If li TT^ ^^^ (d «-+- ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS M m ADDU'" ^ PRGPRIET0RS. I i I i i i I i WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS * > * '^ ^ OFFICE, SALESROOMS AND FACTORY: H- ] 170 NORTH MARKET STREET NASHVILLE, TENN. WHIPS U. S. A. P- m i i^l^^^^^^^^S^^^^l^ ^^m^^tf.'>-inch, cloth lined. SHAFT TUGS— Double and stitched. BELLY BAND— 1 -inch, flat. BREECHING— Folded, |-inch turn- i)ack, o-inch flat hip strap, ^-inch holdback straps. No martingale, sweat pad, nor hitch rein. $4 69 Price, with collar and hanies 5 94 Extra for double hip straps 25 No. 00. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. Japanned or X C Plate, Mounted. BRIDLE— §-incli cup blinds. LINES-^iiich, all black. BREAST COLLAR -Folded. TRACES U-in., double and stitched. COLLAR Black sheep buggy. HAMES Iron, with short loop tugs. SADDLE-S-inch, I. J., cloth lined. SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch. BELLY BAND— 1] -inch, flat leather. BREECHING— Folded, f-inch turn- back, round dock, |-inch flat hip straj), ^-inch holdback straps. No martingale, sweat pad, nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar $5 94 Price, with collar and hames 7 19 Extra for double hip straps 25 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPSCIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. Harness will be sent according to description, unless otherwise ordered. We furnish either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-check or Side-check. No. 000. SINGLE BAROUCHE HARNESS. Japanned or X C Mounted. BRIDLE— 5-inch cheeks, cup 1'liiul.s, SADDLE— 3i-inch, iron jockey, cloth 4-inch flat side check. l'"*?'-l- LINES-1-inch, all black. ^^f.fT TUGS-1-inch, double and ^titcneu. BREAST COLLAR-Folded. BELLY BAND-U-inch, flat. COLLAR— Black sheep bujrgy. BREECHING— Folded, i-inch turn- TRACES-li-in., double and stitched. ' Y^' !o.""f .''nK 'V"1' ^^' ^i^' ' I .strap, 1-inch holdback straps. Xo HAMES — Iron, with short loop tugs. | martingale,sweatpad,nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar $7 19 Price, with collar and hames 8 44 Extra for double hip strap 25 No. 2, Medium. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE— Cup blinds, |-inch box loop SADDLE— 3-inch, cloth lined. cheeks, O K over or side-check. " SHAFT TUGS— |-inch double, with LINES— i-inch, flat, with 1-inch all over l)illet. black hand parts. BELLY BAND— Folded. BREAST COLLAR —Folded with lay. BREECHING— Folded with lav, ^inch TR.^CES—l];-in., double and stitched. tiinil)ack, round buckled dock, HAMES — ^Iron, IJ-inch Mack's patent, |-incli flat double hip straps, |-inch No. ou l)ox loop tugs. holdback straps. No sweat pad, COLLAR — Kip buggy. martingale, nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar, X C or Jap, mounted $7 90 Price, with collar and hames, X C or Jap, mounted 8 90 MAIL OKDERS KECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company Harness will be sent according to description, unless otherwise ordered. You can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-check or Side-check. Give size of Collar wanted. No. 5, Medium. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE — Sensiljle cup blinds, §-inc'h box loop clieeks, O K over-check, nickel brow band, balf-cheek bit. LINES — Ix 1-incb, fair hand parts. BREAST COLLAR— Folded witli lay, 1 J-inch box loops. TRACES — IJ-in., double and stitched. HAMES — Iron, body Japanned, 1 i-inch Ma<'k's patent box loop tugs. COLLAR — Kip buggy. SADDLE — 3-incli, iron jockey, cloth lined. SHAFT TUGS— finch, D billets. BELLY BAND— Folded. BREECHING— Folded with lay, with box loop tugs, 1-inch straight turn- back, swell buckle dock, |-inch flat double hip straps, |-inch holdback straps. No sweat pad, martingale, nor liitch rein. Price, with breast collar, nickel or imitation rubber mounted.. . •$ 9 30 Price, with collar and hames, nickel or imitation rubber mounted 10 54 No. 8. Medium. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE — Square f>r cup blintls, Cin- cinnati over-check or round side- check, round winker stays, chain front. LINES ixl-inch, all fair or black, plain liiiish. BREAST COLLAR— Folded with lay, 1 i-inch box loops. TRACES — IJ-in., double and stitched. HAMES — !5i pounds, nickel trimmed, body Jai)anned, IJ-inch Mack's patent box loop tugs. Price, with nickel or imitation rubber Price, with nickel or imitation rubber COLLAR —Kip buggv. SADDLE 8-inch, clbth lined, nickel trimmed. SHAFT TUGS — 1-incli, double and stitched. BELLY BAND^Grimth stvle, folded. BREECHING Folded with raised lay, i-inch scalloped turnback, swell buckle dock, double hip straps, 1-inch holdback straps. No sweat pad, martingale, nor hitch rein. mounting, breast collar. $10 35 mounting, collar and hames . . 11 85 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. Harness will be sent according to description, unless otherwise ordered. ICithei Sqnare or Cup Blinds, Over-check, or Side-check. Give size of Collar wanted. No. 3, Heavy. SINGLE SURREY OR SPRING WAGON HARNESS. BRIDLE— Cup blinds, |-inch box loop cheeks, f-incli reins. LINES— l-inch, flat, with li-inch all black hand parts. BREAST COLLAR— Folded, with lav. TRACES— U-in.. double antl stitched. HAMES— Iron, with lH"ch Mack's patent box loop tugs. COLLAR— All kip buggy. SADDLE— ;U-inch. SHAFT TUGS— 1 -inch, double, with over liillet. BELLY BAND— Folded. BREECHING— Folded with lay, finch turnback, swell buckle dock, |-inch flat double hip straps, 1-inch hold- back straps. No sweat pad, martin- gale, nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar X C or Jap, mounted $8 90 Price, with collar and haines X C or Jap, mounted 9 90 No. 6, Heavy. SINGLE BAROUCHE HARNESS. BRIDLE — Sensible cup blinds, i^-iiich box loop cheeks, |-inch fiat side check, fancy nickel brow band, half cheek bit. LINES— 1 x U. fair hand parts. BREAST COLLAR— Folded with lay, IJ^-inch box liiops. TRACES— li-in., double and stitched. HAMES — Iron, body Japanned, l',-in. Mack's patent box loop tugs. COLLAR— All kip barouche. SADDLE — oi-inch, iron jockev, cloth lined. SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch, D billets. BREECHING— Folded with lay. box loop tugs, 1-inch straigiit turnback, swell buckle dock, i|-inch flat double hip strains, 1-incli holdback straps. BELLY BAND — Folded. Xo sweat pad, martingale, nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar, nickel or imitation rubber trimmed. . . .