'm^^i^"- ^^i^'4ijimi^m^' ®l|e ^. p. ^Ul lltbrarg ^art{| Carolina ^tate (O^olbge f6 This book must not be taken from the Library ^-^j'~-^ #" AN EPITOME OF MR. FORSYTH'S TREATISE ON THE CULTURE AND MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT-TREES. ALSO, NOTES ON AMERICAN GARDENINO AND FRUITS WITH DESIGNS FOR PROMOTING THE RIPEN- ING OF FRUITS, AND SECURING THEM AS FAMILT COMFORTS : AND rURTHER, OF ECONOMICAL PRINCIPLES IN BUILDING FARMERS' HABITATIONS. MiniUm BY AN AMERICAN FARMER, PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY T. L. PLOWMAN, FOR JOHN MORGAN, NO. 26, BOUTH THIRD- STREET. 1803. I ADVERTISEMENT. THERE is a difference respecting country habitations as they are recommended by the au- thor of essays and notes on husbandry, and what is said of country habitations in this work. The for- mer was written upon the happening of certain events, which seem to have induced a hasty recom- mendation of the principles on which to build coun- try habitations, with the especial purpose of effec- tually guarding against their being destroyed by fiia2, and also particularly for preventing their be- ing easily broke into by force or surprise. At first, it was published singly, in a pamphlet ; and afterwards inserted in the volume of collected es- says and notes on husbandry. The present editor being to recommend a mode of building country habitations upon more enlarged principles, and that ADVERTISEMENT. will be the most suitable to farms in America, in particular; some considerable alterations are de- signed, for rendering the American farmers' habi- tations not only secure against fire, but also the best adapted to the business and employments of far- mers, and the habits and manners of country peo- ple ; at the same time that, in certain situations, that form of building may be preferred, and the air- holes in the recesses occasionally applied in the de- fence of the doors and windows, against outrages of burglars, as far as the perfectly square angles of a building will admit of it. The editor has condensed this work, that it might not run into a high price : but the author's thirteen plates of engravings could not be omitted, and it is hope^, the two plates now added will be satisfactory in illustrating 'the subjects they relate to — These articles of expence could not be avoided. 9JF /^.*df-y ur/t^ A TREATISE CULTURE AND MANAGEMENT FRUIT-TREES, &c. OF APRICOTS. The names and qualities of Apricots commonly ciilti' vated in Engla?id, ^c. JL HE Masculine Apricot is small and round ; the earliest in ripening, about the end of ^uly, in Eng- land. It is chiefly esteemed for its tart taste. Red to- wards the sun ; a greenish yellow on the other side. The Orange : large, but rather dry and insipid : fitter for tarts than for the table : a deep yellow co- lour when ripe, the latter end of August. It is considered the best for preserving, in England. The Algiers: a flatted, oval shaped fruit; a straw co- lour, juicy, and high flavour. Ripens the middle of August, in England. — The Roman: larger than the Algiers, rounder ; of a deep yellow, and not quite so juicy. Ripe the middle or end of August, in England. The Turkey : larger than the Ro- xAtmry s^^--.v^^.V ( 2 ) man ; sharper, more globular, flesh firmer and dri- er : ripens the end of August, in England. The ^r(?fi^^ is large, round, and deep yellow : the flesh soft and juicy : an excellent fruit. Ripe the end of August, in England. The Brussels : in very great esteem ; bearing well on standards and large dwarfs. The fruit, a middling size, red towards the sun, with many dark spots; of a greenish yellow on the other side. It has a brisk flavor; not mealy or doughy. On a wall, ri- pens in August ; but not till the end of September in standards, in England. Moor-park, called also, Anson's, Temple's, and Dunmore's Breda : a fine fruit; ripens end of August, in England. The Peach-apricot: the finest and largest of all apricots ; ripens in August, in England. The Black-apricot : highly esteemed in France : this is also called the Alexandrian apricot ; and, says For- syth, it will prove an acquisition in England. Mr. Forsyth then gives, a regular succession of fruit for accommodating those who have small gar- dens, from the larger selections ; retaining only the best kinds ; of which one or two trees of a sort may be planted, according to the wants of families. The likeselection he appliesto other fruits — peaches, plums, pears, &:r. -n^^^ij ( 3 ) A SELECTION OF APRICOTS FOR A SMALL GARDEN. The Masculine ; the Roman ; the Orange ; the Breda ; and the Moor- Park. Of Plantings Primings and Training Apricots^ in England. PLANT in autumn^ soon as the leaf begins to fall. Choose from the nursery, those having the strong- est and cleanest stems. If they have been previ- ously headed dov/n, of two or three years growth, they w ill bear, and fill up, sooner than others. — Prefer them with one stem. If there be two stems, cut away one, however fair. The borders wherein the trees are to be planted, if new, are to be made two and a half, or three feet deep, of good, light, fresh loam. If to be planted where trees had stood, it may be proper to take Out the old mould, at least three feet deep and four feet wide, filling up with fresh loam ; and plant the trees eight inches higher than the level of the old border, to allow for sinking of the earth, that they may not be too deep in the ground ; but more of this in treating of Pear-trees. ( 4 ) When the trees are planted, by no means head them down till Jpril or May, when they begin to throw out fresh shoots. Cut siroiig trees, a foot from the ground ; the v:eak ones, about half that length. In backward seasons, head dowji not so early ; never till the buds are fairly broken ; alM'ays cut sloping (towards the wall, if a wall is intended,) and as near to an eye as possible, that the young leading shoot may cover the cut, [pi. I. fig. 1.] which operation should be again performed in the ensuing March or April. The shoots that are then thi'own out are to be trained horizontally, to cover the Mall. The number to be left may be three to six on each side, according to the strength of the main shoot. With finger and thumb rub off the foreright shoots all over the tree, except a few, if wanted, to fill up the wall, near the body of it. [pi. I. fig. 1.] In the second year shorten the horizontal shoots in the sanie manner, according to their g^o^vth ; — and so on, every year, till the ivall is completely covered from top to bottom. ( 5 ) Some gai-deners head dow n the trees at the time of plaming ; which often proves fatal to them. Where large branches have been cut off, from fuU-groivn trees, in a careless manner, and the wounds left to nature, the ^vhole tree is infected with the gum and canker. In which case, to save or restore the tree's fruitfulness and health, pare off the cankered part of the bark v, ith a draw-knife. Often the white, inner bark, is found infected, which also is to be cut away ; not leaguing a single brown or black spot ; which are like dots made with a pen. All the branches so cut and pared, are instantly to be ccoered with the composition in a liquid state : the preparation and application wherecf, see post. Wherever the knife has been used, the composi- tion tnust be immediately applied. I have, says Mr. Forsyth, a great dislike to au- tumnal pruning of fruit-trees ; especially of stone fruit. By pruning these, the canker is apt to fol- low it. In the spring, when the sap begins to flow, and will foUon- the knife, the lips will quickly grow. ( 6 ) Covering apricots (and other fruit-trees) will prevent the blossom from destruction by frost, cutting winds, &c. In severe weather cover them before the Jiowers begin to expand ; for they often drop off before they are opened. The best covering is old fsh-nets, put on three- fold ; with a few branches of dry fern, stuck in among the branches before the nets are put on- They assist greatly in breaking high winds. The practice of covering with mats in the night, and taking them off in the day, is injurious in exposing the trees frequently to the cutting winds. Cover- ing with branches of spruce fir, is also injurious, from being too close, and promoting the curl of the leases of the trees, and the shoots to break very weak ; whereas the nets admit of a free circulation of air, 3'ct break the force of the winds. It rains or sno\\ s, sometimes, in the forepart of the night, and freezes towards morning ; the drops are then found hanging in icicles on the meshes, while the tree is almost dry. In England, a west aspect is reckoned preferable for the general crop. A ^cw trees they plant on a South aspect, for an early supply ; and for a late supply, a few on an cast aspect. ( 7 ) * PLUMS, Selected by Mr. Forsyth for a small garden, in Eng- land; ivith certain notices on their culture, yc. there. THE selection recommended by Mr. Forsyth for his small garden, consists of — The Jaunhative ; Early Damask ; Orleans ; La Royal ; Green Gage (sorts) ; Draps d'Or ; Saint Catherine, and Impe- ratrice. The Magnum Bonum, for baking ; and the Winesour, for preserving. Of the Jaunhatiije, Mr. Forsyth observes, it is a small plum (by some called White Prismordian), of a yellow colour, and mealy. Ripe, the end of July, or first of August. One tree, he says, is sufficient for a garden. The Early Damask, commonly called the Mo- rocco Plum, is middle sized, the flesh good. Ri- pens in early August. The Red Orleans, is large; rich juice. Ripe end of August. La Royal; a fine Plum, equal to the Green Gage ; but a shy bearer ; of a red colour. Ripens late in September. ( 8 ) Green Gage ; several varieties, and all good. Is of an exquisite taste ; — eats like a sweetmeat. Its colour and size distinguish it from any other. Ri- pens in August and September. Drap d'Or is a good Plum — a plentiful bearer. Ripe late in September. Saint Catherine Plum is one of the best — much used in confectionary ; also very good for the tAble, having a rich sweet juice ; and is a good bearer, hanging the longest of any upon the tree : some- times six weeks in gathering. Ripens late in Sep- tember. The Impcratricc^ or Empress Plum, has an agree- able flavor : Ripens the middle of October. This is one of the latest Plums — should not be gathered till it begins to shrivel ; it will then eat like a sweet- meat, and make a great addition to the table in the latter end of October and beginning of Noiiember. On tlie choice^ plantings pruning^ ^c. of Plum- Trees, sec those treated of under Apricots, ante. If there are any tap-roots, cut them off; and also tlic fine hairy roots, they being liable to become ( 9 ) mouldy and rot. If the roots, says Mr. Forsyth, are not spread near the surface of the ground, it will prevent the sun and air from penetrating to them ; and the fruit, of course, will not have so fine a fla- vour. Never cut the stems of young Pkim-trees when first planted, but leave them till the buds begin to break ; then they may be headed down to five or more eyes, always observing to leave an odd one for the leading shoot : observing to cut sloping to- wards the wall, and as near to an eye as possible. Speaking of the distance between the trees, Mr. Forsyth says, Plum-trees should be planted accord- ing to the height of the wall, (when not a standard.) If the wall be ten feet high (the common height), they may be planted eight yards distance from tree to tree. If the Mall be tM elvc feet high, or more, seven yards will suffice. By training an upright shoot on the Plums, as for Pears, there will be gained fine kind shoots from the sides. Shorten the leading shoot, lead- ing it one to two feet long, according to its strengtii. ( 10 ) Plum-trees intended for standards^ (as the cU- niate of America prefers for all fruit-trees, not ab- solutely exotic), Mr. Forsyth recommends should in England, be prepared as follows : — The yea' before they are meant to be transplanted^ cut in th( side shoots at different lengths, from one foot t( three, according to the size of the trees ; sufferin.t them to grow rude all the summer, without rail ing-in nor cutting the side and foreright shoots Sometimes during w inter open the ground roum their roots, and cut in the strong ones (for promo ting the putting forth fine young fibres) ; then fil in the eiu'th. In the following autumn, or durin^ the winter (the sooner the better), transplant them out, as standards. He considers it to be of great consequence, in transplanting trees, especially if largtj, that they be placed in the same position, that is, having the same parts facing the same points of the compass as formerl}\ When a tree is cut down, three parts in four of the growth, appear on the north side. If, however, it is intended to plant them against a wall^ never cut the side shoots, says Mr. Forsyth, h\iX.o?dy the roots ; by v/hich the trees will bear fruit the iirst year after transplantii^g. ( 11 ) The ground in the borders and quarters should be well trenched, two spits deep, where fresh trees are to be planted ; to give the roots room to run in- to the fresh stirred ground. Plum-trees, as standards, in an orchard to be kept for grass, should be in rows twenty yards from each other, says Mr. F. — If in the kitchen garden, as standards, he recommends that they be dvjarfs. They may be trained up to have a stem three feet high, at the distance of seventeen yards. D^warf standards can be kept to the size you please. They look much handsomer than Espali- ers, and produce a greater quantity of fruit. In cold, frosty weather, cover Plums in the same manner as Apricots, as above. They are more tender than other sorts of stone fruit ; the flower- cup dropping sooner. Do not thin the fruit too soon, lest it be pinched by the cold. The fruit is to be the size of a small marble, and well sheltered by the leaves, before it be thinned. ( 12 ) PEACHES, Selected by Mr. Forsyth, for a small garden in Eng- land; "iuith his observations on their culture ^ ^c. THE selection of peaches for a small garden, in England ; consists of, the Early Avant ; Small Mignonne; the Ann Peach ; Royal George; Royal Kensington ; Noblesse ; Early Newington ; Gal- lande ; Early Purple ; Chancellor ; Nivette ; the Catherine ; the Late Newington. The Early Avant has an agreeable flavor ; ripens in Augusty early. The Small Mignonne, is very red next the sun ; the flesh has a rich vinous juice : It is ripe about the middle of August. The Ann Peach, a fine early fruit : ripens the middle or end of August. The Boyal George, comes in soon after the Ann, The flower large and white : the fruit a dark red towards the sun, and full of a fine rich juice. Ri- pens the end of August. ( 13 ) . The Royal Kensington^ is one of the best peaches in England. Of a high red colour next the sun ; yellowish next the wall : a good bearer, not apt to be blighted. The flesh is full of rich juice. Ripens near the end of August or early in September. The Noblesse^ large ; of a bright red colour to- wards the sun : the flesh melting, and the juice very rich. A good bearer ; ripens the beginning of Sep- tember. Early Newifigton, beautiful red towards the sun, full of a sugary juice : ripens beginning o^ September. The Gallande or Bellegarde ; is \ery large, a deep purple towards the sun ; the flesh melting and full of aver}' rich juice. " This is a fine peach;" ripens the middle of September. The Early Purple^ This fruit is large ; of a fine red colour, and full of rich vinous juice. Is an ex- cellent peach : ripens about the middle of August. The Chancellor^ one of the best sort of peaches ; of a fine red next the sun; the skin is thin, the flesh melting, the juice very rich. Ripens, beginning of September. ( 14 ) The NhettCy of a bright red next the sun ; yellow- kh cast towards the wall ; the flesh melting, and full of a rich juice. An excellent peach: ripens the middle of September. The Catherine^ a fine large peach : a round make, and beautifully red towards the sun. The flesh is melting, and full of rich juice. " The pulp is im- proved by lying three or four days before it is eaten'* (says Mr. F.) Ripens about the latter end of Octo- ber ; but there are not many situations where it ri- pens well. Is a plentiful bearer. The Old Nevjhigton, is of a fine red colour ; has a high vinous tasted juice, and esteemed a good Pavie (clingstoned.) Ripens, the e?id of September. Planting, Pruning, Training, ^c. Peaches in England. Peaches require alighter soil than Pears and Plums. A light mellow loam is best. In the choice of Peach Trees, as to health, 8^c. see of Apricots, &c. Pro- cure them the end of October or early in Noiiembcr, as soon as the leaf begins to fall ; and best that the ground be ready before hand. It is a great hurt to fruit trees when planted too deep. They should be kept up aboDC the level of the old ground, at first, ( 15 ) when planted, water the roots to settle the mould, letting it remain some days till the water is absorbed : then J tread the mould, and fill the holes up to the top ; observing the same rules as before given in case of dry weather, letting the fresh planted trees remain unpruned till the spring. When the buds begin to shoot, if they be of maiden trees of one years growth, head\\i^vi\ to five or more eyes, according to their strength : then rub on a little of the composition^ where the top is cut off, cutting it sloping, as before said, and as near the top buds as may be ; and also rub off the fore-right shoots. If the leading shoot be very strong, pinch off its top, the beginning of June. It prevents the shoots growing too long in the first and second years, by pinchmg their ends : but they should not be topped^ ^^ hen the tree sends out fine kind shoots, till the spring following^ when they are to be pruned, according to the strength of the tree, and the quan- tity of wood it has made during the preceding sum- mer, leaving the shoots from six to twelve inches long ; for soon filling the lower part of the wall. If is too common to lov in the shoots at f«ll tenQ-th, taking off only the points of the branches; which in a fev/ years is apt to leave the u all naked : but if ' ( 16 ) attention be paid