy ; no, very little indeed is off*ered the reader, more than the plain description of a business that has engaged the attention and experience of the writer. For the above reason, therefore, this work should not be criticised as emanating from the brain of a learned philoso- G PREFACE. pher, but should be viewed as the labor of an uneducated dyer, and intended for the perusal and inspection of men of the same pursuits and acquirements as himself. All the recipes, processes, &c., described and em])odied in this work, are such as the writer can with confidence recom- mend, having practised successfully with them ; and should recipes be given not my own, or those which I have not worked by, they will be credited to those persons from whom I received them. In the description of the various coloring materials, if de- rived from the animal, vegetable, or mineral kingdom, the attention of the author has been directed to their natural history, the place of their growth or production, the methods employed in collecting and preparing them for the market and use of the dj'er, their commercial history, the state in which they reach us, their properties, their chemical compo- sition and relations, the changes which they undergo by time and exposure, their accidental or fraudulent adulterations, their coloring properties and applications, their ecpnomical use, &c., &c. The colorins: substances or materials which are obtained from the mineral and animal kingdoms, and those furnished by ihe chemical manufacturer, are of a nature to admit of no general precepts as to their proper condition, w^hich would not be suggested by the common sense of the dyer and purchaser. He must receive them as offered, and judge of their fitness for his purposes by his knowledge of the peculiar properties of each. The author may perhaps be permitted to observe, in rela- tion to himself, that he has expended much time and labor in the revising of this w^jrk, and has sought diligently for facts from almost every readily accessible source. He has endeav- ored, by a comparison of different authorities, to ascertain the correct theory or facts, whenever it was practicable. He is conscious, nevertheless, that, in the multiplicity of details, very many errors and deficiencies may exist, and that the PREFACE. 7 fiuilts of niulue brevity in some eases and ffreat leiif^th in others may not have been entirely avoided ; but he ventures to hope that the skilful and candid dyer will make all due allowances. A full and carefully prepared index is added, also a glos- sary of technical terms and chemical nomenclature, too'ether with the chemical. formulas of the different salts, acids, &c., mentioned in the work. The author acknowledges his great obligations and indebt- edness to Professor John Peirce, William Hunter and others for the valuable assistance and information rendered him in regard to the subject of calico-printing ; he is also greatly indebted to Dr. T. P. Shepard, who has kindly consented to allow the insertion in this work of his "Recipes for Calico- Printing." The student and dyer, in perusing this work, ought to read it in a regular course. By so doing he will be enabled to understand the manner in which the recipes are to be manipu- lated. He should peruse more particularly' the remarks upon the recijjes for the different kinds of goods or fabrics for the coloring of which they are written. Citations of different authors have been but partially made in this work. The writer, for the purpose of giving his sources of information, and for the convenience of those who wish to pursue the different subjects further, refers them to such works as Bancroft's Philosophy of Permanent Colors, Edin- burgh Encyclopedia, Berzelius, Chevruoil, Pcrsaz, Lectures of Dr. Grace Calvert, Chemical News for 1872, O'Neil's Dic- tionary of Dyeing and Printing, Muspratt's Chemistry Applied to the Arts, Napier's Chemistry Applied to Dyeing, Ure-'s Dictionary of Manufactures, edition of 18G0. KICHARD H. GIBSON. 44 KiLBV St., Boston. Part First. DYEING AND MORDANTS. 10 THE AMEKICAN DYEll. DYELNG AND MORDANTS. The object of the dyer is to impart to wool, silk, cotton, and llax, either in their loose or raw state, or in their woven tissue, some color or other, and dyeing is the art of impreg- natinsr these substances with colorinoj substances which are more or less permanent. The colors .themselves are not material ; they are merely the impression of light npon the eye, and the result of the abstraction of the hues from the solar beams, by the affinity which the coloring matter has for those hues ; and the coloring matter coming in contact with metallic oxides, the different hues or colors are fully devel- oped and shown to the human eye, as they are from a prism ; and all the colors, whether they are artificial or natural, or on whatever seen, have once been beams of light in the heavens ; therefore, dyeing is the fixing of substances npon fabrics, which will act upon light in a difi'erent manner from the substances themselves. As every chemical change affects the character of the substance in its relation to light, the dyer's object is to cause a combination with the wool or other textile fabrics, that will produce certain effects upon light, and thereby produce different colors or shades ; and as a color consists of parts or substances only, and combining these substances or materials in the best manner and fastening it permanently upon different fabrics, and with a knowledge of the chemical laws on which these effects are based or founded, is what constitutes the skill of the dyer. Dyeing is dis- tinguished from painting by the fact that the colors (or pig- ments) are fixed to the animal and vegetable textile fibres according to certain physico-chemical principles ; but it is not so in painting, as painting is simply fixed by adhesion to the THE AMERICAN DYEE. H surface, although paiuters and dyers occasionally use the same pigments. So is printing of fabrics distinguished from dye- ing, as it consists of duplicating of colored patterns, yet it is a very important part of dyeing. Dyeing, strictly speaking, means the coloring of absorbent substances by imprcirnatino- them with solutions of coloring matters. It is thus opposed to painting, which consists in laying a color upon the surface to be colored. As animal charcoal and arable soil are possessed of the property to assimilate in their pores coloring matter and some inorganic substances without the latter being altered, so also do animal and vegetable fibres possess the property of a1)sor]j- ing.from solutions and fixing in a more or less insoluble con- dition dyes and some of the confitituents of mordants. This combination or union is often so loose that it is easily broken up by repeated washing in water, especially if washed in hot water. For instance, if a textile fibre is dyed (or rather tinged, for dyeing implies fixity) with sulphate of indigo, or with Berlin blue in solution with oxalic acid, the color imparted to the fibre will entirely disappear by repeated washing in water. A fibre can only be dyed in the strict sense of the term when the dissolved coloring matter has been united in insolu- ble condition with the fibre, and for this purpose the inter- vention of a third substance is required; viz., a mordant. The union thus formed will resist the action of solvents ; that is, it will resist repeated washings in warm water and soap, and the color thus produced is termed fast, and will resist the action of light, air, and weak alkaline solutions, also weak acids. A color which does not resist these agents is termed fugitive. Dyeing is based upon chemical principles, but as regards the fixing of the dye by the fibre, it would appear to be only a physical attraction, as there does not exist between a certain, quantity of fibre and of dye an atomistic relation. Moreover, neither fibre nor dye have lost, after fixation has taken phice, their characteristic properties. The insoluble 12 THE AMERICAN DYER. condition of the union between the fibre and the dye may be obtained in various ways; viz., by removal of the solvent, as, for instance, oxide of copper dissolved in ammonia may be fixed by simply evaporating the ammonia. Chromate of zinc dissolved in annuonia can be fixed in the same manner as the oxide of copper. The precipitation of carthamiue (CiiHjyOn) from its alkaline solution by the aid of an acid, and the precipitation of some of the tar colors from their alcoholic solutions, belong to the same category. The insoluble condition can be produced by oxidation (in calico- printing and cotton dyeing, called the ageing process) the previously soluljle color being rendered insoluble by taking up oxygen. If we should attempt to trace the origin and progress of the art of dyeing from its first beginnings, whether those begin- nings were in the most remote antiquity, or in those stages of its reappearance in more recent ages, after this art, as well as most other useful ones, had experienced a partial, if not entire destruction by those civil and political convulsions which have frequently swept away all traces of civilization from our globe, save the ruins of some stately edifices, which, from their very magnitude, bade defiance to the power of the destroying generation to remove ; — we say, should we attempt to trace its rise either from the ruins of overthrown arts, or endeavor to show what was its beginnings and greatest state of perfection in the earlier stages of the world, we should have a task of no common magnitude before us, fur we should have to penetrate through the gloom and obscurity of past ages ; we should have to plunge for our subject into that dark epoch of time when dyeing, as well as other useful arts, began, and long before the age in which they originated was suflEiciently enlightened to produce an historian, or the times had afforded sufficient materials fur history. Therefore, we will nut attempt to give the exact data when it was first practised as an art ; but historians speak of it as being practised in very early times in the East, and that it was as common to the most THE AMERICAX DYEE. 13 primitive life as to the most advanced stages of civilization. Colored garments are mentioned in the earliest records. (See 37th chapter of Genesis, 23d verse.) The Orientals for ages have practised the art of dj-eing. Notwithstanding the length of time the art has been practised, the most wonderful improvements have been made in the art within the last twenty years, and these improvements have not been the result of accident or chance, but are" the work of chemists, and by those very chemists who are engaged in the solution of the highest as well as most abstruse problems. These illustrious chemists have distinguished themselves in the discovery of new dyeing substances or principles, which are rapidly taking the place of the old materials. There is no doubt in my mind that, in the earlier ages', the art of dyeing was brought to a greater degree of perfection than it is at the present time'; and, for these reasons, that they were capable of carr3'ing it to a much greater degree of perfection than we are, will be obvious to every reflecting mind. Their extreme longevity afforded to every individual engaged in it sufficient time to bring to ma- turity any intricate invention which requires so much stud}' and time to perfect its parts as to make it the work of succes- sive generations of our short-lived race to complete. For instance, such an invention as the steam-engine, which occu- pied two or three hundred years in progressing to its present state of perfection, would not have required the attention of one of these men a fourth part of their lifetime, and some antediluvian Watt would have completed this ultimatum of human skill long before his faculties had acquired their full streno^th ; and an ancient Dumas or BerthoUet mi<2:ht have done the same in perfecting the art of dyeing. If the numerous coloring substances that we use in 'dyeing had an affinity for the wool or cotton in its natural state, dye- ing would be a very simple process, and every one could be a dyer, for all that would be required would be to make a solu- tion of the dyestuflT, and dip the wool or cloth in it, and it is colored ; but this we find is not the case. With the exce[)tiou 14: THE AMERICAN DYEE. of indigo, there is scarcely a tlyestuff that Avill impart its own color to goods, that deserves the name of color. When the dyer asceitains that there is no affinity between the fibre he has to color, and the coloring substance he has to use to pro- duce the desired color, he endeavors to find a third substance that will have a mutual attraction for both the fibre and color- ing matter, so that by combining this third substance with the fibre, and passing it through the dyeing solution, the color combines with the substance which is upon the goods, and then constitutes the dye. This third substance used is called a mordant. The variety of mordants is almost infinite ; they being as numerous as it is possible, for all the acids to form difierent combinations, in variable proportions, with all the alkalies, earths, and metals. " They are either neutral, sub, or super salts; that is, the acid and the base or radical, . are either in proportion to mutually saturate each other, and form a neutral compound, or the base is not fully saturated with the acid, in which case it is a sub-salt; or the acid pre- vails over the base, when it is said to be super-saturated with it; it is then a super-salt. They are distinguished as the alkaline, earthy, or metallic salts, according as these respec- tive substances form the base or radical of the salt." "Two or more of them are capable of uniting together, and also two bases can unite to one acid, or two acids to one base, forming compound, triple, &c., salts." All the mordants, -with but one or two exceptions, are found among the metallic oxides. It might be supposed from this, that as metals are the most numerous class of elements, mordants should also be as numerous ; but this is not so. In order that this third sub- stance spoken of may act as a mordant, it is required to have certain properties ; it must have an attraction for the coloring matter, so as to form with it an insoluble colored compound, and it must be held very easily in solution. It should also have an affinity for the fibre, a tendency to unite with it ; but this property is not always essentially necessary, only the first two are so, and they limit the mordants almost wholly to what THE AMERICAN DYER. 15 are termed the insoluble bases; that is, substances which are not of themselves soluble in water. The principal and most essential part of coloring is a right choice and proper application of the various mordants : there being a chemical union I)et\veen the mordant and coloring matter, a new sub- stance is formed, differing not only in properties but in color from any of the originals ; therefore, a very little alteration in the strength or quality of the mordant gives an alteration in the shade of the color. Thus, by carefulfy studying the conditions of the mordants, and the relation they have to the coloring matter, the reactions which will take place under the varied circumstances of their application, and what kind of reaction will be required to obtain the results we want, the dyer will then find his trade not only easy but pleasant and most interesting. He will also find, that if the mind guides the hand, labor will not then be felt as a curse or a degradation. This right choice of the mordants to be used, and the alterations that the dyer can make in them, gives him a much wider field for a variety of shades, and, at the same time, a less number of colorinf^ sub- stances are required; as, for instance, we know that logwood alone gives no color to cotton which is worthy of the name of color, yet, by a judicious application of a few different kinds of mordants, we can obtain all the shades from a French white to a violet, from a lavender to a purple, from a blue to a lilac, and- from a slate to a black. In regard to mordants. Dr. Bancroft, in his work on the Philosophy of Permanent Colors, arranges all colors in two classes ; viz., substantive and adjec- tive. By the former is understood those which, without the aid of a mordant, become fixed upon the textile fibres in an insoluble condition. By adjective colors is understood such as require an intermediate substance (a mordant, in fact), to become fixed upon the fibre in an insoluble condition. He says : "To me, coloring matters seem to fall naturally under two general classes. The first including those matters which, when put into a state of solution, may be fixed with all the 16 THE AMERICAN DYER. permanency of which the}' are susceptible, and made full}' to exhibit their colors in or upon the dyed substance without the interposition of any earthy or metallic basis. The colors of the first class I shall call substantive, as denoting a thing solid, by or depending only on itself; and the colors of the second class I shall call adjegtive, as implying that their lustre and permanency are acquired by their being adjected upon a suita- ble basis." "Eflrthy and metallic substances, when thus interposed, serve not only as a bond of union between the coloring mat- ter and the dyed substance, but they also modify as well as fix the color; some of them, particularly the oxide of iron, and the earth of alum, exalting and giving lustre to most of the coloring matters with which they are united ; whilst others, and especially the oxide of iron, blacken some, and darken almost all such matters, if made to combine with them." — Bancroft on Dyeing, Vol. 1, p. 118. Mordants modify the original color that a dyeing material yields ; for instance, wdth alumina mordants, madder will yield pink, red, and scarlet, and with the salts of iron, according to the degree of concentration, madder yields lilac, purple, black, and, with certain salts of copper, madder will yield a brown. The theory of the action of mordants is connected in the closest manner with that of dyeing. It may, in ffict, be viewed under two different aspects. Often there exists a true combination between the material to be colored, and the coloring matter, — a combination which is only determined by a veritable affinity between the coloring matter and the material colored, and which presents a condition that is anal- ogous to that which occurs in all chemical combinations ; that is, a state of saturation, beyond which the union of these bodies becomes of a very unstable character. At other times, on the contrary, we regard the coloring of wool, silk, and cotton, as produced by a mechanical phenomenon, by virtue of which the colorin^: matters will become fixed or confined THE A3IERICAN DYER. 17 iu the meshes of organic tihiments contained in the material to be colored. "It approximates the theory of dyeing to some analogous phenomena which we find manifested by animal charcoal on colored solutions ; for as the animal char- coal seizes upon the coloring matters contained in an aqueous solution, and renders them insoluble by tixing them in a purely mechanical manner within its own pores, so may the wool, the silk, and the cotton appropriate the coloring mat- ters held in solution, and, by fixing them in their pores, ren- der them more or less insoluble to water." The experience of dyers has taught them that dyeing thus produced is always lacking both in permanency and intensity, — two properties which we obtain if we previously mordant the material before attempting to color it. It can be easily seen that the mor- dants can be fixed in the tissues of the material by similar causes to those which determine the fixation of the coloriuij matters by animal charcoal. Mordants that are insoluble of themselves have to be dissolved in some suitable menstrua before their particles can combine with the coloring matter, or even enter into the fibres of the goods. The dyer must attend to the degree of aflinity between the mordant and its solvent, in order to determine what force the solvent will exert against the mordant combining with the fibres of the cloth, should there exist an affinity between them. Otherwise a powerful mordant can be weakened by the attraction of it^ solvent : fqr instance, common alum, at its greatest concentra- tion, is a very feeble mordant for cotton, owing to the great attraction between the alumina and sulphuric acid. Alum is, however, a powerful mordant for wool or woolen fabrics, and is generally used along with tartar, and often with the tin solutions. The mordants employed for calico-printing are chiefly such salts as are comparatively loose combinations of acid and base, so that the latter can easily unite with the fibre; and among the mordants chiefly used, the acetate of alumina and iron occupy the first place, while alum, as a solution of aluminate of soda, is now more rarely used. 3 18 THE AMEPilCAX DYEK. The mordant, or, more properly speaking, the solvent of the base constituting the mordant, should not be capable of injuring or destroying immediately, or by prolonged actioA, either the coloring matter or fabric. Acids, of themselves, do not serve as mordants, as they would destroy the color- ins: or the fabric; but in cases where destructive acids have to I)e used, they must be immediately washed off the fabric in order to neutralize the acid before it has time to act upon the color or tissue. The action of bases upon colors, and the composition of those best fitted or adapted to give per- manency and beauty, are a very important part of dyeing, and should be thoroughly studied and understood b}' all those who intend to follow the art of dyeing as a profession, and expect to become proficient in the trade. We will not attempt to discuss whether such substances as nutgalls, sumac, tan- nin, or catechu, can really be termed mordants; but Ave find that these substances, in cotton dyeing, are very essential for fixing within the fibre of the cotton such quantities of the metallic base or mordant as are required to give depth and permanence to the color ; but as these astringent substances are known to produce tints Avith the bases, the}', like mor- dants, affords us a wider field for variety of color. Sumac, nutgalls, and catechu, or cutch, are very extensively used in cotton dyeing and printing, in connection with the metallic bases, to fix, modify, and to give depth of colors, for which these bases are applied. The mordants generall}' used for silk and wool, do not act the part of mordants for cotton. The following theor}'^ of actions of mordants, is condensed from the "Pharmaceutical Times," vol. 2, p. 63, which says that "cream of tartar, or bitartrate of potash, constitutes, of itself, a very feeble mordant, but which is very often used for dyeing w'ool or woolen goods, Avhen the dyer wishes to give a delicate and brilliant shade. It is usually used along with alum, the tin solutions, and sometimes with sulphate of iron (copperas). Its infiuence, under these circumstances, consists in determining a double decomposition, from which THE AMEPJCAX DYEK. 19 is produced a sulphate of potash (KOSO3), "i" chloride of potassium (K CI), whilst the tartaric acid (QH.^O-i) (.•omhines with the alumina (Al.Oa), the peroxide of iron (Fe^.O^), or the oxide of tin (Sn O.,). Now it is very probable that the coloring matters remove the alumina, the oxide of tin, or peroxide of iron, more readily from tartaric acid than from sulphuric acid (SO3). Moreover, the presence of free sul- phuric acid would certainly prove injurious, as well to the wool, as to the coloring matter, whilst free tartaric acid can exercise no unfavorable action over them. "The subjecting of the wool to an alum mordant, is al\va3'3 done at a boil ; the mixture used in this process, is a com- pound of alum and cream of tartar. One of the objects of this addition is to free the bath of the carbonate of lime (Ca CO3), which most all waters contain in solution, and which, acting upon the alum, would partly decompose it, by producing an insoluble subsulphate of alumina and potash ; this, accumulating upon the wool, and, becoming unevenly fixed upon the surface, would leave clouds or blotches upon the wool when it was taken .out of the cheing bath or tub. "But independent of this effect, which might be produced by an acid, cream of tartar appears to be capable of effect- ing a farther object, by inducing a double decomposition, which transforms the alum into a tartrate of alumina. "Wool, or woolen cloth, when dipped in a cold solution of alum, appropriates a part of the alum to itself, and yet there is not seen any alteration in the wool ; but if the wool or cloth is boiled in an alum solution, it }ields to this liquid a portion of its organic matter, which becomes dissolved ; but, at the same time, the wool absorbs an equal amount of the alum. " We have only to show the action which the wool under- goes, when brought in contact with alum and cream of tartar, at one and the same time. It is very possible that there may be, iu this case, a simultaneous fixation of alum, as well as of the double tartrate of alumina and potash, and of tartaric 20 TiiE a:mericax dyer. acid. The presence of alum in the wool or cloth, when taken out of the boiliug solution, is very evident; but the presence of tartrate of alumina and potash, and of free tartaric acid, is only presumable. "Silk, in the like manner, unites itself with alum when placed in a cold solution of alum, and afterwards parts with it to boiling water*; it may be reproduced from this liquor by evaporation. The action of silk on acetate of alumina (2AI..O.+3QH3O3) is identical with wool. It, at first, absorbs the alum in its pure form, then, by desiccation, it loses some acetic acid (C4H3O3), and retains a mixture of the acetate, together with alumina in its free state ; it gives up a farther portion of this acetate to boiling water. "The alum mordant is always used cold for silk; if used hot, it would destroy the lustre of the silk ; neither should the bath contain tartar when used for silk. There will, therefore, be no difficulty in imagining that silk, wool, and cotton, may, in their character as porous bodies, purely and simply seize upon the alum, and that the alum, when once impregnated in the pores of the silk, wool, or cotton, may afterwards react upon the coloring matter according as the alum, in its turn, penetrates the interior of the silk, wool, or cotton. "It is certain that silk, wool, and cotton, possess, in a high degree, the faculty of seizing upon the insoluble coloring matters when these are presented to them in their nascent state. AVe find that cotton is dyed a rose color in a solution that contains carthamic acid in suspension, arising from the decomposition of carthamate of soda by an acid. In the same manner, we find wool will acquire a dark slate color by being immersed in a solution of copperas and tannin, by attracting to itself the black precipitate which results from mixture of the iron salt and tannin. Consequently, although the dyer endeavors to produce the insolubLe compound, on< which the coloring of the material depends, within th§ very pores of the tissue, still we may affirm that, in many cases. THE AMERICAN DYER. 21 the cloth or other material, when placed in presence of the nascent precipitate, has the property of seizing upon it, and thus acquiring a shade of greater or less intensity. Dumas says : " This property is due to some undetermined and yet unknown cause, and must undoubtedly be referred to the reaction that takes place between the alum and the soluble coloring matters, as well as to some other mysterious phe- nomena which take place in dyeing. If not, how are we to account for the wool so easily and readilj' assuming a scarlet color, while in silk and cotton we are unable to fix the proper scarlet color? Or how can we understand why certain colors should become more permanently fixed on certain kinds of materials than on others, unless it is by virtue of sonie special action, designated by the name of affinity, but which does not the less constitute a force, or rather a consequence of diverse forces of which we must take full account daring the difierent manipulations of dyeing." To confound, in fact, a chemical affinity, so called, such as is evidenced in ordinary chemical combinations, when pro- duced in definite proportions, with the phenomena of dyeing, is to mix together two very distinct ideas. For instance, we find the union of wool with indigo, and silk with Prussian blue, quite a difierent operation to the combination of lead with sulphur. But if we should consider the material to be colored as a simple filter and to be capable of retaining in its pores certain precipitates, and of receiving from these pre- cipitates a certain color or colors, we should go equally as far in the opposite direction. Neither would this supposition explain the manner in which a colored lac is formed in a greater part of the operations of- dyeing, operations which are efiected by an alum or an aluminous salt and a coloring solution, altogether incapable of producing any lac, except by adding an alkali for the purpose of setting at liberty the^ alumina, or of a material which has the power of taking up that lac as soon as it shall be formed. The experiments of Chevrueil show us that the material and 22 THE AjNIERICAN DYER. the color, when they are once united, will form products that are possessed of properties which differ according to the nature of the material even in the same given color. There- fore, the properties of the coloring matter are modified by the peculiar action of the wool or fabric on the dye. There are very many examples that place this assertion beyon'd all cavil. It is very necessary that the mordants should have a prime equivalent to the coloring matter, and that the doctrine of prime equivalents be brought into practical operation in the art of dyeing ; for as the dyestuffs and mordants do natu- rally combine in determinate and definite quantities only, we should, in forming colors, take merely that just proportion or prime equivalent of each of the constituents necessary to form that definite combination, as an excess of either of them is a loss in the materials or an injury to the fabric or color. What these combining proportions are in every case we have yet to learn by a series of well-conducted experiments. A table or tables of the prime equivalents of the different chemical salts to that of the different coloring materials would be of the greatest importance to the economy and successful operations in dyeing. It is onl}^ by an attentive and systematic study of the specific properties of the mordants and coloring matters in their relation to each other that we can hope to direct the future progress of dyeing to its ultimate perfection ; for it is only the nicest arrangement of chemical laws that enables the dyer to turn to his advantage the different coloring mat- ters he may be in possession of, and we find that the art of dj^eing is wholly dependent upon chemistry for its full devel- opment and successful practice ; and this being the fact, no person should attempt the practice of dyeing without first being conversant with chemistry, at least that particular branch of chemistry that is in connection with or is applied to the art of dyeing or making artificial colors, if he expects to make a skilful dyer or meet with successful results for himself or employer. THE AM ERIC AX DYER. 23 " Sometimes there are circumstances or powers occurring- in the operations of dyeing which interfere with or direct chemical affinity in the particles of bodies, so that one l)ody often induces a chemical change in another body and at the same time will not undergo any change itself. "This power or affinity is termed catalysis, and a ^oo(\. instance of this power or affinity we iind in fermentation. For instance, if we put a little yeast in beer to induce fer- mentation in all the solution, we will find that the yeast remains unaltered ; or if we boil starch with weak or diluted sulphuric acid, the starch will be first changed into gum and afterwards int!D sugar; but, notwithstanding the above-named changes, we find the sulphuric acid is unaltered, either in quantity or propert3^ " There are a large number of substances which possess this property, of catalytic influence; and, if so, it is not un- likely that such fibrous materials as woolen, silk, and cotton should possess it towards some of the vegetable colorino- substances used in dyeing. Many of the operations in the dye-house show to us the presence of some such power, but the nature of this power is not yet fully understood." The force of affinity is largely influenced by the conditions in which the bodies we wish to combine are placed. Solid bodies generally have no chemical action one upon the other ; for which reason it is necessary that they be brought into the liquid state before any chemical change can take place. This is necessary in all the operations of dyeing, not only to cause combination, but to allow the particles to penetrate the fibre of the material we wish to operate upon, and while there, to be operated upon by the affinity of another body^ also in solution, brought into contact with them. This is a very essential condition of all dyestuflfs, and of all salts we wish to use in dyeing, either as mordants or dyes, and this should never be lost sight of when studying either the philosophy or practical operations of dyeing ; for if there is anything that interferes with the free operation of these conditions, or rather 24 THE AMERICAN DYER. solubility, it will hinder or put back the process or else injure the dyeing solution. "We will here mention, that the introduction of the term catah/sis was only considered useful as bringing into one class or group a certain class of phenomena ; but the same might be said of the useful term affiniti/. But when our knowledge of these jjowers, which are hidden, is more advanced, perhaps then all these phenomena can be accounted for, and arranged under the operation of some one universal power or law." In the first part of this article we alluded to the antiquity of the art of dyeing'; yet notwithstanding its antiquity, there have been made some of the most wonderful improvements in the art within the last twenty years, by which the old proc- esses have been completely revolutionized. And these improvements are due to the patience and profound investiga- tions of chemists, and not by chance or accident, but by those chemists w^ho are enira^ed in solving some of the high- est and most abstruse problems. Among these illustrious chemists are such names as Hoff- mann, Nicholson, Poirrier, and others, and although none of the above-named eminent men are practical dyers, yet by their profound and scientific investigations dyeing has been elevated to its proper rank as an art ; and to them and other illustrious and scientific men, are dyers, and even the world at large, indebted, for by their profound and laborious inves- tigations of the different processes of dyeing, and their cor- rect elaborate analysis of the materials used, and by identify- ing and connecting its principles with chemical science and knowledge, they have brought the art into notice as con- nected closely with chemistry, and given it a pre-eminence as one of those arts which are dependent upon chemistry and chemical knowledge for its economical and successful prac- tice. They have given us useful and minute descriptions of the materials we as dyers have to make use of. They have given us clear and correct explanations of all those chemical changes which take place in many of the different processes THE a:mericax dyer. 25 of dyeing, and have given us satisfactory accounts of some of the most complicated and inexplicable combinations which often occur in dyeing. They have more especially dis- tinguished themselves by their discoveries of new dyeing or coloring materials which are fast taking the place of the old materials. THE NATURE OF COLORS. " Strictly speaking, colors have no existence, but are the effects of light ; or, at least, colors do not exist in the objects that appear to be colored, but in the light which is reflected from the apparently colored object. " To define color we will briefly state what is known upon the nature and composition of light. "A beam of light is composed of three distinct colored rays : red, blue, and yellow. When a beam strikes the sur- face of a body it bounds off as an elastic ball would do in striking the same surface, and this bounding off is called reflection; or it is absorbed by the body and disappears and is altogether extinguished, or it passes through the body, making it transparent." "The bounding or reflecting rays pass into the eye, and the article or substance from which it is reflected appears white or some particular color. No light can proceed from the object to the eye, it being absorbed and extinguished, the body therefore will be invisible ; or, if the surrounding objects reflect light the article or substance appears black, but if the light passes through unaltered it will appear clear. Thus what it is custom to call white lio:ht is the simultaneous transmission of three colored rays." " For instance, if you admit light into a daili room through a small hole in a win- dow-shutter, and a glass prism is placed in the hole, and opposite to it, on the wall of the room, place a piece of white 4 26 THE AMERICAN DYER. paper, so that the light passing through the hole 'will strike upon the paper, you will see that the light is decomposed and will appear upon the paper in the following order : Violet, Green, Orange, Indigo, Yellow,* Blue.* Red,* " These are called the seven prismatic colors ; those that are marked thus * are the simple or primary colors ; that is, they require no admixture to produce them, but the others do ; the orange is a mixture of red and yellow, the green requires a blue and yellow, the indigo requires the admixture of the blue and red ; the same with the violet. The prism through ■which the light passed into the room, from its shape, effects a complete disturbance of the light, which causes the ditier- ent colors to be seen on the paper. Similar disturbances and ejffects are produced when light is reflected from a surface. The different combinations of the red, yellow, and blue which produce the various shades of color, are produced according to the rate of the disturbing influence upon the different rays of light. And as every chemical change affects the character of the substance in its relation to light, the dyer's object is to cause a combination with the wool, silk, cotton, and other textile fabrics that will produce certain effects upon light, and thereby produce different colors or shades. The following very simple experiment will illustrate how great is the production of colors dependent upon their relation to the substance of light. "Take a solution of iodide of potassium (KI), which is colorless and transparent, and divide it into three equal parts ; into one proportion pour a little sugar of lead (Pb O, C4H3O3), into the other a persalt of mercury (Hg CI2 = cor- rosive sublimate), and into the third a* little starch, with a few drops of nitric acid (NO^). These are all colorless sub- stances (when in solution by themselves), but after mixing THE AMERICAI^^ DYER. 27 them we will have in the first a deep and beautiful yellow color: in the sstances not being transparent, w-e find that the original beauty of the color will be greatly diminished. For which reason the same color, if fixed within the fibre of those three materials, will have a different appearance in each of them. These circumstances, when viewed in all their relative positions, will afl"ord the dyer subjects for constant study and experiments. We cannot follow nature in its production of colors; for should the d3'er try to produce a icJiite by mixing the red, yellow, and blue in exact proportions, he would obtain a black instead of a white. But the producing of white by the combining of the three primary colors, is an every-day occurrence with the practical bleacher. No matter what the process for bleach- ing the goods has been, they will come out of the bleach having alwiiys a brownish-yellow tinge to them ; and if the goods are cotton, a little indigo blue is added, and the result is a purer white. If the goods are silk, they will have a much more yellow tinge than there is on cotton, and to get rid of this yellow tinge on silk, the bleacher adds a little Prussian blue and cochineal, or what is most commonly used is archil, which gives a violet color. The amount of these materials used will vary according to the depth of yellow on the silk, the result being a very beautiful white. 28 THE AMERICAN DYER. By the preceding observations we come to the conclusion that color is the result of the abstraction of the celestial hues from the solar beams by the aflBnity of the coloring matter for it, and the coloring matter coming in contact with metallic oxides, the different hues or colors are fully developed and shown to the human eye as they. are from'a prism ; and all the colors, whether they are natural or artificial, or on what- ever seen, have once been beams of light in the heavens, and the impregnation of the coloring matter with a ray of light, and then being by it transferred to an oxide, which then reflects upon the eye, constitutes the whole philosophy of colors ; and the dyer, when engaged in his profession, is per- forming the operation of transfusing celestial hues through terrestrial substances. He is imbuing material substance with the immateriality of light. " Color consists of parts and substances only, and combining these substances or materials in the best mauuer, and then fastening them permanentlj' upon the different fabrics, and with a knowledge of the chemicals on Avhich these effects are based or founded, is what constitutes the skill of the dyer." THE PROPERTIES OF COLORS, AND THEIR RELA- TION TO THE ART OF DYEING. From Gibson's System axd Sciexce of Colors. "The cause of dyestuffs giving a color with metallic or earthy salts, is owing to a peculiar principle which they con- tain ; that is, a crystallized body, when pure, having a greater affinity for metals and earths than it has for any other sub- stance, precipitating them when held iu solution by either acids or alkalies, and producing compounds or lakes of but slight solubility, which have a natural tendency to enter into THE AMERICi^S^ DYER. 29 combination with animal fibre, the force of whose combined attractions, water or other common agents are not capable of separating. "To this precipitate we give the name of color; and the knowledge of making it, with the subsequent process of com- bining it with wool or manufactured fabrics, we designate as the art of dyeing or coloring. ^ A color, therefore, is a chemical compound or colored salt ; and coloring, or dyeing, is a chemical art. "On mixing two clear solutions, one of coloring matter, and the. other of a metallic or earthy salt, the substances that are held in solution pass immediately from the liquid to the solid state. In some cases this change is sudden and instan- taneous, and the sqlid result falls rapidly to the bottom of the vessel as an insoluble powder. In other cases the mixed liquors gradually assume opaqueness ; and* soon a separation takes place, and a broken, curd-like matter slowly subsides to the bottom, and lies in a loose, flocky state, which the least agitation causes to rise into the supernatant liquor. It is slightly soluble. This passage from liquidity to solidity is the first eiFect perceived on the formation of color. "The first of these transitions being perfectly insolul)le, the aggregate possesses not the slightest tendency to unite with animal or vegetable fibre. Consequently, an insoluble color can never be chemically combined with any animal or vegeta- ble matter at a single operation in dyeing, or applied as a topical color in calico-printing ; and if it were attempted, the result would be a mere mechanical adhesion of the particles of color to the article to be colored, which mere washing in water would remove. This shows that dyeing is not a mechanical fixation of color, but a chemical combination of it with the substance to be colored. "But as the component parts of this insoluble color have each, when separate, a strong inclination to combine with animal and vegetable tissues, and also with each other, the process of dyeing is effected by first impregnating the fabric 30 THE AMEEICAX DYER. with the oxide of the salt used, and then passing it through a sohition of the coloring matter. "The perfectly insoluble colors are mostly mineral, and their specific g'ravities are much greater than those that are partially soluble, or whose color is obtained from the vegeta- ble dyestufts. The character of insolubility gives to a color the power of resisting decomposition by light, and the action of the atmosphere. The mineral colors possess this quality in a more eminent .degree than such colors as are derived from vegetables. " The most insoluble colors are therefore the most durable, and those which are extremely soluble are the most fugitive, and there is not an instance where a very soluble or liquid color is a permanent one. As a proof of this assertion, we will take the sulphate of indigo (chemic), which is soluble to an unlimited extdnt, but is remarkably fugitive ; while the indigo from which it was prepared, is the most durable color afforded by the vegetable kingdom. There are other exam- ples of this kind. "We will return from this digression to the second or partially soluble kind of color, which are almost all those col- ors employed by woolen dyers ; the vegetable dyestuffs not forming absolute insoluble compounds with the metals and earths, excepting in the case of indigo, and, perhaps, one or two more instances. This kind of color is that which forms the topical colors (see calico-printing), or the colors of appli- cation of the calico and woolen printer; or such as (all the materials of the color being mixed together) are then applied at once by the block, and afterwards fixed by steaming, called steam colors. " The slight degree of solubility in a color of this kind is the cause of its direct union with animal or vegetable fibres ; because the whole force of the respective affinities of the sub- stance that compose the color, not having been required to produce insolubility, there still remains in each of the con- THE AMERICAN DYER. 31 stitiients, a power of combining with a third substance, or the article to be colored. "Whereas, in an insoluble color, the whole force of the two affinities having been expended upon each other in order to produce insolubility, there exists no attraction in this com- pound for the fabric to which it should be applied ; hence the impossibility of combining such a color with animal or vegetable tissues. "Therefore, such colors as are the most insoluble are those whose constituents are drawn together by an attraction so powerful, as to neutralize the affinities which have produced it, and where the metal in the compound exists in a highlv oxidized state, and the coloring principle, in conjunction with it, exhibits the character of an acid; and, as these properties of the insoluble color have all to be transferred to the soluble one, before it can possess the utmost degree of permanence of which it is susceptible, the addition of a third substance, capal)le of communicating these qualities to it, becomes absolutely necessary in the composition of colors for wool or woolen goods. "It will be seen that the substance to be employed for this purpose must have the power of combining with ])oth the color and the matter that is to be colored, as well as a strono- inclination to form a solid combination with them. These powers and tendencies Ave find to exist in tartar, in an emi- nent degree, besides having the property of minutely divid- ing the particles of color, and softening the action of the mordant upon the animal fibre. "Practice and experience have long ago taught woolen-dyers the advantage of employing tartar as a useful auxiliary in the composition of coloring solutions, without any knowledge of the theory by which these advantages could be accounted for. This accounts for the great use of tartar in such colors as arc applied at one operation in woolen-dyeing. Tartaric, citric, oxalic, and other crystallizable acids, modify the shade and render the color more insoluble, but, having great acid 32 THE AMERICAN DYER. powers, they will quickly re-dissolve their original precipi- tates, so that they are not so well adapted for this purpose as their super-salts would be, which, having less solubility than the uncombined acids, increase the permanency of the color in proportion to their degree of insolubility and disposition to preserve a solid combination. "For this reason the salts, with excess of acid, are better qualified to form ingredients in the mordant of a color than their respective acids, when in a free and more soluble state ; and, in the whole number of these salts now used by woolen- dyers, the supertartrate of potash (or cream of tartar) is the best adapted to obtain the desired end ; but, in cotton-dyeing and calico-printing, no advantageous use can be made of it for this purpose ; it will unite with color, but it has no affinity to combine with vegetable fibre ; it prevents the fixation of the color u[)on the cotton fabric, and this resistance by the acid to the application of color to vegetable fibre, is the reason why the proper scarlet color of the woolen-dyer can- not be fixed upon cotton or linen goods in cotton-dyeing or calico-printing, for the excessive acid constitution of this color prevents the complete saturation of the fabric with it. ''The brilliancy of color depends upon the purity of its component substances, and its intensit}^ upon the multiplicity of particles in a given volume of it ; or, when the mass of precipitate is minutely subdivided into a vast number of smaller portions of color ; or, upon the amount of points from which the colored ray is projected upon the eye. "In the operation of dyeing, supertartrate of potash pro- motes this subdivision of the particles of color, and the vio- lence of ebullition greatly accelerates their comminution, as also the high temperature of steam, in the process of fixing colors by steam. "Those colors whose specific gravities are the greatest, are those' whose particles are the most infinite, and^ in conse- quence of this, possess the greatest intensity or vivacity ; they are also the most insoluble, and, of course, they will be THE AMERICAX DYER. 83 the niosl peinument : they are those colors in whose compo- sition an acid enters, cither as the coloring principle, or as a modifier of the colors. They are the mineral colors, or colors that have been made to approach to the- nature of mineral colors, by the addition of an acid salt, which has greatly multiplied their particles, and produced the insoluble state in them. "The ailinities of color, for such fabrics as it is. customary to dye, are greatest for animal substances ; next for vegeto- animal, and, last, for vegetable matters, or, in order, wool, silk, and cotton. In consequence of these degrees of attrac- tion which exist between cohn*, and the substances to be colored, there is found to be a difterence in the ease with which they can be imbued with color, in proportion to their respective atiinitics ; and, on this inequality in the attractive forces, originates the necessity of employing different methods and processes for combining the same color with wool, silk, or cotton, in the operation of dyeing them." From these observations we come to the following conclu- sions : — Fir.sf. That if a metallic or earthy salt is mixed with coloring matter in solution, a precipitate which is more or less soluble is formed. This precipitate is called color. Second. This precipitate is composed of the oxide of the metal or earthy salt employed and the coloring matter, and a great excess of acid, or of coloring matter, \\\\\ re-dis- solve a part, and sometimes all of the precipitate which was first formed. Thivd. The mixed solution, after the color is precipitated, contains the acid of such salts as were employed to pre- cipitate the coloring matter, and, in some cases, retains a small amount of the coloring matter with it ; but if the color- ing matter should be in union with an alkali (prussiate (^f potash for instance), in this case, the supernatant li(|U()r con- tains an alkaline salt, composed of the acid of the metallic or earthy salt and the alkali that was in conjunction with the 5 34: THE AMERICAN DYER. coloring matter. Here ca double decomposition has been effected, and the solution is colorless. Fourth. Color may be considered, in relation to dyeing, as of three kinds : the insoluble, the partly soluble, and the very soluble, or liquid. Fifth. The insoluble will only unite to a fabric by virtue of the affinities which its component parts have, when sepa- rate, for the fabric and for each other. It is the most perma- nent kind of color. Sixth. The partly soluble more readily enters into com- bination with the subjects of dyeing in the aggregate state ; its sparing solu])ility aiding it to fix itself on the material to be dyed. It is less permanent than the insoluble kind. Seventh. The very soluble, or liquid color, may be con- sidered as only a modification of the other kinds, rendered more soluble by the agency of an alkaline or acid menstruum, which, in acting as a medium of solubility, exercises so great an action upon it, as frequently to change its nature and destroy its durability. It very easily fixes itself upon a fabric, and is very fugitive. Eighth. Color has a natural tendency to combine with animal and vegetable fibre, either in its aggregate state, or by its component parts, separately, being capable of uniting with them ; and the effect or result produced by these affini- ties is termed dyeing. Ninth. The affinities of color, or its separate constituents, for animal, vegetable, or vegeto-animal substances to be col- ored, are the greatest for wool ; next, for silk and furs ; then, for cotton and linen. AYoolen and linen are placed at the extreme of the scale, and silk, which is partly vegetable and partly animal matter, occupies a medium situation between the two. Therefore, by combining the methods, &c., for coloring wool and linen, and taking the mean result as the determinate manner of dyeing the vegeto-animal matters in general, it ought to give us those processes, &c., which will answer best for silk. Experiment confirms this observation. THE AMERICxSJN^ DYEE. 35 Tenth. The brillianc}', brightness, or beauty of color, depends upon the purity of its component substances. Eleventh. The intensity or vivacity of color, consists in the fineness and number of the particles or points projecting the color, or upon the amount of surfaces reflecting the light. Twelfth. The permanence of color is in proportion to its approximation to the solid state, or its disposition to form an ins(iluble compound. "The insoluble colors are perfectly fast; the partly soluble ones are moderately so ; the colors which dissolve to an un- limited extent are very fugitive. But the amount of perma- nency can be increased in a color possessing little solubility, by the addition of a definite amount of tartar." It has been shown in the beginning of the above extract, that if ,a metallic or earthy salt were poured into a solution of coloring matter, it will immediately precipitate the col- oring matter, that precipitate being called color, &c. This precipitate will again become soluble in the scjution from which it was formed, by boiling the solution, and it will com- bine with the wool or fabric while in a state of solubility, and after the wool has been brought to the .particular depth of color desired, should we continue the boiling, the color is seen to grow poorer, or, we may say, the color boils off. The cause of this phenomenon is, the coloring matter is in excess of the mordant, which causes a reaction to take place ; the coloring- matter has begun to re-dissolve the precipitate that was formed and had fixed itself upon the wool or fabric. To remedy this we have to give it more mordant by saddening wnth such metallic or earthy salts as the particular color or shade requires. This boiling off of the color is very noticeable in coloring scarlet, but more especially in coloring black on cotton, when, after the color is brought up rich and full (if the coloring matter in the dyeing bath is in excess of the mordant upon the cotton to take up all the coloring matter), it will begin to grow paler or more slaty colored, the longer 36 THE AMERICAX DYER. you leave it in the coloring solution, and finally it will come down to a slate color instead of being a black. This proves that when the coloring matter is in excess, it has the propert}'' of dissolving its own insoluble precipitate. This also shows or points out the necessity of the dyer exer- cising a great amount of care and judgment in proportioning the mordants and dyestuffs in relative quantities, in order that they may saturate each other without having either of them in the bath as a useless superfluity, but if either of thqm is allowed to exceed the other, let it be the mordant. But to obviate this boiling off, as it is termed, whenever the wool, cotton, or fabric has been brought up to the desired shade, draw off the tub or kettle, or else take out the yarn or cloth for fear of the color changing by too long au exposure to the action of the colorins: solution. REMARKS ON COTTON-DYEING. Cotton is colored in the raw state, in yarn and in the woven fabric, but more generall\' in the 3'arn. All dyers are aware that it is more difficult to fix colors upon cotton per- manently than it is either upon silk or wool, as it requires stronger and different mordants for cotton than for wool. In coloring cotton in the raw state, w^e abridge the follow- ing remarks upon the subject from Gibson's System and Science of Colors: "In dyeing raw cotton, we seem to be performing an operation contrary to its nature, for it has au obstinate aversion to imbibe the liquid color, or even the mor- dant which is intended to combine with the coloring matter, and when by excessive boiling the cotton has been forced to absorb a certain quantity of the liquid, it will retain it with such tenacity'' that no common draining will clear it from watery solution of the mordant sufficiently to enable it to receive the full benefit of coloring solutions. Its very feeble THE AMERICAN DYER. 37 affinity for coloring matters is another difficulty that the dyers have to contend with, and colors in most cases seem to com- bine with it only through the intervention of a third substance." This third substance we will term tannin, or impregnating the cotton with some astringent substance before applying the mordant; this astringent substance we obtain from sumac, nutgalls, or cutch ; and for yaru-dyeing, divi divi is used. It api)ears that cotton has a very strong attraction for the materials named above ; therefore, we see the propriety of first giving the cotton the tannin operation before we apply the mordant, previously to immersing it in the coloring solu- tion, especially for dark colors and all other colors that will bear such a foundation." " The operation of giving the cotton the tannin preparation before the mordant is applied, is not so much a dyeing opera- tion as it is a preparatory step to the succeeding processes of fixinji" the color in the fibre of the cotton. It is not in this sense a dye or color, but only the agent or medium whereby a union is more easily elfected between the cotton to be colored and the coloring matter to be used. "The process of tanning hides and the sumacing of cotton are so similar or identical that the sumacing of the cotton is not inaptly called the tannin process, to distinguish from those operations which produce the color." " When cotton has been subjected to an}' process prepara- tory to receiving the coloring matter, whether that process, consisted in sumacing or mordanting, or even to partially color it, we have observed that it was very difficult to drain out the superfluous liquor, and that this liquor of the first process being carried in the raw cotton into that of a dillerent kind in the second process, either partially destroyed the latter solution or would prevent it from having its full elfect." Therefore, we should use the extractor to take out all liquor possible from the cotton before we immerse it in the next solution. In cotton-yarn dyeing, this can be done sufficiently by luringing the yaru thoroughly. 38 THE AMEEICAX DYER. "The coloring of wool and the coloring of cotton differ greatly, for the result of dyeing is very different upon the two materials, that of cotton being a mechanical fixation of color iij)on the fibre of the cotton; but the coloring of wool is a cltemical combination of the color witJtin the fibres of the two?." "The inferiority in point of permanency of colors on cot- ton to those on wool is the great object of the dy^r to over- come, and can only be done by first bringing the cotton into such a state for receiving and retaining color, which he can do by exposing it to the tannin process, or by animalizing it. Secondly, then, in a fresh bath or solution, submitting the cotton to the mordant process, which is a solution of metallic or earthy salts. Then, finally, subjecting it to the dyeing process in another solution, composed of such coloring matters as that particular color will require, taking care through all these processes to keep them isolated, so that no portion of one solution shall be carried into the succeeding one ; and this can be done by extracting the cotton between each process or operation." REMARKS ON COTTON-YARX DYEING. Blue is colored upon cotton-yarn by first passing it through a nitrate of iron solution, and afterwards worked through a solution of yellow prussiate of potash, acidulated with either muriatic or sulphuric acid. The yarn should be washed off after it comes out of the iron solution before it is put into the prussiate solution, in order to free it from the superfluous acid and iron ; the yarn is then passed through the prussiate solution for fifteen or twenty minutes. Considerable care must be taken in adding the acid to the prussiate solution, or else the color is very liable to change, becoming gray after it is dried. The best method, and most proper one, is first to THE AMEIUCAX DYEK. 39 tlissolvc the pru.ssiate in hot Wiiter, then to add it to the tub of cold water in which you intend to coh)r ; then add sufficient i5ul[)hniic acid to the solution to have it perceptil)le to the taste. The above method is for eight shades of blue ; but for deep shades the yarn is passed through a strong nitrate of iron solution, then from the iron-tub through a potash lye solution (which will fix the iron oxide upon the yarn), then pass it through the prussiate-tui). But a still darker and better blue may be obtained by adding to the nitrate of iron solution some tin crystals. Pass the yarn through this solution, then enter it immediately into the prussiate solution, to which has been added some muriatic acid. You must pass the yarn from the iron solution, without washing, into the prussiate solution. This method gives a full, deep, rich blue, and is the most generally used of any. The muriatic acid gives a purple bloom to the color, which sulphuric acid docs not. (See recipes for blue on cotton-yarn.) Nankeen color is produced by merely passing the yarn through a nitrate of iron solution. This is the easiest color made upon cotton, and at the same time it is very permanent. If the yarn is passed through a weak soap solution after it is taken from the iron-tub, it gives a clearness to the shade ; besides, it will soften the yarn ; but the yarn must be washed from the iron-bath before it is put inio the soap solution. Purples, reds, clarets, and such shades are produced by tirst steeping the yarn in sumac, then passing it through the spirit-tub (plumb-tub), then through logwood, with a little spirits. The spirits for these shades vary, and are n)ade diirerently. The manner of making them can be found in another part of this work. (See Mordants. for Cotton.) In using barwood for any of the al)ove shades, it being so slightly soluble in- water, it should be thrown lo(Jse into the dye-tui), and after being boiled, the yarn is put into the solu- tion ; the yarn, having tirst been sumacked, and then passed through the spirit-tub, will combine with and take up all the 40 THE AMERICAN DYER. dissolved color ; the water becoming exhausted of color will now dissolve more of the color from the barwood, which will be again taken up by the yarn, and so on until the tin which is upon the yarn becomes saturated with the color. The color is then at its richest and bri<>htest hue. A fjreat deal of experience and attention is required of the dyer to l)e able to decide the exact time to take the yarn out of the barwood solution, otherwise he may have a brownish red by leaving it in too long, or have a poor color by taking it out too soon. The yarn must be thoroughly washed after coming out of the spirit-tub, before putting it into the barwood solution, for if there were any loose tin-liquor upon the yarn, the dye wood being in the tub, loose, will take up this loose mordant and will become more or less colored, and thus retain a portion of the coloring matter which should go upon the yarn. For this reason the yarn must be washed from the spirits. Inat- tention to this is the greatest cause of the colors not being of the same shade ; even with the best of care and attention the wood-grounds will con>e out of the bath richly colored. Purpurine and alizarine are now largely used for coloring reds upon cotton-yarn, as well as for printing red upon cotton-cloth. Yellow was formerly colored on cotton-yarn by acetate of alumina and quercitron bark, or fustic, which is a fast color on cotton when colored by these substances. In connection with this method of coloring yellow, some very interesting facts were obtained from Mr. Thom by Parnell, who gives them in his Applied Chemistry, from which we abridge the following: "Alumina has a stronger attraction for the color- ing matter of madder than for that of logwood, and a stronger attraction for that of logwood than for that of quer- citron bark. When a skein of cotton-yarn impregnated with acetate of alumina is immersed into a decoction of quercitron it receives a fast yellow color. If this yarn is washed for some time and kept in a hot decoction of logwood, the alumina parts with the coloring principle of quercitron to combine THE AMERICAN DYEK. 41 \Ylth that of the logwood, aiul the color of the y.iiii is cliMngcd from yellow to purple. Now, if it is next inmiersed i\)V i\ few hours in a hot decoction of madder, the ahunina parts with the coloring principle of the logwootl to unite with that of madder, the color changing from purple to red. The amount of the alumina upon the yarn does not appear to diminish while these substitutions are taking place." Th^kSame law is applicable if we use for a mordant the tin solutions instead of the acetate of alumina ; the result is the same in the change of the fiist named above, for if a quantity of yarn Avere colored yellow by tin spirits and bark and then put in a hot solution of logwood, a certain amount of the yellow is displaced by the coloring principle of the logwood. Cotton-yarn is colored yellow with acetate of lead and chrome when permanency is not absolutely necessary. The chrome yellows, so called, have superseded the vege- table colored yellows upon cotton-yarn and cloth. The chromate of lead is not only used for yellows, but also for ofreens and oranijes. To color a yellow with the chromate of lead, the yarn is first passed through a solution of either the nitrate or acetate of lead ; it is then wrung out well and passed through a solu- tion of chrome ; the chromate of lead is thus formed within the fibre of the cotton. The yarn is passed first through the lead solution, and then through the chrome for a number of times, if dark and deep shades are desired. There are other shades of yellow obtained by adding muriatic acid to the chrome solution. Yellows produced in this manner are called acid yellows. Green, on cotton-yarn or cloth, is colored In' a number of methods. When quercitron bark is used, the yarn is first steeped in sumac, then passed through the spirits, then washed off from the spirits and worked in a decoction of quer- citron bark, to which has been added a quantity of muriate of tin (spirits) to raise the color. If the yarn is washed from this, and then passed through a solution of logwood und 6 42 THE AMERICAN DYEK. Brazil-wood, we obtain a hrowii. The chrome-frrceiis are produced in the same manner as the chrome-yellows are, being first colored bine by the copperas-vat. In this method the nitrate of lead (Pb O, NO^) should not be used, as its free acid would destroy' the indigo and redden the hue ; there- fore the acetate of lead (Pi) O, CJIgOg) only should be used. The greatest care is requisite in coloring greens by this process, so as to avoid unevenncss ; the yarn showld be well wrung out from each solution, and washed as soon as possible from the chrome solution;. In coloring green with iodine-green, or what is termed the Qnethyl-gveen, the yarn or cloth is first steeped in sumac for a few hours, then rinsed off and wrung out; it is then colored with meth^'l-green crystals, the marks of which run from B to jjj E, according to the shades produced, the heat for dyeing being 120° Fahr. Some dyers add a small'amount of acetic acid (C^IIaOy) towards the last end of the operation, to brighten np the shade. Another method is to pass the yarn first through the copperas-vat to give it the blue, then jiass it through a weak solution of pyrolignite of alumina (Al.jOg 2 C4H.O3+4 HO) ; it is next wrought in a hot decoction of fustic, which gives the yarn a rich, beautiful shade of green. Muslins and gauzes are occasionally colored green with fustic, but the goods go through the same preparations as when col- oring with quercitron bark. The next method is by chemic, or sulphate of indigo proc- ess. The yarn is first boiled, and then washed and put through a diluted solution of acetate of alumina, and washed from this in hot water. It is then worked through a clecoc- tion of quercitron bark, or flavine, and when the yarn has acquired sufficient yellow color for the shade of green wanted, it is then passed through a quantity of chemic, added to cold water. It is wrung out from the chemic solution, and dried. The chemic for this purpose must be neutralized with soda ; if not, the free sulphuric acid in the chemic would destroy the 3'ellow, and spoil the looks of the green color. THE AMERICAN DYER. 43 Some livers first color the yarn a Prussian blue ; then finish ofl" with fustic or quercitron bark. Bhick : There are numerous methods for producing a black upon cotton yarn. (See recipes for blacks.) Browns are now mostly produced by catechu and chrome, by first passing the yarn through a solution of catechu or cutch ; then through a chrome solution. In coloring browns with catechu, the threads of the yarn are apt to adhere together when the yarn is dried. This is owing to the gummy nature of the catechu ; but l*y adding some blue vitriol to the catechu solution, this ol)jection can be avoided. The reason of this chemical change in the nature of catechu, is that the blue vitriol oxidizes a portion of the catechu, and although the gum in the catechu is insoluble in water, it becomes solu- ble in deoxidized catechu. Therefore, all of it is held in solution in the bath. This, however, does not account for all the })hen()mena occurring during the coloring of browns with catechu ; for if we should take two portions of a solution of catechu, and to one portion of it add blue vitriol (Cu OSO3 or Cu SO 4-|-5 H 2 O), and to the other portion add a salt of zinc ; for instance, sulphate of zinc (Zn OSO3 or Zn SO 4-J-7 HoO), and then pass a skein of yarn through each; then pass these through a solution of lime, and expose them to the air, we will find that the skein Avhich was passed through the zinc will be a dark brown, whilst that passed through the blue vitriol will be more of a cinnamon-brown color ; but this would naturally cause us to expect the opposite result, as we know that copper (blue vitriol) gives up its oxygen more easily than zinc does. When yarn is first passed through a solution of catechu, and then jiassed through a chrome solution, we obtain a deep brown. The oxidation of the catechu takes place at the expense of the chromic acid (Cr O3.) Whether the oxide of chromium (Cr203) acts as a base on any part of the dye, is not positively known ; yet, if we should burn a piece of the yarn colored brown by this process, we 44 THE AMERICAN DYER. will find ill the asli both the chrome ami copper oxides, prov- ing that both the blue vitriol and chrome which are used, act a part in forming the color, and also that the color obtained by this method is something more than the mere oxidation of the catechu. Browns are sometimes produced by first steeping the yarn in sumac, then passing it through a solution of tin crystals, or through the s[)irit-tub; then again work through a decoction of bark, to which has been added a certain amount of spirits. The yarn is washed fiom this, and then finished in a solution of hypernic and logwood. The proportions of these woods vary according to the shade of brown desired. The aniline browns are produced by first sumacing the cot- ton, and then spiriting as described for the other colors, and thoroughly rinsing off in cold water containing a very little aqua ammonia (NHo+IIO), in order to neutralize every trace of the acid contained in the spirits. The cotton is dyed at 120° Fahr., with the aniline brown powder. Orange color on cotton is produced by diflerent methods, the most general method now adopted being the chrome- orange, and which is obtained by fixing upon the goods the sub-chromate of lead, as in the coloring of chrome-yellows, and then passing the yarn through a hot lime solution, which will combine with the chromic acid, forming a deep orange color. This passing the yarn through the hot lime solution is called or teinicd the raising of the orange, and is a very try- ing and difficult operation ; for if the lead solution has not been properly made, or not completely fixed upon the yarn, when we come to pass it through the hot lime, the yellow will be stripped from the yarn ; and should the lime solution be much below the boiling point, the color would be discharged. Care must be taken to keep the lime solution at the sjjviiig of the boil, as the higher the temperature of the solution, the less lime is held in solution, thereby avoiding the risk of a failure. If an orange is once uneven, it is a very difficult matter to get it even aijain. THE AMERICAX DYER. 45 In preparing the lend solution, groat care is necessary to have the pro[)ortions of lead and litharge so that they will combine ; the tribasic acetate of lead should be used for this purpose, which is a combination of three parts of lead, and one part of acetic acid ; this being the best combination for producing oranges and deep yellows. Some dyers use a small quantity of lime, which causes a loss, as the lime com- bines with the acetic acid in the lead, and forms an acetate of lime (Ca O CJI3O.), which would prevent a portion of the litharge from dissolving. Should the lead, litharge, and lime not be boiled long enough, the lime would convert the acetate of lead into the tribasic state (which is what we wish to do) ; but, it will be observed, that this is at the expense of the lead, which we are intending to use for the production of the color. The proportions of acetate of lead and litharo^e vary, some dyers using equal parts ; the proportions which we believe to be correct are, six parts of crystallized acetate of lead (Pb O, CJIA+3 HO), eight parts of litharge (Pb O), and thirty parts of water, these to be boiled until all the litharge is dissolved. In coloring with lead solutions in water that contains sulphate or carbonate of lime, the lead will be precipitated ; the lead is also lost, it being rendered insoluble and useless as a dye, as every ounce of carbonate of lime will render useless a little more than five ounces of lead. When the basic acetate of lead (Pb C4ILO0, brown sugar of lead) is used, the proportions are twenty-five parts of lead to fifteen of litharge. The acetate and the litharge are put into a boiler half full of water, it is then boiled until all the litharge is dissolved, then there is one pound of lime added to it and allowed to settle ; the clear liquor is put into another tub; seven pounds of chrome are dissolved in a tub or vessel by itself, for coloring; two other tubs, large enough to hold the amount of yarn that is to be colored, are filled with water ; to one is added some of the lead solution, to the other some lime-water ; the yarn is then worked in the lead- tub and wrung out ; then passed through the lime-water, and 46 THE AMERICAN DYER. wrung out ; then more of the lead sohition is added to the lead-tub, and the 3'arn is again passed through it ; then add more lime-water to the lime-tub, and pass it through that, wringing the yarn out at each immersion ; it is then passed through the chrome solution, then through hot lime-water. (See recipe for fast orange on cotton-yarn.) CALICO - PRINTING. . This very important branch of industry (we might say of the dyer's art) , alms at producing colored patterns upon calico, linen, and silk tissues. Calico-printing is the most important part of the dyer's art, as it is based upon the same principles as that of dyeing, but is, in the practical execution of it, far more difficult ; partly, because the colors have to be applied to certain portions only of the fabric, while others either have to remain colorless or are discharged ; partly also because it is frequently the case that many colors have to be applied close to each other. The colors employed in calico-printing are of two ditl'erent kinds, the first being such colors as are directly applied to the cloth by the aid of copper-cylinders, upon which the designs or patterns to be produced on the cloth are engraved. To the colors thus applied, belong such as the ochres, Ber- lin blues, madder-lake, indigo, cochineal, and nearly all of the tar colors. The second kind of colors are such as are produced by immersing the cloth printed with the various mordants in dye-baths, such as madder, cochineal, logwood, sumac, and cutch ; the yellow-coloring dyewoods, &c., belong to this kind. The various methods of printing are chiefly the followinjj : — First. From the thickened and mordanted colors. Second. The thickened mordant only is applied, by means of the engraved copper cylinders, to the cloth, which, THE AMERICAN DYER. 47 after the mordant has hcen thoronghl}- fixetl, is passed throijo'h the d^X'-beck. Third. The entire piece of cloth is either mordanted, or a color is printed, while to such portions of the cloth as are to remain white or are intended to be afterwards of another color or colors, or pattern, a resist is put on, sometimes printed from the cylinders, the result being that on the portions of cloth thus protected with any of the various resists, the color will not become iixed. FourlJi. Colors may be, and in practice are, largely pro- duced 1)}' tirst coloring the mordanted cloth with one kind of color, and then removing this color in certain pcjrtions of the cloth by chemicals which will destroy the color, these chemicals being technicalhj caUecl discharges. In order to tix certain colors upon cotton-cloth, they have to be steamed ; such colors are termed steam-colors ; while such substances as ultramarine, Guignet green, and the lakes of madder, which are applied mechanically by the assistance of albumen, caseine, and gluten, which require the aid of steam for their lixation, are termed, technically, surface- printed colors. The mordants used in calico-printing are mostly such salts as are, comparatively speaking, loose combinations of acid and base, so that the base can easily unite with the tibre ; and among the mordants mostly used, iron and acetate of alumina (AI^,OyC4lIy03) occupy the first position, while a solution of aluminate of soda or alum is more rarely used. Acetate of lead (Pb C^ILC^) is the mordant for producing chromate of lead (Pb Cr O^), The various combinations of tin are also used as mordants. A mixture of caseine (curd of milk) and lime is sometimes used as a mordant in calico-printing, and is known in England by the technical name of Jactarine. Caseine is prepared from the curd of milk ; it is dissolved m Aveak caustic ammonia, and the solution thus ol)tained is mixed with freshly prepared milk of lime (lime-water). When this substance is used for a mordant, the cloth is steeped 48 THE AMERICAX DYEH. in it previous to being colored. The cloth is dried iifler beino; taken out of the caseine-lime bath. The drvini; causes the caseinc to remain in an insoluble state in the tibre of the cloth, and will resist washing with soap and alkaline fluids. "When the doth is dried from this mordant it has a peculiar stitTness, so that although its atiinity for coloring substances has become nearly equal to that of wool, it is far behind wool, owing to its lack of lustre ; but to avoid this stillness, this mordant is mixed with Gallipoli oil previous to steeping the cloth in it. Tannic acid, albumen, dried white of eggs re-dissolved in water, and vegetal )le gluten are used as mor- dants in calico-printing. In using caseine and lime for a mordant, we are not limited merely to the mineral colors ; for by its use the various vegetable colors can be tixed upon the cloths by tirst converting the vefjetable colorins; matter into lakes by means of alumina or the salts of tin, and then using these lakes in the same manner as powdered mineral colors. "When cloth is mordanted with the caseine and lime process, and printed with the mineral colors, very full colors are obtained, w'hich in many patterns would not be desirable. This objection is remedied (when we wish to bring out the shades and half-colors in the full-colored impressions) by placing the printed cloth upon an absorbing ground, with the colored or face side of the cloth upon this absorbing ground, and then pressing the forms on the back of the cloth ; this will deprive the cloth of some of its color, and by this process numerous patterns can be produced. Thickenings : In order to give the colors or mordants used in printing, either b}' block or cylinders, the proper consist- ency, there is mixed in them what are called thickenings, which consist of such substances as Senegal gum, tragacanth, leicome, British gum, dextrine, salep, flour, gluten, pipe- clay with gum, glue and size, sulphate of lead, sugar, molas- ses, glycerine, starch, and sometimes chloride and nitrate of zinc (Zm CI — Zn OXO-). The colors and mordants depend for their purity upou the quality of the thickenings. British THE AMERICAN DYER. 49 gum made from starch is most geneniUy used. In the selec- tion of thickenings we should keep in mind that those mor- dants that are very acid in their nature cannot be mixed with starch, because the starch will lose its consistency when mixed with a substance that is very acid ; and again, such metallic preparations as basic or sub-acetate of lead, the solutions of tin, and nitrate of copper and of iron will coagu- late gum ; for which reason it should not be used as a thicken- ing for the above substances. In calico-printing Ihere are used compositions called resists or reserves, which, when printed upon the cloth, prevent any of the colors from fixing themselves to that part or portion of the cloth which has this resist composition printed upon it ; the result being that those parts or portions will be left white. Most generally the resist is used with the view of preventing the fixation of indigo to certain parts of the cloth, so that it shall remain white where these resists are applied. The same results are obtained by discharges, which we shall notice hereafter. The resists are made up from pasty substances, such as pipe-clay, fat, oil, and sulphate of lead (Pb SOy) ; to these are added such substances as will readily yield oxygen ; for instance, sulphate, nitrate, and acetate of copper, a mixture of red prussiate of potash and caustic soda solution. There are cases where resists are composed so that they act as a mordant (alumina or iron mordants) for other colors, the parts of the cloth on which the resist is printed and left white being colored by passing the cloth through the dye-tub or dye-beck which contains another dyestutf in solution, which may be madder, quercitron bark, or some other dye- wood. The so-called ivhiie resist, for cylinder printing, consists of acetate or sulphate of copper, or acetate of lead, thickened with gum or dextrine solution. After this compo- sition has been printed on the cloth by the cylinders, the pieces are run through the indigo-vat until the depth of color desired is obtained. They are then passed through an acidu- 7 50 THE AMERICAN DYER. lated bath until the parts on which the resist was printed have turned white. The rationale of this process is the fol- lowing : "As soon as the reduced or white indigo in the vat comes in contact with the oxide of copper (Cu O) it is con- verted, at the expense of the oxygen of the oxide, into blue indigo, which is precipitated in an insoluble state on the resist. By the treatment with dilute sulphuric acid, the hydrated sub-oxide (red oxide) of copper is dissolved, and with it the indiijo washed out." Instead of the salts of copper, white resists are used, and these are composed of bichloride of mercury (Hg CI5) and sulphate of zinc (Zn OSOy). The mercury acts in a similar manner to the salts of copper, and the copper enters into an insoluble combination with the reduced (white) indigo, which is precipitated wherever the resist has been applied. Discharges : These substances are for the purpose of pro- ducing, by chemical means, white designs or patterns upon colored grounds; or, in other words, upon colored cloth. This is done by destroying or discharging the color which had been previously dyed upon the whole surface of the cloth, or by dissolving a previously applied mordant. To discharge the applied mordant, certain acids are made use of, such as phosphoric, arsenic, oxalic, lactic, &c. These are made to combine with the base contained in the mordant; but for the purpose of discharging the previously applied color, such substances as bleaching-powder, chromic acid, a mixture of red prussiate of potash and caustic lye, permanganate of pot- ash (KG, Mn^Oj), a paste composed of bromine (Br) mixed with water and pipe-clay, nitric acid, &c., are used. All these agents have an oxidizing effect, but tin crystals (Sn CI) and copperas (sulphate of iron) which are also used for dis- charges, act as a discharge by absorbing oxygen. Among the acid discharges, tartaric acid (CiH^O^) is generally used for this purpose, and alumina and oxide of iron employed as mordants ; sometimes this acid is mixed with bisulphate of soda (NallSO^). THE AMEllICAX DYEK. 51 A piece of cloth that is colored either red or blue, to ■svhich is, in certain parts, applied a mixture of tartaric acid and pipe-clay and gum (the latter as a thickening to give consistency), will be almost instantly bleached if the cloth so prepared should be passed through a solution of bleaching- powders. Reducing Agents as Discharges, Protochloride of tin (Sn CI = tin crystals) is the most important of all the reduciug agents which are applied to goods colored with the oxide of iron. If tin crystals are placed in contact with oxide of iron, the result would be the formation of readily soluble protochloride, which is easily removed by simply washing, while, at the same time, there is deposited upon the fibres of the cloth proto-peroxide of tin. Oxidizing Agents as Discharges. The discharging of the indigo-blue from the calico is owing to the formation of isatine (CielljoN^Oji) from the indigo-hlue (CigHiyNoOo), the isatine being soluble and the indigo-hlue being insoluble in water, so that the soluble substance can be taken out by washing. Indigo is also discharged from the cloth by chromic acid (Cr Og) which is used as bichromate of potash (K, Cr2 O7), the acid being reduced while giving ofi" oxygen to the chromic oxide (Cr, O3). Calico may be printed by the three following methods : — First. Dyeing in the dye-beck (so called). Second. By block or cylinder printing (topical color- printing). Third. By resist or discharge printing. In the process employed in coloring in the dye-beck (madder style, so called), the thickened mordant having a faint coloring matter added to it for the purpose of recogni- tion (we must bear in mind that the mordants are nearly colorless), the pattern produced on the white cloth is im- printed by the means of cither blocks or cylinders, upon 52 THE AMERICAN DYER. which the desired pattern is engraved. Cylinders are now generally used for printing calico, they being made of copper, on which the pattern is engraved. These cylinders are revolved by the aid of machinery. There is also a wooden cylinder connected, which is covered with cloth or felt, which dips into the vessel that contains the mordant, the copper cylinder being fed with the mordant from this wooden roller or cylinder. Connected with the copper cylinder is a kind of blunt knife, technically called the doctor, which scrapes off all the superfluous color from that part of the cylinder on which there is no engraved portion of the design or pattern. Before the mordanted cloth is colored it has to be kept for some time, so that the iron and alumina mordants will com- bine more intimately with the fibre of the cloth (technically termed ageing). After this ageing process, the cloth has to undergo a cleansing operation before it is entered into the dye-beck ; that is to say, the mordant has become dry, by theaffeinof it has had, so that the thickenins: and faint colorino: matter, together with any loose mordant that may be uncom- bined with the fibre, must be removed by the cleansing opera- tion. For those goods which are intended to be madder-dyed, the cow-dung bath is required. Usually some chalk is added, to saturate the acetic acid or the mordant. All calico-print- ers agree that the cow-dung bath is requisite, yet the rationale of the action of the cow-dung bath has not yet been fully explained. Mercer substituted certain phosphates and arsenates for the cow-dung, and obtained good results, and he proposes the use of phosphate of soda (2 Na O. PO) and phosphate of lime (3 Ca O. PO). In England, cow-dung is rarely used now, as it has been superseded by silicate of soda. After the cloths have been cleansed with cow-dung, or its sub- stitutes, they are washed, and then they are colored. It is clearly seen that where there are different mordants printed upon the cloth, a number of colors can be brought out upon the same piece and with the same dyestuff. For instance, all THE AMERICi^:N" DYEK. 53 sbados of pink and red, black, brown, violet, and lilac, can be produced with madder, if alumina and iron mordants and mixtures of these have been used as mordants, for the color will only fix itself upon that portion of the cloth where the mordant has been applied, so that by washing the cloth, after it comes out of the dye-beck, with "bran and soap, the superflu- ous color can be removed. This washing operation is termed clearing. In some cases, the madder-colored cloths are cleared with solutions of bleaching-powder. Some dyes, in order to bring out their most brilliant tints, have to be cleared by other means than that named above. For instance, the Turkey-rede, after coming from the finishing or dyeing bath, are submitted to a boiling, under pressure^ with soapsuds and muriate of tin or tin crystals. Topical or Surface Colors. This consists of applying the mordants and the thickened color to the cloth at the same time, or in other words, simul- taneously, the colors and pigments being termed topical or surface colors, and is known as topical or surface printing. There are two varieties of surface colors known ; one of them is in the state of a solution when it is printed upon the cloth, which becomes gradually fixed and insoluble on the fibre itself. The other variety is applied in the insoluble state with plastic substances and the thickening, these aiding or assisting the colors to adhere to the fibre, so that a simple washing does not remove them ; ultramarine is applied by this process. This manner of printing requires the aid of steam to fix as well as to clear the colors, and they are called steam colors. This method of printing is now very exten- sively adopted. After the goods are printed in this manner, they are dried and then hung up in a room fitted for this pur- pose, and exposed to the action of steam at 100° Fahr., or more. The length of time the goods are thus exposed depends upon several conditions, and varies in difi*erent print-works, each color-mixer or printer having his own par- 54 THE AMEKICAX DYER. ticular time, but the time is generally from twenty to fifty miuutes. Discharge Style of Printing. The term discharge is given to any composition that has the properties of bleaching or discharging the color which has been put upon the cloth or fabric. As a general rule, discharge is applied to goods of one color, such as indigo and Turkey-red colored fabrics, upon which it is required to have white patterns ; and sometimes, upon a portion of these white patterns, other colors are produced. The sul)stances used for the discharge vary with the color which was on the cloth, as well as with the color intended to be produced after- wards on the white portion ; and the discharge is made or prepared in such a manner that it must not injure the fibre of the cloth. Such materials as oxalic, tartaric, citric, diluted muriatic, and sulphuric acids, bisulphate of potash, nitrate of lead, solutions of bleaching-powder, weak chlorine water, and the bichloride of tin are used ; these being thickened with suit- able materials, some of them are so manipulated as to serve as mordants for some of the colors to be applied after the discharge; for instance, for j^ellow, nitrate of lead, with .tartaric acid, starch and water; for black, nitrate of iron, added to a decoction of logwood ; for Berlin blue, tin-crystals, farina, and water are used. These discharges having been printed on the cloth, it is then put into a solution of chloride of lime, and passed through it, the color which was on it, when the discharge is printed, is destroyed, and, in its place, the color desired is produced according to the design. Chromic acid, or a solu- tion of bichromate of potash acidulated, is often used as a discharge ; the oxide of chromium (Cr^O^) produced will yield a brown color. Aniline Printing: As regards' the application of aniline colors to printing, we think th:it they may be termed steam THE AMERICAX DYER. 55 colors. The printing and fixing of these colors is clTected by the tbl lowing methods. First. "The thickened mordant is printed on, and next fixed either by drying, or by ageing and steaming after dry- ing, the cloth being dyed in a solution of the aniline (red, violet, blue), the color becoming fixed to the mordanted por- tions only of the cloth." /Second. " The thickened mordant is mixed with the ani- line dye, and then printed on the cloth, and the fixing effected by steaming." "The mordants used in this method are: dried albumen, blood albumen, the latter being bleached by the action of ozone obtained by means of oil of turpentine, vegetable gluten in various forms." Instead of gluten, caseine can be used, dissolved in caustic lye, or in acetic acid. Kuhl- mann and Lightfoot recommend tannate of glue. AVhen gluten is used as a mordant, it is first moistened, and then allowed to remain until it becomes sour. It is then purified, first treating it with carbonate of soda (Na O.CO._,), which renders the gluten insoluble. It is then washed, and again re-dissolved in caustic soda lye. This solution is diluted with water, and then printed upon the cloth, which is then dried, aged, and steamed. After this the cloth is washed in water, and then colored in a solution of aniline. Sometimes gluten is mixed with the aniline dye, and then printed upon the cloth, after which it is steamed, then washed, and steamed again. "When caSeinc (lactarine is its technical name in England) is used as the mordant, it is first dissolved in caustic soda (Na O.HO), and after the cloth has been printed with this mixture, the aniline color is printed on. The method of aniline-printing, which was devised by Gratrix and Javal, consists in preparing an insoluble com- pound of tannic acid. (C^iH^gOyi-f-S IIO), and an aniline dye, which is thickened with Senegal gum, and then printed upon the cloth, which has been previously mordanted with tin-crys- tals, or some other suitable mordant ; or there is printed upon the cotton cloth a mordant composed of albumen, caseine, or o6 THE amekica:n^ dyer. gluten. The cloth is then dried and pa-sed through an acidu- lated solution of aniline. The first method given above (which is an aniline-tannin compound) is prepared by adding to the aniline solution as much decoction of galls (solution of tannin would be better) as is requisite to completely precipi- tate the aniline color. This precipitate is collected upon a filter, washed, and dissolved in acetic acid (C4H3O3), and when thickened with gum, the solution is used for printing. After the printing the goods are steamed, and washed either with or without soap. A red color requires a soap-wash. According to the second method, the cloth i& treated with a stannate of soda, after which a tannin-containing material is printed upon the cloth, which is then steamed, which fixes the mordant. The dyeing operation is done in a dye-beck, the same as is employed for madder colors. The beck is filled with water acidulated with acetic acid, and heated to about 50*^ Fahr. The cloth is put into this liquid, and the aniline, dissolved in acetic acid, is added to it gradually; and when the requisite amount of color is added, the bath is heated to the boiling point. Aniline black is obtained on cotton-yarn and cloth by the means of chlorate of potash (KCIO3), chloride of copper (Cu CI), ferricyanide of ammonium, or freshly precipitated sulphuret of copper. Naphthylamine violet is now obtained on cotton-cloth by very much the same process. The reader of this article, but more especially the calico- printer, or color-mixer, must bear in mind that the writer is not a practical caUco-2yr inter, and, theuefore, allowances must be made for the errors there may be in the theory advanced ; for w'e have compiled it from knowledge obtained by inter- course and conversation with men who have been pVactical calico-printers for most of their lives, and the author acknowl- edges his obligations to these gentlemen for the practical observations and theories communicated to him from time to time, which had not come under his own observation ; for THE AMERICAN . DYER. 57 without their assistance in this respect, he could not have given so correct or simple an explanation of calico-printing. The article has not been written by a Persoz, a Gratrix, or a Spirk, but by a cl3^er, and not by a calico-printer ; therefore, it must not be criticised as though it emanated from the brain or pen of a learned professor or practical chemist. The following mordants, preparations, and colors for calico- printing were translated and compiled by Dr. T. P. Shepard of Providence, R. I., who has kindly permitted me to insert them in this work. They were compiled for the use especially of the large calico-printing establishments in the vicinity of Providence, and they were found very useful, the recipes being modern and correct ones. We abridge from the preface to his work the following : — " Much that is valuable has been necessarily omitted to bring it within the compass of so small a book ; but it is believed that it contains nuich which will be useful to the managers of print-works. For it cannot be without interest to them to compare their own processes with those current abroad ; and with regard to what is familiar in any art, it is of some consequence to discover that nothing better is known elsewhere. In this art, however, many iniportant improve- ments have been made within a few years, the knowledge of which has not become widely diffused among American calico- printers, owing to the fact that they have been, for the most part, published in a foreign tongue." And to supply the American printers with this information was the object chiefly of Dr. Shepard in translating these recipes, and publishing them in book-form. He claims nothing more for it than its being a hand or text book for a practical printer, and makes no pretence to fill the place of 8 58 THE AMERICAN DYER. the great work of Persoz on calico-printing. We acknowledge onr obligations to him for the courtesy extended by allowing it to be embraced in this work. MORDANTS. 