$10 26 Price, with collar and hames, nickel or imitation rubber trimmed, 11 51 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. Harness ivill be sent according to description unless other- wise ordered. Either Square or Cup Blinds, Over- check or Side-check. Give size of Collar wanted. OLD HICKORY BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE — |-inch cup or square 1)liiuls, round winker sta\'s. LINES— J X 1 incli, flat, with fair hand parts. COLLAR— All kip l)uil)lo and stitched, liand raised. SADDLE— ;!.l-inch, leather jockey and pad, band laced. SHAFT TUGS— U-inch, with D bil- lets. BELLY BANDS— Folded. BREECHING — Folded with straight doulde-raised lay, box loop tugs, 1-inch scalloped turnback, swell buckle dock, double flat fancy hip straps, 1-inch holdback straps. CHOKE STRAP— 1-inoh. Sweat pad, chain, martingale, hitch rein. Price, lull nickel or Davis rubber mounted $22 50 MAIL ORDERS RECKIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 13 Haruess will be sent accoi'diiig to tlesfription, unless other- wise ordered. You can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-check or Side-check. Give size of Collar ^vanted. No. 301. SINGLE STRAP BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. SHAFT TUGS— ^iiK-h. COLLAR— Kip buggy. HAMBS — Iron, body Japanned, with BRIDLE — |-incli, square or cup blinds, round winker stavs, Cincinnati over- P"check. LINES—] X t-incli. all black. BREAST COLLAR— li -inch single 4rap, at- Is-inch traces, attached with perfec- tion clips. BREECHING^lf-incli single strap, turnback g-inch scalloped, |-inch hip strap, f-inch holdback straps. Xo sweat pad, martingale, nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar, nickel or imitation rubber mounted $8 12 Price, with collar and hames, nickel or imitation rubber mountevl 9 35 strap. TRACES — 1 I -inch single tached to breast collar. SADDLE— LM-inch strap, leather pad. BELLY BAND — 3xl}-inch. Griffith St vie. No. 302. SINGLE STRAP BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE — Square or cup blinds, |-inch box loop cheeks, round winker stavs, Cincinnati over-check. LINES—: X 1 inch. all flat, buckle ends. BREAST COLLAR l:|-inch. TRACES — li -inch single strap, at- tached ti> breast collar. SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch, double and stitflie(l. BELLY BAND— ijxlf-inch, Griffith style. Price, with breast collar, nickel or i nutation rubber mounted .... Price, with collar and hames, nickel or imitation lubber mounted SADDLE— 3-inch straj). TURNBACK— 1-inch scalloped, f-inch hip strap. BREECHING— 1 f-inch body, with 2- ring stays and box loop tugs, l-inch lioldback strap. HAMES— Body Japanned, nickel trimmed, with traces attached. COLLAR— Half patent buggy. No swi'at })a or cup ])liiuls, round winker stavs, Cincinnati over-check. LINES- 1 X I'i-incli, all flat, black. BREAST COLLAR— 1|- inch solid IfatiuT. TRACES Ij-inch single strap. SADDLE — :?^-incli single strap, leather j)a(i. SHAFT TUGS— 1 -inch. BELLY BAND — I x 2-inch, Griffith stvlr. BREECHING-] f -inch solid leather, 1-inch scalloped turnback, f-inch hip strap, 1-inch holdback straps. No sweat pad, martingale, nor liitch rein. HAMES — Japanned body, nickel trimmed, with l|-inch single strap traces, attached with perfection clips. COLLAR — Kip buggy. Price, with breast collar, nickel or imitation rubber mounting $10 62 Price, with collar and hames, nickel or imitation rubber mounting 11 87 No. 016. SINGLE STRAP BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE §-inch, s<|uare or cup blinds, Cincinnati over-check. LINES — Jx 1-inch, fair or black, spring ends. BREAST COLLAR — ]g -inch, solid leather. TRACES— li-inch, attached to breast coilar. SADDLE— 2.',-inch, leather pad, hand laced. BELLY BAND —3x1 ?-inch, Griflith stvle. SHAFT TUGS— finch. BREECHING— 1^-inch, solid leather, |-inch .solid scalloped turnback, 1-inch hip strap, f-inch holdback straps. Made also with collar and hames. COLLAR— Half patent buggy. HAMES— 3J lbs., iron, nickel or Davis rubber, with Ifinch traces attached. No sweat pad nor hitch rein. Flat martingale. Price, with breast collar, nickel or Davis rubber mounted $10 62 Price, witli collar and Ilaraes, nickel or Davis rubber mounted 12 50 Extra for rubber trimmed saddle 1 00 MAIL ORDERS RBCEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 15 Harness will be sent according to description, unless otherwise ordered. You can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-check or Side-check. Give size of Collar wanted. No. 017. SINGLE STRAP BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE — |-iiieb, square orcup blinds, Cincinnati over-check. LINES— IxlJ-inch, all black, spring ends. BREAST COLLAR — IHnch, solid leather. TRACES— U-inch, attached to breast collar. SADDLE — 3-inch, leather jockej' and pad, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch, box loops. BELLY BAND— 2-inch, Griffith style. BREECHING— If -inch, solid leather, .scalloped lays, 3-ring stays, box loop tugs, |-inch solid scalloped turn- back, sewed swell dock, f-inch flat hip strap, |-inch holdback straps. COLLAR —Half patent buggy. HAMES— .3i lbs., iron, nickel or Davis rubber, with IJ-inch traces attached, flat martingale with rubber rings. No sweat pad nor hitch rein. Price, with breast collar, nickel or Davis rubber mounted $12 50 Price, with collar and hames, nickel or Davis rubber mounted. . 15 00 Extra for ruVjber trimmed saddle 1 00 Our goods are the finished product of the best oak tanned leather .ind skilled workmanship. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. 16 Nashvili.k Saddlery Company. Harness Mill be sent according to description, unless otlier- %vi8e ordert'd. You can have either Square or Cup BIinf Collar when ordering. No. 16. TRACK HARNESS. BRIDLE— J-incli box loop cheek, cup SADDLE— 2^incli track, hand laced, or square blinds, o-incli flat over- leather jockey, covered seat, with check with nose band, patent leather sweat pad. front, round winker stays, nickel BELLY BAND — Enameled leather steel Itit, §-inch hitch rein. fold, Griffith style, ^-inch billets. LINES— ix 1-inch, all black, smooth BREECHING — U-inch solid leather. finish, sprin breast collar. holdback straps. SHAFT TUGS— J-inch, hand raised MARTINGALE - Fiat, with rubber and stitclied, box loops. rings. Price, nickel or imitation rublier mounted $17 50 Price, solid brass wire mounted 17 50 Price, genuine rubber mounted 21 25 Made onlv in breast collar. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlkrv Company. 17 Harness will be sent according to tlescription, unless other- wise ordered. Yon can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-check or Side-check. Give size of Collar when ordering. No. 17. SINGLE STRAP BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE — f-incli box loop cheeks, square or cup blinds. Boston over- check.. LINES — U-inch, all black, spring ends. BREAST COLLAR —Curved, solid leather. TRACES— U-inch. attached tt) breast collar. MARTINGALE — 1 1-inch. SADDLE— .'>-inch, sensible track, low terrets. stops and tips. SHAFT TUGS— 1-in., with box loops. BEIiLY BAND— Enamel leather, fold- ed with lay, Griffith style. BREECHING— Ig-inch, solid leather, scalloped lays, box loop tugs, i-inch solid sialloped turnback, heavy dock, i-incli holdback straps. Sweat pad and hitch rein. Price, with breast collar, nickel or Davis rubber mounted .