II M II n n II i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/charlesmillarsonOOchar HENRY W. MILLAR. JOHN L. MURRAY. Charles Millar & Son, UTICA, N. Y., U. S. A. Wrought Iron Pipe, Cast Iron Pipe, \x: WATER-PIPE, 22S CiilLING PLATE-:, 15 CELLATl DRAINERS, 154 CESS POOLS 153 CEMENT— Asbestos, 202 Gas Fitters' 115 Steam Joint 115 PAGE. CHAIN, 112,113 LINKS, 113 STAYS, 80 CHANDELI ERS, 211 CHIPPING KMV^ES, 221 CHISELS 231-222 CLEANOUrS for Soil Pipe 183 CLOSET BASINS 137 COUPLINGS 141 CRANKS, 106 Pans 118 SEATS 144 TANKS 143 VALVES, 144 CLOSETS, 137-140 COPPER BALLS, 118 SHOWERS, 118 COCKS-Air, 50-51 " Asbestos Iron, 47 Ball 95 Bar, 90 Beer 96 " Basin Brackeit Swing, 78 " •' Compres'uD juble Bracket 78 •■ " Cimpression, T6-77-78 •' " Double Compression, 78 '• " •' luuproied 82 " •' Improved 82 •' Self Closing 84 " " Shampoo 79 " '■ Swing 76 " ' Telegraph 85 " Waste 83 Bath, Double 75 " " Iinpioved Djuble 83 '• Waste 83 Cooler. 97-98 " Counter 97 Cylinder 51-52 Gauge 52 Globe 99 " Hopper Compression 9 J-% Self-closing 84 Hydrant 91 " Iron 25 Lock 99 Metre 49 Oil 98 Pantry 78-79 " Double 79 " " Improved 83 CuARLKS Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. rAGK. COCKS— Pantry, Improved f-2 Self Closiug: SI Racking 08-99 Rain and Well Water 89 " Service 49 Sill 90 Steam 49 " Steam Gauge S2 Urn 98 " Under Counter 97 " Urinal Compression 73 ' Self-Closing 84 COIL STANDS 17 COMPASSES 222 CONDENSKR HEADS <>7 CONDUCTOR PIPE 186 STRAINERS 187 COPPER BALLS 118 SHOWERS 118 COTTON WASTE 195 COUPLINGS 10 Boiler • . 104-105 Plain for Lead Pipe 10") Valve 105 Water Back 104 CROSSES 8 CUTTER WH EELS 215 DAMPER REGULATORS, 60 DIE PLATES 212-213 DISCS FOR ASBESTOS VALVES. 44 DISCS FOR FRIXK SEAT VALVES £6 D UESSE RS 2Q3 DRIFT PLUGS 223 DRILLS 213-214 219 DRIP TRAYS 141 DUCK CANVASS 195 EAKTHEXWAUE -Standard List,.. 131-136 EJECTOKS 59 ELBOWS, 7 " Adjustable 187 45° 7 EMERY PAPER AND CLOTH, 195 END FERRULES— Bras^, 103 Lead 103 ENGINEERS" SUPPLIES tiO EXPANSION JOINTS-lrass 32 Iron 29 PLATES 16 FKUIULES, 103 FII>ES 221 I FILTERS 102 | FITTINGS, Cast Iron— Standard List,... 21-22 j Mall. •' " " ••• 23-24 I Flanged 231 Soil Pipe 170-183 j FIRE BUCKETS, 193 \ FLANGE UNIONS, 10 '■ PAGE. FLANGES 11 FLOOR PLATES 15 FLUE BRUSHES AND SCRAPERS,... 60-(Jl FLUSH AND SUPPLY PIPES 143 FOUNTAI NS 163 FURNACES-Charcoal 220 Gasoline 220 Q AS FIXTIKE FITTISOS, 203 GAS FIXTURES AND TRIMMING 206 GAS FLYERS GATES FOR WATER MAINS, G.AUGE GL.\SS CUTTERS, GLASS TUBES, SCOTCH, GLUE HEATERS, MAKERS POTS GONG CRANKS AND FULLS, GONGS, GOVERNORS, GREASE BOXKS GREASE TRAPS, 211 S, 211 219 -44 223 la 01 64 65 61 61 65 2-^4 234 HAIR FELTING, ^^'^ HAMMERS, 22,> HOOK PLATES 10-17 HOOKS 188 HOPPERS -Earthen 138 I on, 137 HOSE— Cotton, 102 '• Fire Department, 102 Lmen, 102 •' Rubber lSO-192 HOSE REELS 102 BANDS Ill BIBB ENDS, 110 BUSHINGS, 110 CAPS, Ill COUPLI NGS, 109 NIPPLES 110 PIPES, 107-109 REDUCERS 110 SPLICERS 110 SPRINKLERS 109 STRAPS Ill STRAP PLYERS HI TIPS 108 HYDRANT GATES 167 CLAMPS, 107 HANDLES 107 NOZZLES, 107 SOCKETS 107 HYDRANTS, 166-:67 INJECTORS, INSl'lRAl 57 58 ATORS 58 ACE for Belting 193 * LACE LEATHER 19! LADLES 220 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. PAGE. LAUNDRY WASH TUBS 130-133 LAWN SPRINKLEKS 112 LEAD GASKEIS for Unions 195 LEAD-PIO 2ifi •• PIPE 22> SHEET ■... 226 TACKS 188 " TUBING 225 " TRAPS 120-125 LEADER PIPES 183 LEATHER BELTING 193 LEGS -Iron Sink 154 " Wash Tray 133 LOCKNUTS 14 LONG SCREW CONNECTIONS 14-15 LU BRICAT 'RS 54 -5G MAC HIXKS KOUTIIKEADLNG PIPE,. .212 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, 23-24 M ANIFOLDS, 18 MANGERS, 183 MARBLE SLABS 1?9-130 METALLIC ROOFING 193 SIDING AND SHINGLES,.. 193 M ETA LS 226-22- MINERAL WOOI 202 NII'PLES-Iron and Brass li-13 NIPPLES— SOLDERING, 100 OFFSKT'J, 9 OIL CUPS 63-57 " PU.M-PS 54-55 OILERS, ENGINEERS- SETS 62 OILERS, STEEL AND BRASS, 61-62 P>AD PAPER, 195 SASH WEIGHTS, 227 SAWS - Hack and Compass 223 SCREW DRIVERS 222 SCREWS- -Plated 113 AND WASHERS for Closets,. 113 SCOTCH GLASS TUBES 03 SERVICE BOXES, 1S4 SEWER PIPE, 185 TRAPS 153 VALVES 100 SHAVE HOOKS 221 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. PAOE SHEET LEAD 226 SIDE EDGES 224 SINK BACKS, 153 '• FIXTURES 155 " STSAINERS, 103 SINKS— Cast Iron, 150-153 Copper, 118 Crockerj-, 183 Soap Stone 133 Steel 154 SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS 109-183 SOLDER 226-227 SOLDERING IRONS 220-222 SOLDKR POTS 220 SPECIAL WATER- FITTINGS, W. LP... 20 SPECIALS FOR CAST IRON PIPE.. 229-234 SPELTER 226 SPRINGS for Self-Closing Bibbs 84 SPRINKLERS— Shampoo 79 STANDS for Beer Pumps, 97 STEAM GAUGES, 64 FLUE CLEANERS, 61 TRAPS 65-66 STOCKS AND DIES 212-213 STOPS— Compression, 89-90 " Corporation, 91-94 •' Finished Lever, 85-86 Rough " 86-89 " Improved, 81 Self-Closing 84 STRAP.- 188 ■' for Flush and Supply Pipes, ... 145 STREET WASHERS 166 STREET WASHER CHECKS, 107 KEYS, 107 SCREWS 1C6 RODS, 107 SYPHONS FOR STEAM GAUGES 64 TXVK MOULDS, 224 TANK BOARDS 143 TANKS FOR CLOSETS, 142 TAP BORERS 222 TAPS, 214 TAPPING MACHINES. 92-93 TEES 8 TESTING PLUGS for Soil Pipe 183 THREADS 13 TIN-Pig, 226 TONGS-Pipe 216 TORCHES 219-220 TRAP SCREWS, 102 TR APS-Bell 104 Cellar 152 " Grease 234 " Hopper, 133 " Iron for Sink, 155 " Lead and Brass,.. 120-125 " Sewer 153 Steam 65-66 TRIMMINGS for Improved Bibbs, 83 TRIP GONGS 61 TUBING for Gas, •. 211 „ Rubber 191 TURN PINS 223 UNIONS, y-io UNION ELBOWS 7,34 TEES 8 SOLDERING, U6 URINALS-Earthen, 127-128 " Iron, 149 V ALVE BOXES, 181 VALVE COUPLINGS, 105 VALVES— Brass- Angle 30 " " Balance, 32 ButterHj-, 32 " Check, .30 " " " Lock,.... 46 " " " Swinging 46 Cistern, 106 " " Cross, 31 " " Garden Hose.. . 91 " " Globe .SO " " Hopper, !i6 Hose .32 Pop Safety 67 " " Quick Open, 37 " '* Raiiator, .^3-35 " " Air.. 50-51 Relief, 66 Safety, 31 " " Sewer, 100 " Stop 46 " Throttle 32 " " Union Check,.... 31 " " Vacuum 32 " " Whistle, 63 VALVES— Iron— Angle 26 " " Back Pressure, 28 " " " " Noiseless, 28 " " Butterfly 28 " " Check, i6 " " " Swinging, 27 " " Foot with Strainer 27 " " Globe 26 " " Quick Open, .3n Relief, 66 " Safety 27 " Throttle, 29 " Asbestos, 44-46 " Chapman, 37 " Jenkins, 35 36 " Kennedy, 39 " Ludlow 43 " Rensselaer 42-44 " for Closets, 144 VENTILATORS - Globe 187 VISES, 215-216 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. PAGE_ WASH BASINS-Copper, .. 118 WASH BASINS— Earthen, 126 Iron, 148-149 WASHERS 115 '• for Water Gauges, 195 WASH TRAYS 130-133 WASH STANDS-Iron 146 148 WATER COLUMNS 63 WATER GATES 37-44 WATER GAUGES, 63 WELL POINTS 168 WHISTLES 62 PAGE. WHISTLES-CHIME 63 MOCKINGBIRD, 62 WING DIVIDERS 222 WIPING CLOTHS, 221 WRENCHES-Basin,. 218 " for Cocks 18 Pipe 216-218 Ratchet, 219 Screw 218 ■%/■ BRANCHES, 14 PRICE LIST OF Wronght Iron Pipe and Fittings, for Steam, Gas or Water. standard Wrought-Iron Steam, Gas and Water Pipe. LIST ADOPTED APRIL 13, 1893. BUTT -WELDED. "^^— Price per No. of Nominal Price per Foot. Ual Price per ft., Actual Thick- Nominal Threads Size Inside Pool, vaniz»d or Tarred or Outside ness. Weght per Inch Diameter. Black. Rustless. Asphalted. Diameter. per Foot. of Screw. INCHES. INCHES. INS. LBS. $ .04 .04 $ .05 .05 .40 .54 .068 .088 0.24 0.42 27 $ .041;; 18 K •04K .051^ .051^ .67 .091 0.56 18 H .06 .08 .07 .84 .109 0.84 14 1 .07K .10 .10 1.05 .113 1.12 14 .11 .14 .121.; 1.31 .134 1.67 11 k> iJi .141^ .19 .17 1.66 .140 2.24 IIJ^ LAP-WELDED. Nominal Size Inside Diameter. INCHKS. IH 2" 2}^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Price per Foot, Black. $ .24 .33 .50 .64 .76 .90 1.06 1.28 1.65 2.10 2.75 3.75 4.75 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.50 11.00 Price per Foot, Galvanized or Rustless. .38 .57 .70 .90 1.05 1.31 1.60 2.00 Price per ft. Tarred or Asphalted. $ .30 .39 .58 .73 .91 1. 10 1..36 1.58 2.00 Actual Outside Diameter. INCHES. 1.9 2.37 2.87 3.5 4. 4.5 5. 5.56 6.62 7.02 8.62 9.68 10.75 11.75 12.75 14. 15. 16. Thick- ness. INCHES. .145 .154 .204 .217 .226 .237 .247 .259 .280 .301 .822 .344 .366 .375 .375 .375 .375 .284 Nominal Weight per Foot. POUNDS. 2.68 3.61 5.74 7.54 9.00 10.66 12.34 14.50 18.76 23.27 28.18 36.70 40.00 45.00 49.00 54.00 58.00 62.00 No. of Threads per Inch of Screw. llj.; UK 8 For Selected Pipe or Pipe cut to specified lengths, the discount will be Five (5) per cent, less in the gross than on Regular Pipe. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Extra Strong and Double Extra Strong Wrought=Iron Pipe. BUTT-WELDEU. ACtUHl fiominal Nomiaai Size. Price per Foot. Outside Inside Thickness. Weight DiartiPter. Diameter. per Foot. X strong. % .08 ..40 .205 .100 .29 .08 .54 .294 .123 .54 .09 .67 .421 .127 .74 .12 .84 .542 .149 1.09 % 1 .15 1.05 .736 .157 1.39 .22 1.31 .951 .182 2.17 iM .29 1.66 1.273 .194 XX Strong. .24 .84 .244 .298 1.70 .30 1.05 .422 .314 2.44 .44 1.31 587 .364 3.65 W^ .58 1.66 .885 .388 5.20 l,.\l'-\VELDEI). SiZB. Price per Foot. Actual Outside Diameter. Nominal Inside Diameter. Thickness. X strong. 2 3 4 5 6 XX Strong 2 2>^ 3 4 5 6 \ .48 .66 1.00 1.28 1.52 1.80 2.56 3.30 .96 1.32 2.00 2.56 3.04 8.61) 5.12 6.60 1.90 2.375 2.875 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.563 6.625 1.90 2.375 2.875 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.563 6.625 1.494 1.983 2.315 2.b92 3.358 3.818 4.813 5.750 1.088 1.491 755 284 716 136 063 875 203 221 280 304 321 341 375 4:^7 406 442 560 608 642 682 75 S75 Nominal Weight per Foot. 3.63 5.02 7.67 10.25 12.47 14.^7 20.54 28.. i8 6.40 9.02 13.68 18.56 22.75 27.48 38.12 5^.11 SEAMLESS AND DRAWN BRASS AND COPPER TDBIN6. IRON PIPE SIZE. Same Size BRASS. COPPER. 1 \ctual Out- Actual In- Extras Over | Approxi Extras over Approxi- side Diameter. Pipe. Basis Price per lb. mate Weight per Foot. Basis Price per lb. mate Weight per Foot. Inches. Inches. M 10.15 .296 fO.lo .310 .405 .250 3/ .11 .451 .11 .476 .540 .348 .08 .600 .08 .657 .675 .4<18 ^ .06 .780 .06 .838 .840 .625 ? Basis 1.180 Basis 1.259 1.050 .843 1 1.750 1.855 1.315 1.062 11 < X 2.535 «' 2.681 1.660 1.343 • < 3.045 " 3.166 1.900 1.593 %- .< 4.000 " 4.369 2.375 2.062 21 < i 6.323 " 6. 868 2.875 2.437 3^' i< 8.500 i( 8.979 3.. 500 3.060 3i.< .02 9.878 .02 10.646 4.000 3.500 4 .02 11.719 .02 12.730 4.500 4.000 5 1 .06 16.935 .06 17.309 5.560 5.040 6 .11) 21.199 .10 1 22.385 6.620 6.060 15 ' 2(^.286 .15 1 27.777 7.620 7.020 s 20 29 >si .20 ■ :^3.r.90 8.620 7.9'<() Charles iMiM.AR & Son, Utica, N. V CO o 5 ■NCO -lO ?0 O — oj w CO -^ -^ .-H — i-H CI CO CO 1— i»-c.-iOJ'?»(M»CCO -H l-H T-l CO CO ^ ^ •i^-2 "fep . = 5'2 •2i - O :'2.^^S lis "03 t, * o a: (0 o c o c :s :::i^ ;^ 0} o o o 00 l-H Iff c~ ai CO «o in o la ecit-' ■* CO iti '■ est- • CO o o o o CO oj c to — CO ss t^' 1.0 = eo oi-jo -- - 00 O 08 S " Charles Millar & Son, Utica. N. Y. (U H = o O 1 LC C» ' °° « : ; i i i; ,^ ..... ' 1 o o O ; • ; • : « O LC O p • • O « L7 I- • • lO O ■?} « • • «c OOOO • • O O O CJ • • Tjf^QOC: • • OOOO • • ICO oo • • CO rr t- 00 • ; ^ O = L- O »a Oi CI 30 • • C««-<* • 00 o Lc Lo o o o 1 O C- 00 o O o ' o LI L-; o o o r- OJ CJ iC o la — ' — « 'f> ci -* L-; « ogo^-^g ^ ?§5S1?>§; — Cl ' ;35 T-l O L- o o o o , o: 00 tt 1-- o Li 1 T-l o et o ^ o o 1 wci-TT t-o 1^ S? 00 Li L-s o la LI T-l ^ o*cc ->* o ^ C5 i-i t~ CJ O O o ^ ^©»co «o ^ c- 00 r: o o Lt i o o ^ <-' « CO 1 1 ::« o I- X -'=: .50 .58 1.00 1.1(5 1.40 3 50 ^. o o o -?» L-; o ^ Tr^x=:_^=t| 1-1 30 Oi IS ^ O L-? 1 cvj CO L-: «> 00 CI ^ 00 — LO ci LO la »-i OJ CO -^ IS 00 :« ^s^^^^ i^ 1 =22?;s_L? ^ g2i3r,g^. • • • LT O Iron. . .• " Kcducing " Kcducing Brass, Rough " Finished Charles Millar & So V, Uti CA, N. Y. 9 OOO oo • _l. OOO _c OCO • a cc o' o ®' ■* TJllO . CO (NOT OIO • ^^ «r , OOO ■^01 .^^^Hl 00 (M CO CO so-* • OO (^mH A' «'« OOO OOO ^E ■^ O O O CO* OS ©I eo i-HOsio tata osec '^iii^i Nj „ OOO o w o « *o c^ o rl « >o C-' o w i-H'■;' OOi-i -*CO30 — ITJ< l-( oo ■ o o ■ ^ oSS :^ OOift w J «« • C5 r-l • J-l CO "^ CO « CO C ^ S?i \ oo o o • 1.80 2.70 3.60 -a c O t _; ^ cot- . (N l-H O c c Cv > iO O lO o o ■ 1-1 ire c^ o o - OlO — — c> CO ■* ^ 1.20 1 80 2.40 - Tt<00 CO O (MCO O o ■*-> CO o G ^ W CO eo-!}< »0 C- ^ »o J>0 1 -"i* oo: ^ ;^ ■<* > • iU 08 . o- - Ed GO'S o c o 72 ►-• o (B ti 3- O ^^^B / /Ss^ o3 • , u ^t^^B J ^^\ I - cZ " ft /il J S m ^3 ( 1 Rl 1 Hi 1^ c C 08 > \ % ^ ^ P-iO 10 Charles iMillar & Sox, Utica. X. V, r o o o «« C5 00 o T-l o t- o o o »o o :^ > g ■^ ■* »c Th eo :^ . ^ C eo (M CO o o c :^ ^ ^ D Oi --H o IN iO 4> — c ^ ' ^ CO E *-^ 2 J 00 o l-H t- IC ;^ ji «o o ^ * o Cd N 02 c p k5 Jft 1 ( CO biiO C 'a O U o • o e JC • o o c- • o l-H eo iC • o w • o or T}< . o CO • "1 1« • o • 1 (Tl • o f- ec • o O iC o o ■* CJ o o> eo 00 to »c o »o <»c< o '-e* to :^ « oo o IC • - • ->* '-iCJ IC • • oo o TJH o^ o »-l l-H ■* ■ ■ O lO o . ! ;^ » ooo o eo — eo o o o o o • o- ec O ooo C3 o -o ^ (?•■) eo • eo :^ , O 'O IC o o • o ^ -^ioco coo • w C7 LO LO ,- rH »- :^ a rH o* 0> iC iO iri «C ■ £>'» rH :5 J, C- lO «t LO o o o JJ i-Hc^weotooi- CO 00 CJ 'O o o «o T-H r-i r- T-l OJ '^ ^ -^ O CO lO I- O IC IC ;s5 H i-H T-H ,-, rH JO eo eo t- o o> o o IC lo i? -J O r- ^ rH 0> W O^ o 00 c; 00 IC o o ;:^ C OOOOrHO>(M «c • c- -^ > tn "> .2 oj — tC-3 5S c3 c OiOP: OPC Kfe' C PQ I o • • JO . . 00 o iC • • 1 iC t- ^. : : 1 eo • • o » "=. : : 1-1 • - o • • IC • • ■* 5 ; i eo o • 00 • • 00 ooo 005 IC C4 CQCi O '^ IC IC 1 t-Tj< ■<*< \«J I £- O t' -A rH 03 5C v* 1 eo — ' o -1^ rH OJ IC 1 Ci ■* 00 rH OrneO ^1 oS?5 vo. 1 §S;3 . _ 1 »c a= c: ^ 1 ^^R :^ 1 S :S 1 : : : or. i • «l . • "^ •'5 • • 3* '. •"3 • §- i Charles iMillar, & Son, Utica, X. Y. 11 CO C o • O CO « ; : co' CO t^ 00 ooo oi» o lo o CO o« ■* Tji tr; lo CO t> O lO o o o o 00 t> i-H iO O lO w eo' -^ -^ MS lo !0 • O O O O lO IC • • C» -^ 00 O? ■>3< t- • : oi oj oi eo CO co" ! iO »0 O O O O lO lO • «> 00 O ■* 80 O l^ • i-i" r-i' cJ O CO t- o t- • T-i .-■ r-i c>} oj eo' CO : ■<*< {>-^'T>-)OQ0O«0O10O • •ooow'^ict^T-iioooio • ; * T.^ ^' „",_;,_; (jj (jj 5Q 5^ ; eo Oi0t-OC0Oi0i0i0Ou0»0 • t-^l>-00Oi-ioi.tiiooooioo"90ire • ■*»0«5t--OqC5'=T-OOOSO'->S>> '^» « oi o o o o ■ • W oj CO TjH io »6 «o t> oq CI • Tj(o so — o o .... •—ojoieo'^ic Ed o N •yT eOTj<^ aj _ ^ s- - 93 5 1 00 00 oscs 's - « CO ■<* ta cc 12 Charles Millar & Son, I'tica, N. Y. CO "a Cu J3 bo 3 O u MJOirtt'-'-'OOOSOi.TOOKrOOOOOOO c^ff*ci^«o-«»<'*ot>cc'i^ot-i-ccjs:soooo«cc.0'^O'*(?JC»Oi.-OOC:OO 1-1 1-1 i-H cj CT w -^ IS cc 00 o o cs■3so1-lJoci''^c>>^i — i.-0'?>L~»oo»cooic t-ii—cjc>ie'JM?r-^'OC;'r-u';c:-^c;cii>»X)coo* — 1-c ^ C>> OJ ' ■<*< :c i^ c; Tt< i-ci-(.-ffl(?JCr3-*«OI>C5 O o C 5 5 1-1 'H CJ -M IC 1— " i-i CJ -^ iO l~ X CI T-<^r-ic>ioieoeo'<*'^w«ot-xc50s'j \o)S^ \p»^ 'MN^ \ei"^ at aS'ci ei 10 » lo co"k> ■* ^^ o li »o us lo" i-lr-"i-ii-ilMC>JC^CQC>eOCC'«l<-^-^'ti TJ.10 lO _^„T-i.-i^,^C?5'lWC>?00OCOCO'^^ LCO .S £>t ■«*• .-« ^ oo ec T-icJ IC o M 1-1 1-1 NCI oo ceo ej rH 1-H tti OJ O O hJ « -^eo T? c rt oo CO ■<* -M 43 hit) 1-1 c*oo ^ ^ CO (U 1F"^ 00 l*" a ^ T-l<<» a '^-t 'A L'iO c ;^ 1-1 _<=>*» CJ •^ «c w \^ ^ l?l eoioc 10 ;^ =".<=". T-H t— eo»ooooi :^ 000.-; eso ^PO o»- TIX • "1 f.^' bt X N .-o s-;: . n c .r ■T. ■ '5 ^ ■A X ? sS L. O o • • . ■«1< o 3.35 IC o o • • 1.60 ■q< o ■ C^ • ; ; 1.00 eo iC o o »o QOCO o t- i-H CO OS e9 CO »c « »ra 1 • ■^-^• \t» •<* 00 o »c w\ c*- CO t- 00 r-l .... \t< o ■<»< o o ,- o» <» l- 1— ( .... CJ t-o«c '-' '"*. ""l "^ ''! QOW OO 1 o --^CO » L-? 00 w 1« 1 \e> o oe»«» 1 rH\ ■>a< lo ici o i;:^ O O !-_ Cl CO -oio :^ O ; r-; >-; CO QOCO \M O -O 1-1 T-1\ ■ *. .■'^ . • . O) • '.'Ox: . . tD'" -■loB m :|«fe g^SS lin ^t;6p3=; 1 p^=^^=^ isi f^^^ o c o 'i to • • ■ ; c Tj< . . . o • 00 lO • • • CO ■ o £- m • • • * — ia • • tH ■ . ^ OO CO — ^ o «o «.o o eo ioJ> t^o csj CO :^ o o lo o : '^O t>C5 c/ "^ 1—^ QOO OO OJ i-icocs o -4 V fy 1 " Ovj iO — r- CJ IC Iff 1-1 \^ f Ci -* O i-O Ot--* ^ '"' t~ O 'O v^ ^ Ot-ioco ;^ |l O OC^ 3^* Tj< lOiooo ; :^ OO th ^ eo -^o o» : ■^0 OO r-i ,-. , rt • • • •! *< o o o c: oo' CO OO »OM CO «0 lO (Mi> COCO ^ .14 .18 .24 .32 .40 .50 .75 4 in. Floor Plates. Size % % 1 134 IK 2 2M 3 3k< 4 5 6 in. .08 .10 .12 .15 .20 .20 .35 .40 .50 .65 .80 1. 00 Floor Plates in Halves. Size .06 .07 1 iM 1)^ .16 3 .20 2K .25 3 .35 3>4 .50 4 .65 4^ .75 5 .80 6 Price .09 .12 1.00 N. P. Floor and Ceiling Plates. T^' Size M % K % 1 iM- m 2 Price .08 .08 .10 .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 Right and Left and Left Hand Fittings not mentioned will be charged 15 per cent, more than Riglit Hand Fittings. 16 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Wrought Iron Pipe Hooks. Size M % ^ % 1 IM IK 2 3M 3 3K 4 in. Price per 100. . $1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.50 1 75 2.00 2 50 3.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 12.50 Hook Plates. No. OF Hooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 For ^^ inch Pipe .07 .12 .16 .20 .24 .281 .33 .36 .43 .50 .60 .70 "1 " " .09 .15 .21 .27 .32 .40 .48 .56 .65 .70 .80 1.00 " 1^ " " .10 .20 .3U .40 .50 .65 .75 .80 .95 1.05 1.15 1.25 " IK " *' .20 .40 .60 .80 1.0(1 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 (. 2 " <' .30 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1 1 r Expansion Plates. No. op Hooks . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 For % inch Pipe. " 1 " .16 .20 .30 .24 .K4 .27 .38 .38 .50 .40 .45 .65 .50 .55 .75 .60 .65 .90 .70 .90 .75 .95 1.05 1.35 1.10 1.20 1.75 Ring Plates. No. OF Rings 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 For % inch Pipe "1 " " " IM " .22 .25 .40 .30 .35 .60 .40 .45 .90 .50 .55 1.00 .60 .65 1.15 .80 .85 1.40 1.15 1.20 1.50 1.60 Cbarles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 17 Combined Steel Pipe Hooks, Expansion Plates and Ring Plates. ["ITpipe i% OOK. Number OF Pipes. .. 1 2 3 i 5 .24 .32 .50 1.00 1.25 .50 .55 6 .28 .40 .65 1.20 1.50 .60 .65 7 .32 .48 .75 1.40 ".70 .75 8 .36 ..56 .80 1.60 '.80 .85 9 .43 .65 .95 1.80 ".95 1.00 10 .50 .70 1.05 2.00 i.i5 1.20 11 .60 .80 1.15 2.20 i'.dh 1.40 12 f Hook Plates and ! Expansion Plates ^ Ring Plates and/ Pipe Hook \ fin 1 " H " U " 3 " f " 1 " 07 .09 .10 .20 .30 .13 .15 .12 .15 .20 .40 .50 .22 .25 .16 .21 .30 .60 .75 .30 .35 .20 .27 .40 .80 1.00 .40 .45 .70 1.00 1.25 3.40 1.50 1.60 Pipe Hangers. Size. .15 .15 .18 11^ .20 IK .22 .25 .30 3 .35 3M .40 Roller Pipe Hangers. Above Prices for Rolls only, without Rods, Bolts or Flanges. Coil Stands. .45 .50 No. OF Pipes. 1 2 3 4 .24 .28 .32 .52 5 6 For 1 inch Pipe .06 .07 .08 .13 .12 .14 .16 .26 .18 .21 .24 .39 .30 .35 .40 .65 .36 " lU " " .42 '< lu " " .48 " 2 " " .78 No. OF Pipes High 4 6 8 10 12 % inch Pipe, per Pair 1 " " " .55 .60 .70 .85 .75 1.30 1.25 1.60 1.50 2.05 18 Charles Millar & Son. Utica, N. Y, Branch Tees or Manifolds. No. OF Outlets 2(3 4 5 7 8 9 1.65 3.50 10 12 J in. Outlets, ) 1 in. orl^J^in. Run, 2in. Centre..^ J . to Centre. ) ^^ "^• .50 .65 .65 .85 .80 1.05 .95 1.15 1.10 1.30 1.35 1.65 1.50 3.00 1.85 3.00 2.50 1 in. Outlets.] ;i"-«^-'i'^-^.r' 2iin. Centre v'* to Centre, J g^ .70 .75 1.00 2.10 .80 .90 1.20 i.50 .95 1.05 1.60 2.90 1.10 1.20 1.80 3.25 1.35 2.05 1.502.20 2.00 2.40 3.60 4.00 2.35 2.50 2.80 4.50 3.55 3.80 3.30 5.00 2.85 3.75 3.15 4.00 4.00!4.75 5.50 6.00 li in. Outlets ; U in. Eun 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80|3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 3 in. Centre ^„ . p to Centre, i 2 m. Run 1.40 1.85 2.45 3.90 3.403.90 4.40 5.00 50 6.00 li in. Outlets, ) 3i in. Centre > 2 in. Run to Centre, ) 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.50 Back or Side Outlets charged as Additional Front Outlets. nished only to Order. Left Hand Tees Fur- Wrenches for Brass Cocks. Size H H }4 % 1 IJi IM 2 m Sin. (Iron) .10 .10 .12 .15 .021 .25 30 .40 75 1 00 Brass Finished Rail Fittings. Size Fig. 700 " 701 " 702 " 703 " 70i " 705 •" 706 " 707 1 .80 1.10 1.10 1.50 1.50 1.70 .40 2.00 I3i 1.20 1.70 1.70 2.00 2.00 2.25 .70 2.50 \\i. 1.60 2.00 3.00 2.40 2.40 3.00 1.00 3.85 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 1.30 4.50 For illustrations see page 19. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 1!) Malleable Iron and Brass Rail Fittings, For Fences, Enclosing Engines and Machinery, Exhihition Spaces, &c. FiK. TOO. Fig. 704. Fig. 702. Fig. 70:i Fig. 70G. Fig. 707. Please Read these Notes witli care. IN ordering these Railing Fittings give number of our figure, and state whether rifjld-haml or left-hand threads are wanted. Where Fittings are required having noTH RIGHT and left-hand outlets. please fully describe which outlets are wanted right-hand and which left-hand. A careful observance of the above will save much trouble, and secure the accurate filling of your orders. To construct a Railing two pipes high, the upper outlets of all fittings used in lower pipe should be tapped with LEFr-iiAND thread, but when orders are sent us without specifying how outlets are to be tapped, all Fittings will invariable be furnished Right-hand. iWA.s these Fittings do not need to be Steam or Water-tight, a suflScieiitly clean thread to screw up well and make a good job, can be made by running a left-hand tap into any outlet tapped right-hand. Malleable Iron Rail Fittings. Pipe Size K 1 IK IK 2 Fig. 700— Elbow each .15 .20 .35 .45 .72 *• 701— Elbow, side outlet " .18 .25 .40 .50 .80 " 702— Tee " .18 .25 .40 .50 .75 '• 703— Tee, side outlet " .22 .35 .45 .55 .90 " 704— Cross " .22 .;]5 .45 .58 1.00 " 705— Cross, side outlet " .27 .40 .50 .65 1.35 " 706 — Floor Flange " .12 .15 .20 .28 .30 " 707— Acorn Ornament " .15 .20 .85 .35 .90 We also furnish brackets for counter-rails. 20 Charles Millae & Son, Utica, N. Y. b/) o U O a :^ ^ :^ o oo o C OO O I CO CS 05 5«3 Tti » OC5 w ?c CO «o « CISCO-* o c o o CO c o u a> c c o u in c o oo o _ o o «o o .^ c o CO U B O iC o o iq fr- o o OCS c> o o» cc 4010 \« T— I 1-1 W C3 CO r-c .-I CQ CQ IC «0 «> 00 o o o o 52; Charles Millar & Soy, Utica, N. Y. 21 List of Standard Sizes of Cast Iron Fittings Sizes dififcring from standard sizes will be charged at 10 per cent, gross dis- count liigher than standard sizes. CAST IRON FITTINGS. Flange Unions. S'ZE •■ U I f I 1 I Ul U I 2 I 2||3|4[4^| 5| I 7 I 8 | 9 | 10 | 12 Cast Iron Reducing Couplings. Size. Size. Size. Size. Size. 2^ X 2 3 X 24 3x2 3^ X 3 4 X 3i 4x3 4 X 2i 4x2 4i X 4 5" X 4 5x3 6 x 5 6x4 8x6 10 X 8 13 XlO Cast Iron Caps. Size. I 2i I 3 I U \ i \ U 6 I 7 I 8 I 10 I 13 Elbows. Size. Size. f X i 1 X 1 1 X i 1 X i H X U Size. Size. Size. Size. Size. Size. ix i 1 X 1 i X i * X f i X f li X 1 li X 1 U X f U X U U X u U X 1 ll X 1 2x2 2 X 1+ 2 X l| 2 X 1 2^ X 2^ 2i X 2 2i X IJ 3 X 3 3x2^ 3x2 3i X 3J 3^ X 3 4" X 4 4x3+ 4x3' U X 4* 5x5" 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 to xlO 12 xl3 450 Elbows. Size. | .^g I 3-< I M I 1 1.