■1 v.i,; MM iiil m:.K fulfill:;-:: l|iite'S,i>r!iMi:iii:-:''iii';t"ri ^; "■■' "■' ili!'f!='|i't!'l:!l-i;':iir;';H;i::!' Nil!!i:i:i!'i;!':lf!ii^-i^'li;^n;i::!';:^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://wwvy.arGhive.org/details/exampiesTromworkOOfran -XAMPLLS i_^PROM VORK OP '— FRANKRMILBIIRN AND COMPANY ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON, D. C. Press of Gibson Bros. HalF-TonE ILIUBTRATIONS BY THE NATIONAL ENGRAVING Co. Washington, D. C. ANNOUNCEMENT m fE beg to announce that Mr. Frank P. Milbum, Mr. Michael Heister, and Mr. Geo. F. Kepler have formed a company and will practice architecture under the name of FRANK P. MILBURN & COMPANY. We will prepare plans, specifications and supervise the construction of all classes of buildings, making PUBLIC BUILDINGS A SPECIALTY, and it shall be our aim to establish an excellency of work that will at once appeal to our patrons, hoping thereby to obtain their confidence, also retain the good will and endorsement of former clients. With the advantage of many years of practical experience, the adoption of the best principle of planning and designing, together with improved methods of construction, enables us to secure the best results for our clients, and as we have a thoroughly organized force of the best talent obtainable, our facilities are such that we can successfully handle all classes of buildings in any section of the country, and we solicit an opportunity for consultation, also to submit preliminary drawings to those who contemplate building. FRANK P. MILBURN & CO. REFERENCES The Kiggs National Bank, Washington. D C. The Marion National Bank, Marion, Va. Palmetto National Bank. Columbia. S. C. Southern Railwav Company: Seaboard Air I>ine; Atlantic Coast Line, and Georgia Railway Co Bradstreet Mercantile Agency. R. G- Dun & Co. Mercantii-e Agency Home Life Building Opposite U. S. Treasury Building Washington, D. C. e 2 g s 2 I'UAM. r. Mll.BLK.\ & Co. Architects. CHI{MICAI. I,AH< )RA Ti )RV, INIVICRSITV uV M IRTII CARi H.INA. Chapel Hill, N. C. Frank P, Milburn & Co. Architects. BOURBON COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Fire-proof. Cost, $183,000.00. Paris, Ky. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. Mr. B. D. HEATH'S RESIDENCE "HEATHCuTE.' Charuotte, N. C Frank P. Milbur.n & Co. Architects. UNION STATION For Seaboard, Southern and Atlantic Coast Line Railroads Savannah, Ga. ' Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. KNOX COUNTY COURT HOUSE. BakboiirviulU, Kv. Frank P. Milbirn S: Co. Architect'! HOTKL, Dl'TICl'; AND BANK BUILDIa'GS. For W. J. Ulivei Syndicate. Knoxville, Texn. Frank P. Milbir.n & Co. A rch Uccts. DHSK'.X Fl.)R KHXTICKV STATK H(>1 Si-. rKA.XKr'ORT, KV. Fkaxk p. Milburn & Co. .4 rch ilccts. WINTER RESIDEXCE For Mr. Robt. \V. Parsons, of New York. SUMMEKVILLE, S. C. Frank P. Miubirn S: Co. Ai'chiliCis, t,(jLTllUK.\ RAILWAY PASSENGER STATIOX AND EXPRESS BUILDING. Charlotte, N. C. Frank P. Milbirn & Co. Arcliitccts. UVXUM GYMNASIUM, UNIVERSli V ul' NORTH CAROLINA. Ch.\i'El Hill, N. C. Frank P. Milburn &. Co. Architects, IJBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ch.m'Ei, Hill, N. C- Frank P. Milburn & Co Architects. APPALACHIAN INN, HiNTON, W. VA Frank P/Milburn & Co. Architects. NORTH CAROLINA STATE HOUSE As' Remodeled Raleigh, N. C. Frank P. Milburn & Cu. Architects STEEL TRAIN SHED, UNION STATION Eight Tracks. Savannah, Ga. Frank P. Milburx & Co, Architects. SMYTH COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Marion, Va. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Arcliilecls. SOUTHERN R. R. Y. M. C. A. BUH.DhXC, Sl'ENCER, N. C. PARISH JAIL. Frank P. Milburn & Co. A'chilrctf. CITY HAI.L. EXGIXE HOUSE. MONROK, L.\ Frank P Miuburn &. Co. Architects, FI^ORIDA STATE HOUSE, Tallahassee, Fl,\. Frank P. Miubirn & Co. Archil eels, ALUMNI BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ch,\pel Hill, N. C. 1. Fifteenth Street. 2. Washington Monument. 3. Potomac River 4. D. A. R. Memorial Hall. ,S. United States Treasury. 6. Arlington Cemetery.] 7. Corcoran Art Gallery \lli\V FROM ULR OI-'FICES. s. White House. I). State, War and Xavy Building. lo Mills Building. 1 1, La Fayette Park. 12- Georgetown Universilv. 13. Farragut Apartment. 14. Rochambeau Apartment. 15. Belasco Theatre. 16. Pennsylvania Avenue. 1 7 Riggs National Bank. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. NEWBERRY COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Newbekrv, ,S. C. Fraxk p. Milburn & Co. I^OWNEBS COUNTY COURT HOUSE, Valposta, Ga- Frank P. Mii,burn'& Co. Architects, UNION STATION For the Southern Railway. Knoxville, Te\nj. Frank P. Milburn & Co Architects WYTHE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Wythkville, \'.\, : S U Frank P. Milburx^S; Co. Archilccts. NEW UNION STATION. For the .Atlantic Coast I M <'^\ V ^Jby 1 liUaW ■ ^ LaJ Ldil I^Jt '^l'\ 4a |-fl^>-| ^*^1 ■■•^ **^ ■** !ffS' li *^^ '^'^M ■^■^ass .\\ «»-»«?* btfA fuM kJi ^Jti-j^SK?^ IS o X < z z < > < O Z I— I P z < Z s OS w o OS o z . Q z . J ■ ~ s "S 7, K Frank P. Milburn & Co Archilcds. UNION STATION. For Georgia, Southern, and Atlantic Coast Line Railways. August.^, Ga, Frank P. Milburn & Co. Arcliilccts, GIBBES MEMORIAL ART GALLERY. ClIARI-IiSTON, S. C Fraxk p. Milburx & Co. Architects. FLORIDA BANK AND TRUST CO. Jackson\'ili.e, Fl.\. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. l'()KSVTHl{ Cm.NTV HoMli. Winston, N. C. FrAXK p. MiLBl-RN ■ Arcliihcls. Co. THREEFOOT BROTHERS WHOLESALE HOUSE. MEiiinux, Miss. Frank P. Miuburn & Co. THE PIEDMONT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING. Architects. Charlotte, N. C. Frank I'. Milbi'RX & Co. .■\icliilcch. TMH \'\ii iFLHS HANK. vM.isiirRV, .\. C. Frank P. Miuburn & Co. Architects. A PRIVATE TRAINING SCHUUI.. Fkaxk p. Milburx & Co. Ardntccls. DESIGN FOR UMOX STATI(.)N. For the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railway Frank P. Milburn & Co. