':-■-• floras IflSS 0% 1. 1. Mill IGthrarg North (Earo'*na &>tat? llmueraitg SPfcCIAL COLLECTIONS TP893 C2 1878 N.C. STATE UNIVERS1T cnno/inifi/i w THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY BUILDING. 20M/9-74 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/dyeingcalicoprinOOcalv DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. MANCHESTER : PALMER AND HOWE, PRINTERS, I, 3, AND 5, BOND STREET. 1 1 s&^r DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING: INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF THE MOST RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN THE Manufacture and Use of Aniline Colours. Illustrated with Wood Engravings and numerous Specimens of Printed and Dyed Fabrics. BY THE LATE DR. F. CRACE-CALVERT, F.R.S., ECS., CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF TURIN, OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF BRUSSELS, THE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY OF MULHOUSE, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE PHARMACEU- TICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON, AND PARIS, ETC. EDITED BY JOHN STENHOUSE, LL.D., F.R.S., &c, AND CHARLES EDWARD GROVES, Fellow of the Chemical Societies of London and Berlin. THIRD EDITION MANCHESTER: PALMER AND HOWE, 73, 75, & 77, PRINCESS STREET. LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. 1878. The right of translation is reserved. PREFACE. "PHIS work, for the most part, consists of the revised MSS. of a treatise on colours other than aniline, on which the late Professor Crace- Calvert was engaged almost up to the time of his decease. The rapid strides which Chemical Science is now making, however, rendered numerous addi- tions and corrections necessary so as to bring it, as far as possible, up to the present time; and, although the author did not contemplate treating of the Aniline Colours, yet from the great interest of the subject, both in its Theoretical and Technical aspect, it has been thought advisable to add a brief account of the most recent discoveries which have been made in this very important branch of the Colour Industry. In a book like the present it would, of course, be impossible either to give a complete scientific account of the different chemical products connected with the various dyestuffs, or to enter into all the techni- cal details of the Art of Dyeing and Calico Printing; the object of the late Professor Crace-Calvert being to present his readers with a general and compre- hensive view of these important and interesting subjects. ^ _. _ _ 95990 vl. PREFACE. In the alterations which we have made in* the original MSS., and in the additions that have been found necessary, it has ever been our object to mould the work into the form in which, had he sur- vived, the author himself would have wished to see it produced. In conclusion, we have to thank those firms who have been kind enough to supply the Dyed and Printed Specimens with which to illustrate the work, viz., Messrs. Walter Crum and Co., Messrs. E. Potter and Co., Messrs. Salis Schwabe and Co., Messrs. Steiner and Co., Messrs. Symonds, Cunliffe, and Co., and Messrs. Wood and W T right, all of Manchester; Messrs. Heys and Co., of Barrhead, near Glasgow; Messrs. Marnas and Co., Lyons ; Messrs. Dollfus, Mieg, and Co. ; Mons. Gustave Schaeffer, of the firm Messrs. Haeffely and Co., Chateau de Pfastadt, near Mulhouse, who has given the specimens of coal-tar colours on woollen, and especially to Mons. Horace Koechlin, of Wesserling, Alsace, to whose courtesy and kindness we are indebted not only for the series of beautiful aniline colours printed on cotton, and for the new dyes Fluorescein, Coerulein, and Eosin, but also for several valuable epistolary communi- cations. (Signed) John Stenhouse, Charles Edward Groves. OBITUARY OBITUARY OF THE LATE DR. FREDERICK CRACE-CALVERT, F.R.S. Dr. Frederick Crace-Calvert, F.R.S., was born near London on the 14th of November, 181 9. In the year 1835, when 16 years of age, he left London and went to France, where he commenced the study of chemistry under the celebrated chemist Gerardin, at Rouen, and continued with him for two years. At the expiration of this time he went to Paris, and carried on his studies at the Jardin des Plantes, the Sorbonne, College de France, and Ecole de Me'decine, his atten- tion being principally given to the Natural Sciences. About the age of 21 he was appointed to manage the well known works of Messrs. Robiquet & Pelletier, where the manu- facture of pure chemicals and pharmaceutical products is carried on. This position, however, he soon vacated on being offered that of " Demonstrates de Chimie Applique'e," under the eminent chemist Chevreul, and here he remained from 1841 till 1846, when he left France. From the former date his career as a chemist began ; and was continued with untiring energy during the succeeding 32 years. He published his first paper, "Sur l'extraction de quinine et cinchonine," in September, 1841. In 1843, in conjunction with M. Ferrand, he elaborated an interesting paper on the analysis of gases enclosed in some organs x. OBITUAR Y. of plants, the gases being taken from the same plants at different times of the day and year in order to demonstrate the action of the sun's rays. This paper is entitled " Memoir sur la Ve'ge'tation," and may be found in Volume V. of "The Comptes Rendus." In the following year the diseases of beer engaged his attention, and some interesting facts were embodied by him in a paper read to the Socie'te de Pharmacie, "Sur la fermentation visqueuse de la biere." From 1843 unt il tne ^ me of his leaving France he was engaged in a research on some compounds of lead which first brought him into note. One of the papers consequent on this may be found in the "Comptes Rendus'* of 1843, entitled "Proce'de au moyen duquel on obtient un protoxyde de plomb cristallise et ayant la couleur du minium." In 1844, he wrote "On the presence of Indigo in the Orchi- daceous plants;" in 1846, "On the preparation of Calomel on the large scale;" and, in the same year, a compilation of facts relating to the properties of animal black. On returning to England, at the latter end of 1846, he was first appointed to the chair of the honorary professorship of chemistry at the Royal Institution, and afterwards to that of lecturer on chemistry at the School of Medicine in Pine Street, Manchester. In 1847, he published a paper "On Bleaching Powders," and, in 1848, one "On the Bleaching of Cotton and Flax." About this time Dr. Calvert gave a long series of lectures on his favourite subject, at the Athenaeum, Manchester, viz., "The Application of Chemistry to Manufactures." These w r ere recorded in the daily papers. During the following years many other subjects engaged his at- tention, but we may notice the following publications as some of the results of his labours. In 1849 " Process for the Preparation of Chlorates, particularly the Chlorate of Potash." In 185 1 "On the Oxides and Nitrates of Lead." In 1854 "A case of Poisoning by the Sulphate of the Protoxide of Iron." In 1855 "On the Adulteration of Tobacco."— "On the Action OBITUAR Y. xi. of Organic Acids on Cotton and Flax Fibres."— "On the Actions of Gallic and Tannic Acids in Dyeing and Tanning." In 1856 "On the Solubility of Sulphate of Baryta in different Acids." — "On the Purification of Polluted Streams." About this time he commenced an enquiry, in conjunction with Mr. Richard Johnson, on the physical and chemical properties of different alloys. The publications resulting from these investiga- tions were : In 1858 "On the Hardness of Metals and Alloys." — "On the Conductibility of Metals and Alloys." — "On the Chemical Changes which Pig Iron undergoes in its Conversion into Wrought Iron." In 1 86 1 a series of papers "On the Expansion of Metals and Alloys." In 1862 "On the Composition of a Carbonaceous Substance existing in Grey Cast Iron." — " On the Employment of Galvanised Iron for Armour Plated Ships." — "On the Conductibility of Heat by Amalgams." In 1863 "On the Preservation of Iron Plated and other Ships." The interest he took in the preservation of ships from the action of sea water never ceased; many unrecorded experiments were carried on by him at intervals on this subject till the last days of his life. In 1865 Mr. Richard Johnson and he published "On the Action of Sea Water on certain Metals and Alloys," and in 1866 "On the Action of Acids on Metals and Alloys." In 1870, two papers appeared by Dr. Calvert, one "On the Composition of Iron Rust," the other "On the Oxidation of Iron," and a third on the same subject in 187 1. In 1858 we find a publication of his "On a New Method of preparing Hydrochloric Acid." In 1859 "On the Analyses of Wheaten Flours." — "Influence of Science on the Arts of Calico Printing." — "On Starches: the purposes to which they are applied, and improvements in their Manufacture." During this year, his attention was called by his friend the late Dr. Ransome to hospital gangrene, and in seeking its cause he was led to investigate the compounds produced during putrefaction. xii. OBITUAR Y. Two papers, descriptive of his results, appeared in i860, the first "On Products of Putrefaction." The second "On New Volatile Alkaloids given off during Putrefaction." He continued, these researches during the following two or three years, and had collected about an ounce of a precipitate, produced by com- bining the gaseous products of putrefaction with platinum, by passing the gases emitted by the putrefying meat through bichloride of platinum, by means of aspirators, during many months. This accumulation of precipitate was unfortunately destroyed before its examination could be completed, through the carelessness of one of his assistants, which caused him much regret ever afterwards. In 1 86 1 he wrote "On Improvements in the Manufacture of Colouring Matters," and "On the Chemical Composition of Steel." A report followed " On the Action of Water supplied by the Manchester Corporation on Lead of different kinds," in connection with the Manchester Sanitary Association. In 1862 he gave a series of lectures to the Society of Arts, " On the Improvements and Progress in Dyeing and Calico Print- ing since 1851;" in 1864 "On Chemistry as applied to the Arts;" in 1866 "On Discoveries in Agricultural Chemistry," and "On Discoveries in the Chemistry of Rocks and Minerals." These were the beginning of the Cantor lectures, which are now continued every year by different lecturers. In this same year we find another paper by him, "On Wood for Shipbuilding." In 1863 he patented and worked out his process for the separa- tion of sulphur from coke, by the use of common salt, for the purpose of the manufacture of iron of superior quality. The following is a list of some of his other publications : In 1865 "On the Action of Silicate and Carbonate of Soda upon Cotton Fibres." — "On the Crystallised Hydrate of Phenic Alcohol." In 1866 "On the Hydraulicity of Magnesian Limestone." "On the preparation of Acetylene." About this time he interested himself with the properties of phenic or carbolic acid, and being satisfied of its valuable disin- fecting properties, built works for its manufacture, and to him OBITUAR Y. xiii. belongs the honour of being the first to manufacture it in this country in a pure state; and through his exertions it has been in- troduced as a valuable therapeutic agent. In 1867 he wrote papers "On Oxidation by means of Char- coal." — "On the Presence of Soluble Phosphates in Cotton Fibres, Wheat, and other Seeds," and five articles "On the Synthesis of Organic Substances." In 1867 "Carbolic or Phenic Acid and its Properties" (three articles). In 1869 "Presence of Soluble Phosphates in Seeds." — "Pre- paration of Nitrogen." In 1870 "Testing Petroleum." In 1872 "Sulphur in Coal and Coke;" and papers on "Pro- toplasmic Life;" "Vitality of Disease Germs," &c, which received much attention on the continent. In 1873 he gave his last course of lectures in connection with his colleague the late Dr. Turner, at the Royal Institution, which were confined to physiology and the chemistry of the same, and in which both aimed to show that religion and science could go hand in hand, and neither produce injurious results on the other. In concluding the list of Dr. Crace-Calvert's various researches we may mention that, besides the above, many others were made by him, but their unfinished state does not justify publication. Among these may be mentioned one on "Light," which cost him much labour, and one "On the Action of different Gases on each other under Enormous Pressures." He was a Fellow of the Royal Society, of the Chemical Society, Member of Royal Academy of Turin, Member of Royal Academy of Medicine of Brussels, and of many other societies both at home and abroad. Dr. Calvert showed remarkable devotion to the science he studied, and his knowledge of its literature was such as very few have attained, and such also as could only be obtained by a most unusual amount of reading, accompanied with strong interest, and in all probability much pleasure. He showed this knowledge more in the departments referring, to industry, and, as might be xiv. OBITUAR Y. expected, he intended to give his experience to the public in a more convenient form than his lectures presented. One of these works relating to "Colours other than Aniline," was nearly com- pleted before his last illness, and constitutes the first eleven chapters of the present volume. Whilst rather exhausted with this work, added to the attention required for the manufactures in which he was engaged, he was chosen as one of the Jury of the Vienna Exhibition. The summer of 1873 was sultry and un- pleasant, and other causes may have operated to make it unhealthy; but whatever the reason or combination of reasons may have been (and we cannot doubt that his unceasing labours contributed), the result was that Dr. Calvert returned in a very enfeebled state, and a few days after his arrival in Manchester was seized with a fatal illness, which terminated on the 24th of October of the same year. He was a firmly built man, of middle height, and apparently of unusual strength. He seemed to be younger in constitution than his years indicated. His manner was pleasing and animated, and he had great pleasure in communicating information. It is not attempted in this notice to say to what extent his writings have contributed to the advance of science, or the knowledge of manu- factures, but in the latter department it is certain that his influence was widely felt, and his friendly disposition enabled him to become a frequent medium of communication between scientific men in England and in France, in both of which countries he felt equally at home. With these combined characteristics, the position he made for himself was peculiar, and of its importance we may judge partly by the fact that, although one to which many would be glad to attain, it is not yet filled up; and, as Dr. Angus Smith remarked at the Manchester Philosophical Society, "his death was regretted not only by those who knew him as a chemist, but also by those who but knew him as a man/' CONTENTS CHAPTER I. PAGE. Introductory i Natural Colours; Cause of Colours, i. — Analysis of White Light ; the Spectrum, 2. — Nature of Colouring Mat- ters, 3. — Action of Light on Colouring Matters, 6. — Colouring Matters of Flowers; Cyanin, 7. — Xanthin, 8. — Xanthein : Reducing Power of the Roots of Plants, 9. — Action of Electricity on the Colouring Matters of Flowers, 10. — Action of Heat on Colouring Matters, 11. — Action of Chlorine on Colouring Matters, 12. — Action of Hypochlorites on Colouring Matters: De- colourising Power of Charcoal, 13. — Animal Charcoal: Solubility of Colouring Matters; 14. — Bleaching Action of Sulphurous Acid : Compounds of Metallic Oxides with Colouring Matters ; Lakes, 16. — Theory of Mor- dants ; Thorn's Experiments on Mordants, 17. — Oxi- dising Effect of certain Salts on Colouring Matters, 18. — 'Fast' and 'Loose' Colours, 19. — Effect of Heat and Light on the Colours of Dyed Fabrics, 20. CHAPTER II. Madder 22 The Madder Plant, 22. — Madder Root; Preparation of Madder; Composition of Madder, 23. — Avignon Mad- ders, 'Paluds' and Rosees: Erythrozym: Rubian, 24. — xvi. CONTENTS. PAGE. Kuhlmann's Xanthin, 25. — Action of Erythrozym, of Acids, and of Alkalis on Rubian, 29. — Formation of Alizarin from Rubian, 31. — Verantin, 32. — Rubiretin, Rubianin, Rubiacic Acid, 33. — Rubiacin, 34. — Sugar in Madder: Ruberythic Acid; Decomposition of Ru- berythic Acid into Alizarin and Sugar, 35. — Isalizarin, Hydralizarin.and Pseudopurpurin, 36. — Purpuro xanthin, 37. — Preparation and Properties of Alizarin, 38. — Conversion into Anthracene : Nitroalizarin,4i. — Amido- alizarin, 42. — Alizarinamide, 43. — Anthraflavic Acid, 44. — Anthrapurpurin, 45. — Manufacture of Anthracene, Properties of Anthracene, 46. — Conversion into Anthra- quinone, Preparation of Artificial Alizarin, 48. — Caro, Graebe, and Liebermann's Patent, 50. — Broenner and Gutzkon's Patent, 54. — Anthracene Orange: Naphth- azarin, 55. — Oxynaphthalic Acid, 56. — Purpurin and its Derivatives, 58. — Optical Properties of Purpurin and Alizarin, 60. — Detection of Purpurin and Alizarin, 62. CHAPTER III. Madder. — Continued 64 Use of Madder, 64. — Turkey or Adrianople Red, His- torical, 65. — Processes for producing Turkey Red, Oiling the Cloth, 66. — Mordanting the Cloth, Dyeing the Cloth, 67.— Clearing the Dyed Cloth, 68.— Effect of Oiling, 69. — Persoz' Explanation, 70. — Printing Turkey Red, Miiller's Process, 71. — Calico Printing, Mordants Employed, 72. — Recipes for Mordants, for various Colours, 73. — Method of Printing Mordants, 76. — Ageing; Thorn's Process, 77. — Dunging, 78. — Construction of Dyebeck, 79. — Method of Dyeing with Madder; Use of Chalk in Madder Dyeing, 81.— Soaping and Clearing Madder-Dyed Goods, 83. — Manufacture of Garancin, 84. — 'Garancine Modifie'e:' Utilisation of Waste Products, 85. — Dyeing Power of Garancin, 86. — Advantages of Garancin over Madder : CONTENTS. xvii. PAGE. 'Commercial Alizarin,' 87. — Garanceaux: Fleurs de Garance, or Flowers of Madder, 88. — Alcohol from Madder Washings, 89. — Madder Extracts, 90. — Leiten- berger's Extract, 91. — Paraf's Extract: Kopp's Purpurin and Green Alizarin, and Dyestuffs obtained from them, 92. — Pernod's Extract, 95. — Pvien's Process for Extracting Alizarin and Purpurin : Recipes for Dyeing with Madder Extracts, 96. — Table of Colours obtained by Printing a Mixture of Madder Extract with the Acetates of various metals, 98. — Printing with Artificial Alizarin, 100. — Recovery of Waste Colours; Scheurer's Process, 101. — Koechlin's Process for the Recovery of Waste Colour, 102. — Thom and Stenhouse's Process for the Utilisation of Soap Waste : Manufacture of Mad- der Lakes, 103. — Adulteration of Madder, 104. — Test- ing the value of Madder, &c, 105. — Testing Madder- Dyed Fabrics, 107. — Munjeet, 108. — Munjistin, 109 — Chayaver, no. — Al' Root, or SooranjeefJ/k;y.\'h jll III II ll Fig. I. — Solution of pur- purin in carbonate of soda or potash, or in alum-liquor. Fig 2. — Solution of pur- purin in bisulphide of carbon. Fig. 3. — Solution of pur- purin in ether. Fig. 4. — Alkaline solution of alizarin. Solution in a solution of alum. — This solution has the same peculiar mode of absorption, and will serve equally well for it. But it has the further property of being emi- nently iridescent, which the alkaline solution is not at all. The iridescent light is yellow, but ordinarily appears orange from being seen through the fluid. The difference between the alkaline and alum liquor solutions as to iri- descence does not depend on the acid reaction of the latter, but on the alumina. A solution, exhibiting to perfection the peculiar properties of the alum liquor, may be obtained by adding to a solution of purpurin in carbonate of soda a solution of alum to which enough tartaric acid has been added to prevent precipitation when carbonate of soda is added, which must be done previous to mixing, and in this case the solution is obtained at once and in the cold. This forms a very striking reaction in a dark room, according to the method described in the Philosophical Transactions for 1853, p. 385, with the combination solution of nitrate of copper and a red (Cu 2 0) glass. Some other colourless oxides, besides alumina, develope in this manner iridescence although in a less degree. Solution in bisulphide of carbon. — This solution gives the highly characteristic spectrum exhibiting four bands of absorption, of which the first is narrower than the others, and the fourth is not at all conspicuous, hardly standing out from the general absorption which takes place in that 62 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTIXG. region of the spectrum. The second and third bands are the most conspicuous of the set. Solution in ether. — This gives the characteristic spectrum exhibiting two bands of absorption. The solution is iri- descent, but not enough so to be perceptible by common observation. The spectra of the solutions of purpurin in other solvents might be mentioned, but these are more than sufficient. From an optical point of view purpurin is remarkable for the general similarity of character combined with diversity as to detail, which its various solutions exhibit as to their mode of absorbing light. Alkaline solution of alizarin. — The solution of alizarin in caustic or carbonate of potash or soda, or in ammonia, exhibits on analysis a characteristic spectrum, having a band of absorption in the yellow, and another narrower one between the red and the orange. There is a third very in- conspicuous band at E in the spectrum, almost lost in the general darkening of that part. Other solutions. — The solution of alizarin in ether or bisulphide of carbon shows nothing particular. There is a general absorption of the more refrangible parts of the spectrum, but there are none of those remarkable alterna- tions of comparative transparency and opacity which characterise purpurin. Alizarin is hardly soluble in alum liquor ; and in the case of the red solution, of mixed aliza- rin and verantin, mentioned by Dr. Schunck at page 45 1 of the Philosophical Transactions for 1S51, the absence of the remarkable absorption bands and the absence of iridescence show instantly and independently of each other that it is distinct from purpurin. Optical detection of purpurin and alizarin. — The characters of these substances are so marked that I do not know any sub- stance with which either of them could be confounded, even if we restricted ourselves to any one of the solutions yield- DETECTION OF PURPURIN. 63 ing the peculiar spectra. Not only so, but these properties enable us to detect small quantities, in the case of purpurin the merest trace, of the substance present in the midst of a quantity of impurities. In the case of purpurin a solution of alum is specially convenient for use, because the impuri- ties liable to be present do not, with this solvent, absorb the part of the spectrum in which the bands occur. In this way I was able, though operating on only a very minute quantity of the root, to detect purpurin in more than twenty species of the family rubiacece, which were examined with this view, comprising the genera Rubia, Asperula, Gallium, Crucianella, and Scherardia. The detection of alizarin by means of the characters of its alkaline solution is much less delicate, because many of the impurities liable to be present absorb the part of the spectrum in which all but the least refrangible of the absorption-bands occur ; and as this band is not that which corresponds to the most in- tense absorption, a larger quantity of the substance must be present in order that the band may be perceived. CHAPTER III. MADDER. — CONTINUED. In the preceding chapter the colour-giving principles con- tained in madder roots have been described, and also the various compounds isolated from them by chemists, as well as the artificial production of alizarin, which is the most important of the latter. It will now be necessary to give a brief account of Turkey red, and madder dyeing, and the manufacture of the principal preparations of madder, such as garancin, pinkoffin, fleurs de garance and the extracts of madder. The various processes employed for obtaining alizarin and purpurin on a commercial scale will then be noticed, and lastly the methods employed for testing madders and garancins. The principal use of madder is to dye cotton cloth of dif- ferent shades of red, of which by far the finest hue is that called in this country and on the continent by the name of Turkey or Adrianople red — one of the most durable colours known. It seems highly probable that the method of dyeing this tint — the characteristic of which consists in previously impregnating the goods with an oily or fatty substance — originated in India, where, as travellers affirm, the natives have been wont, from time immemorial to steep the yarns which they intend to dye in liquids containing fatty matter, such for example as milk. It was not, however, until after it had made its way into other parts of Asia, and become known in the countries of the Levant, undergoing at the same time important modifications, that this art was first TURKEY RED. 65 introduced into France, towards the middle of the last century. In 1747, Messrs. Ferquet, Goudard, and D'Haristoy brought a party of Greek dyers into that country, and formed two establishments, one at Darnetal, near Rouen, and the other at Aubenas, in Languedoc. Nine months later, a person named Flachat, who had long resided in the Ottoman Empire, brought over workmen with whom he formed at St. Chamont, near Lyons, a third establishment for the dye- ing of Adrianople red, so called from the high celebrity then enjoyed by the productions of that city. But as these foreigners could not long keep their art secret, they soon had numerous imitators; and in 1765, the French govern- ment, convinced of the value and importance of this method of dyeing, made the processes known to the public. Many establishments were formed in various parts of the country ; but it appears that the only successful ones for some years were those at Rouen. From these parts the Turkey red dye gradually made its way into Alsace, Switzerland, Great Britain, and different parts of Germany. At first the cotton was only dyed in the yarn ; and it was not until 1 8 10 that the cloth itself was dyed directly of this colour at the establishment of Messrs. Kcechlin, Mul- hausen, and that of L. Weber. It is stated by the late Dr. Thomson, of Glasgow, and other authorities, that the first Turkey red works in Great Britain were established in that city about ninety years ago by a M. Papillon. It appears, however, from a paper on the art of dyeing, read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, by M. Thomas Henry in 1786, and quoted by Mr. Baines in his History of the Cotton Manu- facture, that M. Borelle, another Frenchman, introduced the art of dyeing Turkey red at Manchester, probably some years previous to its introduction at Glasgow, and that he obtained from Government a grant for the disclosure of his plans, as M. Papillon did afterwards from the commissioners F 66 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and trustees for manufactures in Scotland ; but the method of the latter obtained the most decided success. It was in the year 1783, that Mr. David Dale and Mr. George Macin- tosh—father of the late Mr. Charles Macintosh, the inven- tor of the well-known waterproof fabrics — engaged Papillon, who was a dyer at Rouen, to settle in Glasgow, and he there founded and carried on in partnership with Mr. Macintosh the celebrated Turkey red business now conducted by the firm of Messrs. Monteith and Co. The period having ex- pired in 1803, when the process was to be divulged, the commissioners and trustees above mentioned laid a com- plete account of it before the public. Since that period Turkey red dyeing has been conducted in Glasgow, and also in Lancashire on a very extensive scale. There are several processes followed for producing Turkey red at the present time, but the operations are so numerous, and success so much depends on matters of detail in the carrying out of the various operations, that it is impossible to describe with sufficient minuteness in a work like the present all the precautions requisite to pro- duce colours equal to those obtained by Messrs. Steiner and Co., and several other firms in Manchester and Glasgow. The following, however, is an outline of the process : A thousand pounds of calico are steeped in tepid water for a day or two, to remove either by solution or fermenta- tion the greater part of the size used for stiffening the warp. This operation can be much shortened by adding a small quantity of malt liquor to facilitate the transforma- tion of the starch into glucose. The pieces are next boiled in a keir, with a weak solution of carbonate of soda having a specific gravity of I'OI, after which the goods are oiled by padding them in a mixture of 580 lbs. of rancid Gallipoli oil, or what is called by the French hnile toiimante, and 150 gallons of water in which is dissolved 10 lbs. of a mix- TURKE Y RED. 67 ture of potassium and sodium carbonate. To this mixture some dyers still add sheep or cow dung, believing that the azotised mucillaginous substance called by Morin bubulin, materially contributes to the fixing of the fatty acids on the fabric. The pieces are now exposed to the atmosphere until they feel dry, when they are placed in a stove heated to 140 F. After twelve hours they are taken out and the padding operation repeated two or three times, according to the intensity of the colour required. The pieces are next steeped for twenty-four hours in a bath containing carbonate of soda, to remove the fatty acids which have not been fixed in the fibre. The liquid is pressed out, and is called old white liquor. It is employed again in the oiling operations. The goods are carefully rinsed out, and are ready for the mordanting process, which consists in passing the pieces at a temperature of 150 through a bath composed of 30 gallons of water, 10 lbs. of ground gallnuts or sumach, and 16 lbs. of alum. They are then hung for two days in a stove, the temperature of which is maintained at 140 R, and afterwards passed in a hot chalk bath. They are then thoroughly washed and are ready for the dyebeck. (Madder, which was formerly exclusively employed for this work, is now almost entirely replaced by garancin and by artificial alizarin.) The dyeing is performed by introducing ten pieces into a beck containing 300 or 400 gallons of water; 17 to 20 lbs. of madder, or 3 to 5 lbs. of garancin for each piece are added and steam is introduced, the heat being gradually raised during an hour and a half to 180 F., it is then rapidly carried to near the boiling point and maintained at that temperature for an hour. The pieces are taken out, thoroughly washed by a washing machine, passed a second time through the mordanting liquor, the chalk bath, and the washing process, and again placed in the dyebeck. The red thus produced is dark and dull, as in the accompanying sample. 68 DYEING AND CALICO PRIN1ING. TURKEY RED AS DYED. To brighten it, it is submitted to three clearing processes, which are performed in closed boilers two-thirds filled with water. For the first process about 6 lbs. of soap and \y 2 lbs. of carbonate of potash are added, and the liquor kept boiling for eight hours. TURKEY RED AFTER FIRST CLEARING. The pieces are again washed and boiled. This time with 6 lbs. of soap and 7 oz. of chloride of tin. After this pro- TURKE Y RED. 69 cess has been repeated, the goods are exposed for some time to the atmosphere, passed through a hot bran bath, washed, and dried. TURKEY RED FINISHED. We are indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Steiner and Co., of Church, near Accrington, for these samples ol Turkey red. The same process is followed to produce Turkey red upon yarn. Of late years, also, very fine purple-dyed yarns have been produced by following the process above described — but dipping the yarn in a solution of nitro- sulphate of iron after the oiling processes. Several chemists, among whom may be cited Persoz, Schutzenberger, Kcechlin, and Jenny have tried to give a rational explanation of the above operations, and to find out why cotton treated by this method is dyed a red which is faster and more brilliant than can be obtained by any other process. One thing is certain, that fatty matters are essential, and the 'oil must be in such a state that on being mixed with carbonate of soda it will give an emul- sion, or white milky fluid. An oil possessing this property is called by the French /utile tournante. A sweet olive oil ;o DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. does not produce an emulsion, and cannot be used with advantage, but common Gallipoli gives* favourable results. It is believed by many chemists and Turkey red dyers that the oil must undergo a certain amount of oxidation, and several patents have been taken out to effect this. It is doubtful, however, whether oils treated by these pro- cesses have to any extent replaced old Gallipoli. It seems probable that the explanation given by Pelouze in 1836 is the real one. He found that the oily matters contained in a seed or berry could be kept sound for almost any length of time if the seed were unbroken, but if it were crushed, a peculiar ferment existing in the seed came in contact with the fatty matters, and acting on them, converted them into glycerin and fatty acids. He proved that in the case of olives this change takes place in a few hours after the berries are crushed, and that the amount of free fatty acids is largely increased if they are allowed to stand for any length of time. The best qualities of olive oil are obtained by pressing the berries, first at natural temperatures, and then between hot plates, by this means the oil gets separated from its ferment at once. At Gallipoli and the surrounding country, the berries as soon as gathered are thrown into heaps and allowed to ferment. By this process a much larger yield of oil is obtained, but of inferior quality, owing to its partial decomposition. The correctness of these views is corroborated by the fact that Mr. Steiner obtained very good Turkey reds, when, at the suggestion of Pelouze he substituted for the usual Gallipoli oil, oleic acid obtained in the manufacture of stearin candles. No doubt can remain that great progress is still being made in the production of this class of goods, especially in shortening the time required for the operations. At the exhibition of 1867, M. Cordier, of Bapeaume, near Rouen, TURKE Y RED PRINT. 7 1 satisfied the jury that he could obtain a first-class Turkey- red on cotton yarns' in five days. Artificial alizarin is now being substituted for garancin in the production of Turkey red, and some printers are using large quantities of the artificial product. M. Armand M tiller states that a red similar in tint and purity to Turkey red may be obtained by direct printing with artificial alizarin in the following manner. The pigment, in a pasty form, and having 25 per cent, of dry material, is dissolved in boiling spirit in the proportion of one to five, and immediately mixed with a concentrated solution of chloride of aluminium, of which the pure chlo- ride is to the weight of the colouring matter as one to three. The liquid is thickened with a little tragacanth, and for every half litre of this mixture 30 cc. of a solution composed of the best olive oil (fifteen parts), of sulphuric acid (one part), and spirit (fifteen parts), is stirred in. This solution must be as thin as possible, but must be thick enough to withstand the capillarity of the cloth. The cotton cloth with which this colour is to be used is first impregnated with a solu- tion of acetate of alumina of about 8° Baume, and after drying and two days ageing is taken through a soap bath containing 30 grms. of Marseilles soap to the litre of water, then well washed out and dried. The cloth printed with the above mixture is now ex- posed to strongly ammoniacal steam at a moderately high pressure, taken through a weak soap bath, washed in a stream, and taken through the following series of liquids : — 1. cold nitric acid, 3 cc. to 1 litre of water; 2. washed in stream; 3. cold nitric acid, 5 cc. to 1 litre of water; 4. tin salt, y 2 grm. to 1 litre of water at 90 F. ; 5. washed in stream; 6. liquor of Javelle, 15 cc. of 8° Baume to 1 litre of water, cold ; 7. thorough washing. The colour is now thoroughly developed, and behaves to light, air, and soap like ordinary Turkey red. In preparing the chloride of 72 DYEING, AND CALICO PRINTING. aluminium (by the addition of chloride of barium to sul- phate of alumina), it is absolutely necessary to avoid an excess of the barium salt. The art of printing calico with madder was known to the Egyptians and the countries of the East from time immemorial, and we find on the fabrics wrapped round some of the mummies designs in red and purple, which have been produced by combinations of the colour-giving principles of madder with alumina and iron mordants. In Persia and India the art had attained a certain degree of perfection, and up to the beginning of the 18th century printed fabrics called chintz were imported from those countries. A very heavy duty was, however, put on them in 1700, and their importation entirely prohibited in 1720. Although this was altered in 1774, a duty of 3^2 d. per square yard was imposed on all printed calicos, whether imported or made in England, and it was not until 1831 that this duty was repealed. Since that time there has been a wonderful development of this manufacture ; numerous mechanical improvements having been intro- duced, and important chemical discoveries made. Before proceeding with a description of the printing process it will be necessary to give some idea of the com- position of the mordants employed. Of course the required intensity of shade is obtained by varying the quantity of mordant. For purples and lilacs an impure acetate of iron is employed, which is prepared by allowing iron to oxidise or rust, and then dissolving it in the tarry acetic or pyro- ligneous acid obtained in the destructive distillation of wood. For reds and pinks a sulpho-acetate of alumina is em- ployed, prepared by mixing together impure acetate of lime and sulphate of alumina. If sufficient acetate of lime were employed, the result would be that sulphate of lime MORDANTS. , 73 and acetate of alumina would be produced ; but the pro- portions taken are such that only two-thirds of the sulphuric acid combined with the alumina are replaced by acetic acid; for experience has shown that better results are obtained with this compound than with a pure acetate of alumina. This mordant may be prepared by mixing together solutions of one hundred and ninety-six parts of sulphate of alumina and one hundred and thirty-six parts of acetate of lime. In practice it is necessary to increase the quantity of acetate on account of its being more im- pure than the alumina salt. For chocolate various proportions of red and black mordants are mixed together, according to the shades required. The mordants are thickened with potato starch which has been heated to 480 F. ; this renders it soluble, con- verting it into dextrin, a substance somewhat similar in properties to gum arabic. The following recipes will give some idea of the pro- portions taken : — For light purple. 1 gallon of acetate of iron at i}4 T. 3 gallons of purple assistant liquor. 3 gallons of water. 18 lbs. roasted farina. This solution is ready for use after straining. For dark purple. 7 gallons acetate of iron at 2}i° T. 2<£ „ purple assistant liquor. 3 lbs. flour. This mixture is first boiled and then strained, after which it is ready for use. The purple assistant liquor is made as follows : — 1 st. 100 gallons wood acid. 74 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. 9 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash are dissolved in the wood acid. 2 gallons sulphate of lead precipitate, made by dissolving acetate of lead in water, precipitating with sulphuric acid and allowing the sulphate of lead to subside. 2nd. 50 lbs. carbonate of soda dissolved in 8 gallons of water, to which is added 50 lbs. arsenious acid ; when this is dissolved it is added to the first mixture, and thoroughly incorporated by stirring. To the above complete mixture, add 3 gallons of hydrochloric acid and 200 lbs. of common salt. Mix well and store for use. MADDER PURPLE. For light red. 1 gallon acetate of alumina at 3 1 gill bark liquor at 1 2° 1 gill acetic acid. $y 2 lbs. British gum. Boil and strain. For dark red. 1 gallon acetate of alumina at 12 T. 1 gill sapan liquor at 12 T. 1 y 2 lbs. flour. Boil and strain. MORDANTS. 75 t i I w* I MADDER PINK AND RED.* For light chocolate. 2 gallons acetate of alumina at 9° T. . at 24° T. Y pint logwood liquor . at 12° T. 5 lbs. of flour. Boil and strain. For dark chocolate. 2 gallons acetate of alumina at 9 T. Y2. gallon acetate of iron . . . at 24° T. Y>. pint logwood liquor , , at 12° T. 5 lbs. of flour. Boil and strain. For blacks. i gallon acetate of iron at 24° ' r. Y2 gallon wood spirit. 2Y2. gallons water. 1 pint logwood liquor at 1: !° T. 7 lbs. flour. Boil and strain. * For the samples of madder purple and red we are indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Symonds, Cunlifte, and Co. , of Manchester. 7 6 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. To apply these mordants they are placed in troughs in which a copper roller dips, having engraved upon it the design or pattern to be printed. The excess of mordant is removed as it leaves the solution by means of a sharp blade of steel, gun metal, or German silver, called a doctor, leaving the mordant on the engraved parts only. As the roller revolves, the calico to be printed is pressed against it by another roller, and the mordant is thus transferred to the cloth. The accompanying engraving represents the kind of machine used. Fig. i. By an ingenious arrangement several rollers can be mounted in the machine (as many as twenty have been used), so that a piece may receive successively mordants for different colours and of various strengths, which after- wards produce the various tints and shades which the PRINTING MORDANTS. 77 printer may require. The accompanying sample due to the courtesy of Messrs. Walter Crum and Co., of Man- chester, will serve to illustrate the effect. t HI * tl 4 *r * ^r * if W *. "* * 1 * *r & * M EFFECT PRODUCED BY A SIX-COLOUR MACHINE. After this the pieces are passed over steam cylinders to dry the mordant in the calico, and are subjected to a pro- cess of ageing or fixing the mordant in the fibre. This was formerly effected by spreading out the pieces, and hanging them in a room for three or four days ; the acetate of alumina thus lost part of its acetic acid, and the iron mordant nearly the whole. Some few years ago, Mr. John Thorn devised a method by which this could be effected in twenty minutes; the process consists in passing the mor- danted cloth over rollers fixed in a machine placed in a chamber about 20 feet long, into which a current of air and steam is thrown. The temperature must not be below ioo° F. nor above 108 R, and the quantity of steam present must be such that fifty yards of calico will take up one ounce of moisture during the twenty minutes which it requires to pass it through the chamber. The printer is able to test the state of the chamber by means of wet and dry bulb thermometers. 78 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The next operation, called dunging, received this name because formerly a mixture of cow dung and water was used in the process. Now, however, the calico is generally- passed through a weak bath of alkaline silicate or arseniate of soda, mixed with a little chlorate of potash, contained in a trough in which are fixed thirty or forty rollers in two rows, one a,b, Fig. 2, at the top and the other c,d, at the bottom. The cloth is slowly passed over the rollers from top to bottom, alternately, the temperature being main- tained at about mo F. Fig. 2. The objects of this process are, first, to effect the com- plete decomposition of the aluminous and iron subsalts, which are formed by removing the acid which the dessica- tion has not expelled ; secondly, to dissolve and take away from the stuff the greater part of the substances which have been used to thicken the mordant; and, thirdly, to separate from the stuff those parts of the mordant which are not combined with it, which would otherwise spread over and adhere to the unmordanted parts. After this dunging the goods are washed and scoured in the same way as in the bleaching process, in order to remove everything which requires to be detached from the fabric. MADDER DYEING. 