LIBRARY OF 1685- IQ56 &ivate Property if 2. P. METCALF KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS CHARLES T. BRUES Assistant Professor of Economic Entomology Harvard University AND A. L. MELANDER Professor of Entomology, State College of Washington BOSTON, MASS., AND PULLMAN, WASH. Published by the Authors 1915 Copyright, 1915 Charles T. Brues, and A. L. Melander Published March, 1915 THE RUMFORD PRESS CONCORD. N. H. U. S. A. TO OUR FORMER TEACHERS, HERBERT EUGENE WALTER, OLIVER S. WESTCOTT, AND WILLIAM MORTON ^VHEELER, THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. PREFACE. The present manual attempts to bring together a brief yet com- plete key to the famihes of American insects, unhampered by more than the explanations needed to make such a tabulation available to the general student. It has been prepared to meet the require- ments, not alone of college courses in systematic entomology, but also of agricultural high schools and of physicians, fruit inspectors, the modern farmer, the nature-lover, or any one who is concerned with the practical identification of insects. More than fifty thousand different species of insects are now known from North America. Their descriptions fill libraries and their final identification requires the knowledge of specialists. Obviously no single volume can provide for their determination. But this host of species is divided into groups of related forms, the families of insects, and it is with their recognition that th^ present work deals. Identification of the families has been effected by means of analytical keys, which have been arranged as dichotomies. In the first couplet, for example, two contrasting descriptions are given, one of which should agree with the insect to be determined. The number at the end of this description indicates the couplet which should then be studied, and so on until the final name is secured. All of the keys have been arranged in this way, as the writers' experience in the classroom shows that specimens can be most easily and rapidly classified with a key of this type, which also requires much less space for printing. While the dichotomies frequently represent the natural relationships or the lines of phyletic development, no attempt has been made to preserve natural divisions wherever the convenience and practical opera- tion of the keys would have been sacrificed. As the tabulation is designed mainly for identification, charac- ters not readily seen on the usual pinned laboratory specimens have been minimized. The nomenclature of the body -parts and of the wings has been adapted from that used in the bulk of the systematic literature upon the separate orders. Such terms un- fortunately do not always agree with undoubted homologies of these parts but are those which are encountered in the literature to which reference must be made for more extended taxonomic vi Preface. work, A special glossary and drawings of anatomical details will familiarize the student with unusual terms. The keys are intended only for adult insects as there is as yet no complete guide to the younger stages, although a few hints are given in the key to or- ders to indicate the position of immature forms. For a bibliography of the more important papers dealing with the further classification of North American insects, the student is referred to Banks, Bulletin No. 81, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture (1910). Preceding each family name are cited several representative genera, and, in the case of a number of economically important species, the common and specific names are also given, inclosed in brackets after the generic name. Thus the genera are in heavy- face type, the Latin specific names in italics, and the common names in Roman. A few synonyms have been inserted, in italics, both for genera and for families, to associate the names here used with others commonly occurring in publications. The family names have been formed in accordance with the rule of the zoo- logical code requiring the suSix-tWce after the root of the oldest genus name, although this has resulted in a number of minor changes in orthography. The pronunciation of the Latin names is indicated by an accent mark, placed over the vowel in the ac- cented syllable, a long vowel indicated by a grave accent {e.g. e) and a short one by an acute accent {e.g. e). The Linnean classification of insects into seven orders has been long abandoned as an artificial grouping of unrelated forms. We have followed the unified ordinal groups essentially as limited by Handlirsch.^ The families of a few of the orders recently monographed have been adopted almost without change. Thus the Dermaptera are based on Burr,- the Hemiptera on Renter,^ the Lepidoptera to a great extent on Forbes,^ the Mallophaga on Kellogg,^ the Strepsip- tera on Pierce,^ and the Trichoptera on Ulmer.' ' Die fossilen Insekten xmd die Phylogenie dcr rezenten Formen. Leipzig, 1908. Wilhelm Englemann. 2 Wytsman's Genera Insectorum, fase. 122 (1913). aOefv. Fin. Vet. Forh., liv, (1911-12). 4 Psyche, xxi, 53-65 (1914). 6 Wytsman's Genera Insectorum, fas-. 66 (1908). 6 Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 66 (1909). ' Wytsman's Genera Insectorum, fasc. 60 (1907). Preface. vii The families of the Coleoptera are mainly those recognized by Sharp and Ganglbaur, and largely reverse the familiar sequence given by Le Conte and Horn. Two or three orders do not occur in North America, but have been added to the key for the sake of completeness. A few families absent in North America have representatives in Central America or the West Indies, and these also have been included. The present system of insect classification has gradually been evolved by many workers in almost innumerable contributions published during the course of more than a century. During this time systems have been proposed, wholly or partially discarded, or incorporated into new ones. The task of the writers has been little more than to compile from this existing literature the most recent ideas, and they have gleaned from so many sources in various languages that it is impossible to refer to all in detail. To some extent this is also true of the illustrations which have been very largely redrawn from published figures, by Beirne Barrett Brues, the wife of one of the authors. The original source of the drawings is indicated on the explanations to the plates by the name of the author in parentheses, although it must be stated that many have been simplified, differently lettered, or otherwise modified to adapt them to the purpose of the present manual. While family groupings should be of equal rank throughout the animal kingdom, they are not always coordinate, since they are concepts rather than concrete divisions and hence are subject to the variability of ideas. That the specialist is apt to narrow his limi- tations can be seen by the constantly increasing number of families proposed. For example, the old group Tachinidse, geologically one of the most recent of insects, has been segregated into scores of so-called families. If this course is accepted in one group it carries with it a tacit elevation of all other ranking minor groupings and thus the family concept becomes altered. Since views on classification irresistibly shift through such changes and are con- stantly diverted by the discovery of annectant forms, no taxo- nomic scheme can be considered complete or final. While the writers have to some extent attempted to keep the family groupings balanced, yet they fully appreciate the futility of such an endeavor and present the following outline as seemingly that most widely accepted by present-day entomologists. CONSPECTUS OF THE HIGHER GROUPS OF INSECTS. Class PTERYGOGENEA Subclass Orthopteroidea ,-^ Order GRYLLOBLATTOIDEA (Grylloblattid*) "^ Order ORTHOPTERA Suborder Acridoidea (Acridiidse, Tettigidse) /^ Suborder Locustoidea (Locustidse, '^Gr^dlidse, Gryllotalpidae, Tridactylidse) Order PHASMOIDEA (Pliasmida^V^'"''^' Order DIPLOGLOSSATA (Hemimeridse) V Order DERMAPTERA (Pygidicranidse, Labiduri'dae, Labiidse, Forficulidse) Order THYSANOPTERA Suborder Terebrantia (iEolothripidse, Thripidse) Suborder Tubulifera (Phlceothripidae) Subclass Blattaeformia Order MANTOmEA (Mantldse) / Order BLATTOIDEA (Blattidse) ^ Order ZORAPTERA (Zorotj-pidffi) .^ // V Order ISOPTERA (Protermitldfe,. Termitida?)'/^ /i/^ ^ Order CORRODENTIA (Psocid«/Atropida;r Order MALLOPHAGA Suborder Ischnocera (Trichodectidf^ ^'"' — +^-:j-«S \?i, Philopterid^J Suborder Amblycera (Gyropodid.-^ LiotheidiieV Order SIPHUNCULATA (PediculidiJe; Hjematopinidie,' Echinophthiriidsfi) Subclass Hymenopteroidea Order HYMENOPTERA ^ Suborder Chalastogastra (Xyelidse, Pamphiliidse, Oryssidaj, Cephiflse, ' Xiphydriidte/vSirlcidre,. Cimbicidse, Hylotomida?, Diprionida^.^'Ten- thredinidae, Pterygophoridse) Suborder Clistogastra ICHNEUMONIFORMIA : ICHNEUMONOIDEA (Evaniidje, Roproniidfe, Stephanidae, Alysiidae, . Ichneumonidae^ Capitoniidaej-Braconidse, Myersiidae) CYNIPOIDEA (FigitidiB, IbaliidferCynipids) CHALCIDOIDEA (Mymaridae, Agaonidse, Eucharidse, Perilampidae, Callimomidse, Leucospidse,. Chalcididfe, Eurytoraidae, Cleonymidse, Miscogastridae, Pteromalidae, Eulophidse, Elasmidae, Trichogrammat- idfe) VESPIFORMIA (Trigonaloidse, Helorid«, Diapriid^, Platygastridfe, Scelionidse, Ceraphronidae,\y \Pormicid;e, Vanhorniidae,^' Chi-ysididse, 2 1 2 Key to Families of North American Insects. Bethylidae, Embolemidse, Dryinidae, Serphidse, Pelecinidse, 'Vespidssi V Eumenidsp, Psammocharidie, Masaridae, Sapygidae, Myzinidse, Tiphiidae, i Scoliidae, Rhopalosomatidae, Myrmosidae, Cosilidae, \ Mutillidai SPHECIFORMIA (Crabronid£e, OxybelidiB, Trypoxylonidae, Philan- thidae^ Bembecidae, Nitelidae, Larridae, Psenidae, Mellinidae, Ampu- licidae; Sphecidae, Stizidae, Nyssonidae, Alysonidae, Gorytidae) / ANTHOPHILA (Apidae, Bombidae, Prosopidse, 'Colletida;, Andrenidae, Panurgida?, Anthophoridae, Nomadidae, Melectidae, .Megachilidae, w' Xylocopidae, Ceratinidae) Subclass Coleopteroidea Order COLEOPTERA Suborder Adephaga (Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Haliplidae, Amphizoidae, \ Dytiscidae,' Gyrinidae, Rhysodidae, Cupedidae) Suborder Polyphaga PALPICORNIA' (Hydrophilidffi) -, STAPHYLINIFORMIA (Silphidfe, Scydmaenidae,' Leptinid*, Clam- bidae, Aphenocephalidae, Orthoperidae, Ptiliidae, Sphaeriidae, Hydro- scaphidae, Scaphidiidae, Platypsyllidae, Staphylinidae, Pselaphidae, \ Histerid^) ^ MALACODERMATA'(Lampyridae, Lycidae, Telephoridse, Malachiidae, Cleridae, Corynetidae, Derodontidae) CUCUJOIDEA (Cucujidffi) CLAVICORNIA (Synteliida?, Ostomatidae, Nitidulidae, Erotylidae, Cryptophagidae, Phalacridae, Lathridiidae,. Mycetophagida», Adi- meridae, Colydiidas, Cioidae, Sphindidae, Endomychidae, iCoccinellidae) BRACHYMERA (Byturidae,, Dermestidaj, Nosodendridae, Byrrhidae) MACRODACTYLIA (Georyssidae, Heterocerida?, Helodidae, Eucin- etidae, Dryopidae) SERRICORNIA (Chelonariidae, Dascillidae, Rhipicerida;) STERNOXIA (Cebrionidae, Elaterida^, Eucnemidae, Throscidaj) BUPRESTOIDEA (Buprestidae) TEREDILIA (Lymexylonidae, Micromalthidae, Bostrichidse, Lyctidae, Ptinidae, Anobiidae) HETEROMERA ((Edomeridfe, Cephaloonida?, Pythid*, Pyrochroidae/ Hylophilidae, Pedilidae, Anthicidae,^ Melandryidas, Scraptidae, Mon- ^..■ ommidae, Othniidae, iEgialitidiB, Lagriidae, Cistelidae, Tenebrionidae, „_y^ • \ Meloidae, Mordellidae, Rhipiphoridae) PHYTOPHAGA (Cerambycid*, Chrysomelida!, Bruchidae) RHYNCHOPHORA (Plat>-podidse,'/lpidffi, Curculionidte, Anthribidae, J Brenthidae) LAMELLICORNIA (Lucanidae, Sinodendridae, Passalidae, Trogidae, / Scarabaeidffi) Order STREPSEPTERA (Mengeidae, Xenidae, Halictophagida", Elenchidae) Conspectus of the Higher Groups of Insects. 3 Subclass Embidaria 1/ Order EMBIIDINA (Olynthidre, OligotomidBe, Embiid«?) Subclass Libelluloidea Order ODONATA y ^ V Suborder Zygoptera (Calopterygidse, Agrioiiida>) Suborder Anisoptera (^schnidae, Yibellulld-'s) Subclass Ephemeroidea \^ Order PLECTOPTERA (Ephemeridfe) Subclass Perloidea V Order PLECOPTERA (Perlidfe) Subclass Neuropteroidea >^ Order MEGALOPTERA\Sialidid«, Corydalidse) Order RAPHIDIOIDEA (Raphidiids) 1^ Order KEUROPTERA (Mantispidae, Ascalaphidfe,. Myrraeleonidse, Chrysop- idse, Dilaridae, Polystoechotida?, Berothida^, Sysyrida>, Hemerobiidae, \ ^ Coniopterygidse) Subclass Panorpoidea j^ Order PANORPAT^ (Panorpidae, Bittacusida?, Meropida>, Boreidse) ,^ Order TRICHOPTERA (Hydroptilida», Philopotamid*, LimnephUidse, Rhy- acophilidse, Phryganeida;, Polycentropidse, Hydropsychidae. PsychomyildEe, Calamocerotidse, Sericostomatida-, Molannidse, Leptocerida;, Odonto- ^ ceridae) V Order LEPIDOPTERA Suborder Jugatae (Hepialidae, Micropterygid«) - Suborder Frenatae TINEOIDEA: (Adelidae, Gracilariidae, Lyonetiidfe, Tischeriidae, Acro- lepiidse, Prodoxidae, Opostegidae, Nepticulida?, Tineid*, Heliozelidse, Heliodinida;, Cosmopterygidae, Elachistidae, Blastobasidae, Ethmiida! (Ecophorida?, Stenomida>, . Gelechiid;^, Yponomeutids, / Tortricidaei ^ Pterophorida?, Orneodida-, Pyralidida?. .Egeriida>, Castniidae'/'Cossidae,' Thyrididae, Chaleosiida?, Pyromorphida-. Dalcerida,^ Megalopygidse', V Eucleida», Psychida>, Lacosomatida?, Nolid«) ^ ^^ BOMBYCOIDEA: (Uraniida;, EpipIemida?,/Geometrida», Drepanidae, \/Bombycida^, ' Lasiocampida», Liparidae, Thyatirid;?, Eupterotidae! Notodontidae, Dioptidae, Pericopida-, Noctuida?, Agaristidae,' Arctiidae, Lithosiidae, Hypsida', Syntomida*) V' SATURNOIDEA: ■(Saturniida'/'Ceratocampida?) 1^' SPHINGOIDEA: (Sphingidae) PAPILIONOIDEA: (Hesperiida-, Lycsnida-, " Erycinidfe. Libytheid*, Lymnadidae. Ithomiidae, Heliconiida;, Brassolidae, Agapetidae, Morpho- idae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae, -Papilionidae, Parnassiidae.) Key to Families of North American Insects. Order DIPTERA Suborder Orthorrhapha NEMATOCERA TIPULOIDEA: (Dixida?, tipulida;^ Limnobiidae, Ptychopteridse. Psy- chodidse, Culicidae, Chironomidsej'Sciaridae, Cecidomyiidie, Scatopsidse, Mycetophilidae. BIBIONOIDEA: (Rhyphidse, Orphnephilida?, Blepharoceridae, V Bibionidse, Simuliidse) BRACHYCERA ERE:\I0CH^TA: '(Stratiomyiida;, Pantophthalmidae, Xylophagidae, Coenomyiidae,. Tabanidse, Rhagionidae) TROMOPTERA: (CjTtidse, Nemestrinidae, Apioceridae, ' ThereWdae, Bombyliidae, . Scenopinidae) DERM ATIXA f^ (Mydaidte) ENERGOPODA:.(Asi]id£e) ORTHOGENYAV (Empidida;,Vt)olichopodida;) ACROPTERA: (Lonchopterida?) HYPOCERA r (Phorida?) Suborder Cyclorrhapha ASCHIZA: (Platypezidae, Pipunculidae, Syrphidae, Conopidai,) SCHIZOPHORA- MYODARIA SCHIZOMETOPA: (GastropIiilidre/GE&trida;, Phasiidae, Megapro- sopidae; Calliplioridae, ' Sarcophagidae, Rhinophoridae, Dexiidae ' Tachinidae, ' jNIuscidaS, Anthomyiidae) HOLOMETOPA: {Helomyzidse,. Scatophagidae, Heteroneuridae, Phy- codromidae, Borboridae, Sepsidae, Tanypezidae, Micropezidae, Rhopalomeridae, Dryomyzidae, Tetanoceridae, Lauxaniidae, Orta- lididae, Loncliaeidae, TrypetidEe, Ephydridae, Milichiidae, . Droso- pbilidae, Chloropidqe, '^Geoiriyzidae/'Piophilidaej/Agromyzidae, Och- tbiphilidae, PsilidiE, Diopsidae) ;• PUPIPARA: (Nycteribiidae, Streblidae, Iflippoboscidae) Order SUCTORIA (Pulicidas," ' Ctenopsyllida;, Hystricbopsyllijae, 'Cerato- psyllida?, Rhynchoprionidae) Subclass Rhynchota Order HOMOPTERA Suborder Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadidae, Membracidae, Cercopidae, Bythb- scopidae, Proconiidae, Jassidae, Typhlocybidae, Fulgoridae)> CLxiidae, Ach- ilidae, Derbidae, Issidae, Flatidae, Delphacidae) Suborder Psylloidea (Psyllidae) Suborder Aleurodoidea (Aleurodidae) Suborder Aphidoidea (Aphididae) Suborder Coccoidea (Coccida) "Order HEMIPTERA (Ochteridae, Nerthridffi, Naucorida;, Eelostomatidse, Nepidae, Notonectidae, Corixidae, Dipsocoridae, Schizopteridse, Cimicidae, Miridae, Isometopidi?, Anthocoridae, Gerridae, Veliidae, Hydrornetridae, Conspectus of the Higher Gronps of Insects. 5 PolyctenidJB, Aradidis, Dysodiidse, Nabidse, Henicocephalidse, Mesoveliidse, Acanthiidae, Macrocephalidse, Redu\'iid8e, Emesidse, Hebrida^, Pyrrhocor- idse, Tingitidse, Corizidse, Coreidae, Alydidse, Piesmidse, Myodochidae, Neid- id^, Pentatomidse, Thyreocorida?, Scutellerldse. Class THYSANURA Order LEPISMATOIDEA (Lepismatida?) Order MACHHOIDEA (Macliilida?) Class CAMPODEOIDEA Order RHABDURA. (Projapygida?, Campodeida?) Order DICELLURA (Japygida;) Class COLLEMBOLA / X Order ARTHROPLEONA (Aphoruridse Efitomobryi^ Poduridffi) Order SYMPHYPLEONA (Sminthuridfe^PapiriidsK^'eelidje) Class MIRIENTOMATA Order PROTURA (Eosentomidse) KEY TO THE ORDERS OF INSECTS. 1. Wings developed 2 Wingless, or wath vestigial wings 29 2. The 'nings of the mesothorax (the fore wings) horny, leathery or parchment- like; prothorax large and separate from the mesothorax (except in the rare Strepsiptera, which have minute fore wings) 3 The mesothoracic wings membranous 11 3. Mesothoracic wings (called tegmina or hemelytra) containing veins, or at least the metathoracic wings not folded crossways when hidden under the upper wings 4 Mesothoracic wings (called elytra) veinless, of uniform consistency, the meta- thoracic wings, when present, folded crossways as well as lengthwise when at rest and hidden beneath the elytra; mouth mandibulate 10 4. Mesothoracic wings of uniform texture, usually with many veins; head verti- cal 5 Mesothoracic wings leathery at the base, membranous at the tip, usually over- lapping the abdomen when at rest; head usually horizontal; mouth beak- like or awl-shaped, fitted for sucking. True Bugs . .HEMIPTERA (Page 76) 5. Mouth with the mandibles fitted for chewing 6 Mouth fitted for sucking, the beak arising from the back part of the head and projecting backward • . . HOMOPTERA (Page 73) 6. Hind wings not folded, similar to the fore wings; social species, living in colonies. Termites ISOPTERA (Page 17) Hind wings folding, broader than the fore wings 7 7. Usually rather large or moderately large species; antennae lengthened and thread-like; prothorax large and free from the mesothorax; cerci present; fore wings rarely minute, usually long 8 Very small active species; antennae short, with few joints; no cerci; fore wings minute; prothorax small. Rare, short-lived insects, parasites of other insects, usually wasps and bees. Males of STREPSIPTERA (Page 41) 8. Hind femora not larger than the fore femora; mute species; body more or less flattened with the wings superposed when at rest; tergites and sternites subequal 9 Hind femora almost always much larger than the fore femora, jumping species, if not (Gryllotalpa) the front legs broadened for burrowing; species capable of chirping or making a creaking noise; body more or less cylindrical, the wings held sloping against the sides of the body when at rest; tergites usually larger than the sternites. Grasshoppers, Katydids, Crickets ORTHOPTERA (Page 13) 9. Body elongate; head transverse, vertical, free, not set into the very long prothorax; front legs spined, formed for grasping prey; deliberate movers. Mantis MANTOIDEA (Page 16) Body oval, much flattened; head nearly concealed underneath the oval prono- tum; legs similar and fitted for rapid running, the coxae large. Roaches BLATTOIDEA (Page 16) , Key to the Orders of Insects. 7 10. Abdomen terminated by movable forceps; antennae long and slender; fore wings short, hind wings nearly circular, dehcate, radially folded from near the center; elongate insects. Earwigs DERMAPTERA (Page 15) Abdomen not terminated by forceps; antennae of various forms but usually eleven-jointed; fore wings usually sheathing the abdomen; generally hard- bodied species. Beetles COLEOPTERA (Page 30) 11. With four wings 12 With but two wings (the mesothoracic) usually outspread when at rest 27 12. Wings long, very narrow, the margins fringed with long hairs, almost veinless; tarsi one- or two- join ted, u'ith swollen tip; mouth without biting mandibles, fitted for sucking; no cerci; minute species. Thrips THYSANOPTERA (Page 15) Wings broader and most often supplied with veins, if rarely somewhat linear the tarsi have more than two joints and the last tarsal joint is not swollen, 13 13. Hind wings with the anal area folded in plaits, fan-like, in repose, larger than the fore wings; antennae prominent; veins usually numerous; larvae aquatic, 14 Hind wings not folded, not larger than the fore wings, the anal area small and not separated 16 14. Tarsi five-jointed; cerci not pronounced 15 Tarsi three-jointed; body rather flattened, with jointed cerci; wings at rest over- lapping the abdomen; species of moderate to large size. Stone-flies PLECOPTERA (Page 44) 15. Costal area with few crossveins; wings with the surface hairy; prothorax small; species of small to moderate size. Caddice-flies TRICHOPTERA (Page 46) Costal area with many crossveins; prothorax rather large; species of moderate to large size MEGALOPTERA (Page 44) 16. Antennae short and inconspicuous; wings netveined with numerous crossveins; larvae aquatic. (SUBULICORNIA) 17 Antennae larger, distinct, if rarely small the crossveins are few; larvae terres- trial 18 17. Hind wings much smaller than the fore wings; abdomen ending in long, thread- like processes; sluggish fliers. May-flies PLECTOPTERA (Page 43) Hind wings nearly like the fore wings; no caudal setae; vigorous, active fliers, often of large size. Dragon-flies, Damsel-flies ODONATA (Page 43) 18. Head produced into a mandibulate beak; hind wings not folded; wings usually with color pattern, the crossveins numerous; male genitalia forming a swollen pincers-like termination of the abdomen. Scorpion-flies PANORPAT^ (Page 46) Head not drawn out as a beak; male abdomen not forcipate 19 19. Mouth mandibulate 20 Mouth haustellate, the mandibles not formed for chewing; no cerci; crossveins few 25 20. Tarsi five-jointed; no cerci 21 Tarsi two-, three- or four-jointed; veins and crossveins not numerous .... 23 8 Key to Families oj North American Insects. 21. Prothorax small or only moderately long 22 Prothorax very long and cylindrical; antennae many-jointed; crossveins nu- merous RAPHIDIOIDEA (Pagt 44) 22. Wings similar, with many veins and crossveins, costal cell almost always filled with crossveins; prothorax more or less free. If the neuration is very rarely reduced (Coniopteryx) the vraigs are powdered. .KEUROPTERA. (Page 45) Wings with relatively few angular cells, the costal cell without crossveins; hind wings smaller than the fore pair; prothorax fused with the mesothorax; abdomen usually constricted at the base and ending in a sting or specialized ovipositor. Wasps, Bees, etc HYMENOPTERA (Page 19) 23. Prothorax well developed; wings equal in size, held superimposed on the abdo- men when at rest 24 Prothorax inconspicuous; hind wings smaller than the fore wings; tarsi two- or three-jointed; wings at rest held roof-like against the abdomen CORRODENTIA (Page 17) 24. Tarsi apparently four-jointed; social species, living in colonies ISOPTERA (Page 17) Tarsi three-jointed, the front metatarsi swollen; solitary; southern species EMBnDINA (Page 42) 25. Wings not covered with scales, usually transparent, not outspread when at rest; prothorax large; antennae with few joints 26 Wings and body covered with scales, the wings well developed and pictured; prothorax small; antennae many-jointed. Moths and Butterflies LEPmOPTERA (Page 48) 26. Beak arising from the back of the head HOMOPTERA (Page 73) Beak arising from the front part of the head HEMIPTERA (Page 76) 27. Mouth not functional; abdomen furnished with a pair of caudal filaments. .28 Mouth-parts forming a proboscis, only exceptionally vestigial; abdomen with- out caudal filaments; hind wings replaced by knobbed halteres. Flies, Mosquitoes, Midges DIPTERA (Page 61) 28. No halteres; antennae inconspicuous; crossveins abundant. A few rare Maj'- flies PLECTOPTERA (Page 43) Hind wings represented by minute hook-like halteres; antennae evident; cross- vems lacking. Males of Scale-insects HOMOPTERA (Page 73) 29. Body more or less insect-like, i. e. with more or less distinct head, thorax and abdomen, and jointed legs, and capable of locomotion 30 Without distinct body parts, or without jointed legs, or incapable of locomo- tion 70 30. Terrestrial, breathing through spiracles 31 Living in the water; usually gill-breathing, larval forms 59 Parasites on warm-blooded animals 65 31. Mouthparts vestigial, retracted in the head and scarcely or not at all visible; underside of the abdomen with styles or other appendages; very delicate small or minute insects 32 Mouthparts mandibulate, formed for chewing 38 Mouthparts haustellate, formed for sucking 55 Key to the Orders of Insects. & 32. Abdomen consisting of ten or eleven segments, no ventral sucker at its base, no terminal springing apparatus 33 Abdomen consisting of six segments or less, with a forked sucker on the first ventral segment and usually with a springing apparatus (furcula) near the tip beneath. (Class COLLEMBOLA) 37 33. Basal three segments of the abdomen with ventral styles; antennae absent; no cerci but a short anal tube present; head pear-shaped; prothorax short. (Class MIRIENTOMATA) PROTURA (Page 83) Ventral styles occurring to the seventh segment; antennae thread-like; cerci present; prothorax not short 34 34. Body never scaly; mouthparts concealed except for the palpi; apex of the ab- domen without a median process. (Class CAMPODEOIDEA) 35 Body usually covered with minute scales; tips of the mouthparts visible; abdo- men with a median cerciforn* appendage. (Class THYSANCRA) 36 35. Eleventh tergite nearly or quite covered by the tenth; cerci jointed; anal valves very distinct RHABDURA (Page 82) Eleventh tergite fused with the tenth; cerci single-jointed forming strong forceps; anal valves not distinct DICELLURA (Page 82) 36. Body flattened; eyes not extending over the front; maxillary palpi five- or six- jointed; eleventh tergite partly covered by the tenth LEPISMATOIDEA (Page81> Body convex above; eyes large, extending over the front; maxillary palpi seven- jointed; eleventh tergite not covered by the tenth MACHILOIDEA (Page 81) 37. Abdomen comprising six evident segments; body lengthened, subcylindrical ;, fourth segment of the abdomen often much lengthened ARTHROPLEONA (Page 82) Abdominal segments in part fused; body subglobular, the abdomen little longer than wide SYMPHYPLEONA "(Page 83) 38. Underside of abdomen entirely without legs 39 Abdomen bearing false legs beneath which differ from those of the thorax; body cyhndrical, the thorax and abdomen not distinctly separated; larval forms. 54 39. Antennae long and distinct 40 Antennae short, not pronounced; larval forms 52 40. Abdomen terminated by strong movable forceps; prothorax free. Earwigs DERMAPTERA (Page 15> Abdomen not ending in forceps 41 41. Abdomen not strongly constricted at the base, broadly joined to the thorax, 42 Abdomen strongly constricted at the base; prothorax fused with the meso- thorax. Ants, etc HYMENOPTERA (Page 19) 42. Head not prolonged into a beak 43. Head produced into a mandibulate beak; species found about snow. (Boreus) PANORPAT.^ (Page 46) 10 Key to Families of North American Insects. 43. Very small (three millimeters) louse-like jumping species; prothorax incon- spicuous. Book-lice CORRODENTIA (Page 17) Larger, or at least not louse-like species ; prothorax large 44 44. Hind legs fitted for jumping, the femora enlarged; wing-pads of larvse when present in inverse position, the metathoracic overlapping the mesothoracic ORTHOPTERA (Page 13) Hind legs not enlarged for jumping; wing-pads, if present, in normal posi- tion 45 45. Prothorax much longer than the mesothorax; front legs fitted for grasping prey MANTOIDEA (Page 16) Prothorax not greatly lengthened 46 46. Cerci present; antennae usually with more than fifteen joints, often many- jointed 47 No cerci; body often hard-shelled; antennae usually with eleven joints COLEOPTERA (Page 30) 47. Cerci with more than three joints 48 Cerci short, with one to three joints 49 48. Body flattened and oval; head inflexed; prothorax oval. Roaches. BLATTOIDEA (Page 16) Body elongate; head nearly horizontal; prothorax quadrate. GRYLLOBLATTOIDEA (Page 13) 49. Tarsi five-jointed; body very slender and long. Walking-sticks PHASMOIDEA (Page 14) Tarsi two- to four-jointed; body not linear 50 -50. Front tarsi not enlarged 51 Front tarsi with the first joint swollen EMEHDINA (Page 42) ■51. Tarsi apparently four-jointed; cerci with several joints; antennae with nine to thirty joints ISOPTERA (Page 17) Tarsi two-jointed; cerci one-jointed; antennae nine-jointed; minute species restricted to the East Indies ZORAPTERA (Page 17) 52. Body cylindrical, caterpillar-like PANORPATAE (Page 46) Body more or less depressed, not caterpillar-like 53 53. Mandibles united with the corresponding maxillae to form sucking jaws Larvae of Neuroptera Mandibles almost always separate from the maxillae Larvae of Coleoptera, Raphidioidea, Strepsiptera .54. False legs numbering five pairs or less Larvae of Lepidoptera False legs numbering six to eight pairs Most larvae of suborder Chalastogastra, Hymenoptera 55. Body bare or with few scattered hairs 56 Body densely clothed with hairs or scales; proboscis if present coiled under the head. Moths LEPIDOPTERA (Page 48) -56. Last tarsal joint swollen and with no claws; mouth consisting of a triangular unjointed beak; minute species. Thrips THYSANOPTERA (Page 15) Tarsi not bladder-like at the tip, and with distinct claws 57 Key to the Orders of Insects. 11 -57. Prothorax distinct 58 Prothorax small, hidden when viewed from above DIPTERA (Page 61) 58. Beak arising from the front part of the head HEMIPTERA (Page 76) Beak arising from the back part of the head HOMOPTERA (Page 73) 59. Mouth mandibulate 60 Mouth haustellate, forming a strong pointed inflexed beak Nymphs of Hemiptera 60. Body not encased in a shell made of sand, pebbles, leaves, etc 61 Case-bearing forms. Periwinkles Larvae of Trichoptera 61. Abdomen furnished with external lateral gills or respiratory processes (a few Coleoptera here also) 62 Abdomen without external gills 63 62. Abdomen terminated by two or three long feathery gill-processes Larvae of Plectoptera Abdomen with short end-processes Larvae of Megaloptera 63. Lower lip strong, extensile, and furnished with a pair of opposable hooks Larvae of Odonata Lower lip not capable of being thrust forward and not hooked 64 64. The three divisions of the thorax loosely united; antennae and caudal filaments long and slender Larvae of Plecoptera Thoracic divisions not constricted; antennae and caudal filaments short Larvae of Coleoptera 65. Body flattened 66 Body strongly compressed; mouth formed as a sharp inflexed beak; jumping species. Fleas SUCTORIA. (Page 72) 66. Mouthparts formed for biting (chewing) 67 Mouthparts formed for piercing and sucking 68 67. Mouth inferior; cerci long; African species parasitic on rodents DIPLOGLOSSATA (Page 14) Mouth anterior; no cerci; generally elongate-oval insects with somewhat tri- angular head; parasites of birds or mammals. Biting-lice MALLOPHAGA (Page 18) 68. Antennae exserted, visible, though rather short 69 Antennae inserted in pits, not visible from above Pupiparous DIPTERA (Page 61) 69. Beak unjointed; tarsi formed as a hook for grasping the hairs of the host; per- manent parasites. Lice SIPHUNCULATA (Page 18) Beak jointed; tarsi not hooked; temporary parasites HEMIPTERA (Page 76) 70. Legless, grubs, maggots or borers; locomotion effected by a squirming motion. Larvae of some beetles, flies, moths, ants, bees and wasps. If living in the body of wasps or bees, with the head exposed, compare the females of Strepsiptera. Sedentary forms, incapable of locomotion 71 12 Key to Families of North American Insects. 71. Small degraded forms bearing little superficial resemblance to insects, ^ith a long slender beak, and usually covered with a waxy scale or powder or cot- tony tufts; living on various plants. Scale insects HOMOPTERA (Page 73) Body quiescent, but able to bend from side to side; not capable of feeding, enclosed in a skin which is tightly drawn over all the members, or which leaves the limbs free but folded against the bodj^; sometimes free, sometimes enclosed in a cocoon or in a shell formed from the dried larval skin 72 72. The skin encasing the legs, wings, etc., holding the members tightly against the body; prothorax small; a proboscis showing 73 Legs, wings, etc., more or less free from the body; biting mouthparts show- ing 74 73. Proboscis long; four wing-cases; sometimes in a cocoon. .Pupse of Lepidoptera Proboscis short; two wing-cases Pupae of Diptera 74. Prothorax small, fused into one piece with the mesothorax; sometimes enclosed in a loose cocoon Pupse of Hymenoptera Prothorax larger and not closely fused with the mesothorax 75 75. Wing-cases with few or no veins Pupse of Coleoptera Wing-cases with a number of veins Pupae of Neuropteroid Orders ^ ORDER GRYLLOBLATTOIDEA. Elongate, flattened, wingless insects measuring over one inch in length. Head nearly horizontal, free, ej^es small, no ocelli, anten- na? long and thread-like, arising from the front of the head, mandi- bles strong; prothorax large, quadrate, free; legs formed for run- ning, similar, coxae close together, tarsi five-jointed; cerci long, filiform, eight-jointed, ovipositor long and sword-shaped. (Grylloblatta.) (PI. % fig. 19.) GRYLLOBLATTIDiE V ORDER ORTHOPTERA. {ULONATA, part; SALTATORIA) Small to large, jumping species usually possessing a device on the wings for making a creaking sound; hind femora almost always very much stouter basally, or longer, or both, than the middle femora; wings of adults reposing over the abdomen, the fore wings toughened, narrower and thicker than the membranous, plaited hind pair; sometimes the wings vestigial or completely absent; head usually vertical; ovipositor almost always free; mouthparts conspicuous, mandibulate; metamorphosis gradual, the young resembling the adults, but with the small wings in a reversed position in the last two nymphal stages, the hind wings then overlapping the fore wings. 1. Antennje almost always shorter than the body, generally thread-like and never distinctly tapering, joints distinct, often flattened; ocelli three; tarsi three- jointed, alike on all the legs; ovipositor short; auditory organs, if present, at the base of the abdomen 2 Antennss generally longer than the body, filamentous, delicately tapering; ocelli often absent; ovipositor usually long; auditory organ usually near base of front tibiae 3 2. Claws with a pad (arolium) beneath and between them; pronotum at most extending over only the extreme base of the abdomen (PI. 1. fig. 7); fore wings generally well developed. Locusts, Grasshoppers. (Melanoplus [M. sprehis. Rocky Mountain locust], Chortophaga, Hippiscus, Dissosteira \D. Carolina, Carolina locust].) (PL 1, fig. 8) ACRIDirD.(E Claws without arolium; pronotum extending over the abdomen (PI. 1, fig. 6); fore wings vestigial, consisting of small scales at the base of the usually large hind wings. Grouse-locusts, Pigmy locusts. (Tettix) (PI. 1, figs. 10, 11.) TETTIGID^ 13 1-4 Key to Families of North American Insects. 3. Tarsi four-jointed; ovipositor usually long and sword-shaped; ocelli generally absent; fore wings, when present, with the sides sloping. Katydids, Green or long-horned grasshoppers. (Scudderia, Conocephalus, Ceuthophilus [Cave-cricket].) (PI. 1, figs. 2, 3, 4.) {TETTIGOMD.E, PHASGOX- URID^) LOCUSTIDiE Tarsi three-jointed; ovipositor, when present, exserted and needle-shaped, sometimes upcurved or with the tip enlarged; fore wings, when present, flat above, and with the sides bent abruptly downward. (GRYLLODEA) . . .4 4. Front legs more or less broadened and fitted for burrowing; females without ovipositor 5 Front legs slender, fitted for walking; female with needle-shaped ovipositor, which may sometimes be reduced in size. Crickets. (Gryllus, CEcanthus [Tree crickets], MyrmecophUa.) (PL 1, figs. 12, 13.) {ACHETIDM) GRYLLID^ 5. Two large oceUi; front tibiae dilated, their outer edge strongly toothed; hind femora scarcely enlarged; tarsi three-jointed; over 25 mm. in length. Mole crickets. (GryUotalpa.) (PI. 1, figs. 9, 14.) GRYLLOTALPEDiE Three small ocelli; front tibise scarcely dilated, but with three or four strong spines at ape.x; hind femora greatly enlarged; tarsi one-jointed; less than 10 mm. in length. (Tridactylus.) (PI. 1, fig. 5.) . . . .TRIDACTYLIDiE ORDER PHASMOIDEA. {GRESSORIA) Large, wingless, slow-moving, slender, plant-eating insects with long, thin legs. Body narrowly cylindrical, head rather hori- zontal, generally rounded, ocelli often absent; mouth rather anterior, mandibles strong, antennae coarse, comprising more than twenty joints; prothorax very short, front legs similar to the others, coxae small and distant, tarsi five-jointed; cerci present but unsegmented. Metamorphosis very slight. Walking-sticks. Diapheromera, Bacfllus.) (PI. 1, fig. 1.) PHASMID^ ORDER DIPLOGLOSSATA. {DERMODERMA P TERA .) IModerate sized, flattened, wingless species parasitic on rodents. Head movable, rather horizontal, mouth underneath, mandibles strong, no eyes, antennse short; prothorax free, large; legs alike, tarsi three-jointed; cerci long, but unsegmented. Metamorphosis imperceptible. One family HEMIMERID-S, restricted to South Africa. Dermaptera — Thysanoptera. 