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Architects. Ch.'vpel Hill, N. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. POLICE STATION. RO,\NOKE, Va. Frank P. Milburx it Co. Architects. iil'Al', DLMB, A.\D LiI,l.\D SCHOOL. H.\i,EI(.;h, \. C Frank P. Milburn & Co. ,4 ff/u/t'c/^. DESIGN FOR A GRADED SCHOOE BUIEDING. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. SOUTHERX RAILWAY PASSENGER STATION. S.\LISBl'RV, N. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Aychitects, SOUTH CAROLINA STATl; Ilor.Sl';. Columbia, S. C. FkAXK p. MlUBlKN C< Co. Architects. PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK; AND OFFICE KUILDIXG. Winston, .N. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Arcliilccts. SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATION. D.WVII.LE, \'.\ Frank P. Milbl rx cm lo. Arcliitects. ST. MARVS R. C CHURCH. Greexville, S. C. 'Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architecls. THOMSON AUDITORIUM. Built by the City for the Confederate Veterans' Reunion, 1899. Erected in ninety days. Seating capacity, 10,000. Ch.\rleston, S. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. HUTHL BLANCHE. L.\KE ClT\-, l''l..\. Frank P. Milburn Si Co. Architects. RESIDF.NCR FOR MR. JAMRS A. BENSON. Washington, Ga. Frank P. Milburn Sc Co. Arcbitecls. A. C. L. R. R. PASSEXGER STATION. SVMTER, S. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co. i\icliilecls. CVRAYSUN C. M1I.UVRN. Columbia, S. C. Fran'k p. MiLBrKX & Co. Archilccts. UNION' STATION. Fur Seaboard Air Line, Xnrfolk and Western, and SmUhern Railways. DtKii.wi, N. C. Frank P. Milburx tt Co. A ich ilccls. CITY HALI. AND THEATER. Dakwngton, S. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. FIRST BAPTIST CHl"RCH. WlXSTON, X. C. Frank P. Milburn & Co Architects. Bf)YS' FITTING SCHOOL, WOFFORD COLLEGE, TkANK P MlLBlRN & Co. Arclnlecis UNION STATION. For the Norfolk and Western and Southern Railways. Winston, S. C. -^■^^^^^^^^^"^'^-^^ Frank P. Milbukn & Co. Architects. UNION STATION. For Southern Railway. ASHEvii.i.i;! N. C Frank P. Milbirx Architects. f^Kl ; Co. IXIDX STATION", For Mobile and Ohio; New Orleans and N'ortheastern; X'icksburg, Slireveporl and Pacific; Southern and Alabama Great Southern Railways. .Mkkuii.w, Miss. I'KANK P. MiLBURN & Co, Architects. RESIDENCE FOR Mr. H. H. EVANS. Nevvberrv, S. C. tj 7. O [/; is Q 7, < o oi 6 D ^ Frank P. Milburn & Co. Architects. DESIGN FOR UNION STATION. Atl.^nt.^, Ga. Frank P. Milbirn & Co. Architects. UNION STATION For the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railvvny. Monroe, La. SOME OF OUR WORK. COURT HOUSES. Bourbon Countv, Kv., Court House Paris, Ky. Knox Countv, Kv., Court House BarbourviUe, Ky. Fulton County, Ky., Court House Hickman, Ky. Wavne Countv, Kv., Court House Monticello, Ky. Lowndes Countv, Oa., Court House \'aldosta, Ga. Wilkes Countv, Ga., Court House Washington, Ga. Wilcox Countv, Ga., Court House Abbeville, Ga. Glvnn Countv, Ga., Court House Brunswick, Ga. Fo'rsytlie Countv, X. C, Court House Winston, \. C. Mecklenburg Countv, X. C, Court House. Charlotte, X. C. Guilford Countv, X.' C, Court House Greensboro, X. C. Burke Countv, 'X. C, Court House Morganton, X. C. Warren County, X. C, Court House Warrenton, X. C. Smvth Countv, Va., Court House Marion, \ a. Wvthe Countv, Va., Court House W ytheville, \ a. Bath Countv,' Va., Court House Warm Springs, \a. Buchanan Countv. Va., Court House Grundy, \a. Gravson Countv,' Va., Court House Independence, \a. Wis'e Countv, Va., Court House \\ ise, \ a. Anderson C<')untv, S. C, Court House Anderson, S. C. Xewberrv Countv, S. C, Court House Newberry, S. C. McDowell Count'v, W. Va., Court House Welch, W . \a Mingo Countv, W. Va., Court House Williamson, W . \ a. Wavne Countv, W. Va., Court House Wayne, W . \ a. Tucker CountV, W. Va., Court House Parsons, W . \ a. .Summers Countv, W. Va., Court Hoiise. . Hinton W^ \ a. Putnam Countv, W. Va., Court House . . .Winfield,^ "„•,.• Pleasants Countv, W. Va., Court House. . St. Mary s, W . \ a. Columbia CountV, Fla., Court House Lake City, I- la. Magoffin Countv, Ky., Court House Salversville, Ky. Trigg Countv, Kv., Court House Cadiz, Ky. lohnson Countv,' Kv., Court House PaintsviUe, Ky. 'Powell Countv, Kv., Court House Stanton, Ky. Clinton County, Kv., Court House ;?!,>■' -'' i- Letcher County, Kv.. Court House \\ hitesburg, Ky. Campbell Countv, Tenn., Court House La FoUette, Tenn. JAH^S. Rowan Countv, N. C, lail Salisbury, N. C. Anderson Countv, S. C, [ail Anderson, S. C. Wilcox Countv, 'Ga., |ail Abbeville, Ga. Mineral Countv, W. Va., Jail Keyser, W. Va. .McDowell Countv, W. Va., Jail Welch, W. \'a. Mingo Countv, W'. \'a., lail Williamson, W. Va. Pleasants Countv, W. Va.. Jail St. Mary's, W . Va. Powell Countv, Ky., [ail Stanton, Ky. Bath Countv,' Va., [ail Warm Springs, V a. Monroe Parrish. La., Jail. Monroe, La. UXIOX STATIOXS. Meridian Terminal Station • Meridian, Miss. Charleston Union Station ' Charleston, S. C. Savannah Union Station . Savannah, Ga. Augusta Union Station Augusta, Ga. Durham Union Station Durham, X. C. Columbia Union Station Columbia, S. C. Union Station Decatur, Ala. Union Station Winston. N. C. OTHER STATIOXS. Southern Raihvav Station Richmond, \j. Southern Raihvav Station Danville, \ a. Southern Raihvav Stati(m Charlotte, X. C. Southern Railwa'v Station Salisbury, X. C. Southern Raihvav Station Asheville, N. C. Southern Raihvav Station Knoxville, 1 cnn. Southern Raihvav Station Greenville, S. C\ Southern Raihvav Station Spartanburg, S. C. Southern Raihvav Station .