1. PyroUgnite of Alumina, at 11^ B. In \\ gallons of Boiling Water, dissolve 5 lbs. of Alum, 4 lbs. of Brown Sugar of Lead. Gives 16 lbs. of clear Mordant, at 11° B. 2. Acetate of Alumina, at 5° B, In 11 pints of Boiling Water, dissolve 4 lbs. 6 oz. of Alum, 5 lbs. 13 oz. of White Sugar of Lead. Gives 15^ lbs. clear Acetate, at 8° B. 3. Acetate of Alumina, at 15° B. 4 lbs. 10 oz. White Sugar of Lead, 5 lbs. 12 oz. Alum. Dissolve in 11 pints Water. Gives 15^ lbs. clear Solution, at 15° B. 4. Keutral Acetate of Alumina, at 10'° B. In 13 pints of Water, dissolve A\ lbs. Alum, (5 oz. Soda Crystals, and 3 lbs. 6 oz. White Sugar of Lead. Gives 17| lbs. clear Mordant, at 10° B. 5. Iron Liquor Decoction, for Blade, at 9° B. 7 lbs. 10 oz. of Iron Liquor, at 14° B., 14 lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, at 2° B., 6 oz. Arsenic, are boiled together for 15 minutes. THE AMEBIC AX DYEK. 59 6. Iron Liquor Decoction, at K'P B. \0\ quarts Iron Liquor, at 10^ B., 2 quarts Pyroligneous Acid, at 2^ B., 2| lbs. Arsenic, 23 lbs. Saltpetre, are boiled together for half an hour. 7 . Acetate of Protoxide of Iron . or Standard for fast Purple, at 10^ 'B. In 7 quarts of Boiling Water, dissolve 3 lbs. 9 oz. Copperas, and 3 lbs. 9 oz. White Sugar of Lead. Gives 15 lbs. clear Standard, at 10^ B. 8. Acetate of Protoxide of Iron, or Purple Standard, at 11° B. In 11 pint's of Boiling Water, dissolve 3 lbs. 14 oz. Copperas, and 2 lbs. 11 oz. White Sugar of Lead. When dissolved, add 3 lbs. 14 oz. Pyroligneous Acid, at 2^ B., Gives 17| lbs. Standard, at 11- B. 9. Xanl:een Standard, Xo. 1, 15'^ B. 5 lbs. 6 oz. Copperas, 4 lbs. 2 oz. White Sugar of Lead, dissolved in \\ gallons Boiling Water, Gives 15| lbs. clear Mordant, at 15^ B. 10. Xanl'een Standard, Xo. 2. Q\ lbs. Copperas, 3 lbs. 3 oz. Brown Sugar of Lead, \\ gallons Boiling Water. 60 THE AMERICAN DYER. 11. JVank-een Standard, No. 3, 25° B. In 19 ll)s. Nankeen Standard, No. 1, dissolve 2 lbs. 14 oz. Copperas. 12. Orange Standard, or Basic Acetate of Lead, 50° B. 11 pints of Water, 2| lbs. Litharge, and 4| lbs. White* Sugar of Lead, are boiled together to complete the solution, the water that has evaporated restored, and then 3 lbs. 7 oz. AVhite Sugar of Lead added and dis- solved. Gives 21 lbs. clear Orange Standard, at 50° B. 13. Orange Standard, or Basic Acetate of Lead, at 55° B. 5 quarts of Water, 5^ lbs. Sugar of Lead, ' 2 lbs. 10 oz. Litharge, are boiled together until com- plete solution is etfected. Then add water until the desired degree is attained. 14. Blue Standard for Steam Brown or Chocolate. 7 lbs. Yellow Prussiate of Potash, 10 oz. Chlorate Potash, dissolved in 5 quarts Water (warm) and boiled with 2 lbs. Oil Vitriol in 1 quart of water until the liquor gives no blue precipitate with a solution of per salt of Iron. 15. Gray Standard for Gray A. G. If lbs. ground Logwood stirred into 10 quarts of Boiling Water for 5 minutes, then passed through a fine sieve, Give 15^ lbs. clear liquor. THE AMERICAX DYER. 61 10 lbs. 2 oz. of this dear liquor are boiled for five minutes with a solution of I ounce of Bichromate of Potash in ^ pint of Water, and 1^ ounces of Muriatic Acid. 16. Sulphate of Chrome, at 35^ B. Prepared with Molasses, and therefore sometimes called Sugar-Mordant. 4 lbs. 6 oz. Bichromate Potash, dissolved in 11 pints of hot "Water; add gradually a mixture of 2| lbs. Oil Vitriol, and 3 pints of Water. Stir well and immediately add, in small portions at a time, 1 lb. 2 oz. of Molasses. PREPARATIONS. 17. Acetate of Chrome, \\ lbs. of Bichromate of Potash, dissolved in 2 lbs. Oil Vitriol, diluted with b\ quarts Water. To this solution add, in small portions at a time, I lb. Wheat Starch.* When the action is over and the liquid cool, add 5 lbs. 11 oz. White Sugar of Lead. Let settle, and use the clear liquid. 18. , Acetate of Indigo. 4 lbs. 11 oz. of Sulphate of Indigo, at 60° B., are decomposed with a solution of 4 lbs. 11 oz. Sugar of Lead in 9^ pints of Water. Stir well and mix in 6 oz. Quicklime, slacked with 1 pint of Water. Gives 10| lbs. clear solution, at 13° B., or 13^ lbs. clear solution, at 10° B. 62 THE AMEEICAX DYER. 19. BB. Blue Bath for Steam Green. In 2 gallons cf hot Water, dissolve 3 lbs. of yellow Prnssiate of Potash, \ lb. Tartaric Acid, and I lb. Oxalic Acid. 20. Iron Composition for Steam Gray C,Q. 8 lbs. 6 oz. Acetate of Iron (protoxide), at 10° B., No. 7. II lbs. 10 oz. Nitrate of Iron, at 50° B. Mix. 21. Muriate of Iron, at 40° B. 4| lbs. Iron Turnings dissolved, cold, in 15^ lbs. ^Inriatic Acid, Gives 12 lbs. 6 oz. of solution, at 40° B. 22. Oxidized Loriwood Liquor, at 6° B., for Black. 6 lbs. Logwood Liquor, at 20° B., 7 quarts "Water, 3 oz. ]Muriatic Acid, Boiled together for 5 minutes. 23. Ammoniacal Solution of CocJiineal. On 8 lbs. of Cochineal, po2 oz. Mu aS/6< 15f lbs. 3| lbs. 1? fiillon ^\ lbs. H lbs. 4 lbs. 6 oz THE AMEKIC-^S^' DYEK. < U Steam Chocolate on wnprepared Cotton. 25 lbs. Steam Chocolate Preparation, No. 2, 3\ lbs. Starch, 5^ oz. Chlorate Potash, Muriatic Acid. Steam Chocolate Preparation, J^o. 2. Sapan Liquor, at 9° B., Quercitron Liquor, 8^ B., Water, Logwood Liquor, 4^ B., Sulphate Alumina, Brown Sugar of Lead. Steam Chocolate on Goods p>^€pared icith Stannate of Soda. 4J lbs. Wheat Starch, 5 pints AVater, 10 lbs. Logwood Liquor, 10^ B., 5^ lbs. Caustic Soda Lye, at 10° B., are well cooked together. When cooled, add 3 oz. Red Prussiate Potash. Steam Chocolate on prepared Goods. 4| lbs. Oxidized Logwood Liquor, 7 lbs. Oxidized Brazil-wood Liquor, 2 lbs. 9 oz. Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., 21 lbs. Nitrate Alumina, 17° B., 1^- lbs. Steam Chocolate Preparation, No. 3, 1| lbs. Wheat Starch, ^ lb. Leicome, and 2^ oz. Alum, are well cooked together. * Oxidhed Logicood Liquor. 4| lbs. Logwood Liquor, at 10° B., 1^ oz. Chlorate Potash, \ oz. Muriatic Acid. Cook 5 minutes. 80 THE AMERICAN DYER. Oxidized Brazil-wood Liquor. 7 lbs. Sapan or Lima-wood Liquor, at 8° B., 2\ oz. Chlorate Potash, \ oz. Muriatic Acid. Cook 5 minutes. Steam Chocolate Preparation, JSfo, 3. In 6| lbs. Sapan Liquor, at 3° B., 1 lb. 10 oz. Quercitron Liquor, 5° B., dissolve 3^ oz. Alum, 3^ oz. Sugar of Lead, 1 oz. ' Sal-Ammoniac. Use the clear liquor after settling. Steam Chocolate on x>repared Goods. 3| pints Water, 4 lbs. Acetate Alumina, 15° B., 4.\ lbs. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., 1 lb. Sta'rch, 4^ lbs. British Gum are cooked together. Then dissolve in it 6 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 2 oz. Oxalic Acid. When quite cold, add 3 lbs. 14 oz. Steam Bhie Preparation for Chocolates. See No. 14, Mordants. Steam Chocolate for Goods prepared or unprepared. 2 lbs. Logwood Liquor, at 10° B., 1| lbs. Sapan Liquor, 10° B., fib. Quercitron Liquor, 1-0° B., 1| lbs. Acetate Alumina, 11° B., 1 lb. Wheat Starch, 2 lbs. Tragacanth Mucilage (2 oz. Tragacanth to 1 quart water). Cook together, and, when cold, add 4^- oz. Acetate Copper, 18° B. THE AMEKIC^i>s^ DYER. 81 Steam Chocolate. 4 lbs. Brazil-wood Liquor, 20° B., 11- lbs. Yellow AVood (Cub:i) Liquor, 20<^ B. (Fustic Liquor), 6 lbs. Acetate Chrome, 16° B., 7 pints Water, cooked Avith 1 lb. Starch, \ lb. British Gum. Chocolate to be passed through a Chrome Bath. 8 lbs. Sapan Liquor, 20° B., 2>\ lbs. Yellow Wood Liquor, 20° B. (Fustic Liquor) , 3i lbs. Acetate Alumina, 11° B., and 5 lbs. Gum Arabic. Steam Chocolate on Wool. 2\ lbs. Wheat Starch, 5 pints Water, 12 lbs. Archil Extract, 10° B., 6\ oz. Indigo Paste, \ lb. Alum. Steam Chocolate on Wool. 121 lbs. Archil Extract, 10° B., \ lb. Wheat Starch, \^ lbs. British Gum, I lb. 14 oz. Indigo Paste, II oz. Alum, 1^ lbs. Logwood Liquor, at 20° B., 1| lbs. Yellow Wood Liquor, 20° B. (Fustic Liquor) . Steatn Chocolate on Wool, 15 lbs. Archil Extract, 12° B., 4 lbs. Leicome, 11 oz. Indigo Paste, \ lb. Alum. 11 82 TilE AMERICAN DYEll. REDS. The following Reds may be raised iu the same beck with Roses, or by themselves alone, either with Madder or Flow- ers, soaped and brightened. Dee}} Red for Cotton Goods. 2 lbs. Wheat Starch, 25 lbs. Red Preparation (see next below), 3|- ounces Logwood. Liquor, 20° B., 3|- ounces Olive Oil, cooked well together. Red Pre;paration. 21 pints Water, 6 lbs. 5 oz. Sugar of Lead, 6 lbs. 5 oz. Alum, l|'lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 3 lbs. 5 oz. Nitrate Zinc, 40° B. Deep Red. 7 lbs. Acetate Alumina, at 11° B., 1^ lbs. Starch, 4 ounces Sapan Liquor, 20° B., 2 lbs. 6 oz. Nitrate Zinc, 15° B., 1 ounce Olive Oil, cooked well together. Standard JSfo. l^for Resist Red. 2 lbs. Wheat Starch, 25 lbs. Red Preparation (see above), 14 ounces Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., 3| ounces Olive Oil. THE .OIEIUCAX DYEE. 83 Jlesist lied, ^*. 1 quart of Standarcl No. 1, sharpuned with h ounce Tin Crystals, ^ ounce Acetic Acid, 8^ B. Resist lied, 2. 1 quart of Standard Xo. 1, 2 ounces Tin Crystals, 2 ounces Acetic Acid, 8° B. liesist Bed, 4. 1 quart of Standard No. 1, 4 ounces Tin Crystals, 4 ounces Acetic Acid, 8^ B. Standard Xo. 2, for liesist Beds thickened with British Gum. 4f Ihs. Pyrolignite Alumina, 11^ B., 31^ ounces Nitrate Zinc, 20° B., 3f ounces Brazil wood Liquor, 20==^ B., 1 ounce Oil Turpentine, 2 lbs. 3 oz. British Gum. Bed without uVitrafe of Zinc. 18^ lbs. Pyrolignite Alumiua, 11^ B., 3 lbs. 2 oz. AVhcat Starch, 10 oz. Brazil-wood Liquor, 20^^ B. Steayn Bed JVb. 1, on prepared Cotton. 9 lbs. 10 oz. Sa^wn Liquor, 20^ B., \\ lbs. Quercitron Liquor, 20^ B., 10 oz. Red Trussiate Potash, 1 gallon Gum Water, 1 lb. to the quart, \ lb. Acetate Alumina, at 15° B. * The figures following the words "Resist Kc.l," signify the nuniher of ounces of Tin Crystals and Acetic Acid to be added to one quart of the Standard. 84 THE AMERICAN DYER. Steam- Scarlet Red on prepared Goods. 16\ lbs. Cochineal Extract, 14P B., ]5 oz. Quercitron Extract, 20° B., 2 lbs. 6 oz. Wheat Starch. Cook. When cold, add 13 oz. Salts Sorrel (Binoxalate Potash), 1 lb. 9 oz. Tin Composition for Scarlet, No. 26 Prepa- ration. Steam Red JSfo. 2, on prepared Goods. \\ pints Water, 5 lbs. 10 oz. Acetate Alumina, 15° B., 5 lbs. Sapan Liquor, 20° B., 5^ lbs. British Gum, 5| oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 2^ oz. Oxalic Acid, 4 lbs. Blue Standard, No. 14 Mordant. Steam Red on prepared Cotton. 11 lbs. Sapan Extract, 14° B., 1 lb. 2 oz. Persian Berry decoction, 7° B., 1 lb. 10 oz. Sulphate Alumina, 2 oz. Chlorate Potash, ^\ lbs. Gum Arabic. Steam Scarlet on Wool. 11 lbs. Cochineal Lake, 2 quarts Water, 5^ lbs. Gum Arabic, 9 oz. Salts Sorrel. Cook, and, when cold, add 9 oz. Oxalic Acid. THE AMERICAN DYER. 85 PINKS. These colors are raised in Madder or Flowers, and are made with a solution of Pyrolignite or Acetate of .Vhnniiia, thickened with British Gum. Pink 4. 1 lb. P^'rolignitc Ahimina, at 11° B., 4 lbs. British Gum SoUition for Roses. Pijik 20. 1 lb. Pyrolignite Alumina, 11° B., 20 lbs. British Gum Solution for Roses. British Gum Solution for Poses. 9 lbs. 3 oz. British Gum, 11 pints "Water, 11 lbs. Nitrate of Zinc, 50° B. Steam Pose on Prepared Cotton. 11 lbs. 13 oz. Cochineal Decoction, 5° B., 3 lbs. 3 oz. Acetate Alumina, 15° B., . 1^ lbs. Solution Tartaric Acid, 20° B., 3^ lbs. Powdered Gum Arabic. The same may be thickened with H lbs. Wheat Starch in place of the Gum Arabic. Steam Pinks. Steam Reds No. .1 and No. 2 may be diluted with Gum Water; 1 part of Red to 4 parts Gum Water to produce Pinks. Topical Pose on Cotton. 3 lbs. Tragacanth Mucilage (1^ oz. to the quart), 2 quarts Water, 4]^- lbs. Sapan Liquor, 10° B.,. 86 THE AMERICA:^ DYEK. 1 lb. 5 oz. Acetic Acid, 8^ B., 17^ oz. Pink Salts, 2 oz. Chloride of Copper, 40° B. Topical Rose on Cotton. 4 quarts "Water, 9^ lbs. Sapaii Liquor, 10° B., 11 lbs. Tragacanth Mucilage, 3 lbs. 6 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 3^ lbs. Muriate Tin, 55° B., 11 oz. Nitrate Copper, 55° B. Steam Rose on prepared Cotton. '4 lbs. 2 oz. Cochineal Decoction, 8° B., 2i- pints Water, 4 oz. Alum, 2 oz. Cream Tartar, 1 oz. Oxalic Acid. 2 lbs. 10 oz. Gum Arabic. Steam Aniline Rose on Cotton. ^\ oz. Fuchsine in Crystals. Dissolve in 1 pint Alcohol. Stir in 17 oz. Tragacanth Mucilage, and add finally 12^ lbs. Solution Blood Albumen (21 ounces to the quart) . Dark Aniline Rose on unprepared Cotton. 2 lbs. Fuchsine Carmine, 14^ lbs. Acetate Alumina, 17^ lbs. Gum Water. Aniline Rose on imjjrepared Cotton. 3 lbs. Wheat Starch, 4 quarts Water, 7^ lbs. Acetate Alumina, well cooked together. THE AMERICAN DYER. 87 Then add a mixture of 4 lbs. 6 oz. Fuchsiiie Carmiue, 4 lbs. 6 oz. Acetate Alumina. Aniline Rose. 4 oz. Fuchsine in Crystals, 1 quart Water, 1 quart Glycerine. Cook 15 minutes. Thicken with \\ lbs. Gum Arabic. "When completely cold, add 14 lbs. Albumen Solution (2 lbs. Egg Albumen to 1 quart Water). Aniline Rose. 5 lbs. Solution Fuchsine in Alcohol, No. 1, 8 lbs. Gum Water. Heat, until 3 lbs. are steamed away. When completely cold, add 5 lbs. Albumen Solution (2 lbs. Egg Albumen to 1 quart Water) . Fuchsine Rose, 2 lbs. Solution of Caseine, \ lb. Fuchsine Solution in Alcohol, No. 1. Caseine Solution. 2 lbs. Caseine, 3 quarts Water, 6^ oz. Liquid Ammonia. Coralline Rose. )f lb. Coralline. Dissolve in '2.\ pints Alcohol, and thicken with 9 lbs. Caseine Solution. Rose on Wool. 9^ lbs. Scarlet Lake, 9^ lbs. Gum Water, 1 lb. Oxalic Acid. 88 THE AMEPJCAX DYEK. Aniline Hose on Wool. 6 lbs. Fuchsine Solution, No. 2, thickened with 10 lbs. Gum Water. Fuchsine Solution, No. 1. Z\ oz. Fuchsine dissolved with heat in 4 quarts Alcohol. Fuchsine Solution, No. 2. 1 lb. Fuchsine in Crystals, dissolved in 8 lbs. Acetic Acid, 8° B. Caseine Solution. 2 lbs. Caseine powdered, 2\ oz. Calcined Magnesia, 1 gallon Water. Stir the Caseine and Magnesia, each by itself, in a little of the Water. Then mix both with the rest of the Water. Stir till it thickens, and let rest over night. Then add a solution of 10 ounces crystallized Baryta hydrate in 3 quarts of warm Water at not over 95^ Fahr. This will form a gum-like- solution, having the properties of Egg Albumen, at a moderate price. The cost for materials in France is about 50 cents per gallon. PURPLES. Purples are formed by mixtures of Acetate of Iron and solu- tion of British Gum, cooked together. The shades are darker when Wheat Starch is used in place of British Gum. The figure which follows the word Purple, signifies hew many pounds of British Gum Solution are to be used for one pound of Acetate of Iron. Thus THE AMERICAN DYER. 89 Purple 8. Consists of 1 lb. Acetate of Iron, at 11"^ B., 8 lbs. Solution British Gum. Puiyle 40. 1 lb. Acetate of Iron, at 11° B., 40 lbs. British Gum Solution. Purple for Hair Lines. 2 lbs. 7 oz. Acetate of Iron, 10° B., 5f lbs. Gum Arabic, 2\ lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 11 pints Water, 2 oz. Logwood Liquor, 20° B. Steam Purple on Cotton prepared with Stannate of Soda. 9 lbs. 6 oz. Logwood Liquor, 2^° B., 4^ oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 1 lb. 2 oz. Lemon Juice, 27° B., 16 lbs. Gum Water, 101 oz. Oxide of Tin {vide No. 24), 5^ oz. Nitrate Copper, 55° B. Steam Purple on prep)ared Cotton. 5| lbs. Logwood Liquor, 4° B., \\ oz. Lemon Juice, 27° B., 4^ oz. Red Prussiate Potash, 1 lb. 5 oz. Gum Arabic. Steam Puiple on unprejjared Cotton. 3^ ros. Standard R. (see next page), 2 lbs. 14 oz. Gum Water, 1 lb. 3 oz. Acetate Alumina, 12° B. 12 90 THE a:\iehicax dter. S(a7idard R. 5 lbs. Steam Purple Preparation (see below), 2 lbs. Gum Arabic, 1\ oz. Acetate Copper, 20" B. Steam Purple Prejmration. 4| lbs. Acetate Alumina, 12^ B., 17V t)Z. Ground Logwood, ^\ oz. Logwood Liquor, 20^ B., Heat to 190- F. L"se the clear liquor. Topical PuipJe on Cotton. 2 lbs. Logwood Liquor, 6^ B., 2 quarts Water, 6 lbs. Gum Water (1^ lbs. to the quart), 9 oz. Sal-Ammouiac, 3 oz. Alum, \\ oz. Oxalic Acid, \\ oz. Nitrate Copper, 8^ B., f lb. Muriate Tin, 60" B. Topical Purple. 10 lbs. Logwood Liquor, 5^ B., 13 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 5| oz. Sulphate Copper, 3^ oz. Oxalic Acid, 2"lbs. 6 oz, . Pink Salts, 6^ lbs. Gum Water. Steam Aniline Purple on Cotton. 11 oz. Aniline Purple (Paris Purple, Dahlia)^are dis- solved in 2 pints Alcohol, and then Gum Water added. The mix- THE AMEKICAN DYEIl. 91 ture is now heated until 1 pint is steamed off. Let cool. When fully cold, add 10 lbs. Albu- men Solution (2 lbs. Egg Albumen or 1 lb. Blood Albumen to the quart of Water). Steam Aniline Purple on prepared CoUon. 1| lbs. Aniline Purple in paste, 11 lbs. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 3^ oz. Tannin, 1^ lbs. Wheat Starch, 3 quarts Water. Steam. Purple on unprepared Cotton. 2 lbs. Purple Carmine (of R. Knosp in Stutgard), 6 lbs. Acetate Alumina, at 8° B., 8 lbs. Gum Water (2 lbs. to the quart). Steam Aniline Purple. 2| lbs. Wheat Starch, 4|^ quarts Water, 6 lbs. Acetate Alumina, A., 3 lbs. Aniline Purple Carmine, 2 lbs. Acetic Acid. Aniline Purple on Wool. 1 lb. 13 oz. Aniline Purple in paste, 2 pints Alcohol, 14 lbs. Gum Water, 1 quart Water. Aniline Purple on Wool. 2| oz. Aniline Purple (Paris Purple, Dahlia), 8 lbs. Acetic Acid, 8° B. Dissolve with warming, and thicken with 10 lbs. Gum Water. 92 THE AMERICAN DYER. BLUES. Fast Blue on Cotton. 10\ oz. fine-ground Indigo, rubbed up with 1 lb. 3 oz. Caustic Soda Sohition, 20^ B., and added to 4 lbs. 13 oz. Caustic Soda Solution, 20° B., and 11 oz. Red Sulphuret Arsenic (Realgar). Cook the whole V hour, and thicken with 2 lbs. Gum Arabic. Fast Blue on Cotton. 9 lbs. 2 oz. Indigo Precipitate, No. 52, 1\ lbs. Nitrate Protoxide of Iron, 32° B., 11^ lbs. Gum Water (2 lbs. Gum Arabic to 1 quart Water). Fast Blue on Cotton. 4 lbs. Indigo Precipitate, No. 52. 6 lbs. British Gum Water (2 lbs. B. Gum to 1 quart Water) , 41 lbs. Nitrate Protoxide Iron, 14° B. The Nitrate of Iron may be replaced by 4| lbs. Chloride of Iron, at 28° B. Fast Blue on Cotton. 24 lbs. Indigo Precipitate, 8 lbs. Nitrate Protoxide Iron, 32° B., 24 lbs. Gum Water. Steam Blue on prepared Cotton Goods. 4 quarts Water, 2 lbs. Starch. Cook to a paste, and add 2\ lbs. Yellow Prussiate, 13| oz. Tartaric Acid, 7 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 4 lbs. 3 oz, Prussiate Tin. THE AMERICAi?^ I>YETl. 93 Steam Blue on prepared Goods. 9 pints boiling "Water, 1 lb. Sal-Aramoniac, 1 lb. 6. oz. Yellow Prussiate Potash, 10| oz. Red Prnssiate Potash, 4 lbs. 2 oz. Prussiate Tin, 5 lbs. Gum Arabic. Steam Blue on prepared Goods. 1| lbs. Starch, cooked with 9 pints water ; add 1| lbs. Yellow Prussiate. In another vessel dissolve 1| lbs. Tartaric Acid and 3 oz. Oxalic Acid in 11 pints Water, and mix the two. Finally, add to the mixture 4 lbs. Prussiate Tin, 11 oz. Brazil-wood Liquor, 6° B., \ oz. Oil Vitriol. Steam Blue on prepared Goods, ivithout Tartaric Acid. 2 quarts Water, cooked with 1 lb. 6 oz. Starch, 4| oz. Alum, 2^ oz. Oxalic Acid, 17^^ oz. Prussiate Tin, 2 lbs. 3 oz. Yellow Prussiate, 17| oz. Glauber Salts. When completely cold add 13 oz. Oil Vitriol, 66°, in 1^ pints Water. Steam Blue on prepared Cotton. 6 gallons Water, cooked with 7^^ lbs. Starch. Into the hot paste stir 49 lbs. Prussiate Tin, 1 lb. 3 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 12 lbs. 5 oz. Yellow Prussiate, 9i THE AMERICAX DYER. 7 lbs. 6 oz. Red Piussiate. When solution is complete, add tiually 19 lbs. 11 oz. Tartaric Acid, 1 lb. 13 oz. Oxalic Acid. Stir well in. Steam Blue on pi-ejmred Goods. 15 quarts "Water, cooked with 9 lbs. Starch; add 10 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 24 lbs. Tartaric Acid, lUbs. Oxalic Acid, 2 quarts Water, 18 lbs. Yellow Prussiate, 6 lbs. Red Prussiate, 32 lbs. Prussiate Tin. Sleam Blue on prepared Goods. 2 lbs. Starch, and 1 lb. 3 oz. Tragacauth Mucilage, 7 pints "Water, cooked together. To the hot paste, add 2\ lbs. Yellow Prussiate, 2 lbs. Red Prussiate, 1\ lbs. Prussiate Tin. After the solution has taken place, add 2 quarts Water, 4 lbs. Tartaric Acid, 10 oz. Oxalic Acid, 4?T oz. Oil Vitriol, mixed with 41^ oz. Water. Ultramarine Blue on Cotton. 3^ lbs. Ultramarine, 3 F., IH lbs. Blood Albumen Solution, 4 lbs. Tragacauth Mucilage (| oz. to the quart), 1^ lbs. Common Salt. THE AMERICAX DYER. 9,") Ultramarine Blue (darh), 5| lbs. Ultramarine, 3 F., 23 pints Water, 7 lbs. 5 oz. Egg Albumen Solution (1 lb. to the quart), 5| lbs. Gum Water. Ultramarine Blue. 5 lbs. 7 oz. Ultramarine (superfine), 2\ pints Water, 6 lbs. 14 oz. Egg Albumen Solution (1 lb. to the quart), 5^ lbs. Gum Water, 1\ lbs. Glycerine. Aniline Blue on unprepared Cotton. ?)\ lbs. Aniline Blue Carmine (Knosp's), 6 lbs. 9 oz. Acetate Alumina A., and 16^ lbs. Starch paste (5^ oz. to the quart water). Aniline Blue thickened with Gum. 5 oz. Aniline Blue Carmine, 9^^ oz. Acetate Alumina, 2 lbs. Gum Water. The pieces printed with Aniline Blue Carmine are steamed like other steam colors and washed, and then, in order to remove a reddish tinge which sticks to the blue, are passed for half an hour through a soap-bath, heated to 140° F. Steam Blue on ^Vool. 1 lb. Starch, cooked in 11 pints Water. To the hot paste add 1| lbs. Tartaric Acid, 5 oz. Alum, 3 oz. Oxalic Acid. When dissolved, add \\ lbs. Eed Prussiate, 4 lbs. 10 oz. Prussiate of Tin. 96 THE AMERICAN DYER. Sky-Blue on Wool. lib. 2 oz. fijie Indigo paste, 7 oz. Alum, 2^oz. Oxalic Acid, 13 pints Water, 5f lbs. Gum Arabic. Aniline Blue on Wool. \\ oz. Aniline Bine (in powder) dissolved in 2 pints Alcohol, with heat. Add then 1 pint Water, tilter, and thicken with 12 pints Gum Water. GREENS. Fast Green on Cotton (dark 4 quarts Water, 26 lbs. Indigo Precipitate, No. 52, 1 lb. Sugar of Lead, 4 lbs. Nitrate of Lead, 3 lbs. Starch, ' 5 lbs. 3 oz. British Gum, 9^oz. Oil Turpentine. * Fast Green on Cotton (light). 38 lbs. Gum Water, 4 lbs. Nitrate Lead, 2 lbs. Sugar of Lead, 7 pints boiling Water, 8 lbs. Indigo Precipitate, 2 lbs. Tin Solution for Fast Green, No. 48, TKE AMEKICAX DYEK. 07 Dark Sleam Green, on jirepared Cotton. 7| lbs. Persian Berry Decoction, 10^ B., 3 gills Water, 1 lb. 7 oz. Starch. Then add 2 lbs. 7 oz. Yellow Prussiate, 13 oz. Red Prussiate, 4 lbs. Prussiate of Tin, 6| oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 3 lbs. 2 oz. Tartaric Acid, 2^ oz. Oxalic Acid, 13 oz. Alum. Steam Green on prejmi'ed Goods. 6 lbs. Tragacanth Mucilage, {% oz. to the quart), 7 lbs. 5 oz. Pjrolignite Alumina, 11° B., 4 lbs. Persian Berries Extract, 7° B., 5 oz. Tartaric Acid, 6i- oz. Oxalic Acid, 2 lbs. li^ oz. Yellow Prussiate Potash. Guignet Green on Cotton. 9 lbs. 3 oz. Guiguet Green in paste, 11 oz. Glycerine, 11 oz. Oil Turpentine, 11 lbs. 6 oz. Blood Albumen Solution (1 lb. 11 oz. to the quart). Steam Green on Cotton. 2 lbs. 3 oz. Persitm Berry Decoction, 4° B., 4^ oz. Starch, 2 oz. Alum, 1 oz. Oxalic Acid, 5-i oz. Prussiate Tin, 3 oz. Yellow Prussiate, 1 oz. Acetic Acid, 8° B. 13 98 THE A^IEKICAN DYER. Steam Green on Cotton. 13| lbs. Persian Berry Decoction, 4° B., 3^ lbs. . Gum Aralnc, 2\ lbs. Yellow Prussiate, 1 lb. 6 oz. Sulphate Alumina, 9 oz. Oxalic Acid, 2 oz. Salts of Tin. Steam Green on Cotton (Haicranek Green). 1^ lbs. Starch, cooked with ^ 5 quarts Water. To the hot paste add 2 lbs. 6 oz. Yellow Prussiate, 9| oz. Red Prussiate, 5 lbs. 6 oz. Prussiate Tin, 11^ lbs. Chrome Alum, dissolved in 1 pint AVater, 4 oz. Acetic Acid, 8° B. This Green is frequently printed with Guignet Green, with which it forms a pretty contrast, being much darker. [It is much improved and darkened by passing through Bichromate, after printing and steaming. s. b.] /Sea- Green (^Chrome Green). In 9 quarts Water, dissolve 13 oz. White Arsenic ; add gradually 12 oz. Bichromate Potash. Boil and filter, drain the precipitate well and dissolve it in 13 oz. Muriatic Acid at 22° B. Boil the solution in an enamelled vessel to 50° B., and then add 1 oz. Sal-Ammoniac. Before using for printing, warm the mixture and thicken with 3i oz. Dextrine. TIip AMEIMCAX DYEPt. 99 Green on Cotton. 2| lbs. Soap. Dissolve in 8 quarts Soap wort Decoction, two ounces Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort) to the quart water. AVhen cool, dissolve in it 2\ lbs. Sulphate Copper (Blue Vitriol), and thicken with I lb. Pulverized Gum Tragacanth. Aniline Green on Cotton. 1 lb. Aniline Green in paste, f lb. Tragacanth Mucilage, 13 oz. Blood Albumen Solution. Steam Green on Wool. 8 lbs. Yellow Lake, 9 oz. Oxitlic Acid, 15 oz. Sulphate Alumina, ^ lbs. Solution Indigo Paste. Cook, and thicken with 3 lbs. Gum Arabic. Steam Green on Wool. 8 lbs. Cuba Lake, \ lb. Oxalic Acid, 13 oz. Sulphate Alumina, 8 lbs. Indigo Paste Solution. Cook, and thicken with 2| lbs. Gum. Indigo Paste Solution. 2 lbs. Indigo Paste dissolved in 9 quarts Boiling Water. Filter. Steam Green on Wool. 8 lbs. 9 oz. Quercitron Liquor, 20^ B., ^ oz. Logwood Liquor, 20^ B., 100 THE AMERICAN DYER. 1 lb. 10 oz. Indigo Paste, 6 lbs. Gum, 2 quarts Water. Cook, and add to the mixture j when cold, 11 oz. Alum, 11 oz. Oxalic Acid, 1 oz. Muriate of Tin, at 55° B. ORANGES. Darh Chrome Orange on Cotton. 5 lbs. Nitrate of Lead, 5 lbs. Pyrolignite of Lead, ^ lb. Starch, \ lb. British Gum, 9 pints Water. Raise in Chrome for all the Chrome Oranges. 'O" Dark Chrome Orange on Cotton. 10 oz. Starch, cooked to a paste with 5 gills Water ; add 7 oz. Acetic Acid, I oz. Nitric Acid. When the paste has become thin and flowing, add gradually 24 lbs. Chrome Orange Standard, 50° B., No. 12. Darh Chrome Orange for Cotton. 6 lbs. Chrome Orange Standard, 50° B., No. 12, cooked with 1 lb. British Gum, \ lb. Indigo Paste Solution (page 99), ^Ib. Olive Oil. THE AMEKICAN DYER. 101 Dark Chrome Orange for Cotton. 17 lbs. Chrome Orange Standard, 50° B., No. 12, thick- ened with 3 lbs. Leicome. Chrome Orange on Cotton (middling light) . 15 lbs. Sugar of Lead. Dissolve in 2 quarts Water. Add 29 quarts Dextrine Water (1^ lbs. to the quart). Chrome Orange (light). 8 lbs. Sugar of Lead. 2 quarts Water, 29 quarts Dextrine Water. To produce with regularity any shade of Chrome Orange, it is absolutely necessary that the goods should, before print- ing, be passed through a solution of Glauber Salts. Four and a half ounces of Sulphate of Soda to the quart of water, give a sufficient strength. The goods are passed in the vat with rollers. Orange on Cotton. 3 lbs. Starch, 4 lbs. PjToligneous Acid, 2° B., 2 lbs. Persian Berry Decoction, 10° B., 1 lb. 6 oz. Acetate Lime. Cook, and, when cold, add 2 lbs. 7 oz. Salts of Tin. Dissolve. With this Orange, Black, Red or Chocolate Mordants may be printed, and the whole raised in Garancine. Garancine Orange with Flavine. 2 lbs. Starch; 2 lbs. 3 oz. Flavine, 7 ounces White Arsenic, 102 THE AMEEICAX DTEK. 9 quarts of Water. "When cold, and just before using, add 2 lbs. 5 oz. Salts of Tin, 18^^ ounces Acetate of Soda. This color also gives, after steaming, a better Steam Orange than can be produced with Persian Berries. Steam Orange. 4^ lbs. Persian Berry Liquor, 4° B., 6 ounces Wheat Starch, 4i^ ounces Acetic Acid, 8° B., 1 ounce Sugar of Lead, b\ ounces Sapan Wood Liquor, 10^ B. Cook together well, and wheu cold, add 2| ounces Salts of Tin. Steam Orange on Cotton. 13i lbs. Persian Berry Liquor, 8° B. ?)\ lbs. Oxidized Sapan Liquor for Orange, No. 50. A\ lbs. Acetate Alumina, 15° B., \ lb. Sulphate Alumina, 15° B., 7^^ lbs. Gum Arabic. This color may be printed with Steam Blue. Steam Orange on prejmred Cotton. 8 lbs. Persian Berry Liquor, 7° B., 4|- lbs. Cochineal Solution, 7° B., 3^ pints Water, are cooked with 2 lbs. Starch. When the mixture is lukewarm, add \ lb. Oxalic Acid, and I lb. Salts of Tin, and, when fully cold, add 4 ounces Tin Composition for Orange 8, No. 27. Steam Chrome Orange. 3^ lbs. Chrome Orange Pigment, 8 lbs. Egg or Blood Albumen Solution. THE AMERICAN DYER. 103 Steam Chrome Orange {light) . 13 ounces Chrome Orange Pigment, 3 lbs. Chrome Yellow Pigment, 12 lbs. Egg or Blood Albumen Solution and 8 quarts Gum Water or Tragacanth Mucilage. YELLOWS. Steam Yelloio on prepared Goods. 12^ lbs. Standard for Yellow, 1 lb. Sugar of Lead, 1 lb. Salts of Till. Steam Yelloio I. on jyrepared Goods. 171 lbs. Standard for Yellow, \\ lbs. Salts of Tin, 1 lb. Sugar of Lead. Standard for Yellow. 15 lbs. Persian Berry Decoction, 7° B., 6 lbs. Gum Arabic. Steam Orange I. on jyrepared Goods. 3 lbs. Steam Yellow I. (above). 1 lb. Steam Red, I. Steam Yellow on prej^ared Goods. 7 lbs. Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., 21- lbs. Nitrate Alumina, 17° B., 2V lbs. Acetate Alumina, 15° B., ^ lb. Sal-Ammoniac, and 6 ounces Oxalic Acid, are dissolved in 1\ pints of Water, and thickened with 6 lbs. Gum Arabic. 104 THE AMERICAN DYER. Steam Orange 0. on Cotton. 1 lb. 3 oz. Anatto, 2 lbs 3 oz. Caustic Soda Solution, 10° B., 6 ounces Sulphate Alumina, 1\ ounces Tartaric Acid, and ^ lbs. Gum Water. British Gum Water or Tragacanth Mucilage, may be used in place of the Gum Water. Steam Yellow on Wool. 3 ounces Scarlet Red I. for Wool, 6 ounces Salts of Sorrel, 16 lbs. 6 oz. Persian Berry Liquor, 7° B., 4 lbs. Gum Arabic and 13 ounces Muriate of Tin, 55<^ B. Steam Yellow on Wool. 14 lbs. Persian Berry Liquor, 7° B. , 4 lbs. Gum Arabic, 11 ounces Muriate Tin, 55° B., and 1 lb. 6 oz. Steam Scarlet Red I. for Wool. BUFF , NANKEEN , AND STRAW COLORS. Dark Buff. 3| lbs. Iron Liquor, 14° B., 5 quarts Water, lib. Flour, 1 lb. Starch, 2| lbs. Copperas, 2| lbs. Brown Sugar of Lead. THE AMERICAN DYER. 105 Nanlx.een I. \\\ lbs. Nunkeen Standard I., 15^ B., 5^ lbs. Pyrolignite Alumiua, 8° B., are cooked with 4 lbs. British Gum, 1 lb. Spirits Turpentine. JSfanl'een 1-10. 1 lb. Nankeen I., 10 lbs. Thin British Gum Water. Nankeen 1-20. 1 lb. Nankeen I., 20 lbs. Thin British Gum Water. Dark Buff. 4| lbs. Nankeen Standard I., \Q^ oz. Copperas, 2 lbs. Gum Arabic. Nankeen III. 14 lbs. Nankeen Standard III., 25° B., 7 lbs. British Gum, 7 oz. Spirits of Turpentine. Nankeen 3-6. 1 lb. Nankeen III., 6 lbs. British Gum Water. Nankeen 3-15. 1 lb. Nankeen III., 15 lbs. British Gum Water. Nankeen II. 4 lbs. Nankeen Standard II., 6 lbs. Tragacanth Mucilage {\ oz. to the quart). 14 106 THE AMERICAN DTEIi. ff Steam Nankeen D., on j)rejpared Goods. 4 lbs. Steam Orange I., 1 lb. Steam Rose I., 10 lbs. Gum AVater. Steam Xankeen 0., on Cotton. 1 lb. Steam Orange O., 10 lbs. Gum Water. CATECHUS. » Standard A. for Catechu Colors raised in Madder or Garancine. 2 quarts AVater, 3 lbs. 10 oz. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 2 lb. 7 oz. Catechu, f lb. Acetate Lime, 15° B., 1 lb. 9 oz. Sal-Ammouiac, 3 lbs. Gum Arabic. It is an advantage to wash the Catechu with cold water before using it. This dissolves out the tannin which is some- times injurious, but does not dissolve the catechine. Catechu I. 6^ lbs. Standard A., 1 lb. Acetate Alumina, 12° B., and 2| oz. Nitrate Copper, 55° B. Catechu II., redder than I. 6\ lbs. Catechu Standard A., 1 lb. 10 oz. Acetate Alumina, 12° B., and 2| oz. Nitrate Copper, 55° B. THE AMERICAN DYER. 107 Dark Calechu, to he raised in Garancine. 8 lbs. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 8 quarts Water, 121 lbs. Catechu, 8 quarts Gum ^yate^ or Tragacauth Mucilage, 14 oz. Olive Oil, 6^ lbs. Sal-Araraoniac, 6 lbs. Acetate Copper, 19^ B., \ lb. Nitrate Copper, 55° B. Catechu Reserve for Purple or Chocolate Over- Printing. 4 lbs. Lemon Juice, 27° B., 15 oz. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 1 lb. 14 oz. Catechu, 17 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 1 lb. 5 oz. Gum. Cook, and when cold, add \ lb. Nitrate Copi)er. In dunsinir this reserve, some Bichromate must be added to the dung-bath. To 1,000 quarts, liquid, 4 lbs. Bichro- mate are sufficient. Catechu Reserve. 2\ pints Water, 7 oz. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 17 oz. Catechu, 17 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, \oz. Crystallized Verdigris, 2f oz. Crystallized Nitrate Copper, 2oz. Crystallized Citric Acid, 1 lb. Gum Arabic. Dark Calechu Standard. 2i pints Water, 2 lbs. 6 oz. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 1 lb. 9 oz. Catechu, 108 THE A^IEIIICAN DYER. 6 ounces Acetate Lime, 15° B., 1 lb. Sal-Ammoniac. Dark Catechu. 2 quarts Dark Catechu Standard, 6 ounces Starch, 1^ ounces Acetate Ahimina, 15*^ B., 2| ounces Nitrate Copper, 55° B. Catechu Standard for Gray raised in Garancine. 14 ounces Catechu, \ lb. Sal-Ammoniac, 2 lbs. 3 oz. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 1 quart "Water, 11 lbs. British Gum. Cook, and when cold add lOi^ ounces Pyrolignite Copper, 19° B., 1 ounce Nitrate Copper, 50° B. Dark Catechu, 45. 1 quart Catechu Standard for Gray, 1\ ounces Iron Liquor, 15° B. Dark Catechu, 90. 1 quart Catechu Standard for Gray, 3 ounces Iron Liquor, 15° B. Dark Catechu, 150. 1 quart Catechu Standard for Gray, 5 ounces Iron Liquor, 15° B., These Grays may be rendered lighter by diluting with British Gum Water. Catechu Gray, a. I quart Standard A. for Catechu (page 106), \\ ounces Pyrolignite Alumina, 10° B., \ lb. Iron Liquor, 10° B., II ounces Nitrate Copper, 50° B. THE AMERICAX DYER. 109 Catechu Gray, h. 1 quart Standard A. for Catechu, 2 ounces Pyrol ignite Alumina, 1 lb. Pyrolignite Iron, 10° B., ]| ounces Nitrate Copper, 50° B. Catechu Gray, c. 1 quart Standard A. for Catechu, 1^ lbs. Gum Water, 1 ounce Pj'rolignite Alumina, 10° B., 1\ ounces Nitrate Copper, 50° B., 8 ounces Pyrolignite Iron, 10° B. Catechu Standard O. b\ pints "Water, 4| lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 3 lbs. Catechu, 2 lbs. 3 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 14 ounces Acetate Lime, 15° B. Let stand 12 hours, arid thicken the decanted liquor with 5 lbs. 2 oz. Dextrine. Catechu O., to be raised in Garancine. 18| lbs. Catechu Standard O., 1 lb. Acetate Alumina, 11° B., 9 oz. Nitrate Copper, 50° B. Catechu to he raised in Madder or Floivers. 2| lbs. Catechu, 8 lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., I lb. Gum Arabic, f lb. Verdigris in Crystals, 2 lbs. Sal-Ammoniac, 61 lbs. Gum Water. 110 THE AMEKICAX DYER. Cateclm Standard M, for Garancine Gray. 10 quarts Water, 8 lbs. Catechu, 5 lbs. Sal-Ammoniac, 4 lbs. Pyroligueous Acid, 2° B., 3 lbs. Pyrolignite Copper, 15° B., 14 lbs. Gum Arabic. Garancine Gray. 10 quarts Catechu Standard M., 2 quarts Gum Water, 5 oz. Muriate Iron, 40° B. This same recipe will answer for other Catechu Grays by increasing the amount of Muriate of Iron, at 40°. As high as 20 ounces of Iron may be used. STEAM CATECHUS. Dark Steam Catechu on Cotton. ?)\ lbs. Sapan Liquor, 2° B., i lb. Acetic Acid, 8° B., \ lb. Catechu, 2 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 1^ oz. Verdigris in crystals, 2 lbs. Gum Arabic. Light Steam Catechu on Cotton. In 15 pints Water, dissolve * 3 lbs. Catechu and let settle. To 5 quarts of the clear liquor, add 4 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 4 oz. Nitrate Copper, 55° B., 6 lbs. Gum Arabic. THE ^UIEEIC^VN DYER. Ill Steam Catechu Standard P, 5 quarts Water, 18 oz. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 3 lbs. Catechu, 7 lbs. Gum Arabic. ' Steam Catechu P., on Cotton. \^\ lbs. Steam Catechu Standard P., 6 oz. Chlorate Potash, 2^ lbs. Nitrate Ahimina, 17° B., 7 oz. Nitrate Copper, 55° B. Steam Catechu on Wool. 2 lbs. 10 oz. Catechu, f lb. Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., 6 oz. Sapan Liquor, 20° B., 3 quarts "Water, 3^ oz. Sal-Amraoniac, 3| oz. Chlorate Potash, 13 oz. Sulphate Alumina, 3 quarts Gum Water. Dark Steam Catechu on prejKired Cotton. 2 lbs. 6 oz. Starch, 3| oz. British Gum, 4 lbs. 10 oz. Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., 1 lb. Sapan Liquor, 20° B., 5 oz. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., 11 pints Water, 1 lb. Alum, 1^ oz. Chlorate Potash. Cook, and after it is cold add 2i- oz. Red Prussiate Potash. 112 THE AMERICAX DYER. GRAYS. Mineral Gray on Cotton. 1 lb. Lampblack, 3 lbs. Oil Vitriol, QQ"". Stir well together, and let stand 12 hours. Then wash well with water, and filter. To the paste on the filter, add 2 quarts of water, and rub it well together. Then add 11^ lbs. of a solution of Bh)od Albumen (1 lb. 10 oz. of the Albumen to the quart of water) . Bluish Mineral Gray. 4 lbs. of the above Mineral Gray, 6 lbs. Ultramarine O. Ultramarine O. 1 lb. Ultramarine, 3 F., 3 lbs. Blood Albumen Solution. Steam Gray C. C. on Cotton. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., Water, Sal-Ammoniac, British Gum, Iron Liquor, 10° B., Blue Vitriol, Iron Composition for Steam Gray C. C. Prep. No. 20. 1 lb. 14 oz. Sulphate Chrome, 55° B., 15 oz. Spirits Turpentine, To render this color lighter, it may be diluted by adding to it more or less of the following composition : 17 pints British Gum AVater (1^ lbs. to the quart), \\ lbs. Iron Composition for Gray C* C, 4 lbs. 1 lb. 1 quart fib. 5 lbs. 3^ lbs. l^lb. 18 oz. THE AMERICAN DYEIl. 113 1^ lbs. Sulphate Chrome, 35^ B., ^ lb. Spirits Turpentine, ^ lb. ^.'itrate Ammonia. Steam Gray A. G. on Cotton. 9 quarts Gray Standard, A. G. (Mor. No. 15), If lbs. Starch, 1^ lbs. British Gum. This color may be diluted with the ordinary British Gum Water. It need not necessarily be steamed to fix it. Hanging in a warm damp room and then passing through a chalk-bath is sufficient. Steam Gray on Cotton. 8 ll)s. Trngacanth Mucilage, 9 pints Water, 3 lbs. Gray Standard, A. G. No. 15. Steam Gray on Cotton. 1 lb. 14 oz. Logwood Liquor, 10° B., 7 oz. Sapan Liquor, 20° B., 3| oz. Cuba YeHow Wood Liquor, 20° B., 5^ lbs. British Gum, 11 pints Water, 2 lbs. 3 oz. Acetate Chrome, 15° B. Steam Gray C. on Cotton. To 3| lbs. Logwood Liquor, at 10° B., add gradually a so- lution of 5^ oz. Bichromate of Potash in 9 pints Water, and 15 oz. Muriatic Acid. Cook the mixture, and, while hot, thicken with 5| lbs. British Gum ; then add ^\ oz. Acetate Protoxide of Iron, 10° B., 13 oz. Sulphate of Chrome, at 50° B. 15 114 THE AMERTCAX DYEK. This Gray may be lightened with the following Gum Water :— Gum Water for Gray C 10 lbs. Dextrine Gum Water (2 lbs. to the quart), 10 pints Water, b\ oz. Sulphate Chrome, 50° B. Steam Gray on Cotton. 2\ lbs. Oxidized Logwood Liquor, 10° B., 2 lbs. Tragacanth Mucilage (2 oz. to the quart), \ lb. Starch, 2 oz. Leicome, \ oz. Bichromate Potash, 1 oz. Muriatic Acid, 1 lb. Acetate of Chrome, 15° B. Oxidized Logwood Liquor. 8^ lbs. Logwood Liquor, 10° B., 2 oz. Bichromate Potash, 1| oz. Muriatic Acid. Steam Gray on Cotton. 1\ lbs. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., 1 lb. 14 oz. Pyrolignite Alumina, 10° B., 5 pints Water, - 1| lbs. British Gum, 1 lb. Acetate Chrome, 15° B. Steam Gray on Cotton. 5 quarts Gum Water, 2\ lbs. Decoction Nutgalls, 10° B., 5^ oz. Muriate Iron, 40° B. Steam Gray on Cotton. 4 lbs. Logwood Liquor, 8° B., 2 lbs. L-on Liquor, 7° B. , 8 lbs. Leicome Water. THE AMERICAN DYER. Ho OLIVES. Olive on Cotton. 13 pints Water, 3 lbs. Quercitron Liquor, 20° B., 14 oz. Starch, 2 lbs. 3 oz. Leicome, 2 lbs. Copperas. Darlc Steam Olive on Cotton. 2 lbs. 13 oz. Persian Berry Liquor, 7° B., 71 pints Water, 1 lb. 7 oz. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 1^ oz. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., 2 lbs. Alum, 2 lbs. Sugar of Lead, 2| lbs. Starch, are well cooked together. After it is cold, add 2 lbs. 6 oz. Muriate Iron, 40° B. Steai7i Olive on Cotton. 4 lbs. Quercitron Liquor, 4° B., 1 lb. Iron Liquor, 5° B., 6 lbs. Gum Water. MODE COLORS. Mode Standard. 13 lbs. Solution Catechu in Water, 8° B., 1^ lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 71 lbs. British Gum. 116 THE AMEKICAX BYEK. Mode 2-1. 2 lbs. Mode Standard, 1 lb. Iron Preparation for Modes, No. 36. Mode 5-3. 5 lbs. Mode Standard, 3 lbs. Iron Preparation, No. 36. Mode 1-3. . 1 lb. Mode Standard, 3 lbs. Iron Preparation, No. 36. Mode 1-8. 1 lb. Mode Standard, 8 lbs. Iron Preparation, No. 36. Mode 1-13. 1 lb. Mode Standard, 13 lbs. Iron Preparation, No. 36. These mode colors may be fixed by steaming, or by pass- ing through a chalk or chrome bath after ageing 12 hours. Steam Mode Gray on Cotton. 6 lbs. Iron Liquor, 10° B., ^Ib. Acetic Acid, 8° B., i oz. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., i gill Water, 3 oz. Alum, 9 oz. Sal-Ammoniac, 12 lbs. Gum Arabic. 8team Mode Gray on Cotton. 11 lbs. Pyroligneous Acid, 2° B., 2 lbs. Iron Liquor, 14° B., 2 lbs. Decoction of Galls, 4° B., THE A3IEKICAX DYER. 117 |lb. Sulphate Chrome, 50^ B., 1 oz. Logwood Liquor, 20^ B., 1 quart Water, 1 lb. 14 oz. Sal-Ammoniac. RESERVES AND DISCHARGES. For Reds, Pinks, and PurjjJes Over-Printing. 3 lbs. Tartaric Acid, dissolved iu 2 quarts Water, 1^ lbs. Bichromate Potash, *« " " Tib. Calciued Soda, " 1 8 lbs. British Gum. Cook. For Same. Lemon-Juice, 30^ B., British Gum, Flour, Oil. Cook, and when cold, add Bichromate Potash, and 3 lbs. Tartaric Acid, dissolved iu 3 quarts "Water. For Catechus, Chocolates, or above Colors. 12 lbs. Citric Acid iu Crystals, 3 gallons Water, 8 lbs. British Gum. Cook. For PitrjjJes and Pinks. G}r lbs. Caustic Soda Solution, 15^ B., 6^ lbs. Lemon-Juice, 30^ B., 2"lbs. British Gum. 12 lbs. 8 lbs. lib. l^rOZ. 3| lbs. 118 THE a:meiiicax dyer. Discharge for Goods padded in Acetate of Alumina or Ace- tate of Iron, 71 lbs. British Gum, 15 lbs. Lime-Juioe, 30° B., 2 quarts Water, 2 lbs. Bisulphate of Soda, 3 lbs. Calciued Soda, 6 lbs. Oil Vitriol. Reserve for Machine Printing. 12 lbs. Arseniate of Potash (or Soda), 25 lbs. Water, 10 lbs. British Gum. Another. 4 lbs. British Gum, 5^ lbs. Arseniate Potash (or Soda), 3 lbs. Soda Crystals, 1 gallon Water. Resist for Catechus and Chocolates. 68 lbs. Lime-Juice, 30° B., 30 lbs. Soda Lye, 30° B., 2 lbs. Citric Acid in Crystals, I lb» Sulphate of Indigo, 5 lbs. Wheat Starch. Yellow Reserve for Indigo -Vat. S\ jDiuts Water, 31 lbs. Sulphate Copper, 5 lbs. Nitrate of Lead, 2f lbs. Sulphate of Lead, 31 lbs. British Gum. THE AMEKICAX DYER. 119 Resist for Chrome Orange or Aniline Blade. \\ gallons Water, 7^ lbs. Arseniate Potash (or Soda), Tib. Hog's Fat, 10 lbs. British Gum, 4 lbs. Acetic Acid, 7^ B. Resist for Steam Colors. fib. Glue, 7 pints "Water, 4| lbs. Pipe-Clay, 4| lbs. Gum Water. Reserve for Ultramarine. 6 lbs. China Clay, 1 cpiart AVater, 3 lbs. Gum Water, 1\ lbs. Citric Acid in Crystals, 1 quart Water. Reserve for Indigo- Vat. 1 lb. Verdigris, soaked in 1^ pints Water. After 24 hours, add I lb. Cream of Tartar, and thicken with f lb. British Gum. Then add 1 quart Gum Water, and U lbs. Nitrate Copper, 50^ B. Reserve for Indigo. 15 lbs. Verdigris, 24 lbs. Pyroligneous Acid. Soak, and add ■ G lbs. Cream of Tartar, G lbs. Brown Sugar of Lead, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 12 lbs. Brftish Gum. 120 THE AMERICAN DTEE. Discharge for Chrome Orange. In 4^ lbs. Tragaciinth Solution (li^ oz. to quart Water) dis- solve with heat, \\ lbs. Tartaric Acid, f "lb. Oxalic Acid ; then add 1 lb. Pipe-Clay, i lb. Tin Solution (2 lbs. of Tin Crystals in 1 lb. Muriatic Acid). Discharge for Prussian Blue. 3 lbs. Caustic Soda Lye, 1 lb. British Gum. 1 hour after printing, AVash. The parts printed will ap- pear of a 3'ellow rust color, and to remove" this, the pieces must be taken through acid. MADDER EXTRACT. Formerly, the madder root, simpl}^ dried and ground, was exclusively employed in printing. But it is evident that so complex a substance as a root, contains, besides the coloring substance or useful principle, other bodies capable of counter- acting this principle and injuring the beauty of the tints derived from it. For the purpose, therefore, of eliminating these useless substances, there is now produced on a manufacturing scale, and can be found in market, 1. Flowers of 3Ia elder (fleur do garance), or the ground root deprived of its soluble portions, by washing it with water. The madder loses by this washing about 50 per cent, of its weight. The flower, therefore, possesses a coloring power double that of madder, and works with more regularity in dyeing. THR AME]aCAX DYER. 121 2. Garancine, or tlie ground maddor treiitcd with sulphuric ftcid, washed and dried. In the preparation of garantino, the foreign substances are more completely eliminated than by water alone, so that a more concentrated article is produced ; and not only this, but a part of the coloring substance is liberated from its combination with the pectatcs of lime and glucosides contained in the madder root, which, unless so liberated, would be lost in working. The proportion of color- ing matter so liberated amounts to not less than half of the total quantity contained in the root, and repays well the expense of making it into garancine. 3. Commercial Ali::arine ; or superheated garancine. This preparation has met with groat success, on account of the beauty of the purples it furnishes with the mordants of iron. The heat (392° F.) destroys a yellow or tawny principle which injures the brilliancy of the colors, particularly the purples. In these three products-, a portion of the wo/)dy fibre of the root still remains, so that they can be used only in the old form of raisi'jg, in the usual madder-beck, the goods on which the mordants have been previously printed. If the color could be separated from the woody fibre so that it could be printed directly on the cloth, the immense advantage of this process would cause it to be adopted event- ually by all calico-printers. But it is to be remembered that so great a change in a manufacture which has existed for cen- turies, cannot take place suddenl}'. \\\ the present state of things, however, it is easy to foresee that the old process will gradually but certainly be replaced by the new% which is by the employment of 4. Extract of Madder. An extract from madder suflSciently pure to be employed in printing directly upon the cloth has been long sought for, but it is only within a few years past that this result has been attained, at a price which would per- mit it to be employed. The processes now in use for manu- facturing it, may be reduced to three in number. 16 122 THE A3IEKICAN DYER. The first consists in boiling garancine with a weak solution of alum. By this nie:wis, nearly all the coloring matter may be extracted in a condition of great purity, and the color pre- cipitates from the alum solution on cooling, with the addition of a little sulphuric acid. It is then collected on a filter, carefully washed, and, in the condition of a paste, is ready for use in printing. The defect of this princess consists in the loss of the alum and the acid, which are washed away; and also in the fact, that the paste obstinately retains a little alumina, even after the most careful washing, and therefore the purjjles made by it are not quite satisfactory. The second was published by Emil Kopp, in 18G7, and is very ingenious. It consists in extracting the color from the fresh madder by means of water acidulated with sulphurous acid, and in purifj'ing the color so extracted by boiling it with one of the cheap hydro-carbon oils — coal-oil or petro- leum — in which it dissolves. The petroleum solution is then treated with a weak solution of caustic soda, which deprives the petroleum of the color, and leaves it (the oil) in a state to be used over again. The soda solution is then treated with a weak sulphuric or muriatic acid, which pre- cipitates the color in the form of a paste, which, after wash- ins:, is readv for use. The madder residue is then converted into garancine, and from this, an additional quantity of color is extracted by similar means. The Ihird process is due to Schutzenberger, and consists in the extraction of the color from garancine by means of water heated to a very high temperature, say at a pressure of 125 to 150 pounds of steam. The color falls from the water on drawing; otf and coolino:. The extract so made is excel- lent. The objection to this process is the difficulty of operating at so great a pressure, and from the necessity of the vessel's being of small capacity, to resist the pressuie. A modifica- tion of it is therefore also in use, which consists in passing THE AMERICAN DYER. 1215 superheated steam through moist garaiicinc, and condensing- the water}' extract so made. The al)ove are the only processes that appear to Ifave suc- ceeded oil a practical scale for obtaining an extract of madder sufficiently pure and sufficiently cheap to be employed ia printing. The extraction of the color by means of alkalies, potash, soda, or ammonia, which is by far the easiest and cheapest mode, — as any one may convince himself of by shaking up a little garancine in a test-tube with ammonia water, — has failed, in consequence of the alkali dissolving the resin, fat, and pectic acid, as well as the color. This renders it wholly unfit for printing, but does not prevent its employment in the dye beck. There would in this case, however, be no advantage in using the alkaline extract instead of the madder from which it was* made. But this subject needs further investigation, and would probably well repay the researches of any competeut chemist. The fact stated by Persoz, of the great advantage to be derived from the addition of soap to the dye-beck is, perhaps, owing to the alkali of the soap rendering the solution of the color, by the hot water, more complete, without being present in suffi- cient quantity to dissolve the injurious components of the madder. The principal conditions necessary to success in printing either of the above extracts are, — 1. That the extract be pure and concentrated. 2. The substitution of pure acetate of alumina for the old red liquor mordant, which contains acetate of potash or ammonia, in addition to the acetate of alumina. 3. The employment of a solvent for the color, which is acetic acid. 4. The addition of certain substances to orive a certain degree of hygrometric property to the color, such as salts of lime, oils, or fatty acids. The color thus prepared, and properly thickened, is to be 124 THE AMERICAN DYER. printed in accordance witii the following recipes. The '' doctor" must be of composition, and not of steel. Reds on unprepared Cotton. 2 quarts Madder Extract, 3 pints Acetic Acid, at 8° B., 1 lb. Olive Oil, are cooked together. Then as much acetic acid as has been steamed off must be re- stored by fresh acid, and the mixture thickened with 3 lbs. of powdered Gum Arabic. Immediately before using, 1 pint of Acetate of Alumina, at 15° B., is added, as the mordant. It is essential 'not to add the mordant until just before using, for the color does not maintain its combination with the mordant very long. The acetate of alumina is made either by dissolving 2 quarts of alumina in paste, in 1 quart of acetic acid, at 8° B., or by the following recipe : — In 3 quarts of Water, dissolve 4 lbs. Sulphate Alumina, and then 6 lbs. Sugar of Lead. Let settle, and use the clear liquor. Pinks on unprepared Cotton are produced by the same process as the reds, diluting the color with Gum Water, acidified with a little Acetic Acid. ■Purples on unprepared Cotton. 1 quart Madder Extract, I quart Acetic Acid, 8° B., \ lb. Olive Oil, are cooked together for some time. The Acetic Acid which has evaporated must be restored by fresh acid, and the whole thickened THE AMERICAX DYER. 125 with 1^ lbs. Gum Arabic in powder. Immediately before using, add ^Ib. Iron Liquor, 11° B., |- lb. Arseniate Soda, at 6° B. Lighter shades of purple are produced by diluting the color with sour Gum Water. Chocolate on unprepared Cotton. 2 quarts Madder Extract, 2 quarts Acetic Acid, Cook. Replace what Acetic Acid has evaporated, and thicken with Gum Arabic, and when coid, add 3 quarts of Acetate Chrome, 17° B. Chocolate on unprepared Cotton. 1 lb. Madder Extract, 1 lb. Acetic Acid, 2 ounces Olive Oil, 2^ ounces Wheat Starch. Cook. Replace the evaporated Acetic Acid, and when cold, add 2)\ ounces Acetate Chrome, made as follows : — Acetate of Chrome. 4 ounces Chrome Alum, 4 ounces Sugar of Lead, \ pint Water. Catechus may be printed at the same time with ^Madder Extract, by any of the processes for Steam Catechus ; also the following pigment colors : — Blues. — Ultramarine, with Albumen solution. Greens. — Guignet Green, with Albumen solution. Oran(/e.— Orange pigment, No. 29, with Albumen solution. 126 THE AMERICAN DYER. Blacks. — Logwood Black, by this recipe. b\ lbs. British Gum, 3 quarts Water, 4 lbs. Logwood Liquor, 20° B., 18 ounces Acetic Acid, 6° B., 7f lbs. Acetate Chrome, 17° B., 10 ounces Chlorate Potash, dissolved in 3 gills of Water. Or this. 1| lbs. Logwood Extract (solid), 1 pint Acetic Acid, 8° B., 1 pint Olive Oil, \ lb. British Gum, Cook well ; restore the acid that steams off. Just before printing, stir in well 1 pint of a mixture of I pint Acetate Chrome, 16° B., 1 pint Acetate Iron, No. 8. • (S. B.) After printing, the goods are steamed 1^ or 2 hours at a low pressure, say 15 lbs. ; then washed, and soaped in a soap- bath at 125° to 165° F. Again washed and soaped a second time if necessary. If the whites are not satisfactory, the goods may be passed through a weak chemic. As the employment of Madder Extract is of very recent introduction, but little is known as yet of the capabilities of this process, and an interesting field is opened for intelligent experimentation. It will be observed that in all the recipes, the color is held in solution by Acetic Acid, but it is equally soluble in Potash or Soda, and particularly so in Ammonia Water. In this case, of course. Acetate of Alumina coujd not be used as the mordant in the color, but the goods might be padded with it previous to printing. It is also soluble in Gallipoli oil, 3 lbs. Extract to 1 quart of Oil and 1 lb. of British Gum. With this, the Acetate of Alumina, could of THE AMERICAN DYER. 127 course be used as the mordant. Red Prussiate of Potash with the Extract produces a purple and Acetate of Uranium a gray. A little Pyrolignite of Iron, deepens the Choco- lates. Since the above was written, I have been favored with the communication of the experience of a very accomplished chemist, Mr. Spencer Borden, of Fall River, with regard to the use of Madder Extract. He gives the following recipes as those he has found the best : — Dark Red on unprepared Cloth. 8 lbs. Extract of Madder, 4 pints Acetic Acid, 8°, 2 pints Water, 1 pint Acetate of Lime, 5° T., If lbs. Starch. Cook, and when cold, replace the loss by evaporation with Acetic Acid at AP. Then, just before printing, add \\ pints Acetate Alumina, 15°. Medium Red on unprepared Cloth. 8 lbs. Extract of Madder, 4 pints Acetic Acid, 8°, 5 pints Gum "Water (6 lbs. to the gallon). Manipulate as the preceding, and add the same amount of mordant. Rale Red on unprepared Cloth. The same as for Medium Red reduced to the shade required with Gum Water. In all cases the Alumina is to be added when the color is quite cold, and just before printing. The color itself will keep good for weeks. 128 TUE AMERICAX DYEK. Purples on unprepared Cloth. 8 lbs. Madder Extract, 4 pints Acetic Acid, 8^, • 6 quarts Giini Water, 1 pint Acetate Protoxide Iron, 20° T. Liirhter shades may be produced by diluting with Gura AVater. Darker shades may be thickened with Starch instead of Gum. The goods, after printing, are to be cooled. Steam for two hours, with moist steam the first hour and a half; the last half hour at a higher pressure. The time of steaming however is of more importance than the pressure. After steaming, wash well, soap first at 120° F., and a second time at 170° F. Gently clear aud finish. The Madcler Extract may also be used in an alkaline solu- tion, if the cloth is first prepared with the mordant. This is done as follows : Pad the goods in a mixture of 3 parts of Eed Liquor, 5° T., 1 part of Acetate Lime, 5° T., Dry well and pass through the ageing room ; then print with the following color: — Reds and Pinks on prepared Cotton. U lbs. Madder Extract, I lb. Saccharate of Soda Solution, 1 gallon Water, 1 lb. White Starch. Cook. Or tJiis. U lbs. Madder Extract, 6?r lbs. Soap Solution. I'lb. Starch. Cook. THE AMERICAN DYER. 129 Saccharate of Soda Solution. Boil together 1 pint Caustic Soda, 58° T., 1 quart "Water, \\ lbs. Browu Sugar, uutil all the susjar be dissolved. Soap Solution. Dissolve 1 lb. ordinary Soap, iu 1 gallon Water. ARTIFICIAL ALIZARIXE. It is scarcely more than four years ago that the chemical world was surprised by the announcement that two chemists of Berlin, Mfessrs. Grrebe and Liebermann, had succeeded in forming alizarine out of some of the products of coal-tar. The announcement was received at first with incredulity, but it soon became recognized as an established fact, that this substance, hitherto found only in madder and some of its cognate plants, could really be produced iu the laboratory of the chemist. It was not supposed at first that this discovery would have any practical value, but that the artificial aliza- rine would remain for a long time a mere chemical curiosity. Such, however, has not proved to be the fact. It is now manufactured on a commercial scale by some half-dozen houses, and is offered in the market at such prices as to com- pete, it is daitnedy successfully, with the natural extracts of madder. , Dr. Grothe, in the " Muster Zeitung," recommends the fol- lowing recipes for printing with it. It will be observed that they differ from the recipes for madder extract, chiefly in the fact that the alizarine paste is not cooked with the thickening, but is added afterwards, and at the same time with the alum- inous mordant; and also, that no directions are given for 17 130 THE AMERICAN DYER. restoring the acetic acid that evaporates in the cooking. It is not probable that this will prove to be any improvement ; but each printer must determine, by his own experience, which mode of mixing is the best. Reds. 5 lbs. Alizarine paste, 16 lbs. Thickening, 1 lb. Acetate of Alumina, 10- B., \ lb. Acetate of Lime, 16^ B. Pinks. The same, diluted with 2 or 3 parts Thickening. For double printing, when deep red is printed on first, the o"oods must be steamed one hour, before the second printing takes place. After the second printing, the goods must be again steamed one hour, and hung up to air. After hanging 24 hours, they are to be passed through either of the follow- ing baths : 250 gallons Water, 60 lbs. Chalk, 3 lbs. Salts of Tin. Or this. 250 gallons Water, 40 lbs. Chalk, 10 lbs. Arseniate Soda. The bath must be at a temperature of 120^ to 140^ F., and the goods stay in the bath 1 to li^ minutes. They are then washed, and afterwards brightened as follows : Par 10 j[)ieces^ fifty yards each. 1st Soaping, 3 lbs. Soap, \ lb. Salts Tin, 122^ F., \ hour, 2d " 3 lbs. Soap, no Salts Tin, 167° F., \ hour, 3d " 31bs. Soap, no Salts Tin, 170° to 177 -"F.,i hour. Wash between each soaping. THE AMEiaCAX DYER. 131 Thickening fcr Reds. 12 lbs. Wheat Starch, 20 quarts Water, 4 quarts Acetic Acid, G^ B., 10 quarts Tragacanth Mucilage (2 ouuces to quart), 3 lbs. Olive Oil. Cook.'' Acetate of Alumina. 30 lbs. Hydrate of Alumina, are stirred into 6 c[uarts Acetic Acid, warmed and filtered, and reduced to the required degree. ■ It will generally be found necessary to employ an amount of Acetate of Alumina, at 12*^ B., equal to 20 per cent, of the weight of the Alizarine paste. Hydrate of Alumina. 72 lbs. Alum, in 100 gallons Water, are precipitated with 62 lbs. Soda, in 100 gallons Water. The precipitate is washed 8 times by decautatiou, collected on a filter, and squeezed out. Acetate of Lime Solution. A solution of Acetate of Lime, at 16^ B., contains 25 per cent, of Acetate of Lime. Generally an amount of the solu- tion equal to 10 per cent, of the Alizarine paste is required in the color. But it is well, with every new lot of Alizarine, to try, on a small scale, how much Acetate of Lime it requires, before using it for printing. Red for Mosiacs {Mille-fleurs) . 8 lbs. Alizarine paste, 10 quarts Thickening, ^\ oz. Kitrate Alumina, 15^ B., ' 19 oz. Acetate Alumina, 10° B., 13 oz. Acetate Lime, 16° B. 132 THE AMEKICAK DYER. Veiy Deep lied, 10 lbs. Alizarine paste, 10 quarts Thickening, 13 oz. Nitrate Alumina, 15° B., 19 oz. Acetate Alumina, 10° B., 16 oz. Acetate Lime, 16° B. J^itrate of Alumina. 2 lbs. Nitrate Lead, 2 lbs. Alum, 2 quarts Water. With Nitrate of Alumina the Red is more yellow than with the Acetate ; and when Nitrate is employed, an increased quantity of Acetate of Lime must be used. Another Red ivithout Oil. 8i^ lbs. Alizarine paste, ^ lbs. Acetic Acid, 8° B., 31 lbs. Flour, 5 pints Water. Cook well ; stir till cold, and then add 1 lb. Acetate Lime, 16° B., 2 lbs. Nitrate Alumina, 15° B., 3 lbs. Hyposulphite Lime, 9° B. Purples, 3 lbs. Alizarine paste, 10 quarts Purple Thickening, 6 oz. Pyrolignite Iron, 12° B., 12 oz. Acetate Lime, 16° B. • Purple Thickening. 10 lbs. Starch, 18 quarts Water, 9 quarts Tragacanth Mucilage (2 oz. to quart), THE AMERICAIN^ DYER. 133 3 quarts Acetic Acid, 6*^ B., 2 lbs. Olive Oil. Cook well, and stir till cold. The goods are steamed 1 to 2 hours at 8 lbs., and then hung to air 24 to 26 hours. They are then passed in a pad- ding machine through the chalk and arseniate bath, the same as for Reds; washed and soaped, once only, without any tin in the soap-bath. If necessary, they may be lightly chemicked after soaping. WOOL-SCOURING. The first operation in dyeing is the scouring of the wool, and this is an operation that requires as much attention, if not more, than any subsequent one in .the art of woolen-dyeing ; yet it is the most neglected. If the wool is properly cleansed, we can produce better and more brilliant colors than we can if it is but half scoured. This, any intelligent and skilful dyer will admit ; but we must say that a greater number of the dyers will assert, that there is not so much need of having the wool perfectly clean for dark colors as it is for the light shades, or for the blue-vat. This is a very erroneous idea, and there is no rea- son whatever for such a distinction. The wool cannot be got too clean for any of the colors ; and we wish to impress it forcibly upon the attention of not only the dyer, but also the manufacturer, to see that the wool is perfectly clean for all shades and colors. How often do we hear complaints from the carder that his cards gum up; that he has to have them cleaned twice a day ; that he has to clean his burr-picker four to six times in picking a thousand pounds, when all the cause of this trouble and work is the uncleanliness of the wool ; and when the cloth which is manufactured from such wool is fulled and scoured, the dyer finds that his colors have riui, which he lays to the finisher, and says that he uses too strong soap, &c., &c., when all the fault lies at his own door, on account 184 THE AMERICAN DYER. of his iiecrlisrence in not havMng the wool scoured clean. When- ever dyers will be more particular in regard to cleaning their wool before coloring it, and use the proper coloring materials (those kinds that give the most permanent colors), we shall not hear so much about the finisher allowing the use of soaps too strongly alkaline for fulling, and so much about his de- stroying the colors, &c. If the wool is perfectly clean, the coloring-matter of such dyestuffas is used to produce the color, will have a chance to penetrate the fibre of the wool, thereby causing it to be more permanentl}' fixed ; but if the wool is unclean, the color is only fixed superfluousl}' upon the outside of the fibre, and not within it. We will admit that a color can be made to look very well upon wool that is not perfectly clean ; but let us follow this unclean wool through the process of manufacturing it into cloth. In the first place, it will cord and spin bad. It will require more oil than clean wool, to overcome the adhesivness of the greasy, paste-like substance left upon it before it was colored, which, by the boiling it gets in the operation of coloring, causes this pasty matter to adhere more firmly to the wool. There is also a greater loss by waste than there M'ould be if the wool was clean. In spin- ning it will break oftener ; it will not draw out, or make so fine, even, or strong yarn. But the worst of all the bad efi'ects unclean wool has is, that when the cloth made from it comes to the finishing-room to be fulled and scoured, it can hardly be scoured clean ; and if it is got perfectly clean, it is done by using a scour-liquor of such an alkaline strength as not only to injure the texture of the cloth, but to nearly destroy the color; and what is left of the color, after the cloth has been cleansed, is lifeless and poor ; but for all this the dyer will curse the finisher, because the colors do not stand, and look as they were expected to. The above enumerated evils, in not having the wool clean to commence with, are enough, without naming others, to show how essential it is to have the w oo\ jyerfectltj dean before it leaves the dye-house, or the dyer attempts to color it. It THE AMERICAX DYER. 135 is for the interest of tlie dyer to attend particularly to the cleansing of the wool, so that he may have a perfectly clean ground on which to fa.sten his colors, for upon unclean wool it is impossible to produce a clear, bright and permanent color. If the wool is clean, his colors will be bright, and all the operations of manufacturing it into cloth will have a ten- dency to improve the beauty and lustre of the colors and fabric. Every dyer, as a general thing, has his own particular method of scouring the wool, some using soda-ash and salt, others, sal-ammoniac and the different patent wool-cleansinhuret, carburet, phosphuret, &c. But ide is now generally adopted even for these, giving sulphides, carbonides, and phosphides.^' "When the compound formed by the union of the elements has acid properties, the name ends in ic, or oics; thus we have THE AJVIERICA^ DYER. 193 sulphuric, sulphurous, nitric, nitrous, chloric, chlorous acids. Thus, these elements, uniting together in different multiples, have prefixes added to express the number of proportions. Thus, proto denotes one proportion ; dento, or hi, two propor- • tions; trito, three proportions; per denotes uo particular number, only the highest proportion. " For examples, take the compounds nitrogen and oxygen : NO, protoxide of nitrogen. NO2, binoxide of nitrogen. NO3, nitrous acid. NO4, peroxide of nitrogen. NO5, nitric acid. "Thus we see, the full name of the substance not having acid properties, denotes its composition . In the case of acids, it does not tell the number of elements combined, as with oxides, ous, simply signifying that it has less oxygen than another acid composed of the same elements, and which ends in ic." \_For instance, nitrous acid contains hut two proportions of oxygen {JSfO.i)^ ivhile nitric acid (-ZVO5) contains Jive pro- portions of oxygen. 1 " There are sometimes more than two acids formed by the combining of the same elements. In this case, if the oxygen is less than in the acid whose name terminates with ous, the prefix Jiypo is put to the name of the ous acid. If there be more oxygen than in the ous acid, and less than the ic acid, the same prefix is made to the last-named acid. " Finally, when there is more oxygen present than in the acid whose name terminates with ic, the prefix per is used as in oxides. Thus, for examples, to illustrate these terms : S2O2, hypo-sulphurous acid. 502, sulphurous acid. 82O5, hypo-sulphuric acid. 503, sulphuric acid." 25 J 94 THE a:merica2^^ dyer. "Any acid having more oxygen, in relation to the sulphur, than the last-named in the above list, would be called per- sulphuric acid. It will thus be seen, that the names of the compounds denote their composition, and gives an idea of their leading properties." "The term sesqui, — as sesquioxide, — is often used, and means one and a half of an equivalent, which, as may be inferred from what has been said, cannot take place. Never- theless, the name is conveniently retained to denote such com- pounds as have two of one element, and three of another, such as sesquioxide of iron (FcoOg), also termed peroxide, which is composed of two of iron (Fcj), and three of oxygen (03= FeA). "Sometimes one proportion of oxygen, chlorine, &c., combines with two proportions of a base as a metal ; such compounds have the prefix sy6 or di thus, — FcjO, sub-oxide of iron, or dinoxide of iron. CugCl, sub-chloride, or dichloride of copper." As regards the constitution of salts, it is not our intention to define the merits of the difterent views taken by chemists in regard to the constitution of chemical salts, but merely and briefly to give a general idea to the student in dyeing. For an example we will take sulphuric acid. The composition of this acid is given by Berzelius thus, SO3. Now we find that SO3 is a solid crystalline compound, which has no acid prop- erties until it is combined with one proportion of water, and its formula would be SO3 + HO (hydrous sulphuric acid). Sir H. Davy thought that as sulphuric acid, SO3, had no acid properties, and was not capable of combining with any body as such, unless in union with water, it was the more probable that what is termed hydrated sulphuric acid (SOg-j-llO), might be the correct composition of sulphuric acid, rather than the formula SO3, and should be represented thus, SO4 + H, the hydrogen being the base or metal, and that the THE AMEEICAN DYER. 195 presence of hydrogen is an essential qnalification to the acid, so that a piece of iron being pnt into sulphuric acid the re- action would be expressed thus, SO^II + Fe = S04Fe + H, or thus, — 0,1 • -J ^ H — hydrogen gas. Sulphuric acid < j o o ^ *> sulphate of iron. Iron = Fe > A greater number of our modern chemists express sulphuric acid thus, H^SOi- Names have been proposed in accordance with Sir H. Davy's views; as, for instance, the SO4 is to be termed suJphion; therefore the formula SO4 -|- H being termed sulphuric acid, will be sulphionide of hydrogen, instead of sulphuric acid. It will, however, be a dithcult task to introduce such names into science ; even if they were approved of, their use will haye to be a slow but ofiadual growth. The views that are given above of the true formula of sul- phuric acid, can be applied to all hydrated acids. The for- mula of nitric acid, NO5, for instance, has never to our knowl- edge been isolated, but its existence is merely supposed from analogy. For hydrated nitric acid we have the formula, NO5 -|- HO ; but why this formula, rather than this, NOg -f- H, or this, HNO5? Any metals dissolving in nitric acid replace the hydrogen only. The same may be said of muriatic acid, HCl (more properly termed hydrochloric acid) , which we know to be a compound of hydrogen and chlorine. If we dissolve a metal in muriatic acid, we tind that the acid, and not the water is decomposed. Or turn muriatic acid upon soda, we find that the action is not that of the acid combining with the oxide, but that there is a double decomposition, which, accord- ing to Davy, is represented thus : HCl HO + NaCl -\- jHO. Proving that these bodies which are termed muriates should be more properly named chlorides. "VVe have only stated the fundamental principles of these views as a general guide to the young dyer in his inquiries into 196 THE AMEKICAX DTEE. chemical science, and if he wishes to obtain more extended information, he should study such works as Dumas's Lectures upon Dyeing, Thomson, Graham, Wagner and others, who have given this subject a great deal of attention and investi- gation. It will ample repay any time and labor he may expend upon it, as upon the proper understanding of the primary and fundamental laws of affinity, in a great measure depends the right application of chemical science to practical purposes, and most especially in the various operations of dyeing. Sulphuric Acid = H2SO4. The sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol of commerce, is com- posed of 81.5 parts of anhydrous sulphuric acid and 18 5 parts of water. There are in the market two distinct kinds of this acid, — the fuming or Nordhausen sulphuric acid, and the ordinary or common oil of vitriol. The Nordhausen de- rives its name from the place where it is manufactured in German}'. The method of preparing this kind of acid is very old, and is still practised in Nordhausen. It is a very strong acid, and has a dark color, and gives off a large amount of white fumes, for which reason it is called fuming oil of vitriol. This is the best acid of the two kinds for making sulphate of indigo, or chemic. At a red heat, all sulphates, except those of the alkaline earths, are decomposed, for which reason they can be em- ployed for manufacturing fuming sulphuric acid, but the sulphate of iron (2Fe SO4) being cheaper than the other sul- phates, it is mostly used in preparing fuming oil of vitriol. By exposing this salt to a red heat, it will be decomposed into anhydrous sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid (SOo). Anhy- drous sulphuric acid (HO SO3) could be obtained from sul- phate of iron, if the sulphate could be possibly procured perfectly anhydrous, but as this is not possible to do without decomposition, some water is always retained, the result being the compound known as fuming sulphuric acid ; that is, a mixture of anhydrous and common oil of vitriol (HO SO3). THE AMERICAN DYER. ]97 The method of preparing fuming sulphuric acid is as fol- lows : "The solution of sulphate of iron (2Fe SOJ is first evaporated to dryness, and then dried in open vessels as much as possible. The dry saline mass (vitriol stone it is called in Germany) is next transferred to fire-clay fiasUs, placed in a galley furnace, the necks of the flasks passing through the wall of the furnace, and are properly fastened to the necks of the receivers. Into each of these flasks two and a half pounds of the vitriol stone are put; at the first applica- tion only sulphurous acid and weak hydrated sulphuric acid comes over, and is usually allowed to escape, the receivers not being securely luted until white vapours of anhydrous sulphuric acid are seen." "Into each of the receiving flasks thirty grammes of water are poured, and the distillation con- tinued for twenty-four or thirty-six hours. The retort-flasks are then filled again with raw material, and the operation repeated four times before the oil of vitriol is deemed suflB- ciently strong. The residue in the retorts is red oxide (peroxide of iron, Fcj O3) of iron, still retaining some sul- phuric acid. The quantity of fuming acid obtained amounts to forty-five or fifty per cent, of the weight of the deh3alrated sulphate of iron employed. At Davidsthal, in Bohemia, fourteen hundred weight of this vitriol stone will yield in thirty-six hours five and a half hundred weight of fuming sulphuric acid." It is preferable to use sulphate of the peroxide of iron instead of the protosulphate ; the sulphate of the peroxide can be easily made by using the peroxide and the ordinary or common oil of vitriol. Frequently the fuming acid is made by passing anhydrous sulphuric acid obtained by calcining perfectly deh3'drated protosulphate of iron, or, still l)etter, the persulphate of iron, into common oil of vitriol. It is also now and then made from the bisulphate of soda left after making nitric acid from saltpetre. The concentrated oil of vitriol is prepared, on a large scale, in leaden chambers, and dates as far back as 1746. "Dr. 198 THE AMERICAN DYER. Roebuck of Birmingham, Eng., erected the first leaden cham- ber in Edinburgh. Although the use of leaden chambers is due to an Englishman, the present mode of manufacturing sulphuric acid was invented by a calico-printer at Rouen, in 1774, and improved by the celebrated Chaptal." Many methods have been suggested for manufacturing sulphuric acid, but none have anywhere superseded the process gener- ally adopted. We will mention a few only of the re-actions upon which these methods are based. Persoz's method is based upon the following re-actions : " First. Oxidation of sulijhurous acid by means of nitric acid, the latter being heated to 100° Fahr., and diluted with four to six times its bulk of water. Second. The vapors of hyponitric acid are again converted to nitric acid by the oxygen of the air and steam. In this process, the leaden chambers are replaced by a series of large earthenware bottles, called a Woulfe's appara- tus." " Hahner's method is based on the oxidizing of sulphur- ous acid with chlorine, care being taken that steam is present at the time, and is thus expressed : — Sulphurous acid SO j> , s„n„rie „eid. HOSO3. Aqueous vapor, 2H O, ^ y.eld | jj d,.„^y„^i„ „^,ij pjc... Chlonne, ^C\, J Although enormous quantities of gypsum are found native, all attempts to prepare sulphuric acid from this mineral have failed, in an industrial point of view. The composition of gypsum, or sulphate of lime, is as follows, in one hundred parts : — Sulphuric acid, SO3, (anhydrous,) 43 Lime, Ca, 33 Water, HO, 24 = 100 Sulphuric acid is one of the most important compounds of sulphur. This acid is a corrosive substance, converting ani- mal and vegetable matter into charcoal, the hydrogen and nitrogen of these substances forming water, which combines THE AMERICAN DYER. 199 with the acid and leaves the carbon as charcoal. It is .the only liquid that will combine with and dissolve indigo without deoxidizing it, but to effect this it must be concentrated. Sulphuric acid has great attraction for moisture. It will combine intimately with water in any proportion, yet there seems to be certain definite qualities that will combine with it chemically. When water is added heat is evolved (this heat is a definite quantity), and is accompanied by great condensa- tion of bulk, as the dyer can convince himself by taking equal quantities of strong oil of vitriol and water and mixing them, when, after the mixture becomes cold, he will find a much less quantity. The heat of this mixture, when first put together, will reach the boiling-point, or 212°. This acid will combine with alkalies, earths, and metals, and the salts thus found are called sulphates of the particular base to which it is united, — such as alum, copper, iron, and lime. They are then called sulphate of alumina, sulphate of copper, sulphate of iron, sulphate of lime, &c. Carboys con- taining oil of vitriol, muriatic, and nitric acids should be kept well corked, or stopped up, as they all absorb moisture very readily when exposed to the atmosphere. We will here insert a few of Fesquet's experiments upon the amount of condensation and heat given out, which were performed with a common thermometer and alkaliineter. These experiments were on sulphuric acid ; — Measures of Measures of Heat when Increase of Loss by water. acid. mi-xed. heat. condensation. 90 10 86° 40° 5 80 20 116 70 7 70 30 154 108 8 60 30 188 142 H 50 50 210 164 11 40 50 212 166 11 30 70 164 154 9 20 80 136 118 H 10 90 — 90 7 • 200 THE A]MERICA]Sr DYER. ".The above was the mean of three trials ; the proportions of acid and water were taken to make 100 graduations. The heat was observed immediately after mixing, and the mixture was kept in a stopped bottle until cold, when it was measured by the alkalimeter, and the loss by condensation noted. " The heat of the water and acid separately was 46° Fahr. The acid used had a specific gravity of 1.795, taken by Twaddle. " Another proof that water and sulphuric acid form a defi- nite compound is, that when the acid has the specific gravity of 1.78, the composition is SOJI + HO. This, at a tempera- ture of 32° will crystallize in large and regular crystals, while stronger or weaker acid, at the same temperature, will not crystallize." Dyers often complain of their acids being weak, and charge the manufacturer of them with making poor acids, when in fact it is their own fault ; by their carelessness in leaving the carboys unstopped, they allow the acid to absorb moisture from the atmosphere, causing it become diluted. Let any one place a cup half full of oil of vitriol exposed to the atmos- phere, and he will be astonished at the short time it takes for the cup to become full. "The impurities of sulphuric acid are lead, nitric acid, arsenic, and sulphate of potash ; the potash is used to give the acid density. Sulphate of potash or soda can be detected in oil of vitriol by putting a few drops of the acid into a small earthen basin and saturating it with ammonia ; then evaporate it to dryness and apply a strong heat to it until all the white fumes of sulphate of ammonia cease rising, and if the acid is pure there will be nothing left. " Lead can be detected in the acid by adding a little dis- tilled water to it, and if lead is present it is converted into a sulphate of lead, and is not soluble in diluted acid ; so by adding water to sulphuric acid that contains lead there will be produced a milkiness in the solution, which shows the presence t)f lead. If nitric acid is present it can be detected THE AMERICAN DYER. 201 by taking a good bright crystal of copperas and suspend it in the acid and apply heat. A black ring will form around the crystal of copperas, or you will perceive the smell of per- oxide of nitrogen, if nitric acid is present in the oil of vitriol." The most highly concentrated sulphuric acid contains 18.46 per cent, of water; its formula, HOSO3 ; specific gravity, 1.848. In a perfectly pure state it is a colorless liquid, but it is generally more or less yellow or brown colored, owing to the presence of organic matter. The boiling point of highly concentrated oil of vitriol is 338° Fahr. The uses of sulphuric acid are so numerous that it would be impossible to name all of them, sulphuric acid being to chemical industry what iron is to the mechanical. Sul- phuric acid is employed in preparing a great many other acids, such as nitric, muriatic, sulphurous, carbonic, phos- phoric, tartaric, and citric acid. It is also used in making soda, superphosphates, sulphate of ammonia, alum, sulphates of copper and iron ; in refining paraffine, petroleum, and silver; for the manufacturing of garancine, garanceux, and other madder preparations. It is used by the dyer in making sulphate of indigo (chemic) with muriatic acid as a solvent for tin in making the solution of murio-sulphate of tin. " The following table gives the quantity of anhydrous sul- phuric acid contained in sulphuric acid at 15.5 C. : — Hydratcil Specific gravity. Anhydrous Hydrated Specific gravity. Anhydrous Sulphuric Acid Acid. Sulphuric Acid. 100 1.8485 81. .54 93 1.8290 75.83 99 1.8475 80.72 92 1.8233 75.02 98 1.8460 79.yo 91 1.8179 74.20 97 1.8439 79.09 90 1.8115 73.39 96 1.8410 78.28 89 1.8043 72.57 95 1.8376 77.40 88 1.7962 71.75 94 1.8336 76.G5 87 1.7870 70.94 26 202 THE A3IERICAN DYER. Hydrated Anhydrous Hydrated Anhydrous Snlpharic Acid. Specific gravity. Acid. Sulphuric Acid. Specific gravity. Acid. 86 1.7774 70.12 69 1..5868 57.26 85 1.7673 69.31 68 1.5760 55.45 84 1.7570 68.49 1 67 1.5648 54.63 83 1.7465 67.68 66 1.. 5.503 53.82 82 1.7360 66.86 1 65 1.5390 53.00 81 1.7245 66.05 64 1.5280 52.18 80 1.7120 65.23 63 1.5170 51.37 79 1.6993 64.42 62 1..5066 50.55 78 1.6870 63.60 61 1.4960 49.74 77 1.6750 62.78 60 1.4860 48.92 76 1.6630 61.97 1 i 59 1.4760 48.11 75 1.6520 61.15 1 58 1.4660 47.29 74 1.6415 60.34 ; 57 1.4.560 46..58 73 1.6321 59.-55 ! 56 1.4460 45.68 72 1.6204 58.71 1 55 1.4360 44.85 71 1.6090 57.89 J 54 1.426.5- 45.03 70 1.5975 67.08 ! 