to the training, especially for the first four years the walls could always be filled with fine bearing wood from top to bottom, and the trees could produce a deal more fruit, of a finer qua- lity, than when they are run up in the former way ; for those trees are so weak, sometimes, as not to have strength to bear good fruit. The third year, with summer attentions, they may be brought into a bearing state. If from very strong ground they gro\\ very vigorously, the strong shoots should be pinched about Jiine^ for making them throw out side shoots ; and if not laid in too thick, thev will make fine bearing wood for the next year. If the strong shoots are suffered to grow their full length, they will be large and spongy ; and produce neither fruit nor good wood for the following year. Weak shoots, altho* full of blossoms, never bear good fruit. Suffering trees to be once 'weakened from abun- dance of fruity they never can recover. In such cases, pick oft' the fruit, that the tree may recover. [See pi. III. Fig. 2.] ( 17 ) When Peaches come into a bearing state, in general, there will be soon two flower-buds^ and it will be soon what is called a wood-bud. Alway3 €ut at such double buds ; as from between them, come out the shoots that produce the fruit for next year, £Seepl.III. fig. 2.] NECTARINES. THEY differ from the Peach in nothing more than their smooth rind, and the greater firmness of their flesh. Select Nectarines for a small garden. Fairchild's Early Nectarine ; the Elruge ; Scar- let ; Murry ; Newington j Red Roman. The first four are clcaristones 5 the other two cling- stones. Nectarines are managed nearly as Peaches. The same rules of pruning and cutting out diseased parts. Thin the fruit when of a tolerable size. PEARS. Their Culture^ Selection^ 'i^c. in England, FOR a small garden in England, Mr. Forsyth re- commends the following selection oiPear'Trees : s ( 18 ) Summer Pears ; the Musk ; the Green Chisscl ; Jargonelle ; Summer Bergamot 5 Summer Bon- chretien. Autumn Pears ; Orange Bergamot; Autumn Bergamot ; Gansel's Bergamot ; Brown Beurre j Doyenne, or St. Michael ; Swan's Egg. Winter Pears : Crasane ; Chaumontelle ; St. Germain ; Colmer ; D'Auch ; L'Esschasserie ; Winter Bonchretien ; Bergamot de Fasque. The above, Mr. F. says, will furnish a regular succession of fruit. Of the sorts an^ management of Pear-Trees^ in England. Observations on the Pears seledted by Mr. For- syth for a fmall garden, given in the preceding pages: I. Summer Pears. There are several Musk Pears, spoken of by Mr. Forsyth. — The Little Miisk^ or Supreme ; good only a few days. The Orange Musk ; apt to be dry. The Musk Rohine Pear^ or Qiieen's, or the Amber, is small, yel- ( 19 ) low when ripe ; has 2X.\\e common met hod of pruning^ which bore as follows : The number of Pears produced upon each of seven trees that had been treated accordijig to the commoji method of primings viz. 1. Epine d'Hyver produced eighty-si Ji peai'S^ and the tree spread fifteen yards. Library ( 25 ) 2. A Crasane produced one hundred Pears, and the tree spread fourteen yards. 3. Another Crasane produced sixteen Pears, and the tree spread ten yards. •• 4. A Virgouleuse produced one hundred and fif- ty Pears, and the tree spread nine yards. 5. A Colmar produced one hundred aftd fifty Pears, and the tree spread nine yards. 6. Another Colmar produced seventy-nine Pears, and the tree spread ten yards. 7. A L'Eschasserie produced sixty Pears. ^ Compared with the above, — seven trees, headed down and pruned according to his, Mr. Forsyth's method, leaving the foreright shoots in summer, they bore as follows, in the fourth year after heading: 1. A Louisbonne bore four hundred and sixty- three Pears, and the tree spread nine yards. * Total 641. ( 26 ) 2. Another Louisbonne bore three hundred and ninety-one Pears, and spread eight yards. 3. A Colraar bore two hundred and thirteen Pears, and spread six yards. 4. A Brown Beurre bore five hundred and three Pears. 5. Another Brow n Beurre bore five hundred and fifty Pears. 6. A Crasane bore five hundred and twenty Pears. 7. A Virgouleuse bore five hundred and eighty Pears, t The branches of the four last trees spread nearly in the same proportion as the first three, A young Beurre the second year after heading' bore 230 Pears, and a St. Germain 400. t Total 3220, That is 5 to 1. ( 27 ) All the above trees stood upon the same aspect and the same wall, and the fruit was numbered in the same year. The trees,?,pruned according to the old practice covered, at least, one third more wall than the others. By the above statement, the trees headed down bore upwards of five times the quantity of fruit that the others did ; and they keep increasing, he says, in proportion to the progress of the trees. Add to this vast encouragement and superiority of his pruning, that on the 20th June, Mr. Forsyth headed several standards that were nearly destroyed by the canker ; some of them were so loaded with fruit the following year, that he was obliged to prop the branches. In the fourth year after these stand- ards were headed down, one of them bore 2840 Pears. On the same border were three standards, two whereof were St. Germains ; the old trees was of the same kind. One of these trees, twenty years old, had five hundred Pears on it, a great crop for its size : so that there were on the old tree, which had been headed down not quite four years, 2340 Pears more than on the tree of t\\enty year's growth. ( 28 ) Mr. Forsyth gives a curious account of the re- covering an old decayed Pear-tree, illustrated with a plate (VIII.) — Restored from an inch and half of bark, which now covers a v\all sixteen feet high. In 1796, it bore 450 fine large Pears, and continues ' flourishing. The plate, however, is so badly drawn as to be scarely worth copying. In referring to the plate, he refers to " fruit-buds for the present year — others forming for next year ; and old footstalks that bore the fruit last year ;" but they are scarcely in- telligible. The following Mr. Forsyth gives as his method in training trees that are cut near to the place where they were grafted. Every year, in Mai'ch, he shortens the leading shoot, to a foot or eighteen inches, according to its strength ; this shoot, if the tree be strong, will grow from five to seven feet in one season ; and if left to nature would run up with- out throwing out side shoots. The reason for thus shortening the leading shoot, is to make it throw out side shoots ; and if done close to a bud, it fre- quently M ill cover the cut in one season, leaving on- ly a cicatrix, as at f. f. f. in pi. VIII. which shews every year's growth ajid cicatri x . When the shoots are very strong, he cuts the leading shoot twice in ( 29 ) one season ; by which he gets two sets of side shoots in one year ; v\ hich enables him to cover the Avail the sooner. The frst cutting is performed any time during the springs and the second the middle of June. He directs, when you prune the trees, and cut the foreright shoots, which is to be in February or March, always cut close to an eye or bud, observ- ing where there are the greatest number of leaves at the lower bud, and cut at them ; for at th^foot stalk of every one of these will be produced a flower bud. The same, he adds, M-ill hold good in cutting the su- perfluous shoots on standard Pears. There will be in some sorts of Pears, from live to nine Pears in a cluster. This cutting is to be not later than March or first of April, because of the leading shoot begin- ning to grow : the next topping, when the leading shoot grows quick enough to admit of it, will be the middle of June ; and the length of the shoots are to be according to their strength, having from three eyes or buds, to six on a side. The cankery part, he says, beginning to affect the new bark, he cut off" all the canker at the bot- tom last year, and plastered the place a\ ith cow- ( 30 ) dung, mixed with •wood ashes and powder of burnt bones, put into as much urine and soapsuds as would make it the consistence of thick paint. It was laid on with a painter's brush. After being applied thi-ee hours, it was patted gently down with the hand, close to the tree : by which the air-bubbles that may hap to be under the composition, and make it adhere to the tree, preventing its being washed off by rain, are got rid of. In August^ early, the foreright shoots are shorten- ed to about four inches long ; by this time the shoot will have made its full growth for the season, and will produce fine strong eyes for the following year. The tree above mentioned had a decayed, rotten root, the dead part of which he cut all away, till he came to the sound wood. Whenever the trunk is hollow, he directs that it be followed under ground till all the decayed parts and rotten roots are cut out, otherwise the tree will be lost. If, savs Mr. Forsyth, the above be followed, more Pears \vill be got in three or four years, than can be m twenty-five }cars by planting young trees, and pruning and managing them in the common way. ( 31 ) But it may happen that the Peai's become stunted after cold bhghting winds, and frosty nights (as sometimes seen in June and July*). In this case, Mr, Forsyth recommends a new and bold method of operation, when the weather becomes milder, or begins to be so : He says, take a sharp pen-knife, and with its point cut through the rind of the Pear, from the footstalk to the eye, as if it were a bark-bound tree, cutting as little into the flesh of the tree as possible. Beat up fresh cow-dung with wood ashes, and rub in a little of this composition with the fore finger, where the cut is made. The distance he gives Pear-trees against walls, and breadth of borders, are twelve yards : but the distances vary too greatly to enter into detail. Bor- ders should be 10 to 20 feet wide. But here is much extravagance. * No such cold weather ever happens in the United States, at least not beyond the 41". So far from it, it is thought strange there should be frost in May. ( 32 ) VINES. MR. FORSYTH selects for a small garden in England, the following Vines : — The JVhite Musca- dine; White Siveet JVater ; Black Sweet JVater ; large Black Cluster ; small Black Cluster ; the Miller Grape, St. Peters, and the Black Hamburgh, may do very well in favorable seasons. The White Muscadine^ above selected, resembles the Royal Muscadine, but the berries ai"e smaller. It is the best grape for a common wall, and a great bearer. Also called the Common, and the Chas- sclas. The White Sweet Water. The berry large, a white colour ; very agreeable juice. Esteemed an excellent grape. Ripens in September, The Black Sweet Water. Small berry, sweet ; but apt to crack. Not much in repute. Ripens in September. The large Black Cluster. A very roup:h, harsh taste. Speechlay says it is the grape of the Opor- to wine. ( 33 ) The small Black Cluster. A very pleasant fruit, The St. Peter's Grape. Large oval berries j deep black ; bunches large : the flesh juicy, jRir pens late. The Black Hamburgh. Bunches large- — large berries — pleasant sweet juice, vinous. Ripens in JSfovember. Cuttings of Vines, take from shoots the best ri? pened, with the shortest joints — always with onepr two joints of the last year's wood : cutting it as near ^ joint of the old wood as possible. Choose cuttings after a warm, dry season. Eaci> .cutting to have two inches of the old wood, with onf <| F ( 34 ) a quarter each. All v, ho saw them said the large ones were as fine as forced grapes ; while the small ones produced from branches of the same Vine, trained and pruned in the old way, were bad natu- ral grapes, and not above tw ice the size of large ciUTants. To confirm this experiment, he next year trained fiA'e plants in the s.tme way, allowing the shoots in- tended for bearing wood to run to their full length in summer, training wherever there Avas a vacancy ])etween the old trees ; a\ here there was none, he run them along the top of the wall, without topping them. •In winter he trained them in a serpentine manner, so as to fill the waW as regularly as possi- ble : they were as productive as those in the former yeai's. After a three year's trial, he thought himself war- ranted to follow the same practice with the whole ; and in 1793, he sent for the king's use 378 baskets of grapes ; each weighing three pounds, \\ ithout planting a single Vine more than were the preceding year, when he could send only 56 baskets of the same weig'it. The above proves the great advan- tage of the serpentine method of training Vines. ( 55 ) It must be observed, the shoots should be brought as near as \)Oiisih\e fro?n the bottom of the Vines, that the wall may be well covered. When the walls are high, and the shoots from the serpentine branches strong, they may sometimes be suffered to remain. If the walls are low, and the serpentine branches give weak shoots, they are to be cut in the autum- nal pruning, and the strongest of the young wood is trained up in their room, as directed in the explana- tion of pi. X. The wood, in pruning and training V'lnes^ must be strongs or the Vines will produce small bunches. If that be the case, cut them down to two or three eyes, in order to have strong wood for the next year. Vines bear their fruit on the wood that was produced the preceding year. The deal of old naked v.ood that occurs, and small weak shoots at the extremi- ties, always cut down as near to the ground as pos- sible. There then will be no fruit for that year. Or cut every other shoot, leaving the old ones to produce some small grapes. The next year there will be plenty of fine \\ ood, if care has been taken to nail-in the strongest shoots, and pick off the side shoots produced from the eyes ; pinching off with finger and thumb, or with a sharp pen-knife cutting ( 36 ) tiieitt oiit close to the biid or eye ; but never tivist tbdrh: by twisting them, the bud will be hurt that produces the grapes next year ; always cutting as Hear to a bud as possible, and laying in the wood very thin in summer ; so it will grow very strong. Pick of all side shoots as often as there is nailing to the wall, ^vhich will be several times in the summer months i buffer iiot the Vines to run together in a cluster, and to mat, which will ruin their bearing the next season; Top the shoots trained serpentine-like, soon as the grapes are as big as very small green peas, a joint or two above the fruit; but neijer top the leading shoot j nor which is intended to give fruit next year; 111 the second year'' s pruning y observe not to prune Vines till the beginning of February^ unless in case of uncommon forwardness in the season. It is com- mon with some, to begin pruning sooti after the fall of the leaf before the iDood becomes hard: but if a frost sets in before the %vood is hard, especially after wet sunmiers and autumns, it will be much injured. Mr. F. has seen Vines almost killed after autumnal pruning* When the Vine leaves begin to fall, take ( 37 ) k sofit broom and sweep them off, npivardsy in A gentle manner, which helps to harden the wood. lii beginning to prune in February, make choice of the strongest and longest shoots ; leaving them as iong as the eyes are found good and plumps and the wood round ; but never leave them when they be- come ^^/; for in that case they seldom bear fruit ; and if they do, it will be very small. Mr. F. never lays in any that has less than fifteen, and from that to thirty ^00^ eyes, which will produce two bunches from every good eye. He has had seventy bunches of grapes from one shoot. The shoots that bore fruit in the preceding year should be cut out next year ; except when the wall is to be filled, and the shoots are very strong. A plenty of fine, healthy young wood is always to be :iad, if there be care in pruning in the winter ; therefore, he says, never leave a7iy hut fine strong uwod, always cut ti fig at the second, third or fourth eye, rubbing off the lowest bud, and that which comes out at the joint between the new and last year's wood. Thus as much fruit is got from these short shoots, as would be by the common pruning-. ( 38 ) Always leave two or three of the strongest shoots for next year's bearing wood, and never top them : and, if there is a want of room to train them, they may be led over the tops of the other trees, or run them behind the standards ; \\hich w ill have a beau- tiful appearance when the fruit is ripe. The composition presented by Mr. Forsyth to the world, through the bounty of the government and Parliament of Great-Britain, is always to be applied as soon as possible after pruning. The Fine is very porous, and soon imbibes ^\ ct and moisture, which soon bring it to decay. If a Pl}ie, from being cut late, should bleed, the poA\ der is to be applied, and repeated till the bleed- ing is stopped. To try the effect of the poivder in stopping the bleeding of Grape- Vines, Mr. F. cut two strong Vine branches in jiine, and three more in July, in very hot ^Acather. The sap rose so strong that it worked out at the top in a froth : on applying the poivder, it Avas in a short time entirely stopped. ( 39 ) PFatering F'mes. When the grapes are set ana begin to sivcll^ wa- ter them with the barrow-engine ; sprinkling ail over the lea'oes and fruit, pressing the fore finger over the top of the pipe, so that the water can be tiirown as fine as small rain. Insects on Grapes. Soon as the large fly, &c. appears, have bottles, a good number, about half full with some sweet li- quor, where the msects will be drowned. Hang the bottles all over the Vines, and some at the bottom of the walls. Hang them up early, as the blue fly comes much earlier than the wasp, and is not less destructive. Against birds, nets or bunting are to be thrown over tlie grapes. It is a bad practice to take off" the leai^es from Vines soon after the fruit is set ; which prevents the fruit from swelling, and it becomes hard and small, apt to crack. Grapes are kept vvrapped in soft paper, and cover- ed, layer and layer, with bran v/ell dried : but short ( 40 ) •ut, sound, dry straw must be better, as the dusting of meal on the bran will produce mites, &c, — The grapes bagged, and the jai' or pot being filled, layer .and layer with them and the ciit-straix), they ar« then closely secured in a dry room, nor cold nor hot, FIGS, FIGS have been cultivated in England ever since the }'car 1562. Mr. Forsyth gives an account of fifteen sorts the best worth cultivating in England, The}' arc, he says, raised from suckers, layers, or cuttings ; which will thrive in almost any soil, but do not like a wet bottom : they generally, he adds, produce more fruit on a strong loamy soil than on a dry one. Layers or cuttings are preferable to suckers. Pruning and Culture of Figs. They should never, says Mr. Forsyth, be pruned in autumn or during the imntcr : his best time is the latter end of April or beginning of May ; by which time A\ill be seen what shoots have been killed by the frost in winter. The end of those branches more particularly^ will be hurt where the wood ha^ ( 41 ) not ripened well in dntujnn : they should be cut int9 the sound wood, and as near to an eye as possible. When the branches have been suffered to run up, leaving tbe bottom quite naked, there should be cut out every other branch as near to the ground as can be ; which will furnish the wall with fine young wood ; observing to stop the ends of the shoots in the beginning of ^^tme ; this will cause them to throw out side shoots which will bear fruit the next summer. By that time there will be plenty oijins •wood: then may be cut down the rest of the old branches left the preceding year, observing to prune them about the same time the pruning was the last year : remembering always to pinch off the. ends of the strongest shoots, except the leading ones, at the top bud. When the pruning is in the spring, neuer shorten the shoots, as the fruit iis produced near the tops^. There will, he says, be many fine short side and foreright shoots, which should never be cut off but when decayed. These shoots, he thinks, will ripaii much better than the long strong ones, and not be so liable to be killed by frost in winter. By following this method, Mr. F. says, the trees will be covered with fruit from top to bottom of the walls, instead Of ( 42 ) of a few fruit only at the top, as when the common metliod of pruning is practised. When the Figs are the size of small nutmegs, pinch oft' the point of the top bud ^^'it^l the finger and thumb, or cut it with a sharp pen-knife ; ah\ ays re- membering to use the powder wherever is the cut or pinch, to stop the lent.y of fine fruit. As old Mulberry-trees, Mr. F. says-, produce not only a greater quantity of fruit, but also much larger and of a finer flavor than young ones, it is m ell worth while to take some pains to repair the injuries A^hich they may have sustained by accidents or age. > 'This pleasant and 'valuable fruity he says, is but little cultivated in England, ( 67 ) THE ALMOND. THE following are the sorts propagated in Eng- land, for ornament and use : — The tender-shell'd almond ; the sweet almond ; the common or bitter almond ; the sweet Jordan almond ; the hard shell'd almond ; the dwarf, and the double-flowering al- monds. They are propagated by budding them on plum^ almond, or peach-stocks. The next spring, train them for standards^ or let them grow for half stand- ards : but the common way is to bud them as high as it is wished the stem should be ; and the second year after they may be planted out for good. Trans- plant into a dry soil in October^ when the leaves be- gin to decay : if into ■«;€■/ ground, February is tlie season. Budded on plum stocks, they thrive best in a wet soil ; and on almond and peach stocks in a dry. They require nearly the same management in pruning as the standard apricot. Plant them, Mr. Forsyth says, always in a sbcl- tcred place, facing the south. If planted as diijarfs^ they may be covered viith poles stuck into the gromid, tliatching over the tops of the trees with ( 68 ) fern or other light cohering ^ to prevent the blossoms being killed by the frost in February and March, After the fruit is set and the leaves so far out as to cover it, if fine weather, the covering may be re- moved in the latter end of April or early in May. They are sometimes planted on walls, and some- times on espaliers. Preserve them in dry sand or bran ; but they should be first thoroughly dried on shelves or boards in an airy place before they are put into sand or bran ; otherwise they will become mouldy. CHESNUTS. THE sorts mostiy cultivated in England, Mr. Forsyth says, are the Spanish Chesnuts, which run into great varieties when raised from seed ; and the American sort, called Chinquapin, for variety. The Spanish Chesnuts are very fine trees, and well worth cultivating, both for use and ornament. The timber is reckoned equal to oak, and for casks ( 69 ) superior to it ; for when seasoned it is not so liable to shrink or swell as oak. They ha e a noble ap- pearance, and so are adapted to parks. Propagate them from seed gathered when tho- roughly ripe, about the end of October. — Let them spontaneously open and drop from the ti^ees, to be picked up in the morning. All that fail in the husk should be thrown in a heap in a shed, to remain three or four weeks to ripen. Then pick out the best, dry them on mats or cloths in a sunny situa- tion. They are then laid up on shelves or a dry floor, turning them frequently. If some are dried in an oven after bread is drawn, and then packed i?i boxes or jars with quite dry sand, they will, he says, keep plump and good. If put in the oven when too hot, they will shrivel. Sow in beds of light earth in Noiiember ; the drills being nine inches apart and three deep : the nuts to be an inch apart in the rows, with the points upwards : cover with mould, and pat it down with the head of the rake. The beds four or five feet wide, raised a little in the middle to let off rain. If it appears the seeds are attacked in the ground by mice, c©ver the beds with slates, brick, or stone, till the nuts begin to spring : then off with the stone covering. If the winter sets in severely, ( 70 ) cover the bfeds with rotten clung, leaves, or old tan, before laying Oa the pavement. — If the autumn be wet, don't sow till February ^ or March, early. Hoe between the nuts in the rows. The summer proving dry, water them once or twice a week. By October, or the following spring, they may be put into beds, in rows a foot apart, and four inches in the row, to remain two years longer ; carefully trimming all the side shoots, leaving only one straight stem. When planted out for good, let it rather be in au- tumn; they are to stand till tbe next spring tivehe- month, and then are headed down to two eyes abo'oe ground, cutting near as may be to an eye, and sloping to the north, that the shoot which is thrown out may cover the stem in the first season, which it will do, and grow six or seven feet. — If they are not headed down in this manner, they will never be straight, handsome trees. Toung trees must not be headed down immediately after transplanting. They ought to be well rooted before that operation is per- formed : and it is to be obscrvec>, that the larger the sterns are when headed, the stronger and more luxu- rient will the shoots be. ( 71 ) WALNUTS. THOSE commonly cultivated in England arc varieties from the common walnut, viz. — The double^ the large^ the French^ the thin-skinned, and the late. They are best raised from the nut, gathered full ripe. The thin-shelled are preferred for this pur- pose. When ripe, let them remain till they begin to drop off of themselves : shaking the tree will then bring them down. Beating with poles injures the tree much, by breaking the young shoots. The}" A\ ill be fit to transplant the^r^r autumn after sow- ing, if they have thriven veil — if not, let them con- tinue another year. — Bed them out in the manner directed for Chesnuts ; transplanting every second or third year, until planted out for good. This causes their throwing out Jine horizontal roots, and bring Uiem to a hearing state much sooner than \\ hen they make deep tap-roots. Train them up with fine single stems to seven feet high, before they are suffered to form heads ; the branches will also be out of the reach of cattle. The time of transplanting tliem out, depends on their ( 72 ) progress in the nursery : they must remain there till they have grown to a tolerable size, and to the height just mentioned as proper for standards. The ground is to be well plowed or trenched ; and the trees to be planted, at first, in rows six feet apart, and the sajne distance from tree to tree in the rows, in quincunx order ; and thus remain until they come into bearing. After making choice of the best fruit-trees, the other trees may be planted for tim- ber, or made use of in stakes or any other way. The bearing trees must be thinned as they increase in size, till they are at the proper distance for full- grown trees, which may be 24 to 48 feet, accord- ing to the richness of soil and progress in the trees' growth. In trimming stems of Wahut -trees, cut off the shoots and small branches close to the bole ; and in lopping, cutting out cross branches, or such as arc damaged by winds and accidents, always cut at a fork or eye ; otherwise a part of the branch will die and injure the tree. But be it a part or the whole cut oif, the composition is to be immediately applied. ( 73 ) Walnuts thrive best in a deep^ rich soil. They are well worth cultivating : the yearly value of the fruit being very considerable. There is a great deal made by thinning the nuts for pickling^ for home and foreign markets. At Beddington, about 50 Walnut-trees, and but half of them full bear- ers, have been let at;£30. ;/^40. and ^50. according to the crop : and the renter is thought to clear ;£50. by the bargain. The leaves of Walnuts steeped in boiling wa- ter, and that infusion mixed with lime-water, soap- suds and urine, is very efficacious in destroying slugs and worms in the ground^ and insects on trees. IValnuts for keeping should drop of themselves, and afterwards be laid in an open airy place till they are thoroughly dried : then pack them in jars, boxes, or casks, with fine clear sand, well dried in the sun, in an qven, or before the fire, in layer* of sand and walnuts alternately; set them in a dry place, but not where it is too hot. They so arc kept till the end of April. If they ever become shrivelled steep them in milk and water, six or eight hours. ( 74 ) GRAFTING AND BUDDING AND ON USING COMPOSITION INSTEAD OF GRAFTINGCLAY. Mil. FORSYTH gives directions for render- ing grafting plain and easy to those who have not been regularly instructed in the art from general practice .; and he adds a method followed by him for some years ; and which, he thinks, will be found an improvement. The shoots or cions used in grafting, called also grafts^ are to be chosen with observingthe follow- ing directions carefully : — 1st. That they are shoots of the former year. 2dly. Always take them from healthy, fruitful trees. If they be sickly trees, t\\e grafts often partake of the distem- per ; and if taken from young luxuriant trees, they may continue to produce luxuriant shoots, but arc seldom so productive as those taken from fruitful trees, whose shoots are more compact, and the joints closer together. 3dly. Prefer those grafts taken from the lateral or horizontal branches, to those of the strong perpendicular shoots. ( 75 ) These grafts should be cut off from the trees before their buds begin to swell ; which generally is three or four weeks before the season for graft- ing : therefore when they are cut off, lay them in the ground with t\\Q cut downwards^ burying them half their length, and covcringtheir tops with dry litter, for preventing their drying. If a small joint of the former year's wood be cut off with the cion, it will preserve it the better j and when they are grafted, this may be cut off, for at the same time the cions must be cut to a proper length before they are inserted in the stocks ; but till then the shoots should remain of the full length, as taken from the trees. If these cions are to be carried far, their ends ought to be put in a lump of clay, and wrap them up in moss, which preserves them fresh a month or longer; but these should be cut from the trees earlier than what are to be grafted near where the trees grow, Next of the stock, or trees intended to be graft- ed : these are either old trees growing where they are to remain, whose fruit is intended to be changed, or young trees raised in the nursery for a supply to the garden. In the former, there is no other choice than of the branches^ such as are ( 76 ) young, healthy, well situated, and have smooth bark: if these grow against walls or espaliers, there should be grafted six, eight or ten branches, as is the size of the trees by which they will be sooner furnished with branches again, than when a less number of cions are put in 5 but in standard trees, four, or at most six cions will be sufficient. In the choice 0^ young stocks for grafting, prefer those raised from seeds, and that have been once or twice transplanted. Next to these, the stocks raised from cuttings ' layers. Suckers from the roots of other trees should always be rejected. or Having directed the choice of cions and stocks, he then speaks of the operation^ and points out the following tools, viz. 1st. A neat small hand-saw for cutting off the heads of large stocks. 2. A good strong knife, with a thick back, to make clefts in the stocks. ( " ) 3. A sharp pen-knife, or budding-knife, to cut the grafts. 4. A grafting chisel and a small mallet. 5. Bass strings or woollen yarn, to tie grafts with ; and such other instruments and materials as may be found necessary. ■—> 6. A quantity of clay, prepared a montli before wanted, and kept turned and mixed like morter every other day : this is to be made thus — Get a quantity of strong, fat loam : take new stone-horse dung, and break it in among the loam ; cut a little straw or hay very small and mix amongst it, for making the loam hold together better; and if there be a quantity of salt added, the clay will be prevented from dividing in dry weather : stir these well together, putting water to them as in making morter. It should be hol- lowed like a dish, filled with water, and kept eve- ry other day stirred : but let it not be exposed to frost or drying winds ; and the cftcner stirred the better. ( 78 ) Of late years, says Mr. F. some persons have made use of another composition for grafting, which keeps out the air better than clay. It is composed oi turpentine, bees-wax and roshi, melt- ed together; when of a proper consistence it is put on the stock, round the graft, as the clay usual- ly is applied. If but a quarter inch thick, it keeps out the air better than the clay ; and as cold will harden this, there is no danger of its being hurt by frost, which is apt to cause the clay to cleave, and sometimes to fall off; and when the heat of the summer comes on, this mixture will melt and fall off without trouble. In using this, there should be a tin pot, with conveniency to keep a very gen- tle fire with small coal ; otherwise the cold will soon condense the mixture : but be careful not to apply it too hot, lest the graft be injured. A per- son a little accustomed to this composition will ap- ply it very fast ; and it is much easier for him to work with than clay, especially if the season is ccld. There are several ways of grafting, but there are four principal ones, [see pi. XL] Perhaps the common whip-grafting alone might suffice for the farmer and country gardeners^ purposes in grafting : ( 79 ) 1. Grafting in the rind, or shoulder graftings or crown grafting ; proper only/or large trees : per- formed the end of March or early in ^pril. 2. C/^-ar^/«^, or stock, or slit-grafting : in- tended for lesser stocks, one or two, or more inches diameter : in February or March. 