jr^'W^') WBSMUmrmWIf^^jrBm ^ -V^r.. /:?:. ^l;/^v -•^OAr';..?^''^ ^A^wwiuj: ?^\ r-'^- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/contributionstocOOeric ^.o3. 6 ^ &:, '~^ ^' /Z^ ^- ■A-'^^-'C--- — ? ■y<-<^ ^'rf^' CONTRIBUTIONS CESTEffllAl EXHIBITION. JOHIf ERIOSSOX, LL.D. HONORARY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF LUND; MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, STOCKHOLM; MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MILITARY SCIENCES OF SWEDEN; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF UPSALA; AND MEMBER OF VARIOUS OTHER SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA; KNIGHT COMMANDER, WITH THE GRAND CROSS. OF THE ORDER OF NORDSTJERNAN ; KNIGHT COMMANDER OF DANNEBROC, FIRST CLASS; KNIGHT COMMANDER OF ISABEL LA CATOLICA; KNIGHT COMMANDER OF SANCT OLAF ; AND KKIGHT OF THE ORDER OF VASA. NEW YORK: PRmXED FOR THE AUTHOR AT "THE NATION" PRESS. 1876. INTRODUCTION. The Commissioners of the Ceuteunial Exliil^itiou baviug omitted to invite me to exhibit the results of my labors connected with mechanics and physics, a gap in their re- cord of material progress exceeding one-third of a century has been occasioned. I have therefore deemed it proper to publish a statement of my principal labors during the last third of the century, tlie achievements of Avhich the promoters of the Centennial Exhibition have called upon the civilized world to recognize. The nature of the labors referred to will be seen by the following account of philosophical instruments, engines, and other structures described and illustrated in this work — viz. : Apparatus for measuring the intensity of radiant heat at given distances. Instrument for measuring radiant heat emitted by concave spherical radiators within exhausted ^ iv INTRODUCTION. euclosiires. Instriimeut showing the rate of cooling of a heated body within an exhausted cold enclosure. Instru- ment showing the rate of heating of a cold body ^vithi^ an exhausted heated enclosure. Instrument showing the rate of cooling of an incandescent sphere within an exhausted cold enclosure. Instrument for measuring the dynamic energy developed by radiant heat at different intensities. Actinometer, for measuring the temperature developed by solar radiation. Solar Calorimeter, for measuring the dyna mic energy developed by solar radiation. Portable Solar Calorimeter. Parallactic mechanism, for measuring the in tensity of radiation from different parts of the solar disc Instrument for measuring the radiant power of the solar envelope. Instrument for measuring the actual intensity of the sun's rays. Solar Pyrometer, for measuring the tempe rature of the solar sui'face. Apparatus for measuring the radiant intensity of flames. Instrument fo]- measuring radi- ation from incandescent planes at different angles. Instru- ment for measuring the radiation from different zones of incandescent spheres. Calorimeter, for measuring the dyna- mic enei'gy developed by radiation from fused iron. Appa- ratus for measuring radiant heat by means of the thermo- electric pile. Barometric Actinometer, for measuring the temperature developed by solar radiation. Apj^aratus for ascertaining the conductivity of mercury. Concave spherical INTRODUCTION. t radiator, for testiug the accuracy of the sohar pyrometer, lustrumeut for measuring the reflective power of silver aud other metals. Rapid-indication Actinometer, for measuring the temperature developed by solar radiation. Apparatus for ascertaining the diathermancy of flames. Dynamic Re- gistei', for measuring the relative power of currents of water and vapor. Distance-instrument, for measuring distances at sea. Steam fire-engine, designed 1841. Engines of the United States steamship Princeton, built at Philadelphia, 1842. Twelve-inch wrought-iron gun aud carriage mounted on board the Princeton, 1843. Iron-clad cupola vessel, de- signed 1854. Surface-condenser for marine engines, patented 1849, built at New York. Experimental caloric engine, i)uilt at New York, 1851. Caloric engine for domestic purposes, extensively introduced in Europe and America. The iron-clad turret-vessel Monitor, built at New York, 1861. Turret-vessels of the Passaic class, built at New York and other places, 18G2. The Monitor engine, applied to the entire iron-clad fleet of the United States during- the war. The turret-vessel Dictator, built at New York, 18G2. Carriages for heavy ordnance, designed 1861, built at numerous mechanical establishments in the United States. Pivot-carriages of the Si"»anish gunboats, Imilt at New York, 1869. Rotary gun-carriage and transit platform, built at New York, 1873. Gun-cai'riage for coast defence, designed Ti INTRODUCTION. 1861, built at New York. ludepeudent twin sorew-engiues t)f the thirty Spanish gunboats, built at New York, 1869. New system of naval attack, published 1870. Movable tor- pedo, biailt at New York, 1873. Air-compressor for the transmission of mechanical poAver, built at New York, 1873. Solar engine, actuated by the intervention of steam, built at New York, 1870. Solar engine, actuated by the inter- vention of atmospheric air, built at New York, 1872. The foregoing, it should be observed, relates to work carried out by me on American soil. It has no reference to my labors in England from 1826 to 1839 connected with locomotion, steam navigation, motive engines, and other branches of mechanical and civil engineering. Nor does it contain a comj^lete enumeration of the original mechanical inventions carried into practice by me in the United States — models of which would have been presented at the Cen- tennial Exhibition had its promoters desired me to furnish a record of my share in the progress of mechanical engi- neering during the last thirty-seven years of the first cen- tury of the Kepublic. As our space only admits of a brief reference to the mechanical inventions adverted to and not described or illus- trated in this work, the following statement is appended, furnishing an outline of the principal structures omitted — viz. : Engines of the twin-screw steamship Clarion, built at INTIWDUVTION. Tii New York, 1S40, cousistiug of two vertical cylinders, placed fore and uft iu the vessel, actuating tLe cranks of the screw-shafts by inclined conuectinof-rods. Vertical single engines, actuating twin screws, built at New York, 1842, applied to sev^eral freight vessels on the Delawai-e and Knritan Canal. Single horizontal back-action engine, l)uilt 1843, applied to the United States screw-steamer Legare. Inclined screw-engines, built 1843, applied to the steam- ship Massachusetts, the steam-cylinders of which weie placed near the deck at the ship's sides, secured to dia- gonal timbers bolted to the planking. Centrifugal suction- fan, built 1843, operated by an independent engine, for producing draught in marine boilers by drawing the air through the furnaces and flues, and forcing the products of combustion into the chimney. Inclined engines, built 1844, applied to the bark Edith, the connecting-rods ope- rating at right angles to each other and coupled to a common crank-pin on the piopeller-shaft. Vertical engines, built 1844, applied to the twin-screw vessel Midas (the fii-st screw-vessel to round the Cape of Good Hope), the power being transmitted to the propeller-shafts by vertical connecting-rods actuated by horizontal beams placed trans- versely under the deck. Vertical engines applied to nume- rous screw-vessels employed on the coast and inland waters of the United States, the cylinders being placed perpen- viii INTR OB UCTION. dicularly above the propeller-shaft, the connecting-rods act- ing downwards — a form of engine now employed in nearly all sea-going steamers, but at that time (about 1844) severely criticised by marine engineers. Engines of the twin-screw ship Marmora, built 1843, consisting of vertical steam-cylinders which, by means of beams working under the deck and vertical connecting-rods, imparted indepen- dent motion to the pi'opeller-shafts. Horizontal high-pres- sure and condensing engine of the twin-screw steam-tug R. B. Foi'hes, built 1844, provided with detached condenser and air-pump actuated by an independent engine — a vessel which, during a series of years, rendered valuable service on the coast of Massachusetts by towing and relieving ships in distress. Compound stationary engine, actuated by very high pressure, in which the steam was expanded to the utmost extent, elaborately described by Dr. Lardner, who devoted much time to its theoretical consideration. Horizontal engine applied to the screw-vessel Primero, actu- ated by a mixture of steam and atmospheric air. Stationary engines actuated by highly superheated steam, the pistons of which were single-acting and thoroughly protected against the injurious effect of high temperature. Experimental street-car, propelled by a doul^le caloric engine. Hoisting machines, actuated by cold compressed air, applied to several warehouses in New York. Small motors, actuated by cold INTRODUCTION. ix compressed air, successfully applied to the sewing-machines of a large establishment in New York, intended to estab- lish the fact that the present injurious physical exertion of sewing-women may economically be dispensed with. Regarding the descriptions and illustrations of the caloi'ic engines contained in this work, it is proper to observe that they relate only to some of the engines which I have built, at least ten different types, unlike those described, having been constructed and practically tested. Nor have I yet wholly suspended the labors connected with this safe and economical engine. The fact that it requires no water, and that its principle is not incompatible with the desirable emplo}Tnent of very high temperature — apart from the im- portant circumstance that the use of atmospheric air admits of returning at each stroke, by the process of regeneration, the heat not converted into mechanical work during the previous movement of the working piston — justify continued endeavors to perfect this remarkable motor. J. Ericsson. New Yokk, September, 1876. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. — Transmission of Radiant Heat, .... 1 II. — Radiation at Different Temperatures, . . 17 III. — Intensity of Solar Radiation, .... 52 IV. — Periodic Variation of the Intensity of Solar Radiation, 75 v.— Mechanical Energy of Solar Radiation, . 91 VI. — Thermal Energy transmitted to the Earth by Radiation from Different Parts of the Solar Surface, 107 VII.— The Source of Solar Energy, .... 137 VIII.— Radiating Power and Depth of the Solar Atmosphere, 153 IX.— The Feebleness of Solar Radiation demon- strated, 1^^ CONTENTS. CHAPTEE X. — Temperature of the Solar Surface, XL — Radiation from Incandescent Planes, . XII. — Eadiation from Incandescent Spheres, . XIII. — Radiation from Fused Iron, XIV. ^ — Radiant Heat measured by the Thermo-Elec TRic Method, XV. — The Thermoheliometer, .... XVI. — Barometric Actinometer, .... XVII. — Conductivity of Mercury, .... XVIII. — Incandescent Concave Spherical Radiator, XIX. — Reflective Power of Silver and other Metals, XX. — Rapid-indication Actinometer XXI. — Solar Radiation and Diathermancy of Flames, XXII. — Constancy of Rotation of the Earth incom- patible with Solar Influence, . XXIII. — Distance Instrument, for measuring Dis- tances at Sea, XXIV. — The Steam Fire-Engine, XXV. — The Steamship Princeton, XXVI. — Twelve-inch Wrought-iron Gun and Car- riage, FAQE 181 209 220 229 239 254 266 275 285 294 310 317 327 380 386 391 400 OONTENTa. xiii CEAPTES PAGE XXVII.— Application of the Submerged Propeller FOR Commercial Purposes, . . . 404 XXVIII. — Iron-clad Steam Battery, with Revolving Cupola, submitted to Emperor Napo- leon III., 410 XXIX. — Surface-Condenser, operated by Indepen- dent Steam Power, 417 XXX.— The Caloric Engine — Application of Heated Air as a Motor, . . . 425 XXXI.— Caloric Engine for Domestic Purposes, . 439 XXXII.— The Monitor System of Iron-clads, . . 460 XXXin. — The Monitor Turret and the Centennial Exhibition, 471 XXXIV.— The Monitor Engine, 478 XXXV.— The Monitor Dictator, .... 492 XXXVI.— The Monitor Turret and the Casemate, . 498 XXXVII.— Carriages for Heavy Ordnance, . . 505 XXXVIII.— Pivot Carriages of the Thirty Spanish Gunboats, 510 XXXIX.— Rotary Gun-Carriage and Transit Plat- form, 517 XL.— Gun-Carriage for Coast Defence, . . 521 xiv CONTENTS. CHAJTEB PAOB XLI.— The Thirty Spanish Gunboats and their Engines, 625 XLII. — A New System op Naval Attack, . . . 632 XLIII. — Submarine Warfare — The Movable Torpedo, 540 XLTTV". — Transmission of Mechanical Power by Com- pressed Air, 549 XLV.— Sun Power— The Solar Engine, . . . 568 LIST OF PLATES. PLATX 1. Apparatus for measttring Radiant Heat. 2. Instrument for measuring the Intensity ok Radiation FROM Enclosed Concave Radiators. 3. Diagrams showing the Propagation of Radiant Heat THROUGH Space. 4. Instrument showing the Rate of Cooling of a Heated Body within an Exhausted Cold Enclosure. 6. Instrument showing the Rate of Heating of a Cold Body' within an Exhausted Heated Enclosure. 6. Instrument showing the Rate of Cooling of an Incan- descent Sphere within an Exhausted Cold Enclo- sure. 7. Instrument for measuring the Dynaiuo Energy deve- loped BY Radiant Heat. XVI LIST OF PLATES. PLATE 8. actinometer for measuring the intensity oe solak Radiation. 9. Diagrams showing the Intensity of Solar Radiation AT Different Zenith Distances. 10. Solar Calorimeter, for measuring the Mechanical Energy of Solar Radiation. 11. Portable Solar Calorimeter, for measuring the Me- chanical Energy of Solar Radiation. 12. Diagrams showing the Radiation from Different Parts of the Solar Disc. 13. Parallactic Mechanism for measuring the Intensity of Radiation from Different Parts of the Solar Disc. 14. Diagram showing the Attraction within the Solar Mass at Different Distances from its Centre. 15. Instrument for measuring the Radiant Power of the Solar Atmosphere. 16. Diagrams showing the Radiant Power of the Solar Atmosphere. 17. Instrument for measuring the Actual Intensity of the Sun's Rays. 18. Instrument for showing the Feebleness of Solar Ra- diation. LIST OF PLATES. xvii PLATE 19. Solar Pyrometer, for ascertainiis^g the Temperature OF the Solar Surface. 20. Apparatus for measuring the Radiant Intensity of Flames. 21. Instrument for measuring the Radiation from Incan- descent Planes. 22. Diagrams showing the Radiation at Different Incli- nations OF Incandescent Planes. 23. Instrument for measuring the Radiation from Diffe- rent Zones of Incandescent Spheres. 24. Diagrams showing the Radiation from Different Zones OF Incandescent Spheres. 25. Calorimeter, for measuring the Energy developed by' Radiation of Fused Iron. 2G. Appar.vius for measuring Radiant Heat by Means of the Thermo-Electric Pile. 27. Barometric Actinomf.ter, for sieasuring the Intensity OF Solar Radiation. 28. Apparatus for ascertaining the Conductivity of Mer- cury. 29. Concave Spherical Radiator, for testing the Accuracy of the Solar Pyrometer. xviii LIST OF PLATES. PLATE 30. Instrument for measuring the Reflective Power of Silver and other Metals. 31. Rapid-indication Actinometer, for measurinc+ the In- tensity OF Solar Radiation. 32. Apparatus for ascertaining the Diathermancy of Flames. 33. Diagram representing a Section of the Earth and cer- tain River Basins. 34. Dynamic Register for measuring the Relatia'e Power OF Currents of Water and Vapor. 35. Diagram showing the Result of Experiments with the Dynamic Register. 36. Distance Instrument, for measuring Distances at Sea. 37. Steam Fire-Enchne. 38. Engines of the " Princeton"— Transverse Section of Semi-Cylinders and Piston. 39. Engines of the " Princeton "—Front Elevation. 40. Engines of the " Princeton"— Elevation vieaved from the Stern. 41. Twelve-inch Wrought-iron Gun and Carriage. 42. Iron-clad Cupola Vessel— Side Elevation and Trans- verse Section. LIST OF PLATES. xix PLATE 43. Sl'RFACE COXDF.XSER. 44. Experimental Calokic Exgine— Traxsverse Section. 4,"). Experimental Caloric Exgixe— Loxcitudixal Sectiox. 4G. Caloric Exgixe for Domestic Purposes— Loxgitudixal Section. 47. The " Moxitor"— Side Elevation, Deck Plan, and Transverse Sectiox of Hull and Turret. 48. MoxiTOR " Weeiiawken " AT Sea. 49. MoxiTOR OF THE " Passaic " Class — Side Elevattox AXD Tkaxsverse Sectiox of Turret and Pilot- house. !)0. The Moxitor Exgixe — Top View. 51. The Monitor Exgixe — Front Elevation. 52. Monitor "Dictator"— Side Elevation axd Deck Plax. 53. Monitor " Dictator"— Traxsverse Section of Exgixes AXD Ship. 54. Moxitor "Dictator" — Top View of Engines. 5.'"). Monitor •• Dictator" on the Stocks, prepared for Launching. 56. The Monitor Turret and the Casemate — Deck Plan of A ^^OXITOR WITH Two TURRETS — Df.CK PlAX OF THE Turkish Irox-clad "Moyixi Zaffir." XX LIST OF PLATES. PLATE 57. CaeeiaCtES foe Heavy Oednanoe — Section showing the Feiction Geae applied to the Gun-Caeeiages of the United States Ieon-Clad Fleet — Section showing Captain Scott's Plagiaeism — Section showing Sie William Aemsteong's Plagiaeism. SS. Pivot Caeeiage of the Spanish Gunboats. 59. Rotaey Gun-Caeeiage and Teansit Platfoem applifj) to the Spanish Gunboat " Toenado." 60. Gun-Caeeiage foe Coast Defence. 61. The Spanish Gunboat Engines. 62. A New System of Naval Attack. 63. Movable Toepedo. 64. Aie-Compressoe, foe the Transmission of Mechanical Power — Perspective View. 65. AlE-COMPRESSOR, FOE THE TeANSMISSION OF MECHANICAL Power — Teansverse Section. 66. Solar Engine, operated by the Inteevention of Steam. 67. SoLAE Engine, opeeated by the Inteevention of Atmo- spheric Air. CHAPTER I. TRANSMISSION OF RADIANT HEAT. No phenomenon connected with radiant heat supposed to have been thoroughly investigated is so imperfectly under- stood as its propagation through space. The recognized doc- trine, which asserts that the temperature imparted to substances exposed to radiant heat diminishes in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance from the radiating body, is true only of a sphere of perfectly uniform temperature at the surface, if the distance be computed from the centre of the sjihere. The temperatui-e produced by radiation of spheres which ai'e not uniformly heated at all points of their surface, and of other bodies of whatever form, we have no exact means of ascertain- ing, although the distance and the temperature of the radiating body be accurately known. Nor will it avail if, in addition to the assumed known uniform tempei-ature and accurate knowledge of distance, we also know the dimensions of the radiator. In fine, notwithstanding our knowledge of these elements, an attempt to solve the problem will be fruitless, 2 L'ADTAXT HEAT. chap. I. unless, as before stated, the radiation i^'oeeeds from a }roving the fallacy of Melloni's assertion, that the temperatures imparted to bodies exposed to radiant heat are " iuverseli/ rt6' (he square of the distances hi-txveett, tlie radiating Sfiirface and those bodies,'^ I propose to give a de- tailed statement of the elaborate experiments before adverted to, instituted for the purpose ctf showing practicaUij that the assertion which forms the basis of the accepted doctrine is false, and that the hollow cone c cannot be moved to the position h without increasing the deflection of the needle of the galvanometer connected with the theniio-pile. It has already been stated that, in order to insure pei-fect parallel- ism during the movement, the stand which supports the cone and pile slides in a groove parallel with the table on which the radiating vessel a is placed, and at right angles to the face of the latter. A scale h, divided into inches, is attached to the side of the table for the purpose of showing the distance between the pile and the vessel a, the face of the latter coin- ciding Avith the zero of the scale. The mode of conducting the experiment will be seen by the following brief explanation. The hollow cone c was placed so that the vertical line of the face d corresponded with the last division of the scale, a screen being introduced for the i>urpose of shutting off the radiation 6 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. I. from the blackened face of tlie vessel a. Maintaining the water in the latter at a constant tenaperatnre of 130° above that of the surrounding atmosphere, it Avas found on removing the screen that the needle of the galvanometer moved 4.7 deg. from zero during an intel•^'al of 30 seconds from the moment of exposing the face of the pile to the radiator. The vessel a was then I'emoved and carried into an adjoining room to allow the pile to cool while thus thoroiighly protected from the radiation of the heated vessel. In the meantime, a spirit- lamp was applied under the vessel in order to make good the heat lost during the preceding operation. Sufficient time having elapsed to allow the pile to cool, the vessel was again put in position on the table. The pile being then advanced to the 10th division, and the screen withdrawn, the needle moved 5.05 deg. from zero in the same time as before, viz., 30 seconds. The vessel was removed a third time into the adjoining room, the tempei'ature raised to the fixed point, the pile allowed to cool, and the vessel placed in position as before. The pile being now advanced to the 5th division on the scale, and the screen raised, the needle moved 5.55 deg. from zero in the stipulated time of 30 seconds. It will be seen then that, so far from remaining stationary, the deflec- tion of the needle of the galvanometer increases very con- siderably as the pile is advanced towards the radiator. The important fact remains to be noticed, that the needle conti- nues to move rapidly after the expiration of 30 seconds from the time of exposing the pile to the radiator ; a circumstance furnishing additional evidence of the unsatisfactory nature of TL'AM>MJSt^I<>.\ (>/• A'.( /»/.!. VV HEAT. Melloui's methoil. In tuder to asceitaiii the exact extent uf deflection of the needle, referred to, two distinct sets of expe- riments were made, the mean result of which is exhibited in the accompanying table. The position of the needle of the Distance axd Deflection. Time. 1 20 ins. 10 ins. 5 ins. Stcond). I>tg. Dv. D^. 80 4.70 5.05 5.55 60 4.80 5.00 6.75 90 4.r)0 5.70 8.25 120 4.7;-) 6.25 10.15 galvanometer, it will he seen, was recoi'ded at the expiration of 80, 60, i>0, and 120 seconds. A glance at the table proves the correctness of the objections previously raised against the detail of Melloni's arrangement, especially the distui'bing influ- ence of the rays projected against the interior of the cone from points fir-i/on// the ai'ea whose I'adiatioii is supposed alone to affect the pile. Having thus practically shown the fallacy of the assumption on j^hich the Italian physicist bases his doctrine, I will now prove its unsoundness by the i)rocess f)f demonstration. For this purpose let us suppose that an in- candescent cylindrical block I (see illustration Plate 1) com- posed of cast iron, (1 inches in diameter, be suspended at such a height that its axis passes through the centre of the bulb of a thermometei- //i, jield by a bracket in' sliding,' in a groove 8 BADIANT MEAT. chap. i. similar to that formed at the opposite end of the table, before described. A scale 7i, divided into equal parts, is attached to the side of the table, the zero of this scale coinciding with the vertical line drawn from the face of the incandescent cylin- drical block I ; while the last division corresponds with the vertical line passing through the centre of the bulb of the thermometer m. Actual trial shows that, if the incandescent iron block be suspended while its temperature is 1,200°, the thermometer exposed to its radiant heat wall indicate 22° above that of the surrounding atmosphere when the block has cooled so far that its differential temperature has become reduced to 1,000.° Now, agreeably to Melloni's doctrine, the thermometer m, if advanced to the 10th division of the scale, will indicate 20' X 22 a differential temperature of ; — = 88° ; if advanced to ... 20' X 22 the 5th division, = 352° ; if further advanced to the 5' 20' X 22 2d division, ^ = 2,200° ; and, lastly, if advanced to the 1st division on the scale, the thermometer will indicate an 20' X 22 intensity of = 8,800°. The temperature of the incan- descent radiating block being only 1,000°, Ave have thus demon, strated the utter fallacy of Melloni's theory, based on the result of imperfect experiments with hollow cones and thermopiles exposed to radiant heat. In view of the foregoing facts writers on radiant heat will do well to expunge this eiToneous theory from their works. Practical men, not suspecting that the law of inverse squares is inapplicable to short distances, frequently CHAP. I. TL'Ays.VISSIoS OF I,'AniA.\T HEAT. 9 coiiiinit serious mustakes in ralculatiug the effect of phuiiii;' iiu-andescent bodies at eeitain distances from structures in- tended to be heated. But Melloni's device, alt]iout,di inca- pable of elucidatin, represents a concave spherical radiator, being the focus, o c the axis, and a h a section of the I'adiator. According to the accepted theory of radiation, rays of heat are projected in all directions from every point of the I'adiat- ing surface. In order, therefore, to demonstrate that there is no concentration of heat in the focus, we have merely to draw radial lines representing the heat-rays from points d and /' on the concave surface, as shown on the diagram. It will be seen on close examination that there is only a single ray d c emitted from the point d, which is directed towards the focus c ; the ray /' c being the only one directed from the point/'. The other heat-rays from the points d and/' diverge in all directions, and intersect every part of the field I' 1 ; thus dispersing the radiant heat nearly uniformly over a very large surface. The curve c >i, struck from the point _/', clearly shows that all the heat-i'ays below c, projected from f, are shoi'ter than those dii'ected to the forns from the same point, cnAP. I. TPA^'s^fTf!fi^o^' of i^adtaxt heat. 13 and tlu'ivfore impart a hiijJnr tcinpciatiin- to the plane h I than that transmitted to the focus. It will be needless to enter on a detailed computation of the temperature at the intersections of the vai'ious I'ays with the plane h 1, as a mere inspection of the diagram distinctly shows that the focus c receives no increase of heat on account of being the centre of the spherical radiator. Indeed, if we snl>stitute a plane circular disc extending from ;> P . "go o ^■^ 3 ^ £ c bs,Q 03 > II ■ •JaA. °Fah. °Fah. Sees. &(». •Fah. °Fah. °Fah. Sece- Sees. 33 183 150 37.7 42.01 33 160 127 47.3 49.64 H3 182 149 38.1 42.29 33 159 120 47.8 50.04 33 181 148 38.5 42.57 33 158 ]25 48.3 50.44 33 180 147 38.9 42.86 33 157 124 48.8 50.85 33 179 146 39.3 43.16 33 156 123 49.3 51.26 33 178 145 39.7 43.46 33 155 122 49.8 51.68 33 177 144 40.1 43.76 33 154 121 50.3 52.11 33 - 176 143 40.5 44.07 33 153 120 50.8 52.55 33 175 142 40.9 44.38 33 152 119 51.3 53.00 33 174 141 41.3 44.69 33 151 118 51.8 53.44 33 173 140 41.7 45.02 33 150 117 52.3 53.90 33 172 139 42.1 45.34 33 149 116 52.8 54.37 33 171 138 42.5 45.67 33 148 115 53.3 54.84 33 170 137 42.9 46.01 33 147 114 53.9 55.33 33 169 136 43.3 46.34 33 146 113 54.5 55.82 33 168 135 43.7 46.69 33 145 112 55.1 50.32 33 167 134 44.1 47.04 33 144 ni 55.7 56.83 33 166 133 44.5 47.39 33 143 110 56.3 57.35 33 165 132 44.9 47.75 33 142 109 56.9 57.87 33 164 131 45.3 48.12 33 141 108 57.5 58.42 33 163 130 45.8 48.49 33 140 107 58.2 58.97 33 102 129 46.3 48.87 33 139 106 58.9 59.52 33 161 128 46.8 49.25 ; 33 1 138 105 59.6 60.09 Cll.vi'. II. liADlATlON AT DlFFEliEM TEMrEliATURES. A Table .miowino thk Kate or Coo LI. NO OF A Heated Body SUSPENDED WITHIN A COLU ExCLOSVlit:. o So P 11 "3 O 3 M ■" 'A 111 Hi Is o- S So - ■s 11 2.'% as i1 S.1 Observed time cool- ing enclosed body one deg. 2 ll 11 'Fah. 'Fak 'Fah. Ste». Sea. •Fah. 'Fah. 'Fah. Sta. Ste». 33 137 104 60.3 60.67 33 114 81 80.8 78.01 33 136 103 61.0 61.27 33 113 80 81.9 78.99 33 135 102 61.7 61.87 33 112 79 83.1 80.00 33 134 101 62.4 62.48 33 111 78 84.3 81.03 33 133 100 63.2 63.11 33 110 77 85.5 82.09 33 132 99 64.0 63.76 33 109 76 86.7 83.18 33 131 98 64.8 64.41 33 108 75 88.0 84.29 33 130 97 65.6 65.08 33 107 74 89.3 85.44 33 129 96 66.4 65.76 33 106 73 90.6 86.62 33 128 95 67.2 66.46 33 105 72 91.9 87.83 33 127 94 68.0 67.16 33 104 71 93.3 89.08 33 126 93 68.9 67.89 33 103 70 94.7 90.36 33 125 92 69.8 68.63 33 102 69 96.1 91.68 33 124 91 70.7 69.39 33 101 68 97.5 93.04 33 123 90 71.6 70.17 33 100 67 99.0 94.44 33 122 89 72.5 70.96 33 99 66 100.5 95.88 33 121 88 73.5 71.77 33 98 65 102.0 97.36 33 120 87 74.5 72.60 33 97 64 103.6 98.89 33 119 86 75.5 73.45 33 96 63 10i).2 100.48 33 118 85 76.5 74.32 33 95 62 106.9 102.11 33 117 84 77.5 75.21 33 94 61 108.6 103.80 33 116 83 78.6 76.12 33 93 60 110.4 105.55 33 115 82 79.7 77.11.) 33 92 59 112.:! 107.35 24 BADIAM HEAT. A Tahle showing tue Rate OF Cooling of a Heated Body SUSPENDED WITHIN A COLD ENCLOSURE. "8 is P li c k 1- It -S ii MO ail H O a a> £'g l1 CO £13 £ H I- 11 ii CO o- -S .be ^^ l| ' Fnh. 'Fall. 'Fah. Sees. Sees. 'Fah. 'Fah. 'Fah. Secs. Sees. 33 91 58 114.3 109.22 33 69 36 189.9 176.90 33 90 57 116.4 111.15 33 68 35 195.4 182.03 33 89 56 118.6 113.15 33 67 34 201.2 187.46 33 88 55 120.9 115.23 33 66 33 207.2 193.23 33 87 54 123.3 117.38 33 65 32 213.5 199.36 33 86 53 125.8 119.62 33 64 31 220.2 205.90 33 85 52 128.4 121.94 33 63 30 227.4 212.88 33 84 51 131.1 124.35 33 62 29 235.1 220.35 33 S3 50 133.9 126.87 3:3 61 28 243.4 228.36 33 82 49 136.8 129.48 33 60 27 252.3 236.98 33 81 48 139.9 132.21 33 59 26 261.9 246.27 33 80 47 143.1 135.05 33 58 25 272.2 256.32 33 79 46 146.5 138.02 33 57 24 283.3 267.23 33 78 45 150.0 141.12 33 56 23 295.4 279.11 33 77 44 153.7 144.37 33 55 22 308.7 292.09 33 76 43 157.5 147.76 33 54 21 323.4 306.34 33 75 42 161.5 151.32 33 63 20 339.7 322.05 33 74 41 165.7 155.06 33 52 19 357.9 339.46 33 73 40 170.1 158.99 33 51 18 378.3 358.86 33 72 39 174.7 163.12 33 50 17 401.2 380.60 33 71 38 179.5 167.47 33 49 16 426.9 405.16 33 70 37 184.6 172.06 33 48 15 455.7 433.10 CHAP. II. liADlATIOX AT l>lFl'EliEM TEMl'imATVliES. '^'^ temperature of the radiating spliere one degree is rec(jrdeil iu the fourth column. The fifth column contains the number of second.s which A\x)uld be requisite to reduce the tempera- ture one degree if the cooling proceeded at the rate shown by the Newtonian law. Let ns now examine the diagram Fig. 2, attached to the illustration, in whieli the length of the ordinates of the curve b c represent the observed time for each degree of differential temperature, while the ordinates of the cun^e a d represent the time that would elapse if the rate of cooling were in exact accordance with Newton's doctrine — namely, if the times were inversely as the differential temperatures. The vertical line in Fig. 2, on which the ordinates representing the time of cooling liave been projected, is divided into degrees of Fah- renheit, showing the differential temi^erature, viz., the excess of temperature of the radiating sphere above that of the sur- rounding cold vessel. A careful inspection of this diagram and of the Tables A, rendei-s argument unnecessarj^ to show that our experimental investigation has established the correctness of Newton's assumption that a radiating body loses at each instant a quantity of heat proportionate to the excess of its temperature above that of the surrounding medium. It will be sho-wn hereafter that the slight discrepancy indicated by the different length of the ordinates of the curves a d and i c is owing to the variation of emissive power of the radiator, caused by the difference of molecular motion resulting fi-om change of tempeiature, and the consequent change of dimen- sions, of the radiator. Dulong and Petit's formula being based 26 BABIANT HEAT. on tlie table presented at the commencement of this chapter, copied from Prof. Stewart's "Elementary Treatise on Heat" (compared also with the French original), I have deemed it important to examine carefully whether the rates of cooling presented in the said table arQ consistent. The result of this examination is shown in the accompanying table, in which the 1st column contains the differential temperature of the radiator, the 2d column contains the corresponding rate of cooling for each minute, established by Duloug and Petit ; while the 3d and 4th columns show the ratio of difference. 240° 10°. 69 \ 1.88 220 8.81 \ 1.41 \ 0.47 200 7.40 1 1.30 j 0.11 180 6.10 ( 1.21 \ 0.09 160 4.89 ( 1.01 ( 0.20 140 3.88 ( 0.86 I 0.15 120 3.02 ( 0.72 I 0.14 100 2.30 j 0.56 ; 0.16 80 1.74 1 2 3 4 The inconsistency and irregularity of the rates of cooling exhi- bited by the figures in the two last columns prove the um-e- liable character of the temperatures inserted in the two first columns. We are warranted in concluding that a doctrine CHAP. II. liADIATIoy AT DlFb'EHEST TKMVKUATUREa. 2: B Table siiowixc; tiik Rate of Coolint. of a Heatkd IJody SUSPENDED WITUIN A VOLD EnCI.OSUKK. .S-3 r ^•5 3 =8 ll — B B O O > g S to .a c 0-" i>? ."2 E S £1 c g S'3 Sf &e«. Cent. Ste». See*. Suit. 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 GO 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 38.1 38.8 39.5 40.3 41.0 41.7 42.4 43.1 43.8 44.5 45.3 46.1 47.0 47.9 48.8 49.8 50.7 51.6 52.5 53.5 54.5 55.6 56.7 57.8 59.0 60.3 42.29 42.81 43.34 43.89 44.45 45.02 45.60 46.20 46.82 47.46 48.12 48.80 49.49 50.20 50.93 51.68 52.45 53.25 54.09 54.94 55.82 56.73 57.67 58.64 59.64 60.47 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 61.6 62.9 64.3 65.7 67.2 68.7 70.3 72.0 73.7 75.5 77.3 79.2 81.2 83.3 85.5 87.7 90.0 92.4 94.9 97.5 100.2 103.0 106.0 109.1 112.3 115.9 61.75 62.86 64.01 65.21 66.46 67.74 69.09 70.48 71.94 73.45 75.02 76.68 78.40 80.20 82.09 84.07 86.14 88.32 90.62 93.04 95.58 98.28 101.12 104.15 107.35 110.76 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 119.9 124.3 128.9 133.9 139.3 145.2 151.5 158.3 165.7 173.8 182.6 192.1 202.4 213.5 225.7 239.4 255.2 273.6 295.4 321.1 351.6 388.1 432.5 487.9 558.0 656.3 114.39 118.27 122.41 120.87 131.05 136.81 142.40 148.46 155.06 162.27 170.18 178.91 188.59 190.36 211.44 22r).08 240.01 258.44 279.11 303.38 332.27 307.25 410.45 405.11 536.71 634.33 28 EADIAKT HEAT. CHAP. ii. based on sucli unsatisfactory premises cannot be sound. How far this inference is correct will be seen presently, by a com- parison between tlie ratio of cooling at liigli temperatures, deduced from MM. Duloug and Petit's formula, and the actual rate shown by an incandescent cast-iron sphere enclosed within a vacuum ; also by the amount of mechanical energy developed by the radiation of fused cast iron. The temperatures inserted in the table mai'ked B, relating to the experiments under con- sideration, have been reduced to the Centigrade scale for the purpose of facilitating direct comparison with the result of Dulong and Petit's researches. The question has frequently been asked, whether Newton's law holds for mcrease of temperature when a cold body is exposed to the radiation of a surrounding hot medium. In order to decide the question, experimentally, whether the times occupied in heating a certain body are equal, for corresponding differential temperatures, to the times occupied in cooling the same body, a modified apparatus has been constructed (see illustration shown on Plate 5, Fig. 3). The means adopted for measuring the temperature and producing circulation Avithin the central sphere being identical with those of the apparatus already described, it will only be necessary to point out that the exhausted vessel a a which suiTounds the central sphere c is immersed in water contained in a cylindrical vertical boiler b, open at the top and heated by means of a spirit- lamp applied under its bottom. The experiments with this modified apparatus have been conducted in the following manner: The water in the boiler havina: been brought to CHAP. II. UADIATION AT DIFFEUEST TEMl'EliATUREa. 29 c Table showing THE Eate of Heating of A Cold Body SUSPENDED WITHIN A Heated Enclosure. 'o So 53 1 = is ss M 3 •° 9, IS Time agreeably to Newton's law. gi H s-g B o u ~ a o ^ H. ° X 3 o II ' FaK. 'Fah. 'FaK Sect. Stct. 'Fah. 'Fah. 'Fah. Sea. StM. 212 37 175 29.1 29.08 212 64 148 35.6 34.41 212 38 174 29.3 29.25 212 65 147 35.9 34.64 212 39 173 29.5 29.42 212 66 146 36.3 34.88 212 40 172 29.7 29.59 212 67 145 36.5 35.12 212 41 171 29.9 29.76 212 68 144 36.8 35.36 212 42 170 30.1 29.94 212 69 143 37.1 35.01 212 43 169 30.3 30.12 212 70 142 37.4 35.86 212 44 168 30.5 30.29 212 71 141 37.7 36.12 212 45 167 30.7 30.48 212 72 140 38.0 36.38 212 46 166 30.9 30.66 212 73 139 38.3 36.64 212 47 165 31.1 30.85 212 74 138 38.6 36.91 212 48 164 31.3 31.04 212 75 137 38.9 37.18 212 49 163 31.5 31.23 212 76 136 39.2 37.46 212 50 162 31.7 31.42 212 77 135 39.5 37.74 212 51 161 31.9 31.62 212 78 134 39.8 38.02 212 52 160 32.1 31.82 212 79 133 40.1 38.30 212 53 159 32.3 32.02 212 80 132 40.4 38.59 212 54 158 32.6 32.22 212 81 131 40.7 38.88 212 55 157 32.9 32.43 212 82 130 41.0 39.18 212 56 156 33.2 32.64 212 S3 129 41.3 39.49 212 57 155 33.5 32.85 212 84 128 41.6 39.80 212 58 154 33.8 33.06 212 85 127 41.9 40.12 212 59 153 34.1 33.28 212 86 126 42.2 40.44 212 60 152 34.4 33.50 212 87 125 42.5 40.76 212 61 151 34.7 33.72 212 88 124 42.8 41.09 212 62 150 35.0 33.95 212 89 123 43.1 41.43 212 63 149 35.3 34.18 212 90 122 43.5 41.77 30 BADIAXT UEAT. c Tablk snowixG THE IiATE OF HeaTIXG OF A Cold Body SUSPKXDED WITIIIX A Heated ENCLOSURE. o -S 3 as P If f= o II •s, ° is of -a" g > g 5 i ti J a 0-" o || 1 ^ o si II si So II it > S o •°.5 ' Fah. 'Fah. 'I-ah. 5eos. Sees. 'Fali. ° Fah. 'Fah. Sec». S(C3. 212 91 121 43.9 42.12 212 118 94 55.4 54.28 212 92 120 44.3 42.47 212 119 93 55.9 54.86 212 93 119 44.7 42.83 212 120 92 56.4 55.46 212 94 118 45.1 43.19 212 121 91 56.9 56.08 212 95 117 45.5 43.56 212 122 90 57.4 56.70 212 96 116 45.9 43.94 212 123 89 57.9 57.33 212 97 115 46.3 44.32 212 124 88 58.5 68.00 212 98 114 46.7 44.71 212 125 87 59.1 58.68 212 99 113 47.1 45.11 212 126 86 59.7 59.36 212 100 112 47.5 45.51 212 127 85 60.3 60.06 212 101 111 47.9 45.93 212 128 84 60.9 60.78 212 102 110 48.3 46.35 212 129 83 61.5 61.51 212 103 109 48.7 46.78 212 130 82 62.1 62.27 212 104 108 49.1 47.21 212 131 81 62.7 63.04 212 105 107 49.5 47.65 212 132 80 63.4 63.84 212 106 106 49.9 48.10 212 133 79 64.1 64.65 212 107 105 50.3 48.56 212 134 78 64.8 65.48 212 108 104 50.7 49.03 212 135 77 65.5 66.34 212 109 103 51.1 49.51 212 136 76 66.2 67.22 212 110 102 51.5 50.00 212 137 75 66.9 68.12 212 111 101 51.9 50.50 212 138 74 67.7 69.05 212 112 100 52.4 51.01 212 139 73 68.5 70.00 212 113 99 52.9 51.52 212 140 72 69.3 70.98 212 114 98 53.4 52.05 212 141 71 70.1 71.98 212 115 97 53.9 52.59 212 142 70 70.9 73.02 212 116 96 54.4 53.14 212 143 69 71.8 74.09 212 117 95 54.9 53.70 212 144 08 72.7 75.19 CHAP. II. RADIATION AT DIFFEREXT TEMPEBATCRES. 31 c Table showinm; Tin: 1!at : 01' IfKATLVG OF V Cold Bom- SLSPENDEU WnillX A Ilk Vl TKIJ EMLOHLh-t:. II ll CO Co |S .£.■3 ^ c S t s ■=1 lii 0- Time ng^reeably to Newton's law. 11 = 1 is 0^ i p Observed time lie«t- ing eiiclo.'«. Sto. Sax. •Fa/i. 'Fa/i. 'fah. Stet. Stei. 212 145 67 73.6 70.32 212 172 40 118.7 128.48 212 146 06 74.5 77.48 212 173 39 121.6 131.82 212 147 65 75.5 78.68 212 174 38 124.6 135.33 212 148 64 76.5 79.92 212 175 37 127.8 139.04 212 149 63 77.5 81.20 212 176 36 131.2 142.96 212 150 62 78.6 82.52 212 177 3."") 134.8 147.10 212 151 61 79.7 83.88 212 178 34 VSS.G 151.49 212 152 60 80.8 85.29 212 179 33 142.6 150.15 212 153 59 82.0 86.75 212 180 32 146.9 161.11 212 154 58 83.2 88.26 212 181 31 151.5 166.39 212 155 57 84.5 89.82 212 182 30 156.4 172.03 212 156 56 85.8 91.44 212 183 29 161.6 178.07 212 157 55 87.2 93.12 212 184 28 167.1 184.54 212 158 54 88.6 94.86 212 185 27 172.9 191.51 212 159 53 90.1 96.66 212 186 26 179.1 199.01 212 160 52 91.7 98.54 212 187 25 185.7 207.14 212 161 61 93.4 100.50 212 188 24 192.7 215.95 212 162 50 95.2 102.53 212 189 23 200.3 225.55 212 163 49 97.1 104.64 212 190 22 208.7 236.05 212 164 48 99.1 106.84 212 191 21 218.1 247.56 212 165 47 101.2 109.14 212 192 20 228.7 260.26 212 166 46 103.4 111.54 212 193 19 240.7 274.32 212 167 45 105.7 114.05 212 194 18 254.7 289.99 212 168 44 108.1 116.66 212 195 17 269.6 307.57 212 169 43 110.6 119.41 212 196 16 287.0 327.42 212 170 42 113.2 122.29 212 197 15 306.8 350.00 212 171 41 115.9 125.31 32 RADIANT HEAT. c Table siiowtxo the Kate OF Heating of A Cold Body SUSPENJMiD WITHIN A Hot Enci.osuhe. -3 11 "a too Differential tem- pei'atui-e of enclosed body. J|l 11 i II H Differential tem- perature of enclosed body. Obsen'ed time heat- ing enclosed body one deg. E-i 'Cent. Sees. Sec«. 'Cent. Sees. Sees. ° Cent. Sees. Sees. 97 29.3 29.22 67 44.2 42.40 37 74.4 11. ^A: 96 29.6 29.52 66 44.9 43.04 36 76.1 79.42 95 30.0 29.83 65 45.6 43.71 35 78.0 81.72 94 30.3 30.15 64 46.4 44.40 34 79.9 84.16 93 30.7 30.48 63 47.1 45.11 33 82.0 86.75 92 31.1 30.81 62 '47.8 45.84 32 84.2 89.50 91 31.4 31.15 61 48.5 46.60 31 86.6 92.44 90 31.8 31.50 60 49.3 47.38 30 89.2 95.57 89 32.2 31.86 59 60.0 48.19 29 92.0 98.92 88 32.6 32.22 68 50.7 49.03 28 95.2 102.53 87 33.1 32.60 57 51.4 49.90 27 98.7 106.39 86 33.6 32.99 66 52.2 60.80 26 102.5 110.56 85 34.2 33.38 55 53.1 51.73 25 106.6 115.04 84 34.8 33.78 54 54.0 52.69 24 111.1 119.97 83 35.3 34.18 53 54.9 53.70 23 115.9 125.31 82 35.8 34.59 52 55.7 54.74 22 121.0 131.13 81 36.4 35.02 51 56.6 55.83 21 126.6 137.63 80 36.9 35.46 50 57.6 56.96 20 132.7 144.58 79 37.4 35.91 49 58.6 58.13 19 139.4 152.40 78 38.0 36.38 48 59.7 69.36 18 146.9 161.11 77 38.5 36.86 47 60.8 60.63 17 156.4 170.87 76 39.0 37.34 46 61.9 61.96 16 164.9 181.89 75 39.6 87.84 45 63.0 63.35 15 175.4 194.44 74 40.1 38.35 44 64.2 64.81 14 187.1 208.84 73 40.7 38.88 43 65.5 66.34 13 200.3 225.56 72 41.2 39.42 42 66.8 67.91 12 216.3 245.16 71 41.8 39.98 41 68.2 69.61 11 235.9 268.52 70 42.3 40.56 40 69.6 71.37 10 260.7 296.77 69 42.9 41.16 39 71.1 73.23 9 291.0 331.69 68 43.5 41.77 38 72.7 75.19 8 327.3 375.90 CHAP. II. liADlAllOS AT iniFKUEyr TEMVEUATLRES. -i'd the boiling point, cold water, as near the freezing point as possible, is pumped into the central sphere, through suitable 2)ipes (the thermometer having been previously removed). The operation of charging with cold water should be per- formed quickly, and the thermometer inserted as soon as the sphere is full. The reading should then commence without a moment's delay, the temperature being announced for each degree, and, together with the time, recorded by the operator attending the chronograph, precisely as before stated with reference to the process of ascertaining the time of cooling. The result of tin- oxperinieut with the ai)iiaratus under con- sideration will be found by inspecting the annexed tables C together with the diagram attached to the illustration, see Fig. 4, in which the ordinates of the curve a h' b represent the observed time for each degree of differential tempera- ture, while the ordinates of the curve a c' c represent the time that would elapse if the rate of heating were in exact accordance with Newton's doctrine. The small amount of the discrepancy shown by the diagram and table, at differ- ential temperatures exceeding 75° F., proves that the energy varies in accordance with dynamical laws, whether heat be parted with by radiation towards a cooler body, or whether heat be received from a radiating surrounding medium of higher temperature. The perceptible discrepancy at low dif- ferential temperature exhibited in the diagram, namely, the observed times being shorter than the theoretical times, is owing to the unavoidable conduction of heat from the boiler to the cold central sphere through the connecting tubes 34 BADIANT HEAT. chap. ii. / and VI. Obviously the prolonged period of heating conse- quent on low differential temperature renders the effect of con- duction appreciable, as indicated by the diagram. Our experi- ments, then, establish the fact that until the emissive power is changed by disturbing causes, the energy developed by radiation increases in the exact ratio of the differential tem- peratures. It is proper to mention that one of the principal objects of my investigations relating to the velocity of cooling by radia- tion, has been that of disproving the correctness of the assumj)- tion Avhich certain eminent physicists have based on Dulong and Petit's estimates of the increase of radiant enei-gy deve- loj^ed at high temperatures. Radiation, in a dynamic point of view, being merely transmission of mechanical j^ower, it will be evident, on reflection, that we need only ascertain the number of thermal units developed in a given time, by a given amount of radiating surface maintained at a certain tem- perature, in order to determine the intensity which Dulong and Petit endeavored to deduce from the velocity of cooling shown by the contraction of mercury and other fluids. It must be inferred, from their having adopted a method so un- satisfa,ctory, that these physicists overlooked the fact that radiant intensity is most accurately measured by ascertaining the amount of thermal energy developed in a given time ; and that they deemed it impossible to determine, l)y direct means, tlie velocity of cooling of incandescent bodies. It can- not be supposed that such skilful experimentalists as Diilong and Petit questioned the practicability of suspending an in- UHAi'. II. EAniATlOX AT 1HI-FEI:EM TEMrEh'ATCRES. X> candescent body within a vaciiuni surrounded by a coolin'^ medium. Why, then, it may be asked, did they not resort to that obvious method whicli, if adopte'd, would at once have convinced them of tlie fallacy of tlioir formula assifrn- ing a fabulous rate of velocity of cooling to incandescent bodies ? We must infer that they did not deem it practi- cable to construct an instrument by which the temperature of the enclosed incandesctMit body could be accui'atclv mea- sured. It will be urged in defence of Dulong and Petit's method, that the time occupied in cooling cannot be ascer- tained e.xactly unless an instrument can be devised capable of showing the temperature of incandescent liodies. This objection, apparently valid since we possess no reliable and delicate pyrometer, falls to the ground before the fact that, at a constant distance, the temperatures impai-ted to a ther- mometer by radiation are proportionate to the temperatures of the radiator ; and that consequently the velocity of cooling of a radiator at any temperature whatever may be ascertained by a distant thermometer as con-ectly as by one in actual con- tact. Before entering on a description of the method, before referred to, of measuring the radiant energy at high tempei-a- tures by ascertaining the amount of thermal energy developed in a given time by a given area, I will now l)riefly describe an instrument constructed in accordance with the fact just mentioned, that the teinperatures of a recipient of radiant heat are proportionate to the temperatures of the radiator. The illustration on Plate G, Fig. 5, represents a veitical section and top view of the instrument referred to, by means of 36 EAIUANT HEAT. CHAP. II. ^vliich the velocity of cooling of an incandescent l)ody may- be ascertained M-ith perfect accuracy. Description : a a, sphe- rical vessel composed of thin copper, coated with lamp-black on the inside and provided with a cover h fitting air-tight against the top side of a ring secured to the upper part of the spherical vessel, the cover and the ring being ground to- gether in order to dispense with packing, c c, an open cylin- drical vessel through which a constant stream of cold water is circulated by means of a force-pump and flexible tubes attached at d and e, these tubes communicating with a cis- tern in which water is maintained at a constant temperature of 33° F. A" is a solid sphere of cast iron suspended by means of a lug formed at the upper part of the sphere, secured under the cover b as shown by the drawing. A brass stopple ff, fitting air-tight in a conical socket formed in the before-men- tioned ring, supports a Casella thermometer /. The cover b is provided with a vertical handle b' in order to facilitate the operation of inserting the solid sphere A', after being heated and suspended under the cover. The air is exhausted from the spherical vessel by means of a large air-pump, a stop- cock being inserted in the exhaust pipe at /. The mode of operation will be readily understood by the following expla- nation. The solid cast-iron sphere being brought to nearly white heat in an air-furnace, is removed by suitable tongs and suspended under the cover b, which latter is quickly put in position over the opening of the spherical vessel. The air-pump is put in rapid motion immediately after putting on the cover ; a few strokes of the water-pump being required CHAP. II. EADIATWS AT DIFFERENT TEMVEFxATUREa. 37 to fill the cistern r c to the height shown in the drawing. These operations being performed with due diligence, practice has shown that the temperature of the incandescent sphere will not fall below 1,GUU" F. before the vacuum is sufficiently complete to admit of recording the indicated temperatures. The thermometer / being secured firmly in the stopple ->. c w^ I'M 1 = £'3 ^ 1 it c — 1 o ti (5 ll Vi ^o — c: > 3 ° c - i .2 a-" a E-S c e E = C.2 = 4.-5 £ ■5 E 5 •Fah. • Fah. Thermal unite. T^aMo. 'Fah. •FcA. Thermal vniti. Thermal uniU. nat4o. CO 2900 980.2 81.7 12.38 60 1500 209.5 27.9 4.22 CO 2800 898.5 77.2 11.70 CO 1400 181.6 25.0 3.79 CO 2700 821.3 72.8 11.03 60 1300 156.6 22.3 3.38 CO 2600 748.5 68.5 10.38 60 1200 134.3 19.8 3.00 CO 2500 680.0 64.3 9.74 60 1100 114.5 17.5 2.65 CO 2400 615.7 60.2 9.12 CO 1000 97.0 15.4 2.33 CO 2300 555.5 56.2 8.51 CO 900 81.6 13.5 2.05 60 2200 499.3 52.3 7.92 60 800 68.1 11.8 1.79 60 2100 447.0 48.5 7.35 60 700 56.3 10.3 1.5C 60 2000 398.5 44.8 6.79 60 COO 46.0 9.1 1.38 60 1900 353.7 41.2 6.24 60 500 36.9 8.2 1.24 60 1800 312.5 37.7 5.71 CO 400 28.7 7.6 1.15 CO 1700 274.8 34.3 5.20 CO 300 21.1 7.3 1.10 60 1600 240.5 31.0 4.70 CO CO 200 100 18.8 6.6 7.2 1.09 • Cct tiffrade. * Centigrade. 15 1600 242.9 36.0 11.61 15 800 48.5 11.3 3.64 15 1500 206.9 32.1 10.35 15 700 . 37.2 9.3 3.00 15 1400 174.8 28.8 9.29 15 600 27.9 7.4 2.39 15 1300 14C.0 25.5 8.22 15 500 • 20.5 5.7 1.84 ! 15 1200 120.5 22.3 7.19 15 400 14.8 4.C 1.48 15 1100 98.2 19.5 6.29 15 300 10.2 3.7 1.19 1 ^^ 1000 78.7 16.4 5.29 15 200 6.5 3.4 1.09 1 15 900 62.3 13.8 4.46 15 100 3.1 50 RADIANT HEAT. chap. ii. b represent the nuiii];er of thermal units actually transferred from one square foot of radiating surface to the fluid con- tained in the calorimeter, during one minute, the temjjerature of the radiator being that marked on the vertical line. It should be particularly noticed that, while the energy trans- ferred at 100° C. is 3.1 thermal units (caloris), see Table F, it amounts to 242.9 such units at 1,600° C. ; hence the energy 242.9 •vvill be -; — — = 78.3 times greater at a differential "tempe- 3.1 rature of 1,600° C. than at 100° C. Newton's law shows that the radiant energy augments in the ratio of 1,600 : 100 = 16 : 1. It will thus be seen that the actual increase of 7o.O , . - • T 1 energy is = 4.89 times greater tlian that assigned by the doctrine the correctness of which our investigations tend to prove. The fact should not be overlooked that the stated discrepancy refers to the maximum intensity of overheated fused cast iron just before the internal molecular arrangement is broken up and the metal dissipated. Besides, we have already pointed out that the expansion of metals is accompa- nied by molecular change within the mass, augmenting the energy of radiation. Nor should the fact be lost sight of that Newton's doctrine takes no cognizance of such mole- cular change or disturbance within the heated body. The insignificance of the apparent error of the Newtonian law referred to will be seen by a practical application of the rival theory of MM. Dulong and Petit. Let us compare the difference of energy produced at the extremes of 100° C. CHAP. II. UADIATIOX AT l)ll-FEliEyT TEMPERATURES. •''1 and 1,500° C. ditferential temperature established by their re- searches. According to the tables, accepted by Prof. Stewart and others, contained in the second part of Duloug and Petit's famous \\ ork, " The Laws of Refrigeration," the rate of co(.)l- ing at a differential temperature of 100^ C. is 2°.30 C. in one minute (the surrounding medium being maintained at the freezing point of water) ; while at a differential tempe- rature of 240° C. the rate is stated to be 10°.()9 C. Applying these rates to the fonnula of Dulong and Petit, it will be found that when the differential temperature is 1,500° C. the fall will be 202,710° C. in one minute. The radiant energy 202,71(» parted with at 1,500° C. will accordingly be — ■ = 88,1 3y times greater than at 100 C. But our tables and diagrams, based on actual trial, show that the radiant energy at 1,500' C. is only - — '— = 66.7 times greater than at 100° C. Hence the radiant energy at 1,500° C, agreeably to Dulong and Petit's theoiT, will l)e — '—— = 1,321 times higher than that estab- •'' 66.7 lished by our elaborate practical investigation. CHAPTER III. INTENSITY OP SOLAR RADIATION. The illusti-iitlon shown on Plate 8 represents a vertical section of an instrument constnicted for ascertaining, by a new and exact method, the intensity of solar radiation at the surface of the eai-th, specially arranged for revolving obser- vatories. Sir John Herschel's definition of the word actino- meter — " an instrument for measuring the intensity of heat in the sun's rays " — warrants the adoption of that term. The caiises which modify the intensity of solar radiation are chiefly : the position of the eai-th in its orbit, the sun's zenith distance — on which depends the depth of the atmosjihere to be penetrated by the rays — and vapors in the atmosphere. The temperature of surrounding objects which radiate towards substances exposed to the sun's rays, and the heat abstracted from such substances by currents of air, present serious dis- turbing elements, rendering an accui-ate determination of the radiant intensity by ordinary thei'mometers practically impos- sible. It is haiilly necessary to point out that solar inten- CHAP. III. iyTi:NSITy OF SOLAR KADIATION. 5:J sity cannot be satisfactorily ascertaiuetl by tlio old niethoil of deducting the temperature of a thermometer in the .shade from that of another thermometer exposed to the sun. The investigations of Daniell relating to the sun's radiant lu-at, fiequently referred to in works on meteorology, conducted in the latitude of London, where the depth of the atmo.sphere at noon, during the summer solstice, is 0.57 greater than on the ecliptic, merit serious consideration. The subjoined table con- tains the result of his observations on solar radiation through- out a day in the month of June. A glance at this table sLows that, according to the adopted method of determining the intensity of solar radiation by de- ducting the temperature indicated by a thermometer in the shade from the temperature attained in the sun, the ladiant heat is considerably less before than after noon. The diffe- rential temperature, or solar intensity, at 9 A.jr., according to this table, is 25°, while at 3 p.ji., with an equal zenith distance and equal depth of atmosphere to penetrate, the solar intensity is stated to be 62°, thus exhibiting the enornu)US difference of 27°. An explanation of the causes of the extraordinary errora of Daniell's table is scarcely needed, but attention should be called to the gross imperfection of such a mode of detennin- infj solar radiation as that of noting the different indications of shaded and exposed theiTnometere. During the early stages of my investigation relating to the mechanical properties of the sun's radiant heat, I adopted this mode of ascertaining the temperature produced by solar radiation ; but notwith- standing numerous expedients lesoited to in order to prevent 54 BADIANT UEAT. Time of obser- vation. TEMPERATURE, A.M. Differential temperatui'e or solar intensity. In the sun. In the shade. 'Fah. °Cmt. ° Fah. °Cmt. ' Fah. ' Cent. 9.00 93 33.88 68 20.00 25 13.88 9.30 103 39.44 69 20.55 34 18.89 10.00 111 43.88 70 21.11 41 22.77 10.30 119 48.33 71 21.66 48 26.67 11.00 124 SI. 11 71 21.66 53 29.45 11.30 125 51.66 72 22.21 53 29.45 12.00 129 53.88 73 22.77 56 31.11 1. ° «H .2 TEMPERATURE, P.M. Differential temperature or solar intensity. In the sun. In the shade. 'Fah. ° Cent. 'Fah. °Omi. 'Fah. ° Cent. 12.30 132 55.55 74 23.33 58 32.22 1.00 141 60.55 74 23.33 67 37.22 1.30 140 60.00 75 23.88 65 36.12 2.00 143 61.66 75 23.88 68 37.78 2.30 138 58.88 76 24.44 62 34.44 3.00 138 58.88 76 24.44 62 34.44 3.30 132 55.55 77 25.00 55 30.55 4.00 124 51.11 76 24.44 48 26.67 4.30 123 50.55 77 25.00 46 25.55 5.00 112 44.44 76 24.44 36 20.00 5.30 106 41.11 75 23.88 31 17.23 6.00 100 i 37.77 73 22.77 27 15.00 CHAP. in. INTEXSITT OF SOLAR RADIATION. 55 the thermometers from being unduly influenced by the I'adiant beat of the air and surrounding objects, I failed to .secure satisfactory results. The most important point — the ctjntml- ling the irregular action of the surrounding air, wliirli ;itl'crt> the exposed as well as the shaded thermometer — having pre- sented obstacles which no mechanical airangement whatever could overcome, I adopted the method of wholly excluding the atmosphere. By this expedient the bull) of the thermo- meter within the instiniment becomes surrounded by ether only ; hence the energy transmitted by the sun's rays deter- mines the temperature freed from atmospheric influence. It will be objected that the thermometer cannot be applied within a vacuum without the employment of some transpa- rent covering, and that, conseqixently, the energy of the rays will suffer considerable loss before reaching the bulb. This objection is readily met by applying a thin lens of about 50 ins. focus, inserted at such a distance tVom the bulb that the gain effected by concentrating the rays will exactly balance the loss of calorific energy attending their passage through the lens. It is evident, however, that a plane crystal might be employed in place of the lens, provided its al)Sorptive power were known. I have accordingly constnicted an appa- ratus for measuring the loss of calorific energy attending the passage of the sun's rays through plane crystals of adequate thickness to resist the atmospheric pressure when the air is withdrawn from the interior chamber of the instrument. It should be mentioned that many of the observations recorded in this work have been made with an actinometer provided 56 BADIAXT HEAT. CHAP. ill. with a plane crystal, tlie absorptive power of wliicli amounts to 0.066. Veiy little trouble has been experienced in record- ing observations made with this instrument, the indicated dif- ferential temperatures having simply been multiplied by the coefficient 1.066. Careful inspection of our illustration, together with the foregoing explanations regarding the nature of the lens and its substitute, and the object of applying the recording ther- mometer within a vacuum, render a minute description of the detail of the device unnecessary. Like the solar calorimeter, Plate 10, particularly described in Chapter V., the actino- meter is attached to a table, the face of which is kept per- pendicular to the sun during observations. It is also provided with a graduated arc and stationary index, similar to those applied to the solar calorimeter, by means of which the sun's zenith distance may be ascertained at every instant. The chamber containing the bulb of the thermometer is 4f ins. in diameter, plated with polished nickel and surrounded with a double casing, through which a current of water is circu- lated by means precisely like those employed in the solar calorimeter, the vacuum being also produced in a similar manner, and flexible tubes employed for connecting the in- strument with the stationary pump. The cistern which sup- plies the circulating water is kept at a constant tempera- ture of 60° F., and, in order to secure perfect accuracy, the thermometer employed for regulating this temperature is so applied that the return current from the actinometer to the cistern circulates round its bulb. A thin metallic screen of CHAP. in. INTEXSITV OF SOLAh' i:.\l>IATI<)X. 5'! aiimilar form, supported by four columus, and plated witli silver, protects the instrument from the sun's radiant heat, for the puqiose of economizing the cooling medium required to keep the circulating water at tlie proper temperature. The opening in the screen corresponds with the size of the lens. The bulb of the thermometer is 3 ins. in length, in order to expose a relatively large surface to the action of the solar rays ; the proportion of heating surface to the con- tents of the bulb being thus much greater than in ordinary thermometers. The upper half of the bulb is coated with l;iiii2)ldack, the lower half being exposed to the action of the reflected raya fi'om the bottom of the chamber, in such a manner that the radiation of this lower bright half of the bulb is neutralized by reflected heat. Much pains has been bestowed in order to attain this desirable object. Before making an observation with the actinometer, the vacuum gauge should be inspected, and the water from the cistern be permitted to run freely throxigh the. casing for several minutes until the temperature of the return current an. IV. PERIODIC VAIilATIoy OF SOLAR RADIATION. 79 stated iutensity of solar radiation when the earth is in a2)lie- lion enables us to determine with absolute cei-tainty wliat temiDeralure will lie produced when the earth is in perihe- lion. The ratio of the earth's distance from the sun at the two opposite points of the orbit, in aphelion and in perihe- lion, being 218.1 : 210.0, while the temperature produced by solar radiation during the suininei- sol.-IATUk\. 'J7 vessel, cyliudriciil at the bottom uikI conical tit the top, an 8-iii. lens being inserted at the wide end in the manner shown by the illustration. The interior is lined with polished silver, the space between the two vessels being closed at the toji and l)ottom Ijy means of perforated rings, as shown in the trans- verse section. The object of these perforations is that of dis- tributing equally a current of water to be circulatcace between the vessels. Nozzles are ajipliiMJ at the top and bottom of the external vessel, of suitable form to admit of small flexible pipes being attached. A stop-cock with coupling-joint is applied at the bottom, comnmnicating witli the interior chamber of the calorimeter and connected with an air-pump, for exhausting the same. A cylindrical vessel, ^\•ith closed ends, composed of ])olislied silver, is secured in the lower part of the interior chamber, and provided with a conical nozzle at the top, through which a thermometer is inserted from -without. Within the lower part of this cylin- drical vessel a centrifugal paddle-wheel is applied, surrounded by a cylimhii'al casing divided into two compartments by a circular diaphragm. The lower compartment contains four i-adial wings, or paddles, the diaphragm being perforated in the centre. The said paddle-wheel revolves on a vertical axle, which passes through a stuffing-box applied at the bottom of the surrounding vessels, the rotary motion being imparted by means of a pulley secured to the lower end of the axle. The operation of this wheel, designed to proipote perfect circula- tion of the fluid witliin the cylindrical vessel when charged, is quite peculiar. It will be readily understood that the 98 RADIANT HEAT. CHAP. X. centrifugal action produced by the rotation of tlie paddles Avill draw in water downwards through the central perfora- tion of the diaphragm, and force the same into the annular space round the casing of the wheel ; thus an upward current ^vill be kept \\]) through this annular space uniform on all sides. The circulating water, after reaching the top of the heater, will then retui-n, first entering the open end of the casing of the wheel, and ultimately the central perforation of the diaphragm. I have been thus particular in describing this system of pi-omoting uniform cii'culation, because a correct indication of the mean temj)erature of the water contained within the vessel subjected to the action of the concentrated rays, is the all-important condition on which depends the accuracy of the determination of the number of thermal units developed by the radiant heat. It only remains to be pointed out that the lens, which is so proportioned as to admit a sun- beam of 53.45 sq. ins. of section, is j)laced at such a distance from the heatei' that when the concentrated rays reach the upper end (coated with lamp-black) they are confined to an area of 3.35 sq. ins., viz., -j^ of the sectional area of the pencil of rays which enters the lens. It will be obvious that the concentration of the radiant heat on an area of only one-sixteenth of that of the section of the pencil of rays admitted to the instrument removes a very difiicult disturbing element from the investigation — namely, the great amount of heat radiated by the blackened surface of the heater, which in the pyrheliometre is 16 times greater for a given amount of radiant heat than in the solar Cll.vi'. V. MEVUASIVAL ESKUGY OF SOLAR It AVIATION. 911 caloiimt'ter. But this is not all ; while the extensive black- ened sui-face of the former is exposed to currents of air, the disturbing effect of wliicli can neither be controlled nor com- puted, error arising from convection is wholly removed from the latter, because the reduced blackened surface oi the vessel exposed to the solar rays receives the concentrated radiant heat within a vacuum. The loss of heat at the bottom and sides of Pouil let's instrument, caused liy convection and currents of air, is likewise wholly removed in the solar calorimeter \)\ the expedient of operating within a vacuum. It ^vill be seen, therefore, that the loss from these causes has been wholly obvi- ated in this instrument, while the loss occasioned by radiation from tlie blackened surface which receives the concenti-ated radiant heat has been reduced to a mere fi'action. It may be contended, however, that tlie loss by radiation of the heater against the interior surface of the calorimeter, although minute, is yet appreciable, and that some heat will be lost by conduc- tion at the points where that vessel joins the surrounding chambers. Even these trifling sources of erroi', it will l^e seen presently, have been removed by the new method. A force- pump and a cistern containing water mainti' licatiT is cliarged with distilled \vater of a tempe- rature of al)<)iit 45° F., after whieli the thermometer is again inserted and the instrument exposed to the sun, the paddle- wheel ])eing kept in motion. The indication of the thermo- meter must then be watched, and the time accurately noted Avhen the mercurial column marks 50° on the scale, the obser- vation continuing until the thermometer marks 70°, at Avhieh point tile time is again accurately noted. The experiment being then concluded, the lens should be covered. The cir- culating water being kept at a constant temperature of 60° F., it scarcely needs explanation that, during the elevation of the temperature of the water from 50° to 60°, the instrument radiates fowarJn (lie lieater / and that, while the temperature rises from 60° to 70°, the heater radiates towanh the instni- mevt. In each case the amount of heat radiated and received is almost inappreciable, since the vessel containing the water to be heated and the surrounding vessel are composed of highly polished metal. The amounts of gain and loss of heat by conduction at the points Avliere the heater is joined to the external vessel, if appreciable, evidently balance each otlier in the same manner as the gain and loss by radiation. The weight of distilled water at 60° contained in the heater, and the weight and specific heat of the materials which compose its parts, being ascertained, tlie number of thermal units necessary to elevate the temperature of the whole 20° F. may be readily calculated. To this must be added the percentage of calorific energy lost dui'iiig the pas- CHAi-. V. MEVIIAMCAL EKEUCY OF SOLAE TiAI>TATION. 101 sage of the sun's rays tluough the lens. The sum will repre- sent a permanent coefficient foi- each particular instrument. Obviously, the indication of the solar calorimeter will not be less reliable during winter in a northern latitude, with the mercury at zero, than duiing summer within the tropics, when the thermometer marks 100° in the shade. Noi- must it be supposed that the same difficulty presents itself in ascei-tain- ing the loss of energy of the rays of heat as that involved in a determination of the retardation A\hich rays of light suffer during their passage through a lens. In order to deter- mine the former, we have only to comjiare the units of heat developed by the direct action of a pencil of rays of a given section with the number of units developed by another pencil of equal section, acting during an equal interval and at the mme time, through the lens the retaiding influence of which we desire to ascertain. The weight of water contained in the heater of the solar calorimeter employed during the investigations refen-ed to in this work is 0.8125 11). avoirdupois, the weight of the materials composing the heater, paddle-wheel, and other parts l>eing 0.20.8 lb. As the specific heat of these materials is 0.12"), it will be evident that 0.125 X 0.298 = 0.0;?72 lb. should be added to the weight of water contained in the heater. Ac- cordingly, the total weight will amount to 0.8125 + 0.0.'i72 = 0.8497 lb. The elevation of temperature in the heater l)eing fi.ved at 20^ F., it will be seen that the dynamic enei-gy developed during each experiment will ;tmount to 20 X 0.8497 = 1G.994 tlwrmal units, besides the energy absorbed l)y the 102 RADIANT HEAT. citai'. V. lens, wliicTi, agreea1)]y to actual trial, amounts to very nearly 0.10. Consequently, 0.10 X 16.994 + 16.994 = 18.6934 ther- mal nnits represent a permanent coefficient of energy for the particular instrument referred to. Let us clearly understand that, at the conclusion of each experiment, whatever be the time occupied in attaining the stii)ulated 20° F., the stated amount of energy, viz., 18.6934 thermal units, has been deve- lojied. We are, therefore, enabled to determine the amount of mechanical energy developed by solar radiation at the sur- face of the earth by observing the time occupied in attaining the stipulated temperature, and then dividing the coefficient of energy by the time thus observed. But it will be per- ceived, on reflection, that, in order to solve the important problem of solar emission, the following conditions must be fulfilled at the time of conducting the experiment : (1) The sun must be perfectly clear. (2) The position of the earth in the orbit must be knoAvn in order to enable lis to deter- mine the distance of the sun and the consequent dispersion of the rays during the observation. (3) The sun's zenith distance must be known, since the loss of radiant energy by absorption depends on the depth of atmosphere pene- trated by the rays. The second and third of these condi- tions are of course readily met ; but the first condition can only be fulfilled by repeating the observations during a series of years whenever the sun is exceptionally clear. The writer feels confident that, by having adopted this system, the problem of solar emission has been satisfactorily solved. An account of the observations successively made being devoid cu.U'. V. MEVUAyiCAL ENEliGT OF SOLAR RADIATION. 103 of interest, it will be suflicieut to state that the observed maximum solar intensity occurred March 7, 1871, the sun beiuo- then so clear that the before-mentioned amount of 18.6934 thermal units was developed in 10 min. 0.5 sec, hence — '- = 1.8678 units per minute. The sectional 10.00833 ^ area of the pencil of rays entering the solar calorimeter wa.", as already stated, 0.37187 square foot. Consequently, if we reduce the foregoing elements to the usual standard — one square foot of area acted tipo7i by the sun in one minute — it will be found that, on the occasion I'eferred to, an energy of 5.03 units of heat per minute was developed by a pencil of solar rays of 1 square foot section. The mean zenith dis- tance during the experiment was 46 deg. 5 rain., -while the position of the earth in the orbit was such that the sun's rays suffered a dispersion of 45,400 to 1. Keferring to the table of temperatures for given zenith distances (see page 62), it will be found that the radiant intensity at 46 deg. 5 min. zenith dis- tance is diminished in the ratio of 67°.2 : 59°.85. The energy developed by oui- calorimeter during the experiment was, of coui-se, reduced in the same proportion. Introducing, then, the necessaiy correction for the stated loss caused by zenith distance — i.e., atmospheric absorption— the tnie energy deve- loped by the radiation at the surface of the earth during the 67.20 X 5.03 .^^ .^ . , p^ experiment was — — = o.64 units per minute. Ke- ferring to Chap. III., it will be found that the temperature produced by solar radiation at the boundary of the terrestrial 104 B AVIAN! HEAT. chap. V. atiuospliere is U.207 greater tbau that developed near the siir- faee of the earth ; in other words, the eneigy absorbed b}- the atmosphere is to that transmitted to the eai-th as 0.207 : 0.793. Consequently, the energy develojied by solar radia- tion at the boundary of the atmos^phere, March 7, 1871, was 5.64 WIT- !■ , J5 P = 7.11 thermal units ou one square toot of suriace ; 0.793 ^ while the dispersi<,)u of the rays on that day was in the ratio of 45,400 to 1. It needs no demonstration to prove that, according to this ratio of dispersion of the rays, the energy emanating from one square foot of the photosphere must heat 45,400 square feet of surface at the boundary of the teri'estrial atmosphere. Our investigation having shown that solai" radiation develops an energy of 7.11 units to the square foot on entering the terrestrial atmosphere, it follows that solar emission amounts to 45,400 X 7.11 = 322,794 thermal units in one minute for each square foot of the photosphere. In view of the completeness of the means adopted in mea- suring the energy developed, and the ample time which has been devoted to the determination of maximum intensity, it is not probable that future labors will change the result of our investigation. The continuous shrinking of the sun will produce a perceptible diminution of the radiant energy trans- mitted to the earth in the course of a few hundred centuries, but the emissive energy for a given area of the sun \vill remain constant for millions of years, since the intensity developed by the falling mass will increase inversely as the square of its distance from the solar centre, thus balancing the dinii- CHAP. T. MKcn.iMCAL i:.\i:i;ay oFsoLAi: i:ai>i.