^2 I 2 I 23^ I 3 I 31^ I 4 I 4i< I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 13 Bushings. Reducing, one size only, are malleable up to 83^ in. Size, Size. Size. Size Size. Size. Size, Size. 1 X i H X 1 3 X 1 3x2 4 X 3J 4i X 3 6 X 4i 8x7 i X 1 H X 1 2 X 1 3 X H 4x3 4ix3| 6x4 8x6 i X i H X i 2 X 4 3 X H 4 X 2A 5 X 4i 6 X 31 8x5 i X i H X 1 2A X 2 3 X 1 4x2 5x4 6x3" 8x4 * X 1 H X H 21 X H 3* X 3 4 X U 5 X 3> 6 X 2' 10 X 8 *x i li X 1 2i X U 3:V X 2^ 4 X H 5x3 7x6 10 X 6 1 X S H X f 2i X 1 3^ X 2 4 X 1 5 X 3i 7x5 12 xlO 1 x -i H X i 2i X 1 U X U 4i X 4 5x3 7 X 4^ 12 X 8 1 X 1 3 X H 3 X 24 3i X li 4ix3i 6x5 7x4 1 X i 2 X li 22 Charles Millae & Son, Utica, N. Y. Tees. In describing Tees the run is first named, then tiie outlet. Size. Size. Size. Size. Size. i X i X i li X 1 X li 2 X li X li 3 X 1 X 3 4 X 4 X 5 1 X 1 X 1 li X 4 X U 2 X li X 1 3 X 3 X 4 4i X 4i X 4i ^ X -i X i li X li X 2 2 X li X 4 3i X 3i X 3i 5 X 5 X 5 ^ X 1 X 1 U X n X H 2 X li X 2 3i X 3i X 3 5 X 5 X 4 1 X ^ X i U X U X li 2 X li X li 3i X 3i X 2i 5 X 5 X 3i f X f X f 1| X li X 1 2i X 2i X 2i 3i X 3i X 2 5 X 5 X 3 f X f X 1 li X H X 4 2i X 2i X 2 3i X 3i X li 5 X 5 X 2i * X f X i li X li X 7^ 2| X 2i X li 3i X 3i X li 5 X 5 X 2 f X i X i li X li X li 2i X 2i X li 3i X 3" X 3 5 X 4 X 5 f X i X i u X li X 1| 2i x 2i X 1 3i X 3 X 2i 5 X 4 X 4 f X 1 X f u X li X 1 2i X 2i X 4 3i X 3 X 2 5 X 3 X 5 f X f X 1 H X li X 4 2i X 2 X 2i 3i X 2i X 3 5 X 2i X 5 1 X i X 1 H X li X i 2i X 2 X 2 3i X 2i X 2i 5 X 5 X G * X 1 X n li X 1 X li 2i X 2 X li 3i X 2i X 2 G X G X G 4 X f X u li X 1 X li 2i X 2 X li 4 X 4 X 4 6 X 6 X 5 4 X f X 2 li X 1 X 1 Si X 2 X 1 4 X 4 X 3J 6 X G X 4 1 X 1 X 1 li X 1 X 4 2i X li X 2i 4 X 4 X 3 G X G X 3i 1 X 1 X f li X 1 X i 2i X li X 2 4 X 4 X 2i 6 X G X 3 1 X 1 X i li X 4 X li 2i X li X li 4 X 4 X 2" G X 6 X 2i 1 X 1 X i li X 4 X li 2i X li X 2i 4 X 4 X li 6 X 6 X 2 1 X i X l" li X i X li 2i X li X 2 4 X 4 X li 6 X 5 X 6 1 X f X f U X li X 2 2i X 1 X 2i 4 X 4 X 1 6 X 5 X 5 1 X f X i H X li X 2 2i X 2i x 3 4 X 4 X 4 G X 4 X 6 1 X i X 1 U X 1x2 2i X 3 X 3 4 X 3i X 3i 6 X 3 X 6 1 X 1 X f H X 4x2 3 x 3 X 3 4 X 3i X 3 7 X 7 X 7 1 X + X * 2 X li X li 3 X 3 X 2i 4 X 3i X 3i 7 X 7 X 6 1 X 1 X r 2 X li X 1 3 X 3 X 2 4 X 3 X 4 7 X 7 X 5 1 X 1 X li 2 X li X 4 3 X 3 X li 4 X 3 X 3i 7 X 7 X 4 1 X 1 X li 2 X 1x2 3 X 3 X li 4 X 3 X 3 8 X 8 X 8 1 X 1 X u 2 X 1 X li 3 X 3 X 1 4 X 3 X 2i 8 X 8 X 6 1 X 1 X 2 2 X 1 X li 3 X 3 X 4 4 X 3 X 2' 8 X 8 X 5 1 X f X 2 2 X 1 X 1 3 X 2i X 3 4 X 3 X li 8 X 8 X 4 H X li X u 2 X 4x2 3 X 2i X 2i 4 X 3 X li 8 X 8 X 3 li X li X 1 2 X 4 X li 3 X 2i X 2 4 X 2i X 4 8 X 8 X 2i H X li X * 2 X i X 2 3 X 2i X li 4 X 2i X 8 8 X 8 X 2 H X H X i 2 X 2 X 2i 3 X 2i X li 4 X 2i X 2i 9 X 9 X 9 li X 1 X n 2 X 2x3 3 X 2i X 1 4 X 2i X 2 10 xlO xlO li- X 1 X 1 2 X 2x2 3 X 2 X 3 4 X 2i X 1 10 xlO X 8 l-> X 1 X 4 2 X 2 X li 3 X 2 X 2i 4 X 2 X 4 10 XlO X 6 H X 1 X A 2 X 3 X li 3 X 2 X 2 4 X 2 X 3 10 XlO X 4 li X f X li 2 X 2 X 1 3 X 2 X li 4 X 2 X 3i 12 xl2 xl2 U X f X 1 2 X 2 X f 3 X li X 3 4 X 3 X 2 12 xl3 xlO U X f X * 2 X 2 X i 3 X li X 2i 4 X li X 4 12 xl2 X 8 H X i X li 2 X li X 2 3 X li X 2 4 X li X 4 12 xl2 X 6 U X li X H 2 X li X li 3 X li X 3 4 X 1 X 4 Crosses. Size. 11- X U U X li li xl| X i X X f X X 1 X X 4 X X li X X 1 X X li X X li X X 1 X Size. X H X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2i X 2| X 2i X 2i X 4 X 2 X U X li X 1 V 9,1 X I x2 xH xli xl X 2] x2' X U X U Size, 2h X 3i 3" X 3' X 3 X 3 X X X X 3 3 3 3|- X 1 X 1 X 3 X 3 X 3^ X 2i X 3 X 2' X li X 3X xs' X 2^ X 4" X U x3| X 3 X 2i X 4" Size. X 4 X 4 X U X 5" X 6 X 7 X 8 xlO xl2 X 31 X 3 X 4i X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 xlO xl2 31 3" H 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 xlO xl2 Cbarles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y 2.^ Classification of Malleable Iron Fittings. CLASS A. CLASS B. CLASS C. CLASS l>. 2oc. per lb. Elbows, la. j^x^w^B^M. Tees, ^s,^^^U,H^'^,^^^H' Reducing Couplines, }^ x ig, % x f^. R. H. Couplings, and R. &. L. Couplings, ig. Rod Couplings. IGc. per lb. Elbows and Tees. !;{ to i< inch, inclusive. Elbows, Side Outlets, all sizes. Street Elbows ^ and smaller. Crosses, 1 inch and smaller. Drop L's and T'=>- Four Way Tees. Caps andLocivnuts, 1 inch and smaller. Reducing Couplings, ^f^ x J^ to 1 inch, inclusive. R. and L. Couplings, i^ to ^, inclusive. Extension Pieces, all sizes. R. and L. Fittings, 1 inch and smaller. R. II. Couplings, 14' to ?4, inclusive. Waste Nuts. Chandelier Hooks and Loops. Return Bends, to ] inch. Wall Plates. 13c. per lb. Elbows and Tees, ^ to 1 inch ; such as have smaller hole than % to be classed as class B. St. Elbows. 1 inch and larger. Crosses, all sizes, IJ4 and larger. Caps and Locknuts, all sizes, II4 and larger. Reducing Couplings, all sizes, IJ4 and larger. R. & Ij. Fittings, all sizes, IJ4 and larger. R. H. Couplings, 1 inch and IJ4. Return Bends, IJ4 and larger. R. and L. Couplings, 1 inch and larger. tie. per lb. Elbows and Tees, above 1 inch ; such Fittings in this class that iiave holes smaller than 1 inch to be classed as class C. Galvanized Fittings, Standard List. CLASS A. B. C. D. Price per lb .35 .23 .20 .18c. An extra charge of 10c. per lb. will be added to price of Galvanized Fittings not enumerated in Standard List. Note. — All sizes, 2-inch and under, furnished either plain for Gas or beaded for Steam. All sizes above 2-inch have bead or band. In ordering bo particular to mention whether for Gas or Steam. The cuts on next page show the different kinds. 24 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, (ias. Steam. ELT?()\VS. STREET EJ.BOWS. MALE AND FEMALE SCREW. ELBOWS WITH SIDE OUTLETS, Gas. Steam. TEES. Gas. Steam. CROSSES. DROP ELBOWS. DROP ELBOWS. MALE AND FEMALE. DROP ELBOWS. WITH LONG OUTLET PIECE. DROP TKES. FEMALE. LOCK-NUTS. DROP ELBOWS. FLANGES RIGHT OR LEFT. DROP TEES. MALE AND FEMALE. CAPS. COUPLINGS. RIGHT AND LEFT, REDUC I PLINOS. COUPLIXGS. WASTE-NUTS. TINNED. CHANDELIER HOOKS. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. V. 25 o O U d o COOOOOOOO ocooocooo o eo o lo 1-1 >2 — "2 »c •^10»0050''"0''*0 l-H i-H ooooooooo ir; ooooooooo eocjt^OK^oooo COCCC0t>t--<»<-» 00400 10 0C100J so C>> -^ »0 O cc IC O 00 GO — — ^ CT cc — o» or jc OOOOOOOOO lO io i-t' 1- ic O O iO o o' l- O J-' ^ OO t^' u^ o — ,-( _ ,_( .^f OOOOOOOOO d OOOirrirtOOOO ^ TTOOCl^OO^^' — - -- 1— f ■OOOOlOO^OiOO o> oocQoc-ooioo d CO Tji ic o' Tti o o o \f o uo o o o 1.- o LO o ^ o w ir? o o l~ o t^ = C7 CO •* >o oi o" ■>*< J> 1 :? » O O l.-i IC O O iC iO o !| ir5C-t-i>oot-c^^ T-l — ^ CJ *> -* (?J cc CO lO iO O IC O C= i.t iO o o> CO oo o • • ::^ 4 00 o Qi • • • I.O o • • ) t- « ,-!!!! o o • ^ !• *•■: o • • • ^ ^ -J . . . • . . . OP q; • • • ■ ^ tc . . . . 0) — «- «5 : : : ::^e : : ■ • w) OH) . . "— E ^ • •» •A ?i =— \-' a ■ 2 : c8 = - -X5^ ^ .?^ ^ >. . « . til . •'' vj- :a5 to-" «- = - : sfe > E- 1 c o I—I---.--..-.. , < 1 CO > "¥■ — 0»r-T-irH ^ o :>t :.t r-1 OC5 «OCi o — -- :o -f rH ,-1 r-1 ^ " Cl ^ — r-i i-l 00 X' -^ :s? :3^ ^«0tJ<00^«0 00-H00tJ'OC0©» ri* \e» l> CO O CO t- CO CO CO ob^CT — l-H 1-1 I-H '"' • .-( I-l TH t-1 »-< o ;:i^ :," ;^--« «cc««>t-c*>co*>eoOTHO IC «==;.== :^ :^ — 'O — ;=— 'OiOi-ieO'-i^DOCi rH ^ ,-1 i-H ^ ,_, ,_) T-t 1-1 \ct s» \e)NM \ei \oo • • '^ 0>-iOiOOt-iicOOJOlo • • T(< \« \ei \« ^05 vtc Ot-OOOi-iJOO^OOOXi \« \C3 NOO \ej \p>- C3 » oscscsocsssiooiOc: icoot- \(M \C0 \« .» \03 \C0 OOt-OO-^QOO-^OOOOO-^Ot- 0» ;:,^ ;;^ :^:^ :^ ::^ t- £- £- CO l~ X) TT t- t- £- '^ t- t- X'^?^"^^'^ X':,t^x;^*^ 00«COO£>SOO«OOCOOO . . . . . . . • • . . ffi> 1 d i; a< irr,.ra tc-.2 tc Sr'^ J § £ i "? -5 -2 tf ce. . . es. . . faces es. . . cc W.S tc o t£^ ^ c c; o w ° "" _2^jwai^^oJSo-i.o-So •" 53 «w X «t^ -j O S '/) =3 J-j 53 -/J Ed «- «-^ ^-^'"- CC;CQC;« 73 ir « i! o --. o oj- a> c oj r o s 5J E ^ c sj = =s . > .5 -iii .~ .- •= ."2 "3 " - - " - C 3 ^ ~ ^ li^ K* OJ K £ -g , "to- ^ . ^- ----- 3 < o !> '2 aJ >-> .= ----- "c: '"^i"^: t '^ C < -1 20 Cbarles Millar & Sox, Utica, X. Y. CO > c < C rt OJ o 3 o : oo . oo ■. »o' o :co '^ 00 :qo cs m Q O O O Q l> :oo : oo I iO o • £>ao «o : oo : '-"-'. : TTci : Tfi -rr »o : oo . oo : cjo : CO CO : o o :oo • oo '^■> : ojco ■>* :o o .oo : r4 JO CO :o o : o iO : 00 -H o CO ooo o »o »o L-^ tr; oco '^ t-^ c/) < 5i l~ 05 o CQ O} c> o o »o IC O 00 05 ^ '='0 : : CO «o : : O 2 ! ^ *^ : : oo : : oo : ; (N CO : : »—• N (/ t: c pi a a v Flanged " Screwed, with Yoke Flanged " " > > o u a o N O 00 oo oo t- in o lO CO «o oo oo co"q6 coco lO oo oo Tj a> -ca g) a> & tJD L> 03 r^ (0 13 > U 0) u 13 o Ui :^ 05 a) 2 Charles Millar & Son. Utica, X. Y, 27 e8 CO > U C (/5 pa c c o 1 oo • ff» L- o • c: *i 09 c: o • .- UJ « '"' ^ C5 §§ : ;^;:i^ wo 5S> 'XI 00 «0 t- . ^ _, ri ooS is*;^ 00 O 50 «o •^ o «o O O O r-i 1-1 ^ o o • o o • t- — » •M-*'* ^ ^ • .-N 1-H r^ ooo :^::^ o ci f> O 1-1 CI (N j .......— '-''—I O O • ^ i.*^ * O w ^^ ' CiOJ . ,-1 r-l .- ; OOO -„, , ooo ^~i;-+, ■* 00 '^ o' o c: c: ! t-^eicj ~5 . ^^ i:.^;;^^^ o cs -0000 ao r-i rH • §§ : ^^ "■* ©j-^ -00 c-t- 1 1 o o • . _. - . oo .: «°^^ Off* -t-SOO •-d O : S ^ «1 My c: tA 5» ?3 r^' O o (I. .5 00 OO oo o o «s oo oo «o ss cit- •<* oo oo wo Tt< oo oo 0-* fi 1-1 » oo JO lO wo* -*"o' (M to o 0*0 so'w ? oo IOC l-H l-HSC - oo ;S^ ff j o u N M O ; ; ■ O O o o CO > (d 0) "So c < c o 3 :« ::^ :^ :^ oo .-1 "O o ^ -a c « W ■* TSTJ a> a> % U (C a ti 03 o '/:?=< 28 Charles Millar & iSoN, Utica, N. Y, > > 0) \^ C/} o » IS — t~ CO o oo m oo oo (NO eoco OO 00 «' ©* CO >* oo CO oo OlC 00 --H cc oo ITS tC o o o ■>> T-( I— 1 C (L) Ui D W CO (U Ih PL. u nJ C/3 cn o iz: > o Ui a 6 c c8 O r-" 1 O - 1 ' cs ■" 0(M (W ^ eo o o c > -OSCJ ^ Oi-ie» (N CI O o c > • oo 1 iC 7-1 rH ■* o :::i^ Rrt- CJ « ai^^ •<* o o ^ irf o o w . (ft . O 1 «*H 08 a j= o«S N " i- - (/. , Oi C si^ .- ea 02 (i' SqI > 4) 5 '»-» S o 00 G O tn n ;6 • to O 1-1 : >o •(N 00 o : o •o • o o oo Iff o' w> oo qo ■<*< oo oo c'rf" CQ Ci CO OO O uz o c: eo OO o c C> IC oo 00 o 0* O lO oc- OJ> , o o & bi .2 - D Ch.\rles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 29 I «o > ^ 0) S o © hoc a o OQ c o x: o a a ^ o u c s C/J m 01 o ' — c o •— > c o 'm c a O OQ c o 0) (0 Ui > h u cd c 50 220.08 O o o cs o o o 00 o o c- o o o o CO ■<*< CO o ■TO Oi N S : o : CO c o •— » c o CO c a >^ no O OQ c o CO > Ui H c cd •♦-• C/) o o e>) 00«O sd £- l-H o _ o m *-l2o (N fC O o 00 c-^o o *"" o i> 0N = 00 o o -^S w o 1~ -s5 ■^ o ■* ^ s coos . to • • c • • eS • •fa • I'S^ gsjg o ■OJ > C o «5.2 1 •^ :::: § F f^ ^ % f 30 Chakles Millar & Son, L'tica, N. Y. h^ i4 o tn if) < S < h c/3 (0 > > 0) c < 73 C (D 0) O 5 § :^ 2^ :^ ;:^ :« :^ •-*© I- t- -r o o OTtOCS t»0 OT so fr- O O I 1-1 0» «0 TO Tl< T-i rl ijt (M TO fi ^ M C} CJ 0) > > o 5 0) U< w ~ "^ _• >— ■ rZ K fe 1. 1 - «.- o ? 1-1 Iff Lt ^ — « ^ g2 ;^ OO ::^ CO L3 ^ 00 Oi- CO LO CO > o 0) U "So c < C cit ^ :^ ::)? ;:s^ Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. ;ii > M u 0) U c o c o o T-l O JO tn to o U ■* eo io : '^ :o CO ©c '^* to* 0« rt* = o c coo a* c o oo odi-J ^ oo «o O CO* o T-l oo la o ;^t j^ : X' o i lo : ;^ o : o : K-.. »o : Ed c2 I a -2 CO '(3 > (/) a> "5) c < C o 5 5 so do : eo o : > £ 3 1 t'HARLES MlLUAE & SoU, UtICA, N. Y. Hose Valves. Sizg. Tj^ m 2 2K in- Male Threads 4.00 5.50 8.00 10.00 Brass Butterfly Valves. Size. Price, Each.. 3.50 IJi l>i 2V. Sin. 4.50 5.50 8.00 I 11.00 I 16.00 Brass Throttle Valves. Size 1 IM 1>2' 2 2)4 in. Price each 9.00 11.00 13.00 20.00 30.00 Balance Valves. Sizes 1 iM 1>2 2 in. Price, each 1 3.50 1 5.00 7.00 10.00 Expansion Joints. standard Traverse. Size Inches. ^H IM 23.< 3 in. r r averse Inches,.. 2 2}^ 2}4, 2% 2>4 2% 2% 2% Price |l.50|2.00!2.75|4.00|o.50:8.00| lO.Ool 24.00 When used for high pressure steam, expansion is 1 inch in 50 ft. of pipe. Price oil G, 8, 10 and 13 inch Traverse furnished on application. Vacuum Valves. Sizes. % H % ?.iin. Kach 75 1.00 1.50 2.00 CHARLE3 Millar & Soy, Utica, N. Y. 33 Radiator Valves. With Wood HyiHlIes. Size. Rough Body, Plain Nickel Plated. Finished Rough Fini>h(d Plain Nickel Plated Plain, with Frink's Seat Nickel Plated, with Frink's Seat, Plain '• " Nickel Plated " " H 1.35 1.60 6( 1.85 2.15 ^. 15:3.50 1.65 1.95 2 1.95|2.30 3 2.15 2.50 3 2.4.5 2.85 3 l>i IH V 3.25 .6,- 3.70 4.00 4.4- 65 3.85 05|4 3i> 2514.60 65|5.05 4.5(1 5.00 5.50 6 00 5.35 5.85 G.35 6.85 2 in. 7.00 7.75 8.50 i».25 8.00 8.75 y.50 10.25 Radiator Valves.— Wood Whee.'. With Male or Female Uuious. Size Vi % 1 IM \\i\ Sin. Rough Body, Plain 2.05:2 45l3. Nickel Plated 2.40 2.85;8. Finished" Plain 12.553.00:3, Nickel Plated i2.908.40j4. Rough " Plain, with Fiink Seat 2.352.803 •' Nickel Plated, with Firnk Seat.... [2. 70S. 20 4 Finished" Plain, " " 2 8513 35 4 " Nickel Plated. " " . . .|3.20|3.75|4 25i4.50 65'5.05| 8515.251 g( 5.8O! 65 5.10 0.V5.65 25,5.85 7010 40 6.501 7.1(il 7.50I 8.10| T.35 7.95' 8.35! 8.95I 10.00 10.85 11.50 12. as 11.00 11.85 12.50 13.35 Corner Radiator Valves with Unions. Size. 1 \yA\.%m. Rough Bodv, Brass Seat 13 . 50i4 .30 5 S" I "' Nickel Plated. Brass Seat..:3. 80,4. 75 6.40; Frink Seat 13.85 4.75 6.45 Finished" '• •• " 4.40 5.30 7.05 Rough " Nickel PI., Frink Seat i4.20.5.25|7.05| Finished" " «' " " I4.70|5.80|7 70| 7.70 8.10 8.55 9.65 H.95 lO.'iO Tharles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Radiator Valves. With Patent Cap Attach m en t. liough Body, I'Mnished '• Hougii " Finished " K.ufrh " Fini^lied " Houjih '• Finished ' Size Plain Brass Seat Nickel Plated Brass Seat Plain Frink Seats Nickel Plated " . . . y. % 1 W l^in. 1.80 2.10 2.99 4.00 5.50 2.30 2.65 3.50 4.75 6.50 2.10 2.45 3.30 4.45 «.00 2.60 3.00 3.90 5.20 7.00 2.10 2.45 3.30 4.60 6.35 2.60 3.00 3.90 5.35 7.35 2.40 2.80 3.70 5.05 6.S5 1 2.90 3.35 4.30 5.80 7.85 Union Radiator Valves. With Patent Cap Attachment. Size % .-4 1 m 11^ in. Roiip;h Body Finished '• Hough Finished '• K.ni-h •' Finished " Plain Brass Seat Nickel Plated, Brass Seat Plain, Frink Seat .V ". '. . 2.50 3.00 2.85 3.85 2.80 8.30 3 15 8.65 2.95 3.50 3.35 3.90 3.30 3.85 3.70 4.25 8.90 4.50 4.35 4.95 4.30 4.90 4.75 5.35 5.25 6.00 5.80 6.55 5.85 6.60 6.40 7.15 7.50 8.50 8.10 9.10 8.35 9.85 Rou-li •' Fir.ished •' Nickel Plated, Frink Seat a iu- ^— ^ Price, each 2.00 2.50 3.20 4.00 Charles Millae & Son, Utica, N. Y. :i5 Patent "Pedal Valve" for Radiators. Number Size Inches. 1 3 4 5 O 7 8 9 10 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings, "l Finished all over | ^^"^^^ ^""^ | Rough Body, Plated Trimmings... )>cut [■jghtor'^ '< «' " all over I I Finished and Plated all over !!"!"j ^^^^ thread Rough Body, Finished Trimmings. ^ Finished all over | Ball Joint Rough Body, Plated Trimmings.... } <{ " " " all over | Male Union, | Finished and Plated all over j (^ % 2.503 3.0013 2.70|3, 2.853, 3.104 3.5014, 4.00 3.75 3.80 4.25 ^M^H 6.25 7.25 6.50 6.75 7.75 7.75 8.75 8.00 8.10 9.35 20 4.50 75 5.25 50 4.75 65 4.90 00 5.40 30 5.85 80 6.40 65 6 25 75 6.40 25 7.00 If square ends are wanted, say whether right or left threads. Genuine Jenkins' Patent Valves. With Plumbago Disk. Size H % H % 1 m 1>^ 2 ^H Sin. Brass Globe or Angle.. Gate 1.10 1.25 1.60 1.50 2.20 2.00 2.80 2.85 4.00 4.00 9.00 7.50 3.60 5.50 5.00 11.00 9.25 5 00 8.00 7.50 16.50 14.00 7.50 15.75 14.00 25.00 22.00 20.00 Flanged Globe 34.00 Brass Safety or Angle. Check i'."i6 i'."26 3.75 1.30 4.50 1.90 5.00 3.60 13.50 20.50 36 Chaejles Millak & Son, Utica, N. Y, (0 > PQ C0 d > fa •4-> ^ c w ^ * Tfi io CO w « £> 00 •oooooooooo :oooooooooo «■ 5 : o o» o c^ Iff 30 o o Iff c^ :-r'^ccec'*'^MO?'ffo ;■ oooooooooo -d •0000000400U5 :ti>co'<*< :' oooooooooo ?• .lOiffoooooooo 5 :ci^^t>oooQocj''-i'^ :i-He»i-iojc}c^,-c,-icoco OOiOOOOOO OOOO ' « OOC^lOOLfOOCOOlO :eooooo-<*o — ■^i.~i oooo«oi.-?ooooc-o i T-ieoi?}'^oej«ocic»ot>cciC5 1 IC o o «c ■ : o o Iff iffi : •000<Qoo — : : aoctoc<» ' l-H rl : : T-H T-< ^ ^ § : M i : »ff : :o : : : : :«> : i ;5 ^ lo : : : : J ao : : : : : Iff : : : H : : 1 : js : : • » : : TS'C-S'C '• ^ eS : Mfewfe : to : -« "d •ct: 'Otst; *»■--;• a)Qj s M and Angle Valves, Sc " Fl Valves, Sc " Fl Valves, Sc " Fl Valves, Sc " Fl » -^ ^ >> |= = :|.i=M: O o U CD a; 1 0) > > c OJ Oh c c a; ►— » C cd c u w cd 1 ^ s <* 00 «-( lO e- CO l-H o ce o -^ lO ^ T>< ,' :^ :^ :^ :?? ^ :^ :^ :5? Charles Millar & Son, Utica. N. Y. •il > > u 13 C B ti at •*^ (/) c o (0 o a B o U c B a u "' -X!^ ■* 00 00 » ""* "* to 00 00 00"" ■"• oo CO o»os (M ?J :^»£;^ ii (M <0 lO t> ""• "^ 5DCJ TH CJ O) X .>t:^ -:2 M 'S' «0 ?0 ~ -f\^ 05 ■* »— ' :^:^-5 ii 1-1 ■<* -"l* lo ■"■ "■ :o o 93 03 ^OOW-^^^s^ !0 03 ^co_l<« -Q ^ 0\*H — • — -COCOr^v^;^ SO-* to «; \Tj. -°^ ^^^^^^^^^ o? ?o ifl 1. voo.te X! ^ 'H\(M O Tt< C7 •* l-H o o ^ £-OM ^"-^ ooo CO »co 5^"^^ O lO o o» w t- s;'' a 38 ChaRLKS MlLLAB 6i SoN, UXICA, N. Y. (0 0) > u •4-1 TJ •4J c ,2 rt s 6 n ti c 0) a ^4-* « C/} 02 >» ^ -o S« o PQ c c « o u o l-H » c cd B a cd J3 u 1 -<- :§1 c^ : T»nN -04 : CO o :Tf< . „ ^ ;■<*< VeoNco ^~ t-X O SO c> •— cc t~ o ^ ^ 1- Cl ©» :,^:^ .cw c^i -^ a oico ,-. ^ — OJ w ;:^;:^ o« T-i o ^ooo to \« =;^:2?^' :^ oocass o "* — ( C5 cs Vcovoo rl< « ^nX ^- CJ O CS C5 C-00 CO x> ao 00 "-^ "^ eo ::^':j? oos l> QO i> "^ ^ ^? ^^^ s^ OJ ^t^t-S^ • oT m'S • ^ r-3 C : w r'^^ J3 ■— ' © EH :.«> i^ o P 5 bo I^Sc^S £ =s tc . ^ s |o c Oi ! V *- *- 2'C^ ^ aj aj c tfi _«; ' !« SS.2.5.S o fr.feC fofel GO M 0^ •1 o o • o : 00 • o o ■* : o • o o o o on l~ • ■^ -9- • o o : o o ■ 00 t- : ec CO • o c ■ o o • « »-l ■ eo • o o o o ir ■^ : o* OJ ' t: c e « _ c IT- C t: 1 = S i pi 5 i^^-l 1 f f-xi 6 9 t 1 tt c ! c a I ^ ^co 1 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. :YJ CO 0) O be s OS o .a 0) 3 o - X^TJ-O o* c» i= t- : o ?iii 00 ^i cc o X g 6« lO J2 o -::jtz2:se CO 5 >> s -o rv^ o PQ © a o u c» M H CO HH c « c - rt W 6 fw a •J. (0 U ^ U •M M\0 O o «S ,-1 Ci Ci 0* c.< O 00 Tti ^ :>t;i5^« ^i XrjivJO so JC ■^ lO CO -l^iii^ii CJ SO ;c ""- c>>> . o ii;:;; Q ^ :3S^& CO M w oq > O §3 Q £ CO CO CO 02 ^ «8 = % I — c a a m CO 3 « , — o a :S CO o -^3 >» u T3 ^^ (U 5 c X — C a; * w c- 00 CO "^ ^ ccco^ ;^ ^ -aT) fl) fc Ctl cd O D O Q O c o u tn 0) c c '— •—<(?< :;s? : W3 x> ^ 00 OS 1-1 -fxO OOOCS ^ "^£>00'C5 Vci^-^^mVim vmSoo CI ic o CO S8 !C CO ss o o g o'd 00 00 oo oo o o § oo t- •<«< oo oo o o o o O M o 00 eo OO oo o o o o o eo « oo wo o o o t- w 00 oo o o o o s oo oo o lO o 00 Ci « « « o o O lO o o o in »o l-~ 00 00 oo o»c ^ «©» — o oo o o ^ . , -ii -a *-• (.'IIAKLES MlLLAll A; SON, UlK A, X. V. CO TJ C W ^M o bjO a (/) u O ^ 3 x V X to -a c (V ■4-> 4> c •« 3 X O t. S 0) •p^ w c; w ^ 5 PQ O ;. S *s X OT « (L> « -»-» 2 (ti " O S rs 9i ^M rt S ^ 3 4) >» "" -a o C PQ c o u H- 1 w >. -o OJ C c (U ^ & ~ x'. —• m •-"So I 2 o — . - o = 2 i* •— S 2 c -i =3 c .r ":; - -= '^ i> — i i. 2—5 _. o — — v: ;s — ^ = = t- « -5 C8 " in O > Is > C4 -HO* 00 «o CO 00 -* 00 50 l-H 1-1 10 rH 00 t- ^00 «> w JO CO ■* eo a i T3 : ■3 : If H (;;> pi? > ^ to to ■= ^ ■5 5 « CI 2, — C ^ - 43 CHABLts Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y, ecooos ^ X • o > SB > 1 CO U PQ « ct; o a o Q CO s CO c* G « CQ Til t-t-cs —ICO 1-1 cc ;^t^ :^^ O rr' W eft ^ - c tc C o =_ So CO G cj aj S H CO 'O o o 0; (jO ^ GO O oo o C o c _• o ei -^ 1 o L- t; o ««■ o OO OO *s «ec e3 22"^ «»' OO OO Y-4 ^^ c3 > ^a «» c^ i.'iCZ ^ ot ir. « 9 ^i s I c » I * ^ I CO « CO t- *-• OB CQ £ >:^ ■§ ? O «3 ^ o (U H r3 •§ '? O =? 0) o CO ^ CO « c S (U GO (^ o 9 ^. o CO 0) t» 00 _ 1- 00 •* to CO ^.^ ■* -^ J« lO -SS ^ CO eo « Q4 •^ ^" o o«^ 00 Q-^ •^ V-H 1-1 o> « CO o 00 t- c> « 00 e> o 1— ' e* o CO CO -— •— • ci.» '<*' ;^^ , i-H (M o CO 00 '^ '"' o ;#? o 1— 1 ^ -«*< 1 '"' v« « I-H 1 :^ '-' 1 ^ «-o o o Tf 00 C5 :^ VC) :^ K a OO " o 00 \C1 :^ t- , c^ o 1 5>^ ~nC3 :^ IC «8 CO • :_ to : c : to ^ v:' c : «> X'- 2 5 35 ^Psl ^-S £ 5"^ o 5 — :o ■* "* :o • o w :■<* iCO : o i c u oo _ OO , c3 ^•d >: ec CO r LT "^ ! CO 9& t ? 00 30 5- LO O 00 50 ^ bo C/Jfe Charles Millar & Son. Utica, N. Y, 43 LUDLOW'S PATENT SLIDING STOP VALVES. Double (Jate Brass Vnlves.— tilaiid in Packing Box. Uxtra fur Slide Screw Diameter Face to Face Face to Face Stem and SiZK. Socket. Flange. Standard Planee. of Screw Socket. of Flanges Lever. Subject to Discount Inches. Inches Inches. Inches. 3^^ 1^^ 1.40 2M 2J^ 80 1.80 2.35 3.40 80 4 3 3% 80 U4 5.70 1.00 IH 4.40 7.40 5 d% 3% 1.00 'i' 5%i 4fV 1.00 G.2o 11.00 6^ ^H 4% 1.25 ^% 13.75 18.75 6^ 4i« • 5^8 1.75 3 15.50 21.50 7 5 6M 2.00 3i.< 23.50 30.50 7K ^% 6% 2.00 4 34.00 43.00 9^- «M ^A 2.00 ^% 45.00 55.00 93-^ t v! 2.25 5 52.00 64.00 10 7Ji «ll 2.25 G 8 76 00 88.00 11 ^H 9 2.25 9 10 12 14 1 , 16 : 18 20 24 27 1 LUDLOW'S IRON BODY VALVES, BRASS MOUNTED, DOUBLE GATE. To Bear Heav.v Pressure- Kither Siile of Gate. 1 MEASUREMENTS LIST PRICES BRASS MOUNTED. Brass Mounted or All Iron. Screw Socket. Esira tor Slide Stem Diameter Face to Face to Face of Screw Socket. End to Size. Flange. Hub. Spigot. and Lever. Standard Face of End of Depth of Subject to Discount 1 Flange. Flang'e Hubs. Hubs. In';D. 1 lacbee. Inches. Inches Inches. Inch. 1 $ 5.001 'SU IJij 5.50 '0^ 11^ 6.00 $ 6.25 $i.o6 5^ 5H 4 2 7.00 7.50 $ 7.00 $ 7.25 1.25 ^H 5^/h 4;» 7 2M 214 10.25 10 75 10.00 10.25 1.75 7 «^ ^% m 2H 3 12.25 13.25 14.50 15.00 2.00 8 6% 5U 8^8 2>^ 31.;! 16.50 17.50 16.00 16.50 2.00 8J-2 8^ 7 yi?8 2% 4 18.00 18. nO 17.00! 17.50 2.00 1 9 8J4 T4 9% 2!'4 4i.< 2.'$. 00 23.50 22.00 22.50 2.25 9>2 9% n^ 5 25.00! 25.. 50 24.00 24.50 2.25 10 1034 11 i2 3>^ 6 30.50 31.00 28.00 28.75 2.25 11 111^ 1114 12K 3;'« 7 38.00, 38.00 37.00 88.00 2.25 12 UK 12 13% 8 45.00! 43.50 42.00 43.25 2.25 13 11 125/„ 14^ 4 10 64.00 64.50 60.00 62.50 3.25 16 1334: 13% 141^ 4 12 82.50 80.00 76.00 79.50 4 00 18 145^ 13?8 15 4 In ordering Valves, please srive full details, statlnc whether Single or Double Gate. Brass Mounted or other- wise, Screw Socket, Flange, Hub or Spigot, Han 1-wheel or Nut ; also, for what the Valve is to be used, whether to open by turning to the right or to ihc left, and if not to stand upright wh .thcr to lie on edge, scr page 16, ligure 7, or on flat side. 44 Charles Millar & son, L'tica, N. V. o « . 1 O _N r^ IS 1 ^ ^^ - S 00 ^ 5 5 «l 0} -SS - a " sa*-"^! •S CA s fi-«! "C > a Z :: ^ : -S > o o^ •« 1 z CJ — t_c a; To d CD ;^ ::;? ■^ 5 i-H 30 ■» TT < — t- -^ TJ rt ::^ :^ c O ^ c> t~ ■<*< -5 rt ■4^ o t- ■* OS c 0) cd .3 JO ^ r§ rr. ^ - .It 00 o rf • 0' •■** O s 5 ■f. a Q t- o -:r G O 9 c tc es «r -^ l>* tf fc 00 C4 i:: -4-» CO V ^it -=' w (U 13 1- « M ->* '^ CO < •* -* oc T. X TJ c a; co^ : : .0 - m fti 1 2; i >, 1 ~ C sc '^ ~ C/3 be oj : 5 (/) .Z £"0 : C =' O ■t tMid of laid in \ 3f Hell Socket 0. ■r. m . Si c _ ~ tn s8 a) C •= ~ o 5 >2 2 ^2 ^ _o' C 1 00 00 c I- ec c c -:* •poo c <= ^^' t-^ 00 00 — a d Ti 00 ' — ■ oco 00 X o» 00' t- c d — 00 x 00 oc c; l-H 10 ec = X — 000 000 N^ 1-" C= CJ rts! -* to COJ 1-1 -^ -^ oc< 000 00 1-1 c:c; .-1 « •^ 1 00 . »-- . L- 1.- i- 1 :-c. 1 OC5 c c L- c ; 00 <=■£-•--; » \0 1 • • l-H CO cc 00' «C X '1 ta f~ :^ c 000 CJO w -^ ;:^'; c* ^ 1— * — M C>1 '^ r- ^- ^- .-■ 00 i.~ ic :s. :^ T-H O Cl ^ J L-r t~ K) - 00' — ' 1 a» s& '/. a 2 1^-^ : ►— C ^^ — ^ r^ I 1 r. '/:t > c3 y. . r : •" s; X -^ : g .2^ : « '"' 1— > '"' *"* i "=-!»« • (S 5; S =^ g •• «& .2 c ii „ K 1^ a ten ^t y^3 TSV 'C '-^ TT '^ ^ ~ 5 ~ S ^ ■ C g c cj :: * c c c *^ 0:^ ^ ^ ^ "^ -" 1 -e r 1 1 i ^ ' mr Charles Millar & So.n, Utica, N. Y 45 Q-» C C cd o CD > O w w OQ in O x* :^ W Tt< Ncc "\ S be -ma = ^ cmpH s< c3 ss c c o PQ 0) u u C/3 CO > Clt o O o (0 O Oi 0) (0 < :^ :^ ;st :^ bs 4> C c o 'o OQ CO > CTi O O CQ c o Ui cd tn (0 o CO 4) X) Ui < e* •22 o i 00 00 62.00 62.00 4.20 t- 50.00 SO 00 3.60 o 36.00 36.00 3.00 la 30.00 30.00 2.40 25.00 25.00 2.00 -<*< 21.00 21.00 1.80 CO 18.00 18.00 1.50 CO 15.00 .15.00 ■ 1.20 12.00 12.00 .96 e* 1 8 00 8.00 .72 03 i : tio C - -;^ t: — r. 40 C'HARLtS MiLLAK & Sox, UriCA, >.' . Y. d Ci T3 1 C o o C o : ooo '.^ , « eo o : o oo o • o«c rt • O) CO : o o o CO 0) 1 0) > 1-1 oo 1 o^ Vh o ■• ooo (4 , o p *o : i~ lO trt 1-1 Hi ta > o O ' 00 w ■r-l • T-H i-l i-l C7 o • 1 1 G T-l o ! 0 0-* o »o o : »c PQ '^ -* o CO o CO ^' CO CO CO ; CO o o o o > > c o cc rV 1 ■^ oo = 00 (M T-C jffl LI »o : »o « 0) u X! CJ u X! d ■ i> : t- ■^ 00 GO 1 hB U CO § c o O (N Od O t- 00 c c ^1 \^> ooo :o CO CO CO ; CO bo c o 1-1 o >> «©• o 1-1 J-H l-H : l-H o o o biO eo 1-1 a o (/) ;:^ »o : »o : o N? « o o o o o t-l cd ::i? is. 1'-' 1^' (M 1» o JO eo '^ , , ta TS nJ bO T3 . c Ui • v^ c CO -j-> cd (3 o o (/) a 03 • 02 02 CO c: -as (/) > U3 CO CO to < >» p:* > < (T g £ » 3-^ > r» O c« o O > N M D3 03 03 ::: o S CQ : 03 : > CO : fci ^ CO o Vjdfs^ \eo\eo 'cix-ji \-J^« (M(Mi-i,-it-ii-ic«c<,-i(;»yjr- tot^-^QOoo-^wmeoifloso \e<\00 V*"!"" \S»VM NiN\M .Alfl\ i^^"!-" J\-C\ r-l\w\ — ■N^-iOO'-'Ol'-iOOt-iO OOOOIOOOOOSOOCS OSOCSrJHIOCSOSSSOOOSCSOO > tC tt o S o * O = '= ^ tx teg X fc. t- o ^ - -T- o O o ^ ^ '^ -^ 'u'u'u C- 5- X- S c c c c c _c ^ SJ-tt 48 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. tn M u o U c o u »— • 13 C ctJ en w Wi PQ U cd Dh O) O w (U CO < ^ :« ;^ T}« C5 sO CS »— ' ; c; (N o w Xi ' ; O) o c; o i> ' t~C5 00 C5 t- O 00 O OD t- SO t> V«:\poxgo\«\S5 •>* L-5 •* CO • ^ :« CO "^ CO "^ \»\x\«\x o»eo o (0 o -«^ 01 0) < o ? c cd CO CO cd u CO C o "co C Q o n o Charles Mii.l.vr & Son, Utica, N. Y. 4y . cs C/J V ^ X o U £b 6 i rt OP c; u 4-» rt (/i »N !» ::sj ^^' OO O ooooeo ^ IC lO lO J> t> t- eo M to 1-1 »c ic o CJ w o ^ 1.50 1.50 3.40 N?l 1.10 1.10 1.75 JO ta : t-c- : ^ oo : c-t- : \C0 gf2 i rWEH P5 (0 u o U a; o S 0) I X' :^ :^ :?t CQ CO id (J o U ^ m 2 2M 2K 3 in. Size, Chased Iron Pipe H Ve H M H H X % K }4 M Price .