- > Rome, Ga_. Southern Raihvav Staticm '. .' Aiken, S. C. Soutliern Raihvav Station Summerville. S. C. Paleigh & Pamlico Sound R. R Greenville, X. C. Paleigh & Pamlico Sound R. R Wilson, N. C. .Atlantic Coast Line Station Sumter, S. C. OFFICE W. P. SNELGROVE, COUNTY SUPERVISOR. Anderson, S. C, August i, 1898. Mr. Frank P. Milburn, Charlotte, N. C. Dear Sir: — At a meeting of our Building Committee to-day, which perhaps will be the last held, it was unanimously agreed that we sliould nut adjourn without expressing our entire satis- faction with you as a man who will carry out to the letter his contracts. Vou have intelligently and conscientiously dis- charged every duty and obligation imposed upon you by reason of being the Architect of the new Court House and Jail for Anderson County. The Court House is given up to be the handsomest County building in the State, and our people all laud their praises of both the Jail and Court House. There has not been a hitch between the Building Committee and tlie Contractors, and both buildings have been completed according to the plans and specifications furnished by you, and this speaks worlds for the Architect. In addition, we want to say that you have made friends of this entire committee, and that you are at liberty to refer at any and all times to either of us. Respectfully, (Signed) W. P. SN'FILCROVE, Chairman. J. D. MAXWELL, Secretary. JOHN H. JONES, J. F. CLARDY. I hereby certify that the signatures to the above instrument of writing are genuine. Witness my hand and ofiicial seal this August 12, 189S. JNO. C. W'ATKINS, Clerk Court, C. P. & G. S. FLORIDA CAPITOL COMMISSION. At a meeting of the Capitol Commission held in the Executive Office, Tallahassee, Fla., December 18, 1902, the following resolutions were passed : "Resolved, That the Capitol Commission of the State of Florida extend its thanks to Mr. Frank P. Milburn and express its appreciation of his efticient services in the making of plans and specifications and supervision of the work of improving the Capitol. His work has been of inestimable value in connection with the building, and he is heartily commended to the public for work of a similar nature." W. S. JENNINGS, Governor of Florida and Chairman of the Capitol Connnission. COUNTY COMYISSIONERS. COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lake City, Fla., September i, 1902. Mr. Frank P. Milburn, .Architect, Columbia, S. C. Dear .Sir: Believing that true merit should have its reward, we, the County Commissioners of Columbia County, Florida, desire to say to you that our new Court House, just completed and accepted, is the pride of our entire people. It has been remarked by many, among whom were our Governor and State Comptroller, that our building, in architectural design, attract- iveness, comfort and convenience, has no equal in Florida. We are perfectly satisfied. And you, as the Architect of this building have the gratitude of our whole jjeople, and you should feel proud of your handiwork. With the best of wishes for your future continued success, we are, Yours very truly. County Commissioners of Columbia County, Florida. By R. T. Boozer, Chairman. COUNTY JUDGE, FULTON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. HiCKMA.N, Kv., January j.s, 1904. Ti> Whom it May Concern: The Fulton County Court apiiointed Frank P. Milburn as Architect for the new Court House recently completed. His ])lans were satisfactory and our peo])le feel that he has done his duty as Superintendent of the work. AVe have the best ar- ranged and constructed Iniilding in Western Kentucky. All our people are well pleased and there are no complaints from any source. I take |)lcasure in reconiniendinj; Mr. Milburn to anyone in need of an Architect, as a tirst-class man — knowing th.t they will not be disajipointed should theysecure his services. Yours verv truly, H. M. "KEARBV. Judge of I' uiton County Court. COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES, WILCOX COUNTY, GA. Abbeville, G-\., July 5, 1904. To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that the County Commissioners of Wilcox County, Georgia, liave accepted the plans and specifications for the new §52,000 Court House as submitted by Architect Frank P. Milburn. The plans are complete and the Iniilding is now finished to the entire satisfaction of our people. We found Mr. Milburn honest, upright, and prompt in all our dealings with him, and we recommend him to anyone in need of the services of an Architect. GEORGE F. McLEOD, Chairman, J. B. MITCHELL, T M. PARSONS. COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES, WILKES COUNTY, GA. W.\SHINGTON, 0.\., JtLY II, I904. To W liom it May Concrni, (ireeling: I. the undersigned. Commissioner for Wilkes County, Georgia, certify that Frank P. Milburn was the Architect for our new Court House, which cost §45,000. He has rendered valuable services to this County in protecting their interests. I found his plans complete, and did not have one cent of extras, above the contract price. I found him to be fair, honest, and promjit in the discharge of his duties. I do not give this recommendation as a matter of form, but I believe trtie merit warrants it. C. E. SMITH, Commissioner. As ( )rdinarv of Wilkes Countv, I fullv indorse the above. S. LANE, Ortiinary ]]'ilkis Co., Ga. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Ch.^rlotte, N. C, October 16, 1S9S. To Whom it May Concern: This is to certifv that the Building Committee of the new Court House of Charlotte, N. C, adopted plans submitted by Frank P. Milburn, Architect, for our new Court House, the same being in their judgment the best design submitted, from more than twenty Architects. During the construction of our building, we found Mr. Milburn a practical man, and his plans have given us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, (Signed) JNO. R. ERWIN, Chairman. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. October io, iyo6. Frank P. Milburn & Co., Architects, Home Life Building, W'ashingtdn, D. C. Dear Sirs: I am glad to testify to the satisfaction uliich has been given the authorities of the University of North Carolina by the plans and s])ecifications which yon have prepared for various buildings here. The buildings are seven in number and we are ]jleased witli both the beauty of design and the thorough- ness of tlie specifications. \'ery truly yours, FRANCIS P. VENABLE, President. BAILEY BROTHERS, INCORPORATED. TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS. Winston-Salem, N. C, (October fs, 1906. To Whom it May Concern: Mr. Frank P. Milburn was our Architect when we built our new Court House at a cost of $60,000.00 in 1896, and Frank P. Milburn & Co. were Architects for our new County Home now about completed, which will cost about $26,000.00. Both of above buildings arc the best in our State, and I do not hesitate to say that I consider them one of the best and most reliable firms of Architects that I know. M. D. BAILEY, (^Itairnian, Board of County Commissioners. SMYTH COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, S. W. KENT, CLERK. Marion, Va., May 29, 1906. Mr, Frank P. Milbiirn, Columbia, S. C. Dear Sir: We have completed our new Court House from plans prepared by you, and we desire to take this method of thanking you for the sati.sfaction you have given us in these plans, and to assure you that the business relations our Com- mittee have had with you have been pleasant and ])rofitable. We have a Court House of which we are justly proud, and we feel that you are justly entitled to a large share of the credit. We desire to say, also, that you ]>lanned a liuilding which has been completed within the aijpriijiriation and with very few extras. The plans were full and coni])lele, and the contractor and workmen had no trouble in understanding the minutest detail. Your eminent success with the building has induced the authorities of our town to contract with you for plans for our new $20,000.00 school-building and the Directors of The Marion National Bank for its new bank building. We trust that at fome future time we may have other work, which we shall cheerfully give to you. Yours truly, B. F. W. L. T. S. BUCHANAN, LINCOLN, GOETCHIUS, Executive MfmbcrSj Building Committee, OFFICE OF JUDGE OF BOURBON COUNTY COURT. Paris, Ky., June 15, 1905. To whom it May Concern: The Buildint; Committee and the Fiscal Court nf Bourbon County, Kentucky, selected the ])lans (jf Frank P. Milburn, Architect, of Columbia, South Carolina, for their new Si6.s,ooo.oo Court House, which is fire-proof, the first story being built of South Carolina granite, and the two upper stories of Bedford stone. The building is now comiilete and the work has been carried out in a very satisfactory manner; while we encountered many difficulties and had trouble with our original contractors, we now have one of the handsomest Court Houses, if not the handsomest, in the State, and at the same time, one of the best. Being ine>q)erienced in this line of work when we started, we can now appreciate tlie valuable services rendered the County by Mr. Milbuin; he has guarded the interests of our County in every possible way, and taken the greatest interest. He was well recommended to us, and we, with pleasure, recommend him to others who are in need of a competent and conscientious architect. Res])ectfully, H. C. SMITH, County J udge of Bourbon County. J. WILL THOMAS, Chairman oj Building Committee. OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, LOWNDES COUNTY. V.\LDOST.\, G.\., June ,^0, i(;o.5. To Tho\f ] nlf rested: The County Commissioners of this County employed Architect I-'rank P. Milburn to prepare plans and specifications and sui)er- vise the erection of our new S6,s,ono,oo Court House. He has carried out his contract faithfully ; we have the liest Court House in the State of Georgia, and we feel that Mr. Milburn is entitled to credit for the manner in which he has protected our interests. His plans were complete, and we have not a single fault to find, and we take pleasure in recommending him to anvone that contemplates erecting buildings. He came to us well recom- mended, and has ])roven himself worthy of the good name given him. T. S. McKEV, Chairman. J. E. WEBB, D. W. PASSMORK. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. CoLU.MBi.\, S. C, December 29, 1902. Mr. Fr.wk p. MiLBtRN, Columbia, S. C. De.\r Sir: It gives me a great deal of pleasure to recommend you to anyone who desires the services of an .-Architect. Your Work at \\'inthrop Colle.ge, the City Hall, and the State Capitol shows that you are master of your profession. Yours very truly. M. B. McSWEENEY, Governor. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, WYTHE COUNTY. Wytheville, Va., November 28, 1901. "Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Commissioners of Wythe County be tendered to Mr. Frank P. Milburn, Archi- tect, of Columbia, S. C, for his untiring interest in securing for Wythe County a creditable Court House, both in plan and con- struction, of which the County mav be justly proud. (Signed) A. L. PORTER, Chairman. COUNTY CLERK'S OEFICE. Weloi, W. \'.\., May 4, 1895. Know all Men hy these Presents: That we selected Frank P. Milburn as the Architect of our new Court House and Jail, having had plans from twelve dif- ferent Architects to select froni. Both buildings are now com- plete, at a cost to our Coimty of S,S4,ooo. They are a mon- ument to our County, and a credit to the Architect. We are well pleased and satisfied with same, and do not hesitate to recommend Mr. Milburn to County officers in need of his services as a man worthy and well qualified in his profession. T. K. TOTTEN, W. C. DANIEL, [seal.] H. C. FLESHER. W. BuRBRiDOE Payne, C. C. C. C. G. B. BINGHAM, JUDGE OF THE TRIGG COUNTY COURT. Cadiz, Ky., November 11, 1895. To \]'liom it may Concern: We, the undersigned Commissioners of Tri.gg County, in the matter of erecting a new Court House for said County, do hereby certify that Mr. Frank P. Milburn was our Architect (having selected his plans from quite a number submitted to us), and as such was highly satisfactory. We cheerfully commend him