79 Vj$ ^1 ft MADDER STYLE, MORDANTED CLOTH. The mordanted pieces being now ready for the dyebeck, five or six of them are placed on the reel for each of the five or six compartments into which a dyebeck is divided, so that from twenty-five to thirty-six pieces are dyed in one operation. The dyebeck is constructed as follows : — A, Figs. 3 and 4, is a wooden or iron trough, about 6 feet in length, 4 feet in width, and 4 or 5 feet in depth, into which the madder and water required for a dyeing are introduced. This vessel is surmounted with a wince or wheel B, and divided in the direction of its length by four partitions b,b,b,b, and thus presents five distinct compartments, into which the goods fall on quitting the reel B. This reel, containing six or eight wooden spars on its circumference, is furnished at one end of its axis with pullies put in motion by means of a strap driven by any moving power; it is always moved by the hand in dyeing fine fabrics, such as muslins, balzarines, &c. C,C,C,C, are wooden panels or lids with hinges, to be opened and shut at pleasure. The upper two open from below or upward, the lower two from above and downward. D,E, are hollow copper rollers, under which 8o DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. the goods pass on quitting the compartments b,b,b,b. f is a tube pierced with a multitude of holes, through which the steam is introduced at pleasure by the tube h communi- cating with a generator. A screw valve affords the means of regulating the introduction of the steam into the tube/. There is also a pipe in connection with a reservoir of water, through which, by means of the stop-cock g,k, the quantity of water required for the operation can be introduced into the trough A. Fig. 4. The working of the apparatus is very simple; into each compartment are put the requisite number of pieces ; after passing the pieces over the wince and under the rollers D,E, they are fastened together by the ends so as to form as many endless webs as there are compartments. The pullies are then set in motion, and the shaft of the reel being in connection with them draws the goods in such a manner that, passing out from under the cylinder D, they rise, pass over the reel to fall back into the compartment b, slide over the inclined plane, arrive again under the rollers D,E, and so on during the whole operation. The object of the compartments is to prevent the pieces getting too much intermingled, as they would then cease to obey the circulating movement and take the dye unequally. MADDER DYEING. 8 1 The pieces are first introduced into the vats with cold water, and from 5 to 7 lbs. of madder or ground Turkey- roots per piece; the temperature is then gradually raised in the course of an hour and a half to 180 F. From the results of Schunck's experiments it would appear that the effect of this is to give as much time as is practically possible for the xanthin of Kuhlmann to unfold into rubian and chlorogenin, and to allow the erythrozym of the madder to decompose the glucoside or glucosides of the madder into sugar, and alizarin or purpurin. If the temperature were raised too rapidly the erythrozym would become coagulated before it had time to effect the complete decomposition of the glucosides. The chlorogenin, pectic acid, rubiacin, verantin, rubi- retin, &c, act very injuriously on the colours produced from the madder, making them dull and weak and the whites dirty. To obviate this a certain quantity of chalk is added to the bath. The action of the lime appears to be that it forms insoluble combinations with these injurious colouring principles, and leaves the alizarin to combine with the mordants. With Avignon madder, this addition of chalk is unnecessary, for being grown on a calcareous soil, it generally contains sufficient lime naturally, whilst, on the contrary, it must always be used with Turkey roots and Alsace madder. That the action of the lime is as above stated, is shown by the fact that when a proper proportion of chalk is added the colours are not only brighter but are also more permanent, whilst if an excess of chalk is employed the strength and beauty of the colours are injured. The fact was observed many years ago by Robiquet, and has recently been confirmed by Schunck, that when a small amount of lime is added to alizarin it proves injurious to the intensity of shade produced by a given quantity of alizarin; and Schunck proved also that the addition of rubiacin, or G 82 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. any of the other resinous colouring matters, to alizarin during the dyeing process produces very prejudicial effects. They weaken the colours and render them impure and unsightly ; the red acquires an orange, and the purple a reddish hue, whilst the blacks become brownish, and the white parts assume a yellow tinge. These effects entirely disappear as soon as the foreign colouring matters are completely saturated with lime. On the contrary, Rosenstiehl* states that perfectly pure alizarin, with distilled water, dyes but very imperfectly ; and that, in order to obtain satisfactory results, it is abso- lutely necessary that a certain quantity of carbonate of lime should be present. In the preceding chapter it was stated that erythrozym was a compound containing lime, and that if this lime were once removed the erythrozym became inactive and permanently altered; it is important, therefore, that lime should be added, to prevent the free acids acting injuri- ously on this compound. Having thus briefly noticed the changes which take place in the hour and a half during which the temperature is gradually raised, we will return to the description of the dyeing process. Full steam is now turned into the beck so as to heat the liquor as near 21 2° F. as practicable. The effect of this, as shown by the table of solubility of alizarin already given, is to increase the amount of alizarin in solu- tion, and thereby facilitate its combination with the mordant. When the dyeing is completed the pieces are removed from the beck, and thoroughly washed in a wash- ing machine. Compt. Rend., lxxix., 6So. MADDER STYLE. 83 MADDER STYLE AFTER DYEING. The fifth operation is the soaping, to remove the excess of colour and clear the whites ; the becks used being similar to those employed for dyeing. A sufficient amount of soap of good quality is dissolved to produce a perceptible froth, and the goods, arranged as for dyeing, are kept constantly revolving on the reel. The temperature of the beck is maintained at 180 F. They are then taken out, thoroughly washed, and subjected to a second soaping. After another thorough washing, the pieces are passed through a slightly alkaline hypochlorite of soda solution, to which is added a little sulphate of zinc. ^ i- i $ 1 ■ .. m k 11 J 311 raft Z Si I ■ :•>.-' k \t§, s :; i.> P i E j ?r 1 ■s 1 MADDER STYLE CLEARED.* * Messrs. Symonds, Cunliffe, and Co., of Manchester, have kindly furnished the three specimens of madder style. 84 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Some twenty years ago, whilst professionally engaged in a printworks, the author made a series of experiments with a view of decreasing the serious expense involved in employing such large quantities of soap in the above operations, and found that madder goods could be steeped even for days without injury in a decidedly alkaline solution of hypochlorite of soda, prepared by making a neutral hypochlorite of soda, and adding an ounce of crystallised carbonate of soda per gallon, and that by employing this solution such a quantity of the chlorogenin and resinous compounds already described were removed, that one soap- ing operation could be dispensed with. The difficulty and expense experienced by calico printers in brightening their colours and obtaining pure whites in madder-dyed goods, attracted many years ago the attention of scientific and practical men, and any pro- cess by which these difficulties might be overcome was anxiously looked for. The discovery by Robiquet and Colin, that the colour-giving principle was not destroyed by sulphuric acid, was the first step in that direction, and led Schwartz to observe that the carbonaceous mass of Robiquet might, if carefully washed and neutralised, be used as a dyestuff. Messrs. Lagier and Thomas improved upon this, and in 1839 introduced an article which is now extensively used by calico printers under the name of garancin. It is generally prepared in the following manner : Madder is treated with eight or ten times its weight of water and allowed to stand for twelve hours. This liquor is then run off and reserved for treatment in a manner similar to that obtained in the manufacture of flcurs de garance which will be described further on. The washed madder is introduced into large wooden vats lined with lead, and a quantity of water added sufficient to make the whole into the state of a thin paste. 35 lbs. of sulphuric acid are now added for every 100 lbs. of MANUFACTURE OF GARANCIN. 85 madder originally taken. The vat is then closed and the madder steamed for several hours,* after which it is mixed with a large quantity of cold water and run off into a vat with a false bottom of woollen, where it is washed methodically with water until the latter takes a slightly pink hue ; this is an indication that all the acid has been removed. Some manufacturers to save time add a small quantity of carbonate of soda to the last washing liquor, and Messrs. Dollfus, Mieg, and Co. have suggested the employment of ammoniacal vapours to effect the same purpose. The garancin is placed on trays in a chamber where it is submitted to the action of the ammonia. They state that their ' garancine modifiee ' gives much richer and brighter colours, and that the purples are especially improved. When the garancin has been thoroughly washed, it is placed in centrifugal machines to drive off the water as far as possible and is then submitted to hydraulic pressure. The pressed cakes thus obtained are put in drying stoves, and when quite dry are ground with mill- stones and sieved. The attention of the French government having been called to the pollution of the rivers which receive the washing liquors of the garancin manufacturers in the neighbourhood of Avignon, they were called upon to devise some method of abating this nuisance, as it had increased to such a degree as to endanger the health of the inhabitants, and to cause great injury to the land- owners. M. Pernod, one of the largest manufacturers of garancin and fleurs de garance in the department of Vaucluse, gave the subject his attention, and contrived a process by which he not only removed nearly the whole of the organic matter in suspension and neutralised the acid, but even * Stenhouse has observed that a large quantity of a compound called furfurol is produced during this operation. S6 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. effected a saving, for he discovered that the spent liquor of garancin contains a large quantity of oxalic acid. In his process the whole of the spent liquor of a day's working is run into a large reservoir, and slacked lime is added to it in slight excess. After two or three hours, the clear liquor which may now be considered unobjectionable, is run off into the river. The lime deposit after being pumped up into smaller reservoirs and mixed with a slight excess of dilute sulphuric acid is allowed to stand for twelve hours, when the liquor -is run off and the precipitate thrown on a woollen filter. This precipitate, which consists of sulphate and oxalate of lime mixed with a small quantity of colour- ing matter, is boiled in a leaden vessel with an excess of sulphuric acid ; this decomposes the oxalate of lime, sul- phate of lime is formed, and the liberated oxalic acid dissolves in the acid liquor. It is filtered through flannel whilst hot, and on cooling deposits a large quantity of oxalic acid in the crystalline state. One hundred parts of madder yield from thirty-four to thirty-seven of garancin, according to the variety of madder used. Turkey roots are usually employed to prepare first- class garancins for purples and lilacs, French madders and Naples roots for pinks and reds, and Dutch madders for dark reds and chocolates. Twenty million pounds weight of madder are annually employed in the neighbourhood of Avignon for the manufacture of garancin. The dyeing power of a good garancin is from four to five times as great as that of the madder from which it is made. The gain, therefore, apart from the greater purity of colour in the garancin, is from 70 to 85 per cent, on the original madder. This increased dyeing power is due to the com- plete decomposition of the rubian and other glucosides the root may contain, and possibly also to the liberation of a certain quantity of colour-giving principles which may be combined with the lime and magnesia present. GARANCIN STYLE. gy For garancin style only 1% to 3 lbs. of garancin are employed per piece. The dyeing operation is conducted in a manner very similar to that of madder styles, except that the temperature of the beck never exceeds 1 8o° F. The advantages of garancin over madder are, that the goods dyed with it require only a slight soaping and passing through a clearing liquor of very weak alkaline hypochlorite of soda and a little sulphate of zinc, for the goods to be ready for the stiffening and calendering pro- cesses. On the other hand the colours are not so fast, for they will not resist the action either of light or of soap to the same degree as madder-dyed goods. Moreover, the colours, except the purples, are far less brilliant; and, although the addition of a little chalk to the bath in the dyeing process tends, by neutralising the traces of acid which commercial garancin usually contains, to improve the colours obtained, yet there is still a marked inferiority to madder. The following illustration of the garancin style has been kindly furnished by Messrs. Wood and Wright, of Manchester. GARANCIN STYLE. In 1852, Messrs. Schunck and Pincoffs effected an im- provement in the manufacture of garancin, their product 88 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. being known in England under the name of 'commercial alizarin'; but on the continent it is better known as 1 pincoffin.' Their process consists in submitting ordinary garancin to the action of high-pressure steam of a temperature of 300 F., which, whilst it does not act on the alizarin contained in the garancin, destroys the rubi- retin and verantin. The employment of commercial alizarin is especially advantageous in the production of purples, which are faster and more brilliant than those produced by ordinary garancin. The cloth also does not require soaping or clearing. DYED WITH 'COMMERCIAL ALIZARIN.' We are indebted to the kindness of Mr. S. Pincofifs for this sample dyed with 'commercial alizarin.' In 1843, M- Leonard Schwartz, of Mulhouse, patented the right of treating spent madder from dyebecks by the same process as that employed for the conversion of madder into garancin. To the product so obtained he gave the name of garanceux. At the present day this process is carried out by every large madder dyer. Messrs. Julian and Roquet have devised a process for preparing a purified madder which they call fieurs de FLEURS DE GARANCE. 89 garance, or flowers of madder, of which many million pounds per annum are now manufactured in France. It not only yields brighter colours than the original madder, but as it does not soil the white parts of prints, its use saves the printer much soap and labour. It possesses also another great advantage. The printer can obtain the same intensity of shade by employing mordants about fifteen times weaker than when madder in its original 'state is employed. This is owing to the fleurs de garance no longer containing any soluble matters, especially acids like pectic acid, &c, which during the process of dyeing dissolve and remove such a large proportion of the mordant. To prepare the fleurs de garance, madder is mixed with eight or ten times its bulk of water and allowed to stand for twelve to fifteen hours. When Avignon madders are used and the fleurs are intended for the production of reds or pinks, one part of sulphuric acid for every hundred of roots is added to the water to neutralise the carbonate of lime which that madder always contains. This addition of acid is unnecessary when Alsace and Dutch madders are used, or when the fleurs are intended for the production of purples or chocolates. When the maceration is finished the liquor is run off into proper vessels to be fermented, so as to transform the sugar into alcohol. The solid matter is placed in bags, submitted to hydraulic pressure, and after being dried in stoves and ground, is ready for use. A hundred parts of madder yield fifty-five to sixty o{ fleurs de garance. It may be stated en passant, that the injury which Dutch and Alsace madders sustain when kept too long in casks, is doubtless owing to the fact that after the erythrozymic fermentation is completed, an alcoholic and lactic one sets in, which acts injuriously on the colour- giving principles. The alcohol prepared by the fermentation and distilla- go DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. tion of the liquids obtained in the above process has a very disagreeable taste and odour, and is only fit for manufacturing varnishes and ether, and for other commercial operations. This seems to be caused, to some extent at least, by the presence of acetic ether and aldehyde, in fact the latter substance may be easily obtained from madder alcohol by careful rectification. At Sorgues, near Avignon, there is a large distillery where the greater part of the alcohol produced in the manufacture of fleurs de garance and garancin is rectified. The method employed appears to consist in passing the alcohol vapours through wood charcoal. Various extracts of madder are prepared on a large scale, all of which contain alizarin or purpurin in a more or less pure form. They are applied in a different manner to those preparations hitherto noticed, being printed on along with the mordant, and then dried and submitted to dry high-pressure steam for one or two hours, when the colours become fixed on the fabric. Calico printers have long desired to obtain these ex- tracts, and although many chemists and printers have worked on the subject, among whom may be mentioned Persoz, Claubry, Fauquet, Girardin, Gerber, Dollfus, Verdeil, Michel, and Schiitzenberger, yet they have failed in introducing this class of product into the trade. This result is no doubt generally to be attributed to their im- purity, although several extracts, especially those of Messrs. Fauquet and Girardin and M. A. Hertmann have been employed. Their use, however, was confined to single firms, and in these only to a limited extent. The house of Messrs. Scheurer, Roth, et Fils, of Than, were the first to successfully apply these extracts ; the pro- ducts employed being Kopp's purpurin and green alizarin, prepared by Messrs. Schaaff and Lauth, of Strasbourg. M. Leitenberger also used an extract manufactured by M. MADDER EXTRACTS. 91 Brosch, of Prague, who followed a process discovered by Rochleder, but which is kept secret. M. Pernod's extract was also soon after in use, and the splendid specimens exhibited at the Paris Exhibition in 1867 by the two firms above mentioned, and several other Alsace houses, could leave no doubt of the success of these products. The printing of the colour-giving principles of madder on fabrics must be considered as the greatest improvement in calico printing since the introduction of coal tar colours, and there can be scarcely any doubt but that it will in time completely revolutionise the trade. If we compare the length of time, the amount of trouble, and the numerous processes required to produce by the ordinary method a piece of printed madder goods — the printing of the mordant, the ageing, the dunging, the dyeing, once or twice soaping and clearing, and the thorough washing between each of the last four operations — with the simple process of printing the colour, steaming, washing, and soaping, the truth of this statement will at once be evident. The process of M. Leitenberger, is based on the fact that purpurin is soluble in water at 130 F., whilst alizarin only dissolves at 170 F. He mixes madder with water and heats the whole gradually by means of a jet of steam to 1 30 F., at which temperature it is maintained for some time. The liquor is then run off and filtered, and the operation is repeated until the madder ceases to yield any soluble matters. To the clear solution, lime, or still better, baryta is added, when a lake precipitates, which is collected, washed, and mixed with hydrochloric acid. The purpurin thus liberated is thrown on a filter and washed, when it is ready for use. The madder remaining from the above operation is dried and heated with wood spirit in closed vessels to extract the alizarin. The operation is repeated until no more alizarin is dissolved. This extract is slowly 92 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. poured into water, care being taken to agitate well ; a hydrate of alizarin is thus precipitated, which, according to M. Leitenberger, is less soluble than alizarin itself. This when collected and washed is ready for use. Another process is that patented by Mr. Paraf, in December, 1868. He avails himself of the extraordinary increased solubility of alizarin in water at high tempera- tures, mentioned in the preceding chapter. He has devised an apparatus by which he is able to treat madder with water under a pressure of four or five atmospheres, and when the liquor is saturated to draw it off from the solid matter remaining in the apparatus. As the aqueous liquor cools, the alizarin separates in the form of flocks, which, when collected and washed, are ready for use as an extract. He finds that the solubility is increased by adding a small quantity of alum or sulphuric acid to the water employed in the operation. A third process, that of M. Emile Kopp, is based on Schunck's discovery that weak acids act in a similar manner to erythrozym in causing the rubian to split up into sugar and alizarin. Kopp observed, some years ago, that a solu- tion of sulphurous acid dissolved the glucosides of purpurin and alizarin without change; and he has since applied this observation to the development of the following elegant process for the preparation of alizarin and purpurin: — 600 lbs. of Alsace madder are macerated for twelve or fifteen hours, with 800 gallons of a weak solution of sulphurous acid, to which is added one-thousandth part of hydrochloric acid to neutralise the earthy carbonates existing in the root. This operation is repeated three times. To the liquors 3 per cent, of sulphuric acid is added, and the whole heated to a temperature not exceeding 140° R, when red-coloured flakes separate and gradually deposit ; these when washed and dried are com- mercial purpurin. The clear liquor after being boiled for A'OPP'S PURPURIN AND ALIZARIN. 93 a couple of hours and allowed to cool, deposits a dark green powder, which when washed and dried is known as 'green alizarin.' Kopp has still further improved upon this process, which he devised in 1856, and instead of obtaining commercial purpurin and green alizarin he is able to produce an alizarin which he calls alizaric extract, so pure that it can be used for printing purples and lilacs, and a second which is used for printing reds, pinks, and chocolates. By employing methodic lixiviation and modifying his mode of operation, he has also been able to save the saccharine matter existing in the madder and to convert it into alcohol. To prepare the alizaric extract for purples and lilacs, one part of green alizarin is boiled with fifteen or twenty parts of petroleum oil, having a boiling point not exceed- ing 300 R, which dissolves the alizarin and leaves the green matter, probably chlorogenin. After a quarter of an hour's ebullition it is left to stand for a few minutes, in order to allow the green matter to settle, which it does rapidly. The clear liquor is then poured off and allowed to cool to 212 R, when a certain quantity of nearly pure alizarin is deposited in the form of small yellow crystals. The supernatant liquid is mixed with 10 or 15 per cent, of an aqueous solution of caustic soda, containing 5 to 8 per cent, of soda, and the whole strongly agitated. The alka- line solution takes out the whole of the alizarin, and when decanted and rendered slightly acid with dilute sulphuric acid deposits the colouring matter as a crystalline mass. This is fit for use as soon as it has been collected and washed ; it is sold under the name of yellow alizarin. To prepare the extract for pinks and reds, the madder which has been exhausted by sulphurous acid to obtain purpurin and green alizarin, is introduced into bags and subjected to hydraulic pressure. It is then placed in vats 94 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and lixiviated with a weak solution of caustic soda ash (i to \]/ 2 percent); being gradually heated to boiling. The alkaline liquor which contains the colouring matter, pectic acid, fatty matters, resins, &c, is removed into large vats, and is there mixed with the acid liquors from which the purpurin and green alizarin have been separated, in such a proportion that the liquor has a distinctly acid reaction. An abundant gelatinous precipitate is thus produced, which, when collected, washed, and dried, is called pectic extract, and can be employed for dyeing purposes. To prepare an extract sufficiently pure for printing, the gela- tinous precipitate is mixed with an acid solution of sulphate of alumina, marking 4' to 6° Baume, and contain- ing 4 to 6 per cent, of free acid. The mixture is then boiled for fifteen or twenty minutes and filtered rapidly. As the filtered liquor cools orange flakes are deposited, which are collected and mixed with ten or fifteen times their volume of water, containing from 5 to 8 per cent, of sulphuric acid. The whole is kept at a temperature of 1 95 F. for an hour, allowed to cool, and the mass thrown on a filter and washed first with acidulated water and then with pure water. There remains a beautiful orange magma sold under the name of orange extract of madder. It is employed for printing chocolates as well as reds and pinks.* This manufacture has been carried on by Messrs. Schaaff and Lauth for several years, and doubtless yields a larger amount of colour-giving principle than M. Leitenberger's method, for the glucosides must be more completely decomposed in these processes than by water alone. The dyeing power of alizarin thus obtained is equal to forty times its weight of madder, and ten times its weight of garancin. *For full details and the description of the preparation of alcohol from the residue, see Bulletin Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse, xxxvii., 437. PERNOD' S EXTRACTS. 95 It is to the kindness of Messrs. Dollfus, Mieg, and Co. that the author is indebted for the accompanying beautiful specimens of these colours, which have been obtained with the products manufactured with so much skill by Messrs. Schaaff and Lauth. Another extract is that manufactured and patented by M. Pernod. It is largely used at the present time in Lancashire as a topical colour.* His process consists in exhausting garancin by methodical lixiviations with, boil- ing water, containing five parts per thousand of sulphuric acid. As the acid liquor cools an orange-red precipitate falls to the bottom of the vat, which is collected and washed until entirely free from acid : this is readily ascer- tained, as the washing water assumes a pinkish hue immediately the last trace of acid is removed. The * This term is applied to a colour which is printed on a fabric and after- wards fixed by the action of steam. 96 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. extract so obtained is exhausted by boiling alcohol in a properly constructed apparatus, in order to dissolve out the colouring matter. The alcoholic extract is mixed with one quarter its bulk of water, introduced into a retort, and the alcohol recovered by distillation. The residue remaining in the retort is thrown on a filter and washed with water, when it is ready for use. The last process which it is necessary to notice, although perhaps not so practicable as those previously given, is yet interesting in itself, being probably the first case in which bisulphide of carbon was employed for extracting colours. According to this method, which was patented by M. Alfred Rien, in February, 1870, dry fleurs de garance, or garancin, are placed in suitable closed vessels with heated bisulphide of carbon. The liquor is run off whilst hot, and the sulphide of carbon is removed by distillation. The residue left in the retort is dissolved in weak alkali, and the colouring matters precipitated by the addition of sulphuric acid in quantity sufficient to exactly neutralise the soda. The floculent precipitate of alizarin and pur- purin after being washed is ready for use. The following recipes may prove useful, as they show the proportions necessary to produce the various shades. For dark reds. Take 8 lbs. of extract of madder, 4 lbs. of acetic acid, and i}( lbs. of starch. Boil these in an earthenware vessel, and when cold add to six measures of the above one of acetate of alumina, and a very small quantity of Gallipoli oil — say one per cent. For a pink. Take 4 lbs. of extract of madder. 2 lbs. of acetic acid. 10 quarts of gum Senegal water. 1 pint of acetate of alumina. PRINTING WITH MADDER EXTRACT 97 For a purple. Take 1 pint of extract of madder. y 2 pint of acetic acid. Yz pint of water. 3 oz. starch. Boil, and when the mixture is cool add 5 oz. measure of acetate of iron at 24 T., and 5 oz. water. For a chocolate proceed as in the last recipe, substituting acetate of chromium for acetate of iron. For a red. Boil together 2 litres of (Pernod's) extract in paste. 1 y 2 litres of acetic acid at 8° Baume. 448 grammes of olive oil. After boiling, the acid which has evaporated is replaced, and the mixture is thickened with 1,500 grammes of gum Senegal in powder. When the colour is required for use, to the above mixture is added J^ a litre of acetate of alumina at 15 Baume. It is important to add the mordant with care and just before use, other- wise the combination of the mordant with the colouring matter takes place before the printing, and there is considerable loss of the latter. For dark purple. Boil together 1 litre of extract (Pernod's) in paste. 1 litre of acetic acid at 8° Baume. 224 grammes of olive oil. The acid which is evaporated is replaced, and the mixture is thickened with 600 grammes of powdered gum Senegal. When required for use there is added 224 grammes of black mordant at io° Baume. 128 grammes arsenite of soda at 6° Baume. A second is, Take 9 litres extract (Pernod.) 8 litres acetic acid at 8° Baume. 20 litres gum water of 1,000 grammes of gum per litre of water. 2 litres black mordant at io° Baume. H 93 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. If the dry extract of Rochleder be employed, the quantity must be calculated on the basis of five parts of Pernod's being equal to one of Rochleder's. After the cloth is printed the pieces are hung to dry for a certain time, then submitted to the action of dry high-pressure steam for an hour and a half or two hours. Schiitzenberger states that pure alizarin gives very beautiful purples, but the reds have a violet shade. The best reds he considers are obtained with extracts contain- ing both purpurin and alizarin, and a certain proportion of yellow colouring matter. On the other hand, these extracts give only dull purples. Up to the time of the introduction of printing the extracts, chocolates were obtained with madder by means of a mixture of iron and alumina salts. It was, however, found difficult to produce fine shades by this mixture in printing, and Mr. Horace Kcechlin made a series of experiments to ascertain whether any of the other metallic oxides could be employed with the extract of madder to produce some new and useful shades. He prepared acetates of twenty-two metals, and made a mix- ture of each with Pernod's extract thickened with gum. After printing these mixtures on the fabric and steaming it for two hours, he obtained the following results : — Silver Rose. Antimony Yellowish rose. Bismuth Bright rose Barium Dirty shade. Calcium Bright rose. Cadmium Bright rose. Copper Bright rose. Chromium Chocolate. Cobalt Bright rose. Tin Red. Glucinum Red. PRINTING WITH MADDER EXTRACT. 99 Magnesium Mercury- Manganese Molybdenum Gold Platinum Palladium Lead Tungstate of Soda Uranium Zinc Bright rose. Bright rose. Bright rose. Bright rose. Bright rose. Grey violet. Olive shade of the oxide. Rose yellow. Rose yellow. Grey or drab. Rose. From these results he concluded that the only two metallic oxides which could be used with marked advan- tage in connexion with these were the oxides of uranium and chromium, the former for greys and the latter for chocolates. Acetate of chromium is now used in the trade for the production of chocolates, and the following is the recipe given by M. Spirk : — Take 2 litres (Pernod's) extract in paste. 2 litres acetic acid at 7 Baume. 3 litres acetate of chromium at 1 7 Baume. For the following sample, which represents the effect obtained with chromium acetate, we are indebted to the kindness of M. K. Koechlin, of Alsace. CHROMIUM MORDANT. IOD DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. To obtain the uranium grey the following proportions are employed : — 2 litres extract of madder in paste. 2 litres acetic acid at 7 Baume. 3 litres acetate of uranium at io° Baume. URANIUM GREY. (k. KOECHLIN.) The following recipes are used with success in printing with artificial alizarin. It is delivered in two forms, pure or in paste containing 10 per cent. The recipes are for the latter. For a red. Take 2,500 grammes alizarin. 8,000 grammes thickening. 500 grammes acetate of alumina at io° Baume. 250 grammes chalk at 16 Baume. The red is obtained by adding one part of this mixture to two parts of thickening, then printing and steaming. It is afterwards passed through a bath heated to 120 or 140 F., and composed of 1,000 litres of water, 30 kilos, of chalk, and \y 2 kilos, of chloride of tin, or 20 kilos, of chalk and 5 kilos, of arseniate of soda ; it is then brightened. The thickening is made of 6 kilos, of starch, 20 litres of water, % litre of acetic acid, 10 litres of gum tragacanth (2 ounces of gum per litre), and of 1 "5 kilos, of olive oil. The following is another recipe : — 4 or 5 kilos alizarin. 10 litres thickening. 300 to 400 grammes nitrate of alumina at 15 Baume. (prepared from nitrate of lead and alum). 600 grammes acetate of alumina at io° Baume. 400 to 500 grammes acetate of lime at 16 Baumd ARTIFICIAL ALIZARIN. 101 The use of nitrate of alumina gives a red of a more orange shade than is obtained with the acetate. To produce purple. Take 1,400 grammes alizarin. 10 litres thickening. 200 grammes black mordant at 12 Baume. 370 grammes acetate of lime at 1 6° Baume. The thickening is formed of 5 kilos, starch, 18 litres water, 9 litres gum tragacanth, 3 litres acetic acid at 6° B., and 1 kilo, of olive oil. The printed fabrics are steamed under a pressure of half an atmosphere for twenty-four hours. They are then passed for two hours in a bath of arseniate of soda (5 kilos, arseniate, 20 kilos, chalk, and 1,000 water) at 120 to 140 F., washed and brightened in a bath of soap (3 kilos, of soap to twenty pieces of fifty yards). TOPICAL STYLE WITH ARTIFICIAL ALIZARIN. One of the most serious objections to the use of madder as a topical colour, has been the small amount of colour fixed, compared with the quantity used, and consequently the great loss which occurs in the washing, after steam- ing. We are therefore much indebted to Messrs. Scheurer, Roth, et Fils, of Alsace, for publishing the following simple process for its recovery : — The pieces are washed in a beck containing chalk or 102 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. gelatinous alumina, which takes up the colour as it comes off the cloth and prevents it soiling the whites. When the washing liquor in the beck is sufficiently- charged with the colouring matter, the matters in suspen- sion are allowed to settle, and the deposit thrown on a filter. It is then removed from the filter and mixed with weak sulphuric acid if alumina has been employed, or hydrochloric acid, if lime. The mineral matters and gum or starch are dissolved, leaving the colouring matter in an impure state. This is washed, dissolved in a weak solution of soda, filtered, and on the addition of an acid the colour- giving principles are precipitated, and after washing are ready for use. There is another source of loss also for which M. Carlos Kcechlin has devised a remedy. The acetic acid employed in the mordants is found to act rapidly on the doctors of the printing machine when they are made of steel. The iron thus dissolved combining with the colouring matters of the extracts soon dims the brilliancy of the reds, pinks, and chocolates produced by an alumina or chrome mordant. The troughs must consequently be emptied, and the colouring principles are recovered as follows : — For every 12 quarts of refuse printing liquor containing ]/ 2 lb. of Pernod's extract 4 quarts of concentrated sulphuric acid are added and the whole heated for two hours in a water bath. The insoluble matter is then well washed and is equal in every respect to the original extract. The waste soap liquors which are produced in such large quantities in the clearing of madder-dyed and printed goods, if allowed to run into rivers not only pollute the stream, but as they contain a considerable amount of colouring matter, there is also a loss of valuable material. Messrs. Thorn and Stenhouse, in July, 1872, took out a patent* for the recovery and utilization of this soap waste *No. 2,186. RECOVERY OF SOAP WASTE. 103 in the following manner : A solution of chloride of calcium is run into the soap liquors in a large cistern until no further precipitation takes place, and milk of lime is then added so as to render the solution decidedly alkaline ; for this purpose about 43 lbs. of quicklime are required for every 20,000 gallons of the soap liquor. After thoroughly mixing and allowing it to stand for twelve hours, the clear liquor, which is almost colourless, is drawn off, and the precipitate is pumped into a smaller cistern, where it is treated with hydrochloric acid in quantity just sufficient to decompose the lime soap. The liberated fatty acids, and the colouring matter which exists as a lake, are collected on woollen filters and pressed at first cold, and then under hot water ; by this means nearly all the fat is squeezed out. The pressed cake is then treated in a properly con- structed apparatus with light petroleum to dissolve and remove the last traces of fat from the valuable colouring matter, which is finally boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, and washed with cold water until free from acid in a manner similar to that practised in making garancin. The colouring matter thus obtained is equal in dyeing power to three or four times its weight of the best garancin. The preparation of madder lake, which is used in oil and miniature paintings, for colouring artificial flowers, &c, may now be briefly described. It is equally permanent with the colours fixed on fabrics, and is consequently much prized by the painter. There have been several processes proposed for its preparation, but the two following by M. Persoz appear to be the best : — Madder washed with water containing sulphate of soda is boiled for twenty minutes with ten times its weight of a solution of alum, containing one part of alum in ten of solution. It is filtered and allowed to cool to 90 or ioo° F. The red liquor may then be treated by two 104 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. methods. By the first it is cautiously saturated with carbonate of soda, say one-eighth or a tenth, according to the amount of alum employed, by which a basic alum is formed, which remains in solution. The liquor is now boiled and an insoluble subsulphate of alumina is precipi- tated, which is combined with all the colour in the bath. The precipitate is not gelatinous, but separates and filters rapidly. It also dissolves easily in acetic acid. By the second method seventy-eight parts of acetate of lead for one hundred of the alum employed are added to the liquor, on which there is a precipitate of sulphate of lead. The red liquor is filtered and boiled, when the colouring matter is precipitated in combination with the insoluble basic sulphate of alumina. The lake obtained by the latter process is much purer, and the colour more intense than that obtained by the carbonate of soda process. Instead of employing madder in the above preparations, it is more convenient to use either the extracts, or, perhaps best of all, commercial purpurin, which is at present little used in dyeing. The last point to be considered in relation to madder and its preparations, is the determination of its compara- tive value. It is easy to understand that a dyestuff so high in price as madder offers great inducement to the dishonest dealer for adulteration. For this purpose both mineral and organic substances are used, among which may be enumerated : — Mineral Matters. Organic Substances. Powdered brick. Oak sawdust. Ochre. Mahogany sawdust. Yellow sand. Various ground dyewoods. Yellow clay. Fustic. It is easy to ascertain if it has been adulterated with any mineral substance, as on incineration good madder yields only from 9 to 1 1 per cent, of ash, and if the amount ex- TESTING MADDER. 105 ceeds this it will indicate that it has been adulterated with some inorganic matter. To determine the amount of extraneous matter of an organic nature is not so easy. One of the best methods is to compare the dyeing power of the suspected sample with madder of known good quality. This is effected by placing twelve grains of each of the samples to be compared in pans of copper or block tin with a quart of water. These pans are placed in a water- bath heated by means of a jet of steam. A piece of calico mordanted with red, purple, and chocolate mordants which cover about three-fourths of the surface of the cloth is placed in each pan. It is important that each strip taken should be about three inches in breadth, and its length equal to one-half the breadth of the calico (twenty-six inches). The swatches are placed in the pans whilst cold ; steam is then turned on, and, as in practice, the temperature is gradu- ally raised during an hour and a half to 180° F., and then for half an hour kept as near the boiling point as possible. During the whole time of the operation the pieces should be constantly and carefully lifted out of the dyeing liquor, either with a glass rod, or better still by a mechanical arrangement. When the dyeing is completed, the pieces are thoroughly washed with pure water and the brilliancy and intensity of shade carefully compared. If the samples under trial are found to be weaker than the standard, the dyeing opera- tion is repeated, adding such a quantity of the inferior madder as will bring up the colour to the same intensity as the standard. The values are in inverse ratio to the quantities taken : thus, if it requires eighteen grains of the sample under examination to give the same depth of colour as twelve grains of the standard sample, it has only two-thirds the dyeing power. A further trial is, however, necessary to arrive at a cor- rect conclusion as to the value. The dyed pieces are 106 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. divided into two parts, one of which is kept for a com- parison, whilst the other is submitted to a light soaping; three or four grains of soap to one quart of water being sufficient for the surfaces above given. They are carefully- heated in this solution for half an hour, the temperature being kept at i8o p F. They are then washed and dried, and the tints again compared. The first operation gives the total amount of colour; the second removes any colouring matter of the dyewoods, such as sapan and peachwoods, which may have been used for the purpose of adulteration, leaving nothing on the cloth but the madder colours. The author had several instances of adulteration by dyewoods, during his long experience in Manchester, but the most difficult case which came under his notice occurred some years ago. Several samples of madders were submitted to him, whose dyeing power was so inferior that undeniably some adulteration had been practised ; still, the amount of ash was right, and no foreign dyewood could be detected. After a great number of experiments it was ascertained that they had been mixed with spent madder. Garancin and fleurs de garaiice are tested in the same way, but eight grains only are taken, and the specimens are only heated to 1 8o° F. The extracts containing much more colouring matter than madder or garancin, it is better to use six inches of cloth in place of three, and two quarts of water, taking only two grains of the extract. With Dutch and Alsace madders it is necessary to make a second trial, adding i or 2 per cent, of chalk to neutral- ise the acids naturally present and to combine with the injurious colouring principles. Garancins also are often not sufficiently washed. It is necessary, therefore, to ascertain if they are perfectly neu- tral, and if not, to add chalk in this case also. TESTING MADDER. 107 In the case of garancins, fleurs de garance, and extracts, if the operation has been properly conducted, the whites will be clear without soaping. If they are not satisfactory, they may be cleared by heating with water containing 10 per cent, of bran for about ten minutes at 1 8o° F. M. Pernod, a few years ago, published a very simple and practical method for ascertaining if a sample of garancin or madder is adulterated with sapan or peachwood, logwood, fustic, or valonia or other tannin matters. His process consists in dipping a sheet of paper in a weak solution of bichloride of tin, and another in persul- phate of iron. These papers are each placed on a plate and the suspected sample sprinkled over them. If any of the woods are present, the tinpaper gives with sapan or peachwood, crimson ; with logwood, purple ; and with fustic or bark, yellow spots. The iron paper gives, with logwood, black; and with valonia or any other tannin matter, dead black spots. To ascertain if the reds, pinks, purples, or chocolates on a piece of calico are derived from madder, the following tests may be applied. 