$18 75 Price, with breast collar, full genuine rubber mounted 22 50 Price, with breast collar, white or blue celluloid mounted 22 50 Price, with collar and hames, nickel or imitation rubber mounted, 22 50 Price, with collar and hames, genuine rubber mounted, hames Davis rubl)er coated 25 GO NAIL ORDERS RKCEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTIOX. 1« Nashville Saddlery Company. Harness will be sent according to «lesciiptiou, unless other- wise ordered. You can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-check or Side-check. Give size of Collar wanted. CAMPBELL LOCK-STITCH. No. 19. K. C. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE — .l-iiuh rheeki^, with or with- out hlinds, over-check with nose hand, all leatlier hrow band, crown piece with large nickel steel bits, g-inch hitdi rein, liridle liand made tliroughout. LINES— f -inch, donble and stitched, b«-aded spring ends, IJ-inch liand parts, all black leather. BREAST COLLAR - Enameled leather fold, with douhle beaded layer. TRACES — IJ-inch single straj), at- tacluMl to breast collar. SADDLE ^2i{-inch, fall track, hand laced, leather jockey and seat. SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch, double and- stitched, hand raised. BELLY BAND— Griffith style, enam- eled leather fold, :|-inch billets, double beaded layer. BREECHING-Enameled leather fold,, wide double beaded layer, scalloped at ends, double and stitched stays, box loop tugs, turnback, ^-inch solid scalloped, with large swell dock, sewed on, |-inch flat hip straps, :J-inch holdback straps. MARTINGALE — Flat leather, with rubber rings. I SWEAT PAD— All medicated leather. Price, full genuine rubber mounted breast collar. .$25 00 MAIL ORDKRS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 19 Harness will be sent aceorOing to description, unless otherwise ordered. Yon can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-checks or Side-checks. Give size of Collars wanted. No. 570, Light. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLES— f-inoh cui) blinds, O K over-checks. LINES— 5-inch, flat, black with |-inch fair haii«' sent accordiiiK to clescription, unless otherwise or. flat sidi LINES— l-incli, l.lack, (hit. COLLARS— All hlaok, baruiu-lie. HAMES— 7 lbs., iron, full X C plate or .laiiamied, 1 {-inch tiijr.s. TRACES U-iii., (loul)U' and stitched. PADS— Ficxihle Concord pattern. BELLY BANDS— ll-incli,tlat leather. TURNBACKS— i -inch, with sewed docks. BREECHING — Folded, with 1-ineh sis, double flat hip straps. CHOKE STRAPS— 1-incli. i YOKE STRAPS— 1 1-inch. Price, with full X C place mountings, with hip straps $20 00 Price, with full X C plate mountings, with lireeching 22 50 MAIL ORDKRS REC EIVE SPECIAL ATTBNTIOX. Nashville Saddlery Company. Harness will be sent according to description unless other- wise ordered. You can have either Square or Cup Blinds Over-checks or Side-checks. Give size of Collars wanted. No. 60, Light. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLES — .l-incli, box loop cheeks, cup or scpiare blinds, chain fronts, ( ;i nciniiat i over-checks. LINES i X 1-incli, all fair or lilack, smooth, plain finish. COLLARS— Kip bugjry. HAMES -7 lbs., body Japanned, plated terrets and draft eye, with 1-inch Mack's patent No. 00 box loops tugs TRACES — 1-in., double and stitched. hand raised. PADS — No. 1 coach, with fancy under housings. BELLY BANDS— Folded. TURNBACKS— ii*-inch, scalloped, sewed swell dock. CHOKE STRAPS— Hnch. YOKE STRAPS— 11 inch. Price, full nickel or Davis rubber mounted $21 25 J'..\tra for round hip straps 1 25 No. 61, Medium. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stltched. BRIDLES— g-inch box square or cu}) blinds looj) cheeks, chain fronts, Cincinnati over-checks. LINES— ll (hi('k. YOKE STRAPS— U-inch. CHOKE STRAPS— i-inch. 50 25 50 Nashville Saddlery Company 23 Harness will be sent according to description, unless other wise ordered. Yon can have either Square or Cup Blinds, Over-checks, or Side -checks. Give size of Collars wanted. CAMPBELL LOCK-STITCH. No. 62, Medium'. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. SRIDLES — |-inch box loop cheeks, stjuare or cup blinds, chain fronts, and Cincinnati over-checks. IiINES — I X 1-inch, all fair or black, smooth, plain finish. COLLARS— Patent buggy. HAMES — Iron, Japanned body, plated draft eyes and terrets, with 1^-inch Mack's patent tugs. BELLY BANDS— Folded. TRACES— 1^-in., double and stitched, and hand raised. PADS — No. 2 coach, with fancy under housings. TURNBACKS— |-inch,scalloped,with swell dock. HIP STRAPS— Round, smooth ish, with drops and ornaments. YOKE STRAPS— U-inch. CHOKE STRAPS— i-inch. fin- Price, with full nickel, wire ball, l)and, or Davis rubber trim- mings, no hip straps $25 00 P^xtra for hip straps 125 Rubber trimmed pads, extra 2 50 Made with patent breast collar at same prices as above. No. 63. DOUBLE CARRIAGE HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLES — ^-inch box loop cheeks, metal rim blinds, round side-checks or Cincinnati over-checks. COLLARS— 1 X H-inch, all flat, fair or black, fine, plain smooth finish. HAMES— Kip barouche. COLLARS — 7 lbs., iron, body Ja- panned, plated terrets and draft eyes, with 11-inch Mack's patent tugs. TRACES— li-in., double and stitched, hand raised. PADS — No. 3 coach, with fancy under hdusings. BELLY BANDS— Folded. TURNBACKS— i-inch, double back, with swell buckle docks. HIP STRAPS — l-inch, with fancy drops and ornaments. CHOKE STRAPS— 1-inch. YOKE STRAPS— U-inch. BREECHING — Folded, with IJ-inch side straps. Price, with full nickel, wire ball, band, or Davis rubber mount- ings, hip straps $31 25 Price, with breeching 35 00 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL. ATTENTION. 24 Nashville Saddlery Company, HariieKK will be sent accordinf; to description, unless other- wise ordered. Yon ran have either Square or Cnp Blinds, Over-checks, or Side-checks. Give size of Collars wanted. No. 65. DOUBLE CARRIAGE HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BELLY BANDS— Folded. BRIDLES — i-iiicJi box loop «lieek.«, metal riin coach blinds, round reins, chain fronts, fly torrets. LINES — Konnd. witli 11-inch fair haMaiul. LINES- U-iiu-li, all black. HAMES— Ked X C, ball top. TRACES -U-incli, attached to liames with fancy safe. COLLAR — Kip Scotch. SADDLE -6-lnch, cloth lined. SHAFT TUGS -li-inch, D billets. BELLY BANDS — Folded. BREECHING — Folded, 1-inch turn- back, swell buckle docks, |-inch double flat hip straps, Ij-inch hold- back straps. Price, with traces attached to hames and heel chains $17 50 Price, with l)U(kle trace, with Mack's patent tugs. 18 12 Extra for brass mountings 2 50 No. 52. NASHVILLE EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE - :|-iiicli box ]on\> cheeks, metal rim hoiseshoe blimis, brass l)and fnint, round reins and winker stays. LINES 1-inch, all Hat. COLLAR — Black, \i\p exj>ress. HAMES— Red wood, ])all top, with l}-inrh Mack's ])atent tugs. TRACES— 11-inch, with cock eyes. SADDLE — 5-inch, harness leather skirts, leather pad, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS— 11-inch, with D bil- lets. BELLY BANDS— Folded. BREECHING — Folded with raised lay, box loop tugs, ^-inch reverse turnback, double hip straps, IJ-inch holdliack straps. CHOKE STRAP— 1-inch, flat. Price for brass trimmed $21 87 Extra for iron hames 50 MAIL. ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashvili,e Saddlery Company 27 Harness vrill be sent according: to description, unless other- wise ordered. You can have either Square or Cup Blinds. Give size of Collar wanted. No. 54. NASHVILLE EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Lock-stitched. BRIDLE — ^-inch box loop cheeks, hoi*se-shoe shaped metal rim blinds, brass band front and brass rosettes, round reins and winker stays. LINES— l|-inch, all fiat. COLLAR— All black, kip express. HAMES— Red wood, ball top, brass trimmed, with l|-inch Slack's pat- ent tugs. TRACES — l|-inch, with cock eves. SADDLE — 6-inch, with harness leather skirts, leather-lined pad, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS— If-inch, with D bil- lets. BELLY BANDS— Folded. BREECHING— Folded with raised lay, box loop tugs, double turnback, double |-inch hip straps, li-inch holdback straps. CHOKE STRAP— H-inch, flat. Price, with full brass trimmings $23 00 Extra for iron hames 75 No. 56. NASHVILLE EXPRESS HARNESS. BRIDLE — |-inch, box loop cheeks, horse-shoe shaped metal rim blinds, brass band front and rosettes, round reins and winker stays. LINES— U-inch, all flat. COLLAR— All black, kip express. HAMES— Red wood, ball top, with li-inch Mack's patent tugs. TRACES— U-inch, with cock eyes. Campbell Lock-stitched. SADDLE — 7-inch, with harness leather skirts, leather-lined pad, hand laced, iJ-incli back band. SHAFT TUGS— l^inch, with D bil- lets. BELLY BANDS — Folded. BREECHING— Folded with raised lay, box loop tugs, double turnback, double hip straps, l|-inch holdback straps. CHOKE STRAP— U-inch, flat. Price, for full brass mounted $26 90 Extra for iron hames 75 MATL ORDERS R£C£IV£ SPJCCIAL ATTKNTIUM. 28 Nashville Saddle ky Company. Harness will be s«-iit aarts only 3 75 MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. Nashvillk Saddlkrv Company 29 Harness will be sent according to tlescription, unless otherwise ordered. of Collar wlien ordering. No. 178. SINGLE WAGON OR EXPRESS HARNESS. Give size BRIDLE— 3-inch, Xo. 7 team. LINES— finch, all flat black. COLLAR— Xo. 27, kip team. HAMES AND TRACES — ll-incl with heel chains. SADDLE — 5-iiu'h, strap express, with kersev lined pad. SHAFTTUGS— 1-inch, with D billets. BELLY BANDS— Folded. BREECHING — Folded, with iinch double hip straps, finch turnback. Price per set, complete $12 00 Price, body parts only 5 25 No. 179. SINGLE WAGON OR EXPRESS HARNESS. BRIDLE —finch, No. 7 team. LINES— 1-inch, all black, flat. COLLAR— No. 27, kip team. HAMES AND TRACES— If-incli, with heel chains. SHAFT TUGS— Ifinch, with D billets. SADDLE — 6-inch, strap express, wilii kersev linefXIO.V. Nashville Saddlery Company. ,jASHVIH,t; HunieMs will he sent a<-<-i>r(liii(; to descriptinn, iiiilt'ss otherwise ordered. Give size of Collar when ordering. No. PLANTATION DUMP CART HARNESS. BRIDLE LINES ^ COLLAR- HAMBS- strin<,'s. Price, No. 2, BRIDLE LINES—"; COLLAR HAMES Price, No. 3, -^incli, No. 1, V. \V. l.Iinds. ■inch, leather. -Split and kip team, No. 26. Varnished hook stage, with SADDLE— I'added bars, cotton girth. BREECHING 2-inch, single leatlier, Ij-inch hip straps, 1-inch kidney strains. SHAFT BELLY BAND— Cotton web, leather billets. $7 50 complete Light. ONE HORSE DRAY OR DUMP CART HARNESS. SADDLE — Ijt-ather pads, short cover. BREECHING— 2.\-inch, 1 1-inch hip strajts, 1-inch kidney straps. SHAFT BELLYBANb-l.l-in., leather complete $11 25 Medium. ONE HORSE DRAY OR DUMP CART HARNESS. ij-incli, cnp blinds, •inch, tlat, with snajfs. -I'.lack, split and kip, No. 20. lied hook stage, with strings. BRIDLE -i-imdi, cup blimls. LINES 1-inch, tlat, with snaj.s. COLLAR Kip, Scotch, No. 41. HAMES Red, farmer's bronze top, with hame strings. SADDLE — Leather pads, single leather cover. BREECHING —:{-inch, donl)le and stitched, l.l-in(;h hip straps, IJ-inch kidncv straps. SHAFT BELLY BAND— 2-in. leather. Price, complete $13 12 No. 4, Heavy. ONE HORSE DRAY OR DUMP CART HARNESS. BRIDLE- l-iii,h, No. b laiKe oval blinds. LINES 1-inch, flat, with snaps. COLLAR— Kip, Scotch, No. 44, wool laced. HAMES— No. 1 red, city dray, with strin o B ^ 3 4^ c« e (^ oc . CO o o Km BIAII. ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. oo O d d Nashville Saddlery Company. 39 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 40 NASHVII.LE Saddlery Company. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashvillk Saddi.kry Company. 41 o MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 43 o o MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 44 Nashville Saddlery Company. a a < CO o CO C5 oc a LJ I- < OC 00 LlI bJ lo CO t^ 00 o 1-H CC 00 05 to i-O o o o -fi CD O lO ^ ,-^ (>1 (>J o o o o *^ *i -.J -1^ .- o o o C-l -r o o bC bt 6X) 5P _5ti_bC W).60 'ii S a) '^ oQ ^ is ^ is '^ a c fl cs -' -; - s oc be "C a c3 CO < CO UJ o rill 3 ,j3 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 47 UJ a a < CO CO < UJ _J Q O < CO UJ o UJ ce QC < CO MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. O 48 NASHVILI.E SADDI.ERY COMPANY. CO ^f^ m MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION, O Nashville; Saddlery Company. 40 MAIL ORl>KKS RECKIVE SPKCIAI. ATTENTION. ^ 50 Nashville Saddlery Company. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. O Nashville Saddlery Company. 51 Q Q < (0 < O CC O ^3 ;> w MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL. ATTENTION. 52 Nashville Saddlery Company. . O ID ir; a> o o .S be ^ c a; 5 ^ ^.. s ^ a MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. ;^ Nashville Saddlery Company, 53 ^ 9 o o lO IC a; 1/ s a. "^ S c3 - C 9 013 p OJ T' I' ■" .= Si J, ^ ■- o o < CO UJ oc o o ^ 1 >• o ^ .- >,■.,-• lO t-O t^ cc >o CO -t< m 1* m .in . -'-■' ^ ^ =S 03 „ a* q; tc' "^ ? £ c^G-^ ^ s.t? •?s| oT.h-r • O CS - ' •n ^ «<- a; -M I- * ? 9tf^ • • 't. i5 ? aJ +-I s 1 i S i^ zt "^ Z ■: o > '^ -- "5 '"* :S g — ' S o - D ^-H 3 oj 2 •Y S 1-H ; ^•^t^ CO (IhP ^ IHAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 54 Nashville Saddlery Company, .9 S 03 O §^200 0). f^ be Dh o o o a 3 5 .S J, 1* c o a)._2 ►^ ^ ^W MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. O Nashville Saddlery Company. 55 CO UJ -J Q O < CO LaJ X O O MAIL OBDEBS:.KECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. 56 Nashville Saddlery Company, CO 0-1 CO 1^ 00 o a- o ^ (M ft a 3 =! tC 02 CO ^ ,^ ^ 1-1 r-. (M M -|J .»J -JJ -M 1-. r-. ^ (M 6C fee tC _bf S '5 '53 a^ ^ ^ ^ &: cS CS C3 O O O VH "<-! **-! c; ti c o ■S.