• / ^ -#*■ .'a?- J ®t{E ^. ^. ^01 llfaarg b&A- lA This book must not be taken from the Library building. / THE FARMER'S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. DETAILING THE LABORS OF THE FARMER, IN ALL THEIR VARIETY, AND ADAPTING THEM TO THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR AS THEY SUCCESSIVELY OCCUR. BY HENRY STEPHENS, F.R.S.E., AUTHOR OF "THE BOOK OF THE FARM," ETC., ETC., ETC., ASSISTED BY JOHN P. NORTON. M.A,, PROFESSOR OF SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE IN YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN. IN TWO VOLUMES— WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. VOL. I. NEW YORK: LEONARD SCOTT & Co., 79 FULTON STREET AND 54 GOLD STREET. 1850. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. 124 129 INITIATION. Pag? On the best of the existing methods for acquiring a thorough knowledge of practical husbandry, -------1 On the DIFFICULTIES THE PUPIL HAS TO ENCOUNTER IN LEARNING PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, AND ON THE MEANS OF OVERCOMING THEM, - - - 3 On THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FARMING, AND ON SELECTING THE BEST, - - 9 On THE PERSONS REQUIRED TO CONDUCT AND EXECUTE THE LABOUR OF THE FARM, _.------- 13 On the BRANCHES OF SCIENCE MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTURE, - - 18 On the INSTITUTIONS OF EDUCATION BEST SUITED TO AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS, 117 On the EVILS ATTENDING THE NEGLECT OF LANDOWNERS AND OTHERS TO LEARN PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE, ------- On OBSERVING THE DETAILS AND RECORDING THE FACTS OF FARMING BY THE AGRI CULTURAL STUDENT, ------- PR ACTI CE— WINTER. Summary of the field operations, and of the weather in winter, - 134 On THE PLOUGH, SWING-TREES, AND PLOUGH-HARNESS, - - - 149 On PLOUGHING AND PLOUGHING-MATCHES, - - - " ■ " 160 On PLOUGHING DIFFERENT FORMS OF RIDGES, ----- 171 On PLOUGHING STUBBLE AND LEA GROUND, ----- 183 On THE OCCUPATION OF THE STEADING IN WINTER, ... - 187 On pulling and storing turnips, MANGOLD-WURTZEL, carrots, PARSNIPS, AND CABBAGE, FOR CONSUMPTION IN WINTER, . . . . On THE VARIETIES OF TURNIPS CULTIVATED, - - - . - 197 On THE FEEDING OF SHEEP ON TURNIPS IN WINTER, - - . . 208 On THE ACCOMMODATION AFFORDED TO CATTLE IN WINTER BY THE STEADING, - 242 On the REARING AND FATTENING OF CATTLE ON TURNIPS IN WINTER, - - 256 On THE CONSTRUCTION OF STABLES FOR FARM HORSES, - - - - 298 On the TREATMENT OF FARM HORSES IN WINTER, - - - - 307 On the TREATMENT OF THE FARMER'S SADDLE AND HARNESS-HORSE IN WINTER, 331 On THE FATTENING OF SWINE IN WINTER, . - - . . 343 On the treatment of fowls in winter, ..... 351 On. the rationale of the feeding of animals, - . _ - 362 On the accommodation of the grain crops in the steading, - - 374 On the thrashing and winnowing of grain, - . . - 400 189 4'4^'64 iv CONTENTS. Page On the forming of dunghills in winter, ... - - 459 On the fouming of composts in winter, . . - - - 470 On the constriction of liquid-manure tanks and carts, - . - 474 On liquid manure, .--..--- 481 On sea- weed as manure, -....-- 488 On gaulting or claying the soil, ...-.- 490 PRACTICE— SPRING. Summary of the field operations and of the weather in spring, - 492 On the advantages of having field work always in a state of for- wardness, --------- 503 On the calving of cows, ..-..-- 505 On the milking of cows, ....--- 521 On the rearing of calves, ..--.-- 527 On the sowing of spring w^heat, ....-- 534 On the drilling up of land, ------- 558 On the sowing of beans, ..----- 565 On the sowing of pease, ....... 575 On the sowing of takes, ...---- 576 On the rolling of land, .._..-- 578 On the transpl-^jnting of turnip bui.bs for producing seed, - - 579 On the sowing of oats, ..,-.-- 580 On lucerne, - - - - - - - - -_ 585 0»s' sainfoin, .--...--- 587 On the lambing oe ewes, ....--- 589 On cross ploughing land, ..__.-- 606 On RIBBING LAND FOR the seed FURROW% - - - - -611 On the sowing of grass-seeds, -...-- 612 On the sowing of barley, ..----- 621 On the turning of dunghills, ...--- 624 On the planting of potatoes, ------- G2U On paring and burning the surface, . _ - - - 646 On the farroa^ng of sows, ...--.- 652 On the hatching of fowls, ------- 659 LIST OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOL. L ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL. PLATE I. ISOMETRICAL ELEVATION OF THE STEADING. II. Ground Plan of the Steading. III. DOUBLE-HOESE CaKT IN YOKE. IV. Draught Stallion. PLATR v. Brood-Sow. "VI. Short-Horn Cows. VII. Leicester Ewe and Lamb. VIII. Draught Mare. ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. Fig. Page Fig. 1. Sections of Soils and Subsoils, 91 23. 2. Furrow-side of a Plough, 150 24. 3. Land-side of a Plough, ib. 4. Plan of a Plough, 151 25. 5. Plough-Staff, ib. 6. Swing-Trees for Two Horses, 152 26 7. Trussed Iron Swing-Trees, ib. 27. 8. Swing-Trees for Three Horses, 153 9. Swing-Trees for Four Horses, 154 28. 10. Swing-Trees also for Four Horses, 156 11. Lothian Draught- Horse Collar and 29 Haims, - . . . ib. 30 12. Forfarshire Draught-Horse CoUar, 157 31 13. English Draught-Horse Collar, ib. 14. Scotch Plough at Work, - 159 32 15. Rectangular Furrow-Slice, 161 33 16. Trapezoidal or Crested Furrow- Shce, - . - . ib. 34 17. Movement of the Furrow-Slice, 165 18. A Peering Pole, • - 172 35. 19. Mode of Peering Ridges, - ib. 36 20. Gathering-up Ridges from the 37. Flat, - . - . 174 38. 21. An Open Furrow with Mould or Hint-End Furrow-Slices, ib. 22. Casting, Yoking, or Coupling Ridges, 176 Making a Gore-Furrow, Peering for Ploughing Ridges, Two- out and Two-in, - Ploughing Ridges Two-out and Two-in, - - - . Twice-gathering-up Ridges, Cleaving - down Ridges without Gore-Furrows, Cleaving down Ridges with Gore- Furrows, Ridge ill-ploughed, Rib-Ploughing Stubble-Land, Stripping the Ground of Turnips m any given Proportions, Pulling Turnips for stoiing. Instrument for topping and tailing Turnips, Another Instrument for the same purpose, Turnip Trimming-knife, Topping and tailing Turnips, Ti-iangular Turnip-Store, - White Globe Turnip.— The Purple Top Swedish Turnip. — The Aberdeenshire Yellow Bullock Turnip, .... Page 176. 178 ib. 179 180 ib. 181 182 190 191 192 ib. ib. ib. 195 198 Tl LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Fig. 39. An ill-shaped Turnip.— The Tank- ard Turnip, 40. Hurdles or Flakes set for confining Sheep on Turnips, 41. The Shepherds Wood Mallet, 42. The Driver, 43. The Shepherd's Knot, 44. The Net set for Sheep, 45. The Sheep Straw or Hay Rack, - 46. The Best Form of Turnip-Picker, - 47. Objectionable Form of Turnip- Picker, . - - - 48. The Lever Tuniip-Slicer, - 49. The Wheel-Barrow Turnip-Slicer, - 50. The Turnip-Trough for Sheep- Feeding, - - - - 5L Occupying Turnip- Land for Sheep, 52. TheUil-Cake or Corn Box forSheep, 63. The Oil-Cake Breaker, 54. A Moveable Shed for Sheep on Turnips, - - - - 55. Steading for the Arable Part of a Sheei^Farm, 56. The Outside Stell, - 57. Outside Stell without Plantation, 58. Ancient Stells, 59. An Inside Stell, - 60. The Circular Stell, 61. A Bratted Sheep, - 62. Englisli Hurdle, - 63. The Fold-Pitcher in Hui-dle Setting, 64. The Corn-Box for Sheep on Tur- nips, .... 65. Vertical Section of the Interior of the Com- Box, 66. Turnip-Trough for Courts, 67. Covered .Straw-Rack for Courts, 68. Wooden Straw-Rack, 69. Iron Straw-Rack, - 70. Water-Troughs, - 71. Drain-Grating for Courts, - 72. Liquid-Manure Drain, 73. Door through which to supply Mangei-s with Turnips, - 74. Byre-Travis, Manger, and Stake, - 75. A Baikie, - - . - 76. Cattle-Seal or Binder, 77. Byre- Window, 78. The Elevation of an Improved Window, 79. The Vertical Section of an Improved Window, 80. The Plan of an Improved Window, 81. A Ventilator, 82. The Graip, 83. Tlie Square-Mouthed Shovel, 84. The Hand Turnip-Chopper, with Cross Blades, 85. The Hand Turnip-Chopper, with Parallel Blades, - 86. The Lever Turnip-Slicer for Cattle, 87. Wlieol-Barrow, 88. The Wire Turnip-Basket, - 89. A Safe Lantera, 90. The Cooler for a Byre, 91. 'J'he Cyhnder Straw-Cutter with Straight Kiiives, • Page Fig. 92. 204 93. 94. 209 95. ib. 210 96. ib. 211 97. 214 98. ib. 99. 100. ib. 215 101. 216 102. 103. 217 ib. 104. 218 105. 219 106. 222 107. 108. 229 231 109. 232 ib. 110. 234 111. ib. 112. 236 113. 237 238 114. 115. 239 116. 240 117. 243 244 118. ib. ib. 245 119. 247 il. 120. 250 251 121. 252 ib. 122. ib. 123. 253 124. ib. ib. 125. 254 126. 258 ib. 127. ib. 128. 259 129. ib. 130. 261 ib. 131. 264 268 132. 133. ib. The Canadian Straw-Cutter, Byre for a large Dairy- Farm, Stone Trough for a Byre, - Steading for the Cattle of a Pastoral Fann, . . - - Steading for the Cattle of a Carse Farm, - . - - The Linseed Bruiser, The Hand Corn-Bruiser, - The Power Cora-Bruiser, - The Ox-Louse, Hcematopinus Eury- stemics, - - - - The Ox-Louse, TrichodecteiScalaris, The Cattle Probang, The Mouth-Piece for the Cattle Probang, The Trochar, A Stall for a Work-Horse Stable, A Stall with Cast-iron Hind- Posts, - . . - A Stable Window, The Corn-Chest for the Work- Hoi-ses, - - - - The Curry-Comb, Brush, Foot Picker, and JIane-Comb, The Common Straw Fork, The Lincolnshire Steel Straw Fork, The Whin- Bruiser, The Closed-Boiler Steaming Ap- paratus, . - - - Boiler and Furnace, The Horse Louse, Trichodectes Equi, . . . . The Water Brush, The Horse's Foot in the Natural State, . - - - The Transparent Shoe, showing the close fitting of the Shoe to the Fore Foot, The Transparent Shoe, showing the Usual Seat given to the Shoe upon the Fore-Foot, Shoeing the Fore-Foot with Five Nails, . - - - Shoeing the Fore-Foot with Seven Nails, . . - - Plan of Loose Boxes for Saddle Horses, - - - - The Horse Muzzle for Saddle Horses, - - - - The Ring Pigs'-Trough, to stand in a Court, - - - - , Door for a Pig-Sty, The Pigs' Troughs, with subdivi- sions, to stand in an opening of the outer wall of the Sty, , The Sow Louse, J/wmatopinua Suis, . . - - , The Corn-Barn Door, . Section of the Com-Bara Floor, - , Plan of Upper Bam, Granaries, and Wool- Room, , Granary Window, and Section of Shutters, , A Wooden Stathel for Stacks, , The Arrangement of the Ground- Floor of the Bams, Pag« 270 ib. 271 273 ib. 276 282 283 295 ib. 296 ib. 297 301 302 304 306 310 ib. ib. 318 320 323 326 333 336 838 ib. 339 ib. 340 ib. 345 346 ib. 350 376 377 378 379 380 382 LIST OP ILLUSTRATIONS. Vll Fig. Page Fig. 134. The Arrangement of the Upper 178. Floor of the Barns, 383 135. The Elevation of a Thrashing 179 Machine, 384 136. The Longitudinal Section of a 180 Thrashing Machine, 385 137. The Crank High-Pressiire Steam 181. Engine, - - - - 387 182 138. The Horse Wheel for a Thrashing 183 Machine, 393 184 139. The Lever for Equalising Draught 185 in the Thrashing Machine, 394 186 140. The Section and Elevation of a 187. Bucket Water Wheel, 397 188 141. Casting down a Stack to be 189. Thrashed, 401 190. 142. The Corn-Barrow, - 402 191 143. The Ladder, 403 192 144. The Oil-Can, 404 193 145. Feeding in Com into the Thrash- 194 ing Machine in the Upper Bam, 406 195 146. The Elevation of the Dressing Fanner, - - - - 410 196. 147. The Longitudinal Section of the 197 Dressing Fanner, with Riddles 198. and Sieves, ib. 199. 148. The Transverse Section of the 200. Dressing Fanner, 411 201. 149. The Elevation of the Finishing 202. Fanner or Duster, 412 150. The Longitudinal Section of the Finishing Fanner or Duster, 413 203. 151. The Transverse Section of the 204. Finishing Fanner or Duster, ib. 205. 152. The Wooden Wheat Riddle, 414 153. The Wooden Barley Riddle, ib. 206 154. The Wooden Oat Riddle, ib. 155. The Wooden Bean Riddle, ib. 207. 156. The Wooden Riddle for the Roughs of ^Vheat and Oats, 415 157. The Iron Wire Wheat Riddle, ib. 208. 158. The Iron Wire Barley Riddle, ib. 159. The Iron Wh-e Oat Riddle, ib. 209 160. The Iron Wire Riddle for Roughs, ib. 210. 161. The Wooden Sieve, ib. 211. 162. The Iron Wire Sieve, 416 212. 163. The Corn-Basket of Wicker- Work, ib. 164. The Barn Stool, - ib. 213 165. The Barn Wooden Hoe, - ib. 166. The Com Scoop, - ib. 214. 167. The Measuring up of Grain in the Com Barn, 419 215. 168. The Imperial Bushel of a conve- 216. nient Form, ... 419 217. 169. The Flat and Cylinder Corn-Strikes, 421 218. 170. The Elevation of the Cylinder Hum- 219 meller, .... 422 220 171. The Hand Hummeller, ib. 221 172. Filled Sacks as they should be 222. placed on the Bam Floor, 423 223 173. The Sack-Barrow. 425 174. The Balance Weighing Machine, 426 175. The Single Horse Tilt Cart, 429 224 176. Classification of Wheat by the 225 Ear, .... 433 177 Short, Roimd, Plump Form, and 226 Small Size of Wheat, ib. 227 Rather Long, Medium-Sized Form of Wheat, Large Size and Long Form of Wheat, ... - Foui'-Rowed Bere or Bigg, Sis- Rowed Barley, Two-Rowed, Scotch Bere or Bigg, English Barley, The Potato Oat, - The White Siberian Early Oat, The Potato Oat, - The Tartarian Oat, Ear of Rye, Grains of Rye, ... The Horse Bean, ... The Partridge Field Pea, - The Dung Spade, ... A Dung-Pit for Four Fields, The Mud Hoe or Harle, - The Liquid Manure Cart, - The Apparatus for Regulating the discharge of Liquid Manure, The Claying of the Soil, - The Milk Pail, The Milking Stool, A Calf's Crib Door, The Pickling of Wheat, - The Seed Corn Rusky, The Method of putting on the Sowing Sheet, and of Hand Sow- ing, - - - - The English Sowing Basket, The Broadcast Sowing Machine, - The East Lothian Grain DrUl Machine, ... Slight's new Lever-Drill Sowing Machine, The Wooden Rhomboidal Har- rows, with then- Yoke of Swing Trees, .... The Iron Rhomboidal Harrows, with their Yoke of Swing Trees, The Double Mould-Board Plough, The Sowing of Corn by Hand, The Presser-Rollei', Action of the edge of the Pressing Wheels, - - - - The Mode of Ploughing Single Drills, - - - - The Double Mould-Board Plough for forming Drills, Kirkwood's Gi-ubber, The Ducie Cultivator, The Dung Drag, - - - The Three-Pronged Dimg Graip, - The Bean-Drill or Barrow, The Drill Harrow, The Section of the Drill Harrow, The Land-Roller, - The large Insect which produces the Grub m Oat Fields — The Wheat Fly, The Shepherd's Crook, The Mode of holding Lambs for Castration, ... The Ewe House, ... The Mountain Snow Harrow, 434 ib. 445 446 ib. 448 449 ib. ib. 451 ib. 452 454 464 467 470 478 479 491 523 ib. 528 536 637 538 ib. 541 544 546 547 548 552 553 554 655 660 565 567 568 570 ib. 571 573 574 579 683 598 599 605 ib. Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Fig. 228. The Mountain Tum-Wrist Suow Plough, - - - - 229. A Field Peered for being Cross- Ploughed, 230. The Small or Ribbing Plough, 231. The Kibbmg Coultx;rs, 232. The Gi-ass-Seed Iron Harrows, w-ith Wings and Swing Trees, 233. The Frying Pan or Lime Shovel, - Page Fig. 34. How a Potato may be cut into 606 Sets, 235. A Potato Hand Basket, - 608 236. Potato Planting, - 611 237. The Common No. 5 Spade, 612 238. The Flauchter Spade at Work, 239. The Paring Sock or Share, 616 I 240. The Leicester Paring Plough, 627 I 241. Sties, for Brood Sows under Cover, Page 630 632 633 647 a. 648 ib. 652 PREFACE. BY HENRY STEPHENS. The call for another Edition of the Booh of the Farm, so soon after the issue of the former one, and the gratifying reception of the work by agriculturists of the highest repute, both at home and abroad, justify me in believing that the object for which it was undertaken has been attained, and that the plan upon which it is arranged has met with general approval. My chief object, in preparing the work, was to construct such a hand- book as should be of service in instructing young men who might desire to become farmers, in practical husbandry. Not that I ever supposed the mere perusal of a book could make any young man a practical farmer ; but my own experience as an agricultural pupil, for some years, having convinced me that it is most difficult to acquire a knowledge of husbandry even on a farm, unless through an expenditure of time which few young men can afford to spare, I became assured that, with a work at hand containing clear explanations of the details of each farm-operation, and of its relation to that which preceded and followed it in the re- volution of the agricultural year, a young man, residing on a farm in the capacity of pupil to an intelligent farmer, would much sooner and much better become acquainted with rural aifairs than he possibly could do without the advantages of such reference. The farmer, who unquestionably is the proper agricultural instructor, cannot always be on the spot to answer inquiries, nor can a pupil always put his ques- tions distinctly, or be aware of the proper time to put them, so as to elicit the information wanted. But the pupil can, in the intervals when direct information is impossible, peruse his hand-book, wherein he will find not only every detail of the particular operation proceeding in the field fully explained, but its relative position correctly indicated in JVote by the American Publishers.