15 ORDER DERMAPTERA. {E UPLEXOP TERA ; E UDERMAP TERA .) Elongate, but small insects with the abdomen terminating in a pair of strong movable forceps. Fore wings horny, but short, hind wings large, nearly circular, radially folded from near the center (PI. 1, fig. 18), when folded, projecting slightly beyond the upper pair; mouth mandibulate; antennae long and slender. Metamor- phosis incomplete. Earwigs. 1. Metapygidium and telson not reduced, nearly as large as the pygidium which is relatively small; head depressed, truncate or concave posteriorly; femora compressed and usually keeled; tropical earwigs. (Pyragra, Pyragropsis.) (PI. 1, fig. 15.) PYGmiCRANID^ Metapygidium and telson much reduced, very greatly smaller than the pygidium which is relatively very large and sometimes with complex processes 2 2. Metapygidium and telson although reduced in size, still present as distinct 1, fig. 17.) LABIDURID^ plates, if sometimes lost in the pygidium, the latter is fused with the last ^^ dorsal segment to form a horizontal squamopygidium; femora not com- ^ pressed or keeled; head gently convex. (Anisolabis, Labidura.) (PI. J" Metapygidium not distinct; pygidium well developed, often provided with com- ** plex processes 3 q 3. Second joint of tarsi simple, not lobed nor dilated. (Labia, Prolabia.) (E LABIIDiE d. Second joint of tarsi with a dilated lobe on each side. (Forficula, Doru.) (PI. 1, fig. 16.) FORFICULID^ \ ORDER THYSANOPTERA. {PHYSOPODA) Small or minute, slender species with the wings often absent or reduced in size, feeding usually on plant sap. Head vertical^ free; eyes well developed; usually three ocelli; mouthparts fitted for sucking, inferior, frequently asy metrical; pro thorax free; wings, when present, very narrow, usually with long marginal fringes, the venation greatly reduced; legs similar, tarsi one- or two-jointed, with a bladder-like or hoof -like enlargement at tip; no cerci. Metamorphosis gradual, the young very similar to the adult. 1. Female with a saw-like ovipositor (PI. 2, fig. 31); last segment of female abdo- men conical, that of the male broadly rounded; wings usually present, the fore pair strongest, usually with more or less well developed veins and 16 Key to Families of North American Insects. always at least one longitudinal vein reaching from base to apex; wing membrane with microscopic hairs. (Suborder TEREBRANTIA) . . .2 Female without a modified ovipositor, the last segment of the abdomen tubular in both sexes; wings often absent, both pairs similar in structure, the fore wings with only a median longitudinal vein which does not reach to the tip of the wing; wing membrane without microscopic hairs. (Suborder TUBULIFERA.) (Phlceothrips, Trichothrips, Cryptothrips.) PHL(EOTHRiPID.ffi £. Ovipositor curved upwards; fore wings broad, rounded and with prominent veins; antenna; nine-jointed. (.Solothrips) MOLOTYiRiPJDM Ovipositor curved downwards; wings when present usually narrow and pointed at tips; antennae seven- to ten-jointed. (Thrips [T. tdhaci. Onion Thrips] Euthrips [E. pyri. Pear Thrips; E. tritici. Strawberry Thrips], Heliothrips [H. hcemorrhoidalis. Greenhouse Thrips].) (PI. 2, figs. 21, 31.) THRIPID.ffi V ORDER MANTOIDEA. Large, poor-flying, deliberate-moving, predatory species with long, spined front legs, which are formed for grasping prey. Body elongate; head freely movable, not inserted in the prothorax, eyes prominent ; three ocelli ; mouth inferior, mandibles strong, antennae filament-like, comprising many similar joints; prothorax always lengthened and movable; wings dissimilar, overlapping on the abdomen; cerci jointed. Metamorphosis incomplete. Praying Mantis. (Stagmomantis.) (PI. 2, fig. 22.) MANTID.S ^ ORDER BLATTOIDEA. ' iOOTHECARIA, CURSORIA.) Moderate-sized, broadly oval, flattened, quick-running insects. Head free but inflexed so as to be nearly or quite concealed be- neath the pronotum, the mouth posterior or nearly so, mandibles strong, usually two ocelli; antennae long, filamentous, many- jointed; prothorax large, movable, usually transverse; wings when present overlapped on the abdomen; fore wings parchment- like, containing many veins, hind wings radially folding; legs strong, alike, coxae large; cerci prominent and jointed. Metamor- phosis slight. Roaches. (Phyllodromia, {=Blattella) [P. germdnica, Croton bug], Periplaneta, Isch- noptera, Blatta.) (PI. 2, figs. 23, 25.) BLATTID.S Zoraptera — Isoptera — Corrodentia. 17 W— ORDER ZORAPTERA. Minute, wingless, agile, terrestrial, predatory species. Body flattened, head somewhat inclined, antennae moniliform, nine- jointed, mandibles strong, eyes vestigial; thorax as long as the ab- domen, prothorax large; abdomen with ten segments, cerci one- jointed; legs similar, formed for running, tarsi two-jointed. One family, ZOROTYPID.S, restricted to tlie East Indies. (PL 2, fig. 26.) ^ ORDER ISOPTERA. Small to middle-sized, elongate, feeble insects living in colonies and occurring as sexual individuals, soldiers and workers; usually with weak chitinization. Head large, free, rather vertical, eyes and ocelli present or absent, mandibles often large, antennae filamentous; prothorax large, free; legs similar, formed for run- ning, tarsi apparently four-jointed; wings similar, narrow and long, superimposed over the abdomen, soldiers and workers wing- less; cerci short. Metamorphosis very imperfect. White ants, Termites. Tarsi with an apiral sole-like pad; eyes present, mandibles toothed; pronotum flat; wings reticulate; fontanel absent. (Termopsis, Calotermes.) PROTERMITIDiE Plantula absent; mandibles not strongly toothed; pronotum convex; wings not strongly reticulate; vertex with fontanel. (Termes, Eutermes.) (PI. 2, figs. 24, 27, 28.) {METATERM1TID.E) TERMITIDiE ORDER CORRODENTIA. (PSOCOPTERA, COPEOGNATHA.) Small or minute, mandibulate insects with long slender antennae, the body rather stout, the prothorax small, tarsi two- or three- jointed. Metamorphosis incomplete. Wings well developed; ocelli present. Bark living insects. (Caecilius, Psocus.) (PI. 2, fig. 29.) PSOCIDyE Wings absent, or at most a single small pair of mesothoracic wings present; ocelli absent. (Troctes, [T. divinatbria. Book-louse], Atropos, Psocinella.) (PI. 2, fig. 30.) ATROPIDiE 18 Key to Families of North American Insects. V ORDER MALLOPHAGA. iLIPOPTERA.) Small wingless insects averaging two mm. and very rarely over five mm. in length. Body oval, or elongate, very strongly flattened; usually strongly chitinized and generally with a conspicuous color pattern of pale or yellowish markings contrasting with spots or bands of dark brown or black. Mouth anterior, mandibles strong, antennae three- to five-jointed; prothorax free; legs short, no cerci. Metamorphosis very incomplete. External parasites of birds, more rarely of mammals during entire life, feeding on feathers, fur or skin. (Bird Lice, Biting Lice.) 1. Antennae filamentous, exposed, three- or five-jointed; maxillary palpi absent; mandibles vertical; meso- and metathoracic segments usually fused. Suborder ISCHNOCERA 2 Antennae tlavate or capitate, concealed, four-jointed; maxillary palpi four- jointed; mandibles horizontal; meso- and metathoracic segments with a sutural line usually visible. Suborder AMBLYCERA 3 2. Antennsethree-jointed; tarsi with a single claw; infesting mammals. (Trichodectes \^ [T. latus. Dog Louse].) TRICHODECTrD.E Antennae five-jointed; tarsi with two claws; infesting birds. (Docophorus, Nmnus, Lipefirus.) (PI. 2, figs. 34. 35.) PHILOPTERID.S 3. Tarsi with a single claw; infesting mammals. (Gyropus.) . . .GYROPODIDjE Tarsi with two claws; infesting birds (except in a few cases). (Menopon, Trmoton.) LIOTHEIDiE ORDER SIPHUNCULATA. (ANOPLURA, PSEUDORHYNCHOTA, PARASITA, PHTHIRAPTERA. ELLIPOPTERA.) Small, more or less flattened, wingless parasites of mammals. Head free, horizontal; eyes reduced or absent; mouth anterior, comprising an unjointed, fleshy beak; antennae short; thorax fused; legs similar; tarsi single-jointed, forming a claw at the end of the tibia; no cerci; metamorphosis very slight. True lice. 1. Body flattened; spiracles only at each side of the mesothorax and on abdominal segments three to eight; antennae three- or five-jointed; tibia with a thorn- shaped projection 2 Body thick and stout; mesothorax and metathorax each with a pair of spiracles as well as abdominal segments two to eight; eyes absent; tibia with a stout, short, thorn-like projection; antennae four- or five-jointed; entire body sup- plied with thorn-like bristles. (Echinophthirius.)..ECHINOPHTHIRirD.£ nX Hymenoptera. 19 2. Eyes large, convex, distinctly pigmented; fulturse very strong and broad arms; proboscis short, hardly reaching the thorax. (Phthirius [P. inguinalis. Crab-louse] Pediculus [P. cdpifis, Head-louse; P. vestimenti. Body-louse]), (PI. 2, figs. 32, 33) PEDICtJLID-^ Eyes very indistinct or wanting; fulturse very narrow and closely applied to the pharynx; beak very long. (Haematopinus [//. uriw5, Hog-louse].) HiEMATOPINID^ ORDER HYMENOPTERA. {PHLEBOPTERA) Moderate sized, small or minute, rarely very large; four mem- branous wings, the fore pair larger and more completely veined; venation rather complete but not complex, sometimes greatly re- duced; mouth-parts mandibulate, but the maxillse usually adapted for lapping liquid food; antennae variable; ocelli present; pro- thorax not free; legs similar; tarsi usually five-jointed; abdomen usually with six or seven visible segments; no cerci; ovipositor of female usually sting-like, sometimes saw-like, occasionally greatly elongate. Metamorphosis complete; larvae legless in the higher forms. Habits variable, phytophagous, predatory, or parasitic. Saw-flies, Wood-wasps, Ichneumon-flies, Ants, Wasps and Bees. 1. Abdomen broadly sessile, attached over a large area (PI. 4, fig. 83); larvse with legs present, usually well developed; trochanters two-jointed (PI. 4, fig. 63); hind wing with three basal cells. Suborder CHALASTOGASTRA {=SYMPHYTA, SESSILIVENTRES, PHYTOPHAGA, TERE- BRANTIA) 2 Abdomen petiolate or subpetiolate, never broadly sessile (PI. 4, figs. 76, 77); larvae legless; trochanters one- or two-jointed; hind wing with less than three basal cells. Suborder CLISTOGASTRA (= APOCRITA) 12 2. Fore wings with three radial cells, i. e. two radial crossveins present; antennae many jointed, but with the three basal joints strongly developed, the third very long. (Macroxyela, Xyela, Odontophyes) (PI. 3, fig. 36) XYELID^ Fore wings with only one or two radial cells, only one or no radial crossvein present 3 3. Costal cell divided by a distinct longitudinal vein (the subcosta); antennae slen- der, becoming very thin apically, many-jointed; radial cell with one cross- vein. (Pamphilius) (= Lyda), Neurotoma, Bactrocerus {LYDIDM) PAMPHILirDiE Costal cell not divided 4 4. Anterior tibiae with a single apical spur 5 Anterior tibiae with two apical spurs. Saw-flies. (TENTHREDINOIDEA.) . 8 >/ 20 Key to Families of \orth American Insects. 5. Fore wings with only two cubital cells; antennae inserted much below the lower margin of the eyes, beneath a frontal ridge; vertex tuberculate. (Oryssus) ORYSSIDiE Fore wings with three or four cubital cells 6 6. Pronotum nearly truncate or weakly emarginate behind; mesonotum short. not extending much beyond the anterior margin of the teguL-e; abdomen more or less compressed; antennse filiform, many-jointed. (Cephus [C. v pygmmis. Wheat-stem Saw-fly], Janus.) CEPHIDvE Pronotum deeply cm-ved or emarginate behind; mesonotum longer, extending well beyond the anterior margin of the tegulse 7 7. Parapsidal furrows present; fore wings with a transverse intercostal vein; no triangular plate at the apex of the abdomen; prothorax conical. (Xlphydria.) XIPHYDRIIDiE Parapsidal furrows absent; fore wings without an intercostal vein; apex of abdomen with a triangularly shaped plate; prothorax subquadrate. (Tre- mex, Sirex, Paururus) (PI. 3, fig. 39) {UROCERIDM) SIRICIDiE 8. First parapterum (a small, more or less triangular plate just behind the pro" thoracic spiracle and above the mesopleura) present 9 First parapterum absent; mesosternum not separated from the mesopleura by an impressed line (Acordulecera) PTERYGOPHORIDiE 9. Abdomen angled laterally so that the dorsal sclerites are sharply divided into a dorsal and ventral surface; antennae clubbed. (Cimbex [C. amcricana. Willow Saw-fly], Trichiosoma, Zaraea) CIMBICIDiE ^ Abdomen not sharply angled laterally; antennae not clubbed 10 10. Mesopleura separated from the mesosternum by an impressed line; antennae three-jointed, the third joint very long (HyI6toma(= Arge), Sterictiphora) HYLOTOMIDiE Mesopleura not separated by an impressed line; antennae with more than six joints 11 11. Antennae serrate (female) or pectinate (male),, eighteen- to twenty-six-jointed. ^ (Diprion (= Lophyrus) [Pine Saw-flies] DIPRIONIDiE Antennae filamentous, with seven to twelve, usually nine, joints. (Dolerus, Nematus, Macrophya, Tenthredella) (PI. 3, fig. 37) . . TENTHREDINID^ 12. Hypopygidium divided, or never closely united with the pygidium, the ovi- positor issuing some distance before the tip of the abdomen, from its ventral surface (PI. 4, fig. 79) 13 Hypopygium entire and closely united with the pygidium, the sting or ovi- positor always issuing from the tip of the abdomen (PI. 4, fig. 82) 44 13. Winged 14 Wingless 25 14. Fore wings with a stigma which is rarely very slender or linear; costal vein well developed as far as the stigma (PI. 3, figs. 42, 43); abdomen usually with the ventral segments membranous and with a median fold; antennae usually with more than sixteen joints; wing venation ordinarily well de- veloped. (ICHNEUMONOIDEA.) 15 ^ Hymenoptera. 21 Fore wings without a stigma, the marginal vein if present, linear, not stigmated; costal vein entirely absent or much thinner than the subcostal (PI. 3, figs. 44, 46); abdomen with the ventral segments hard and chitinous, without a median fold; antennie with not more than sixteen joints (in our genera); wings with very incomplete venation 22 15. Costal and subcostal veins separated, enclosing a narrow costal cell (PI. 3, fig. 38) 16 Costal and subcostal veins confluent, no costal cell (PL 3, fig. 42) 18 16. Abdomen inserted on the thorax far above the hind cox*; antennae with thir- / teen or fourteen joints. (Foenus, Evania, Pristaulacus) (PI. 3, figs. 38, 43). k EVANilD^ Abdomen inserted normally, low down and quite close to the hind coxte. . .17 17. Antennse fourteen- join ted; body of the abdomen beyond the petiole compressed, ovate or rounded; ovipositor short. (Ropronia.) ROPRONHDiE Antennse very slender, with thirty joints or more; abdomen elongate; ovipositor long. (Stephanus.) STEPHANIDiE 18. Mandibles abnormal, their attachment reversed so that the cutting edges face outward, laterally instead of inward, and so do not meet when the jaws are closed. (Dacnusa, Aphaereta, Alysia.) ALYSIID^ Mandibles normal, their tips meeting when closed 19 19. Ventral abdominal segments soft and membranous, with a median fold 20 Ventral abdominal segments hard, chitinous, without a median fold; second and third segments covering most of the abdomen. (Myersia, Thaumatot3rpidea.) MYERSIID^ 20. Front wings with two recurrent nervures (except in the rare genus Pharsalia) ; none of the dorsal abdominal segments fused together, all freely movable. (Ichneumon, Cryptus, Limnerium, Ophion, Tryphon, Pimpla) (PI. 3, fig. 42; / PI. 4, fig. 63; PI. 5, fig. 85) ICHNEUMONIDiE ^ Front wings with only one recurrent nervure (PI. 3, fig. 40); second and third segments of abdomen usually immovably united 21 21. Abdomen inserted on the thorax high above the hind cox«; rare insects. (Cap- it6nius (= Cenocoelivs).) CAPITONIIDiE Abdomen inserted close to the hind coxfe; a very exteasive group. (Lysiphlebus, Meteorus, Chelonus, Microgaster, Bracon, Rhogas) (PI. 3, fig. 40; PI. 4, fig- 76) BRACONIDiE 22. Sides of the pronotum extending back to the tegula?; antenna^ not elbowed. Gall Flies. (CYNIPOIDEA.) 23 Pronotum not extending back to the tegulse (PI. 4, fig. 73) ; antenna? more or less distinctly elbowed. Chalcis Flies (CHALCIDOJDEA.) 30 23. Dorsal abdominal plates meeting along the venter, and entirely enclosing all the ventral plates, except sometimes a part of the hypopygium. (Eucoila, AUotria.) FIGITIDiE Dorsal abdominal plates usually extending well down on the sides of the abdo- men, but not meeting along the venter; all or nearly all of the ventral plates visible 24 / 22 K&y to Families of North American Insects. 24. Basal joint of hind tarsi twice as long as the others united, the second with a long, spined process externally; abdomen greatly compressed, curved like a pruning knife, much longer then the remainder of the body. (Ibalia.) IBALIIDiE Basal joint of hind tarsi much shorter; second joint simple. (Andricus, Hoi- ^/ caspis, Neuroterus, Synergus) (Pi. 3, 6g. 46) CYNIPEDjE 25. Antennre distinctly elbowed (PI. 4, figs. 69, 70, 71). A few genera distributed among the families of Chalcidoidea. (See couplet 30.) Antennre not elbowed (PI 5, fig. 85) 26 26. Mandibles in a reversed position, the tips extending laterally and not meeting when closed (see couplet 18.) A few ALYSIIDiE Mandibles attached normally 27 27. Abdominal petiole expanded apically, not cylindrical (PI. 5, fig. 85.) 28 Abdominal petiole cylindrical (see couplet 22.) A few CYNIPOIDEA 28. Ventral abdominal segments soft, with a median fold 29 Ventral segments hard, without a fold. (See No. 19.) MYERSIID.^, part 29. All dorsal abdominal segments free. (See couplet 20.) A few ICHNEUMONID.^ Second and third dorsal segments usually immovably grown together. (See y couplet 21.) ] A few BRACONID^ ^ 30. Hind wings exceedingly narrow, linear, the base forming a long stalk; oviposi- tor issuing barely before the tip of the abdomen; antennae with the scape not elongated, compressed, and without ring joint; very minute sjjecies with long wing-fringe. (Polynema, Gonatocerus.) MYMARED.^ Hind wings never very narrow, not linear or pedunculate at the base; ovipositor issuing decidedly before the tip of the abdomen; antennte elbowed (PI. 4, figs. 69, 70, 71), with long scape and usually with from one to three ring joints • 31 31. Tarsi five-jointed (rarely four-jointed or less in certain wingless males); axillae with their anterior margin usually straight and not produced anterior to the tegulae (PI. 4, fig. 68); spur of front tibia strong 32 Tarsi three- or four-jointed (five-jointed or heteromerous only in the females of one or two genera) ; axilla? produced forward, their front margin opposite or anterior to the tegulse (PI. 4, fig. 73); spur of front tibia usually weak. . . .42 32. Head of female long, oblong, with a deep longitudinal groove above; front and hind legs very stout, middle ones very slender or aborted; males wingless with short three- to nine-jointed antennae. Fig insects, mainly tropical. (Blastophaga, Eiseniella.) AGAONIDjE Of a different conformation 33 33. Mesopleura with an oblique femoral groove or impression; spur of middle tibia not enlarged 34 Mesoplem-a entire, always without femoral groove in the female and usually in the male; spur of middle tibia usually very large and stout. (Eupelmus, Anastatus, Encyrtus, Ageniaspis) (incJuding EUPELMID.E). ENCYRTID.^ Hymenoptera. 23 34. Hind tibiae with two apical spurs 35 Hind tibiae with a single spur; ovipositor rarely long; mandibles usually stout, with three or four teeth at the apex; small black, bronzed or metallic species. (Pteromalus, Dibrachys, Spalangia, Diglochis) (PI. 4, fig. 68). PTEROMALID^ 35. Mandibles sickle-shaped, usually with one or two teeth within; thorax greatly elevated, scutellum usually much enlarged and produced behind; second abdominal segment very large, generally covering the rest of the abdomen. (Kapala, Orasema.) EUCHARID^ Mandibles strong, generally with three or four teeth at apex ; thorax not or very slightly elevated; axillae separated from the mesonotum 36 36. Hind coxae very large, long; five or six times larger than the front ones 37 Hind coxae never (in our genera) very large; not conspicuously larger than the front ones 39 37. Hind coxae more or less triangular in section, sharply ridged above; ovipositor generally long; hind femora usually simple, rarely swollen and with a tooth beneath; if denticulate beneath, the o\dpositor is long. (Callimome (= Tory- vius), Diamorus, Monodontomerus, Podagrion, Ormyrus) {TORY M ID. E). CALLIMOMIDiE Hind coxae long, more or less cylindrical, hind femora greatly swollen and toothed or denticulate beneath, their tibiae curved, and oblique at apex . . 38 38. Fore wings folded longitudinally in repose; ovipositor long, curving upwards and backwards over the dorsum of the abdomen (Leucospis). LEUCOSPID^ Fore wings not folded; ovipositor only very rarely long, then not thus upcurved; tip of abdomen often drawn out as a slender, stiff process. (Chalcis, Phas- / gonophora, Spilochalcis, Smicra.) CHALCIDID.^ 39. Pronotum wide, not, or scarcely narrower than the mesonotum, quadrate. . .40 Pronotum narrower, usually narrowed in front, or transverse-linear, rarely as wide as the mesonotum 41 40. Abdomen rounded or ovate, more or less compressed, the hypopygium usually produced in the female; second dorsal segment never very large; black or yellowish species. (Isosoma [Joint worms], Evuytoma, Decatoma) (PI. 4, fig. 72) EURYTOMIDiE Abdomen subtriangular, small; thorax very large; metallic or submetallic species; second and third dorsal segments occupying most of the surface of the abdomen. (Perilampus.) PERILAMPIDiE 41. Mesepisternum not large and triangular; none of the femora noticeably swollen; small bronzed or green species. (Eunotus, Semiotellus, Tridymus.) MISCOGASTRLD^ Mesepisternum large and triangular; either the front or hind femora more or less swollen and sometimes serrate; more or less metallic species (Cheiro- pachys, Cleonymus, Ptinobius) CLEONYMH).^ 42. Hind coxae normal; mesopleura impressed 43 Hind coxae much enlarged and dilated (PI. 4, fig. 64), their femora compressed; marginal vein greatly elongated; very small, usually blackspecies. (Elasmus.) ELASMID.^ 24 Key to Families of North American Insects. 43. Tarsi four-jointed (five-jointed or heteromerous in the females of one or two genera); pubescence of wings not placed in rows or lines; wings not usually broad (PI. -t, fig. 80). (Tetrastichus, Aphelinus, Melittobia, Sympiesis.) EULOPHLD^ Tarsi three-jointed; wings broad, with the pubescence usually arranged in Itands or lines; marginal and stigmal veins united to form a strongly recurved stem. (Pentarthron (= Trichogrdmma) TRICHOGRAMMATIDiE 44. Pronotum extending back to the tegulse, or the latter absent; trochanters some- times two-jointed 45 Pronotum shortened, more or less collar-shaped (PI. 4, fig. 75), not extending back on the sides to the tegulae; trochanters one-jointed 76 45. Trochanters two-jointed, the second joint sometimes difficult to detect in the smaller forms as it is sometimes closely attached to the femur 46 Trochanters consisting of a single joint 52 46. Mandibles with four teeth; hind wing with two large closed cells; moderate- sized, often brightly colored species. (Lycogaster.) . . . . TRIGONAL 6lD.ffi Mandibles with not more than three teeth; hind wing usually without a closed cell, rarely with one; small or minute, generally black species 47 47. Antennse inserted far above the clypeus, near the middle of the face, often on a frontal prominence 48 Antennae inserted low down on the face, close to the upper margin of the clypeus (PI. 5, fig. 86) 50 48. Winged 49 Wingless (See couplet 49) A few DIAPRIID-ffi 49. Marginal vein in fore wings linear, not triangularly thickened; mandibles with teeth at tip. Wings with or without a basal cell; radial cell in fore wing sometimes present; antennae usually inserted on a frontal prominence. (Paramesius, Tropidopria, Trichopria, Belyta, Pantoclis) (including BELY- TIDM) DIAPRIIDiE Marginal vein in fore wings thickened and forming a well developed stigma; mandibles toothed, tip of abdomen simple, fore wings with a closed dis- coidal cell. (Heloras.) HELORIDJE 50. Abdomen acute or sharply marginal along the sides 51 Abdomen rounded on the sides; wings, when present, with the radial vein de- veloped, but not complete, leaving the radial cell open; no postmarginal vein. (Ceraphron, Megaspilus) (PI. 5, fig. 85) CER^HRONID.^ 51. Antennae ten-jointed, rarely with fewer joints, but never more; front wings without marginal or stigmal veins and usually without a subcostal vein also. (Polygnotus, Isocybus, Platygaster.) PLATYGASTRID^ Antennae twelve- or eleven-jointed (if rarely seven- or eight-jointed the club is unjointed, or if ten-jointed the stigmal vein is present) ; marginal and stig- mal vein usually present. (Telenomus, Teleas, Caloteleia, Scelio.) SCELIONID^ 52. First segment of abdomen forming a scale or node (PI. 4, fig. 65 (1); fig. 67 (1,2)); second segment often also nodiform, the highly mobile pedicel Hymenoptera. 25 strongly differentiated from the remainder of the abdomen; tegulse ab- sent or much reduced; workers wingless. Ants (Formica, Camponotus, Lasius, Myrmica, Crematogaster, Ponera) (PI. 4, figs. 65, 67). (Including PONEHII)^, DOLICHODERID/E, MYRMICID^) . . .FORMICID^ First segment of abdomen not scale-like or nodiform, although sometimes constricted at apex 53 53. Winged 54 Wingless, or with the wings reduced in size 72 54. Hind wings without distinct venation, with no closed cells (PI. 3, fig. 47) . . .55 Hind wings with well developed venation, with two basal cells and usually with the radius and cubitus extending beyond these (PI. 3, fig. 53) 61 55. Mandibles in a reversed position, the apices directed laterally away from the mouth opening; abdomen with only two (female) or three (male) visible dorsal segments, the first covering most of the abdomen (PI. 5, fig 84) . (Van- homia.) VANHORNIID-S Mandibles in the normal position, their tips meeting when closed 56 56. Hind wings with a lobe at the anal angle, separated by a deep sHt-shaped notch 57 Hind wings oval, without a deeply separated angle, although sometimes broadly notched on the hind border 60 57. Abdomen with three or four, rarely five, dorsal segments; metathorax laterally with sharp keels or teeth; ovipositor tubular, extensile, several- jointed; body usually with coarse sculptvu-e and of metallic color. (Chrysis, Hedy- chrum, Hedychridium, Pamopes) (PI. 3, fig. 47.) CHRYSIDID^ Abdomen with at least six dorsal segments; ovipositor sting-like; not bril- liantly metallic species 58 58. Head oblong, rather flat above; antennae inserted at the clypeus, twelve- tO' thirteen-jointed (twenty-three-jointed in one rare genus); small, usually black or bronzed species, often wingless in the female; abdomen more or less elongate. (Epyris, Pseudisobrachium, Neoscleroderma) . . . BETHYLIDjE Head not oblong 59 59. Head globose or rounded; antennae thirteen-jointed in the female, ten-jointed in the male; front tarsi of female simple. (Ampulicimorpha.) EMBOLEMID^ Head transverse or subquadrate; antennae ten-jointed; front tarsi of female usualfy pincers-shaped (PI. 5, fig. 92). (Dryinus, Gonatopus, Anteon, Boc- chus) DRYINID.ffi 60. Fore wings with a broad stigma and a closed, usually very short, radial cell; abdomen with a short, cylindrical petiole, the second segment much longer and larger then the others; small species (PI. 5, fig. 88). (Serphus (= Proc- totrypes)) {PROCTOTRYPIDM) SERPHID^ Stigma vei-y long and narrow; radial cell large, widely open apically; abdomen very long and slender, and composed of equal cylindrical segments (female) or clubbed, with the slender first segment as long as the rest of the abdomen (male) (PI. 3, fig. 41). (Pelecinus.) PELECINED^ 56 Key to Families of North American Insects. ■61. Wings folded once longitudinally when at rest; first discoidal cell in fore wings extraordinarily lengthened, much longer than the submedian; antennae distinctly elbowed 62 Wings not folded when at rest 63 •62. Tarsal claws simple; mandibles not grooved on outer side; social species, con- structing paper-like nests (PI. 3, fig. 53). (Polistes [Paper-wasps], Vespa [Hornets and Yellow-jackets]) VESPIDiE Tarsal claws with one or more teeth beneath; mandibles with grooves exter- nally; solitary species (PI. 3, fig. 59). (Odynerus, Eumenes [Potter-wasps].) EUMENID^ t53. Second ventral segment not separated from the first by a strong constriction or trans^•e^se furrow 64 Abdomen with the second ventral segment separated from the first by a strong constriction or transverse furrow; legs very often formed for digging. . . .66 64. Legs, especially the hind pair very much lengthened, the hind femora attaining the apex of the abdomen or extending beyond, tibia? and tarsi nearly always spiny or serrate; middle tibije with two spurs. (Pseudagenia, Psanunoch- ares (= Pdmpilus), Pepsis, Ceropales.) {CEROPALIDM, POMPILID.E) PSAMMOCHARID^ Legs much shorter, the tips of the hind femora reaching not or only slightly beyond the middle of the abdomen; tibiae and tarsi smooth 65 ^5. Metanotum posteriorly concave; antennae enlarged at the tip or clubbed, the club joints more or less fused. (Masaris, Pseudomasaris, Euparagia.) MASARID^ Metanotum truncate or rounded behind; antennae not thickened apically, none of the joints fused. (Sapyga, Eusapyga.) SAPYGED^ 66. Middle coxae separated (usually widely so) by a bilobed or triangular prolonga- tion of the mesosternum 67 Middle coxae contiguous, not separated by the mesosternum 69 67. Tarsal claws cleft; male hypopygium ending in an upturned spine 68 Tarsal claws simple; eyes emarginate within; hypopygium of male ending in three spines; usually large, brightly colored wasps (Scolia, Elis.) SCOLIID^ •68. Male with the pygidium deeply emarginate at apex, the eyes emarginate within- the stigma narrow; female with the radial cell in the fore wing closed and often separated from the costa (PI. 3, figs. 48, 49). (Myzine.) MYZINIDiE Male with the pygidium entire, the stigma broad; female with the radial cell in the fore wing usually open and the first discoidal cell not elongated; eyes entire in both sexes. (Tiphia, Paratiphia.) TIPHilD-S ■69. Hind wings with an anal lobe, separated by a deep linear notch 70 Hind wings without an anal lobe, at most obtusely emarginate on the posterior basal margin 71 70. Fore wings with the radial and the first and second discoidal cells very long, each fully four times as long as high; abdomen with a long, claviform petiole; rare West Indian insects. (Rhopalosoma.) RHOPALOSOMATID.S Fore wings of a different conformation; abdomen either petiolate or sessile. (Myrmosa, ChyphStes.) Males of the MYRMOSIDiE PROPERTY Ol- X. p. METCAL-F Hymenoptera. 27 71. Cubitus in hind wing originating at or beyond the transverse median nervure; our species small, with shining body. (Sierolomorpha.) COSILID.^ Cubitus in hind wing arising far before the transverse median nervure; body almost always conspicuously pilose (PI. 3, fig. 45). (Mutilla, Sphaeroph- thalma, Ephuta, Pseudomethdca) Males of the MUTiLLIDiE 7!2. Thorax undivided, the pro-, meso- and metathorax consoHdated into a single piece, without visible sutures between them. (See couplet 71.) Females of the MUTILLED^ Thorax with at least one complete transverse suture 73 73. Thorax divided into two parts. (See couplet 70.) Females of the MYRMOSID^ Thorax divided into three parts 74 74. Head long, usually distinctly longer than broad, flattened above, the front horizontal; legs stout. (See couplet 58.) . . Some females of the BETHYLID.^ Head transverse, subquadrate or rounded 75 75. AntennsE twelve-jointed; anterior tarsi not pincers-shaped (Methoca) THYNNH)-^ Antennje ten-jointed; front tarsi usually pincers-shaped (PI. 5, fig. 9'2). (Gon- atopus.) (See couplet 59.) DRYiNID.S, part Antennse thirteen-jointed; wings present as small pads. (See No. 71.) A few male MUTILLID^ 76. Hind tarsi slender, filiform, the first joint not broadened or thickened; hairs on body simple. Wasps 77 Hind tarsi with the first joint thickened or flattened, often densely hairy; hairs of body feathery or branched. Bees 93 77. Middle tibiae with a single apical spur, or rarely with none 78 Middle tibiae with two spurs 86 78. Fore wings with only one cubital cell which is sometimes fused with the first discoidal (PI. 3, fig. 58) 79 Fore wings with two or three cubital cells (PI. 3, fig. 5*2) 81 79. Eyes not emarginate 80 Eyes deeply emarginate within, a second cubital cell indistinctly defined. (See ' couplet 82.) TRYPOXYLONID^ ■80. First cubital cell separated from the first discoidal; scutellum and postscutel- lum simple, without spines or scales, eyes divergent above. (Crabro, Ana- crabro.) CRABRONIDiE First cubital and first discoidal cells confluent; scutellum with a marginal lam- ella on each side; postscutellum with a spine or forked process; eyes con- vergent above. (Oxybelus, Notoglossa.) OXYBELID^ 81. Abdomen strongly constricted between the first and second segments 82 Abdomen without a strong constriction between the first and second seg- ments 83 82. Fore Avings with two cubital cells; the second usually weakly defined, some- times not indicated; abdomen petiolate, long, slender, and enlarged apically; eyes deeply emarginate within. (Trj^joxylon.) TRYPOXYLONID.^ 28 Key to Families of North American Insects. Fore wings with three cubital cells; second often petiolate; abdomen sessile or subsessile, usually constricted between the segments; eyes rarely emargin- ate (PI. 3, fig. 54). (Philanthus, Cerceris, Eucerceris.). . PHILANTHID.S: 83. Abdomen sessile 84. Abdomen petiolate or subpetiolate; two or three cubital cells, transverse median nervure not S-shaped, hind wing usually twice emarginate on the basal half of the posterior border; usually rather small black species. (Psen, Cemonus, Stigmus, Passaloecus.) (Including Mimesid,e and Pemphredoxid.e.) PSENID.E 84. Labrum large, free, triangularly elongated beyond the clj^peus, much longer than wide; radial cell not divided near the apex; oceUi more or less aborted (PI. 3, fig. 5i). (Bembex, Monedula, Microbembex.) BEMBEClDiE Labrum small, usually entirely concealed by the clypeus; radial cell usually divided by a crossvein near apex, the portion beyond the crossvein less clearly defined; at least the front ocellus perfectly formed 85 85. Second cubital cell petiolate, very rarely absent; third either present or absent; three perfectly formed ocelli; small species. (Miscophus, Plenoculus.) NITELID^ Second cubital cell present not petiolate; hind ocelli frequently aborted (PI. 3, fig. 51; PI. 5, figs. 87, 89). (Astata, Lyroda, Tachysphex, Tachytes.) LARRID^ 86. Abdomen with a more or less distinct constriction between the first and second segments, the first segment broader at tip than at base; middle coxae in contact; second cubital cell not receiving a reciurent nervure; rare species. (Mellinus.) MELLINID^ Abdomen not constricted between the first and second segments; middle coxae separated by the sternum (some metallic green Chrysididse (see couplet 57) may lead out here; they have the abdomen sessile, with less than six dorsal segments, and the pronotum though long does not quite reach the tegula?) . 