^ R S rt oj s -^ ^^ --2 ra , — HJ t<-i CO t. " p J, t. , _r ^' 2 '^ o -^ o G rt 3j M cj O ci r. - '- = ^^ w; MAIL ORDKRS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. P^ Nashville Saddlery Company. 57 UJ a < CO 0. CO > o o < lO t^ C -*» 03 . m 1—1 a • m O _ c3 a -u gj , (D ^ -3 3 ^ ^ a> 22 ^ (1. o J2; "I ^ '^ fl 3 £5^ _^ ^3-^ i , S o3._2 ' - S «:• fe ; y X t- .2 ^ Oh o MA£L ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAX, ATTENTION. 58 Nashville Saddlery Company. CO LJ O Q < (0 < 111 CO o 52i -s 2 » St oj 1^ %J^ s ■^ -W S-i "*-! c3 I" ^"S^^ 0) 3 5 p "- "- bC-S ^ iron sed, nch ned. 1 S^o^ : S'C O m • c g rj ; 'T^ rrt C- Tl ., S O ^- 02 Cj '"^ S-i ^ Sh '-' ^ h> ^ I* S .Ti ^ QJ --i •--< ^j -H ;i; -u ><^4.sg HIM OC --H <« .^ «D >■ I— 1 Ph MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAIi ATTENTION. NaSHVILIvE SADD1.ERY COMPANY. 59 < LiJ CO O Z cc a. CO >- >^ o D I- Z UJ oj 3 o3 02 a, O ^H ^ OJ ? 00 OS OJ -:3 _r >. ■ a; o^ (D aj ■+-• ■■S « .2 -§ ^ o .s CO 153 eS --^ OJ « OJ 0) 3 o P-. MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL. ATTENTION. 60' NASHVII.LE SadDLE^RY CoMPANV. KENTUCKY SPRING SEAT. No. 232. Calf seat, hand raised, full sheep and linsey pad, 5-inch willow stirrups. 16-inch, for man weighing 125 to 150 lbs Ill 25 17-inch, for man weighing 150 to 200 lbs 13 12 18-inch, for man weighing 200 to 250 lbs 15 65 MAn. OBDBBS BKCEITIC SFBCIAI. ATT£NTION. NashviIwIvE Saddlery Company. 61 < iS K 1 UJ CO I CC s UJ " o CO OS cs cS •~; OJ a; r^ Oi X 0) ^ ^ ;_, « OJ a; a; a M ^ « s-< OJ o cu r/.> ^^^ ■ , , rH q; <1> a- ■^ 0) -u +J a r^ '.~i rtO ^ ^ D 03 lO c? 'Zr* a, ^ p,- d^ j;5 OJ OJ Oi a a; -'-' r^ -i-> ^ O J3 CJ c o CS a C lO o>oco c3 ^ HI C/J T) CD ; C3 cc O p ^ .i: « O o: X ^ p rJ:5 o o OJ J" ^ o C ;J .— "7 ^ aT .2 -t -r •<*' c« OD ^ >o a p s a ^ C3 0) (U cc r; 0; '"^ ^^ lO a. ai D. D p,(n r", P ^ s^ r1 ^ rH P- !-H •^ ViJ n r<> rrj TS U3 o tJ ^ o O -o ' O n C a c 0) n; t. 'V r-^rc -Hi-* ^ ,^ 1—1 '"' 1—1 ^ « 0) dJ CIJ OJ UJ !_ ^ 1-1 .^ CO ^^^ U o < o C S 1^ "T 'T c- 5 -f ^ t: tT jO a> aj ^ ^ i-^ Z ^ ■-I o ^ ^ •"■ j- ^~S ^ '•X ~ ^ .-co « a a> Q rO^^ CS C5 cS m S S S 00 cc CO — , P Oi OJ 3IAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. li O ^ ic o t^ Nashvii^IvE Saddlery Company 65 MAHi ORDERS REOEIVB 8PSOIAL ATTENTION. 66 Nashville Saddlery Company. O O I— I (M lO t~- O o o M '^ c^a a; o lO lO iC CO ^ CO MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 67 MAUL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAIi ATTENTION. 68 Nashville Saddlkry Company kO lO iC 1-H MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 69 CO UJ _l o o < CO UJ 9 CO I- < D QC H < Q. a— S-- C D O 'I' __ I- U CD u^ ^ O bL"^ o S ^ --xs 'S ^ ^ be tH 13 OS eS S o; c3 , 03 &i /-, (^ C 5 O O cr o ^^ "^^ - r- =s ei C3 03 OD m o g s-^ - « S =5 2 s ^— ' ^ ^ G .M -t^ -4^ .4^ MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECLAX ATTENTION. 70 Nashville Saddlery Company. CO UJ -I o o < CO UJ o CO > o a OS s cc a -^ i^ S rt "^ 32 +3 •— .2 . "ti i^ QQ !5 o 3^ a X ;^ MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL' ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 71 PAT RUWART SIDE SADDLE. 18-inch Tree. No. 10 is made on large tree, has 12-iiich bag on oflF side, good full pad, two draw buckle and ring girths, leather surcingle, made with or without leaping horn. Price without leaping horn $10 00 Price with leajiing horn 11 25 Extra for slipper stirrup 1 25 MAIL ORDKBS BECEITS SPECIAL ATTENTION. 72 Nashville Saddlery Company. CO s X M ,c -r; ■ O O D QQ ■?, l^ CO o 9 .^ rfl ^ o " -^ :g :B o '^ '^ o « o .H .9 .S »O|00 ir^X) Ml'*^ MAII^ ORDKRS BBCEIVB SP£CIAL ATTENTION. o o o )Zi ^ ^ NASHVII.I.E Saddlery Company. 73 CO Ijj 5 m o, -O Tl f% ^ 'JTi Oi a 'r^ 03 H o o M-l 't. ^ -M o rt CS a 0) a 02 m !h "o S-i o m >- o o D m ^2 0) „ ^ _G a c T C O P u:^ CO Ml* p- M . CO CO Oi Tt 05 O o o o ;^ ^^ tZ5 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 75 (M CO 1—1 I— I CO >- 01 ^ r^ > > <1) 03 rt s a r! G c ."ti 00 cc S cc G Sh i. c> W W -4-> fq ^ iH r/) -ii 02 ^ tc~ n ^ risi ^ -^ CJ ^ ,i«! iH 0) G Oi 0) = 0) - "3 j .2^ .ss rtt-f esw WW ■*■ nw 00 OS o to «D ^ ^ )l^ ^ MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL. ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 77 CO Ul CO OQ t^ Oi >— I CO "o "S ~ C C s S -r cn-T H« .— I t— I O O O O ^ » ^ !2; CO UJ oc OQ OQ N3 lO O lO O Ol lO t^ j^ :c t- CO <1> ^^ & ts a, OS 02 "o ts nH" >-l» 1—1 O O o o o o o o o CO LJ OC 00 OQ o MAII^ ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 78 Nashville Saddlkry Company. CO UJ oc < UJ »- a o lO o lO t^ o CI eo lO 1—1 1— 1 m^ V! W 03 ^ TZ TJ a a rO ^ XI '^ T-i TJ 'J rt CI H-l h-1 ^ i^ ki >> a a a & fl fi o o o ;^ ^ ^ tfi UJ CO UJ C5 < co O 1— I iM CO lO p; ^ a: -? -« o o CO CO eo eo CO 6 6 d 6 6 ^ ;2i ^ ^ ^ CO UJ oc < UJ I- MAIL OKDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. (M (M (M O O 1^ "^ Nashville Saddlery Company. 79 (i; ^ CO tE 00 ^-' ^ o oj Q) d) IV O) ^ q; S Ji 5 3 3 o o o o o «~ ^" -— "-c" -G /S ^ O O W JJ O C fl CO OQ QC s OQ •a 03 UJ jaf u < DQ CO 10 CD ^ CD O O 066660 Cl CO CD t^ GO ^ ^ tC 03 CC O! 03 ^ X2 ,0 ^ .C &, P^ CI, a p, 3 S 3 D S CJ Cj CJ O CJ CJ O CJ a rH a a c -T -7 '1 "T "T •-♦» H* MAII. ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAIi ATTENTION. t^ t^ i>- t^ t^ 6 6 6 6 6 80 Nashville Saddlery Company. ^m CO en UJ _i a £ cc c OQ OC r UJ OQ < I- ^ Sh ^ ^ O) OJ 0) OJ o o o « 05 ci c3 i^ ^ ^ JS a o « o a r^ f3 r^ .1-1 Ml-^t-taOi — I r— t CO o (M o B i IS ■"^ — ^ o ,^ 2 eS OQ o cC [^ CO .- w CU 'o3 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION, Nashville Saddlery Company. 81 CO < 03 „• 0 O f l^ 00 Oi O i-l t^ CO O r-H (M s^ ; ! ; '. '. iii u i^ u !^ Q^ ti) CJ Qj (O 00000 c: a cs os rt.i.S.^.^.s ^^ -■ - "^''^'" C3 S G 'V '7 -" ^ >- 'V •7 "7' '7 "7 •-*C'H-i''7 '7 '7 •-*o-<-« ntTl-hOr-l I—I 1-H n(')'t-|«rH I-H rH iot^coooc«oo5'— ; CO UJ oc OQ cs a oc oc 00 _ _ „ - , be be 5io 6c r- % a a a .^^ c3 03 03 T| rrt ^ aj a; 0) ,i-(» rH MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 82 Nashville Saddlery Company. (M r^ a; . ^ ^ CO rS B"^ cc o w-2 ^ ^ 00 « cc '-' -fj o ^^ c3 OJ ^ ub an felt ins. ang '3 c3 l^-incli, do double head, feet re Made of Oi CO 'be a t- cc O ^ 00 Ci O ■— I Pt;^ CO UJ _l a QC CQ CS o d fl C fl (K 02 cc 03 9 T 9 Gj O) OJ O f^ '"O -7^ i; y u o 0; a. > > '~ '~^'~'"^ !h !- ?-, a> ID o a; &X) be 6t 50 G C C C cj oS rt c3 C.'^.Z,.'::, t- I- i. s- o o o o -tJ 't^ -^ •♦J a; 0) Qj cc CO 03 02 cc CO 03 02 S S S s ^ ^^ ;-! »-i 13 o'o cTj'S'u d o o o o TS'Ci r^ 73 CI) OJ CD 0) -M -i-i •+-' 0) 0; > > > '^ ^ U ^ ^M^^ CJ o o o ci cc oi K ^ .^ X! /2 CS a v> « cc CO ■s 1- UJ Q O CC cc o u 3 OQ T3 Q. OC ra CQ c MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. NASHV1I.I.E SadDI^KRY COMPANY. 