as worthy of the consideration of any who may desire the services of a good man, a good Architect, and every- thing the term implies. We have a first-class building, and the best one we ever saw for the cost. (Signed) G. B. BINGHAM, TNO. D. SHAW, 'I. M. TAYLOR, R. A. BURNETT, Committee. [seal.] T. K. Grasty, Trigg County Clerk. if w ^ * ■** u- IJf iW ^. !7iain, President Jfarri/ J^. Ji'ir/c. Serc/ary J^ 9^. J^ont/csf, Tjroasurer y. JJP. 9//cClamroc/c. Vicc-!Presideni S- 0. TJessicr, Suprinlendenl ^ Central Carolina ConBtrnction Company ^ INCORPORATED A A A General Coiitraetors \ Hll Cla£ise5 of 36uUC>tiui Steel Construction jfire ipuootnui * Greensboro, N. C. * WORK NOW IN PROGRESS: | Carolina Apartments, Wilmington, N. C. X Bank Bnilding, National Bank of Fayetteville, Fayetteville, N. C. * I Bank Bnilding, Planters Bank, Rocky Mount, X. C. | \f Asheville Telephone Exchange Building, Asheville. N. C. % % Southeru Railway Passenger Station, High Point, N. C. * 1 Southern Railway Round House, Greenville, S. C. | St. Philips Episcopal Church, Durham, X. C. Simons^flfta^rant Company. l£iu3incer8 d Contractors, NO. 16 BROAD ST. CHARLESTON, S. C. Work executed by contract, percentage basis, or cost plus a fixed sum. Correspondence solicited. .■.=^TRE.ET, NEW YORK jaOJ'TO^X. OVR Dl^TRIBUTIMG AgENCIEJ" IMJ-URE PROMPT vSE.RVICE- . 1 A 1 TIN ■ TILE AND er Slate ROOFING ■ , '*•' We have the contract for _ roofing -vi.jt^^^B this '•ti^^B building SOUTH CAllOLINA 8TATE IIOl'SE Frank P. Milbuen, Architect. Sbean Cornice Morhs, Savannab, (3a. MANUFACTURERS OF Galvanized Iron Cornices, fireproof Ulindows ana Skylights "We Make Tile Roofing a Specialty" chas. hamsley, Manager. STEEL VAULT FIXTURES Furnished by f\c>\ l^ctal (©cn§+pu£licn JAMESTOWN, N. Y. <^ COMPLETE FIREPROOF EQUIPMENTS for BANKS, OFFICES Xr PUBLIC BUILDINGS our SPECIALTY. Estimates'made from Architect's Designs. i^ <^ S>fJi m m m i m m m i P M 1^ m m m m A Word About the Inside Finish,,., Excepting faulty construction, which may endanger life and limb, there is no defect in a building quite so serious, and certainly none so much in evidence, as poorly finished woodwork. There is an unfortunate tendency on the part of the owners to try to save a few dollars by the einploymeut of cheap, uuskilled labor, and the use of cheap materials iu connection with the finishing work. The importance of having a skilled mechanic and selecting high grade Varnishes, Stains, Fillers, etc., cannot be exagger- ated, for poor Varnish will hopelessly ruin any woodwork, and the consequent efforts to obliterate unsightly mars and scratches, and the attempts to remedy evils done, are but an ever increasing expense, with no possibility of ultimately securing a satisfactory finish. We would urge you, therefore, to be guided iu your selection of Varnishes, Fillers, etc., either by the advice of your architect, whose experience in such matters can save you endless worry and care, or to choose the products of a reliable manufactory, whose goods are known for their uniform high quality. We are the only Varnish Manufacturers making a specialty of Architectural or House Varnishes, and our products are accepted as the standard for quality by the leading architects of the country. PRATT & LAMBERT NEW YORK BUFFALO VarnisJi CHICAGO ers LONDON HAMBURG PARIS Our booklets, "Interior Finish of a modern House," and "Floor Plan," which contain valuable information and suggestions about the finishing of woodwork and floors, will be sent you free on application. Address, ARCHITECTURAL DEPART3IENT 79-97 Tonawanda Street BUFFALO, NEW YORK "m m 1 m M m m m m m m m 'm wi m m i VM m m StrS ILLINOIS STATE MEMORIAL AT VICKSBURG, MISS. COST $250,000. ExUrior and Interior Furnished in Georgia Marble by GEO. B. SICKLES MARBLE CO. TATE. GA. iiE().i!.^i('i\i]:s,\i.\iiiiii:('ii.\ii\wy MANUFACTURERS AND CONTRACTORS GEORGIA MARBLES Office uiul Works ut the (Quarries TATE, CxEORGIA Largest output of Marble Interior Finish and Decorations for Large Office, Hotel, Library, U. S., State and Municipal Buildings of an}' concern handling Georgia Marbles. KENNESAW ami SOUTnEUN CHEROKEE CREOLE ... - ETOWAH ... - VERD ANTIQUE White - Light Bluish Gray Dark Moltle.l I'luk with Dark Markings Deep Green ¥' 'l^ #■ ^^^Vttt^s-Buakirli s,to,j^ &j %<^ ^iji % '^ Jjedford Snd/ana odrnestone >^5>3>5>3>€€i.»^X-m.Xf JL-^B^H^ V^ V.^* Am 4 * * at i^ * Stands for perfection in every particular sense of the worJ. ^s- t MANTELS ... ""-^Twr^r r^ ^ /iy ! I TILE5 '3^^m#^!f#>laiiW I t GRATES i.r^^ il^e^''^' A^,^^^^^^^^^^^.;^ .^^jH. ■ t t of every description, ^k,— !S»^- ^ ' , -i-i^-^J-^-^- m ^. \ ■ j * Our Line embi;ices the l_.g?r^^H,r - - -^ ' >«-., - ' -'■^^ * I largest selection of original ^*»fP^ ^fim^Sm. '^^eeMj/^-yc-JM. I * designs on the Market. ^ ■ • - ^ I Floors of every description: TILE, TERRAZZA and MOSAIC. | * All of our floors are laid by first class and thoroughly experienced men. 4 * If it is a question of what design of a MANTEL to use in a particular room * * or what kind of a floor to put down on your Terrace Vestibule, Hath room, or in $ % fact anything in the line of Mantels, Tiles and Grates— /l^S A' McCLA MROCH, % % the mantel, tile and ^rate experts. Consultation free. % * ' t *■ 71 //■ /^ I I 1\ /T , I /^ Addrea DetarUnciil K. 221 South Elm Street, * % IVlcLlanirocb IVlaJitel Lo., greensboro. n.c. % Carolina Portland Gement 60. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ca. Birmingham, Ala. New Orleans. La. SOUTHERN and Western Agents " Vulcanite, " 'Old Dominion," "Kosmos" and "Alpha" Brands, liighest grade American Portland Cements. " Gager's, " '' Keystone" and "Red Cross" Brands Lime. "King's" Windsor and "Texas" Cement Plasters. "Old Dominion" Brand, highest grade Fire Brick. " Dehydratine, " Water and Damp proof material. i MT. AIRY GRANITE INTERIOR OF CUTTING PLANT. Tlie North Carolina (Jraiiite Corporation, Mt. Airy, N. C. FIRE RETARDANT EHRET'S SLAG ROOFING Guaranteed ten years Needs no repairs Applied only by Warren-Ehret Company (ESTABLISHED 1852) CHARLOTTE, N. C. PITTSBURGH, PA. BALTIMORE, MD. A complete line of Roofing Materials always in stock. Frank P. Milhurn & Co. Archu ECTS. UNION STATION. Mkuiiiian, Miss Wm. F. Bowe, Augusta, Georgia. Contractor for J:"* ^^^lt\ ^^!