87 87. Mesosternum produced into a forked process posteriorly, the mesepisternum not separated; parapsidal furrows distinct; pronotum conically produced in front. (Rhinopsis.) AMPULICIDjE Mesosternum not produced backwards, the mesepisternum separated; parap- sidal furrows indistinct or absent; pronotum not conically produced 88 88. Abdomen with a distinct slender, nearly cylindrical petiole (PI. 3, fig. 57; PI. 4, figs. 75, 77). (Chalybion, Sceliphron { = Pelopwus) Sphex {= Ammd-phila) . Chlorion {=Sphcx, Priononyx, Isodontia) SPHECIDjiE Abdomen sessile or subsessile, never with a slender petiole 89 89. Labrum free, well developed, triangular or semicircular, wider than long. (Stizus, Sphecius.) STIZIDjE Labrum short, not or scarcely exserted beyond the clypeus 90 90. Marginal cell broadly truncate at apex and prolonged as a small, weakly defined cell; antennae inserted close to the clypeus or very close to the clypeal suture. (Astata, Diploplectron) Subfamily AsT.\TiN^ of the NYSSONED.^ Marginal cell pointed at apex, not appendiculate; antennae inserted far above the clypeus, always away from the clypeal suture 91 Hymcnoptera. . 29 91. Fore wings with the second cubital cell petiolate, rarely triangular; meso- pleural furrow wanting or indicated only anteriorly 92 Fore wings with the second cubital cell broadly sessile, not triangular, receiv- ing both recurrent nervures; mesopleural furrow complete, usually deep (PI. 3, fig. 56). (Pseudoplisus, Gorytes, Hoplisodes.) GORYTlDyE 92. Metathorax with the upper hind angles acute or produced as stout spines; pro- notum short medially, strongly transverse; short, stout species. (Nysson, Brachystegus) NYSSONIDiE Metathorax with the hind angles rounded or obtuse; pronotum subquadrate; slender species. (Alyson, Didineis) ALYSONIDiE 93. Hind tibiae without apical spurs; eyes hairy; marginal cell very long. (PI. 4, fig. 81 ; PI. 5, fig. 91.) (Apis [A. melllfera. Honey-bee]) APID^ Hind tibiae with apical spurs 94 94. The cheeks separating the eyes from the mandibles longer than the pedicel of the antennae; social bees; large, densely hairy species with contrasting black and yellow or sometimes also orange pile. Bumble-bees. (Bombus, Psith3Tus) BOMBIDiE Eyes nearly or quite reaching to the base of the mandibles; solitary bees of different appearance 95 95. Tongue short, broad, obtuse and emarginate at apex (COLLETIFORMES) . . 96 Tongue more or less elongate, pointed and not emarginate; no ventral abdom- inal brush of hairs. (ANDRENIFORMES) 97 Tongue long and very slender. (PI. 5, fig. 91.) .99 96. Black bees with httle hair; fore wings with only two cubital cells; face almost alwaj's with yellow or white markings; nearly always small species. (Pro- sopis) PROSOPID^ Hairy bees; fore wings with three cubital cells; moderate-sized species. (Col- letes) COLLETID^ 97. Tongue more or less short, dagger-like; radial cell pointed; usually three cubital cells; maxillary palpi six-jointed; burrowing bees. (Andrena, Halictus, Augochlora, Agapostemon, Sphecodes.) ANDRENIDiE Tongue elongate, though not so long as in some of the higher groups; only two submarginal cells (except in Protandrena which has three) ; never brilliantly metallic, though rarely with the head and thorax green; often with yellow markings. (Panurgus) PANURGID.S Tongue elongate; parasitic bees, usually highly ornamented, and with no pol- len-collecting apparatus 98 Tongue very long; first two joints of labial palpi elongate, sheath-like, last two minute; hairy, pollen-collecting bees, the males often with long an- tenna?, and usually with the clj-peus yellow. Melissodes, Anthophora, Hemisia (= Centris), Diadasia) ANTHOPHORID.^ .98. Maxillary palpi six-jointed; usually wasp-like in appearance, with bright yel- low and often red colors; almost always with three cubital cells; marginal cell pointed on cpsta. (Nomada) NOMADIDiE Maxillary palpi two- to six-jointed; usually robust bees with conspicuous mark- ings due to hair, but without yellow tegumentary markings. (Epeolus, Triepeolus, Bombomelecta, Neopasites.) MELECTZD.^ (/ 30 Key to Families of North American Insects. 99. Fore wings with two cubital cells; labial palpi with the basal joints much elon- gated, the apical minute; underside of abdomen of female with a pollen- collecting scopa, except in the parasitic genera. (Coelioxys, Megachile, Heriades, Osmia, Stelis, Anthidium.) MEGACHiLID.E Fore wings always (in our species) with three cubital cells, the marginal cell narrow and as long as the cubitals united 100 100. Hind tibia and tarsus of female with a dense pollen-collecting scopa; stigma obsolete; large robust bees, mainly tropical. (Xylocopa) . . XYLOCOPID.^ Hind tibia and tarsus of female without distinct scopa; stigma large; small bees. (Ceratina) CERATINID^ ORDER COLEOPTERA. {ELFMTERA TA; ELY THRO PTERA.) Moderate-sized, small or minute, more rarely very large, hard- bodied insects; head free, usually prominent; mandibles well developed; antennae ten- or eleven-jointed, sometimes less, very rarely more; ocelli nearly always absent; pro thorax free; two pairs of wings, the front pair (elytra) thickly chitinized, sheathing the meso- and metathorax and also nearly always the abdomen, almost always meeting in a straight line down the middle of the back; hind wings occasionally absent; legs homonomous, the tarsi usually with five or four joints; no cerci. Metamorphosis com- plete, the larvae mandibulate. A very large and widely distributed group, including beetles and weevils. 1. First ventral segment di\'ided by the hind coxal cavities (except the rare Cupe- didse) so that the sides are separated from the very small median part, the first three ventral segments immovably united; antennae thread-like or nearly so; hind wings with one or two crossveins near the middle, connecting the first and second branches of the media (PI. 7, figs. 158, 159); almost always carnivorous and predatory. Suborder ADEPHAGA 2 First ventral segment visible for its entire breadth; wing without such cross- veins (PI. 7, figs. 160, 161). Suborder POL^PHAGA 8 2. First three ventral segments immovably united 3 Abdomen with five free ventral segments; metasternum with a piece in front of the hind coxae marked off by a distinct suture; rare bark beetles. (Cupes.) CUPEDID^ 3. Metasternum with a transverse triangular antecoxal sclerite separated by a well marked suture, reaching from one side to the other and extending between the hind coxae (PI. 6, fig. 108) 4 Metasternum with a short antecoxal sclerite, not prolonged posteriorly between the coxae, the suture indistinct; rare semiaquatic beetles. (Amphizoa.) AMPHIZOIDiE Coleoptera. 31 Metasternum without an antecoxal sclerite 6 4. Antennje eleven-jointed; hind coxie movable and simple; terrestrial 5 Antennae ten-jointed; hind coxse fixed, expanded so as almost to conceal the base of the abdomen (PI. 4, fig. 124); small water beetles. (Cnemiddtus, Haliplus.) HALIPLID^ 5. Antennae inserted on the front, above the base of the mandibles; eyes promi- nent; head vertical, wider than the thorax. Tiger-beetles. (Cicindela, Omus, Tetracha.) CICINDELID-^ Antennae inserted on the sides of the head, between the base of the mandibles and the eyes; head usually held horizontally and generally narrower than the thorax. Ground beetles. (Omophron, Calosoma [Caterpillar-hunter], Bembidium, Platynus, Brachinus [Bombadier beetle], Pterostichus, Har- palus, Chlaenius) (PI. 5, fig. 97; PI. 6, fig. 108; PI. 7, figs. 158, 164). CARABID^ 6. Metasternum prolonged behind as a triangular process; aquatic 7 Metasternum not prolonged between the coxae; scutelium absent; antennae formed like a string of beads; rare bark beetles. (Rhysddes) (PI. 7, fig. 146.) RHYSODID^ 7. Antennae slender, abdomen with six segments; eyes two. Diving beetles. Water-tigers. (Dytiscus, Cybfster, Acilius, Agabus, Colymbetes) (PI. 5 fig- 101) DYTISCIDiE Antenna; short, abdomen with seven segments; eyes four. Whirligig beetles. (Gyrinus, Dineutes) (PI. 6, fig. 117; PI. 7, fig. 147) GYRINED^ 8. Antennae clubbed or not, if clubbed, not lamellate 9 Antennae with the last three to seven joints enlarged on one side to form a comb- like or lamellate club which can often be opened and closed (PI. 7, figs. 149, 150, 151); legs often fitted for digging; tarsi almost always five-jointed, front tarsi of some dung beetles may be absent; larvae with thick curved body and well-developed legs. (Lamellicornia.) 114 9. Head not prolonged into a beak; palpi flexible, gular sutures double, at least before and behind; prosternal sutures distinct, proepimera not meeting behind the prosternum 10 Head generally prolonged and snout-like (PI. 6, fig. 125), palpi nearly always rigid; gular sutures confluent medially; proepimera united behind the pro- sternum, prosternal sutures wanting, antennae often elbowed; fourth tarsal joint usually indistinct; larvae legless or with short legs. (Rhynchophora.) 110 10. Fourth and fifth tarsal joints not immovably united, the articulation between them like those between the other joints (PI. 7, figs, 143, 168) (If rarely immovably united as in some Erotylidae, the antennae are clavate) 11 Fourth tarsal joint minute, fused with the fifth; tarsi usually densely pubes- cent below, the first three joints dilated and with a sole, the third joint usually bilobed (PI. 7, figs. 157, 167); antennae thread-like, rarely serrate or thickened apically; plant feeders. (Phytophaga.) 108 11. Hind tarsi with at least as many joints as the others 12 Hind tarsi four-jointed, front and middle tarsi five-jointed. (Heter6mera.) 86 32 Key to Families of North American Insects. 12. Maxillary palpi slender, almost always as long as or longer than the antennae; antennae six- to nine-jointed, the outer joints forming a pubescent, distinct club; usually aquatic, convex beetles. Larvae usually with cerci. (Pal- picoRxiA.) Water scavenger beetles. (Hydrophilus, Laccobius, Hydrobius, Cercyon) (PI. C, figs. 110, 111) HYDROPHILID^ Maxillary palpi much shorter than the antennae; larvae never with cerci. (Di- VERsicoRNiA, PoLYMORPHA, or Clavicornia and Serricornia) 13 13. Elytra short, exposing much of the abdomen; dorsal segments of abdomen entirely horny in texture; wings usually present and folded beneath the elytra, crossveins absent 14 Elytra covering most of the abdomen, rarely much shortened, in which case the wings are wanting, or not folded beneath the elytra; dorsal segments partly membranous 15 14. Abdomen flexible, seven or eight ventral segments, body usually slender; scavengers. Rove beetles. (Stenus, StaphylTnus, Tachyporus, Philonthus) (PI. 5, fig. 95) .STAPHYLINID.E Abdomen not flexible, five or six ventral segments; small or minute, robust beetles. (Bryaxis, Batrisodes) (PI. 7, figs. 138, 148) . . . PSELAPHEDjE 15. Tarsi five-jointed on at least one pair of legs, and almost always on all pairs . . 16 All tarsi with less than five joints 65 16. Last tarsal joint long and with very large claws (PI. 7, fig. 143); first three ventral segments grown together; small aquatic or subaquatic beetles. (Psephenus, Dryops, Ehnis) {DRYOPIDM) PARNIDiE Tarsal claws normal; all ventral segments free except in the Colydiidae, Heter- oceridae, Buprestidae and some Byrrhidse which are not aquatic 17 17. Abdomen with five ventral segments 18 Abdomen with at least six ventral segments 50 18. Front coxae globular or transverse, usually projecting but little from the coxal cavity; trochanters never interstitial 19 Front coxae more or less conical and prominent 37 19. Front coxae transverse, more or less cylindrical , 20 Front coxae globular 27 20. Hind coxae grooved to receive the femora 21 Hind coxae flat and not grooved 26 21. Strongly convex beetles with more or less retractile legs, tibiae dilated and usually grooved near the outer end to receive the tarsi, tibial spurs dis- tinct 22 Slightly convex oval species with non-retractile slender legs; tibial spurs more or less reduced 24 22. Antennae inserted at sides of head 23 Antennae inserted on front, head retracted; third tarsal joint lobed; thorax margined; oval tropical species (Chelonarium) CHELONARIID.^ 23. Head prominent, mentum large, elongate and subelliptical; tarsi not lolxnl. (Nosodendron.) NOSODENDRIDiE Head retracted, mentum small and quadrate; (Amphicyrta, Byrrhus). BYRRHIDiE Coleoptera. 33 24. Front coxje with distinctly separated side-piece (trochantin). (Dascyllus.) DASCYLLIDiE Front cox£E without trochantin 25 25. Posterior coxae at most moderately dilated internally. (Cyphon) (PI. 7, figs. 127, 129.) {CYPHONIDM.) HELODID^ Posterior coxse very large. (Eucinetus.) EUCINETID.^ 26. Tarsi more or less dilated, the first joint not shortened, fourth joint very small; elytra usually not extending to the tip of the abdomen. (Carpophilus, / Omosita, Nitiduia) NITIDULIDjE Tarsi slender, metatarsus short; elytra entire, never truncate, covering the abdomen. (Tenebrioides, Peltis) (PI. 7, fig. 135) {TROGOSlTlDjE, TEMNOCHIlIDM.) OSTOMAXm^ 27. First and second ventral segments fused or immovably united; antennse serrate (pectinate in the male of Xenorhepis; tarsi with membranous lobes beneath; hard-bodied beetles, of more or less metallic color. (Chalcophora, Chrysobothris [C. femorata. Flat-head orchard-borer], Buprestis, Agrilus) (PI. 5, fig. 98.) BUPRESTIDiE ^ All ventral segments free, except in very rare cases ' 28 28. Prosternum prolonged behind into a process which is received in the meso- sternum 29 Prosternum without such backwardly directed process 31 29. Prothorax loosely joined to the mesothorax, freely movable, its hind angles usually prolonged backward into teeth; prosternal spine loosely received in a notch in the mesosternum; front coxal cavities contained entirely in the prosternum 30 Prothorax firmly attached, not movable; front coxal cavities closed behind by V the mesosternum. (Drapetes, Throscus.) THR6SCID.ffi .30. Labrum visible; prosternum lobed in front; beetles' capable of mo\ing the prothorax by its basal joint with a sudden clicking motion. Click-beetles, Wireworm beetles. (Alaus, Elater, Melanotus, Drasterius, Limonius) (PI. \y'^ 7, fig. 126. 128.) ELATERIDiE Labrum concealed; prosternum not lobed in front; antennae inserted on the front, somewhat distant from the eyes; not able to leap by the prothoracic joint. (Fornax, Microrhagus) EUCNEMID.S 51. Hind coxae in contact; body very small, convex, oval or rounded-oval. (Phalacrus, Olibrus.) PHALACRIDjE Hind coxae not in contact, although closely approximate in certain very much flattened species 32 52. Elytra shortened, leaving two segments of the abdomen uncovered, antennae elbowed, very strongly clavate; tibiae compressed, front pair usually toothed. (Hister, Saprinus, Hololepta) (PI. 7, fig. 141.) HISTEREDjE Elytra entire 33 33. Tibiae dilated and toothed externally; large tropical beetles with strongly clubbed antennae. (Syntelia.) SYNTELIEDiE Tibiae simple or linear, at most the front pair somewhat dilated 34 4 y 34 Key to Families of North American Insects. 34. Middle coxal cavities open externally, i. e. not closed by the meeting of the meso- and metasterna; body elongate, greatly flattened. (Silvanus, Cftcu- jus, Laemophloeus, Brontes) (PI. 5, fig. 96.) CUCUJIDiE Middle coxal cavities closed externally by the sterna 35 35. Prosternum not prolonged. (See couplet 74.) Tribe Diphyllini of the MYCETOPHAGID.aE Prosternum prolonged behind, meeting the mesosternum 36 36. Front coxal cavities open behind (PI. 6, fig. 114); small or minute species. (Atomaria, Cryptophagus) CRYPTOPHAGID.ffi Front coxal cavities closed behind (PI. G, fig. 119); larger beetles, usually black, with orange-red spots. (Megalodachne) (PI. 7, fig. 168). Group DXcnes of the EROTYLIDiE 37. Hind coxge dilated into plates which are grooved for the reception of the femora 38 Hind coxae not thus dilated, nor grooved for the reception of the femora .... 42 38. Front coxal cavities closed behind (PI. 6, fig. 119) 3» Front coxal cavities open behind (PI. 6, fig. 114) 40 39. Second and third joints of tarsi lobed beneath; plate of hind coxae feeble; small, pubescent beetles. (Byturus.) BYTURIDiE Tarsi simple, not lobed; small, coarsely punctured beetles. (Derodontus.) DERODONTID-^ 40. Antennae with the last three joints much enlarged, forming a strong club; small, or rather small, often scaly beetles. (Dermestes [D. lardarius. Larder-beetle] Attagenus, Anthrenus [Museum-beetle, Carpet-beetle]) (PI. / 5. fig. 94; PI. 7, fig. 152) DERMESTID.S "^ Antennae not capitate 41 41. Tarsi with a large, hairy pad (onychium) between the claws; moderate-sized or large, elongate-oval beetles; tibial spurs present, small. (Sandalus.) RHIPICERID.^ Onychium not developed or very small; no tibial spurs. (Sitodrepa, Anobia) (PI. 7. fig. 131.) ANOBIIDiE 42. First joint of tarsi very short and indistinctly separated from the second. .43 First joint of tarsi distinct, when rarely very short, the first ventral segment is not elongated and the head not deflexed 44 43. First ventral segment elongated, always much longer than the second; antennae with a quite distinct two-jointed club; small elongate beetles with prominent head not covered by the prothorax. Powder-post beetles. (Lyctus) (PI. 5, fig. 103.) LYCTIDiE First ventral segment not elongated; antennal club three- or four-jointed; head usually deflexed and protected by the prothorax; dechvity of elytra often toothed or spined; elongate, more or less cylindrical beetles. (Sinoxylon, Bostrychus, Polycaon [P. conjertus. Prune-twig borer], Schistoceros [S. hamatus= Amphicerus bicauddtus, Apple-twig borer]) {APA TIDJ'^) > BOSTRYCHIDiE 44. Hind coxae flat or oval, not prominent 45 Hind coxae prominent internally, more or less conical 48 Coleoptera. 35 45. Fourth joint of tarsi extremely short, not visible from above; small beetles of rather bright colors. (NecrSbia, Phyllobaenus, Pyticera) (PI. 7, fig. 133.) CORYNETIDiE Fourth joint of tarsi not abnormally short 46 46. Fifth segment of abdomen conically produced, as long as the three preceding ones; elytra not covering the abdomen completely. (Scaphidium, Baeo- cera, Scaphisoma) SCAPHIDilDiE Fifth abdominal segment not elongated nor conically produced 47 47. Trochanters attached to the internal margin of the femora. (Trichodes, Clerus, Thanasimus) (PI. 7, fig. 132.) CLERID^ Trochanters interstitial, i. e. attached to the base of the femora. (Ptinus, Mezium.) PTINID.^ 48. Antennie capitate, i. e. the last three joints forming an abrupt club; elytra truncate. (Sphaerites.) SPILERITIDjE Antennae simple, not clubbed 49 49. Front coxse with a distinct side piece (trochantin). (See couplet 61.) Some MALACHIID^ Front coxae without trochantin; long, narrow beetles. (Lymexylon.) LYMEXYLONID^ 50. Front coxae flat, rounded or globular, small and not prominent 51 Front coxae conical, prominent, usually large 54, 51. Front coxae flat, elytra not longer than the prothorax, exposing five abdominal segments; small wingless beetles parasitic on beavers. (Platypsyllus.) PLATYPSYLLIDiE Front coxae rounded or globular; not such beetles 52 52. Presternum prolonged behind into a process which is received in a notch in the mesosternura; prothorax loosely attached to the mesothorax 53 Presternum without such a backwardly directed process; eyes very small or wanting; rare minute beetles living in the nests of rodents. (Leptinus.) LEPTINID.^ 53. Labrum fused with the front; antennae distant at base. (Cebrio, Scaptolenus.) CEBRIONID^ Labrum free. (Plastocerus, Euthysanius.) A very few Elateridae 54. Abdomen with six ventral segments 55 Abdomen with seven or eight ventral segments 63 55. Fifth segment of abdomen conical, as long as the three preceding segments together, the sixth minute. (See couplet 46.) SCAPHIDnDjE Fifth segment not conical nor excessively elongated 5Q 56. Hind coxae flat, not prominent, covered by the femora in repose; first joint of posterior tarsi usually very short and indistinct 57 Hind coxae prominent, at least internally 58 57. Tarsi with the fourth joint of normal size; pronotum continuous with the propleura (see couplet 46) CLERID.^ Tarsi with the fourth joint very small and indistinct; pronotum separated from the flanks by a marginal line (see couplet 45) CORYNETIDiE y 36 Key to Families of North American Insects. 58. Hind coxae widely separated 59 Hind coxae approximated or contiguous 60 59. Eyes absent (see couplet 60) A few SILPHID^ Eyes present, coarsely granulated; small, more or less ovate, brown beetles. (Euconnus, Connophron.) SCYDM^NIDjE 60. Tibial spurs large, antennae gradually thickened or clavate; hind tarsi slender, not widened. Carrion-beetles (Necrophorus, Sflpha, Ptomophagus) (PI. 6, fig. 109; PI. 7, figs. 136, 137. 139, UO) SILPHIDiE Tibial spurs small or indistinct 61 61. Front coxae with a distinct side piece (trochantin); rather small, usually soft- bodied species. (Malachius, Collops) {MELYRIDM). . . MALACHIIDiE Front coxae without trochantin 62 62. Elytra shortened, exposing several of the abdominal segments; very small species. (Micromalthus.) MICROMALTHIDiE Elytra entire. (Lymexylon, Hyloccetus.) LYMEXYLONEDiE 63. Middle co.xae distant; epipleurae wanting; elytra usually with a reticulate sculp- ture; no phosphorescent organs. (Calopteron, Eros.) LYCID^ Middle coxae in contact; epipleurae distinct; elytra not reticulate 64 64. Episterna of metathorax sinuate on the inner side; head nearly or quite covered by the thorax; epipleurae usually wide at the base of the elytra; phosphor- escent organs generally present. Fire-flies. (Lucidota, Ellychnia, Photinus, Photiiris, Phengodes.) {MALACODtRMID.E) LAMPYRTD.^ Episterna of metathorax not sinuate on inner side; head not at all covered by the thorax; epipleurae narrow at the base; no phosphorescent organs. (Chauliognathus, Podabrus, Telephorus.) TELEPHOIODiE 65. Tarsi four-jointed, front ones three-jointed in the males of some INIyceto- phagidae 66 Tarsi with three joints or less 76 66. Wings fringed with long hairs 67 Wings not fringed 68 67. Hind coxae in contact, with plates at least partially covering the femora. (Clambus, Calyptomerus.) CLAMBIDiE Hind coxae distant, transverse, not laminate; third joint of tarsi small, concealed in the bilobed second joint. (Corylophodes, Molamba.) (CORY- LOPHID^.) ORTHOPERJD^ 68. Ventral segments all free and movable 69 Ventral segments one to foiu- firmly united, immovable 75 69. First tarsal joint greatly dilated, overlapping the very minute second and third joints and a part of the long fourth joint; minute trojjical beetles (Adimerus) (PI. 7, fig. 163) ADIMERID^ First tarsal joint not thus dilated 70 70. Front coxae transverse; minute fungus beetles (Cybocephalus) (see couplet 26). NITIDULID^, part Front coxae not transverse 71 Coleoptera. 37 71. Front coxae globose '^^ Front coxfe oval ^^ 72. Tarsi slender, third joint distinct, but shorter than the second; very small species. (Rhymbus, Rhanis) (PI. 7, fig. 142) MYCET^ID^ Tarsi more or less dilated and spongy beneath; elongate beetles with hard body and strongly clubbed antenna;. (Lang^ria, Tritoma, Erotylus.) EROTYLID^ 73. Front coxce almost in contact, prosternum more or less membranous, not visible between them. (Georyssus.) GEORYSSID.^ Front coxae well separated by the horny prosternum 74 74. Head more or less concealed by the projecting prothorax; body cylindrical. (Cis, Ennearthron.) CIOID^ Head free, not covered by the prothorax; body oval, depressed, pubescent. (Mycetophagus, Litargus.) MYCETOPHAGID^ 75. Antennte thickened, or with a two-jointed club; tibiae simple, not dilated nor spinose. (Ditoma, Cerylon, Philothermus.) COLYDIIDjE Antennae with a large serrate, seven-jointed club; front and middle tibiae dilated and armed with rows of spines. (Heterocerus) (PI. 7, fig.144). HETEROCERrD.^ 76. Tarsi three-jointed '^7 Tarsi with less than three joints 85 77. Wings fringed with long hairs 78 Wings not fringed 80 78. Abdomen with only three ventral segments; very small, rare beetles occurring beneath stones in the Pacific region. (Sphaerius.) SPH^ERIIDiE Abdomen with six or seven ventral segments 79 79. Antennae slender, nine- to eleven-jointed, with whorls of long hairs; very minute, shining beetles found on foliage. (Nossidium, Trichopteryx, Nephanes.) {TRICHOPTERYGIDM.) PTILIID^ Antennae short, eight-jointed, thickened apically; a rare aquatic beetle from California. (Hydroscapha.) HYDROSCAPHID^ 80. Second joint of tarsi dilated; the third joint consisting really of two joints, the small, true third joint being fused with the base of the last joint, which thus appears as the third 81 Second tarsal joint not dilated . .82 81. Tarsal claws dilated or toothed at the base; first ventral segment with curved coxal lines; small, rounded, convex, usually brightly spotted beetles. "Lady-birds" (Coccinella, Hippodamia, Adalia, Megilla, Anatis, Epilachna) (PI. 6, figs. 118, 120, 121, 123) COCCINELLID.^ Tarsal claws simple, first ventral segment without coxal lines; small, oblong or oval beetles, often with a striking color pattern. (Endomychus, Lyco- perdina, Aphorista.) ENDOMYCHID^ 82. Elytra entire 83 Elytra truncate, exposing the last abdominal segment 84 38 Key to Families of North American Insects. 83. Body broadly oval, convex; tropical beetles. (Aphaenocephalus) (DISCOLOM- IDM, PSEUDOCORYLOPHIDM) APHiENOCEPHALIDiE Body more elongate, the prothorax narrower than the elytra and often marked with elevated lines. (Corticaria, Cartodere, Melanophthalma) (PI. 7, fig. 145) LATHRIDilD^ 8-1. Front coxae subtransverse; maxillae with a single lobe. (Tribe Sniicriptini, a rare beetle from Florida) (Smicrips.) NITZDULIDiE, part Front coxae small, rounded; maxillae bilobed; small, flattened bark beetles. (Monotoma, Bactridimn.) MONOTOMLD.^ 85. Tarsi apparently two-jointed, but with the second and third joints very minute. (PI. 7, fig. 1G3). (See couplet 69) ADIMERID^ Tarsi one-jointed; minute tropical beetles with four-jointed antennas (Cyatho- cerus) CYATHOCERIDyE 86. Front coxal cavities closed behind (PI. 6, fig. 119) 87 Front coxal cavities open behind (PI. 6, fig. 114) 93 87. Tarsal claws simple 88 Tarsal claws pectinate; usually elongate, convex thinly silky-pubescent beetles. (Hymenorus, Mycetochares) {ALLECULID.E) CISTELIDiE 88. Ventral segments all freely movable (If the mesosternum is carinate, compare some rare Silphidae, couplet 60) 89 First two to four ventral segments more closely connected together, more or less fused and immovable 91 89. Front coxal cavities separated by the prosternum (PI. 6, fig. 119) 90 Antennae eleven-jointed; front coxal cavities confluent (Othnius) OTHNIID.^ 90. Elytra entire; small convex beetles (Sphindus) SPHINDIDiE Elytra truncate, exposing the pygidium; small flattened beetles (males of Rhizophagus) (see couplet 26) NITIDULIDiE 91. Five ventral segments 92 Six ventral segments, the first two immovably united; a small black beetle from Alaska. (.Sgialites.) lEGlMAT'^DJE. 92. Penultimate joint of tarsi spongy pubescent beneath; front coxa; prominent; slender, elongate species with cylindrical prothorax, usually of somewhat metallic color. (Arthromacra, Statira.) LAGRnD.^ Penultimate joint of tarsi not spongy pubescent beneath; front coxae short, not projecting from the cavities; beetles of varying form, oval, elongate, or even pedunculate, usually black or dark colored with more or less bead-like joints to the antennae. (Nyctobates, Tenebrio [7". molitor. Mealworm] Blapstinus, Platydema, Diaperis, Eleodes) (PI. 5, fig.105) TENEBRIONIDiE 93. Head not strongly or suddenly narrowed or constricted behind the eyes ... .94 Head strongly and suddenly constricted behind the eyes 99 94. Middle coxae not noticeably prominent 95 * Middle coxae very prominent; prothorax without lateral margin; penultimate • tarsal joint dilated and with a dense brush of hairs beneath; soft-bodied species. (Nacerdes, Asclera, Copidita.) CEDOMERIDiE Coleoptera. 39 95. Antennae received in grooves on the underside of the prothorax; small, black, oval, flattened beetles. (Hyporhagus.) M0N6MMID.S Antennae free, not received in grooves 96 96. Prothorax with a sharp lateral margin 97 Prothorax not margined laterally, narrowed behind, its disk without impres- sions. (Pytho, Boros) PYTHID^ 97. Epimera of the mesothorax not reaching the coxae, the coxal cavities entirely surrounded by the sterna (Males of several genera) (see couplet 36) CRYPTOPHAGID^, part Epimera of mesothorax attaining the coxae 98 98. Metasternum long; epimera of metathorax visible; prothorax widened toward the base; its disk with basal impressions (Penthe, Eustrophus, Melandrya, Synchroa) MELANDRYID.(E Metasternum quadrate; epimera of metathorax covered. (Males of several genera) (see couplet 33) CUCUJIDjE, part 99. Head prolonged behind and gradually narrowed; prothorax not margined, as wide as the elytra at base. (Cephalobn) CEPHALOONIDiE Head suddenly narrowed behind 100 100. Prothorax with a sharp lateral margin 101 Prothorax without a sharp lateral margin, rounded on the sides 103 101. Antennae thread-like 102 Antennae pectinate (male) or subserrate (female); tarsal claws serrate or toothed. (Plecotoma) Tribe Evaniocerini of the RHIPIPHORIDiE 102. Hind coxae furnished with flattened plates; head placed vertically against the thorax; body conically narrowed behind, the abdomen usually prolonged and pointed at tip; small beetles. (Mordellistena, Mordella, Tomoxia) (PI. 7, fig. 166) MORDELLID^ Hind coxae without flattened plates, transverse. (Canifa.) . SCRAPTIED.^ 103. Base of prothorax narrower than the elytra 104 Base of prothorax as wide as the elytra; body broad, much narrowed behind; elytra usually shortened and narrowed behind. (Rhipiphorus, Myodites.) RHIPIPHORID^ 104. Hind coxae not prominent; tarsal claws simple 105 Hind coxae large and prominent 107 105. Eyes more or less emarginate 106 Eyes elliptical, entire, rather coarsely granulated. (Macratria, Notoxus, Anthicus) ANTHICIDiE 106. Head constricted far behind the finely granulated eyes. (Corphyra.) PEDILID^ Head constricted just behind the coarsely granulated eyes. (Hylophilus.) HYLOPHILID^ 107. Tarsal claws simple; head horizontal; antennae serrate, often pectinate in the male; body flattened; moderate sized beetles. (Pyrochroa, Dendroides) (PI. 7, fig. 130) PYROCHROID^ 40 Key to Families of North American Insects. Tarsal claws toothed or cleft; head deflexed, with the front vertical; elytra often shortened; body more or less cylindrical; moderately large beetles. Blister beetles (Meloe, Nemognatha, Macrobasis, Epicauta, PomphopcEa) (PL 5 fig. 99) {CANTHARID/E LYTTID.'E) MELOK)^ 108. Submentum pedunculate, i. e. the mentum supported at its base by a narrow portion or peduncle; antennae serrate; head prolonged into a broad muzzle; elytra shortened so as to expose the pygidium. Pea and bean weevils. (Bruchus [B.obtectus, Bean- weevil; B. fisbrum. Pea-weevil], Spermophagus) . / (PI. 5, fig. 10!2) {LARIIDM, MYOLABRID.E) BRUCHID.S Submentum not pedimculate; head not prolonged into a broad beak; antennfe rarely distinctly serrate 109 109. Antennae usually long or greatly developed, frequently inserted on frontal prominences; front often vertical, large and quadrate; pronotum rarely margined; tibial spurs distinct; usually rather large, elongate or oblong beetles with parallel sides and pubescent upper surface. Longicorns. (Parandra, Elaphidion [Twig-pruners], Cyllene [C. roUnioe, Locust-borer], Monohammus, Saperda [S. cdndida. Round-head apple-borer], Tetraopes) including SPONDYLID.E. (PI. 5. fig. 100; PI. 7, fig. 167.) / CERAMBYCm.^ Antennae moderate or short, not inserted on frontal prominences; front small, oblique, sometimes inflexed; pronotum most frequently margined; tibial spurs usually wanting; small or moderate sized; body usually glabrous above and very often brightly colored; rather oval in form. Leaf Beetles. (Dona- cia, Cryptocephalus, Pachybrachys, Calligrapha, Criocerus [C. aspdragi, Asparagus-beetle], Galerucella [G. hiteola. Imported elm-leaf beetle], Dia- brotica [Corn root-worms], Haltica [Flea-beetles], Epitrix [Flea-beetles] Chalepus {=Odontbta), [C. dorsdlis. Locust leaf-miner], Leptinotarsa {= Doryphora) [L. decemlineata, Colorado potato-beetle]) (PI. 5, fig. 104; PI. 7, fig. 157) CHRYSOMELm^ 110. Rostrum extremely short and broad, scarcely developed; antennae short, with a broad club; tibiae often with several teeth externally; small, oval or cylin- drical beetles of uniform brownish or blackish color Ill Rostrum of variable length, but always distinctly developed and usually long; antennae with a less pronoimced club or not clubbed; tibiae without a series of teeth externally 112 111. First joint of the tarsi as long as the others united; head broader than the prothorax; eyes rounded. (Platypus) (PI. 6, fig. 116; PL 7, fig. 156). PLATYPODID^ First joint of the tarsi much shorter than the combined length of the others; head narrower than the prothorax; eyes oval, emarginate or divided. Bark- beetles. (Ips (=Tomicus), Eccoptogaster [E. rugulosus. Shot-hole borer; E. multistriatus. Imported elm bark-beetle], Dendroctonus [Pine and Spruce bark-beetles], Xyleborus [Timber- beetles], Monarthrum) (PL 6, figs. 112, 122; PL 7, figs. 154, 155, 162) {SCOLYTID.E) iPJDM 112. Antennae not elbowed; palpi usually exposed 113 Antennae almost always elbowed, with the basal joint much elongated; palpi ■/ Sirepsiptera. 41 small, nearly always concealed within the mouth, short and rigid; snout strongly curved downwards, especially when long. Weevils. (Otiorhynchus {= Brachijrhinus) [0. ovatus. Strawberry root-weevil], Phytonomus [Clover and alfalfa weevils], Pissodes [P. strbbi. White-pine weevil], Anthonomus [A. grdndis, Mexican cotton-boll weevil; A. quadrigihhus, Apple curculio], Conotrachelus [C. nenuphar. Plum curculio], Cryptorhynchus [C. Idpathi, Willow and poplar weevil], Balaninus [Nut weevils], Sphenophorus [Corn bill-bugs], Calandra [C. granaria. Granary weevil]) (Including RIIINOMA- CERID.E, RHINCHITID.E, ATTELABIDM, BRYSOPlDAi, OTIO- RHYNCHID.E {=BRACHYRHINIDM), CALANDRID.E) (PI. 5, fig. 106; PI. 6. fig. 1-25; PI. 7, fig. 153) CURCULIONIDiE 113. Prothorax elongate, elytra covering the pygidium, first two ventral segments fused ; rostrum short and broad. (Cratoparis, Brach3rtarsus) ANTHRIBIDjE Prothorax not elongate, usually trapezoidal; pygidium exposed; ventral seg- ments free, rostrum very long in the female, sometimes entirely absent in the male. (Euipsalis, Brenthus, Cylas) (PI. 6, fig. 115) BRENTHIDiE 114. Lamellre of antennal club not capable of closing together, usually not flat- tened, but forming a more or less comb-like mass 115 Lamella; of antennal club flattened and capable of close apposition 117 115. Mentum entire, the ligula behind, or at the apex of the mentum lia Mentum deeply emarginate, the ligula large, corneous, filling the emargina- tion; large, elongate, shining beetles with deeply lined elytra. (Passalus) PASSALID^ 116. Ligula and maxilla; covered by the mentum; antennae usually elbowed. Stag- beetles. (Lucanus, Dorcus, Platycerus, Ceruchus) (PI. 7, fig. 149). LUCANrD.^ Ligula and maxillae not covered; antennae straight. (Sinodendron.) SINODENDRIDiE 117. Side pieces of the mesosternum not attaining the coxae; elytra with more or less distinct rows of tubercles; rather small or moderate-sized beetles. (Trox.) TROGIDiE Side pieces of the mesosternum attaining the coxae; moderate-sized, or large, stout-bodied, usually very convex beetles, with stout front legs, usually formed .for digging. (Onthophagus, Canthon [Tumble-bug], Aphodius, Geotrupes, Macrodactylus [Rose Chafer], Lachnostema [Jime-bug], Pelid- nota) (PI. 5, fig. 107; PI. 7, figs. 150, 151) SCARAB.^ID.^ V ORDER STREPSIPTERA. {RHIPIPTERA.) Small species parasitic on insects, the adult males winged and free-living, but the larviform females never leaving the body of their host. Male with the head free, with well-developed eyes; antennae with three to seven joints, some of the joints prolonged into a long lateral process (flabellum) ; prothorax greatly reduced^ 42 Key to Families of North American Insects. metathorax very large; fore wings reduced to small club-like balancers; hind wings large, very delicate, with a few fine radiat- ing veins. Female with the mouth-parts and antennae vestigial; head and thorax fused into one piece, sexual openings in the form of segmental usually unpaired canals opening on several of the abdominal segments. 