83 CO CO CO 1—1 1—1 00 o Q. . < oc X -5 UJ § (M eo-TS o 73 CO UJ O ic r^ M 0 M a. ■^ lO CO CO a> OJ H SE e a a a ^: (S ^ TS ■ tS '^ 'C! '^ "^ -" ^ S-H "^ lO iO lO lO lO lO ^H - ^ ^ r- rCT ^^ j£ ^ O O r^ O « O o fl a « c G fi a -v -T C "T -V "V 'T* H-r ^K-i "7 --+* '-'^ H^ CO UJ QC ^ LJ -2 CO QC a> o) o ^ ^ . •~ -tJ -ki p ? ^ « " ja " ,a o -d o a « a -v fl ■7* H* 'V T— 1 1— ( 1— I oo Ol lO Ol iC lO I— 1 I— 1 l^ i-H Oi CO o\ CO CO CO i-H ^ 0) a r- eu 0) -+-• -l-< ^ a; 0) a Oh -t^ g o o >- a ) r' .^ .^ a '^ r| ,^ rC <1) .n o O CS a > a J !-i ^ o; c O 0) J ■! r "cS CS 11 !■ C Is a u 0/ ^ ^ != ' c ^ ^ ^ ^" .2 a "S F ^ ^ Q O O CO (M i-l C OJ 0^ o (I^PuiPhPh < a. MAIL ORDEBS RECEIVE SFECLAX ATTENTION. o oo o ^ CI CO -r ■ PJ ^ o 1^ a Hi O r-^ ;-i <1> .2 !» o o o o o o o o o CO CO CO a f*v 2^ ^4s!-i^ o o o ^. CIS OS .8" '^3 *v — ■ ^- c c c .1,^J»! cS c4 03 •— o o ., ^ „ ^ S s -kJ ^ -tJ ^^^ sac C O O -tJ -*-» -M ^ > > rt rt ^ ^ ^ •'T --^ ^ s 3 r^ -^ -p-i ..-I w 3 ;j CCOQi o o o o o o o Iz; ;?; ^ ^ ;z; ;zi ;?; O O lO o o O LO t^ IC o OJ 2 S o P o 03 03 O u 3 i^ p, ci, = M ^=^ W S f=^ AIAIIi ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. o o o ^ ^ ^ 90 Nashville Saddlery Company. CO a < Q. Ph ^ o c 03 M o o 1^; CO Q < CL O CO GO 1— I t, CM (M CO <0 Ti > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. o o o "^ '^ ^ Nashville Saddlery Company. 91 OO lO ec MAIL ORi>KBS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. 92 Nashville Saddlery Company. u a : ^ ^ O o ° o S : Si .ii u « « . CO < CO < o o. < I- co CO UJ < C9 C9 r CO r1 •73 c3 5? Q. 5 03 0) M 'O •O TS T! a> a» a; » 'S t-i b - -t^ -t-> OD GR S a 05 05 cd eS u h. A O. .o ^ etf 05 •-5 l-» o O ^ u 1 , 1 o O 0) a> O O ^ u 4< X M ^ Iz; •* 8 ^ lO r*< iC l^ MAIL OBOBRS RECKIVE SPSCIAIi ATTBMTION. Nasiivitxk Saddi.kry Companv. 93 1^ CO CO ^,eocD a; ^ §1 a; w o MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL, ATTENTION. Nashvillk Saddlery Company 05 DUMP CART OR DRAY BREECHING. Each. No. 1. 1 o-inch, sinsrle hip strap .i-2 .">() No. 2. 2;-inch, double and stitclied, single hi|) strap :i 12 No. 3. 3-ineh, double and stitclied, sinofle iiip strap o To No. 4. Si-inch, double and stitclied, single hip strap 4 50 No. 5. 4-inch, with lay, Menipliis style, double liiji strap CRUPPER DOCKS. Kach. $7 60 Per doz. No. 2. Flaxseed, stuffed .*:', 12 No. 3. Flaxseed, stuffed 2 18 N(j. 4. Flaxseeil, stuffed I .30 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVK Sl'ECIAL, ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. ^ •^ ♦i •^ •^ ~ -i is 1? ? p ts ? 0) 09 OJ (/.' m no c C ^ ^ &. irt C3 03 CC CJ es ;_ ^ -u -bJ -1^ ■J. X ».' aj DO £, ?-, C^ a a- Cii 00 J^ ^ ,£: ^ A ^ ^ ^ -G ,:= ,S « i; ^ o o CJ u c C .S .5 .S .S ■" '7 M vfljX WT »-fX) ,-^ ,— ( ,— 1 MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 97 r^O ^ ^ ^ < O < < UJ _i QC O U- co Q. < QC co Q. ^^^^^ OD aT cc I 00 c-s^c- — a< rt :s =S ys 35 U i. i- ~ t-: J=^ ■-. - - «^^«* CS Ul QC QQ O < o-i CO ec "f "* ic w U' U it u X X :c X X X a- a> i: jj^^ss-f^-fjs.t: M c>» ec eo •^ Cl IM N C>l (M — -^ — c c d c" c d 6 d ItAIL OBDEBS BECEIVE SPECLVL ATTENTION, Nashville Saddlery Company. -i»-^ " ^ o ~ o o o o — pii p:; D^ pq 11 ai o — <■ o-i o Ci o o o ^ '—I'—'^^'—f o o o o o ;^ ^ ;^ '^ ?^ CO ci 03 cs -1 UJ hand hand hand -J CQ o 5 i o a s c s o o o PhPhK o o o o o o o o "/^^ y, y, y y ~:c 00 -* e— f c-i JO CO t-^ ^ ; . 00 „ . 73 *^ r— • t^ c; a; ■ CS Ch-^ C^ U . 03 C « 00 . t: 5--^ : «— -ti c . f^ti rt rt . -5^"?^ : cs.i:'5~ • -==^'■"0 : '^ '-r,'^ • ^x Sr^ : O'T-ter-5 • '-'-^-' S 00 ■T! - ^ - C oj .;:; c &, o „ &c c ^ - 03 ^ 02 .i:'.^" rt o IB =" ." _ — __oS =S C3'*-' -C^i — :j s w a rf; H,^;, o j: o G ■- _=•'-' "* ^ X ■"■ X X X X X ^, X ^ '[ao,— I t-lXi-H I— I I— I I— « O >-i CD I^ 00 Oi O ^ ^ ^ ^ ,-1 ,-1 C-J 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 MAIIi ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashvillr Saddlery Company. 99 0.0 >• C0 C9 3 QQ . c/> UJ CO -J UJ cs 2 z cc tn < X cc o UJ u. X o (/> —) »C r^ ^ O O — -+ tc 00 —1 CO Z ^ __ rt ,-1 c<| (M S x X X 2 S ;J « C5 «" 5 2 r. •/: tc (c •/' C/5 UJ o cs < C3 CO JJ t^ Ol O CI M 1^ ^"^ iJ o ;c cc X lO "" o S -r :c CI ^ o I— CO -r -^ SS c a: X J. 1. [????:= CI CI CI CI CI ^ -^ r- '— ^ 6 6 d c c" c o" 6 f d ;^ a ^'^ ^ ^. ;< ?^ z'- V. :^ »IAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 100 Nashville Saddlery Company. CO CO ec < z IaJ CO O a oc o CO C9 < CO ^it^^iOt^OO-l (M CO IC ^ 00 o c^ ec lO O 1— 1 rt< l>. fc. >-( (M C^ (M iM C-l CO CO CO (S ^ Jh Ji X! .2 • 3 s ^ bl rt '. ■ O • O 1 : fl c = r^ c 9- .t^ ^ • H. a a i a^ s 's o . « cS c- 03 ^ !- •^^ H^ h, 1- H? H, o s o 'S S-i u s- O O c o o c >< M X XCor XCor le, XC nickel '3 I >! t^ >i >, >^ '^ be be tC bD i>D -z. bo 6C 6C bt 6C £ >i ^, 3 . So be o • bE be Si a • :: r- ^ o; p a ^ r2 r^ ,Q -O ^ _a ^ a a Q. © 03 Ji '. 2 '^ 3 3 • r- ^ "s a 3 • C c C c c c o o O , r~ •^ 'C t: TS '^ U h -* ^ ^ ^ S '^ rC -- pC ^' ^ ^ -Q C c X. ^ 'cl rC S. O fc o .o c ^ c o h> •::: ,G o r r r ■§ : a 3 o o « 3 kl 1:1 o. 3 b 0-2 TS TS '^ 'O T3 "Tj a) QJ dj OJ (Xl gj ■73 t3 "^ TJ T3 tJ 'o'o'o o o'o'~"'o P^ p^ p^ pu Ph fi^ fi^ S2 o ! :;--7 '^% X i a> ~ 01 « HI fin ,-( o o 1— I c-i to CO o o o o o o ^ l^; ;?; !^ ;2; !^ MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. ^ ^ Nashville Saddlery Company. 101 MARTINGALES FOR BUGGY OR COACH HARNESS. No. 17. Each. No. 12. Novelty link chain, nickel or brass $0 62 No. 65. Square link chain, nickel or brass 1 35 No. 72. Heavy curb chain, nickel or brass 1 50 No. 64. Round, leather standing bit 62 No. 16. Track, flat leather, with rubber rings 37 No. 17. Track, flat leather, with rubber rings 44 No. 18. Track, flat leather, with rubber rings 50 No. 8. Flat forks, for collar and hames 50 No. 14. Leather folds, round forks 93 No. 11. Leather folds, flat forks 62 No. 56. 1-inch flat forks, brass rings, express. 62 RIDING MARTINGALES. Per doz. No. 1. 1-inch, black or fair, flat, no collar, tinned rings $ 3 44 No. 2. f X Hnch, black or fair, flat forks, with collar, tinned rings 4 37 No. 3. I X f-inch, black or fair, fancy heart and collar, nickel rings 8 75 No. 4. Black, round forks and collar, rubber rings 15 00 No. 4. Fair, round forks and collar, celluloid rings 15 00 CHOKE STRAPS. No. 50. Size, inch i X C or Japanned, per doz $2 50 Nickel or brass, per doz 2 81 1 U u n $2 81 $3 43 $4 37 $5 62 3 25 4 06 5 00 6 25 MAIL ORUEKS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 102 Nashville Saddlery Company. CO CO CO CO UJ fiC o. X bJ < >- C9 C9 CO a < CO o o o o o o o f^ 1^ Iz; ^ ^ ;^; ;z; o o o CO a. < t- CO < a m-r c. o o o -g ^ g'3 ^ ^ N -k5 S o a; CO UJ QC UJ OC OQ OQ UJ MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company 103 .5 O .2 - £ N K N !;; K N o o o O C o "^ 'C r3 rr "C "^ 3- y 3^ a> 3/ - X ct -J. "Z "Z "^ i; w ij •- •- ~ '- S u "^ "^ is 5 " 5 =s « " — _= JZ I- L< ~ i i i 4< o; 1) -k- ^ l^ <» -t^ 4^ •^^ .^^ .