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 .90 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 4.50 New Pattern Locomotive Cups. Diameter of body 1 iM 1>2^ 2 in. Size, Chased Iron Pipe M M % 3-^ Price .50 .75 1.00 2.00 Lever Handle Oil Cups. Diameter of body m iM IH 2 2Kin. H 1.35 1.60 2.2( 3.2r K Price 4.00 T Handle Oil Cups. 1 iM IK 2 2^ in. Size Cha'^ed Iron Pipe M H 1.5( M K K Price 1.0( 2.00 3.00 3.75 54 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Globe Oil Cups. Diameteter 13^ 2 2M 2H 3 bM 4 in. Number 00 1 2 3 4 5 Size Yz % Yi K M ^4^ ^4 Price 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.50 6.50 9.00 15.00 Common Lubricator. Wood Handles. Number... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Diameter. K 1 iJ€ >>^ 1% 2 V4. 21^ 3 3K 4 in. Size Y^ M % K M K K >^ M ^ ?^in. Price 1.75 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.90 3.25 3.75 4.75 7.00 10.00 Felthousen's Patent Oil Pumps. To go on top of Cylinder or Stean^ Pipe. Nos. 03 and 6, DeccrlptiOD. Size. With Screw Top. With Strainer Top. Extra Str- iDer Top. Price No. 03 Finished, each,... •' " 6 " " 2x2 2^4- X 234: 3.50 5.00 3.65 5.25 .40 .40 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 55 Hand Cylinder Oil Pumps. Sixe. With Screw Top. With Strainer Top. Extra Strainer Tops. No. 3 Finished, each 2x2 2% X 2% 3^ X m 7 x4V^ 3.50 5.00 7.50 12.00 3.65 5.25 7.80 12.00 .40 " 04 " " .60 " 4 '• " .75 •' 5 " '• Lever Handle Oil Pumps. Price, each $11.00 Pioneer Oil Cups. Number Outside diameter of Glass Height Capacity, ounces Pipe thread Finished brass, each Nickel, " '• Extra glasses, net 000 00 .0 1 IK ^V2 2 3 214- 4 5 3 1 m Ui 2 2^ ^8 1 n^ 1% 1% 1% ^¥ ^H 3 M H 'i 1 llo 2H 4 5 10 H H H H M H H 3/ H .70 .70 .80 1.00 1.25 1.50 i.yo 2.40 3.10 .80 .85 .95 1.20 1.50 1.75 2.20 2-75 3.50 .05 .06 .08 .10 .10 .12 .15 .2.5 .35 6 4 18 H 4.00 4.50 .65 Royal Oil Cups. Si^ht Feed. Number Outside dia. of Glass Height Capacity, ounces.... Pipe thread Finished brass, each Nickel " " Extra Glasses, net,. 00 1 IK 2 3 4 5 n^ IM 1^ 1% 2 2H 2S 3 1 Wh n^. 1^/b 1% n^ 2% 3 u 's 1 IS 2i.< 4 5 10 . ^ H H H oJi % % i< 1.10 1.20 1.50 1.75 2.55 3.15 3.90 1.20 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.35 3.85 3.50 4.30 .06 .08 .10 .10 .12 15 .25 .35 6 3^ 4 18 4.80 5.30 65 C'HARLtS ^llLLAR «Sc SoX, UxiCA, N. Y. Crank Pin Oiler. Automatic. Number. Outside diameter of Glass I 1^4 1^ Heieht of class lig, % 11^ V^ Height of prlass. Pipe thread Price, each Extra Glasses, net. each. Wo ni 2 2}4 ^H IJsi m 2?« l.lu|1.50:2 0U2.5u3.0Oj4.(iO .08 .10 .10 .121 .151 .25 Shafting Oilers. No. 0. No. 10. No. 10, W. B. No 9 W. B. 10 10 W. B. Diameter 2}^ Height 3I4 Capacity, ounces 1% Price per. doz ^4.50 ^^4 4 50 ~^4 4Ji 3M 4.50 4 H 3 4.50 Detroit Sight Feed Lubricators. , Plain j Nickel Suitable for Engine with Diame- bJZB. I Brass. Plated ter of Cj-linder as follows : I I ■ : Third Pint..' Half Pint |:22.Wi $25.00 Up to 10 inches. Pint \ 30.00 35.0(>; 10 to 18 inches. Quart 45.00 50 00 18 to 30 inches. Half Gallon. 60.00 65.00' 30 and over. We also keep in stock the above Lubricators with Single Connections. Steam Engine Indicators of any kind furnished to order. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 57 Hall's Pneumatic Sight Feed Oilers. For Shafting:. Enj^iuo Beariiii^s, &c. Diameter. Height. Capacity, Ounces. Price Each. Price per dozen. No. 1 ISg inch. 2 2H " 21,^ " 3 3K " 3 inch. '04 " 33o " 2 3 5 8' $1.50 1.75 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 % 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 34 00 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 No. 8 40.00 The Metropolitan Automatic Injector. Operated Entirely by Oue Hauclle.. Price List of Metropolitan Injectors. Size. Price. Size of Pipe Connection. Gallons Per liour 65 Ihs. PressuVe. Horse Power. 2 3 $ 15.50 16 00 18.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 55.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 110.00 125 00 ■ 1 % 1' 1 IK 2 ' 2 40 60 90 120 220 300 420 540 720 900 1260 1740 2240 2820 4 to 6 6 to 8 31, 8 to 12 4..' 12 to ]6 5 16 to 28 6 28 to 40 40 to 57 8 57 to 72 9 72 to 93 10 93 to 120 11 \l 120 to 168 168 to 232 13 232 to 298 14 298 to 382 o."^ Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. The Hancock Inspirator. Size of Connbctioss. Suction and Feed. K % 1 1 13^ '■% Steam. 3;C 3o % 1 1 1^ 2 Gallons p»r hour, tiO tt)s. Pressure. 60 85 120 220 300 360 540 700 900 1260 1740 2230 2820 3480 Price. \ 16.00 18.00 20.00 2i.00 30.00 40.00 45 00 55.00 60 00 75.00 90.00 110.00 125.00 150 00 Friedmann's Patent Injectors— For Feeding Steam Boilers. Size of Injector No. 2., ' 5. ' 6., 10. 12. Minimum Inside Diameter of Pipe in Inches. 1^ IJi 1)2 IM 2V; Gallons per Hour. 80 lbs. Preesure. PRICE Class C, Non- Lifting. 110 17.00 180 27.00 32.00 PRICE Class IJ, Lifting. 19.00 320 40.00 I 45.00 500 720 965 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 75.00 80.00 1380 90.00 1620 110.00 2000 2S80 180.00 160.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 180.00 Class I>. Charles Millar & Son. Utica, N. Y. 09 Ejectors or Water Eleva- tors. For Raisiiiji: Water autl Couvey- iug Liquids. Number 000 00 1 2 3 4 Delivery per hour in Gallons ) at 45 ftjs. Steam Pressure.. . \ 250 500 900 1200 2000 3000 5000 Diameter of Steam Pipe in inches, % y^ % % iM iM 1^ Diameter of Delivery Pipe in ins., H % 1 1^ l^ 2 2^ Diameter of Suction Pipe in ins., i¥ 1 m 1^ 2 2M 2^ Boiler Capacity. Horse Power.... a to 4 3 to 4 3. to 4 5 to 6 7to8 lOtolS 25 Price $8.00 14.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 The H-D Ejector or Jet Pump. Price List and Capacity. PIPE CONNECTIONS. PRICE. Capacity per Hour. SIZE. STRAINERS. Steam Suction and Delivery. No. 1 Brass. $ 8.00 % % 350 Gals $ .50 " 3 10.00 H % 500 " . <•) " 3 15.00 % 1 960 " 1.00 '• 4 20.00 1 l>i 1,300 '• 1.25 " 5 25.00 ni IK 2,(100 •• 1.50 " Iron. 35.00 H4 2 3,500 ' 1.75 " 7 40.00 1>2 2M 5,000 " " 8 50.00 2 3 8,000 " ^' 9 65.00 2% 1 4 12,000 " Size No. 6 has Iron Body, balance Brass. Sizes No. 7 and 8 have Iron Bodies and Delivery connection, balance Brass. Size No. 9 has Brass Tubes, balance Iron. Sizes Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9 made entirely of Brass to order. Special Circulars referring to these goods, giving full information, will be sent hv mail. GO Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. Clark's Damper Regulator. No. 1, For 5 H. P. Boilers each.fin.OO No. 2, " 10 to 2") H. P. Boilers, " 15.00 No. 3, " 30 and largei I and I 25.00 Low Pressure Damper Regulators. Price, each Kubber Diaphragms for same. .$4 50 . .75 Steel Wire Flue Brush. Size 1J.< 2 2^4 2^4^ o in. Price, each 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.60 1.75 Wind's Expansion Flue Brush. Size '. i;^ 2 3M ^K 3 4 in Price, each 1 50 1 2 nn 2 50 2 75 3.00 4 00 Engineers' Favorite Flue Brush. Size. 2)4 23, 8 in. Price, each 2 00 2.50 2.75 3.00 Kelsey's Tube Cleaner. Size 2 - ^}4 2^4 3 in Price, each 3.00 2.50 2.75 3 00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 01 Ingalls' Self-Adjusting Tube Scraper and Cleaner. Steam Flue Cleaner. No. 1, for 1 in. to \}„ in. Fl ^^^lZ}iZMli:]L:3^.l ^^'l'^^^??^^!r^ 00 10.00 Brass Trip Gongs. Size. Price, each.. 4 L.-iO 6 8 10 1.75l2.75lo OOIt 50 12 15.00 16 in. 27.00 Gong Cranks. ^"^^'^ ^^«h I .20!Large. each. .30 Gong Pulls. No. 1. for 4 and 5 inch Gono-s £ 401 Vr, q », m • TT; ' No. 2. for 6 t o 8 « ^°'>--* -40^X0. 3. 10 inch Gongs $ 1.75 — ■PJj'No. 4. Ij " .' anri larger. 2.2.5 r steel and Brass Oilers. 12 I 13 4.50 5.50 6. 5016 50 Steel and Brass Rail Road Oil ers. Capacity 1 Pt. 1 Qt. 2Qt. Steel, per doz 14.00 18.00 18.00 21.00 20.00 24.00 Brass." " G2 Charles Millae & Son, Utica, N. Y. Steel and Brass Engineer's Fillers. Capacity . Steel, per doz. Brass, " " , 1 Pt. 14.00 IM i't. 17.00 22.00 1 Qt. 20.00 30.00 2Qt. 24.00 34 00 Engineer's Brass Oiler Sets. Number of Pieces. Brass, per set eacli. li^ Niciveied, '* " . G.OO 8.00 9.00 11.00 Steam Whistles. Dia. of Bell 1 M 1.76 3.50 Ui 1^2^ 3 3 3}.< 4 5 6 8 10 in. Sere wed for Pipe H % K K 1 1 1^ IJi 2 21;^ 3 No. ], Without Valve No 2, With Pull Up Valve 2.00 3.75 2.50 4.00 4.60 3.25 4.75 5.50 4.50 6.50 7 00 6.00 8.00 f) 00 8.50 11.00 12 50 11.00 14.00 15 00 18.00 22.00 •'3 00 24.00 30.00 33 00 60.00 125.00 No. 3, With Pull Down Valve.... 70 00 130.00 Mockingbird Steam Whistles. Diameter of Bell 3 4 5 6 in. Length of Bell 7 9 11 13 in. Size of Pipe 1 n^ IK 2 in. Price $40 00 $53.00 $70.00 $95.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 03 Chime Whistles. Any Number or Size of Bells made to order. Prices on application Whistle Valves. Size H Vz K 1 IM IM 2 21^ 3 in. Price 3.00 3.25 2.75 3.25 4.00 5.50 9.50 20.00 30.00 Water Gauges. Complete. \ Xo. 3}^, Iron Wheels, Rough, Two Guards for % inch Pipe. Glass 5aXi2 i,, i 3.00 Xo. :ii^, Iron Wheels, Finished, Two Guards for 1^ inch Pipe, Glass ■''j;Xl2in ' 4.0(t Xo. 7, Wood Wheels, Finished, Two Guards for 1^ inch Pipe, Glass -^gxl^in 7 7.00 Xo. 10, Wood Wheels, Finished, Four Guards for % inch Pipe, Glass ^xl4 in 15.00 Combination Water Columns. Xo. 1, Hexagon Column only, (tapped for % in. Gauge Cocks) $3.50 No. 2, Hexagon Column only, (tapped for % in. Gauge Cocks) 4.00 Genuine Scotch Glass Tubes. Length. External Diameter. % % 10 inches per dozen 11 " 12 " 13 <• 14 ' 15 ( 16 « 17 ' 18 > 19 ' 20 < 23 ' ' 24 1 4.80 4.80 5.40 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 7.80 8.40 9.00 9.60 10.80 12.00 80 80 40 40 00 60 20 ,80 ,40 00 60 80 00 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 7.20 7.20 7.80 8.40 9.00 9.60 10.20 11.40 13.60 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 9.00 9.60 10.20 10.80 11.40 12.00 15.00 18.00 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 11.40 12.00 13.20 15.00 18.00 24.00 fi4 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. No Utica Steam Gauges — Iron Case. 3;^ inch for Air | 4.50 3i| •' " Steam 4 50 5 " " •' 6.00 6 " " •' 7.50 t% " " " Pressure or Vacuum... 9.00 BRAS5 CASE ',3>^inch Pressure | 7.00 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 10 10, Stationary 13.00 High Pressure 14.00 Locomotive, Sia tionary or Vacuum 16.00 Pressure or Vacuum 23.50 26.75 35.(10 — Siphons For Steam Gauges. Made of };^ inch Pipe 25 cents each. Nason's Steam Glue Heaters. Numbers Size of Cover Depth Inches, 11x151^ 7 two 5 in. Size and number of Pots which j or, one 8 in. can be fitted to each 5-ize,... ] | or. one 9 in. Price, without Pots j $8.00 16 X 221^ 9 six 5 in. or, one 10 in. 16 X 28^^ 9 two 12 in. or. one 12 in. and two 5 in. | and four 5 in. or, eight 5 in. $16.00 $20.00 Copper Pots for Glue Heaters. Diameter 5 8 9 10 12 in. Depth 5 7i< 7^ 8 8 in. Price 2.00 3.50 1 4.00 4.50 5.50 Contact Glue Heaters. Cabinet Bench Heater, Price $ 3 00 No. 1 Bindery " " .... 3.00 No. 2 " " " .... 3.25 Glue Makers. 5 Gallon, Copper Body ....$15.00 10 " " " ... 25.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 65 Copper Glue Pots. Double Seamed Cabinet $1.00 " Gallerv, No. 1 Bindery 3 OO No. 2 " ' 3150 Judson's Governors. Diameter of Opening >2^ 3^ 74 1 1J€ 1>^ 2 ^H 3 in. Plain, with Speeder 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 Fidelity Steam Trap. Price List, Size aucl Coiideusiug: Capacities, based ou a pressure ot 80 pouuds. :) - LJDPal Fret 1 lucli Pipe . Square Feet Heat Surface. PRICE. 00 1,000 360 $22.00 2,000 7C0 26.00 1 4,000 1,4C0 30.00 3 7,000 2,500 40.00 3 10,000 3,500 55.00 4 15,000 5,700 75.00 Chapman's Self-Regulating Steam Trap. Circular on applicatiou. No. 1, Will Drain 1.500 feet 1 inch pipe $25.00 No. 2, '• ;5.000 " 1 " 35.00 No. 3, " 7.000 " 1 '• 60.00 No. 4, " 10,000 " 1 " 70.00 GG Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Hawes' Steam Trap. Circular furnished on application. 1 2 3 4 5 Tapped for Pipe 100 500 % ],000 1 2,000 4,000 2 inclies. Capacity, 1 inch Pipe 20,000 feet. Price $6.00 $11.00 116.00 $31.00 $26.00 $.50.00 Albany Gravitating or Bucket Steam Trap. FOR RETURNING THE WATER OF CONDENSATION DIRECTLY TO THE STEAM BOILER. Circular forwarded on application. No. 1, Capable of Draining 8 to 10,U00 feet 1 incii Pipe. No. 2, '^ " 4 to 5,000 " 1 •« No. 3, " " 1 to 5,000 " 1 " " Drip Tank for either size Extra Diaphragms No. 1, 3, 3 .$150.00 .. 100.00 . 75.00 10.00 1.50 The Ross Pressure Regulator. Size 3/ . /4 1 Ik' 13£ 3 3 in. For Hot Water 7.00 10.00 15.00 14.00 18.00 30.00 33.00 34 00 38.00 60 00 For Steam 60 00 Crosby Water Relief Valve. Size M 1 Ik W^ 3 2>^ 3 ^% 4 5 Brass 10.00 18.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 35.00 50.00 35.00 65.00 50.00 80.00 60.00 100.00 75.00 150.00 100.00 Iron 6 in. 150.00 In ordering state pressure to be carried. If flange is desired state diameter of flange. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Crosby's Pop Safety Valves. Prices. ^ in. for Boilers below 5 H. P |10.00 1 " " from 5 to 10 " 12.00 IJ^ " " " lOtoSO " 15.00 li.< " " " 20to30 " 20.00 2 " '• " 30to40 " 30.00 In ordering, state pressure to be carried. Directions. Setting'. — Screw up or down the head-bolt which compresses the spring, until the valve opens at the pressure desired, as indicated by the steam gauge ; secure the head bolt in this position by means of the lock-nut. Caution. — Care should be taken that no red-lead, chips, or any hard substance be left in the pipes or couplings when connecting the valve with the boiler. Never make a direct connection by screwing a taper thread into the valve, but make the joint with the valve by the shoulder. Grindin};. — This valve, having flat seats on the same plane, is very easily ground by following these directions, viz : Do not grind the valve to its seats on the shell by grinding them together, but grind each part separately, — i. e., grind the valve proper on a perfectly flat surface of iron or steel, until its two bearings are exactly on a plane and with good smooth surfaces ; then take the shell and grind its seats in precisely the same manner; rinse both parts in water and put together, and the valve will be found to be tight; to ascertain when the bearings are on the same plane, use a good steel straight-edge. We also furnish other makes when desired. Watson's Steam Pressure Regulators. FOR REDUCING AND REGULATING PRESSURE ON STEAM PIPES, &c. Circular on Application. Brass Bodies, Screwed. Iron Body. Screwed and Flaiifced Iron Pipe. Sizes 1 iM IK 2 ^H 3 2 2^ 3 4 6 Price 17.00 22.00 28.00 38 00 55.00 70.00 38.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 150.00 McDaniel's Patent Condenser Head. For Exhaust Steam Pipes. Size 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 Price $25.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $85.00 $120.00 68 Charles^Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. PLUMBERS' BRASS WORK. Plain Lever Bibbs. Size Finished, per dozen Nickel Plated, " Roucch, " M K 10.0012.0015.0018.00 I3.00l4.00l7.50i20.50 9.00!ll.0o!l4.00!l6.00 1 \K 1^ 24.00 36.00160.00 84.00 26.5039.00' 21. 00132.00152. 00172. 00 170.00 iso.bo Plain Lever Bibbs. For Iron Pipe, witb Shoulder Size Finished. per dozen Nickel Plated, '• Rough, U 11.00 13.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 12.00 16.001 19. 00 18.50i21.50 28.50 26.00 39.00 42.00 15.00 17. 00123. 00 35. 00 m 1^ 64.00 90.0(1 56 00 178.00 2 in. 180.00 160.00 Lever Hose Bibbs. Size .■ }i Vb u 1 IM IK 2 in. T^ini«;hpf1 ner dozeii 16.00 19.00 26.00 18.50 21.50 28.50 15.00 17.00l 23.00 39.00 42.00 35. 0(' 64.00 56.00 90.00ll80.00 Virkpl PIfltpd ** 78.00 160.00 Lever Hose Bibbs. For Iron Pipe, with Slioulder. Sl2E. % Finished. per dozen 17.0020.00 Nickel Plated, as above 19.50,22.50 Rough, as above 1 |16. 00118.00 % 28. CO 30.50 42.00 45.00 25.00 38.00 IM 68.00 eo.oi) .1>^ 96.00 84.'o6 )i in. 190.00 176.06 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. G9 Plain Lever Bibb. Screwed For Wood Size Finished, per dozen Rough, " 11.00 10.00 H 13.50 12.50 17.00 16.00 s^ 20.00 27.00 18.00 24.00 1^ ^}4 2 in 41 00 68.00 37.00l60.00 94.00 82.00 195.00 175.00 Size. Finished, per dozen. Nickel Plated, " Plain Lever Bibbs. Flange and Thimble. 19.00 22.00 24.00 27.50 H 28.00 40.00 31.50 44.00 53.00 57.00 11^ in. Lever Hose Bibbs. Flange and Thimble. Size. Finished, per doien. Nickel Plated. " 25 00 29.00 28.50 32.50 M 42.00 46.00 56.00 60.00 IJ^in. Plain Lever Bibb. Flange Nut, and Bent Coupling. Size Finislied. per dozen Nickel Plated. " E 'A Kin- 29.50 38.00 33.00 41.50 50.00 54.00 70^ Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Lever Hose Bibbs. Flange Nut, and Bent Coupling. Size. Finished. per dozen. Nicl^el Plated, " 30.50 34.00 39.00 42.50 52.00 56.00 Lever Wash Tray Bibbs. Size % 1/ /'2 % 3/ 74 1 in. Finished, per dozen Nickel Plated. " 13.00 15.00 16.00 18.50 20.00 22.50 26.00 28.50 38.00 41.00 Lever Wash Tray Bibbs. For Iron Pipes, with Shoulder. Size % 1/ 'i % 1 Finished per dozen 14.00 16.00 17.00 19 50 21.00 23 50 28.00 30 50 41.00 Nickel Plated, " 44 00 Lever Wash Tray Bibbs. Flange and Thimble Size % y^ % /4 lin. Finished, perdozen 20.00 23.00 25.00 28.50 30.00 33.50 42.00 46.00 55.00 Nickel Plated, " 59.00 Lever Tray Bibbs. Flange, Nut, and Bent Coupling. Size. y^ Finished, per dozen. Nickel Plated, " 30.50 34.00 40.00 43.50 52.00 56.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 71 Compression Plain Bibbs. Size % M % % 1 1J€ 1>^ 2 in. Finished. per dozen. Nickel Plated •' 9.00 11.00 8.50 10.00 12.50 9.50 12.00 14.50 11.00 18.00 20.50 17.00 34.00 37.00 30.00 52.00 44. 00 80.00 es'.ob 160.00 Kough, " 140. 00 Compression Plain Bibbs. For Iron Pipe "With Shoulder. Size..: Vz ^ % % 1 IK ^Vz 2 in Finished, Nickel Plated per dozen.. 10.00 12.00 9.50 11.00 13.50 10.50 13.00 15.50 12.00 20.00 22.50 19.00 37.00 40.00 33.00 56.00 48.60 86.00 170.00 Rough, 74.66 150.00 Compression Hose Bibbs. Size K % % % 1 iM m 2 in. Finished, per dozen "Viokol Plated " 10.00 12.00 9.50 11.00 13.50 10.50 13.00 15.50 12.00 20.00 22.50 19.00 37.00 40.00 33.00 56.00 48.66 86.00 74 "o6 170 00 Rough , ' ' 150.00 Charles Millar & Soy, Utica, N. Y. Compression Hose Bibbs. For Iron Pipe With Shoulder. Size. Finished, per dozen, Nickel Plated, " Rough. " K 11.00 13.00 10.50 % 12.00 14.50 11.50 % 14.00 16.50 13.00 22.00 24.50 21.00 1 40.00 43.00 36.00 ^% 60.00 52'.00 ^% 92.00 80.66 2 in. 180.00 160 '66 Compression Plain Bibbs. Screwed tor Wood. Size % K % % lin. Finished 10.50 12 50 10.00 12.00 14.50 11.50 14.00 16.50 13 00 21.00 23.50 20.00 39.00 \ickel Plated 42.00 Rough 35.00 Compression Plain Bibbs. Flange and Thimble. Size. Finished, per dozen Nickel Plated «' 16.00 19.00 Vi 18.00 21.00 28.00 21. 50124. 50132. 00 51.00 55.00 IMi" Compression Hose Bibbs. Flanffe and Thimble. Size. X % % \y. in. Finished, per dozen. Nickel Plated, " 17.00 19.00 22.00 20.00 22.50 25.50 30.00 34.00 54.00 58.00 Compression Bibbs. Flange, Nut, and Coupling. Size. Finished per dozen. Nickel Plated, " M 25.00 32.00 28.50 35.50 44.00 48.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. V r-i Compression Hose Bibbs. Flange, Nut aud Coupliiiji^. Size. Finished. per dozen , Nickel Plated, " 26.00 29.50 33.00 36.50 46.00 50.00 Compression Bath Bibb. SiZK 1^ H % 1 in. For Lead Pipe. Finished per dozen, " • " Nickel Plated " 14.00 16.50 17.00 19.50 26.00 28.50 42.00 45.00 For Iron Pipe, Finished Nickel Plated " 15.00 17.50 18.00 20 50 28.00 30.50 45.00 48.00 Flange and Thiinbie, Finished Nickel Plated '• 23.00 25.50 26.00 29.50 36.00 40.00 59.00 63.00 Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, Finished " •' Nickel Plated " 29.00 32.50 37.00 40.50 52.00 57.00 Compression Urinal Cocks. Size, j.^ inch. Plain per dozen. Flange and Thimble " New Pat. Jam Nut and Coupling '^ . Braes. 18.00 27.00 36.00 Nickel Plaied. 21.00 33.00 40.00 Compression Urinal Cocks. Iron Pipe. Size. Brass, per dozen. Nickeled, " 18.00 21.00 19.00 22.00 *« in. 21.00 24.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Compression Tray Bibbs. Side Handle. ■^ Size For Jjead Pipe, Finished per dozen " " Nickel Plated For Iron Pipe, Finii^hed " " Nickel Plated " Flange and Thimble, Finished '• " •" '•' Nickel Plated Flange, Nut and Bent Coup., Fin " " •' Nickel Plated, " V2 ^4. 1 in. 10.00 12.00 11.00 13.00 19 00 13.50 15.50,21.50 11.00 13.00 12.00 14.50 17.00 20.00 19.00 22.50 26.00 29.50 14. OU 21.00 16.50l35?.50 22.00 30.00 25.50 34.00 33.00 36.50 46.00 50.00 36.00 39.00 39.00 42.00 53.00 57.00 Compression Tray Bibbs. Straislit. Size... % y^ % .?4 1 in. For Lead Pipe, Finished ..per dozen, " Nickel Plated " 10.00 13.00 11.00 18.50 13.00 15.50 19.00 21.50 36.00 39.00 For Iron Pipe, Finished " « " Nickel Plated " 11.00 13.00 12.ti0 14.50 14.00 16.50 21.00 23.50 39.00 42 00 Flange and Thimble, Finished " " " Nickel Plated " 17.00 20.00 19.00 22.50 22.00 25 50 30.00 34.00 53.00 57.00 Tray Bibbs. Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. Size k' % % 1 in. 26.00 29.50 33.00 36.50 46.00 50.00 77.00 Nickeled Compression Plain Bibbs. Grundy Pattern,— Sectional View. This illustration shows the construction of Grundy Compres- sion Bibbs, which we can furnish in all the regular varieties of "%_, 5/ and % inch sizes. Except Tray Bibbs. Charles Millar & Son. Utica, N. Y. 75 Compression Bibbs, Lead or Iron Pipe With Stuff- ing Box. For Stufling Box Add to Hesrular Ijist. 4.00 Compression Double Bath Cock. Fig. 35— With Sprinkler aud Hose Coupling. Finished, each $5.00 Nickel Plated, each 5.50 Compression Double Bath Cock. ^^ ^t k' ^ i^^w Fig. 36— With Sprinkler and Hose J^^^^^fJ^RBW*^ Coupling— Same as Fig. 35. ^9^^ ^Cm Finished, S Mch : ...$7.00 | Nickel Plated, each $7.50 Compression Double Bath Cock. Fig. 37.— Handles on Toi>. P i^^^^^^^ Ij^k^ WITH SPRINKLER AND ^^^ ^ — — HOSE COUPLING. Finished, each |T.00 Nickel Plated, each 7.50 Compression Double Bath Cock. Fig. 39. Finished, each $7.50 I Nickel Plated, each $8.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Swing Basin Cocks. No. O. Finished, per dozen $18.00 Nickel Plated, " 21.00 No. 1. Finished, per dozen $18.00 Nickel Plated, 21.00 No. 2. Finished. per dozen $22.00 Nickel Plated. " 25.00 No. 4. Finished, per dozen $24.00 Nickel Plat ed, " 27.00 Compression Basin Cocks. No. o. Finished, per dozen, $16.00 Nickel Plated, " 19.00 Add lor 4 Arm Handle, per dozen 1.00 " Large Tube, " 2.00 " StuflfingBox, " 2.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. No. 1. Finished, per dozen «17 qq |((f Nickel riatcd, " 20 00 Add for 4 Ann Handle, per dozen 2 00 " Large Tube, '< !...!..!!." 2^00 " Stulliiifj 15ox, •' 2.00 No. 2. Finished, per dozen $22.00 Nickel Phited, " 2"). 00 Add for 4 Arm Handle. Plain, per dozen 2.00 " Fancy, " 4^00 " Larjre Tubes, per dozen 2.00 " Stuffing: Box, " 2.00 No. .3. Finished, per dozen $28.00 Nickel Plated, " 32^00 Add for Large Tubes, per dozen 2.00 " Stuffing Box, " 2.00 Less with T Handle, " 4 00 No. 4. Finished per dozen $20.00 Nickel Plated, " 24.00 Add for 4 Arm Handle, per dozen 4.00 " Large Tubes, " 2.00 " Stuffing Box. " 2!00 No. 4:%. Finished, per dozen «0(j qo Nickeled. '■ ..........".".'.".'.'.'.' -JO^OO Add for Stuffing Box 2.00 No. 7.— GRUNDY PATTERN. Same as No 7^, but without Stufflug^ Box. Finished, per dozen *24 00 Nickel Plated, " 28!00 No. 7H. Gruudy Pattern, with Stutting Box. Finished. per dozen |26 (X) Nickel Plated, " ."" 