1. Wingless, larviform, never leaving the host (Females) 2 "\^^inged, free living insects (Males) 4 2. Spiracles more or less easily discernible, generally prominent; four or five genital tubes entering the brood canal; parasitic on bees, wasps and ants. (Stylops, Xenos) (PI. 8, figs. 169, 172) XENIDiE Spiracles not usually discernible, never prominent 3 S. Tubercles of head apical; parasitic on Homoptera. (Agalliophagus, Antheri- comma.) HALICTOPHAGID.^ Tubercles of head more or less obsolete, ventral; only three genital tubes entering the brood canal; parasitic on Homoptera (Fulgoroidea). (Mecynocera, PentagrammaphUa.) ELENCHID.S 4. Tarsi five-jointed, with two claws; antennse seven-jointed, the third and fourth joints produced laterally into long flabella; hosts unknown. (Trioxocera (Mexico)) ' MENGEID^ Tarsi with four joints or less, without claws 5 5. Tarsi four-jointed; antennae with only the third joint flabellate. (PI. 8, figs- 171, 175) XENIDiE Tarsi three-jointed; antenna; with the third or the third to sixth joints flabellate. (PI. 8, fig. 170) HALICTOPHAGID^ Tarsi two-jointed; antennse with only the third joint flabellate. . ELENCHIDiE \J ORDER EMBIIDINA. (EMBIOIDEA, EMBIOPTERA, OLIGONEURA.) Elongate feeble insects scarcely half an inch in length, occurring in or near the tropics. Two pairs of similar wings superimposed over the abdomen, or wingless; a pair of short anal cerci; first joint of the front tarsi swollen and fitted for spinning delicate tubular webs. 1. Last dorsal plate of the .abdomen not divided, nearly symmetrical, without processes; first joint of left cercus simple, usually cylindrical; neuration complete. (Olyntha) (PI. 8, fig. 174) OLYNTHID.E Supraanal plate asymmetrical, deeply excised or divided, with processes 2 5. Cerci slightly asymmetrical, first joint of left cercus simple, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved or even clubbed, always without teeth on the inner side; neuration strongly reduced. Posterior branch of the radial vein not forked Odonata — Plecioptera. 43 in either wing, media and cubitus much reduced and usually indistinct. (Oligotoma.) OLIGOTOMID^ Cerci strongly asymmetrical, first joint of left cercus variously deformed, usually dentate within; neuration usually complete. (Anlsembia) (PI. 8, fig. 173). EMBIID^ \ ORDER ODONATA. (LIBELLULOIDEA, PARANEUROPTERA.) Slender predatory insects, usually of large size and usually strong fliers; head mobile, eyes large, three ocelli; antennae minute, mouth inferior, mandibles strong; pro thorax small but free, meso- and metathorax fused, abdomen long and flexible, cerci one- jointed; legs not large, similar, placed far forward, tarsi three- jointed; wings four, nearly alike; elongate, membranous, net-veined, not folded, with characteristic nodus, arculus and tri- angle and with the radial sector crossing the anterior branch of the media. Metamorphosis considerable, the nymphs aquatic, no rest- ing pupal stage. 1. Wings alike, held on edge over the abdomen in repose; eyes stalked. Damsel flies. (ZYGOPTERA.) 2 Wings somewhat dissimilar, horizontally out-spread in repose; eyes not ped- uncled. Dragon flies. (ANISOPTERA.) 3 2. At least five antecubital crossveins between the first and second veins before the nodus. (Calopteryx, Hetaerina) CALOPTERYGIDjE Only two antecubital crossveins. (Lestes, Enallagma) (CfENAGRI- ONID.E) AGRIONIDiE 3. Antecubital crossveins of first and second series not meeting except at base of wing. (Anax, iEschna, Gomphus, Cordulegaster) (Including GOMVHWiE CORDULEGASTRIDM ^SCHNID^ Antecubital crossveins of first series meeting those of the second. (Libellula, Diplax, Cordulia) (PI. 8, figs. 176, 178) (Including CORDULIID.E) USELLtUDM \J ORDER PLECTOPTERA. (EPHEMEROPTERA, EPHEMEROIDEA, AGNATHA, EPHEMERIDA.) Delicate insects with short antennae and rudimentary mouth. Hind wings generally present and much smaller than the forewings. Two or three long caudal filaments present. Nymphs aquatic, gill-bearing, suddenly changing to the adult. Adults short lived, but molting before sexual maturity. May flies or Sand-flies. (Hexagenia, Baetis, Heptagenia) (PI. 8, figs. 181, 183) EPHEMERIDiE 44 Key to Families of North American Insects. V ORDER PLECOPTERA. (PERLARIA.) Body soft, of moderate to large size; four membranous wings, usually with many veins, anal area of hind wings large and pleated, rarely with the wings greatly reduced in size; antennae long, thread- like. Larvae aquatic, metamorphosis slight. Stoneflies, Salmon- flies. (Pteronarcys, Perla, Chloroperla, Nemoura) (PI. 8, figs. 180. 182). PERLm^ ORDER MEGALOPTERA. Soft-bodied species with large wings, long and sometimes pec- tinate antennae and simple similar legs. Costal cell with many transverse veins, subcosta and radius simple, the radial sector arising near the base, anal space of hind wings large, folded fan- like when at rest; prothorax quadrate. Larvae aquatic, predatory, with lateral abdominal gill-filaments; wings appearing during the resting nymphal stage. Accessory veins at the end of the radial sector extending anteriorly; ocelli want- ing; fourth tarsal joint prominently lobed on each side. (Stalls.) SIALIDID.^ Accessory veins of the radial sector extending posteriorly; three ocelli present; fourth tarsal joint scarcely bilobed. (Corydalis [C. cortmta, Dobson, Hell- grammite], Chauliodes) (PI. 8, figs. 179, 186) CORYDALID.ffi ORDER RAPHIDIOIDEA. {EMMENOGNATHA. part) Moderate-sized, slender, predatory species with elongate cylin- drical prothorax; head large, nearly horizontal, mandibles strong, antennae long and thread-like; wings membranous; both pairs similar, with numerous forkings, the costal cell with crossveins; legs similar, the first pair attached at base of prothorax, tarsi five-jointed; cerci not developed. Metamorphosis complete. (Raphidia, InoceUia) (PI. 8, fig. 185.) RAPHTDilD^ Neuroptera. 45 ORDER NEUROPTERA. (MEGALOPTERA, SYNISTATA (part), DICTYOPTERA (part)). Small to rather large, slender, predaceous insects with large wings but of slow flight. Head free, vertical, eyes prominent, mouth inferior, mandibles strong; prothorax more or less free and prominent, meso-. and metathorax not closely grown together; abdomen long and narrow, no cerci; wings similar, membranous, no large anal field, when at rest the wings lie roof-like over the abdomen, longitudinal veins almost always very numerous, costal cell almost always with cross-veins. Metamorphosis complete, larvae terrestrial. 1. Front legs formed for seizing prey. (Mantispa, Symphasis) (PI. 8, figs. 177, 188, 189) MANTISPK)^ Front legs not raptorial 2 2. Veins and usually crossveins abuudant 3 Veins and crossveins few in number, wings covered with a whitish powder; small rare species. (Coniopteryx, Malacomyza) CONIOPTERYGID.S 3. Antennae clubbed; wings with a network of veins, the subcosta and radius apically fused 4 Antennae not clubbed 5 4. Antennae more than half as long as the wings. (Ululodes, Colobopterus.) ASCALAPHID^ Antennae not one-third as long as the wings. Ant lions. (Myrmeleon, Den- droleon, Brachynemurus.) MYRMELEONIDiE 5. Antennae thread-like; no recurrent vein, subcosta not fused with radius. Lace- wing fly or Aphis lion. (Chrysopa, MeleSma.) CHRYSOPID.^ Antennae like a string of beads (moniliform) or comb-like (pectinate) 6 6. Ocelh absent; female with ovipositor; antennae of male pectinate. (DUar) (PI. 8, fig. 184) DILARIDiE Ocelli present; no ovipositor; antennae moniliform 7 7. Subcosta fused with radius toward end of wing, wings with almost no crossveins except a graduated series, forming an oblique row of steps across the wing. .8 Subcosta and radius separate, although approximate, recurrent vein present or absent. (Hemerobius, Boriomyia, Sympherobius, Micromus.) HEMEROBIID^ 8. A distinct recurrent vein at base of fore wing, crossveins (except costals) with- out bristles; cubitus of fore wings forked near base, media forked at about one-third its length; body rather stout. (Polystoechotes) polyst(ech6tid.s No recurrent vein g 46 Key to Families of North American Insects. 9. Wings acute at apex; outer margin of fore wings distinctly emarginate, cross- veins with bristles; hind wings with a fork to the cubitus that extends very close to the hind margin. (Lomamyia) BEROTHIDiE Outer margin of fore wing not emarginate, crossveins not bristly. (Sisyra, Climacia) SISYRID.S^ ORDER PANORPATiE. (MECOPTERA.) Small to moderate-sized predatory insects with the head drawn out to form a sort of beak; wings when present long, narrow and similar, crossveins and veins moderately numerous; mandibles small, antennae long and hair-like; prothorax small; legs long, similar, fitted for running; coxse large, pendant and approximate, tarsi five-jointed; abdomen usually slender, cerci small, ninth segment of male greatly swollen and reflexed. Metamorphosis complete, larvse resembling caterpillars. Scorpion flies. 1. Three ocelli present; winged species, costal margin without crossveins 2 Ocelli absent 3 2. Tarsi with two claws; cubitus of fore wings forked near the base. Scorpion- flies. (Panorpa) (PI. 9, 6gs. 190, 191, 192, 194) PANORPIDiE Tarsi with a single claw; cubitus simple. (Bittacus) (PI. 9, fig. 193). BITTACtJSID.^ 3. Wings well developed, costal cell with many crossveins. (Merope.) MEROPID^ Wingless, or with very short wings. (Boreus) BOREID.^ s ORDER TRICHOPTERA. (PHRYGANOIDEA.) Small to medium-sized, slender, flying insects; head movable^ vertical, eyes prominent, ocelli three or none, mandibles vestigial, palpi prominent, antennae thread-like, often very long; prothorax small; wings more or less clothed with hairs, with many veins and a few crossveins, the hind wings with a folded anal area; legs similar, coxse pendant and approximate, tarsi five-jointed. Meta- morphosis complete, larvae aquatic case-bearers. Caddice flies. 1. Minute, often pretty, moth-like pubescent species, whose anterior wings are closely covered with projecting, clubbed hairs; marginal fringe of wings very long, that of hind wings longer; discal cell of hind wings open or want- ing; wings usually very long and narrow, more or less pointed; antennae at most as long as the fore wings, usually much shorter and usually thickened; V Trichoptera. 4T maxillary palpi of both sexes five-jointed, strongly hairy, their last joint neither bowed nor ringed; ocelli usually present. (Hydroptila.) HYDROPTILIDiE Rarely minute species; fore wings without or with solitary thickened projecting hairs; marginal fringe shorter than width of wing; antennae almost always longer than the fore wings 1 2. Ocelli present; maxillary palpi with only weak hairs 3 Ocelli absent 6 3. Last joint of maxillary palpi divided into false ring-joints, curved and as long as the third and fourth joints together; front tibiije with no, two, or three spurs. {THYACOPHILID^ and HYDROPSYCHID^, part; Banks. 1907). (Philopotamus.) PHILOPOTAMID^ Last joint of maxillary palpi not ringed, rarely curved, subequal to the other joints 4 4. Front tibiae with one or no spur; middle tibiae with three or two spurs; maxillary palpi of male three-jointed, of female five-jointed, but of similar structure in the two sexes. (Anabolia, Linmephilus.) (PI. 9, figs. 195, 196). LIMNEPHILID^ Front tibiae with two or three spurs, posterior tibiae with four spurs; maxillary palpi four- or five-jointed 5 5. Maxillary palpi five-jointed, the basal two joints very short (Rhyacophila) RHYACOPHILID^ Maxillary palpi of male four-jointed, of female five-jointed, the joints cylindrical, the second joint not short, the palpi of the two sexes similar. (Neur6nia, Phryganea.) PHRYGANEID^ 6. Tibial spurs 3:4:4; maxillary palpi weakly hairy, five-jointed, the first and sec- ond joints very small, the last joint ringed and curved; antennaj thickened. {HYDROPSY CHID. E, part; Banks, 1907.) (Polycentropus.) POLYCENTROPODID^ Usually two, never three, spurs on front tibiae 7 7. Last joint of the five-jointed, scarcely hairy, maxillary palpi annulate and arcu- ate 8 Last joint of the usually strongly hairy maxillary palpi neither ringed nor curved 9 8. First vein from the discal cell of the fore wing forked; maxillary palpi long and thin. (Hydropsyche, Macronema) (PI. 9, fig. 197) . . . HYDROPSYCHID.^ First fork wanting in both fore and hind wings; first joint of the maxillary palpi small. {HYDROPSYCHID.E, part; Banks, 1907) (Psychomyia). PSYCHOMYIID^ 9. Both median and discal cells of fore wings present and closed; maxillary palpi five-jointed. (Heteroplectron.) CALAMOCEROTIDiE Median cell of fore wings absent 10 10. Maxillary palpi of the male three-jointed, of the female five-jointed, of diff'erent structure in the two sexes; antennae usually thick, hairy and with large basal joint; wings thickly hairy, discal cell present. (Brachycentrus.) SERICOSTOMATK).^ Maxillary palpi of both sexes five-jointed 11 48 Key to Families of North American Insects. 11. Discal cell of both ■wings absent, neuration of the two sexes usually different, apical veins few. {LEPTOCERIDM part; Banks, 1907) (Molanna). MOLANNID^ Discal cell of fore wings present 12 12. Middle tibiae with two spurs; discal cell of hind wings almost alwaj's open or absent, only the upper branch of the radial sector forked, only the first apical fork present; joints of maxillary palpi uniform; antennae long and slender. (Leptocerus) LEPTOCERIDjE Middle tibiae usually with four spurs; discal cell of hind wings closed, both branches of radial sector of fore wings forked, at least the first and second apical forks present; basal joint of antennae large. (Nerophilus.) ODONTOCERID^ ORDER LEPIDOPTERA. (PSYCHE, GLOSS AT A.) Rather large, sometimes small or very large insects; wings and body thickly clothed with scales that form a color pattern, these rarely restricted to certain portions or absent in a very few unusual forms; antennae long, many -jointed, variously modified; ocelli sometimes present; mouthparts suctorial, when not in use coiled under the head, the mandibles incorporated into an unjointed tongue, which may be occasionally wanting; prothorax small; wings large, membranous, similar, the fore pair somewhat longer; venation complete, but not complex, few crossveins; legs similar, tarsi ordinarily five-jointed; no cerci. Metamorphosis very great; larvae with biting mouth-parts, usually caterpillar-like, and with paired false-legs on some of the abdominal segments in addition to three thoracic pairs; larvae almost without exception plant- feeders. Moths, Butterflies and Skippers. 1. Antennae simple or variously modified (PI. 10, figs. 21G, 224, 229), only rarely swollen at the tip, and in such cases a frenulum is present; most forms with a frenulum, the subcosta of the hind wing either but little arched at the base or there is a large area between it and the fore margin of the wing; wings at rest overlapping the abdomen or horizontally outspread; body often relatively stout. Moths. (HETEROCERA.) 2 Antennae knobbed at the tip or thickened a little before the tip (PI. 10, figs. 219, 220, 237), without pectinations, projecting processes or conspicuous arrangements of hairs; hind wings without a frenulum, but with the sub- costa strongly arched forward at the base; at least the fore wings erect when at rest. Butterfiies and Skippers. (RHOPALOCERA, PAPILION- OlDEA.) 97 Lepidoptera. 49 ^. Winged 3 Wingless 55 3. Hind wings with four or five radial veins (PI. 9, fig. 199), with at least ten veins besides anals, more than six veins arising from the discal cell; wing.s of similar shape, the membrane with minute spines (PI. 9, fig. 200) ; forewing with a jugum. (JUGATiE, MICROPTERYGOIDEA.) 4 Hind wings with only one free radial vein (PI. 9, fig. 202) (very rarely two); with at most six veins arising from the discal cell; fore and hind wings dis- similar in shape, the frenulum very often present. (FRENAT.iE.) 5 4. Wings hardly wider than their fringe; expanse about half an inch; tibial spurs present. (Eriocephala, Epimartyria) (PI. 9, fig. 199) .ERIOCEPHALIDiE Wings ample, fringe narrow; expanse over one inch; tibial spurs wanting. (Sthenopis, Hepialus.) HEPIALID^ 5. Wings entire, not cleft nor divided into fmger-shaped divisions, rarely the fore wings moderately cleft 6 Wings, especially the hind ones deeply cleft, or di\nded into plume-like divisions (PI. 9, figs. 203, 204). Feather-wing moths 7 «. Inner margin of fore wing and costal margin of hind wing narrowly folded and interlocking; fore wmgs at least four times as long as wide; at least the base of the hmd wing, and usually a great part of the wings, hyaline; brightly colored, diurnal moths. (Melittia [M. satijriniformis. Squash-borer], Sesia [S. tipuliformis. Currant-borer; S. ndilans. Strawberry crown-moth], Bem- becia [B. marginata. Blackberry crown-borer], Sannmoidea [S. cxiliosa. Peach-borer]) (PI. 10., figs. 221, 229, 232). {^GERIID^.) . . .SESIIDiE Wings not interlocking at middle of margin, very rarely transparent, and if so, with broader fore wings 8 7. Fore wings divided into two plumes, hind wings into three; small, delicate moths, usually prettily colored. (Oxyptilus, Platyptflia, Pterophorus) (PI. 9, fig. 203; PI. 10, figs. 225, 231) PTEROPHORIDiE Each wing divided into six plumes; a small silvery white moth. (Omeodes) (PI. 9, fig. 204) .' ORNEODID^ 8. Hind wings much broader than their fringe, never spear-shaped, and rarely trapezoidal with produced apex 9 Hind wings tapering toward base and apex, without marked anal angle, or notched below the apex and trapezoidal; the fringe wider, or almost as %\ ide, as the wing 58 9. Underside of hind wing with a double series of enlarged and divergent scales along the cubital vein Agdistinas of the PTEROPHORIDiE No such specialized scales 10 10. Fore wings with two anal veins attaining the margin (PI. 9, fig. 205) 11 Fore wings with only one anal vein attaining the margin, the first anal vestigial or represented by a fold and the third at most by a short spur (PI. 9, fig. 202) 20 11. Antennte plainly knobbed; hind wing with a large prsecostal area; large showy moths of butterfly- or skipper-like appearance. (Castnia.) . .CASTNIIDiE Antennae tapering to tip jg 50 Key to Families of North American Insects. 12. Subcosta and radius of hind wing independent, parallel or arising separately; connected by a crossvein or rarely fused beyond the cell 13 Subcosta of hind wing, arising from the cell (PI. 9, fig. 205) 18 13. Subcosta and radius of hind wing connected bj- a strong crossvein near the middle of the cell or beyond (PI. 9, fig. 211), independent and parallel. . .14 Subcosta and radius of hind wing of a different conformation 17 14. Fore wing with an accessory cell (PI. 9, fig. 211) 15 No accessory cell 16 15. Wings bluntly pointed toward tips, strong; body heavy, far exceeding the hind wings when spread; palpi vestigial; usually large moths. (Prionoxystus [P. robinioB, Carpenter-moth] Zeuzera [Z. pyrina. Leopard-moth] Cossus) (PI. 9, fig. 211) COSSIDiE Wings broad, rather short and rounded, body short and slender, not exceeding the hind wings; palpi well developed; moderate-sized moths, with hairy body and usually of yellow or orange color. (Dalcerides.) . DALCERID.^ 16. Tongue developed; palpi and wings scaled; moderately large moths with conspicuous color pattern. (Gingla.) CHALCOSilD.S^ Tongue absent; palpi small and hairy, or absent; wings hairy, but nearly destitute of scales; females wingless. Bag- worms. (Thyridopteryx [7". epAemercp/ormi*, Bag- worm], Solenobia, Chalia.) PSYCHID.® 17. Subcosta arising separately from the radius, running closely parallel to it to well beyond the end of the cell ; base of the radius in that case either com- plete, showing as a short spur, or lost; small, rarely moderate-sized motha Diaphania [D.{=Margaronia) nitidalis. Pickle-moth], Loxostege [L. simi- lalis. Garden webwoirn], Pyrausta, Pyralls [P.farinalis, Meal snout-moth], Crambus [Root webworms], Galleria [G. mellonella. Bee-moth], Mineola [M. indigcncUa, Leaf-crumpler], Ephestia [E. kuehniella, Mediterranean flour-moth], Plodia [P. interpimctella, Indian meal-moth]) (Including PYRAUSTIDM, GALLERUDM, CRAMBIDM, PHYCITIDM.) (PI. 10, figs. 223, 230) PyRALIDID-S^ Subcosta entirely independent of the radius, or connected by a weak crossvein, or one near the base of the wing, sharply divergent before the end of the cell 58 18. Subcosta arising from near the middle of the cell; sometimes free also for a short distance near the base; moderately small, stout-bodied moths with rather small wings; larvae slug-like. (Euclea, Tortricidia, Packardia.) {EUCLEIDM.) COCHLIDIIDiE Subcosta arising near the tip of the cell 19 19. Fifth branch of the radius long-stalked; pale-colored moths of moderate size and inconspicuous appearance, with stout, hairy body and small, furry wings. (Lagoa, Megalop} ge.) MEGALOPYGID^ Fifth branch of radius arising from the cell; small, dark, often brightly marked moths with smoothly scaled wings. (Acol6ithus, Triprocris, Harrisina.) (PL 9, fig. 205) PYROMORPHIL^ Lepidoptera. 5 1 20. Hind wings with three anal veins, the first often fading out toward base. .21 Hind wing with two anal veins or less, at most with a short spur of the first anal at the margin in the broad-winged forms 22 21. Subcosta and radius in hind wings closely parallel, or fused beyond the end of the cell; small, rarely moderate-sized moths (see couplet 17). PYRALfDID^, part Subcosta and radius strongly divergent from before the end of the cell 58 22. Large stout moths, almost always two inches or more in expanse, the hind wings rarely reaching beyond the middle of the abdomen; subcosta and radius of hind wing connected by a stong crossvein at, or rather" before the middle of the cell, then closely parallel to the end of the cell or beyond; antennae generally thickened medially and often hooked or recurved at tip. Sphinx caterpillars; Hawk moths. (Phlegethontius, Sphinx, Pholus, DeUephUa.) SPHINGIDyE Wings proportionately larger, subcosta and radius rarely connected by a strong crossvein, and if so, strongly divergent beyond it; antennse very rarely swollen apically 23 23. Accessory cell (a small cell in front of the end of the discal cell) separated by a full-sized vein, or completely absent 24 Accessory cell fused with the discal cell, but with a slight thickening at the line of separation; small species, less than one inch in expanse 58 24. Cubitus of fore wings apparently three-branched (very rarely two-branched) . 25 Cubitus of fore wings apparently four-branched 40 25. Frenulum normal, well-developed 26 Frenulum vestigial or absent, always less than one-fifteenth the length of the hind wings 33 26. Subcosta and radius in hind wing sharply divergent from near the base; small, delicate moths with large wings. (Callizzia, Calledapteryx.) EPIPLEMID.^ Subcosta and radius in hind wing fused or approximated for at least part of their course (PI. 10, fig. 228) 27 27. Subcosta and radius in hind wing separate at extreme base, then close together or fused for a greater or less distance 28 Subcosta and radius fused from base to beyond middle of hind wing, swollen at the base then rapidly diverging, very slender; rather small moths, usually of dull colors and with finely scaled wings, the fore pair narrow and the hind pair broad (see couplet 54) LITHOSilD.S;, part 28. Stout-bodied moths, the width of the thorax at least one-sixth the length of the fore wing ^q Slender moths oa 29. Subcosta moderately thickened and curved at the base 30 A strong brace-vein from an angle near the base of the subcosta to the root of the frenulum (see couplet 32) GEOMETRIDyE, part 30. Cubitus in hind wing apparently three-branched 31 Cubitus in hind wing apparently four-branched; medium-sized moths with 52 Key to Families of North American Insects. elongated wings, the fore pair often widened at the basal angle. (Euthya- tira, Habrosyne). CYMATOPHORIDM THYATIRID^ 31. Tongue entirely absent; wings usually with clear spots before apex. CApate" lodes.) EUPTEROTm.^ Tongue distinct, usually well-developed; wings fully scaled; moths of moderate size and inconspicuous colors, the body rather stout and densely hairy; hind tibia; with two pairs of stout spurs. "Prominent^." (Datana [D. min- isfra. Yellow-neck caterpillar] Heterocampa, Schizftra [S. (= (Fdemasia) concinna. Red-hump Apple-caterpillar]) (PI. 10, fig. 228) NOTODONTID^ 32. Spiracles (tympanic openings) at base of abdomen small and subdorsal; first anal vein usually partly present; subcosta in hind wing slightly bent at the base and but little enlarged, the humeral angle not expanded; last branch of media and first branch of cubitus stalked in the fore wing; brightly colored moths, usually with hyaline spots on the wings. (Phryganidia.) DIOPTID^ Tympanic opening almost always conspicuous and swollen, lateral; first anal vein absent in both wings; subcosta of hind wing sharply bent or much enlarged at the base, almost always with a brace-vein extending to the base of the frenulum; usually small or moderate sized moths of delicate form, with large, finel^^-scaled wings. (Paleacrita [P. vernata. Spring canker- worm], Alsophila [A. pometaria, Fall canker-worm], Tephroclystis, Rheu- maptera, Hydriomena, Petrophora, Eois, Sciagraphia, Cymatophora [C. ribearia. Currant span-worm].) GEOMETRID.^ 33. Subcosta and radius in hind wings either fused for a very short distance, then sharply divergent, or separate from the base, or connected by a weak cross- vein; spiracles at base of abdomen inconspicuous 34 Subcosta sharply divergent from the radius at the extreme base, then sharply bent and touching, fusing with, or closely parallel to it, or connected by a strong cross vein; spiracles at base of abdomen conspicuous, lateral (see couplet 32) A few GEOMETRID^ 34. Antennse not scaled beyond the basal joint. (SATURNOIDEA.) 35 Antennae closely scaled on the upper side 36 35. Two anal veins; first branch of media in fore wings fused or stalked with the radial stem; medium-sized or large moths with stout, hairy bodies and strong wings. (Anisota, Citheronia, Basilona. {CERATOCAMPIDM) CITHERONim.^ First branch of media separate from the radial stem ; with only one anal vein, or else the upper discocellular vein (the crossvein at the end of the discal cell, between the last radial and the media) long and longitudinal; moderate, large or gigantic moths, with broad and usually strikingly colored wings. (Samia [S. cecropia, Cecropia moth], Callosamia [C. promethia, Promethia moth], Tropoea [T. tuna, Luna moth], Telea [T. polyphemus, Polyphemus moth], Automeris [A. io, lo moth].) SATURNIID^ 36. Subcosta of hind wing sharply divergent from the radius from close to its base 37 Subcosta and radius parallel at base, connected by a weak crossvein 39 V Lepidoptera. 55 37. Fourth and fifth branches of the radius stalked, widely separate from the third branch; moderate sized, rather stout-bodied, hairy moths, with the wings often notched or concave behind. (Cicumus, LacosSma.) LACOSOMATrD.^ Fourth and fifth branches of the radius arising from the discal cell closely associated with the third branch 38 38. Fifth branch of the radius stalked with the first branch of the media, or closely approximate at base and separate from the fourth branch of the radius. URANilD^ Fourth and fifth branches of the radius separate, the fourth sometimes stalked with the third LONOMIID.S 39. Frenulum about one-sixteenth the length of the hind wing. EUPTEROTlN/E of the EUPTEROTID^ Frenulum absent, or at most not exceeding the front basal angle of the wing. {Bdmhijx mbri, the silkworm.) BOMBYCID.S 40. Second cubital vein in the fore wing arising from the cell about a third-way out from the base, or even nearer the base; last radial vein stalked with the first medial; frenulum absent, the basal front angle of the hind wing expanded and furnished with a couple of short extra veins; stout-bodied moths of medium or rather large size. (MalacosSma {=Clisiocampa) [M. americanum, Apple tent-caterpillar; M. disstria. Forest tent-caterpillar], Tolype.) LASIOCAMPID^ Second cubital vein of fore wing arising well beyond the middle of the cell; frenulum usually present 41 41. Subcosta and radius in hind wing strong and parallel to beyond the end of the cell, then approaching very close or fusing for a short distance; small or moderate-sized moths of slender forai, the tip of the fore wing usually curving back. (Drepana, Oreta) (Including PLATYPTERYGID^, AUZATIDm DREPANID^ Subcosta and radius fusing before end of cell; or wholly independent 42 42. Fore wing with complete venation (twelve veins), all of the radials, medials and cubitals arising separately or with the second and third radials short- stalked; small moths of slender build, usually with pale, translucent spots on the wings. (Thyris, Dysodia.) THYRIDIDjE Third and fourth radial veins, or the fourth and fifth long-stalked, or else with some veins absent 43 43. Subcosta apparently absent, fused with the radius except at the extreme base; rather small or medium-sized moths, often brightly colored, the wings small, especially the hind pair. (Scepsis, Ctenucha) {ZYGxENIDM of some authors) SYNTOMIDiE Subcosta and radius separating before the end of the cell 44 44. Antennae swollen or enlarged toward tip; rather small or medium-sized moths of brilliant colors, often dark, ornamented with large pale spots. (Alypia [A. ocfomaculata. Forester moth] Androloma) (PI. 10, fig. 227). AGARISTID.S Antennae regularly tapering to apex 45 54 Key to Families of North American Insects. 45. Ocelli present, on the vertex close to the eyes 46 Ocelli absent 53 46. Subcosta and radius in hind wing connected by a strong crossvein 47 Subcosta and radius in hind wing fused at least slightly and usually for some distance along the cell 48 47. Tongue absent (see couplet 54) {LIPARIDM) LYMANTRIID.S;, part. Tongue present; palpi reaching far above the vertex, the third joint naked; a species is said to occur in North America HYPSID.^ 48. Fusion of the subcosta and radius extending to the middle of the cell, or beyond; stout-bodied moths of moderate size, with the wings usually marked in bold design of contrasting colors. Tiger moths, ^\■oolly-bea^ caterpillars. (Utethe- isa, Estigmene, Apantesis, Halisidota, Diacrisia { = Spilosoma) [D. virfiinica. White ermine moth], H5rphantria [H. cunea. Fall web-wonn].) . .ARCTIIDjE Fusion of subcosta and radius falling short of the middle of the cell 49 49. Fusion of subcosta and radius exceeding the basal fifth of the cell 50 Fusion of subcosta and radius less than one-fifth the length of the cell, or imperfect 51 50. Hind tarsus stout, not ordinarily over eight times as long as thick; tibial spurs often reduced ; subcosta greatly swollen at base (see couplet 48) . ARCTilD.S, part Hind tarsus more slender; tibial spurs long; subcosta basally not more than twice as thick as the radius (see couplet 52) NOCTUIDjE, part 51. Swollen spiracles at base of abdomen (tympanic bullae) enlarged dorsally, visible from above as two rounded elevations on the first abdominal seg- ment; moderate, or rather large, gaily colored moths, often with metallic tints and bold markings. (Gnophaela.) PERICOPID^ Tympanic bulla; inconspicuous 52 52. White or yellow moths with the palpi not reaching the middle of the smoothly scaled front; cubitus four-branched in both wings. (Haploa.) ARCTIIDiaE, part Palpi longer; cubitus in hind wing three-branched, or ground color of wings gray; stout moths, generally of sombre brown or gray color, the hind wings sometimes enlivened by large pale or colored patches; a very extensive family. Owlet Moths, Moths of cut-worms, army-worms, etc. (Apatela Hadena, Prodenia, Laphygma [L. fnuiiperda. Fall army-worm], Agrotis [several common cut-worms], Peridroma [P. saiicia. Variegated cut-worm], Heliophila [H. vnipuncta. Army-worm], Xylina [X. antcnnata. Green fruit- worm], Papaipema [P. nitela. Stalk-borer], Heliothis [H. ohsolcta. Com ear- worm and Cotton boll-worm], Alabama (= Aletia) [A. argillacea. Cotton- worm], Catocala.) (PI. 9, fig. 202) (Including NYCTEOLIDM) NOCTUID.E 53. Fore wing with raised tufts of scales; subcosta usually fused with the radius to near the middle of the cell, but free at base; small moths with rather narrow fore wings, and short, rounded hind wings. (Celama, N61a.) (PI. 11, fig. 233.) NOLID^ Fore wing without raised tufts of scales, smoothly scaled throughout 54 Lepidoptera. 55 54. Subcosta and radius in hind wing fused for a point about the middle of the cell, or connected by a cross vein; small or moderate-sized moths of dull, incon- spicuous colors, the females of many species partly or entirely wingless. (Hemerocampa (= Notolopkvs, Orgi/ia) [H. leucosiigma. White-marked tussock moth], Olene, Porthetria (=Ocneria, Liparis) [P. dispar, Gypsy moth], Euproctis [£. chnjsorrhcea. Brown-tail moth]) (LIPARID/E). LYMANTRIID^ Subcosta and radius fused from the base to the middle of the cell; rather small moths, usually of dull colors, and with finely scaled wing.s, the fore pair narrow and the hind pair broad. (Hypoprepia, Crambidia) (PI. 10, fig. 226) . LITHOSim^, part 55. Legs absent, adults never leaving the cocoon; females. (See couplet 16). PSYCHED^, part Legs normally developed 56 56. Cocoon seed-like, with a valve at one end (being formed of the larval case), the moth normally not leaving it; females (see couplet 16) . PS YCHID.ffi, part Cocoon normally felted, of the larval hair, or rudimentary and underground . 57 57. Abdomen closely scaled or spined, or with bristly, dark gray hair; a few females (see couplet 32) GEOMETRID-S;, part Abdomen smoothly clothed with fine, light, woolly hair; moth not normally leaving the cocoon, which is composed of the larval hair; a few females (see couplet 54) LYMANTRIID.^, part 58. Fore wing with three or four unbranched veins only 59 Fore wing with some branched veins in addition to unbranched ones 60 59. A large eyecap present. (Opostega.) OPOSTEGID^ No eyecap (see couplet 80) " HELIOZELID.S, part 60. A well-developed eyecap, fringed with overlapping scales; labial palpi small; cell slender or absent 61 Eyecap not developed, at most with the first antennal joint large, a little hol- lowed on the inner side and fringed with a single row of bristles 62 61. Discal cell very small, less than a tenth of the area of the wing, or wholly absent; wing membrane prickly (PI. 9, fig. 200) (Nepticula, Ectcedemia). NEPTICtJLID^ Discal cell larger; wing membrane not prickly. (Proleucoptera, Phyllocnistis, Bucculatrix) LYONETIIDJE 62. Maxillary palpi twice as long as the eye, folded, conspicuous; living as larvae in plants of the genus Yucca. Yucca Moths. (Pronftba, Prodoxus.) (PI. 9, fig. 207.) PRODOXID^ Maxillary palpi shorter than the eye, or porrect 63 63. Palpi short, at most barely reaching the middle of the front; tongue absent; covering of thorax and tibise dense and hairy (see couplet 15). COSSID-S, part Of a different conformation 64 64. Covering of thorax consisting of hairs, some of them broadened at tips, also similar on palpi and legs; palpi large and usually different in the two sexes. 56 Key lo Families of Nort • American Insects. wings scaled; venation complete, with the base of the media preserved. (Anaphora.) ANAPHORIN^ of the TINEn)^ Thorax, at least, scaled or slender, palpi and front and middle tibia; also in the majority of cases; often minute moths with wings tapering at both ends, 65 65. Hind wing with a well marked anal angle, and rounded or somewhat pointed apex, not strongly concave below it; when narrower than fore wings, with three well developed anals 7^ ^ I Of a different conformation 66 66. Hind wing tapering toward both base and apex, much narrower than its own fringe, fore wing much broader, but also lanceolate 67 Hind wing of variable size with produced apex, strongly concave below apex, and again produced more or less on the third medial and first cubital, with well marked anal angle. (Gnorimoschema, Ypsolophus [ }'. lifjulellus. Palmer-worm], Sitotroga [S. cerealella, Angumois grain-moth], Phthormiaea [P. operciiMci, Potato- tuber moth], Gelechia) (PI. 9, fig. 209). GELECHim^ 67. Maxillary palpi present and folded in repose 68 Maxillary palpi obsolete, or three-jointed and porrect 70 68. Head extremely rough, with bristling vestiture 69 Head smoothly scaled, except narrowly behind. (Acrolepia) ACROLEPHD.