— Thai portion of the Farmer's Guide written by Mr. Stephens is a reprint of the second edition of the Book of the Farm. The reader « ill see by Mr. Stephens's Preface, that this second edition is virliiiilly a new liook, eiiibracin;; the more important (features of the first edition and all the later discoveries in Agricultural Science. This improvement in the character of Ihe work, tocether with the additions of Professor Norton, has induced the American Publishers to adopt a new title. The change is sanctioned by the British Publishers, who have an interest in the sale of the American Edition, and it meets the approbation of the American Public. Ti PREFACE. reference to the operations preceding and following it. To explain still more explicitly the nature of field-operations, I have first arranged each in the agricultural season in N?hich it should be begun, and then con- tinued it through those in which it should be carried on, down to that in which it ought to be brought to a conclusion ; and I have, moreover, carefully preserved its relation to those operations which precede and follow it through all the seasons. I am satisfied that no better mode exists of teaching farming successfully, to pupils in agriculture, from books. Systematic works on agriculture, as hitherto written, are couched m too general terms to be practically useful, and the narrative is rarely so' arranged as to give an adequate idea of the method which is really adopted in the fields. A work in the cyclopaediac form, besides this objection, presents a greater, by placing the operation in the midst of subjects which, as a matter of necessity, bear no relation whatsoever to its peculiar antecedents or progress. The aim and plan of the former edition of the Book of the Farm, which the pubhc approval has sanctioned in the most unequivocal manner, it is not my intention to disturb in the present edition. Still, with the view of conveying more instruction to the agricultural pupil, considerable alterations have been made in the arrangement of the sub- jects ; and these have been so emended, enlarged, and in some instances curtailed — a large proportion having been also rewritten, to suit the altered influences under which husbandry, as an art, is now placed — as, I am persuaded, to make the Mork more useful to the agriculturist and the student. The subjects treated of I have airanged under three prominent divi- sions, M'ith the view of bringing them successively under the notice of the agricultural student. The First Division directs him to avail him- self of the experience of some farmer who practises the species of husbandry he desires to acquire ; it makes him acquainted with the various sorts of farming practised in this country ; and it indicates the peculiar form of the ground, and the locality, which determine the adoption of each of those sorts of farming. He is then warned of the difficulties which he will have to encounter at the outset of his agricultural career, and apprised of the means by which he may overcome these, if he chooses to adopt them. The ne- cessity of a good general education to agriculturists is dwelt on with peculiar earnestness, because every farm-operation clearly indicates its dependence for its right performance on some branch of physical science PREFACE. vH The work, I trust, may be consulted with as much advantage by the country gentleman, unacquainted with practical agriculture, as by the pupil ; and I have endeavoured to explain my reasons for thinking so, by pointing out the particular evils which inevitably arise from inac- quaintance with rural affairs by the proprietors of the soil. This First portion I have designated Initiation, because it indicates the sort of discipline which the agricultural pupil should voluntarily undergo, before his mind can become fitted to master the details of practical agriculture. The Second Division explains the details, even to the most minute particular, of every farm-operation, from one end of the year to the other ; and as the treatment of each is materially affected by the parti- cular season in which it is undertaken, great care has been taken to treat of each in the manner peculiar to the season in which it is con- ducted. The seasons having a predominating influence over farm- operations, all the operations are necessarily classed under their re- spective seasons. The Winter commences the operations of the farm, when most of the preparations for the succeeding busy seasons are made. Upon the foundation laid in Winter, the Spring consigns every variety of seed used in husbandry to the ground, and witnesses the reproduction of every species of live stock. The Summer fosters the growth both of plants and animals. The Autumn reaps the fruits of all the labour that has been bestowed in the preceding seasons. To render the explanations of the operations more particular and explicit throughout the seasons, I have found it necessary, by way of practical example, to assume the work- ing of one of the sorts of farming for twelve months ; and have selected that which embraces the greatest variety of particulars — the Mixed Hus- bandry, which has for its subjects not only the cultivation of the plants raised in the field, but also the breeding, rearing, and fattening of live stock. This part necessarily occupies a large portion of the work, and is appropriately designated Practice. In the Third Division, the agricultural pupil is regarded no longer as a mere student, but as a young farmer on the look-out for a farm. To assist him in this object, he is made acquainted with the best and worst physical conditions in which a farm can be placed, in the dif- ferent sorts of farming, as regards variety of ground and locality. He is next shown the manner of judging of land ; of computing its rent ; of negotiating the covenants of a lease ; of stocking the farm which was chosen as an example for his guidance ; and of arbitrating on minor subjects with his predecessor before he leaves the farm. viH PREFACE. This extent of instruction is quite sufficient for the young fanner in ordinary cases, where the farm is complete, and its farming has been long settled. Where the farm is incomplete, he may further require information on subjects that might never have been presented to his notice in tlie course of his stay on the educational farm, but which it is incum- bent on him to know before he can become a thoroughly good farmer. The farm he is about to enter may require a new steading — the young tenant should become acquainted with plans, specifications, and expenses of buildings. To assist him, I have given these, based upon such principles as are applicable to all sizes of steadings, and all modes of farming. The ground may require enclosure : — he should know the principles upon which fields should be planned for convenience of work, and the method of constructing fences, whether of thorn or of stone. The land may require draining : — he ought to become acquainted with the principles upon which drainage depends, so far as these have been ascertained, and the method of applying them practically. There may be waste land to bring in : — its treatment, whether by trenching with the spade, or trenching and subsoiling after drainage with the plough, should be familiarised to him. The embankment of land against, and irrigating it with water may be requisite in some localities : — he ought to know the best method of effecting both. On all these subjects I have endeavoured to afford the young farmer the best intrinsic information in an easy shape for reference, and not clouded with unnecessary techni- calities. After the treatment of those important and fundamental topics, which have reference alone to the soil, the principles upon which the purity of blood and the symmetrical form of animals are secured and main- tained, are then explained. The points of animals which illustrate those principles are fully indicated, and the portraits of some which possessed these in an eminent degree embellish the work. No fanner can under- stand the position of his affairs without keeping accurate accounts, so that a system of book-keeping must be of service to him, and the simple one I have given possesses the advantage of having been found practi- cally useful. With a few precepts for the guidance of the young farmer, at the outset of life, in his conduct toM'ards his dependents and equals, as M'cll as his superiors, I conclude my task. These, I trust, will be accepted, or at least perused, in the same good spirit with which they are offered ; my object being to inculcate that unity of feeling among agriculturists of every class, without which no pursuit can prosper, and PREFACE. iSt which is not only a social but a sacred duty, seeing that our dependence- lies with Him who holds the elements in His hands. Because the wishes of the young farmer are realised, more or less, by one and all of these means, I have designated this part Realisation. It may be proper for me to state, in a few words, the opportunities I have had of acquiring such an extent of knowledge in the various depart- ments of practical agriculture, and the other subjects enumerated above, as to warrant me in assuming the part of monitor to the agricultural student. The following short narrative, I trust, may be sufficient to satisfy the reasonable inquirer. After receiving what is commonly called a liberal education at the Parochial and Grammar Schools of Dundee, at the Academy there, under Mr Duncan, the Rector, now Professor of mathematics in St Salvador's College, St Andrews, and at the College of Edinburgh, I boarded myself ■with Mr George Brown, of Whitsome Hill, a farm in Berwickshire, of about 600 acres, with the view of learning agriculture. Mr Brown was universally esteemed one of the best farmers of that well-farmed county ; and so high an opinion did the late Mr Robertson of Ladykirk, the most celebrated breeder of short-horns in Scotland of his day, enter- tain of his farming, both in stock and crop, that he gave him per- mission to send his cows to the bulls at Ladykirk — a singular favour "which he extended, I believe, to no one else, with the exception of his old tenant and intimate friend, Mr Heriot of Fellowhills. I remained three years at Whitsome Hill, during the first two of which I laboured with my own hands at every species of work which tlie plough- man, the field-worker, and the shepherd must perform in tlie field, or the steward and the cattle-man at the steading : and even in the dairy and poultry house part of my time was spent. All tliis labour I under- took, not of necessity, but voluntarily and with cheeifulness, in the determination of acquiring a thoroughly practical knowledge of my profession. In my tliird year, when there happened to be no steward, Mr Brown permitted me to manage the farm under his own immediate superintendance. I then travelled for nearly a twelvemonth, soon after peace was restored, through most of the countries of Europe, and in many places I happened to be the first Briton who had visited them since tlie out- break of the Revolutionary war. This excursion gave me considerable insight into the methods of Continental farming. Shortly after my return home, I took possession of a small farm on IT PREFACE. Balmadies in Forfarshire, consisting of 300 acres. It was in such a state of dilapidation as to present an excellent subject for improvement. It had no farm-house — only the remains of a steading ; the fields were nine-and-twenty in number, very irregular in shape, and fenced with broken down stone djkes and clumsy layers of boulders and turf; a rivulet every year inundated parts of the best land; the farm-roads were in a wretched condition ; and above forty acres of waste land were covered with whins and broom. The heaviest description of soil was hazel loam, some of it deep, some shallow, and all resting on retentive clay ; and the lightest kind was gravelly, resting on gravel. The farm contained a remarkable feature, not uncommon, however, in that part of the country — an isolated peat-bog, very deep, containing thick beds of shell marl, and enclosing a small lake, around whose margin grew aquatic plants in the utmost luxuriance. In a few years the farm possessed a mansion-house, oflBces, and steading, (an isometrical view and ground-plan of the last were figured in Plates I. and II. of the first edition, though enlarged to suit a larger farm ;) the surface was laid off" in twelve fields of equal size and rectangular shape, to suit the six-course shift with three years' grass ; some of those fields were fenced with thorn hedges, and some with stone dykes ; the impetuous rivulet, the Vinny, was embanked out ; the land upon the retentive bottom was drained in the old mode with stones, but a few acres were tried with furrow-drains filled with small stones, several years before the Deanston plan was made public by the late lamented James Smith ; after the draining, the soil was trench- ploughed with four horses ; the farm-roads were extended and made serviceable, and all the waste land was brought into cultivation. I made the plans of the buildings myself, and also set off" the form of the fields, and the Hues of the fences and roads — not because I imaiiined that a professional man could not have done them better, but that my mind and hands might be familiarised with every variety of labour appertaining to rural affairs. The results each year were twenty-five acres of good turnips, instead of ten or twelve of bad, and fifty stacks of corn in the stackyard, instead of seventeen. The rent offei-ed for the farm before I took possession of it was £l50, and after I relin- quished farming it was let for nearly £400. The fee-simple arising from this increase of rent represents a sum larger than what was expended in producing those results. I believe I was the first person to introduce into Forfarshire the feeding of cattle in small numbers in hammels, instead of large numbers in large courts ; to show the advan- PREFACE.