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Ritchie Sanitation and Physiology ^y John W. Ritchie Laboratory Manual for Use with "Human Physiology" By Ca7i HaHmaii Exercise and Review Book in Biology By/. G. Blaisdell Personal Hygiene and Home Nursing By Louisa M. Lippitt Science of Plant Life By E. N'. Transeau Principles of Zoology By T. D. A. Cockerell ExperIxMental Organic Chemistry ^y A. P. West NEW-WORLD SCIENCE SERIES Edited by John W. Ritchie SCIENCE OF PLANT LIFE A High School Botany Treating of the Plant and Its Relation to the Environment by Edgar Nelson Transeati^ Ph.D. Professor of Botany^ The Ohio State Uni-versity ILLUSTRATED •with engra'vingSj diagrams^ and maps and ivith 120 original draivings by Robert J. Sim 4 Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York WORLD BOOK COMPANY I 9 I 9 WORLD BOOK COMPANY THE HOUSE OF APPLIED KNOWLEDGE Established, 1905, by Caspar W. Hodgson YONKERS-ON-HUDSON, NeW YoRK 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago World Book Company offers Science of Plant Life for high school use. The book em- bodies a response to the attractiveness of plant life, a steadfast scientific spirit that yields neither to sentiment nor to utility, and an appreciation of the fact that the fun- damental reason for giving botany a place in our general scheme of education is that it is the natural scientific background for the great plant-producing arts. It is a text that accords well with our motto, " Books that apply the world's knowledge to the world's needs " nwss:tspl-i Copyright, 1919, by World Book Company Copyright in Great Britain All rights reserved PREFACE The most important question that confronts the teacher of elementary botany is the selection of the subject matter for the course. Shall the work consist chiefly of the naming of plants and of learning the meanings of terms descriptive of plants and of plant organs, as was common 30 years ago? Does a course emphasizing a study of the anatomy of plant organs provide the best introduction to the subject of botany for pupils of secondary school grade? Have those courses been satisfactory in which the work centered about the evolu- tionary development of the plant kingdom, with studies of the reproductive organs and life histories of types representa- tive of the great plant groups, or shall we teach physiology and ecology? Shall we select as material for study wild plants, often obscure and unfamiliar to the pupil, because they show certain structures significant in determining the relationships of plants, or shall we use the famihar plants of the farm and garden, on which man depends in large part for his livelihood, to exemplify botanical principles? Is it best to try to give a ''practical" turn to the course by insert- ing chapters from other subjects like agriculture, forestry, and plant breeding ; or shall the course be kept within the strict confines of botany and the relation of botanical facts and principles to plant production be shown by appropriate refer- ences and illustrations ? Upon the answers given to these questions the content of the course to be offered will largely depend. The author is one of those who think that our work in botany should serve as a basis for agriculture, horticulture, and forestry, just as physics and chemistry form the natural background of our manufacturing and industrial life. His teach- ing experience has led him to believe, moreover, that a very "^ --^ 17530 vi Preface general course in botany that presents and organizes the more important facts of plant physiology, morphology, ecology, and economics is interesting to pupils of high school age and is valuable to any one who later engages in the growing of plants. The fundamental aim of this text, therefore, is to give the p II pit an understanding of how a plant lives and is afected by its environment. The nutrition of the plant is the central theme. Sufficient anatomy and morphology have been intro- duced to make possible a discussion of the important plant processes, including reproduction. The environment of plants and their adjustments to various environmental fac- tors have been discussed because a knowledge of these subjects is essential to an understanding of many agricultural practices. Attention is called to the uses that are made of plants and plant materials and to the apphcations of botanical prin- ciples in plant production in order that the economic im- portance of plants and of a knowledge of plant life may be evident. In the final chapter an attempt is made to give the pupil an understanding of what is meant by the term ''evolution" — to present a definition rather than a discussion. The most valuable part of any course in botany is the study of plants in the field and laboratory. It is through the work with the plants themselves that the teacher has the best opportunity to give pupils the insight into plant life that will justify the expenditure of their time and energy on the course. The laboratory work has been fairly well standardized in secondary schools, and the methods of handling classes are well known. This is not true of field work, although it is no more difficult than laboratory work and is no less im- portant. Two methods of conducting field observation have been eminently successful. One is to take the class into the Preface Vll field to study a particular topic, — not to make random ob- servations on plants. A second method is to give each pupil a carefully prepared outline containing questions and direc- tions by which he can make a trip and discover for himself the answers to the questions. Both these methods deserve to be used far more than they are. This book has been written to supplement laboratory and field work with plants, not to take the place of such work. Suggestions for laboratory and held work will be found pre- ceding each chapter, but these suggestions include more work than can be accomplished in most high school courses. The teacher should, therefore, select those exercises that are best suited to the needs of a particular class, and which are best adapted to the laboratory equipment and the plant material available. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank many friends and students who have made suggestions regarding the book. Especially is he under obligation to the following, who have critically read the manuscript or the proofs : Dr. Harris M. Benedict, University of Cincinnati; Dr. J. M. Lewis, University of Texas; Dr. Burton E. Livingston, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. S. O. Mast, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Charles A. Shull, University of Ken- tucky; Dr. A. B. Stout, New York Botanical Garden; Dr. G. H. Transeau, Columbus, Ohio; to his colleagues at Ohio State University, especially Dr. Jay B. Park, Dr. H. C. Sampson, Dr. A. E. Waller, Professor W. G. Stover, and Mr. Paul Sears; to Mr. G. W. Salisbury, Principal of Atchison County High School, Effingham, Kansas; Mr. J. R. Locke and Miss Edith E. Pettee, Highland Park High School, Detroit, Michigan ; Miss Ella M. Bennett, High School, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Miss Lucy M. Phelon, High School of Commerce, Springfield, Massachu- setts ; Miss Ruth Jackson, High School, Wichita, Kansas ; and Miss Maude Flynn, High School, Columbus, Ohio. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Plant Life in Geneila.l 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Index Leaves and Their Structures . The Manufacture of Food Leaves in Relation to Light The Water Relations of Lea\'es Leaf Coloration and the Fall of Leaves Digestion, Transfer, and Accumulation of Foods The Utilization of Foods Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees Stems and Their External Features The Structures and Processes of Stems The En\'ironment of Plants Ecological Groups of Stems The Structures and Processes of Roots Roots and Their Environment . ' . Reproduction in Flowering Plants : Flowers, Fruits AND Seeds Reproduction in Relation to Agriculture The Alg^ .... Bacteria and Fungi . Li\'ERWORTS ANT) ]\IOSSES The Ferns and Their Allies Seed Plants: Gymnosperms Seed Plants : Angiosperms The Evolution of Plants PAGE I 13 25 37 48 63 74 82 94 102 118 139 154 166 182 197 217 234 249 272 283 294 303 318 33^ Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies, I hold you here, root and all, in my hand, Little flower — but if I could understand What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is. Tennyson SCIENCE OF PLANT LIFE CHAPTER ONE PLANT LIFE IN GENERAL PLANTS FROM OUR STANDPOINT Probably all of us make our most frequent contact with nature through plants, and no part of our environment ap- peals to us more. The city dweller responds to the attrac- tion of plants by growing a few flowers in a window box. The suburban resident finds great pleasure in his lawn and trees. The farmer enjoys the annual miracle of transforming his bare fields into acres of productive wheat and corn ; and the forester delights in his work with the largest and most imposing of plants. This universal challenge of plant life is reflected in our Hterature; the stories of our childhood days and the novels and verse of our maturer years are made vivid by their backgrounds of garden and meadow, or of forest and desert. The importance of plants. There are many reasons for studying and understanding plants besides the fact that they afford us pleasure. (i) Plants furnish all the food there is in the world. Of all living beings, green plants alone are able to organize the simple materials found in the air, water, and soil into the complex substances which all plants and animals must have for food. The part of our own food which is not derived from plants comes from animals that directly or indirectly feed upon plants. (2) By far the greater part of all the fabrics we use in the making of clothing is woven out of cotton, linen, and other fUOfERTr LlBRARr N. C. Statt CoHef* 2 Science of Plant Life plant fibers ; and wool and silk come from animals that feed on plants. (3) The trees supply the lumber that is used for the con- struction of most houses, and even when houses are built of stone or brick, wood is employed in finishing the interiors and in making the furniture. Wood is used also in the manufacture of paper, and in almost countless other w^ays. (4) Most houses are heated in winter by the burning of wood, coal, or gas. The energy used in the driving of nearly all machinery is derived from wood, coal, petroleum, and natural gas. When we burn wood, we release, in the form of heat, the great store of energy which the tree obtained from the sunlight during its Kfetime. When we burn coal, petroleum, or natural gas, we release energy which plants accumulated from the sunlight of milHons of years ago. (5) Certain small plants have other and quite different re- lations to human beings, and their activities are of the greatest consequence to man. These particular plants, the bacteria, are so minute that they can be seen only by the use of the microscope. Some of them take nitrogen from the air and build it into compounds that enrich the soil. Others render a useful service by breaking down the dead bodies and waste materials of plants and animals and converting them into substances that can be used by green plants in the making of foods. Still other kinds of bacteria cause many of the diseases to which plants and animals are subject, and it is necessary for us to learn about them in order that we may avoid or destroy them. We see, therefore, that plants contribute to the pleasure of life ; that, directly or indirectly, they furnish us with food and provide most of our clothing and shelter • that they sup- Plant Life in General Fig. I. A country home made attractive by its trees and shrubs. ply the greater part of the energy used in heating and lighting and in running machinery ; and that as friends or foes, cer- tain microscopic plants affect the health and well-being of animals and men. Since plant life is essential to our very existence, we should have a truly vital interest in the science of botany, which has grown out of the accumulated mass of information about plants. Botany as a science. A science is a body of classified and systematized facts. The lore of the gardener, the forester, and the casual student of plants may have value, but it be- comes a science only when it has been organized into a system whose principles have been tested and verified by experience, observation, or experiment. Botany is the science that treats of the structures, life histories, physiological processes, distribution, and classification of plants. It is one of the two divisions of biology; zoology, the science of animal life, is 4 Science of Plant Life the other. Because so many of the fundamental processes and structures in plants and animals are similar, it is pos- sible to include all living beings in the single science of biology. Yet because plants and animals differ in many important ways, botany and zoology may well be considered as distinct sciences. How a knowledge of botany helps us. A knowledge of botany contributes directly to our enjoyment of life, because the more we know about plants, the more interest and mean- ing we find in every bit of vegetation. Botany helps us to understand the animal world, also, for plants and animals are so nearly related that much of what we learn in botany applies, with slight modifications, to animals as well as to plants. Botany has great practical value also ; it furnishes the scientific basis for many of the most important of human oc- cupations. For example, agriculture and horticulture are arts dealing with the methods of field and garden crop pro- duction; they tell how and when a crop shall be planted, cared for, and harvested ; but it is botany that furnishes the scientific knowledge on which these arts are based and explains the principles underlying the practices of the gardener and the farmer. Botany does not tell us of the methods to be used by the forester in developing timber; but no forester can practice intelligently or invent new and better methods with- out understanding the principles of botany. How to make a city or farm dwelling sanitary is an engineering problem ; but the engineer must be thoroughly familiar with at least the part of botany which deals with the bacteria, if he is to be intelligent in his work. Botany, therefore, is of great practical importance in our daily life ; without a knowledge Plant Life in General Fig. 2. A perennially beautiful garden. of it many of our most important arts can be practiced only in a cumbersome way. Nothing has as yet been said about our natural curiosity as an incentive to the study of plants. Yet the desire to know and understand is so strongly developed in all human beings that it has probably had more to do with the growth of the sciences than all other influences combined. We naturally want to understand why things are as we find them ; we are ever seeking explanations of peculiar objects and un- usual happenings that come to our attention. The study of botany will help to satisfy our wholesome curiosity about plants, and will direct our inquiries into profitable channels. Newspapers and magazines often pubHsh accounts of strange plants or of unusual plant habits. We read that wheat found in the tombs of ancient Egypt, where it had been buried for many centuries, was still alive. It is reported that a tree Science of Plant Life Fig. 3. The vegetation more than the house gives character to this suburban home. that captures men and large animals and feeds on them has been found in central Africa. We are informed that a spine- less cactus has been produced from a spiny one " by treating it kindly." Such pubHshed accounts and the descriptions and explanations that accompany them are purposely wrapped in mystery, and tend to give wrong impressions of plant life. Even a little knowledge of botany will keep one from being misled by such statements. In common with all the other sciences, botany enables us to recognize the truth, and so helps us to avoid errors due to mistaken observation, im- perfect knowledge, or willful attempts to deceive. PLANTS FROM THEIR OWN STANDPOINT Thus far plants have been discussed in relation to man ; they have been considered as objects of interest, and as a Plant Life in General 7 part of man's environment that may promote or interfere with his welfare. Of course plants do not grow, or flower, or fruit for the sake of the animals and man. The processes of plants are carried on and their structures developed solely to meet their own needs. The goal of plant life is the de- velopment of the individual and the production of young for the continuance of the species. A plant is successful in nature, therefore, (i) when it secures nourishment for its complete development, and (2) when it produces offspring and thus insures the reproduction of its kind. Plants as living things. It is important for the beginner in the study of botany to realize that plants are Hving things. Because animals walk, or fly, or swim about, we are accus- tomed to think of movement as the necessary evidence of life. To one w^ho has given no thought to the subject, a tree ■y • ^^^^j^H '11 ^■h ^ ^^^^M^9f^^H SnjFfxTfil ^^^^^^nHknJHttuHl^^^ ^^k'.'tP^ ^^bmb ^ " '/ " ,^ , - - — j Fig. 4. Rope-making scene in a Philippine village. Out of plant materials the Fili- pinos make houses, mats, cloth, boats, and a great variety of household utensils. 8 Science of Plant Life may seem more akin to the stones among which it is rooted than to the animals that live about it. But when we study living beings, we find that there are activities other than movement, such as respiration and growth, that are regularly associated with life. As we shall see later, these processes take place in plants the same as in animals and are evidence that plants are as truly alive as are animals. A plant definitely related to its environment. The roots of the ordinary green plant penetrate the soil in all directions from the base of the plant, and enable it to take up water and mineral substances. The stem commonly grows upward and supports the leaves. Thus the leaves are displayed to sunhght and are in contact with the oxygen needed for res- piration and the carbon dioxid required for the making of food. Each part of the plant is related to its environment in such a way that its natural processes and the life of the plant as a whole may be carried on. Mutual dependence of the parts of a plant. The roots, stems, and leaves, together, make up the plant's machinery cf nutrition, and upon the efficiency with which the work of each part is done depends the successful nourishment of the plant. The chemical nature of the soil, the amount of water it contains, and its other characteristics, may facilitate or hinder the work of the roots. This may in turn aid or inter-, fere with the work of the leaves, and as a result the whole plant may flourish or be dwarfed. Likewise, the leaves may be exposed to favorable or unfavorable conditions of Hght and moisture, and their work may be accelerated or retarded. This in turn affects the stem and the roots, and the whole plant shows its abundant nutrition or its lack of food. Under favorable conditions of light and moisture corn may Plant Life in General * •»*- . -^-ci^_ •vi*i55^f£.V {''■^^'^4.::^^.. Fig. 5. Plants furnish the primary food supply of the world. The photograph shows a rice-harvesting scene in the Philippine Islands. be grown in sand ; but because sand does not provide the plant with the necessary mineral substances, the corn will not be of normal growth and will fail to produce good seed. Under the same conditions of Hght and moisture, a rich gar- den soil would produce a normal plant. Or, if during the winter months corn is grown in the richest of soil in a green- house, it attains only a small size and may fail to produce good seeds, because in this case the amount of light is not sufficient. Hence, when we discuss the relations of any particular part of a plant to the energy-supplying and nutritive processes, we must ever keep in mind the interrelation and mutual de- pendence of all parts of the plant. As no part of the human body lives an independent life but is dependent for lo Science of Plant Life its welfare on the activities of the other parts, so the life of each part of a plant is bound up with the life of the plant as a whole. Reproduction an essential process in plant life. Plants, to be successful, not only must maintain themselves but they must reproduce themselves. Some of them do this by fur- ther development of a part of the parent body, as the tuber of a potato or the runner of a strawberry plant. In many plants, however, reproduction takes place only through the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. These structures in one way or another are concerned with the production of a small, undeveloped plant within the seed, and it is upon the further growth of this young plant that the production of another generation of that particular kind of plant depends. A sunflower may develop a tall stem and a large leaf area, but unless it flowers and produces good seed no young plants can be grown from it. If it were the only sunflower in ex- istence, there could be no more sunflowers after its death. The process of reproduction must, therefore, be considered as an essential one in plants ; without it plant life would soon disappear from the earth. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Two 1. Review: physical and chemical changes; molecules and atoms ; elements and compounds ; solids, liquids, and gases. If the pupils have had no introductory science, a few simple demon- strations should be given to make these topics clear. 2. Study a complete plant, noting the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Many of the common weeds show all these parts clearly. Examine the plant, not primarily to learn the names of the parts, but in order to get a conception of it as a living thing that is very different from the air and the soil in which it grows. Find out what the pupils already know concerning the plant's requirements, its manner of growth, and the functions of its several parts. 3. Study a number of leaves from different plants, and make drawings to illustrate a variety of leaf forms, simple and compound leaves, and the parallel and net arrangements of the veins. Note the thickness, texture, color, and surface in each of the different specimens. Note also that the veins reach every part of the leaf and connect through the petiole with the interior of the plant stem. 4. Study a skeletonized leaf to make clear the arrangement of veins and their intimate relation to the mesophyll cells. A nastur- tium leaf that has been decolorized in alcohol may be studied under the microscope to show the small veins and the fine ramifications of the vessels. 5. Dissect a leaf from an Easter lily, live-for-ever, or Wandering Jew. Study especially the relative positions of the epidermis, mesophyll, and veins. 6. Study with a microscope cells from the epidermis, dis- tinguishing the cell wall, protoplasm, nucleus, cytoplasm, and vacuole. The epidermis from an onion scale is good material for the study of the cell parts. 7. Draw some cells from a leaf of moss, such as Mnium, after it has been in good light for several hours. Note cell walls and chloroplasts. Staining with a weak iodin solution will show the starch grains within the chloroplasts. 12 Science of Plant Life 8. By experiment determine that light is necessary for the development and maintenance of the green color in leaves. 9. Study a freshly cut cross-section of a leaf, mounted in water, to show the detailed structure and the intimate connection between the epidermis, mesophyll, and veins. Prepared sections will show details of the stomata and intercellular spaces. 10. Take a field trip to study the variety of leaf forms. CHAPTER TWO LEAVES AND THEIR STRUCTURES The leaves of plants are their most conspicuous part. The summer landscape owes its color to them ; and even when we look at a near-by plant, the leaves attract most of our attention and the plant stem, like the staff of a flag, is likely to be overlooked. The promi- nence of leaves is not the result of chance, for leaves manufac- ture food and sunlight is neces- sary for this process. In this chapter we shall study the structure of a leaf, and in sub- sequent chapters we shall dis- cuss the work of the leaves and the processes that take place within these important organs of the plant. The parts of a leaf. If we examine a leaf closely, w^e see that it consists of a broad, thin blade, marked into small divisions by veins. The vein near the middle of the blade is commonly larger than the others and is called the midrib. In some forms of leaves there are several prominent veins, which we may call the principal veins. In general, the small- est veins form a network uniting with the larger ones, and these in turn connect with the midrib or with the principal veins. These large veins are smallest at the apex or outer end of the leaf, and gradually become larger toward the base 13 Fig. 6. Leaf of tulip tree, showing parts of a complete leaf. 14 Science of Plant Life of the blade. They continue down through the petiole or leafstalk into the interior of the stem. At the base of the Apex petiole there is in many leaves a pair of small appendages, the stipules. These are usually un- important structures, but oc- casionally they are large and bladeUke, and supplement the blade, or even take its place, in food manufacture. The primary divisions of the leaf are the blade, the petiole, and the stipules. The leaf made up of tissues. The soft green tissue essential to food production is found chiefly in the blade of the leaf. This may be shown by dissect- ing a fleshy leaf like that of the common houseleek or the live-for-ever. Cutting across the blade of such a leaf, wx Fig. 7. Lateral vein Leaf of vinca, showing the parts of the blade. Fig. 8. Leaves showing variety of form and venation: A, orange; B, peach; C, bamboo ; D, nasturtium ; E, poplar ; F, lantana ; G, begonia. Leaves and Their Structures 15 find that there is a skin covering it above and below. The skin is readily stripped off, leaving the interior of the leaf Fig. 9. Divided and compound leaves: A, buckeye; B, oxalis; C, avens; D, celandine ; E, cliff fern ; F, dandelion. as a green, granular mass of cells with veins running through it in all directions. The skin is called the epidermis, or epidermal tissue (Greek: epi, upon, and derma, skin). The green part is the mesophyll tissue (Greek : meso, middle, and phyll, leaf). The veins consist of three tissues, the water- conducting, food-conducting, and mechanical tissues. The blade therefore commonly contains five tissues : the epidermis and mesophyll, and the three tissues of the veins. Cells. When any one of the tissues of a leaf or other living part of a plant is magnified under a microscope, it is seen to be composed of small parts built together in much the same way as the little chambers in a honeycomb. These small parts are the plant cells (Fig. 11). Each cell consists of a small mass of jellyUke living matter, the protoplasm, which is inclosed by a firm, transparent wall. The protoplasm is divided into a denser round or oval body, the micleus, and a more liquid portion, the cytoplasm. The nucleus is of great importance ; i6 Science of Plant Life the cell dies when it is removed, and it is thought to control many of the activities that go on within the cell. The cells Fig. io. Leaves with prominent stipules : pea, black willow, red clover, Japanese quince, rose. are the structural units of plants. Figure 1 2 shows how a leaf is built of cells of different sizes and shapes. The cytoplasm makes up the bulk of the living matter of a cell, but in mature plant cells most of the space inclosed by the cell wall is occupied by one or more vacuoles or cavities containing the cell sap. This is water with sugars, mineral salts, acids, and other substances dissolved in it. Lying within the cytoplasm are structures called plastids, small bodies that contain food substances and coloring matters. The cell wall. The wall which surrounds the cell is com- posed of a transparent material called cellulose. Its impor- tance lies in the fact that it gives firmness to the cell. It Leaves and Their Structures 17 supports the soft cytoplasm as the wax of the honeycomb sup- ports the honey within, and it helps to give stiffness to all parts of the plant. You have seen pure cellulose in the form of cotton. Filter paper and most book papers are made of cellulose fibers derived from wood. Water passes freely through the cellulose walls of plant cells, as do most substances that are dissolved in the water. Animals, as well as plants, are composed of cells ; but the animal cell, instead of having a stiff cellulose wall like a plant cell, has a soft wall, or, as in the case of nerve cells and white blood corpuscles, it may lack a wall entirely. Consequently, the tissues of animals (except the skeletal tissues) are usually softer and more pliable than plant tissues. This makes it easy for an animal to bend and to move about. The difference in cell walls and in the phabihty of tissues is so general throughout the plant and animal kingdoms, that it is one of the important distinc- tions between plants and animals. The epidermis and the stomata. The cells of the epidermis are flat, irregularly shaped, closely united, and, for the most part, colorless. The cell walls on the side of the epidermis which is exposed to the air become thickened with a waxlike material called cutiuj which forms a layer over the surface of Fig. II. Plant cells: A is from a moss leaf; B is from a squash-vine hair; C is a starch-filled cell from a potato tuber; and Z? is a cell from the palisade layer of a leaf. E shows a cell in cross section. i8 Science of Plant Life the leaf. This layer is called the cuticle. It is useful to the plant because water does not pass through it readily, and it " ^<^ -^ j-^"^ ^Uppcr epidermis \ Palisade layers I Intercellukr y^ 3pace V-. \ -^ <\ \y^^ layers^ ^\ Lower epidermis Fig. 12. Model of a small piece of vinca leaf, showing cells and tissues. protects the plant from water loss. It may be compared to the enamel covering of oilcloth and acts in much the same way. The cuticle is useful to the plant also because it serves as a first Hne of defense against disease germs. The impor- tance of the epidermis as a protective covering for the delicate inner tissues of the plant may be judged from the drying and decay that follow the breaking of the thin epidermal coat of an apple or a pear. Scattered among the colorless cells of the epidermis are pairs of small, crescent-shaped green cells, the guard cells. Each pair of these surrounds a small opening or pore, the Leaves and Their Structures 19 stoma (Greek: stomas mouth; plural, stomala),^ which is opened or closed by the expansion or contraction of the guard Figs. 13 and 14. Upper epidermis of "Wandering Jew" {Zcbrina) leaf, on the left, and lower epidermis, on the right. St is a stoma, G a guard cell, and Sc a subsidiary cell. The stomata are found only on the lower surface of the leaf. cells. The stomata are very important, for they connect the air spaces among the cells inside the leaf with the external atmosphere. When open, they allow the exchange of water vapor and other gases through the epidermis ; and when closed, they complete the barrier to gas movements in either direction. In many plants stomata occur only on the lower surfaces of the leaves ; but in some plants they are found on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces. The mesophyll. The mesophyll tissue is composed of the soft, thin-walled cells that lie among the veins in the in- terior of the leaf. In most leaves there is beneath the upper epidermis one or more palisade layers, which are composed of ^ Stomata are so small that 2500 of them hav-e an area about equivalent to that of an ordinary pin hole. They are so numerous, however, that they occupy about ^^^ of the area of the average leaf. On a square centimeter of the lower surface of a sunflower leaf there are about 150,000 of them. 20 Science of Plant Life elongated cells standing close together, as is shown in Figure 12. The remainder of the mesophyll tissue is made up of ovoid or irregularly shaped cells joined quite loosely, so that air spaces are left between them. In fact, a much larger part of the surfaces of these cells is in contact with air spaces than with other cells. The air spaces within the leaf are con- tinuous, and through them the oxygen and carbon dioxid of the atmosphere can reach every cell in the leaf. We shall see later that the differences in the epidermal and mesophyll cells, and in the way they are arranged, are definitely related to the different processes carried on by each of them. The veins. The veins in a leaf branch again and again, forming a fine meshwork through all its parts. Each vein is composed of a bundle of water-conducting and food-con- ducting tissues surrounded by a bundle sheath. The water- conducting tissues are located in the upper side of the vein. These tissues are made up of long, cylindrical cells placed end to end. Usually the inner walls of these cells have spiral thickenings, and sometimes the end walls of the cells are absorbed, leaving continuous tubes or vessels several cells in length. After the growth of the cells is completed, the living protoplasm within them dies, and the dead cases of the cells, with their porous walls, lie within the leaf like bundles of very fine pipes. Through these vessels, the water and mineral salts that are absorbed by the roots pass into the leaf to supply its living cells. The supplies of water and mineral salts pass out through the walls of the water-conducting ves- sels into the cells that adjoin them, and then from these they pass to the other cells of the leaf. The food-conducting tissues, or vessels. He below the water- conducting vessels within the leaf veins. They provide an Leaves and Their Structures 21 elaborate system of channels by which the surplus foods manufactured in the leaf are distributed throughout the Figs. 15 and 16. Upper and lower epidermis of vinca leaf. plant. The foods pass from the mesophyll cells into this food-conducting tissue, and then down through the petiole of the leaf to the living cells of the stem and roots. In the smaller veins the bundle sheath is a layer of meso- phyll cells. In the larger veins it contains one or more layers of thick-walled cells, which act as a mechanical or supporting tissue. The mechanical tissue is rigid and gives stiffness to the leaf. Cells, tissues, and organs. We see, then, that the actual work of the plant is done in its cells, of which there are many millions, and it is the sum of the life and work of all these cells that makes up the hfe and work of the plant as a whole. All cells carry on certain fundamental life processes like respiration and the assimilation of food, but most cells are especially adapted to some particular work that is carried on for the benefit of the plant as a whole. Cells that have the same special function are similar in structure and are generally 22 Science of Plant Life grouped together. Such groups of cells with like functions are called tissues. The epidermis of a leaf, for example, is a tissue covering the mesophyll and veins. In order to do its work a tissue needs a source of supplies and a means of disposing of its products. Hence the group- ing of the tissues may be mutually advantageous. When several kinds of tissues are arranged together so that by their cooperation they can carry on some general function of the plant, they form an organ. The leaf, for example, is an organ especially concerned with the manufacture of food. It is made up, as we have seen, of five different tissues, each com- posed of thousands of cells. The chloroplasts. Of the several structures found within the mesophyll cells, the most important in the primary process of food manufacture are the chloroplasts. These are round or lens-shaped bodies which contain a green coloring matter called chlorophyll. They are composed of living material and belong to a group of structures called plastids, that are found in the cytoplasm of all plant cells. Cells may contain many or only a few chloroplasts, and these may be located deep within the leaf or near its surface (Fig. 17). Since the chloroplasts are the special apparatus for the manu- facture of food, the amount of food produced by a plant under any given conditions is roughly proportional to their number. The chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is held in the chloroplasts in much the same way that water is held in a sponge. It stains the chloroplasts green, and it may be removed from them by putting the leaf in alcohol, in which the chlorophyll is soluble. After the chlorophyll is dissolved, the chloroplasts remain in the cell, but they are colorless and the leaf is white Leaves and Their Structures 23 TifT* ^^mMSM or yellowish instead of green. Light is usually necessary to the development of chlorophyll. The white sprouts on potatoes in a dark cellar, the blanching of celery when the lower part of the leaves is covered, and the whitening of grass under a board are familiar evidences of this fact. In the inner tissues of plants and in the underground parts, the plastids are usually colorless ; but in many plants these parts become green if they are exposed to the light. This is why potatoes that grow at the surface of the soil are likely to be green. Fig. 17. Part of a moss leaf that is composed of a single layer of cells. Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Three Answer the following questions by means of experiments : 1. Do leaves grow toward the light? 2. How is the blade moved into its position with reference to light? 3. Is light necessary for starch manufacture? 4. Is chlorophyll necessary for starch manufacture? 6. Does the manufactured starch remain in the leaves ? 24 rtOnRTY LIBRARY ti. C. State Collegi CHAPTER THREE THE MANUFACTURE OF FOOD You will probably remember from your study of physiology that all the foods used by animals belong to three classes of chemical substances : carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. These same classes of substances constitute the food of plants. A grain of corn contains a supply of starch, oil, and pro- tein for the young plant, and these same foods that are used by animals are accumulated in many plants. The difference in the nutrition of plants and animals Hes, then, not in any differences in the foods used, but in the way their foods are secured. In this chapter the manner in which plants obtain their foods will be discussed. Plants the source of all food. Mineral soils and the air do not contain any of the substances that we class as foods. Yet green plants may grow luxuriantly on mineral soils. It follows, therefore, that green plants are able to manufacture their own foods. They can synthesize, or build together, simple substances that they obtain from the soil and air into the complex foods that they require. Animals lack this power. They must have foods that have already been built up, rather than the simple materials of which foods are made. These foods they secure either directly or indirectly from plants. The abihty of plants to manufacture com- plex foods from simple substances brings up several ques- tions : What is the method by which plants produce food ? Just what parts of the plants do the work? What constitutes the machinery ? Out of what materials is the food manufactured ? How is the energy supplied ? And what are the conditions under which the process goes on ? 25 26 Science of Plant Life Photosynthesis. The primary step in the making of food is the building of carbohydrates through the process called photosynthesis (Greek : photos, light, and synthesis, putting together). In this process carbon dioxid from the air and water from the soil are brought together in the chloroplasts and united to form carbohydrates. Sugar is the first abun- dant product, but being soluble in the water of the cell, it is quite invisible. In most plants a large part of the sugar is rapidly changed to starch, and as the starch is insoluble in water, it accumulates temporarily in the chloroplasts in the form of little grains which may readily be seen with a mi- croscope. There is a very simple test for the presence of starch. A solution of iodin stains most substances yellow or brown, but it stains starch blue or purple. So any object that contains starch — a cell, a leaf, or a piece of cloth — will be colored purple if iodin is applied to it. Light and photosynthesis. If we take a leaf from a plant that has been in the dark for two days, place the leaf in w^arm alcohol to remove the chlorophyll, and then put it in a solution of iodin, it is stained yellow. This proves the absence of starch. If the plant is then put in the light for a few hours, a leaf tested in the same way will be colored purple, showing that starch is present. Evidently light is necessary for photo- synthesis. It is not surprising to find that light is so effective in building up compounds in the green parts of plants, for it is a powerful agent in causing chemical changes. You may be familiar with its use in photography. The film and the printing paper have on them a layer of gelatin containing certain chemicals. Exposure to the light for even a fraction of a second effects in these chemically treated surfaces changes which may be seen when the film or paper is developed. The Manufacture of Food 27 Many chemical substances kept in drug stores must be pro- tected from the Ught ; otherwise they soon change their composition and become different substances. Chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis. By using a plant with variegated leaves, the iodin test will show that the white parts form no starch. Since starch is formed only in the green part of the blade, it is evident that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis. Any green part of a plant can carry on photosynthesis, but the principal food factories are the leaves. Effects of temperature on photosynthesis. The effects of temperature on photosynthesis may be demonstrated by tak- ing plants that have been in the dark long enough for the starch to be removed from the leaves and placing them in the Hght, under different temperature conditions. Such tests will show that the ordinary summer temperatures are most favorable for photosynthesis, and that when the temperature falls nearly to the freezing point photosynthesis decreases rapidly or ceases entirely. Materials and products. Experiments have shown that the materials used in photosynthesis are carbon dioxid and water. Carbon dioxid is a gas that makes up about three out of every 10,000 parts of the air. Its molecule contains one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen (CO2) . Water, which the plant gets from the soil, has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in every molecule (H2O). The carbo- hydrates made in photosynthesis from the carbon dioxid and water contain these same elements.^ The simple sugars, ^ Carbohydrates include many substances commonly classified as sugars, starches, and celluloses. The simple sugars, glucose and fructose, have a formula C6H12O6. The double sugars like sucrose (cane and beet sugar) and 28 Science of Plant Life like glucose, which are the first abundant products of photo- synthesis, contain six atoms of carbon, twelve atoms of hydro- gen, and six atoms of oxygen in each molecule. For every molecule of glucose manufactured, therefore, it would require six molecules of carbon dioxid to furnish the carbon and six molecules of w^ater to provide the hydrogen. These amounts of water and carbon dioxid, however, contain eighteen atoms of oxygen, twelve more than are needed for the making of glucose, 6C02 + 6H20 = C6Hi206+I20. We should therefore expect oxygen to be given off from leaves during photosynthesis. That this actually happens may easily be shown by inverting under water a bundle of the branches of some water plant, like Elodea, with the cut ends placed under the mouth of a test tube that is filled with water (Fig. i8). When exposed to the light for a day, the tube will be partly filled with gas. By testing with a glowing match or splinter, the gas may be shown to be mostly oxygen.^ maltose (malt sugar) may be built up by combining two simple sugars, CgHioOe+CeHisOe :^ C12H.22O11+H2O, glucose fructose cane sugar water one molecule of water being lost in the process ; and they may be split up into two of the simple sugars by the addition of a molecule of water. The starches and celluloses are formed by combining many molecules of sugar and removing as many molecules of water as there are molecules of sugar used. Conse- quently their formulas are (C6HioOo)n, in which n represents a rather large number. The starches and celluloses may also be split up into simple sugars by adding the required number of molecules of water. This last process is the one by which corn sirup (glucose) is made from corn starch. The process may be represented by the equation, (C6H,o05)„ + «(H20)->«(C6H,,06). starch water glucose ^ Water containing a considerable amount of dissolved carbon dioxid should be used in this experiment, so that photosynthesis may go on rapidly. For this reason pond water is better than tap water. The Manufacture of Food 29 How the suppUes are obtained. Every industrial workshop must constantly be provided with the raw materials needed in the manufacture of its prod- uct. Likewise the leaf must be supplied with the substances that it uses in the making of food. These necessary supplies come to the leaf through the veins and the stomata. The water passes into the leaf through the water-conducting tissue of the veins. The supply of carbon dioxid reaches the cells of the mesophyll through the stomata and the intercel- lular spaces. When the stomata are closed, very little carbon dioxid can enter, and at such times the process of photosyn- thesis is of necessity greatly retarded. How the products and wastes are removed. The manufac- ture of carbohydrates in the leaf goes on only during the hours of sunlight ; the removal of food goes on at all times. The food-conducting tissue of the veins furnishes the outlet for the product, which is trans- ferred in the form of sugar. During the day the rate of manufacture is so much greater than the rate of removal of food, that starch and sugar accumulate. During the Fig. 18. Experiment to show the giv- ing off of oxygen from a water plant (Elodea) during photosynthesis. 30 Science of Plant Life Fig. 19. A maple leaf and the sugar and maple sirup equivalent to the amount it could manu- facture in a season. All drawn to the same scale. night the movement of food into the stem nearly empties the leaf, and by early morning the cells are again in good condition for food manu- facture. The waste prod- uct, oxygen, passes from the cells to the intercellu- lar spaces and out through the stomata to the atmos- phere. A leaf, then, is carrying on photosynthesis at its full capacity only when there is sunlight, a favor- able temperature, and an abundant water supply, and when the stomata are open. Even under these condi- tions the work may be interfered with if more than a certain amount of the products accumulate in the cells. The amount of the product. The amount of carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis varies so greatly in different plants and under dissimilar conditions that it is very difficult to make a general estimate of it. The result of many experi- ments shows that under favorable conditions a square meter of leaf surface makes on an average about i gram of car- bohydrate per hour. At this rate a square meter of leaf sur- face in midsummer would require 2 months to produce food equivalent to that consumed by the average man in a day. This average rate of carbohydrate manufacture may also be expressed by saying that the leaf makes enough sugar in a summer to cover it with a layer i mrllimeter thick (Fig. 19). The Manufacture of Food 31 Summary of photosynthe'sis. We may summarize the facts we have learned regarding photosynthesis by hkening it to a manufacturing process of human invention : The factory The workrooms The machinery The energy The raw materials The supply department The products The forwarding department The waste material The working hours is the green tissue, especially that of the leaves, are the cells. is the chloroplasts and the chlorophyll, is the sunlight. are the carbon dioxid and water (COaandHzO). is the stomata and intercellular spaces, and the water-conduct- ing tissue. are carbohydrates : sugars (C6H12O6) and starches (C6Hio06)n. is the food-conducting tissue, and it works both day and night. is oxygen, which escapes through the intercellular spaces and the stomata. are all the hours of sunlight. The production of fats. In addition to carbohydrates, plants make and use two other classes of foods : fats and proteins. The fats are quite similar to the carbohydrates in composition. They contain the same chemical elements : carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The proportion of the oxygen to carbon, however, is smaller. At ordinary temper- atures fats occur in plants both as solids and liquids. The 32 Science of Plant Life liquid fats are commonly called oils. They are probably made directly from the carbohydrates. As there appears to be present in the cell no special fat-producing apparatus for bringing about this chemical change, it is probably effected by the protoplasm and fat can therefore be formed in any living part of the plant. Although fats are widely distributed in the plant body, they are especially abundant in seeds and fruits. Some of the commonest fats and oils of commerce derived from plants are corn oil, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, linseed oil, castor oil, olive oil, peanut oil, and cocoa butter. The making and use of proteins. The proteins are the third class of foods. They too are constructed in large part from the carbohydrates ; but their molecules are vastly more com- plex than are the molecules of carbohydrates and fats, and, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, they contain the elements nitrogen and sulfur, and occasionally phos- phorus. In protein synthesis the amount of sulfur and phosphorus consumed is small, but a very large amount of nitrogen is required. Furthermore, nitrogen in the gaseous condition in which it occurs in the air does not readily unite with other substances ; so, although it makes up four fifths of the atmosphere, green plants cannot take it directly from the air. For the nitrogen needed for protein-making they must depend, therefore, on the supply which comes from the soil in the form of nitrates. This is carried to the cells with the water that is absorbed by the roots. Protein syn- thesis, like the synthesis of fats, is probably effected by the protoplasm. It may occur in nearly all parts of a plant, but it takes place for the most part in the leaves. Proteins, be- cause of their complex composition, are especially used in building up and repairing the protoplasm. They are trans- The Manufacture of Food 33 ported from the leaves by the food-conducting tissue of the bundles. Soy beans 7-5 127 97 78 6.8 Fig. 20. Percentage of protein in various foods. The most expensive portion of the diet of human beings is the proteins. Figure 20 shows that in soy beans we possess the richest source of protein. It also shows why the soy bean is one of the most important of foods in the Asiatic nations, where animal foods are very Hmited. One dollar will buy several times as much protein in soy beans as it will in any other plant or animal food. However, recent ex- periments in animal feeding have shown that for mainte- nance and growth some proteins are more valuable pound for pound than others. Amount of food produced per acre. Since the food supply of all living beings depends primarily upon these synthetic processes that are carried on in plants, it is of interest to inquire how much food may be derived from an average acre of land when planted to different crops. It must be remem- 34 Science of Plant Life bered that the plants that produce this food take a consider- able part for their own maintenance, and that the part which the farmer harvests is the plants' surplus. The table given below shows the average yield per acre ; its food value cal- culated in Calories ; ^ and the number of men that i acre planted to different crops might feed for i day, assuming that each man requires 3000 Calories per day. Food Products Yield per Acre Bushels Pounds Millions of Number of Men Calories \ that might be Equivalent Fed for i Day Corn . . . Sweet potatoes Irish potatoes Wheat . . . Rice . . . Soy beans Beans . . . 