^ 69. Wing membrane prickly (PI. 9, fig. 200), first branch of the radius in hind wing much stronger than the base of the main stem of the radius, and appearing as a basal fork of the subcosta (see couplet 82) ADELID.^, part Wing membrane not prickly; first branch of radius in hind wing no stronger than the basal portion of the radial stem, well out from the base, connecting the subcosta and radius, which are closely parallel toward the base (see couplet 84) A few TINEID.S 70. Head very rough and bristly on both vertex and face; second joint of palpus with lateral bristles toward tip. (Tenaga.) TINEID.S, part Lower part of face, at least, smoothly scaled; palpi without bristles 71 71. Fore wing with at most four veins, either free or stalked, to the costa from the cell; with five or six veins rimning to the inner margin (fifth branch of the radius running to the outer margin (see couplet 90). YPONOMEUTID^, part Fore wing with five veins running to the costa from the cell, or with only three or four to the inner margin (fifth radial running to the costa) 72 72. Vertex rough-bristled 73 Vertex smooth-scaled, or with a few erect scales behind 75 73. Accessory cell (in front of and beyond the discal cell) very large, extending nearly halfway to the base of the wing; fore wing with heavy spinules on base of the subcosta and base of the cell. (Tischeria, Coptotriche) (PI. 9. fig. 212) TISCHERim^ Accessory cell small, or more often absent; wing membrane not prickly. . . .74 74. Anal vein in fore wing forked at the base; costa of hirxd wing not lobed. (Be- deUia.) LYONETICDiE, part Lepidoptera. 57 Anal vein in fore wing simple; tosta of hind wing strongly lobed, with the obscure basal parts of the subcosta and radius closely parallel to the edge of the lobe. (Lithocolletes, Gracilaria, Omix.) GRAdLARIID.^ is. Subcosta and radius in hind wing nearly straight and parallel toward base, usually connected by a distinct, but weak crossvein; rarely, when subcosta is very short, this vein enters the costa beyond the tip of the subcosta; when the costa is lobed, with the subcosta fairly straight, and ending at the commencement of the concave portion 7R Subcosta and radius sharply divergent at base; first radial vein, when traceable, appearing as a basal fork of the subcosta, oblique, short and heavy, and the radial stem running nearly through the axis of the wing; or with the sub- costa and radius both obscure, closely parallel to the basal lobe of the costa, and the radius functionally replaced by the base of the media 77 76. Palpi upturned to the vertex. (Mompha, Cosmopteryx, Coleophora [C- vialivorella). Pistol case-bearer; C. fleicherella. Cigar case-bearer]) (PI. 9, fig. 208) COSMOPTERYGm^ Palpi minute, drooping. (Heliodines.) HELIODINID.^ 77. Maxillary palpi present, porrect (see couplet 74) GRACILARIIDyE, part Maxillary palpi absent 78 78. Cubital stem in hind wing at least two-branched; palpi usually smoothly upturned to vertex; hind tibiae loosely hairy. (Elachista.) ELACHISTIDiE Cubital stem in hind wing simple, free; no cell, or with very short palpi .... 79 79. Basal joint of antennae broadened with overlapping scales (a vestige of an eyecap); tongue weak; cubitus in hind wing simple; hind tibiae with a regular series of bristles. (Phyllocnistis, part) (see couplet 61) LYONETIIDiE, part Basal joint of antennae simple, or with a slight comb of bristles 80 80. Palpi usually hanging, if upturned, not reaching the middle of the front. (Heliozela, Antispila, Coptodisca, Cycloplasis.) HELIOZELID.^ Palpi moderately long and usually slender, upturned in life (see couplet 74). GRACILARIID^ 81. Second branch of the cubitus in the fore wing arising less than two-thirds way out of the cell; rather or quite small moths, the fore wings frequently more or less truncate or faintly excised at the tip. Leaf-rollers. (Ole- threutes, Eucosma, Spilonota (= Tmeiocera) [S. ocellana, Bud-mothl Ancylis [A. comptana. Strawberry leaf-roller], Enarmonia [E. prunivora^ Lesser apple-worm], Carpocapsa (=C2/cZia) [C. pomonella. Codling-moth], Archips, Tortrix.) INIost TORTRICID^ Second cubital vein in fore wing arising further out of the cell 82 82. Wing membrane prickly; subcosta in hind wing with a strong basal fork, or considerably swollen at base; radius and subcosta usually sharply divergent from the base; antennae often extremely long; vertex very rough. (Inciir- varia, Adela, Cyane.) ADELIDjiE, part Wing membrane not prickly; antennae never much longer than the fore wing; first radial rarely as strong as the other veins, and when distinct, separated from the base of the wing by several times its length 8S 58 Key to Families of North American Insects. 83. Maxillary palpi four- or five-jointed, folded 84 Maxillary palpi three-jointed or vestigial, projecting 85 «4. Head only slightly rough behind. (Acrolepia.) ACROLEPilD.S;, part Vertex with long, bristly vestiturc. (Tinea [T. pellionella. Clothes-moth], Tineola [T. hiselliella. Clothes-moth], Xylesthia, Setomorpha) (PI. 9, fig. 201) TINEID^ ' 85. First and second branches of the media both absent in the hind wing. (Car- posina.) TORTRICID.S;, part First branch of the media present in the hind wing 86 &Q. Labial palpi with bristles on each side of the second joint, or the vertex and the front both with extremely long, rough vestiture, and the second joint of the palpi heavily tufted and the third long (see couplet 84). TmEID.E, part Labial palpi without bristles; head with short, fairly smooth vestiture, or third joint of palpi inconspicuous 87 '87. Radius and first medial vein in hind wing close together or stalked 88 Radius and first medial vein in hind wing widely separate at base, at least half as far apart as at margin 93 88. Palpi as long as the head, with the second joint triangularly scaled, third less than half as long; normally projecting 89 Palpi upturned to beyond middle of front, often far beyond vertex, third joint more than half as long as second and upturned 90 •89. Fourth and fifth radial veins separate. (Phalonia.) PHALONIIN^ of the TORTRICID^ Fourth and fifth radial veins stalked, to costa. (Anarsia cT \A. lincatella. Peach twig-borer].) GELECHIED^, part QO. Veins of fore wing all present; fifth radial vein running to outer margin; wings very frequently ornamented with series of dots contrasting with the ground color. (Atteva, Yponomevita, Choreutis, Argyresthia.) YPONOMEUXm-E, part Fifth branch of radius in fore wing running to the costa, or lost 91 ■91. Hind wing lanceolate (tapering toward base and apex) narrower than the fore wing (see couplet 76) COSMOPTERYGID.ffi Hind wing wider than the fore wing, not lanceolate 92 52. Fore wing with all veins from cell arising separately; radius and first medial vein in hind wing long-stalked. (Stendma, BrachilSma.) {XYLORYC- TIDM) STENOMm.^ Fore wing with the fourth and fifth radial veins stalked; hind wing trapezoidal and usually wider, strongly rounded out at the end of the third medial and first cubital (see couplet 66) A few GELECHIIDiE :93. Second radial vein arising at the apex of the cell; third medial and cubitals also closely crowded from lower angle; male usually with strong sexual modifications; five radials extending to the costa. (Valentinia, Holcocera, Dryope.) BLASTOBASIDiE Second radial arising distinctly before the apex of the cell, well away from the origin of the third radial 94 Lepidoptera. 59 94. Five veins extending from the cell to the costa in fore wing 95 Four veins from cell to costa in fore wing, the fifth radial ending decidedly below wing-tip 96 95. Second branch of media in hind wing arising decidedly nearer to the first than the third medial. (Ethmia.) ETHMIID-S Second medial vein in hind wing arising nearer the third medial, or rarely mid- way between the first and third. (Agnepteryx, Depressaria, Epicallima.) (ECOPHORIDiE, part 96. Fourth and fifth radial veins stalked; ocelli absent or vestigial (see couplet 95) (ECOPHORLD.^, part All veins in fore wing arising separately, if the fourth and fifth radials are rarely stalked, the ocelli are large (see couplet 90) .YPONOMEUTID.^, part 97. Radius in fore wing five-branclied, all arising from the discal cell; eyes strongly lashed in front; antennte separated at base by a distance greater than half the width of eyes, usually hooked at tip; small, rarely rather large, stout- bodied butterflies of rapid, erratic flight. Skippers (Pamphila, Nisoniades, EMamus, Megathymus.) (PI. 10, figs. 213, 219, 237) HESPERiro.^ Fore wings with some of the radials stalked or absent; eyes rarely lashed; antennae closer together, the antennal club never pointed and recurved at tip 98 98. Front pair of legs, at least in the male, more or less strikingly difi'erent from the other pairs; usually not used for walking; the claws of their tarsi, when present, never toothed nor split 99 Front legs like the other pairs, or if slightly reduced in size and structure, with the claws toothed or bifid 108 99. Front tarsus without claws in either sex (PI. 10, figs. 217, 218); front legs much reduced in size in both sexes, their tarsi in the male with only one joint; in the female usually with five joints 100 Front tarsus of female with claws, that of the male sometimes with a single claw; front legs never much reduced in size. (PI. 10, figs 21-1, 215.) .... 106 100. Discal cell of hind wings closed 101 Discal cell of hind wings open 105 101. Front foot of female ending in a corrugated knob; subcostal vein in fore wing forked at the extreme base; antennfe not scaled above; generally large butterflies with rather bold contrasting coloration; mainly tropical. (Anosia {=Danais) [A. arehippus. Milkweed-butterfly]) (PI. 10, fig. 235). {EUPLCEIDM) LYMNADED^ Front tarsus of female present, though more or less abbreviated. (PI. 10, fig. 218.) 102 102. Fore wings twice as long as broad 103 Fore wings much less than twice as long as broad 104 103. Antenna; clothed with scales, at least above; front tarsus of female four- jointed; wings opaque; medium-sized, brightly colored butterflies with elongate oval wings; mainly tropical. (Apostraphia, Heliconius.) HELICONiro.^ Antennae naked, wings often in great part translucent and destitute of scales; wings elongate, oval; mainly tropical. (Dircenna, Ithomia.) ITHOMilD.ffl 60 Key to Families of North American Insects. 104. Some of the veins at the base of the fore wing greatly swollen; usually small butterflies, rarely rather large; frequently of brownish color with yellowish eyespots or ringed marks (Cercyonis {=Safyrus), Coenonympha, Enodia y i^Debis), Cissia.) (PI. 10. fig. 218.) AGAPETID^ Veins not swollen at base of fore wing; large tropical species with very broad wings, above with deep, rich colors, below with eye-spots and intricate lines; tropical, in the United States only as accidental visitors. (Caligo.) brass6lid.e 105. Hind wings with a cradle-like depression along the inner margin in which the abdomen rests; large species, usually with brilliant metallic blue olor; tropical. (Morpho.) \ MORPHOID-ffi; Hind wings without structure of this sort; usually moderate-sized species without brilliant blue coloration; many common brightly colored butter- flies. (Argynnis, Brenthis, Phyciodes, Polygonia {=Grapta), Euvanessa (= Vanessa), Vanessa (= Pyrameis), Basilarchia (= Limenitis), Anaea.) (PI. 10, figs. 217, 236) NYMPHALID.© V 106. Palpi very long, porrect, from one-fourth to one-half as long as the body and thickly hairy. (Hypatus.) LIBYTHEIDiB Palpi not elongated, of ordinary size 107 107. Subcosta in hind wing giving off a spur at the base, the humeral vein. (Calephelis, Polystigma) (PI. 10. fig. 215) {RIODINID/E, ERYCINIDM) LEMONIID^ Subcosta in hind wing without such a spur at the base; first branch of the media almost always arising at or near the apex of the discal cell; no humeral vein in hind wing; generally small, delicate species, the antennae ringed with white; often brightly colored and with very slender, tail-like appendages on the hind wings. (Thecla, Chrysophanus ["Coppers"], Lycaena ["Blues"]) (PI. 10, fig. 214) (RURALID.E) LYC^NID^ 108. All tarsal claws bifid; anterior tibiae without pads; hind wing with two well- developed anal veins; medium-sized or rather small butterflies with broad wings; typically yellowish or white with blackish marginal markings. (Pontia {=Pieris) [P. rapw. Cabbage butterfly], Eurymus {=CoUas) ["Yel- lows"]. Eurema (= Terias.) PIERID^ Tarsal claws large, not toothed or bifid; anterior tibiae with pads; hind wing with only one anal vein 109 109. Radius in fore wing four-branched; discal cell in hind wing not connected to the anal vein by a crossvein; medium-sized butterflies with white ground- color on wings, marked with dusky and usually with a red eye-spot on hind • wing; alpine species. (Pamassius.) PARNASSIID.ffi Radius in fore wing five-branched; anal crossvein present; hind wing usually with a tail-like prolongation; ground-color of wings black; large, showy butterflies with conspicuous, contrasting color pattern. Swallow-tail butterflies. (Papilio, Laertias, Iphiclides) (PI. 9. fig. 210). PAPILIONIDiE ^ Dipt era. 61 ORDER DIPTERA {ANTLIATA, HALTERATA, HALTERIPTERA, HAUSTELLATA.) Minute to moderate-sized, rarely large insects, usually with good powers of flight; the hind wings replaced by small knobbed structures (halteres): head usually vertical, freely movable; antennae variable, frequently three-jointed and provided with a sensory bristle (style or arista); mouth-parts suctorial; both the prothorax and metathorax small and fused with the large meso- thorax; wings membranous, veins and crossveins not numerous; legs usually alike, the tarsi regularly five-jointed. Metamor- phosis complete, the larvae almost always legless grubs or maggots, frequently with the head retracted and indistinct; pupse with the appendages more or less adherent, the body sometimes entirely encased in a seed-like capsule (puparium). Food-habits variable. Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Midges. 1. AntennfE generally longer than the thorax, usually composed of from eight to sixteen free joints (PI. 12, figs. 26^2, 266, 272) and rarely with a differentiated style or bristle; anal cell widely open, rarely narrowed in the margin of the wing, discal cell usually absent, second vein often forked; calypter absent; palpi usually elongate, hanging downward and comprising four or five joints; body very rarely with bristles. (NEMATOCERA.) 2 Antennae usually three-jointed, the third joint however often complex (PI. 12, fig. 283) or bearing a differentiated style (PI. 12, fig. 300) or arista (Pl. 12, fig. 30l) ; anal cell distally narrowed or closed, sometimes very short or even absent, discal cell usually present, second vein never furcate; palpi short, projecting forward, never with more than two jomts. (BRACHYCERA.) . 17 2. At least nine veins reach the margin of the wing, discal cell often present, second and fourth veins forked 3 Less than nine veins terminate in the margin of the wing, no discal cell 9 3. Costa continuing around the hind margin of the wing; ocelli almost always wanting 4 Costa much thinned beyond the tip of the wing; a single pad between the tarsal claws; ocelli present; males holoptic; wings usually spotted. (Rhyphus, Olbiogaster) (PI. 12, figs. 276, 288) {ANISOPIDM, PHRYNEIDjE). RHYPHIDJE 4. Veins bare or nearly so, if hairy the mesonotum has a V-shaped suture; legs very long and slender; body and wings elongate; males dichoptic, i. e. the eyes not meeting above 5 Veins, including the hind margin, very hairy or scaly; body hairy or scaly; mesonotum without a transverse suture 6 62 Key to Families of North American Insects. 5. Mesonotum without a transverse suture; second vein strongly arched forward. (Dixa) DIXID^ Mesonotum with a more or less distinct suture; female with a conical ovipositor. Crane-flies, Daddy-long-legs 7 6. Wings ovate or pointed, held folded roof-like against the body, veins very hairy; tibiae without terminal spurs; small species. Moth-flies. (Psychoda, Pericoma) (PI. 12, fig. 263) PSYCH6DID.ffi; Wings narrow, not thus folded against the body; veins scaly; tibiae with terminal spurs; antennae of the males usually feathered with long hairs. Mosquitoes. Culex [C. quinqueja.tciatus. Dengue-fever and Filaria mosquito], Aedes [A. caIopus{=Stegomyia fasciata). Yellow-fever mosquito]. Anopheles [A. quadrimaculatus. Malaria mosquito]) (PI. 12, fig. 267) CULICIDjE 7. Suture of mesonotum distinctly V-shaped; two anal veins present 8 Mesonotal suture not distinctly V-shaped, but incomplete or curved; one anal vein present. (Bittacomorpha, Ptychoptera) (PI. 12, fig. 269) {LIRI- OPEID^) PTYCHOPTERIDiE 8. Last joint of palpi whiplash-like, much longer than the three preceding together; antennae with rarely more than thirteen joints; auxiliarj^ vein ending in the first vein by an abrupt curvature at the tip, not connected with the first by a crossvein. (Tipula, Pachjn-hma, Ctenophora) (PI. 11, fig. 240; PI. 12, fig. 273) TIPULIDyE Last joint of the palpi shorter or not much longer than the two preceding to- gether; antennae six- to sixteen-jointed, rarely more; auxiliary vein usually ending in the costa and connected with the first vein by a distinct crossvein. (Lunnobia, Erioptera, Limnophila, Trichocera) (including CYLINDRO TOMID^) LIMNOBIID^ 9. Antennae composed apparently of two joints and a terminal nine- or ten-jointed arista; a small but broad second basal cell present; rare small species. (OrphnephUa) (PI. 12, fig. 284) ORPHNEPHILID^ Outer part of the antennae not formed like an arista; second basal cell absent, or, if present, narrow 10 10. Wings with a secondary neuration like a fine network of creased lines; slender long-legged species. (Bibiocephala, Blepharocera) (PI. 12, fig. 277) (LIPONEURID^) BLEPHAROCERID-^ W' ings without such secondary neuration 11 11. Second basal cell present; antennae usually shorter than the thorax, rather stout, without constrictions between the joints; eyes of the male often large, ocelli almost always present. (Bibio, Dilophus, Plecia) (PI. 11, fig. 241; PI. 12, fig. 266) (including PACHYNEURIDM) BIBIONID^ Second basal cell wanting 12 12. Antennae shorter than the thorax, rather stout, composed of ten or eleven closely united joints, never feathery; eyes of males meeting above; body stout, legs strong; anterior veins strong, posterior veins weak. Buffalo- gnats, Black-flies. (Sunulium) (PI. 11, fig. 243; PI. 12, fig. 272) {MEL- USINIDM) SIMULIIDiE Antennae long and slender, the joints longer than broad, rarely (Ceroplatus) the antennae are flattened; body slender 13 Diptera. 6S 13. Tibiae with apical spurs, coxae usually long; three or two ocelli almost always present; eyes separated. Fungus-gnats. (Mycetophila, Macrocera, My- comyia i=Sciophila), Ceroplatus) (PI. U, fig. 280) {FUNGIVORWM). y MYCETOPHILID^ Tibise usually without apical spurs; often no ocelli; coxae at most moderately long 14 14. Costa continuing around the hind margin of the wing; wings almost always finely hairy and usually with three longitudinal veins, the last forked, and without apparent crossveins; eyes usually separated; minute, delicate species. Gall-gnats. (Cecidomyia, Mayetiola [M. destructor, Hessian fly]^ Dasyneura, Lasioptera, Contarinia [C. tritici. Wheat midge; C. (= Diplosis) pyrivora. Pear midge].) (PI. 11, fig. 242; PI. 12, fig. 262). ilTONlDIDM) CECIDOMYIID^ Costa not or but weakly continued on the hind margin, more than three veins present; eyes usually meeting above in the males 15 15. Antennal joints more or less constricted, often feathered and bushy in the male, six to fifteen in number; wings usually narrow; eyes kidney-shaped or oval; ocelli wanting or vestigial. Midges, Gnats, Punkies. Ceratopogon [Punkies], Chironomus, Orthocladius, Tanypus) (Including ERETMOP- TERID^ and STENOXENIDiE) {TENDIPEDIDM). / CHJRONOMro.® Antennal joints rarely constricted and at most verticillate, i. e. furnished with whorls of loose hairs; wings usually more oval; eyes kidney-shaped, meeting on the vertex; ocelli distinct Iff 16. Antennal joints longer than broad; hind margin of the wing slightly thickened; tibial spurs distinct; eyes narrow above the front. (Sciara, Lestremia^ Campylomyza) {LYCORIID.E) SCIARID.^ Antennal joints shorter than broad; hind margin of the wing not thickened; eyes relatively broad above the front. (Scatopse, Aspistes.) SCATOPSm^ 17. Empodia developed pulvilliform, that is, three nearly equal pads under the tarsal claws (PI. 12, fig. 261); head and thorax without strong bristles. (Eremoch.eta) 18 Empodia wanting or represented by a bristly hair, therefore only two tarsal pads (PI. 12, fig. 259); bristles often well developed; third antennal joint never truly annulated 25 18. Third joint of the antennae complex, annulated into four to eight apparent segments, or the antennae more than five-jointed 19' Third joint of the antennae simple, not composed of rings 23 19. No vein on the hind margin of the wings, prefurca (t. e. the petiole of the second and third veins) arising opposite the base of the small and anteriorly placed discal cell, anterior veins usually crowded near the costa, the other vein* faint; scutellum often armed. (Stratiomyia, Sargus, Nemotelus) (PI. 11, / fig. 244) STRATIOMYilD.ffi ^ Costa continuing around the hind margin of the wing, prefurca longer (short only in Pantophthalmidae), veins not crowded forward, the fork of the third vein usually enclosing the tip of the wing, five posterior cells 20 ■64 Key to Families of North American Insects. 20. Calypteres small or vestigial; head not hemispherical, the occiput convex. .21 Calypteres conspicuous; third antennal joint composed of four to eight annuli; head widely hemispherical; females bloodsucking. Horse-flies, Gad-flies. (Tabanus, Chrysops, Sflvius) (PI. 11, fig. 247; PI. 12, figs. 258, 283). TABANID.S; 21. A slight spur on the middle tibiae only; second submarginal cell widely trian- gular; fourth posterior cell closed; gigantic, tropical flies. (Pantopthalmus) (PI. 11, fig. 240) {ACANTHOMERID/E) PANTOPHTHALMID.^ At least the middle tibise with evident spurs; second submarginal cell not wide, fourth posterior cell usually open 22 22. Face flat or produced, the facial orbits and the cheeks not sutured; eyes of the male not meeting; antennae of Rhachicerus pectinate and with about thirty divisions. (Xylophagus, Rhachicerus) (PI. 12, figs. 286, 290) (includ- ing RHACHICERIDM.) {ERINMDM) XYLOPHAGID^ Facial orbits and cheeks separated from the central part; eyes of males meeting; scutellum of Ccenomyia spined. (Ccenomyia, Arthropeas) (PI. 12, fig. 287) C(ENOMYIID^ 23. At least the posterior tibise with spurs; costa encompassing the wing margin, anterior crossvein distinct; calypteres vestigial. (Leptis, Chrysopila, Sym- phoromyia) (PI. 12, fig. 291). {LEFT ID ^= LEFT IDIDM) RHAGIONID^ Tibise with short or no spurs; cosIaTgreatly thinned beyond the tip of the wing, anterior crossvein usually absent or located near the base of the discal cell, 24 24. Head very small as compared with the greatly hump-backed body; calypteres inflated; posterior veins not parallel with the hind margin of the wing; eyes of both sexes broadly contiguous. (Acrocera, Opsebius, Oncodes, Eulonchus) (PI. 11, fig. 245) {ACROCERID^, HENOPIDJE, ON COD- ID^) CYRTID^ Head as wide as the depressed thorax; calypteres vestigial; posterior veins parallel with the hind margin, first basal cell very long, its forward border continued obliquely across the wing as a "diagonal vein." (Hirmonefira, Rhynchocephalus) (PI. 12, fig. 295) NEMISTRINIDiE 25. Anal cell much longer than the second basal, either open, or closed in or near the margin of the wing, basal cells relatively long, third vein almost always forked 26 Anal cell when present shorter, closed some distance from the wing-margin, if long and acute the third vein is not forked; small crossvein never formed, 31 26. Vertex plane or convex, the eyes not bulging, eyes of males often meeting; legs not robust 27 Vertex sunken, the eyes bulging and never contiguous; wing-veins numerous; often large species with strong legs 30 27. Small crossvein present (PI. 12, fig. 258, p. c. v.), five posterior cells; abdomen rather long and tapering 28 Small crossvein absent, four or three posterior cells, if five posterior cells pres- ent the extra one is due to an extra vein bisecting the third; abdomen usually oval 29 Diptera. 65 28. Fourth vein ending before the wing-tip; at least the scutellum bristly; antennae with a very short style; eyes separated; palpi broadened at tip. (Apiocera, Rhaphiomydas) APIOCERID^ Fourth vein ending beyond the tip of the wing; body usually furry rather than bristly; palpi not broadened apically. (Thereva, Psilocephala, Tabiida) (PI. 12. fig. 293) THEREVIDiE 29. Proboscis long and thin; body usually furry and stout though rarely (Sys- tropus) extremely slender and bare; a small style usually present; fourth vein ending beyond tip of the wing. (Anthrax, Exoprosopa, Bombylius, Geron, Systropus.) (PI. 11, fig. 249; PI. 12, figs. 265, 294) . . BOMBYLIID^ Proboscis hidden; body bare; antennae without a style; fourth vein ending at the tip of the wing. (Scenopinus, Pseudatrichla) (PI. 11, fig. 248). {OMPHRALID.E) SCENOPINID^ SO. Body without bristles; fourth vein curving forward, neuration complex, pre- furca (the stalk of the second and third veins) short; antennae with a clubbed style; proboscis with fleshy expanded tip, palpi vestigial. (Mydas, Lepto- mydas) (PI. 12, fig. 298) {MYDASIDM) MYDAID^ Body usually with bristles, face bearded; fourth vein not curving forward, neuration normal, prefurca long; proboscis adapted for piercing, not fleshy, palpi usually prominent. Robber-flies. (Leptogaster, Cyrtopogon, Laph- ria, Erax, Proctacanthus) (PI. 12, fig. 264) ASILID^ 31. No frontal suture; anal crossvein usually reflexed; when the anal cell is pointed the arista is terminal and the calypteres and alula are not prominent . . 32 If the anal crossvein is reflexed a frontal suture is evident, if the frontal lunule is obscure the anal cell is longer than the second basal cell; arista almost always dorsal; calypteres and alula usually pronounced. (CYCLOR- RHAPHA) 35 32. Neuration fairly normal, without faint oblique veins; antennae evidently two- or three-jointed 33 Wings, when present, with several stout anterior veins running into the costa and other weak ones obliquely extending across the wing; antennae placed low, apparently single-jointed and with a long arista; hind legs long, their femora compressed; small, hunchbacked, quick running flies. (Dohmi- phora, Phora, Hypocera, Aphiochaeta.) (PI. 11, fig. 250) PHORID^E 33. Wings rounded at the tip, second vein ending considerably, before the wing- tip, crossveins present; oral bristles absent; eyes of males often meeting; face usually narrow; predaceous species. (Microphona, Orthogenta.) . . 34 Wings pointed, no crossveins except at the base, second basal cell short, second vein ending almost at the tip of the wing; face with oral vibrissae; eyes sep- arated. (Acroptera) (Lonchoptera.) (PI. 11, fig. 254; PI. 12, fig. 278). {MUSIDORIDM) LONCHOPTERID^ 54. At least one basal cell evident, discal cell usually separate from the second basal cell; calypteres small; proboscis usually rigid; antennal style or arista usually terminal; abdomen typically with seven segments, male genitalia never inflexed; color almost never metallic; third vein sometimes forked. 66 Key to Families of North American Insects. (Hybos, Hemerodromia, Clinocera, Platypalpus, Rhamphomyia) (PI. 11, fig. ^251; PI. VI, figs. 268, 270, 300.) (EMPID^, mduding HV BO T I D.E) EMPIDID^ Basal cells small and indistinct, discal cell merged with the second basal cell, third vein never forked; calypteres rather large and fringed; proboscis almost always fleshy; abdomen typically with five or six segments excluding the large inflexed genitalia of male; usually metallic green. (Sciapus, Dolichopus, Gymnoptemus, Chrysotus, Hydrophorus.) (PI. 12, figs. 274, / 299) DOLICHOPODID^ ^ 35. Anal cell elongate, acute, usually closed toward the wing-margin, but at least longer than the second basal cell which is generally long; frontal suture rarely distinct. (Aschiza, Athericera) 36 Anal cell, if present, short, closed far from the wing-margin, not acutely pro- duced except rarely by a lobiform prolongation, second basal cell much shorter than the third posterior cell except in the abnormal neuration of some Pupipara; frontal lunule and suture almost always distinct; never more than three posterior cells; marginal and submarginal cells never closed; third antennal joint almost always with dorsal arista; bristles of body and legs usually distinct. (Schiz6phor.\.) 3& 36. Proboscis very rarely elongated; eyes of males usually meeting 37 Proboscis elongate and slender, often folding; face usually with a groove or grooves under the antennae; front broad in both sexes; antennae with terminal style or dorsal arista; no bristles. (Physocephala, Myopa, Zodion, Onco- / myia) (PL, 11, fig. 252; PI. 12, fig. 292) CONOPID-S; V 37. First posterior cell open, no extra vein crossing the anterior crossvein; rather small, dull colored species 38 First posterior cell closed, usually an extra vein between the third and fourth veins; head and usually body without bristles; arista almost always dorsal; usually bright colored flower flies. (Paragus, Syrphus, Eristalis, Helo- philus, Xylota) (PI. 12, figs, 281, 301) SYRPHID^ 38. Arista terminal; hind tibiae and tarsi dilated, especially in the male; head and thorax with bristles. (Platypeza, CaUlmyia) (PI. 12, fig. 285) (CLY- THIID/E) PLATYPEZID^ ^ Arista dorsal; hind legs not dilated; without true bristles. (Pipunculus, Chalarus.) (PI. 12, fig. 289) {DORYLAIDM) PIPUNCULID^ / 39. Legs not broadly separated; head movably separated from the thorax; adults not ectoparasites upon warm-blooded vertebrates; rarely viviparous, in which case the new-bom larvae are young. (EtTMYiiDiE, Muscoidea, Myiodaria.) 40' Legs attached to the sides of the body; head small and closely united with the thorax, or folding back into a dorsal groove; adult flics of a leathery or horny structure, often wingless, living parasitically upon warm-blooded vertebrates; viviparous, the new-born larvae well developed, ready for pupation. (Pupipara. Nymphipaea, Eproboscidea, Omaloptera) 79 40. At least the lower calypter large; posthumeral and intraalar bristles usually both present; thorax with a complete transverse suture, posterior callosity Diptera. 67 present; front of male narrow or the eyes meeting; auxiliary vein always distinct, first vein never short. (Schizometopa, Calypterat^.) 41 Lower calypter vestigial or wanting; posthumeral bristle present only in some Scatophagidse; thorax without a complete transverse suture, posterior callosity usually absent; a visible membrane connecting the dorsal and ventral segments; front of both sexes of equal width, or if wider in the female, the greater width is due to a widening of the middle strip; fourth vein nearly straight, if curved never with an appendage; often very small species. (HOLOMETOPA, ACALYPTERAT^; BoRBOROIDEA.) 51 41. Mouth opening small, the mouth-parts wanting or vestigial, not functional; vibrissa? and bristles absent, no stemopleural bristles; ventral membrane evident, at least at the base of the abdomen. Bot-fiies 42 Mouth opening normal, the mouth-parts functional; usually with stemopleural bristles at least 43 42. No hypopleural bristles or hairs; costa extending to the third vein; first posterior cell very widely open; calypteres rather small. (Gastrophilus [G. equi. Horse Bot-fly].) GASTROPHILIDiE Hypopleurffi bearing hairs or bristles; costa extending to the fourth vein; first posterior cell closed or narrowed; calypteres large. (CEstrus [ffi. oris. Sheep Bot-fly], Hypoderma [H. lineata. Ox warble], Cuterebra) (including HYPODERMATIDM, CUTEREBRIDM) CESTRID^ 43. Both hypopleural and pteropleural bristles or hairs present in a more or less vertical row; fourth vein bending or curving forward; when three stemo- pleural bristles usually but one behind. (Tachinoidea.) 44 Either the hypopleural or pteropleural hairs or bristles or both absent; ventral membrane usually distinct; when three stemopleural bristles present usually two behind 50 44. Facial plate more or less convexly produced nose-like below the vibrissal angles and fused with the lowest part (epistome); ventral membrane present; abdomen destitute of stout bristles. (Alophora, Phorantha, Cistogaster, Trichopoda) (including Gymnosomatid.e with four, not five abdominal segments) PHASIIDiE Facial plate flattened, at most slightly produced; ventral membrane not visible; abdomen bearing some stout bristles 45 45. Facial plate receding and short, the cheeks very broad, vibrissEe located near the middle of the face; antennte short. (Microphthalma.) MEGAPRO SOPID^ Facial plate long and never conspicuously receding, the oral margin more or less prominent, vibrissal angles near the oral margin; antennae usually long, 46 46. Second ventral segment of the abdomen more or less overlapping the edges of the dorsal segment 47 Edges of the dorsal segments overlapping all the ventral ones 49 47. Hindermost posthumeral bristle located lateral to the presutural bristle; fifth ventral segment of the male with a split hind margin, sometimes strongly developed; usually metallic and with plumose arista. (Calliphora [Blow- 68 Key to Families of North American Insects. fly], Lucflia [Green-bottle fly] Cynom'ia [Blue-bottle fly], Pollenia, Chry- somyia [C. macellaria, Screw-worm]) (PI. 13, figs. 302, 303, 304, 305). CALLIPHORID^ Last posthumeral bristle placed in front or inside of the presutural bristle; arista bare or hairy at the base 48 48. Fifth ventral segment of the male with a straight hind margin, or entirely r/ absent. (Sarcophaga, Pachyophthalmus, Metopia.). • . SARCOPHAGID^ ^ Fifth ventral segment of the male split to the middle. (Phyto, Melanophora.) RfflNOPHORID^ 49. No presutural intraalar bristle (PI. 12, fig. 303); second to fifth ventral seg- ments hidden; antennae usually at or below the middle of the eye, arista ^ usually hairy; legs often lengthened. (Ptilodexia, Theresia, Thelaira. / DEXIID^ Intraalars usually extending in front of the suture, if not the ventral segments broadly visible or the fifth ventral of the male vestigial; antennae above the middle of the eye, with a bare arista; at least two posthumeral and three posterior intraalar bri.stles. (Tachina, Ocyptera, Exorista, Archytas, Gonia) (PI. 11, fig. 253; PI. 12, fig. 297) (Including Exoristid.e, Masicerid^, OcYPTERiD.E, H1STRICIID.E and two score of other so-called families) (LAR- V^VORlDiE) TACHINm^ 50. Either the hypopleural or pteropleural hairs or bristles present (PI. 13, fig. 303); basal bristles of the abdomen reduced; fourth vein bending or curving forward; arista feathered to the tip. Musca [M. domestica. Housefly], Morellia, Graphomyia, Stomoxys [S. calcitrans, Stable-fly], Hsematobia / [H. {Lyperosia) serrata, Horn-fly]) (PI. 12, figs. 259, 296) MUSCID^ / Neither the hypopleural nor pteropleural hairs or bristles present; abdomen usually bristly; fourth vein usually curving backward; arista sometimes bare. (Ccenosia, Aricia, Fannia (= Homalomyia), Muscina, Myiospila, Phorbia [P. hrassicoe. Cabbage and Radish maggot; P. cepetorum, Onion maggot].) / ANTHOMYIID^ -'' 51. Auxiliary vein distinctly separate from the first vein and ending in the costa, the first vein usually ending near the middle of the wing; anal cell present, 52 Auxiliary vein less distinct, sometimes partly touching the first vein or vestig- ial, the first vein usually ending much before the middle of the wing 66 52. Oral vibrissse present (PI. 13, fig. 305); abdomen with more than four visible segments; eyes bare; wings rarely pictured 53 Oral vibrissas absent 57 53. Costa beset with numerous spines; postvertical bristles convergent; tibiae with spurs and with preapical bristles. (Leria, Helomyza, Tephrochlamys.) HELOMYZIDiE ij Costa not spinose, even at the auxiliary vein; postvertical bristles divergent ^ or (Phycodromia) subparallel 54 54. Front bristly on the sides and on the vertex 55 Front never bristly near the antennae; abdomen somewhat elongate and usually narrower at the base; small, black scavenger flies. (Sepsis, Nemopoda.) , / SEPSID^ '' Dipt era. 69 55. Thorax convex, face and cheeks not remarkably bristly 56 Mesonotum and scutellum flattened; front, face and cheeks bristly; all the tibife spurred and with preapical bristles; last tarsal joint large. (CcElopa, Omomyia.) PHYCODROMID^ 56. Central strip of the front (frontalia) usually well differentiated from the sides (orbits) (PI. 13, fig. 304); first vein nearly half the wing-length; second basal cell not minute; crossveins not close together; frontal cross-bristles absent. (Cordylura, Parallelomma, Scatophaga) (PI. 12, fig. 271) {COR- DYLURID.E, SCATOMYZIDJE, SCOPEUM ID.