^ xi tage of building troughs around the walls of the courts to hold topped turnips, instead of spreading uutopped ones upon the dung ; to confine sheep upon turnips in winter with nets instead of hurdles — a plan which the late Mr Andrew Dalgairns of Ingliston readily adopted, at my sug- gestion, even with Black-faced sheep ; and to grow the Swedish turnip in a larger proportion than the other sorts. It will, I think, be admitted that the farmer who had the opportuni- ties of learning the varieties of rural labour thus particularised, and who has bestowed all the powers of his faculties for years in acquiring them thoroughly, may, without presumption, consider himself sufficiently qualified to impart the results of his experience and observation to agri- cultural students. It is in the belief that a work of this comprehensive nature, compiled after the author exchanged the actual practice of farming for the onerous duties of conducting a portion of the agricul- tural press, may not only be of service to the rising generation, but also no small assistance to the numerous farmers who now receive young men into their houses for tuition in agriculture, that these volumes are oflfered to the public. So long as I was a pupil, no such book was in existence for me to consult, and having therefore personally experienced the inconvenience of being left to acquire what knowledge I could, chiefly by my own industry and perseverance, sympathy for the young pupil, placed in similar circumstances, has prompted me to endeavour to make his path smoother than I found my own. It will be observed that the work is printed alternately in small and in large type. The information imparted by the large type has been chiefly derived from my own experience and observation ; and where- ever that has coincided with the dicta of previous writers, I have quoted them, for the double purpose of corroborating what I had to say by the experience of others, and of giving competent authorities, to direct the agricultural pupil to works descriptive of diSerent branches of husbandry. The small type contains descriptions by myself, and quotations from writers of professional eminence, of the other kinds of farming beside the one adopted as the leading example ; and also illustrations of each particular operation under discussion, derived from various works and documents, agricultural and scientific. As I had not space to raise discussions on the particular views broached on each subject, I have deemed it sufficient to direct the agricultural student to the sources where he would find the subjects more fully stated and discussed. Most of the illustrative passages alluded to have been derived from xU PREFACE. the pages of the Journal of Afiriculture, and the Transactions of the Highland and Agricidtural Society of Scotland. I have alM'ays believed tliat a work on practical husbandry loses half its value, unless it be copiously illustrated with figures of the various subjects treated of ; because it seems to me as impossible to convey in words every particular connected with any important farm-operation, without the assistance of figures, as to explain by words alone the component parts of a complicated machine. After much reflection, and different preliminary experiments, I arrived at the conclusion that a group of figures would best show the method of executing each principal operation. Holding the opinion I have just expressed as to the manner in wliich an agi'icultural work ought to be illustrated, in order to make it really useful, the first edition of the Booh of the Farm was necessarily an expensive undertaking. It was unquestionably desirable, and consonant with the wishes both of the author and publishers, that any subsequent edition which might appear should be offered at a lower price. But notwithstanding the rapid sale, the practicability of such a reduction was attended with unforeseen difficulty, because, since the first appearance of the work, agriculture had attracted so much public attention, and so many changes in its practice had been suggested by scientific men, who proffered their aid to the farmer by means of chemistry, and, besides this, so many experiments had been conducted by farmers, in conse- quence of those suggestions, that the large additions required to record the results obtained would tend rather to increase than to diminish the cost. To have left those results unnoticed, and issued a mere reprint, without commentary on what had taken place, would not only have detracted from the usefulness of tlie work by rendering it behind its time, but would have justly withdrawn from myself that confidence which many young agriculturists, at home and abroad, had been pleased to place in me, in consequence of their perusal of the first edition. No alternative, then, was left me but to render the work more complete by engrossing as many of the results of those experiments, and explaining so much of the views of the men of science, as seemed to affect particular portions of ordinary practice. The execution of this task, so as to bring it within moderate bounds, was attended with no small diflSculty and labour on account of the large mass of materials with which it was necessary to deal. I soon found that in the chemical branch I should have to confine FBEFACE. idK mjself to giving, from the ascertained results, the largest returns from the use of the special manures recommended bj chemists, and the analyses of the mineral ingredients contained in the plants that had been examined for that purpose. From theory and science, I have selected the views of the most eminent physical writers as to the action of plants upon ordinary manures in general, and upon special manures in particular; because this subject of manures and their effects is of all others the most important for explaining the phenomena of the rotation of crops, the development of plants, and the fertility of soils ; and a subject more interesting or more valuable cannot occupy the attention of the farmer in reference to the cultivation of the soil. Besides these contributions of science, the recent theory of the assimilation of the component parts of the food, by the different functions of the animal economy, has thrown a flood of light on the feeding of stock, and, as a consequence, on the treatment of manure heaps, which no farmer could have discovered by practice alone, and which is yet in all probability destined to effect a great change in the distribution of food to the domesticated animals. Chemistry, in my estimation, has done much more for the farmer in this than in any point relating to the cultivation of the cereal grains. These tasks T have endeavoured to perform, with a view to abate the over-sanguine expectations of the ardent pupil, and remove the reason- able doubts of the experienced farmer ; as also to caution both parties against the adoption of many of the conclusions arrived at and pro- mulgated by scientific and non-practical writers, until these shall have been sanctioned by experience. The labour necessary for comprehending these subjects in an abridged form, which is as much as should be expected in an essentially practical work, has occupied more time than I expected, and to that circumstance must be referred the other- wise inexcusable delay in the issue of the concluding part of this work. To make room for so much additional matter, the work has been printed in a rather smaller type, and the lengthened details of the descriptions of the implements and machines have been omitted. Still it was necessary to retain all the implements, in a completed form, used in mixed husbandry, which has been done by giving their figures engraved on wood instead of retaining the copper-plates, and as much of Mr Slight's description of their general construction and use has been adopted as might enable the agricultural pupil to recognise and appreciate them, wherever he might meet with them, because I could not so well describe them as in Mr Slight's own appropriate words. xlr PREFACE. Some delineations of machinery, liowever, will be found not described bj him, but specially referred to by myself Were I to close these general observations, and omit to mention my obligations to the eminent Publishers, who offered without hesitation to incur the entire responsibility and risk connected with the publica- tion of this work, I would do much violence to my own feelings ; and their offer seemed the more generous to me, as it was the more timely, because I am sure that the work would never have been pub- lished unless it had been undertaken on those terms. My idea was, that the necessarily high price of the work Mould render its publication a hazardous undertaking ; and, although convinced that such a work was a desideratum in the agricultural literature of this country, I M'ill own that my knowledge of the loss which must be sustained, should the work not receive the public approval, weighed somewhat heavily upon my mind. Fortunately these fears were soon dissipated. The Booh of the Farm at its first appearance received, and has since uninter- ruptedly enjoyed, the public favour beyond the expectations both of Author and Publishers. The groups illustrative of the principal field-operations have been much increased in number. They have been drawn, in the most graphic manner, by Gourlay Steell of Edinburgh, Associate of the Royal Scot- tish Academy, with a beauty in composition, accuracy of detail, and power of expression, which it would be diificult to excel. The figures of the implements, both those in the former edition and the additional ones in this, have been drawn from the best-constructed machines in the pos- session of farmers and implement-makers, by George Henry Slight of Abernethy, whose mechanical designs conjoin the correctness of the skilful mechanician with the accuracy in perspective of the experienced draughtsman. His drawings, indeed, are not easily distinguishable from plate engravings. As, in this country, the attention and interest of the fanner is more engrossed by the rearing of animals than by the cultivation of plants, it was necessary, for illustration, to procure correct portraits of those animals which had attained pre-eminence in the various classes of the domesti- cated breeds. To have given portraits, however, of the males and females in all their varieties, of every breed reared in this country, would have very much increased the cost of the work ; and it was therefore deemed sufficient to confine the selection to good examples from the most esteemed and favourite breeds. The portraits of these animals were PREFACE. XT painted in oil, partly bj the late John Sheriff of Edinburgh, Associate to the Rojal Scottish Academy, and partly by Gourlay Steell, the most eminent artist in that line in Scotland. None of them are fancy pictures, got up for artistic effect only, but faithful likenesses of the several individuals, exhibiting the points -which characterise their parti- cular breeds ; and they were painted in different parts of the country under my own superintendence. I felt myself much indebted to their respective owners, not only for leave to take the likenesses, but also for the accommodation so much required in undertakings of that nature. Skilful engravers have done justice to the paintings. The name of Thomas Landseer alone would give eclat to any work professing to contain the portraits of the domesticated animals. The numerous and varied subjects engraved on wood were executed by R. E. Branston of London, whose name is a sufficient guarantee for excellence in that graphic and delightful branch of the fine arts. I am persuaded that, by the originality, quality, and number of its illustrations — it may be even to profusion — this work has been rendered the more use- ful to the agricultural pupil ; and, in this respect, I may be allowed to say, without any charge of egotism, that I know no work on practical agriculture, foreign or domestic, that possesses the same advantage, at least in the same degree. BSOBRAE COTTAOE, EdINBCBOB, February 1851. THE FARMER'S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. PART L— INITIATION. ON THE BEST OF THE EXISTING METHODS FOR ACQUIRING A THOROUGH KNOW- LEDGE OF PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY. 1. No doubt exists, I believe, that the best way, among existing ones, for a young man to acquire a thorough knowledge of farming, is to become a pupil in the house of a good practical farmer. On a fine farm, and with a competent tutor, the pupil will not only live comfortably, but may tho- roughly learn any system of husbandry he chooses. The choice of locality is so far limited, that he must take up his residence in a district in which the particular system he has chosen is practised in a superior manner. 2. Many farmers are to be found who accept pupils, amongst whom a proper selection should be made, as it would be injudicious to engage with one who is notoriously deficient iu the requisite quali- fications — and those qualifications are numerous. A tutor-farmer should possess a general reputation of being a good farmer — that is, a skilful cultivator of land, a successful breeder, and an excellent judge of stock. He should possess agreeable manners, and have the power of commuui- cating his ideas with ease. He should occupy a good farm, consisting, if possible, of a variety of soils, and situate in a tolerably good climate, — neither on the top of a high hill nor on the confines of a large moor or bog, nor in a warm sheltered nook, VOL. I. but in the midst of a well cultivated country. Such circumstances of soil and locality should be requisites in a farm in- tended for the residence of pupils. The top of a hill, exposed to every wind that blows, or the vicinage of a bog overspread with damp vapour, would place the farm in a climate in which no kind of crop or stock could arrive at a state of perfection; while a very sheltered spot and a warm situation, would give the pupil no idea of the disappointments experienced in a pre- carious climate. 3. The inexperienceof the pupil renders him unfit to select these requisites for him- self in either a qualified farmer or a suit- able farm : but monitors are never awanting to render assistance to their young friends in every emergency ; and as their opinion should be formed on a knowledge of farm- ing, and especially on an acquaintance with the farm, and the personal qualifica- tions of the farmer they recommend, some confidence may be placed in their recom- mendations. For the pupil's personal com- fort, I would advise him to choose a residence where dixe no young children. 4, A residence of one year must pass ere the pupil can witness the course of the annual operations of the farm. His first engagement should, therefore, be made for a period of not less than one year ; and at the expiry of that period he will not be qualified to manage a farm. The t^mo he Library INITIATION. would require to spend on a farm must be determined by the conipcteucyof the know- ledge acquired of his profession. 5. The pupil may enter on his pupilage at any time of the year ; but since farming operations iiave a regular period forbegin- ninrovement by observation and experi- ence ; but, nevertheless, the ultimate ends for which the various kinds of field-work are prosecuted are involved in obscurity to every learner. In most other arts, no great time usually elapses between the commencement and completion of a piece of work, and every piece of work is con- tinued in hand until finished. The be- ginner can thus soon perceive the connexion between the minutest portion of the work in which he is engaged, and the < bject for wlrich the work is prosecuted. He is thus led, by degrees, from the simplest to the most complicated parts of his art, so that his mind is not bewildered at the outset by observing a multii)licity of operations at one time. He thus begins to acquire true experience, and even foresight, if ho reflects, from the outset. 16. The pupil-farmer has no such ad- vantages in his apprenticeship. There is no simple easy work, or one object only to engage his attention at first. On the con- trary, many niinutiie connected with dif- ferent operations in progress claim his attention at one and the same time, and if the requisite attention to any one of them be neglected for the time, no 0})p()rtunity for observing it occurs for a twelvemonth. DIFFICULTIES TO BE ENCOUNTERED AND OVERCOME. It is a misfortune to a pupil, in such circum- stances, to be retarded in Ins progress by a trifling neglect; for he cannot make up his leeway until after the revolution of a year ; and though ever so attentive, he cannot possibly learn to anticipate operations in a shorter time, and therefore cannot possibly understand the object of a single operation in the first year of his pupilage. The first year is spent almost unprofitably, and certainly unsatisfactorily to an inquisitive mind. But attentive ob- servation during the first year in storing up facts, will enable him, in the second, to anticipate the successive operations ere they arrive, and identify every minutia of labour as it is performed. 