35 no 100 20 40 16 14 ig6o 5940 6000 1154 960 840 3-1 2. I. I I I I 1000 900 600 600 560 500 375 If the plant products of an average acre are fed to cattle, the dressed beef produced amounts to only 125 pounds, yielding an energy equivalent to the food of 43 men for i day. If transformed into pork, the yield is 273 pounds, or sufficient food for 220 men for i day.^ This shows the great loss of energy that results when plant foods are converted into meat before they reach the human consumer. It is evident that as the human family becomes larger and food becomes scarcer, we shall have to take more and more of our foods directly from plants. ^ A Calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of i kilo of water i degree Centigrade. * United States Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 877. i* The Manufacture of Food 35 PROBLEMS 1. How do the white parts of a variegated leaf get food? 2. Occasionally in a field of young corn a stalk that lacks chlorophyll will be found. This white stalk dies as soon as the food supply in the grain from which it came is exhausted. Why? 3. Geraniums with variegated leaves occasionally produce branches that are entirely white. A noted horticultural firm offered $1000 to any one of its gardeners who would root one of these branches and thus produce a white- leafed geranium. What was the chance for success ? Why ? Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Four 1. Examine one or more plants from each of the following groups, noting the arrangement of leaves on vertical and inclined stems : Corn, elm, hackberry, wheat, rye, canna, bamboo. Lilac, viburnum, catalpa, ash, maple. Willow, poplar, pine, spruce, peach, apple, sunflower. Cat-tail, iris, onion, hyacinth, yucca, century plant. 2. In the field, study some of the following plants, noting the positions their leaves take with reference to light : Sugar maple, elm, beech, oak, catalpa, Virginia creeper, Boston i\n^. Tulip tree, cottonwood, birch, willow, spirea, barberry. Which cast the more complete shade, trees whose leaves are sensitive or insensitive to light ? 3. On several of the following plants study the leaf positions, to determine how the blades reach their positions when mature : Sunflower, mallow, Virginia creeper, Boston ivy, English ivy, wild prickly lettuce, nasturtium, ragweed, compass plant, water Hly. Other plants of the locality will furnish additional material for study. 4. Examine submerged plants like pondweeds, Elodea, Cera- tophyUum, and water buttercups, and compare their leaves with those of land plants. 5. Sections of leaves of different kinds may be used to show vari- ations in internal structures. 6. Experiments : Grow geraniums and nasturtiums with one-sided illumination. Mark the original position of the leaves with stakes and note changes in position. Try the effects of light and darkness on the positions of leaves of sensitive plants, beans, or sweet clover. Black paper covers may be used to exclude the light. 36 CHAPTER FOUR LEAVES IN RELATION TO LIGHT The leaf, as we have seen, must receive light in order to produce food. Leaves are variously arranged on stems, and stems have all sorts of positions. Many of these leaf arrangements and stem positions are not advantageous for the display of leaves to the light. The leaf, however, and especially the petiole, is so influenced by Hght dur- ing its development, that the leaf when mature has the best possible position with respect to light. The raised leaves of the pumpkin, the fig. 21. Vertical branch of mosaics of leaves formed on the sides ^^SnoVm. Note the alternate . arrangement of the leaves. of buildmgs by the Boston ivy, and the successive tiers of leaves on a beech tree illustrate different arrangements by which large numbers of leaves are efficiently displayed to the light. The arrangement of leaves on stems. Leaves develop from somewhat thickened places on the stems, called the nodes. Each node may bear one, two, or several leaves. According to the number of leaves that the node bears, the leaf ar- rangement is desig- FiG. 2 2. Horizontal branch of magnoha. Compare leaf *" ' positions with those of Figure 2 1 . OppOSUe, OX whorled. 37 38 Science of Plant Life In the alternate arrangement each node bears one leaf. This is also spoken of as the spiral arrangement, because a line drawn through successive leaf bases forms a spiral about the stem. Some- times, as in the corn plant, the spiral passes half around the stem in going from one node to the next (page 50). In other plants, like the sedges, the spiral passes but a third around the stem between nodes. In several of our common fruit trees, as the apple and the peach, the spiral between nodes passes two fifths around the stem. These variations of the spiral arrangement are called the two- ranked (Fig. 28), three-ranked (Fig. 23), and five-ranked arrangements. Fig. .3. Asedge(Z)«7/- In the Opposite chium), showing three- arrangement two ranked arrangement of j^^^^g ^^^^^ ^^ the leaves. each node. The leaves at successive nodes, how- ever, are at right angles to each other (Fig. 25), giving four ranks of leaves. The maple, ash, dog- wood, and lilac furnish examples of the opposite arrangement. In the whorled arrangement the leaves are in a circle about the node. The Indian cucumber root {Medeola) and the Fig. 24. Indian cucumber root, showing the whorled arrangement wood lily of the leaves. Leaves in Relation to Light 39 (page 310) furnish excellent examples of the whorled arrange- ment. However, it is only on upright stems which receive the light equally on all sides, that the blades take their normal positions directly out from the nodes. If an erect shoot be placed in an inclined position, it is easy to see that the leaves are no longer well displayed to the light. As may be readily seen by examin- ing the branches of trees and the stems of trailing plants, horizontal or inclined stems become twisted during development because of un- equal illumination (Fig. 26). The twisting of the stems brings the leaves into better positions to re- ceive light, but it often obscures the normal arrangement of the leaves. The positions of leaves with reference to light. If leaves are moderately sensitive to light, they assume a position Fig. 25. Vertical branch of dog- wood, showing the opposite ar- rangement of the leaves. Fig. 26. Horizontal branch of dogwood. Compare with Figure 25. 40 Science of Plant Life approximately at right angles to the line along which the greatest amount of light reaches them. Consequently the leaves on most of our common trees, shrubs, and herbs tend to take an approximately horizontal position. The sugar maple and the horse-chestnut are examples of trees whose leaves are displayed in this manner. In the Cottonwood and tulip tree the leaves are only slightly sensitive to light, and the result is that their leaves assume a great variety of positions. If leaves are extremely sensi- tive to light, the blades may turn tow^ard the sun in the early morning and follow the sun throughout the day, always keeping the broad face of the leaf to the light. The leaves of the common mallow move in this way. Compass plants. There is another class of plants which are sensitive to light, but which respond to it in a very different manner. These are the so-called compass plants, of which the wild prickly let- tuce is a widely distributed example. In sunny situations the leaves of these plants tend to take positions edgewise to Fig. 27. Prickly lettuce plant: ^.viewed the direction of the mOSt in- from west;*, viewed from south. Drawn ^^^^^ j; j^^^ ^^ ^^^ Sunlight from a specimen grown under exposure ^ ° ^° ^ to bright sunUght. is most intense at noon, it is Leaves in Relation to Light 41 only in the morning and late afternoon that the flat sides of the leaves are perpendicular to the sun's rays. This response to the light also places most of the leaves in a vertical north- and-south plane and suggests the name " compass plant." When grown in partial shade, the leaves of these same plants are horizontal. Hence it is clear that the position of their leaves in sunny situations is the result of light conditions. How the blade attains its position with reference to the light. The attainment of its position by the leaf blade is partly ac- complished, as has been noted, by the bending and twisting of the plant stem during its development. To a much greater extent the blade owes its position to the bending, twisting, and elongating of the petiole. In- deed, this is the particular ad- vantage of the petiole. Its length and direction of growth are for the most part deter- mined by the way in which the light falls on the blade during the period of development. An examination of a branch of a maple will disclose how the lengthening and bending of the petioles help to fit each leaf into a position where it will receive the light. Vertical leaves. In a number of common plants, including the iris, cat-tail, calamus, and ^^^ many grasses, the leaves are ^ o t • , , , , , • ^ " I'IG. 28. Ins, showing leaves held in vertical because they are held vertical position by the sheathing bases. 42 Science of Plant Life Fig. 29. Guinea grass, a plant grown in the tropics for fodder. Note the vertical leaves and the large amount of leaf surface exposed by the plant to the light. in this position by their sheathing bases rather than because of a response to light. These plants usually occur in dense growths, and the vertical position of the leaves permits the light to penetrate to their bases. This has the advantage of allowing photosynthesis to go on throughout the entire length of the leaves. Differences in vertical and horizontal leaves. Vertical leaves differ from horizontal leaves in several particulars : In vertical leaves the mesophyll may be composed of spongy tissue, or it may be composed entirely of palisade cells. More rarely there are palisade layers on both sides, with a spongy layer between. In contrast, a horizontal leaf usually has a palisade layer beneath the upper epidermis, and the lower portion of the mesophyll is composed of loosely arranged cells. In vertical leaves stomata usually occur on Leaves in Relation to Light . 43 both surfaces, while in most horizontal leaves the stomata are confined to the lower surface (page 18). Vertical leaves Fig. 30. Various positions taken by leaflets of lima bean : A , position in intense light ; B, position in diffuse light ; C, position in darkness. are likely to be of the same color on both surfaces, while horizontal leaves are generally of a darker green on the upper surface. The difference in the color of the two sides of a horizontal leaf is due to the presence of a larger amount of chlorophyll in the compact paHsade layers of the mesophyll than in the loose spongy layers beneath. In vertical leaves, the similarity of structure in the mesophyll on each side, and the fact that both surfaces of the leaf are equally illuminated, account for the sameness of color of the two surfaces. Motile leaves. The leaves of which we have been speaking have their positions rather definitely fixed when they reach maturity. There is another class of leaves, however, in which the positions of the blades are not fixed but are changed ac- cording to the intensity and direction of light. A familiar example is the roadside sweet clover. At night the three 44 Science of Plant Life leaflets of the compound leaf droop downward from the peti- ole ; in the medium light of a cloudy day they are held per- pendicular to the light ; in the most intense sunlight the blades are raised above the petiole until they are edgewise and point toward the light. Some observa- tion of bean seedUngs, which may readily be grown in the laboratory, will be in- structive in this connection. Other examples of motile leaves may be seen in the honey locust, the leaflets of which fold upward at night, and in white clover, oxalis, and the red-bud tree. The leaflets of the sensitive plant vary their positions according to light intensity, and also when touched or injured in any way (Fig. 31)- The change of position in motile leaves is brought about by changes in the water content of the cells on oppo- site sides of a special organ called the pulvinus (Fig. 32), which is located at the base of the leaflets. This device may readily be studied in the leaf of the bean. The leaves of shade plants. As may be observed by a trip Fig. 31. Sensitiv-e plant. The leaves on the left side are in normal positions ; those on the right side have been touched and the leaflets have folded together wholly or in part and the petioles have folded toward the stem. P is the pulvinus. Leaves in Relation to Light 45 to the woods, the leaves of plants growing in the shade are usually darker and more bluish-green than the leaves of plants growing in full sunlight. This difference in color is ac- counted for in part by the amount of chlorophyll near the surface and in part by a slight difference in the color of the chlorophyll itself (page 63). In a few shade plants the depth of the green color is increased by the presence of chloroplasts in the epidermal cells. Shade plants are not subjected to drying, as are plants growing in exposed situations, and gen- ^^ ^ ^ , . 1 .. r i ^ ^ ' o riG. 32. Pulvinus and section of pul- erally speaking their leaves are vinus from leaf of sensitive plant, both broad and thin. The leaves ^""^^'scd. When the leaf is touched, the r 1 • ^'^ter in the cells on the side A passes of these plants differ further outward into the intercellular spaces, from the ordinary leaf in that causing the cells partially to collapse. , . , . . , , The pressure of the cells on the side B the cuticle is less developed, then forces the leaf downward. the raesophyll is composed al- most entirely of spongy tissue, and usually stomata are present on both surfaces of the leaf. Submerged leaves. Every one who has gone fishing or rowing knows that a great deal of sunlight is reflected from the surface of water. This means that the amount of light that penetrates the surface is reduced by just the amount that is reflected. The penetration of the water by the sun's rays is further interfered with by the fine sediment that clouds our ponds and lakes. Every one who has dived and opened his '46 Science of Plant Life eyes under water knows that it is dark at a comparatively slight depth. Hence submerged plants always grow in light of reduced intensity. They receive an amount of light com- parable to that received by the shade plants found in forest ravines. Submerged leaves, too, are of very soft texture, and are quite without mechanical tissue in the veins, so that they are unable to support themselves when lifted from the w^ater. They are kept upright in the water by their buoyancy, which is due to the greatly enlarged air spaces among the mesophyll cells. Summary. Light has a marked effect upon the positions, the color, and the structures of leaves. Leaves tend to be placed directly outward from the nodes to which they are attached, but light affects them during their development, and most leaves come to occupy positions that have more relation to the light than to the stem which bears them. Some leaves vary their positions constantly as the light changes. Leaves of plants grown in weak light, including those of submerged plants, usually have the mesophyll made up wholly or largely of spongy cells. Leaves of plants grown in intense light usually have the mesophyll made up wholly or largely of palisade cells. PROBLEMS 1. Why do house plants flourish best at south windows in the winter time ? 2. What part of full sunlight is received by a plant that stands near a window? 3. Why do gardeners shade lettuce plants in midsummer? 4. What other condition, besides light intensity, is affected by shading ? Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Five 1. Cut a leaf from some plant, preferably under water. Then immerse the cut end in red ink or eosin and let it stand for some time, watching the movement of the red color in the veins. Thin leaves, like those of balsam and nasturtium, are especially suited to this experiment. If thick leaves are used, they may be split with a knife in order to show the veins. 2. Study the surface coverings — cuticle, wax, and hairs — on a series of leaves like the mullein, century plant, bur oak, tomato, and geranium. 3. Compare leaves of water plants and moist soil plants with those of desert forms like the yucca, agave, and cactus. 4. Examine free-hand sections of leaves or prepared microscope slides that will show variations in stomata, compactness of tissue, development of air chambers, and water storage. 5. Determine the relative time required for the wilting and complete drying out of several kinds of leaves, using leaves of different texture, thickness, and surface covering. 6. Take three similar leaves from a single plant. Cover with a thin layer of vaselin the upper surface of one, the lower surface of another, and both surfaces of the third. Determine the relative time required for the leaves to wilt and also to dry out completely. 7. Experiments : Show that water is given off by plants, by covering a plant with a bell jar. Ascertain the amount of water transpired by a potted plant, by covering the pot and soil with melted paraffin and weighing the plant at intervals. 47 CHAPTER FIVE THE WATER RELATIONS OF LEAVES During a prolonged drought in Illinois, in 19 14, oats in some places failed to attain a height of more than 4 inches and produced practically no grain, and corn which should have averaged 10 feet in height reached only 5 feet in many fields, and yielded only half the normal amount of grain. In the four great corn-growing states there must be 3 inches of rainfall in July for the best yield of corn ; and if the rainfall during July is 2^ inches instead of 3, it is estimated that at normal prices there is an average loss of $5 an acre, or a total loss of $150,000,000. Those who cultivate plants know from experience the importance of a sufficient water supply in the production of crops, and the reason why the water supply is important will be apparent when we understand the uses made of water by the plant. Why water is necessary to a plant. The active protoplasm of all plant cells is in a semiliquid condition. More than 90 per cent of its weight is made up of water, and in consist- ency it closely resembles white of egg. The several parts of the protoplasm — the cytoplasm, the nucleus, and the plas- tids — differ somewhat in their water content, but all of them must be nearly saturated with water to carry on the life processes. When the amount of water in the cell ■falls much below this point, the protoplasm becomes rigid and its processes are retarded. In many plants the pro- toplasm may even die if the water content is greatly reduced. Water is necessary for the life of the protoplasm of plant cells. Water is one of the materials used in the production of carbohydrate. Without it the process of photosynthesis, 48- The Water Relations of Leaves 49 upon which the world depends for its supply of food, cannot be carried on. Water is necessary for photosynthesis. Substances can enter plants only when they are in solution. Both the gases and the mineral compounds that are used by the plant in its various processes must be in solution m water before they can be absorbed or pass from one cell to another within the plant. Indirectly as well as directly water is necessary to photosynthesis ; for water keeps the mesophyll cells wet and thus makes it possible for the carbon dioxid to enter the cells. Water is necessary for the absorption of min- erals and gases and for the transfer of materials within the plant. Vacuoles the reservoirs of the cells. The vacuoles inside the cytoplasm are minute reservoirs within the cells. They contain the cell sap, which consists of water holding in solu- tion sugars, mineral salts, and acids. The relation of the vacuoles to the protoplasm is most important, for the pro- toplasm can secrete excess substances into the vacuole or remove substances from it as they are needed. In many industrial establishments individual machines are provided with small boxes or trays, some to hold raw materials and others to receive the manufactured product. The vacuoles have the same function as these storage boxes : they hold a supply of the raw material for the use of the protoplasm, and they receive some of the products that result from the ac- tivities within the cell. Transpiration. If we expose a wet cloth to the air, the water evaporates; that is, it changes from a liquid to a vapor and passes off into the atmosphere. The same thing happens when a plant is exposed to the air. The mesophyll cells of the leaf are continually giving up water vapor to the intercellular spaces, from which, if the stomata are open, so Science of Plant Life this vapor passes out into the atmosphere. The epidermis of the leaf also allows some water to pass through it, but in land plants this is a relatively small amount, because the cuticle hinders the process (page 54). The giving off of water vapor from plants is called transpiration. The loss of water in the form of vapor is a process that takes place in animals as well as in plants. If you hold your hand near a windowpane on a cool day, a halo of minute water drops condenses on the glass. These water particles come from the moist cells of your skin. If you blow on a glass, water collects even more abundantly. The vapor in the breath is water that has evaporated from the moist cells of the lungs. The amount of water transpired by plants. The amount of water given off in transpiration is surpris- ingly large. During its Hfetime, a well- watered corn plant may give off 4 or 5 gallons of water. A sunflower plant may transpire more than 18 gallons. The water given off by a field of wheat during its entire period of development would cover Fig. 33- Corn plant, and bottle of water equivalent to that tran- spired by the plant during its life- , r i i . i , i r • i time. (All drawn to the same the field tO a depth of 4 Or 5 mchcs. scale.) In eastern Colorado the For the bcst growth of plants, thcrc- transpirationfromawell-watered ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ available in the corn plant might be 3 times this soil enough water to permit them to The Water Relations of Leaves 51 take what they need for transpiration. When we consider that the quantity of water transpired by wheat in cuhiva- tion is one fifth to one eighth of the rainfall of the central United States, we begin to realize how large a fraction of all the water that falls on the soil is actually used by the plants. In all rainfall, some water runs off the soil without penetrating the surface, some evaporates from the soil surface itself, and some sinks below the level of the plant roots. Con- sequently, it is only when there are abundant rains, dis- tributed throughout the growing season, that the amount of water needed by the plants for their best development is available in the upper layers of the soil. It has been shown by experiment that for the production of every pound of solid matter in the above-ground parts of crop plants, from 300 to 500 pounds of water are required in the central United States, and that from 400 to 1000 pounds are needed on the plains of Colorado. The amount of water used in transpi- ration is, therefore, many times the amount used in the manu- facture of food. Water supply and crop yields. Knowing these water re- quirements, it is easy to understand why droughts are so dis- astrous to crops. When the rainfall is shght, not only is the amount of water that can be secured by the plant from the soil reduced, but the sunshine is brighter and the air is usually drier, so that transpiration from the plant is in- creased. It is in part because of the water requirement of crop plants that bottom lands — lands along streams in the bottoms of valleys — are more valuable for growing crops than are uplands. There the underground water is nearer the surface, and keeps the supply for plants more nearly constant. 52 Science of Plant Life The balance between transpiration and absorption. The amount of water in the cells of the plant as a whole is de- termined largely by two processes : (i) the rate of absorption — the taking of water from the soil ; and (2) the rate of transpiration. The relation between these two rates de- termines the water balance inside the plant. If the tran- spiration is rapid and absorption is slow, internal drought results and the plant may wilt. If the transpiration is slow and the water intake is rapid, the cells will be filled to their utmost capacity. Importance of the water balance. Of all the factors that influence the growth of plants and modify the form, size, and structure of leaves, the water content of the cells is the most important. Abundant water permits a plant to grow to its greatest height, and permits the leaves to attain their largest size and number. Long-continued internal drought may cause the plant to be dwarfed and the leaves to be small and few in number. In the river bottom the bur oak may develop into a magnificent tree 100 feet in height, while on the dry uplands it may attain only a stunted growth of less than 15 feet. An average leaf on a large tree will have twice the area of a leaf on a stunted one, and the number of leaves on the larger tree will be many times the number on the smaller. In the summer, when the soil is dry and the air is hot, transpiration may cause the leaves to lose water so rapidly that they droop, and we say that the plant is wilted. Water has passed out of the cells of the leaf faster than the water- conducting tissue has brought in water to replace it, and the cells are no longer distended and firm. They are like a foot- ball that is only partly inflated. After a heavy shower the plants quickly recover, because the water available in the The Water Relations of Leaves 53 l4 soil has been increased and more water is taken into the plant. The shower has also covered the leaves with a film of water and made the air moist around them, and this reduces the water loss. Under these conditions, the cells of the plant quickly become turgid, — that is, become fully distended with water, — and the leaves recover their firmness. The leaves of many plants like lettuce, pumpkin, and ragweed depend for their firmness almost entirely upon the turgidity of the leaf cells. The balance between the rate of water supply and the rate of water loss is the most important water relation of the plant. The water balance illustrated. The in- ternal water balance of the plant may be crudely illustrated by a glass tube with an inverted porous porcelain cup sealed to one end and wdth a stopcock attached near the other end. If the cup and tube are filled with water and the open lower end of the tube is placed in a dish of mercury, the mercury will rise as the water evaporates through the porous surface of the cup. If we nearly close the bottom of the tube by means of the stopcock, the rate at which the mer- cury rises is diminished. This is because the evaporation is decreased as the amount of water suppUed to the cup is lessened. If we open the stopcock, but cover the outside of f '^; ^f ;^,^^^''['''^"' ^ ^ ^ ' toillustratcthedraw- the cup with a thin layer of some substance ing up of water in like wax, which does not allow water to pass ^ tree through tran- ^ spiration from the through it freely, the rate of evaporation will leaves. ikS> 54 Science of Plant Life again be checked. This time the water can pass through the tube freely, but it cannot evaporate through the cup so rapidly because of the wax covering. How plants are adjusted to maintain the water balance. Plants become modified in many ways in response to the con- ditions of water supply and water loss under which they grow. Among the adjustments that help plants to maintain an advantageous water balance under dry conditions are : (i) Thickened cuticle and " bloom.^^ The cuticle of a leaf checks transpiration as does the wax fdm in the experiment, and in plants of dry. climates the cuticle may be so thick as to reduce transpiration through the epidermis to almost nothing. There are many plants which secrete, in addition to the cuticle, particles of wax on their leaves or other parts. This is the so-called " bloom " which I may be seen on the leaves of the p n houseleek and cabbage and on the ('I' ii fruits of the grape, plum, and blue- ;' berry. The bloom consists of a layer of w^ax particles scattered thickly over ) - > the surface of a leaf or fruit. It forms : a layer that is nearly impervious to - i^^^;i^zi^xx^3^ water and helps to reduce water loss E.S.Clements through the epidcmiis. Fig. 35- Vertical sections of (2) Compact Icavcs. A plant may di^Lirr/ulrfwt:^ become adjusted to an inadequate growing in moist, shaded water supply by the development of situation (above), and when j^^^^^ ^^j^j^ compact tisSUCS. In SUCh growing in dry, intensely ^ lighted situation (below). Icavcs the intercellular spaces are much ??9;^Q?5?99^^rr9^ The Water Relations of Leaves 55 reduced, so that evaporation from the mesophyll cells is greatly lessened. In extreme cases the mesophyll cells are all of the compact palisade type, which leaves the minimum of air space within the leaf. (3) Small leaf area. A third way in which plants become adjusted to dry conditions is by a decrease in the total leaf area. When a plant is brought into the house in autumn, it drops a number of leaves. The air inside most houses being much drier than the air outside, transpiration is greatly increased. As the water supply remains about the same, the dropping of a few leaves restores the internal water bal- ance of the plant. Some trees, like the cottonwood, shed part of their leaves during a summer drought. If a wet period follows, more leaves may be added, and in this way a nearly uniform water balance is maintained. That plants growing under moist conditions have larger leaves and more leaves than the same kinds of plants growing under dry conditions has been noted by every one. The contrast may be observed by comparing weeds that grow along the base of a railroad embankment or the high bank of a stream with those that grow near the top. Transplanting and the water balance. Wlien the skillful gardener transplants a tree, he cuts off a number of branches to reduce the number of leaves, in order that the plant may not dry out before new water-absorbing roots are developed. Before lettuce, tomato, and cabbages are lifted for trans- planting, the plants should be watered and allowed to become turgid ; water should be poured into the holes in which they are placed, before the soil is closed in around the plants. It is customary also to cover the plants with boards or paper covers so as to reduce the transpiration. Maintaining the 56 Science of Plant Life water balance in transplanted plants may prevent the loss of many of them and may save weeks of delay in the maturing of the crop. The water balance and plant habitats. The place where a plant grows naturally is called its habitat. The willow grows beside a stream and the cactus grows in the desert, each in its natural habitat. If we put the willow in the desert and the cactus on a wet stream bank, both die. This means that the conditions that make up each habitat are favorable to one kind of plant and not to another. The conditions in- clude not only the kind of soil and the amount of soil water, but also the evaporative power of the air. In selecting plants that may Uve in a particular habitat, the great im- portance of the dryness or the moistness of the air is to be kept in mind. Plants whose leaves are soft and transpire water rapidly can succeed only in moist air, while those that have a low transpiration rate can maintain a suitable water balance only in a dry atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why on a southern slope we find a set of plants that are different from those on the northern slope. Recent studies have shown that the leaves of plants growing near the bottom of a ravine transpire water lo to 20 times as fast as do those of plants growing higher up on an adjoining southern slope. Doubtless, each year seeds of plants that grow in the low ground germinate on the upper part of the slope ; but each year the plants that spring from those seeds are elimi- nated through their inability to get the E. S. Clements Fig. 36. Vertical sections of leaves of Ilippiiris, a water plant. The upper figure shows an aerial leaf, the lower figure a submerged lekf. . The Water Relations of Leaves 57 water needed for their high rate of transpira- tion. There are plants like the dandelion that can adjust themselves to both these condi- tions. Most plants, however, cannot do this, and those with a high transpiration rate die off on a dry hillside, while those with a low transpiration rate sur- vive. This indicates only one of the factors which must be taken into account in the selec- tion of plants for par- ticular habitats ; other factors will be con- sidered in connection with the study of stems and roots. Submerged and floating leaves. An examination of a submerged leaf of any pondweed shows that it has no stomatal openmgs. The floating leaves of water lilies and other pond plants have stomata only on the upper surfaces. Evidently submerged plants have no transpiration. It is also certain that they get their carbon dioxid directly from the water through the epidermis, for carbon dioxid is found dissolved in pond waters, often in larger proportion than in the air. In water-lily leaves the upper surface is covered by a cuticle that is not readily made wet, and it has stomata that -r^ Fig. 37. Submerged plants. From left to right: eelgrass {V alUsncria) , naiad (Najas), water weed (Elodea), and pondweed (Polamogcton). 5S Science of Plant Life do not open until the leaf is above water. If the leaves are raised entirely above the sur- face of the water, as sometimes happens when the plants are crowded, both surfaces develop stomata. Desert plants and water storage. In the desert, where the air is very dry and the scanty rainfall is confmed to one or two periods in the year, plants have very great difhculty in securing water. The perennial plants have various ways of con- serving water from one rainy period to the next. The barrel cac- tus has no leaves at all, and the stem is a thick cylinder composed largely of water-storage tissue ; it may live without water for 2 years or longer. Some of the desert shrubs have leaves during the rainy periods only, and these are shed as soon as the drought comes. Still others, like the agaves, have very thick, leathery leaves with much internal water-storage tissue and a very low transpiration rate. Fig. 38. Desert plant prickly pear (Opuntia) tury plant (Agave). . mcludiii.t,' forms of Cirrus, Yucca, Euphorbia, and cen- The Water Relations of Leaves 59 Adjustment to desert conditions by ability to withstand drying. Another group of plants is adjusted to desert condi- tions by being able to with- stand complete drying. The resurrection plant (Fig. 39) of Texas is an example of this group. During the rainy season it is green and has its many scale-leafed branches spread out for food manufacture and growth. When drought comes, the plant dries out completely and its branches curl upward until it is in the form of a* ball. In this condition it may be blown about by the wind and remain dormant for weeks and months, all of its physiological processes having ceased. When the plant again becomes wet it unfolds, and its processes begin anew. In the eastern United States we find plants of this same type in the lichens, mosses, and small ferns that grow on the bark of trees and on bare, dry rocks. Plants classified according to their water relations. In the precedmg paragraphs the importance of the water require- ments of plants has been made clear. We have seen that the internal water balance of the plant is of great importance in modifying its physiological processes and the size and struc- ture of its organs. Three great classes of plants are dis- tinguished on the basis of their water relations : Fig. 39. Resurrection plant (Selaginella), in growing condition (above), and the same plant in a dry and dormant condition (below). 6o Science of Plant Life (i) The plants that natu- rally live where the evapora- tive power of the air is intense and the available water is limited are called xerophytes (Greek : xeros, dry, and phy- ton, plant). These are the plants that are adjusted to a nearly continuous dearth of water ; the cacti, agaves, yuccas, and sagebrush of our Western plains and deserts are striking representatives. In the eastern United States there are less marked ex- amples of xerophytes in the plants that live on dry cliffs and sand beaches, and in the mosses and lichens that grow on trees and rocks. (2) The plants that live partly or wholly submerged in the water are known as hydrophytes (Greek : hudor, water, and phyton, plant). These plants have an excessive water supply, and transpiration is reduced or entirely wanting. . In this class are included the water liUes, pondweeds, cat-tails, bulrushes, and many sedges. They are the common plants of fresh-water ponds, swamps, and marshes throughout the world. (3) Between these extremes are the mesopkytes (Greek: meso^ middle, and phyton, plant), by far the largest class of plants. They have a medium rate of transpiration and grow Fig. 40. Evergreen trees growing under extreme xerophytic conditions in Oregon. These "Pillars of Hercules" are by the side of the Lincoln Highway. The Water Relations of Leaves 6i best with a moderate water supply. In this group are in- cluded the plants that yield most of our garden, field, and meadow crops ; also most of the forms that are found in the maple, beech, and elm forests of the Eastern states, and in the fir and spruce forests of the canons and bottom lands of the Western states. Xerophytes, hydrophytes, and mesophytes are readily dis- tinguished as groups because of their great differences of habitat and appearance. But it is not always easy to de- cide whether a particular plant is a xerophyte, hydrophyte, or mesophyte, because we find all gradations of form among plants of the three classes. Nevertheless, these terms are useful in describing the water relations of many plants. PROBLEMS 1. How do plants that are wilted in the late afternoon of a hot summer day recover their firmness during the night, even though there is no rain ? 2. Where, near your home, do mesophytes, xerophytes, and hydrophytes occur? 3. In what regions of the United States are mesophytes most common? 4. In what parts of the United States are xerophytes abundant ? 5. In what parts of the United States are hydrophytes common ? What states have very few hydrophytes? 6. What xerophytes furnish useful products to man and animals? Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Six 1. Collect from various plants leaves showing the autumn colors. Make a record of the colors found in different kinds of trees. 2. Look for difTerent colors assumed by leaves of the same kind of tree when growing in shade and in bright sunlight. 3. Look for the red color in leaves that have been partly shaded. What is the effect of the shade? 4. Cut longitudinal sections through the stem and base of a leaf that is about ready to fall, and note the abscission layer. 5. Examine some evergreens and determine the number of years they hold their leaves. Differences in color of bark will help to distinguish the growths of different years. 6. Make a chlorophyll extract by placing leaves in warm alcohol. Dilute the alcohol with a little water, and add enough benzine to double the volume of the solution. Then shake thoroughly, and allow to stand until the benzine has separated. The benzine will contain the yellow pigments, while the chlorophyll will remain in the alcohol. 62 CHAPTER SIX LEAF COLORATION AND THE FALL OF LEAVES In spring and summer the most prominent feature of the landscape is the green color of the vegetation. The most striking feature in autumn is the varied colors of the foliage on the trees and shrubs. In the northern provinces of Canada most of the trees are evergreen, and the most abun- dant deciduous trees, like the aspen, birch, and tamarack, merely turn yellow. But in our Northern states the vivid greens of the sugar maple, white oak, gum, and sumac dis- appear in a blaze of red that contrasts strongly with the yellows of the hickory, linden, and poplar and with the dark greens of the hemlock, spruce, and pine. Every one who has seen the colors of autumn woods and the annual falling of the leaves must have wondered what processes go on within the leaves to bring about these changes. The pigments in green leaves. We can best approach the matter of autumn colors by inquiring into the composition of the pigments that give the color to the leaves of deciduous trees in summer and to the leaves of evergreen trees through- out the year. The most abundant of these pigments is chlo- rophyll (Greek : chloros, green, and phyll, leaf), which is bright green in color. In addition to chlorophyll, two other pigments, one yellow and one orange, are found in a green leaf. These three pigments may exist quite independently of one another.^ ^ The coloring matter in a green leaf is composed of about 66 per cent green pigment (chlorophyll) ; 23 per cent yellow pigment (xanthophyll) ; and 10 per cent orange pigment (carotin, so named because of its abundance in the carrot). The green pigment is not a simple substance, however, but a mixture of two 4cinds of chlorophyll, one of which is blue-green and the other yellow-green. The depth of the green color in a leaf depends in part on the proportions in which these various pigments are combined. 63 64 Science of Plant Life In the chloroplasts all three are present at the same time, so that we cannot distinguish them under the microscope. As the three are soluble in alcohol, the presence of the yellow and orange pigment does not become apparent when the coloring matter is extracted from leaves by means of alcohol. The chlorophyll within a leaf is constantly breaking down, and new chlorophyll is formed in the chloroplasts to take its place. Conditions affecting the development of the pigments. Chlorophyll is produced only in the presence of light, but the yellow and orange pigments develop in the dark as well as in the light. When we lay a board on grass or shut out the light to blanch the leaves of celery, the green color gives way to yellow or orange. Likewise seedlings grown in the dark and the inner leaves of head lettuce show a yellow but not a green hue ; and when the light is cut off from a green leaf, the green pigment disappears, leaving the yellow pigments visible.^ These facts make it clear that the yellow pigments do not require Hght to develop, while the green pigment does. There are. a number of conditions besides absence of light that result in the partial or complete disappearance of the green pigment, but these affect various plants quite differ- ently. Low temperature, drought, and injuries and diseases of various kinds may interfere with the nutrition of the leaf ; even a slight decrease in light may do so. All these factors tend to affect the green pigment more than the yellow and orange. Although these same influences — low temperature, drought, reduced light, injuries, and diseases — may be ef- fective at other seasons, they become generally operative in late summer and autumn. Hence it is at this time of the year 1 A number of evergreens are exceptions to this rule. Leaf Coloration and the Fall of Leaves 65 that the green pigment disappears from the leaves of most deciduous plants and unmasks the yellow pigments in the chloroplasts. There is every gradation in the readiness with which the green pigment disappears from the leaves of differ- ent species of deciduous trees, from the Cottonwood, in which the leaves become yellow during a midsummer drought, to the peach, in which they may still be vivid green when shed. In evergreens the chlorophyll is less sensitive and external conditions are not so effective in causing changes in the color of the leaves. The red pigment. The red colors of autumn leaves are not due to changes in the content of the chloroplasts, but to the formation in the cell sap of a red pigment called anthocyan. This same pigment is present in the cells of many young leaves in early spring. It occurs also in beets, in red cabbage, in the petioles and veins of many different kinds of leaves, in the Coleus and other foliage plants, and in many flowers. The presence of anthocyan in the cell sap makes the whole cell red, and any or all of the cells may develop the pigment. The development of the most brilliant red coloring of au- tumn is commonly ascribed to the action of frost. This ex- planation is probably incorrect, for careful observation indi- cates that the color is most intense when a moderately low temperature is accompanied by bright sunshine. In warm, cloudy autumns the colors are more likely to be dull, with the yellows predominant. That sunlight is important in the development of the red pigment may be shown also by an examination of a leaf that has been closely shaded by another. The pigment stops so abruptly where the shade begins that a perfect print of the uppemiost leaf results. The red colors of the fruits of peaches, apples, and pears 66 Science of Plant Life likewise are due to anthocyan. Here again we may see the effects of sunlight on the intensity of color by comparing fruits from the brightly illuminated top of the tree with others from the shaded under parts. The apples grown in the Northwest- ern states are more brilliant in color than the same varieties grown in the Eastern states, and this higher coloration is probably due to exposure to more intense light. Among different plants there is much variation in the amount of light that is required for the development of an- thocyan colors. This accounts for the great variation in the brilliancy of autumn coloration in different years. One autumn affords light conditions which promote the forma- tion of anthocyan in only a few trees and shrubs ; another autumn furnishes conditions so favorable that many plants become brilliant. The brown colors. In some trees the leaves turn brown immediately after the loss of their chlorophyll. In other trees the leaves may first turn yellow or red, and then grad- ually assume the shades of brown. These brown colors re- sult from chemical and physical changes in the substances within the leaf. Just what the processes are is not fully understood, but it is reasonably certain that tannins and tannic acid are connected with the making of the brown pig- ments. The dead bark of trees also turns brown, probably because of chemical processes within it similar to those which take place in the leaves. White leaves. One occasionally finds on plants leaves that are wholly or partly white. This is simply the natural color of living plant tissues that lack chlorophyll or other pigments. The protoplasm, cell sap, and cell walls are transparent and colorless. The presence of air spaces among Leaf Coloration and the Fall of Leaves 67 the cells makes these tissues appear white. The ice crystals of which snow is composed are transparent, but the numerous air spaces between the crystals reflect the light and cause it to appear white. Ice likewise becomes white when it is filled with minute air bubbles. The white colors of leaves and flowers merely show the natural appearance of the parts in the absence of chlorophyll and other pigments. The causes of leaf fall. There are two distinct stages in the process by which plants drop their leaves: (i) the Fig. 41- Longitudinal sec- formation at the base of the petiole of '^"^ .