1 53 1.4170 43.22 The composition of hj'drated sulphuric acid of the specific gravity of 1.845 (1.8485, Ure) consists of 1 equivalent of dry acid, 40, and 1 equivalent of water, 9 = 49. As the water acts the part of a base, the proper name of it would be sul- phate of water, its formula being HOSOg. The dry acid consists of 1 equivalent of sulphur, 16, and 3 equivalents of oxygen, 24 =: 40, as above stated. The ordinary com- mercial acid (specific gravity, 1.8433) consists, according to Phillips, of 1 equivalent of dry acid, and 1^ equivalents of water. The hydrated Nordhausen acid has a density as high 1.89, and consists of 2 equivalents of dry acid, and 1 equiva- lent of water (HO, 2 SO3). Sulphuric acid, commonly called oil of vitriol, is a dense, colorless, inodorous liquid, and strongly corrosive, and upon living tissues it acts as a powerful caustic. It contains water, which is essential to its existence. It unites with water in all proportions, and great heat is evolved on mixture of the two fluids. If its density exceeds 1.8485 it contains lead or other impurities ; at the above density it contains 18 per cent, of THE AMERICAN DYER. 203 water; at a density of 1.8433 it contains 22 per cent, of water; it boils at 620°, and freezes at 15° below zero. The usual impurities in this acid are the sulphates of potash and lead. The former impurity is" derived from the residue of the process ; the latter, from the leaden boilers in which it is concentrated. Occasionally nitre is added, to give it density, and to render dark-colored acid colorless. These impurities often amount to three or four per cent. The commercial acid cannot be expected to be absolutely pure, but when it is properly manufactured it should not contain more than one- fourth of one per cent, of impurity. If sulphate of lead is present, the acid will become turbid, if it is diluted with an equal weight of water. Hydrochloric AciDmHCl, or Muriatic Apm. This acid has been known from an early period in history by the name of marine acid, spirits of salt, &c. It is a gaseous substance, and very soluble in water, in w^iich con- dition it is employed. This gas is produced by the decompo- sition of common salt and sulphuric acid, and in order to effect its condensation, the gas is conveyed to coke columns ; but in most instances the gas is prepared and condensed by the aid of several cast-iron furnaces, fitted up similar to gas- retorts, with lids luted with clay. One of these lids is pro- vided with an opening, so as to fit in the stone-ware or lead pipe that leads to the condensing jars ; the gas passes through this pipe into the jars ; these jars contain water for the absorp- tion of the gas, and are called a Woulfe's apparatus. There is another lid to these retorts, at the end, with an opening in it ; in this opening is a lead funnel attached, so that after the retort is filled with the proper amount of salt, sulphuric acid may then be poured in. There are generally two retorts, and they are so constructed that the fire can play around them before reaching the flue or chimne}^: The first operation is to fill these retorts with the quantity of salt required. The lids or covers are then luted 204 THE AMERICAN DYER. on and the fire kindled. The required amount of strong sul- phuric acid is now poured into the retort through the funnel, then the funnel is taken out and the hole is closed with clay. As soon as the re-action is over the sulphate of soda produced by the acid and salt is taken from the retorts and the opera- tion is again repeated. The condensation apparatus consists of rows of Woulfe's bottles or jars, partly filled with water; care is taken that the first pair of jars is placed in a tank of cold water. The condensation of the last portion of the hydrochloric acid gas is effected by the aid of coke columns or in leaden chambers, into which fine jets of cold water are injected on all sides of the column or leaden chambers. Com- mercial muriatic acid has a yellow color, the color being due to chloride of iron : the taste of this acid is a caustic sour, and it furpes by being exposed to the atmosphere ; when pure it is colorless, and strong sunshine will decompose it. For the above reasons it should be kept in a dark place and well stopped up; all substances that it comes in contact with rapidly corrode, and its fumes will destroy colors. When this acid is exposed to the atmosphere it emits white fumes, which is muriatic-acid gas with a little watery vapor ; therefore exposure will weaken the acid, and ought to be avoided as much as possible. Water is capable of absorbing 475 times its own bulk of hydrochloric-acid gas, and a saturated solution contains 42.85 per cent, of gas, the specific gravity being 1.21. The table below will show the specific gravity of this acid at its various degrees of concentration, and the amount of pure acid (real gas) contained at 70°. Specific DeKrees Degrees Percentage Specific Degrees Degrees Percentage gravity. Baume. Twaddle. of Acid. gravity. Baume, Twaddle. of Acid. 1.21 26 42 42.85 1.17 22 34 34.34 1.20 25 .40 40.80 1.16 21 32 32.32 1.19 24 38 38.88 1.15 20 30 30.30 1.18 23 36 36.36 1.14 19 28 * 28.28 THE AMERICAX DYER. 205 Specific Degrees Degrees Percentage Specific Degrees Degrees Percentage gravity. Baume. Twaddle. of Acid. gravity. Baume. Twaddle. of Acid. 1.13 18 2G 26.26 1.06 9 12 12.12 1.12 17 24 24.24 1.05 8 10 10.10 1.11 15.5 22 22.22 1.04 6 8 8.08 1.10 14.5 20 20.20 1.03 5 6 6.06 1.09 12 18 18.18 1.02 3 4 4.04 1.08 11 16 16.16 1.01 2 2 2.02 1.07 10 14 14.14 — — — - This acid is very largely employed for the manufacturing of sal-ammoniac, phosphorus, chloride of antimony, glue, and chlorine, for the preparation of carbonic acid, for the manufacture of artificial mineral waters ; it is also employed in bleach-works, hydro-metallurgy, in beet-root sugar works, and, mixed with nitric acid, to form aqua regia, for dissolving various metals. The principal use made of this acid by the woolen-dyer is to prepare the tin solutions, such as the muri- ate of tin, nitro-muriate, and sulpho-muriate of tin. This acid in its purity is colorless, exposure to light changes it to a yellow color, and strong sunshine decomposes it. Some- times salt, also sulphuric acid, is added to this acid, to give it weight and density. The salt may be detected by evaporat- ing some of the acid in a saucer ; if salt is present there will be a white residue left; if iron is present in the acid, by evaporating as above there will be a brown residue left. jMuriatic-acid gas is a colorless elastic fluid, possessing a pungent odor, and the property of irritating the organs of respiration. It destroys life and extinguishes flame. It red- dens litmus very powerfully, and has the other properties of a strong acid. Its specific gravity is 1.2*^9. When this acid is subjected to a pressure of forty atmospheres, at a temperature of 50°, it is condensed into a transparent liquid, to which alone the 20G THE AMERICAN DYER. name of liquid muriatic acid belongs. Water, at a tempera- ture of 611°, takes up 464 times its bulk of this gas, increasing its bulk one-third and about three-fourths in weight. Muriatic gas consist of 1 equivalent of chlorine, 35.5, and 1 equivalent of hydrogen, 1:=:30.5, or of one volume of chlorine and one of hydrogen united together without con- densation. Table of the Quantity of Aqueous Muriatic Acid of Specific Gravity 1.2 of Muriatic Acid Gas, and of Chlorine in 100 parts of Aqueous Acid of different densities. Specific Gravity. Aqueous Acid of .Sp.Gr. 1.2. Acid Gas. Clilorine. Specific Gravity. Aqueous Acid of Sp.Gr. 1.2. Acid Gas. Chlurine. 1.2000 100 40.777 89. 1.1102 55 21.822 22.426 1.1910 95 38.788 87. 1.1000 50 20.888 19.887 1.1822 90 36.700 35. 1.0899 45 18.848 17.854 1.1721 85 34.660 33. 1.0798 40 16.310 15.870 1.1701 84 34.252 33. 1.0697 35 14.271 13.887 1.1620 80 32.621 31. 1 .0597 30 12.283 1 1 .903 • 1.1599 79 32.213 31. 1.0497 25 10.194 9.919 1.1615 75 30.582 29. 1.0897 20 8.155 7.985 1.1419 70 28.544 27. 1.0298 15 6.116 5.951 1.1308 65 26.504 25. 1.0200 10 4.078 3.968 1.1206 60 24.466 23. 1.0100 5 2.039 1.984 Nitric AciD^rHNOg. This is an acid that abundantly exists in nature in combina- tion with other substances forming nitrates. Nitric acid is manufactured from either nitrate of potash or nitrate of soda, but at the present time it is prepared from the nitrate of soda mostly, as it is cheaper and gives more density to the acid ; consequently it will be of a higher specific gravity. To prove this, it has been found that one hundred pounds of nitrate of soda will produce eighty-two pounds of nitric acid, while one hundred pounds of nitrate of potash produces but sixty- THE AMERICAN DYER. 207 eight pounds, and it takes less sulphuric acid with soda than with potash. With potash it takes two equivalents of sul- phuric acid, whereas less suffices with nitrate of soda. The nitrate of potash or soda is placed in an iron retort, and heat is applied, and sulphuric acid is added to it by means of a tunnel connected with the retort, and the acid vapors are allowed to distil over through earthen pipes into glazed earthen flasks or jars, which are called receivers ; it is then re-distilled in glass retorts and placed in a sand-bath, with heat applied under the sand-bath. The next process is the bleaching of the acid. The acid is usually of a yellaw color, which is due to the presence of hyponitric acid, and if a colorless acid is wanted it must go through the bleaching process ; but a description of the operation is too lengthy to insert here, and if given would be of no advantage to the dyer. This bleaching is only done when a pure acid is wanted, and then it has to go through a condensation process after the bleaching. There have been improvements made in the man- ufacture of nitric acid, especially bearing on a possibility of doing away with the process of bleaching and a better method of condensing the acid vapors, but these improvements have not been adopted. Ail practical chemists are well aware that the red vapors will appear only at the beginning and towards the end of the distillation of the nitric acid, and it is there- fore only requisite to distil the acid fractionally to obtain on the one hand a red-colored acid (the acidiwn nitroso-nitricum of the pharmaceutists), and on the other hand to obtain a colorlet^s acid which can be readily delivered to the market. The nitric acid of commerce is generally of a very light- brown color, which is owing to a little peroxide of nitrogen that it contains. The following table was made out by Sir H. Davy, giving the proportions of nitrous gas contained in nitric acid accord- ing to the shade of color. Thus, in one hundred parts : — 208 THE A:^rEKICAN DYER. COLOR. Real Acid. Water. Peroxide of Nitrogen. A pale yellow has 90.5 8.3 1.2 A Ijritrht vellow has 88.9 8.1 2.9 A dark orange has . . . • . 86.8 7.6 5.5 A light olive has 86.0 7.5 6.1 A dark olive has 85.4 7.5 7.4 A bright green has . . 84.8 7.4 7.7 A blue green has 84.6 7.4 8.0 This table must have been the result of experiments upon strong acid only, for the color will be changed by dilution. If we should add w^'iter to an acid of a dark orange color, it would soon change to a yellowish green. The sun also changes the color of this acid, which is due to the decomposi- tion of the acid, and the liberating of peroxide of nitrogen. "NYe can try the effects of light upon this acid, by taking some of the colorless nitric acid, and placing it in the raj's of the sun. After a short time we can observe the change. This experi- ment will show the necessity of keeping it in a dark place. The carboys should also be kept stopped up, so that it will not be exposed to the atmosphere, as, when so exposed, it loses its strength very rapidly. Nitric acid, of 1.52 specific gravity, boils at 86° F. of 1.50 of 1.42 of 1.42 of 1.40 of 1.35 of 1.30 of 1.20 of 1.15 at 99° " at 115° " at 123° «« at 119° " at 117° " at 113° " at 108° " at 104° ".' There is a fuming nitric acid, prepared by using one part of nitrate of potash, KNO3 (saltpetre) , and one part of oil of THE AMERICAN DYER. 209 vitriol. From this mixture there is obtained a redtlish-yellow fluid, which consists of a mixture of nitric and hyponitric acids, and is known hy the name of fuming nitric acid. When equal parts of nitrate of potash and sulphuric acid arc taken, there is but one-half the nitric acid expelled, while the other half is decomposed into hyponitric acid and oxygen. The hyponitric combines with the nitric acid, thus forming the fumine: acid. But when manufacturing nitric acid from nitrate of soda, by decomposition, there are two parts of sulphuric acid used to one part of the soda. By this method, all the nitric acid contained in these salts is obtained, and what remains in the retorts is bisulphate of soda. When soda is used, it is on account of its easy decomposition by sulphuric acid ; but it is not necessary to use two parts of sulphuric acid to one of soda, for one and one-fourth to one and one-half parts of sulphuric acid have been found to be practically enough. This fuming acid is,' at the present time, .prepared by adding to common nitric acid such substances as will easily etfect the decomposition of the acid. Sulphur has frequently been made use of for this pur- pose. Starch, however, is generally used. The following recipe for manufacturing fuming nitric acid was made use of by M. C. Brunner, and called Brunner's recipe : To one hun- dred parts of saltpetre, three and a half parts of starch are added. These are put into a large retort, into which is poured one hundred parts of strong sulphuric acid, sp. gr. =1,850. The distillation usually sets in without the assistance of heat ; but towards the close of the operation, heat has to be gently applied. In this manner one hundred parts of saltpetre are made to produce about sixty parts of fuming nitric acid. The impurities in nitric acid are generally iron, sulphuric and muriatic acids, and nitre is used to give it density, and cause its specific gravity to be greater than it really is. The general test for nitric acid in the dye-house is the hydrometer, but density is given by adding to the acid nitre, sulphuric and muriatic acids ; and in order to find out these impurities, we must test them by some other way than by the 27 210 THE AMEEICAX DYEK. hydrometer. Nitre may be detected very easily, by taking a little of the acid and evaporating it to dryness, and if the acid is pure, there will be no residuum left. If it contains oil of vitriol, it may be discovered by taking some of the acid, and adding four times the amount of distilled water to it ; then to this add a few drops from a solution of l)arytes, and if it con- tains any sulphuric acid, the barytes will cause a wiiite pre- cipitation to take place. Muriatic acid and chlorine can be detected by diluting some of the acid ; then add a trifle of nitrate of silver. The result will be a white precipitation if muriatic acid is present in the nitric acid. Iron is detected by evaporating a little of the acid. There will be a brown-colored substance left if there is iron in the acid ; or, by adding some gall-water to the acid, a blfiish-black color will then show in the acid and gall-water, if iron is present in the acid. The specific gravity of nitric acid . ranges from 1.422 to .1.550, and it contains from seventy-six to one hundred parts of acid in one huudred parts. The technical application of nitric acid is based on its property of oxidation when in contact with certain substances, the acid splitting up into dentoxide of nitrogen, hyponitric acid, and azone, the latter forming with the body which causes the decomposition of the acid, either an oxide or a peculiar compound ; while the hyponitric acid, when organic substances are present capable of combining with it, forms the nitro compounds, such as nitro-benzole, nitro-uaphthaline, nitro-glycerine, and nitro-cellulose, or gun- cotton. Silk, wool, feathers, horn, and the skin of the hands will be stained yellow by nitric acid, for which reason it is used to color silk yellow. If the acid is in contact with the above substances for any length of time, they will be com- pletely decomposed, and partially converted into picric acid. Starch and sugar are converted into oxalic acid by the action of nitric acid ; but a very dilute nitric acid will convert starch into dextrine, or British gum. This acid acts violently upon indigo. It discharges its THE AMERICAN DYER. 211 color, for which reason it is employed in calico-printing to produce a yellow pattern on an indigo ground. It is used in woolen-dyeing, for making nitro-muriate of tin, and, in a diluted state, it is used for a discharge in woolen-printing, all the vegetable colors being changed by its action to a yellow. Nitric acid is used in hat-making, to prepare a mercurial solution for dressing felt hats. It is used for the preparation of nitrate of iron, a mordant for dyeing silk black; also for cotton-yarn dyeing. It is employed to prepare picric acid from carbolic acid, and naphthaline-yellow from naphthaline. It is used in manufacturing nitro-benzole, nitro-toluol, and phthalic acid, and for the preparation of nitrate of silver, arsenic acid, fulminate of mercury, nitro-glycerine, &c. Nitric acid is one of the five compounds formed be- tween nitrogen and oxygeu. These five compounds are : Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas), NO; nitric oxide, NO2 ; nitrous acid (formerly hyponitrous acid), NO^ ; hyponitric acid (formerly nitrous acid), NO* ; and nitric acid, NO5; or thus : NO, nitrous oxide. NO2, nitric oxide. NO3, nitrous acid. NO4, hyponitric acid. NO5, nitric acid. The formulas, according to Berzelius, for the differeiit nitric acids, are as follows : — Nitric acid, NO'. Monohydrated (or nitrate of water), HO, NO5. Quadrihydrated (sp. gr. 1.42), HO, NOj+SHO. The monohydrated nitric acid is the strongest that can be procured. Nitric acid was discovered by Raymond L\illy, about the middle of the thirteenth century, and its constituents by Cavendish, in 1784. Nitric acid is said to be present 212 THE AMERICAN DYER. always in the air of summer. The quadrihydrated nitric acid is what is used by physicians and apothecaries, NiTito-MuRiATic Acid or Aqua Regia— NO2 Cl^, or NO2 CI. This acid is the aqua regia of the earlier chemists, and was so called from its property pf dissolving gold. When nitric and muriatic acids are mixed together, they will mutually decompose each other, and according to the researches of Gay Lussac, the re-action of the two acids gives rise to two com- pounds, in variable proportions of nitric oxide and chlorine (NO2 CI2, and NO2 CI), mixed with free chlorine, the nitric oxide and chlorine being analogous in constitution to hyponi- tric acid (NO4), and the free chlorine mixed with the nitrous acid is analogous to nitrous acid (NO3). The power of nitro- muriatic acid to dissolve gold and simi- lar metals that have a weak affinity for oxygen, is owing en- tirely to the free chlorine which is present in the mixture, and is in no way dependent upon the two compounds above referred to, as they remain entirely passive during the dis- solving of the gold. The proportions of the acids mixed to produce aqua regia, according to the above chemical theory, would be two equivalents of nitric to six equivalents of muri- atic acid, in order to have them entirely and mutually decom- pose each other, and the products would be the two compounds named above (nitric oxide and chlorine, free chlorine and water) . • Most dyers, when preparing their nitro-muriatic acid for dissolving tin, use one equivalent of nitric to three equiv- alents of muriatic acid, and one equivalent of nitric to six equivalents of muriatic acid ; then add from one and one-half to two ounces of granulated tin to the pound of the mixed acid. The United States standard formula for making aqua regia, is three equivalents of nitric to six equivalents of muriatic acid. If we assume that the proportions given by Lussac are correct, it follows that there is an excess of nitric acid era- ployed in the United States formula. And according to the THE AMERICAN DYER. 218 same views, the proportion of free chlorine must be variable, dependent upon the relative proportion of the nitric oxide compounds to each other. For every equivalent of NO.j CI., formed, one equivalent of chlorine will be set free ; and for every equivalent of NO., CI, two equivalents of chlorine will be evolved. Gay Lussac has not given us the precise circumstances that determine the simultaneous formation of the two nitric-oxide compounds alluded to above, neither has he pointed out to us their con- stant varying proportion to each other. Nitro-muriatic acid is of a golden-yellow color, and has the smell of chlorine. In preparing this compound, the operator must not hold his head over the vessel containing it any length of time, as the fumes from it are very injurious. The solu- tion, when first put together, emits a great amount of nitrous gas. The solution of nitro-muriate of tin, should have a fine amber-yellow color, when to be used for coloring scarlets, but for yellows and crimson shades, it will do to have it a browner-yellow color, which color is brought about by having more tin added to the acids. (See article, nitro-muriate of tin.) Oxalic Acid =0203. This acid was formerly known as salts of sorrel, and was obtained from a plant, but now it is prepared from sugar and starch, by the actions of nitric acid on these two articles. To obtain this acid, one part of sugAr, two parts of starch, four parts of nitric acid, and two parts of water, are put into a retort, when a violent action takes place; the nitric acid de- composes and oxidates the sugar and starch, red fumes are ernitted, which show the presence of nitrous acid (NO3) ; the solution in the retort is then evaporated to about two-thirds of the original amount ; the crystals form as the solution cools ; they are white-colored. These crystals are again dissolved, and evaporated the second time. Oxalic acid is also manu- factured from caustic soda and sawdust. 214 THE AMERICAN DYER. Oxalic acid combines with different bases, and forms salts of various kinds, that are of great importance. In the labora- tory, it is easily known from the alkaline or earthy salts. Oxalic acid often contains peroxide of nitrogen (NO^), and Epsom salts. To detect the presence of the nitrogen in this acid, dissolve a small amount of the suspected acid, and add to the solution the smallest possible quantity of sulphate of indigo. If nitrogen is present, the indigo will be discolored. If it contains Epsom salts, you can detect it by heating some of the acids to redness upon a piece of platinum, and if it contains no Epsom salts, it all evaporates ; otherwise it will leave a residue of a yellowish-looking substance upon the platinum. Epsom salts can also be detected by chjoride of barium. There is often from three to seven per cent, of Epsom salt, and sometimes more, in the oxalic acid now in the market. "Commercial oxalic acid is frequently rendered impure by the presence of oxalate of lime and oxalate of potash. When it is desirable to remove these impurities, and prepare a per- fectly pure article, it can be done in the following manner: Crude oxalic acid is dissolved in the least possible quantity of hot absolute alcohol, in which salts of lime and potash are insoluble, and then filtered. In a few hours the oxalic acid crystallizes out nearly pure, and the mother-liquor may be employed for making oxalate of ammonia, or for dissolving a fresh portion of the crude acid. The crystals thus formed are allowed to drain, and are then dissolved in boiling dis- tilled water, which removes any adhering oxalic ether, and leaves the acid perfectly pure." "To prepare pure oxalate of ammonia, the alcoholic mother- liquor is diluted, either with fresh water or with the aqueous mother-liquor, from the oxalic acid crystals. It is heated to boiling and neutralized with ammonia. In this operation, much oxaraid and oxamethan are formed, but they can be easily decomposed by acidifying the salt solution and boiling for a considerable time; after which it is filtered, and the fil- THE AMERICAN DYER. 21.') tnite rendered slightly ammoiiiacal, and allowed to crystal- lize. By cr\^stallization, the oxalate is obtained pure and white." — Chemical llevieio. Oxalate of potash (KO, C2O3). This salt is prepared by saturating the carbonate of potash (pearlash) with oxalic acid, and evaporated to crystallization. It contains one pro- portion of water. Oxalate of copper (CujCjOg). This salt is prepared by digesting oxide of copper (Cii, O) in a- solution of oxalic acid. This salt is of a light-green color. Oxalic acid is used more than formerly, and can be used on more than one-half the colors now dyed upon wool, as it will combine with all the dyestuffs, and will add intensity to the color, besides giving it a more brilliant hue. It is used largely in coloring logwood blue on wool and woolen fabrics. It has been lately introduced in the coloring of scarlets and oranges ; its particular use or benefit in these colors is, that it will prevent the wool from turning brown by the action of its sulphur on the tin contained in the spirits, as the tin can- not precipitate as a sulphide where oxalic acid is present. Oxalic acid is composed of carbon and oxygen, having a pro- portion of the second element between those contained in carbonic oxide and carbonic acid. It therefore contains 12 parts of carbon and 24 of oxygen, or 2 parts of carbon and 3 parts of oxygen, making its prime equivalent = 36. There are some manufjicturers of oxalic acid who, it is said, obtain oxalic acid on a large scale by heating a mixture of 112 lbs. of sugar, .560 lbs. of saltpetre, and 280 lbs. of sulphuric acid, thus producing 135 lbs. of oxalic acid, and 490 lbs. of sal-enixum. There are many substances besides sugar that yield oxalic acid, by the action of nitric acid ; for instance, rice, gum, wool, hair, silk, starch, potatoes, molasses, and numerous vegetable acids. Certain organic substances will yield this acid when heated with potash. Wood shavings and sawdust, if mixed with a solution of caustic potash, and exposed to a 216 THE A3IEPJCAX DYEK. heat above 212° Fahr., will be partially decomposed and con- verted into oxalic acid ; and, at the present time, a large amount of the commercial oxalic acid is produced by heating caustic potash and soda Avith sawdust. As soda alone will* not generate the acid, and potash being too costly to use alone for the purpose of generating the acid, Mr. Dale ascertained that by mixing 2 equivalents of soda to 1 of potash, the same result was obtained as would be if potash alone was used with the sawdust. Oxalic acid is a colorless crystal, and has a strong sour taste. The crystals are slender, flattened, five-sided prisms ; they will sublime at 180° Fahr., and do not melt until heated to 280° Fahr. They will dissolve in nine times their weight of cold, and in an equal weight of boiling water. Oxalic acid combines with salifiable bases, and forms salts called oxalates. The most interesting of these salts are the three oxalates of j^olassa, called oxalate of potassa (K 0,0003), hinoxalate of jpotassa (K O, 2C2O3), commonly called salts of sorrel, and the quadroxalate of potassa- {essential salts of lemon). The two last-named are useful in removing iron moulds from linen, and so is oxalic acid. This acid has a strong affinity for lime, and will form with it an insoluble precipitate called oxalate of lime (CaO,C203), whenever the acid and lime are brought in contact in a solution of the two substances, for which reason oxalic acid is the best test for lime, and vice versa, that is, their solutions are, but when lime is sought for, oxalate of ammonia forms the most con- venient test. The mutual attraction of the oxalate of ammo- nia and lime is so strong, that the former will even take the latter from sulphuric acid. By this we see how the addition of a soluble oxalate will disturb the transparency of a solu- tion of sulphate of lime (Ca, O, SO3). Oxalic acid is distin- guished from all other crystallized acids, by the form of its crystals, and by its solution yielding a precipitate with lime- water, insoluble in an access of acid. As we have said before, oxalic acid consists of 2 equiv- THE AMERICAN DYEK. 217 alents of carbon and 3 of oxygen, njaking its prime eqniv- alent 30 ; but when crystiiUized we must add 3 equiva- lents of water, HO =^ 27, thus making the equivalent of the cr^'stals, G3. In accordance with those chemists who consider it a bibasic acid, we shall have to double these numbers^. Anhydrous oxalic acid is not known to exist, for two equiva- lents of the w^ater can be driven off by a regulated heat, by which the acid is made to effloresce ; but the third cannot be expelled without destroying the acid itself. It was first discovered that this acid was a poison by Mr. Rayston, in 1814, since which time it has been investigated in relation to its poisonous properties by the late Dr. A. T. Thomson of London, and Dr. Christison of Edinburgh ; and since it has been found to be a certain anc? rapid poison, and is generally known as such, its use has become more frequent for committing suicide. It is from the generic appellation, oxdlis, that it takes its name, but in pharmacy it it called acidum oxalicu7n. Gallic Acid = Ci^HgOjo ; dried, C7H3O5. The process of converting nutgalls into gallic acid, is founded upon the fiict that, when the galls, in the state of moistened powder, are exposed to the atmosphere, the tannic acid contained in them is gradually converted into gallic acid, with the absorption (as is generally believed) of oxygen, and the escape of an equivalent quantity of carbonic acid (CO2). The gallic acid being freely soluble in boiling water, but sparingly in cold water, is extracted from the altered galls by decoction, and is deposited as the water cools, and by repeat- ing the process of dissolving it after each deposition renders the acid more pure, but it cannot be obtained entirely color- less unless it is filtered through animal charcoal. "Dr. C. Wetherill believed that gallic acid differed from tannic acid, simply by its containing water, and he conceived the idea of preparing gallic acid from tannic acid by the fixa- tion of water in the gallic acid. This he brought about 28 218 THE AMERICAN DYER. through the aid of sulphuric acid : he mixed thirteen drachras of tannic acid with twentj'-two fluid ounces of sulphuric acid, and four times as much of water; then heated the mixture to the boiling point ; then allowed it to stand ; after a few days an abundant precipitation of white gallic acid took place, the result of which, amounted to 87.4 per cent, of the tannic acid." — American Journal of Pliarmacij . Gallic acid crystallizes in delicate, silky crystals, which are of a slight brownish color, but when pure are colorless; they have no smell, and have a sourish astringent taste. They are, according to Bracannet, soluble in one hundred parts of cold and three parts of boiling water ; they are very soluble in alcohol ; they are soluble in glycerine in the proportion of fort}^ grains of crystals to the ounce of glycerine, and this solution can be diluted with water to any extent without alFect- ing the transparency of the solution. When gallic acid is heated to 420^ it gives out carbonic acid (COo), and is changed to pyrogallic acid (CiiHgOs). According to Pelouze, gallic acid when heated to 410^ or 420°, is resolved completely into carbonic acid and pyrogallic acid, and the proportion of the latter acid produced ought to be nearly seventy-five per cent. Gallic acid, like tannic acid, reddens litmus, and will pro- duce a bluish-black color, with a solution of carbonate of soda and copperas (sulphate of iron), but the color will disappear if the solution is heated to 120° or above. This result was shown by Dr. Mahler to depend on the conversion of the gallic acid into metagallic acid, by the loss of the constituents of carbonic acid and water. Gallic acid at one time was supposed to be the active prin- ciple of all vegetable astringents, but it lost this reputation when the properties of tannic acid became known. " Gallic acid has recently again come into notice, and is now thought by many physicians to be a more valuable astringent than tannic acid for arresting hemorrhages when taken internally, especially hermorrhage of the urinary passages." THE AMERICAN DYER. 219 Citric Acid = Q.^HjOn. "The formula of this acid in a dry state is C,JI-Oii, but when crystallized from its solution by merely coolinir, it con- tains four equivalents of water, three of those e(juivalents arcJ basic. The " British Pharmacopoeia" gives the formula of the crystallized acid thus — 3HO,Ci2HjOii4-2HO, thus giving it two equivalents of water of crystallization. Citric acid is a white solid crystal, sometimes rather larger than that of tartaric acid, which it resembles; it remains hard and solid in a dry atmosphere, but becomes soft and moist in a damp atmosphere; its sp. gr. is 1.6. Its taste is strongly acid and almost caustic. When heated, it will dissolve in its own water of crystallization, and, at a higher temperature, it undergoes decomposition, becoming yellow or brown colored, and forms a very sour, syrupy liquid, which cannot be crystallized. "By destructive distillation it gives rise to water, acetic and carbonic acids, carburetted hydrogen, and a voluminous coal is left." Citric acid is soluble in about three-fourths its weight of cold water, and in half its weight of boiling water ; it is soluble in alcohol, but insoluble in pure ether. A weak solution of it has an agreeable taste, but when so diluted it will not keep, as it undergoes spontaneous decomposition. Tartaric and citric acids are frequently adulterated by mixing one with -the other, and grinding them into powder ; this can be detected by dissolving a little carbonate of potash (pearlash) in one of the suspected acids, and if there is tartaric acid in the citric acid, the pearlash will cause a precipitate of cream of tartar (bitartrate of potash) to fall to the bottom of the test-glass. Citric acid is that peculiar acid contained in lemons and limes, to which these fruits are indebted for their sourness. We also find this acid in the juice of the cranberry, red goose- berry, the currant, the strawberry, the raspberry, the tama- rind, and the red elderberry. This acid abounds so much in 220 THE AMERICAX DYEK. the latter berry, that M. Thibierge of Versailles, France, pro- poses it as a source for producing this acid instead of obtaining it from limes and lemons. We are indebted to Scheele for a very simple process of extracting the acid from limes and lemons. This process con- sists, first, in saturating the boiling juice with chalk or whiting in fine powder, and the citrate of lime is allowed to settle. This citrate of lime is repeatedly washed with water, and then decomposed by diluted sulphuric acid ; there is immediately formed an insoluble sulphate of lime (CaOjSOg), and the dis- engaged citric acid remains in the supernatant liquor. This is carefully concentrated in leaden boilers, until a pellicle begins to form, when it is drawn ofi* into other vessels where it cools and crystallizes. The method of manufacturing citric acid, as a general rule, is the same as that for tartaric acid (see tartaric acid), with' these exceptions : the citric acid is not subjected to so great a degree of heat, citric acid being liable to decomposition if subjected to too high a temperature ; and in the process, the citrate of lime should be decomposed without delay, for if kept, for any length of time, it will undergo fermoitation, which would destrojthe citric acid. The products of this fer- mentation would be acetic and butyric acids, and carbonic acid and hydrogen would be evolved. It is necessary to add occasionally a small proportion of sulphuric acid to the citric acid liquor, during the progress of its concentration. With the al)ove exceptions, citric acid is manufiictured by the same processes that tartaric acid is. According to Mr. Parkes, a gallon of either lime or lemon juice, if the process is well conducted, will yield eight ounces of white crystals. But to obtain this amount, it depends on the proportion of citric acid contained in the juice, which is very variable. The more recently the juice has been extracted from the fruit, the better will be the quality of the acid. The juice, after it becomes stale, is quite sour, and does not con- THE AMERICAX DYER. 221 tain any citric acid, because of its having undergone the acetic fermentation. There were some suggestions made in the " Chemical News," by Mr. Frederick Row, in which he stated that the lime or lemon juice imported, from which most of the acid is pre- pared, contains so much coloring matter, mucilage, and other impurities, as very much to impede the process, so that it' became necessary to make repeated crystallizations and satu- rations, in order to render the crystals tit for the market. It seems that the acid imported has undergone concentration, for the obvious purposes of enabling it to keep better, and to reduce the expense of freighting. Mr. Row states, however, that he has found that much of the difficulty may be obviated, by diluting the concentrated liquor, so that it shall have the strength of the fresh juice, by which operation much of the mucilage aud other impurities, will be made to separate in a flocculent form, and the citrate of lime, and consequently the citric acid, will be obtained in a state of comparative purity. " One hundred grains of citric acid saturate one hundred and fifty grains of bicarbonate of potash." Citric acid, as well as tartaric and acetic acids, are seldom used in woolen dyeing. Citric acid is used in calico-printing, both as a resist and discharge. Acetic AciD^rCiHgOg. Acetic acid is of the specific gravity of 1.047, and contains thirty-six per cent, of monoJiydrated acetic acid (HO,PO.j). This is an acid liquor produced from wood, by destructive distillation and subsequent purification ; and one hundred parts by weight contain thirty-three parts of the acetic acid (HO,C4H303), which corresponds to about twenty-eight parts of the anhydrous acetic acid (C4H3O3) ; but the concentrated acetic acid corresponds to at least eight3'-four per cent, of an- hydrous or the commercial acetic acid. 222 THE AMERICAN DYER. We shall consider but three grades of acetic acid, the gla- cial acetic acid, acidum aceticum gJaciale, and the acidum ace- ticmn, or pyroligneous acid, and the acetic acid of commerce. The acidum aceticum glackde acid, sometimes called radical vinegar, \s a colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, having a corrosive taste, and a acetous, pungent, and at the same time ■a refreshing odor. It crystallizes when exposed to a temper- ature of 34° Fahr., and will remain in a crystalline state until heated to 50° Fahr. "Its specific gravity is l.0(J3," but cau be increased by adding ten per cent, of its weight of water, when its density will rise to the specific gravity of 1.066. This acid has the property of dissolving a number of sub- stances, among which we will name camphor, resins, gums, albumen, and the volatile oils. "Its combinations with salifiable bases are called acetates." "A drachm of this acid, mixed with a fluid ounce of distilled water, requires for neutralization, at least nine hundred and ninety grain measures of volumetric solution of soda.'" "If a fluid drachm is mixed with half a fluid ounce of dis- tilled water, and half a drachm of pure muriatic acid, and put into a small flask with a few pieces of granulated zinc, and while the effervescence continues, a slip of bil)ulous paper wetted with a solution of subacetate of lead be suspended in the upper part of the flask, above the liquor, for five minutes, the paper will not become discolored." This shows clearl}' the absence of sulphurous acid in this kind of acetic acid. It consists of one equivalent of dry acid =51, and one equivalent of water=9, making its prime equivalent=60. The dry acid has been isolated by C. Gerhardt, who finds it to be a limpid liquid, heavier than water, and having the constant boiling point of 279°. The process generally adopted by the British manufacturers of this acid, is as follows : — "One hundred weight of purified acetate of soda, which had been previously deprived of water by fusion, and broken THE AMERICAN DYER. 223 up after cooling, was digested with sixty pounds of siilpluiric acid, specific gravity 1.848, and then heated in a still till all the acetic acid was driven over." "This was re-distilled, in a chloride of calcium (CaCI), or else an oil-bath, with peroxide of manganese, and afterwards again distilled from charcoal and peroxide of lead, the acid thus procured being placed in ice, and in a great measure solidified ; and the liquid portion being decanted, the solid residue, when melted, had the specific gravity of 1.0G7, and contained ninety-eight per cent, of the monohydrated acid." This grade of acetic acid is not used in the dye-house, but is used by physicians, who apply it externally as a substitute for cantharides (blister paste), when a speedy blister is desired, in such cases as croup, sore throat, and other cases of internal inflammation. It is an excellent substance to eat out corns and warts. , Taktaijic AciDz^CgH^Oio. This acid is extracted from the tartar which collects upon the inside of wine-casks during the fermentation of the wine. This tartar, when purified and reduced to powder, is the cream of tartar of the a^Jothecaries, antl consists of two equivalents of tartaric acid united to one equivalent of potash (potassa). Tartaric acid was first obtained, in a separate state, by Scheele, in 1770. His process consisted in saturating the excess of acid in the (bitartrate of potassa) cream of tartar with carbonate of lime (CaOCOj), and decomposing the resulting insoluble tartrate of lime (CaO,C4H205) by sulphuric acid (H2SO3), which precipitates in combination with the lime, and liberates the tartaric acid ; the equivalent quanti- ties being one of bitartrate of potash, and one of carbonate of lime (chalk). The process, when thus conducted, furnishes the second equivalent, or excess of acid only of the bitartrate. This second equivalent may be obtained by decomposing the neu- tral tartrate of potassa (potash), which remains in the solu- 224 THE AMERICAN DYER. tion after the tartrate of lime (CaO,C4H20-;) is precipitated \?ith chloride of calcium (CaCl) in excess. By double decom- position, chloride of potassium (KCl) will be formed in solution, and a second portion of tartrate of lime will pre- cipitate, which may be decomposed by sulphuric acid together with the first portion. If the process is conducted in this manner, it will, of course, furnish twice as much tartaric acid as when the excess of acid only is saturated and set free. The method adopted for manufacturing tartaric acid on the large scale, differs greatly from the above method. The de- compositions spoken of above are effected in a wooden vessel, closed at the toj) (called a generator), which will hold about 2,000 gallons. This vessel is furnished with an exit-pipe for carbonic acid (CO^), and with pipes entering the sides of the generator, for the admission of steam and cold water respect- ivel}'. This vessel is tilkd one-fourth with water. Then 1,500 pounds of washed chalk (carbonate of lime) is added, and then the whole is heated by a jet of steam through the pipes in the side. It is then thoroughly mixed until a uni- form mass is obtained. About two tons of tartar are now added by degrees, and thoroughly mixed. The carbonate of lime is decomposed ; the carbonic acid escapes through the exit-pipe, and the lime unites with the excess of tartaric acid, to form tartrate of lime, which precipitates ; while the neutral tartrate of potash remains in solution. The next operation is to decompose the tartrate of potash, so as to convert its tar- taric acid into tartrate of lime. This is accomplished b}' the addition of sulphate of lime (CaO,SO;j), made into paste, and, by double decomposition, will form a fresh portion of tartrate of lime, while sulphate of potash remains in solution. This solution; when it becomes clear, is drawn off into suita- ble vessels, and the precipitate (which is tartrate of lime) is washed several times in cold water. ' These washings are pre- served, to use again for the same purpose. The tartrate of lime, mixed with sufficient water, is now defomposed by the proper amount of sulphuric acid, which forms sulphate of THE AMERICAN DYER. 225 lime, and liberates the tarturic acid, which remains in the solution. It is all now drawn oflf into a wooden tank, lined with lead, with a perforated false bottom. This is covered with stout twilled flannel, and serves for a filter. The solu- tion filters through, and is carried by a pipe going from beneath the false bottom to suitable reservoirs. The whole liquor is evaporated in order to crystallize. Then this liquor is evaporated to the specific gravity of 1.5 (1^ degrees). It is drawn off into sheet-lead cylindrical crystallizing vessels, that hold five hundred pounds of the solution each. These cr^^stallizing vessels are placed in a warm situation, and, in the course of three or four days, a crop of crj'stals is produced in each, averaging two hundred pounds. These crystals are somewhat colored, so they have to be purified by re-dissolving in hot water. The solution is then run through animal char- coal, filtered, again concentrated and crystallized. The crys- tals are now washed and drained, and finally dried on wooden trays lined with sheet-lead, placed in a room heated by steam. Dr. Price of England made some great improvements in the above process, which are described in detail in the "London Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions" (January, 1854, page 315). Liebig prepared tartaric acid artificially by the oxidation of sugar of milk and other substances, by nitric acid. The resulting product was found to be identical in all respects with the tartaric acid obtained from grapes. Tartaric acid is a white crystallized substance. It is not affected by the titmosphere. It has a strong acid taste; but when diluted with water, it has a very agreeable and cooling taste, not unlike lemonade. It is soluble in an equal amount of cold water, and in half its weight of boiling water. It is also soluble in alcohol. It combines with several of the vege- table organic alkalies, so as to form salts. Its usual impurity is sulphuric acid, which can be detected with acetate of lead (PbCCiHsOg). By adding a small quantity to a solution 29 226 THE AIMEKICAN DYER. of tartaric acid, a precipitate will be formed that is only par- tially soluble in nitric acid. Tartaric acid, when dry, consists of four equivalents of car- bon, two of hydrogen, and five of oxygen, making its equiva- lent sixty-six, thus ; 4 C=24, 2H=r:02, 5 0=40=66, and, when crystallized, of one equivalent of dry acid, 66, and one of water, 9 = 75. But if we should agree with some chemists, who regard it as bibasic, these numbers must be doubled, and the formula of the dry acid would be CgHgOio, and, in its crystallized state, 2HO,C8H20io. Taking this view, its ordinary salts, whether with one or two bases, consis|, of one equivalent of acid, and tjvo of base; and, in the bitartrates of potash (potassa), one equivalent of base is replaced by one of water, as in the cream of tartar (bitartrate of potassa), the constitution of which would be expressed by the formula, KCHO+CsHj^Oio. Tartaric acid is not used to a very great extent in woolen- dyeing, but it is employed largely in calico-printing, both as an auxiliary in the solution for printing, and as a discharge for alumina and oxide of iron, employed as mordants. Some- times this acid is mixed with bisulphate of soda (NaHSO^), to form a discharge in calico-printing. A piece of cloth dyed red or blue, to which, in certain parts, there is applied a mixture of tartaric acid, pipe-clay, and gum* (the latter as thickening to give consistency) , becomes immediately bleached when the cloth so prepared is immersed in a solution ot bleaching powder, — chloride of lime (CaCl), or chloride of calcium. Tannic Acid {Acidum Tannicurnj^Q^^ll-Jdc^-l-?) HO. Pure tannic acid is a solid, uncrystallizable, slightly yellow colored substance. It is inodorous, very astringent to the THE AMERICAX DYER. 227 taste, but having no bitterness. It is very sohiblc in water. Much loss soluble in alcohol and ether. It is insoluble in the volatile and fixed oils. The commercial tannic acid often has a decided odor. This is chiefly owing to the presence of the odorous principle of the nutgalls from which it is obtained. Pure tannic acid can be kept unchanged in the solid state ; but its watery solution, when exposed to the atmosphere, gradually becomes turbid, and deposits a crystalline matter, which consists chiefly of gallic acid (C7II3O5). During the change, oxygen is absorbed, and an eijual volume of carbonic acid disengaged. But according to the researches of M. E. Robiquet, this change does not always take place, and, when it does happen, it is owing to the presence o( pectase in the tannin. But if the solution of tannic acid were boiled for a long time, the 2>^^^<^^^ w'ould lose its property of a ferment, and the solution could then be kept for an indefinite time without sulferino; a chano;e. Tannic acic, when exposed to a certain degree of heat, will partially melt, swell up, become black, take fire, and will burn with a very brilliant flame. By being thrown upon red- hot iron, it is entirely dissipated. A solution of tannin will redden litmus, and it will com- bine with most of the salifiable bases. It forms with potash a compound which is but slightly soluble, and the tannin can be precipitated from its solutio)i by potash, or its carbonates, if the solution is not too weak, although a certain amount of potash will cause the precipitate to re-dissolve. Tannic acid, in combination with soda, is much more solu- ble than with potash, and this alkali does not precipitate the acid, unless the solution is highly concentrated with tannic acid. Ammonia has a re-action upon this acid, very similar to potash. Very many of the metallic salts are precipitated by tannic acid, even in their uncombined states, especially such as cop- per, lead, silver, mercury, chromium, protoxide of tin, &c. With scsquioxide of iron (Fe.jO^) it will form a black pre- 228 THE AMERICAX DYER. cipitate, this being a compound of tannic acid and the sesqui- oxide, this compound being the basis of ink. Tannic acid will unite with all the vesfetable orfjanic alka- lies, and form compounds which, as a general rule, have a whitish color, and are very slightly soluble in water, but are soluble in acetic acid (QHgO-) and alcohol. In this latter respect it differs from most of the compounds which tannic acid forms with other vegetable principles. "The ultimate constituents of tannic acid are, carbon, hj'drogen, and oxygen, and its formula, according to Liebig, is, CisHyOj2, or CjgH^Oy+SHO; to Berzelius, when made from galls, Q^HigOgi+S HO. MuUer, however, from recent investigations, considers that it is isomeric with gallic acid*, and gives its formula thus : CogHyOiy+HO. Strecker looks upon it as a compound of gallic acid and sugar, and has for its formula, C54Hiy03i, for the anhydrous acid, which by the addition of three equivalents of water, becomes the hx^drated acid, C54H22O34, differing from Liebig's by two equivalents of water." — Chemical Gazette, No. 287, p. 370. From thirty to thirty-five per cent, of tannic acid is ob- tained from nutgalls by Pelouze's method, while Leconnot's method is said to yield sixty per cent. Mr. H. R. Bcnvman, of Philadelphia, obtained 80.07 per cent, of tannic acid from selected nutgalls. All kinds of tannic acids are, when in contact with alkaline solutions, such as lime-water, caustic potash, ammonia, and with the simultaneous presence of air, decomposed and con- verted into brown-colored substances. There is a drug similar to cutch, that contains from thirty to forty per cent, of tannic acid. This substance is extracted from the following plants, and called kino : African kino, from Pterocarjtus erinaceus. East India kino, from Pterocarpus Marsupium. West India kino, from Coceolaha uvifera. Australian kino, from Eucalyptus resinifera. THE AMERICAN DYER. 229 This substance is met with in the market in angular, brittle masses, of a brown-red color, sometimes of a blackish color. AVhen it is ground into powder it is always of a l)r()wn-red color. It is quite soluble in hot water, also in alcohol, and yields a blood-red solution, having a very astringent and sweet taste. It is as valuable for coloring cotton as cutch, but is not so common or plentiful in the market ; in fact, it is scarcely found in commerce, except at the druggist's. In the investigations of Pelouze upon tannin, he found that if it were kept from exposure to the atmosphere, there would be no change eflfectedin its properties ; but if it was exposed to the atmosphere, it would imbibe oxygen, and the tannia would be changed to gallic acid ; for which reason he con- cluded that gallic acid did not exist in very minute quantities in vegetables, and the supposition that tannic and gallic acids existed together in vegetables, arose from the process which was adopt d to procure gallic acid, this process being to allow the macerated vegetable matter to l)e exposed to the atmos- phere until the gallic acid should crystallize from the solution, this being nothing more than converting tannin into gallic acid by the absorption of oxygen. More recent investigations have shown us that tannin is convertible into gallic acid, by much more rapid means than the above process. These means are by the processes of fer- mentation. "The action which is considered to take place during the fermentation of the tannin by exposure to the air, is that it absorbs or combines with eight proportions of oxy- gen from the afmosphere." — Pelouze. It requires considerable time for a solution of nutgalls, exposed to the air, before its tannin will be converted into gallic acid ; but by adding tartaric or malic acids to the solu- tion, it will cause the formation of gallic acid to proceed more rapidly. ^ • "It has long been known that gallic acid does not precipi- tate copperas, when it is kept from exposure to the atmos- phere. Persoz, Chevreul, and Berzelius observed that gallic 230 THE AMERICAN DYER. acid, when it was mixed with a salt of the peroxide of iron (Fe^O;j), is always reduced to the state of a proto-salt." "This is easily proved, by adding to the blue solution caused by the admixture of gallic acid and iron, an excess of acetate of lead (CaO,C4H303), or of carbonate of lime (CaO CO^,), which precipitates the blue combination, and at the same time the sulphuric acid contained in the persulphate of iron, a colorless liquid, is separated by filtration, in which the presence of iron may be demonstrated in the state of a ' protoxide (FeO)." "These experiments are insufficient to explain this curious re-action. It is not improbable to admit that the oxygen, combining with the gallic acid, converts it into a new acid of a blue color, yet positive experiments are wanting to decide the point." "When a solution of gallic acid is poured by drops into a solution of persulphate of iron (FegOySSO^) in excess, no blue coloring is obtained ; if there is one produced it is but momentary. Nor is there one formed with the same salt in minimum in presence of chlorine, nor with a proto-salt of iron (copperas) and gallic acid oxidized in various degrees by chlorine, or by a salt of silver (AgO,N05 = nitrate of silver), or lastly, by the atmosphere in an alkaline solution of gallic acid. When a solution of gallic acid is poured into a solution of the persulphate of iron, and the liquid is thrown down by the ace- tate of lead (PbO,C4Ho03 = sugar of lead), there will be a blue paste precipitated, and if this precipitate is treated with oxalic acid (C2O3+3HO) it forms the soluble oxalate of iron (FeO,G,03+4HO), the blue color entirely disappears, but can be brought back to blue again by adding a little acetate of soda (NaO,QH303)." To prove in the most positive manner that the blue coloring is not to be ascribed to a blue acid, M. Barreswil endeavored to obtain other blue salts from gallic acid, by the use of sul- phuric acid. He prepared some mixtures of the protosul- phate of iron and the persulphate of iron, in variable propor- THE AMERICAN DYER. 231 tions, and to avoid the separation of the two above-iiained salts of iron, from their different degrees of solubility, he removed, as soon as possible, the water, by adding to the solution concentrated sulphuric acid, largely in excess, avoid- ing raising the heat as much as possible. In this manner he obtained a thick paste of a deej^ blue, the hue of which was more or less pure according to the pr()[)()rtion of the two salts of iron. He also produced a blue sulphate by evaporat- ing rapidly a mixture of the two salts of iron ; the blue tint appeared at the moment when the mass was nearly dry. His next experiment was to use phosphate of soda (2NaOP50) in place of the sulphuric acid. The result was a deep blue phosphate of iron (SFeOPOr,), and some sulphate of soda (NaSOy), which removed the water immediately. In all his experiments the hyposulphite of soda (NaOjS^O.j+THO) alone afforded an intense blue coloring. This is not surprising ; there are numerous instances in chemistry of bases which will combine with certain acids, but will not unite with others, among which is the protoxide of copper (CuO). ACETIC ACID OF COMMERCE. This acid is very similar to the glacial acetic ficid in its properties, but milder in degree. It is a colorless, volatile liquid, and has a sharp taste and pungent smell. It will unite in all proportions with water, and, to a certain extent, with alcohol. It is entirely volatilized by heat, and yields no precipitate with either nitrate of silver (AgNO^) or chloride of barium (BaCl). Sulphohydrate of ammonia (NllyllS) will not discolor it. This acid is sometimes contaminated with empyreumatic oils, which is due to the method of manufacturing If there is much of this impurity in the acid, it will betray itself by the taste and smell ; but if it is too minute to be detected by 2152 THE AMERICAN DYER. smell or taste, the test for its detection, according to Mr. John Lightfoot, is to neutralize the acid with carbonate of potash (KO,CO,) and adding a solution of perni:inganate of potash (KO,Mu^,0;) ; and if the acid is pure it will retain its color, but if it is not pure the permanganate of potassa will be decolorized, and after standing a while there will be a brown precipitate fall to the bottom of the solution. If sulphuretted hydrogen (HS) is added to a solution of acetic acid it will produce a milkiness, if sulphurous acid' (SO.,) is present. When saturated with ammonia (Nlly) the acetic acid will not precipitate with either the iodide (KI) or the ferrocyanide of potassium (K^FeCyo), showing the absence of lead and copper in the acid. Of the United States acetic acid (specific gravity 1.047) " 100 grains will saturate 60 grains of crystallized bicarbonate of potassa (potash, K02C0^,-|~H0), and contains 36 grains of monohydrate acetic acid" (HOPO.3). This, we see, corre- sponds exactly with the percentage given in the table of specific gravities for acetic acid. Of the British acetic acid of com- merce (specific gravity, 1.044) the strength in the anhydrous acetic acid is 2S per cent. ; in strength of monohydrated acetic acid it is, according to the table, 33 per cent. It is very difficult to ascertain the strength of acetic acid b}' saturating it with the carbonated alkalies, if the operator depends upon test-paper for ascertaining the point of neutral- ization. The difficulty is caused by the acetates of potash and soda being alkaline to test-paper; although they are neu- tral in composition, the liquid begins to be alkaline to test- paper, while some free acid remains, but insufficient to over- come the alkaline re-action of the salt formed by the combi- nation ; therefore, by the use of test-paper, the strength of the acid is always underrated. The degree of inaccuracy, where test-paper is used, would be much diminished if the acid was saturated with a solution of saccharate of lime (sugar and slacked lime, dissolved in distilled water) of a known strength, as is proposed by Mr. C. G. Williams. A THE AMERICAN DYER. 233 still better way, according to Prof. Redwood, is to add to the acid a weighed excess of carbonate of l)aryta (BaO,CO.,), and to calculate its strength by the amount of carbonate which is decomposed, ascertaining by deducting the undis- solved carbonate from the total amount used. E. C. Nichol- son and D. S. Price say ("Chemical Gazette") that equally accurate results may be obtained by using carbonate of lime (chalk) in a similar manner. The acetic acid of commerce is the kind etnployed by color-mixers for reds, pinks, purples, &c., in combination with other substances; it is also used sometimes as a discharge, but not so general as tartaric acid. Ckude Acetic Acid, or Pyroligneous Acid. The specific gravity of this acid ranges from 1.044 to 1.047, and is obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, and is called v,nide j>7/roU(/neoiis acid. Wood, when charred, yields a number of volatile sub- stances, among which are an acid liquor, creosote, tar, and a variety of other substances, some of which have very singular properties, which properties some eminent chemists suppose might be made serviceable in dyeing; but as yet, crystallized acetic acid (C^H^Os + IIO) and pyroligneous acid (C^HgO^) are the only grades of acetic acid used, and these are not made use of in woolen-dyeing ; but in calico-printing and cot- ton-dyeing these two substances are extensively employed. The carbonization of wood in closed vessels for the purpose of manufacturing crude acetic acid (pyroligneoiis acid) was first put into extensive practice by Mollerat of France, and is thus descril:)ed by Thenard : The method consists of, tirst, a furnace with a movable top; second, a strong sheet-iron cylinder, standing upright, large enough to hold a cord of wood, and furnished with a sheet-iron cover; third, a sheet-iron tube proceeding horizontally from the upper and lateral part of the cylinder to the distance of about one foot ; fourth, a copper tube connected with the sheet-iron tu))e, which is bent in such a manner as to plunge successively to 30 234 THE AMERICAN DYER. the bottom of two casks filled with water, and, after rising out of the second, is bent back, and made to terminate in the furnace. At the bottom of each cask the tube dilates into a ball, from the upper part of which another tube proceeds, which, passing water-tight through the cask, terminates above a vessel intended to receive the condensable products. The sheet-iron cylinder being filled with wood (some manufactur- ers in this country use sawdust instead of wood), the cover is then put on and luted with fire-cla}', and let do\tn into the furnace by the means of a crane. The fire is then applied to the furnace, and when the process is completed the cylinder is hoisted out, and another lowered into the furnace, filled as before. During the carbonization, the volatile products are received by the tube, and those which are condensable, being an acid liquor and tar, are condensed by the water in the casks, and collected in the lower bends of the tubes, from which they run into the several receivers, or reservoirs, while the incondensable products, being inflammable gases, are dis- charged into the furnace, where, by their combustion, they assist in keeping up the heat in the furnace. Eight hundred pounds of wood afi'ord, on an average, thirt^^-five gallons of acid liquor, which weighs about three hundred pounds. This is the crude pyroligneous acid, sometimes called j^yrolig- neous vinegar, although it was long since known that it is simply acetic acid (or vinegar). It is a dark-brown liquid, having a strong, smoky smell, and consists of acetic acid diluted with water, and holding in solution tar and pyroxylic spirit (C2H3O4-HO = methylic alcohol), and a small pro- portion of creosote (C^HgOj). It is from this crude acid that the acetic acid of the United States and Great Britain is prepared by purification, which is effected as follows : The crude acid is saturated with what is termed a cream of lime, which forms acetate of lime (CaO, C4H30y) in solution, and a large amount of tarry matter is precipitated. This solution of acetate of lime is then mixed with a concentrated solution of sulphate of soda (NaS04), THE a:mericax dyer. . 235 and, by double decomposition, acetate of soda is formed in solution, and sulphate of lime (CaO,SOa) is precipitated. The solution of acetate of soda is next sul)jected to evapora- tion. During this evaporation the impurities that separate on the surface are skimmed off. The solution, lacing prop- erly concentrated, is set aside to crj'stallize, and the impure salt thus obtained, after being partially purified by solution and re-crystallization, is fused in an iron vessel, stirred until it dries and, the heat is carefully raised and subjected to incipient carl)onization, whereby the remaining empyreumatic matters are carbonized with little if any damage to the crys- tals. The mass is then all dissolved in water, and the solu- tion, being strained and re-crystallized, is pure acetate of soda ; this is distilled with thirty-five per cent, of its weight of sulphuric acid, thus yielding the acetic acid of commerce, the residue being sulphate of soda, its final process being filtration through animal charcoal. Sometimes, in the above process, the acetate of lime is directly distilled with sulphuric acid without being first con- verted into acetate of soda, thus saving one operation in the process, but by this operation the acetic acid is apt to contain sulphuric acid ; besides, it is attended with very many incon- veniences. The same operation is saved, and it is without the risk of having sulphuric acid in the acetic by distilling the acetate of lime with hydrochoric acid (HCI, muriatic acid), as is recommended by Christl, and if the hydrochloric acid is not in excess, the acetic acid obtained scarcely contains a trace of chlorine (CI). M. Richter prefers the acetate of baryta (BaO,C4HaOy) to the acetate of soda, because the fusibility of the soda will interfere with the operation, but adds to the baryta salt two per cent, of the acetate of soda, in order, to some extent, to obviate its tendency to become pulverulent. The specific gravity of the different acetic acids increases with their strength up to the density of 1.0735 (maximum), 236 THE AMERICAN DYER. after which it* decreases until it reaches 1-.063, which is the density of the strongest acetic acid (being the glacial acid). The following table, which is condensed from one given by Pereira, on the authority of Mohr, shows the specitic gravity of acetic acid of different strengths. This table includes the United States officinal Acidum aceticinn dilutum. The column on the left gives the percentage of monohydrated acid in each : — Per cent. j Per cent. of Acid. Specific gravity. of Acid. Specific gravity. 100 1.063 Acetic acid (glacial).* 33 1.044 British acetic acid of 99 1.065 Glacial acetic acid.f commerce. 97 1.068 32 1.042 Scotch acid of com- 90 1.073 merce (strongest.) .80 1.0735 Maximum density. 31 1.041 Acetic acid, United '70 1.070' 1 States, 1850. 60 1.017 30 1.040 69 1.066 Strong acetic acid. 25 1.034 Pjroligneous acid 64 1.063 Acid corresponding in (Edinburgh). sp. gr. to the strong- 20 1.027 est. ! 10 1.015 52 1.062 6 1.008 Diluted acetic acid 50 1.060 (British). 40 1.051 5 1.006 Diluted acetic acid 39 1.050 English acid of com- (United States). merce. 4 1 .0055 36 1.047 Acetic acid of United 3 1X)04 Diluted acetic acid, States. United States, 1850. Up to the specific gravity of 1.062 the density of acetic acid is a very accurate index of its strength, but above that speci- fic gravity two acids of different strengths may coincide in density. "We see by the table that an acid of 1.063 may be either the strongest possible liquid acid, or an acid that con- tains only fifty-four per cent, of such acid. This ambiguity can be removed by diluting the acid with a portion of wiiter, and, if the density is increased, that acid which increases in density is the strongest of the two having the same density This varies to 1.065. t British. THE AMERICAN DYEK. 237 before the water was adtlecl. This is the test in the British Pharmacopoeia, of adding; ten per cent, of water to their glacial acetic acid. The density of the Scotch and English acetic acids of com merce is given upon the authority of Dr. Christison. A. T. TURNER, Jr., SE.02CEE, 13^ iiiia c [rr xvii^ fflfeiii, mwi MADDERS, BICHROMATE OF POTASH, TARTARS, ANNATTE, AND GENERAL DYESTUFFS, No. 104 MILK STREET, BOSTON. ADDRESS LETTERS TO P. 0. BOX 3373. An experience of several years with manufacturers, as Purchasing Broker in this or tlie New York market when freight and prices favor, warrants offering my services to all buyers, in the belief that as a Broker, thoroughly posted, 1 may at times aid them to advantageous purchases. INDIGO and CUTCH, leading specialties. No orders filfed by me are delivered without my examination of the goods. SEND FOR QUOTATIONS AND SAMPLES BEFORE ORDERING. A. COCHRANE & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CHEMICALS, No. 55 KILBY STREET, BOSTON, (Proprietors of Maiden Chemical Worl yield \ '^'^^-l I Oxygen, 40^ C Water, 2H2O. After the weed has fermented sufficiently, it is mixed with chalk and gy[^sum, then made into small, flat cakes resem- blinoj lozeuijes ; is then dried and sent to market. Litmus is prepared the most extensively in the southern part of France, from the juice- of the Croton tinctorium; this shrub being sub- mitted to the action of the ammonia contained in the urine and stable-dung used to excite fermentation in the process of manufacturing litmus, causes it to assume the purple-red color. This purple-red color is changed to a yellow-red by weak acids, and will not return to its former color (purple- red color) by alkalies. Litmus could be used, and is some- times used, as a coloring material, but it is too fugitive to be applied in coloring wqolen fabrics ; it is employed mostly for coloring test-paper, and giving a bluish tinge to whitewash ; 244: THE AMERTCAX DYER. also for coloring the red champagnes, &c. In Holland it is termed or called (oiirnesol en dra2)eaux, and is used there for colorinij the crust of certain kinds of cheese, as this colorins: of the crust has an effect to keep off the cheese-mitos and the cheese is less liable to decay. Litmus is also used for color- ing a peculiar kind of paper used for covering sugar-loafs. The lichens employed for obtaining archil, cudbear and litmus are different species oi' Itoccella, Lecanora, Variolaria, and others. These lichens grow on maritime rocks in various parts of the world, but for commercial purposes are chiefly collected upon the European and African coasts. They are also obtained from the islands of Canaries, Azores, Madeira, and Cape de Verde. The particular species employed are probably Lecanora tariavea, or Tartarean moss, growing in the north of Europe, and lioccella tinctoria or orchilla iveed, which abounds upon the African and insular coasts, and is called commercially, in common with other species of the same genus, Angola weed, Canari/ weed, &c., according to the name of the place from which it may be brought. All of the three coloring sub- stances named above can, however, be obtained from either one of the species of the plant. The litmus-paper of com- merce is prepared from one of the coloring substances of these plants (litmus), by tirst forming a strong, clear solution of one part of litmus to four parts of water, then dipping slips of white, unsized paper into it, or by applying it with a brush to one surface of the paper only ; then the paper is carefully dried and kept in well-stopped jars, from which the light is excluded. Litmus-paper should have a uniform purplish color, bearing upon the blue shade, neither very light nor very dark. Another method of preparing litmus-paper is to " digest for some time 20 grammes of litmus in 100 cubic centimetres of water, shake some time, and then filter. To the filtered liquid add a slight excess of nitric acid, and boil, and tben exactly neutralize with potassa. Now make a weak solution THE AMERICAN DYER. 245 of gelatine by boiling one part of ichthyocolla in six parts of water, immerse in this solution some white, unsized paper, and afterwards hang it up to dry, then color one side of it with the solution of litmus." Hy gaslight it is said that the change of color cannot be determined by the eye exactly, as the blue of the litmus becomes a mauve color, but this can be obviated by watching the process through a green glass, by which means the faintest trace of blue will become dis- cernible. ANNOTTO. Annotto is a shrub which was originally a native plant of South America, but is now cultivated in the East Indies and St. Domingo, and called by botanists Bix orreUana. It grows to the height of eight or ten feet, but never above twelve feet. The leaves are divided by fibres of a brownish- red hue, about four inches long, having a broad base, termi- nating in a sharp point. The stems are used by the natives' to make ropes of. The shrub bears an oblong pod, resembling a chesnut-burr. At their first formation, they are a beautiful rose-color, and as they ripen, they become a dark brown, and then burst open, showing a crimson pulp, which contains three or four seeds similar to raisin-stones. The pod is then taken and stripped of its husks ; the seeds are rubbed together in water, which deprives them of ail impure matters contained in the seed ; the coloring-matter is then allowed to settle, and the su[)ernatant liquor is drawn ofi", and the coloring-princi- ple, or annotto, left to dry, when it will change to a dark- brown color, having no taste, but a disagreeable odor when brought into market. The smell is not natural to the annotto, but is owing to the addition of stale urine, which is used to retain its moisture and color. Annotto is used by the Indians on the coast of the Carribbean Sea, to paint their bodies before going into battle, in order to terrify their enemies. They do 246 THE AMERICAN DYER. it by rubbing the seeds in oil, or some fatty matter, and making it into some sort of paste ; then drj'^ it in the sun for future use. Annotto, when boiled, will give a syrupy solution of a yellow crjlor, with the following re-actions : — Alkalies will give a white precipitate of a clear orange color ; an acid will change this to a redder shade. Muriatic acid (HCl) has no action upon it. Nitric acid (HNO^) will decompose it, and form several compounds, which have not yet been fully examined. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and the solid annotto, will give a deep blue precipitate, but it changes to a dirty green, then to a dark purple color. Chromic acid (H.jCvOi) gives a deep orange color. Soda-ash (Na^COg) gives the best results in producing an orange with tjiis aitlcle upon cotton ; but all colors produced with annotto are fugitive, and although the acids or alkalies cannot destroy the color given by it, they will be constantly changing by exposure to light and air, for which reason it is not so much used as for- merly, and at the present time it is not used in woolen-dyeing, 'but by some dyers it is used in coloring mixed goods, such as silk and cotton, silk and wool. Annotto is dissolved readily in alkalies. The alkalies most in use for this purpose are potash, or soda-ash, and for light shades some dyers use soft-soap, instead of pot or soda ash. By mixing ammonia (NH^) with annotto, and exposing it to the air previous to coloring with it, we obtain a much richer color. When it is thus mixed, a new substance is formed, which is termed bixeine, and will not crystallize, but bocoiues a sort of pasty matter, and is greatly improved by the admix- ture, fiflvinor a more full and rich oran^fe shade. I do not assert that annotto cannot be crystallized, but that the sub- stance termed bixeine is not crystallizable. It was considered that annotto contained two distinct color- ing-matters, but it has been shown by Preisser, that the one was the oxide of the other, and they are obtained by adding sulphate of lead (PbSO^) to a solution of annotto ; the lead THE AMERICAN DYEll. 247 will precipitate the coloring-matter; then separate the lead from the precipitate by the use of sniphnretted hydrogen, and the substance being tiltered and evaporated, the coloring-mat- ter is de[)osited in small crystals of a yellow-white color. These crystals are hixine; they will become a deep yellow by exposure to the atmosphere, but by dissolving them in water you will prevent this change. These crystals {hixine) have the following re-actions : — Sulphuric acid gives a yellow that does uot turn blue as it does with annotto. Nitric acid gives a yellow shade. Chromic acid gives a deep orange tint. If ammonia is added to bixine, with free contact of air, it will change the color from the yellowish-white to a fine deep red, like the annotto from whicli, it was obtained, and it is then another substance, and is termed bixeine, Avhich is not crystallizable, but it may be obtained as a red powder. Sul- phuric acid turns this powder to a blue, and combines with alkalies, and is hixine with the addition of oxygen. Annotto is adulterated mostly with ochre and oxide of lead (Pb.^0).. These adulterations may be detected by burning a given quantity in a porcelain crucible; if the annotto is free from the above minerals, there will be no residuum left, but if there is lead in it, if you keep the crucible at a red heat, there will be a small ball of lead at the bottom ; and if ochre is the adulteration, there will be a red powder left. Some dj'ers, when using annotto, make what is termed a stock liquor ; that is, the}'^ dissolve a quantity of it in a barrel or some other vessel, and keep it for future use ; but this is a bad i)ractice, as the solution will soon become stale, and, consequently, loses a large amount of its coloring principle, for which reason it is better when freshly made up. A \cvy good method for preparing it is as follows : To a barrel of water (forty-two gallons), add fifteen pounds of annotto, four pounds soda-ash, three pounds soft-soap, and boil until all is dissolved; but for nice light shades white bar-soap should be 24:8 THE AMERICAN DYER. used. Cotton cloth or yarn put into this solution is colored n dark orange color, but we can vary the shade from an orange to a cream color, by just varying the amount of the solution. The cloth or yarn requires no preparation or mordant, before coloring with the above solution. This method is for cotton- cloth, cotton-3'arn, or warp. By passing the cloth or yarn through a weak solution of oil of vitriol, or, more properly speaking, a sour bath, the orange color will assume a scarlet or salmon color, according to the amount or depth of orange color on the cloth or yarn, previous to passing it through the acidulated bath. BRAZIL-WOOD, OR HYPERNIC. There are several varieties of this wood, and the}' are distin- guished from each other by the name of the place from which they are obtained, such as Pernambuco, Japan, Nicaragua, &c. The last named wood is sometimes called Santa ^Martha wood. They all give a good red, and, in relation to dyeing, are con- sidered as onl\- different names for dyestuffs that produce similar coloring effect, the hypernic-wood giving a more blue tint to the red than the other kinds. The Pernaml)Uco con- tains more coloring-matter than the others, although the hy- pernic is the same in quality, giving a rich crimson color to the solution, which the acidulous salts will change to an orange, and the alkalies to a purple. The salts of potash, soda, and ammonia will change the solution to a rose-color, which will soon pass away by standing. The salts of tin (or crystals of tin, SXCl,) will throw down very slowly a bright, red-colored lake; and alum (SO4AI0) will have the same effect, onl}' of a more decided and clearer red. All these kinds of wood contain a coloring-matter called hrasiline, or hrezilin (formula, €44114^^014 -j- 3 HOo), a color- less sul)stance which will form crystals, the watery solution of which turns gradualh' to carmine-red by exposure to air, the THE AMERICAN DYER. 249 same change being almost instantaneous, either hy boiling the solution, or by the action of alkalies. The world at large, as well as dyers, are greatly indebted to the French chenrists for their valuable researches into the coloring-matters of these as well as other dyewoods. Chevreul long since obtained the coloring-matter from Brazil-wood by the following proc- ess : Digesting the ground wood in water until all the color- ing-matter is held in solution, and then evaporating it to dryness, in order to get rid of a little acetic acid (C4O3H3) that it contains. This residue is again dissolved in water. The solution is then agitated with (PbO) litharge, so as to deprive it of any fixed acid that it might contain. This solu- tion is again evaporated to dryness. The residue is then digested in alcohol (CoHi-O), pure. Afterwards the residual matter is diluted with (HO) water. Then there is added to this solution dissolved glue, until all the tannin which it con- tains is thrown down (or precipitated). Filter it again, and evaporate to dryness, and digest the residue in alcohol again, which will leave undissolved any excess of glue which might have been added. This last alcoholic solution being evapor- ated to dryness, leaves hrezilin^ the coloring-matter of the wood in a state of purity. The re-agents act upon brezilin as follows : — Copperas (SO^Fe) gives a dark purple, not changed by standing. Nitrate of iron (3NOu2Fe) changes it to a crimson. Chloride of tin (SNCl.,) changes it to a very deep crimson. A hot solution of (SNCl^) to a deep red precipitate. Acetate of copper (IC4O3H32CU) will give a dark purple. The action of chromic acid (Il2Cr04) is very remarkable on the l)rezilin. We find that they will decompose each other, and produce a beautiful yellowish brown. The action of bichromate of potash (H^CroOj), with a decoc- tion of Brazil-wood, has long been taken advantage of in calico-printing, and I think, by a proper modification, it might be advantageously applied in the woolen dye-house. 32 250 THE AMEKICAX DYER. These remarks upon the pure coloring-principle of Brazil- wood (breziliu) are applicable to the wood in its rough state. My opinion is, that the pure coloring-matter of these, as well as other dye-woods, are oxides of a colorless base. Thus, brezilin is the oxide of a base which is without color, and its composition is: carbon, 36; hydrogen, 14: oxygen, 14. Preisser terms, or calls, the pure coloring-principle of Brazil- wood brezilin, and that its composition is : carl)ou, 30 ; hydro- gen, 14; oxygen, 12. B}' comparing the two, we find that one is converted into the other by absorbing two proportions of oxygen, and that the re-actions are allied to those of indigo and logwood. (See articles on indigo and logwood.) Brezilin is very soluble in alcohol or water, but, from the hardness of the wood from which it is obtained, the brezilin cannot be extracted except b}' hard boiling, and not then com- pletely. Alcohol is the onl}' element that will extract all the coloring-matter from this wood, as well as from bar wood and Sanders. A decoction of Brazil-wood will have a deep red color, but changes into a rich yellow-red by standing. Acids will give it a yellowish color, and render it unfit for dj^eing purposes. Alkalies give it a violet color, which is very fugi- tive. The Brazil-wood tree, called by botanists Ccesalpinia crista, is a native tree of South America, and some authors give it the name of the country in which it is most abundantly found, — Brazil (see Southey's History of Brazil, vol. I.). It grows mostly in dry places, and amongst rocks. Its trunk is large, crooked, and full of knots. The following description of this d3"e-wood will be found in "Bell's Geography": — "The Brazil-wood, known in Pernambuco by the name of j)ao da rainha (Queen's-wood), is now rarely to be seen within many miles of the coast, owing to the improvident manner in which it has been cut down b}'^ the government agents, without any regard being paid to the size of the tree, or its cultivation. It is not a loft\' tree. At a short distance from the ground, numerous branches shoot out, and extend in THE AMEltlCAX DYER. 251 every diroction in a stragpfling, irregular, and impleasiiig man- ner. Tlie leaves are small, and not luxuriant. The wood is very hard and heavy. It takes a high polish (the same as camwood), and sinks in water. The only part of it that is valuable as a dye is the heart of the tree (the bark having no coloring-principle in it). The name of this wood is derived from brasas, a glowing fire of coal. The leaves are pointed. It has blossoms of a whitish color, growing in a pyramidal spike (resembling the sumac-blossom). One species of the Brazil- wood has flowers, which are variegated with red, the branches being slender, and fidl of prickle-thorns. The wood known b}' the name of Pernambuco contains the greatest amount of coloring-matter. It is of a yellowish color when freshl}' cut, but turns red by exposure to the atmosphere. That kind called Lima-wood is the same in quality." The action of the metallic salts has the same result on all these different-named woods, they being the same in nature as regards their coloring matters or principles. For cotton- thread dyein.g with these woods (for reds) the proper mor- dant seems to be alum and muriate of tin (or tin spirits). But all the colors obtained from these woods are more or less fugitive, losing their brilliancy upon a short exposure to the atmosphere. The sun's rays have a powerful influence upon these woods ; for this reason, all colors produced by them should be dried in the shade or on a drying-machine. When colors dyQ(\ with these woods are exposed to the sun's rays, they will in a short time have a blackish tint, and will pass to a brown, and after awhile fade away to a light dun color. These changes are thought to be caused by the coloring-mat- ter being decomposed into water and some other volatile substance, leaving a part of the carbon free, which will pro- duce the black tint. Notwithstanding all this, there is a large consumption of these woods, more especially for dyeing fancy reds on cotton-threads. The hypernic wood is the best for coloring garnets, rubies, 252 THE AMEBIC AX DYER. and maroons on wool, on account of its not being such a decided red as the other woods. BARWOOD. This wood is brought principally from Sierra Leone and the equatorial regions of Western Africa. It is a hard, resinous wood, and is considered by some chemists to be the same as Sanders or saunders-ivood . This dyewood is always received by the dyer in a ground state, as it would be almost impossible to extract its coloring matters by boiling in water if it was used in the chip. The wood is a bright red color, devoid of savor or smell, and imparts l)ut a very slight color to the saliva; its coloring-prin- ciples are similar to camwood and sauders, but the color given by it is of a bluer cast than either of the last-named Avoods, and of a poorer and more feeble intensity, on account of the coloring-matters being more widely separated from each other on the colored fabric than those colored by cam- wood or Sanders ; yet it yields a coloring-matter th.it is per- manent with or without a mordant (the same is applicable to the last-named woods), but the wool or cloth colored with barwood is not so harsh to the touch as if colored with either camwood or sanders. Barwood requires longer boiling than other woods to bring into solution all its coloring-principles, with the exception of camwood and sanders, the latter being harder and more resinous than barwood. Alkalies, astrin- gents and alcohol, cause it to dissolve easily in water. Some botanists make a distinction bet^ween barwood and camwood, but the two woods are found in their chemical ctjmpcjsition to be the same. To extract the whole of the color from tifteen grains of barwood, Preisser found that it was necessarv to treat it several times with alcohol at a boiling heat. The alcoholic liquid contained 0.23 of liquid coloring-principle and 0.004 of salt. THE AMERICAN DYER. 2.13 Biirwootl contains 0.23 per cent, of red colorinij^-mattor, whilst sunders contains 1(5.75 per cent, according to Pel- letier. The alcoholic solution of barwood has the folloning re-actions : — The ti.xed alkalies will turn it to a dark crimson or dark violet. Liuie-water has the same action as the fixed alkalies. Sulphuric acid (H^SO^) darkens the color to a cochineal red. Muriate of tin gives a brick-red precipitate. Tin crystals (SNCl.^) give a blood-red precipitate. Protoxide of iron (FeO) gives a very abundant violet pre- cipitate. Cupric sulphate (CuSO^), a violet-brown gelatinous pre- cipitate. • Acetate of lead (PbA^O^), a dark violet gelatinous precipi- tate. Pyroxylic acid (C.^H^Oo) and alcohol act alike on barwood, and the strong colored solution behaves the same with the same re-agents. Hydrated ether will dissolve 19.47 per cent, of the coloring- principle of barwood. Ammonia, potash, or soda added to a stroui; solution of barwood, will turn it to a dark violet color. In coloring wool with barwood, it must come in contact with the wool in order that all the color can be extracted from the wbod, for which reason the wood is either thrown loose into the tub or kettle, or sprinkled upon the wool before it is thrown into the dye-tub. I think the best method for the use of barwood, in order to obtain the best results from the given amount of wood used is, to sprinkle the wood upon the avooI before entering it, or, in other words, you must mix the wood with the wool, which can be done by spreading a layer of wool upon the floor of the dye-house, in front of the tul) in which you intend to make the color; then sprinkle on a cer- tain amount of the barwood ; then a layer of wool, and so on alteruMtoly until you have given or used the amount of wood required for the color you are making. It will not do to put 254 THE AMERICAN DYER. the harwood in bags to boil out, as it will become solid or compact, and it will be impossible to extract all the coloring- matter from the wood, as the boiling water has no chance to saturate it and dissolve the colorinjj-matter. The coloriuff- matter of barwood, while at the boiling point, combines easily with wool or cotton that has previously been mog^lanted, the mordant taking up the coloring-matter of the barwood that is at that time in solution, and the water, thus exhausted of its color, will dissolve'another proportion of the cohjiing-matter of the wood, which is again taken up by the wool or cotton, and so on until the mordant upon the material has l)ecome completely saturated with the color, and it is now at its bright- est and richest color. The above remarks are equally appli(fable to camwood and Sanders. Barwood is not used for compound colors on cot- ton with the other red woods, but in woolen-dyeing it is. The coloring-matter of barwood has not been obtained in a crystallized state, but I am inclined to think that crystals can be obtained from it by a careful management of experiments made with that object in view, and I feel warranted to assert that the pure coloring-principle, or, in other words, the matter which creates a color, when united to a metallic or earthy salt, is an undefined crystalline body, and that it is this crys- talline substance only that we require, in dyeing, to produce the most brilliant hues (the aniline dyes corrol)orate this assertion) ; and whenever that period in futurity arrives when the dyer can obtain, in a crystalline torm, the coloring-mat- ters of the rough dyestufis which yield the pure reds, yellows, and blues, then all will be accomplished that the art of dye- ing requires in this respect, because from these three coloring- matters every other shade or color in dvein": can be obtained by proper treatment and manipulation. Alcohol, alkalies, and matters or substances that contain tannin or the astrin- gent principle, such as sumac, nutgalls, c'cc, all aid or facili- tate the extraction of the coloring-matter from barwood, camwood, and sauders. I will here caution the dyer in THE AMERICAN DYER. 255 regard to the too careless practice of not washing out the tuba or kettles after coloring in them such colors as reciuire sacl- clening, for if the tub is not thoroughly w^ished out from this previous coloring, and you are going to use barwood, cam- wood, or Sanders for your next color in the same tub, there "will be more or less of the metallic salt left in the tub, which will prevent the woods from giving out or yielding up their coloring properties to water. Barwood is used with fustic, camwood, and madder, in woolen-dyeing for browns, brown olives, sed soon, as, if allowed to stand overnight, it will precipitate and deposit a brownish-yellow mass in consequence of its not being all completely soluble in water ; even if boiled in dis- tilled water and allowed to stand for tAventy-four hours it will form the same deposits. The proper mordants for this drug are alum, tartar, and nitro-muriate of tin. The acids lighten the color of a solution of flavine and the alkalies deepen it, causing it to assume more of a red color. Potash sulphate of alumina (alum) gives a very rich yellow. Nitro-muriate of tin gives a yellow-orange. Muriate of tin gives a sulphur-colored yellow. Proto-sulphate of iron (copperas) gives a deep greenish- black. These are the re-actions given on a solution of flavine. TURMEllIC. This coloring substance is manufactured from the root of the Curcuma langa, a plant that grows in the Indies and on the Island of Java. The root is found in egg-shaped tubers and in flattened lumps, and is of a dirty yellow color. Its pure coloring matter is called curcumine (CgllioO.)- !