®irp i. 1. ItU ICtbrarg # Nortlf (Earoltna S'tatf Unttieraitg SB 40 9 B7 Qnnoonc-Tyi A THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. FP 9 199' !APRili7 1996 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/liliesorchidsserOOboar LILIES AND ORCHIDS LILIES AND ORCHIDS A SERIES OF DRAWINGS IN COLOR OF SOME OF THE MORE INTERESTING AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIES OF THESE FAMILIES TOGETHER WITH DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BY ROSINA C. BOARDMAN NEW YORK ROBERT GRIER COOKE INCORPORATtD MDCDVI Copyright, /i)of>, ty ROBERT GRIER COOKE, Inc RcilH-rt Giier Cooke, lucorporate,!. New York FORI-.WORI) In this little book 1 have endeavored to set ff)rlh an informal sketch of three flower fami- lies growing in the United States, cast of the Rocky Mountains, and in Canada, together with a few stray relatives from the Pacific slope, illustrated by faithful color studies of the more prominent e.\am|)les. R. C. H. New York, 1906 LILES AND ORCHIDS PLATE I WOOD ].II,V Liliiim Philaddphkiim LILIES THE Family of Lilies is one of the most interesting and one of the handsomest flower groups which we possess. At first it was very large, for many closely connected species were included; but it swelled to such dimensions that the botanists were forced to sub- divide it more and more, until now it is comparatively small. The latest division (which every one has not yet adopted) is the grouping of the Bellworts, Hellebore, Blazing-Star and a few others in the Bunch-Flower Family; the Green-Briers and their climbing relatives in the Smilax Family; and the Asparagus, Solomon's Seal and those similar in the Lily-of-the- Valley Family. At present it is only with the latter and with the Lily Family Proper that we will concern ourselves. THE LILY FAMILY The Lily Family Proper is made up of leafy-stemmed herbs, growing from., bulbs or corms. The leaves are always parallel-veined and simple. The flowers are regular and generally perfect, having a perianth of six even segments, sometimes connected; six stamens, with two-celled anthers, growing from the bases of the seg- ments; and a three-celled pistil, with a generally three- lobed stigma, at the end of a long style. The fruit is an oblong capsule. The seed differs according to the variety. PLATE I Wood Lily, Red Lily, Lilium Philadelphicum. Root. — A bulb of fleshy scales. Stem. — Simple, i°-3° high. Leaves. — Narrow, pointed, in whorls. Flowers. — Large, showy, erect, 1-5, terminal, scarlet and orange. Perianth. — Of broad segments, narrowing be- low, purple-dotted within. Stamens (a). — Dark red. Pistil (/)). — With a head-like stigma. Seeds. — Long, with narrow wings. This is one of our most showy and beautiful flowers. It grows in dry woods and salt marshes, from Canada to North Carolina, from June to August. I have found very small specimens, not over 5' high, on Nantucket Island. a.'-g-'03 PLATE I. Reduced about H from Life Slie Wood Lily, Lilium Pkiladeipkicum PLATE II WILD VKLI.OW I.II.V Lilium Canadcnsc Western Red Lily, L. iimbellatum, is much like the Wood Lily, but smaller and more slender, with linear leaves. It blooms in dry soil during June and July, from Ohio to Northwest Territory and south to Arkansas. Southern Red Lily, L. Catesbaei, is much the same, with slender, small, alternate leaves and recurved, pointed segments. It grows in wet ground in summer, from North Carolina to Florida. Wild Yellow Lily, Field Lily, Canada Lily, Liliuni Canadensc. Root. — Bulbous. Stem. — Simple, 2°-5° high, stout. Leaves. — Lanceolate, in whorls. Flowers. — Terminal, 1-16, drooping on long recurved stalks, bright yellow and orange, purple-dotted. Peri- anth. — With recurved segments (not narrowing below). Stamens (a). — Red-brown. Pistil (h). — With a three- lobed, head-shaped stigma. Seeds. — Flat, horizontal, numerous. These gorgeous flowers bloom in early summer, in fields and swamps, from Nova Scotia to Alabama and west to the Mississippi. They might indeed be "the lilies of the field " of the New Testament, for the glor\' of Solomon would pale beside them. To see a field of them waving their golden bells above the tall grasses is a sight to be remembered. There are many such fields in the Berk- shire Hills. Lest we come to think that the brilliant liiia are the only important members of this family, we will stop here to mention four small genera. Leucocrinum, Leucocrinum monlanum, is a low Western herb, with long, grass-like inner leaves and scale-like outer ones, all from the root. The flowers are white, tube-shaped below, divided and salver- shaped above. The anthers are coiled. It blooms in late spring. An-drostephium, Androstephium cocndeum, is some- what the same, with blue flowers in an umbel, on a long scape. The anthers are straight. It grows on prairies, from Kansas southward, in early spring. ^ lA ♦ w ? y PLATB n. Reduced H from Life Sue Canada Lily. Lilium Caiiadrnse PLATE III tirk's cap l.ll.V Liliiim stiprrbum Wild Hyacinth, Quamasia hyacinthina, is an herb, with grass-like root-leaves and a tall scape of blue or white, racemed flowers, with narrow, separate segments. It grows along streams, from Pennsylvania to Alabama and west to Minnesota, in spring. Star-of-Bethlehem, Ornithogalum iimhcllaliim, is somewhat the same, with flowers, white within and green without, clustered in a corymb. The leaves have a light midrib. Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem, O. nutans, has nod- ding, white, racemed flowers. These both bloom in late spring and are Europeans escaped from gardens. Turk's-Cap Lily, LUium superhum. Root. — A globe- like bulb. Stem. — Simple, stout, 3°-8° high. Leaves. — Lanceolate, in whorls or alternate. Flowers. — Ter- minal, 3-40, nodding on long flower-stalks, large, showy, orange-red, purple-dotted. Perianth. — Of lanceolate segments, strongly recurved. Stamens {a). — Burnt- orange-red. Pistil {h). — With a head-like stigma. Seeds. — Flat, numerous, horizontal. This giant among flowering herbs gives to a midsummer meadow or marsh a truly regal splendor. It is much more beautiful than the Tiger-Lily, which it resembles, for it is much more elegant in line and color. Authorities disagree about the color. I have always found it red. It ranges from Maine to North Carolina and west to Minnesota. TiGER-LiLY, L. tigrinum, is like the Turk's-Cap, but yellower and coarser. Its stem is stout and almost black, with bulblets growing in the axils of the leaves. It is a native of China and Japan, escaping from gardens in this country and blooming in summer. Carolina Lily, L. Carolinianum, is also like the Turk's-Cap, with orange-red, nodding flowers and re- curved, pointed segments. It is smaller and more slen- der, and blooms south of Virginia in August. Although I am not speaking of many far Western flowers, I cannot refrain from picturing two charming Californians, the Yosemite Tiger-Lily and the Washing- ton Lily. , PLATE III Reduced aboat H from Life Slic Turk's Cap Lily. /J/,um suptrbum PLATE IV YOSEMITE TIGKR-LILY Lilium parvinn YosEMiTE Tiger-Lily, Lilium parvum (Kellogg). Root. — Bulbous and fibrous. Stem. — Simple, 3°-8° high. Leaves. — Ovate, pale green, thinner than other lilies, in whorls or alternate above. Flowers. — Small, f'-i' long, several-flowered, on long, undulating flower- stalks, scarlet and orange, purple-dotted. Perianth. — Of oval segments, slightly recurved. Stamens ((7). — Dark red. Pistil (b). — With a hcad-hke stigma. Seeds.— Flat. The small, gem-like flowers of this beautiful little lily, waving on their long stalks, are particularly attractive. I found them in early August on the upper trails of the Yosemite Valley, growing amid tall grasses and small shrubs. Asa Gray's Lily, L. Grayi, seems to be rather like the last, with larger flowers and stiff'cr leaves. It blooms in July and August, on the peaks of Virginia and North Carolina. Two genera, not immediately recognisable as lilies, follow : Grape-Hyacinth, Muscari botryoides, is an herb with long, grass-like leaves from the root, and a short, thick raceme of very small, blue, slightly fragrant flowers. The flowers have a globular, one-pieced perianth, with six small teeth. The clusters much resemble a bunch of grapes, hence the name. Starch Grape-Hyacinth, M . racemosum, is similar, with narrower leaves and oblong, starch-scented flowers. Both these plants are Europeans escaped from gardens, and bloom in spring. Star-Grass, Colic-Root, AUiris jarinosa, has a rosette of pale, lanceolate leaves at the root and a tall scape topped by a long raceme of small, floury-looking, bell-shaped flowers, erect, roughish, and white, with a six- toothed, one-pieced perianth. This plant grows east of the Mississippi in early summer. A yellow form of it sometimes appears South. Yellow Colic-Root, .4. aurea, is similar. It has shorter leaves and shorter yellow flowers. It blooms south from New York in early summer. ^-> -s- "^jy. PLATE IV. Kedacnl about y^ from Lire Stif Yosemite Tiger Lily. Lilium parvum PLATE V WASIII.NdTON I.II.V Li/ill III Washiiij^loiiiaiia Washington Lily, Lilium Washingtoniana. Root. — As other lilies. Stem. — Simple, 4°-8° high. Leaves. — Small, in whorls or alternate above. Flowers. — Large, in a terminal cluster, white, finely dotted with purple and pink. Perianth. — Of narrowly oblong, blunt segments, somewhat recurved. Stamens {a). Pistil (/)). — With a head-like stigma. These charming white flowers on their tall, stiff stems are as much more delicate than the Bermuda lilies as the Turk's-Caps are than the Tiger-Lilies. I found them growing in the primeval forests of the Mariposa, in Cali- fornia, in July. Day-Lily, Hermerocallis jiilva, together with the Yellow Day-Lily, H. flava, are summer foreigners es- caped from our gardens. They have large, grass-like, channelled root-leaves and tawny-orange or yellow flowers, growing several on a scape. The Garlics or Onions also belong to the Lily Family. They all have round or oval, odorous bulbs, root-leaves, and