■;•■'^, '"'*' ,"f'«''"V «'o<\ street Paving. (eineiit Side- t\alks and Concrete uork. I have just finished $15,000.00 Gilt edge references contract for Brick Paving, Cement furnished on appHcation. vSide-walks and Platforms for the above Union Station. Tiie "TARGET-and-ARROW" Old Style roofing-tin, the old, original brand, is exactl}' the same kind of durable roofing-tin that we have been making and selling for more than sevent}- years. Our long experience — longer than any otlier tmplate house — is a guarantee of our responsibility, and the reliability of our goods. Our roofing-tin had already established a reputation for durability before any other tinplate house now in existence had started in business. Notwithstanding competitors' arguments to the contrar}^, it is a fact that we offer to-day exactly the same old-time durable quality in our "'TARGET-and- ARROW" Old Style tin as the tinplate we sold sixty and seventy years ago, which is found to-day on roofs in the older cities of this country still in good condition. Note that we use the old-time name for this tin— "TARGET-and-ARROW" Old Style — rather than the words "Taylor Old vStyle," which have been imitated in every possible way by other tinplate houses. N. & G. Taylor Company, Manufacturers of Tinplate. Established 1810, Philadelphia. FuRN.^cES, Rolling Mills and Blackplate Plant, Cumberland, Md. Tinplate Works, Philadelphia. ENTRANCE GATES, RESIDENCE WM. L. ELKINS, OCONTZ. PA. Painted with DIXON'S SILICA-GRAPHITE PAINT for protection and effect. The Property Owner Saves Money when ihe Ironwork or Metal Roof is Painted with j°riTv H)uon'6 Silica-(5rapbite paint colors Manufactured only by the JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., Jersey City, New Jersey. A (jIOOD TIN-ROOF is the best covering for buildings EVER devised, it being fire proof, light, attractive in appearance, eas}' to care for, not over costly, and very durable. GOOD TIN=ROOFS made from our well known brand of Roofing Tin "SCOTT'S=EXTRA=COATED" have been proving this in all sections for 22 years. Pollansbee Brothers Company. OWNERS MANUFACTURERS SELLERS PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $1,000,000. RADIATORS EAM AND WATER WARMING For DIRECT, SEMI= DIRECT & INDIRECT HEATING Direct Radiators ft'oni one to five colitmns in widt/i, in heigltts I'i to ■/.> inches ROYAL RADIATOR HEIGHTS: 18 to 43 inches. THE H. B. SMITH COMPANY Send for Catalog. 728 Arch Street, Philadelphia. YELDHAM & KEUSDER SLATE, IRON AND TILE ROOFING RAILROAD WORK A SPECIALTY Manufacturers of SHEET METAL WORK CORNICES, SKYLIGHTS, AND WIRE GLASS WINDOWS Office: 269 w. van buren stref;t Factory: 1S6-1S8 S. Morgan St. Telephone 1848 Monroe. CHICAGO. CHAS. WUICHET WALTER G. AUICHET GEORGE WUICHET CHAS. WITICHST «£ CO. DAYTON, OHIO -MANUFACTURERS OF- SLATE, TILE. ASPHALT, AND ALL KINDS OF METAL ROOFING, GALVANIZED IRON AND COPPER CORNICES, AND BUILDING TRIMMINGS OUR PRICES ARE LOW FOR GOOD WORK WORK DONE IN ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES Write us lor prices before ! vou let contract. We executed the Galvanized Iron and Slate Work on Winston, N. C, Welch, W. Va., Williamson, W. Va., and Paris, Ky. Courthouses; cuts appear in this book. Factories, Westfielil, Mass. Eslablished i8^} THE H. B. SMITH COMPANY 728 Arch Sh-eet, Philadelphia MERCER ^r; BOILER Mamtfacinrersof Boilers and Radiators ■■■■■for CAPACn Y: MERCER Steam ---.--.. ^y^ to 6,000 Square feet IVater -- 62^ to 9,8/'; Square feel No. 48 MILLS CAPACITY: Steam 4.800 to ij,6oo Square feet H''aler - 7.935 to 22,4^0 Square feel 100 Horse Power for Fan and Lii>hl Piessure IVork. Steam and Water Heating BOILERS Mercer No. 48 Mills {portable sajety) Cottage Homestead Menlo Mills {hrick-set) THE EMMEL GO. No.61to81 Bristol Street BOSTON. MASS MANUFACTURERS OF MODELS FURNISHED All kinds of . . . . ■^^^"^^H FOR REPRODUCTION ARCHITECTURAL ^r^ ^^ IN WOOD, STONE, ORNAMENTS r 1 PLASTER, CEMENT, ■ IN r ^ 1 METAL, ETC. PAPER-MACHE 1 J COMPO, STAFF PLASTER AND WOOD In ;in\- style, also L_J ARCHITECTS' DRAWINGS ON SPECIAL WORK WOOD CARVjNG ■^liHI CORRECTLY and MODELING. INTERPRETHD Chattanooga i/ioofing and J^ounc/rj/ Co, MANUFACTURERS OF tiheet and Cast Metal BUILD ma MATERIAL Galvanixed lion Wor/: Cornice SkvJis>hts Gutters, etc. N ew Co it t(}'f/ Pa tent Metal Shhigle Store Fronts Columns, LintcJs, SiJls II BOUGHT IIiO^ WOBK A irn i iif/s Painted Tin and Galvanized Tin Shhit/lcs Write for Catalogue CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE IN PAINTS. If you need Paint at all, you certainly need the best. It is impossible to make better paint than Davis' lOO per cent Pure Paint. WHY? Because it is made exclusively of ^ <^ 5^ This Paint Free of T^^ n »s ccst if found to contain . *f\ || 1 his PatKaKcol DAVIS' BEST PRflPAHED PAINT tontalni no adulteration in any (orm ^^ hatever. and when an- al\ 7cd, uur Outride \\ hite and ail Tint^ uiil shuw- .1 010 PROCESS UNSEED OIL. . . - - 100 PER CENT PURE 1\ 010 PROCESS WHITE tEJO( t:s:%..,c ) IDO PER CENT PORE SEltCTEO WHITE ZINC iO ■ lOO PER CENT PURE. Includinj; the nctessary pure tinting colors and best turpentine drjer. P//n' Carbonate of Lead Pure Oxide of Zinc Pure Linseed Oil Pure Tinting Colors Pure Turpentine Dryers. Read Guarantee. Why does not a similar y;iiarantee appeal" on ALL Hio;h Grade Paints: It would — IF — thev were pure. If \our DEALER does not ha\e it, write to THE H. B. DAVIS COMPANY, BALTIMORE. MD. ^SKZ>^^'*^i^NX>*^X>*NX>#'^^^OD<^jr>#^X>^'X^ •* X <^ COLUMBIA LIMBER AND MFG. CO. ^ r-" i -COLUMBIA, S C. MANUPACTUREKS OK r Sash, Doors and Blinds. Interior Finish in Pine, Oak and Cypress. Special Mill Work. Station Settees, etc. SEND PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DELIVERED PRICES ^' ^r^^'^-i^^V^^V^V^'T;^->^-V^V^%«i.