<- »« 272 THE AMERICAN DYER. ground into a powder and resembles ginger, the solutions of it have a peculiar smell, and it has a bitter taste. The color given by it is very fugitive, there being no proper mordant for it that will make it a permanent color. It is used mostly for giving a peculiar tint to greens and browns on cotton and silk, also on wool, but not on wool when colors are to be per- manent. It is used for test-paper to detect alkalies and boracic acid, by which the paper will be turned to a red- brown. MADDER. This plant or shrub is termed Buhia tinctorium and is culti- vated in France, Holland, and the Levant, besides in the southern, western, and central parts of EurQpe ; the East Indies also furnish a large amount of it. The coloring-mat- ter obtained from this shrub rivals indigo as a vegetable-dye, both in beauty and brilliancy of the colors given by it, as well as by the numerous shades that can be dyed from it. Madder is a perennial plant, and there are quite a variety o( liubia tinctorium plants, such as i?. peregrina, — that cultivated in Smyrna and Cyprus, being the best kind ; the R. mungista of Japan is found in a wild state. According to researches or experiments and analyses made, the dye imported from India under the name of munjeet is not the root of the Ruhia tinctorium, but the reedy stem of a species of the ruhia plant, and, for dyeing purposes, is very, inferior to the root of the plant. This plant is a native of Caucasus ; the root generally is knotty or gnarled and a little thicker than a quill ; externally its bark is of a brownish color ; internally it is of a yellow-red color; it is first dried, after being dug, and then ground and put into strong oaken casks, in which form it is received by the dyer. ]Madder should be kept in a dry place, as it easily absorbs moisture, which is an injury to it ; when kept dry it will improve by age ; its age THE AMERICAK^ DYER. 273 is ascertained by the appearance of the head of the cask ; if it is two or more years old the head will bo swelled out by the swelling, or, as it is termed, the madder has grown ? but dealers have learned this criterion by which dyers judge of the ai'e of madder ; so to make new madder appear older than it really is, they will moisten it at the bottom and top of the cask, which causes it to swell and so cause the heads of the cash to bulge up. The quality of the madder is ascertained by its taste and smell ; the good will have a heav}', sweet smell, with an earthy flavor ; its taste is a bitter-sweet ; when exposed to moisture, its color will pass from the orange-yellow tint to a deep red. What is Ivuown as mull-madder is the refuse and dust from the floor of the grinding-room ; there- fore it is of an inferior quality, and we mighf say, of the worst quality. Mull-madder is not used in this country at the present time ; the principal use made of it now is in the production of garaiiceux, which we will speak of hereafter. Madder is sometimes adulterated with brick-dust, red or yellow ochres, sand, clay, sawdust from mahogany, logwood, and sandal-wood. The mineral impurities, such as brick-dust, ochres, sand and clay, may be detected by putting some of the madder in a glass jar and pouring boiling water upon it ; the madder will float and the above impurities will sink to the bottom. To detect the vegetable adulterations, Mr. Pernod, of Avignon, proposes the following tests : "A sheet of white paper is immersed in a weak solution of bichloride of tin (nitro-rauriate' of tin — formula, SnCla -f NHiCl) for a few minutes, then place the paper upon glass or porcelain, and sift the madder upon the paper ; in half an hour afterwards the paper will show crimson-red spots if the madder contains any of the red woods, purple spots if it contains logwood, and a yellow coloration if it contains any fustic. If the mad- der is free from the above adulterations the paper will be colored a light yellow." The first investigations made upon the chemical properties of madder, led to the discovery of two distinct culoriiig-mat- 35 274 THE AMEBIC AX DYER. ters, one yellow, the other Fed ; the yellow was then called xanthine (now called ruherythrinic acid), and the red,^9?oyjw- rine. Recent discoveries have been made which disclose five distinct coloring-matters in madder, yet there iire but two dis- tinct pigments in the fresh roots, being the two above-named. In addition to these two coloring pigments, it was discovered that madder contained about eight per cent, of sugar. According to Dr. Rochlerder, the former of these (^xanthiii) is converted, under the influence of a peculiar nitrogenous substance, present in the madder-root, into alizarine, — the essential coloring-matter of madder, — and into sugar. The formula is, — C.2pH,,0n = C,,H,0, + CeH,A + H,0. Eubeiythriiiic Alizariue. Sugar, acid. Other investigations have proved that there are five difier- ent coloring-matters in madder, which are thus named : madder- purple, madder-red, madder-brown, madder-orange, and madder-yellow. Besides these five coloring-matters in madder, it has been found by the German chemists that mad- der contains not only these five coloring properties, but two acid substances, which they name the madderic and rubiacic acids. These acids, however, contain no known coloring properties, and I have only mentioned them to show the knowledge that chemists are in possession of, and what sub- stances are contained in madder, as obtained by their laborious investigations. These investigations of madder were so im- portant, that the Societe Industritlle de JIuUiouse for a num- ber of years offered two thousand francs for the best analytical investigation of the substances contained in madder. The above-named coloring-principles of madder, taken separately or by themselves, do not form a good dyeing material, but they do constitute the elements which will together produce the richest and the most permanent red d^es that the dyer now possesses. Practically, it is only necessary to consider THE AMERICAN DYER. 275 macltlcr as containing but two coloring substances or prop- erties, as in former days supposed, one-ot" which was tliedun or yellow, and was considered the impure or earthy part of the madder; this impurity is what the dyer endeavors to get rid of. The other coloring substance was called the red colorin"-- matter. Madder can be made to produce a variety of shades by the skilful dyer, by the different proportions and changes of the mordants he may use ; and the colors obtained are more permanent than those produced by any other vegetable sub- stance known as a dye, not excepting colors obtained from indigo or cochineal. The varieties of madder in the market are known and called by the name of the country in which they are raised or grown ; also by the looks or appearance caused by the different proc- esses of their manufacture, previous to their being received by the dyer. The Dutch madder, sa called, is very coarsely ground, which enables the purchaser to judge of the nature and quality of the root from which it was made. This mad- der, you will tind, has a sort of a greasy feeling, and a very strong and rather disagreeable smell or odor, and its color will vary from a brown to an orange-red, the brown being inferior to the orange-red. It will become more damp when exposed to the air than any of the other varieties of madder, this being taken advantage of in judging of its quality ; for if good, its color will pass from the brownish- orange tint to a deep red color. This madder is said to be uncrqpped or cropped madder, the only difference being in it, that one is separated from the bark of the root, while the other is composed of both bark and body of the root. This madder is in its best state or condition when it is two or three years old, but it can be older without its coloring properties being impaired. Yet I think, at the above age, it is as good as it ever will be for ^jroducing brilliant colors. The Alsace madder is very similar to the Dutch, and although the cropping is generally performed upon it, it is not designated by being cropiied and iincro2)p>ed. It will readily 276 THE AMEKICAN DYER. absorb moisture from the air, and become of a reddish-brown color. This madder is inferior to the Dutch madder, its odor is more penetrating and its taste less sweet; yet it has an equal amount of bitter, and its color is more yellow and will pas9 into brown, having a lesser orange tint. A little experience will soon enable the dyer to distinguish or judge the one sort from the other, by comparison. The Avignon madder, at one time, was considered the best. There are a number of varieties of this madder, but all the difference that I could ever ascertain in them was in their different modes of prejiaration, and also the soil in which the plant grew. This madder will feel drier to the touch, and will not absorb moisture so readily as other madders ; but if exposed to a humid atmosphere it will undergo a great change. Its smell is very agreeable ; its taste is a mixture of the bitter and sweet ; and its color will vary from the pink to a deep red ; or we might say, a reddish brown. The commercial marks upon the casks, to designate the quality, are, — S. F. , for superfine. S. F. F., for fine superfine. E. S. F. F., for extra fine, fine ; but I have found these marks placed upon casks of an inferior madder, so it does not do to judge entirely by the marks. I have given, in the description of the different madders, crite- rions whereby a dyer may judge of the quality of the madders which he may have to use, Avithout having to rely upon the marks placed upon the casks. The above varieties will of themselves vary greatly, according to the nature of the plant, and also in the manner in which the roots are dried or otherwise prepared. This kind of madder can be used when freshly ground, but is better to be kept a year or more before using it. It does not cake or become hard like the other madders, but if it is too old it becomes loose or powdery, and under- goes a kind of decomposition. As I have remarked in this article, the Levant, or those THE AMERICAN DYER. 277 madders brought from Smyrna and Cyprus, were the best kinds. I consider them so for this reason : the roots are not taken out of the ground until they are four or five years old, while the other madder-roots are taken up in every two or three years, and do not become matured in that space of time, neither do they contain so large an amount of coloring- matter as those roots of a longer growth. Madder can become so old that it will not produce good reds upon cotton- yarn or cloth, and yet not be unfit for coloring wool or woolen fabrics; yet I think that madder, after it is three years old, will not produce so good a result, either used alone or in combination with coloring-matters, as when it is but twelve months since it was ground. The Different Products of Madder. There are two coloring substances obtained from madder that are largely employed in calico-printing at the present time ; viz., garancine and colorine. Garancine is a chocolate- colored powder, having neither taste or smell, but from the different modes of extracting it from the madder, and also from the different qualities of madder used in its preparation, it varies greatly in quality, for which reasons it has been repeatedly used and as often abandoned as a dye on woolen fabrics ; but latterly, means have been devised by which the quality of garancine can be tested, these tests having been very lavoral)le to its more constant use as a dyeing material for cotton and calico-printing. Garancine was first discovered and the process of obtaining it described, by Robiquet and Colin, so long ago as 1826 ; but this was long before it was generally introduced to the trade. Their method of preparing it was, to take one part of madder to six parts of cold water, and allow the mixture to soak for twenty-four hours ; then it was placed upon a filter ; after draining thoroughly it was pressed ; then it was again steeped in cold water, again pressed, and so on for the third time. After these processes are com- plete4 there is half as much oil of vitriol (by weight) as 278 THE AMERICAX DYER. there was of madder used ; the vitriol is diluted with double the amount of water, the temperature being raised to 100° Fahr. ; this is then added to the pressed madder as soon as possible, then stirred up rapidly; heat is then employed and the temperature raised to 212° Fahr., and kept at that heat for one hour ; it is then washed thoroughly with water and the whole thrown upon a filter; water is then poured over the residue left upon the filter until there is no taste of the acid left; it is then taken and submitted to hydraulic pressure, for the purpose of getting rid of all the water possible, after which it is dried and ground to a ver}^ fine powder ; in this condition it is received by the dyer, and is called garancine. During- the last eight or ten years the consumption of this article has greatly increased. Garancine is also obtained from the waste madder of the dye-house, that is, from madder that has been once used ; ai>d the process was patented in 1842 or 1843. The method, or operation of producing it, is so complicated and lengthy that few dyers would attempt tbe manufiicturing of it, for which reason I will not give a description of the process, but will state the action of garan- cine with re-agents and water, so far as I have tried them : — Water, with ammonia, gives a beautiful red color. Water, with carbonate of soda, gives a bright reddish color. Water and alum give a chrome-red color. Water (boiling) and alum give a dark red color. Ammonia gives a red ; in a few hours it is so deep that it is not transparent. Water, with muriatic acid, gives a greenish-yellow tint. Water, with sulphuric acid, gives the same after a few hours. Water, with nitric acid, gives a still darker tint, but passes to a brownish blue. The value of garancine (as a dye) to madder, is one to four ; that is, one pound of garancine will produce as good a red as four pounds of madder. Floicers of Madder. This preparation is obtained on a large scale, from madder, by soaking it in water, jvhich THE AMERICAX DYER. 279 causes the sugar coutaiuod in it to ferment. After it has soaked or fermented for forty-eight hours, the residue is then thoroughly washed, first, in lukewarm water, then in cold ; it is subjected to hydraulic pressure to remove the water ; it is then dried at a gentle heat, then ground up again, then it is used in the same way as the ground madder for coloring purposes. The flowers of madder, when dyeing with them, do not require so hot a bath as madder itself does. When the flowers of madder are boijed in wood spirits (methylic alcohol) a very copious yellow precipitate is formed, from which, after being washed in cold water and dried, you obtain a substance called azale, which has been tried as a dyeing material in France, but no good results have yet been obtained from it. Probably this substance is the crude alizarine met with in the market, under the name of pincoffine, it being first discovered and prepared by Mr, Pincoffs," of Manchester, England. Colorine. The substance met with in the market under the name of colorine is the alcoholic extract of garancine dried, and is composed of alizarine, purpurine, fatty matters, and other substances soluble in alcohol present in garancine. E. Kapp, some years since, exhausted madder with an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid, and so obtained the pigments of madder in a pure state (which he used for technical purposes). These preparations are now extensively used, and are dis- tinguished by the names of green alizarine, and that obtained from the Alsace madder amounts to about four percent., con- taining, with the alizarine, a green resinous material called yellow alizarine ; the former substance (green alizarine) is without the resinous material, this having been eliminated by suitable solvents, as purpurine and flowers of madder. Mad- der of a good quality yields, on a large scale, — Purpurine, . . . '1.15 per cent. Green alizarine, . . 2.50 " " Yellow " . . 0.32 " " Flowers of madder . 39.00 " " 280 THE AMEKICAIf DYER. Alizarine. The researches and experiments of Graebe and Liebermann prove that alizarine is a derivative from anthracen (C14H10), the formula of alizarine being (Cj^HgO^). Aliza- rine is yellow but will become red under the action of alkalies and alkaline earths. Anthracen, from which artificial alizarine is obtained, is present in coal-tar to the amount of .75 or 1.0 per cent., and was discovered in 1830 by J. Dumas. In 1869, Graebe and Liebermann first commenced employing it for the production of anthracen red, or artificial alizarjne. According to the origi- nal method of preparing alizarine the anthrachinan (Ci4Hg02) obtained from anthracen by the action of oxidizing agents, such as nitric acid, was first converted into bibromide of anthrachinan (Ci4HcBr202) by treating anthrachinan with bro- mide, and this bromated compound was further treated either with caustic potash or caustic soda at a temperature of 180°, or 200° Fahr., the bibromide of anthrachinan being converted into alizarine potash (or alizarine sodium, if caustic soda had been used) from which the alizarine is set free by the addition of muriatic acid. Alizarine is now made or prepared from anthrachinan by heating it to a temperature of 2(15° Fahr. with fuming or concentrated sulphuric acid ; the anthrachinan is by this operation converted into a sulpho-acid ; this acid they then neutralize with carbonate of lime (CaCOs) ; the fluid is decanted from the precipitated gypsum, then carbon- ate of potash (KCO3) is added to it in order to precipitate all the lime ; this solution is then evaporated to dryness, the resulting saline mass is converted into alizarine potassium (Ci^HyK^Oi) by heating it with caustic potash (KOH) . From the alizarine potassium thus obtained the alizarine is set free by the aid of h^'drochloric acid (muriatic acid). By another method anthracen is employed directly for obtaining aliza- rine, by first converting it, with oil of vitriol and heat, into anthracen sulpho-acid (QsHigSH^Og). After being diluted with water,, the solution of this acid is next treated with such THE AMERICAN DYER. 281 oxidizing ngents as nitric acid, chromic acid, and lead, and the fluid is next neutralized with carbonate of lime. There is no doubt but anthracen may be converted into alizarine by other means, and it is very likely that from other hydro- carbons, such as benzol, toluol, nai)hthaline) jjresent in coal- tar, anthracen red may be obtained. Alizarine with alkalies gives a violet solution, and is nearly insoluble in a solution of boiling alum ; it is soluble in turpentine, naphtha, and fat oils ; chk)rine turns it to a yellow brown ; sulphuric acid dis- solves it but at the same time brightens up the color; muri- atic and nitric acids will dissolve it and change the color from red to yellow. Green alizarine is considered as good as the commercial alizarine, and better than the flowers of madder, and it requires from ten to twelve per cent, less mordant ; it should be made into a paste with water before adding it to the bath. The coloring power of alizarine is ninety-five times greater than madder. Pi(rpuri)ie. This is also a product of madder, and is equal to sixty times its weight of the madder from which it .was extracted. It is soluble in ammonia, acetic acid, and water; also in the alkaline carbonates. The alkalies give a red, but will fade by exposure to air ; alum gives a pink color. Purpurine is not afl'ected by lime, but alizarine may be precipitated by it. [You will find recipes for coloring with purpurine in another part of this work.] Purpurine does not give good purples on cotton, with iron mordants. In coloring cotton- yarns with madder, or the different products of madder, the mordants used are the acetate of alumina, or red liquor, so called, acetate of iron (iron liquor), acetate of lead, acetate of copper, and the chlorides of tin. As above stated, purpurine is not aflfected by lime, but alizarine may be precipitated by it. These two assertions are correct ; that is, when we come to take into consideration the nature of the various kinds of madder that these products 36 282 THE AlVIERICAN DYER. might be extracted from ; for instance, the madders from Alsace and Holland are grown in argillaceous soils, and have an acid re-action, and will require a certain amount of lime or soda in order to be neutralized. But the Avignon madder, on the other hand, is grown in calcareous soils, and is per- fectly neutral, and an excess of lime would be injurious in its results. The same reasons are also applicable to garancine, as it often contains an excess of acid. In this case calcareous water (lime-water) would be beneficial. Under the head of garancine, I should have mentioned that it requires the same mordant that madder does, and that it will yield up its coloring properties only at a boiling heat, and that the water is but slightl}'- colored before the wool or fabric is entered. A small amount of sumac is very benefi- cial when coloring reds on cotton-yarn with garancine. The color obtained from garancine is more lively and brilliant than that from madder, and in printing on cotton the color is not so liable to run into the white, for which reason the cloth is more easily cleared than it would be if madder was used. Purpurine is very soluble in a solution of alum, and the solution will turn to a pink color. Alkalies give a solution of purpurine a red color, but the color will not stand expos- ure to the air. In using purpurine for coloring silk, it should be neutral- ized with either chalk or soda-ash; and for cotton, the yarn must be mordanted in the usual manner for reds, with the addition of a little tannin ; and for calico-printing, use three- quarters of an ounce to one quart of water, and twenty-two per cent, of soda-ash. These are boiled up together, then filtered, and thickened with the usual thickening. Wool is mordanted with alum, tartar, and nitro-muriate of tin, or tin crystals. AVith tin and tartar for a mordant, we get a scarlet nearly as good as a cochineal scarlet. Alum and tartar, with purpurine, give a crimson-red. THE AMERICAX DYER. 283 A good tin solution for piiipuriue is made as follows : 30 lbs. Nitric Acid, 10 lbs. Water, 5 lbs. Sal-Animoiiiac, 5 lbs. Feathered Tin. After the acid has become cold, add the tin gradually. Not to be used until it is four or five days old. LOGWOOD. This dyeing material was first discovered by the Spaniards, in 1662 (in Honduras), and was brought to Europe shortly afterwards. They called it Camjyeclda, but it is known to botanists by the name of Ikauialoxijlon CampeacJiianum. Its nature, and the art of using it as a coloring agent, seem to have been but little understood in Queen Elizabeth's time, as we find an act of parliament prohibiting and abolishing its use in her domain, imposing a penalty of imprisonment and the pillory upon any dyer who should use it. Upwards of a hun- dred years elapsed before the virtues of this dye-wood were known and acknowledged, and at the present time there is no other wood so universally used, or useful, as logwood ; but, like mau}^ other valuable dyestuft's, it was used for a long time before the true nature of its coloring-principle Avas known. Some time near the year 1810, Chcvreul made a chemical examination of logwood, and by careful investigations found that it contained a distinct and pure coloring-principle, which be called liematine (not liemateine) , a name which has since been changed to htematoxyline (Ci,jH,40e), so as to avoid any confusion Avith the name of a similar substance contained in blood. It is commonl}' called extract of logwood, and is a transparent crystalline substance. By itself it is not a pigment, l)ut is a colorable material, which becomes colored when brought in contact with stron^j: alkalies, and more so 284 THE AMEEICAX DYER. when in contact with ammonia (Nllg) and the oxygon of the air; and a sohition of it is nearly colorless (especially in cold water), but will turn at once to a purple-red by the addition of the smallest quantity of ammonia. Chevreul's process for obtaining the extract (hivmatoxyline, or coloring-principle) of logwood is to digest the ground or chipped wood in water, at 120^ or 130° Fahr,, afterwards filtering the licjuor and evaporating to dryness, and that which remains is put into alcohol ; this is again filtered, and the clear liquor is evapo- rated until it becomes thick ; to th'rs is added a little water, and evaporated again ; it is then left to iteelf, and the color- ing-matter crystallizes. The extract possesses the same prop- erties as the decoction of the wood, and is in comparative strength to good logwood as one is to five ; that is, one pound of extract is equal to five pounds of the chips. The action of metallic oxides upon the hsematoxyline, or hematine, is somewhat similar to their action upon logwood itself, varying considerably with the dissolving menstrua of the oxide, and the particular state of oxidation. Proto-salts of iron give blue-black precipitates — perma- nent. Per-salts of tin give deep wine-colored precipitates, which become brown. Chloride of tin gives a rich wine-color. Acetate of copper gives a greenish-black, passing to brown. Acetate of lead gives a brownish-black precipitate, passing to gray. Salts of alumina give wine-colored precipitates — perma- nent. These are the principal metallic salts used with logwood, and their effects upon it ; but the acids in which the oxides are dissolved have a material effect upon the results obtained, the iron being used in a state of sulphate or acetate, and the tin as chloride with free acid, and the copper and lead as acetates. Erdmauu made an improvement upon Chevreul's method of THE AMERICAN DYER. 28o obt:iiningh{\?niiitoxyline from the rough wood. After convert- ing a decoction of it into extract, -he evaporated the extract to dryness; then pulverized and mixed it with a quantity of pure silicious sand, to prevent the agglutination of the extract. It is then left to stand a few days in five or six times its quantity of ether. This mixture is often shaken or stirred up. The clear solution is then poured off and distilled, until there is but a small, syrupy residue left, and, by this means, most of the ether is saved. This residue is then mixed with a cer- tain amount of water, and allowed to stand a few days, when the hivmatoxyline crystallizes, and may then be dried between tissue or blotting paper. These crystals dissolve easily in hot water, but very slowly in cold water. They are also solu- ble in alcohok Dissolve these crystals in distilled water, and the solution will be a beautiful wine-color; but if there is the least trace of lime or iron in the water, the color of the solu- tion will be materially changed. Re-agents have a powerful action upon them. Potash will change the color of the solu- tion to a violet, but it will quickly turn to a purple, and, in a short time, will be almost colorless, on account of the oxygen being absoibed, and the ha^matoxyline is thereby discharged, and the potash is converted into a carbonate from the decom- position of the coloring-matter. There is an extract of logwood manufactured in France in a crystalline form, the crystals being of a very dark-red color. This is htematoxyline with a number of impurities ; yet it yields a considerable amount of color. It must be borne in mind, that Erdmann obtained the crys- tals by his experiments, and not the extract, as we dyers receive it. Logwood contains resin and oil, sulphate of lime and alumina, besides the coloring matter. These ingredients vary in the wood from the West Indies, and in that from Cam- peachy. A solution of the wood is changed from its natural color, by alkalies, to a purple, and, by acids, to an orange shade. 286 THE AMEUTCAX DYETt. Almost all ihe metallic and earthy salts cause abmulant pre- cipitates, or lakes, with its solutions, the colors varying from violet to black, but, in all cases, will retain a tinge of the vio- let hue ; and a solution of logwood always throws down a compound color, whose proportions of red and blue vary with the diflereiit metals used, and each gives deeper shades, according as it is more or less oxidized. Solutions of tin alone, of all the metallic salts, give it the property of resist- ing acids, and by a proper course taken with a mordant of tin, a purple can be obtained as dural)le as indigo-blue. Alum always gives violet-colored shades. Logwood enters into the composition of drabs, slates, violets, plums, dahlias, purples, and all colors that have a tinge of the violet shade in them ; also in some very dark browns, &c. ; but its principal con- sumption is in logwood blues and blacks, to which it com- municates a softness and glossy lustre, unequalled by any other material. The mordant which gives it the gi-eatest degree of perma- nence, is sulphate of iron ; that is, in all the colors named above, with the exception of violet, when the solution of tin is the proper mordant. In Parkes's Chemical Essays, he makes this observation in regard to logwood : " Considerable advantage is derived by woolen-dyers from the use of water in the preparation of their logwood, by spreading it out and sprinkling it with Avater, and, in that moistened condition, it is thrown into heaps or bins, and allowed to remain as long as possible before using it, and, by thtit treatment, the wood becomes heated or sprung, and thus undergoes a very remarkable change." But the dyer is now saved that trouhle^ as the dealers have become aware of this practice or custom of the dyer, and now icet it down themselves with lime and water (thereby making a greater profit, by selling water in place of logwood), and, by this method, they can make the poorest wood, thus doctored, ap- pear equally as good as the best. The lime in the water gives the wood a rich red color, a property possessed by all alkalies THE A3IERICAX DYER. 287 and ulkaline earths. But this adulteration can be detected by steeping a small quantity of the logwood in a dipper or tumbler, in some distilled water, and then trying the decoction ■with delicate test-paper. The practice of using lime-water on logwood, by dealers, is why dyers have suih poor ground 1og with this wood, it is preferal)le to use as large a quantity of sumac as is compatible with the shade or color desired. In saddening with the different metallic salts and alum, the colors will be similar to camwood colors, only that the color will be duller and not so intense, which is owing to its color- ing-matter inclining more towards the orange cast than that of barwood or camwood. The principal use of sanders is for coloring browns ; it is used for the preparation of colored lakes, for staining furniture polish, for coloring sheepskins red, and as a pigment in tooth-powders. SUMAC. This shrub is a native of Syria, called b}' botanists B/n's coriaria ; it is cultivated in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Sicily ; 294: THE AMERICAN DTEK. it is known in the market as the Sicily, Malaga, and Verona sumac ; the first-named is considered the best kind. The shrub irrows to the height of from six to ei^ht feet. The trunk or stem is divided at the bottom into many irregular brauchcs ; the bark has a brownish color ; the leaves branch out from the stem into six or seven pairs, with an odd one at the terminus. These leaves are placed alternately on the branches, and are surmounted with a blossom of a greenish- white when they are ripe, but of a red-blood color before ripening. This shrub grows wild in North America and Southern Europe. When this shrub is used for dyeing pur- poses, it is cut down every year ; but if for tanning purposes, it is three years old before it will be cut, for which purpose it is nearly as good as oak bark, as it contains from twelve to fifteen per cent, of tannic acid, while oak bark contains from fourteen to sixteen per cent, according to the age of the tree. The sumac, as I have said, is cut dowA every year (if for the use of the dyer), then dried and ground into powder. This powder is of a yellow or bluish-green color, when re- ceived by the dyer. A boiling solution of sumac has a fragrant and a ver}' agreeable odor, somewhat resembling the smell of boiling tea. Sumac has superseded nutgalls in cot- ton-dyeing, as the cotton-dyers at the present time use it for bottoming their reds, browns, blacks, purples, and a number of other shades. If used for barwood reds the Verona is the best, as the Sicily sumac does not contain as much tannic acid as the Verona, and these reds being a heavy color, it requires a strong bottom ; therefore dyers have to use one-third more of the Sicily than of the Verona sumac for barwood reds. Sumac solutions, like those of nutgalls, should be used as soon as possible after being boiled, as they ver}' soon com- mence to ferment, which decomposes the coloring-matters, the tannic acid contained in the galls and sumac being con- verted into secondar}' products, owing to a spontaneous fermentation. We will easily ascertain this, by a simple experiment : boil up a given quantity of sumac and let it THE AMERICAN DYER. 29o stand a few dnys ; then boil up the same amount for the same length of time ; now heat up the solution that has laid hy these few days, to the same heat of the last boiled sumac ; take for each solution the same weight of cotton-yarn, and immerse them in the different solutions for the same leno'th of time ; take them out, and you will find that the effects pro- duced will be verj' different, the one being a clear, light fawn- drab, the other a dirty, grayi-sh yellow, which will prove, more than any written description can, how important it is to attend to such small matters in themselves, but of the utmost import- ance if we wish to obtain c:ood and correct results. A strong solution of sumac gives very nearly the same results as a solution of nutgalls, the greatest difference between the two being the quantity of tannic and gallic acid that they contain. This difference in the two varies the effects, so we may, in most cases, substitute a certain quantity of sumac for a part of the nutgalls ; yet, in no case, can it be supposed that sumac, in any quantity, produces the same results as nutgalls when applied to wool or woolen fabrics, but for cotton-dyeing the sumac is by far superior to nutgalls. The metallic salts have nearly the same re-actions with sumac as with nutgalls. NAMES OF SALTS USED. COLOR OF PRECIPITATES. Alum gives . . . .a fawn or brownish-yellow precipitate. Nitro-muriate of tin gives . . a fawn or brownish-yellow precipitate. Blue vitriol gives . . .a yellow-drab precipitate. Copperas gives . . . .a lead-colored precipitate, verffinsf on black. Nitrate of iron gives . . . a decided blue-black. Nitrate of copper gives . . a grass green. Sumac is largely used in Southern Europe, where it grows wild, for tanning purposes, being more particularly used for preparing sheep and goatskins. 296 THE A^IERICAN DYER. NUTGALLS. Nutgalls are the excrescences that grow upon certain species of the oak, Quercus infedoria, caused by the puncture of the cynip or gall-icasp for the purpose of depositing its eggs. After the wasp punctures the twigs and leaves, it deposits the eggs and the juice collects around the Q^^; this juice hardens and forms the nutgall. The galls are best when they are picked before the }'oung insect has become fully grown, as then the gall contains the largest amount of tannic acid. AVc have in the market four kinds of nutgalls ; the first three are known as the black, green, and white galls. The black and green varieties are those that have been gathered l)efore the insect had become fully developed in the nut, and therefore do not show the outward cavity or opening ; but if you break the nut, you will find in the centre a small cavity which is surrounded by a light-brown substance, which con- tains the larvfe of the insect. The white galls, so called, are gathered after the insect has perforated the nut and escaped. This variety is more spongy, its color is a red-brown, or sometimes a yellow-brown. The above varieties are known as the Aleppo galls, Smyrna galls, and the East Indian galls. Aleppo galls are the best, T3ut we must reckon under the same name those that come from Mosul in Natalia. The Mosul galls are better than the white and green galls, on account of being heavier and larger ; the distinguishing character between the Smyrna and Mosul galls is that the darker kind of the Mosul galls have a bluish-brown color, while those from Smyrna are of a blue-gray color. The fourth kind of galls are brought from Trieste and Naples, and are generally of a whitish-red and green color. Sometimes we find inferior galls in the market which are brought from Asia Minor and Dal- matia ; they are hollow and very light, having a reddish color, but, as the dyer obtains his nutgalls in the ground state, it is ver}' difiicult for him to judge the quality or puritv of the galls. THE AMERICAN DYER. 297 Fehling found that Aleppo galls contained from 00 to OG per cent, of tannic acid, while Fleck found 58.71 per cent, of tannic acid and 5.9 per cent, of gallic acid. M. Guibourt's analysis gives, in one hundred parts : woody fibre, 10.5; water, 11.5; tannin, G5 ; gallic acid, 4; ex- tractive matter, 2.5; starch, 2; sugar, 2; gum, 2.5. Other chemists give, in one hundred parts : tannin, 2G ; gallic acid, 6.20; gum, 4.80; and the insoluble parts, 63. Sir H. Dav}^ asserts that the best galls do not contain but 26 per cent, of tannin and 6.2 per cent, of gallic acid ; tannin and gallic acid being generally found together in the same vegeta- ble substance, it has been conceded by many chemists that the one did produce the other. M. Pelouze to a great extent verifies this supposition, more particularly as regards the tannin contained in nutgalls ; he says that if a solution of tannin be kept from exposure to the atmosphere no change will take place ; but if left exposed it comes in contact with oxygen, the tannin undergoes a change, and gallic acid is then formed in the solution of tannin. Nutgalls contain gallic acid as well as tannin, and they will compare, one to the other, as follows : — ^' Gallic acid : 7 oxygen. Tannin: 13 ozygen. 3 hydrogen. 8 hydrogen. 5 carbon. 17 carbon." These are the re-actions of some of the metallic salts upon nutgalls : — NAJIE OF SALTS VSED. COLOR OF THE mECIPITATES. "Copperas gives. . . . black precipitates. Nitro-muriate of tin gives . . fawn-colored precipitates. INluriate of tin gives . . . straw-colored precipitates. Blue vitriol gives . . . yellow-brown precipitates. Nitrate of copper gives . . grass-green precipitates." 38 298 THE AMERICAN DYER. The com1)ining proportions of nutgalls and copperas are as 4 to 1 ; that is, one pound of copperas will precipitate all the coloring matter from four pounds of nutgalls. INDIGO. Indigo is a substance we find widely dispersed in the vege- table kingdom. The indigo-plant is found in India, Africa, Southern and Central America, Egypt and other parts of the globe ; the botanical name of the plant is indigqfero. The Hindostan indigo is prepared from the plant JV^erium tincto- rium. The following five varieties of the indigo-plant are more particularly employed for making indigo : Indigofera tinciora, I. anil, I. disperma, an'd /. argenta. Indigo is found in the woad plant, Isatis iinctoria, which plant is a native of Germany, Great Britain and other parts of Europe. Indigo (or the coloring principle of the plant) is not found in the plant ready formed, but in the leaves, as a secretion or juice, and is generated when the green leaves are pressed and the juice of the leaves is exposed to the action of the atmos- phere. Dr. Sehunck states that the indigo-plant contains a coloring matter, which he has termed indican (C52Hg2N2034), which, b}' fermentation or by the action of strong acids, is converted into indigo-blue and a peculiar kind of sugar, indigo glycine, and has this formula : — Q2H02N2O2, + 4HO2 X Ci^H.oN^Os X 6 CoH.oOe IiiiUcan. ludigo-blue. ludigo glycine. The plant requires a hot climate and a soil so situated that it will not be liable to inundations. To give a description of the method of extracting the indigo-blue from the plant would require too lengthy an article, besides not being of any material advantage for the dyer's purpose. THE AMERICAN DYER. 299 TliG plant from which the Bengal indigo is made is w stnrill, straight one, with thin bninches spreading out, and I'onnino' a sort of turf, and averages about four feet in height. The leaves are soft, and resemble those of the common clover, having a blossom of a bluish-purple color, and yield the largest amount of indigo when the plant is in full bloom, and the indigo obtained from this plant is considered the best, as there are less impurities in it. It is not positively known when indigo was first introduced as a dyeing material, but it wa^ known to the Romans and Greeks, Avho used it as a paint, under the appellation of indi- cum. It was not used as a coloring substance in Europe until about 1640, when it was imported from the Indies by the Dutch, at. which time its use was prohibited in England, under very severe penalties, and these penalties continued in force until King Charles the Second ascended the throne ; and the reason given for its prohibition was that it had a corrosive nature, an(,l was destructive to the fibre of the wool, for which cause it was an injury to the reputation of the dyers. Probably the above opinion arose from the strong and interested opposition to its use by those who cultivated the woad plant, which at that time was an important branch of national industry, as well as of great profit to farmers and merchants, "and in consequence of the woad depreciating in value, an edict was issued against indigo beinjr used in Saxony, in the year 1650, and in 1652 Duke Ernest the Pious caused a proposal to be made to the diet, by his envoy, that indigo should be entirely banished from the empire, and that an exclusive privilege should be granted to those who colored with woad." "This edict was followed by an imperial prohibition of indigo, on the 21st of April, 1654, which was enforced with the greatest severity in his domains. The same was done in France ; but in the well-known edict of 1669, in which Colbert separated the fine from the common d^ers, it was stated that indigo should be used with woad, and in 1737 300 THE AMERICAN DYER. dyci'S were left at liberty to use indigo alone, or to employ a mixture of indigo and woad." {Baiioiu's Manufacturing and Machinery of Great Britain). The varieties of indigo iu the market are, the Bengal, Guatemala, Madras and Manilla, and are valued as they are named ; there are various varieties of these indigoes. The varieties of Bengal indigo are numerous. The superfine or light blue is in a cubical form, light and friable, soft to the touch, gives a clean, smooth fracture when broken, and a beautiful copper color when scraped with a knife. The second kind is termed superfine violet, shows a violet-red color when scraped, and has a smooth cleavage; the third is a superfine purple color; the fourth is a fine violet, in color less brilliant than the second, and somewhat heavier in weight; fifth, fine purple-violet color ; sixth, a good violet color and heavier than the fourth ; seventh, violet-red in color, breaks with an uneven fracture, and shows mouldy places inside ; eighth, a common violet color ; ninth a fine and good red color, heavier than the eighth, and a more decided red ; the other four varieties grow poorer till they get to the thirteenth variety. The Guatemala indigoes are of five varieties ; the best are of a bright blue color, and are very remarkably light and fine, and by some are considered as good as the Bengal indigo, but this is an error ; the inferior varieties have a violet color, but there is more of a mixed Variety in them than in the Bengal indigoes. In selecting indigoes every dyer should be on his guard against the defects of greater importance than those named, and these are some of the defects to be instilled in the mind, and to be avoided in purchasing indigo: — do not buy those that have large or small fractures or cracks ; those broken into lumps of unequal size, fragments or irregular pieces^ and fine enough to pass through a coarse sieve ; squares that are easily broken and show a whitish or mouldy substance inside ; gritty feeling lumps, having the appearance of granite in the cleavage ; those indigoes that have streaks or layers of differ- THE america:n^ dyer. 301 ent shades of blue in them, one !il)()ve the other in the same piece ; those that have the appearance of being burned, which, when rubbed in the hand will break into small pieces, almost black in color. Reject the indigo in which the eye can detect shining specks, which are nothing more nor less than sand. The impurities of indigo are iron, clay, magnesia, and silica of a substance resembling gluten. Sometimes you will tind in a chest of indigo a quantity of dust that will weigh eight or ten pounds. This dust is an adulteration composed of starch, or of white lead mixed with the powdered indigo, and is put into the chest to ^ive it more weight. Pait of the above im[)urities can be dissolved in alcohol, in diluted acids, alkaline lyes, and even water. By digesting indigo in weak sulphuric acid we obtain a brown-colored matler, which is termed indigo-brown. Indigo also contains other colorins: matters, termed indigo-red, indigo-blue, or indigotine (Cif,HniNoOa), the particular coloring-matter of the plant for which it is valued. The quantity of indigo-blue contained in the several varieties of indigo varies from 20 to 80 per cent, of pure coloring-matter. The quality of indigo is, by most dyers, ascertained by its deep blue color, and lightness in weight. From the great difference in the various kinds of indigo, it is of the greatest importance that the dyer should have an easy and simple method of ascertaining the true or real value of the indigo he has to use ; but, as far as I can learn, there has been no such method found out. All the known methods require formal analyses, which, however important they may be to dyers, are too tedious and delicate to be practised in most of the dye- houses in America. The usual method for judging the quality of indigo is by comparison, — placing several pieces together, and breaking and comparing their clean surfaces one with another. The best indigo will be of a deep violet-blue color, and a fine clear grain, and, when scraped with the nail, show a good copper hue. Yet it requires long practice and great 302 THE AMERICAN DYEK. care to be a good judge of indigo by its appearances. In selecting indigo, it requires the closest discrimination, and cannot be made except l)y a person who, from h)ng acquaint- ance with the use of indigo, has acquired an experimental knowledge of the value of the different varieties, and that per- son of all others is the practical and scientific dyer. G. Leuchs found, that in forty-nine samples of indigo, the best kind con- tained sixty and a half per cent, of pure indigo, and in the poorest kind, but twenty-four per cent. We see by this how difficult it must be to select the right kind of indigo for such and such purposes, and a practical eye and mind only can determine what variety is best for their nses. Pure indigo, whether it is obtained by sublimation or other chemical processes, will be of a deep blue, verging on the violet shade. Indigo crystallizes only by sublimation at a heat of 550° F. At this heat it emits a crimson-colored, vapor, having a peculiar odor. This gas, being caught in a cooled receiver, will condense into needle-shaped crystals of great richness and intensity of color. These crystals will be one-tenth the weight of the indigo emploj^ed, and will produce a brighter, clearer, and better color than the crude indigo from which they were obtained. The analysis of some chem- ists give the pure, or absolute coloring-matter of indigo, as follows : Crum, eighteen per cent ; Chevrcul, twelve per cent. ; Bergman, fifteen per cent, in one hundred parts. Chevreul gives as the result of his analysis of indigo, first treated with water, second with alcohol, and afterwards with muriatic acid, as follows : — Treated with Water: Green matter united with ammonia, . . "] A little deoxidized indigo, . . . .1 Extractive matter, !" ^^ \^i^n&. Gum, . THE AMERICAN DYEK. 303 Treated with Alcohol: Green matter, ..... Red resin, ...... A little indigo, ..... Treated with Muriatic Acid , Red resin, ...... Carl)onate of lime, . Red oxide of iron, . . . . Alumina, ...... There remained. Silica, . Pure indigo, Bergman gives in 100 parts Resinous matter, „ . Earthy matter. Oxide of iron, Mucilaginous matter, Indigo remaining, . 30 parts. 3 45 103 (( 6 parts 22 ( t 13 ( ( 12 t ( 47 (( 100 Both of these eminent chemists give nearly one-half the weight of pure indigo as the coloring-matter of the indigo of commerce; but it must be borne in mind, that they obtained a blue powder, and not the crystallizable color ; and should this forty-tive or forty-seven per cent, of blue powder be sub- jected to a subliming temperature, they would not have obtained more than from fifteen to eighteen per cent, of crys- tals of indigo, and these crystals would have given better results as to color than the one hundred pounds of crude indigo used, from which the crystals were separated. The constitution of indigo, and the proportion of its con- stituent principles, according to Dr. Ure, are as follows : — 304: THE AMERICAN DYER. Carbon, 71.37 Hydrogen, .... 4.38 Nitrogen, 10.00 Oxygen, 14.25 = 100 Water, 16.00 Excess of hydrogen, . . . 2.52 Or thus : one atom of nitrogen, two of oxygen, four of hydro- gen, and sixteen of carbon. Indigo is an insoluble color (that is, in its natural state, and under common circumstances), and is the most perma- nent of the vegetable colors, it being entirely unchangeable by the atmosphere, and the common agents, such as alkalies, and the rays of light. It will not combine (in its natural state) with any substance, except concentrated sulphuric acid, which acts with such force upon it, that it is converted into another substance ; for it is no longer indigo, which is proved by its not exhibiting the same phenomena in any of the known blue-vats, neither by any other method employed for its de- oxidation and solution in an alkaline menstruum. Sulphuric acid changes the naturalcharacter of indigo completely, as will be seen by coloring with the sulphate of indigo (chemic, ex- tract of indigo), which is one of the most fugitive of dyes, when fixed upon wool or woolen fabrics, although the indigo from which it was prepared is the most unchangeable of dyeing materials or substances. Sulphuric acid changes indigo, and dissolves it without deoxidizing it, and it cannot be brought back to its original state again, forming as it does with the acid, a chemical sulphindigotic acid (sulphate of indigo). When sulphate of indigo is treated with carbonate of potash (KCOy), there will be formed carmine of indigo, a deep blue precipitate, which is soluble in one hundred and forty parts of cold water. Carmine of indigo has been lately made with refined indigo, treated with strong muriatic acid (IlCl), which THE AMERICAN DYER. 305 dissolves the lime, iron, and other foreign siil)stances in the indigo, and afterwards with a diluted solution of caustic soda (NaHO), which will dissolve all other organic impurities remaining, and the result is a greater brilliancy of the colors obtained. If indigo should be put into fused hydrate of pot- ash (KOHO), its blue color would entirely disappear, and it would become partly decomposed, along with the. water of the alkaline hydrate. Hydrogen and ammoniacal gases are gene- rated, while carbonic acid (H2CO3) and another acid, having properties very much like acetic acid (C4O3H3) are formed, and they combine with the potash (K). Now digest this mixture with a small quantity of sulphuric acid (H,S04),and the alkali will combine with it, and this will crystallize; then this solution will combine with alkalies and other bases, form- ing very interesting salts ; or, if powdered indigo is added to one part of nitric acid (HNO3), and eight parts of water (HO), and a gentle heat applied, it will dissolve and form a yellow solution, and by decanting and evaporation, there will be deposited a quantity of yellow crystals, of a sour or bitter- ish taste. These crystals will dissolve again in cold water, requiring nearly one hundred parts of water to do it. This is now called anilic acid, derived from the name of one of the plants that produce indigo. It will combine with all the, known bases, forming salts that have a yellow color, and will give a blood-red color to solutions of nitrate of iron (3NOc2Fe). Add indigo to strong nitric acid (HNO3), a»cl then apply heat, it will readily dissolve, emitting a great amount of nitrous gas (NO3) ; allow this to cool down, and a large amount of semi-transparent yellow crj'stal will precipi- tate, having a strong bitter taste, which was formerly termed carbozotic acid, but is now called picric acid, of which we will give a detailed account under the head of picric acid. Chromic acid (H,Cr04) has nearly the same action upon indigo as nitric acid. If powdered indigo be mixed with a solution of caustic soda (NaHO) of a specific gravity of 70° Twaddle, and then boiled, we find that an orange-yellow salt is precipi- ■69 306 THE AMEEICAN DYEK. tated, and that the supernatant liquid becomes blue by the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere, the same as a solution of white indigo or reduced indigo (CicHiaN^Oa), this beins the same result as coloring in the blue-vat. If indigo is mixed in water with any metallic salt or sul- phuret, possessing more affinity for oxygen than indigo does, a change takes place in their respective substances. The indifo will pass from a blue to a dull olive color ; this result having been produced by the abstraction of that portion of oxygen that constituted the indigo a blue color, and the salt or sulphuret has become oxidized. Now if an alkali (lime) is added to the mixture, we will perceive a different appear- ance. The indigo having become dissolved in this alkaline solution, the whole now exhibits the well-known characteris- tics of the blue-vat. The substances named are such as are used in vats for coloring cotton fabrics, and the operation, is as a gcneial rule, performed in cold solutions; and what- ever means we may employ for deoxidizing the indigo, in order to apply it as a permanent dye, the substances used must all be based upon the abstraction of more or less of the oxygen contained in the indigo, and its solubility, while in that state, in an alkaline solution. When we dip an article of either wool or cotton in the blue-vat, it comes out of the vat of the same color as the solution ; but as the tendency of indigo is to retain that particular amount of oxygen which constitutes it a blue, it will immediately absorb that gas from the surrounding atmosphere, on which re-absorption of oxygen it will return to its mitural state (blue) unaltered in any of its properties, as an insoluble and unchangeable color. If indigo is placed in contact with any substance or sub- stances that have a strong attraction for oxygen in the presence of an alkali, it will be reduced to the white state, and become soluble in the alkali ; this is the result and principle of the blue-vat. There are numerous substances that will reduce indigo to the white state, such as — THE AMEllICAN DYER. 307 Protoxide of tin, Turpentine, Protoxide of iron. Boiling paraffin, Sulphuret of arsenic. Spermaceti, Phospiiorus, Stearic acid, Tiie phosphites, Chloroform, Sulphites, Hydro-sulphite of soda. Sodium, Metallic zinc and soda-ash. Sugar, Soda-ash lye, with oil of vitriol Starch, and tin crystals. Calcium, Or add sulphurous acid to caustic soda, then kill the solu- tion with zinc. This is hydro-sulphite of soda. Add this to the ground indigo, and wool or cotton can be colored in it. Take two parts of carbonate of soda, and one part of sul- phur, mix them together, digest it in water, filter, and add flowers of sulphur, boil and filter. If indigo is ground in this, it is reduced, and can be printed upon cotton, and in a short time will oxidize and become fixed upon the cloth. Take one part of ground indigo, and three parts of hydro- sulphite of soda (NaOS.jO..,) ; use carbonate of soda enough to keep the indigo in solution. All these materials will reduce indigo to the white state, and then woolen or cotton fabrics can be colored blue in their solutions. MUNJEET. This dyeing substance is a species of the plant Ruhia tinc- toria, and is cultivated in the East Indies. It is imported in bundles, and ground into a fine powder for the use of the dyer. These bundles consist of thick and thin stems, or stalks. The thin stalks are said to contain less coloring-mat- ter than the thick stalks, and the bark is left on, while the thick stalks are stripped of the bark. They are very dry, 308 THE AMERICAN DYER. light and porous, and when broken exhibit a re(J-orange color. The powdered munjeet is composed of the thick and thin stalks mixed. The color given by it is equally as perma- nent, and far handsomer, than that given by madder. This dyestuff is not used as much as formerly for reds (for which it was chiefly used), it being superseded l)y the aniline reds and purpurine reds. It has been tried as a sub- stitute for madder in the woad-vat, on which point dyers are not agreed, but never having used it in the bhie-vat, we are not willing to pass our verdict for or against its use in the woad-vat. In coloring red with munjeet, the manipulations are the same as when using madder for the same color. It bears the solutions of tin much better than madder, as it requires a certain amount of tin solution to give the color obtained by it the greatest brilliancy and perfection. Mun- jeet does not appear to contain the different and distinct col- oring-matters that madder does. It has not the same taste, but the color that is given by it is a more desirable red, with less of the orange-yellow tint to it, than that produced by madder. The proper mordants for munjeet appear to be alum, tartar, and oxalic acid ; then in the solution of mun- jeet (or in the finishing bath) add some nitro-muriate of tin liquor. The quantity of color obtained in this manner is equal to that obtained from the same weight of madder. Munjeet is described by Roxburgh, in his treatise on the Plants of the Coast of Coromandel, as the Rottlera tinctoria^ a small tree from twelve to fifteen feet in height, frrowins: throughout Hindostan, in several of the East India islands, in China, and in Australia. The fruit it bears is a roundish, three-valved, three-celled capsule, of the size of a small cherry, having three furrows on the outside, and thickly cov- ered with a red powder. This fruit is used as a medicine by the natives. The fruit of this plant is now largely used as a medicine in Great Britain, in cases of tape- worm, its proper- ties as a vermifuge being first investigated by Dr. C. Mackin- non, a British army-surgeon in India, who published the re- THE AMERICAN DYER. 309 suits of his observations in the "Indian Annals of McmIIcuI Science," in 1854. He says : "I have used this fruit in fifty cases for tape-worm, and failed in bringing away the worm only in two instances." The testimony of other practitioners in India and Great Britain goes to confirm the statements of Dr. Mackinnon, so there can be but little doubt of the powers of this fruit as a vermifuire. But we will return to the description of it as a dyein«^- material. Munjeet, as we have remarked, is received by the dyer in a powdered state ; its color is a brownish-red, having very little odor or taste, but it produces, when chewed, a slight sense of acrimony in the mouth, and has a gritty feel- ing to the teeth. It will flash like gunpowder when dropped into the tlame of a candle. It is insoluble in cold water, but slightly soluble in hot water. It requires considerable boil- ing to extract all its coloring-matter. It is readily dissolved in alkaline solutions, which give a resinous precipitate, on the addition of an acid to the alkaline solution. Under the microscope, Mr. Hanbury found it to consist of "garnet-red, serai-transparent, roundish granules from ^^q to ^l-^ of an inch in diameter, more or less mixed with minute stellate hairs, and the remains of stalks, which were easily removed by careful sifting." Munjeet was chemically examined by Dr. Anderson of Glasgow, who gave its constituents: 78.19 of resinous coloring-matter, 7.34 of al])umen, 7.14 of cellulose, &c., a trace of volatile oil and volatile colorincf-matter, 3.84 of ashes, and 3.49 of water, in 100 parts. He also obtained a coloring substance in a pure state, by allowing a concen- trated ethereal solution to stand for two days, then draining it, and pressing in bibulous paper the resulting mass of gran- ular crystals, and purifying them from adhering resin by re- peated solution in ether, and crystallization. To this sub- stance he gave the name of rottlerin. "Rottlerin melts when heated moderately, and at a higher heat it will decompose, and emit pungent vapors." "The formula of rottlerin, ac- 310 THE AMERICAN DYER. cording to Dr. Anderson, is C-^-jHiyOg," making its prime equivalent = 190. MUREXIDE. Tliis is a fine purple dyestuff, and was first obtained by the action of nitric acid upon uric acid ; it was, however, sup- posed by Mr. Prouty to consist of purpuric acid and ammo- nia, and hence he named it purpurate of ammonia, but chemists are not agreed as to its precise composition. It was first prepared from uric acid, transformed into alloxane, by gradually throwing the uric acid into nitric acid, care being taken that too great an elevation of temperature is not allowed. This mixture is then allowed to cool, after thirty- six hours the alloxane commences to crystallize, and after its separation from the excess of acid, it is then re-dissolved in water and allowed to crystallize a second time. Anhydrous alloxane has the following formula : — C3H4N20io' Alloxane in solution will color copperas an indigo-blue color, colors litmus red, and gives to wool a purple-red color, which will change to a violet by soap or alkalies. The allox- ane obtained as above is dissolved, and there is then added to the solution carbonate of ammonia ^NH^CCOg, drop by drop (the solution of alloxane being boiling all the time), until the solution has a slight smell of ammonia. By this operation carbonic acid — CO2 is evolved, and then there is a deposit of crystallized raurexide = CigHgNjOg. Murcxide is now generally made from guano, which is first treated with muriatic acid =: HCl, in order to remove the foreign substances that the guano contains ; it is then treated with soda =: Na, to dissolve the uric acid, which is separated by neutralizing the soda with muriatic acid ; the uric acid thus obtained is dissolved in nitric acid =i NO5 ; the solution is heated, and after it cools, ammonia rrzNHg is added, which develops the purple color. Murexide crystals have a square THE AMERICAN DYER. 311 form, and are of a rich irreen color when viewed by reflected light, and show a purple-red color by transmitted light. Murexide is slightly soluble in cold water, but more soluble in boiling water ; it is insoluble in alcohol and ether. With potash it forms a rich purple solution, and, if heated, the murexide will be decomposed. With zinc mordants orange and yellow shades are obtained ; with the sub-acetate or acetate of lead, it gives a purple-red color. All the colors given by this substance are very beautiful, but are as fugitive as they are beautiful. The colors obtained by murexide had a ijreat success, until the aniline colors were discovered. See for an article on the subject of murexide the " Pharmaceutical Journal," vol. xviii, p. 328. SAFFLOWER. This is an annual plant, and was formerly called dj/er^s saffron; it is the flowers of the Carthanpus tinctorius, a thistle- like plant, and belongs to the family of the syjnantJierve, a native of India ; it is cultivated in Egypt, the southern parts of Europe, and also to some extent in parts of Germany. It has a smooth, erect stem, somewhat branched at the top, and grows to the height of two feet ; the leaves are alternate, and furnished with spiny teeth, similar to the common nettle. The flower only of this plant i^ used for dyeing purposes. "When the flowers arc gathered, they are first pressed to extract the juice ; then they are washed in spring water ; then they are pressed between the hands in small- quantities, and laid upon mats to dry. These cakes are covered up during the daytime to prevent the sun from shining upon them, "which would not only destroy the color, l)ut dry the cakes too much, and thereby cause further deterioration. They are kept exposed to the dews of night, and turned over occasicju- ally, until dried to the proper point, and are then packed for 312 THE AIMEEICAN DYEE. the market, and in this state are usually received by the dyer." The dj'er, at the present time, obtains this drug in the form of an extract of safflower, or more correctly termed, safflower- carmine. The quality of this substance is better, according to its greater purity from mechanical admixtures, such as the seeds of the plant, and leaves of the plant. The flowers of the safflower are first exhausted iu a weak solution of carbonate of soda, and in this solution strips of cotton are dipped ; then immersed either in vinegar or diluted sulphuric acid, for the purpose of neutralizing the alkali (soda). The cotton when taken out of this solution is colored red, and is now washed in a very weak solution of carbon- ate of soda, and the solution thus obtained is precipitated with acid ; it is then called carthamine. The carthamine thrown down by this operation, is first carefully washed, and then placed on porcelain plates to dry. Carthamine, or rouge vegetal {Cy^^^O-)^ after it has been rejDeatedly dissolved and precipitated, is then called safflower- carmine. Carthamine when seen in thin films, has a gold- green hue, but when viewed against the light, it exhibits a red color. Safflower contains two coloring principles, or matters ; the one red, and the other yellow ; the red has been termed carthamine, and is insoluble in water ; the yellow is soluble in water ; there has as yet been no term or name given to the yellow coloring-matter in safflower. Carthamine, mixed with French chalk {silicate of magnesia) ^ forms the cosmetic powder called rouge. Safflower is very often fraudulently mixed with safi'ron, which it resembles in color, but saffron can be distinguished from safflower by its tubular form, and the yellowish style and filament which they inclose. There is a tree, a native of China, called Gardenia grandi- flora, the fruit of which contains the same yellow coloring- THE AMERICA^T DYER. 313 matter that the safflower does, which is employed to dye the yellow robe of the Mandarins. In a chemical examination of this frnit, in the laboratory of Rochleder, the result was the discovery of a coloring substance which proved to be identical with that of safilower, and to which the name of o'ocin was given ; this crocin, in powder, is of a bright-red color, and is soluble in water and alcohol. By treating this powder with muriatic acid, it yields another coloring-matter called cvoce^m, "which is the true coloring-principle of the fruit. There is a substance in the market called saflfraninc, used as a substitute for safflower, but we have as yet had no experience in its use, and therefore cannot speak of it with confidence ; but those dyers who have used it say that it is equal to safflower iu brightness, and is more permanent. In coloring cotton, the liquor of the safflower is used as extracted from the plant. The yarn is to be well bleached first. One pound of the safflower is used to one pound of yarn, and this proportion makes a dark rose. It must be borne in mind that the water must be as pure as possible for coloring with safflower, and used cold. A very little heat will destroy the color, and the yarn must be dried iu the shade, but not with artificial heat. The colors produced by this material are the most l)eautiful that can be made upon cotton, although very fugitive. Beau- tiful lavenders and lilacs can be colored on cotton with safflower and prussiate of potash, by first coloring the yarn a Prussian blue, then topping ofi" with the safflower ; but there is great ditBculty in obtaining equal colors. In this process, the blue must be put on with prussiate and copperas, and not with prussiate and nitrate of iron, as the nitrate of iron acts upon the safflower by oxidizing and destroying its beauty and depth. The copperas is not so corrosive as the nitrate, and will preserve the peculiar tint of the safflower much better. In dyeing silk with safflower a pink shade, the silk must first receiv9 a bottom; that is, it must first be passed through a weak solution of either archil or cudbear, so as to give it a light lavender or flesh color, the depth to be governed by the 40 314 THE AI^fERICAX DYER. shade of pink wanted. It is then passed through the safflovver solution, to which has been added a very little citric, acetic, or sulphuric acid. After the silk has taken up the color from the solution, it is washed in cold water, then washed again in another clear water made slightly acid either with citric acid or cream of tartar. Sulphuric or acetic acid should not be used in the last washing. The safliower solution for dyeing silk is prepared l)y pass- ing some cotton-yarn through the safflower extract. The cotton-yarn takes up nothing except the red. This cotton- yarn is then thoroughly washed in cold water till the water coming from it is perfectly clear. The yarn is then steeped for a sliort time in water made slightly alkaline with carbonate of potash, which extracts the red from the cotton-yarn. This solution is the dye for the silk. Like cotton colored by safflower, silk must be dried in the shade, care being taken that the sun's rays cannot strike it. If all necessary precautions are not taken, the dyer will have the trouble of putting the cotton or silk through the last acid- water, if not have to re-dye it altogether. Many chemists object to the theory that carthamine, or the red coloring-sub- stance of safflower, is the oxide of a colorless base, as we have observed in regard to woods, and some of their investigations and reasoning bear evidence of care and judgment, thus adding an interest and inciting practical dyers to a more skil- ful investigation upon the subject of vegetable coloring- matters. YALONIA, OR VALONEY-XUTS. These are the cups of the acorn from the Yalonia oak, which grows wild in the Dardanelles and the islands of the Archipelago, and in Asia Minor. They are imported from Smyrna and its vicinity in great quantities. The}' contain a large amount of tannin and gallic acid. Yalonia-nuts are THE AMERICAN DYER. 315 inferior to nutgalls and suinuc for coloring cotton, bnt for wool-dyeing they are as good as sumac or nutgalls. For silk- dyeing they possess some peculiarities which are exceedingly valuable, especiallj^ for blacks, giving a black on silk more permanent than that obtained with nutgalls, and, moreover, the producing of the proper black with this substance upon silk requires a peculiar and certain method, which a very few dyers have attained. The Valonia-nut is used now only for coloring hats black, for which purpose it is superior to sumac or nutgalls, as it with- stands the different operations which felt-hats are sul)jected to much better than the galls or sumac. WELD, OR WOLD. This is an annual plant, extensively cultivated in France, and other parts of Europe, for the purpose of coloring yellow. Its botanical name is Reseda luteola. It is an inodorous plant, having a bitter taste, which is very adhesive. Chev- reul obtained from it, by sublimation, a peculiar yellow color- ing-matter, which he called luteoUn. It is still largely employed in France for coloring yellow, but since the intro- duction of quercitron-bark, and flavine into England, it has not been used there, neither is it now used in America. It is found in the market in small, dried bundles. The more slender the stems are, the better it is considered for dyeing- purposes. The plant grows to the height of three feet, in straight stalks or stems. Both the stems and seeds are used, as they both contain the coloring-matter, but the seeds are said to contain it in a greater quantity. The coloring-matter approaches very nearly to that of quercitron in chemical prop- erties, and of all the vegetable dyes it is the least acted upon by acids and alkalies, which gives to the color produced by it, as far as these substances are concerned, great permanence. 316 THE AMERICAN DYER. But it has this counteracting disadvantage, that the color fades rapidly, or will pass away when exposed to the action of the atmosphere and light. Under these influences it becomes oxidized, for which reason it has been abandoned as a dye. . A solution made from this coloring-substance is of a yellow color, with a reddish tint to it, and has a very bitter taste, with a peculiar smell. It has the following re-actions : — Sulphate of iron gives a yellowish-olive precipitate. Muriate of tin gives a yellow precipitate. Alum gives the same result. Acids darken the yellow ; and Alkalies change it to a bright yellow. The mordant that produces the best results (or the most proper preparation) is alum and tartar, in the proportion of three of alum and one of tartar to every fifteen pounds of clean w^ool, and boiling the wool two hours. The color given by using the above mordant always inclines to the lemon- shade, but the color is of such softness and purity that no other dyeing material equals it (aniline dyes excepted). The different solutions of tin can be used, along with alum and tartar, when coloring yellows on yarn or flannels, but \vould be objectionable for goods that have to be fulled, be- cause the solution of tin will give a precipitate or color with weld, that will not penetrate the body of the cloth sufficiently for such faln'ics as have to be fulled. "Weld had been used for coloring woolen and silk long before it was used on cotton fabrics. We quote from Dr. Bancroft this clever fraud in regard to the use of weld in coloring yellow and green on cotton goods : — "In 1773 the sura of £2,000 sterling was granted by par- liament to a Dr. Williams, as a reward for his discovery of a fast 3'ellow and green d3'e upon cotton yarn and thread. "This supposed fast dye was given by the combination of weld with a certain mordant, the composition of which the THE . A^IERICAISr DYER. 317 patentee was pei'mitted to conceal, that foreigners might not enjoy the benefit of his discovery ; while he, on his part, en- gaged to supply the cotton and thread dyers with his dye at a certain fixed price. The mordant used was supposed by chemists to be a solution of tin alone, or of tin and l)ismuth, which gives to ^Veld-yellow the power of resisting the action of acid and boiling soapsuds, although it is not proof against the continued action of the sun and air. "This defect, however, was not easily discernible, in con- sequence of the ingenious method which- the inventor cra- j)loyed to obtain a favorable testimony of the dyers upon the subject. Pie caused his specimens of dyed yarn to be woven into pocket-handkerchiefs, and gave them to be worn in the pockets of those who were afterwards to attest to the good- ness of his dye ; and, as handkerchiefs worn in pockets were not exposed to the action of sun and air, this want of permanency was not discovered until some time after the reward was paid for an invention which proved of little or no value." Weld should be stored in a dry place and kept free from dirt or the admixture of other dyestuffs. PASTEL. The pastel is a plant cultivated in France, Germany, Eng- land, and Saxony, but is cultivated in France more exten- sively than in either of the other countries named, and, not unlike woad, it is distinguished in the dilierent varieties according to the localities from which we receive it. Pastel, like woad, contains a blue coloring-matter, also a fawn- colored yellow substance ; these matters can be separated from the pastel and woad by treating them with hot water be- fore the fermentation takes place in the operation of couching. 318 THE AMERICAN DYER. We are indebted to M. Chevreul for the analysis of the pastel, which gives us some light upon its use. He says : — " When the leaves are subjected to the action of the press there is obtained, on the one hand, a residue of a ligneous nature, and, on the other hand, a juice, which holds in sus- pension sundry matters which give it a cldudy appearance. Throwni upon a filter, it leaves a greenish matter, or fecula, which is formed of wax, indigo-blue, and a nitrogenous sub- stance. The clear liquid, after passing through the filter, contains this nitrogenous substance coagulable by heat ; a nitrogenous substance non-coagulable by heat ; a rod matter, resulting from the union of the blue coloring-principle with an acid ; a yellow principle ; gummy matter ; some liquid sugar ; a fixed organic acid ; free acetic acid and acetate of ammonia ; a volatile principle, having the odor of osmazome ; citrate of lime ; sulphates of lime and potash ; phosphates of lime ; magnesia ; iron and manganese ; nitre, and chloride of potassium." It appears that Chevreul did not find in the above products any substance which possessed the power of seizing upon oxygen with energetic force, and which explains the action that pastel has in the blue-vat. Yet there is no doubt but Avhat the principles furnished by the pastel intervene, that is to a certain extent, as combustibles, and we must refer at least a part of their effect to this manner of action. For the pastel- vat the indigo should be of the very best quality, — the Ben- gal indigo having been proved ^y dyers most conversant with working pastel to be the cheapest and best; and, in fiict, a dyer will use no other in a pastel- vat, if it is possible to obtain it. Before indigo was introduced or knovvu in Europe, pastel and woad were the blue-dyeing materials, and were known as such by the Greeks and Romans. Pastel is a bie'nnial plant, and is a species of the Isatis tinctoria; its leaves have a fugitive, pungent odor and a very acrid taste. THE AMERICAN DYER. 319 The leaves of the pastel have been used by physicians in jaundice, scorbutic aliVctions and like diseases. The distinction between pastel and woad is not very clear. Schutzonberger says: "Pastel, woad, and Isaiiti lindoria is a plant of the family of the Crucifera. It would seem, how- ever, that the ievxn pastel^ as used by the old French dyers, is applied to the leaves of the woad which have been fermented, formed into paste, and afterwards into balls, and which con- tain much bhie coloring-matter. And the term icoacl, as dis- tinguished from j^as^e?, is applied to the unfermented plant." We cannot see the propriety of this distinction, and for this reason, that the woad plant has to go through a fermentation process, to a certain extent, before it is put into casks and sent to the market, &c. (See article, Woad, in this work.) WOAD. Woad is a biennial plant (the same as pastel), called by botanists Isatis iinctoria. The leaves of this plant have a pungent odor, and an acrid taste, and were long employed for coloring blue, before the introduction of indigo ; and when indigo was first introduced in England and Germany, about the year 1G45, only a very small amount of it was n)ixed with the woad. Afterwards a greater quantity was added, and by the use of indigo, the farmers, merchants, and others in Eng- land and Germany lost a i)roduction by which they had be- come rich, as, after the introduction of indigo, woad was not in so great a demand, and the result was, a prohibition was first issued in Saxony against the use of indigo (April, 1650), and in 1(552, Duke Ernest sent a proposal to the Diet, that indigo should be totally excluded from his empire, and that the exclusive privilege should be given to those dyers who used the woad, without indigo, for coloring blue. "This was followed by an imperial prohibition of indigo, on 320 THE AMERICAN DYER. the 21st of April, 1654, which was enforced with the greatest severit}' in his domains." " The same was done in France ; but in the well-known edict of 1660, in which Colbert separated the ^?ie from tha comiiion dyers, it was stated that indigo should be used without woad, and in 1737 dyers were left at liberty to use indigo alone, or to employ a mixture of indigo and woad." — Barlow. "We will abridge from " Gibson's System and Science of Colors," his remarks upon woad : " This plant, which when made into a fermented paste is called woad, has been used as a coloring material (either to stain the bodies of the savage Britons, or to color the garments of their more civilized descendants), for two thousand years, and the accumulated experience of ages, transmitted from fiither to son, hath given to the artisans of that country ji mass of practical information regarding its manufacture and mode'of operation, that those of no other nation possess." "The woad plant is cultivated in England, France, Ger- many, and other European States, and when the cultivator thinks the plant is sufficiently matured, it is cut, then ground into a pasty mass, which is piled into a heap, when, after a time, heat is generated, and fermentation commences, with the disengagement of ammoniacal gas. During the progress of this process, the heap is turned or worked over, sprinkled with water or lime, as the operator thinks best, in order to regulate the temperature of generating heat, and to retard or accelerate the fermentation, as the case may be.", "This operation is continued at intervals for two or three weeks, according to the state of the weather, and other cir- cumstances. This process is termed couching." "Couched woad, differs from pastel or ball woad, inasmuch as the pastel is merely the ground plant made up into balls, and then dried in an open shed, Avithout being fermented or couched, as above described." (See article, Pastel.) "The process of couching is the act whereby the separate and dis- similar parts of the plant are converted into a coherent and THE AMERICAN DYER. 321 homogeneous substance, possessing very active powers, and as the operation of this material (now called woad) is the cause to which we must look for all the phenomena i)resented by the woad-vat, we should inquire into the nature of the change that has taken place, or ascertain in what state the article exists." " AVhen the recently ground plant is piled in a heap, and the process of couching has commenced, the operation that is going on is precisely the same as that which takes place in a dung-hill when that is allowed to ferment." Chemists divide fermentation into three classes or species : first, the vinous; second, the acetic; and third, the putrefac- tive fermentation. The vinous fermentation is that which will convert all saccharine substances into carbonic acid and alco- hol. The acetic fermentation is that which will convert sugar or alcohol into vinegar ; and the putrefactive, is that which converts organic substances into earthy matters, which remain, and into inflammable gases, which are absorbed by the atmos- phere. " It is for us to determine whether the process of couching the plant belongs to any of the species mentioned above, or whether it does not constitute a fourth species or state of chemical action, which has not been examined or explained by any of our chemical writers, in describing the phenomena of fermentation." " It is certain that it is not the vinous action, for there is no carbonic acid given off, neither is there any alcohol formed. It is positive that it is not the acetic, there being no produc- tion of vinegar ; and it is not the putrefactive process, for it neither evolves fetid or inflammable gas, nor does it leave an inert, earthy residuum, but, on the contrary, it exhales a fragrant, exhilarating uninflammable ammoniacal vapor, and the remaining substance is remarkable for its energy." "These facts are positive evidence that it differs entirely from and does not belong to any of the above species of fer- mentation ; that its products are not similar, nor the substance 41 322 THE AMERICAX DYER. like an}' of the three ; and seeing that it is fermentation, it must, of necessity, constitutes fourth species, whose charac- ters are as well defined, and whose features are as distinctly marked, as any of the others, and it devolves upon us to show what these characters are, in order to assign it a location and jrive it a name, in the scale of fermentation." " When the couching process of the woad is proceeding in a regular manner, a great quantity of amraoniacal gas is evolved from the fermenting mass, and all the tendencies of the process are to the production of alkaline properties, and this continues until the process ceases, when the remaining substance (now woad, still exhaling ammonia), retains very energetic quali- ties, which continually produce fresh alkali. Therefore, we define these energies, from the nature of their products, the alkaline state of fermentation." "Such, then, is the nature of the process of couching (and also of the proper fermentation of dung), for the products and energies at work are identical, in both cases. As we shall show in the sequel, the alcoholic and acetic kinds of fer- mentation, both pass into the alkaline species, before running to putrefaction. This circumstance marks out the position which the alkaline process occupies, as the one immediately preceding the putrefactive state, or that particular act which completes the entire destruction of the matter subjected to fermentation." "And as the alkaline process approaches so near to the putrefactive (there being but a step between it and destruc- tion), this shows the great skill and care that are required in the workman to prevent such a catastrophe. Hence the diffi- culty experienced in the working of woad-vats is not to be wondered at." "We will now describe the marketable qualities of woad, so as to enable the dyer to make a judicious choice of such specimens as are good and safe to work. There are three general appearances of cask woad, only, that we shall notice : the brown or fox}', the dark-colored and muddy-formed THE AMERICAX DYER. ;]23 woad, and the fine olive-green colored and fragrant-smelling woad." "The best woad is of a green-olive color, interspersed with parts of a browner appearance. It is rather tough and adhe- rent, than otherwise. When a piece of it is broken open, it shows fine silky filaments of considerable tenacity. It has an agreeable and sweetish ammoniacal odor, and when mixed with water, it does not very easily dissolve or fall apart, but has a doughv touirhness, and requires considerable slirrinir to con- vert it into a light, pulpy substance. When so dissolved, its soluble portion imparts to water a deep brown color, iucliniug to olive, and the liquor has considerable substance or body." "These are the distinguishing characteristics of good woad, and show that the couching has been properly conducted." " The brown or foxy woad diifers in appearance from the preceding description, chiefly in color, which is redder, or more of a decided brown. It has a stronQ, according toFehling; while Fleck found 58.71 per cent, of tannin in the same galls, besides 5.9 per cent, of gallic acid. Valonin-nuts contain from 40 to 45 per cent, of tannin ; but when these nuts are ground to a powder, they seem to leave nearly one-half of their tannin-property, as they, in this state, contain only from 19 to 27 per cent, of tannin, according to Rothe's analysis. Catechu, or cutch, contains more tannin than any of the above-named substances, having from 45 to 62 per cent, of 342 THE AMERICAN DYER. it. No two samples of catechu will give the same quan- tity. This coloring material is used to the same extent in cotton-dyeing as are uutgalls ; but it is seldom used in wooleu- dj-eiug. There are other coloring substances that contain tannin, but the quantity is so small that we will omit any remarks upon them. AURANTINE. This is another of the yellow coloring-substances which is DOW becoming extensively used in the ct)loring of wool and cotton. The process for its manufacture is, we believe, kept a secret ; the same can be said of flavine. It was first intro- duced in 1871, and although of so recent introduction, for cotton and wool coloring, it is being very largely used by cot- ton and woolen jdyers, also by calico-printers, and has almost entirely superseded the use of Persian-berries, flavine, and quercitron-bark in calico-printing. On cotton or wool it will produce a color from the most delicate lemon-shade to a rich, full, and deep yellow. It is well adapted for coloring scarlets, used along with cochineal, on wool or woolen fabrics; also for scarlets on cotton, when used along with saffranine, — superseding the so-called aniline scarlet dyes. It has double the coloring-powers of flavine. The mordants used are mostly the same as for flavine. It produces beautiful shades of yellow on raw cotton, when colored in the lap, by the use of alum alone as a mordant. A solution of aurantine gives the following precipitates with the following metallic salts : — Oxy-muriate of antimony gives a very bright canary-color. Oxalic acid gives a very bright but light yellow. Sulphate of iron gives a dark sage-drab color. Sulphate of copper gives a bright, light sage color. THE AMERICAN DYER. .'343 Tin crystals give an orange-yellow color, rather dull-hjok- ing. Tartaric acid gives a very light sage color. Sulphate of alumina gives a rich-looking yellow, not so bright as oxalic acid, but deeper. We see by the different re-actions of the above salts, that they give a better result with aurantine than w^ith flavine, which cannot be accounted for in any other manner than l)y the greater amount of coloring-principle contained in the aurantine than there is in flavine. Aurantine is very rich in coloring-matter. Boiling-water extracts some tannin from it, and when it is evaporated, it leaves a resinous, light, cinnamon-colored substance, weight- ing less than one-tenth the weight used for the experiment. This tannin, however, is principally extractive matter, and the coloring-principle of the aurantine ; and if we would pre- cipitate the small amount of tannin there is in it, by using one pound of glue to every pound of aurantine used, we will obtain a much brighter yellow. For the brightest shades of canary-color, the oxy-muriate of antimony seems to be the best and proper mordant for wool colored yellow with aurantine. If we wish to obtain a yellow of a lemon shade, we must use for the mordant sulpho- nmnate of tin (see Solutions of Tin) ; and for a yellow of an orange shade, use murio- sulphate of tin; and for a yellow called brimstone-color, use sulphate of tin, with the same weight of tartar that there is of sulphate of tin, with a very little alum. The orange-colored yellow can also be obtained by using a ver}' small qui^itity of cochineal with the aurantine ; that is, when using oxy-muriate of antimony as a mordant ; but should you use muriate of tin as a mordant, instead of the oxy- muriate of antimony, the color will not be as bright and lively. The lemon shade can also be obtained by using a veiy small 344 THE AMERICAN DYER. quantity of sulphate of indigo along with the sulpho-muriate of tin and aurantine ; yet it is better to give the particular shade by a variation of the mordants. How aurantine would work for giving the yellow part of color to browns, olives, and greens, I am not able to state definitely at present, but think it would do vastly better than either quercitron-bark, flavine, or even fustic, on account of its concentrated strength of color and brio-htness. Henry D. Dupee is sole manufacturer of aurantine and oxy- muriate of antimony, 79 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. (See articles Flavine, Fustic, and Quercitron-Bark.) BLUE-VATS. Woolen and cotton fabrics, or tissues, are dyed indigo-blue by means of reducing indigo in an alkaline fluid, the material being blued by exposure to the atmosphere ; or, in other words, they become blue by the oxidation of the indigo taken up by the fibre, the dye becoming simultaneously fixed. The princi- ple of this method of coloring with indigo is known as blue- vat dyeing. The same kind of blue-vat is not adapted for both cotton and wool, as will be seen by the following details of the difierent blue-vats now in use both in America and Europe. The lime and copperas vat is not adapted for dyeing wool ; neither is the woad-vat adapted for coloring cotton. Therefore, it will be seen that there must be a wide difierence in the composition of the two vats. The copperas-vat for cotton-yarn and cloth is set (a technical term for preparing a vat to color in) with lime, copperas, ground indigo, and water, the proportions difieringwith diflferent d3'ers, but the most common proportions used being as follows ; Nine hun- dred gallons of water ; sixty pounds of green copperas ; thirty- six pounds of ground indigo ; eighty-five to ninety' pounds of slacked lime ; or the same proportions according to size of THE AMERICAN DYER. 345 vat. These materials are stirred or raked up every half-hour for three or four hours ; then left for twelve hours, and then raked again; and after it has settled, the vat is ready to color in. The chemical action, in the first instance, consists in the for- mation of sulphate of lime (S04Ca — gypsum), and protoxide of iron (FeO). This latter substance having a great affinity for ox^'gen, removes an atom of it from the blue indigo, which converts the blue indigo into white indigo, which dissolves in the excess of lime, and is now ready to color in. When the ground indigo is put into a vat, the composition of which is lime and copperas, the first action which takes place Avill be the decomposition of the copperas ; the sulphuric acid, which is in combination with the iron, combines with a portion of the lime, forming sulphate of lime and oxide of iron. "The detached oxide of iron extracts more oxygen from the indigo, converting it into indigogen (or white indigo) ; and the peroxide of, iron, and sulphate of lime thus formed, arc precii)itated, forming what is technically known as sludge. The remaining portion of lime dissolves the indigogen, and forms with it the solution required." The following is a representation of the action and result, and gives a clear view of the blue-vat : — „T -,. , /.C Indigogen, dyeing-solution. Indigo, composed or < ^ ^ -^ i ,. C Oxygen, peroxide of iron. rOxide of iron, peroxide of iron. J Oxide of iron, peroxide of iron. '^^ ' '* j Sulphuric acid, sulphate of lime. L Sulphuric acid, sulphate of lime. ♦ C Lime, dyeing-solution. Three lime, . . \ Lime, sulphate of lime. ^ Lime, sulphate of lime." It will be seen by the above diagram, that this theory of the 44 346 THE AMEKICAN DYER. copperas- vat is founded on the blue indigo (CieHjoNg) being an oxide. The view which Dumas takes of the constitution of indigo, and the action which is said to take phice in the vat, will be somewhat difierent from the theory given above. " When the lime combines with the acid of the copperas, the iron decom- poses a portion of the water, combining with the oxygQU, and the hydrogen combines with the indigo, forming indigogen" (CicHjoNoOg), which Dumas represents as follows : — "Indigo, . Indigo, indigogen forming the dyeing-solu- tion. r Hydrogen, indigogen forming the dyeing- Water, . . } solution. C Oxygen. ^ Lime, peroxide of iron. Three lime, . } Lime, sul[)hate of lime. C Lime, sulphate of lime. . f Oxide of iron, peroxide of iron, J Oxide of iron, peroxide of iron. ^ ^ ' ] Sulphuric acid, sulphate of lime. I Sulphuric acid, sulphate of lime." This theory is equally if not more correct than the former one, but in many cases it is hardly reconcilable with our ex- perience, chemically speaking. According to the former theory, the indigogen combines with the oxygen, for which we know it has a very strong affinity, forming blue-indigo, which will remain combined with the fabric ; but, in accordance with the latter theory, the blue-indigo will be left in combination with the fabric or yarn by the hydrogen combining with the oxygen of the air, and thus forming water. If a quantity of lime and copperas is put into a bottle of distilled water, we find that the water will not become decom- , posed, because the lime will combine with the acid in the cop- THE AMEKICAN DYER. 347 .peras, and will, along with the iron, precipitate ; should you exclude the air conipletely from the mixture, by corking the bottle tightly, the iron will remain in the l)ottle as a pro- toxide, for many days ; the change from a protoxide to a per- oxide is so very slow that some time will elapse before it is perceptible ; but should you add indigo to it after this mixture has stood for some days, the action of the common vat will occur. This, in accordance with Dumas's theory, gives a good illustration of relative affinities. Before the indigo was added, the attraction of the copperas for oxygen would be nearly equal to that of the hydrogen, which holds the ox3'gen in combination as water ; l)ut when the indigo is added, although the indigo has a very weak attraction for hydrogen, because it requires the nicest man- agement to get the hydrogen isolated, yet it is sufficient to dis- turb the equilibrium with which the oxygen is held by the iron and hydrogen, giving the oxygen the mastery. Whether an alkaline substance has any effect in producing the formation of indigogen, we do not pretend to say, but it is never formed in the vat without the presence of an alkaline substance to dissolve it the moment it is formed. There is one serious trouble in working the copperas-vat, which con- sists in what is called swimming ; that is, the vat does not settle. This is caused by a number of circumstances, — one cause is that the copperas contains too much acid, which forms a sulphate of lime, causing it not to settle so quickly, the copperas not being decomposed; but the principal cause of a floating-vat is that there is too much lime and copperas in proportion to the indigo ; to remedy this there must be more indigo added to the vat, so as to peroxidize the copperas. Another cause for its floating is that the lime has been too long slacked, and, being exposed to the atmosphere, it be- comes converted into chalk ; and when such lime is used it is very injurious in other respects, besides causing swinuning or floating. The lime used should be freshly slacked to produce the best effects in a copperas-vat. 348 THE AMERICAN DYEK. The following are the proportions of materials used in the vats for skein-dyeing (the vats being usually wine-casks), assuming that the materials are of the best kind : eight pounds of indigo, fourteen pounds of copperas, eighteen pounds of lime; these materials being put in, the whole is raked every two hours through the day ; on the following morning it is ready for use. The proportion, or equivalent, of lime can be calculated from the table of elements (which see), and also the rate of combination. The technical term for slacked lime being hy- drated oxide of calcium (formula, CaO,HO), and the equiv- alent of lime being 20; oxygen, 8; hydrogen, 1; and oxy- gen, 8 ; or thus : — Cai=20 8 Lime, io — 37 The copperas being thus expressed : — n 5Fe r= Copperas, .... | Fe =28 48 Water of crystallization . . 