°^ ^^'^ .^^ p'^^''^'^' •^ showing abscission layer at two or more plates of thin-walled cells, beginning of leaf fall, known as the abscission layer; this takes place during the development of the leaves and may require weeks or months for completion ; and (2) the actual separa- tion' of the cells of the abscission layer, which is brought about by the softening or dissolving of the middle layer of the walls of the abscission cells. This stage of the process may take place within a few hours, or at most within a few days. The plant is protected from disease and water loss at the scars left by the falling leaves, through the addition of woody and corky materials to the cell walls beneath the abscission layer. This protective layer is formed in some kinds of plants before the leaf drops, in other plants after the leaf has fallen. Conditions promoting leaf fall. After an abscission layer has developed, there are many climatic and soil conditions 68 Science of Plant Life that may accelerate the Fig. 42. Shagbark hickory twig. A is the bud scales of the terminal bud of the previous year, B sev- eral petioles remaining attached after leaf fall, and C the terminal bud that will develop the follow- ing spring. Drawn from a speci- men collected in December, falling of the leaves. Among these are low temperature, reduced light intensity, and any disturbance of the water relations of the plant which results in internal drought. Disease and insect injuries to the blade fre- quently bring about abscission. Leaves contain food materials when they fall. The materials used in building the cell walls m a leaf are lost to the tree when the leaf falls, and the fallen leaves still re- tain considerable amounts of starch, sugar, and protein. In the autumn, however, photosynthesis declines, and the amount of food lost by a deciduous tree through leaf fall is small in comparison with the quan- tity that has accumulated in other parts of the plant. Abscission in compound leaves. In many compound leaves, like the horse-chestnut, ash, and hickory, abscission first takes place at the base of each leaflet. Later the petiole is cut off from the stem in the same way. Consequently the leaflets fall first and the petioles later. In the king-nut hickory the petiole remains attached to the tree through the following year (Fig. 42). Leaf Coloration and the Fall of Leaves 69 Self-pruning. A large num])cr of our common trees, like the Cottonwood, maple, and elm, develop abscission layers which cut off twigs and some- times branches an inch in thick- ness. In these trees we have twig fall as well as leaf fall. The falling of flowers, and of fruits like apples and nuts, is due to the abscission layers formed in the stems. Evergreen and deciduous trees. In the Northern states many persons have come to think that the evergreen habit is associated only with needle leaves, because in the North the evergreens are , . , 11 1 r 1 ^^^- 43. Abscission of branches mostly of the needle-leafed type, of cottonwood. Twigs and small But in the Southern states there branches as well as leaves and fruits 1 11 c 1 J T1 are cut off by the formation of abscis- are many broad-leafed trees, like ^^^^ jj^y^^g the magnolia, rhododendron, and holly, that are also evergreen. Moreover, the tamaracks of the North and the bald cypress of the South furnish examples of needle-leafed trees that are deciduous. If we include the shrubs, there are many broad-leafed plants, both in the North and in the South, that have the evergreen habit. In the tropics most of the trees are evergreen, and almost all have broad leaves. It must be noted that even in the case of evergreens individual leaves remain on the trees for only a limited number of years. The leaves of the evergreens are quite different structurally from the leaves of deciduous trees. The evergreens must be able to withstand freezing and thawing, and also the dry 70 Science of Plant Life 'Lcc Moorliouse Fig. 44. Deciduous trees in winter, on Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon. Cospiir If. Hodgson Fig. 45. Evergreen trees in winter, in Yosemite Valley. Leaf Coloration and the Fall of Leaves 71 winds of winter, which cause transpiration even when the ground is frozen. This suggests that their usual transpiration rate must be very low in comparison with that of the decidu- ous trees. Evergreen versus deciduous habit. In temperate regions, where there are great changes in temperature and moisture, the deciduous and the evergreen habit each has certain ad- vantages. The advantages of the evergreen habit are: (i) that the leaves can manufacture food even when the tem- perature is low ; (2) that with their low water requirement, evergreens can withstand drier conditions throughout the year ; (3) that the tree does not waste so much material each year in the construction of a complete set of new leaves. The disadvantages of the evergreen habit are: (i) that the heavy cuticle and compact tissues which aid in conserving water interfere with rapid photosynthesis ; (2) that the lower rate of food manufacture prevents rapid growth ; (3) that the leaves lose in efficiency by their longer service on the trees. The advantages of the deciduous habit are : (i) that the leaves, being renewed each year, are more efficient organs of food manufacture ; (2) that the leaves, with less cuticle and with tissues less compact, are better fitted for rapid food manufacture ; (3) that the total leaf area may be much larger than in the case of the evergreens ; (4) that the trees are better fitted to withstand the winter drought, because at that season the entire tree is covered with cork. The dis- advantages of the deciduous habit are: (i) that the food- manufacturing season is only from 5 to 8 months, as com- pared with from 8 to 10 months in the evergreens ; (2) that each year a large amount of food material is needed to make an entirely new set of leaves. 11 Science of Plant Life Finally, we must observe that there are in trees all gradations between the deciduous and evergreen habits. In the rainy tropics there are many delicate-leafed evergreens. In the dry tropics the evergreens have thick, fleshy leaves, or they may be quite leafless. Some plants, like the holly and the Virginia creeper, may be of the deciduous habit in the North and of the evergreen habit in the South. Some deciduous trees, like the cherry, when planted within the tropics become evergreen ; while the magnolia, which is evergreen in the Southern states, becomes deciduous when grow^n in a colder climate. Evidently leaf habits are adjustments to climatic conditions, especially to conditions of temperature and moisture. PROBLEMS 1. What are the commonest evergreen trees and shrubs of your locaUty? 2. What trees of your vicinity develop leaves earliest in the spring? What trees put out their leaves last ? 3. What trees develop flowers before putting out their leaves? 4. What trees drop their leaves first in autumn? What trees drop their leaves last in autumn? 5. What trees shed part of their leaves during the summer? 6. During how many months does each of these trees carry on food manu- facture ? 7. During how many months do the evergreen trees of your locality manufac- ture food? 8. For how many months do the three leading crop plants of your locality carry on photosynthesis? Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Seven 1. Make a thin paste by boiling a Httlc starch in water. Test a small portion of the paste with iodin. Test for sugar with Bene- dict's solution ^ ; then add diastase solution (malt extract pur- chased at the drug store may be used) to the starch paste ; after it has stood in a warm place for some hours, test it again for starch and for sugar. What is meant by digestion of starch? What enzyme brings this about? 2. Test for starch a leaf from a green plant that has been in sunlight by placing it (i) in boiling water for one minute, (2) in hot alcohol until bleached, and (3) in an iodin solution. If starch is present, put the plant in the dark, after cutting off one of its leaves. Place the severed leaf in a covered dish containing moist filter paper, and set the dish in the dark. On the following day test the severed leaf for starch ; also test for starch a leaf freshly cut frbm the plant that was placed in the dark. What do the tests show regarding the movement of carbohydrate out of leaves ? 3. Test seeds of corn, bean, and almond for starch, by placing a drop of iodin solution on a freshly cut section of each seed. 4. Test the same kinds of seeds for oil by scraping the seeds and crushing the scrapings on a sheet of white paper. Oil makes the paper translucent. Which contains the most oil ? 5. Test the same kinds of seeds for protein by placing a drop of nitric acid on a section of each seed. Nitric acid stains protein yellow. 6. If time permits, other organs of the plant may be tested for food in the same way, and starch grains may be studied under the microscope. Scrapings from potato, the root of the canna, and various grains will furnish material for the study. ^ Benedict's solution: Dissolve 173 gm. copper acetate and 100 gm, anhy- drous sodium carbonate in 600 cc. of distilled water. Filter, and add water until the total solution is 850 cc. Dissolve 17.3 gm. of copper sulfate in icx) cc. of water and dilute to 150 cc. Then mix the two solutions, which together will make a liter of Benedict's solution. It is ready for use immediately and keeps indefinitely. To make a test for sugar, add 3 cc. of Benedict's solution to i cc. of the solution to be tested, and boil. If sugar is present, a red or yellow pre- cipitate will ap[)ear. 73 CHAPTER SEVEN DIGESTION, TRANSFER, AND ACCUMULATION OF FOODS We have seen that starch is formed in the leaves of a plant when it is exposed to light. We have also learned by ex- periment that starch disappears from leaves at night, but that if a leaf is removed from a plant it will still contain starch the next day. Furthermore, in many plants like the potato, turnip, or corn, we find starch in parts of the plant far re- moved from the leaves. These facts indicate that the starch is transferred from the leaves and is accumulated in the stems, roots, or seeds. In the present chapter we shall learn how this is done. Digestion of starch. Starch is insoluble in water. It 'does not dissolve in the cell sap, and the starch within the cells is not divided into particles small enough to pass through the cell walls. Before it can be moved from one part of the plant to another, or even from one cell to another, it must be changed into some substance that is soluble. The process of changing starch into a soluble substance has been carefully studied ; and we know that starch is first converted into maltose and that the maltose is further split into glucose (page 28). Glu- cose is readily soluble in water and consequently can be passed from cell to cell and so transferred to any part of the plant. The changing of insoluble substances like starch into simpler soluble substances like glucose is called digestion. Unlike animals, plants have no special organs of digestion. All their living cells are capable of digesting the insoluble sub- stances that are required for their nutrition. Digestion brought about by enzymes. Digestion is brought about by substances called enzymes. These are produced by the living protoplasm of the cells. A large number of differ- 74 Digestion, Transfer, and Accumulation of Foods 75 ent kinds of enzymes have been recognized in plants ; each enzyme digests only one particular kind of food, and there must be a different enz^irie to digest each kind of food within the cell. The enzyme which digests starch is called diastase. The enzyme that digests fats is called lipase. There are other enzymes which act upon the insoluble fonns of protein and render them soluble. It seems probable that enzymes are concerned in the principal activities of all living cells. With- out them there could be none of the rapid changes in foods that are necessary for the transfer of foods within the plant and for carrying on the other processes described in this and the next chapter. It is interesting to know that if an enzyme is put in a test tube, w^ith the appropriate food substance, it will bring about digestion the same as if it were in the living cell. This proves that digestion is not directly carried on by the living protoplasm, and that to be digested, foods do not need to be in contact with living matter. It requires but a very minute quantity of enzyme to digest a large amount of the particular food upon which it acts ; for example, a preparation of an enzyme ex- tracted from the pancreas of an anmial was found to digest 2,000,000 times its weight of starch. The amount of diastase, therefore, that is needed in a mesophyll cell in order to trans- form to sugar the starch in that particular cell, is so small that it cannot be measured. Accumulation of food. A healthy plant usually manu- factures more food than it uses mimediately. In the potato, surplus food is carried to underground stems, the tubers, and is there stored. Turnips and beets are examples of plants that accumulate excess food in their roots. In the maple, it accumulates in the branches, trunk, and roots. In the cab- 76 Science of Plant Life U. S. Dipl. nj A-riLuUure Fig. 46. An orchard in California. The excess food of the trees is accumulated in the fruits. bage, food is stored in the cluster of leaves at the top of the stem. In corn and cereals, the excess food finally accumu- lates in the grain. In the century plant, a considerable part of the excess food is stored in the thick, fleshy leaves ; the process of accumulation may go on from 20 to 30 years, and the total quantity of food stored may amount to many pounds. In nature such accumulated foods are used for another season's growth of the plant or in starting the growth of its offspring. Before insoluble foods are transferred in the plant, they are digested or made soluble by enzymes. When these soluble substances accumulate in the cells of storage organs, they fre- quently are transformed again into an insoluble form. For example, starch formed in potato leaves is transferred through the plant to the underground tubers in the form of glucose, Digestion, Transfer, and Accumulation of Foods 77 E. L. Adams) Fig. 47. A field of shocked rice in California. The surplus food of the rice plant accumulates in the seeds. These are more used than any other one article of diet by man. and there it accumulates in the cells in the form of starch. It is believed that the same enzymes which change the starch to glucose, under suitable conditions change the glucose back again to starch, and that, in general, the enzymes that digest foods are the agents that build them up again into the more complex insoluble forms. Kinds of food accumulated. In any given plant in which food is accumulated, protein, carbohydrate, and fat are all present. Depending on the plant, however, the amount of any one of these may be very great or it may be so small as to be practically negligible. In the sugar cane and sugar beet the excess food occurs mainly in the form of cane sugar (su- crose). In the potato it is almost wholly starch. The grains of wheat, oats, and rice contain mostly starch, but also some protein. In sweet corn there are both sugar and starch ; in field corn there is mostly starch. In both kinds of corn there are measurable quantities of protein and oil. In the soy bean Science of Plant Life Bruce tink Fig. 48. A sugar-cane field in Porto Rico. The excess food is accumulated in the stems in the form of sugar. and peanut, there are large quantities of both protein and oil. In the seeds of the coconut, flax, and cotton there is a large proportion of oil. Food-accumulating plants and agriculture. Throughout the long history of agriculture the principal purposes of agriculturists have been: (i) the discovery of plants that accumulate large amounts of food ; (2) the improvement of these plants by selection of seed from the most productive or otherwise most desirable individuals ; (3) improvement of the methods of cultivation to provide conditions of growth that will cause the largest possible amounts of foods to be accumulated in the plants. Sweet corn was developed through the selection of seeds with a view to securing plants having a Digestion, Transfer, and Accumulation of Foods 79 large sugar content ; field corn was developed through the selection of seeds for starch content. The original sugar P 2.2 w 78.3 .W87.6 BANANA Fig. 49. Diagrams showing percentages of water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash in various plant organs. Note the low percentage of water in seeds as well as the similarity of content of the potato and the banana. beets contained less than 5 per cent of sugar ; because of careful seed selection and intelligent fitting of the environ- ment to the plants, the best quality of beets grown today con- tains as high as 22 per cent. The original potato tubers weighed about an ounce ; potatoes weighing several pounds are now grown, and a plant may produce ten times as many tubers as are produced by the original plant. The testing of wild species of plants for possible cultiva- tion and use as sources of food, and the introduction of species cultivated in other countries, is being carried on by govern- ments in all parts of the world. Through its agricultural ex- plorers the United States has probably accomplished more 8o Science of Plant Life in this particular field than have all other countries com- bined. Examples of plants that have been successfully in- troduced into this country through the efforts of government experts are the drought-resistant wheat, dasheens, figs, dates, guavas, kafir corn, milo, and new varieties of oranges. PROBLEMS 1. In the recent Yearbooks of the Department of Agriculture, look up the accounts of new plant introductions. 2. Why is it important that the United States should grow within its own boundaries as great a variety as possible of cereals, fruits, and other food- producing plants? Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Eight 1. Generate some carbon dioxid by pouring hydrochloric acid on marble in a flask with a long delivery tube. Pass some of the gas through clear limewater in a small beaker. What is the effect? 2. Blow your breath through a tube into another small beaker containing limewater. Is the effect the same? 3. Arrange each of two small flasks with a two-hole stopper and two tubes as shown in Figure 50. In the first flask put flowers; in the second put clear limewater. After they have stood for a few minutes, draw air from the first flask through the Hmewater in the second. Note the effect. Does the respiration of plants produce the same gas as the respiration of animals? 4. Mark young leaves of fern, corn seedlings, and nasturtium as suggested in the text, and study the growth of the three kinds of leaves.- 5. Show by experiment that oxygen is necessary for the growth of seeds. CHAPTER EIGHT THE UTILIZATION OF FOODS In the preceding chapters we have seen how food is manu- factured by the plant, how it is made soluble and is trans- ferred, and how the excess food is accumulated in various organs of the plant. Food is finally utilized by the cells in respiration, assimilation, and growth. In this chapter we shall learn the meanings of these terms and study the changes that the foods undergo in connection with the production of energy, the making of protoplasm, and the growth of the cells. Energy necessary to plant cells. In order to do work, each machine in a manufacturing estabhshment must be suppUed with energy, and every living cell in a plant requires energy for carrying on its work of repair, growth, and move- ment. In manufacturing establishments the energy is usually generated at one place and is then transmitted by means of shafts and belts or wires and motors to all parts of the fac- tory. The plant cannot transmit energy from one part to another, but it can and does send food to all its living cells, and from this food each cell generates within itself the energy that it needs. Respiration. A steam engine is supplied with energy by the oxidation of fuel beneath the boiler that is connected with it. A cell is suppHed with energy by the oxidation of food within it. The process by which the cells obtain energy through the oxidatioji of foods is called respiration. In the process oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxid is given off. Respiration takes place in all Kving cells, and to carry on this necessary process all parts of the plant must be supphed with oxygen. The leaves and stems of land plants obtain their 82 The Utilization of Foods 83 oxygen from the atmosphere, and the roots from the air that is in the soil. Wet soils are unsuited to the growth of many plants, not because of the ^ ^ water present, but because of the lack of a sufficient oxygen supply for the roots. Drain- age is a valuable agricultural practice not only because it removes excess water, but also because it draws air (oxygen) into the soil. When the farmer breaks the crust on the surface, he is making it possible for more oxygen to reach the roots of his crop. The plant and the process of respiration may be compared to a manufacturing establishment and the work that goes on in it. The power stations are every living cell of root, stem, and Fig. 50. Carbon dioxid is given off from the respiration of the flowers. The machinery The fuel The process The product The waste leaf, is the protoplasm, is foods, especially carbohydrates, is the combining of food and oxygen, is energy, is carbon dioxid and water. The working hours are twenty-four a day. Respiration and photosynthesis contrasted. In photo- synthesis, carbon dioxid and water are combined to form the complex molecules of carbohydrates, and a large number of atoms of oxygen are set free in the process. When, in res- piration, the complex carbohydrate molecules are again combined with oxygen, simple molecules of carbon dioxid 84 Science of Plant Life and water are formed. In photosynthesis, the energy of the sunhght is used in building up the carbohydrates. The energy is stored in the carbohydrates, and it may be released by changing them back to the simple substances out of which they were made. When we w^ind up a clock spring, we put energy into the tightened coil. When the spring is allowed to uncoil, this energy is released and turns the wheels of the clock. So in photosynthesis the energy is stored in the car- bohydrates, and this energy is released in the process of res- piration and used in the life processes of the cell. In photosynthesis In respiration Oxygen is released. Oxygen is consumed. Energy is accumulated. Energy is released. Simple molecules are built up Complex molecules are broken into complex ones. down into simple ones. Plants accumulate food and Plants consume food and de- increase in weight. crease in weight. Comparative rates of respiration. The rate of respiration is greatest where there is rapid growth, as in germinating seeds, opening flowers, and ripening fruits. In some of these it is much more rapid, bulk for bulk, than in animals. The lowest rates of respiration occur in seeds and other dormant structures ; and there is comparatively little respiration in woody stems and other hard parts in which there are oilly a ' few living cells. Respiration and the shipping of fruits and vegetables. How important the recognition of the respiratory requirement of living cells is, may be illustrated by the difliculties that have been met with in shipping fruits and bulbs. Peaches, during shipment, sometimes develop brownish spots where they The Utilization of Foods 85 touch each other. These spots were formerly thought to be due to jarring in transportation, but they are now known to be caused by packing the peaches so closely that the air does not have full access to all the fruit. The respiration of the cells at the points of contact is in consequence interfered with, and these cells are suffocated and gradually die. Ships with specially ventilated holds are used in importing bulbs from Holland and fruits from the tropics. The building of ventilated holds came as a result of the death of several men who attempted to unload a cargo of bulbs from an unventilated bottom. Assimilation. Another part of the food constructed by the plant is used for repair and for building additional protoplasm. A machine, if allowed to stand idle and uncared for, gradually goes to pieces. The cell is a very delicate mechanism, built of highly complex substances, and the protoplasm of the ac- tive cell requires constant repair. The foods that most nearly approach protoplasm in chemical composition are the pro- teins. Naturally these are the foods most readily changed into protoplasm and are the ones mainly used in the process of assimilation. Assimilation may be defined as the process through which the living protoplasm is repaired or new proto- plasm built up by the use of foods. Assimilation takes place in all living cells. Growth. The enlargement of plants or the development of new structures is called growth. The fact about plant life that is most familiar to all is that when a live seed is planted in the soil it germinates, and that from it there develops a seed- ling which continues to enlarge for a longer or shorter time, depending on the plant and the conditions of growth. The period of growth may be a month, as in the radish in mid- 86 Science of Plant Life summer, or it may be hundreds of years, as in some trees. In the process of growth vast quantities of food are consumed. During the early stages of a plant's development most of the food it manufactures is used in this way. In order to grow, a plant must make new protoplasm, develop new cell walls, and thicken and strengthen old cell walls. Growth requires not only food, but energy as well. Indeed, a considerable part of the energy derived from respiration is used in growth. We might expect assimilation and food consumption to be most active in young growing parts, and that this is the case has many times been verified by experiment. Growth takes place through the enlargement of cells already present in the plant, through cell division, and tlu'ough modification of cells without enlargement. The making of the cell walls. The wall that surrounds each cell of the plant is composed largely of a substance called cellulose, which is secreted by the living protoplasm. When the cell is growing, its wall is exceedingly thin and it stretches as the cell enlarges. When a cell divides, a new wall is formed between the two parts. As the cell grows older, new layers of cellulose and allied substances are added. In some tis- sues, as in the shells of nuts, the walls become so thick as to occupy most of the volume of the cell. In other tissues, hke the mesophyll of leaves, the cell walls always remain thin. Chemically, cellulose is a carbohydrate, closely related to sugar and starch. Sugar and starch are the plant foods that are mainly used in its manufacture, just as the proteins are mainly used in the building of new protoplasm. Cotton fiber is pure cellulose, and exemplifies the strength, lack of color, and insolubility in water that are characteristic of cellulose. The Utilization of Foods 87 Conditions for growth. The conditions most favorable for growth arc abundant water supply and warm temperatures, Fig. 51. Results of an experiment to show effects of light and moisture on the growth of potato shoots: A, light but no water; B, light and water; C, water but no light. such as normally occur in summer. For the growth of the plant as a whole, strong light is favorable because it increases the supply of food. For the growth of leaves in particular, medium light is generally most favorable. In darkness the blades of many plants do not expand, and in very intense light they do not expand fully because of excessive water loss. The growing regions of leaves. By watching the develop- ment of leaves on any common herb, or on the trees in spring, we can see that growth takes place rapidly ; also, that growth ceases when the leaves have developed to a certain rather definite size. After the leaf is mature, further enlargement will not take place, no matter how favorable to growth the external conditions may be. The question arises, do all parts of the leaf enlarge equally, or do some parts grow more than others ? There is one characteristic of mowing tissue that vdW 88 Science of Plant Life help us in answering this inquiry : young tissue is very tender, and easily broken, while old tissue is stronger and firmer. Fern leaves grow at the apex. The fern leaf is one that may be studied in this connection, for the growing portion is not only tender but coiled up, and its unfold- ing may be noted from day to day by marking with India ink the successive positions of the coil. In the Boston fern, which is so commonly cul- tivated as a window plant, the leaf may continue to unfold for weeks, if the water supply is adequate and other condi- tions are favorable. Evidently in the ferns the growing region is at the apex and the oldest part of the leaf is the base. Growth in the leaves of seed plants. The flowering plants have either parallel-veined leaves or net-veined leaves, and the place of growth in these two types of leaves is different. In parallel- veined leaves, like those of the members of the grass family, the growth is at the base. What boy or girl, walking through a field of timothy or wheat, has not pulled the leaves from the stems? The leaves always break near the base. If you have tasted the broken end, you will recall that it was sweet and tender. The breaking near the base, and the sweetness there^ indicate that the growing region of Fig. 52. Growing regions (shaded por- tions) of leaves: A, leaf of fern; B, grass leaf ; and C, leaf of sunflower. I The Utilization of Foods 89 f^- .^^^^ki^fh^MF Fig. 53. A tobacco field in Connecticut. The plants are grown for their leaves. the grass leaf is at the base. A more exact determination of the growing region may be made by marking a young grass leaf into equal spaces with India ink. This will show that as the leaf develops, it is continually pushed upward and outward from the node where it is attached. This mode of growth is characteristic not only of grasses but of many other plants having parallel- veined leaves. Net-veined leaves. The net-veined leaves develop differ- ently from the leaves of either ferns or grasses. An exami- nation of a growing net- veined leaf will show that all parts are equally firm. The best method of study is to mark the young leaf into equal squares by means of two series of parallel lines at right angles to each other. A geranium or nasturtium leaf serves well for this purpose. After several days it will be seen that the only change has been an increase in size of the 90 Science of Plant Life U. S. Depl. of Agriculture Fig. 54. Cutting leaves from the sisal (a form of century plant) for making the fiber used in the manufacture of binder twine in Yucatan. Fig. 55. Drying sisal fiber in Yucatan. U. 6'. DcpL of Agriculture The Utilization of Foods 91 squares. The hnes in each direction are still parallel. This indicates that all parts of the blade are growing equally. These facts regarding the growth of leaves may be summarized in a some- what different way. In the ferns the last part of the leaf to mature is the apex. In parallel- veined leaves a region near the base is still in a growing condition after the other parts are mature. In net- veined leaves all parts of the blade mature at the same time. Leaves as sources of commercial products. Many plants are grown or collected for the sake of their leaves. The most nourishing part of forage crops like hay and alfalfa is the leaves. Lettuce, celery, and Swiss chard are important garden leaf crops. The leaves of the tobacco plant furnish the basis of a world-wide industry. The conductive bundles from the leaves of certain Mexican agaves furnish the sisal fiber used in the manufacture of binder twine. Manila fiber is made from the bundles of the leaves of a Philippine banana. The leaves of the tropical palm, rafiia, are used by gardeners for tying up plants, and by others for the making of orna- mental baskets. Other tropical palms furnish the fibers from which Panama hats are woven. The eelgrass, which -v.K, Fink Fig. 56. Hat pahii, Portu Rico. The leaves are split into strips and are used in weaving hats. 92 Science of Plant Life grows in shallow water along our coasts, has been found to be one of the best materials for packing the sound-proof, fire-proof, and heat-proof walls of apartment houses, factories, and cold-storage warehouses. Cocain, caffein, digitalis, the oils of mint and wintergreen, and other substances used in medicine are derived from the leaves of plants. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Nine 1. Examine the stem systems of an herb, a shrul), and a tree and make sketches of them, preferably in the field. 2. Field trip to study herbs, shrubs, and trees, noting the great variety of forms in each group. A visit to a greenhouse will permit the study of a variety of tropical species and of methods of prop- agating plants. 3. Field trip for the study of annuals, biennials, and perennials. Old fields, gardens, roadsides, and woods will show a variety of forms. In the case of perennials the underground parts are as interesting and important as the above-ground shoots. How does each of these types of plants pass the winter ? 93 CHAPTER NINE HERBS, SHRUBS, AND TREES Every one who has occasion to grow plants needs to know something about the length of Hfe of the plants he is concerned with, and he must know also whether they have herbaceous or woody stems. For example, suppose a farmer wishes to determine whether it will be more profitable to grow sweet clover or alfalfa in a certain field. Before planting either of these crops, he should know that one of them is a biennial and the other a perennial, because all his plans for handling the crop will depend on this information. Or suppose that an- other man wishes to have a permanent border of flowering plants about his lawn to obstruct the view of some unattrac- tive fields or buildings. He can choose wisely from among the hundreds of plants listed in nursery catalogs only when he has definite information about the longevity of the plants and as to whether they are herbs, shrubs, or trees. A clear understanding of the classification of plants on the basis of their length of life, their woodiness, and their tendency to form single large trunks or a number of stems is helpful also in any study of the structure and processes of stems. Longevity of plants. Plants differ greatly in their length of life. To indicate the length of the natural life periods, the terms annual, biennial, and perennial are commonly applied to plants. It is important that these terms be clearly underr stood before the subject of the tissues and their arrangements in stems is taken up, because in each of these length-of-life classes certain characteristics are associated with the form and development of the stem. Annuals. Most of our common garden vegetables and field crops are started from seeds in early spring. The seeds 94 Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees 95 germinate ; roots and shoots develop ; and by midsummer or autumn, flowers and fruits are produced and new seeds, which contain the beginning of another generation of plants, are formed. Then the plants die. The period from seed germination to seed pro- duction is called the life period. If it is com- pleted within a single growing season, the plant is called an annual (Latin : annus, year). Corn, lettuce, radishes, beans, pumpkins, morning- glories, and ragweeds are familiar annual plants. Biennials. During the first season some plants develop only leaves and roots and a very short stem. The root is usually large and accu- mulates a considerable amount of food. In the second season growth is re- . newed, and there is developed an upright stem with leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. These plants which pass a winter season during their vegetative development, and whose Hfe period includes two different growing seasons, are called biennials (Latin : hien- nium, space of two years). Fig. 57. Moth mullein, a biennial: first season rosettes (in foreground) and mature plant. The seeds of some common weeds, Hke the shepherd's purse, evening primrose, and wild lettuce, germinate in August or September, and a little rosette of leaves is formed close to the ground. Food accumulates in the root until winter comes. The following spring the plants make rapid growth, and by midsummer they have blossomed, produced seed, and died. In spite of the fact that their whole 96 Science of Plant Life life is passed within a twelvemonth period, these plants are called biennials, because their life period covers parts of two vegetative seasons. The term annual or biennial as applied to plants, therefore, does not imply any definite length of life in months. Wheat may be grown either as an annual or as a biennial, depending upon whether it is planted in the spring or in the fall.^ Shep- herd's purse and wild lettuce not infrequently live as annuals in nature. The commonest biermials of the garden are beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, and cabbage. In the first four, large amounts of food are accumulated in the roots ; in the cabbage the food is stored in the enormous terminal bud, the *' head." These stores of food are used in the production of seeds the following year. Usually biennials and annuals are herbs. Biennials, like annuals, are comparatively small in size, and die after flowers and seeds have been produced. Perennials. Perennials (Latin : perennis, lasting through the year) are plants that live for a number of years. Some of them, as for example certain grasses, produce seed during the first and succeeding years. Other perennials, like alfalfa, form seed at the end of the second and succeeding seasons. Trees and shrubs usually require several seasons' growth before seeds are produced. The century plant of our southwestern deserts develops vegetatively for 25 or 30 years before it pro- duces a flowering stem and seeds. Then it behaves like an annual or a biennial, for as soon as the seeds are mature the whole plant dies. This calls our attention to the interesting 1 When wheat is planted in the spring and grown as an annual, it is called " spring wheat." When it is planted in the fall and grown as a biennial, it is called " winter wheat." The same variety may be grown either as spring or winter wheat, but in practice different varieties are grown. Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees 97 fact that in annuals, biennials, and a few perennials there is no well-marked period of senility or old age. They die sud- denly at maturity, immediately after their period of greatest vigor. Trees and shrubs, on the contrary, have a distinct period of old age in which the physiological processes are slowed down gradually until the plants suc- cumb to diseases and unfavorable conditions which they could have withstood in youth. Perennials classified according to the persistent parts. All perennials add new leaves, new stems, and new roots each year; but they may be classified roughly according to the parts that persist from one season to the next. Evergreen trees and shrubs are perennial in all parts of the plant Fig. 5S. Centuo^ plant (.4 gat'), 11 T^ • 1 ±_ 111 showing rosette of fleshy leaves body. Deciduous trees and shrubs ^,^^, ^^^^^.^^.^^ ^^^^ j, i^ ^ are perennial in their stems and roots, perennial, but, like an annual Many herbaceous perennials, like the ""' ' ^^'"ff ' '' ^''^ ^'^'"^ '' •' ^ ' flowers and fruits. cat-tails, swamp mallows, peonies, trilliums, and bananas, have annual above-ground stems but perennial underground stems and roots. Dahlias and sweet potatoes have perennial roots. Potatoes and the Jerusalem artichoke (a kind of sunflower) have perennial thickened underground stems (tubers). Tulips and hyacinths have perennial underground stems (bulbs). These examples show that perennial plants have many different ways of bridging 98 Science of Plant Life over unfavorable seasons like periods of cold or drought. There seems to be no limit to the length of Hfe of some perennial herbs, Hke ferns, the May apple, Solomon's seal, and cer- tain grasses and mints. The older parts die each year, and new parts form at the other ends of the underground stems. The plants change their loca- tions slightly each year, one end of the stem grow- ing forward and the other end dying away. There is no apparent reason why such plants should not live indefinitely, perhaps longer than the oldest trees ; but no one part of the plant lives for a long time. Herbs, shrubs, and trees. Shrubs and trees have woody stems. The stems of herbs lack woody tissues. Our garden and field crops are all herbaceous plants. Their stems con- tain no woody tissue and, for this reason, in temperate climates the above-ground parts live but a single growing season. The principal difference between shrubs and trees lies in Fig. 59. Group of California Big Trees (Se- quoia gigantea). An idea of their size and height can be gained by comparing them with the man standing at the left of the picture. Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees 99 the fact that shrubs develop numerous slender above-ground stems from a single base, while trees develop a single stem or trunk. This distinction may be expressed in another way by saying that shrubs branch un- derground, while trees branch only above ground. Most shrubs are less than lo feet in height, but some, like the stag- horn sumac, may reach a height of 20 feet. Most trees are be- tween 25 and 200 feet in height, but the eucalyptus tree of Aus- tralia and the giant sequoias of California are over 300 feet in height, and the massive trunks of the latter may be more than Fig. 60. Japanese dwarf pine. Some 30 feet in diameter. However, ^f these small potted trees are a cen- the distinction between herbs, shrubs, and trees is not one of size. Herbaceous plants, like the corn and sunflower, may reach a height of over 15 feet and the banana a height of 30 feet, while some shrubs are only a few inches in height and some of the dwarf trees of Japan that are a century old are less than 5 feet in height (Fig. 60). Plant characteristics and the plant-producing arts. The differences in the habits of growth, longevity, and materials stored by plants has led to specialization among those who grow plants. For many evident reasons the most important art of growing plants is agriculture. The farmer deals entirely with herbs and largely with annuals, though biennials and perennials may be grown for forage crops. He is for the loo Science of Plant Life most part concerned with plants that accumulate foods in a highly concentrated form. The growing of trees to create forests for the production of timber, fuel, and pulp wood is the field of silviculture. The silviculturist specializes on those trees that accumulate cel- lulose in the most usable form. Horticulture embraces a wider range of plants, but in actual practice a horticulturist usually specializes on plants having somewhat similar habits. The growing of food-producing shrubs and trees represents one division of horticulture. The object sought is the production of fruits containing pleasantly flavored substances stored in cells with the thin- nest possible cell walls. The vegetable grower specializes on annuals and biennial herbs that accumulate both food and flavors, and to a less extent on perennials, like asparagus and rhubarb. Floriculture deals with all classes of plants and has for its object the production of attractive flowers and foliage. It reaches its highest development in landscape architecture, in which masses of vegetation are arranged to beautify a landscape. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Ten 1. Make accurate drawings of small portions of herbaceous and woody stems, noting the various surface features. Goldenrod, sunflower, aster, gourd, buckeye, box elder, raspberry, elm, ailan- thus, and hawthorn are particularly suitable. Label the terminal buds, lateral buds, leaf scars, bundle scars, lenticels, and bud scars. 2. Study branches of spruce and apple, to show growth of dif- ferent years. 3. Place some twigs of soft maple, ailanthus, willow, and cotton- wood in water. Make a series of drawings to show stages in the opening of the buds. 4. Make sketches of several trees to show the deliquescent and excurrent types of branching. lOI CHAPTER TEN STEMS AND THEIR EXTERNAL FEATURES The stem usually forms the axis of the plant and bears the leaves, flowers, and fruits. Plants showing all degrees of stem branching are found, from the unbranched palm and corn to the finely divided asparagus and elm. In most plants the stems are upright, aerial structures ; but in some plants they lie on the surface of the soil, in other plants the main stem is underground and only the branches rise above the surface, and still other plants have the entire stem underground. The upright stem is the common type and has many advantages over a horizontal stem. At its lower end it bears one or more roots that connect the plant with the soil. Advantages of upright stems. The photographer uses light to effect chemical changes in pho- tographic papers and plates, and the plant uses fight to bring about chemical changes in its green tissues. The photog- rapher who uses sunlight for his work usuafiy locates his studio at the top of a tall build- ing, because there he avoids the shadows of near-by build- ings and secures a more con- stant exposure to light. The same advantages come to the plant that has its leaves raised well above surrounding plants : the leaves are in less danger of Fig. 6i. Sunflower and burdock, show- ing advantage of upright stem in leaf display. I02 Stems and Their External Features 103 being shaded, and each day they are exposed to the sun- shine during a longer period . The tall plant has an additional advantage in being able to expose to the light a greater leaf area over a given space of ground, because it can dis- play several or many layers of leaves one above the other. The rosette of leaves formed by the bur- dock illustrates the possi- bilities of leaf display near the soil. A large sunflower plant covers no greater soil area than a burdock, but it is able to expose to the sunlight several times as great a leaf area, because the sunflower leaves are placed at several different levels (Fig. 61). Trees have the greatest stem development and the greatest leaf display. Rosette plants, like the dandelions and plantains, represent the opposite extreme of shght stem development, small leaf area, and a poor leaf display. One advantage in a tall, upright stem is that it holds the leaves up to the light and thereby makes possible a greater leaf display. Plants with upright stems have advantages also in connec- tion with reproduction and seed dispersal. Wind-polHnated flowers, like those of corn or the pine, are better exposed to Edwin Llale Lincoln i'lG. 62. .\n American dm in the Berkshire Hills, IMassachusetts. The tall stem of such a plant makes possible the display of a large number of leaves to the light and facilitates the production and dispersal of seed. 104 Science of Plant Life air currents when they are borne on an upright stem, and the display of insect-pollinated flowers high up on a stem is advantageous because the flowers are more readily found by insects. Moreover, seeds are likely to be distributed more widely when they fall from tall plants. For example, a maple seed dropped from a height of 50 feet is exposed to air currents during its fall and is almost sure to reach the ground at some distance from the point directly below the starting place. A second advantage in an upright stem is that it facilitates the production and dispersal of seed. The advantages of the upright stem are all dependent on its capacity to support other organs. The stem must be strong enough to support leaves, flowers, and fruits. The city sky- scraper needs first of all a strong framework about which the building is constructed. The stems of tall, erect plants must be correspondingly strengthened by a mechanical structure. The base of a tree is much smaller in proportion to its height than that of the tallest and narrowest building, and it is pos- sible for trees to reach great heights only because their stems are composed in large part of supporting tissues that have great strength. Mechanical or supporting tissues are neces- sary in upright stems. Advantages of horizontal stems. Horizontal stems have little or no mechanical tissue, and they display leaves to the light advantageously only when they grow in the open. There are advantages in stems of this type, however, because by growing horizontally on the soil or beneath the surface of the soil they spread the plant ; because they are in contact with the soil and may take root at frequent intervals ; and because they are better protected than upright stems during the win- ter and other unfavorable seasons. Stems and Their External Features 105 Conductive tissues necessary in stems. 