\ti<)x. loo uutiou of energy consequent on the rediicecl fall of the mass. The illustration sliowu on Platte 11 represents a vertical section of a portable solar calorimeter, in all essential features similar to the instrument descrihed in the present chapter, the only material ditVerence l)eing that of employing a W^- actimj circulating \vheel within the heater. Referring to the illustration, it will lie seen that the instrument is placed on an ordinary table, a weight being suspended under the same for actuating the circulating wheel. The cylindrical chamber which contains the heater moves on a hinge secured to a circular bed-plate i^rovided with cogs, turning round a ver- tical pivot fastened to the top of the table, the inclination being regulated by a tangential screw. A horizontal pinion, geared into the cogged bed-plate referred to, enables the ope- rator to follow the diurnal motion, while the tangential screw enables him to regulate the inclination of the lens with refe- rence to the sun's declination. Appropriate sights are applied to the front side of the cylindrical chambei', showing when its axis points tow-ards the sun's centre, while a graduated (piadrant indicates the zenith distance at all times. It will l)e found, by inspecting the illustration, that the axle of the bai-rel actuated by the motive weight is connected by a train of cog-w^heels to the shaft of the circulating wheel within the heater. The perfect regularity of rotation imparted to this wheel, and the consequent perfectly uniform circulation kept up within the heater, dispenses with the necessity of exhausting the air from the cylindrical chamber, on the fol- 100 RADIANT HEAT. CHAP. v. lowing grounds : The beat imparted by the air \vithin the chamber during the fii'st half of the experiment balances the heat absorbed during the second half. There is a difference, but too small to cause an appreciable error. It may be men- tioned that the portable solar calorimeter thus described was originally constructed for ascertaining the dynamic energy developed by solar radiation on the plains of India and in xViisti'alia.. CHAPTER VI. THERMAL ENERGY TRANSMITTED TO THE EARTH I'.Y RADIATION EROi[ DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE SOLAR SURFACE. Pere Secchi, in the second edition of " Le Soleil," pub- lislied at Paris, 1875, calls special attention to tlie result of his early investigations of the force of radiation emanating from different regions of the sun's surface, reiterating with- out modification his former opinions regarding the absorption of the radiant heat by the solar atmosphere. It will be well to bear in mind that the plan adopted by the Italian physi- cist in his original researches, on which his present opinion is based, was that of projecting the sun's image on a screen, and then, by means of thermopiles, measuring the tempera- ture at different points. The serious defects inseparable from this method of measuring the intensity of the radiant heat I need not point out, nor Avill it be necessary to urge that a correct determination of the energy transmitted calls for direct observation of the temperature produced by the rays projected towards the earth. Accordingly, on taking up that 108 EAVIANT HEAT. CHAP. VI. brancli of my investigations of radiant licat which relates to the difference of intensity transmitted from different parts of the sun's surface, T adopted the method of direct observation. The progress was slow at the beginning, owing to the neces- sity of constructing an astronomical apparatus of unusual dimensions ; but having devised means which rendered the employment of any desirable focal length easy, the work has progressed rapidly. An instrument of 17.7 metres (58 feet) focal length, erected to conduct preliminary experiments, has proved so satisfactory that the construction of one of 30 metres focal length, which I supposed to be necessaiy, has been dis- pensed with. Considering that the apparent diameter of the sun at a distance of 17.7 metres from the observer's eye is 162.4 millimetres, even when the earth is in aphelion, the efficacy of the instrument employed might have been antici- pated. The nature of the device will be readily comprehend eil by the following explanation: Suppose a telescopic tube 17.7 metres long, 1 metre in diameter, devoid of object-glass and lenses, and mounted equatorially, to be closed at both ends by metallic plates or diaphragms, at right angles to the tele- scopic axis ; suppose the diaphragm at the upper end to be perforated with two circular apertures 200 millimetres in diameter, situated one above the other in the vertical line, 3 GO millimetres from centre to centre ; and suppose a third circular perforation whose area is one-fifth of the apparent area of the solar disc — viz., 72,6 millimetres diameter — to be made on either side of the vertical line ; suppose, lastly, that the diaphragm wliich closes the lower end of the tube CH.VP. vr. UNEQUAL UADIATIOX OF SOLAR DISC. 109 be pei-forated witli three snmll apertures luilliinetres in dia- meter, whose centres correspond exactly with the centres of the three large perforations in tlie upper diaphragm. The tube being then dii-ccted tuwaiils tlie sun, and actinometers applied below the thi'ee small apertures in the lower dia- phragm, it will be evident that two of tliese instruments will, after due exposure to a clear sun, indicate maximum solar iutensiity, say 3;")° C, while the actinometer applied in line with the perforation whose area is one-fifth of the apparent area of the solar disc will indicate — = 7° C, unless the central portion of the solar disc radiates more powerfully towards the earth than the rest, in which case a higher inten- sity than 7° C. "will be indicated by the actinometer referred to. It will be readily understood that the solar rays entering thi'ough the perforations at the upper end of the tube con- verge at the low^er end and pass through the small perfora- tions, causing maximum indication of the focal actinometera as stated. Now, suppose that a circular plate, the area of which is exactly four-fifths of the appai'ent area of the sun — viz., 145.2 millimetres diameter — be inserted concentrically in either of the two large perforations of the diaphragm at the top of the telescopic tul)e. The apparent diameter of the sun being, as before stated, 1G2.4 millimetres, it will be per- ceived that the inserted plate will only pai-tially exclude the solar radiation, and that the rays from a zone 1' 42" wide will pass outside the said plate, converging in the form of a hollow cone at the lower end of the tulte, and there enter 110 RADIANT HEAT. CHAP. VI. the respective actiuometer. The iudicatiou of the latter will then show the thermal energy transmitted by radiation from a zone whose mean width extends 49" from the sun's border. It should be particulai'ly observed that the three focal acti- nometers employed will be acted upon simtdtaneously by the converged I'ays, (1) from the entire area of the solar disc, (2) from a central region containing one-fifth of the area, and (3) from a zove at the border containing also one-fifth of the area of the solar disc. It is scarcely necessary to point out that an accurate comparison of the intensity of the radiant heat emanating from the central pai't and from the sun's border calls for simtdtaneovs observation, in order to avoid the errors resulting from change of zenith distance and variation of atmospheric absorption during the investigation. The great advantage of obtaining also a simultaneous indica- tion of the intensity transmitted by radiation from the entire solar disc is self-evident, since this indication serves as an effectual check on the observed intensities emanating from the centre and from the harder. The latter obviously must be less, while the former must be greater, for a given area, than the indication of the focal actiuometer which receives the radiation of the entire solar disc. The foregoing demonstration, based on h}'pothesis, having established the possibility of ascertaining by direct observa- tion the temperature produced by the rays projected from certain parts of the solar surface, let us now examine the means actually employed. An observer on the 40th deg. latitude, stationed on the north side of a building 28 metres CHAP. VI. UXEQUAL FADTATTOX OF SOLA!.' DfSC. m liigli, pointing east and west, can just see the sun pass the meridian, duiing the sunmier sies a posi- tion about 8 metres fi'om such buihling. Kow, if an opaque screen, perforated by a circuhir opening .".1."') niillinieti-es in diameter, be placed on the top of tlie su])po.';ed building, the entire solar disc may be seen through the same, pro\nded it faces the sun at right angles. But if the pei-foration in the said screen be 140 millimetres in dianietci-, only one-fifth of the area of the solar disc will be seen. And if the screen be removed and a circular plate 280 millimetres in diameter put in its place, the observer, ranging himself in line with the plate and the sun's centre, can see only a narrow border 1' 42" of the solar disc. Obviously the screen placed on the io-p of the building might be perforated lil:e the upjier diaphragm of the supposed telescopic tube, and a plate resembling the lower diaphragm, secured by apjiropriate means near the ground, might be made to support the focal aotinometers in such a manner that their axes pass through the centres of the perforations of the screen above the building. It is hardly necessarj' to state that the plate supporting the aoti- nometers should be attached to some mechanism capable of imjiarting to it a parallactic movement, during the observa- tion, corresponding with the sun's declination and the earth's diurnal motion, and that some adequate mechanism should be employed for regulating the position of the perforated screen and adjusting the focal distance in accordance vaih the change of the subtended angle consequent on the vary- ing distance from the sun. It will be evident that, since 113 liADIANT HEAT. chap. vi. the first-iiauieJ mecluiiiisiu rests on tLe ground, wliile tlie latter is secured to a massive building, far greater steadi- ness will be attained by our simple and comj^aratively inex- [)ensive device tlian by employing a telesco^iic tube of the most perfect construction mounted equatorially. Witli reference to tlie influence of diffraction, it should be stated tliat, before deteiiuining the size of the screens in- tended to shut out cei-tain parts of the soLnr disc during the investigation, the amount of inflection of the sun's rays was carefully ascertained. Two distinct methods were adopted : (1) measuring the additional amount of heat transmitted to the focal thermometers in consequence of the inflection of the rays ; (2) increasing the tlieoretical size of the screens until the effect of inflection was overcome and the luminous rays completely excluded. Regarding the first-named method of ascertaining the diffraction, it is important to mention that the temperature transmitted to the focal actinometers by the inflected radiation which passes outside of the theoretically determined screens is not proportionate to the inflection ascer- tained by the process of enlargement referred to. This cir- cumstance at first rendered the investigation somewhat com- plicated, but it soon became evident that the discrepancy was caused by tlie comparatively small inflection of the invislhh heat rays. It will Ije seen jiresentlj^ that the radiant heat which passes outside of the screens in consequence of diffrac- tion is considerably less than that which -would be transmitted to the focal actinometers if the calorific rays ^vel•e sulijected to an amount of inflection corresponding with the enlargement CUAP. VI. UNEQUAL HAI'IATIOX OF SOLAR DISC. 113 of the screens beyoucl the tbeuietical dimeusious uecessaiy to excliule tLe luminous rays. Let us first consider the metht)d of ascertaining the inflec- tion of the rays by measuring the additional amount of heat transmitted to the focal actinometers. Fig. 1 (see Plate 12) represents the solar disc, a being the focal actinometer exposed to the converged rays, a' a' representing an imaginary plane situated 17.7 metres from a, at which distance the section of the pencil of converging rays will be 162.4 millimetres in diameter, provided the earth is near aphelion. Fig. 2 also represents the solar disc, and c the actinometer exposed to the converged rays ; but a perforated screen b' b' is intei-posed, the perforation being of such a size that only the rays pro- jected by the central half of the solar disc (indicated by the circle h />) pass through the same and reach the focal actino- meter. The screen b' b' being situated 17.7 metres from c M-heu the earth is in the position before referred to, the said perforation must be 114.83 millimetres in diameter, in order that the lines b x' c may be straight. Fig. 3 likewise repre- sents the solar disc, its area being divided into two concentric halves by the circle d d ; but, in place of a perforated screen, an opaque circular screen d' is introduced at the same distance from the focal actinometer as in Fig. 2 ; consequently, the lines d y' f ^vill be straight. Now, if the actinometei-s a, c, and / be exposed to the converged solar radiation simultaneously and during an eqval interval of time, c and / receiving the heat from one half of the solar disc (the former from the central and the latter from the sun-ounding half), the tempe- 114 RADIANT HEAT. chap. vi. ratures of c and / added together should coiTesjDoud exactly with the temperature transmitted from the entire solar disc to a. Observation, however, shows that the temperature of c and /together is 0.091 greater than the temperature imparted to a. Hence an increase of temperature of nearly one-eleventh is produced by the inflection of the calorific rays, one-half being the result of the bending of the rays vnthin the per- foration of the screen h' h', the other half resulting from the bending outside of the screen d'. The increment of tempe- rature being thus known, the degree of inflection may be easily determined by drawing a circle x x round the circle 7 7 • •,-...-, „ 0.091 b, covermg an additional area of = 0.0455; and by inscribing a circle y y within d d, covering an area of 0.0455 less than the area of d d. It will be perceived, on reflection, that X x' b represents the angle of inflection of the calorific rays within the perforation of the screen b' b', and that d y' y represents the angle of inflection outside of the screen d'. Demonstration shows that the former angle measures 14".57, while the latter measui-es 14".86, the mean being ]4".7l. Having thus determined the inflection resulting fi-om invi- sible radiation, let us now ascertain the inflection of the luminous rays. As before stated, the apparent diameter of the sun at a distance of 17.7 metres from a given point is 162.4 millimetres when the luminary is fui-thest from the earth. Now, our investigation shows that a screen 167 milli- metres in diameter hardly sufiices to exclude the luminous 1 ^1 ■ ■ a .■ 167 - 162.4 rays ; hence their inflection amounts to = 2.3 CHAP. VI. UXEQUAL EADIATIOy OF SOLAR DISC. 115 millimetres in a length of 17.7 metres. Their angle of inflec- tion \vill therefore be 26".81, against 14".71 for the dark rays. We have thus incidentally established the fact that the inflec- tion of the luminous and calorific rays differs nearly in,' the same proportion as the calorific energies of the invisible and visible portions of the solar spectrum. The illustration on Plate 13 represents a top view (see Fig. 15) and a transverae section (see Fig. 17) of the paral- lactic mechanism employed in the investigation. The leading feature of the device is that of attaching three actinometers, f, Ji, and (/, to a plate which may be set at any desired inclination, and capable of being moved simultaneously at right angles to, and in a direction parallel vpith, the meri- dian. The mode of effecting this movement will be readily understood by the following description, reference being had to the illustration : a is a screw, the threads of which are foi-med to a pitch of three-eighths of an inch, placed hori- zontally and at right angles to the meridian, the ends turn- ing in bearings bolted to a substantial frame /; ?>, supported by legs resting on a solid stone foundation. A radial arm c, the position of which is regulated by a graduated quadrant c', is fastened to the end of the screw a; the latter being by that means prevented fi-om turning round, d J, arms con- nected by a cylindrical socket d', which slides freely back and fonvards on the screw. The said socket is prevented from turning round the screw by the application of a square key a', fitted accurately into a rectangular longitudinal groove formed in the side of the screw, e e, plate sliding between 116 RADIANT HEAT. chap. vi. appropriate guide-rods secured to the ujiper side of tlie arms d d, motion being imparted to this plate by a micrometric screw e'. The actinometers /, (/, and h are attached to a plate I; bolted to the top of e e. The sliding socket d' is moved along the main screw by a milled nut /, held against the end of the said socket by a forked piece I' fastened to the arm d and acting on a collar formed at the small end of the milled nut. It scarcely needs explanation that, by turning this nut, the sliding socket d' may be made to move along the main screw in either direction, thereby imparting motion to the plate Js which supports the three actinometers. Nor will it be necessary to demonstrate that, by turning the micrometric screw in line with the solar centre. My original design was that of actuating the parallactic mechanism by clock-work ; but, warned by the frequent failures of astronomers to keep the sun accurately in focus even during the short period of an eclipse, I adopted the safer method of operating by hand. The distance between the centres of the discs /' and g' cor- responding exactly with the distance between the axes of the actinometers / and g, both being equidistant from the axis of the eye-piece, it will be evident that the centres of the discs /' and g' wlW always coincide with the axes of their respective actinometers directed towards the- solar centre, pro- vided the operator manipulates the instrument so carefully that the sun is kept accurately in focus ; in other words, that no distortion is suffered to take place of the annular face or narrow border of the sun seen through the colored glass. It hardly needs explanation that the actinometer h is at all times exposed to the full energy of the converging rays from the sun. As a detailed account of the result of the investigation would occupy too much space, the leading jjoiuts only will be presented. The observations have all been made at noon, the duration of the exposure to the sun having been limited to seven minutes, during which period the actino- meters are moved, by the parallactic mechanism, through a CUAP. VI. UNEQUAL RADIATION OF SOLAR 1)180. 119 distance of about 55 centimetres, from west to east. The intensity of the radiant heat imparted to the actinometers has been recorded by the observers at the termination of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh minute, the exact moment for reading off being indicated by a chronograph. The relative intensities transmitted by radiation from the centre and from the border of the solar disc first claim our attention. Fig. 6 re2:)resents the solar disc covered l)y a circular screen 145.25 millimetres in diameter, excluding the rays excepting from a narrow zone, the mean width of which is situated 49" from the border of the photosphere. Fig. 7 shows a screen excluding the solar rays excepting from the central portion, the area of which is precisely eqval to the area of the narrow zone in Fig. 6. The following table shows the intensities transmitted to the actinometers 130 BABIANT HUAT. chap. vi. during an observatiou, August 25, 1875, the radiation from the solar disc being then excluded in the manner shown in Fis:s. 6 and 7. ime. Uentral portion. Cent. £>orner. Cent. Rate of difference. 2.19 4' 3°.28 2°.19 aas - »■<=''' 5' 3°. 56 2°.37 2.49 6' 3°. 73 2°.49 2.60 7' 3°.88 2°. 60 3.88 - '■'^^ Mean = 0.667 It should be particularly observed that this table records the result of four distinct observations ; nor should it be over- looked that although the intensities vary greatly for each observation, in consequence of the continued . exposure to the sun, yet the rates shovdng the difference of the intensity of the rays transmitted from the border, inserted in the last column, is pi-actically the same for each observation, the dis- crepancy betvreen the highest and the lowest rate being only 0.004. It should be mentioned that all my instruments for measuring radiant heat referred to in this work have been graduated to the Fahrenheit scale, which practically is more exact than the Centigrade, owing to its finer divisions. For the benefit of the majority of readers the observed tempera- tures have been reduced to Centigrade scale before being entered in our tables. Persons practically acquainted ^vith CHAP. VI. UNEQUAL BADIATION OF SOLAR DISC. 121 the difficulty of ascertaining tlie intensity of solar radiation will be sui-prised at the exactness and consistency of the indications of our instruments. This desirable exactness has been attained by surrounding the actinometers with ^\•ater- jackets, which communicate with each other by connecting pipes, through which a steady stream of water is circulated. By this expedient the chambers containing the bulbs of the several thermometers are maintained with critical nicety at equal temperature — an inexorable condition when the object is to determine differential temperature with great exactness. Apart from this, the chambers which contain the bulbs of the thermometers are air-tight, the radiant heat being admitted through a small aperture at the top of the chamber, covered by a thin crystal. Referring to the preceding table, it ■will be seen that the intensity transmitted by radiation from the sun's border, repre- sented in Fig. 6, is 0.667 of the intensity transmitted from the central region represented in Fig. 7, the area of each being precisely alike. From the stated intensity must be deducted the heat imparted to the actinometer by the inflection of the calorific rays. The circumference of the perforation of the screen sho^vn in Fig. 7 being exactly one-half of the circum- ference of the screen in Fig. 6, while the central region radi- ates more powerfully than the border, fully one-half of the inflected radiation from the border will be balanced by the inflected radiation emanating fi-om the central region. Agree- ably to the previous demonstration relating to Figs. 2 and 3, it will be seen that the unbalanced inflection amounts to 122 BABIANT HEAT. chap. VI. 0.029 ; hence tlie radiation transmitted from the border zone will be 0.667 - 0.029 = 0.638 of the intensity of radiation transmitted fi'om the central region. We have thus shown by a reliable method that the intensity of the rays directed toAvards the earth from the border zone suffers a diminution of 1.000 - 0.638 = 0.362 of the intensity of the radiation emanating from the central region. But the mean depth of the solar atmosphere of the border zone, in the direction of the earth, is 2.551 greater than the vertical depth, while the mean depth over the central region referred to is only 0.036 greater than the vertical depth of the solar atmosphere. It will be evident that if the law of retardation were known, the foregoing figures would enable us to determine the absorj)- tive power of the solar atmosphere. Concerning this law, it should be mentioned that in the first edition of " Le Soleil," page 264, the author assumes that the absorption of the calo- rific rays by the atmosphere " augments in proportion to the secant of the zenith distance " ; in other words, as the depth of the atmosphere penetrated by the rays. Consequently, if this assumption be correct, the absorption by the solar atmo- 0.362 „ , sphere cannot exceed = 0.144 of the radumt ^ 2.551 - 0.036 heat emanating from the photosphere. It will be found, on referring to the revised edition of " Le Soleil," Vol. I., p. 212, that P6re Secchi makes the following statements regarding the absorptive power of the solar atmosphere : (1) " At the centre of the disc — that is to say, perpendicularly to the surface of the photosjihere — the absorption arrests about I, CHAP. VI. UNEQUAL liADIATIOX OF SOLAR DISC. 123 or, more exactly, tWt, of the total force." (2) "The total action of the absorbing envelope on the hemisphere visible from the sun is so great that it allows only iSV of the total radiation to pass, the remainder, namely, n'oV, being absorbed." It is unnecessary to criticise these figures presented by the Eoman astronomer, as a cursory inspection of our table and diagrams is sufficient to show the fallacy of his computa- tions. Besides determining the absoi-ptive power of the solar atmosphere, another impoi-tant problem may be solved by accurately measuring the intensity of the radiation emanat- ing fi'om various parts of the disc — namely, that relating to the sun's emissive power in different directions. In order to decide this question, I have adopted the plan of measur- ing the energy of the radiant heat transmitted from zones crossing the solar disc at right angles, as shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Repeated observations having shown that the acti- nometers are equally affected by the radiation from these zones, each of which occupies an arc of 30 deg., containing one-third of the area of the disc, the inference is irresistible that the sun emits heat of equal intensity in all directions. It should be borne in mind that, agreeably to our method, the radiations from these zones are observed simultaneously — a fact tending to prove that our conclusions cannot be erro- neous. The arrangement exhibited in Figs. 10 and 11 hardly needs explanation. Eef erring to Fig. 10, it will be seen that two segmental screens are employed excluding the radiant heat, excepting from the zone, wliioh is inirallel with the sun's equator. Similar screens are employed (see Fig. 11) 124 BABIANT HEAT. chap. VI. for excludiug tlie rays excepting from the zone j)ai"allel "with the sun's polar axis. The curvatures of the segmental screens, it shoiild be observed, have been struck to a radius of ninety- millimetres, in order to cut off effectually the inflected radi- ation from the sun's border. Obviously diffraction has not called for any correction of our observations relating to this part of the investigation, since the inflected radiation from the equatorial zone exactly balances the inflected radiation from the polar zone. As already stated, repeated observa- tions show that the radiant energies transmitted to the acti- nometers from the two zones are identical. The observations relating to the temperature of the polar regions, represented in Figs. 8 and 9, at first led to the sup- position that the rays projected from the north pole of the sun transmit a perceptibly greater energy to the actinometers than the rays from the opposite pole. Subsequent observa- tions having positively established the fact that the polar and equatorial zones transmit equal intensities, it became evident that some other cause than difference of temperature within the polar regions influenced the actinometers. The only valid reason that could be assigned in explanation of the anomaly being the considerable angle subtended, and the consequent difference of zenith distance of the opposite poles of the sun, my table of maximum solar intensity for given zenith dis- tances (prepared from data collected during a series of years) was consulted, in order to ascertain the influence of zenith distance. The observations indicating a higher temperature at the north pole, it should be mentioned, had been made CHAP. VI. UNEQUAL HABIATIOX OF SOLAR DISC. 125 while the sun's zenith distance I'anged between 32 deg. and 33 deg. at noon. Now, the table i-eferred to shows that there is a difference of radiant intensity of G3°.G3 — G3°.40 =: 0°.23 F. between the stated zeiiitli distances. Tlie mean angle sub- tended by the sun being fully thirty-two minutes, it will thus be seen that, owing to the absoi-ptive power of the terresti-ial atmosphere, the radiant intensities transmitted from the oppo- site poles of the luminary dift'ei' consideiably. The magni- tude of this difference, adequate to explain the discrepancy under consideration, need not excite surprise if we consider that thirty-two minutes of zenith distance involves an addi- tional depth of more than half a mile of atmosphere to be penetrated by the rays projected towards the actinometer from the south pole of the sun. The foregoing facts show the neces- sity of taking the difference of zenith distance between the opposite poles into account in making exact observations of the sun's polar temjierature, especially at the lower altitudes, where the secant of the zenith distance increases rapidly. Regarding the calorific energy of the radiation emanating from the border of the sun, the following brief statement presents facts of considerable importance hitherto unknown. Several observations during the early part of the investigation pointed to the fact that increased energy is transmitted to the actinometers by radiation from the sun's border. Again, considerable irregularity was observed in the progressive dimi- nution of the force of radiation towards the circumference of the solar disc. It has already been shown that the radiation from the border zone, 1' 42" wide, occupying one-fifth of the 126 RADIANT HEAT. area of the solar disc, transmits 0.638 of the intensity trans- mitted from an equal area at the centre of the disc. Of course it will be supposed that the rate of the diminution of intensity within the zone thus ascertained is much greater near the border of the photosphere than at the middle of the zone. Such, however, is by no means the case, notwith- standing the assumption of physicists that the heat transmitted by radiation from the border is very feeble. In order to test the truth of the indications referred to, sho\ving considerable radiant energy at the border of the photosphere, a very careful investigation was made, Sept. 9, 1875, by means of screens excluding the rays from the solar disc, as shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The diameter of the screen represented in Fig. 12, being 154.06 millimetres, covered nine-tenths of the area of the disc ; while the screen shown in Fig. 18, being 145.25 millimetres, covered four-fifths of the disc. It will be well to mention that the dimensions of the screens referred to CHAP. TI. UNEQUAL RADIATION OF SOLAR DISC. 127 correspond to the angle subtended by the sun Avben the earth is in aphelion. Accordingly, the distance between the actinometers and the screens was adjusted previous to the obseiTation — that is, shortened — in order to comiiensate for the increase of the angle subtended by the sun. Agreeably to the stated dimensions of the screens, it will be found that the zone represented in Fig. 13 is 1' 42", Avhile the zone in Fig. 12 is 49".6. The mean width of the latter is conse- quently situated only 2J:".3 from the border of the photo- sphere. The following table shows the intensities transmitted to the actinometers from the zones represented in Figs. 12 and 13: ^" Cent^' ^"' ^^ °^ Difference. „ " 1.333 ''■''" 1:1 = '■''' 1°.583 ^^ = 0.652 2.425 7' 2°.485 1°.666 ]^ = 0.670 2.485 Mean = 0.660 The rate of diflference inserted in the last colmnn, it will be noticed, is not qiiite so consistent as in the table recording the observations made Aug. 25. The discrepancy is, however, not material, the difference between the lowest and the mean rate being 0.008. It will be seen, on inspecting the registered intensities, that the border zone represented in Fig. 12, whose Time. Cent. 4' 2°.011 6' 2°. 248 6' 2°. 425 128 'RADIANT HEAT. chap. vi. area is only oue-lialf of tlie area of tlie zone in Fig. 13, trans- mits 0.660 of tlie intensity of tlie latter. This, at fii'st sight, indicates an extremely disproportionate transmission of heat from the narrow border zone ; but it should be considered that the inflected radiation imparts relatively more heat to the actinometer exposed to the radiation from the narrow zone than from the wide zone. It will be readily under- stood that, since the inflection of the calorific rays is 14".7, the first-mentioned actinometer receives radiant heat from 14".7 + 49".6 = 64".3 ; while the actinometer exposed to the radiation from the wide zone receives heat from 1' 42" + 14".7 = 116".7. Consequently, the radiant heat emanating from 64" 3 the narrow zone will be -— — 0.551 of that transmitted 116".7 from the wide zone, hence somewhat more than one-half. Our investigation therefore proves that the radiant heat transmitted from the narrow border zone represented in Fig. 12 is 0.660 - 0.551 = 0.109 more intense than that transmitted from the zone represented in Fig. 13, although the mean distance of the latter is twice as far from the border of tbe photosphere as the mean distance of the for- mer. The singular fact thus revealed can only be accounted for by supposing that internal radiation is not incompatible -^^-ith the constitution of the photosphere, and by adopting Lockyer's views expressed in the Senate House at Cambridge, 1871, that "the photosphere must be a something suspended in the solar atmosphere." Let a h, Fig. 14, represent a sec- tion of the " suspended " photosphere, and d c, g f, I'ays pro- CIIAP. VI. UNEQUAL RADIATION OF SOLAR DISC. 129 jected towards the eartli. Agreeably to the cuiulitious men- tioned, and in view of the fact that the force of radiation from incandescent gases presenting equal areas varies nearly as their depth, we are Avarranted in concluding that, since the depth (I d' is greater than g g', the radiant heat transmitted from the photosphere by the ray d c Avill be greater than that transmitted by the ray g f. It should be observed that the energy transmitted towards the earth by d c suffers a greater diminution than the energy transmitted by g f, in consequence of the greater depth of the solar atmosphere penetrated. Hence the augmented energy estal)lished by our investigation does not show the full amount of the increase of radiant heat transmitted from the border of the sun. Having thus briefly stated the result of my observations, it \n\\ be proper to mention that, before undertaking a sys- tematic investigation of the difference of theraial energy trans- mitted to the earth by radiation from different parts of the solar sui-face, I examined thoroughly the merits of Laplace's famous demonstration relating to the absorptive power of the sun's atmosphere, proving that only t^ of the energy deve- loped by the sun is transmitted to the earth. The demon- stration being based on the assumption that the sun's rays 130 BABIANT HEAT. emit energy of eqiial intensity in all directions, my iuitiary step was tLat of testing practically the trutli of that propo- sition. It lias been asserted that Laplace did not propound the singular doctrine involved in such a proposition ; I therefore feel called upon, before proving its unsoundness, to quote the words employed by the celebrated mathemati- cian (see " M^canique Celeste," Tom. IV. page 284). Having called attention to the fact that any portion of the solar disc, as it approaches the limb, ought to appear more bril- liant because it is viewed under a less angle, Laplace adds : " Car il est naturel de penser que chaque point de la sur- face du soleil renvoie une lumiere ^gale dans tous les sens." Let a h c d in the above diagram. Fig. 18, represent pai-t of the border of the sun, and h «, c d, small equal arcs ; a a', h I)', c c', d d', being parallel rays projected towards the earth. Laplace's theory asserts that, owing to the concentration of the rays, the radiation emanating from the portion d c trans- mits greatei' intensity towards the earth than h a, in the pro- CHAP. VI. UNEQUAL RADIATION OF SOLAR DISC. 131 poilion oi c d io f c. The proposition is thus stated in " Mecanique Celeste " : " Call d the arc of a great circle of the sun's surface, included between the luminous point and the centi'e of the sun's disc, the sun's radius being taken fur unity ; a very small poi-tiou, a, of the surface being removed to the distance 6 from the centre of the disc, will appear to be reduced to the space a cos. d; the intensity of its light must therefore be increased in the ratio of unity to cos. 0." In order to disprove the correctness of the stated demon- stration, I have measui-ed the relative thermal energy of rays projected in different directions from an incandescent metallic disc by the method minutely described in Chap. XL The follo\ving brief description will, however, be necessary in this place, reference being had to the illustration adverted to in the said Chapter XI. (see Plate 21). Fig. 2 represents a section of a conical vessel covered by a movable semi-spherical top, the vessel being siirrounded by a jacket through which water may be circulated. A revolving disc a a, composed of cast iron, the back being semi-spherical and protected l)y fire-clay, is suspended across the top of the conical vessel, supported by horizontal journals attached at opposite sides. The angular position of the disc is regulated by a radial handle b, connected to one of the journals, the exact incli- nation to the vertical line being ascertained by means of a graduated quadrant d. An instrument c, capable of indicat- ing the intensity of the radiant heat transmitted by the incan- descent disc, is applied at the bottom of the conical vessel. The movable cover and its lining of fire-clay being removed, 132 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. vi. the cast-iron disc is lieated in an air-furnace to a tempera- ture of 1,800° F. It is then removed by appropriate tongs, and susj)ended over the conical vessel, the lining and cover being quickly replaced. The temperature shown by the instru- ment at the bottom of the conical vessel, resulting from the action of the radiant heat of the disc, is then recorded for every tenth degree of inclination. The investigation, it may be briefly stated, shows that the temperature imparted by radiation to the recording instrument is exactly as the sines of the angles of inclination of the disc. Hence, at an incli- nation of 10 deg. to the vertical line, the temperature imparted to the thermometer is scarcely i of that imparted when the disc faces the thermometer at right angles ; yet in both cases an equal amount of surface of an equal degree of incandes- cence is radiating towards the instrument. Laplace and his followers have evidently overlooked this important and some- what anomalous fact proving that radiation emanating from heated bodies is incapable of exerting full energy in more than one direction. Our practical experiments -ttath the revolving incandescent disc have thus fully demonstrated the truth of the proposition intended to be established — namely, that the rays emanating from incandescent planes do not transmit heat of equal intensity in all directions, the energy transmitted being, as stated, proportionate to the sines of their angle of inclination to the radiating surface. The next step in the preliminary investigation was that of measuring the radiant energy transmitted in a given direc- tion by an incandescent solid metallic sphere. For this pur- CHAP. Ti. USEQUAL RADIATION OF SOLAR DISC. 133 pose I employed a double conical vessel similar to the one already described, the incandescent sphere being suspended over the conical vessel in the manner minutely described in Chap. XII. A brief explanation will, however, be necessary here, reference being had to the diagram on Plate 24, repre- senting four spheres. Figs. 3, 4, 5, and G. Each sphere is divided into four zones, A, B, C, and D, occupying unequal arcs, but containing equal convex areas. Semi-spherical screens, com- posed of non-conducting substances, were ajiplied below each sphere, provided with annular openings arranged as shown in the diagram. Through these annular openings the radiant heat from the incandescent zones D, C, B, and A was trans- mitted to the thermometers /, g, Ji, and k respectively. Pere Secchi and other followers of Laplace will be siirprised to learn that when the suspended sphere was maintained at a temperature of 1,800° R, the radiation fi-om the zone C, Fig. 4, imparted a temperature of 27°.49 F. to the thermometer g ; while the radiation from the zone A, Fig. 6, imparted only 6°.19 F. to the thermometer l\ Let iis bear in luind that the radiating surface I m oi the zone A is equal to the radiating surface p q oi the zone C. The stated great dif- ference of temperature produced by the radiation from zones of equal area funiishes additional proof that Laplace based his remarkable analysis on false premises. " The sun's disc ought to appear more brilliant towards the border because viewed imder a less angle," we are told by the great analyst. The instituted pi-actical tests, however, prove positivel}- that the energy of the rays projected from the border of an incan- 134 BADIAWI EEAT. chap. vi. descent sphere is greatly diminished because viewed under a less angle from the point occupied by the recording thermo- meter. The result of the experiment with the revolving incan- descent disc shows that if the small arc h a, in Fig. 18, be reduced until the field represented by h' a' becomes equal to the field represented by c' d', the radiant energy trans- mitted through each of those fields will be alike ; the reason being that the number of rays of diminished intensity passing through c' d' will be as much greater than the number of rays of maximum intensity passing through h' a' as c d is greater than the reduced h a — f c. It should be observed that c 6? is so small that we may, without appreciable error, regard it as a straight line, and / c as the sine of the angle c d f. It follows from this demonstration that if the solar atmosphere exerted no retarding influence, the radiant heat transmitted towards the earth would be alike for equal areas of the solar disc ; more correctly, for areas subtending equal angles, since the receding part of the solar sui-face is at a greater distance from the earth than the central part. Encouraged by the results of the instituted practical tests showing the actual intensity transmitted by radiant heat ema- nating from incandescent spheres and inclined discs, I devised the method before described, proving positively that the polar and equatorial regions of the solar disc transmit radiant heat of equal intensity to the earth, and that the sun emits heat of equal energy in all directions. Accepting Secchi's doctrine relating to the retardation suffered by calorific rays in passing CHAP. VI. UNEQUAL RABIATIOX OF SOLAR DISO. 135 through atmospheres — namely, that the diminution of energy is as the depth penetrated b}- the rays — I liave showii, by the easy calcuhxtion before presented, that the absorption by the sohir atmosphere cannot exceed Vo*uV of the radiant energy emanating from the photosphere. Concerning the plan resorted to by the Director of the Roman Observatory and others of investigating the sun's image instead of adopting the method of direct observations, I will merely observe, in addition to what has already been stated, that the information contained in the several works of the Roman astronomer furnishes the best possible guide in judging of the efficacy of image-investigation. Let us select his account of the investigations conducted between the 19th and 23d of March, 1852. Having pointed out that in these experiments it was impossible to approach within a minute of the edge of the sun, and that during a later observation — date not mentioned — he had approached ^vithin a minute, the investigator obseives : " But at this extreme limit, even making use of the most accurate means of observation, we find difficulties Avhicli it is impossible to overcome com- pletel)'." In addition to this emphatic expression regarding the difficulties encountered, the author adds : " Moreover, it is impossible to study the edge alone, for the unavoidable motions of the image do not admit of its being retained at exactly the same point of the pile ; we have, therefore, been unable to push the exactness as far as we hoped, and we have discontinued the pursuit of these researches, although the results obtained are quite interesting." (See revised edi- 136 BABIANT HEAT. CHAP. vi. tion of " Le Soleil," Vol. I. p. 205.) It is needless to iustitute a comparisou between a system of Avhicli its founder speaks so despondiugly and one wliicli enables us to push our inves- tigations to the extreme limit of the solar disc, admitting of entire zones being viewed at once, instead of only small, isolated spots. The foregoing demonstration, showing that the solar atmo- sphere absorbs 0.144 of the heat radiated, it should be remem- bered, is based on the assumption that the retardation is as the depth penetrated by the rays. In view of the fact that projectile force diminishes inversely as the square of the depth of the medium penetrated, we are, of course, not com- pelled to accept the stated assumption. Adopting the dyna- mical law relating to projectile motion, referred to, it will be found that the retardation, instead of being 0.144, will be ( 3 55i-'oo3ii)^ ~ 0.057. But even this apparently small amount of absorption of the radiant intensity cannot be satisfactorily accounted for, since the mechanical energy developed by the sun is at least 322,000 thermal units per minute upon an area of one square foot. Consequently, 322,000 X 0.057 X 772 = 14,169,288 foot-pounds represent the mechanical equivalent of tU-o of the radiant energy emanating from each square foot of the photosphere. Owing to the high temperature and conse- quent lightness, no conceivable work performed within the solar atmosphere can satisfactorily account for the disappear- ance, every minute, of such an amount of energy. It is there- fore demonstrable that we have not underrated the absorptive power. CHAPTER VII. THE SOURCE OF SOLAR ENERGY. Sir AVilliaji Thomson, iu his celebrated paper on the Mechanical Energies of the Solar System, read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, April, 1854, puts the question : "AVhat is the soiu'ce of mechanical eueigy, drawn upon Ijy the sun, in emitting heat, to be dissipated in space ? " Having very briefly examined the question, he adds : " We see, then, that all theories which have yet been proposed, as well as every conceivable theory, must be one or other, or a combi- nation, of the following three: (1) That the sun is a heated body losing heat. (2) That the heat emitted from the sun is due to clieniical action among materials originally belong- ing to the mass, or that the sun is a great fire. (3) That meteoi-s falling into the sun give rise to the heat which he emits." The second and third of these suppositions having been disposed of l)y more recent investigations, let us con- fine our discussion to the first hypothesis, that the sun is a heated body losing heat, regarding which the eminent phy- sicist remarks: "In alluding to theories of solar heat in a foiTuer communication to the Ro\al Society I pointed out 137 138 BADIANT HEAT. chap. vii. tliat the first hypothesis is quite untenable. In fact, it is ueuionstrable that, unless the sun be of matter inconceivably more conductive for heat, and less volatile, than any terres- trial meteoric matter we knoAV, he would become dark in two or tliree minutes, or days, or months, or years, at his present rate of emission, if he had no source of energy to draw from but primitive heat. This assertion is founded on the supposition that conduction is the only means by which heat could reach the sun's surface from the interior, and perhaps recpiires limitation. For it might be supposed that, as the sun is no doubt a melted mass, the brightness of his surface is constantly refreshed by incandescent fluid rushing from below to take the place of matter falling upon the surface after becoming somewhat cooled and consequently denser — a process which might go on for many years with- out any sensible loss of brightness. If we consider, however, the whole annular emission at the present actual rate, we find, even if the sun's thermal capacity were as great as that of an equal mass of water, that his mean temperature would be lowered by about 3° Cent, in two years." It -would appear from this reasoning that Sir William Thomson had overlooked Laplace's important nebular theory which leads to the conclusion that the sun's heat is the result of con- densation caused by gravitation. Obviously this condensa- tion is progressing at the present time as fast as the mass cools, the process being the same now as millions of years ago, the heat generated by the condensation becoming gradually intensified in the inverse ratio of the radius of the contract- CHAP. VII. Till-: aorucK of holai; enei;gy. inn ing mass. Let us consider, liowever, that the matter com- posing this contracting mass siitfei-s a proportionate reduction of velocity ; hence the emission of heat becomes constant for a given area of the soLir suiface, notwithstanding the augmentation of intensity. But, wliile the emission from a given area is constant, the bulk of the cooling mass is con- tinually diminishing. The important consequences of this diminution of bulk will l^e otnisidered presently. Of course it will not be necessary to prove that the sun is continu- ally becoming smaller, since all incandescent bodies shrink rapidly if permitted to radiate freely, the rate being nearly proportional to the degree of incandescence. Our task, there- fore, will be confined to a simple demonstration showing that the emission of 322,000 thermal units per minute on each squai-e foot of solar surface, established in Chaj)ter V., is capable of being developed by the contraction of the mass, in accordance "with the nebular theory of Laplace. At first sight it would appear that no probable amount of contrac- tion of the solar mass could develop, by gravitation towards the centre, an amount of mechanical energy of 322,000 X 772 = 248,584,000 foot-pounds per minvte for each square foot of the surface of the sun. Yet so A-ast is the amount of matter covered by the insignificant area of 144 square inches of the solar surface — in other words, such is the con- tents of a spherical pyramid the base of which is one square foot, and whose length is equal to the sun's radius — that a veiy small amount of contraction suffices to develop, l>y gra- vitation towards the solar centre, the stated enormous mecha- 140 BADIANT HEAT. chap. vii. uical enei'gy. It will be readily understood that the energy developed by the shrinking of a spherical pyramid whose sides are sectors of the great circle of the sun M'ill represent cor- rectly the relative energy produced by the shrinking of the entire solar mass. Hence, if Ave can determine the amount of longitudinal contraction of the supposed spherical pyramid requisite to produce, by gravitation tow^ai'ds the centre of the mass, a mechanical energy of 248,584,000 foot-pounds per minute, we need not enter into any further computation, since a corresponding contraction of the sun's radius will develop for every sqxiare foot of his surface a like energy. Let I K S, Fig. 1 (see Plate 14), represent the great circle of the sun, a m a' the spherical pyramid referred to, and Fig. 2 the said pyramid drawn to a larger scale, its axis being divided into ten equal parts. It is proposed to ascer- tain what extent of longitudinal contraction of the spherical pyramid a m a' is necessary to produce an amount of djaiamic energy corresponding with that developed by the radiation from 1 sq. ft. of the solar surface in a given time. The in- vestigation will be facilitated and more readily comprehended if we compute the amount of energy developed by a definite contraction of the sun's radius, say one foot. Let us, there- fore, suppose that the surface a a', the distance of which is '- X 5,280 = 2,250,821,760 ft. from m, has fallen through a space of one foot, the intermediate points b, c, d, etc., par- ticipating proportiouably in the fall. Assuming that the solar mass remains homogeneous during the contraction, it follows CHAP. Til. THE SOURCE OF SOLAU EXERGT. 141 from Newton's demonstration (" Principia," Lib. I. Prop. LXXIII.) that, since a particle just within the circumference of the sphere at a is ten times further from the centre m than a partick- at /, the foniicr will be attracted towards ni with ten times greater force than the latter. It will be per- ceived, on reflection, that, for a given movement towards the centre, the quantity of matter put in motion at a will be greater than at J, in the ratio of the squares of a a', and / 1, or 100 ; 1. Hence, in accordance with the demonstration referred to, a given radial depth of the solar mass at a will exert a force towards w 10 X 100 = 1,000 times greater than an equal radial depth at I. But in computing the dynamic energy developed by the shrinking of the sun, it must be borne in mind that a particle at a falls through a distance ten times greater than a particle at I. The length of the onlinates of the curve j) (, Fig. 3, representing the ratio of dynamic energy developed at the respective distances from the sun's centre, has been calculated accordinglj'. A cui-sory examination of Fig. 2 can scarcely fail to lead to the suppo- sition that the mass composing the smaller sections of the sjiherical i)}ramid near the centre of the sphere Avill be attracted by the larger mass composing the sections near the circumference. Newton has disposed of this question by a geometrical demonstration which, considering the foiiii t)f the attracting mass, and the e.xtreme complication arising from the varying direction and unequal magnitude of the attracting forces, may be I'egarded as one of the most ele- gant of his masteily demonstrations of inqxirtant -propositions 143 RADTANT HEAT. chap. Tii. and tlieorems. Unless it can be proxed that a jiarticle at P is not attracted by any portion of the mass contained within the external spherical superficies IKS and the interior sphe- rical superficies P j^, we must assume that the mass compos- ing the sections near the base of the spherical pyramid will exert the disturbing attraction before alluded to. Hence our demonstration of the enei'gy produced by the attraction of the matter within the sun, during shrinking, falls to the ground unless it can be shown that every particle compos- ing the spherical pyramid is in perfect repose as regards the attraction exerted by exterior particles. The great geometer thus establishes that repose : " Let II I K L be a spherical superficies and P a corpuscle placed -within. Through P let there be drawn to this superficies the t\vo lines II K, I L, intersecting very small arcs II I, K L ; and because the tri- angles H P I, L P K are homogeneous, those arcs will be proportional to the distances H P, L P, and any particles at H I and K L of the spherical superficies, terminated by right lines passing through P, will be in duplicate ratio of those distances. Therefore the forces of these particles ex- erted upon the body P are equal between themselves. For the forces are as the particles directly, and the squares of the distances inversely. And these two ratios compose the ratio of ecpiality. The attractions, therefore, being made equally towards contrary parts, destroy each other ; and, by a like rea- soning, all the attractions through the whole spherical super- ficies are destroyed by contrary attractions. Therefore the body P will not be any way impelled by those attractions." cUAi>. VII. THE SOVUCE OF SOLAU ESEEGY. Ul! Sir Isaac Newton, iu his demoustratious relatiug to sphe- rical bodies, supposed these to be composed of an infinite number of spherical superficies, the thickness of which he thus defines: "By the superficies of whlcli I here imagine the solids composed, I do not mean superficies purely mathe- matical, but orbs so extremely thin that their thickness is as nothing ; that is, the evanescent orbs of which the sphere will at last consist when the number of the orbs is increased, and their thickness diminished without end." Referring to Fig. 3, it should be p;irticularly observed that the ordinates of the curve 2) t do not indicate the force exerted by mere attraction. As already stated, their length represeuts the dynamic energy developed at the indicated distances from the solar centre. Consequently, the energy actually developed by the shrinking of the mass is repre- sented by the superficies o p t, while the rectangle o p u t represents the energy that would be called forth if the force exei-ted at every point of the axis of the spherical pyramid were the same as that exerted at a a'. Having already pointed out the manner of determining the length of the ordinates of the curve p> t, it will suffice to state that their mean length is 0.20015 oi p ; hence the superficies o p t \& 0,20015 of the superficies o p u t. Let us no^v consider whether the want of homogeneity of the solar mass will materially affect the calculated amount of energy developed by the gravitating force during the sun's shrinking. Referring to the diagram Fig. 3, it will be seen that the energy exerted by a given small amount of contj-actiou 144 EADIANT MEAT. chap. vii. at a section equidi.stant between ni and a — viz., at /' 5 — will 625 be, as shown by the length of the ordinates, = iV of that exerted by a like amount of contraction at a a' ; and that, since m f is one-half of m a, the energy developed by the contraction of the mass contained within the spherical pyramid / in 5 amounts to only -h of that developed by the contraction of the mass contained in the spherical pyramid a m a'. Now, the volume of the spherical pyramid / m 5 represents that of a sphere the diameter of which is one-half of the sun, while the spherical pyramid (/ m a' represents the volume of the entire solar mass. The energy resulting from gravitation during the contraction of the central sphe- rical mass P p being thus only ^V of the energy resulting from gravitation during the contraction of the spherical mass I K S, it will be perceived that the degree of density of the matter near the sun's centre will not materially affect the result of our calculations founded on j^ei'fect homogeneity. We may now proceed to ascertain the amount of dynamic energy produced by the assumed contraction of one foot of the axis of the sj^herical pyramid a m a'. Having already demonstrated that the said energy will be 0.20015 of that produced by the gravitation of a homogeneous mass, the sec- tion of which is one square foot, extending from a a' to m, it only remains to determine the weight of one cubic foot at the surface of the siin. The weight of the solar mass being 85.6 lbs. per cubic foot, while the sun's attraction is 27.2 times greater than terrestrial attraction, the weight of one cubic cuAP. VII. TUi: sorncE of solar EXEHOY. 145 foot of the solar sui-face will be 27.2 X 85.() = 2,328.3 lbs. ; multipl}nng this weight by the sun's radius, expressed in feet, we have 2,328.3 X 2,250,821,000 = 5,240,586,000,000, which product nniltiplit'd by 0.20015 shows that the gravitating energy of the matter contained in the spherical pyramid, ex- erted during a longitudinal contraction of one foot, amounts to 1,048,900,000,000 foot-pounds. Dividing this latter product by the ascertained solar emission of 248,584,000 foot-pounds per minute, it will be seen that the mechanical energy pro- duced by the shrinking of one foot of the sun's radius is suf- ficient to make good the power lost by solar emission during a period of 4,219.5 minutes. If we then divide- this quutieiit in the minutes in a year, 525,960, it will be found that a fall of 124.65 feet of the solar surface per annum must take place in order to sustain the present emission of heat. At this rate of shrinking the diameter of the sun will be reduced Tshm in the coui-se of 1,805 years. It has already l)een observed that the intensity of the radiant heat will not diminish with the diminished size of the sun. On the contraiy, for a given area of the solar surtace, the dynamic energy produced by a triven rate of shrinking will be increased, since the ma.ss remains the same, while the attraction is invei-sely propor- tional to the distance from the centre. Rut the rate will diminish w ith the contraction of the sphere ; hence a shrink- ing of f'oth of the sun's diameter, instead of occupying 1,000 X 1,805 = 1,805,000 yeai-s, will require somewhat more than 2,000,000 yeai-s. At the end of that period the gravitating energy will continue to develop, as at present, an amount 146 EADIANT HEAT. chap. vii. of dynamic energy i-epresented by 322,000 tLennal units per niiunte for eacli supeificial foot ; but tLe radiating sm-face — i.e., the area of tlie solar disc — will liave diminished in the ratio of nearly 10' to 9". The present maxinuim temperature produced by solar radiation on the ecliptic when the earth is in aphelion being 67.2 deg. (see Chap. III.), while the intensity of radiant heat diminishes as the area of the radiating surface, it follows that at the end of 2,000,000 years from the present time the tro- 9" X 67 2 pical solar intensity Avill be reduced to — = 54.4 deg. Falirenheit. The result of the elaborate investigations of solar intensity described in the preceding chapter proves the cor- rectness of the foregoing calculations based on the a^'ea of the solar disc, and disposes of the opinion held by some physi- cists that thei'e is no established relation between the dia- meter of the sun and the transmitted energy. It was found, during the investigation referred to, that, in shutting out the radiation from the external zones of the sun and exposing an actinometer to the I'ays emanating from a circular ai'ea at the centre measuring 380,000 miles in diameter, the intensity of the radiant heat was reduced to one-third of that trans- mitted to another actinometer exposed to the radiation from the entire solar disc. Can we douT)t, tlieu, that the future diminution of the diameter of the sun will cause a corre- sponding diminution of the transmitted energy ? Adopting the same mode of calculating the solar intensity for past ages as the foregoing calculation of future solar intensity, it will CHAP. VII. THE SOURCE OF SOLAR ESEIiGY. 147 1)6 tV)mul tliat the teiii])erature proiluced Ijy sular radiation :?,000,000 years ago (owing to tbe greater diameter of the sun . 11' X 67.2 at that period) must have been nearly ; = 81 des:. I / ''10 ° l''ali. within the tropics. Concerning this^great intensity of the radiant heat, and the consequent high atmospheric tempe- rature, we are justified in assuming that increased evaporation of the sea, and coTTPsponding humidity of the atmosphere, mol- lified the apparently destructive temperature, calling forth the luxuriant flora ^\•hich geology has made us acquainted with. The computed diminution of solar intensity, 67 deg. — 54 deg. = 13 deg., during the next 2,000,000 years, will be deemed extravagant by those who do not bear in mind that we must base our computation on the assumption that a contimiouts power will be exerted during the stated period capable of developing, as at present, the stupendous energy of 248 mil- lions of foot-pounds in a single minute for each square foot of the surface of a sphere whose diameter exceeds 850,000 miles. Persons speculating on the cause of solar energy will do well to consider that this inconceivable amount of work cannot be pei-fonned with a less expenditure than the motive energy developed by the fall of a mass equal to the mass contained in the sun. But a continiioits development of such an amount of energy is obviously impossible, since the dis- tance is limited through Avhich the mass can fall. Now, the foregoing demonstration enables us to determine the said limit \ni\\ sufiicient exactness to prove that, although the efficiency of the great motor during the past may be measured by lain- 148 RADIANT MEAT. chap. vii. dreds of niillious of yeurs, its future efficiency will be of com- paratively brief duration. Statements frequently made relating to the permanency of solar heat, based on the assertion that no diminution has been observed during historic times, have no weight in view of our demonstration showing that a shrinking of A of the sun's dia- meter can only reduce the intensity from 81 deg. to 67.2 deg., difference = 13.8 deg., in the course of two millions of years. This period being 500 times longer than "historic times," it will be seen that the diminution of the temperature produced 13 8 by solar radiation has not exceeded — rr = 0.027, or tV deg. ■' 500 Fah., since the erection of the Pyramids. It will be proper to notice, before concluding our brief investigation of the source of solar energy, that the develop- ment of heat by the shrinking of the sun, however fully demonstrated, leaves the important question unanswered : How is the heat generated by gravitation within the mass transmitted to the surface ? If the matter within the sun is a perfect conductor of heat — a very improbable supposi- tion — that fact alone furnishes a satisfactory answer. Imper- fect conductivity, on the other hand, calls for other means of transmitting the energy from within to the surface. What those means 'are presents a problem suscejitible of positive demonstration. The api)lication of cold at the surface of any heated gaseous fluid, or the reduction of temperature of siich a fluid by radiation upwards, invariably produces a ver- tical circulation within the heated mass, the particles cooled CHAP. VII. TtlE auLltVE OF HOLAR ESKViGl'. 149 ilesceiuliug, iu virtue of tlieir incieased sipecific gravity. Evi- ileiitly a uiimber i)f particles desceudiug oue after the other will produce a downward vertical current of greater specific gravity than the rest of the fluid. Now, as this current, com- posed of comparatively cold and heavy particles, descends, it displaces a corresponding bulk of heated fluid, which, since there is no unoccupied space below, must rise to the surface. Descending and ascending currents of nearly uniform magni- tude and velocity will thus be established in the heated fluid mass, provided no disturbing force be applied, causing ai;ita- tion either at the suiface or within. It needs no proof to show that in case disturbing force be applied the refularitN of the distribution of descending and ascending currents within the fluid ceases, and that the established vertical circulation, instead of being alike at all points, becomes divided into groups. Nor is it necessary that the distuib- ing force should be of great magnitude. Obviously a con- tinued uniform distribution of the descending and ascending' currents through the heated mass calls for perfect aljsence of disturbing influences of any kind. Xow, within tlie sun the descending and ascending masses of heated matter are influenced by numerous disturbing causes. (1) The particles composing the descending currents, possessing the vis viva due to the angular velocity of the sun's surface, gradually encounter the particles of less angular velocity composing the ascending columns. Conflicting motions will thus be produced, resulting in an inci-ea-sed angular velocity of the interior of the solar mass ; w hile {^2) the particles of the 150 EADIANT HEAT. chap. vn. asceudiug cuiTeiitj<, wliicli start witli a slow angular velo- city, will be gradually impelled by tlie surrounding mass during their ascent ; tlie energy thereby absorbed causing a lagging of the entire solar mass towards the surface. Of course there is an exchange of angular vis viva between the descending and ascending currents, but obviouslj^ there will be a loss, productive of perceptible lagging at the sur- face of the rotating mass. (3) The attraction of the plane- tary masses ^\■ill seriously disturb the vertical circulation Ijy alternately impelling and retarding one or the other of the descending and ascending columns of heated matter, thus occasioning great irregularity. (4) The periodic change of position of the centre of gravity of the aggregate planetaiy mass must necessarily produce a periodic maximum and minimum disturbance of the descending and ascending cur- rents ^vithIn the solar mass. It will be evident that the frerpient near approach and consequent powerful attraction of Venus greatly complicates the question of maximum dis- turbance. (5) The rotation of the sun, it should be parti- cularly observed, tends to mollify the disturbing influence of planetary attraction on the vertical circulation, since, owing to this rotation, the descending and ascending motion of the heated matter within the solar mass is successively relieved from maximum disturbing iufluence twice in twenty-five days. It may be sho^vn that, but for this frequent check, the power exercised by planetary attraction would aug- ment, and fatally derange the internal circulation indispen- sable to the regular performance of the functions assigned CHAP. vii. THE SOURCE OF SOLATi ESEliGT. 151 to the sun. (0) It neetl.s no cxiilmiation that a continuous disturbance and consequent cessation of circuhition at certain jioints of the solar .surface would produce permanent dark spots. Bearing in mind the enormous amount of the regular emission of heat demonstrated in Chap. V. (;522,000 thermal units per minute on a square foot of the solar surface), it becomes evident that any considerable diminution of the ^"PPb' o^ energy from within, consequent on deranged cir- culation, will at once produce a great fall of temperature at the surface of the photosphere, and a corresponding diminu- tion of the temperature of the contiguous solar atmosphere, accompanied by a sudden condensation and do\\n-rush ovei- the regions of t>bstructed circulation. Considering the in- creased Aveight of the condensed matter put in motion l)y the sun's powei-ful attraction, we can readily imagine that the photosphere, suspended over the solar mass, as supposed by Lockyer, may be pierced by the descending column, and an opening formed, exposing that part of the solar mass which, for want of circulation and supply of heat from within, has lost intensity and radiant power. It should be observed that, although we have no knowledge of the con- stitution of the photosphere, we may assert positively that its radiant power is derived from the underlying solar mass, and that, therefore, any diminution of energy of the lattci-, occa.sioned by disturbed circulation, will at once diminish the tenqierature and radiant power of that portion of the photo- sphere which is situated above the obstruction. (7) The descending and ascending columns of heated matter between 152 EABIANT HEAT. chap. vii. the solar centre and tlie poles, being acted upon almost at right angles by planotarv attraction, remain at all times nearly undisturbed ; hence only a few dark spots, of small size, form in the polar regions. Regai'diug the permanency of solar radiation, the forego- ing explanations show that the system of veitioal circulation, upon which depends the efficiency of the sun as a motor, may become deranged. The consequence of this precarious feature of the scheme is self-evident, if we consider that the present solar emission is dependent on a given rate of contrac- tion of the solar mass. Should that contraction be checked by interrupted circulation, the development of heat will also l)e checked, and, consequently, the intensity of solar radiation become inadequate to sustain animal and vegetable life, as now organized, on our planet. History informs us that the luminary has at certain epochs partially failed to pei'foi'm its functions. Hei-schel mentions, in his " Outlines of Astro- nomy," that " in the annals of the year a.d. 536 the sun is said to have suffered a great diminution of light, which con- tinued fourteen months. From October a.d. 626 to the fol- lowing June a defalcation of light to the extent of one-half is recorded ; and in a.d. 1547, during three days, the sun is said to Lave been so darkened that stars were seen in the day-time." Again, the glacial periods, the ascertained abrupt termination and recurrence of which puzzles the geologist, point to periodical derangement of the solar mechanism iu past ages. CHAPTER VIII. RAl)lAriX(i FOWKli AXD DEI'l'lI OF THE SOLAE ATMOSFllEKE. Tin: illustration shoA^Ti on Plate 15 represents an instini- nient constructed for the purpose of asccrtnininy the radiant [lower of the sohir atmosphere, and for measuring its depth, the leading feature i>f the device being that of shutting out the rays h\m\ tlic pliutosjihere during the investigation. Evi- dently the expedient of shutting out tlie photi'sphere while examining the effect produced by the i'a}s emanating from the solar envelope calls for means by which the sun may be kept accurately in focus during the period i-equired to com- jilete the observations. The main features of tlie instrument being clearly shown by the illustration, a brief description ■will be sufficient to explain its detail. A jiarabolic reilector, applied for the purpose of concentrating the rays of the solar atmosphere, is inserted in the cavity of a conical dish of cast iron, secured to tlie top of a table suspended on two hori- zontal journals, and revolving on a vertical axle. The latter, slightly taper, turns in a oastirou socket, which is bushed Hi 154 HADIAST HEAT. CHAP. vill. witli lii'ass and supj)orte(l l)y tlirt'c legs stepped on a trian- gnlar l)ase, resting on fi'letion-rollers. The liori/.ontal jour- nals referred to turn in bearings attached to a rigid Lar of wrought iron situated under the table, fii-ndy secured to the upper end of the vertical axle. The horizontal angular posi- tion of the taltle is adjnsted by a screw operated by the small hand-wheel a, the inclination being regulated by an- other screw turned by the hand-wheel h. A gradiuxted quad- rant, e, is attached to the end of the table in order to afford means of ascertaining tlie sun's zenith distance at any moment. The index cl, which marks the degree of inclina- tion, is stationary, being secured to the rigid bar before described. The rays from the photosphere are shnt out l)y a circular disc _/', composed of sheet metal turned to exact size, and supported by three diagonal rods of steel. These rods are secured to the circumference of the conical dish by screws and adjustal:)le nuts in such a manner that the centre of the disc / may readily be brought in a direct line "with the axis of the reflector. The mechanism adopted for adjust- ing the position of the tal)le by the hand-wheels a and h requires no explanation ; but the device which enables the operator to ascertain when the axis of the reflector is pointed exactly towards the centre of the sun demands particular notice. A shallow cylindrical box (j, provided ^\ith a flat lid and open at the bottom, excepting a narroAV flange extend- ing rouud the circumference, is firmly held by two columns secured to the top of the table. A convex lens of 26 ins. focus is inserted in the (!}liudricul box, the narrow flange cuAi'. VIII. i;.\i>iATi\(! I'owKi: or sola I! ATMosriii:!;!-:. 155 meutioued affoidiug necessary supixirt. 'llir li ins. above the base line <^ o; the latter (•oincidini;- \\illi the top of the parabolic reflector. The stated distance l)et\veen the disc and the top of the reflector obvionsly varies considerably uith the seasons. Assumincf that the investimition takes place when the sun subtends an angle of 32 min. 1 sec, and making proper allowance for diffraction, the disc k 7, if placed 53. 