1. A small piece of the fabric is calcined. If it is a madder red or pink it will leave a white ash of alumina, soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. The solution thus obtained when diluted with water yields a white gelatinous pre- cipitate on the addition of ammonia. If it is a madder purple it will leave a reddish residue, soluble in hydrochloric acid, and containing iron ; the solu- tion when diluted will give a blue precipitate with potas- sium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate). Madder chocolates will yield an ash of an ochre colour from which the iron may be dissolved by treatment with hydrochloric acid, and if the residue be heated with concentrated sulphuric acid and the solution diluted, it will give the characteristic tests for alumina. If the chocolates yield a green ash, chromium io8 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. has been used. If the ash be fused with borax before the blowpipe it will yield a green bead, and with nitrate of potash it will form potassium chromate. This on being dissolved in water will give a bright orange or yellow pre- cipitate with salts of lead. 2. If a piece of the dyed cloth be dipped in a solution of bleaching powder it will be decolourised, but if carefully washed and placed in a bath containing madder and gradually heated the original colour will reappear. 3. If dipped in hydrochloric acid the colour on the cloth assumes an orange hue, which in contact with milk of lime becomes changed to purple. It will stand passing through a weak soap bath at 1S0 F. This character may be observed with reds and chocolates as well as with purples. Garancin work gives all the above characters, but the colours will not stand a rather strong soap solution. The properties of the colouring principles of madder have been somewhat fully described, as well as the methods employed in rendering them available for dyeing fabrics, because these colours have been so long known, are so durable, so extensively employed, and so interesting from a scientific point of view. The rubia tiiictorum, however, is not the only species of rubiactz which yields fast colours with the ordinary mordants, or even with cloth oiled, as in the Turkey red process. There are two other important dyestufifs obtained from this natural order, namely, munjeet and cJiayavcr, which may be briefly described here. It is to the researches of Dr. Stenhouse that we are in- debted for the information we possess on the colouring matters of munjeet or rubia munjista. This peculiar variety of the genus rubia is cultivated exclusively in Asia, and especially in India, where it has been used as a dyestuff from a remote period, either alone or mixed with other dyes, to produce a variety of red shades. It is imported MUNJEET. 109 into this country from time to time, but has never been very extensively used, as the colours produced from it are neither so bright nor so fast as those obtained with the nrtria tinctorum. Whilst the colouring principles of madder are purpurin and alizarin, those of munjeet are purpurin and a yellow colouring matter, named by Dr. Stenhouse, munjistin. C 8 H O 3 . This latter body, which in some specimens is present only in very small quantity, crystallises from its alcoholic solution in beautiful golden-coloured scales: when slowly sublimed it forms golden scales and broad flat needles of great beauty. It is only slightly soluble in cold, but freely in hot water. It gives with caustic soda a rich crimson colour. Alumina removes it entirely from its aqueous solution, and the orange-coloured lake so formed com- municates to soda the crimson colour above mentioned. To obtain the colouring matter from the munjeet, one part of the finely powdered root is boiled for four or five hours with two of sulphate of alumina and sixteen of water. The red liquor thus obtained is strained through a cotton cloth and hydrochloric acid added; as the liquid cools a bright red precipitate is thrown down. This is collected on a filter, well washed, dried, and treated with bisulphide of carbon, which dissolves the colour-giving principles, thus separating them from the dark-coloured resinous impurities. When the bisulphide is distilled off it leaves a residue consisting of purpurin and munjistin, from which the latter may be dissolved out by treating it with boiling water. On the addition of hydrochloric acid to the aqueous solution the munjistin is separated in orange- coloured flocks. This precipitate is collected and dissolved in alcohol, which when concentrated by distillation yields the munjistin in a crystalline state; after two or three crystallisations, it is quite pure. According to Mr. Higgin, the munjeet root yields from no DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. 52 to 55 per cent, of a garancin, which has only half the dyeing power of the garancin made from mad- der. It cannot, therefore, be used with advantage for this purpose. The inferiority of munjeet arises from its containing only the comparatively feeble colouring matters, purpurin and munjistin. Munjeet is not much used by calico printers, as the munjistin, when present, gives a brownish- purple with salts of iron, which prevents it being employed with that mordant. It is principally used for special shades of Turkey red. Munjeet is an excellent source of pure purpurin as it contains no alizarin, but only a mixture of purpurin and munjistin, the latter of which can easily be removed by thoroughly washing the purified mixture of colouring matters with boiling water. After this treatment, one or two crystallisations from boiling spirit yield pure purpurin in deep crimson needles. In the mixture of colouring matters obtained from madder, on the contrary, the pur- purin is associated with alizarin and various other sub- stances from which it is a matter of extreme difficulty to separate it in a pure state. The chayaver is not used in Europe, owing to its only containing one-fourth of the amount of colour-giving principle which can be obtained from madder roots, but it is extensively cultivated and used on the coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, to obtain red colours on cloth oiled in a similar manner to that employed for Turkey red. Chalk is added to the dyebeck, which is heated at first to about ioo° F. for some time, and afterwards carried to the boil to fully develope the colour. The brilliancy of the colour is brought out by heating the goods in a weak soap solution in closed vessels. This root gives. all the colours obtainable with madder, and like madder colours, they can stand soaping. SOORANJEE. ill Koechlin and Schuuck find; that alizarin can be easily extracted from this root by means of alcohol. Two more varieties of rubiaceae are also used in the East, one of which bears the name of nona, the other is called ouongkondou ; the former is very acid, and contains a large quantity of a yellow colouring matter. The last source of the colouring principles of madder which will be mentioned is the morinda citrifolia, the 'Al' root, or Sooranjee of the Hindoos, who employ it in a Turkey red process. The fabric is steeped in an emulsion of sesam oil, exposed to the air, and then dyed with the pulverised root. This plant is extensively used as a dyestuff in the Madras Presidency. Whilst munjeet contains purpurin but no alizarin, this plant contains alizarin but no purpurin. ^^^^^dU^X^^^^ . In 1829, Anderson examined this root, and obtained from it a pale yellow crystalline body, which he called morindin. This compound on distillation yields a reddish- yellow crystalline sublimate, to which he gave the name of morindone. Stenhouse has since examined these com- pounds, and the results he has obtained are contained in the following note.* "In 1852, Professor Rochleder, from the consideration "of Anderson's statement, gave it as his opinion, that "morindin was identical with the ruberythric acid which he "himself had obtained from madder, and that morindone "was alizarin. About eighteen months ago I was fortunate "enough to obtain a very small quantity of 'Al' root, from "which I extracted the morindin by Anderson's process. "When cautiously heated in a Mohr's apparatus, it was "decomposed, yielding a sublimate of bright yellowish-red "needles, which had all the physical and chemical proper- ties of alizarin. tv^VVv^6vM., "When powdered morinda root is boiled with moderately * Jour. Chem. Soc, xvii,, 333. 112 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. "dilute sulphuric acid, as in the ordinary garancin process, "its morindin is converted into alizarirr; but the large "quantity of brown resinous matter which is produced at "the same time, very greatly diminishes the value of the "dyestuff obtained, for it renders the colours dull and "the whites very difficult to clear. Although ' Al ' root is "therefore never likely, at least in Europe, to compete "successfully with madder, still it furnishes the scientific "chemist with the best known source of pure alizarin; "for, as is well known, it is by no means easy to separate "the last trace of purpurin, which always accompanies "alizarin in ordinary madder." CHAPTER IV. RED DYEWOODS, SAFFLOWER, AND ALKANET. RED DYEWOODS. — In this chapter an entirely different class of red, purple, and black colours will be described, which, although like madder derived from the vegetable kingdom, are obtained not from the roots of an herbaceous plant, but from the stems of trees which attain a consider- able size; they are known in commerce under the name of dyewoods. These have been very extensively used for a considerable time, and although the brilliant shades of the coal-tar colours have in some measure superseded them in certain branches of dyeing, yet the rapid increase of the dyeing trade has prevented any diminution in the actual amount imported into and used in this country. LOGWOOD. — The first, both in importance and in order of the time of its introduction, is campeachy or logwood, which is obtained from a large tree of the leguminous family, called by the botanist Hcematoxylon campcchiivmm, growing abundantly in the West Indies, Mexico, and other States of South America. The finest wood was formerly imported from the bay of Campeachy, in the gulf of Mexico, but as this source of supply is now almost exhausted, the best commercial qualities are at present obtained from Jamaica and St. Domingo, whilst Honduras, Martinique, and Guadaloupe furnish woods of inferior quality. Campeachy wood was introduced into Europe by the Spaniards, but it was not until the reign of Elizabeth that it came into use in England, and then only for a short time; for upwards of a century its employment was for- I ii 4 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. bidden under the most severe penalties, on the grounds that the colours it produced were fugitive and easily injured by- weak acids and by the action of the atmosphere. About the fourteenth year of the reign of Charles the Second, however, these penalties were repealed, for it had been found that by the use of various species of tannin the stability of the logwood colours was much increased and their brilliancy heightened. On the appointment of M. Chevreul to the post of pro- fessor of chemistry to the Gobelins, that eminent chemist turned his attention to the study of the various colouring matters and colour-giving principles of the dyestuffs. Among the first to engage his attention was logwood, in which (in the year 1810) he discovered a crystalline sub- stance of a yellowish-white colour, having a prismatic form, and becoming rapidly coloured on exposure to the atmo- sphere, especially if a trace of ammonia were present. He gave to it the name of Jicematin. Erdmann, in 1842, ex- amined it further, and changed the name to hematoxylin, by which it is now generally designated. It is only slightly soluble in cold water, to which it communicates a bitter sweet taste. It is more soluble in hot water, and is readily dissolved by alcohol, ether, and bisulphide of carbon. It combines with three molecules of water, forming a crystalline hydrate, which at 21 2° F. still retains one molecule. The formula of these compounds may be thus expressed : — Hematoxylin C 10 H 14 O . Crystalline hydrate C 10 H u O c , 3OHL Monohydrate C 10 H u O G , OH 2 . Hematoxylin assumes a beautiful purple colour when ex- posed to the action of oxygen, especially in the presence of alkalis, being converted into a compound called hasmatein. Erdmann prepared this product by saturating ammonia H& MATE IN. 115 with hematoxylin, and leaving the solution exposed to the air for some time; the liquor assumed a dark cherry-red colour, and gradually yielded small crystals, which he called hemateate of ammonia. On decomposing this compound with acetic acid a bulky brownish-red precipitate was obtained, which on desiccation acquired a metallic greenish lustre. Hemateate of ammonia may be obtained in four-sided microscopic prisms of a violet-black colour, which lose their ammonia at 212 F. Erdmann finds that hematein prepared by this process is more soluble in alcohol than in water or ether, and that when dissolved in ammonia and left in contact with the air it becomes brown, and at last nearly black, showing that hematoxylin may undergo several degrees of oxidation. Rcun , who has recently studied this substance, states that it may be obtained in crystals by exposing to the air an ethereal solution of hematoxylin, to which a small quantity of concentrated -sulphuric acid has been added. After some time brownish-red crystals are deposited on the sides of the vessel containing the liquid. These must be collected and washed with ether. The crystals are soluble in hot water, which on cooling solidify to a gelatinous mass ; this, on the evaporation of the water, leaves amor- phous scales, having a cantharides green lustre. These scales dried in the air give, on analysis, results correspond- ing to the formula C 1C H 12 G +3OH0. The crystals dried in vacuo have the composition C 1G H 12 G + OH 2 , and when dried at 212 F. C 1G H 12 G . . This compound cannot be recrystallised from an. alco- holic solution; ammonia and the other alkalis colour it a fine violet-blue. It can easily be reconverted into hema- toxylin by boiling its solution with sulphurous acid, or with zinc and sulphuric acid, or by the action of sulphu- retted hydrogen. n6 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The following equation represents the manner in which the hematoxylin is converted into haematein by oxidation : C,,H u 6 + O = C 1G H 12 O c ,OH 2 . Hematoxylin. Haematein. When perfectly pure, hematoxylin is quite white, and readily enters into combination with the alkalis. A colour- less barium compound may be obtained, which, however, rapidly becomes purple on contact with oxygen, as do also the potash and soda salts; this effect is due to the con- version of the hematoxylin into haematein. The oxidation and consequent colouration of hematoxy- lin, under the influence of alkalis, is so rapid that it may be used as a most delicate test for the presence of carbo- nate of lime in natural waters ; and it is a fact well known to practical dyers that water containing a large quantity of carbonate of lime is well adapted for the production of logwood blacks, not only because it accelerates the oxida- tion of the iron mordant and the fixing of it on the tissue, but also because it facilitates the oxidation of the hema- toxylin and consequently its conversion into haematein, the former giving little or no colouration with salts of the pro- toxide of iron, whilst the latter gives a dark purplish-blue. -Reun found that the action of caustic potash on hema- toxylin gives rise to pyrogallic acid. Four parts of potash and one of hematoxylin are fused together until the mass acquires a brown colour; the product is dissolved in water, neutralised with dilute sulphuric acid, filtered, and agitated with ether. On evaporating the ethereal solution a syrupy residue is left, which yields a crystalline sublimate of pryo- gallic acid when submitted to distillation. The occurrence of this benzene derivature and others closely allied to it, in the products of the action of caustic alkalis on many of the colouring matters, shows an intimate connection between them. Mr. Sorby has given, in the proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. xv., the characters which the various colours REACTIONS OF HEMATOXYLIN. 117 present when examined with the spectroscope; but, as the paper bears on the analysis of colours generally, it will be preferable to give a resume of it under that head, rather than describe the spectrum of each colour, as it passes under our notice. Logwood yields but a small amount of colouring matter to cold water, and to boiling water only about 3 per cent. With distilled water the decoction has only a pale yellow tint, and with a calcareous one a blood-red colour. The whole of the haematoxylin, however, can only be removed with difficulty by means of water, but alcohol and ether dissolve it with facility. Large prismatic crystals of the colouring matter are often found at the bottom of casks in which logwood extracts have been kept for a consider- able time. An aqueous solution of haematoxylin gives the following reactions : — The colour changes to yellow. The colour changes to red. [ Becomes yellow and is then 1 decolourised. r Colour it of a reddish-purple, \ which becomes violet more L or less tinted with blue. Blue precipitate. Colour the liquid purple or Weak acids Concentrated acids Sulphuretted hydrogen Soluble alkalis Lime water Neutral salts of magnesia, lime, or baryta Alum Bichromate of potash Salts of lead \ violet. First becomes yellow, gradu- ally changing to wine colour and violet, and then gives a purple precipitate. Black colouration. fVeiy dark violet precipitate, more blue than red by reflec- ted light, and more red than blue by transmitted light. n8 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Chloride of tin Violet or blue precipitate. Salts of iron Bluish-black precipitate. Salts of copper Dark-blue or violet precipitate. Salts of zinc Dark reddish-purple precipi- Salts of gold Orange precipitate. [tate. Chloride of mercury Orange-red precipitate. Nitrate of bismuth Magnificent violet precipitate. It is highly probable that the colour-giving principle exists in Hamatoxylon Campecliianum, in the state of a glucoside, for when the trees are felled the wood is colour- less ; but by the time the logs arrive in this country the outside is of a dark red colour, whilst the inside is only pale yellow. This is no doubt due to the hematoxylin glucoside being partially decomposed, and the hema- toxylin being converted into hematein on that portion of the wood exposed to the air. As it is the latter substance the dyer requires, it is necessary to effect the complete decomposition of the glucoside, and the oxidation of the hematoxylin. The plan adopted is to rasp the logs as imported into a coarse powder, and after moistening it, to lay it in beds 15 to 20 feet long, 10 to 12 feet broad, and about 3 feet thick. A slow fermentation ensues, during which the glucoside is decomposed and the hema- toxylin liberated. The beds are frequently turned, both to allow the air to act on the hematoxylin and to prevent the fermentation proceeding too rapidly, or the heap from getting too warm, in which case the colouring matter would be completely destroyed. The ammonia liberated from the azotised principles of the wood during the fermentation no doubt greatly facilitates the formation of the colour. Logwood thus prepared is used not only directly by the dyer to produce logwood blacks, but also to prepare an extract much used in calico printing and woollen dyeing. LOGWOOD EXTRACT. 1 19 To obtain a good extract it is important that the powder should not be too highly oxidised, and that the solu- tions obtained by repeated lixiviations should be slowly concentrated at a comparatively low temperature, that is to say not exceeding 150 F., for if a high temperature be employed the hssmatein undergoes further change, and is converted into a dark purple resinous principle, which spoils the brilliancy of the colour and of course materially decreases the value of the extract. For this reason many printers prefer to use the decoction, which they make as they require it, and it is doubtless on this account that the dry extracts of logwood which have from time to time been imported into this country have had so little success. One of the best methods of concentrating the liquid con- sists in evaporating the decoction of the logwood on a double copper cylinder, 4 or 5 feet in diameter, and heated by steam ; this, which dips into a trough containing the extract, is kept slowly revolving. By this means a large surface for evaporation is obtained, whilst the temperature can be kept at the low point which is essential for the production of a good extract. To produce purples and violets, in steam styles, the cloth is passed through a solution of stannate of soda, and after- wards through a bath of dilute sulphuric acid; or first through a solution of oxymuriate of tin, and then through a dilute alkali bath, by which means stannic oxide or bin- oxide of tin is separated and fixed as a mordant in the fibre of the cloth. After the fabric has been washed and dried, a strong solution of logwood thickened with starch is printed on it, and it is again dried by passing over steam cylinders. It is now either rolled on a perforated cylinder and submitted to the action of high-pressure steam, or hung in an iron chamber and steamed at a low pressure, when the hsematein combines with the oxide of tin, pro- ducing a beautiful purple. 120 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. LOGWOOD PURPLE. For the production of blacks the fabric is printed with pyrolignite of iron, exposed to the atmosphere and treated in a manner similar to that employed for fixing the iron mordant for madder, which has been already described. It is then patfcted in a logwood solution, and the black afterwards fully developed by passing it through a hot dilute solution of bichromate of potash. LOGWOOD BLACK. Logwood and its extract are also much used in York- shire for producing cheap blacks on mixed fabrics, that is, BRAZIL WOOD.—PEACHWOOD. 121 goods in which the warp is cotton and the weft woollen. The fabric is dyed in a bath composed of logwood, sulphate of soda, and bichromate of potash ; and the black so pro- duced is the fastest that can be obtained with logwood ; part of the oxygen of the bichromate oxidises the colour- ing principle, and the sesquioxide of chromium which is thus produced becomes fixed on the fabric and acts as a mordant. Besides being used for dyeing blacks, as above stated, it is also employed to produce greyish purples with salts of alumina. It is likewise extensively used for dyeing silk and leather as well as for cotton and wool. Brazil, Peach, Sapan, and Lima Woods. — All these woods are obtained from trees of the genus Cmalpinia, belonging to the natural order Legnminosce. They are imported into this country in sticks or logs, varying con- siderably in size, of a dark red colour externally, but nearly colourless in the interior; they have a slightly aromatic odour and a bitter sweet taste, freely colouring the saliva. As they grow in dry and rocky formations their wood is generally crooked and knotty. Although these woods have long been employed as dye- stuffs in the countries where they are grown, it is only since the introduction of Brazil wood by the Spaniards that their value has been fully appreciated in Europe. Brazil ivood, derived from the Ccesalpinia Brasiliensis, grows in the forests of Brazil, and may be considered as the best of this class. It has become somewhat scarce in the market from its having been all cut in those districts which are within easy distance of shipping ports. The wood most in favour at the present day is the pro- duct of the CcBsalpinia Crista, and is imported from Parahiba, Pernambuco, and Jamaica, and is known as Fer- nambuco or Pernambuco wood. Peachzvood, sometimes also called Santa-Martha wood, 122 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. derived from the Ccusalpinia cchinata, is imported from Nicaragua, and an inferior quality from Sierra Nevada. Sapan wood, the product of the Cczsalpinia sappan, is imported from Siam, Japan, the East Indies, and other Eastern countries. Lima zuood, an inferior variety, is imported from Peru. Other woods of the genus Ccesalpinia, known in commerce as California wood, Bahia wood, Jamaica wood, and Sierra Firma wood, are also imported to this country from various parts of South America. All these woods give very similar shades of colour on fabrics, either when employed alone or with mordants; so that it would appear that they contain the same glucoside, which is decomposed by peculiar ferments into a saccha- rine matter and a colour-giving principle. That this infer- ence is correct is proved by the following experiments: — If the decoction obtained by treating the wood from the interior of the logs be boiled with a solution of double tartrate of potash and copper (the best known test for grape sugar), no precipitate is obtained; whilst if it be first boiled with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid (which would decompose a glucoside), and afterwards treated with the copper salt, an abundant precipitate of the suboxide of that metal is thrown down. Although the original solution, which has only a faint yellow colour, gives no precipitate with acetate of lead, yet after it has been boiled with acid it gives an abundant precipitate of a brilliant brick-red colour. If a concentrated solution is neutralised, after having been boiled with an acid to decompose the glucoside, it deposits on cooling a small quantity of the colouring principle in beautiful reddish crystals. No such crystals can be obtained from the original solution. The colour-giving principle which appears to be the same in all these woods was first obtained from Brazil BRAZILIN. 123 wood, by Chevreul, who gave it the name of brazilin. It forms needles which are nearly colourless, and which have a bitter sweet taste. In 1865, Messrs. Mliller & Co., of Basle, placed in the hands of Professor Bolley, some very large crystals which had been deposited at the bottom of casks, in which an extract of sapan wood had been kept for a considerable time. These proved to be brazilin soiled by a little bra- zilein. By crystallisation from alcohol he succeeded in obtaining pure brazilin in the form of oblique rhomboidal prisms, having a diameter of about one-tenth of an inch. These are freely soluble in alcohol and ether, and on analysis were found to have the formula C 22 H 20 O 7 + 30H 2 . At a temperature somewhat below 212 F. it loses the three molecules of water. According to E. Kopp,* however, the formula of anhy- drous brazilin is C. 22 H 18 7 , and its relation to hematoxylin may be expressed in the following manner : C 22 R } p 7 + OH 2 = C 16 H 14 6 + CcH.O,. Brazilin. Water. Hematoxylin. Resorcin. He finds that the crust, which is obtained in considerable quantity in the manufacture of Brazil wood extract, con- tains much brazilin, and brazilin lime lake. On treating it with dilute hydrochloric acid to remove the lime, and then boiling it with a mixture of one part of alcohol and eight of water, a solution is obtained from which brazilin crystal- lises out on cooling. It is well known that extract of sapan wood when treated with nitric acid yields styphnic acid, which is identical with the trinitroresorcin, produced by the action of nitric acid on resorcin. Moreover, Schreder,-f- by fusing extract of sapan wood with potassium hydrate, has obtained resorcin; at the same time pyrOcatechin is produced, and also a cystallisable substance, sappauin, to * Deut. Chem. Ges., Ber. vi. 446. + Deut. Chem. Ges., Ber. v. 572. 124 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRIXTIXG. which he assigns the formula C.H : 4> 20H : . It dissolves in boiling water, and crystallises out again on cooling. It possesses no marked characteristics. A solution of brazilin when exposed to the atmosphere acquires a brilliant red colour, and is slowly oxidised to bra- zilein ; this action may be much accelerated by heating the liquid, especially in the presence of alkalis. On allowing the solution to evaporate, beautiful red needles are deposited, having a satiny lustre. The change, which is analagous to that which takes place with haematoxylin, may perhaps be represented by the following equation: C..H :: 7 - O = C.H. O, - OH 2 . Brazilin. Brazilein. Brazilein dissolves freely in water, alcohol, and ether. It is easily reduced to the colourless brazilin by boiling its solution with bisulphite of soda. According to Reun, a crystalline brazilein may be ob- tained from brazilin, in a manner precisely similar to that described when treating of the conversion of haematoxylin J & into haematein. On adding chromic acid or bichromate of potash to a concentrated solution of brazilin the liquid assumes a dark brown colour, and in a little while a very dark crimson lake separates, which is a compound of brazilein with oxide of chromium. This compound is not very stable, as it is easily decomposed by dilute hydrochloric acid. This reac- tion illustrates the use made of bichromate of potash by the calico printer when dyeing with these woods. A decoction of any of these woods becomes yellow or orange (according to the quantity of brazilin or brazilein it contains) on the addition of an acid; by the aid of heat the conversion of the brazilin into brazilein is hastened, and it is the latter compound the dyer and printer require. The transformation is still more rapidly effected by the REACTIONS OF BRAZIL WOOD. 125 addition of a small quantity of potassium bichromate or chlorate. Great care, however, is required in using these salts, for if too much be added a brown, resinous, nearly- insoluble product is formed, which injures the brilliancy of the colour; this may occur also in the preparation of the extract if the operation is not carefully conducted. The addition of an alkali to a decoction of the wood produces a magnificent crimson-red, varying in shade according to the proportion of the two principles present. The following reactions will serve to characterise decoc- tions of these woods : — Acids turn them yellow, of a more or less orange shade, the shade varying with the variety and state of oxidation of the wood from which the decoc- tion is prepared ; after a certain time crystals are separated, which are yellow if the decoction is not much oxidised, but red if the contrary be the case. It seems probable that these crystals are deposited on account of the splitting up of the glucoside into sugar and the colouring matter, and the latter, being comparatively slightly soluble, separates in the crystalline state. An excess of strong hydrochloric acid alters the shade to a bright pink, but it disappears on the addition of water. The alkalis, caustic or carbonated, give a crimson-red tint. Chromate of potash, as already mentioned, gives a dark red liquor, which on standing deposits a deep red precipitate. Neutral acetate of lead only gives a slight reddish precipitate. The filtered liquor, although almost colourless itself, dyes with a deeper shade than the original liquor. It appears, therefore, that acetate of lead merely precipitates the superoxidised matters and the substances which injure the beauty of the colour. Sub- acetate of lead gives an abundant bluish precipitate. These tests are sufficient to characterise the Brazil wood colours. To prepare a good commercial extract from the woods they must be finely ground, as they yield their colour to water with difficulty; like logwood, they should be allowed 126 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. to ferment and partially oxidise in the air before being treated with water, but not to the same extent; the more quickly the solutions are evaporated the brighter is the colour produced. From a ton of sapan wood there is usually obtained about 640 gallons of liquor, marking about 2^ Twaddle, and this is evaporated to 150 gallons, marking 7 to 7 l /> Twaddle. The apparatus employed consists of a double copper vessel or trough, the space between being supplied with steam ; in this revolves also a copper steam cylinder. By this arrangement a very large amount of heat is imparted to the liquid placed in the trough, and the steam given off in the evaporation prevents the over oxidation of the extract. With a machine, having a cylin- der 4 feet 8 inches long by 2 feet 6 inches in diameter making twelve revolutions per minute, with steam at a pressure of 30 lbs., 640 gallons can be evaporated to 150 in ten hours. If the finely rasped wood be exposed to strong sunlight for twelve months it no longer yields any colouring matter. Dingler's process for the preparation of an extract from these woods is said to give very good results. It consists in adding 4 lbs. of gelatin dissolved in water to every cubic yard of ground wood, and allowing the whole to ferment for several days. Wood so treated yields a stronger and richer extract than that obtained by the ordinary process ; it is possible that the gelatin assists the decomposition of the glucoside, and that the ammonia pro- duced by the putrefaction of the animal substance facili- tates the oxidation of the brazilin. Mr. Peak, some years ago, found that the addition of a small quantity of chlo- rate of potash to the hot extract greatly increased its brilliancy and rendered it more valuable to the printer on account of the brighter colour produced on the fibre. These extracts give with iron and alumina mordants colours similar to those obtained with madder, namely, DYEING WITH BRAZIL WOOD. 127 purple with salts of iron, red with salts of alumina, and chocolate with a mixture of the two, but they are princi- pally used to obtain pinks and reds in steam styles. To effect this acetate of alumina, chloride of tin, oxalic acid, or acetate of copper is added to the extract and printed on prepared cloth, as already described, which is then submitted to the action of steam. The fastness of the colours so produced is much increased by adding a little sumach extract to the wood solution. M. K. Koechlin, of Alsace, has been kind enough to supply the accompany- ing sample, illustrating the effect obtained with Brazil wood. BRAZIL WOOD ROSE COLOUR. The extracts are also used in conjunction with a little quercitron or bark in the production of cheap garancin styles. These inferior garancin prints are easily distinguished from the good ones by means of a hot soap bath, which only slightly affects the latter whilst the former are almost entirely destroyed. The woods themselves also are some- times used for the adulteration of garancin. Before leaving this subject it may be stated that decoc- tions of these woods yield very beautiful pink lakes, much 128 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. used by decorators and paper stainers under such names as Venetian, Florence, or Berlin lakes. Most of them are obtained by saturating a strong decoction of wood with a mixture of chalk, starch, and a little alum, pressing the whole into cakes and drying them. Venetian lake, the best of the class, is prepared by mixing a decoction of Brazil wood with gelatinous alumina and gelatin, and brightening the tint by the addition of a little alum in solution ; the mass is then dried. If it is wished to have a purple lake a certain proportion of soap is added before drying. Common red ink is also prepared by adding a little alum and acid to a decoction of these woods. Sandal, Bar, and Camwoods. — The dyestuffs of the next class, which are almost insoluble in water, are derived from several varieties of the genus Ptcrocaipns, which are indigenous to the tropical parts of both the new and the old world. Sandal wood, called also Santal or Sanders zi'ood, the produce of the Pterocarpus santalinus is much used in India as a dyestufif. It is imported into this country from the East Indies, Ceylon, Madagascar, and the coasts of Coromandel and Malabar, and consists of. large billets which have a compact and hard appearance, and a dull, murky, red colour. It is more used on the continent than in England, and yields to alcohol about 16 per cent, of colouring matter, insoluble in water. Barwood is the wood of a fine tall tree, called BapJiia nitida, growing in great quantities at Sierra Leone. It yields to alcohol about 23 per cent, of colouring matter, but coid water extracts very little, and boiling water only about 7 per cent. Acetic acid and alkalis dissolve out the colouring matter. Camzi'ood, or Kambe wood, is a dyewood very closely allied to the two just mentioned, and is also imported from the west coast of Africa. Owing to its price being higher SANTALIN. 129 than that of barwood it is not extensively used, and its general properties and the character of its colouring matter, have not been much studied. The colouring principles which these three dyewoods contain appear to be very similar, if not identical. It is only developed by age, not being found in the young branches, whilst it exists in large quantities in the trunk. Pelletier first isolated the colouring matter from sandal wood under the form of a red resin. Preisser stated that he had obtained it as a white crystalline mass, by mixing hydrated oxide of lead with an ethereal solution of the wood, and after well washing the lake thus formed, decomposing it by sulphuretted hydrogen; the product was then heated with ether, and the ethereal solution evaporated in vacuo. According to Meier, sandal wood contains four substances soluble in water, and two which are insoluble, namely, santalic acid and santalin. He prepares the latter by exhausting the wood with ether, and evaporating the ethereal solution, when it leaves the impure santalin in a crystalline state. After washing it with water it is dissolved in alcohol and precipitated with lead acetate. The lead compound is then thoroughly washed with boiling alcohol, and decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid. Thus obtained it forms small bright red crystals, having the formula C 15 H u 5 .(?) The colouring matter of sandal wood is insoluble in cold water, very slightly soluble in hot water, but soluble in alcohol, ether, and acetic acid. The latter solvent yields the colouring matter to albumen, which is an important fact, and may one day be rendered practically useful. Santalin is freely soluble in alkaline solutions, giving a violet-red liquid, from which acids precipitate the colouring matter in red flakes. Bolley considers that the wood con- tains two principles, one containing more oxygen than the other, and two equivalents more hydrogen. K 130 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Weidel,* who has recently studied the nature of the colouring matters of sandal wood, has succeeded in isolating two crystalline substances ; one of these, santal, is colour- less, and is perhaps identical with the santalin of Preisser ; the other, santalin, is a bright red compound, and is probably the santalin of Meier, Westermann, and Haeffely. Santal is obtained by treating the wood with a weak alkaline solution, and then neutralising the extract with hydrochloric acid, which throws down a precipitate. This, after being collected, washed, and dried, is exhausted with ether. The ethereal solutions are then mixed with alcohol and the whole allowed to evaporate spontaneously. In the course of a few days nearly colourless crystals of santal are deposited, which only require to be washed with a little alcohol to be quite pure. Santal crystallises from hot alcohol in colourless, lustrous plates, having the formula 2C 8 H O 3 + 3OH0. They are tasteless, inodorous, insoluble in water, bisulphide" of car- bon, benzene, and chloroform, and only slightly soluble in alcohol and ether. Its alkaline solution has a yellow colour, which becomes rapidly red in contact with the air, and gives a red precipitate with salts of lime and baryta. Its alcoholic solution assumes a dark red colour with per- chloride of iron. When fused with caustic potash it yields protocatechuic acid according to the following equation : — C 8 H G 3 + 3 = C 7 H c 4 + COo. Santalin. Protocate- chuic acid. A thousand parts of wood yield three parts of santal. If the wood which has been acted on by alkalis is treated with ether and the solution evaporated, it deposits a red substance, which as the ether evaporates assumes a crystalline form. It has a magnificent scarlet colour, with a green metallic iridescence, and is the santalin of Weidel. Zeits. Chem. [2] vi., 83. BAR WO OD. 131 He assigns to it the formula C 14 H 12 4 , which only differs from alizarin by four equivalents of hydrogen. It is in- soluble in water, only slightly soluble in alcohol and ether, and imparts a reddish-purple colour to alkalis. It will be seen from this short description that, at present, our knowledge of the colouring matters contained in these woods is very imperfect. Sandal wood is employed, chiefly on the continent, to give a bottom* to woollen cloth which is to be afterwards dyed with indigo. By this process a very fine blue is pro- duced, called the bleu de Nemours, having a purple hue by reflected light. It is also used to impart to woollen and cotton goods a dark red colour, which is changed to a rich brown when passed through a bath of bichromate of potash. With sumach it produces dark browns, and with fustic light browns. Banvood, which was imported into Europe by the Portu- guese, is now extensively used in England for producing on cotton yarns the brilliant orange-red colours known as mock Turkey reds. They are, however, neither so fast nor so bright as the real Turkey red, and are easily dis- tinguished from it by yielding part of their colour to soap, assuming at the same time a purple hue. To obtain the colours the goods are worked for some time in a hot decoc- tion of sumach, then in a solution of protochloride of tin, out of which it is washed first in cold and then in hot water ; after this it is put in a bath with the ground wood and kept for some time at a boiling heat until the desired depth of colour is obtained. It is also often used along with other woods in dyeing woollens brown and other dark mixed tints. *This term is used in dyeing to denote that a colour is applied to a fabric with a view of giving a peculiar hue to a dye which is applied after it. 132 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. MOCK TURKEY RED.* Camwood is used in a similar manner to barwood, and the colour is considered by many to be both brighter and faster than that of the latter. The following reactions may serve to characterise an alcoholic solution of sandal and barwoods: — Produces a considerable yellow Distilled water, added in large quantity, Chlorine. Gelatin Soluble alkalis. Lime water. opalescence. The precipi- tate is redissolved by the fixed alkalis, the liquor ac- quiring a dark vinous hue. Decolourisation, with brown- ish-yellow floculent precipi- tate, resembling hydrated peroxide of iron, which soon rises to the top of the liquid. Brownish-yellow floculent pre- cipitate. It becomes dark crimson or violet. Abundant reddish-brown pre- cipitate. * We are indebted for this sample to the kindness of Messrs. Wood & Wright. SORGHO. 