1 he simplest land plants are very small and grow flat on the soil in wet places. They are constantly in contact with the moist soil, and their cells can be supplied almost directly with water and mineral salts. In such plants a conductive system is not necessary ; but if the leaves of a plant are to be raised into the air, water for transpiration must not only be supplied to them con- tinuously, but at times it must be supplied in great quantity. Because of this fact, a plant that raises its leaves even a few inches above the soil must possess conductive tissues, and when large numbers of leaves are raised 200 or 300 feet into the air, a very extensive water-conducting system is neces- sary. The water-conducting tissues are of vital importance in the stems of complex plants. The roots and stems require a continuous supply of food for repairing old cells and for building new ones. Since the foods are manufactured primarily in the leaves, there must be food- conducting tissues that are adequate to carry them to all parts of the stem and roots. The food-conducting tissues also transfer food from the leaves to the seeds and growing parts, and when food has accumulated in the stem or roots it may pass up through the conductive tissues of the stem to other parts of the plant. Food-conducting tissues are neces- sary in stems to transfer food within the plants. The stem as a place of food accumulation. Because of the volume of the stem it is natural that excess food should ac- cumulate m it. Under favorable conditions, foods for which the plant has no immediate need are continuously passing from the leaves into the stem. Consequently, in our larger plants the stem is the place of temporary storage and the center from which foods are distributed as needed. In some plants io6 Science of Plant Life the process of accumulation becomes one of the most im- portant functions of the stem, and it may include the ac- cumulation of water as well as of food (page 75). Stems as photosynthetic organs. In plants with little or no leaf display, the stems may do all or most of the photo- synthetic work. The night-blooming cereus and other cac- tuses, and asparagus and equisetum, have no leaves. The green stems of most herbaceous plants contribute at least a part of the carbohydrates, and the young twigs of many woody plants are green and carry on photosynthetic work. Physiologically, then, the stem is an organ that supports and displays leaves to the light ; aids reproduction by ele- vating the flowers and seeds ; conducts water to the leaves for transpiration and photosynthesis ; carries food to its own living cells and to those of the roots ; is a place for the tem- porary accumulation of food materials; and may carry on photosynthesis. External features of woody stems. On a woody stem nodes, leaf scars, buds, and lenticels may be seen. The nodes are the places where the leaves arise, and they are the most prominent external feature of stems. The arrangement of leaves at the nodes has already been discussed (page 37). In addition to the leaf, the node gives rise to one or more buds, just above the place of leaf attachment, in the so-called axil (Latin : axilla, armpit) of the leaf. The leaf scars are markings on the stem where leaves have fallen. The part of a stem between two nodes is called an internode. The lenticels are small, dotlike elevations scattered over the surfaces of the mternodes. Buds. Stems and branches produce leaves only once. We are accustomed to speak of deciduous trees clothing themselves with a new set of leaves each spring, as though the branches Stems and Their External Features 107 of the previous year put forth a new set of leaves to replace those lost the preceding autumn. As a matter of fact, when we look at a deciduous tree in winter, we see branches and twigs, all of which have borne leaves and none of which will ever bear leaves again. The possibiHty of producing new foliage lies in the development of new branches and twigs. This is the function of the buds ; from them the new growth of each year takes its rise. The buds of many tropi- cal plants are like those we see at the tops of the stems of garden vegetables. Such a bud consists of the stem's growing point and the un- developed leaves, with no special coverings of any kind. These naked buds occur also on the under- ground stems of some of our Northern plants. A simple sort of bud covering, which is common in the tropics, is made by the fold- ing together of the stipules. This type of bud covering lenticel, / a terminal bud scar, and g a tendril Fig. 63. Twigs of smilax (.1), buckeye {B)» and trec-of-hcavcn {Ailanthtis) (C). The bud scales are designated by a ; b and h are buds; c is a leaf scar, d a bundle scar, e a io8 Science of Plant Life may be seen in the tulip tree and the magnohas of temperate cJimates. The buds of most temperate perennials are covered with scales. Not infrequently the scales are further covered with matted hairs and secretions of wax and resin. These all tend to make the bud coverings impervious to water. In this way the tender growing parts are protected from excessive loss of water during the winter and during the still more critical stage in early spring when the buds are opening. We are likely to think of buds as being formed at about the time when the leaves fall from the trees. A good observer, however, will have noted that the buds begin to develop when the leaves unfold in spring, and that they grow all summer long. Because of the prominence of the leaves, the buds are obscured somewhat during the summer months, and become conspicuous only after the leaves are gonCo The opening of buds. When the warm weather of spring- time comes, the innermost bud scales begin to grow and expand. Sometimes the outer scales are pushed off; some- times they elongate and grow like the inner ones. But the scales quickly reach their full growth, and soon they are cut off by the formation of an abscission layer at the base of each. In the buds of a few plants all the scales are dead and are pushed off by the growth of the stem and leaves inside. The expansion of bud scales and leaves takes place almost wholly through the enlargement of cells already formed. Within the bud the minute leaf cells absorb water and develop large vacuoles. The expansion of these cells results in the en- largement and spreading of the leaves. Material for the study of the different habits of bud expansion may be secured in winter by bringing branches of different kinds of trees into a warm room and placing them in water until the leaves expand. Stems and Their External Features 109 Kinds of buds. Every bud contains llic growing point of a stem. In addition, most buds contain the beginnings of foUage leaves ; that is, the leaves have already begun to de- velop on the sides of the young stem within the bud. Some buds, as for example many of those on the maples and elms, contain the beginnings of flowers. Other buds, like some of those of the catalpa and the horse-chestnut, contain both leaves and a flower cluster. Bulbs are really a special under- ground form of bud, and they are similar in structure to other buds. We shall consider bulbs when we come to the study of underground stems. Bud development and plant form. Buds which occur at the ends of stems are called terminal buds ; those which occur at the nodes are called lateral buds. This classification is useful because only a part of the buds on a stem ever de- velop and because the form of a plant depends on which set of buds develops more freely and grows more rapidly. In most plants, the terminal bud simply extends a stem or branch ; the lateral buds produce new branches. Plants with very strong terminal buds tend to become columnar in form, like the large, unbranched sunflowers of the garden or Hke the spruce and palm among trees. Plants with strong lateral buds tend to branch continually and to become bushy in form, like the lilac and hydrangea. There are all grada- tions between these extremes in the development of the terminal and lateral buds, and in the resulting plant fonns. In many roses the shoots from the base of the stem develop only through their tenninal ])uds the first year. The shoot is thus extended to great length by the first season's growth. The following year the lateral buds develop, and the long shoot becomes highly branched. As these lateral branches no Science of Plant Life ^t^ Fig. 64. Date palms in fruit, on an oasis in an Algerian desert. The terminal bud continues its development year after year and builds up the long, un- branched stem of the tree. {From photo U. S. Dept. oj Agriadiure.) Stems and Their External Features m Fig. 65. Pine trees on Wood River in Oregon. The strong terminal bud continues its development, and the excurrent stem is the result. bear the flowers and produce them abundantly only once, we can promote flowering in these roses by trimming away each year all but the long, unbranched shoots. In many other shrubs, as spiraea, barberry, and privet, a few strong lateral buds at the surface of the soil develop each year. This ac- counts for the basal branching of these plants. Excurrent and deliquescent stems. \\'hen trees have strong terminal buds, the main stem extends to the top and is called excurrent (Latin: excurrcns, running out). The spruce has a strong terminal bud, and just beneath it several smaller lateral buds. The temiinal l3ud grows uj)warcl and the lateral buds grow outward, forming a whorl of branches at the base of the season's growth. This is repeated each year, the terminal shoot lengthening the stem, and the lateral buds adding a new whorl of branches. Consequently each 112 Science of Plant Life ■ -Vy^iJ }, fc/^ ^' \--^'>4 Winl ^^ - v^''^1CJm H, .^-^^^/^ -^ ^w^ iPfg^ 3^- ' ... year's growth is marked by a whorl oi branches, and the age of a tree may readily be estimated by counting the number of whorls on the stem. Since the oldest branches are nearest the ground they are the longest, and the tree becomes cone-shaped as it grows. The terminal buds of the elm tree seldom survive the winter. The lateral buds develop, and the main stem divides and subdivides un- til it is lost in the crown of the trees. This gradual dissolving of the trunk into a spray of terminal branchlets suggested the name deliquescent (Latin : deliquescens , dissolving) for this type of stem. We see, therefore, that the excurrent type of stem depends on the continual development of terminal buds, while the deli- quescent type depends on the growth of lateral buds. Con- sequently we may modify the forms of plants in cultivation by trimming them and so forcing the growth of certain buds. Lawn trees and shrubs are grown either for shade or for ornamental effects. We secure shade by trimming off the terminal buds and so causing many of the lateral buds to develop into branches and thus form a denser crown. Orna- mental effects are secured by trimming plants so that they will be in artistic harmony with their surroundings. Fig. 66. A hackberry in lllin.ns. TIk; de- velopment of the lateral buds results in the formation of a deliquescent stem. Stems and Their External Features 113 Fig. 07. Baldwin apple orL-hani, sticnving trees with the branches lluniied lu increase the production of fruit. Fruit trees and grapes have been found to produce more fruit, and fruit of a better quaUty , when the number of branches is small. A smaller number of branches on a tree secures an open crown and permits the sunlight to penetrate to every leaf, and the removal of some of the branches forces the de- velopment of flower buds which might remain dormant if the terminal and branch buds were allowed to grow uninter- ruptedly. In grape culture, only four or five branches are allowed to remain on a vine each year, and these branches are shortened. This insures full development for a few of the flowering branches and the production of the best quality of fruit. Leaf scars and bud scars. The leaf scars on some plants are round ; on others they are narrow lines ; on most plants they are crescent-shaped. Usually they are smooth, except 114 Science of Plant Life for small, dotlike markings. These markings are bundle scars; they show where the bundles of conductive and me- chanical tissue extended outward from the stem into the petiole. The shape of the leaf scar and the arrangement of the bundle scars are so characteristic for many kinds of trees that they may serve to identify the tree in winter. The bud scales also leave scars when they drop. These scars are usually numerous and so closely crowded that they form a roughened ring about the stem. The terminal-bud scars occur at intervals, surrounding the stem or branch. The lateral-bud scars occur only at the bases of the branches and twigs. Determining annual growth of shoots from terminal-bud scars. Since the terminal bud marks the end of each year's growth, the terminal-bud scars mark off a perennial stem into segments, each of which repre- sents the growth of a single year. Often an interesting life history is suggested by the varying length of the intervals between the bud scars on a particular stem. By a study of these intervals we can de- termine the seasons that were favorable and those that were unfavorable on account of drought, excessive rain, attacks of insects, or some other cause. , , In the pines and spruces the Fig. 68. Norway spruce, showing whorls ^ ^ i j re of branches at end of each year's growth, year's grOWth IS marked off % »*!^^ .•^Z" ' * - . - V** — Stems and Their External Features 115 not only by the bud scars, but also by whorls of branches. Differences in the color of the bark and in its texture will also help to distinguish successive annual stem segments in most trees. Lenticels. All livmg cells require energy. This is largely obtained from respiration. Therefore, in addition to a con- stant food supply, the cells of the stem must have access to oxygen. As in the leaves the oxygen is supplied through the mtercellular spaces, so in stems there must be sufficient in- tercellular spaces to permit oxygen to diffuse inward and carbon dioxid to dift'use outward. There must also be open- ings through the epidermis or bark to connect these inter- cellular spaces with the outside atmosphere. The young green stems of all plants have stomata. Peren- nial stems, however, soon develop a corky layer beneath the epidermis, which cuts the cells in the interior of the stem off from the stomata. While this layer is developing, masses of round, loose cells form beneath some of the stomata, pushing out and tearmg the epidermis above them. These open places are the lenticels. They permit gas exchanges, and m older stems take the place of the stomata. The lenticels of most trees and shrubs are closed in the late autumn by the growth of a thin layer of cork beneath them. The followmg spring loose cells are again formed at the same point, the cork is burst open, and the lenticels again permit gas exchanges. In the cherry and birch the lenticels persist for many years and become elongated transversely, formmg granular rings part way around the stem. In tlie trunks of thick-barked trees, the lenticels occur in the furrows of the bark. ii6 Science of Plant Life PROBLEMS 1. What advantage in resisting wind have tall, columnar tree trunks over equally tall smokestacks or monuments? What disadvantage? 2. What are the perennial food-producing plants of your locality? 3. Find out how your local gardeners trim their grapevines, berry bushes, and fruit trees. Secure definite information for five of these plants, and deter- mine the reasons underlying the practices. 4. What are the best trees for street planting in your locality? What trees now planted there are objectionable ? \\'hy ? 5. Compare a tree growing in an open field with one of the same species grow- ing in the woods. Account for the difTerences in arrangement of branches and leaves. 6. Which will furnish the better lumber, a tree grown in the open, or one grown in the forest? Why? Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Eleven 1. Sketch cross sections of some monocot stems like corn, bamboo, asparagus, lily, or wheat. Note particularly the arrange- ments of the bundles. Cut a longitudinal section through a node, and note how the bundles unite in the node. 2. Sketch a cross section of a peach branch that is an inch or two in diameter. Note pith, wood, bark, cortex, cortical paren- chyma, cork, cambium, annual rings, and pith rays. 3. Sketch a cross section of a pine stem and note the parts, as in the peach. 4. With a microscope, examine thin sections of monocot, dicot, and conifer stems, and note differences in the structures of the bundles. 5. Examine sections of tree trunks and determine the number of annual rings in the sap wood and in the heartwood. What fraction of a large tree trunk is alive ? 6. Bring a branch of a tree to the laboratory and try to set up cleft and whip grafts. Also try to set a bud. Repeat the opera- tion on trees out of doors and see whether or not the cions will live. 7. Show the region of growth by marking the upper end of a stem with transverse lines at equal intervals. 8. Show the effect of gravity on the direction of growth by changing the position of a growing stem with reference to gravity. 9. Show the effect of light on the direction of stem growth by placing a plant where light can reach it from only one direction. 117 CHAPTER ELEVEN THE STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES OF STEMS If we study the development of a stem from a bud, we find that the growing point is made up of very minute cells, all of which are practically alike. These cells divide to make other cells like themselves, and the lower ones begin to enlarge. In this way the growing point is pushed forward and the di- ameter of the stem increased. Upon these two processes, cell division and cell enlargement, the growth of the stem depends. Then certain groups of cells begin to take on special forms. The cells that are to form the bundles elongate ; some of them develop woody walls. Others elongate but remain thin-walled, and these form the food-conducting tissue. The other tis- sues of the stem are composed of cells which have enlarged and have become rounded or variously angled, and which have their walls more or less thickened. These cells form the pith or soft inner part of the stem, and the cortex or outer portion. In this way the various tissues of stems arise from the small uniform cells of the growing point. Stem structures and plant groups. There are three groups of seed plants that we wish to distinguish at this time because the stems of the plants that belong to these groups differ fundamentally. These groups are : (i) the conifers, or cone- bearing trees, like pines, spruces, firs, and cedars, that have scale or needle leaves and are for the most part evergreen ; (2) the monocotyledonous plants (monocots), or plants with parallel-veined leaves, like the grasses, lilies, cannas, orchids, and palms; and (3) dicotyledonous plants (dicots), or plants with net-veined leaves, like oaks, maples, sunflowers, asters, and clovers. The stems of the plants belonging to these three groups 118 The Structures and Processes of Stems 119 ■^Ba5t ~--r|-Food conducting "4]- Cambium ^1^ Water conducting Wood fibers 1 •VascuJar bundJes Cortex Epidermis and cuticle "^ "^^^^^ --v--i^ — Lenticel Fig. 69. Stem of moonseed vine, showing tissues and their arrangement. I20 Science of Plant Life differ in (i) the kinds of tissue making up the bundles, and (2) the arrangement of the bundles in the stem. We shall first study the bundles and the arrangement in a dicot stem, and then we shall learn how the stems of monocots and conifers differ from those of dicots. The structure of a dicot stem. When a dicot stem is cut across, the bundles are seen to be arranged in a ring. The cylinder of tissue lying inside the bundle cylinder is the pith ; outside the bundle cylinder is the cortex ; and covering the cortex is an epidermis very similar to that of leaves (Fig. 69). In older and harder stems the outer cortical cells have thick walls and form a corky or hard outer covering that replaces the epidermis. The pith and the inner part of the cortex are made up of rounded, thin-walled cells called parenchyma. In annuals and young perennials the cortical parenchyma con- tains chlorophyll and resembles the mesophyll of the leaf in appearance and function. It is this tissue that forms the inner '' green bark " of twigs and gives the green color to the stems and branches of herbaceous plants. There are, then, four distinct layers in dicot stems : (i) on the outside is the epidermis ; (2) from the epidermis to the bundles is the cortex; (3) inside the cortex is the hollow bundle-cylinder ; (4) the pith forms the axis of the stem, fill- ing the space inside the cylinder of bundles (Fig. 69). Between the bundles of the dicot stem there are strands of parenchyma cells that connect the pith parenchyma with the cortical parench>Tna. These are the pith rays. They con- vey food across the stem, and with the other parenchyma cells form a complex tissue system in which excess foods accumulate and from which they later move to other parts of the plant. The Structures and Processes of Stems ® /^^ General structure of the dicot bundle. The bundles in a plant stem terminate above in the veins of the leaves, and below they connect with the bundles of the roots. In the dicot stem these bundles contain four tissues : (i) the water- conducting tissue, (2) the food-conducting tissue, (3) the cambium, and (4) the mechanical tissue. The cambium is a layer of thin-walled cells that lies lengthwise in the bundle and separates the inner water-conducting tissue from the outer food-conducting tissue. Tissues of the dicot bundle. The water-conducting tissue contains long, tubelike vessels made up of cylindrical cells joined end to end, often for considerable distances without end walls between them. These tubes (tracheae) usually have heavy walls marked by spiral and lattice-form thicken- ings. When mature they are empty of protoplasm. In other words, they are the coverings of dead cells joined to- gether to form tubes usually several inches, more rarely several feet, in length. Mixed with them are smaller and shorter tubes, and cylindrical cells that retain the cell contents. All together these tissues form the passageway for the move- ment of water and mineral salts, and sometimes sugar, to all parts of the plant. The general direction of the water move- ment in this tissue is upward, because the lifting of the water is brought about principally by transpiration from the lea\'es (page 134). The food-co7idiicting tissue differs from the water-conducting tissue in being composed of smaller, thin-walled cells, all of which retain their living protoplasm. The largest of these cells are set end to end, and the end walls have holes in them like the top of a salt shaker. These rows of cells, therefore, form tubes with sieveHke cross walls in them, and on this 122 Science of Plant Life Fig. 70. Cross section of a portion of rootstock of calamus, photographed through a microscope. The circular areas are the cells which are filled with starch. account they are called sieve tubes. Through the openings in the sieve plate the proto- plasm is continuous from cell to cell, and through these tubes the foods pass from one part of the plant to another. Be- cause the cells of the stem and root are supplied with food manufactured in the leaves, it is often said that the move- ment of foods is downward in a plant. In reality, the direc- tion of the food current is not so fixed as is that of the water current. Food moves toward any part of the plant where it is being used or is being accumulated. For example, in mid- summer when a tree is in full leaf and the season's growth has practically been completed, food moves out of the smaller branches into the larger branches and the trunk. In the spring, when leaves and blossoms are developing, food is being used in the twigs, and the direction of the movement of food materials is reversed. The mechanical tissue is made up of cylindrical or spindle- shaped cells with very heavy walls. Indeed, the walls at maturity may be so thick as to render the cells almost soHd. Ordinary cellulose is not very hard, but the walls of the mechanical tissue are hardened and thickened by a deposit of a substance called lignin. The differ- ence between hard and soft woods is for the most part due to the thickening of the walls of the mechanical cells; The Structures and Processes of Stems 123 secondarily it is due to changes in the walls themselves (lignification). Annual rin^s Tracheae Fig. 71. Block of oak wood magnified to show the arrangement of the various tissues which produce the patterns on poHshed wood surfaces. {Diagrammatic.) Mechanical tissue is found on both the waler-conckicting and food-conducting sides of the bundle. On the food-con- ducting side it lies outside the food-conducting tissue, and is made up of long, exceedingly slender, nearly solid, spindle- shaped cells. These cells are called hast fibers, and the tissue 124 Science of Plant Life Fig. 72. Cross section of a portion of bamboo stem photographed through a microscope. The large openings in each bundle are the water-conducting tubes. that is made up of them is called the bast. Bast may be seen in the stringy fibers on a grapevine or in the bark of trees. It is the bast fibers from flax, hemp, jute, and other dicotyledonous plants that are used in the manufac- ture of thread and cordage. The cells of the mechanical tissue on the water-conducting side of the bundle are some- what shorter and thicker than the bast fibers. They are known as wood fibers and make up what is properly called the wood, although in most dicots the wood fibers are mixed with the water-conducting vessels, and the whole inner part of the bundle is known as wood. In woody plants this me- chanical tissue is present in abundance and forms the bulk of the stem. The lumber that is obtained from dicotyledon- ous trees is derived from the inner parts of the bundles and is made up of wood fibers and water-conducting tissues. The cambium is a layer of soft tissue between the two sides of the bundle. It is the principal growing tissue of the dicot stem. Growth takes place in it by the longitudinal division of the cells. On its inner face the cells of the cambium layer change into water-conducting cells or wood fibers; on its outer face they change into food-conducting cells or bast fibers. In this way the bundles of perennial dicots enlarge from year to year, and this causes the stem to increase in thickness. In a tree the cambium cells form a continuous The Structures and Processes of Stems 125 Fig. 73. Cross section of portion of a rattan stem photographed through a microscope. Note the ring of bundles near the outside, with the heavy-wallcd mechanical tissue and the scattered bundles within. layer between the wood and the bark, and the diameter is increased by the addition of successive layers of tissues built by these cells. Every one who has made willow or hickory whistles has become acquainted with the cambium. In early spring the cambium cells are dividing actively, and the cambium layer can be broken by tap- ping on the bark. The whole bark can then be readily stripped from the wood. The monocot stem. The monocot stem, like dicot and conifer stems, is bounded externally by an epidermis which closely resembles that of the leaf. The groundwork of the stem is made up of parenchyma, which is commonly called the pith. The parenchyma is usually composed of thin- walled cells, and is the principal tissue for the temporary ac- cumulation of foods ; from it the sugar solution is obtained when the stems of sorghum and sugar cane (Fig. 48) are crushed. In a monocot stem the bundles are scattered, instead of being arranged in a cylinder as they are in a dicot stem. In the hollow stems of grasses they are scattered through the cyl- inder of parenchyma tissue ; in a cornstalk, a shoot of as- paragus, or the trunk of a palm they are distributed through the whole stem. As in the dicot and conifer bundles, the water-conducting tissue is on the side next the center of the stem, and the food-conducting tissue is on the side toward 126 Science of Plant Life the epidermis. The scattered arrangement of the bundles in the pith may easily be seen in a stalk of corn. I J ;^. 1 - tation of abacd, a form of banana, from the petioles of which Manila fiber is obtained. Abacd flourishes only in the Philippines. The fiber is used chiefly in the manufacture of ropes. The monocot bundle. The monocot bundle differs from the dicot bundle in that it lacks a cambium layer. It is frequently called a closed bundle, because in the absence of cambium The Structures and Processes of Stems 127 Bur.ju 0/ A^n.iLlurc, J'. I. Fig. 75. Stripping abaca for fiber. The long • petioles are pulled under toothed knives which scrape the soft tissues from the bundles. Abaca is a monocot, and the fiber is composed of an entire bundle. tissue the bundle cannot increase in size, and there can be no growth of the monocot stem through the muhiplication of cambium cells. The dicot bundle, on the other hand, is spoken of as open, because there is a cambium layer between its water-conducting and food-conducting tissues and the bundle can increase in size. The monocot bundle differs further from the dicot bundle, in that its mechanical tissues form a complete sheath about the food and water conducting parts. It is as though the bast of the outer part of the dicot bundle and the wood of the inner part were joined at the sides of the bundle to make a sheath al^out the conducting tissues. The fibers like sisal and Manila hemp, that are derived from the monocots, are usually coarser than the libers derived from dicots, because the monocot fibers are entire bundles, 128 Science of Plant Life while the dicot fibers are made up of only the strand of bast cells from the food-conducting side. The bundle sheaths are usually thicker in the bundles near the outer part of the monocot stem. In fact, in some monocots like rattan and bamboo, the sheaths of adjacent outer bundles may join each other and thus form a hard layer beneath the epidermis (Fig. 73)- The structures of conifer stems. The conifers, like the di- cots, have their bundles arranged in a hollow cylinder. In structure these bundles are somewhat similar to those of dicots, except that the wood and water-conducting cells are not distinct. The wood cells form the water-conducting tis- sue as well as the mechanical tissue. In keeping with their double function, the cells (tracheids) are thick-walled and spindle-shaped, with numerous thin places, or pits, in two of the walls. Because of this structure, the stem retains its rigidity and still permits the ready passage of water and min- eral salts. Growth of stems. The limit of growth of a stem is not so definite as that of leaves. The length and the diameter of a stem depend largely upon the conditions under which the plant lives, the available water supply, amount of light, temperature, and quality of the soil. Along a dry roadside a ragweed may complete its development with a stem less than 6 inches long, while in a rich bottom-land field the same plant might have reached a height of 15 feet. The growth in length takes place at the apex of a stem, the growing point being located in the terminal bud. The grow- ing region extends back from the tip, sometimes for only a fraction of an inch, more rarely, as in rapidly growing vines, a foot or two. If we mark the upper portion of a growing The Structures and Processes of Stems 129 stem into equal spaces, we may observe on the following day that the uppermost space has elongated the most. The ad- joining spaces below are less and less elongated. This indi- cates that the greater part of cell division and enlargement takes place very near the tip (the growing point), but that some growth takes place in the cell layers for a certain dis- tance below the end of the stem (the growing region). Annual stems increase in thickness until the plant matures. This increase in size is brought about by the enlargement of cells and by the formation of additional cells. Shrubs and trees increase in thickness each growing season. This is often called secondary growth ; as we have seen, it is brought about by the continued growth of the cambium. This layer of cells produces new water-conducting tissue and wood fibers on its inner side, and it produces food-conducting tissue and bast fibers on its outer side. As growth proceeds from year to year, annual rings mark the successive additions to the wood. The bark also develops annual layers, but in most woody plants these are much thinner and less conspicuous than the annual layers of the wood. Further, since growth takes place inside the cortex, the cortex is continually being split and broken. The outer layers may die and after a few years will be gradually weathered off. The ridges and grooves of the bark show how much too small the outer bark is to cover the more recently formed wood. Smooth, thin-barked trees lose their bark very rapidly. Trees with bark that is thick and has large ridges are the ones that hold their bark more tena- ciously. But in all large trees the bark contains only a part of the cortical layers that have actually been formed ; much material has scaled off and fallen away. It should be noted that as a tree increases in diameter, the annual rings of wood 130 Science of Plant Life in the stem are each year farther removed from the corre- sponding annual layers of the bark. Annual monocots increase in thickness through the enlarge- ment of the bundles and by the multipUcation and enlarge- ment of the pith cells. Perennial monocots, like the bamboo and asparagus, have underground stems to which new and thicker stem segments are added each year. The aerial, erect branches never increase in size after they are once mature ; but the erect branches from old underground stems are from the beginning much thicker than those from young plants. Consequently, no little bamboo rod could ever grow into a bamboo beam. No large bamboo beam was ever a slender rod. These aerial branches come out of the ground nearly as thick as they will be when mature. Asparagus plants are several years old before the underground stems send up thick, upright branches suitable for marketing. Heartwood and sapwood. As the trunks of trees increase in thickness, all the living cells toward the center of the stem gradually die. The wood usually changes in color after the death of these cells. In a peach tree only the outer three or four annual rings may be alive. In a walnut trunk 2 feet in diameter, all but the outer 2 inches may be dead. The dead wood still helps to support the enormous weight of the tree top, but it has nothing to do with the conduction of water and substances in solution. This inner dead wood is called the heartwood; the outer living wood is called the sapwood. The heartwood in many species of trees is much more valuable than the sapwood for lumber, because of its color and greater durability. Stems in relation to gravity. The direction of growth of stems is for the most part determined by gravity. The erect The Structures and Processes of Stems 131 type of stem grows upright even in dcirkness. If these stems are laid horizontally, the younger parts will grow faster on the lower side and the stem will again become erect. This response of a plant organ to gravity is called geotropism} If the response is in the direction of the pull — that is, toward the earth — as in the case of a primary root, the organ is said to be positively geotropic. If the response is in the op- posite direction, as in most stems, the organ is said to be negatively geotropic. If the response is side wise, as in many branches, the organ is said to be transversely geotropic. Stems in relation to light. Light affects also the direction of growth of stems, as the plant grown at a window will show. Most stems grow toward the strongest light. Response to Light is called phototropism, and most stems are positively phototropic. The stems of some prostrate plants are held close to the ground by their response to light, as is proved by the fact that if a shade is placed over them, the stems become erect. Some of the common doorweeds of paths and waste places are examples. There are some prostrate stems, of course, that lie flat on the ground because of a lack of me- chanical tissue to hold them upright. The direction of growth in branches is a compromise be- tween the response to light and the response to gravity. In some trees, like the spruce, the direction of growth in the branches is in some way controlled by the main stem. If the top of the main stem is cut off, one or two of the lateral branches become negatively geotropic instead of transversely geotropic. ^ The responses of organs to external influences like gravity and light are called tropisms (Greek : /ro/>r, turning). "Geotropism" means literally a turning toward or away from the earth; "phototropism," a turning toward or away from light; "hydrotropism," a turning toward or away from water. 132 Science of Plant Life This means that they will grow erect instead of horizontally and will take the place of the main stem. Grafting and budding. In the propagation of many varieties of fruit trees it has been found that seeds are not satisfactory. Most of our cultivated fruit trees are so highly variable that their seedlings are not like the parent plants in quality of fruit. Horticulturists long ago learned to over- come this difficulty by grafting a twig from the desired variety of tree on a seedling of a similar tree. The graf ted-in branch then becomes the top of the tree, and the fruit it bears is like that of the tree from which it came. In grafting, the plant that furnishes the root is called the stock. The twig that is attached to it is called the cion (Fig. 76). In cleft grafting, the top of the stock is cut off. The stock is then split and two cions with chisel-shaped ends are placed in the cleft, one on either side, so that the cambium of the cion is in close contact with the cambium of the stock. The wound is covered with wax to prevent the drying out of the tissues. If the cambium tissues are in perfect contact, they will soon unite. New tissue will grow under the wax and finally cover the wound. If both cions grow, the weaker one is removed. Whip grafting is the common method of uniting cions to small seedlings. Usually this is done at or below the surface of the soil. Both cion and stock are cut obliquely, and each is split. The upper half of the oblique end of the cion is pushed into the cleft of the stock and is bound firmly in place with raffia or twine (Fig. 76). Again, the success of the graft depends upon the contact between the cambium of the cion and the cambium of the stock. In budding, a T-shaped cut is made on the side of the stock, through the cortex, down to the cambium. A bud from a The Structures and Processes of Stems 133 tree of the desired variety, with a small (nal piece of wood and bark attached, is slipped down inside the cortex of the Fig. 76. Methods of grafting and budding. At left, whip grafting; in middle, cleft grafting; at right, budding. A is the cion, and B the stock. C shows the cion and stock joined. stock and tied firmly in place (Fig. 76). This places the two cambium layers in contact ; the two pieces unite, and the bud develops into a branch. The stock is then trimmed, so that only the branch from the cion bud remains. Grafting is commonly done in the spring ; budding, in the early fall. The fruit produced on grafted or budded trees is usually like that of the cion, regardless of the variety of stock. However, there are cases in which the cion is modified by the stock. Discussions of these cases may be found m books on horticulture. Grafting is usually possible only between closely related species of plants. Sometimes, however, plants that are more remotely related ma}- be grafted on each other, as for example tomato, tobacco, potato, and nightshade, or the pear, apple, and quince. 134 Science of Plant Life The lifting of water in physiology of plants has Fig. 77. Experiment to show the lifting power of transpiration and evaporation. Both tubes were filled with boiled water and placed in a dish of mercury. In C the mercury has been drawn up by transpiration from a branch of arbor-vitai {A); in D, by evaporation from a porous cup {B). is pulled upward into the Transpiration is greatest stems. Nothing concerning the interested more people than the transport of water from the soil to the topmost leaves of trees. Yet in spite of much observation and experiment, the process is still only partially explained. There can be no doubt that one of the principal factors in the rise of sap is the evapora- tion of water from the leaves. As the water evaporates from the cells of the mesbphyll in transpiration, water is drawn from the adjoining water-con- ducting tissue of the veins into these cells to take its place. Water inclosed in tubes has a high cohesive power ; that is, it holds together like a solid. If a pull is exerted on the upper end of a column of water in the vessels of a tree, the column holds together like a cord or wire, and the whole column is pulled upward. As the water at the upper end of the water- conducting tissue moves into the mesophyll cells, additional water blades, petioles, and stems. and the largest amounts of water The Structures and Processes of Stems 135 are being lifted in trees during the summer. If at this season a hole is bored into the trunk of a tree and an air-tight con- nection made between this hole and a tube that has its lower end in a vessel of water, the water is drawn into the stem, not forced out. This indicates that there is more pull on the water from above than there is pressure from below. It is known also that there may be currents moving downward in one layer of the wood and upward in another, although the gen- eral direction of water transport is upward to the leaves. It is certain that the roots do not force the water up into the tops of trees. The primary factor, then, in the rise of sap is transpiration ; the second factor is the drawing of water from the water- conducting tissue by the mesophyll cells to replace that lost through transpiration ; the third factor is the cohesion of water columns in the long strands of water-conducting tissue, which makes it transmit the pull from the mesophyll cells all the way down to the roots. In the chapter on roots we shall learn how the water passes from the soil into the roots, and to what extent the roots aid in the lifting of water. The pulling up of water by transpiration is exemplified when cut flowers are placed in a vase containing water. That water is drawn up into the flowers may be shown by placing the stems of white flowers in water colored with red ink. The flow of maple sap. The water in stems always con- tains a certain amount of sugar in addition to mineral salts. In the maple, in the early spring when the days are warm but freezing still occurs at night, great quantities of sugar pass into the water-conducting tissue. This sugar comes from the pith rays and other tissues where it accumulated in the form of starch during the preceding growing season. With the 136 Science of Plant Life coming of warmer weather the starch is digested, and the sugar formed from it diffuses into the water-conducting vessels. The earlier sap is the richest and apparently comes largely from the upper parts of the tree. The last sap is more dilute and probably comes from the roots. The positive pressure that produces the flow occurs only during the day ; at night it becomes negative and the sap flow ceases. The causes of the pressure are only partly known. A portion of it is due to the expansion of gas bubbles within the tree, but this gas expansion accounts for only a small part of the pressure. Whether the flow shall continue for weeks or stop after a few days is determined by weather conditions ; but just how the several weather factors like changes in temperature or rainfall bring about the increase and decrease of pressure, is unknown. Even under the most favorable conditions it is not possible to draw out of a tree more than 5 per cent of the food that it contains. A flow of sap somewhat similar to that in the maples occurs in many species of trees, as in the birch, butternut, and hornbeam. Sugar and sirup are made from the hard maples. PROBLEMS 1. A tree increases in height at the rate of 2 feet a year. When the tree is 5 years old, a nail is driven into the trunk 2 feet from the ground. How far from the ground will the nail be when the tree is 10 years old? 2. Why is the timber from monocot stems less useful for buildine: purposes than that from dicot stems? 3. What are the woods principally used in your locality for interior fmishing and for making shingles, posts, and flooring? What properties do these woods have that fit them for these special uses? 4. What kinds of wood are used in the making of furniture? Why? 5. How is a log quarter-sawed ? Why is quarter-sawed lumber more valuable than that cut otherwise ? The Structures and Processes of Stems 137 6. \\'hy is lumber seasoned by piling it in lumber yards for months or years before it is used? 7. What is charcoal? How is it manufactured? What are its uses? 8. Why is charcoal made from peach and apricot pits and the shells of nuts pre- ferred as an absorbent in gas masks? 9. What commercial products are made by the distillation of wood ? 10. What substances are used to preserve railroad ties and posts from decay? From what are these substances derived? Suggestions for Field Work to Precede Chapter Twelve 1. A field trip to a greenhouse will help to make clear the im- portant factors of the environment. Observe how the water, light, temperature, soil, animal, and plant factors are taken care of. (Animal factors: scale, aphids, mealy bugs, and white flies. Plant factors: overcrowding, bacterial and fungous diseases.) 2. In the field, compare the environmental factors in a lake or swamp with those on a hilltop or slope. What are the notable effects of these factors on leaves, stems, and roots? Write the results of your observations in the form of a table. 3. Examine trees growing in the open to see how the wind affects the shape of the crown. Is the trunk in the center of the crown? What is the direction of the prevailing wind in your locality? In what direction are the branches of trees generally longest in your locality? Shortest? What is the relation of this branch development to the direction of the prevailing wind? 4. Field trip to a dense wood. Study (i) the environmental conditions of the large trees; (2) of the young trees; (3) of the climbing plants ; (4) of the low herbs ; (5) of the mosses, lichens, or ferns on the tree trunks ; and (6) of the mosses, lichens, or ferns growing on the soil. Write your notes in the form of a table show- ing relative amounts of light, water, and mineral salts available to plants belonging to each of the above groups, and relative dry- ness of air to which they are exposed. 