7() inches from a o, will throw a shadow of fully i*.5 ins. diametei' ; hence, if /' o be 9.5 inches, objects in the plane fATfX(l I'OWEli Ol-i^OL.yn ATMOSl'IlKUi:. loH the ivrtector to the aiva of tlie zone of light pimliU'L-d on the bulb. Obviously these areas bear nearly the same rela- tion to each othei" as the squares of f or u' to the square of the radius of the bulb ji. The length of _/' being 4.77 ins., while the radiu.s of the bulb is 0.12.") in., calculation shows tliat the temperature transmitted by the ray / would be increased 1,45G times if the reflectoi' did not absorli anv heat. Allowing that (>.7l^ of the heat is reflected, the aug- mentation of intensity by concentration will amount to 0.72 X 1,456 = 1,048 times the temperature transmitted by the rays / and o. The records of the oscillations of the mercu- rial column during the experiments show, as stated, that the temperature resulting from concentration caiHH)t exceed 0.5 deg. ; hence the temperatuie transmitted by the rays emanating from tlie heated matter of the solar envelope will only amount to — ^ = U.U0047 deg. F;ili. The recorded observations having been made when the sun's zenith dis- tance was 32 deg. 15 min., a correction for loss occasioned by atmospheric absorption amounting to 0.2G will, hinvever, be necessaiy. This correction being made, it will be found that the heat actually transmitted by the I'ays from the solar enveloj^e during the experiment referred to did not exceed 0.00059 deg. Fah. — a fact which completely disposes of Secchi's remarkable assumption that the high temperature of the photosphere is owing to the " radiation received from all the transparent strata of the solar envelope" (see his letter to Xatun, published June 1, 1671). IGO HABIAXT HEAT. chap. viii. Having tlius positively established the fact that no appre- ciable heat is transmitted to the earth by the radiant power of the solar atniosj^here, and thereby disposed of Secchi's erroneous assumptions, and proved the unsoundness of the views entertained by other physicists that " the regions near the sun augment the radiant energy transmitted by the lumi- nary," let us now consider the probable weight and depth of the solar atmosphere. The investigation will be greatly facilitated by instituting a comparison between the sun's envelope and the terrestrial atmosphere, and by adoj)ting as a basis in our calculation the fact, established in Chap. X., that the temperature at the surface of the photosphere, and hence that of the . contiguous solar atmosphere, exceeds 4,000,000 deg. Fah. The fallacy of Dulong and Petit's for- mula relating to the rate of cooling of incandescent matter at high temperatures, and its consequent inapplicability to the question of solar temperature, having been fully demon- strated in Chap. II., Avhile our actinometric observations recorded in Chap. III. have established the intensity of solar radiation at the boundary of the terrestrial atmosphere, we possess, it should be borne in mind, the elements neces- sary to prove the correctness of the assumed high degree of solar temperature. As before stated, our investigation wall be simplified by comparing the solar and terrestrial atmo- spheres ; hence the following mode of solving the important problem : The increase of the volume of atmospheric air, under constant pressure, being directly proportional to the increment of temperature, while the coefficient of expansion CHAP. VIII. RADIATIXG POWER OF SOLAR ATMOHI'IIERE. ICl is 0.00203 deg. for 1 deg. of Faliiviiheit, it will he found by calculation that 3,272,000 deg. Fall, (that being the mean temperature of the solar atmosphere) communicated to the terrestrial atmosphere would reduce its density to Wrj of the existing density. Accordingly, if we assume that the height of our atmosphere is only 42 miles, the elevation of temperature mentioned would cause an expansion increasing its height to 6,643 X 42 = 270,000 miles. This calculation, it should be observed, takes no cognizance of the diminution of the earth's attraction at great altitudes, which, if taken into account, would considerably increase the estimated height. Let us now snj^pose the atmosphere of the sun to be replaced by a medium similar to the terrestrial atmo- sphere raised to the temperature of 3,272,000 deg. Fah., and containing the same quantity of matter as the terrestrial atmosphere for coiTesponding area of the solar surface. Evi- dently the attraction of the sun's mass would, under these conditions, augment the density and weight of the supposed atmosphere nearly in the ratio of 27.9 : 1 ; hence its height , , , , , 279,006 would be reduced to ^^ ^ = 10,000 miles. But if the 27.9 atmosjihere thus increased in density by the sun's superior attraction consisted of a compound gas, principally hydro- gen, say 1.4 times heavier than pure hydrogen (the specific weight of ^vhich is only tV of that of atmospheric air), the height would be 10 X 10,000 = 100,000 miles. The pres- sure exerted by this supposed atmospliere at the surface of the photosphere would obviously be 14.7 X 27.9 = 410 lbs. 162 E AVIAN T HEAT. chap. yiii. per sq. in. nearly. It will be observed that our computa- tions are based on a solar attraction of 27.9, instead of the recent estimate of 27.2. The foregoing calculations prove that, unless the depth greatly exceeds 100,000 miles, and unless it can be shown that the mean temperature is less than 3,272,000 deg. Fah., the important conclusion must be accepted that the solar atmosphere contains an exceedingly small quantity of matter. Now, the assumed mean teuqie- rature, 3,272,000 deg. Fah., so far from being too high, w\Y[ be found to be underrated. It will be seen, on reference to Chap. X., that the temperature at the surface of the photo- sphere, determined in accordance Avith well-ascertained ele- ments, somewhat exceeds 4,035,000 deg. Fah. Consequently, as the diminution of intensity caused by the dispersion of the rays is inversely- as the convex area of the photosphere and that of the sj)here formed by the boundaiy of the solar envelope — namely, as 1.52 : 1 — imder the supposition that the depth of the solar atmosphere is 100,000 miles, the tempera- •1. , 4,035,000 ture at the said boundary will be = 2,654,000 deer. • 1.52 ° The true mean, therefore, will be 3,344,800 deg., instead of 3,272,000 deg. Fah. — a difference which leads irresistibly to the inference that either the sun's atmosphere is more than 100,000 miles in depth, or it contains less matter than the terrestrial atmosphere for corresponding area of the solar surface. The ratio of diminution of the density of the gases composing the solar atmosphere at succeeding altitudes is represented by Fig. 3, in Avhich the length of the oi'di- CHAP. VIII. RADIATIM! POWER OF tiOLAlt ATMOHl'll EliE. IC.'i nates of tlie curve a d h sLows the degree of teuuity at definite points above the photosphere. This curve has been constructed agreeably to the theory tliat the densities at dif- ferent altitudes, or, what amounts to tlie same, the weight of the masses incumbent at succeeding points, decreases in geo- metrical progression as the height above the base increases in arithmetical progression. The vertical line a c has been divided into 42 equal parts, in order to facilitate compari- sons with the terrestrial atmosphere, supposed to be 4:2 miles deep, the relative density of which, at corresponding heights, is obviously as correctly represented by our diagram as that of the solar atmosphere. It is true that, owing to the greater height of the latter compared with the attractive force of the sun's mass, the upper strata of the terrestrial atmosphere will be relatively more powerfully attracted than the upper strata of the vastly deeper solar atmosphere. The ordinates of the curve a d h will therefore not represent the density quite correctly in both cases. The discrepancy, however, resulting from the I'elatively inferior attraction of the sun's mass at the boundary of its atmosphere will be very nearly neutral- ized by the increased density towards that boundary, conse- quent on the great reduction of temperatui-e — fully 1,380,000 deg. Fah. — caused by the dispersion of the solar rays before entering space. It may be Avell to state that, in representing the relative height and pressure of the terrestrial atmosphere, a c in our diagram indicates 42 miles, while h c indicates a pressure of 14.7 lbs. per s(p in. ; and that, in representing the solar atmosphere, a c indicates 100,000 miles, anil l> c 164 BADIANT HEAT. chap. vm. 410 lbs. per stp in. Beariug in miud tlie liigb temperature and the exceedingly small specific gravity of the matter composing tlie solar atmosphere, the exti'eme tenuity of the higher regions, indicated by the ordinates sho-wn in the dia- gram, will be readily comprehended. Calculation shows that towards the assumed boundary the density of the solar atmo- sphere is so far reduced that it contains -only to^Wo of the quantity of matter contained in an equal volume of atmo- sphere at the surface of the earth. The diminution of intensity consequent on the increased depth of the solar atmosphere through which the calorific rays pass, which are projected towards the earth from the receding surface of the photosphere, having been considered in Chap. VI., it will only be necessary to mention in this place that Fig, 4 represents the sun, and its atmosphere extending i of the semi-diameter of the photosphere, ni h, c g, etc., being the rays projected towards the earth. The depth of the solar atmosphere at a distance of ii of the radius from the centre of the luminary, it will be seen, amounts to only 2.0012 of that of the vertical depth. It is hardly necessary to observe that the radiant energy trans- mitted by the ray c d will be to the energy transmitted by a ^ as the sine of the angle f c d to unity. The foregoing reasoning demonstrates that the solar atmo- sphere, owing to its enormous temperature, may reach a height of 100,000 miles and yet not contain more matter on a given area of the sun than the terrestrial atmosphere on an equal area. I have endeavored to verify this important conclusion CHAP. VIII. TiATUATISG POWEU OF .SOLA h' ATMOSI-IJIJI.'E. Ifio piactifiilly, and for that purpose resorted to the expedient of enlarging the disc/ (see illustration on Plate 15) until the spectrum disappear which is formed on the focal thermo- meter by the concentration of the rays emanating from the sun's atmosphere. It should be stated that the original object of the instrument illustrated was merely that of ascertaining whether the incandescent matter contained in the solar atmo- sphere transmits radiant heat of sufficient energy to admit of thenuometric measurement. But the appearance of a sjiec- trum on the bulb of the focal thermometer, after shutting out the rays from the photosphere, suggested the expedient of substituting for the thermometer a small cylindrical stem of metal, coated with lamp-black, in order to ascertain Avith some degree of i>recision what amount of enlargement of the disc /' is necessaiy to exclude the focal spectrum, as bj- that means the depth of the sun's atnicsphere might be measured. The result of the observation proves that while a disc of 10 ins. diameter effectually shuts out the rays from the photo- sphere, an enlargement of about 0.15 inch of the radius of the disc is necessaiy to exclude completely the observed spec- trum from the focal stem. Now, the distance between the spectrum and the disc being 53.7 ins., it will be found by calculation that the stated enlargement of the disc corresponds with an angular distance of 9' 45"; hence, assuming the radius of the photosphere to be 426,000 miles, the depth of the mea- surable part of the solar envelope cannot be less than 255,000 miles. CHAPTER IX. THE FEEBLENESS OE SOLAR RADIATION DEMONSTRATED. It is a remarkable fact tliat some of tlie most prominent scientists entertain wholly incorrect views regarding the sun's radiant intensity. Apparently, they are not aw^are that the temperature produced by unaided solar radiation is fully 300 deg. Fahrenheit below the freezing-point of water. Sir John Herschel, in discussing the increase of the intensity of solar radiation consequent on the reduced distance from the sun when the earth is in perihelion, presents the following views : " In estimating the effect of any additional fraction, as ont- jifteenth, of solar radiation on temperature (this fraction being determined by applying the law of inverse squares to the dimi- nution of the sun's distance when the earth is in perihelion), we have to consider as our unit, not the niimber of degrees above a purely arbitrary zero-point — such as the freezing- point of water or the zero of Falirenheit's scale — on which a thermometer stands in a hot summer day, as compared with a cold winter one, but the thermometric interval between CHAP. IX. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAE liADIATIOX. 167 t/ie temperature it indicates in the two cases and that which it would indicate did the sun not exist, which there is good reason to believe would be at least as low as 239° below zero of Fahrenheit. And as a temperature of 100° above zero is no uncommon one in a fair shade exposui-e under a sun nearly vertical, we have to take one-fifteenth of the sum /239 + 100\ of these intervals ( ) = 23^ Fahrenlieit, as the least \ 15 ' variation of temperature under siich circumstances Avhich can reasonably be attributed to the actual variation of the sun''s distancey It will be observed that the foregoing quotation has partially appeared in a preceding chapter, yet it could not be omitted in this place without rendering the demon- stration incomplete. Considering that "absolute zero" (ascer- tained in the meantime) Is 460° below the zero of Fahrenheit instead of 239°, as supposed by Herschel, it will be seen that, according to his doctrine, the increase of temperature resulting from the su)\!s proximity irhen the earth is in peri- helion shoidd be = 37° F. Referring to Chap. 15 IV., it will be found that solar intensity at the atmospheric boundaiy is 90°.72 F. during the winter solstice, and that the increase of the radiant intensity at that time, owing to the sun's proximity, is 4°.66 F., besides the loss of energy, 0.207, caused by atmospheric absorption, together 5°.88 F., instead of 37° F. This extraordinary discrepancy is the result of Sir John Hei-schel's misapprehension of solar intensity. He sup- poses, as we have seen, that the enei-gy required to raise the 168 EADIANT HEAT. chap. IX. temperature from absolute cold to Fabreiilielt's zero, added to the energy uecessary to raise tlie tempei'ature from tbat zero to the j)oiut reached on the Fahrenheit scale, indicates the tnie intensity of the radiant heat ; hence 460', in addition to the 90°.72 before mentioned, together 550°.72 F., instead of 90°.72 F. Referring again to Chap. IV., it will be found that the intensity of solar radiation when the earth is in n T • o.o ■.. 1 n MT . 'J0.72 + 84.84 aphelion is 84 .84 b. ; hence the mean will be 2 = 87°.78 F. Now, the mean distance of the earth from the sun's centre being 91,430,000 miles, it will be perceiv^ed that solar intensity at that distance cannot exceed 87°.78 Fali- renheit. In order to show the practical result of this deter- mination of solar intensity, let us suppose that an air-ther- mometer, suiTounded by some permanent gas maintained at a temperature of 100° F. above absolute zero, be exposed to the sun, and that the side of the bulb exposed to the sun's rays is nearly flat, while the back is semi-spherical and effec- tually protected by non-conducting substances. It needs no demonstration to prove that the said thermometer will indi- cate 100 + 87.78 = 187°.78 F. above absolute zero, or 492 — 187.78 = 304°.22 F. below the freezing-point of water, although exposed to the full energy of the sun's rays. Per- sons assigning a high teinjierature to the surface of the moon will do well to consider the important fact thus established. A moment's reflection will convince them that, but for the accumulation of heat effected by the intervention of the ter- restrial atmosphere, water could not exist in a fluid state, ciiAP. IX. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAR UADIATION. 1G9 aud that even the vertical rays of the sun within the tro- pics would not possess sufficient power to retain mercury in a fluid state. It has been asserted by physicists that the differential temperature shown by thermometers, however judiciously arranged, does not furnish a reliable indication of solar energy, on the ground that when the supposed maximum intensity has been reached the temperature of the bulb Italances that of the solar heat, thus preventing further in- crement. The radiating power of the heated bulb, it is urged, remains undiminished, while the differential tempera- ture between the same and the surrounding medium is at its maximum ; consequently promoting maximum loss of energy by radiation. In order to test practically the merits of this plausible argument, and in order to determine the tine inten- sity of solar radiation, I have constructed the instrument illustrated on Plate 17. The delineation represents a ver- tical section through the centre line of the instrument. The leading feature of the device is that of applying a hollow revolving sphere (composed of very thin copper) within an exhausted cylindrical vessel. This revolving sphere, coated with lamp-black inside and outside, is exposed to the sun's rays admitted through a thin crystal covering the open end of the exhausted vessel, the diameter of the crystal being equal to that of the sphere. The exhausted cylindrical vessel, it will be seen by inspecting the illustration, is surrounded by an external casing, water of a given temperature being circu- lated through the intervening space. The sphere is caused 170 BADIANT HEAT. OHAP. IX. to revolve by means of a small hand-wheel attached to a hollow stem connected with the sphere; the said stem tm-n- ing in an air-tight stufBng-box applied on the upper side of the exhausted vessel. A thermometer is inserted through the hollow stem, the bulb, coated with lamp-black, occupjdng a central position within the sphere. Obviously the thermo- meter participates in the rotary motion of the sphere when turned by the hand-wheel. The instrument is supported on columns secured to a table provided with parallactic move- ment for the purpose of pointing the axis of the exhausted cylindrical vessel towards the solar centre. The water circu- lated through the external casing of the instrument is main- tained at a constant temperature of 60° F., a vacuum being kept up within the internal vessel. As the thermometer does not fit air-tight in the hollow stem, it will be evident that the pressure of the air mthin the revolving sphere will at all times balance the external atmospheric pressure. Let us now institute a comparison between the instrument described and the ordinary thermometer. The convex area of the revolving sphere being four times greater than the area of its great circle, the latter being equal to the area of the pencil of rays admitted through the crystal, it will be evident that the refrigerating surface of the sphere is foiir times greater than the sectional area of the solar rays which supply the radiant heat. Accordingly, if the surround- ing cylindrical vessel be permitted to radiate freely towards the centre, the temperature retained by the revolving sphere thus exposed to cold radiation from all points will be only CHAP. IX. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAIi RADIATION. 171 one-fourtL of the temperature capable of being imparted by the pencil of rays to the face of a flat disc composed of some non-conducting substance. It may be stated, in further expla- nation of the foregoing demonstration, that, since the surround- ing exhausted vessel is maintained at a constant temperature of 60° .F., it will radiate heat of that energy towards the sphere. An exchange will consequently take place which Avill prevent maximum temperature being attained by the sphere unless the radiant energy transmitted by the solar rays enter- ing the instrument be four times greater for equal area than the I'adiant energy of the heat-rays projected by the sphere towards the cold enclosure. It follows from this important proposition that the temperature acquired by the revolving sphere represents only one-fourth of the intensity of the radiant energy actually passing through the crystal of the exhausted cylindrical vessel. It will be I'eadily perceived that the temperature of the air vrithin the revolving sphere correctly represents the temperatiare of the metal composing the same ; also, that the metal itself, owing to its almost perfect conductivity, will become uniformly heated all over. The inserted thermometer, therefore, will show the tempera- ture of the revolving sphere sufficiently near for the object in view. As already demonstrated, only one-fourth of the radiant heat entering through the ciystal is retained by the sphere ; hence the thermometer will indicate only one-fourth of the actual intensity of the sun's rays. Accordingly, if we multiply the indication of the thermometer within the revolv- ing sphere by 4, we ascertain the true solar intensity, less the ira BADIANT HEAT. chap. ix. heat absorbed by the crystal covering the exhausted vessel. The result of careful observation has proved the soundness of the foregoing reasoning and demonstration. The conclud- ing investigation, instituted when the zenith distance was 30 deg. 50 niin., established the fact that while the standard aeti- nometer indicated a solar intensity of 54°.57 F., the thermo- meter within the revolving sphere indicated a differential temperature of 13°.3 F. According to our theory, it should 54.57 have indicated — '- — = 13°. 64 F., thus showing a deficiency of 0°.34. If, however, a correction be introduced adding the proportion of heat absorbed by the crj'^stal — viz., 0.066 — the stated deficiency of temperature will be more than balanced. This apj)arent inaccuracy is occasioned by the radiation of the crystal towards the sphere, and by the diminution of the radiating surface of the surrounding vessel at the point where the crystal is inserted. The last-mentioned source of error may be easily ascertained, as it dejiends on the solid angle formed by straight lines drawn from the circumference of the crystal to the centre of the sphere. The deficiency of radiating surface ascertained by that process amounts to 0.012. Proper allo^vance having been made on account of these sources of error, it was foimd during the concluding investigation referred to that the temperatui'e retained by the sphere exposed to the solar heat is exactly one-fourtli of the temperature imparted and retained by the bulb of an actinometer simultaneously exposed to the sun. It is im- portant to observe that the difference between the intensity CHAP. IX. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAH UADTATTOX. 173 of the radiant heat of the sun and the tempei'ature of the metal composing the sphere was 54°.57 - 13''.64 = 40°.93 F. during the investigation ; while the temperature of the bull) of the actinometer exposed to the sun, at the same time, bal- anced the intensity of the solar heat. This fact completely refutes the assertions of certain physicists before referred to. Regarding the actual iiitensitij of solar radiation, no further demonstration is needed to show that the temperature indi- cated by the thermometer within the revolving sphere, mul- tiplied by 4, determines the true energy of the sun's radiant heat at the surface of the earth ; not, however, including the energy lost by atmospheric absoqition. The close agreement between the indication furnished by the instrument thus exa- mined and the indications of the actinometer described in Chap. III. proves, it is satisfactory to observe, the reliable character of the tables of solar temperature contained in that chapter constructed in accordance with our actinome- trie observations. It remains to be noticed that, before the conception of a dry revolving bull), I constructed an instru- ment for determining solar intensity, in which a large sta- tionary hulb, filled with water and provided with an internal rotating paddle-wheel, was employed. The illustration on Plate 18 represents a section through the vertical plane of that instrument. Before giving a description of the same, it will be well to present an outline of the reasoning Avhich led to its construction. Suppose a small spherical body of perfect conductivity and radiating power to be suspended witliiu a large enclo- 174 BABIANT HEAT. CHAP. ix. sure provided Tvath ca perforation in the direction of tLe sun, of sufficient size to admit a pencil of rays of the same diameter as the spherical body. Suppose, also, that the tem- perature of the said body is 64° F. higher than the temjje- rature of the enclosure and the air contained within the same. The convex area of a sphere being four times greater than the area of its great circle, while the area of the great circle of the sphere which we have imagined corresj)onds exactly with the sectional area of the pencil of rays entering through the perforation of the enclosure, it will be evident that tbe supposed excess of temperature, 64°, cannot be maintained unless the radiant energy of the sun's rays be four times greater for corresponding area than the radiating energy of the sphere. It will also be evident that, if the assumed excess of temperature of the sphere gradually falls while exposed to the sun's rays, until it is reduced to 16° above the temperature of the enclosure, then the intensity of the sun's rays cannot be more than 4 X 16 = 64°. Bear- ing in mind that the section of the pencil of . rays which transmits the energy is only 0.25 of the convex area of the radiating sphere which receives the beat and, in turn, radi- ates that heat towards the enclosure, we cannot question the correctness of the deduction that, assuming the rays to be parallel, the intensity of the radiant energy which enters through the perforation of the enclosure is four times greater than the radiant energy wbicli the sphere parts with. Again, the intensity of the radiant heat emanating from solid bodies being a correct index of dynamic energy, it -svill be perceived CHAP. IX. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAR liADIAIJON. 175 that the energy transmitted to the enclosure by the radiating sphere at a differential temj)erature of 16° will be exactly balanced by the energy transmitted by the pencil of rays at 64° entering through the perforation of the enclosure, the area of which is 0.25 of the convex area of the sphere. The demonstration thus presented, it will be admitted, establishes the important fact that the temjierature produced by solar radiation is four times higher than the differential temperature of a black sphere, composed of materials of per- fect conductivity, exposed to the sun, and permitted to radiate freely towards an enclosure of a unifonn temperature. Let us now examine the instrument before referred to, shown by out illustiation, which represents a section through the central vertical plane : I- j9 is a spherical vessel com- posed of copper, charged with water and coated with lamp- black on the outside, suspended within a spherical enclosure 0. The latter is provided with a circular opening a h, to which a cylindrical tniuk a g is attached, the spherical enclo- sure as well as the trunk being coated with lamp-black on the inside, as shown by the black tint in the illustration. A thermometer provided with a cylindiical bulb is inserted into the spherical vessel, and also a rotating paddle-wheel, operated by an axle passing through a water-tight stuffing- box. A cylindrical vessel r r, filled with water, surrounds the spherical enclosure and trunk, nozzles being applied at the top and bottom, to which flexible tubes are attached for circulating a cuiTent of cold water through the vessel. The instrument is mounted within a revolving observatory, and 176 BADIANT HEAT. chap. ix. attacLed to a table turning on horizontal journals, and pro- vided witli appropriate meclianism, by means of wliicli it may be directed at right angles to the sun. It mil be evi- dent that, if the axis of the cylindrical trunk a g be pointed accurately towards the centre of the sun, the sphere Tc 2> will receive the whole radiant energy of the rays within the tan- gential lines h f and p g, the sectional area of the pencil of rays, as before stated, being 0.25 of the convex area of the sphere. It will be evident also that, owing to the opening a l> of the spherical enclosure, the sphere h p will not be acted upon by the full amount of refrigeration that would be pro- duced by the radiation of a continuous enclosure. Agreeably to the theory of exchanges, the deficiency will, however, not be great, since the side / « of the tnink a g will radiate as powerfully towards the sphere as a portion of the spherical enclosure corresponding with the angular distance determined by the radial lines a e and / c. But the convex surface of the segment e d, depending on the angle subtended by f^ c and g c, will obviously be subjected to far less refrigeration than an equal surface on the opposite side of the sphere. Regarding the exact amount of deficient refrigeration conse- quent on the opening in the enclosure at a h referred to, it will be perceived, on reflection, that the radiation of the enclosure towards the semi-spherical surface presented to the sun will be reduced in the exact proportion which the area e d bears to the entire convex area of the semi-sphere. It will be seen, therefore, that although the condition coupled with our proposition has not been fully complied with — CHAP. IX. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAli RADIATION. 177 namely, that tlie enclosure should Le of great extent com- pared with the size of the radiating sphere— yet the enclo- sure of our instrument and the comparatively lai-ge opening at a h will not materially aflfect the refrigerating influence to which the sphere is subjected. Besides, the known soliil angle subtended by the radial lines f c and g c enable us to calculate the amount of deficient radiating surface presented by the enclosure. Several experiments have been made simultaneously with tliis instrument and a standard actinometer, in order to ascer- tain the precise relation betAvecn the temperature ti'ansmitted by the sun's rays to the radiating sphere and to the actino- meter. Both instruments have invariably been attached to the same parallactic table during the investigation ; conse- queiitly the energy of the radiant heat transmitted to each has been precisely alike. Respecting the instituted tests, it will suffice to record the result of an experiment conducted at noon, October 20, 1871, the solar radiation on that day being of nearly average intensity, while the sun's zenith dis- tance, 51 deg. 40 min., was also near an average. Observa- tions made at equal intervals of 5 min., from 11 hours 55 min. A.M. to 12 hours 30 min., showed that the radiating sphere of the instrument, the contents of which was effec- tually agitated by the internal paddle-wheel, attained a tem- perature of precisely 75°, while the enclosure was maintained at a constant temperature of 61°.3. Accordingly, an increase of temperature of 13°.7 above that of the enclosure was pro- duced by the solar radiation acting freely on the sphere, 178 BADIANT HEAT. chap. ix. the actiuometer, at the same time, indicating a temperature of 51°.36. Now, agreeably to our theory, the temperature n 51.36 of the sphere ought to have been only — - — = 12 .84, thus showing a discrepancy of 13.7 - 12.84 = 0°.86 F. It has already been explained that the sphere does not receive a full amount of refrigeration, in consequence of the opening in the enclosure necessary to admit the cylindrical trank ; hence the temperature of the sphere ought to exceed that which our theory has established. The observed difference, 0°.86, is, however, greater than it should be in accordance with the relative magnitude of the convex surface e d and the area of the sphere. But, referring to the illustration, it will be seen that, at the point where the thermometer is inserted, a considerable area of the sphere is not subjected to any radiation from the enclosure, nor at the point where the axle of the paddle-wheel enters. Adding these areas to that of e d, calculation shows that the amount of cold radi- ation prevented from acting on the sphere accounts very nearly for the discrepancy of 0°.86 F. before referred to. We are, therefore, warranted in stating that the temperature indicated by the actinometer during the experiments has j)roved to be exactly foiir times higher than that indicated by the thermometer inserted in the sphere exposed to the radiant power of the sun's rays and to the refrigerating in- fluence of the enclosure. The soundness of our theory has thus been fully proved, and, consequently, additional evi- dence furnished of the correctness of the determination of CHAP. i.\. THE FEEBLENESS OF SOLAli RADIATION. 179 solar intensity by means of the actinomeiev described in Chap. III. No further proof is needed in support of the demonstration already presented, sho^^ang that the tempera- ture produced by solar radiation, instead of being, as Sir John Herscliel supposed, equal to the maximum shade tem- perature within the tropics added to the temperature of the Fahrenheit zero above absolute zero — viz., 100 + 460 = 5G0° F. — scarcely reaches 88° F. at a distance of 91,430,000 miles from the solar centre. Concerning the radiant heat which reaches the distant planets of the solar system, the stated discrepancy is of vital importance. Were it true that the intensity of the sun's radiant heat is 560° F. at the distance mentioned, the rays on reaching Jupiter's atmosphere would be capable of de- veloping a temperature of — — ^ = 20°.7 F. We can readily imagine that the atmosphere of the giant planet might, by some system of accumulation, raise this temperature to such a degree that organisms like those of the earth might be sus- 88 tained. But can the insignificant temperature of — = 3°.2 F. transmitted to Jupiter's atmosphere be sufficiently elevated by the process of accumulation to sustain animate and vegetable organizations resembling those of our planet ? The stated low temperature need excite no sui-prise if we reflect on the fact that the sun, as seen from the boundary of the atmo- sphere of Jupiter, is no larger thiin an orange viewed at a distance of one hundred feet. As seen from Saturn, the size ISO J?ADIANT TIEAT. CHAP. ix. of the sun is that of a musket-ball at a distance of fifty feet from the observers eye ; while the transmitted solar heat scarcely develops a temperature of 1° F. where it enters Saturn's atmosphere. Speculations regarding the habitabi- lity of the distant planets are futile, in view of the insuffi- cient radiant intensity of solar emission established by the actinometric observations recorded in this work, and by the adopted tests proving their reliability. CHAPTER X. TEMPERATURE OF THE SOLAR SURFACE. The illustration on Plate 19 represents an instrument for ascertaining tlie temperature of the surface of the sun. At first sight it Avill appear futile to undertake the construction of an instrument capable of indicating temperature at a distance exceeding 90,000,000 miles ; but in view of the fact that the sun has been weighed by an instrument consisting principally of four leaden balls less than one foot in diameter, the attemjjt cannot justly be deemed absurd. The reader will remember that in the celebrated Cavendish experiments, afterwards re- peated by Baily and others, the weight of the earth — on which the weight of the sun is based — was ascertained by measuring the attraction exerted by spheres of lead weigh- ing 174 lbs. The delicate nature of the experiment may be infen-ed fi-om the fact that the ascertained attractive force was found to be only nVir of a grain. The illustrated instiu- ment, the solar pyrometer, by means of which the tempei'atui'e of the sun has been measured, involves no such nicety. 181 182 BABIANT HEAT chap. x. Before entering on a description of the solar pyrometer, it will be necessary to call attention to tlie demonstration in Chap. I., showing that the law relating to radiating spheres is also applicable to concave spherical radiators, if the sub- stances exposed to their radiant heat be placed in their foci. The demonstration referred to also proves that the tempera- ture produced by the radiant heat transmitted by concave radiators of equal temperatures and curvature, at equal dis- tances, is directly as their areas. Melloni and Leslie's experi- ments, conducted in the presence of the disturbing influences of atmosjjheric air, not being sufficiently accurate to warrant their being cited in support of the correctness of the stated relation between areas and temperatures, the construction of the pyrometer has been so modified as to enable us to prove, independently of the demonstrations in the preceding chapter referred to, that, under the stated conditions, the temperatures correspond exactly with the areas. Our illustration represents a longitudinal section through the vertical plane, and a photographic perspective view of the pyi'ometer. It will be seen, by inspecting the longitudinal sec- tion, that the instrument is composed of four principal parts : (1) A heater consisting of a cylindrical vessel with spherical bottom and open top, supported by an ordinary stove, the fire- chamber of which it partially entei's. Enlargements resem- bling truncated cones with concave spherical ends are formed near the middle of the heater. The latter is pai-tially filled with water, as shown in the illustration. (2) A conical vessel, surrounded by a double casing, secured to the base of the CHAP. X. TEMPEHATUBE of the SOLAB SriiFACE. 183 large conical enlargeiueut of the heater. (3) A cylindrical vessel secured to the small end of the enlai-gement, likewise surrounded by a double casing. (4) An ordinaiy stove, into wliicli the lower end of the heater is inserted. The curva- ture of the spherical concavity at the base of the large conical enlargement of the heater is stioick to a radius of 18 inches, its diameter being 10 inches, hence presenting an area of 78.84 square inches. The opposite spherical concavit}-, the ladius of which is 9 ins. (its diameter being 5 ins.) presents an area of 78.84 — - — = 19.51 square inches. Thermometers are applied at the/(9Ci of the spherical concavities, their stems being placed as shown in the illustration, in order that the bulbs may present unobstructed semispheres towards the radiatoi-s. It is hardly necessary to observe that thermometers intended to measure the intensity of radiant heat should be protected so that those parts of their bulbs which are not acted upon by the heat-rays emanating from the radiators may not lose their heat by radiation or convection. The cylindrical as well as the conical chamber of the pyrometer containing the ther- mometers are connected by suitable tubes with an air-pump, by which the air is withdrawn ; a current of water being circulated through the double casings when the instrument is in operation. With reference to the heater, it should be observed that, being open at the top, the water it contains will always be maintained at a constant temperature when the furnace is in action. It ma}- be briefly stated that the principle of the pyro- 1S4 BADIANT HEAT. chap. x. meter is tliat of ascertaiiiiiig solar intensity by comparing tlie temperature transmitted liy a concave spherical radiator (if 10 ins. diameter to a tliermometer placed at a distance of IS ins. from its face, ■\^itll tlie temjjerature produced by the radiant Leat emanating from an incandescent sphere of 832,584 miles in diameter, at a distance of 91,430,000 miles. The radiant heat in both cases is transmitted through ether; in the former to the sui-face of the bulb of the enclosed ther- mometer ; in the latter to the boundary of the earth's atmo- sphere. The law which governs the transmission of radiant heat through space is as absolute as the law of gravitation, whatever be the distance ; hence it is indisputable that the solar pyrometer in which the radiant heat acts at a distance of 18 inches is as competent to determine the temperature of the sun as the Cavendish leaden spheres acting at a dis- tance of 8.85 inches to determine his weight. The chances, however, of an exact determination are greatly in favor of the pyrometer. In the first place, while the area of the con- cave radiator of the j^yrometer is to the area of the great circle of the sun as 1 : 2,871 X 10", the weight of the leaden ball employed in the Cavendish experiments is to the weight of the sun as 1 : 2,367 X 10"; thus showing a difference of 1 : 824,500,000 in favor of the pyrometer. Besides, the ele- ment of distance through which the radiant and the gravi- tating forces act is in favor of the pyrometer, in the ratio of 18 to 8.85. But these considerations, however important on account of the greater difference of the magnitudes involved, may be considered unimportant in comparison with the direct- CUAI>. X. TEMPJiKATUIiE Of THE HOLAU HUEFAVE. 185 ness of the means by Avliich the solar pyrometer solves the problem, contrasted with the indirectness, exceeding compli- cation, and nicety involved in the Cavendish experiments. In the solar pyrometer we only require a correct indication of the tempeiature of the radiating concave spherical surface, and of the temperature transmitted to its focus ; together with au accurate measurement of the distance of that focus, and of the area of the radiating suiface. These points being readily determined, while the relative distance and diameter of the sun and the temperature produced by solar radiation at the boundary of the terrestrial atmosphere are known, we may enter upon and carry out our computation without intro- ducing a single correction. How different the Cavendish expe- riment, with its nimierous disturbing elements depending on barometric and thermometric conditions and changes, influenc- ing a gravitating force amoimting to only rAir of a grain ! An account of the almost insuperable difliculties which were surmounted in those remarkable experiments, which for inge- nuity, care, and perseverance stand unequalled in the annals of physics, would be out of place here ; yet the foregoing brief allusion to experiments which satistactorily determined the weight of the earth, and thereby the weight of the sun, has been deemed appropriate as a contrast. The dii-ectness, facility, and cei-tainty of measuring solar temperature by the means we are now considering A\oixld scarcely be appreciated without calling to mind the method adopted for ascei-taining the sun's weight. Referring to the construction of the solar pyrometer and its 186 JiABIANT HEAT. CHAP. X. apparently ponderous cliaractei', it Avill be ^\ ell to bear in niiml tliat tlie indispensable condition in this instrument of maintain- ing a constant temperature of the couipHratively large con- cave spherical radiator is not easily fullilled. Kotliing short of an o^yen heater containing a fluid Avhich readily evaporates, and the application of an excess of heating power, will effec- tually accomjUish the object in view. Evidently the loss occasioned by radiation cannot be exactly made good by the most delicate mechanical contrivance ; but by applying an excess of heat in the furnace, the fluid which regulates the temperature of the radiator will be prevented from falling below the boiling point ; and since the heater is open, the steam formed will caiiy off superfluous heat, and thus main- tain the fluid at the desired unifoi'm temperature. The exhaiisted chambers which contain the thei'mometers must of course be maintained at a constant temperature, the least fluctuation being fatal to accurate indication of the intensity of the heat transmitted by the radiators. In order, there- fore, to keep up the necessaiy constant temperatui'e during the investigation, a current of water has been circulated throuo-h the double casinos which surround the exhausted chambers. By this expedient, in connection with the per- fectly uniform temperatui'e maintained in the heatei', it has been easy to ascertain with critical nicety the temperature produced by the radiant heat transmitted from the spherical radiator to its focus. Eegarding the area and curvature of the radiators, accurate workmanship alone will insure A\hat is requisite ; but the position t>f the thermometei', the placing CHAP. X. TEMrEnATrin-: or tiik solar srnFACE. isr the bull) at tlie proper distance with reference to the focus, demands some consideration. Obviously it would not be correct to place the centre of the bulb in the focus of the radiator, as that would bring the face of a bulb of i in. diameter ^ in. in ailvance of said focus ; nor would it be proper to carry the bulb so far back that its face would intei"sect the focus. The focal distance being 18 ins., it will be found that placing the bulb half way between these two positions will cause an error of fully 0.007. Conflicting indi- cation, it should be oliserved, is unavoidable, since every part of the exposed half of the convex surface of the bulb can- not be equidistant from the face of the concave i-adiator ; but this notwithstanding, there is a distance at which the indication of the thermometer will be precisely the same as if its entire contents were concentrated in the focus of the radiators. This position has been practically determined. The hitherto accepted doctrine, that the intensity of radi- ant heat is directly as the area of the radiatoi-s, for equal distances, has been shoA\n, in a previous chapter, to be fal- lacious, because the radiant heat transmitted from the boun- daries of plane radiators becomes enfeebled by distance and the conserpient dispersion of the heat-rays, in the ratio of the squares of the distance between the I'adiator and the recipient of the radiant heat. The solar pyi-ometer having been constrnctetl before I had satisfactorily demonstrated that the intensity of the radiant heat transmitted from con- cave spherical surfaces is directly as the areas of such ladi- ators, it was deemed necessary to esta1)lish the correctness 188 BADIANT HEAT. chap. x. of that assumption ; hence the solar pyrometer has been modified as before mentioned. The lesser radiator attached to the conical enlargement of the heater, and the cylindrical chamber enclosing the same, were accordingly added to the instrument. It has already been stated that the area of the spherical radiatoi' within the conical chamber is exactly four times greater than that of the opposite radiator, and that the radius of the curvature of the latter is one-half of the radius of the former. The demonstration contained in Chap. I., before referred to, has established the fact that in concave sphe- rical radiators presenting equal areas the radiant heat trans- mitted is in the inverse ratio of the square of the distances if the substance exposed to the radiant heat be placed in the focus of the radiator. It follows from this demonstra- tion that, for equal area, the intensity of the radiant heat transmitted to the focus of the lesser radiator will be four times greater than the intensity of the radiant heat trans- mitted to the focus of the large radiator. But the area of the latter is exactly four times greater than the area of the former, while the thermometers in both chambers are exposed to the radiation of surfaces heated by the same medium, and therefore of precisely equal temperatures. At the same time these thermometers ividiate against surfaces maintained at a constant temperature, by the reliable expedient of employ- ing a powerful continuous current of water. Consequently, the enclosed thermometers, although exposed to radiators of different area, should indicate precisely equal temperature. Actual trial having shown that such is the case, the correct- CHAP. X. TEMPEEATUBE OF THE SOLAR SUIiFACE. 180 ness of the foregoing assumption must be accepted as fully established. I will now biieriy advert to the result of an experiment made with the solar pyrometer while the atmospheric pres- sure balanced 29.91 inches column of mercury, the tem- perature of the water in the heater being then precisely 212°. Apart from having thus insured a definite indication of heat applied to the concave radiatoi-, the temperature of the current of cold water circulated throuu-h the casinir ■'^ur- rounding the exhausted chaml>ers did not fluctuate in the least during the experiment, the thernionieter inserted in the exit-pipe of the casings continuing to indicate steadily 48°.l F. The circulation of cold water having been kept up fully half an hour previous to the experiment, it is hardly neces- sary to state that, before the fire ^\■as applied in the furnace, the enclosed thermometer, the surrounding chamber, the watei- contained in the heater, and the radiator all indicated 48°. 1. The fuel in the furnace having been ignited, and the water in the heater brought to boiling-point, the temperature X)f the spherical radiator was observed to increase from 48°. 1 to 212°, difference = 163°.9 ; the temperature of the focal thermometer at the same time rising from 48°. 1 to G0°.3, difference = 12°.2. It results, from previous demonstrations (see Chap. I.), that the temperature of spherical radiatin-s transmitting e(iual intensities to their foci are invereely as the square of the sines of half of the angles which they subtend — that is, the angles formed by the axis of the radiator and the heat-rays 190 BADIANT HEAT. cuxv. x. projected from tlie oireiinifereiice to the focus. Conseqiiently, as the spherical radiator of the solar pyrometer, the differen- tial temperature of which is 163°.9, transmits to its focus an intensity of 12°.2, -we are enabled to calculate what tem23e- I'ature the sun must possess in order to transmit an intensity of 12°.2 to the boundary of our atmosphere. The mean angle subtended by the sun being 32 min. 1 sec. during the expe- riment, while that subtended by the radiator of the pyi'ometer was 32 deg. 15 min., it follows that the ratio of the square of the sines of half these angles will be 1 : 3,567.7. Accord- ingly, the sun, in order to produce by its radiant heat a tem- perature of 12°.2 at the boundary of the atmosphere of the earth, must possess a temperature 3,567.7 times greater than that of the sjiherical radiator of the pyrometer. This latter temperature being 163°.9, that of the sun cannot be less than 3,567.7 X 163.9 = 584,746° in order to transmit an intensity corresponding ^\ith a thermometric interval of 12°.2 on the Fahrenheit scale. But solar intensity at the boundary of our atmosjDhere, as shown by our actinometric observations (see S4 S4 Chap. III.), is 84°.84 ; hence —^ — = 6.95 times greater than that transmitted by the radiator of the pyrometer to its focus. The temperature of the sun, therefore, cannot be less than 6.95 X 584,746 = 4,063,984 deg. Fah. It will be recollected that the demonstration in a preced- ing chapter established with as much certainty as any propo- sition in the "Principia" that the temperature produced by the radiant heat transmitted l)y a sphere of uniform tempe- •-•UAP. X. TEMrEUATUIiE OF TUE tiVLAU HUliFACE. I'-'l ratiire at tlie sui-fufe is to the teuipeniture of tlie splieie itself inversely as the si|Uaie of the ladiiis to the square of the distance fioni the centre to the point exposed to the radiant heat. The distance between the earth and the sun, at the snnnuer solstice, being such that the angle subtended by the latter is 31 niiu. 32 sees., the ratio of distance and radius will l)e 218.1 : 1 ; hence the ratio of the squares, 47,5G7 : 1. Consequently, the temperature of the sun must be 47,507 times greater than the temperature produced by solar radiation at the boundary of the earth's atmosphere. That temperature being, as before stated, S4°.84, the sun's temperature cannot be less than 47,507 X 84°.84 = 4,035,584 deg. Fah. Thus the previously demonstrated temperature of 4,063,984 deg. Fah., based on the indications of the solar pyrometer and the angles subtended by its radiator, ditl'ers only 0.007 from the computations just presented. The methods by means of which these results have been reached diftering entirely, both being based on sound physical and mathematical principles, we cannot doubt the correctness of the determination. Nor can it be questioned that the actual temperature of the surface of the sun, at the point of maxi- mum intensity, is still higher, since the lays in passing through the solar atmosphere suffer considerable loss of energy, as shoA\n in Chap. VI. Let us now consider briefly the extraordinary diversity of views entertained by scientists regarding the temperature of the sun. In view of the fact that all practical data necessary to solve the problem are known, it is sur[irising 193 BABIANT HEAT. CHAP. X. that any diflference of opiuiou sliould exist on the subject. Zolluer apparently rejects the positive evidence of high sohir temperature furnished by the fact that the sun's rays, after having suffered dispersion in the ratio of 4G,000 to 1, and penetrated the terrestrial atmosphere, are capable of developing a temperature of nearly 70° F. on the ecliptic. It will be remembered that he published, some time ago, an elaborate demonstration, founded on the height of the solar prominences, showing that the sun's temperature does not exceed 70,000° C. Secchi, on the other hand, asserted, in his original work on the sun, that, owing to the acces- sion of energy received by radiation from the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, the temperature of the surface of the photosphere is fully 140 times gi-eater than the tempe- rature announced by Zollner. Let us first notice the investi- gations of the Italian astronomer. In his work " Le Soleil," published at Paris, 1870, he presents calculations showing that the temperature of the solar surface is at least 10,000,000° C. Prof. Newcomb, in a review of the M'ork referred to, pub- lished in Nature, showed that, if the temperature reached ten million degrees of Centigrade, as asserted by the author of "Le Soleil," the earth would speedily be converted into vapor. In ansAver to this objection, Pere Secchi urged, " that a body may have a veiy high temperature and yet radiate very little," contending "that a thermometer dipped inside the solar envelope in contact with the photosphere" would indicate the temperature mentioned. " This high tempera- ture," he observes, " is really a virtual temperature, as it is CHAP. x. TEMPEliATUliE OF THE soLM; nUliFAGE. 103 the amount of radiation received from all the transparent strata of the sohir envelope, and this body at the outer shell must certainly be at a lower temperature." What information is intended to be conveyed by the statement that 10,000,000" C. "is really a virtual temperature," on the ground that it is " the amount of radiatiou received from all the transparent strata outside of the photosphere," we can only conjecture. Our demonstrations, based on the indication of the solar pyrometei-, ha\e shown that the supjjosed thermometer, if brought in contact with the photosphere, cannot possibly indicate the enormous temperature of 10,000,000° C. assumed by the Italian plnsicist. The assertion that " a body may have a very high temperature and }et radiate but very little," were it correct with reference to the photosphere, does not aflect the question. It is of no consequence whe- ther the photosphere belongs to the class of active or slug- gish incandescent radiators imagined by the distinguished savant; the temperature of the radiant surface, not its capa- city to radiate more or less copiously, is the problem to be solved. Very recently Pere Seechi, much to the surprise of those who had accepted his estimate of solar temperatui-e published in " Le Soleil," has changed his views completely. In an ela- borate essay presented to the Academy of Sciences at Paris he underrates the intensity of solar energy more than he for- merly overestimated it. Apprehensive that a synopsis would fail to give a correct idea oi the rcmarkalde demonstration 194 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. X. by wliicli tlie author of " Le Soleil " now reverses all his previous notions on the subject, and in order to furnish a complete exposition of the untenable character of the hypo- thesis tending to discredit the result of my labors, I will present without abridgment the essential points of his com- munication to the French Academy, jjublished in " Comptes Eendus," Tome LXXVIII., No. 11 : " During last summer (1873) I made some experiments in order to determine the relation of the radiation of the sun to that of the electric light, in the hope of solving the question of solar tempera- ture. This source of light was selected, because its inten- sity differs the least from that of the sun. Hence I expect to harmonize the conflicting opinions regarding the law of radiation existing among the followers of Kewton and those of Dulong and Petit. In estimating the t^vo radiations I have used the thernioheliometre, the same apparatus described in my work ' Le Soleil.' This instrument, in spite of the objec- tions made to it [by the wiiter of this work], seems to me appropriate, particularly for determining mere diiferences, as in this case. Let I^ and I,, be the absolute intensities of the radiations of the sun and of the charcoal points ; 0, and Be the excess of temperature of the black thermometer above that of the surrounding medium, in the cases of the solar and the electric radiations ; a and 6 the apparent diameters of the radiating surfaces, viewed from the centre of the black thermo- d, I, tang.' 6 6, tang.' a meter, and we have — = ~ ^^^ whence 1, = 1^ -— rz • ' d^ I, tang.- a t^c. tang. 6 It is very difficult to determine practically the radiating CHAP. X. TEMrERATUliK OF TlIK SOLA I; SURFACE. 105 surface of the charcoal points. The point is generally very lirilliant, but beyond this the incandescence decreases very lapidly; besides, the arc between them has a very different I'adiation. We have tried to determine the sui-face of the radiating parts of the charcoal points 1iy comparing their dimensions with those of glass tul)es placed in their imme- diate vicinity, and estimating the distance at which a thin wire of platinum commenced to melt without touching tliera. We have thus obtained an almost rectangular surface, equal to that of a circle of 1 centimetre in diameter; besides, the radiation from the parts outside of this limit was intercepted by diaphragms. The pile consisted of 50 elements (Bunseu) immersed in fresh nitric acid. The diameter of the ele- ments was n".12 and their height (i°.20. The electrodes were short and very tliii-k ; the current was so intense that the insulating plates of an apparatus of Foucault were fused almost immediately, and an iron wire of 1 millimetre in dia- meter and 2".50 of length \vas constantly kept at "white- heat." The author having explained that these data are vague, proceeds : " Having placed the thermoheliometre at a level with the charcoal points and the black thermometer at a distance of 0".395, I found after half an hour a dif- ference of 3°.03 between the temperature of the surrounding medium and the lilack thermometer. During sevei'al days of July, about noon, I determined, with the same instrument, the temperature produced by solar radiation. I found a dif- ference of IT^.ST, allowing for zenith distance. By sul)stitut- ing these amounts in the previous fornuda and calcidatiug 196 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. X. the diameters a and d according to the dimensions and dis- tances of the radiating atmosphere, ^ve ha^■e I, = I^ X 36.468, making the intensity of solar radiation ;36A times greater than that of the charcoal points. This estimate, however, falls short of the actual temperature ; for we know that the cor- rection for atmosjiheric absorption is too small. Mr. Soret has found on the Mont Blanc 21°.18 ; at the upper limit of our atmosphere that amount would probably be about 27°. These two amounts would give respectively : For 21°.13 : I^ = I„ X 44.36 ; for 27°.00 : I, = I, X 56.66. These results differ materially from those obtained by other observers. Apj^rehending that some unknown cause in my electi'ic light might produce an excessive error, I com- jjared it with the light from a stearin candle. I found that it equalled 1,450 common candles, showing the intensity of an ordinary good pile. In another series of expei'iments, in- stituted when the pile had worked for some time, I found Ij = lo X 47.5, Avhich result differs very little from that obtained by adopting the temperature of 21°. 13 observed by Mr. Soret. Thus, if we accept this temperature of 21°. 13, which is incontestably below the real one, and supposing the temperature of the radiating surface of the charcoal points to be 3,000° — an amount by no means exaggerated, since that ]5art of the platin^un exposed to the heat was fused — and if we estimate radiation as proportional to temperature, \ve obtain 133,780° as the potential temperature of the sun. This amount may be raised even to 169,980°, by adopting the temperature of 27° produced by solar radiation." CHAP. X. TEMPEBATUIiE OF THE SOLAR SURFACE. 197 The result, then, of Pore Seechi's Latest researches shows that the potential temperature of the sun is 1;{3,78U' C, which he thinks may l)e raised even to 169,980° C. Accordingly, , . , . , , . . 10,000,000° C. Ills loriiier coiniJiitatitin ot solar inteiisitv was '■ ■ 169,980" C. = 59 times hii^du'r than his jiresent. Referring to Chap. XIII., it will lie found that I'diiillet, whose estimate of solar intensity at the boundary of the terrestrial atmosphere is nearly identical with that which my actinometric observa- tions have established, but who bases his computations on Duloiig and Petit's erroneous formula, arrives at the con- clusion that the temperature of the sun is from 1,461° to 1,761° C. (mean = 1,611° C.) M. Vicaire, adopting, like Pouillet, Dulong's law, states, in his paper presented to the Preiich Academy, that the temperature deduced from that law is between 1,400° and 1,500° C. Sainte-Claire-Deville concludes his essay on solar temperature by the announce- ment that " solar temperature will not lie found far removed from 2,500° to 2,800° C." It is very important to observe that no difference of opinion exists regarding the fh/uatuic inevfjij developed by the sun. All physicists accept Pouillet's computation showing that each square foot of the solar sur- face develops about 300,000 thermal units per minute. It will be asked ho\v Pouillet could reconcile such an eiu)rmous deve- lopment of energy with the insignificant intensity represented by 1,611° C. A satisfactory answer will be found in Chap. II. An examination of ^Ir. Poxc's tabic of temperatures in Chap. XIII. will also suggest a satisfactory answer. This table lOR FABFANT HEAT. chap. x. slioAvs that, agreeal)ly to Diiloiig's foi'imila, the radiant energy of a body raised to a temperature of 2,520° F. is 4,600 times greater than the radiant energy developed by a body raised to a temjDerature of 60° F. above that of the atmosphere. It is needless to enter into any further discussion showing that the low solar temperature, 1,611° C, assumed by Pouillet, results from the adoption of the enormous emissive power of radiators announced by Dulong and Petit. It should be borne in mind that no peculiar property has been attributed to solar radiation, by Pouillet or other scientists, distinguish- ing it from the radiation of such metallic substances as those on which Dulong and Petit experimented. Consequently, if we can show l)y j^i'actical test that the radiation of fluid metals raised to a temperature of 1,611° C. develops only a small fraction of the energy assigned by Dulong's formula to that temperature, we prove conclusively that the method is fallacious Avhich Pouillet and others have adopted in deter- mining the temperatui'e of the solar surface. Now, the result of the calorimetric measurement of the radiant energy of fused and overheated iron, recorded in Chap. XIII., has established in the most positive manner that the emissive power at a temperature of 3,000° - 60 = 2,940° F. (1,633° C.) above that of the atmosphere amounts to only 1,013 thermal units per minute upon an area of one square foot. Pouillet's notions of solar emission being based on the assumption that a tem- perature of 1,011° C. is capable of developing 300,000 thermal units, while actual trial shows that only 1,013 units are deve- loped by the radiation of fused metal at even a liigher tem- OHAI'. X. TEMrKRATUliE OF I'UE HOLAU HVRFAL'E. I'.iO pfiature, we are compelled to reject liis estiiuato of st>lar temperature as wholly erroneous. It sliould be observed that our precise determinatitiu of solar energy by means of the calorimeter descriljed in C'liap. V. shows that 322,000 thermal units are developed in una minute by each square foot of the solar surface. Notwith- standing this enormous development of dynamic energy, the emissive power of the sun is relatively less than that of fused cast iron ; a fact which tends to prove that the sun's radiant heat emanates from incandescent gases. A brief ana- lysis of this important matter will be appropriate in tliis place. The radiant energy or emissive power developed by the sun being 322,000 thermal units per minute upon each square foot of surface, while boiling iron at a temperature of 2,940° F. develops 1,013 units upon one square foot, during one minute, it follows that the emissive power of 322 000 the sun is only '- = 318 times greater than that of •' 1,013 iron at the stated temperature. But the temperature of the . 4,030,000 solar surface being at least 4,036,000°, its intensity is ^ = 1,373 times greater than that of boiling iron. Sir Isaac Newton supposed it to be 2,000 times greater than that of red-hot iron ; a i-emarkable agreement. The emissive power 1,373 of frised iron is consequently = 4.3 .tmies greater tlian 318 that of the solar surface at equal temperature. Now, there is no terrestrial incandescent substance, whether solid or liquid. 200 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. X. whose emissive power is not more than oiie-fourtli of that of iron at oorrespoiicling temperatures ; lieiiee it is reasonable to infer that solar radiation emanates from incandescent gases. Tlie question of relative radiant power of solids and gases having presented itself at the beginning of my investigations of radiant heat, I constructed the apparatus illustrated on Plate 20, in order to ascertain the temperature produced by the i-adiatiou of incandescent gases. The illustration repre- sents two vertical sections of the apparatus (see Figs. 2 and 3) and a perspective view (see Fig, 1). Before entering on a description, it will be proper to state that the device resorted to was intended to produce a column of incandescent gas of uniform density supplied with oxygen at every point within the burning mass. This condition, it was supposed, could only be fulfilled by employing a centrifugal blower forcing a current of atmospheric air verticall}- upAvards through a mass of easily-ignited combustibles, divided into small pieces, placed on a horizontal grate. Fig. 1 represents a conical fur- nace, 2)rovided with a grate applied at the contracted lower portion, admitting of a free passage of the air between the Ijars at every point. A capacious chamber is formed under the grate. Into which air is forced by an ordinary centrifugal blower. The internal portion of the furnace is contracted towai'ds the top, as shown at h in Fig. 2, terminating with a square opening, over which is placed a square trunk a, corresponding exactly with the said opening. The furnace being charged with combustibles which readily ignite, it will be evident that a moderate speed of the blower will, CHAP. X. tempeeatvue of the solah svbface. 201 soon after ignitiou, fill the square trunk with a dense flamo of perfectly uniform temperature throughout, contact with the exterior atmosphere being wholly prevented, while the air which supports the combustion is subdivided almost inflnitely, and uniformly disjDersed, through the mass of burning fuel. A chimney, the section of which is equal to that of the contracted part of the furnace, being applied above the square trunk, any tendency to pressure and accu- mulation in the same will be effectually prevented. A dense riame of uniform temperature having thus been obtained, its radiant power has been ascertained by the folio-wing device : A conical vessel h, open at the large end, surrounded Avith a water-jacket of cylindrical form, shown in Fig. 2, is secured to the square trunk, a circular opening e, shown in Fig. 3, being ftu-med in the side of the latter, corresponding w^ith the open end of the conical vessel. Referring to Fig. 2, it will be seen that a perforated diaphragm d (composed of polished silver) is inti-oduced near the small end of the conical vessel. A thermometer is applied near the circular perforation of the diaphragm, the bulb being placed exactly in the centre line of the vessel. An opening /, siuTOunded by a short conical tube, covered wnth a piece of mica, affords a view of the interior of the conical vessel. The water- jacket was supplied from the street-main, a constant stream being kept up during experiments. The application of a chimney of large diameter above the square flame-trunk, and the covei-ing of the short conical tube with mica, as stated, in order to prevent currents of heated air or gas 202 EADIANT HEAT. CHAP. x. from circulating tlirougla tlae conical vessel, have contribi:ted to secure the desired result — viz., a disc of flame of uniform r brightness, the color varying with the speed of the blower. i It might be supposed that the high temperature of the flame ij would at once destroy the square trunlc. Such, ho^\"ever, is '^ not the case, the trunk being made of plate-iron only iV in. ,j thick, the radiation of which is so rapid that the gases com- posing the flame cannot communicate the heat as fast as it is carried ofE by external radiation. The top of the furnace at the point where the flame is concentrated and conducted into the sqi;are trunk, being exposed to intense heat, is lined with fire-clay. It should be borne in mind that the apparatus is exposed to a high temperature only while the blower is in operation, the motion being stoj^ped as soon as the internal thermometer reaches maximum indication. It will be noticed by those Avho have paid attention to the demonstration in Chap I. that, unless the radiant surface forms a sj)herical concavity, the focus of which coincides Avith the centre of the bulb of the recording thermometer, the indication Avill not be exact. The flame-disc being ci/-- cular, this objection may be overcome by removing the ther- mometer from the flame to such a distance that the mean length of the heat-rays directed to the bulb corresj)onds with the radius of a concave radiator of the same diameter as the flame-disc. For the sake of ready comparison, the diameter of this disc and the focal distance of the record- ing thermometer have the same relative propoi'tions as in our solar pyrometer. CHAP. X. TEMPEBATUBE OF THE SOLAR SUEFACE. 203 The result of the iuitiary experiments with tlie ajipuratiis thus described proved that the temperature transmitted to the focal thermometer by the radiation of the flame-disc ^vas relatively the same as in the solar pyrometer. It was inferred from this fact that the radiant power of a dense flame with active combustion kept up through its entire mass is the same, for eqiial temperatures, as the radiant power of metallic substances. Further investigation, how- ever, disclosed the fact that this unexpected result -was owing to the circumstance that the steam emanating from the burning fuel during the experiment had entered the conical vessel, and, reaching the bulb of the recording ther- mometer, elevated the temperature very considerably. The presence of steam had not been overlooked, but it was sup- posed that the rapid circulation of cold water through tlie jacket surroimding the conical chamber would produce in- stant condensation. It is much to be regretted that before the disturbing influence of the presence of steam in the chamber containing the focal thermometer had been dis- covered, the results of the initiary experiments had been published in several mechanical journals. The main fea- ture of the apparatus is, however, not without merit, as probably no better method could be devised for produc- ing a dense flame within which active combustion is being kept up at every point. In combination with the thermo- electric pile, should a reliable mode of calibration hereafter be devised, there is reason to suppose that the illusti-ated machine may prove very useful. In the meantime, I have 304 BADTANT HEAT. chap. x. instituted numerous experiments to ascertain tlie radiant power of flames as compared with that of metallic sub- stances. The result in every instance proves the feebleness of the radiation of incandescent gases compared with incan- descent solid substances of equal temperature ; but until the conclusion of tlie investigation, definite statements must be deferred. Regarding the constitution of the solar surface, the tem- perature of which Ave are now considering, the relative feeble- ness of its emissive power compared with that of fused iron, shown by our investigations, leads irresistibly to the conclu- sion that we are dealing with an incandescent gas. The constitution of the solar surface, however, has nothing to do with its temperature. But, obviously, our endeavor to ascertain the constitution of the sun will prove futile until the temperature at its surface be first established. This will be readily admitted. Suppose that the temperature of the sun's surface is only 1,600° C, as Pouillet tells us, and that the solar atmosphere extends to the moderate height of 100,000 miles above the photosphere. It may be shown, by an easy calculation, that the specific gravity of the gases near the solar surface Avould under these conditions, owing to the low temperature, the depth of the superincumbent mass, and the great attraction of the sun's mass, exceed tJiat of fused iron. It will be evident, therefore, that, until the tempera- ture of the surface shall have been established, investigations relating to the constitution of the interior mass and the sur- rounding atmosphere cannot lead to any safe conclusions. CHAP. X. TEMPEEATUEE OF THE SOL.IE SURFACE. 205 I now propose to slaow, by a demonstration whioli can- not be objected to, that the high temperature established by the indications of the sohxr pyrometer really exists on the solar surface. Astronomers, while admitting their inabi- lity to compute the degree of temperature imjiarted to the surface of the planets of our solar system, OAving to the unknown properties of their atmospheres in retaining the heat received from the sun, have no hesitation in assigning the exact degree of solar intensity transmitted to the atmo- spheric boundary of each planet, compared with that ti'ans- mitted to the boundary of our atmosphere. Sir John Herschel, in treating of the planet Mercury, does not admit that any donbt exists as to the relative degree of solar intensity to which its atmosphere is subjected. The mean radius of the orbit of this planet being to that of the earth as 38 : 100, he tells us that the temperature produced by the sun's rays on reaching the atmosphere of Mercury is nearly seven times greater than the temperature produced by solar radi- ation at the boundary of the terrestrial atmosphere. The following extract from the "Outlines of Astronomy" sho^vs the confidence which Sir John Herschel places in the appli- cation of the law of' inverse squares to the determination of solar energy at given distances : " The intensity of solar radiation is nearly seven times greater on ^fercury than on Earth, and on Neptune 900 times less ; the proportion of the two extremes being that of upwards of 5,600 : 1. Let any one figure to himself the condition of our globe were the sun to be septupled, to say nothing of tlie greater 20G BABIANT HEAT. chap. x. ratio ! or were it diminislied to a seventli, or to a OOOth ! It is true that, owing to the remarkable difference between the properties of radiant heat as emitted from bodies of very exalted temperature as the sun, and as from such as we commonly teim tvai'in, it is very possible that a dense atmosphere surrounding a planet, while allowing the excess of solar heat to its surface, may oppose a powerful obstacle to its escape, and that thus the feeble sunshine on a remote planet .may be retained and accumulated on its surface." No doubt Pouillet would have felt as little hesitation as Herschel in determining by the application of the law of inverse squares the temperature produced by solar radiation on Mercury. Chapter I. contains an elaborate demonstration, proving the correctness of this law with reference to radiat- ing spheres uniformly heated at the surface. The above diagram represents the orbits of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, their relative mean distance from the sun being correctly drawn. The orbit of an imaginary body I, revolving at a distance of 10,000,000 miles from the solar CHAP. X. TEMrEi:ATVliE-&F THE SOLAR SURFACE. 