1 7. Let it not be supposed by those who have never passed through the perplexing ordeals incident to the first year of farm- ing, that I have described them in too strong colours, in order to induce to the belief that farming is an art more difficult of attainment than it really is. So far is this from being the case, I may safely appeal to the experience of every person who had attained manhood before begin- ning to learn farming, whether I have not truly depicted his own condition at the outset of his professional career; so that every pupil must expect to meet with those difficulties. 18. But, formidable as they may seem, I encourage him with the assurance, that it is in his power to overcome them all. The most satisfactory way of overcoming them is to resolve to learn his business in a truly practical manner — that is, by attending to every operation personally. Merely being domiciled on a farm is not, of itself, a sufficient means of overcoming them ; for the advantages of residence may be squandered away in idleness, by frequent absence, by spending the busy hours of work in the house on light reading, or by casual and capricious attendance on field operations. Such habits must be eschewed, before there can arise a true desire to become a practical farmer. 19. Much assistance in promoting at- tention should not be expected from the farmer. No doubt it is his duty to com- municate all he knows to his pupils, and I believe most are willing to do so ; but as efficient tuition implies constant atten- dance on work, the farmer himself cannot constantly attend to every operation, or even explain any, unless his attention is directed to it; and much less will he de- liver extempore lectures at appointed times. Eeservedness in him does not necessarily imply unicxllmgness to com- municate his skill ; because, being himself familiar with every operation that can arrest the attention of his pupils, any ex- planation by him of minutia? at any other time than when the work is in the act of being performed, and when only it could be understood by them, would only serve to render the subject more perplexing. In these circumstances, the best plan for the pupil to follow is to attend constantly and piersonally observe every change that takes place in every piece of work. Should the farmer happen to be present, and be ap- pealed to, he will, as a matter of course, immediately remove every difficulty in the most satisfactory way ; but should he be absent, being otherwise engaged, then the steward, or ploughmen, or shepherd, as the nature of the work may be, will afford as much information on the spot as will serve to enlighten his mind until he associates with the farmer at the fireside. 20. To be enabled to discover that par- ticular point in every operation, which, when explained, renders the whole intelli- gible, the pupil should put his hand to every kind of work, be it easy or difficult, irksome or pleasant. Experience acquired by himself, however slightly affecting the mind, — if desirous of becoming acquainted with every professional incident, — will solve difficulties much more satisfactorily than the most elaborate explanations given by others ; and the larger the stock of per- sonal experience he can accumulate, the sooner will the pupil understand the pur- port of everything that occurs in his sight. Daily opportunities occur on a farm for joining in work, and acquiring such expe- rience. For example, when the phiughs are employed, the pupil should walk from the one to the other, and observe which ploughman or pair of horses perform the work with the greatest apparent difficulty or ease. He should also mark tlie dif- ferent styles of work executed by each plough. A considerate con)parison of par- ticulars will enable him to ascertain the 6 INITIATION. best and worst specimens of work. He should tlicM endeavour to discover tlie cause ■why (lifleront styles of work arc produced by apparently similar means, in order to rectify the worst and practise the best. The surest way of detecting error, and dis- covering the best metliod, is to take hold of each plough successively, anas?oraZ?5aZZ^^* among the mountain-ranges of England, Wales, and Scotland. Sheep are reared in still greater numbers in the upper parts of the mountain-ranges of Wales and of the Highlands of Scotland, and on the green round-backed mountains of the south of Scotland and the north of England. The cattle reared in pastoral districts are small-sized, chiefly black col- oured, and horned. Those in the Western Isles, called " West Highlanders," or " Kyloes," are esteemed a beautifully sym- metrical and valuable breed. Those in the valleys of the Highland mountains, called " North Highlanders," are considerably inferior in quality, and smaller in size. The Black-faced, mountain, or heath, horn- ed sheep, are also bred and reared on these upper mountain-ranges, and fattened in the low country. The round -backed green 10 INITIATION. hills of the south are mostly stocked with the white-faced, hornless, Ciieviot breed ; thou^'h the best kind of the r>lack-faces less than for the last-named system, (48,) in which the entire stock are pur- chased and sold every year ; and hence they are termed njlj/inff-stock. The rents of both systems are about the same. Neither is determined by any peculiarity of soil and locality, like the other methods, but the mixed has a haj>py form of con- stitution in adapting itself to most circum- stances. 52. Now, one of these systems the pupil must adopt for his profession ; and which he should choose, depends on cir- cumstances. If he succeed to a family inheritance, the kind of farming he will follow will depend on that pursued by his predecessor, which he will learn accord- ingly ; but should he be free to choose for himself, I would advise him to adopt the mixed husbandry, as containing within itself all the varieties of farming requisite for a farmer to know. 53. My reason for recommending the mixed husbandry is that it practically pos- sesses advantages over every other. Thus : In pastoral farming, the stock undergo mi- nute examination, fi>r certain purposes, only at distantly stated j>eriods ; and owing to the wide space over which they have to roam for food, comimratively little atten- tion is bestowed on them by shepherds and cattle-herds. The pastoral larmer has thus no particular object to attract his attention at home between those long intervals ; and in the mean while time is apt to become irksome in cultivating a limited space of arable land. — The carse farmer, after the spring work is finished, before the cows begin to calve, has nothing but hay-malving and bare-fallowing in summer, to occupy his mind until the har- vest. — Dairy-farming affords little occupa- tion to the farmer. — The farmer near large towns has little to do in summer, from turnip-seed to harvest. — The farmer of mixed husbandry has abundant and regu- lar employment at all seasons. Cattle and sheep feeding, and marketing grain, pleasantly occupy the short days of winter. (Seed-sowing of all kinds afl'ords abundant employment in spring. The rearing of young stock, sale of wool, and culture of green crops, fill up the time in summer until harvest ; and autumn, in all circum- stances, brings its own busy avocations in gathering the fruits of the earth. Strictly speaking, mixed husbandry does not ati'ord one week of real leisure, — if the short I)eriod from assorting the lambs in the beginning of August, to putting the sickle to the corn be excepted, — and that period THE PERSONS WHO LABOUR THE FARM. 13 is contracted or prolonged, according as the harvest is early or late. 54. There is another view to he taken of the mixed hushandry ; it will not in any year entirely disappoint the hopes of the farmer. He will never have to hewail the almost total destruction of his stock hy the rot, or the severe storms of winter, as the pastoral farmer sometimes has. He can- not suffer so serious a loss as the carse farmer, when his graiu is blighted or burnt up with drought, or its price depressed for a succession of years. [Should his stock be greatly injured, or much deteriorated in value by such casualties, be has the grain to rely on ; and should the grain fail to a serious extent, the stock may still insure him a profitable return. It is scarcely within the bounds of probability that a total destruction of live-stock, wool, and grain, would occur in any year. One may fail, it is true, and the prices of all may continue depressed for years ; but, on the other hand, reasonable profits have been realised from them all in the same year. Thus, safeguards exist against a total loss, and there is a greater certainty of a profit- able return from capital invested in the mixed than in any other kind of husban- dry known. ON THE PERSONS REQUIRED TO CONDUCT AND EXECUTE THE LABOUR OF THE FARM. 55. The persons who labour a farm constitute the most important part of its staff". Their duties should therefore be well understood. They are the farmer himself, the steward or grieve, the plough- man, the hedger or labourer, the shepherd, the cattle-man, the field-worker, and the dairy-maid. These have each duties to perform which, in their respective spheres, should harmonise and never interfere with one another. Should any occurrence hap- pen to disturb the harmony of their joint labour, it must arise from the misapprehen- sion or ignorance of the interfering party, whose derelictions should be corrected by the presiding power. I shall enumerate the duties incumbent on these respective functionaries. 5Q. Farmer. — And first, those of the farmer. It is his province to originate the entire system of management,— to de- termine the period fur commencing and pursuing every operation, — to issue general orders of management to the steward, Avhen there is one, and when none, to give minute instructions to the ploughmen for the performance of every separate field operation,— to exercise a general superin- tendence ver the field-workers, — to observe the general behaviour of all, — to see if the cattle are cared for, — to ascertain the con- dition of all the crops, — to guide the shep- herd, — to direct the hedger or labourer, — to effect tlie sales of the surplus produce, — to conduct the purchases required for the progressive improvement of the farm, — to disburse the expenses of management, — to pay the rent to the landlord, — and to fulfil the obligations incumbent on him as a residenter of the parish. All these duties are common to the farmer and the indepen- dent steward who manages a farm. Such a steward and a farmer are thus far on a similar footing: but the farmer occupies a loftier station. He is his own master, —makes bargains to suit his own interests, — stands on an equal footing with the landlord on the lease,— has entire control over the servants, hiring and discharging them at any term he pleases,— and can grant favours to servants and friends. The farmer does not perform all those duties in any one day, but in the fulfilment of them in due order, so large a portion of his time is occupied, that he finds little leisure to go from home, and seldom does so to a dis- tance, except in the season when few operations are performed on a farm, viz., the end of svmimer. Besides these professional duties, the farmer has to perform those of a domestic and social nature, like every other good member of society 57. Steward or Grieve.— "Ihe duty of the steward, or grieve, as he is called in some parts of Scotland, and bailiff in England, consists in receiving general in- structions from his master the farmer, which he sees executed by the people under his charge. He exercises a direct control over the ploughmen and field- workers; and unreasonable disobedience to his commands, on their part, is repre- hended as strongly by the farmer as if the affront had been oflfered to himself : u INITIATION. I say unreasonable disobedience, because the "fanner is the sole jiuige of whether the steward has been reasonable in his orders. It is the duty of the steward to enforce the commands of his master, and to check every deviation from rec- titude and tendency against his master's intere.^fs he may observe in the conduct of the servants. Although he shuuld thus protect the interests of iiis master from the aggressicms of any servant, it is not generally understood that he has control over the slie])herd or hedger. The farmer reveals to the steward alone the plans of his management ; intrusts him with the keys of the corn-barn, granaries, and pro- vision-stores; delegates to him. the pnwer to act in his absence as his representative on the farm ; and confides in his integrity, truth, and good behaviour. When a steward conducts himself with propriety in his master's absence, and exhibits at all times discretioji, activity, and honesty, he is justly regarded as a valuable ser- vant. 58. Personally, the farm-steward does not always labour with liis own hands ; verifying, by judicious superintendence, the truth of the adage, that "one head is better than two pair of hands." He should, however, never be idle. He should deliver the daily allowance of corn to the horses. He should be the first person out of bed in the morning, and the last in it at night. He should sow the seed-corn in spring, superintend the field-workers in summer, tend the harvest field and build the stacks in autumn, and thrash the corn with the mill, and clean it with the Avinnowing machine in winter. On very large farms he cannot perform all these duties, and selects one or another as suits the exigency of the case. On some farms he even works a jtair of horses like a common ploughman; in which case ho cann(.t personally sow the corn, superin- tend the workers, build the stacks, or thrash the corn, unless another person take the charge of his horses for the time. This is an ol))ecti<)nable mode of employ- ing a steward ; because the nicer opera- tions, — such as sowing corn, &c., must be intrusted to another, anensable. Still, the farm that would give him full employment must necessarily be of large extent. A small farm cannot maintain either a steward or a hedger. In selecting from the^e two classes of servants, for a small farm, I would recommend the hedger as the more useful servant of the two, provi'led the farmer himself understands his bu^^iuess thoroughly. I make this ex- cept ictn, because the hedger may not un- derstand every department of husbandry, although he generally does, having most proI)ably worked a pair of horses in his youth ; while a steward must of necessity understand farming, otherwise he can have no pretension to the appellation; but he can in no case act as a substitute for a hedger. 