3. fV hip-grafting, or tongue-grafting ; proper for small stocks, of one inch, half an inch, or less diameter : " It is the most effectual of any, and is the most in use." 4. Grafting by approach, or ablactation. This is practised when the stock to be grafted on, and the tree from which the graft is taken, stand so neai' each other that they may be joined ; and should be performed in jlpril. It also is called the Inarching method, and is chiefly used for Jas- mines, Oranges, and other tender exotics. For the several methods, in general, see the plate XI. But the common method oi whip-graft- ing will suffice for the/^/';?zf r'j- and country garden- er s purposes. — It is thus performed by cutting off the head of the stock slopifig ; then make a notch ( 80 ) in the slope towards the upper part downward, a little more than half an inch deep to receive the cion, which must be cut with a slope upward, and a slit made in this slope like a tongue, which tongue must be inserted into the slit made in the slope of the stock, and the cion is placed on one side of the stock, so that the two rinds of both cion and stock may be equal and join together ex- actly : then a ligature of bass fastens the cion so that it may be easily displaced; after which it is clayed over, as in former instances. Grafting in the 4th method may, however, be proper to practice sometimes, as the ivalnnt^ fig^ mulberry^ and certain other exotics, cannot be grafted vi^ith effect in any other method, especially evergreens : but then the trees are always weakly. In a long continuance of r/A-^ weather^ the grafts frequently/^/// of taking. It is therefore best to grafc in moist giving weather. It is better to use the composition on many ac- counts. Rubbing some of it into the incision pre- vents canker^ and in applying round the graft a much less quantity will suffice than of the clay. ( 81 ) It need not be more than three inches round in grafting small stems or shoots, and in proportion for what are larger : the composition will keep the cion moist, and will not crack and fall oft' in dry weather as clay will. This composition used in grafting should be made to work easily with a hand or knife, rather softer than grafting-clay commonly is. Grafting or budding should be performed near ^ may be to the upper side. Insert the cion or bud at the joint a little above the cross shoot. Budding is best learned how to be effectually per- formed by actual instruction, seeing it done in expe- rience : which in every neighbourhood may be ob- tained. In three or four weeks it may be seen what buds have taken : the shrivelled and black are dead. Those that remain plump are to have their bandages tlien loc^ened, to prevent pinching the stock and kill the bud. — The March following cut off the etock three inches above the bud, sloping it. M ( 82 ) OF A GARDEN. MR. FORSYTH recommends that the garden be on a gentle declhity towards the south, a Httle eastwardly inchned. If in a bottom, the wind has the less effect on it ; but then damps ?iw\fogs will be prejudicial to the fruit and herbage. If too high si- tuated, the fury of the ^^inds will damage the branches, blossoms and fruit. It should be well sheltered from the iionb and cast^ to prevent blight- ing winds affecting plants ; and also from the west- erly winds, hurtful to gardens in spnng or summer months. The best shelter of them is from gentle rising hills and plantations of forest-trees, at due distances not to shade the garden j giving a free passage of sun and air. Fruit-trees^ in shrubberies, he recom- mends to be intermixed. In laying out a new garden, he says, choose a good so'il^ the deeper the better^ of a mellow, pliable nature, moderately dry in quality. If it has an un- cven surface^ do not be persuaded to lei^el it. The best soil is a rich tncIlo^M loam ; the Morst a stiff heavy cla)-. A light sand is also unfit. Whenever ( 83 ) horse dung is applied, it is first to be perfectly rot- ted : it otherwise will burn up the crop. The form he would have in preference, is an ob- long or square, if at liberty ; and the size from one acre to six or eight within the wall, according to de- mand for vegetables in the family. Brick 'wall is pre- ferable to stone, and ought to be 10 to 12 feet high : but if there be a plenty of %) ailing or ground suffi- cient to admit it, he would prefer a wall of ten feet high, to those higher, l;eing convinced they will be more convenient. If the ground is to be spared, surround the garden luith a border or slip, 40 to 60 feet wide, or more ; and this, he says, inclose again with an oak paling, 6 to 8 feet high, Avith a cheval de frise. He recommends a cheval de frise to be thus made : A piece of wood, long as convenient, about four inches broad, one inch and quarter thick ; the upper side planed to an edge, sloping from the top and centre on each side, like a roof. Draw a line on each side from end to end about one fourth of an inch below the upper edge and centre : through these lines drive tivehe-penny nails about four inches distance from each other, so as to come out near the upper edge on the opposite side. Each nail, he adds, sliould be opposite the space between two nails on ( 84 ) the other side. The nail-heads should be sunk in the wood, and small strips nailed over them : then drive in tenter-hooks between the nail points, and nail the whole firmly on the outside of the top of the paling. By making slips on the outside oi\\\t garden wail, you will have ground for gooseberries, currants, strawberries, &c. cucumbers or melons: and both sides the wall may be planted. The new garden should be ploughed or dug thre€ or four times before any thing be planted in it. It is a convenience that a garden lies near a rivtt or brook ; from these conduct the water by drains or pipes. If the garden is too high for distributing the water in those ways, and it is near a public road, and on a declivity, make a drain or cut from the road, for carrying the water of it in rainy weather to a large cistern or tank in the upper part of the garden. The best time is the night for turning on the watef into the garden. The pipes, cocks, &:c. for facili- tating it will seem a considerable expence at first j but they repay it by saving time which would b6 spent in pumping and carrying water. If pumped ( 85 ) from a deep ivell, it should be into a large reservoir, in which it should be exposed to sun and air some days. The middle ^\'alks, he says, should be seven feet wide, enough for a cart to pass ; the others tliree or four feet broad, with a border on each side, 5 or 6 feet \\ ide at least between the walk and the fruit- trees. In kitchen gardens, walks are generally gra- velled, seldom in turf ; frequent wheelhig and tread- ing soon destroying the grass : but a binding sand makes good walks, easily kept : for v\ hen moss or weeds begin to grow, they may be cleaned \viih a horse hoe, or scuffled over with a Dutch hoe, in dry weather, raking it a day or two af cr ; but sea- coal ashes make the best kitchen garden walks, cnsicr kept than others, and firm and dry : cleaner than sand, especially after a frost. Bottoms of walks are filled with brick rubbish, chippings of stones, or gravel and stones. There sometimes will be under- ground drains to make. When the soil is ivet and stiff, subject to detain moisture, under-ground drains must Qdiry oiF the water ; making the main drain under the %vali\ to receive and carry off the \^atcr under the quarters. ( 86 ) Good^ ijoell-flavored fruit can never be produced, unless drai?iing, where the soil lies wet, be practised ; and kitchen plants will also be very defective with- out that attention. Borders under the walls, i/isidc, should be 10 to 20 feet wide, as is the size of the garden, for giv- ing free passage to the roots of the trees to spread. A footpath should be two and a half foot front) the wall, for greater ease in nailing trees, gathering fruit, &c. This iva/k should be two to two and a half feet wide (to admit a barrow or barrow-engine in watering the trees), and covered a\ ith sand, or cocil-ashes better, about 2 or 3 inches thick, without mbbish or gravel below. On these borders may be carl}' or late crops ; but avoid to plant any deep -root- ting plants^ such as cabbages, beans, peas, (except peas for the early frames), as they would be very hurtful to the trees. Melons arc best v.orkcd in brick-pits^ coped with stone or oak, 12 feet imde and two and a half deep : the length according to the number of frames to be worked. Size of lights for early melons, 5 feet longy 3 broad : — for others they require to be 6 feet long^ and four broad. The former should be four, ( 87 ) and the latter three light boxes. — For the pits a nine-inch wall will be sufficient. There should, he says, be a walk between the ridges, 6 or 7 feet broad, sufficient to admit a cart to carry dung ; much more expeditious than wheel- ing. The %valk should be made up as high as the coping, and sloping gently towards each end ; the bottom should be filled up and covered as before di- rected. A loose drain should be made along the middle of the bottom of the pit, to carry off wet and oozing of the dung to a cistern or tank made on purpose to receive it. When a garden is planted and finished, says Mr. Forsyth, it a\ ill be convenient to have a plan of it, with the name of each tree inserted in its proper place. Walls of kitchen gardens, from ten to fourteen feet high, should have ih^ foundation two or two and a a half bricks thick ; the off-set not above one course higher than the level of the border : the av all then to set-off a brick and a half thick. Piers should ( 88 ) strenf^hen the walls, 40 to 60 feet apart ; to project half a brijk beyond the wall. If the coping is of luood, it answers ^vell for hanging nets to against ^^fts of birds. He repeats the superiority of bricks over stone walls, favoring fruits better in ripening. When a kitchen garden contmns four acres, it may be inter- sected by two or more cross ivalis ; which greatly augments the quantity of fruit ; warms and shelters the garden from high Avinds. ORCHARDS. WHERE a large supply of fruit is wanted, Mr. Forsyth says, Orchards are appropriated to the grov/th oi' standard fruit-trees only ; and generally consist of apple-trees, pear-trees, plum-trees and clierry-trees ; but a complete Orchard ought also to have quinces, medlars, mulberries, services, fil- berts, Spanish nuts, and barberries ; as also walnuts and chsenuts. These last would break high w inds, and he would prefer to plant them along the bounda- ry of the Orchard. In choosing the trees, admit none but v;ith good roots, fair clean stems, and pro- per heads. % ( 89 ) In selecting pears and apples let the assortment range in succession, for supply of the table during the whole year. A very few of the summer sorts will suffice ; — more of the autumn; — still more of the winter will be called for. On the winter sorts the dependence is from January to July, — The me- tbod of presermug them, post. What has been said of the situation and soil of a Garden^ also applies to Orchards — that they be ra- ther elevated than low. On a gentle declivity, open to the south and south-east. Also they should be well sheltered from the eastern, northerly and west- ern winds : but see of Gardens^ in its place. Such 'ds walnut saidcbesnut-trees are advantageously placed on the exterior of the Orchard. The size of an Orchard in the cyder-making counties of England may be one to twenty acres, or more. A loamy soil is best : shingly and gravelly soils disagree with fruit-trees, unless intermixed with a /o^wz. Orchards should be dunged once in two or three ) ears. He recommends washing the Orchard trees an- nually in February or March^ \\ith the following mixture, to destroy eggs of insects, and prevent moss from growing. JMix fresh cow-dung with { 90 ) nrine and soap-suds ; and with the mixture wash o^er the stems and branches of trees, as you would }'our room with whitewash ; cutting off ihe cankery parts and scrape off the moss, before the washing. In the course of the summer there will be a fine new bark coming on. Pare off all old canker. When necessary to take off all the outer bark, the stem, &c. are to be covered with the composition and povjder^ patting it gently do^Mi, as in the case ^\ hen large liiiibs aie cut off. Repeating the abo\'e wash in autumn, after fall of the leaf, will destroy the eggs of many insects, that hatch in autumn and winter. This washing is found of great service to all fruit and forest trees. GATHERING APPLES AND PEARS. TIME AND MANNER THEREOF. MANAGEMENT OF THE FRUIT-ROOM, &C. NEVER beat or shake apples down — hand-pick all, from standing on steps for the purpose. — They should be light, and so contri\ ed that the ladder may be disengaged from the back at pleasure ; fastening ( 91 ) together by a bolt at top. At top should be a broad step to stand on, with room for the basket holding the fruit. Have, in the beginnmg together, hand- baskets of different sizes, and also large baskets or hampers, and wheel-ban*ows. At the bottoms of the large baskets and hampers, perfectly dry short fine grass from summer mow ings, kept clean and dry for the pui'posc. He observes to gather the fruit, as a mark of its ripeness, when it begins to fall, (not wind-falls, or from the caterpillar). If the fruit comes off with- out any force used, it is presumed to be ripe enough. But sickness, &c. of the trees may make it seem riper than in fact it is. All fruit will s/jrhel, he says, that is gathered before it is ripe. If the fruit be in the least bruised it will not keep ; tlierefore the person on the steps picks it carefully, and gently lays it in the basket : and the small baskets are to be gently emptied into the large. When the fruit begins to fall of itself, cover the ground under the tree with soft grass mowings, pease-haulm, or oat or barley straw, quite dry. This that drops of itself, lay up separate from, and use it before, that which is hand-picked* ( 02 ) In the fruit-room lay dry soft grass on the floor : lay the fruit gently from the baskets in heaps on the grass. To siveat the fruit, co^'er it 2 or 3 inches thick on the top \\ith some of the grass ; the heaps may be two to three feet high. They lie in heaps two weeks ; tlien open and turn them oxer, wiping each apple or pear with a dry cloth ; to be frequent- ly dried during the process. The heaps now re- main 8 or 10 days covered as before, for throwing off the watery crudities. Then ivipe the fruit one by one. Gather the fruit in dry weather, and when the dew is off; nor is it to be gathered in the evening after the dew has begun to fall. Air should be some- times admitted for carrying off the sweat. The most perfect way of keeping, as used in England, is to pack it in glazed earthen jars, sepa- rately trapping peai's and apples in soft paper. Put dried bran in the jar, then a layer of fruit ; then a little more bran; and so on alternately. When full, gently shake the jar ; fill up \\i\h. bran and paper at top of all. Cover with bladder to perfectly ex- clude accession of air. Fit on the cover of the jar ; and it is best kept in a room where a fire may be, in wet or damp weather. ( 93 ) CANKER AND GUM. CANKER is a disease which occasions the bark of trees to grow rough and scabby ; and turns the nx)ood affected to a rusty ^ broivii colour. It will kill the tree if not stopt. The Canker nriay arise, on apple-trees, from inju- dicious pruning, from \ht footstalks of the fruit be- ing left on the trees ^ and from injuries in applying ladders in gathering the fruit. — Another cause, very ixict autumns^ which prevents the young wood from ripening, and a hard frost setting in after it, kills the young shoots. These are not to be left on the tree. Birds and insects destroying the buds, also give the Canker. Dead shoots left on the tree through summer, bring on Canker. These are to be cut off in the end of April or early in May. He advises to cut two or three buds, or even more, below the appa- rently diseased part : cut down till the brown colour in the shoot disappears, and notliing but sound white wood remains. ( 94 ) All the diseased parts of the bark must be pared off. The inner ivbite bark is frequently infected : this also must be cut away till no infection appears to remain. The infection in the inner hark appears like dots made with a pen ; all whereof is to be cut out clean. Wherever Gum oozes, be assured the Canker is not quite eradicated. When the trunk is become hollo\v, cut the loose rotten part clean out, till you come to the sound wood, and round the edges of the hollow part. Then apply the composition in a liquid state, with a pain- ter's brush : then shake some of the powder of wood- ashes and burnt bones over the composition, and pat it gently down with the hand. See of making and laying on of the composition. When the decay is great, the ground is to be open- ed, the roots examined, and the rotten parts to be cut away : then make up a mass of the composition^ mixed with seme clay ; fill the hollow ^\ ith it, to within about two inches of the surface of the ground, treading it, or pressing it w ith the hand close as possible, for preventing wet from penetrating to tlie roots, and leave the surface of the composition sloping from the tree towards the outside of the border. See. ( 95 ) The Gum is a kind of gangrene incident to friiit- rees of the stone kind ; and arises from injudicious pruning^ from bruises y or injuries received in the wood or bark. The Gum is to be cut out perfect- ly clean ; and grubs must be sought for, and they are to be cut out before the composition is applied. OF MIL-DEW, HONEY-DEW, AND BLIGHTS. MR. FORSYTH, in general, speaks in the strain of others writing on these subjects, who have little more than guessed at the nature of these disorders : the most likely surmise of Mil-dew, &c. seems to be what he quotes from Mr. Segar ; \\ here he says, that Mil-dew is of a very sharp corrosive nature, and by its acrimony hinders the circulation of the nutritious sap. Mr. Forsyth says, when danger is apprehended, wash or sprinkle the trees well with urine and lime- water mixed ; and when the young and tender shoots are much infected, ^vash them ^vell with a woollen cloth dipped in the mixture following, to the clearing them of all glutinous matter, that their ( 96 ) respiration and perspiration may not be obstructed : r Take tobacco a pound, sulphur two pounds, un- slacked lime a peck, and a pound of elder buds : on these pour ten gallons boiling water — cover it close, to stand till cold : then add cold water, as much as will fill a hogshead. After standing a few days to settle, take off the scum, and it is fit for use. The Honey-dew he directs to be treated in the same manner : and he cautions tliat trees be washed or watered early enough in the day to dry before the cold air of the night arrives ; nor should it be applied whilst the sun shines very hot. Blights, he says, sometimes destroy the whole tree ; but oftener tlie leaves and blossoms only. Wash, he adds, with soap-suds and urine ; the sooner the better ; and even with a woollen cloth dipped in the same liquid as above directed for mil-dew. OF INSECTS. UNDER the head of Insects, Mr. Forsyth gives a long list of them ; concerning which, the imagi- nation becomes tired ; and it is tedious, and too ge- ( 97 ) nerally unsatisfactory. Of the Aphis ; he says the Aphides or Plant-lice are a numerous tribe, amounting to 75 species. Of the y^canis there are 82 species. Moisture, he thinks, best de- stroys them, as in hot-houses it does many other insects. The Acarus (or Red Spider) also de- stroy or much injure 'melons in dry weather. There are other species of 160 sorts. It would be heavy work to enumerate those plagues, when the accounts of them and the me- thods proposed for reducing them are not general- ly satisfactory for answering the views of the hus- bandman therein. The general applications to the trees and plants are powders of ashes and lime mixed and strewed on the?n — z\so lime-water, strew- ed through the tube and its head, of a water en- gine that forces. — Moreover, in hot-houses, 7nois' ture destroys some sorts — Water alone is applied often in hot-houses. Melons he directs to be ex- amined, and when the leaves curl and crack in the middle, the Acarus or R ed Spider may be presumed to have effected the injury, although as yet they may not be visible to the eye. In this state of the melons, in fine