207 centre, has also been introduced In the diagram, for the pur- pose of demonstrating that a body revolving round the sun at that distance would be exposed to a temperature gieatly exceeding that which Pouillet assigns to the solar suirface. Astronomers agreeing that the law of inverse squares holds for all distances, whether it be that of Neptune, which is 30 times further from the sun than the earth, or that of Mercury, whose distance from the luminary is less than -bV of that of Neptune, we are Avarranted in applying that law to the body I, shown in our diagram, supposed to revolve at a distance of ten millions of miles from the centre of the sun. Let us then calculate what degree of solar intensity this imaginary body will be subjected to. Our calculations, obviously, must be based on the temperature produced by solar radiation at the boundary of the earth's atmosphere ; hence it will be necessary fii-st to establish that temperature. Assuming that it will prove more satisfactory to persons having obtained their knowledge from standard physical works, I will leave out of sight the result of my own acti- nometiic observations, and adojit those of Pouillet, the dif- ference, besides, being quite unimportant. In his " Elements de Physique," published at Paris, 1856, second volume, this savant states, with reference to the amount of heat given out by the sun : " In the vesical passage the atmosphere absorbs at least 0.21 of the incidental heat, and at most 0.27, beyond which the sky ceases to be serene ; I should add, however, that the 28th of June, on which day the absorption ■was 0.27, a light white veil was perceptible in aOS BABIANT HEAT. chap. X. the sky." The observed and commouly accepted maximum solar intensity on the ecliptic being 68° R, it will be found, by adding the loss of heat caused by atmospheric absorp- tion — viz., 0.21, assumed by Pouillet — that the mean tempe- rature produced by solar radiation at the boundary of the atmosphere is fully 86° F. The mean distance of the earth being in round numbers 92 millions of miles, while that of the imaginary body I is 10 millions of miles, from the sun, the solar intensity to which the latter -would be exposed is to that transmitted to the boundary of the terrestrial atmo- sphere as 10' : 92' = 1 : 84.6. Pouillet's calculations, and common observations, having, as before stated, established the intensity of the sun's rays on entering our atmosphere to be nearly 86° F., the foregoing analogy proves that the supposed body I will be subjected to a radiant intensity of 86° X 84.6 = 7,275° F. We have thus shown by a method the correctness of which cannot be disproved that the radiant heat emanating from the sun (a body the temperature of Avhich, Pouillet informs us, is under 3,000° F.) develops an intensity of 7,275° Fahrenheit at a distance of ten millions of miles. Well-informed persons will not dispute the correctness of the foregoing demonstration, nor ask further evidence of the erroneous character of Secchi's recent speculations or the fallacy of Zollner's and Pouillet's computations assigning a low temperature to the solar surface. CHAPTER XI. RADIATION FllOM INC.LNDESCENT PLANES. Some eminent scientists have supposed that the surface of an incandescent body projects rays of equal energy in all directions. Laplace, having full confidence in the cor- rectness of this assumption, founded upon it the demonstra- tion adverted to in a previous chapter, proving that the radiant energy which emanates from the receding surface of the sun possesses greater intensity than that emanating fi-om the central regions of the luminary. But actual obser- vation having shown that the radiant energy from the sun's border, so far from being more intense, is considerably less than fi-om its centre, the persistent mathematician was driven to the alternative of proving that the retardation produced by the greater depth of the sun's atmosphere towards the limb neutralizes the assumed increase of intensity of the radiant heat. How satisfactorily the dexterous analyst proves the startling proposition will be found on referring to " M^ca- nique Celeste," Tome IV. pp. 284-288 : the result of his a» 210 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xi. demonstration leading to tlie monstrous assumption that the solar atmosphere absorbs H of the entire energy emanating from the radiant surface. Evidently Laplace did not regard solar radiation as molecular action ca^iable of being con- verted into mechanical energy, or he would have perceived the impossibility of H being absorbed by the solar atmo- sphere. It is not intended to enter on a criticism of the famous demonstration, but the question is so intimately con- nected with the subject under consideration that a refei'ence to the main points is called for, showing on what grounds the conclusion was based that, but for the retardation pro- duced by the solar atmosphere, the I'adiant energy of the luminary would be increased towards the border. If we admit the correctness of Laplace's assumption that the inten- sity of radiation increases mth the obliquity of the radiant surface and the increased number of rays contained in a given section, we must also admit that the radiant energy from the regions near the sun's border will be greatly en- hanced. And since it has been found, by actual observation, that no increase of intensity takes place, the inference cannot be resisted that the retardation produced by the solar atmo- sphere actually neutralizes the increased intensity occasioned by obliquity. Accordingly, the retardation may be deter- mined by calculating the increase of intensity corresponding with the obliquity and consequent crowding of the rays. But this calculation, it is evident, will not show the full extent of retardation, since not only is there no inci'ease, but a considerable diminyiion of intensity towards the sun's CHAP. XI. KADIATIOX Fi;O.M IXVAXDESCBXT PLAXES. 211 border. Hence, the amount of retardation determined agree- ably to the doctrine tliat the radiant intensity is increased by the obliquity of the rays will be still further augmented. The reader will perceive, from this exi^osition, on Avhat erro- neous grounds Laplace's enunciation is based, that "if the sun were stripped of its atmosphere, it would appear twelve times as luminous." Tlie foregoing reference to doctrines promulgated nearly a century ago, when solar radiation was but imperfectly undei*stood, will be deemed inappropriate by those who do not bear in mind that the highest authorities of the present time advocate similar doctrines. Referring to Chapter VI., it will be seen that Pfere Secchi, who has devoted more time to the investigation of the subject than any one else, presents calculations intended to prove that the retardation offered by the solar atmosphere to the passage of the rays is so great that only a fraction of the radiant heat enters space. He sums xip his investigation by the following posi- tive statement : " 1st. At the centre of the disc, perpendicu- larly to the surface of the photosphere, the absorption arrests about I, more exactly ^, of the total energy. 2d. The total action of the absorbing envelope of the visible hemisphere of the sun is so great that it allows only t^V of the entire radiation to pass, the remainder — that is to say, -i-A — being absorbed." Pei-sons accustomed to compare mechanical equi- valents, especially those who possess practical knowledge of the amount of mechanical power developed by the radiant heat emitted by incandescent bodies at definite temperatures. 312 RADIANT HEAT chap. xr. positively reject all assumptions involving any considerable loss of radiant energy by absorption in a medium perpetu- ally exposed to the radiator. Nor will the assertion that the radiant heat is converted into molecular motion within the solar envelope be accepted by any j)ersou comprehend- ing that the mechanical energy capable of being developed by the heat-rays projected from the photosphere must enter space less only the amount of actual toovTe performed during the passage through that envelope. The investigations con- ducted by means of the solar calorimeter described in Chap. V. have shown that the dynamic energy develo^jed by the sun's radiant heat on entering the earth's atmosphere amounts to 7.11 thermal units per minute upon an area of one square foot, while the dispersion of the rays is in the ratio of 1 : 45,400 ; hence, each square foot of the photosphere emits, as shown in the chapter referred to, 322,000 thermal units per minute. Secchi says that only i of the heat emitted passes through the sun's atmosj)here. Accordingly, 7 X 322,000 = 2,254,000 thermal units per minute are absorbed. Noav, the develop- 33,000 ment oi one horse-power requires = 42.7 units per minute ; hence the energy supjiosed to be absorbed repre- sents a mechanical force, continually acting, amounting to 2,254,000 — -— - — = 52,700 horse-power for each square foot of the surface of the photosphere. Considering that the sun is sur- rounded by highly attenuated gases, containing a very small quantity of matter, Secchi's assumption that the stated enor- CHAP. XI. UABIATTOy FTtOM INCANDESCENT PLANES. 213 luous amount of energy is absorbed by tlie sun's atmosphere is utterly at variance Anth tlie laws of mechanics. The fore- . going discussion has been deemed appropriate in this place, in order to t-all attention to the importance of ascertaining the true energy of heat-rays projected from incandescent sur- faces at acute angles. If we can prove by positive practical means that the assumption is false which asserts that radia- tors emit rays of equal energy in all directions, we destroy the foundation on which the theory rests which has led to the conclusion that only i of the energy developed by the sun jienetrates its atmosphere. The illustration on Plate 21, referred to in Chapter VI., repi-osents a vertical section and top view of an inverted conical vessel, the bottom of which is concave, the top being open and pi'ovided with a wide flange. A revolv- ing semi-sphi'rical disc of cast iron, flat on the under side, is suspended on two transverse axles above the open end of the conical vessel, the axles turning in appropriate bearings resting on the top of the wide flange before mentioned. A lever handle is secured to one of the transverse axles, for the purjiose of placing the disc at any desired angle, the degree of inclination l)eing indicated by a graduated quad- rant applied as shown in the illustration. The conical vessel is surrounded by a jacket, a stream of water being circulated through the intervening space during experiments. The incan- descent revolving disc is protected against loss of heat on the top bv a non-conducting covering composed of fire-clay, so arranged that it may be quickly applied and removed. A 214 BABIANT BEAT. chap. xt. semi-spherical water-jacket is a})plie(I aljove the revolving disc, to protect the same from the disturbing influence of currents ■ of air. It will be found, on examining the illustration, that the water-jacket referred to is placed on the top flange of the conical vessel, without fastening; hence it may be taken away and replaced in a few seconds. The jacket surround- ing the conical vessel being maintained at a constant tempe- rature by a current of ^vater, the air in the lower part will also be maintained at a constant temperature. Obviously, the heated air at the top cannot descend to the bottom ; conse- quently, the bulb of the recording thermometer will be influ- enced only by the radiation of the surrounding vessel, and by the radiant heat which the incandescent disc transmits. It is hardly necessary to mention that the lower half of the bulb is protected by a non-condiicting covering. In view of the foregoing explanation, it will be evident that the mea- surement of the intensity of the radiant heat projected from the incandescent disc towards the bulb of the thermometer, at different angles of inclination, will be as reliable as if the air were exhausted from the conical vessel. In either case, the temperature of the surrounding vessel which radiates towards the thermometer, being deducted from the tempe- rature indicated by the same, shows the intensity of the radiant heat transmitted to the bulb. It may be contended that the upper part of the latter loses a small amount of heat by convection attending the presence of air ^vithin the vessel. Assuming that the loss of heat from that cause is appreciable, this loss will be proportionate to the intensity CHAP. XI. BADIATION FROM nCAXDESCEST PLANES. 215 of tlie lieat traiisiiiittecl during eacli experiment ; hence it cannot affect the relative difference of intensity for different degrees of inclination of the incandescent disc. Dui'iug experiments, the apparatus is placed near an air- furnace, hose being attached to the nozzles of the external casing for circulating a constant stream of water through the intervening space. The furnace having been charged with combustibles capable of producing a steady fire, and heated to the requisite degree, the disc is inserted. Having remained in the furnace until the color of the metal approaches bright orange, the disc is quickly withdrawn and placed over the open conical vessel, supported by the axles shown in the top view of the illustration. Agreeably to the theory, the correctness of which we are going to disprove, the incandescent disc, placed at the incli- nation shown in the illustration, \\\\\ transmit a higher tem- perature to the thermometer than if it were placed at a greater angle to the vertical line ; the reasons assigned for this assumption being that the same number of radiating points are presented by the disc, and the same number of rays of equal energy emitted in either position, while in the former they are more concentrated than in the latter. The stated assumption involves the proi^osition tliat parallel I'ays projected at an acute angle, fi'om a given number of radiating points, transmit greater intensity than an equal number t»f parallel rays projected at a less acute angle to the radiant surface. That this proposition, although untenable, is very plausible, will be seen by reference to Fig. I (see diagram 216 BADIANT BEAT. chap. xi. Plate 22). Let a b represent the inclined radiant siu-face, and a c h the several radiating points projecting heat-rays towards the sjjaces d f and Tc g. The number of radiating points and the number of heat-rays projected being alike in each case, while the space represented by ^ ^ is only one- third of that represented by d f, it must be admitted, if we assume all rays to possess equal energy, that the concentra- tion of heat within h g is, three times greater than within d f. In other words, that a given area within h g receives three times more heat than an equal area within d f. This apparently correct view of the question, and its application to spheres, led Laplace astray in his demonstration concern- iug solar intensity. In the next chapter, which, as already stated, will be devoted to the consideration of radiant heat ti'ansmitted from incandescent spheres, the influence of the spherical form on radiant intensity will be fully considered. Li the meantime, we must admit that the demonstration con- tained in Fig. 1 is unanswerable under the stijjulated condition that all heat-rays emitted by a radiator possess equal energy. Our task, therefore, will be to show, lyractically, that the stated condition is based upon false assumptions, tiaviug already made ourselves acquainted with the apparatus constructed for this purpose, we may at once proceed to consider the results of the experiments which have been instituted. It will be evident that, owing to the high temperature of the revolv- ing disc, it will cool very rapidly after being removed from the furnace and placed in position over the conical vessel, and that the recording thermometer, however sensitive, will CiiAi'. XI. BAVIATION FROM INCANDESCENT PLANES. 217 require so long a time before reacliiug maxiiuuiii iiulication tliat only oiie inclination of the disc can be experimented on at a time, thus rendering reheating indispensable for each change of angle. The number of changes of inclination during the investigation have, therefore, been limited to ten, beginning -with 90 deg. and ending with 10 deg. inclination to the vertic:il line. It will be evident that the high tem- perature renders it practically impossible to impart exactly the same degree of incandescence at each operation. I have, thei-efore, resorted to the expedient of maintaining the furnace at a uiiiforni temperature, and to expose the disc to the action of the heat duiing an equal interval of time for each operation. This method, though not precise, has conclusively established the fact that the temperatiire transmitted to the thei'uiometer by the radiant heat varies in the exact ratio of the sines of the mean of the angles formed by the face of the disc and a line drawn from its centre through the centre of the bulb. The result of an experiment made with great care will be found recorded by the diagram Fig. 5, in which the oi'dinates of the curve a b represent the sines of the angles formed by the disc and the lines mentioned, the ordinates of the irregular line c d e representing the tempe- ratui'o transmitted to tlie recording thernionietei'. The figures inserted below the base line /' g show the number of degrees of inclination corresponding with the sine represented by each ordinate, while the figures above the curve a h sho\v the dis- crepancy between the calculated and the actn;d temperature transmitted to the thermometer. It will be found ku inspec- 218 EABIANT HEAT. chap. XI. tion that the mean diiference of the actual and the calcu- lated temperature ahove the curve is 1.94°, that below the same being 1.08° ; hence the mean discrepancy is only 0.86° Fah. Considering the difficulty of imparting an equal tem- perature at each operation during the experiments, this dis- crepancy between the calculated and the actual temperature transmitted by the radiation of the incandescent disc is unim- portant. We are warranted, therefore, in adopting the con- clusion that the temperatures vary exactly as the sines of the angles of inclination of the radiant surface. It has been deemed proper, in view of the great importance of this con- clusion, and in order to render the subject clearly undei'stood, to introduce Figs. 4 and 5 combined, showing the several angular positions of the incandescent disc during the inves- tigation. Dotted lines, it Avill be seen, have been introduced, connecting these angular positions with the corresponding ordinates of the curve a h. A mere glance at the geome- trical representation contained in Figs. 4 and 5 will show that the temperatures indicated by the ordinates of the curve a h correspond exactly with the sines of the angles of incli- nation of the disc. Bearing in mind the facts thus established, let us again refer to Fig. 1, in which the space h g \s one- third of the space d f. We are now enabled to demonstrate that the heat transmitted to a given area within the former is only one-third of the heat transmitted to an equal area within the latter. Laplace and his followers, assuming the reverse to be the case — viz., that the temperature within h g will be three times higher than within d f — their estimate of CHAP. XI. RADIATION FliOM INCANDESCENT PLANES. 219 the radiant intensity of inclined surfaces will obviously be too higb in tlie inverse ratio of the sines of angles of incli- nation. The consequence of this grave mistake, with reference to the radiant power of incandescent spherical bodies, will be demonstrated in the next chapter, containing a record of the temperatures developed by the heat-rays projected in a given direction from different zones of a metallic sphere raised to a hii^li decree of incandescence. CHAPTER XII. RADIATION PROM INCANDESCENT SPHERES. The question wlietlier equal areas at different points of tlie solar surface transmit equal energy towards the earth has engaged the attention of several eminent scientists. It was mentioned in the previous chapter, on radiation from inclined incandescent planes, that the author of " Mecanique C61este," finding by observation that equal areas of the sun do not transmit equal energies (the central portion transmit- ting, in opposition to his reasoning, much greater intensity than those near the border), explains the matter Ijy sho^ving that the solar atmosphere retards the passage of the rays, causing a great diminution of the energy of the radiant heat projected from the border of the sun towards the earth. It but seldom happens thfit questions of a cosmical nature admit of being decided by actual experiment, the present being one of the rare instances in which experimental tests may be resorted to. Evidently, if the great retardation of energy towards the border, demonstrated by Laplace, is caused solely by the obstruction encountered during the passage of the rays S30 CHAP. xii. RADIATION FBOil INCANDESCE};! SrUEliES. 221 througL tlie atmosplieie suriouiuling the sun, the receding surface of an incandescent spherical body not sxirrounded by a retarding mediuni will transmit the supposed intensified radiant heat undiminished. The illusti'ation on Plate 28 represents an apparatus by means of Avliich it has been clearly demonstrated that, notwitlistanding the absence of a retarding mediuiu round an incandescent sphere, the sup- posed increase of radiant energy resulting from the obli- quity of the heat-rays projected by the receding surface does not take place. The said illustration shows a vertical section and toj) view of a conical vessel sui'i'ounded 1)\ a water-jacket, and in other respects consti'ucted as the appa- ratus descril)ed in the preceding chapter. The top flange of the conical vessel now under consideration is, however, provided with a groove, the bottom of which supports a solid sphere of cast iron, in the manner shown in the illus- tration. Belo^v the sj)here are inserted two semi-cylindrical screens of different diameter, each composed of two thin plates of iron, the intervening space between these plates being filled with a fire-proof non-conducting substance. It will be seen, on carefully inspecting the illustration, that the external screen is annular as Avell as semi-spherical, while the central screen consists of a concave disc ; hence an annular opening is formed ])etween each pair of screens. Supposing the cast-iron sphere to be heated before being placed in the position represented, it will be evident that the thermometer at the bottom of the conical vessel will only receive the radiant heat transmitted Ijy tlie heat-rays projected towards 232 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xii. the bulb throngli tlie anmilar opening formed bet^\'een the two screens. It will be readily understood that, by employ- ing screens of different proportions, zones containing equal convex areas, but occupying different positions, may be made to radiate towards the thermometer, and that by this means the radiant intensity transmitted from any portion of the spherical surface may be ascertained. Consequently, we are enabled to test pi'actically the truth of the assertion that, but for the intervention of the sun's atmosphere, the reced- ing solar surface would, owing to the increased number of rays contained within a given section, transmit au increased radiant intensity towards the earth. It may be urged against our device that atmospheric air intervenes between the incan- descent sphere and the recording thermometer. A moment's consideration, however, will show that the consequent retar- dation is practically inappreciable. It has been established in preceding chapters that the retardation sustained by the sun's rays in passing through our atmosphere amounts to 0.207 on the ecliptic, while solar intensity at the boundary of the terrestrial atmosphere is very nearly 85° F. Conse- quently, the loss of radiant heat hardly reaches 18° F. in passing through 28,800 feet of atmospheric air of maximum density. The radiant heat of our experimental a|)paratus being transmitted through a depth of only 2 feet, tlie retard- ing influence of the air intervening between the ladiatiug sphere and the bulb of the recording thermometer \vill be 2 X 18° '^^^y ~^^o~oa77 ~ 0.0012° F. We may, therefore, without appre- CHAP. XII. EADIAl'lON FEOM IXCAXDESCENT SPHERES. 223 ciable error, assume that no retarding medium surrounds the experimental incandescent sphere. The princi2)al features of our apparatus having thus been exphiiued, and the nietliod of solving the problem under consideration pointed out, we may now proceed to consider the result of the experiments Avhich have been instituted. In order to facilitate comparison, the lower half of the sphere visible from the centre of the bulb of the recording thermometer (see Fig. 6 in the diagram Plate 24) has been divided into four zones, A, B, C, and D, contain- ing equal areas. It w^ill be seen, on inspecting the arrangement of screens shown in the diagram, that no part of the surface of the sphere excepting that contained within the parallel lines defining each zone is capable of radiating towards the thermometer, all the rest being shut out by the screens. Ob- viously, the latter can be so proportioned that the radiant heat from any part of the lower half of the sphere may be projected towards the bulb. Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the dia- gram show the arrangement of screens adopted in our expe- riments, by means of which the transmitted radiant power of each of the zones has been ascertained. The dimensions of the several screens have been determined by drawing radial lines from the centre of the bulb of the thermometer to the points where the termination of the zones intei"sect the circumference of the sphere. The subject will be most readily understood by referring to Fig. 4, which exhibits zone C. The screens being made to terminate \vhere they meet the radial lines p, g and q, g, it will be seen that an annular opening p q is formed, pennitting all heat-rays to m RADIANT HEAT. chap. xil. pass wLicli are projected from the zone C in tlie direction of the Inilb of the thermometer. A simihir arrangement permits the radiant heat from zone B, in Fig. 5, to act on tlie thermometer, lleferring to Fig. 3, it ^\•ill be found that only one screen, perforated in the centre, is required to shut out the radiant heat from the thi'ee upper zones, C, B, and A ; while in Fig. 6 the radiation from the three lower zones, D, C, and B, is shiit out by a single central screen, the cir- cumference of which is defined by the radial lines m, I: It should be borne in mind that, although the several screens are represented by single lines in the diagram, they are, as already explained, composed of double plates, a fire-proof non-conducting substance being inserted between the two, the object of which is self-evident. Referring to the demonstration contained in the previous chapter relating to the diminution of energy of heat-rays projected at an acute angle to the radiant surface, it will be seen, on mere inspection, that the upper zones represented in f loss of heat under the given temperatures." The author of tlie " Practical Treatise on Heat" then proceeds to construct a table of temperature and ratio of loss by cooling ; but before presenting the same Ml!. Box's Taulh ov tuk Katio of Loss of Hf.at at very Higu Tempek.vtures, by the Formula of Dllon'g. Temperatui-e of the heated body. li. S S l^ Temperature of the body above that of the air. Ratio of heat at diffe- rent temperatures. RadiatioD. Contact of air. 'Fah. 'Fah •FoA. Satio. BaUo. 490 60 60 60 00 60 60 60 00 60 60 60 450 540 720 840 1080 1260 1440 1620 1800 2160 2520 3.10 4.19 7.17 12.68 23.01 42.70 80.67 154.5 . 299.7 1159.0 4604.0 1.980 2.085 2.230 2.378 2.450 2.540 2.620 2.693 2.760 2.880 2.985 600 780 900 Red, just visible 1140 " " 1320 Dull red 1600 Dull cherry red 1680 Cherry red 1860 Clear red 2220 Clear orange 2580 White, bright to his readers he prefi.xes the following observation : " This table shows that with a radiant body at a clear red-heat of 1,800° the loss is about 300 1 times the amount due by the simple formula, and at a l^right white-heat of 2,580 it rises 238 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xiii. to 4,604 ! ! times tliat amount." If any doubt existed on the subject, tlie author's emphatic exchimations furnish unques- tionable evidence that he is not aware of the fact that he is propagating a mischievous doctrine, and that he regards the stated extraordinary ratios as true measures of the amount of dynamic energy parted with at high temperatures. The fallacy of Dulong and Petit's formula relating to high temjjeratures having been conclusively demonstrated in Chap. II., I have deemed it unnecessary to examine the calculations based on that formula contained in the papers presented by Messrs. Sainte-Claire-Deville and M. E. Vicaire to the Aca- demy of Sciences at Paris, referred to at the commencement of this chapter. CHAPTER XIY. RADIANT HEAT MEASUKED BY THE THERMO-ELECTRIC METHOD. Melloni asserts, in " La Tberinoclirose," that the calorific energies imparted to a thermopile are as the arcs through which the needle of the galvanometer sweeps, until the deflec- tion exceeds 13 degrees. This assumption being at variance with the principles of dynamics, its correctness calls for a thorough investigation before it can be accepted. Intending originally to employ the thermo-electric method for ascer- taining the difference of the radiant energy transmitted by the sun's rays from diiierent portions of the solar disc, I carefully investigated the subject, and found, by experi- mental test, that Melloni's law is not correct. Theoretical demonstration pointed to the fact that, for deflections not exceeding 15 deg., the calorific energy impai-ted to the pile by radiant heat is very nearly as the square root of the versed sine of the angle of deflection from zero. It may be briefly stated that, having previously resorted to various 240 BADIANT HEAT. expedients for testing roughly tlie relicability of the assump- tion that the energy is as the arc up to thirteen deg. deflec- tion — the result of the test in each instance proving decidedly unfavorable to Melloni's doctrine — I undertook the construc- tion of a special ajjparatus for calibrating the galvanometer applied to my thermopile. By means of this apparatus the energy developed for different deflections of the needle from zero to 35 deg. has been accurately determined. Before describing the new device, it will be proper to examine Melloni's method of calibrating galvanometers, described in the work referred to; especiall}- since its supposed correct- ness has induced several eminent physicists to accept the assumption that the energies are as the arcs swept by the needle from zero to 13 deg. deflection. " Two vessels V V (see Fig. 17) are half filled -with quicksilver, and connected by two short wires, separately, with the terminations G G of the galvanometer. The vessels and wires, arranged as shown, will not change the action of the instrument ; the thermo-electric current between the pile and the galvano- CHAP. XIV. TUEBMO-ELEVTinc 21EASUEEMENT. 241 meter being freely kept up as before. But if we establish a communication between the two vessels by means of the wire F, a portion of the current will pass through this wire and then return to the pile. The quantity of circulating elec- tricity in the galvanometer will then be diminished, while the deflection of the needle will be reduced. Suppose that by this expedient we have diminished the galvanometric deviation to one-fourth or one-fifth — viz., that the needle indicating 10 or 12 degrees, by the power of a constant source of heat located at a given distance from the pile, recedes 2 or 3 degrees when part of the current is diverted by the outside wire. If we then cause the source of heat to act at various distances, and observe in each case the inaxinuini deflection and the least deflection, we obtain the necessary data for determining the ratio between the deflec- tion of the needle and the energy causing that deflection. To make the matter better understood, and to give at the same time an example of the manner of operating, let us take the numbers bearing on the application of the method to one of the thermo-multipliers. Let the outside circuit be interrupted, and the source of heat located at an adequate distance fi'om the pile to deflect the needle not moi-e than 5 degrees. The wii'e being then passed from V to V, the needle falls to 1.5; the connection between the vessels being again interrupted, and the source of heat placed near enough to produce the following deflections in succession : 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 45°. Applying the same wire between V and V after each deflection, we obtain the followiua: ener- 243 EADIAKT MEAT. chap. xiv. gles: 1°.5, 3°, 4°.5, 6°.3, 8°.4, 11°.2, 15°.3, 22°.7, 29°.7. Sup- posing the energy equal to unity Avhicli is necessary to cause tlie needle to describe arcs corresponding with each of the first degrees of the galvanometer, we then have the number 5 as an expression of the energy corresponding to the initial observation. The other energies are readily ascertained by 5 the relations : 1.5 : 5 = a? = — a = 3.333, where a indicates lo the deflection when the outside circuit is closed. Obviously, any diminished current is to the total current to which it corresponds as any other diminished current to its corre- sponding total current. Hence, 5, 10, 15.2, 21, 28, and 37.3 are the energies corresponding to the deflections 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, and 30°. In this presentation it will be seen that the energies are nearly proportional to the arcs up to about 15 degrees ; but beyond this deflection the proportionability is at an end, the discrepancy augmenting with the arcs." The energies at intermediate degrees, it is stated, are readily ascer- tained by calculation or by the graphic method, the latter being assumed to be sufficiently precise for the purpose. The accompanying table exhibits the corresponding deflections and energies determined by Melloni in accordance with the fore- going demonstration : The constructor of the table observes that no notice has been taken of deflections under 13 deg., since the energies within that deflection are, as he supposes, correctly repre- sented by the arcs swept by the needle. It is hardly neces- sary to call attention to the unsatisfactory nature of the fore- ni.vi'. XIV. TllKUMO-ELECTlilC ME. 1 6' L HEMES T. 243 going iiit'tliod of leturinug part of the electi'ic current by the -w'nv F, fur the purpose of ascertaining the calorific energies imparted to the pile by the radiant heat emanating I'roin the radiator. Unless we adopt some ]iositive means of mea- suring the intensity of the heat to which the face of the pile is subjected at the instant of observing the deflection Melloni's Table, showing the Relation betweek Deflection AND Energy. u Energy ex- erted. Energy ex- erted. Deflection of needle. 13.0 13.0 19.0 19.8 1 25.0 28.0 14.0 14.1 20.0 21.0 1 26.0 29.7 15.0 15.2 21.0 22.3 27.0 31.5 16.0 16.3 22.0 23.5 28.0 33.4 17.0 17.4 23.0 24.9 29.0 35.3 18.0 18.G 24.0 26.4 30.0 37.3 of the needle of the galvanometer, the relation of deflection and calorific energy cannot be accurately determined. Now, the demon-stration contained in C'liap. I. proves that the inten- sity of radiant heat transmitted through a given space by a circular radiatoi' of known diameter and temperature may be determined with positive accuracy. Accordingly, the method of calibrating galvancmietei-s, which I am going to lay before the reader, is based on the stated demonstration i:)roving that a correct knowledge of form, distance, and temperature of 244 EADIANT HEAT. CHAP. XIV. the radiator enables us to ascertain, with absolute precision, the degree of calorific energy imparted to the thermo-electric pile during the investigation. The following brief descrip- tion of the apparatus represented by our illustration (see PI. 26) will suffice to give a clear idea of the same : t, table having a longitudinal parallel groove, 6 ins. wide, 2 ins. deep, formed on the top. h, sliding wooden block, 12 ins. square, 1^ ins. thick, provided with a j)arallel projection below cor- responding Avith the groove in the table, and admitting of the block sliding freely from end to end. A vertical plate s, 20 ins. high, 12 ins. wide, is secured to the sliding block. p represents a thermo-electric pile placed on the top of the table. The vertical plate s is perforated in the centre, for the purpose of supporting a cylindrical boiler r, -1 ins. in diameter, provided with an open trunk on the tojj, through which a thermometer is inserted. The end of this boiler pointing towards the pile is concave, while the opposite end is flat ; a spirit-lamp being applied ixnder the same, sup- ported by the sliding block h. A scale, divided into 100 parts of one inch each, is attached to the side of the table, the zero of this scale coinciding with a pei-pendicular line draAvn from the face of the thermo-electric pile ^>. The extreme j)oiut of the concavity of the boiler r being in line Avith the front side of the plate s, while the zero of the scale, as stated, is in line with the face of the pile, it -will be seen that the distance through which the radiant heat acts may be regulated by simply moving the sliding block to any desired division on the scale. A metallic screen s', CHAi\ XIV. TUEUMO-ELECTRIC MEASUREMENT. 245 2(t ins. high, 12 ins. wide, platrd with polished silver, is attaclied to the vei-tical plate s, in order to prevent the radiant heat of the latter from acting on the thermo-electric pile. The metallic screen is provided with a central perfo- ration, 4 ins. in diameter, the centre of which coincides with the prolongation of the axis of the cylindrical boiler. Regarding the temperature of the lattei-, it will be seen that, by applying the spirit-lamp, as already stated, the water may be kept constantly at the boiling point, since any excess of heat above that point will be carried off by the steam allowed to escape through the open trunk which contains the thex'- mometer. Accordingly, the thermo-electric pile j) will at all times be subjected to a definite radiant intensity depending on its distance from the radiator /■; while the graduated scale attached to the side of the table t enables the experi- menter to regulate that distance rapidly and accurately. In accordance with the law governing the transmission of heat, before referred to, the temperature imparted to the thermo- electric pile p will bear the same relation to the differential temperature of the boiler as the square of the radius of the semi-spherical end of the latter bears to the square of the dis- tance of the same from the face of the pile. Consequently, when the boiler is jilaced as shown in the illustration, the temperature transmitted by radiation may be ascertained by the following calculation : Assuming that the thermometer inserted through the open tinink at the top of the boiler indicates 212° F., and that the tepmeratui'e of the surround- ing air is 70 F., the intensity of the radiant heat emanating 246 BABIAKT HEAT. chap. xiv. from tLe boiler will be 212 - 70 = 142° F. Now, as the position of tLe block b is siicli tliat the concavity r coincides A\itli tlie aOtli division on the scale, tlie distance between tlie face of tlie pile and the radiating surface will be 50 inches, while the I'adius of the concavity is 2 inches. The tempe- rature imjjarted by the radiation emanating from the boiler 2' X 142 will, therefore, amount to = 0°.227 F. The calorific ' ' 50' energy transmitted by the I'adiator at all other distances may of course be determined by a similar process of computation. Having theoretically determined the intensity of the radiant heat for each division on the scale, the existing relation between the deflection and the computed energy will be ascertained simply by observing the corresponding position of the needle of the galvanometer. Our task, however, is that of ascertaining the calorific energy corresponding with arcs not of varying length swept by the needle of the galva- nometei', but arcs each measuring shs of a circle commencing at the galvauometric zero. Evidently, arcs and energies are not directly comparable ; hence, we must ascertain, experimen- tally, what calorific energy corresponds with the first degree, or the first half degree, of deflection of the needle from zero. It has already been stated that the radiant energy emanating from the concave face of the boiler is 142° F. when the tem- perature of the surrounding air is 70° F. Hence, agreeably to the foregoing process of calculation, the temperature im- parted to the pile when the boiler is placed at the extreme end of the scale — ^■iz., 100 inches from the face of the pile CHAP. XIV. THEUMO-ELECTEIC MEASUEEMEXT. 247 2' X 142 — will be — = 0°.057 F. Now, such are the propor- 100' ' ^ '■ t'umii of tlic illu.^trated apparatus that, when the dilVereiitial teiii2)eratiii-e nf tlie Ixiiler is 142° F. and the eoneave face of the boiler coincides Avith the 100th division of the scale, the detlection of the needle is 30' from zero. The forefjoins; demonstrations and reasoning being deemed sufficiently expla- natory, Ave may now consider the diagram attached to the illustration, Plate 20. The length of the ordinates of the curves hf and !> (/represent the relation between the energies imparted to the pile and the arcs swept by the needle ; the figures marked on the vertical base-line a c denoting the degrees of deflection from zero. In other Avords, the ordinates of the curve h d shoAv the observed deflections for each degree from zero, while the oi'dinat(>s of the curve h f show the developed energy. It Avill be seen, therefore, that the portions of the ordinates Avhich are contained between the two ctii'ves lepre- sent the excess of developed energy above that of the observed deflection. Considering that the length of the ordinates of the curve b f have been detenuined in accordance with the well-established laws governing the transmission of radiant heat, while the length of the ordinates of the curve h d is the result of actual observation, the correctness of the ascer- tained rehition cannot be qiiestioned. Conserpiently, a mere inspection of the diagram suffices to show the fallacy of Melloni's assumption that, Avithin a deflection of 13 degrees, the arc swept by the needle and the energy imparted to the pile correspond exactly. Obviously, by comparing the inter- 348 IIABIANT HEAT. CHAP. XIV. '1 'able a, snowiNfi THE ReL \TION BETWEEN Energy \ND Deflection at Depinite Distances. 2- .2 1 II So O "o ^1 i a a o If II go Inches. ' Fah. Relative. Beg. IncTies. ° Fah. Relative. Deg. 100 0.057 0.50 0.50 34 0.491 4.31 3.80 95 0.063 0.55 0.60 33 0.521 4.58 4.00 90 0.070 0.61 0.70 32 0.555 4.87 4.30 85 0.078 0.68 0.80 31 0.591 5.19 4.50 80 O.OSS 0.77 0.90 30 0.631 5.54 4.90 75 0.101 0.88 1.00 29 0.675 5.92 5.30 70 0.116 1.01 1.10 28 0.724 6.36 5.60 65 0.134 1.17 1.20 27 0.779 6.84 6.00 60 0.158 1.38 1.40 26 0.840 7.37 6.40 55 0.188 1.64 1.60 25 0.909 7.98 6.90 50 0.227 1.99 1.80 24 0.986 8.65 7.30 49 0.236 2.07 1.90 23 1.073 9.42 8.00 48 0.246 2.16 2.00 22 1.173 10.30 8.90 47 0.257 2.26 2.10 21 1.288 11.30 9.90 46 0.268 2.35 2.20 20 1.420 12.46 10.90 45 0.280 2.46 2.30 19 1.573 13.80 12.00 44 0.293 2.57 2.40 18 1.753 15.38 13.10 43 0.307 2.69 2.50 17 1.965 17.24 14.40 42 0.322 2.82 2.60 16 2.219 19.46 16.30 41 0.338 2.96 2.70 15 2.525 22.14 18.50 40 0.355 3.11 2.90 14 2.898 25.42 20.40 89 0.373 3.27 3.00 13 3.361 29.48 23.00 38 0.393 3.45 3.00 12 3.944 34.59 25.90 37 0.415 3.64 3.10 11 4.694 41.18 29.00 36 0.439 3.85 3.30 10 5.680 49.82 32.00 35 0.464 4.07 3.50 9 7.012 61.51 35.00 CHAP. XIV. THEEMO-ELECTEW MEASUEEMENT. 249 vening space between the curves b J and b f on tlie 13th ordinate, and the length of that ordinate between the base-line a c and curve b d, we obtain a definite idea of the magnitude of the error involved in Melloni's doctrine that deflection and enei'gy correspond until the position of the needle marks thir- teen degrees from zero. It is important to observe that a scale, corresponding with the scale of inches marked on the side of the table represented in the illustration, has been introduced parallel with the vertical base-line a c in the diagram. This expedient enables us to make a direct com- parison between the position of the concave radiator and the deflection of the needle of the galvanometer, marked on the vertical base-line a c. It wull be seen, for instance, that, when the deflection of the needle is 35 degrees, the radiator is placed 9 inches from the face of the pile. Let us now consider briefly the manner of conducting the experiments which have enabled us to constioict the diagram referred to and the accompanying table A. The deflections of the needle of the galvanometer and the energies imparted by radiation to the pile beyond the 50th division being very small, the observations between that division and the termi- nation of the scale have been confined to spaces of 5 inches each, as will be seen on reference to the table mentioned. But from the 50th to the 9th division the observations have been made for each inch. Accordingly, 41 distinct experi- ments were instituted while advancing the boiler from the fiftieth to the ninth division of the scale attached to the side of the table. It is important to mention that, in order 250 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xiv. to allow tlie pile to cool effectually, the sliding block h, together with the boiler and screens s and s', were removed into an adjoining room, and the needle of the galvanometer brought to perfect rest at zero, for each observation. It may be mentioned that the final investigation was carried out under very favorable conditions, the temperature of the sur- rounding air fluctuating so slightly that the differential tem- perature of the boiler did not vary one degree during the experiment. The mode of constructing Table A, which exhi- bits the relation between energy and deflection at definite distances, will be readily understood. The distance between the concave radiator and the face of the pile, it will be seen, has been entered in the first column, while the tempe- rature transmitted to the pile by radiation has been entered in the second column. The determination of the temperature referred to is effected by the following simple arithmetical process : Multiply the squai'e of the I'adius of the concave surface r by the differential temperature of the boiler, and divide the product by the square of the distance between the radiator and the pile ; the quotient — entered in the second column of the table — expresses the intensity transmitted to the pile by the heat emanating from the radiator. For example, the intensity of the transmitted radiant heat, at a distance 2' X 142 of 19 inches, -will be — — = 1°.573 F. Eef erring to the table, it Avill be found that the temperature thus ascei'tained is recorded in the second column, opposite the distance 19 entered in the first column. The mode of ascertaining the CHAP. XIV. TnEBMO-ELECTRIV MEASUREME^'T. 251 temperature transmitted by tlie radiator to the thermo-electric pile at each poiut of the scale being thus fully explained, let us now consider the relative amount of energy repre- sented by the temperature entered in the second column of our table. It has already been pointed out that the tempe- rature imparted to the pile by the radiant heat, and definite arcs — say degrees — swept by the needle of the galvanometer, are not comparable quantities ; hence cannot be determined by calculation. We must therefore, as already pointed out, have recourse to the experimental process in ascertaining the relation of the temperature transmitted and the deflection of the needle when the radiator is at maximum distance from the thermo-electric pile. Repeated trials have shown that, when the radiator is placed at a distance of 100 inches from the face of the pile, the ratio between the deflection of the needle — measured by arcs containing tJt of a circle ; and the temperature transmitted to the pile — measured by degrees of Fahrenheit, is as 0.50 to 0.57. The energies inserted in the third column of the table have been deter- mined in accordance with the stated relation of temperature and deflection of the needle of the galvanometer, while the deflections of the needle entered in the fourth column have been determined by observation. It will be seen, by inspect- ing the latter, that the energy exceeds that indicated by the deflection of the needle, for all distances between the 55th division on the scale and the pile ; the energy at that point being 1.64, while the deflection is only 1.60. Between the 100th and 60th divisions of the scale the observed deflec- 252 BABIANT HEAT. CHAP. XIV. tions, it mil be noticed, are irregular, slightly exceeding tlie energies. This ii'regiilarity is occasioned by the sensitiveness of tlie instrument when the radiator is far from the pile. It only remains to call attention to Table B, exhibiting the final result of our elaborate investieation of the thermo-electric Table B, showing the Eelation between Deflection AND Energy. Deflection of needle. Energy ex- erted. Deflection of needle. Energy ex- erted. Deflection of needle. Energy ex- erted. Deg. Relative. Deg. Relative. Deg. Relative. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.89 2.17 3.38 4.59 5.77 6.86 8.00 9.15 10.33 11.53 12.75 14.00 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 15.28 16.58 17.90 19.24 20.60 21.98 23.39 24.84 26.34 27.90 29.53 31.25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 33.07 35.00 37.05 39.24 41.58 44.20 47.00 50.00 53.30 57.00 61.23 method of measuring radiant heat. It will be seen, on care- fully examining this table, that the deflection of the needle of the galvanometer at the termination of the first degree exceeds the energy transmitted by the radiator towards the thermo- electric pile in the ratio of 100 to 89, difference = 0.11 ; CHAP. XIV. THEBMO-ELECTBIC MEASXTREMENT. 253 an uninipoii:aiit irregularity already adverted to. Beyond 90' from zero tlie energy becomes greater than the deflection in a constantly increasing ratio as the arcs swept by the needle augment. Accordingly, when the needle has moved through an arc of 13 degrees, the energy is greater than the deilec- tion in the ratio of 15.28 to 13.00, instead of being exactly balanced, as stated by Melloni. CHAPTER XY. THE THEEMOHELIOMETER. The calculations presented by Pere Secchi in his work " Le Soleil," relative to the intensity of solar radiation and the temperature of the sun, being based on the indications of his thermoheliometer, I have carefiilly examined the pro- perties of this unique device, delineated on page 267 of the work referred to. The accompanying illustration (see Fig. 1) represents a longitudinal section of the same through the ver- tical plane. A B and C D are two concentric cylinders sol- dered one to the other ; they form a kind of boiler, the annular space being filled with water or oil at any tempe- rature. A thermometer t passes through a tube, across the annular space, to the axis of the cylinder ; it receives the solar rays introduced through a diaphragm m •??, the opening of which is very little larger than the bulb of the thermo- meter. A thick glass v closes the back part of the instrument, and admits of ascertaining whether the thermometer is placed in a direct line with the pencil of rays. The interior cylinder 254 THE TEEBMOEELIOMETEB. 255 and the thermometer t are coated with hmip-Llack. A second thermometer t' shows the temperature of the annular space, and consequently that of the enclosure. The A\hole apparatus is mounted on a support having a j)arallactic movement, to facilitate following the diurnal motion of the sun. The appa- ratus being exposed to the sun, it will be found, on observing the two theimometers, that their difference of temperature increases gradually, and that in a short time it ends by being constant. Before pointing out the peeuliaiities of the contrivance thus described by Pcre Secchi, it will be instructive to examine his " solar intensity apparatus," manufactured by Casella, represented in Fig. 2. The manufacturer publishes the following statement regarding this instmment ; " Two thermometers are here kept immersed in a fluid at any temperature, and a third surrounded by the same conditions, but not immersed, is exposed to the rays of the sun. The 256 BABIANT HEAT. CHAr. XT. increase of temperature tlius obtained is found to be tLe same, irrespective of the temperature of tlie fluid ■wliicli sur- rounds it." No one acquainted with the principles which govern the transmission of heat within circuhiting fluids can fail to observe that the thermometers applied above the central tube will not furnish a reliable indication of the temperature of the fluid below the same, nor of any portion of the contents of the annular space towards the bottom. Apart fi'om this defect, it will be j)erceived that an upward current of atmospheric air will sweep the under side of the external cylinder, causing a reduction of temperature of the fluid confined in the lower half of the annular sjjace. Again, the heat radiated by the bulb of the thermometer exposed to the sun will elevate the temperature of the air within the central tube, and consequently produce an internal circu- lation tending to heat the upper part of the fluid contained in the annular space. The effect of the irregular heating and cooling thus adverted to will be considered after an examination of the result of some observations recoi'ded in Tal)les A and B, which I conducted at different times during the month of September, 1871. In order to insure an accurate position, the instrument during these observa- tions was mounted in a revolving observatory upon a table turning on declination axes provided with appropriate mecha- nism and declination circle. An actinometer being attached to the same table, the true intensity of the radiant heat, as well as the sun's zenith distance, were recorded simultane- ously with the indications of the Secchi instrument furnished TUE THERMOUELIOMETEB. 257 Table A , SHOWING TUE Hesult of Observations made with Secchi's Tiieumoheliometer, manufactured by Casella. SEPTEMBER S. Ill External casing. 3i p if tS.a Upper thermometer. Lower thermometer. Mean. •Fhysi- cists apparently overlook the fact that, ^vhile the entire convex- area of the bulb is exposed to what may be considered the cold radiation from the enclosure, only one-half receives radiant heat from the sun. This circumstance would be unimportant if the heat thus received were instantly transmitted to every part ; but the bulb and its contents are slow conductors, while the conducting power diminishes nearly in the iuvei-se ratio of the square of the depth. Consequently, by increas- ing the diameter, the parts of the bulb opposite to the sun \\\\\ receive considerably less heat relatively in a given time than if the diameter be diminished. CHAPTER XVI. BAEOMETRIC ACTINOMETEE. The bulb of tlie tLermometer is cliarged mth air ; tlie intensity of the radiant heat determined by the pressure in the bulb ; the height of the mercurial column indicates the pressure ; a fixed graduated arc and movable index show the sun's zenith distance ; the graduation of the scale of tempe- rature effected without exposing the bulb to heat or cold ; the sun's zenith distance and the intensity of the i-adiant heat observed simultaneously ; the bi;lb, being placed within a vacuum, is not exposed to the disturbing influence of atmo-" spheric currents ; the vessel surrounding the bulb maintained at a constant temperature ; the atmospheric temperature does not affect the indication of radiant intensity ; the quantity of matter contained in the bulb is exceedingly small compared with the convex area exposed to the solar rays ; suitable mechanism, operated by two small hand-wheels, enables the observer to follow the diurnal motion and sun's declination ; the instrument is portable. cH.vr. XVI. BAUOMEIRIC AVTlSOMETElt. 267 Au accurate deteimiiiatioii uf the iuteusity of solar heat calls for a thermoiueter capable of indicating the temperature produced by radiation after a very brief exposure to the radiant heat. It has been pointed out in previous chapters that the sluggish action of an ordinary thermometer renders it \\ holly unfit to measure the temperature produced by solar radiation at any given zenith distance, since the diurnal motion is so rapid that before an equilibrium can be established between the heat received by the bidb and the heat radiated by the same, the zenith distance is materially changed. Con- sequently, the temperatures indicated by common thermome- ter before noon are too low, Avhile in the afternoon the indi- cation is too high, for the zenith distance at any given instant of time. In order to ascertain to \\\\i\i extent the ordinaiy thermometer is defective as a means of measuring the sun's radiant heat, consequent on the slow expansion of the con- tents of the bulb, I have conducted a series of experiments which show that a thermometer surrounded by a vessel kept at a constant temperature and exposed to the i-adiation of a steady gas-flame, requires from 20 to 25 minutes before the mercurial column becomes stationaiy. Consequently, the rapid change of the sun's zenith distance, especially early in the morning and late in the afternoon, presents a difficulty which renders oidinary theriuonieters useless for measuring the intensity of solar heat at given zenith distances. But a far greater defect inseparable from the oidinaiy form of thermo- meter remains to be noticed, namely : the section of the pencil of rays which imparts the radiant heat is less than the con- 368 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xvi. vex area of the bulb exposed to tlie sun. This circumstauce presents a serious difficulty, calling for delicate counteracting expedients (see Chap. III.), since although that half of the bulb which is turned away from the sun may be protected by a non-conducting substance, the other half on which the sun acts exposes a radiating surface twice as great as the sectional area of the acting pencil of I'ays, because the convex area of the bulb is four times greater than the area of its greatest section. It should be observed, however, that by employing a long bulb of cylindrical form, the inherent defect of the common thermometer thus pointed out may be miti- gated in the ratio of about 4 to 3, since the plane which passes through the axis of a cylinder bears a greater pro- portion to its convex area than the area of the great circle of a sphere to its convex area. Some scientists contend that, agreeably to the law of exchanges, no actual loss of heat is sustained by the excess of radiating surface of the bulb over the sectional area of the pencil of I'ays which imparts the radiant heat. A moment's consideration will dispose of this unsound doctrine. Admitting that by means of non-conduct- ing substances the half of the bulb opposite to the sim may be effectually protected against loss of heat by radiation, the other half which is turned towards the luminary will constitute a refrigerator as well as a heater. Now, the effi- ciency of refrigerators and heaters is as their areas, all other things being alike ; hence a sj^herical bulb of 0.8 in. diameter (the convex area of Avhich is 2 square inches) presents a radiating surface exactly 1 square inch towards the sun, CUA1-. XVI. BMlVMETiac ACTIXOMETEE. 2G9 while the section of tlie peucil of tittlar rays Avliicli the bulb intercepts contains only 0.5 square inch. The lays lieing thus distributed over an area twice as great as their section, the mean intensity of the radiant heat imparted to the bulb will be diminished one-half. But, while the hemispherical sui-face of the IniUi turned towards the sun is thus rendered inefficient by the dispersion of the rays, its efficiency as a vcfriyc-rato)', remaining unimpaired, carries off the lieat with full eneig}' towards the surrounding cold medium. As our demonstration relates fmly to the defect consequent on the sectional area of the ])encil of rays being less than the area which receives the solar heat, I have not noticed the serious loss caused by cold cun-ents of air circulating louud the exposed half of the bulb. The self-evident chai-acter of the foregoing explanation renders theoretical deductions, from the law of exchanges, unnecessary to establish the fact that ordi- naiy thermometei-s cannot furnish correct indications of the temperature produced by solar radiation. Before entering on a detailed description of the instru- ment illustrated on Plate 27, it will be instnictive to con- sider what proportion of the indicated temperature results from vnaided solar Itcat when a substance surrounded by the atmosphere is exposed to the sun's rays ; and whether the observed increment of tenqierature above that of the suiTonnding air occupies a fixed position on the themio- metric scale, or whether it rises and falls with the inciease and diminution of the atmospheric temperature. Suppose that we place a circular disc, composed of some black non- 270 BABIA^^T HEAT. chap. xvi. conducting substance, at the bottom of a veiy deep cyliu- di'ical vessel, kept at a uniform temperature, ■whose axis points towards the sun, and "which is provided "with an open- ing opjjosite the disc — the diameter of the disc and opening being alike. Suppose also that, by some adequate device, a perfect vacuum is kej^t up in the said vessel, and that the axis of the black circular disc is directed towards the solar centre. I maintain that the temperature acquired by the suiiace of the supposed disc — less the temperature of the surrounding vessel — furnishes an accurate indication of the real intensity of the sun's radiant heat. It will be perceived, on due reflection, that the differential temperature thus ascer- tained, which furnishes a true measure of the I'adiant inten- sity of solar heat, cannot occupy a fixed position on the thermometric scale. It rises and falls by increase and dimi- nution of the temperature of the supposed surrounding vessel. The investigations and observations refei'red to in Chap. III., conducted during a series of years, it should be borne in mind, have established the fact that during the summer solstice the differential temperature produced by solar radia- tion, indicated by my actinometer, is fully 66° F. in the latitude of New York, when the sky is perfectly clear and the zenith distance 18 degrees. The question will be asked : Is there any limit to the rise and fall of the thermometric interval of 66°, consequent on changes of the temperature of the surrounding medium? As the leading j^oints con- nected with this question have been fully discussed in Chap. IX., I will merely observe that the result of numerous obser- CHAP. XVI. BAllOMETEIC ACTINOMETEB. 271 rations, and the trial of various expedients resorted to in order to determine the limit, show that the movement is not limited. The extent of the fall, as far as ascertained, is so considerable that Ave must infer that, but for the intir\ention of our atmosphere and the accumulation of heat lesultinj^^ from that intervention, the sun's unaided radiant heat woidd not be sufficient to prevent the sui-face of the earth hum falling several hundred degrees below the freezing point of water. No reliable experiments have yet been instituted to ascertain the extent of the upward movement of the thermo- metric interval under discussion, when the solar rays are admitted into an incandescent enclosure. The following general description will enable the reader to form a cori-ect idea of the nature of the barometric actino- meter. The leading feature of the instrument is that of em- ploying a bulb (see Plate 27, Fig. 1) composed of very thin, hard plate-metal, charged with dry atmospheric air, in place of a bulb containing some liquid substance. The lower part of this air-bulb is heuiis^dierical, Avhile the upper part, ex- posed to the sun, consists of a circular plate with a slight upward curvature, the extreme diameter being 2.75 inches. The hemispherical jxirt of the bulb is plated with nickel on both sides, highly polished and thoroughly pi-otected by a non-conducting external covering, A\"hile the t(->p plate, ex- posed to the radiant heat, is coated with lampblack on the outside, the inside presenting a rough surface. It Avill be evident fi"om this description that the form of the bulb of the barometric actinometer fulfils the condition inseparable 273 FADIANT HEAT. chap. xti. from devices intended to fumisli accurate indication of the intensity of solar radiation — namely, that the area of the face Avliich receives the radiant heat should not exceed the area of the section of the pencil of rays admitted to the instru- ment. The air-bulb, as already stated, is i^laced near the bottom of an exhausted cylindrical vessel, 8 inches long, 3 inches diameter, surrounded by a double casing through which water, kept at a constant temperature, is circulated. An ordinary force-pump is employed for this purpose, receiving its supply from a small portable cistern ; the water thus circulated through the double casinij beinff returned to the c-istern by the action of the pump. The upper end of the cylindrical vessel is closed by a plate of glass 0.12 inch thick, forming an air-tight joint. Tlie aper- ture in the ring which secures the glass to the cylinder is 2.75 ins. in diameter, corresponding exactly with tliat of the bulb. The exhausted vessel is held in position by a trans- verse axle secured to its bottom (see Fig. 2), turning in appropriate bearings supported by columns resting on the circular bed-plate of the instrument. The transverse axle mentioned is provided with a central perforation ^vhich, by means of minute passages, communicates M'ith the interior of the bullj, conmiunicating also with a close mercurial cistei-n f formed at the lower end of the barometric tulje, as represented in the illustration. The height of the column in this baro- metric tube, it is scarcely necessary to observe, furnishes an exact index of the expansive force of tlie air witliin the bulb, and hence the intensity of the radiant heat to Avhich it is sub- CHAP. xvi. BArxOMETBIC ACTiyoMETER. 273 jt'Cted. It is iiiipoitiiiit to observe, reganliiig the graduatiou of the scale of temperature, that the height of the mercurial column alone will not determine the length of the degrees. Certain obvious corrections must be made, especially on ac- count of the loss of energy of the sun's radiant heat in passing through the crystal which covers the exhausted tube. This loss may be readily ascertained by employing an appa- ratus by means of which the absorptive property of the crystal is tested before the scale of temperature is graduated. Referring to the mechanism represented in the illustration, it will be seen that the inclination of the exhausted cylin- der is regulated by a tangential screw a, while the adjust- ment called for by the earth's diurnal motion is effected by a small pinion b actuating the cogged base-plate which supports the instrument. The mechanism thus described, together with a perforated sight c and an index-plate d, enables the operator to direct the tube accurately towards the sun. The centre line of the index (/ attached to the upper end of the exhausted chamber shows the zenith dis- tance on the graduated quadrant at all times by raei'e inspec- tion. It should be mentioned that, when the barometric actinoiueter is arranged within a revolving observatory pro- vided with a declination table, the mechanism just described for obtaining a parallactic movement is wholly dispensed ^vith. Meteorologists will do well to adopt such an insti-u- ment in all important observations, since its simultaneous indication of solar intensity and zenith distance enables them to determine the relative amount of vapor jiresent in the 274 EADIANT HEAT. ' chap. xvi. atmosphere ^yith a degree of precision probably unattainable by any other means. The sensitive nature of the instrument will be readily comprehended if we consider that while the surface of the bulb, 2.75 ins. diameter, amounts to 5.93 square ins. (the section of the pencil of rays which imparts the radiant heat contains also 5.93 superficial inches), the quan- tity of matter to be heated is only a small fraction of that contained in an ordinary thermometer whose bulb is only 0.6 in. diameter. Besides, the latter bulb receives heat from a pencil of rays of only 0.28 square in. section. Apart froni this important difference in favor of the barometric actino- meter, the radiating surface of spherical bulbs exposed to solar radiation, as already stated, is twice as great as the section of the pencil of rays Avhich imparts heat to the same. CHAPTER XVII. CONDUCTIVITY OF MERCURY. It was shown in Chapter XV. that the radiant intensity of the sun cannot be accurately ascertained by the thermo- heliometer employed by Pere Secchi, owing, among other causes, to the imperfect conductivity of the mercury in the bulb exposed to the sun. ^leteorologists are not generally aware of the fact that the conducting power of mercuiy is so imperfect as to affect materially the correctness of the indication of mercurial thermometei-s, Deschanel being quoted in support of the opinion that mercury is a very good con- ductor. Prof. Everett, in a recent translation of the works of the author mentioned, assumes that the conductivity of quicksilver in the bulb of a thermometer is the same as a vessel " with thin metallic sides containing water which is stirred" (see Prof. Everett's translation of "Deschanel's Natu- ral Philosophy," Part II., pp. 245-387). The subject is so intimately connected with the detennination of solar tempe- rature and solar energy that it has become necessaiy to 276 RADIANT HEAT. CHAP. XVII. settle tbe question by some reliable, practical test. I have accortlingly constructed the apparatus illustrated ou Plate 28, by means of wliicli the relative conducting j)ower of a colunm of copper and one of mercury has been ascertained with ci'itical nicety. Before entering on a description, it will be instructive to point out that the heat communicated to the bulb of a thermometer by solar radiation is transmitted to its contents chiefly by convection; hence that the altitude of the sun during the observation influences the accuracy of the indication. This will be readily comprehended. Fig. 2 represents the bulb of a thermometer exposed to the rays Avhen the sun's zenith distance is 65 deg. ; Fig. 3 I'epresenting the bulb when the zenith distance is 18 deg. 23 min., the latter being the minimum at the observatory of the Roman College, where the thermoheliometer described in Chajiter XV. has been long emjiloyed for the purpose of ascertaining CHAP. XVII. COl^DUCTIVITY OF MEBCURT. 277 the inten.sity of solar radiation. Referring to Fig. 2, it will be seen that the blank crescent c, whose varying thickness indicates veiy nearly the relative amonnt of heat imparted at each point of the spherical surface pi-eseiited towards the sun, occupies an almost vertical position. The mercury con- tained within the space indicati-d by the said crescent, hav- ing its specific gravity reduced by the heat transmitted by the solar rays, will ascend ; w hile tlie mercury on the f)pposite side, which retains its specilic gravity, will descend ; thus a circulation will be established by means of which the heat received from the sun will be gi'adually communicated to the entire mass of mercur}^ in the bulb. But when the latter is exposed to the sun's rays under a zenith distance of about 18 deg., as shown in Fig. 3, the heated mass (jf mercury con- tained within the crescent a has so slight an im-lination that scarcely any circulation takes place. Consequently, if it can be sho\\Ti practically that mercury is incapable of transmit- ting heat from particle to particle with sufficient velocity, it will be evident that thermometei's and thermoheliometers with spherical bulbs are worthless as means of measuring maximum intensity of solar radiation. It will be perceived that if the bulb in Fig. 3 be surrounded by an enclosure, as in the thei'iuoheliometer, the mercury contained witliin the space indicated by the crescent h will radiate far less heat towards such enclosure than the mercury within the opposite heated crescent a. It will also be perceived that, by increas- ing the size of the bulb, the transmission of heat from a to h will be retarded unless the conductivity of mei-cury ]>e pei-- 278 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xvii. feet. Heuce the size of the bulb is an element aflFecting the accuracy of the indication — a circumstance fatal to the em- ployment of a sjiherical bulb in the thermoheliometer. The nature of the illustrated apparatus constructed for the determination of the conductivity of mercury will be readily understood by the following description: Fig. 1, Plate 28, represents a longitudinal section through the verti- cal plane, a is a boiler, with a flat bottom and semicircular ends, supported on two columns / and g, resting on the bottom of the cisterns c and d. The column / is composed of wrought copper plated with silver, highly polished. The column g consists of a cylindrical vessel of glass open at the top, filled with mercury, and surrounded with a socket h, composed of polished silver. The cisterns c and d, sup- ported on non-conducting substances, are plated with polished silver, and provided with funnel-shaped openings at the top, through which thermometers are inserted. These cisterns, as well as the columns / and g, are surrounded with non- conducting coverings j9, ^p and o, o. A lamp h is applied between the cisterns for heating the water in the boiler. It is scarcely necessary to observe that the polished silver plat- ing of the copper column, and the polished silver socket round the mercurial column, are intended to prevent loss of heat by I'adiatitm, while the coverings before mentioned are intended to prevent loss of heat by convection attending atmospheric currents. The inside diameter of the cylindrical vessel g, it should be noticed, is 0.5 in., corresponding exactly with the diameter of the copper column f, the top of which CHAP. XVII. COXDVCTIVITT OF MEBVUEY. 279 is on a level with that of the mercurial column. The lines Ic I and m n are in the same horizontal plane, their distance below the upper ends of the columns / and g being precisely 2 inches. The object of the apparatus being that of comparing the conductivity of mercuiy to that of some other metal, copper has been selected, as its conducting property is better known than that of any other. The leading feature of the arrange- ment will be comprehended by a mere glance at the illustra- tion. An equal amount of heat being applied to the top of each column, it is intended to show by the elevation of the temperature of the water in the cisterns c and d what rela- tion exists between the conductivity of mercury and copper. Regarding the application of the heat, it will be evident that an equal amount must infallibly be imparted to each column if the lamp be sufficiently powerful to keep the water in a state of continuous ebullition. Obviously the heat from the lamp, if urged, will cause a rapid upward motion of the water in the middle of the boiler, and a correspondingly rapid descending current at each end. Accordingly, lateral currents, varpng in velocity with the strength of the flame, applied under the boiler, mil fl.ow inwards over the upper ends of the columns / and g. Several experiments have been made under different baro- metric pressure and different atmospheric temperature, yet the results as regards the comparative conductivity of mer- cuiy and copper have proved to be very nearly alike in all. The accompanying tables record the result of the last trial, 380 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. XVII. Table I. — Coppeb Column. '^ A n o .3 ±3 ^a C o J^ ® 6 3 ^ S 35 a 0J« 3 tec— s a .s gjS. til H o 1 1 ' 1 ^ Min. 'Fah. °Fah. Therm, mitts. °J?aA. Therm, units. TAerm. uni^. 73.50 138.50 0.5 75.15 1.65 0.143 136.85 0.143 104.873 1.0 77.25 3.75 0.326 134.75 0.183 134.208 1.5 80.14 6.64 0.577 131.80 0.251 184.078 2.0 83.84 10.34 0.898 128.10 0.321 235.415 2.5 88.14 14.64 1.272 123.80 0.374 274.284 3.0 92.81 19.31 1.678 119.00 0.406 297.752 3.5 97.67 24.17 2.100 114.25 0.422 309.486 4.0 102.56 29.06 2.525 109.44 0.425 311.686 Table II . — Mercurial Column. H .3 3 • a a " «_2 1 i s If be A III Si r3 IS 1 ^ ^3 c .'c Min. °J?'aA. °^aA. Therm. «»j's. - /'-a/i. T/ierm. units. T/ierm. units. 73.50 138.50 0.5 73.52 0.02 0.002 138.48 0.002 1.466 1.0 73.56 0.06 0.005 138.44 0.003 2.200 1.5 73.64 0.14 0.012 138.36 0.007 5.133 2.0 73.75 0.25 0.022 138.25 0.010 7.334 2.5 73.90 0.40 0.035 138.10 0.013 9.534 3.0 74.08 0.58 0.051 137.92 0.016 11.734 3.5 74.28 0.78 0.068 137.72 0.017 12.467 4.0 74.50 1.00 0.087 137.50 0.019 13.934 CHAP. XVII. COXDUCTIVITY OF MEUCUUY. . 281 comlucted as carefully as practicable. The lieailiiigs of the several columus explain so clearly the object of the tables that it will only be necessary to ^ate that the energy in- serted iu the fourth column is the energy developed from the beginning of the experiment Referring to Table I., it will be seen that at the termina- tion of 4 minutes from the commencement of the experiment, the temperature of the water in the cistern v bad increased 29'.0G, the differential temperature being then 212° - 102°.56 = 109°.44 F. During the same period an amount of dynamic enero-y represented by 2.525 thermal units had been trans- mitted past the line l 1, communicated to (1) the water in the cistern ; (2) the part of the copper column immersed ; (3) the metal composing the cistern ; (4) the immersed part of the thermometer. But, while the entire energy transmitted past the line I- I during the 4 minutes thus amounted to 2.52.3 units, the rate of transmission was actually 0.850 unit per minute at the termination of the fourth minute. This appa- rent discrej>ancy was caused by the heat absorbed Ijy that part of the column which extends above the line h I, the temperature at the commencement of the experiment being the same as that of the surrounding air, 73'.50. Referring to Table II., it will be seen that the euerg>=- transmitted through the mercurial column past the line m n, during 4 minutes, was only 0.087 unit against 2.525 units for the copper column, although the differential temperatui-e of the water in the cistern ^^ was 137°.50 - 109'.44 = 28^06 higher than in the cistern c. Accordingly, the conductivity of the 282 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xvii. 2.526 copper composing the column /' has proved to be ;: = 29.06 times greater than the conductivity of tlie mercury of the column g, notwithstanding the higher differential tempe- rature to which the latter was exposed. It will be observed that the glass, 0.02 in. thick, composing the cylindrical vessel which contains the mercury, will conduct some heat down- ward, tending to increase the temperature in the cistern d. This tendency, however, will be balanced by the loss of heat occasioned by the radiation of the glass cylinder, since the application of the polished silver socket and the non- conducting covering cannot wholly prevent the refrigerating action of the surrounding air. It is important to observe, regarding the loss of heat from the latter cause, that the cis- terns, previous to trial, are charged with water of the same temperature as the atmosphere. No\v, considering that the increment of temperature in the cistern d does not averao-e more than 0°.40 above that of the atmosphere during the trial, it will be evident that the amount of error caused by radiation will be quite inappreciable. We are therefore warranted in concluding that the conductivity of mercury, determined by the increment of temperature in cistern d, and by the dynamic energy transmitted past the line m n, cannot be far from correct. It will be asked why columns of such small diameter have been employed. The principal object has been that of presenting a sectional area in the mercurial column g corresponding as nearly as possible to the size of the bulb of an ordinary thermometer. The inves- CHAP. XVII. COi\J)VCTIViri' OF MEIiCVliY. 