63. Shepherd. — The services of a shep- herd, properly so called, are only required where a flock of sheep are constantly kept. On carse-farms, and those in the neigh- bourhood of lar^^e towns, he is of no use ; nor is he required on those farms where the only slieep kept are bought in to be fed oft' turnijis in winter. On pastoral farms, on the other hand, as also those of the mixed husbandry, bis services are eo indispensable tiiat thev could not be con- ducted without him. His duty is to under- take the entire management of the sheep, and when he bestows the requisite pains on the flock, he has little leisure for any other work. His time is occupied from early dawn, when he should see the fl(»ck before they rise from their lair, during the whole day, to the evening, when they again lie down for the night. To inspect a large flock three times a-day over ex- tensive bounds, implies the exercise of walking to fatigue. Together with this daily exercise, he has to attend to the feeding of the young sheep on turnips in winter, the lambing of the ewes in spring, the washing and shearing of the fleece in summer, and the bathing or smearing of the flock in autumn. And besides these major operations, he has the minor ones of weaning the lambs, milking the ewes, drafting the aged sheep, and marking the whole, at appointed times ; not to omit the attention to be bestowed on the whole flock in summer, to keep them clean from the scour, and to repel the attacks of insects in autumn. It may thus be seen that the shepherd has little time to bestow beyond the care of his flock. 64. As no one but a shepherd, thoroughly bred, can at tend to sheep in aproper manner, there must be one where a standing sheep- flock is kept, whatever may be the extent of the farm. On a small fitrm, his whole time may not beoccupietl in his profession, when he may be profitably engaged in mending and making nets, preparing stakes for them, and assisting the hedger (if there be one) to keep the fences in repair ; or in acting as groimi, and taking charge of a horse and gig, and going errands to the post-town ; or in under- taking the duties of a steward. On larpe pastoral or mixed husbandry farms, more than one shepherd is required. The estab- lishment then consists of a head shepherd, and one or more young men training to be shepherds, who are placed entirely under his control. The oflBce of head sliej)herd is one of great trust. Sheep being indi- vidually Valuable, and in most instances reared in large flocks, a misfortune hap- pening to a number, from whatever cause, • Siuclair's Cod4 of Agriculture,^. 71. THE PERSONS WHO LABOtlR THE FARM. 17 must incur a great loss to the farmer. On the other hand, a careful and skilful shep- herd conducts his flock in good health and full number throughout the year, and secures an extra return niucli beyond the value of his wages. Tlie shepherd acts the part of butcher in slaughtering the animals used on the farm ; and he also performs the part of the drover when any portion of the flock is taken to a market for sale. The only assistance he depends upon in person- ally managing his flock, is from his faithful dog, whose sagacity in many respects is little inferior to his own 65. Cattle-man. — The services of the cattle-man are most wanted at the stead- ing in winter, when the cattle are all housed in it. He has the sole charge of them. It is his duty to clean out the cattle- houses, and supply the cattle with food, fodder, and litter, at appointed hours every day, and to make the food ready, when prepared food is given them. The business of tending cattle being chiefly matter of routine, the qualifications of a cattle-man are not of a high order. In summer and autumn, when the cows are at grass, it is his duty to bring them into the byre or to the gate of the field, as the custom maybe, to be milked at their appointed times ; and it is also his duty to ascertain that the cattle in the fields are plentifully supplied with water; the shepherd taking the charge of the state of the pastures. The cattle- man also sees the cows served by the bull in due time, and keeps an account of the reckonings of the time of the cows' calving. He should assist the shepherd at the important event of calving. As his time is thus only occasionally enijiloyed in summer, he is a suitable. j^erson to under- take the superintendence of the field- workers. In harvest, he is usefully em- ployed in assisting to make and carry the food to the reapers, and lends a hand at the taking in of the corn. As cattle occupy the steading in winter on all kinds of farms, the services of the cattle-man appear gene- rally indispensable ; but all hits duties may be performed by the sbejiherd, where only a small flock of sheep are kept. The oflice of the cattle-man is not one of trust, nor of much labour. An elderly person answers the purpose well, the labour being neither constant nor heavy, though well- timed and methodical. The cattle-man VOL. I. ought to exercise much patience and gool temper towards the cattle under his charge, and a person in the decline of life is most likely to possess those virtues. He is gene- rally under the control of the shepherd, wdiere the latter has leisure to attend at all to the cattle, or under that of the dairy- maid in a large dairy-farm, and in other circumstances he is directly under the command of the farmer or steward. 66. Field-worker. — Field-workers are indispensable servants on every farm de- voted to arable culture, and it is only on them they are employed. They mostly consist of young women in Scotland, but more frequently of men and boys in Eng- land ; but most of the manual operations are better performed by women than men. In hand-picking stones and weeds, in hoe- ing turnips, and in barn-work, they are more expert and neat than men. The duties of field-workers, as their name implies, are to perform all the manual operations of the fields, as well as those with the smaller implements, which are not worked by horses. The mamial operations consist chiefly of cutting and planting the sets of potatoes, gathering weeds, picking stones, collecting the potato crop, and filling drains with stones. The operations with the smaller implements are, pulling turnips and preparing them for storing, and for feeding stock in winter, performing barn-work, carrying seed-corn, spreading manure upon the land, hoeing potatoes and turnips, and weeding and reaping corn-crops. A considerable num- ber of field-workers are required on a farm, and they are generally set to work in a band. They work most steadily under superintendence. The steward, the liedger, or cattle-man, superintends them when the band is large ; but wdien small, one of themselves, a steady person, capable of taking the lead in work, may superintend them, provided she has a watch to mark the time of work and rest. But field- workers do not always work by themselves; being at times associated with the fieW- work of the horses, when they require no particular superintendence. Some farmers consider it economical to set the horses idle, and employ the ploughmen rather than engage field-workers. This may be a mode of avoiding a small outlay of money, but it is not true economy; and 18 INITIATION. ploughmen, besides, cannot perform light ■work so well as field-workers. In manu- facturing districts field- workers are scarce ; but were fanners generally to adopt the plan of employing a few constantly, and engage them for the purpose by the half year,"instead of hiring them in large num- bers at a time, young women would be in- duced to adopt field-labour as a profession, and of course would become very expert in it. In the neighbourhood of large towns, where labourers of every descrip- tion are plentiful, there exists, it must be confessed, a great temptation to the farmer to engage a large number of workers at any time, to execute a given piece of work in the shortest space of time, though their work will certainly not be so well executed as if it had been done by field-workers con- stantly accustomed to the task. It is such steadiness of service, however, that has made the field-workers of the south of Scotland so superior to the same class in every other part of the country. 67. Doiry-maid. — The duties of the dairy-maid are well defined. She is a domestic servant, domiciliated in the farm- house. Her principal duty is, as her name implies, to milk the c^ws, to manage the milk in all its stages, bring up the calves, and make into butter and cheese the milk obtained from the cows after the weaning of the calves. The other domestics gene- rally assist her in milking the cows and feeding the calves, when there is a large number of both. Should any lambs lose their mothers, the dairy-maid brings them up with cow's milk until the time of wean- ing, when they are returned to the flock. At the lumbing season, should an}' of the ewes be scant of milk, the shepherd has his bottles replenished by the dairy-maid with warm new milk to give to tlie hungered lambs. The dairy-maid also milks the ewes after the weaning of the lambs, and makes cheese of the ewe-milk. She at- tends to the poultry, feeds them, sets the brooders, gathers the eggs daily, takes charge of the broods until able to provide for themselves, and sees them safely lodged in their respective apartments every even- ing, and sets them abroad every morning. It is generally the dairy-maid, where there is no housekce[K?r, who gives out the food for the reapers, and takes charge of their articles of bedding. The dairy-maid should therefore be an active, attentive, intelligent, and skilful person. 68. These are the duties of the respec- tive classes of servants found on farms. They are not all required on the same farm. A pastoral- farm has no need of a steward, but a shepherd ; a carse-farm no need of a shepherd, but a steward ; a farm in the neighbourhood of a town no need of a liedger, but a cattle-man ; and a dairy- farm no need of a shepherd, but a dairy- maid ; but on a farm of mixed husbandry there is need for all these. 69. Now that the duties of all these servants are seen to be so multifarious, mixed husbandry will be perceived to be a very intricate system ; and, being so, a farmer who undertakes it should be a well- informed man. This will appear the more evident, if we first conceive the quality and variety of the labour that passes through the hands of these different classes of work-people in the course of a vear, and then imagine the clear-headedness of arrangement recpiired by tlie farmer to make all these various labours coincide in every season, and under ever}' circumstance, so as to produce the greatest results. It is in its greatest variety that labour is best acquired; and it is in the apportionment of varied labour that the greatest talent is dis- played by the master, and the greatest skill acquired by the labourers. Vain would be the skill of any fanner to produce the results he does on an}' class of farni, were he not ably seconded by the general intel- ligence and admirable efiicicncy of his labourers; and in both these acquirements Scotland has cause to be proud of her farm-servants. ON THE BRANCHES OF SCIENCE MOST APPLI- CABLE TO AGRICULTURE. 70. I believe I have said enough on the best means, in existing circumstances, of ac- quiring a thorough knowledge of practical agriculture : it is now incumbent on me to indicate those branches of science which will most enlighten the mind of the pupil for the most ready appreciation of agricul- tural practice ; and I may, perhaps, excite general surprise, when I state that no art bears so close a relation to so many branches of science as agriculture. THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTtJRE. 19 71. Indeed agriculture may perhaps be considered one of the experimental sciences, as its principles are no doubt demonstrable by the test of experiment, although far- mers have not yet attempted to deduce principles from practice. The necessity for such a deduction is, no doubt, the less ur- gent, that husbandry is usually pursued as a purely practical art ; and the facility of thus pursuing it successfully, of course renders practical men indifferent to science, as they consider it unnecessary to burden their minds with scientific results, whilst practice is sufficient for their purpose. Could the man of practice, however, sup- ply the man of science with a series of accurate observations on the leading opera- tions of the farm, the principles of these might be truly evolved ; but I conceive the greatest obstacle to the advancement of scientific agriculture is to be sought for in the unacquaintance of men of science with practical agriculture. Would the man of science become acquainted w4th practice, much greater advancement in scientific agriculture might be expected than if the practical man were to become a man of science ; because men of science are best capable of conducting scientific research, and, being so qualified, could best understand the relation which their investigations bear to practice ; and, until the relation betwixt principles and practice is well understood, scientific investigation, though important in itself, and interesting in its results, would tend to no practical utility in agriculture. In short, until the facts of husbandry are acquired by men of science, these will in vain endeavour to construct a satisfactory theory of agricul- ture on the principles of the inductive philosophy. 72. If the science of agriculture in its present position be thus correctly repre- sented, it may be expected to remain in an incipient state until men of science become practical agriculturalists, or, what would still prolong such a state of lethargy, until farmers acquire scientific knowledge. It is certainly remarkable that so few scien- tific men were for a very long period in- duced to subject agricultural practice to scientific investigation ; though of late many, both at home and abroad, have devoted a portion of their time to such a study, and which has already aflorded abundant proof, that extensive as the field of research is, it has only to be occupied by numerous observers to produce results inte- resting alike to the man of science and the man of practice. The long neglect of agri- culture by scientific men may perhaps have arisen from the circumstance of its having so intimate a relation to almost every phy- sical science, so that until all its relations were first investigated, no sufficient data could be obtained for a satisfactory expla- nation of its practice. A short review of the actual relation which the physical sciences bear to agriculture will render this suggestion the more probable. 73. The sciences which agriculture most immediately aflects are mathematics, na- tural philosophy, chemistry, natural his- tory, comparative anatomy, and veterinary science. Of mathematics, the most useful parts are geometry and trigonometry, and tlie application of these to the measure- ment of surfaces and solids. Without a knowledge of mathematics no one can un- derstand natural j)hil()Sophy ; because it is they alone which can demonsti-ate the powers of those laws which determine the motion of matter. Of natural philosophy, the most useful branches to the agricultu- ralist are mechanics — " the science of the laws of matter and motion, so far as it is accessary to the construction of niacliines which, acting under those laws, answer some purposes in the business of life," such as thfe' culture and manufacture of crops; jrneumatu's, " that branch of physics which treats of air, and the laws according to whicli it is condensed, rarefied, or gravi- tates ;" hydraidics, tliat branch of hydro- dynamics which treats of fluids in motion, and in particular of the conveyance of water thi'ough pipes and channels ; elec- tricity, which endeavours to determine " the o[)erations of a principle of very wide influence through nature ; a cause which is, and perhajis can be no otherwise conceived, than as a highly attenuated form of matter existing in difi'erent substances, and passing from one to another with' various effects, among such bodies as can be excited to give or to receive it ;" optics, by which the laws of light, as affecting vegetation by the influence of colour, are investigated; ^.wilheat^ which, by diffusing itself throtigh neighbouring substances, gives to every object its existing form. By 20 INITIATION. the aid of chemistry, " Ihe manufacture of Manures may be exj)ec(ed to continue to improve, tlie suj»ply of manure further augmented and cheapened, and the devel- opment of the resources of the soil therel>y hastened and increased.'' Of the branches of natural history, the most use- ful to agriculturalists are meteorology, "the science of the atmosphere and its phenomena;" hotany, "which treats of the structure, functions, proi)erties, habits, and arrangement of plants ;" and zoolugy^ as restricted to the natural history of quadrupeds and insects. The branches of the medical science useful to agricultu- ralists are comparat'tve anatomy, which treats of the structure of the bodies of animals as compared with that of the body of man ; and zootomy, which treats of the structure, and explains the principles of the art of healing the diseases of the domesti- cated animals. 