133 Sulphuric acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen. Protochloride of tin. Bichloride of tin. Protosalts of iron. Persalts of iron. Persalts of copper. Salts of alumina. Salts of lead. Mercuric chloride. Nitrate of silver. Sulphate of zinc. Tartar emetic. Salts of bismuth. Heightens the colour to a cochineal-red. Acts like water. Blood-red precipitate. Brick-red precipitate. Violet colouration and abun- dant violet precipitate. Intense brownish-red coloura- tion and precipitate. Merely render the liquid tur- bid. Dark violet gelatinous pre- cipitate. Bright red precipitate. Brownish-red precipitate. J Bright red floculent precipi- l tate. Abundant dark cherry-colour- ed precipitate. Solution coloured bright crim- son-red. Camwood differs from the above in the two following- reactions : — Salts of lead. Bright orange-red precipitate. Salts of alumina. Beautiful red colouration. There are two other dyewoods closely allied to the above — one called Caliatour wood, imported from the East Indies, which gives even more brilliant colours than sandal wood; the other is from Madagascar, but comes only in very small quantities. SORGHO. — Sorgho, the Sorghum saccharatum, is the Chinese sugar cane, a plant somewhat resembling maize in appearance. It was first grown from seed in France in 1853, and has since been cultivated in France and Germany for the quantity of sugar which it yields. If the pith of 134 DYEJXG AND CALICO PRINTING. this plant is subjected to pressure, it yields a juice which, when either allowed to ferment, or boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, gives a colouring matter which has received the name of pnrpnrolcin, sorgho carmine, or sorgho red. MM. Sicard, Itier, and Joulie state that the external part of the fruit of the sorgho gives two other colouring matters, sorghotin and sorghin. Dr. Winter obtained a colouring matter which may be employed as a dyestuff, by allowing the stems of the plant to ferment until they acquire a reddish-brown colour; when dry they are cut into small pieces and treated with a dilute alkaline solution, from which a red fioculent precipitate is produced on the addition of sulphuric acid. By means of a tin mordant this colouring principle may be fixed on wool and silk. The Chinese employ the colouring matter produced by fermentation, as a dyestuff to produce colours resembling Turkey red in appearance. The bark of the sorgho con- tains a yellow colouring matter which has received the name of xantJiolein. ALKANET. — Alkanet, the cortical parts of the Anchusa tinctoria, is principally imported from the Levant and from South Germany, and contains a colouring principle called by Pelletier, who first isolated it, anchnsic acid. Bolley and Wydler who some years since examined this root, extracted the colouring matter as a beautiful red resinous mass, and assigned to it the somewhat doubtful formula C^H^Og. To prepare it the root is first heated with water to remove all the matters soluble in that liquid, it is then dried and exhausted with alcohol. This solution, which has a violet colour, after being slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid, is evaporated to dryness, and the residue treated with ether. The ethereal solution on evaporation leaves the colouring matter anchnsin, or anchnsic acid, as a dark red resinous mass. ^ NO LIN 135 Anchusin is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and very soluble in ether, bisulphide of carbon, turpentine, and the fixed oils. Alkanet was formerly employed to produce on fabrics various shades of violet, lilac, and lavender, but, on account of its instability when exposed to light, it is now seldom used. Its chief uses are in pharmacy to colour medicines, in perfumery to colour oils and pomades, and in domestic life to give a tint to the lime-wash used for the walls of cottage rooms. The colouring principle dissolved in alcohol gives a blue colour with alkalis, a purple precipitate with bichloride of tin, a crimson precipitate with protochloride of tin, and a bluish-violet precipitate with acetate of alumina. ^Enolin, or The Red Colouring Principle of Wines. M. Glenard has separated the colouring principle of red wines by the following process: — Subacetate of lead is added to the wine, which produces a blue precipitate: this is collected, well washed, and dried at 21 2° R, and is then treated in a displacement apparatus, first with anhydrous ether saturated with hydrochloric acid gas, and after- wards by ether alone. The solutions thus obtained are evaporated to dryness, and the residue treated with alcohol, which on concentration and the addition of water yields a red floculent precipitate. The senolin thus prepared is insoluble in ether and ben- zene, only slightly soluble in water, but dissolves freely in alcohol. Its solution in this latter menstruum becomes brown on being boiled for some time in contact with air. The formula assigned to aenolin is C 10 H 10 O 5 . It is also stated that a blue colouring matter exists in wines, which is soluble in acetic and butyric acids, and becomes green on contact with alkalis. Some chemists consider it to be identical with the cyanin of flowers. Safflower. — Although this dyestuff has lost much of 136 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING . its value since the discovery of the aniline colours, it is still extensively used in Lancashire for the production of peculiar shades of pink for the Eastern markets. It is also used for dyeing red tape, and there is no more striking instance of 'red-tapism' than the love which is shown for this particular colour by the users of that article. Much cheaper pinks can be produced from aniline, but notwith- standing attempts have many times been made to intro- duce them, they have failed in every instance, because the exact shade has not been attained. Safiiower is the bloom of a peculiar thistle called the Carthantus tiuctorius, which is indigenous to Egypt and the Levant, but which is now cultivated in France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Hungary, the Southern Asiatic territories of Russia, the East Indies, and South America. In France and Spain the small flowers composing the heads of the thistle are picked off while in full bloom, and dried in the shade; whilst in Egypt and India the plants are watered morning and evening for several days pre- viously to the bloom being collected, after which the bloom is squeezed, washed with cold water to remove useless matters, slightly pressed into lumps, and dried in the shade ; this kind has about double the value of those from other countries. The safflower so prepared contains only from three to six parts per thousand of the colour-giving principle, which is called cartliamic acid or cartJiamiu. There are also two yellow colouring matters present — one soluble in water, the other insoluble in that menstruum. M. Salvetat has published the following figures as giving the composition of safflower: — Yellow colouring matter, soluble in water 26 - i to 36 'o Carthamin '3 to -6 Extractive matter 3 '6 to 6-5 Albumen 1 '5 to 80 CAR THAMIC A CID. i 37 Wax -6 to 1*5 Cellulose 38-4 to 56*0 Silica ro to 8-4 Alumina and oxide of iron '4 to 1 "6 Oxide of manganese "i to "5 Besides these there is always a certain proportion of pectic acid. To prepare carthamic acid, safflower is introduced into bags and washed with cold water until all the soluble yellow colouring matter which it contains has been re- moved, after which it is macerated for two hours in water,. in which has been dissolved fifteen parts of crystallised carbonate of soda for every hundred parts of safflower taken. The liquor is then run off ; cotton yarn is dipped into it, and lime juice, lemon juice, or citric acid added to liberate the carthamin from its combination with the soda, when it fixes itself in the fibre of the yarn. Up to this point, the process is the same as that adopted in dye- ing fabrics, but to obtain carthamin, it is necessary to treat the washed cotton a second time with a weak solution of carbonate of soda, which leaves the second yellow colouring matter fixed on the cloth. The solution thus obtained is acidulated with tartaric acid, when the carthamin falls as a brilliant red, amorphous powder. It may be further purified by solution in alcohol, and precipitation from that men- struum by the addition of water. The safflower extract of commerce is prepared by this method, except that the last precipitation from alcohol is omitted, the red powder being merely mixed with a little water. The red powder when dried and mixed with a little French chalk is employed as rouge. The formula of carthamin, according to Schlieper* is C u H 10 O 7 . A solution of this compound when dried on a polished white surface leaves a varnish having a beautiful *Ann. Chem. Pharm., lviii., 362. 1 3 8 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. red colour by transmitted light, whilst it assumes the iridescence of cantharides by reflected light. It is in- soluble in water and ether, but soluble in alcohol. On the addition of sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid, this solu- tion becomes yellow. Alkalis also turn it yellow or orange, and the colouring matter rapidly undergoes alteration when exposed to the air, or when boiled with water or alcohol. It is owing to the fugitive nature of the colour and its easy modification by acid or ammoniacal vapours, that the delicate pinks produced from safflower have been so successfully replaced by the pink aniline dyes. To obtain the soluble yellow colouring matter already referred to, the aqueous extract of safflower is rendered slightly acid by means of acetic acid, and acetate of lead added. The precipitate thus produced is removed by filtra- tion, and to the clear liquid, ammonia is added in slight excess, which throws down a yellow precipitate. This is collected on a filter, washed, and then decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid. The sulphate of lead so formed is separated, and the aqueous solution evaporated, out of contact with the air. Schlieper assigns the formula C 16 H 20 O 10 to the yellow colouring matter thus obtained. It becomes brown on exposure to the air. The colouring matter insoluble in water has not been studied. There is a particular extract extensively used in dyeing, the preparation of which is kept secret. Its value depends on the fact that the carthamin is rendered soluble in water. This extract, as well as safflower, is employed to dye silk, cotton, and flax in various shades of pink and red. It is used also to produce scarlet shades, in which case the fabrics are first dyed with annatto, then washed, and finally topped with carthamin. If the safflower is gradually and successively treated first with weak solutions of carbonate of soda, and afterwards with stronger ones, it will be found, that, whilst the first DYEING WITH SAFFLOWER. 139 extract yields the brightest and purest tints, the others will give shades which are progressively inferior. Dyers have taken advantage of this by first dyeing the goods with the coarsest colours from the last extracts, and then topping or blooming them with the bright colour yielded by the first extract. CHAPTER V. INDIGO. This most valuable dyestuff was used in India and Egypt long before the Christian era ; the Romans also were acquainted with it, although they only used it as a pig- ment, not knowing how to render it soluble and thereby to avail themselves of it for dyeing. It is only since the sixteenth century, or from the time of the discovery of the passage to India round the Cape of Good Hope, that it has become generally known in Europe; and even then its employment as a dye was greatly retarded by the oppo- sition it met with from the large vested interests of the woad cultivators, who induced the English, French, and German governments to promulgate several enactments against its use. An idea of the severity of some of them may be formed from the fact that Henry IV. of France issued an edict condemning to death anyone who used that pernicious drug called the 'devil's food.' It is only since the year 1737 that the French dyers have had the right to use indigo without restriction. The plants which furnish indigo do not all belong to the same family, but the most important are leguminous and of the genus Indigofera. The most valued and most largely cultivated species are the Indigofera tinctoria, Indigofera dispcrma, Indigofera anil, and Indigofera argentca. Among those less cultivated may be mentioned the Indigofera pscudotinctoria, hirsuta, sericea, cytisoides, angustifolia, trifoliata, glabra, glanca, &c. These plants appear to be indigenous to the kingdom of Cambay or INDIGO MANUFACTURE. 141 Guzerat, but are also cultivated in India, China, Java, and the East. It was also introduced into the West Indies and South America by the Spaniards. The Indigofcra argentea is chiefly cultivated in Egypt and Arabia. The indigofera tinctoria, Fig. 5, is the species most abundantly grown, and is raised from seed which is sown in spring or autumn, according to the variety, the nature of the soil, and the facility of water supply. It is an herbaceous plant, with a single stalk, growing to a height of three feet or three feet six inches, and about the thickness of a finger. It is generally cut for the first time in June or July, just before the plant is in full Fig. 5. bloom, a second and third cutting being obtained during the year. When cut it is made into bundles and taken to the factory. The value of the crop is almost in proportion to the abundance of leaves the plant bears, as the colouring matter exists chiefly in that part of the plant. The Bengal factories usually contain two rows of vats, the bottom of one row being level with the top of the other. Each series numbers from fifteen to twenty, and each vat is about 7 yards square and 3 feet deep ; they are built of brickwork lined with stone or cement. About a hundred bundles of the cut indigo plants are placed in each vat, in rows, and pressed down with heavy pieces of wood; this is essential to the success of the operation. Water is then run in so as to completely sub- merge the plants, when a fermentation quickly ensues which lasts from nine to fourteen hours according to the temperature of the atmosphere. From time to time a small quantity of the liquor is taken from the bottom of the vat to see how the operation is proceeding. If the liquor has a pale yellow hue the product obtained from it 142 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. will be far richer in quality but not so abundant as if it had a golden-yellow appearance. The liquor is then run off into the lower vats, into which men enter and agitate it by means of bats or oars, or else mechanically by means of a dash-wheel : each vat requiring seventeen or eighteen workpeople, who are kept employed for three or four hours. During the operation the yellow liquor assumes a greenish hue, and the indigo separates in flakes. The liquor is then allowed to stand for an hour, and the blue pulpy indigo is run into a separate vessel, after which it is pumped up into a pan and boiled, in order to prevent a second fermentation, which would spoil the product by giving rise to a brown matter. The whole is then left to ■. stand for twenty hours, when it is again boiled for three or four hours, after which it is run on to large niters, which are placed over vats of stonework about 7 yards long, 2 yards wide, and 1 yard deep. The niters are made by placing bamboo canes across the vats, covering these with bass mats, and over all stretching strong canvas. The greater part of the indigo remains under the form of a dark blue, or nearly black paste, which is introduced into small wooden frames having holes at the bottom and lined with strong canvas. A piece of canvas is then placed on the top of the frame, a perforated wooden cover, which fits into the box, put over it, and the whole submitted to a gradual pressure. When as much of the water as possible has been squeezed out the covers are removed, and the indigo allowed to dry slowly in large drying sheds from which light is carefully excluded. When dry it is ready for the market. Each vat yields from 36 to 50 lbs. of indigo. The best qualities of indigo are usually manu- factured by Europeans, who bestow more care on the operations than the natives. Some manufacturers, in order to facilitate the precipitation, add a little lime water to the indigo when it has been oxidised in the vat by agitation. WOAD OR PASTEL. 143 J. Sayers, in Djocjocarta, Java, proposes to add ammonia during the fermentation, whereby, he says, that he obtains a purer product. The other plants which yield indigo are more frequently used directly in dyeing blue than for extracting indigo. The most important are the woad plant, or /satis liuctoria, once extensively cultivated both in England and on the continent; the Polygonum tinctorium and the Herium tinctorium; the Asclepias tingens (of the family Ascle- piadae); Eupatorium tinctorium (Compositae) ; Galega tinctoria (Leguminosae) ; and several species of orchids, which, when cut, also become blue at the section on expo- sure to the air. Woad, or pastel, Fig. 6, is a biennial plant of the cru- ciferous order. The leaves are gathered in June in the second year, when the lower leaves are beginning to wither. Others grow in their places and a second crop may be gathered. These leaves are rapidly washed and dried, and used directly for dyeing; or they are made into a paste with water, in heaps of about a yard high, and the fer- mented mass after fifteen days made into small balls and dried. Sometimes the mass, treated a second time with a little water, is submitted to another fermentation, during which ammonia is developed; the preparation thus ob- tained is called woad. The best comes from Provence, Languedoc, and Normandy. It is also found in commerce in bales. In Germany the woad of Thuringia is almost exclusively used. Woad is frequently employed in dyeing, mixed with ordinary indigo, as some manufacturers con- sider that they cannot obtain the finest shades without it. The balls are light, of a sickly odour, and of a green or yellowish-green colour. If cut, it ought to have a soft shining surface, and when rubbed on paper it should leave a green mark. It gains in tinctorial power by keeping. 144 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Flower. Seed. Fig. 6. The Isatis indigotica. — Tein-hoa-tein-ching is grown in most of the provinces of China, for the preparation of a kind of indigo, which is sold as a viscid paste. When dried it has a blackish colour, and is used for the production of Canton blue, &c. The Polygonum tinctorium, Fig. 7, is a herbaceous plant of the family Polygonese, also indigenous to China, where a greatly esteemed variety of indigo is prepared from its leaves. It is also used for dyeing directly. Many attempts have been made to acclimatise this plant in Europe, but although they have grown well, the yield of indigo has been too small to make it worth the trouble of cultivation. This was clearly demonstrated by many French chemists in the year 1839. VARIETIES OE INDIGO. 145 Flower. Seed. Fig. 7. The indigo extracted from the various species of indi- gofera varies very much, both in the quantity of pure indigo it contains, and also in its dyeing power. This variation is still further increased by differences of climate, and by the care taken in its preparation. There are thus many qualities known in the market, of which the best are those of Java, Bengal, and Guatemala. Twenty years ago we had no definite information as to the state in which the colour-giving principle exists in the indigofera plant, nor of the changes which it under- goes during the process of extraction. It had been stated by Chevreul, many years before, that the white indigo was held in solution in the plants by the vegetable fluids, and that on coming into contact with the oxygen of the atmosphere it absorbed oxygen, and was converted into the insoluble or blue indigo. In the year 1855, however, and subse- L 146 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. quently in 1857 and 1865, Schunck published some most interesting papers, in which he described the true nature of the chemical changes which take place in the manufacture of indigo, and proved that indigotin (the colouring matter of indigo), like the colouring principles of madder and the dyewoods, existed in the plant as a glucoside to which he gave the name of indican. Schunck expresses the formula of indican and the decomposition it undergoes as follows : C 2G H 31 NO 17 +2OH 2 =*C 8 H 5 NO + 3C 6 H 10 O G . Indican. Water. Indigotin. Indiglucin (Sugar). In his researches on this substance Schunck operated on the Isatis tinctoria or woad, which contains the same colouring principle as the indigoferae, and is the only plant yielding indigo which grows freely in this country. The following was the process he adopted to prove that indican existed in the plant, and was not a product formed either by any chemical reaction, or by the reagents he employed.-f* Dried woad leaves were treated with ether, and the ethereal extract poured off into a large bottle and well shaken with half its volume of cold water. The ether was then separated, and the weak aqueous solution of the colour-giving principle agitated with several successive quantities of the ethereal extract, whereby it acquired a yellow colour. The ether it contained was then removed by spontaneous evaporation, and the solution evaporated in a bell-jar over sulphuric acid. The residue consisted of nearly colourless indican, which, when acted on by sulphuric acid, yielded indigo blue. In 1857 he published the follow- ing process:^ — Dried woad leaves, after being reduced to powder and carefully sifted, were extracted with alcohol in a displacement apparatus. To the solution thus obtained a little water was added, and it was then concentrated as quickly as possible at the ordinary temperature by passing *This formula should be doubled, C 16 H 10 N„O«. — Eds. + Lit. Phil. Soc. Man., 1855, xii., 192. X Lit. Phil. Soc. Man., xiv., 184. PREPARATION OF INDICAN. H7 a current of air rapidly over the surface of the fluid. This was done in an ingenious apparatus which he devised for the purpose, and which will be described further on. After a few hours there remained a dark green residue, consisting of fat and green colouring matter, with a light brown liquid resting above it. This liquid was poured off, filtered, agitated with a quantity of freshly precipitated oxide of copper, and again filtered. The copper in solution was precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the liquor, which was of a light yellow colour, evaporated in the apparatus before mentioned. The brown syrup thus ob- tained, after being treated with cold alcohol to remove some decomposed indican, was mixed with twice its volume of ether: other impurities were thus separated, and when clear the solution was evaporated as before. A clear brown syrup was thus obtained, consisting of pure indican. Pure indican can only be prepared by the rapid evapora- tion of its solution at the ordinary temperature, for it is decomposed both by heat and by long exposure to the atmosphere, giving rise to new products. On this account the following description of the apparatus employed for that purpose by Dr. Schunck* may be inserted here. k ■■ ■ ■ • • ' — : '.-.■.. „■"■ • ' - ., ; ., J ]' Fig. 8. * Lit. Phil. Soc, Man., xiv., 182. 148 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Fig. 9. "The solution to be evaporated is poured into a dish or "tray of block-tin, about 16 inches square, with per- pendicular sides 2 inches deep, and capable, therefore, "of containing when full nearly 2 gallons of liquid. "The dish is placed on a shelf fixed at a convenient height "in a wooden box, of which a,b,c,d, Fig. 9, represents the "front. This box is closed at the two sides, but open at "the front and back from the shelf upwards. It must be "sufficiently wide to allow the dish to slide easily in and "out, but from front to back it must be so deep as "to leave a space of about half an inch between the "front and the dish. At the distance of about 1% inch "from the back of the box, there is fixed in a perpen- dicular position a board f, the upper and side edges of "which arc firmly attached to the top and sides of "the box. The lower edge of this board is about on "a level with the upper edge of the tin dish, and is ac- curately fitted to a shelf g, which is suspended by means "of two upright pieces of wood Ji,h, 2^ inches deep, PREPARATION OF INDICAN. 149 "resting on two ledges i,i, fixed to the sides of the box. "The spaces between J1J1, and the side walls of the box "must be sufficiently wide to allow the sides of the tin dish "to move easily up and down in them. By means of sup- ports 11,11, inserted between the tin dish e, and the shelf o, "the former may be raised so as to bring the surface of the "liquid contained in it close to the shelf g, which is thus "made to hang down within the dish. When the apparatus "is to be used, the spaces/,/, left between the edges of the "dish and the ledges i,i, are closed as tightly as possible "by means of flat plugs of wood, so as to cause the current "of air passing through the apparatus to sweep over the "whole surface of the liquid. The front of the box is "closed by means of a frame j,k,l,m, covered with muslin "and sliding up and down in grooves fixed to the sides, "which in a great measure prevents the dust which is "carried along by the current of air from being conveyed "into the liquid. The apparatus is now placed so as to "make the back fit as closely as possible to the wall q,r, "Fig. 8, in which there is an opening s, communicating with "a steam boiler flue, or the back of the box may be closed "with a piece of wood having an opening communicating "by means of a pipe with the flue. The section, Fig. 8, "shows the direction taken by the air in passing over the "surface of the liquid. As the liquid evaporates the dish "is raised by means of additional supports, so as again to "bring the surface of the former close to the shelf g, and "thus confine the current within a narrow space. The "current of air which I employed, and which was suf- "ficiently rapid to cause a constant ripple on the surface of "the liquid, was produced by the draught of a steam boiler "flue, which carried away the products of combustion from "several large fires. I think it probable, however, that the "same effect might be produced by causing the whole of the "air necessary for the supply of an ordinary stove or close 150 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. "fireplace to pass through the apparatus. By means of "the current of air at my disposal I was enabled to evapo- "rate in this apparatus about a pint of water in the course "of twenty-four hours, at a temperature not exceeding "50° F., the temperature of the water being kept by means "of the rapid evaporation rather lower than that of the "atmosphere. The evaporation of a gallon of spirits of "wine by the same means occupied only a few hours." Prepared as described above, indican is a transparent light brown syrup, from which it is impossible to separate the water which it still retains without decomposing it. Its aqueous solution has a yellow colour, a bitter taste, and a slightly acid reaction. When boiled with caustic alkali it evolves ammonia. The alkaline earths and weak alkaline solutions produce a bright yellow colour with the aqueous solution. Its alcoholic solution gives a bright yellow pre- cipitate with acetate of lead, which is increased by the addition of ammonia; the aqueous solution does not give this reaction. Action of Acids on Indican. — The most important and characteristic property of indican is that when treated with acids it readily splits up into indigotin, indirubin, and indiglncin. If, to an aqueous solution, oxalic or tartaric acid is added, and the mixture allowed to stand, it yields a dark blue or purple precipitate, which is a mixture of indi- gotin and indirubin. The same decomposition takes place rapidly when an aqueous solution of indican is boiled with a small quantity of sulphuric, hydrochloric, or nitric acid ; the liquid first becomes of a sky blue colour, then opal- escent, and lastly purple, leaving as the liquid cools a purple deposit of indigotin and indirubin. Both these bodies may be obtained in the crystalline state by sublimation. If, however, an aqueous solution of indican be boiled or heated for some time in a water bath, it undergoes a change; and if it is now heated with an acid, instead of ACTION OF ACIDS ON INDICAN. 151 yielding the two bodies above described it gives dark brown, almost black, flocks, which when washed, may, by treatment with alcohol, be separated into two bodies, one soluble in that menstruum named indiretin, the other insoluble named indihumin. This modified indican is no longer soluble in ether, and only slightly soluble in alcohol, so that on treating the alcoholic solution with ether the unchanged indican remains dissolved, whilst the modified compound is pre- cipitated. This alteration appears to consist in the indi- can combining with the elements of water under the influence of heat. In the decomposition of the modified indican by acids, indiglucin is formed as in the case of the unmodified one. Schunck also found leucin in the indiglucin solution. This compound is formed when various animal substances are treated with sulphuric acid, and it also occurs as a product of the putrefaction of cheese. He assigns to indi- retin the formula C ls H 17 NO 10 , and to indihumin C s H 8 NO-. The formula of leucin is C G H 13 N0 2 , and of indigotin C 16 H 10 N 2 O 2 . Although he has analysed indirubin he has not assigned to it any formula. Schunck has also described two bodies, indifuscin and indifulvin, which he considers to be directly derived from indican. As they are produced only in very small quantities, and do not give well-defined compounds, it is unnecessary to enter into a minute description of them. Indigotin, the chief product of the action of acids upon indican, will not be described here, as its great importance as a dyestuff will render it necessary to enter somewhat into detail as to its properties and those of some of its chief derivatives. Indirubin, the substance obtained from indican along with indigotin, is probably identical with the indigo red of Ber- 152 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. zelius, and is formed especially when the decomposition is effected by oxalic or tartaric acid. It is separated from the indigotin by washing with alcohol the fioculent blue pre- cipitate produced in the decomposition ; this dissolves the indirubin and leaves the indigotin. On concentrating the alcoholic solution, the indirubin crystallises out in long red needles, which are^sbluble in alkaline solutions, and which are easily reduced when heated with caustic soda and some deoxidising substance, such as protochloride of tin or grape sugar. On exposing this latter solution to the air it yields purple flakes, which on being collected, washed, dried, and heated between two watch glasses, give a sub- limate of beautiful purple needles. These dissolve easily in boiling alcohol, from which they recrystallise on cooling in forms similar to those obtained by sublimation. Indirubin dissolves completely in cold concentrated sul- phuric acid, forming a beautiful purple solution, which on being heated does not blacken, but on the contrary becomes paler and gives off a trace of sulphurous acid. The solution, when diluted with water, yields a fine purple colour to cotton, wool, and silk. It dissolves completely in nitric acid, and the solution, which is at first purple and then red, becomes yellow on boiling. On evaporating this acid solu- tion to dryness, and treating the residue with water, a small quantity of picric acid is dissolved out, leaving a brown resinous substance. On boiling indirubin with a mixture of sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate it is not decomposed, whilst indigotin is. If it is reduced by means of a mixture of ferrous sulphate with an alkali or other reducing agent, a piece of calico dipped into the solution and then exposed to the atmosphere, becomes dyed of a purple colour and not blue, as would be the case with indigotin. The colour is not removed from fabrics either by acids or soap, and there seems to be little doubt that it is this substance INDIGLUCIN. 153 which gives to well dyed indigo goods that peculiar purple tint which they possess. Indiretin is obtained under the form of a dark brown shining resin, which is transparent only when in very thin layers. When heated, it is decomposed, and gives off strongly smelling fumes, whilst an oil distils over : no crystalline body is formed however. Nitric acid converts it into a mixture of a brown resinous substance, with a little picric acid. It dissolves in ammonia with a brown colour, and the solution gives brown precipitates with the chlorides of barium and calcium. Its alcoholic solution yields with lead acetate a brown precipitate soluble in acetic acid. Indihumin appears to be the indigo brown of Berzelius. It is a sepia brown powder, insoluble in water and alcohol, but soluble in alkaline liquids, forming brown solutions, from which it is reprecipitated by acids in brown flocks. Nitric acid decomposes it easily, forming a yellow solution which on evaporation leaves an orange residue insoluble in water. Indiglucin is prepared by adding to the acid liquor from which the above compounds have been separated an ex- cess of acetate of lead. The sulphate of lead thus pro- duced is removed by filtration, and to the filtrate an excess of ammonia is added, when the indiglucin is precipitated in combination with oxide of lead as a bulky yellow pre- cipitate. This is washed and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphide of lead is separated, and if the indiglucin solution is not perfectly colourless the last treatment may be repeated, or the solution may be shaken up with animal charcoal. The colourless liquid thus ob- tained is concentrated to the state of a syrup in the appa- ratus already described. The syrup is then dissolved in alcohol, and on the addition of twice its volume of ether, the indiglucin is separated as a pale yellow syrup, having a sweetish taste. Mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid 154 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. it yields a dark red liquid, which blackens when heated. It is converted into oxalic acid by boiling nitric acid. With cupric sulphate and caustic soda it gives a blue solu- tion, which on boiling becomes yellow, and then gives a deposit of suboxide of copper. By the aid of heat it reduces nitrate of silver and chloride of gold. Acetate and subacetate of lead give no precipitate in its aqueous solution, but one is obtained on the addition of ammonia. On being mixed with milk of lime and filtered, it yields a strong alkaline liquor, which, when boiled becomes quite thick, owing to the separation of a mass of bulky yellow flocks. As the liquid cools, however, these flocks completely redissolve, forming a clear yellow solution. This precipi- tation and re-solution can be" repeated many times. When an aqueous solution of indiglucin is mixed with yeast and allowed to stand in a warm place, no gas is given off, nor is there any sign of fermentation, but after a few days the liquor is found to have a strongly acid reaction owing to the formation of acetic acid. The two characters last described show that indiglucin is not identical with glu- cose, but is a peculiar saccharine matter. Leucin, as before stated, remains in solution with the indiglucin, when indican is decomposed by boiling with acid. The production of this compound from indican is an interesting fact, as the same substance had been dis- covered long before by Proust, among the products of the putrefaction of gluten and cheese in presence of water. Braconnot had also observed it as a product of the decom- position of gelatin and other animal matters, and Frerichs and Staedeler had found it in animal tissues. Within the last few years it has been prepared synthetically. It crystallises from an alcoholic solution in small flat tables, having a pearly lustre, which like the fatty acids are not wetted by cold water. It dissolves readily, however, in boiling water, but is only sparingly soluble in alcohol, and ACTION OF ALKALIS ON INDICAN 155 insoluble in ether. When heated it volatilises without decomposition, producing a sublimate having the appear- ance of carded cotton. It is soluble in nitric and hydro- chloric acids. It gives no precipitate with acetate of lead, neither is one formed on the addition of ammonia, in which respect it differs from indiglucin. Action of Alkalis on Indican. — When an aqueous solution of indican is mixed with caustic soda, it becomes of a dark yellow colour, and if it be allowed to stand for several days and then boiled with sulphuric acid, it yields dark flocks, which on being collected and washed are found to contain indirubin, but no indigotin. The indican thus modified by the action of caustic alkali has received from Schunck the name of vidicanin ; it may be prepared by the following method : A solution of indican is mixed with baryta water and left to stand until a portion of it on being boiled with an excess of hydrochloric acid, no longer yields indigotin, but indirubin only. The liquid is then treated with sulphuric acid to precipitate the baryta, and carbonate of lead is added to remove the excess of sul- phuric acid. The solution after being filtered is treated with sulphuretted hydrogen and the precipitated sulphide of lead separated. The liquid is now concentrated in Schunck's apparatus, and the dark yellow syrup obtained is treated with alcohol, which dissolves the greater portion. To this solution twice its volume of ether is added to separate any indiglucin that may be present, and the clear liquid is allowed to evaporate spontaneously, when it leaves a yellow transparent glutinous residue which has a bitter taste, and cannot be distinguished in appearance from indican. It is soluble in ether and alcohol. The latter solution yields a bright sulphur-yellow precipitate with acetate of lead, soluble in excess of the reagent when heated, but which reappears on the addition of ammonia. It is decomposed into indirubin and indiglucin, on being 156 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. boiled with dilute sulphuric acid. The aqueous solution of indicanin, when boiled with caustic soda, assumes a dark yellow colour, and gives off ammonia. From the following equation it will be seen that indicanin is formed from indican by the taking up of one molecule of water and the loss of one molecule of indiglucin. C 26 H 31 N0 17 + OH, = C 20 H 23 NO 12 + C c H 10 O G . Indican. Water. Indicanin. Indiglucin, It would seem, therefore, that the action of alkalis on indican is very similar to that of a moderate heat, differing only in the amount of water combined. The action of alkalis alone on indican having been briefly described, it will be advisable to consider what is the effect produced when alcohol, or alcohol and a reducing agent is present as described by Schunck in his last paper on this subject.* He states that having almost constantly employed the process of Fritzsche (to which we shall have to refer hereafter) in preparing indigotin, he observed that when he employed but a small quantity of indigo as com- pared with the quantities of alcohol, grape sugar, and caustic soda, he found that after the indigo had been reduced by the application of heat, instead of reappearing when the liquid was agitated in contact with air, as it does when proper proportions are used, the fluid maintained its yellow colour and no blue indigo appeared. This unforeseen result led him to make a series of experiments, by which he found that the action of caustic soda and grape sugar on the alcohol produced acetic acid, which combined with the alcohol and indigotin to form a compound which did not yield its indigo on being agitated in contact with the air. He found that he could obtain a similar result by substituting acetate of soda for the grape sugar. By these means a dark brown liquid was produced which was mixed with sulphuric acid until it had a slightly acid re- * Lit. Phil. Soc. Man., xiv., 181. OXINDICANIN. 1 5 y action, and evaporated to dryness. The residue, after being washed with water to remove the sulphuric acid and sulphate of soda, was found to consist partly of resinous, and partly of pulverulent substances. From this residue Schunck has separated five distinct compounds, all of which are amorphous, and none of them possess characteristic properties; he has, however, ascribed formulas to them. The substances have not been named, but the following are the equations which show their modes of formation: Indigo. Alcohol. Acetic Acid. Water. A. C 8 H 3 NO +8(C S H 6 0)+ 3 (C 2 HA)= C 31 H 39 N0 4 + i 3 OH a + co 2 . B. C 8 H 5 NO + 3 (C 2 H 6 0) + 3 (QH 4 2 ) = C 20 H, 3 NO 4 + 60H 2 C. C 3 H 5 NO + C 2 H G + 2(C 2 H 4 2 )= C u H u N0 4 + 4 OH 2 D. 2(C 8 H 5 NO) + 2 (C 2 H 6 0)+ 4 (C 2 HA)= C 28 H 2i N 2 5 + 7 OH 2 E. 2 (C 8 H 5 NO)+ C 2 H G + 5(C,.H 4 2 ) = 2 (C U H 11 N0 3 ) + 7 OH 2 These results enabled Schunck to explain some special chemical reactions which occasionally occur in the manu- facture of indigo. If the indigo manufacturer does not take the greatest care in conducting the process of fermen- tation, he will either get an inferior quality of indigo, or a great decrease in the yield of the product, and in some cases even entirely lose the colouring matter. These results take place when the fermentation is either too rapid or too prolonged, the indican in these cases being decomposed into indigotin and indiglucin as usual, but besides this the indi- glucin also undergoes a further decomposition into alcohol and acetic acid, which combine with the indigotin to form the mixture of compounds before mentioned, which does not yield its indigo on agitation in contact with the air. Oxindkanin.— -When in the preparation of indican the solution has been evaporated in Schunck's apparatus, and is treated with alcohol to dissolve the indican, an insoluble residue is left, to which he has given the name oxindicanin. It is easily purified by solution in a small quantity of 158 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. water and precipitation by alcohol. It is a brown glu- tinous substance, having the appearance of gum. When heated it gives off strongly smelling fumes, and a trace of a crystalline substance sublimes which has a nauseous, but not a bitter taste. When its aqueous solution is mixed with sulphuric acid and boiled, it slowly deposits brown flakes, which have the properties of indifuscin, whilst the liquor contains indiglucin. The formula he assigns to it is C 20 H 23 NO 16 . Having noticed indican and the various products ob- tained from it, which are of scientific interest but of no commercial value, we shall proceed to describe somewhat fully the important colour-giving principle indigotin, already mentioned as one of the products of the decom- position of indican when submitted to the action of acids. Pure indigotin may be prepared on a small scale by taking two shallow platinum capsules of about 3 inches in diameter, and of such a depth that when placed together with their concave surfaces inwards, they are about y§ of an inch apart in the centre. In the middle of the lower capsule are placed about 10 grains of coarsely pulverised indigo. On applying a heat of 300 or 400 F. the indi- gotin sublimes in beautiful needles of a purple colour and red metallic lustre, which when examined under a micro- scope are seen to be right rhombic prisms. They have a specific gravity of 1*35, and after being washed with ether or hot alcohol are pure indigotin. These crystals, when heated in the open air, volatilise entirely, giving off beauti- ful violet vapours resembling those of iodine and having a peculiar odour, but when distilled in a close vessel scarcely any unaltered indigo sublimes, the chief products being aniline, empyrcumatic oils, and carbonate and cyanide of ammonium, whilst a bulky carbonaceous mass is left in the retort. Indigotin is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and weak IS ATTN. 159 acids and alkalis, but soluble in creosote, phenol, amylic alcohol, chloroform, and bisulphide of carbon. Its best solvents, however, are nitrobenzene and aniline. If finely- powdered indigo be boiled with aniline it readily dissolves, forming a blue solution, which if filtered hot, and set aside to cool for some time, deposits almost the whole of the indigo in the crystalline state. After being washed with alcohol and dried, it is chemically pure, having a brilliant coppery lustre, and rivalling in appearance that prepared by sublimation. Boiling paraffin may also be employed for this purpose, the solution having the fine red colour of indigo vapour; in fact, a dilute solution can scarely be dis- tinguished from an alcoholic solution of magenta. When cold, the indigo crystals, which closely resemble those of sublimed indigotin, may be purified by washing them with benzene. Indigo can also be crystallised from Venice tur- pentine, and from high boiling point petroleum. Anhy- drous acetic acid, to which a drop or two of sulphuric acid has been added, dissolves a sufficient quantity of indigotin to give fast colours when printed on fabrics. If water is added to the solution the indigotin is precipitated un- altered. Indigotin, under the action of oxidising agents, such as nitric acid, yields three distinct products — isatin, indigotic or nitrosalicylic acid, and picric acid. Isatin C 8 H 5 N0 2 , was discovered independently by Erd- mann and by Laurent in the year 1841. It may be prepared as follows : 1 lb. of indigo is mixed with water so as to produce a thin paste, which is then heated, and nitric acid of specific gravity 1*35 gradually added until the blue colour of the indigo has disappeared : this usually requires 8 to 12 ozs. The product is then diluted with a large quantity of water, boiled, and filtered. On cooling, the impure isatin separates from the filtrate as a brown deposit. To remove a dark coloured semi-fluid resinous body which 160 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. adheres to the isatin, it is dissolved in a solution of caustic soda and carefully neutralised with hydrochloric acid. By this means the resin is first precipitated, and on filtering off and adding an excess of acid to the filtrate, the isatin separates in a nearly pure state. After being washed and recrystallised once or twice from hot water it is quite pure. It forms reddish-brown prismatic crystals, belonging to the trimetric system, which are inodorous, and readily soluble in alcohol, but less so in ether. Its formation from indi- gotin may be thus represented. C„Hi N ? O a + O a = 2C 8 H 5 NO,. Indigotin. Isatin. When isatin is heated in a tube, only a small portion sublimes, the greater part being decomposed. When strongly heated in the air, it burns with a brilliant flame, emitting suffocating vapours, and leaving a considerable amount of carbonaceous matter. Isatin dissolves in caustic potash, forming a purple solu- tion, which becomes yellow when heated, and yields on cooling, potassium isatatc in the form of small hard prisms* C 8 H 5 NO a + KHO = QH KNO 3 . Isatin. Potash. Potassium Isatate. An aqueous solution of isatic acid may be obtained by pre- cipitating the potassium compound with acetate of lead, and after well washing the lead compound, suspending it in water and decomposing it with sulphuretted hydrogen. When the aqueous solution is evaporated in vacuo, isatic acid is obtained as a white crystalline powder. If dissolved in water and boiled, this acid splits up into isatin and water. When isatin is dissolved in water and heated with zinc and a little sulphuric acid, the isatin combines with the nascent hydrogen, and is transformed into a substance called isatyde, C^HjJNLO^, which separates as a crystalline powder. DERIVATIVES OF IS A TIN. 161 2C 8 H 5 N0 2 + H 2 = C 1G H 12 N 2 4 . Isatin. Isatyde. This, if washed and dissolved in hot alcohol, yields micro- scopic crystals on cooling. Isatyde is insoluble in water, and only very sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol or ether. It dissolves in alkalis with a dark red coloration, which, on the application of heat becomes yellow, potassium isatate and hydrindin potassium being formed. When isatyde is subjected to the action of heat, it turns violet brown. If, instead of using zinc and sulphuric acid to reduce isatin, sulphuretted hydrogen is employed, the isatyde as soon as it is produced is converted into disulphisatyde. C 1G H 12 N 2 4 + 2 H 2 S - C 1G H 12 N 2 2 S 2 + 2OH, Isatyde. Disulphisatyde. Disulphisatyde is a yellowish-grey tasteless powder, and when treated with a solution of caustic potash, becomes converted into a rose-coloured paste, which after being washed with alcohol and water, consists of a mixture of indi n, C 1G H 10 N 2 O, and sidphisatyde, C 1G H 12 N 2 2 S. On treating this mixture with a warm concentrated solu- tion of potash, it forms a black solution, which in the course of a few hours becomes a semi-solid mass of black needles of indin potassium, C 1G H 9 KN 2 2 . If these are dissolved in boiling absolute alcohol and hydrochloric acid is added, the solution as it cools deposits indin in minute rose-coloured needles. It is insoluble in water, and only very sparingly soluble in alcohol or ether. Nitric acid con- verts it into nitrindin, and when treated with bromine it yields dibromindin C 1G H 8 Br 2 N 2 2 , as a violet-black powder. Isatin combines with ammonia, with separation of water giving rise to five well defined compounds.