small, separate-segmented flowers grow- ing at the summit of a scape in a many-flowered umbel. Beneath are 2-3 membranous bracts. They are not at- tractive plants. Wild Leek, Allium Iricoccuiii, has elliptic, early fading leaves and white flowers. It blooms in early summer, east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina. Chives, A. Schoenoprasum, is a Northern variety, with hollow, linear leaves and pink flowers. Nodding Wild Onion, A . ccrnuum, has nodding, white, rose or purple flowers and flat, channelled, linear leaves. It ranges over most of the United States and Canada. Prairie Wild Onion, A . stellatum, is much the same, with rose-colored, erect flowers. It blooms in summer, on the Western plains. Wild Garlic, Field Garlic, Crow Garlic, A. vineale, is a troublesome weed from Europe, naturalized in the Middle States. It has hollow leaves and purple and green flowers, sometimes replaced by bulblets, tipped with a long hair-hke appendage. S /^ PLATB V. Redacod abont !, from Life Site WashiDgton Lily, Lilium Washinj^loniana PLATE VI YKLLOW .\I)I)I;r"s TOXC.rE Erythronium A mcricanum Meadow Gaelic, A. Canadense, is similar, with white or pink flowers and a fibrous bulb, as have those follow- ing. This blooms east of the Mississippi. Wild Onion, .4. mutabi/e, has flat, hnear leaves and white or pink flowers without bulblets. It grows South and West in early summer. Nuttall's Wild Onion, A . NuttaUii, has very narrow, short leaves and white or rose flowers. It grows in spring, on the Western prairies. Fraser's Wild Onion, A. re/iculatum, is similar. It blooms in summer, west of the Mississippi. Yellow False Garlic, Nothoscordum bivalve, is much like the Alliums, but lacks their scent, and has yellow flowers. It blooms South and West in early spring and summer. PLATE VI Yellow Adder's-Tongue, Dog's-Tooth Violet, Erythronium Americannm. Root. — A corm. Stem. — Simple, 6'-i° high. Leaves. — Oblanceolate, smooth, generally mottled with brown, 2, opposite, or i on the flowerless plants. Flowers. — Large, solitary, terminal, pale yellow, rarely purplish or white, dotted. Perianth. — Of linear, slightly recurved segments. Stamens {a). Pistil {b). — With a three-lobed stigma. This dainty little lily, with its drooping flower and mottled leaves, carpets acres of moist woodland, from Nova Scotia to Florida and west to Arkansas, from March to May. The name Dog's-Tooth Violet is particularly inappropriate. White Adder's-Tongue, E. albidum, is similar, with white, bluish or purplish flowers. It flourishes west of the Mississippi, but is not common East. Midland Adder's-Tongue, E. mesachoreum, grows with the last. It has narrower leaves, not mottled, and lavender flowers. Minnesota Adder's-Tongue, E. propullans, blooms in May. It has smaller pink blossoms and slightly mot- tled leaves. Purple Fritillaria, Fritillaria alropitrpurea, is a lily with alternate, linear leaves and bell-shaped, nodding, 6 PLATE VI. Life Sii« Yellow Adder's Tongue. Erythronium Americanum PLATE VII A NUTTAI.I.'S MARIPOSA I.II.Y Calocho his Niillallii B GrNNISOX's MARIPOSA LILY Calochorlus Guiuiisoni purple or purplish-green flowers with separate segments. It blooms in early summer, from North Dakota and Wyoming westward. PLATE VII, A Nuttall's Mariposa Lily, Calochortus NuitallU. Root. — A corm. Stem. — Branched, slender, 3'-i5' high. Leaves. — Grass-like, alternate. Flowers. — Large, showy, white. Perianth. — The three outer segments (or sepals) are lanceolate, greenish-white; the three inner (or petals) are rather wedge-shaped and recurved, white or lavender, with a yellowish base, above which is a purple spot. Stamens (<). — Arrow-shaped. Pistil id). — With a thrce-lobed stigma. So graceful and ethereal is this fair flower, swaying on its slender stalk among the tall grasses, that it seems almost unearthly. It blooms from South Dakota west to California, from June to August. plate VII, B Gunnison's Mariposa Lily, C. Gunnisoni. Root. — A corm. Stem. — Often simple, as above. Leaves. — As above, with incurved edges. Flowers. — Large, showy, white. Perianth. — The sepals as above, the ]jetals white or lavender, with a purple band across the centre within, yellowish and hairy below. Stamens (a). — With oval anthers. Pistil {h). — With a three-lobed stigma. This plant is much like its Mariposa sister. It grows as far south as New Mexico and blooms in midsummer, as does the other. I found it in a meadow in the Canyon of the Grand, near Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Another Western genus is the Yucca, which has hollow, spike-like leaves, with fibrous threads hanging from their margins. The flowers are large, creamy-white, have separate segments, and droop from a tall, dense, terminal cluster. They bloom in spring and early summer. Spanish Bayonet, Yucca baccata, is the largest. It is sometimes 8° high. Its flowers are very large and its fruit edible. I / - t U~7''o1. PLATE Vll. Reduced about S from Life Sue A. Xuttall's Mariposa