283 tigation, then, has couclu.sively established the fact that mer- cury transmits heat from particle to particle too slowly to effect a sufficiently rapid indication of mercurial thermome- ters provided with splierical bulbs ; and that, when the heat is applied from above, the indication of such thermometers is wholly um'eliable. A subject of great interest presents itself in connection with the rate of transmission of energy exhibited in the sixth column of Table I. It will be seen that, although the copper column / is only 0.5 in. in diameter = 0.19635 sq. in. section, the rate of transmission at the termination of the fourth minute is 0.850 unit per minute. Reducing this amount to the usual standard of one square foot, it will be 144 found that the energy developed is X 0.850 = 623 "'•' ^ 0.19635 thermal units per minute for a sectional area of one square foot. It will be observed that this extraordinary amount of • ,, ,, . .623 energy (theoretically capable of exerting = 14.5 horse- 42.7 power) is called forth by the moderate differential tempera- ture of 212° - 102°.56 = 109°.44 F. Now, let us compare the stated energy of 623 thermal units per minute to that produced by the radiation of a metallic surface coated with lamp-black, and maintained at a temperature of 212" within an enclosure of 102^ Actual trial shows that, under these conditions, the radiant energy emanating from the face of a plate composed of copper, containing 144 sq. ins., scarcely reaches 6 theraial units per minute. Our experiment has 284 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xvir. therefore incidentally established the fact that, under the stated conditions, a plate of wrought copper 2 ins. in thick- ness is capable of transmitting by conduction from one side to the other, in a given time, an amount of mechanical energy more than one huntlred times greater than the mechanical energy transmitted by the radiation of the same plate during an equal interval of time. CHAPTER XYIII. INCANDESCENT CONCAVE SPHEPJCAL HADIATOK. The illustration on Plate 29 represents an apparatus constructed for the purpose of j^roving the correctness of the indications furnished by the solar pyrometer described in Chapter X. Fig. 1 is a side elevation and Fig. 2 an end view of the apparatus. Objections have been raised against the solar pyrometer on account of the low tempera- ture employed. It is contended that, unless the radiator is raised to the temperature of incandescence, emitting luminous rays, the radiant heat transmitted to the focus will not fui'- nish an indication capable of determining the temperatui-e of distant incandescent bodies. The reader is aware that the idea of ascertaining the temperature of the sun by the indications of a surface coated with lamp-black, maintained at only boiling heat, has lieen deemed absurd by certain pliysicists. Secchi, in a letter to Nature, says : " Very few indeed \vill allow tliat which ]Mr. Ericsson takes for granted, that the radiating power of the solar materials may be com- 3^ 286 RADIANT HEAT. chap, xviii. pared to tLat of pure lamj^-black, as lie assumes." Numerous experiments, lio\vever, sliow tliat, relatively, there is no appre- ciable difference between tlie energy of the dark heat-rays emanating from a metallic radiator of low temperature, pre- senting a thoroughly disintegrated or a blackened surface, and the energy of heat-rays accompanied by a light emanat- ing from an incandescent metallic radiator. The temperature transmitted by the radiant heat to the focus is, in each case, directly proportional to the temperature of the radiant sur- face. An air thermometer placed in the focus of a concave spherical radiator composed of ice, and surrounded with very cold substances, say 100° below zero, will furnish an indica- tion by which the temj^erature of distant incandescent bodies may be ascertained with as much certainty as by employing a radiator heated to such a degree as to emit luminous rays. It scarcely needs explanation that my reason for constructing the solar pyrometer with a radiator kept at the low tempe- rature of boiling water is that of admitting of operating within a vacuum, besides rendering it possible to measure the temjjeratures with positive exactness. No doubt the instrument could be so arranged that the metallic radiator might be maintained at a temperature considerably above that of incandescence (Sir Humphry Davy, it will be remem- bered, fixed the temperature of incandescence at 812°); but we lack accurate means of measuring the intensity when metals are brought to white heat or bright orange. Nor would anything be gained by resorting to a mode of con- struction involving both complication and uncertainty, since UHAI-. xviii. INCANDESCENT SPHERIOAL RADIATOR. 287 (laik heat-rays, with refereuce to temperature, in no manner differ fi'oni heat-rays accompanied by light. As already stated, no irregularity h;is been observed by me in the fall of the temperature of an incandescent radiator, and that of the focal thermometer exposed to the I'adiaut heat, while the color gradually changes fx'om bright orange to black. On the contrary, the temperatures of the radiator, and the reci- pient of the radiant heat, continue to bear the same relation to each other during both cooling and heating. The times, compared mth the increment or diminution of intensity, differ a little; but, as stated, the proportion between the temperature of the radiant surface and that transmitted to the focus continues as nearly uniform as practical test can show. The radiator of the instrument represented by our illus- tration on PI. 29 consists of a solid cylindrical block h, com- posed of cast iron, 10 ins. diameter, 6 ins. long, placed hori- zontally on a pedestal, the fi-ont end forming a spherical concavity a h c of 18 ins. radius, precisely like the radiator of the solar pyrometer described in Chap. X. The under side of the cylindrical block is provided with a square projection corresponding with two guide pieces on the top of the pedestal shown on Fig. 2, intended to facilitate the operation of placing the block rapidly in a proper position after having been heated in an aii--furnace. A focal thermometer J, simi- lar to the one employed in the solar pyrometer, is secured to a bent arm attached to the front side of the pedestal ; the distance b cl between the centre of the bulb and the face BABJANT HEAT. CHAP. XVIII. a b c oi the concave spherical radiator being also precisely as in the sohar p}'rometer. The accouipauyiug table exhibits the result of a trial of the ajjparatus, conducted at a mechanical establishment in New York possessing air-furnaces well adapted for the in- vestia:ation : Appearance of radiator. Temperature of radiator. is, observed siiniiltaiieously with that of the focal thermoiuetei'. The time Avhich elapsed between tlie fii'st and last observation entered in the table was 29 minutes. It will be seen that the temperature transmitted by the radiator to tLe focal thermometer was recoi'ded at six different stages of incandescence, the color presented by the radiant surface determining the time foi' olxservation. The mean temperature of the radiator during the experiment was 1,740° F. Deducting the mean atmospheric temperature, 40°. 63 F., the actual mean differential temperature of the radiant surface, the lumint)us heat rays of ^vhicll acted on the focal thermometer, was 1,699°.37. The mean temperature transmitted to the focal thermometer exposed to the radiant heat being 157°.83, while the atmospheric temperature, as already stated, was 40°.63, we find that a temperature of 117°.2 was imparted to the focal thermometer by a radiant intensity of 1,699°. 37. It will be recollected that in the solar pyrometer a differential radiant intensity of 163°.9 transmitted a temperature of 12°.2 to the focal thermometer; 12°.2 hence ■ = 0.074 of the temperature of the i-adiator was 1 63.9 117.2 transmitted to its focus, against ^^^j^jT^r;: = 0.069 in the ap- paratus under consideration. Conse([uently, 0.074 — 0.06i* = 0.00.5 less heat, relatively, is transmitted by the incan- descent radiator than by the comparatively cool radiator of the solar pyi'ometer. As this small discrepancy can readily be accounted for, the result of the instituted test fully estab- 290 BABIANT HEAT. chap, xvili. lislies the truth of the doctrine which forms the basis of the sohu- pyrometer — namely, that the cakirific energy of both dark and luminous heat rays is directly proportional to the temperature of the radiant surface. The cause of the dis- crepancy adverted to will be readily comprehended by the following explanation relating to the solar pyrometer. The heat imparted by the radiant to the recipient surface is transmitted through ether alone; therefore neither the radi- ator nor the bulb of tlie focal thermometer are subjected to any loss by convection ; while the incandescent concave radi- ator, as well as its focal thermometer, are exposed to the refrigerating influence of the atmospheric air. Obviously the heated bulb of the thermometer will caiise an up^vard curi'ent of air, which, acting on its face, reduces its tempe- rature and indication, while the intense heat of the radiator tends to augment the said current. Again, the rapid suc- cession of cold particles passing over the intensely heated surface of the radiator will inevitably diminish the energy of the radiant heat, since the molecular motion within the heated mass cannot instantly restore the loss to which the molecules at the siirface are continually l:)eing subjected by the cold current. The diminution of radiant energy from this cause, though not great, will be appreciable, and, added to the loss of heat, to which the bulb of the focal thermo- meter is subjected, satisfactorily accounts for the discrepancy adverted to; at the same time showing the necessity of carrying on investigations relating to radiant heat within a vacuum. CHAP. XVIII. IXCAXl>i:SCi:XT arJlERICAL RADIATOn. 291 Let us now calculate the temperature of the sun agree- ably to the indications furnished by the incandescent ladiatov of the illustrated apparatus, without reference to the iiidica- tioiis of tlie iiistrunu'iit, tlio relialjility of wliicli we are dis- cussing. But in place of basing our calculations on the angle subtended by the sun from the earth, and the angle subtended by the concave spherical radiator from its focus, let us detenniiie tlie solar tennuTature ou the basis of areas and distances alone. This method will be more satisfactory to practical men than the one which takes no direct cogni- zance of areas and distances. Assuming the sun's diametei' to be 852,584 miles, the area of the great circle will be 15,912,029 X 10" sq. ft. The diameter of the spherical radi- ator being 10 ins. and the radius 18 ins., its face presents 80.06 sq. ins. = 0.556 sq. ft. Accoi'dingly, the sun's area is 28,620,377 X 10" times greater than the area of the con- cave face of the radiator. The mean distance between the sun and the earth is 91,430,000 miles, or 482,750,400,000 ft. ; the distance between the radiator and its focus is 1.5 ft. The radiant heat of the sun, theiefore, acts through a dl.s- tance 321,833,600,000 times greater than the radiant heat of the incandescent radiator. We have demonstrated in Chap. I. that the temperature transmitted to the foci of concave spherical radiators of equal area is inversely as the square of their radii ; and we have sho\vn that, owing to the great distance of the sun, every part of his face may, without material error in our computations, be considered as equidistant fi-oni the earth. Hence, if we square and invert 292 BABIANT HEAT. CHAP, xvrii. the lief ore-mentioned distances tbrongli whicli the I'.-idiant heat acts, we ascertain that for equal intensity and equal area the incandescent radiator will transmit 10;^, 57(5,800 X 10" times higher temperature to its focus than that trans- mitted by the sun to the Iwundary of the earth's atmosphere. But the area of the sun, as we have stated, is 28,620,377 X 10" times greater than the area of the radiator; hence for equal inlensity the radiant heat transmitted to the focus of . , ^^ .,, - 103,576,866 X 10" the latter will be ^.^ '^^^ ^ ^^^,., = 3,618.99 times greater 28,620,3vY X 10 ° than that transmitted by the sun. It will be readily seen, on reflection, that unless the temperature of the sun is 3,018.99 times greater than that of the incandescent radiator, it cannot transmit to the atmospheric boundary the same temperature as that transmitted by the radiator to its focus, viz., 117°.2 F. The temperature produced by solar radiation when the earth is in aphelion is, however, only 84°.84: at the said boundary; hence the sun's temperature need be , 3,618.99 X 84.84 onlv — — = 2,619.25 times greater than that of 117.2 ^ the incandescent radiator (1,099°.37), in order to cause an elevation of 84°.84 on the Fahrenheit scale at the boundary of the earth's atmosphere. Multiplying 1,099°.37 by 2,619.25, we find that the indication of the incandescent concave spherical radiator of our illustrated device proves the sun's temperatxire to be 4,451,924° F. It will be seen, on referi-ing to Chap. X., that the calculations based on the indications of the solar pyrometer prove the sun's temjserature to be cnAP. XVIII. TNCJXPESCEyT SriTEHICAL HADTATOn. 293 only 4,063,984\ The cause of this discrepancy of 0.087 has already been explained, viz., diminution of the radiant energy of the incandescent radiator, produced by currents of cold air sweeping over its face ; together with the loss of heat to wJiich the unprotected bulb of the focal therinonieter is subjected by the refrigerating effect of the surrounding at- mosphere. Making due allowances for these losses — insepa- i-al)le from conducting the e.xpei'inient in the presence of atmospheric influence — it will be found that the indications furnished by an incandescent concave spherical radiator assign very iieaily the same temperature to the sun as the comparatively cold radiator of the solar pyrometer. The objection, then, urged against this instrument, that its tem- jterature is not high enough, cannot be maintained in view of the fact which we have established, that the intensity deduced from its indication is not att'ected by employing an incandescent radiator in place of one raised to merely boiling heat. CHAPTER XIX. REFLECTIVE POWER OF SILVER AND OTHER METALS. Desciianel informs us that the reflection of calorific rays has been satisfactorily determined hj the investigations of Melloni, Laprovostaye, and Desains, and that these physicists have practically ascertained the reflective power of polished silver and other metals. He states, also, that Laprovostaye and Desains have shown that, "contrary to wliat was pre- viously supposed, the reflecting power varies according to the source of heat." "Thus," he adds, "the reflecting power of polished silver, which is 0.97 for rays from a Locatelli lamp, is only 0.92 for solar rays." It follows from this announce- ment that while the loss of radiant energy is only 1.00 — 0.97 = 0.03 Avhen the rays emanate from the lamp mentioned, it is 1.00 — 0.92 = 0.08 when the rays from the sun are reflected, xiccordingly, the loss of energy attending reflec- tion will be nearly three times greater for solar heat than for artificial heat. That such a difference does not exist is known to all persons conversant with reflectors. Besides, a CHAP. MX. BEFLECTIVi: rOWEi: OF rOLlHUED METALS. 295 momeut's consideration of the properties of calorific rays suf- fices to show the untenable character of the proposition, compelling us to reject Laprovostaye's and Desains's investi- gation as unrt'lial>le, although generally accepted by plij- sicists. Moreover, the table of reflective power of various metals presented by Deschanel as the result of the celebrated investigation furnishes additional evidence of its unreliable character. Let us select from Laprovostaye and Desains's tabular statement the relative reflecting capacity of silver and brass. The former is represented to be 0.97, while the latter is 0.93 ; consequently, the reflective powers of silver aiilated metals preseutins; less area. It proved, ^ ^ ° 1000 ^ ' however, im the tirst trial, that the reflective capability of Ijrass is far inferior, and that the required temperature could not be produced by brass I'eflectors ; the machine, con- sequently, failing to operate as designed. A thorough in- vestigation capable of determining the true reflective power of various metals, therefore, became necessary; but before commencing experiments, the method resorted to by Melloni, Laprovostaye, and Desains, referred to by Deschanel, Avas carefully examined. The said method is thus described in his " Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy " : " The substance under investigation is placed upon a circular plate, Avliich is graduated round the circumference. The thermo- electric pile is carried by a horizontal bar which turns about a pillar supporting the circular plate. This bar is so ad- justed as to make the reflected rays impinge upon the pile, the adjustment being made by the help of the divisions marked on the circular plate. In making an observation, the bar is iirst placed so as to coincide with the prolonga- tion of the said principal bar, and the intensity of direct radiation is thus observed. The pile is then placed so as to receive the reflected rays, and the ratio of intensity thus obtained to the intensity of direct radiation is the measure of the reflecting power." The accompanying sketch, Fig. 3, represents a top view of the arrangement referred to in the CHAP. XIX. DEFLECTIVE POWEE OF POLISHED METALS. 297 above explanation. a represents a Locatelli lamp, /> the graduatetl circular plate on wliicb is placed the polislied reflecting substance b', and c the tbermo-electrie pile, d shows a cluster of parallel calorific ra3's projected from the lamp, through a perforation in the .screen f, toward.-; the polished substance b'. The face of this polished substance being jdaced at an angle of 45 deg. to the course of the cluster of rays d, it will he evident that the I'ays will be deflected at the same angle ; hence the cluster will be di- rected as shown by h, ultimately striking the face of the jiile e. The latter, it should be mentioned, is protected against radiation from the lamp by a screen g. The tempe- rature imparted by the deflected radiant heat having been recorded, the pile is allowed to cool, and then placed in the position c', after which the polished substance // is removed. As the radiant heat transmitted by the parallel rays d ema- nating from the lamp will now act directly on the face of the pile, a higher temperature will obviously be produced than when the pile occupied the position c. The difference 298 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xix. of temperature thus produced, Ave are told, indicates exactly the amount of loss of radiant intensity attending the reflec- tion of the rays by the polished substance b'. Laprovostaye and Desains, as before stated, foimd that the heat trans- mitted directly is to that reflected as 1.000 to 0.0V8, hence the loss of energy = 0.022. The assumption of such perfect reflective poAver being palpably erroneous, let us examine carefully the adopted method in order to detect the cause of the false deduction. Fig. 4 represents a top view of Lapro- vostaye and Desains's arrangement, already described, but drawn to a larger scale than in Fig. 3, similar letters of reference being employed in both figures, d d represents the cluster of calorific rays transmitted by the lamp to the polished substance V, and by it reflected, as shown by li,. towards the face of the pile c. It will be evident that the section of the reflected central cluster of calorific rays de- pends upon, and corresponds with, the face of the pile c, provided the perforation in the screen / be sufiiciently large. It will also be evident that the annular cluster Te ^, the external diameter of which depends on the size of the per- foration of the screen /, will be projected towards the polished substance I'. Owing to defraction, the stated an- nular cluster will expand to the size I I before reaching the substance h', and thus the rays become dispersed over a considerable portion of the angular face of b'. Consequently, the latter will become heated, and, since calorific rays radi- ate in all directions, a certain amount of heat will be trans- mitted to the pile wholly independent of that propagated by CHAP. XIX. DEFLECTIVE roWEB OF POLTSFTED METALS. 200 the defected central cluster of rays represented by //. But, after taking away the polished substance b', and moving the pile to the position c' (shown in Fig. 3), the pile will obvi- ously receive heat only from the central cluster d d. AVe have thus demonstrated that more heat will be imparted to the pile when placed in the position c than when placed at c' in line with the cluster of rays d d, since in the latter case the calorific energy due to the section of rays corresponding with the area of the face of the pile can alone be transmitted to the same. Apart from this cause of error, it should be observed that, assuming the distance a b', Fig. 3, to be three times greater than b' c', the diverging radiation from the heated metal of the lamp will subject the substance b' to a greater increase of temperature than that to which the pile is subjected when at c', in tlie ratio of 4' to 3'. The effect of this in causing undue transmission of heat to the pile, Avhen placed at c, needs no explanation. Several other causes of error inseparable from Laprovostaye and Desains's method of determining the reflective power of metals might be sho^^-n. Among these, the inaccuracy resulting from the un- certain power of the lamp in developing a uniform amount of heat during the experiments may be mentioned. In view of the foregoing, it is evident that the thermo-elec- tric method is unfit to determine accurately the reflective power of different substances. And it may be demonstrated that, unless the various substances under examination be exposed simultaneously to a common source of heat, the rela- tive power of reflecting calorific raj-s possessed by the same 300 BADIANT BEAT. chap. xix. cannot te ascertained witli perfect accuracy by any method whatever. The instrument illustrated on PL 30 has been constructed in accordance with the condition thus presented, the source of heat emjjloyed being solar radiation. The fol- lowing somewhat elaborate description and explanation have been deemed necessary to point out clearly its peculiar fea- tures. Fig. 1 represents a vertical section of the instrument and the table to which it is attached, the latter being pro- vided with parallactic mechanism by means of which its face is kept at right angles to the sun during investiga- tions. Fig. 2 shows a top view of the instrument as seen from a point situated in the prolongation of its axis, at right angles to the face of the table. « a is a conical re- flector composed of cast iron, the sides of which are accu- rately turned to an angle of 45° to its axis, a flat bottom being attached provided with a central hub. An axle h is firmly keyed in the said hub, extending both above and be- low the same. The lower part of the axle turns in a boss formed on opposite sides of a cross-piece c c, the latter being supported by two columns bolted to the parallactic table. A hand-wheel d, secured to the axle b, enables the operator to turn the conical reflector during experiments. Four seg- mental heaters /, g, Ji, and k, precisely alike, composed of thin sheet metal, are secured to the bottom of the reflector, at equal distance from the centre, with intervening spaces, as shown in the drawing ; these spaces to be filled with some non-conducting substance. Each heater is provided with a conical socket on the top, into which a perforated cork is in-' CHAP. XIX. BEFLECTIYE POWER OF POLISHED METALS. 301 serted for the purpose of supporting thermometei-s entering the fluid, as shown in the sectional representation. It is im- portant to observe that, before being attached to tlie reflector, (^ach heater should be fille. XX. UAriD-lSUlCATWy ACTlSOMElEli. 311 viit' is iliat of coueeutratiiig the rays before reaching the bull) ut' tlie thermometer employed to measure the iuteusity. It will be leadily understood that by employing a lens of [H'opiT t'nrm the degree of concentration may be such that in the space of sixty seconds the mercurial column of the thermometer subjected to the concentrated I'ays will rise to the same height as the column of another thermometer ex- posed to the direct influence of the sun's radiant luat (hiring a period sufficient to produce maximum indication. Hence, assuming that a proper degree of concentration has been at- tained ill the iifw iustnimeiit, its exposure to the suii during sixty seconds will obviously funiisli an indication of the intensity of the sun's rays as C(jrrectly as the actinometer described in Chap. III., whatever be the zenith distance or other conditions at the time of making the observation. The concentration of the sun's rays, it should be observed, nuist take place within an exhausted vessel maintained at a con- stant temperature corresponding with that of the actinometer referred to. It is hardly net'cssaiy to point out that it would be impossible to determine theoretically the precise distance between the lens employed to concentrate the rays and the thermometer ^\hich receives the accumulated heat. The instrument should therefore be so constructed that the lens may be readily moved away from or towards the thermometer during observations. This property of the in- strument under consideration may be regarded as another leading feature indispensable to render accurate adjustment practicable. Referring to the illustration, it will be seen 312 BADIAM HEA T. CHAP. xx. tliat tlie exhausted vessel euclosing the recording tLeniiometer is surroiiuded by an external casing, the form of which, like the internal vessel, is cylindrical. The intervening space is tilled with water maintained at a constant temperature by a similar process of circulation as that adopted in the actino- nieter described in Chap. III. Couplings for attaching the circulating tubes are applied at the bottom and top of the external casing, as shown in the illustration. The inclina- tion of the cylindrical vessel is regulated by a tangential screw ^\'orking through a nut turning in bearings attached to the side of the external vessel. By means of the graduated quadrant represented in the illustration, the sun's zenith distance may be ascertained by mere inspection, at all times, during observations. A journal applied under the exhausted vessel coinciding with the centre of the graduated quadrant, and turning in appropriate bearings, suppoi"ts the instrument. These bearings are secured to the top of a vertical column resting on a revolving circular plate, to which a small pinion is applied, as shown in the illustration. This j)inion, intended to be operated by hand, works into cogs formed at the cir- cumference of the circular bed-plate attached to the top of a substantial table. The tangential screw, it will be seen, is provided with a small hand-wheel at the lower end, enabling the operator to give any desired inclination to the instrument, while the small hand-wheel of the pinion, before referred to, enables him to follow the earth's diurnal motion. Let us now examine the mode of regulating the distance between the lens and the thermometer which is employed to CHAP. XX. EAriD-IXDICATIOX ACTIXOMETER. 313 show the intensity of the concentrated radiant heat. We have already pointed out that it is impossible to determine theoretically the said distance. Of course, it may be calcu- lated approximately, but not sufficiently near to dispense with means admitting of a very considerable movement of the lens up and down during the process of adjustment. In order to meet this condition, the lens is inserted in a per- forated piston fitting air-tight in the exhausted cylindrical vessel ; the latter being bored out accurately like the barrel of an air-pump. The adjustment of the position of the lens, it will be seen by referring to the illustration, is effected by screws secured in the piston, the nuts employed for raising the same acting against substantial brackets bolted to the top riange at the upper end of the exhausted cylinder. Con- venient means being thus arranged for raising or lowering the lens in the exhausted cylinder, it will be perceived on reflection that although the thermometer subjected to the action of the concentrated heat is graduated in the ordinary manner, its indication may be made to correspond exactly with that of an actinometer exposed to the direct action of the sun's rays, provided the piston be placed correctly, viz., at such a distance that the energy of the convei'ged rays under the lens be sufficient to raise the mercurial column of the enclosed thermometer as high during an interval of sixty seconds as that of an actinometer exposed to the direct solar heat during a period sufficient to produce maximum indica- tion. It will lie admitted that but for the introduction of a movable lens it would be impracticable to construct an 314 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xx. instrument furnishing maximiim indication of solar intensity during tlie exact interval of sixtij seconds. The expedient, however, of inserting the lens in a piston capable of being l^laced at any desirable distance in order to subject the bulb of the enclosed thermometer to any requisite temperature, it Avill be perceived, renders that adjustment easy which is necessary to secui'e a given indication in a stipulated time. It has been pointed out in previous chapters that, owing to the rapid change of zenith distance, and the consequent variation of the depth of atmosphere penetrated by the sun's rays, the indication of an actinometer is too loAV during the forenoon and too high in the afternoon. It will be obvious, therefore, that the lens-instrument under consideration should be adjusted when the sun passes the meridian, since the acti- nometer employed for comparison then indicates correctly the solar intensity at the moment of making the observation. The adjustment is effected in the following manner : Having placed the lens-instrument by the side of the standard acti- nometer selected for comparison, the casings or water-jackets of the two should be connected, by means of flexible tubes, in such a manner that the outlet pipe of the actinometer is made to communicate with the inlet pipe of the lens-instru- ment. Both instruments having been tui'ned towards the sun, and the usual connections to the cistern and hand-pump of the actinometer having been completed, the refrigerating current should be circulated through the jackets until the actinometer indicates maximum differential temperature. In the mean- time, the operator attending to the circulation should screen CHAP. XX. RAPID-INDICATION ACTINOMEXmi. 315 the lens-iustrunient from tlie sun by a disc of pasteboard. A second operator, as soon as maximum temperature lias been reached by the actinometer, starts the chronograph and calls time, the pasteboard screen being at once lowered. At the termination of sixty seconds, time is again called, and the protecting screen instantly raised. Let us now suppose that the actinometer has continued to indicate a differential tem- perature of 5G° during the experiment, and that the thermo- meter of the lens-instrument indicates only oS"" at the end of sixty seconds' exposure to the concentrated solar a-adiation. It needs no explanation to show that the observed difference of 56 — 52 = 4° is owing to the want of adequate concen- tration, and that the discrepancy will be remedied simply by moving the lens further from the enclosed thermometer. This is effected by turning each of the nuts at the top of the exhausted cylinder, say once round, thereby increasing the distance. The chronograph should again be started, the screen removed, and the operation already described repeated as quickly as possible, and the result recorded. Should it now be found that the enclosed thermometer indicates 54°, another turn of the adjusting nuts should be given, and the operation repeated a third time. Due diligence being exer- ci^^ed by the operators, the proper position of the lens may thus be determined before a change of the sun's zenith dis- tance takes place sufficient to affect the indication of the standard actinometer to an extent preventing accurate adjust- ment. In view of the fact that the form of the lens, and its distance from the thermometer which indicates the inten- 316 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xx. sity of the concentrated radiation, may be approximately determined by calculation, it is evident that tlie lens might be stationary and the recording thermometer graduated by repeated exposure to the sun during intervals of 60 seconds, so as to correspond with the indication of a standard actiuo- meter. I have constructed small lens-actinometers on this plan, useful for ordinary observations, but for physical obser- vatories and investigations requiring perfect accuracy the instrument having a movable lens, as represented by the illustration in PL 31, is far preferable. CHAPTER XXI. SOLAR RADIATION AND DIATHERMANCY OF FLAMES. The readers of " Coiiiptes Rendus " are a^vare tLat Pere Secchi addressed a letter to the Academy of Sciences at Pans (see "Comp. Rend.," tome Ixxiv., pp. 26-30), contain- ing a review of my communications to JVatvre, publislied July 13, October 5, and November 16, 1871, in wliicli he questions the correctness of my published reports containing tabulated statements of the temperatm-e produced by solar radiation. His reason for questioning the reliability of my tables appears to rest on the supposition that my instruments do not furnish correct indications. "It is astonishing," he says, " that Mr. Ericsson should find with his instrument a higher stationaiy temperature in winter than in summer. This (even bearing in mind the greater proximity of the sun in winter) makes me think that there must be something very singular in his apparatiis, making all its indications deceptive. Even under the beautiful sky of Madrid has M. Rico y Sinobas found, in December, for the solar radiation, 12 div., 19 by his actinometer, and, in June, 25 div., 56." 318 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xxi. P^re Secclii ought to liave 2:)erceived "tliat there must be sometliiug very singular " in the actinometer emj)loyed by the Spanish physicist, or it could not have indicated an intensity twice as high in June as in December. Obviously, a correct actinometer will indicate a higher temperature during the ^vinter solstice than at midsummer f<.)r equal zenith distance. The instrument employed at Madrid, if Secchi's figures are correct, must therefore be founded on utterly erroneous prin- ciples. In North America, in lat. 40 deg. 42 min. (the latitude of Madrid is 40 deg. 24 min.), solar intensity at noon during the latter part of June is 64°. 5 when the shy is clear, while at noon during the latter part of December the temperature under similar atmospheric conditions reaches 57°.70. But observations made in the morning or evening during the month of June, at the hour when the sun's alti- tude is the same as at noon in December, show that the intensity of the radiant heat in June is only 53°. 08, against 57°.49 F. in December. Actual observations have thus established the fact that for corresjyonding zenith disfauce the temperature produced by the radiant heat Avhen the earth has nearly reached perihelion, is 57°.49 — 53°.0S = 4°.41 higher than at midsummer. Referring to Chap. IV., it Avill be seen that, owing to the greater proximit}' of the sun, the increase of absolute intensity of solar radiation is 4°.GG F. during the winter solstice. Pere Secchi will do well to examine the sub- ject more carefully, and make himself better acquainted with the character of the investigations which have led to an exact determination of the temperature produced by solar radiation. CHAP. xxi. SOLAR rADIATIOX AXV DIATnEEMANOT. 319 The readers of " Comptes Rendus " who have examined the review referred to, ignoraut of the articles in Nature, the contents of which Pere Secchi criticises, will be surprised to learn that I have not, as the revieAver asserts, questioned the power of vapo)' to diminish solar intensity. Having stated the result of numerous observations of the sun's radiant pow er at corresponding zenith distance, and proved that the tempe- rature during midwinter is higher than at midsunuuer, I made the following remark in Kature, Nov. 1(5, 1S71 : "In the face of such facts it is idle to contend that the temperature pro- duced by solar radiation under coiTesponding zenith distance and a clear skij varies from any other cause than the vaiying distance between the sun and the eartli." It is absurd to suppose that a person having devoted many years to the investigation of solar radiation should deny the retarding influence of vapor, since not one observation in a hundred indicates maximum solar intensity, owing to the presence of vapor in the atmosphere. The following brief description of the actinometer which Pere Secchi supposed to be constructed on erroneous prin- ciples was inserted in my reply to his criticism published in " Comptes Rendus," before referred to, in hopes that, on learn- ing that there is not anything "very singular" in my appa- ratus, lie would have seen fit to witlidraw Iiis statement (piestioning the correctness of my observations relating to solar intensity : " The principal part of the instrument con- sists of an air-tight cylindrical vessel, the axis of which is directed towards the sun, the upper end l)eing provided with 320 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xxi. a thin lens covering an aperture 3 ins. in diameter. The bnllj and part of the stem of a mercurial thermometer is inserted through the u^'per side, at right angles to the axis, a small air-pump being applied for exhausting the air fi-om the cylindrical vessel. The latter is surrounded liy a casing through which water is circulated by means of an ordinary force-pump and ilexible tubes, connected with a capacious cistern containing water kept at a constant temperature of (50° F. The bulb of the thermometer is cylindi'ical, 3 ins. long, its contents bearing a very small proportion to its convex area. The up2:)er half is coated with lamp-black, while the lower half of the bulb is effectually protected against loss of heat from undue radiation. The diminution of energy attending the passage of the sun's rays through the lens is made good by the concentration effected by its cur- vature ; hence the true energy of the radiant heat trans- mitted will be shown by the expansion of the mercury in the bull). The inclination of the lattei", it should be ob- served, promotes a rapid upward current of the contents on the top side, and a corresponding downward current t>n the lower side, thereby rendering the indication prompt and trust\vorthy. The water in the surrounding casing being maintained at a constant temperature of. 60° F., it will be evident that the zero of the thermometric scale of the actino- meter must correspond with the line which marks G0° on the Fahrenheit scale. It scarcely needs explanation that the height reached by the mercurial column after turning the instrument to^vards the sun will be due wholly to solar CHAP. XXI. SOLAIi FABIATIoy AXD BIATllEUMAliGY. 321 eneig}', since the i-adiatiuii of tlie exbaiisted vessel toAvartls the bulb of the thermometer is only capable of raising the column to the actinometric zero (60° Fahr.) " The readers of Xature will remember that one of my articles reviewed by Pere Secchi contains a demonstration accompanied by several diagrams, proving that the radiant heat emitted by the chromosphere and outward strata of the solar envelope is inappreciable at the surface of the earth. It will be remembered, also, that the mode adopted in set- tling the fpiestiou whether the solar atmosphere is capable of emitting heat rays of appreciable energy was that of shutting out the rays from the photosphere and collecting those from the chromosphere and envelope, in the focus of a parabolic reflector. Scarcely any heat being produced, notwithstand- ing the great concentration l^y the reflector, I proved the fallacy of Pere Secchi's remarkable assumption, that the high temperature at the surface of the photosphere is caused by radiation "received from all the transparent strata of the solar envelope." It is surprising that, notwithstanding the completeness and positive nature of my demonstration, no allusion whatever is made to the same in a review profess- ing to scrutinize the subject critically. Ignoring the evidence furnished by actual trial in proof of the extreme feebleness of the radiating power, the revieAver proceeds to state "that the outward strata might be less hot, and that the effect which we measure is the aggregate of the quantities of heat whicli are added, emanating from the vaiious transparent strata." Ilow tlie outward coldei' strata cause an elevation 332 BADIANT EEAT. chap. xxi. of temperature by their I'adiatiou toward tlie solar surface is not explained, but reference is made to tbe result of an ex- periment with three small flames in support of the assertion that the high temperature of 10,000,000° C. assigned to the surface of . the sun is owing to radiation received from all the transparent strata surrounding the photosphere. "A very simple experiment," the reviewer states, " made at my request by P. Provenzali, has shown that, if a heating of 2.5 deg. can be obtained with one flame, "with two flames placed one before the other 4.5 deg. are obtained ; with three flames, 5.4 deg. — a result easily foreseen, for everybody knows that flames are transparent." My practical demonstration establishing the feebleness of the radiating power of the matter composing the solar enve- loj^e having received no considei'ation, while the reviewer, in support of his singular theory of solar temperature, points to the result of the rude experiment conducted by Pere Pro- venzali, I have deemed it necessary to show that the trans- parency of flames is too imperfect to warrant the inferences drawn. The illustration on Plate 32 represents an apparatus by means of which the exact degree of transparency of a series of flames has been ascertained. Description : h, conical vessel, open at the top, the bottom communicating with a cylindrical chamber / by a narrow pas- sage, the whole being enclosed in an exterior vessel c, charged with water kept at a constant temperature, precisely as in the actinometer. A thermometer is applied near the bottom of CHAP. XXI. SOLAK liADIArWX AND DIATIIEIiMANOY. 323 the cyliiulrieal chamber, the centre of the bulb coinciding with the prolongation of the axis of the conical vessel. A gas-pipe J, provided with a series of vertical burners, is firmly secured to an inclined table in a position parallel to the axis of the conical vessel. The burners are provided with caps in order to admit of any desirable number of jets being ignited at one time, ^^']len gas of ordinary pressure is admitted into the pipe d, the side view of the flame will be as indicated by the dotted lines at m m, the thickness of each flame being nearly 0.20 in., while the width, shown by the dotted lines ?i 11, somewhat exceeds 3 ins. from point to point. It will be observed that the prolongation of the axis of the conical vessel upwards passes through the central portion of the flames at the point of maximum thickness and intensity. Supposing that the instrument (attached to a table pro- vided with parallactic mechanism) is directed towards the sun, it will be evident that all the rays of a pencil, the section of which corresponds with that of the bulb of a thermometer, will pass through the flames before reaching the said bulb. Now, the temperature of the flames at the point pierced by the solar rays is fully 2,000° F., while the actual intensity of the rays does not exceed 60°. It is hardly necessary to observe that the illustrated device enables us to ascertain whether the solar rays thus entering at a diffe- j-ential temperature 1,9J:0° lower than that of the incan- descent gas have their intensity augmented or diminished (luring the passage through the heated medium. But before we can determine this question, it will be necessary to ascer- 324 BADIAKT HEAT. CHAP. XXI. tain what temperature is comiimnicated to tlie tliermometer by the radiant energy of tlie flames alone. Accordingly, a series of experiments have been made, the result of -which is recorded in the annexed table. The instrument turned away from the sun. The insti-ument directed towards the sun. -a. |2i 1 i . ■si a .1 III as Temperature produced by the sun's rays acting directly on the bulb. Temperature produced by the sun's rays passing through "the flames. Increment of temperature attending the passage of the solar rays through the flames. Inches. °Fah. ' Fah. 'Fah. -Fah. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24.8 23.8 22.8 21.8 20.8 19.8 18.8 17.8 16.8 15.8 1.76 2.88 3.80 4.58 5.24 5.84 6.38 6.91 7.40 7.90 21.60 21.61 21.62 21.63 21.64 21.65 21.66 21.67 21.68 21.69 21.90 22.20 22.49 22.75 22.99 23.32 23.43 23.63 23.82 24.00 0.30 0.69 0.87 1.12 1.35 1.57 1.77 1.96 2.14 2.31 The nature of the investigation T\dll be readily under- stood by the following explanation : The instrument being turned away from the sun and the upper flame m ignited, while the external casing c is kept at a constant temperatui'e CHAP. XXI. SOLAB FADTATIOX AXD DIATEEBMANOY. 325 of 60°, the coluinii of the thermometer at / slowly rises to Gl°.70. The radiant heat, therefore, of a single Hanie pro- duces a differential temperature of 01°. 70 — 00 = 1°.7G. The second Hanie being ignited, the temperature rises to G2°.88, thus increasing the differential temperature to 2°.88. The ignition of the third flame augments the differential tempe- rature to 3°.80. The remaining flames being ignited in regu- lar order downwards, their combined radiant energy elevates the temperature to G7°.90. Deducting the teniperaturi^ of the enclosure c (60°), the trial shows that, although the single flame at the maximum distance from the bulb is capable of producing a differential tempei-ature of 1''.70, the energy of the ten flames together produces only 7°.90. This fact fui-nishes conclusive evidence of the imperfect transparency of the flames. Assuming that the heat rays are capable of pas.sing freely through tlie incandescent medium, it will be perceived that the entii'e series of flames should produce a differential temperature of 1.76 X 10 = 17''. 6, showing a re- tardation of 17.6 — 7.9 = 9°.7. And if we take into account the diminished distance of the lower flames from the bulb of the thermometer, it will ])e found that the actual retarda- tion greatly exceeds this compntation. We have thus de- monstrated that flames are not transparent, as supposed l)y Pere Secchi ; consequently, the inferences drawn from the experiment to which the distinguished savant refers in his letter to the French Academy of Sciences are Avholly un- wari'nntable. Having disposed of the question of transparency, and 33G FADIANT HEAT. CHAP. xxi. ascertained the degree of temperature commimicated to the tliermometer by tlie radiant energy of tlie flames alone, let us now suppose that the instrument has been turned towards the sun. The temperature produced by the combined energy of solar radiation and the radiation of the flames, after direct- ing'' the instrument towards the luminary, will be found I'e- corded in the fifth column of the table. Dispensing with a detailed record of the energy transmitted for each flame separately, let us at once consider the effect produced by passing the sun's rays through the entire series. It has already been stated that the radiation of all the flames com- bined imparts a differential temperature of 7°.90 to the thermometer. By reference to the table, it will be seen that the temperature produced by the sun's rays is 21°.69 when the flames are extinguished. Consequently, the temperature produced after lighting the whole series ought to be 21.69 + 7.90 = 29°.59 instead of 24°. 00, since solar heat, under analogous conditions, is capable of increasing the temperature of substances, whatever be their previous intensity. Our experiment, therefore, furnishes additional evidence of the imperfect transparency of flames. But notwithstanding this want of transparency, it will be found on referring to the table that an augmentation of temperatui'e of 24.00 — 21. G9 = 2°.31 takes place while the comparatively cold solar rays pass through the incandescent medium. This exti'aordinary fact points to an increase of molecular' energy within the incandescent gas, although its temperature is fully 1,900° higher than the intensity of the sun's rays. CHAPTER XXII. CONSTANCY OF ROTATIOX OF THE EARTH INCOMPATIBLE WITH SOLAR INFLUENCE. Laplace's demonstration, showing that the axial rotation of the eartli is not affected by atmospheric currents and similar motions caused by solar heat, has been accepted by physicists as incontrovertible. The German mathematician, Dr. Mayer— celebrated for his demonstration establishing the equivalent of heat— says in a discourse on that branch of celestial mechanics which relates to the effect produced by contrary atmospheric currents : " The final result of the ac- tion of these opposed influences is, as regards the rotation of the earth, according to well-known mechanical principles = ; for these currents counteract each other, and therefore cannot exert the least influence on the axial rotation of the earth. This important conclusion was proved by Laplace." "The same," he adds, "holds good foi- eveiy imaginable action which is caused by the radiant heat of the sun, or by the heat which reaches the surface from the earth's interior, 338 EADIAKT HEAT. chap. xxii. A\lietlier the action be in the aii', in the water, or on the land. The effect of every single motion produced by these means on the rotation of the globe is exactly compensated by the effect of another motion in an oj^posite direction, so that the resultant of all these motions is, as far as axial rotation of the globe is concerned, = 0." I propose to show that this con- clusion is fallacious, and that the sun's radiant heat develops forces capable of diminishing perceptibly the earth's rotary velocity ; and that unless the retarding influences of solar heat, the existence of which I am going to establish, are counteracted by some cosmical force of which we have no knowledge, the earth's rotary velocity will be considerably reduced in the course of time. There are two classes of force produced by solar heat, capable of retarding the axial rotation, differing, however, entirely as regards ultimate results. The first class includes animate exertion, mechanical force produced by heat de- veloped by the combustion of organic substances, and the resistances of abraded solid matter transferred from its ori- ginal position by the waters of rivers flowing towards the equator. The forces thus enumerated, it will be shown, retard the rotary velocity of the globe in all cases when they remove weight to a greater distance from the axis of rotation, i.e., expand the circle of gyration, thereby diminishing the num- ber of revolutions performed in a given time. Obviously, the vis viva of the rotating mass Avill remain iTudiminished, as the centre of gyration is merely removed to a greater distance from the axis of rotation. Accordingly, the axial CHAP. XXII. THE EAETU-S AXIAL ROTATION. 329 rotation, though checked, cau never be stopped by the class of retarding influences thus pointed out. The second class, however — which comprises the retardation produced by the atmospheric air during its course from the polar to the e(pia- torial regions, and the retardation caused by the waters which flow towards the equator to restore the quantity lost by the powerful evaporation within the tropics — not only diminishes the rotary velocity, but, at the same time, deprives the earth of so creat an amount of vis viva that the axial rotation must ultimately cease, unless some exterior compensating force exists — a supposition at variance ^nth the principles of mechanics. Let us now briefly examine the nature of the retarding influences of the first-named class, which, as stated, are un- attended by any loss of the earth's vis viva — namel)', animate force and mechanical energy, resulting fi'om the combustion of organic substances when expended in raising weight to remain permanently in an elevated position ; and the retarda- tion caused by solid matter carried towards the equator. Before entering on this examination, it will be instinctive to test by some familiar illustration the correctness of Mayer's assumption, that "every imaginable action affecting the rota- tion of the globe is exactly compensated by the effect of another motion in an opposite direction." A great variety of instances might be mentioned in which the development of mechanical energy, productive of heat, counteracts the rotary motion of the earth, and deprives it permanently of a certain amount of vis viva. Suppose, for instance, a locomotive 330 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. train weigliing 400 tons to be started from the Mestern terminus of a railway running from west to east. Suppose, also, that when this train has acquired a velocity of 50 ft. per second, it encounters another similar train which is at rest. The result of such an encounter, in a dynamic point of vie^v, is now Avell understood. Apart from a small amount of energy absorbed in overcoming the cohesive force between the particles composing the materials fractured by the con- cussion, the encounter will develop an amoimt of heat corresponding with the vis viva of the arrested train. It scarcely needs explanation that in putting the train in motion from the terminus eastward the rails— /.(>., the surface of the earth — will, in consequence of the adhesion between the wheels and the rail, be pushed westward ; hence in a direc- tion contrary to the earth's rotation. The amount of dynamic energy which the train thus imparts to the earth in an oppo- site direction to that of rotation may be readily ascertained by multiplying the arrested weight by the height necessary to produce a velocity of 50 ft. per second — namely, 39 ft. ; hence 400 X 2,240 X 39 = 34,944,000 foot-pounds. Deduct- ing the small amount of energy Avhieh favors the earth's rotation called forth by the rolling friction and adhesion of the wheels of the stationary train, during the short retro- grade motion attending the concussion, it will be found that the earth loses an amount of vis viva of fully 34,000,000 foot-pounds. The assumption of Dr. Mayer, based on the theory of Laplace, that the resultant of all imaginable mo- tions as regards the earth's axial rotation is = 0, has thus CHAP. XXII, THE EAliTWS AXIAL L'OTATIOK. 331 been proved to be untenable. It is not intended to question Laplace's conclusion as regards the existence of a compen- sating effect; he was mistaken only as to its nature — a mis- take, however, of ijaraiiuniiit importance, as we have shown that the compensation for the lost energy, in the case pre- sented, is the generation of a certain amount of heat Avhich, in less than three hours after the concussion, if the sky be clear, radiates into space, leaving the earth minus 34,000,000 foot-pounds of vis viva. The important fact should not be overlooked that the retardation thus established is the result of solar energy stored in the combustibles of the locomotive furnace. Numerous instances of a similar nature micrht be mentioned in support of the assertion that the earth is sub- jected to retarding influences and loss of vis viva by me- chanical motions on the earth's surface \vhich result in the production of heat radiated into space. But all these are insignificant compared with the stupendous amount of retarda- tion caused by the conversion of mechanical energy into heat within the opposing atmospheric currents circulating between the equatorial and polar regions. In connection with this proposition, it will be proper to remark that our knowledge of the convertibility of mechanical energy and heat — in other words, the convertibility of mechanical and molecular energy — has completely upset Laplace's demonstration, on which physicists have based their assumption, that the rotaiy velocity of the earth cannot be affected by the sun's radiant heat. Let us now examine, separately, those forces produced by 333 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. solar lieat wliicli tend to check tlie earth's rotary velocity by removing weight from the axis of rotation — i.e., expanding the circle of gyration — and those vt^hich occasion a diminution of the rate of axial rotation without disturbing the balance of the rotating mass. The first class : Animate or muscular enei'gy, and the force generated by heat from the combustion of organic matter, controlled by the hiiman mind, both re- sulting indirectly from the sun's radiant heat. That the hand and intellect of men have caused a disturbance of the position of the earth's centre of gp-ation will be deemed a startling assertion, yet it cannot be controveiied in view of the fol- lowing facts. The millions of tons of matter contained in the Pyramids, removed to a greater distance from the axis of rotation by the muscular exertion of the ancient Egyptians, disturbed the previous balance of the rotating mass, causing a tendency to check the earth's rotary velocity and to increase the length of day. Nor can it be questioned that if London had not been built, and if the building materials of Paris yet remained in the Catacombs, the sun would rise earlier than it now does, though the diifereuce woiild be small beyond computation. The aggregate of the weight removed from below, and piled above the crust of the globe by the hand of man, is, however, so great that figures are competent to express the extent of the consequent retai'dation of the axial rotation, while the divisions of our common instruments for measuring distance are sufficiently minute to indicate the expansion of the earth's circle of gyration caused by the transfer of matter under consideration. A first-class modern CHAP. XXII. TEE EAETU'S AXIAL BOTATION. 333 cit}', for instance, contains upwards of 100,000 bouses; each house contains on an average 400 tons of mineral matter ; hence the total weight of brick, earth, or stone removed fi-om below the surface to a considerable height above the earth's surface exceeds 40,000,000 tons — a mere fractidu compar('d with the weight of the whole of human hal)itations and other stnictures raised above the surface of the earth chiefly by muscular eifort. Let us add the weight of materials raised from mines to an increased distance from the axis of rotation, by animate exertion and by mechanical force con- trolled by intellect. An element of greater importance, connected with the fii-st class of retarding influences produced by the sun's ra- diant heat, next claims our attention — namely, the solid and sedimentaiy matter detached by the abrasion of i-ain-water, and afterwards conveyed by the currents of rivers to a po- sition nearer the equator ; hence removed to a greater dis- tance from the axis of rotation. The question whether any estimate can be made of the aggregate weight of matter, the original position of which is being changed during defi- nite periods by the caiise referred to, is by no means so ditticult to answer as might appear without due considera- tion. It is tnie, we do not know what quantity of water or sediment is carried towards the equator by the several rivei"s; but we can compute with sutficient exactness the ex- tent of the river basins. Accordingly, if we could estab- lish a mean of discharge per square mile of some very extensive basin comprising all the varieties of climate and 334 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. soil, tlie question could be satisfactorily answered. Fortu- nately, one of tlie longest rivers on tlie globe, the Missis- sippi, wliicli drains tlie greatest extent of sui-face witb but two important exceptions, Las been carefully surveyed by a corps of Topograpliical Engineers, by order of tlie United States Government. Not only lias this great river been thus carefully examined, but the basin it drains comprises ex^ery variety of soil and climate — its source being among sno\vs and lakes frozen during the greater portion of the year, while the outlet is near the tropics. That the Mississippi basin represents the average of the liver systems of both hemispheres has been established by the fact that, although the rain-gauges at its northern extremity show only 13 ins. for twelve months, those of its southern boundary reach 66 ins., with every possible gradation of jwecipitatiou in the intermediate space. In addition to this important circum- stance, the basin covers 21 deg. of latitude and 35 deg. of longitude, or 1,460 miles by 1,730 miles ; hence comprising an area greater than the entire European Continent west of the rivers Vistula and Pruth. It may be confidently as- sumed, therefore, that the Mississippi basin represents the average discharge of Avater and sediment so nearly that cal- culations based thereon, applied to the river systems of botli hemispheres — excepting some of the northern Asiatic and American livers — will exhibit a general result differing but slightly from what would be established if each river had been examined. The elaborate repoi't of General Humphreys to the Bu- CUAP. XXII. THE EAirrWS AXIAL liOTATlON. 335 reau of Topographical Eugiueers, AVasliington, shows that the average quantity of earthy matter carried into the Gulf of ]\Iexico, partly suspended in the water and partly pushed along the bottom of the river by the current, amounts for each twelve months to 903,100 millions of pounds. This enormous weight of matter is contributed l>y numerous large branches and upwards of 1,000 small tributaries. The mean distance of the streams along which the sediment is carried in its course to the sea exceeds 1,500 miles. The distance which determines the amount of force tending to check the earth's rotation is, howevei', cousidei'ably shorter. The maps of the Mississippi River basin accompanying the report referred to show that its centre is situated 7 deg. 10 min. west of the mouth of the main river, and 11 deg. 15 min. north of the same, in latitude 40 deg. 15 min. It will be found on inspecting the section of the earth (see PI. 33) that, agreeably to the stated Latitude, the centre of the Mississippi basin rotates in a circle of 15,784,782 ft. radius ; hence its velocity round the axis of the globe is 1,147.90 ft. per second. The month of the river, it will be found on calculation, rotates in a circle of 18,246,102 ft. radius, with a circumferential velocity of 1,326.89 ft. per second. Comparing these velocities, it ^\ill be seen that an increased circumferential velocity of 178.99 — say 179 — ft. per second is imparted to the water and to the sediment- ary matter w^hich it conveys during the course from the centre of the basin to the mouth of the ii\er. As l)efore stated, the annual discharge of earthy matter at the mouth o.]G EABIAM UEAT. chap. xxii. of the river is 903,100 millions of pounds. The centre of the basin^lat. 40 deg. 15 min. — being 2,401, oi'O ft. nearer to the axis of rotation than the mouth of the river iu lat. 20 deg. min., it will be found that tlie increase of rotary velocity is 179 ft. per second, as already stated — a rate ac- quired by a fall of 500.6 ft. The elements are thus fur- nished for determining with exactness the amount of retardation attending the change of position of the abraded matter during its transfer from the basin to the mouth of the river. Multi2->lying 903,100 millions l)y 500.6, Ave ascer- tain that the counteracting force amounts to 452,000,000,- 000,000 foot-pounds annually = 452 X 10" foot-pounds in a century. The earth's present vis viva being 18,875,361 X 10'' foot-pounds (to be demonstrated hereafter), it is easy to calculate that the retardation occasioned by the stated re- acting energy called forth by the sedimentary mattei' which is carried to the ocean by the Mississippi will amount to lu ^^oo of a second in a century. In view of this small frac- tion of time, it will be well to remind the reader that the retardation of the earth's rotary velocity, inferred from the apparent acceleration of the moon's mean motion, now gene- rally admitted by astronomers, is somewhat under 12 seconds in a century. Insignificant as this retardation appears to be, it calls for a constant reacting force of 455,000,000,000 foot- pounds per second, as will be shown in the course of our in- vestigation. Dividing this amount by the adopted standard of a horse-power — viz., 550 foot-pounds per second — it will be found that a constant energy represented by 827,000,000 CHAP. XXII. THE EAinir^ AXIAL nOTATION. 337 horse-po\yer, exerted in a contrary direction to that of rota tion, is necessary to check the rotary motion to the extent mentioned — viz., sUs^ — tsW of a revolution in the course of a century. Accordingly, 720,000 years, nearly, ^\ ill elapse before one entire revolution shall liave been lost, notwith- standing the existence of a constantly retarding force of 455,000 niillions of foot-pounds per second. M'e can i-cadily ascertain the aggregate of this force during the long period mentioned, if we multiply the same by the number of revo- lutions of the earth per annum, alid tlie number of seconds for each revolution ; thus, 455 X 10" X 365.24 X 86,400 X 720,000 = 103,379,867 X 10" foot-pounds. By dividing this amount of energy in the earth's vis viva, 18,875,361 X 10"' foot-ponnds, we ascertain that the stated enormous retarda- tion overcome in the course of 720,000 years amounts to only ts\ts of the present rotary vis viva of our jjlanet. Pro- liably no other mode of presenting the subject could give so clear an idea of the vastness of the mechanical energy developed by the axial rotation of a sphere 8,000 miles in diameter, whose specific gravity is 2\ times that of granite, revolving at a rate of one revolution in 24 hom*s. Let us bear in mind that the retardation produced by the sedi- mentaiy matter carried to the Gulf of ]\Iexico by the ^lissis- sippi, and the precipitation which causes the abrasion of the solid matter and the currents by which it is conveyed, are the direct results of the sun's radiant heat. \\\\\\ reference to the taldes (see pages 342-353), it sliould be stated that the amounts of the retarding force 338 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. entered in the last two columns but one are based on tbe data furnished by the examinations of the great Western river — viz., that 1 lb. of solid matter and 1,350 lbs. of water per second are carried to the sea for every 40.08 sq. miles of basin. All other particulars necessary in computing the retarding energy exerted by each river, separately for the two hemi- spheres, will be found in the tables. The mode adopted in determining the area drained by each river and tributaries will be readily comprehended by the following explanation : The extent of the several river basins, 136 in all in both hemispheres, has been ascertained from the best maps extant ; the boundaries of the basin being determined by drawing a line on the map, and dividing the territory equally be- tween the source of each river and tributaries and those of adjoining basins. The boundaries being thus defined, the areas have been calculated in English statute miles ; the latitude and longitude of the centre of each basin being de- termined at the same time. By supposing the earth to be a perfect sphere 7,912.41 miles in diameter, according to Sir John Herschel's determination, the calculations have been rendered extremely simple. This will be seen by reference to the section of the earth before referred to, which contains all the elements for computing the rotary velocity of the centres of the river basins and of the outlets of the rivers. These velocities have been entered in the tables separately for each river basin; also the retardation, expressed in foot- pounds per second, caused by the increase of rotary velocity during the transfer of the sedimentary matter from the cen- CH A I". XXII. THE EAinWS AXIAI. liOTATION. 339 tre of the basiu to tlie luoutli of the river. The last coluinn but one of the tables contains the result of computations of the amount of retardation occasioned, by the volume of water which conveys the sedimentary matter — a subject to be con- sidered under a separate head hereafter. It should be observed that, o\ving to their trifling in- fluence on the earth's rotation, and in order to save space, all the Englisli and Scotch river basins whose sediment is transferred in the direction of the equator have been en- tered together in the tables ; the rivers of Ireland likewise. But in computing the loss or gain of energy, each river basin has been calculated by itself, the amount of retarda- tion entered being the result of the whole quantity of sedi- ment transferred towards the equator by the several small basins referred to. Accordingly, the area which is entered in the table represents the total. The river basins of Sweden and Norway, being very numerous and unimportant, have also, in some districts, been entered together in tlie tables like those of Great Britain. Finally, the narrow- coast districts, in both hemispheres, have been computed and inserted in the table in a similar manner. The quantities of sedimentary matter discharged by the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmapooti-a, being known with toler- able accuracy from actual observation, have not been com- puted according to the standard furnished by the Mississippi, which, as before stated, is 1 lb. of sediment per second for every 40.08 sq. miles of basin. Besides, local circumstances, sucli as the heated waters and profuse evaporation of the 340 RADIANT BEAT. CHAP. xxil. Bay of Bengal, and the powerful condeusatiou attending the close vicinity of the Himalaya Mountains, render the Gauges quite exceptional. Respecting the African rivers, none of which have been entered in the tables, it may be briefly stated that they luive no material influence on the earth's rotation, from the fact that the two principal rivers, the Nile and the Niger, flow in opposite directions — the former towards the pole and the latter towards the equator. There is, however, considerable dift'ereuce of latiti;de, productive of an in- creased retarding influence of the Nile ; but this cannot be far from balanced by the greater quantity of sedimentary matter brought down by the Niger, as pi'oved by its delta of 240 miles of coast. The general course of the other im- portant rivers of Africa — the Senegal, Zambesi, and the Oi'ange River — is so nearly parallel with the equator that they exercise no appreciable influence on the axial rotation of the earth. Australia, being drained by rivers the courses of which are directed to all points of the compass, consequently exer- cising no appreciable influence as regards the earth's i-otary motion, has likewise been excluded from the tables. It should be observed that the basin of the important river Goolwa and its tributaries (excepting the Callewatta) is almost on the same parallel with the mouth of the main river; hence scarcely any retarding force is produced, uot- Avithstanding the great extent of basin drained by the Goolwa. The Amazon, which drains more than two mil- CHAP XXII. THE EAETirS AXIAL ROTATION. 341 limis of Siiuare miles, strikingly illustrates the trifling in- tlueuce on the earth's rotary velocity of rivers the centres of whose basins are nearly on the same parallel \vith their outlets, the enormous mass of solid matter carried to the ocean by this river — the greatest ou the globe — exerting a retarding influence of only 70,000 foot-pounds per second. The asrorreorate of solid matter removed from its orii^inal position by the river S3'stems of both hemispheres, and carried towards the equator — consecpiently removed to a greatei' dis- tance from the axis of rotation — exerts, as shown by the tables, a retai-ding influence of 39,894,658 foot-pounds per second. If we multiply this amount by 86,400 seconds, we learn that for each revolution the earth has to overcome a retarding energy represented by 3,4-46,898,451,200 foot- pounds ; l^ut the effect of this retardation as regards the length of the century cannot be properly considered until we have investigated the second class of force before adverted to, viz., that force which destroys tlie earth's vis viva Avith- out disturbing the position of its centre of gyration. We have, however, proceeded far enough with our investigation to show the fallacy of the accepted doctrine of compensation lelative to the energies which affect the earth's rotary velo- city. We have clearly shown that constancy of rotation of the earth is incompatible with solar influence. 349 BAD J ANT HEAT. CHAP. XXII. elvers flowing towards the equator. Hemisphere. Eastern Name op Rivee oe Disteict. Anadir , N. W. coast Sea of Kamtschatka Penshina W. coast Sea of Okhotsk Yama Tawi and Kowa Ochola Ud Tollmen Yaloo Sira Muren Chanton Pei-ho Min Kiang Han Kiang Tcke Kiang Hoang Ho Sang Koi Coast Eivers, Gulf of Tonqnin Menam Kong Irawady Bralimapootra Ganges above Gliazepoor Ganges below Gliazepoor Rivee Basin. Area. Sq. MUm. 119,200 52,000 50,100 32,600 15,500 13,300 21,500 25,400 20,000 21,200 78,700 29,800 124,000 25,400 26,200 144,400 448,200 76,300 26,000 329,500 205,000 379,000 187,100 237,200 Deg. M. 65 50 6142 63 20 62 00 60 45 60 25 60 48 55 25 43 20 41 10 42 40 41 00 38 40 26 20 24 18 24 10 36 50 22 40 20 12 16 38 22 35 29 12 27 25 27 30 East of outlet. Deg. M. 10 20 05 05 05 West of outlet. 135 05 130 10 40 2 35 15 1 06 30 2 45 1 15 3 50 10 25 2 28 150 3 15 30 5 25 5 12 622 720 681 713 742 750 741 8G2 1,105 1,144 1,117 1,146 1,186 1,362 1,384 1,386 1,216 1,402 1,426 1,455 1,403 1,326 1,346 1,347 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO II 12 13 ■4 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 •24 CHAP. XXII. THE EAh'TWS AXIAL DOTATION. 343 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rivers FLOWING TOWARDS THE Equator. Eastern Hemisphere. Mouth of Kiveb, Retardation. ■§ 5"^ i -§* 3 3 1 1 By sediment By water. Total. Deg. if. Fett ptr etcond. Feet per second. Foot-pounds per teoond. Foot-pound t per teoond. Foot-povnde per tecond. 64 30 054 32 47,680 64,368,000 64,415,680 GO 45 742 22 9,828 13,267,800 13,277,628 61 46 719 38 28,256 38,145,600 38,173,856 61 20 729 16 3,260 4,401,000 4,404,260 59 40 767 25 3,786 5,111,100 5,114,886 59 40 767 17 1,503 2,029,050 2,030,553 59 45 765 24 4,838 6,-531,300 6,536,138 55 20 864 2 40 54,000 54,040 42 65 1,112 7 . 385 519,700 520,085 40 10 1,161 17 2,396 3,234,600 3,236,996 40 50 1,149 32 31,480 42,498,000 42,529,480 39 10 1,178 32 11,920 16,092,000 16,103,920 38 25 1,187 1 48 64,800 64,848 26 00 1,364 2 40 54,000 54,040 23 20 1,395 13 173 233,550 233,723 22 53 1,399 13 9,530 12,865,500 12,875,030 33 45 1,263 47 386,797 522,175,950 ."