* Imesatin C 8 H G N 2 0. Imasatin C 1G H n N 3 O 3 . Isamic acid C 1G H 13 N 3 4 . * Laurent; Ann. Chim. Phys., [3] iii., 483. M 1 62 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Isamide Ci H u N 4 O 3 . Isatimide CotHnNgO*: In presence of potash or ammonia, sulphurous acid com- bines with isatin to form a class of compounds called isato- sidpJiiies, Schlitzenberger, on heating isatin with hydriodic acid in sealed tubes at 270 F., obtained three distinct products — isato-purpurin, a red substance, soluble in alcohol and ether; isato-flavin, a yellow product, insoluble in ether but soluble in alcohol ; and a green compound, insoluble both in ether and in alcohol. If instead of operating as above described, one part of indigotin or isatin be mixed with eighty parts of a cold saturated solution of hydriodic acid, and heated in sealed tubes at 520° F., as was done by M. Berthelot in 1868, it is completely decomposed: an octane, C 8 H 18 , is formed boiling at 248 F, whilst the nitrogen is trans- formed into ammonia and the oxygen into water. At the same time a secondary reaction gives rise to marsh gas and heptane C 7 H 1G . Although indigotic acid or nitro-salicylic acid was first obtained by Fourcroy and Vauquelin, its true composition was ascertained by Dumas. To prepare it from indigo, 2 lbs. of nitric acid, of specific gravity 1*28, is introduced into a tubulated retort, to which 1 lb. of coarsely powdered indigo of good quality is gradually added. Great care is required in conducting this experiment, as the action is very violent; the product, which floats on the surface of the liquid, consisting of a small quantity of indigotic acid mixed with a large quantity of a resinous substance, is treated with water to dissolve the acid, and this solution is returned to the acid liquor in the retort. On concentrating the liquid by distillation and allowing it to cool, indigotic and picric acids crystallise out. This compound, however, is far more conveniently pre- pared by the action of nitric acid on salicylic acid, NITROSALICYLIC ACID. 163 C 7 H 6 3 . This acid may be obtained by the action of fused potash on salicin, or still better from the essence of Gaultheria procumbens, or wintergreen, largely imported from America. This essence was proved by Cahours to be a compound ether, methyl salicylate, CH 3 . C 7 H 5 O s , which, if heated with caustic potash, is decomposed into methyl alcohol which passes off, and salicylic acid which remains behind as a potassium salt. From this, salicylic acid is separated on the addition of hydrochloric acid, and may be purified by washing it with cold water and subsequently crystallising it from boiling alcohol. By the action of nitric acid it is converted into nitrosalicylic acid or indigotic acid, C 7 H 6 N0 5 , or C 7 H 5 (N0 2 )0 3 . Nitrosalicylic acid is only sparingly soluble in cold water, but freely so in boiling water and in alcohol. It is easily fusible, and sublimes unaltered at a somewhat higher tem- perature. With persalts of iron it gives a red colouration, and with salts of lead a voluminous precipitate of a pale yellow colour. When indigo is acted on by strong nitric acid the pro- duct is different, picric acid, C 6 H 3 (N0 2 ) 3 0, being obtained. This acid was first noticed by Hausmann in 1798. Liebig gives the following method of obtaining it from indigo : — one part of indigo, broken into small pieces, is very gradually and cautiously added to ten or twelve parts of boiling nitric acid of specific gravity 1*43. The action is very violent, and if too much indigo be added at once, an explosion ensues. When the whole of the indigo has been introduced, more nitric acid is added, and the liquid boiled until no more red fumes are given 'off. On cooling, semi-transparent yellow crystals separate, which are collected, washed with cold water, and then recrystal- lised. It is now prepared on a very large scale from phenol, and is extensively used in the dyeing of silk and wool. 1 64 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. It crystallises in long, pale yellow, brilliant, rectangular plates, which are very soluble in alcohol, ether, and ben- zene, and require about eighty-five parts of cold water for solution. It has an intensely bitter taste, and stains the skin yellow. It has been employed in medicine as a febri- fuge, but has the disadvantage that if taken for some little time the skin and the whites of the eyes become yellow. It gives characteristic precipitates with several of the heavy hydrocarbons, such as naphthalene and anthracene. Concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids dissolve it, but it is precipitated again unchanged on dilution. Most of the salts of picric acid are crystalline, and when heated are decomposed with explosion. Dry chlorine has no action on indigo, either at the ordi- nary temperature or when heated to 21 2° F., but when water is present it is readily attacked; the blue mass assumes a deep orange colour, and a large quantity of hydrochloric acid is given off. If the orange paste thus obtained is submitted to distillation, white needles are deposited in the neck of the retort, which are a mixture of trichloraniline C G H 4 C1 3 N, and trichlorophenol C H 3 Cl 3 O. When these products cease to be given off the mass is left to cool, and the resinous orange-coloured residue is boiled with water. The insoluble part consists of a brown resinous substance, easily soluble in potash, from which it is pre- cipitated on the addition of acetic acid. The aqueous solution contains chlorisatin, dichlorisatin, and chloride of ammonium, the first two of which crystallise out as the liquid cools, whilst the ammonium chloride remains dis- solved. The trichloraniline and the trichlorophenol may be separated by distilling them with an aqueous solution of carbonate of potash, when the trichloraniline passes over with the aqueous vapour, leaving the trichlorophenol in the solution in the form of a potassium compound ; on cooling, CHLORISATIN.—DICHLORISATIN. 165 this separates in white crystals, which, after being purified by two or three crystallisations, may be decomposed by the addition of an acid. Trichlorophenol forms white flocks, having a very disagreeable odour. To effect the separation of chlorisatin from dichlorisatin the crystalline mass above referred to is treated with boil- ing alcohol, which dissolves out the chlorisatin and deposits it again on cooling. By repeated crystallisation from alcohol, the compounds may be completely separated and purified. CJrforisatin, C 8 H 4 C1N0 2 , forms transparent, orange- yellow, four-sided prisms, which communicate to the skin a disagreeable odour, although they are themselves in- odourous. It is almost insoluble in cold, but very soluble in hot water. It requires a heat of over 320 F. to decom- pose it, and then gives off vapours resembling those of burning indigo. When heated with a solution of potash, it dissolves and behaves in a manner similar to isatin. The liquid which at first is of a dark red colour gradually becomes yellow, and on cooling deposits pale yellow crystals of potassium chlorisatate. Chlorisatic acid, how- ever, cannot be isolated, for when the salt is decomposed by a strong acid it splits up into water and chlorisatin. Dichlorisatin, C 8 H 3 C1 2 N0 2 , crystallises in needles or plates, having a fine orange-red colour. Its properties are similar to those of the monochlorinated compound, except that it is less soluble in water and in alcohol. By the action of caustic alkali, dichlorisatin is also transformed into a salt. This dichlorisatic acid is more stable than that ob- tained from chlorisatin, as it can be obtained in the form of a yellow powder, having the formula CgHiCLNOs. It cannot, however, be dried without decomposition. When treated with ammonium sulphide, chlorisatin yields a pale yellow crystalline powder, analogous to that obtained by the action of reducing agents on isatin. Di- 1 66 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. chlorisatyde, C] r: H 10 N 2 Cl 2 O 4 , is only slightly soluble in water, but dissolves in ammonia or other alkaline solutions, communicating to them a red tint. At 356° F. it is decom- posed into chlorindin, QoHgNojCLOo, and chlorisatin. All these compounds can be more easily obtained from isatin than from indigo. When chlorisatin or dichlorisatin is dissolved in alcohol and a current of chlorine is passed through it, amongst the products formed there is one which contains only carbon, chlorine, and oxygen, the nitrogen and all the hydrogen having been eliminated. This substance, which is called chloranil or perchlorquinone, C S C1 4 2 , forms pale yellow lustrous scales, insoluble in water and in cold alcohol, and only slightly soluble in boiling alcohol ; readily in hot benzene. It is volatile without decomposition, and is not acted on by nitric or concentrated sulphuric acids. The action of a dilute aqueous solution of caustic potash converts it into a dark red salt, potassium chloranilate, K.X c CL0 4 . The addition of hydrochloric acid to an aqueous solution of this compound precipitates chloranilic acid in brilliant, bright red scales. They are soluble in pure water with a fine violet colour. Chloranil is also produced by the action of chlorinating agents, such as potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid, on phenol, aniline, salicin, and many other benzene derivatives. Bromine forms with isatin, compounds analogous to the chlorinated bodies, the formulae of which are: Bromisatin C 8 H 4 BrX0 2 . Bromisatinic acid C g H 3 BrX0 3 . Dibromisatin C,H s Br„NOj. Dibromisatinic acid B s H 4 Br 2 N0 3 . These bodies so closely resemble the corresponding chlorine compounds that it is unnecessary to give a detailed description of them. ANTHRANILIC ACID. 167 The action of alkalis on indigo varies according to the temperature, and the circumstances under which the reac- tion takes place. In the first stage, Fritzsche states that the potassium compound of a definite acid, chrysanilic acid is produced; if an oxidising agent be added, anthra- nilic acid is obtained, whilst at higher temperatures sali- cylic acid is formed, and ultimately aniline. Fritzsche prepares Chrysanilic acid by adding finely powdered indigo to a boiling solution of caustic soda of specific gravity i'45; it dissolves rapidly without giving off any gas, and the liquid assumes a yellowish-red colour. On concentration, yellow crystals make their appearance; and on cooling, the mixture solidifies to a crystalline mass, which, when dissolved in water and exposed to the air, deposits indigo blue; the addition of an acid produces a bulky floculent brown precipitate, which according to Fritzsche is chrysanilic acid. Gerhardt,* on the contrary, finds that when indigo blue is heated with potash the following reaction takes place : — - 3 C lt! H 10 N,O 2 + 2KHO+ 20H 2 = 2C 16 H 1 ,N,0 2 + 2C 8 H G KN(),. Indigotin. Indigo white. Potassium isatate. It would appear, therefore, that Fritzsche's chrysanilic acid is merely a mixture of indigo white with isatin formed by the action of acids on the potassium isatate, and perhaps, also, products of the further action of potash on this substance. Although the existence of chrysanilic acid is more than doubtful, this is not the case with the compound called anthranilic acid, phenylcarbamic acid, or meta-amidobcnzoic acid, which is a constant and well defined product of the decomposition of indigo under the influence of alkalis. The process for the preparation of this acid is as follows : Indigo blue is kept boiling in caustic potash of specific gravity 1*35, water being added from time to time to *Rev. Scient, x., 371. 1 68 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. replace that which evaporates. Previously to the disappear- ance of the last portions of the indigo, finely pulverised peroxide of manganese is added to the boiling liquid until a sample of it, when diluted with water and allowed to stand, no longer deposits indigo blue. It is then diluted with boiling water, supersaturated with dilute sulphuric acid, and filtered. The filtrate, when neutralised with potash and evaporated to dryness, leaves a residue con- sisting of a mixture of potassium sulphate and anthranilate, with a brown colouring matter; on treatment with hot alco- hol the two last are dissolved out, leaving the potassium sul- phate. The spirit is now distilled off, the residue dissolved in water, and a slight excess of acetic acid added, when orange-coloured crystals of impure anthranilic acid are deposited. These may be readily purified by recrystallisa- tion from boiling water with the aid of animal charcoal ; on cooling, the hydrated anthranilic acid is deposited in transparent, colourless foliated crystals, with dihedral sum- mits. The formation of anthranilic acid from indigo by this process admits of a simple explanation. The action of potash on indigotin, as shown by Gerhardt, converts it into indigo white and potassium isatate ; and the addition of manganic peroxide oxidises the white indigo to indigotin again, thus rendering it capable of being converted into potassium isatate. The latter compound is converted into potassium anthranilate thus : C 8 H G KN0 3 + 2KHO - C 7 H 6 KN0 2 + K 2 C0 3 + H 2 . Potassium Potassium Isatate. Anthranilate. Anthranilic acid has also been synthetically prepared from benzoic acid by converting it first into bromonitro- benzoic acid, then into bromamidobenzoic acid, and finally by the action of sodium amalgam into meta-amidobenzoic or anthranilic acid. Anthranilic or phenyl-carbamic acid, C 7 H 7 N0 2 , crystal- SYNTHESIS OF INDIGO. 169 lises in colourless four or six-sided prisms, having a bitter taste. It is only slightly soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol and ether. Heated at a moderate temperature, it sublimes unchanged, forming white crystals similar to those of benzoic acid ; but if mixed with glass and rapidly heated an oily fluid distils over, which is aniline. C 7 H 7 N0 2 = C 6 H 7 N + CO.,. Anthranilic Aniline, acid. Aniline is formed, as before stated, when indigo is mixed with hydrate of potash and distilled. By redistillation pure aniline is obtained equal to about one-fifth of the weight of the indigo taken. Aniline is now prepared on a^large scale by the reduction of nitrobenzol by means of iron filings and acetic acid. The production of picric, salicylic, and anthranilic or phenyl-carbamic acids, and especially of aniline, by the action of chemical agents upon indigo, and the known relation which these bodies bear to phenol and benzene, produced on the minds of chemists a conviction that indi- gotin in all probability might be prepared synthetically from some member of the benzene series. Recently, Emmerling and Engler* have succeeded in obtaining indi- gotin in small quantity from the acetophenone discovered in 1857 by Friedel, and which is obtained by the distillation of a mixture of dried acetate and benzoate of lime. When the acetophenone is acted on by fuming nitric acid, two isomeric nitro-derivatives are formed, one of which is crystal- line and the other syrupy; it is the latter which yields the indigotin. For this purpose the syrupy modification of mtroacetophenone, C 8 H 7 N0 3 , is cautiously heated in por- celain basins until it solidifies on cooling to a tough resin- ous mass; this is then mixed with nine parts of zinc powder and one part of soda lime, and heated in small portions at *Deut. Chera. Ges. Ber., iii., 885. 170 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. a time in narrow tubes over a Bunsen burner. A dark coloured substance sublimes, which contains indigotin in small quantity. The relation between indigotin and nitro- acetophenone is shown by the following equation : — 2 C 8 H 7 N0 3 = C lc H 10 N 2 O 2 + 20H 2 + 2 . Nitroacetophe- Indigotin. none. In the year 1865, Knop* obtained a body having the formula C 8 H 7 N0 2 , to which he gave the name of hy- drindic acid. This compound, which is also called dioxindol, is formed from isatin or isatyde by the action of sodium amalgam in the presence of water; the reactions being as follows : — C 8 H 5 N0 2 + H 2 = C 8 H 7 N0 2 . Isatin. Dioxindol. C 10 H 12 N 2 O 4 + H 2 = 2 C 8 H 7 N0 2 . Isatyde. Dioxindol. Sodium amalgam is added to isatin suspended in water until the liquid becomes of a deep yellow colour, and no longer gives a precipitate of isatin on the addition of hydrochloric acid. On concentrating and allowing it to stand, crystals of sodium dioxindol are obtained, which are dissolved in water, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and chloride of barium added. The barium dioxindol thus obtained is washed and put to digest in a stoppered bottle with a slight excess of dilute sulphuric acid. Sulphate of baryta is formed, and on evaporating the solution the dioxindol is obtained in yellow needles. These crystallise from hot alcohol in opaque, white, rhomboidal prisms, soluble in both cold and hot water. At 270 F. it fuses and begins to decompose, and at 380 F. the liquid assumes a purple colour and aniline is given off. Its colourless aqueous solution, on exposure to the atmosphere, becomes first pink and then red, and is found to contain isatin and indin. It yields easily crystallisable compounds with *Jour. pr. Chem., xcvii., 65. OXINDOL.— INDOL. 17 1 hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, but is violently attacked by nitric acid. It combines with bases. The silver salt, when heated to 140 R, is decomposed, and yields benzoic aldehyde, the essence of bitter almonds. It will be seen by a comparison of the formulae that hydrindic acid or dioxindol differs from indigotin by the elements of water. C 10 H ll? N 2 O 2 + 20H 2 - 2 C 8 H 7 N0 2 . Indigotin. Dioxindol. It seemed probable that indigotin might be obtained from this compound by the removal of the elements of water, and for that purpose it was heated with anhydrous glycerin. Although the water was removed by this means, indigotin was not produced, but a body possessing quite different properties, although having the same composition. Whilst indigotin is crystalline and insoluble in alcohol or ether, the new isomeric substance is amorphous and soluble both in alcohol and in ether, to which it communicates a violet-red colour. Dioxindol when submitted to the action of reducing 1 agents is transformed into oxindol. This change may be effected either by treating it with tin and hydrochloric acid, or which is better, wiffi sodium amalgam in an acid solu- tion. Its formula is C 8 H 7 NO. It crystallises in colourless needles, which are very soluble in hot water as well as in alcohol and ether. It combines with bases to form salts ; those of potash and soda are soluble and crystalline, whilst those of the alkaline earths and metallic oxides are in- soluble. When this compound is heated in a retort with zinc powder, the oxygen is removed, and a substance called indol distils over, having the formula C s H 7 N. This is first treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to remove any aniline which may have been produced in the reaction, and then dissolved in boiling water. When cold the indol crystal- 172 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Uses out in brilliant colourless plates, similar in appearance to those of benzoic acid. Indol may also be obtained directly from indigotin by boiling it with tin and hydro- chloric acid until it is converted into a yellowish-brown powder, which, after being washed and dried, is mixed with zinc powder and distilled. Indol then passes over. According to Nencki* and Kukne,*f- indol is one of the products of the action of the pancreatic juice on fibrin, albumen, &c. Indol melts at 125 R, and forms a crystalline mass on cooling. It is very volatile, and although it cannot be distilled alone without decomposition, yet it readily passes over when heated in a current of steam. Its odour resem- bles that of naphthylamine. It has weak basic properties, and unites with several of the acids to form salts. It is only slightly soluble in cold, but very soluble in boiling water, and also in alcohol or ether. If, to an aqueous solu- tion of indol an equal bulk of fuming nitric acid be added, previously considerably diluted with water, a bulky red precipitate is produced, which is probably a nitrate of indol. A piece of pinewood dipped into an alcoholic solution of indol mixed with a little hydrochloric acid, acquires a cherry-red colour, which, after a short time, becomes of a dirty reddish-brown. These two last reac- tions of indol are so delicate that the presence of a very small quantity of this substance can be easily detected. Baeyer and Emmerlingj: have discovered a most interest- ing process for converting cinnamic acid, an acid obtained from oil of cinnamon, into indol. The cinnamic acid is first converted into nitrocinnamic acid, C H 8 O 2 + HNO3 = C 9 H 7 (N0 2 ) 2 + OH, Cinnamic Nitrocinnamic Acid. Acid. *Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., vii., 1593. t Ibid., viii., 206. X Ibid., ii., 679. INDOL. 173 which is then mixed with iron turnings and ten times its weight of potassium hydrate, and heated until the potash fuses. When cold the mass is dissolved in water and the solution agitated with ether : this dissolves the indol and a small quantity of aniline which is produced at the same time. On evaporating the ethereal solution, these two bodies are left, and the aniline may be removed by treat- ment with a little dilute hydrochloric acid. In this reac- tion the indol is produced from the nitrocinnamic acid by the simultaneous removal of carbonic anhydride and oxy- gen, by the potash and iron respectively. C 9 H 7 NC>4 = C 8 H 7 N + CO, + O* Nitrocinnamic Indol. Acid. Baeyer and Emmerling* have also recently discovered a method by which isatin can be reconverted into indigotin, one of the most important problems in connection with the chemistry of these compounds. For this purpose isatin is added to about fifty times its weight of a mix- ture of equal parts of phosphorus trichloride, with chloride of acetyl containing phosphorus in solution, and heated in sealed tubes by means of a water bath to a temperature of about 1 75° F. The chlorides of phosphorus and acetyl act as solvents for the phosphorus, which removes the oxy- gen from the isatin. The green fluid produced in this reaction is poured into a large quantity of water, and after being exposed to the air in shallow vessels for twenty-four hours, deposits a blue precipitate. This is a mixture of two colouring matters, one of which is red and soluble in alcohol, which they call indigo-purpurin ; whilst the other, which is blue and insoluble, presents all the characters of indigotin. According to Bolley and Crinsoz,-f* when Bengal indigo is heated between two watch glasses, a small quantity of * Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., iii., 514. + Technologiste, xxviii., 194. 174 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. golden-yellow needles are sublimed before, the indigotin. If these arc removed they are found to be only slightly soluble either in hot, or in cold water. They are slightly soluble in alcohol, communicating to it a yellowish-green colour. The compound, which contains no nitrogen, is neutral to test paper, and is not acted on by a mixture of sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash. CHAPTER VI. INDIGO — CONTINUED. Indigosulphonic acids. — There are two commercial pre- parations obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on indigo, the first of which bears the name of sidpJiopiupuric acid. It may be made by adding one part of good com- mercial indigo, very finely pulverised, or, better still, puri- fied indigo, to four parts of highly concentrated sulphuric acid, and heating the mixture for a short time, varying from half an hour to an hour, or until a small quantity mixed with a large quantity of water gives a deep blue colour. Great care must be bestowed on this part of the operation so as to avoid the formation of another compound called sulphindigotic acid, which will be described presently. The purple mass thus produced, as soon as it is found to be soluble, is thrown into forty or fifty parts of water, when a beautiful purple precipitate is produced. This is collected on a filter and slightly washed with dilute hydro- chloric acid so as to remove the various impurities which the indigo employed may have contained, and also any small amount of sulphindigotic acid which may have been produced. Sulphopurpuric acid communicates a bluish-purple colour to water, in which it is only slightly soluble. When carbonate or acetate of soda is added to this solution purple flocks are precipitated, which are, however, soluble in a large quantity of water. It also gives precipitates with salts of lime, alumina, and iron. It is not acted on at the ordinary temperature by strong caustic alkali. i;6 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The aqueous solution of this acid is decolorised by reducing agents, such as zinc, sulphuretted hydrogen, and chloride of tin ; it becomes blue again, however, on expo- sure to the air. Sulphopurpuric acid is converted into sulphindigotic acid when heated with eight or ten parts of sulphuric acid ; or the latter may be manufactured directly from indigo, by heating very carefully one part of finely pulverised colour- ing matter with ten or twelve parts of concentrated com- mercial sulphuric acid, or, better, with six to seven parts of Nordhausen acid, to a temperature of 120° F. for several hours. The operation is complete when a small sample is found to be entirely soluble in water. The heated mass is then allowed to cool and dissolved in fifty parts of water; the solution should be of a pure blue colour, the more purple it is the more sulphopurpuric acid it contains. After being allowed to stand for some time to allow any impurities that it may contain, and any sulphopurpuric acid which may have been formed, to deposit; a beautiful blue solution is ob- tained which contains sulphindigotic acid, mixed with small quantities of hyposulphindigotic acid. Excess of strong caustic alkali decomposes sulphindigotic acid, yielding a yellow liquid, but with weak alkalis it combines to form sulphindigotates. These, when solid, are of a beautiful bronze-blue colour, and dissolve freely in water, yielding blue solutions. They are, however, only very slightly soluble in neutral saline solutions, such as sulphate of soda or the chlorides of sodium and potassium, so that if these salts are added to a solution of an alkaline sulph- indigotate, the latter is precipitated in blue flakes. The following table gives the comparative solubility of the principal sulphindigotates: — . , ) Soluble in one hundred and Sulphindigotate of potash forty parts of water. Sulphindigotate of soda Slightly more soluble. HYPOSULPHINDIGOTIC ACID. 177 ates of lime, ) , , . > Very soluble, and alumina ) J c , ,. ,. , , r , ( Very slightly soluble in cold, Sulphindigotate of baryta \ , , , ( more soluble in hot water. Sulphindigotates of lime, magnesia, Sulphindigotate of lead Insoluble. Both acid and salts are decolorised by reducing agents. A third sulphonic acid exists, called hyposnlphindigotic acid, which is always formed to a certain extent in the pre- paration of sulphindigotic acid ; it is not, however, of any commercial importance. To separate the two acids and obtain them in a pure state, a piece of flannel which has been thoroughly washed first with soap and carbonate of soda, and then with pure water, is digested in a solution of the ordinary sulphindigotic acid until all the colouring matcer is taken up. The dyed flannel is then well washed to remove the excess of free sulphuric acid, after which it is treated with a weak solution of carbonate of ammonia in order to dissolve the acids off the flannel. The blue solu- tion thus obtained is evaporated to dryness at a tempera- ture of 120 F., and the residue treated with alcohol of specific gravity o - 83, which dissolves the hyposulphindigo- tate of ammonia and leaves the sulphindigotate. All three acids can be obtained in a state of purity by precipitating the solutions of their respective alkaline salts with acetate of lead, and decomposing the insoluble lead compounds, after they have been carefully washed, by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen : sulphide of lead is formed and a colourless fluid remains, which, when evapo- rated in contact with the air becomes blue, and leaves an amorphous residue. The acids, which when dry have a slightly astringent acid taste, are very soluble in water and alcohol. The formula of sulphopurpuric acid is C 16 H 9 N 2 O a . HSO3, and that of sulphindigotic acid C 8 H 4 NO. HSO § , N i; 8 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The sulphindigotic acid of commerce known as 'Saxony- blue,' is chiefly used by woollen dyers, who add to the dye- beck a little alum and cream of tartar, which helps to fix the indigo on the wool. The green colouring matter which it generally contains is not objectionable in this in- stance, as it has no affinity for woollen fibre ; for dyeing silk, however, the green matter must be removed. This is effected by converting the acid into an impure sulphindigo- tate of soda, which is known in commerce as indigo carmine. It may be prepared as follows: I lb. of very finely pulverised indigo of the best quality* (or, better still, refined indigo), sieved and carefully dried at a temperature of 150 to 160 F. is put into an earthenware vessel placed in cold water to prevent any rise of temperature. To it, 6 lbs. of sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1*845 is carefully and gradually added, the mixture being kept well stirred during the whole time. The mass is then put in a closed vessel and removed to a stove, where it is kept at a moderate temperature for several days, after which it is dissolved in 5 gallons of water, and a saturated solution of common salt added until the whole of the blue colouring matter is precipitated. The supernatant liquor, which has a dark green colour, is drawn off, and the precipitate is then thrown on a woollen filter and washed with water until the liquid which passes through has a slightly blue tint. By this means an ordinary quality of carmine is prepared, but if a first class quality is required, perfectly free from green colouring matter, it is necessary to operate as follows : The carmine prepared in the manner described is dissolved in a mixture of 5 gallons of water and 1 lb. of sulphuric acid ; the sulphuric acid is then carefully neutralised with carbonate of soda, and the whole of the carmine precipi- * To obtain the indigo in a sufficiently minute state of division it is intro- duced into a cylinder along with some cast iron shot, and the cylinder is then caused to revolve rapidly. IXDIGO CARMIXE. 1/9 tated by a solution of salt. The precipitate, after being thrown on a filter and drained, is again dissolved and reprecipitated, this operation being repeated until the green matter is entirely removed, which may be known by the supernatant liquid no longer having a green tint. It is then washed with water until the liquid comes through blue, when it is drained as far as possible, and finally sub- mitted to slight pressure in linen bags : it is now ready for the market. To ascertain if the green colouring matter is removed, a small quantity of the carmine is rubbed on a piece of glazed paper. When the colour dries, it gives a shade varying from a pale blue to a rich coppery purple, according to the mode of manufacture employed; and if any green colouring matter be left it will show itself as a green ring round the blue circle. One pound of indigo yields ten pounds of good carmine. Another process for the preparation of indigo carmine has been patented by Messrs. L. and E. Bailey, by which it is stated a fine purple carmine can be obtained. They fuse fifteen parts of dry bisulphate of soda in an iron pot, and add to it one part of good indigo, in small quantites at a time, taking care to constantly stir the mass, which swells considerably. The application of heat is continued until a small quantity taken out is found to be entirely soluble in water; the fused mass is then allowed to cool, dissolved in seventy or eighty parts of water, and two parts of common salt are added for every part of the mix- ture, to precipitate the carmine. It is finally washed with a weak solution of common salt and dried. Bailey's blue forms purple crystalline masses, which give a very bright violet-blue solution. It is soluble in hot concentrated acetic acid, from which it is deposited on cooling in bril- liant coppery crystals. The three following analyses will show the composition of these carmines: — I So DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Best. 2nd quality. 3rd quality. Colouring matter 12*4 io - 2 4-96 Saline residue 139 4'S 570 Water 737 85-0 89-34 IOO'O IOO'O ioo - oo To ascertain the value of any of these sulpho com- pounds of indigo, a given weight is dissolved in water, a little cream of tartar and alum added, and the colour removed by dyeing wool. The value of the sample is in proportion to the weight of wool dyed and the intensity of shade produced. Berzelius has studied some of the modifications which the sulphonic acids of indigo undergo when subjected to the action of alkalis and alkaline earths, and his results show that they yield under such influence, yellow, red, green, and violet compounds, which have the power of dyeing wool without a mordant. This illustrious chemist found that when a solution of barium hyposulphindigotate is evapo- rated in a water bath it leaves a green residue, which is very soluble in water and alcohol, and gives a greenish- grey precipitate with subacetate of lead. When this lead compound is decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, it yields a solution of sulpJioviridic acid, which is green by reflected light and dark red by transmitted light. When potassium sulphindigotate is mixed with lime water, and gently heated in an open vessel, it becomes red and afterwards yellow. If, as soon as the liquid has become red, the excess of lime be removed by means of a current of carbonic acid, and the clear solution evaporated, a brown residue is obtained, which, when treated with alcohol of specific gravity '82, yields a yellow extract and an insoluble residue. The alcoholic solution is now precipi- tated with acetate of lead, and the insoluble lead com- pound, after being washed, is suspended in water and de- SULPHONIC A CIDS FROM INDIGO. 1 8 1 composed by sulphuretted hydrogen ; the solution, when filtered from the lead sulphide and carefully evaporated, leaves a crystalline compound, to which Berzelius gave the name of sulphoflavic acid. If the residue insoluble in alcohol, is dissolved in water, precipitated by a salt of lead, and the precipitate decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, a solution is obtained which on evaporation yields a red amorphous compound, sulphoriific acid. If thirty parts of lime water be heated with one part of potassium sulphindigotate in a close vessel, it assumes a splendid purple colour, and when precipitated with lead and treated in a manner similar to that just described, a brown amorphous body is obtained, to which Berzelius gave the name sulphopurpuric acid. M. Gros-Renaud has also made a similar series of ex- periments. One of the results which he obtained deserves notice. On adding caustic soda of specific gravity 1*35 to sodium sulphindigotate, the liquor becomes yellow, and a black precipitate is formed, which is soluble in pure water. The yellow liquor undergoes a gradual change on being kept. If it is saturated with sulphuric acid a few hours after it has been prepared, it gives a blue colouration. If the acid is added after twenty-four hours, the liquid assumes a green tint, which gradually becomes violet; whilst after forty-eight hours it assumes an intense red colour under these circumstances. If this liquid be now partially neutralised with carbonate of soda, it imparts to wool a colour varying from pink to crimson-purple, accord- ing to the temperature and concentration of the bath. This product differs in many respects from sulphopurpuric acid. It is far more soluble in water, and on the addition of caustic alkali becomes yellow immediately. Wool dyed with this acid yields a red colour to sulphuric acid, whilst sulphopurpuric acid yields a blue. If a solution of sulphindigotic acid be left in contact 1 82 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. with caustic soda of specific gravity 1*35 for three days, and it is then supersaturated with concentrated sulphuric acid, it gives a yellow liquid and a yellowish-brown precipi- tate. The latter, when collected and washed, imparts to wool light or dark yellow shades, according as the precipi- tate has been more or less washed. When indigotin is acted on by certain chemical reagents it becomes converted into a colourless substance, which has received the name of white indigo. To explain this reac- tion two theories have been proposed. According to the one, the white indigo is a hydride of the blue; according to the other, the indigo blue is an oxide, and the white indigo a hydrate of a body containing less oxygen than the blue. The following formulae illustrate these two hypotheses: Indigotin C 16 H 10 N 2 O 2 . Indigo white C 16 H 10 N 2 2 .H 2 . Indigotin C 10 H 10 N 2 O.O. Indigo white C 10 H 10 N 2 O..OH 2 . The best process yet devised for the preparation of this white indigo was published by Dumas some years ago: 1 lb. of finely powdered indigo is introduced into a closed vessel with 3 lbs. of ferrous sulphate (green vitriol), 3 lbs. of slaked lime, and about 2 gallons of water ; the mixture being shaken up from time to time during two days, and finally allowed to settle. The pale yellow liquor is then syphoned off into bottles filled with carbonic acid, at the bottom of which is some hydrochloric acid deprived of air by boiling. As the alkaline solution is run into the bottle, the hydrochloric acid combines with the lime, and white indigo is precipitated. Care must be taken that the bottles are quite full of liquid. After standing some time the preci- pitate is thrown on a filter under a bell-jar filled with car- bonic acid, washed with cold water, thoroughly deprived of air by ebullition, and then dried in vacuo. WHITE INDIGO. 183 As thus prepared, it is a greyish-white amorphous body, tasteless and inodorous, and having a silky lustre. It is in- soluble in water and dilute acids, but soluble in alcohol and ether, and in solutions of the alkalis and alkaline earths. These solutions have a yellow tint, but in contact with the air they gradually become blue owing to the re-formation of indigotin : oxidising agents produce the same effect. When heated out of contact with the air, a small quantity of indigotin sublimes and a carbonaceous mass is left. Con- centrated sulphuric acid dissolves it with intense purple colouration, and on the addition of water yields sulphin- digotic acid. Its alkaline solutions give bulky white precipitates with salts of magnesia, zinc, alumina, and protoxides of iron, manganese, lead, and tin, whilst with cupric and ferric salts it is immediately converted into indigotin. The precipitate which is produced with protox- ide of tin is extensively employed, as will be seen further on, for printing indigo on fabrics. If this tin compound be heated, it yields metallic tin and a sublimate of indigotin. White indigo forms two compounds with lime, one soluble, the other insoluble. According to Lowig, the lead com- pound deflagrates slightly, leaving metallic lead. A great variety of substances have the property of reducing indigotin. 1. There are the alkali metals which decompose water, the liberated hydrogen combining with the indigotin, whilst the alkali formed at the same time dissolves the white indigo produced. This result is more easily obtained with the amalgams of the metals than with the metals them- selves. 2. Certain metals and metalloids in a boiling alkaline solution also reduce indigotin. Such are zinc, tin, anti- mony, aluminium, and phosphorous. 3. Certain metallic oxides capable of a higher degree of oxidation. 1 84 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. 4. Certain acids susceptible of further oxidation, such as phosphorous acid, hypophosphorous acid, and especially hyposulphurous acid, H 2 SO 2 . Their action is the same in presence of alkalis. 5. Certain phosphides, arsenides, and sulphides, especially sulphide of arsenic. 6. Certain organic substances in presence of an alkali, such as glucose and gallic acid. 7. Certain fermentations in presence of an alkali, such as the butyric fermentation. Among the compounds which are used on a practical scale for reducing indigo in the presence of alkalis, are protoxide of iron from the sulphate, protoxide of tin com- bined with alkali, or protochloride of tin, tersulphide of arsenic, glucose, and certain special fermentations. A method of preparing an indigo vat which gives very satisfactory results has been recently introduced by Schiitzenberger and Lalande.* It depends upon the extraordinary reducing power possessed by the salts of the true hyposulphurous acid, H 2 S0 2 . Schiitzenberger, *f" some years ago, found when zinc was introduced into an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid, that it dissolved without evolu- tion of hydrogen, and the yellow liquid thus produced, contained zinc hyposulphite, possessed remarkable decolor- ing powers. In the method adopted for applying this reaction to the preparation of an indigo vat, a solution of acid sodium sulphite (bisulphite) of about 30° Baume is agitated in a closed vessel with granulated zinc for about an hour, after which it is drawn off and mixed with a slight excess of milk of lime so as to precipitate the zinc which is in solution. To the clear liquid, containing sodium and calcium hyposulphites, finely powdered indigo is added, and a sufficient quantity of lime or soda to dissolve the * Chem. Centr., 1873, P- 735- t Zeits. Chem. [2] v., 545. SCHUTZENBERGER'S PROCESS. 18$ white indigo produced by the powerful reducing action of the hyposulphite on the indigotin. As in the ordinary vats, cotton is dyed cold, whilst for woollens the vat should be warm. One pound of indigo to 1 gallon or 1 J^ gallons of the solution forms a very concentrated vat. A new method of printing, which gives finer shades and sharper definitions than the old one, has been also introduced, employing a concentrated solution of indigo reduced with a large excess of the hyposulphite, and thickened in the usual way. For oxidation the pieces are hung out for twelve or fourteen hours, and then washed and soaped. The annexed specimen was kindly furnished by Messrs. Edmund Potter and Co., of Manchester. SCHUTZENBERGER AND LALANDE's PROCESS. The printing of reduced indigo is from time to time employed in printworks to produce certain styles of prints. To effect this, protochloride of tin is added to indigo which has been reduced by sulphate of iron in the manner previously explained (p. 182). A white precipitate is thus produced, which is collected and filtered as far as possible out of contact with air; or, a mixture of finely pulverised indigo, caustic soda, and protochloride of tin are heated together until the indigo is reduced, and hydrochloric acid is then cautiously added so as to precipitate the compound of white indieo and tin. 1 86 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. The precipitate is washed, carefully mixed with gum, and printed in the usual manner; but it is necessary to conduct the operations as rapidly as possible, since all the white indigo, transformed into indigotin before pene- trating the fibre, is lost to the printer. To facilitate the absorption of the white indigo by the fibre, the goods are passed through milk of lime after being printed; this decomposes the chloride of tin, and the liberated white indigo attached to the fibre gradually changes from a pale green to a blue colour. The pieces are then thoroughly washed, and passed in a weak bath of sulphuric acid to completely fix the indigo in the fabric. Some years ago, Messrs. Thomas Hoyle and Sons pro- duced some very good specimens of this class of work. Their success was due to an ingenious method of protect- ing the reduced indigo from the action of the air, by introducing a current of coal gas into the machine, near the printing cylinder. After a little while, however, they gave up its use, owing to the deleterious influence of the coal gas on the health of the workmen. The chief application of reduced indigo has been for a class of work called chintzes, which require to have fast reds, blues, greens, and yellows. To produce these colours the pieces are first dyed in madder to produce the reds, and the other colours are blocked in. This latter opera- tion is slow and costly, many printers have therefore tried to print the madder mordants at the same time as the reduced indigo and tin. The results generally obtained have been unsatisfactory, as the oxide of tin was but im- perfectly removed, and the portion which remained, fixed a certain quantity of alizarin when the pieces were dyed with madder. Owing to this, a dirty purple shade was communicated to the blues and an olive tint to the greens. The late Mr. J. Lightfoot, of Accrington, overcame this difficulty some time ago, by carefully avoiding any excess of LIGHTFOOTS PROCESS. 