74. Viewing the general aspect of these sciences as presented to the agricultural pupil, in the definitions just given of them, he must at once observe the advantages he would derive by studying them. It is well observed by Sir John Herschell that, " between the physical sciences and the arts of life there subsists a constant mutual interchange of good offices, and no consi- derable progress can be made in the one, without of necessity giving rise to corre- sponding steps in the other. On the one hand, every art is in some measure, and many entirely, dependent on those very powers and qualities of the material world ■which it is the object of physical inquiry to investigate and explain." It is evident that most farming ojicrations are much affected by external inlluences. The state of the weather,for example, regidates every field operation, local iutluences modify tlie climate very materially, and the nature of the soil generally determines the kind of crop that should be cultivated. Now the ])ui)il should desire to become ac- quainted with the causes which give rise to those influences, by understanding the laws of nature which govern every natural phenomenon. The science which investi- gates those laws, is called Natural Philo- sophy, which is divided into as many branches as there are classes of phenomena occurring in the earth, air, water, and heavens. Those laws, being unerring in their operation, admit of absolute demon- stration ; and the science which affords the demonstration is called Mathematics, Again, every object, animate or inanimate, possesses an individual character, so that it can be identified, and the science which makes us acquainted with its characteris- tics, is termed Natural History. Farther, every object, animate or inanimate, is a compound body made up of certain ele- ments, of which Chemistry makes us ac- quainted with their nature and condjina- tions. The pupil thus sees how suitable those sciences are to the ex[)lication of the phenomena around him, and their utility will be the more apparent to him, the more minutely each science is investigated. 75. Mathematics. — These are both ab- stract and demonstrative. Abstract ma- thematics " treat of propositions which are < immutable, absolute truth,'' not liable to be afl'ected by subsequent discoveries, " but remain the unchangeable property of the mind in all its acquirements." De- monstrative mathematics arc also strict, but are " interwoven with physical consi- derations ;" that is, with subjects that exist independently of the mind's concej^tions of them or of the human will; or, in otiier words still, with considerations in accor- dance with nature. Mathematics thus con- stitute the essential means of demonstrating the strictness of those laws which govern natural phenomena. They must, there- fore, befirst studied before those laws can be understood. Their study tends to ex- pand the mind, — to enlarge its cai)acity for general principles, — and to improve its reasoning powers. 76. Natural Philosophy may be divided into five great parts. l^\\e Jirst contains the fundamental truths which explain the constitution of the material masses which compose the universe, and the motions going on among them. This last is a department commonly called Dynamics, which relate to force or power. The two great forces of nature, attraction and repulsion, acting upon inert matter, produce the equable, accelerated, retarded, and curved motions which constitute the great phenomena of the universe. The second ])art explains the iieculiarities of state and motion among solid bodies, — a department called Mechanics. The third THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTURE. 21 explains the pe^juliarities of state anJ motion among Jiuid bodies, — a department called Hydrodynamics, which embraces Hydrostatics or water at rest — Hydraulics, water in motion — Pneumatics, air pheno- mena — and Acoustics, phenomena of sound or hearing. The /owri^A part explains the more recondite phenomena of imponderable substances — such as Heat, Light, Electri- city, Magnetism, and Galvanism. And t\\Q fifth part explains the phencmiena of the heavens, — a department named Astro- nomy. 77. Mecijanics — Of all the branches into which Natural Philosophy is divided, mechanics have proved the most useful to agriculture. No doubt any labourer may work any machine that answers the purpose /it is constructed for ; but without a know- ledge of this science he cannot understand the principles upon which any machine is constructed, nor can any machine be pro- perly constructed but in accordance with those principles. As implements may be characterised as the right hand of agricul- ture, mechanical science, in improving their form and construction, may be said to have given cunning to that right hand ; for, testing the strength of materials, both re- latively and absolutely, it employs no more material in implements than is sufficient to overcome the force of resistance, and it induces to the discovery of that form ^'hich overcomes resistance with the least power. Simplicity of construction, beauty of form of the constituent parts, mathematical ad- justment, and symmetrical proportion of the whole machine, are now the characteristics of our implements; and it is the fault of the hand that guides them, if field-work is not now dexterously, neatly, and quickly performed. In saying thus much for the science that has improved our implements to the state they now are, when comparerevented. 84. The air consists in 100 parts of By Weight. By Measure. Nitrogen 77"50 or 7755 Oxygen '21- „ 23-.V2 Aqueous vapour... \'A1 ^ 103 Carbonic acid '08 ^ -10 These constituents are not chemically combined, but only mechanically mixed, THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTURE. 23 and yet their proportions never vary. The powerful agency of the sun's heat and light evolve an abundant supply of oxygen from the luxuriant vegetation in the tropics, whilst the predominant exis- tence of animals in the colder regions affords a large quantity of carbonic acid. 85. Barometer, — The gravity of the atmosphere is measured by the well-known instrument, the barometer. Its short column of mercury of 30 inches is as heavy as a column of air of the same diameter of about 50 miles, and of water of about 33 feet. This instrument is placed either in a fixed position or is portable. As the por- table barometer is only used to measure altitudes, it need not be here described. The fixed one is made either upright or with a wheel. Whether it is that the long index of the wheel-barometer, being more easily observed than the variations of the column of mercury, makes it more popular among farmers, I know not ; but were they to consider of the hindrance occasioned by the machinery required to put the long index in motion, the upright form would always be preferred for accu- racy of indication. It is true that the tube of the upright is generally too small, per- haps to save mercury and make the instru- ment cheaper, to the disadvantage of in- creasing the friction of the mercury in its oscillations in the tube, which supports it above its proper level when falling, and depresses it below it when rising. To obviate this inconvenience, a tap of the hand against the instrument is required to bring the mercury to its proper posi- tion. But the objection also applies to the wheel-barometer. 86. The barometer has proved itself a useful instrument. It has proved that the density of the atmosphere decreases rapidly as we ascend. At 3 miles the density is only one-half of the air on the earth's surface, at 6 miles one-fourth, at 9 miles one- eighth, and at 15 miles one-thirtieth. So that the half of the atmosphere is confined to a height of 3 miles, and much the great- est part is always within 20 miles. The depression of the barometer has been found, by experiment, to be one-tenth of an inch for about every 88 feet of eleva- tion ; or, more correctly, as given in the table below, by which it will be seen that the density decreases in a geometrical while we ascend tlie air in an arithmetical pro- gression. Thus, with the barometer, at the level of the sea, standing at 30 inches, A depression of "1 of an inch gives an altitude of 87 feet above the surface of the earth. •2 ^^ ^ ,^ 175 •3 -^ ^ ^ 2G2 •4 ^ _^ ^ 350 •5 **. ^ ^ 439 •6 ^ ^ ^ 527 •7 ^ ^ ^ 616 •8 ^ ^ ^ 705 •9 V* ^ ** 795 1 inch = = 29 inch ^ ^ 885 2 inches = = 28 ^ _ ^ 1802 3 „ = :-27 ^ ^ *» 2752 4 ^ = =26 ^ « 3738 This instrument is thus a correct mea- surer of the altitudes of places ; and on whatever farm observations of the mean height of the mercury are taken, its height above the level of the sea maybe correctly ascertained by reference to the above table. 87. No attention should be paid to the ■words fair, change, rain, commonly en- graved on barometers, since the mean elevation of the mercury, in any place, indicates the usual state of the weather at that place, w^hafever be its relative elevation or depression to other places, so that the indications of the weather, as given by the barometer, are to be looked for in its changes and not in its actual height. 88. The cost of an upright barometer, of good workmaushii?, is from £1, 1 Is. 6d. to ^2, 1 2s. 6d. ; and that of a wheel-barome- ter from £2, 2s. to £'5, 5s. The barome- ter was invented in Italy by Torricelli, a pupil of Galileo, in 1643. S4 INITIATION. 89. Sympiesometer. — The sympiesome- ter was invented by Mr Adie, oi)tician in Edinburgh, andanswers asiniilarpiiriiose to the barometer. Its cfl'ects are more deli- cate, being indicated on a longer scale. For the measurement of lieiglits tliis instru- ment is convenient, its small size admitting. its being carried in tiie coat-pocket, and not being subject to tiie same chances of accident as the portable barometer. The height is given in fathoms on the instru- ment, requiring only one correction, wiiich is performed by a small table engraA'ed on the case. It is stated to be delicately sen- sible of changes at sea, particularly of gales. Not being brought into general use, though Professor Forbes is of opinion it might be, I need not allude to it farther here.* 90. Siiching-Pump. — The pressure of the atmosphere explains the action of the common sucking-pump. The plunger, by its upward movement, withdraws the air from the chamber of the pump, and the air, pressing on the water in the well, causes it to rise and fill the chamber vacated by the air. The air cannot force the water higher than 33*87 feet. The force-pump acts both by the elasticity and pressure of the air. The pressure causes the water to be lifted to a height not exceeding 33 feet, but the elastic force of the air in the condenser of the force pump causes tlie water to rise from it to a very considerable height. It is on this jirinciple that the fire-engine causes the water to rise to the roofs of houses. 91. Stomach- Pump. — The stomach- pump acts as a common pump in with- drawing any liquid from the stomach, and as a condensing syringe in injecting any liquid into it. This is a useful instnuncnt in relieving some of the complaints of live stock. 92. Siphon. — The siphon o])erates by the pressure of the air, and is useful in withdrawing liquids in a quiescent state from one vessel into another. Water from a quarry may sometimes be removed better by the siphon than any other means. The efficiency of this instrument depends on the greater dilierence of length of its two limbs. 93. Whul. — Wind is occasioned by a change in the density of the atmosphere; tlie denser portion moving to occupy the space left by the rarefied. The density of the atmosphere is chiefly afiected by the sun's heat raising the temperature of the earth in the tropics to a great degree, and the heated earth, in its turn, rarefies the air above it by radiation. Tiie air, on being rarefied, rises, and is replaced by cold currents from either pole, and these currents being constant constitute the well- known and useful trade-tcinds. The great continent of Asia is heated in summer, and the cool air of the Indian seas moves north to occupy the disj^laced air abo^•e the conti- nent. In winter, on the other hand, the water of this ocean, together with the land in the same latitude, are heated in like manner, and the cool currents from the great conti- nent move south to replace the air rarefied by them, and these two currents constitute the half-yearly monsoons. 94. The air over the entire coasts and islands of the ocean is rarefied during the day, and condensed in the night, and these two dillerent states of the air give rise to the daily land and sea breezes. 95. Weather-cock. — The direction of the wind is best indicated by the wind-vane or weather-cock, a very useful instrument to the farmer. It should be erected on a conspicuous part of the steading, that it may be readily observed from one of the windows of the farm-house. Its posi- tion on the steading may be seen in the isometrical elevation of that structure. The cardinal points of the compass should be marked with the letters N. E. S. W. The vane should be provided with a ball or box containing oil, which may be re- newed when reipiired. There is no neater or more approj)riate form for a vane than an arrow, whose dart is alwavs ready to ]>iercc the wind, and whose butt serves as a governor to direct it into the wind's eye. The whole apiniratus should be gilt, to pre- vent rusting. 96. Mr Forster had such a vane erected at his place of residence, whicli had a small bell suspended from the dart which • See Edinburgh Journal of Science, vol. x. p. 334, for a description of this ingenious instrument ; and New Series, vol. iv. pp. 91 and 329. Lilsrary N. C. State Collep^n THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTURE. 25 struck upon the arms bearing the letters of the compass, announcing every change of wind.* Such a. contrivance may be considered a conceit, but it has the advan- tage of letting you know when the wind shifts much about; and when it does, there is as little chance of settled weather as in frequent changes of the barometer. A better contrivance would be to have a hammer suspended from the dart by a supple spring, and a bell of a different tone attached to each of the arms, indi- cating the cardinal points ; and when diffe- rent bells were struck, their tone would announce the direction in which the wind most prevailed. There is an ingenious contrivance for indicating the directions of the wind by an index on a vertical disc, like the dial-plate of a clock; a public example of which may be seen in the west- ern tower of the Register-House in Edin- burgh, and a private one in the entrance ball of Cassiobary House in Hertfordshire, belonging to the Earl of Essex. This latter method is a very convenient one of fitting up a weather-cock. 97. With regard to the origin of the name of weather-cock, Beckmann says, that vanes were originally cut out in the form of a cock, and placed on the tops of church spires, during the holy ages, as an emblem of clerical vigilance.t The Ger- mans use the same term as we do, wetter- halm ; and the French have a somewhat analogous term in coq de docker. As the vane turns round with every wind, so, in amoral sense, every man who is " unstable in his ways" is termed a weather-cock. 98. A nemometer.