^22, 502,747 20 32 1,423 21 13,143 17,743,050 17,756,193 20 00 1,427 1 10 13,500 13,510 10 Co 1,496 41 216,399 292,138,650 292,355,049 16 10 1,459 56 251,125 339,018,750 339,269,875 22 00 1,408 82 5,187,040 7,002,504,000 7,007,691,040 22 00 1,408 62 1,463,818 1,976,154,300 1,977,0!8,1]8 22 UO 1,408 61 2,694,633 3,637,754,550 3,640,449,183 344 BABIANT HEAT. CHAP. XXII. Rivers flowing towards the Equator. Eastern Hemisphere. Name of River or District. EiVER Basin. Area. Sq. Miles. Dig. M. East of outlet. West of outlet. Deg. it fc-.t Khaladaing Braining and Coyli' Maliannddy N. W. coast Bay of Bengal . . . . Godavery Kislina W. coast Bay of Bengal Penaar Palar Cauvery Tapty Nurbndda Sukernnlly Jahu Indns Helmund N. coast of Arabi;in Sea.. ...... N. E. coast of Persian Gulf. . . . S. coast of Arabia Euphrates and Tigris Kour Oural Don Emba district 27,400 31,000 41,300 24,000 133,000 104,900 8,300 17,900 23,700 25,000 23,600 21,600 29,700 48.300 346,300 124,000 93,000 66,000 96,000 282,100 95,400 126,300 195,400 37,800 21 15 22 12 21 02 19 15 19 35 16 45 15 45 14 45 12 52 11 45 21 15 22 14 23 27 26 25 33 30 32 42 26 30 29 00 15 20 35 05 39 55 50 04 48.56 47 50 2 60 3 45 25 2 20 5 20 3 25 1 00 45 2 01 1 48 3 00 20 126 3 55 32 3 25 4 35 18 1 30 1 20 153 50 4 35 3 32 1,416 1,406 1,418 1,434 1,431 1,455 1,462 1,469 1,481 1,487 1,416 1,406 1,394 1,360 1,267 1,278 1,359 1,329 1,465 1,243 1,165 975 998 1,020 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 CHAP. XXII. thl: j!:AiiTjrs axial uotatwn. 345 RlVEUS FLOWING TOWARDS THE Equatou. Eastern IlEillSPUEKE. Mouth of Riteb. Retabdation. II By sediment By water. Total Z>W. if. F*tt ptr etcond. Feet per second. Footpoundt per troond. Foot-poundt ptr steonit. Footpounds per teoond. I 20 30 1,423 7 527 711,450 711,977 2 21 16 1,416 10 1,209 1,632,150 1,633,359 3 20 28 1,423 5 403 544,0.50 544,4.53 4 18 20 1,442 8 600 810,000 810,600 5 IG 50 1,454 23 27,498 37,122,300 37,149,798 6 10 10 1,459 4 656 885,600 886,256 7 L) 30 1,464 2 13 17,550 17,563 8 14 35 1,470 1 7 9,450 9,457 9 12 40 1,482 1 9 12,150 12,159 lO 10 55 1,492 5 244 329,400 329,644 1 1 21 10 1,417 1 9 12,150 12,159 12 •21 48 1,4]0 4 135 182,250 182,385 13 22 30 1,403 9 943 1,273,050 1.273,993 14 24 52 1,378 18 6,110 8, 248, {500 S,2.j4,610 15 24 00 1,388 121 5,140,969 6,940,308,1.50 6,945,449,119 i6 31 52 1,290 12 6,975 9,416,250 9,423,225 17 25 15 1,374 15 8,184 11,048,400 11,056,584 i8 27 50 1,343 14 5,040 6,816,150 6,821,199 •9 13 50 1.475 10 3,744 5,054,400 .5,058,144 1 1 20 30 05 1,314 71 5.')5,525 749,958,750 750,514,276 ' 21 39 52 1,166 1 37 49,950 49,987 22 47 02 1,035 60 177,609 239,772,150 239,949,759 23 47 06 1,034 39 98,921 133,.543,3.50 133,642,271 24 46 50 1,039 19 5,330 7,19.5,500 7,200,830 346 EADIANT HEAT. CHAP. XXII. KlVEItS FLOWING TOWARDS THE EqUATOU. Hemispheke. Eastern NAiiE OF River or District. River Basin. Sq. Miles. Deg. M. East of outlet. West of outlet. «£ Volga Kuban Rioni Syrian Mediterranean rivers.. Jordan district School! Axon and otliers Minder Sarabat Dnieper Bug and Indul Dneister Maritza Striman Vardar Drin Donau Tornea and Kcmi district Wester Botten Wester Noniaud River Dalil district Clara and Gotlia Elv Malar district Eastern part of South Sweden 557,700 34,600 17,900 8,800 12,400 12,000 23,600 9,900 8,300 181,000 27,400 30,500 23,700 13,000 12,300 9,500 293,100 41,700 36,900 26,200 20,300 16,700 9,400 .5,800 55 00 44 50 42 38 33 40 32 20 47 40 47 32 47 40 48 22 5125 49 05 48 32 42 00 4128 41 20 42 10 40 25 67 20 65 50 63 30 6116 59 40 59 45 56 55 10 2 55 50 1 10 35 15 2 00 1 35 1 15 25 45 33 121 2 08 22 30 010 9 50 05 2 55 158 2 00 110 100 871 1,077 1,118 1,265 1,285 1,023 1,026 1,023 1,009 947 905 1,006 1,129 1,138 1,141 1,126 1,047 585 622 678 730 767 765 829 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 CHAP. XXII. THE EAirrirs axial hotatwn. 347 RiVEKS FLOWING TOWARDS THE EliDATOK. ] ] ASTERN 1Ii:misi'iiehk. Mouth of River. Retardation. 4 3 ^1 By sediment. By water. Total j>ta. if. Fttt ptr mcond. Fest per seootul. Foct-poundH per tfcond. Foot-poundu per second. Fooi-pound» per second. I 46 10. 1,052 181 7,137,020 9,634,085,100 9,642,122,120 2 44 42 1,080 3 121 163,350 103,471 3 42 15 1,124 6 251 338,850 339,101 4 38 22 1,268 3 30 40,500 40,530 5 31 48 1,290 6 121 163,350 103,471 6 46 45 1,041 18 1,518 2,049,300 2,050,818 7 46 40 1,042 16 2,360 3,180,000 3,188,360 8 47 30 1,026 3 35 47,250 47,285 9 ! 48 18 1,010 1 3 4,050 4,053 lO 46 40 1.042 95 638,115 801,4.5,5,250 862,093,365 11 46 42 1,042 47 23,646 31,922,100 31,94.%740 12 46 20 1,049 43 22,029 29,739,1.50 29,761,179 13 ' 40 4i5 1,148 19 3,342 4,511,700 4,51.5,042 14 ' 40 55 1,148 10 507 684,4.50 684,957 15 1 40 32 1,154 13 812 1,090,200 1,097,012 16 41 40 1,135 9 302 407,700 408,002 17 45 15 1,069 22 55,396 74,784,000 74,839,996 18 1 65 52 621 36 21,111 28,499,850 28,-520,961 19 i 64 40 650 28 11,301 15,256,3.50 15,267,651 20 ] 62 20 705 27 7,460 10,071,000 10,078,460 21 60 35 750 20 3,172 4,282,200 4,285,372 22 D7 48 809 42 11,506 15,533,100 1.5, .544, 606 23 ' 50 25 773 8 235 317,2.^0 317,485 24 1 56 15 844 15 510 ' 688, .500 689,010 348 EABIANT HEAT. CHAP. XXII. klvers plowing towards the equator. eastern Hemisphere. Name op Riveb or District. River Basin. Sq. Miles. 5° g 3 " East of outlet. Deg. M. West of outlet. Western part of South Sweden. Glommen and Lauven district.. Southern part of Norway E. coast of Adriatic Grulf of Taranto and Ionian Sea. Western part of South Italy. . . Tiber Arno and W. coast Central Italy Etsch district Po Rhone Ter and Slobregat Ebro Guadalaviar Jucar Segura Guadalquiver Gnadiana Caldoa Tflgus Duero Minho Rivers of Great Britain Rivers of Ireland 6,600 21,300 9,500 17,200 7,500 11,900 7,200 8,900 12,000 28,100 38,000 11,200 33,200 8,900 8,100 8,200 20,000 25,700 7,100 28,900 38,700 10,600 46,015 16,224 57 30 60 52 59 18 43 50 40 00 41 15 42 42 43 25 46 15 45 25 45 42 42 45 42 06 40 10 39 15 38 10 37 40 38 25 37 48 40 00 41 30 42 41 42 20 30 17 32 41 2 02 2 00 20 3 50 3 05 115 04 15 25 34 3 10 25 2 20 54 115 1 20 817 740 776 1,096 1,164 1,142 1,116 1,103 1,050 1,065 1,061 1,115 1,127 1.161 1,176 1,194 1,202 1,190 1,200 1,164 1,139 1,117 '3 14 f5 i6 '7 [8 '9 20 CHAP. XXII. THE EAETWS AXIAL llOTATION. 349 lllVEItS I'LOWING TOWARDS THE Equator. Eastern Hemisphere. Mouth of Riyeb. Retabdatiox. I 3 By sediment. By water. Total />«». j^. Ftttper ttcond. Feet per itecoiui. Foot-pounds per tteond. Font-pounde per second. Foot-pounds per eeeond. I 56 40 835 18 835 1,127,250 1,128,085 2 50 10 779 39 12,658 17,088,300 17,100,958 3 58 10 801 26 2,320 3,132,000 3,134.320 4 43 30 1,102 6 241 325,350 325,591 5 39 30 1,172 8 188 253,800 253,988 6 40 40 1,152 10 407 630,450 630,017 7 41 45 1,133 17 814 1,008,900 1,000,714 8 43 00 1,111 8 223 301,050 301,273 9 45 00 1,074 24 2,700 3,045,000 3,647,700 lO 44 50 1,077 12 1,412 1,906,200 1,907,612 11 43 25 1,103 42 26,182 35,345,700 35,371,882 12 42 40 1,117 2 18 24,300 24,318 13 41 02 1,146 10 4,681 6,319,350 6,324,031 14 39 20 1,175 14 681 010,350 920,031 >5 39 00 1,180 4 51 08,850 68,901 i6 38 06 1,195 1 3 4,050 4,053 17 36 42 1,218 16 2,000 2,700,000 2,702,000 i8 36 48 1,216 26 6,785 9,159,750 9,166,535 19 37 40 1,202 2 11 14,850 14,861 1 20 38 60 1,183 19 4,075 5,501,250 5,505,325 21 41 15 1,142 3 135 182,250 182,385 22 42 28 1,121 4 66 80,100 80,106 23 1,181 1,594,350 1,505, .531 24 021 1,243,350 1,244,271 350 RADIANT HEAT. CHAP. XXII. RiVEKS FLOWIXG TOWARDS THE EQUATOR. AVeSTERN Hemisphere. Naste of River or District. RivEE Basin. Sg. Mltu. Deg. M. East of outlet. West of outlet. Deg. M Bastard, Pentecost Sagueiiay St. John, Penobscot Kennebec, Androscoggin, Saco Merrimack Connecticut Hudson, Housatonic Delaware Susquelianna Potomac, Rappahannoclv .James Roanoke, Tar Santee, Neuse Savannah and others Alabama district Mississippi Colorado, Brazos, 'J'rinidad . . Rio del Norte Colorado E. coast Gulf of California. . . 33,000 27,800 34,400 13,000 7,100 10,800 16,000 11,500 27,200 16,000 13,100 18,800 44,100 ,^1,200 128,700 ,244,000 191,200 -2V:^SM){) 267,000 140,000 50 50 49 02 46 40 44 45 43 20 43 20 42 30 41 00 41 14 89 00 37 32 36 36 34 40 32 51 31 30 40 55 31 12 29 50 36 04 28 06 02 04 03 25 1 06 1 10 05 2 45 1 00 20 38 52 1 15 1 32 1 40 1 25 1 05 7 10 1 .50 6 40 959 996 1,042 1,078 1,105 1,105 1,120 1,146 1,142 1,180 1,204 1.220 1,249 1,276 1,295 1,148 1,300 1,318 1,228 1,340 CHAP. XXII. THE KARTWa AXIAL ROTATION. 351 ItlVElis FLUWINO TOWARDS 1 TlIK EcjU.VTOU. WeSTEBN Hemispuekh. Mouth of Riveb. Rktaedahon. •3 1 s 1 By sediment. By water. Total. 7)^. .v. Fttt per tecond. Faet per »tCOHd, Foot-poundt per ercottd. Fool-pounde per teeond. Foot-pounds per ueond. I 49 08 994 35 15,790 21,316,500 21,332,290 2 48 00 1,017 21 4,788 6,463,800 6,468,588 3 45 20 1,068 26 9,081 12,259,8.50 12,268,431 4 43 55 1,094 16 1,300 1,755,000 1,756,300 5 42 48 1,114 9 225 303,750 303,975 6 41 10 1,143 38 6,091 8,222,850 8.228,941 7 40 42 1,152 32 6,400 8,640,000 8,646,400 8 39 35 1,172 26 3,036 4,098,600 4,101,636 9 39 32 1,172 30 9,561 12.907,350 12,916,911 lO 38 02 1,197 ' 17 1,806 2,488,100 2,439,906 1 1 36 52 1,215 11 619 835,6.50 836,269 12 35 52 1,221 11 888 1.198,800 1,199,688 '3 33 42 1,264 15 3,881 5,239,350 5,248.231 '4 31 52 1,290 14 3,917 5,287,950 5.291.867 •5 30 15 1,312 17 14, .543 19,633,0.50 19,647.-593 i6 29 08 1,327 179 14,323,668 19,336,951,800 19,351,275,468 17 28 40 1,333 33 81,354 109,827,900 109,909,254 i8 25 30 1.371 53 236,457 319,216,950 319,453,407 •9 32 15 1.285 57 338,890 457,501,500 457,840,390 20 27 00 1,353 13 9,240 12,474,000 12.483,240 352 RADIANT HEAT. CHAP. XXII. ElVEi;S FLOWING TOWARDS THE EQUATOR. WeSTEKX Hemisphere. Najie of Utter or Disteict. ■RiTER Basin. Sq. itiles. Deo- J/. East of outlet. Dea. M. West of outlet. Kalamatli and Tsashtl Columbia Frazer Simpson and Frances district. Atna or Copper Bolsas, Yopez, Verde Sirano district San Juan de Mcaragua. . . . Sacramento Paraliyba and Grande Ciara, Croayhn Jaguaribe Belmoute and Doce dist.. . . Paraliyba (Sontli) San Francisco Paranahyba Maranhao and Itaqieura. . . Gurupy and Turyassu Tocantins Amazon 42,900 283,400 138,300 53,600 34,900 71,. 500 24,700 23,700 33,000 37,600 33,700 19,900 114,400 35,800 247,600 157,300 59,600 49,000 376,000 2,236,000 42 00 45 52 5128 56 40 62 12 18 00 14 00 12 00 40 00 6 40 5 08 5 50 17 25 22 00 14 00 8 05 5 00 3 20 10 10 6 20 1 15 7 02 2 00 05 05 10 40 1 20 08 1 50 05 30 1 48 2 12 7 00 2 30 40 100 1 00 1250 1,129 1,058 946 835 708 1,445 1,474 1,486 1,164 1,509 1,513 1,511 1,449 1,408 1,475 1,504 1,513 1,516 1,495 1,510 / 8 9 lO II 12 '3 14 IS i6 17 i8 19 20 CHAP. XXII. THE EARTH'S AXIAL ROTATION. 353 KlVERS PLOWING TOWARDS TUE EqDATOR. WeSTERK Hemisphere. Mouth of Riveb. Retakdation. 1 3 II i -S" By sediment. By water. Total. D«(7. JA. Fe«t per tecowL. Fat per second. Foot-pounds par gecond. Fool-pound » per aecorui. Foot-pounds per second. I 41 45 1,133 4 268 361,800 362,068 2 45 48 1,059 1 111 149,850 149,961 3 49 02 996 50 135,050 182,317,500 182,452,650 4 55 10 871 36 27,135 36,632,250 36,659,385 5 60 20 752 44 26,393 35,630,550 35,656,943 6 16 42 1,455 10 2,788 3,763,800 3,766,588 7 13 30 -1,477 3 86 116,100 116,186 8 11 15 1,490 4 148 199,800 199,948 9 37 50 1,200 36 16,706 22,553,100 22,569,806 lO 5 40 1,512 3 132 178,200 178,332 1 1 3 10 1,517 4 211 284,850 285,061 12 4 30 1,514 3 70 94,500 94,570 J3 17 00 1,453 4 715 965,250 965,965 H 21 30 1,413 5 349 417,150 417.499 '5 10 SO 1,494 19 34,912 47,131,200 47,166,112 i6 2 58 1,517 13 10,382 14,015,700 14,026,082 17 2 50 1,517 4 373 503,520 503,893 i8 1 00 1,519 3 172 232,200 232,372 19 2 00 1,518 23 77,738 104,946,200 105,023,938 20 1 25 < 1,519 9 70,993 95,840,550 95,911,543 354 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. The last column of the preceding tables contains the amount of retardation caused by the waters of rivers flowing towards the equator. The computation of the retarding energy being based on the Aveight of water discharged and the increase of rotary velocity acquired during the transfer from the source to the outlet, no question can be raised as to the existence of the retardation entered in the tables ; but Avhether compensating energies are called forth by the I'eturn- ing vapors before the condensation takes place which results in the precipitation on the river basins, demands careful consideration. Dr. Mayer, in his discourse previously ad- verted to, positively asserts that, agreeably to the demonstra- tion of Laplace, based on abstract mechanical principles, the compensating energy corresponds in every instance with the amount of retardation to which the rotaiy motion of the' globe may be subjected. Admitting this conclusion to be correct, Ave must assume the adequacy of the vapojs Avhich rise within the tropics to restore, during theii" transfer to the temperate and polar regions, the loss of ?'/s viva occa- sioned by the condensed Avater Avhich, in the form of rivers, flows towards the equator. ObA'iously, such restoration of energy could only be effected by friction or pressure of the vapors against projections on the earth's surface directly, t)i' through the interA^ention of particles of the atmospheric air put in motion by the A^apors. The Astronomer-Eoyal of Sweden, in an elaborate demonstration presented to the Eoyal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, in refutation of my assertion that solar influence is capable of diminishing CHAP. XXII. THE EAETWH AXIAL liOTATION. 365 perceptibly the rotary velocity of the earth, thus states the case: "The globe aud its atmosphere constitute a combiuecl system iu luotiou, iu which no part can by any outside cause be disturbed in its relative position without the motion of the entire system being thereby influenced. Consequently, a body of air which, for instance, is carried from the direc- tion of the equator towards either of the poles must, by degrees, positively part with the excess of rotary vis viva which it possessed at the commencement of the motion, compared with the rotary velocity of the region to which it has been transferred, and must impart the entire surplus to the earth undiminished, the rotation of which must con- sequently ha accelerated by this current of air ; and, con- versely, a current of air of contrary direction, or from either of the poles towards the equator, must produce retardation. No dilierence can exist iu this respect between a curi'ent of water aud a carrent of air." The Swedish astronomer, like Laplace, thus puts the \vhole question in a nutshell, assert- ing that air and water, water and air, may circulate in any manner whatever between the equator and the poles, aud between the poles and the equator, without influencing the axial rotation of the globe. It is very true that the earth, with its rivers aud atmosphere, constitute a " combined sys- tem in nidtion"; but we must not lose sight of the import- ant fact that an outside energy — the sun's radiant heat — is being continually exerted, A\liich interferes Avith the motions within that combined system. Accordingly, no argument can prove the correctness of the statement laid before the 356 RADIANT MEAT. CHAP. XXII. Royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm short of a posi- tive demoustratiou showing that particles of vapor corre- sponding in weight with the water dischargeil by some river — say the Mississi^jpi — are capable of imparting by friction against the earth's surface, directly or through the agency of the atmosphere, a rotary force exactly balancing the retarding energy which we have established. The advocates of the theory of compensation, \vhile ad- mitting that they cannot furnish any 'practical evidence of the truth of their doctrine, assert that the subject is not susceptible of experimental test. It would, indeed, be a fruitless task to undertake the construction of anemometers, or similar instruments, showing that the pressure and friction of the particles of the retui'ning vapor, exerted directly or through atmospheric intervention against the surface of the Mississip25i river basin, from west to east, are capable of com- pensating the established retardation of 19,336,000,000 foot- pounds per second. The admitted impossibility of proving by direct measure- ment the existence of compensating force has suggested the resort to some indirect method. I have accordingly con- structed an instrument which practically demonstrates the truth of the following proposition, on which the solution of the problem unquestionably depends : The retarding influ- ence produced by currents of water, confined wdthin channels which convey a given weight in a given time, from the pole to the equator of a rotating sphere, cannot be compensated by ojjposite currents of vapor transferring an equal weight CHAP. XXII. THE EARTH'S AXIAL liOTATlOX. 357 in equal time over the surface of tbe f^aid sphere from its equator to its pole. The illustration on Plate 34 represents the instrument adverted to; but before entering on a description, it -will be well to define clearly the problem intended to be solved by experimental demonstration. The rotary velocity of the sur- face of the eai-th, for instance, on the 45th parallel is 1,074 ft. per second, that of the equator 1,519 ft. per second ; hence the water of a river flowing from lat. 45 deg. to the equator will have its velocity round the axis of the earth increased 1,519 — 1,074 = 445 ft. per second. It needs no demonstration to sbow that the expenditure of energy neces- sary to produce tliis increase of rotaiy velocity will cause the earth to rotate at a diminished rate ; the amount of retarding force being readily ascertained by multiplying the weight of water transferred by the height necessary to gene- rate a velocity of 445 ft. per second, viz., 3,094 ft. Conse- quently, each pound of water transferred from lat. 45 deg. to the equator demands the expenditure of a dynamic enei'gy of 3,094 foot-pounds. The question now presents itself, Avhether a pound of water evaporated on the equator, and returned in the form of vapor to lat. 45 deg., can, during the return movement, impart a rotary energy of 3,094 foot- pounds to the earth. Of coui-se the vapor, on leaving the equator, possesses a rotary velocity of 1,519 ft. per second, while the sui-face of the earth in lat. 45 deg. rotates, as be- fore stated, at a rate of only 1,074 ft. per second. It will be evident, therefore, that during the return movement the 358 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xxir. vapor, by contact with, the eai'tli, will have its rotary velocity diminished in the ratio of 1,519 : 1,074. On purely theo- retical considerations, it must be admitted that this contact, 1)}' ^vhich the returning pound of vapor has its rotary velo- city diminished 445 ft. per second, will restore to the earth the whole of the energy which was previously expended in augmenting the speed of the pound of water fi'om 1,074 to 1,519 ft. per second during its transfer from lat. 45 deg. to the equator. But practice shows that rotary motion cannot be imparted to cylindrical or spherical bodies, however rough their surface may be, by currents of air or steam, with- out great loss of mechanical energy. Conversely, currents of air or steam cannot be produced by the action of similar rotating bodies Avithout a corresponding loss of mechanical energy. Practical engineers familiar with these facts fully appre- ciate the difficulty of instituting experiments intended to determine exactly what amount of force is expended in caus- ing rotary motion by currents, and what amount of force is developed hj cui-rents produced by rotating bodies, as sup- posed. The illustrated dynamic register, Plate 34, obviates this difficult comparison between energy expended and de- veloped, by the simple expedient of applying heat and cold in such a manner that the retarding influence of a current of water flowing from the pole to the equator acts simul- taneously with the accelerating influence of an opposite current of vapor, transferring equal Aveight in equal time, from the equator towards the pole. The detail of the in- CHAP. XXII. THE EAIiTirS AXIAL nOTATWN. 359 stiumeut will be understood by the following description : Fig. I. slioAvs a section of a hollow sphere 6.25 ins. dia- meter, composed of very thin brass partially filled Avith a light non-conducting substance, made to revolve on its ver- tical axis ; the upper half being covered with a light semi- spherical casing, extending a short distance below the hori- zontal central plane of the sphere. A cylindrical cistern, provided with a flat cover, is attached to the top of the semi-spherical casing. The mode of supporting the lower pivot on which the sphere turns, as also the axle at the top, Avill be seen by reference to the drawing. Rotary motion is imparted to the sphere by a horizontal toothed rack (see top view. Fig. II.) working into the teeth of a wheel at- tached to the vertical axle; the moti^■e power consisting of a weight suspended by a light cord passing over a pulley and secured to the rack. A circular gas-pipe, provided with a series of burners, surrounds the sphere some distance be- low its centre. Referring to Fig. II., it will be seen that the guide-pieces which support the horizontal rack, and through which it slides, act as stops which regulate the ex- tent of the movement. It should be particularly noticed that the arrangement is such that when the motion is checked by the - right-hand stop the last cog of the rack has just slipped out of the cog-wheel, thus allowing the sphere to turn freely. The extent of motion of the rack is O.lJ^G ft., and the weight exactly 2 lbs. It mil be seen, therefore, that the motive force is 0.1 8G X 2 = 0.372 foot- pound, or 2 X 7,000 X 0.18G = 2,604 foot-grains. Deduct- 360 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. ing the loss by friction — 64 foot-gi'ains- — tlie effective motive power will be 2,540 foot-grains. The axis of the sphere being exactly vertical, there is obviously no friction what- ever at the tipper bearing after the slipping of the last cog of the rack, while the lower pivot presents a mere point of hardened steel to the step under it; hence the over- coming the atmospheric resistance against the outside of the sphere and the cistern may be considered as the only work to be performed by the stated available motive power of 2,540 foot-grains. It only remains to be noticed that when the sphere is to be put in motion the rack is geared into the cog-wheel and brought up against the left-hand stoj), as represented in the drawing, the check-lever (Fig. IV.) being at the same time placed in the position shown by the dotted lines. The moment for starting, indicated by the chronometer, having ariived, the check-lever is brought to the horiiiontal position as quickly as possible, in order to prevent di'agging at the moment of lil^erating the toothed rack. As shown by the illustration, a small quantity of water is confined within the surrounding casing of the sphere, thus forming an aqueous belt round its equator ; the polar cistern being filled with water. The object of the instrument having been clearly set forth, it scarcely needs explanation that the device is in- tended to show that when the heat of the gas-flames is applied to the aqueous belt, causing evaporation, while con- densation is effected by the cold water in the polar cistern, the motive energy (2,540 foot-grains) will be incapable of CUAI'. XXII. THE EAETWS AXIAL BOTATION. 3C1 turulug the sphere as fast aud as long as when heat and refiigeratiou are not applied. This assumption, it will be perceived, is in direct opposition to the views held l)y the Asti'onomer Royal at Stockholm and other followers of La- place, who contend that "no difference can exist" as regards the effect on the axial rotation of the globe between currents of water and currents of aeriform matter transferring equal Meight in equal time. The mode of conducting the experiment with the dynamic register will be readily undei-stood b}' the following explana- tion: The polar cistern is charged \\\i\i boiling water, and the gas-flames applied for a fe^v minutes until the water round the equator is brought near boiling heat. The gas is then shut off, and the toothed rack geared aud afterwards locked by the check-lever. The chronometer being then carefully observed, the check-lever should be quickly pushed down when the hand marks exact time. The motive weight, being thus liberated, puts the sphere in moticm through the inteiTention of the rack and cog-wheel, the time elapsing between the commencement of the movement and the slip- ping of the last tooth of the rack occupying about one second. The observation of the chronometer should con- tinue, in order to ascertain the exact time when the sphei'e is brought to rest. In the meantime, the number of turns must be accurately coiinted. The fii'st experiment being con- cluded, the sphere is again put in motion, as before, without changing the water in the polar cistern or applying the gas- flames, the object of employing heat before starting being 362 EABIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. merely that of expaudliig the sjahere to proper dimensions. The experiment having been repeated six times, the 'Dieuji of time occupied and number of turns performed, resulting from the expended energy of 2,540 foot-graius, should be determined ^vith the utmost precision. The procedure will then be changed : the polar cistern ^vill be charged with cold water, and the gas-ilames applied and kept burning. The sphere, under these altered conditions, is again started, but not until boiling temperature in the equatorial belt has been attained and evaporation commenced. The experiment, as before, will be repeated six times, and the mean of time and the number of turns ascertained. The law of compensation relating to solar influence on the axial rotation of the earth, expounded by Dr. Mayer, is evidently strictly applicable to the dynainic register, since the equatorial belt of the rotating sphere is being continu- ally heated, while the polar region is being exposed to con- tinuous refrigeration, vapor being thus foi'med at the equator, and currents produced which condense on reaching the cold semi-sj^herieal covering over the pole. The water thus formed, divided into small sti'eams, flows back on the sur- face of the sphere to the equator, where it is again converted into vapor; hence a continued circiilation of opposite cur- rents of vapor and water wall be kept up. It sliould be particularly observed that the vapor in its passage toAvards the pole not only acts against the sxirface of the sphere, but also against the inside of the semi-spherical covering, thereby affording a double chance of imparting motion to CHAP. XXI f. THE EAETWS AXIAL ROTATION. 363 the rotating mass. But this notwithstanding, the exjieri- meuts have .shown tliat the retanlimj energy of the con- densed water flowing in small streams from the jwle to the equator on tlie surface of the sphere, greatly exceeds the accelerating energy imparted by the excess of rotary velocity of the vapor in its course towards the pole, and the conse- quent friction of its particles against the sui-faces of the sphere and the semi-spherical casing. Agreeably to Dr. Mayer's conclusion.s, founded on the theory of Laplace, the opposite currents which result from high temperature on the equator, and the refrigeration over the temperate zone and the poles, cannot affect the axial rotation of the globe. " The effect of every single motion by these means on the rotation of the globe," he saj-s, "is exactly compensated by the effect of another motion in an opposite direction." Nor can the Swedish Astronomer, as we have seen, perceive any difference between currents of water and currents of ai-ri- form matter. In direct opposition to the conclusions of these physicists, our expeiiments prove that, although the weight transferred fi-om the pole to the equator of the sphere of the dynamic register is precisely the same as the weight which is transferred in the oi)posite direction, the contact and friction of the particles of vapor against the surfaces of the convex and concave spheres is incapable of restoring the loss of vis viva consequent on imparting rotary motion to the particles of water transferred fi"om the pole to the equator. Too much space would be occupied by a detailed ac- 364- BABIANT HEAT. CHAP. xxii. count of the experiments whicli Lave been made with the dynamic register; hence only the most important facts bear- ing directly on the question will be presented. The number of turns of the rotating sphere produced by the nioti\-e force of 2,540 foot-grains has been 660.5, ocoup3ing 10 inin. 37 sec, the barometer at the time indicating 29.8, the tem- perature of the surrounding atmosphere being 62° F. The mean of the force expended for each turn will therefore 2,540 amount to — -7— = 3.84 foot-grains. It will be asked, in 060.5 view of this insignificant motive power, chiefly expended in overcoming the atmospheric resistance against the rotat- ing sphere and cistern, how the excess of retarding energy of the condensed water flowing over the surface of the sphere, from the pole to the equator, can possibly be mea- sured. The answer is that we need not consider the amount of energy developed by the motive Aveight ; we merely count the number of turns and note the time required to bring the sphere to a state of rest from the moment of stai'ting, the gas-flames being kept burning and the refrigerating medium retained in the polar cistern during the observations. Then, removing the cooling medium and replacing the same with boiling water, we again put the sphere iu motion, count the number of turns, and note the time. The result of this change of procedure will be, as shown l^y our experiments, that the sphere will run much longer and perform a greater number of turns — a startling fact, since the motive energy of 2,540 foot-grains has not been increased. To practical CHAP. SXii. TEE ICAHTn'S AXIAL liOTATION. 366 minds the explanation will at once suggest itself, that because there is an expenditure of lient while condensation is kept up, which ceases when the refrigerating medium is withdrawn, some additional work is being performed Avhile the cold medium I'emains at the pole. Now, what is the nature of this Avork ? Evidently the condensed water, while flowing from the pole to the equator, has its rotary speed successively increased corresptmding with that of the sur- face of the sphere ; hence work must be performed ^vhi]e refrigeration is kept up at the pole. Satisfactory as this explanation appeai-s, it is met by the cardinal objection that, since force cannot be anniliilated, the o^iposite current of vapor, which simultaneously transfers an equal weight from the equator to the pole of the rotating s^^here, must, by friction or contact of some kind, positively return the whole of the mechanical energy expended in augmenting the rotary velocity of the particles of water moving in a contrary direction. This n(>twithstanding, we must accept the fad proved by the dynamic I'egister, that a certain amount of mechanical energy disappears when the rotating sphere is subjected to the action of differential temperatures. There was a time when we could not account foi- such dis- appearance of energy, but — thanks to the labors of Joule and Mayer — the mechanical theoiy of heat has thrown light on the subject. The theoreti^'al deductions of Laplace have lost their potency. We no longer confine ourselves to the balance anil rule in measui'ing the result of exi^eiidcd force. Joule and Mayer have taught us to consult also the titer- 366 BADIANT HEAT. CHAP. xxiT. mometer during our iuvestigatious. Bearing in mind, then, ■what the new theoiy of heat teaches, the disappearance of mechanical energy during the experiments with the dynamic register ceases to l)e a puzzle. Close investigation shows that the heat resulting from the arrested motion of the cir- culating vapor, which, on leaving the aqueous belt, possesses a rotary velocity equal with that of the circumference of the sphere, represents A-ery nearly an equivalent of the observed loss of energy, the diiference being made up by heat generated by the particles of the circulating vajjor as they successively impinge against the minute projections of the surface of the convex and concave spheres. Obviously, the heat thus generated is carried off l)y the cold semi- spherical casing surrounding the sphere of the dynamic register, precisely as heat produced by analogous motions Avithiu the terrestrial atmosphere is carried off by radiation into space. In either case the heat lost is an equivalent of the mechanical energy abstracted from the rotating sphere. Illustrations and descriptions have been prepared explana- tory of important modifications of the dynamic register deline- ated on PI. 34, adojited in order to control the irregular resistance of the atmospheric air against the rotating sphere, unavoidalde in employing gas-flames for heating the equa- torial belt; but the subject having already occupied too much space, I now propose to state only the result of the experiments which have been made with the modified instru- ment, the dimensions of which, it should be observed, have been considerably increased, the motive power, however, CUAI". xxii. THE EAlilWH AXIAL liOTATION. 367 remaining uucliangod. It is iscarcely necessary to remark that a complete tlenumstratiou and record of an investiga- tion of this complicated nature would present an array of figures inadmissible in this work. The diagram on PI. oS has, therefore, been devised to dispense with tigures ; the relations of time, velocity, and resistance being jjiesented in sueli a manner that, among other facts, the aniduul of mechani- cal enei'gy which disappears duiing the experiment ma}' be ascertained by mere inspection. For the [)urpose of saving space and facilitating direct comparison, this diagram has, moreover, been so arranged that the iccord of the experi- ments in which heat and refrigeration have been employed is placed on the same base-line with the record of the experiments in which difference of temperature was pre- sented. The divisions on the l)ase-liue a h mark the time of rotation, the large spaces indicating minutes and the smaller divisions 10 sec. each. The length of the ordinates of the curve c b resting on the base-line represents the number of turns performed in a given time when the rotat- ing sphere is not subjected to the action of heat and refrigeration; while the length of the ordinates of the curve d e represents the number of turns when heat and cold are being applied. It will be readily perceived that, for instance, the ordinate between 1 and the curve c b repre- sents the number of turns per minute at the commencement of the second minute, while the ordinate 2 represents the number of turns per minute at the commencement of the third minute, and so on for all the other ordinates. 368 RABIAXT HEAT. chap. xxil. The 'permanent frictiou of the instrument — i.e., the friction of tlie pivot on -which the sphere turns — being practically inappreciable, it will be evident that the resistance ojjposing the rotation will vary in the ratio of the square of the velocities. Hence, as the respective ordiuates between the cui'ves c 1) and d e and the base-line represent the velocities, it will only be necessary to square these ordinates in order to determine the exact amount of resistance to the periods indicated bj^ the divisions on the base. Accordingly, the ordinates mentioned have been prolonged in the ratio of their squares, the curves / Z> and g e being the result of this pro- longation. Obviously, the lengths of the ordinates of these curves resting on the line a h represent accurately the amount of resistance opposed to the rotation of the sphere at the times indicated by their intersection with that line. The rate of velocity — i.e., the mimber of turns per minute per- formed by the sphere at the commencement and at the termination of each minute — will be found by referring to the figures marked on the vertical lines / a and I h. Thus, for instance, the rate of A^elocity at the termination of the second ininute is 75.4 turns Avhen refrigeration is vot applied, while tlie rate is 68.0 when the cooling medium is applied at the pole. As might be expected from the irregu- lar nature of the external resistance opposed to the rotating mass, the curves / b and g e do not correspond with any of the conic sections. The available motive power of 2,540 foot-grains expended during the experiment is represented by the supei-ficies / a h, the energy developed being represented CHAP. XXII. TBE EAliTWS AXIAL ROTATION. 369 by the superficies g a e. Assuuiing the former to be 1.000, tlie latter, as shown by our tliagraui, will be 0.763, differ- ence = 0.237; hence the amount of lost energy is 0.237 X 2,540 = 601.98 foot-grains. Now, if the weight of ^\•ater which is condensed at the pole and returned to the equator, inulti])lied by the height necessaiy to generate the rotary velocity acquired during the transit, should amount to 601.98 foot-grains, the fact will be established that the current of vapor has not, during its passage from the equator to the pole, restored any of the energy abstracted from the sphere by the current of water flowing in the contraiy direction. The quantity of water condensed and returned to the equa- torial belt being readily ascertained by observing the incre- ment of temperature of the contents of the polar cistern, it is easy to sho\v that the energy abstracted from the rotating mass by the water thus transferred from the pole to the equator corresponds so nearly with the differential mechanical energy represented by the superficies f g e b, that the com- pensation resulting from the tangential force exerted by the particles of the currents of vapor against the sui-face of the sphere of the dynamic register is inappreciable; precisely as we find that the compensating tangential force of the cur- rents of vapor Avliich sweep over the basin of the Mississippi from west to east (neuti-alized by the currents which pass from east to Avest) is an inappreciable fraction of the retard- ing energy of 19,836,000,000 foot-pounds per second, exerted by the water which the Mississippi canies in the direction of the equator. 370 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xxil. Having thus anal3^zed the opposing energies called forth by the waters flowing toAvards the equator, and of the I'eturning vapors, the condensation of which replenishes the river basins, we may now enter on a computation of the aggregate amount of the retarding energy, and the consequent diminution of the rotary velocity, of the earth, caused by the rivers enume- rated in the preceding table. The total of the retarding force entered in the column next the last, it will be found, amounts to 53,857,788,300 foot-pounds per sec, which sum, multiplied by 86,400 sec, shows that the earth has to overcome a resistance of 4,653,313 X 10° foot-pounds during each revolu- tion. Multiplying this resistance by 36,524 days, we ascertain that the retarding energy of the water transferred in the direction of the equator by the entire Southern river systems of both hemispheres amounts to 16,995,760,069 X 10" foot- pounds in a century. Now, in order to determine the dimi- nution of rotary velocity consequent on this counteracting energy, it will be indispensable to compute the earth's rotary vis viva. The elements necessary in this computation are : volume, time of revolution, specific gravity, and the position of the centre of gyration of the rotating mass. The two first-named elements are known mth desirable accuracy ; the third element, specific gravity, has been ascertained Avith tolerable accuracy; but the position of the centre of gyration, which depends on the internal temperature of the globe and the disposition of its constituent parts, has not yet been determined. Physicists assume that the density of the globe increases towards the centre in arithmetical progression ; but CHAP. XXII. THE EAirnra aaial uotation. 371 this assuraption is not sustained by sound reasoning. Our space not admitting of discussing this complicated question at length, let us merely consider the leading fact, that, at a distance of only -h of the earth's radius = 1,0-14,400 ft. from the surface, the weight of a superincumbent mass of fused granite will exceed 900,000 lbs. to the sq. in. = 60,000 atmospheres. Under this pressure the weight of air will be 70 times that of water, and 3.5 times that of the heaviest metals. Gold, at the point of fusion, is 7 times heavier than fused granite, while neither of these solids loses more than Toir of specific gravity at melting heat — a fact which proves conclusively that high temperature of metals and minerals is not incompatible with great density. Hence fused granite, in the earth's interior, may be many times heavier than the cold mineral at the surface. Unless, therefore, we are pre- pared to dispute the assumption that fused granite, under a pressure of 900,000 lbs. to the sq. in., will have its specific gravity doubled — involving a density less than one-third of fused gold not subjected to compression — we must admit that the specific gravity of the earth at the depth of A of the radius is so great that, if the density, as physicists have assumed, increases in arithmetical progression towards the centre, our planet Avould be many times heavier than it is. We are compelled, therefore, to reject the accepted theory, more especially as the stated enormous pressure consequent on superincumbent weight takes placer at only ^ of the earth's radius below the surface. In accordance with the foregoing reasoning, our compu- 373 RADIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. tation of the earth's rotary vis viva will be based ou the assumption that the mass is homogeneous. It is true that the specific gravity at the surface is somewhat less than one-half that of the entii'e mass ; but we have sho^vn that at a depth of iv of the radius from the surface the density is so great that if it continued to augment in arithmetical progression, the specific gravity of the globe would far exceed that which has been determined by careful investigation. Nor should we lose sight of the important fact that the temperature corresponding with the compression produced by the superincumbent weight is so great that the compo- nent parts of the centi'al mass may be as light as pumice, notwithstanding the enormous external pressure. Conse- quently, it may be satisfactorily demonstrated that the earth's circle of gyration extends considerably beyond, in place of being within, that of a Jiomogeneous sphere, agree- ably to the accepted theory of augmented density towards the centre. In our computations, however, we will assume that the circle of gyration is that corresponding -with homo- geneity, which, in accordance with the property of spheres, is 0.6325 of the great circle. Sir John Herschel's determi- nation shows that the mean diameter of the earth, considered as a perfect sphere, is 7,912.41 statute miles, or 41,777,524 ft. ; hence, if we assume the specific gravity to be 5.5, we can readily calculate that the weight is 1,308,608 X 10" lbs. Multiplying the equatorial velocity — 1,519.07 ft. per second — by 0.6325, we ascertain that the mean rotary velocity of the entire mass of the earth is 960.81 ft. per second — a rate CHAP. XXII. TEE EABTE'S AXIAL rxOTATION. 373 acquired by a fall of 14,424 ft. The earth's rotary vis viva will accordingly amount to 14,424 X 1,308,008 X 10" = 18,875,361 X 10" foot-pounds. The mind being utterly in- capable of conceiving this stupendous energy without com- parison with mechanical energies of less magnitude, let us ascertain to what extent it will be diminished by the retardation exhibited in the tables pre^^ously presented — namely, 16,995,760,069 X 10'° foot-pounds, exerted in the course of a century by the southern river systems of both hemispheres. Dividing the stated retarding energy in the , , . . , 18,875,361 X 10" ^ , , earths v^s viva, thus: i^. 995^760^069 X lO"' ''^ ^""'^ '^^"*' notwithstanding the enormous amount of retardation exerted in a centuiy, only 1 1 1 e' u 00 of the rotary energy of the earth will be destroyed in that time. And if we multiply the fraction thus presented by 10,000, we learn that at the end of 1,000,000 years the rotary energy of the earth \\\[\ be only i\hiis less than at present ! By no other compari- son, probably, than the one we have instituted could we clearly comprehend the magnitude of 18,875,361 X 10" foot- pounds of mechanical energy. Let us now calculate the effect of the tabulated resist- ance on the earth's rotary velocity with reference to time. The retardation observed by astronomers being, as before stated, about 12 sec. in a century, our object will be to ascertain how far this retardation may be attributed to the counteracting energy under consideration. Multiplj'ing, then, the number of seconds in a century, 3,155,673,600, by the 374 EABIANT KEAT. CHAP. xxii. retarding energy of 53,857,T80,300 foot-pounds per second, entered in the table, we establish the fact before adverted to, that the total retardation is 16,995,760,069 X 10'° foot- ponnds in one centniy. Dividing this retardation in the vis viva, it Avill be seen that the earth loses mus ^ a^a^a of its rotary energy in the course of 100 years ; but in calculating the time corresponding with this loss, we have to consider that the velocities are as the square root of the forces, and that consequently the rotary velocity will not be reduced as rapidly as the rotary energy. Evidently, if the diminution of energy and velocity corresponded exactly, the retardation of the earth's rotary motion during one century would be 3,155,673,600 ^„,^ , -^ ^ . , ui ^i i — = 2.8414 sec. But, m accordance with the laws 1,110,592,343 of motion referred to, the diminution of velocity during the century will be in the ratio of the square roots of the earth's vis viva at the beginning and at the termination of that period. Now, this ratio being readily computed, as we know the amount of energy lost in one centuiy, while the time in seconds is also known, we are enabled to show, by an easy calculation, that the earth suffers a retardation of 1.42071 sec. Adding the retardation occasioned by the tabulated sedimentary matter = 0.00105 sec, ascertained in the manner explained, the total retardation of the earth's rotary velocity in a century, at the presevt epoch, will be 1.42176 sec. The vastness of the rotary vis viva of the earth having already been discussed, it will not be necessary to offer any expla- nations with reference to the insignificance of the stated CUAP. XXII. THE EARTWkS AXIAL liOTATION. 375 retardation in comparison witli the uiagnitutle of the counter- acting energy exerted by the water and sediment of the entire river system presented in our tables. "We have now to consider the influence on the eailh's rotary energy exercised by rivers, the course of which is in the direction of the poles. Evidently river water running from the equator Avill have its motion round the axis of rotation continually diminished as it reaches the noi-thcrn parallels ; hence rotary energy will be imparted to the earth by all rivers flowing towards the poles. At first sight, it will be imagined that the energy thus imparted will neutra- lize the retarding force exerted by the waters transferred towards the equator. Certain physical causes, however, pie- vent the imparted energy from restoring any of the earth's lost vis viva. The subject will be most readily conq)rehend- ed by an examination of the nature of the neutralizing force exerted by the following great rivers, namely, the Lena, Yenesei, Obi, and Mackenzie, which furnish the princij)al amount of water discharged into the Arctic Ocean. These rivers drain an area of 3,840,000 sq. miles, the latitude of the centre of their basins and their outlets being very nearly in the same parallel. The mean of the former is 59 deg. 30 min., that of the latter G9 deg. 56 min. Accordingly, the mean circumferential velocity of outlet is 421.18 ft. per second, while that of the centre of basin is 770.95 ft. per second. It will be seen, therefore, that a diminution of rotary velocity of 770.95 - 521.18 = 249.77, say 250 ft. per second, takes place during the transfer of the water from the centre 376 BADIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. of tlie basins of these rivei'S to tlieir outlets. Now, a velocity of 250 ft. per second is produced by a fall of 976.5 ft, lience each pound of M'ater discharged into the Arctic Ocean by the before-named rivers •will impaii; a mechanical energy of 976.5 foot-pounds. Apart from this powerful neutralizing force of a given weight, the quantity of water ti-ansferred is so great, owing to the vast extent of the basins, that, uotAvith- standing the moderate precipitation in high latitudes, the rotary energy imparted to the earth ^^•ill balance the retarda- tion of the 136 rivers entered in our tables. It scarcely requires explanation that the stated enormous force exerted by the water transferred by the great northern rivers is owing to the rapid diminution of rotary velocity in approaching the pole ; a single degree of latitude at the point where, for instance, the river Lena dischai'ges into the Arctic Sea having a greater fall than te7i degrees have within the tropics. It would be waste of time, however, to compute the exact amount of energy imj)arted to the earth by the Arctic livers, as will be seen by the following examination of the subject. Unquestionably, if the supposed pound of water, on entering the Arctic Ocean, at once evaporates and ascends into the atmosphere, we must admit that an impulse of 976.5 foot- pounds has been imparted to the earth by its transfer from the centre of the river basin; but if it should be found that, in place of evaporating on entering the cold polar sea, the pound of water commences a retrograde motion towards the equator through Behring's Straits or through the wide channel bet\\'een Norway and Greenland; and if we should find, also, CHAP. XXII. THE EAllTWS AXIAL ROTATION. 377 that wLeu it crosses the 59 deg. 30 rain, parallel (the same as that of the centre of the river basin) it has not yet been converted into vapor, we must then admit that the whole of the energy imparted to the earth by the ajyjyroacJi towards the axis of rotation, during the original transfer to the polar sea, has been completely neutralized by the retardation con- sequent on the retreat from the axis of rotation during the southerly course to the last-mentioned latitude. Following our pound of water during the continuation of the motion towards the equator, we may discover that it has not changed its form into vapor, even when reaching latitude 47 deg. 45 min., at which point the circumferential velocity is exactly 250 ft. per second greater than that of the centre of the basin from whence the motion proceeded. In that case, not only has the imparted energy been neutralized, but a retarda- tion of 976.5 foot-pounds has been called forth by the pound of water, the course of which may possibly continue until it mixes wdth the warm water -within the tropics. Let us guard against confounding the movement of the water dis- charged into the Arctic Sea by the northern rivei-s with the currents produced by the combined influence of lunar attrac- tion, wnds, differential oceanic temperature, and solar attrac- tion. It has long been recognized that the water poured into the Arctic Sea by the great Asiatic rivers is the result of condensation of vapors raised by the sun within or near the tropics. A corresponding amount of water must, there- fore, be returned from the polar sea, or its surface would be elevated, and that of the tropical seas suffer a proportionate 378 BABIANT HEAT. chap. xxii. depression. The reader cannot fail to perceive the important bearing of these facts on the question of retardation of the earth's rotary velocity. The result of the experiments with the dynamic register proves that the rotary motion possessed by the \'apors on leaving the equatorial seas may be almost entirely destroyed by being converted into heat during their course towards the basins of the northern rivers ; hence imparting no perceptible tangential force to the earth. Accordingly, the return to the tropical seas of the water which is continually being dis- charged by the northern rivers into the polar seas will, on account of the increased velocity round the axis of rotation imparted during the southern course, subject the earth to an amount of retardation far exceeding that produced by rivers flowing towards the equator. It may be asked, under these circumstances, why the latter rivers have been tabulated and their inferior retarding energy calculated. The rivers flow- ing in the direction of the poles have been examined, tabu- lated, and their counteracting energy calculated ; but the question of attendant retardation of rotary velocity cannot properly be entertained until certain other counteracting in- fluences shall have been examined. The publication of the table containing the southern rivers has been deemed neces- sary as a 2Mini (Vappui facilitating demonstrations intended to establish the fact that, independently of the counteracting force of the tidal wave (hitherto greatly overestimated), the retarding energy called forth by the evaporation within the tropics, and the consequent condensation and precipitation CHAP. XXII. THE EAUTira AXIAL ROTATION. 379 in the temperate zones, fully account for the retardation of the earth's rotary velocity — 12 seconds in a century — inferred fi'om the apparent acceleration of the moon's mean motion. The fact being well knoA\Ti, through European and Ame- rican publications, that the results attained by the employ- ment of the instruments described in the foregoing chapters rank among the most important scientific achievements of the latter part of the first century of the American Republic, I expected that the Centennial Commissioners would invite me to display those instruments during the Exhibition, and consequently caused tlie same to be repolished and arranged for the great occasion. It is proper to state that, although not wanted by the Commissioners, the time spent in prepar- ing the collection lor exliiljition lias not been wasted, since it is my intention to present the same to the Smithsonian Institution, after the completion of certain investigations. CHAPTER XXIII. DISTANCE INSTRUMENT,* FOK MEASURING DISTANCES AT SEA. (SEE PLATE 36.) This instrument is principally intended for the use of the naval officer iu measuring the distance of an enemy's ship, to enable him to elevate his guns with precision. Modern naval tactics being principally based on distant firing, an accurate knowledge of the object to be aimed at becomes indis^jensable. Any device for obtaining it based on any process of calculation is evidently out of the question, con- sidering that a single minute will bring two approaching vessels, moving at a rate of ten knots, full a quarter of a mile nearer each other. In firing beyond point-blank range, therefore, seconds are precious in determining the elevation of the guns. Accordingly, nothing will ausAver short of an instrument which, by a single observation and the reading off at sight, tells the distance. The instrument under con- sideration meets these somewhat severe conditions perfectly, • This instniment formed part of the original equipment of the steamship Princeton. CHAP. xxm. ' DISTANCE INSTRUMENT. 381 as will be seen by tlic following explanation. An observer stationed on the maintop or cross-tree of a ^hip, k)oking at ji vessel— say a mile off— will perceive that liis line of vision, directed to the horizon, passes over the point marked by the water-line of the hull, and he will also perceive that, as the vessel approaches, that point appears to sink lower and lower below the line directed to the horizon; in other words, the angle formed by that line and the line directed to the water-line of the approaching vessel continually increases. On the other hand, if the vessel recedes, it \\\\\ be found gradually to diminish. Now, the observer's eye (see the plate before referred to) being placed at a definite height above the level of the sea, and his line of vision directed to the horizon being the tangent of the earth's curvature pass- ing through the definite point a, it follows that the angles h a c and (/ a c, respectively, will determine the distance of h and g from h, when vertical to a. Now, the earth's cui-va- ture is constant, the height of a above the level of the sea is knoAvn, and the angles h a c, etc., may be readily mea- sured b}- reflectors and the graduated arc. But there is no time for mathematical computation. The Distance Instrument, it will be seen by the following description, performs the required computation with unemng certainty whilst the observer measures the angle, and it exhibits the result the instant he has pei-formed his part. Every one familiar with nautical instniments will, by an attentive inspection of the drawing, readily understand its principle and operation; a very brief description will there- 382 DISTANCE INSTRUMENT. chap, xxiii. fore suffice. A is an ordinary reiiector, as used in quadrants ; B, the object-glass, and C, tlie sight by which the angles // a e, etc., are measured ; D, a spindle, to the end of which the reflector is firmly attached ; E, lever for turning said spindle ; F, sliding-nut made to move freely up and down in a slot at the lower end of lever E ; G, thumbscrew worldng in the sliding-nut ; H, pinion on said screw, working into cogs cut in the circumference of a graduated index-plate J ; K, socket sliding on the main stem of the instrument and supporting the frame and centre of the revolving index-plate. Before noticing the operation of the instniment, it will be necessary to point oxit the manner of graduating the index-plate. Considering the extent of the point-blank range of naval ordnance, it is evident that no distance under 400 yards need be measured : supposing, therefore, that Ti is 400 yards dis- tant fi'om h, it will be seen that the operation or I'ange of the instrument will be limited to the angle A a c, which thus determines the extent of movement or vibration of the lever E. This movement again determines the pitch of the thumb- screw and the relative diameter of the pinion, it being evident that the extreme vibration of lever E should not produce more than one revolution of the index-j)late. Any con- venient-sized index-plate being selected, a scale graduated into feet or yards is then constructed, corresponding to the circumference of the plate ; the mode of dividing the scale being as follows: In the first place, a base-line of 100 feet (represented hj a b in the diagram) is supposed, and the tangent a c determined accordingly. The known curve b d c CHAP. XXIII. DISTANCE IXSTFUilENT. 383 is tlieu divided into spaces h (/, , 400 yards from b. The sines of the angles 7i a c, g a c, etc., are next calculated and marked on the before-mentioned scale, and from thence ultimately transferred to the curved scale on the index-plate. The fol- lowing directions for using the instrument are deemed sufK- cient : Turn the thumbscrew until the line maiked '' horizon " is placed directly under the fixed index. Then adjust the oljject-glass by means of the set screw M, so that the real and reflected horizons come in a line. This adjustment being made, the instrument is ready for use, and need not be readjusted unless disturbed. The process of measuring the distance consists simply in turning the thumbscrew G until the reflected water-line of the object observed is brought in a line watli the real horizon seen through the object-glass. The point on the scale of the index-plate placed directly under the fixed index shows the distance desired. It must be conceded, on theoretical considerations, that if the base- line be previously known and the instniment made to cor- respond thereto, the measurement cannot fail to be accurate ; but such is the nature of this base-line that it cannot be previously known ; accordingly, the base-scale L has been introduced, by which the instrument may at all times be made to conform to the variable height of the base. It is evident that an increase of altitude would render the scale of the index-plate too short, and, on the other hand, too long if the altitude be diminished. It is also evident that by sliding the index-plate up, the effect of which 384 DISTANCE TNSTBUMENT. chap, xxiii. will be to shorten the lever E, any diminution of the base may be compensated for, and the index-plate remain very nearly correct. The sliding the index down would in like manner compensate for any increase of the base. On mathematical considerations, it is obvious, however, that this mode of compensating for variations of the base cannot be carried very far. Index-plates of different graduations will, therefore, be employed to suit the height of the masts of different classes of vessels, and the base-scale only resorted to for compensation to meet irregularities occasioned by altered draught of water, consequent on diminution of ammu- nition, stores, etc. At first sight, it would appear that the base employed in this instrument is not sufficiently definite or accurate ; on due consideration, however, it will be found to be fully as definite as required. In the first place, the height of the maintop, cross-tree, or other point of a shiji above the bottom of the keel may be ascertained to an inch, and, when once known, may be re- corded, as well as tonnage, length, beam, etc. Secondly, the draught of water amidships is ahvays known to a careful commander, within two inches or less. Tlie draught of water, being deducted from the height above the keel, establishes the altitude above the water-line. The height of the obser- ver's eye — ordinarily five feet six inches — being next added, determines the base Avithin an inch or two. So far, then, the accuracy is all that can be desired for practical pur- poses. The effect of the rolling of the ship, Avhich at sea always takes place to some extent, next demands attention. cuAi'. xxiii. uiiiTAMi: lysxnuMEyr. 385 It would be au extreme ciise to suppose the observer tossed through uu arc of 20 feet whikt taking au observation — viz., 10 feet on each side of the vertical line. On cakuhition, it will be found that sucdi oscillati(tu would t>nly produce a depression of six inches at the loiccd point. Finally, the rising and falling of the sliip deserves to be noticed. The vertical movement of the inidaliip hoilij, being at all times surprisingly small, \vill be found quite unimportant at times when the Distance Instrument is likely to be wanted. Again, as each observation only i-equires a feAV sect)nds, it may be frc(piently repeated. It is proper to add that an error <»f 6 inches in a base of 100 feet, and which will not ordi- narily occur, only causes an error of distance of nine yards in a mile. CHAPTER XXIY. THE STEAM FIEE-ENGINE. (SEE PLATE 37.) The Mechanics' Institute of New York offered its great gold medal, in January, 1840, as a prize for the best plan of a steam fire-engine. Having several years previously de- signed such machines in England, among which may be mentioned the steam fire-engine employed during the mem- orable fire at the Argyle Rooms in London, in 1830 (the first time fii-e had ever been extinguished by the mechanical power called forth by fire), I had no difficulty in producing plans complying with the conditions of the Mechanics' In- stitute in a manner warranting the award of the prize offered. The following description — reference being had to the illustration on PI. 37 — shows the detail of the steam fire- engine thus accepted by the Mechanics' Institute of New York. A, double-acting force-pump, composed of gun-metal, CHAP. XXIV. THE STEAM FIHE-EXGINE. 387 firmly secured to the carriage-frame by four strong brackets cast on its sides ; a a, suction-valves ; a' a', suction-passages leading to tlie cylinder; a", clianibur containing the suction- valves, to which chamber are connected suction-pipes a'" a'", the hose being attached to the latter by screw-couplings in the usual manner, and closed by the ordinary screw-cap. Tlie delivery-valves and passages at the top of the force- pump are similar to the suction-valves and passages men- tioned. B, the air-vessel, composed of copper, its form being spherical ; l> h, delivery-pipes, to which the hose is attached. "Wlu'u only one jet is required, the opposite pipe may be closed by a screw-cap, as usual. The piston of the force- pump is provided with double leather packing, the piston- rod being nuide of copper. C, boiler, constructed on the liiineiple of the oi'dinary locomotive boiler, containing an adequate number of tubes of suitable diameter. The top of the steam-chamber and the horizontal part of the boiler is covered w'ith wood as usual, in order to prevent loss of heat by radiation, c, fire-door ; c', ash-pan ; c", box attached to end of boiler, enclosing the exit of the tubes. The hot air from the tubes entering this box is passed off through a smoke-pipe c'", the exit of which makes a half-spiral turn round the air-vessel, as shown in the illustration, e"", iron brackets, riveted to the boiler and supported by the carriage- frame. C'*, a wrought-iron brace, bolted to the carriage-frame, for supporting the horizontal part of the boiler. E, vertical ])ipe attached to the top of the steam-chamber, containing a conical steam-valve e, and also the safety-valve e' / e", 388 THE STEAM FIBE-ENGINE. chap. xxiv. regulating screw and handle, connected to the steam-valve, for admitting or shutting off the steam ; ossible in practice. The recent trial of the Lancaster gun, when subjected to the unavoidable oscillation of a small vessel, may be cited as proof. Short range, " close quarters," will remove both difliculties, as it admits of lai'ge and heavy projectiles being employed, and because it ensures accurate aim. Besides these advantages, a near approach to the enemy renders attack under water practicable. These facts establish the following propositions : 1st, a complete system of naval attach demands a self-moving vessel capable of passing witliiii range of guns of forts, and of moving at pleasure in defiance of the fire of broadsides. 2dly, with a vessel of such properties, a complete offensive system further requires adequate means of throwing projectiles of large size with absolute precision at short ranges, either point-blank or at very great elevation ; the means of projecting shells (movable torpedoes) under water at short distances being also indispensable. 3dly. These conditions being fulHlled, the system yet demands a projectile that will infallibly explode at the instant of contact. Accordingly, the writer has directed his e.xperiments and laboi-s to the solution of the following problems: I. A self- moving shot-proof vessel. II. An instrument capable of projecting very large shells at slow velocities, but very accu- rately, in accordance with previously-determined rate. III. A shell not subject to any rotation in the direction of its course, and so contrived as to explode with infallible cer- tainty at the instant of contact. IV. A sliell (toipedo) 412 EEVOLVING CUPOLA VESSEL. chap, xxviii. capable of being projected under water, and certain to ex- plode by contact, together witb an instrument for projecting sucli a shell from the vessel at a certain depth below the water-line. The nature of the practical solution of the above prob- lems will be readily comprehended by referring to the illus- trations (see Plate 42). A brief extract of the document forwarded to the Emperor will therefore suffice. The vessel to be composed entirely of iron. The mid- ship section is triangular, with a broad, hollow keel, loaded with about 200 tons of cast-iron blocks to balance the heavy upper works. The ends of the vessel are moderately sharp. The deck, made of plate iron, is curved both longi- tudinally and transversely, the curvature being 5 feet ; it is made to project 8 feet over the rudder and propeller. The entire deck is covered with a lining of sheet iron 3 inches thick, with an opening in the centre 16 feet diameter. Over this opening is placed a semi-globular turret of plate iron 6 Inches thick, revolving on a vertical column by means of steam-po^ver and appropriate gear-"\voi'k. The vessel is pro- pelled by a powerful steam-engine and screw-propeller. Air for the combustion in the boilers and for ventilation within the vessel is supplied by a large self-acting centrifugal blower, the fresh air being drawn in through numerous small holes in the turret. The products of combustion in the boilers and the impure air from the vessel are forced out through conductors leading to a cluster of small holes in the deck and tiUTet. Surrounding objects are viewed through CHAP. XXVIII. REVOLVING CUPOLA VESSEL. 413 small perforations at appropriate places. Reflecting telescopes, capable of being pi-otriuled or witbtlrawn at pleasure, also afford a distinct view of surrounding objects. The rudder- stock passes tbrougb a water-tigbt stufliug-box, so as to admit of the helm being worked within the vessel. Shot striking the deck are deflected, whilst shell exploding on it will prove harmless. Tube for projecting the shells to be made of cast iron or brass, 20 inches bore, 2 inches thick, and 10 feet long. It is ojien at one end, the other end being closed by a door moving on hinges provided with a cross-bar and set- screw, in order to be quickly opened and afterwards fli-mly secured. The shell is inserted through this door, and pro- jected by the direct action of steam admitted from the boiler of the vessel through a large opening at the breech. The induction-valve is made with a double face of large areas, and moved by mechanism of instantaneous action, susceptible of accurate regulation in regard to opening. One tube of the above description is placed on a level on the platfonn of the revolving tun-et. Two similar tubes are placed in the body of the vessel, at a fixed inclination of 22 deg., revolving on vertical pivots. These tubes are supplied with steam through the centre of their vertical pivots, the admis- sion of steam being regulated as before described. The plan of throwing shells of several hundred pounds by the direct power of steam of ordinary pressure, demands special notice. Without reference to the result of actual trial, a brief investigation of the theoiy on which the plan 414 BEVOLVINQ CUPOLA VESSEL. chap, xxviii. is based will show that shells of enormous size may be pro- jected with uuerriug precision. The Shell, composed of cast iron, is formed as delineated.* A groove is made round the circumference at right angles to the axis, into which an india-rubber ring is inserted to form a steam-tight joint when the shell is put into the tube. In order effectually to prevent rotation in the line of flight, a tail in the form of a cross, composed of thin plate-iron, is attached to the shell. Opposite to this tail a cavity is formed, into which a cylindrical hammer is inserted. A peroussion-wafer is placed under the hammer, which, being always in advance of the shell, is struck at the instant of contact, infallibly causing an explosion. The Hydrostatic Javelin (torpedo-carrier), for convey- ing the shell (torpedo) under water, consists of a cylindrical block of light wood, 16 inches diameter, 10 feet long. At one end of this block a 16-inch shell is attached, charged ■with powder, and furnished with a percussion-hammer, as above described. The other end of the block is pointed and loaded at the under-side sufficient to balance the instrument perfectly. The displacement being 1,000 pounds, the weight of the whole is made to correspond accurately, in order to ensure perfect suspension in the water. The javelin (torpedo- carrier), when required, is passed through the vessel's bow or side by means of a short tube, as shown by the drawing, the water from the sea being kept out during the insertion * Unfortunately, the copies of this and other delineations referred to have been lost, henc3 cannot be presented in this work. CHAP, xxviii. BEVOLVIXQ CUPOLA VESSEL 416 by the obvious means of a slide-valve. The javelin (torpedo- carrier) is projected — pushed out — by means of a rod attached to the piston of a steam-cylinder of 18 inches diameter, 3 feet stroke. A force of 10,000 pounds acting through 3 feet is more than sufficient to propel the javelin 200 feet, at an average velocity of 12 feet per second. The javelin (torpedo- carrier) is readily kept at any particular depth during its progress by a simple application of the hydrostatic pressure on a tail or radder acting in the horizontal plane. The load inserted at the tail end of the javelin (torpedo-conductor) to balance the shell (torpedo) being applied at the bottom, the instrument cannot turn in the water. CONCLUDING REMARKS. This new system of naval attack will place an entire fleet of sailing vessels, during calms and light winds, at the mercy of a single craft. "Boarding" as a means of defence will be impracticable, since the turret guns, which turn like the spokes in a wheel, commanding every point of the com- pass at once, may keep off and destroy any number of boats by firing slugs and combustibles. The loading at the breech and the dispensing Avith sponging ensures a rapidity in the discharge of missiles quite irresistible in an attempt at boarding. A fleet at anchor might be fired and put in a sinking condition before being able to get under way. Of what avail would be the " steam guard-ships " if at- tacked on the new system ? Alas ! for the " wooden walls " that formerly "ruled the waves." The long-range Lancaster gun would scarcely hit the revolving iron turret once in 416 BEVOLYING CUPOLA VESSEL. chap, xxviii. six hours, and tlieii, six cliances to one, its shot or shell Avould be deflected hy the varying angles of the face of the impregnable globe. When ultimately struck at I'ight angles, the globe, which weighs upwards of 40 tons, Avill be less affected by the shock than a heavy anvil by the blow of a hammer. Cousequentl}', a cast-iron shot would crumble to pieces, whilst an exploding shell would strew the arched deck with harmless fragments. During contest the revolving turret should be kept in motion, the port-holes being turned away from the opponent except at the moment of discharge, which, however, should be made during full rotation, as the lateral aim in close quarters requires Ijut little precision.*'" * Captain Coles, of the British Navy, having claimed priority of invention, the following statement was published in various nautical and mechanical journals (1863) : " Absurdity of Captain Coles's Claim. — Captain Coles states, in a letter to the Times of April 5, 1863, that his experience in the Baltic and Black Seas, in 1855, suggested to him the idea of buUding impregnable vessels, and that, towards the latter part of that year, he had ' a rough model made by the carpenter of the Strom- boli,' and that he ])roposed to protect the guns by a stationary shield or cupola. Captain Coles, it appears, met with no encouragement from the Admiralty, and there- fore consulted Mr. Brunei, the celebrated engineer, who warmly embraced the plan. ' He did more,' says Captain Coles in his letter to the Times : ' he assisted me in my calculations, and gave me the aid of his draughtsmen.' Captain Coles further states that, notwithstanding oflficial neglect, he persevered, and in March, 1859, produced drawings of a ' shield fitted with turn-tables.' Lastly, in December, 1860, Captain Coles published in Blachvood's Ilagazine drawings of his ' gun-shield and revolving platform,' the platform being turned by manual power only." CHAPTER XXIX. SURFACE-CONDENSER, OPERATED BY INDEPENDENT STEAM- POWER. (SEE PLATE 43.) The following is an exact copy of the description accom- panpng the patent granted by the United States (1849) for the independent-action condenser illustrated on the plate re- ferred to : Fig. 1 is a longitudinal vertical section ; Fig. 2, a cross- section of the condenser taken at the line (X X) of FiPLICATI0N OF HEATED AIR AS A JIOTOK. (SEE PLATES 44 AND 45.) Engineers are aware tliat I built a caloric engine in London, 1833, operated by heated atmospheric air; Faraday, Ure, and Lardner taking great interest in the same in con- sequence of its being based on the principle of returning, at each stroke of the working piston, the heat not convei-ted into mechanical work during the previous stroke. After my arrival in this country, 1839, I prosecuted the plan and built several caloric engines in succession, all of which promised ultimate success. At each step the dimensions were enlarg- ed, until I produced an experimental engine, in 1831, having two working cylinders of seventy-two inches diameter, two feet stroke, and two compressing cylinders of fifty-eight inches diameter (see illustrations on Plates 44 and 45). The lead- ing feature of this large caloric engine was that of cii'culating 426 THE CALOBIG ENGINE. chap. xxx. the heated air, as it passed oft' from the Avorkiug cylinder, throiio'h a series of Avire discs coutaiiiiuo- au aow'eii'ate of 13,520,000 meshes for each woi'king cylindei'. The cold air iu entering the engine was admitted through the meshes of the heated discs, taking up nearly the whole of the heat previously imparted by the exhaust air iu its passage through the meshes, on its way to the atmosphere. DESCRIPTION OF THE ILLtTSTEATIONS KEFEBEED TO.