187 oxide of tin in the preparation of his reduced indigo com- pound, for he found by experiment that it was only when the tin was in excess that it injured the colours. Accord- ing to the specification of his patent, taken out in Decem- ber, 1867,* he takes the following proportions: — 1% lbs. of dry finely powdered indigo, or an equivalent quantity of indigo pulp, i}£ lbs. of tin crystals, and a gallon of soda or potash ley are boiled together ; a gallon of boiling water is then added, and the whole allowed to cool. Eight ounces of sugar, or a pound of treacle are dis- solved in 3 gallons of water, and the prepared indigo liquor poured into it. Three quarts of acetic acid, at 8° Twaddle, or 2^ pints of hydrochloric acid, or 1 pint of sulphuric acid, previously diluted with 1 pint of water, are now added. A precipitate is thrown down, which is a compound of white indigo and protoxide of tin. This is filtered until there is only a gallon left on the filter. To make this pulpy mass ready for printing, it is thickened with 3 or 4 lbs. of gum Senegal or other thickening mate- rial, which is stirred in until it is dissolved. He also states that oxide of tin dissolved in alkali, or powdered or granu- lated tin, may be substituted for the crystals of chloride of tin. The accompanying beautiful specimen, produced by this process, we owe to the kindness of Messrs. F. W. Grafton and Co., of Manchester. lightfoot's process. No. 3,663. 1 88 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. As the fixing of colours by the use of steam is becoming every day more important, the discovery of a good process for the printing of indigo to be fixed by steam would be very valuable, but all attempts to effect this practically have failed up to the present time. M. E. Schlumberger has devised a process which fixes the colour, but is too costly to be carried out practically on a large scale. It consists in mixing together Indigo, very finely ground, with water (twenty ) parts of indigo to eighty of water) j" 4 P Fused cyanide of potassium 4 ,, Hydrate of oxide of tin in paste 4 „ Gum water 13 „ This mixture is printed and steamed. Under the action of steam the cyanide of potassium is decomposed into potash and prussic acid, and the indigo being reduced by the oxide of tin is dissolved by the alkali and becomes fixed on the fabric. It is important for the printing of indigo, as well as for the preparation of the sulpho compounds previously de- scribed, to employ indigo as pure as possible. The following is a brief description of the two processes now commercially employed to prepare what is called refined indigo:— The first process consists in heating indigo with dilute hydrochloric acid, to dissolve the lime and other mineral matters, as well as any starch that it may contain, after which it is well washed and boiled with a weak solu- tion of caustic soda to remove chlorophyll and resinous impurities. It is finally washed, pressed, and dried. The second process was devised by the author, many years ago, for Messrs. Haas and Co., now settled in Leeds, and is founded on the principle of first converting the indigotin of the commercial indigo into white indigo and then reoxi- dising it in the air. This is effected by placing in a vat one part of finely pulverised indigo, two parts of green copperas COMMERCIAL INDIGOS. 189 (ferrous sulphate), and two hundred parts of water con- taining 10 per cent, of caustic soda. Steam is turned in, and the whole kept at the boil for a short time, and then allowed to cool. The clear liquor is run out and exposed in shallow leaden vats to the atmosphere, when the soluble white indigo is oxidised to indigotin, which is precipitated in a nearly pure state. Having briefly noticed the properties of indigotin and its derivatives, and some of their applications, the next things to be considered are the characters of commercial indigo, and its application in print and dyeworks. The manufacture of this article in Bengal has already been pretty fully described, so that it will merely be necessary to give an outline of the general characters presented by commercial indigos as imported into this country. Although it is very difficult, by any verbal description, to convey a correct idea of the difference in appearance between the many varieties of indigo, yet an attempt may be made to give some notion of the aspect of the different kinds of Bengal indigo, as they are by far the most important, and include all qualities, from the best and finest that come into the market to very ordinary indigo. When it has not sustained any damage, Bengal indigo is generally imported in the form of large prismatic pieces, packed in cases holding from 1*4 to 2 cwt. The best qualities have a dark violet-blue colour, and take a beautiful coppery lustre on being rubbed with the nail; they produce a sensation of dryness on the tongue; they are easily powdered, and form a fine uniform paste. This kind, however, never contains more than 72 per cent, of pure indigotin, and is characterised by its comparatively low specific gravity, which is but little more than 1-3. The next qualities are the violet-red indigos of purple hue, with fracture more uniform and lustrous, and they are 190 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. heavier and harder. The red shade is caused by the presence of a large quantity of brown and red extractive matter. It is amongst these qualities that the indigos giving the finest colours are found, for it would appear that both the brown and red of the indigo take a certain part in the dyeing process ; probably they dissolve and are fixed on the cloth along with the indigo, strengthening the shades. Most dyers prefer these red indigos to the first qualities. Again, there are qualities of a lighter blue, poorer in colouring matter, but containing also less extractive matter. The impurities consist of mineral matter. They are lighter, do not show the strong coppery lustre of the other two qualities, and produce more strongly the sensation of dry- ness when touched with the tongue. The worst qualities both of Bengal and all other kinds of indigo, are those which are of a light blue colour, approaching to grey or green. This colour denotes the presence of a large quantity of extractive matter of a different kind to the indigo brown which characterises the red varieties. These indigos are hard, heavy, do not give a copper}' reflection, and when touched with the tongue produce very strongly the sensation of dryness. There are no fewer than forty-three recognised varieties of Bengal indigo, but as it is impossible to enter into a detailed account of each of these in a work like this, an idea of the difference in appearance between the good and bad qualities may be gained from the above short description of the three principal varieties. There have been several methods devised by chemists to determine the relative commercial value of this valuable dye ; but before describing them it may be as well to give the following analysis made by Chevreul, which shows the composition of a fair quality of commercial indigo dried at 212° F. TESTING INDIGO. 191 Indigotin 45 Matters soluble in alcohol 30 Matters soluble in ether 12 Resin soluble in hydrochloric acid 6 Mineral matters 7 100 The quantity of hygroscopic water should not exceed 6 per cent. Berzelius found that the portion soluble in alcohol and ether consisted chiefly of four substances, indigo red (indirubin of Schunck), indigo brown (the indi- humin of Schunck), gluten, and chlorophyll. Both organic and inorganic substances are used for the adulteration of indigo. The mineral matters usually added are artificially dyed clay or sand. Starch, Prussian blue, &c, are also employed. To detect these adulterations 100 grains of indigo, after being dried at 21 2° F. to ascertain the amount of moisture, is placed in a small earthenware dish and gradually heated to redness. The carbonaceous mass thus formed is taken out, powdered, and again heated until all the carbon is burnt off. The weight of the ash remaining is then ascer- tained, and should not exceed ten per cent. In a pure indigo, the ash is composed of phosphate and carbonate of lime, potassium sulphate, chloride of potassium, silica, and a small quantity of oxide of iron. To ascertain if starch is present, 100 grains of indigo are pulverised and boiled with very dilute hydrochloric acid ; the clear solution yields a beautiful purple colour on adding a few drops of tincture of iodine. A far more important matter to the consumer, however, is to ascertain the exact amount of colouring matter (indigotin) which a commercial indigo contains. Although the general characters already mentioned as indicating the various qualities of indigo may be sufficient to give the 192 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. broker a fair idea of their value, yet, it is always advisable where large quantities are employed, to ascertain by direct analysis their comparative value. The methods of determining the dyeing power of an indigo can be grouped into four distinct classes. The first consists of one process only, and was introduced many years ago by a French manufacturer, M. Lubil- lardiere. Ten grains of pure indigotin, and the same weight of the sample to be tested are each carefully dissolved in eight or ten parts of concentrated sulphuric acid, and the solutions made up with water to I quart. Equal volumes of these solutions are then placed in graduated tubes, and water is gradually added to the indigotin solution until it has the same intensity of colour as the indigo to be tried. The amount of indigotin present in the latter is in inverse ratio to the amount of water added. Thus if ioo volumes of the indigotin solution requires 1 38"! volumes of water to bring it down to the same tint as the other, the proportion will be 2381 : 100 : : 100 : 42. This process is defective, because the colouring power of such a solution is so great, that it requires a large amount of dilution before the liquid is sufficiently transparent for the operator to form a correct judgment of the intensity of shade, and also because some of the other matters in the indigo influence the colour to a certain extent. The second class is based on the complete oxidation of indigotin. The substances used for this purpose are, bleaching powder, proposed by Chevreul ; permanganate of potash, proposed by Lefort; chlorate of potash and hydro- chloric acid, proposed by Bolley; and bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, proposed by Penny. To ascertain the value of an indigo by any of these processes a known weight of the indigo to be tested is finely pulverised, and dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid. When the solution is com- TESTING INDIGO. 193 pletely effected, water is added. A solution of pure indigotin, of known strength, is prepared in a similar manner, and by gradually adding to a certain volume of this a solution of the oxidising agent, the amount required to decolorise the solution is readily ascertained. The solution of indigo to be tested is then treated in a similar manner. The quantity of the oxidising solution required in the two operations will be directly proportional to the amount of indigo present. The details of Penny's method are as follows: 10 grains of the sample of indigo to be tested are finely pulverised, and introduced into a small flask with 120 grains of sul- phuric acid of specific gravity i'845. The flask is then stop- pered and placed in a water bath, and the whole is main- tained at a temperature of 120 F. for several hours; some broken glass or garnets being added to facilitate the mix- ture of the indigo and acid when the vessel is shaken. Great care must be taken to ensure the perfect solution of the indigo in the acid. As soon as this is effected, the blue liquid is poured out, and the flask washed out with water ; a sufficient quantity being employed to make up the solution to a pint. It is then transferred to a beaker and ^ of an ounce by measure of strong hydrochloric acid is added. Pure dry bichromate of potash is dissolved in water and made of such strength that an alkalimeter of 1,000 grains con- tains 7 - 5 grains of the salt. This solution is added succes- sively, in small quantities, to the dilute sulphate of indigo solution, until a drop of the mixture on being placed on a white slab or on bibulous paper presents a distinct brown or ochrous shade, unmixed with any blue or green. The process is now finished, the number of measures is read off", which gives the per centage of indigotin in the indigo sub- mitted to analysis. It is advisable to keep the indigo solution gently heated while the test liquor is being added : it is also necessary to stir the liquor well after each O I 9 4 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. addition of the standard solution, and towards the end of the operation to add only a small quantity of the latter at a time. The characteristic change of colour which the mixture undergoes will distinctly indicate the approach of the process towards completion. The great objection to these modes of determining the amount of indigotin is, that the oxidising agent not only acts on that compound, but also on the other colouring matters described by Berzelius, and the figures obtained are con- sequently always too high. In fact, whilst commercial indigo usually contains only from 45 to 60 per cent, of indigotin, these processes show from 70 to 80. The following equation will explain the action which takes place in the bichromate process. 3 C 8 H 3 XS0 4 4- 8HC1 + K 2 Cr 2 7 = Sulphindigotic Hydrochloric Bichromate acid. acid. of potash. 3 C 8 H,NOS0 4 + 4OH0 + 2HCI + Cr 2 Cl 3 . Sulphisatic acid. Water. Chloride of Sesqui- potassium. chloride of chromium. The third class is based on the partial oxidation of indigotin. In this case an alkaline solution is employed instead of an acid one as in the second class. By the process devised by M. Clement Ullgren, 15 grains of indigotin and of the indigo to be tested are each dis- solved in 120 grains of concentrated sulphuric acid. These solutions are made up to a quart with water. One hun- dred and seventy-five grains of the liquid are diluted to a quart with water, and to this solution carbonate of soda is added, care being taken that there is not a great excess of the alkali. Seventy-five grains of ferri- cyanide of potassium are dissolved in a quart of water, and a small quantity of caustic soda added. The ferricy- anide solution is now very carefully added to the ready prepared weak solutions of indigo, and of indigotin, and the quantity required to convert the blue colour into a pale TESTING INDIGO. 195 yellowish tint, carefully noted. In this case the indigo is oxidised at the expense of the ferricyanide, which is reduced to ferrocyanide ; the completion of the operation can therefore be accurately ascertained by testing for the presence of ferricyanide from time to time. The propor- tion between the quantity required to decolorise the standard indigotin solution, and that of the indigo to be tested, will give the percentage of indigotin in the latter. This process is founded on the conversion of the indigotin into isatin, as shown by the following formula : — C 16 H 10 N. 2 O 2 + 2 K 3 FeCy + 2KHO = 2 C 8 H 5 N0 2 + Indigotin. Potassium ferri- Potassium Isatin. cyanide. hydrate. 2 K 4 FeCy 6 + OH 2 . Potassium ferro- Water, cyanide. The fourth class is founded on the reduction of indigotin to white indigo and the solution of this latter compound in alkalis, by which it is separated from the impurities it may contain, being afterwards reoxidised by exposure to the atmosphere. The first of these processes was devised by Fritzsche; 10 or 20 grains of indigo, dried at 2i2°F., are introduced into a bottle containing an equal weight of grape sugar and three times its weight of caustic soda dissolved in forty parts of alcohol. The quantity of liquid must be such as to quite fill the bottle employed to contain it. It is kept in a warm place until the whole of the indigo is dissolved. The pale yellow liquid is then decanted and exposed to the atmosphere, when the white indigo absorbs oxygen, and the indigotin is deposited often in the form of beautiful prismatic crystals. Schunck has shown, however, (p. 156), that this process may yield very incorrect results; for it is possible that part or even the whole of the indi- gotin may remain in solution, combined with alcohol and acetic acid ; in this state it does not yield a precipitate of indigotin by exposure to the atmosphere. 1 96 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The second process, devised by the author, although requiring longer time, has been found to give very satis- factory results; by its means a very close approximation is obtained to the amount of colour practically available. Twenty or thirty grains of finely pulverised indigo are placed in a flask, with twice its weight of ferrous sulphate, two hun- dred of water, and six of caustic soda. The flask is closed by a perforated cork, in which are fixed a small bent tube, which can be connected with a jar of hydrogen, and a syphon going almost to the bottom of the liquid, and closed with a pinchcock. A gentle heat is applied for two hours, after which, the heating is discontinued and the pre- cipitate allowed to settle. The tube is then connected with the jar of hydrogen, and the liquid run off. The residue in the flask is treated again with half the above quantities of iron salt and caustic alkali. The syphoned liquor is placed in shallow vessels and well stirred. The indigotin thus produced is collected, washed, dried, and weighed. Leuchs* has introduced a modification of the above pro- cess in which the solution of white indigo, instead of being exposed to the air, is acidulated with sulphuric acid, and then oxidised by adding a solution of ammonia iron alum, the reaction being as follows: — C 16 H 12 N 2 2 + Fe 2 3 - C 16 H 10 N 2 O 2 + aFeO + OH 2 . Indigo white. Indigotin. The amount of ferrous salt produced by the deoxidation of the ferric sulphate is ascertained in the usual way, by means of a standard solution of potassium chromate. The methods followed to obtain fast indigo blues are all based on the principle of the reduction of blue indigo to white indigo. The latter compound is held in solution by an alkali, which enables the dyer or printer to introduce it into the fibre of the cloth, where on exposure to the atmo- *Zeit. Chem. [2] v. 159. COLD VAT. 197 sphere the alkali combines with carbonic acid, and the white indigo thus liberated absorbs oxygen and becomes insolu- ble blue indigo. As far as dyeing is concerned the pro- cesses can be classed under two heads, hot and cold. The hot process is principally applied to wool, the cold to vege- table fibres, especially cotton. The oldest and still most generally employed method of preparing cold vats consists in putting into a vat containing about 2,000 gallons of water, 60 lbs. of indigo, in very fine powder, 180 lbs. of slacked lime, and 120 lbs. of ferrous sulphate or green vitriol (free from any trace of copper salt), the two last-named substances being added from time to time. The greater part of the lime employed unites with the sulphuric acid of the iron salt to produce sulphate of lime or gypsum, and the liberated protoxide of iron removes the oxygen from the indigo, becoming converted into ferric oxide, whilst the reduced indigo dissolves in the excess of lime employed. It is always advisable to take the precaution of adding the lime first, and to stir the con- tents of the vat before adding the copperas, so that there may be excess of lime present to dissolve the indigo as it is reduced. On the other hand, care must be taken that the total amount of lime employed shall not be in great excess, for, as already stated, white indigo forms two com- pounds with lime, one of which is soluble and the other insoluble ; if the latter were formed, it would of course not be available for the purposes of dyeing. This is not, however, the most serious loss of indigo in the blue-dip vats, the chief being the combination of indi- gotin with the protoxide of iron, forming a green bulky floculent precipitate, which, together with the sulphate of lime, is a great source of annoyance to the dyer, increasing the difficulty of obtaining uniformly dyed surfaces. Many years ago, the author devised the following simple process for recovering the waste indigo: — It consists in 198 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. syphoning off the clear liquor which remains in the ex- hausted or spent vat, and pumping up into a tank the green pulpy mass above referred to, leaving at the bottom of the vat the bulk of the lime and other impurities which may be present. To the pulp in the tank, dilute hydro- chloric acid is added to dissolve any carbonate of lime or caustic lime that may be present, and about 10 per cent, of strong hydrochloric acid is then added to decompose the indigotate of lime; the whole being left to settle for twelve hours. The clear liquor is then syphoned off, and a quan- tity of hydrochloric acid added to the residue until it is strongly acid. By this means the iron compound is decomposed, chloride of iron being produced and white indigo liberated, which rapidly becomes converted into indigotin. After being collected and washed it is ready for use. From 10 to 15 per cent, of indigo is thus recovered. A printer or dyer adopting this method of treating his spent vats can render all the indigotin of the indigo employed available for dyeing, within about 2 or 3 per cent. It is most important that the indigo used in this and the following dyeing processes should be very finely pulverised in order to facilitate its reduction. Several forms of appa- ratus are in use for this purpose, but the one most generally employed consists of a vat in which are a pair of mill- stones, the lower one of which is fixed and the upper one revolves, being driven by means of a lantern wheel. At the bottom of the trough is a tap, by means of which the con- tents of the vat may be drawn off into a bucket. The indigo is ground with water between the stones, and when it has attained the consistence of cream it is drawn off by the tap into a sieve placed on the bucket. Any portion of the indigo not sufficiently ground is thus retained and put back in the mill. Messrs. R. Schloesser and Co., of Manchester, have introduced, within the last year or two, a marked improve- COLD VAT. 199 ment in the preparation of cold vats, the invention of which appears to be due to MM. Cohen Freres, of Rouen, and patented by them September 4th, 1867. This pro- cess removes the great objections of the bulky precipitate of sulphate of lime, the formation of an oxide of iron, and the loss of indigo by its combination with the oxide of iron just referred to; moreover, as the bath remains much more fluid, the pieces are less apt to be spotted, and a better class of work is produced. The amount of bottoms is only about one-seventh of the bulk of that produced when copperas is employed, consequently the vats can be used a much longer time than in the old process, and there is a saving of time and of indigo. To carry out their process they add to the ordinary 2,000 gallon vat 20 lbs. of ground indigo, 30 lbs. of iron borings, 30 lbs. of powdered zinc, and 35 lbs. of quicklime; the whole is stirred up from time to time for twenty-four hours, when it is ready for use. If the bath is not considered sufficiently strong, a little more lime and zinc are introduced. The chemical theory of the process is that zinc, in the presence of lime, takes up oxygen from the water, and the liberated hydrogen then converts the indigotin into white indigo, which is dissolved by the excess of lime. In the working of these vats, two difficulties may present them- selves; first, the formation of a large quantity of froth on the surface of the liquid; and, secondly, a turbid appearance. Both these effects are due to the presence of an excess of reducing material in the water, and may be easily remedied by stirring up the vat quickly from time to time; this liberates the hydrogen from the frothy mass, and brings up the indigo from the bottom to be acted on by the other agents. The stirring facilitates the clearing of the vat, and renders it soon ready for use. To dye cotton yarn in these vats, it is simply necessary to dip it for a few minutes in the dye bath and expose it to 200 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. the atmosphere, when the green hue it has acquired passes rapidly into blue. This operation is repeated until the yarn has attained the required depth of shade, when it is passed through dilute sulphuric acid, and after being washed is ready for the market. To dye calicos the pieces hooked on frames are passed through a bath of weak milk of lime, and then dipped into the reduced indigo vat. After fifteen minutes immersion, the frame is taken out and the cloth exposed to the air for about the same length of time. It is then dipped again, the process being repeated until the required depth of tint is attained. It is finally passed through dilute sulphuric acid and washed. The cold vats are especially used when it is wished to obtain white and yellow designs upon a blue ground. There are two distinct processes by which the whites are produced, one by employing substances to pre- vent the fixing of the indigo on those places, which is called a 'resist' process; the other, by removing the indigo from them by means of oxidising agents, which is called a 'discharge' process. To carry out the resist or reserve process I lb. of nitrate and 3 lbs. of sulphate of copper are dissolved in a gallon of water. To this are added 4 lbs. of pipeclay, 1 lb. of flour, and 1 lb. of flummery (the refuse product from wheaten starch manufactures). The paste so prepared is printed on those parts of the piece which it is intended should remain white, after which they are hung up in a room for two or three days, according to the style of goods. The pieces are then hooked on to the frames and dipped in the vat, when the indigotin fixes itself on the non- printed parts of the fabric, but will not colour the part where the resist is printed, partly owing to the mechanical resistance of the pipeclay and the insoluble nature of the paste employed, but chiefly to the oxygen of the salts of copper oxidising the indigo before it can penetrate the DISCHARGE PROCESS. 201 fibre, thus rendering it incapable of fixing itself on the fabric. We are indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Wood and Wright for the two following patterns, illustrating the resist process and the discharge process respectively. RESIST PROCESS. The discharge process, first applied by Mr. John Mercer, of Accrington, is carried out as follows: — The cloth, after being dyed with indigo in the usual manner, is padded with a solution of bichromate of potash, containing about 8 oz. of salt to a gallon of water. This operation and the subsequent drying are performed in a dim light, as exposure to a strong light would impair the beauty of the blue, and mighf even injure the fibre of the cloth. The fabric is now printed with a discharge, containing oxalic, tartaric, citric, and sometimes hydrochloric acid. For roller printing, however, Persoz gives the following pro- cess: — In two-thirds of a gallon of water dissolve 2 lbs. of oxalic acid; to the remaining third, add 7^2 lbs. of calcined farina, 12]4 lbs. of sulphate of lead, and 1*28 lbs. of sulphuric acid; then mix the whole. When the cloth has been printed with this discharge it is immediately rinsed in water, containing some chalk in suspension; 202 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. then rinsed at the dashwheel, passed through dilute sul- phuric acid, and lastly washed in clean water. RESIST AND DISCHARGE. When the object in view is to produce a self-colour, a much more rapid process is adopted. Pieces of calico, from which all the sizing material has been removed, are made to pass over a series of rollers a,b,c,d, in the vat, A, i* ; i ; ^>~Si^^\^^-$SSS^^ Fig. io. Fig. 10, containing reduced indigo, copperas, and caustic soda, which is maintained at a temperature of 150 F. ; then through the rollers e into another vat, B, containing dilute sulphuric acid, which neutralises the alkali and throws INDIAN VAT. 203 down the white indigo upon the fabric. They are next carried forward through another pair of rollers, f, into a third vat, which must be freely supplied with a current of water; this not only rapidly oxidises the indigo, but removes the sulphate of soda which has been pro- duced. When dried and stiffened the pieces are ready for market. There is still another process, which is now used only to a limited extent, but was at one time very extensively employed. It produces on the cloth a pale blue, which has a great similarity of tint to that seen on china or porcelain, and from which circumstance it derives its name of china-blue. To produce it, the pieces are printed with a mixture containing very finely powdered indigo and a little acetate of iron, and are made to pass through six successive vats. The first two contain lime; the third, sulphate of iron; the fourth, a solution of caustic soda; the fifth, a dilute solution of sulphuric acid ; and the sixth, water. When the design has acquired the required depth of blue the pieces are washed, passed once more through weak sulphuric acid, and again washed. The chemical reactions are exactly similar to those in the cold vat pro- cess, except that instead of the indigo being in solution it is reduced on the surface of the fabric, and is absorbed by the fibre as quickly as it is rendered soluble. For dyeing wool, a modification of the old woad vat is employed, but the use of woad being now almost entirely discontinued, indigo has been substituted for woad. It bears the name of the Indian vat, doubtless from the pro- cess having been practised in India and imported from thence. It is as follows: — 8 lbs. of powdered indigo is added to a bath containing 3^ lbs. of bran, 3^ lbs. of madder, and 12 lbs. of potash, which is maintained for several hours at a temperature of 200 F. It is then allowed to cool to ioo° F., when fermentation ensues. 204 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. After about forty-eight hours the indigo is rendered solu- ble, being reduced by the decomposition, during the process of fermentation, of the sugar and other products contained in the bran and the madder root. The bath should have a greenish-yellow appearance, and a frothy scum of a blue coppery hue Of late years, improvements have been made in this class of vats, by which the expense of using madder is avoided. They are now prepared by adding to water, at a temperature of 200° F., 20 buckets of bran, 26 lbs. of soda crystals, 12 lbs. of indigo, and 5 lbs. of slacked lime. After five hours the bath is allowed to cool to ioo° F., when fermentation ensues and the indigo is dissolved in the alkali. The management of these vats requires great experience and care, for if the fermentation is too slow the indigo is not properly reduced, whilst if too active large quantities of indigo may be lost. The researches of Schunck, already referred to, not only show the method of avoiding this loss, but explain why it occurs. The remarks previously made as to the causes of failure in the manufacture of indigo are applicable here, namely, that if the fermentation becomes alcoholic and acetic, the non-oxidisable indigo compounds described by Schunck are generated. While noticing the reduction of indigo by means of organic substances, a process may be described which has been introduced by M. Leuchs,* of Neuremberg. He employs a new class of reducing agents, namely, pectose, pectin, and pectic acid, which are furnished in abundance by apples, pears, gooseberries, and other fruits; by melons and other cucurbitaccce ; but in the largest quantities and at the lowest cost in carrots and turnips. The following is the method he adopts: — Two hundred pounds of soda ley, of specific gravity 1 "35, are heated to a temperature of *Tech., xxvii., 128. LEU CHS' VAT. 205 170 R, and 2 lbs. of indigo pulp added. In this alkaline liquor an iron cage is suspended,, containing 30 to 40 lbs. of chopped turnips, and the whole raised to the boiling heat. The insoluble pectose of the turnip is thus con- verted into pectic acid, which is soluble, and the indigo is reduced and dissolved. It is advisable to exclude the air from the boiler as much as possible. When cold, this liquor is added to 42 gallons of water, and is ready for use by the dyer. The inventor considers that his process is more advantageous than the old ones, both for cheapness and convenience. It only requires 9 lbs. of turnips to reduce one of indigo, while all the loss of indigo which occurs in the copperas process is avoided, and the deposit, which is often such a source of annoyance, does not take ■ place. The comparatively short time necessary is a great advantage as compared with the fermentation process, and the goods dyed with it do not require to be passed through an acid bath to fix the indigo and give it brilliancy. It is a curious fact that indigo is occasionally produced in the human system. Medical men had observed from time to time that urine, secreted under certain pathological conditions, became brown, and sometimes even blue, when exposed to the atmosphere. Hassel discovered that in some instances the colouring matter was indigo, but here again we are indebted to Schunck for much infor- mation on the subject. In three papers presented to the Royal Society, he has proved that urine, in cases similar to those examined by Hassel, contained indican. He also observed that indican was a very frequent constituent of urine secreted by persons in a healthy state, and in fact that it is produced generally when persons do not take sufficient exercise; and he has on several occasions suc- ceeded in producing it by taking in his food a rather large excess of sugar. CHAPTER VII. COCHINEAL, KERMES, GUM-LAC, LAC-DYE, LAC-LAKE, AND MUREXIDE. Cochineal, Kermes, and Lac-dye. — These colouring matters are obtained from the animal kingdom, being derived from three distinct species of a peculiar tribe of insects called Coccina. The real cochineal, Coccus cacti, lives and propagates on certain varieties of cactus which grow in Mexico, the nopal principally. Kermes, Coccus ilicis, is found on a species of oak named the Ilex, or Quercus coccifera, which grows in Spain, the south of France, Italy, and the islands of the Grecian Archipelago, especially Candia. Poland kermes, Coccus polonicus radicals, lives on the roots of the Sclerauthus of Poland, and the Russian kermes, Coccus uvaursi is found in the Ukraine. Lac-dye is prepared from lac, a product derived from the Coccus lacca, or ficus, which is found in large quantities on the banyan, the juniper, and other trees in India. The dyes obtained from some species of these insects, were well known to the ancients, and were much used in Persia and India; and although there is no doubt that the Romans were acquainted both with kermes and lac-dye, yet their use seems to have been discontinued in Europe after the fall of that Empire, since no mention is made of it by Giovanni Ventura Rosetti, who, in the year 1429, pub- lished the earliest work on dyeing at Venice. On the con- quest of Mexico by the Spaniards, they found this dye in COCHINEAL. 207 use among the natives, who had -employed it for many- centuries. It was shortly afterwards introduced into Europe, probably in the year 15 18, and owing to the brilliancy and fastness of the colour it soon came into great demand, as would appear from the fact that in 1581 the quantity imported into Spain was 150,000 lbs. From that time this dyestuff was still more largely employed, owing to the discovery of the splendid scarlet which it pro- duces on wool when salts of tin are added to the dye bath. In 1830 it was propagated in the Canary Islands, the island of Teneriffe, Java, and Algiers, and large quantities are now exported from those countries. The best qualities are still obtained from the republic of Honduras. Cochineal. — The cochineal insect belongs to the tribe Coccina, several species of which are found in our own country, and these 'bugs' are well known to our gardeners from the injury they do to many plants, especially in hot- houses. Nothing can be more dissimilar in appearance than the two sexes of these singular insects. The female, from which alone the colour is obtained, forms a mere fleshy masi- almost destitute of limbs, remaining attached to one spot on the plant on which it is produced, and from which it continues to derive its nutriment until it attains its full size. The males, on the contrary, are elegant creatures, furnished with a single pair of filmy wings, whilst from the abdomen there grows a pair of long filaments. As already stated it principally lives on a species of cactus called the 'nopal,' or Cactus opuntia, or Cactus cocciuilifera. This plant is indigenous to Mexico, where it grows in the wild state; and from which large quantities of cochineal are collected. It is also extensively cultivated by the native Indians, who often have gardens, or nopaleries containing 60,000 plants. The cochineal obtained from the two sources is of different quality; that from the cultivated plant 208 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. is much superior, and - is called mesteque, or grana fina; that collected from the wild plant being called sylvestra. The following is a brief account of the manner in which cochineal is cultivated and prepared for market. In the month of May in the fiat lands, and in November in the mountainous districts, the Indians take the stems of the cactus, which they have preserved from a previous crop, and remove from them the young female insects, which are placed on the growing plants, where they multiply with great rapidity. After a period of about three months, the insects are collected in small straw baskets or tin dishes, so formed as to enclose the bottom part of the plant, being swept into it from each stem suc- cessively by means of a small brush. They are then destroyed, either by being thrown into hot water, and afterwards dried in the sun or in stoves, which gives the black cochineal, called zacatilla ; or they are placed in a bag and stoved at once, which leaves upon them that peculiar lustrous appearance which characterises the silver-white cochineal called bianco. There is often a second production of cochineal before the wet season sets in ; if so, it is scraped off with a knife and dried, but it is of inferior quality, and is sold under the name of granilla. Although a pound of cochineal contains 70,000 insects, an acre of nopal produces about 300 lbs. of cochineal, and there are millions of pounds imported into Europe every year. If one of the dried insects be placed in warm water for fifteen hours, it swells and takes a hemispherical form, when its structure can be seen. It will be found to be covered with rings, and to be furnished with feet and a rostrum. If the animal is pressed between the fingers thousands of little red granules are exuded, which when placed under the microscope are seen to be the eggs of the insect. CARMINIC ACID. 209 Cochineal has been the subject of several chemical investigations. It was examined by John in 181 3, who gives the following as the results of his analysis : — Colouring principle, semi-solid, soluble in water and alcohol 50*0 Gelatin 10*5 Waxy fat io - o Modified mucus 14-0 Membrane 14*0 Alkaline phosphates, and chlorides, and phos- phates of lime, iron, and ammonia 1*5 IOO'O The colouring principle was first carefully examined by Pelletier and Caventou in 18 18, who considered it to be an azotised compound. In order to extract the colouring matter they first removed the fatty bodies by means of ether, and then dissolved out the colouring matter by boil- ing alcohol. On cooling, a red deposit was formed, which was redissolved in alcohol, and the solution shaken up with ether ; a precipitate was thus thrown down, which was the carmine of these chemists, and to which they assigned the formula, C 1(; H 2 ,N,O 10 . Arppe and Warren de la Rue, however, again investi- gated the subject in 1847, and cam 2 to the conclusion that the colouring matter did not contain nitrogen, although it is accompanied by nitrogenous matter, from which it is very difficult to separate it. They found that it possessed acid properties, and therefore gave it the name of carminic acid. From the results of their analysis they believed it to have the formula C u H u O s . Schiitzenberger considers that the carmine of Pelletier and Caventou is a compound of carminic acid, and an organic azotised base called tyrosine. The process devised by Arppe and Warren de la Rue has P 210 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. b^en slightly modified by Schiitzenberger, who succeeded in obtaining the acid in the crystalline form. Cochineal in grains is washed with ether to remove the fatty matters, and then treated several times with boiling water. The addition to the red liquid of a solution of acetate of lead, rendered slightly acid by means of acetic acid, causes a violet-blue precipitate, which contains all the colouring matter ; the supernatant liquid being either colourless, or of a faint yellowish tinge. After being thoroughly washed with warm water, the precipitate consists principally of carminate of lead and phosphate of lead, together with a very small quantity of nitrogenous compounds ; by far the greater portion of the latter is removed by the washing, and the filtrate on concentration yields small needles of tyrosine, other organic matters remaining in solution in the syrupy liquid. The lead precipitate is suspended in warm water, and a quantity of sulphuric acid added barely sufficient to decom- pose the carminate, leaving the phosphate unattacked. The carminic acid thus liberated is dissolved in water, and the solution evaporated to dryness in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 120 F. The residue is dis- solved in absolute alcohol, which on evaporation and cool- ing, yields the carminic acid in the crystalline state. In order to free it from a small quantity of yellow colouring substance, it is dissolved in water, filtered, and evaporated. The residue is then recrystallised from ether, or from abso- lute alcohol. According to Schiitzenberger the formula of carminic acid is C 3 H 8 0j, whilst Schaller makes it C 9 H 8 6 . Hlasiwetz and Grabowski* published 'a paper in which they state that carminic acid yields definite compounds with potassium and barium, from an examination of which they find the true formula of carminic acid to be Ci 7 H 18 O 10 . * Ann. Chem. Tharm., cxli., 129. CARMINE RED. 2 1 1 When boiled with dilute acids it splits up, yielding sugar and a new substance, carmine red. C^Ao + 2OH, = C n H 12 7 + C 6 H ia 5 . Carminic acid. Carmine red. Sugar. This unfolding of carminic acid into carmine red and sugar is very interesting, as it shows that some animal colouring matters are formed according to the same law as those of the vegetable kingdom, and like them are glucor sides. It is not improbable that the tyrosine found in the solutions of cochineal is the product of the decomposition of a peculiar ferment which exists in the insect, but which is destroyed in the stoving, or steeping in boiling water, to which it is subjected in its preparation for the market To prepare carmine red, these chemists throw down the colouring matter from a decoction of cochineal in boiling water, by acetate of lead, wash the precipitate carefully, and then decompose the lead compound by dilute sulphuric acid. The dark red solution thus obtained is filtered from the sulphate of lead, and sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through it to precipitate the last traces of lead. The liquid, after being again filtered, is boiled with a little dilute sulphuric acid to decompose the carminic acid, then neutralised by carbonate of baryta, filtered from the barium sulphate, and the colouring matter thrown down by acetate of lead. The precipitate is decomposed by dilute hydrochloric acid, the coloured liquid is filtered, and sulphuretted hydrogen passed through it to precipitate the lead remaining in solution, after which it is evaporated at a gentle heat. The residue is again treated with cold water, which leaves undissolved some resinous floculent matter and the solution evaporated in vacuo over sulphuric acid. A brilliant purple-red mass is thus obtained, which appears green by reflected light, and when powdered has a dark cinnabar red colour. It is insoluble in ether, but gives beautiful red solutions with water and alcohol. 212 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. By fusing carminic acid with caustic potash, these chemists obtained a yellow crystalline substance to which they gave the name coccinin, CuHuOg. This substance is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. It is very solu- ble also in dilute alkalis, giving a yellow solution, which, in contact with the air, becomes first green, then violet, and finally reddish-purple. Carminic acid is insoluble in ether, but soluble in water, alcohol, bisulphide of carbon, and benzene. It is not decomposed by a heat of 280° F., and may be dissolved without decomposition in concentrated sulphuric or hydro- chloric acid. When fixed on fabrics, especially on wool, it is one of the fastest colours known, neither light nor air having any action on it. Nascent hydrogen reduces it, producing a colourless compound, but it is again converted into the red carminic acid on exposure to the atmosphere. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine, however, easily destroy it. The general properties of the carminates have not been much studied. Schiitzenberger has, however, obtained a crystallised carminate of soda, to which he assigns the formula, Na.,0, C 9 H 8 5 ; and Messrs. Hlasiwetz and Gra- bornski have also prepared potassium and barium com- pounds, having the formula C 17 H 10 K 2 O 10 + ^OH 2 , and C 17 H 10 Ba O 10 respectively. The soda salt crystallises in purple plates. Guignet* has recently obtained a lime salt which he prepares by mixing a solution of carminic acid with a salt of lime, the best for this purpose being the bicarbonate. It falls as a black precipitate, which is insoluble in water and alcohol. Concentrated acetic acid dissolves it completely, the solution being of a bright red colour, but on evapora- tion, the black salt is deposited unchanged. He considers it to be a neutral carminate, but has not analysed it. Carminic acid gives with caustic alkalis a beautiful red * Bull. Soc. Chim. [2] xviii., 162. REACTIONS OF COCHINEAL. 213 colour; with baryta and lime waters, a purple precipitate; with salts of barium, and with acetates of lead and copper, purple precipitates; with tin bichloride, a red precipitate; and with cream of tartar, or potassium oxalate, an orange- red precipitate. Alumina removes the whole of the colour- ing matter from an aqueous solution, yielding a beautiful red lake, which on being heated, becomes first crimson, then purple. The addition to the lake of a little acid, or acetate of alumina, produces the same result. Warren de la Rue found that by acting on carminic acid with nitric acid of specific gravity 1*4, he obtained a new acid which he called nitrococcusic acid, nitrous fumes being given off, and oxalic acid being formed at the same time, the latter no doubt being the product of the decom- position of the sugar already spoken of. The formula of nitrococcusic acid is C 8 H 5 (NOo)a0 3 + OH 2 . It crystal- lises in fine yellow scales. Liebermann and Van Dorp confirm these results. They have also obtained a body somewhat similar to coccinin which they call ruficoccin, by heating carmine in concen- trated sulphuric acid to a temperature of 300 F. A decoction of cochineal acts rather differently with reagents from a solution of carminic acid, owing to the phosphates and tyrosine which it contains. The following are its characters : — c Change the colour to a yel- Acids. -I lowish-red, causing a slight ^ precipitate. Alkalis. Change it to violet. Lime water. Violet precipitate. . , C Changes its colour to red, then Alum. . (. causes a precipitate. {Reddish-violet precipitate, the supernatant liquor becom- ing- crimson. 214 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. { ( Colour changes to yellow, and Acid chloride of tin. -I a cherry-coloured precipi- tate falls. Neutral chloride of tin. Violet precipitate. Bichloride of tin. Bright scarlet coloration. _ , , ( Violet -grey coloration and Ferrous sulphate. < . . (. precipitate. ... ( Brown precipitate, which Acetate of iron. < , \. I changes to olive-green. Sulphate of copper. Violet precipitate. Salts of lead. Violet precipitate. Mercurous acetate. Wine-red precipitate. Mercuric acetate. Reddish-brown precipitate. Sulphate of zinc. Dark violet precipitate. Cream of tartar. Red precipitate. Oxalic acid. Red precipitate. As cochineal is an expensive dyestufif, it is liable to be adulterated. One of the most common frauds is practised at Nismes, and other places where perfumery is prepared. The cochineal is put into water for a short time, by which a part of the colour is extracted ; it is then dried, and either sold as black cochineal, or placed in a sack and shaken with talc or sulphate of lead, and sold as white cochineal. The latter is easily detected by grinding the cochineal and mixing it with water, when the talc or sul- phate of lead falls to the bottom. Good cochineal does not leave above 5 or 6 per cent, of ash. It is often advisable before buying cochineal to deter- mine its value by ascertaining its comparative tinctorial power, and since it is difficult to prepare carminic acid, the colouring principle of the cochineal, a sample of known good quality must be obtained with which to compare the sample to be tested. The methods employed are various, but are all based on three principles; the first on a comparison of the depth of TESTING COCHINEAL. 215 colour of the sample to be tested with that of a similar solution of the standard, the second on the amount of oxidising agent required to destroy the colours in the res- pective solutions, and the third on their actual dyeing power on equal surfaces of flannel. In the methods based on a comparison of the strength of colour of the solutions, the colouring matter of the cochineal is extracted by boiling about 15 grains of it in a quart of water, to which is added twenty drops of a saturated solution of alum. After boiling for an hour the liquors are allowed to cool and made up to the original quantity, when they are ready for testing in an apparatus called a colorometer. As, however, several of these have been devised of late years, and the process is equally appli- cable to many other colours, it has been thought better to leave its description until treating of the general question of the analysis and examination of colouring matters and coloured fabrics. Among the processes based on the destructive oxidation of the colouring matter, may be mentioned that proposed by Robiquet, who used a standard solution of bleaching powder, and that lately published by Merrick, who employs a dilute standard solution of permanganate of potash. The best, however, of these processes is that adopted by Penny. Twenty grains of cochineal are treated with about 1,000 grains of a dilute potash solution, and this is further diluted with 2,000 grains of water. A solution of red prussiate of potash is then prepared, containing one part of the salt to two hundred of water, and this liquid is added drop by drop from a burette to the cochineal solution until the purple colour is removed, and the liquor has a dull reddish-brown tinge. By a comparison of the quantity of ferricyanide required for the oxidation of the standard cochineal, and that requisite for the sample to be tested, the relative value of the latter is determined. 216 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. All these processes, however, are objectionable, as there are in cochineal other organic matters besides carminic acid, which may be oxidised by the reagents employed and thus lead to incorrect results. To carry out the third principle of testing, which practi- cally is the only thoroughly trustworthy one, the following proportions will be found to give good results : — For scarlet tints a bath is made composed of — Water i quart. Cream of tartar 32 grains. Oxymuriate of tin 32 grains. Cochineal, finely ground 16 grains. For crimson tints — Water 1 quart. Cream of tartar 12 grains. Alum 24 grains. Cochineal 16 grains. A piece of flannel weighing 100 grains is then placed in the bath and dyed up to a full tone ; when this has been done, a second piece is put in the bath and allowed to re- main until all the colouring matter is exhausted. It is, perhaps, necessary to remark here, that whenever any comparative dyeing experiments are to be made, they ought to be done in the same water bath, so as to be exposed to exactly the same circumstances. If the cochi- neal to be tested was pure, or merely had part of its colour removed, this dyeing test would give its comparative value, but as occasionally it has been found that cochineal has been adulterated with the colouring matter of Brazil wood, a further test is necessary before its purity can be affirmed. To a solution of the cochineal, lime water in excess is added, when, if pure, all the colouring matter will be thrown down, whilst if any brasilin be present the liquid will have a purple colour. The chief employment of cochineal is for dyeing silk DYEING WITH COCHINEAL. 217 and wool by processes similar to that just described for testing cochineal, but unfortunately the brilliant colours so produced are affected by alkalis and soap, which impart to them a purple hue. It is used in calico printing to pro- duce pinks and reds in steam styles. The accompanying sample of cochineal pink has been supplied by Messrs. Wood and Wright. COCHINEAL PINK, STEAM STYLE. Woollen goods may be dyed, and cotton and silk goods printed also in purple and mauve colours, with a peculiar compound of the colouring matter of cochineal with am- monia, known in the trade as ammoniacal cochineal. This sample has been supplied by Messrs. Z. Heys and Sons, of Barrhead, near Glasgow. AMMONIACAL COCHINEAL. 218 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. AMMONIACAL Cochineal. — When one part of ground cochineal is left in contact with three parts of ammonia for several weeks, a chemical action ensues between the car- minic acid and the ammonia, the latter losing hydrogen and the former oxygen, so that water is eliminated and an amide is formed, called carminamide. According to Schiitzenberger, the change may be thus represented : — C 9 H 8 5 + NH 3 = OH 2 + C 9 H 9 N0 4 . Carminic Ammonia. Water. Carminamide. acid. A solution of carminamide does not give a scarlet pre- cipitate with oxymuriate of tin, like carminic acid, but a beautiful purple one. And the crimson, purple, and mauve colours which it yields, as already stated, are not affected by acids. There are two commercial preparations of ammoniacal cochineal — one in the state of a thick paste, the other as small flat tablets. The first is prepared by mixing one part of finely powdered cochineal with five or six parts of ammonia : it is left to stand for two or three weeks, and then heated until about two-thirds of the ammonia has been driven off, when it is ready for use. The second preparation is obtained by adding three parts of ammonia to one of cochineal, in a closed vessel, and leaving them to macerate for a month. After this time, 40 per cent, of alumina in a gelatinous state is added to the mixture, and the whole is then heated in a tinned copper pan until the odour of ammonia can no longer be perceived. The mass when cold should have sufficient con- sistency to be moulded into cakes. Carmine Lakes. — These very beautiful pigments are prepared from a decoction of cochineal, and not from car- minic acid, the animal matter which the insect contains appearing to be essential to their production. Their dis- covery was made accidentally by a Franciscan monk, at Pisa. He had made an extract of cochineal with bitartrate PREPARATION OF CARMINE. 219 of potash for medicinal purposes; and one day, putting some acid to the solution, found to his surprise that he had a magnificent red precipitate of carmine. Homberg, in 1656, knew how to obtain it. Although the modes of preparing the finest qualities of carmine are kept secret by the manufacturers, we know that acid salts, such as bitartrate and binoxalate of potash are usually employed, and the following process will give very satisfactory results: — A pound of cochineal is heated with 2 gallons of water, in which an ounce of alum has been dissolved ; it is then raised to the boiling point, and kept at that temperature for three minutes. After having been allowed to settle for a short time, the clear liquid is poured off and put aside for several days, when about an ounce of a bright carmine lake is produced. Cream of tartar may be substituted for the alum employed in this process. A second process consists in boiling, for two hours, 2 lbs. of powdered cochineal in 15 gallons of water; 3 oz. of pure nitrate of potash are then added, and the boiling continued for three minutes, after which 4 oz. of binoxa- late of potash are added, and the liquor again boiled for ten minutes. It is next run off, and when it has become clear, which takes place in about fifteen minutes, it is set aside and allowed to stand for three weeks in shallow glass vessels, when the carmine is deposited. The super- natant liquor covered with fungus is carefully removed, and the carmine collected and dried in the shade. As these lakes are expensive, they are often adulterated with starch, kaolin, vermilion, &c. The complete solu- bility of pure carmine lakes in ammonia affords, however, a ready means of detecting these adulterations. Carmine is generally sold in the state of an impalpable powder, or in small cakes wrapped in fine paper. Gela- tinous and albuminous preparations are also made, and are 220 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. used by confectioners. Carmine is used principally by artists, paper stainers, and fabric printers. A lower quality of colour also occurs in commerce called carmine lake or Florentine lake, which was manu- factured at Florence for a long time. It is prepared by mixing a weak alkaline solution of cochineal with a solution of alum. KERMES. — This colouring matter has received its name from the Arabs, the word signifying little worm. It has been known in the East from time immemorial, and according to M. Girardin, Moses mentions it under the name of jola. It was also used by both Greek and Roman dyers, being mentioned by Pliny under the name of coccigranum. He says that the natives of Hispania paid half their tribute to the Romans with these grains, which were employed for dyeing purple, and that those produced in Sicily were the worst, whilst those from Emerita, in Lusitania, were the best. In Germany, from the ninth to the fourteenth century, the serfs were bound to deliver to the convents, every year, a certain quantity of kermes among the other products of husbandry. It was collected from the trees on St. John's day, between eleven o'clock and noon, with religious cere- monies, and from this received the name of Johannisblut, that is, St. John's blood. At that time a great deal of the German kermes was sent to Venice, to produce the scarlet to which that city give its name. As already stated, kermes is derived from the Coccus ilicis, found on the Ilex or Qitercus cocci/era, a shrub which grows on arid rocky soils in hot climates, but which is not specially cultivated for that purpose. The young female animal fixes itself under the epidermis of the leaves or young shoots of the oak in the early parts of spring. As the insect grows it gradually swells out the epidermis of the leaves or branches, with a multitude of KERMES. 221 excrescences somewhat similar to gall-nuts, having a bluish- green hue, and covered with a white powder. During the month of June, or just before the eggs produced would be hatched, the animals are removed, and destroyed by placing them for half an hour in the vapours of acetic acid liberated from heated vinegar; they are then dried. This process gives them the red appearance they usually present when sent into the market as kermes. When good, kermes is plump, of a deep red colour, having an agreeable odour, and a rough, pungent taste. Its tinctorial matter is soluble in water and alcohol ; it becomes yellow or brownish with acids, and violet or crimson with alkalis. Sulphate of iron blackens it, doubtless owing to the presence of a small quantity of tannin derived from the oak on which it lives. With alum it dyes blood-red ; with salts of iron, a light purplish-grey; with salts of copper and bitartrate of potash, an olive-green; with chloride of tin and bitartrate of potash, a cinnamon-yellow. Scarlet and crimson dyed with kermes were called grain colours. Although this colouring matter is seldom used in England, it is extensively employed in the South of France, in Spain, Morocco, and Turkey, to dye Morocco leather, and to give to woollen cloth that particular shade which characterises the cap called 'fez' worn by the Asiatics. If the colour is not so brilliant as that of cochineal, it has the advantage of not being changed by soap or dilute alkalis, or by perspiration. It is also employed at Rome, Florence, and Milan, to colour a very favourite beverage known as 'alkermes.' The colour-giving principle of this insect is apparently identical with that of cochineal, but it requires twelve times as much kermes as cochineal to produce a scarlet of the same intensity with a salt of tin. The kermes of Poland and Russia, which are used 222 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. exclusively in the countries in which they are found, are employed in a similar manner to that above described. Lac, Lac-DYE. — Gum-lac is the product of another variety of Coccina, which lives especially on the Ficus religiosa or banyan tree. It is a resinoid substance, the secretion of which depends on the puncture of the insect, and is made for the purpose of depositing its ova. Besides the banyan tree, the Rhamnus jujuba, or juniper, the Croton lacciferum, and the Butea frondosa which grows in Assam, Siam, Pegu, Bengal, and Malabar, all yield this product. The animals reproduce themselves with such rapidity, and in such numbers, that they entirely cover the surface of the branches of the trees on which they are deposited, forming solid masses, which are often a quarter of an inch thick, and adhering very firmly to the wood. The natives break off these branches just before the time of hatching, and expose them to the sun to kill the insect. These twigs are sold under the name of stick-lac. That of Siam is considered the best, that of Assam the next, while that of Bengal in which the resinous coat is thin, scanty, and irregular is the worst. According to the analysis of Dr. John, stick-lac has the following composition : — An odorous common resin 65-83 A resin insoluble in ether 16-67 Colouring matter, analogous to that ) of cochineal / 35 Bitter balsamic matter 2-50 Dim yellow extract '42 Acid of the stick-lac — laccic acid '63 Fatty matter, like wax 2 -50 Skins of the insects and colouring matter 2 - o8 Salts 1*04 Earths '62 Loss 3'9 6 IOO'OO STICK-LAC. 223 Hatchett's analysis yielded : Resin 68 - o Colouring matter io'o Wax 6 - o Gluten 5-5 Foreign bodies 6*5 Loss : 4 "O IOO'O Stick-lac is a dark red transparent resin, breaking with a vitreous fracture. It imparts a purple colour to the saliva, and has a bitter, astringent taste. It yields to water only a part of its colouring matter. It is insoluble in fixed and essential oils, but is slightly soluble in alcohol. Borax solution exercises a special solvent power upon it. Dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid dissolves the colouring matter freely, and the solution thus obtained is sometimes used in Europe to produce scarlet shades on woollen goods, to which it yields its colour without the employment of mordants, and the colours so obtained, although not so brilliant as those of cochineal, are less easily affected by perspiration. Alkalis and soap, how- ever, impart to them a purple hue. Stick-lac is still much used in the East, both in the dyeing of woollen goods and Morocco leather. Besides the stick-lac just described, there are two products prepared from it, known in com- merce as "seed-lac" and "shell-lac." Seed-lac is obtained from the stick-lac by removing the resinous concretion from the twigs, reducing it to a coarse powder, and then triturating it with water in a mortar. By this means the greater part of the colouring matter is dissolved, and the granular portion which remains after being dried in the sun constitutes seed-lac. It contains less colouring matter than stick-lac, and is much less soluble. The results of Hatchett's analysis were: 224 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Resin 8S'5 Colouring matter 2 "5 Wax 4 "5 Gluten 20 Loss 2 - 5 I00"0 Shell-lac is obtained by putting the seed-lac into an oblong bag of cotton cloth, which is held over a charcoal fire until the contents begin to melt, when the bag is twisted so as to strain the liquified resin through its interstices, whence it is allowed to drop upon smooth stems of the banyan tree. In this way the resin spreads into thin plates, in which state it is found in commerce. The Pegu stick-lac being very dark coloured furnishes a shell- lac of a corresponding dark hue, and therefore of inferior value. A stick-lac of an intermediate kind comes from the Mysore country, which yields a brilliant lac-dye and a good shell-lac. According to the analysis of Hatchett it con- tains : Resin 909 Colouring matter - 5 Wax 40 Gluten 28 Loss 1 '8 Lac-Dye and Lac-Lake have been imported into this country from India since the year 1796, and are both pre- pared by acting on stick-lac by a weak alkaline ley. If lac-lake is required, this liquor is added to a solution of alum, and the precipitate thus produced is collected, moulded into small lumps about two inches square, and dried. John, who has analysed it, finds it to contain : MUREXIDE. 225 Colouring matter 50 Resin 40 Alumina 9 Foreign matters 1 100 The details of the process for preparing lac-dye are kept secret, but it appears to be produced by evaporating the above described alkaline solution carefully, in flat dishes, either by artificial heat or by the heat of the sun It forms cakes about 2^ inches square, and varying from *5 to '8 inches in thickness. It is principally shipped from Calcutta. These products, especially lac-dye, are used in England as substitutes for kermes in the production of scarlets; they require no mordants on woollen cloths, although a little chloride of tin is usually added to prevent the colour assuming a purple hue. From two to three parts of lac- dye are equal to one of cochineal. The tinctorial power of these various dyestuffs may be determined by the same processes as those employed for cochineal. Some years ago, Messrs. E. Brooke and Co., of Man- chester, introduced a lac-dye much Superior to that im- ported from India; it is prepared by treating stick-lac with weak ammonia, and adding chloride of tin to this solution, a fine red precipitate is thus formed, which when collected is ready for use. MUREXIDE. — Although this colour has now been super- seded by those derived from coal-tar, it may be noticed here as an example of the great assistance which chemical science has rendered to the art of calico printing. In the year 1776, the illustrious Swedish chemist, Scheele, discovered in human urine a compound to which he gave the name of uric acid. In 18 17, Brugnatelli found that Q 226 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. nitric acid transformed uric acid into a substance which he named erythric acid, but which was subsequently changed to alloxan by Liebeg and Wohler. In 1818, Prout found that this substance, in contact with ammonia, gave a beautiful purple-red colour, which he called purpurate of ammonia, and which is identical with the product known by the name of murexide since the classical researches of Liebig and Wohler, published in 1837. Thus the matter rested until the year 1851, when Dr. Saac observed that alloxan, although itself a colourless crystallised compound, coloured the skin red when it came in contact with it. This led him to infer that alloxan might be employed to dye woollens red, and further experiments showed that if woollen cloth were pre- pared with a salt of tin, passed through a solution of alloxan and then submitted to a gentle heat, a most beautiful and delicate pink colour was produced. In 1856, MM. Deponilly, Lauth, Meister, Petersen, and Albert Schlumberger, applied it as a dyeing material for silk and wool, and obtained red and purple colours, by mixing the murexide with corrosive sublimate, acetate of soda, and acetic acid. For printing on cotton fabrics, a mixture of murexide and nitrate of lead, or acetate of zinc, properly thickened was applied to the cloth. It was then allowed to dry for a^day or two, and the colour fixed by passing it through a mixture of corrosive sublimate, acetate of soda, and acetic acid. Very large quantities of printed, coloured, and mixed fabrics were thus produced in 1855 and 1856, but the introduction of the aniline colours, with their superior stability and brilliancy of shade, soon put an end to the use of this colouring matter. The large quantities of uric acid required to supply the demand for murexide which arose during these years were obtained from Peruvian guano. The guano was first treated repeatedly with hydrochloric acid, and washed until all the soluble matters were removed, leaving an insoluble MUREXIDE. 227 mass consisting chiefly of sand and uric acid. Many pro- cesses have been devised for converting this crude uric acid into murexide, one of the most simple being to treat it with nitric acid of specific gravity 1-40 ; when the action was complete, warm water was added to the mass and the whole thrown on a filter. The filtrate, which contained alloxan, alloxantin, and nitrate of urea was evaporated care- fully, at a temperature of 175 F., to such a degree, that when left to cool it became a brownish-red, or violet solid, called by its discoverer carmin de poupre; this was the substance used for printing in the manner above described. CHAPTER VIII. ORCHIL, CUDBEAR, AND LITMUS. About the year 1 300, an Italian named Federigo, who during his travels in the East had observed the tinctorial powers of a certain class of plants of low organisation called lichens, introduced the colour into Florence under the name of orchil. For this discovery he was ennobled ; moreover, he and his family accumulated a very large fortune, as for many years the whole of the orchil used in Europe was supplied from Florence. At first the 'weeds,' or lichens used for the production of this colour were collected on the shores of various islands in the Mediterranean, but on the discovery of the Canary Islands in 1402, large quantities were obtained from thence. Later again they were imported from Cape Verd, and now they are also obtained from Madagascar, Zanzibar, Angola, Lima, and various parts of South America. Lichens are small perennial plants belonging to the class Cryptogamia. ■ They require free access to light and air, and grow either on the stems and leaves of trees, or on rocks, or damp soils. The fructification of the lichens con- sists of a round or linear, convex or concave cup, called apothecium, or shield, at first closed, but afterwards ex- panding and producing a disc or nucleus, in which the spores are embedded. The shield is surrounded by a border, which originates either from the substance of the thallus, or from the shield itself, or from both. This class of plants forms the principal flora found in the arctic circle, but the species growing there are not employed to produce MANUFACTURE OF ORCHIL. 229 Fig. 11. the colouring matter orchil, the varieties used for this pur- pose being found in warmer, and especially in tropical climates. The two principal species growing on the shores of the countries already mentioned are the Roccella tinctoria and the Roccella fiiciformis , which are imported and sold as weed of the countries from which they have been brought, as for exam- ^ pie, 'Lima weed,' which is the Roccella fuciformis, and 'Val- paraiso weed,' which is the Roc- cella tinctoria. Of the species growing inland the Variolaria dealbata, found on the rocky parts of the Pyrenees, the Vario- laria orciua of Auvergne, and the Lecouaria tartarca of Sweden, are the most important. Lichens do not contain any colouring matters ready formed, but certain colourless compounds, which, under the influence of ammonia and the oxygen of the atmo- sphere, give rise to orchil. The chief colour-yielding principles existing in these lichens are erythrin, lecanoric acid, and evernic acid. The manufacture of orchil from lichens was for many centuries conducted in wooden troughs 7 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 9 to 12 inches high, which were closed by wooden lids furnished with hinges. Two hundred parts of the lichens were placed in the trough, together with two hundred and forty parts of decomposed urine, and the mix- ture well worked every three hours for forty-eight hours. Five parts of slaked lime, one part of arsenious acid, and one-quarter part of alum were then added, and the whole well stirred and allowed to ferment. The stirring was repeated from time to time for a month. The contents of 230 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. the trough were then removed into casks and left to stand ; the colouring power of the mass being much improved by keeping. The ammonia necessary for the production of the colour- ing matter is derived from urea, a substance present in urine, and which under the influence of a special ferment becomes converted into ammonium carbonate, as shown in the following equation : — CH 4 N 2 + 2 OH 2 = (NH 4 ) 2 .C0 3 . Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate. The addition of lime then decomposes the ammonium car- bonate, with formation of calcium carbonate and liberation of ammonia. This primitive and offensive process was materially im- proved soon after the introduction of coal-gas, by substi- tuting the ammoniacal liquor obtained in that manufacture for putrid urine. M. Freson, a large manufacturer of orchil, in France, found when the weeds were bruised in a mortar with water, and then shaken in a coarse sieve, that a white floculent matter was separated, which contained nearly the whole of the colouring matter of the lichens. In order to cany out this process on a large scale, the lichens, after being freed as far as possible from earthy impurities and washed, are ground between millstones with water into a pulp. This pulp is then carefully washed several times with cold water, and the washings thrown on a loosely woven woollen sieve, which retains only the ligneous fibre. To the filtrate a small quantity of bichlo- ride of tin is added, which coagulates the colour-giving principles and determines their precipitation. This deposit is collected, washed, and placed in troughs with the requi- site quantity of ammonia. It is stirred from time to time for a month, during which period the colour acquires great intensity, and a beautiful extract is obtained, which can be MANUFACTURE OF ORCHIL. 231 used either for printing or for dyeing. As Gauthier de Claubry has pointed out, however, if the lichens are left for any length of time in contact with water, the colouring principle is decomposed and dissolves, so that considerable loss would occur unless the operations are carried on very rapidly. The following process was communicated to the author by Mr. J. A. Bouck, as the one usually adopted in England: The best orchil is prepared from the Rocella tinctoria. The weed is picked by hand or otherwise, torn or cut into small pieces, placed in earthenware mugs or jars, and as much ammonia at 4 Twaddle added as will cover the weed in the jars. The jars are then covered with wooden lids, and kept at a temperature of about 70 F. Fermenta- tion soon commences, and the mass should be turned over and well stirred at least three times daily. The fermenta- tion is allowed to go on until the whole of the colouring matter is extracted from the weed, which generally takes place in fourteen to twenty-one days, if the temperature has been properly attended to. If the fermentation is allowed to go on for too long a time the colouring matter is entirely destroyed, and a dirty brown substance produced. The mass is taken out of the jars and pressed, and the liquor so obtained is the blue orchil of commerce, and should show 8° Twaddle gravity. The red orchil is obtained by heating the blue orchil at a very low tempera- ture, so as to drive off the ammonia. This operation is best conducted in a double-cased steam pan. The beautiful purple and mauve colours obtained on silk and wool from orchil are extremely fugitive, losing their brilliancy on exposure to light or to the influence of weak acids, such as sulphurous acid, which is so abundantly produced in our manufacturing districts. M. Marnas, of Lyons, however, succeeded in 1856 in making orchil colours, which gave fast purples and mauves. 232 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. In the first instance, as suggested by Dr. Stenhouse, the lichens were treated with milk of lime, but it was after- wards found to be more advantageous to extract them with a dilute solution of ammonia; the colour-giving principle is thrown down from the clear solution by hydro- chloric acid, and collected on a filter. This precipitate, after being well washed, is dissolved in caustic ammonia, and the ammoniacal liquor kept at an even temperature of 1 5 3° to i6o° R, for twenty to twenty-five days, when the colour-giving principles of the lichens are transformed into a new series of compounds, the most important of which is of a magnificent purple colour. In order to separate this, chloride of calcium is added to the liquid, which pre- cipitates it as a fine purple lake. This, after being washed and dried, is sold under the name of French purple. To dye silk or wool with French purple, it is simply necessary to mix the lake with its own weight of oxalic acid, boil with water, and then filter. The oxalate of lime remains on the filter, whilst the colour passes through in solution, and is added to a slightly ammoniacal liquid in the dyebeck; all that is now necessary is to dip the silk or wool in the beck, when it will become dyed a magnificent purple or mauve. In order to dye cotton, it must be mor- danted with albumen, or prepared as for Turkey red, before putting it in the bath. SILK DYED WITH FRENCH PURPLE. USES OF ORCHIL. 233 As the lichens imported into this country vary consider- ably in the amount of orchil which they yield, it is of the greatest importance to have a simple and accurate method of ascertaining their commercial values. For this purpose Dr. Stenhouse has devised several processes, the following being an outline of the most recent : — 100 grains of the lichen are macerated with a solution of caustic soda, con- taining 5 per cent, of the hydrate, two treatments being sufficient to extract the whole of the colouring principle. A solution of hypochlorite of soda of known strength is then added to the alkaline extract from a graduated alkali- meter, and as soon as it comes in contact with the soda solution of the lichen it produces a blood-red colour. This changes to yellow in the course of a few seconds, when a fresh quantity of bleaching liquid should be poured into the soda solution, and the mixture again stirred. The operation must be repeated as long as the addition of the hypo- chlorite causes the production of the red colour, care being taken towards the end of the process that only a few drops at a time are added, the mixture being carefully stirred between each addition. By noting how many measures of the bleaching liquor have been required for this purpose, the amount of colouring principle contained in the lichen may be determined. The employment of orchil is at the present day compara- tively limited, but it is still used for producing browns, ma- roons, and other dark shades in conjunction with other dye- stuffs. Its chief use is to top cheap indigo blues on woollen goods ; this is effected by lightly dyeing the fabrics with indigo, which is an expensive dye, and then passing it through a bath of orchil, when it acquires a rich purple hue, similar in appearance to one dyed wholly with indigo. Robiquet, in 1829, was the first to isolate the peculiar colourless principle, which, when brought in contact with ammonia and oxygen, assumes the fine purple hue of orchil. 234 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. This principle he named orcin. He obtained it by treating the Variolaria dealbata with strong alcohol, evaporating the solution to an extract, exhausting this with water, and again evaporating to a syrup ; on allowing this to stand for some time crystals were deposited having the form of colourless, quadrangular prisms, which are hydrated orcin, C 7 H 8 2 + OH„; orcin is also produced by the decomposi- tion of various compounds obtained from the lichens, such as evernic acid, lecanoric acid, and erythrin. In 1S67, Sten- house published a process by which it may be easily pre- pared from the latter. Erythrin is dissolved in a slight excess of milk of lime, and boiled for half an hour in a vessel furnished with a long condensing tube, so as to pre- vent the access of air as far as possible, which otherwise would cause the formation of a red-coloured resinous matter. The solution, containing orcin and erythrite, is filtered, the excess of lime removed by passing a stream of carbonic acid gas through it (or more conveniently on a large scale, by exactly neutralising with dilute sulphuric acid), and then, after concentration, it is evaporated to dry- ness over a water bath. As orcin is moderately soluble in hot benzene, whilst erythrite and the dark brown colouring matters are insoluble in that menstruum, advantage is taken of this circumstance to effect their separation. The dry mixture of orcin and erythrite above mentioned is boiled with coal-tar oil boiling between 230 and 300 F. (toluene, &c.) in a flask of tin or copper connected with a condenser: a paraffin bath being employed for heating the flask in order to avoid the risk of charring and destroying the erythrite. As the distillation proceeds, the water con- tained in the mixture of orcin and erythrite distils over with a portion of the coal oil. After twenty or thirty minutes' digestion, the flask is disconnected from the con- densing apparatus, and the nearly colourless solution of orcin in coal oil poured out. As soon as it is cool it should PREPARATION OF ORCIN. 235 be agitated in a glass flask with about one-tenth of its bulk of water, in order to extract the orcin from the coal oil, which may then be separated from the aqueous solution, poured back into the tin flask, and the digestion continued as before. When this operation has been repeated three or four times, the solid matter in the tin vessel is extracted by boiling water, filtered when cold to separate resinous matters and other impurities, and then evaporated nearly to dryness. After standing several days a large quantity of erythrite crystallises out. This may be purified by washing with cold spirit, pressing, and recrystallising once or twice from hot water, with the addition of some animal charcoal. The aqueous solutions obtained by the above method, on cooling, usually deposit a quantity of nearly colourless crystals of orcin, and the remainder in solution is readily obtained by sufficient concentration. If it is wished to obtain colourless orcin, it is only necessary to purify by a second treatment with benzene, and recrystallisation from water. The advantage of this method consists not only in enabling us to separate orcin and erythrite easily, but also to obtain pure orcin from mixtures contaminated with large quantities of colouring matter. When operating on very large quantities of the mixture, however, it is easier and more advantageous to separate the orcin from the ery- thrite by crystallisation, as the latter is much more soluble in cold water than the former. Orcin can readily be ob- tained colourless by distilling it in vacuo. Orcin melts below 21 2° R, losing its water of crystallisa- tion, and becoming anhydrous. Heated with care to 550 F. it distils unchanged. It has a sweet, somewhat astringent taste, and is freely soluble in alcohol or ether, and in hot water. When crystallised from ether the crystals are anhydrous. It is neutral to test-paper, but in its chemical constitution, and in many of its reactions there is a close analogy to phenol. Thus, when in a state 236 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. of fusion, it decomposes alkaline carbonates, and it also precipitates silica from alkaline silicates. According to De Luynes, on the other hand, Jt precipitates several of the alkaloids from their acid solutions. When dissolved in water or alcohol, it does not give pre- cipitates with bichloride of mercury, sulphate of copper, tannin, gelatin, or acetate of lead. With subacetate of lead it gives a white precipitate, and with persalts of iron a red one. With bleaching powder it gives a purple-red colour, which rapidly changes to a deep yellow. Treated with chlorate of potash and hydrochloric acid, or with hydrate of chlorine, it yields a pentachlorinated compound C 7 H 3 C1 5 2 . With bromine it yields, besides the mono- bromicin of Lampater,* two definite products — a penta- bromo and a tribromo derivative. With picric acid it gives a beautiful crystalline compound, having the appearance of bichromate of potash; this is soluble in alcohol and ether, but is decomposed by benzene into picric acid and orcin. When orcin is acted on by cold fuming nitric acid it yields a red-coloured matter, which is precipitated on the addition of water. De Luynes has observed that a red colouring matter is produced when orcin is exposed to the vapour of nitric acid by placing it under a bell-jar along with a vessel containing the concentrated acid. The crys- tals first become brown, then red, and after a few days the transformation is complete. It differs from the compound obtained on exposing orcin to the action of ammonia and oxygen, for it dyes silk and wool red without a mordant, and yields a purple colour with alkalis, which is changed to red by acids. Although boiling nitric acid converts orcin into oxalic acid, nitro substitution compounds may be obtained by using proper precautions. Stenhouse preparedf trinitro- orcin C 7 H 5 (N0 2 ) 3 02, by dissolving orcin in a small *Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxxxiv., 258. + Proc. Roy. Soc, xix., 410. NITRO-DERIVATIVES OF ORCIN. 237 quantity of water, and adding the solution slowly to nitric acid of specific gravity 1-45, previously cooled in a freezing mixture of ice and salt. The pale brown solution thus obtained is then gradually added, with constant stirring, to concentrated sulphuric acid, also cooled by means of a freezing mixture. The temperature during the operations should not at anytime be allowed to rise above 14 F. After twenty minutes the resulting pasty mass is poured into a mixture of crushed ice and water, which precipitates the crude nitro-compound as a yellow or orange-coloured granular powder. After being washed and crystallised from boiling water, it forms large yellow needles, soluble in alcohol, ether, and benzene. It dyes the skin yellow, like picric acid, but is tasteless. It volatilises slightly at 21 2° F., melts at 290 F., and decomposes with slight explosion immediately afterwards. Two isomeric mononitro-orcins* C 7 H 7 (N0 2 )0 2 have also been obtained, being produced along with other com- pounds by the action of a mixture of nitric and nitrous acids on an ethereal solution of orcin. The a-nitro-orcin crystallises in long orange-red needles, which melt at 248 F., and are readily soluble in alcohol and ether, whilst fi-nitro-orcin forms short lemon-yellow needles, which melt at 2 39 F. The most important property of orcin, however, in con- nection with the arts, is that, when moistened and exposed to the atmosphere in presence of ammonia, it becomes con- verted into a beautiful purple colour. Robiquet, who first observed this reaction, gave to this new substance the name of orcein. Dumas, who further studied the subject, considered the transformation to be C 7 H 8 2 + NH 3 + 30 = C 7 H 7 N0 3 + 2 OH 2 . Orcin. Ammonia. Orcein. Water. De Luynes, who has also examined this remarkable re- * Weselsky Deut. Chem, Ges. Ber. f vii., 439. 238 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. action, says that when dry gaseous ammonia and dry orcin are used no coloration takes place, but that when orcin is dissolved in a solution of ammonia and maintained at a temperature of 122 F. for several days, care being taken to replace the ammonia as it evaporates, a highly coloured violet solution is obtained, which, after being filtered and evaporated, leaves a violet residue of orcein. The insoluble residue on the filter, after being washed with dilute solu- tion of ammonia, is dissolved in boiling alcohol and allowed to cool. A brown deposit is thus obtained, which under the microscope is seen to consist of a multitude of small colourless crystals, more or less contaminated with a brown resinous substance. This crystalline deposit is in- soluble in water and ammonia, but is slightly soluble in alcohol, to which it imparts a crimson colour. It yields with alkalis a violet solution, and with sulphuric acid a deep blue. De Luynes also found that orcin under the influ- ence of ammonia can be oxidised by other agents than oxy- gen. Thus, by boiling a solution of orcin and ammonia with potassium bichromate or permanganate, or with per- oxide of barium, these agents were reduced, and orcein formed. When the ammoniacal solution of orcein is put under a bell-jar in presence of nitric oxide, the gas is rapidly absorbed, and a colouring matter of great intensity produced. De Luynes and Lionet have also obtained several orcin derivatives by heating equivalent quantities of crystallised orcin, and of the iodides of the various alcohol radicles. With the iodides of methyl, ethyl, and amyl, they obtained: Methylorcin C 7 H 7 (CH 3 )0 2 . Ethylorcin C 7 H 7 (C 2 H 5 )CL. Amylorcin C 7 H 7 (C 5 H u )0 2 . The first two bodies are liquid and syrupy, the third cry- stallises in needles. ER YTHRIN. 