30 00 Add for 4 Arm Handle, per dozen 4 00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Double Compression Basin Cocks. With Ring Cup. Finished, each $ 9.00 Nickel Plated, each 10.00 Bracket Swing Basin Cocks. Plain, Finished, per dozen $18.00 " Nickel Plated, " 22.00 Octagon. Finished, " 34.00 •' Nickel Plated, " 40.00 Compression Double Bracket Basin Cocks. Or With Four Arm Handle. Finished, each $5.00 Nickel Plated, each 5.50 Pantry Cocks. Lever Handle, Ground Key No. 1, Small, Plain, per dozen... " Small, Hose End, No. 2, Large, Plain, " Large, Hose End, " Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 79 Compression Pantry Cocks. No. 1, T Handle, Small. Plain. per dozen. " " Hose End. " No- 2, " ■< Large. Plain, " " Hose End, Add for 4 Arm Handle, both Sizes, Brass. Nickel. Plated. 30.00 34.00 33.00j 37 00 34.00 38.0(1 37.00 41.00 2.001 2.00 Q Compression Double Pantry Cocks. Finished, each $11.00 Nickel Plated, each 12.00 Double Compression Shampooing and Basin Cocks. Finished, each $15.00 Nickel Plated 17.00 Shampooing Sprinklers. Finished, per dozen. Nickel Plated, " . .$ 8.00 . 10.00 80 Chaeles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Chain Stays. Number 00 1 2 4 5 16 Brass. per dozen Nickel Plated ' 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 3.50 4.25 3.50 4 25 8.00 9.00 24.00 27.00 % Sectional View of Improved Bibbs. IT Improved Bibbs. Lead Pipe. Size K fs % 1 in. Plain, Finished, pei " Nickeled, dozen 18.00 22.00 21.00 25.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 28.00 26.00 32.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 46.00 Hose, Finished, ,. 38.00 " Nickeled, i( 48.00 Screwed for Irou Pipe. Size 'A H K 1 in. Plain, Finished, per dozen 21.00 25.00 24.00 28.00 24.00 28.00 27.00 31.00 30.00 35.00 33.00 37.00 40.00 " Nickeled, " 48.00 Hose Finished, " 42.00 " Nickeled, " 50.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 81 Improved Flange and Bibbs. Thimble Size Plain, Finished " Nickeled Hose, Finished " Nickled., 26.00 82.00 29.00 35.00 % 28.00 34.00 33.00 38.00 86.00 42.00 40.00 46.00 1 in. 48.00 58.00 50.00 60.00 Improved Bath Bibbs. Size 'A % % 1 in. Plain, Finished, per doz. 18.00 20.00 26.00 36.00 " Nickeled, 22.00 25.00 32.00 4-2.00 Flanged and Thimble, Finished, 25.00 28.00 34.00 48 00 " " " Nickeled, " 31.00 34.00 40.00 50.00 Flanged, Nut and Coupling, Finished, 34.00 40.00 52.00 72.00 " " " Nickeled, " 40.00 46.00 58.00 80.00 Improved Wash Tray Bibbs. Size 1^ % % 1 in Plain, Finished, per doz 20.00 22.50 30.00 40.00 " Nickeled, " 24.00 26.50 36.00 50.00 Flanged and Thimble, Finished, " 26.00 28.00 36.00 50.00 " " " Nickeled, " 32.00 34.00 42.00 60.00 Flgd., Nut and Beat Coup., Finished, " 33.00 40.00 54.00 74.00 " " " Nickeled, " 41.00 46.00 60.00 84.00 Improved Stop With Coupling. Size Rough. per dozen Finished, " Nickeled, " i^i' 18.00 20.00 25.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 25.00 28.00 34.00 1 36.00 40.00 .50 00 11^ in. 60.00 65.00 82 Charles Millar & Son. Utica, X. Y Improved Basin Cocks. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Number. Finished per dozen. Nickeled " 33.00 36.00 46 00 56.00 40.00 44.00 54.00 64.00 Double Basin Cock. No. 8. Finished, each. Nickeled, " ^2 00 13.00 Improved Pantry Cock. No. 1. Plain, Finished per dozen *86.00 " Nickeled " "42.00='^^ Hose End, Finished, " 38 00 " Nickeled, " 45.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. T. Sd Double Pantry Cock No. 9. Finished, each $12.00 Nickeled, " 13.00 Improved Double Bath Cock. No. 4^^. Finished $10.50 Nickeled 13.00 Basin Waste Cock. Finished, each.... *6 00 Nickeled, " 7.00 Bath Waste Cock. $8.00 Nickeled, " .... 9.00 Trimmings for Improved Bibbs. Size Eccentrics, per dozen Valve and Stem, " Rubber Valves, " Handles, " H r^ K lin. 3.00 3.00 .75 3.00 3.00 3.00 .75 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 1.25 6.00 84 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Moore' Patent Self-Clos- ing Cocks. Size Plain Bibbs, for Lead Pipe, per dozen " " " Iron " " Hose " " Lead " " " " Iron " " Flange and Thimble, " Hose End, " Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, " Stops for Lead Pipe, " " Iron " " " One End, " Add for Nickel Plating, •' Hopper Cocks, for Lead Pipe, " " " " Iron '• " Add for Nickel Plating, 1,/ /2 % 24.00 27.00 28.00 31.00 37.00 30.00 31.00 34.00 36.00 39.00 40.00 43. Ou 45.00 48.00 24.00 27.00 32.00 35.00 28.00 4.00 '4.06 27.00 30.00 31.00 4,00 4.60 %m. 33.00 37.00 36.00 40.00 38.00 35 00 31.00 5.00 34.06 5.00 Finish- ed. Nickel Plated. Basin Cocks per dozen Pantry " " " '• Hose End, " Urinal, " " " " Iron Pipe. *' Springs for Moore's Self Closing Bibbs $6.00 per dozen. 45.00 54.00 58.00 36.00 40.00 48.00 64.00 68.00 41.00 45.00 Telegraph Bibbs. Size. Finished, for Lead Pipe, per doz. " Iron " " Nickel Plated, for Lead Pipe, " " " " Iron " " 15.00 16.00 17.00 H '/8 %m. 17.00 20.00 26.00 18.00 31.00 28.00 I9.50l22.50l28.50 18. 00120. 50123. 50130. 50 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y Telegraph Basin Cocks. Braes. Nickel Plated. Per dozen " " add for Large Tubes 24.00 27.00 2.00 2 00 Plain Finished Stops. Size H 'A >2 H M 1 iM 1>^ 2 in Finished, pei Nickel Plated doz. 10.50 12 . 50 12.50 14 50 15.50 18 00 18.50 2] 00 25.00 27.50 37.00 40 00 62.00 86.00 175.00 Plain Finished Stops. Screwed or Iron Pipe. Size M % K '{. 9i 1 IM n^2 9 in Finished, per Nicl4 i»- Ronph, jerdo.'.en Finished. " Nickel Plated, " 10.50 11.00 13.00 11.50 14 00 12.00 15.00 14.50 17.50 20.50 21.50 24 00 35.00 39.00 42.00 52.00 60.00 •JO Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. Compression Stops and Waste. For Iron Pipe, with Stuffing Box. Size. Rough. per dozen. Finished. " Nickel Plated. •' Va 1 in. 15.00 19.00 26.00i 45.00 16.50' 20.50 27. 50: 47.00 19.00' 23. oo! 30.00 50.00 Compression Stops. Finished Flange and Handle. Size. For Lead Pipe Finished, per doz. " " " Nicivel Plated " " Iron " Finished. " " Nickel Plated, " 7^ 18.00 20.00 19.00 21.00 22.00 26.50 36.00 24.50 23.00 25.50 29.00 38.00 28.50 31.00 38.00 40.50 Compression Stops. For Lead and Iron Pipe. Size % H % 3r ^4 1 in. Rongli, per dozen 10.00 10.50 12 50 11.00 11.50 14.00 13.00 14.00 16 50 19 50 20.50 23.00 33 50 Finished, " 37 50 Nickeled, " 40.00 Compression Stops. Lead or Iron Pipe, with Stuffiug Box, For Stuffing Bos add to Regular List. Size. Per dozen,. % 1/ H U lin. 1.50 2.00 2 00 8.00 4.00 Compression Sill Cocks. Size % or i.^. Finished. per dozen §28.00 '•■ Nickel Plated, " 32.00 Charles Millar <& Son. Utica, N. V. Ul Hydrant Cocks. Nut and Wasber. 4j -iJ If SiZK. For Lead Pipe. per dozen. •' and Iron Pipe, " " Iron Pipe, " 14 00 14.50 15.00 17.00 18 00 18.50 21.00 22.00 23.0(1 lin. 33.00 34.50 3G.00 Compression Hydrant Cocks. Size. For Lead Pipe, per dozen , " Iron " '■ 14 00 15.00 17.00 22.00 19 001 24.00 lin. 38.00 41.00 Garden Hose Valves. Size J^ % 1 IJ^ m 2 in. Rough, each 1.25 1.65 2.20 3.40 4.90 7.20 Corporation Stops Both Eads Screwed, Male or Female, ^n^^ for Iron Pipe. Size. Per dozen . 13.00 }4 10.00 M 20.00 29.00 46.00 90.00!ll0.00 \M 11^ in. 9-2 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. Corporation Stops. "With Beut or Straiglit Couplings. Size H 'A H % 1 II4 in. For Iron Pipe, Male ^ 2 in. Price, per dozen 12.O0I 13.20 16.80 25.20I 4O.20I 80 00 100. col 180. 00 Male, lor Iron Pipe. Size % y^ Yz M 1 Wa \ Wi 2 in.' Price, per dozen | 12 00 13.20 16.80 25.20 40.20! 8O.O0I 100.00 180.00 With Straight Tail Piece, for Lead Pipe. Size M H % M 1 lU lio 2 in. • " Price, per dozen 14.40| 16.20 20.40 30.00 46.20 96 Oo! 128.00 220.00 With 1-8 Bend for Lead Pipe. Size % >2 % % 1 1 i IJi 1^ 2 in. Price, per dozen 14.40! I6.20I 20.40' 30.00i 46.20 96.00 128.00 220.00 Fell or Fish Stops. 1-4 Bend, for Lead Pipe. Size % \ y^ H 3/ ^4 1 1J€ m 2 in. Price, per dozen I4.40I 16.20 20.40 30.00 46.20 96 00 128.00 220.00 CuABLES Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 95 ^^^^ Ball Cocks. ''^^^ Ground Key. *^ SlZK ^ /2 .=8 % 1 IM in. For Lead Pipe, per dozen 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 13.00 16.50 19.50 30.00 21.50 33.00 50.00 54.00 " Iron " '• ^^ij||||<|te^ Compression Ball Cocks i#fii3^ Size % H K ^i 1 For Lead Pipe per dozen 8 50 9 .'Ifl 11.00 12 00 17.00! 30.00 19 0"' 33 00 9.50 1 10.50 Berkley Ball Cock. Top or Bottom Supply. Size, one half inch, for Lead Pipe $1.50 n Up^p Peck's Improved Ball Cocks. Size y. 'A % 1 IJiin. Plain per dozen 12.00 20.00 9.00 14.00 22.00 20.00 32.00 34.00 52.00 56.00 92.00 With Stop " Copper Ball'5 6 inch " Compression Hopper Cocks. Angle. < * T Size % ^ i M i\i -M Finished. Flange and Handle, per dozen Nickel Plated, Flange and Handle, " 16.00 18 50 19 21 .00 50 24.00 ^ 26.50 T Compression Hopper Cocl Angle. CS. I Size ^ . ^8 %m. Finished Lead and Iron, per dozen 17.00 10.50 20.00 22 . 50 26.00 28.50 Nickeled. " '* " uo Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y, Compression Hopper Cocks. straight. Size M % ^i Finished, Flan;re and Handle. per dozen.. Nickel Plated, Flanpe and Handle, " 18.00 20 .'iO 21.00 2.S 50 28.00 30.50 Compression Hopper Cocks. straight. Size :• % % % Fini"^iied Lead and Iron Pipe rer dozen 18.50 21.00 22.00 24.50 29.00 31.50 Hopper Valves. Bartholomew's Single, per dozen $26.00 Rough Beer Cocks. With Coupling, Size. To Drive, per dozen. " Screw, " 16.00 17.00 21.00 22 . 50 32.00 34.00 Rough Beer Cocks. Key oil Side- Per dozen $36.00 No. 2. Bar Cocks. With Straight or Bent Coupling. Finished, per dozen. Nickel Plated, " •log. 00 .. riO 00 Ch.\rles Millar & So.v, Utica, N. V Counter Cocks. Brass. Round, T Handle, per dozen. Lever " " Octopon, T " " Lever " " 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 Nickel 34.00 30.00 38.00 40.00 Under Counter Cocks. Rough, per dozen 4,0 nn ^""^"^"- 2U.00 Beer Pumps. .Small, price each. Jiarge, " •fO.CO . 6.50 We also furnish to order any of the regular styles of Air Pressure Pumps and apparatus for lager and ale. ^'inessure Beer Pump Stands. Iron, price each Cooler Fig. Cocks. 136. e $1 00 Size M H 14 % Finished. per dozen 6.00 7.50 7.00 8.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 14. 00 Nici^el Plated. " Cooler Cocks. Fig. 137. Size. Finished, per dozen. Xici^in. Finished, per dozen 5.50 8.50 11.00 16.00 19.00 32.50 58.00 77.00 Lock Cocks. Size Finished, to drive. " " screw 12.00 12.50 H 14.00 15.00 ^4, 18.00 19. 5( 3^ in. 24.00 26.00 Globe Cocks. T Handle. Size H X H % K lin. Tinned End, Finished, per dozen 8.00 8.50 10.00 10.50 13.50 .14.50 16.00 17.50 22.00 24.00 33.00 35.50 To Screw, " " Globe Cocks. Lever Handle. Size H 3' H 3/ /4 lin. /i % Tinned End, Finished, per dozen 9.00 9.50 11.00 11.50 14 50 ifl 'in 24.00 26.00 36.00 38.50 To Screw, 15.50 19.50 100 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. Powell' Patent Basin, Bath and Sink Plugs. With Rubber Stoppers. Brass Nickel Plated. Common Overflow Basin Plugs, per dozen. Patent •• '• " " , Rubber Stoppers only, "g- 1, or 1}^ inch. " " IJ4 inch, T.oO 9.00 9.00 10.50 l.Oi) 1.25 1.75 2.50 SlZE3. m 1^ in. Bath Plugs, Brass, •* Nickel Plated, Wash Tray Plugs, Brass, " Nickel Plated, Soap Stone Tray Plugs, Brass, " '■ " " Nickeled. per dozen. 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 8.00 9.00 2.25 2.75 3.25 4.25 9.00 10.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 5.00 13.50 5.00 6.00 6.00 7.50 20.00 15.00 22.50 Sewer Valves Size 2i.< 3 4 5 6 Sin. Price, each 2.00 2.50 3.50 8.00 lO.Ool 18.00 Bottle Washers. Price, each ,$5.00 " " Large Flange for Tumblers 6.50 Charles iMillar & Son, Utica, X. Y. 101 Basin Plugs. Common Overflow, per dozen Patent. '< •< Brasp. 8.00 9.00 Nickel Plated. 8.50 9.50 ^^ Sink Plug and Coupling. Patent Overflow for Earthen Sinks. Size. Brass, Ijj,™ oo. per dozen 15 00 ^—" Nickel Plated. " I 17 00 Mi 17.00 20.(0 IK in- 30 00 33.00 Plug and Coupling. For Soapstone Wash Trays. Size. Brass, per dozen. Nickeled. " 15.00 17.00 IJi IG 00 19.00 \M in. 26.00 29.00 Basin Grates. Per dozen. Brass. 12.00 Nickel Plated. 13 00 Bath' Waste and Washer. Size 1 1^ IK 2 2K 8 31^ 4 in. Per dozen 8.00 9.00 12 00 15.00 24.00 30.00 44.00 60.00 Bath or Sink Plugs. Size 1 iM IK 2 2I4 01 -" 3 4 in. Brass, per dozen,... Nickd Plated " 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 21.00 36.00 40.00 G lOJ CuARLES Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Tray Plugs. For Woodeu Sinks. Size % 1 W W^ IM 2 2M 21^ 3 4 in. Per dozen 3.50 3.75 6.00 7.00 9.00 10.00 13.00 17.00 22.00 44.00 Trap Screws. Size 3/ /4 1 Ik' W^ 2 2>^ 3 ^% 4 in. Per dozen 2.50 1 3.00 3.50 4.50 8.00 12.00 18.00 26.00 30.00 Basin Clamps. Number. Per dozen. 1.25 1.50 2.00 Self Adjusting. PerdozMi 11.50 Reversible Water Filters. No. 1, Finished, per doz. |15.0O| Nickel Plated, per doz. $17.00 Globe Reversible Filters. No. 2, Nickel Plated, per dozen ..$20.00 Croton Filters. Finished, per dozen $5.00 NickelPlated " 6.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N, Y. 103 Brass End Ferrules. For Iron Pipe. Size Per dozen 5.00 2x11^ and 2 x 1^ Eeducing,' per doz. [S . 00 9 00 11.00 5 6 in. 27.00 36.00 End Ferrules. With Trap Screws. Size 2 3 4 in. Per dozen 10.00 20.00 30.00 1-8 Bend Brass Ferrules. Size. Price per dozen. 12.00 18.00 4 in. 24.00 \ Lead End Ferrules. Size 4 in. Long. 6 in. Long. 8 in. Long. 10 in. Long. 12 in. Long. Ii.^ 2 2K 3 3K 4 in. Small Holes, per doz. ) Large '• " > Fancy " " \ Convex " " .60 .96 .85 1.44 1.20 1.80 1.45 2.40 1.80 3.00 2.40 3.60 3 00 4.20 3.60 4 80 4.80 6.00 104 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica. X. Y. Bell Traps. Size ^i 3 :ii^ in. 1 Lead, per dozen 9.00 I2.O0I 14.00 Water Back Couplings. straight. Size. % 1 in. Plain Face, per dozen Ground " " 6.50 7.00 iO.OO 7.50 8.00 ; 11.50 Water Back Couplings. Beut. Size.. X 1 in. Plain Face, per dozen I 7.50 I 8.00 11.00 Ground'- '' 8.50 ' 9.00 12.50 Boiler Coulpings. Bent, for Iron Boilers. |^S^BVH|>,'< wk Size 1/ ^r , 1 in ™^^ ^ml 1 ■ Plain Face, per dozen fl Ground '■ '* 8.50 50 9.00 12.00 10 OOi 13 50 ■■ '• " per set, 3 Bent, 1 Straight.. Plain " "8 '• 1 •' ... 2.75| 2.50' Boiler Couplings. straight, for Iron Boilers. Size. Plain Face, per dozen. Ground " " 7.50 8 50 1 in. 8.00 ! 11.00 9.00 13.50 Boiler Couplings. Bent, for Iron Pipe. 1 in. Ground Joint, per dozen lO.SOJ 11.00 Plain " " 9.50; lO.OOl 14.50 13 00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. 105 Boiler Couplings. Straijflit, for Iron Pipe. Size. Ground Joint, per dozen Plain " •• ;;;;■;, Per tet. 3 Bent, 1 Straight, (iround Joint'. " •• H " 1 '• Plain " . M 9.50 8.50 10.00 9.00 3.00 2.75 lin. 13.50 12.00 Boiler Couplings. Bent, tor Copper Boilers. Size. Plain Face, per dozen , Ground " " 8.00 9.00 8 50 9.50 lin. 11.00 12.50 Boiler Couplings. Straig^lit, for Copper Boilers. SizE ^2 9i lin. Plain Face, per dozen 7.00 8.00 7.50 8.50 2.75 2.50 10. CO 11.50 Ground '• " " per set, Plain " " Coupling for Brown Bros. Boilers. Per set of 4 40 50 Plain Coupling, lor Lead Pipe. Size H % hi % '4 1 15.00 18.00 2 .00 24.00 1^1 28.00 38.00 2 in. Plain Face, dozen. Ground Face. '• 8.00 4.00 3.50 4.50 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 6.50 8.00 10.00 12.00 30.00 36.00 Valve Couplings. Ground Joint. Size, For Lead Pipe, per dozen *• Iron " " H 10.00 11.00 12.0015.00 20.00 11^ 30.00 1>^ 2 in. 40.00 60.00 14.00 17.00 23.0034.00:44.00 70.00 lOG Charlks Millar & Sox, Utica, X. Y Soldering Nipples. Male or Female. SizB... H % K 3^ ?4 1 1J4 1^ 2 2)^ '6 in. Per cV'Zen.. 1.75 2.25 2.50 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 14.00 20.00 28.00 Soldering Unions. SizE... Va. % li M 1 \% W^ 2 21/ Sin. Per dozen.. 3.25 2.75 3.25 12.00 18.00 23.00 33.00 Size. A, per dozen 1'., " S.malJ. " " Large. Cistern Valves. IM 1^2 2 in. 12.00 12.00 20 00 25 00 Closet Cranks. Horizontal or Upright, per dozen $3.00 Ball Lever. Per dozen $6.00 Street Washer Screws. Size. Short, for Iron Pipe, per dozen Long, for Lead Pipe, •' Jjong, for Iron Pipe, " With Flan^-e and Cap, for Lead Pipe, per dozen. With Flange and Cap, for Iron Pipe, " K % 5.00 6.00 5.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 lin. 7.50 8.50 10.00 Charles Millar & Son. Utica, N. Y, 107 Street Washer Checks. Per dozen $3.00 Hydrant Nozzles. Size M K lin. For Lead Pipe per dozen 6.00 8.00 7.50 9.50 9.00 " Iron •• '• 11.00 Hydrant Handles. Plain with Guide per dozen .$7.00 . 5.00 .. 8.00 Hydrant Clamps. Brass, Small, per dozen , " Large, " Iron, Small. " " Large, " ^3 50 3.50 1.50 2.25 Hydrant Sockets. Brass, per dozen $2.00 Iron Street Washer Key. Each $ .30 ^^p. Iron Street " Washer Rod. Each S ..50 Hydrant Rod, ench $ 75 Hose Nozzles. To Tie On. Size M % lin. Length 4>.< 4^ 4i.< Per dozen 3.UU 3.50 4.00 108 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, i^ I Hose Pipes. Without Tip. Size % 1 ^Va 1>^ 2 3i.< in. Length 8 8 13 13 12 15 in. Per dozen 7.00 9.00 18.00 23.00 84.00 65.00 Hose Pipes. Plaiu, Cast, Screw Tip. SlZK % M /A 1 1 1^ ^H ^i U^ 2 3 21^ in Length 6 8 13 8 13 13 15 13 15 13 t 30 15 Per dozen... 18.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 3J.00 34.00 35.00 ao.oo dS. 00 50.00 75.00 Hose Pipes. Short, Cock Large End, Cast. Size % % U 3/ *4 1 1 IM IM IK i in. Length 6 8 9 13 8 13 13 15 15 12 Per dozen 11.00 lo.OO 18.00 18.00 15.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 60.00 80.00 Hose Pipes. Compression, Short, Cock Large Eutl, Cast. Size % 3',' 1 1 in Length 8 13 8 13 Per dozen 30 00 'M ftil ■>! (\(\ 9.Q IM\ Hose Pipe Tips. Size % 1 in Price, per dozen 4.00 4.00 Combination Hose Pipe. Throws a Solid Stream or Spraj-. " The Duisy," Brass. per dozen. Nickel Plated, !J^13.U0 14.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 109 Boss Hose Pipe. SiZK % 1 Nickeled, per dozen 12.00 14.00 Crown Hose Pipe. Size. Nickeled, per dozen. Hose Sprinklers. 10.00 Size \}f. 2 2>^ 3 3H 4 in. Per dozen 3.50 4.50 6.00 9 00 12.00 18.00 Hose Couplings. For Rubber Hose. Size K 3/ /'X 1 IM IK 2 9\/ 3 in Per dozen , 2.40 2.65 2.40 2.65 4.40 4.65 10.00 10.50 14.00 15.00 30.00 32.00 48.00 50.00 76.00 For Iron Pipe... 79.00 For cither part of Coupling two-thirds Li«t Piicc. 110 Charles Millar & Sox, L'TiCi, N. Y. Hose Splices. For Mending Hose. yyi4M bIZE. % lin. Brass, per dozen. Iron. Coppered, '• All Iron 1.20 .40 .40 1.20 2.00 .50 ! 1.00 .50 ; .85 Hose and Iron Pipe Nipples. Size. Per dozen. 3.50 I 5.00 ni I lu 9.00 I 10.00 14.00 2i.< 3in- 28.00! 40.00 Hose Reducers. Size ^^% IJ^ x 1 IJ^ x II4 2 x 2i^ Price, per dozen i 6.50 10.00 1 12.00 18.00 Hose Bushing. 1 X %. per dozen. .50 Hose Bibb Ends. Size.. M 1 \ m \ ni Per dozen 2.50 i 2.50 ! 2.50 ! 3.50 i 6.00 I 8.00 2 in. 15.00 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. Hose Caps. Ill irrT*'^ |P Size M 1 ^H IK 2 2M in. HHiE Per dozen 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 24.00 The Caldwell Patent Hose Strap. Pet di)Z'n. No. 3, \4 inch, 33.o inch long, f ^ ir. ■' 4, 1. •' 33.( " ^ f .40 So. 6, ^ inch, 4i^ inch long. ) „„ " 8, 3/ .. 4^/ .. ^- .60 No. 10, 1 inch, 5 inch long, ^ " 12. 1 •' 533' " ^ .80 Per dozen. No. 18, IJ^inch, 651^ inch long, / 4, „„ •' 20. l}4 " Tig" \ *^-~" No. 22, 13^ inch, 7i^ inch long, ) TT,, No. 26, 'i inch, »i.4 O78 > '• 36. 2V| ■' 11 " ^ ■iUU Hose Strap Fasteners or Plyers. J^ to 1 inch, inclusive. .$ .50 .75 Improved Double Hose Band. Hydrant Hose. Size of Hose in In. — 3 ply.. i< Price of Bands, perdoz.... 11 .50ll.502.00 ^K 2.50 li.>^ 3.00 13^ 2 12>4 2}4 23^ 3 in. 3.50'4 0015.50 7.00 8. oOllO. 00 Steam and Brewers' Hose. Price of Bands, per dozen|1.50i2.00|2.50 3.00l3.50,4.00j5.o0,7.00 8.50|l0.00jl3.00 112 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y Lawn Sprinklers. Complete, with Stand. ♦vl^ Four Ann each §6.50 Eight Arm, '• 8.00 We also furnish various other makes of Lawn Sprinklers. Circulars furnished on application. Chain. Safet y. Numbers 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 Single, Brass, per doz. yds. " Plated. " Double, Brass, " " Plated. " .70 1.60 1.40 2.40 .85 2.00 1.60 2.70 1.00 2.25 1.90 3.10 1.10 2.50 1.95 3.25 1.25 2.75 2.25 3.75 1.40 3.00 2.55 4.25 1.70 3 25 3.00 5.00 2.05 4.00 4.05 6.50 Plumbers' Safety Chains. Put Up 12 Yards in a Box. No. 0, Brass, Dipped and Lacquered, v^er box. 0, " Silvered, 0, " Nickel Plated, 1, " Dipped and Lacquered, 1, ' ' Silvered, ' 1, ' :Nickel Plated. 2, ' Dipped and Lacquered, ' 2, ' ' Silvered. ' 2. ' Nickel Plated. 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 Plumbers' Safety Chains on Reels. 500 Feet on a Reel. No. 0, Brass Per 100 feet, |0.25 " 1, " " " " 8.30 " 2. " " " " 10.40 l^^Nickel Plating, 25 Cents per 100 feet extra, Xet. Silvering, 15 cents per 100 feet extra, Xet. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 11^ PLUMBERS' SAFETY CHAINS. For Basins, Wash Trays and Bath Tubs. WITH Si'LlT CON.VECTIXO LIN'KS ATTACHKD TO EACH ENU. EACH STYLE PUT UP 2 DOZEN IN A BOX. Basin Chains. 16 Inches Long. No. 0, Brass, Dipped and Lacquered, per dozen $1.00 •• 0. •• Silvered. " 1.35 " 0. '• Niciiel Plated, " 1.70 '• 1. '• Dipped and Lacquered, " 1.10 " 1, " Silvered. " 1.45 '• 1, " Nickel Plated. " 1.80 Wash Tray Chains. 20 Inches Long. No. 0, Brass, Dir>ped and Lacquered, per dozen $1.15 " 0, " Silvered. " 1.60 " 0. " Nickel plated, " 2.00 " 1, " Dipped and Lacquered, " 1.25 " 1, " Silvered, " 1.70 " 1. " Nickel Plated, " 2.10 Bath Tub Chain. 26 Inches Long. No. 0, Brass, Dipped and Lacquered, per dozen $1.25 '• 0, " Silvered. '• 1.75 " 0, " Nickel Plated. '• 2.20 •• 1, " Dipped and Lacquered, " 1.40 •• 1, •' Silvered. " 1.00 '' 1, " Nickel Plated ... 2.35 Split Links For Safety Chain. No. 2, Brass, Ordinary Size, per gross $2.00 " 2, Nickeled, " " " 2.10 " 1, Brass, Large " " 2.25 " 1, Nickeled. " " " 2.35 Round Head Plated Screws. 1 inch, per doz....| .14 | 1)^ inch, per doz....$ .20 | 1^^ inch, per doz....$.24 Closet Screws and Washers. Brass, Nickel Plated, Solid Hexagon Head, per 100 $4.00 " •' " Jioose '• " •< 7.50 " " " Washers, Round, •' 1.00 Eliptical. " 1.50 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y c H o w -1 c M u PQ u -»-> P^ a Flat Head, S Ijiffiit Pressure, ^ Round Head, ( Heavy Pressure, ^ Round Head, ( Double Pressure, i Round Head. \ Boxing 30 23.00 24.00 24.00 26.00 1.25 35 24.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 1.25 40 45 28.00 32.00 32.00 34.00 1.50 50 38.00 60 48.00 41.00 52.00 35.00 37.00 37.00 39.00i43.00 55.00 41.00 52.00 1.50 1.75 85.00 2 00 100 84.00 88.00 88.00 92.00 112.00 Above Prices Include Couplings and Tube. The Liglit Pressure Boilers are intended for Tank Pressure ouly. The Heavy Pressure Bjilers arc intended for the heavier pressure of the Water Works System. Copper Boilers should be fitted with Vacuum Valves. Brown Bros. Seamless Copper Boiler. Capacity, Gallons.... 30 35 40 45 50 GO Regular Pressure Ext. Heavy Pressure, Boxing net 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 40.00 50.00 1.25 45.00 55.00 1.25 50.00 65.00 1.50 60.00 80.00 1.50 These boilers are guaranteed to stand a Vacuum and are'all tested. Regular pressure 200 Hjs. per square inch. Extra Heavy Pressure 300 lbs. per square inch. They arc made of the best quality of copper, and are thoroughly tinned on the inside. 120 CHARLE3 Millar & Soy, Utica, X. Y. ''r Galvanized Iron Boilers Size. CAPAClTr. Black or Galvanized. 3 feetxl2 inch. 18 Gallons $ 14.50 4 •' xl2 " 24 15.75 4i.< - xl2 " 27 18.50 5 " xl2 " 30 19.00 4 " xl4 " 33 21.00 5 '• xl3 '• 35 21.00 5 •' xl4 " 40- 24.00 4 " xl6 •' 43 26 00 ~> •' xl6 •' 52 31.00 4 " xl8 '• 53 31.50 G " xl(j " 63 38.00 5 " xlS '• 66 38.00 5 " x20 •' 82 45.50 5 " x22 " 100 63.50 5 •' x24 " 120 72.50 6 " x24 " 144 103.00 8 ' x24 " 192 132.00 Coupling and Tube extia. SHORT BEND LONG BEND Lead Traps. *'Dii Bois." 3/4S Vz^ RUNNING RUNNING Y BAG^ liSi __^ _. Ext ra HeaTjr Special Standard We srht Shapes 8 lb. Lead 61b. 5>^lb. (! lb. Lead 51b. 4Hlb 4>^ 4 3 2 IK 4 4)c' 4 3 2 m l^in. FullS 3.60 2.85 2.15 1.30| .70 1.90 2.80 2.20 1.70 .95 .60 .50 MS 3. 602.852. 