138 CHAPTER TWELVE THE ENVIRONMENT OF PLANTS Even the most casual observation suggests that plants are greatly affected by the conditions under which they grow. The grasslands, the forests, and the deserts of North America are occupied by different plants because of the difference of conditions in these areas. The white oak growing in the open has broad, spreading branches and a large crown, while in the forest it is more columnar and has a crown at the upper level of the forest. The sugar maple becomes a great tree or re- mains a mere shrub according to whether it grows in rich soil or in a crevice of a rock. The internal structure of a plant is also modified by the external conditions under which it grows ; the leaves of many plants which are thin and tender when there is an abundant water supply, become thick and leathery when grown under conditions of drought. Since conditions of growth show so great an effect upon the form, size, structure, abundance, and distribution of plants, we should know the principal factors that make up a plant's environ- ment before going further in the study of the plant itself. It is especially important to understand these factors, because the purpose of a great part of agricultural practice is to modify the environment of the plants that are being grown. Definition of environment. By the environment of a plant is meant the complex of all those influences outside the plant which directly or indirectly affect its physiological processes, its structures, and its development and propagation. These influences are numerous and are usually spoken of as factors. The natural habitat of a plant is a combination of environ- mental factors favorable to the complete develo])ment of the plant. The factors include the chemical and physical prop- 139 I40 Science of Plant Life erties of the soil and the air surrounding the plant ; also light, gravity, and the influences of animals and other plants (Fig. 78). ■■■■■ v\ ^^^3K^-^ii^to#^^r^;^ GRAVITY w y y V V » V Fig. 78. Diagram illustrating the environment of land plants. The soil factors. If a plant is to grow in a soil, the soil must furnish it with sufhcient water for transpiration and the manufacture of food. At the same time, the soil must not be The En\'ironmcnt of Plants 141 Fig. 79. Irrigated and unirrigated sugar cane, showing the value of suflSdent water in the growing of this crop. SO filled with water as to exclude air from the roots. In order that the roots may penetrate the soil readily, it should not be too resistant ; but it should be compact enough to afford the plant a firm anchorage. The soil must supply also certain indispensable chemical elements used by plants in the manufacture of food. These elements are potassium, calcium, magnesium, phos- phorus, nitrogen, iron, and sulfur. In soils that contain insufficient amounts of any of these substances the growth of plants is hindered, and certain plants are excluded from such a soil. One of the purposes in using chemical fertilizers is to add to soils or to liberate in them sufficient quantities of all the elements essential to the vigorous growth of crop plants. It should be remembered that in addition to the 142 Science of Plant Life seven elements mentioned above, plants use, for the manu- facture of food, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which they derive from water and carbon dioxid. Most plants grow best when the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline. Red clover, alfalfa, and blue grass, for example, cannot withstand an acid soil. By the addition of lime, acid soils may be neutralized or made alkaline. This explains the common practice of putting lime or wood ashes on lawns where a growth of blue grass is desired. Some plants are favored by an acid soil. Cranberries, blueberries, and redtop grass are examples of such plants. In arid regions, the evaporation of waiter may cause salts to accumulate in the surface layers of the soil to such an extent that most or all plants are excluded. Another soil factor of great importance is hiimiis. This U. S. Depl. oj Agriculture Fig. So. A Kansas cornfield. The soil is rich in humus, and the plants attain a height of 12 to 14 feet. The Environment of Plants 143 I'lc. Si. J'hc nsulls uf deep tillage and shallow tillaL' . material, which gives the brown and black colors to rich agricultural land, is composed of the partially decayed re- mains of plants. Leaves and other plant organs that fall to the ground are slowly changed and broken up by bacteria and other agencies until only the brown, powdery humus remains. Humus favors plant growth by increasing the water-hold- mg capacity of the soil and so rendering the water supply more uniform throughout the growing season. It improves the physical properties of the soil by making it mellow. Hu- mus also makes it possible for bacteria and other organisms that increase fertihty to live within the soil. In agricultural literature the importance of the soil factors is emphasized. Plowing, harrowing, disking, and cultivating are methods of keeping the soil in good physical condition. Adding manures to increase the humus, and adding nitrates, phosphates, and other salts as fertilizers, are methods of im- 144 Science of Plant Life proving the chemical composition of the soil and to a less extent its physical condition. Irrigating the land where the water supply is inadequate, and underdraining it where the soil moisture is excessive, are further means of improving soil conditions for the growth of crops. The soil requires these special attentions for the growth of domesticated plants be- cause they must not only live, as do wild plants, but they must, in one form or another, yield a profitable return. Atmospheric water. The water in the air affects plants directly in several ways. The moistness or dryness of the air determines whether less water or more is required for transpiration, and the amount of water precipitated from the air in the form of rain determines to a large extent the amount of water available in the soil. Atmospheric water condensed in the form of fog and cloud reduces transpiration and also lessens the amount of light that reaches the plant. The distribution of rainfall through the year is of the great- est importance to vegetation. When the period of heaviest rainfall coincides with the hottest part of the year, the con- ditions are best for the rapid growth of plants." If the rain- FiG. 82. Cross sections of kernels of hard or macaroni wheat. This wheat is grown in dry regions and is valued because of its large content of protein. In the figures the flinty or high protein parts are shaded and the soft or starchy parts are white. When the wheat is grown under the conditions of dry farming, the protein content is highest (A); when regularly irrigated, the same wheat produces soft, starchy grains (C). An intermediate condition is shown by B. This exemplifies the effect of the water balance on the composition of a grain. The Environment of Plants 145 i O U 55 S 146 Science of Plant Life fall is scanty during the time of highest temperatures, plants are hindered in their growth, and only xerophytes may be able to withstand the conditions. The temperature factor. As one goes north or south from the equator, the temperatures of the soil and air decrease. Increasing altitude in mountains brings about the same effects. Temperature directly influences the rate of all plant pro- cesses, and most plants grow best under certain rather fixed temperature conditions. For tropical plants, air temperatures above 90 degrees F. are most favorable. Temperate plants de- velop best at between 60 and 90 degrees F. Arctic and alpine plants grow at temperatures but little above the freezing point. Air temperatures are greatly influenced by air drainage. Cold air is heavier than warm air ; consequently it accumulates in low grounds and reduces the temperature there. Frost occurs later in the spring and earlier in the autumn in low places than on hills. Crop plants like beans, that are easily injured by frost, can be planted earlier and grown later on uplands. Peach orchards are more profitable on uplands than in valley bottoms, because on the uplands they are more likely to escape late spring frosts. The time during which the temperature remains above the freezing point is the growing season. In the tropics this ex- tends throughout the year. In arctic and alpine regions it may be reduced to 2 or 3 months. The temperature of the air and the length of the growing season determine the amount of food a plant may manufacture, and consequently the amount of growth. Soil temperatures also are important. Dark-colored soils are warmer than light-colored soils, because they absorb the sun's rays more readily. Well-drained soils are warmer than The Environment of Plants 147 PATE WHEN HARVEST OF SPRING OAT3 BEGl] MAY Fig. 84. Map showing date of oat harvest in dilTerent parts of the United States; an example of the effect of temperature on the maturing of plants. wet soils, (i) because less heat is required to raise their tem- peratures, and (2) because the temperature of a wet soil is lowered by the constant evaporation of water. The most valuable farm lands are those with dark-colored, well-drained soils. On north slopes, soils do not warm up so rapidlx- in the spring, and plants growing there start their gro^^'th later than do those on the south slopes of the same hills. Peach growers prefer not only uplands but north slopes. Why? 148 Science of Plant Life :^- 4y > 79. Fig. 85. Eliects of wind on trees along the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. The light. The amount of light available to a plant de- pends primarily upon the intensity of the sunshine. This is greatest in the tropics and least at the poles. The total amount of light is influenced also by the length of the day. At the equator the daylight lasts 1 2 hours ; at the poles the light continues all summer. So tropical plants have in- tense Hght during half of each day, while arctic plants have weak light continuously through the growing season. Locally the light is modified by clouds and fogs. These are much more prevalent along the seacoast than inland, and are particularly common along the Pacific coast from Alaska to Cahfornia. The slope of the land, especially in mountain regions, may increase or decrease the intensity and the length of daylight. Finally, plants may have their light reduced or cut off by trees or other objects. The Environment of Plants 149 Gravity. Gravity is an im- portant environmental factor, largely because of its influence on the direction of growth in stems, roots, and other organs (page 131). Light influences also the growth of the various parts of the plant. Conse- quently the position of the aerial organs of plants is to a large extent determined by the combined influences of light and gravity. Wind. Winds and air cur- rents are of importance, as they affect the rate of tran- spiration or modify the tem- perature. It may take 10 minutes for your wet hands to dry in still air, but if you hold them before an electric fan they will be dry in 2 or 3 minutes. The passing of an increased volume of air over a wet surface increases evaporation, and wind affects the transpiration of plants in the same way. In drying your hands before a fan, notice also the cooling effect of the breeze. Leaves are cooled by transpiration in the same way. Winds also may cause important modifications in the forms of plants, and occasion- ally violent winds may destroy large areas of timber and crops. Animals. Leaf-eating insects, such as the potato beetle, injure the plant by destroying the food-makmg apparatus. Vt'. S. Cooper Fig. 86. Western white pine on Long's Peak, Colorado, showing the effects of violent winds and of wind-driven snow. 150 Science of Plant Life It is estimated that grasshoppers and leaf-hoppers often eat as much of the grass in a pasture as do the farm animals. Plant hce and scale insects remove the sap from the cells of the tender growing parts and may kill the entire plant. Other animals, like the earthworm, favor the growth of plants by loosening the soil and promoting the change of fallen leaves to humus. Herbivorous (Latin : herha, herb, and vorare, to eat) wild animals, like the rabbits, squirrels, and deer, markedly affect natural vegetation, while the domesticated cattle, sheep, and hogs to a large extent determine what plants can survive in pastures and grazing lands. Man, more than all other animals put together, has modified the natural vegetation of the earth. In some cases he has destroyed it ; in other cases he has encouraged and protected it. Most of all, he has selected certain plants and made of them the food supply of the world. Other plants as an environmental factor. Other plants, such as weeds growing among cultivated crops, may modify the environment of plants by shading them, by removing water from the soil, and possibly by producing poisonous substances in the soil. Or a plant may directly affect another plant by growing on it and taking its nourishment from it. For example, the mistletoe grows on trees and injures them. Corn smut and wheat rust live on corn and wheat and decrease or prevent the production of grain. The complexity of the environment. The environment of plants is made up of many factors, and the factors them- selves are more or less dependent upon each other. Conse- quently it is often difficult to determine definitely the cause of a particular effect that is undoubtedly produced by some- thing in the environment. But as our knowledge of botany The Environment of Plants 151 advances, we are able to relate more and more of the effects that we observe m plants to definite factors in their environ- ment. The farmer, gardener, or forester is often able to use this knowledge in making the environment more favorable for the plants which he grows. Subdivisions of botany. Three of the great subdivisions of botany are morphology, physiology, and ecology. The study of the structures of plants is plant morphology (Greek morphos, form, and logos, study of). The study of the processes of plants such as transpiration and photosynthesis is plant physiology (Greek: physis, nature, and logos, study). The study of plant structures and processes in relation to the en- vironment, or as they are modified by the factors that make up the environment, is called ecology (Greek : oikos, home, and logos), or ecological botany. Since the environment deter- mines what plants can live in a particular place, ecology in- cludes also the study of the distribution of plants on the earth's surface and attempts to account for that distribution. For this reason the environmental factors that affect plants are also spoken of as ecological factors ; and the changes in structure that adjust plants to particular habitats may be called ecological modifications. PROBLEMS 1. What is the principal factor that limits the growing of oranges in this coun- try to Florida and southern California? 2. Why are beans planted a month later than peas? 3. What environmental factor determines that melons and squashes should not be planted until late spring? 4. What factors in the environment make it necessary to spray potatoes? 5. What is the principal factor limiting the production of crops on the Western plains? 6. Why are plants absent from the larger sand dunes? 152 Science of Plant Life 7. Why are plants absent from sea beaches and from the beaches of large lakes? 8. Why do trees along streams have their longest branches out over the water? 9. Why do trees along streams frequently lean outward over the water? 10. W'hy do trees on steep hillsides have their shortest branches toward the hill? 11. What are the most favorable environmental conditions for the growing of rice, celery, onions, dates, bananas, sugar cane, guayule, sisal, tulips, and pecan trees? 12. How do the plants and fruits of blackberries and dewberries grown in bottom lands differ from those grown on dry hillsides? Why? Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Thirteen 1. Sketch a few twining stems. Note the twist of the stem as shown l)y surface markings. 2. Sketch examples of tendrils. The Boston ivy, gourd, j)ea, sweet pea, and grape are readily obtainable. Is the spiral con- tinuously coiled in one direction ? Why ? 3. Dissect a cactus stem. Note the nodes, internal water- storage and food-storage tissue, and green tissue. 4. Make drawings of a rootstock, corm, bulb, and tuber. Divide each of them into halves by cutting through the longitudinal axis. Compare their advantages as organs of propagation and storage. 5. Examine stems of water hyacinth, bulrush, and pondweed, noting air chambers. 6. Examine a cross section of a grapevine or a rattan stem. Note the large size of the water tubes. ^55 CHAPTER THIRTEEN ECOLOGICAL GROUPS OF STEMS In the tenth chapter we discussed the normal structures of the upright stems of land plants. It was pointed out that each of the three great groups of seed plants has a charac- teristic arrangement of its tissue systems. The essential tissues, Hke the water-conducting, food-conducting, storage, and mechanical tissues, are present in all. Stem structures and habitats. Plants growing in different habitats, as ponds, swamps, and deserts, have very different stem structures. The stem of a leafless desert plant must of necessity be different from that of a leafy submerged plant. The tropical climber has a stem quite unlike that of a plant •whose main stem is underground. These differences con- sist not so much in the arrangement of the several tissues as in modifications in their amounts and proportions. Stems of mesophytes. The native plants of the eastern United States grow under medium conditions of moisture, light, and temperature ; and they are characterized by large leaf area, leaves of soft texture, and much-branched stems. The vegetation culminates in the forests of the rich, well- watered soils of the river valleys. Here may be found oaks, w^alnuts, elms, and sycamores from loo to 150 feet in height and with trunks from 4 to 14 feet in diameter. In the moist caiions of the Sierras of California, the giant sequoia reaches heights of from 250 to 320 feet above the ground, with extreme trunk diameters of 35 feet. This tree is the largest and is perhaps the oldest of all living things. The redwood, its near relative, grows in the fog-abounding ravines of the Coast Ranges. Its trunk does not attain a diameter of more than 28 feet, but it surpasses the giant 154. Ecological Groups of Stems 155 sequoia in height. Really to appreciate the size of these trees you should pace off a distance equal to the diameter of the trunk and calculate how many times the height of your school building a giant sequoia is. Then try to imagine how one of the Big Trees would look if it stood in your school yard. Stems of climbing plants. Among mesophytes are many vines with exceed- ingly long, slender stems. The Virginia creeper, wild cucumber, and grape have stems from 50 to 300 feet in length. These long stems enable them to spread their leaves over the tops of large trees. Climbers may attach themselves to their support Fig. 87. Tendrils of wild cucumber. Note ^Y twiuiug about it by tCU- thc coiling of the tendril by which the plant is drils, Or by SUpportivC rOOtS. drawn nearer the support, and the reversal of rr> j -i • t j the spiral in difTerent parts of the tendril. Tcudrils are SpCCiallZCd Or- is there always a reversal in coiled tendrils? gaUS developed in plaCC of IS6 Science of Plant Life branches or leaves. They re- spond to contact with a sup- port by coiling tightly about it. After attaching themselves, they develop mechanical tissue which gives the plant a firmer support. In some vines, like the Boston ivy, the tendrils have at their tips sensitive disks which become cemented to the support. This type of tendril is especially effective in taking hold of the bark of trees, rock cliffs, and walls (Fig. 87). In the tropics, climbing stems may attain a length of more than 1000 feet. Thus the water transpired by the terminal leaves has to be carried for about a fifth of a mile within the plant. This suggests the need of an efficient conductive system in a climbing plant, and explains why the bulk of its slender stem is made up of con- ductive tissue. Stems of hydrophytes. We have seen that submerged leaves have distinctive forms and characteristic internal structures. Under-water stems also differ from those of land plants. In floating plants like duckweed, water hya- cinth, and Salvinia, the stems are short. Their conductive systems are poorly developed, and they are practically without mechanical tissue. Fig. 88. Climbing stems on a tree trunk in a tropical forest. Ecological Groups of Stems 157 Other hydrophytes, like the pondweeds and water lilies, are rooted in the soil, and their stems bear submerged or floating leaves. The stems have little or no mechanical tis- sue. As compared with land plants, the conductive system is much reduced. Many of these hydrophytes develop underground rootstocks and tubers. For this reason the plants commonly grow in masses. A third group of hydrophytes are those like the cat-tails, rushes, bulrushes, and sedges, whose roots and stem bases may be under water, while the upper parts are exposed to the air. These plants have both the conductive and mechanical tissues well developed. This is in keeping with the fact that such plants are exposed to the action of wind and wave and to the conditions that bring about normal transpiration. The most distinctive feature of submerged stems is the presence of large air chambers extending throughout their length. When the stems are broken open, the tissues are seen to occupy much less space than the air cavities. We may properly speak of " intercellular spaces " inmesophytic stems ; in describing hydrophytes, the term " air cavities " is more appropriate. They buoy up the plant and provide an internal atmosphere for gas exchanges between the leaves and roots. Stems of xerophytes. The xerophytes are the character- istic plants of deserts and dry plains. They occupy sand dunes and sand plains along the Atlantic coast and on the shores of the Great Lakes. They may be found locally on rock cliffs and on dry, exposed hilltops, situations in which a reduced water supply in the soil is accompanied by atmos- pheric conditions that promote rapid transpiration and in which the plants are periodically or continuously subjected to drought. Plants that thrive in these habitats show a re- IS8 Science of Plant Life Fig. Sy. A desert scene in Arizona. UoJgion duced leaf area or a complete absence of leaves. The stems also may be reduced in size and amount of branching. The cactuses represent extreme examples of this type of plant. Leaves are wanting; and the stems are columnar, often ridged and fluted, and always thick and fleshy. The photosynthetic work in cactuses is done by the cortical tis- sue. As the green surface is small compared with the green surface in mesophytic plants, food manufacture is slower and growlh is correspondingly less. Some of the cactuses of Mexico attain heights of 60 feet. The cactus form points clearly to one of the most characteristic features of desert plants ; namely, water storage. A single plant may contain from 15 to 20 gallons of water. As the plant loses moisture so slowly, it may continue to live for several years without an additional supply of water. Other desert plants that accumulate water in the leaves were mentioned on page 58. Ecological Groups of Stems 159 Underground stems. Many plants belonging to each of the three ecological groups, xerophytes, mesophytes, and hydro- phytes, possess underground stems. Underground stems are particularly useful as storage places for accumulated food and water, and as organs for propagating the plant (page 217). The commonest type of underground stem is the root stock. Rootstocks are horizontally growing stems, from which the aerial stems arise. They may be slender, or thick and fleshy. Usually they have small scale leaves and buds at the nodes, and roots that arise from the nodes or from the entire under surface. The presence of nodes is the external feature of underground stems that distinguishes them from roots. In many of the grasses and grasshke plants rootstocks de- velop rapidly in all directions, sending up erect branches at short intervals. The rootstocks and their accompanying roots .soon become mixed with those of adjoining plants, finally forming a closely interwoven mat which is the " turf " of lawns and meadows. Turf -forming grasses are often of great value for holding in place the soil of embankments, dikes, and levees. In these plants the rootstocks are mainly useful in spreading or extending the plant. Bermuda grass and Johnson grass are sometimes troublesome weeds because of their extensive rootstock system. The sand-reed grass has been planted extiensively in Europe and in America to hold drifting sand in place, and to prevent the sand from in- vading towns and cultivated fields. In plants like the May apple, Solomon's seal, and yellow water lily, the rootstock not only causes the plant to spread, but it also accumulates a part of the food manufactured each season and thus serves as a storage organ. It is this store of food and the readiness with which the rootstock sends up i6o Science of Plant Life shoots, that make the bindweed so difficult to eradicate from cultivated fields, gardens, and hedgerows. A short, upright, fleshy rootstock, like that of the jack-in-the-pulpit, Cala- dium (elephant's ear), or gladiolus, is called a corm. Corms contain large amounts of food, and by the development of their lateral buds may serve to reproduce the plant as well as to carry it over the winter. The dasheen, a tropical plant which ^p resembles the Caladium, and which has recently been introduced into the States, has an mm ":>" •■*^- " '' - ---«^> Fig. go. Dasheen and edible corms produced United by it. The dasheen is related to the common ^^j^j^ ^^^^ ^^^^ .^ ^^ elephant s ear or Caladium, and is extensively grown in the tropics for food. In the states important SOUrCC of food. along the Gulf Coast it is being introduced as a a hnlV) ic a fleshv un- derground bud, made up of a short stem covered with several layers of thick scales in which food is stored. Tulips, hyacinths, and onions are commonly propagated by means of bulbs. By planting bulbs of the tuHp in autumn, we can have flowers early in the following spring, whereas if we planted the seeds, we should have to wait several years for flowers. Fur- thermore, tulips do not grow well except in a very moist climate, and the development of large, vigorous bulbs is im- food plant. Ecological Groups of Stems i6i Fig. 91. Amaryllis bulb. possible in most parts of the United States. For this reason nearly all our tulip bulbs are brought from Holland. The importation of bulbs from countries where they grow particularly well is an important industry and enables us to have many flowers which can- not be so successfully propagated in our climate. Tubers are the enormously thick- ened ends of short underground stems. The potato, the Jerusalem artichoke, the dahlia, and the com- mon white water lily develop tubers. The scale leaves of the ordinary rootstock are in tubers reduced to ridges, and the buds them- selves to mere points. The scales and buds together form the eyes of tubers. Tubers serve the same purposes for the plant as do other fleshy underground stems : surplus food accumulates in them, and by them the plant is multiplied. The potato tuber has become one of the most important sources of food for man. Commercial products derived from stems. We are all familiar with the important products derived from the trunks of trees. Lumbering is one of the most important industries of the United States. Closely associated with it are the furniture industry, which uses the hardwoods, — walnut, oak, maple, sycamore, and birch, — and the wood-pulp in- dustry, which utilizes soft woods — such as spruce and poplar — in the making of paper. The Southern pines fur- nish rosin and turpentine ; the bark of oaks and hemlocks sup- plies tannic acid for the manufacture of leather ; and Span- l62 Science of Plant Life Fig. 92. Southern long-leaf pines tapped for resin. Ecological Groups of Stems 163 ish oak bark provides the cork of commerce. The stem of the rattan palm, which is one of the very longest of tropical climbers, furnishes the cane for chairs and materials for basketry and wicker furni- ture. In this country baskets and furniture are made from shoots of the osier willows. Stem vegetables of im- portance as food for human beings include the potato, Jerusalem artichoke, as- paragus, dasheen, and kohl-rabi. Sorghum and sugar cane furnish a considerable part of the sugar and sirup of commerce source of a delightfully flavored sugar. The crude rubber used in the manufacture of shoes, gar- ments, and tires is furnished by the stem of the desert plant, guayule, and the sap of various tropical rubber trees. ]\Iany substances used in medicine are derived from stems directly or by distillation. Wintergreen oil may be obtained from the twigs of the sweet birch, and camphor from the stem and branches of the camphor tree. The bast fibers of flax, jute, and hemp furnish material for the manufacture of linen, cordage, coarse fabrics, and rugs. Bureau of Agricullurt, P. I. Fig. 93. Tapping para rubber trees, in the Malay States, to obtain the milky juice from which crude rubber is made. The maple is the 164 Science of Plant Life Fig. 94. Bureau of Agricullure, P.I. Marketing bamboo, Philippine Islands. Cornstalks not only furnish food (ensilage) for cattle, but from them is made the packing used inside the armored walls of war vessels. PROBLEMS 1. What tree is most valuable to the natives of the tropics? Why? 2. Where are the principal forest reserves of the United States located? May trees be lumbered on forest reserves? 3. What kinds of work are carried on by the United States Forest Service? 4. Will twining stems twine about a horizontal wire? 5. For your vicinity, make a list of the plants that climb (i) by twining ; (2) by means of tendrils ; (3) by means of roots. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Fourteen 1. Demonstration of imbibition with gelatin, wood, and a dry leaf. 2. Demonstration of osmosis with thistle tube and animal mem- brane; or with diffusion shell or porous cup; or with carrot root and glass tube. 3. Study the root system of a seedling or weed. Note primary, secondary, and adventitious roots. Make a drawing of the root system. 4. In the field, study the roots of some plants growing in dry sand ; in clay ; and in swampy low ground. 5. Study distribution and development of root hairs in seedlings. Wheat and oat seedlings are very satisfactory for this purpose. 6. With a microscope examine a young root. Try to make out the root cap ; the epidermis ; the cortex ; the vascular axis. 7. Longitudinal sections of a root tip will show stages in cell division and cell enlargement. Note changes in nucleus, cytoplasm, and vacuole. 165 CHAPTER FOURTEEN THE STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES OF ROOTS In preceding chapters we have learned that leaves manu- facture food in the presence of hght ; that their exposure to air facilitates the entrance and exit of carbon dioxid and oxy- gen ; and tliat by being raised and displayed on erect stems their efficiency is increased. The support of leaves by stems makes necessary the de- velopment of mechanical tissue in the stems. The display of leaves high above the water supply of the soil requires a conductive system capable of Fig. 95. Dand.'iion plant, showing the raising watcr and mineral salts primary tap root and its branches, the fj-Q^l the rOOtS and of Carrying secondary roots. r i r i i food away from the leaves. Consequently plants that expose great numbers of leaves to the hght must develop large and strong stems. The stems, in turn, must be firmly anchored in the soil, and they must also be supplied with the water and mineral substances that press up through them to the leaves. Anchorage and ab- sorption are the particular functions of roots, though they carry on other processes also, such as conduction of water, transfer of food materials, accumulation of food, respiration, and growth. Classification of roots. The root of a well-developed bean seedling will show the essential features of roots. There is the primary root, extending downwards from the base of the 166 The Structures and Processes of Roots 167 stem. On its sides are numerous secondary roots which extend at right angles, or grow obliquely downwards. Un- like stems, roots possess no definite nodes from which branches arise. A second- ary root may originate at any point on the primary root. In many seedlings there are also roots that develop from the first node of the stem. All roots arising from stems and leaves are called adventitious roots. The "prop roots" that develop from the lower nodes of corn stems and the roots that grow from " cuttings " are familiar examples. Adventitious roots develop also from the stems of many plants like the poison ivy and trumpet creeper and act as holdiastS Fig. g6. stages in the development of a corn in supporting these climbers seedling. P is the primary root, S a secondary , ,, . , root, and A an adventitious root from the first on trees and walls. Adven- node of the stem. titious roots may arise also at any point on a primary or secondary root, following in- juries. For example, when we plant pieces of horseradish or dandelion roots, adventitious roots develop. During the dry season in deserts the younger parts of the root systems i68 Science of Plant Life of some plants like the cactuses are killed, and when the next wet season comes, many adventitious roots develop from the parts of the root system still alive. In desert plants these new adven- titious roots do most of the absorb- ing work during the moist season. Root hairs. The young roots of land plants generally bear root hairs. These are delicate elongations of the epidermal cells of the root. They are especially concerned with the absorption of fp ~^~^ water and mineral salts, and their presence in- creases the absorbing surface of the root from two to fifty times. Since ^ o . , , r . , _ riG. 97. Stages in the growth of an onion seed- the rate of absorption Ung, showing the Ufting and shedding of the seed depends in Dart UDOn ^°^^^ ^^^ ^^^ development of the primary and . secondary roots. the surface area m con- tact with the soil water, the advantage in root hairs is evident. Root hairs are usually short-lived structures, their duration being best measured in days. They begin to develop at a short distance from the tip of the root. Farther back they have attained full length, and beyond this they are in a dy- ing or dead condition. Thus from day to day the zone of root hairs moves forward with the growth in length of the root. This brings the root hairs continually in contact with new supplies of water and food materials in the soil. As a plant enlarges, its root system becomes more complex through repeated branching and the elongation of the branches. Most The Structures and Processes of Roots 169 of the absorption occurs in the root-hair zone, and this is continually moved farther and farther from the base of the stem. In large trees this zone may -:.'-,■-.. ^ ^.-- .--. be many feet from the base of the " -'_ >-- ' : a': ' ' .- - trunk. Advantages in spreading roots. The spreading of the root branches in all directions not only enables the roots to come in contact with more water and mineral salts, but as the woody tissue develops, it helps to anchor the plant more firmly. It is an interesting fact that when stems are subjected to bending by winds or other agencies, the mechanical tissue of the root develops to a greater extent than ordinarily. The principal tissues of roots. In the root, the water-conducting tissue and the wood form the central axis. Surrounding this is a layer of food-conducting tissue. In perennial roots there is a cam- bium layer between the central fig. 98. Enlarged view of the end axis and the food-conducting tissue. ^^ ^ '"o^t, showing root cap, growing „ . , , P , , . . region, and. root hairs. Outside the food-conductmg tissue is the cortex, extending to the epidermis. Perennial roots like those of trees soon lose their epidermis ; later the cortex also disappears. The continued thickening of the wood and of the water-conducting and food-conducting tissues results Growing . point ~ I Region, of dentation Root cap 170 Science of Plant Life '*■ 'Epide in the death of the outermost layers of the root and the formation of a bark very similar to that of tree trunks. Absorption. The passage of water and other substances into a body is called ah sorp- tion. Of all the pro- cesses that take place in plants, absorption is the one most commonly associated with roots. In addition to water, roots absorb the min- eral substances found in plants, and they absorb a part, or all, of the oxygen needed for respiration by their ow^n cells. Water and other substances not only enter the external cells of a plant by ab- sorption, but they pass from cell to cell within the plant by the same process. A dead root in the soil may take up water and become saturated ; but only a living root can absorb water rapidly enough to furnish an adequate supply to the Kving parts above the soil. The rtex Ix3od-con- ductin^ tl55Ue Water-con- ducting Growing point cap Fig. 99. Diagtam of a root tip, showing the tissues and their arrangement. The Structures and Processes of Roots 171 water supply of plants, therefore, depends upon the presence of living cells in the roots. Three physical processes are involved in al)sorption in plants. These processes are diffusion, imbibilion, and osmosis. Their action may be demonstrated to a large extent by the use of physical apparatus. Diffusion. If a small dish of ether is exposed in a room, in a few minutes the odor of the ether may be noticed in all parts of the room. Even if there were no air currents, the ether would evaporate ; that is, particles of ether would rise from the surface of the liquid, pass out of the dish, and move through the room in every direction. This is an example cf the diffusion of a vapor. The vapor is concentrated in the dish and the particles move outward into the room where there is none ; that is, the particles move from the place where the concentration is greatest to where it is less. After the ether has evaporated, the vapor tends to become evenly distributed throughout the room. Similarly, if a few crystals of copper sulfate are placed in the bottom of a vessel of water, particles of the copper sulfate diffuse through the water. The crystals are blue in color, and as diffusion proceeds, the water in the vessel gradually becomes blue. The direction of the movement is again from the place where the diffusing substance is most concentrated to where it is less concentrated. The particles pass from the place where they are most abundant to where there are fewer of them, and this process is continued until they are evenly distributed throughout the water. Diffusion of a gas or vapor is very rapid. Diffusion of a dissolved substance is slow, but the distances that substances must travel in plant cells are very small. Oxygen and carbon 172 Science of Plant Life dioxid, when once dissolved in the water of cells, move about partly by diffusion. Imbibition. The process of imbibition may be illustrated by placing a sheet of gelatin in water. Dry gelatin is a hard, brittle, partly transparent solid. After it has been in water for a few minutes, it will be found to have increased in weight and in length, breadth, and thickness. The gelatin, instead of being brittle, is now soft and pliable ; it is also more trans- parent than it was. The increase in size and weight is explained by the fact that particles of water have forced their way between the particles of the gelatin, spreading them apart. Since the gelatin par- ticles have been forced farther apart, the gelatin is more pli- able and the particles cling to one another less firmly. Hence when a piece of dry wood is put into water, it imbibes water and swells. The cell walls of a root, like wood, are largely composed of cellulose and they take up water in the same way. When dry seeds are placed in water, they imbibe water and increase in size. Indeed, most organic substances have the property of imbibing water and swelling. Imbibition is a form of diffusion that results in swelling. Compare the size of a sponge when dry with its size after it has been soaked in water and squeezed as dry as possible. WTien a piece of wood becomes saturated, it stops taking up water. If, however, the water were being removed from the inside, more would continue to pass into the wood. This is exactly what happens in the root of a living plant. The external cells of the root are in contact with the water of the soil. Inside the root the water is being used and removed by being drawn up through the stem to the leaves. More water then passes into the cell walls and protoplasm to take the place The Structures and Processes of Roots 173 of that which is drawn away, and this keeps the amount of water in the cells of the root nearly constant. Osmosis. The third physical process that aids in the absorption of water is osmosis. If an animal membrane, as a piece of bladder, is tied over the broad end of a thistle tube and the bulb of the tube is immersed in water, the water will gradually pass through the membrane. The membrane is permeable to water ; that is, it allows water to pass through its mmute pores. The water continues to move through until its level is the same inside and outside (Fig. 100). When the water level is the same inside and outside the tube, one might think that the water particles were at rest. This is not the case. Water particles are still passing both into the thistle tube and out of it through the membrane. The rate is the same in both directions, however, and so the water level within the tube remains unchanged. If we put a little sugar into the thistle tube, something dif- ferent happens, as is shown by the fact that the hquid in the tube begins to rise. Evidently, more water is passing through the membrane into the tube than is passing out, and this change has been brought about by the presence of the sugar. Perhaps we can get a mental picture of what causes this dif- ference from the diagram in Figure loi. The membrane (C) allows water molecules to pass through it freely, but it per- mits scarcely any of the sugar molecules to pass. The outer side of the membrane is completely covered with water mole- cules {B), tending to diffuse through the membrane. The inner side {A) is only partly covered with water molecules, since part of the area is occupied by sugar molecules. Con- sequently there are fewer water particles on the side A tend- ing to diffuse outward than there are on the side B tending to 174 Science of Plant Life diffuse inward. We may say that the water is more con- centrated outside the tube than inside, so water passes from 1 \v ■ II — — //^ "^\' JZT 1 If ^ _ _II -|~ WATE 1 ~ <^r— '%- WATER ^— Fig. ioo. Diagrams to illustrate the passage of water through a membrane : A , molecule of inside water; B, molecule of outside water; C, membrane. Fig. ioi. Diagram to illustrate osmosis: A, sugar molecule; B, water molecule; C, selectively permeable membrane. the place of greater concentration to the place of less con- centration. Moreover, sugar is a highly soluble substance; that is, it has a great affinity for water, and the sugar particles tend to hold the water particles in contact with them inside the thistle tube. The sugar, like the water, tends to pass from the place of greatest concentration but is restrained by the membrane from moving outward. If we close the upper end of the thistle tube, the water will continue to rise and compress the inclosed air. The pres- sure developed under these conditions is called osmotic pres- sure. If a large amount of sugar is put inside the tube, the water will rise rapidly and exert great pressure. If only a The Structures and Processes of Roots 175 small amount of sugar is present inside the tube, the water will rise slowly and exert but little pressure. When a membrane permits water or other substances to pass through, it is said to be permeable to that substance. For example, animal membranes are permeable to water and to various dyes. A membrane that allovv^s one substance to pass through it, but retards the passage of another substance, is said to be selectively permeable. The membrane on the thistle tube is selectively permeable, because it allows the passage of water but restrains the sugar that is dissolved in the water. The membranes in root cells are permeable to water, but they do not allow sugar and many other sub- stances found inside the cells to pass out. The conditions for osmosis as it occurs in plants, then, in- clude a selectively permeable membrane between two bodies of water, one of which contains a dissolved substance that does not pass through the membrane readily. Osmosis in roots. The cellulose walls of plant cells are permeable to water and to most of the substances that dis- solve in w^ater ; but the layer of cytoplasm inside the cell wall forms a selectively permeable membrane about the cell con- tents. The cell sap in the vacuole may contain sugar and other dissolved substances, just as the water in the thistle tube con- tained sugar. The outer cells of the root are in contact with the soil water. Hence the water passes into these cells in the same way as into the thistle tube. In a similar manner water may move from one cell to another and replace the water that is being carried to the stem and leaves through the conductive tissue. The path of the water from the epidermal cells is through the cells of the cortex to the water-conducting vessels in the interior of the root. 176 Science of Plant Life Absorption and rise of sap in plants. Attention was called to the fact that transpiration exerts a pull on the water in the conducting tissue of the leaves (page 134). This pull is transmitted to the water-con- ducting tissues of the stem and root. So a fourth factor enters into the absorption of water by the roots : the pull on the water in the cells of the root is in- directly due to transpiration from the leaves. Large trees have been kept alive for days by placing the cut-off trunks in water. This shows that suffi- cient water to maintain the water balance of the plant for at least several days may be lifted in a plant by the pull of transpiration without the aid of Fia 'Z. ' Experiment to illustrate the ^O^^^. It is of practical interest water balance in a plant. The entire tO knOW that CUt floWCrS will last apparatus is filled with water, and ^ ^^^^ j^ j^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^f ^^^ and C are immersed m water. The ^ water is absorbed by osmosis into the StcmS are bent OVCr intO a VeSScl porous cup A, and evaporated from the ^^d CUt Under the Water. If CUt cup B. The rate of evaporation is . . • i r t_i faster than the rate of absorption, as is m the air, air bubblcS get intO shown by the fall of the mercury in the -j-hc Watcr-COnducting tubcS and outer end of the tube C. prevent the subsequent move- ment of water into them. Air bubbles already in stems that have been cut in the air may sometimes be removed by cutting off an inch or two of the lower ends of the stems under water. The Structures and Processes of Roots 177 Root pressure. If a number of well- watered plants are cut off just above the soil, some of them will exude water for a day or two. Experiments have shown that the sap may in some cases be forced out with pres- sure sufficient to raise water 30 or 40 feet. This pressure is called root pressure. When such pressures exist in plants, they probably aid in the Hfting of water in stems. Under these cir- cumstances transpiration pulls on the columns of water in the water-conducting vessels from the top, and root pressure pushes on them from below. Extensive experiments have shown, how- ever, that root pressure is inter- ->■----'- - " '--""-- mittent. It may exist at one f^^" ^°f A plant with its stem cut in •^ two and connected again with a tube time and not at another, and similar to that shown in Figure 102. when transpiration is most active ^^ ^^' ^^'^ ^^^ '■°°^' ^'^ absorbing water more rapidly than the leaves are and the largest volumes of water transpiring it, since the mercury at D is are being raised in a plant, root Pushed away from the plant. By set- , ting the plant in bright sunshine, the pressure is Wantmg entirely, transpiration may be increased. The Because of all these facts, it is mercury is then almost immediately generally believed that ^^^^ ^^--'^ ^ov..r^ ^^- ^^--^■ pressure is not a necessary factor in the raising of water in stems. Imbibition and osmosis lead to the development of root pressure, and they are partly responsible for the flow of maple sap (page 135). Grapevines pruned m the spring exude 178 Science of Plant Life water for days afterward as a result of root pressure. On a small scale the same thing may sometimes be seen when well- watered begonias and fuchsias are cut off near the soil. Food conduction. The transfer of food takes place in the food-conducting tissue of roots in the same way as in stems and leaves. Substances that are to be transferred must be in a soluble form, and they are usually in a comparatively simple form. Starch, for example, is transferred as glucose, and protein and fats are broken down into simpler compounds before they are moved from one part of the plant to another. Diffusion and osmosis are the principal processes that bring about food conduction. The movement of a substance into or out of a cell depends upon the permeability of the cell protoplasm to that par- ticular substance ; if the cytoplasm will not permit the sub- stance to pass through, it cannot enter or leave a cell. The direction of the movement of foods may change from time to time, as is shown by the fact that sugar and soluble proteins may move down into the root during one season and up out of the root at another season. For example, in the turnip or beet the excess food made by the leaves during the first summer passes downward into the roots ; the next year, food passes upward from the roots to the developing stems and leaves. This may be due to changes in the permeability of the cells or to changes in the foods stored in the cells. These changes in the behavior of organs, tissues, and cells are clear evidences of life. In physical apparatus the behavior is fixed and a process soon comes to a standstill. In living things changes are continually taking place in the living mat- ter itself, and these bring about continual changes in the processes that are going on. The Structures and Processes of Roots 179 Accumulation of food in roots. Food accumulates in the roots of many plants, notably in those of biennials like the beet, carrot, turnip, and salsify. The sweet potato and the dahlia are examples of perennials with large storage roots. The most common forms in which carbohydrates accumulate in roots are starch and sugar. Starch as a storage material has the advantages of being insoluble and more concentrated than sugar. When growth begins anew, starch is readily converted (digested) into sugar (page 74). Respiration in roots. Respiration must go on in the living cells of the roots just as in the other living parts of the plant. This process requires a constant supply of oxygen. In ob- taining oxygen as well as in obtaining water, the division of the roots into numerous fine branches is an advantage, be- cause it exposes a large surface to the soil air and the soil water. Some plants are easily injured by the lack of oxygen in the soil ; if water stands on the soil and excludes the air, the roots gradually suffocate. Suffocation of a part of the roots interferes with other root processes besides respiration, and the whole plant suffers. For example, you may have seen yellow, sickly corn in low fields where water has stood for some time. Such plants may recover if the soil is drained. Water plants and swamp plants can grow in poorly aerated soils because the roots are able to secure oxygen through the internal air spaces of the plants. Under normal conditions the energy liberated by respira- tion in roots is largely used in growth and in overcoming the resistance of the soil. During the life of a plant the roots, like the stem, continue to develop new branches. The growth of roots. In growing through the soil, the tip of a root is continually pushed against and between sharp- i8o Science of Plant Life angled soil particles. If a root tip or a longitudinal section of one is examined under a microscope, it may readily be seen that the growing point is not at the very end, as in stems, but is covered by a root cap. The growing region of the root extends a few centimeters back from the growing point (Fig. 98) . Therefore, as the root elongates, the root cap is pushed for- ward and is abraded by the soil particles. This injures the outer cells of the cap, but as they are being renewed from within, the cap is always present as a protection for the grow- ing point. At the growing point the cells are small, similar in form, and filled with protoplasm. They are constantly dividing and forming new cells. As the cells grow older and enlarge, they assume the mature cell form of the particular tissue to which they belong. The protoplasm of mature cells is merely a lining inside the cell wall. Most of the cell space is occupied by a water solution of sugar, soluble proteins, salts, and acids. Sometimes starch grains are present (Fig. 99, page 100). The three stages of growth are characterized by cell division, cell enlargement, and the fixation or thickening of the cell walls. They are very similar in all plant organs. But no- where can they be seen so readily as in the longitudinal section of a young root. Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Fifteen 1. Grow seedlings on blotting paper or cotton, between two glass plates. Keep the plates in one position until the roots are 2 or 3 inches long. Then set the plates at right angles to the previous position. Note the change in the direction of growth of primary and of secondary roots. 2. Replace the bottom of a cigar box with mosquito netting, and place on the netting mustard or radish seeds that have pre- viously been soaked in water. Then fill the box with wet moss or cotton. Suspend the box so that the bottom rests at an angle of 45 degrees. Note the direction of growth of the roots as they develop. Do they respond more to gravity or to moisture ? 3. Study roots of floating or submerged plants. Note air chambers. 4. Study aerial roots of climbers like Boston ivy and trumpet creeper. Study the prop roots of mature corn. 5. Sketch and study roots of carrot, parsnip, or radish. Test for starch. 6. Sketch and study root nodules and roots of either clover or beans. 7. Study the arrangement of roots on a bulb or corm. Onion, hyacinth, gladiolus, or crocus may be used. CHAPTER FIFTEEN ROOTS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT Roots commonly develop in soil. Floating plants, however, develop roots in water ; and many plants in the moist tropics develop roots in the air. Some of our own climbing plants have aerial roots. Corresponding with the differences in their en- vironments, there are marked differences in the structures and processes of roots. The response of roots to gravity. The downward growth of a primary root is a response to gravity. The primary root is positively gee- tropic; it turns tow^ard the earth. We must clearly un- derstand, however, that gravity does not pull the root into the soil. The soil particles are heavier than the roots, and this means that gravity pulls more on them than it does on the roots. A root will even means of tendrils, the older stems by downward intO merCUry, means of adventitious aerial roots. . . -^ which is 1 5 times as heavy as the root. Gravity merely determines the direction of growth. The penetration of the soil is due to growth pres- sure ; the cells of the root multiply and enlarge, forcing the tip downward. Secondary roots also respond to the pull of 182 Fig. 104. Young and old stems of Bos- ton ivy. The young stems are hold by Roots and Their Environment 183 gravity, but they tend to grow at right angles to its direc- tion rather than directly toward it, as do primary roots. Secondary roots arc transversely geo tropic. The response of roots to light. Roots tend to grow away from strong light. They are negatively phototropic. This tendency may be observed in the aerial roots of ivies and other climbers. No matter from what surface on the stem they arise, they curve around away from the Hght. This is advantageous to a climbing plant, for it brings the root to the supporting tree or wall. The response of roots to water. Particles of water, in dif- fusing from wet places in the soil to places that are drier, also affect the direction of root growth. A root in drier soil will turn toward the direction from which water particles strike it. Continued growth will then bring the root into the moister soil. This response of a root is of great advantage to the plant. It is sometimes stated that roots '' seek " the water. In reality, roots grow toward moist places only when water diffusing from the moist places reaches them and so controls the direction of growth. They do not seek the water, but they are turned to the moist soil by the water itself. The distribution of roots in the soil. Another factor that determines the distribution of roots in soil is the oxygen sup- ply. Various plants have different requirements, but all roots doubtless require oxygen for growth. Those who have seen stumps pulled from the land know that the roots go deep in upland sandy soils ; that they do not go so deep in heavy clay soils ; and that they are just beneath the surface in swamp and bog land. The principal reason why one finds the roots near the surface in swamps is that these roots were the only ones that continued to Hve and grow. The roots that in times 184 Science of Plant Life of drought penetrated to greater depths were killed off ^ suffocated — when the water stood at higher levels. The distribution of roots in the soil, therefore, is determined prin- cipally by the combined influences of gravity, water, and oxygen. Water and gravity control the direction of growth, and the oxygen supply determines whether or not growth can take place or the roots survive. In the plains of eastern Kansas, the roots of plants may penetrate certain soils to depths of from 15 to 20 feet. The absorbing parts of these roots actually reach the water table ; that is, they reach the level at which the soil is saturated, or the level to which water would rise in a well. Two or more species of plants are sometimes found associ- ated in dry regions, and locally in dry habitats, because their roots get their water at different levels and hence do not compete with each other. For example, in our Southern deserts the giant cactus commonly grows with the creosote bush. The former plant obtains its water from the super- ficial layers of the soil, while the latter obtains its water at deeper levels. The roots of lawn grass are very superficial, and lawn grass suffers from drought much sooner than do the deeper-rooted dandelion and English plantain that occur with it as weeds. In dry regions where plants compete with one another, suc- cess comes mostly to those that secure a sufficient water supply. In moist regions success in competition between plants depends chiefly on ability to reach the light or with- stand shade. The pressure of growth. The pressure exerted by roots in penetrating the soil may be very great, amounting to hun- dreds of pounds to the square inch. This is readily appreci- Roots and Their Environment 185 ated when one sees cement sidewalks broken and large rocks moved by the growth of roots under them. Growth pres- FlG. 105. Fern leaves pushing upward through a cement sidewalk. {After G. E. Stone.) sure is just as powerful in stems and other growing parts. Fleshy roots like those of the radish and turnip sometimes force themselves partly out of the ground by the thickening of the upper portion. Root contraction. As roots mature, they may contract in length and so draw the base of the stem a slight distance into the soil. In this way crevice plants on cliffs are con- tinually held firmly in place, in spite of the wearing away of the cliff face by erosion. In the same way the crowns of clover and plantain roots that have been lifted up by frosts may be drawn into the soil, and small bulbs and tubers, many of which are formed at higher levels than the parent bulbs, may be pulled deeper into the soil by root contraction. Root duration. The roots of various plants are annual, biennial, or perennial. Perennial plants may have either annual or perennial roots, just as they may have either an- nual or perennial aerial stems. Plants with bulbs, tubers, or corms grow a new set of roots each year. Plants with root- stocks, like the May apple and Solomon's seal, generally have roots that last for several years. Shrubs and trees also have perennial roots. We must be sure to understand, how- i86 Science of Plant Life ^ '" "* '"■' '-'.'•mil."- '-V»V. «*■-' U. S. Forest Service Fig. io6. Typical section of a mountain slope in western North Carolina, after removal of forest. The binding effects of the roots have been removed, and the erosion of the soil is so rapid that it is diiTicult for seedlings to take hold. When the forest was cut, enough young trees should have been left to hold the soil and start a new lumber crop. ever, that even in perennial roots the work of absorption is for the most part done by the new roots which are added each year. Most biennials, Hke the common evening primrose and wild carrot (page 315), have fleshy roots in which food accumulates during the first year. This food is used in the rapid development of the plant during the second season. Ecological types of roots. Most of the root characteristics thus far described are those of the roots of mesophytes. In hydrophytes, or water plants, the roots are notably smaller and less branched than in mesophytes. They absorb water and mineral substances from the soil even when the plants Roots and Their Environment 187 are totally submerged. The roots of hydrophytes, like the leaves and stems, are remarkable for the presence of internal air cavities (page 156). WTien the roots of .^, land plants (mesophytes) '^ extend into well-aerated | water, they develop in- (' numerable branches, dif- ' fering in this respect - • very markedly from the roots of hydrophytes. On account of this fact, roots of trees, especially those of willow and Cot- tonwood, that enter V drain pipes and tiles often develop masses of ^ fine branches that ob- — struct the flow of the -- water even when the entermg root is not Y\g. 107. Holdfast roots of trumpet creeper, de- thicker than the lead in vcloped from the nodes. These roots are perennial •1 n^i -LI r and may lengthen and branch for several years. a pencil. Ihe banks of streams are often protected from erosion by the mat of roots developed along the water's edge. This is why willows are planted on levees. In moderately dry regions the roots of xerophytes may penetrate to considerable depths, but in deserts many of the largest plants have only small root systems, spread in the upper layers of the soil (page 184). Climbing plants, like the Virginia creeper, poison i\^, i88 Science of Plant Life Bureau of Science, P. I. Fig. io8. Epiphytes on the branches of trees in the rainy tropics. i Roots and Their Environment 189 Boston ivy, and trumpet creeper, develop holdfast roots which help to support the vines on trees, walls, and rocks. By forcing their way into minute pores and crevices, they hold the plant firmly in place. Usually the roots die at the end of the first season, but in the trumpet creeper they are perennial. In the tropics some of the large climbing plants have holdfast roots by w^hich they attach themselves, and long, cordlike roots that extend downward through the air until they strike the soil and become absorbent roots. Epiphytes. A plant that lives perched on another plant is an epiphyte (Greek: epi, upon, and phyton, plant). Mosses and lichens are the most common epiphytes in temperate regions, but in the rainy tropics and along our own Southern coast many flower- ing plants live attached to the branches of trees. They usu- ally have leathery leaves and a low transpiration rate. Many have water-storage tissue in fleshy stems or in thickened leaves. Others are called tank epiphytes, because they catch water in the axils of the leaves or in pitcher-like leaves. Epiphytes cling to the supporting tree by means of roots that act both as hold- fasts and water-absorbing rr-vi J . J ^ Fig. ioq. Florida epiphyte {Tillaudsia). organs. They do not take j^ ,^,^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ b^^^^j^^ ^^ p. ^^.^pp,^ their nourishment from the family. 190 Science of Plant Life plants on which they grow (page 249), but depend for their water upon the evenly distributed rainfall and for their mineral substances upon dust and the decay of the bark on which they live. Epiphytes are pronounced xerophytes, for there is prob- ably no habitat in which it is more difficult to maintain a water balance than the one in which they live. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that among the epiphytic plants of the West Indies there are several species of cactus. Among epiphytes there are many species of ferns, and many species belong to two famihes of flowering plants, the Bromelias and orchids. The BromeHas are related to the pineapple and have leaves of the same type. The orchids have flowers remarkable for their shapes and colors, and have the dis- tinction of being the highest priced of all flowering plants. The long moss of Florida, a flowering plant, is perhaps the best known of American epiph>i:es. It is an extreme form and is devoid of roots. The roots of many epiphytes contain chlorophyll and assist in the manufacture of food. Roots and transplanting. Only a few years ago it was thought impossible to transplant large trees or even medium- sized conifers. Today trees of large size are dug up, trans- d ^ i. ^ I"" t ^ I ^ Fig. 1 10. An epiphytic orchid. Roots and Their Environment 191 i VJTJ"' ■'?t'^' •*#f^^ 'Iff : la^-fji, r "^ J^^^W^t Y '( ' IaJiT^^J ^^^^^BbbBBk^L- ^^_K>^.4. 1 ^^^^K1 ^i^ Pw^'iii^-'' VI L ^^ o . 5". Forest Scrcice Fig. III. Live-oak tree draped with Spanish moss. This epiphyte, which is common along the Gulf Coast, has no roots. It is a flowering plant belonging to the Bromeha family. ported many miles, and replanted successfully. Even whole hedgerows several feet in height are transplanted without injury. This advance in the art of tree moving is a fine ex- ample of the application of a knowledge of root physiology to practical problems. We have learned that the absorbing part of the roots is mostly in the root-hair zone near the root tips. Formerly when a tree was dug up for transplanting, all the roots were cut off 3 or 4 feet from the base of the stem. This operation destroyed practically all the absorbing organs, and the tree could not absorb water from the soil until a new set of roots had developed. Meanwhile it suffered from extreme drought and not infrequently died. 192 Science of Plant Life ,l/|Hi.,,,- .„••//••'•• ,1||.."'V: Fig. 112, By using great care to pre- serve the root system a tree may be transplanted even when in leaf. Some hours before the tree is lifted it is thor- oughly watered in order that the leaves and other parts may have in them as large a supply of water as possible. "^"^,"'- o- /'^'^ '■*''- ''-''^ ~' ' "<' ■i'^'^lf^t^ Fig. 113. The long roots are carefully laid bare, leaving a ball of earth close to the trunk of the tree. Before this is done the hole where the tree is to be planted should be made ready. It should be so dug that the tree will not be set deeper than it was in its original location. Fig. 114. The roots are wrapped to keep them from drying, and tied to the trunk of the tree. The natural environ- ment of the roots is the moist soil, and it is very important that they be kept moist; even a few minutes' drying may be fatal to the delicate rootlets. Fig. 115. The tree is placed on a sled and securely fastened. It is then hauled to the new location, where the roots are carefully spread out and covered with soil. Fertile topsoil and not the raw subsoil should be used for covering the roots, Roots and Their Environment 193 Fig. 116. The newly planted tree is supported by ropes or wires until the roots can take hold and anchor it securely. The soil should be packed firmly about the roots to facilitate the absorption of water and allow the quick development of rootlets and root hairs. Fig. 117. The tree must be kept well watered (but not flooded) for a time, for many of the absorbing rootlets have been lost and there is danger that the leaves will not receive an adequate water sup- ply. By this method large trees are suc- cessfully transplanted when in full leaf. Success in transplanting is attained by gradually trimming the roots months before the tree is moved, and by loosening the soil near the tree so as to develop a mass of absorbing roots near the base of the stem. When the tree is lifted, the roots are not cut off, but as many as possible of them are carefully removed from the soil. The small roots of trees are killed by drying, and for this reason they are protected from wilting by being bound up in wet moss. Sometimes the trees are loosened somewhat in the autumn and mo\'ed during the winter, together with much of the frozen soil surrounding the roots. Successful transplanting depends upon reducing temporarily the loss of water by trimming the top, preserving the absorbing roots, and exercising care in handling both roots and stems so that they may not be injured. (See also page 55-) 194 Science of Plant Life Roots in relation to bacteria and fungi. The roots of many plants have bacteria or fungi growing about them or inside them. The best-known crop plants belonging to this group are the clover, cowpea, and alfalfa; their roots develop small nodules in which cer- tain kinds of bacteria change nitrogen of the air into nitro- gen compounds which may be used by the plants. More information about these bac- teria wdll be found in a later chapter (page 258). Many of our trees and shrubs have fungi surround- ing their roots. The beech tree, for example, flourishes only when it grows under such conditions. The difficulty in transplanting azaleas, laurels, and rhododendrons from the woods to our lawns lies largely in supplying conditions favorable to the fungi that invest the roots. It is easy to supply the proper shade and water conditions for the shrubs,' but it is difficult to furnish soil conditions favorable to the life of the fungi. The trans- planting of these shrubs is therefore most frequently success- ful when they are planted in large bodies of soil brought with them frorn their natural habitat. Just how the fungi aid the plant is not understood ; that they are essential is very clear. Commercial uses of roots. The fleshy roots of the sweet potato, yam, turnip, carrot, beet, celeriac, and salsify are Fig. 118. Roots of soy bean, showing nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Roots and Their Environment 195 important sources of food. The sugar beet is the most im- portant domestic source of sugar in the United States. The roots of sassafras, rhubarb, ginseng, aconite, and ipecac are used in medicine. In the past many other roots were collected for the same purpose. The roots of plants are used by man much less than are stems and leaves. Perhaps roots are in general less useful ; but the failure to utilize them more gen- erally is in part accounted for by the difhculty of harvesting them and by our lack of knowledge concerning uses that might be made of them. PROBLEMS 1. What states produce sugar from the sugar beet? 2. What states produce sweet potatoes? 3. How are roots made use of in the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi River? 4. Why do trees along city streets frequently die when the street is paved or cement walks are laid inside the curb ? 5. Why does the filling in of wooded land with a 3 or 4 foot layer of soil kill trees ? 6. What flood-plain trees will continue to live in an area that is flooded with water for a year or more, as by the building of a dam? Why? Why do other trees die? Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Sixteen 1. Examine and make diagrams of several types of flower clusters, such as spike, catkin, umbel, raceme, and panicle. 2. Draw several flowers of different types. Label pistil, stamen, corolla, calyx, petal, sepal, receptacle, peduncle, anther, filament, ovulary, style, and stigma. Note differences between monocot and dicot flowers. 3. Examine pollen under a microscope, and germinate grains in sugar solutions. Try various strengths from 5 to 10 per cent. Place pollen in a drop of the solution on a micro slide, cover with cover glass, and keep in a moist chamber. The pollen tubes develop by the following day. 4. Examine the stigmas of flowers for pollen that has ger- minated. 5. Soak different kinds of seeds in water and study them, noting embryo, endosperm, seed coats, cotyledons, hypocotyl, and plumule. 6. Study mature pine cones with seeds in place, noting the number of the seeds and their relation to the scales. Dissect a seed and note the seed coats, endosperm, and embryo. 7. Germinate some seeds and follow the stages in germination. 8. Collect as many kinds of fruits as possible. Study them from the standpoint of their contents, their origin from the flower, and their methods of dispersal. Draw as many as convenient. 9. Field trip to study the variety of flowers and flower clusters. 10. Methods of pollination may best be studied in the field. Note the kinds of insects that visit a particular kind of flower. Compare these insects with those that visit another kind of flower. Is there a noticeable difference in the forms of the two flowers? in the location of the pollen? in the location of the nectar? Does this account for the difference in the kinds of insect visitors? 11. Examine several varieties of flowers and note whether or not the stamens shed their pollen when the stigma is ripe, before it is ripe, or after. Does the relative time at which the stigma and pollen mature favor self- pollination, insure it, make it difficult, or prevent it? 196 CHAPTER SIXTEEN REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING PLANTS: FLOWERS, FRUITS, AND SEEDS Fig. 119. The plants in flower have reached the reproductive pliase ot their life. The development of roots, stems, and leaves makes up the first period of the life of a flowering plant. These parts form the vegetative body of the plant, and are all primarily con- cerned, as we have seen, with the production, distribution, and accumulation of food materials. The period of growth of the vegetative parts and of activity in connection with the food supply is the nutritive phase of the plant's life. The development of flowers, fruits, and seeds takes place during the second phase of the plant's existence, the repro- ductive phase. The foods that have previously accumulated in various parts of the plant are, to a large extent, transferred ; they are used in the building of the reproductive structures 197 198 Science of Plant Life and in supplying the seeds with the store of nourishment needed for germination and for the early growth of the seed- lings. The reproductive phase of the plant's life is essentially a food-transferring and food-consuming one ; it begins with the production of the flower and ends with the maturing of the seeds. In perennials these phases are not distinct as they are in annuals and biennials. The flower. The flower is a specialized shoot, whose end is the production of seed. Commonly the word " flower " is associated with the brightly colored parts that make many of our garden and house plants so attractive. But here we shall include under the term the simple structures associated with seed production in plants like the grasses, poplars, and birches, that have merely scalelike leaves and bracts inclosing the reproductive parts. In the conifers the seeds are pro- duced on scale leaves arranged spirally in cones. These cones may be looked upon as a lower type of flower, structurally very different from the flowers of the monocots and dicots. Flower clusters. The arrangements of flowers on stems are so varied in different plants that it is quite beyond the scope of this book to describe the many kinds of flower clus- ters. In many plants the flowers occur singly at the ends of stems or lateral branches, as in the tulip and in some varieties of roses. In other plants they are arranged in groups, as in the spike of the common plantain and cat-tail ; the calkin of the willow, alder, and oak ; the umbel of the carrot, onion, and milkweed ; the raceme of the snapdragon, spring beauty, black locust, and larkspur ; and the composite head of the sunflower and chrysanthemum. The head of wheat and the ear and tassel of corn are other forms of flower clusters. Plants like the yucca, curly dock, rhubarb, broom corn, and hy- Reproduction in Flowering Plants 199 drangea furnish examples of large and much-branched flower clusters. A stem which bears a single flower or flower cluster is the flower stalk or peduncle. The branches of the peduncle Fig. 120. Flowers of the com plant. The panicle of staminate flowers (tassel) is shown above. Below are the pistillate flowers arranged in a spike (ear) inclosed by sheathing leaves. The only part of the pistillate flowers exposed to the air is the long style (silk). 200 Science of Plant Life which bear the individual flowers in a flower cluster are called pedicels. The. parts of the flower. The apex of the flower stalk is called the receptacle. It is often enlarged and serves as a place of attachment of the various floral organs. The outer whorl of scales or leaflike organs is the calyx. It usually is green in color, and in the bud stage it completely incloses the flower. The individual parts of the calyx are called sepals. Next inside the calyx is a whorl of white or brightly colored leaves that make up the corolla. The several parts of the corolla are called petals. The corolla is usually the attractively colored part of the flower ; but in some flowers, as in the tulip and clematis, the sepals have the same coloring as the petals. The calyx and corolla are often spoken of as the floral envelopes, because in the bud they form a wrapping, or envelope, for the inner parts of the flower. Inside the corolla is a group of stamens, each composed of a stalklike filament and an anther that contains the pollen. The center of the flower is occupied by one or more pistils, each made up of an ovulary, style, and stigma. The ovulary is the enlarged part of the pistil that contains the ovules, which develop into the seeds. The style is the stalk above the ovulary that bears at its summit the stigma. The stigma is usually an enlarged surface, which secretes a sticky, sugary solution in which the pollen grains are caught and germi- nated. The pistils and stamens are called the " essential or- gans " of the flower, because they produce the ovules and pollen which are the two elements necessary for the production of seed. The variety of floral structures. The above is a descrip- tion of a typical flower ; but in the plant world we find an Reproduction in Flowering Plants 20I almost endless variation in the number, form, size, color, and arrangement of these parts. In some flowers the calyx or the corolla may have their parts united into a tube, or one or both may be wanting. Or the flowers may lack either pis- tils or stamens. For example, the soft maples bear pistil- late flowers on some trees and staminate flowers on others, and the corn has staminate flowers in the tassel and pistil- late flowers on the lower lateral branches or ears. It is not our purpose to name and describe here the many different variations in floral structure ; a visit to a conservatory or a tramp through the near-by fields and woods is a far more effective way of securing an idea of the great diversity of flowers. Pollination. If the stamens of a lily or nasturtium are examined, the pollen is found to be a fiae yellow powder, which under a microscope will be seen to be composed of a multitude of small grains. For the production of seed it is necessary that the pollen grains shall be carried to the stigma. This transfer is called pollination. In some plants the pollen 21. Flower spikes of the aider. The two clusters on the left are staminate spikes ; on the right the mature pistillate spikes are shown. 202 Science of Plant Life merely falls by gravity on the stigma. Wheat and oats are examples of plants that are pollinated in this way. In other plants, like the pines, elms, birches, oaks, rye, and corn, the pollen is carried by the wind. It is an interesting fact that the stigmas of wind-pollinated flowers are usually roughened by hairs, which probably make them more effective in hold- ing the pollen. In the case of most plants with conspicuous flowers, the pollen is carried by bees, flies, butterflies, and moths. As the body of one of these insects is rough or hairy, pollen grains become attached to it when the insect enters a flower. Then when the insect passes to another flower, some of the pollen from the first flower is brushed off on the stigma of the second. Thus pollination is brought about by the insects in the course of their visits to successive flowers. It is an advantage to the plant to have its pollen carried by insects directly from flower to flower instead of being blown about and reaching a stigma by mere chance. If the amounts of pollen pro- duced by the pine, corn, ragweed, and other wind-pollinated plants are compared with the amounts produced by plants that are poflinated by insects, it wiH be seen that insect- pollinated plants generally produce less pollen. Why insects visit flowers. I.^.sects do not visit flowers to carry pollen for the plants. They eat the pollen or feed their young on it, and they also secure nectar from the flowers. The nectar is a watery solution containing sugar, which is secreted by glands called nectaries. One or more of these nectaries is usually located near the base of the corolla, in- side the flower. The insects visit the flowers, therefore, to secure food for themselves, but as they make their visits they brush against the stigmas and leave grains of pollen adhering Reproduction in Flowering Plants 203 to the plants, and in this way perform a service for the plants. The perfumes of flowers aid the insects in finding them, and conspicuous white or brightly colored parts of flowers may serve the same purpose. The massing of many small flowers in clusters and heads certainly makes them more conspicuous. Cross-pollination. When a flower is pollinated with its own pollen or with that from another flower on the same plant, it is said to be self-pollinated. If the pollen comes from another plant, a flower is said to be cross- pollinated. In many plants it makes no difference whether the pollen comes from the stamens of the same plant or from those of another plant. In the common tobacco plant the pollen may be transferred to the stigma of the same flower, and seeds will be produced. In some plants, however, it is only when the flowers are cross-pollinated that seeds are formed. The sunflower is a good example of this kind of plant. In still other plants seeds that are formed after self-pollination are less vigorous than those formed after cross-pollination. From the above statements it will be seen that cross-pol- lination is an advantage to some plants, and we find in flowers many arrangements that help to bring this about and to pre- vent self-pollination. Often the anthers do not shed their pollen at the time when the adjoining stigma is in condition to receive it. The pollen may be shed either before or after the ripening of the stigma. In such plants there is little possibility of the stigma's being pollinated from the stamens of the same flower. So, as insects go from one flower to another they transfer pollen from flowers in which the pollen is ripe to flowers in which the stigmas are ripe. This favors cross-pollination. It is exceedingly interesting to study the various other 204 Science of Plant Life mechanisms that favor cross-pollination, but it should be done in the field or with the flowers in hand. In the white lily the stigma is out of reach of the insects when the pollen is shed. In other plants the pistillate and staminate flowers may occur on different individuals, or on different branches of the same plant. In primroses and bluets the stigmas and stamens each have two different lengths ; the flowers on one plant have long styles and short stamens, while the flowers on another plant have short styles and long stamens. The most remarkable cases of cross-pollination by insects are those in which a particular species of insect is necessary for the pollination of a plant. Such relations exist in the yuccas and in some orchids. In the absence of the particular insect, pollination and seed production fail. Yuccas may be grown in our Northern states, but in certain localities they fail to produce seeds because the moth (Pronuba) needed to pollinate the flowers does not live there. Formation and growth of the pollen tube. A second step essential to the production of seed is the germination of the pollen and the formation of the pollen tube. After a grain of pollen is placed on the stigma, a microscopic tube develops from its side and grows downward among the cells of the stigma and style. At the time of shedding, the pollen grain of most flowering plants contains three cells. One of the three is active in the formation of the pollen tube ; the other two are the sperms or male cells. The stigma, as we have seen, secretes a sticky fluid con- taining sugar; acids, and other substances. The pollen germinates best in the fluid secreted by the stigmas of the same kind of plant, and it usually germinates imperfectly or not at all on the stigma of a different kind of plant. Perfect Reproduction in Flowering Plants 205 pollen tubes sometimes develop, however, following pollination from related species. The seeds produced by such crosses Fig. 122. Pollen grains and pollen tubes. • 5 is the two sperms or male cells, and T the tube nucleus. often give new forms of plants that are dififerent from both parents. After germination of the pollen, the pollen tube grows down- ward through the stigma and style to the ovule, or young seed. Usually this is but a short distance. In corn, how- ever, the silk is the style and stigma, and the pollen tube must grow several inches or a foot down the silk to the ovule below. As the pollen tube lengthens, the sperms pass down the tube. Fertilization. Inside the ovule there is an oval, saclike body which contains several cells. One of these is the egg cell, or female cell. At the beginning of fertilization the pollen tube grows into the ovule and discharges the two sperms into the sac in which the egg cell lies. One of the sperms unites with the egg cell. This union of the sperm. 2o6 Science of Plant Life or male cell, with the egg, or female cell, is the act of fertilization. The fertilized egg immediately begins to develop ; that is, it grows and divides into a large number of cells, and from it eventually comes the embryo or young plant that is found within the seed. Fertilization is the essential part of sexual reproduction both in plants and animals, and it marks the actual beginning of a new generation. After the egg is fer- tilized, it is able to develop into a new plant or animal of the same kind as its parents. It should be understood that the sperms from one pollen tube fertilize the egg in only one ovule, and that to fertilize all the eggs, as many pollen tubes must Fig. 123. Diagram to illustrate stages in the reproduction of a seed plant. A shows pollen grains {b) from anther {a) on top of stigma ; B shows a stage in the growth of the pollen tube and the formation of the egg cell ; C is the stage when the pollen tube has reached the egg and sperm and egg unite; D shows the formation of the embryo plant within the seed; and E shows the further development of the embryo and the maturing of the seed coats. The young plant thus formed and incased may remain alive for years within the seed. Reproduction in Flowering Plants 207 grow down through the style as there are ovules in the ovulary below. The seed. The seed is the final product of pollination and fertilization. Its complete development ends the role of the flower. The essential part of the seed is the embryo, for it is the embryo that will later produce the seedling ; and in order to supply the embryo with nourishment during the early stages of growth, food from the parent plant is ac- cumulated in the seed. This may either be stored inside the embryo itself, as in the bean ; or it may be stored in the tissue surrounding the embryo, as in the castor bean and corn. The food-containing tissue surrounding the embryo in many seeds is called the endosperm. Since the seed carries the plant over the winter or through an unfavorable season, the embryo with its food supply is protected by the seed coats, one of which is usually hard and resistant. The three constituents of a seed, then, are (i) the embryo or young plant, (2) the food supply, either inside the embryo or in the endosperm, and (3) the seed coats or protective cover- ing. The structure of seeds. Although seeds vary as much in form as do other plant organs, the different arrangements of the three essential parts may be illustrated by a castor bean, a bean, and a grain of corn. In the castor bean the seed coats consist of a hard outer layer and a thin inner membrane. These inclose an endo- sperm, which is a mass of cells containing food in the form of starch, oil, and protein. Within the endosperm lies the embryo, ready to grow when favorable conditions for germi- nation come. The embryo consists of the hypocolyl and two cotyledons, with a small bud between the cotyledons, called 2o8 Science of Plant Life the plumule. The cotyledons are the first lealiike organs of the plant. The hypocotyl is the first stem, and the plumule is the first bud. No root is found in the embryo ; but when the seed germinates the hypocotyl elongates, and from its end the primary root de- velops. The cotyledons at first absorb food from the en- dosperm and later expand into photosynthetic organs, which become green when exposed to the light. The plumule grows upward to form the stem. All these early changes are made at the expense of the food in the endosperm. The bean seed consists merely of the embryo with a seed coat about it. The food ^ T^ 1 . r J in this seed has already been 1"IG. 124. Development of mangrove seed- -^ Ungs. This small tree grows on soft mud absorbed into the cmbryo and flats in the tropics and semi-tropics. The g^^j.^^^ '^^ ^^i^ greatly thickened seed {A and C) germmates while still at- . tached to the tree and forms an embryo a COtylcdoUS ; that is, the yOUng foot or more in length. The embryo embryo has Continued its finally drops endwise like an arrow into . . . the mud and starts a seedling (Z)). grOWth m the SCCd Until it has all the food inside itself. The parts of the embryo are the same as in the castor bean, but the cotyledons are thick and contain a great supply of food for the young plant. The bean is an ex- ample of a large class of plants, including the pea, squash, Reproduction in Flowering Plants 209 Fig. Bureau 0/ Science, P. I. 25. A mangrove swamp. Note the prop roots which support the trees, and the young plants in the foreground which have dropped from the overhanging branches. and pumpkin, in the mature seeds of which the endosperm is lacking. A grain of corn is an example of a third kind of seed. In it there is a large endosperm with a small embryo placed at one end of it. The embryo differs from the embryos of the bean and the castor bean in that it has only a single cotyledon, wrapped more or less around the hypocotyl and plumule. In germinating, the hypocotyl grows downward, and the primary root develops from its tip. The plumule grows upward to form the aerial shoot. As in the castor bean, the cotyledon is the absorbing organ through wliich the foods in the endosperm enter the young plant. The flower and embryo in monocots and dicots. In dis- cussing the subject of stems, attention was called to the fact 210 Science of Plant Life ^^.%\& ^i <.?•■;'; -.-■■^ .M'A ■,•;:•:&' Bureau of .li^ricuUurc, F. I. m^m^^^mj^^r^ is:Tnnosperm " means " naked seed," and this is the group name for the conifers and all other plants whose seeds are not inclosed. The angiosperms are what we usually call the flowering plants, although some of them, like the grasses and forest trees, do not produce flowers with colored parts. The seeds U. S. Depl. of Agriculture Fig. 127. Fruit of mango. This much-prized fruit has hitherto been grown only in the tropics, but recently it has been introduced into southern Florida. 212 Science of Plant Life Fig. U . S. Depl. of Agriculture 128. Avocado, or alligator pear, a salad fruit now being grown in southern Florida and California. U. S. Depl. of Agriculture Fig. 129. Raspberries, a fruit which is made up of a collection of fleshy pistils. of an angiosperm, in contrast to those of a gymnosperm, are inclosed in an ovulary commonly called a pod or capsule, as in the bean, horse-chestnut, hickory nut, and watermelon. The term '' angiosperm " means " hidden or covered seed," referring to the fact that the seeds are inclosed by a pod, fleshy fruit, or other covering. The fruit. The term " fruit " is commonly used to desig- nate a great variety of organs that are developed as a result of the flowering and pollination of plants. The direct result of pollination and fertilization is the production of the seed. The indirect effect of pollination is the further development of adjacent structures. Primarily the fruit is the enlarged pistil or ovulary ; but in many cases the calyx and the receptacle also enlarge and form a part of the fruit — sometimes most of it. Reproduction in Flowering Plants 213 In the cucumber, watermelon, yucca, and tomato the fruit is the enlarged ovulary. In the okra, wild geranium, maple, hickory, and elm the entire pistil is involved. In the haw, apple, blueberry, and pear the calyx forms part of the fruit. In the strawberry, lotus, rose, and fig the fleshy part of the fruit is the enlarged receptacle. It is a remarkable fact that the fertilization of the egg in an ovule not only causes the egg to develop into a new plant (the embryo), but also causes other parts of the flower to enlarge and become fruit. The grains like wheat and corn are both seeds and fruits, for the outer coat contains the ovulary wall as well as the seed coats proper. Economic importance of flowers, fruits, and seeds. The economic value of flowers lies chiefly in their use for decorative purposes, but certain flower clusters like the artichoke and cauliflower are used as food. The fruit industry needs only to be mentioned to call to mind the vast scale upon which plants are gro^^^l for their fleshy edible fruits. It should be U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Fig. 130. Coffee berries, natural size. Each contains two seeds. 214 Science of Plant Life noted that ripe fruits are made up largely of water pleasantly flavored with sugar, dilute acids, and aromatic sub- stances. The amount of food actually present is usually small. Fruits are valuable chiefl}' for the variety which they add to our diet. Through canning, preserving, and dry- ing they are made available at all seasons of the year. Seeds and grains supply the most concentrated foods de- rived from plants. They pro- vide the larger part of the food of all human beings. Seeds of cotton, corn, and coconut fur- nish enormous quantities of oils used in the manufacture of various fats and soap, and nuts of various kinds are coming to be used more and more extensively as foods. Corn oil is widely used in the making of rubber. Flaxseed is the source of linseed oil, which is used in the manufacture of paints. From the grains we derive also starch, glucose, alcohol, ether, and many related organic substances. The seeds of the coffee and cacao plants supply pleasant and mildly stimulating drinks. The hairy covering of the cottonseed is the most important fiber used in the manufacture of cloth. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Fig. 131. Persimmon fruits. The persimmon grows wild over a large part of the Southeastern states, and improved varieties are now cultivated. Reproduction in Flowering Plants 215 ^"^^ V''>iv'»-. T 'S^' M^'- y^ SL'^i^.'?! Fig. Bureau of Agriculture, P. I. 132. Drying copra, the fleshy portion (endosperm) of the coconut seed. The coconuts are spUt and set in the sun, and the meats, after they shrink and become loose, are removed from the shells and placed on mats to dry. Copra is the source of coconut oil. PROBLEMS 1. Why does a corn plant growing alone produce imperfect ears? 2. When cucumbers are grown in commercial greenhouses, how is pollination accomplished? 3. Why are large, heavy seeds of agricultural plants more desirable for plant- ing than small, light seeds? 4. What common market "vegetables" are included in the botanical term "fruit"? Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Seventeen 1. Review and as far as possible illustrate with specimens the various methods of propagating plants vegetatively. Here may be included : a. Bulbs, tubers, corms, and rootstocks. b. Cuttings, as in the geranium and grape. c. Runners and horizontal stems, as in strawberry and blue grass. d. Leaf cuttings, as in Begonia and Bryophyllum. e. Small lateral branches (suckers), as in carnation, pine- apple, and banana. 2. Make a field trip to a commercial greenhouse or nursery to see how plants are propagated. 3. Report on the origins of some of the common garden vege- tables and field crops. Information may be obtained in encyclo- pedias and in agricultural and horticultural textbooks. 4. Study a few weeds in the field, trying in each case to deter- mine why the plant is successful in growing where it is not wanted. List the weeds, and put the results of your study in the form of a table : Name of Weed Propagated by Reproduced by Seeds Carried by Why Difficult TO Exterminate 5. What are the five commonest weeds of lawns? of cornfields? of pastures? of gardens? Why do difi^erent kinds of weeds occur in these several habitats ? 2l6 CHAPTER SEVENTEEN REPRODUCTION IN RELATION TO AGRICULTURE The reproduction of plants is of particular interest in agri- culture because the reproductive structures themselves have an economic value. In a former chapter the importance of seeds and fruits as sources of food has been discussed. In this chapter we shall consider the relation of reproduction to three important phases of agriculture: plant propagation, plant breeding, and weed control. Propagation and breeding fur- nish better crop plants ; weed control provides more pro- ductive fields. Vegetative multiplication. In the discussion of stems (page 159) attention was called to the fact that one of the advantages in underground stems lies in the facility with which the plant may be multiplied. From rootstocks arise new terminal and lateral buds that later form new aerial shoots, and through, the death of the older parts of the under- ground stems these branches become separate plants. Bulbs, Fig. 133. Multiplication of the raspberry. The stems arch over and take root where they touch the ground, thus starting new plants. 217 2i8 Science of Plant Life corms, and tubers bring about vegetative propagation in a similar way. Plants may multiply from the aerial vegetative parts also. The stems of the raspberry com- monly bend over, and where they touch the ground they form buds from which adventitious roots and new upright stems develop. A grapevine will take root where a node comes in contact with the soil. In the walking fern (page Fig. 134- Btyophyllum leaf, with 283) the tipS of the IcavCS dcvclop young plants starting from the notches in the margin. buds, roots, and ncw plants when in contact with the soil. The strawberry is an example of certain plants, including many grasses, which have horizontal branches (runners) on the soil surface that take root at intervals and produce new plants. In Bryophyllum, a weed in cultivated fields of the West Indies, the leaves when they fall to the ground develop new plants from the notches in their margins (Fig. 134). These illustrations, which might be multiplied, show the im- portance of vegetative propagation in the increase and spread of plants. Among wild plants it is entirely possible that vege- tative multiplication is as effective in spreading the plants as is reproduction by seeds. By the former method the young plant is able to start more vigorously than a seedling, because it is able to draw water and food materials from the parent plant until its own root and leaf systems are well developed. Vegetative propagation of cultivated plants. In agriculture and horticulture, vegetative multipUcation is relied upon for starting many cultivated plants. Potatoes, mint, horse- radish, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, and certain varieties of Reproduction in Relation to Agriculture 219 1 ^ Bureau of Science, P. I, Fig. 135. Sugar-cane cuttings. The plants are started in the fields from cuttings and not from seeds. onion are examples of crop plants started in this way. Gera- niums, coleus, willows, currants, grapes, and most ornamental shrubs are grown from cuttings. These cuttings are pieces of stem containing two or more nodes. Propagation by bulbs, corms, or rootstocks is the method commonly employed in starting lihes, tulips, hyacinths, irises, cannas, Caladiums, and chrysanthemums. Many of our fruit trees are multi- plied by budding and grafting, which are specialized forms of vegetative propagation (page 132). Vegetative propagation has been found advantageous in crop plants wherever its use is possible, (i) because the vari- ability of the plants produced is much less than when they are propagated by seeds, (2) because some plants, like the sugar cane, banana, and horseradish, do not produce seed, and (3) be- cause it saves time in securing the product, as a longer period is required for the maturing of plants started from seeds. In practical plant production, vegetative multiplication is as important as reproduction by seeds. 