7H20=:63 139 By this we find that the slacked, or hydrated lime has thirty-seven equivalents, and should neutralize one hundred and thirty-nine equivalents of copperas ; or we will say that thirty-seven pounds of lime should neutralize one hundred and thirty-nine pounds of copperas ; but as we find that seventy-seven gallons of water, at 60° Fahr., will dissolve but one pound of lime, it is easy to see what a few pounds is required above the equivalent for copperas to form the lime- solution of the copperas-vat. These vats are always worked cold. THE AMERICAN DYER. 3J9 Messrs. R. Schloesser & Co., of Manchester, Eng., have made a very marked improvement, within the hist three or four years, in the method of setting the copperas-vat, which has removed the bulky sediment of lime which was such an objection to the vat ; besides, this improvement saves a <^reat loss of indigo by its combination with the oxide of iron ; the solution is much clearer, the cotton pieces are not apt to be so spotted (as when colored in the usual way of setting a cop- peras-vat), and a better class of work is obtained. "To carry out their process, they add to the ordinary two thousand-gallon vat twenty pounds of ground indigo, thirty pounds of iron-turnings, thirty pounds of powdered zinc, and thirty-five pounds of quicklime; the whole is raked up from time to time, for twenty-four hours, when it is ready for use." If the vat is not considered strong enough, they add more lime and zinc. The chemical theory of the process is, that the zinc, under the influence of the lime, decomposes the water, combining with its oxygen; and the hydrogen, thus liberated, removes oxygen from the indigo, which will then dissolve in the lime. WOAD-VAT. The vats for coloring wool indigo-blue, are known by the name of woad-vat, pastel-vat, potash or ash vat, and the German-vat; besides others inserted in this work. The woad-vat gives the best results of any kind of a blue-vat yet known, although it is the most difficult to manage of any. It requires an experienced dyer to work one economically and for the profit of his employer, and no dyer but an experienced one should attempt to, or be allowed to manage a woad-vat ; for without considerable practical experience, very close ob- servation, and a thorough knowledge of the effects produced upon the vat, by each of the different materials used in the 350 THE AMEKICAlSr DYER. process of working one, no dyer can work one without a great risk of losing it. The manner of setting and conducting a woad-vat we have abridged from " Gibson's System and Science of Colors," which we consider the best method adopted among the very many methods now in practice. " This slight description of a woad- vat, is not to stimulate the inexperienced to attempt the man- agement of so difficult and inexplicable a part of dyeing, but only to give a general outline of the common or usual manner of setting and conducting a woad-vat, so that those who have had no opportunity of observing the process, can form some idea respecting the manner of working one." Dimensions of vat, seven feet deep and six feet diameter. "Fill this up to within about two feet; then throw in live hundred pounds of woad well chopped up into small pieces j let this soak overnight, the water being heated to about 180° or 190° Fahr. ; rake up well the next morning; fill up the rat to within six inches of the top, and heat it to 175° ; then put in ten pounds best madder, twenty quarts of wheat bran, forty pounds Bengal indigo, ten pounds of slacked lime (tech- nically called ware) ; rake these up for half an hour ; then put on the covers to the vat ; then in the afternoon rake up agiiin and leave for the night." " Be at the vat early next morning ; uncover the vat and see if there are not some bub- bles standing upon the surface ; take some of them up with your fingers and you will find that they have more consistency and are tougher than bubbles formed by clear water. Next look the surface over, and see if there is not a thin film of indigo, of a purplish shade upon it, which can be taken up on the finger-nail ; then agitate the liquor with a small stick a little ; take out the stick and incline it, and plunge two or three inches beneath the surface, agitating briskly, so as to raise a number of bubl)les ; take some of them up between your fingers, part the fingers, and then see if they stand full and do not break quite so quick as bubbles formed by water." " Now take the dish and dip up some of the liquor, and let it THE AMERICAN DYER. 351 run gently over the side of the dish into the vat, and while it is so doing look through it towards the light, and it should appear of a deep green or olive color." "Having gone through with this examination, and found that the vat exhibits these features, it shows that the vat has sprung its indigo, or that some of the indigo is in solution, or, in other words, a portion of the indigo has become deoxidized by the fermenta- tion of the woad, madder and bran, and is now in want of some alkaline matter, — give it live pounds of lime {ware) and rake it up gently, but well, avoiding plunging or too much agitation ; cover it up and let it stand for two hours ; then look at it again, and suspend a lock of wool in it for ten or tifteen minutes. This should come out a yellowish-green, and will take five minutes before it will become entirely blue (or ungreen, as dyers say)." "Lay this lock aside so as to com- pare with the sample that you 'may try the next time you examine the vat." " In about one hour examine the vat aofain, and there should be a greater quantity of bubbles formed, and ajlurree has formed, which lies well to the back part of the vat. The liquor looks richer in color, the scum or pellicle of indigo has become thicker and more copper-colored, and on moving the liquor with your hand, or with the dish, green waves or rather veins, can l)e seen." "The vat is now opening. Examine it with the dish as before, and the liquor you will sec has become a still more yellow- green or olive color, showing a further deoxidation of the indigo, and now it wants more ware. Give it five pounds of ware; rake up as before." "Let it stand for three hours ; then suspend a second lock of wool in it for ten or fifteen minutes ; when it is taken out it should be of a deeper shade, and more like a grass-green than the first lock was ; it will take a longer time for it to ungreen, and will be almost a middle-l)lue, with a slight green tinge, after being exposed to the atmosphere for half an hour." "Now compare this with the first lock, and it should be a deeper and clearer blue than 352 THE AINIERICAN DYER. the first. This shows that the vat is progressing well, but is short of ware." " A slight observation of the smooth part of the vat con- vinces you of its improved condition, the scum or pellicle looks richer and more glossy, and on blowing upon it with your mouth, you will see the scum of indigo open in a circle, showing the liquor beneath it of a yellowish-green, and the circle will close again on withdrawing your breath." " Wav- ing the surface about with the dish, the veins or wavy shades of color are of a livelier and yellower green than in the former examination ; they spread wider and seem to roll about much longer, and the color strikes the hand quicker and deeper." "The fiurree is now much more in quantity, and looms up well on the back part of the vat, covering more space than before, the bubbles are larger, and are of a fine indigo-blue. If the vat has these characteristics, give it five pounds more of ware, rake it up, and let it stand four hours. After it has rested for this letigth of time, dip in another lock of wool for twenty or thirty minutes, and when it is taken out it should be a deep, rich green, and in about five minutes, change to a lively, even, middle blue, having a slight tinge of pur- ple to it." "If this green should pass to a pale grayish-looking blue, the vat has got too much ware, or is hard; but if it retains the greenish shade after being out and exposed to the air for twenty minutes, it is a certain criterion that the vat has not ivare enough, or the vat is soft, and needs a little more icare." "Blow strongly upon the surface of the vat, and a circle of one or two inches in diameter will appear, showing the inter- nal liquor of a fine gold color, or in some cases a rich yellow^- ish-green." "The bubbles and jiurree are more numerous, and of various sizes, some of them being as large as hen's- eggs, and are a beautiful indigo color; they stand well, and do not easily break or fall down, even when strongly agitated." "On waving the clear surface from side to side, with the dish, the scum or pellicle of indigo runs off towards the THE AMERICAN DYER. 353 jlurree, and shows all the indigo shades, from the lightest blue to the richest pnrplo ; the wavy veins arc now larger, wider, and roll about more than before, the body of the liquor bcino- of a rich yellow, intermixed with the various shades of green. On examining the liquor with the dish, you will see that it looks well, and has a good strong body, and on turning the dish, with the edge towards you in a perpendicular manner, the liquor hangs from the edge like a fine syrup, and gives a fragrant and agreeable sn\ell, not unlike weak ammonia." "Take it as a whole, and the vat presents a splendid- appearance, and everything about it shows that it has got its full complement of loare, and is now ready to color in." "There are cases where a vat sometimes requires more and sometimes less lime than has been mentioned ; this is owing to the variation in the strength of the woad and the quality of the lime ; but, as a general rule, five hundred pounds of woad will require from twenty-five to thirty pounds of luare.'" The vat should be kept up to 135° of heat during all this time. "By taking the above plan, and assuming that the materials are of the best quality, all these changes and appearances will take place, and the progress of the vat will be as certain as the above short description has represented it to be, so much so that in nineteen cases out of twenty it Avill be brought to work on the day after it is set, and can be colored in on the following day." The Manner of Working a Woad- Vat from Day to Day. Gibson^ s System of Dyeing. "A vat of the size specified in the preceding pages will color from fifty to seventy-five pounds of clean wool at a time. Shake this amount of wool into small locks in front of the vat, taking care to have it opened well, so that the whole pile may l)e loose ; this is done in order that the color will strike the wool evenly and all alike. Now uncover the vat, and skim off i\\QJiurree into a pail, and after coloring, when ready 45 354 THE AMERICAN DYEK. to rake up, turn this flurree back into the vat again. Put in the trammel and net, then throw in the wool lightly and ex- peditiously, getting it under the liquor as soon as possible. Handle the wool with the sticks until the whole is even, and continue the stirring lor about half an hour. Now take it out, having it well wrung out, throw it upon the floor, and shake it over, so that it may ungreen as speedily as possible." "If you have an old or a weak vat, you can dip the wool in that to finish it ; but if not, thei^take the sample you have to color by, and compare .it with that which you have just dipped, and see if you can bring up the shade required, l)y o-iving it another dip, without having to rake the vat. If you find you cannot, then have it well raked up, and after it has become settled, enter the wool again, and proceed as before; but do not allow it to stay in any longer than it requires to bring up the color to the desired shade." "When it is taken out proceed as before, and when it is unffreened have the wool well washed off." "Now give the vat five pounds of ware, rake up well, and if the heat is low put on steam until it rises to 135°, then cover up the vat," 135° being the best temperature to work the vat. "Let all these operations be concluded by three or four o'clock in the afternoon, so as to give the vat time to rest and clear itself before the last raking time,* and by this means it will o'ive you an opportunity of judging of the precise state of the vat — whether it is in want of icare, or has got too much of it." " After raking, heat up to 135°. About seven o'clock, p. 3i., o-o to the vat and examine the liquor ; see if it looks clear and * This used to be at eight o'clock, p.m., but now dyers do not go to their vats alter they have doue'their day's work until the next morning ; so if their vats are not in good conditioti, they have cither to rake thciu ))efore they can cplor in them, or color in tliem and get a poor color; ^Yhcn, iftliey looked at the vat in the evening, and it wanted raking or serving, they could then do it, thus saving time the next day, besides having a vat in coudition to color in, and not be obliged to color in it when out of order. THE AMERICAN DYER. 355 han^s well to the dish ; notice whether it has a good jlurreey and the smooth surface looks glossy, and on blowing into it, it opens and closes up again, showing a copper-colored- pel- licle, as was described in regard to bringing the vat to work." " Smell at the edge of the dish ; if the vat has too much icare, it will smell of the lime ; if it has not enough lime it • will smell vapid and soft ; in the latter case give the vat three pounds o( ware; but if it smells of the lime, give four or live pounds of madder and six or eight quarts of bran, and rake up well." " The next day proceed to color with the same weight of wool in the same manner, and give, after coloring, from three to five pounds ivare, which will be about the amount re(|iiired for each day's coloring afterwards, with few exceptions. After three or four days' work you will have to renew the vat with indigo ; this should be done after coloring in the afternoon ; give it as much indigo as your judgment directs; that is, as much as you think the wool has taken out, and at the same time give five pounds of madder, two quarts of bran, and four pounds o^ iccD'e, as the case may be ; then rake up well." "Perhaps a good raking may answer, without giving it either lime or madder ; but your judgment must determine this according to the appearance of the vat." "In giving or serving the vat with indigo, there is no par- ticular stated period for doing this, as some dyers give the vat indigo every day ; others, every two days, and some but once a week, each having his own particular opinions or ideas in regard to serving with indigo ; but we think that a vat should receive a renewal of indigo twice a week; that is, every '\^'ednesday and Saturday afternoon." The vats should be raked and looked to, at least once on the Sunday, if you intend to work them on the following Monday. A vat does not pay to work over four months before re-setting, tliat is, if you work it every day, as after that length of time it requires a larger amount of indigo to produce the same shade thin it would if it had beeu worked but two or three mouths'. 35G THE AMERICAN DYER. "In the above description the reader has only been con- ducted through the process of setting and working a vat upon the most scientific principles, and where everything has gone on in a straightforward manner and with the most perfect success, because we have had the best materials to work with (which ought always to be the case), and have been treating it in a workmanlike manner, knowing beforehand the nature and proper application of the materials we were using, -and the certain effects of everything we employed." " The reader will be satisfied, that a short description of this kind upon the most important and complicated department of dj'eing, is of more real value than a volume of observations on the methods of getting a vat right after suffering it, by an injudicious mode of treatment, to get wrong." "It is easy to perceive that there could be more written respecting the woad-vat ; for there are numberless appear- ances of the vat and wool, which, if closely observed by the dyer, will give him a certain knowledge of the precise state of the vat, and will point out to him the materials it is most in want off; these have not been noticed." The want of success in working a woad-vat is often caused by using poor woad and poor indigo. (See articles, Woad and Indigo.) Indigo is a substance which contains from thirty- five to seventy-five per cent, of true indigo. So with such a wide range, to say nothing in regard to the difference in quality that there is in indigo, it is not surprising that some of our best dyers sometimes err in their judgment in regard to the state of their vats, and are often troubled to ascertain the cause of the vat working so imperfectly or irregularly. Limes that are used should be considered also. Most of the American limes contain a large amount of magnesia, or at least they are always mixed more or less with magnesia, and when lime con- tains magnesia and is used for blue-vats, it forms into sulphate of magnesia (MgO,S04), which is very soluble, and by succes- sive additions of such lime, causes the specific gravity of the liquid of the vat to increase to a point when the woad and THE AMEllICAN DYER. JJoT madder will with great difficulty settle, so that it will he fit to color in. It is better to employ these limes that are free from magnesia, which are those burned in Thomaston and Rockland, Me. PASTEL-VAT. In setting all blue-vats, with the exception of the copperas- vat, the first thought and care of the dyer should be to em- ploy those substances that are capable of combining with oxygen, directly or indirectly, and are also capable of impart- ing hydrogen to the indigo. These substances are, pab'tel, woad, madder, and weld. Madder, when brought into con- tact with an alkali, gives a violet tint, and by the addition of indigo, it gives a still deeper shade. The weld is richer in oxidizable principles than either pastel or woad ; it turns sour and very soon passes into putrefactive fermentation. A great number of dyers in Europe use weld very freely, l)iit the others who use it at all in these vats, employ the same amount of it that they do of bran, and others do not use it at all. The size of a pastel-vat, as a general rule, is the same as a woad-vat ; that is, seven feet deep and six feet in diameter. This is filled with water to within one foot of the top, and heated to 180° Fahr., the materials being 300 lbs. pastel, 20 lbs. madder, 12 lbs. bran, 9 lbs. lime (ware), and* 40 lbs. indigo. The pastel being very dry and hard, is first pounded to. pieces (some dyers maintain that the pounding of the pastel is injurious, and this opinion deserves attention) , and then thrown into the vat along with the madder and bran, then raked up for half an hour ; in the course of two or three hours it is again raked, and the nine pounds of ware added, so as to form a sort of alkaline lye, which will hold the indigo in solution. After the above raking, and the adding of the lime, it is allowed to rest four or five hours. After this leni^th of 358 THE AMERIC^VN DYER. time hns elapsed, it is raked again, and you will find that it has the peculiar odor of the pastel, and its color is a yellow- ish-brown. In twenty-four hours from this raking, the fer- mentive process will be observable ; the liquid will have an ammoniacal odor, yet at the same time you will distinguish the odor of the pastel, and the color will be a yellowish-red ; the flurree has .commenced to collect at the farther side of the vat ; a brilliant pellicle covers the smooth surface of the vat, hav- ing a greasy appearance. Underneath this, you will also see blue or almost black veins, which are owing to some particles of indigo contained in the pastel naturally. If you should now take some of the liquid and turn it upon a piece of glass, you Avould see the yellow color disappear, and the blue of the indigo take its place. This, we all know% is caused by the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere, by the little indi- gogen in the pastel. If all these appearance occur, they are a sure criterion that the fermentation is properl}' established, and that the vat is now ready for its indigo, and that there is enough hydrogen formed to dissolve the indigo. We now add the forty pounds of indigo (sixt}' pounds if for very full blues) : it is now thoroughly raked up, and if the temperature is below 130^, turn on the steam until it reaches that tempera- ture, at which heat keep it during all the time that you may work it. Add with the indigo, seven pounds of ware, and after raking and heating up, if needed, as above, cover it up and let it re^ for three or four hours. After this time has elapsed, look at the vat and see if there is not a large amount of tlurree and a copper-colored pellicle covering the smooth surface of the liquid (the same as with the woad-vat). The dark veins are larger than they were previously, and the liquid is of a deep yellow-red color, and will have an emerald-green color, as j'ou turn some of it from the dish back into the vat. The odor of the vat will perhaps have a vapid smell ; if so, give five pounds of ware, and rake up : but if it has an ammoniacal odor, it is to he raked onl\'. After the vat is settled, it should be ready to work. THE AMERICAN DYER. 350 For further instructions in regard to the manner of working- it from clay to day, see article, Woad-vat, as there is but lit- tle, if any difference in the phenomena of a pastel-vat from that of a woad-vat. There is, however, a great difference in the color of the wool from the two vats, in this particular point — the temperature of the pastel-vat requires a very uniform heat, for if it is too hot, the wool will have a red tinge (but not so with the woad-vat), and it will cause the pastel to ferment very rapidly. Woad and pastel vats are very prone to run to the putre- factive state of fermentation, which is owing mostly to the nitrogenous matters contained in the woad and pastel, they of themselves being vegetable, for which reason they require greater care and skill in their management. Indigo, if exposed to putrid fermentation, is decomposed, and loses its blue color ; if rendered soluble, it will obey the impulse communicated to the nitrogenous matters with which it is brought into contact, although indigo, if macerated in water at its common temperature, is with great difficulty de- composed. If fermentation is allowed to continue unchecked, the solution will turn to a yellow color, the flurree becomes white, it will smell stale and lose all its ammoniacal odor, and in a very few days the color is whitish, and the smell is at first like putrefied flesh, then not unlike the odor of rotten eggs, and free sulphuretted hydrogen. The use of lime in the woad and pastel vats, is to prevent such an occurrence, as well as for neutralizing the carbonic acid created by fer- mentation. There are some dyers who set a pastel-vat as follows : — The vat is filled with water, and then heated to the boiling- point. There is then thrown in 400 lbs. pastel (previously pounded up), 22 lbs. madder, 17 lbs. weld, 13 lbs. bran, and it is then boiled for half an hour, after which there is adiled sufficient cold water to reduce the temperature to 130- ; it is then raked up for an hour, the vat is then covered up and 360 THE AMERICAN DYER. allowed to rest for six hours ; after this time has elapsed, it is again raked for half an hour ; this raking is repeated every three hours until the surfiice of the vat shows blue veius ; there is then added eight pounds of slacked lime (ware). The color of the vat now assumes a blackish-blue, and then the indigo is added to it ; the amount of which is in propor- tion to the depth of shade required, as follows : — 11 to 13 lbs. for 100 lbs. of fine wool for a medium blue. 30 to 40 lbs. for 100 lbs. fine wool for a full blue. The dyer who communicated to me the above method, says that the following are the characteristics of the vat : The color of the vat is a fine golden-yellow, its surface having a blue flurree and a copper-colored pellicle ; on agitating it, there will be bubbles of air escape, which should burst very slowly ; if quickly, it wants more ware. The sediment at the bottom will be green when first drawn up, and should turn a brown color in the air; if it should remain green, it shows the want of more ware ; and lastly, it should have the odor of indigo instead of the odor of fhe pastel. In America, pastel is known by the name of ball or Ger- man woad. (See article. Pastel.) POTASH-YAT, SOMETIMES CALLED ASH-VAT. This vat is usually of the same size as the woad-vat^ but we have seen them nearly one-third larger. The vat is filled with water, and heated to 180° or 190°. The materials used are, fifteen lbs. of madder, thirt}^ quarts of bran, twenty-five lbs. pot- ash or pearlash, and twenty lbs. of indigo. In the first place throw in the bran and madder, rake it up, and in three or four hours add the indigo and potash ; rake it up well, until all the THE AMERICAN DYER. 3G1 materials are well mixed. Let this be all completed by the mid- dle of the afternoon. By eight o'clock the next morning it should show signs of having sprung its indigo. Now rake it up again ; then rake it again about four o'clock in the after- Doon, and cover it up for the night. Do not allow the heat to fall below 130° Fahr. Ou the following morning dip in a lock of wool, for fifteen or twenty minutes, and if it comes out a thin-looking green color, and in the course of three or four minutes it turns to a grayish-looking blue, and the liquid has a dark bluish-green color, it is in need of greater fermenting force. In this case take out of the vat half a barrel of the liquor, and put into it six quarts of bran, three lbs. of hops, and three quarts of molasses, and boil it for half an hour, being careful that it does not boil over. After boiling, add three lbs. of madder, and when it has settled turn the clear liquor into the vat, and then rake up well ; in the afternoon rake again. Next day it should be ready to color in. Should the lock of wool which you have tried in the vat come out a fair-looking green, and turn to a blue in four or five minutes, and yet not be so good a blue as you would de- sire, it is evident that the materials are correctly propor- tioned, and that it only requires a little more time to produce the correct eflfect ; and all that it requires is a good raking up, which do, and then rake again in the afternoon ; and the next morning you may commence coloring in it. We can obtain the deep blues in this vat with greater celer- ity than in any of the others, which fact, no doubt, depends upon the great power potash has of dissolving indigo, over that possessed by lime. Experience has demonstrated that the ash-vat has the advantage as regards celerity of nearly one-third, but this advantage is balanced by the inconvenience it places us under when we want to get light shades. We can color a larger quantity of wool at a time in an ash- vat, than we can in the woad-vat, as the ash-vat has no sedi- ment to speak of, or none in comparison to a woad-vat, and 46 362 , THE AMERICAX DYER. the trammel and net can be suspended lower in the vat with- out touching the sediment. The manipulations are the same in working an ash-vat as for a woad-vat. Care should be taken in regard to coloring too much in one day, as it will tire the vat. Should you overwork it by this extra coloring, you will lose more time in getting the vat in good condition again than you have gained in doing so much in it, besides the extra expense of materials to restore it to its former con- dition. After doing a day's work in the vat, it should be examined three or four hours after it is raked in the after- noon, in order that you may know whether it requires more potash, or bran and madder. If it is too ojien, and the indigo does not seem to be in solution, you must serve it with ware; but should the liquor have a deep blue-green color, give mad- der and bran, or a ferment made as above described. In either case, your judgment and experience must dictate the kind as well as quantit}'^ of materials that the vat requires. After working the vat a couple of days, you must give it more indigo, in order to keep it up to its proper strength; give as much indigo as, in your judgment, the wool that has been colored has taken out of the vat ; and, at the same time, give as much potash (in weight) as you do of indigo, and half as much madder and bran. You can proceed so from day to day, making these additions, alivays after you have finished coloring for the da}', or you may serve every other day. Some dyers prefer to renew the vat every day, w'hile others every three or four daj^s ; but in either case, keep the vat up to its regular standard, and in good working order, until such time as you think it should be worked out and reset ; then you will proceed as above, only leaving off serv- ing with indisro. We can easily discern the inferiority of the wool colored in an ash-vat, from that colored in either the woad or pastel vat, in beauty, durability, or solidity of color. It is more expensive (for the reason given in regard to the German or soda vat), and does not possess any of those kindly qualities THE AMERICAN DYER. 3G3 which arc conimunioatod to the wool when colored in the above-nanuHl vats. A great paucity of color \s also percep- tible ; and the wool, M'hen you look down upon it, is darker than wool colored in a woad-vat ; but if held up, and viewed by a transmitted liirht, it looks gray and devoid of intensity, and has no vivacity of shade. The reason of this is, that the particles of indigo being coarser, and being farther apart than they are with a ivoaded vat, and lying more loosely upon the fibre of the wool, there is no under-color such as the woad will give to wool. These objections to an ash-colored wool are thus accounted for : In the ash-vat the solvent of the indigo is a fixed alkali (it being pfttash), while the solvent in the woad-vat is a volatile alkali (ammonia) ; the potash forms a coarser or thicker solution, causing the particles of indigo not to be so finely attenuated, the solution of potash being so coarse that it prevents the particles of indigo from penetrating into the fibre of the wool, and lays them on the outside of the wool in a loose and scattered condition. In the case of woaCl- colored wool it is entirely different, for as the ammonia (in the woad-vat), being the solvent of the indigo, is finer and a stronger alkali, it naturally divides the coloring molecules in a more minute and multifarious manner; and it also being of a subtle nature, it will penetrate the fibre of the wool much better, and these finely divided particles combine more intimately with the wool ; the indigo being divided into a greater number of surfaces is more deeply coml)ined with the wool, which accounts for its superior brilliancy and per- manency, as the greater the quantity of reflected surfaces there is to vie\y, and the more minute is the division in any color, the higher will be the intensity of the shade. Wool colored in an ash-vat always works harsh in carding and spinning, no matter in how good a condition the vat may be, whether you use for the alkali potash or carbonate of soda, although the soda is a milder and softer alkali (it containing more carbonic acid is why it is milder) ; but for all that, wool 364 THE AMERICAN DYER. colored in an ash-vat will always be harsh and tender, and the goods, after being finished, will never look so well, or feel so soft, as when the wool is colored in a woad-vat. The ash-vat is now seldom used, except in small mills, for coloring wool ; but it is used to a large extent for coloring cotfon-yarns, for bedtickings and denims. GERMAN OR SODA VAT. This vat is of the same dimensions as the woad-vat. It is filled with water and heated up to 200° Fahr. ; there is then thrown into it twenty-five pounds of carbonate of soda, fifteen pounds of indigo, seven pounds of ware, and one and a half to two bushels of wheat-bran ; it is then raked up well, and left for two or three hours ; it has to be watched carefully during the progress of fermentation, regulating it by giving it either ware or soda; and, if correctly managed, it will be ready to color in after fifteen or eighteen hours from the time it was set. The smell is the only criterion to be governed by (which is a strong ammoniacal odor), as sometimes the solution will be of a grass-green color, at other times a deep olive color, and still the vat will be in good working order; so it would not always do judge by the looks of the liquid in regard to the condition of the vat. This vat requires greater care, and is more difficult to manage, than the potash-vat; it differs from the potash-vat, as the potash is replaced by the crystal- lized carbonate of soda and caustic lime, the lime giving to the carbonate of soda a caustic nature. The German, or soda vat, will do more work, in a given time, than any other vat that I ev-er worked ; but it is not so economical as other vats, so far as the amount of indigo used is concerned, as you have to color the wool so much darker than the pattern you have to match, as the indigo lies more THE AMERICAN DYER. 3G5 loosely upon the wool, and does not penetrate into the fabric of the wool like the woad or pastel vat, losing more indigo in the operation of fulling and scouring than the wool does that has been colored in either of the above-named blue-vats. The manipulations in working a soda-vat are the same as in work- ing the other vats. When indigo is added, bran, lime, and soda are added also, so as to constantly maintain the fer- mentation at a suitable point. (See Fermentation of the Woad-vat.) BRAN AND MADDER VAT. This vat we have used to a great extent, and, for a dyer who has but little experience in working a blue-vat, it is the best one for him to set and use, it being both simple and easy to work, which any dyer will be convinced of after perus- ing the method of setting and working it from day to day. The dimensions of the vat are as follows : six and a half feet deep and five and a half feet diameter ; this is filled with water and heated to 170° Fahr. In the forenoon you com- mence to set it by throwing in six bushels of bran, twenty- five pounds of madder, two pails of molasses (the poorer the molasses the better) ; rake these materials up for half an hour, then cover up the vat. In the afternoon, at three o'clock, rake up again. The next morning, at eight o'clock, add two quarts of ware and two pails of indigo (previously ground in the mill with water), — which is about twenty pounds in the dry state; rake up well. At 3 p. m., add two quarts of icare and one pail of molasses ; rake up well. The next morning add three quarts of ware ; rake up. At 4 r. M., add six quarts of tvare and rake up. Keep the heat up all the time to 135<^. The next morning (or fourth day), at eight o'clock, add six quarts of tcare and a half pail of indigo ; rake up ; then 366 THE AMEEICAN DYEl?. rake up again at eleven o'clock, then at two (/clock, then at four o'clock ; at each raking add two quarts of ivare. The next morning it should be ready to color in ; the liquor will be of a yellowish-green color, the flurree will be copper- colored and will lie well to the backside of the vat ; on dip- ping the dish into the liquid, with the edge downwards, and taking it out, the liquid will hang, like thin syrup, from the edge of the dish, as it does from a woad-vat, and will have the same ammoniacal odor ; its characteristics are the same as a woad-vat, with the exception of the color of the liquid, which is more yellow. After the first day's coloring, and you are raking up for the last time, add two pails of indigo, one quart of molasses, and one pail of ferment, and rake up well. . To INIake the Ferment. In a barrel of water put six quarts of madder and six quarts of bran, boil these for one hour (but care must be taken that it dbes not boil over), let it settle, and use the clear solution ; or you can stir it up and use it that way ; this is optional with your own views. After the first day's coloring, when working the vat, give, one day, three pails of the ferment; the next day, one quart of molasses, and so on each alternate day. Give indigo according to the amount taken up by the wool, in which your judgment must dictate (for full blues, about five pounds for every hundred pounds of clean wool). Give five quarts of lime {ware) for every hundred pounds of clean wool, or five pounds each day ; the vat must be ■worked very open, or, as dyers say, soft. There is very little danger of losing such a vat, as the fermenting powers of the bran and madder are weak and are soon exhausted. A large amount of wool can be dyed in a day in this vat, as it is ready to dip again in one hour after raking; yet it is not economy to dip over three times a day in it. Fifty pounds of THE AMEIUCAN DYER. SG7 clean wool. is sufficient to tlij) at one time. ThemanipnlsitiouB are the same as in a woad-vut. SAL-SODA BLUE-VAT. Dimensions : seven feet deep, six feet diameter. Heat the vat to 130° Fahr., then add two and a half pound^i of indigo, thirty-three pounds of sul-soda, and thirty-six pounds of bran ; rake tliose materials up well, cover up the vat and let it remain twelve hours ; then add two and a half pounds of slacked lime (ware) ; rake up again ; if the heat is not up to 130°, heat it up to that temperature, and leave it covered up for twenty-four hours. By this time the solution should be of a yellowish-green color, the flurree of a blue, cop- pery shade, and the li(juid should have a sharp, pleasant odor. Now immerse a lock of wool in the liquid for ten or fifteen minutes ; it should coine out a clear, deep green, and change to a blue very quickly by the air. After the green has passed off, dip the lock into the liquid again for the same length of time, and when taken out, if it has not gained in depth of color, add icare to the vat, or it will become putrid ; which you will soon observe, as the flurree will become colorless, the liquid will have a fetid smell, and the deposit of the vat will contain no particles of indigo ; but in giving the ware be careful and not give too great a quantity, as by so doing you will stop the fermentation too soon. If you should over- charge the vat with ware, you must add bran to start the fer- mentation again ; and after giving bran in this instance, do not give any ware under twenty-four or thirty hours after giv- ing the bran. In adding the ware in sufficient quantities the vat grows better and the liquid more 3'ellow, the flurree more blue and persistent ; the amount of ware necessary to bring the vat to a state of perfection should be from sixteen to twenty pounds. When adding indigo, after the setting of the 368 THE a:mericax dyer. vat, you should add one pound of molasses, one pound of sal-soda, and seven pounds of ware, to every two and a half pounds of indigo added. If the vat is used every day, the above materials should be added each day after coloring, in the afternoon, and on the following morning, if the vat is in a good state ; if the liquid is yellow and the bran does not rise to the surface, if there is no sign of fermentation, do not give any ware for twelve hours. This kind of a vat is used for four or five months, and when it is to be re-set they take up the sediment from the bottom and preserve the liquid for a new vat, and it needs but one-half the materials to start another vat. The temperature for working is from 110° to 119°, but the higher the temperature the darker and more violet will be the color. This vat is from a French dyer named Grison, who was a pupil of Chevreul, and has been a practical dyer for forty years ; he is also a good chemist. TIN=(Sn). * Tin, in its color and lustre, is the nearest to silver of any of the metals, only differing in lustre by having a somewhat bluer hue. It exhibits a high metallic lustre, similar to silver. Tin is one of the few metals known to man in the antediluvian period of his existence, and was extensively used in all coun- tries having any pretensions to civilization. Tin does not occur naturally in a metallic state. It is found as oxide in tinstone or tin ore (SnO^), containing 79 per cent, of metal, and as sulphuret of tin in combination with other metallic sulphurets in tin pyrites. Tin ore is found either interspersed in veins, or in secondary formations deposited by water, and in the alluvial deposits formed by the washing away of fragments of the primary rocks. These ores are not, as a rule, simply composed of pure oxide of tin, but contain THE AMERICAN DYER. 869 various other metallic compounds, — such as sulphur, arsenic, zinc, iron, and copper. In some instances, tin ore is found in Cornwall, Malacca, and Banca, in the beds of the rivers, and the tin thus found is very pure, because the mechanical separation of the ore from its impurities has been performed by nature itself, and, as a consequence, these ores yield a purer metal than the ore obtained from veins, which has to undergo the process of dressing, washing, and roasting pre- viously to being smelted, to get rid of the arsenic, sulphur, and antimony. The tin ore found in Cornwall County, England, has, for over two thousand years, yielded tin. This tin has to be smelted in accordance with an ancient stannary law. The stronger and purer the tin is, the more it crackles, or creaks, when it is bent. When rubbed with the hands, it imparts to them a very peculiar odor. A cubic foot of tin weighs — according to its purity — from three hundred and seventy-five to four hundred pounds. The specific gravity of pure tin is 1.280, and, by hammering, can be increased to 1.290. It fuses at 228°, and boils at 442° Fahr. It is then at a white heat, and if kept at this heat in contact with the air, it will become covered with a grayish coating, which is a finely divided metal, called tin-ash, and protoxide of tin. This sub- stance will be converted into stannic oxide — known as putty- powder — if the heating of the tin is continued for a short time after this substance has formed upon it. We might give a description of the difierent combinations and applications of tin, but we will omit them, as they are not applicable to our particular branch of science, or to the art of dyeing. Tin is known by the names of common tin, block tin, and grain tin. The latter is the only kind fit for the purpose of making tin-solutions. It is brought from England in large ingots ; then melted and moulded into small, slender bars, and in this form it is received by the dyer. 47 370 THE AMERICAN DYER. Tin-Solutions, or Stannous Chlorides ^(SnCli). Observations on Making Tin- Solutions. In preparing these solutions, you must, in the first place, have the tin well granulated, or feathered, and it should be of the best kind (see article, Tin). The tin must be added to the acid at intervals, and a small quantity at a time, so that it may be dissolved with as little disengagement of the acid-gas as possible, and the solution should be kept at as low a tem- perature as is compatible Avith the combination of the acids and tin. These observations apply with the greatest force in making nitro-muriate of tin. In dissolving tin in muriatic acid, you will sometimes notice that when the tin is in solution, some parts of the tin are dissolved, while some of it seems to be covered with a crystalline substance which you have a great deal of ditficulty to dissolve, and it occasions both loss and annoyance. This can be avoided by stirring the solutions at intervals. This coat- ing of the tin is caused by one part of the solution becoming denser than some other portions, — an action of a galvanic nature being induced between those parts of the tin in the stronger portion and the parts in the weaker portion of the Solution, causing a deposit of oxide of tin upon the metal in the weaker portion of the solution. The preparation of these solutions is a matter of much pride among dyers, and every dyer will have some little peculiarity in making them that he keeps to hin^self, as a great secret, and on the strength of which he thinks his success depends. These little j^ec?n is evaporated to crystallization ; if it is obtained from gas- water that contains some of the tarry matters, the crystals are usually of a deep brown color, and consequently have to be purified by being dissolved in hot water, then fil- tered through animal charcoal, and then re-crystallized by rapidly evaporating the solution and removing the crystals as fast as they form, by the use of perforated ladles. The crys- tals are then drained by being placed in baskets constructed for the purpose; after draining a few hours, they are then quickly dried on hot fire-clay slaljs, by which operation any particles of tar left in the crystals are decomposed. Sulphite of ammonia, obtained l)y saturating carbonate of ammonia solution with sulphurous acid gas, is, when exposed to the atmosphere, gradually converted into sulphate of am- monia. The sulphate of ammonia, industrially speaking, is far the most important of all the ammonia salts, because of its being very largely used in preparing artificial-manure mix- tures, and l)y itself, for the same purpose; it is extensively employed in alum-making, and it is the starting-point of the preparation of chloride of ammonia (NH4CI), carbonate of am- monia, aqua ammonia, and other similar products. Sulphate THE AMERICAN DYEK. 383 of ammonia is used as a mordant along with alum and salt for deep logwood blues. The proportions are as follows : two of sulphate ; nine of salt ; eight of alum. ARGOL, OR CRUDE TARTAR. "Crude or red tartar is deposited upon the sides of casks containing wines, carrying into its crystallization some of the coloring matter of the peculiar kind of wine from which it was deposited ; this is the cause of the difterence in the color of the argol. This crude tartar is employed by dyers in all common and dark colors, where a supertartrate of potash is required as an auxiliary to the mordant, it being cheaper than the white, or cream of tartar so called, the cream of tartar being obtained from argol, hy precipitating or retaining its coloring matter with charcoal, bone-black, clay, &c." In dyeing any and all colors where tartar is required as a part of the mordant, I prefer the red to the white or cream of tartar, as it contains more tartaric acid than the cream of tartar, unless the red tartar is too much adulterated with red sandstone, which is quite often the case. This adulteration, however, can be very easily detected by dissolving some of the suspected tartar in boiling water; the tartar will all dissolve, and the sandstone will deposit at the bottom of the utensil in which you have dissolved the tartar. SUPER-TxVRTRATE OR BiTARTRATE OF POTARSA (Potash), COMMONLY CALLED CrEAM OF TaRTAR, {KO,2CiU^Or,) . This salt is of general application in woolen dyeing, as an auxiliary to the mordants, but is more especially used along with the tin solutions and with alum. Tartar of itself is a feeble mordant, but when used with chloride of tin or alum, it is then a strong mordant, which is due to the decomposition ; the sulphuric acid of the alum, and 384 THE AMERICANS" DYER. the chlorine with the tin, take from the tartar the potash it contains, and the ahimina is converted into a tartrate ; the tin is also converted into a tartrate of tin. It is very •probable that the coloring matter of the tartar removes the alumina or the oxide of tin more readily from tartaric than from sulphuric acid, as it converts the sulphuric acid of the alum into tartaric acid ; otherwise the alum is converted into a tartrate of alumina. In this state there will be no free sulphuric acid, which would certainly be of injury to the wool as well as to the coloring matter, while free tartaric acid will have no bad effect upon either, especially the wool, as the wool dissolves, and an equivalent' of the mordant takes its place, as spoken of in regard to alum. "Cream of tartar, or supertartrate of potash is but slightly soluble in water, as it takes sixty times its weight of cold water, and fifteen times its weiofht of boilingf water to dissolve it ; but one-fifth of its weight of borate of soda (borax) causes it to be very soluble." It is composed, in 100 parts : Tartaric acid, . . . 70.45 Potash, 24.08 Water, ' 4.75=99.28 We have said that the crude tartar was a deposit from wine during fermentation. The tartar that is deposited from red wines hasti red color, and is called red tartar, while that de- rived from white wine is a dirty-white color, and called ichite argol. Both kinds consist of potash united with an excess of tartaric acid (CgH^Oxo), forming bitartrate of potassa (potash, KO,2S03-i-2HO) rendered impure by tartrate of lime (CaOjCiH.^Os), with more or less coloring matters, and other matters which are deposited during the clarifaction of the wine. The deposition of the tartar is thus explained : "The bitartrate exists naturall}' in the juice of the grape, held in solution by saccharine matter. When the juice is THE AMEKICAX DYER. 385 submitted to fermentation in the process of converting it into wine, the sugar disappears, and is rephiced by alcohol, which, not being competent to dissolve the tartaric acid, allows it to precipitate as a crystalline crust." It is from this substance that the bitartrate of potassa (cream of tartar) is obtained, by a process of puritication. The process of purifying the crude tartar Is founded upon the greater solubility of bitartrate of potassa in hot water than in cold. The crude tartar is first ground fine, and then boiled with water in copper boilers. The solution is trans- ferred to earthen pans. After cooling, there is a crystalline layer deposited, which is free from the natural color of the crude tartar. This is re-dissolved in boiling water, and the solution is then mixed with four or five per cent, of pipe-clay ; it is then evaporated to a pellicle. The pipe-clay precipitates along with the coloring matter, and the clear solution, as it cools, deposits white crystals in crusts, which, upon being exposed to the atmosphere on linen cloth for several days, acquire an increased whiteness. This is the crystal of tartar of pharmacy, met with in the apothecary's shop as a powder, for greater convenience, and to which the name of cream of tartar properly belongs. The cream of tartar of commerce is not a pure bitartrate of potash, as it very often contains from ten to thirteen per cent, of tartrate of lime (CaO,C4H20 ), according to the analysis of Mr. J. M. Maisch. It is adulterated with such substances as sand, clay, gypsum, flour, chalk, alum, and sulphate of potash (KOSO3). Sand, clay, and gypsum in tartar is de- tected by their not dissolving in hot water; iodine (I) will turn a solution of tartar a blue color if it contains flour ; if chalk is present the solution will foam, by adding diluted acids to it ; alum is detected by its astringent taste, and if it contains any sulphate of potash, it will precipitate by adding chloride of barium (BaCl) to a solution of the suspected tar- tar, and the precipitate will not be entirely soluble in nitric acid (NO5). 49 386 THE AMERICAN DYER. The action of the last-named test is explained thus : the chloride of barium is not soluble in nitric acid, but the tar- trate is. The best security against these frauds is to purchase the crystals, and grind them yourself. Cream of tartar is a permanent salt, and has a sour but not a disagreeable taste. It is soluble in one hundred and eighty-four parts of cold and eighteen parts of boiling water; it is insolul)le in alcohol. It consists of two equivalents of tartaric acid, one equivalent of potassa, and one equivalent of water, thus : 2 equivalents of tartaric acid, . CsH.20io=132 1 '* potassa, . . KO= 47.2 1 «' water, . . H0= 9 18b. 2 According to the above, its prime equivalent is 188.2. TARTARINE. A Substitute for Tartar. There are numerous substitutes now in the market to take the place of tartar, such as "Tartarette," "Colorine," ""Silver Tartar," " Tartar Mordant" (oxalic acid in combination with terra alba), and "Tartariue." We have tried them all, and after a fair and impartial trial, have come to a positive conclu- sion that there cannot be a substitute manufactured to come so near the real article itself as the tartariue. We have used it for over two j'ears, with the very best results, on all colors where a tartar is required. As a substitute for tartaric acid, it is invaluable, having the same effects in all respects as the tartaric acid of commerce, and we have used it often in place of tartaric acid. Tartariue contains one-third more tartaric acid in its com- THE AMERICAN DYER. ^87 position than either cream of tartar or half- refined tartar ; therefore we prefer it to either of the two last-named sub- stances, and especially for coloring scarlets, as by its use there is a saving of cochineal ; we have to use less of it to produce the same shade on the same amount of goods, than we would have to use provided cream of tartar or half-refined tartar was employed ; it also requires less tartarine. In using tar- tarine, its proportions are one-third stronger than cream of tartar, or half-refined tartar ; that is, it requires one-third less than the other named tartars. Tartarine springs the color from cochineal, logwood, and other red woods, to such an ex- tent, that it requires less of them to produce the desired amouiit of color than it does when using argols in any of its prescribed forms, thereby making a saving of dyestufFs, and a clearer color. We knew of a number of dyers that, when they first used it, got "stuck" (as the saying is in the dye-house), for the very reason that they used as much of it as they used of cream of tartar, but after using it awhile, they have informed me that there was no substitute, not even tartar itself, that produced such good results as tartarine, and that they would not be without it as long as it can be obtained. The above will be the verdict of every dyer who will give it an impartial trial. In the recipes on cloth and wool, con- tained in this work, the reader will find that wherever a tartar is required in the composition of the color, tartarine is used invariably, and by looking at the samples of cloth and wool, you will see that the colors are clear and intense — not thin and dead looking. I would advise all dj^ors who have not used the tartarine to give it a fair trial, and my word for it, they will always there- after use it. Send for a circular of recommendations to Rollins & Ash- ley, No. 79 Bedford Street, Boston, Mass. They are the sole agents for it. 388 THE AMERICAX DYEK. ALUM. This is an earthy salt, and is extensively used in dyeing and calico-printing, in combination with other substances. In cal- ico-printing and cotton-yarn dyeing, it is generally used in the form of an acetate of alumina, or the so-called red liquor. In woolen dyeing, it is used as a base or mordant for nearly all the different colors, along with tartar. In the process of combining alum with wool, it has been shown by "Messrs. Berthollett,Thenerd, and Roard,that alum unites entirely with wool, without any decomposition of the salt, but that the tartar is deprived of its excess of acid, which unites with the alum and wool, leaving the neutral tartrate of potash in solution in the preparation liquor ; so that a prepara- tion of alum and tartar impregnates the wool with a salt composed of sulphuric and tartaric acids, potash and alum- ina." The latest investigations on this subject were made by Havrez, who ascertained by his researches, that there should never be a larger amount of alum used than thirty per cent, of the weight of wool. Although this statement is given by so eminent a chemist, I must differ from it, and so will every practical dyer ; for where is there a dyer that would ever attempt or think of employing thirty pounds of alum to one hundred pounds of clean wool to produce a green with fustic and sulphate of indigo, or a red with madder or camwood, or any of the red woods? But independent of the effects of alum and tartar upon wool, as spoken of by Berthollett, which might be produced by any other acid, tartar appears to be capable of effecting a further object, by inducing a double decomposition, which transforms the alum into a tartrate of alumina. These results are brought about only at the boiling point ; for if we should dip wool in a cold solution of alum and tartar, then dip it into boiling water, it would part with all the alum which it received in the cold bath : but when the wool is boiled in the alum and tartar THE AMEKICAN DYER. 389 solution, it yields to this liquor a portion of its organic mat- ter, which becomes tlissolvecl ; but, at the same time, the wool will absorb an equal amount of the alum. The presence of alum upon the wool, when we take it out of the preparation- liquor, is very evident, from the peculiar stain given to the wool ; but the presence of sulphuric and tartaric acids, and potash, is only presumable. The kinds of alum mostly met with How in the market, are the potash, ammonia, and natrona porous alum. Potash alum contains in 100 parts of — Potash, . ' 9.90 Alumina, ..... 10.83 Sulphuric acid, .... 33.76 Water, 45.51=100 This alum is denominated a double salt, it being composed of two sulphates — the sulphate of alumina and sulphate of potash. Potash alum crystallizes very easily ; it will fuse at 92° in its own water of crystallization, leaving a colorless fluid, which remains a fluid for some time after cooling, before it solidifies into a crystalline mass. At a temperature a trifle below red heat, it will lose all its water, and become converted into burnt alum, a white porous and friable substance. 100 parts of water at 40° will dissolve 32 parts potash alum. a '« 100° " 360 " " The solution of this alum in water has an astringent, sweet taste ; a strong concentrated solution of it will destroy the blue color of many — if not of all — artificial ultramarines. Ammonia alum contains in 100 parts — "Ammonia, 4.90 ^ Sulphuric acid, .... 35.09 Alumina, 11.90 Water, 48.11=^100." 390 THE AMEEICAX DYER. Ammoniii alum is at the present time fur more extensively manufactured than the potash alum. When this alum is strong- ly heated, the water, sulphuric acid, and sulphate of ammonia, are expelled, and alumina alone remains. 100 parts of water at 40° will dissolve 27.30 parts of this alum. ♦' " 100° " 42.10 " '* Natrona Porous Ai^um. This alum contains more alumina than any other alum in the market, and, for that reason, it is so well adapted for a mordant on prints or ph\in-colored cotton fabrics. All practical dyers are well aware that alum, of itself, is a feeble mordant for cotton, on account of the iron in combina- tion with the acid and alumina ; but the natrona being free from iron and ammonia, makes it a powerful mordant, when compared with any other of the alums. This alum contains, in 100 parts, — "Alumina, 18.90 Sulphuric acid, . . . 36.50 Potash, 2.00 Water, 42.60=100" The active principle of this alum is evidently the sulphate of alumina, and ntjt the sulphates of potassa and amiionia, as is the case with all other alums. The preparation of alum is simply the obtaining of a definite compound, and, while it readily crystallizes, it can be obtained in a pure state, and especially free from iron, — a very injurious substance in alum, when used for calico-printing. The natrona alum, at the present time, is the only alum used for paper-making, in most, if not all the paper-mills in this country, on account of its being perfectly free from iron. The color of this alum is white. It is easily cut with a knife. It readily dissojves in water, and always contains free acid ; also, to some extent, THE AMERICAN DYEK. 301 potash. But, in a perfectly pure state, it contains no potash, and consists, in 100 parts, — "Alumina, 18.78 Sul[)huric acid, .... 38.27 Water, 42. 95 z= 100" This is its composition in its purity. The formula of this alum, when pure, is Al2(S04) + 18H20. The specjtic gravity of a concentrated solution of this alum is 1.530; of the alum itself, 1.7G0'; while that of the English is 1.485, and of the alum itself, 1.695, showing quite a differ- ence in favor of the natrona porous alum. The natrona alum is what I term a concentrated alum, and it requires one- third less of it than of any other to ^jroduce the same results ; but, in using, I have found dyers that will use as much of it as they would of the lump alum ; and then they say, "I do not like it, because it makes my reds too much upon the scarlet shade," &c. Now, if these dyers would use less of it than they would of other alums, they would not have any trouble in getting a good clear, bright, and full red. All dyers know, or, at least, should know, that an excess of alum causes the wool to feel harsh, and that it kills the soap when using it in the fuljing and scouring of the cloth ; therefore, when the fuller finds that he cannot get the goods clean by using a soap of two degrees of alkaline strength, he will add more and more alkali to the soap until it is strong enough to cleanse the cloth ; then the dyer finds fault because they full or scour out his colors, and blames the fuller for it, when, if he would look at it in the right light, he would find that there was no one to blame but himself. I knew a dyer who used thirty- five pounds of alum on two hundred pounds of clean wool in saddening down, besides twenty-five pounds that he used in the preparation ; and when asked why he used so much alum, "Oh," said he, "the alum will kill the soap, so that the fuller cannot strip the color down." 392 THE AMEEICAX DYEK. There is no alum so good for coloring yellows, oranges, crimsons, or reds on wool, as the natrona alum. It gives a brighter and more intense hue than any other alum in the market, besides the advantage of not having to use so much of it ; therefore, it takes less strength of soap to cleanse the goods, and the goods feel softer, and the color is not injured by the use of strong soap. For coloring-purposes, the most detrimental substance in alum is iron, and, to detect it, "dissolve some of the alum in distilled water ; then add to it a few drops of dissolved red prussiate of potash ; or boil some alum with a few drops of nitric acid ; then add a few drops of dissolved yellow prussiate. In either case, if there is iron in the alum, the solution will turn to a blue color. Or dissolve some alum, as above, in distilled water ; theai add a few drops of gallic acid. This will turn the solution black, if there is iron in the alum. Or you can make a solution of a piece of alum ; then add caustic potash to it until the sohition is very alkaline ; then boil this solution, and, if the alum contains iron, it will form at the bottom in a brownish, glutinous mass." Pure alum is all soluble in water. We might give a detailed account of the different methods for the preparation of alum, but thinking that it would not be of any particular benefit to dyers, it will be omitted. There is a chrome alum that is now obtained in large quan- tities, as a by-product in the manufacture of aniline-violet, aniline-green, and anthracene-red. It is a crystallized sub- stance, of a deep violet color, and is now being, to some extent, used as a mordant. It is also used for waterproofing, repellants, or cloaking. Aluminate of Soda. This (what we may call a mordant) is now prepared on a large scale, as it has been found to be a useful form of soluble alumina, more particularly for cotton-dyeing and calico- printing. THE AMERICAN DYER. ' 393 The preparation of this substance is based upon the hydrate of ahunina being so soluble in caustic potash, and also by the solution being so easily decomposed by acetic and carbonic acids, sal-ammoniac, and acetate of soda. It is also prepared from cryolite, which is deprived of its flourine by the addition of lime, and from an aluminate of iron. The iron is calcined with carbonate of soda ; it is then washed, and evaporated to dryness. By a certain amount of hydrochlorine acid (muriatic acid), the soda will be separated from the iron, and the hydratod alumina that is left is soluble in acetic acid, and contains, in one hundred parts, — Soda, 44 Alumina, . . . . . . 48 Chloride of sodium and glauber salts, . 8 = 100 Aluminate of soda was first introduced to the notice of dyers in or about the year 1819, by Marquer and Haussmann, but their preparation being so very expensive it did not come into general use until within the last fifteen years, and now the Washington Chemicals Works in England prepare it at such a low price that cotton printers and dyers are finding it profitable to use it as a mordant. We find it in the market as a powder of a green-yellow hue, and dry to the touch. It is soluble either in hot or cold water. When exposed to the atmosphere, it absorbs moisture and carbonic acid, this salt being thus changed by the atmosphere ; if it is then dis- solved in water the solution becomes turbid, which is owing to the alumina being in suspension. A solution of aluminate of soda cannot be made stronger than 12° or 15° Baume, and from 1.7 to 1.09 specific gravity. This salt is used for numerous purposes besides dyeing and calico-printing. Large quantities of aluminate of soda are manufiictured at Natrona, Penn., and are used for making soap, and called N'atrona refined saponifier. 50 394 THE AMEKICAX DYEE. Among the different salts of alumina that are industrially employed are h3'posulphite ol" alumina, which was recom- mended by E. Kopp as a mordant for cotton ; sulphite of alumina, for purifying beet-root juice; oxalate of alumina, suggested by Dent for the preservation of marble, stone, &c. ; the hypochlorite of alumina, known as Wilson's bleaching liquor. Alum, besides being used for dj'cing purposes, is employed for the preparation of the lake-colors, there being active coloring principles in combination with alumina. Alum is used for hardening gypsum, in sizing for hand-made paper ; the alum in this case forms with the glue or size an insoluble compound. Alum is used in clarifying turbid fluids, especially water ; in this instance the alumina that is suspended in the water is taken up by the alum, the alum forming an insoluble (basic) alum, which carries down or precipitates the organic matters and other impurities which are in solution in the water. A boiling solution of common salt, alum, and nitrate of potash is employed by jewellers for coloring gold, or, in other words, to produce a film of pure gold on the alloy ; the copper alloy is dissolved by the boiling s'olution. Alum is but a weak mordant for cotton, yarn, or cloth (unless it is converted into an acetate of alumina), owing to the sulphuric acid contained in the alum having so strong an attraction for the alumina, and in alum the sulphuric acid has three proportions to everj'^ two of alumina. But if a portion of the acid is neutralized there will remain only enough acid to hold the alumina in solution, which is not over one-third of the acid contained in the alum ; by so doing the properties of the alum become greatly improved as a mordant. The amount of acid which will admit of being reduced can be found by taking a given quantity of carbonate of soda (suffi- cient to neutralize the whole of the acid in the amount of alum taken). Now divide this soda solution into three pro- portions and add two of these portions gradually to the alum THE AMEKICAN DYER. 305 solution (stin-lng it all the time), and although the alumina will be precii)itatecl, if the stirring or agitation is con- tinued for a short time the precipitate will again dissolve. This forms an alum that contains not over one-third the acid that there is in the common alum, and in this state it is a more powerful mordant for cotton than it is in the origiind state, for the reason that the base is held more feebly by the sulphuric acid and is then more readily detached by the affin- ity of the yarn or fabric to form a mordant. Alum thus pre- pared is nearly, if not quite pure, the iron formerly present being precipitated by the process named above. Alum in this state is called cubical or basic alum, and is sometimes called neutral alum. The same salt can be produced by boil- ing twelve parts of alum and one part of slacked lime in Avater. This alum is often [)referred to any other, as it does not affect certain colors. Sulphate of Alumina. There have been many attempts to introduce this substance in the practice of dyers, but they have not been successful until within a few-years, as it contained so great an amount of sul- phate of iron, and an excess of sulphuric acid in combination with the iron. This substance would not have an atiinity for cotton unless these defects were overcome. However, at the present day, with improved methods of manufacturing it, sulphate of alumina is largely prepared, and it is of excel- lent quality. It is sold sometimes under the name of con- centrated alum (which is erroneous), and is found in the market in square cakes of a white color and nearly trans- parent. Acetate of Alumina. The best and most conmion preparation of alum, as a mor- dant for cotton, is the acetate of alumina. The method of preparing it is given under the head of Mordants for Cotton, found in another part of this work. 396 THE A^IEEICA^ DYER. SULPHATE OF INDIGO. This substance is a combination of sulphuric acid and indigo, known by the different names of Saxon blue, extract of indigo, indigo paste, and chemic. Dyers do not make their chemic now as much as in former years, it being found in the market, manuftictured for them, and sold under the names of extract of indijjo and indigo paste. "When dyers made their sulphate themselves, each one had a rule or particular method of his own, some using four pounds of oil of vitriol to one j^ound of indigo, others three to one; but the best proportion, in my opinion, is to use seven pounds of acid to one pound of the indigo, especially for greens on wool ; but for chemic to work with aniline blue and violet dyes, I prefer using more acid to the indigo, say eight pounds to one pound of indigo. It would be better for every dyer to make his own sulphate of indigo (besides cost- ing his employer less for it) ; he would then know the correct amount of acid he was usinof, as well as the amount of indigo. Indigo when made into the sulphate of indigo, becomes radi- cally changed, and there is nothing that can bring it back to its primitive state again, forming, as it does, a chemical com- pound, sulph-indigotic acid, called by dyers, extract of indigo. Concentrated oil of vitriol is the only substance that will dis- solve indigo without destroying its color and composition ; or, in other words, oil of vitriol is the only substance that will dissolve indigo without deoxidizing it, and it requires highly concentrated or fuming oil of vitriol for that purpose, as when other acid than the concentrated is used it requires a larger quantity of it to produce the desired combination ; and where so much acid is used, the solution will have to be neutralized before it can be used with good results. The action of sulphuric acid upon indigo was found by Mr. Crum to be more than a mere solution ; it was a chemical combination, in definite proportions (and not a solution in the ordinary sense of the word), forming two very distinct sub- THE AMERICAN DYER. 397 stances, and greatly differing from each other in their prop- erties. He named these two compounds, from their colors, re7'if/m and ^;/ ^^^6 solution to be cold. Litharge, when good and not adulterated, will have a crystalline lustre, and will become completely soluble in nitric acid. The adulterations of litharge are, generally speaking, brick-dust, iron, and copper. These can be detected by digesting the litharge in nitric acid ; and if brick-dust is present, it remains insoluble and will be apparent, and by adding ammonia to the solution, the litharge is precipitated, and the precipitate will be of a brown color; and if it contains copper, the solution will be blue-colored. But these adulterations are not injurious to it, for the purposes for which it is used in the dye-house. Litharge is not employed in woolen dyeing. It is employed in cotton-dyeing and calico-printing for making acetate of lead. (See Recipes for making Lead Solutions.) The fine-powdered litharge sometimes met with in the trade, is very often adulterated with sulphate of barium (BaSO^), which can be detected by dissolving some of the litharge in diluted nitric acid, but the small scale litharge cannot be very easily adulterated. The English litharge is considered the best, that from Germany being generally contaminated with iron and copper. Li choosing litharge, samples should be selected that are free from copper, and fragments of vegetable matters. There are two varieties of litharge, called the gold or red litharge, and the silver or yellow litharge. The former kind is said to owe its color to a portion of red lead l^eing in the litharge, but M. Leblanc has shown that the two varieties differ only in color, structure, and density, and not in their chemical composition. "Red lead can be detected in litharge by heating it in a test-tube, with chloride of sodium (salt) and bisulphate of potassa, and then putting in a piece of paper THE AMERICAN DYER. 40."> colored blue by indigo; if red lead is present in t!ie lilluirfe, the paper will be bleached by the chlorine evolved." SULPHATE OF COPPER, CUPRIC SULPHATE (CuSO,), OR BLUE VITRIOL (CuOSO,+5HO). There are numerous methods of preparing this salt : — First. One method is to heat sheets of copper (Cu) in a reverberatory furnace to the boiling point of sulphur (420° Fahr.) ; there is then a quantity of sulphur thrown into the furnace, the openings and flues of the furnace being closed ; the result is the formation of sulphide of copper (CuoS). This sulphide is converted, by a low heat and the action of the oxygen of the air, into the sulphate of copper. The mass is then placed in stone troughs and oil of vitriol is added in sufficient quantity to saturate the oxide of copper (CuO) ; the clear solution is taken out and set aside for crystalliza- tion. Second. The crude copper obtained from smelting the ore, which contains about sixty per cent, of the metal, is treated with sulphuric acid. This solution is evaporated in leaden vessels and the clear liquid is put into copper pans to crystal- lize. From the mother-liquor left from the crystals, metallic copper is precipitated with iron, there being large quantities of iron in this mother-liquor; it is then unfit for using again to make sulphate of copper. This last method of preparing blue vitriol is the least expensive, but it is not quite pure, and, according to M. Herter's analysis, it contains about three per cent, of sulphate of iron and 0.083 per cent, of metallic nickel. This salt is also prepared or manufactured in the same manner as copperas (protosulphate of iron, SO^Fe) ; that is, from the sulphurets of the metal. A chemically pure sulphate of copper is made by heating the 40G THE AMERICAN DYER. metallic copper with highly concentrated oil of vitriol, the copper becomes oxidized by a portion of the oxygen of the acid and sulphurous acid escaping (SO^). Charcoal would produce sulphurous acid if heated with sulphuric acid. If the metallic copper was converted into the oxide of cop- per (CuO), by being brought to a red heat lirst, it would then require but half the quantity of sulphuric acid. In pre- paring the base for the different pigments obtained from cop- per, the sulphate of copper is very often used ; but it should be nearly pure, or should not contain either the sulphate of zinc or iron. Sulphate of copper yields blue crystals (hence the name blue vitriol) ; these crystals contain five parts of water; four of them will be given off if they are heated to 212° Fahr., and at this temperature they become white. Blue vitriol is soluble in twice its weight of boiling water and four times its weight of cold water. It is composed of — Sulphuric acid, .... 32.14 Oxide of copper, .... 31.79 Water, 36.07 = 100 The crystals effloresce in a dry atmosphere and become a white powder. Blue vitriol is insoluble in alcohol. Blue vitriol in crystals, as received by dyers, has a rich, deep, clear blue color and a strong metallic taste. It reddens blues produced by vegetable dyes. It is soluble in four parts of cold and in two parts of boiling water. When heated it first melts in its water of crystallization and then dries and be- comes white. If the heat is increased, it next undergoes the igneous fusion, and finally, at a high temperature, loses its acid, protoxide of copper (CuO) being left. Sulphate of copper is decomposed by the alkaline carbon- ates, and by borax, acetate, and subacetate of lead, acetate of iron and chloride of lime ; it is also precipitated by all astrin- gent vegetable decoctions. If it becomes very green upon THE AMERICAX DYER. ^ 407 the siiface, by beiii*^ exposed to the air, it contains sosqui- oxide of iron (Fo.,()..). This oxide may likewise l)e detected by ammonia, which will throw it down along with the oxide of copper without taking it up when added in excess. Sulphate of copper consists of — One proportion of sulphuric acid, . . =40.00 One proportion of protoxide of copper, . =:39.75 Five proportions of water, . . . :=45.00=:124.75 Making its prime equivalent 124.75; but, according to Berzelius, it is 124.7. Chloride of copper (CuCl) is prepared by killing muriatic acid with copper, this causing a double decomposition to take place, the solution being of a green color ; this solution can be crystallized, and the crystals are blue colored. Nitrate of copper (oHNOa3Cu) is prepared in the same manner as nitrate of iron ; that is, nitric acid is killed with copper; the action wjll be the same with each of the metals. Nitrate of copper, by evaporation, produces deep blue-colored crystals ; the}'^ are deliquescent in the atmosphere and are very soluble in water. Acetate of CorPER, Verdigris (QHaOaCu). This was formerly prepared by exposing sheets of copper to the action of vinegar (acetic acid, C4O4H.,). This salt we find in dark-green crystals, containing one part acid to two of copper. The manner of preparing it at the present day, for calico-printing and dyeing, is as follows : — Take four pounds of blue vitriol, dissolve it in four quarts of water ; then dissolve three pounds of white sugar of lead in one quart of water ; mix these two solutions together ; let it settle, and use the clear solution only. This should indi- cate 18° Baume. The mixing of the lead and copper solu- tions causes a double decomposition to take place, the result being crystals, or crystallized verdigris ; the verdigris paste 408 THE A3IERICAX DYER. I having a blue color, being a basic salt called French verdigris, and is but up in leather bags and pressed into cakes. YELLOW PKUSSIATE OF POTASH.— (Ferroctanide OF Potassium, K^FeCye+SHgO). This salt, in a technical point of view, is a very important substance. It crystallizes in large lemon-colored prismatic- shaped crystals. These crystals are not affected by exposure to the atmosphere, neither are they poisonous ; they have a sweetish-bitter taste ; they dissolve in four times their weight of cold water, and twice their weight of boiling water ; but they are insoluble in alcohol. They contain in 100 parts, — Potassium, ...... 37.03 ^ ( Carbon, .... 17.04 Cyanogen < ^^ ' -^ ^ ^Nitrogen, .... 19.89 Iron, : . 13.25 Water, 12.75 At.lOO° Fahr., the water is driven off. This salt is prepared on a large scale by burning hoofs, horns, hides, old woolen rags, and all such substances as contain nitrogen, with carbonate of potash (KgCOg). The quantity of the materials may be varied ; the relative propor- tions are given by some manufacturers as one hundred parts of carbonate of potassa (potash) to seventy-five parts of the nitrogenous carbon. Runge gives as his method, on'e hundred parts of carbonate of potassa, four hundred of cal- cined (burnt) horn, and ten of iron-filings. As a general practice these substances are burnt in a cast-iron cylinder or a reverberatory furnace, before b6ing mixed with the carbonate of potash ; but if these substances are used before being cal- cined, they are mixed in the ratio of nine of the charcoal to THE AMEKICAN DYER. 409 one of the potash ; but if the substances are burned as above- mentioned, one and a half parts of the charcoal are mixed with one part of potash. When the nitrogenous carbon (animal matters) is used without the process of being previously charred, the furnace is left open, so'that the materials can be occasionally stirred, which allows the obnoxious gases to escape, after which the furnace is closed and the heat is increased. The heat is con- tinued for some fourteen hours, and at intervals of one hour the furnace is opened and the materials are stirred. They continue this stirring until no flame rises to the surface, and the whole is reduced to a red, semi-fluid mass. The whole mass is then scraped out of the furnace and allowed to cool ; after cooling it is dissolved in water and the solution filtered through cloth, and then evaporated to a proper consistency ; coarse strings are now suspended throughout the liquid ; upon these strings the crystals form, of a lemon-yellow color. The theory of the formation of yellow prussiate of potash is as follows : " The carbonate and sulphate of potash, the nitrog- enous coal and the iron re-acting upon each other, give rise to the formation of sulphuret of potassium, which in its turn converts the iron into sulphuret, while the nitrogen contained in the charcoal unites, under the influence of potassium, with the cyanogen of the carbon, which again in its turn combines with the potassium, giving rise to the formation of cyauide of potassium (KCN)." "When the fused mass is treated with water, cyanide of potassium (KCN) and sulphuret of iron (SFe) decompose each other, the result being the formation of ferrocyanide and sulphide of potassium, the sulphide remaining in the mother-liquor." Yellow prussiate of potash is employed for the preparation of red cyanide or prussiate for making Berlin blue, and of cyanide of potassium. It is used in calico-printing and cotton- dyeing (seldom in woolen-dyeing) for producing blues (see 52 410 THE AMERICAN DYER. recipes for cotton-yarn), and some brown-red colors, and for the purpose of hardening iron, and as an ingredient in white gunpowder, and for use in chemical laboratories. Yellow prussiate crystallizes with three proportions of water, but loses all its water of crystallization at 212° Fahr., and becomes white. Ferricyanide of Potassium, or Red Prussiate of Pot- ash (KgFeCy). This salt is prepared on a large scale, and is very exten- ■ sively used in dyeing cottons and in calico-printing ; it is also used to a great extent in the woolen dye-house. This salt cr^'stallizes in prismatically-shaped ruby-red colored anhy- drous crystals, and consists in 100 parts of — Potassium, ..... 35.58 ^ C Carbon, . . . 21.63 Cyanogen < ^^. r.^ . . ^ ^ ^Nitrogen, . . . 25.54 Iron, ■ 17.29 There are two methods for preparing this salt. One is : The yellow prussiate is dissolved in water ; then the solution is submitted to the action of chlorine gas, until a sample of the solution will, when heated, show no precipitate if a per-salt of iron is added to the solution ; after which it is evaporated and then crystallized. Another method is to pulverize the yellow prussiate and place it in casks, closed, so as to leave only a small outlet, while the cask can by means of machinery be slowly turned on its axis, so as to bring all the particles of the prussiate in contact with the chlorine as it passes through the cask. Sometimes the powdered yellow prussiate is placed on shelves in a chamber, and into this chamber at the top chlo- rine gas is admitted ; after the powdered prussiate has become saturated with the gas (it is then still in a dry powder), it is taken and dissolved in the smallest possible amount of water, then this solution is allowed to crystallize ; the liquid left after THE AMEKICAN DYER. 411 crystallization contains chloride of potassium (KCl). The powdered red prnssiate of potash is an orange-yellow color, and if sulphuric acid is mixed with this powder it will deprive it of its color, but by absorption of moisture it will turn back to its color asfain. According to M. E. Reichart's investisa- tions, bromine can be successfuUly used instead of chlorine for the preparation of this salt. Red prnssiate is soluble in the same amount of water that the yellow prnssiate is. BlCHR03IATE OF POTASSA — AciD ChROMATE, OR ChROME (K,CrA). This salt is prepared from yellow chromate, which is pro- duced by the following method : — "Chrome iron ore, after being ground and sifted, is mixed with dried nitrate and carbonate of potash. This mixture is put into a reverberating furnace, and a powerful heat applied. It is stirred occasionally, and when perfectly calcined, the mass is raked out and dissolved in water. It is then boiled for some hours. After it has done boiling, it is allowed to settle, and the solution is decanted; this is evaporated, and leaves the yellow chromate of potash crystallized." The chemical changes which take place are these: "First, the decomposition of the nitre giving off oxygen, which combines with the oxide of chromium, and forms chromic acid. This acid then unites with the potash of the nitrate and of the car- bonate, and this forms the yellow salt, which is soluble in water. It contains soluble impurities, such as caustic potash, silicate, and aluminate of potash ; these impurities are separ- ated by the operation of boiling and crystallization." "Bichromate is obtained from the yellow salt, described above, by the addition of acetic and sulphuric acid to a con- centrated solution of yellow chromate. This last named acid is not well adapted for the purpose, as the sulphate of potash formed by the snlphuric acid is very difficult to separate from the chromate, and is a serious adulteration ; for which reason 412 THE AMERICAN DYER. sulphuric acid is not now used as much as formerly. Acetic acid is the best, and is now, as a general rule, employed." "When acetic acid is used, there is just a sufficient quantity of it added to combine with one-half of the potash contained in the yellow chromate, which leaves two proportions of chromic acid (H2Cr04), in union with the otlier half of the potash, and may be thus expressed : — 2K2Cr04 Yellow cbrouiate. K Potash. IQO3H3 Acetic acid. K Potash. Bichromate of potash. J > Acetate of potash. If sulphuric acid was used, and no acetic acid, it would be expressed thus : — 2K2Cr04 + H.SO, Yellow chromate. Sulphuric acid. K^SO^ + HoO + KgCr^O; Sul]>liate of ijotash. Water. Bichromate of potash, When bichromate of potash has been prepared with sul- phuric acid, it contains sulphate of potash to a great extent, which is detrimental in its application as a mordant for colors on wool or woolen fabrics. The sulphate of potassa can be detected, b}^ dissolving a small quantity of bichromate in some distilled water ; then add to the solution a very little of con- centrated nitric acid, and then a few drops of either nitrate or chloride of barium, which will throw down a white precip- itate, if there is any sulphate of potash in the chrome. The chloride of potassium can be detected by the above operation, only substituting nitrate of silver in the place of the barium ; the result will be a white precipitate. " When acetic acid alone is used in a concentrated solution of yellow chromate. THE AMEKICAX DYER. 413 the bichromate that is formed does not have as much water as will hold it in solution, therefore it is precipitated as an orange-colored powder. This powder is collected carefully, and dissolved and crystallized by slow evaporation." " Bi- chromate is soluble in three times its weight of cold water, and an equal weight of boiling water." A solution of chrome is very caustic and poisonous. "When heated to redness, this salt gives off oxygen, leaving the oxide of chromium and neutral chromate of potash in the retort. In the year 1820, M. Koechlin discovered the applicability of bichromate of potash as a " discharge " for Turkey-red, produced from madder (the coloring-matter of that color), a discovery soon followed by others, the useful application of bichromate for preparing the chrome-yellow and chrome- orange in calico-printing, the chrome-black in dyeiuij wool, the dischiirge for indigo-blue and the oxidation of catechu, the bleaching of palm-oil and other fatty matters, the prepara- tion of chromic oxid for green pigments for painting glass and china, and for the preparation of vert Guigiiel, a peculiar bydratcd oxide of chromium, obtained by heating one paj't of bichromate of potash, and three parts of crystallized boric acid, which is nsed as a pigment in calico-printing." As might be expected, these discoveries gave an impulse to the preparation of the different chromates of potassa which have of late years found useful applications in extracting colors from coal-tar, and also in the manufacturing of chlorine gas. According to Mr. J. Persoz, there is, America excepted, but five manufactories of the chromates of potassa; viz., two in Scotland, one in France, one in Norway, and one in Russia ; and the total production of these works in 18G9 amounted to 60,000 cwt. In order to test for the strength and quality of bichromate of potash : "Take one hundred and sixty-five grains of pure nitrate of lead, and dissolve it in two hundred measures of water. This should precipitate seventy-four grains of bichro- 414 THE AMERICAN DYER. mate (if it is pure), so that all that is required, is to dissolve the chrome, then add the nitrate of lead as long as any pre- cipitation takes place. If all the lead is required, the chrome is good ; but every three graduations of the lead solution left, after precipitating the chrome, will represent about one per cent, of impurity of the bichromate." The adulterations in chrome for the last few years, have been muriate of soda (salt). . PROTOSULPHATE OF IRON, OR COPPERAS ( = FeOS03+7HO). This salt is met with in the trade in the form of green- colored crystals, having an inky, astringent taste, and by exposure to a dry atmosphere, the crystals will elttoresce, and be converted into a white powder. Dissolve this pow- der in water again, and we find it to contain both the per- sulphate and protosulphate of iron, or the basic sulphate of peroxide of iron. One hundred parts of the chemically-pure copperas consists of — Sulphuric acid, .... 