warm sunny weather, water them all over the leaves from a watering-pot with a ( 98 ) rose J or an engine, about six in the morning, and about eight o'clock shade them with mats^ if the sun shines, and shut the frames close down till eleven : then admit a little air, the mats remaining till three in the afternoon ; then take them off. Endeavour to water the under side of the leaves, and the vines may be cautiously turned partly for the purpose. In cold frosty weather do not sprin- kle the plants. A wash o^ urine and soap-suds accumulated and stored in winter, he largely uses to his trees dis- tempered with insects, caterpillars or vermin ; and in su?nmer the mixture is lowered with water. It kills also slugs near the roots of trees. Urine and suds are saved in tubs in winter for the sum- mer's use. On Forest-Trees his treatise is important ; but it is here prolix ; and being a subject not yet scarce and striking to the attention of the American peo- ple, this is for the present here omitted. ( 99 ) GENERAL OBSERVATIONS DISEASES, DEFECTS AND INJURIES OF FRUIT, AND FRUIT-TREES. MR. FORSYTH, in thirty years practice in cultivating, pruning, and keeping garden fruit- trees, observed that from, natural causes, acci- dents^ and unskilful ?nanagement^ they were sub- ject to injuries of various kinds, which always di- minished their fertility, and frequently rendered them wholly unproductive. He thereupon offers to disclose his practice and management with his composition, formerly appli- ed in the manner of a plaster, but now in a liquid state, and laid on with a painter's brush. He im- putes to it a soft and healing nature ; an absorbent and adhesive quality ; and that by resisting the force of washing rains ^ the contraction of nipping frosts, and the effects of a warvi smt or drying winds, it excludes the pernicious influence of a changeable atmosphere. ( 100 ) The discovery of it, he adds, is the result of much reflection and study, during a long course of years, and of a great variety of experiments, made at a very considerable expence, to ascertain the efficacious powers of the application. " Nor shall I hesitate a moment to declare my firm be- lief, that inhe7-ever it shall be properly applied by the proprietors of gardc7is or orchards, and ifoo^j", it will be productive of all the advantage that can be derived from restoring as well as preserving vigour 2.ud fertility in all kinds of fruit-trees ; as also from preventing decay ^ and promoting health and sound timber in every species of fbrest-trecs." Mr. Forsytlfs Directions for making a Qovivozi- iioYi for curing diseases^ defects and injuries in all kinds of Fruit and Forest-trees — and the method of preparing trees and laying on the Composition. " Take one bushel of fresh cow-dung, half a '' bushel of Ihne rubbish of old buildings (that " from the ceilings of rooms is preferable), half a " bushel of wood-ashes, and a sixteenth part of a " bushel of pit or river sandr the three last articles " are to be sifted fine before thev are mixed j then ( 101 ) *' work them well together with a spade, and af- *' terwards with a wooden beater, until the stuff *' is very smooth, like fine plaster used for the " ceilings of rooms. " The Composition being thus made, care must " be taken to prepare the tree properly for its ap- *' plication, by cutting away all the dead, decayed *' and injured parts, till you come to the fresh, *' sound wood, leaving the surface of the wood " very smooth, and rounding off the edges of the " bark with a draw-knife or other instrument, " perfectly smooth, which must be particularly " attended to ; then lay on the plaster about one " eighth of an inch thick all over the part where " the wood or bark has been so cut away ; finish- " ing off the edges as thin as possible ; then take *' a quantity of dry powder of wood-ashes mixed " with the sixth part of the same quantity of the " ashes of burnt bones ; put it into a tin box, with " holes in the top, and shake the powder on the " surface of the plaster, till the whole is covered '• over with it, letting it remain for half an hour " to absorb the moisture ; then apply more pow- *' der, rubbing it on gently with the hand, andrc- " peating the application of the powder till the " whole plaster becomes a dry smooth surface. ( 102 ) (C All trees cut down near the ground should have the surface made quite smooth, rounding " it off in a small degree, as before mentioned ; " and the dry powder directed to be used afcer- " wards should have an equal quantity of powder " of alabaster mixed with it, in order the better *' to resist the dripping of trees and heavy rains. ** If any of the Composition be left for a future *' occasion, it should be kept in a tub or other ves- " sel, and urine of any kind poured on it, so as *' to cover the surface ; otherwise the atmosphere " will greatly hurt the efficacy of the application. " Where lime rubbish of old buildings cannot '' be easily got, take pounded chalk, or common *' lime, after having been slacked a month at least. " As the growth of the tree will gradually af- *' feet the plaster, by raising up its edges next the *' bark, ofcre should be taken where that happens *' to rub it over with the finger when occasion may *' require (which is best done when moistened by " rain), that the plaster may be kept whole, to " prevent the air and wet from penetrating into " the wound." ( 103 ) " Additional Directions for making and usi7ig the Composition. *' To the foregoing directions for making and ** applying the composition^ it is necessary to add " the following. " As the best way for using the composition is " found, by experience, to be in a liquid state ; " it must therefore be reduced to the consistence " of pretty thick paint, by mixing it up with a " sufficient quantity of uri}ie and soap-suds^ and *' laid on with a painter's brush. The powder of *' wood ashes and burnt bones is to be applied as " before directed, patting it down with the hand. " When trees are become hollow you must ^^ scoop out all the rotten, loose and dead parts *' of the trunk, till you come to the solid wood, " leaving the surface fmooth ; then cover thehol- ** low, and every part where the canker has been " cut out, or branches lopped off, with the com- " position ; and as the edges grow, take care *' not to let the new wood come in contact with " the dead, part of which it may be sometimes ** necessary to leave ; but cut out the old dead ( 104 ) *' wood as the new advances, keeping a hollow *' between them, to allow the new wood room to "" extend itself, and thereby fill np the cavity, " which it will do in time, so as to make as it were '' a new tree. If the cavity be large you may cut '' away as much at one operation as will be suffi- " cient for three years. But in this you are to be *•■ guided by the size of the wound and other cir- " cumstances. When the new wood, advancing '' from both sides of the wound has almost met, *' cut off the bark from both the edges, that the *' solid wood may join, v/hich, if properly ma- *' naged, it will do leaving only a slight seam in ^' the bark. If the tree be very much decayed, *' do not cut away all the dead wood at once, *' which would weaken the tree too much, if a " standard, and endanger it being blown down by *' the wind. It will therefore be necessary to leave *' part of the dead wood at first, to strengthen the " tree, and to cut it out by degrees as the nev/ '^ wood is formed. If there be any canker, or gum " oozing, the infected parts must be pared off, or *' cut out with a proffer instrument. When the " stem is very much decayed, and hollow, it will *' benecessary toopen the ground ^md examine the ^^ roots ; then proceed as directed for hollow peach ( 105 ) " trees, [see pi. II. and V. which shew the manner *' of preparing hollow trees, and also the growing *' of the wood.3 • *' Some months before the publication of the Ob- '' ser'oat'ions on the diseases y ^c. of fruit and forest *' trees y I had tried the composition in a liquid state, *' but did not think myself warranted to make it *' public until I had experienced its effects through " the winter. The success answered my most san- *' guine expectations ; and I have used it in that " way ever since. By using the composition in a *' liquid state^ more than three fourths of the time " and labour is saved ; and I find it is not so liable " to be thrown off as the lips grow, as when laid on " in the consistence of plaster : It adheres firmly to *' the naked part of the wound, and yet easily gives *' way as the new wood and bark advances." '* The first time that I tried the composition in a *' liquid form was upon an elm A\hich had been *' planted about twenty years. It had been very " much bruised by the roller, had several cavities " in it, and was very much bark-bound besides. " Having prepared the wounds, and applied the " composition with a painter's brush, I took my ( 106 ) " knife and scarified the tree in four places ; I also *' shaved off with a drawing-knife all the cankery *' outer bark, and covered the iMhole tree with the *' composition^ shaking \ht powder of luood-ashee and '* bimit bones allo'uer it. A very heavy rain began " in the evening, and continued all night ; yet, to " my great surprise, in the morning I found that *' only some of the powder, which had not had time " to dry and incorporate with the composition, " was washed off. I now repeated the powder, " and without any thing more being done to the " tree, the wounds healed up, and the bark was re- " stored so compleatly that three years ago it could *' hardly be discovered where the wounds had been. " The scarifications had also disappeared. Some *' of the wounds were thirteen inches long, eight " broad, and three deep. Since the time \\hen it " was scarified, the tree has increased ten inches *' more in circumference than a healthy tree plant- " ed at the same time with it, about sixteen feet *' distant, which was not scarified.'* ( 107 ) BUDDING. THIS is practised upon all sorts of stone fruit in particular ; such as peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, &c. also oranges and jasmines ; and is pre- ferable to any sort of grafting for most kinds of fruit. Provide a sharp pen-knife with Jiat baft for rais- ing the bark of the stock to admit the bud, and some sound bass mat soaked In water. The cuttings be- ing taken oif from the trees, choose a smooth part of the stock, 5 or 6 inches above the surface of the ground, if designed ybr dwarfs, and for half stand- ards at three feet; hut for standards, bud six or more feet above the ground : then cut horizontally across the rind of the stock ; and from the middle of that cut make a slit downwards about two inches long, forming a T : be careful not to cut too deep and wound the stock. Having cut off the leaf from the bud, leaving the footstalk remaining, make a cross cut about half an inch below the eye, and with the knife slit off the bud with part of the wood to it, in form of an escutcheon ; this done, next with the knife pull off thdX part of the wood vdiich was taken with the bud, observing if the eye of the bud be left ( 108 ) to it or not, (buds that lose the eye in stripping arc good for nothing) ; then gently having raised the hark of the stock where the cross incision was made, with the flat handle of the knife clear off the wood, thrust the bud therein, placing it smooth between the rind and the wood of the stock, cutting off any part of the rind belonging to the bud which may be too long for the slit made in the stock ; and having thus exactly f tied the bud to the stock, tie them closely round with bass mat, beginning at the under part of the slit, and proceed to the top ; taking care not to bind round the eye of the hud, but leave it open. In three or four weeks, you will see which have taken. The shrivelled and black are dead. The fresh and plump are joined ; at which time loosen the bandage, that the stock be not pinched. In the next March cut off the stock three inches above the bud ; sloping it that water pass off" : to the part above the bud, fasten the shoot proceeding from the bud. This must continue but one year: then cut it off" close above the bud. Time of innoculating is the middle oi June to the middle of August. The time may be ascertaineci by ( 109 ) trymg li the buds will come off well from the wood or not. Apricots are the first, and oranges commonly the last sorts innoculated. Oranges should never be iimoculated before the middle of August. Cloudy "weather is the best : rather avoid the middle of the day for it. Avoid the erroneous practice of throw- ing cuttings into water. All trees of the same genus, which agree in their flavor and fruit, will take upon each other under grafting or innoculation : All the nut-bearing trees on each other, and all the plum-bearing trees, in- cluding almond, peach, nectarine, apricot, &:c. Success of experiments on Heading-down, Composi- tion^ &fr. MR. FORSYTH says, 'that since he published ** Observations on the diseases, defects and injuries in Fruit and Forest trees,*' he has been assidious in making experiments. A great many hollow trees that had little more than the bark remaining sound, have within a few years been filled up : — Others that were headed down within a few feet of tlie ( no ) ground have their stumps now completely covered by the leading shoot, forming handsome trees ; and the places nvbcre they were headed a.re only discerned by a faint cicatrix. There were many such in- stances. He gives but few accounts of them. A lime-tree, he says, 18 inches in diameter, wh(ise trunk Avas decayed and hollow from top to bottom, to which, after cutting out the decayed wood, he had applied the composition 16 years ago, ■was last year cut down, on purpose to examine the progress it had made in the interior part, and A\'as found entirely filled up with new, sound wood, com- pletely incorporated with what little old wood re- mained when he first took it in hand. The body of this tree he keeps, cut into short lengths, to shew to others. An old elm, he arlds, the inside totally decayed, and two large cart loads 6f rotten wood taken there- from at diflferent times, has made shoots upwards of 20 feet higli in the course of six years. Another elm, headed twenty feet from the gi'ound, has pro- duced a shoot 46 feet high, and 5 feet 9 inches in circumference. — A lime, cut down near the ground, has 410W a shoot 20 feet high, which entirely covers ( lU ) the stnvci^^ forming a Jine tree ^ 21 inches in circum- ference. — A sycamore, treated in the same manner, is now 30 feet high, and 26 inches in circumference. Another is 30 feet high, and 2 feet in circumference. These, he says, are 7io%vJifie thvhing trees, and the cicatrices hardly discernable ! A horse-chesnut, headed down, has produced, from its hollow stump, four line shoots, one where- of is cut down, the other three are upwards of thirty feet high ; and one of them is 26 inches in circum- ference. Two of the remaining three are to be cut down, leaving one to form the body of the tree. About two and a half feet in length, on one side of a large diseased elm, which was for some time left to nature, still continued to decay till the composi- tion was applied : new wood and bark are now form- ing. An elm, entirely hollow, was also headed dowii. The new head now spreads 24 feet, and is 18 feet high. Another large hollow elm, near the last, was headed down : it afterwards produced a shoot 60 feet high, and three and a half feet in diameter. There are many other elms, some with wounds 10 ( 112 } ■*- fcet long and 2 feet broad, now entirely filled up ; besides many sycamores, oaks, and other forest trees, all restored to a flourishing state, by hai)'mg the dead wood cut out ^ and the composition applied. An oak that was headed dow7i six years ago, is re- presented in pi. XII. In hollow trees y the rotten and decayed woo(\. must be cut out at difi'erent times, as the new wood comes in contact with it : but beware not to cut out too much at once ; but leave enough to support the tree and prevent it from being blown down by high winds, till the new is strong enough for that pur- pose : the remainder may then be cut out. Mr. Aberdeen, gardener, has followed Mr. For- syth's method for some time with great success, in the house and " on the natural wall.'''' Hearing several years of the very Jine and Lii'ge crops produced in xho. forcing houses on Black Heath, Mr. Forsyth took a journey thither in company with Mr. WedgcAv^ood, to inquire into the method pursued there for obtaining these superior crops, and was candidly told that Mr. Stuart several years ago had seen Mr. Forsyth'' s method used at Ken- ( 113 ) sington Gardens, and was convinced of its advan- tages above the old ; he adopted it with great success. John Wedgewood, Esq. practises in Mr, For- sytlfs method with great success. Lord Frederick Campbell sent to Mr. Forsyth a list of 85 fruit-trees that were headed down^ and af- terwards trained and primed according to Mr. F. — From a cankery, unfruitful state, ever green with moss, they are now fruitful, healthy and flourishing. — These trees are now proper patterns for others desirous of giving the composition, and method of training and pruning recommended by this treatise, a fair trial. Successful trials have also been made, oithe same^ at the Duke of Dorset's. .