^V-^^'^^^ "^r. « ^ S ® •5 i .5 'H n » m u 1^ o o < o -J o u L & N. R. I{ STATION, LOIIISVIIXE, KENTUCKY. Damask Designs for Large Floors. TILE Floor Wall and Enamels. Lcad'uig MaiuifiU'turers of CERAMIC FLOOR TILE The Mosaic Tile eompany. FACTORY & OFFICE, ZANESVILLE, OHIO' NEW YORK OFFICE 506-508 BROOME ST. THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO. Engineers, Mannfaettirers and Contractors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Hot Wiitcr, StCdlll, Exhiiiist Stctini. jjTi'm i^,!ji('|.i 11 1 ' jS Residences, Offices or School Buildings, Factories. HEATING CONTRACTORS Fire Protection Let i(s /inure o)i your requireiiieuts irr J\l, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Established 1870 Incorporated 1906 CORBIN'S UNIT LOCK. Complete line of Builder's hardware and build- ing material. Agents for P. & F. Corbin and Corbin Cabinet Lock Company's locks. We will gladly furnish list and prices for finishing hardware if owners will send us their plans. Varnish in Architecture SHODDY. From its original significance the word siioddv has become a synonym tor cheap and worthless goods of all kinds. With most commodities there is comparatively little danger in being deceived by shoddy goods, if ordinarv care is exercised by the buyer. Varnish, however, is a notable exception; a shoddy varnish can- not always be distinguished from a good one even by an expert if looked at side by side through a glass vessel; and more than this a shoddy varnish may for a brief time look as well as a good one even after it is applied. Shoddy varnish, however, betrays its pedigree by quickly perishing and leaving as a heritage a dull and faded look on the woodwork. Good varnish properly applied makes a permanently beautiful finish. The only way to get a perfect interior finish is to use a perfect varnish. The majoritv of perfect interiors of natural woods are finished with "BERRY BROTHERS' .ARCHITECTUR.AL FINISHES." Finished specimens of wood, and instructive pamphlet on wood finishing mailed free tor the asking. BERRY BROTHERS, (limixed) VARNISH MANUFACTURERS New York Philadelphia Chicago St. Louis Boston Baltimore Cincinnati San Francisco KACXORY and MAIN OFFICE, DETROIT Canaaien Factory, W A UKE R V 1 LLE, ONT. ;j FOGLE BROTHERS [j J RELIABLE AND EXPERIENCED \i '■< Guilders \\ i I \ Winston-Salem, N. e. W ^' I ^'^ . *^ -j— i- ^^^iT 'Z^2 ! . Z ^^ ^^ ^^ ' ^^ ^^ ! V^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ '^ •* ^^^ -^^r^^ w^w^w^m^ ^^^ 4-+ t»ERFECT JOINT COLU]SIlSrB Made in all .sizes from 6 to 36 inehes in diameter and proportionate lengths. Aiken. S. C. Atlanta. Ga. Bainbridge, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Charlotte, N. C. Chesterfield Co. Va. Chevy Chase Lake, Md. Columbia, S. C. Commerce, Ga. Dillon. S. C. Durham. N. C. Goldsboro. N. C. Greensville. Miss. Greenwood. S. C. Greensboro, N. C. Hawkinsville, Ga. Henderson, N. C. Huntsville. Ala. / Skction of Stavi- JrECTION OF SHAI-T AFTER TURNING Section of Shaft 1IEFOKI-: Tl'RNINO Some of Our Important Southern Work Bannard. 4 col .10 in, 21 col 18 in Ethridge, 12 col 12 in Ft, McPherson. 83 col 12 in Henry W. Grady. 4 col 19 in. 8 col 12 in Haden. 4 col 24 in Hadlow, 6 col 26 in. 12 col 14 in Ponce de Leon Ave Bap Ch, 6 co! 24 in Callahan, 4 col 26 in. 14 col 12 in Goodall, 2 col 30 in, 15 col 12 in Moore. 2 col 24 in Thompson, 6 cnl 28 in, 10 col 16 in Latter. 8 col 30 in Robbins, 4 col .10 in. 6 col 12 in Hawley, 4 col 24 in Dunn. 4 col 29 in Page. 6 col 20 in, 7 col 12 and 14 in Marshall, 4 col 20 in. 11 col 12 in Miller. 4 col 25 in Allen I'niversity, 4 co! 36 in N. E. Banking Co.. 2 col 18 in Stackhouse. 2 col 24 in Hamer, 4 col 25 in Beall. 2 col 24 in. 2 col — Manning, 2 col 24 in, 6 col 12 in Fuller. 4 col 24 in. 25 col 12 in Borden. 6 col 24 in Kings Daughters Home, 4 col 24 in Gravdon. 4 col 24 in Shaw. 2 col 24 in Taylor. 4 col 18 in. 31 col 10 in Huggins. 2 col 24 in Perham, 14 col 28 in Cooper, 12 col 15 in Webster, 4 col 24 in Jackson. Miss. Jacksonville, Fla. Kingston. N. C. Knoxville. Tenn. La Grange. Ga, Lancaster, S. C. Maxton. N. C. Monroe, N. C. New Bern, N. C. Norfolk, Va. Orangeburg, S. C. Owings Mills, Md. Raleigh. N. C. Rock Hill, S. C. Rome, Ga. Salisbury. Md .Spray. N. C. Washington, D. C. Waynesboro, Ga. Wilmington. N. C. Winston Salem, N. C. Minis. 4 col 2S in Florida Bank & Trust Co., 2 col 24 in Johnson. 2 col 36 in. 10 col 24 in Stockton, 6 col 26 in Grainger. 6 col 24 in. 4 col 9 in Hines, 4 col 25 in, 23 coL smaller sizes Woodruff Hardware Co. 4 col 28 in Duns Uj V* * o ^ ^ ^ 6UI6NARD BRICK WORKS COLUMBIA, S. C. MANUFACTURES Building and Repressed Bricks. Special Shapes t<» Order. ••Blue Bell" Wood Fiber Wall Plaster. •'Flint Coat" Finishing Wall Plaster. Concrete Blocks, Cement Roofing Tile. ^ i I Fire in'oof Terra Cotta, Part U ion K BlocL.s. Building BloeLs. Fine s Lini}i(fs, Drain Tile. Ftv. SI PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS FOR THOUSANDS, OR FOR MILLIONS. I Cass/c/y d So n T/fanufactunnff Co. I ' kkKKKkh, KKAAAA, ni ^KiV. V/al/iiny sAoa/s to a btller aduanlaye /Man neat Gas, Electric and Combination FIXTURES SPECIAL DESIGNS EXECUTED PROMPTLY. I 133 and 135 West 23d Street, and 124, 126 and 128 West 24th Street, New ^'ork. | 5t^^lS5:s5:^s:s^t^^:^5:^5:^5;^5M5:^K^5I^5KK^5:^5:s5:^5I^5:s5K}K5:^5K!:^5:^5:^K^5:^3:^5:^5:^5K5:^5:^MnK}:^s:^5K^:^5My □nnnDnnnnnnnnnnpnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDnnnannPDDnnnDDDPDPnnaannnnnnnnnnn n Translucent Wire Fabric The Uiibreahiible substi- tute for olass for use in Stiyli gills :ind .ill othei' pkices where the ele- ments of bre;ik;ige occur. PltCCltlOll . Is the only light- ad n litter adapted to use in construc- tions