15 1.30j .70 1.90 2.80 2.201.70 .95 .60 .50 Half S 2.752.15 1.751.00 .55 1.45 2.10 1.65 1.30 .80 50 .40 Running 2.75 2.151.75 1.00 -55 1.45 2.10jl.65il.30 .801 .50 .40 Running Y 3.60 2.85 2.151.30 .70 1.90 2.802.20 1.70 .95 .60 .50 Bag,1.65 .90 2.75 3.90 3.20 2.15 1.25 .80 .65 Short Bend 1.65:1.35 .85] .60 .32 .88 1.25 .97 .65 .41 .30 .20 Long Bend 12.10 ■1.65 1.20 ■ .80 .41 1.10 1.60 1.25 .90 .55 .36 .26 The above prices include Brass Drain Screws for all Traps, excepting the 4}4- inch and 4 inch sizes. N. B. Standard Weight only kept in Stock. Extra Heavy and Special furnished to order. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. V. ]21 Vented Traps. WITH BRASS VENT CONNECTIONS. All liave Drain Screws at Bottom. PRICE LIST. Full S %S P Ivimiiinc: Extra S'eiil Connections. Extra Tail Pieces only.. .. iM ^Vz 90 1.10 .90 .80 .80 .30 .15 1.10 1.00 1.00 .40 .20 ]>r Vent 2 Vent 1.45 1.45 1.30 i.ao .40 .20 1.65 1.65 1.50 1.50 .60 .30 Extra Long Traps. PRICE LIST. m ^K 4 in. Kull s .80 1.20 1.00 1.50 <• Vented P 1.80 Compressed Lead Traps. \Vi li Plain Screw Ca;). Screw Cap with biraight Vent. Outside Dimensions of Traps. Screw Cap with Klbow Vent. 3 inch Uiaineter, with Plain Screw Cap, each 4 '• '• " " " " " 5 " " " " " " " G '• " " " " " " •i}^ inch Diameter, with Straight or Elbow Vented Cap, each. 4'' " '• " " '.', !! '' ,'' ■■ 5 6 " • (( <( .$1.00 .. 2.00 .. 2.75 . 3.75 .. 2.35 .. 2 75 .. 3.60 .. 4.75 PRICES OF VENTED TRAP SCREW TOPS. 8I/3 inch Vented Trap Screw, either Straight or with Elbow ? .h.i r2; (HARLKS Millar & Sox, Utica, X. Y Star Traps. IH Inch Water Seal. 3 Inch Water Seal. n4 I 2 in. IM i 1>2 FtillS '$0.45 ij; S .45 HalfS .40 Runiiinp Sin. ).50i $0. 60m Full S ! $0.55 $0.55 $0.95 .50 i % S .55 .551 .95 .45 .50 HalfS 50' .50 .85 .65 Runnine: . .fi5 Improved Star Traps. 11.^ in. Full S $0 65 ^ S I .65 Haf S .60 Kunninji 75 Running Star Trap. Xo. 0, with Connection for Bath $1.00 Cudell Traps. One price for Full S, }.i S. % S, Running and Bath Trap?. Prices ol Trap with full or open cover and Vent dome correspond. ^'^'-yOutlet Lead Bodv, Hard Metal Dome and Cover '•■ '• '• " " Vent Top... Lead Body. Hard Metal Dome, Vent Top ) and L'nion ) Lead Body, Brass Dome and ('over " Vent Top " " '• ' Vent Top and Union.. 1 1>4 1^ 11^ ^}4 ^14 1^ in. 2 in. 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 I 2.25 1.75 1.75 2.15 2.6.J 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.15 2.65 1.35 1.60 1.85 1.85 2.25 2.75 Charles Millak & Son. Utica, N. Y 123 PRICE LIST. Extras for Traps 1 x 1 )4 i"- to li.< .\ 2 in. inclusive. Vent Top Hard Metal Coupling, per dozen S4.80 " Brass Coupling, •* 7.20 " " Union Hard Metal Coupling, " 8.00 " Brass " " 6.00- Full Cover. Hard Metal, " 1.80 " Brass, '• 4.20 Open •• Hard Melal, " 1.80 •' " Brass, " 4.20 Trap Balls. " 1.80 Ruhlier Washers, " .40 Bower Traps. Regular Styles Form. Full S. TR\PNUMBER 1 5 11 15 31 I Inlet 1 1J4 ^}4 1^ Ih in- 3 in sizE];j;;^i^t •• Lead and Glass Style. A B C D E F G H I Price. 1.00 1.50 1.40 1..50 1.45 1.65 1.85 1.5') 3.00 Price. 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.55 1.50 1.70 1.90 1.55 3.05 Price. 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.60 1.55 1.75 1 95 1.60 2.10 Price. 1.38 1.63 1.88 3.00 l.b8 3.13 3.38 1.94 2.58 Price. 1.50 AH Lead 1.75 Lead and Brass 2.00 Load and Brass X. P 2 12 Brass Body Screw and Glass. ... " '* '• '• Leed " " " *' Bras- •' " "n.p. ' Gia^x2, 11^x1 1| " 11^x2, for 2 inch Universal.... ; .10 .30 .50 .60 .70 .80 .15 .40 .05 .75 .90 1.00 .85 .95 1.10 1.20 Different Styles of Cups are Interchangeable— corresponding sizes fitting any of r Traps, Combination as well as Regular Styles. The Delehanty Rough Brass Bath Trap Without Back Air Vent. Price each, IJg ni I 3.00 " 2 " with connections for Iron Bath Tubs 10.00 For above Bath Trap with back air connections, add to List, 1}^ in., $1.50 ; 2 in., 3.00. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. l^.-. McClelland's Anti-Syphon Vent Trap. Price each, 1\4 in $2.25 This Cut Represents our Nickel Plated Trap Connected to tlie ordinary patent overflow bowl in full S style with Back Air Connections. PRICE LIST FOR VENTED, FULL OR ^ S. lU inch. Nickel PJaled f 9-00 ij; << <^ 11.00 1)/ " Lacquered Brass ^00 11/ « <' 10.00 PRICES WITHOUT A ENT, FOR FULL OR % S. IWineh, Nickel Plated $ 8.00 1^^ " « 10.00 11^ " Lacquered Brass 8.00 li| '^ « 10.00 We also furnish the above Traps fitted for Valve Waste attachments and com- mon overflow Bisins, Prices furnished on application. N. B. — The foregoing styles of Lead Traps represent the kinds now most gen- erally in use, but we can also furnish any other make of trap now on the market, and keeping pace with the times, will be prepared to supply the trade with any new device in this line that mav be introduced. 120 Charles Mill.\r & So.v, UxiCi, X. Y. PLUMBERS' EARTHEN-WARE. Wash Basius. OCTSIDE AIeaSURE 10 ; 12 13 14 15 16 in Common Overflow, each Without '• " 1.05 ' .80 1.25 l.Oi) 1.40 1.15 2.00 1.80 2.75 2 21 Patent Overflow Basins. For Metal Plugs. Ot'TSIDE MeASL-RE. 12 13 14 15 16 in. Price, each 1 .15 1.30 1.50 2.25 3.00 Patent Overflow Basins. For Rubber Plugs. Outside Measure' 12 13 14 15 16 in. ^W^^ Price, each 1 40 1.55 1 70 2.50 3.50 Oval Wash Basins. Size... 14x17 15x19 Without Overflow, eacli 3.50 3.50 3.80 4.25 5.00 Common " 5.50 Patent " i, 5 50 for Rubber Plug, " 5.00 Recessed Basins. Size 14x17 15x19 j Size i 1 14 15 10 in. Oval 7 on 8 50 ' Round 5.00 i 6.00 7.00 These prices do not Waste on application. include Standing Waste. Prices on above with Standing ClIARLtS MiLI.AR & Sox, U'l'lCA, N. V l'^' French Round Closet Basins. Price, each. .$1.45 Oval Closet Bowls. Price, each.... «i f!.-. j^ Closet Basins. F with Ventilator. ^^B Round Pipe Wash and Ventilator, each Oval •' " " '• '• .....$3.2.i 3.70 Decorated Basins of all kinds and Designs, Furiiisbed to order. Flat Bedfordshire Urinals. Number 3 2 1 Size Small. . 111^x14 Medium. i Large. 12x15 15x18 in. Each 6 70 7.10 9.30 Bedfordshire Corner Urinals /^^B^ ^^'"""ber.. 3 2 1 1 ^^^U ''^^ Small. lOJ^xlOM Medium. Large. 11x11 12x12 in. WB^JI^^^ Kach 6.70 7.10 ' !) 30 128 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, X. Y, Lip Urinals. Number. SiZK. flat Small. ; 1214x14)^ Mediuna. 12x15 Large. 15x18 in. Each 10.70 11 25 13.50 Size ' ini^vim^ 11x11 19x19 Corner, each 10.70 11.75 l:j 50 Ventilated Urinals. FJat Back or Corner with Hood and Lip, Xumber 2 1 Size 12x15 1 15x18 in. 1 Each 13.90 1 17.45 Ohliger's Rubber Connection. For connecting Waste Pipe to Rubber Piug Basins, Urinals, the overflow of common Overflow Basins, &c. Per dozen Si. 25 Coler's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Coupling. For Connecting Lead Pipe with Earthen Closet Basins. SECTIONAL VIEW. P^'" 'lozen $1.50 Rubber Gaskets. For W'asli Basins. Price, per dozen $1 .,50 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 129 MARBLE SLABS. All of these Slalis are l\^ iiicli. coiiiiteisuiik. with ;,( backs cut for 14 inch bowl, drilled for three Cjainps, two Cock Holes and a raised place for Chuin Stay Hole, unless specially ordered. Customers ordering Slabs cut for one cock only, will be sent a chain stay suitable for other cock hole which is cut in slnh, luiloss otherwise specified in oidcring. Coruer Slabs. Size of Marble. Height of Back. Size of Basin. Contents of one. Price. Italian, each. 30x20 14 5 ft. 9 in. 6.00 20x20 10 14 6 ft. 4 in. 7.70 22x22 14 (J ft. 7 in. 8.00 23x22 I 24x24 in. 10 in. 10 14 7 ft. 3 in. 14 in. 8 ft. 2 in. 8.60 9.80 Single Back. Size of Marble.... 20x'M 20x27 20x27 20x30 20x30 20x33 20x36 in. Height of Back... 8 8 10 8 10 10 10 in. Size of Basin 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 in. Contents of one... 5 ft. Sin. 6 ft. lin. Oft. 6 in. Oft. 8 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7ft.l0in. 8 ft. 6 in. Price. Italian 6 60 7.30 7.80 8.00 8.60 1 9.40 10.20 Back aud Kiffht Hand End. Size of Marble 20x24 20x27 20x30 20x36 in. Height of Back 8 10 10 10 in. Size of Basin 14 14 14 14in Contents of one 6 ft 7 in. 7 ft. 10 in. 8 ft. 6 in. 9 ft. 11 in. Price. Italian, each 7.90 9.40 10.20 11x90 130 Charles Millak & So.v. Utica, X. Y. Back and Left-hand End. Size of Marble 20x24 20x27 20x30 20x36 in. Height of Back 8 10 10 10 in. Size of Basin 14 14 14 14 in. Contents of one 6 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. lUin. 8 ft. G in. 9 ft. 11 in. Price. Italian. eacQ 7. HO 9. 40 10.20 11 90 Slabs having more than one basin hole, will be furnished at the same price per foot, but 7o cents extra will be charged for each additional basin hole after the first. Any size Marble Slabs made to order, but customers will oblige us by using above regular sizes as far as practicable. Slabs 65^ ft. long and over will be charged 20cts. per superficial fr. extra. We also furnish to order Recessed Slabs. Slabs cut for 13, 15 and 16 inches, Oval or Recessed Basins. Colored slabs of all sizes. Floor slabs for closets. Barber slabs and Drinking slabs of all designs. Urinal .Stalls, (Marble and Slate.) Prices on all special slabs and Marble or Slate Urinal stalls, furnished on application. ^11 orders for Marble Slabs and Earthenware are accepted and filled by us at buyers'' risk only, and under no circumsfances can we assume any responsibility for safe delivery of such goods at destination. Patent Imperishable Porcelain Wash-Tubs. Clean : Impervious ! Durable as Iron ! riilCE LIST. Set of two Tub., with Galvanished Iron Legs, and Ash Top Frame $36.00 Set of three Tubs, with Galvanised Iron Legs, and Ash Top Frame 52.00 Set of four Tubs, with Galvanized Iron Legs and Ash Top I'lainc 70.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 131 Vitrified Brown Glazed Earthenware Wash Tub. PKICK LIST. Set of two Tulis, with -Galvanised Iron Legs, and Asli Top Frame f25.00 Set of three Tubs, with Galvanised Irot Legs, and Ash Top Frame 37.50 Set of four Tubs with Galvanised Iron Legs, and Ash Top Frame 50.00 Warranted capable of resisting the action of Acids and Alkalies, and to be absolutely Non-Absorbent. Size of Each: Length, 27 inches; Width, 23 inches; Depth, 16 inches. Granite Laundry Tubs. With Patent Metallic Casing^. Single Tub. NUMBER. LENGTH. WIDTH. DhPTH. PRICE. 1 25 in. 2 25 '• 3 27 " 4 31 " 21 in. j 16 in. 24 " 1 16 " 24 " 16 " 24 " 16 " $ 8.00 8.50 9.00 11.00 Two Part Tub. 11 48 in. 21 in. 16 in. $12.50 12 48 «' 24 •' 16 •' 15.50 13 53 " 24 " 16 " 16.50 14 60 " 84 " 16 " 17.50 Three Part Tub. 21 72 in. 21 in. 16 in. |22 . 00 22 72 " 24 " 16 " 26.50 23 80 " 24 " 16 " 27.00 24 90 " 24 " 16 " 29.00 State if Right or Left Waste wanted for above Tubs. 132 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y, "With Patent Metalic Casiugand Patent Waste Connection. The connection on this Tub can be made from $4 to $6 cheaper tlian on any other Tub manufactured, as plugs and connections are cast on Tub. Single Tub. NUMBER. LENGTH. WIDTH. DEPTH. PRICE. 51 52 53 54 25 in. 25 " 27 " 31 " 21 in. 24 " 21 " 24 " 16 in. 16 «' 16 " 16 " $ 8.75 9.25 9.75 11.75 Two Part Tub. 61 62 63 64 48 in. 48 " 53 " 60 " 21 in. • 24 " 24 " 24 " 16 in. 16 " 16 " 16 " $14.25 17.25 18.25 19.25 Three Part Tub. 71 72 73 74 72 in. 72 " 80 " 90 " 21 in. 24 " 24 " 24 " 16 in. 16 " 16 " 16 " $24. 75 29.25 29.95 31.75 These Tubs c an be used either right or left. Ash Covers. 1 Part $1 50|3 Part ! ^3.( J0|3 Part $4.50 Soap Stone Wash Trays- OutMde Measure. Length. Width. Depth. Price without Legs. 2 part 4 feet. 5 ^^ :: 61. < " 7 " " ^« :: 2 feet. 16 inches. $22.00 2 " 26.00 2 " 28.00 3 « 30.00 3 " 34.00 3 " 40.50 3 " 43.00 3 " 45.00 8 " 51.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y i:]:! Soap Stone Sinks. Ijcngth. Width. Depth. Price. 2 feet. 18 inches. 8 inches. $ 7.00 2H " 19 <' 9.00 '^0 •• 10.00 '^^ " 22 '• 12.00 4 24 " 15.00 4^ •' 24 " 17.00 5 24 " 18.50 Iron Legs for Soap Stone Wash Trays. Plain, each $1.40 | Galvanized, each. .$2.75 Iron Brackets for Soap Stone Sinks. Plain, each $1.40 '■ Galvanized, each $2.75 White Crockery Stationary Wash Tubs. Measurement inside from right to left 25 to 26 inches ; front to back on top 21 J^ inches ; depth 143^^ inches ; IJ^ inch thick with a heavy 1^ inch flange all around. 1 Tub, without Stand or Top , $20.00 2 Tubs, with Galvanized Iron Stands and Hard Wood Tops 51.00 H " " " " •' " " " " 75.00 White Crockery Sinks. Made of same material, strength and durability as the Tubs. 24sl8x 8, Butler's Pantry, each $ 8.00 :J0x20x 7, Kitchen, " 12.00 8rx22x 1\4, " " 10.00 19x19x15, Slop, " 14.00 134 Chaeles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. PASTE OVER PAGE 134. REVISED STANDARD LIST OF AMERICAN SANITARY EARTHENWARE. I- Adopted Aug^ust 22nd, 1895. 12 13 14 15 16 in. ■ Round Basins, no Overflow .55 .70 .77 .95 .70 .83 .90 1.05 .75 1 $1.20 .90' 1.35 1.00 1.50 1.15 i 1.70 $1.55 " " Ctommon Overflow " Patent " 1.85 2.00 " for Rubb'r Plug 2.20 14x17 15x19 16x21 inch. Oval Basin, no Overflow $2.10 2.10 2.50 2.80 .75 $3.35 3.35 3.50 3.80 .75 $4.10 " " Common Overflow " " Patent " 4.10 4.25 for Rubber Plug Add for Embossing 4.55 .75 Round French Closet Bowl Oval Closet Bowl Round Pipe Wash Closet Bowl " " " and Vent Closet Bowl Philadelphia Hopper Ship Closet Basin, No. 1 " No. 2 " Plug Basin, 13 inch " " " 14 inch Bidet Pan, for Brass Plug " " " " with Overflow. . . " " " " no Hole Bedfordshire Urinal, No. 1, Flat " 2, " 3, 1, Corner 2, " 3, " 1, Flat with Lip. " " "1, Corner, with Lip. (< (t "9 " " " (< (I " ^ " " " No. 1, F. B. Lipped Vent and Hood Urinal. . , (( 2 " " " " '< " " I, Corner " " " " "'.'... '^ 15x19 inch. Price $.5.70 5.70 6.05 6.35 .75 136 Charles Millar & Sox. Utica, N. Y 14x17 15xl» inch. Square Basins, no Overflow '• •' Common Overflow " " Patent Overflow •' " " " for Rubber Plug Recess Basins. Oval Pf ce. 7.00 7.00 7.50 7.95 7.00 Price. 8.50 8.50 9.00 9 45 8.50 14 15 16 in. Recess Basins. Round Price. 5.00 Price. 6.00 Price. 7.00 . 14x17 15x19 inch. Recess Basins Embossed Price. 8.00 Price. 9 .'iO Recess Basins, Round, Embossed. 14 Price. 6.00 15 Pric.^. 7.00 16 in. Price. 8.00 Metal Connections, Net. Size Plain. Polished. 1 inch, Straierht .■60 .35 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .65 .07 .25 .50 1 " Bent .55 i>4 " Straight .55 Bent .60 Straight .65 2 '• Bent .70 Straight .80 2 Bent .85 Sranll CI amn Hand-Hole Clamn and Washer i Packages to be Charged as Follows, Net Crates $3.00 Hhds., Extra Large 2.00 " Large 1.50 " Medium 1.25 Small 1.00 Tierces, Large 1.00 '• Small 75 Boxes 50 Barrels 35 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 13" WATER CLOSET APPARATUS. We funiisli to onlcr any of the Closets made by the leading inannfacturers at their prii-es. We carry in stock many of the leading kinds, of which the follow- ing is a jmrtial list only: Philadelphia Iron Hoppers. AVith Side Arm. Plain $1.10 Enamelled 1.50 Enamelled, with Flushing Rim 5.00 Iron Hopper VaKe Closet. Willi Seir-Kaisius' Bouud Seat, Single or Double-Actiufy A'alve. Works under any pressure from 5 to 200 lbs. No reaction. The valve stem can be turned to regulate the flow of water. Porcelain lined $8.00 Iron Hopper Valve Closet. With Sell-Raising Round Seat, Single or Double-Actiug Valve. Works^ under any press-ure from 5 to 200 pounds. Valve .-lem can be turned to regulate flow of water. Porcelain Jjined Hopper, Plain Trap $ 9.00 " " " andTrap 10.00 Can also be furnished on 3,^ or J^ S. Trap, if desired. Valve Pan Closet. Adapted to any pressure, by a regulating screw in the valve. Price, with Brass Cup and Pull .^4.(j.'3 • Nickel Piatt d " *5.C0 138 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. W Plunger Valve Closet. Safety $13.00 Aflvanop 18.00 Dptmit Sanitarv 16 00 For Porcelain Lined Valve Section, add $4.00. No extra charge for Vented Bowl. ^^^^^ Tall Earthen Hoppers. ^,a=^^ If Philfi Tiir"" FIt'^'' f ^ '^■' Ifi^^^^Sn f " Flnnhin^j Rim 1 "^'^ ^^^^^F Piniinrr Ton " ° " 18,1--) ^^^^^ ••" " '< with SeatVent. 18.40 '^^ Couplings Extra. imi- a Short Oval Earthen Hoppers. Oval Flushing Rim §5.00 Vented 5.30 Couplings Extra Traps for Short Oval Hoppers. % Earthen $4.60 V-ii'-\ Iron Pliiii 1.50 jf \^^^ 2.00 r .^, \/ fl Couplings Extra, ^^-li'^'^^ll^S^ % Short Oval Earthenware Hopper. With Earthen Trap and Flushing- Kim. valBowl $:9 60 " " Vented 9.00 Couplings Extra. Plain, Oval, Front-Outlet Washout Closet. Three Sizes. r, ,^^^^|^^ No 1 fo.o. ?,:, r -^^^M " 2 -?\ or, - '^<^H^I "8 18 4(1 ^ — ^Jli^AlH I^S^ Couplings Extra. ^^L^mT C'liARLKS Millar & Son, Utica, N. V. 139 Plain, Oval, Back-Outlet Washout Closet. Three Sizes. No 1 |2i 35 ITSvl ""2.' 21-05 -JJ .. 3 18.40 Couplings extra. '^Creole." No. 8 Front-Outlet Embossed Washout Closet. Price $21.05 Couplings Extra. "Hero." WASHOUT CLOSET. No. 2 Front-Outlet, Pedestal Embossed, PHce $26.30 Couplings Extra. Syphon Jet Water Closet. Pronounced by leading experts to be in coinpliancf with natural laws and the best sanitary fixture of the age. Full contents of closet ejected instantly direct to the sewer. Has deep seal in bowl Hgainst sewer gas. Requires no trap. Price, Embossed $35. (lO " Pl..in 32.50 Couplings Extra. 140 Chaki.es ^IiLLAR & Son, Utica, X. Y Stork Closet. Tliis cut shows our Stork Closet with a handsome design of Tank, Seat and Nickel Plated Flush and Supply Pipe. Price, complete §00.00 Add, for Floor Slab 10.00 Rubber Elbows for Closets. Tlie Closet can be connected to Flush Pipe from Tank by simply Expanding Elbow over the Pipe: it makes a secure Joint, and after rubber is set to Pipe it can't be j.ulled off. No. -2. M-2AH} Dozen. No. 3. .Sit.OO Dozen. L'uAKLKS Millar & Son, Utica, N. V. 141 Adjustable Couplings. [f too long, cut off in line ot rear flange, and slip nut over, >o. 4. All.OO Dozen. Xo. 4 A, .«;i'2.00 Uozeii. Xo. 5, $14.00 Ilozeii. Xo. S, for 2 Incli Vent, ,*!14.00. No. 6 Elbow, for 2 inch Vent, same shape as No. 3 or 4, per dozen |15.C0 " 6A " 2K " " " " " " 1500 Drip Trays. IloundorOval, Sheet Irou.Euaiii. eUed Both Sides. Price, Each.. $l.r)0 N B. — In ordering state whether Hound or Oval is wanted. 143 Charles Millar & Son, UTiCi, N. Y, CLOSET TANKS. Plain Iron with Cage Valve, for Hop- pers and Low Piice«l Closets. Xo. 1. Small 14.00 '• 2, Large 0.00 ''Syphon" C o p p e r - L i n e d . Plain $7.00 Gold Medal. Can Be Regulated to Give as Long or Short Flush as Desired. Copper Liued. Plain fS.OO Beaded §9.00 This ent shows our Cabinet Finish Beaded Tank, with Gold Medal or Syphon Valve, finished in Cherry- Antique, or Natural Oak, Black Walnut or Ash, and makes a very neaf finish at a low price. Embedded Panel $10.00 This cut shows our Embedded Panel Tanks with Syphon Valve, finished in Cherry, Antique, Nhtural Oak, or Black Walnut. Packed one in a box. Framed Panel $12.00 This cut represents one of our best cabinet finished Tanks with Syphon Valve, and is suitable to be put up where parties desire a first-class Tank. We can furnish it finished in Cherry, Natural and Antique Oak, or Black Walnut. Hand Carved Tank $13.50 With Go!d Medal Valve that can be regulated to give a long or short flush, as desired. They are finished in Cherry, Natural or Antique Oak, and Black Walnut, and make a first c'ass Tank in finish. Packed one in a bos. CiiARLKs Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 113 Pipe Boards. Ash ; Dark or Light Cherry ; Plain Oak ; Fin- ished Antique or Natural $3.75 Cherry ; Walnut ; Quartered Oak ; Finished An- tique or Natural 5 00 No Brackets required. Each Board is provided with two Castings for fastcnins? Tank to the Board. Flush and Supply Pipes. 1>4; inch Flush Pipe, 6 feet long 11/ ;, w 6 " " ^l " Supply Pipe, 7 " " Nickel Plated. 5.00 6.50 3.75 Brass Finished. 4.75 6.25 3 50 144 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Closet Seats. For Oval aud Kouud Pedestal Closets. This cut represents our No. 3 Sejxt, 1 inch thick, with Beaded Back, finished in Natural Cherry, Natural Oak, Antique Oak, Ash, Dark Cherry, and Black Walnut. No. ISeat |2.50 " 2 " with Back , 3.50 " 3 " " '• and Cover 5.50 This cut represents our No. 3 Seat, IJ4; inch thick, finished in Natural Cherry, Natural Oak, Antique Oak, Dark Cherry, BlhCk Walnut and Ash. No. 2 Seat, no Cover $4.50 '• 3 •• with Cover 6.50 To parties desiring a first-ciass Seat, both in style and finish, we advise tliis ; it being built in a very substantial manner, and at the same time being very showy, the back is extra high, and framed together, forming a solid panel. The foregoing Tanks and Seats comprise only a small line of Samples of the various styles we keep in ttock. We also furnish to order any of the styles made by all manufacturers at their prices. Closet Valves. Valve for Pan Closet $2.25 •' Safety Plunger Closet 3.50 Moore's Small Cage Valve, for Closet Tank 1.00 " Time " " " 3.50 Dalton & Ingersoll Time Valve, for Closet Tank 4.00 Cistern " " " 1.75 Gold Medal VjJvcs, for Closet Tank 2.00 Syphon " " " 2.00 Clamps for Earthen Hoppers Traps 10 Charles Millar & So.v, Utica, N. Y. 145 Flush and Supply Pipe Straps. NicltPl Plated. Braf B Finished. 13^ inch Double Straps for Flush and Supply Pipes, per set. 11. « .. .< .. .. .. .. 1}^ " Single Straps for Flush Pipe onlv, per set 1^2^ " " " - '' "■ " .90 1.00 .75 .85 .80 .90 .65 .75 Brackets. Designed for Closet Tanks and Seats, and Marble blab.o. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No, 4. Size 5x7 7x9 9x12 inch. No. 1, Iron. English Maroon, per dozen pair 1.25 1.50 1.75 Size 5x7 7x9 9x11 16x18 inch. No 2, Iron Brass Plated, per dozen pair 4.U' 4.10 6.00 6.00 8.25 8 25 32.00 "2. •' Nickel " '• '• 32 00 Size 4x5 7x9 9x11 16x18 inch. No. 3 Brass, Polished, per dozen pair 10.75 12.00 17.50 21 nO. 46 75 " 3. " Nickel P'ated. per dozt^n pair 20.00 24.00 51.00 Size. 16x18 20x28 inch. No. 4. Polished Brass, per dozen pair. " 4. Nickel Plated 70.001^5.00 74.001^0.00 The 16x18 Bracket is same as cut. except has no foot. 146 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Iron Wash Stand. — On Frame. Patent Overflow aud Rubber Plug Plain ... 1 5.00 Painted 5 50 Galvanized 7.75 Enameled Slab with Bronzed Frame 8 50 Frame 2 00 Double Wash Stand. — On Frame. Pateut Overflow and Rubber Plugs. Similar to above. Plain Painted $ 8.00 9.(i0 Enamelfd Slab and Bronzed Frame |17.00 Frame 3 00 Galvanized H'OO Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 147 Iron Corner Wash Stand. ON STANDARD. Patent Overflow and Kiibber Plug. Plain $4.25 Painted 4 75 Galvanized C.75 Enameled Slab with B ro n z e d Standard 7.50 Iron Corner Slab and Bowl. With Patent Overflow and Rubber Plug. Plain $2.25 i^ainted 2.75 Galvanized 3.75 Enameled 5.50 14S Charles Millar & Sox, Uticx, N. Y Iron Half-Circle Wash Stand. ON STANDARD. Patent Overflow aud Rubber Plug. Plain $4.25 Painted 4.75 Galvanized 0.75 Enameled Slab with Bronzed Stand- ard 7.50 Half-Circle Iron Slab and Bowl. With Patent Overflow and Rubber Plug. Plain 13.25 Painted 2.75 Galvanized 3.75 Enameled 5.50 Patent Overflow Iron Wash Basins. Size., Plain Painted Galvanized. Enameled.. ^0}i 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 1.50 1.65 2.25 2.75 14 in. 1.75 1.90 2.50 3.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 149 Common Overflow Iron Wash Basins. Size lOK iiM 14 in. Plain 1.00 1.15 1.75 3.25 1.20 1.35 2.00 2.50 1.40 Paiiiitcd 1.55 Galvanized 2 25 Enameled 2.75 Half-Circle Urinals. No. 1.— 13in. on i5ack, Plain | .75 " " Galvanized 1.50 " " Enameled 1.90 No.'S.— 15" " Plain 1.00 " " Galvanized 1.90 «' «' Enamelled 2.25 Corner Urinals. No. 1.— 7 in. on Side, Plain $ .GO •• Galvanized 1.00 '• ■' Enameled 1.40 No. 2. — " " Plain 75 " " Galvanized 1.25 " Enameled 1.70 No. 8.