Lily, Calochortiis iSuttallii B. Gunnison's Mariposa Lily. Calochurtus Gunnisoni PLATE VIII YKLLOW C'LINTONIA C/iiiloiiia borcalis Bear-Grass, Y. glauca, is smaller and much shorter. These plants both grow on the dry Western prairies. Adam's Needle, Y. filamenlosa, has lanceolate, flat leaves. It is cultivated, and has escaped in places. It grows wild in Florida, Louisiana, and Tennessee. LILIES-OF-THE- VALLEY THE Lily-of-the- Valley Family grows from root- stocks, never from bulbs or corms. The leaves are simple, parallel-veined and broad, except in the Asparagus and its allies, where they are reduced to short, thread-like scales with tiny branchlets in the axils. The flowers grow in racemes, umbels, panicles or are soHtary ; they are regular and perfect. The perianth is either divided into four to six segments, or is in one piece, with six lobes or teeth. The stamens grow from the perianth. The pistil has a two to three-celled ovary, and a style with a generally three-lobed stigma. Tlae fruit is a fleshy berry with few or numerous seeds. Several members of this group so much resemble the Lily Family Proper, that at first sight it is difficult to distinguish them. plate VIII Yellow Clintonia, Clmtonia borealis. Root. — A slender rootstock. Stem. — A simple scape, 6'-i5' high. Leaves. — Large, 2-5, oval, smooth. Flowers. — Lily- like, 3-6 in an umbel, drooping, greenisli yellow. Peri- anth. — Of six recurved segments. Stamens [a). — Six. Pistil {b). — With a two-celled ovary. Fruit. — A bright- blue berry. The pale-yellow bells and bright leaves of the Clintonia decorate many moist woodlands, from Newfoundland south to North Carolina and west to Minnesota, during May and June. Sometimes a flower is borne on the scape, below the umbel. White Clintonia, C. umbcllulala, is rather tafler V PLATE VIII. Reduced abont H (roo Life Size Yellow CliotoDia, Clintonia borealis and woolly, with smaller, white, purple-dotted, erect, odorous flowers, a small leaf on the scape, and black, round berries. It ranges from New York to Georgia in May and June. Asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, is a native of Europe, escaped from cultivation in various parts of the country. The young shoots make the delicious vegetable, which we all know. The small, thread-like leaves of the plant do not look like the lily tribe, but the bell-like, drooping, greenish flowers, with their six small segments, point the way. The fruit is a scarlet berry. The plant blooms in early summer and again in autumn. PLATE IX, A False Solomon's Seal, Wild Spikenard, Vagnera racemosa {Smilacina raccmosa). Root. — A thick, scarred rootstock. Stem. — Curved, simple, i°-3° high. Leaves. — Oval, sessile, alternate, finely woolly. Flowers (a). — In a densely flowered, terminal panicle, small, creamy- white. Perianth. — Of six oblong segments. Stamens (6).— Six. Pistil (<-).— White. Fruit.— A red berry speckled with purple. These feathery tassels of creamy flowers grow pro- fusely, from May to July in rich woods or thickets, across the continent. V. amplexicaulis is similar, with clasping leaves and a longer style. It grows westward. PLATE IX, B Star-Flowered Solomon's Seal, V. stellata. Root. — A stout, fleshy rootstock. Stem. — Stout, erect, 8'-2o' high. Leaves. — Veiny, sessile, somewhat clasping, oblong-lanceolate. Flowers (d). — In a few-flowered, terminal raceme, star-shaped, larger than V. racemosa, white. Perianth. — Of six oblong segments. Sta- mens fc).— Six. Pistil (/).— White. Fruit.— A black or green Ijcrry with six black stripes. This plant is stouter and less graceful than its sister, V. racemosa, but its star-like flowers are more attractive. "I.ATK IX. Radaced about ^ from LHe Slie v. False Solomoo's SeaJ, Vagnera ractmota B. SUr-flowered Solomon's Seal, Vagntra stellata PLATE X Solomon's seal Po/yi^oiialiim hijJonim It has much the same range as the other, Ijut it blooms in moist soil. Unifolium lUiacetim may be a distinct species. It is similar and has conspicuousl}' folded leaves, and ranges west from the Black Hills. Three-Leaved Solomon's Seal, Vagnera iri^oUa, is smooth, small and slender, with 2-4 leaves and a few- flowered raceme of larger white flowers. It ranges from Newfoundland, south to Pennsylvania and west to Michi- gan, in bogs and wet woods. These plants all flower in May or June. Solomon's Seal, Polygonalum biflorum. Root. — A fleshy rootstock, with round scars from last year's growth. Stem. — Simple, arched, 8'-3° high. Leaves. — Oval, alternate, woolly beneath. Flowers. — Drooping, in clusters of 1-4, from the axils of the leaves, yellowish or greenish-white. Perianth. — In one bell-shaped piece, six-tootiied. Stamens [a). — Six, growing on the peri- anth. Pistil (/)). — With a head-like stigma. Fruit. — A dark blue or black berry. The rootstock gives the Solomon's Seal its cjuaint name; for the round scars, left from last season's growth, look somewhat like the imprint of a seal. This graceful plant is found in woods from New Brunswick