* Fig. 1 represents a ti'ansverse section, and Fig. 2 a longi- tudinal section of the engine. a, aii'-receiver. h h, supply-cylinder, e', self-acting valve for letting air into, and e" self-acting valve for letting air out of, the same, c, supply-piston ; g\ piston-rod of the same, connected to the working-beam of the engine, d d, work- ing-cylinder ; d' d', holes at the junction of the two cylinders, through which the atmospheric air passes in and out freely. e e, working-piston ; d" d", rods connecting the two pistons together, e'", air-tight vessel, suspended below the working- piston, filled with clay and charcoal to prevent transmission of heat from below, f f, regenerator ; f, discs of wire-net, placed vertically in the regenerator-box. g, valve, Avoi'ked by the engine, for admitting air into the regenerator and working-cylinder ; h, valve for letting air out of the same. i i, pipe, open to the atmosphere, for carrying off the air after having passed through the engine ; h, fire-place. The operation of the engine is briefly as follows : A slow * Copied from Appleion's Magazine of 1853. cn.vr. XXX. THE CALORIC ENGINE. 427 fire being kept up at h for alxiut two lioiiis, until the various parts contained within the hriek-woi'k isliall liave become moderately heated, the air-receiver is charged by means of a haud-pnmp. As soon as the internal pressure shall have reached about six pounds to the scpiare inch — invai'iably effected in less than two minutes — tlie liand-pump is stopped, and the valve g opened by a starting levei-, as in steam-engines; the compressed air from the receiver, thus admitted under the valve g, rushes through the partially heated wires /' into the working-cylinder, forcing its piston e upwards, as also the supply-piston c, by means of the con- necting-rods d" d". The atmospheric air contained in the upper part of cylinder h will, by this upward movement of the supply-piston, l)e forced througli the valve e" into the air- receiver. When the working-piston has reached three- fourths of the full stroke, the valve g is closed by the engine ; and when the piston has arrived at the full np-stroke, the valve li is opened. A free coininniiication with the atmo- sphere being thereby established by means of the open pipe i i, the air under the w^orking-piston passes off, and, owung to the removal of pressure under the working-piston, it will instantly begin to descend by its ow'u ^veight. The heated air from under the working-piston, in pass- ing off through the ^vires f, gives out its caloric to the same so effectually that, on reaching the thermometer in, the temperature never e.vceeds that of the entering air at 7 b}' ' more than 30°; on the other hand, the cold air from the receiver, in circulating through the meshes of w^ires in its 428 TEE GALOBIC ENGINE. chap. xxx. passage to tlie working cylinder, becomes so effectually heated that, on passing n, its temperature is invariably increased to upwards of 450° wlien tlie machine is in full operation. It is evident that during the descent of the supply-piston G the outlet valve e" remains closed by the pressure from the receiver, whilst the inlet valve e' is kept open by suction, and hence that a fresh quantity of atmospheric air enters the supply-cylinder at each down-stroke of its piston, and by the up-stroke is forced into the receiver. There being two supply-cylinders of alternating action, a constant supply of fresh air into the receiver is obtained for feeding the working-cylinders. It need hardly be stated that the smaller quantity ob- tained by the supply-cylinder suffices to fill the larger capacity of the working-cylinder, in consequence of the in- crease of volume attending the increase of temperature ; nor need it be stated that an equal amount of force is exerted by the up-and-down movement, as there are two pairs of cylinders attached at opposite ends of a common working- beam. The foregoing description being deemed sufficient to ex- plain the mechanical operation of the engine, the result of its prolonged trial may now be considered ; but, before doing so, it will be well to state some particulars in relation to the regenerator. The regenerator measures 26 inches in height and width internally ; each disc of Avire contains G76 superfi- cial inches, and the net has 10 meshes to the inch ; each CHAP. XXX. THE CALOEIG EXGINE. 429 superficial inch, therefore, contains 100 meshes, which, multi- plied by 676, gives 67,600 meshes in each disc; 200 discs being employed, it follows that each regenerator contains 13,520,000 meshes, and, consequently, if we consider that there are as many small spaces hehceen the discs as there are meshes, we shall find that the air within the regene- rator is distributed in 27,000,000 minute cells. Theory clearly indicates that, owing to the small capacity for heat of atmospheric air (that beneficial property which the Great Mechanician gives to it as a fit medium for animated loann beings to live in), and in consequence, also, of the almost infi- nite subdivision among the wires, the temperature of the circulating air, in passing through the regenerator of the caloric engine, must be greatly changed. Practice has fully realized all that theory predicted, for the temperatures at x and z have never varied during the trials less than 350°, when the engine has been in full operation ; indeed, it has been found impossible to obtain a differential tenijjerature of less magnitude, with sufficient fii'es in the furnaces. The reason is evident : the cold air from the receiver is half the time playing upon the wire discs at x, whilst the heated air from the working-cylinder is playing during the other half on the wire discs at z ; as no heated air can reach the former without passing througb the regenerator, and as no cold air can reach the discs at z before likewise passing all the ^dres, it follows that the establishing an equi- librium of temperature becomes impossible. The great num- ber of discs, their isolated character, anil the before-named 430 THE CALORIC ENGINE. chap. xxx. distribution of tlie air in sucli a vast number of minute cells, readily explain the surprising fall and increase of tempera- ture of tbe opposite currents passing the regeneratoi', and 'which constitutes the grand feature of the caloric engine, effecting, as it does, such an extraordinary saving of fuel by rendering the caloric not converted into mechanical Avork active over and over again. In further explanation of the wonderful efficiency of the regenerator, it may be stated that each disc contains 1,140 feet of wire in length, and each regenerator 228,000 feet, or 41^ miles, of Avire; the superficial measurement of which is 2,014 square feet, Avhich is equal to the entire surface of four steam-boilers forty feet long and four feet diameter; and yet the regenerator displaying that amount of heating surface is only two feet cube, less than rsVir of the bulk of said boilers ! In ]'egard to loss of Jieat, the result of ample trial has been that at no time has the temperature of the escaping air at m exceeded that of the entering air at I by more than 30°. As this differential temperature exhibits the positive loss of Iieat, it becomes important to ascertain its amount in pounds of coal : the area of the supply-piston is 2,626 square inches, and its stroke two feet ; hence 36to cubic feet of atmospheric air is supplied for each stroke, and therefore at 30 strokes 1,092 cubic feet, and for both cylinders 2,184 cubic feet per minute = 131,040 cubic feet per hour. The Aveight of atmospheric air is nearly 13i cubic feet to the pound, and hence it Avill be seen that 9,706 pounds of air CUAI'. XXX. TUE CALOUIC EiiGlKE. 431 pass tlirougli the engine every liuiir. We kuo\v tliat one pound of coal will raise tlie temperature of 10 pounds of water 1,100', while the specific heat of water is to that of the air as I'li : 100; hence it will be seen that 38iV pounds of air will be elevated in temperature 1,100° with one pound of coal. Now, the observed loss of heat in the engine being 30°, the fact will be established that the loss will amount to one pound of coal for every 1,408 pounds of air passed through the engine, \vhich, on 9,706 pounds, proves the actual loss of heat in both regeneratoi-s to be only 6^u pounds of coal 2)er hour. A pressure of 13 pounds being sustmned in the receiver, exerting GO horse-power with an actual waste of only G.8 pounds per hour, it \vill be found that Iwo ounces of coal per hour per horse-power is the quantity of fuel absolutely wasted in the process of transfer. The actual consumption of the engine is, however, nearly 4:0 pounds per hour, which is thus proved by the foregoing to be chieily carried off by radiation of heat. On a large scale much of that radiation \v\\\ be prevented. As the machine stands, an indicated horse-power is produced by a consumption of less than 11 ounces to the horse-power per hour. The following particulars are of considerable practical importance : Ist. The valves g and h are not subjected to heat, the calo- ric being taken up by the wires before reaching the valves. 2d. The temperature of the packing of the working-pistons does not exceed boiling heat at any time, proving the efficacy of the heat-intercepter e'". 432 TEH CALOEIC ENGINE. chap. xxx. 3d. As only a slow radiating fire is needed, it has been found that common whitewash, applied to the under side of the heater, remains for several weeks, proving conclusively that the effect of the heat is quite harmless. 4th. A hole of half an inch diameter, kept open for several hours, in the valve-chest, under the inlet-valve g, does not sensibly aflfect the pressure in the receiver a, so abundant is the supply of air. This fact has surprised all practical men who have witnessed the operation of the en- gine. It proves completely that the machine need not be perfectly air-tight, as supposed by many. 5th. After putting a moderate quantity of fuel into the furnace, it has been found that the engine works with full power for three hours without fresh feed, and, after remov- ing the fires entirely, it has frequently worked for one hour. The regularity of action and perfect working of every part of this experimental engine, and, above all, its apparent great economy of fuel, induced some enterprising merchants of New York, in the latter part of 1851, to accept my pro- position to construct a ship for navigating the ocean propelled by paddle-wheels actuated by the caloric engine. This work was commenced forthwith, and pushed with such vigor that within nine months from commencing the construction of the machinery, and within seven months from laying the keel, the j)addle-wheels of the caloric ship Ericsson tui'ued round at the dock ! In view of the fact that the engines consisted of four working-cylinders of 168 inches diameter, 6 feet stroke, and foiir air-compressing cylinders of 137 inches dia- CHAP. XXX. THE CALORIC ENGINE. 433 meter, 6 feet stroke, it may be claimed that, in point of mag- nitude and rapidity of construction, the motive machinery of the caloric ship stands uin-Ivalled in the annals of marine engineering. It may be added that the principal eugineei's of New York all expressed the opinion that a better speci- men of ^vorkIllalls^lip than that presented by the huge engines of the caloric ship had not been produced by our artisans up to that time. The following data, published in Appletons' Meclicmic^ Magazine, will interest the professional reader: DnCENSIONS OF THE ERICSSOM', Length on deck, 260 feet Length of keel, ..... 250 " Breadth of beam, 40 " Depth of hold, .... 27 " Draught of water on trial-trip. 17 " Diameter of wheels, ..... 32 " Length of bucket, lOi " Breadth of bucket, .... 20 ins. Dip of wheel (supposed about), 2 feet ENGINES. Number of working-cylinders or single-acting air-engines, ...... 4 Diameter, . 168 inches. Area of piston, ..... 22167.07 sq. in. Stroke, 6 feet. 434 THE GALOEIO ENGINE. CHAP. XXX. Portion of stroke from commencement at which air is " cut off " (about), . . t^ Cubical contents of each working-cylinder, 1596024 cub. in. Cubical contents of t^ of working-cylinder, 995495 " Number of suppl3'-c}linders or single-acting pumps, 4 Diameter, ...... Area of jjiston or plunger, Stroke, necessarily, ..... Cubical contents of each pump. Number of regenerators, Number of discs of iron-wire netting in each regenerator, Height of each disc, .... Width, Size of wire, ...... Eatio of area of openings in the netting to total area of disc, ..... Total area of opening of " air- way " through n n- 6X4 each disc, = 12 sq. ft. Greatest or total heat .of air in working- cylinder above atmosphere, . . . 384° F. Heat of issuing air above atmosphere, . . 30° F. Pressure necessary to move the engine, . i lb. Coal consumed in the four furnaces per day, 6 tons. Maximum coal possible to consume in the four furnaces per day, .... 7 " 137 inches . 14741 sq. in. •6 feet. 1061352 cub. in 4 1 50 6 feet. 4 a tV incli. i to 1 CUA1>. XXX. TUi: CALORIC EyuLSE. 435 Number of smoke-pipes, ..... 2 Number uf alr-pipet<, ..... 2 Height oi each smoki- ami air pipe above deck, 1-* feet. Diameter " " " " 30 inches. Amount of air passing through the four cylin- ders per houi', ...... 50 to 75 tons. Depth of ^vorking•piston, or thickness, . . 6 feet. Thickness of cylinder-bottom, . . . 1^ inches. Distance of grate from bottom of cjdinder, . 5 feet. Ordinary pressure of the engine per sq. incli, 12 lbs. Actual pressure on the second trial-trip, Jan- uary 11, • . . 8 " Number of revolutions under pressure of 8 lbs. on trial trip, ..... 9 Number of revolutions expected with 12 lbs. pressure, . . . . . . . 12 Miles per hour obtained on trial-trip, Jan- uary 11, allowing for tide, etc., . . 7 Miles per hour expected with 12 lbs. pressure, 10 to 12 Number of meshes in each disc, . . . 500000 Temperature in working-cylinder, 60° + 384° = 444° Common temperature of the atmosphere (usual assumption), 60° Specific heat of air — water being 1000, . . .2669 Common pressure of air per square inch ~ 14.73 lbs., say 15 lbs. Weight per cubic foot, common pressure and temperature = .0752914 ll>.s., say . . 1*3 lb. 436 THE OALOBIO ENGINE. chap. xxx. Density of air, temperature remaining con- stant, is directly as tlie pressure. Weight per cubic foot, at 12 lbs. pressure, common temperature, .... t¥j Expansion of air at 32° for each degree add- ed, according to Rudberg, . . . ri? Dalton and Gay-Lussac, .00208 ; Regnault, rh ; common estimate, .... rh Expansion of air at 60°, for the 384° added, |f| Density of air at (60° + 384° =) 444°, com- n . n • o 508 pared with air at 60 , as . . . „„ , to 1 ^ 508 + 384 Weight of a cubic foot at 12 lbs. pressure, temperature 444° = M X AV = . . tVWA lb. Weight of 995495 cubic inches at 12 lbs. pres- sure, temperature 444° = HffF X tWs^o = 46 lbs. Therefore, air passed through each cylinder each stroke, . . . . . , 46 " Weight of 1061352 cubic inches, at common temperature and pressure = ^ Wh^i ^ X ^ — 47.153 lbs. Therefore, air passed each pump each stroke, 47 " Allowance made for clearance, leakage, etc., per stroke, 47 — 46 = . . . . 1 lb. Units of heat required to raise 47 lbs. air 384° = 47 X 384 X .2669 = . . . . Units of heat retained by the 47 lbs. on es- caping = 47 X 30 X .2669 = . . . Units of heat transferred each stroke, , 4817 units. 376 11 4441 li CIIAP. XXX. THE CALORIC ENGINE. 437 Absolute theoretical consumption of heat per stroke, per cylinder, ..... Mean pressure, per square inch, on ^vorkiug■ piston, allowing for continued addition of heat while expanding, initial pressure being 13 lbs., about Mean force acting upon working-piston, 10.8 X 22167 = Mean resistance per square inch to supply pis- ton, commencing with and increasing to 12 lbs., at which pressure it continues to end of stroke. [The mean resistance in compressing an elas- tic fluid may be found by reversing the ordinary calculation on expansive working. The hyp. log. of M is .588] 1.588 X 12 X H = Mean resistance against supply-piston 10.55 X 14741 = Balance tending to move the engine, 239403 - 155598 = Units of power theoretically obtainable per stroke = 83805 X G = Units of power theoretically obtainable from each unit of heat, 37G units. 10.8 lbs. 239403.6 " 10.55 lbs. 155598 " 83805 " 502830 units. 1337 The ship after completion made a successful trip from New York to Washington and back during the winter season ; but the average speed at sea proving insufficient for com- 438 THE CALOIUC EXGINE. chap. xxx. mercial purposes, the owners, v^'ith regret, acceded to my proposition to remove the costly machinery, although it had proved perfect as a mechanical combination. The resources of modern engineering having been exhausted in producing the motors of the caloric shij?, the important question has for ever been set at rest : Can heated air as a mechanical motor compete on a large scale with steam ? The commercial world is indebted to American enterprise — to New York enterprise — for having settled a question of such vital im- portance. The marine engineer has thus been encouraged to renew his efforts to perfect the steam-engine, without fear of rivalry from a motor depending on the dilatation of atmospheric air by heat. The engines of the caloric ship being an exact counter- j)art of the experimental engine of 1851, excepting dimensions, a description has been deemed superfluous. It may be men- tioned, however, that the pair of engines in the caloric ship actuated a single crank in the middle of the paddle-shaft by connecting-rods working at right angles on a common crank-pin, as in all my marine engines. CHAPTER XXXI. CALOKIC ENGINE FOR DOMESTIC PUEPOSES. (SEE PLATE 46.) Although the caloric engine has proved inapplicable to navigation, it has been found to be of very great utility as a domestic motor, and for all pui-poses demanding a small amount of motive power. The following interesting article from the New York Tri- hune of May 5, 1860, shows how rapidly the caloric engine was adopted after its adaptation to domestic purposes : ■ THE NEW MOTOR. "It is some eighty-six yeai-s since ^Ir. Boulton, at the great steam-engine works of Soho, made use of the memorable expression to Eoswell : ' I sell here, sir, what all the world desires to have — Poweu.' The mechanical world has been occupied from that time to the present \vith this problem of power, and mechanical ingenuity has tasked and exhausted 440 TEE DOMESTIC CALORIC ENGINE. CHAP. XXXI. itself witli efforts to construct a macliine that sliould prove an efficient auxiliary or rival of the steam-engine. And it is most extraordinary that, notwithstanding the amount of inventive genius and science that has been expended in this special field of labor, literally nothing had been accomplished of any practical importance till Ericsson produced the caloric engine, in the particular form and with the peculiar devices which distinguish it from all the engines actuated by heat, that have been built at such an enormous expense of time and money. " Motive engines of a moderate or even of a small power play a very important part in the economy of human life. The frightful horrors of the slave-trade ; the scarcely less frightful hoi'rors of the traffic in Coolies; nay, the haggard features and jaded limbs that, in our great cities more espe- cially, speak so distinctly of over-wrought human labor, and cry out so emphatically for relief — all these demonstrate that a compact, manageable, safe, and economical motor, adequate to the work of a single slave or Cooly, or overtasked white man or white woman, would do more to mitigate the suffer ing and diminish the drudgery of mankind than any other conceivable invention. After all the enormous accumula tions of steam-power, water-power, wind-power, and horse power, and their vast achievements, by how much the larger amount of power exercised in the world is the aggregate result of individual force applied to the thousands of little things that occupy the human family in the daily routine of living! Combine these forces, and what a stupendous whole CHAP. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALORIC EXdlNE. 441 tliey exhibit ! Make au availal)le motor that shall be of oue-inan power, and what a result is obtained ! Make a motor pei-fectly safe, easily kept in order, requiring no water, and consuming but little fuel, of the power of a single horse, to what an extent the aggregate result is augmented, and what an importance in human affairs such a machine assumes ! " If Ericsson's caloric engine, then, claimed to be nothing but such a motor, it would be a subject well deserving the most earnest and serious investigation ; but the proof is accu- mulated, of a nature that compels belief and defies contra- diction, which demonstrates the existence in this engine of a power entirely sufficient for all but a very few of the thousand uses for which power is requii'ed. " It is not material to our pur2:)ose to indulge in any retrospective review of Ericsson's labors. It is well known that this grand invention has occui:)ied thirty years of his life, during which he has built many engines of the largest size and uncounted experimental engines of smaller power. "We have seen an official statement in relation to an engine put up about a year since to supply the locomotives at the South Groton Station, on the Fitchburg Railroad. From April, 1859, to April, 1860, this engine pumped 1,600,000 gal- lons of water, at an expense to the company for fuel and oil of $25, and for an ' engineer ' $25, and has not cost one cent for alteration or repairs. "A result more irapoitant, in view of the number of engines employed, is exhibited on the New York Central Railroad, on the line of which there are now some twenty 442 THE DOMESTIC CALORIG ENOTNE. chap. xxxi. of ttese engines in daily use. Mr. Chaimcey Vibbard, the Superintendent of that road, reports, over his official signa- ture, after several months' experience with a number of these engines, that they peiform an ' incredible ' amount of labor 'for the small quantity of fuel consumed.' One of them, he says, for t\V of a cent per hour, does the woi'lv formerly done by foxir men at an expense of $25 each per month. Another, of the same size, at the Savannah Station, at an ex- pense of eleven cents a day, does the work of five men ^vho received $125 a month. Other engines have been erected on several other I'ailroads for pumping purposes with the same favorable result. "The second application of the caloric engine was to the driving of printing-presses. The first trial of the engine for this purpose was made in the office of the Hartford Itnies ; the first that was entirely successful was made in the office of T. W. Strong, No. 98 Nassau Street, in this city. The next engine built was set up in the office of Messrs. French & Wheat, No. 18 Ann Street, and the third in the office of Mr. C. C. Shelley, a job-printer in Barclay Street. The result has been the adoption of the engine in numerous job-offices in every part of the country. There are now no less tlian forty daily papers in the United States printed by Ericsson's engines, most of them of 24-inch, but three or four of 12 and 18 inch cylinders. One of the most recent testimonials to its value is fi-om the proprietor of the Savannah Evening Express, who states that lie regards it as the most perfect and economical motive power ever applied." CUAP. XXXI. TIIK DOMESTIC CALORIC EXGIXE. 443 Several tLousand caloric engines were subsequently con- structed in this country and in Europe ; but steam-engineers, finding by the extraordinary demand for caloric engines that very moderate power A\as a great desideratum, have pei-fected the steam-motor until it almost rivals the caloric engine iu sjxfety and adaptability ; consequently, the demand for caloric engines has been greatly diminished of late. Yet this motor can never be superseded by the steam-engine, since it requires no water, besides being absolutely safe fi'om explosion. There are innumerable localities in which an adequate quantity of water cannot be obtained, but \vliere the necessities of civi- lized life call for mechanical motors ; hence the caloric engine may be regarded as an institution inseparable from civiliza- tion. It should be stated that the caloric engine has been found to furnish the only rt'liable motive power for operating the fog-signals on our coasts. The following statement, pre- sented to the Light-House Board, sets forth very clearly the advantages of the air motor for the purpose mentioned : With reference to the important question whether steam is a proper motive power for actuating the mechanism con- nected with fog-signals, I beg to express the opinion that unless a safer motor can be found than the steam-engine — more particularly a high-pressure steam-engine — the great practical benefit which you expect from the contemplated system of fog-signals will never be realized. My reason for expressing this opinion will be found in the following brief summary: 1. A high-pressure steam-boiler, even when sup- plied w ith pure, fresh water, is an apparatus which demands 444 THE DOMESTIC CALOIilC ENGINE. CHAP, xxxi, the constant attention of an experienced person. Considering that any neglect in keeping up the feed in the boiler will inevitably result in an explosion, it is highly imprudent and scarcelj- humane to put such an instrument in the hands of a light-house keeper. Let us reflect on the well-known fact that when a boiler foams even the practised engineer is sometimes at a loss to determine the height of water within. 2. Apart from the difficulty and danger thus alluded to, another circumstance presents itself connected with the em- ployment of steam, which is practically insuperable, viz., that brackish or salt ^vater must be resorted to in most localities. Accordingly, unless a certain quantity of the salt water is regularly drawn off and replaced by water less impregnated with saline matter, the boiler will, at best, be rendered useless by the dej)osit formed. In most cases the first warning to the unskilful light-house keeper will pro- bably be the explosion of the boiler. In connection with this most important matter, I cannot omit adverting to the fact that the employment of salt water for land engines attended by skilful engineers has been found so impracticable that means of procuring fresh water — in many cases at very great cost — have been deemed indispensable. It is only in the steam-ship, where the most competent engineers are employed, provided with salinometers and other instruments, that it has been found practicable to employ salt water. But even in the steam-ship salt feed has been dispensed with by employing the surface-coudeuser as the only certain means of saving the boilers from incrustation. CHAP. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALOEIC £yGIXE. 445 3. During cold weather, another serious difficulty will be encountered if you employ steam, which calls for the application of costly and complicated conti'ivances. Unless the boiler is constantly under steam, it must be kept in some place adequately heated by stoves to prevent pumps, pipes, and cocks from freezing. Not oiil}- this, the cistern Itself, which is to supply the boiler, will, on our iuclenient coast, freeze unless warmed by some means. I need scarcely remind you that, in many localities, the entire supply of water will ^vholly fail during continued cold, dry weather. In fine, the disadvantages of steam for any general system of fog- signals are so numerous and formidable as to render the very proposition to employ that agent an absurdity. Having thus briefly disposed of the question of employ- ing steam as the motive power for actuating the machinery of your pi'oposed fog-signals, I have now to state that long practice has shown that the expansive force of heated atmo- spheric air furnishes a reliable dr// motor wholly independent of atmospheric temperature. The advantages of such a raotoi-, more especially as it requires no particular kind of fuel, are so obvious that I will not detain you by enumerating the same. Suffice it to say that it enables you to locate your fog-signal on the dry, barren rock as well as on the moist, sandy beach ; and that its efficiency is not affected by the most intense cold, and that, so far from demanding a heating apparatus during the inclement season, the light- house keeper will find it a very desirable accessory in warming his quarters. Above all, while it thus adds to his 446 THE DOMESTIC CALOBIC ENGINE. CHAP. xxxi. comfort, it carries no danger with it. The worst that can ha2:)pen is that the machine Avill stop for Avant of fuel, or that its speed will slacken for want of oil being applied to the bearings. The caloric engine is now so well known that I need not enter on a description of its construction. It will be necessary, however, to advert to the fact that the caloric engine is more bulky and of greater weight than the steam-engine, and that its cost is some 50 per cent, greater. These disadvantages, however, as regards the application to fog-signals, become trifling, in view of the before-named ad- vantages. Indeed, in many places the cost of procuring a suital)le supplj^ of water will be far greater than the differ- ence of price of engine — leaving out of sight the impossi- bility of procuring suitable water in many cases. The leading features of the domestic caloric engine will be seen by reference to Plate 46, i-epresenting a longitudinal section through the central vertical plane. Professor Bar- nard having very thoroughly examined one of these engines at the Paris Exhibition, 1867, I propose to present a copy of his re})ort : " In its present form the Ericsson engine fails to present to the observer a combination at first view easilj^ intelligible. It even seems to be characterized by a certain amount of complication, which might suggest greater liability to derange- ment than ought to belong to a prime mover. A closer examination, nevertheless, will show that the mechanism itself is in fact very simple, and that it is only the rather puzzling consecution of movements which confuses. CUAP. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALOlilC EXGINE. 447 "Before referring to the figure of this engine, which is given in the illustnition on the phite mentioned, tlie following general explanation of the mechanical principles of its con- struction will be understood. Let it be supposed that a piston moves air-tight in a cylinder which is closed at both ends. Call one end of the cylinder A, and the other B. Call the piston also C. In the end A let there be a valve opening inward, and in the end B a second valve opening outward. These two valves open, then, in absolute direction, the same \vay. Let the piston C, furthermore, have a valve opening in this common direction. Then, if the piston C move toward B, its own valve will naturally close, and that of B will open, because the movement tends to compress the air between B and C. Also the valve A will open at the same time, because the movement tends to rarefy the air between A and B. Thus, in this movement, continued to the end of the cylinder, all the air on the side toward B may be expelled; but at the same time the cylinder ■will be filled on the other side toward A, l)y the influx of air from without. If the piston C now revei-se its motion, both the valves A and B will be closed, because the movement will tend to rarefy the air on the side of B, and to con- dense it on the side of A. But its own valve will be opened by the joint effect of these causes, so that the air will pass freely thiough the piston, and, if the motion con- tinues, will ultimately be all transferred to the side of B. This operation may go on iudefinitely. " Now, if, on the side of A, the cylinder is closed by a 448 THE nOMESTTC CALORTC ENGINE. chap. xxxi. second piston (wliicli we may still call A), and not by a fixed cap, both pistons being movable, tlie same succession of occurrences will take place, only modified by the move- ments which may be given to A. If C and A both move in the direction of A, both their valves will open, and air from the exterior of the cylinder will pass throiigh both into the space between B and C. If they both move toward B, but C faster than A, then air will enter on the side of A, and flow out on the side of B, the valve C only remain- ing closed. If both move toward A, but A faster than C, air will still enter the space between C and A, while, in less quantity, it is passing through C into the space between C and B. " Let now the piston A be supposed to occupy a posi- tion, say, one-third advanced down the cylinder, the piston C being further advanced still, and let the valve of B be secured by a strong sjDring pressing upon it, so that it can- not be opened without the application of some considerable force ; and in these circumstances let the cylinder, and consequently the air contained in it, be heated. The elas- ticity of the confined air, being increased by heat, will close the valve in A, and that piston will be moved in the direc- tion of A, until, by the enlargement of volume, the elasticity shall be reduced to equality with that of the external air. If the heat be uniform throughout all the mass of confined air, the valve in C will be equally pressed on both sides. Under these circumstances, the piston C could be moved toward A, if there were any means of acting upon it, the CUAP. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALOBIC EXaiXE. 449 air passing tlirougli the valve toward B. Bnt if au attemjit were made to move the pistou itself toward B, it would encounter resistance, because its own valve would be closed by the movement, and the valve of B is supposed to be forcibly held down. Since now the external piston must move in the direction A, it is only necessary that it should be propei-ly connected with a machine, in order that the force exerted by the heated and expanding air may be turned to some practical account. " If, ao-aiu, at the end of the movement the air could be immediately cooled without being discharged, the heat could be again applied and the effort repeated. But this not being practicable, the heated air may be allowed to escape by relieving the valve B of the pressure of the spring which confines it, and by causing the piston C to descend to the extremity B of the cylinder. This movement of C not only drives out the hot air, but it draws in through A a fresh supply of cold air ; and if A descends simultaneously to the position originally supposed — i.e., one-third advanced toward B — there will be a body of air filling the other two-thirds of the cylinder at the common temperature, ready to be acted on anew by heat. " In this statement is embraced the general principle of the Ericsson engine. What remains is to explain the mechanical contrivances by which the movements of the pistons are governed, and to describe the heating apparatus which is employed to effect the prompt dilatation of the aii-. Inas- much as the piston which we have called C is shut up in 450 THE DOMESTIC CALOBIC ENGINE. chap. XXXI. the cylinder beliliul A, it is necessary that the rods which give it motion should pass through A. They do so, being- packed by means of stuffing-boxes to prevent leakage; and are connected at their external extremities with oscillating levers turning on a fixed centre of motion at their extremi- ties, and kept in motion by the engine. The rod of the external piston A, which is the driving-piston, is also con- nected with an upright oscillating lever, turning on an axis of motion at its lower extremity, and carrying at its upper a horizontal connecting-rod, which acts on the crank of the main shaft of the engine. It would be simpler to connect the piston directly with this crank ; biit if that mode of connection were adopted, the stroke of the piston would have to take place in both directions, forward and back, in equal times. This condition is not favorable to the action of the machine ; and inequality in this respect is still more important in the case of the supply-piston. The peculiar ingenuity of this machine is in fact manifested most signally at this point. By means of the systems of levers interposed between the pistons and the main shaft, provision is made for the per- fect uniformity of the revolution of the shaft, while the pistons, on the other hand, are accelerated and retarded in such a manner as to fulfil the condition that the aspiration of the charge of air should occupy the minimum of time. The oscillating levers which connect Avith the piston-rods of the stipply-piston are kept in oscillation by crank-motion from the main shaft, and in their oscillations they displace the inner piston, encountering no resistance but friction. In CHAP. xxxr. THE DOMESTIC CAUWIV EXGIXE. 461 consequence of tlie un-unifoiin ;uul unequal velocities of the two i;)istons, and their intentional adjustment, so that they do not begin and end tlieir course together, the distance between them varies in a manner which is quite important: first, to the aspiration of the charge ; and secondly, to the effectual exposure of the aspired air to the action of the furnace. " It is of coui-se of the highest importance that the posi- tions of tlie cranks on the main shaft, and those of the axes of motion of the oscillating levers, should be so related to each other as to produce a rapid separation of the two pistons at the beginning of the negative stroke; because this is the time when the aspiration of the charge must take place. During this time, the inner piston, gaining on the outer, will not only draw in the fresh charge, but it will expel the exhausted one; the escape-valve being lifted foi- the purpose and kept raised during all the period of aspira- ti(in by means of a cam. When the pistons are at the maximum distance from each otlier. the as])iration is ended. From this time until tlie half revolution is complete, the confined air undergoes compression, and the movement is maintained by the fly-wlieel. In the second half revolution the driving-piston is urged by the elasticity of the air whicli is exalted both by conqiression and by heat. " The heating is accomplished as follows : The furnace is within the cylinder, at the end which we have called B, where the cylinder is prolonged to receive it. It is of iron, and is cylindrical also, a small annular space only inter- 452 THE DOMESTIC CALOBIO ENGINE. chap. xxxi. vening between its Avails and those of the cylinder. This space is open to the interior, but is closed at the extreme end ; so that it forms, in fact, a portion of the proper air- chamber. To the supply-piston C is attached by its crown a sheet-iron cylindrical bell, which enters the annular space Just spoken of without touching the walls of the furnace or those of the surrounding cylinder. The valve in C opens above the crown of this bell ; but any air which comes through the valve from the side of A can only reach the interior by passing down the annular space between tlie bell and the cylinder Avail, and returning up the annular space between the bell and the wall of the furnace. In making this pas- sage, it Avill be exposed in a very thin sheet to the action of the furnace heat, a very large proportion of the molecules being brought into direct contact with the heated iron. " That we may understand how this movement of the air is made forcibly necessary, we need only consider the rela- tive movements of the pistons during the period of a com- plete revolution. At the beginning of the negative stroke, or of the movement of A in the direction of B, the supply- piston takes the lead, air enters through the valve of A, and the asioiration is soon complete. The distance between the two pistons, which determines the amount of aspiration, is now of course at its maximum. A next begins to gain on C, but both movements have still for a short time the same (negative) direction. The space occujDied by the air is gradually reduced; or, in other words, the air undergoes compression. The piston C reaches the limit of its course CHAP. XXXI. THE DOMEHTIC CALOBIC LXGIXE. 453 sooner than A. It begins to move in the positive direction, while the motion of A is still negative. The valve in C is opened by the pressure, the air passes through, and, having no other channel, descends the aiuiular space outside of the bell, and returns by the annular space inside the bell, becom- ing heated, as above described, in its progress. Presently after this displacement coniniences, the piston A also reaches its limit of movement, and the direction of its motion becomes positive. But C moves the faster of the two, so that the displacement continues throughout the greater part of the positive stroke. A little before the eiul, the distance between the two pistons becomes minimum, and they are then nearly in contact. ^Tien the revolution is quite complete, this dis- tance is slightly increased. Just before this time C will have recommenced its negative movement, Avhile A continues still to be moving in the positive direction. " The relative movements here described will be more ad- vantageously compared by presenting them in tabular form, which we are enabled to do by the help of the determinations made by Mr. Mastaing, of Paris, upon the Ericsson engine, which was made the subject of experiment in 1861 at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, by Mr. Tresca, sub-director of that institution. In the first column of this table are placed the angular positions of the driving-crank on the main shaft at different periods of the revolution; putting zero to rejiresent the position of the craidv when the piston A is about to commence its negative stroke. The second column gives the direction of motion of the driving-piston, 454 TEE DOMESTIC CALOEIC ENGINE. CHAP. XXXI. and its motion relative to that of tlie other ; and the third column gives the same particulars in regard to the supply- piston. The last column gives the variation of distance taking place bet^veen the two pistons at the several points indicated in the table. Angular posi- tion of the cranli. Relative motion of the pistons. Distance between the pistons. Driving-piston. Supply-piston. Degs. Oto 70 Negative, losing . . . Negative, gaining . . Increasing. 70 Negative, equal. . . Negative, equal . . . Maximum. 70 to 120 Negative, gaining. . Negative, lo.sing. . . Decreasing. 120 Negative, gaining. . Limit of course .... Decreasing. 120 to 170 Negative, contrary. Positive, contrary. Decreasing. 170 Limit of course .... Positive, gaining. . Decreasing. 170 to 310 Positive, losing. . . . Positive, gaining.. Decreasing. 310 Positive, losing. . . . Positive, gaining. . Minimum. 310 to 340 Positive, gaining . . Positive, losing. . . . Increasing. 340 Positive, gaining . . Limit of course .... Increasing. 340 to 360 Positive, contrary . Negative, contrary. Increasing. " It will be seen that the negative stroke is completed in less than half a revolution foi' either piston, while the posi- tive stroke requires more ; also, that this inequality is con- siderably greater for the supply-piston than for the driving- piston. In the case of the di'iving-piston the inequality is as 170 to 190 deg. ; in that of the supply-piston, as IGO to 200 deg. These inequalities, which could not exist if the con- nection between the main shaft and the pistons were made directly, as in the steam-engine, are the effect of the interme- CHAP. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALoh'JC EXGiyE. 455 diate system of levers, aud arc iutentionally produced. The increase of distance betAveeii the pistons from 310 deg. to the end of the revolution is not an advantage, but it is not a great increase, the total distance amounting finally only to about the one-sixth part of the maximum sepai-atiou, and re- ceiving the principal accession to its amount between 350 and 3G0 deg. As, after the second reversal of the niovemeut of the supply-piston, the effective power of the engine is neces- sarily paialyzed, the escape valve is opened at 344 deg. by the action of the cam above spoken of, and the aspiration com- mences before the revolution is quite complete. The valve is closed again at 09 deg., just as the aspiration is becoming maximum. "Inasmuch as the effective pt)wer of this engine is negative or zero from 344 deg. onward to 170 deg., or through a little more than half a revolution, it is necessary that the machine should be provided witli a heavy fl}-wheel to maintain the movement during these intervals. Tlie tl3•-^vheel is made to act also as a sort of counterweight, as well as by means of its moment of rotation, the side of the wheel which is de- scending during the peiiod of paralysis being made consider- ably heavier than the other. A companion engine, to act positively during tlie inaction of the first, would render such an exjtedient unnecessary ; but, unfortunately, the bulk is considerable relatively to the power, and it would, in gen- eral, be a disadvantage to double it. " The engines of Ericsson are largely in use in the United States, but as yet they have not been constructed of any 456 THE DOMESTIC CALORIC ENGINE. chap. xxxi. considerable power. As a general rule, tliey fall within three or four liorse-power as an outer limit, tliouyli it is be- lieved that there have been made some exceeding this limit. On account of their safety and convenience they have been regarded with favor ; and it has been claimed for them as an additional recommendation that they are economical. Such did not appear to be the fact in the case of the particular engine which was the subject of the experiments of Mr. Tresca above referred to. In this machine, which was of two horse-power, the result of very careful ti'ial showed a consumption of 4.13 kilograms (about nine pounds) of coal per horse-power per hour. ■•' In comparison with steam, this cannot be called a large economy. The consumption of a good steam-engine ought not to exceed, per horse-power per hour, two kilograms at the outside. One and a half ought to suffice. "It may be observed, in conclusion, that Ericsson makes no attempt to carry the temperature in this engine to a very high point. The mean maximum temperature in the experi- ments at the Conservatoire did not exceed 270° Fahrenheit, though doubtless portions of the air received a greater de- gree of heat than this. The expansion of volume was further determined to be but as 1 : 1.48 — that is to say, about fifty per cent, of the original bulk. * There is not a single instance on record in the United States in which the con- sumption has exceeded four pounds of anthracite coal an hour per horse-power. It should be observed, however, that by forcing the combustion by an excess of fuel, put into the furnace under an imperfect draught, the consumption may be more than doubled. CUAI'. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALORIC ENGINE. 457 " The general description here given will be made more intelligible by reference to the figures of the engine given in Plate 46. " Of the two pistons shown at A and F, the first, A, is the driving-piston, and the second the supply-piston, which in the foregoing explanation we have called C. In A is seen a valve marked a. " At B is an axis of motion, the office of which is to com- municate movement to the piston A, by means of a crank o, a connecting-rod p, a second crank q, and another rod /■. " In the piston F the valve of communication is sliown at f. The solid portion F' is filled with plaster, or other badly- conducting substance, while F" marks the bell-shaped pro- longation which extends into the annular space surrounding the furnace. A\"lien, l^y the approach of the piston F to the piston A, the space between these two pistons is reduced, there is no escape for the air between them but that which is afforded by the annular cavities between this bell and the external wall of the machine /', on the one IkuuI, and the wall of the fuinace itself on the other. The air passes first along the outer space to the mouth of the bell, and returns thi'ough the inner, forming a thin stratum in immediate con- tact witli the hot wall of the furnace. " Another axis of motion is shown at C, of which it is the office to communicate movement to the sujiply-piston F, through the crank o, the connecting-roti s, and the cranks i and ", which last two are fixed to the arbor C, at a fixed anirle to each other of seven detirees. 458 THE DOMESTIC CALOBIC ENGINE. chap. xxxi. " The escape-valve is placed at D, and kept iu position l)y the spring d. A cam D', acting on this valve through the lever D", opens it Just before the driving-piston commences its descent at the end of the positive stroke. " The furnace is enclosed in the iron box G, the grate- bars being shown at g. G' indicates plates of iron designed to protect the walls of the fni'nace. " In order to bring the two j)istons into a favorable posi- tion for starting, the fly-wheel is turned on its axis ; and, for the purpose of facilitating this operation, the ai'bor K is introduced, which enables the attendant to act on the fly by means of the clicks marked Ic, and the notches h'. " The furnace-door I is made double to reduce loss by radi- ation. The walls of the furnace are similarly protected by means of a double envelope. " The products of combustion escape from the furnace through the flues li, protected by fire-brick, and are carried oft' by the chimney H." The caloric engine thus described was patented 1858, the Rumford medal being awarded in 1862 for its successful practical application. The following address by Professor Horsford, on present- ing the medal, cannot properly be omitted in this ^vork : " At the time the vote of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences conferring upon you the Eumford Pre- mium was passed, I had the honor to be Chairman of the Rumford Committee, and, you will remember, signified my wish to relieve myself of the trust imposed upon me ; but, CHAP. XXXI. THE DOMESTIC CALORIC EXGINE. 459 as this formal act aud tlie simple cerumouy appropriate to it have been postponed in consequence of the pressure of the war, in which you, sii-, have borne so conspicuous a part, the custody of the vote and medal has been continued w ith me to the present time. "1 have the honor now to place in your hands a certi- fied copy of the vote passed by the Academy at its annual meeting, June 10, 1862. It is jis follows: " ' Voted, That the Rumford Premium be awarded to John Ericsson, for his improvements in the management of heat, particularly as shown in his caloric eugine of 1858.' " In now handing to you the gold and silver medals which have been prepared in accordance with the statutes of the Academy, I beg to congratulate you upon the honors you have ^von through a life of research and experiment, de- voted to the promotion of the prosperity and well-being of mankind, in the field contemplated by the illustrious founder of the Rumford Premium."* * A patent was granted June 15, 1809, to a German engineer, tor a machine actuated by heated air, identical in principle and mechanical combination with my caloric engine of 1858, the only difference being that, like the solar engine delineated on Plate 07, aud other air-engines constructed by me in the United States at various times — as far back as IS-tJ — the patented engine uses the same air over and over. The patent refen-ed to also embraces a supposed novel plan of applying a water- chamber round the open end of the cylinder for cooling the same. Now, the leading feature of a large caloric engine built by me at the Delaraater Iron-Works, in Xew York, 185f>, was that of cooling the open end of the cylinder by such a wnter- chambcr. The patented engine, therefore, is a flagrant plagiarism on devices already carried into practice. CHAPTER XXXIL THE MONITOR SYSTEM OP IRON-CLADS. (SEE PLATES 47 AND 48.) The monitor system is thus noticed in J. Scott Russell's great work on Naval Architecture : "It is a creation altogether original, peculiarly American, admirably adapted to the special purpose which gave it birth. Like most American inventions, use has been al- lowed to dictate terms of constriiction, and purpose, not prejudice, has been allowed to rule invention. "The I'uling conditions of construction for the inventor of the American fleet were these : the vessels must ' be per- fectly shot-proof, thej' must fight in shallow water, they must be able to endure a heavy sea, and pass through it, if not fight in it. "The American iron-clad navy is a child of these con- ditions. Minimum draught of water means minimum extent of sui-face, protected by armor ; perfect protection means 460 CHAP. XXXII. TEE MONITOR SYSTEM OF lEOX-CLADS. 461 thickness to resist the heaviest shot, and protection for the \\hole length of the ship; it also means pei-fect protection to guns and gunners. Had they added \vhat our legislators exact — that the ports shall lie in the ship's side, nine feet above the water — the problem might at once have l)ecome impossible and absurd ; but they wanted the work done as it could be done, and allowed tlie conditions of success to rule the methods of construction. "The conditions of success in the given circumstances wei-e these: that you slu)uld not require the sides of the ship to rise much above the water's edge ; that you should not require more protection to the guns than would contain guns and gunners ; that you should be content with as many guns as the ship could carry, and no more. "To do the work, thereft)re, the full thickness of armor required to keep out the enemy's shot was taken, but the ship was made to rise a feAv inches above watei-, and no more ; and so a narro\v stiip of thick armor, all along the upper edge of the ship's side, gave her complete protection. Thus the least quantity of thickest armor did most work in protecting the ship, engines, boilers, and magazine. Next, to protect the guns, a small circular fortress, shield, or tower ciK'ircled a couple of guns, and, if four guns were to be car- ried, two such turrets carried the armament and contained the gunners. Thus, again, weight of annor was spared to the utmost, and so both ship and armament were completely protected. " But the consequences of these conditions are such as 462 THE MONITOR STSTEM OF IROK-CLABS. chap, xxxii. we, at least for sea-going ships, would reluctantly accept. The low ship's side will, in a sea-way, allow the sea to sweep over the ship, and the waves, not the sailors, will have possession of the deck. The American accepts the conditions, removes the sailors from the deck, allows the sea to have its way, and drives his vessel through, not over, the sea to her fighting destination, by steam, abandoning sails. The American also cheei-fully accepts the small round turret as protection for guns and men ; and pivots them on a central turn-table in the middle of his ship, raising his port high enough to be out of the water, and then fighting his gun through an aperture little larger than its muzzle. "By thus frankly accepting the conditions he could not control, the American did his work and built his fleet. It is beyond doubt that the American Monitor class, with two turrets in each ship, and two guns in each turret, is a kind of vessel that can be made fast, shot-proof and sea-proof. It may be uncomfoiiable, but it can be made secure. The sea may possess its deck, but in the air, above the sea, the American raises a platform on the level of the top of his turrets, which he calls his hurricane deck, whence he can look down with indifference at the waves fraitlessly foam- ino- and breaking themselves on the abandoned deck below. His vessel, too, has the advantage, as he thinks it, of not rolling with the waves ; so that he can take his aim steadily and throw his shot surely. Thus, if he abandons much that we value, he secures what he values more. '' I think I have reason to know that the American turret cJiAr. xxxu. TRE MOMTOIi UlSrEM OF lEOS-CLADS. 463 ships, of the larger class, with two turrets and four guns, are successful vessels — successful beyond the measure of our English estimate of their success. Like so luauy American inventions, they are severely subject to the conditions of use, and successful by the rigidity and precision with which they fit the end and fulfil the purpose which was their aim. "Plate 47 contains side elevation, deck plans, and cross- section of the original American Monitor of Caj)tain Ericsson — the first turret ship that distinguished herself in action, having to engage with her single turret and pair of guns a large broadside ship of much lieavier tonnage and armament, which she thoroughly defeated. '' Captain Ericsson, the builder of the Monitor, has long been distinguished equally in England and America. He was known as the builder and designer of one of the most remarkable engines, in the original competition, preliminary to the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railroad; he was afterwards distinguished in the introduction of the screw-propeller in steam navigation ; and he has crowned his career by the successful construction of the class of turret ships, which appear to have been taken up with avidity, and prosecuted with energy, by the American Government ; and during the coui-se of their sad civil w.ir the 'monitors' appear to have rendered to the Federal side very important services. The design of these vessels has about it all the character- istics of American audacity. Every conventionality of the ship has been despised and di.scarded ; in the sailor's sense of the word, there is nothing 'sliijKshaiie ' about this original 4C4 THE MONITOE SYSTEM OF IBON-CLABS. ouap. xxxii. Ilonitor ; e\'ery thing is unusual. She has neither keel, nor bilges, nor bulwarks. She is very nearly a London bridge, covered by a great horizontal platform of timber, projecting Ijeyoud her deck, and descending below the \vater-line. This great upper platform in no way conforms to the shape of the under-ship which carries it ; it is obviously meant to shelter the rudder and the stern from every attempt to damage them by collision. At the bow the entire hull is equally protected by the overhanging platform of the deck, and the whole upper works of the ship are covered with thick iron armor on both sides, and the wooden deck is pro- tected by iron plates. The rudder is a balanced rudder, and the ship is propelled by a single screw ; the boilers are the double-tier boilers, of the ordinary construction, with four sets of flues. It will be noticed that the arrangements of the turret are very different from Ca2)tain Coles's arrange- ments. The whole turret is on the upper deck, exposed to shot ; it is not carried on a revolving set of rollers, but is pivoted on the centre, which seems to carry most of its weight by means of an iron trussing, from ^vllich it is, as it were, suspended, and it slides on a smooth metal plate lying on the deck. The turret is worked by a small pair of donkey engines, working on tooth gear, and the ports are covered by hanging blocks. Like our turret,* the Monitor shield has two guns worked parallel to each other on slides. The man- * The English, in abandoning the cupola of Coles, and copying the monitor turret, also adopted the term turret. For some time, however, the English naval architects adhered to the word cupola ; but in a short while the phrase cupola was dropped, hence "turret ship'' in place of "cupola ship." CUAP. XXXII. THE MO.MTOR SiHTEM OF IL-OX-CLADS. 4(55 ner in wliich these turrets were afterwards improved and matured by experience is shown in Plate 49, and it is certain that Captain Ericsson rendered great service to liis country by inventing at once, and successfully introducing, a class of vessels peculiarly suited to action in their inland waters and sluillo\v navigations ; and when we consider the extreme rapidity which attended the execution of the project, we must say that the original Monitor was a remarkable success, :ind that she was a type of an entirely new class of war- shi[i." The origin of the name " monitor " calls for an explana- tion in this place. The Navy Department at "Washington having, shortly before the launch, requested me to suggest an appropriate name for the impregnable turreted steam- battery, I addressed a letter to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, sajing : " The impregnable and aggressive char- acter of this structure will admonish the leaders of the Southern Rebellion that the batteries on the Ijaiiks of their rivers will no longer pi'esent barriers to the entrance v{ the Union forces. "The iron-clad intruder will thus prove a severe monitor to those leaders. But tliere are other leaders who Avill also be startU'd and admonished by the booming of the guns from the impregnable iron turret. 'Downing Stieet ' will hardly view with indifference this last ' Yankee notion,' this monitor. To the Lords of the Admiralty the new craft will be a monitor, suggesting doubts as to the propriety of completing those four steel ships at three and a half millions apiece. 466 TKE MONITOB SYSTEM OF IliON-CLABS. CHAP. XXXil. " On these and many similar grounds I propose to name tlie new battery Monitor.'''' It Avill be recollected that this letter was regarded in England as possessing political significance, several membei'S of Parliament having called for its reading in the House of Commons when the news of the result of the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack appeared in the Times. Uufpiestionably, the advent of the Monitor materially coun- teracted the pressure which the French Emperor bi'ought to bear on the British Ministry at the time, in favor of the Southern States. John Bourne, the greatest authority on naval engineering of our time, in a critical examination of the monitor system published in London, 1866, observes : " The confidence of the Americans in the shot-proof quali- ties of their monitors is manifested by many of the incidents of the late Eebellion, one of Avhich is that Captain Worden, of the monitor Montcmlc, attacked and destroyed the Con- federate vessel Nashville, w^hen lying under the guns of Fort McAllister, in Georgia ; and, although the fort Avas all the time pouring a fire upon the monitor from its heaviest guns, the monitor took no notice of it, but proceeded without interruption to the destruction of her antagonist. Another neAV feature in naval war is that, in the attack on Fort Fisher, the fire of the rest of the fleet was directed against the fort over the monitors ; and although shot falling short and shells prematurely exploding could not be prevented in such an engagement, the monitors, it was felt, M-ere able to CHAP. XXXII. THE MOMTOi; Sl'STFil OF IROS-CLADS. 407 encounter such risks with impunity. The monitors, during two years of active service, in all weathers, on a hostile and stomiy coast — sometimes Avatching for blockade-runners in Cuba, sometimes engaged in the Gulf of Mexico, and often at sea in heavy gales — were, on an average, each twenty-five times in action : being a larger amount of service than that of any vessels recorded in history. Shot could not damage them ; storms could not swamp them ; and at the end of the war they wei-e as effective as at the beginning. The following extract from a report of Admiral Dahlgren will show something of the kind of service in whicli some of the monitors were employed during three months in the summer of 1863, and the number of shots they fired and witli impunity received : Nftme of Monitor. No. of shots fired. Hits. Hits at Ogeechec. Total hits received from the enemy. 15-inch. llinch. Catsldll Montauk Lehigh Passaic Naliant Patapsco . . . "NYeehawken Nantucket . . IBS 301 41 119 170 178 264 44 425 478 28 107 276 230 633 155 86 154 36 90 09 90 134 53 20 14 35 36 47 53 51 40 9 1 106 214 30 134 105 144 187 104 1,255 2,332 718 256 56 1,030 Mr. Bourne also presents the following extracts from the 468 THE MONITOR SYSTEM OF IBON-GLADS. chap, xxxir. reports of Captain Jolm Rodgers, of the monitor Weehatvkeii, to the Secretary of the American Navy : (1) June 20, 1863. " The opinion fc^rmed then confirmed my anticipations, that a hnll rising l)nt little above the surface of the water (in this case only 16 inches), and having a central elevation, as in the monitors, is the sfcape to form a good sea-boat ; and I am convinced that on this idea all successful iron-clads must be built. This form reduces the surface to be plated to a minimum, and puts -the part having the necessary eleva- tion above the sea for fighting guns where it can be carried without inconvenience, and in the Wechaivke/i is easily carried. With us, I think, safety is solely a question of strength. " I had relied upon former experience to correct any faulty motion which I might discover in a sea-way, by shifting or reducing weights. I abandoned, however, the idea of improve- ment. As I watched the action of the vessel it was perfect." (2) July 22, 1863. "On Thui'sday night, when off Chincoteague Shoals, ^ve had a severe gale from east-northeast, with a ver)- heavy sea, made confused and dangerous by the proximity of the land. The waves I measured after the storm abated. I found them 23 feet high. They were certainly 7 feet higher in the midst of the storm. "During the heaviest of the gale I stood upon the turret and admired the behavior of the vessel. She rose and fell to the waves, and I concluded then that the monitor form had great sea-going qualities. If leaks were |)rc\-ented, no ciiAi". xxxii. TUI-: MoMToi: iii:;sTJJM of muy-CLAUS. 409 Imnioaue could injure her. 1 presume in two days we shall be ready for aii}- service, as we ueed uo repaiis, aud ouly some little fittings." " It may be added," says Mr. Bourne, "that, on the occasion of the heavy gale which occurred just before the attack on Fort Fisher, the nionitois were the oidy vessels of the fleet which were able to ride it out without di'agging their anchors; aud on the occasion of a common steamer having been sent to escort a monitor, before confidence had yet been established in the seawoi-thiness of tliat class of vessel, the steamer, hav- ing liroken down in a heavy sea, was taken in tow by the monitor, and was carried by her safely into port." Mr. Bourne, in proof of the conifcirt and healthiness of the monitors, likewise presents the following extract from A repoi-t of the Secretary of the United States Navy to Congress : "It is gratifying to know that an examination of the sick reports, covering a period of over thiity months, shows that so far from being unhealthy, there was less sickness on board the ' monitor vessels than in the same number of wooden .ships with an e(pial niiniber of men, and in similarly exposed positions. The exemjition from siekness in the iron-dads is in some instances i'emarkal>le. Thei'e were on boaid the SaiKjus, from NovemI)er 25, 1864, to April 1, 1805. a period of over four months, but four eases of sickness (excluding accidental injuries), and of these two were diseases from which the patients had suflVred for years. In the M(>iitr fur handling movable torpedoes em[)loyed against an attacking fleet. It will be observed by those who have studied the matter that Adiiiiial Porter's statement, at the commencement of his report, is materially modified by a subsequent paragi-a))h, strongly recommending the ovcrJuing of the Monitor, "which," the report states, "prevented the hull l>eing penetrated if the vessel was struck by a ram." The Admiral fiii-ther observes : " The value of this contrivance was sIkjwu in the contest at Hampton Eoads, where the Mrrrimacl: rammed the Monitor, merely turning the latter half round, and doing no damage whatever." It will be seen, by the illustration (PI. 47) representing a ti-ansverse section of the original Monitor, that a collision like that between the Iron DuTce and the VangiiarJ, which sent the latter to the l>ottom, would not be productive of greater danger than that caused by the 3IerrimacFs ramming, since, owing to the overhang and in- clined sides, the Ir07i Duhe^s spur could not reach the Monitor's hull. CHAPTER XXXIV. THE MONITOR ENGINE. (SEE PLATES oO AND 51, REPRESENTING A TOP VIEW AND SIDE ELEVATION.) The Engineer of April 20, 1866, contains the following discussion relating to tlie engines employed in the monitor iron-clads, accompanied by a brief description of the me- chanical combination of these motors : "The common feature of all Ericsson's screw-propeller engines, however otherwise different in arrangement and principle, consists in what he himself has described as ' bringing the power of two engines to bear at right angles on a common crank-pin ' — a feature already noticeable in the engines built by him in 1839, at Liverpool, for the Robert F. Stockton. This very vessel, tried on the Thames so many years ago, is stated to be, even now, not only the most poAverful tug of her class on the river Dela^\are, but also the fastest. Her engines consist of two steam-cylinders, CHAP. XX. XIV. THE MOKITOR ENGINE. 479 placeil tliagoiially, with cioss-lieads aud side-rods connected to a common crank-pin on the propeller-sLaft. In the Edith and Massachusetts Ericsson modified his diagonal form of engine by laying the cylinders against tiie ship's side, nnder the deck, bottom up, with the piston and connecting-rods working downwards, but still connected to a common crank- pin on the propeller-shaft. A couutiymaii of Ericsson, Cap- tain Carlsund, copied this arrangement, applied it in a num- ber of Swedish vessels, exhibited it at the Paris Exhibition, and, with the usual perspicuity of Univei-sal Exhibition juries, was rewarded for this exhibit by the great gold medal. "While still adhering to the feature of bringing the power of two cylinders on to a common crank-pin, the present form of marine engine adopted by Captain Ericsson may be looked upon as an outgrowth of the peculiar engine, with semi- cylinders, which he first applied to the United States steam- frigate Princeton. Excellent illustrations of this engine appeared some years ago in a work called 'Im2)erial Cyclo- paedia of Machinery ' ; but as Captain Ericsson has himself observed, in a letter to Mr. Woodcroft, the description began by erroneously stating that 'Watt has described a similai" ari-angement in one of his earlier patents.' This is so far a mistake, as AVatt — according to a practice he adopted, under the then state of the law, of inserting as many ideas as possible into his patents — merely described the bare idea of a piston vibrating within a semi-cylinder. xVs Captain Ericsson states, 'the Princeton^ s engine consists of compound or double semi-cylindei- engines, of different diameters, with 480 THE MONITOli EXGIKE. chap, xxxiv. pistons attacliecl to tlie common axle in ojiposite directions, l»otli pistons being acted upon by tlie steam at the same timt', tlK'ir differential force constituting the effective motive power.' The wi'iter of -the description of the engines of the Princeton in the ' Cyclopaedia,' while allowing that ' this species of engine is very compact,' and that it ' admits of being placed entirely below the water-line,' as also that, ' although very many other arrangements have been since brought out in this country, it is still a pre-eminently suc- cessful engine,' yet observes that 'the friction is, of course, more than in many others, inasmuch as it is found practi- cally impossible to obtain the power of steam with so little friction in any form of chamber as a true cylinder.' To these objections Captain Ericsson replies: 'In the first place, the absence of pressure on the main journal of the piston- shaft is not understood by those who are not cognizant of the fact that a straight line drawn from the crank-pin to the opposite journal of the shaft passes through the centre of gravity of the piston.' Then, again, ' the weight of the piston, instead of scraping the bottom of the cylinder, is suspended in the journals, and there produces but a very small amount of friction.' " ' Nor have critics recognized the fact that during the passage of the crank-pin of the propeller-shaft through the lower part of the arc of vibration, it is neai'ly relieved from pressure by the opposing action of the connecting-rod — one pushing while the other is pulling. Lastly, the absence of the great friction produced by the diagonal thrust of the CHAP. XXXIV. THU MONITOR ENGINE. 481 short coDnecting-roJ against the guides of ordiuary propel- ler engines also forms an important item of saving peculiar to the semi-cylinder engine.' " The weak point in this very ingenious engine is un- doubtedly the piston. The ends, for instance, must wear unequally and at a rate increasing with the radius of any given point from the centre of vibration.* Ericsson is too good a mechanic to shut his eyes to this fact ; and accord- ingly, when, in 1859, the United States Navy Department submitted the problem of the best screw-propeller engine for solution by the engineers of America, he presented a plan of an engine similar to that of the Princeton in all essential features, with the exception of the introduction of full cylinders instead of semi-cylinders. Since that pei-iod the greatest success in America has accompanied this last form of steam-engine ; it has been almost universally applied to the later vessels of war of the States, and also in the mercantile navy of that country. There is not a single American monitor without an engine of this kind, and all the Swedish monitors are engined on the same plan. It has been patented by the inventor, and the accompanying plans and descriptions are prepared from information sent by Captain Ericsson himself to Mr. Woodcroft (see Plates 50 and 51). He has also sent a beautiful model of it, which • In refutation of this objection, I have to state that the steamship Princeton, after serving in tho Golf during the Mexican War, was sent to the JlcJiterranean without repairing her pistons, tho etid-pachinga on examination proving to be in perfect order. 482 THE MONITOR ENGINE. CHAP, xxxiv. may be seen in the Patent Office Museum at South Ken- sington. "'The several direct-acting screw-propeller engines hither- to constructed,' says Caj^tain Ericsson, ' are all more or less objectionable in the following particulars, viz. : the horizon- tal engines occupy too much space transversely in the vessel to admit of being placed in the run ; the vertical engines pass through decks, and project so far above the water-line as to be useless for war purposes ; and all approved double- cylinder engines oj)erate on cranks placed at right angles to each other, which involves a series of bearings, much fric- tion, and liability to derangement from the shafts getting out of line. In addition to these imperfections, the extreme shortness of the cranks, with the attendant great friction on the crank-pins and journals, to say nothing of the heavy diagonal thrust of the connecting-rods, are serious defects in the direct-acting screw propeller engines in common use.' In Captain Ericsson's present form of screw-engine the two cylinders of a double engine are arranged in such a manner that their base or bottom ranges with a plane passing through the axis of the propeller-shaft, or nearly so, in combination with a certain arrangement of rock-shafts, crank- arms, and connecting-rods, for imparting motion from the pistons to the shaft, whereby he is enabled, first, to bring the cylinders nearer to the propeller-shaft, and hence to economize space and construct the frame of the engine of great strength and compactness ; secondlj^, to avoid the diagonal thrust and friction of the slides, unavoidable -when CHAP. XXXIV. THE MONITOR EXQINE. 