^) SCATOPUAGID^ ^ Central strip of the front not differentiated from the sides; first vein about one-third of the wing-length; second basal cell minute; crossveins sometimes approximated; frontal cross-bristles sometimes present. (Cliisia, Hetero- neOra.) HETERONEURIDiE ; 57. First posterior cell closed or narrowed in the margin; abdomen elongate; legs long or very long 58 First posterior cell widely open, if narrowed the abdomen is short and the legs are not unusually long and slender 60 58. Eyes large, the cheeks and posterior orbits narrow, occiput concave 59 Head more or less globular, the cheeks broad and the face retreating; proboscis short. (Micropeza, Calobata, Nerius.) {CALOBATID.E) MICROPEZID^ O 59. Proboscis short; arista dorsal; ovipositor not lengthened. (Tanypeza.) TANYPEZID^ y Proboscis and ovipositor greatly lengthened; arista terminal (Stylogaster) (see couplet 36) CONOPIDiE 60. First posterior cell narrowed; femora and usually the hind tibise enlarged; all the tibijB with preapical bristle; scutellum usually prominent; basal cells relatively large; tropical species. (Rhopalomera, Willistoniella.) ^ RHOPALOMERID^ First posterior cell widely open, if rarely narrowed the femora are not thick . . 61 61. Hind tibiae with a preapical bristle, apical tibial bristles present; ovipositor neither flat nor drawn out; usually two fronto-orbital bristles; wings some- times pictured 62 Hind tibia; without preapical bristle, middle tibiae alone with apical bristles; front femora bristly beneath; ovipositor flattened and more or less pro- jecting; postvertical bristles divergent when present; dypeus prominent; wings usually pictured 64 62. Postvertical bristles divergent when present; second antennal joint without a dorsal bristle; mesopleural and usually sternopleural bristles wanting; front femora not bristly beneath; anal vein reaching the wing-margin. .63 Postvertical bristles convergent; second antennal joint with a dorsal bristle; one or two sternopleural and a mesopleural bristle present; lower outer edge of the front femora bearing bristles; anal vein obliterated toward the tip. (Lauxania, Camptoprosopella.) . . (SAPROMYZID.E:) LAUXANIID^ p 70 Key to Families of North American Insects. 63. Clypeus well developed; vibrissal angle very weak; more than two dorso- central bristles; sternopleural bristles sometimes present. (Neuroctena, Heterochila.) DRYOMYZID.S - Clypeus vestigial; not more than two dorsocentral bristles; rarely a single sternopleural bristle. (Sepedon, Sciomyza, Tetanocera.) /^\ {SCIOMYZIDM) TETANOCERIDiE ^ 64. Fronto-orbital bristles extending to the antennae; auxiliary vein abruptly bent forward before the tip of the first vein, anal cell angular (see couplet 70). ^ TRYPETm.^ Fronto-orbital bristles confined to the vertex; auxiliary vein not bent at the end but gently curving 65 65. Anal cell usually acute, the anal vein reaching the margin; usually two fronto- orbital bristles. (Pyrgota, Rivellia, Euxesta, Chaetopsis) (PI. 12, fig 275) (including PYRGOTIDyE {= DORYCERID^), ULIDIID^E, PLATY- s/ STOMATIDiE, etc.) ORTALIDID^ Anal crossvein recurved, the anal cell never acute, anal vein abbreviate; one fronto-orbital bristle. (Palloptera, Lonchaea.) LONCILEID.ffi ^ 66. Head laterally produced as a process bearing the eye; second basal and discal cells united; no vibrissse; front femora thickened. (Sphyracephala.) DiopsiD^ /n Head not produced at the sides, the eyes not stalked 67 ^^ 67. First joint of hind tarsi (metatarsus) shorter than the following joint and more or less thickened; vibrissae present; front usually bristly; third antennal joint short and rounded; small dull-colored species found about excrement or marshes. (Leptocera {=Limosina), Sphserocera, Borborus) (PI. 9, fig. 255) {COPROMYZIDM, CYPSELID.E, SPHMROCERIDM) BORBORID^ L Hind metatarsi longer than the next joint and slender 68 68. Legs very long and slender, the hind femora slightly swollen apically; first posterior cell narrowed, second basal cell complete; arista feathered; no vibrissae; tropical species (see couplet 58). (Cardiac ephala.) MICROPEZIDiE ^ Legs never very elongate; if the first posterior cell is rarely narrowed, otherwise disagreeing 69 69. Scutellum elongate, triangular, margined with protuberances; femora thickened; ovipositor closing together telescope-like; basal cells large; tropical species ^ (see couplet 60). (Rhinotora.) RHOPALOMERID.S ^ Not such flies 70 70. Auxiliary vein becoming weak and abruptly turned forward at its end; anal cell angular or acutely lobed at its posterior distal end; second basal cell distinct; wings almost always pictured; no preapical tibial bristles; no vibrissae; fronto-orbital bristles numerous. (Ceratitis [C. capita fa, Mediter- ranean fruit-fly], Epochra [E. canadensis. Currant maggot], Trypeta, Rhago- letis [R. ■pomoncUa, Apple maggot], Tephritis.) (EURIBIID.E) TRYPETID^ V Auxiliary vein not abruptly ending a considerable distance before the end of the first vein; anal cell not acute 71 Diptera. 7 1 71. Costa microscopically broken twice, just beyond the humeral crossvein and at the end of the auxiliary vein (best seen by transmitted light) ; postvertical bristles convergent; no bristle above the front coxse 72 Costa not broken near the humeral crossvein; mouth-opening not wide; arista not feathery 74 72. Anal cell wanting and basal cell fused with the discal cell (except Canace); no vibrissas; clypeus very large; mouth-opening very large, the center of the face raised; foremost fron to-orbital bristles diverging; arista bare, hairy or feathered; dark-colored, shore-living species. (Notiphila, Hydrellia, Parydra, Ephydra.) EPHYDRIDiE Anal cell almost always present; second basal cell usually complete; vibrissas present; mouth-opening not large; center of the face concave 73 73. Foremost pair of fronto-orbital bristles converging; bristles of the middle of front less evident; arista loosely pubescent; clypeus small; occiput reaching forward under the eyes. (Milichiella, Desmometdpa, Meone^a) (PI. 12, fig. 282) MILICmiD^ Foremost fronto-orbital bristles proclinate; interfrontal bristles rare; arista almost invariably feathered; clypeus large; occiput not forming part of the cheeks. (Phortica, Cyrtonotum, Drosophila [Pomace-fly]) (including ASTEID^) DROSOPHILID-S 74. Anal and second basal cells absent; interfrontalia large; postvertical bristles converging; usually no vibrissse, fronto-orbital or interfrontal bristles. (Meromyza [M. americana. Wheat-stem maggot], Chlorops, Hippelates, Oscinis {= Botanobia) [Frit-fly]) (PI. 9, fig. 256) (OSCINID.E). CHLOROPID-E Anal and basal cells complete 75 75. Oral vibrissse present (exceptionally absent in Geomyzidae); costa almost always broken near the end of the first vein 76 Oral vibrissse absent; auxiliary vein ending in the costa; clypeus small. . . .78 76. Postvertical bristles convergent when present; auxiliary vein independently ending in the costa; clypeus large; foremost fronto-orbital bristles directed backward; mesopleural bristles present; cilia of the calypteres loose. (Tm- oscelis, Diastata, Anthomyza) (PI. 12, fig. 279). {OPOMYZIDM) GEOMYZIDiE Postvertical bristles divergent when present; fringe of the calypteres dense; clypeus small 77 77. Only the uppermost fronto-orbital bristles present; auxiliary vein ending in the costa; no mesopleural or prothoracic bristles; arista bare. (Prochyliza, Piophila [P. casei, cheese-skipper] Mycetaulus.) PIOPHLLID.^ Lower fronto-orbitals convergent; auxiliary vein usually ending in the first vein; mesopleural and one prothoracic bristles present; arista closely pubes- cent. (Cerodonta, Agromyza, Phytomyza, Odinia.) (including PHYTOMYZID^) AGROMYZIDiE 78. Costa usually entire, at most slightly weakened just before the end of the auxiliary vein; basal cells small; postvertical bristles convergent; arista bare; 72 ' Key to Families of North American Insects. densely gray dusted species, the abdomen usually marked with black or ,\ brown spots. (Ochthiphila, Leucopis.) OCHTHIPHiLID^ Costa interrupted near the end of the first vein; basal cells relatively large; postvertical bristles divergent when present; arista pubescent; rather slender, usually shining species with the antennae often very long and hang- ing downward. (Chyliza, Loxocera, Psila.) PSILID.^ ^ 79. Head folding back on the dorsum of the thorax; wingless flies parasitic on bats. (Nycteribia.) NYCTERIBirDiE Head sunk into the thorax, but not folded back, winged or wingless species, parasitic on birds or mammals 80 80. Palpi broader than long, projecting leaf-like in front of the head; wings when present with distinct parallel veins and outer crossveins; claws simple; almost always parasitic on bats. (Trichobius, Strebla.) . . STREBLIDiE Palpi forming a sheath for the proboscis; wings if present with the veins crowded along the costa and with weaker oblique ones extending across the wings; tarsal claws strong and often armed with a series of small teeth. (Hippobosca, Olfersia, Melophagus [M. ovinus. Sheep-tick]) (PI. 11, fig. 257) HIPPOBOSCID^ ^ ORDER SUCTORIA. {SIPHON APTERA, APHANIPTERA, RHOPHOTEIRA.) Small, wingless, strongly compressed, jumping insects, para- sitic in the adult condition on warm-blooded animals; head small, indistinctly separated from the thorax; antennae short and thick, placed in depressions behind the small simple eyes which are some- times wanting; mouth formed for sucking; thoracic segments not fused; coxae large, close together; tarsi five- jointed; cerci one- jointed; larvae worm-like; pupae enclosed in cocoons. Fleas. 1. Thoracic segments not strongly shortened and constricted, their side plates extending over only one abdominal segment; labial palpi with three or more false joints; maxillary palpi almost always shorter than the front coxae; third joint of antennae with nine more or less distinctly separated false joints 2 Thoracic segments strongly shortened and constricted, the metathoracic side plates extending over two or three abdominal segments; head strongly angulated anteriorly; labial palpi without false joints; maxillary palpi extending beyond the front coxae; third antennal joint without completely separated false joints; fully developed female with enormously dilated abdomen, living beneath the skin during her final development. (Derma- tophilus (= SarcopsyUa, = Rhynchoprion) [D. penetrans. Jigger-flea]) (PI. 13, fig. 310) {SARCOPSYLLIDM, RIIYNC OPRIONID/E). DERMATOPHILIDiE 2. Maxillae triangular, acute at apex 3 Maxillae clubbed or subquadrangular; face strongly sloping forward and recurved just above the mouth, where there are two tooth-like plates on each side; Homoptera. 75 eyes absent; pronotum, and usually abdomen with comb-like arrangements of spines; species occurring on bats (Ceratopsyllus.) CERATOPSYLLID^ 3. Spines of hind tibiae in a single row, or in pairs (PI. 13, figs. 306, 308) 4 Spines of hind tibiae numerous, in close-set, short transverse rows on the hind border, about four spines in each row. (Hystrichopsylla.) HYSTRICHOPSYLLID-E 4. Spines of hind tibiae in pairs and few in number, not in a very close-set row. (Pulex [P. irritans. Human flea], Ctenocephalus [C. canis. Dog flea; C. felis. Cat flea], Xenopsylla (= Lwviopsylla) [X. cheopis. Tropical rat flea. Plague flea], Ceratophyllus [C. fasciatus. Rat and plague flea of temperate regions]) (PI. 13, figs. 306, 307, 308, 309, 311, 312) PULICID-E Spines of hind tibiae numerous, mostly single and in a close-set row. (Ctenop- syUus.) .' CTENOPSYLLID^ ORDER HOMOPTERA. (RHYNCHOTA, part.) An assemblage of very diverse insects, difficult to define in a general way; usually of moderate or small size, rarely large; in the active forms four wings are present in both sexes; in the scale insects only the males are winged, and they have the hind wings absent; wings usually sloping over the sides of the body; fore wings never modified into a heavy basal and thinner apical por- tion; beak jointed, inserted at the hind edge of the head and ex- tending between the front coxae, the basal joints very short, rarely the beak is absent in the males; cerci wanting. Metamorphoses usually incomplete, sometimes complete in the male, rarely sa in the female; all the species plant-feeders. 1. Tarsi three-jointed; antennae very short, with a small terminal bristle; beak plainly arising from the head; active free-hving species. (AUCHENOR- RHYNCHA.) i Tarsi two- or one-jointed; antennae usually well developed, sometimes absent, without conspicuous terminal bristle; beak appearing to arise between the front legs, rarely absent in the male; species often incapable of moving, or inactive in the female sex 14 2. Three ocelli, placed on the disk of the vertex (PI. 16, fig. 376) ; antenna; with short basal joint, terminated by a hair-like process which is divided into about five joints; front femora thickened and generally spined beneath; male with a sound-producing organ on each side at the base of the abdomen; com- paratively large species. -^Cicada [C. septendecim. Periodical Cicada], C7 Tibicen^ Platypedia) (PI. 15. figs. 348, 349) CICADIDiE; Cf Two ocelli, rarely three or more 3 V4 Key to Families of North American Insects. 3. Ocelli (rarely absent) placed between the eyes (PI. 16, fig. 377), on the vertex, on the front, or on the front margin of the head " 4 Ocelli placed beneath or near the eyes, usually in cavities of the cheeks; pronotum neither armed nor unusually developed. (Fulgoroide.i) 8 4. Pronotum prolonged backwards into a hood or process of variable form extend- ing over the abdomen and usually much elevated ; antennae inserted between and in front of the eyes. Tree-hoppers. (Ceresa [C. bubalus, Buffalo tree-hopper]? Enchenopa, Telamona) (PI. 14, fig. 345; PI. 15, fig. 350, 351, 352; PI. 16, figs. 370, 372) MEMBRACID-S ■' Pronotum not prolonged over the base of the abdomen 5 .5. Tibiae smooth, the hind pair armed with one or two stout spines and with a cluster of spinules at apex; ^ocelli placed on the vertex, rarely absent. Spittle insects. (Aphrophora, Clastoptera.) CERCOPID.^ C Hind tibiae with a double series of spines beneath; ocelli variable in position, rarely absent. Leaf-hoppers 6 €. Veins of the fore wings branching on the disk so that they form a series of pre- apical cells 7 Veins of the fore wings branching at the apex and nassing without fork to the apical cells; ocelli usually absent. ' ^Typhlocyba [T. comes, Grape leaf-hop- pert Empoasca [E. mali, Apple leaf-hopper]) (PI. 15, fig. 353). TYPHLOCYBID^ d 1. Head very short^vertex sloping or rounding on to the front; ocelli on the front. (Bythoscopus, Idiocerus.) BYTH0SC6PID.ffi Head more or less prominent; ocelli placed on the disk of the vertex. (Diedro- cephala, Tettigoniella (^Tettigonia), Gypona) (PI. 15, figs. 354, 357 ^ iTETTIG0NIID^)PROCOmiDM O Head produced or rounded; ocelli on the margin between the vertex and front. (Acocephalus^ Deltocephalus, Thamnotettix) (PI. 15, fig. 355). . JASSID.^ ^ S. Anal angle of wings net-veined; the ridge separating the front from the cheeks contiguous on the sides of the clypeus. ^ (Poiocera) (PI. 15, fig. 356). FULGORIDiE ^ Anal area of wings rarely net-veined, when so, the clypeus without lateral ridges 9 •9. Hind tibiae without a mobile spur at apex 10 Hind tibiae with a long, robust, mobile spur at apex. (Libumia Stobaera) (PI. 15, fig. 359) DELPHACID^ '^ 10. Clavus very rarely granulate, pointed at apex, rarely somewhat obtusely, but distinctly closed; two veins remote or very remote from the apex, some- times united in one beyond the middle of the clavus; costa very rarely dilated; tegmina sometimes shortened or fused with clavus or corium. . . .11 Clavus granulate, apex sometimes subacute and closed, sometimes very, obtuse and broadly open, with two veins separated through the entire length or united in one near apex; costa dilateji; costal membrane transversely veined; claval suture distinct. (Ormenis, Amphiscepha, Chlorochroa) (PI. 15, figs. 358, 361) FLATIDiE ' Homoptera. 75 11. Claval vein not reaching apex, united with commisural margin near apex; tegmina- sometimes shortened or fused with clavus and corium, when so, the lateral margins of the clypeus are ridged; two or three ocellt. (Scolops, '^ Cixius) (PI. 15, figs. 366, 367) ClXim.^ Claval vein continued to the apex itself or united with the claval suture near apex; tegmina sometimes shortened or fused with clavus and corium, when so the lateral margins of the clypeus are not ridged 12 12. First joint of hind tarsi elongate; head usually narrower than the thorax, which is angularly emarginate at base 13 First joint of hind tarsi short, very rarely somewhat elongate; head not or scarce! jv -narrower than the thorax which is truncate at base.' (Brucho- ^- morphaiNaso.) iSSID^<^ '^ 13. Last joint of beak elongate; species of usual form, the wings not especially long. ^• (HeUcoptera.) ACHILID^ ^ Last joint of beak short, or very short; very delicate long-winged species. ■ (Oti6cerus,%i6tia) (PI. 15. fig. 360) DERBID^ 14. Tarsi two-jointed, the basal joint sometimes reduced, the outer joint with two claws; wings when present four in number, with few veins, at rest usually lying in a sloping position over the abdomen; sutures between body seg- ments distinct; mouth-parts usually well developed in both sexes, labium usually long 15 Tarsi one-jointed, with a single claw; females always wingless, often without legs so that they rarely move after maturity, remaining sessile on the host plant; female rarely without mouth-parts; male usually with a single pair of wings which lie flat, one above the other; labium usually short; antennae of female absent, or with as many as eleven joints; in the male ten- to twenty- five-jointed; body of female scale-like, gall-like or covered with waxy powder, tufts or scales, the sutures between the segments often indistinct. Scale Insects, Bark-lice, Mealy-bugs. (Orthezia, Kermes [Soft oak-scales], Dactylopius [D. coccus, Cochineal-insect], Pseudococcus [Mealy-bugs], Pulvinaria [P. vitis. Cottony-scale], Coccus [C. hcsperidum. Soft scale], Evdecanium [E. nigrofasc.iatum, Terrapin scale], Chionaspis [C. furfura. Scurfy scale], Aspidiotus [A. perniciosus, San Jose scale], Lepidosaphes [L. ulmi {=Mytilaspis pomorum). Oyster-shell scale]) (PI. U'.^fig. 344, 346; PI. 15, figs. 362, 363, 364, 365) COCCIDiE 15. Legs with thickened femora; antennse long, five- to ten-jointed, last joint with two fine apical bristles; fore wings somewhat thicker, often more or less leathery; pad between the tarsal claws prominent, bilobed. Jumping plant-lice. (Psylla [P. pyricola. Pear Psylla], Trioza) (PI. 16, fig. 368, 371) {CHERMIDM) PSYLLID^ Legs long and slender; wings of more or less similar consistency; antennae three- to six-jointed 16 i6. Wings usually opaque, whitish, clouded, or mottled with spots or bands; body more or less mealy; tarsi with two nearly equal joints; tip of tibiae with a number of short spines; a pad-shaped or spine-like process between the Key to Families of North American Insects. tarsal claws; pupal stage present. White-flics. (Aleyrodes [A. vaporario- rum. Greenhouse white-fly], Aleurodicus) (PI. 16, figs. 369, 375). ALEYRODID^ Wings transparent, though sometimes colored; tarsi two-jointed, the basal joint sometimes very much reduced; body not mealy but rarely with waxy wool; process between the tarsal claws absent or nearly so. Plant-lice. (Phylloxera [P. vasiatrix. Grape Phylloxera], Aphis [A. hrassicoe. Cabbage Aphid; A. goss;jpii. Melon Aphid; A. mali, Apple Aphid; A. sorbi. Rosy Aphid], Myzus [M. cerasi. Cherry Aphid; M. rihis. Currant Aphid], Phor- odon [P hurtiidi. Hop Aphid], Nectarophora [A''. {=Macrosiphvm) pisi. Pea Aphid], Toxoptera [T. graminum. Grain Aphid]) (PI. 16, figs. 373, 374). APHIDID^ ORDER HEMIPTERA. (HETEROPTERA ; RHVNCHOTA, part.) Terrestrial or aquatic species ranging from minute to large sizej usually more or less flattened or cylindrical; feeding on the juices of plants or animals. Head free, forming a sucking, inflexed, jointed beak which is usually inserted toward the front end of the head; antennae with few joints, those of the terrestrial species usually long; prothorax large, free; wings overlapping on the abdomen, the fore pair (hemelytra) tough at the base and mem- branous apically, the hind pair with large anal field, wings some- times reduced or absent; legs of variable form, tarsi normally three- jointed; no cerci. Metamorphosis incomplete. True Bugs. 1. Tarsal claws devoid of arolia, very rarely provided with arolia (Miridae) in which case the meso- and metastemum are composite 2 Tarsal claws always provided with arolia; beak generally four-jointed; meso- and metasterna simple 27 2. Antennae very short; meso- and metasternum composite; metasternum devoid of gland openings; aquatic species 3 Antennae always longer than the head, if slightly shorter, the eyes and ocelli are absent 9 3. Ocelli present; beak four-jointed 4 Ocelli absent; antennae more or less hidden in cavities in the head; aquatic species 5 4. Antennae exserted; front legs as long as the middle ones; formed for running. (Ochterus (= Pelogonus) ) {PELOGONIDJE) OCHTERID-^ Antennae hidden; the front legs formed for grasping; short, and broad species with prominent eyes. (Gelastocoris, Mon6n5rx.) (GALGULID^E, MONONYCHIDM) NERTHRID.S Cr C /4L6 to Hemiptera. 77 ■5. Front coxse placed at or near the front margin of the prosternum; front legs formed for grasping; beak three-jointed 6 Front coxse placed at the hind margin of the short prosternum; legs fitted for swimming; hind tarsi with no claws; membrane without veins; hemelytra sometimes wholly coriaceous, strongly convex 8 6. Membrane reticulate; beak provided with very small labial palpi 7 Membrane without veins; beak without labial palpi; hind coxse hinged; posterior tibise slender. (Pelocoris, Ambrysus.) NAUCORIDiiE [^ 7. Hind coxse hinged; hind legs fitted for swimming; posterior tibia; flattened and fringed, the hind femora usually sulcate; tip of abdomen with two retractile appendages. Giant water-bugs. (Belostoma, Lethocerus, Zaitha) (PI. 14. fig. 342) BELOSTOMATK)^ - Hind coxse rotating; hind legs formed for walking; abdomen with long breathing tubes at apex. Water scorpions. (Nepa, Ranatra) (PI. 13, fig. 313; PI. 14, fig. 324.) NfiPID^ 8. Body convex above; head inserted into prothorax; beak four- or three-jointed; front tarsi not flattened. Back swimmers. (Notonecta) (PI. 14, fig. 323) NOTONECTIDiE Body flat above; vertex of head free from the prothorax; beak unjointed, or at most two-jointed, hidden; metastemum furnished with parapleurse; front tarsi flattened, one-jointed, middle legs long, hind legs formed for swimming. Water boatmen. (Corixa) (PI. 13, fig. 322; PI. 14. figs. 328, 329) CORIXID^ ' ^' 9. First two joints of antennse very short, last two long, pilose, the third thickened at base; ocelli present; veins of the hemelytra forming cells 10 Third joint of antennse not thickened at the base, the second jomt often longer than the third or as long, rarely shorter 11 10. Head more or less porrect. (Ceratocombus) (CERAT0C03IBID.I;) . DIPSOCORID^ Head inflexed between the prominent front coxse. (Hypselosoma ( = Gli/p- iocdmbus) SCHIZOPTERIDiE 11. Meso- and metasterna composite, very rarely the sutures obsolete, in which case the clypeus is triangular (Cimicidae); cuneus of the fully winged forms more or less distinct; hind coxse hinged (except in a few Miridse) 12 Meso- and metasterna simple; hind coxse nearly globose, rotating with a ball and socket joint (except in Acanthiidae) 15 12. Clypeus parallel or subparallel 13 Clypeus triangular, broader apically; ocelli absent; wings never fully developed. Bedbug family. (Cimex [C. lectularius. Bedbug]) (PI. 13, fig. 321; PL 14, fig. 330) {ACANTHIIDM of authors, CLINOCORID^) . .CTMICIDM V 13. Ocelli of both sexes absent; tarsi three- jointed; beak four-jointed; membrane with two basal cells, the outer one small, or with a single cell which is broad- ened apically or rarely suboval, very rarely (Myrmecophyes) with irregular, free veins; beak with the first joint rarely shorter than the head. Leaf- 78 Key to Families of North American Insects. bugs. (Lygus [L. pratensis. Tarnished plant bug], Halticus, Poecilocapsus) (PI. 14, fig. 325.). (CAPSID.E.) MIRID^ Ocelli present; tarsi three-jointed 14 14. Beak four-jointed; head vertical; membrane with one or two cells or one vein. (Isometopus.) ISOMETOPIDiE Beak three-jointed; head horizontal; membrane with four to one longitudinal veins which are rarely entirely lacking. (Anthocoris, Triphleps [T. insid- iosus. Predatory flower-bug]) (PI. 14, fig. 337) ANTHOCORIDiE 15. Claws subapical; hind coxie distant; hemelytra of uniform texture, the clavus, corium and membrane confluent 16 Claws apical 17 16. Beak four-jointed, but the first joint short ; middle and hind legs close together, distant from the front ones and much longer than the latter. Water striders. (Gerris {= Limnotrechus)) (PI. 14, fig. 327) HYDRO- BATIDM GERRID^ Beak three-jointed; middle legs almost as distant from the front as from the hind ones. (Microvelia, Rhagovelia.) VELIIDiE 17. Prosternum without a stridulation groove IS Prostemum with a median stridulation groove; beak three-jointed, short and stout 25 18. Ocelli absent; beak three-jointed 1& Ocelli present, when very rarely absent, the beak is four-jointed and the head is not apically widened 22 19. Tarsi three- or four-jointed 20 Tarsi two-jointed; broad, flat species living under bark; head produced between antennje; abdomen broader than the wings 21 20. Body linear; head horizontal, as long as the thorax and widened toward the apex. Marsh treaders. (Hydrometra {= Limnobates)) (PI. 14, fig. 326). {LIMNOBA TID.E) HYDROMETRID.S Body oblong; head broad, triangular, shorter than thorax; eyes absent; no scutellum; hemelytra short, destitute of membrane; parasitic on bats. (Hesperoctenes) (PI. 14, fig. 333) POLYCTENID^ 21. Head not wide behind the eyes which are prominent; beak longer than the head; trochanters very short, fusing with the femora; abdominal spiracles placed near the base of the segments. (Aradus) (PI. 14, fig. 335). ARADID^ Posterior part of head wide, enclosing the eyes, often spinose, beak rarely longer than the head; trochanters distinct; abdominal spiracles remote from the base of the segments. (Aneiirus, Mezira.) DYSODIIDjE 22. Beak four-jointed, with the first joint small; last joints of the more slender; membrane with two or three longitudinal cells emitting radiating veins. (Reduviolus, Pagasa.) NABID.^ Beak three-jointed 23 Hemiptera. 79 23. Head not constricted at the base behind the eyes 24 Head constricted at the base and behind the eyes, swollen between; pronotum divided into three lobes; hemelytra wholly membranous, provided with longitudinal veins and a few crossveins; front tibiie swollen; front tarsi one-jointed, hind tarsi two-jointed. (Henicocephalus) (PI. 14, fig. 336). HENICOCEPHALID^ 24. First joint of antennae longer than the second; hemelytra with submembra- naceous corium with elevated veins, the clavus and membrane membra- naceous, confluent, the latter destitute of veins. (Mesovelia.) MESOVELIID^ First joint of antennre shorter than the second; hemelytra with distinct clavus, corium and membrane, the latter with four or five contiguous longitudinal cells; eyes large and projecting; small, flattened forms. Shore-bugs. i, (Acanthia {=SaId(i).) (PI. 13, fig. 315.) .... (SALDID^) ACANTHIID^ 25. Antennse elbowed, filiform or often slender apically; membrane with two or three large basal cells 26 Last joint of antennae knobbed or enlarged in the middle; membrane with the veins joined, frequently forked and uniting; tarsi two-jointed; front legs formed for grasping, the femora much thickened. (Phymata.) /--' {PHYMATlDyE) MACROCEPHALID^ 26. Rather robust, predatory species, body not linear. Assassin bugs. (Melano- lestes [M. picipes. Kissing bug], Conorhinus [C. sanguisugus. Big Bedbug], X Sinea) (PI. 13, figs. 316, 193; PI. 14, fig. 338) REDUVIID^ Linear species with excessively long and thin legs. (Emesa.) . .EMESID.^ 27. Head not shield-like, the margins usually obtuse; antennae completely visible from above 28 Head more or less expanded, the side margins acute in front of the eyes; at least the first joint of the antennae not visible from above; membrane with several veins 36 28. Antennae five-jointed, the second joint short; clavus membranous, largely confluent with the membrane which is destitute of veins; tarsi two-jointed. (Naeogeus.) {HEBRIDM) NiEOGEID^ Antennae four-jointed 29 29. Ocelli absent 30 Ocelli present 31 30. Hemelytra of the fully winged forms consisting of clavus, corium and mem- brane; beak free; tarsi three- jointed; stout bugs of moderate size. (Dys- dercus [D. svturelhis. Cotton Stainer]) PYRRHOCORIDyE Hemelytra wholly membranous, densely reticulated; cheeks entirely raised, forming a groove which includes the base of the beak; tarsi two- join ted; flat bugs of small size. Lace-bugs, (Cor3rthuca [C. arcuata. Hawthorn Lace-bug]) (PI. 14, fig. 340) TINGITIDiE 31. Membrane with many longitudinal veins which often unite; antennae inserted well up on the sides of the head 32 Membrane with at most five veins 34 so Key to Families of North American Insects. 32. Fourth dorsal segment of abdomen constricted medially; gland openings of metathorax usually obsolete, if rarely visible placed between the hind coxal cavities and emitting two divergent grooves. (Corizus, Harmostes) (PI. 14, fig. 331) CORIZID.ffi Basal margin of fourth and fifth dorsal segments usually sinuate in parallel manner; gland openings of metathorax almost always distinct 33 S3. Head much narrower and shorter than the prothorax, cheeks usually reaching behind insertion of antennae; exterior margin of hind coxal cavities nearly parallel with axis of body. (Anasa [A. tristis. Squash-bug], Leptoglossus [L. phijllopus, leaf-footed Bug], Leptocoris [L. trivittatits, Box-elder plant- bug]) (PI. 13, figs. 317, 318, 320; PI. 14, figs. 334, 341) COREIDiE Head nearly as broad and long as prothorax, cheeks scarcely extending behind base of antenn;?; exterior margin of hind coxal cavities more or less trans- verse. (Alydus, Stachyocnemus.) ALYDJD.^ 34. Anterior lobes of the head produced at the apex; membrane of the fully winged forms usually with four free veins and coriaceous at the base; tarsi two- jointed. (Plesma.) PIESMID^ Anterior lobes of the head not produced; membrane of the fully winged forms entirely membranous; tarsi three-jointed .• 35 35. Antennae not elbowed; head not constricted in front of the eyes. (Blissus [B. leucopterus. Chinch-bug], Oncopeltus, Geocoris) (PI. 14, fig. 343). {LYG/EID.E) MYODOCHID^ Antennae elbowed, the first joint long and clubbed, the last joint spindle-shaped; head constricted in front of the eyes; scutellum small; femora clubbed. Stilt Bugs. (Jalysus, Neides.) {BERYTIDM) NEIDLD.^ 36. Scutellum narrowed behind, rarely almost covering the abdomen; veins of membrane arising near inner basal angle from a vein extending from this angle nearly parallel with the margin of the corium. Stink bugs. (Cos- mopepla, Euschistus, Murgantia [M. histrionica. Harlequin Cabbage-bug], Peribalus, Brochymena.) (PI. 13, fig. 314; PI. 14, fig. 332.) PENTAT6MID.S Scutellum very convex and large, nearly or quite covering the abdomen; mem- brane with a curved or oblique crossvein whose inner end extends away from the corium; hind wings with a heavy abrupt spur-like vein (hamus) 37 37. Corium narrow, and pointed; tibiae strongly spinose; (Thyreocoris {=Cori- metena), Cydnus) {CORIMERENIDM,CYDNIDM) . TWfREOCOmDJE Corium broad, obtuse at apex; tibiae smooth or with small spinules. (Eury- gaster, Homaemus.) SCUTELLERIDiE CfcASS THYSANURA. Rather small, wingless, terrestrial insects of active habits; body generally clothed with scales; antennae hair-like, many- jointed; abdomen composed of eleven segments, the last furnished with a pair of long, filiform many -jointed cerci and usually with Lepismatoidea — Machiloidea 81 a similar and long median cerciforni appendage; the second to the seventh ventral segments with single-jointed, marginal styles and eversible sacs; eighth and ninth ventral segments of female with paired short, conical, egg-laying appendages; mouthparts free, their tips visible. - ORDER LEPISMATOIDEA. . (ZYGENTOMA.) Rather small, very active, wingless, terrestrial forms, with the body narrow, flattened and gradually attenuated posteriorly; body always clothed with scales; eyes small, not approximate; consisting of separated ocelli; tergites weakly developed, but the pleurites and sternites strongly so; pro thorax as large and usually much larger than the mesothorax; tarsi two-jointed; two pairs of thoracic and eight pairs of abdominal spiracles; no power of springing. (Lepisma [L. saccharina. Bristle-tail), Gastrotheus].) (PI. 16, 6gs. 378, 387). LEPISMATID.S; ORDER MACHILOIDEA. (ARCHEOGNATHA.) Rather small active wingless, terrestrial forms, with the body convex above and somewhat compressed, gradually tapering pos- teriorly; body clothed with scales; eyes very large, meeting or nearly so; tergites strongly developed, extending to the under side of the body, the pleurites and sternites greatly reduced; pro thorax smaller than the mesothorax; tarsi three-jointed; two pairs of thoracic and seven pairs of abdominal spiracles; insects capable of springing. (Machilis.) MACHILIDiE CLASS CAMPODEOIDEA. (DIPLURA.) Small, slender, wingless insects incapable of springing and of sluggish habits; body never clothed with scales; antennae usually many jointed; eyes absent; abdomen consisting of eleven segments, the last segment either more or less covered by the preceding or fused with it; no ventral tube, but the first to the seventh or 82 Key to Families of North American Insects. the second to the seventh segments are provided with ventral styles; apex of abdomen without median process, but with paired cerci; mouthparts partly concealed within the head, but the palpi extended; tarsi one-jointed; no metamorphosis. ORDER RHABDURA. Very thinly chitinized, small, slender, terrestrial insects with somewhat flattened body; abdomen ending in long, or rather long, jointed cerci. 1. Occiput of the head small and hardly distinct from the vertex; first ventral segment with four posterior processes; cerci short, robust, sLx-jointed, per- forated at apex; ten spiracles. (Anajapyx) (PL 16, fig. 386). PROJAPYGID^ Occiput rather large and distinct from the vertex; first ventral segment with two posterior processes; cerci long, slender and apically imperforate; three spiracles. (Campodea.) (PI. 16, fig. 279.) CAMPODErD.ffi ORDER DICELLURA. {URATOCHEILA.) Rather delicate terrestrial insects with somewhat flattened body, the abdomen ending in a pair of strong one-jointed forceps; first ventral segment with two short styles and two submedian hairy papillae. (Japyx) (PI. 16, figs. 382, 383) JAPYG1D.S CLASS COLLEMBOLA. Minute, wingless, springing insects; body sometimes clothed with scales; abdomen consisting of six segments and never ter- minated by caudal filaments or pincers-like appendages; ventral tube always present; a forked leaping appendage usually present beneath the abdomen. Eyes of degenerate compound type; palpi vestigial; antennse with four to six joints; tarsi one-jointed; no metamorphosis. ORDER ARTHROPLEONA. Body lengthened, subcylindrical ; the abdomen composed of six free segments, the fourth segment often much lengthened; heart with six pairs of ostioles. / Symphypleona — Protura. 