28.77 Protoxide of iron, .... 25.89 Water, 45.34=100 This substance is manufactured in various ways, and from various substances. The original method was by lixiviation of iron pjrites, or iron containing minerals. These minerals are collected and placed in layers on inclined platforms ; then water is sprinkled upon these layers from time to time. As this water drains through the pyrites, they become soluble, and part of their substance is carried off, and is slowly oxid- ized by atmospheric agency. The water, after draining through, is received into stone cisterns, and taken from the THE AMERICAN DYER. 415 cisterns to the evapoviiting-pans, Avhere it crystallizes. Cop- peras is also obtained as a by-product of alum-nianufacture, by evaporating the mother-liquor containing iron. The bron'ii sulphuric acid, or chamber-acid, as it is called, also such waste sulphuric-acid li(]nids as are obtained in the oil and petroleum refining, ai-e sometimes used as solvents for scrap- iron to prepare copperas. It can be made by boiling the tine pulverized puddling, and iron-refining slags with sulphuric acid. The English copperas is made from iron pyrites, as already described. These iron pyrites are a bisulphuret of iron (FeS.j), and contain, in one hundred parts, forty-eight parts* of iron, and fifty-two parts of sulphur. These pyrites, when obtained from the older geological formations, are subject to spontaneous decomposition when exposed to moisture and the atmosphere, and the sulphur which they contain combines with the oxygen of the atmosphere, and thus forms sulphur- ous acid (SOo), and will again, in the presence of oxide of iron and water, take up more oxygen, and then it is sulphuric acid, which, in turn, coml)ines with the iron, forming, by crystallizing it, copperas. The pyrites are collected and made into large heaps, and set on tire, in the same manner as they do with the alum- shale in the process of preparing it for the manufacture of alum. This roasting-process creates a quick oxidation of the sulphur, and the result is the formation of the sulphate of iron. This sulphate is then dissolved, by allowing water to pass through these heaps, and collected into tanks. In this solution there is always an excess of sulphur over the iron. There is also in it a per-salt of iron, with an excess of acid, and, very often, small quantities of copper, which would be very deleterious to the copperas. In order to get rid of the copper, a quantity of old rusty iron is thrown into the solu- tion, wliich will precipitate tlie copper, and, at the same time, take up the excess of acid from the solution. It also reduces all the persulphate that it contains into the state of protosul- 416 THE AMERICAN DYER. phate. After this reaction has taken place, the solution is then evaporated and crystallized. But this adding old iron to obtain the changes above described not being adapted in all cases, is the reason we have the different varieties of cop- peras in the trade. The quality of the copperas is judged of, by most dyers, by its color, and the poorest is sometimes made to appear better than it really is by sprinkling upon it some lime, or a solution of salt, in order to give it a dark tint, which deceives the eye, but does not improve its quality in the least. There is in the market a number of brands of copperas, — such as the English, Vermont, Keystone, and the Pillar cop- peras. The English is superior to the Vermont or Keystone, but I do not think it superior to the Pillar, as the Pillar is the very best that I have used, and, according to analysis, it is nearer to the chemically pure, in regard to the amount of sul- phate of iron it contains, than either of the others. M. Bansdorff states that there are three kinds, or varieties, of copperas, and classes them as the greenish-blue, dirty- green, and emerald-green, — the first being formed from an acid solution, free from the peroxide of iron; the second, from a neutral solution ; and the last, from a solution largely impregnated with the peroxide. M. Dumas states that these variations are the formation of a double salt of the proto and per sulphate during the decom- position of the pyrites. Copperas that is crystallized from a neutral solution, when kept for any length of time, will have a rusty appearance, which is caused by the absorption of oxygen. In the trade, there are two varieties mostly met with. They are the dark colored, and the very light green. The dark colored is better adapted for saddening purposes than the light green, but the latter is the best to use in the copperas-vat ; the Keystone copperas being a light green, and containing a large amount of water of crystallization, would be the best for the copperas-vat. The difference between the keystone, or light-green, watery- THE AMEllICAN DYER. 417 colored copperas, and the dark-green colored, hns been found to be .abont fourteen per cent, in favor of the dark-cohjred ; or one hundred pounds of the dark-colored is equal to one hundred and fourteen pounds of the light green. As this light-green watery copperas, according to Bransdorff, is crys- tallized from an acid solution, we may infer that the combin- ing of the extra proportion which it contains with the crystals, is owing to a portion of the mother-liquor being mechanically combined with the crystals, but it does not form an essential ino-redient in the compositi(m of the copperas ; and should the copperas be crystallized from the sulphate of alumina con- tained in the solution, we find that the excess of acid will be more abundant. The presence of alumina in copperas can be detected by dissolving some of the copperas in water, and then boiling it. Then add a few drops of nitric acid to it, so as to deoxidize the iron contained in the solution ; and if it con- tains alumina, the soluti(m will be of a clear amber-color. Then to the solution add caustic potash to excess, or until the solution becomes very alkaline. Now boil it for thirty min- utes, and filter it, and all the peroxide of iron will be found upon the filter, and the solution will contain all the alumina. Now add a little ammonia to the filtered solution. The result will be a flocculent white precipitation, if the copperas contains any alumina. If you should add aqua ammonia to the per- oxide of iron which was left upon the filter, the ammonia, after passing through the filter, will be a blue color if the iron on the filter contained any copper. But if you wish to make a test for copper, it is best to do it separately, which is done thus : Dissolve the copperas as described above ; then add a little nitric acid to peroxidize it. Add ammonia instead of caustic potash. Then filter, and the solution will be blue if there is the slightest trace of copper in the copperas. Cop- peras can be made' by any dyer very easily, by diluting sul- phuric acid with four parts of water, and adding iron scraps to , it. The iron will soon dissolve, causing a rapid evolution of hydrogen gas. After the acid has eaten up all the iron it 53 418 THE AJIERICAX DTEK. can, then the solution must be evaporated by heat until you perceive a thin skin upon the solution. Then set it away in some cool place, and in a short time there will be formed a quantit}' of green-colored crystals of sulphate of iron, and they contain about seven proportions of water ; or, in other words, these crystals contain, in 100 parts, — Sulphate of iron. Water, FeS04 54.05, H2O 45.05 = 100. When the crystals are heated to 242° F., they will part with all this water, with the exception of about ten per cent., and will lose their green color, and become white, as stated previously. Copperas is very soluble in water. Cold water dissolves one-half its own weight ; and one gallon of boiling water will dissolve thirty pounds of it. The following is the composition of copperas in 100 parts : — Engllsb. ^ Chemical ' „.„ Vermont. Pure. Pillar. Sulphuric acid, . Protoxide of iron, Peroxide of iron, Water, .... Oxide of copper, 23.29 21.83 1.18 53.04 30.54 23.49 1.28 43.18 1.51 28.77 25.89 45.34 29.14 25.74 1.07 44.05 A trace. 100. 100. 100. 100. Copperas is employed for other purposes besides use as a mordant for dyeing and calico-printing. It is used as a disin- fectant, for making ink, for the deoxidation of indigo (in the copperas-vat), in gas-purifying, in the precipitation of gold from its solutions, in the preparation of Prussian blue, in the manufacture of fuming (Nordhausen) sulphuric acid ; also for a host of other purposes. Copperas consists of one equivalent of sulphuric acid = 40, THE AMEEICAX DYER. 419 one of protoxide = 36, and seven of water = 63, makino- its prime equivalent 139, and its formula is FeCSOg-j-THO, but often written thus, SOgFe, or FeSOg. SODA, OR SODIUM CARBONATE (Na^COg). Its composition in 100 parts is 58| parts soda, 41^ parts of carbonic acid; otherwise, 58.5 soda, 41.5 carbonic acid. Soda was not distinguished from potash until near the mid- dle of the eighteenth century, when their different characters were recognized. Before that period the potash was called the vegetable and the soda the mineral alkali. In 1807, Sir H. Davy demonstrated that soda, as well as potash, was the oxide of a metal which he named sodium. The soda commonly used is derived from the three followinf^ named sources ; First. Natural or native soda. Second. From plants. Third. Chemical productions. We will notice only the second and third sources from which we obtain soda. Soda from Plants. It has been found that the ash from plants, especially such as are grown at a considerable distance from the ocean, contains a large amount of carbonate of potash ; also, that plants which grow near the seashore, and in the localities known as salt steppes, yield an ash that contains more or less soda, in the living plant combined with sulphuric and organic acids, and which, under the influence of the carbonate of lime (CaCog), is, during the ignition or burning of the plant, converted into carbonate of soda. The plants from which soda is prepared are called salsola, 420 THE AMERICAN DYEE. ati'tjylex, salicornia and keJj). The process of obtaining soda from these phints consists simply in burning them in holes or pits made in the sand near the seashore. The heat of the burn- ing plant becomes so intense that it causes the ashes to flux, so that after it becomes cold the substance will form into a hard, slag-like mass, which is termed crude soda or soda-ash, and the amount of carbonate of soda that it contains will vary from live to twenty-five per cent. From these ditierent plants, and the methods adopted to obtain the soda, we find the followinij kinds: First. The barilla from Alicante, Malaga, the Canary Islands, and the barilla soda from the Spanish coast, con- tains, on the average, from twenty to thirty per cent, of carbonate of soda. Second. Salicor, or soda from Narbonne, which is obtained by burning the plant saJicornia, this plant being cultivated purposely, and gathered when the seed has become rii)e. The soda from this plant contains about fourteen per cent, of carbonate of soda. Soda Prepared by Chemical Processes. One method of obtaining soda by chemical means is as follows : A furnace or mutfle is well heated, then eight or ten hundred pounds of salt is thrown in, to which is added oil of vitriol : the quantity of acid is regulated so as to leave from one to three per cent, undecomposed, in order to obtain a perfectly neutral sulphate. One hundred parts of salt re- quire for their complete decomposition ninety-five parts of acid, at 60° Baume=rl.7 specific gravity, or ope hundred and four parts of an acid, at 55° Baume=:l.G2 specific gravity. This mixture of salt and acid is occasionally well stirred, and after the lapse of two or three hours it will have become suificicMitly dry to rake over into an oven made of brick-work, attached to the furnace ; this oven is kept at a bright heat, in order to expel the muriatic acid gas ; it is then called sulphate of soda (NaO,SO3-hl011O). The sulphate of soda is then THE AMERICAN DYER. 421 recluced to powder, and then mixed with air equal weight of chalk, and half its weight of coal, which is well ground and sifted. This mixture is again put into a hot reverheratory furnace, and frequently stirred, until it is uniformly heated ; in an hour it will fuse; it is. then well stirred for a few minutes, and then drawn out into a cast-iron trough, where it cools and solidifies ; this is called ball soda, and contains about thirty per cent of alkali. This ball soda is usually ex- posed to the action of the air for at least five days, so that it may become more porous, and hence be more readily acted upon by the water used to separate it from the insoluble mat- ters, which is accomplished by breaking up the cake, and putting it into vats, and covering it with tepid water. In about four hours the liquor is drawn oflf at the bottom, then more Avarm water is added and drawn off again, and so on for five or six times, which extracts all the soluble matters from the cake. These wash liquors are all put together, and boiled down to a dryness that forms a salt of carbonate of soda (NaOjCOg), which contains a little caustic soda and sulphuret of sodium. To get rid of the sulphuret, they mix the salt with about one-third of its bulk of sawdust, then expose it to a low heat in another furnace for a few hours, which con- verts the caustic soda into a carbonate that carries off the sulphur. The product of this contains nearly fifty per cent, of alkali, and produces the best Soda Ash. A plan for the direct conversion of common salt into soda, and then again into soda-ash, has lou": been sought for, but never carried into practice successfully. It was found that if a concentrated solution of bicarbonate of ammo- nia is mixed with strong brine, or if we pulverize the bicar- bonate of ammonia and stir it through a concentrated solu- tion of common salt, and leave this mixture to stand, the result will be, after some hours, the bicarbonate of soda will 422 THE A^IERICAlSr DYER. be deposited in a crystalline state, and the supernatant liquor will be a solution of sal-ammoniac (NH3HCI). The first operation consists in the action of ammonia and carbonic acid upon the concentrated salt solution (or brine). To one hundred parts of water, ihirty-two parts of common salt, nine parts of ammonia, and carbonic acid in excess are added. The next step is the separation of the bicarbonate of soda, which is brought about by a centrifugal machine. The third stage is the calcination of the bicarbonate of soda, in cylindrical iron vessels, and the carbonic acid gas which is given is collected. The fourth and fifth operations are for the recovery of the carbonic acid and ammonia from the liquid that drained from the bicarbonate of soda while it was in the centrifugal ma- chine. These drainings are heated in a boiler. The efi^ect will be the escape of the ammonia and carbonic gas, which is conducted to a cylinder filled with coke, through which a cold aqueous solution of carbonate of ammonia trickles, which causes the condensation of the ammonia, the carbonic acid escaping into a gas-holder. The above plan has, however, not been successfully carried into practice. Owing to the various circumstances and methods of manu- facturing soda-ash, its percentage we find very uncertain ; it will vary from forty to fifty per cent. It is generally priced according to the percentage of alkali that it contains. We might give a method for ascertaining the percentage, but as it requires a great deal of time and trouble, and it not being very essential to woolen-dyers, for the purposes for which they use it, it is of no consequence what per cent, of alkali it contains. The methods for testing soda-ash might be of some benefit to dealers in it, but it is doubtful, to my mind, if they had the plan of testing it, whether they would ever take the trouble to perform the operation. THE AMERICAN DYER. 423 Soda-ash is soluble in twice its weight of cold water, and an equal weight of boiling water. Its composition is — Carbonic acid, ..... 15.3 Soda, 22.0 Water, 62.7 = 100 In a dry atmosphere its water of crystallization evaporates, and the salt falls into a powder ; one pound of this powder is equal in strength to two pounds of the crystals. If it is boiled with quicklime it will be deprived of its carbonic acid ; then evaporate it to dryness, and it wHl be a pure soda ; and its combining proportion with an acid is four. A solution of soda-ash, brought to the boiling point, will attain 266° Fahr. Carbonate of Soda (NajCOg). This salt is prepared by first dissolving soda-ash in water ; the clear solution is then boiled until a pellicle appears upon the surface. The liquor is then run into shallow cast-iron troughs and allowed to cool, and as it cools it crystallizes. It is allowed to stand for five or six days ; the mother-liquor is then drawn off, the crystals are drained, and then it is broken up and sent to the market. The mother-liquor is utilized by evaporating it to dryness, which makes a very impure soda-ash, containing not over thirty per cent, of alkali. This soda-ash is sold to soap-manufacturers. Crystallized Carbonate of Soda (NajCOg+lOHO). This salt is carbonate of soda, with about six per cent, of water, but it is a very pure salt. When these crystals are exposed to a dry atmosphere, they lose a portion of their water, and they will have a chalky-white appearance ; and if exposed to heat, they will melt in their water of crystalliza- tion. 424 THE AMERICAN DYEK. The composition of this soda is us follows, in one huudred parts by weight : Water, . ... . . .62.76 Carbonic acid, . . . . . 15.43 Caustic soda, 21.81 = 100 "We see by the above that more than three-fifths of their ■weight is water. The carbonate of soda sold for domestic uses is crystallized soda, deprived of its water of crystallization. Caustic Soda, or Sodium Hydroxide (XaO,HO). This substance is met with in the market as a highly con- centrated solution, or, more frequently, as a solid mass, being fused hydrate of soda, consisting, in one hundred parts, seventy-seven and one-half parts of soda and twenty-two and one-half parts of water. For a number of years a moder- ately strong solution of caustic soda was made by using caus- tic lime, with a solution of carbonate of soda. Dale was the first one to use this solution, instead of water, in hi.s boilers, and l)y this plan concentrated the lye to a specific gravity of 1.24 to 1.25 ; after which he evaporated the ]ye to a specific gravity of 1.9. At this point it solidities on cooling. At the present time caustic soda is not prepared with lime, but is prepared by simply increasing the quantity of small coal to the mixture of sulphate and chalk, the crude soda being at once lixiviated with water at 50^ Fahr. After the liquor has cleared, it is rapidly concentrated to 1.5 specific gravity, at ■which point the carbonate, sulphate, and chloride of sodium are deposited ; the liquor now assumes a brick-red color, due to the peculiar compound of double sulphuret of sodium and sulphuret of iron. The lye is next strongl}' heated in large cast-iron cauldrons ; there is then added twenty-five pounds of Chili saltpetre for every hundred pounds of caustic soda required. By this operation the nitrate of soda reacts upon THE AMERICAN DYER. 425 the sulpluiret of sodium and the cyanide of sodium present, which causes an evohition of ammouia and nitfo'»-en. In England caustic soda of a very pure character is prepared from sodium, by carefully oxidizing the metal (sodium) with pure water in bright iron or silver vessels. According to Dr. Dalton's researches, a caustic soda of the following specific gravities contains percentages of caustic- soda (NaHO) : — Speciflc Gravity. Caustic Soda (NaHO). Specific Gravity. Caustio Soda (NaHO). 2.00 77.8 1.40 29.0 1.85 63.G 1.36 26.0 1.72 53.0 1.32 23.0 1.63 46.6 1.29 19.0 1.56 41.2 1.23 16.0 1.50 86.8 1.18 13.0 1.47 3-J.O 1.12 9.0 1.44 31.0 1.06 4.7 Caustic soda is used for soap-making, paraffine, and petro- leum refining, and for the preparation of silicate of soda ; also for cotton-dyeing and calico-printing. Sulphate of Soda (NaOSOg-f-lOHO) Crystallized. Sulphate of soda, or Glauber's salt, consists, in one hun- dred parts, of 19.3 of soda, 24.7 of sulphuric acid, and 56 of water. The formula 4s, NaOSO34-10HO. The formula for the anhydrous sulphate of soda is, NaaSO^, and consists, in one hundred parts: soda, 43.6; sulphuric acid, 56.4. It is prepared by decomposing common salt (XaCl) with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) ; if prepared thus it contains about one-third its weight of salt. There are a number of methods used to prepare this sub- stance. First. The double decomposition of common salt and sul- phate of magnesia from the mother-liquor of sea-water, or of 54 426 THE AMERICAN DYER. salines, when exposed to a low temperature, either natural in water or artificially by the assistance of Carre's ice-making machine. Second. Langmaid's process of roasting sulphuret of iron or copper with common salt. Third. Calcination of kieserite or magnesian sulphate with common salt. Fourth. . As a by-product of paraffine and petroleum refin- ing. The sulphate of soda of the alkali works contains, on an average, ninety to ninety-five per cent, of the pure salt, the remainder being chiefly salt. Soda saturated with sulphuric acid makes the best sulphate of soda, and crystallizes very rapidly and easily. This salt is used more extensively in the woolen dye-house than formerly. Sulphate of soda is a colorless salt, possessing a cooling, nauseous, bitter taste, and crystallizes easily and rapidly in six-sided prisms. When it has been made but a short time it is very transparent, but by exposure to the atmosphere it eflloresces, and the crystals become covered with an opaque white powder ; by long exposure it undergoes a complete efflorescence and falls into powder, with the loss of more than half its weight. Sulphate of soda is soluble in three times its weight of cold water, and in an equal weight of boiling water, but it is insoluble in alcohol. A supersaturated solution of it will remain without crystallizing at ordinary temperatures, althouorh containing several times the 'weight of the salt that would be dissolved at the same degree of heat {Gay Lussac). But we find that the solution will instantly form into a crys- talline mass if we add to it a small piece of the crystals of the same salt, or other substance that have been exposed to the air, or upon abruptly placing it in contact with the air. M. D. Gernez appears to have proved that in each instance the cause of crystallization is the same ; namely, sulphate of soda containing ten equivalents of water, and, where the crystal itself is not added, the result is owing to sulphate of soda ex- THE AMERICAN DYER. 427 isting in the air. When sulphate of soda is subjected to heat it dissolves in its water of crystallization, then dries, and afterwards, by the application of a red heat, it melts and loses fifty-Hve and a half per cent, of its weight. Occasion- ally it contains an excess of acid or alkali, which may be detected by litmus or tumeric paper. Sulphate of soda consists of one equivalent of sulphuric acid, one of soda, and ten of water; its prime equivalent is 161.3. Thus — One equivalent of sulphuric acid is . =40.0 One equivalent of soda is . . i=31.3 Ten equivalents of water is . . =90.0:=161.3 With respect to the solubility of soda, — 100 parts of water at 176° F., dissolve 78 parts of caustic soda. " " 158° " 72 " " ♦♦ " 131° " 64 " " 90° . " 46 " " *t " 62° *' 41 '♦ " The composition of crude soda, or ball soda is, — Carbonate of soda (NAoCOg), . . . 45 Sulphuret of calcium (2CaCl2), . . 30 Caustic lime, ...... 10 Carbonate of lime (CaCOg), ... 5 Foreign substances, . . . . 10 = 100 Composition of soda containing caustic soda : Moisture, Insoluble matter, Chloride of sodium (NaCl), Sulphate of soda (NajSO^), Carbonate of soda (NajCog) Caustic soda (NaHO) 2.10 0.12 4.32 8.80 82.47 2.11 = 100.00 428 THE AMEKICAX DYER. Composition of refined soda : Moisture, 1.00 Insoluble matters, .... - Chloride of sodium (NaCl), . . 2.11 Sulphate of soda (NaoSO^), . . 1.50 Carbonate of soda (Xa^COa), . . 95.39 = 100.00 One hundred parts of water at 175^ Fahr., will dissolve seventy-five parts of soda. St ANN ATE OF SODA. This salt is now used to a large extent in cotton-dyeing and calico-printing, but not often used in wool-dyeing except in some cases as a mordant or preparation for some of the ani- line dyes, when they are required to resist the fulling or scouring process. Stannate of soda is prepared in various ways — sometimes by fusing tin-ores with caustic soda, and then lixiviating this melted mass with water, or by boiling soda-lye with litharge and metallic tin, the result being the formation of stannate of soda and metallic lead. Dr. Hoficly modifies the above process by digesting litharge with soda-lye, at about twenty-two per cent., in a metallic ves- sel ; he thus obtains a solution of plumbate of soda, into which he puts granulated or feathered tin, and applies heat. There has been presented a salt for calico-printing, under the name of stanno-arsenite of soda. It consists of a combina- tion of arsenic, soda, and protoxide of tin. Sometimes a stannite of soda is prepared by dissolving crj'stals of tin in water containing an excess of caustic soda, but this is a very unstable preparation, and is neither fit for dyeing or calico-printing. ROLLINS & ASHLEY, MANUFACTURERS OK AND BRADFORD WOOL OIL, 79 BEDFORD ST., .... BOSTON. As a substitute for Tartar, Ashley's Tartarene has no eqnal in the market. It has been thoroughly tested, and is now in successful use in many of the most iJrominent mills in the country. It is fully fifty per cent, cheaper than Tartar, one pound to one pound and a quarter being equal to two pounds of the best Half Eef'd or Gray Tartar, and from four to eight pounds Red Tartar. C^ Order a Barrel. If it does not prove to be cheaper than Tartar, it can be returned, and we will make no charge for what you use in giving it a trial. R. Pv. STREET & CO., .A. C3- E IT T S, We guarantee our Wool Oil equal to any and superior to many of the Wool Oils in the market. Will saponify as well as the best Lard Oil ; wash out of the goods easier, and leave no bad odor. No danger of spontaneous combustion where this Oil is used. ffalple Color anJ Cleiiiical Works, HENRY D. DUPEE, Proprietor, UANDFACTDRER AND IMPORTER OF DYESTUFFS & CHEMICALS, JOHN SHAW, Jr. DAVID TURPIE. OFFICE AND STORE, 79 KILBY ST., BOSTON. MEmTEM WALPOLB EXCELSIOR TANNIN. An article superior to Sumac for Aniline Mordant on Cotton. WALPOLE BLACK. WALPOLE BLUE MORDANT. WALPOLE OXYDIZING LIQUOR. A aubstitute for Bichromate Potash for Cutch Browns, &c. BLACK BURLING INKS. WALPOLE INK. For Correspondence, Copying, and Book-keeping. VANADIUM. CHLORIDE, OXIDE, AND , SULPHIDE, For Aniline Black. VANADITE OP AMMONIA, For Catechu Brown. ANILINES, ALL COLORS, At Manufacturers' prices. 49~ Samples and full information on application. WALPOLE TARTAR SUBSTITUTE. No. 1 for Scarlet ; No. 2 for Cassimeres. WALPOLB BARK LIQUORS AND EXTRACTS. WALPOLE AURANTINE AND FLA VINE. WALPOLE OXY-MURIATE OF ANTIMONY. WALPOLE NITRATE IRON. An especially pure article. WALPOLE EXTRACT SUMAC. JACQUARD BOARDS, ALL SIZES, 15c. lb. PRESS BOARDS, ALL SIZES. nr We are the pioneer makers of Extract of Sumac. Part Third. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF ELEMENTS, THEIE SYMBOLS, ETC. ; COAL-TAR COLORS; HISTORY OF COAL-TAR COLORS; RESULT OF IMPROVEMENTS, ETC. 432 THE AMERICAN DYER. TABLE OF ELExMENTS, ETC. HYDROMETERS. Baiime's and Twnddle's hydrometers are universally used in print-works, but Twaddle's is the standard in dye-houses, which is an arbitrary scale. Baume's hydrometer is com- monly used l)y apothecaries ; it is made like other hydrometers as regards the form. The one used for alcohol is graduated by loading it, until it sinks to the bottom of the stem or straight part (which is marked 0, zero), in a solution com- posed of one part of common salt and nine parts of water ; it is then put into^ water, and the place to which it sinks is marked 10° of the scale, and from this the rest of the scale is marked. For hydrometers to use for liquids which are heavier than water, it is loaded until it will sink in distilled water to the top of the stem; it is then put into a solution made of fifteen parts of salt and eighty-five parts of water, and the place to which it sinks in this solution is marked 15°, and the scale is divided off from that each wa}'. ' There are hydrometers made especially for acids, saline solutions, and for syrups. The hydrometers which are im- ported are so carelessly made that it is very difficult to find two that will agree, and little dependence is to be placed on their accuracy. The hydrometers used by physicians and apothecaries are manufactured by W. H. Pile, Philadelphia, and can be relied upon for their accuracy. The following table will show the corresponding degrees of Baume's and Twaddle's hydrometers sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. The degrees on Baume's scale are very empirical, but Twaddle's hydrometers, we find, are based upon the liquid's specific gravity. THE AMERICAN DYER. 433 In order to find the specific gravity of a fluid by Twaddle's hydrometer, we multiply the degrees given on the scale by five and add one thousand, then point off three figures as decimals ; thus, suppose nitric acid to indicate 64°, which is the average strength, we multiply by five times 64 = 320 ; now add the 1,000 = 1,320,, being the specific gravity of nitric acid at 64° strength ; and to find the degree of Twaddle cor- responding to any specific gravity, we divide the decimal part of the specific gravity ; thus the decimal part of the above specific gravity is three hundred and twenty, and five in three hundred and twenty goes sixty-four times, the degrees of Twaddle's hydrometer. Degrees Degrees Specific Degrees Degrees Specific Twaddle. Baume. Gravity Twaddle. Baume. Gravity. 1, . 1 1.007 50, . ' 29 1.252 3, . 9 1.014 52, 30 1.256 4, . 3 1.022 55,- 31 1.260 6, . 4 1.029 67, 32 1.264 7, . 5 1.036 59, 33 1.268 9, . 6 1.044 62, 34 1.309 10, . 7 1.052 64, 35 1.321 12, . 8 1.060 67, 36 1.334 13, . 9 1.067 69, 37 1.346 15, . 10 1.075 72, 38 1.359 17, . 11 1.083 • 74, 39 1.372 18, . 12 1.091 77, 40 1.384 20, . 13 1.100 80, 41 1.398 22, . 14 1.108 82, 42 1.412 23, . 15 1.116 85, 43 1.426 25, . 16 1.125 88, 44 1.440 27, . 17 1.134 91, 45 1.454 29, . 18 1.143 94, 46 1.470 30, . 19 1.152 97, 47 1.485 32, . 20 1.161 100, 48 1.501 34, . 21 1.171 103, 49 1.515 36, . 22 1.180 106, 50 1.532 38, . 23 1.190 110, 51 1.549 40, . 24 1.199 113, 52 1.566 42, . 25 1.210 117, 63 1.583 44, . 26 1.221 120, 54 1.601 46, . 27 1.231 124, 55 1.618 48, . 28 1.242 127, 66 1.637 55 434 THE AMERICAN DYER. Degrees Degrees Specific Degrees Degrees Specific Twaddle. Banme. Gravity. Twaddle. Baume. Gravity. 131, 57 1.656 : 152, 62 1.758 135, 58 1.676 1 156, 63 1.779 139, 59 1.695 ' 160, 64 1.801 143, 60 1.714 164, . 65 1.820 147, 61 1.736 ' 168, 66 1.840 THERMOMETERS. Thermometers are plentiful and cheap, but we will not give a detailed account of their manufacture. Suffice it to say, that a good thermometer is an essential instrument in the dye- house, as very often in cotton-dyeing, and frequently in woolen-dyeing, it is required to have the solutions a certain heat. The thermometers used in this country are generally those of Fahrenheit ; in Europe tha Centigrade, and some- times Reaumur's thermometer, are used to a great extent. Thermometers are generally indicated by abbreviations, as : F. or Fahr., for Fahrenheit's scale; R. or Reau., for Reau- mur's ; and C. or Cent., for Centigrade. Fahrenheit divided the two points, from the boiling of water to its freezing, into 180^ ; he called the freezing-point the thirty-second degree, for some particular reason of his own ; he, however, gave no reason for this to the world at large ; so by the taking 32°, the point where water freezes, and adding the 180° interven- ing between that and his boiling-point, we have the 212°, which is marked upon his scale as the boiling-point of water. Reaumur has divided his into 80° between the two points, from freezing to the boiling of water. The centigrade is divided into 100° between the two points, from the freezing to the boiling point, the freezing-point being marked 0, the boiling-point 100°. In studying or reading works upon dye- ing, where temperature is referred to in the processes or recipes, attention should be paid to what scale of thermometer THE AI^IERICAl^^ DYER. 435 is referred to. The degrees of one can be converted into the other, by a very simple rule. For instance, we wish to con- vert the centigrade scale to the Fahrenheit. Suppose a liquid indicates 80° centigrade, we multiply 80 by 9=720, this divided by 5=124; now we add 32, making it 156 degrees Fahrenheit. To convert Reaumur to Fahrenheit, multiply the degree given by 9, divide by 4, and add 32, as in the above example. Any degree of the centigrade scale, multiplied by 4, and divided by 5, will give the corresponding degree of Reau- mur, and conversely ; and the degree of Reaumur, multiplied by 5, and divided by 4, will give the corresponding degree of centigrade. The following table will show the corresponding degree of Fahrenheit to degrees on the centigrade scale, so that the comparative value of the two scales, will be easy for the dyer to ascertain and guide him in the use of either one of them : — Cent Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. 0, . . 32 21, . . 69.8 42, 107.6 1, 33.8 22, 71.6 43, 109.4 2, 35.6 23, 73.4 44, 111.2 3, 37.4 24, 75.2 45, 113 4, 39.2 25, 77 46, 114.8 6, 41 26, 78.8 47, 116.6 6, 42.8 27, 80.6 48, 118.4 7, 44.6 28, 82.4 49, 120.2 8, 46.4 29, 84.2 50, 122 9, 48.2 30, 86 51, 123.8 10, 50 31, 87.8 52, 125.6 11, 51.8 32, 89.6 53, 127.4 12, 53.6 33, 91.4 54, 129.2 13, 55.4 34, 93.2 55, 131 14, 57.2 35, 95 56, 132.8 15, 59 36, 96.8 57, 131.6 16, 60.8 37, 98.6 58, 136.4 1", 62.6 38, 100.4 59, 138.2 18, 64.4 39, 102.2 60, . 140 19, 66.2 40, 104 61, . 141.8 20, 68 41, A. 105.8 62, . 143.6 436 THE AMERICAN DYER. Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. Cent Fahr. 63, U5.4 76, . 168.8 89, . . 192.2 64, 147.2 77, . 170.6 90, . 194 Co, 149 78, . . 172.4 91, . . 195.8 66, 150.8 79, 174.2 92, . 197.6 67, 152.6 1 80, 176 93, . 199.4 68, 154.4 j 81, 177.8 94, . . 201.2 69, 156.2 82, 179.6 95, . 203 70, 158 1 83, 181.4 96, 204.8 71, 159.8 84, . 183.2 97, . 206.6 72, 161.6 85, 185 98, 208.4 73, 163.4 86, . 186.8 99, . 210.2 74, 165.2 87, . . 188.6 100, . 212 75, 167 88, 19U.4 ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF ELEMENTS — THEIR SYMBOLS AND PRIME EQUIVALENTS. This table includes all of the elements, although many of them are not used in the art of dyeing; excluding aridium and donarium, which have not yet maintained their claim as being distinct metals. By modern chemists the elements are designated by letters, which are called symhols. The initial letter of the name is the symbol, whenever it is distinctive ; but when several elements have names beginning with the same letter, the plan adopted is to represent one of them by the initial letter, and the rest by the initial letter with some other associated with it. Thus C stands for carbon, Cu for copper, CI for chlorine, Ca for calcium, Cr for chromium, Cd for cadmium, Co for cobalt, &c. The use of these syml)ols saves time and space in designating the composition of compounds. Where a sin- gle equivalent is intended to be given, the symbol of the element is only given ; but when two or more equivalents are to be represented, the symbol has the number of the equiva- lents placed before the symbol. Thus O means one equiva- lent of oxygen, 30 means three equivalents of oxygen, and THE AMERTCA?^" DYER. ^37 SO on. The number of equivalents is now generally denoted by a depressed figure following the symbol ; thus, N2O means two equivalents of nitrogen and one of ox3'gen. Sometimes there are two or more proportions of a compound com])iued with another compound ; in that case, it is represented by placing the figure before the compound to be multiplied, and a comma or a -j- at the end. Thus, SSO^jFe. The figure 3 applies to all,between it and the comma, meaning three equiv- alents of sulphuric acid and one equivalent of iron. The sign + is now generally used, instead of the comma. Thus, SSOg+Fe. The symbols given are those of Berzelius, and should not be varied from, for fear of destroying their useful- ness, by creating confusion. As it is of great importance that these symbols should be understood by the young dyer, as well as by the older ones, we will give a few of the combinations, with their explanations, thus : NO5 = concentrated nitric acid. H0,N05 = monohydrated nitric acid (nitrate of water), or the commercial or common nitric acid. SO3 = sulphuric acid. HOjSOo = monohydrate (sulphate of water, the common oil of vitriol). HO,2S03 =z Nordhausen, or the concentrated oil of vitriol. Or thus : SO3 =1 one equivalent of sulphur, and three equivalents of oxygen, is sulphuric acid. HOjNOj = one equivalent of water, one of nitrogen, and five of oxygen, is common nitric acid. HO,2S03 = one equivalent of water, and two of sulphuric acid, is concentrated oil of vitriol. S03FeO + 5H0 = sulphuric acid, oxide of iron, and water, — copperas. Some chemists write it thus : FeO,S03 + 5H0 ; but according to Berzelius, it is FeO,S03 + THO. 438 THE AMERICAN DYER. " To make up the equivalent weight of any compound from symbols, we have simpl}' to multiply the elements given according to the table. Thus, suppose we take the sulphuric acid, and two parts of water (SO32HO), which is strong vitriol, we have — Eqairalent weight. One of sulphur, ...... ^16 Three of oxygen, 8 X 3 = 24 Two of water, 1 of hydrogen, and 8 of oxygen,' 9 X 2 = 18 58 which is the proportion or weight of sulphuric acid of the strength which would be required to combine with any other element, suppose iron, which is twenty-eight; therefore, it would require fully twice the weight of sulphuric acid of this strength to that of a piece of iron, to dissolve it." The formula of common alum will serve us as an illustra- tion of the symbols and equivalunts — AIA.3SO3 -I- KCSOs + 24HO. This is in accordance with Berzelius, but it has become gen- eral to write alum thus : SOsjAla = sulphate of alumina, or alumina sulphate =Al,S03. Table of Elements. Xame of Element. Symbol. Prime Equivalent. Najie of Element. Symbol. Prime Equivalent. Aluminum, Al 13.7 i Beryllium, Be 4.7 Antimony (stibi- um), Sb 122. ^ Cadmium, ■ Calcium, Cd Ca 55.8 20. Arsenic, As 75. ! Carbon, C 6. Barium, Ba 68.7 1 Cerium, Ce 46. Bismuth, . Bi 210. ' Chlorine, CI 35.7 Bromine, . Br 78.4 i Chromium Cr 26.3 Boron, B 10.9 Cobalt, 1 1 ^° ' 29.5 THE AMERICAN DYER. 439 Table of Elemknts. — Continued. Prime * Prime Nauii: of Element. Symbol. EijuivnU'iit. Name of Element. Symbol. K(|Uivulcnt. Cojipor, Cu 31.7 Pelopium, . Pe ? Coiunihimn Phosphorus, P 32. (Taiit:ilum*), . Ta 185. Platinum, . Pt 98.9 Didvniiiiiu, Di 47.5 Potassium (Ka- Erbium, E 56.3 lium), . K 39.2 Flouriue, . Fl 18.7 Rhodium, . R 62.2 Glucinium, G 7. Ruthenium, Ru 52.2 Gold (aurum), . Au 199. Ruljidium,. Rb 85.4 Hydrogen, . II 1. Selenium, . Se 40. Ilmenium, . 11 60.2 Silicon (silicium). Si 21.3 Indium, In 74. Silver (argent- Iodine, I 126.3 um). Ag 108. Iridium, Ir 98.8 Sodium (natri- Iron (t'orrum), . Fe 28. um). Na 23.3 Lanthaiiium, La 44.3 Strontium, Sr 43.8 Ledd (plum- Sulphur, . S 16. bum). Pb 103.6 Tantalum (Ca- Lithium, L 7. luml)ium). Ta 185. Magnesium, Mg 12. Tellurium, Te 64. Manganese, Mn 27.7 Terbium, . Tb ? Mercury (hydrar- Thallium, . Tl 204. gyum), . Hg 200. . Thorium, . Th 69.6 Molybdenum, . Mo 48. Tin (stannum), Sn 59. Nickel, Ni 29.5 Titanium, . Ti 25. Niobium,! . Nb 94. Tungsten (Wol- Nitrogen framium). W 92. (azote), . N 14. Uranium, . U 60. Norium, No ? Vanadium, V 51.2 Osmium, . Os 99.7 Yttrium, . Y 38.85 Oxygen, 8. Zinc, . Zn 30.85 Palladium, . Pd 53.3 Zirconium, Zr 33.6 '* According to II. M. Rose, the coluuibinm of Hatchett, and tlie tautaluiii of Ekelter^, are distinct metals. t Niobuiu and j)elopinni were alleged to exist in the Bavarian and North American eolnnibites. Bnt H. M. Rose has announced that thej' are tlie same, and iir()i>()se8 to retain the name niobium. It is not contended that the pecu- liar metal of the cobunbites is different from that discovered in I'SOl by Hatchett ; therefore, as justly remarked bj-^ Prof. A. Connell of St. Andrews, it shonhl be called columbiitm, the name given it by its discoverer, and the name niobium should be abandoned. 440 THE AMERICAN DYER. These are all the elements known to chemists at the present time, and alf the varieties in which we find matter presenting itself to ns, whether in the animal, the vegetable, or the min- eral kingdom, are made up of one, or an admixture of two or more of these elements. "We find that when two or more of these elements com- bine, the union alwa3's takes place in definite proportions, and that these proportions are expressed by figures placed opposite to the names in the table. "For example, if we should mix together one ounce of hydrogen, and one ounce of oxygen, and bring them under circumstances to cause com- bination, it is found that the one ounce of oxygen has com- bined with an eighth part of the hydrogen, and that other seven ounces of oxygen are required to combine with the whole of the hydrogen. Their combining properties are there- fore set down as one to eight. This holds good for all of the elements, so that the union is alwa^^s definite and distinct." " One element, however, is often found to combine with another in a greater number of proportions than one to one. Thus, suppose nitrogen — which, according to the table of elements, has a combining weight of fourteen — combines with oxygen in proportions as follows : One nitrogen==14 to one oxygeu=8. One nitrogen=14 to two oxygen=16, two times 8. One nitrogen=14 to three oxygen^24, three times 8. One nitrogeu^l4 to four oxygen=32, four times 8. One uitrogen==14 to five oxygen=40, five times 8." "Thus, we observe, that the proportion of oxygen is always eight, or a multiple of eight; so it is with nitrogen, always fourteen, or twice fourteen, and so on to any number of mul- tiples of fourteen. The same rule holds good with every element in the table ; they combine only according to the number followina: the name." "But when they thus combine in different and distinct quan- THE AMERICAN DYER. 441 titles, the compounds formcrl are also distinct and definite. Thus, one proportion of nitrogen and one of oxygen is luun^h- ing-gas ; and it is so at ail times and under all circumstances, and can be nothing else. But when two of oxygen combine to one of nitrogeni, a different substance is formed from lauarh- ing-gas, also distinct and definite from every other proportion in which the elements unite. The first and last of the above list is an apt illustration — the former being laughing-gas, the latter aquafortis, or nitric acid." "The letters placed immediately after the names of the ele- ments are the symbols commonly used to represent the respec- tive elements, and to facilitate the expression of the com- pounds into which they enter. Thus, to represent laughing- gas, we write NO, which means one of nitrogen and one of oxygen. The symbol always represents the weight of the jJroportwn, as given in the table, and the figures which are attached show how often that proportion is repeated." The formula for sulphuric acid is SO3, which means one of sulphur and three of oxygen, the figure being placed after the symbol which is multiplied. To find the equivalent of any formula, we will take nitric acid as an example : NO5, which means one of nitrogen=fourteen, and five of oxygen=forty ; ox3'gen l)eing eight, and there being five proportions of it, we say five times eight are forty, to which we add the one pro- portion of nitrogen, that being fourteen; so fourteen and forty make fifty-four, that being the prime equivalent of nitric acid. It will be seen, by looking over the table of elements, that there arc a number of substances there named which a great many of us have never heard of; that. is, that have never been defined. There are in the table a number of elements of which little is known, except the fact of their existence in certain compounds, they having been seen only by the discov- erers and a few friends, and are as yet so rare, and found in such small quantities, that, at the present time, their applica- 56 442 THE AMERICAN DYER. tion to any of the common branches of manufactures is not thought of.' COAL-TAR COLORS. Coal-tar is a substance obtained as a ])y-procluct of the dry distillation of coal for the purpose of manufocturing illumi- nating gas, and is a complex mixture of a large number of substances, such as fluid and solid hydrocarbon, called ben- zole, toluol, cumol, cymol, anthracene, and naphthaline. The acids contained in coal-tar are, the carbolic or phenylic, cres- ylic, phlorylic, and rosolic. The bases are aniline, chinoline, odorin, picoline, toluidine, coridine, &c. If we leave the small amount of basic substances that the tar contains, we find that it consists of the following substances in one hundred parts of the coal-tar ; • Benzole, Naphtha, Napthaline, . Anthraciue, . Carbolic acid, Pitch, 1.5 35.0 22.0 1.0 9.0 31.5 = 100. By the distillation of coal-tar, there is obtained two kinds of oil — the light, and the heavy or dead oil ; one is lighter, and the other heavier, than water. The light oil is separated into crude naphtha, which contains the benzole or benzine, toluol, &c. The heavy oil is used for making carbolic acid. This heavy or dead oil, is rich with naphthaline. This crude naphthaline can be purified by pressing out the fluid hydro- carbons, which contaminate it, and then subliming it with the addition of sand and lime, which will retain the impurities. The purified naphthaline is in the form of white and pearl- THE AMERICAN DYER. 443 colored scales, and has to be submitted to u number of opera- tions to transform it into several dyes. The acid substances contained in the coal-tar are removed by the caustic solutions of soda and potash, the basic sub- stances by weak sulphuric or muriatic acid ; the benzoic, toluol, naphthaline, &c., are separated by fractional distilla- tion. The most useful of the substances contained in coal-tar for the manufacturing of coal-tar colors, or aniline, are the ben- zole, toluol, naphthaline, and carbolic acid ; the other sub- stances are found mixed with the above, but their action is little known, comparatively speaking. Benzole, chemically speaking, is a fluid hydrocarbon, and was discovered by Fara- day (in 1825) among the products of the dry distillation of oil, in the liquid resulting from the strongly compressed oil- gas. Mitscherlich, in 1833, obtained it by the distillation of benzoate of lime. Leigh, at Manchester, Eng., in 1842, first discovered benzole in coal-tar ; and to Mansfield are we in- debted for the method of separating benzole from tar by a process which is available on a large scale. Benzole is sold to the aniline manufacturers at a certain specified percentage of benzole (CgHe) ; for instance, benzole at thirty or forty per cent, contains, by bulk or weight, as may be agreed upon, the above percentage of benzole, the rest being sixty or seventy per cent, toluol and oxylol, forming a fluid which is suitable for manufacturing aniline red ; but fur mak- ing aniline blue or black, it requires a fluid containing nearly ninety per cent, of benzole. The boiling-point of benzole used for making the different aniline-dyes varies from 90° to 125° Fahr., and the specific gravity varies from 85 to 89. H. Caro, A. and K. Clemm, and F. Englehorn have suggested that, instead of manufacturing benzole from coal-tar, it should be extracted from coal-gas by causing this to be passed slowly through tar-oils, which have a higher boiling-point than ben- zole or toluol, &c., and to extract, by distillation, the benzole, 444 THE AMERICAX DYER. &c., from these heavy oils after they have become saturated. The heavy oils can serve the same purpose again. And as regards the depreciation of the ilhiniinating power of the gas, caused hy the extraction of the hydrocarbons, benzole, &c., which were present in the gas as vapors, these gentlemen sug- gest the saturation of the gas with benzaline (petroleum oil). The first operation in the manufacture of aniline-dyes is the transforming of the mixture of benzole and toluol into nitro- benzole and nitro-toluol, by the action of nitric and sulphuric acids ; the mixture of the acids being two parts of nitric acid at 40° Baume, — specific gravity, 1.384; and one part of concentrated sulphuric acid, — specific gravity, 1.848; the operation being carried on in closed vessels similar to those used for making aniline. The upper part of the apparatus is fitted with a tube, for the purpose of conveying the nitrous- acid fumes to a chimney, and there is an S-shaped tube con- necting the apparatus to the tank that contains the acid mix- ture. The amount of benzole which is intended to be nitrated is put into the apparatus at one time ; the mixed acids are poured gradually into the benzole, and the re-action aided by ai stirring-machine. Any benzole which is volatilized by the heat caused by the re-action, is condensed by an apparatus connected to the re-action vessel, and is thus saved. When the re-action has ceased, it is known by the liquid becoming colorless and its being separated into two distinct strata by the addition of water. The nitro-benzole and nitro-toluol thus produced are separated from the acid by washing in water, to which has been added carbonate of soda ; this forms the com- mercial nitro-benzole or nitro-benzine. On E. Kopp's suggestion, nitro-benzole is now manufactured by the aid of a mixture of nitrate of soda and sulphuric acid. " One hundred kilos of benzole yield one hundred antl thirty- five to one hundred and forty kilos of nitro-benzole." There are three different kinds of nitro-benzole, viz. : — THE AMERICAN DYER. 445 " The light nitro-benzole, boiling at 210°. This kiiul is used in perfumery and soap-making in very large (quantities, and is called essence de mirhane and oil of bitter ahiionds, and has a speciHc gravity of 1.20 (=24° B.)" "Second. Heavy nitro-benzole, boiling between 210° and 220°, possessing a peculiar fatty smell. It is not used in per- fumery, but chiefly for the preparation of aniline-red ; speci- fic gravity, 1.19 ( = 28° B.)" "Third. Very heavy nitro-benzole, boiling between 222° and 235° ; specific gravity, 1.1()7 (=58° B.) ; this kind has a disagreeable odor, and is chiefly used for the preparation of aniline, intended for making aniline-blue." After converting the coal-tar into nitro-benzole and nitro- toluol, the next operation consists in deoxidizing these sub- stances by replacing their oxygen, with a certain amount of hydrogen. This reduction is etfected by various processes, — by sulphide of ammonium and by nascent hydrogen. Although sulphuretted hydrogen will completely reduce nitro-benzole to aniline, those manufiicturing aniline upon a large scale prefer to use Becharap's method, it being found the most advanta- geous in practice ; that method being the mixture of one part of nitro-benzole with one part of acetic acid, to which is added one and one-half parts of iron-turnings. The apparatus used for this operation was devised by Nicholson, being a cast-iron cylinder furnished with a stirring apparatus and a condenser. Afterthe iron, acid and nitro-benzole are placed in the cylinder, heat is applied and the whole is distilled, except the ])eroxide of iron, which remains in the cylinder or retort. The sub- stance that boils over through a tube into a vessel for that purpose is the crude aniline. This is mixed with lime or soda and re-distilled, care being taken to collect only that which comes over at 180° ; but there is a product that comes over at between 210° and 220°, that is very suitable for mak- ing aniline-blue. The aniline oil thus obtained is a brown- colored liquid, heavier than water, and pure enough for mak- 446 THE AMERICAN DYER. ing the aniline-colors. The pure aniline has a specific gravity of 1.020, and boils at 360° Fahr. ; it emits vapors at the com- mon temperature of the atmosphere, and when burning gives oft' a large, smoky flame. It is slightly soluble in water, its solvents being ether and alcohol ; it will form salts with acids. According to the researches of Brimmeyer, the acetic acid is not necessary, and a very good result may be obtained by mixing sixty parts of iron with two to two and a half per cent, of muriatic acid, and then pouring it upon the nitro- benzole, leaving it in the retort for three or four days before distilling off" the aniline-oil. In the aniline works of Paris nitro-benzole is reduced to aniline by the aid of iron-filings, which have been coated with copper by being immersed a solution of sulphate of copper. The composition of aniline oil, essentially a mixture of aniline and toluidine, depends upon the benzole and nitro-ben- zole used in making the oil. The aniline oil that boils between 180° and 190° (and has a specific gravity of 1.014 or 1.021, and 2° to 3° B.) is prepared from nitro-benzole, which boils between 210° and 220°, and the aniline it yields is chiefly used for making aniline-red or fuchsine, while for making ani- line-blue a very heavy nitro-benzole is used, and for aniline- violet, a nitro-benzole which boils at 210° or 225°. The table below shows the boiling-point of the substances which have been mentioned : " Benzole, 80°, Nitro-toluol, 225° Toluol, 108°, Aniline, 182° Nitro-benzole, 213°, Toluidine, 198° " The aniline oil is used for making what is called the aniline colors, such as aniline-red, aniline-blue, aniline-violet, aniline- green, aniline-yellow, aniline-orange, aniline-brown, aniline- black, &c. The aniline-red, known as fuchsine, azaleine, mauve, sol- ferino, roseine, tyraline, &c., is the combination of a base THE AMERICAN DYER. 447 which Dr. A. W. Hoffraunii has named rosaniline, with an acid, which is usually either muriatic or acetic acid. The base rosaniline is a colorless substance, but its readily crystallizing salts are colored. The composition of this base may be expressed by the formula, C2oHi,jNyH,0, and is formed by the combination of two atoms of toluidine with one atom of aniline. One hundred parts of aniline oil will yield twenty-five to thirty-three parts of crystalline fuchsine. Although there is great danger in using arsenic acid, and great difficulty in disposing of the poisonous residues left by this method of preparing fuchsine, yet a large majority of fuchsine manufacturers use the arsenic method in preference to the other methods of obtaining it from the oil. According to Girard and De Laire's method, one hundred weight of aniline oil and two hundred of hydrate of arsenic acid, at 60^ B. (^specific gravit}' 1.71), are heated after being mixed, for five or six hours, at a temperature which should not be above 190° or 200°. The red fumed mass which is formed by this operation is broken up into small lumps, and then boiled with water. When the mass is all dissolved, it is filtered through felt bags, and then poured into tanks, for the purpose of obtaining the crystals. After remaining in these tanks three or four days, the mother-liquor (a very poisonous liquid) which covers the crystals, is run off into water-tight tanks made of stone and coated with asphalt, and to precipi- tate from this mother-liquor the arsenic and arsenious acids, there is a mixture of chalk and lime added ; the precipitate formed is employed for making the various arsenical prepara- tions. (The fuchsine made as above is known as rubine.) The crystalline mass is purified by the operation of re-crystal- lization. In France the fused mass is dissolved in muriatic acid and water, and then neutralized with soda. The fuchsine by this process is obtained in a crystalline cake, and is again dissolved by being boiled in water, and the solution is allowed to 448 * TIIE AMERICAN DYER. crystallize. Fuchsine obtained l)y this method always contains arsenic. The salts of rosaniline, such as hydrochlorate of rosanillne, acetate of rosaniline, and the nitrate of rosaniline, l)y reflected light, have a green golden color, and by a remitted light, a red color. These salts, when dissolved in alcohol or water, exhibit a very beautiful carmine-red color, and their coloring powers are exceedingly high. Fuchsine is the basis of a greater part of the other aniline colors. The researches of Dr. Hofi'mann, Girard, and De Laire, have given us much light upon the composition of aniline colors ; yet there is not at the present day a correct theory of these colors ; that is, a theory that will answer all cases, or explain satisfactorily all of the transformations. These are the opin- ions now held by some of our most eminent chemists : firsts that aniline or toluidine alone does not produce colors, while their admixture will; second, aniline or toluidine will both of them give colors ; third, toluidine alone is the true source of the colors, but it requires the aid of aniline oil to produce them. Aniline Violet. This is known as aniline purple, violine, raauveine, and was discovered by Dr. "VV. H. Perkins, in 1856, and is manufact- ured by the action of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid. It is also prepared by other re-actions, such as a salt of aniline with hydrochlorite of lime, with peroxide of man- ganese, and with peroxide of lead. These two last-named substances are used along with sulphuric acid, by treating aniline oil with chlorine ; also, with chloride of copper ; but Dr. Perkins's method with bichromate and sulphuric acid, is now generally used. The base of the violet obtained by his method is called mauveiue ; formula (C2jH.^4N). The violet imperial, which was obtained by Girard and De Laire, by the action of chromate of potash upon a mixture of hydro-chlorate of rosaniline and aniline oil, heated to 180°, THE AMERICAN DYER. 449 diffors essentially from the product mauveine, named jihove, and another violet is ohtained, according to Nicholson's pi-ocess of heating fiichsine to 200° or 215°, at which temperature the fuchsine melts, evolves ammonia, and the violet is i)roduced. When a salt of rosaniline is heated with an excess of aniline oil, there are formed violet i)igment8, such as red violet, blue violet. Hoffmann classities them thus : — "The rod violet is monophenyl-rosaniline. The blue violet is diphenyl-rosaniline." The latter substance yields, on being further hented, tri- phenyl-rosaniline or aniline blue. The formulas of these sub- stances, according to Hoffmann, are — "Rosaniline red (CgoH^iNaO). Monophrenyl-rosaniline (red violet — C2oH2o,CgH5,X30). Diphenyl-rosaniline (blue violet — CgoHigjCgHg.jNgO). Triphenyl-rosaniline (blue — C2oHig,C6H5,3N30)." The violet de Paris, which was introduced by Poirrier and Chappat, is produced by the action of chloride of tin (muri- ate of tin), and similar compounds upon the ethyl or methyl aniline. Blues can be produced from these violets by washing them in muriatic acid a number of times, which dissolves what ani- line oil and fuchsine remain undecompbsed. Aniline violets generally contain some red, and the blues some violet shades in them. Aniline Blue. This color, which is also known by the name of azuline and azurine, was first discovered by De Laire and Girard, in 1861, by heating a mixture of fuchsine and aniline oil together for a few hours, and then treating the product of this re-action with muriatic acid, and the result is the blue dye known as bleu de Paris, or bleu de Lyons, and is a copper-colored, shining sub- 57 450 THE AMERICAN DYER. stance, niul does not give a green or yellow appearance when viewed by a reflected light, as the fuchsine and aniline violet do. In order to pnrify the aniline blue, it is Hrst di!?solved in concentrated sulphuric acid, and the mixture heated to 150° for two hours; water is then added to the solution, which causes the blue to precipitate in a modified and soluble form, which is then called soluble blue, or hhu soluble. The conver- sion of fuchsine, by heating with aniline oil, into the aniline blue (as stated above), is elucidated by the following formula, according to Dr. Hoifmann — "C2oH,,N3ClH + 3CeH,N = QoH,«,CeH„3N3HCl + 3NH3. Rosauiliiie salt. Aniliue. Auiliiio blue. Ammonia." "The aniline blue thiis prepared is rosaniline (C6H42C7HgH3 + N3), in which three atoms of basic hydrogen have been substituted for three atoms of phenyl (CgH^) ; or, in other words, this aniline blue is triphenyl-rosauiliue, the hydrochlo- i-ate of which is CggHgaNgCl." Aniline Green. We are acquainted with but two kinds of this oolor, the aldehyde green, and the iodine. The first, also called cmer- aldine, was discovered by Cherpin, chemist at the aniline works in Saint Ouen, in 1863, and is made by treating a sul- phuric-acid solution of the sulphate of rosaniline with alde- hyde. By heating this mixture with great care, there will be a deep green pigment obtained, which .contains sulphur. When it is used for coloring, hyposulphite of soda is added to it, then boiled until all is dissolved, before immersingthe wool or fabric. This is used more for silk-dyeing than for wool or cotton. Sulphuret of ammonium, or sulphuretted hydrogen, can be used in place of the hydrosulphite of soda. This aniline green is very beautiful when viewed by artificial light. The iodine green is manufactured by the following process : One part of acetate of rosaniline, two parts of iodine of methyl, and two parts of methylic alcohol are mixed together, THE AMEKICAX DYER. 451 and heat applied for several hours, under a high pressure. When the operation is completed, the result is a mixture of green and violet substances, dissolved in the alcohol. The volatile substances having been driven off by the operation of distilling, the mixture of pigments is next put- into l)oiling water, in which the green is completely dissolved, but the violet pigment will remain insoluble. The green is now pre- cipitated by a saturated solution of picric acid in cold water. This precipitate (called picrate of iodine green) is collected upon a filter, and then quickly washed with water, and, when partly dried, is brought into the market as a paste. A crystalline iodine, w^hich is free from picric acid, has this formula-C,,H33N30l2. To })rint cotton goods with this aniline, the first process is to prepare or mordant the cloth with chlorate of potash, then mix nine pounds of starch and one and a half pounds chlorate of potash together, and when perfectly cold add four and a half pounds of the aniline. After the goods are printed, they are placed in the ageing-rof)m, where after a few hours, a bright green will appear ; the cloth is then washed oft". Should the printed goods be run through a solution of bichromate of potash, the green color would be transformed into a dark indigo blue, caused by a further oxidation of the green color. Soap or alkalies will turn this green into a blue, but by im- mersing the goods in an acidulated bath, the green color is restored to its primitive shade again. Aniline Yellow. This color is known also as phospine, victoria orange, and chrysaniline yellow. The last named is the secondary product, from the manufacture of aniline red or fuchsine, and is used for dyeing, combined with acetic and muriatic acid. Chrysan- iline colors wool and silk a most brilliant yellow. Chrysani- line was extracted by Nicholson, from a resynous substance found in aniline oil, as a brilliant yellow-colored pigment, and he called it one of the bases of rosaniline. 452 THE AMERICAN DYEK. Schiff obtained aniline yellow, by the action of hydrated oxide of tin upon aniline. M. Vogel obtained a yellow pig- ment, by the action of nitrous acid upon an alcoholic solution of rosaniline. The formula of aniline 3'ellow is CjoHigNaOg. Aniline Black. A deep aniline green, which was formed by the oxidizing agent's use upon aniline oil, was first observed by Dr. J. Von Fritzshce, as early as 1842. It was formerly prepared from residues left after the preparation of aniline violet with bi- chromate of potash ; but now aniline black is obtained by the action of chlorate of copper and chlorate of potash upon hydrochlorate of aniline (fuchsine), as is recommended by Lightfoot, who discovered the process. The advantage of his process is, that the dye or the paste for printing will not cor- rode the steel parts of the printing-machine, and that it will absorb enough oxygen to transform it into a sulphate of ani- line. It has been proved, however, by Cordillot, that the chlo- rate of potash and copper can be replaced by ferrieyanide of ammonium. The black made by this process has to be printed upon the fabric. Recently, the so-called Peterson's black has been obtained, its most valuable principle or property being that it is a ready-made l)lack ; and to fully develop it, it requires a slight oxidation. This aniline black is a black fluid mass of hydro- chlorate gf aniline and acetate of copper. It is mixed with thickening composed of either starch, dextrine, or gum ara- ble, and then printed upon the yarn or cloth. After printing it has to be oxidized by exposing the fabric to the atmos- phere ; the oxidation can be rendered more quickly by plac- ing the fabric in a room, with a temperature of about 45°. The color will appear at its true shade after washing. Care Avill have to be taken that the fabric is dried directly after THE AMERICAN DYER. 453 printing, as, if the cloth is left and folded up, there is danger of spontaneous combustion. Aniline black, as yet, has not been prepared so as to be a permanent color on wool or woolen fabrics, but the time is not distant when some method will be discovered, so as to make it as permanent a color on wool as any of the other aniline dyes. Aniline brown, or Habana brown, is made, according to De Laire, by heating aniline blue or aniline violet with fuch- sine at 140°, until the mixture is of a brown color. The brown obtained in this manner is very soluble in water. The Bismarck brown, so called, is obtained by fusing fuch- siue wnth dry aniline oil at a temperature of 450°. The oper- ation is complete when vapors of a yellow color make their appearance, as the mass is suddenly transformed into brown when these vapors appear. This brown is also soluble in "water. Until within the last ten years, anilines were not soluble in water ; and at the present time we receive them as soluble in water and soluble in alcohol. CARBOLIC ACID COLORS. In distilling coal-tar for the purpose of obtaining aniline, we have mentioned that there were two. kinds of oil obtained, designated by the names of light and heavy oils, and that from the light oils benzole was obtained. Carbolic acid is prepared from the heavy oil, which boils over at 170° to 200°, during the manufacturing of benzole, toluol, &c., from tar. It is called phylicacid, phenol by some chemists, and others call it phenic acid, which appears to be the most correct term, for this reason : If aniline is an amide of the radical phenyl, and is often called phenylamine, phenic acid must be closely related to it, being an oxide of phenyl, and aniline being 454 THE AMERICAX DYER. already found formed in coal-tar, proceeds from the re-action of phenic acid upon ammonia, which is always produced by the decomposition of bituminous coal, and this re-action takes place by pressure, or by an elevation of temperature, or by both of these ; and if so, the formula is — NH,0 + Ci^H^O = Q.H.N + 2H0 Ammouia. Plieuic Acid. Aniliuc. Water. For these reasons we prefer the name of phenic acid to carbolic, although in the trade carbolic acid is the only name used for this substance. Carbolic acid, as manufactured by Calvert & Co., C. Lowe & Co., as well as by other eminent firms, is a crystalline mass, which will become slightly red-colored by being exposed to the air. It fuses at about 35°, and boils at 188°. Carbolic acid is made by treating the heavy oils of tar with alkalies. Carbolic acid is soluble in thirty-three parts of water. Cal- vert's carbolic acid, such as is used for manufacturing the so- called carbolic acid colors, is prepared by cooling a mixture of the Laurent acid in water. At 4° a hydrate of carbolic acid is separated, and by elimination of water it will become pure carbolic acid, and will fuse at 41°. Carbolic acid is largely used, in its several degrees of purity, for such purposes as an antiseptic, disinfectant, <&;c. ; yet more than one-half of all that is manufactured is used for obtaining such pigments and dyeing-materials as the following: 1. Picric acid. 2. Phe- nyl brown. 3. Grenat soluble. 4. Corraline. 5. Azuline. Picric Acid. This substance is also known as carbazotic acid or trinitro- phenylic acid, and its formula is C6H3,N0.2,30 ; Berzelius Ci.;,H._,3No^,0-}-nO. Picric acid is obtained l)y the oxidation of carbolic acid by nitric acid. It is a yellow, crystallized substance, which is readily dissolved in hot water, but difficult in cold water ; it is also soluble in alcohol. It is used for dye- THE AMERICAN DYER. 455 ing silk and wool yellow ; also for green with iodine-green crystals, and for green with suli)hate of iiuligo. (See recipes for greens.) In France there are over one hnndred tons man- ufactnred annually, but the greater part of it is used for making picrate gunpowder, or the powder used for the needle- gun. For dyeing purposes it has been the practice to use the soda-salt of this acid, under the name of picric acid or aniline yellow, instead of using the pure (or non-explosive) picric acid, and by so doing it has given rise to some very serious accidents in some of the d3e-h()uses in England. When picric acid was first prepared, it was obtained by mix- ing fine i)ulverized indigo with nitric acid (the acid first being diluted with seven or eight times its weight of water) ; a gen- tle heat was then applied to the mixture, which dissolved the indigo with effervescence, forming a yellow-colored liquid. This was allowed to stand for a short time ; it was then de- canted from any resinous matter formed during the operation ; then it was concentrated by evaporation, depositing a quantity of yellowish-white crystals of a sourish-bitter taste, and re- quiring nearly one hundred parts of cold water to dissolve them. This at the time was called indigotic acid, but now called anilic acid, from the name of a plant that yields indigo anil. This acid will combine with all known bases, forming gener- ally yellow-colored salts, and gives a blood-red color to any solution of the per-salts of iron. If indigo is added to concentrated nitric acid, and heat applied to it, the indigo is quickly dissolved, and at the same time a large amount of nitrous fjas evolved. When the liquid has become cold, a great amount of semi-transparent yellow crystals are formed, which have a bitter taste. These crystals were formerly called carbazotic acid, but now called picric acid. To procure picric acid in a pure state, the crystals that are obtained by the above acid are washed in cold water; then boiled in enough water to dissolve them ; the liquid is then filtered and allowed to cool, when it will again crystallize in brilliant yellow prisms. This acid 4:5G THE AMERICAX DYER. can also be obtained by the action of nitric acitl upon anilic acid. At the present time picric acid is not obtained by any of the above methods, being now obtained from carbolic acid only. This picric acid, made from carbolic acid, readily crys- tallizes, and will explode when heated. It is poisonous when taken in large doses, ten grains having been known to kill a dosr in less than two hours. It was first used as a medicine for intermittent fever by Dr. Bell of Manchester, Eng., and he thought that it could be emplo3''ed as a sul)stitute for quinia. The salts which picric acid forms with soda or pot- ash, are yellow-colored and very bitter, and are called picrate of potash, and are capable of violent explosion from a severe blow or from an elevated temperature, and in 181)9, a very fatal consequence occurred from an explosion of a large amount of it, in one of the magazines in Paris, where it was stored. Picric acid in its constitution is very permanent ; it is not decomposed by being fused with either iodine or chlorine, neither will a solution of chlorine affect it. Sulphuric acid ■when hot will dissolve it, but when cold it has no action upon it. Nitro-muriatic acid (aqua I'egia) dissolves it with diffi- culty ; boiling muriatic acid does not act upon it. Picric acid is a test for potash in any fluid ; a solution of it made in alcohol produces a bright yellow crystalline precipi- tate. Its formula according to Berzelius is, Ci2,H.,3N04, O+HO, being phenylic acid, with three equivalents of hydro- gen replaced l)y three of hyponitric acid. Phenyl brown, Phenidenne or RotJdne, so called from its discoverer, Koth, was first made by him in 1865, by causing nitric acid and sulphuric acid to act upon carbolic acid, the substance obtained being phenicienne or phenyl brown, which is an amorphous powder, a mixture of two pigments ; viz., a yellow and a black-brown substance, which is similar to the humus compounds. It is brown- colored, soluble in alcohol, alkalies, and acetic acid, but of little solubility in water, either hot or cold. It produces per- manent colors, and the shades obtained vary according to the THE AMERIC^VIS" DYER. 457 mordiints used, but like the grenat brown will not stand the steaming process. Gienat brown, grenat soluble. This has recently been in- troduced l)y J. Casthelaz in Paris, as a substitute for ovseille, but is nothing more than the well-known isopurpuratc of i)ot- ash (^CgHJvN^Oe), which was iirst discovered by Hlasiwetz, and is formed by gradually' adding a solution of picric acid to a solution of cyanide of potassium. By this operation prussic acid and ammonia arc evolved, and the purpuric acid will crystallize when the soluticju becomes cold. This substance is sold under the name of grenat broivn and soluble ruby. As this substance when perfectly dry, is explosive with the least friction, it is kept in paste, to which is added a quantity of glycerine sufficient to keep it moist. With a zinc mordant it colors wool a beautiful yellow, and with corrosive sublimate a magnificent purple. Coralline, sometimes called Peonine, is a scarlet-dye mate- rial, and was discovered by J. Persoz, and is formed, according to Kalbe and Schmidt, by mixing together carbolic, (jxalic, and sulphuric acids, and heating the mixture in a closed vessel, at a temperature of 300° until the color has been sufficiently developed. When the re-action is finished, the mass is then washed in boiling water ; this is done fur the purpose of elimi- nating the excess of acid. They next dry the residue, pulverize it, and submit it at 150° to the action of ammonia. Coralline is solul)le in alkaline solutions, acetic acid, and alcohol. It does not produce a very permanent color. The existing relation between rosalicacid (CooHjeOg), which Avas discovereil in tar by Runge, aud coralline, is not yet fully established. Rosalie acid is formed by heating together twenty parts of phenic acid, fifteen parts of oxalic acid, and twelve parts of sulphuric acid. This acid is insoluble in ■water, but soluble in ether and alcohol. It can be formed from carbolic acid and creyslic acid (CyHgO), as rosaniline is formed from aniline and toluidine. 58 458 THE AMERICAN DYEK. AzuLixE (Phenyl Blue). This substance is formetl by heating commercial aniline and coralline together, taking five parts of coralline and seven parts of aniline, and was first obtained by J. Persoz and Guinon-Marnas. It is a blue pigment, and is termed azuliue or azurine. It has been attempted to prepare pigments directly from nitro-benzole. Laurent and Casthelaz state that a red pigment is obtained by keeping a mixture of twelve parts of nitro- benzole, twenty-four parts of iron-filings, and six parts of muriatic acid, for thirty-six hours at the common temperature of the atmosphere. In this method there is formed a solid resinous mass, which is first exhausted with water, and the solution precipitated with common salt. The pigment which is thus obtained is said to be a good substitute for fuchsine, and is capable of being used as a dye, and for calico-printing. Naphthaline (CjoHg). This material was discovered, in coal-tar, by Garden, in the year 1820, and was afterwards the subject of investigation by Faraday and Hoffmann, Ballo, and others, and has been the profound study of Laurent. Naphthaline is a white, shining, crystalline substance, and is fusible at IK^P, and boils at 423°. Its specific gravity, according to Kopp, in the liquid state, is, 0.9774; accord- ing to Alluard, at 210° it is 0.9628. It is soluble in ether, alcohol, naphtha, and is insoluble in water. Its odor is pecu- liar, and somewhat similar to storax, and it has a burning taste. "When cool, after having been fused, it appears as a white, crystalline mass, and then has a specific gravity of 1.151. When treated with nitric acid, naphthaline yields phthalic acid (C8Hg04), which, according to circumstances, and by elimination of carbonic acid (H0CO3), may be either converted into benzole (CgHg), or into benzoic acid (CHH^Oa-f-HO)- "There exists between the derivatives of benzole and naph- THE AMEEICAIS' DYER. 459 tbaline a great analogy, which not only extends to the com- position and re-action, but even to chemical and physical properlies. The analogy of composition is exhibited by the following tabulated foi'in : — "Benzal (hj'^dride of phenyl), CgHg. Nitro-benzole, C6H5(NOa). Aniline, C6II7N. Ilosaniline, C20H19N3. Naphthaline (hydride of naphthyl), CjoHg. Nitro-naphthaline, CioH7(NO,2) . Naphthylaraine, CjoHgN. Base of naphthaline red, C30H21N3." Naphthylamine (C10H9O3) is a base which corresponds to aniline, and it is prepared from naphthaline in exactly the same way as aniline is from benzole, by converting naphtha- line into nitro-naphthaline by the aid of nitric and sulphuric acids, or nitro-sulphuric acid. It is then converted into naphthylamine. This crystallizes in white, acicular crystals. It fuses at 50°, and boils at about 320°. Its taste is a sharp bitter, and is almost insoluble in water, when heated with arsenic acid (A3O5), or with nitrate of mercury. It produces a fine purple dye, which, however, is not fast. Naphthy- lamine, also, serves to prepare such dyes as the Martins yel- low, naphthaline violet, magdala red, and naphthaline blue. The Martius yellow is better known in England as Man- chester yellow, or naphthaline yellow. Its formula is CioHg (N02)20. This dye is obtained by heating hydrochlorate of naphthylamine with nitrate of soda, and afterwards with nitric acid. This dye imparts to wool or silk, without the aid of any mordant, yellow hues, which may be made to dif- fer, in depth of color, from a lemon-yellow to a deep golden- yellow. The discoverer of this d3'e (Dr. C. A. Martius) con- siders it to be an acid analagous to picric acid, and calls it hinitro-naphthylic acid. Picric acid yellow will not admit of 460 THE AMEKICAX DYER. the steaming process, while the Manchester yellow will admit of the steaming operation. The dye is used in America for the purpose of modifying the hue of magenta. Magdala red. This pigment, which is naphthaline red, was discovered by Von Schiendl of Vienna in 1867. This substance has been subject to the researches of such eminent chemists Durant, Kestner, Hoffmann and others. It is gene- rated naphthylamine by the elimination of three molecules of hydrogen from three molecules of the base ; thus — 3QoH9N-3H,0=C^Hi,N3. Naplithyla- Water. Magdala red. miue. "On the large scale the manufacture of magdala red is produced in two stages. In the first instance the naphthyla- mine is converted into azodinaphthyl-diamine by the action of nitric acid, thus — " First stage : — 2C,oH,N + HNO3 = 2H,0 + C^oHi^Ng. Naphthylamine. Water. Azodiiiaphtliyl- diamiue." "In the second stage the azodinaphthyl-diamine is treated with naphthylamine, the result being the formation of the magdala red." The re-action may be represented by the following formula : QoH.aNa + C10H3N = C^oH^iXg + NH3 Azodi- Napbtbyl- Magdala Am- naphthyl- amine. red. mouia. diamine. The magdala red we find in the trade is of a black-brown color and is a crystalline powder ; it is the chloride of a base in the composition above described. In regard to its coloring power, it is no less valuable than fuchsine or magenta, and it surpasses fuchsine in its permanency. When magdala red is THE AMERICAN DYER. 461 treated with iodide of methyl and iodide of ethyl, naphthaline red yields violet and blue colors. Naphthaline Blue and Naphthaline Violet. "Bhic and violet naphthaline pigments can be prepared by various methods ; for instance, by treating naphthylamine with nitrate of mercury (HgO,2N65+lCIIO)." * Wilder obtains these dyes by substituting the radical naphthyl for the hydrogen of the aniline and toluidine. J. Wolft*, in 1867, obtained a very brilliant naphthyl blue in this manner. M. Ballo did the same from rosaniline and niono- bromnaphthaline, also from rosaniline and naphthylamine. Very recently Blumer-Zweifel, and Kielmeyer have colored naphthaline violet on cotton and linen cloth by treating naphthylamine (which was previously painted upon the cloth) by immersing the fabric in a solution of chlorine of copper and chloride of potash, and by such other re-agents as may be employed for producing an aniline black. The coloring of aniline-black upon wool has not yet been successfully produced, the nearest result being the chlorine process of Mr. Lightfoot. Recent experiments that have been made lead us to hope that aniline black will be employed on wool as well as on cotton, with the same results as to its per- manency. Aniline black, prepared either with bichromate of potash or chlorate, will color wool a fast gray. There are two processes now employed to fix this color upon cotton. Messrs. Paraf and Javal pass the cotton fal)ric through a bath which contains a mixture of sulphate of aniline and bichromate of potash ; by this process the color will appear upon the fabric as soon as it is taken out of the bath ; but the tem- perature of the bath will have to be kept at about 30° Fahr., and not above the freezing-point. The other method consists in first passing the cotton through * This salt is a nitrate of peroxide of uiercury, and sliould be rcpreseuted by this formula, HgO,N05, iudepeudeut of water of crystallization. — G. 462 THE AMElilCAX DYER. a bath containing chroraate of lead, and then through an aciduhited hath of oxahite of aniline. In this process the re- action, taking place only upon the cloth, the temperature has not to be so low as by the other method. (See article. Im- provement in Aniline.) For the improvements and new discoveries in colors derived from coal and its products, see the translation from the report of the Universal Exposition at Vienna in 1873. (See article, Improvement in Aniline.) THE AMERICAN DYER. 463 A BRIEF IIISTOKY OF THE DISCOVERY OF COtORS DERIVED FROM COAL. The manufucture of coloriiig-materiuls derived from coal is of recent date (1856). It is to Perkins, the young English chemist, that the honor of this discovery and industry belongs. Perkins, while trying to obtain artificial quinine from coal, l)y the re-action of an oxidizing agent upon the sulphate of ani- line, obtained some violet, which he separated from a black mass that did not appear to ofler much of interest. This color immediately produced a great sensation in industry, because of its in omparable brilliancy, its solidity, and the source from which it was derived. A magnificent and brilliant color extracted from black and dull pit-coal. There was an opposi- tion which aided powerfully in spreading the news of this great discovery. The price of this coloring-material was so high that few dyers and manufacturers believed in its future employment ($445 per pound, avoirdupois). The discoverer himself hesitated much about inaugurating the manufacture of this color, and he was anticipated in the production of this coloring-material in large quantities by several French manufacturers, among whom were Mons. Poii'rier and Chappat, Jr., who brought some modifications to Perkins's process. To make this new violet, the difficulties were very great indeed. The patent obtained by Perkins indicated very plainly the process for obtaining this color (re-action of the bichromate of potash upon the sulphtite of aniline). But although aniline was known to the savants. 464 THE AIMERICAN DYER. who possessed some grains of it in their laboratories, it was but little known to manufacturers. There were no makers of aniline. The scientific works were consulted, and it was then ascertained that the most advantajjeous method of obtaininjr aniline, was that of preparing it by means of nitro-benzine. This last product was not made much more than aniline, although Collas and Laroque were making some few pounds of it, which they sold for perfumery, under the name of essence of mirbane. All, then, was to be created: manufact- ure of aniline, manufacture of nitro-benzine. It was not quite necessary for them to organize for the manufacture of benzine. Benzine had, up to that time, only very restricted uses. It served for the cleansing of goods, and was sold under the name of "Collas benzine." Inquiry was made at the gas-factories for benzine ; and the manufacturers of colors finding at those places an almost inexhaustible repository of raw material, brought to these factories a source of profits, and, at the same time, disembarrassing them of an encumberins: product (coal-tar). It was the English manufacturers who first began to distil their oils. All that part of the business was rapidly created. In less than three years this multiple industry of coloring-materials derived from coal-tar was on its feet. It was soon in operation upon the largest scale in France, in England, then in Germany. The manufacture of nitro-benzine, notwithstanding the difficulties and dangers of explosion and conflagrations which it presented in the beginning, did not prevent the manufact- urers in France or in England from making it. The manu- facture of aniline was established after a process discovered by Bechamp, a French chemist, which was the only one practicable among the various processes then indicated, and which is to this day followed for its manufacture by all the manufacturers of aniline. Industry made a large application of the processes which were furnished to it by science. Aniline, which was hardly known, and which was pro- THE AMERICAX DYER. 465 diiced at first at the price of 150 francs the kilogramme, fell rapidly to 25 francs per kilogramme.* " From the day that aniline was produced at twenty-five francs it became certain that the aniline colors would receive the greatest development. The investigators, stimulated by the profits which was judged would accrue to those who first engaged in its manu- facture, set themselves to the work; and in 1859, Verguin, industrial chemist at Lyons, created the manufacture of ani- line red. This red had been seen some months before by Hoffmann in his scientific investigations of aniline. To Ver- guin belongs the credit of the industrial creation of the manu- facture of aniline red. lie carried his product and his process to Messrs. Reuard Bros, (at Lyons), dyers, who had the product and process patented. " The appearance of the red produced a sensation not less than that occasioned by the discovery of the violet by Perkins. The price was likewise high, 1,200 francs the kilogramme ($223.20 per 2^ lbs. avoirdupois), for a product less pure than that which is sold to day for $7. 50 (2|- lbs.) This red had more brilliancy than the violet. There was no red that could com- pare with it. Messrs. Renard Bros, gave to it the name of Fuchsine, and it was seen most in the color called magenta, made with this new red. "Verguin had not, in his first experiment, used the best agent for the transformation of aniline into red ; and many other agents, which, as a general thing, gave more advanta- geous results, were soon discarded ; but all originated from the same chemical re-actions ; viz., elimination of the hydrogen in the aniline and final formation of a salt with the same base, the composition of which Hoffmann determined some time afterwards, to which he gave the name of rosaniline^ and gave it this formula — CjoHigAzaH.^O. " There were numerous processes, and all the tribunals * It is now selling for two frunca per kilogramme (two and one-lifth pounds avoirdupois.) 