to Florida and west to Michigan. It blooms in spring. Smooth Solomon's Seal, P. commulatum {P. gigan- teum), is similar, but smooth and generally much larger, sometimes reaching 8° in height. The clusters have generally more blossoms. It blooms somewhat later than the other, in moist woods, all over the country. Clasping-Leaved Twisted-Stalk, Streptopus am- plexifolius, rather resembles the Solomon's Seals. It has a twisted branching stem and alternate, clasping, oval leaves. The flowers are bell-shaped, with separate seg- ments, greenish- white, and droop singly or in pairs, from the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a red berry. It blooms in moist woods, across the continent. Sessile-Leaved Twisted-Stalk, 5. roseus, is much the same, save that the leaves are not clasping and the (^^ en O CnJ PLATE XI INDIAN CUCIMBER ROOT Medeola Virginiana flowers arc pink. This plant ranges with its sister. They both bloom in early summer. Hairy Disporum, Disporum laniiginosum, resembles the last. It is a finely hairy herb, with 1-3 terminal, greenish, erect flowers and an oval, red berry. It grows in the woods, through Ontario and the Eastern-coast States, and blooms in late spring. Rough-Fruited Disporum, D. trachycarpum, is simi- lar, with roughish, leathery fruit and yellowish-white flowers. It blooms from May to August across Canada and west of the Mississippi. False Lily-of-the- Valley, Unijolium Canadense {Maianthemum Canadense), is a smooth little plant with 1-3 oval, alternate, shining leaves and a terminal raceme of small, creamy- white flowers with four segments and four stamens. It has an odor rather hke the true Lily-of-the- Valley, but fainter. The berry is pale red and speckled. It blooms in late spring, from Newfoundland to North Carolina and west to South Dakota. Convallaria majalis is the true Lily-of-the-Valley. It has the 2-4 oblong leaves from near the root and the scape of bell-shaped, six-lobed, white, fragrant flowers with which we are so familiar. It grows wild on high mountains in Virginia and the Carolinas and is com- mon in cultivation. It blooms in May and June. plate XI Indian Cucumber Root, Medcola Virginiana. Root. — A short, fleshy rootstock. Stem. — Simple, i°-2j° high. Leaves. — Broadly lanceolate, in two whorls; the lower at the middle of the stem and the upper at the apex just beneath the flowers. Flowers. — In a terminal, few- flowered umbel, on stalks which are bent for the flower and erect for the fruit. Perianth fa). — Of six green- ish yellow oval segments. Stamens {b). — Six, with orange anthers. Pistil (c). — With three long recurved reddish-brown, thread-like stigmas. Fruit. — A dark- purple berry. This odd-looking plant grows in moist woods from Nova Scotia to Florida and west to Minnesota. It blooms in early summer. Its berries are more showy 3-^^-'^"^ PLATE XI. Rednced % from Ufa Stic Indian Cucumber Root. Med to I a Virginiana PLATE XII UlllTi; TKILI.U M Trillium grandiftorum than ils tlowcrs. The long stigmas of the latter give them an inscct-likc appearance. PI.ATK XII White Trillium, Trilliniu iirandijlontm. Root. — A short, scarred rootstock. Stem. — Simple, stout, 8'-i8' high. Leaves. — Broadly o\ate, three in a whorl at the centre of the stem. Flower. — Solitary, large, erect, white or purplish-pink. Perianth. — Of three green, lanceolate sepals and three \\hite, oblanceolate, erect, spreading petals. Stamens (a). — Six, with anthers longer than the fdaments. Pistil (b). — With a three-angled ovary and three stigmatic styles. Fruit. — A round, black berry. The large, triangular blossoms of these trilliums brighten many acres of woodland, shining like stars among the Bellworts and Solomon's Seals, in May or June, cast of the Mississippi. A monstrous form of this, with only two leaves, was found in Michigan. Nodding Trillium, T. ccrnuiim, is similar, with a smaller, white, nodding flower. It blooms over the same range a little earher. Painted Trillium, T.umlidaluni (or T.ery/lirocarpum), is slightly larger and blooms over the same time and range as the last. It has an erect, white flower streaked with purple or red. Early Trilliltm, T. nivale, is much smaller, with petioled leaves and an erect, white flower. It appears in early spring, from Pennsylvania to Minnesota and south to Kentucky. Prairie Trillium, T. reciirva/um, is a little larger, hav- ing a sessile, erect flower, with recurved sepals and frequently blotched leaves. It ranges south from Minne- sota through the Middle States. Sessile-Flowered Trillium, T. sessile, has sessile leaves and flowers. The leaves are often blotched, and the flowers are purple or green and fragrant. It ranges from Pennsylvania south and west to the Mississippi. Wake-Robin, Birth Root, T. erecttim, has a purple- red or pink or greenish, unpleasantly scented flower on a stalk rising above the sessile leaves. It ranges east of the Mississippi. '•r ^ .6 I'LATE XII. Life Site White Trilliam, Trillium j^r^iridiflorum PLATE XIII coKAi. Hour Cor all