83 1. Furcula wanting; body naked or hairy, never with scales; antennae four-jointed, often poorly-developed; claws two or one; sluggish species. (An^da, Neanfira) {ANURIDIDM) APHORURED^ Furcula present 2 2. Furcula attached to the penultimate abdominal segment; body sometimes clothed with scales; antennae four- to six-jointed; claws two. (Isotoma, Orchesella, Tomocerus) (PI. 16, figs. 380, 381). {DEGEERIIDJE) ENTOMOBRYID^ Furcula attached to the antepenultimate abdominal segment; body without scales; antennae four-jointed; claws two or one. (Podftra, Achorfites.) {ACHORUTIDM) PODURID.ffi C ORDER SYMPHYPLEONA. Body shortened; abdomen globose, its segments in part fused; head usually vertical; ventral tube always long and well developed, usually with two long, exsertile filaments; furcula well developed; no post antennal organ; heart with two pairs of ostioles. 1. Last joint of the antennae long, usually divided into false ring joints (annuli); upper claw unindentate. (Sminthiirus.) (PI. 16, fig. 384). SMINTHURIDiE Last joint of antennae short, not ringed 2 2. Last joint of antennae with whorls of hairs; the distal part of the third joint annulate; head vertical; filaments of ventral tube long; thorax shorter than the abdomen. (Papirius.) PAPIRilD.ffi Distal joints of antennae simple; head horizontal; filaments of ventral tube represented by two rounded tubercles; thorax longer than the abdomen. (Neelus, Megalothorax.) {MEGALOTHORACIDM) NEELm.^: CLASS MIRIENTOMATA. Minute, delicate, wingless, terrestrial, blind species. Body bare; antennae absent, abdomen comprising eleven segments and a short anal tube, the basal three segments furnished with styles; no cerci; mouthparts, formed for sucking, but retracted within the head. ORDER PROTURA. Slender, head pear-shaped, labrum medially narrowed to a beak, mandibles long and slender; pro thorax short; legs short, tarsi one-jointed. (Eosentomon) (PI. 16, fig. 385) E0SENT6MID.ffi EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE 1. Phasmoidea, Orthoptera, Dennaptera. 1. Pseudomeryle. (Caudell) [Phasmidae] 2. Conocephalus. (Blatchley) [Locustidae] 3. Ceuthophilus. (Blatchley) [Locustidse] 4. Anabrus. (Caudell) [Locustida;] 6. Tridactylus, wings. (Handlirsch) [Tridactylidse] 6. Tettix, side view of pronotum. (Packard) [Tettigidse] 7. Caloptenus, side view of pronotum. (Packard) [Acridiidae] 8. Acridium, hind leg. (Lugger) [Acridiidae] 9. Gryllotalpa, front leg. (Berlese) [Gryllotalpida;] 10. Tettigidea. (Blatchley) [Tettigidae] 11. Tettix, wings. (Handlirsch) [Tettigidae] 12. Gryllus, fore wing. (Handlirsch) [Gryllidae] 13. (Ecanthus, fore wing. (Handlirsch) [Gryllidae] 14. Gryllotalpa, wings. (Handlirsch) [Gryllotalpida;] 15. Propyragra. (Burr) [Pygidicranida;] 16. Doru. (Burr) [Forficulida;] 17. Labidura. (Burr) [Labiduridae] 18. Hind wing of Earwig. [Forficullda;] 84 Plate Brues, del PHASMOIDEA, ORTHOPTERA, DERMAPTERA. PLATE 2. Grylloblattoidea, Thysanoptera, Mantoidea, Blattoidea, Zoraptera, Isoptera, Corrodentia, Siphunculata, Mallophaga. 19. Grylloblatta. (Walker) [Grylloblattidse] 20. Thrips. [Thripidse] 21. HeUothrips. (Russell) [Thripidaj] 22. Stagmomantis. (Rehn & Hebard) [Mantidae] 23. Blatella. [Blattida;] 24. Termes, wing. (Handlirsch) [Termitidse] 25. Blatta, wings. [Blattidae] 26. Zorotypus. (Silvestri) [Zorotypidae] 27. Eutermes, head. [Termitidse] 28. Eutermes, mandible. [Termitidse] 29. Psocus, wings. (Comstock & Needham) [Psocidae] 30. Troctes. (Marlatt) [Atropida;] 81. Euthrips, tip of abdomen showing ovipositor. (Russell) [Thripidse] 32. Pediculus. (Patton & Cragg) [Pediculidse] 33. Phthirius. (Patton & Cragg) [Pediculidse] 34. Docophorus. (Paine) [Philopteridse] 35. Lipeurus. (Paine) [Philopteridse] Plate 2. B. B. Brues, del. GRYLLOBLATTOIDEA, THYSANOPTERA, MANTOIDEA, BLATTOIDEA, ZORAPTERA, ISOPTERA. CORRODENTIA, SIPHUNCULATA, MALLO- PHAGA. PLATE 3. ! Hymenoptera. ; 36. Xyela, fore wings. (Macgillivray) [Xyelidae] j 37. Dolerus, wings. [Tenthredinidae] I 38. Aulacus, wings. [Evaniidae] ' 39. Tremex, wings. [Siricidse] 40. Rhogas, wings. [Braconidse] 41. Pelecinus, wings. [Pelecinidae] 42. Ophion, wings. [Ichneumonidse] 43. Foenus, wnngs. [Evaniidae] 44. Chalcidoidea, fore wing (diagrammatic) Sm. submarginal vein; M, marginal vein; Pm, postmarginal vein; St, stigmal vein. [Chalcididse] 45. Sphaerophthalma, wings. [Mutillidae] 46. Cynipoidea, fore wing, (diagrammatic) (Kieffer) 47. Chiysis, wings. [Chrysididse] 48. Myzine, wings of male. [Myzinidae] > 49. Myzine, wings of female. [Myzinidae] 50. Psammochares, wings. [Psammocharidae] 51. Tachytes, wings. [Larridae] i 52. Bembex, wings. [Bembecidae] ' ; 53. Vespa, wings. [Vespidae] 54. Cerceris, wings. [Philanthidae] 55. Eucerceris, wings. [Philanthidae] 56. Gorytes, wings. [Gorytidae] j 57. Isodontia, wings. [Sphegidae] ' i 58. Trypoxylon, wings. [Trypoxylonidae] ! 59. Eximenes, wings. [Eumenidae] i Plate 3. B. B. Brues, del. HYMENOPTERA. PLATE 4. Hjmienoptera. 60. Hind leg of bee. (Riley) 61. Hind leg of bee. (Riley) 62. Hind leg of bee. (Riley) 63. Ichneumon, basal segments of leg; tr. two-jointed trochanter. (Sharp) [Ichneumonidse] 64. Elasmus, basal segments of leg; tr., two-jointed trochanter (Silvestri) [Elas- midse] 65. Ponera, winged 9 ; 1, node or basal segment of abdomen. (Wheeler) [For- micidfie] 66. Tachytes, underside of thorax; M., mesosternum; P., its posterior process; C, coxae. (Williams) [Larridae] 67. Myrmica, thorax and basal segments of abdomen; 1, 2, 3, first three abdominal segments. (^Vheeler) [Formicidse] 68. Pteromalus, thorax from above; P., pronotum; M., mesonotum; T., tegula; A., axilla; S., scutellum. [Pteromalidse] 69. Chalcidoidea, diagram of antenna; P., pedicel; R., ring-joints; F., funicle; C. club. 70. Dibrachys, antenna of female. [Pteromalidse] 71. Same, male. [Pteromalidse] 72. Bephratoides. (Brues) [Eurytomidse] 73. Eulophus, thorax from side. (Silvestri) Lettering as in fig. 68. [Eulophidse] 74. Telenomus. [Scelionidse] 75. Chlorion, thorax from above. (Femald) Lettering as in fig. 68. [Sphecidae] 76. Bracon. (Hunter & Hinds) [Braconidae] 77. Chlorion, lateral view of thorax and abdomen. (Femald) [Sphecidae] 78. Vespa, head from front. (Schmiedeknecht) [Vespidae] 79. Ichneumon, apex of abdomen with ovipositor. [Ichneumonidse] 80. Coccophagus. (Howard) [Eulophidae] 81. Apis, hind leg. (Smith) [Apidae] 82. Epeolus, apex of abdomen, with sting. (Brues) [Melectidae] 83. Cladius. (Chittenden) [Tenthredinida?] 90 Plate 4, B. B. Bruea, del. HYMENOPTERA. PLATE 5. Hymenoptera, Coleoptera. 84. Vanhomia. (Crawford) [S^anhorniidse] 85. Cryptus. [Ichnuemonidae] ^ 86. Ceraphron, head. [Ceraphronidae] 87. Serphus. (Brues) [Serphidae] 88. Niteliopsis, antenna of female. (WDliams) [Larridse] 89. Larropsis, front tarsus of female. (Williams) [Larridae] 90. Head of long-tongued bee. (Cockerell) 91. Apis, head. (Chesire) at, antenna; md., mandible; Im., labium; mx., maxillary palpus; Ip., labial palpus, lb., labium. [Apidae] 92. Gonatopus, front tarsus of female. [Dryinidae] 93. Loxotropa, antenna. [Diapriidae] 94. Dermestes. (Howard & Marlatt) [Dermestidae] 95. Staphylinus. [Staphylinidae] 96. Silvanus. (Chittenden) [Cucujidae] 97. Brachinus. [Carabidae] 98. Chrysobothris. (Chittenden) [Buprestidae] 99. Epicauta. (Bruner) [Meloidae] 100. Elaphidion. (Forbes) [Cerambycidae] 101. Cybister. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Dytiscidae] 102. Bruchus. (Felt) [Bruchidae] 103. Lyctus. (Hopkins) [Lyctidag] 104. Diabrotica. (Chittenden) [Chrysomelidae] 105. Tenebrio. (Girault) [Tenebrionidae] 106. Balaninus. (Chittenden) [Curculionidae] 107. Lachnostema. (Forbes) [Scarabaeidse] 92 Plate 5. HYMENOPTERA, COLEOPTERA. PLATE 6. Coleoptera. 108. Harpalus, underside. (Hayward) [Carabidse] 109. Necrophorus, upper side, wings spread on left side and removed on right. (Hayward) [Silphidae] 110. Hydrophilus, wing. [HydrophUidse] 111. Hydrophilus, mesosternum. (Berlese) [Hydrophilidse] 112. Hylastes, dorsal outline of head and prothorax. (Felt) [Ipidse] 113. Prostemum of beetle, showing coxal cavities confluent and open behind. [Wickham] 114. Prosternum of beetle, showing coxal cavities separated and open behind. [Wickham] 115. Brenthus, head from above. (Berlesse) [Brenthidse] 116. Platypus, dorsal outline of head and prothorax. (Felt) [Platypodidae] 117. Gyrinus, hind leg. (Berlese) [Gyrinidse] 118. Epilachna, hind leg. (Silvestri) [CoccinelUdse] 119. Prosternum of beetle, showing coxal cavities separated and closed behind. [Wickham] 120. Epilachna, head from above. [Silvestri] [Coccinellidae] 121. Epilachna, head from below. (Silvestri) [Coccinellidae] 122. Pityogenes, front leg. (Felt) [Ipidse] 123. Coccinella. [Coccinellidae] 124. Haliplus, c, coxal plate. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Haliplidae] 125. Curculionidae, side view of head. 94 Plate #^ B. B. Bnies, del. COLEOPTERA. PLATE 7. Coleoptera. 126. Ludius, antenna. [Elateridae] 127. Prionocyphon, antenna. [Helodidse] 128. Corymbites, antenna. [Elateridae] 129. Acneus, antenna. [Helodidae] 130. Dendroides, antenna. [Pyrochroidse] 131. Dorcatoma, antenna. [Anobiidse] 132. Aulicus, antenna. [Cleridae] 133. Corynetes, antenna. [Corynetidse] 134. Brontes, antenna. [Cucujidse] 135. Temnochilus, antenna. [Ostomatidae] 136. Catoptrichus, antenna. [Silphidae] 137. Colon, antenna. [Silphidae] 138. Bryaxis, antenna. [Pselaphidae] 139. Anogdus, antenna. [Silphidae] 140. Liodes, antenna. [Silphidae] 141. Epierus. antenna. [Histeridae] 142. Phymaphora, antenna. [Mycetaeidae] (Figs. 126-142 from Leconte & Horn) 143. Macronychus, apical portion of tarsus. [Pamidae] 144. Heterocerus, antenna. [Heteroceridae] 145. Dasycerus, antenna. [Lathridiidae] 146. Rhysodes, antenna. [Rhysodidae] 147. Dineutes, antenna. [Gyrinidae] 148. Adranes, antenna. [Pselaphidae] 149. Lucanus, antenna. [Lucanidae] 150. Bolbocerus, antenna. [Scarabaeidae] 151. Lachnostema, antenna. (Scarabaeidae] (Figs. 144-151 from Leconte & Horn) 152. Anthrenus, antenna. (Felt) [Dermestidae] 153. Sitones, antenna. (Silvestri) [Curculionidae] 154. Ips, antenna. (Felt) [Ipidae] 155. Dendroctonus, antenna. (Felt) [Ipidae] 156. Plat3T)us, tibia and tarsus of front leg. (Felt) [Platypodidae] 157. Leptinotarsa, tarsus. (Sharp) [Chrysomelidae] 158. Tachypus, wing; illustrating type 1 of wing venation in Coleoptera. (Kem- pers) [Carabidae] 159. Omma, wing; illustrating type 1, (Kempers) [Ommadidae] 160. Necrophorus, wing; illustrating type 2. (Kempers) [Silphidae] 161. Lygistopterus, wing; illustrating type 3. (Kempers) [Eycidae] 162. Erineophilus, front tibia. (Felt) [Ipidae] 163. Adimerus, tarsus. (Sharp) [Adimeridae] 164. Scarites, front leg. (Kolbe) [Carabidae] 165. Dytiscus, front tibia and tarsus of male. (Kolbe) [Dytiscidae] 166. Mordellistena. [Mordellidae] 167. Saperda, apical part of tarsus. [Cerambycidae] 168. Megalodachne, tarsus. [Erotylidae] 96 Plate 7. /2d 127 128 12!) J-^0 131 J J32 133 \ J34 135 136 B. B. Bruea, del. COLEOPTERA. PLATE 8. Strepsiptera, Embiidaria, Odonata, Megaloptera, Plectoptera, Plecoptera» Neuroptera, Raphidoidea. 169. Stylops. (Pierce) [Xenidse] 170. Anthericomma, antenna of male. (Pierce) [Halictophagidse] 171. Xenos, wing of male. (Kirby) [Xenidse] 172. Xenos, head of female. (Brues) [Xenidae] 173. Anisembia. (Melander) [Embiidae] 174. Donaconethis, wings. (Enderlein) [Olynthidee] 175. Caenocholax, antenna of male. (Pierce) [Xenidse] 176. Libellula, head. (Hyatt & Arms) [Libellulidse] 177. Mantispa, wings. (Handlirsch) [Mantispidse] 178. Libellula, wings. [Libellulidse] 179. Corydalis, wings. (Handlirsch) [Corydalidae] 180. Chloroperla. [Perlidse] 181. Chirotenetes, wings. (Needham) [Ephemeridae] 182. Perla, tarsus. [Perlidse] 183. Caenis, wing. (Needham) [Ephemeridae] 184. Dilar, wings. (Handlirsch) ]Dilarid8e] 185. Raphidia, wings. (Handlirsch) [Raphidiidae] 186. Chauliodes, wings. [Corydalidae] 187. Perla, wings. [Perlidse] 188. Mantispa, head and prothorax from above. [Mantispidse] 189. Mantispa, raptorial front leg. [Mantispidae] Plate 8. B. B. Brues, del. STREPSIPTERA, EMBIDIIARIA, ODONATA, MEGALOPTERA, PLEC- TOPTERA, PLECOPTERA, NEUROPTERA, RAPHIDIOIDEA. PLATE 9. Panorpatae, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera. 190. Panorpa, wings. [Panorpidse] 191. Panorpa, head from side. (Packard) [Panorpidse] 192. Panorpa, head from front. (Packard) [Panorpidse] 193. Bittacus. [Bittacusida;] X0.5 194. Panorpa. [Panorpidse] XO.o 195. Limnephilus, wings. [Limnephilidse] 196. Limnephilus. [Limnephilidse] XI 197. Hydropsyche, wings. (Ulmer) [Hydropsychidse] 198. Hydropsyche, head. [Hydropsychida;] 199. Eriocephala; wing. (Forbes) Sc, subcosta; R., radius; M., media; Cu., cubitus; A., anal (their branches indicated by numbers); hum., humeral crossvein; udcv., upper discocellular vein (radio-medial crossvein); Idcv., lower disco- cellular vein; i., intercalated cell; ac. c, accessory cell. [Eriocephalidae] 200. Portion of bleached wing membrane, showing points of attachment of scales and aculese (prickles). (Forbes) 201. Setomorpha, wings. (Busck) [Tineidse] 202. Noctua. (Forbes) Lettering as in fig. 199. [Noctuidse] 203. Pterophorus, wings. (Berlese) [Pterophoridse] 204. Omeodes, wings. (Berlese) [Orneodidse] 205. Harrisina, wings. (Jones) [Pyromorphidse] 206. Coleophora, wings, [Cosmopterygidae] 207. Pronuba, mouthparts. (Packard) m. p., maxillary palpus; pi., palpifer. [Prodoxidse] 208. Mompha, wings. (Busck) [Cosmopterygidse] 209. Agnippe, wings. (Busck) [Gelechiidse] 210. Papilio, wings. (Comstock) [Papilionidse] 211. Prionoxystus, wings. (Comstock & Needham) [Cossidfle] 212. Coptotriche, wings. (Walsingham) [Tischeriidae] 100 Plate 9. B. B. Brues, del. PANORPAT^, TRICHOPTERA, LEPIDOPTERA. PLATE 10. Lepidoptera. 213. Epargyreus, last joint of tarsus of male. (Scudder) a, dorsal view; b, latera view. [Hesperiidse] 214. Chrysophanus, details of leg. (Scudder) a, front leg of male with tarsal joints on left more enlarged; b, front leg of female with last tarsal joint on left more enlarged; c, middle leg of male. [Lycsenidae] 215. Calephelis, details of legs. (Scudder) a, tibia and tarsus of front leg of male, with tarsus on left more enlarged; b, tibia and tarsus of front leg of female, with last joint on left more enlarged; c, tibia and tarsus of middle leg of male. [Lemoniidse] 216. Plumose antenna of moth. (Duncan) 217. Euphydryas, details of legs. (Scudder) a, tibia and tarsus of front leg of male, with last joints of tarsus on left more enlarged; b, tibia and tarsus of front leg of female with last joints of tarsus below more enlarged; c tibia and tarsus of middle leg of male. [Nymphalidse] 218. Cissia, details of legs. (Scudder) a, tibia and tarsus of front leg of male, with tarsus on left more enlarged; b. tibia and tarsus of front leg of female, with tarsus on left more enlarged; c, tibia and tarsus of middle leg of male. [Agapetidae] 219. Antenna of skipper, apical portion. (Pimcan) [Hesperiidse] 220. Antenna of butterfly, apical portion. (Duncan) 221. Bembecia, middle leg. (Beutenmiiller) [Sesiidse] 222. Scales from the wings of various Lepidoptera. (Scudder) 223. Crambus, lateral outline of body. (Femald) m., maxillary palpus; 1., labial palpus. [Pyralididae] 224. Antenna of moth. (Duncan) 225. Pterophorus, hind leg of male. (Femald) [Pterophoridse] 226. HjT)oprepia, wings. (Hampson) [Lithosiidae] 227. Alypiodes, wings. (Hampson) [Agaristidae] 228. Hemiceras, wings. (Hampson) [Notodontidae] 229. Melittia, head. (BeutenmuUer) [Sesiidae] 230. Ephestia, wings. (Chittenden) [Pyralididae] 231. Platyptilia, wings. (Femald) [Pterophoridae] 232. Melittia, wings. (Beutenmiiller) [Sesiidae] 233. Nigetia, wings. (Holland) [Nolidae] 234. Anosia, head from front. (Scudder) a., base of antenna; e., eye; p., base of proboscis. [Lymnadidse] 235. Anosia, wings. (Scudder) [Lymnadidae] 236. Euvanessa, head, prothorax and front of mesothorax. (Scudder) [Nymph- alidae] 237. Epargyreus, side view of head. (Scudder) [Hesperiidae) 238. Arotvu-a, wings. (Walsingham) [Cosmopterygidae] 239. Gnorimoschema, head from side. (Busck) [Gelechiidse] 102 Plate 10, LEPIDOPTERA. PLATE 11. Diptera. 240. Tipula. [Tipulidae] 241. Bibio. [Bibionidse] 242. Mayetiola. [Cecidomyiidae] 243. Simulium. (Lugger) [Simuliidse] 244. Sargus. (Verrall) [Stratiomyiidae] 245. Acrocera. (Verrall) [Cyrtidae] 246. Pantophthalmus. [Pantophthalmidse] 247. Tabanus. [Tabanidae] 248. Scenoplnus (Verrall) [Scenopinidae] 249. Bombylius. (Verrall) [Bombyliidae] 250. Paraspiniphora. (Verrall) [Phoridae] 251. Euhybos. [Empididae] 252. Physocephala. (Lugger) [Conopida;] 253. Belvosia. [Tachinidae] 254. Lonchoptera. (Verrall) [Lonchopteridae] 255. Sphaerocera. (Howard) [Borboridae] 256. Oscinis. (Lugger) [Chloropidae] 257. Pseudolfersia. (Lugger) [Hippoboscidae] 104 Plate 11. A. L. Melander, del. DIPTERA. PLATE 12. DJptera. 258. Tabanus, wing. (Williston) a. c. v., anterior crossvein; p. c. v., small cross- vein [Tabanidse] £59. Musca, apex of tarsus, showing bristle-shaped empodium. (Kellogg) [Mus- cidse] £60. Thereva, wing. [Therevidse] £61. Leptis, end of tarsus showing empodium. [Rhagionidse] £62. Perrisia, antenna of male. (Verrall) [Cecidomyiidae] 263. Pericoma, wing. [Psychodidse] 264. Stichopogon, wing. [Asilidae] 265. Anthrax, wing. [Bombyliidse] £66. Bibio, anteima. (Verrall) [Bibionidse] 267. CiUex, wing. [Culicidae] 268. Empis, wing. [Empididae] 269. Bittacomorpha, wing. [Ptychopteridse] 270. Platypalpus, wing. [Empididae] 271. Scatophaga, wing. [Scatophagidae] 272. Simtilixim, antenna. (Verrall) [Simuliidse] 273. Tipula, wing. [Tipulidae] 274. Dolichopus, wing. [Dolichopodidae] 275. Euxesta, wing. [Ortalididae] 276. Rhypus, antenna. (Verrall) [Rhyphidae] 277. Blepharocera, wing. (Comstock) [Blepharoceridse] 278. Lonchoptera, wing. [Lonchopteridae] 279. Trixoscelis, wing. [Geomyzidae] 280. Ceroplatus, wing. [Mycetophilidse] 281. Eristalis, wing. [Syrphidae] 282. Meoneura, wing. [Milichiidae] 283. Tabanus, antenna. (Verrall) [Tabanidae] 284. Orphnephila, wing. (Williston) [Orphnephilidse] 285. Platjrpeza, wing. [Platj^jezidae] 286. Xylophagus, antenna. (Verrall) pf^ylophagidae] 287. Ccenomyia, antenna. (Verrall) [Coenomyiidae] 288. Rhyphus, wing. [Rhyphidae] 289. Pipunculus, wing. [Pipunculidae] 290. Rhachicerus, antenna of female. (Vollenhoven) [Xylophagidffi] 291. Chrysopila, wing. [Rhagionidae] 292. Conops, wing. [Conopidae] 293. Thereva, antenna. (Verrall) [Therevidae] 294. Bombylius, antenna. (Verrall) [Bombyliidae] 295. Rhynchocephalus, wing. (Williston) [Nemestrinidse] 296. Musca, wing. [Muscidae] 297. Gonia, antenna. (Williston) [Tachinidae] 298. Mydas, wing. (Mydaidaej 299. Dolichopus, antenna. [Dolichopodidae] 300. Drapetis, antenna. (Williston) [Empididae] 301. Volucella, antenna. (Williston) [Syrphidae] 106 Plate 12. ^£><; -z:% A. L. Melander, del. DIPTERA. PLATE 13. Diptera, Suctoria, Hemiptera. 302. Calliphora, thorax from above. (Walton) Ac, achrostichal bristles; DC.» dorsocentral bristles; H., humeral bristles; lA., intra-alar bristles; NP., noto- pleural bristles; PH., posthumeral bristles; PrS., presutural bristles; SA., supraalar bristles; PA., postalar bristles; Sc, scutellum; c., calypteres; hp., hypopleura; mp., meso- pleura; pa., postalar callosity; pp., propleura; ptp., pteropleura; stp., sternopleura; h., humerus; p., anterior portion of meso- thorax (prozona); m., posterior portion of mesothorax (metazona) [Calli- phoridse] 303. Calliphora, thorax from side. (Walton) Lettering as in fig. 302. [Calli- phoridae] 304. Calliphora, head from front. (Walton) a., antenna; ar., arista; eh., cheek; e., eye; fo., fronto-orbital bristles; fs., frontal suture; in., interfrontalia; c, ocellar bristles; ve., vertical bristles. [Calliphoridse] 305. Calliphora, head from side. (Walton) Lettering as in fig. 304. [Calli- phoridae] 306. Ceratophyllus, antenna. (Fox) [Pulicidae] 307. Ceratophyllus, hind tibia. (Fox) [Pulicidae] 308. Ctenocephalus, hind tibia. (Fox) [Pulicidae] 309. Ceratophyllus. (Patton & Cragg) [Pulicidae] 310. Dermatophilus. (Butler) [Dermatophilidae] 311. Xenopsylla, head from side. (Fox) [Pulicidae] 312. Ctenocephalus, antenna. (Patton & Cragg) [Pulicidae] 313. Nepa, wings. (Handlirsch) [Nepidae] 314. Catacantha, wings. (Kirkaldy) [Pentatomidae] 315. Acanthia, wings. (Handlirsch) Acanthiidae] 316. Conorhinus, wings. (Patton & Cragg) Em., embolium; €1., clavus; C, corium; Mb, membranaceous area. [Reduviidae] 317. Anasa, antenna. (Tower) [Coreidae] 318. Anasa, wings. (Tower) [Coreidae] 319. Reduvius, tip of tibia and tarsus. (Eysell) [Reduviidae] 320. Anasa, leg. (Tower) [Coreidae] 321. Cimex, tip of tibia and tarsus. (Eysell) [Cimicidae] 322. Corixa. (Handlirsch) [Corixidae.] 108 Plate 13. DIPTERA, SUCTORIA. HEMIPTERA. PLATE 14. Hemiptera, Homoptera. 323. Notonecta. (Miall) [Notonectidse] 324. Nepa. (Miall) [Nepida;] 325. Halticus. (Distant) [Miridse] 326. Hydrometra. (Miall) [Hydrometridse] 327. Gems. (Miall) [Gerridse] 328. Corixa, front leg. (Kolbe) [Corixidae] 329. Corixa. (Miall) [Corixida;] 330. Cimex. (Patton & Cragg) [Cimicida;] 331. Corizus. (Hambleton) [Corizidse] 332. Euschistus. [Pentatomida;] 333. Polyctenes. (Westwood) [Polyctenidae] 334. Leptoglossus. (Chittenden) [Coreidse] 335. Aradus. (Howard) [Aradidse] 336. Henicocephalus. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Henicocephalidae] 337. Triphleps. (McGregor) [Anthocoridae] 338. Conorhinus. (Chagas) [Reduviidse] 339. Cicada, hind leg. (Kolbe) [Cicadidae] 340. Corythuca. [Tingitidae] 341. Anasa, prothorax and head. (Hyatt & Arms) [Coreidse] 342. Lethocerus. (Smith) [Belostomatidse] ' 343. Blissus. (Webster) [Myodochidse] 344. Icerya, antenna of female. (Riley) [Coccidae] 6 345. Entylia, hind leg. (Branch) [Membracidse] 346. Icerya, tarsus of female. (Riley) [Coccidae] 6 347. Entylia, antenna. (Branch) [Membracidae] Plate 14. B. Brues, del, HEMIPTERA, HOMOPTERA. PLATE 15. Homoptera. O 348. Cicada, wings. [Cicadidse] , <^ 349. Cicada, head from front. (Berlese) [Cicadidse] 350. Ceresa. (Marlatt) [Membracidae] ^■351. Ceresa, antenna. (Marlatt) [Membracidae] ^ 352. Ceresa, fore wing. (Marlatt) [Membracidae] ^ 353. Typhlocyba, wings. [Typhlocybida] <» 354. Tettigoniella. (Ball) [Proconiidae] c> 355. Oncometopia, fore wing. (Ball) [Jassidae] ^ o 356. Poiocera, wings. (Metcalf) [Fulgorids] ^^'^357. Gypona, wings. (Metcalf) [Proconiidae] ^^ r, 358. Ormenis. (Swezey) [Flatidae] f 359. Libumia, wings. (Metcalf) [Delphacidae] O 360. Otiocerus, wings. (Metcalf) [Derbidae] y' " 361. Amphiscepha. (Swezey) [Flatidae] 362. Diaspis, female. (Howard) [Coccidae] 363. Rhizococcus, female, tip of tibia and tarsus. (Packard) [Coccidae] 364. Palaeococcus, hind leg. [Coccidae] 365. Aspidiotus, male. (Howard) [Coccidae] <^366. Scolops. (Smith) [Cixiidae] ^ 367. Scolops, fore wing. (Metcalf) [Cbciidae] y Plate 16. HOMOPTERA. PLATE 16. Homoptera, Lepismatoidea, MachUoidea, Rhabdtira, Dicellura, Arthropleona, Symphypleona, Protura. 368. Trioza, wings. (Patch) [Psyllidae] 369. Aleyrodes, tarsus. (Quaintance) [Aleyrodidse] / 370. Efltylia. (Branch) [Membracida;] ." ^' ^" // ^>? 371. Pachypsylla, wings. (Patch) [Psyllida;] 372. Entylia, head from front. (Branch) [Membracidse] 373. Macrosiphvun, wings. (Patch) [Aphididse] 374. Aphis. (Chittenden) [Aphididae] 375. Aleyrodes. (Bemis) [Aleyrodidse] 376. Cicada, head from above. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Cicadidse] 377. Jassid, head from above. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Jassidae] 378. Lepisma. (Butler) [Lepismatidse] 379. Campodea. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Campodeidse] 380. Tomocerus. (Folsom) [Entomobryidse] 381. Isotoma. (Imms) [Entomobryidse] 382. Parajapyx, apex of abdomen. (Silvestri) [Japygidse] 383. Japyx, from below. (Berlese) [Japygidse] 384. Sminthiirus. (Sharp) [Sminthuridse] 385. Acerentomon. (Silvestri) [Eosentomidse] 386. Anajapyx. (Silvestri) [Projapygidse] 387. Gastrotheus. (Silvestri) [Lepismatidae] 114 Plate 16. B. B. Bruea, del. HOMOPTERA, LEPISMATOIDEA, MACHILOIDEA, RHABDURA, DICEL- LURA, ARTHROPLEONA, SYMPHYPLEONA, PROTURA. PLATE 17. Lmnature Stages of Various Insects. 388. Calosoma, larva. (Duncan) [Coleoptera: Carabidse] 389. Dj^scus, larva. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Coleoptera: Dytiscidse] 390. Phryganeid larva. (Duncan) [Trichoptera] 391. Lachnosterna, larva. (Forbes) [Coleoptera: Scarabseidae] 392. Chrysopa, larva. (Chittenden) [Neuroptera: Chrysopidae] 393. Mallodon, larva, lateral view. [Coleoptera: Cerambycidse] 394. Same, ventral view. (Packard) 395. Geometrid larva. (Packard) [Lepidoptera: Geometridse] 396. Melanotus, larva. (Forbes) [Coleoptera; Elateridse] 397. Saw-fly larva. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidse) 398. Acherontia, larva. (Maxwell-Lefroy) [Lepidoptera : Sphingidse] 399. Culex, larva. (Dyar) [Diptera: Culcidse] 400. Hylastinus, larva. (Chittenden) [Coleoptera: Ipidse] 401. Bruchus, larva. (Howard) [Coleoptera: Bruchidae] 402. Anatis, larva. (Britton) [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidas] 403. SimxJium, larva. (Osbom) [Diptera: Simulidse] 404. Chrysobothris, larva. (Chittenden) [Coleoptera: Buprestidae] 405. Musca, larva. (Howard) [Diptera- Muscidre] 406. Pulex, larva. (Chittenden) [Suctoria: Pulicidse] 407. Tipula, larva. (Needham) [Diptera: Tipulidse] 408. Gelechia, pupa, under side. (Hunter) [Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae] 409. Same, side view. (Hunter) 410. Simulitim, pupa. (Miall) [Diptera: Simulildae] 411. Lyctus, larva. (Hopkins) [Coleoptera: Lyctidae] 412. Sialis, pupa. (Davis) [Megaloptera: Sialididse] 413. Cyllene, pupa. (Hopkins) [Coleoptera: Cerambycidae] 414. Culex, pupa. (Knab) [Diptera: Culicidae] Plate 17. B. B. Bruea, del. IMMATURE STAGES OF VARIOUS INSECTS. PLATE 18. Various Terrestrial Arthropods, not Insects. 415. Porcellio. (Richardson) [Crustacea] 416. Scolopendra. (Newport) [Chilopoda] 417. Scutigera. (Howard) [Chilopoda] 418. Chelifer. (Ewing) [Arachnida] 419. Buthus. (Krffiplin) [Arachnida] 420. Galeodes. (Dufour) [Arachnida] 421. Tegenaria. (Emerton) [Arachnida] 422. Theljrphonus. (Krsepelin) [Arachnida] 423. Eurypelma. [Arachnida] 424. Julus. (Stebbing) [Diplopoda] 425. Argas. (Bishopp) [Arachnida] 426. Protolophus. (Banks) [Arachnida] 427. Tetranychus. (Woodworth) [Arachnida] 118 Plate 18. B. B. Brues, del. TERRESTRIAL ARTHROPODS, NOT INSECTS. GLOSSARY OF SPECIAL TERMS.i This glossary is intended to include only such entomological terms as are not easily understood from the figures referred to in the keys throughout the book, and other words only when their meaning in the keys might not be readily ascertained from an ordinary English dictionary. Abdomen, the hindermost of the three main body divisions. Adventitious, not regular, accidental or additional. Anal, pertaining to the last abdominal segment or to the hind basal angle of the wing. Annulated, incompletely divnded into ring-like joints. Annulus, (-li), a ring or band. Antecoxal sclerite, a part of the metasternum in front of the hind coxae (Coleoptera) (PI. 6, fig. 108). Antecubital crossveins, crossveins along the costal border toward the base (Odonata). Antenna (-nae), a pair of jointed appendages of the head above the mouthparts. Appendiculate cell, a small indistinct cell distal to the marginal cell (Hymenoptera). Apterous, wingless. Arcuate, arched like a bow. Arculus, a basal crossvein between the radius and cubitus (Odonata). Arista, a bristle-like process at or near the end of the antennae (Diptera). Ar61ium (-ia), a terminal pad of the foot between the claws. Attenuated, gradually tapering. Axrxiliary vein, the subcostal vein of Diptera, anterior to the first longitudinal vein. (PI. 12, fig. 258). Axilla (-lae), a triangular sclerite on each side of the scutellum (Hymenoptera) (PI. 4, fig. 68. A.) Basal cells, the two cells proximal to the anterior crossvein and the discal cell (Diptera) (PI. 12, fig. 258). Bifid, split into two parts. Bilobed, divided into two lobes. Calypteres, small membranous disks under the base of the wings (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 303, c). Capitate, with a distinct knob at the tip. Carinate, ridged, or furnished with a raised line or keel. Caudal filaments or setae, thread-like processes terminating the abdomen. Cell, a space in the wing bounded by veins. Cercus (-ci), a pair of short appendages at the end of the abdomen. Cheek, the lateral part of the head between the eyes and the mouth. Chitin, the horn-like material forming the hard parts of the body wall. Clavate, clubbed or enlarged at the tip. Clavus, an oblong basal part along the inner edge of the fore wings (Heteroptera, Homoptera) (PI. 13, fig. 316). 'Where the plural form is unusual the differing termination is given in parentheses added to the last common letter of the root. 121 122 Key to Families of North American Insects. Clypeus, the sclerite bearing the labrum (Hymenoptera) ; a horseshoe-shaped sclerite under the margin of the mouth (Diptera). Coarctate, -with narrowed base and enlarged tip. Compressed, flattened from side to side, as distinguished from depressed. Connate, immovably united, fused. Constricted, narrowed in the middle. Cdrium, an elongate middle part of the fore wing (Hemiptera) . C6meous, horn-like in texture. Costa, the front margin of the wing, considered as the first vein. Costal area, the part of the wing immediately behind the front margin. Costal cell, the space of the wing in front of the subcostal vein. Coxa (-xae), the basal joint of the leg, sometimes quite fused with the body. Ctenidium (-ia), a comb-like row of bristles. Cubitus, the fifth of the main veins of the wing. Cursdrial, fitted for running. Declivity, the abruptly bent apex of the elytra (Coleoptera). Decumbent, bending downward. Denticulate, with minute tooth-like projections. Dichoptic, eyes not touching (Diptera). Digitate, with finger-like processes. D6rsal, pertaining to the upper surface or back of the body. Dorsocentral bristles, several rows of bristles near the middle of the mesonotum (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 302, DC). Ectoparasite, a parasite which lives on the exterior of animals. El3rtron (-ra), the horny upper wings, or wing covers, of beetles. Empodium (-ia), a single middle pad between the tarsal claws (Diptera). Epiphysis (-ses), a lappet-like process. Epipleura (-ras), the infolded edge of the elytra (Coleoptera). Epistome, the lowest part of the face. Epizoic, liNang on the outside of animals. Eye-cap, a group of modified scales overhanging the eye (Lepidoptera). Facial plate, the central part of the face (Diptera) . Femur (-mora), the thigh or third division of the legs. Filiform, hair-like, or filamentous, longer than setaceous. Flabellate, with fan-like processes or projections. Flabellimi (-la), a leaf -like or fan-like process. Flagellimi, the distal part of the antenna when lash-like. Fontanel, a small, depressed, pale spot on the front of the head between the eyes (Isoptera). Forcipate, bearing pincers, or pincers-shaped. Frenulum, a strong spine at the front basal angle of the hind wings (Lepidoptera) (PI. 10, fig. 226). Front, the forehead, between the antennae, eyes and ocelli. Frontalla, the central strip of the front (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 304). Frontal lunule, a small crescent-shaped space just above the antennae (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 304). Glossary of Special Terms. 123 Fronto-orbital bristles, several bristles along the front next the eyes (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 304). Furcula, the forked springing appendage below the end of the abdomen. (CoUem- bola). Gena (-nae), the cheek. Geniculate, abruptly bent, elbowed. Genitalia, the external sexual organs. Gibbous, puffed out; hunch-backed. Glabrous, bald, smooth, free of hairs. Gonapophysis (-ses), the short conical egg-laying processes terminating the abdo- men. Graduated crossveins, an oblique row of crossveins forming steps across the wing (Neuroptera). Gravid, filled with eggs. GMar siiture, a longitudinal impressed line on each side of the gula or middle piece of the throat. Halter, a small knobbed appendage on each side of the thorax replacing the hind wings (Diptera). Haustellate, mouth formed for sucking, the mandibles not fitted for chewing. Hemelytron (-ra), the modified fore wings of Hemiptera. Heteromerous, differing in the number of joints in the tarsi. Holoptic, eyes of the male meeting above the antennae (Diptera). Homonomous, similar in form, function or development. Humeral angle, the inner front corner of the wing. Hyaline, more orl ss transparent. Hypopleural bristles, a more or less vertical row of bristles above the hind coxae (Diptera). Hypopygium, the last ventral plate; or the inflexed genitalia. Ingluvial, pertaining to the crop. Interfrontal bristles, minute bristles on the central part of the front (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 304). Interstitial, occurring between two segments, e. g. the trochanter, linking the coxa and femur. Intra-alar bristles, several bristles above the root of the wing next to the dorsocen- trals (Diptera). Jigum, a lobe-like process at the base of the fore wings overlapping the hind wings (Lepidoptera) . Labellum (-la), the expanded sensitive tip of the proboscis (Diptera). Labium, the lower lip or second maxillae. Labrum, the upper lip. Lamella (-lae), a leaf-like plate. Laminate, composed of leaf-like plates. Lanceolate, tapering at each end, spear-shaped. Larva (-vae), the earlier stages of an insect's life after hatching from the egg and before the pupal period. Lateral, at or pertaining to the side of the body. Ligula, the central part of the labium, borne by the mentum (Coleoptera) . 124 Key to Families of North American Insects. L^ule, a small crescent-shaped piece just above the antenna (Diptera). Mandibulate, with jaws fitted for chewing. Maxilla (-lae), the second pair of appendages belonging to the mouth, behind the mandibles or jaws. Maxillary palpus, a finger-like jointed appendage on each maxilla. Media, the fourth of the principal wing-veins. Mentxtm, the part of the labium bearing the movable parts. Mesepistemum, (-na), the anterior of the oblique side pieces of the mesothorax. Mesonotum, the back or upper side of the mesothorax. Mesopleura (-rae), the space below and in front of the root of the wings (Diptera). Mesostemum, the middle part of the underside of the mesothorax. Mesothorax, the middle of the thoracic divisions, bearing the second legs and the fore wings. Metamorphosis (-ses), the series of marked external changes through which an insect passes during its development e. g. egg, larva, pupa, adult. Metastemum, the middle piece of the under side of the metathorax. Metatarsus (-si), the first joint of the tarsus, next to the tibia. Metathdrax, the third division of the thorax, bearing the hind legs and the hind wings. Micropterous, with small wings. Monilifonn, resembling a string of beads. Neuration, the arrangement of the veins of the wings, the venation. Node, a swelUng or knot-like knob. N6dus, a stout crossvein at the middle of the costal border of the wing (Odonata). Notum, the dorsal surface of the body, particularly of the thorax. Nymph, the larval stage of those insects that have no resting pupal period. Ocellus (-11), the simple eyes, usually three in number, on the upper part of the head. Occiput, the back part of the head. Onychium (-ia), a pad between the tarsal claws. Orbit, the part of the head immediately next the eyes, Ostioles, the paired lateral openings of the heart. Ovipositor, the egg laying apparatus. Palpus (-pi), one or two pairs of jointed sensitive, finger-like processes borne by the mouth. Parapsidal furrow, a lengthwise groove between the median line and each side of the mesonotum (Hymenoptera). PSrasite, an animal that feeds on or in some other animal. Paronychium (-ia), a bristle-like appendage of the claws or empodium. Pectinate, with branches like a comb. Pendulous, hanging from one end. Petiolate, attached by a stalk or stem. Phytophagous, feeding on plants. Plantula (-lae), one of the soles of the feet. Pleurite, one of the side pieces of the body. Plteiose, feathery. Glossary of Special Terms. 