susceptH?le to strain^ sudden jar ^ or constant vibra- tion. . . San/p/es and prices on ap- WIRE FABRIC COMPANY NORFOLK DOWNS, QUINCY, MASS. ° nnnnnpPDPPDPPDnDDnnnppnppnnDnpnDPPpnDDPDnnnppnnppnnappnnpnDPPpnnnppnppp A Hot Water Plant Properly Installed Makes the Home Complete. For Those Who Prefer We Have the Best to Offer. We ha\'e one ol Llie largest esttiblishments in I he SoLilU — exciusivel_\' >*eam /tcati/is^ :inii hot i.V(iter plants. We are practical meclianics and engineers, and when we give vou figures vou inav depend on a job done right. The view of our salesroom as given in the photograph conveys but a slight impression of our establishment. Correspondence solicited. B. MACKENZIE, Greensboro. North Carolina. WOOLSEY'S WOOLSEY'S iPaints anb Daniisbes Standard Mixed Paints Adamant Floor Paints Adamant-Kotc JJ'ood f'iuish ARESOJLD UNDER A Elastic Interior Coaili Wniiish POSITIVE GUARANTEE Best Exterior Spar I arnisti Wax Einisli 1 ' arnish Best Jnterior Polislinig 1 ai n/s/i We manufacture Paints and Var- nislies of the various kinds used in t/ie Roof-Kotc — Black, jor Roofs and Jwnndation U 'alls Electio-Kotc — Black, for insulating construction of a building from t/ie Elect lical af)pliances and coaling foundation walls to the roof inclusive Structural Iron Work. C. J^. u/oohej/ U^at'nt dc Color Compani/, y»rsay City, 'pfew Jersey. DESIGNEK.S AND M A N UFACTU K'I3KS OF Dow Wire and Iron Works LOUISVILLE, KY. THE eELEBRHTED BRICKS s? Wmy f'l -' j$ \ MADE 13 Y- H^JV ^ KICHMONO, VA. Cream White, Buff, Silver Gray, Salt and Pepper Gray, Speckled, Iron Spot, Red and Other Front Brick in all Sizes and Shapes. . . . Samples and Prices Sent on Application- FIRE BRICKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. THE TORRENTO-SANO WATER CLOSET FOR ^!i THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, Hiitels, Public Buildings, Schools, Factories, Railway and Public Comfort Stations. Tlie Tonento-Sano has the good features of both the wood and the all- loicelain seats. There is sutTicient wood to receive and sustain the user and there is porcelain where porcelain ought to be. Soiling of the floor is also effectually prevented by the raised front, the interior of which is flushed each time the closet is operatrd ; this is an important feature in all public closets. The "Presto" flush-valve as shown above is operated by depressing the China flush-button on top. It is ex- ceedingly simple in construction, and has been installed with marked success in many buildings throughout the country, notably the U. S. War Col- lege and Engineers' Barracks in Wash- ington, where over 2CO are in use. Pamphlet on application. Fifth Avenue and Seventeenth St., New York. HIGHEST AWARD, GOLD MEDAL, WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS, 1902i. */ /7 tarlockin^, Storm and J'iro unroof. Burned Solid Fed throughout Will last as long as the Walls Send for C;it;iioc; HOUND CITY ROOFING TILE CO. 3301-3-5-7-9 Morgan Ford Road, St. Louis, Mo, Qlltj? Atlanta ©prra (Eotta (Enjit^aitij. MAMFACTUKEliS OF ^Architectural XJerra Cotta. OFFICE : No. S Xorlh FoiMth Street. WORK : Mt Terta C.Ua on A. .V W. P. R R SL-veri miles frnm Allnnta, Ga. ATLANTA, GA. Om- Tena Cotta has been Used Extensively in many of F. P. Milbiirn & Co's Biiiidinc ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. ETERNAL "KNOeKING/' IS THE PRICE ©F sueeEss. Paradisjm Skylights and Paradigm Fireproof Windows while not the best, are pretty good. Illustrated Catalogue, References, Testimonials, Models, etc., on application. ARTHUR E. RENDLE, rs W 34th St., New York. BERGER'S "CLASSIK" STEEL CEILINGS GOLD MEDAL 1904. St. Louis. The most beautiful, the most easily erect- ed, the most used, most imitated, most easily sold steel ceilings made. They cost less than the ordinary sort. Suggestive drawings free Send plans for estimates Large book of designs free. OTHER BERGER SI^ECI^LTIES. fIv^^LitL T^Zhr^!^^~l styles-Lummous dee,, coastructioa) Ka,l Kiydieut (reinforced). Oar book e.xplains the difference. MFLTIPI F\- PT Itf^ f f ^ °^ Cox.OK.TE Reinforcement for roofs. Absolutely Fire Proof. F,rs^ Cost Final Cost. STAR SPANC A'^?^Pn^ Dispense with .entering, Reinforce the Concrete and c-ive a finish. VENTItItORS 'rf^ R „ w .. V,^^",V'^*^ ^^°^ ROOFING TIN: Guaranteed, under our corporate seal, to last 25 YEARS. 4ND Bi^NK FrmXTrTrTRP r, Y°?" ^!"°''/f''"'"''^u'" '"TV'S^ efSciency low cost ventilators that cannot fail. STEEL OFFICE AND B.ANK FURMTURE. Ihe best constructed, most beautifully flnished, most convenient made. Fire Puoop. NEW YORK: .ro E. 33 ST. rj.y j; BEKOER 3IF«. CO.. I'HII.ADEI.PHIA: X034-6 WASHN. AVE. CANTON, OHIO. BOSTON; 112 BEDFORD ST. ST LOUIS: 623 NO. MAIN ST. "TfiB Vlforld'^ ^mtz$t Iron Fence Vl/orl^^," of PLAIN AM) Ornamental jrori beqce iNTIUNrE HATES ALSO . Iron Reserooir Floiccr VASES Latun Settees, Hitch Posts, Grilles, Windoir Guards, OJifice &: Balconij Railings Lairn S: Drinking Foun- tains, Stable Fixtures, etc. GENERAL ORNAMENTAL IRON & WIRE WORK. Write for Catalogue No. 16. THE STEWART IRON WORKS COMPANY. Agents uoanted everyivhere. CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. ESTABLISHED 1886. INCORPORATED 1903. The Stewart Jail Works Qo. SUCCESSOR TO JAIL AND PRISON DEPARTMENT OF THE STEWART IRON WORKS. ci]srciNrisrA.TT, ohio, u. s. iv. JAILS, PRISONS, AND STEEL CELLS, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF STEEL VAULTS, ETC. STEWARTS PATENTS FOR JAILS AND PRISONS WE CONTRACT ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Interior View through Prisoners' Corridor, Jefferson County Jail, Louisville, Ky. — s ii0rrtB0n Qlnntrarttug m\h ^up^Iu €0. 545 anil B4Z iBrnatiutay. Augusta. (6a. ICnral aub ICnug Statafirp ©rlp^ljonc No. 321. CONTRACTORS FOR ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. DEALERS IN ALL CLASSES OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. CONTRACT WORK EXECUTED PROMPTLY.