or li iza t oral lor h iza THE ORCHIS FAMILY THE orchids are more nearly related to the lilies than to any other family. In fact, their roots, stems, and leaves might often be mistaken for that tribe. The leaves are always parallel-veined, never compound, frequently grass-like, and are sometimes re- duced to scales. The form of the flower is the distinctive feature of the orchid. The calyx and corolla are very irregular and it is often difKicult to distinguish them. They are divided into six segments, three sepals, and three petals. One of the petals is called the Lip and is generally more showy than the others. Sometimes this lip is cut or fringed, some- times it is furnished with a spur, and often it is most grotesque in form or color. The most characteristic thing about the flower, however, is the Column. This is the ovary, surmounted by the style, bearing the stigma and the one or two anthers (or pollen sacs of the stamen) balanced each side of the stigma, or just above or below it. The pollen of the orchid grows in sticky masses. When disturbed by an insect, it is removed in one piece and deposited on the stigma of a neighboring blossom. The ovary is long and generally twisted and the seeds are very numerous and dust-like. The orchid is especially adapted to cross-fertilization. PLATE XIII Coral Root, Corallorhiza corallorhiza. Root. — Fleshy, coral-like. Stem. — 4'-i 2', simple. Leaves. — Re- duced to 2-5 scales. Flowers. — Greenish or dull purple, small, in racemes i'-3' long, 3-12 flowered. Perianth. — Of live narrow sepals and petals and a short, whitish lip with a short spur. Column {A). — Incurved, winged above. The anthers fa) above the stigma (6). Ovary (f). This insignificant little herb ranges over most of the United States. It blooms from May to June. Wister's Coral Root, C. Wisteriana, Many- Flowered Coral Root, C. muUiflora, and Striped Coral Root, C. striata, are much the same, but larger, with slightly more showy lips. 13 t ^A f PLATE XIII. Life Sue Coral-root. Corallorhtta corallorhisa PLATE XIV A I.ADIKS' TRESSES Gyros/arliys ccrniia (Spirant lies ccniua) B GRASS- LEAVED LADIES' TRESSES Gyroslachys praecox Small-Flowered Coral Root, C. odontorliiza, is much smaller. Crested Coral Root, Hexalcclris aphyllus, is a large Southern, purple-brown genus much like these last. Large Twayblade, Lcptorchis liliijoUa, an early sum- mer orchid, has showy, purplish -green flowers, in a ter- minal raceme, with two large, bright leaves from the root. It flourishes east of the Mississippi. Loesel's Twaybl.ade, L. Locsclii, is a smaller, more Northern species. Broad-Lipped Twayblade, Listcra conva/larioidcs, Heart-Leaved Twayblade, L. cordaia, and Southern Twayblade, L. australis, have small flowers with lips, long in proportion, and bear their two leaves opposite at the centre of their stems. They grow in woods and bogs from the Northern States southward. plate XIV, a Ladies' Tresses, Gyrostachys ccrnua (S piranihes cer- nua). Root. — Fleshy, forked. Stem. — b'-2^' high, simple. Leaves. — Grass-like, turning above to pointecl bracts. Flowers. — White or yellowish, fragrant; de- flexed in a twisted, terminal, bracted spike. Perianth. — Of four divisions. The upper sepal connected with the two arching petals. The lip crinkled. Column (r). — Arched, bearing the anthers (a) at the back. The stigma (5) has a beak which covers the anther. Ovary (0). A dainty little plant blooming in meadows and swamps, from August to October, east of the Mississippi. It has a lily-of-the-valley like fragrance. Its plaited appearance gives it its common name. plate XIV, B Grass-Leaved Ladies' Tresses, G. praecox. Root, Stem, Leaves. — Much as above, but smaller and more slender. Flowers. — Like G. cernua, but smaller and in a more spiral spike. Perianth and Column. — As above. This plant grows, in late summer, from New York southward. Hooded Ladies' Tresses, G. roDianzoffiaiia, Wide- Leaved Ladies' Tresses, G./'/aH/a^i^'/Hca, and Fragrant 14 I2~~J~ 'C5 HLATE XIV Reduced about « from Life Siw A. Ladies' Tresses. Gyrostackys ctrnua B. Grais-leaved Ladies' Tresses. Gyrostackys praecox PLATE XV ARKTHISA .1 relli u.sa bulhosa Ladies' Tresses, G. odorata, are described by their names. Little Ladies' Tresses, G. simplex, and Slender Ladies' Tresses, G. gracilis, are smaller and have 2-3 early fading root-leaves and later only bracts. Ca-lypso, Calypso bulbosa. Root. — A bulb. Stem. — Simple, 3'-6' high. Leaves. — One, roundish with a heart-shaped base. Flower. — Solitary, terminal, showy, variegated purple, pink and yellow. Perianth. — Of linear, erect or spreading sepals and petals, the lip sac- shaped, drooping, with a patch of yellow wool. Column. — Petal-hke above, with a lid-like anther above the stigma. A fascinating little nymph who appears in early sum- mer, in bogs, from Labrador to Vermont and west to California and Arizona. At first sight it resembles a small lady's-slipper. Arethusa, Arethusa bulbosa. Root. — A bulb. Stem. — Simple, 5'-io' high, rather