125 Posterior callosity, a swelling between the root of the wings and the scutellum. (Diptera). Posterior cells, a variable number of cells extending to the hind margin of the wings, the first bounded inwardly by the anterior crossvein (Diptera). Posthtuneral bristle, one or more bristles placed just inside of the shoulder-swelling (Diptera). Postscutellum, a small piece of the thora.x immediately behind the scutellum. Postvertical bristles, a pair of minute bristles behind the ocelli (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 504). Preapical bristle, a bristle on the outside of the tibia; just before the apex (Diptera). Predatory, capturing living prey. Pygidium, the last dorsal segment. Prefurca, the petiole of the second and third veins of Diptera. Presutural bristle, one or more bristles on each side of the mesonotum just in front of the transverse suture (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 302). Proboscis, the extended trunk-like or beak-like mouthparts. Proepimeron (-ra), that part at the rear of the side of the prothorax next the coxse. Prondtum, the back or upper side of the prothorax. Propleiira (-rae), the .side portion of the prothorax. Prostemum, the middle of the underside of the prothorax. Prothoracic bristle, a bristle above the front coxse (Diptera) . ProthSrax, the first division of the thorax, bearing the front legs. PrOinose, coated with a hoary dust. Pteropleural bristles, bristles located on the sides of the body just beneath the root of the wings (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 303). Ptalvillus, (-li), a pair of pads beneath the tarsal claws. Pftpa (-pse), the resting stage preceding the transformation to adult, sometimes called chrysalis. Radial cell, one or more cells near the anterior margin of the wing (Hymenoptera) (PI. 3, fig. 36). Radial sector, the posterior of the two main divisions of the radius. Radius, the third of the principal veins of the wings. Raptorial, fitted for grasping prey. Reclinate, pointing backward. Recurrent nervure, one or two transverse veins arising from the lower side of the cubital cells (Hymenoptera) (PI. 3, fig. 36;. Reniform, kidney-shaped. Reticulate, meshed, like net-work. Rostrum, a beak or snout. Scape, the basal joint or joints of the antennae. Sclerite, any piece of the body wall bounded by sutures. Scopa, a brush on the underside of the abdomen, for collecting pollen (Hymenop- tera) . Scutellum, a somewhat triangular or crescentic division at the rear of the meso- notum. Serrate, saw-toothed. 126 Key to Families of North American Insects, Sessile, broadly attached. Seta (-tae), a bristle or filament. Setaceous, bristle-like, slender. Sinuous, S-shaped, winding back and forth. Small-crossvein, a short crossvein extending from the base of the discal cell to the fifth posterior cell (PI. 12, fig. 258, p. c. v.). Spatulate, broad at tip, narrowed at base. SpiQulated, furnished with very small spines. Spiracles, breathing pores along the sides of the body. Spurs, movable spines, usually two, at the end of the tibiae. Spurious vein, an extra vein crossing the anterior crossvein (Diptera) (PL 12, fig. 281). Squamopygidium, a plate formed by the fusion of several apical abdominal seg- ments (Dermaptera) . Stemite, the ventral piece of each abdominal segment. Stemoplefiral bristles, the bristles on the triangular side piece between the front and middle coxae (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 303, stp.). Stigma, a thickening on the costal border of the wings. Stridulating, making a chirping or creaking noise. Style, a bristle-like process terminating the antennae, thicker than the arista (Dip- tera) . Styles, short slender appendages on the underside of the abdomen (Thysanura). Styliform, drawn out as a slender stiff process. Subantennal grooves, a groove or grooves in the middle of the face (Diptera) . Subcosta, the second of the principal veins of the wings. Submedian cell, a long cell near the base of the wing (Hymenoptera) (PI. 3, figs. 36, 37, 48, SM.). Submentum, the basal part of the mentum. Sulcate, grooved or furrowed. Supraanal plate, a dorsal piece terminating the abdomen. Suture, the line separating the pieces of the body wall. Tarsus (-si), the foot, the jointed portion of the leg beyond the tibia. Tegmen (-mina), the toughened upper wings of grasshoppers, etc. Tegula (-lae), a small convex plate over the root of the fore wings (Hymenoptera) (PI. 4,. figs. 68, 73, T.). Telson, the last abdominal segment. Tergite, the dorsal piece of an abdominal segment. Thorax, the second of the main divisions of the insect body, between the head and the abdomen, bearing the legs and wings. Tibia (-iae), the shin-joint of the leg, between the femur and the tarsus. Triangle, a small triangular cell near the base of the wing (Odonata). Trochanter, the small joint of the leg between the coxa and the femur. Trochantin, a small piece on the outer side of the coxa (Coleoptera). Truncate, ending squarely, blunt. Venation, the course of the veins or rod-like thickenings of the wings. Ventral, pertaining to the underside of the body. Glossary of Special Terms. 127 Ventral membrane, the skin-like tissue connecting the tergites and the sternites (Diptera). Ventral segments, the sternites of the abdomen. Vertex, the crown of the head. Verticillate, provided with whorls of fine hairs. Vestigial, small, degenerate, not functional. Vibrissa (-sse), a bristle or bristles on each side of the mouth-opening in front (Diptera) (PI. 13, fig. 304, v.). Viviparous, bringing forth living young, not egg-laying. INDEX TO GENERA AND HIGHER GROUPS. Acalypteratse, 67 Acanthomeridse, 64 Acanthiidse, 77, 79 Achetidse, 14 Achilida;, 75 Achorutidse, 83 Acilius, 31 Acocephalus, 74 Acoloithus, 50 Acordulecera, 20 Acridiidse, 13 Acroceridse, 64 Acrolepiidae, 56, 58 Acroptera, 65 Adalia, 37 Adelida;, 56, 57 Adephaga, 30 Adimeridse, 36, 38 Aedes, 62 ^geriidse, 49 ^gialitidffi, 38 J^^olothripidse, 16 ^schnidse, 43 Agabus, 31 Agalliophagus, 42 Agaonidae, 22 Agapetidse, 60 Agapostemon, 29 Agaristidse, 53 Agdistinse, 49 Ageniaspis, 22 Agnatha, 43 Agnepteryx, 59 Agrilus, 33 Agrionidse, 43 Agromyzidse, 71 Agrotis, 54 Alabama, 54 Alaus, 33 Aletia, 54 Aleyrodidae, 76 AUeculida;, 38 AUotria, 21 Alophora, 67 Alsophila, 52 Alydidffi, 80 Alypia, 53 Alysiidse, 21, 22 Alysonidse, 29 Ainblycera, 18 Ambrysus, 77 Ammophila, 28 Amphicerus, 34 Amphicyrta, 32 Amphiscepha, 74 Amphizoidse, 30 Ampulicidie, 28 Ampulicimorpha, 25 Ansea, 60 Anabolia, 47 Anacrabro, 27 Anajapj'x, 82 Anaphorinse, 56 Anarsia, 58 Anasa, 80 Anastatus, 22 Anatis, 37 Anax, 43 Ancylis, 57 Andrenidse, 29 Andreniformes, 29 Andriciis, 22 Androloma, 53 Aneurus, 78 Anisolabis, 15 Anisopidse, 61 Anisoptera, 43 Anisota, 52 Anobiidae, 34 Anopheles, 62 Anoplura, 18 Anosia, 59 Anotia, 75 Anteon, 25 Anthericomma, 42 Anthicidse, 39 Anthidium, 30 Anthocorldse, 78 Anthomyiidse, 68 Anthomyza, 71 Anthonomus, 41 Anthophila, 2 Aothophoridse, 29 Anthrax, 65 Anthrenus, 34 Anthribidse, 41 Antispila, 57 Antiliata, 61 Anurididse, 83 Apantesis, 54 Apatela, 54 Apatelodes, 52 Apatidse, 34 Aphsenocepbalida?, 38 Aphsereta, 21 Aphaniptera, 72 Aphelinus, 24 Aphididae, 76 Aphiochseta, 65 Aphorista, 37 Aphoruridse, 83 Aphrophora, 74 Apida;, 29 Apioceridse, 65 Apocrita, 19 Apostraphia, 59 Aradidse, 78 Archeognatha, 81 Archips, 57 Archytas, 68 Arctiidse, 54 Argynnis, 60 Argyresthia, 58 Aricia, 68 Arthromacra, 38 Arthropeas, 64 Arthropleona, 82 Ascalaphidse, 45 Aschiza, 66 Asclera, 38 Asilidae, 65 Aspidiotus, 75 Aspistes, 63 Astata, 28 Asteidse, 71 Athericera, 66 Atomaria, 34 Atropidse, 17 Attagenus, 34 Attelabidse,41 Atteva, 58 Auchenorrhyncha, 73 Augochlora, 29 Automeris, 52 Auzatidse, 53 Bacillus, 14 Bactridium, 38 Bactrocerus, 19 Bseocera, 35 Ba?tis, 43 Balaninus, 41 Basilarcbia, 60 Basilona, 52 Batrisodes, 32 Bedellia, 56 Belostomatidae, 77 Belytidae, 24 Bembecia, 49 Bembecidse, 28 Bembidium, 31 Berothidse, 46 Index to Genera and Higher Groups. 129 Berytidse, 80 Bethylidse, 25, 27 Bibiocephala, 62 Bibionidse, 62 Bittacomorpha, 62 Bittacusidse, 46 Blapstinus, 38 Blastobasidje, 58 Blastophaga, 22 Blattaeformia, 1 Blattella, 16 Blattidffi, 16 Blepharoceridse, 62 Blissus. 80 Bocchus, 25 BombidEe, 29 Bombomelecta, 29 Bombycidae, 53 Bombycqidea, 3 Bombyliidse, 65 BorboVidse, 70 Boreida?, 46 Boriomyja, 45 Boros, 39 Bostrichidse, 34 Botanobia, 71 Brachiloma, 58 Brachinus, 31 Brachycentrus, 47 Brachycera, 61 Brachyinera, 2 Brachynemurus, 45 Brachyrhinidse, 41 Brachystegus, 29 Brachytarsus, 41 Braconidie, 21, 22 Brassolidse, 60 Brenthidae, 41 Brenthis, 60 Brochymena, 80 Brontes, 34 Bruchidse, 40 Bruchomorpha, 75 Bryaxis, 32 Bucculatrix, 55 Buprestidse, 33 Byrrhida?, 32 Byrsopidse, 41 Bythoscopidse, 74 Byturidse, 34 Csecilius, 17 Clamocerotidse, 47 Calandridse, 41 Calephelis, 60 Caligo, 60 Calledapteryx, 51 Calligrapha, 40 Callimomidae, 23 Callimyia, 66 Calliphoridse, 68 Callizzia, 51 Callosamia, 52 Calobatida;, 69 Calopteron, 36 Calopterj'gida?, 43 Calosoma, 31 Caloteleia, 24 Calotermes, 17 Calypteratse, 67 Calypteromerus, 36 Campodeidffi, 82 Camponotus, 25 Camptoprosopella, 6 Campylomyza, 63 Canifa, 39 ' Cantharidse, 40 Canthon, 41 Capitoniidse, 21 Capsida;, 78 Carabidse, 31 Cardiacephala, 70 Carpocapsa, 57 Carpophilus, 33 Carposina, 58 Cartodere, 38 Castniidse, 49 Catocala, 54 Cebrionidse, 35 Cecidomyiidse, 63 Celama, 54 Cemonus, 28 Centris, 29 Cephaloonidae, 39 Cephidae, 20 Cerambycidse, 40 Ceraphronidse, 24 Ceratocampidse, 52 Ceratocombidse, 77 Ceratinidse, 30 Ceratitis, 70 Ceratophyllus, 73 Ceratopogon, 63 Ceratopsyllidse, 73 Cerceris, 28 Cercyon, 32 Cercopidse, 74 Cercyonis, 60 Ceresa, 74 Cerodonta, 71 Ceropalidse, 26 Ceroplatus, 63 Ceruchus, 41 Cerylon, 37 Ceuthophilus, 14 Chaetopsis, 70 Chalarus, 66 Chalastogastra, 19 Chalcididae, 23 Chalcidoidea, 22 Chalcophora, 33 Chalcosiidae, 50 Clialepus, 40 Chalia, 50 Chalybion, 28 Chauliodes, 44 Chauliognathus, 36 Cheiropachys, 23 Chelonariidae, 32 Chelonus, 21 Chermidae, 75 Chionaspis, 75 Chironomidae, 63 Chlaenius. 31 Chlorion, 28 Chlorochroa, 74 Chloroperia, 44 Chloropidae, 71 Choreutis, 58 Chortophaga, 13 Chrysididae, 25 Chrysobolhris, 33 Chrysomelidae, 40 Chrysophanus, 60 Chrysopidae, 45 Chrysopila, 64 Chrysops, 64 Chrysotus, 66 Chyliza, 72 Chyphotes, 26 Cicadidae, 73 Cicindelidae, 31 Cicinnus, 53 Cimbicida?, 20 Cimicidae, 77 Cioidae, 37 Cissia, 60 Cistelida?, 38 Cistogaster, 67 Citheroniidae, 52 Cixiidae, 75 Clambida;, 36 Clastoptera, 74 Clavicornia, 32 Cleonymidae, 23 Cleridae, 35 Climacia, 46 Clinocera, 66 Clinocoridae, 77 Clisiocampa, 53 Clistogastra, 19 Clusia, 69 Clythiidai, 66 ' Coccidae, 75 10 130 Key to Families of North American Insects. Coccinellidse, 37 Cochlidiidae, 50 Coelioxys, 30 Coelopa, 69 Coenagrionidse, 43 Coenonympha, 60 Coenosia, 68 Coleophora, 57 Coleoptera, 30 Coleopteroidea, 2 Colias, 60 CoUembola, 82 Colletidse, 29 Colletiformes, 29 Collops, 36 Colobopterus, 45 Colydiida;. 37 Colymbetes, 31 Coniopterygidse, 45 Connophron, 36 Conocephalus, 14 Conopidse, 66 Conorhinus, 79 Conotrachelus, 41 Contarinia, 63 Copeognatha, 17 Copidita, 38 Copromyzidse, 70 Coptodisca, 57 Coptotriche, 56 Cordulegasteridse, 43 Corduliidse, 43 Cordyluridse, 69 Coreidse, 80 Corimelsenidae, 80 CorLxidae, 77 Corizidse, 80 Corphyra, 39 Corrodentia, 17 Corticaria, 38 Corydalidae, 44 Corylophidse, 36 Corynetidse, 35 Corythuca, 79 Cosilidse, 27 Cosniopepla, 80 Cosmopterygidse, 57, 58 Cossidse, 50, 55 Crabronidae, 27 Crambidse, 50 Crambidia, 55 Cratoparis, 41 Cremastogaster, 25 Criocerus, 40 Cryptocephalus, 40 Cryptophagidse, 34, 39 Cryptorhynchus, 41 Cryptothrips, 16 Cryptus, 21 Ctenocephalus, 73 Ctenophora, 62 Ctenopsyllidte, 73 Ctenucha, 53 Cucujidse, 34, 39 Culicida;, 62 Cupedidae, 30 Curculionidae, 41 Cursoria, 16 Cuterebrida;, 67 Cyane, 57 Cybister, 31 Cybocephalus, 36 Cycloplasis, 57 Cydia, 57 Cydnidse, 80 Cyclorrhapha, 65 Cylas, 41 Cylindrotomidse, 62 Cyllene, 40 Cymatophoridse, 52 Cynipidse, 22 Cynipoidea, 22 Cyphonidse, 33 Cypselidse, 70 Cyrtidse, 64 Cyrtonotum, 71 Cyrtopogon, 65 Dacnes, 34 Dacnusa, 21 Dactylopius, 75 Dalceridse, 50 Danais, 59 Dascyllidae, 33 Dasyneura, 63 Datana, 52 Debis, 60 Decatoma, 23 Degeeriidae, 83 Deilephila, 51 Delphacidse, 74 Deltocephalus, 74 Dendroctonus, 40 Dendroides, 39 Dendroleon, 45 Depressaria, 59 Derbida;, 75 Dermaptera, 15 Dermatina, 4 Dermatophilidae, 72 Dennestidae, 34 Dermodermaptera, 14 Derodontidae, 34 Desmometopa, 71 Dexiidae, 68 Diacrisia, 54 Diadasia, 29 Diamorus, 23 Diaperis, 38 Diaphania, 50 Diapheromera, 14 Diapriidae, 24 Diastata, 71 Dicellura, 82 Dictyoptera, 45 Didineis, 29 Diedrocephala, 74 Dilaridae, 45 Dilophus, 62 Dineutes, 31 Dioptidae, 52 Diphyllini, 34 Diplax, 43 Diploglossata, 14 Diploplectron, 28 Diopsidae, 70 Diplosis, 63 Diplura, 81 Diprionidae, 20 Dipsocoridae, 77 Diptera, 61 Dircenna, 59 Discolomidae, 38 Dissosteira, 13 Ditoma, 37 Diversicornia, 32 Dixidae, 62 Docophorus, 18 Dolerus, 20 Dolichopodidae, 66 Donacia, 40 Dorcus, 41 Dorniphora, 65 Doryceridae, 70 Dorylaidae, 66 Dor;yphora, 40 Doru, 15 Drapetes, 33 Drasterius, 33 Drepanidae, 53 Drosophilidae, 71 Dryinidae, 25, 27 Dryomyzidae, 70 Dry'ope, 58 Dryopidae, 32 Dysdercus, 79 Dysodia, 53 Dysodiidae, 78 Eccoptogaster, 40 Echiiiophthiriidse, 18 Ectoedemia, 55 Eiseniella, 22 Elachistidae, 57 Index to Genera and Higher Groups. 131 Elaphidion, 40 Elasmidse, 23 Elateridse, 33 Elenchida;, 42 Eleodes, 38 Eleuterata, 30 Elis, 26 EUipoptera, 18 EUychnia, 36 Elmis, 32 Elythroptera, 30 Embidaria, 3 Embiida?, 43 Embioptera, 42 Embolemidse, 25 Emesidse, 79 Emmenognatha, 44 Empididse, 66 Empoasca, 74 Enallagma, 43 Enarmonia, 57 Enchenopa, 74 Encyrtidse, 22 Endomychidse, 37 Energopoda, 4 Ennearthron, 3.7 Enodia, 60 Entomobryidse, 83 Eois, 52 Eosentomidse, 83 Ephemeridse, 43 - Ephemeroidea, 3 Ephemeroptera, 43 Ephestia, 50 Ephuta, 27 Ephydridse, 71 Epicalliina, 59 Epicauta, 40 Epilachna, 37 Epimartyria, 49 Epiplemidae, 51 EpitrLx, 40 Epochra, 70 Eproboscidea, 66 Epyris, 25 Erax, 65 Eretmoptera, 63 Erinnidse, 64 Eriocephalidse, 49 Erioptera, 62 Eristalis, 66 Eros, 36 Erotylidffi, 34, 37 Erycinidse, 60 Estigmene, 54 Ethmiida;, 59 Eucerceris, 28 Eucharidse, 23 Euchistus, 80 Eucinetidse, 33 Eucleida?, 50 Eucnemidse, 33 Eucoila, 21 Euconnus, 36 Eucosma, 57 Eudamus, 59 Eudermaptera, 15 Eulecanium, 75 Eulophidse, 24 Eumenidae, 26 Eumyiidse, 66 Eunotus, 23 Euparagia, 26 Eupelmidae, 22 Euplexoptera, 15 Euploeidse, 59 Euproctis, 55 Eupsalis, 41 Eupterotidse, 52, 53 Eurema, 60 Euribiidse, 70 Eurygaster, 80 Eurymus, 60 Eurytomidse, 23 Eusapyga, 26 Eustrophus, 39 Eutermes, 17 Euthrips, 16 Euthyatira, 52 Euthysanius, 35 Euvanessa, 60 Euxesta, 70 Evaniidse, 21 Evaniocerini, 39 Exoprosopa, 65 Exoristidse, 68 Fannia, 68 Figitidse, 21 Flatida?, 74 Foenus, 21 Forficulidae, 15 Formicidse, 25 Fornax, 33 Frenataj, 49 Fulgoridse, 74 Fungivoridae, 63 Galerucella, 40 Galgulida;, 76 Galleriidae, 50 Gastrophilidse. 67 Gelastocoris, 76 Gelechiida?, 56, 58 Geocoris, 80 Geometridse, 51, 52, 55 Geomyzidse, 71 Georyssidie, 37 Geotrupes, 41 Geron, 65 Gerridse, 78 Gingla, 50 Glossata, 48 Glyptocombus, 77 Gnophaela, 54 Gnorimoschema, 56 Gomphidse, 43 Gonatocerus, 22 Gonatopus, 25 Gonia, 68 Gorytidse, 29 Gracilariidse, 57 Graphomyia, 68 Grapta, 60 Gressoria, 14 Gryllidse, 14 Grylloblattids, 13 Gryllotalpidse, 14 Gymnopternus, 66 Gymnosomatidse, 67 Gypona, 74 Gyrinidse, 31 Gyropodidse, 18 Habrosyne, 52 Hadena, 54 Hsematobia, 68 Hsematopinidse, 19 Halictophagidse, 42 Halictus, 29 Haliplidffi, 31 Halisidota, 54 Halterata, 61 Halteriptera, 61 Haltica, 40 Halticus, 78 Haploa, 54 Harmostes, 80 Harpalus, 31 Harrisina, 50 Haustellata, 61 Hebrid«, 79 Hedychrum, 25 Heliconiidse, 59 Helicoptera, 75 Heliodinidae, 57 Heliophila, 54 Heliothis, 54 Heliothrips, 16 Heliozelidse, 55, 57 Helodida?, 33 Helomyzidae, 68 Helophilus, 66 132 Key to Families of North American Insects. Heloridse, 24 Hemerobiidse, 45 Hemerocampa, 55 Hemerodromia, 66 Hemimeridse, 14 Hemiptera, 76 Hemisia, 29 Henicocephalidse, 79 Henopidse, 64 Hepialidse, 49 Heptagenia, 43 Heriades, 30 Hesperiidse, 59 Hesperoctenes, 78 Hetserina, 43 Heterocampa, 52 Heterocera, 48 Heteroceridfe, 37 Heterochila, 70 Heteromera, 31 Heteroneuridse, 69 Heteroplectron, 47 Heteroptera, 76 Hexagenia, 43 Hippelates, 71 Hippiscus, 13 Hippoboscidse, 72 Hippodamia, 37 Hirmoneura, 64 Histeridaj, 33 Histriciidse, 68 Holcaspis, 22 Holcocera, 58 Hololepta, 33 Holometopa, 67 Homffiinus, 80 Homalomyia, 68 Homoptera, 73 Hoplisodes, 29 Hybos, 66 Hydrellia, 71 Hydriomena, 52 Hvdrobatidae, 78 Hydrobius, 32 Hydrometridse, 78 Hydrophilidse, 32 Hydrophorus, 66 Hydropsychidse, 47 Hydroptilidse, 47 Hydroscaphidse, 37 Hvlocoetus, 36 Hylophilidae, 39 Hylotomidse, 20 Hymenoptera, 19 Hymenopteroidea, 1 Hymenorus, 38 Hj-patus, 60 Hyphaatria, 54 Hypocera, 65 Hypodermatidffi, 67 Hypoprepia, 55 Hj-porhagus, 39 Hypselosoma, 77 HjTJsidse, 54 Hystrichopsyllidae, 73 Ibaliidfe, 22 Ichneumonidoe, 21, 22 Ichneumoniformia, 1 Idiocerus, 74 Incurvaria, 57 Inocellia, 44 Iphiclides, 60 Ipidse, 40 Ischnocera, 18 Ischnoptera, 16 Isocybus, 24 Isodontia, 28 Isometopidai, 78 Isoptera, 17 Isosoma, 23 Isotoma, 83 Ithomiidse, 59 Itonididse, 63 Jalysus, 80 Janus, 20 Japygidse, 82 Jassidse, 74 Jugatse, 49 Kapala, 23 Kermes, 75 Labiduridse, 15 Labiidse, 15 Laccobius, 32 Lachnosterna, 41 Lacosomatidse, 53 Lsemophloeus, 34 Lsemopsylla, 73 Laertias, 60 Lagoa, 50 Lagriidfe, 38 Lamellicornia, 31 Larapyridae, 36 Languridse, 37 Laphria, 65 Laphygraa, 54 Lariidse, 40 Larridse, 28 Larvsevoridse, 68 Lasiocampidae, 53 Lasioptera, 63 Lasius, 25 Lathridiidfe, 38 Lauxaniidae, 69 Lemoniidse, 60 Lepidoptera, 48 Lepidosaphes, 75 Lepismatidae, 81 Leptidae, 64 Leptinidae, 35 Leptinotarsa, 40 Leptocera, 70 Leptoceridae, 48 Leptocoris, 80 Leptogaster, 65 Leptoglossus, 80 Leptomydas, 65 Leria, 68 Lestes, 43 Lestremia, 63 Lethocerus, 77 Leucopis, 72 Leucospidae, 23 Libellulidae, 43 Libelluloidea, 3 Liburnia, 74 Libytheidffi, 60 Limenitis, 60 Limnephilidae, 47 Limnerium, 21 Limnobatidae, 78 Limnobiidse, 62 Limnophila, 62 Limnotrechus, 78 Limonius, 33 Limosina, 70 Liotheidae, 18 Liparidae, 55 Lipeurus, 18 Liponeuridae, 62 Lipoptera, 18 Liriopeidae, 62 Litargus, 37 Lithocolletes, 57 Lithosiidae, 51, 55 Locustidae, 14 Lomamyia, 46 Lonchaeidae, 70 Loiichopteridae, 65 Lonomiidae, 53 Lophyrus, 20 Loxocera, 72 Loxostege, 50 Lucanidae, 41 Lucidota, 36 Lucilia, 68 Lycsenidae, 60 Lydidae, 19 Lycida;, 36 Lycogaster, 24 Index to Genera and Higher Groups. 133 Lycoperdina, 37 Lycoriidse, 63 Lyctidse, 34 Lygseidje, 80 Lygus, 78 Lymantriidse, 55 Lymexylonidae, 35, 3( Lymnadidse, 59 Lyonetiidse, 55 Lyperosia, 68 Lyroda, 28 Lysiphlebus, 21 Lyttida;, 40 Machilidse, 81 Macratria, 39 Macrobasis, 40 Macrocephalidae, 79 Macrocera, 63 Macrodactylia, 2 Macrodactylus, 41 Macronema, 47 Macrophya, 20 Macrosiphum, 76 Macroxyela, 19 Malachiidag, 35, 36 Malacodermata, 2 MalacodermidiE, 36 Malacomyza, 45 Malacosonia, 53 Mallophaga, 18 Mantidse, 16 Mantispidse, 45 Margaronia, 50 MasaridiB, 26 Masiceridse, 68 Mayetiola, 63 Mecoptera, 46 Mecynocera, 42 Megachilida;, 30 Magalodachne, 34 Megaloptera, 44 Magalopygidse, 50 Megalothoracidse, 83 Megaprosopidse, 67 Megaspilus, 24 Megathymus, 59 Megilla, 37 Melandryidfe, 39 Melanolestes, 79 Melanophora, 68 Melanophthalraa, 38 Melanoplus, 13 Melanotus, 33 Melectida;, 29 Meleoma, 45 Melissodes. 29 Melittia, 49 Melittobia, 24 Mellinidae, 28 Meloida;, 40 Melophagus, 72 Melusinidse, 62 Melyridffi, 36 Membracidae, 74 Mengeidae, 42 Menopon, 18 Meoneura, 71 Meromyza, 71 Meropidfe, 46 Mesoveliidfe, 79 Metatermitidae, 17 Meteor us, 21 Methoca, 27 Metopia, 68 Mezira, 78 Mezium, 35 Microbeinbex, 28 Microgaster, 21 Micromalthidae, 36 Micromus, 45 Micropezida;, 69, 70 Microphthalma, 67 Micropterygoidea, 49 Microphona, 65 Microrhagus, 33 Microvelia, 78 MilichiidfE, 71 Mimesidae, 28 Mineola, 50 Miridae, 78 Mirientomata, 83 Miscogastridae, 23 Miscophus, 28 Molamba, 36 Molannidae, 48 Mompha, 57 Monarthrum, 40 Monedula, 28 Monodontomerus, 23 Monohammus, 40 Mondmmidae, 39 Mononychidae, 76 Monotomidae, 38 Mordellida?, 39 Morellia, 68 Morphoida;, 60 Murgantia, 80 Muscidae, 68 Musidoridae, 65 Mutillidae, 27 Mycetaeidae, 37 Mycetaulus, 71 Mycetochares, 38 Mycetophagidae, 34, 37 Mycetophilidae, 63 Mycomyia, 63 Mydaidae, 65 Myersiidae, 21, 22 Myiodaria, 66 Myiospila, 68 Mymaridae, 22 Myodites, 39 Myodochidae, 80 Myolabridae, 40 Myopa, 66 Myrmecophila, 14 Myrmeleonidae, 45 MjTmica, 25 Myrmosidae, 26, 27 Mytilaspis, 75 Myzinidse, 26 Myzus, 76 Nabidae, 78 Nacerdes, 38 Naeogeidae, 79 Naso, 75 Naucoridae, 77 Neanura, 83 Necrobia, 35 Necrophorus, 36 Nectarophora, 76 Neelidae, 83 Neididaj, 80 Nematocera, 61 Nematus, 20 Nemistrinidae, 64 Nemognatha, 40 Nemopoda, 68 Nemotelus, 63 Nemoura, 44 Nepidae, 77 Neopasites, 29 Neoscleroderma, 25 Nephanes, 37 Nepticulidae, 55 Nerophilus, 48 Nerthridae, 76 Neuronia, 47 Neuroptera, 45 Neuropteroidea, 3 Neuroctena, 70 Neuroterus, 22 Neurotoma, 19 Nirmus, 18 Nisoniades, 59 Nitelidae, 28 Nitidulidae, 33, 38 Noctuidae, 54 Nolidae, 54 Nomad idae, 29 Nosodendridae, 32 Nossidium, 37 134 Keij to Families of North American Insects. Notiphila, 71 Notodontidse, 52 Notoglossa, 27 Notolophus, 55 Notonectidae, 77 Notoxus, 39 Nycteolidse, 54 Nycteribiidse, 72 Nyctobates, 38 Nymphalidje, 60 Nymphipara, 66 Nyssonida;, 28, 29 Ochteridae, 76 Ochthiphilida-, 72 Ocneria, 55 Ocj'pteridse, 68 Odinia, 71 Odonata, 43 Odontoceridse, 48 Odontophyes, 19 Odontota, 40 Odynerus, 26 (Ecanthus, 14 CEcophoridse, 59 ffidemasia, 52 Qildomeridae, 38 (Estridse, 67 Olbiogaster, 61 Olene, 55 Olethreutes, 57 Olfersia, 72 Olibrus, 33 Oligoneura, 42 Oligotomidse, 43 Olynthida;, 42 Omaloptera, 66 Omophron, 31 Omosita, 33 Omus, 31 Oncodidse, 64 Oncomyia, 66 Oncopeltis. 80 Onthophagus, 41 Oothecaria, 16 Ophion, 21 Opomyzidse, 71 Opostegidse, 55 Opsebius, 64 Orasema, 23 Orchesella, 83 Oreta, 53 Orgyia, 55 Ormenis, 74 Ormyrus, 23 Orneodidse, 49 Ornix, 57 Orphaephilidse, 62 Ortalidida?, 70 Orthezia, 75 Orthocladius, 63 Orthogenya. 65 Orthoperidffi, 36 Orthoptera, 13 Orthopteroidea, 1 Oryssidse, 20 Oscinidse, 71 Osmia, 30 Ostomatida?. 33 Othniida?, 38 Otiocerus, 75 Otiorhynchidjp, 41 Oxybelidse, 27 Oxj-ptilus, 49 Pachybrachys, 40 Pachyneuridse, 62 Pachyophthalmus, 68 Pachyrhina, 62 Packardia, 50 Pagasa, 78 Paleacrita, 52 Palloptera, 70 Palpicornia, 32 Pamphila, 59 Pamphiliidse, 19 Pangseus, 80 Panorpidse, 46 Panorpoidea, 3 Pantoclis, 24 Pantophthalmidte, 64 Panurgidse, 29 Papaipema, 54 Papilionidae, 60 PapiriidjB, 83 Paragus, 66 Parallelomma, 69 Paramesius, 24 Parandra, 40 Paraneuroptera, 43 Parasita, 18 Paratiphia, 26 Parnassiidse, 60 Parnidaj, 32 Parnopes, 25 Parydra, 71 Passaloecus, 28 Passalidse, 41 Paururus, 20 Pediculidse, 19 Pedilidffi, 39 Pelecinidse, 25 Pelidnota, 41 Pelocoris, 77 Pelogonidse, 76 Pelopffius, 28 Peltis, 33 Pemphredonidse, 28 Pentagrammaphila, 42 Pentarthron, 24 PentatomidiB, 80 Penthe, 39 Pepsis, 26 Peribalus, 80 Pericoma, 62 Pericopidse, 54 Peridroma, 54 Perilampidse, 23 Periplaneta, 16 Perlidae, 44 Perloidea, 3 Petrophora, 52 Phalacridse, 33 Phalonia, 58 Phasgonophora, 23 Phasgonuridae, 14 Phasmidse, 14 Phasiidffi, 67 Phengodes, 36 Philanthida-, 28 Philonthus, 32 Philopotamidae, 47 Philopteridae, 18 Philothermus, 37 Phleboptera, 19 Phlegethontius, 51 Phloeothripidse, 16 Pholus, 51 Phorantha, 67 Phorbia, 68 Phoridse, 65 Phorodon, 76 Phortica, 71 Photinus, 36 Photuris, 36 Phryganeidae, 47 Phryganidia, 52 Phryneidse, 61 Phthiraptera, 18 Phthirius, 19 Phthorimsea, 56 Phyciodes, 60 Phycltida;, 50 Phycodromidse, 69 Phyllobsnus, 35 Phyllocnistis, 55, 57 Phyllodromia, 16 Phylloxera, 76 Phymatids, 79 Physocephala, 66 Physopoda, 15 Phyto, 68 Phytomyzidse, 71 Phytonomus, 41 Index to Genera and Higher Groiips. 135 Phytophaga (Hym.) 19 Phytophaga (Col. ) 31 Pieridse, 60 Piesmidffi, 80 Pimpla, 21 Piophilid*, 71 Pipunculidee, 66 Pissodes, 41 Plastocerus, 35 Platycerus, 41 Platydema, 38 Platygastridse, 24 Platynus, 31 Platypalpus, 66 Platypedia, 73 Platj-pezidse, 66 Platypodidse, 40 Platypterygidse, 53 Platypsyllidae, 35 Platyptilia, 49 Platystomatidse, 70 Plecia, 62 Plecoptera, 44 Plecotoma, 39 Plectoptera, 43 Plenoculus, 28 Plodia, 50 Podabrus, 36 Podagrion, 23 Poduridae, 83 Poecilocapsus, 78 Poiocera, 74 Polistes, 26 Polycaon, 34 Polycentropidse, 47 Polyctenidse, 78 Polygnotus, 24 Polygonia, 60 Polymorpha, 32 Polynema, 22 Polyphaga, 30 Polystigma, 60 PolystcKchotidse, 45 Pomphopcea, 40 Pompilidae, 26 Ponera, 25 Pontia, 60 Porthetria, 55 Priononyx, 28 Prionoxystus, 50 Pristaulacus, 21 Prochiliza, 71 Proconiidse, 74 Proctacanthus, 65 Proctotrypidae, 25 Prodenia, 54 Prodoxidae, 55 Projapygidae, 82 Prolabia, 15 Proleucoptera, 55 Pronuba, 55 Prosopidae, 29 Protermitidae, 17 Protura, 83 Psaramocharidae, 26 Pselaphidae, 32 Psenida?, 28 Psephenus, 32 Pseudagenia, 26 Pseudisobrachium, 25 Pseudococcus, 75 Pseudocorylophidae, 3£ Pseudomasaris, 26 Pseudomethoca, 27 Pseudorhynchota, 18 Pseuoplisus, 29 Psilidai, 72 Psilocephala, 65 Psithyrus, 29 Psocidae, 17 Psocinella, 17 Psocoptera, 17 Psyche, 48 Psychidai, 50, 55 Psychodidae, 62 Psychomyiidse, 47 Psyllida?, 75 Pteromalidae, 23 Pteronarcys, 44 Pterophoridae, 49 Pterostichus, 31 Pterygogenea, 1 Pterygophoridae, 20 Ptilida;, 37 Ptilodexia, 68 Ptinida;, 35 Ptinobius, 23 Ptomophagus, 36 Ptychopteridae, 62 Pygidicranidse, 15 Pyragra, 15 Pyragropsis, 15 Pyralididse, 50, 51 Pyrameis, 60 Pyraustidae, 50 Pyrgotida;, 70 Pyrochroidae, 39 Pyromorphidae, 50 Pyrrhocoridae, 79 Pythida;, 39 Pyticera, 35 Pulicidae, 73 Pulvinaria, 75 Pupipara, 66 Ranatra, 77 Reduviidae, 79 Reduviolus, 78 Rhabdura, 82 Rhachiceridae, 64 Rhagionidffi, 64 Rhagoletis, 70 Rhagovelia, 78 Rhamphomyia, 66 Rhanis, 37 Rhaphidiidae, 44 Rhaphiomydas, 65 Rheumaptera, 52 Rhinchitidae, 41 Rhinomaceridae, 41 Rhinophoridae, 68 Rhinopsis, 28 Rhinotoridae, 70 Rhipiceridae, 34 Rhipiphoridae, 39 Rhipiptera, 41 Rhizophagus, 38 Rhogas, 21 Rhopalocera, 48 Rhopalomerida?, 69, 70 Rhopalosomatidae, 26 Rhophoteira, 72 Rhyacophilidse, 47 Rhymbus, 37 Rhynchocephahis, 64 Rhynchophora, 31 Rhynchoprionidae, 72 Rhynchota, 4 Rhyphidffi, 61 Rhysodidae, 31 Riodinidae, 60 Rivellia, 70 Roproniidae, 21 Ruralidae, 60 Saldida;, 79 Saltatoria, 13 Samia, 52 Sandalus, 34 Sanninoidea, 49 Saperda, 40 Saprinus, 33 Sapromyzidae, 69 Sapygidae, 26 Sarcophagidae, 68 Sarcopsyllidae, 72 Sargus, 63 Saturniidae, 52 Satynis, 60 Scaphidiidae, 35 Scaphisoma, 35 Scaptolenus, 35 Scarabaeidae, 41 Scatomyzidae, 69 Scatophagidae, 69 Scatopsidae, 63 Scelionidse, 24 136 Key to Families of North American Insects. Sceliphron, 28 Scepsis, 53 Schizometopa, 67 Schizophora, 66 Schizopteridse, 77 Schizura, 52 Sciagraphia, 52 Sciapus, 66 Sciaridse, 63 Sciomyzidje, 70 Sciophila, 63 Schistoceros, SI Scoliida;, 26 Scolops, 75 ScolytidiB, 40 Scopeumidffi, 69 Scraptiidse, 39 Scudderia, 14 Scutelleridse, 80 Scydmffinidse, 36 Semiotellus, 23 Sepedon, 70 Sepsis, 68 Sericostomatidse, 47 Serphidse, 25 Serricornia, 32 Sesiidse, 49 Sessiliventres, 19 Setomorpha, 58 Sialididse, 44 Sierolomorpha, 27 Silphidffi, 36 Silvanus, 34 Silvius, 64 Simuliidse, 62 Sinodendridse, 41 Sinoxylon, 34 Siphonaptera, 72 Siphunculata, 18 Siricidse, 20 Sisyridse, 46 Sitodrepa, 34 Sitotroga, 56 Smicra, 23 Smicrips, 38 Sminthuridse, 83 Solenobia, 50 Sphaeriidte, 37 Sphseritidse, 35 Sphseroceridse, 70 Sphserophthalmus, 27 Sphecidse, 28 Spheciformia, 2 Sphecius, 28 Sphecodes, 29 Sphenophorus, 41 Sphindidse, 38 Sphingidse, 51 Sphyrocephala, 70 Spermophagus, 40 Sphilochalcis, 23 Spilonota, 57 Spilosoma, 54 SpondylidfE, 40 Stachyocnemus, 80 Stagmotnantis, 16 Staphylinidse, 32 Staphyliniformia, 2 Statira, 38 Stegomyia, 62 Stelis, 30 Stenomidse, 58 Stenoxenidae, 63 Stenus, 32 Stephanidse, 21 Sterictophora, 20 Sternoxia, 2 Sthenopis, 49 Stigmus, 28 Stizidse, 28 Stobaera, 74 Stomoxys, 68 Stratiomyiidse, 63 Streblida;, 72 Strepsiptera, 41 Stylogaster, 69 Stylops, 42 Suctoria, 72 Symphasis, 45 Sympherobius, 45 Symphypleona, 83 Symphoromyia, 64 Symphyta, 19 SympiesLS, 24 Synchora, 39 Synergus, 22 Synistata, 45 Synteliidse, 33 Syntomidse, 53 Syrphidse, 66 Systropus, 65 Tabanidse, 64 Tabuda, 65 Tachinida», 68 Tachyporus, 32 Tachysphex, 28 Tachytes, 28 Tanypezidse, 69 Tanypus, 63 Telamona, 74 Telea, 52 Teleas, 24 Telenomus, 24 Telephoridae, 36 Temnochilidse, 33 Tenaga, 56 Tendipedidae, 63 Tenebrioides, 33 Tenebrionidse, 38 Tenthredella, 20 Tenthrediiiidae, 20 Tephritis, 70 Tephrochlamys, 68 Tephroclystis, 52 Terebrantia (Hym.), 19 Terebrantia (Thrips), 1& Teredilia, 2 Terias, 60 TermitidiK, 17 Termopsis, 17 Tetanoceridse, 70 Tetracha, 31 Tetraopes, 40 Tetrastichus, 24 Tettigidse, 13 Tettigonidse, 14 Tettigoniidse, 74 ThamnotettLx, 74 Thanasinius, 35 Thaumatotj'pidea, 2L Thecla, 60 Thelaira, 68 Theresia, 68 Therevidse, 65 Thripidse, 16 Throscidse, 33 Thyacophilidse, 47 Thyatiridse, 52 Thynnidse, 27 Thyreocoridse, 80 Thyridida;, 53 Thyridopteryx, 50 Thysanoptera, 15 Thysanura, 80 Tibicen, 73 Tineidae, 56, 58 Tineola, 58 Tingitidffi, 79 Tiphiidie, 26 Tipulidae, 62 Tischeriidse, 56 Tmetocera, 57 Tolype, 53 Tomicus, 40 Tomocerus, 83 Tomoxia, 39 Tortricidse, 57 Tortricidia, 50 Toyrmidae, 23 Toxoptera, 76 Tremex, 20 Trichiosoma, 2ft Trichobius, 72 Index to Genera and Higher Groups. 137 Trichocera, 62 Trichodectidse, 18 Trichodes, 35 Tricbogrammatidse, 24 Trichopria, 24 Triclioptera, 46 Trichopterygidse, 37 Trichopoda, 67 Trichothrips, 16 Tridactylidse, 14 Tridymus, 23 Triepeolus, 29 Trigonaloidse, 24 Trinoton, 18 Trioxocera, 42 Trioza, 75 Triphleps, 78 Triprocris, 50 Tritoma, 37 Trixoscelis, 71 Troctes, 17 Trogidse, 41 Trogositidte, 33 Tromoptera, 4 Tropidopria, 24 Tropoea, 52 Trypetida?, 70 Tryphon, 21 Trypoxvlonidis, 27 Tubulifera, 16 Typhlocybidie, 74 Ulidiidse, 70 Ulonata, 13 Ululodes, 45 Uraniida;, 53 Uratocheila, 82 Uroceridse, 20 Utetheisa, 54 Valentinia, 58 Vanessa, 60 Vanhorniidse, 25 Veliidffi, 78 Vespida;, 26 Vespifomiia, 1 Willistoniella, 69 Xenidse, 42 Xenopsylla, 73 Xiphydriidffi, 20 Xyelida;, 19 Xyleborus, 40 Xylesthia, 58 Xylina, 54 Xylocopidse, 30 Xylophagidfe, 64 XyloryctidfE, 58 Xylota, 66 Yponomeutidse, 56, 58 Ypsolophus, 56 Zaitha, 77 Zarsea, 20 Zeuzera,50 Zodion, 66 Zoraptera, 17 Zorotypidae, 17 Zygsenidse, 53 Zygentoma, 81 Zygoptera, 43 INDEX TO COMMON NAMES Alfalfa weevU, 41 Angumois grain-moth, 56 Ant-lions, 45 Ants, 19, 25 Aphis-lion, 45 Apple Aphid, 76 Apple Curculio, 41 Apple leaf-hopper, 74 Apple maggot, 70 Apple tent-caterpillar, 53 Apple twig-borer, 34 Army worms, 54 Asparagus beetle, 40 Back-swimmers, 77 Bag-worm, 50 Bark-lice, 75 Bean-weevil, 40 Bedbug, 77 Bee-moth, 50 Bees, 19 ,29 Beetles, 30 Big bedbug, 79 Bill-bugs, 41 Bird lice, 18 Biting lice, 18 Blackberry crown-borer, 49 Black-flies, 62 Blister beetles, 40 Blow-flies, 67 Blue-bottle fly, 68 Blues, 60 Body louse, 19 Boll-weevil, 41 Bombadier beetle, 31 Book-louse, 17 Bot-flies, 67 Box-elder plant-bug, 80 Bristle-tail, 81 Brown-tail moth, 55 Bud-moth, 57 Buffalo-gnats, 62 Buffalo tree-hopper, 74 Bugs, 76 Bumble-bees, 29 Butterflies, 48 Cabbage Aphid, 76 Cabbage butterfly, 60 Cabbage maggot, 68 Caddice-flies, 46 Carolina locust, 13 Carpenter moth, 50 Carpet-beetle, 34 Carrion beetles, 36 Case-bearers, 57 Caterpillar-hunter, 31 Cat-flea, 73 Canker-worms, 52 Cave cricket, 14 Cecropia moth, 52 Chalcis-flies, 21 Cheese-skipper, 71 Cherry Aphid, 76 Chinch-bug, 80 Cicada, 73 Cigar case-bearer, 57 Click-beetles, 33 Clothes moths, 58 Clover weevil, 41 Cochineal insect, 75 Cockroaches, 16 Codling moth, 57 Colorado potato-beetle, 40 Coppers, 60 Corn bill-bugs, 41 Corn ear-worm, 54 Corn root-worms, 40 Cotton boll-weevil, 41 Cotton boll-worm, 54 Cotton-stainer, 79 Cotton-worm, 54 Cottony scale, 75 Crab-louse, 19 Crane-flies, 62 Crickets, 14 Croton bug, 16 Currant Aphid, 76 Currant-borer, 49 Currant maggot, 70 Currant span-worm, 52 Cut-worms, 54 Daddy-long-legs, 62 Damsel-flies, 43 Dengue-fever mosquito, 62 Diving beetles, 31 Dobson, 44 Dog-flea, 73 Dog-louse, 18 Dragon-flies, 43 Earwigs, 15 Elm bark-beetle, 40 Elm leaf-beetle, 40 Fall army-worm, 54 Fall canker-worm, 52 Index to Common Names. 13^ Fall web-worm, 54 Fig insects, 22 Filaria mosquito, 62 Fire-flies, 36 Flat-head borers, 33 Flea-beetles, 40 Fleas, 72 Flies, 61 Flower-flies, 66 Forester moth, 53 Forest tent-caterpillar, 53 Frit fly, 71 Fungus gnats, 63 Gad-flies, 64 Gall-flies, 21 Gall-gnats, 63 Garden web-worm, 50 Giant water-bugs, 77 Gnats, 61, 63 Grain Aphid, 76 Granary weevil, 41 Grape leaf-hopper, 74 Grape Phylloxera, 76 Grasshoppers, 13 Green-bottle fly, 68 Green fruit-worm, 54 Greenhouse Thrips, 16 Greenhouse white fly, 76 Green locust, 14 Ground beetles, 31 Grouse locusts, 13 Gypsy moth, 55 Harlequin cabbage-bug, 80 Hawk-moths, 51 Hawthorn lace-bug, 79 Head-louse, 19 Hellgrammite, 44 Hessian fly, 63 Hog-louse, 19 Honey-bee, 29 Hop-aphid, 76 Hornets, 26 Horn-fly, 68 Horse bot-fly, 67 Horseflies, 64 Housefly, 68 Human flea, 73 Ichneumon-flies, 19 Indian meal-moth, 50 lo moth, 52 Jigger-flea, 72 Joint-worms, 23 Jumping plant-lice, 75 June-bug, 41 Katydids,14 Kissing-bug, 79 Lace-bugs, 79 Lace-wing fly, 45 Lady-birds, 37 Larder beetle, 34 Leaf-crumpler, 50 Leaf-footed bug, 80 Leaf-hoppers, 74 Leaf-rollers, 57 Leopard moth, 50 Lesser apple-worm, 57 Lice, 18 Locust-borer, 40 Locust leaf -miner, 40 Locust, 13 Long-horned grasshoppers, 14 Long-horned locust, 14 Longicorns, 40 Louse, 18 Luna moth, 52 Malaria mosquito, 62 Mantis, 16 Marsh-treaders, 78 May-flies, 43 Meal snout-moth, 50 Mealworm, 38 Mealy-bugs, 75 Mediterranean flour-moth, 50 Mediterranean fruit-fly, 70 Melon Aphid, 76 Mexican cotton boll-weevil, 41 Midges, 61, 63 Milkweed butterfly, 59 Mole crickets, 14 Mosquitoes, 61, 62 Moth-flies, 62 Moths, 48 Museum beetle, 34 Nut-weevils, 41 Oak scales, 75 Onion maggot, 68 Onion Thrips, 16 Owlet moths, 54 Ox-warble, 67 Oyster-shell scale, 75 Palmer worm, 56 Paper-wasps, 26 Pea Aphid, 76 Peach-borer, 49 Peach-twig borer, 58 Pear midge, 63 Pear Psylla, 75 140 Key to Families of North American Insects. Pear Thrips, 16 Pea-weevil, 40 Periodical Cicada, 73 Pickle-moth, 50 Pigmy locusts, 13 Pine bark-ljeetles, 40 Pine saw-flies, 20 Pistol case-bearer, 57 Plague flea, 73 Plant-lice, 76 Plum Curculio, 41 Polyphemus moth, 52 Pomace-fly, 71 Poplar weevil, 41 Potato-beetle, 40 Potato-tuber moth, 56 Potter-wasps, 26 Powder-post beetles, 34 Praying mantis, 16 Predatory flower-bug, 78 Promethia moth, 52 Prominents, 52 Prune-twig borer, 34 Punkies, 63 Radish-maggot, 68 Rat-flea, 73 .Hed-hump apple-caterpillar, 52 Hoaches, 16 Robber-flies, 65 Rocky-mountain locust, 13 Hoot web- worm, 50 Rose-chafer, 41 Rosy Aphid, 76 Round-head apple-borer, 40 Rove-beetles, 32 Salmon-flies, 44 Sand-flies, 43 San Jose Scale, 75 Saw-flies, 19 Scale insects, 75 Scorpion-flies, 46 Screw-worm, 68 Scurfv-scale, 75 Sheep bot-fly. 67 Shore-bug, 79 Shot-hole borer, 40 Skippers, 48, 59 Soft scales, 75 Span-worm, 52 Sphinx-caterpillars, 51 Spittle insects, 74 Spring canker-worm, 52 Spruce bark-beetle, 40 Squash-borer, 49 Squash-bug, 80 Stable-fly, 68 Stalk-borer, 54 Stilt-bugs, 80 Stink-bugs, 80 Stone-flies, 44 Strawberry crown-moth, 49 Strawberry leaf-roller, 57 Strawberry root-weevil, 41 Strawberry Thrips, 16 Swallowtail butterflies, 60 Tarnished plant-bug, 78 Tent-caterpillars, 53 Termites, 17 Terrapin scale, 75 Thrips, 16 Tiger-beetles, 31 Tiger-moth, 54 Timber-beetle, 40 True-bugs, 76 Tree-crickets, 14 Tree-hoppers, 74 Tumble-bug, 41 Tussock moth, 55 Twig-pruners, 40 Variegated cut-worm, 54 Walking stick, 14 Wasps, 19 Water-boatman, 77 Water-bugs, 77 Water scavenger beetles, 32 Water-scorpions, 77 Water-striders, 78 Water-tigers, 31 Weevils, 30, 41 \Mieat midge, 63 ^^^leat-stem maggot, 71 Wheat-stem saw-fly, 20 W^hirligig beetles, 31 White ants, 17 White ermine moth, 54 WTiite-flies, 76 White-marked tussock-moth, 55 WTiite-pine weevil, 41 Willow saw-fly, 20 Willow weevil, 41 Wireworm beetles, 33 Wood-wasps, 19 WooUy-bear caterpillars, 54 Yellow-fever mosquito, 62 Yellow-jackets, 26 Yellow-neck caterpillar, 52 Yellows, 60 Yucca moths, 55 ,---