— 12 in. *' Plain 90 " ' Galvanized 1.65 " Enameled 2.10 150 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. PLUMBERS' IRON WORK. CAST IRON SINKS. We also furnish Sinks witli Patent Overflow when required 01(1 List. New List. ' — ^ ' ^ Size. Painted. Galvanized Enameled Size. Depth. Painted 14x14, 6 inches deep, each, 1.90 12x18 in. 6 in. 1.70 16x16, 6 2.25 3 25 5.25 12x20 " 6 •' 1.85 18x12. 6 1.65 2.00 3 90 13x19 " 5 " 1.75 19x13, 4}4 " 1.75 14x20 " '• 2.20 20x14, 5 2.20 14x22 " 6 " 2.25 22x14, 6 2.30 2.00 4.60 14x24 " 6 " 2.30 23x15,33^ «' 2.30 2.70 5.00 15x23 '• 6 " 2.40 25x14, 5 " .< .' 2.40 16x24 " 6 " 2.70 24x16, 6 2.70 3.00 5 25 15x25 " 6 " 2.75 24x18,5 2.70 15x27 " 6 " 2.90 24x18. 6 2.80 3.50 5.50 16x28 '• 6 " 3.20 27x15, 5 2.00 3.50 5.50 16x30 " 6 " 3.50 28x10, 6 3.20 4.00 5.75 17x2.) " 6 " 3.20 30x17, 4 3.00 17x28 " G " 3.35 30x16, 6 3.50 3.60 6.66 18x24 " 6 " 2.80 30x17,5 3.60 18x30 " 6 " 3.75 30x18, 6 3.75 4.00 6.50 20x30 " 6 " 4.00 30x20, 5 3.75 18x32 " 6 " 4.25 30x20, 6 4.00 4.75 7.66 18x36 " 6 " 4.75 35x19, 4i.< " 4.00 19x38 " 6 " 5.60 32x18, 6 4.25 4.75 7.25 ■20x36 " 6 " 5.25 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y 151 CAST IKON SINKS.-Continued. Old Li8t. A — - New List. Size. Painted. Galvanized. Enameed Size. Depth. Painted 35x17, 36x18, 36x22, 36x20, 36x22, 38x19, 40x20, 6 inches deep, each, 6 5 6 6 6 6 41/ f. «< .< 6'~ " 5 6 6 5 6 5 " " " 6i.< " 61; .. « « y 8 7 10 " 10 " 10 " 4.50 4.75 5.40 5.25 5.50 5.60 6.00 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 10.00 16.00 10.75 15.00 18.00 25.00 30.00 5.06 6.25 6.50 7."o6 g.so u'.oo 29.00 18.50 26.00 34.00 45.00 60.00 7.25 8.06 8.50 9.56 12.06 16.00 29. 66 23.00 28.00 34.00 45.00 i!0x40 in. 18x42 " 20x42 " 22x42 " 24x48 " 24x50 " 6 in. 6 " 6 " 6 •' 6 " 6 " 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 8.00 8.50 42x21, 42x18. 42x23, 42x23, 44x22, 48x22. 48x23, 59x20, 50x24, 52x26, 56x32, 62x22, 76x22, 60x28. 78x28, 94x24, Patent Extension Sinks. PAINTED. With Extension to Set Pump on. No. 5, 18x32. 5 inches deep, each *q nn " 6.20x38.5 - '• ' " ■.■.■.■■.■::.■.■.■.■.■. lis " 7,22x44,5 " " " ^rw) "8,23x50,5 '• " " ■■■■"■"■.";::;::;;:::::::: e^o Corner Sinks. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. No. 1, side 20 in., front 29 in., depth 6 in. " 2. " 22 " " 31 " •• 6 " each... •< 2.50 3.15 2.20 2.75 5.00 5.75 152 CuARLEs Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Half-Circle Sinks. No. 1. back 24 in , width 14 in., depth 6 in., each, .. 2, " 27 " " 15 " ■' 6 " " 3. " :^1 " •' 17 " " fi " " Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. 2.50 3.15 4.00 2.60 3.00 4.25 5.00 6.00 7.00 Slop Sinks, With or Without Bell Trap. The Gal van i zed and Euaineled are 3Iade Only Without Bell Traps. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. No. 1, 16x16, 10 inches deep, each " 2, 14x20, 12 " •• " " 3, 20x24, 12 " •' 4, 20'c30, 12 " " " 4.00 5.00 6.00 11.00 4.25 5.50 7.75 12.50 o.7o 7.25 10.00 14.50 Improved Sewer Trap and Slop Sink. With Trap and Strainer. No. 1, 12x12 in., 6 in. deep, 2 in. outlet, each $2.25 " 2,15x15 " 11>.< " " 2" '• " 3.35 " 3,18x18 " 12" " '• 3" '• '• 4.25 " 4,20x20 " 12 '' " 3 " •' " 5.25 Cellar Traps. No. 1, 9x9 in., 21^ in. deep, 2 in. outlet $1.2.1 " 2,12x12 "234 " " 2- " 1.75 CiiARi.Ea .Millar & Son, L'tica, N. Y, 153 Sewer Traps. No. 1. Ic'ixlG. 10 inches deep, each Sto -.o " 2, SOx-.'O, 12 " •• " s'^n -3.20x20,15 " •' '■ z'.::.[ ::::::::: '.:[::z['.z 4 '50 Hydrant Cess-Pools. For Use ill Front ot Pumps and Hydrants. No. 1, 14x14, G in. deep, with Bell Trap,each.$2 00 • 2, 16x16,6 " " " ^ <. 2]25 12x12,6 " without " " 1 OO 14x14, 6 " " «' *' 1 15 16x16.6 " " " « I'oQ Stable Cess-Pool. With Bell Trap. Size 6x6. painted, each ij; 75 '' 9x9, " '• ■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■..■.■; lloO '• 1^x1=^. '• " 3.00 Sink Back Without Air Chambers. Plain Galvan- ized. Enameled Plain. Galvan ized. Enameled. Length, 20 in. 1.00 1.75 2.75 Length 36 in.... 2.25 4.25 5.50 22 •• 1.15 2.00 3.10 38 " ... 2.50 4.50 6.00 23 " 1.20 2.10 3.20 42 " ... 2.75 4.75 6.50 24 '• 1.25 2.25 3.25 48 " ... 3 00 5.50 7.50 2oi^" 1.30 2.40 3.75. 50 " ... 4.00 6.50 8.50 27 " 1.35 2.60 4.00 62 " ... 5.00 8.50 10.00 28 " 1.40 2.90 4.25 76 «' ... 6.00 11.00 13.00 30 " 1.50 3.00 4.50 94 " ... 8.00 14.00 10.00 321^ " 1 7o 3.25 5.00 " 120 " ... 11.00 18.00 22.00 Sink Back With Air Chamber, ^®) fe) 1^ Pipes and Couplings. To prices of Backs add for each air chamber : ^lain 11.50 Galvanized 2.00 Enameled 2.50 154 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Cellar Drainer. With Automatic Movements. No. 1, Automatic Movement.. ...$ 25.00 w ithout Automatic Mo •ement .$ 15.00 " 2, ... 40.00 25.00 " 3, ... 55.00 35.00 " 4, ... 80.00 50.00 " 5, ... 110.00 70.00 " 6, ... 160.00 100.00 Circular furnished on application. Steel Sinks. Painted. Galvanized. VVh te Eoauul. Gray Euamel. Size, 16x24 each 1.80 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.70 4.00 2.00 4.00 5.10 6.50 6.25 7.75 8.50 3.50 7.50 10 00 11.00 10.50 12.00 13.00 5.50 6.50 " 18x80, " 8.50 '• 18x80, " 9 50 " 20x30, " 9.00 " 20x36 " 10.50 " 20x40. '• 11.50 " 14x20. Ovaled Sink, each 6.50 COUPLINGS FOR STEEL SINKS. Brass Couplings, with Strainer, for both lead and wrought iron pipe, each, ne<,$ .50 <' <• " Powell's Patent Improvtd Star Metal Cored Rubber Stopper, for both lead and wrought iron pipe, each, uet 75 Oval Sinks, with Patent Overflow, extra, net, each 50 Sink Legs. Plain, price, each $ .38 Galvanized, " " .75 CiiAKi.Ks Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. loo Sink Brackets. No. 1, Takes Sink up to 18 in. wide, each. " ■>. •• ' " 23 '• " 3. '^ •' " 3-2 " „, . Galvan' Plain. ixed. .38 .50 1.00 .75 1.00 1.25 Fixtures for Cast Iron Sinks. Sink Bolts per 100, Sink Strainers per dozen, •' " with Plug " Sink Couplings " Plain. 1.50 1.25 2.75 1.25 Oalvanized. Enameled 2.25 4.25 1.75 2.50 5.00 Iron Traps for Sinks. Half S. Thiue-quarlor S- ^v fiiilS. ^or Lead IMpe Connection, each $1.25 .' •• '• •• " Iron " " " 1.25 Straiirlit Sink Connections, " " " " " 1-00 Boiler Stand. This Standard can be lowered at pleasure by cutting off the ring on Standard, as shown by the cut. Size. 12 inch Ring, each. 13 " ♦• " . Plain. Oalvanized. 1.25 2.50 1.30 2 60 1.40 2.70 1.50 3.00 1.75 3.25 2.00 3.60 2.25 4.25 2.50 4.75 3 00 5.50 156 Charles Millar & Son, Utita. X. Y. PUMPS. Pitcher Pumps. FITTED FOR EITHER LEAD Oli IRON i»Ii»K. Pitclier Spout.— Open Top. No. 1, 2i.< in., suitable for pipe 134 or U^ in. calibre. ...|4. 25 " 2,3" " " '• li^orl}.^ ■•' " ... 4.75 " 3, 31^ " " " IM or IK " " ••■ 5.25 " 4, 4 " '•• " " 1^ or 11^ ' " ... 5.75 Pitcher Spout —Closed Top. No. 1, 2^ in,, suitable for pipe Ij^ or 1}4 in. calibre. ...|4. 25 " 2,3 " " " 1}4 0Y\% " " .... 4.75 " 3. 3j^ ' '^ " 134 01- l^o " " .... 0.25 " 4, 4 " " "1^ or ]>.< " " . .. 5.75 Closed Spout.— Open Top. No. 1, 2'^4 in., suitable for pipe II.4 or li.< in. calibre. " 2, 3" " " " li^or IH, " " 3, 3i<,' " " " 134 or 11^' " " . " 4, 4 " " " " IJi or m " " . U.25 4.75 5.25 5.75 < losed Spout.— Closed Top. No, 1, 2}4 ill-, suitable for pipe Ij^ or 1)^ in. calibre. " 2,3 " " '• 11^- or 1>^ '• " 3. 3^ <' " 4, 4 " 1)4 or 11^ 1J4 or 1>2 « .$4.25 . 4.75 . 5.25 .5.75 Cistern Pumps — On Base. FITTED FOR EITHER LEAD OR lUON Pi PE. Iron. No. 0, 2 in., suitable for pipe 1 in. calibre. 1, 21^ " ' ni 2, 2!/, " ' iM 3, 2% " ' IK 4, 3 " II4 5, 314 •' m 6, 3K " 2 .$3.50 . 4.00 . 4..'-.0 . 5.00 . 5 50 . 0.50 . 8.00 Brass Cylinder. No, 1, 23^ in, diameter, suitable for 1 in, pipe. 2, 21^ " 3, 2% " 4, 3 " 5, 314 " C. 3>^ " ^ 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 C'UARLKS Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. lo: Anti-Freezing Shallow Well Pumps. OPEN TOP. Screwed Cylinder. No. 2. '■ 3. " 4. " 5, " 6, 2}.^ in. calibre, for pipe H/ in. calibre, each 2?.( " •• II4 " 3 " " 11.4^ 3)4 " " u.-r Bolted Cylinder. No. 2, 2V.< in. calibre, for pipe Ij^ in. calibre, each " 3,23^ " " 1^ " 4. 3 " " IX " 5, 314 " " 11^ " G.S14 " " iM Anti-Freezing Force Pump. The Piston and Valve are located three feet below the base, at which point there is a vent-hole for allowing the water to pass off below freezing point. Fitted for Wrought Iron Pipe, IJ^ inches calibre, un- less otherwise ordered. We furnish an attachment for connecting Hose to Spout, with each pump. Price, complete, with 3 inch Cylinder |13.50 " 3}4 " " 14.50 Hose and Discharge Pipe, extra, net 2.00 Force Pumps — Double Discharge — On Base. Iron. No. 1. 2}n in. diameter, suitable for 1 " 2. 23| " " 3,3 " << 4 4 << <( 1 in. pipelll 00 1 and ^^ 12 00 ^'4 13 00 n^ and 2 " 20.00 Add, for Iron Cock on Side Outlet, $2.50. Brass Cylinder. No. 1, 2}4 in. diameter, suitable for 1 in. pip9$16.00 " 2, 2% " " " 1 and 13^ " 16.50 " 3,3 " " " 1}4 " 17.00 " 4,4 " " " l'^and2 " 33.00 The above Pumps are also made with Brackets to screw to wall or on a board, at same price. 158 Charles Millab & Son, Utica, N. Y, Force Pumps. — With Spouts. — On Base. IroD. No. I, 2i.< in. diam . suitable for 1 in. pipe,$10.00 " 2, 2^ " •' " 1 and IJ^ " 11.50 " 3, 3 " " " IJ^ " 12.00 " 4, 4 " " " na and 2 " 20.00 Brass Cylinder. No. 1, 2i< in. diam., suitable for 1 in. pipe.flC.OO " 2, 23| " " " 1 and 11.^ " 1G.50 " 3,3 '•■ '« " IJ^ " 17.00 " 4,4 " •' " ]>„'and2 " 33.00 The above Pumps are also made with Brackets to screw to wall or a board, at same price. House Force Pumps. — With Cocks. Single Acting. Iron. No. 1,2 in. Cylinder, suitable for pipe 1 andlj^in.cal |18.00 " 2,21^ " " " IK " 1&-00 " 3,3 " " '• 1.1^ and 11^ " 22.00 If without. Cock and with Spout or Coupling, deduct $2.00. Brass. No. 1, 2 in. Cylinder, suitable for pipe 1 in. calibre |35.00 " 2,21^ " " '• 1>4 " 37.00 " 3,3 " " " 1^4 " 42.00 Metalic Valves, extra, $4.00. If without Cock and with Spout, deduct $5.00. Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y, 159 Double-Acting Suction and Force Pump.— On Plank. With Crank and With Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power. The Brass Pumps are always furnished with Iron Air Chambers, unless other* wise ordered. When Brass Air Chambers are ordered we charge additional cos- of material onl)-. Length of Stroke seven inches. SIZES AND PRICES. Iron. Brass. No. 1, 2j^ in. calibre, for 1 or 1}^ in. pipe " 2,2}4 •• •• 11^ " ' 3,3 " " 114 " l}4 " " 4, 3i.< " " 13.4 " 3 " 5. 4 ' " " 1^ •' 2 39.00 41.00 45.00 51.00 68.00 51 . 00 56.00 62.00 81.00 114.00 Cock on side discharge, $2.50 extra. Boiler Force Pumps. Small Sizes. Diameter of Piston. 1>4 inch $10.00 m •' 15.00 Large Sizes. Diameter of Piston, 2 inch $ 22.00 21^ •' 30.00 3 " 35.00 4 " 60.00 •' 100.00 160 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y Plumbers' Force or Pressure Pumps. For CleariDg Obstructed Pipes. This cut represents one of our Plumbers' Force or Pressure Pumps with C3-lin der and working parts of cast brass, for clearing waste pipes that have become choked or obstructed. Price, each . .$14.00 Gas Drip and Hydraulic Pressure Pumps. Gas Drip Pump, for Gas Companies' Use. Designed particularly for pumping gas drips. Fitted for attach, ing to 3^ or 1 inch wrought Iron Pipe. Price $10.00 Garden Pump. Fig. 375.— Double-Acting Hydropult. Price, complete, with Suction Hose and Discharge pipe $9.00 Charles Millar & Sox, Uttca, N. Y. 101 Rotary Pumps. Haud. Power SIZES AND PRICES Size Iron. Bronze. With Bronze Cams Only. hOR POWER. Iron. Brass. No. 1, suitable for IJ^ in. pipes, price, '• 2. - 11^ '• " 3. " 11^ " " 4, " 2 " 5, " 2 19.00 21.00 25.00 34.00 39.00 41.00 44.00 50.00 04.00 73.00 32.00 36.00 42.00 50.00 57.00 26.00 31.00 38.00 48 00 54.00 45.00 55.00 03.00 75.00 90.00 These Pumps when used for hot liquids, should, when perraissable, be made with Iron Case and Bronze Cams, in order to provide against the unequal expan- sion of these parts. No. 1, will discharge 131^^ gallons per minute wiih 100 Revolutions '■ 2, •' " U}4 " " " 100 '• 3, " " 17 " " " 100 " 4, " •' 26 " " " 100 " 5, " " 35 " '• " 100 Larger size Power Rotary Pumps furnished if required. Pump Cylinders. Screw .Vttachineiit. 162 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Red Jacket Pump. The Working Part ot "Which can be Kemoved for Repairs Without Disturbing Pump. Fisr. 12. FiJT. 13. Fiff. U Sectional Views of Cylinders lor Figures 12 and 13. A — liower Cylinder. II — Washer Pipe. N — Brass Valve Seat. B — Upper Cylinder. J — Rubber Cylinder Ring. 0— Piston Rod. D — Jjower Bucket. K— Discharge Pipe. P — B'-ass-Lined Frost Vent. E— Upper Bucket. L — Air Chamber. R— Stay Rod. F — Poppet -Valve Rubber. M— Valve Guard. S— Brass Valve Stem. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 103 RED JACKET Deep Well Force Pumps. L Sectional View ot Deep-Well Cyl- inders and Pipe Connecting, Showing: Wood Hod and Patent Malleable Couplings. (See Fig. 14 /or explanation of letters.) How To Order. 1. Always give Number of Pump. 2. Only mention the 3-way Cock when wanted. 3. On deep well Pumps always mention the windmill attachment if wanted. 4. Do not order any Pump for a deeper well than specified. 5. If Pump is ordered fitted complete, give exact depth of well and amount of water, also specify kind of pipe wanted. 83 .'fTj') Points to Kenieniber. 1. All Pumps are supplied with brace, strainer, and spout-coupling for hose. 2. " Set Length '" means the complete length of Pump below the platform. 3. .AH suction pipe, also all large pipe for deep-well Pumps, is not included in price of Pumps. 4. The deep-well Pumps should be used with plugged and reamed galvanized Pipe between cylinders. 5. The deep-well Pumps are fitted for and can only be used with wood rod and couplings listed. 6. Don't try to sell the Red Jacket without Pumps to show and fill orders with. 1G4 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. RED JACKET PUMPS Hand Use.— Fig. 12. For Wells Under 26 Feet Deep. Order by Number. Set Length. Size Cylinder. Size Suction. Price. 3- Way Cock, Ext-a. No. 50 5 feet. 5 " 5 " 3 in. IMin. 2 " $16.00 18.00 22 00 $3.50 3.50 5.00 " 60 >" 70 For Wells 26 to 30 Feet Deep. Order bp Number. Set Length. Size CyHnder. Size Suction. Price. 3-AVay Cock, Extra. No. 51 •' 61 9 feet. 9 ■' 9 •' 3 in. A \M in. 2 " $18.00 20.00 24 nn §3.50 3.£0 5 GO " 71 For Wells 30 to 34 Feet Deep Order by Number. Set Length. Size Cylinder. Size Suction. Price. 3-Way Cock, Bxtra. No 52 12 feet. 12 " 12 " 3 in. 3k< " A 'i lli in. \% " 2 " $20.00 22.00 26 00 $3.50 3.50 5 00 " 62 " 72 Windmill Head. — Fig. 13. For Wells Under 26 Feet Deep. Order by Number. Set Length. Size Cylinder. Size Suction. Price. 3 Way Cock, Extra. No. 55 5 feet. 5 " 5 " 3 in. 4 " IKin- 2 " $17.00 19.00 24.00 $3.50 3.50 5.00 " 65 " 75 For Wells 26 to 30 Feet Deep. Order by Number. Stt Length. Size Cylinder. Size Suction. Price. 3 Way Cock, Extra. No. 56 " 66 9 feet. 9 " 9 " 3 in. 4 11^ in. $19.00 21.00 26 00 $3.50 3.50 5.00 " 76 For Wells 30 to 34 Feet Deep. Order by Number. Set Length. Size Cylinder. Size Suction. Pricp. 3Way Cock, Estra. No. 57 12 feet. 12 '• 12 '• 3 in. ^% " 4 " li^i"- $21.00 23.00 28.00 $3.50 3.50 5.0) <' 67 " 77 CuARLKS Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 165 Red Jacket Pumps. FIG. ir> WILl. GO IN A FIVE INCH HOLE. For Wells Irom 35 to 125 Feet Deep. No. 87 B has a 2^.^ inch lower detached brass lined cylinder, tapped for 1^ inch suction pipe, and 2^ inch pipe above. Length below platform, including lower cylinder, 7J^ feet. Price $23.50 Three Way Cock, extra 3.50 Windmill Attachment, extra 1.00 For Wells irom 75 to 300 Feet Deep. No. 82 A has a 2 inch lower detached brass lined cylinder, tapped for IJ^ inch suction pipe, and 2 inch pipe above. Length below platform, including lower cylinder, 7^ feet. Price $21.50 Three-way Cock, extra 3.50 Windmill Attachment 1.00 Wood Rod and Couplings for Deep Well Pumps. White Ash Rod, 12 feet lengths, per foot $ .03 Couplings, Plain, per set 20 Couplings, Tinned, per set 30 Specify Plain or Tinned when ordering Couplings. For fuller description of Red Jacket Pumps and Repair List, send for Circular. J 16« Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y, Hydraulic Ram. This cut represents our Improved Hydraulic Kara for supplying running water to Dwellings, Planta- tions, Factories, Railroad Stations, etc. The most complete article of the kind made. Length of Pipes. Size of Pipes. No. Quantity niehed of Water fur- per Min. to Ram. Price. Drive. Dis'g. Drive. Dis'g. 2 1 to 2 Gallons. 30 to 60 feet. ?A in. and }4 i"- $ 9.00 3 2 '' 4 30 "60 -S 1 11.00 4 •i ■' 1 30 " 60 1 iH " % " 14.00 5 G " 10 60 = 2 .< 1 << 22.00 6 11 " 25 40 " 75 6 2K " 1J€ " 40.00 7 25" 45 40 " 75 1 3i| " \^i " 60.00 8 45 " 75 40 " 76 f2 4 " 2 " 70.00 Hydrant and Street Washer. Descriptive Circulars of tiiese Goods Furnished on Application. To Set in Ground, feet ^ in. Hydrants, each I "- " •' % "■ Street Washer, each.., 10.60 14.30 7.35 11.10 11.00 14.75 7.75 11.70 11.50 15.30 8.25 12.00 Fire Hydrants. We are Manufacturers' Agents for all the leading Hy- drants used by the best Water Companies and Corpora- tions throughout the United States. Circulars and partic- ulars of the various kinds furnished on application. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y iG-; H < w o h u (—1 a. Q < Q • O O O i.T iffl lO O ; lO IC "O t— I- I- lO ' CO CO CO CO CO CO "^ vjsri mojj lanpap JO oi pps 'rfsoo }soj,4 JO ssai JO ajoui ui <) q;)Bd JOJ •^©ooooooo Tfi lo «.-; lo I- o Oi CO isri uiojj tanpap JO 01 ppB 'adtj paT?is JO Hjaua'i pjvpuBqs uwin ssai JO aaotn 'ui ;» qowa joj lO O lO lO O irt O O lO TTOt-OOOOOOOO^ manai pjBpnBJS 'as BO ?8oj^ oooooooo 1/500-.0»010100 •<* »n lo lo o e> t- i-i •saizzoN 9^5 OMx paB jamBrs^s eno :o o ooo i« : : c »o lo lo o ci : i £; *> «i '^ ■* "^ : • I^COCO -^ IC O ; aizzo.M ?{B auQ pne janiBais ^dq : o o o o o L~ : : o o lo «r; o o» : 1 1« to J> c>i -?> CO : • OT 00 CO •* «CO ; •a|zzo>i jaraBa^s ^no iooooo Iff : : o '>> M CO : rlUcoio-^oo : •saizzoN 5i6 OAix ;00 :o o ico'co' :|Oco 40.50 50.00 51.25 ■aizzoji Ks ano oo o oo»o 00 -J rt' •aizzoN qoui g aao o : O ; C-- : «» i ■aainado aiBf) |io 3u!H 5Bas JO jajamwiQ 1 :^ •adij paB)S JO jd)9inBt(x apisui 1 i;^^^^;^::^ OCO -»< Lf L-5 a> l>(X) 00 o a •-1 •aou ■oauaoo adij jo ja:)aiuBia X .a ^ o a o c coec t£ = :- C == X © o 00 J, ^ 30 oo O -t lO 'X -t lO ■^ O 50 50 O CO l.O I- o -p o — 35 O LO CS O I- 0( 0« lO u fc( JOTft-OTiOCiCOCOOQO !-< --< '-t C> 73 . ew >»» vi O ^ ^ (A ^ 60 (U 5C C ,4J C5 rt ^ 08 o§ >.§ 03 *- as in 3 ^5 a O c « s o S > CS 0) O eS C/) o 2 : - - : 3 •^ ti +a CO rt* L-J U5 o 00 £ 3 ^ -w J3 i^ ^ O V .":S ; - - - - CO .^ c o o ,— «« -2 S 4) — s •:2 «.2 hJ^ 41 >. - , . - > a c - - - - - O t- ^ a J3 3 (J o 8J«« a 2 2 Uh ji H^ Ph c "-'*'• - e3 :^ V cc •^ T( tr. fC 00 1 168 Charles Millar «Si Sox, Udca, N. Y Patent Electro-Plated Well Point. The accompanying cut is an illustration of an Improved Well Point, .4. showing the openings (for admitting water) before the wire cloth or Perforated Brass is soldered on \}^ inch by % inch holes. B, show- ing section after wire cloth has been soldered on. C, showing section after both wire cloth and perforated brass hare been soldered on. These 1}^ Points (calibre) are Electro-Plated with Pure Block Tin inside and outside before receiving the coverings, there being no raw iron to corrode or rust or cause an unpleasant taste to the water. ^; 1 inch calibre, price each $ 1.50 1.50 2.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 35.00 The 114 Point is 24I2 inches long and has twenty-four li^x^ open- ings. ^This is equal to 536 one-fourth inch drilled holes (commonly in Gas Pipe Point, )|or equal to 342 five-sixteenth holes, or 239 three eighth drilled holes. So it is plain to be seen that the capacity of this Point is three to one greater than in any other in use, not barring length. Fountains. We also have designs of all the latest and finest patterns of Fountains, and can furnish them to order on'short notice. Also Fountain Jets of every description. CuARLE.s .Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, 169 CAST IRON DRAIN, WATER AND SOIL PIPE, AND FITTINGS. All Pipe and Fittings Furnished Tarred, Unless Otherwise Ordered. IN FIVE FOOT LENGTHS. Single Hub. Standard . Extra Heavy. 2inches $ .24 .30 .40 .50 .60 1.00 1.25 2.00 3.00 $ .35 .55 3 ' 4 ' ( 5 ' 1.00 1.20 1.75 2.25 3.00 4 00 ' 7 ' 8 " 10 ' 12 " Double Hub. 2 inch, per Length. 3 *' " Standard M.50 1.80 2.30 2.80 3.30 7.25 Extra Heavy. $2.05 3.05 4.05 5.30 6.80 12.75 Average Weight of Extra Heavy Cast Iron Pipe. PER FOOT. 2 in. 3 in. 4 in. Sin. 6 in 7 in. 8 in. .5> 5 3 1.60 1.95 6 2 1.70 2.25 6 3 1.80 2.35 6 4 1.95 2.50 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. V, 171 Quarter Bends— Double Hub. 2 inch., 3 " ., 4 " .. 5 " . . 6 " .. Standard . I .70 .85 .95 1.30 1.50 Eitra Heavy. f .80 1.00 1.40 1.G5 2.05 Sixth Bends. standard . Extra Heavy . 1 .40 $ .50 .55 .70 . 1 ) 1.10 1.00 1.35 1.20 1.75 2.25 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 Eighth Bends. inch. 8 10 12 Standard . Extra Heavy. $ .40 $ .50 .55 .70 .75 1.10 1.00 1.35 1.20 1.75 2.25 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 Sixteenth Bends. 2 inch. 3 4 5 G 8 Standard. $ .40 .55 .7.'5 1.00 1.20 3.00 Extra Heavy. ^ .50 .70 1.10 1.35 1.75 4.00 172 CoARLKs Millar & So.\, Utica, N. Y flilV li^^ 1 Return Bends. IHL mmM r Standard. Extra Heavy. ^ a^KmlllllMnt 2 inch.... .65 .85 1.25 2.00 3.00 75 ^^tt^^^^^^^^^^MUr 8 " .... 1 10 ^^Hts^^^^^^^HiV^ 4 '• .... 1 75 ^^^m^^^^ji^^^ 5 " .... 2 75 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 6 " .... 4 00 ^•^^^^■^ X Branches. 2x3 iuch Each 3x3, 3x2 inch 4x4, 4x3, 4x2 inch 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2 inch 6x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3, 6x2 inch 7x7, 7x6. 7x5. 7x4, 7x3, 7x2 inch... 8x8. 8x6. 8x5, 8x4, 8x3, 8x2 inch... 10x10, 10x8, 10x6, 10x4 inch T Branch with Inlet. Right or Left. Add to regular list for 2 inch Inlet | .50 " " 3 '• " 60 " " " " 4 " " 75 Long X Branches. Twenty-four Incbes in Clear. standard. Extra Heavy. 4x4 inch.... 2.50 3.50 Hand Hole Ts. Standard . Extra Heavy. 4x4 inch 1.25 1.75 2.25 1 75 5x4 " 2 25 6x5 " 3.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y Vent Branches for Back Air Pipe. 2x2 Each, 3x2 •' 4x2 <' 5x2, 5x8. 5x4 " 6x2, 6x3, 6x4 " Standard . .«0 1.35 1.50 2.00 3.00 Extra Heavy. 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.75 4.00 =S :ij||j|':zi^ Vent Branches for Back Air Pipe. With Right or Left Inlet. Add to regular list for 2 inch Inlet ,$ .,50 3 •' " 60 4 " " 75 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiill Crosshead Branches. 2x2 Each 3x3,3x2 " 4x4, 4x3, 4x2 " 5x5, 5x4. 5x3, 5x2 " 6x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3. 6x2 " 7x7, 7x6, 7x5, 7x4 " 8x8, 8x0, 8x5, 8.t4 " 10x10. 10x8,10x6 " Standard Extra Heavy. 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.65 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 14.00 Y Branches. 2x2 Each 3x3.3x2 4x4, 4x3. 4x2 5x5. 5x4, ,5x3, 5x2 0x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3, 6x2 7x7, 7x6, 7x5, 7x4, 7x3 8x8,8x6, 8x,5, 8x4 10x10 Standard. .6it .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 Extra Heavy. .80 1.25 1.60 2.25 3.25 6.00 8.00 11.00 174 Cii.\RLE8 Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Y Branch, with Inlet. Right or Left. Add to regular list for 2 in3h Inlet * 50 60 4 " " 75 Long Y Branches. Stao jard. 3.50 Extra Heavy. 4x1, 24 inch in the clear 3.50 Double Y Branches. Standard . Extra Heavy. 2xi . Each 1.00 1.35 1.65 2.35 3.00 5.50 6.00 9.00 1.25 3x3,3x3 '• 1.60 4x4, 4x3, 4x3 ■' 3.00 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2 •' 3.00 Gx6, 6x5, 6x4,6x3. 6x3 " 7x7, 7x6, 7x5. 7x4 " 8x8, 8x6, 8x5, 8x4 " 10x10, 10x8. 10x6, 10x4 '■ 4.00 7.00 9.00 14.00 Heavy Y Branches. 2x'i Each 3x8, 3x3 " 4x4, 4x3, 4x2 " 5x5, 5x4. 5x3, 5x2 " 6x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3. 6x3 •' 7x7, 7x6, 7x5. 7x4, 7x3, 7x3 " 8x8, 8x7, 8x6. 8x5. 