stout, set with bracts. Leaves. — Solitary, linear, appearing after the flower. Flower. — Solitary, terminal, large, showy, rose-purple. Perianth. — Of oval sepals and petals, erect or arched over the column. The lip is notched, fringed, streaked, and crested with yellow or white, hairy ridges. Column (C). — Petal-like, winged and curved above with the anther (a) and stigma (.?), which are borne on its lower face. Ovary (0). This dainty orchid, surprised in its native bogs, in May or June, reminds one of a startled fawn, by its two erect, ear-like sepals. It ranges from Newfound- land to South Carolina and west to Indiana; but ow- ing to its inveterate enemy, the tlower-pickcr, it has become rather rare. Helleborine, Epipactis viridiflora, is a stout herb, i°-2° high, with ovate, clasping leaves and a bracted raceme of greenish-purple or yellow flowers. It has an undulating lip and pointed sepals and petals. It blooms near Toronto and in western New York in July and Au- gust. 15 PLATE XV Life Site Aretbu^a, Arelkusa bulbosa PLATE XVI CRASS PIXK Liinoiloruiu tuberosum (Calopogoii pulchclliis) Crane-Fly Orchis, Tipiilaria uiiijo/ia, is a rather rare little summer orchid, with purplish-green, long- spurred, raccmed blossoms. It Ijiears one leaf after the flowers. Putty-Root, Adam and Eve, A plectrum spicatiim, is a Western spring orchid, with rather large, yellowish- brown and purple flowers and an autumnal leaf. PLATE XVI Grass-Pink, Calopogon, Limodorum tuberosum (Calo- pogon pulchellus) . Root. — A round, solid bulb. Stem. — Slender, simple, i°-i3° high. Leaf. — (3ne, grass- like. Flowers. — Showy, in a few-flowered, terminal raceme, rose-purple. Perianth. — Of ovate sepals and petals, and an erect, pale-pink lip, with a tuft of yellow wool. Column (.4). — Petal-like above, winged, spread- ing horizontally. The anther {a) is attached to the back of the column. The stigma {s) is beneath. Ovary (o). This dainty plant waves its blossoms among the tall grasses of the wet marshes, in June and July, from New- foundland to Florida and west to Minnesota. This orchid's peculiarity is an ovary which is not twisted, so consequently, the lip is on the upper instead of on the lower side of the flower. Rattlesnake Plantain, Peramium repens (Goodyera repens), is a small orchid, with a rosette of ovate, green and white blotched leaves at the base of the stem, and a one-sided spike of small, greenish-white flowers, with a sac-shaped lip. Downy Rattlesnake Plantain, P. pubesccns, is woolly, with a thicker spike (not one-sided). These two range on the Atlantic coast and west to Minnesota. Menzies' Rattlesnake Plantain, P. Menzicsii, is sometimes without the white mottling. It has a swelling, pointed lip (not sac-shaped), and the spike is somewhat one-sided. It grows in Canada and on the Western coast. These all bloom in July and August and are insignifi- cant except for their showy leaves. Showy Orchis, Orchis speclabilis. Root. — Fibrous. Stem. — Stout, iive-angled, 4'-: 2' high. Leaves. — Large, 16 f Pt.ATR XVI Kedocwl abont H from Lift Slir Grass-piok, Limetiorum tuberoium PLATE XVII Ki)Si; I'OC.OMA Poj^onia opli io gloss o ides two from near the base of the stem, obovate, clammy. Flowers. — Showy, in a 3-6 flowered, terminal raceme, violet-purple, pink and white. Perianth. — Sepals joined in an arch, petals beneath, lip whitish and spurred. Column. — Violet at the back, with the stigma between the two anthers. This is the earliest of the orchids. It grows in rich woods in the eastern half of the continent. Small Round-Leaved Orchis, O. rohmdijolia, is more slender, with smaller rose-colored and white flowers and one oval leaf. It blooms in early summer, in the damp woods of Canada and the Northern States. White Adder's Mouth, Achroanthes monophylla, and Green Adder's Mouth, A. uni folia, are two small orchids with insignificant flowers and one roundish leaf. They bloom in woods in July. Usually the first in the North, the second in the South also. PLATE XVII Rose Pogonia, Snake-Mouth, Pogonia ophioglos- soides. Root. — Branching. Stem. — Simple, 8'-i 5' high Leaves. — 1-2, pale, lanceolate, erect. Flowers. — Large, solitary or in pairs, terminal, nodding, having a leaf-like bract beneath, pale rose-pink. Perianth. — With oval, equal sepals and petals. The lip fringed, crested, and streaked with yellow and purple. Column (.4 and B). — Club-shaped, with a lid-like anther (a) capping the stigma (s). Ovary (0). A dainty, fragrant flower growing in swamps and meadows with the wild Cranberry and the Calopogon. It blooms in June or July. Spreading Pogonia, P. divaricala, is somewhat the same, but larger; the sepals are linear and dark-colored and longer than the flesh-colored, lanceolate petals. We find it in swamps in July. Nodding Pogonia, P. trianthophora, is smaller, with little, ovate, alternate leaves and pale-purple, drooping, axillary flowers. It appears in late summer. Whorled Pogonia, P. verticillata, bears its leaves in a whorl, above which is the drooping flower, with its 17 f-A "f B ( 1 - 1 -ot PLATK XVII. Reduced abont '\ from Life Riir Rose Pogonia. Pogonia ophUglottoides PLATE XVIII A LONC.