220 Science of Plant Life n Plant breeding. Reproduction in plants is the foundation upon which the important industry of plant breeding is being built. Plant breeding is concerned with the improvement of economic plants and with the production of new plants of economic value. The activities of plant breeders are being directed toward four principal objectives: (i) the breeding of plants with more desirable products, as flowers, fruits, leaves, and fibers ; (2) the l^reeding of new varieties which will increase the yield per acre ; (3) the securing of varieties better fitted to particular cli- mates and soils ; and (4) the producing of varieties capable of greater resistance to diseases. Plant breeding with these pur- poses is possible and profitable because (i) variations naturally occur among plants ; (2) some variations are inherited and IP I ^S ^^y ^^ preserved by selection; and (3) different varieties and species may be crossed to pro- duce hybrids having a still larger Fig. 136. Timothy spikes. The heads r ... ,, ,, show great variation in length and ^^ngC of variations than the number of seeds produced, and by parent plants Or pOSSCSsing nCW selecting seed from only the plants combinations of desirable quali- with long spikes the yield of seed may ^ be increased several fold. tlCS. if I m Reproduction in Relation to Agriculture 221 Bureau of Agriculture, P. I. Fig. 137. Four types of Indian corn. From left to right : Sweet corn, which has a high sugar content and shrivels when dried ; dent corn, which has a depression in the crown of each kernel due to the shrinking of the endosperm ; flint corn, which has a hard endosperm and rounded kernels; and popcorn, which is a small, extremely flinty variety. The methods used by the plant breeder depend upon the reproductive structures and habits of the particular plants with which he is working. For example, the means by which a plant is naturally pollinated will determine how it must be handled at the time of flowering to secure self-pollinated seed or cross-pollinated seed. Methods of vegetative propagation may be used to multiply the plant after a desirable variety has been produced. In this way the plant grower avoids cross-pollination and the variations that appear when many cultivated crops are grown from seed. The best ways of propagating particular crops vegetatively may be found 222 Science of Plant Life described in recent publications devoted to plant production and plant breeding. Variations. No two fruits, flowers, or other plant organs are exactly alike. The variations may be small or large, and there may be every gradation between the extremes of any character. The several thousand sunflowers that might be grown from a pound of seed would vary in height of stem, amount of branching, and size of flowers. Not only may there be variations in the structures of plants, but there may also be variations in the composition of the plant organs. For example, the great variety of colors, flavors, and other qualities in apples is due to variations in the composition of this fruit. The variation in each of these characters is quite independent of variations in the others. It is possible, there- fore, to get all kinds of combinations of different characters, and by careful breeding and selection to combine many desirable qualities in a single plant. The Shasta daisy, for ex- ample, was made by breed- ing together the English, American, and Japanese daisies, and combining in one plant the pleasing foli- age of the English species, Fig. X38. Two plants of sweet corn of the ^^^ frCC-blooming habit of same variety, one grown in poor soil and the American daisy, and the one in soil to which fertiHzer was added. i . r xi. j. i r T,, ,.„ • *u , . , . .u waxy luster of the petals of The difTerences in the plants are due to the •' ^ environment. the Japanese plant. Reproduction in Relation to Agriculture 223 Bureau of Agriculture, P. I. Fig. 139. Five varieties of lima beans, all grown in the same soil. The differences are due to differences in the plants. Two kinds of variations. When a crop plant like corn is grown in rich soil and in poor soil, there are great differences in the size of the plants and in the yield per acre. These variations in size and yield are due to the environment. Even though the seed planted in each kind of soil is exactly the same, there will be a wide difference in the plants. On the other hand, there are variations that are due to in- nate differences in the plants themselves. If dwarf sweet com and large field corn be planted in the same soil and given the same treatment in every way, they will still be very different. It is a natural quality of sweet corn, as compared with field corn, to produce a smaller stalk and to have more sugar in the grain ; and these differences will appear even when the environments are the same. We have, therefore, 224 Science of Plant Life ^Jl % fltt \A ^ F ^ ^ m KT ■1 5^ ' 7 -3:^ 31- -i-^ ^2: U . S. Dcpl. of Agriculture Fig. 140. Tobacco plants of the same variety grown from large, medium, and small seeds, showing the relation between the size of the seed and the size and vigor of the seedling. Is the difference in size in the plants due to environment or to differences in the plants themselves? two kinds of variations in plants: variations due to environ- ment and variations due to differences in the plants themselves. All variations are of interest to the plant breeder ; but since he is trying to produce new plants that may be perpetuated, he is most interested in those variations which are inherited, — that is, variations which may be carried over from one generation to another. There is little or no evidence that variations produced by environment may be inherited ; a variety of corn grown for many generations on rich soil would develop no larger plants on poor soil than would corn of the same variety that had always been grown on poor soil. Mutation. Sometimes, among many thousands of individ- uals, a single plant appears which is markedly different from all the others. For example, a few years ago a sunflower was discovered that had some red pigment near the base of the otherwise yellow corollas. Among the millions of sunflowers Reproduction in Relation to Agriculture 225 that have been seen, this was the first one in which a red color was noticed. In some unknown way there was produced in this plant a red pigment not formed in other sunflowers. From the seeds of this plant there were developed other plants having red pigment in their flowers. Evidently the new character is inherited and these sunflowers have a chemical constitution which enables red pigment as well as yellow to be formed. The sudden appearance of the sunflower with the red pigment is an example of mutation. Individuals that first show new characters are called mutants (Latin : mutare, to change). What the plant breeders have long known as '^ sports " are the rare mutants in which notable changes have occurred. They show new characters, and these characters are in- herited. Consequently, their discovery is of the greatest importance. The Concord grape was a mutant selected from among many seedlings, the others of which showed only the usual variations. The many modern varieties of tomato have been developed Fig. 141. Varieties derived from the wild cabbage (F), a native plant of Europe. A is kohl-rabi, B cabbage, C cauliflower, D kale, and E Brussels sprouts. 226 Science of Plant Life from mutations that occurred among the currant tomatoes or love apples grown for ornament in our great-grandmothers' gardens. The original fruits resembled large red currants. Today single tomato berries may weigh a pound. In color they may be red, yellow, or pink, and in shape they may be spherical, plum-shaped, pear-shaped, or flattened. They exhibit at least three types of leaves and two types of stems. The characteristics due to mutation are inherited, no matter what the soil and climatic conditions may be. Mutations occur not only among plants grown from seed, but also among plants, or plant parts, developed from buds. These are called hud mutations, or hud sports. On fruit trees, one branch will occasionally produce fruit that is of different quality from the fruit produced on other branches. If the quality of the fruit is superior, these branches may be used in budding and grafting to preserve the new variety. Bud sports are comparatively rare, but it is estimated that at least several hundred horticultural varieties have originated from them. In this country the improved varieties of navel oranges have been secured entirely by this method. The Boston fern and its forty or more varieties originated in bud mutations from a wild tropical fern. In the potato and some other plants that are usually propagated vegetatively, bud variations are known to occur ; but they are so rare and so difficult to discover in plants of this kind that they have not been of much practical value. Hybridization. The crossing of two species or varieties of plants is known as hyhridization. It is brought about by transferring the pollen from one to the stigma of the other. The plants grown from seed produced in this way are called hybrids. Hybrids may resemble one of the parents, or they Reproduction in Relation to Agriculture 227 ■91 ■ te. ti r 1- m ir ■p- ■"■•'-■ . .. , -(-v,; ■HB^SZ^ |^M«..~ -^ •^••"'^ ■OlfciHi^^^i^Ji^ 1 , ) ) 1 1 1 1 1 I . 1 1 1 > 1 > . I,' ^ »..J 1 1 J I 1 » 1 . 1 1 1 « . ^ m , ,.,'.! 1 » ^^^^^. ^. / ii 1 i. HHH^^^f f 1 t » 1 ^ ' ' Fig. U. S. Dcpt. of Agricidlurc [42. Vegetable trial grounds of the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. ^ ^.^ .^ -,. . ^?f .. .■::^'- ^*^-.r^^^»^ii^U,..Miim^^SB^^m ^ * t, , ■ '~' ^"^ ;-■'■■'' ■ " HBMHBB&SSmS^"'" ^ -«-^ fWJsifc'lisiu^^^ ♦ ■'■ H -;>*•-' Q^^TWVBMBi^tt^U^Xb^faftHM^ ^ ''^^^'''■''MfiBH 1 i>=:^.- ->'•). In the leaves of the barberry the fungus grows and produces cup-shaped cavities filled with spores (E) that are carried by the wind to wheatfields and infect the wheat plants. After growing in the wheat a short time, the fungus produces first the red spores (G) that spread the disease to other wheat plants, and later the two-celled black spores that carry the disease over the winter again. of wheat spreads from one wheat plant to another by means of red spores, from wheat to the barberry by spores that are produced the next spring, and from the barberry back to the wheat by still another kind of spore. In the Northern states, from the Dakotas to New England, the barberry stage is of special importance in the life history of the rust. In the central United States where winter wheat is grown, the red spores produced during the summer drop to the ground and infect the wheat planted in the au- tumn. In this way the rust may be perpetuated from year Bacteria and Fungi 265 to year without the intervening barberry stage. In the Northern states the destruction of all barberry plants has Fig. 156. The white pine blister rust. The fruiting bodies on the white pine (A) produce spores that infect the leaves of the gooseberry {B and C). On the gooseberry leaves the fungus produces at first yellow spores that will infect other gooseberry plants, and later brown spores that carry the disease back to the pine. When a pine (D) is infected by the disease, the younger parts soon die (£). been undertaken, and this work will doubtless reduce the amount of infection. The hope of eflectively controlling wheat rust, however, probably lies in breeding new varieties of wheat that are immune to the disease. Other rusts also live on two host plants, and because of this double Hfe and the fact that the fungus grows on the inside of its host, they are very difficult to control. The rust on the red cedar produces the so-called " cider apples," the spores from which infect the leaves of the apple tree and may do great damage to them. Recently the blister rust of the white pine has been brought to America, and it threatens to destroy what remains of our white-pine forests. In this case 266 Science of Plant Life the alternate host plants are the wild and cultivated goose- berries and currants. Another common rust is frequently seen on raspberry and blackberry bushes along roadsides ; it colors the under sides of the leaves with its bright, orange-red spores. The smuts. The smuts of oats, wheat, barley, and corn often greatly reduce the yield of these plants. But since their life histories ate known, it is compara- tively easy to control them. The smut fungi generally are carried over from one year to the next, on or in the grain, and they may live over winter in the soil. When the grain is planted, the smut spores germinate and infect the young seedlings. The smut plant lives inside the host, and its presence becomes ap- parent only when the black spores of the fungus appear, usually in the grain. Fig. 157. A normal and In some cascs the walls of the grain are smutted flower cluster of destroyed and the spores are scattered oats. ,1.1 by the wmd. All smuts of the small grains may be prevented from germinating by soaking the seed in hot water for a short time before planting. It is easier, however, to wash the grain with a weak solution of formalin, and this treatment is effective in preventing the growth of those smuts whose spores are carried over the winter on seed. Detailed information con- cerning seed treatment for the prevention of the several kinds of smuts may be obtained from State Agricultural Ex- periment Stations. The corn smut is controlled by removing Bacteria and Fund 267 Fig. 158. Various forms of mushrooms. At top : pulThalls in center, bracket fungus (Fomcs) at right, Ilychiums to left. Center: coral fungus {Clavaria) on left and poisonous Amanita on right. At bottom, left to right: cornu- copia fungus {CralercUus), Russula, and earthstars {Gcaskr). 268 Science of Plant Life and burning the plants as soon as evidence of the disease appears. Mushrooms and toadstools. The largest and most com- plex of the fungi are the mushrooms and toadstools. They are common in fields and woods and for the most part live on decaying wood and on humus in the soil. There is no real distinction between mushrooms and toadstools. Some of them are edible, others are indigestible, and some are deadly poisonous. Edible forms are cultivated on a large scale in caves and abandoned mines, and on a smaller scale in cellars. Wild forms should not be eaten unless they are gathered by persons competent to distinguish the different species, many of which are similar in appearance but very different in their effects when eaten. The mushrooms as they are gathered are only the fruiting bodies of the fungi. The real plant consists of bundles of filaments extending in all directions throughout a large mass Fig. 159. Stages in the development of the common edible pink-jjilled mush- room. Note the underground vegetative body of the plant. Bacteria and Fungi 269 of soil on which the fruiting bodies appear. It may take several years for the underground vegetative part of the fungus to develop, while the fruiting bodies may develop in a few days. It is the enlargement of the fruiting bodies that per- sons have in mind when they speak of " mushroom growth. '^ This expression leaves out of account the months or years of growth during which the materials were accumulated for the sudden production of the fruiting body. The spores of mush- rooms are produced in unthinkable numbers either inside the fruiting body (puffballs), on the upper surface (morels), or on the under side of the umbrella-shaped cap (mushrooms) (Fig. 159). Lichens. Among the parasitic fungi are some that live on such one-celled algae as Protococcus. The fungus forms the plant body, and the algal cells are completely enveloped. These forms constitute the lichens, which are gray-green, ir- regular-shaped plants that are common on the bark of trees, Fig. 160. Several common lichens. The form on the tree is /\irnuliii; the one in the middle foreground is Pdtiicra; the other forms arc species of Cladonia. 270 Science of Plant Life on rock surfaces, and occasionally on the soil (Fig. 160). Like other fungi they produce fruiting bodies, — small cup-shaped or disklike elevations, — in which asexual spores are pro- duced in great numbers. Summary of the simple plants. The simplest forms of plant life include three great groups that are of the highest importance to man : (i) The algae constitute the primary food of fishes, and they will become increasingly important as the cultivation of ponds, lakes, and streams (aquaculture) for the production of fish becomes more necessary to augment our food supplies. (2) The bacteria have a most important and intimate bear- ing upon the lives of all of us. They have made necessary our various food-preserving industries. Their existence every- where is the chief factor that must be considered in personal hygiene and in the making of our sanitary laws. Some kinds of bacteria aid other forms of life by destroying the bodies of dead organisms and improving the fertility of soils; other bacteria are responsible for many diseases of both plants and animals. (3) The fungi also are destructive agents, causing injury to our crop plants, the loss of much valuable food, and the destruction of timber. Forms like the yeasts are valuable aids in certain food industries. A very few of the fungi are themselves sources of food. The fungi are notable for the enormous number of spores which they produce. Algai are autophytes, while the bacteria and fungi are saprophytes or parasites. The algae are of world-wide dis- tribution, but they are chiefly confined to aquatic and marine habitats. The bacteria and fungi are also world-wide in their distribution, but they are most numerous on land. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Twenty 1. Make a field study of liverworts and mosses, noting especially conditions most favorable to them. Examine underground parts as well as above-ground parts. In winter a visit to a conservatory or greenhouse will enable students to see these forms in a growing condition. 2. Specimens of liverworts may be secured in spring from moist rocks along streams, from the soil in clover fields, and from trees in moist woods. In Marchantia, study particularly the thallus, rhizoids, growing region, cupules, gemma?, and reproductive branches. 3. Of the mosses, Mnium and Polytrichum are particularly good to show protomena, rhizoids, stem, leaves, and reproductive structures. Compare the vegetative plant body of a moss with that of a liverwort in its relation to water, light, and air. 271 CHAPTER TWENTY LIVERWORTS AND MOSSES . A Luiiimun liverwort {Marchantia), showing thallus, cupules, and reproductive branches. The largest of the mosses and liverworts never attain a height or length of more than a few inches, and they are of very simple structure in comparison with the flowering plants. In contrast with the algae, which on the whole are water plants, mosses and liverworts for the most part live on land. The passing of plants from a water to a land habitat is one of the notable steps in the development of the plant kingdom, and in connection with the study of this group we shall con- trast the environments of land and water plants and consider the modifications in structure that accompany the passing of plants from the water to a land habitat. The liverworts. The body of a liverwort is flat and leaflike and is called a thallus (plural, thalli). It may be from one to several cell layers in thickness. It grows at the tip, and usually branches by forking at intervals. Liverworts do not 272 Liverworts and Mosses 273 stand erect, but usually have their thalli in close contact with the substrata on which they grow. In most forms the thallus is a continuous plate of cells, but some forms have prostrate stems with small leaves on either side. All of them have chlorophyll and manufacture their own food. All the forms have on their under surfaces small, hairlike rhizoids that anchor the plant and absorb water and minerals. Liverworts are widely distributed but are most numerous in the tropics. A few of them are found on trees and rocks and a few are found floating on water, but as a whole they live on moist soil and in shaded situations. Reproduction among the liverworts takes place by means of spores, produced either directly on the thallus or on special branches. In many liverworts there are produced also special bodies called genimce (singular, gemma), which propagate the plants vegetatively. The liverworts are supposed to be descended from plants like the green alga?, for it is thought that the simplest plants existed first and that plant life as well as animal life had its origin in the water. The liverworts may be considered, there- fore, as a group of simple plants that exhibit some of the stages through which plants pass in going from the water and taking up their life upon. the land. In this respect they can be com- pared to the amphibious (Greek : ampJii, double, and bios, life ; i.e., life both on land and in water) frogs and salamanders of the animal world. Just how a plant becomes adjusted to its new environment, when it is forced to live on land because of the drying up of the pool in which it grew, is a most inter- esting question to consider. Living conditions of water and land plants contrasted. The algae probably represent the remnants and derivatives 274 Science of Plant Life of the. first plants that grew on the earth, and the shallow water in which the fresh-water algae live is the most favorable of all habitats for plants. Because the plants are of about the same weight as water or are lighter, they are supported by the water and do not need to use their foods for building mechanical tissues. In the shallow water there is sufficient light for photosynthesis, while the plants are protected from the heating and drying effects of the intense sunshine to which land plants in many situations are exposed. An abundant supply of the carbon dioxid and oxygen needed for photo- synthesis and respiration is in solution in the water, and mineral salts sufficient for the needs of the plants are washed in with every rain. Furthermore, the temperature is more uniform than on land, and this permits the processes of growth and reproduction to go on almost uninterruptedly throughout the entire twenty-four hours. The length of the growing season in temperate and cold climates is longer under the water than on land, because the water protects the plants from the sudden changes of temperature to which land plants are subjected in the spring and fall. The shallow-water plants, therefore, live under the conditions most favorable for plant life. Even the deep-water plants like some of the marine algae, although they are under the great disadvantage of having little Hght, gain many advantages through their water en- vironment. The environment of the land plant provides a supply of carbon dioxid and oxygen directly from the atmosphere, and mineral salts may be secured from the soil water with which the plants are in contact. But if the plant grows in full sunlight, it is subjected to much more intense illumination and heating than are water plants, and it must withstand the Liverworts and Mosses 275 drying effects of the air. In aquatic plants the cells are never without an adequate supply of water, while in land plants Fig. 162. Cross section of Marchantia thallus, showing rhizoid (below), water- storage tissue, the air chambers containing the principal photosynthetic cells, and the epidermis which forms a transparent roof over the air chambers. transpiration may reduce the water content of the cells to such an extent that they may be injured or even die. A study of the amphibious liverworts shows that they have become adjusted only to a medium light and a moderate amount of drying. These plants, therefore, grow in shaded and moist situations. During wet periods many individuals start in intensely illuminated places, only to be killed off by the light and its secondary temperature and drought ef- fects. The shaded situation where the water is near the surface of the soil is evidently the habitat where these plants suffer the least, and this explains why liverworts persist in moist situations and not in the open. Responses of the plant to the aerial environment. The land liverworts show several changes in structure that are of advantage to the plants in an aerial life. The more im- portant of them are : 276 . Science of Plant Life (i) Firmer, and in some cases thicker, cell walls and water- storage tissue. The firmer cell walls are less permeable to water and reduce the rate of water loss. Furthermore, the plants grow flat on the soil in contact with the water supply, and some of the forms develop layers of water-storage cells on the side in contact with the soil (Fig. 162). This enables them to withstand short dry periods better than do those forms that have only the ordinary green cells. The develop- ment of firmer cell walls and water-storage tissue is the first ad- justment to land conditions. (2) The development of rhizoids. Land plants are liable to be washed away by rain and surface water, and on this account they need some anchorage ; also, it is necessary for them to have structures that will bring them into contact with the soil-water supply. In the liverworts, rhizoids anchor the plant and to some extent absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. Rhizoids are elongated cells that develop on the lower side of the plant body and penetrate the soil. They resemble root hairs in form. The development of rhizoids, therefore, represents a second important adjustment of plants to the land environment. (3) The development of an epidermis. The land liver- worts are covered by an epidermis which helps to protect them against water losses. Since a ready access to carbon dioxid and oxygen is necessary for photosynthesis and res- piration, the liverworts with thicker bodies have openings or pores in the epidermis. Through these pores the gas ex- changes between the air and the cells within the body can take place. In the more complex liverworts, the epidermis is raised like a transparent roof on ridges of supporting tissues, leaving beneath it a series of small air chambers in which the Liverworts and Mosses 277 chlorophyll-bearing cells stand up in short chains (Fig. 162). Each chamber is connected with the air by a pore in the center of its roof. In these rather simple plants, therefore, protection against water loss is accomplished in much the same way as in seed plants, but the epidermal pores in them are chimney-like openings and are incapable of closing as do the stomata of the higher plants. The development of an epidermis and of pores is a third adjustment of plants to the land environment. (4) The ability to withstand drying. When the cells of water plants are dried, the protoplasm dies at once ; but a few of the liverworts, like many mosses and like Protococcus and a few other algae, do not die when water is lost from the cells. Just what quahty the protoplasm possesses that en- ables it to withstand drying, it is impossible to say ; but some of the liverworts that grow on trees and rocks possess this quality, and certain mosses have to a remarkable degree the ability to withstand drying. A fourth adjustment of plants to the land, environment is the development of the ability to with- stand drying. The mosses. The mosses form a very large group found in all parts of the world. They usually have upright stems, though many live close to the substratum and have only horizontal or inclined stems. They possess very simple leaves, frequently only one cell layer in thickness, sometimes thicker toward the midrib. The mosses, like the liverworts, are most abundant in moist, partly shaded habitats. A few, however, grow on rocks and trees where they are exposed to periodic drought. These latter forms, like Protococcus, have the power to with- stand complete drying. When dry, they are in a dormant 278 Science of Plant Life -Wr^ %"i<**!*U'. I'iG. 163. Mosses, showing the compact grouping of the plants. condition ; and when wet, they go on with their normal processes of photosynthesis, respiration, growth, and repro- duction. Mosses also possess means of anchorage by rhizoids. The rhizoids of the liverworts are one-celled structures. • Those of the mosses are branching, many-celled structures which pene- trate the soil, affording a firm hold and absorbing a part of the water used by the plant. The habit of growing in com- pact clusters gives the mosses a method of conserving water and maintaining the water balance, other than the methods spoken of in connection with the liverworts ; the dense masses of plants take up water from rains and hold it for some time like a sponge. Mosses, therefore, show some advances over the liverworts in their upright stems and branching rhizoids, in the regular occurrence of simple leaves, and in their ability to grow in drier habitats. The liverworts and mosses together show the Liverworts and Mosses 279 successful adjustment of simple green plants to the land en\'ironment. Mosses reproduce by Life history of the moss, propagation and by both sexual and asexual spores. A study of -each of these methods will make clear the somewhat complicated life history of the moss plant. Vegetative multiplication . When a moss spore germi- Fig. 164. Moss spores (.4) and protonema nates on the soil, it produces ^^^' ^j^^ f ^"^ ^^^ ^^""^ ^^'^^^ ^"^ ^P"eht stem develops. a branching, filamentous body, the protonema, which resembles some of the branching forms among the green algse. The protonema spreads over the soil for some distance and then develops numerous buds (Fig. 164). The. buds give rise to the upright leafy branches which we commonly call the moss plant. Because of the numerous buds developed on the protonema, the moss plants stand in thick clusters or masses. The upright leafy stems of the moss also ha\'e the power of pfoducing protonema-like branches which spread still faither over the soil, thus serving to multiply the plants and to make the plant mass denser and larger. In some mosses with horizontal or inclined stems, the stem tips when in con- tact with the soil develop rhizoids and give rise to new branches, much as the stems of the raspberry develop new plants (page 217). These methods of vegetative propagation are com- mon among the mosses, and some mosses are not known to multiply in any other way. Sexual reproduction. The upright stems of most mosses 28o Science of Plant Life when mature produce gametes special organs at the stem tips. - egg and sperm cells — in The sperms are swimming Fig. 165. A moss plant {Mnhon). £ is a vegetative branch, B a branch that produces eggs, and A a branch that produces sperms. After fertihzation, an upright stalk bear- ing a .spore case (C) develops from the egg. ^ ' is a longitudinal section of a female branch, showing three egg cells in the cases in which they are produced ; 5' is a section of a male branch, showing three of the organs that produce the sperms. cells much like those of algae. As they cannot reach the egg cells except by swimming, fertilization takes place only when the moss is wet. When the sperm unites with the egg, it forms an oospore. Asexual reproduction. The oospore germinates while still on top of the parent stem, and produces a long, stalklike body. The base of this body grows downward into the parent stem and draws water and nourishment from it. At the top of the stalk a sporangium or capsule develops which contains asexual spores. The stalk and sporangium live parasitically on the green, leafy moss plant and are a distinct stage in the life of the plant. Livenvorts and Mosses 281 The first stage in the Ufe history of the plant ends with the production of oospores. The second stage ends with the formation of asexual spores. When the asexual spores germi- nate, they again produce the protoncma and the leafy moss plants. The asexual spores are small, lirm-walled, rounded bodies that are able to withstand the drying effects of the air. They are fitted to be blown about, and so to start the growth of the plant in new areas. Most moss plants are perennials, and they produce both oospores and asexual spores on new branches for several years. Summary. Liverworts and mosses constitute a group of rather simple land and amphibious plants. They are of par- ticular interest because they show some of the steps by which simple water plants become adjusted to conditions on land. This group represents the most complex of the land plants that lack a conductive system. In the next group, the ferns, the plant has a well-developed water-conducting and food- conducting system, and correlated with this it has greater size and more complex tissue systems. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Twenty-one 1. Make a field trip to study ferns and their allies. Ferns are common in rich woods and on moist cliffs. Equisetums may be found along streams and railway embankments, and in swamps. The club mosses occur in low grounds, in rich woods, and in moist, sandy depressions along lake and sea beaches. Tropical forms may be seen in conservatories and greenhouses. Note especially the relative development of leaves, stems, and roots. Compare them with the seed plants growing in the same habitats. Have they any advantages over the mosses, liverworts, and algae that live near them? 2. Examine growing plants and note how fern leaves unfold. Note the sporangia and spores on the under sides of the leaves. Plant some of the spores on moist soil in a flower pot and cover with a glass plate. Examine the prothalli that develop from the spores. 3. If field work is impossible, examine a collection of pressed specimens of ferns and allied plants, in order to get an idea of the great variety of forms belonging to these groups. 282 CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE THE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES ^3 The ferns and their allies are a large assem- blage of plants. Like the simple plants that we have studied, they reproduce by spores instead of seeds ; but, Hke the seed plants, they possess water-conducting and food-conducting tissues. They appeared on the earth earlier than the seed plants, and were more abundant -during the carboniferous or coal-making period of the earth's history than they are now. Indeed, judging by the fossils in coal, ferns and fernlike plants dominated the vegetation of that time, and the seed plants were much less prominent than now. Ever since that period the seed plants have been gaining in importance ; and now the ferns have been to a large extent displaced, especially in the temperate and colder parts of the earth. Three groups of these plants that are sufficiently distinct to be readily recognized occur rather commonly in North America. They are the Jems, equisetuvis, and club mosses. 283 Fig. 166. Tho walk- ing fern. New plants are developed from buds at the ends of the leaves. 284 Science of Plant Life Fig. 167. A tree fern. The Ferns and Their Allies 285 Fig. [OS. A large tropical fern (Marralia), will riiilippinc Islands r so feet in length. The ferns. The ferns are noted for the large size of their foliage leaves. In temperate regions these leaves are much branched and in some species attain lengths of from 3 to 6 feet. They usually rise from underground stems, which may be long, slender, and horizontal or short, thick, and upright. The venation of the leaves differs from that of seed plants in being forked ; that is, each vein divides into two smaller ones, and each of these subdivides in the same manner. The root systems of the ferns are all small and scantily branched as compared with those of the seed plants. This is probably the reason why ferns as a rule are confined to moist habitats. In the moist tropics there are many species of tree ferns with upright columnar stems bearing a rosette of leaves at the summit. The stems may attain heights of from 10 to 50 feet, and they bear leaves 5 to 15 feet in length. The equisetums, or horsetails. In swamps, on the banks of streams, and on railroad embankments one can find slender, 286 Science of Plant Life columnar plants with scale leaves and spore-bearing cones on the ends of the upright branches. These are the remnants of a group that made up a large part of the vegetation during the carboniferous period. Many of the species are evergreen. The equisetums are for the most part stream-margin and swamp plants, and, as might be expected, the stems have air cavities extending throughout. In some *species the stems de- velop at each node whorls of slender branches, which to- gether form a brush, suggesting the common name " horse-tail " for the group. Like the ferns, most of the species develop an extensive system of underground stems from which the upright branches rise. In the absence of foliage leaves, the stems do all the photosynthetic work. The roots are small, like those of the ferns. Spores are pro- duced in the cones which termi- nate the upright stems. The club mosses. These Fig. 169. The common field cquisetum. ^rc Creeping and trailing ever- Rootstock with sterile branches (B), green plants found in rich woods spore-bearing branches U) and tubers ^^^ ^ particularly in the (C) . D shows the spores with their ap- o > t j pendages. northern United States. They The Ferns and Their Alhes 287 are much used for decorative purposes at Christmas time and are sold under various names such as " ground pine " Fig. 170. Two species of club mosses {Lyco podium). In one species (left) the sporanpia are borne in the axils of the upper leaves, in the other (right) they are borne in terminal cones. and " running cypress." The main stems are prostrate on the soil and may be many feet long. They are anchored at intervals by short roots. Numerous upright branches rise 288 Science of Plant Life from the prostrate stems. The stems bear large numbers of scale leaves, and the spores are produced in tenninal cones. The spores are sold in drug stores under the name ^' ly co- podium powder." They are used as a drying powder and in the manufacture of fireworks. The club mosses were of large size and very abundant during the time when the carboniferous rocks were deposited, and with the ferns and equisetums they formed the chief part of the forests of that geological period. The coal which we now burn is the last remnant of the carbon compounds formed by plants from the carbon dioxid then present in the atmos- phere. Certain of the club mosses, like some of the ferns, show stages in the transition from reproduction by spores to reproduction by seeds. The club mosses and equisetums have highly branched stems and many small, scalelike leaves. In the ferns there is little branching of the stem and the leaves are large and often much divided. The two generations of the ferns. One of the most inter- esting features of the hfe history of the fernlike plants is the fact that there are two very different plants produced during one life cycle. Asexual spores are produced on the under surfaces of fern leaves, and when these are planted on soil and allowed to germinate, we find that in about 6 weeks the soil is covered with small, heart-shaped thalH which look very much like liverworts. These thalh represent one generation of the fern plant. Each thallus consists of an irregular plate of cells, a single cell layer in thickness except toward the middle, where it may consist of several layers (Fig. 172). The prothallus, as the plant is called in this stage, is anchored to the soil by one-celled rhizoids. It manufactures its own food and has an existence similar to that of a liverwort. The Ferns and Their Alhes When mature, the pro- thallus produces egg cells and sperms in small organs on its under surface. The sperms are small and swim actively, and they reach the egg cells when the thallus is wet. The sperm unites with the egg and forms an oospore. The formation of the oospore completes the life of this, the sexual, gen- eration of the fern. The oospore germinates while still attached to the little prothallus, and from it develops the large fern plant with which we are familiar. This second gen- eration has true roots, stems, and leaves, and on the lower side of the leaves great numbers of sporangia are produced. These lie in groups which may be seen with the naked eye as brown dots. Within the sporangia asexual spores arc fonned, and because asexual spores are produced by this generation, it may be called the asexual generation of the plant. The ferns, therefore, do not reproduce themselves directly. The plants with the large, feathery leaves that we know as Fig. 171. Underground stem, roots, and leaves of fern. 290 Science of Plant Life ferns produce asexual spores from which small, flat prothalli develop. The prothalli in turn produce gametes and sexual spores, which then germinate to form the fern plants proper. This alternation of two unlike generations in the life history of the fern is most interesting. The alternation of an asexual generation with a small sexual generation occurs in mosses (page 279) as well as in ferns, and it is found also in most of the other great plant groups. However, the alter- nation of generations is not so easy to study in groups, other than the ferns, in which the two generations do not grow independently of each other. In some of the ferns and also in some of the club mosses, the sporangia and the sexual generations show stages in the development of these struc- tures into the seeds of the higher plants ; but the origin of seeds is too complex a question to be discussed here. The significance of the conductive system in plants. The algae, being immersed in water, have a constant water supply. The fungi have an adequate water supply because they live inside other plants that have water-conducting tissue, or because they grow in moist soil or within stumps and logs. A water balance is maintained among the mosses and liver- worts by their growing in spongelike masses and in close contact with the soil water ; but within these plants water Fig. 172. Under side of fern prothallus, showing egg-producing organs (archegonia) (^1), the sperm-producing organs (anther- idia) (B), and the rhizoids (C). The Ferns and Their AlHes 291 can be transmitted from one part to another only slowly by diffusion from cell to cell. They have no water-conducting Fig. 173. The life historj' of a fern. The prothallus (.-1) produces egg cells and sperms in organs on the lower surface. One of the sperms set free from B unites with an egg cell (shown in C), and produces a sexual spore. This germinates and produces the leafy fern plant {D), which in turn produces asexual spores (G) on the lower side of the leaves. By the bursting of the walls of the sporangium {n), the spores are set free. They then germinate on the soil (in some species on rocks or trees) and produce a new genera- tion of prothalli like the one shown in A . The prothallus is here shown about 4 times its natural size. or food-conducting tissues, and for this reason they are all of small size. The development of a conductive system is, therefore, an additional step in the complete adjustment of plants to a land en\'ironment. With a conductive system, the water may be carried rapidly from one part of a plant to another. Con- sequently stems and leaves may be raised far above the ground level and yet receive suflFicient water from the roots to replace that lost through transpiration. Likewise an adequate supply of food may be transferred to the roots, which makes it pos- sible for them to live in the soil, where they are unable to 292 Science of Plant Life manufacture food for themselves. This permits a great in- crease in the size of the plant body, and makes possible a high degree of specialization in plant organs and tissues. As far as is known, the ferns and their relatives were the first plants to develop a conductive system. We do not know how the conductive system originated, but its coming into existence marked perhaps the most important step in the progress of the plant kingdom. Summary. The ferns and their allies constitute the rem- nant of a very ancient and important group of spore plants. In the study of the evolution of seed plants they are of in- terest (i) because they have two entirely separate generations, a small, sexual one which produces gametes, and the large, leafy plant which produces asexual spores ; (2) because they show some of the stages in the transition from plants which reproduce only by spores to plants that produce seeds ; and (3) because they were the first plants to develop a conductive system. The presence of a conductive system enables these plants to raise leaves and stems well above the soil and to expose their photosynthetic tissues to the light far better than any of the preceding groups. The ferns do not have extensive root systems, and consequently are more closely confined to moist habitats than are the seed plants. Suggestions for Laboratory and Field Work to Precede Chapter Twenty-two 1. Field work or a trip to a greenhouse will help to make clear some of the characteristics of seed plants, and the differences in the plants belonging to the several divisions of the group. 2. Examine vegetative shoots of pine, hemlock, spruce, cypress, arbor vitae, or other available conifers, and compare their leaves and stems with those of the ferns and angiosperms. 3. Material collected from one of the conifers in the spring, showing the staminate and carpellate cones, should be studied in the laboratory. Mature cones may be obtained at any time, and they will show the relation of seeds to scales. 293 CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO SEED PLANTS: GYMNOSPERMS Seed plants form the most conspicuous part of the earth's vegetation, and they include the majority of the plants that are of interest as sources of food, lumber, and fibers. They are the plants with which we are most familiar, and for this reason the first seventeen chapters of this book have been de- voted to a description of their structures, processes, and en- vironmental relations. Here the great groups into which the seed plants are divided will be described, and some of the more important families in these larger groups will be briefly discussed. The two most important groups of living seed plants are the Gymnos perms and the Angios perms. The gymnosperms. The familiar representatives of the gymnosperm group are the conifers, or cone-bearing trees. The name "gymnosperm" (Greek: gymnos, naked, and sperm, seed) suggests the most distinctive feature of the group. The seeds are borne exposed on the upper surface of scales, which make up the cones. They are not inclosed by a pistil wall as are the seeds of the next group. The conifers. The conifers have scale and needle leaves. The red cedar and arbor vita) are of the scale-leaf type ; the pines, spruces, and hemlocks are of the needle-leaf type. The stems are woody, much branched, and of large size. Indeed, the largest trees in the world, the giant sequoias, or Big Trees, of California, belong to this group. The distinctive feature of gymnosperm wood is the absence of water-conducting tubes. The wood cells perfoim the double function of supporting the tree and conducting the water. Many of the conifers have large resin tubes extending throughout the plant. Just what advantage comes to a plant through 294 Seed Plants : Gymnosperms 295 '^p^^J^:J[|| V- ^; 1 ■-■41- '•" '■^^^i/^pi Fig. 174. rinu furcbl, wiili an uccabional maple, birch, ur aspen. 296 Science of Plant Life the formation of resin is not known. Resin is a valuable commercial product, and in the Southern states the long- leaf pine furnishes the crude rosin and the turpentine of commerce. Leaves of conifers. The leaves of most conifers are ever- green and remain on the trees for a period of from 2 to 10 years, depending somewhat upon climatic conditions. In general they last longer in moist habitats. The Northern larch or tamarack and the Southern cypress are deciduous trees with soft needle leaves that contrast strongly with the hard needle leaves of the evergreens ; the hardness of the evergreen needles makes it possible for them to withstand the winter droughts. Roots of conifers. The roots of conifers are far better developed than are those of the ferns. Like deciduous trees, they have root systems that gradually taper from the stem base and spread over a wide area. The great root system makes possible the development of a large crown and the exposure of a greater leaf surface than in the ferns. Production of seeds. The production of seeds in conifers may be illustrated by the pine. Two kinds of cones are pro- duced : the staminate cones that produce the pollen, and the ovulate cones that bear the seeds (Fig. 175). The staminate cones are short-lived structures of early spring. Each scale bears two pollen sacs, which contain the pollen grains. The pollen is blown about by the wind, and each grain has on its sides two little air sacs that cause it to be carried through the air easily. It is produced in enormous quantities ; and when it is shed, it oftentimes colors the ground yellow in the vicinity of pine woods. The staminate cone of the conifers corresponds to a staminate flower in the flowering plants ; Seed Plants : G}'mnosperms 297 it lacks a calyx and a corolla, ])ut its scales produce pollen and therefore correspond to the stamens of a lily or rose. Each scale of the ovulate cone has two ovules, or young seeds, on its upper surface. At the time when the pollen is shed these scales stand open, or are separated from one another, so that the pollen falls on them and slides down to the bases of the scales, where it comes into contact with the young ovules. Then the scales of the cone close up tightly, and the pollen grains de- velop pollen tubes. These grow down into the ovules and produce sperms which finally fertiUze the eggs. As a result of fertilization, an embryo is produced, and the ovule walls become the seed coats: The growth of the pollen tube is very slow in coni- fers, and it is only at the close of one or two years' growth that the seeds mature and the ovulate cones die. Then the drying out and spreading of the scales pcmiits the winged seeds to fall out or to be blown out and carried to the ground. In many cases the seeds of conifers have hard waterproof Fig, 175. Spray of Austrian pine. At the left (above) is a I -year-old and (below) a 2-year-old ovulate cone. On the right is a cluster of staminate cones. 