483 the connecting-rod is attaclied directly to the cross-bead ; thirdly, to oi)erate the connecting-rods nearly at right angles to each other, ^vhich admits of tlie production of a continu- ous motion A\ath a single ci-ank on the propeller-shaft, and with a single crank-pin common to both engines ; fourthly, to employ a crank on the propeller-shaft much longer than half the length of stroke of the piston, thereby diminishing the heavy pressure on crank-pins and on journals, which has hitherto caused so much trouble by the overheating of the bearings, and at the same time diminishing the strain on the engine-fi'ame." DESCRIPTIO^J" OF ILLUSTRATIONS OX PLATES 50 AND 51. The general character of the Monitor engine will be readily comprehended by a reference to PI. 50, represent- ing a ground-plan, and PI. 51, the side elevation, viewed from the bo^v of the vessel. The crank on the propeller- shaft and the main connecting-rods, being hidden by the steam-cylindei-s, are shown by dotted lines in the side ele- vation. The two cylinders are placed end to end trans- versely in the vessel, trunks or hollow piston-rods being cast on the pistons, as shown by the sectional -^Iaw on page 487, projecting outwards towards the side of the ves- sel. These trunks are sufficiently large to permit the vibra- tion of links connecting the pistons and short vibrating level's attached to the for\vard end of the horizontal rock- shafts. Referring to the top view of the engine, it Avill be seen that vibrating levers of greater length are attached to 484 TffH MONITOB, ENGINE. chap, xxxiv. the aft end of tlie rock-shafts. These levers are coupled to the common crank-pin on the propeller-shaft, the connecting- rods acting nearly at I'ight angles to each other. By this arrangement the throw of the crank may be made much longer than in ordinary direct-acting engines ; consequently, the strain on the crank-journal of the propeller-shaft will be correspondingly reduced. A prolongation of the crank-shaft forward — of small diameter — carries the eccentrics ^vhich ac- tuate the steam-valves, while a prolongation of one of the rock-shafts towards the stern operates an air-pump common to both steam-cylinders. The bottom of the cylinders, or the division between them, is formed as shown by the sec- tional plan of the cylinders before referred to. The Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering at Wash- ington, Mr. B. F. Isherwood, having criticised the principle of the Monitor engine, I published the following reply in the Engineer of June 8, 1866 : " deferring to Mr. Isherwood's ' Experimental Researches on Steam-Engineering,' I find it stated, at page 340, that the cost of the horse-power in the engines of the Monitor^ when cutting off at 0.425 of the stroke of the piston from the commencement, is 27.7 per cent, more than in the U. S. paddle-wheel steamer MicMgan. ' Great as this excess ap- pears,' says Mr. Isherwood, ' it is no more than what the conditions fully warrant us to expect, and should be de- cisive against the use of such a type of engine.' Mr. Isher- wood accounts for this great loss of power in the following manner ; ' From the description of the Monitor engine, it CHAP. XXXIV. THE MONITOR ENGINE. 486 will be perceived that two cylinders occupy the same barrel, the separation being made ])y a simple partition of cast iron in the centre. Further, that during a large portion of tlie time the boiler-steam occupies one end of the cylinder, while the adjacent end of the other cylinder is open to the con- denser. There is, consequently, one end of one cylinder maintained at the temperature of the boiler-steam, \vhile the adjacent end of the other cylinder, separated only by a cast-iron partition, is exposed to the temperature of the con- denser. This arrangement, immaterial as it appeal's — and is in a mechanical point of view — powerfully affects the econ- omical result by its great influence on the cylinder-conden- sation. To appreciate it, it is only necessary to imagine the piston of the starboard engine, for example, to be near the outboard end of its stroke, in Avhich case nearly the whole of the cylinder of that engine will be filled with steam. At this moment the piston of the port engine is near the centre of its stroke, and about one-half of the port cylinder adja- cent to the starboard cylinder will be open to the condenser and exposed to its refrigerating influence; consequently, the boiler-steam in the starboard cylinder has been exposed for about one-half of the stroke of its piston to this refrige- rating influence from the port cylinder, transmitted through the iron partition of the two cylinders, which, as their dia- meter is great in proportion to the stroke of their piston, forms a large proportion of the surface in contact with the steam. Nor does the evil end here ; for, as the sides of both cylinders are the same piece of iron — those of the one 486 THE MONITOB ENGINE. chap, xxxiv. being merely an extension of tliose of the other — the con- duction of heat is very rapid from one cylinder to the other, and the heat imparted by the steam to the sides of the starl)oard cylinder cpiickly passes along by conduction to the sides of the port cylinder, whose interior is in communica- tion w'lik the condenser, and -whose exterior is exposed to the atmosphere. The inevitable result, it is manifest, must be a largely-increased steam-condensation in cylinders of this type of engine over that in tlie cylinders of the usual type — ho^v much larger, is a question which experiment alone can answer. There is still to be added to the already-de- scribed peculiar causes of steam-condensation in cylinders of the Monitor type of engine that of the half-trunk, the effect of \vhich is, for a given capacity of cylinder, to increase both the interior and exterior cylinder surfaces ; while the thin, uo2>roteeted metal of the half-trunk — one side of which is ahvays in contact with the atmosjihere, while the other side is, too, for half the time, and not only in contact with, but in rapid movement through, it — makes it a regenerator of maximum power.' " Before analyzing this extraordinary reasoning, let us examine closely the section of the cylinder in the annexed diagram. " It will be seen that, although the two cylinders are combined in one casting, each has a separate bottom, with a considerable space between the two ; also that the heat to be transmitted through the metal of the cylinder, as Mr. Isherwood states, must travel a distance of 6 ins. from a to CUAP. XXXIV. THE MOMTOi: ENGINE. 487 b, or from b to a, in less than half a second, in order to produce the baneful effect pointed out by the author of 'Experimental Researches.' It will not be necessary to de- monstrate that heat cannot be transmitted through 6 ins. of metal in half a second, and it would be an insult to the intelligence of your readers to detain them by disproving Mr. Isherwood's assertion that a considerable auiouut of the motive force is lost by thus transmitting heat back and for- wards thiough the substance of the cylinder. " ^Vith regard to the supposed rapid transmission of heat through the 'iron partition of the two cylinders,' you will find on referring to the section that no transmission of lieat can take place, since the two Ijottoms are separated by a stationary body of air or vapoi". In the ordinary cylinder- bottom, the outside of the metal acquires, during regular working of the engine, a ]H>rmanent temperature, attended by a constant loss of heat radiated into, .ind continually ab- 488 TEE MONITOB ENGINE. chap, xxxiv. sorbed by, tlie atmosphere. In the case of tlie bottom-plates of tlie Monitor''s cylinder, a permanent temperature is also acquired, but there is no loss of heat by radiation after the intervening small body of air or vapor has attained maximum temperature. It may be truly said that the Monitor engine, with its cylinders combined in one casting, furnishes the only instance in which no heat is lost by radiation thi'ough the cylinder bottom. Having thus disposed of the absurd notion that a vast quantity of heat is transmitted from cylinder to cylinder, we now come to the question of increased internal cylinder sm-face consequent on the application of the trunk. Mr. Isherwood ti'eats this question as one of such great importance that I have taken the trouble to ascertain the exact amount of increase. Area of 40-inch cylinder, 1,256 square inches; area of IS^-inch trunk, 143 square inches'. Deducting from this 20 square inches for a 5-in. piston-rod, which the ordinary engine would require, we have a differ- ence of 123 square inches occupied by the trunk. But the trunk only affects the outboard end of the cylinder, and hence the mean area taken up is only 61^ square inches. To make up for this loss of area, the diameter of the cylinder, it will be found by calculation, has only to be increased H of an inch. I should be trifling with the patience of your readers were I to enter on a calculation to show the amount of loss attending such small increase of the diameter of the cylinder. Only one more point, urged by Mr. Isher- wood against the Monitor engine in explanation of the asserted 27 per cent, loss of motive force, remains to be CUAP. XXXIV. THE MONITOR ENGINE. 489 consideretl, viz., the effect of the trunk, which he calls a 'refrigerator of maximum power.' Mr. Isher\vood devotes so much time to the theoretical consideration of the steam- engine that I can well understand that he lias no time left for practice; otherwise I should feel surprised at his igno- rance of the fact that the great difficulty with trunk engines is tliat of keeping the packing steam-tight without causing overheating. Experience shows that the best that can be done in practice is to prevent the trunk fi-om exceeding the initial temperature of the steam; and hence the trunk, in place of being a ' refrigerator of maximum power,' is actually a super-heater. "It will be asked by what process did Mr. Isherwood ascertain the amount of the assumed loss of power for which he accounts by this extraordinary reasoning? He placed, according to his statement in 'Experimental Researches,' a tank on a wharf, to which the Monitor was made fast. From this tank he supplied the boilers of the vessel by means of temporary feed-pipes. Steam having been raised, the engines were started and kept in motion for seventy-two houi-s in succession. Indicator-cards were taken every hour, by means of which the mean indicated horse-power exerted by the engines was ascertained. This w:is compared witli the quan- tity of water measured into the tank and supposed to have been converted into steam. The utmost precision was prac- tised; the water run into the tank was ascertained to the tliii-(l decimal of a pound ; the barometer and direction of the wind carefully noted. The difference between the iiidi- 490 THE MONITOR ENGINE. chap, xxxiv. cated power and tLat -winch ought to have been produced according to the quantity of water used, supposed to have been converted into steam, was set down as ' loss occasioned by cylinder-condensation.' I observe that Mr. Isherwood's tables and calculations make no allowance for condensation in the steam-pipes and valve-chests. Loss by leaks through the pistons, valves, and glands ; leaks and waste of water and steam in the boilers — all these sources of loss appear to be ignored by the experimentalist, and every pound of water measured into the tanks is debited to the engine. A balance is then struck by deducting the indicated horse-power, and the difference put down as 'loss caused by cylinder-conden- sation.' I abstain from criticising this rough and unsatisfac- tory mode of deciding the nice jDoint of cylinder-condensation ; but I cannot omit adverting to the fact that, while the pres- sui'e in the boilers, during the trial of seventy-two hours, was kept at 17 lbs. above the atmosphere, the pressure admitted into the cylinders was only If lbs. above the atmosphere. The tables show that, in order to maintain this low working-pres- sure in the engines, the throttle-valve was set permanently at an opening of four square inches. In view of the magni- tude of the engine — two double-acting cylinders of 40 ins. diameter — the admitting the steam through a single opening of such small area was certainly a most singular expedient. Had the object of the trial been to exhibit a minimum indi- cated horse-power, a more effective expedient could not have been devised. As the mean area of the piston, according to the tables, was 1,185 square inches— about three hundred CHAP. XXXIV. THE MOXTTOR EXOINE. 491 times greater than the area of the throttle-valve — the speed of the pistons being at the same time upwards of 2.5 feet pt'i- second, some idea may be formed of the amount of dy- namic force exerted and heat extinguished in passing the steam from the boilers to the engines. Yet this waste of force was ignored by the experimentalist, and the indicated piston-power alone was set against the water measured into the tank. " Apai't from these facts, the most critical examination of the sectional plan of the cylinders of the Monitor before refei'red to (see page 487) fails to discover any error of con- struction productive of cylinder-condensation to a greater extent than in the screw-engines of the most celebrated makers." CHAPTER XXXV. THE MONITOR DICTATOR. (SEE PLATES 52, 53, 54, AND 55.) The Dictatoi' is the most powerful and efficient fighting- ship possessed by the United States. Like the Monadnock class of monitors, she is also a good cruising vessel. The hull, engines, turret, and gun-carriages of this ship were de- signed and furnished by the writer, under a contract with the United States Navy Department, 1862. Her length on deck is 314 ft., the overhang aft being 31 ft., and the for- ward overhang 13 ft., leaving a length of 270 ft. between perpendiculars (see side elevation, PI. 52). Her breadth over the sides is 41 ft. 8 ins., and her total beam 50 ft., whilst her draught is 20 ft., the sides midships projecting only 1 ft. G ins. above the water-line. The sides are pro- tected at and near the water-line by 11 ins. of wrought iron, this thickness consisting of inner bars 5 ins. thick, and six plates each 1 in. thick (see transverse section, PI. 58). The plates are placed upon massive timber backing, as shown CHAP. XXXV. THE MOXITOIi DICTATOR. 493 by the illustration on the plate referred to. Her tonnage is 3,000 tons. The engines of the Dictator (see illustrations on Plates 53 and 54) are 4,500 indicated horse-power, consisting of a pair of vertical cylinders 100 ins. in diameter, with a stroke of 4 ft. The pistons have small trunks on their upper side, and are connected by links with the ends of curved horizontal amis attached to the forward end of rock- shafts placed outside the cylinders slightly above the latter. Straight arms nearly vertical are attached to the after-ends of the rock-shafts. These arms are coupled by means of diagonal connecting-rods to a common crank-pin fixed near the circumference of a fly-wheel upon the screw-shaft. The engines drive a propeller 21 ft. G ins. in diameter, provided with four blades set at a pitch of 34 ft. The propeller weighs 39,000 lbs., and its shaft 36 tons. The engines are supplied with steam by six boilers having altogether 50 furnaces; the total grate-surface is 1,128 square feet, and the heating surface over 32,000 square feet. The coal-bunkers accommodate 600 tons of coal. The Dictator has a single revolving turret, essentially the same as that delineated on Plate 49; it is 24 ft. in diameter inside, by 9 ft. high, and contains two fifteen-inch guns. The sides of the turret are built up of two separate concen- tric cylindei-s, composed of plates 1 inch thick firmly riveted together, a space of five inches being formed between the said cylinders. This space is filled with segmental wi-ought- iron slabs 5 ins. thick and 12 ins. broad; hence the total 494 THE MONTTOR DICTATOB. CHAP. XXXT. thickness of tlie turret wall is 1 ft. ?> ins. The turret has a bell-mouthed top formed of iron plates i in. thick, curved outwards, as shown on Plate 52, for the pui-pose of throw- ing oft' the water which, during heavy weather, is dashed up the sides of the turret. Around the bell-mouthed top mentioned is carried a wooden grating provided with a hand-rail, and appropriate stanchions for supporting an awn- ing. The grating referred to forms a convenient balcony for promenade. Over the centre of the turret is placeil the pilot-house, which is 8 ft. in diameter in the inside, and 7 ft. high, its sides being formed of twelve thicknesses of 1-in. plates. This structure is supported by a strong cross-' beam which rests upon a collar formed on a strong central ■\vrouglit-iron shaft passing down through the turret ; this shaft being stationary, the turret revolving round it. Except- ing the bell-mouthed plate-iron extension at the top, the Dictator turret is constructed precisely as the turrets of the Passaic class of monitors delineated ou Plate 49. Referring to this delineation, it will be seen that the weight of the turret wall is suspended by diagonal rods in such a manner that the entire weight of the turret and armament, as well as the pilot-house, is sustained by the stationary central shaft. The latter rests on a casting bolted to the transverse bulk- heads of the ship, as shown in Plate 4:7. The pilot-house is provided with sight-holes placed at a convenient height, and, like the centi;al shaft, is stationary. The diagonal rods before referred to, it should be observed,, are furnished with screw-euds and nuts, in order to admit of their being tightened CUAP. xxxv. TJIE MOMTOJi DICTATOB. 495 in case the turret wall sliuuld sjig. The cross-beam before mentioned, which extends across the top of the turret, sup- l)ort8 rafters carrying iron bars 4 ins. deep by 3 ins. wide, and 2^ ins. apart, these bars being covered with peii'oiatetl plates 1 iu. thick. The base of the turret wall rests on a flat ring composed of bronze, the under-side of which is accu- rately faced. It is supported by anotliei- Hat ring faced on the top and secured to the deck. By this means a water- tight joint is formed between the base of the turret wall and the deck. It is obvious that considerable power would be required to cause the turret to revolve if its weight rested on the I'iugs described. Accordingly, a taper key is inserted under the stationary central shaft, by which the weight of the turret and appendages may be raised so as to rest wholly on the shaft. During the war this key was invariably tightened before going into action, hence the tur- rets revolved with perfect freedom while the gunners pointed the pieces. A circular cliunuel is formed iu the deck near the inside of the turret, in order to carry off water that may leak under the base. It is conducted to the bilge by small scuiiper-pipes. The machinery for turning the turret con- sists of a pair of donkey-engines, which work gearing con- nected with a large cog-wheel secured by strong lugs to the under-side of the gun-slides, which are in their turn tirmly attached to the sides of the turret. It should be observed that all the turning gear is below the deck-line. The floor of the pilot-house consists of a wooden grating fitted with hinged hatches, through which the captain and 496 THE MONITOR DICTATOR. chap. xxxv. steersman enter from tlie turret. The steering-wheel is con- tained in the pilot-house, and its motion is transferred, by gearing and by a rack sliding in a groove formed in the central shaft, to a pinion fixed upon the axle of the steering barrel belo^v. From this barrel chains extend to the rudder, which is of the balanced kind. The vessel is strengthened beneath the turret by transverse and longitudinal bulkheads. The gun-carriages are run out upon their slides by means of winch-handles moving wheel-work geared into racks, the friction-gear being tightened as soon as the pieces are full out, and of course relieved immediately after the recoil. Each gun has a radial bar placed above it, upon which runs a wheel supporting a block and tackle, provided with a small dished platform upon which the shot is placed. By this contrivance the shot can be rapidly raised from the shot-locker to the muzzle of the gun. In the Dictator the air required for ventilation and for supplying the boiler-furnaces is drawn in by several large fan-blowers, partly through the top of the turret and partly thr(.)ugh shot-proof trunks carried high above the decks, as shown in the side-elevation, Plate 52. The vessel is provided with a spacious platform or promenade deck, placed at nearly the same height as the top of the turret (see plate referred to). This deck is supported on vertical iron stanchions, the ship's boats being suspended below the same. The cabins are lighted by means of bull's-eyes fitted into brass frames let into the deck, .these frames being replaced by solid wrought-ii'on covers when the ship is going into action. CHAP. XXXV. T£I£ MONITOR DICTATOE. 497 The Engineer, in au article published 1866, states with reference to the Dictator : " It may be laid down as a general axiom that when the introduction of fresh elements into any mechanical problem has effected a revolution in its first conditions, originality is at great advantage over hesitating and long-pondering judg- ment. Though without the advantages which our great command over iron in large masses has given in the modern substitution of iron for wood in naval warfare, the Ameri- cans have certainly shown much originality and boldness in their designs for war-shi^js. A good deal of this is due to Captain Ericsson — an original thinker and constructor, \vhose very originality would have led him to be distrusted in this conservative countiy. Broadly stating the matter, it may be said that in France and in England we have pretty much confined ourselves to bolting massive iron slabs, with an intermediate packing, to the skins of our iron vessels of war ; but Ericsson has taken a much more comprehensive view of the capabilities of engineering in its application to the eternal war-problem of doing as much damage as pos- sible to your adversary with as little as possible harm to yourself." CHAPTER XXXVI. THE MONITOR TURRET AND THE CASEMATE. (SEE PLATE 56.) An opportunity of instituting a direct comparison between the monitor turret and the fixed casemate was furnished by the completion of the Turkish armor-chxd vessel Moijini Zaffer, launched on the Thames in June, 1869. The build- ing and arming of this iron-clad being the result of the Joint efforts of Sir William Armstrong, Samuda, and Raven- hill, we have a guarantee that whatever merits the fixed casemate system possesses have been fairly developed in this attemj)t to supersede the monitor. It cannot fail to be noticed, on careful examination of the illustrations on the plate referred to, that the planning of the casemate of the Moyini Zaffer shows much thought and elaboration ; also that the complication whicli character- izes its form is evidence that the planner was dealing with a difficult subject. Nor can the attentive observer fail to 498 CUAP. XXXVI. THE MOSITOE TURUET AND TUE CASEMATE. 499 see at a glauce how imperfectly the dij^aJvantages atteutling the elougatiuu and immobility of the battery — viz., the limited horizontal range of the guns — have been overcome by the combination of curvature and angles resorted to by the con- structor of this substitute for the monitor turret. Our illustrations, besides representing a top view of the Moyini Zaffer, accurately drawn to scale, also represent a top view of a monitor provided with two turrets of the same diameter as those of the Pasmic cLiss — viz., 21 feet internally. The length of the Turkish vessel is 230 feet, with 35 feet G inches beam. The monitor, for the sake of exact com- parison, has the same dimensions ; but the thickness of its armor is greater than that of the former, and so proportioned that the %oeujlit of armor of both vessels is alike. The free- board of the Moyini Zaffer, as in all iron-clads built by English engineei-s, is several times higher than that of the monitor, and consequently deeper armor below water must be applied to afford protection, increased rolling being the inevitable result of high freeboard. Referring to the bat- teries, it ^^^ll be seen that the circumference of the fixed liattery is greater than that of the two turrets in the ratio of 25 to 15. The Engli-sh mechanical journals, in describing the Moyini Zdffii; point with apjiarent satisfaction to the circumstance that this casemate ship, which is intended for the defence of the Bosporus, has armor-plates "generally six inches in thickness, the whole of the battery (backed with wood) being cased with 5-inch plates." The battery, though pierced 500 THE MONITOB TUFRET AND THE CASEMATE, chap, xxxvi. for eight guns, will only carry four of Armstrong's 12-ton riiles. Tlie intention being to transfer the pieces from one side of tlie battery to the other during action, it is evident that Sir William has reached the limit of weight. The difficulty of changing sides with the rapidity called for dur- ing contest with screw-propelled assailants needs no explana- tion. But the constructor of the monitor turret, which, as our illustration shows, commands 340 deg. of the horizon, is not hampered by considerations of weight of metal, a 24-ton gun, or even one weighing forty-eight tons, being pointed as readilj^ by turning the turret as the lightest field-piece. Accordingly, the monitor which our illustration represents is mounted with four 24-ton guns. Making proper allowance for the greater area of side- armor and battery-plating of the Moyini Zaffer, it will be found that our double-turreted monitor will, on the same draught of water, support 10-inch thick side-armor, 15-inch thick turret-plating, and carry four 24-ton guns. The greater security — we might say the impregnability — thus attained by the monitor form is, however, only a part of the ad^'antage of this system over that which is represented by the Turkish iron-clad — the latest endeavor of some naval constrictors to demonstrate that the conflict at Hampton Roads was not, after all, so decisive as supposed. Impregnability and calibre, although very important, by no means decide the superiority of armored vessels ; hori- zontal range is in many cases of equal importance. A monitor hull provided with a fixed battery may be made as impreg- CHAP, xxxvr. THE MOXITOn TUFnET AND THE CASEMATE. 501 nable as a complete monitor, but at least two-tliii-ds of the guns of such a vessel will be ineffective in battle. Samuda, evi(lentl)', was fully aware of tlie impotency of his artilleiy, owing to limited horizontal iviiige, when he adopted the complicated form of the battery of the Moijini Zaffer. Let us now consider in detail this question of horizontal range, and inspect closely the extent of ranges marked on oiii' illiistraticin foi' each gun separately. The ranges olitained by the fixed battery of Samuda's construction first claim our attention. To avoid confusion, the ports have been let- tei'ed a, />, c, and '/, the first letter denoting the forward poi't of the battery, and also the muzzle of the piece belonging thereto. Beginning with the first-mentioned port, it will be seen that each gun respectively ranges over a field of 96, 98, 98, and 02 deg. Referring to the monitor, it will be seen that each of the four guns sweeps a field of 170 deg. It should be observed that the ranges marked on the illustra- tion have reference only to the starboard side of the line of keel. It will be proper, before assigning a numerical value to the eflSciency of each of the systems under consideration, to remember that the real power of naval artilleiy is determined by niiiUiplying the weight of shot by "the horizontal ranfife, the position of the vessel remaining constant. ^Modern taro^et practice having demonstrated that a 24-ton gun is capable of throwing a projectile o"f 600 pounds with adequate force, and that a 12-ton gun is about the projier size for .'JOO-jKmnd projectiles, we are enabled, by applying the rule befoi-e men- 502 THE MOKITOE TUBBET AND THE CASEMATE, chap, xxxvi. tioned, to determine with exactness the rehative efficiency of the monitor turret and the fixed battery or casemate. The power of the forward gun a of the casemate will accordingly ])e represented by 300 X 96 = 28,800. In like manner, by multiplying the -weight of the projectiles of the remaiuino- three guns by their respective ranges in degrees, we obtain a sum total of 115,200. Applying the same mode of com- putation to the monitor — viz., multiplying 600 X 170 X 4 — we establish the important fact that the actual efficiency of the monitor is to that of the casemate vessel as 408 to 115, Apart from this superiority as regards the artillery of the monitor over that of the Turkish iron-clad, the armor of both battery and hull of the latter is wholly insufficient to compete with the former. The inference, therefore, is obvious and irresistible that the monitor represented by our illus- ti'ation could readily destroy Samuda's casemate vessel. But it is not my intention to prove the worthlessness of the Moyini Zaffer as a war vessel, the object of discussing the subject being simply that of instituting a comparison between the two systems represented by the illustrations on Plate 5G. It merits special attention that, apart from the limited horizontal range of all the guns of the Moyini Zaffe>\ only one of the four — viz., a — can be j^ointed forward parallel w^ith the ship's course; and that c, the only other gun capable of firing ahead, cannot point nearer than 11 deg. of the line of keel. At a distance of a mile ahead, there is, consequently, a field of 1,200 feet which an assailant may occupy, ex2:)osed to only one 12-ton gun. Chased by an enemy, the Turkish CUA1-. xxxvi. lUE MoyiTOU TLliliET AM) TUE CASEMATE. 5013 \var-shii), with the Saimuhi-Aiiiiiitioug battery, will be eiiually impotent; the gun marked d being her only defensive wea- l)on. It will be founil, on inspection, that the piece marked b, like that marked c, cannot be pointed nearer than 1 1 de"'. of the line of keel. Let us now turn to the monitor. It will be seen that four 24-ton guns, two forward and two aft, fire in a direct line with the keel; there being no safe position, as in the case of the fixed battery, for the enemy's vessel to occupy. The entire field, viewed from stem to stern, as the plan shows, is swept by all the guns of the monitor. Bearing in mind that these powerful guns are protected by 15-iuch thickness of iron, which, if applied in two thicknesses, is proof against any artillery yet produced, wliile the 1 2-ton guns of the Samuda-Armstrong battery are protected by armor which a 7-inch rifle will pierce through and through, the argument in favor of the monitor turi-et becomes overwhelming. It will be asked, in view of these incontrovertible facts, why do constructors advocate the fixed battery? I know of no other reason than the assumption that the joint between the rotating turret and the deck cannot be made secure. English engineers, relying on the accounts of the perform- ances of the monitors published by the enemies of the Union during the war, apparently do not take the trouble to investi- gate the matter; while American experts who have written about turrets appear to be ignorant of the leading facts connected with the turret system. For instance, Mr. Eads, in a report to the Navy Depart- 504 THE MOXlTOli TUltBET AND THE CASEMATE, chap, xxxvi. meut, informs the Secretary that " the baud rouud the base of the tui-ret on the Dictator weighs over 20,000 pounds," aud points out how much better this great weight of irou might be applied for other purposes. Now, this turret has no baud rouud its base, nor was it ever intended to have one, Mr. E. also tells the Secretary that auy down^vard swelling of the plating, produced by the impact of projec- tiles striking low, will stop the rotation of the turret by friction under its base. This assertion proves ignorance of the fact that the Diotatoi' turret rests wholly on the four inner courses of plating (which cannot be swelled), and that the intermediate wrought slabs and outer plating (together 11 inches in thickness) do not reach the deck., aud therefore can, by no possibility, cause the predicted stoppage. Again, the apprehensions expressed in several reports, with reference to the base of the pilot-house in connection with the rotation of the turret, prove that another very important circumstance has been overlooked — viz., that the turret projects consider- ably above said base, thereby effectually protecting it. CHAPTER XXXYII. CARRIAGES FOR HEAVY ORDNANCE. (SEE PLATE 57.) The Engineer, in discussing the subject of gun-carriao'es (in 1868), says: "Americans mount their big guns in turrets, and France has no peculiarly big guns to mount. In the matter of carriages, as in almost everything else connected with recent improvements in ordnance, England must be content to act as schoolmistress to the rest of the world." This assertion is preposterous, in view of the fact that Eng- land had not mounted a single heavy gun on shipboard at the time when we had a large fleet of iron-clad.s armed with 11 and 15 inch guns. Not only that: we iiad effectually used those guns in numerous engagements, and fully estab- lished the reliable character of our system of mounting the same, before English artillerists believed it possible to dis- pense with breeching. But our contest was watched by attentive eyes, and hence our success did not long remain 506 OABBIAOES FOB HEAVY OBDNANOE. chap, xxxvii. a secret. An enterprising English captain sjjeedily pro- cured drawings of tlie Monitor gun-carriages and tlieir fric- tion-gear. Ho^v faitlifully lie copied our system the reader will see by comjjaring tlie several devices for producing friction represented on Plate 57. Sir William Armstrong, too, becoming convinced that the Monitor friction-gear was the best for checking the recoil of naval ordnance of heavy calibre, also follo\ved our lead. An anuising contest arose between Sir AVilliam and the enter2:)rising naval officer al- luded to, whose indignation knew uo bounds on finding that the great gunmaker had adopted the same plan as him- self for checking the recoil. But Mr. Scott Russell having in the meantime published accurate drawings of the Monitor gun-carriages and friction-gear. Sir William was in a posi- tion to silence the complaints of his rival by simply point- ing to Plate No. 139 of Scott Eussell's great work on naval architecture. By referring to the illustration mentioned, the reader will see at a glance that Captain Scott's friction-gear is iden- tical with that applied to the gun-carriages of the American iron-clad fleet. The principle is very peculiar, and involves the apparent paradox of obtaining increased friction to any desirable extent without adding to the force employed. A brief explanation will show how this singular result is ef- fected. A series of vertical plates are secured to the lower part of the gun-carriage in such a manner as to admit of a slight transverse movement. These plates slide freely be- tween longitudinal friction-timbers, or })lanks composed of CHAP. XXXVII. CAIil'IAGLS I'OI! HEAVY OEDyAXCK 607 hard wood, which in broadside vessels are attached to tlie "slides," and in the monitoi-s secured to the base of the turrets. It will he readily understood that, l)y applying lateral force to the two outside vertical plates from \\itli- out, friction will be established between all the plates and the intervening planks ; and it will be evident that the amount of friction between the surfaces in contact will de- pend on the force thus applied, wholly independent of their 7iumhei: Thus, by merely doubling the number of plates and idanks, the friction will be doubled without callino' for the application of any additional force. It rarely hajipens in mechanical contrivances that the effect to be produced is so completely independent of the force applied as in this instance. The practical advantage of obtaining requisite friction without employing great manual power is obvious ; and that it is fully appreciated may be infeired from the alacrity with which the system has been copied in Euroj^e. The difficulty of handling the modem monster guns on board ship in l)ad weather, ^vllich at one time was deemed impracticable by experienced sailors, vanished with the in- ti'oduction of my multiple.x friction apparatus thus briefly described. The reader will observe how closely even the detail of the original has been followed by the plagiarists ; the mode of pi'oducing the lateral pressure, for instance, has been carefully copied by Captain Scott. lie employs the transvei-se screw and vertical levers by which the outside friction-plates are forced inwards, precisely as in the Monitor carriages. Sir William Armstrong also emplojs the trans- 508 GAliBIAGES FOB HEAVY OBDNANGE. chap, xxxvii. verse screw and vertical levers, but lie divides the screw in the middle — an ill-considered modification, as it calls for the application of force on both sides of the carriage, increases tlie friction, and tends to pull the sides together. Sir Wil- liam Armstrong also introduces the modification of employ- ing iron bars in place of the wooden friction-planks — a most objectionable expedient, as the needed friction is greatly diminished by presenting metal against metal. Moreover, the friction becomes so irregular as to bafHe any attempt at systematic tightening with reference to the charge of pow- der employed, rendering accidents inevitable. It is evident that if the metallic plates are kept dr}", abrasion follows, and that their surfaces are liable to cut and stick. If oiled, the least excess of lubrication will reduce the friction to such an extent as to permit the gun to recoil without check, as experience during experimental practice has shown. Apai't from these objections, the want of that indispensable elas- ticity which the wooden friction-plank affords is fatal to Sir William Armstrong's substitution 6f metal for wood. With such facts before it, the Engineer tells its readers that, in the matter of carriages and other improvements connected with naval ordnance, England must be content to act as " schoolmistress " to the rest of the world. Alas for the schoolmistress ! She has been endeavoring to teach the \vorld for a long time that our system of naval defence was all wrong, until at last she has discovered that her boasted broadside iron-clads, on which millions have been spent, are hopelessly \nilnerable. CHAP. XXXTII. CAEFTAGES FCW ]TEArT ORDNAKCK 509 The leading journal of England, Februaiy 12, 1SG8, frankly admits that "the final blow" has been given to the "already tottering theory of broadside iron-clads," and adds: "Why do we obstinately refuse to build small iron-clad, sino-le- tuiret vessels, with low freeboard, and one or two guns of the heaviest calibre? The American and Russian officei-s who have actually tried them report with enthusiasm of their sea-going properties." It would have been well for the "schoolmistress" if she had not listened to the advice which prejudiced naval constructors have persistently tendered ; it might have spai-ed the naval administration of England the severe censure called forth at the time for having neglected to adopt the monitor system. " It seems to us," says the Times of the date before mentioned, " that the Admiralty have in nothing so neglected their duty as in failing to provide us with a large supply of these formidable little vessels." Can the Enghieei\ moreover, point to a single invention connected with our turret iron-clads, naval ordnance, or gun- carriages which has originated in England ? Those best acqutiinted with the matter know that every mechanical de- vice relating to the system Avhich so successfully vindicated itself dui-ing the late wai- was contrived on this side of the Atlantic — a success the more remarkable since the exigency of the time did not admit of previous expeiinients, everv- thing being despatched directly from the foundr}- and woi-k- shop to the scene of conflict. CHAPTER XXXYIII. PIVOT-CAKEIAGES OF THE THIRTY SPANISH GUNBOATS. (SEE PLATE 58.) The gim-carriages .and slides constioicted for the SpanisL gunboats present two important features wliich distinguisli the same from other pivot systems — viz., the slide is made to rotate round a permanent central fighting-bolt secured in the middle of the deck near the bow ; consequently, as the bulwarks of the Sj^anish gunboats are low enough to admit of firing en barbette, a horizontal range of 240 deg. is ob- tained. The other important feature of the new system is that of enabling the gunner to apply and relieve the compressor instantaneously. Naval artillerists are well aware of the advantage of ro- tating slides, but, owing to the circumstance that such an arrangement unavoidably carries the fighting-bolt in the rear of the trunnion when the gun is run out, such slides have been deemed impracticalde. Evidently, if the fighting-bolt CHAP. XXXVIII. SJ'AXl:sn GUNBOAT riVOT-CAElilAGES. 511 1h' placed tar iu the rear uf the truiaiioii, the slide will be lifted upwards with great viuleiiee at the iustaut of discliarge. This apparently insuperable difficulty is completely overcome in the arrangement now under consideration, by the expe- dient of raising the circular ring on which the slide turns about one inch above the deck. By this expedient an effi- cient abutment will be obtained for restraiuins the loujri- tudiiial movement of the slide in all jjosltions. A plate at- tached to the front transom of the slide, as represented by the illustration on Plate 58, extending down as far as the bottom of the ring, thus takes the [)lace of the ordinary fighting-bolt. The central pivot, round which the slide re- volves, fits so loosely in the socket of the cross-plate that the whole force of the recoil is received by the descending trausom-plate and the edge of the deck-ring. The latter is sustained by a circular platform of boards 1 in. thick, se- cured to the deck, and flush with the top of the ring. The front transom and outside circumference of the deck-ring being in advance of the centre of the trunnion of the gun when run out, the force of the recoil, iu place of lifting, will evidently tend to depress, the slide. Ample experience in working the slides of the Spanish gunboats has fully demonstrated this fact, and established the superiority of the rotating slide in point of easy handling as well as ex- tensive lateral range. It will be evident on reflection that a very slight modi- fication will adapt the rotating slide thus described to broad- side firing. Such a modification was made in December, 1869, 512 SPANISH GUKBOAT PlVOT-VAlllilAGES. chap, xxxviil. iiud tliu slide tLii« modified, together with its carriage, was presented to the Ordnance Bureau for trial. A 100-pounder Purrott rifle-guu having been mounted on the carriage, Com- mander E. Simpson was ordered by the Chief of the Bureau to conduct the trial on board the U. S. steamer Tallapoosa, during a run from New York to Washington. Commander Simpson's report of this trial and his description of the new arrangement are so lucid that I adopt the same in preference to any description I could pen : " The carriage consists of a slide and top-carriage, con- structed of wrought iron. The slide is composed of two rails, with four bolts connecting them at intervals of two feet. The heurters consist each of two plates of half-inch iron^ between which are placed the rollers for lateral train. They are each strengthened by two castings placed between the plates near the rails, those at the rear end being con- tinued up nine inches above the rails, to Avhich are secured the huffers of india-rubber, designed to receive the recoil when the carriage is permitted to recoil the whole length of the slide. "The middle of the slide rests on a rail on the deck designed to support it at that point, and on which it slides \vhen training. " The slide has one transom half way of its length riveted to the inner sides of the rails, and on a plane six inches be- low their upper surface. "To an angle-iron turned up from the rear of the tran- som, and rising to the level of the rails, is bolted the rear CHAP. XXXVIII. SrAMSn GUXBOAT PIVOT-CARIirAGES. 513 vud (if the frictiu)i-lHii; six inclics wide aud inie aiul a (quarter iiidu's tliick, wliicli is coutiuued horizontally to the forward lu'urter, -where it is bolted to a castiiiLr, after jiassing whicli it inclines downwards gradually to the i)iv(>t, where it is secured to the pivut-l)()lt thn)UgIi a liole in its end. "A composition rack is bolted on the inside of the riglit rail, the teeth extending above the level of the rails. "The carriage rests on four rollers front and rear, the former of 18 inches diameter, the latter of 7 inches. To the inner face of the right forward roller is bolted a work- ing-wheel of composition, with its cogs gearing below into the rack on the slide, while above it gears into a [)inion on a shaft which lias its bearings in the brackets of tlie carriage. A crank is attached to the end of this shaft on the right side of the carriage, and by it the carriage is run in and out on the slide. This shaft has a longitudinal mo- tion, which allows the pinion to be geared or ungeart'il at pleasure. It is always desirable to ungear before iirinii\ in order to prevent motion of the crank, which might i)rove dangerous to the gun's crew. " A conveniently-arranged clutch holds the shaft in either position. "The carriage has one transom, from the forward i)ai-t of which project two arms, one-third the width of the tran- som apart, extending to a length of 20 inches, and termi- nating in eyes, through which the compression-shaft passes, which has bearings in the lower part of the brackets and well forward of the forward axle of the carriage. 514 SPANISH GUKBOAT PirOT-CAinHAGES. chap, xxxvm. "Under the friction-bar is a clamp 17 inches long and 6 and 10 inches wide, which binds against the under face of the bar. The compression is produced through the ec- centric motion of a third piece resting on the uj)per clamp, a side-elevation of which represents a half-circle, and which is fitted over the compression-shaft. This eccentric piece is connected with the friction-clamps by two iron straps, with nuts screwed on the lower ends of them. It will be per- ceived that the friction-clamps occupy a position in the centre line of the carriage and between the ends of the two arms projecting from the transom. The friction-clamps are lined with hard wood, which forms the surfaces bind- ing on the friction-bar. The compression-shaft has its bear- ings on the brackets of the carriage, and projects far enough outside the left bracket to receive a long lever which is shipped on its end, and which has a vertical motion, limited by the adjustment of the screw-nuts on the ends of the iron straps which connect the friction-clamj^s. This lever is held in position by a rack on the outside of the left bracket when the required compression is attained. A steel spring at the lower end of the lever binds it against the bracket, and a very convenient eccentric arrangement at the handle of the lever enables this pressure to be overcome when desiring to move the lever." Having prefixed this very clear and precise description to his report, Commander Simpson proceeds: "During the firing thus tabulated, the running-oiit gear was but seldom used, the carriage being allowed to move obedient to the CHAP. XXXVIII. SPAXISir GUXBOAT nrOT-OAEEIAGES. 515 roll of the vessel, and its motiou was found to be perfectly under the control of one man at the compression-lever, who could check it at any point. The compression being found to work well in deliberate fire, thirty rounds were fired to test the point whether rapid fire would cause the heating of the friction-bar. The thirty rounds consumed nearly thirty minutes in firing, at the end of which time the tem- perature of the bar was slightly raised, but in no way inter- fei-cd \\ith a continuance of firing. Very rajtid firing may be done with this carriage; the time consumed in firing the thirty rounds above mentioned was in consequence of the crew not being accustomed to gun-exercise. "The most promiiR'nt advantage — in fact, the essential characteristic — of this carriage is its system of compression, wliich is complete and instantaneous. "The compression in use Avith our pivot-guns and with our turret-guns invohes the use of a screw, which requires time to work ; the substitute provided in this carriage is a simple motion in a vertical plane of a lever, which is in- stantaneous in action, and quite as effective in its result. "The tardiness of action in the compression of our tuiret- guns may often cause hesitancy in casting them loose in a sea- way, when, with a more speedy means of compression, they might be made of service. The slow and imperfect action of the compressoi-s fitted to our pivot-guns renders necessaiy eccentric rollei-s to the axles, so that the carriage may be let down on the slide, to increase, by the increased surface in contact, the friction that the compressors do not supply. 516 SPANISH GUNBOAT PiVOT-CAEEIAGES. chap, xxxviii. "The system of compression doav under consideration ad- mits of keeping tlie carriage always on its rollers, thus simplifying tlie mechanism of the carriage, and dispensing with the levers which are now necessary to bring the rollers in and out of action. The four men now devoted to this duty could be dispensed with. " During the experiments here reeoixled the carriage has fulfilled the advantages claimed for it by its inventor, and, unless subsequent experiments or the experience of actual service should develop defects not now apparent, its claim for preference over any carriages now in use in the navy must be allowed. " During the firing, the shortest distance at which the recoil was checked was 2 feet 5 inches, which was only half the recoil that would be required in service so as to have the gun in position for loading. If less recoil were required at any time, it can be obtained by a change in the adjustment of the screw-nuts on the strap binding the fric- tion-clamjx" * * It will be proper to notice that the new system has proved so successful in practice that the Spanish Government, in addition to the thirty carriages and slides mounted on board of the new gunboats, have recently ordered several sets of similar carriages and slides for other vessels. CHAPTER XXXIX. KOTAKY GUX-CARRIAGE AND TRANSIT rLATFORM. AP1>I.IED TO THE SPANISH GUNBOAT TORNADO.* (SEE PLATE 59.) Tin; illustration on the plate referred to represents a new .system of transferring the battery from side to side, witlK)nt resoiting to the complicated method of pivoting practised in our ve.ssels of war. In addition to the advantage of rapidly transfen-ing the guns from side to side, an all-r of the platform, at the point where the bracket d bears. The professional reader cannot fail to perceive the advan- tage of transferring the strain from the central pivot in rear of the trunnion to a point in advance of the same. Obviously, the practical result will be that of causing the carriage and slide to bear down against the platform, instead of being violently jarred or lifted up, as it would be if the force of the recoil were brought to bear on the central pivot. Re- garding the proper position of the fighting-bolts for securing the platform during firing, it will be evident that if inserted at I; as shown (for the sake of ready explanation) in the illustration, the platform would be lifted or jarred at the moment of discharging the gun; while by inserting the fight- 520 IWTABY GUN-CARRIAGE AND PLATFORM, chap, xxxix. iug-l>()lt at er distance fi'om the opponent's vessel. The different [)arabolic curves marked on tlie delineations on Plate 62 clearly show that no great accuracy is called for, and that the projectile may dip at various distances from the vessel assailed, and yet strike the hull. It should be observed that the vertical .scale is different from that of the horizontal, in order not to place the vessels too far apart for the limited size of the plate ; consequently, the trajectory shown is considerably foreshortened. The turret represented on the illustration, in which the light 15-in. shell-guns are mounted, is composed of wTought- iron plates of great thickness, the size of the structure being sufficient to accommodate the two pieces, suspended, as already stated, by pendulum-links secured under the I'oof. A massive central shaft of wrought iron supjiorts the turret, on the plan adopted in the monitors. The vessel designed to caii'v the battery is a mere iron hull, eranimed with motive power, in order to ensure high speed. The midship section is tri- angular and tlie bow raking, as shown by the illustration. The overhanging siiles aud deck are heavily armored. CHAPTER XLIIL SUBMARINE WARFARE— THE MOVABLE TORPEDO. (SEE PLATE G3.) It was stated as a general proposition, in tte preceding chapter, that a heavy body, of regular form, projected late- rally through the air, commences to fall from the instant of leaving the muzzle of the gun, describing during its pro- gress a parabolic curve considerably foreshortened owing to atmospheric resistance. But a body of regular form, pro- jected under the surface of water or other fluid, in a hori- zontal or inclined direction, will move in a straiglit line, provided its sjiecific gravity be equal to that of the fluid. In other words, a heavy body moving through the atmospliere is under the influence of the gravitating force of the earth ; while a submerged body, the weight of which is equal to its displacement, is not affected by gravitation. If put in motion under the surface of a quiescent fluid of unlimited extent, such a body will continue to move in a straight liue CHAP. XLIII. THE MOVABLE TOUrKDO. 541 until tlie motive energy which propels it liei-onies less than the resisting force of the surrounding niediiini. Starting with these cardinal propositions, I entered, some thirty years ago, on the task of solving the problem of sul)- marine attack — viz., the propelling or projecting below the surface of the water of an elongated body containing explo- sive substances to be ignited when reaching some point under the bottom or bilge of an opponent's vessel. The best method of carrying out the idea is that of projecting the elongated body by means of a tube or chamber with parallel sides applied near the bottom of the aggressive vessel. Such a method I proposed to the Emperor of France in the month of September, 1854, Jis mentioned in Chap. XXVIII. At close quartei-s the stated plan of attack will unques- tionably be found very effective — indeed, infallible ; but, unless the ojiponent's vessel can be approached very near, it will prove abortive. Oljviousl)^, if the projectile be pushed out in any direction not parallel with the line of keel while the aggressive vessel is in motion, a side resistance will be offered by the stationary water of the sea, \vhich will divert the course of the missile the instant it is deprived of the guiding power of the tube from which it is ejected. Cur- rents will, from the same cause, change the intended course. It need scarcely be observed that, in addition to the difii- culty of controlling the direction of the projectile, tlie force imparted to the same, whether steana or compressed air, will be insufficient to propel it to any considerable distance. In order to meet these sertous practical objections — viz., that 542 THE MOVABLE TOEPEDO. chap, xliii. the projectile ('.iiiiint l)e propelled far enougli, and that its course cauuot be controlled — I have resorted to a device by which any desirable amount of pi'opulsive force may be im- parted, irresjiective of the distance traversed, and by which the course of the missile is undei' perfect control dui-iiig its progress to the intended point. Persons of a mechanical turn of mind in almost every country have for a long time been engaged in contriving torpedoes to he propelled under water by independent motive power of various kinds, for the purpose of blowing up vessels. The Austrian torpedo, urged through the water by means of compressed air, may be classed as one of this numeroiis tribe, the reported ter- ]'il)le nature of which has from time to time frightened naval constructors, and amazed some uumechanical sailors who have witnessed the trials, and found that the mysterious body actually can move under water. Proper investigation of the subject, however, exposes imperfections of the Austrian tor- pedo which i-ender its final success problematical. It should be borne in mind that atmospheric air com- pressed, so as to exert a pressure of 300 lbs. to the S(|. in., weighs nearly 2 ll)s. to the cubic ft. Consecpiently, the amount of motive force which the torpedo is capable of containing will be found wholly insulficient for its effective jiropulsion unless an imjiracticable or, at any rate, dangei'ous pressure be employed, accompanied bj" great weight, seiiousl}'' intei-fering with buoyancy, while the want of means for direct- ing the torjiedo to the desired point presents an insupei'able objection. As before stated, I have contrived a torpedo iii.w. XLiii. TUE MOVAHLE 'WHFEDO. 64^ that limy Ik- [)ropflli'eller. But the difficulty of procuring the requisite amount of motive force for actuating the propeller, and the aljsence of means for directing the torpedo, have in each instance defeated the object in view. 544 THE MO VABLE TOliPEDO. ■ chap, xliii. Before proceeding to consider the important question of gniding the torpedo, I will uow briefly describe my method of obtaining the required power for actuating the propellers. A reel, of suitable diameter, revolving on a horizontal axle, is applied near the chamber from which the torpedo is ejected, one end of the axle being supported by a suitable bearing, while the other enters an air-vessel through a stuffing-box. The end thus inserted in the air-vessel is per- foi'ated longitudinally for a short distance, and provided with an ojjening in the side at the point where the perforation terminates. A tubular rope, the bore of which is about one iucli in diameter, composed of hemp and vulcanized i-ubber, is connected with this opening, and then coiled around the reel a certain niimber of times, and, lastly, connected with the rear end of the torpedo. The air-vessel into -which the perforated axle of the reel enters, being charged with com- pressed air (by means of force-pumps worked by steam- power), it \vill be readily understood that the compressed air will pass through the axle, then through the several coils of tubular rope wound round the reel, and ultimately reach the rear end of the torpedo, where the rope is attached to the engine wliich actuates the propellers. Accordingly, the propulsion of the torpedo may be regulated by simply o[)ening or closing the aperture of the perforated shaft within the air vessel. Tlie rotation of the reel, consequent on the onward movement of the torpedo, obviously cannot interrupt the passage of the compi-essed air through the coils of the tubular rope; hence the supply of motive force will continue CHAP. XLiii. 77/A' MOVMU.E ToniT.VO. 545 iiMdiiiiinisIied during the onward niovona-nt. Tlir tulmlar rope being about one inch diameter in the bore, it will be found by calculation that a quantity of compressed air, suffi- cient to develop any desirable amount of power, may be transmitted through it during the progress of the torpedo, whether far oif or near the aggressive vessel. The arrange- ment thus described being sufficiently simple to be com- prehended without entering into detail, it will only be necessary to state that the tubular rope, after leaving the reel under the deck, is made to descend through a vertical tube iuto the torpedo chamljer, iu order to prevent an entrance of water at the point where the rope passes out. Also, that tivo propellers are employed, revolving in opposite directions round a common centre — indispensable to prevent the torpedo itself from rotating when subjected to the powerful torsion produced by a siiKjle projieller actuated by the motive force which may be transmitted through a tuljular rope of one-inch bore. I will now proceed to describe my method of guiding the torpedo, premising that the external casing which con- tains the mechanism and explosive compouud is heavier at the bottom than at the top, in order to preserve a vertical position, and that, in addition to the horizontal rudders for regulating the immersion, the torpedo is provided with a vei-tical balauce-rui^lder for directing the lateral course. The reel having a mean circumference of 10 ft., it will be seen that the tu1)ular rope need only l)e coiled rouii. XLV. iiUy I'OWEK-TUE SOLAR EXGIXE. 5C7 side, liecaiise l)lack possesses tlie property of absorbing all the heat-rays, just as white reflects them; and it is enclosed in a glass envelope, ghvss being ilie most diathermanous of all bodies— that is to say, the most permeable by the rays of liiniinous heat. Glass further possesses the property of resist- ing the exit of these same rays after they have been trans- formed into dark rays on the blackened surface of the boiler. None of the.se applications of physical laws present any novelty ; people induced them to practice instinctively, as it were, before men of science could assign the reasons. Here the arts of cookery and of gardening, and the pro- cesses for warming our rooms, did uot wait for the experi- ments of the physicist. Saussure himself started from these data in his researches ; but the inventor needed the discoveries of modern physics in order to give to these applications a ligorous formula. "The boiler proper of the Tours solar engine consists of two concentric bells of copper, the larger one, which alone is visible, having the same height as the mirror — i.e., eighty centimetres— and the smaller or inner one fifty centimetres; their re,spective diameters are twenty-eight and twenty-two centimetres. The thickness of the metal is only three mil- limetres. The feed-water lies between the two envelopes, forming an annular envelope three centimetres in thickness. Thus the volume -of li.piid is twenty litres, and the steam- chamber hits a capacity of ten litres. The inner envelope is empty. Into it pass the steam-pipe and the feed-pipe of the boiler. To the sleamjiipe are attache is connected witli the crank-shaft by the bell-ci-aiik // and connecting-rod //. An annular space is formed round tlie excliange-piston, admitting of a free passage of the air from end to end of the cylinder during the motion of this piston. It will l;e readily understood that during the downward motion of the exchange-piston the cold air from the lower end of the cylinder will be transferred to the upper end, heated by the concentrated solar rays ; lience internal pressure will be produced tending to force the working-piston down. By a careful examination of the combination of the several work- ing parts, it will be easily comprehended how the working- piston is actuated by the confined air, heated and cooled alternately by the peculiar motion of the exchange-piston. It will be evident that the large surface presented by the outside of the exchange-piston, and inside of the cylinder, •will cause a rapid change of temperature of the air while circulating from end to end of the latter. The upper end of the cylinder being heated by the concentrated solar rays, the cold air from the lower end \n\\, during its trans- fer to the upper end caused by the downward motion of the exchange-piston, become heated and expanded; while during the upward motion of the .said piston the air, in being transferred to the lower end of the cylinder, becomes cooled and contracted. It will be found on due considera- tion that the exchange-piston thus performs the office of a regetierator. The engine, therefore, is capable of ojieiating 574 SUN rOWEB-THE SOLAR ENGINE. chap. xlv. for a considerable time by exposing tlie upper end of the cylinder to the reflected solar heat during a few minutes at starting. By continuous exposure to the concentrated solar rays, the engine performs fully 400 turns per minute. It should be observed that concentrated solar radiation supplies heat with such extraordinary rapidity that the apparently insufficient amount of heating surface presented by the cylinder has proved adequate, notwithstanding the great speed of the engine. It only remains to be stated that the body fii m represents a radiator carrying off the heat which is not taken up by the circulating air during the motion of the exchange-piston. Of course, the amount of heat carried off by the radiator furnishes a nearly correct measure of the solar energy not converted into mechanical work. Engineers need not be reminded that the form of the solar engine thus described is applicable only for purposes requiring moderate power. In the largest class of solar engines actuated by atmospheric air, in which the radiator is incapable of ab- stracting the sujierfluous heat, I employ valves, and take in fresh air at each stroke of the machine, precisely as in the caloric engine delineated on Plate 46. Having thus cursorily examined the construction of the solar engine actuated by the intervention of atmospheric air, and briefly adverted to the steam solar engine and the mode adopted in concentrating the molecular motion im- parted by solar radiation, and also pointed out the nature of the expedient resorted to in transferring the said con- centrated molecular motion to mechanical motors, let us now CHAP. XLV. SUN roWEli-TUE SOLAIi AWGIXE. 575 consider the stupfiulous amount of the energy at our com- mand. It has already been stated that the result of repeate.l e.\i)eriments with the concentration a^iparatus shows that it abstracts on an average, during nine hours a da}-, for all latitudes between the equator and 45 deg., fully :].'» units of heat per minute for each sipiare foot of area presented perpendicularly to the sun's rays. Theoretically, this indi- cates the development of an energy etpial to 8.2 horse- power for an area of 100 square feet. On grounds before explained, our calculations of the capabilities of sun power to actuate machinery will, however, be based on one horse- power developed for loo s(puire feet e.\-i)osed to solar radia- tion. The isolated districts of the earth's surface suffering from an excess of solar heat being very numerous, our space only admits of a glance at the sunbui-nt continents. There is a rainless region extending from the northwest coast of Afi-ica to Mongolia, 9,000 miles in length and nearly 1,000 miles wide. Besides the North Afiican deserts, this re- gion includes the southern coast of the Mediten-anean east of the Gulf of Cabes, Upper Egypt, the eastern and i)art of the western coast of the Eed Sea, part of Sp-ia, the eastern part of the countries watered l)y the Euphrates and Tigris, Eastern Arabia, the greater pait of Persia, the extreme western part of China, Tibet, and, lastly, Mongolia. In the western hemisphei-e. Lower California, the table-land of Mexico and Guatemala, and the west coast of South America, for a distance of more than 2,000 miles, suffer from continuous intense radiant heat. 5rG Sm' rOWFAt—THE SOLAR ENGINE. chap. XLV. Computations of tlie solar energy wasted on the vast areas tlius specified would present an inconceiva1)ly great amount of dynamic force. Let us, therefore, merely esti- mate the mechanical power that would result from utilizing the solar heat on a strip of land a single mile in width, along the rainless western coast of America ; the southern coast of the Mediterranean before alluded to ; both sides of the allu- vial plain of the Nile in Upper Egypt; both sides of the Euphrates and Tigris for a distance of 400 miles above the Persian Gulf ; and, finally, a strip one mile wide along the rainless portions of the shores of the Red Sea, before pointed out. The aggregate length of these strips of land, selected on account of being accessible by water communication, far exceeds 8,000 miles. Adopting the stated length and a ■width of one mile as a basis for computation, it will be seen that this very narrow belt covers 223,000 millions of square feet. Dividing the latter amount by the area of 100 square feet necessary to produce one horse-power, we learn that 22,300,000 solar engines, each of 100 horse-power, could be kept in constant operation, nine hours a day, by utilizing only that heat which is now wasted on the assumed small fraction of land extendiuof alonsf some of the water-fronts o o of the sunburnt regions of the earth. Due consideration cannot fail to convince i:s that the rapid exhaustion of the European coal-fields will soon cause great changes with reference to international relations, in favor of those coun- tries which are in possession of continuous sun-power. Upper Egypt, for instance, will, in the course of a few cen- CHAP. XLV. SUN POWEU-THE SOLAU ENGINE. 577 turies, derive signal advantage and attain a liigli i.ditiial position on account of her iierpetual suiisliinc and the eon- sequent command of unlimited motive force. The time will come when Europe nuist stop her mills for want of coal. Upper Egypt, then, with her never-ceasing sun-power, will invite the European manufacturer to remove his machiueiy and erect his mills on the firm ground along the sides of the alluvial plain of the Nile, where an amount of motive power may be ol)tained many times greatei' than that now employed by all the manufactories of Europe. V If n a 01 •*) o H S « Q en 01 H •?! ^ o o W W > rj o p-i > H W ^ > K! H o § M C cs K «-( O n !< » Flate 1. Hee (Juaf. I. Instkument fok measuring the Ixtexsity of Radiation from Enclosed Concave IlAniATous. Designed hy .Toiix Ekicsson. Manufactured at New York, 1873. Plate 2. See Chap. I. DiAouAMS snoTviNo THE Propaoatiox of Radiant Heat tiiikiuoii Space. Plate 3. Se£ Chap. I. Instrument suowing the Rate ob^ Cooling of a Ueated Body wiTiiix AN Exhausted Cold Enclosuue. Desiuxed hy John Ericsson. Manufactured at ^i'ew York, i8?a. ym. I Plats 4. See Chap. 11. IXSTKI'MKNT SHOWIXU TIIK HaTE en o w ^ i 53 S 2 B Plate 7. Skf. Ciiav. II. ACTINOMETEU, FOR MEASURING THE INTENSITY OF SoLAU RaDIATIOX. Designed by John Ericsson. MANriACTrnnn at Xkw Yoi:k, i870. Pr.ATk 8. See Vuap. HI. Plate 9. See Cuav. III. Solar Calokimetkr, i-ou MEAsrniNc; tiik Meciia.vical Enekoy ok Solar IlAniATiox. Designed hy Joii.v Ericssox. Manufactured at New York, i870. Plate 10. See Chap. V. PoKTAiii.K SoLAK Cai.()i:imktki:. kok MKAsui:i.\(i Tin; Mechanical Enki!oy <>I' SoLAi: ItADIAlloV. l)i:si(;XKI> ItY .lollX ElMCSSON. MaM1A( TIIMM) AT XkW Y(I1;K, 1N74. PI.ATE 11. See Chap. V. l)iA(;i:.vMs siiowiNd tiik JIaihatiox fkom Dikkkkknt Parts (IK TKE Soi.Aij Disc. Plate 12. See Chap. VI. PAl^ALLACTIc Mechanism fou mkasukixg tiik Lvtensity ok RadiXtio.v FROAI DiFFERKNT PaKTS OF THE SoLAR Dl-Si'. Designed uv Joux Euicssux. Coxstkuctkd at New Yokk, 18T5. Plats 13. See Cbap. VI. DiAdu.vM siiowiNd Tin: Attuactiox witiiix tiii-; Solai: Mass AT I)ii'i-ki:i:n r Distaxcks viu>m its Ckntuk. Plate U- See Chap. VII. iNSTTltTMENT FOU MKASURIXC, TIIK RaDIAXT PoWER OF TIIK SoLAR Atmosphere. Designed by Jonx Ericssox. MANTFArTCKED AT NkW YoRK, 1873. Plate 15. Skk Cn.ir. VIII. DiAiiUAMs siiowixd Tin; ]{ai>ia.nt Puwkk 111- Till-; SoLAU Atmospiikkk. Plate 16. See Cuai>. VI 11. LnSTKUMENT Full MEASUKI.NG TilK AClLAJ. INTENSITY OF TllK Sux's RaY: Designed uv John Ekicsson. Maxufactueed at New Yokk. isn. Flate 17. i>£i: CuAP. IX. Instrhment for showin'g the Fkebleness of Solai: Radiation-. Desic.xkp itY Joiix Ericssox. Coxstructed at Xkw York, isn. Plate la. .Sav; ( iiai: 1.\. SOLiVIi PVKOMETKU, FOU ASCERTAIXIXO THK TKMPICnATrKI': OF TIIF, SOLAU SCKFACE. DESIGNED BY JoiIX ElilCSSON. Constructed at New York, isto. Pr.ATK 10. See ('iiaf. X. Appaijatus fok MKAsiuiixG THE IIauiant Intensity ok Flames. Designed by John Eiucsson. Constkuoted at New York, is71. FIG. 9 Platb 20. Hee ViiAP. X INSTKUMKNT FOU MKA.SUKIXG THE UaDIATIOX l-llU.M IXCAXDESCEXT Planes. Designed by John Ericsson. Manufactuued at New Youk, 18?^. Plate 21. !See C'jjaj: XL DlAfiUA.MS SlIOWIXO TIIK RaDIATIOX AT DIFFERENT INCLINATIONS OF Incandescent Planes. Plate 22. See Cum: XL IXSTUrAfKXT KOU MKASI'IUXC. TUr. UvniATIOX VUOM DUKKKKXT ZOXKS OF Incandkscent Spheres. Dksioxkd hy Joiix Ekicssox. Manufactured at New York, i8?3. Pr,ATK 2.J. See C'//.tr. XI I. DiAtSUAMS SHOWINti THK RaDIATIOX KUoM DlKKKKKNT ZoNKS OF Incandksoent Spiieues. Plate 24. See Cuai: A'II. OaLOKIMETEK, KOK MEASL'lUNti THE ENKKliV DKVELUPED »Y R.VDIATIOX OK FusKD luoN. Desujneu hy Joux Ekicsson. CONSTRUOTEU AT NeW YultK, 1B?J. Ov /'.>/ Plate ^o. See Vuaj: All I. AppAUATrs Koi: mkasiimm; IIakiant IIkat iiy mkans uk tiik Tiikkmo- Elkctrio PiLK. Dksiuxk.i) hy John' Kuicssox. CONSTIMTTKU AT XkW YJ. ShK ( IIAI-. .\ I \ B.VlIoMr.TKIC ACTIVOMKTKI:, von MKASintINt! TIIK IXTKN'SITV OK SoLAK 1{ai)[aiion. l)i:si(i\Ki) HY .loiix Ericsson. MANtrKArrruKn at Nkw Vokk, 1874. PrMTK 27. Skf r/fAP. ATI. !25 M > R Q r> W VJ w CO H o > i< Flate ^S. ,SA'i' C'//.ii'. A' 1 7/. Q >■ ^ CC 1-H 3 s a ^ «) U O w ^ o H 2 § Q ss QD cc H o H s! CD g 5 O O o t? H '^S M H H w a >- o Q H O H d o w > H fe5 O w >n ^ 1 ^ o w OT ?: O tr" ^ > 53 !^ 'T3 «1 a o K Pijrs ;?5. S£E CuAi: X VIII. Instrument for measuring the Reflective Power of Silver and OTHER Metals. Designed by John Ericsson. Manufactured at New York, 1874. FIG. I FIG. 2. Vi. Plate 30. See Ciiap. XIX. Rapid-In'dkwtiox Actinometer, for ME.vsrRixo THE Intensity of Solar Radiation. Designed by John Ericsson. Manufactured at New York, 18T3. Plate 31. See Chap. XX. ApPAKATUS I'OK ASCKKTAINING TlIK DlATUKlUIANCV OF Fl^JIKS. Designed by Joun Ericsson. Constructed at New York, 1872. Plate 32. Sek Cuap. XXI. DiACiKAM KKIMIESENTING A SECTION (»I' TllK EaKTH AXD CERTAIN RiVEU BaSINS. Plate 33. :^£E Cu.u: A' A 11. Byxamic Rkcistkh I'on mkasi-kixc tiik Uki.ativk Pdwku oi' CruitKXT? OF NVatku and Vai'oi:. Dksioned ]?y .Tohx Eutcssox. Manukactithkh at Nkw York, 1871. I'LATE 04. Hee Cj/aj: XXII. T)i\(;n.\:Nt snowixr, the Result of Experiments with tiik Dynamic Rec.i^jtkr. Plate J'j. Ske Ciiai: A' A J I. DiSTANTK Insi i;r.MK.\T Kui; mi;asiui.\(; DisTANcKs AT Sea. DissiGNEi) i!v ilt'iiN Ki;icss().\. Manufactl'iu:u at Nkw YoUK, l»4l. Plate jo. Hes Cuai: A'AJJI. Steam Fire-Engine. Designed by Jouji Ericsson', 1841. Plate 87. See Chap. A'A'IV. H 5? 55 S •*! H B K ^ ^ :3 H P3 2! > •^ 3 CD H <1 m i? * J fn -• (S 7: -1 w i^ i< T* r hp _^ W M- W y ^ "-' ^ r M X ^ c K Cfl f5 •Ji ^ 2! ^^ w ij; r^ w H r -1 5^ b> Plate 3S. See Ciiaf. XXV 5< c Plate 39, See Chap. XXV. < c S K O CQ H O K 2! T'A.iT-i; ^0. 6'£A- (7/.I/'. XXK. pLATt: J,l. iSEE CuAi: AAV I. ./. ^_^ Vlate \2. St:i: Cum: .WVIII. SlTRFACK-CoNnENSKU. ] )KSI<;NKr) AND PaTKXTKI) IIV .TolIN EuiCSSON, 1849. lUILT AT NKW Vi>i:K. Pi.ATK Jt3. See Cum-. XXIX. EXI'KKIMKNTAL CaLuKIC ExUINK. DksIUXKU ItV .lollN ElMCSSON. BlILT AT JsKW YuUK, 18-jI. TUAXSVKUSK SKCTIUX. Pl.itic 44- ''•^i^-'^' tUAf. XXX. rt M 5 Z 2 '-^ c B K Plate Jto. See Cuap. AJ:'X Oai.oiik- Km;ini'. pdi: Domkstic Pi'im'osks. DiwiuNKn nv John Eimcssox. Biii.T IN Amkkica and Eiiiori', mui.Mi a Skuiks of Vkaks. LOXCinriJlNAI. SKClldN. Pi^ATK 40. ShK Cum: .\'.\'.\7. TiiK '• MiiMToi:." T)i:si(;\i:i) isv .loiix Ei;ic»suN. Biilt at ]S'i;\v Y(ii:k, isui. niXK PLAN. TnAx=;vER'!K '^T.rTiny nv Tiri.L and rrnnET. PhATF: 1,7. Ske Cum: XXA'll. s GD Q o H !z) o w PI Plate A8. Sek Chap. XXXII. MoNiTou OK Tinc "Passaic" Class. Designkd hy John Eijicsson. Ten Monitoks of this Class hiilt at Nk.w Youk and otmku Places. SIDE ELEVATION. TKANSVEKSE SECTION OF TUUKET AND PILOT-HOUSE. Plate 49. See Chap. XXX 111. y 'y. n 7: a y M o C3 t/j M :/j ►^ Plate hi). See Cuav. XXXIV. td tj "^ w o ^ S ^^ S S 15 ^ d o Pi.ATK ■'>!. Si:k fiiAi: XXXIW J MoxiTou •• Dr-iat(ii:." Dksiuxkd uv John Eiucsson. EuiLT AX New York, 1862. SIDE ELEVATION. DECK PLAN. LENGTH ON DECK, 312 FEET. BEAM, 50 FEET. DEPTH, 21 FEET 6 INCHES. STEAM-CYLINDERS, 100 INCHES DIAMETER, 4 FEET STROKE. PROPELLER, 31 FEET 6 INCHES DIAMETER. I'LATt: J J. SEt: LuAP. XXXV. S O S^ H O w ^ U M Q 1-3 ■ >► H O H > ::; '^ <1 b O t?d ii r/3 M M O o H td O > 2! !2l O td •/. a ffi t-( tr; 1^ H t> H3 tz! M ^ K| o w w ili;i.i,., .lii Plate 53. Sjce Cuai'. XXXV. 2 " Plate 5^. See Cuai: XXXV Pr.ATE '>',. Skk CiiAi: A' A' AT w ^ 3 ^ 3 / ,-£] Zl m ^ M S 3 1-3 J'latk jo. Sfn L'UAF. A'XA'17. Cakuiages fou Hkavy Ordxaxck. Designkd by John Ericsson, i8Gi. section showing the kkictiox-geak ai'l'lied to the gun-cakkiages oe the united states uton-clau fleet. SECTION SHOWING CAPTAIN' SCOTT S I'LACil AltlSM. SECTION SHOWING SIi: WILLIAM AKMSTKONG S PLAGIARISM. PLATt: o7. St:t: VuAi: XXWll. w Plate .IS. Sek Ciiai; XXXVIJL w i-i o •=9 CO O ID w !z! s > •^ trl ►t) G C-i > § ^ H W K 2 2 Pi.ATh: .Vi. Skk Cii.ii: .VA'A'JS. O a C>1 pLATi; (Jij. Hke CuAi: XL, TllK SrANISII GUNliOAT ExcilNKS. DESUiXKK HY .lollX ElUCSSON. Built at Nkw Yoiik, 18G9. PhATK 01. .s>.>; CiiAi: XLI. illSHIlllli 'I iw Mh Nl I K^Wi Platk OJ. Si:k iii.u: Xl.ll. ^^^)VATiI.K Torpedo. Bestgnkd isv John Eiircssox. Bt'ilt at Nkw Yokk, 187:!. I'l.ATH 0-1. Skk Cum: XI.lll, AlU-CoMPRESSOlt, FOll TIIK TuAXSMISSIOX OK MkCMANICAL PoWKU Designed by Joiix Ericsson. Built at New Youk, I8;a. PERSPECTIVE VIKW. Plate 0'4. tii:^ Ciiai: ALU'. ^ AiR-CoMPincssoi!, Kou TiiK Tkaxsmissiox of Mechanical Puwkk Designed by John Ericsson. Built at New York, 1873. transverse section. Platk 65. See Ouai'. XLIV. ^>f^ a ^ o Pi^r^ C6. 6'£'£ C'i/.4i'. XLV Solar Exgine, operated by the Intervention of Atmospiierto Am Designed hy John Ericsson. Built at New York, 1872. Platk 67. See Chap. XLV. //v^/^^^i /*-■::>! h /'.--(' r"^f y, **^\!'^c«s,7 A.^'-; n:^':?«;/"%\;I,:;- ->La:^^ ^^^^■;■J'^c"^r^.r^^ \,^,^ \/^' 'W'w N'/r^^M /fcA/r ' " ^:aaa^^'/a;»^^^VR?^^/>'^^^ ^a?^^' ^v^ryuA L \f^.