^^ -^^ •«-> <<-> O O c o o o J2 ^ J2 J2 i«i2 — ' j: ^~ ^ ^ J^ o V ^ :^ ij w ri ri ci c-i (M c^ •^ -»> f "T -f ■* X X X X X X oac «fT »'f» ^Of*i «i^ »-t» MAIL OBOEB8 KKCEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTIOX. 104 NashviIvLE Saddlery Company. CO < QQ < QQ oo QC =^-1 : - s s ■ J! ^ ^ ff ^J2 s a o o t^ 0> O t^ QO OS z: au iu O) < OQ o < 00 s c o o o 00 ^ ' ■ ^~ -^ 0) O" 0) ^^ O a> 01 CC cj c8.-~.ti ^ ,-(iN ,i-2^ i ^ S o. d 6 C tT tf sS tS u ^^ 0) 0) j^j:^ jj3 00 w -fcj ^ ^j ^ ^^ a> V ^ ^ OS oS c^ cS Q) 0) OJ .-^ SS a -^ -^ a a '^ a s 2.2 ^ ^ J -e ie o a a.ti. ~ 5 S S O 0'3' a ^ •^ -S ^^ ^* '^ ^* >> >.>^>, « o y « a a a a IC a ^ tr«|M^.^HC^ l-CS CO LJ —I o 00 < 00 < 00 00 a^ =^c» OL ^, OQ aiAIL OBDBBS BSCEIV£ SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 105 CO UJ o < CO UJ cc a. X UJ cc o cs < a. > o « a> oi a> >> >i >> 0^ 0) Oi X ^ ^ *J -U -fcS ■^ ■? '^ H^ ci:(ai -«) © ^ ^ .H 3 3 c3 ec lo /? iC iC ic (—1 odd ^ J2i ;z; CO cs CO UJ CO CO UJ cc a. X UJ O. -- rH 4) O Ai to d -£3 ; 43 - S s ■ o O • • lO lO • • o d I . ^ 5^ : • j5 M : « . . c c • " 'T • ce(oo '^N • 1—1 ^^ ^^ , : ^ Ef : • ^ ^ • 00 • • 'i^ s ^ S : -fi . — : -s J5 tc 2 Si 2 o -^ c3 .£2 s O^^ Oii o OD a : Oh -W so CO §:^ ^ eS o 12; ^ a g "S ^ a, OD 00 Slid „-S o p; p^ p< pj p; « a CD 00 CO UJ o < cc >- cs cs CO UJ cs CO 0) ^ 0) ^H '-' >H see « O U .ti •-- -r; .ti .ti .ti *J -w •^ • J -^ X 00 00 X ao 00 &1 Ci< cc CO 00 — — — , — '::2"^ 2 S s a a a a a ^jTc cScSoScSoicsSC ™ --r •-r' — ^ a i-iC'j«'*iiocoO'-ic < -i CC «. cs JS CQ UJ CQ :'3 OJ ) cs eS '5 cS W ■ i. u i: u 1^ ; c a c c c J rt cS =5 eS cS 0^ 0) 0; V a> 2 o o o ;ij X ""■ — — — — ji; ■— . — —• c o ^— (D 01 01 a) a> 0/^ j5 c o _o -$-2-5 a a a eaa5:2 *-.'«tt,t»-,e4-lV^t<-l _.-»J*J+J -C tC OK X Ol =g >>>>>)>. >j>,>i>i>>>»r3 O) (D (S gj 0) bt bU bX) be bt) ic bt bt b/O bt' n T'.V«T:1> i: fe bt' bu bij be bt bij bu b/j b;D bu c W; be of) &. & pqpqpqpqpqpqWFqpqpqmSccoQWW OOOr-ieoio'Xioo05T— i(M^co lO o ««■ ■^ a MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SF£C|AI< ATTENTIOX. Nashville Saddlery Company. 107 J, g ^ ^ ec CO ^, CO C9 < CO ji "^ 2 ^ ^ fc. ^ ^ f f "S ■? w c O -3 ^ OJ be 60 ii " O O O •" •- '-^. "5 O O O ■~ " 0) aJ ■tf £h H S -S u u CO cc lO «o 666666666 CO liJ cs o cc CO e ^ o -o '— , a> T) o o ^ S o o 73 ^ « a> d a* ni '-■^ -i-> ^ ••-a ^ ^ X cc H OJ r^ (m' ■^ O o o ^ ^ 52; N o CO ;; (M CO CO oc Q. CO < UJ cc UJ ^ ^ "So 0^ ■ CO < OC I- CO a. CO CO cc a. CO CO _J z UJ o o o o ^ Si; MAIL ORD£RS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTIOIC. 108 NASHVILI.E Saddlery Company. cq ec lO lO i-t O N UJ < < CO s ^ a; ^3 73 o 'O '^ m pq M -^ ^ .. oj a3 » rt c4 C3 "T! k. O ^ o w o i-H (M CO Tf IlO CD O O O o o 12; iz; o o o ^ Jz; izi C9 CO 'OQ I CO I- UJ z < m CO 3 rs >. cS > *^ e4 " 2 '3 W MAIIi ORDERS RECEIVB SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashviu-E Saddlery Company. 109 HORSE BLANKETS. Shaped Stable Blankets, with Patent Surcingles No. 1 No. 2, No. 3 No. 4, No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 Each. Hea\T jule |0 66 Extra heavy jute, wool lined 1 12 Springfield kersey 1 16 Double quilted jute 1 22 Double quilted jute, and brown duck 1 61 Heavy brown duck, wool lined 1 57 Keystone cloth, extra large 2 40 Dixie cloth, double weave 3 25 SQUARE BLANKETS. Each. No. 20. Moscow striped $0 82 No. 21. IJuflFalo diagonal 1 25 No. 22. Casco plaids 1 82 No. 23. Emerald plaids 2 00 No. 24. Orange and white plaid wool 2 32 No. 25. Assorted pattern, wool plaids 3 32 No. 26. Assorted pattern, wool plaids, extra large 4 50 No. 27. Assorted pattern, extra large, fine wool ... 5 00 No. 28. Assorted pattern, extra large, fine wool 6 00 9IAIL OBDKRS B£C£IV£ SP£CIAL ATTENTION. 110 Nashville Saddlery Company. SUMMER LAP DUSTERS AND EMBROIDERED MOMIES. Each. No. 2()0. Black, green side wreath and cherries $0 25 No. 270. Assorted, half wreath, red skeleton daisy 30 No. 280. Mottled^ chestnut spraj^, blue flowers 45 No. 300. Mottled, Moss rose, branch in outline 50 No. 350. Mottled, acorn, flower and berries 60 No. 410. Mottled, red and black flower, buds and ox-eyed daisies 65 No. 420. Mottled, red flowers, holly berries and cross branch 70 N^o. 460. Assorted, brown branch and pink roses 75 No. 580. Seal, autumn fern, diajj;onal scroll 80 No, 600. Mottled, large brancii, blue ferns 80 No. 820. Mottled, black and white rose branch 95 No. 840. Figured, flowers and vines. 95 No. 920. Figured, daisies and cat tails 1 25 EMBROIDERED CLOTH DUSTERS. No. 1600. Assorted, chestnut spray, blue flowers I 50 No. 1660. Tan, assorted mode fern spray 1 75 LINEN DUSTERS. No. 2000. Assorted, fancy stripes 60 No. 2020. Assorted, fancy plaid, with border 75 No. 3000. Assorted, fancy plaid 90 No. 4000. Assorted, heavy plain 1 10 No. 6000. Assorted, heavy plain 1 35 PLUSH LAP ROBES. Autumnal grey 1 49 Autumnal black ^ 1 53 Autumnal green 1 53 Autumnal gold 1 53 Autumnal blue 1 53 Autumnal ruby 1 53 Chester, assorted patterns 1 93 Danube, ruby, gold, green, crimson, or blue 3 08 Ludlow, assorted patterns 3 66 Winthrop, assorted patterns 4 33 Medium, assorted patterns . .' 4 54 Extra, assorted patterns 5 20 Super, assorted patterns 6 20 O Su per, assorted patterns 8 84 Comfort, extra large, green and black, reversible 6 25 FINE MOHAIR ROBES. Sterling, single, assorted patterns 11 00 Sterling, double, assorted patterns 14 66 Protector, rubber back 2 91 SEAL PLUSH ROBES. Quality D, assorted patterns 4 00 Quality C, assorted patterns 4 70 Quality B, assorted patterns 6 00 We also carry a full line of fur Robes, ranging in price from $3.50 to $25.00 each. Prices quoted on application. MAIL, ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company 111 BUGGY APRONS. Per doz. No. 1. Oil drill, adjustable $14 00 No. 2. Kubber drill, adjustable 12 oO BUGGY CUSHIONS. Per doz. No. 1. Enamel drill, 26 to 36 inches $10 00 No. 2. Enamel drill, 26 to 36 inches 7 50 SADDLE BAGS. Per j>air. No. ]. Enamel duck... $0 93 No. 3. 12-inch, all kip, patent leather flaps 3 12 NO. 4. 14-inch, all kip, patent leather flap.s 4 35 No. 5. lo-inch, all kip, hair flaps 7 00 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION, 112 Nashville Saddlkry Company. BUGGY WHIPS. / 5 10 J5 20 Z5 50 56 40 45 50 55 60 65 10 ]5 6« See opposite page for description and prices. ViWh OBOBR8 RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION, Nashville Saddlery Company. 113 BUGGY WHIPS. PRICE LIST. Length. Description. Per doz. No. 1. 3J feet, 15-inch drop $ 75 No. 3. 5 feet, Jumbo, imitation gut, 2 feet drop 1 87 No. 5. 5j feet, straight, rattan 93 No. 7. 6 feet, black, Ij-inch nickel ferrule 1 56 No. 10. 6 feet, black, li-inch head and ferrule 1 87 No. 15. 6 feet, black, 1 ^-inch head, and two H-inch ferrules 2 18 No. 20. 6 feet, black, blood red and imitation gut (packed assorted) 2 50 No. 25. 6 feet, black, blood red and 1-inch head, Sz-iJ^-'h copper ferrule, Philadelphia snap 2 81 No. 30. 6 feet, black stock, Java, Ij-inch chased head and ferrule, Phila- delphia snap 3 12 No. 35. 6 feet, black, blood red, three colors, three fancy ferrules, Phila- delphia snap 3 75 No. 40. 