8x4, 8x3, 8x3.... " Stand Extra . ard. Heavy .60 .80 .80 1.35 1.30 1.60 1.60 3.25 3.00 3.35 4.00 6.00 5.00 8.00 Charles Millar & So.v, Utica, N. Y, Double Half Y Branches. 2x3 Each 3x3, 3x3 " 4x4, 4x3, 4x2 •' 0x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2 '• 6x6, 6x5, 6x4, 6x3, 6x2 '• 7x7, 7x6, 7x5, 7x4, 7x3, 7x2 " 8x8.8x7,8x6, 8x5,8x4, 8x3, 8x2 '• T Y Branches. 2x2 3x3, 3x3 4x4, 4x3. 4x2 5x5, 5x4. 5x3, 5x2 6x6. 6x5, 6x4. 6x3. 6x3, in. Standard. Each .60 " .80 (1 1.20 " 1.60 ••• 2.00 T Y Branch with Inlet. Right or Lett. Add to regular list for 2 in. inlet 3 4 Double T Y Branches. 2x2 Each, 3x3, 3x2 " 4x4, 4x3, 4x2 " 5x5, 5x4, 5x3, 5x2 •' 6x6, 6x5. 6x4. 6x3, 6x2 in " Utand ard. 176 Charles Millar & Son. Utica, X. Y. Offsets. a inch, to otfset t '• 4 " 6 8 '• 10 .. 12 " 14 " 16 " 18 " 20 4 '• 6 inch. . 10 12 14 16 18 20 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 4 6 8 10 12 16 4 6 8 10 12 Standard. Tio" .50 .60 .70 .80 .85 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.40 .75 .80 90 .95 00 .25 .40 .50 .65 .85 .00 .15 .25 .40 .65 .80 .15 .25 40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .40 .00 .25 .40 .60 ,75 Extra Heavy. .60 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1 25 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.95 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.25 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.80 3.00 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.40 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Offsets with Two-inch Outlets. Standard. Kxtra Heavy. 4 inch, to offset 4 innh 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.90 2.15 2.30 2.65 2.75 1 75 4 " " 6 " 1 90 4 " " 8 " 2 00 4 " " 10 " 2.10 4 " " 12 " 2 30 4 «' 14 " 2 50 4 " 16 " 2.75 4 " " 18 " 3 30 4 " 20 " 3 150 2 inches 3 " 4 " 5 •' Double Hubs. Standard . Extra Heavy. .30 .45 .65 .75 .40 .55 .75 .90 6 inches 7 " 8 " 10 " S'andard. Extra Heavy. .«0 1.40 2.50 3.50 Straight Sleeves. 1.15 2.50 3.50 5.50 Standard. .30 .45 .65 .75 Extra Heavy. ^0 .55 .75 .90 6 inches, 7 " , 8 " , 10 " Standard. .80 1.40 1.50 2.50 Extra Heavy. Tl5 2.50 3.50 4.50 Single Hubs. standard . Extra Heavy. Standard . Kxtra Heavy. f^BBEE— fl^ 2 inches .25 .35 .40 .60 .35 .40 .50 .75 6 inches 7 " 8 " 10 " .75 1.00 "■B T^ :: 1.25 2.00 2.50 ; 3.00 ■• 3.50 5.00 178 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y Reducers. Standard. Extra Heavy. To reduce frc )in 3 lo 2 inc ' 4 " 2 " ' 4 " 3 " ' 5 '• 2 " ' 5 " 3 ' ' 5 " 4 " ' 6 " 2 ' ' 6 " 3 ' ' 6 " 4 ' • G " 5 ' ' 7 " 2 ' ' 7 '= 3 ' • 7 " 4 ' h .45 .50 .70 .80 1.30 .55 .60 (< < (( • s (..... \ I .80 .90 (( ( V, 2.00 <( t r II ( ' 7 " 5 ' ' 8 " 3 ' ' 8 " 3 ' ' 8 " 4 ' ' 8 " 5 ' ' 8 •' 6 ' J 1 V, 1.60 2 20 r 1 ' ) Increasers. 2x3 inch 2x4 Standard. Estra Heavy .70 1.00 .75 1.10 .80 1.15 .85 1.30 .90 1.25 1.00 1.40 1.20 1.70 1.15 1.60 1.25 1.75 1.35 1.95 1.60 2.25 1.75 2.50 2.00 2.75 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. 179 Pipe Plugs. Thimbles. Size 3 4 5 6 in. Plain .15 .25 .25 .40 .30 .50 .35 .60 .45 .75 Galvanized " Thimbles.— With Cover. standard or Extra Heavy. Size. Price I .40 .50 I .60 Pipe Bands. Size 2 3 4 5 6 in. Plain .45 .75 .55 .90 .70 1.10 1.00 1.45 With outlet ".'" 1.40 1.90 Ventilating Caps. ^ ^^ Size 2 3 4 5 Gin. Price, with Spigot .40 .70 .60 .90 .80 1.10 1.10 1.40 1.50 1.80 " Hubs '.'.'..*.'.".'.'." 180 Charles Millar & Son, L'tica, N. Y Saddle Hubs. 2x2.. 3x3 / 3x2 ( 4x4) 4x3 > 4x2 \ 5x5^ 5x4 5x3 5x2 j T. Half Y and Y. Stand- 1 Extra ard. 1 Heavy Stand- ard. Extra Heavy .30 .40 .35 .45 .50 .65 .55 .70 .60 .80 .70 .90 .75 1.00 .90 1.15 6x6^ 6x5 I 6x4 ;> 6x3 I 6x2 j 7x6 J 7x4^ 7x2 \ 8x6) 8x4 V 8x2 \ T. Half Y and Y. Stand- ard. 1.10 1.40 1.50 Heavy. 1.40 2.00 2.25 stand- ard. j Extra 1 Heavy 1.25 2.00 1.55 3.00 S Traps. Standard. .80 1.25 1.75 3.00 4.00 Extra Heavy . 1.25 2 00 2.75 4.00 5.50 Three-Quarters S Traps. 2 inch 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " Standard. .80 1.25 1.75 3.00 4 00 t'liARLES MTLr,AR & So.\. Utica, N. Y. ISl Half S Traps. Standard . Extra Heavy. 2 inch .80 1.25 1.75 3.00 4.00 1 25 3 " 4 " 2.00 2 . 75 5 " 4.00 6 " 5.50 Traps Without Hand Openings. 4 in. Half S 4 " Three-quarter $ 4 " Full S Standard . 1.75 1.75 1.75 Extra Heavy. 2.75 2.75 2.75 Running Traps. standard. i!.x[ra Heavy. .80 1.25 1.25 2.00 1.75 2.75 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.50 7.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 Traps. With 2 iuch Outlet in Heel. 4 inch- S, Half S. or ^4 w Standard. 2.25 182 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Traps. With 2 inch Outlet in Right or Left Side. standard. 4 inch S or Half S 2.25 Extra Heavy. 3.25 Traps. With 2 inch Outlet for Vent Pipe. Standard. 1.30 1 75 2.25 3.50 4.50 Extra Heavy. 2 inch 1.75 3 " 2.50 4 " 3.25 f) " 4.50 6 " 6.00 Running Traps. With Hub for Vent Pipe. Standard Extra Heavy. 4 inch 5 <' 1.75 8.00 4.00 9.00 2.75 4.00 6 " 5.50 8 " 12.00 Running Traps. With Hubs for Double Vent. 4 inch. Standard. Extra Heavy . 2.75 3.75 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 11.00 14.00 2 inch . 3 " 4 " 5 " , Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, liaHiii^immuM Trap Covers. Roof Irons. ]«:i .$ .12 .. .16 .. .20 .. .30 .. .40 .. .CO 2 inch I 30 ^ ■' • 1.15 4 ' 5 ''Dandy" Cleanouts. standard or Extra Heavy. 2 inch $1.50 3 " 2.00 4 " 2.50 5 '• 3.00 6 " 3 50 1.30 1.50 1.80 Soil Pipe Testing Plugs. 2 inch, each H qq 4 :; :; 1.25 i , , 1.50 u .: 2.00 2.50 Leader Pipes. WITH OK WITHOUT LUGS. Leug:tb, 4 Feet G Inches. 2 inch 4 " 5 " 6 " 4 "8 feet long each. Corner Mangers. $3.00 . 4.00 . 5.00 . 6.00 . 8.00 ^'f "• . , ^*«^ $2.50 Oralvanized *' 5 00 184 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. Extension Service Boxes. Diameter of Box, 2% Inches. 92 D 2 ft. to 3 ft. 6in. 93 D 3 " " 4 " 93 E 3 " " 4 " 6 " 94 D 3 " 6 in. "4 "9 " 94E 3 " 6 " I" 5 •' 95 E 4 " '• 5 " 6 lOOE 4 ■' 6 "C" Extension Sections. 15t..Incr'ng Lpngth of Service Box y}/o in. 152.. '• •• '■ lGi| •• 153.. " " " 28 " Valve Boxes. 5H Inch Shaft. AA extends 1 ft. 10 to 2 ft. 4 in. A " 2 " 4 " 3 •• 4 " B " 3 " 4 '< C " 3 " Gto 4 " 6 in. CC <^ 4 .' 5 .' D " 3 •' 6 to 5 =' 6 " DD " 4 " "6 " E " 5 •• " 6 " P " 5 " "7 " Above are the Standard Sizes of these goods, which we keep constantly on hand, prices of which will be given on applica- tion. Special sizes furnished to order. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y 185 Vitrified Salt Glazed Sewer Pipe. Adopted by Easteru and Western Manufacturers, Jan. 2(), 18S7. ELBOW. T BRANCH. Y BRANCH. HAND-HOLE TRAP. r — • ^ ■g A S m Sf 0) % a o . o o to - > a a o tic n o Co □ o a o 0] a o 1 u .2- o W» d d CM — PQ ja a x> 0) isa o o g a o a .a^^ "§ a u. sS s ^ s s 0) §1-3 2 o ^ 2J o ^ w pa n pa Ed CO H -ii o 3 in. .14 .40 .49 .63 .77 .35 1.00 61trs 3.141 7.068 2 in 3 "• 3 " .10 50 .56 .73 .88 .40 1.50 8 " 4 " .20 .05 .70 .90 1.10 .50 .30 8.00 10 " 13.566 4 ' 5 " .25 .85 .88 1.13 1.38 .63 .871/ 3.50 12 '• 19.635 5 ' 6 " .30 1.10 1.05 1.35 1.65 .75 .45 3.50 16 " 38.274 (5 ' 8«' .45 1.80 1.58 3.03 3.48 1.13 .671^ 5.50 33 •' 50.365 8 ' 9 " .55 3.35 1.93 3.48 3.03 1.38 .83i.< 6.50 36 " 63.617 9 ' 10 " .65 3.75 3.38 3.93 3.58 1.63 .97'^ 7.50 33 " 76.539 10 ' 12 " .85 3.50 3.98 3.83 4.68 3.13 1.37Vo 10.00 45 " 113.09 13 ' 15 " 1.25 4.75 4.38 5.63 6.88 3.13 1.87i.< 15.00 63 " 176.71 15 ' 18 " 1.70 2.25 3.25 6.50 7.50 11.00 5.95 7.88 11.38 7.65 10.13 14.63 9.35 13.38 17.88 4.35 5.63 8.13 3.55 3.371^ 4.871^ 84 " 99 " ISO '« 354.46 314.16 452.39 18 • 20 ' 34 ' 20 " 24 " Traps, without Hand Hole, shall be same price ; but with more than one Hand Hole, the additional shall be charged the same as Inlets in Branches. Two Piece Traps, 9 inches in diameter, or larger, to be charged eight times the price of one foot of pipe for each pair. Pipe of all Sizes may be furnished with sockets or rings, and ring pipe sold without rings may be sold at a discount of ten per cent, from bill, Increasers shall have socket on small end. Keducers, socket on large end, and shall be charged at double the price of two feet of pipe, sizei'f larger end. Each piece of Channel or Split Pipe shall be charged as three-fifths of a whole pipe. Stoppers or Plugs for closing pipe, one-third of one foot of pipe of the size in which it is used. Slop Bowls with strainer burned in, 3 xl2', $2.50. Closet Bowls, 6'xl2' , $3.50. Cellar Traps, size, 9', with 4" outlet, $5.00; size 13", with 4' outlet, $7.00. Grease Traps, size 13', with 4" inlet and outlet, $7.00; size 15', with 6' inlet and outlet. $10.00 ; size 18", with 6" inlet aiul outlet $13.00. We also can furnish at low prices Fire Brick of all kinds, Fire Clay Chimney Tops and Wind Guards, Flue or Chimney Linings and Agricultural Drain Tile. Circulars and Price List on application. 186 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. AUSTIN'S PATENT CORRUGATED CONDUCTOR PIPE. Round. Size :... Galvanized, per foot Tin, 3 3 4 5 .12 .09 .15 .13 .30 .15 .25 .20 6 in. .30 .25 Square. Galvan- ized. Tin. 1 Sizes 1^x21^ equal to 2 inch Round, per foot .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 00 1 " '21^x23/ " 3 " " 12 1 " 25/Cx35/ " 4 " " 15 i 1 " 31.^x41^ " 5 " " 20 ^ ol " 35/^x5Vi " 6 '• " 25 eIp^ Elbows and Shoes. Size. 6 in. Elbows, Galvanized, round, each. Shoes, " " " . Elbows, '' square, " . Shoes, " '' " . No. 1, Tin, per dozen •' 2, " " 3, " .25 .30 .30 .40 2.25 2.75 3.25 .30 .36 .36 .48 2.50 3.00 3.50 .40 .48 .48 .60 2.75 3.25 3.75 .50 .60 .60 .72 3.50 4.00 4.50 .60 .72 .72 .84 4.25 4.75 5.25 In ordering Elbows and Shoes, purchasers will please state the angles rec^uired, referring to the numbsrs in the above cuts. Special quotations furnished for conductor made of copper or other sheet metals. C'liARLKs Millar & So>f, Utica. N. Y iw; Spiral Seam Galvanized House Leader, Ventilating, Air and Blower Pipe, 8z:c. Alanufactured in Lengths of lO Feet and Less. Inside Diameter... 2 ^K 3 3^ 4 5 6 in. Galvanized, per ft. Tin. .14 .09 .17 .19 .11 .21 .25 .15 .30 .21 .38 .2H Patent Adjustable Elbows. Size 2 2>2 3 2.40 1.80 d 3.00 2 25 5 3.60 3.50 6 7 8 9 10 in. Galvanized, per dozen Tin, per dozen 1.60 1 30 2.00 1.80 5.40 5.00 7.20 6.50 9.60 8 00 10.00 10.00 12.50 11.50 Globe Ventilators. Size 2 1.00 2>^ 1.00 1.00 3 1.50 3M 1.50 4 1.75 4)^ 2.00 5 2.50 5}4 6 7 4.00 8 4.65 10 12 in. Galv.Iron,Ea 3.40 5.75 6.75 Size 14 16 18 1 20 24 30 36 40 48 60 in. Galv. Iron, Each. 13.00 20. 0{ ) 27.00 33.00 40.00 65. OC 120.00180.00 240.00 360 0l> If square or oblong base is required, it is charged extra. Galvanized Wire Conductor Strainers. Size 2 3 4 5 6 in. Per dozen 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4 50 188 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y Gas Pipe Hooks. Size.. Per 100. .40 .55 ,60 .70 1 114 l}4 -3 in 95 11.20 1.30 1 60 Soil Pipe Hooks. Size 3 3 4 5 6in. Per 100 1.50 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.50 Plumbers' Hooks. Size. Each. 02 .02 .03 I .04 Leader Hooks. Size 2 3 4 5 6 in. Tinned each .04 .03 .05 .04 .06 .0) .09 .06 .12 Black " .09 Austin's ijeader Fast ners. for Wood or Brick, per 10i)sets..$7.00 Straps. y^rm Size M H H % M 1 !J€ l^in- ff m ^BT ^Ss^ Tinned, each .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .05 .07 .10 Lead Tacks, per ft. .20 Charlks Millar & iSoN, Utica, X. V INK RUBBER HOSE. We are the exclusive agents in Central New York for the Outta Perclia and liubber 3Iamiracturinj; Co., one of the largest niaiuifaclurers of reliable Rubber Goods in the world. These goods wil' be found to be excellent in quality and reasonable in price. A complete Special Circular relating exclusively to them will be forwarded on application. The 2-Ply Hose or Conducting Hose, is not calculated to stand much pressure. The 3-Ply Hose is made to withstand a pressure of 75 lbs. to the square inch. The 4 Ply Hose is made to withstand a pressure of 150 lbs. to the square inch. Rubber Conducting Hose, 2-Ply. Inside Diam 1,/ ■^0 9,5 1 IM .33 .43 50 1^ 5S 3 .66 3K 75 2^ 83 3^ .92 3 in. Per foot - 99 Inside Diam. 4 1.32 5 1 fi5 6 1 qs 7 8 9 •', 07 lOin R 33 Per foot 2.3113.64 Rubber Hydrant Hose, 3-Ply. Inside Diam yi % 1 IM W^ ^% 3 2^ 2>^ 1% 3 in. Per foot .25 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.30 Rubber Engine Hose, 4-Ply. Inside Diam y^ M 1 |1M .75 .87 2 1.00 2M 1.13 2M 1.25 2^ 1.37 3 in. Per foot .30 .37 .50 .62 1.50 All the above kinds of Hose are kept on hand in lengths of 25 and 50 feet, and these we do not cut. Five and Six-ply Hose made at an advance of 25 and 50 per cent, respectively on Four-ply prices. 1!»0 CHARLE8 Millar & Son% Utica, X. \ . Rubber Steam Hose. Jus DiAM 'A H 1 m 1)2 13/ 2 2^ 3 in. Three-Ply. per ft.. .45 .54 .71 .85 1.02 1.18 1.34 1.66 2.00 Ins. Diam H K 1 IM 1>^ IK 2 2>^ 3 in. Four-Ply, per ft... .51 .67 .83 1.04 1.25 1.45 1.66 2.08 2.80 Ins. Diam }4 % 1 IK IK 1% 2 2J^ 3 in. Five Ply, per ft .63 .83 1.03 1.30 1.56 1.81 2.07 2.60 3.50 Ins. Diam K M 1 ^'4 1^ W 2 2>^ 3 in. Six-Ply, per ft .76 1.00 1.24 1 1.56 1.87 2.17 2.49 3.12 4.20 Steam Hose served with Marlin at 10 per cent, advance on Price List. For each additional Ply add 25 per cent, of Four-Ply Prices. Larger sizes made when required. Rubber Brewers' Hose. I>'s. Diam K % 1 lU ^Vi IM 2 2}4 3 in. Three- PI V. per ft.. .43 .51 .67 .85 1.02 1.18 1.34 1.66 2.00 Ins. Diam H % 1 IM 1>^ m 2 ^H 3 in. Four- Ply, per ft.... 51 .67 .83 1.04 1.25 1.45 1.66 2.08 2 80 Five and Six-Ply Brewers' Ho respectively on Four-Ply prices. se made at an advance of 25 and 50 per cent. Rubber Suction Hose. On Spiral Brass "Wire. Ins. DLiM % 1 IM ^H IK 2 in. Per foot .77 1.00 1.25 1.65 2.10 2.50 On Spiral Tinned or Iron Wire. Ins. Diam i 3/ 1 'M IK IM 2 in. Per foot 1 .70 .90 1.15 1.50 1.90 2.30 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 191 Rubber Oil Hose. Ins. Diam K % 1 IM IK m 2 2K 3 in. Three-Ply, per ft.. .43 51 .67 .85 1.02 1.18 1.34 1.66 2.00 Ins. Diam K % 1 ^H 1>^ 1^ 2 2.^ 3 in. Four-Ply. per ft .. .51 .67 .83 1.04 1.25 1.45 1.66 2.08 2.80 Served with Marlin at 10 per cent, advance on list prices. For each additional Ply add 2.") per cent, of Four-Ply prices. Larger sizes made when required. Rubber Tubing. Made with Walls \, /j, and ^'5 inch thick, and put up in boxes of convenient size, containing 50 to 100 feet each. Ins. Diam i ! fV i tV 1 1 f f lin. Per foot .08 .12 .16 .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 Rubber Belting. Width 2 .17 .21 2)2 .22 .26 3 .26 81 3M .30 37 4 .34 .42 41 < 5 6 .52 .62 7 .60 .73 8 .70 8f 9 in .39 .47 .43 52 3-Ply, per foot 80 4-Plv. " 95 Width 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 in. 3-Ply. per foot 4- Ply, " .00 1.07 1.00 1.18 1.08 1.30 1.18 1.42 1.28 1.54 1.38 1.66 1.50 1.78 1.70 2.02 1.90 2.26 2.12 2.52 2.36 2.80 Heavy 5 and 6-Ply Belts made to order for purposes where great strength is re- quired, (as a substitute for double leather,) at an advance of twenty-five and fifty per cent, on 4-Ply prices. 2-Ply Rubber Machine Belting. For Agricultural Machines, Railway Belts and otber Li^ht Work. Width 1 IM ^% 2 2K 3 Z% 4 in. Per foot .07 .09 .11 .15 .18 .22 .26 .30 Endless Belts, of any width or length, made to order at ten days' notice at cur- rent list prices, with an additional charge for the joining, equal to the price of three leet of the Belt. 192 C'n.iRLES Millar & Son, Utica, X. Y. Rubber Lined Cotton Hose. — Seamless Woven. Stroug! Light I Cheap! If given a reasonable chance to dry after being used, it will last many years. The }y^ and 3( inch has couplings attached. Size Inside DiA.>t Vz 1 % 1 IK 1)2 2 !2i< in ■^ ■'^2 "'• Price, per foot, (50 feet lengths,) .20 1 .25 1 .35 .45 i ..50 1 .60 .70 Linen Hose. — Unlined and Seamless. Size Inside Diam .. 1 iM IM m 2 2^ 2K Sin. Standard, per foot Trade " ...1 .20 .. .15 .22 .17 .25 .20 .28 .30 .24 .33 .26 i5 .28 .50 .40 Wire Bound Rubber Hose. Warranted not to Kink. List prices same as for Hose without wire. Discounts furnished on application. We can furnish Hose of every description for Fire De- partment and Factory use at the lowest prices. We keep in stock a large assortment of Hose Reels. Circulars and prices furnished on application. Chabi.es Millar & SoxV, Utica, N. V, 11>3 LEATHER BELTING. fachi.; stock ''' *"'^''' ^"'^^ usually all the leading sizes of Width.... 1 m 1>^ IK 2 2M .26 21^ .30 2M 3 3H .43 4 4K 5 5>^in. .10 .20l .23 Per foot .13 .17 .33 1 .36 .50 .561 .63 .70 Width 6 \QH 7 .90 8 1.02 9 1.15 10 11 12 1.55 13 1 68 14 1.82 15 16 17 18 in. Price per ft .761 .83 1.29 1.42 1.98 2.14 2.31 2.49 Width 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 44 48 in. 3.66 2.84 Price per ft 3 02 3.20 3.54 3.921 4.30 4.64 5.00 5.35 5.70 6.4C 7.10 7.80 Double B elts a it Do uble Price s. Round Leather Belting. Size K A H .14 .18 .18 .22 '.SO % .36 .46 .60 1 in. Solid, per foot Twisted, " .'.■ .05 .06 .07 .10 .10 .14 .72 Machine Cut Lace. Width . Per 100 feet. % 1.00 I 1.50 2 00 y^ 74 2.75 I 3.25 Best quality Lace Leather, in the side, 20 cents per square foot. Improved Pointed Belt Hooks. Number 15 2.00 14 2.40 13 2.60 12 2.80 11 3.00 10 9 8 5.00 7 6.00 6 5 4 in. Per thousand 3.50 4.00 8.50 11.00 14.00 Metallic Roofing, Siding, Shingles and Ceiling. We are Manufacturers' Agents for. and keep constantly in slock, a large assort- ment of the various tcinds of Steel and Iron Roofing, Corrugated L-on Siding, Iron Ceiling, and Metallic Shingles. Circulars and prices furnished on application. 194 CiiARLEs Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y. Vulcanized Rubber Packing. Thickness .V ifV tV ^\ H A Ji 1-Ply, 2-Ply 3-Ply, 4P)y Per lb. .70 .65 .60 .63 .66 .55 .58 .61 .55 .55 .58 .61 .55 .55 .55 .58 .55 .55 .55 .55 One-ply of cloth to every Jj inch thickness. Three Cents per pound additional will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. Each cloth, whether insertion or on outside, to count as one-ply. All Cloth Insertion or Plain Packing is one yard wide and any length desired. Fibrous Gaskets, for Man-hole Plates, Steam Chests, Cylinder Heads, &c., ig thick, seamless. 90c. per lb., 3% and over, $0.80 per lb. Cloth Insertion Gaskets, Washers, Rings, &c., J-g thick, seamless, $1.25 per lb., /^ and over 1.00 " Round Packing, with Duck outside for Stuffing Boxes, Piston Rods. &.C.. from one-fourth of an inch to two inches diameter 85 " Square Piston and Valve-Rod Packing, of all sizes, cut to the most exact dimensions, very convenient, no trouble experienced in packing with it, and more durable than any other Packing ever used, 80 " Special orders for Gaskets. Valves, &c., of any size or pattern that we do not keep on hand can be executed within one week from receipt of order. Sheet Steam Packing. Rainbow, per lb 80c. Jenkins or Usudurin, per lb 80c. Asbestos Sheating, per lb 15c. Asbestos Mill Board, per lb 15c. Wire Insertion Rubber, per lb 50c. Piston Steam or Water Packing. Square Flax Packing, I4 inch and larger, per lb..$ .85 American Plumbago Packing " .75 Empire Round Rubber Core Packing '■ .60 Imperial Oval " " .75 Asbestos Wick " " .50 Italian Hemp " " .25 Soap Stone " " .20 Square Duck " " .85 Crandall or Garlock " " 1.20 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y l'J3 Rubber Washers for Water Gauges. Per dozen K^ inch, |l .40 % inch, I .50 | % inch, | .60 Lead Gasket s for Packing U nions. Size % ^A M 1 IM ^K 2 Per 100 *. .55 .60 .65 .70 .85 1.00 1.35 Cotton Waste. Maeliine Picked. Best White, per pound M Emery Paper— Per Ream. Mos. 00. 0, lo. 1, li.<, $6.50 1 >;o. 2, $7.50 |' No. 2}4, |il).50 1 No, 3, $11.50 Emery Cloth— Per Ream. Nos. 00. 0, i.j', 1, 1^, $1«.00 No. 2, $20.00 | No. 2}^, $34.00 1 No. 3, $26.00 Sand Paper. Nos. 00, 0, }4, 1, 1}4, per ream, $4.50 | No. 3, 2^ and 3, per ream, $5.00 Galvanized Fire Buckets. 10 Quart, per dozen $ 4.50 12 Quart, '< 5.00 14 Quart, " 5.50 PIPE COVERING. Hair Felting. ^ '*' FOK COVERING STEAM PIPES. Directions lor Applying. First.— An inside lining next the iron, of one or more thicknesses of Asbestos Sheathing. Second. — A thickness of Hair Felting. Third.— An outside covering of Heavy Canvas. We furnish all materials for this work. For price of Asbestos Sheathing, see previous pages.^ 1^ inch Hair Felting, per squarefoot, $ ,06 % " " " " 07 1 " « " '• 08 Canvas Duck, 30 inches wide, per yard 15 196 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y, Patent Removable Non-Conducting Sectional Pipe Coverings. Tee Closed. Kll Open. Cross Open. Furnished in Sections, 3 feet long. Each section is cut longitudinally on one side, so as to slip on the pipe and the joint afterwards fastened with straps. ^ 00 ^^ u .^ ® £ ii a-j X &.0 |is| _2 at > 2 i "Si's J^inch. $0 15 |0 16 |0 24 $0 20 $0 28 8 ozs. % " 16 20 26 20 34 y •' 1 " 18 20 26 20 34 10 " 1^ " 20 20 26 20 34 12 " lj| " 22 20 26 20 34 15 " 2 " 24 22 29 22 38 18 " 214 " 27 25 83 83 42 20 " 3 " 30 29 38 38 48 24 " 3>< " 34 32 42 42 52 26 " 4 88 35 47 47 60 30 " 41. < " 42 40 52 52 64 38 " 5 46 46 60 60 72 44 " 6 50 52 72 72 80 48 " 7 55 66 96 96 88 55 " 8 60 80 1 08 1 08 96 65 " 9 65 88 1 20 1 20 1 08 75 " 10 75 1 00 1 40 1 40 1 20 85 " Blocks for Covering Boilers, Drums, Cylinders, Kettles, Heaters, Tanks, &c. PRICE :— 1 in. blocks, 20c. per square ft. V^^ i"- blocks, 2")C. per K^uare ft. Canvas covered blocks 5c. per square ft., extra. SIZES :— 3 in. wide by 18 in. long ; in. wide by 36 in. long. Blocks cut to special size and thickness to order. Curved blocks for Locomotive work made to order. Pla.stic Covering- [dry.] Prepared Carbonate of Magneshaand P'ibre for trowel work, per bbl., $5.00. Circulars and Discounts furnished on application. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N, Y, vr, STEAM HEATING. We have had large experience in Heating by Steam all kinds of Buildings, Mills, Factories, Dwellings, Drying Kilns, &c.. and will furnish and (it pipe to order, cut to diagram, on short notice. We have ample machinery for fitting all sizes of pipe into any required shape and can make to order STEA3I PIPE COILS of every description, and furnish them to the trade at the lowest prices. Following cuts show the principal varieties : With Return Bends Tapped on Slant. With Keturn Bends Tapped Straiffht. 198 Charles Millar & Son. Utica, N. Y, PIPE COILS.— Continued. With Branch Tees.— In any Desired Shape. Box Coils of any Size Pipe, any Length, Height or Width. Finished and proved, ready for use, made to order. CuARLES Millar & Son, Utica, N. V. 19'J Vertical Tube Radiators icacff rr vcjn 'rrrff (xm en (Iim ■^S" Painted and ornamented in any style at an extra charge. Furnished as shown iihove Willi Open Iron Tops, at the prices stated on next page. Rectangular. 4; Valvep 3 2 f «3 Valves ■^- n ^ Requip'd fetl i Required ui: o c (7^ s» « a CO SU %^ o 6 55 P 1) U a 3 ■& ■ B 1-1 •5 1 3 »5 a 3 9l^ o o 55 03 ^' u w 00 J3 0. a 3 CO 3 1 lit ft. in. in in. in. ft. in. in. in. in. f Ix 4 4 10 4M 3^ % 1 .86 f3x 4 12 10 8W % % 11.17 Ix (5 6 1— 2 4^ % % 1.15 3x 8 24 1— 6 8J^ ^4 % 1.85 Ix 8 8 1— 6 4^4 J^ % 1.38 ^ 3 X 12 36 2— 2 8J^ I Va 2.50 o 1x12 12 2- 2 4M -% ■u 1.90 o 3x16 48 2—10 814 1 % 3.15 2i 1 1x16 16 2—10 4J4 % % 2.401 ';5 )- " 12, " ... 102 " 2- 9 iJi liJ g.-iO .2= 1 " 13, " ... 130 " 3— 2 iJi i« 10.00 ^|j"U, " ... 160 " 3- 2 m 1^4 10.00 Price tor Radiators. Rectangular shape, 50 cents per tube. Circular " 55 " " " ■' for Columns 60 " " Radiators may be made of every desired height; the standard height is 35 inches. A Circular Radiator with marble top makes a handsome table. The dove-colored marble known as the " Knoxville " is well adapted co radia- tors, as it is not discolored by heat. It costs 25 per cent, more than prices in above table. C'uARLKs Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 201 CAST IRON RADIATORS. No. of Length Inches. Openings for Single Pip**. 