—The force of the wind is measured by an instrument called the anemometer, or measurer of the wind's in- tensity. Such an instrument is of little value to the farmer, who is more interested in knowing the direction than the intensity of the wind, as it has great eftect on the weather. The intensity of the wind has, however, a material effect in modifying the climate of any locality, such as that of a farm elevated upon the gorge of a mountain pass. Still, even there ils direction has more to do in fixing the character of the climate than the intensity ; besides, the anemome- ter indicates no aj^proach of wind, but only measures its force when it blows, and its strength can be sufficiently well appre- ciated by the senses. The mean force of the wind for the whole year at 9 a.m. is 0-855, at 3 p.m. 1-107, and 9 p.m. 0-605; so that the wind is most active in tlie day, when the temperature is highest, an effect which might be anticipated on knowing the cause of the air being moved in currents. 99. The best instrument of this class is Lind's anemometer, which, although con- sidered an imperfect one, is not so imper- fect, according to the opinion of Sir William Snow Harris^of Plymouth, who has paid more attention to the movements of the wind than any one else in this country, aa is generally supposed ; but as it is an in- strument of no use to the farmer, I need not describe it. J 100. Ventilation.— -The principle of A-entilation, whether natural or artificial, lies in a change of the density of the air. " We may be filled with admiration," says Dr Arnott, " on discovering how per- fectly the simple fact of a lighter fluid rising in a heavier, provides a constantly renewed supply of fresh air to our fires, which su])ply we should else have to fur- nish by tiie unremitted action of some expensive blowing apparatus ; but the operation of the law is still more admirable as respects the supply of the same vital fluid to breathing creatures. The air which a man has once respired becomes poison to him ; but because the temperature of his body is generally higher than that of the atmosphere around him, as soon as he has discharged any air from the lungs, it ascends away from him into the great purifying laboratory of the atmosphere, and new takes its place. No act or labour of his, as by using fans and punkas, could have done half so well what this simple law unceasingly and invisiblyaccomplishes, without eflortor attention on his part, and in his sleeping as well as in his waking hours."§ This process of natural ventila- tion necessarily goes on in every stable and byre; and were the simple law allowed * Forster's Researches into Atmospherical Phenomena, p. 203. + Beckmann's i?is«o)-i/ o/ /«mif Jons, vol. i. , t. , j- . ^ ^ A .'ood account of it may be seen in the Edinburgh Encyclopsedia, art. Anemometer. § Aruott's Elements of Physics, vol. i. p. 412— Pneumatics. INITIATION. to take its course, by ginng the heated and vitiated air an opportunity to escape by the roof, and the fresh air to enter by a lower jioint, the animals inhabiting those dwellings would be much more comfort- ably situated than they usually are. 101. ''In proportion as air is higher removed above the surface of the earth," observes Mr Hugo Reid, " its temperature sinks. This is owing to the following peculiar relation which aeroids, in their de- grees of density, bear to heat — namely, that more heat is required to warm an aeroid in proportion as it is rare. Hence, equal por- tions of heat produce more heating effect on air the denser it is, and the lower strata are therefore warm ; while the temperature sinks as the elevation is greater, and at a certain height, — higher in [troportion as we approach the equator, — perpetual frost reigns. It is said that the temperature sinks 1 degree Fahrenheit for every eleva- tion of 352 feet. But this varies a little with the season, and very considerably with the latitude ; it is near the proportion in the temperate zones." Hence elevation affects the local climate of every farm. In connexion with this subject, it is found that all liquids boil at a lower temperature according as the pressure upon them is less. *' Water boils about 1 degree Fahrenheit lower for every 530 feet of ascent, or lower by r76 degree for every inch of the baro- meter."* Since it gives more trouble to carry fuel to a high farm, it thus appears it may bo more economically used in cook- ing our food than at a lower one. 102. Hydrostatics. — These treat of the laws which govern the we\(fht of fluids. The application of the physical [)ressure of fluids to the purposes of domestic economy and the wants of civilised life are extremely important, and afford some valuable objects of study to the mechanic and engineer, and wi^h many of these it would be the inte- rest of farmers to become acquainted. 103. Fluids arc subject to the operation of gravity. A cubic foot of pure water weighs 1000 ounces, or 62| lbs., and an English pint about 1 lb. 104. Water in a vessel exerts a twofold pressure, on the base and on the sides of the vessel. The pressure on the base is in the direction of gravity. Suppose that the height of water is measured by 100 drops arranged one above the other, the lowest drop will exert on the base a pres- sure equal to the weight of the 100 drops. Of two vessels having the same base and height, the pressure of water on tlie base will be the same whatever ouantitv of water either may contain. 105. Every drop touching the iuU of a vessel presses laterally on the point of contact with a force equal to the weight of all the drops above it to the surface of the fluid. The lateral pressure of water thus varies as its depth. 106. Bodies immersed in water are pressed by it in all directions with a force increasing as the depth. 107. Water being almost incompressible, any pressure exerted against its upper sur- face isimmediatelycommunicated through- out the entire mass. Bramah's hydraulic press, for comi)ressing hay and other elastic substances, and for uprooting trees, is a practical application of this [irinciple. If the cylinder of the force-pump is half an inch in diameter, and that of the press 20 inches, the water will exert a pressure on the piston of the ram 40 times that on the force-pump. If the arms of the lever ai'e as 1 to 50, and that of the force-pump is worked by a man with a force of 50 lbs., the piston of the punij) will descend with a force of 2500 lbs., and the ram will rise wuth one of 100,000 lbs. 108. Hydraulics. — Hydraulics treat of the laws which govern the motion of fluids. If two vessels communicate with each other, and the height at which the water stands in the one exceeds the height of the other, then the water will overflow the second vessel until there remains as much water in the first as its height shall be equal to the height of the second. It is on this principle that water is supplied from reservoirs and cisterns to towns and villages, and farm-steads, and that it rises from springs ;it a higher level into wells, whether of the common or Artesian form. Reid's Pneumatics, p. 1 1 !) and p. 82. THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTURE. 27 109. The velocity of water issuing from an orifice is as the square root of its alti- tude. Thus, calling the velocity issuing 1 foot below the surface 1 ; that escaping from a similar orifice 4 feet below the level, will be 2 ; at 9 feet, 3 ; at 16 feet, 4 ; and so on. From this we learn, that of water issuing from two similar vessels, it will issue, from similar orifices, from the one kept constantly full, twice as fast as from the other. A short tube will assist the issue of water from an orifice to the extent of half as much more. 110. "The friction or resistance which fluids suffer in passing along />i/'es," says Dr Arnott, " is much greater than might be expected. It depends chiefly upon the particles near the outside being constantly driven from their true course by the ir- regularities in the surface of the pipe. An inch tube of 200 feet in length, placed horizontally, is found to discharge only a fourth part of the water which escapes by a simple aperture of an inch ; and air pass- ing along tubes is so much retarded, that a person who erected a great bellovvs at a waterfall, to blow a furnace two miles oflf, found that his apparatus was totally use- less. Higher temperature in a liquid increases remarkably the quantity dis- charged by an orifice or pipe, apparently by diminishing that cohesion of the par- ticles which exists in certain degrees in all liquids, and aflects so much their internal movements." * The simplest way of ascer- taining the discharge of water from an orifice, such as a pipe or duct of a drain, is to measure the quantity discharged in a given time. 111. Water-ram.— li has been long observed that, when a cock at the end of a pipe is suddenly stopped when water is issu- ing out of it, that a shock and noise are produced. A leaden pipe, even of great length, is often widened or burst in this way. Lately, the forward pressure of an arrested stream has been used as a force for raising water, and the a]>paratus has been called a water-ram. The ram may be described as a sloping-pipe in which the stream runs, having a valve at its lower end, to be shut at intervals, and a small tube risin;; from near that end towards a reservoir above, to receive a portion of the water at each interruption of the stream. Water allowed to run for one second in a pipe 10 yards long, 2 inches wide, and sloping 6 feet, acquires momentum enough to drive about half-a-pint, on the shutting of the cock, into a tube leading to a reser- voir 40 feet high. Such an apparatus, therefore, with the valve shutting every second, raises about 60 half-pints or 4 gallons in a minute. The valve is ingeni- ously contrived so that the stream works it as desired. The action of the ram may be compared to the beating of an animal's pulse. The upright tube is usually made wider at the bottom, where it first receives the water, so as to constitute there an air- vessel, which,bytheair's elasticity, converts the interrupted jetsfirst received into nearly a uniform current towards the reservoir. The supply of air to this vessel ismaintained by the contrivance called a snijing valve. 112. The efiect produced by moving water depends on the quantity of water that strikes in one minute of time against the surface of the opposing body, and on the velocity with which the collision takes place. If the collision happens in a direc- tion vertical to the surface of the body, its efiect is equal to the pressure of a column of water, having for its base the surface impinged on, and an altitude equal to that of the column which generates the velocity of the stream. If the water impinges obliquely on the surface, the force may be resolved into two others— one parallel to the side of the body, and the other per- pendicular to it. The latter alone is eflec- tive, and is proportional to the square of the sine of the angle of incidence. From this law we learn to calculate the amount ol resistance required in an embankment atrainst the force of a stream. 113. Water-wheels. — The motive power of water is usefully applied to drive ma- chinery by means of water-wheels. When water-power can be obtained to drive the thrashing machine, or other fixedmachinery of a farm, an immense advantage is gained over the employment of horses. It is found that water-power, in the thrashing of grain alone, saves the work of one pair of horses out of every five pairs. Any form * Arnott's Elements of Physics, vol. i. p. i33— Hydraulics. 28 INITIATION. of water-wheel, therefore, is more econo- mical than horses. When a wheel with float-hoards merely di|>s its lower part into the stream of water, and is driven by its momentum — that is, both by the bulk and velocity of the water — it is called an uuder- s/iot wheel. Tiiis wheel is emjiloyed in low falls with large quantities of water. AVhen the water reaches the wheel near the middle of its height, and turns it by falling on the float-boards of one side as they sweep downwards in a curved trough fitting them, the modification is called a i/r«A'^ -wheel. This form is em- ployed in moderate falls commanding a large supply of water. When the float- boards are shut in by flat sides, so as to become the bottoms of a circle of cavities or buckets surrounding the wheel, into which the water is allowed to fall at the top of the wheel, and to act by its weight instead of its momentum ; the modification is called the orershot wheel. This form requires a high fall, but comparatively a small sup- ply of water, and is most desired when circumstances will permit its adoption. To have a maximum of eflect from under- shot wheels,they are generally made to turn with a velocity about one-third as great as that of the water ; and overshot-wheels usually have their circumference turning with a velocity of about 3 feet per second. 114. The resistance between a meeting solid and fluid is nearly proportioned to the extent of surface opposed by it to the fluid ; hence large bodies, because containing more matter in proportion to their surface, are less resisted, in jiroportion to their weight, than small bodies of similar form. This law explains how, by means of air or water, bodies of different specific gra- vities, although mixed ever so intimately, may be easily separated. Thus, when a mixture of corn and chaff", as it comes from the thrashing-machine, is showered down from the sieves in a current of air, the chaft', in being longer of falling, is carried further by the wind, while the heavier corn falls almost j>erpendicularly. The farmer, therefore, by icinuoiciiiij in either a natural or artificial current of air, readily separates the chaff" from the grain, and even divides the grain itself into portions of different quality, 115. Friction oficatcr. — Friction afi(ects the motion of streams of water very sen- sibly. The velocity of a stream is greater at the surface than at the bottom, in the middle than at the sides ; and the water is higher along the middle than at the sides. But for the retarding power of friction, the water in open channels and ditches would acquire so great a momentum as to destroy their sides, and to overflow them at every bending, llivers issuing from a high source, but for friction, and the eflect of bending, "Would pour down their waters with irresis- tible velocity at the rate of ma»y miles per hour. As it is, the ordinary flow of rivers is about 3 miles per hour, and their chan- nels slope 3 or 4 feet per mile. 116. Velocity of streams. — To measure the velocity of a stream at the surface, hollow floating bodies are used, and the space they pass over in a given time — one minute — is observed by the watch. It is very difficult to ascertain the true velocity of an irregular stream. To learn what quantity of water flows in a stream, its breadth and depth are first measured at various places to obtain a mean of "both ; and the sum of these constituting the section of the stream is then multiplied by the velocity, and the product gives the number of cubic feet per minute. 117. Horse-povrer of wafer. — It may be useful to know the rule for calculating the number of horse-power any stream may exert if employed as a motive power. It is this: — multiply the specific gravity of a cubic foot of water, 62,'; lbs., by the number of cubic feet flowing in the stream per minute, as ascertained by the preced- ing process, and this product by the number of feet in the fall, and, cutting oEf the three figures on the right hand, divide by 44, and the product is the answer. Tim?, — Multiply the number of cubic feet flowing: per luiiiute in the stre.im, suppose — .... 350 Bv the weight of a cubic foot of- water, 62i lbs. - - - - 62^ 175 700 210Q_ 21,b75 And then multiply the product by the number of feet of fall, available, suppose, ..... - 12 262,500 Strike off the three figures on the right band, .... 