6 feet, half rawhide, black, two long buttons, Philadelphia snap. 5 00 No. 45. 6 feet, stock, Java, three colors in package, Ij-inch head and fer- rules, Philadelphia snap .6 25 No. 50. 6 feet, half rawhide, black, two long buttons, Philadelphia snap. 7 50 No. 55. 6J feet, stock Java, russet handle, two long buttons, Philadelphia snap 7 50 No. 52. 6 feet, half rawhide, black, gilt head and ferrule, Philadelphia snap 6 25 No. 58. 6 feet, seven-twelfths rawhide, double covered, two long buttons,; Philadelphia snap ; 8 75 No. 60. 6 feet, half bone, buck line, black, Philadelphia snap, two Phila- No. 62. 6 feet, rawhide through clip, two Philadelphia buttons, Philadel- phia snap 8 75 delphia buttons 8 75 No. 65. 6 feet, half bone, imitation gut, russet handle, 1-inch head and, : ferrule, Philadelphia snap 10 00 No. 75. 6 feet, two-thirds bone, black, two Philadelphia buttons, Phila- delphia snap 15 00 No. SO. 6 feet, full bone, two Philadelphia buttons, Philadelphia snap. . . 18 75 SULKY WHIPS. No. 4. 4Ucet, Java sulky 2 00 No. 6. 4i feet, rawhide sulky 6 25 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 114 NASHVILI.E Saddlery Company. TEAM WHIPS. TEAM WHIPS. Per doz. No. 2. 5 feet, braided full length $4 37 No. 3. 6 feet, oil covered stock, braided point 6 87 No. 4. 5 feet, oil covered, bucked stitched (black snake) 8 75 No. 6. 6 feet, full braided rawhide 6 87 No. 21. 8 feet, rawhide, drovers' 7 50 No. 22. 9 feet, rawhide, drovers' 8 75 No. 23. Hickory whip stocks 1 50 WHIP LASHES. No. 26. 4 to 6 feet, assorted round leather lash 75 No. 27. 4 feet, white or russet, plated horse- hide lashes 1 87 No. 27. 5 feet, white or russet, plated horse- hide lashes 2 18 No. 27. 6 feet, white or russet, plated horse- hide lashes 2 50 No. 28. 6 feet, rawhide lashes 3 12 No. 3. 62 feet, russet, ox lashes 2 50 No. 2. 7 feet, russet, ox lashes 3 12 ^sHvn.i.(. RIDING WHIPS. No. 110. 3 feet, rattan 1 25 No. 111. Rawhide handle and snaps 1 87 No. 112. Rawhide, full covered 2 81 No. 113. Whalebone 4 20 No. 114. Full whalebone 6 00 MAIIi ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company, 115 CO Ul X a> QC CO UJ CO QC O iS) O lO O o o t^ lO ■o ^^ C^ CO (M a, - ■ - « CS « tf M O o o ^ C-5 CC «0 O GO c c SS c o o o ■^^ a, o c ^ ^- ■^ s -^ ■— c es tK _M ^ I ^ -^ ^ -o '5 S3 ^ ^ ^ 5 « o « es c3 c< c« aj ^ ^ ^ — . '- I- Jh ^ -a ^ ^ :t; eS ci ci aj a; o) — I-; )_) 1-5 pti C-l -f IC CD t^ 00 o o QC c; o OS O O O O o o ;z; ;zi 125 !zi ;z; ;?; CO >- cc QC o X2 >— I 1^ cS CO f/1 ,__( Ml-J- c3 (M rH en m^ ^ j3 o (M "3 rHir, O (M I— 1 IQ H=o ^ y* O i-l on W H-* o o, (M '-' -ti D ^ ^ o (X) ^ » a; o 00 _2 CO aj ^ aj O «« O J- i~, t- N (D N 53 c3 Ph S P-( 2 g HI r^ 03 ,£1 Si o ^ fin bit snap chain sn trace sna s- o> 0) 01 03 >, >, >-> 0) 01 m o Open Open Open '^ CD CO Tf Tt^ Tt< O O O o I— I CO i>. t^ tv t^ o CI a. CO CO CO < oc UJ a g o a O CO Q. OC oc CO '3 05 CO U5 CO GO lO I-l g I— 1 I-H I— 1 I— 1 c^ CO N 4J 5 S ? fl fl 8 8 -^ -^ I -^ -C -G ^ - a « S -9 .2 -S .9 ^ o b r b r ' O .^ o .t « Ph p4 Ph fii JB MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Nashville Saddlery Company. 117 CO OQ -^lOOiO eoc^ loeo CO r-H -^ 05 €^ CO UJ w Si &c ID'S N-COiCOIMCDOOiCeOCD ooor-ic-ht-ii-ii-i(Mi:0'*cd >- C9 C9 ca 5a •-? c a> .2.1=1 a t-9 O 0) -kj t; rs 3 41 0) 2 cs rt • 5 01 • t>- CO rH t-- l^ t>- oo oo ■<*< ■* oo '-! o o o o o 118 Nashville Saddlkry Company. ■3 CO TtH O ^ CD lO 1-H ut) CO UJ z < X a o o 2 o -^ rd & _ o o a -^ 2 2.» •-1 i^ C ;-i 1^ — r a; cs M -= -7^ a &( o ^ O J3 " N O O '^ ^ ^ ^ jD ^ o « rt >< r, ° 5_ O 02 ^ — ; CS o o c S a; -^' g -5 a _- o 2 m O rQ >-, 0) 0) OJ 4; P^ tf « w »0 O 05 Ci 000 ;2i 12; !2i 000 f^ ;z; ^ o 1^ . &, en c r-J Si » 5! CO L. U a OS Sh cS f^ ^ T-: ^ S rD ^ ^ d « H H o o CO >o .^ Oi c^ oi ^BM,,-,^ 0- l-H ■SSSI^n ^ m CO UJ Q. UJ o < oc ^ ,£3 o o OQ UJ CO OC o a c3 M o MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL. ATTENTION. O Nashville Saddlkry Company. 119 INDEX. Aprons, buggy. .111 Bands, wagon, belly 103 Bands, buggy, belly 106 Bands, back, all kinds 104 Bits, all kinds 117 Blankets, horse 108, 109 Blankets, saddle 108 Boots, horse 118 Breast Collars, buggy, all kinds 100 Breeching, dump cart or dray 95 Breeching, Yankee 9G Breeching, stage 96 Breeching, flat wagon 97 Bridles, buggy, all kinds 72-75 Bridles, coach 76 Bridles, city dray 76 Bridles, express 76 Bridles, blind, all kinds 77, 78 Bridles, stage 78, 79 Bridles, open team 79 Bridles, stallion 80 Bridles, halter 80 Bridles, riding, all kinds 81-84 Bridle Reins 102 Brushes, horse 115 Collars, horse, all kinds 86-89 Collars, bell 103 Collar Pads 90 Combs, curry 115 Crupper Docks 95 Cushions, buggy Ill Dusters, summer lap 110 Docks, crupper 95 Girths, saddle 107 Halters 85 Hames and tugs for single buggy and barouche harness 99 Hames and tugs for double buggy and carriage harness 100 Hames and Tugs, wood, express 105 Hame Tugs, Mack's patent 106 Harness, single buggy, barouche, and coupe 2-12 Harness, track 1 3-18 Harness, double buggy and car- riage 19-24 Harness, single express 25-27 Harness, Georgia wagon 28 Harness, single wagon 29 Harness, dump cart 30 Harness, double wagon 31-37 Hip Straps, for lead harness 97 Hitch Reins 102 Leathers, stirrup 103 Lines, buggy, all kinds 98 Lines, wagon, all kinds 99 M Martingales, for buggy or coach harness .• 101 Martingales, riding 101 Pads, collar • • • • 90 Pads, sweat 102 Pads, breast collar 102 Pipes, trace 118 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. 120 Nashville Saddlery Company. INDEX. (CONTINUKD.) R Reins, hitch 102 Reins, bridle 102 Robes, plush lap 110 S Saddles, men's riding, all kinds. .38-65 Saddles, side 66-71 Saddles, gig, all kinds 91-93 Saddles, brake 92 Saddles, express 94 Saddles, dump cart 94 Saddle Girths 107 Shaft Tugs 106 Snaps, harness 116 Snaps, German 116 Snaps, breeching 116 Spurs, Eureka 107 Spurs, English 107 Stirrups 116 s Stirrup Leathers 103 Straps, choke 101 Straps, hame 103 Straps, holdback 102 Straps, breast 104 Straps, yoke 104 Straps, spur 107 Strings, hame 103 Surcingles 107 T Tugs, shaft 106 Trace Pipes 118 Traces, buggy and wagon 105 W Whips, buggy 1 12, 113 Whips, team 114 Whips, riding 114 MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. Do not destroy your Catalogue by tearing out the leaves. Order by numbers of articles and page of Catalogue. ..... PLOW BOY BACK BANDS. IMade with X C plate, wrought steel hooks. 4x39 in. No. I Web, . 4x39 in. No. 2 Web, . $2.50 2.18 PLOW BOY BACK BAND BUCKLES. Buckles made from steel, X C plated. Buckles are Strong. Buckles can not cut the web. Buckles can be adjusted on web in an instant. Buckles can be hooked in chain with ease. Buckles will last a lifetime. Size 4 inches. Price per doz. pair, $1.50 SPRING SEAT SADDLE No. 232 SEE PACE 60 FOR PRICE AND DESCRIPTION. m NASHVILLE SADDLERY COMPANY WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS 170 NORTH MARKET STREET NASHVILLE, TENN. le