*:' ^ ( lu ) THE GOOD EFFECTS MR. FORSYTH'S COMPOSITION, IN VARIOUS CLIMATES. THE Economical Society of St. Petersburgh ex- presses great satisfaction with the effects of Mr. Forsyth*s applications of the composition^ &c. and this excellent idea of a Mr. Guthrie to him, appears well worth our notice — " That he is happy in ex- pressing, individually, his satisfaction from Mr. For- syth* s sagacious application of the chiurgicalart to ve- getation ; and declares that the extirpation of the dis- eased parts ^ and the use of an unguent to 'ujard off the noxious actio7i of the air and humidity^ during the ex- ertions of nature to repair loss of substance^ and the languid circulation of the i)egetable juices^ appear highl}'' judicious." In the hot climate of IncHa^ and the opposite ex- tteme of the cold of Russia, the cojuposition was in constant ajid successful use ; even 400 miles south of Madras ; and also in the India company's cinna- ^ mon plantation : and it was likev/ise applied with equal success to the fruit-trees of the country. ( 115 ) Besides these, there are many satisfactory and wonderful instances of hnproiiement to trees and fmits by the application of the compositio7i. HEADING-DOWN. FOR the information of persons who are but lit- tle acquainted with practical gardenings Mr. For- syth gives the following explanation of what is call- ed Heading-do'wn : \NhtT\ young trees 2cc^ plaiited out from the nurse- ry as soon as they begin to break in the spring, they are cut down to three or four eyes, according to their strength, to furnish them with bearing ivood : if this ^vere not done, they would run up in long naked branches, and would not produce one quarter of the fruit which they do when this operation is properly performed. The same holds good in heading all kinds of old trees. An opinion prevails (especially amongst app/e- tree cidtivators) that trees never bear \\ell after be- ing headed-down. It may be so sometimes, when trees are improperly headed-dov\'n, all at once, by ( 116 ) giving a siKlden check to the sap. But, if headhig were done gradually ; that is, if ei^ery other branch all over the tree were headed at a proper length, cut- thig as near to those parts where the shoots appear, as possible, in February or March^ or even as late as May, in- the course of the summer they would throw out fine long shoots. These should not be shortened the J/jst year, unless it be a few to Jill 2ip the head of the tree with bear'mg wood; and that should be in the following spring ; cutting them to six or eight inches in length, according to their strength. In the next spring after the first branches are headed, the remaining old branches maybe cut out ; and these will soon/7/ the head of the tree with fine bearifig wood. In three years, trees so headed will produce a much greater quantity ai fruity and of better quality than they did before the operation was performed. Heading-down Orange-trees. Just as Mr. Forsyth's manuscript of his Treatise was going to the press, he was informed by the late Portuguese Ambassador at London, that on his re- turn to Portugal he had found the Orange-trees on the Prince of Brasil's plantations in a very unhealthy and decayed state ; and applied tp Mr. Forsyth for ( 11-7 ) some of the composition^ and a copy of his pamphlet on the diseases, &c. in fruit and forest trees, that he might make trials of the remedy on the trees of that country. Mr. Forsyth sent him a ca'fek of the com- position^ ^^'ith directions for preparing the trees and laying it on. He advises, that when it is found necessar}' to head-down Orange-trees^ they be not cut quite down to the stem ; but to leave two or three inches of the branches, some more, some less ; ahvays remem- bering to cut near to a joint y and in such a manner as X.oform a handsome head; and to apply the com- position immediately. In doing this, however, he adds, it w ill be necessary to leave a few younc: shoots to draw up the sap. If the trees ar^ infected with insects, the stems must be washed with soap-suds and urine, and well scrubbed with a hard brush. Mr. Forsyth informs us, he always leaves three different years branches on apple-trees, when the first shoot, d, is cut off at e, (see the pi. VI. lig. 2.) It is to be observed, the next shoot, i", will be full of fruit-buds, if it has not been shortened; Mhen it begins to groiv weak, cut it oft' at g. The next cut- tins; must be at i, when the branch h is tired of ( 118 ) bearing. Proceed thus all over the tree Avith care and attention, and it will soon be perceived the ad- vantage of this method of pruning above the com- mon mode ; for by it the trees may be kept in a con- stant state of bearing, Mhich, if left to nature, would only produce a crop of fruit once in two or three years. Always remember, ■\\'hen the shoot that has done bearing is cut off, to apply the composition im- mediatdy, and to rub off the shoots where they are too numerous. The best time, he says, for pruning apple-trees is April or May, after the peaches, nectarines and cherries are pruned. r The sviall shoots crossing each other should be cut off"; leaving the strongest to fill up the tree and make a fine handsome head. The apple-trees chosen frooi the nursery, as well as the apricot and peach-trees, should have strongs straight, and clear stems. Speaking, as it seems, rather of dwarf trees or trees in borders, he says, the same directions for heading must be observed, according to the season ( no ) and the time of the buds breaking forth, leaving the number according to the strength of each tree ; cut- ting as close as possible to the top biid^ that the leading shoot may more easily cover the wound ; and constantly observing- to rub off all ihe buds that come by the side of the leading shoot, which would otherwise rob it of its nourishment and strength, and so present it from making a fme leader. (See pi. VI. fig. 1.) Remember, he says, also to cut it annually to the length of from nine to eighteen inches, according to its strength, till the tree has got to that height to which you would have it run, and according to the extent of the ground ; w'hich height may be from eight to twehefett. By these means, the trees will throw out horizontal braaches on eve- ry side, and soon for ?n ha7ickomc heads for d^oarfs. He advises that divarf trees be not suffered to ruH higher than twelve feet. From eight to twelve is a convenient height. If allowed to run higher, they wuU become naked ai bottom, the fruit a\ ill be liable to be blown down, and llje tojis broken by high winds. 1:^0 ) A GREAT LESSON IN RAISING OAKS, ^c. According to Mr. Forsyth : WHO says, it is a generally received opinion, that when an oak loses its tap-root in transplanting, it never produces another. But this he thus refutes. He transplanted a bed of oak-plants into a fresh bed, cutting the tap-roots near to some of the small side roots or fibres shooting from them. In the secona year after y he headed one half of the plants dovjn^ and left the other half to nature. In X\it first season, those headed-doivji made shoots six feet long, and com- pletely co^'c-red the tops of the old stems, leaving only a faint cicatrix ; and had produced new tap-roots upwards of tv/o and a half feet long. One of these trees he left at the Revenue -office to shew the advan- ta^c of trampl anting and heading-down voun^ oaks, when done in a proper manner ; of which he also gives directions for Chcsnuts. See p. 70. By this method of treating the plants, the oaks, Skc. will grow 7nore in one year than in six when treated in the common w ay. ( 121 ) The otJier half^ not headed doiun^ grow not one fourth the size of those headed. One of the headed-doivn is eighteen feet high ; and, s x inches from the ground, measures j/^ advantageous to trim and thin young* trees when planted out. I'hese trees grew and produced fruit to admiration. But what is all the rn?uiom pruning in ^merica^ compared uith Mr. Forsyth*s now well-known method, so supe- rior to all ever before practised ? ( 128 ) In general, X\\q American air and climate appear well adapted for yielding the best of fruits^ as well orchard as garden kinds. Strawberries^ currants and raspberries are very sure and perfect crops. Gooseberries are not such certain or perfect pro- ductions ; unless it may be in the cooler, more northern parts : but yet they answer culinary pur- poses, and bottle well. This is with scarcely any attention to their cultivation. Cherries in America would abound and be in great variety, very perfect, if some attention to them was observed : but as it is with so little done for them, they are ;i common, and rather a mean fruit. The sorts preferred in country places seem to be the thick, tough, indegestible sorts, which are now and then the cause of sudden death in people who make too free in eating them. Cherries are chiefly applied to culinary purposes y and for improving brandy into what is called cherry brandy ; which is a considerable article, much noticed in lianiburgb, in Europe. It is im- ported from thence into some places in America. Apricots come when there is a scarcity of other ripe fruits; which makes them morp desireable ( 129 ) than otherwise they would be. In the green state, they make an agreeable tart. In ground dug or stirred about the trees, as in gardens, they are apt to drop their fruit without ripening it. Peaches arc in some variety, and ripen to great perfection in the middle and southern states ; as with but a little attention they would in the more northern states of America. It is a fruit that is so natural to the country of these states, that they are applied 2Lsfoodto hogs, also in making brandy, and for culinary purposes. They are in succession, one sort coming after another, from ^uly to No- vember. In some of the states, kilns are erected for drying and curing apples, pears, peaches, and other fruits in great quantities ; where pics are made into mountains of crust, thick, essential, and cheap ; and given to hirelings, as an agreeable/oo^ for all labouring people in the country, and which needs but little or no sugar. The dried fruit is packed in casks for family use ; and is sometimes exported as merchandize. They are generally di- vided into clear- stone 2.T\<\ clingstone peaches . The clingstone soits are, in France, called pavies. In a list of thirty-nine choice sorts of peaches, given by Mr. Forsyth, only six are received by the s ( 130 ) French as pavies or cling-stones ; and, it seems, in France and England the clear-stone sort is prefer- red at their tables. But of all peaches, perhaps of all fruits, there is none equal in flavor to the American Heath Peachy a cling-stone. It is large, weighingnear a pound in common: with but a moderate attention, the editor believes, they would very generally weigh a full pound. It is backward in ripening north- ward of the Susquehanna ; and is one of the last sort that ripens ; many weigh a full pound. — Peachley's form of a vinery M'ould perfect the ri- pening, and secure the fruit from thieves. Within the states of America, clear-stone peaches are preferred for food to hogs, and for making brandy ; perhaps also to be eaten in coun- try families, with milk ; but the cling-stone sorts are preferred wJien of a good sort, well ripened, to be eaten as fruit undressed. It is a common fault, after having planted out 2iX\ orchard of peach-trees, to leave the trees to shift for themselves and travel down with old time, with scarcely any culture or attention ; and ( 131 ) the trees are taken from the nursery, where they had become full grown, crowded anci stunted, so a;s to be now unfit for giving good fruit when trans- planted : and they are left to themselves, ^v itliout any training or pruning ; and heading-down is scarcely thought of, if known u in consequence, the fruit they yield is mean, and the orchard in the end is given up. Nectarines scarcely ever ripen in the parts of America where the editor has been. An insect punctures the green fruit, and gum flows from it, till the fruit drops without ripening. Every x\merican farm has some sort of an apple orchard. The fruit is of various sorts of apples, and formerly gave much cider ; and store apples abounded. Now, the trees and entire orchards be- come daily more mean, and there is a great scarcity of cider ; but few keeping-apples^ and those knotty, dry and insipid. There is not the attention to orchards that has been. West- India spirit and French brandy abound in the shopi ; and we nxtear out the strength of our lands in scujfling for corn, of all sorts, to be sold to the shopkeepers, who furnish us very readily with exotic spirit and brandy. Tlio ( 132 ) orchard is no longer manured: instead of it, various corns — oats, barley, rye, and even Indian corn and wheat are sown and reaped in the orchard^ on ground not half dressed or cultivated. Moreover, the orchards are now left open to powerful storms, to which they are exposed from the general clearing of the country, and particularly from clearing away the neiahbourino; woods that had sheltered the orchards. Further, pruning and training fruit-trees are less understood and less attempted than former- ly. — Mighty rum, and mighty brandy, divert better attentions. Pears in America are only from some one or two trees in the farmer's apple orchard or garden ; mere- ly for the fruit eaten, or for preserves or present cu- linary purposes. Perry is scarcely known. A few quinces, for preserves, are in a corner of the American apple-orchard or garden. The edi- tor had a row of dwarf pear-trees grafted on quince stocks. They M^ere chiefly the small round sugar pear: the fruit abundant and good. The trees about four or five feet high. ( 133 ) The Fine is quite natural to America. This, , with the plum tribe, the editor propagated in one of the middle states. There howeA^er is very little at- tention observed towards the plum ; though they generally thrive well. Damisons are preserved for making tarts. Little attention is had to Nuts. The ivalnut of "Europe, and the Spanish chesimt, would be worth culdvatmg, as well for the timber as the nuts. Al- though the chesnut is bad 2isfucl^ yet sta'ues of ches- nut, for \vine casks, are equal, if not superior to oak. In Italy it is much used for wire casks. Tiic chesnut is also excellent house timber in beams, &:c. The liquor of pickled Avalnuts is greatly used in sauces. Formerly, the early settled plantations of the more wealthy emigrants from England., abounded in large spreading ivahnit-trees., of the European kind. In some places were entire rows of them. At this time, scarcely any such rows of walnut-trees, indeed even of solitary straggling bearing trees are to be seen, in the states where they had abounded. There is a fashion in these as in other matters. The early wealthy planters from England introduced walnut- trees about their houses — their descendants have ( 134 ) given them up. Cubinet-niakers have rooted and sawed up all the noble blocks of curled veiny re- mains of noble walnut-trees — and the trees are not renewed. It is no longer a tree noticed. In a word, very generally yrwf/ is shamefully neglected by the American fanners. They pla?it — and they neglect! Yet we sow wheat — it buys us rum, brandy and spirits, at the expence of an entire impoverishment of our lands. OF HABITATIONS IN THE COUNTRY. IT is proper that they be adapted to the emplo}-- mentsand manner of living, suitable to the farmer's circumstances, and what is genuine country life. It is adviseable not to copy closely, for coimtry lifcy from the fashions, taste, or excesses of city life : there must be a discreet difference preserved. Whilst it is a fashion, convenient in cities, to finish their rooms with stampt or coloured paper, in the country this practice is less convenient or suita- ble. Workmen in the country are every where to be found, who can whitewash in the wholesome, neat, old way, every year, or fis may be the occa- ( 135 ) sion ; when, to paper the country rooms as often as may be requisite, though scldomer than w/jite-ivasb- irigj it is difficult to procure ivorbne?i, if not also sometimes materials. This is one of the many in- conveniences attending the introduction of city ha- bits and fashions into rural life ; where the neat and convenient country usage of frequently ivbite-wasb- ing and renewing the rooms and chambers is experi- enced, and has been always approved for its gi*eat mhantages and admired neatness and ivholeso7neness. Giving up the well adapted usage of %v bite -iv ash- ing country mansions, is followed by many disad- vantageous changes in country economy, house- keeping, practices and employments ; especially by a too close attention to and observance of city plea- sures. Some particulars may be introduced into the country from city usages, which will be advantage- ous ; but the danger is great of their being attended or followed with depravities or inconveniences. There are not many that prove advantageous ; and it is adviseable that plain, yet cheerful country life do not give way too easily to city trifiing, or things adapted only to city life, if adviseable in any condi- ( 136 ) tioii. In the good old courses, neatness, cleanliness, and modest becoming character and habits. i The farmer's house (having only one floor or story) has no cellar under it. The floor of it is hrick. For vijiitors, there are the two little front parlours ; of which, one may occasionally have a bed, or very full matrass. A middle room, 12 by 12, is the lohby^ and for the stair-case. The Xwo back rooms, 18 by 18, 2irQ, family rooms. Up stairs iiTcf've bed-rooms and a landings 12 by 12. A ccL r ( 138 ) lar is under the traveller's detached lodging ; which is a house, 16 by 16, near or adjoining the mansion. The farmer's house of city stories on stories, however she\\T or not, outside, has less area^ and less of cowvenience, though much more ijjall, than the humble house of one floor or story. Its two •rooms, 20 by 20, and a passage 20 by 10, are all that are in the first story, below. Above, in the second story, are rooms too inconvenient to be of much use : they are two bed chambers and a landing of the stairs : in the roof arc four bed-chambers ^ 14 by 12 1-2, and a landing. The editor has been well entertained in a house which had but one floor (no upstairs), divided into five rooms, 18 feet square ; the middle of them was the summer room and the lobby ; another was a \^in- ter and dining room, " parlour and all" ; the three others were bed<- chambers, having fire-places, and very completely furnished. The two first occupiers of it \^ere great tobacco planters and merchants, owning shipping : two others were mere planters. It was a house of great entertainment — and yet it had but the one floor — not a room upstairs — no up- stairs — and but one fifth of its area was cellar. A fched room had been added for a nwrsery. ( 139 ) In comparing' the walls of the farmer's two above