-BRACTKI) ORCHIS l/ahiiiiirid braclvata B TALI, LEAFY GREEN ORCHIS Ilahenaria hyperborea c INTERMEHIATE BOG ORCHIS llabt'iiaria mctliii long, dark-purple sepals and oval, greenish-yellow petals. This appears in May or June. These four varieties range east of the Mississippi. Smaller Whorled Pogonia, P. affinis, is similar, but smaller, frequently with two greenish-yellow flowers, with equal sepals and petals. It is a rare local plant, bloom- ing in June in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. PLATE XVIII, A Long-Bracted Orchis, Hahcnaria hracteata. Root. — Fibrous. Stem. — Simple, 6'-2° high. Leaves. — Lanceolate or oval, alternate, turning to long bracts be- neath each flower. Flowers (a). — Small, greenish, in a loose-flowered, terminal raceme. Perianth. — With oval spreading sepals and narrow petals. A much longer lip, with a small spur. Column (/)). — With two anthers {s) above the stigma {p). None of the green orchids are showy. This is one of the least insignificant. It grows in woods and meadows from New Brunswick to the Rockies and south to North Carolina. We find it all summer. plate xviri, B Tall Leafy Green Orchis, H. hypcrhorca. Root. — Fibrous. Stem. — Simple, 8'-^° high. Leaves. — Lan- ceolate, alternate. Flowers (v's slipper Cypripaiiiim liirsiilinii (Cypri prdiiim piihrsccns) PLATE XXIII Large Yellow Lady's Slipper, C. hirsulum (C. pubescens). Root. — Same as previous varieties. Stem. — Leafy, i°-2° high. Leaves. — Oval, slightly hirsute. Flower. — Large, solitary, terminal, and nodding. Peri- anth. — With oval sepals, the two lower joined. Petals linear and twisted, all yellowish-green or brownish- purple. Lip much inflated, chrome yellow. Column (A). — Much as other varieties. The sterile stamen (c) yellow with red dots. Anthers (a). Stigma (b). The bright flower of the Yellow Moccasin appears in boglands or damp woods, from Nova Scotia west to Minnesota and south to Alabama, in May to July. It is not cjuite so large as C. acaule, but larger than the Ram's Head Slipper. It is not common — I have found it only once ; but my quest was well rewarded then, for the deli- cate, balloon-like sac is very lovely. Small Yellow L.\dy's Slipper, C. parviflorum. Root, Stem, Leaves. — Much as above. Flower. — Smaller, fragrant. Perianth. — With bright yellow, hairy-lined lip, marked with purple or crimson. Column. — As above. This variety often intergrades with C. hirsutum. It may be a simple form of the latter. It grows in bogs, damp woods, and on hillsides in the mountains, from Newfoundland to Georgia and occasionally out to the Pacific, from May to July. Prairie Moccasin Flower, Small White Lady's Slipper, C. candidum. Stem. — 6'-i2' high. Leaves. — 3-4, elliptic or lanceolate. Flowers.— Fragrant, generally solitary, terminal, white and brown. Perianth. — Much like C. hirsutum, with a white lip lined with purple stripes. Column. — As above. The White Lady's Slipper is much like the yellow. It ranges in May to July, from New York to the Rockies. John Muir found it, or a variety much like it, in the Yo- semite Valley. This, together with the Small Yellow Lady's Slipper, is the only fragrant cypripcdium we have. Although the Pacific coast is rich in beautiful flowers, this white moccasin is the only cypripedium it can boast. 23 ^7 PLATE XXIII. Life Slie Yellow Lady's Slipper. Cypripediuin hinutum PLATE XXIV SHOWY lady's SLII'PKR Cyprifrdium rci^huic (Cypri prdiuni spniahilc) PLATE XXIV Showy Lady's Slipper, C. reginac (C. spectabile). Root. — As above. Stem. — Stout, leafy, i°-2° high. Leaves. — ElHptic, deeply veined. Flowers. — 1-4, large, showy, terminal, white and pink. Perianth. — With roundish, white sepals, the two lower joined and narrower. Petals white. Lip large, veiny, white or deeply stained with rose or wine-color above. Column (r). — Much as in C. hirsutum. Anthers (a). Stigma (s). Ovary (0). This plant ranges from Nova Scotia south to Georgia and west to Minnesota from June to September. It is by far the most beautiful of our native orchids; perhaps, if one could fill that place, the most beautiful of all our wild flowers. I have only had the good fortune to see it once or twice, and never in its native haunts; but even so, I was well repaid. The botanists have done well to crown this beauty, for a queen she is indeed. But unfor- tunately a queen in e.xile, for her admirers have been so busy stripping her of her favors that she is forced to hide in remote swamps and deep woods, and even there she is in danger from their too assiduous devotion. Oh, good friend, if you find her, stop and make obeisance, but do not tear her from her retreat ! If you must pluck a few blossoms, leave many behind for the sake of the future of this most charming American bcautv. Pl-ATE XXIV. Reduced about % from Life Site Showy Lady's Slipper, Cypripedium reginea