59 466 THE AMERICAN DYEE. judged in the same way. They saw no novelty in substitut- ing one agent for another, re-acting upon aniline, to arrive at the same product ; so they granted to Renard Bros, the pro- prietorship of the aniline red, which they had first manufact- ured and used industrially. "Unfortunately the patentees did not understand sufficient- ly that every right imposes a duty. They allowed too great a difierence to be established between the prices of their prod- ucts and those of foreign manufacturers, and they soon saw foreign competition, in defiance of their patents, invade the French market. From France, where the red was discovered and first manufactured, it at once spread into England and into Germany ; and instead of the history of the violet discovered being of English origin, it soon became entirely French; the red, discovered in France, seems, rather, born in Germany from the great number of factories Avhich immediately sprang into existence in that country for the manufacture of this red, "The red soon gave way to a very important manufacture. It soon served no longer only for coloring in that beautiful shade, magenta, which every one knew, but it became the raw material for all other aniline colors, — blues, violets, green, garnet, &c. "The red had been scarcely discovered two years before those two young French chemists, Girard and De Laire, dis- covered that it could be transformed into a violet more beau- tiful even than the Perkins violet, and into a magnificent blue, by heating it with aniline. These chemists brought their process to Renard Bros., and their blue replaced, in most of their applications, the French blue and the indigo carmine. "About the same time, Guinon, Marnas, and Bonnett man- ufactured a blue called azuline, but it could not sustain the competition of the aniline blue. "There could not, after this, be any halting in the path of discoveries. After the blue came the green, obtained, like the blue, from the red, by way of an unstable blue discovered by THE AMERICAX DYER. 467 Charles Lauth, who obtained it by causing aldehyde to re-act upon the red. "This green was found by Cherpin, employed at Usebe. Cherpin wished to Hx the aniline blue ot Charles Lauth, which, up to that time, had no application on account of its instal)il- ity. Acting upon the advice of a photographer (who was a friend of Cherpin), who deemed the hj'posulphite of soda the universal fixei\ he employed the hyposulphite of soda to fix the aldehyde of Charles Lauth, as a photographic proof is fixed. "What must his astonishment have been to observe the blue transformed into a green, — a green that was perfectly fast. "This shade of green was immediately employed by the silk-dyers, to the exclusion of all other shades of green. This green-dye gives very good results in calico-printing, but it does not ajiswer so well for wool-dyeing. VYe have now seen the red transformed into violet, into blue, and into green. Hoflniann followed these discoveries, and, by a new process, he made this red underfjo another chancre. He submitted it to the action of an alcoholic radical, and he obtained the violet, which now bears his name. " \\\ the same manner that Girard and De Laire obtained the imperial violet and the blue, by substituting one or more molecules of the phenyl radical (CgHs) contained in aniline, for one or more molecules of hydrogen of the rosaniline, so Hoffmann substituted the radicals of the alcohols (ethyl, CoH^, methyl, CiHg, &c.), in this s:ime rosaniline. "At this time we had several violets, the Perkins violets, and those of Girard and De Laire. The Hoffmann violet, however, was none the less welcomed with the greatest favor, it being much more brilliant than its predecessors. " The manufacturers of the violets ascertained that in pre- paring the Hoffmann violet, green was formed. This green was isolated from the violet, and the dyers of silk and cotton abandoned the use of the aldehyde green, and used only this 468 THE AMERICAN DYEK. new green, called iodine green. This green is more beautiful than the aldehyde greeu, but not so permanent as the last named. The Hoffmann green remained for a long time at a high price, two hundred francs per kilogramme ($37.20 per two and one-fifth pounds avoirdupois), for which reason it did not come into general use. Next came the Paris violet, and through this violet, we obtain colors which are no longer obtained by means of the red, but are derived more directly from aniline. " There were great exertions made to obtain similar colors, which should be different in composition from those obtained •with rosaniline, and at the same time compete Avith them in brilliancy .and cheapness. This is the problem Avhich Poirrier and Chappat, Jr., have solved, by introducing the Paris violet: The methylaniline- violet, called the Paris violet, had been indicated as long ago as 1861, by Lauth. For various causes, this chemist did not follow out his discoveries. It was in 1865 that Poirrier and Chappat, Jr., with the co-operation of their chemist, Charles Bardy, undertook to make violet derived from aniline, into which they should have introduced previously an alcoholic radical. The greatest difficulty was to manufacture industrially these alkaloids from alcoholic rad- icals, by a practical process, and at a price which should ena- ble them to obtain a violet not costing more than the Hoff- mann violet. The process indicated and followed in the laboratories, to obtain methylaniline or eth3laniliue by the re-action of the alcoholic iodides, became exclusively dear, and the process was not practicable industrially. "Here, again, industry came to borrow from science. The process indicated by Bcrthollett, for the substitution of an alcpholic radical in ammonia, by heating the radical, under pressure, with chlorhydrate of ammonia, was applied to aniline. " The operation was delicate and dangerous ; it required an apparatus strong enough to resist a great pressure, and so constructed that no gas could escape. Up to this time the THE A3IERICAN DYER. -109 use of dose vessels had not been atloptetl in industry. All precautions were taken ; there was no accident to deplore, and after great perseverance and expense, the result was accomplished." " To-day, even industr}- begins to employ this method of closed vessels. It appropriates to itself the processes of science, modif)'- ing them for its own use. It is by this process that it has been proposed to saponifj' fat substances by pure water, at a temperature near 200°. Although the immense pressure produced under these circumstances, has made it necessary" to relinquish the action of water upon fatty bodies, used in all its simplicity, nevertheless this re-action has been made to co-operate successful!}- in the saponifica- tion of neutral fatty substances, by employing at the same time as the water, a small quantit}' of lime, which enables the operation to proceed at a lower temperature, but alvva3S with the assistance of the close vessels. " Messrs. Poirrier and Chappat were more daring, when they ap- plied the method of close vessels to the preparation of methylani- line, b}' the re-action of methylic alcohol upon the chlorhydrate of aniline, and conformablv to a scientific process noted by Mons. Berthollett, for the production of organic alkalies. The metliylani- line prepared by their process, and the beautiful violet coloring- material which is obtained from it, appeared at the Exposition. These first attempts may be regarded as the prelude of discoveries which await industry in a new and fruitful path." — Extract from the Report of Mons. Berthollett, Universal Exposition of 1867 : The methods of dose vessels and its ajyplications. " As we see, the process of Messrs. Poirrier and Chappat, is double. It comprises in one part, the manufacture of ethylic and methylic derivatives of aniline ; and, in the other, the transforma- tion of these secondarj' monamines into violet coloring-materials. The method which they have adopted for producing methylaniline and eth> laniline, is that which Mons. Berthollett had indicated for producing, in a general manner, the monamines from alcoholic radicals. • " This is a new example of the passage of scientific methods into- industrial art ; and a remarkable circumstance, of all those methods which had been employed fou the preparation of methylic and ethy- 470 THE AMEKICAX DYER. lie alkalies, this, which seemed the least practical in the laboratory, is the onlj' one which has become industrial." — Extract from the Re- port of A. W. Ilofmann, De Laire, and Charles Girard: Coloring materials derived from coal. Universal Exposition of 1867. Methylaniline being obtained, it remained to choose the most suitable agent for transforming it into violet : these agents are numerous, but they do not all give good results. Poirrier and Chappat, Jr., were transforming this base into violet by a process original but costly, when Charles Lauth succeeded in replacing it advantageously. From that time the JParis violet could be furnished at a price quite low. The following is abridged from the report of Mons. Balard, in relation to the discovery of new colors by A. Poirrier and his chemists : ''In 1861 Mons. Lauth, by oxidizing methylaniline, ob- tained a new violet, the manufacturing of which he relin- quished, an account of the great diflSculty there was in pre- paring the raw material. But this study was taken up by Messrs. Poirrier and Chappat, with the assistance of their chemist, Mons. Bardy. These chemists and manufacturers of these new dyes have not only succeeded in making methy- laniline under conditions of extremely low' cost, by imitating a process which had served Mons. Berthollett for obtaining the alcoholic ammoniacs of Mons. Hoffmann, but they have found out how, by a suitable oxidizing action, to transform this substance into a violet wholly new, into a methylaniline vio- let. This violet, which differs from the violet (in some of its properties) obtained from rosaniline, necessarily differs from it in its constitution, it being produced from the purest aniline that industrial art can furnish. "In 1861, to the manufacture, in large amounts, of the product which he had discovered, Mons. Lauth succeeded in bringing, in his turn, a most useful means of assistance. By causing the introduction of heat to aid the oxidizing action of the air, and of other more energetic agents of oxidization, THE AMERICAN DYER. 471 he has been able to produce, with one hundred parts of meth- ylaniline, more than forty parts of a violet, obtained under the most economical conditions, and whose use begins ah'eady to spread in Europe and America." [This report was made in 1867.] NoTK. — Metliylaniline had never been made, except in the laboratories, and then only by means of the re-action of iodide of methyl npon aniline, as indicated by Iloifmann, nntil the present process was discovered at Poirrier's cstablislinient. Even dimethyhmiline had never been indicated. To-day, in most fai-tories for making these dyes, in all conntries, metliy- laniline violets and {greens are produced by the processes of Poirrier and his chemists. Their competitors welcomed the connnnnicati(ms which unfaith- ful chemists and overseers, attached to their (Poirrier's) house, made known to them. — G. "This last violet dye (the Paris violet) gave shades which were identical with the Hoffmann violet, and the product was sold at one hundred francs ($18. GO), while at the same time the Hoffmann violet was valued at two hundred francs ($37.20) per kilo. (2i lbs. avoirdupois). The Hoffmann violet was an iodhydratc, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, which in- creased the price still higher ; whereas the Paris violet was soluble in water. The Paris violet, at its first appearance, was not equal to the Hoffmann in brilliancy, but it is now used by woolen-dyers in preference to the Hoffmann, as it gives more pure and clear shades, besides being more permanent. "A. Poirrier is manufacturing large quantities of this violet, and there are no other firms who are regularly carrying on the manufacture of this particular violet." "There is another color obtained directly from aniline, but it is not what is termed a product which is prepared in the factories of chemical products and delivered to the dyers and printers, but a color that is applied, colorless, upon the fabric, and, by exposure to the atmosphere and certain agents, it develops itself upon the fabric; this is the aniliue black. "This aniline black has been, up to the present time, ex- clusively employed in printing upon cotton. This color, con- 472 THE AMERICAN DYER. trary to all the others derived from aniline, resists completely the action of the light. "There was at first no process for applying it to dyeing, Charles Lauth, however, discovered a process whereby he could render Lightfoot's process of application, by printing, practical. Before this improvement, brought by Lauth to Lightfoot's process, it had not been possible to make use of the black, as the agents that Lightfoot employed attacked the vegetable fibre. (See page 461.) "We obtain with aniline, either directly or by passing through the red, red at first, then blue, violet, green, and black. We obtain, also, other colors, but these are of less importance than the above colors ; for instance, the grays, the browns, the oranges (which are produced at the same time as the red, which they tarnish and from which we separate them). Some deep l»lues are obtained, which for some uses replace, in a measure, indigo. Note. — All the colors thus far are derived from aniline, but in distilling the coal-oil we obtain, besides the benzine, many other snbstanccs, and among them are some which also serve to generate colors, — such as pheuic acid, naphthaline, and anthracene. — G. " Phenic acid is a source of several coloring-materials ; one of them, picric acid, has been known for a long time. It was manufactured long before the appearance of aniline colors. (See article on Picric Acid in another part of this work.) Messrs. Guinon, Marnas, and Bonnett first made it and applied it to the coloring of silk. It gave a clear yellow, ver}' brilliant." "The manufacture of coloring materials derived from coal, though in its infancy yet, has already taken one of the fore- most places, through the importance of the transactions to which it has given rise. Note. — A business estimated at not less than $11,160,000 per annum. — G. "More than every other industry, it keeps the manufacturer of colors derived from coal constantly employed, either to THE AMERICAN DYER. 473 perfect his processes or to discover new ones. This business proofresses and transforms itself with astonishiufr rajjidity. "We can judge of this by what has occurred (hiring its brief existence ; a product such as seemed at one time to defy all competition, was afterwards completely sujiersedcd by a product quite superior to it. Thus the Perkins violet was only brought into use in 1859, and in 1861 there appeared the imperial violet of Girard and De Laire. "Three years scarcely elapsed before the Hoffmann violet took the place of the imperial violet ; this was succeeded by the Paris violet two years afterwards, whose introduction diminished the demand for Hoffmann's violets to a great extent. " What has come to pass as to the violet, has happened in like manner to the other colors, — the green and bine. The iodine green has replaced the aldehyde green, the soluble blues have replaced, in part, the alcoholic blues, and the consump- tion of the soluble blues is continually increasing. "The transformations are so rapid, that the manufacturer of these colors has, we might say, no certainty of the morrow for the product which he mahufiictured yesterday. Apart from the discoveries which are born, and which overturn anterior discoveries, he is not up to the simple improvements which may overthrow his last-manufactured color. And then, in the same color, there must be varieties as numerous as the consumptions for which they are prepared. Thus, a kind such as is applied by the calico-printers, will not be valued by the dyers. In the same manner, silk-dyeing employs another kind from that of wool-dyeing; and their demands are so much tl^e more exacting, because success depends upon the good quality of the coloring-materials emi)loyed in them." NoTK. — Unless the rtyer has materials suflSciently pure, lie cannot, with all lii.s skill and exi»eiience in applying them, produce shades that will have the intensity and hrilliaucy which is wanted. — u. 60 474 THE AMEEICAN DYER. Aniline colors, besides being easily applied, have a great affinit}' for textile fibre, and are generally applied to wool without the use of a mordatit, it being only necessary to ina- merse the wool or yarn in a solution of the aniline dye. By giving the wool or yarn a preparation either of bichromate of potash, alum, glauber salts, or silicate of soda, we will obtain a very permanent color with these dyes (see Recipes for Ani- line Colors). "The prices for these dyes were formerly very high, but to-day are very low. Formerly, fuchsine cost twelve hun- dred francs a kilogramme (21 lbs.) ; it is now sold at fifty francs for the same amount, and the quality at the present day is far superior to what it was then. The bichromate violet, which was sold at one hundred and fifty francs in the form of paste, is now sold at twenty francs a kilogramme (2^ lbs.). The aniline itself from which these dyes are made, and which was then valued at twenty francs, costs but five francs now a kilo- gramme." " The following table gives very nearly the relation which exists between the figures that represent a given weight of mineral coal (say one ton), arid that of the aniline red which can be produced from it., as well as the relative quantities of all the intermediary products : — Coal, 2,200 lbs : Coal-tar, . . . . . 220 lbs. Benzine, . . . . 2 " 32 Nitro-benzine, 2 '' 12 Aniline, . . . . 1 ♦« 14 Aniline red, " 8 • 1 - ? J 1 sr. (See a description of these articles in another part of this work). THE AMERICAN DYER. 475 PREPARATION OF RAW MATERIALS DERIVED FROM COAL, WHICH ARE EMPLOYED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF COLORS. " The coal is first siibniilted to distillation in uiKlorground retorts, which are heated to redness by a vertical flue placed upon the upper part of the retort. The gas is set free at the same flue as the oleaginous product, which is deposited by cooling, and drains into large vats. The gas pursues its way in the flues, and after purification, enters the reservoirs, from which it is distributed for illuminating purposes. "The oleaginous product is the tar, which is produced in large quantities, and still, to-day, encumbers certain manu- factories that do not distil it. Coal-tar contains a number of chemical products, which are separated by distillation, and by appropriate treatment. "Amono- them we shall cite only those which interest us, and which are utilized for the production of colors, which are the following : — Benzine (C.U,). ' Toluene (C^H^). Xylene (CgHio). Anthracene (C14H10). Naphthaline Aniline (CgHjAg). Phenic, or carbolic acid (CgHgO). Benzine — Toluene — Xylene. "The product sold in commerce under the name of benzine, is nearly always a mixture of benzine, toluene, and xylene, and it is this mixture, in variable proportions, or at least a mixture of benzine and toluene, which is generally employed in the manufacture of colors. "Benzine, in the state of purity, is a colorless volatile oil, boiling at the temperature of 80°. It is less dense than water (its density being 0.850), and very inflammable, and when on fire, cannot be extinguished with water, as it will swim on the surface. It becomes solid at zero. It was dis- 476 THE AMERICAX DYEK. covered in 1825, by Faraday. Dr. Hoffmann noted its ex- istence in coal-tar in 1845. To separate the ijenzine from the varions products with which it is mingled in the coal-tar, they proceed, as we have said, by distillation, separating the light products ; that is to say, those which are less dense than water, from the heavy products. "They re-distil several times these light products, after having treated them with sulphuric acid, and they have then a limpid, colorless oil, which contains a mixture of benzine, toluene, xylene, &c. By fractional and repeated distillations, or by a single distillation in an apparatus suitably arranged, they separate these various substances. That which ])asses over at the lowest temperature, is the benzine, which boils at 80°, then the toluene at 110°, the xylene at 130°." (It was Mansfield that pointed out the existence of toluene in coal- tar, in 1847 ; its density is about 0.840.) " Although toluene resembles benzine, it differs from it in several of its proper- ties. Toluene is found in balsam of tolu. If the balsam is distilled to dryness, the distillation give a mixture of benzoic ether and of toluene. "Xylene was found by Cahours, in 1850, in the oil which is separated from raw wood spirit, by the addition of water. It plays a much less important part than benzine and toluene in the formations of colors ; we will, therefore, no longer dwell upon it. " Nitio-benzine : The product sold under this name is almost always a mixture of nitro-benzine and nitro-toluene. It was discovered in 1833, by Mitscherlich. It is an oily liquid, of a light amber color ; its odor is that of the essence of bitter almonds. It solidifies at 3° below zero. It boils at 213°. Its density is 1.209. It is inflammable. "Nitro-toluene has many of the physical properties of nitro- benzine. It boils at 225°, and its density is 1.180. "Nitro-benzine and nitro-toluene are obtained by causing fuming nitric' acid to re-act upon the two hydrocarbonatcs. "This operation is not always without danger; and at the THE AMERICAN DYER. 477 commencement of using these substances to attain dyes, there were numerous accidents and explosions, accompanied with contlairrations occasionally. "When these substances were first manufactured, it was done in glass vessels, next in stone, but now in iron ves- sels. In an iron apparatus of a cylindrical form, with a capacity of two hundred and twenty to three hundred and thirty gallons, ihey introduce first the whole quantity of ben- zine that they wish to transform ; then they set in motion an agitator with which the apparatus is provided, and cause a , mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids to enter by a tube arranged for that purpose. The agitator is kept constantly in motion, so that the mixture of acid may come in contact with the whole mass, until it is all liquefied. "They moderate the re-action, or render it active, either by applying cold water upon the walls of the apparatus, or by sendins steam into a covering which surrounds it. When the operation is ended, they liquefy the product, which separates into two strata ; the one oily, which is the nitro-benzine ; the other is an acid mixture, weakened. "The nitro-benzine has to be washed thoroughly with water, then with a small quantity of soda in the water, in order to neutralize the acid." Aniline — Toluidine. " These are the last products secured preparatory to ol)tain- ing most of the so-called aniline dyes or colors. The product sold by the name of aniline, is, generally speaking, a mixture of aniline and toluidine." Aniline was discovered in 1820, by Unverdorben.* In 1833, Runge discovered that aniline yielded, when brought into contact with a solution of bleaching powder (hypochlorate of lime), a very beautiful violet color, hence the name kyanol {blue coloring oil). * Unverdorben first discovered it among the products of the tlry distilla- tion of iudij^o. — G. 478 THE AMERICAX DYER. "Range also discovered, in 1834, the existence of aniline already formed in coal-tar. Later, Hoffmann indicated proc- esses for effecting its separation from coal-tar ; but, unfortu- nately, it was obtained in this way in small quantities. It was Zinin who first discovered that nitro-benzine* could be trans- formed into aniline ; and, later, Bechamp, perfecting Zinin's process of transforming, endowed industry with a practical process, just at the moment of the birth of the aniline colors, in 1859 ; a process which has contributed not a little to the great development which that industry at once received. "Aniline is an oily product, slightly colored, and boils at 182^. It has a very strong aromatic odor, and is also a very energetic poison. It combines with acids, forming salts, which generally are soluble in water. Its density is 1.028. "Toluidine is obtained like aniline, but by the reduction of nitro-tolucne. It boils at 198°. Its density is about 1.012. It is solid at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, but it is nearly always mixed with pseudo-toluidine ; and, in this case, it crystallizes only at a temperature below zero, sepa- rating itself from the pseudo-toluidine. Pseudo-toluidine (a body isomeric with toluidine) was discovered by Rosenstiehl. It is always formed at the same time as toluidine. Its boil- ing-point is the same as toluidine ; many of their properties are common to both ; but Rosenstiehl very skilfully succeeded in finding the re-actions which serve to characterize them ; also the method of separating them. He has likewise indi- cated the part which each of these alkaloids plays in the man- ufacture of aniline red. "Aniline, which was formerly prepared in a small appara- tus, is to-day made in a large cast-iron cylinder, very nearly of the same shape and capacity as that used for the manu- * In the year 1842, Zinin found that when nitro-benzine was treated Avith sulphuretted hydrogen, there was formed a base, which he termed benzi- dam. The further researches of Erdmann, brought the fact to light, that Uuderdorben's kyanol, beuzidom, and aniline, were the same substance, to which the name of aniline was then liually given. — G. THE AMERICAIT DYER. 479 fjictiire of nitro-benzine, and likewise provided witii an agi- tator (mixer). They pour in at first some very wrak aeetic acid ; they set tlie agitator in motion, then they add a. certain quantity of pulverized cast-iron, and all the nitro-benzine that they wish to transform. "A lively re-action sets in; the vapors condense into a re-distiller, placed above the apparatus and in communication Avith it, and fall back into it continually ; they add, little by little, new quantities of iron. " When the nitro-benzine is transformed into aniline, as soon as they discover this, they draw out some of the liquid product, and if it entirely dissolves in muriatic acid, they then inject steam into the mass ; and, in this manner, they cany away the aniline from it. They then submit this to a new distillation, and in this state it is employed for the manufacture of colors." Methylaniline — Ethylaniline. " These bases are compound anilines, that is to say, ani- lines in which a molecule of ethyl or of methyl has been sub- stituted for a molecule of the aniline.* They are oily liquids, with a slight yellow color, and boil at a higher temperature than that of aniline. These bases are ob ained in the factory of A. Poirrier, by a process original with him. Into an appa- ratus capable of sustaining a high pressure, they introduce a salt of aniline, the chlorhydrate, and the alcohol whose radi- cal they wish to obtain ; they close the apparatus hermeti- cally, and then apply heat for some hours at difierent temper- atures, according to the nature of the alcohol and its boiling- point, perhaps from 225° to 250°, and even 300°. " When the operation is ended, they let the apparatus cool, then draw ofl' the liquid ; they have the chlorhydrate of the base, which they decompose by the addition of certain quan- tities of lime ; they distil the whole over an open fire ; they * Hofliuiinu was the first to make these substitutions. — CJ. 480 THE AMEKICAX DYER. separate tlie oily layer, and re-distil it again, separating the parts which flow over at a temperature between 11)0° and 210°, if it is methyl aniline which they are ol)taining, and* it is these parts which are used for transformation into colors. By the addition of bichloride of anhydrous tin, the methylan- iline becomes -at once a beautiful blue-violet color. PiiExic Acid — NAPn-niALixE — Anthracene. "Calvert was one of the first chemists who olitained phenic acid, industrially, in a state of remarkable purity. Phenic acid is a solid, crystallized substance, and is colorless.* It has the odor of smoke. It has a caustic and burning taste. Its density is about 1.065. It is much employed at the pres- ent day in pharmacy. "To obtain it, it is necessary to collect the parts which boil over between 160° and 190°, when coal-tar is distilled. They then treat these with a lye of soda, quite weak. They thus obtain })henate of soda, which they decompose by sul- phuric acid. They then submit it again to distillation, and the oily product, after having separated the heavier products from the lighter ones, is the pure phenic acid, which easily crystallizes. " Naphthaline f is a solid, colorless, and crystallized product, having a strong odor of coalrtar. It boils at 220°." "It is found in large quantities in the light oils of the dis- tillation of the tar, after they have separated from the phenic acid. They have them in a solid mass, which they submit to the action of a press ; the product thus pressed out, is sub- mitted to sublimation, and the naphthaline thus obtained is quite pure ; although its boiling point is very high, it sub- limes easily." * It becomes slightly reddened by exposure to the atmosphere. It fuses at 34^^, ami boils at about 180'^. — G. t This Jiiateriiil wan •discovered iu 1820 by Garden, in coal-tar, and was afterwards the subject of close research by Fara;uine that the dithculties of indijfo-dyeinjjj will thus be resolved. We do not think it improbable, — f' \y fr ) will /, .( Scouring, Washing, Fulling and Bleaching Wool. An Improvement on DETERGENT, and n substitute for Soda Asli. Is readily dissolved, and IcuveB no refuse or sediment. Will cleiinse WOOL thoroualdy, makini; it SOFT and WHiriJ, reducing ELECTRICITY in carding and spinning, thoreUy SAVING in WEIGHT OF YARN; and in DYEING, the COLORS are much more EVEN and BRIGHT than if scoured with Soda Ash. For FULLING and WASHING, as well as for finishing YARNS, if it is used in about equal quantities of SAVOGRAN and Soap, it is unrivalled. (Put up in Barrels or Casks.) MASUEY, YOUNe & CO., 28 India St., Boston, . . Maiiiifactiirers. -mg-rA T^T.Tqxr-mT) iaB0. SCOTCH WOOL OIL, Manufactured expressly for use on Wool, to take the phice of lard, and other fatty oils. It will produce belter results, and at a much less cost to the consumer. It will saponify as' well as the best Lard Oil, wash out of the goods easier, stand a colder temperature, keep the cards cleaner, go as far, and do the work as well, as any other oil now in use for this purpose. Spontaneous Combustion cannot possibly occur WllEKE THIS OIL IS USED. MASURY, YOUNG k CO., . . Proprietors. also, manufacturers of and dealers IN Spinile, Lirlcatiug, MacMuery, Paraffliie, Wliale, Sperm, Lari aud SAI'ONIFIED OILS, No. 28 India Street, Boston. MOREY & CO., 197 State St., Boston, Sole Agents for the United States FOR ARC-EN-CIEL ANILINE COLORS. These colors are manufactured expressly for us, and we guarantee them to be strictly pure. Price Lists and Samples furnished upon application. Sole Agents for New England FOR NATRONA POROUS ALUM. This Alum is now so widely known, and so generally used, that perhaps it is hardly necessary to say that it is the cheapest Alum in the United States. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN And Manufacturers' Supplies generally. Part Fourth. TABLE OF PRIME EQUIYALENTS OF CHEMICAL SALTS AND DYESTUFFS; GLOSSAKY OF TECHJN^ICAL TERMS ANT> CHEMICAL :N^AMES; COLORED SAMPLES, WITH RECIPES. THE AMEKICAX DYER. TABLES. A French Table of Prime Proportions between Bichromate of Potash and the Different Dyewoods, icith the Colors produced. [We insert this without comment, leaving it to the dyer to form his own conclusions as to its correctness, &c.] 2i 30-40 _ _ Black. If 18-22 - - Slate. \\ 12-15 - - Lead. i . 3-6 - - Grav. 2i 26 4 - Invisible-green, H 24 12 - Green. -h. 18 38 - Dragon-green, H 15 25 - Bottle-green. 2! 18 14 - Swallow-green. 2^ 8 70 8 Myrtle-green. n 12 6 10 Dark-olive. Blchromato of Potash — time for boiling, one and a quarter hours. Logwood, Fustic, and Hypernic, time for boiling, three-quarters of an hour. THE AMERICAN DYER. 513 » I M 1 s ■a C •< tj . > 3 •O o o o. o a ^ § ?T^ 1.5: « < CO PQpqpqprioSOO o si . a> *© 2-3 l|^ 1 .-H 1 i-H T-l 1 1 iO H M -i S ■2^ ij < 1 rH 1 1 1 CO 1 I <5 " a o 2 . -|« u c< m lO 1 1 C^ C^ (M Ol rH Ci< .2 § G. — o 'A CJ cT OS s g 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 cc " ^ ImI 1 - 1 1 O t> 1 1 1 1 w _o 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 o. e CO o >t y h^ •a n o 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 o fe 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H b '^ b K a H m U « . 1« "3 m (M 'O O 1 b O s H ^ § •3 O ?; 1 -^ 1 CO 1 O >0 O 1 "O CO c^ c-i o U o '■^ » >0 !^ •a g o O O 1 (M 1 O O O CO CO .-( rH i-H o I-) ■£ ^» ■5 "g o ^ .= to •= « 81 .a — 65 514 TBEE A]MEIIICAN DYER. 55 ■ts ^ i* ^ CO <4) Sr, >> c^ "5 Cft c ?; S fc; 'O •e 2Q 'J^ i o o w ?; Ji s. ,^ ^3 ^ o 't^ _rt u C3 e o ^ o tr s H o o ij o o a X H O a X Z Ed H Z a a h b B H in o b O a> a S ■< ■6 s 1 c o 5 Full brown. Cli(!rry-brown. Brown. Blac-k. Jet black. Maroon. lilue-black. Olive. Blue. Another blue. •gqt 'pooAi3ofI «<«i-tO'OCCiOO'*0 ■»J( Tjl ■^ 1-1 CM -^ •sqi 'aijsnj OO O >0 00 O 1 >o 1 1 •BQl 'jappBK 'i* 1 -t< 1 1 1 1 CO 1 1 T-H T-l •sqi 'pooJiiuBO OOO 1 1 1 1 iO 1 1 (M rH T-l •sqi 'pooM 1 O 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 •sqi 'PIDB OIIBXQ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CM •sqi 'jBMBi C^ CO CM 1 CM 1 1 CO r-i ,-, •sqi 'raniv 1 c-1 1 --I 1 lO 1-1 1 cc CO •sqi 'lojjjiA enia 1 1 T-^ CJ CO 1 1 1 1 1 •sqi 'anioaiio CMr-lCMCCCM leCCCrlTH THE AMEKICAIf DYER. 515 GLOSSAKY OF 4 TECHNICAL TERMS AND CHEMICAL NAMES f USED IN THIS WORK. Aqua fortis, nitric acid. Alterant, a substance added to a color to give it brightness, "raising." Ai-gol, bitartrate of potash, formed by deposit in wine- casks. Aqua regia, a mixture of muriatic and nitric acids, two parts of the former and one of the latter. Alkalies {fixed), soda, pot, and pearlash. " {volatile), ammonia. " {compounds), urine and soap. Ammonia, see article, ammonia. Azote, nitrogen. Aqueous tincture, watery solution of any substance. Acidulous salts, all salts that contain an acid. Alumina, a clay that will combine with acids, forming salts, such as alum. Acetate of cojiper, verdigris, a mixture of acetate of lead and copper, or blue vitriol. Acetic acid {vinegar), see article, acetic acid. Acidulated, a solution containing acid. Acid bath, a solution containing acid. Acetate of iron, a solution of copperas and acetate of lead. Acetate of lead, sugar of lead, a combination of lead and acetic acid. 516 THE a:merica^ dyer. Acetate of chrome, a combination of chrome, oil of vitriol, and sugar of lead. Acetate of alumina, a combination of four parts sugar of lead, five parts alum, and eleven parts water. Aeriform, having the form or appearance of air. Astringents, a general term for such dyestuffs as contain the astringent principle, or are possessed of the property of tannin, such as sumac, oak bark, cutch, &c. Alkaline solutions, lime, or potash water. Bisulphate of copper, blue vitriol, blue stone. Bichromate of potash, red chromate of potassa, chrome. Bois rouge, camwood. Borate of soda, borax. Bichloride of tin, double muriate of tin. Barilla, the name of an impure soda imported from Spain and the Levant. Bisidphuret of iron, iron pyrites. Binoxalate of potash, salt of sorrel, or oxalic acid. Boracic acid, boron combined with oxygen. Braziline, the solid extract of hj-pernic, peachwood, &c. Bitartrate of potash, or potassa, cream of or refined tartar. Bichloride of mercury , corrosive sublimate. Bisulphate of soda, a combination of soda and oil of vit- riol. Bisulphate of potash, a combination of potash and oil of vitriol. Bromine, one of the elements. See Table of Elements. Bisulphate of iron, a very poor kind of copperas. Benzole, or benzine, a product derived from coal-tar. Bottom, or bottoming, to put part of the color upon the wool or cloth, by immersing it in the blue vat. Calcium, lime. Crystals of tin, salts of tin, or muriate of tin crystals. Carbonate of soda, cr3'stallized soda. Carbonate of lime, whiting. Chlonde of calcium, lime and muriate of soda (salt). THE AMERICAN DYER. 517 Chloride of tiuy muriate of tin, inuriiitic acid, killed with tin. Oitric acid, lemon-juice. Chemical salts, acids uniting to any of the earthy, alkaline, or metallic bases. Color, a term used s^^nonymously to express the coloring liquor, the color on the fjibric, or the composition of the color. Carmine, coloring-matter of cochineal, extracted and dried. Caustic hje, the clear liquor from a solution of soda-ash and lime. Citrate of lime, lime in combiaation with citric acid. Ciipric sulphate, blue vitriol. Chloride of potassium, combination of magnesia, muriatic acid, and mineral salts. Crystallized verdigris, acetate of copper. Chloride of potash, the clear liquor of bleaching powder and pearlash. Caustic soda-hje, see caustic lye.' Chloride of calcium, lime through which chlorine has passed. Copperas, protosulphate of iron. Chlorine, a gas obtained from oxygen and muriatic acid. Chloride of copper, a combination of oxide of copper and muriatic acid. Chromate of potash, yellow chromate of potash combined with caustic potash. Chlorate of jyotash, chlorine gas combined with carbonate of potash. Cyanide of potassium, red prussiate of potash and carbon- ate of potash coml)ined. Chromate of lead, chrome and acetate of lead combined in solution. Chromic acid, a combination of chrome, chrome iron ore, antl oil of vitriol — dark crimson color. Caustic lime, slacked lime. Chloride of sodium, common salt. 518 THE AMERICAX DYER. Chemic, sulphate of indigo (which see). Carbonic acid, a combination of marble or chalk, with diluted muriatic acid. Calcareous zvater, water impregnated with lime or other alkalies. Couching, the curing or preparing of woad for the blue- vat. Caloric, the principle or matter of heat. Calorific, producing heat. CurcKmine, a plant named Curcuma langa; from the roots we obtain turmeric. Carbolic acid, an acid obtained from coal-oil. Catalysic, an affinity or power ; a chemical change among the particles of bodies, one body inducing a chemical change in another. Carbonate of ammonia, the products of distillation of bones, or a mixture of chalk and sal-ammoniac sublimed. Caseine, curd of milk. Calcareous, having the properties of lime. Doctored, to adulterate ; generally applied to such dyestuffs as are not good. Dip, generally applied to immersing wool or cloth in the blue- vat or dye-tub. Double muriate of tin, bichloride of tin (which see). Dilute, or diluted, to weaken or reduce with water, as diluted oil of vitriol. Decoction, a watery solution of any coloring-matter or material. Extract of fustic, the solid coloring-matter of fustic. Extract of logwood, the solid coloring-matter of logwood. Extract of indigo, an erroneous term applied to sulphate of indigo, or chemic. Epsom salts, sulphate of magnesia. Extractor, a machine for depriving the wool, cotton, or cloth of its superfluous water or coloring solution. THE AMERICAN DYER. 619 Essential salt of lemons, sec binoxalate of potash. An extract, the solid coloriiig-inatter of the different dye- woods, such as logwood, fustic, and quercitron. Flurry, orfluery of a blue-vat ^ the froth of oxidized indigo floating on the vat. Feathering, to granulate a metal, to feather tin to kill the difi*erent acids. Fast color, a permanent color. French tub, muriate of tin and logwood, called plumb-tub. Formula, the manner or form in which the recipes are written ; the recipe or its form. Ferrocyanide of potassium, yellow prussiate of potash. Ferricyanide of potassium, red prussiate of potash. Glauber salts, sulphate of soda. Green vitriol, copperas. Grain tin, metallic tin. Garancine, one of the coloring products of madder. Gypsum, sulphate of lime. Gallic acid, an acid obtained from nutgalls. Glycerine, a sweetish oil obtained from fat. Hematine, extract of logwood. Hematoxylon campechicum, logwood. Hydrochloric acid, muriatic acid. Hartshorn, the volatile alkali, ammonia. Hyponitric acid, peroxide of nitrogen. Hydrochlorate of rosaniline, fuchsine or magenta. Hydrate of lime, lime dry-slacked, termed ware in blue- dyeing. Hypochlorite of lime, bleaching powders. Indigo paste, the soda sulphate of indigo. Iodide of potassium, iodine and potash. Isomeric, properties which give the same number and weight of elements, signifying equal parts. Iron liquor, nitric acid killed with iron. Killing, dissolving tin or iron in muriatic or nitric acids. 520 THE AMERICAN DYER. Kilo, or Txihgramme , a French weight equal to 2 pouuds, 8 ounces, 1 drachm, and 14 grains. Lactine, a curd of milk used for animalizing cotton, some- times called ladarine. Lye, solution of an alkali, as potash or soda. Limestoney carbonate of lime. Litharge, protoxide of lead. Logwood liquor, a thick, syrupy solution of the coloring- matter of logwood. Lactic acid, an acid contained in milk. Litharge, protoxide of lead. (See protoxide of lead.) Litre, a French measure containing a fraction over a quart. Mordant, any one, or a mixture, of several chemical salts used in dyeing, is the mordant or base of the color, and can be applied before, or at the same time, or after the coloring matter has been boiled on ; in the latter case it is called sad- dening. In cotton dyeing it is generally applied to the acetate of alumina. Mineral alkali, soda. Muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid. Marine acid, hydrochloric acid. Muriates, chlorides. Muriate of soda, common salt. Muriate of sodium, common salt. Muriate of tin, muriatic acid, killed with tin. Murio-sulj^Jtate of tin, muriatic and sulphuric acids, killed with tin. Murio-nitrate of tin, a mixture of muriatic and nitric acids, killed with tin, the muriatic acid being in excess ; the same with the murio-sulphate. Muriate of iron, muriatic acid, killed with iron. Maclurine acid, an acid contained in fustic. Muriate of ammonia, sal-ammoniac. Morine, the pure coloring principle of fustic. Morus tinctoria, fustic. THE AMERICAN DYER. 521 2^itro-muriate of tin, nitric and muriatic acids, killed with tin, the nitric being in excess. Initiate of iron, nitric acid killed with iron, iron liijuor. Nitrate of copper, copper, killed with nitric acid. Nitrate of soda, nitric acid added to common soda. Nitric acid, an acid obtained by distilling nitrate of potash and oil of vitriol together. Nitrate of potash, saltpetre. Nitrate of lead, metallic lead, dissolved in nitric acid. Nitro-muriatic acid, see aqua regia. Nitrate of zinc, a solution of nitric acid and zinc. Nitrate of alumina, a solution of alum, soda crystals and nitrate of lead. Oxymuriate of potash, see chlorate of potash. Oxymuriatic acid, chlorine. Oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid. Oxymuriate of tin, perchlorido of tin, or tin dissolved in nitric and muriatic acids, sometimes called permuriate of tin. Oxalate of copper, oxide of copper digested in oxalic acid. Oxalate of potash, crystallized carbonate of potash and oxalic acid. Oxalate of potassa, see oxalate of potash. Orcine, or orceine, the pure coloring matter of archil. Pearlash, carbonate of potash. Permuriate of tin, see oxymuriate of tin. Prussiate of potash, see ferrocyanide of potassa, or potash. Potash sulphate of alumina, alum. Protosidphate of iron, copperas. Phenic acid (carbolic acid) , an acid found in coal-tar. Persalt of mercury, red oxide of mercury, dissolved in oil of vitriol. Protoxide of tin, a precipitate formed from a solution of crystals of tin by carbonate of soda. Peroxide of tin, the ores of tin, tinstone. Potash, a strong caustic alkali. 66 522 THE AMEEIOAN DYER. Pyrolignate of iron^ a brown liquid solution of iron in pyrolignc'ous acid, improperly termed iron liquor. Pyroligneous acid, an acid obtained from wood, by the process of destructive distillation. Protoxide of lead, lead and oxygen combined in equal parts. Protochlonde of tin, see oxymuriate of tin. Perchloride of tin, tin dissolved in nitric and muriatic acids, generally called nitro-muriate of tin. Pigment, a coloring substance, as paints. Potassa, an alkaline salt obtained from different ashes, — ashes from plants, &c. Potassium, a white, soft metal with a lustre like silver. Phenic acid, see carbolic acid. Pyrogallic acid, an acid obtained by heating gallic acid to 420°. Persidjphate of iron, a solution of copperas, and sulphuric and nitric acids. Precipitate, a substance in solution chemically separated from its solvent and thrown to the bottom of the vessel. Pyrites, a combination of sulphur with iron, copper, cobalt or nickel. ' ProtosaUs of iron, sulphate of iron. Picric acid, an acid obtained from carbolic acid. Red tartar, crude cream of tartar, argols. Raising, see alterant. Red liquor, acetate of alumina. Rosalie acid, an acid from coal-tar. Ruherythimic acid, an acid obtained from madder. Re-agents, different substances acting upon other substances. Radical salts, any element or compound that forms an acid when combined with hydrogen, and a salt when united with a metal. Sulphuric and nitric acids are radical salts. Sulphate of iron, copperas. 8upertartrate of potash, cream of tartar. Suljjhomuriate of tin, sulphuric and muriatic acids killed with tin. (See solutions of tin.) THE AMERICAN DYER. 523 Sulphate of indigo, chemic, indigo paste, extract of indigo. (See article, Sulphate of Indigo.) jSulj)hu7'ic acid, oil of vitriol. Soda-ashy a crude caustic alkali or carbonate of soda. Santaline, the pure coloring-matter gf red sanders. Sal-soda, crystallized carbonate of soda. Soda cryslals, crystallized carbonate of soda. Sadden or saddening, giving the mordant after the color- ing-matter is boiled on the wool or goods ; making a color darker by means of a chemical salt, such as copperas, blue vitriol, alum, &c. Sulphate of magnesia, epsora salts. Sal-ammoniac, hydrochlorate of ammonia, crystallized am- monia. Sulphate of lime, a substance formed of carbonic acid and lime, nearly insoluble. It is found in small quantities in spring waters. Sulp)hate of soda, glavfber salts. Sidphate of copper, blue vitriol. Spirits, the different solutions of tin. Spirits of salt (erroneously called so), muriatic acid. Sp. gr., specific gravity, or density. Salinixon, see blsulphate of potash. Sal-volatile, sesquicarbonate of ammonia. Salts of lemon, citric'acid. Saltpetre, nitrate of potash. Salts of tin, crystallized protochloride of tin. Slacked lime, hydrate of lime. Spirits of wine, alcohol. Sugar of lead, brown and white acetate of lead. Substantive color, a color fixed in the fibre without base or compound. Salts of alumina, alum, acetate of alumina, &c. Sul])hate of lime, gypsum. Sodium, one of the elements. 524 THE AMERICAN DYER. Suhacetate of lead, a combimitioii of sugar of lead and litharge. Sesquioxide of iron, a conibiDation of carbonate of soda and iron. Salifiable bases, bases capable of becoming a salt. Storax, a juice obtained from the bark of the fir-tree. SulpJiuret of copper, a solution of blue vitriol, caustic soda, and sulphur. Sul])1iate of alumina, alum. Salts, or chemical salts, acids united to any of the earthy, alkaline, or metallic bases. [The salts employed as mordants in dyeing are of two kinds, — the simple and compound. The simple is some sub- stance that assumes a crystalline as its common shape, such as oxalic, tartaric, and citric acids. The compounds are com- posed of two or more substances in chemical union, such as sulphate of copper, alumina, and iron. The term salt, in the strictest sense, seems to apply almost exclusively to the latter class. In cotton-dyeing, mordant is only applied to acetate of alumina..] Tannin, the astringent principle contained in many sub- stances used in dyeing, and other purposes. It is that prop- erty contained in barks, &c., which converts raw hides into leather, called tanning. It is the same principle, under another name, as the astringent principle. Tannic acid, obtained by digesting nutgalls in ether. [When it is pure it is a solid, uncrystallizable, white or slightly yellowish in color ; it is inodorous, very astringent to the taste, but not bitter.] Tincture of soap, soap dissolved in alcohol. Vegetable alkali, potash. Verdigris, acetate of copper. Volatile alkali, ammonia. White vitriol, sulphate of zinc. White copperas, sulphate of zinc. Ware, hydrate of lime, slacked lime. THE AMERICAN DYER. 525 TABLE OF SYMBOLS AND FORMULAS. Acids. Acetic, Arsenic, . Arsenious, Benzoic, . Boraoic, . Carbonic, Carl)()lic, . Carminie, Catechutannic, Chromic, . Citric, Cresylic, . Gallic, . H3ponitrics, Lactic, Morintaunic, . JMuriatic, . Nitric, anhydrous. Nitric, Nitrius, . Nitro-rauriatic, Oxalic, . • . Phthalic, . Pjrogalllc, Rosolic, . Riiberythic, Sulphuric, " Nordhausen, Tannic (galls), Tartaric, . Chemical Compounds. Aluminium, " acetate of, . " chloride of, " nitrate of, . " sulphate of. Alum, ammonia, " chrome, " potash, . Old Notation. CJI.O, AsOs AsOg BU3 CO2 CrUg Ci2li80l4 Ci.HgO., ^14^6010 NO4 CioH^jOij ^26^10^12 HCl N05 H0,N05 NO 3 NO., CI 2 C^HaOie CieWgOg Ci.2H,06 C'4ofIl6^4 HOSO3 HO,S03-|-S08 ^64^22^84 Al AI2CI3 Al203;^N06 Al 203:3803 /'Al20j3SOgNH40S' \ 03-[-24IIO f CraOg^SOgKO, S \ 03-fJ4HO r Al.,03 8S08,KOS \ O3+24IIO New Notation. C2H4O2 II3ASO4 HgAsOg CrHo02 H3BO3 No change. CsHeO Cx6Hi406 No change. CellsO, CtHoO C,H,0, N2O, CgHgOg CisIlioOe No change. N2O5 HNO3 HNO2 2H20-fNOCl+CL C2UeO, CsIifiO, CgHgOg ^20'll6^2 *-20''22^^11 H2SO, H2S2O, ^27^22^17 No change. AI2CI, AlaNOg Ala^SO. Al2(NHj24SO,+24 U2O KCr2SO^+12H20 Al2K24S0^4-24H20 526 THE AMERICAN DYER. Table of Symbols and Formulas — Con. Old Notation. AmmoK I gas, . " aqua, " carbonate of, . " chloride or mu- riate of, " nitrate of, " sulphide of, " sulphate of. Antimony, teroxide of, . Borax, . . . . Barium, . . " acetate of, . " chloride of, " sulphate of. Chromium, " acetate of, " chloride of, " sesquioxide of, " teroxide of, Copper, .... " chloride of, . " nitrate of, . " black oxide of, . " red oxide of, " oxalate of, , " sulphide of, . " sulphate of, . Iron, bisulphide of, . " ferrous oxide of, " hydrated ferrous ox- ide of, . " ferric chloride of, " oxalate of, " sesquioxide of, " sulphide of, " sulphate of, " persulphate of. Lead, .... " acetate of, " basic acetate of, " carbonate of, . " chloride of, " red chromate of, " yellow chromate of, " nitrate of, " protoxide of, . " sulphate of, Nil 3 NH,0 NH.OCOa NH4CI NH,0,NOj NH,S NH.O.NOj SbOg NaO^BOj Ba C^HjBaO. BaCl BaOSO. Cr ' Cr,Cl3 Ci-O, Cu ' 2CuCl CuOXOg CuO CujO— CuaC^Og CuS CuOS0.4-5HO FeSa FeO FeO,HO FcaCCg Fe.Og FeS FeO,S03-h7HO Fe„033SOa Pb PbO,C,H3-}-.3Ay CJlgOgSPbO PbO,C02 PbCl 2PbOCrO. PbOCrOj PbONOg PbO PbOSO, New Notation. No change. NII^IIO (NHJ^COg No change. NII^NOg (NIIJ.S NII^NUj SbjOj NajB^O, Ba CaNaOjBa BaCl 2 BaSO^ No change. Cr22(C2U30,) Cr^Cle No change. CuClj Cu-iNOgeHgO No change. 2C2CuiiO„H20 CuS CuS044-.5H.,0 No chauo:e. FeHjOa FcaCle No change. FeS FeSO,+7IIjO FcaSSO^ No change. Pb2CJl302,3H20 2PbOPb2C2H30o PbCOj ' PbCla PbjCi-Os PbCrOg Pb:.^N03 No change. PbSO^ THE AMERICAN DYER. Table of Symbols and Formulas — Con. 527 Old Notation. New Notation. Lime (calcium), Ca No change. " acetiite of, CaO.CJI, Ca(C^U,0^)^ " chloride of, CaCl CaCl 2 " bleaching powders, Ca(),C10-|-CaCl CaCl2Ca2C10 " caustic, . CaO CaOa " carbonate of, . CaOCOj CaCOg " oxalate of. CaO,C208 CaCoO. " phosphate of, . SCaOPbg Cag2Pb, " sulphate of, CaOSOg CaSO. " slack. CaOIIO CaHoO Mercury, .... Ilg Hg " nitrate of, ligONOs HgN^Oe " protoxide of, . Magnesium, . Mg No change. " sulphate of, . MgOSO.+THO MgSO.-f-ZIIjO Potassium, K No change. " anhydrous, . KO K2O " bicarbonate of, . KO2CO0 IIKCO3 " bichromate of, KO.'CrOg K./2CrOi " binoxalate of. K0:.^Cr03 - " bisulphate of, KO2SO3 HKSO. " carbonate of, KOCO2 K2CO3 " caustic of, . KOIIO KlIO " chlorate of, . KOCIO5 KClOg " chloride of, . KCl No change. " chromate of. KOCrOg K2Cr04 " cyanide of, . KCy KCy " ferricyanide of, . KgCyeFcj KsF^Cye " ferrocyanide of, . K.^UygFe K.FeCye " iodide of, Kl KI " oxalate of, . KOCaOg _ " permanganate of, KOMn^Oy KMnO. " suipliate of, . KUSO3 K2SO, " sulphide of,. K8 KjS " tartrate of, , KOJIOCgll^Oio HKCJI^Og " tartar emetic of, . KOSb^OgCglLOio 2(KSbOC4lI^06)Ay Silver, . . . . Ag No change. " nitrate of. AgOXOg AgNOg Sodium, . . . . Na No change. " acetate of, NaOCJIgOg-f-eHO C2n302Na " bicarbonate of, NaO^COj HNaCOg " bisulphate of, . Na()-\SOg HNaSO^ " carbonate of, . NaOCOj NagCOg " carbonate of (crys- tallized). NaOCOj-t-lOHO Na2COg+10n2O " caustic, . IIONaO IlJsaO " chloride of, NaCl NaC 528 THE A^IEEICAN DYER. Table of Symbols and Formulas — Con. Old Notation. Xew dotation. Sodium, " glauber salts of. NaOSOg-flOHO NaoSO.lOHaO " hydro-sulphite of, . NaOSoOo Na^soj " nitrate of. NaONOg NajNOg " phosphate of (biba- sic), . 2NaOHOPOs HNajPO^ Tin, . Sn No change. " bisulphide of. SnSg " " crystals of. SuCl+2H0 SnCL+2H.O " murexide of. SnO SnO " pink salts of. SnCl2+2NH.Cl SnCl,+2NH^Cl " protochloride of SnCl No change. " prussiate f)f. 8SnCy,Fe2Cy8 SugFe^Cyia " fen-icyanide of. - - " stannic acid of. SnOa No change. Water, . HO H.^O Zinc, Zn No change. " acetate of. C.HgZnO^ Zn(C2H302)2 " carljonate of. ZNOCOj ZnCOg " chloride of. ZnCl ZnCl 2 " nitrate of, ZnONOg ZnNOg " sulphate of, ZuOSOg ZnSO^ Organic Compounds. Magdala red, . - ^30"21^3 Carthaniine, — C14H16O7- Isopurpurate of potash, . - CgH.KXOs— Alloxan, . . . . _ C4H4N2O5- Benzole, . . . . _ CoIIe Kitro-benzole, . _ CJIsCNOj) Mauveine, _ C06H24N4 Phenyl, . . . . _ c;ii5 Oxide of jihenyl. - (<-'6H5)20 Iodine green crystals. - ^^2538 32 Hydrated carbolic acid, . - CeHeO+H20 Nai^hthaline, . - CioHg Base of naphthaline red. - ^30'^21^ 8 Naphthaline yellow, - CloH6(^^^2)20 Nitro-naphthuline, . - c\,iA^o,^ Bibromoanthrachinon, . - Ci,HeBr202 Methylaniline, . - CeHs(CIlg)N Diphenylamine, - Ci2H,nN Naphthylaruine, -• C10H9N Triphenylic rosaniline, . - C2oHio(C'6H5)gNg Indigotine, Isatine, Indican, . White indigo, . • - ^16^1l0^2^2 Cl6Hio^2^^4 ^■2 6 "83 ^^18 THE AMERICAN DYER. Table of Symbols and Formulas — Con. 629 Old Notation. New Notation. Indiu:o frluoine, _ 6CJIi,()« Carmiiu' red, . - CmHi.O. Curcumine, - ^lo^^lO^^S Qucroitriiie, - C33"8oO,+01I, Dextrose, - C6lli2^^6 Antlirapurpurine, - Si^!i4> Purperine, - Cl4"805 Alizarine, - C.JIgO, Anthracene, - C14H10 Alizarate of potash, - KaO^Ci^rig Protocatechuic acid, - CvH,0, Oreine, - C^HgOg Morin, - CioHioOe Braziline, - C32H18O7 Luteoline, -' ^2of^l4^8 Santaline, - CgNA Ethyl alcohol, . - CoIIe-O IMethyl alcohol, - CH4O Ethyl, . - C..H5 Methyl, . - CH3 Iodide of ethyl, - C.,HJ Anthraquinone, ' . - C14H8O2 Aniline, . - C0H5NH2 Aniline yellow (soluble ir alcohol). - C2oHi9N20g Rosaline white, - C20H19N3 Rosaniline red, — CgoHigNgOHg SPECK DYES. For Brown. 25 lbs. Extract Logwood, 30 lbs. Copperas, 30 lbs. Sumac. Run three pieces at a time over the reel for twenty min- utes, at a heat of 125° Fahr. For the next three pieces, add 6 lbs. Sumac, 5 lbs. Extract Logwood, 7 lbs. Copperas, and proceed as for first three pieces. 67 530 THE A]MEKICAN DYER. This last addition must be made for every three pieces. ' The pieces are double-width beavers, weighiug sixt}' pounds to the piece. Boil out the sumac in a separate tub or barrel, and use the clear liquor only. "Wash oft* the pieces before you speck-dj'e them, also after being speck-dyed. For Black or Blue. Take a barrel that will hold two hundred and twenty gal- lons of water ; fill it half full of water. Add to it eighty pounds soda-ash ; boil uutil it is dissolved. Then add eighty pounds liquid extract of logwood (specific gravity, 51°) ; boil twenty minutes. Now dissolve twenty pounds blue vitriol in as little water as possible ; then put a piece of iron pipe (the larger in diam- eter the better) into the solution, and turn the blue-vitriol solution down the pipe, a little at a time. By^ so doing you will prevent its foaming, and will not cause so much sediment to settle at the bottom. After you get all the blue vitriol in, fill up the barrel with water. Use one pail of this to every piece weighing sixty pounds, that you run at a time ; that is, after your speck-tub has been set. To Set the Speck-Dye. To a tub that you intend to speck-dye in, that w'ill hold four or five hundred gallons, add all of the above-described solu- tion ; then fill up to the proper working height. Work the speck-dye at 130° Fahr. For Green Felts. Take three pails of copperas, dissolve it in a barrel of water. Into a tub of cold water put fifteen quarts of this solution for the first seven pieces; give the cloth four ends; take out and run into the prussiate-tub. For the next seven THE AMERICAN DYER. 531 pieces, give seven quarts of the copperas solution. For the next seven pieces, give four quarts of the sohition. Give four ends for each seven pieces. This last is the standard solution. Dissolve ten pounds red prussiate in one-half barrel of water. Into a tub of cold water put iifteen quarts of the sol ul ion, and one quart oil of vitriol ;* six ends for each seven pieces. For the second seven pieces, give seven quarts of prussiate solution ; give six ends. For the next seven pieces, o-ive four quarts prussiate solution ; give six ends. This last is the standard solution. After coming out of the prussiate-tub, the pieces must be washed off. * One pint for every seven pieces, after the first seven pieces. THE AMERIOAJS" DYER. 533 CLOTH SAMPLES. No. l.-r Blub- BLACK. No. 2. — liitowN. No. 3. — Blue. No. 4. — Blue Melton. No. 5. — Blue Melton. No. (i. — Black. i THE AMERICAN DYEK. 535 KEMARKS ON PIECE-DYEING (see p. 136). In the first place the pieces should be thoroughly washed after being fulled and scoured, as any grease or soap left in the pieces acts as a deadly obstacle to the coloring of them ; therefore, care should be taken to clear them well out, as greasy or soapy pieces cause the dyer more trouble than all the rest of the difficulties with which he has to contend. If the pieces are greasy or soapy, in nine cases out of ten he will have them full of light-colored places or clouds, and whenever you have such places in the pieces, you may be doubly sure that the grease or soap is not washed out of them, for it is almost an impossibility in piece-dyeing to have light clouds or places in them caused by either the manipulations or dye- stuffs. Where pieces are clouded by the dyeing you will alwai/s find them to be darker than the whole piece, not lighter. After they are washed off they should get all the gigging intended to be given them, and if they can be cropped some before dyeing, it would make a great improvement in the in- tensity of the color ; and for these reasons : — if they have to be gigged much after they are dyed, the friction of the gig makes the color look gray ; and besides, if they are dyed without cropping, the long nap on them acts as a filter to the color, and prevents the coloring matter from penetrating into the body of the cloth. Consequently, after they are dyed, and the nap is sheared off, you will perceive that the color is much lighter than 3'ou expected, for the reason that the best part of the color has been sheared off. Every dyer should insist upon having his pieces come to him PERFECTLY CLEAN, for lie has enough to contend with in piece-dyeing without having greasy or soapy cloth sent to him from the fulling-roora, The pieces should be prepared one day and finished the next ; and after they are dyed, do not wash them off the same day if it can be avoided, or at least do not allow them to go 536 THE aiviericaj^ dyer. directly to the wash-box, but give the color time to fix itself fairly. Wash off all colors with cold water only, except in some particular cases. If the cloth has to be speck-dyed, do not do it until the day after they are colored. The cloth samples are made from thirty-five per cent, wool and sixty- five per cent, shoddy ; both in the warp and filling the shoddy contains a large amount of cotton threads. In speck-dyeing, the black and blues should be done on rollers, two pieces at a time, and run them about twenty-five minutes. . The blues are specked in the same tub and the same dye as the black. Be particular to observe the degrees of heat with each recipe. All these cloths are six-quarters wide. Bail the dye-woods one and a half hours, unless otherwise stated in the recipe. In finishing the cloth, always cool down the dye before en- tering the cloth. In the recipes you will find that tartarine is used. (See article, Tartarine.) If you have not got it, use one-third more of red tartar than is named of tartarine ; that is, if the recipe calls for six pounds tartarine, use eight pounds red tartar in its place. If you are obliged to finish the cloth on the same day that it is prepared, be sure and cool off the cloth from the prepa- ration thoroughly. RECIPES FOR CLOTH, WITH SAMPLES. Blue-black Chinchillas. No. 1. 1 piece, 45 yards, 100 Ib's. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 1|1I)S. Tartarine. Boil cloth two hours. THE AMERICAN DYER. 537 Finish with — GO lbs. Chip Logwood, 2 lbs. Camwood. Boil cloth two hours. Speck-dye at 130° (see recipe for speck-dye) . For a Jet Black on same Goods. Six pieces, 480 lbs. Prepare with — 12 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartarine, 8 lbs Blue Vitriol. Boil cloth two hours. Finish with — 150 lbs. Chip Logwood, 20 lbs. Chip Fustic. Boil cloth two hours. Speck-dye at 150°. Brown. No. 2. 6 pieces heavy Chinchilla, 520 ll)s. Prepare with — 12 lbs. Chrome, 12 lbs. Tartarine, 2 lbs. Alum. Boil cloth tw^o hours. Finish with — 45 lbs. Extract Fustic, 45 lbs. Madder, 100 1I)S. Camwood, 20 lbs. Grouiul Logwood, 20 lbs. Sanders, 20 lbs. Barwood, 5 lbs. Extract Ilypernic. Throw these into the kettle loose, and boil twenty minutes ; then cool down and enter the cloth, and boil one and three- 68 538 THE A]VrERICAX DYEK. quarters hours. Take out and wash off. Extract the water out of them, and speck-dye at 130° (see speck-dye for brown). The extract of fustic and hyperuic you must dissolve before putting it into the tub. Blue. No. 3. 6 pieces Chinchilla, 452 lbs. Prepare with — 15 lbs. Alum, 8 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 2^ lbs. Chrome. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 5 lbs. Ground Hypernic, 6 lbs. Cudbear, 100 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil one and a half hours ; then cool down and enter cloth, and boil two hours ; speck-dye at 130°. Blue. No. 4. 8 pieces light-weight Meltons, 388 lbs. Prepare with — 12 lbs. Alum, 7 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 1| lbs. Chrome, I lb. Tin Crystals. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 110 lbs. Chip Logwood, 6 oz. Tin Crystals. Cool down and enter cloth. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours ; speck-dye at 130°. THE AMERICAN DYER. 539 Blue. No. 5. 8 pieces heavy-weight Meltons, 490 lbs. Prepare with — 1 lb. Chrome, 12 lbs. Alum, 8 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 1 lb. Tin Crystals. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 100 lbs. Chip Logwood. Cool down ; enter cloth. Boil one and three-fourths hours : speck-dye at 170°. Black. No. 6. On cotton warp, worsted filling, and cotton and shoddy backing, forty per cent, cotton in the back filling. Narrow-width cloth, fourteen ounces to the yard, thirty yards in a piece. First. Dissolve thirty pounds copperas, and ten pounds white sugar of lead ; put it into a barrel, and fill it up with water. To prepare ten pieces, take one pailful of the copperas and lead solution, add it to the tub you are to prepare in ; now add five pounds blue vitriol to it, and the clear liquor from one pail of sumac. Run the pieces one and a half hours at a boil. Take out, air well, and leave until next day to finish. This preparation can be kept until you run forty pieces ; after that throw it away. For each succeeding ten pieces use one pail of the copperas and lead solution, five pounds blue vitriol, and the clear liquor from one pail of sumac, as stated above. Finishins: or roller-tub — To set : 100 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 100 lbs. Soda-ash, 22 lbs. Blue Vitriol. 540 TUE A3IERICAX DYER. Take five pieces at a time, give them five ends, then take them out and air them ; re-enter them and give them five more ends ; take out and wash ofi" the next day. This tub is kept on the boil all the time the pieces are in it. For the next five pieces, add to the tub — 13 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 13 lbs. Soda-ash, 1| lbs. Blue Vitriol, and proceed as for the first five pieces. Should the pieces come out a little on the purple shade, reduce the dyestufis to 10 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 10 lbs. Soda-ash, If lbs. Blue Vitriol. To get a blue-black, use — 4 lbs. Extract of Hemlock, 8 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 11 lbs. Soda-ash, 21 lbs. Blue Vitriol, for each five pieces'. To set for a blue-black — 80 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 25 lbs. Extract of Hemlock, 90 lbs. Soda-ash, 25 lbs. Blue Vitriol. This makes a splendid blue-black on these kinds of goods. Prussian Blue. Six pieces Cloth, 300 lbs. Prepare with — 40 lbs. Red Prussiate of Potash, 8 oz. Nitric Acid, 6 oz. Sulphuric Acid. Enter at 140°, and bring to a boil slowly, and boil half an hour. THE AMERICAN DYER. 541 Finish with two hundred pounds chip h)gwood, boil oiif the logwood, cool down to 170°, then add — 4 lbs. Tin Crystals, 4 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 4 lbs. Tartar. Rake up well. Enter cloth, and bring to a boil, and boil one hour. Rich Full Blue. Six pieces heavy Beavers, 330 lbs. Prepare with — 13 lbs. Alum, 4 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 1 quart Scarlet Spirits, 1 pint Ammt)nia, 60 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil out first; then cool down, and add the spirits, ammo- nia, alum, and acid. Rake up and enter cloth. Boil for one and a half hours ; take out and wash off. To make the scarlet spirits : Take thirty-four pounds water, add to it seventeen pounds nitric acid, and three pounds mu- riatic acid ; add five pounds feathered tin. Gradually, when it is all dissolved, add to it four and a half pounds oil of vitriol; stir up well ; do not use it until it has been made twenty-four hours. Prussian Blue. 500 lbs. Worsted Serges. Prepare with — 40 lbs. Red Prussiate of Potash, 4 lbs. Oil of Vitriol, 4 lbs. Nitric Acid. Enter at 140°. Bring up to a boil graduall}', and boil one hour. Take out and air well. * 542 THE AJ^IEEICAN DYER. Finish with — . 300 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil it out. Then cool clown, and add to it — 5 lbs. Tin Crystals, 5 lbs. Alum, 2 lbs. Oxalic Acid. Enter, and bring to a boil, and boil one and one-fourth hours. Take out, and wash off. Light Blue. 4 pieces Worsted Warps, 210 lbs. Prepare with — 1^ lbs. Chrome, 7 lbs. Alum, . 3 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 2 lbs. Tin Crystals. Enter cloth, and boil one and one-half hours. Finish with — 30 lbs. Chip Logwood. Enter cloth at 180"^. Bring up to a boil, and boil one and one-fourth hours. Speck-dye at 120° heat. Black. 4 pieces, 15 ounces per yard, 150 lbs. Prepare with — 16 lbs. Chip Fustic, 8 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil these one and one-half hours. Then add — 6 lbs. Copperas, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Rake up. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 130 lbs. Chip Logwood, 7 lbs. Chip Fustic. Boil cloth one and one-half hours. THE AMERICAN DYER. 543 Prussian Blue (ludigo Shade). 100 lbs. Beaver Cloth. Prepare with — 6 11)8. Red Prussiate of Potash, 1 quart Muriatic Acid, 1 quart Oil of Vitriol, 70 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil out the logwood. Then cool down to 140°, and add the prussiate and the acids. Enter the cloth ; put on the steam, and boil to a good green color. Then take it out, and air well. Add to the liquor — 2 lbs. Tin Crystals, 4 lbs. Alum, 1 lb. Oxalic Acid. Rake up well. Enter the cloth, and boil for one hour, or till the shade suits you. . Blue Worsted Warp. 2 pieces, 50 yards, 104 lbs. Prepare with — I lb. Chrome, 3 lbs. Alum, 1^ lbs. Oxalic Acid, lib. Tin Crystals. Boil cloth one and one-half hours. Finish with — 20 lbs. Chip Logwood. Enter cool, and boil one hour. Then speck-dye in cold speck-dye. 544 THE america:n' dyer. Black. 4 pieces, 28 ounces per yard, 200 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 5 Ibs.-Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Tartarine. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 130 lbs. Chip Logwood, 20 lbs. Chip Fustic. Boil cloth one and one-half hours. Olive. 6 pieces Beavers ; weight, 264 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartarine. Boil one and one-half hours. Finish with — 90 lbs. Chip Fustic, 12 lbs. Madder, 45 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil two hours. Air the cloth well, and wash off. Green Olive. *6 pieces Beavers, 246 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartarine. Boil cloth one aud one-half hours. THE AMERICAN DYER. 5^5 Finish with — 65 11)3. Chip Fustic, 12 lbs. Madder, 15 lbs. Camwood, 33 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil cloth two hours. Wash off. Brown Olive. 6 pieces Beavers, 240 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartarine. Boil cloth one and one-half hours. Air well. Finish with — 100 lbs. Chip Fustic, 18 lbs. Madder, 38 lbs. Chip Hypernic, 16 lbs. Logwood. Boil cloth two hours. Air well, and wash oflf. Broavn. 6 pieces Beavers, 260 lbs, Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartarine. Boil cloth one and one-half hours. Finish with — 75 lbs. Chip Fustic, 12 lbs. :Madder, 40 lbs. Camwood. Boil cloth two hours. Then sadden with twelve lbs. cop- peras, and boil a half hour longer. 69 546 THE AMEKICAX DYEK. Red Brown. 6 pieces Beavers, 260 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 2 lbs. Tartarine. Boil the cloth one and one-half hours. Finish with — 130 lbs. Chip Fustic, 18 lbs. Madder, 100 lbs. Chip Hypernic, 10 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil the cloth one and three-fourths hours. Then sadden with- two lbs. blue vitriol, and boil one hour longer. Eeddish Brown. 6 pieces Beavers. Prepare with — 5^ lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Tartarine. Boil the cloth one and three-fourths hours. Air well. Then Finish with — 100 lbs. Chip Fustic, 13 lbs. Madder, 10 lbs. Chip Logwood, 100 lbs. Chip Hypernic. Boil the cloth one and three-fourths hours. Then sadden with three lbs. blue vitriol, and boil one hour lonjrer. Dahlia. 6 pieces Chinchilla, 482 lbs. Prepare with — 8 lbs. Chrome, 7\ lbs. Tartarine. Boil the cloth one and three-quarters hours. THE A^IERICAX DYER. 547 Finish with — 48 lbs. Ground Hy pernio, 10 lbs. Cudbear, 10 lbs. Extract of Hypernic, 15 lbs. Ground Logwood. Boil the cloth two hours. Next day, speck-dye at 120°, and "rive four ends. Wash off. Dahlia. 6 pieces Beavers, 252 lbs. Prepare with — G lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 1 quart Oil of Vitriol. Boil the cloth one and one-half hours. Finish with — 90 lbs. Chip Hypernic, 6 lbs. Cudbear, 30 lbs. Camwood, 7 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil the cloth two hours. Wash off in fuller's earth. Claret. 6 pieces Beavers, 252 lbs. Prepare with — ^ 61^ lbs. Chrome, 6| lbs. Tartarine. Boil the cloth one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 180 lbs. Camwood, 15 lbs. Logwood, 15 lbs. Fustic. 548 THE AKERICAX DYEK. Boil the cloth two hours. Then sadden with 3^ lbs. Blue Vitriol, 6 lbs. Copperas. Boil one half-hour. Wash off. FELT GOODS. Aniline Colors. — Blues. Guernsey (reddish). Eight pieces Felts, 160 lbs. 1 lb. 7 oz. single B Guernsey blue, li lbs. Sal soda. Enter the cloth at 190°, bring up to a boil, and boil one hour. It is immaterial whether you wash off from this or not. Develop in a bath at 120°, to wh!ch add one gallon oil of vit- riol ; run the cloth at this temperature for half au hour ; take out and wash the cloth in cold water. If you should wish for a very dark shade, top the above off in a fresh bath at 200°, with seven ounces Hoffmann two B's violet, which produces a very handsome shade. China and Serge Blue. Four pieces Felt, 80 lbs. Dissolve ten ounces China blue crystals in two pails of hot water, with one pound oil vitriol ; add this to the dye- tub ; then dissolve ten ounces serge blue in the same amount of water, but do not use any acid. Add this to the tub, rake it up, then add one pound more of oil vitriol ; rake up, enter cloth at 130°, run and boil for half an .hour. Take out and wash off. Nicholson Blue. Ten pieces Felt, 200 lbs. Dissolve two and three-quarters pounds refined borax ; add it to the tub. Dissolve one pound six ounces Nicholson four THE A3IERICAN DYER. 549 B's fast blue ; add it to the tub. Enter tlie cloth at 130°, heat up to 190°, run for half an hour, take out and air well. De- velop in a fresh bath at 120°, to which add two quarts oil vitriol ; run the cloth twenty minutes, take out and wash off. China Blue (new). Eight pieces Felt, 160 lbs. Dissolve one pound China blue crystals with two pounds diluted oil vitriol ; add it to the tub. Then dissolve fourteen ounces more of the crystals in the same amount of acid ; add this also to the tub. Then add twelve pounds oil vitriol ; rake up the tub well. Enter the cloth at 130° ; run the cloth at a boil for fifteen minutes; take out and wash off. Nicholson Blue. Eight pieces Felt, 112 lbs. Dissolve two pounds borax ; add to the tub. Dissolve one pound fourteen ounces Nicholson fast blue, three B's. Pro- ceed as for the other Nicholson blue. Develop in fresh bath at 130°, to which add three quarts oil vitriol; run cloth twenty minutes ; take out and wash off. For the next eight pieces, add to tirst tub twenty-five ounces Nicholson three B's. To developing-tul) add three pints oil vitriol ; and the same for every eight pieces thereafter. Silver Drab. Eight pieces Felt, 160 lbs. Dissolve half a pound silver-drab crystals in half a pint of acetic acid ; add it to the tub. Add also one quart oil vitriol ; rake up the solution well. Enter the cloth at 120°, bring up to a boil, and boil one hour; take out and wash off. If you should want a bluer shade, use more oil vitriol. If wanted more on the lavender shade, use no oil vitriol. Another Shade of the Same Color. Proceed as above, and when you reel ui) the cloth add to the bath four pounds madder ; boil it for five minutes, then 550 THE AMEEICAX DYEK. add three ounces of copperas. Drop the cloth in a^ain, and boil for half an hour; take out and wash off. These drabs can be varied by adding more madder. An- other very good shade is obtained by using nine pounds of madder. Violet. Eight pieces Felt, IGO lbs. Dissolve thirteen ounces Hoffmann two B's in hot water; add to the bath ; rake up well. Enter the cloth at 110°, run twenty minutes, bring up to 140°, take up the cloth on the reel. Then add to the tub thirteen ounces more of the crys- tals, dissolved as before ; run cloth ten minutes, then bring up to 190° ; run for ten minutes more ; take out and wash off. For other violets, if wanted bhier, use oil of vitriol with the dye. The marks of violets are : the more B's, the bluer the shade they give. Scarlet. 100 lbs. Felt Cloth, 4 pieces. 10 lbs. Cochineal, 2t lbs. Tin Crystals, 2^ lbs. Oxalic Acid, I lb. Flavine, 2i lbs. Tartar, 21 pints Muriate of Tin. Boil these for tifteeu minutes ; then cool down tub ; enter cloth ; put on steam and boil forty minutes ; take out and wash off. This is a splendid shade. Scarlet (more on the red shade than the above). 100 lbs. Felts, 4 pieces. 11 lbs. Cochineal, 41 lbs. Taitarine (see article Tartar), 4 ounces Flavine, THE AMERICAN DYER. 551 1 11). Oxalic Acid, 1 ounce Roseine, 2 quarts JNIuriate of Tin. Proceed as above. Boil one hour and wash off. Scarlet. 160 lbs. Felts, 8 pieces. 12 lbs. Cochineal, 1 lb. Flavine, 4 lbs. Refined Tartar, 2 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 6 quarts Scarlet Spirits. Boil these for fifteen minutes. Cool down to 140°. Enter cloth. Put on steam and boil three-fourths hour. Wash off. Scarlet. 140 lbs. Felts, 6 pieces. 10 lbs. Cochineal, 4 lbs. Tartarine, 1| lbs. Oxalic Acid, 10 ounces Flavine, 6 quarts Muriate of Tin. Proceed as above, and boil one hour. Pearl-Drab. 104 lbs. Felts, 4 pieces. Prepare with — 2^ lbs. Chrome, 2^ lbs. Alum, 2i lbs. Tartarine. Boil cloth one and a half hours. 552 THE AMERICAN DYER. Finish with — 7 ounces Nutgalls, 7 ounces Ground Logwood, 1^ ounces Cudbear, 11^ ounces Ground Fustic. Boil these twenty minutes. Enter cloth and boil one hour. Lead-Drab. 100 lbs. Felts, 4 pieces. Prepare as for pearl-drab. Finish with — 2| lbs. Ground Logwood, 2\ lbs.. Nutgalls, 6 ounces Cudbfear. Proceed in all respects as for pearl-drab. Bright Blue. 100 lbs. Felts, 4 pieces. Prepare with — 1 lb. Chrome, 2^ lbs. Alum, 1^ lbs. Oxalic Acid. Boil cloth one and a half hours. Finish with — 16 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil for one and a half hours, then add three ounces Hoff- mann's 2 B's violet. Enter cloth at 170° Fahr. Put on steam and boil one and one-fourth hours. Nicholson Blue (Cotton back). 4 pieces, 92 lbs. THE AMERICAN DYER. 553 10 ounces Guernsey blue, A, 1 lb. Sodii-ash, 2 ounces Hoffmann's 2 B's, violet. Enter cloth as 180°, put on steam, and boil three-fourths of an hour. Develop at 120° Fahr. with— 2 quarts Oil of Vitriol. Run cloth three-fourths of an hour. Take out and wash off. Olive. 175 lbs. Felts, 8 pieces. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. AJum. Boil cloth one and three-fourths hours next day. Finish with — 56 lbs. Chip Fustic, 40 lbs. Madder, 6 lbs. Logwood. Boil these one and a half hours. Cool down. Enter cloth and boil one and a half hours. A Rich Olive. 250 lbs. Felts, 10 pieces. Prepare with — 7 lbs. Chrome, 7 lbs. Glauber Salts, 5 lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Boil cloth one and a half hours. 70 554 THE AMERICAN DYER. Finish with — 75 lbs. Chip Fustic, 70 lbs. Madder, 20 lbs. Chip Logwood, 60 lbs. Camwood. Boil all these two hours, then cool down and add five lbs. glauber salts. Enter cloth. Put on steam, and boil one and three-fourths hours. If the felts have many burrs or specks, you must speck- dye them with sumac and copperas, cold — first, in a sumac- bath, then in the copperas-bath. Dark Green. 200 lbs. Felts, 8 pieces. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 10 lbs. Alum, 10 lbs. Glauber Salts, 5 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 5 lbs. Tin Crystals, 5 lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Boil cloth one and a half hours, then take out and wash off. Finish with — 23 lbs. Chip Fustic, 20 lbs. Chip Logwood, 13 lbs. Extract of Indigo. Boil the fustic and logwood one and a half hours ; then add the indigo. Boil fifteen minutes. Cool down, enter cloth, and boil two hours. Green. 126 lbs. Felts, 7 pieces. THE AMERICAN DYER. 555 15 lbs. Alum, 10 lbs. Extract of Indigo, 2 lbs. Picric Acid. Boil these for twenty minutes ; then cool down ; enter the cloth and boil one hour ; then speck-dye. Speck-Dye for Green Felts. Take 3 pails of copperas ; dissolve it in one barrel of water. Into a tub of cold water put 15 quarts of this solution for the first 7 pieces. Give them 4 ends. Take out and run into the other tub. For the next 7 pieces add seven quarts of the copperas solution, and procees as for the first 7 pieces. For the next seven pieces use 4 quarts of the solution and proceed as before. This last will be the standard. Second tub, — Dissolve 10 lbs. red prussiate potash in a half-barrel of cold water. Into the second tub (cold) put, for first 7 pieces, 15 quarts of prussiate solution. Give 6 ends. For second 7 pieces, 7 quarts prussiate solution. Give 6 ends. For next 7 pieces, 4 quarts prussiate solution. Give 6 ends. This last is the standard for the second tub. Wash off the pieces after coming out of the prussiate-tub. THE AArERICAN DYER. ooT WOOL SAMPLES. No. 1. No. -J. No. 3, Sto.nk-Dkab. No. 4. Anilink Drab. No. 5. Ykllow-Oijaxgk No. 6. Full Ouanck No. 7. Lavkndkr. No. 8. Fast Nicholson liLUK. No. 9. Fast Nkuoi.sox I'lLUK, Dakk. 558 THE AMERICA^s^ DYER. WOOL SAMPLES No. 10. Seal Brown. Xo. 11. Browx. No. 12. Cixxamox-Bkowx. No. 14. . No. 13. Light Cix'xamox- No. 15. Olive. Browx. Red-Browx No. 16. Olive-Brown^ No. 17. Dark Cardixal- Red. No. 18. Blue-Violet. *t;i.*"^<': m t THE AMERICAN DYET{. 559 WOOL SAMPLES. No. 11). Blue. No. 20. Plum. No. 21. Ghf.kn. No. 22. Smokk-Gukkx. No. 2.3. IJluk-Gkkex. No. 24. Fi'L^ Okkkn. THE AMERICAN DYER. 561 REMARKS ON RECIPES FOR WOOL. The number of pomuls for each recipe, is for wool in the grease (that is, wool before it is scoured), unless otherwise stated in the recipe. The wool in all cases should be well poled before the steam is turned on, and during the time it is boiling, it is a very good plan to shift the position of it in the tub,*by using the pole once or twice during the ebullition. We have given but few samples of colors, but there is enough for a guide, as a dyer can vary the materials of the diflferent recipes, according to his judgment, so as to obtain the shade desired, by comparing his sample with sample in the book, and making such variations as required, either in the yellow, blue, or red coloring materials. The dye-woods must be boiled one and a half hours before entering the wool, and the same time for the wool, unless otherwise stated in the recipe. All the ground woods should be thrown into the tub loose, except camwood, sanders, and barwood, if in large quantities, which must be sprinkled upon the wool before it is thrown into the tub. When coloring yellow and other light shades, be particular to have the tub thoroughly cleaned, and everything connected with the dyeing of them perfectly clean. After preparing the wool, do not tinish until the next day, as the colors will be more intense and brighter by so doing. RECIPES FOR WOOL, WITH SAMPLES. Granite-Drab. No. 1. Fifth quality American, 350 lbs. 4 lbs. Ground Logwood, ^Ib. Cudbear, 6 oz. Nutgalls, 71 562 THE AMERICAN DYER. 1 lb. Ground Fustic, 1 lb. Red Tartar. After boiling these half an hour, enter the wool very quickly, and pole up well. (The tartar should not be put in until the other materials are boiled out for half an hour.) After boiling the wool for one and a half hours, sadden with — 1 lb. Blue Vitriol, 1 lb. Red Tartar, 3 oz. Copperas. Boil half an hour ; then draw off and throw out. Drab. No. 2. Third Fleece, 300 lbs. Prepare with — 7 lbs. Ground Logwood, 1 lb. Nutgalls, 2 lbs. Sumac, 3 lbs. Red Sanders, 41 lbs. Madder, 11 lbs. Ground Fustic. Boil these twenty minutes ; enter wool, and boil one and a half hours. Sadden with — 2^ lbs. Copperas, I lb. Alum. Boil half an hour, then draw off. Stone-Drab . No. 3. Fifth Fleece, 300 lbs. Prepare with — 1| lbs. Nutgalls, 2 lbs. Ground Logwood, 1| lbs. Ground Fustic, 11^ lbs. Madder, f lb. Sumac. THE AMEBIC AI^ DYER. 5G3 Boil and proceed as for No. 2 ; then sadden with — 1 lb. Alum, 1 lb. Red Tartar, I lb. Copperas. Boil half an hour, than draw off. Aniline Drab. No. 4. Third Fleece, 316 lbs. Prepare with — 10 oz. Silver-Gray Crystals (Poirrier). Dissolve it in half a pint acetic acid ; heat the tub to 150"^ Fahr. ; add to it one quart of oil of vitriol ; stir it up ; then add the dissolved crystals, and rake up well ; enter the wool, turn on the steam, and pole until it comes to the boil, and boil one and a half hours. This comes out a little uneven, but does not show it after being carded. Yellow-Orange, No. 5. Third Fleece, 20 lbs. clean. Prepare with — 7 oz. Flavine, ^ oz. Purpurine. Boil these for half an hour, then cool down, and add — I lb. Tin Crystals, I lb. Muriate of Tin, \ lb. Oxalic Acid. Rake up well ; enter the wool ; pole up well. Boil half an hour ; take out and wash off. Full Orange. No. 6. Third Fleece clean Wool, 100 lbs. Prepare with — 4 lbs. Flavine, 10 oz. Purpurine. 564: THE AMEKICAX DYER. Proceed' as with No. 5, then add — 3 lbs. Tiu Crystals, 2i lbs. Oxalic Acid. Enter wool, turn on steam, and pole up until the wool be- comes even. Boil half an hour. This color improves in fulling and scouring, becoming brighter. It is a perfectly fast color, as regards light and alkalies. If the water which you have to use contains lime, less pur- purine will produce the shade. Lavender. No. 7. Third Australian, clean Wool, 80 lbs. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Alum, 3 lbs. Red Tartar, 1 lb'. Oil of Vitriol. Boil wool one hour. Finish with — 1 lb. Hoffmann Violet, 3 B's, ^ lb. Extract of Indigo (Chemic). Boil wool half an hour. Leave it in the bath five hours. If it should not come up red enough to suit you, sadden with one pound alum. Fast Nicholson Blue. No. 8. Third American, clean fleece Wool, 25 lbs. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Chrome, 1^ lb. Alum, 1 lb. Tin Crystals, 1 lb. Red Tartar. Boil wool one hour. THE AMERICAN DYER. 565 Finish with — 1^ oz. Hoflfmann Violet, 3 B's, \l oz. Nicholson'sBlue, 4 B's. Boil wool one hour. Take out and develop in fresh bath, with one pint oil of vitriol. Heat 200° Fahr., pole up well, and leave in for one hour. Wash off. Fast Nicholson Blue (Dark). No. 9. Third Fleece, cleau Wool, 20 lbs. Prepare with — 4 oz. Fast Nicholson's Blue, 4 B's, 1 lb. Sal-soda. Enter wool at 190 Fahr. Bring to a boil, and boil half an hour. Finish in fresh bath with — If lbs. Oil of Vitriol, 1 oz. Hoffmann Violet, 2 B's. Enter wool at 150° Fahr. Put on steam and boil half an hour. Then sadden with quarter of a pound of copperas, and boil half tin hour longer. Take out and wash off. Seal Brown. No. 10. 100 lbs. clean Wool, 4th Fleece. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Tartarine,* I lb. Oxalic Acid. Boil wool one and a half hours. * Tartarine is a substitute for tartar. If you do not have it, use five pouuils of half-refined tartar in phice of tartarine. (See article, Tartar.) Where tartarine is mentioned in the recipe, and you have not got it, use half-refined tartar, one-third more than weight of tartarine. 56G THE amekica:n^ dyee. Finish with — 66 lbs. Chip Fustic, 7 Jibs. Logwood, 22 lbs. Madder, 22 lbs. Camwood, 6 lbs. Red Sanders. Boil these one and a half hours, and boil the wool two hours. Then sadden with — 1 lb. Copperas, f lb. Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Ground Logwood. Boil wool half an hour longer. Brown. No. IL 496 lbs. 4th American Fleece. Prepare with — 5^ lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Tartarine, 1 lb. Oxalic Acid. Boil wool one and a half hours. • Finish with — 130 lbs. Chip Fustic, 30 lbs. Madder, 20 lbs. Red Sanders, 55 lbs. Camwood, 5 lbs. Logwood. Boil wool two hours ; then sadden with — 10 lbs. Copperas, 4 lbs. Ground Logwood. Boil half an hour longer, and draw off. Cinnamon-Brown. No. 12. 400 lbs. Fall California (shrinkage, 64 percent.) THE AMERICAN DYER. 567 Prepare with — 4 lbs. Chrome, 3^ lbs. Alum. Boil one and a half hours ; next day Finish with — 65 lbs. Camwood, 11 lbs. Madder, 50 lbs. Chip Fustic. Boil wool two hours. Sadden with — 8 lbs.. Copperas, 3|^lbs. Ground Logwood. Boil half an hour longer, and draw off. Olive. No. 13. 200 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — G lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartarine. Boil wool two hours. Finish with — ♦ 80 lbs. Chip Fustic, 15 lbs. Madder, 8 lbs. Ground Logwood, 18 lbs. Camwood. Boil wool two hours ; then sadden with— 3 lbs. Copperas, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil half an hour longer. Light Cinnamon-Brown. No. 14. 330 lbs. 4th Fleece. 568 THE AMERICAN DTEK. Prepare with — 4 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Tartar, 1 lb. Oxalic Acid. Finish with — 70 lbs. Chip Fustic, 16 ll)s. Madder, 20 lbs. Camwood, 6 lbs. Red Sanders. Boil wool one and a half hours ; then sadden with — 1^ lbs. Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Copperas, 3 lbs. Ground Logwood. Boil three-quarters of an hour, and draw off. Red-Brown. No. 15. 425 lbs. 4th Fleece. Prepare with — 4^ lbs. Chrome, 4^ lbs. Tartarine. Finish with — 100 lbs. Chip Fustic, 30 lbs. Madder, 15 lbs. Red Sanders, 50 lbs. Camwood, 5 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil wool one and three-quarter hours ; then sadden with- 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol, and boil half an hour longer. Olive-Brown. No. 16. 325 lbs. 5th Fleece. THE AMERICAN DYER. 569 Prepare with — 4 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Tartariue. Finish with — 40 lbs. Chip Fustic, 4^ lbs. Chip Logwood, 4 lbs. Matlder, 22 lbs. Camwood. Boil wool two hours ; then sadden with- U lbs. Blue Vitriol, 1 lb. Copperas. Boil half an hour. Dark Cardinal-Red. No. 17. 50 lbs. clean Pulled Wool. Prepare with — •" 15 lbs. Alum, 8 lbs. Tartariue, 2 lbs. Sal-Aramoniac. Boil wool two hours ; next day Finish with — 14 lbs. Cochineal. Boil wool two hours ; leave it in the dye six hours. This is a perfectly fast color. Another Cardinal-Red. 75 lbs. Clean Wool. I lb. Flavine, 12 oz. Golden Roseine. Enter cool ; bring to boil, and boil one hour. This is better adapted for yarn than wool. 72 570 THE AMERICAi^ DYER. Blue-Yiolet. No. 18. 80 lbs. Cleau Wool, 3d Fleece. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Alum, 3 lbs. Tartarine. Boil wool two hours ; next day Finish with — 1^ lbs. Hoffmann's 4 B's Violet (Poirrier's). Boil one hour, and leave it in the tub three or four hours. This color resists alkalies and sunshine (light). Blue. No. 19. 500 lbs. 3d Fleece. Prepare with — 1\ lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Alum, 4 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 2 lbs. Tartarine, I lb. Tin Crystals. Boil wool one and a half hours. Finish with — 60 lbs. Chip Logwood, 3 oz. Hoffmann's 2 B's Violet (Poirrier's). Boil one and three-quarters hours. Plum. No. 20. 481 lbs. 3d Fleece. Prepare with — A lbs. Tartarine, 4 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 1\ lbs. Alum. Boil wool one and a half hours ; next day THE AMERICAN DYER. 571 Finish with — 75 lbs. Chip Logwood, 15 lbs. Hypernic, 3 lbs. Ciidbear. Boil wool one and three-quarters hours ; draw off. Green. No. 21. 40 lbs. Clean Wool, 4th Fleece. Prepare with — 2\ lbs. Alum, 4 oz. Chrome, 3. oz. Tin Crystals. Boil wool one and three-quarters hours. Finish with — 2^ lbs. Ground Fustic, 7 lbs. Extract Indigo (Chemic) , 1 quart Bran, 1 quart Salt (Coarse). Boil these three-quarters of an hour ; then cool down the tub. Enter the wool ; pole up well, put on steam, and boil one and three-quarters hours ; draw off. Smoke-Green. No. 22. 400 lbs. 3d Australian. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 1^ pints Oil of Vitriol, 5 lbs. Alum, 1 lb. Tin Crystals. Boil wool two hours. , Finish with — 6' lbs. Chip Fustic, 16 quarts Salt, 572 THE A^IERICAN DYER. 58 lbs. Extract Indigo, 25 lbs. Bran, 10 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil out the fustic, bran aud logwood, before you add the indigo aud salt ; then boil for twenty minutes longer. Cool down the tub, then enter the wool ; pole up well, and boil one and three-quarters hours ; after which you will sprinkle on 2 lbs. Ground Fustic, 8 lbs. Ground Logwood. Boil one hour longer, then draw off, and throw out the wool immediately. Note. — The greeus must not be finished off until the dan «/'"' they are prejmred. Blue-Green. No. 23. Clean, 3 lbs. ; Fleece, 120 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Alum, f lb. Chrome, 1 lb. Tin Crystals. Boil wool one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 5 lbs. Ground Fustic, 3 quarts Bran, 20 lbs. Extract of Indigo, 3 quarts Salt. Proceed as for No. 22. Boil wool one and one-fourth hours, or to shade. Full Green. No. 24. Fall California (shrinks sixty-four per cent.), 400 lbs. .Prepare with — 10 lbs. Alum, 2 lbs. Chrome, 2^ lbs. Tin Crystals. Boil wool two hours. THE AMERICAIT DYER. 573 Finish with — 25 lbs. Chip Fustic, 8 lbs. Chip Logwood, 2 pails of Bran, 20 lbs. Extract of Indigo, 10 quarts salt. Proceed as for No. 22, and boil wool one and one-half hours. Draw off, and throw out the wool. Golden-Brown. Fleece, 250 lbs. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Alum, 3 lbs. Tartar. Boil* wool one and a half hours. Finish with — 56 lbs. Chip Fustic,* 12 lbs. Madder, 18 lbs. Camwood. Boil drugs one and a half hours. Boil wool two hours. A Dark Golden-Browt^. Fleece, 433 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Alum. Boil wool one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 130 lbs. Chip Fustic, 64 lbs. Camwood, 16 lbs. Logwood, 20 lbs. Madder. Proceed as above. 574 THE AlVIERICAN DYER. Olive-Brown. Australian Wool (shrinks sixty per cent.), 400 lbs. Prepare with — 4^ lbs. Chrome, 3| lbs. Alum, 3f lbs. Tartar. Boil one and a half hours. Finish with — 60 lbs. Chip Fustic, 30 lbs. Camwood, 7 lbs. Madder, 6 lbs. Logwood. Boil wool one and three-fourths hours. Sadden with — 5 lbs. Copperas, 1 lb. Ground Logwood. * Boil one hour longer. Ked-Brown. Third Australian, 450 lbs. Prepare with — 6| lbs. Chrome, 6| lbs. Tartar, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil wool one and a half hours. Finish with — 130 lbs. Chip Fnstic, 10 lbs. Madder, 40 lbs. Camwood, 10 lbs. Red Sanders, 8 lbs. Chip Hypernic. Boil drugs one and a half hours. Boil wool one and three- fourths hours. ' By saddening this with six lbs. copperas and one lb. ground logwood, you will obtain a good olive-brown color. THE AMEltlCAN DYER. 575 Light Olive. Second Fleece, 300 lbs. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Red Tartar, 5 lbs. Alum. Boil wool two hours. Finish with — 80 lbs. Chip Fustic, 10 lbs. Chip Logwood, 7| lbs. Madder, 10 lbs. Camwood. Boil wool two hours. Geeen-Olive. Third Fleece, 500 lbs. « Prepare with — 8 lbs. Chrome, 8 lbs. Red Tartar. Finish with — 110 lbs. Chip Fustic, 8 lbs. Camwood, 15 lbs. Madder, 20 lbs. Chip Logwood. Proceed as for light olive. Cinnamon Color. Monteviedo Wool, 500 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Alum, 4 lbs. Red Tartar. 576 THE AMEKICAX DYER. Finish with — 120 lbs. Chip Fustic, 12 lbs. Madder, 24 lbs. Camwood, 25 lbs. Chip Hypernic. Boil wool two hours. Yellow-Bronz e. Fribs, 500 lbs. Prepare with — 7 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Red Tartar, 6 lbs. Alum. • Finish with — 120 lbs. Chip Fustic, 20 lbs. Madder, 10 lbs. Logwood. Boil the wool two hours. Leave it in for a few hours. Broxze, Third Fleece, 600 lbs. Prepare with — 7 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartar, 6 lbs. Alum. Finish with — 80 lbs. Chip Fustic, 50 lbs. Camwood, 9 lbs. Chip Logwood, 10 lbs. Madder. Boil wool two hours. THE AMERICAN DYER. 577 Light Bronze. Fribs, 500 lbs. Prepare with — 7 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Red Tartar. Finish with — 64 lbs. Chip Fustic, 10 lbs. Matkler, 1 lb. Ground Logwood. Boil wool one and a half hours. Light Stains or Shades — Yellow Stain. 450 lbs. Second Fleece. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Chrome, 2 lbs. Red Tartar. Finish with — 4 lbs. Ground Fustic, 1^ lbs. Camwood, 1 lb. Madder. Boil the wool in each bath one and a half hours. Pink Stain. 60 lbs. Cape Wool, clean. Prepare with — 3 oz. Ground Logwood, 3 oz. Ground Fustic, ^ oz. Cudbear. Boil the drugs fifteen minutes ; then cool down ; enter the wool ; bring to a l)oil only ; shut off the steam and let it re- main in the solution for one hour. 73 578 THE A^klERICAN DYER. Pearl Stain. 300 lbs. Second Fleece. 4 lbs Ground Logwood. Boil it for fifteen minutes. Enter the wool ; pole up well; boil one and a half hours ; sadden with one lb. copperas ; boil one-half hour lonjjer. These three are nice stains. Drab Stain. 350 lbs. Fourth Cape Wool. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Chrome, 1 lb. Tartar, 1 lb. Alum. Finish with — 26 oz. Ground Fustic, 1^ lbs. Nutgalls, 18 oz. Brazilwood, 14 oz. Ground Logwood. Boil the wool one and a half hours ; then sadden with six oz. copperas. Boil one-half hour. Lavender. 225 lbs. American Fleece. Color in the vat to one-third blue; wash off the wool, and Finish with — 4 oz. Cochineal, 5 oz. Madder, 8^ oz. Cudbear, THE AMEPJCAIT DYER. 579 10 oz. Ground Logwood, 1| oz. Nutgalls, 16 oz. Alum, 9 oz. White Tartar. Boil the wool one and a half hours ; then sadden with four and a half oz. copperas and boil one hour longer. Lavender. 400 lbs. Second Fleece. 4 lbs. Ground Logwood, 1| lbs. Cudbear. Boil these one-half hour ; then add one-half lb. cream of tartar. Boil the wool one and a half hours. Sadden with — I oz. Copperas, 4 oz. Alum. Boil one-half hour longer. Dark Lavender. 200 lbs. American Fleece. Color in the vat to one-third blue ; then wash off, and Finish with — 11^ lbs. Ground Logwood, 1^ lbs. Nutgalls, II lbs. Madder, 2|^ lbs. Barwood, I lb. Camwood, I lb. Cudbear, 3 lbs. Alum. Boil the drugs one half hour. Boil the wool two hours. If you should want this any darker, sadden with a little cop- peras. 580 THE AMEKICAX DYER. Light and Bright Shades of Drabs — Hoffmann Drab. 500 lbs. Third Fleece. Prepare with — 20 lbs. Alum, 3 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Oil of Vitriol, 1^ lbs. Tin Crystals, 1 pail of Bran, Boil the wool one hour. Finish with — 2^ lbs. Ground Logwood. 1 1 oz. Hoffmann's 3 B's Violet. Boil the wool one and one-fourth hours. Light Slate-Drab. 400 lbs. Second Fleece. 7 lbs. Ground Logwood, 3 lbs. Ground Fustic, 21 lbs. Cudbear. Boil these for twenty minutes, then add — 4 lbs. Ked Tartar, 2 lbs. Alum, 1 lb. Copperas. Rake up well ; cool down and enter the wool ; give it a good poling, and boil one and one-fourth hours. Silver Drab. 250 lbs. Third Fleece. 1 lb. Madder, 21 lbs. Ground Logwood, THE AMERICAN DYER. 581 ^ lb. Cudbear, I lb. Nutgiills, ^ lb. Ground Fustic. Boil out for twenty minutes ; then add — 1^ lb. Red Tartar, ^ lb. Copperas. Proceed as for light slate-drab, and boil one hour. Dove Drab. 200 lbs. Second Fleece. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Alum, 1 lb. Chrome, ^ lb. White Tartar. Boil one hour. Finish with — ^ lb. Ground Logwood, 11 ounces Brazil-wood. Boil these one-half hour. Boil wool one-half hour. Darker Dove-Drab. 263 lbs. Third Fleece. Prepare with — 14 ounces Chrome, 14 ounces White Tartar, 2 lbs. Alum. Boil wool one and a half hours. Finish with — 1^ lbs. Ground Logwood, IV lbs. Brazil-wood, 1^ lb. Cudbear. Boil these one-half hour. Boil wool one and one-quarter hours. 582 THE A3IERICAN DTEE. Blue-Drab. 208 lbs. Third Fleece. Prepare with — 13 ounces Chrome, 2 lbs. White Tartar, 3V lbs Alum. Finish with — 26 ounces Ground Logwood, 1 lb. Cudbear, - 8 ounces Brazil-wood. Proceed as for the dark dove-drab. Dove. 270 lbs. Second Fleece. Prepare with — 18 ounces Chrome, 18 ounces Alum, 18 ounces Tartar. Boil wool one hour. Finish with — 21 ounces Ground Logwood, 21 ounces Nutgalls, 13 ounces Camwood, If lbs. Madder, f lb. Ground Fustic. Boil wool one and one-half hours. Sadden with — 13 ounces Copperas. Boil one-half hour. THE AMERICAN DYER. 583 Stone-Drab. 450 lbs. Fourth Cape Wool. 3| lbs. Ground Logwood, If Ibs.^ Nutgalls, 2 lbs. Madder, 2 lbs. Fustic, ^ lb. Camwood. Boil wool one and one-half hours. Sadden with — 1^ lbs. Alura, 1| lbs. Tartar, 2 lbs. Copperas. Boil one-half hour lonsfer. Stone-Drab. 295 lbs. Second Fleece. 1| lbs. Nutgalls, 3| lbs. Ground Logwood, 4i lbs. Ground Fustic, 15 ounces Camwood. Boil wool one and one-half hours. Sadden with — 1| lbs. Copperas, 1 lb. Alum, 1 11). Tartar. Boil one-half hour longer. 584 THE AMERICAN DYER. Stone-Drab. 250 lbs. Third American Fleece. 3 lbs. Ground Logwood, If lbs. Nntgalls, 2 lbs. Madder, 2 lbs. Ground Fustic. Boil wool one and one-half hours. Sadden with — 1 lb. Alum, lib. Tartar, 2 lbs. Copperas. Boil one-half hour longer. Note. — In all cases where all the materials are in a ground state, all the boiling- that is required for them before entering the wool, is from twenty to thirty minutes, esi^ecially for the light shades, unless otherwise stated in the recipes. Slate-Drab. 170 lbs. clean Cape Wool. Prepare with — 2^ lbs. Chrome, l"' lb. Tartar, 1 lb. Alum. Finish with — 5 lbs. Logwood, 12 lbs. Madder, 1 lb. Cudbear, 1 lb. Camwood. Sadden with — 1 lb. Copperas, 1 lb. Tartar. Boil wool in the preparation, and finish in one and one-half hours each ; after saddening, boil one-half hour. THE AMERICAl^ DYER. 585 Fawn-Drab. 300 lbs. Montevideo Wool. 2| lbs. Ground Logwood, 3 lbs. Camwood, 9 lbs. Madder. Sadden with — 3 *lbs. Copperas, 11 lbs. Alum. Boil wool one hour before saddening and one hour after saddening. Light-Slate Drab. 200 lbs. Clean Montevideo Wool (or 500 lbs. in the grease). Prepare with — 2 lbs. Chrome, 1 lb. Alum. Boil wool one and one-half hours. Finish with — 4 lbs. Ground Longwood, 2 lbs. Camwood, 1 lb. Cudbear. Boil one and three-quarters hours. Claret. Second Amerfoan Fleece, 500 lbs. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Tartar. Boil wool one and a half hours. 74 586 THE AMERICAl^ DTEE. Finish with — 140 lbs. Camwood, 35 lbs. Hypernic, 12 lbs. Logwood, 20 lbs. Fustic. Boil wool two hours. Then sadden with eight lbs. cop- peras, aud boil half an hour longer. Dark Claret. * Second Fleece, 450 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 7 lbs. Tartar. Boil one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 125 lbs. Camwood, 6 lbs. Logwood, 72 lbs. Hypernic. Boil wool two hours. Purple-Claret. Third Fleece, 300 lbs. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Alum, 2 lbs. Red Tartar. Finish with — 90 lbs. Camwood, 6 lbs. Logwood, * 20 lbs. Hypernic, 16 lbs. Cudbear. Sadden with six lbs. copperas. Boil one and a half hours in preparation, and two hours in the finish, one hour after saddening. THE AMERICAN DYER. 587 Blues — Indigo Shade (Fast). Third Australian Wool, 300 lbs. Prepare with — 12 lbs. Alum, 2 lbs. Tartarine, 2 lbs. Tin Crystals. Boil the wool three-fourths of an hour. Then draw off. Finish with — 8 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil out the logwood. Then add to the liquor — 18 lbs. Extract of Indigo, 1^ lbs. Hoffmann's 3.B's Violet. Boil these for fifteen minutes. Then cool down, and enter the wool. Pole up well, and boil one hour. Sadden with six lbs. copperas, and boil one hulf-hour longer. Note. — When the -wool is first entered in the dye, you will see that the log- wood is precipitated ; but it will all come into solution again after boiling a short time. The cause of its precipitating is the action of the sulphuric acid contained in the chemic, or extract of indigo. For other recipes for blue, see the recipes with samples. FRENCH RECIPES. Swallow Blue. Cloth, 100 lbs. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Chrome, 2 lbs. Oxalic Acid, 1 lb. Blue Vitriol, 588 THE A^IERICAX DYER. 5 lbs. Alum, U lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Boil cloth two hours. Finish with — 14 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil cloth one hour. Red-Blue . Cloth, 50 lbs. Prepare with — 1 lb. Chrome, I lb. Oxalic Acid, 3 lbs. Alum, II lbs. Tiu Crystals, ^ lb. Cream of Tartar. Boil cloth two hours. Finish with — 15 lbs. Logwood, 7^ lbs. Camwood, 2| lbs. Madder, i lb. Tartar. Boil cloth one and one-fourth hours. Green-Brown. Clean Wool, 90 lbs. Give a light-blue bottom in the blue-vat. Finish with — 50 lbs. Fustic, 10 lbs. Alum, 1 lb. Tartar. Boil one and one-half hours. Then THE AMERICAN DYER. 589 Sadden with six lbs. ground logwood, and boil one half- hour. N. B, — The wool should be washed after it comes out of the blue- vat. Yellow-Brown. Clean Wool, 24 Iba. 4 lbs. Fustic, 2 lbs. Sanders, 1 lb. Sumac. Boil one and three-fourths hours. Boil wool the same. Then sadden with four ounces copperas, and boil one half- hour longer. Fast Beown. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. 6 lbs. Sanders, 2| lbs. Sumac, 1 lb. Logwood, 2 lbs. Fustic. Boil dyestuflfs and wool one and a half hours. Sadden with — 1 lb. Copperas, \ lb. Blue Vitriol. Boil half an hour. Gold-Brown. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. 6 lbs. Fustic, . 1 lb. Madder, 1 lb. Sanders, 1 lb. Sumac. 590 THE AMERICATjT DYEK. Boil one hour ; then add — fib. Blue Vitriol, ^ lb. Tartar. Enter the wool, and boil one and a half hours. Madder Brown. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. Color to a light blue in the blue-vat ; then prepare with — 2| lbs. Alum, f lb. Red Tartar, ^Ib. Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Fustic. Boil wool one and a half hours ; then Finish with — 8 lbs. Madder, 1^ lbs. Sumac. Boil wool half an hour. Chrome Brown. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. Prepare with — I lb. Chrome, 1 lb. Blue Vitriol, f lb. Mordant.* Finish with — 5 lbs. Camwood, 1| lbs. Logwood, 1 lb. Fustic. Boil wool in the preparation one and a half hours, and in the finishing the same time. * To make the mordant", mix one pound muriatic acid, one pound sul- phuric acid, and one pound water. Dissolve in this, twelve pounds feather- tiu. THE AMERICAN DYER. 591 Catechu Brown. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. 4 lbs. Catechu, 1 lb. Sal-ammoniac. Boil wool one and a half hours ; then Finish with — ^ lb. Chrome. Boil one hour. Domingo Brown. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. 1^ lbs. Logwood, 2 lbs. Sumac, 2 lbs. Sanders, 1 lb. Fustic. Boil wool one and a half hours. Also boil the woods the same time. Sadden with — 2 lbs. Copperas. Boil half an hour. Maroon. Clean Wool, 24 lbs. 6' lbs. Camwood, 4 lbs. Urine (sig), 2^ lbs. Sumac, 2 lbs. Logwood. Boil the wool two hours. Sadden with — 2 lbs. Copperas. Boil half an hour. 592 THE AMERICAN DYER. Bronze. Cleau Wool, 24 lbs. 6 lbs. Fustic, 2^ lbs. Camwood, 2 lbs. Sumac. Boil wool one and a half hours ; then Sadden with — I lb. Copperas, ^ lb. Blue Vitriol. Boil half an hour. Drab. Clean Wool, 100 lbs. 2| lbs. Sanders, 2f lbs. Madder, ^ lb. Sumac, fib. Fustic. Boil these one and a half hours ; then add — 6 oz. Alum, 11 lbs. Tartar. Enter the wool, and pole up well. Boil for one and three- fourths hours. Green. Clean Wool, 100 lbs. Prepare with — 9 lbs. Alum, 2^ Ills. Chrome, 21 lbs. Oil of Vitriol, 6 oz. Tin Crystals. Boil wool one and a half hours. THE AMERICAIf DYER. 593 Finish with — 21 lbs. Extract of Indigo, ^ lb. Extract of Fustic, ^Ib. Salt. Boil the wool two hours. Gold-Olive. Clean Wool, 100 lbs. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 1^ lbs. Blue Vitriol, fib. Oil of Vitriol. Boil wool one and three-fourths hours. Finish with — 5^ lbs. Extract of Fustic, . 3 lbs. Camwood, I lb. Extract of Logwood, 3 lbs. Madder. Boil wool two hours ; then Sadden with — f lb. Copperas. Boil half an hour. Chrome Black. Clean Wool, 100 lbs. Prepare with — 8 lbs. Alum, 3 1I)S. Chrome, 1^ lbs. Blue Vitriol, 1^ lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Boil wool one and a half hours. 75 594 THE A3IERICAX DYER. Finish with — 8 lbs. Extract of Logwood, I lb. Alum, I lb. Blue Vitriol. Boil two hours. This black is more of a blue-black than black. We have worked a greater part of these Freuch recipes, aud find them very good indeed. GERMAN RECIPES. Black. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 1^ lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Boil wool one aud a half hours.* Leave until next day bef(H'e finishing. Finish with — 65 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil drugs one and a half hours ; boil wool the same ; then sadden with — 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol, and boil half an hour. Fast Blue-Black. 25 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — • ^ lb. Chrome, ^ 11). Bisulphate Soda, * The (lyestuffs (that is, the woods) in all cases to be boiled one and a half hours; also the ■wool, unless otherwise specified. By the phrase, leave over night, it is understood that you do not finish oS until the next day. THE AMERICAN DYER. 595 4 oz. Blue Vitriol, 2 oz. Oil of Vitriol. Finish with — 1 lb. Ciitch, 5 lbs. Chip Logwood. Castor Black. 12 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — ^ lb. Blue Vitriol, I lb. Tartar, 1^ lbs. Copperas, fib. Fustic (Chips). Boil out the fustic before adding the salts. Boil wool two hours ; leave over night. Finish with — 2| lbs. Chip Logwood, 1 drachm Verdigris. Zinc Black. 10 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — I oz. Blue Vitriol, I lb. Zinc Solution,* \ lb. Chrome. Finish with — 2 lbs. Chip Logwood, ^ lb. Turmeric. » To make the zinc solution, kill one pound muriatic acid with three ounces of ziuc, or iu that proportion. 596 THE A3IERICAN DYER. Coal Black. 100 lbs. Cloth. Prepare with — 15 lbs. Logwood, 15 'lbs. Fustic. Boil these for oue and a half hours ; then add 10 lbs. Copperas, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Tartar. , Boil cloth two hours ; next day Finish with — 50 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil wood one and a half hours ; cloth two hours. This is the best black that can be made upon cloth, and the most permanent, except indigo black. Blue-Black. 100 lbs. Cloth. Prepare with — 1| lbs. Copperas, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 1 lb. Alum, 21 lbs. Tartar. Finish with — 40 lbs. Chip Logwood. Proceed as for the coal black. Blue-Black. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 2 lbs. Salt, THE AMERICAN DYER. 597 2 lbs. Tin Crystals, 1 lb. Alum, 1 lb. Oil of Vitriol. Finish with — Finish with — 40 lbs. Chip Logwood, 1 lb. Chip Fustic. Boil wool one hour. Black. 40 lbs. Cloth. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Sumac, 2 lbs. Fustic, I lb. Madder. Boil these half an hour ; then add 1 lb. Blue Vitriol, 1^ lbs. Copperas. Boil the cloth two hours ; leave over night. Finish with — 14 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil cloth one hour. Although this recipe originated in Germany, my father and nearly all the dyers in Yorkshire used it thirty-five years ago, and at that time there was no other black that brought so high a price. We have ourselves colored by this, and can recommend it as producing a first-rate color. The German recipes produce good clear, bright, and permanent colors ; but most of our manufacturers object to them on account of the expense, which is a very foolish objection, in our opinion. Madder Red. 11 lbs. Cloth. 598 THE A3IERICAN DYER. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Alum, 1 lb. Tartar, ^ oz. Tin Crystals. Boil cloth two hours ; leave over night. Finish with — 1 lb. Garancine or Alizorine, 1 lb. Cream of Tartar. Boil cloth one and a half hours. Coffee Color. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 60 lbs. Red Sanders, 50 lbs. Fustic, 40 lbs. Logwood. Boil these two hours ; boil the wool two hours ; then sad- den with eleven lbs. copperas and boil one-half hour longer. Red-Brown. 200 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 25 lbs. Alum, 5 lbs. Tartar, 3 lbs. Chrome. Boil wool one and a half hours. Finish with — 200 lbs Camwood, 50 lbs. Fustic, 8 lbs. Logwood. Boil wool two hours ;.then sadden with six lbs. blue vitriol and boil one-half hour longer. THE AMERICAN" DYER. 599 Catechu Brown. 100 Clean Wool. 20 lbs. Ciitch, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil two hours. Fiuish with — 4 lbs. Chrome. Boil one hour. Cherry- Brown. 200 lbs. Clean AVool. Prepare with — 25 lbs. Alum, 3 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Tartar. Finish with — 200 lbs. Camwood, 20 lbs. Fustic, ^ 6 lbs. Logwood. Boil two hours ; then sadden with six lbs. blue vitriol and boil one-half hour. Brown. 200 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Chrome, 2^ lbs. Blue Vitriol, 4 lbs. Tartar. Boil wool two hours. Finish with — 120 lbs. Fustic, 100 lbs. Camwood, 2 lbs. Logwood. 600 THE AMERICAIf DYER. Boil woods two hours ; l)()il wool two hours ; then sadden with two and a half lbs. copperas ; boil oue-half hour and leave it in the liquor for two or three hours. This is a good heavy color and a splendid shade. Brown. 200 lbs. Clean Wool. 150 lbs. Camwood, 4 lbs. Fustic, , 3 lbs. Tartar. Boil out the woods for two hours, then add the tartar. Boil the wool two hours ; then sadden with three lbs. cop- peras and boil one-half hour longer. Sanders Brown. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. 35 lbs. Red Sanders, A lbs. Fustic. Boil woods one hour ; boil wool the same ; then sadden with one lb. blue vitriol and boil three-fourths of an hour. Brown. 200 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Chrome, 2^ lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Finish with — 90 lbs. Fustic, 6 lbs. Turmeric, 100 lbs. Camwood, 2 lbs. Lojrwood. THE AMERICAN DYER. GOl Boil wool two hours ; then sadden with two and a half lbs. copperas and boil one-half hour longer. Maroon. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 2 lbs. Chrome. Boil wool two hours. Finish with — 10 lbs. Cudbear, 15 lbs. Hypernic-wood, 30 lbs. Camwood. Boil one and three-fourths hours. Maroon. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. Prepare with — 15 lbs. Alum, 5 lbs. Sulphate of Soda (Glauber Salts). Finish with — 10 lbs. Hypernic, 40 lbs. Bar wood, 4 lbs. Extract of Fustic. Boil wool one and three-fourths hours. Maroon. 100 lbs. Clean Wool. 2 lbs. Cudbear, 50 lbs. Camwood, 2 lbs. Logwood. Boil wool two hours ; then sadden with two and a half lbs. copperas ; boil one-half hour longer. 76 THE AMERICAN DYER. G():3 SAMPLKS OF COTTOX-YAR.V. No. 1. — Cori'KHAS liitow.v. No. -J. — VkLU)W-1!U:)VVX. No. 4. No. f).' — Ck.NTKXMAL I)I!.\1J. 604 THE AMERICAN DYER. SAMPLES OF COTTON-YARN. No. 7. — Silvkk-Drau. No. 8. — Spirit Brown. No. 'J. — Dark Salmon. No. 10. — Nankeen. ^^^^^SS No. 11. — Turmeric Yellow. No. 12. — Dark Saffranixe. 0^. -,.^*s THE AMERICAN DYER. 005 SAMPLES OF COTTOX-YARN. No. 1;>. — F()I{(iET-ME-N()T Ol!.\N(iK. No. 14. — MAta.XTA. No. 15. — Spirit PuurLK. No. IG. — IIOFFMAXX'S ViOLKT. No. 18. — T.iciiT Mr/niYL Vioi.kt. (m THE A3IEKICAJ\" DYEIl. SAMPLKS OF COTTOX-YAKN. No. 19. — Light Salmon. X(». v-O. — Gold Color. No. -Jl. — Ckxtknnial Salmon'. A'o. i^'i. — Sai'i'I!AXI\e Pink. No. -23. — Dark Tixk. THE AMERICAN DYER. GOT SAMPLKS OF COTTOX-YAliN. No. '25. — Dark Saok-Duah. No. 2(1. — Dai!K Slatk. No -n. — Piu'ssiAX \^\A^K No. 'JH. — I.KiiiT I'lassiAN Hi. IK No. :!0. — LioiiT Anii.in-k \\\.vv. 008 THE AMERICAN DYER. SAMPLES OF COTTON-YARN. No. 31. — Lavkndkr. No. :M. — I.KIIIT P.ISMAUCK PiKOWX. No. :?r). — Da UK IiRowx. No. :W. — ])ai;k Pki'ssiatk, Ckkkn. .r'SK* THE AIMERICAN DYER. GOO SAMPLES OF COTTON-YARN. No. :?7. — Pur.ssiAX GiticKX. No. 38. — Anilixe Grekx. No. 39. — LiiJiiT AxiLiXE Gkeex. No. 40. — IJr.i>. 610 THE AMEKICAX DYEtJ. SAMPLES OF WOOLEX-YARN. No. 1. — Light Bi.uk Staix. (P:i«ie 6-2i;.) ^ tV No. 2.- -D.\i;k Bue Staix. (Pagr (V27.) m ^^ MHI ■MflP ^^H ■1 HBB^ No. i? — PIeavy Royal Bluk. (Pago 0-27.) m SS8S9BSB9ESd! No. 4. — Canary. (Page6'27.) No. 5. — Methyle Greex. (Page 628.) ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^P ■M^^MM ^^^B» ■KBbri ^ffgtt/tf No. 6. — Cakdixal-Ked. (Page Gi'^.) THE AMERICAN DYER. 611 REMARKS IN REFERENCE TO THE RECIPES, WITH SAMPLES, ON COTTON-YARN. (See pp. 38,. 149.) These colors were produced from recipes of Mr. Joseph Haywood, who is as proficient in cotton-yarn dyeing as any dyer in the States. All those colors that arc first sumacked und \hen spirited are fast colors. Those materials that cannot be entirely dissolved in water must be boiled out tirst in a separate vessel and allowed to settle, then take the clear solution and add it t-o the dye-tub. The solutions should always be raked up or stirred up before the yarn is entered. Be sure that the anilines and other crys- talline materials are all thoroughly dissolved before adding them to the dye-tub. The anilines used on these yarns were from A. Poirrier of Paris. The yarn should be washed in cold water, unless otherwise stated, and before it is colored it must be boiled out in soda- ash for three or four hours, then taken and thoroughly washed from the ash before it is colored. Where the recipes sa^^ wring, they mean wring the yarn on a pin, or to use the extractor will do as well. The yarn should be boiled in clear water for a few hours before it is colored. RECIPES FOR COLORS ON COTTON- YARN. CorrERAS Brown. No. 1. Yarn, 40 lbs. 3 lbs Cutch, 2 oz. Copperas. Steep the yarn in this all night ; next morning wring it out. This is a cold bath. G12 THE A3IERICAX DYER. Second bath. Heat to be 110° Fahr. 1 lb. Chrome, f lb. Blue Vitriol. Enter the yarn and give seven turns, then take out and ■wash it off. Finish it in cold lime-water, giving it five turns. Soften it in the oil-wash. (See Oil-wash, page 115.) Yellow-Drab. No. 2. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 100° Fahr. 4 lbs. Fustic, 1 lb. Sumac, ^ lb. Logwood. Give five turns in this, raise out the yarn, and add to the tub one-half lb. copperas. Re-enter the yarn and give five turns ; take out and wash off. No. 3. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 110° Fahr. 4 lbs. Fustic, 4 lbs. Hyperuic, 1 lb. Logwood. Give seven turns in this ; take out ; add to tub one-fourth lb. copperas. Re-enter yarn ; give five turns ; take out and wash off. Tan. No. 4. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 3 lbs. Cutch, fi oz. Blue Vitriol. Turn yarn for one-half hour ; take it out and wring. Finish in a fresh bath at 200° Fahr., in which use three- fourths lb. Chrome ; give five turns in this ; take out and wash off. THE AMERICAN DYER. G]3 Centennial Drab, No. 5. Yam, 33 lbs. Heat, 110° Fahr. 10 oz. Fustic, 2 oz. Hypernic. Give five turns ; take out and add to the tub one oz. of copperas. Re-enter yarn ; give three turns ; take out and wash off. Sage-Drab. No. 6. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 120° Fahr. 5 lbs. Fustic, 1 lb. Sumac. Give four turns ; take out ; add to tub one-half lb. cop- peras. Re-enter yarn and give four turns. Take out and wash off. Silter-Drab. No. 7. Yarn, 33 lbs. Cold bath. 5 oz. Logwood. ■ Give yarn five turns ; take up ; add to tub two oz. cop- peras ; re-enter yarn ; give three turns ; take out and wash off. Spirit-Brown. No. 8. ■ Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn 3'arn in this for one-half hour ; take out and wring. Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Nitro-Muriate of Tin. Give seven turns ; take out and wash off, and wring out. 61:1: THE A3IERICAN DYEK. Third bath. Heat, 190° Fahr. 5 lbs. Cutch, 5 oz. Blue Vitriol. Give seven turns ; take out. Fourth bath. Heat, 190<=> Fahr. H lbs. Chrome. Give yarn five turns in this ; take out and wash off. In order to get a darker shade, you can run it through the second and third baths again. Dark Salmon. No. 9. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200^ Fahr. 2 lbs. Annatto, 1 lb. Soda-ash. Give yarn five turns ; take out. Second bath. Cold. 1 gill Oil of Vitriol. Give yarn- five turns in this ; take out and wash off well. Nankeen. No. 10. Yarn, 33 lbs. 4 lbs. Copperas. Give yarn seven turns in this. Wring out the j^arn and shake it well ; then give it seven turns in cold lime-water. Soften in cold water to which has been added a few pounds of sal-soda. All these are cold baths. Turmeric Yellow. No. 11. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 6 lbs. Turmeric. Give yarn five turns. Take out. THE AMERICAN DYER. G15 Secoiul bath. Cold ; one-fourth gill oil of vitriol. Enter in this, and give three turns. Take out, and wash oif icell. Dakk Saffranine. No. 12. Yarn, 33 lbs. Cold. 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn yarn in this for half an hour. Take out, and wring it. Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Nitro-Muriate of Tin. Give yarn five turns in this. Take out, wash off, and wring the yarn. Third bath. Heat, 140'^ Fahr. 2 oz. Golden Roseine, 4 oz. Saffranine. Give the yarn five turns in this. Take out, and wash off. Forget-Me-Not Orange. No. 13. Yarn, 33 lbs. 8 lbs. Brown Sugar of Lead, 3 lbs. Litharge. Boil these until dissolved. Let it settle. Then add it to a tub of cold water (this is called the lead-tub). Second tub. Cold, strong lime-water. Now give seven turns in the lime-tub. Wring out. '« " lead-tub. " «* " lime-tub. " •« ♦* lead-tub. " Third tub. Cold. 2 lbs. Chrome. Give yarn seven turns in the chrome-tub. Wring. " " lead-bath. " " *« chrome-tub. " 616 THE AMERICA!^ DYER. Fourth tub. Heat, 200° Fahr. Strong, clear lime-liquor. Give yarn three turns in this. Take out, and wash it off. Soften the yarn in the oil-bath. (See Oil-wash, page 115.) Strong lime liquor or water, is about one degree of strength. The yarn must be wrung out after each immersion, and well shaken out, before it goes from one tub to the other. Magenta. No. 14. Yarn, 33 lbs. 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn this for half an hour. Wring out the yarn (cold bath). Second bath. Cold. 1^ lbs. Stannate of Soda, or r lb. Oxy-Muriate of Antimony. Give five turns in this. Wash off, and wring out. Third bath. Heat, 120° Fahr. 4 oz. Golden Roseiue. Give seven turns ; take out, and wash off quick. Spirit Purple. No. 15. Yarn, 33 lbs. Give yarn seven turns in cold bath, with one pint of muriate of tin. Wash off, and wring out. Second bath. Heat, 120° Fahr. 12 lbs. Logwood. Give seven turns. Take out. Add to the tub one lb. of alum. Re-enter the yarn, and give five turns. Take out and wash off. Hoffmann's Violet. No. 16. Yarn, 33'lbs. 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn yarn for half an hour. Take out, and wring the varn. THE AMERICAN DYER. , 617 Second bath — 3 quarts Red Spirits (see page 377). Give seven turns in this. Take out, wash off, and wring. The first and second baths are cold ones. Third bath. Heat, 120° Fahr. 3| oz. of Hoffmann's 1 B Violet. Give yarn seven turns in this. Take out, and wash off. Blue-Violet. No. 17. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn yarn for half an hour. Take out, and wring. Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Muriate of Tin. Give the yarn seven turns. Take out, wash off,, and wring the yarn. Finishing bath. Heat, 120° Fahr. 3 oz. Methyle Violet Crystals. Give the yarn four turns in this. Take out, and add to the bath one gill of acetic acid. Re-enter the yarn, and give four turns more. Take out, and wash it off. Light Methyle Violet. No. 18. Yarn, 33 lbs. ' Heat, 130° Fahr. If oz. Methyle Violet Crystals. Give five turns. Take out, and wash off. Light Salmon. No. 19. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 1 lb. Annatto, \ lb. Soda-ash. 78 618 THE AMERICi\:N^ DYER. Give five turns in this. Then take out, and raise the color in a fresh bath of weak lime-water (cold), giving the yarn five turns. Then take out, and wash otF. N. B. — If you wish for a redder shade, heat up the lime- bath a little. The hotter the lime-water is, the redder will be the shade. Gold Color. No. 20. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 6 lbs. Sumac. Turn yarn for half an hour. Take it out, and wring it. Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Muriate of Tin. Give seven turns in this. Take out, wash off, alid wring out. Third bath. Heat, 140° Fahr. 2 oz. Phosphine. Give the yarn six turns. Take out, and wash off. In finishing in the phosphine, you must enter the yarn in douhle-quick time, and give it a turn as quick as possible, or otherwise it will be uneven. Centennial Salmon. No. 21. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200* Fahr. 3 lbs. Turmeric. Give the yarn five turns. Take out. Then add half a gill of oil of vitriol. Re-enter the yarn, and give five turns more. Take out, and wash off well. Second bath. Heat, 100° Fahr. 1 bottle of Safiiower. Give five turns. Take out, and add one gill of oil of vitriol to the bath. Re-enter the yarn, and give seven turns. Take out, and wash off in two waters, and, to the last water, add half a pound of cream of tartar. THE AMERICAN DYER. G19 Saffranine Pink. No. 22. Yarn, 40 lbs. Cold bath — 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn yarn for half an hour. Take it out, and wring. • Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Oxymuriate of Antimony. Give seven turns. Take out, and wash of[ well, and wring. Third bath. Heat, 110° Fahr. 4 oz. Saffranine. Give five turns. Take out, and wash off. Dark Pixk. No. 23. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat,. 110° Fahr. 1 bottle of Safflower. Give five turns. Take out, and add one gill of oil of vitriol. Re-enter the yarn, and give seven turns. Wash offtvell, and wring out. Blue up the color in cold water, to which add one-quarter lb. cream of tartar, by giving five turns in this bath. Light Pink. * No. 24. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 110° Fahr. ^ bottle of Safflower. Give the yarn five turns. Then take out, and add half a gill of oil of vitriol. Re-enter the yarn, and give seven turns more. Take out, wash off, and wring out. ■ Blue up the color the same way as No. 23 is done. 620 THE AMERICAN DYER. Dark Sage-Drab. No. 25. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 120° Fahr. 5 lbs. Fustic, 1 lb. Sumac. Give yarn five turns. Take it out, and add to bath 4 ounces Copperas, 1 gill Nitrate of Iron. Re-enter the yarn, and give seven turns more. Take out, and wash off. Dark Slate. No. 26. Heat, 100° Fahr. 4 lbs. Fustic, 4 lbs. Hypernic, 2 lbs. Logwood. Give yarn five turns. Take out and add ^ lb. Copperas, 1 gill Nitrate of Iron. Re-enter the yarn, and give five turns more. Take out, and wash off. Prussian Blue. No. 27. Yarn, 33 lbs. First bath. Cold. 2 quarts Nitrate of Iron, 1 lb. Tin Crystals. Give yarn five turns. Take out, and wring it out. Second bath. Heat, 100° Fahr. 2 lbs. Yellow Prussiute of Potash. Give yarn five turns. Take out, and add to the tub one pint oil of vitriol. Re-enter, and give five turns. Wring out THE AMERICAN DYER. 621 now, and enter the yarn into first bath airain, and give five turns. Wring it out, and enter into second bath, and give five turns more. Wash oft* icell. Third bath. Heat, 130° Fahr. 4 ounces 2 B's Violet Crystals. Give yarn ten turns in this. Take out, and wash oft". Light Prussian Blue. No. 28. Yarn, 33 lbs. Proceed in the same manner, and with the same materials and amount as for No. 27, only do not use the third or violet bath. Dark Aniline Blue. No. 29. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 140° Fahr. 4 ounces No. 3 Cotton, Blue Aniline (Poirrier's), 2\ lbs. Alum, 5 ounces Tartaric Acid. Give the yarn seven turns. Take out, and wash oft*. Light Aniline Blue. No. 30. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 140° Fahr. 2 ounces No. 1 Single Cotton, Blue Aniline (Poir- rier's), 5 ounces Tartaric Acid, 2 lbs. Alum. Give the yarn seven turns in this. Take out, and wash oflf. Lavender. No. 31. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 1 10° Fahr. 4 ounces Methyle Yiolet Crj'stals. Give varu five turns. Take out, and wash off. 622 THE AMEKICAN DYER. Dark Green-Olive. No. 32. Yarn, 33 lbs. Cold bath. 2 quarts Nitrate of Iron. Give five turns. Take out, and wring. Second bath. Cold. 2 lbs. Yellow Prussiate of Potash. Give the yarn five turns. Take up the yarn, and add to the bath one pint oil of vitriol. Re-enter the yarn, and give three turns more. Take it out and wring it, and then pass it through each bath again, without adding any more materials. After passing the yarn through the baths the second time, wash the yarn off, and wring it out for the third bath. Third bath. Cold. Take the clear liquor from fifteen pounds fustic, and put it into a tub of cold water. Enter the yarn, and give seven turns. Take it out, and add to the bath one pound blue vitriol. Re-enter the yarn, and give five turns. Take out, and wash off. Dark Bismarck. No. 33. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 190° Fahr. 6 lbs. Cutch. Give seven turns. Take out. Second bath. Heat. 190° Fahr. 1 lb. Chrome. Give seven turns. Pass the yarn through each bath again, as in No. 32. Third bath. Heat, 120° Fahr. 3 ounces Bismarck-Brown Aniline. Give yarn five turns. Take out, and wash off. THE AMERICAX DYER. 623 Light Bismarck-Brown. No. 34. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 3 lbs. Turmeric. Give five turns, and wring out yarn. Second bath. Heat, 140° Fahr. 2 ounces Bismarck-Brown Aniline. Give five turns in this. Take out, and wash off. Dark Brown. No. 35. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 190° Fahr. 7 lb. Cutch, 10 ounces Blue Vitriol. Give yarn seven turns. Take out, and wring out. Second bath. Heat, 180° Fahr. 1^ lbs. Chrome. Give yarn seven turns. Take out and wring. Now repeat, through each bath again, as for No. 33, and wash off yarn. Dark Prussian Green. No. 36. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 6 lbs. Sumac. After giving seven turns, lay the yarn under the liquor for a few hours, or over night. Take out, and wring the yarn. Second bath. Cold. 1 quart Nitrate of Iron. Give yarn five turns. Take out, and wring out. Third bath. Cold. 1^ lbs. Yellow Prussiate Potash. 624 THE A5IERICAX DYER. Give yarn five turns. Take up, and add to the bath one cill oil of vitriol. Re-enter the yarn, and give two turns more. Take out, wash off, and wring out. Third bath. Heat, 180° Fahr. 1 lb. Turmeric. 6 lbs. Fustic. Give yarn seven turns. Take out, and wash off. Prussian Green. No. 37. Yarn, 33 lbs. Proceed for the two first baths precisely as for No. 36. Third bath. 3 lbs. Turmeric. Give five turns. Take up th^ yarn, and add to the tub oue-half gill oil of vitriol. Ke-enter yarn, and give five turns. Take out, and wash off. (These are all to be cold baths.) Aniline Green. No. 38. Yarn, 33 lbs. Heat, 200° Fahr. 5 lbs. Sumac. Turn the yarn for one-half hour. Take out, and wring out. Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Muriate of Tin. Give seven turns, and wring out. Third bath. Heat, 135° Fahr. 3 ounces Methyle-Green Aniline (marked JJ). Give yarn seven turns. Take out, and wring out. Fourth bath. Heat, 110° Fahr. 10 lbs. Fustic. Give five turns. Take up, and then add one pound alum. Re-enter, and give five turns more. Take out, and wash off. If you prefer it, you can use the fustic in the same bath, along with the methyle aniline ; but l)y so doing, the color is not quite so clear. THE AMERICAN DYER. 625 Light Aniline Green. No. 39. 33 lbs. Yarn. Heat, 200° Fahr. 4 lbs. Sumac. Turn the yarn for half an hour; take out and wring. Second bath. Cold. 1 pint Muriate of Tin. Give seven turns ; take out, wash off, and wring out. Third bath. Heat, 110° Fahr-. 2 oz. Methyle Green. The same as used in No. 38. Give seven turns ; take out, and wring out. Fourth bath. Heat, 110° Fahr. 7 lbs. Fustic. Give five turns ; take up, and add to the bath half a pound of alum ; re-enter the yarn, and give three turns ; take out, and wash off. Red. No. 40. 33 lbs Yarn. Heat, 150° Fahr. 3 lbs. Sumac, 1 quart Muriate of Tin. Use these together in same bath. Give yarn ten turns ; take out, and wash off well. Second bath. Heat, 150° Fahr. 10 lbs. Hypernic, 2 oz. Roseine, 2 lbs. Alum. Give yarn seven turns ; take out, and wash off. 79 626 THE AMERICAN DYER. REMARKS ON WOOLEN-YARN DYEING. In the first place, be particular to have the yarn well scoured, and thoroughly washed out. Next, after being washed in cold water, wash it off again in a warm acidulated water, which will kill any soap that may be left from the cold-water washing. Scour the yarn with soap and sal-soda (no soda- ash). In entering the yarn into the different tubs do it exjjedi- tioiisJij, so that it all may take the d3'e very nearly at one time. Have everything clean about the tubs, and around them, so that there will be no chance of spotting the yarn. Before entering the yarn into the tubs^ rake or stir up the dyeing solutions. The extract of indigo used on these recipes was made by using six pounds of oil of vitriol to one pound of ground indigo. See article, Sulphate of Indigo, for the manner of mixing them, &c. In dyeing to a pattern, begin with little enough dye-stuff, as, if it does not come full enough, you can add more ; but if you give too much, you cannot remedy the bad result. RECIPES FOR WOOLEN-YARN. Light Blue Stain. No. 1. Three-fold Yarn, 50 lbs. 1 oz. Nicholson 6 B's Fast Blue, 3 oz. Sal-soda. Enter the yarn at 120°Fahr. ; give nine turns; take out, and raise the heat to the boiling point. Re-enter the yarn, and give nine turns more ; take out. ♦Develop at 120° Fahr. heat. 1 quart Oil of Vitriol. Give yarn five turns ; take out, and wash off. * Develop in a tub of clean T\ater, and have the tub well cleaned from a previous color. THE AMERICAN DYER. 627 Dark Blue Stain. No. 2. Three-fold Yiirn, 55 lbs. Prepare with — 1| oz. Nicholson 6 B's Fust Blue, 3 oi. Sal-soda. Proceed as for light blue stain. Develop with — 3 pints Oil of Vitriol, at 120° Fahr. heat. Give five turns ; take out, and wash off. Heavy Shade of Royal Blue. No. 3. Three-fold Yarn, 60 lbs. 20 lbs. Extract Indigo (thin), 4 oz. best Golden Roseine, 2 quarts Oil of Vitriol. Enter cool ; give 3'arn nine turns ; take it out, and raise the heat to 200° Fahr. Re-enter the yarn, and give nine turns more. Note. — The extract of indigo used for this cok)r was made with six pounds of oil of vitriol to one pound of ground indigo. See article, Sulphate of In- digo, for instructions how to mix it. Canary Color. No. 4. Six-Thread Woolen- Yarn, 5 lbs. 3 oz. Flavine, 3^ oz. White Tartar, 3 gills Muriate of Tin. Cool down the bath ; enter the yarn and turn for one-half hour; then take out the yarn and bring the heat up to the boiling-point; add one more gill of muriate of tin; re-enter the yarn and turn to shade ; then wash it off and dry. This is a beautiful shade. G28 THE AMERICAN DYER. Methyle Green. No. 5. Three-fold Yarn (coarse), 60 lbs. Dissolve seven ounces methyle-green crystals in a pail of water ; pour one-third into a tub of water at 130° Fahr. ; rake up well, enter yarn, and give seven turns; take it out and heat up to 170° Fahr. ; put in one-third more of the dissolved crystals, rake up, re-enter yarn again, give seven ends more, take out the yarn again, and raise the heat to 200° Fahr. Pour in the remainder of the methyle crystals, rake up, and re-enter the ^arn ; give seven turns, take out and air. Now in a tub of fresh cold water, put half a pound picric acid and two quarts oil of vitriol (be sure that the picric acid is all dissolved). Enter the yarn at a ^^ double quick," give it a few lively turns, then turn for three-fourths of an hour ; take out and wash off. This is a very difBcult color to get even, so you must handle it veiy quick at first, especially in the picric-acid bath. Cardinal-Red. No. 6. Three-fold Yarn (coarse), 60 lbs. 8 oz. Cardinal Aniline, 1 oz. Martins Yellow. Enter yarn at 190° Fahr., give nine turns. Take out, raise the heat to boiling-point, and add six ounces more of cardinal aniline. Rake up well, re-enter yarn, and give nine turns; take out and wash off. For next sixty pounds, in same liquor, use one ounce Mar- tins yellow, and twelve ounces cardinal aniline ; use the ani- line twice, as for first lot, and proceed the same. Medium Blue. Three-fold Yarn, 100 lbs. 4 lbs. Nicholson's B Blue, 6 lbs. Sal-soda. THE AMERIOAIf DYER. 629 Give nine turns ; take up, and raise the heat to 200° Fahr. Re-enter the yarn, and give five turns more ; take out, and wash off. In another tub of water, at 140° Fahr., put 2| lbs. Yellow Prussiate of Potash, 6 lbs. Oil of Vitriol. Enter yarn and give five turns ; take out, raise the heat to 170° Fahr. Re-enter the yarn ; give five turns more ; take out, raise to the boiling-point. Re-enter yarn ; give seven turns more ; take out, and wash off. For the next one hundred pounds of yarn, add to the first tub— 1^ lbs. Nicholson B Blue, 3 lbs. Sal-soda. Enter, and proceed as for the first one hundred pounds. The second, or finishing tub, must always be a fresh one, as the prussiate will be all taken up, and the result will not be satisfactory, if you should try to use it again by adding more prussiate. Dark Nicholsox Blue. Four-fold Yarn, 50 lbs. Prepare with — I lb. Nicholson 2 B's Blue, 1^ lbs. Borax. Add the borax to the bath first, then the dye. Enter at 120° Fahr. Give nine turns ; take out the yarn, and raise the heat to boiling-point. Re-enter the yarn, and give nine turns more ; take out, and Develop at 120° Fahr. 3 pints Oil of Vitriol. Give the yarn five turns ; take out, and wash off. Light Nicholson Blue. Four-fold Yarn, 50 lbs. 630 THE AMERICAN DYER. 2 oz. Nicholson 2 B's Blue, I 11). Borax. Proceed as for dark Nicholson blue, aud develop the same as for the dark color. These five shades of aniline blue are all the style just now (April, 1878). Orange. Two-fold Yarn, 50 lbs. I lb. Cochineal, 15 oz. Flaviue, ^ lb. Oxalic Acid, i lb. White Tartar, 1 quart Muriate of Tin. Enter yarn at 160° Fahr., give nine turns ; take it out ; raise the heat to boiling-point. Re-enter yarn and give nine turns more ; take out and wash off. Light Orange. Single-run Yarn, 40 lbs. Size six runs. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Alum, 3 lbs. Tartar, 6 oz. Flavine, 1 oz. Cochineal, 6 gills Scarlet Spirits, 6 gills Yellow Spirits. Proceed as for the above orange. Orange. Single-run Worsted Yarn, 40 lbs. 1 lb. Flavine, I lb. Cochineal, THE AMERICAN DYER. 631 2 lbs. Tartar, 8 gills Scarlet Spirits, 8 gills Yellow Spirits. Enter yarn aud proceed as for the above oranges. Salmon Color. Two-fold Yarn, 35 lbs. 5 oz. Cochineal, 1 oz. Flavine (short-weight), 1 lb. Tartar, 1 quart Muriate of Tin. Enter the yarn, cool, give seven" turns; take it out, raise the heat to a boil. Re-enter yarn, give seven turns more, take out and wash off. Chrome Brown. Two-fold Yarn, 50 lbs. Prepare with — 1^ lbs. Chrome, 1 lb. Alum, f lb. Tartar. Enter yarn at 180° Fahr., give nine turns ; take it out, raise .he heat to a boil. Re-enter the yarn aud turn for three- fourths of an hour; take out. Finish with — 5 lbs. Madder, 10 lbs. Camwood, 5| lbs. Ground Fustic, 6 oz. Brazil-wood, 5 oz. Logwood. Boil these one hour. Enter as for the preparation, and pro- ceed the same way. Dark Brown. Two-fold Yarn, 35 lbs. 632 THE AMERICAN DYER. Prepare with — 1^ lbs. Chrome, I lb. Alum. Finish with — 3 lbs. Madder, 3 lbs. Fustic, 31^ lbs.. Brazil-wood, 12 lbs. Camwood, 4 oz. Logwood. Proceed in all respects as for chrome brown. Light Cinnamox-Brown. Two-fold Yarn, 35 lbs. Prepare with — 1 lb. Chrome, 6 oz. Alum. Finish with — 2| lbs. Fustic, 4| lbs. Brazil-wood, 6 lbs. Camwood, 5 lbs. Barwood, 3 oz. Logwood. Proceed as for the dirome brown. Purple. Jacket Yarn, 50 lbs. 15 lbs. Cudbear, ^ lb. Roseine, ^ lb. Picric Acid, 9 lbs. Extract of Indigo. Boil these for fifteen minutes ; then add — 3 quarts Oil of Vitriol, 15 lbs. Glauber Salts, 10 lbs. Alum. THE AI^IERICAN" DYER. 633 Cool down, and rake up well. Enter the yarn, give nine turns ; take it out, and raise the heat to a boil. Re-enter the yarn, and give nine turns, or turn until the shade suits you. Light Slate. Twofold Yarn, 35 lbs. 1| lbs. Ground Logwood, 1\ lbs. Ground Fustic, 10 oz. Sumac. Boil these twenty minutes ; then add — 8 oz. Alum, 9 oz. Extract of Indigo. Rake up well ; cool down. Enter yarn, and proceed as for purple. Silver-Drab. Twofold Yarn, 50 lbs. 18 oz. Madder, 13 oz. Bar wood, 10 oz. Ground Logwood, 10 oz. Sumac, 5 oz. Nutgalls, 4 oz. Cudbear. Boil these for twenty-five minutes. Cool down, and enter yarn ; give seven turns ; take out, raise the heat to a boiling point. Re-enter yarn, give seven turns ; take out yarn, and add to the tub — 2 oz. Copperas. Rake up and re-enter the yarn, and give five turns ; take out and wash off. Yellow-Drab. Threefold Yarn, 35 lbs. I lb. Chrome, 3 oz. Alum, 3 oz. Tartar. 80 634 THE AMERICAN DYER. Proceed as for the browns. Finish with — 1^ ll)s. Camwood, 1 11). Madder, 13 oz. Ground Fustic. Proceed as for brown. Slate-Drab. Threefold Yarn, 50 lbs. 4^ lbs. Ground Logwood, 2 lbs. Barwood, If lbs. Madder, 7 oz. Ground Fustic, 12 oz. Sumac. Boil these for twenty-five minutes, then cool down and add five ounces alum. Enter the yarn, and give seven turns ; take it up, and raise the heat to the boil ; add "six ounces more of alum ; rake up, and enter the yarn ; give nine turns ; take it out and wash off. Blue-Violet. Threefold Yarn, 40 lbs. Dissolve two and a half ounces Hoffmann's 2 B's violet, and half an ounce of golden roseine together, in some convenient vessel. Pour one-half of this into a tub of clean vvater, heated to 150° Fahr. Rake up well, enter the yarn, give seven turns, take out the yarn, heat up the tub to 200° Fahr. Add the rest of the dissolved anilines ; rake up, enter the yarn ; give nine turns more, take out and wash off. Light Red- Violet. Threefold Yarn, 40 lbs. 1 oz. Hoffmann's 2 B's violet, 1^ oz. Roseine Crystals. Proceed as for the blue-violet in all respects. THE AMERTCAX DYER. G35 Green. Threefold Yarn, 25 lbs. 2| lbs. Extract of Indigo, good, 1 lb. Ahim. Enter yarn at 170°Fahr. ; turn it until it becomes even ; then take it out and add — 6|^ oz. Picric Acid, \ pint Oil of Vitriol. Rake up. well, re-enter the yarn, and give five turns more. Take out quicldy, and wash off. After giving five turns, if it is not as dark as you wish, give it a few turns more before taking it out. Another Cardinal. Threefold Yarn, 50 lbs. 4 oz. Flavine, 8 oz. Roseine. Enter yarn at 170° Fahr, give seven turns, raise out the yarn, heat up to boiling-point. Re-enter yarn, give seven turns more ; take out and wash oflf. If the color should be too red when finished, add two or three ounces more flavine, and put the yarn in again, and give a few more turns. A Light Blue-Green. Single Yarn size, 8^^ runs, 40 lbs. 21 lbs. Indigo Paste, 1^ oz. Picric Acid, 12 lbs. Alum. Enter cool, give seven turns, take up, raise the heat to 200° Fahr. Re-enter the yarn, and give seven turns more; take out, and in a fresh bath at 120° Fahr., put one pint oil of vitriol, enter yarn, give five turns; take out and wash off. 636 THE AMEKICAX DYEK. Green. Twofokl Worsted Yarn, 10 lbs. 2 oz. Iodine Green Crystals. Enter yarn cold. Proceed as for the threefold yarn greeu. In the finishing bath use — H oz. Picric Acid, i gill Oil of Vitriol. On this and the methyle green you naust he sure to follow the way laid down in regard to the manupulati07is , or the result will not be satisfactory. These ^reens can be varied either to the blue or srreener shade, by using more or less picric acid in the finishing bath. Canary (a splendid shade). Threefold Yarn (coarse), 5 lbs. 3 oz. Flavine, 3|^ oz. AVhite Tartar, 3 gills Muriate of Tin. Enter cool. Turn yarn for half an hour ; take out, raise the heat to boiling-point. Re-enter the yarn, and turn for twenty minutes longer; take out, and wash off. Light Bluish-Drab. Single Yarn, 20 lbs. Size, 7 runs. Prepare with — 21 lbs. Alum, 4 lbs. Tartar, 4 oz. Extract Indigo, 2 oz. Ground Fustic, 11 lbs. Madder. Enter yarn atl90^Fahr. Turn for ten minutes. Turn on the steam, and turn until it comes to a boil ; then take out, and wash off. THE AMERICAN DYER. G37 Light Reddish-Drab. Single Yarn, 40 lbs. Size, 7 runs. 4 oz. Extract Indigo, 1 lb. Cochineal, 2 lbs. Gronnd Fustic, 2 lbs. Alum, 2 lbs. Tartar. Proceed in all respects as for the light bluish-drab. Scarlet. Twofpld W.orsted Yarn, 40 lbs. Dissolve nine and a half ounces of luteciene in boilingr water, and one pound tartaric acid. Enter the yarn at 150° Fahr. (using one-third of the acid and lueticene) ; give the yarn five turns ; take it out ; raise the heat to the boil, put in the remainder of the acid and luteciene, rake up" well, re-enter the yarn, and turn for twenty minutes longer; take out, and wash off. Scarlet. Threefold Yarn, 100 lbs. 10 lbs. Lac Dye, 3 lbs. Cochineal, 2 lbs. Tartar, 1 lb. Oxalic Acid, 10 lbs. Scarlet Spirits. Boil these for twenty minutes, then cool down. Enter the yarn, and give seven turns ; take it out, raise the heat to boil, re-enter the yarn, and give seven turns more; take out, and wash off. 038 THE AMERICAN DYER. REMARKS ON COTTON-WASTE DYEING. Having colored with these recipes for some time, and given the preference to them above all others, on account of their certainty and effectiveness, they can be fully relied upon for the accuracy of their results. You will find observations at- tached to such of them as will require any deviation from the usual way or mode of dyeing. In making up the liquors according to the recipes, care must at all times be taken to have all the solutions, when ready for the cotton, free from all ground or chipped dye- stufts and all undissolved coloring-matters. The liquors must be clear, and all the solutions of the bath held in solution. If you have to use sumac, or any ground dyestuffs, boil them out in a barrel, or some convenient vessel, and add the clear solutions to the dyeing-bath. But it is more convenient to use the extracts, as they contain more tannin, or astringent principle (than the rough dyestufis), which has a great alBSu- ity for cotton. In using the extracts, you can keep the dye- ing liquors at about the same strength, and for a long time, by fishing out the cotton from the tub after each dip. Black (at one operation). No. 1. Raw Cotton, 100 lbs. 100 lbs. Chip Logwood, 12 lbs. Cutch, 25 lbs. Extract of Logwood. Boil those one hour; then add to it one pint ammonia FFF. Boil one-half hour longer ; take out the bags and add — 5 pints Ammonia, 5 pints Nitrate of Copper. Rake up the tub ; enter cotton as expeditiously as possible ; pole up for a few minutes ; then boil gently for two hours ; leave the cotton in until next morning ; fish it out and cover up with sheets until the next day ; then wash off.' THE AMERIOAI^^ DYER. 639 COTTON SAMPLE. Ko. 1. — Black, at oxk oi'KitATiox. THE AMERICAN DYER. 641 To renew for next 100 lbs. Cotton. 75 lbs. Chip Logwood, 10 lbs. Cutch, 22 lbs. Extract of Logwood. 1 pint Ammonia. 4 pints Ammonia, 4 pints of Nitrate of Copper. Proceed as for first 100 lbs. in all respects. For third or standard recipe. Cotton, 100 lbs. 25 lbs. Chip Logwood, 8 lbs. Cutch, 24 lbs. Extract of Logwood, \- pint Ammonia. 4 pints Ammonia, 4 pints Nitrate of Copper. Proceed as for first 100 lbs. cotton. This black you will see is done at one dip and will resist the fuliinff and scourino: as well as black wool. If a blue- black is wanted use — 5 lbs. Extract of Hemlock, 5 lbs. Extract of Logwood. Take out. / To MAKE THE NiTRATE OF CoPPER. To every pound of nitric acid, 40° Fahr., use three ounces copper-scraps or turnings ; add it to the acid very gradually. Or thus — 12 lbs. Nitric Acid, at 40° Twaddle, 2^ lbs. Copper Scraps. Kill as above. The copper must be perfectly yVee from tin or solder. 81 642 THE A^IERICAN DYEK. When the cotton is taken out it will be brown-colored, but will turn to black after being covered up a while. Should the cotton, when dry, have a purple shade, it will do no harm as it will full to a jet-black : but when this is the case reduce the dyestuff a little for one or two lots, and especially the ammonia. After coloring four or five lots, you can then color one hundred and twenty five pounds of cotton at a time with the same amount of dyestuffs. RECIPES FOR COLORING COTTON OR COTTOX- WASTE. Blacks. Blacks and browns are the most common colors put upon cotton-waste. Black. Cotton, 200 lbs. 45 lbs. Catechu or Cutch, 25 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 10 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil these materials uutil dissolved. Shake up the cotton and enter it at a boil and pole up well : let it boil gently for one hour ; leave it in the tub all night ; in the morning fish the cotton out. Then strengthen the liquor with — 50 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 7 lbs. Soda-ash, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. "When these are dissolved and the foaming of the liquor has ceased, enter the cotton again and boil for one-half hour, leaving it in the solution all night. Li the morning, fish out and wash off the cotton. The above quantities of materials are for starting a new dye, or for the first two hundred pounds of cotton. THE AMERICAIf DYER. 643 For the second two hundred pounds of cotton, add to the above liquor — 15 lbs. Cutch, 7 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Black. Cotton, 300 lbs. 300 lbs. Chip Logwood, 30 lbs. Chip Fustic. Boil these woods out. Take out the bags, and add to the liquor fifteen lbs. blue vitriol, ten lbs. brown sugar of lead. When they are dissolved, enter the cotton, and boil it two hours. Fish out the cotton. Then add to the liquor, ten lbs. blue vitriol, fifteen ll)s. soda ash. Enter the cotton at 150° Fahr. Pole up well, each time. Leave the cotton in all night. By this method we can color three hundred lbs. per day, by preparing (giving one dip in the forenoon) in the forenoon, and finishing in the afternoon. The cotton, by col- oring in this manner, comes out with a brownish shade ; but when it is scoured it turns to a jet black. For the second three hundred lbs., in the same liquor, add two hundred and fifty lbs. chip logwood, and twenty-five lbs. chip fustic. Boil out as for first time, and add ten lbs. blue vitriol, and eight lbs. sugar of load. For the second dip for the second three hundred lbs. cotton, add eight lbs. blue vitriol, and twelve lbs. soda-ash. Proceed as above in all respects. The longer this solution is used, the better is the color. It is the best black produced by any similar method. Proceed as before. Then add to the liquor — 25 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 4 lbs. Soda-ash, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Re-enter the cotton as before. Let it stay in all night, and proceed in after-dyeings with the same amount of cotton and 644: THE AMERICAN DYER. ingredients. The solution, in each instance, should be of a bluish-red purple when the cotton is to be entered the second time. The color of the cotton may not be as deep as desired in the first tubful, but the liquor will improve by age, and will give you colors that will be satisfactory after the second two hundred pounds. Wash off the cotton always after being finished, but give air and all the time you can spare before washing off. Black, This is a good and cheap black for jeans. Cotton, 125 lbs. Prepare with — 3 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter cotton, and boil one hour. Draw off, and extract the cotton. Then finish with — 50 lbs. Chip Logwood, 15 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 15 lbs. Chip Fustic, 2 lbs. Soda-ash, 2 lbs. Palm Oil. Boil out the woods. Then add the oil and soda-ash. Then enter the cotton, pole up well, and boil one hour. Leave it in as long as possible. Black. Cotton, 225 lbs. Tannin Process. 6 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 25 lbs. Cutch, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Dissolve all together. Enter the cotton. Boil one hour. Leave in all night. In the morning, take out, and drain or extract the cotton thoroughly. Save this liquor for further use. THE AMERICAN DYER. (545 Mordant Process. 8 lbs. Chrome, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton at a boiling heat. Let it remain in this mordant two or three hours; do not boil in the mordant. Extract the cotton, and shake it up well. Dyeing Process. 30 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 2 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton quickly ; pole up well ; boil half an hour, and let it remain in the liquor as long as possible. This is the softest and most permanent black on raw cotton that can be dyed. For the next two hundred and twenty-five lbs. of cotton, add to the tannin liquor — 4 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 18 lbs. Cutch, 2\ lbs. Blue Vitriol, and pit)ceed with the mordant and dyeing process as above. Black. Cotton, 300 lbs. 50 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 30 lbs. Cutch, 10 lbs. Brown Sugar of Lead, 10 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton at a boil, pole up well, and boil one and a half hours ; leave it in over night. Next morning fish out ; then add to the liquor — 15 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 15 lbs. Soda-ash. 6iG THE AMERICAN DYER. Enter the cotton at a boil, pole up well, and let it remain in as long as possible. For the next three hundred pounds cotton, add to the tub — 40 lbs. Extract Logwood, 25 lbs. Culch, 8 lbs. Brown Sugar of Lead, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as above ; and for the second dip add — 12 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 12 lbs. Soda-ash. And proceed in all respects as above.' Shake up the cotton loosely between the two dips, as well as before entering it into the tub for the first time. This is the best black that can be dyed by the two-dips method. Slates, or the Minor Shades of Black. It is in these minor colors, more than any other, that expe- rience and judgment in the dyer are absolutely indispensable. The variety in tone of numerous fancy shades being so great, no recipe can be given to color any particular pattern. The numerous shades are principally due to the diminution of the original color to which they belong. Thus, all the slates point directlj'^ to the black, and the drabs to the olive, and the fawns to the brown, as the source from which they separately proceed. They represent three separate scales of color, divided into as many parts as there nre distinct varieties in their appearance, each variety repre- senting one degree, or quantity of color, more or less, than the one preceding or following it, in an apparently graduating scale. We shall, therefore, only give recipes for such par- ticular shades as we have colored, which range from the darkest slate to lead. THE AMERICAN DYER. 647 Dark Slate. Cotton, 200 lbs. 3() lbs. Chip Logwood, 13 lbs. Sumac. After boiling these one and Ji half hours, enter the cotton ; pole up well ; boil one and a half hours. Let the cotton lie in the liquor as long as you can before saddening ; then use iu saddening, 4 11)8. Copperas. Dissolve the copperas in some convenient vessel (half a barrel) before throwing it upon the cotton; pole up well. Do not boil after saddening it, but leave in the cotton as long as possil)le. Slate. Cotton, 225 lbs. 12 lbs. Extract Logwood, 10 lbs. Sumac. Proceed as with No. 22 ; then sadden with 6 lbs. Copperas. Boil one-half hour. Leave in as long as possible. Another Dark Slate. Cotton, 200 lbs. 40 lbs. Cutch, 20 lbs. Chip Fustic, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 40 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil one and a half hours ; then enter the cotton at a boil, pole well, and boil one hour, and let it remain iu the liquor two hours : fish out, and add to the liquor, 40 lbs. Chip Logwood, 4 lbs. Soda-ash. 648 THE AMERICA]^^ DYER. Boil these one and a half hours ; then add 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Ee-entei*the cotton as usual. Let it remain in all night. Light Slate. Cotton, 200 lbs. 20 lbs. Cutch, 20 lbs. Chip Fustic, 40 lbs. Chip Logwood. Boil these materials one hour ; then add — 5 lbs. Soda-ash, 7 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton, boil one hour, and leave in all night. Lead. Cotton, 175 lbs. 7 lbs. Cutch, 1| lbs. Extract of Logwood. After these are dissolved, add — 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 4 lbs. Copperas. Eake up the tub, and enter the cotton ; pole up well, and boil one hour ; leave the cotton in this all night. Any variations from these shades can be obtained, by different proportions and amount of the several materials- mentioned in the recipes. If these shades are required to incline more to the black, use more logwood ; if more to the olive shade, use more fustic; if more to the brown, use more of the cutch. But as stated at the beginning of these recipes, the dyer will have to depend upon his own skill and knowledge in these matters. THE AMERICAN DYER. 649 Brown. This color, when it is dyed by the best methods, will continu- ally grow richer and deeper, the longer it is exposed to. the at- mosphere, and the process of manufacturing produces beneficial effects upon, and for these reasons it is one of the best colors that can be made upon cotton to mix with wool. There are a variety of shades of brown, consisting chiefly of three separate or distinct peculiarities: the dark, brown, yellow brown, and red brown. The other varieties are obtained by a variation in the quantity of the material used to color brown. Brown. Cotton, 180 lbs. 100 lbs. Cutch, 65 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 10 lbs. Sumac, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton at a boil, pole up well, boil one hour, and leave it in the solution all night ; then fish it out, and save the liquor for further use; extract the cotton, or drain it well. In another tub of clear water, dissolve six pounds chrome ; enter the cotton (after being well shook out) at a boiling heat ; pole up well ; leave it in for two hours; draw off; air well. Drain it, or what is better, extract it. For the next two hundred pounds, use a quarter less mate- rial in the first bath, but always have a fresh bath for the second dip, using the same amount of chrome, and proceed in all respects as for the first 180 lbs. cotton. Broavn. Cotton, 225 lbs. 75 lbs. Cutch, 20 lbs. Sumac, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. 82 650 THE AMERICAN DYER. Enter the cotton at a boil, and boil until the cotton is satu- rated. Let it stay in the tub all night. Take it out in the morning, and let it drain well or else extract it. Shake it up well ; then dissolve in a fresh bath — 6 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton at a boiling heat, boil half an hour ; leave it in two or three hours ; air well before washing it off. For the next 225 lbs. cotton, add to the first bath — 50 lbs. Cutch, 15 lbs. Sumac, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as above. Second Dip. 6 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. For every succeeding 225 lbs., use the same amount of dye- stuffs. But the second dip or mordant bath must be drawn off each time. Another Brown. A very good and cheap one. Cotton, 150 lbs. 40 lbs. Cutch, 10 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 5 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton, and boil one hour. Let it remain in the tub all night. In the morning, fish it out, and let it drain well. Add to the liquor — 30 lbs. Cutch, 7 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Re-enter the cotton, boil gently half an hour, and let it re- main as long as convenient : fish out and wash off the cotton. THE AMERICAN DYER. 651 Second Dyeing in the same liquor. Cotton, 150 11)8. 35 lbs. Cutch, 5 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton, and boil one hour. Let it remain in as long as j)ossible (four or tive hours) ; tish out, and drain it as long as time will allow. Add to the same liquor — 25 lbs. Cutch, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Re-enter the cotton; boil half an hour; let it stay in all night. By this method we can color one hundred and fifty pounds of cotton per day, in the same tub, by always enter- ing for the second dip late in the afternoon, which will give the cotton a chance to imbibe the color more fully by lying in the solution all nisht. Brown. Tannin Process. Cotton, 200 lbs. 50 lbs. Cutch, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter cotton at a boiling heat ; pole up well ; let it steep over night ; next morning fish it out; drain or extract it then in a fresh bath. Dissolve as Mordant. Chrome, 6 lbs. — Enter the cotton at a boil heat ; pole up well ; leave in two or three hours ; draw of; take out the cotton and extract. In a fresh bath, boil up for one and a half hours. 652 THE AMERICAN DYER. Dyeing. 30 lbs. Hypernic, 20 lbs. Chip Logwood ; then add — 10 lbs. Alum. Enter the cotton, and boil one hour; draw off; then wash the cotton. The first liquor can be saved, and for the next two hundred pounds of cotton, add to it — 40 lbs. Cutch, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol. The second and third baths must be drawn off. Another Brown, Lighter than the Last. Cotton, 200 lbs. The tannin and mordant baths are the same as for the last brown. The dyeing-bath is made up with — 40 lbs. Chip Fustic, 40 lbs. Chip Hypernic, 10 lbs. Alum. ^ Proceed in all respects as for the preceding brown. Brown, Lighter than either of the Above. Cotton, 125 lbs. 45 lbs. Cutch, 30 lbs. Camwood. Boil the cutch and camwood two hours ; then enter the cotton, and boil half an hour; then throw on six pounds of blue vitriol ; pole up well, and boil half an hour longer ; draw off the tub, take out the cotton and extract it. In a fresh bath dissolve, \ 7 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. THE AMERICAN DTER. 653 Re-enter the cotton at a boiling heat ; pole up well ; leave it in for one or two hours ; then draw off; wash off the cotton. Nos. 13, 14, and 15 are perfectly fast colors, and will resist all the fulling and scouring that any color will on wool. Dark Brown. 200 lbs. Cotton. First bath. 40 lbs. Cutch, 15 lbs Camwood, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil the cutch and camwood one hour; then add the blue vitriol ; enter the cotton and boil one hour ; let it remain in the solution three or four hours ; then tish it out, and keep the solution for further use. Second bath. 12 lbs. Chrome. Boil the cotton for twelve or fifteen minutes ; leave it in for a few hours ; then draw off ; take out the cotton and rinse it off. For the second two hundred pounds of cotton, add to the first bath, » 30 lbs. Cutch, / 10 lbs. Camwood^ and 2 lbs. Bhie Vitriol, and proceed as for first two hundred pounds. The second, or chrome bath, will be' the same as for the first. Dark Brown (the darkest). Cotton, 200 lbs. 50 lbs. Cutch, 25 lbs. Extract Logwood, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as for the above. Second bath. 12 lbs. Chrome. Proceed as above, but extract the cotton from this bath. 654: THE AMERICAN DYER. Third bath. 20 lbs. Chip Fustic, 25 lbs. Camwood. Boil these for one and a half hours : enter cotton, and boil one hour; draw off, and wash the cotton. For the next two hundred pounds, add 40 lbs. Cutch, 20 lbs. Extract Logwood, and 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol, and proceed as before. The other two baths will have to be made fresh every time. These two are the darkest browns that we ever colored. ^lixoR Shades of Browns — Red-Fawn. Cotton, 230 lbs. 10 lbs. Cutch, 10 lbs. Camwood. Boil these drugs for one hour ; then- enter the cotton and boil one hour longer ; then dissolve in a barrel of the dyeing liquor — • 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. | Throw in this solution and pole the cotton well for twenty minutes. Let it remain in the liquor all night, then draw otF. Salmon-Fawn. Cotton, 180 lbs. 25 lbs. Cutch, 5 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 5 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol.. Proceed as for the last recipe, only let it slay in the liquor all night before finishing it off; then Finish in a fresh bath with — 6 lbs. Bichromate of Potash. THE AMERICAN DYER. 655 Enter the cotton at a boiling heat; leave it in two or three hours ; take out and wash it off. You can keep the first liquor for further use by atkling two-thirds of each article for every 180 lbs. of cotton, and finish ofi'as for the first 180 lbs. * Another Fawn. Cotton, 180 lbs. 25 lbs. Cutch, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton and boil one hour ; let it stay in all night ; in the morning take out and drain well ; then Finish in a fresh bath with — 5 11)S. Chrome. Enter at a boiling heat ; let it remain in two hours ; then take out and wash the cotton, Crab-Fawn. Cotton, 200 lbs. 10 lbs. Sumac, 35 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 50 lbs. Cutch, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil the cotton one hour; leave it in all night; next day finish oif in a fi esh bath of — 4 lbs. Chrome, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil the cotton fifteen minutes: draw oflTand wash the cot- ton. Keep the first liquor, and for the next 200 lbs. of cotton add to the first bath — 8 lbs. Sumac, 25 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 35 lbs. Cutch, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as above, and in the finishing bath use the same amount of chrome and blue vitriol. 656 THE AMEKICAN^ DYER. Sage Color. Cotton, 175 lbs. 8 lbs. Chrome, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the »cotton and boil one hour ; let it remain in the liquor overnight. Drain or extract the water out of the eon- ton before entering it into the finishing solution. Finish off with — 12 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 25 lbs. Extract of Fustic. After these materials are dissolved, enter the cotton and boil one hour ; leave it in as long as convenient. Claret. Cotton, 100 lbs. 40 lbs. Sumac. Boil out the sumac ; then enter the cotton and boil long enough to saturate the cotton, and let it remain in this solu- tion all night ; draw off; drain or extract the cotton; then, in a fresh bath of cold water, add enough muriate of tin to make it indicate 2° by Twaddle's hydrometer; enter the cotton, pole it up well, and let it remain in for two or three hours ; take it out and wash it off well. Then finish in a bath with fifty lbs. chip logwood. After boiling the logwood one and a half hours, take out the bags and add four lbs. ahim ; then enter the cotton and boil for one hour ; leave it in an hour or two, then draw off. Another Claret. Cotton, 100 lbs. Work the cotton as absv^ in — 25 lbs. Cutch. THE AMERICAN DYER. 657 Then in the muriate of tin bath as above ; and Finish off with — 75 lbs. Chip Logwood, 4 lbs. Alum. Proceed in all respects as for the last recipe. These two colors are 2)erf edit/ fast, and are very bright and clear. These recipes were obtained from Richard Sager of Rochdale, Eng. Olives. In coloring the diflferent shades of olive we incline them from the true olive towards the brown shade, by using more cutch, and towards the green shade, by using more fustic or sumac ; but we must bear in mind that the fustic will rise in the after-working, giving out its yellow when fulled. The olives rank next to blacks for depth and intensity of hue, and requires a great amount of dyestuffs to color it upon cotton. Green-Olive. Cotton, 200 lbs. 50 lbs. Cutch, 60 lbs. Extract Fustic. Leave the cotton in the tub all night ; next morning fish it out and extract it, and then add to the liquor 20 lbs. Extract Logwood, 10 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 10 lbs. Soda-ash. After the liquor has ceased foaming, enter the cotton (after having it shook up well) quickly, and pole up well. Boil half an hour, and let it remain in the liquor as long as convenient. By commencing in the afternoon with the first dip, we can color" t^vo hundred pounds per day. For the next two hundred pounds of cotton, reduce the materials in each dip one-fifth, and proceed as before. 83 658 THE A]VIERICAN DYEE. Yellow-Olive. Cotton, 200 lbs. First dip. 25 lbs. Cutch, 10 lbs. Sumac, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter cotton at a boil, and pole up well. Boil one hour, and leave in as long as possible (two or three hours at least) . Extract the cotton. Fresh bath, or second dip. 5 lbs. Chrome, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter cotton at a boiling heat, and pole up well. Let it re- main in this solution from one-half to one hour, and draw off. Extract the cotton. Third dip. 15 lbs. Extract Fustic, 3 lbs. Extract Logwood, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton, boil one hour, and leave it in as long as convenient. Shake up the cotton before entering it from one tub to the other. For the next two hundred pounds of cotton add to the first tub 20 lbs. Cutch, 8 lbs. Sumac, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Second dip or tub, proceed as above, as this solution will always have to be thrown away. Third dip. Add to the third tub or -finish liquor, 10 lbs. Extract Fustic, 2 lbs. Extract Logwood, 1 lb. Blue Vitriol. Proceed in all these operations as for the first two hundred pounds. THE AMERICAN DYER. 659 Olive. Cotton, 250 lbs. Tannin process, or first dip. 35 lbs. Cutch, 18 lbs. Sumac, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter and boil one hour. Leave in all night. Heave out and save the liquor for further use. Mordant Process. 8 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton at a boiling heat, pole up well, and leave in two or three hours. Draw otF, and extract the cotton. Dyeing Process, 15 lbs. Extract Logwood, 30 lbs. Extract Fustic, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter cotton at a boiling heat, pole up well,' and let the cot- ton remain in this solution as long as possible. If a greener shade is wanted, use more blue vitriol in the dyeing process. The third tub, or the dyeing process liquor can be saved for a second two hundred and fifty pounds of cotton, by adding to it two-thirds of the materials; but for the second two hun- dred and tifty pounds of cotton you must add to the first tub or tannin process 25 lbs. Cutch, 12 lljs. Sumac, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as for the first two himdred and fifty pounds. This is the best, although the most laborious and expensive ; but it can be relied upon at all times as being permanent. 660 THE A3IEEICAN DYER. Another. Olive. Cotton, 225 lbs. 10 lbs. Sumac, 16 lbs. Extract Fustic, 8 lbs. Extract Logwood, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton as before enjoined, and leave in all night. Take out the cotton and air it well, then shake it up well. Add to the liquor, 2 lbs. Extract Logwood, 4 lbs. Soda-ash, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter cotton, pole up well, and boil twenty minutes. Let it remain in a few hours. Second dyeing in same liquor. Same amount of cotton. 8 lbs. Sumac, 12 lbs. Extract Fustic, 6 lbs. Extract Logwood, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as above, and then add 2 lbs. Extract Logwood, 2 lbs. Soda-ash, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed in all respects as for the first tubful. Drabs, or Minor Shades of Olives. — Stone Drab. Cotton, 225 lbs. 25 lbs. Cutch, 4 lbs. Extract Logwood, 3 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil the cotton one hour ; and then sadden with 4 lbs. Copperas. Proceed the same as for Dark Slate. Let the cotton remain in all nisrht. THE amerioa;n^ dyer. 661 Dark Drab. Cotton, 210 lbs. 40 lbs. Cutch, 6 lbs. Extract Logwood, 4 lbs. Extract Fustic, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed as for Dark Slate ; then sadden with 4 lbs. Copperas. Leave in all night. Red-Drab. Cotton, 250 lbs. 35 lbs. Cutch, 18 lbs. Sumac, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil the cotton one hour ; leave in all night. Next morn- ing fish out the cotton, and save the liquor for another two hundred and fifty pounds of cotton, by adding two-thirds of the above amount of materials. In a fresh bath, dissolve 8 lbs. Chrome, • 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton ; pole it up well ; do not boil it. Let the cotton remain in this solution two or three hours ; draw oif, take out the cotton, and wash it off. Silver-Drab, Cotton, 225 lbs. 10 lbs. Cutch, 1 lb. Extract Logwood. 662 THE AMERICAN DTEK. "When these are all dissolved, add 3 lbs. Copperas, 1 lb. Blue Vitriol. After they are dissolved enter the cotton, and boil one hour. Leave in all uis^ht. Satin, or Pearl Drab. Cotton, 200 lbs. 4 lbs. Chip Logwood, 5 lbs. Camwood. Boil these drugs one hour ; then enter the cotton, and boil it one hour. Let the cotton remain in two hours ; then draw off, and till up the tub again with cold water, and let it remain in this all night. All these colors will rise by age, and in the fulliug and scouring operation. This will be of a very light-blue drab, after it is fulled and scoured. Another Red-Drab. Cotton, 200 lbs. 35 lbs. Cutch, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 2 lbs. Copperas. After these are all dissolved, enter the cotton ; boil one hour, and leave in all night. Yellow. This color is seldom called for, its principal use being for mixtures, and that in very small quantities. The color being dyed with fustic, is very cheap, and is sufficiently permanent and bright for almost all purposes. It can be colored with quercitron bark or with its extract, and with various other THE AMERICAN DYER. 663 yellow coloring suhstauces. It might be dyed by the chro- mate of lead process ; but if produced by this process, it Avould not resist the fulling and scouring. Fustic being the cheapest dye, and sufficiently bright and durable to answer the purpose of this branch of dyeing, it will probably be the only article that will be generally employed for colcuing raw cot- ton or cotton-waste. Yellow. Cotton, 210 lbs. 25 lbs. Extract Fustic, 10 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton, and boil one and a half hours; leave it in all night. In the morning, fish out the cotton, and wash off and dry. Save this liquor, as you can color in it for an indefi- nite length of time. For the second dyeing, same amount of cotton, add to the above liquor, 18 lbs. Extract Fustic, 7 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed in every respect as for the first dyeing. This color is perfectly fast. We can take another course in dyeing by this process, by dividing it into two operations ; thus, — 17 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Enter the cotton and boil one and a half hours; let it re- main in the solution another hour ; then fish out the cotton and strengthen up the solution with the rest of the mate- rials ; thus, — 8 lbs. Extract of Fustic, 4 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Re-enter the cotton and boil one hour, and leave it iu the solution overnight. 664: THE AMEKICAX DYER. This process occupies more time, and requires more labor, than to color off at one dip ; yet it is the best method, as the color is richer than when produced at one operation. Yon can spring the fustic with about two pounds of soda as with the fustic, being careful when you add the blue vitriol afterwards. Another Method. Cotton, 200 lbs. Prepare with — 5 lbs. Chrome, 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 8 lbs. Alum. Enter the cotton at a boil ; pole up well and boil one and a half hours ; leave it in the solution all night. In the morn- ing take it out and extract it thoroughly ; shake it up well ; then enter it into the finishing bath. Finish with — 120 lbs. Chip Fustic. Bag the fustic and boil it one and three-fourths hours ; take out the ba^s and add five lbs. blue vitriol. Enter the cotton, pole up well, and boil one hour. Let it remain in the solution all night. Blue. The deepest and most permanent shades of blue on cotton are those that are produced by the tannin, mordanting, and dyeing processes. They will resist the fulling and scouring process remarkably well, and lose but a little of their bloom, but the bloom can be kept up by using one-sixth of the amount of logwood used in the dyeing process of hypernic-wood ; that is, supposing we are using 120 lbs. of logwood to produce the shade we want, instead of that we must use 100 lbs. of logwood and 20 lbs. of hypernic-wood. The first recipe for blue is the best and most permanent one given in this work, THE AMERICAN DYER. 66o all the others being mere imitations, and in no case do they equal, in richness or durability, the tannin, mordanting, and dyeing process. The other recipes answer very well for cheap goods. ' Blue. Cotton, 230 lbs. 20 lbs. Cutch, 2^ lbs. Blue Vitriol. Boil the cotton one hour ; let it remain in the solution six hours, or overnight. In a fresh bath dissolve — 8 lbs. Chrome, 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 4 lbs. Alum. Shake up the cotton, enter it and boil half an hour; let it remain in the solution overnight; in the morning extract it thoroughly. Then Finish off with — 35 lbs. Extract of Logwood (or 185 lbs. Chip Log- wood), 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Shake up the cotton well and enter it rapidly ; pole up well ; boil half an hour ; then let it remain in the solution as long as it improves in color. [We will here state that whenever the blue vitriol is to be used in the dyeing process, it should not be added until after the coloring-matters are boiled out.] Blue (for jeans, a good one). Cotton, 200 lbs. Prepare with — 7 lbs. Chrome, 7 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 5 lbs. Alum. 84 666 THE AMERICAN DYER. Boil the cotton in this for one and a half hours ; let it re- main in the solution overnight ; take it out and extract it well. Shake up the cotton, then finish off with — 100 lbs. Logwood (Chips), 10 lbs. Hypernic-wood, 2 lbs. Blue Vitriol. After boiling the woods one and a half hours, take out the bags, and dissolve the blue vitriol, and add it to the solution. Rake up the tub, and enter the cotton smartl}^ and pole up quickl}^ and boil for half an hour ; then leave it in as long as the color improves. In coloring by this recipe, the cotton must be handled quickly in getting it saturated with dyeing matters, as it is very difficult to get the cotton evenly dyed. A Lighter Blue. Cotton, 200 lbs. Prepare with — 6 lbs. Chrome, 6 lbs. Blue Vitriol, 4 lbs. Alum. Finish with — 75 lbs. Logwood (Chips), 5 lbs. Blue Vitriol. Proceed in every respect as for Blues on page 665. Blue. Cotton, 200 lbs. 15 lbs. Extract of Logwood, |^^ 8 lbs. Blue Vitriol. JBp Enter the cotton, and boil one and a half hours ; pole it up well. After remaining in as long as time will admit (two or THE AMERICAN DYER. 667 three hours), fish out the cotton, let it drain as long as con- venient, then add to the sohition — 5 lbs. Extract of Logwood, 3 lbs. Extract of Hyperuic (or 15 lbs. Hypernic Chips, 7 lbs. Soda-ash, 7 lbs. Blue Vitriol. After the ash and blue vitriol are dissolved (which must be done separately), and the liquor has ceased foaming, re-enter the cotton aiid boil half an hour. Let the cotton remain in the solution over night. Fish out the cotton, and save the liquor for further use. In coloring a second or more tubfuls (200 lbs.), proceed in every respect as above, only reduce the materials one-fifth for each 200 lbs. of cotton. I ]^ D E X. PART FIRST. Page Introduction to First Edition, 3 Preface to Second Edition, 5 Dyeing and Mordants, 10 The Nature of Colors, 25 The Pxoperties of Colors and their Relation to Dyeing, ... 28 Calico-printing, 46 Alumina, Acetate of, 58-66 Nitrate of, 65 Pyrol ignite of, 58 Precipitated, 60 Alizarine, Artificial, 129 Blacks, Eecipes for, 70-76 Iron Liquor for, 58 Oxidized Logwood Liquor for, 62 Blues, Eecipes for, . . 92-96 Indigo Precipitate for fast, 68 Tin Solution for fast, . . • 68 Buffs, Eecipes for, 104, 105 Cftseine, Solutions of, 87, 88 Catechu, Eecipes for, 106-111 Chocolates, Recipes for, 77-81 Blue, Standard for, 60 Cochineal, Ammoniacal Solution of, 62 Chrome, Acetate of, 125 Alum, 67 Sulphate of, . 61-66 Tungstate of, 75 Orange Pigment 64 Grays, Recipes for, 112-114 Iron Comi)osition for, 62 Standard for, 60 Greens, Recipes for, 96-100 Blue Preparation for, 62 Indigo Precipitate for, 68 Tin Solution for, 68 670 THE A3IERICAN DYER. J Page Indigo, Acetate of, 61 Precipitated, 68 Suli.hate of, 65 Iron, Acetate of Protoxide of, 59-67 Standard for Modes, 65 Standard for Nankeens, 59 Standard for Purples, 59 Liquor for Blacks, 58, 59 Composition for Grays, ........ 62 Pyroliyuite of, 58 Muriate of, 62 Nitrate of, 64 Lead, Basic Acetate for Orange, 60 Orange Chroruate of, 64 Logwood Liquor, Oxidized for Black, 62 Oxidized for Gray, 60 Madder Extracts, 120-124 Modes, Recipes for, 115-117 Iron Standard for, 65 Mordants, 58-61 Nankeens, Straws and Buffe, Kecipes for, 104-106 Standard for, 59, 60 Olives, Kecipes for, 115 Oranges, Recipes for, 100-103 Lead Standard for, 60 Sapan Liquor for, 68 Tin Composition for, ......... 63 Pinks, Recipes for, 65-85 Pigment, Sapan, 61 Chrome Orange, 64 Potash, Chloride of, 69 Purples, Recipes for, 88-91 Iron Standard for, 59 Rose, Recipes for, ........... 85-88 Reds, Recipes for, 82-84 Reserves and Discharges, Recipes for, 117-120 Sapan, Pigment, 63 Liquor Oxidized, 68 Scarlet, Tin Composition for, 63 Soda, Chloride of, 65-69 Tin, Compositi 368 Solutions of, 375 How to make Solutions of, 37O Muriate of, 372 Murio-snlphate of, ' . . . 373 Murio-sulphate of, for Lac-dye 373 Nitro-muriate of, 374 Solutions of, for Purpurine, 283 Nitrate of, 375 Crystals of, 373 Tannin, 33^ Tartarine, 3ug Tartar, Cream of, 3^3 Turmeric, 271 Valonia or Valona Nuts, 214 Vegetable Substances used in Dyeing that contain Tannin, 340 Weld or Wold, ' 315 Woad ".'.'.'. 319- Fermentation of, * 305 86 674 THE AMERICAN DYER. PART THIRD. Fauk Ali>liabetical Table of Elements and their Symbols, .... 4:i<5 Coal-tar Colors, 442 Aniline Red, 44G, 482 Violet, 448 Blue, 449 Green, 450 Yellow, 4.'J1 Black, 452 Bismarck Brown, . 453 Carbolic Acid Colors, 453 Picric Acid, 454 Phenyl Brown, 456 Grenat Brown, . 457 Coralline 457,492 Azuliue, . 458, 492 Naphthaline, 458 Naphthylamine, 459 Martins Yellow, 459 MagdalaRed, 460 Naphthaline Blue, ' . . . 461 Violet, 461 History of Aniline's and Aniline Colors, . . . . . . 463 Preparation of raw Materials derived from Coal-tar, .... 475 Benzine, . 475 Toluene, • . 475 Xylene, 475 Aniline, 477 Toluidine 477 Methylaniline, 479 Ethyl aniline, 479 Pbenic Acid, 480 Naphthaline, 480 Anthracene, 480 Preparation of Various Colors derived from Aniline, . . . 482 Aniline Red, 446, 483 Roseaniline, 483 Fuchsine, Roseiue, or Magenta, 483 Aniline Blue, 485 Imperial Violet, 485 Hoffmann's Violets, 487 Aldehyde Green, 488 Colors derived from Compounded Anilines, 489 Paris Violet, 489 Diph'euylamine Blue, 490 THE AMERICAN DYER. 675 Page Aniline Black, 452 41)0 Coloi-s derived from Pbouic Acid, 492 Derived from Naplitliiiline, 492 Derived from Anthracene, 492 Rosealic Acid, 492 Najdithaliue Scarlet, 49;^ Artificial Alizarine, 494 Improvements and Discoveries in Coal-tjir Colors, .... 496 Inventions and Progresses, 49^ Substitntion of Methlaniline Violet for Roseaniline, for the Mann- factnre of Night-Green, 50q Mannfactnre of Nitrate of Methyle, 5O2 New Process of Coloring Night-Green, 502 Maunfacture without Iodine, of Night-Green, 501 Results of Improvements made by Poirrier and his Cbemists, . . 504 Cheapness and Improvements in Quality of the Colors, . . . 506 PART FOURTH. Glossary of Technical Terms and Chemical Names, .... 515 Remarks on Piece-Dyeing 13(3 535 on Wool Dyeing, 5(jl on Cotton- Yarn Dyeing, gU on Woolen- Yarn Dyeing, (526 on Cotton-Waste Dyeing, g3g Recipes for Speck-Dyes, ' 529 for Piece-Dyeing, 53g for Felt-Dyeing, 548 French, 537 German, 594 for Cotton-Yarn Dyeing, . . . . . . . . qh for Woolen- Yarn Dyeing, 626 for Cotton- Waste Dyeing, 639 Samples of Cloth, 532 of Wool, 55(j ' of Cotton-Yarn, (502 Tables of Prime Equivalents or proportions of Dyestuffs and Chemi- cal Salts, to produce colors, 512-514 French, of, 512 Symbols of, 525 Index, 669 ERRATA. The recipe for rich, full blue, on page 541, should read, — Prepare with — 13 lbs. Alum, 4 lbs. Oxalic Acid. Boll cloth If hours ; next, dry finish with 60 pounds chip logwood. Boil the logwood 1| hours ; take out the bags, and cool down ; then add 1 quart Scarlet Spirits, 1 pint Ammonia. Rake up well; enter cloth, and boil 14^ hours ; take out, air well, wash off. On page 641. " To every pound of nitric acid, 40= Fahr.," should read " 40° Twaddle." R WOODMAN & CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR THE AMEKICAN DYEE. ENLARGED AIS^D REVISED BY RICHARD II. GIBSON, Practical ©get anti ffl^ijemtst. DEALERS IN INDIGO, COCHINEAL, a ^ DYEWOODS & DYESTUFFS, 44 KILBY STREET, p. O. Box 3674. BOSTOiT, HVEJ^SS. JUV •) MANLTACTCRERR OF DYEWOODS, DYEWOOD LIQUORS AND EXTRACTS, IMPOUTERS AND DEALERS IN iiifio,i;oiiAi*iiiiEfi,cncA AND DYE STUFFS GENERALLY, U 106 and 108 MILK, corner KILBY STREET, BOSTON. SOLE AGENTS FOR NEW ENGLAND FOR A. Poirrler's Aniline Dyes, Archil, Cudbear, (Stc. AGENTS FOR Shrewsbury Flavine, Bark Ext. and Liquor, Wilkinson's Extract Indigo. Works at Church, near Accrington, Lancashire, Eng. EXTRACT LOGWOOD IN POUND, HALF-POUND, ASSORTED AND QUARTER-POUND PACKAGES, ^OB DRUGGISTS' USE. MANUFACTURERS of HEMATEIN, More soluble than Logwood Liquor or Extract Logwood. Send for samples. SAMPLES OF POIRRIER'S ANILINES FOR TESTING, WILL BE FORWARDED WITHOUT CHARGE, WHEN ORDERED. Henry A. Could. ESTABLISHED. 1861. N0S.99&IOI Milk, COR. Pearl St. BOSTON. IMPORTER OF THE SPECIALTIES INDIGaCUTCkiilERGOC^ Sole U.S. Agent "Berlin Pure Aniline Colors, Oils & Salts. Archil &;DYEWoqp Extracts. -•OUR AIM IS STANDARD GOODS AT CLOSE RATES. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. BRANCH AT NEW YORK. F. H. HADDOCKS, liip r!l GENERAL DYESTDFFS, No. 14f Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Thd attention of Mannfacturers iisinj^ tlic article is called to the fact that nearly two-thirds of the entire shipment of Indigo to America finds its mar- ket in this City ; and the advertiser respectfully submits that, with his con- uecticms, he is able to send, on application, samples with prices, which can- not be excelled, quality and price considered. ITil POKOUS M FOR PAPER MAKERS. Fifty per ct. Stronger than Lump Alum, AND TWO LBS. OF IT WILL DO THE W^ORK AS WELL AS THREE LBS. OF LUMP. // i/o^s not contain Stdphate of Potash or Ammonia, afid is free from Iron and excess of Acid. MANUFACTURED BY 111 flKISILfiim S41.f I'll 140 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MOEEY & CO., Agents, . . . Boston, Mass. E. L. EMBREE, Agent, ... New York. POIRRIER'S ANILINE DYES. ROLLINS, SHAW & CO., -A. O E IT T S. We are the only autliorizecl Agents west of Philadelphia. All Western Mills can Imy these Anilines in Chicago at the same jjrices and terms as Ea«t. Office, 186 and 188 Fifth Avenue, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WOOL, DYESTUFFS, AND dvlilij sxj:p:fxjIES. AND MANUFACTURERS OF SHODDIES OF ALL GRADES. I^" Send for samples and prices. mmmmEWTmm COTTON^ MILLS CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SEAMLESS COTTON BAGS, Jl'iUji _M.iM!jLii Lj'iijijy[«iijT^jj2^|j[yi Warps, Twines, Batting and Wadding. CANADA. 36 E. K. STREET & CO., DEALERS IN ACIDS, CHEMICALS, OILS, till Irps, hi Oiiiij, Miii -AND- WOOLEN MILL SOPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A.GE1VTS FOR GEORGE CROMPTOIV. Looms, Shuttles, &c. Cr,EVEI>A]VI> MACmiVE WORKS. Cards, Jacks, Mules, Twisters, &c, 1>AVIS &, FURBER. Cards, Jacks, Twisters, Looms, &c. PARKS