houses, those of the modern, or with two stories, are more than twice, or twice twenty-seven times more in quantity and expence than the single story house ; and moreover, the single story house has more oi employed rooms and con'veniences than the fi\rmer*a modern country house of two stories ! OF GARDENS IN AMERICA. IS it presumption to say, that the bouses on a farm, entitled to immediate attention, and that next to the mansion ought to be built, are what will shelter the farmer's beasts of the place ? and that the farm-yard is of more consideration than the garden ; though this is of great value to ev«ry family, especially to the farmer'' s. Country gardens, in America, are usually close to themansion ; and the farm-yard, when the farmer has any, is a considerable distance from the man- sion ; perhaps partially to be seen from it. It may even be said, that the garden is but of a secondary consideration to the farm-yard, and ought to give way to it. Then, as it is elsewhere said, it is ad- I ( 140 ) vantageous to have Xht. farm-yard, and all the work and employment in it, within view from the man- sion, as a check on the idleness and miscondirct of labourers and herdsmen. The garden may be in the front, or on one of the sides of the dwelling house or of the farm-yard, as conveniently placed as cir- cumstances will allow, not to be, especially, too near. A garden laid out in long beds, admits of being advantageously ploughed, \\\\\\ a light plough drawn by a siiigle horse, ass or mule. Mr. Parkinson, an English faimer of judgment and experience, lately in Ann'rica^ in conversations, gave satisfactory ac- counts of the exccllence«of cultivating gardens with light singlL-horse ploughs ; and he approved of an ass, as being s'eady, sober and small, with which he ploughed his garden crops. If the garden is ploughed througli its whole length, parallel with the middle great walk, it can, after being \a ell dressed, have cross paths trod out, or otherwise as conveni- ency demands. Besides cultivating the garden sort of white peas in long garden beds as above, the editor is beholding, he thinks, to Mr. Parkinson for the ( 141 ) thought of tending those peas In ficld-hushamlry ; first dressing and preparing the field in fine condi- tion, then so^ving broad-cast ; when the pea vines soon \\ ill cover the gi'ound and smother many weeds. If in this case there should be but a partial crop of peas, though a full crop may be expected, yet the product in the straw, or haulm and grain, together would be very valuable to the farmer v ho shall know how to spend such acquisitions amongst cattle and sheep. A country garden divides well, in the objects of its productions, into articles to be prepared in cook- ery yor the table ^ mXo pot-herbs and medicinal herbs. These may be in separate pieces of ground. Tae pot-herbs^ parsly, tliime, &c. are frequently wanted in haste ; they may be nearest to the kitchen, &c. and let them abound. In saving seeds, lay out for ten times as much as it is thought will be wanted : many accidents, from storms, insects, seasons, &:c. hap- pen. Whatever may be above the wants of the garden, it will be a pleasure to supply neighbours with ; and for ever there is a certainty of a sufficiency at home. Till the editor pursued this principle of economy respecting seeds ixwdfruitSj he seldom had ( 142 ) enough of either — and such are sore wants. In- deed, respecting fruits he Avoukl not be limited in quantity. Wants are due to careless, random, half- spiritcd attentions, or where there is no care at all. The garden fruit-trees (dis-tinct from orchard or straj^gling trees) may range along the interior or middle walks, and generally at some distance from the garden fence. The quantity designed to be many times more than the family ma}' be supposed to want. Divide the placing fruit-trees distinctly as out-fruit, for servants and others close at home, and even. Some ai'ticles, precious family comforts, it is recommended to securely inclose in a 'c'lnery or the like cheap building, under lock and key ; \^ hich will scarcely require any expence of fuel. Here grapes may run up the rafters in serpentine order, whilst diva rf trees of iht beath peach, he. and also fgSy may be in the beds. Of fgs, obser\'e Mr. Forsyth's excellent instructions in the pruning and cultivating them : no where arc any equal to them, in print. If a full-grown pr a:h-lree, in America, will ripen 400pea:hc^, two such will give 800 f^Riily com- ( 143 ) forts* Is it not worth the expence to secure such perlect fruit, if it were only for the sick of a family? In the season of peaches and grapes ripening, inter- mittents arrive ; and how excellent, says the good and knowing Tissot, is sou?id ripe fruit to the sick ; as indeed those who have had them in their sickness cannot but feelinrly remember and vouch. There can be little occasion for sheltering the heath peach from autumnal cold any where south of the Susquehanna. • Yet the^^f^-, a fine wholesome fruit, though not an American favourite, is highly * A gentleman in England^ lately, grew within frames^ 14 feet long and 12 feet broad, the frames having three slides of glass, five peach-trees. At eight years old they ripened 261, 201, 220, 151, 152 peaches, in all 985. In t/ii?imng, there had been taken off 2020, which, added to the ripened 9S5, amount together to 3005. Medium, 600 a tree, failures included ; from which, off one third, would give to American peach- trees 400 a tree, in ripened fruit in the field. Then one tree in the back corners of two pcachcries-, would give of the noble heath peach 1600; besides graphs along the rafters. A vinery in England is usually 40 or 50 feet long, 9 feet wide, 3 feet high in front, 12 to 14 back : but the width in America may be 12 feet, the height in front 3 or 4 feet, and back, on the north wdl, 12 or 13 feet. ( 144 ) esteemed in countries where it ripens, and is every v/here deemed ivholesome and delicious when eaten ripe from the tree. The editor knows that at first his neighbours in America who disliked their flavor, soon. VI' ere fond of them, and tiiey are in truth a wholes Diue and a valuable fruit, as in his Maryland garden was often attested from experience. The shelters, in nature of vineries, may be made good use of in America, for forwarding (not forcing them out of season) cucumbers^ melons^ Lima beans, peppers, &c. — sprouting the seeds in the vinery, and even letting the plants grow a while ; then move and plant them out in the garden beds or hills. First in the vinery, grow the seeds in little unglazed two-cent pots, or in paper, or ^villow fuoigs, or straw y make- shift temporary Uttle baskets ; which are to be removed, pot and earth, and seeds or plants, without breaking their earth much, and all buried where to remain. Early radishes and sallads may also be here promoted. The farmer cannot find it worth while to force fruits and plants out of season by the use of expen- siy tjires and attentions ; but to promote their time- ly ripeiiing, and securing choice fruits under lock ( 145 ) and key by affluent farmers would be profitable, and of great comfort to sick people^ for whom they may have some thought. Green-houses and hot-houses the husbandman had better avoid, as being expensive ; and are too far used in preternaturally ripeni?ig plants and fruits : but to his consideration is referred the eheap vinery or inclosure, for the purpose of se- curing some choice grapes andyf^/, and a little ri- pening some rather backward grapes, and perfect- ing the fig-trees for next year's bearing — as also may. be ripened tender peaches, plums, and other subjects of family comfort, under lock and key, with very little or nofire ; but for some purposes with a portion of glass in sliding frames. Of which, see the plate. The editor may have been too reserved in not speaking of some advantageous occurrences re- specting his own gardening and management of fruit : but he will venture to relate an instance or two. In some gardens in America, greengages scarce- ly yielded any fruit, or but badly : it was the case u ( 146 ) of the gages in the editor's garden, till by grafting five green gages on five damison stocks, and at the same time, of the same grafts, one was graft- ed in the stock of a Chickasaw plum ^ growing near the damison stocks : in four or five years of the grafted trees bearing, the five damison grafted gages scarcely yielded a tenth of the fruit which the one Chickasaw plum grafted tree gave. In- deed, it was wonderful and curious to observe how like ropes of onions the gages grew along the twigs and small limbs of the Chickasaw grafted tree ; and another Chickasaw plum-stock, fifty yards from the other, was grafted with one of the same green gage cuttings as before, the year after the others were grafted, and bore fruit equally surprizingly as the former. It seems, then, that Chickasaw plu7n-stocks are excellent for grafting green gages on them. The Chickasaw plum is by some called mountain cherry. It is in nothing a cherry, but is red, and of the size of a cherry \ and in many particulars is like the common wild plum of the sea-coast. In many parts of the country almond-trees gave no fruit. The tree, though hardy, was planted in the warmest parts of gardens ; where in spring ( 147 ) the blossom was the first out, of all trees; and then the fruit was destroyed by subsequent frosts. The editor chose the coldest, most airy, exposed and clayey part of his garden, where he planted al- monds. The trees bore the fruit to perfection in three years after planting the nuts — the large soft- shelled almond. His strawberry vines were dressed every sum- mer^ after the fruit was gone ; the runners shorten- ed^ the ground stirred and cleaned from weeds, and a moderate portion of mild cow-dung added, best from the compost; and every third year t/ie plmits renewed into fresh beds, the old ones left to give fruit as long as they proved worth attention. The improvement of the strawberries was great, in quantity and quality of the fruit. Respecting raspberries and the other garden fruits, consult and attend to Mr. Forsyth* s treatment of them — how different they are in size, Sec. when managed according to his book, the purport whereof is con- tained in the above Epftomc ; and the method of culture was partly experienced by the editor. The editor but little regarded the breaking down his peach-trees^ or their destruction by WQrnis — for ( 148 ) he aimed not at " enough," but very many times more than enough ; whilst persons aiming at their enough^ for ever wanted — as often as storms, worms, insects, or other accidents happened to a tree. When two or three of the editor's trees were blown down, or the fruit of so many was de- stroyed, still there was of fruit more than enough ; and in every autumn he planted peach stones, regula; ly as peas are in the spring by other people. They were in some numbers, partly in borders where they might remain — others were transplanted, some even after shewing tlicir fruit. Many were grubbed up. He preferred Baker's clear-stone July peaches, the Neiuingtons, and a few others ; especially the latest and best, the large heath peach, ripe from October to Novem- ber. — He was for ever planting peach stones and found not grubs, storms, <^c. affecting them, to his detriment. OF PLATE XIV. yc. IN the plate zre plans and elevations of two me- thods of building fa^?7Jers' clwelli?ig- houses^ drawn on the same scale, 30 feet in an inch. ( 149 ) Of the two, the modern house has 4200 feet of tuall: the o/ RIOUS TO THE HUSBANDMAN AND GARDENERS. DR. BARTON'S fragments of the natural histo- ry of Pennsylvania, points, with much justice and ingenuity, to the conduct of various birds, although of ill fame, from the early prejudices of youth, against appearances, rather than any actual facts. Insects and ^-ermin are food to the immense bird tribe : to which these insects are in due proportion to the essential wants of birds, as again numerous minuter beings arc, with other aids of nature, to those, &c. All nature depends on its own laws for the support of its various subjects. ( 156 ) The attention of European ^vTiters to the common well-known fact, observed especially in the rural retreats of contemplative men, of animals preyiag on animals for their food, is very commendable. And often it has been observed, that whilst the woodpecker, for an instance, is busily engaged on the growing corn in digging with his beak and probing with his barbed tongue for the worm or in- sect which is equally active in destroying that corn for his own food, the hasty, inconsiderate spectator is outraged with the apprehension that the bird is a destroyer of the corn, when he actually is in the state of defending the corn for himself and the hus- bandman against the depredations of the insects. The black bird and the crow are the t^vo most desperate destroyers of the maiz corn ; on planting the grains in the crossings, they follow and take up the corn v/hen it is even growing through the ground : but when the maiz is ripe, then it is that the crows seem to form their batallions, and pounce upon a whole field at a time, eating and destro}'ing together entire fields ; as in one year they served a field of the editor : and so in armies they fly over the the country, till they choose a field to attack, and seemingly with a mighty command, one and all at ( 157 ) once scream aloud, and dash upon the selected corn-field, missing but few ears that are left un- fathered by the farmers. Pidgeons, as well wild as domestic, are charged with being great destroyers of grain. They do in- deed eat much of the husbandman's seed corn, yet not so as to materially injure crops. They feed mostly on wild seeds of sour grasses, weeds, &c. Bat the farmer himself is extremely indiscreet in common, by suffering old breeds of tame pidgeons extending their colonies too largely and overrun all lasvs of economy. Poultry also eat much of the farm corn ; but the farmer eats both the poultry and the pidgeons, the rabbits, &c. — all to his satisfaction and support. Yet even the house-fly is not grudged his share of the most exquisite pine-apple che-ese — nor the pu- rest, most excellent Madeira wine. " Busy, curious, thirsty fly, " Drink with me, and drink as I ; " Freely welcome to my cup, " Could'st thou sip — and sip it up [ " The grudgings, indeed, of certain seliish people, would withhold food from animals that in tlieuiselves ( 158 ) gratify the luxury of the condcmner. Others, more reasonable and thouglitful, kno\v, and are willing to admit that all animal life preys for its subsist- ance, and lawfully preys, on other beings and sub- jects, according to the laws of nature : the applica- tion whereof, as such, answers other v^ ise purposes. The fish, the bird, the quadruped, all share in the life of their own kind — Yet not so of man ; to whom, and some other animals, they are unnatural as food to their own species, and so are withheld and forbidden. The sweet, cheerful mocking birds are said to be enemies to us in eatins; our cherries and small fruit. Very little of these I am sure they consume. In paying some attention to them, it has been remark- ed that they are very ])artieularly fond of spiders : if this be their principal food, together with other in- sects and worms, the epicure may not grudge him his food ; and even of the red-breast, so much more numerous, he robs the fruiter in proportion to their extensive numbers. They are indeed somewhat vexatious in the partiality they shew for the garden grape-vine, where they much abouad, perhaps as much for the spilers, bugs and worms, if not more than for the grapes. But poor things they ( 159 ) must live, and we must not grudge a share of our labour for their support ; and from \\ hence we ac- quire pleasing gaiety in tlie morning in the trees di- rectly at our ^\ indow s ; and then let us give them praise for their destruction of enemies, among Vv orms and bugs, to our garden and field crops. Of ail birds about a house, the most vexatious are the wa- ter martin ; which had better be called the bee bird, as it is for ever snapping up these industrious ani- mals, full loaden as they are returning to their hives. There is no such other enemy to bees. But Dr. Barton has given so excellent an ac- count of the habits and actions of bn^ds in his frag- ments of the natural history of Pennsylvania, that a preference is due to it, for our present purposes ; and it is referred to as the most satisfactory respect- ing our present enquiries, as we have it in a Eu- ropean late publication as follows : " It may in the first place be observed" says Dr.- Barton, *' that insects appear to be the first food of almost all the birds of our country. The more I have enquired, the more I have been con\Incecl, that almost all birds live, in some measure, upon in- sects. Even tliose species \\ hicli consume consi- ( 160 ) dcrable quantities of seeds, berries and fruit, also eonsume large quantities of insects. " The greater number of our smaller birds of the order of passeres, seem to demand our attention and protection. Some of them feed pretty entn-ely upon insects, and others upon mixed food — that is, insects and seeds. Many contribute to our plea- sure by the melody of their notes. I believe the in- jury they do us is but small, compared to the good they render us. " The muscicapa acadica of Gmelin, is called in Pennsylvania the lesser or wooJ-pew e. This iittle bird builds in Avoods and in forests. After the young have left the nests, the parents conduct them to the gardens and habitations of men. Here the brood dwells in trees near the houses, where they are fed by the old birds with the common house-fly and other insects. The"young ones are soon capa- ble of obtaining their food in the same way. This species of muscicapa visits us in the spring, and commonly continues with us till late in September, when it retires southerly to winter. ( 161 ) " The blue bird feeds principally, if not entirelyj^ upon insects, both such as are flying and such as are reptile. " Most of our species of wood-pecker, appear very useful in destroying insects, particularly those which injure forest and orchard trees" — and such as infest and injure the corns whilst grow- ing, especially the maiz or Indian corn. "It is true, these birds are sometimes injurious to us, by eating some fine fruits ; and therefore pains arc taken to drive them from cherry-trees and Indian corn. — But, withal, they devour great numbers of injurious insects. " As a devourer of pernicious insects, one of the most useful birds is the house-wren. This lit- tle bird seems peculiarly fond of the society of man. From observing the usefulness of this bird in destroying insects, it has long been a custom in many parts of the country to fix a small box at the end of a pole, about houses, for it to build in. When the young are hatched, the parent birds feed them with insects. It is a curious fact, lliat a friend counted the number of times a pair of wrens came from their box and returned uitk X ( 162 ) insects. He found it was performed from 40 to 60 times in an hour ; and in a particular hour they car- ried food 71 times. They Mere engaged in this business the greater part of the da}'. Taking the me- dium at 50 times iii an hour (in the whole 12 hours) a slnf^le pair of these birds took from the cabbage, saliail, l;t;aiis, peas, and other vegetables in the gar- den, iiix hundred insects per day.