500 Divide the remainder by - - 44)2';2(6 ■} And the quotient 6, gives the number of horse-power. hone- power. THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO aGKICULTURE. 29 118. Spccijic Gravity. — The specific gravity of bodies is the proportion sub- sisting between their absolute weights in air having equal bulks, and their weights in water. It is consequently fouud by dividing the body's absolute weight by the weight it loses in water. lU*. It may be useful to mention the specific gravities of a few common and useful things ; distilled water being con- sidered as 1-000 : — 1.0013 1.0-27 1.656 1.48 1.92 2.0-2 2.05 2.07 2.15 2.48 2.542 2.741 1.842 to 3.1 2.66 <, 2.72 2.6 2.75 2.5 2.62 1.86 7.788 Of Rain-water Sea-water Beef bones Common earth Rough sand Earth and gravel Moist sand Gravelly sand Clay Clay and gravel Flint, dark Do. white Lime, unslaked . BasaJt, whinstone Granite Limestone Porphyry Quartz Sandstones, (mean) Stones for building Brick Iron, wrought Lead, flattened Zinc, rolled Rock salt Alder . Ash Aspen . Birch . Elm Horse-chestnut Larch Lime Oak . Spruce Scots fir Poplar, Italian Willow 2.8 2.5 2.64 2.4 2.56 2.2 1.66 1.41 7.-207 11.388 7.191 2.257 Fresh-felled. 0.8571 0.9036 0.7654 0.9012 0.9476 0.8614 0.9-206 0.8170 1.0754 1.0494 0.8699 0.9121 0.7634 0.7155 Drv. 0.5001 0.6440 0.4302 0.6274 0.5474 0.5749 0.4736 0.4390 0.7075 0.6777 0.4716 0.5502 0.3931 0.5289 ' 120. Electricity, agency, or power, or, -The electric fluid, in one word, elec- tricity, having so obvious an influence on external nature, necessarily arrests the attention of those whose occupation engages them chiefly in the open air. This mys- terious because subtle agent is commonly spoTcen of as a fluid ; but, as Dr Bird re- marks, though frequently called so, it has little claim to the designation. In using it, therefore, let it be always understood in a conventional sense, not as expressing any theoretical view of the physical state of electric matter. 121. Electric matter is universally present in nature. This is proved not only by its being set free by friction, but by almost every form of mechanical change to which any substance can be submitted, mere pressure being quite sufticientfor the purpose. It is in a latent state, in a state of quiescence and equilibrium ; but this equilibrium is very easily disturbed, and then a series of actions supervenes, which continues until the equilibrium is restored. 122. It has been found that certain bodies possess the property of conducting electricity, whilst others are incapable of conducting this form of matter however subtle. 'On this account, bodies have been divided into two great groups — conductors and non-conductors of electricity ; the former, such as metals, being termed analectrics., because they cannot produce sensible electricity ; and the latter, such as wax or glass, are termed idio-electric, be- cause they can. 123. Electricity, in its natural and com- pound state of positive and negative com- bined, appears to be difiused equally throughout any given mass of matter; but when decomposed and separated into its component elements, each of the fluids is confined to the surface of the substance in which it has been set free, in the form of an exceedingly thin layer, not penetrating sensibly into the substance of the mass.f 124. The atmospliere is the part in which the electricity, liberated by various processes, accumulates ; it constitutes, in fact, the great reservoir of sensible elec- tricity, our solid earth being rather the field in which this mighty power is again collected and neutralised. Sensibly, elec- tricity is found in the atmosphere at all times and in every state, but varies both in kind and intensity. It owes its origin * Peschel's Elements of Physics, vol.i. p. 151-187. "I" Bird's Elements of Natural Philosophy, p. 16-2-177. so INITIATION. to many different causes, no perfect satis- factory exj)lanati(>n of which has yet been offered. The principal causes of electrical excitement with which we are acquainted are the friction and contact of hetero- geneous substances, change of temperature, the vital process, tlie functions of the atmo- sphere, the pressure and rupture of bodies, niai^netism — and philosopiiers are not unanimous as to whether chemical action, ♦ and a change in the aggregate form of matter, are capable of exciting electricity. The ordinary means of excitation employed SLTG/riction, contact, heat, and magnetism. 125. Two of the most natural sources of electricity seem to be vegetation and evaporation. Let us inquire how vei/etation produces such a result. M. Pouillct has proved, by direct ex[>eriment, that the com- bination of oxygen with the materials of living plants is a constant source of elec- tricity ; and the amount thus disengaged may be learned from the fact that a surface of lUO square metres, (or rather more than 100 square yards,) in full vegetation, dis- engages, in the course of one day, as much vitreous electricity as would charge a powerful battery. 1 26. That some idea may be formed of the Sort of action which takes place be- tween the oxygen of the air and the materials of living plants, it is necessary to attend, in the first place, to the change produced on the air by the respiration of plants. Many conflicting opinions still prevail on this subject ; but " there is no doubt, however, from the experiments of various philosophers," as Mr Hugo lleid observes, " that at times the leaves of plants prcxluce the same effect on the at- mospliere as the lungs of animals — namely, cause an increase in the quantity of car- bonic acid, by giving out carbon in union with the oxygen of the air, which is thus converted into this gas ; and it has been also ostaI)lislieanies the disengagement of either gas. Towards this inquiry M. Pouillet instituted experiments with the gold-leaf electroscope, whilst the seeds of various plants were germinating in the soil ; and he found it sensibly affected by the 7iegat'ice state of the ground. This result might have been anticipated during the evolution of carbonic gas ; for it is known by experiment that carbonic gas, obtained from the combustion of charcoal, is, in its nascent state, electrified /)os(^/Pt'/y, and, of course, when carbonic gas is evolved from the plant, the ground should be in a state of negative electricity. M. Pouillet presumed, therefore, that when plants evolve oxygen, the ground should be in a ])ositive state of electricity. He was thus led to the imj)ortant conclusion, that vegetation is an abundant source of electricity ; t but Peschel observes, that " the correctness of this assumption, on which the counter experiments of Pfaff have thrown a degree of doubt, requires a fuller investigation before it can be ad- mitted to have been proved;" but else- where he considers that " Pouillet has rendered essential service to this branch of science, by discovering that positive elec- tricity is given out from plants when ger- minating." 128. Another source of electricity is evaporation. The fact of a chemical change in water by heat inducing the disengage- ment of electricity, may be proved by simple experiment. It is well known that ini'c/ianical action will produce electricity sensibly from almost any substance. If any one of the most extensive series of resinous and siliceous substances, and of dry vegetable, animal, and mineral mat- ters, is rubbed, electricity will be excited, Reid's Chemistry of Nature, p. 100. + 'Leithea.i on Electricity, p. 150. THE SCIENCES MOST APPLICABLE TO AGRICULTURE, 31 and the extent of excitation "will be shown by the effect on the gold-leaf electroscope. Chemical action, in like manner, produces similar effects. If sulphur is fused and poured into a conical wine-glass, it will become electrical on cooling, and affect the electroscope in a manner similar to the other bodies mechanically excited. Cho- colate on congealing after cooling, glacial phosphoric acid on congealing, and calomel when it fixes by sublimation to the upper part of a glass vessel, all give out elec- tricity; so, in like manner, the condensa- tion as well as the evaporation of water, though opposite processes, give out elec- tricity. Some writers attribute these elec- trical effects to what they term a change of form or state ; but it is obvious that they may, with propriety, be included under chemical action. This view is sup- ported by the fact of the presence of oxygen being necessary to the develop- ment of electricity. De la Eive, in bring- ing zinc and copper in contact through moisture, found that the zinc became oxidised, and electricity was evolved. When he prevented the oxidation, by operating in an atmosphere of nitrogen, no electric excitement followed. When, again, he increased the chemical action by exposing zinc to acid, or by substituting a more oxidable metal, such as potassium, the electric effects were greatly increased. In fact, electrical excitation and chemical action were observed to be strictly propor- tional to each other. And this result is quite consistent with, and is corroborated by, the necessary agency of oxygen in evolving electricity from vegetation.* But more than all this, "electricity," as Dr' Bird intimates, "is not only evolved dur- ing chemical decomposition, but during chemical combination ; a fact first an- nounced by Becquerel. The truth of this statement has been by many either alto- gether denied, or limited to the case of the combination of nitric acid with alkalies. But after repeating the experiments of Becquerel, as well as those of Pfaff, Mohr, Dalk, and Jacobi, I am convinced that an electric current, certainly of low tension, is really evolved during the combination of sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric, phos- phoric, and acetic acids, with the fixed alkalies, and even with ammonia." t On this subject Peschel observes, that "the indubitable evidences of sensible electricity which attend the different atmospheric deposits, are in favour of the aggregate conversion of aqueous vapours exerting a considerable influence on the generation of atmospheric electricity. Clarke has even tried to show tliat a connexion sub- sists between the variations in the quantity of vapours and electricity in the air." J Evaporation being a process continually going on from the surface of the ocean, land, lakes, and rivers, at all degrees of temperature, the result of its action must be very extensive. But /loic the disen- gagement of electricity is produced — either by the action of oxygen on the structure of living plants, or by the action of heat on water — is unknown, and will perhaps ever remain a secret of nature. It is ^asy, however, to conceive how the electricity produced by these and other sources must vary in different climates, reasons, and localities, and at different heights of the atmosphere. § 129. The force of the electrical agency seems to be somewhat in proportion to the energy with which it is roused into action. Dr Faraday states, that one grain of water " will require an electric current to be continued for 3f minutes of time to eflect its decomposition ; which current must be strong enough to retain a platiua wire T54 of an inch in thickness red-hot in the air during the whole time. . . . It will not be too much to say, that this necessary quantity of electricity is equal to a very powerful flash of lightning." When it is remembered that the fermenta- tion and putrefaction of bodies on the sur- face of the earth is attended with the de- composition of water, and to eflect tliis, so large an amount of electric action must be excited, we can easily imagine that a very large amount of electric rtiatter is required to support the constant wants of nature. 130. The brilliant discoveries of Fara- day and Forbes have identified tlie gal- vanic and magnetic forces with that of electricity, by the extraction of the spark. Leithead on Electricity, p. 9 and 10. Peschel's Elements of Physics, ill. 173-5. + Bird's Elements of Natural Philosophy, p. 241. § Forbes' Report on Meteorology, vi. 252. 82 INITIATION. It is extremely probable that one or all of these agencies are at work at once, or by turns, to produce the changes continually taking place in the atniosijhere. It is hardly possible that the atmosphere sur- rounding the globe like a thin envelope, and carried ruund with it in its diurnal and annual revolutions, should exhibit so varied a series of pheuouieua every year, without a constantly operating disturbing cause; and none are so likely to produce a variety of ])henomeua as the subtle influ- ences of all tliose agencies, whose nature and origin liave hitherto baffled the closest scrutiny. It is quite possible that they all operate together, and contribute to main- tain the atmosphere in a state of positive electricity, and the earth's surface in a state of negative electricity. As the air is a very bad conductor, Kamtz compares the atmosphere to a large electrical battery, whose negative coating is the earth's sur- face, and whose positive coating is formed by the upper stratum of the atmosphere. 131. "Wlieatstone announced his impor- tant discovery of measuring the velocity of the electric force, to the Koyal Institu- tion of Londcjn in 1835, and that it is 288,000 miles per second. 132. Electrometer. — The electrometer is an instrument of considerable utility to farmers ; since it indicates, with a great degree of delicacy, the existence of free electricity in the air; and as electricity cannot exist in that state without produc- ing some sort of action, it is satisfactory to have notice of its presence, that its effects, if possible, may be anticipated. The best eort of electrometer is the ^'■condensing electroscope : " it consists of a hollow glass sphere on a stand, inclosing through its top a wide glass tube, on the top of which is affixed a flat brass caj), and from the under side of which are suspended two slips of gold-leaf. At the edge of the flat braids cap is screwed a circular brass plate ; and another circular brass plate, so as to be parallel to the first, is inserted in a sup- port fixed in a piece of wood moving in a groove of the stand which contains the whole apparatus. This is a very delicate instrument, and, to koep it in order, should be kept free of nioisturo and dust. 133. The very general distribution of the electric matter through eery substance, the ease with which it can be excited into activity, and the state of activity it dis- plays around plants in a state of healthy vegetation, have led to the belief that were means devised to direct a more than usual quantity of electric matter through plants when growing, their growth might be much promoted. It was conceived that metallic wires might be so placed as to convey this increased quantity ; and ac- cordingly experiments were made so as ^o direct it through given spaces of ground into the plants growing upon them ; and this process has been named electro-culture. The results hitherto have been contradic- tory, and on the whole discouraging to future experiment. 134. " Electricity seems to play an im- portant part in the various stages of the development of plants," says Peschel. " Thus flashes of light have been seen to be omitted from many plants in full flower soon after sunset in sultry days. It has further been ascertained, by means of gal- vanometric experiments, that electric cur- rents are generated in the interior of their substance, although their activity is but small ; and that an uninterrupted develop- ment of electricity is maintained by the exhalation of carbonic acid in the atmo- sphere, especially during the germination of the bud ; and, indeed, through the entire process of vegetation. The luminous phe- nomena in plants have been most diligently noticed by Zawadski, who observe