298 Science of Plant Life coats which may cause them to remain dormant for long periods. When planted, some of the seeds germinate the first season, others the second, and some not until the third or fourth year. This tends to insure some of the seedlings favorable conditions for growth. All the seeds will genninate the first season if the waterproof outer coat is ground off by shaking the seeds with sharp sand. In tree nurseries seeds are usually treated in this way, so as to insure the rapid and uniform development of the seedlings. The conifer forests of North America. The greater part of the forested area of this continent is occupied by conifers. One of the striking characteristics of conifer forests is the fact that extensive areas are often occupied by a single species. In the Northern Evergreen Forest, which stretches from the lower St. Lawrence basin to Alaska and extends southw^ard in the Alleghanies to northern Alabama, the principal trees are the white and black spruce, white pine, hemlock, jack pine, balsam fir, tamarack, and arbor vitae. The spruces are the principal source of the wood pulp used in the manufacture of paper. The white pine formerly furnished the most durable and most desirable lumber in the Eastern states, but the supply of this lumber is now almost exhausted. In the Southeastern Evergreen Forest, which extends along the coastal plain from New Jersey to Texas, the long-leafed and short-leafed pines, the loblolly pine, the cypress, and the red cedar are the most important timber trees. The long- leafed pine is the source of rosin and turpentine, and with other pines and the cypress it supplies much of the lumber for interior finishings and other building purposes. Cypress lumber is noted for its durabiUty in moist situations where other lumber soon decays through the attacks of fungi. Seed Plants : Gymnosperms 299 Fig. 176. Map showing the distributiun of the forests of North America. The Western Evergreen Forest covers the RcKkics, Scl- kirks, and Sierra Nevada and Coast ranges, from southern Alaska to Mexico. Throughout this vast area the domriiant 300 Science of Plant Life trees are the Western yellow pine, Douglas fir, lodgepole pine, redwood, pinon, and Sitka spruce; and there are numerous less important cedars, spruces, firs, and pines. With the in- creasing demand for lumber and the gradual destruction of the Eastern forests, more and more of the wood from the Western forests is reaching Eastern lumber markets. The seeds of the pinon are large and pleasantly flavored, and formerly they furnished much of the food for the Indians of California and the lower Great Basin region. The significance of reproduction by seeds. In a former chapter (page 207) some details of the manner in wdiich a seed is produced were given, and it was pointed out that the seed is a structure containing a young plant (embryo) developed from a fertilized egg. The seed is better fitted to undergo a period of dormancy and to carry a plant over an unfavor- able period than are the small spores of ferns, mosses, and fungi, or even the resting spores that are produced by certain algal forms. This is because the seed contains (i) a plant already partly developed, (2) a larger supply of nourish- ment to start the young plant when development begins, and (3) seed coats that afford better protection during the dor- mant period. So efficient, indeed, is the seed in passing over periods unfavorable for growth, that nearly all seeds will retain their vitality for from one to several years ; and the seeds of certain plants have been found to be alive after 25 years. Summary of the development of the plant kingdom. At this point it may be well to review the most notable steps in the development of plant life on the earth. These steps are : (i) The development from previously existing water plants of land forms with epidermis, rhizoids, and other ad- justments to a land environment. Seed Plants : Gymnosperms 301 (2) The development of a conductive system which made possible the growth of aerial parts situated at a distance from the water supply, and which also made possible the transportation of food to roots that live in the dark and there- fore are not able to make their own food. (3) The development of seeds as a means of dispersing the plant and of preserving it during seasons unfavorable for vegetative life. (4) The development of an extensive root system by which larger amounts of water and mineral salts are made acces- sible. Correlated with this is the development of large, much-branched tree forms. (5) The development of true flowers made up of floral leaves, stamens, and pistils. With this step came insect pollination and the production of seeds inclosed in an ovulary. In some cases the ovulary is fleshy and at maturity becomes an edible fruit. Suggestions for Laboratory Work to Precede Chapter Twenty-three 1. A lily, tulip, or wild onion may be used in studying the flowers of the monocotyledons. Attention should also be given to the leaf and stem characters of this group. Narcissus bulbs grown in water will furnish excellent material. 2. Any convenient dicotyledon may be used to show the type of flower and the associated leaf and stem characteristics. Ge- raniums, oxalis, and impatiens may be obtained at all seasons of the year. In autumn and spring many plants are available. 3. A collection of the more important grain plants, fibers, and fiber plants is easily made. These will be helpful in studying the economic uses of plants. 4. The examination of pressed specimens representing the more important families of angiosperms will be an aid in learning family characteristics. Fresh specimens are always to be preferred, if they can be obtained. 302 CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE SEED PLANTS: ANGIOSPERMS rllilippilK' l.lail.lr imporLaiit tropical monocot. bamboo is a very Angiosperms (Greek: angio, receptacle, and sperm, seed) form the second division of seed plants. The seeds are in- closed in a pistil which later ripens into a pod or fruit. The Angiosperms make up by far the largest part of the present vegetation of the earth. There are more than 130,000 species, as contrasted with 500 species of Gymnosperms and about 4500 species belonging to the fern group. In many forms the stamens and pistils are surrounded by brightly colored floral leaves. As compared with other groups of seed plants, a most striking diversity of vegetative and reproductive struc- tures is shown within the group. This diversity of fonn en- ables Angiosperms to live in all land and water habitats, from the margin of the ocean to alpine summits, and from the tropics to the polar deserts. 303 304 Science of Plant Life Diversification among the Angiosperms. The great dif- ferences in the stems of Angiosperms may be reaUzed by call- ing to mind the elm, palm, cactus, dandeUon, grape, morning- glory, bamboo, tumbleweed, pondweed, water lily, dodder, and duckweed. The leaves may be simple or divided into leaflets ; and in size they range from the minute scales of the heather to the leaves of the palm and banana, which may be from 20 to 30 feet long. The form, color, and venation of the leaves show a corresponding diversity, so that all shapes and sizes of leaves may be found within the group. The Angiosperms have extensively developed root systems that are capable of anchoring the plants and absorbing water under the greatest variety of soil conditions. The reproductive structures are very diverse and are more complex than in the Gymnosperms. In addition to a great number of methods of vegetative multiplication by leaves, stems, and roots, there is the production of seeds from flowers. In the higher Angiosperms there are brightly colored floral parts which are helpful in securing the transfer of pollen by insects. The seeds are inclosed in fruits which protect the developing ovules and frequently aid in the scattering of the seeds. Two great groups of Angiosperms. The Angiosperms naturally fall into two great groups : the monocotyledons and the dicotyledons. These groups have already been discussed (page 209), and only a general summary of their character- istics will be presented here. Monocotyledons. The Monocotyledons have their floral parts usually in groups of three (rarely in four) ; the bundles are closed and scattered throughout the pith of the stem; in most forms the veins of the leaves are parallel ; and the embryo has but one well-developed cotyledon. With the Seed Plants : Angiosperms 305 Fig. 178. A deciduous forest in Illinois. The tree's are cak, luLkuiy, aii>i ^uii, important and typical dicot trees. exception of the palms, bamboos, and a few other species, the Monocotyledons are herbs ; and the tissues of even the woody Monocotyledons are generally less woody than are those of the conifers and the dicotyledonous trees and shrubs. This great assemblage of flowering plants includes not fewer than 25,000 species. Dicotyledons. The floral parts of Dicotyledons are usually in groups of five or four ; the vascular bundles are arranged in a circle about a central pith ; the bundles are open, which makes possible an increase in stem diameter and permits forms like the trees to reach a great size ; the leaves, with few exceptions, are net- veined ; and the embryo has two coty- ledons. In size the Dicotyledons range from the smallest herbs to the largest of our hardwood trees. 3o6 Science of Plant Life Fig. i7g. Coconut palm in fruit, 'i'he palm family is very important in the tropics. Seed Plants : Angiosperms 307 ^^^i&>-y^ Fig. iSo. Transplanting lowland rice in the Philippines. The seed i- l,m niinatcil in beds, and at the opening of the rainy season the seedhngs are transplanted to the flooded fields. The rice plant and other members of the grass family furnish most of the food supply of animals and men. The important families of the Monocotyledons. The Monocotyledons are usually grouped in about forty families, four of which are of surpassing interest. These four famihes are the palms, grasses, hlies, and orchids. The palm family. The palms form a large group abundant throughout the tropics. They resemble the tree ferns and cycads in having columnar, unbranched stems. The stem increases in thickness during the first few years and then grows only at the top. The leaves are often branched and of gigantic size. In the fan palms they are rounded and split radially. Palms are very useful to the natives of the tropics, furnish- ing much of the material for thatching roofs and for the weav- ing of mats, hats, and bags. They also produce fruits and seeds, Hke the date and coconut, that are most important 3o8 Science of Plant Life 3 Fig. iSi. Harvesting rice iii California. sources of food. The rattan is a climbing palm, for the '' fiber " of which there is a world-wide market. This fiber, which consists of flat or cylindrical strips of the stem, is used in the making of chairs, tables, and baskets. The grass family. The grasses furnish the bulk of the food of animals and men ; and with the possible exception of the trees, no other group of plants compares with them in use- fulness. They form the natural covering of a large part of the earth's surface. The prairies and plains of North America, the steppes of Russia, and the pampas of Argentina are vast areas that were originally dominated by grasses. These sup- ported great herds of grazing animals before the coming of man, and since that time they have been the centers for cattle, horse, and sheep production. Grasses are cultivated on most farms to furnish pasturage for the live stock. The stems of grasses are cylindrical and usually hollow, except at the nodes. The leaves are usually two-ranked, the basal portion forming a sheath about the stem, as may be Seed Plants : Angiosperms 309 seen on a stalk of corn. The flowers arc borne on spikelets surrounded by green bracts. The grasses reach their greatest size in the bamboos. These have long been one of the chief sources of lumber in eastern Asia and the East Indies. From the bamboos come the materials for the native houses, furniture, and a large number of articles of household use. In subtropical America these plants are being used as windbreaks for the pineapple fields and citrus orchards. Sugar cane and sorghum are members of the grass family that are cultivated for their sugar. The former is the source of the sugar that is produced in our Gulf Coast region and in the tropics. Sorghum is grown farther north and is used for the manufacture of molasses. Broom corn is closely re- lated to sorghum, and is grow^n for the stiff branches of the flower cluster, which are used in the manufacture of brooms Fig. 1S2. Japanese cane, a near relative of the sugar cane, grown as a fodder crop in the Pliilippines. 3IO Science of Plant Life and brushes. Kafir corn and milo are other relatives of the sorghum that have become important forage crops in parts of our country that are too dry for the successful production of corn. But the most important of all the grasses are the grains : wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, millet, and corn. Most of the world's food is derived from these plants ; and, depending upon the yield of these several crops, human beings are well supplied with food or famine prevails. All other foods are of secondary importance to the grains. The lily family. This is one of the important families of the monocots because of the large number of species, their wide distribution, and the beautiful flowers that are borne by many of them. The flowers usually have six colored parts fonning the floral envelope. There are Fig. 183. The wood lily. Many ^]^ stamcns, and the pistil is made members of the lily family are cul- t • • mi livated for their flowers. up of thrcc divisions. The onion and asparagus are members of the lily family that are used for food. The Mexican century plants and the New Zealand flax are fiber-producmg plants that belong to this group. Many of the bulbous forms like Seed Plants : Angiosperms 311 the Easter lily, tulip, hyacinth, and narcissus are of com- mercial importance because of their flowers. The orchid family. This is a large family most abundant in the tropics, and it includes about a fifth of all the mono- cots. In temperate America there are many species grow- ing in bogs, swamps, and shaded woods, some of which are noted for their beautiful flowers. The pink moccasin flower and the yellow lady's slipper are examples. In the tropics most of the species found are epiphytes (page 189). These species are world-renowned for their marvelous shapes and for the coloring of their flowers. Among flower fanciers the orchids are the most sought- after plants, and prices of more than 1 1000 have been paid for single plants of the rarer species. They hybridize freely, and there are innumerable hybrid varieties in cultivation. Important families of the dicotyledons. This division of the flowering plants contains over 200 families and more than 100,000 species. Consequently only a few conspicuous fami- lies can be discussed here, and they will be dealt with briefly. In this group belong our broad-leafed trees and shrubs, and Fig. 184. A tropical epiphytic orchid. The orchids are noted for their varied and beautiful llowers. 312 Science of Plant Life the vast majority of our herbs. The poplars, oaks, hickories, maples, and elms, and the chestnut, beech, and ash, largely make up the Deciduous Forest of the eastern United States, which dominates the area east of the Great Plains between the upper Lake region and the Gulf coastal plain. The mustard family. This family includes the mustards, cabbages, radishes, turnips, and cresses. It is of great economic importance. The flower is characterized by four petals placed at right angles in the form of a cross. The development of cultivated plants from wild species is nowhere better exemplified than in the case of the cabbage. The small wild plant from which it was derived produced neither heads nor swollen stems. From it, by the selection of mutations, ha\x been devel- oped several distinct forms of cabbage and also cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohl-rabi, kale, and collards. These differ so much in appearance that one would scarcely guess that they had a common wild origin. The histories of cul- tivated plants afford many ex- amples of far-reaching changes in the forms of plants, brought about in the same way. The rose family. This Fig. 185. Wild rose, and a vertical s.ection family is characterized by of the flower. Most of the important tree n - ^ r r and shrub fruits belong to the rose family. floWCrS With five petals, five Seed Plants : Angiospcrms 313 sepals, and many stamens. The fruits are fleshy, and in many species they are edible. The group is of particular interest to the horticulturist, as it includes most of our im- portant tree and shrub fruits, as well as many beautiful wild and cultivated flowering plants. Among the fruits in- cluded are strawberries, rasp- berries, dewberries, and black- FlG. [86. Sweet pea, and a \'crtical section of the flower. berries ; apples, pears, and quinces ; and peaches, plums, cherries, prunes, and almonds. All these cultivated fruits, as compared with , their wild an- cestors, have been improved in flavor and greatly increased in size and productiveness. The legume family. The legumes received their name from the peculiar fruit or pod which contains the seeds. Typical legumes are the pea and the bean. In the best-known members of the family the flower has one large upper petal which stands erect, two lateral petals forming wings, and two lower petals united and inclosing tlie pistil and stamens. The sweet pea shows the typical flower form. There are several reasons for the great importance of the legume family: (i) beans, soy beans, and peas furnish food material that contains a high percentage of protein ; (2) all legumes, through the aid of bacteria in their root nodules, accumulate nitrogen compounds (j^age 258) ; (3) clover, 314 Science of Plant Life Peppermint. The square stems and opposite leaves are char- acteristic of the mint family. alfalfa, and soy beans supply large quantities of rich hay for horses, cattle, and sheep. The sweet peas are among the most beautiful of cultivated flowering plants. The locust, which furnishes a very en- during wood, also is a legume ; and many of the valuable woods of tropical forests belong to this group. In the tropics and sub tropics one of the divisions of this family is rep- resented by the acacias, in which the flowers are radial and have numerous long stamens that give the flower clusters the appearance of balls of coarse hair. The acacias are frequently cultivated as or- namental trees, and they are a source of commercial gums. Re- lated to the acacias are the sensi- tive plants (Mimosa), one of which is shown on page 44. In South Africa flat-topped Mimosa trees are common and form one of the characteristic features of the land- scape. The mint family. This family is marked by square stems, peculiar two-lipped flowers, opposite leaves. Climbing nightshade, ^^^ jj^ ^ spccics an aromatic odor. Peppermint and spearmint Fig. I one of the wild species belonging to the potato family. Seed Plants : Anglosperms 315 are now cultivated extensively on bog soils in the northern United States, for the production of pep- permint oil and menthol. Catnip, scarlet sage, water horehound, and hyssop are common plants belong- ing to this family. The potato family. This family is composed of herbs and small woody plants with expanded or tubular flowers. The fruits are capsules or berries containing numerous seeds. Among the useful representatives are the potato and the tomato, eggplant, and red pepper. Several plants containing narcotics, of which the best-known example is tobacco, belong here. Common weeds that belong to the potato family are the nightshade, horse , , , , -r- Fig. 189. Wild carrot. The flat- nettle, ground cherry, and Jimson ^^pp^^ flower duster characterizes weed. The carrot family. This family is readily recognized by the flat- topped, much-branched flower cluster (umbel). The parsnips, carrots, celery, and sweet cicely are familiar examples. In addition -to the food- yielding forms, the water hemlocks should be known because of their poisonous character. The heath family. Small, bell-shaped flowers and leathery leaves are characteristics of the heath family. To it belong the cranberries, blueberries, huckleberries, low-growing tea- the family to which the carrot belongs. 3i6 Science of Plant Life berry, trailing arbutus, laurel, azalea, and rhododendron. The cranberry has long been cultivated on sandy bog lands. Blueberries are just coming into cultivation, and much may be expected of them in the future. They grow best on acid soils, and are capable of great improvement in size and flavor through hybridiza- tion and selection. The composite family. The composite family is the cul- minating family of the dicots, ^-.^^i^^^.:^,^^^ Including more than 12,000 species, or nearly one tenth of all seed plants. The dis- tinguishing character of the family is that the small flow- ers are closely grouped in heads, so that the entire flower clusters, in forms like the sunflowers, asters, chrys- anthemums, and dandelions, are often mistaken for single flowers. The calyx-like outside covering is merely several rows of small leaves (bracts) . The whole inner* part of the head is made up of many individual flowers, each with its own stamens, pistils, and corolla. Some- times the flowers are all alike, as in the dandelion. Sometimes the outer flowers are petaloid, as in the sunflower, while the inner flowers are tubular and less conspicuous. The floricul- turist has modified the chrysanthemum, aster, and dahlia to Fig. 190. Mountain laurel, a member of the heath family. Seed Plants : Angiosperms 317 such an extent that there are now hundreds of forms m culti- vation that bear little resemblance to the wild stock from which the}" were derived. Fig. 191. Flower clusters of dahlia, sunflower, and thistle, members of the composite family. The small flowers are collected in heads, which arc characteristic of the family. In the United States the composites bloom chiefly in summer and autumn, and often conspicuously color the landscape. The daisies, goldenrods, and asters of the Eastern states and the sunflowers of the prairie states are well known. The rag- weeds, which are troublesome as weeds, are one of the chief causes of hay fever. Their pollen is highly irritating to the mucous membrane of the nose, and it is advisable that city and village streets be kept clear of them. Many other families of the dicots are of interest and im- portance, but descriptions of them must be sought in more specialized botanical texts. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR THE EVOLUTION OF PLANTS Those who have studied plants most have been led to the conclusion that simple plants lived first on the earth, and that from these simple forms all the varied and highly com- plex plants of today have been derived ; that is, they believe that the present-day plants were evolved from those that existed on the earth in former times. Some of the simple plants of the past still persist, and many plants of inter- mediate degrees of complexity survive ; but during the de- velopment of the plant world, new and increasingly complex forms have been produced, and these higher forms now dominate the vegetation of the earth. The process by which the plants of today have come from the plants of the past is called evolution (Latin: evolutio, an unrolling). Evolu- tion, with regard to plants, implies (i) that the plants of to- day are the modified descendants of earlier forms, (2) that modifications are going on now as in the past, and (3) that the new plants of the future will be evolved from plants now living through modification of present plant forms. The proofs of evolution in plants have been gathered from many sources by many different students. These proofs include the evidence furnished (i) by plant remains found in rocks and coal, (2) by the distribution of plants on the earth's surface, (3) by the remarkable similarity of organs, tissues, and cells among the thousands of plants now in existence, (4) by the similarity in the life histories of all plants, (5) by intergrading species, (6) by the experience of plant breeders and the history of our cultivated plants. The record of plants of the past. When a leaf falls from a tree on soft mud, it may become imbedded in it. Later the 318 The Evolution of Plants 319 mud may be covered by other layers of sediment. When the mud dries, a perfect imprint of the outline and veins may be left. As time goes on and the mud becomes more deeply buried, it may harden into rock and retain the im- print of the leaf as a record of a plant that lived when the rock was merely soft [^ f^ mud. In this way leaves, fruits, seeds, stems, and roots have left their im- prints to testify, thousands and millions of years after- ward, to their former ex- istence. Plant remains also ac- cumulate in deep water or in water containing large amounts of mineral matter in solution. In such places they may not decay, but the material of which they are composed may gradually be oxidized and replaced by the mineral substances in the water. Under the most favorable condi- tions the internal structures of the plant are preserved. As animal remains are preserved in the same way, we ha\e m the rocks a record of the plants and animals of the past. These petrified plant and animal remains and the plant and animal imprints from former geological ages are called fossils. WTien large collections of fossils are studied, we find in the oldest fossil-bearing rocks few, if any, plant remains. This is as we should expect, for plants like algai and Uverworts are Fig. 192. Fossil imi»rints of fern leaves in a rock of the Carboniferous period. 320 Science of Plant Life so minute and delicate that we cannot hope to find their fossil remains. Yet we know that plants of some kind did exist on the earth at that time, for the fossils of corals and of shell animals are abundant in these rocks, and without plants to manufacture food for them, life would have been impossible for these animals. In rocks that were formed later than these first fossil-bearing strata, remains of fernHke plants are found. Later there were seed-bearing fernlike plants and several groups of plants intermediate between the ferns and modern gymnosperms. Still later, gymnosperms resembling in many ways our" coniferous trees became prominent, and then came Angiosperms with very simple flowers of the wind- pollinated type. Finally, Angiosperms with conspicuous insect-pollinated flowers appeared. There is reason to be- lieve that the first seed plants and the first flowering plants were woody shrubs and trees, and that the flowering herbs came last. The meaning of the record. The fossil record of plants reaches many millions of years into the past, and it shows that changes in plants came about only very slowly. The plants of each geological period resembled in some respects those of the previous period ; in each period certain new characters were added to the old ones, or they replaced the old ones. To reproduction by spores was added reproduction by seeds. The first seeds were exposed on the sides of foliage leaves ; later came seeds borne on scales arranged in cones ; and finally came seeds inclosed in pistils. Leaves and stems also show progressive changes in form and structure. Although the fossil record is very fragmen- tary, being made up of chance imprints and petrified remains, it is possible in some instances to discover when a group of The Evolution of Plants 321 plants appeared and how the group became more widely dis- tributed and more highly diversified in form and structure. Some of these ancient plant groups that at one time formed a considerable part of the eartli's vegetation have entirely disap- peared ; others are now repre- sented by only a few species. These facts all lead to the conclusion that existing plants have been deri\Td from those of the past. The flowering plants are the culmination of a long series of constructive changes in plants, which en- Fig. 193. Fossil imprint of a leaf of a abled them to live in a greater species of sassafras in rock of the Cre- • . e • ^ T taceous period. The Cretaceous rocks variety of environments. In- ^.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ later than the Car- Creasingly complex and eflicient boniferous rocks, and it is only in these , , r i. 4.' Tc J later rocks that the fossil remains of structures for vegetative life and . . . , ° Angiosperms are found. reproduction were developed, and these structures made the plants better able to endure unfavorable conditions. The progressive changes in plant life have occurred during a geological history extending through many millions of years, and it now seems impossible to account for the geological record except on the basis of evolution. Certainly no one has suggested any other plausible way to explain the long series of gradually changing fossil fomis that begins with simple fernlike plants and ends in plants like those found on the earth toda}\ Geographic distribution and evolution. When the geo- graphic distribution of plant families is studied, it becomes 322 Science of Plant Life The Evolution of Plants 323 apparent that the species helonging to any particular group arc not scattered haphazard over the earth. Many families bear evidence of having originated on some particular con- tinent or part of a continent, and of then having spread from the center of origin. Commonly, in the center of origin there is or was the greatest variety of species, and away from the center the species are fewer and less varied. For example, the Cactus family, represented by more than a thousand species, is native in North and South America only. In North America the family is best developed in Mexico, but it has spread northward and eastward into the United States and to the islands of the West Indies. The geographic dis- tribution of all the North American species points to a com- mon origin in the Mexican plateau. The Yucca family and the Agave (century plant) family also appear to have orig- inated there and to have spread in a similar way to the United States and the West Indies. Sometimes the record is incomplete because the families are very ancient and most of the species have become extinct. In other families the record is so complete that it is possible from the distribution to trace the origin and relationship of many of the species. The geography of plants, therefore, furnishes a second line of evidence that existing plant species have been derived from preexisting forms. Similarity of structures of plants belonging to diverse groups. One of the most striking proofs of evolution is found iji the remarkable similarity of the cells, tissues, and organs that make up plants belonging to very different groups. The conductive system, for example, is not very different in the ferns and in the Angiosperms. The bundles are arranged dif- ferently in these groups, and their arrangement becomes in- 324 Science of Plant Life creasingly more complex from the ferns to the flowering plants ; but the cells of which the bundles are composed are very similar. The reproductive structures also show a gradual modification in plants. They are comparatively simple in the ferns and very complex in the flowering plants, and be- tween the two extremes there are many gradations. These gradations occur in such an order that they point to the grad- ual coming into existence of complex reproductive structures, culminating in those of insect-pollinated flowers. Life histories of plants. Again, when we compare the de- tailed life histories of plants belonging to the different groups, the close resemblances among them point to their origin by gradual evolution from common ancestors. As one passes from the alga) through the mosses and ferns to the Gymno- sperms and Angiosperms, the life histories of the plants, like their structures, become more and more complicated. This increase in complexity of the life history is brought about by gradual modification and by the addition of new steps and new structures. The life histories of related groups are similar in essentials and differ only in details. This repetition of the stages in the life cycles of the plants of different groups can be explained only by assuming that the plants with the more complex life histories have evolved from those wdth less complex life histories. Increase in complexity is one of the general tendencies of evolution. The order in which we should arrange plants on the basis of the geological records is the same as the order suggested by their life histories and structures. Intergrading species. All who have attempted to classify plants — that is, to determine the species to which individual specimens belong — have been impressed by the intergrading of related species. The existence of individuals intermediate The Evolution of Plants 325 between species long ago suggested that the one species may have arisen from the other. For example, the common asters, violets, hawtliorns, evening primroses, and willows are highly variable, and it is frequently impossi])le definitely to classify a particular specimen and to say that it belongs to this or that species. If such intermediate forms were rare, they would only suggest the possibility of evolution ; but they are numerous, occurring in hundreds of families throughout the plant kingdom. These intergrades make it impossible for us to think of the plant kingdom as being composed of dis- tinct and unrelated species, and so they must be regarded as evidences of evolution. Plant breeding and evolution. If wc study the histories of various cultivate*d plants, — for example, the many varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, corn, wheat, apples, peaches, chrysan- themums, and asters, — we find abundant evidence that they have been derived from wild plants. The plant breeder has simply selected and preserved desirable forms that have arisen by mutation and through hybridization. When we realize the extent to which these plants have been modified from the types of their wild ancestors in the com- paratively short time that plants have been cultivated, it is less difficult to understand the great changes in plant life that ma}' have occurred during the long period since plants first grew on the earth. Plant breeding furnishes us with experimental evidence that plants may change in various ways, so that not all the plants of succeeding generations arc like their ancestors. Here and there an indivickial arises that is different from its parents, and such new individuals are the beginnings of new races, varieties, and perhaps species. The experience of plant 326 Science of Plant Life breeders is in harmony with the theory of evolution, and plant breeding has furnished us suggestions as to the methods by which evolution has taken place. Evolution proved ; methods of evolution not proved. Among the thousands of students of modern and ancient plants, there are few, if any, who do not regard evolution itself as a fact. The evidence points so clearly toward evolution, and all other explanations for the origin of the plant species now on the earth have proved so inadequate, that botanists consider evolution as proved. At the same time, we know comparatively little today concerning the agencies that have brought about evolution. Evolution as a process has been studied only recently, and merely a beginning has been made in unraveling the tangled skein of causes and methods by which modern plants have come to be what they are. Factors of evolution. When we seek to learn the reasons for the changes in plant life during geological times, we find that many factors were probably involved. We can get an idea of some of the possible factors from suggestions that ha.ve been made by students of evolution, but we must keep in mind the fact that there is today little real evidence concern- ing the factors of evolution and that the suggestions merely indicate how evolution may have come about. It seems probable, however, that in the production of new kinds of plants variation and selection play a part. Certainly there may be among the offspring of a plant individuals that differ from the parent, and some variations are known to be inher- itable. In order to explain evolution, it is necessary to assume that new characters are produced in plants by variation, and that the changes in the plants are transmitted from genera- tion to generation. The Evolution of Plants 327 Natural selection. Most plants produce offspring by the hundreds, thousands, or even milUons, and there is room for only a small part of the offspring to live. It is said that those plants survive that are more vigorous, that are better ad- justed to their environments, or that happen to start in favor- able places ; the weak and the unfortunate perish. Certain variations, or mutations, may fit plants the better to survive, and the persistence of the forms showing these changes may lead to the formation of new varieties and species. The wholesale destruction of individual plants in nature, with the survival of a few, is called Natural Selection, and it has been thought to resemble in some respects the selection made by the plant breeder. It is unqucstional3ly true that most of the plants that start life in nature die before reaching ma- turity ; but there are great differences of opinion as to whether or not the plants that do survive can through re- peated selections in nature develop into new species. Man can pick out new forms that originate in the plants that he cultivates and by breeding from them secure new varieties, but it is believed by some that in nature the variations would be lost by interbreeding with the parent forms. Changes in environment. Another factor in Natural Selection is the fact that climates and environments are ever changing. We know, for example, that for a long period of time tropical plants grew in polar regions, for tlie fossils of tropical plants are now found there in the rocks. At a later period the climate of the earth was much colder than it is now, and all of northern North America was covered with ice that reached as far south as the Ohio and Missouri rivers. As climates change, plants either become adjusted to the changes or perish. These changes in climate afford 328 Science of Plant Life opportunities for new sets of plants to take possession of the land. They are perhaps also the cause of mutations in plants that give jise to new forms which replace the species from which they were derived. The land areas have changed many times in the earth's history. Sometimes large parts of the continents have been under water ; at other times the continents have been more elevated than at present. These changes in the land areas have resulted in the extinction of many species of plants. Forms derived from them may have survived on the land not submerged. So the great changes in climate and in land surfaces, and the less pronounced changes in plant habitats, act as selective agencies, determining the kinds of plants that survive. Isolation. If a continuous land area, having a number of elevations, were submerged so that the elevations became islands, a plant that had been originally distributed over the whole area might persist on a number of the islands. The plants on the several islands w^ould then be isolated from one another. As time went on these isolated individuals might give rise to new forms that were quite distinct in their char- acteristics. Different new forms might arise on different islands, and since the selective agencies on the various islands would not be the same, the varieties that persisted on one island might come to be quite distinct from those on other islands. The production of the new forms depends on vari- ation, but isolation tends to preserve new forms by preventing their spreading and interbreeding. The deciduous forest of eastern North America was for- merly continuous with the forests of China through Alaska. Since then the connecting land has been depressed, and the The Evolution of Plants 329 two continents, Asia and North America, have become separated and their climates have changed. This separa- tion resulted in the isolation of the deciduous forest plants of eastern Asia from those of eastern America. Many of the same species are still found in both areas. But in the two widely separated regions there are many other quite distinct species that have arisen by evolution from a com- mon ancestor. The American sycamore, or example, is distinct from the Cliinese sycamore ; but the resemblance between the two is sufficient to suggest that they have a com- mon ancestry. Variations; the eUmination of many individuals through lack of room in which to grow ; changes in climates and in land areas ; and isolation are beHeved to be important factors in the evolution of plants. INDEX Abscission, 67. Absorption, 170; and rise of sap, 135, 176; and transpiration, 176. Accumulation, of food, 74, 75, 77, 105, 125, I5Q. 179; of water, 58, 106, 158. Aconite, 195. Acre, food products from an, ,34. Advantages, of deciduous hai)it, 63 ; of horizontal stems, 104; of spreading roots, 169; of upright stems, 102. Aerial roots, 189. Agar, 246. Agave, 58, 90, 91, 97- Agriculture, 4, 99 ; and food accumulation, 78. Alcohol, 261. Alder, 198, 201. Alfalfa, 194. Alga;, 234 ; blue-green, 245 ; brown and red, 246 ; living conditions of, 239 ; reproduction among, 243 ; structure of, 234- Alligator pear, 212. Amanita, 267. Amaryllis, i6i. Angiosperms, 211, 303; divisions of, 304; seeds of, 211. Animals, 149. 231. Annual growth, 129; rings, 123, 129. Annuals, 94. Anther, 200. Anthocyan, 65. Antitoxins, 253. Apple, 76, 79; May, 98. Artichoke, 214; Jerusalem, 97, 161, 163. Arts, plant-producing, 99. Asparagus, 163. Assimilation, 82, 85. Autophytes, 249. Autumn coloration, 65. Avens leaf, 15. Avocado, 212. Axil, 106. Bacteria, 2, 250; and disease, 253; and legumes, 194, 258; and sanitation, 252; and soils, 257; and soil nitrogen, 258; in the dairy, 256. Bamboo, 164; leaf, 14; stem, 124, 130, 303. Banana, 79, 97, 219. Bark, 129, 170. Bast, 119; fibers, 123. Bean, 43, 207, 223; soy, 3,^, 78. Beech, 194. Beets, 96, 194. Begonia leaf, 14. Benedicts solution, 73. Bermuda grass, 159. Biennials, 94, 95, 9(i- Black locust, 198. Blade, 13, 14; position and light, 41. Bloom, 54. Blue-green algx, 245. Boston fern, 226; ivy, 182, 189. Botany, 3, 4; subdivisions, 151. Bread making, 261. Breeding, plant, 220. Bromelias, 189, 191. Brown c' of, 279. Moth mullein, 95. Motile leaves, 43. Multiplication, vegetative, 217, 243, 279. Mushrooms, 249, 267, 268. Mustard family, 312. Mutants, 225. Mutation, 224, 327; bud, 226. Naiad, 57. Nasturtium leaf, 14. Natural selection, 327. Nectar, 202. Nectaries, 202. Net-veined leaves, 88, 118. Nightshade, 315. Nitrifying bacteria, 258. Nitrogen, 32, 141 ; fixation, 258. Nodes, 106. Nucleus, 15. Nutritive phase of plants, 197. Oak, 161, 198. Oats, 147. Oedogonium, 236, 241. Oils, 31, 215. Onion, 79, 160, 198. Oospore, 242. Open bundle, 127. Orange leaf, 14. Orchid family, 311. Orchids, 190, 204, 311. Organs, 21. Osier willow, 163. Osmosis, 173; in roots, 175. Ovulary, 200. Ovule, 200. Oxalis leaf, 15, 44. Oxidation, 82. Palisade cell, 17; layers, 19. Palm, coconut, 214, 306; date, no; family, 307 ; hat, 91. Parallel-veined leaves, 88, 118; growing region of. 87. Parasites, 249. Parenchyma, 120. Parmelia, 269. Parsnip, 79, 96. Pasteurization, 256. Pea leaf, 16. Peach leaf, 14. Peanut, 78, 79. Pedicel, 200. Peduncle, 199. Peppermint, 314. Pepsin,_ 75. Perennials, 96. PermeabiHty, 173. Persimmon, 213. Petal, 200. Petiole, 14. Phloem = food conducting and bast tis- sues, 119. Photosynthesis, 26; summary of, 31. Phototropism, 131, 183. Physiology, 151. Pigments, green, 63 ; red, 65 ; yellow, 63. Pine, 202; Japanese dwarf, 99; trees, in. Pineapple, 210. Pistil, 200. Pith, 120, 125; rays, 120. Plant, breeding, 220; characteristics, 99; fibers, I, 91, 215, 228; kingdom, de- velopment of, 300; producing arts, 99. Plants, desert, 58, 157; importance of, i; living things, 7, 8; mutual dependence . of parts, 8, 9; of the past, 318; relation to environment, 8, 140; source of all food, I, 25. Plastids, 22. Plumule, 208. Pod, 212. Pollen, 200, 205 ; tube, 204. Pollination, 201 ; cross, 203 ; in conifers, 202 ; self, 203. Pond scums, 237, 245 ; living conditions of, 239- Pond weed. 57. Poplar leaf, 14. Potassium, source of, 247. Potato, 10, 76, 79, 87; sweet, 97, 194; tuber cell, 17; family, 315. Index 335 Preservation of foods, 257. Pressure, of growth, 1S4; osmotic, 174; root, 177. Prickly lettuce, 40; pear, 58. Proteins, making of, 32 ; use of, 32, $3- Prothallus, 288. Protococcus, 235. Protonema, 279. Protoplasm, 151. PutTballs. 267. Pulvinus, 45. Raceme, igS. Rainfall, distribution of, 51, 144; effect on yield of corn, 48, 51. Raspberry, 213, 217. Rattan, 125, 163. Receptacle, 200. Red-bud tree, 44. Red pigment, 65. Reproduction, 10, 197, 206; and agri- culture, 217; asexual, 243; by seeds, 207, 300; sexual, 205, 243. Reproductive phase of plant life, 197. Reservoirs, cleaning, 246. Respiration, 82 ; and shipping, 84 ; con- trasted with photosynthesis, 83 ; in roots, 82, 179; rate of, 84. Response, 131; to aerial environment, 275; to gravity, 130, 149, 182; to light, 131, 149, 183; to water, 131, 157, 183. Rhizoids, 273, 276; moss, 278. Rhododendrons, 194. Rhubarb, 195, igS. Rice, 77, 145, 307, 308. Root, contraction, 185; hairs, 168; pres- sure, 177; processes, 166. Roots, and bacteria, 194, 258; and fungi, 194; and transplanting, 190; classifica- tion of, 166; commeixial uses of, 194; distribution of, 183; of climbers, 182, 187; of conifers, 296; of ferns, 285; of hydrophytes, 187; of mesophytes, 187; response to gravity, 182; response to light, 183; tissues of, 169. Rootstock, 159, 219; calamus, 122. Rose family, 312. Rosin, 161, 162. Rubber, 163, 215. Running cypress, 287. Rushes, 157. Russula, 267. Rusts, 263. Salsify, 194. Sarid-reed grass, 159. Sanitation, 252. Saprophytes, 249. Sapwoofi, 130. Sassafras, 195. Scale leaves, 160, 161. Science, defined, 3. Seaweeds, 246. Sedges, 38, 157. Seeds, 198, 205, 207 ; economic impor- tance of, 214; of conifers, 198, 211. Selaginella, 59. Selection, 220, 228; natural, 327. Self-pruning, 69. Sensitive plant, 44. Sepal, 2CX). Sequoia, 98, 154, 229, Shasta daisy, 222. Shrubs, 94. Sieve tubes, 122. Silviculture, icx3. Simple plants, summary of, 270. Sirup, 163. Sisal, 90, 91. Smilax, 107. Smuts, 266. Snapdragon, 198. Soil, 141 ; bacteria, 257 ; cultivation of, 143; elements, 141; erosion, 186, 187; temperature, 146. Solomon's seal, 98, 159, 185. Sorghum, 163. Soy bean, 33, 78, 194. Sperms, 205. Spike, 198. SpirogjTa, 236. Spores, asexual, 241; resting, 238; sexual, 241 ; swimming, 238. Sports, 225; bud, 226. Spruce, 114. Stamen, 200. Starch, 28, 74, 77. Stem, processes, 118; structure, iiS, 119, 154- Stems, advantages of horizontal, 104 ; as photosynthetic organs, 106; commercial products from, 161 ; excurrent and deli- quescent, in; external features of, 102 ; growth of. 128 : in relation to light, 131 ; of climl)ing plants, 155; of hydrophytes, 156; of xerophytes, 157; underground, 97, 130; upright, 102. Stigma, 200. Stipules, 14. Stock, 132. Stomata, 19, 115. Storage, food, 74. 77, 105, 125, 159, 160, 161 ; water, 58, 106, 158, 189. Strawberry, 10. 33^ Index Structure, conifer stems, 128; dicot bundle, 121; dicot stems, 1 20 ; monocot bundle, 126; monocot stem, 125. Style, 200. Subsidiary cells, ig. Sugar, 28, 202 ; beet, 77, 79, 195 ; cane, 77. 163, 219. Sugar cane, 77, 78, 141, 163, 231. Sunflower, 10, 50, 97, 102, 198, 203, 222, 228, 317- Synthesis, of carbohydrates, 26, 27, 31; of fats, 31 ; of proteins,. 32. Tamarack, 296. Tank epiphytes, 189. Tannic acid, 161. Temperature, 146. Tendrils, 107, 155. Test, for oil, 73 ; for proteins, 73 ; for starch, 26, 73 ; for sugar, 73. Thallus, 272. Thistle, 317. Timothy, 220. Tissues, 21; epidermal, 15, 16, 50, 119, 169; food-conducting, 15, 121, 169; mechanical, 15, 122; storage, 125. Toadstools, 268. Tobacco, 89, 203, 224. Tomato, 225. Toxins, 253. Tracheae, 121, 123. Transfer of food, 76. Transpiration, 49, 149; and absorption, 176; and lifting of water, 134; and water balance, 52 ; rate of, 50. Transplanting, 192; and roots, 190; and water balance, 55. Tree-of -heaven, 107. Trees, 94; size of, 99, 154. Tropisms, 131. Tubers, 97, 161. Tulip, 160, 200; tree leaf, 13. Turf, 159. Turnips, 96, 194. Turpentine, 161. Typhoid fever, 253. Ulothrix, 236, 240. Umbel, 1 98. Underground stems, 75, 97, 130, 159, 160, 161. Utilization of foods, 83. Vacuoles, 16, 49. X'ariations, 220, 222, 327; kinds of, 223. Vaucheria, 236. Vegetative multiplication, 217, 243, 279; propagation, 218. Veins, 13, 20, 88; principal, 13. Vertical leaves, 41, 42. Vessels, food-conducting, 121; water-con- ducting, 121, 123. Vinca, 14, 18, 21. Vinegar making, 261. Walnut, 79. Wandering Jew, 19. Water, balance, 52, 54; balance and plant habitats, 56 ; balance and transplanting, 55 ; balance illustrated, 53 ; conducting tissue, 18, 20, 105, 119, 121, 169; im- portance of, 48, 51, 52; plants, 56, 57, 60, 156, 244, 273; storage, 58, 106, 158, 189; supply and crop yields, 51; why necessary, 48. Water Hly, 57; yellow, 159. Weeds, 229; and crop production, 230. Wheat, 5, 79, 96, 144; rust, 263. White clover, 44. White leaves, 66. Willie pine blister rust, 265. Willow, 16, 56, 163, 198. Wilt disease, 254. Wind, 148, 149; pollination, 103. Wintergreen oil, 163. Wood, 1 23 ; fibers, 1 24 ; gymnosperm, 294; pulp, 161. Xanthophyll, 63. Xerophyte, 58, 59, 60, 157. Xylem = water conducting and wood tissues, 119. Yam, 194. Yeast, 261. Yucca, 58, 204, 213, 322. Zebrina, 19. nOKRTT LIBRART JV. C. State College itnriiiiiiiiiiiiiiitn.UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii s § I NEW-WORLD SCIENCE SERIES | I Edited by John W. Ritchie \ I EXERCISE AND REVIEW I I BOOK IN BIOLOGY | I By J. G. BLAISDELL | I A Combined Laboratory Guide, Notebook | = and Review Book for Students' Use | I TN submitting the manuscript of this manual to the I I A publisher, the author wrote: | I "As a teacher of biologj', I have for several years felt the I I need of a laboratory guide and notebook that would lighten the = I labor and economize the time of both teacher and pupil in con- i I nection with their laboratory work. 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