*' This is sup- 1- w^ing the old birds carried but one insect at a time, bfi': i.iie editor nas seen tiiem take and carry to the nest two at a .nne, and even, lie believes, three. — 1 or preserving lobacco plants irom worms and in- sect, at timcb, ana on particular occasions, a whole plan iUtion of negroes, men, women and children, aiid then again large fiocks of turkies go through 10, 20, to 40 acres of plants, plant by plant, and take from them daily destructive worms and in- sects, and render that service at a great expence, • which the wrens, wood-peckers, and other ^\ild bn-ds perform vit no expence, unless the unreasona- ble husbandman would charge them heavily for sometimes partaking of the fruits of their labour. " Thus the esculent plants of a whole garden may perha))s be preserved from tlie dej^redations of dif- ferent species of insects by 10 or 15 pair of these s'.nail l)irds; and morco\er, thcv are a verv a2:reeabie conipaniontoman, for their notes are pleasing. ( 163 ) *' Perhaps our storks, cranes and herons are as serviceable, if not more so to us, as the ibis were in devouring the reptiles oi' Egypt. In Hol- land at this time the storks go w ild, protected by the government, from a sense of their usefulness in the above respect. " In Britain, the heron and other birds of the tribe protect the country against an excessive increase of fi-ogs, toads, and other reptiles. North-America abounds with birds of this order. " The vulture is useful in sweetening the air, by devouring all carrion ; and in Virginia the turkey- buzzard, vultur aura^ is one of the most useful birds of this kind; and is there protected by a law." EXPLA^NATIONS 01 THB ENGRAVINGS, ( 167 ) EXPLANATION OF PLATE L m. Fig. 1. . Represents an old apricot-tree, after the last pruning in summer, in the fourth year after heading down. The lower part of the trunk is represented as covered with a rough bark, which must be pared off when it happens to be cankery. fl, a, a, a. The cicatrices of the four different years' heading, which should be periormed at the time of the winter or spring pruning. 3, by b. Forked shoots which are laid in, in sum- mer, and cut off at b in the winter pruning, that the leading shoots may be always left without forks. As the small shoots c, c, c, from the stem, advance, the larger forked shoots should be cut out, as at d^ d^ d^ to make room for them to be trained horizontally. F'w. 2. o Is an old branch of an apricot trained up accord- ing to the old method, leaving above three-fourths of the wall naked. Such branches should be cut down as near to the place where the tree was first budded as possible, as at f, on purpose to fill the wall with fine ncM' wood. ( 168 ) EXPLANATION OF PLATE IL m Fig, 1. An old hollow Green Gage Plum-Tree the second jrcar after heading down. This tree was very much decayed, having only a few inches of sound bark ; naany of the roots, being also rotten and decayed, were cut off, and an incision made at a, which produced a fresh r«ot. b. The first heading, close to a bud. r, c. The new wood and bark growing over the hollow partf/, which is covered with the composition. e, e, 8fc. Where the second year's heading wa» performed. y, f. Where the fore-right shoots are cut off dur- ing the winter or spring pruning. cf' S:-> <§■> ^^' The fruit buds for next year, as they appear after the fore-right shoots arc cut off, as at^,/. P/0-. 2. A branch on a larger scalf , to shew the manner of cutting those forp-right shoots which are full of fruit ( 169 ) buds. This should be done at /z, A, but not till the fruit is set ; they afterwards forni into dugs as /, /. Fig. 3. An old branch pruned in the common way, cover- ed over with canker, and producing only small weak shoots, leaving the wall mostly naked. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IIL Fig. 1. An old hollow peach-tree, after the last nailiag in summer, which had been headed down at a, four years ago. The hollow is covered over with the composition, and now nearly filled up. The heading must always be done as near to a bud as possible. ^, ^, ^c. Where the forked branches are to be cut, when the small shoots c, c, £s?c. are far enough ad- vanced, that these may be trained horizontally. When a sKoot has single fruit-buds to the top, as at d^ it must not be shortened, but laid in at full length; or, if not wanted, it must be cut clean out. See the 4tG. edition, p. 53. Fig. 2. A branch on a larger scale. V ( 170 ) e, c. Are double flower-buds, with wood-buds between them : The shoots should always be tut at such ; but never at a single flower-bud, as at^; ocher- wise the shoot would die to the next wood-bud ; and, if the pruning were done in a careless manner, would en- danr_ r the whole shoot. Those above y^, are all wood- buds. See 4to. edition, p. 32, 33, 34. Fig. 3. A branch of an old pearh-tree pruned in the com- mon way, which should be cut at g^ und the young wood will soon cover the wall. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Fig. 1. An old cherry-tree headed clown at c. Before this its branches were covered with the gum and canker, as Fig. 2. The fore-right shoots should be tucked in, as di- rected for pears ; and at the fall of the leaf, or in the month of February, they should be cut at a : These form the fruit-buds b. b, £s?c. all over the tree. c, c, bfc. The cicatrices where the leading shoot was headed indifferent seasons. ( 171 ) <-/, d. The composition applied where large limbs were cut off. Fig: 2. A branch of this tree before it was headed down. e, e, ^c. Branches injudiciously pruned in sum- mer ; which brings on the death of the shoot, and af- terwards ihe gum and canker on the tree. y, fy £s?f. The gum and canker in the last stage, which corrodes the whole tree if not carefully extir- pated. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. An old cherry-tree, restored from two or three inches of live bark, taken from the wall, and planted out as a dwarf standard : Now very fruitful. «, a. The cicatrices where it was headed down] the first and second time. b. The hollow covered with the composition, and now nearly filled up with sound wood. ( 172 ) EXPLANATION OF PLATE VL /■/§•. 1. An old cankery apple-tree headed down four years ago, now bearing great plenty of fine fruit. a. Where it was first headed down. b and c. Two wounds covered with the composi tion, and now nearly filled up with sound wood. The part of the trunk below a shews the cankery state of the bark ; w^hich rough cankery bark must al- ways be pared off, otherwise it will infect the new, F^-g. 2. A branch shewing the method of keeping a regu- lar succession of bearing wood. d. A branch, which has done bearing, to be cut at e, and which is succeeded by the branchy"; when that also is tired of bearing, it is to be cut at^, and will be succeeded by the branch /i ; and when that also is worn out, it is to be cut off at /. By proceeding in this manner, you will always be able to keep a regular suc- cession of fine bearing wood. ( 173 ) EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIL This plate represents an okl decayed pear-tree, with four stems, which was headed down, all but the branch 6*, and the young wood trained in the common way, or fan-fashion. A, A, A. Young wood producing the fine large fruit B. C. An old branch pruned in the common wav, having large spurs standing out a foot or eightetn inches, and producing the diminutive, kernelly, and ill- flavoured fruit Z), not fit to be eaten. The two pears B and D^ represented in the plate of their natural size, grew on the tree at the same time. a, a, a, £?*c. Wounds in the stems of the tree, with the composition applied, as they appeared when the edges of the bark began to grow over them. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIIL Fig. 1. An old decayed Beurre pear-tree headed down at fy and restored from one inch and a half of live bark. ( 174 ) i^ /■■^ INSERT FOLDOUT HERE 1/ / INSERT FOLDOUT HERE ■ r- n^ INSERT FOLDOUT HERE ^-. INSERT FOLDOUT HERE INSERT FOLDOUT HERE lit INSERT FOLDOUT HERE I I INSERT FOLDOUT HERE /■'/(Ill' /. 7 INSERT FOLDOUT HERE INSERT FOLDOUT HERE PI : chimney in each room, at pleasure. ( 186 ) Fig. 6. Elevation of the same two-story habitation of all show and little use ; but, withal, very inconvenient, and very costly. Fig. 7. Elevation of the farmer's one-story habitation^ of which the plan is in pi. XIV, fig. 2. a size and form suitable to farms the most common, and which are cheap, strong, convenient, wholesome, and the best adapted for the purposes of a farmer's family, and the views and employments of country house-wifery. Epitome, p. 142, -j Speaks of the uses of the Vi- 1 151, &c. of the size, Stc. of the Vi- nery, 152, refers to PI. XIV. If any more is wanted of Vineries, refer at large to Speachley's book treating of them in England, 8vo. ZXtnTKpy l^.C.Btate College INDEX. XXPRICOTS, sorts, to plant and train, 3, 128. ripen when there is little other fruit, 128 j ■when and how head down, 4, 5. when very young, make tarts, 129. bear best where the ground is hard, 129. ALMONDS, sorts, training, 67. cured in s;ind, 68. dwarfs eaiily covered against spring frosts, 67. in clay, cold soil, 146. AMERICA, the climate favourable to fruits, 12S. its garden and orchard fruits, 128, 133. its country habitations, 134, 138, 148. the gardens, 139, 148. country habitations, old and modern compared, ! 48. bird* inoffensive or injurious to crops, 155. APPLES, to harvest and store, 90,92. scarce in America from neglect, 131. AUTUMN, an objection to prune then, 5. BARBERRIES, sorts, how propagate and prune, 58, 59. attract singing birds, their use, 53, 59. BOOKS, on husbandry, advantageous to husbandmen, 125. BUDDING, general account of it, 74. time and signs of the buds taking, 81. of cutting oft' the stocks, n 1 . particular modes of budding, 107. the various tools, 107. times for budding, 108. BIRDS, Sec. advantageous or disadvantageous to husbandry, I 55. CATERPILLAR, a sort peculiar to gooseberries, 52, 53. CANKER described, and cure, .95, 94. INDEX. CHESNUTS, sorts and propagation, 68 to 70. plant out in autumn, head down in time, 70. CHERRIES, see the advertisement, ante, find American^ 128. ingredient in cherry brandy, 128. COMPOSITION, always apply to parts cut, 5. liquid, 94 — powder, 100, 106, experience of it, and approved abroad, 114. has effected vast improvements, 126. COVERING FRUIT-TREES AGAINST FROST, 5, 6. CURRANTS, the sorts, 5 3. to continue in Jnne to November, 54. jelly of black currants, 54. black currants as used in Ireland, 54. to propagate, 55, 56. prune and head down, 56, 57. dwarf cnrr:i, It-trees preferred, 58. keep clear of suckers, 5 8. CELIyARS in the country best under an out-house, 1 49. CiDER scarce in America from neglect, 131. CUCUMBERS assisted in a vinery, 144. DISEASES OF FRUIT-TREES, 99, lOO. DWARF FRUIT-TREES preferable to Espalier, 11. in a vinery, 142. ESPALIER, inferoir to dwarf trees, 11. EXPERIMENTS, comparative, in pruning pears, 24, 25, 26. in heading down, composition, powder, Sec. 109, 113, 126. ENGRAVINGS, the plates explained, 167. FIGS, sorts, pruning and culture, 40. the fruit and wo' d matured in a vinery, H'i. covering the trees against frost, 43, 45. milk oozing, how stopt, 44. to train iiorizoiitally, 45. their spurs, leave to grow, 45, to shelter against winter, 45. to forV)-ard their ripening early, 44. FROST, late in England, 31. INDEX. FORSYTH, his merit, and treatise recomiTiencled, 125. his composition, heading, and tiaining, superior I and have effictcd astoniihing improve- ments, 126. FRUIT, when to begin thinning it, 11. of America, 125. dried in kilns, 129. rule for having enough, 141, 142. FRUIT-TREES, defects repaired, 99. FARM- YARD, in full view from the house, 140. GRAFTING, 74. signs of the bucls having taken. 8 I, time and manner, of the st>5ck in budding, 81. GARDEN, the site to prefer, 82. Soil -^nd form, 83. ploughinc,s and digi^ing before planiino, 84. water convera.i.t— irrigating, ^c. 84. walks and drains, 8 5, 86. borders, walks, paths, H6, pits for hot-beds, 86, 87. plan of the garden, to be kept, 87. •walls, foundation, height for kitchen "sriun, 87. size, brick best in walls. 88. in America, UO — divide and i'l?^;'-, I4l. GOOSEBERRIES, sorts, and ho^v raised, 47, 48. 19, 51. soil rich, and cU.nged olien, 4^, shade, 49, 3l. Thinnin^, 5l. cu: down and train, 49, .'•0. 52. fruit on second year's W(.»d, 49. modern imprfivcment', in watering, n. : £0il, and thinnin,', 5 1. early f rd late fn'it, wrt nd to, 5l, ^2. garc'T.shea.'- iiijiiriou';, :;2. a pcic-eberr) eaily catieiplllar, =2, 33 GUM, described and cured, 94, 95- GRAPES, trained fcrpentine, 142. GREEN GAGE, the best stock for it, HG. HEADED LOWN trees, how superior in f uit, 24, 2r. rhesnuts to he well roOvcd, 70. particulars of pitfercnce, 11^, i20. INDEX. HIDE-BOUND QUINXES, to care, 47. IIABITAriONS, in the country of America, 134, l4o. of more than one story avoid, as being in- convenient and dear, 136 to 138, 139. of only one floor and no upstairs, of great fame, 138. HOT-HOUSES avoid in the country by husbandmen, 144, 145. INSECTS, 9 6, 98, 5 3. LIME and LIME-WATER against insects, 53. LODGINGS for strangers, best out-house, 149. MILDEW and BLIGHTS, the nature and remedy, 96. MULBERRY, sorts, and how propa3;ated, 64, 65. thinning- and training, 65. restored and impioved by the composition, 66. decayed, head down, the fruit improved, 66. MELONS, Peppers, occ. made and secured in a vinery, 144« NECTARINES, 17, 131. NOTES ON AMERICAN GARDENING, Sec. 12«. NUTS, but little cultivated in America, 133. NUISANCES TO CROPS, l.-,6. ORCHARDS, only for standard fruit-rtrees, 88. the size, give dung every two or three years, 89. pare and wash off canker, then lay on composi- tion and powder, 89, 90, 106. neglected in America, 131. ORANGE-TREES, head down, 116. OAKS, an important particular of the root, 120. PEACHES, a selection, 12. preparing and planting the stones, 14. heading down the tree, 15. the heath peach, most excellent, 130. fed to hogs, ate with milk, make brandy, 129. in succession from July to November, 129, dried in kilns, fed, exported, 129. TNDEX. PEACHES, clingstones called pavies, 129. peachery, a liouse to save them, 130, 142, 143. cultivation neglected, 130. plant yearly, as if peas; autumn. Then always abound against storms, worms, 8cc. i48. PEAS, sown broad-cast, 141. straw, rich food, 141. ' PEARS, a selection, 17. cau;ion in storing them, 21. choice from the nursery, 22. heading and pruning, 2 3. experiments proving the great superiority in pears from pruning, Sec. 23, 24. storing and keeping, 90, 92. few, and no perry in America, 132. dwarfed on quince stocks, 13 J. POWDER, Mr. Forsyth's discovery, SB, 94. PLUMS, selection, 7. cautiotis in planting, S, 9. heading down, 9. training, 9. trench, when planted out, 11. dwarfed, 1 1. cover as apricots against frorst, 1 1. PRUNING, always followed with the compositions, Sec. autumnal not to be preferred, 62. PLANTING, cautions of Plants, 89. QUINCES, t!ie best, to plant cuttings, the distance, 46. mulch the plants and often water, 46. plant forward ones in autumn, 46. some raised from grafts, 46. prune, and old ones head down, 46. apply the composition, 47', hide-bound, to cure, 47. plant them distant from apples and pears, 47. in the American orchard or garden, 132. RASPBERRIES, sorts, and how propagated, 60. in America, 123, 147. the ract; delicate in planting, 6!. INDEX. RA3P3ERIIIES, plant in moist weather, 61. water frequently, having trenched, 61. small planti tie tof^ether, others stake, 65. autumnal pruning inferior, how to prune, 62. remove planes every five years, 63. ^^ number of shoots to retain on removals, SW, RUST, meaning honey-dew, mill-dew, blignt, 95, 96. RtJQ.'', the tap-root, very important particulars of them, 120. STANDARD FRUIT-TREES, the most suitable to Ame- rica, 10. STRAWBERRIES, in America, how treated, 128, 147. SEEDS, rules for assuring enough, 141, 142. TREES, transplant in their forn^er position, 10. defects and injuries repuirsd, ^^9. irriportance of tap-roots, and that they grow again, 120. f nut- trees, defects repairea, 9i). TRENCH GaOUND before trees are planted, 60. TIMBER TREES treated of by Anderson, 154. VINES, selected, 32. how to choo'-e cuttings, 33. train and prune, 33 — serpentine form, 34. the composition used on every cut, 38. if It bleeds, api^ly the powder, 38. when and how watered 39. enemies in insects and birds, 39. leaves not to be stripped .)fi\ 39. currants in America, 128. very natural to America, 133. VINERY, how built and used, i42, 15 1. WALNUT-TREES, sorts, training, use of composition, Sec. 72. pay a great rent, 73. gathering, curing, kepping thc' fruit, 73. fruit shrivelling, steep in milk for use, 73t formerly abounded in America, 133. WHITEWASHING best in the country, 134. THE END.