'I'vvo I'lpe Openings. Heating Surface— Square Feet. Loops Supply. Return 45 Inches High. 38 Inches High. 30 Inches High. 24 Inches High. 2 5.2 1 Inch. 1 x^ 10 8 ^% ^H 4 3 7.8 1 1 5i 15 12 10 8 6 4 10.4 1 1 9i 20 16 13)3 10% 8 5 13. 1 1 ^4^ 25 20 16^3 13K 10 6 15.6 m " 1 ?i 30 24 20 16 12 7 8.2 iH " 1 .\^ 35 28 231' 18% 14 8 20.8 iM " 1 M 40 32 26^3 21H 16 9 23.4 iH " 1 'A 45 36 30 24 18 10 26. iM " 1 ^4^ 50 40 331 3 2623' 20 11 28.6 }¥ " UiX 3., 55 44 3623 29I3 22 12 31.2 iM " IM ^i 60 48 40 32 24 13 83.8 iM " l^i .^^ 65 52 43' 3 3423^ 26 14 36.4 iM " IM 9i 70 56 46;'3 37)3 28 15 39. iH " m^\ 75 60 50' 40 30 16 41.6 IK " l^i 1 80 64 531; 4223 32 17 44.2 IH " Ui 1 85 68 5673 45I3 34 18 46.8 l>i " m 1 90 72 60' ' 48'-' 36 19 49.4 1^ " iM 1 95 76 631 3 50%' ;w 20 52. m " iM 1 100 80 66>'3 53«; 40 21 54.6 1^ " li.,xl 105 84 70 56'* 42 22 57.2 iH " iH 1 110 88 731 3 5323' 44 23 59.8 IV^ " ]'.; 1 115 92 7623 6113 46 24 62.4 11.; " 1^ 1 120 96 80 ' 64 48 25 65. l^ '■ 1^ 1 125 100 831 3 66%' 50 26 67.6 2 " I'i IM 130 104 8623 69I3 52 27 70.2 2 V^2 IM 135 108 90' 72' ,54 28 72.8 2 1>^ li€ 140 113 931,' 74%' 56 29 75.4 2 1^ 1^4 145 116 9623 "'3 .58 30 78. 2 1>2 IJi 150 120 100 so' 60 31 80.6 2 1)^ 1^^ 155 124 1031 3 8-'% 62 32 83.2 2 " 1 n-a' IJi 160 128 IO623 85^3 64 Width of loop, 7I4' inches. | Width across feet, 9>4. When not ordered otherwise. Radiators will be tapped as above. If openings varying from the above are required, they will be provided without extra charge. 202 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Hot Water Radiators. The heights and capacities of our Hot Water Radiators are the same as in the Steam Radiators. The flow and return openings are tapped as follows : Radiators containing 40 square feet and under, 1 inch. Above 40, but not exceeding 72 square feet, 1^4 inch. Above 72 square feet, l}o' inch. Height, inches. Area per loop, square feet. Steam per square ft Hot- Water, per square ft. .. 18 24 30 38 45 2 2% 3K 4 5 89 32 27 24 23W 42 35 30 27 26M We also furnish when required the Biindy Cast Radiator ; The Gold. Pin Radiator, (indirect,) or any other variety at the lowest Manufacturers' Rates. 1 ft. of Heating Surface will heat 50 ft. cubic air, varying in accordance with conditions. Asbestos Cement. For Steam Pipes, Boilers, etc per barrel, $3.00 For Hot Blast Pipes, Flues, etc " 3.75 (One barrel covers 42 square feet, flat surface, 1 inch thick.) Mineral Wool. TnaboutSOlb. sacks, per lb $ .02 Charlkh Millar ^: Son, Utica, N. V. 28'>". ^ Per dozen 6.50 5.20 4.55 4.25 3.90 M h 204 Charles Millar & box, Utica, N. Y Bracket Swing Cocks. Size,. }^^h Per dozen I 9.10 8.45 H^H Vs^}^ 8.15 Revolving Pendant Cocks. Size, K^M%^H '4^h 34 ^?8 ID. Per dozen 8.15 7.80 7.50 !l7.15 Street Lamp Cocks. Size, Per dozen, With Lever Key, per dozen, ^H 6.50 7.80 ^^H %x^ 5.85 5.55 7.15 6.50 Independent Cocks. Size, Per dozen. 6.50 Bracket Bodies. For Two Brackets. Sjze, , Per dozen,. K^% in. 3.90 Pillar Bodies. Two Liight. Size,. Per dozen, . %x38'iu. 5.20 Universal Swings. Size, Per dozen, . 8.80 I 8.45 H^H 8.15 1^x1 7.80 CiiARLKs Millar & Son, Utioa, N. V •205 Universal Top Swings. 8^% :^8*r8 6.20 %xMin. 5.55 Universal Bracket Cocks. Size,. %^%\H^H Per dozen, | 13.00 12.35 in. 12.05 Universal Pendant Cocks. Size WxW in Per dozen, ... 9.40 Top Swings. .^W Size, %x% Vs^H %xi^in. < tm^ Male or Female, per dozen, 6.20 5.55 5.20 fe^ Middle Swings. ^^■^^ ^''"^j H^H H^H H^Hin. Per dozen, 4.90 4.55 4.25 Side Nozzles. Size, H H ^in. M Per dozen, 2 30 1 65 1 00 ^ Straight Nozzles. ^^ ST7F ?8 M In in. ^^^^ ' ^^i^ Per dozen 1.95 1.65 1 00 Stiff Joints. Size, H^K H^H ^^H H^H H^H H^^ in. Per dozen, 3.25 2 fiO 2.60 1.95 i.a5 1 55 20C Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. STAPLE GAS FIXTURES, &c. " L" Pendant. Hall Light. Polished— Brass. 30 in., Polished, Brass, Each, $1.50 30 " Iron, Bronzed, " 1.25 Each, $2.30. Sleeve Pendant.— Bronzed. Light. Stem. 24 in. 30 " 36 " Spread. 24 in. 30 " 36 " Price. $2.80 3.10 3.38 Light. Stem. 42 in. 42 " Spread. 42 in. 48 " Price. $3.70 4.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. V •2q: Stiff Bracket. Brass, Gilt Each, 65 cents. One Swing Bracket. KOUNl> TUBE. Each, Ho cents. Two Swing Bracket. KOUND TUBE. 1 Brass, Gilt. Each, $1.30. Three Swing Bracket. ROUND TUBE. Brass, Gilt. 208 Chakles Millar & Sox, Utica, N. Y, Three Swing Bracket. Square Tube — Polished Brass or Bronze. Sliff, each T! $0.95 || DoubleSwing, each |2.10 Single Swing, each 1.50 ! Three GAS BURNERS. EMPIRE. AKGAND. Base with Adjustable Screw Check. Per Dozen, $7.00. Per (iross, including Tips, S12.00 Coniiiion Iron. Cominoii Brass Brass Lava Tip. Cloiig-h Gasoline. Per Gross, $7.00 Per Gross, $5 00. Per Gross. $.5.00. Per Dozen, S5.50. MATCHLESS SELF-LIGHTING BURNERS. No. 3 B, Per Dozen, $8.50. Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 209 BRASS PILLARS. Iron i^ava Tip Burner Cleaner. For Lava Tips. Scotch Tip. Per Gross, 1,80 Per Gross, 3 50 Per Gross, 2.20 BRACKET BACK. BOX PLATE. Polish'd Bra.ss or Bronze Per dozen, I.Sq BURNER CUP. Brass. Per Gross, 2.50 i\4 '"• per dozen, 50c. BRACKET BACK. Spun. Brass or Bronze. Per Gross 3.00 4 1.50 210 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Gas Torch and Key. No. 6?0, 30 inches long, per dozen, 24.00 No. 300, 30 •' " " " 15.00 Gas Key. iHtt.m:t;i,i8!i. l !!i!!iii;ibi«l«ilJiiada!J'::iJsJrfihAMl! l !!i!'M.^^^ No. 410, 25 inches long, per dozen 8.00 No. 475, 27 '• " '• '■ 10.00 Taper Slides or Holders. No. 422, 24 inches long, per dozen, 3.00 No. 423, 25 " " " 4.00 Wax Tapers. Howchin's Patent Paragon, with braided wick and fi'inged ends, 18 inches long. No. 90, 120 Tapers in box, per dozen boxes 9.60 No. 91, 60 " " " " 4.80 No. 92. 30 " " " '• 2.40 Mica Smoke Canopies. No. 423, 63^ inch, per dozen $3.50 | No. 520. (i^ inch, per dozen, |3.50 No. 222, 63^ inch, per dozen, $3.20 | No. 224, per dozen, $1.50 Chaeles Millar & Son, Utiga, N. Y. 311 Lengthening Pieces. Size, . Per dozen, , %x% 1.95 %xJiin. 1.95 Ball Joints. Size,. Per dozen,. ^H 81.90 H^yz 44.20 'A^H 44.20 81.90 in. 117.00 Chandelier Hooks and Staples. Size, . Brass Hooks, per dozen, . Iron Staples, " 2.60 1.68 14m. 2.95 1.65 Miscellaneous Gas Trimmings. Argand Chimneys, 6 inches long, cut ends Per dozen Polished ends "■ ' Opal Squat Globes, 11% x5 ..'........!!......!!.!! !!!l!!il^ Ring Top Cone Opal S'hades for Argand Buriiersj 10 inch Argand Spring Holder. 10 inch Argand E.xtension Holders, 10 inch ."......".'..'..*.'.'."........"... Fancy Globe Holders, Brass or Bronzed, 4 inch.. 5 inch ".!'.'.'.■.■. ;■■;■"■ Stork Necks for Portables Drop Light Sockets, ^\ and ^ Wire Goose Necks for Portables ....!.."......... Mohair Tube for Portables in six foot lengths.!.!!.,."...". Por Icn'^th Tan Tubing for Gas Stoves, ,\ Per foot ' Cloth Covered Tubing with Patent ends, 4, C and 8 feet lengths " " ' .80 1.00 AM 5,50 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.20 2.50 a 00 2.00 1.50 .24 .16 Chandeliers and Fancy Brackets, (photographs of which will be loaned on application) furnished at manufacturers' prices, and shipped direct from factorv. 212 Charles Millar & Son, Vtica, N. Y. TOOLS. Pipe Threading Machines. No. 1, Hand Machine, cuts and threads, 14; to 2 inch pipe, inclusive, No. 1, Power " " " 1^ to 2 inch '« " ^ 90.00 110.00 Forbes Pipe Machine. These Machines have Opening and Adjustable Dies, Cut-off Attachment. Self-Centering Vises and No. Range. Weight. Each. 2 23^ to 4 inches. R. H. 175 lbs. $ 85.00 2K li< to 4 inches, R. H. 175 lbs. 100.00 2^ A li| to 4 inches. R. 80 L. 180 lbs. 115.00 2i|b 1 to 4 inches. R. H. 180 lbs. 110.00 2KC 1 to 4 inches. R. & L. 185 lbs. 130.00 3 4 to 6 inches. R. H. 310 lbs. 115.00 3 A 314 to 6 inches. R. H. 315 lbs. 130.00 3B 2K to 5 inches. R. H. 320 lbs. 150.00 3C 2i| to 6 inches. R. H. 325 lbs. 175.00 3D 214 \o 8 inches. R. H. 600 lbs. 325.00 Circulars and Prices on other sizes furnished on application. Malleable Stocks with Solid Dies. No. Range. Dimension of Dies. Die Plate Complete. Without Dies. E.xtra Dies. Extra Guides. 1^ 2 3 4 Mtoi M to m m to 2 2% to 3 2i^x2i^x K 3 x3 X X 4 x4 X % 5 x5 XI34 15.00 13.50 20.00 43.00 5.00 6.00 9.50 25.00 2.00 2.50 3.50 9 00 .35 .45 .60 1.00 Nos. 3 and 4 with leader screws. CMAftLE8 Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 213 Armstrong's Adjustable Stocks and Dies. ^ BRIDGEPORT CONN. Jjj^M No. 1 2 8 Rang«». H to 1 HtoiM 11^10 2 Complete. 9.00 12.00 12.00 2^0 Stock Only. 3.00 3.50 4 50 7 00 Extra Dies. 1.20 1.50 3 00 4.00 Extra Guides. .20 .25 .40 .50 No?. I and 2 Packed in Cabinet Cases. No. 21^ is fitted with Double Ended Dies. We also keep in Stock Hart's Duplex Die Stock. Prices furnished on application. Ratchet Stocks and Dies, Miller's. Malleable, with Solid Dies. No. Thread.*. Dimensions of Dies. Complete. Without Dies. Extra Dies. Extra Guides. 3 4 ^ to 1 in. ^4^ to 11^ " li4to2 " 2^ to 3 " 2i^x2i.£x U 3 x3 x% 4 x4 X J^ 5 x5 xU^ 15.00 18.50 20.00 43.00 7.50 13.00 12.50 29 00 1.50 1.80 2.50 7.00 .25 .35 .45 .75 Nos. 2. 3 and 4 have LsHder Screws. We also furnish Clark's Ratchet Stocks and Dies. on application. Prices on same will be given Maule's Skeleton Die. Right or L.eft Hand. Size Frame. 2i^ in. square x % in. thick, for h4. V- t in. Pipe, each fO 55 " 4 " " xl " •• " lU, li.2%2in. Pipe, each 1.00 Special Dies for "Running" or Longscrew threads, 2I2 in. x 3^ in., each 70 " " " " " " " 4 ' in. X 1 in., each 1.25 214 Charles Millar & Sox, Utica, X. Y, Gas Pipe Taps. — Right or Left. H Size H M % % % 1 iM 1^ 2 2K Sin. 1 9 Each 1.12 1 25 1.50 1.87 2.50 3 12 3 75 4.62 6 25 10.50 15.00 91^ Threads per in. 27 18 18 14 14 n% \\% IIH \\% 8 8 Gas Pipe Reamers and Drills. Size...' % Keamers 1.12 Drills.... .30 Va 1.25 .30 1.50 .30 1.87 .35 2.50 .45 3.12 .60 IM 3.75 .75 1>^2 4.62 6.25 1.00 1.25 Humphrey's Combined Drill, Reamer and Tap. M Sl7F K %r 1 IK ^Yz 2 ^9 ^r Each 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.25 8.50 10 75 Eureka or Stanwood Pipe Cutters. No. 1, Cuts from J^ inch to ^ inch pipe $1.50 No.2, " V^ "2 " 2.25 No. 3, 7.0 J Saunders' Wheel Pipe Cutters. No. 1, Cuts ig inch to 1 inch pipe $ 3 00 No.2, " 1 " 2 " 4.50 No. 3, "2 "3 " 14.00 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Comstock Pipe Cutters. 215 -i With Attaclimeuts for liemoviug Burr and Scale while Cutting. No. 1, Cuts from J^ to IJ^ inches * 4 50 No. 2, " " i"2i^ '< :::::::::;::::::::::: eioo No.3. " -'l^'M " 10.00 Barnes' Three Wheel Pipe Cutters. No. 1, Cuts i^ to 1 inch pipe * 4 "SO No.3, "li.<'-3 '• " li^o Armstrong Three Wheel Cutters. No. 1. Cuts ig to 1 inch pipe $ 4 50 No.2, " }^ " 214 ■• " (5 00 No.3. " 114 •' 4 " " 20.00 Wheels for Pipe Cutters. No. 1 $0.24 1 xNo. 2 10.32 | No. 3 $0.60 Malleable Iron Pipe Vises. With Hiuged or Solid Frame. No 1. holds }q to 2 inch, inclusive. No 2, " 1 •• 3 •' ^ 8.00 12.00 Steel Pipe Vises. Light and convenient to carry. Holds ig to "i inch pipe $6.00 216 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Combination Vises. No. 1, holds J^ to 2 inch pipe No. 2, " I4" " 3 .|16.00 . 20.00 ' <^ ^ q ^^ Common Pipe Tongs. Size Js M ^ % H 1 Ik 11-^ 2 1 21^ in. '/4 Each .611 .65 .70 75 90I1 loll soil 50ll «0i .^ .50 ' Brown's Patent Adjustable Tongs. We also furnish all other vises of different manufacturers' make, at their prices. NuMBKIi 1 132 2 3 4 5 6 Each 1.80 1.65 2.00 3.00 6.00 11.00 25.00 Taking Pipe from H to % % to 1 ^toli^ 1 to 2 11^ to 3 21^ to 4 1 3 to 5 Jarecki's Adjustable Pipe Tongs. Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 Each 3.50 4.00 5.00 9.00 16 00 Taking Pipe fiona Js to 1 M\o\K li to 2H ^i to 3^ 214 to 6 ill. Robbin's Patent Chain Wrench. Length of Lever. No. 2 27 in. •' 3 3 feet. (i 4 4 " i( 5 5 " " 6 6 " Size " f Lt-ver near rlaw \% " 21-^ " Si ze of Chain T5 in. 6 <( TTf 3/ «< /8 1/ «< /2 S^ " Weight. lbs. 12 24 33 50 s a >!e of Pipe dapted to. 1 to 2 in. l^to 2 to 4 " 6 " 21 ..00 CHARLEa Millar & Son. Utica. N. Y. 219 Gas Plyers. Size 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 in Polished, per dozen 7.40 10.00 8.25 9 25 10 70 13 no 17 00 Burner Plyers, Polisheil, per doz.... 4.80 6.50 Gas Fitters' Proving Pumps and Gauges. Proving Pump, with Gauge, complete $25. Od and Hose only r 15.00 Mercury Gauge comp., withCock& EtherCup, 10.00 Proving Pumps only 13.00 Cock and Ether Cup 5.00 Ether Cup only 50 Mercury Cup only 4.00 Brass Guard for Glass 1.50 Glass only 1.00 Hose only 2.00 Torches, or Gas Fitters' Lamps. Tin, each. Brass, " .^0.80 . 1.50 V. Brass Blow Pipes. ^s. No. 1 I 25 j No. 2. .s .:',5 Breast Drills. Single Geared. Double Geared. .$3.00 . 4.00 Moore's Patent Ratchet Wrenches. No, 3, 8 inch Levfr Xo. 2. 10 So. 3. 15 N'o. 4. 18 .$3.00 . 4.00 . 5.00 . 7.00 Moore's Sleeve Ratchet. TRIPLE ACTION. ^■^■^^^^1 Number 1 2 3 1 4 ^^^ Length of Handle 10 13 15 18 in 1 Each 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 220 Chari.es Millar i^ Son, Uiica. N. V. Charcoal Furnaces. Number 2 3 4 5 ( 1 Diameter on Top 12 13 14 15 in. 1^ ^^ Each 1.50 1.75 2.25 2,50 ^ ^d LJ.9HLA Plumbers' Melting Furnaces. For Using Gasoliue or Naphtha. VL..Je^ Eacii $ 9.00 Plumbers' Gasoline Torch. Eachi $ 6.0O ^ ^ Ladles. Size 2^ 3 4 5 6 7 ! Sin. Each .25 .30 .40 .55 .70 2.00 2.50 Solder Pots. 1 2 4 5 6 ' ^^m HP^^Ifj Diameter on Top 5 6 8 9 ^^^^V Each 50 .70 1.20 1.35 1.80 3.20 '^^^^ Soldering Coppers. Pointed, per lb. .$ .30 I Hatchet, per lb. .30 CuARLKS Millar & Son, Utica, N. V 221 Round Irons. ^^^^. Nnmhftr 1 2 3 ^^ P^«h .70 .85 1.00 Files and Rasps. Size. Half- Round Files, each. Flat Rasps, each 10 12 .50 .61 .40 .60 .75 1 .05 14 in. .90 .80 1.40 Chipping Knife. Size 4 5 6 in Each .40 .45 50 Wiping Cloths. Ticking, Each. .. $ .15 Moleskin " ... 90 ^ — ^ Shave Hooks. ^^^^^m^. Oval. Half-Oval, or Triangle Each. $0.40 1 ii.-_ . -"^ RpnHinr^ Piir^ -Steel. ^ Light -f 25 Heavy in Floor Chisels. Size lJ-2 2 2H 3 3M 4 in. Per dozen 6.00 8.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 16 00 222 Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. \ . Chisels. Cold Chisel each. ).35 I Calking Chisel, each $0.30 Yarning Chisel, each $0.30 Tap Borders. Price, each $0.25 Hammers. Plumbers' Hammers, Each Smal I, $ .75 1 Large. $ .b5 Weight 12 oz. lib. IMlb. 1}4 lb 2>^ lb. No. 2, Machinist, Straight Pein,each No. 1, " Ball " •' 1.00 1 00 1.00 l.dO 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.50 1 20 1.50 Screw Drivers. Size. Each. 5x6 .20 8x10 .25 12 X 14 in. .35 Plain Compass. Size 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 in. Per dozen 3.50 4.00 4.75 5 50 6.50 7.50 8.00 Wing Dividers. Size 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 in. Per dozen 5.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 9.00 10.00 12.00 Ciiarlb;3 Millar & Son, Utica, N. V 22;j Compass Saws. 9, 10 and 12 inch, per dozen | 5.00 Hack Saws. 8 inch, per dozen $8.00 Extra Jilates. per dozen 1.00 Gauge Glass Cutters. Hunt \ Coiiiieirs. Handy • With Scale to 5 in each A2 00 | Each $0.50 ^n^ Turn Pins — Boxwood. V|P'|V Npmbf.r 1 2 3 ▼ Price each .15 .20 .25 Boxwood Drift Plugs. Size y^ % 1 IM 1>^ ^B^^^^^ Price, each .05 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 ""^^^^ Dressers. 1 Hickory, each fO.45 - Boxwood, " 1.00 Bossing Sticks. Dogwood, each $0.35 | Boxwood, each ij^O.To 224 Chakles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y Side Edges. Hickory, each. Boxwood, '• .35 .50 Plumbers' Bags. PJiiin. each Leather Bottom, each Leather Bottom and Sides, each. .4.50 5.50 7.00 Heavy Brass Grease Boxes. No. 1, for Grease or liosin. each $1.00 No. 2. '• Rosin and Flour, Spun Brass, each 1.50 Tack Moulds. Plain, Siiijzle each, $1.50 " Doul)lc '• 2.00 Fancy, Sinj^le " 1.50 *' * Double " 2.00 Springs for Bending Lead Pipe. Size 1 or 1>4 IK 2 in. Each 1.50 1.50 2 00 Set of three above Sizes, $5 00. C'HARLbs Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 225 CHARLES MILL.AR & SO^'S Scale of Weights of Lead Pipes. Caliber and Mark. J^ inch 3Z <' ^8 % % % h H % % 3^ " E AAA AA A B C D AAA A A A B C D D D AAA AA a\ B C Di El AAA AAi Bi WeiKhi per foot. 5 12 5 2 14 10 7 9^ 8 10 3 12 10 9 12 8 7 4 12 4 14 Caliber and Marli. IK Ij.s I5i inch, C D E AAA AA A B C D D E AAA AA A B C D E AAA AA A B C D D " Waste. E A A A B C D WeiRht perfoi t. lbs. 1 1 1 6 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 8 6 5 4 8 13 3 8 4 8 4 (I 8 12 12 11 11 8 4 4 8 U 8 7 I ^ 10 I Caliber and Mark. inch, Weight per foot. •^K ^^ 3 3 3 l3 !3 r^K 3^ 3^ '3K '4- 14 4 4 4 4 4 Waste thick Waste lbs AAA 10 AA A B C D( 4 Waste I ;j X thick]iG 13 ^4 •■ 10 7 G 4 19 16 1-2 9 5 3 22 18 14 ,'10 1 25 !20 116 1 13 8 6 5 7 i thick i 5 ( Tff -'4 Waste 11 14 n 10 10 13 y 9 4 7 8 12 6 14 Lead Tubing. I3 inch. Weight. 3 oz. ^4 inch. Weight, 5 oz. 22 d Charles Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. Pure Block Tin Pipe. Scale of Weights. Caliber. Weight per foot. Weight per foot. S'oz. 10 " Caliber. S/g' inch 3x •• 74 1 Weight per foot. Weight per foot. 1 8 inch. 3 oz. % " 4Jioz. 5 " y oz. 11 > 14 «' 14 oz. lib. 1 " 4 " I " 8 " Tin Lined Lead Pipe. Wtiqhls and Sizes Same as Lead Pipe. j^. B. — Our Machinery is of the latest and most improved description. Our Pipe is made in the most accurate and true manner, from the Best Quality of Pig Metal. NO OLD METALS USED. Great care is taken in Packing and ship- ping, while our Improved Reels, having large centers, are especially liked by the trade. A trial order is solicited. We desire also to state here, we are not mem- bers of " the combination " and probably never will be. Weights of Sheet Lead. Wire Gauge, No. 18. — Weight per square foot, 2% lbs. No. 17.- No. 16,— No. 15,— No. 14.— No. 13,— No. 12,- No. 11.— No. 10,— 3 4 ^% 5 6 Pig Lead, Block Tin, Spelter, Antimony, &c.. Always on hand, and supplied to the trade at market rates. Babbitt Metal. 4 4a 3 9 11 2 16 1 19 Extra. 3C Genuine. Per lb 71^ 35c. SOLDER. We are making from strictly new material, sulders of all kinds. We have been obliged to do this on account of the unrelinbility of the Solders generally sold, which are made from eld materials. We make three grades for tinners' use largely : CHAS. MILLAR & SON'S BEST, made strictly from equal parts of the best Pig Tm and Lead ; CHAS. MILLAR & SON'S 0. K., made from 45 parts Tin to 55 parts Lead; CHAS. MILLAR & SON'S NO. 1, made from 40 parts Tin to 60 parts Lead. Each grade made in Triangular Bars for Canning Factories. Charles Millaii & Son, Utica, N. Y. 2i7 We also make an extra quality of Plumbers' Wiping Solder. Onr Bar. This Solder is cast in our special moulds into bars of the above shape. Each bar weighs about five pounds and thus each section of the bar will weigh about one pound. This makes the Solder very convenient for use, many times saving the trouble of weighing it. Murray's Compressed Lead Sash Weights. Round or Square. 1 i El;i Made from Solid Lead under Hydraulic Pressure, with % in. hole in center to accommodate the sash cord, securing great density and perfect smoothness. Xo iron is used in their construction, so that the minimum of space is required. This is frequently important with heavy sash, as iron weights occupy nearly Ucice as much space as these. They are center balanced, can be cut in sections to accoraiiodate small pock- ets, have no bolts to unscrew, no eyes to pull out, while the cord tied with knot at lower end. as shown, is less liable to wear. Their cost is very reasonnble and they are positively in every respect the most convenient and desirable to use. We make all sizes and can furnish them of exact weight for each sash to order, or in lengths of about ten feet to be sawed up as desired, by the carpenter, when hanging the sash. Table of Approximate Weights. Round. Outside Diameter, inches. Weight per Lineal Foot, pounds... i>4| i?it| 1^1 ^H 1% 2 11% 15 2H 19 214 23 N. B. — Nothing we make has been received with so much favor as these Sash Weights, which we have shipped to all sections of this country. For Square Weights add 25^. 228 Charles Millar & So.v, Utica, N. V ,:PiM a, •t-i d. (U c o u U o in a in d o c a d U Ui c O (U a aJ u CSOOOOOCOOiCOOL'JOOMOO »-ic^-*OQOT-i«ooo(?»f-»ccsQOoeo 1^£ ::^ OO^-r-OO-fLOOiCOOC'-OO r-i^cQXiot-o<>J«ox'>C5'-'!0»0— O-^-^O -lrtrt|r-.M|M'^Hrl\ «^ £>r-ocsooJOOO»oici(ri.'rooGO O CO S O CS Tfi C> CO IC 07 O O? {^ 7C CO cc :© fH O "5 O CQ t- -* O LO IC LO otM\«> „l= ^ „ o ^ CI. ITS i) to to ^3 =- _ o t'HARLKS iMiLLAR & SON, UtICA, N. V. 229 Cast Iron Pipe and Specials. For Gas or Water Mains. TIIH UTICA PIPE FOUNDltY CO. have a laif,'o hikI well equipped Foun- dry devoted exclusively to the making of Cast Iron Pipe and Specials, for water or gas. We are the sole selling agents for the Company and are at all times ready to quote low prices for large orders, having furnished the entire Pipe and fittings for over one hundred Water Works within the past few years, besides sup- plying many older companies with all of their extensions. The Pipe is the best made in this country and invariably gives entire s-atisfaction. We have received many words of approval from government olTicials, experi- enced gas and water works superintendents, eminent engineers and practical con- tractors who have used our Pipe, but lack of space prevents us from giving them here. We illustrate a number of the Specials we make on the following pages. We make all sizes, but give the approximate weights of only the smaller sizes to aid ill making estimates. Crosses. IBKZl Lbs. 'ix 3x 3x 3 inch 110 4x4x4x4 " 1.50 6x 6x Gx 6 " 265 Lbs. 8x 8x 8x 8 inch 308 10x10x10x10 " ."JTO 12x12x12x12 " 770 2o0 CiiARLiis Millar & Son, Utica, N. \. Tees. oX 3x 3 inch. 4x 4x 4 " 6x 6x 6 " . Lbs. . 75 8x 8x 8 inch ..112 10x10x10 " ..210 12x12x12 " Lbs. .300 .452 .612 Y Branches. Lbs. 3x 3x 3 inch 72 8x 8x 8 inch 4x4x4 " 106 10x10x10 " 6x6x6 " 206 12x12x12 " Lbs. .280 430 ,600 ("IIARLE3 Millar & Son, Utica, N. V. 2'.n Quarter Bends. 8 inch 4 " Lbs. 50 71 fi '• 136 8 " 200 10 " 248 12 " 348 Eighth Bends. Lbs 3 inch 39 4 8 10 12 . 53 1194 .•120 .^170 352 Sixteenth Bends. 3 inch Lbs. 31 4 •' 43 " 75 8 '• no in " 135 12 " 258 Drip Pot. 23; C11ARLE.S Millar & Sox. Utica. X. Y llli f illl'' Reducers. Lb^. 3x 2inch 40 4x 3 " 45 6x 4 " 80 8x 6 •' 120 lOx 8 " 169 12x10 " 308 Reducers. I.-^S' Lbs. 3x 2 inch 35 4x 3 " 40 6x 4 " CO 8x 6 " 98 lOx 8 " 120 12x10 " 285 Plugs. Lbs. 8 inch 4 •' ■ 9 6 " n 8 " 27 10 " 37 12 " 51 Caps. C: 1ll|iB'"-"l iSr 3 inch 4 " Lbs. 16 22 85 8 inch 10 " Lbs 50 76 6 " 12 " 100 Sleeves. 3 inch Lbs. 40 4 " 53 6 " 82 8 '< 102 10 " 125 12 •' 175 CnARLKs Millar & Son, Utica, N. Y. 2.33 Split Sleeves. 3 inch Lbs. 52 4 " . ... 63 " 106 8 " U!9 10 " 179 13 " 2 S Bend. Foot Elbow. Section of Pipe. Showings Shape ot Bell and Spigot Eud.s. 284 CiiARLKS Millar & Soy, Utica, N. Y. Flanged Fittings. m The above cuts illustrate the Standard Styles of Flanged Fittings, which are in growing demand for fitting up large and modern steam plants. These we do not keep in stock, but can furnish to order promptly. Dimensions and prices fur- nished on application. Steam Pumps. We keep constantly on hand a large stock of all the leading and best makes, and can furnish same at manufacturers' prices. Circulars mailed on application. The Excelsior Grease and Sewer-Gas Trap. The Excelsior Grease and Sewer-Gas Trap fills an important niche in the plumbing trade in this : that it separates the grease from the water, thus pre-^ent- iiig the stoppage in waste-pipes and sewers, which, in the majority of cases, can be traced back to the kitchen sink. The Trap is designed to be placed in under the sink. Since it is perfectly air- tight, no sewer gas or odor of any kind can escape from it. The lop is bedded in cement, and the hand-hole compressed on a flexible rubber gasket. The opening for ventilation of waste can be used, if desired, by removing plug, as also can the opening for local vent. SIZE, i8 in. long:, 12 in. >vide, 10 in. deep. l^i^ch 120.00