239 By heating a mixture of 1 molecule of orcin with 2 mole- cules of the iodide, and potassium hydrate, they obtained : Diethylorcin C 7 H a (C 2 H 5 ) 2 2 . Diamylorcin C 7 H 6 (C 5 H U ) 2 02. These two bodies are syrupy. The first distils unchanged at 470 to 480 F. Lastly, on adding the iodides and potash in great excess, they state that trimethylorcin, C 7 H 5 (CH 3 ) 3 2 ; triethyl- orcin, C 7 H 5 (C 2 H 5 ) 3 2 ; and triamylorcin, C 7 H 5 (C 5 H n ) 3 2 are formed. Trimethylorcin is liquid and distils without alteration at about 480 F., and triethylorcin distils at 5io°F. Erythrin. — This compound, one of the most interesting substances existing in the orchil weed, was discovered by Heeran in the Roccella fuciformis, and has since been studied by Schunck, Stenhouse, Hesse, and De Luynes. The best process for its extraction is that devised by Stenhouse, which -consists in macerating the lichen with lime and water : 3 lbs. of the Roccella fuciformis are macer- ated for twenty minutes with milk of lime, made by slaking y 2 lb. of lime in 3 gallons of water. This maceration is repeated three times. The weaker solutions may be em- ployed with advantage to extract a fresh quantity of the weed. The solution is filtered, and hydrochloric acid added to the filtrate in order to precipitate the erythrin, which is collected on a filter, and washed once or twice with water to remove the chloride of calcium and excess of hydro- chloric acid, this is most conveniently done by stirring it up with water and again throwing it on a filter. Erythrin, or erythric acid, C 20 H 22 O 10 , is almost insoluble in cold water, and requires two hundred and forty parts of boiling water for solution ; on cooling, it is deposited in the form of a colourless crystalline powder, which is only slightly soluble in cold ether and alcohol, but more soluble 240 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. in hot alcohol, from which it crystallises in stellate groups of needles. The alcoholic solution is colourless, tasteless, and inodorous. Erythrin is soluble in solutions of caustic and carbonated alkalis, and in lime and baryta water. On the addition of an acid to any of these solutions it is thrown down unchanged as a bulky, white, gelatinous precipitate; but if the solutions are boiled, or if they are kept for any length of time, the erythrin is decomposed and is no longer separated on the addition of an acid. Its ammoniacal solution becomes red on exposure to the atmosphere. The alcoholic solution gives a white precipitate with subacetate of lead, but none with the neutral acetate : on the addition of perchloride of iron it acquires a beautiful purple or violet colour. The researches of Schunck, published in 1842, threw much light on the composition of this compound, showing the relation that existed between the orcin of Robiquet, and oj Heerjln's erythrin and 'pseudo-erythrin' (ethylic orsellinate). At the same time he proved that orcin was the only immediate colour-producing principle of the series. On boiling erythrin with weak baryta water, he found that it was decomposed into two substances, one of which he named picroerytJirin, and the other he recognised as the orcin of Robiquet. The following equation will show the decomposition : — C 20 H 2 ,O 10 + BaH 2 2 = C 12 H 1G 7 + C 7 H 8 2 + BaC0 3 . Erythrin. Picroerythrin. Orcin. Lecanoric Acid. — Schunck, by exhausting Variolaria orcina and other lichens of the genera Lccanora and Vario- laria with ether, obtained a white crystalline substance to which he gave the name of lecanorin or lecanoric acid, C 16 H u 7 . When this substance is boiled with alcohol for some hours orcin is separated, and an ether formed which is identical with the pseudo-erythrin of Heerin. The decomposition is as follows : — LECANORIN. 241 C 16 H H 7 + C 2 H 5 .OH = C 8 H 7 4 .C 2 H 5 + C 7 H 8 2 + CO,. Lecanorin. Alcohol. Ethylic orsel- Orcin. linate. Schunck also found that when lecanorin is boiled with baryta water it is decomposed with formation of orcin and barium carbonate. C lfl H u 7 + 2BaH 2 2 - 2C 7 H 8 3 + 2BaC0 3 + OH 2 . Lecanorin. Orcin. Lecanorin or lecanoric or orsellic acid may be obtained from the Lecanora tartarea or Roccella tiuctoria by mace- rating it with milk of lime in a manner similar to that employed for the preparation of erythrin, but according to Hesse* it is then contaminated with a yellowish brown colouring matter, from which it is extremely difficult to separate it. He prefers, therefore, to exhaust the lichen with ether, and after removing the latter by distillation the pale green crystalline residue is dissolved in milk of lime, and after being allowed to settle, the clear liquor is syphoned off and carefully neutralised with sulphuric acid. The precipitate thus obtained is recrystallised from hot alcohol, which on cooling deposits the lecanoric acid in the form of prismatic crystals. To obtain it quite pure, the crystals are treated with a quantity of ether, insufficient to dissolve the whole, and filtered. The residue left on evaporation is then dissolved in hot alcohol, from which the pure acid separates on cooling. Crystallised lecanoric acid has the composition C 16 H u 7 + OH j, but the water is easily removed by heating it to 212 F. It is insoluble in cold water, but freely soluble in hot alcohol and in ether. Its solution reddens litmus. It dissolves readily in alkaline solutions, from which it is reprecipitated on the addition of an acid ; if, however, it has been boiled or allowed to stand some considerable time before adding the acid, no precipitate is obtained, the lecanoric acid having become changed into orsellinic acid. * Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxxxix., 22. 242 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. It is insoluble in all weak acids except acetic. It yields a fugitive red colour with bleaching powder, and its alcoholic solution gives a crimson colour with persalts of iron. Strong nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. It yields salts with metallic oxides. When heated in the open air on platinum foil, it melts and then catches fire, but in a closed tube it gives off a dense vapour, which condenses in the upper part of the tube, and after a time solidifies to a crystalline mass of orcin. As already stated, when lecanoric acid is boiled with alcohol it yields etliylic orsellinate. This ether may also be conveniently prepared from erythrin by boiling it for some hours with eight parts of absolute alcohol, evaporating, and crystallising the residue (which consists of the ether, mixed with picroerythrin and resinous matters) from water. The ether may be obtained quite pure by recrystallisation from benzene. It is but slightly soluble in cold water, and crystallises from its solution in hot benzene, or boiling water, in colourless plates or needles. It is very soluble in alcohol or ether, and also in dilute alkalis, being precipi- tated unchanged from the latter on the addition of an acid. Its ammoniacal solution on exposure to the atmosphere assumes a wine-red tint. Stenhouse has prepared the cor- responding methyl compound by a similar process, and has also examined the iodine substitution products of the two ethers. When erythrin is boiled with amylic alcohol, amylic orsellinate and picroerythrin are formed. CjoHooOjo + C 5 H n .OH = C 12 H 1G 7 + C 5 H u .C 8 H 7 4 . Erythrin. Amyl Alcohol. Picroerythrin. Amylic orsellinate. On distilling off the excess of the alcohol, and boiling the residue with water, the picroerythrin dissolves and crystal- lises out on cooling in white silky needles, of the formula C 12 H 1C 7 , 30H 2 . This is the best method of preparing this substance in the pure state. PICROER YTHRIN.—ER YTHRITE. 243 Picroerythrin, as already mentioned, was discovered by Schunck, who obtained it from the products of the decom- position which erythrin undergoes when boiled with water. It is only slightly soluble in cold water, but readily in hot, being deposited, on cooling, either in the form of needles or of shining plates. With perchloride of iron it produces a beautiful purple colour. It yields a precipitate with sub- acetate of lead, but none with the neutral acetate. When dissolved in ammonia and exposed to the atmosphere it gives, like lecanorin, a red colouring matter. Cold alkaline solutions readily dissolve picroerythrin, but when boiled it is decomposed with formation of orcin, erythrite, and an alkaline carbonate, as shown in the following equation : C 12 H 16 7 + BaH 2 2 = C 7 H 8 2 + C 4 H 10 O 4 + BaC0 3 . Picroerythrin. Orcin. Erythrite. Heated alone in a tube it yields a sublimate of orcin. For a long time it was a matter of doubt, and gave rise to much discussion as to whether the lecanoric acid described by Schunck, and the a and j3 orsellic acids obtained by Stenhouse, respectively from South American, and South African Roccella, were different compounds or not. The latter chemist, however, after a long series of experiments, has satisfactorily established that all three acids are identical.* Erythrite, erythromannite, or pseudo-orciii, derives its name from IpvSpog red, in allusion to the red colour obtain- able from the lichen. This beautiful substance, which was discovered by Stenhouse, is interesting not only as being obtained from one of the most important of the colour- giving principles of the lichens, but also from its chemical relations, and from the various products obtained by the action of reagents on it. It is not only formed by the decomposition of erythrin, or rather from the picroerythrin obtained by the splitting up of the erythrin, but it also *Jour. Chem. Soc, xx., 221. 244 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRIXTIXG. exists ready formed in the Protcoccus vulgaris, from which it may be readily extracted. The method of preparing erythrite from erythrin has already been described when treating of orcin. When pure it crystallises in large colourless prisms belonging to the dimetric system, which are readily soluble in water, but only slightly so in alcohol ; it is insoluble in ether. As it possesses a slightly sweet taste, Berthelot was led to consider it as a sugar. This view, however, is incorrect, its chemical reactions and decomposition showing that it is a true tetratomic alcohol. It does not reduce ammonia tartarate of copper, and it has no rotatory power on polarised light. It fuses at 248 R, and may be heated to 482° F. without undergoing decomposition. When mixed with twelve times its weight of concentrated hy- driodic acid and distilled, it yields butylic iodide C 4 H 9 I. By the action of a mixture of concentrated nitric and sul- phuric acids it is converted into a nitric ether, tctranitro- crythrile, C 4 H 6 4 (N0 2 ) 4 , which is very explosive, detona- ting sharply when struck. By prolonged treatment with nitric acid, oxalic acid is produced, but no mucic acid. On fusing erythrite with potassium hydrate, hydrogen is evolved, and acetate and oxalate of the alkali produced. Usnic Acid, Evernic Acid, and Cladonic Acid. — The first of these, usnic acid, C^H^O-, which exists in the various species of Usnea, as well as in the Ramalina and Evernia, was discovered by Knop, and has since been carefully examined by Stenhouse, and by Hesse. It may be readily prepared from the Usnea florida by extracting it with milk of lime and precipitating the solution by hydrochloric acid. The impure usnic acid thus obtained may be purified by dissolving it in hot alcohol to which caustic soda has been added, filtering, and then adding excess of acid. After being collected and washed with cold alcohol, it should be recrystallised from boiling alcohol, in which it is only £ VERNIC A C ID. —CLAD ONIC A CID. 245 sparingly soluble. It forms bright yellow needles which melt at 397 F. By extracting Evernia prunastri with milk of lime in the usual way, a mixture of usnic acid and evernic acid C 17 H 16 7 is obtained, from which the latter may readily be separated by treating the product with hot alcohol. This leaves the comparatively insoluble usnic acid, but dissolves the evernic acid, and deposits it again on cooling in minute colourless crystals, which, after being purified by recrystallisation melt at 327 F. By the action of alkalis, evernic acid is decomposed with formation of eveminic acid, and probably also orsellinic acid, C n H 16 7 + OH 2 = C 9 H 10 O 4 + C 8 H 8 4 , Evernic acid. Eveminic Orsellinic acid. acid. the latter being resolved by the continued action of the alkali into orcin and carbonic acid. Eveminic acid is readily prepared from evernic acid by boiling it with baryta water, and then adding a slight excess of hydrochloric acid to precipitate the new compound. It closely resembles benzoic acid in appearance, and is only sparingly soluble in cold water, but readily in alcohol or ether. It melts at 296 F. When evernic acid is boiled with absolute alcohol, eveminic ether, C 2 H 5 . C 9 H 9 4 is formed, so that unless care be taken in crystallising the acid from hot alcohol considerable loss is apt to occur. Cladonic Acid, C 18 H 18 7 , the fi-usnic acid of Hesse, is isomeric with ordinary usnic acid, which it closely resem- bles in appearance. It is obtained from the Cladonia rangiferina by extracting it with a dilute solution of caustic soda, precipitating by hydrochloric acid and recrystallising the product alternately from ether and from alcohol. It melts at 347 F., or about 50 lower than ordinary usnic acid, from which it differs in yielding a sublimate of (3-orciu C 8 H 10 O 2 , a homologue of orcin, when distilled. 246 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Orscllinic Acid, or Orsellesic Acid. — This acid was dis- covered by Stenhouse in 1848, and although it does not exist ready formed in the lichens, yet it may readily be obtained from both erythrin and lecanoric acids, two of the colour-giving principles of the lichens, and possibly also from evernic acid. These compounds, when heated for a short time with a solution of an alkali or an alkaline earth, or even by the long-continued action of boiling water itself, yield orsellinic acid. The decomposition which evernic acid undergoes under these circumstances has just been noticed; that of lecanoric acid is exhibited in the subjoined equation. C 16 H u 7 + OH 2 = 2C 8 H 8 4 . Lecanoric Orsellinic acid. acid. When erythrin is boiled with water containing lime or baryta it splits up, yielding picroerythrin and orsellinic acid. C 20 H 22 O 10 + OH 2 = C 12 H 16 7 + C 8 H 8 4 . Erythrin. Picro- Orsellinic erythrin. acid. The most convenient way of preparing orsellinic acid is to dissolve lecanoric acid in baryta water, avoiding excess of the latter, and then to boil the solution for a short time; care must be taken, however, that the action does not proceed so far as to decompose the orsellinic acid into orcin and carbonic acid. On adding hydrochloric acid to the solution, the new compound is thrown down as a gela- tinous precipitate, which may be purified by crystallisation from water or from alcohol. Pure orsellinic acid, C 8 H 8 4 , forms colourless prismatic crystals, which melt at 349 R, and are much more soluble in water and alcohol than lecanoric acid. It is readily decomposed by boiling with alkalis, orcin being formed. C 8 H S 04 = C 7 H 8 2 + C0 2 . Orsellinic Orcin. Acid. CUDBEAR. 247 The orsellinates of the alkalis, and of barium and calcium are readily soluble in water. Besides the compounds already described as obtained from the colour-producing lichens, Schunck found that parellic acid, C 9 H 6 4 , sometimes accompanied lecanoric acid. Roccelliuin, C 1S H 16 7 , and roccellic acid, C 17 H 32 4 , a kind of fatty acid, have also been obtained from the Roccella tinctoria,\v\\i\st fi-c/yt/iriu, C 21 H 24 O 10 , was discovered by Menschutkin* in a South American variety of the Roccella fuciformis. It differs from ordinary erythrin by yielding as the ultimate products of its decomposition erythrite and |3-orcin. The following summary of the principal facts in connec- tion with the colour-giving principles of the lichens may be found useful : 1. Lecanoric acid, by the action of alkalis, takes up water, and is converted into orsellinic acid, which subse- quently splits up into carbonic anhydride, C0 2 , and orcin. 2. Erythrin, by the action of alkalis, yields orsellinic acid and picroerythrin, the latter of which is then decom- posed into erythrite, orcin, and carbonic anhydride. 3. Everinic acid, by the action of alkalis, yields ever- ninic acid and orcin; the latter, as has been already noticed, being possibly derived from orsellinic acid as an intermediate product of the reaction. Cudbear. — The best weed for the preparation of cud- bear is the Lecanora tartarea. It is ground up with ammonia, at 4 Twaddle, into a paste, and allowed to ferment in a similar manner to orchil. When the fermen- tation is complete, the mass is dried in troughs, through which hot water pipes are passed, and in which a roller fitted with small arms revolves, so as to allow the ammonia and water to evaporate more easily. When dry it is powdered, and is ready for the market. It is principally *Bull. Soc. Chim., [2], ii., 424. 248 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. used, either alone or with other dyestuffs, for dyeing woollen goods maroon and various shades of brown. Cudbear is occasionally adulterated with common salt, and magenta is sometimes added to improve the colour. LITMUS. — The colour called litmus, or lacmus, employed by chemists to detect the presence of free acid or alkali, is, according to Kane, a mixture of several colouring matters, azolitmin, C 7 H 7 N0 4 erythrolcin, erytJirolitmin, and spanio- litmin. De Luynes has succeeded in preparing azolitmin directly from orcin, by boiling one part of that substance with twenty-five parts of crystallised carbonate of soda, five of water, and one of a strong solution of ammonia. The whole is maintained at a temperature of 140 to 167 in a closed vessel, and frequently agitated. A blue liquor is thus produced, which is diluted with water, and hydro- chloric acid added in slight excess. The precipitated colouring matter after being washed and dried, is considered by De Luynes to be pure azolitmin. It is a blue substance which acquires a coppery lustre when rubbed with the nail. The following equation is intended to illustrate the conver- sion of orcin into azolitmin : — C 7 H 8 2 + NH 3 + 4 = C 7 H 7 N0 4 + 2OH, Orcin. Azolitmin. Azolitmin is almost insoluble in cold water, benzene, or oil of turpentine, but dissolves readily in alcohol, to which it imparts a red colour. When neutralised with an alkali it becomes blue, but is again turned red on the addition of an acid in very slight excess. Litmus is manufactured in Holland from the same varieties of lichen as those employed in the production of orchil. The weed is ground and mixed with ammonia and carbonate of potash, and left to ferment until the mass has acquired a purple tint. Lime, potash, and urine are then added, and the whole left until the colour is changed to blue. Plaster of Paris is now mixed with it, and it is RESORCIN. 249 moulded into small cubes which, when dried, are ready for use. A peculiar blue colour which has a great similarity to litmus, called tournesol en drapeaux, is manufactured princi- pally at Grand-Gallargues, in the south of France, from a species of Euphorbiacese, called Crotoii tinctorium. The sap of the plant is pressed out, and coarse linen is dipped into it, and then placed over vats containing putrid urine to which lime and alum have been added. The cloths, which are moved from time to time, gradually assume a dark blue colour. They are then dipped a second time in the sap, to which some urine has been added, and are dried in the sun. These blue cloths are sent to Holland, where they are used for giving a red colour to the outside rind of cheese. RESORCIN. — This compound has a very close relation to orcin, the latter in fact being a methyl derivative of the former; for resorcin, C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 , is a di-hydroxyl deriva- tive of benzene; whilst orcin, C 6 H 3 (CH 3 ) (OH) 2 , is the corresponding derivative of toluene, which is methyl ben- zene. As might be expected, it yields colouring matters similar to those obtained from orcin, by exposure to the air in presence of ammonia, but these, which are of a much redder shade than orchil, have not come into general use. Resorcin may be prepared in a variety of ways, as by fusing with potassium hydrate certain resins such as gal- banum, asafcetida, gum ammoniacum, and sagapenum, the first mentioned giving the most satisfactory results. In order to extract the resorcin from the fused product it is dissolved in water as soon as it is cold, neutralised with sulphuric acid, and the clear filtered solution shaken up with ether. This takes up the resorcin, which is deposited in the crystalline state on distilling off the ether. It may be purified by distillation. Besides these resins, other sub- stances, when fused with caustic alkalis, yield resorcin, such 250 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. as paraphcnolsulphonic acid, bromobenzenesulphonic acid, paraiodophenol, and brazilin. Kopp, however, considers the best and cheapest method of preparing this substance to be by the dry distillation of the impure brazilin lake, formed by adding chalk to the wash waters obtained in the manufacture of brazilin from Brazil wood extract, and evaporating to dryness. Resorcin is a colourless crystalline compound, closely resembling orcin in its properties and appearance, being very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It melts at 2io° F., and distils without decomposition at 513 F. The behaviour of resorcin with fuming sulphuric acid is very characteristic. It dissolves at first with an orange- yellow colour, which in the course of twenty or thirty minutes changes to a greenish-blue, and ultimately to a pure blue. On warming this solution to 21 2° F. it changes to a fine purple-red. Azoresorcin derivatives. — Weselsky,* by treating resorcin with nitrous acid, has succeeded in obtaining colouring matters which rival the aniline colours in the brilliancy and purity of their shades. Diazoresorcin, Ci 8 H 12 N 2 O c , is obtained in brown granular crystals, with a green metallic lustre, on passing nitrous acid into an ethereal solution of resorcin. It is only sparingly soluble in water, but dis- solves in alcohol or acetic acid, forming a dark cherry-red coloured liquid ; its alkaline solutions are of a splendid blue-violet. The action of strong sulphuric or hydro- chloric acid on this substance gives rise to diazoresoriifi)i, C 36 H 18 N 4 9 , which forms small dark red crystals, almost insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether, but dissolving in alka- line solutions with a magnificent crimson colour. When heated with tin and hydrochloric acid, diazoresorufin undergoes reduction, the solution becomes emerald-green, and on cooling deposits pale green needles of hydrodiazo- *Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., i\\, 613. FL UORESCEIN.—E OSIN. 2 5 1 resorufin hydrochloride, CjeH^N 4 9 , 3 HO, which assume the coppery lustre of indigo when exposed to the air. On heating diazoresorcin with strong nitric acid it is converted into tetrazoresorchi nitrate, C 18 H 6 N 4 G , (N0 3 ) 3 , which crystallises in garnet-red needles with a brilliant metallic lustre. They are soluble in water and alcohol, and very readily in ether, with a pure indigo-blue colour. By the further action of nitric acid they are converted into tetrazorcsorufin nitrate, C 34 H 6 N 8 9 , (N0 3 ) 6 , the crystals of which closely resemble permanganate of potassium in appearance, and dissolve in water, alcohol, and ether, yielding solutions of a similar colour. These compounds when treated with reducing agents yield new products. Fluorescein. — This a compound discovered by Baeyer,* and subsequently examined by Fischer.-f" It is prepared by heating 2 molecules of resorcin with 1 of phthalic anhydride to a temperature of about 390 F. for several hours. A reaction soon sets in, accompanied by the revo- lution of aqueous vapour, and the mass ultimately becomes solid as soon as it is cold. The dark red product is powdered, and boiled with water to remove unaltered resorcin and phthalic anhydride, and if required in a pure state may then be crystallised from alcohol, although with difficulty. Pure fluorescein, C H 12 O 4 , is a red crystalline powder, which is almost insoluble in water or ether, and but slightly soluble in alcohol. It is soluble in alkaline solu- tions, that with ammonia being characterised by a beautiful green fluorescence. Fluorescein produces a fine yellow on wool and silk without a mordant. The accompanying beautiful specimen, which we owe to the kindness of M. H. Koechlin, is obtained by tetrabromo-fluorescei'n, or eosin, fixed with a salt of lead. * Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., iv., 662, andfvii., 121 1. 2;2 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. COLOUR OBTAINED WITH EOSIN. When fluorescein is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, at 21 2° for some time, and the product poured into water, a substance is precipitated which may be obtained in bright red prismatic crystals, and dissolves in alkalis with a blue colour ; this is changed to red by the reducing action of zinc dust, and fabrics dipped into this liquid and exposed to the air become dyed blue, as in the indigo vat. The colour, however, is dull and not fast. CHAPTER IX. QUERCITRON, FUSTIC, PERSIAN-BERRIES, WELD, ALOES, TURMERIC, ANNATTO, ILIXANTHIN, ETC., AND LA-KAO. This chapter will be devoted principally to a considera- tion of some of the most useful and important yellow colouring matters used by dyers and calico printers. Besides this, it has been thought advisable to give a short notice of certain yellow-coloured compounds of vegetable origin, which, although they are not commercially of great importance, yet are interesting from a scientific point of view. QUERCITRON. — Among the most valuable of the yellow dyes is quercitron, the inner bark of a peculiar species of oak, called the Quercus nigra, or tinctoria. This tree is indigenous to the United States, and is especially found in the forests of Pennsylvania, Georgia, and in North and South Carolina. A chemist of the name of Bancroft first introduced it to the English dyers in the year 1775, and obtained by Act of Parliament the exclusive right of importing this wood. The most esteemed qualities are those shipped from Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore. The bark, after being removed from the tree, is dried, and ground between mill-stones; its value being in propor- tion to the depth of colour and fineness of the powder, for the woody fibre of the bark contains but a comparatively small quantity of the colouring principle, and is not easily reduced to a fine powder. A freshly prepared decoction of the bark is transparent, and of a dull orange-red colour, but after a time it becomes 254 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. turbid, and yields a yellow crystalline deposit. The super- natant liquor gradually becomes gelatinous, acquiring at the same time a blood-red colour, from this it may be inferred that a slow, but gradual change has taken place, no doubt due to the glucoside being decomposed by a peculiar fer- ment. As the colouring matter thus liberated is rapidly oxidised, and becomes useless as a colour-giving principle, it is important that the decoction should be used as soon as possible after its preparation. A freshly made solution gives the following reactions : — Alkalis. Deepen the colour. /-Deepens the colour and gives a X brownish-yellow floculent pre- ^ cipitate. c Brightens the solution, forming a (_ slight precipitate. Brown precipitate. Yellowish precipitate. r Thick brownish-yellow floculent ( precipitate. c Olive green precipitate, the liquor \ becoming yellowish-green. /-Colour the solution green, and «j afterwards give an olive-brown ^ floculent precipitate. c Brighten the liquor and give rise to \ a brown floculent precipitate. /-Decreases the intensity of the < colour, but if the liquor is turbid v it renders it clear. Reddish floculent precipitate. /• Abundant floculent precipitate. An < excess of the reagent decolorises ' the liquor. Chevreul was the first chemist who examined this dye- Lime Water. Alum. Protochloride of tin. Bichloride of tin. Acetate of lead. Acetate of copper. Salts of iron. Acids. Acetic acid. Gelatin. Chlorine. Q UER CITRIN.— Q UER CETIN. 2 5 5 stuff, and he found it to contain, besides a peculiar tannin, which has since received the name of quercitannic acid, a yellow colouring principle to which he gave the name of quercitrin. This he obtained from quercitron bark by boiling it with water and allowing the solution to stand, when fine laminated crystals were deposited. Bolley* prepares it by exhausting the bark with alcohol, and after precipitating the tannin by gelatin, he concen- trates the solution by evaporation, and recrystallises the quercitrin which separates, from boiling alcohol. It is, however, far more advantageously prepared from the flavin imported from America, some samples of which consist of almost pure quercitrin. On boiling this dyestuff with water and filtering, a solution is obtained, which, on cooling, deposits quercitrin in the crystalline state. Quercitrin forms minute rhombic plates of a pale yellow colour, which are only slightly soluble in ether or cold water, but more readily in boiling water, and easily in alcohol. Alkaline solutions dissolve quercitrin with a greenish-yellow colour which becomes brown on exposure to the atmosphere. The aqueous solution gives a brownish- yellow precipitate with baryta, whilst lime water imparts to it a fine yellow tint. The acetates of copper and lead give a bright yellow precipitate. Its most characteristic re- actions, however, are with perchloride of iron, which gives a greenish-yellow precipitate, and with protochloride and oxymuriate of tin, with which it gives beautiful bright yellow precipitates. Rigaud discovered some years ago, that when quercitrin was boiled with water containing 10 per cent, of sulphuric acid, it was decomposed into a body to which he gave the name of quercetin, and a species of sugar to which he assigned the formula C 6 H 12 6 , thus proving it to be a glucoside. The quercetin separates in flocks which, after *Ann. Chem. Pharm., xxxvii., 101. 256 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. being collected and washed, are crystallised from alcohol. The decomposition which takes place when quercitrin is boiled with acids may be thus represented : C^A + OH 2 = C 27 H 18 12 + C 6 H 12 5 .OH 2 . Quercitrin. Quercetin. Isodulcite. To isolate the saccharine matter, the acid liquid from which the quercetin has been separated is neutralised with baryta to remove the sulphuric acid, and then evaporated, when the sugar is obtained in the crystalline state. Hlasiwetz and Pfaundler, who subsequently examined this subject, found that the sugar, which they call isodulcite, C 6 H 12 5 + OH 2 is incapable of fermentation, although it reduces cupric salts. It is isomeric with mannite and dulcite, and when treated with a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids it yields a trinitro derivative. Quercetin, or its glucoside quercitrin, has been found in a great variety of plants. Rochleder* showed that it exists in the flowers and ripe fruit of the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). The robinin obtained by Zwenger and Dronke-f" from the Robina pseudacacia, although differ- ing from quercitrin, when boiled with acid, splits up into quercetin and sugar. Robinin is also found in the flowers of the Carvus mascula. Quercetin, C 27 H 18 12 , crystallises in slender needles of a bright yellow colour, and of a much richer hue than quer- citrin. It has no taste, is insoluble in cold, and only slightly soluble in hot water, but is freely soluble in alcohol and in acetic acid. It is also soluble in alkalis, to which it communicates an orange-yellow hue. Its alcoholic solu- tion gives orange precipitates with the salts of lime, baryta, and lead. It assumes an orange colour with perchloride of tin, and gives a green coloration with perchloride of iron. * Chem. Centr., iv., 162. fAnn. Chem. Pharm. Supplement, i., 257. QUERCETIN. 257 Quercetin is decolorised by nascent hydrogen. It dis- solves in concentrated sulphuric acid, forming an acid which dyes woollen a fast yellow colour without a mordant. Schiitzenberger and Berteche have obtained a crystallisable acetic derivative of quercetin by heating it with acetic anhydride. It contains three or four acetyl groups, C 2 H 3 0, in place of the same number of hydrogen atoms. According to Hlasiwetz and Pfaundler* a potassium compound of quercetin, having the formula C 27 H 18 12 K 2 0, is obtained on dissolving one part of quercetin in a concen- trated solution of three parts of potassium carbonate, and allowing the solution to cool. It crystallises in slender yellow needles, which cannot be dissolved without decom- position. The corresponding sodium compound has the composition C 27 H 18 12 Na 2 0. The same chemists have studied the action of potassium hydrate on quercetin, and find that when one part of this substance is added to a boiling solution of three parts of caustic potash in one of water, and the whole evaporated to dryness, a product is obtained which consists of paradatis- cetin, phloroglucin, and quercetic acid. In order to isolate these, the mass, as soon as it is cold, is dissolved in water and neutralised with hydrochloric acid, which precipitates the paradatiscetin together with some unaltered quercetin. The filtered liquid is then mixed- with one-quarter its bulk of alcohol, and agitated with ether which dissolves the phloroglucin and quercetic acid. To separate these two, the residue left on the evaporation of the ethereal' solution is dissolved in water, and basic acetate of lead added ; this precipitates the quercetic acid, and the clear solution, after the removal of the excess of lead by sulphuretted hydrogen, and evaporation, yields phloroglucin in the crystalline state. The lead quercetate, after being washed, is sus- pended in water, decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, *Jour. fur Prak. Chem., xciv., 65. 258 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and the lead sulphide separated by filtration : the aqueous solution, when evaporated in vacuo, yields crystallised quer- cetic acid. The paradatiscetin may be purified by dis- solving it in alcohol and precipitating the unaltered quercetin by lead acetate : the alcoholic solution, after the excess of lead has been separated by sulphuretted hydrogen, is concentrated by evaporation, and the parada- tiscetin precipitated by the addition of water. Quercetic acid, C 15 H 10 O 7 , crystallises in fine white, silky needles, which are only slightly soluble in cold water, but freely soluble in alcohol, ether, or hot water. Its solution, which has an astringent taste, gives a dark blue coloration with perchloride of iron. An alkaline solution when ex- posed to the air assumes a magnificent crimson colour. Quercetic acid dissolves in sulphuric acid with a reddish- brown tint. By the prolonged action of potassium hydrate on quercetin, or better, when quercetic acid is fused with potash, a new acid called quercimcric acid, C s H 10 O 5 , is produced. C 15 H 10 O 7 + OH 2 + O = C 8 H O 5 + C 7 H 6 4 . Quercetic Quercimeric Protocate- acid. acid. chuic acid. It forms small prismatic crystals, which are readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. When fused with potash it yields protocatechuic acid thus : — C 8 H G 5 + O = QHA + C0 2 . Quercimeric Protocate- acid. chuic acid. Paradatiscetin, C 15 H 10 O 6 , which is isomeric with datis- cetin, a substance extracted by Stenhouse from the Datisca cannabina, is deposited from an alcoholic solution in yellowish needles, which are only slightly soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol or ether. Its alcoholic solution gives an intense purple colour with perchloride of iron. The alkaline solution has a bright yellow colour, which changes PHLOROGLUCIN. 259 to green when exposed to the atmosphere. Bromine imparts to a solution of paradatiscetin a red colour, which changes after a little while to a magnificent crimson, whilst chlorine and bleaching powder give a reddish-brown color- ation. Paradatiscetin forms definite compounds with bases ; those of barium and strontium crystallising well. Phloroglucin, which was originally obtained as a product of the decomposition of phloretin, separates from its aqueous solution in hydrated crystals, belonging to the trimetric system, and having the formula C 6 H 6 3 20H 2 . They effloresce in dry air, and lose their water of crystal- lisation at 192 F., or in vacuo over sulphuric acid. Phloroglucin has a sweeter taste than sugar, and under- goes no change in contact with the air. It melts at 428 F., and may be sublimed at a higher temperature without decomposition. It dissolves in water and alcohol, and still more readily in ether. It gives a precipitate with sub- acetate of lead, but none with other metallic salts. It easily reduces the nitrates of silver and mercury, especially on the addition of ammonia and the application of heat. With perchloride of iron it gives a deep red coloration, and with bleaching powder a yellow tint, which, however, soon disappears. Ammoniacal phloroglucin shaken up with air becomes reddish-brown, and afterwards opaque, giving rise to pJdoramine. Nitric acid converts phloroglucin into ;/ itropliloroglucin. When a solution of quercetin in soda is treated with sodium amalgam, it acquires a dark brown colour, which gradually turns to yellow. If hydrochloric acid be then added and the whole shaken up with ether, this extracts three compounds, namely, phloroglucin, a soluble substance having the formula C 7 H 8 3 , and a third which crystallises from hot water in slender prisms, having the composition C 13 H 12 3 . Both these bodies yield protocatechuic acid when fused with potash. 26o DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. When an alcoholic solution of quercetin acidulated with hydrochloric acid is acted on by sodium amalgam, the liquid assumes a fine purple colour, and on concentration yields fine red prismatic crystals analogous to isomorin, a product obtained from moric acid, one of the colouring matters of old fustic. It is easily oxidised and reconverted into quercetin by dissolving it in alcohol with the addition of a small quantity of alkali, and exposing it to the atmo- sphere. It becomes green by the action of alkalis, but re-assumes its red colour on the addition of acids. Flavin. — Within the last twenty years a preparation of quercitron bark has been imported into this country from America under the name of flavin; it varies greatly, how- ever, in composition, being sometimes nearly pure quer- citrin, whilst other samples only contain quercetin. Bolley examined a specimen of this substance some years ago and found it to contain about 45 per cent, of quercetin, the re- maining 55 per cent, consisting of woody fibre, together with a small quantity of a peculiar sugar, which was doubtless isodulcite. Flavin, therefore, is in some cases the product of the decomposition of quercitrin, the natural glucoside of the bark, by the action of an acid, and stands in the same relation to it that garancin does to madder. It is easy to understand why it is much cheaper for the dyer and calico printer to use this product than the bark itself, and also why it gives brighter colours. The quantity of colour- ing matter in flavin as compared with bark, is as sixteen to one, or, 1 oz. of flavin is equal to 1 lb. of bark. It is now manufactured in England, but the quality is not so good as that imported from America, probably owing to the latter being prepared from the fresh wood. The details of the American process are kept secret, but that followed in England consists in adding 2 tons of bark to a mixture of 4 tons of water, with 2 cwt of oil of vitriol, and passing steam through the mixture for twelve DYEING WITH QUERCITRON. 261 hours. When cold it is run upon woollen filters, and after being washed with water until all the sulphuric acid is removed, it is pressed, dried, and sieved. Quercitron bark and flavin are chiefly used for dyeing woollen and mixed fabrics. To dye pieces of woollen goods of 22 or 23 lbs., the process and proportions are as follows : For each piece, 2 lbs. of alum and 1 lb. of tartar are put into a vat containing a sufficient quantity of boiling water, and flavin added according to the depth of shade required. The mixture is boiled for a few minutes, a pint of nitrate of tin per piece is then added, and the pieces are placed in the vat and boiled for about an hour. In mixed fabrics the pieces are first treated as above, then well washed until all trace of acid is removed, after which they are passed at width through a bath of sumach, then through muriate of tin, and finally through quercitron bark liquor and alum. If cotton alone is to be dyed, it is done cold, and a little oxymuriate of tin is added to the dyeing liquor. For the annexed sample we are indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Z. Heys and Sons, Barrhead, near Glasgow. QUERCITRON YELLOW, 262 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Neither quercitron bark nor flavin are much used in calico printing as a yellow dye, but are employed to impart brown and orange hues to madder and garancin, and to modify the shades produced by sumach, cochineal, and logwood. The mordant employed is either alum, or red liquor (an impure acetate of alumina). When used for this purpose the bath should have a temperature of about 120° or 1 30 R; clear whites are then easily obtained. It is useful also to add a little gelatin to the liquor before using it to precipitate the quercitannic acid, which interferes with the brilliancy of the colours. It is used sometimes also for mixed colours, as in the accompanying sample, printed with a mixture of acetate of chromium, with extract of madder and quercitron, and for which we are indebted to the kindness of M. H. Kcechlin. EXTRACT OF MADDER AND QUERCITRON. The best method of estimating the value of a sample of quercitron bark or flavin, is to dye some mordanted cloth in the same way as in testing the value of a madder or garancin. FUSTIC. — This dyestuff is the wood of a tree belonging to the natural order Urticacece, called Mortis, or Madura REACTIONS OF OLD FUSTIC. 263 tinctoria. It is known technically as yellow wood, or old fustic, the best qualities being imported from Cuba and Tampico. Those from the Antilles and Pernambuco are of inferior quality. Some very large logs arrive in this country from India, but they contain very small quantities of colouring matter and are principally used in cabinet- making. A decoction of old fustic has a bitter, astringent taste, and gives the following reactions : — Alkalis. Change the colour to a reddish-brown. Lime water. Changes the colour to reddish-brown. Sulphuric, nitric, and oxalic acids. J- Slight precipitates. Acetic acid. Ferric sulphate. i r Makes the colour of the liquor paler \ and brighter. Alum. Bright yellow precipitate. Olive brown coloration, and, on stand- ing, a brownish-black precipitate. Sulphate of copper. Dark green precipitate. Protochloride of tin. Golden-yellow precipitate. Acetate of lead. Orange-yellow precipitate. Acetate of copper. Brownish-yellow precipitate. Gelatin. Orange-yellow floculent precipitate. / Slight precipitate, with a reddish Chlorine. < coloration which disappears when v an excess of chlorine is employed. In this case, again, Chevreul was the first to isolate the two colouring matters in the wood, the one soluble in water which he named morin janne, the other nearly insoluble which he called morin blanc. He found that the latter compound gave with persalts of iron a dark red coloration, whilst the former assumed a greenish hue in the presence of these salts. In 185 1, Wagner,* considering these colour- * Jour, fiir Prak. Chem., li., 82. 264 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. ing matters to be acids, called the morin blanc, moric acid, and morin jaune, morintannic acid; the latter being identi- cal with the crystalline compound observed by Chevreul in the interior of the logs. Hlasiwetz and Pfaundler* since then have very carefully studied these two compounds. In order to obtain them in a pure state, rasped fustic is boiled twice with water, and the solution concentrated to the state of a syrup, when, after a few days, a crystalline deposit takes place, which is col- lected, washed rapidly with cold water, and pressed. The product, which consists of morintannic acid and the calcium compound of moric acid or morin, is treated with boiling water, which leaves the latter, whilst the morintannic acid is dissolved. The insoluble lime compound, after being decomposed by treatment with weak hydrochloric acid, is dissolved in alcohol, from which, on the addition of two- thirds of its bulk of water, it is deposited in the form of yellow needles. To obtain the morintannic acid, the aqueous solution above described is concentrated, and the colouring matter which separates is recrystallised once or twice from water acidulated with hydrochloric acid. Morintannic acid, or maclurin, C 13 H 10 O c , as thus pre- pared, is a crystalline powder of a pale yellow colour which is freely soluble in water, requiring only 24. parts of boiling and 64 of cold. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, and wood spirit. It fuses at a temperature of 392 F. and is decomposed at 480 . When heated with a concentrated solution of caustic alkali, it yields phloroglucin and proto- catechuic acid. C 13 H 10 O 6 + OH, = C fi H c 3 + C 7 H 6 4 . Maclurin. Phloro- Protocate- glucin. chuic acid. When a moderately concentrated solution of maclurin is heated with zinc and sulphuric acid, it rapidly assumes a red . colour, which gradually changes to orange, and the *Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxxvii., 351. MACHROMIN. 265 solution then contains phloroglucin and a new substance, machromin, C 14 H 10 O 5 . Machromin crystallises in minute tufts of slender needles, and derives its name from the great variety of colours it yields. It is very slightly soluble in water or alcohol, but somewhat more so in ether. Both the crystals and their solutions become rapidly blue on exposure to the air, or in contact with oxydising agents. On adding hydrochloric acid, an amorphous blue precipitate is produced. The alkaline solution likewise assumes a blue colour on exposure to the atmosphere. With perchloride of iron or bichloride of mercury, a solution of machromin assumes a beautiful violet shade, which gradually passes into blue. Nitrate of silver gives a similar coloration, the silver salt being at the same time reduced. Machromin dissolves in sulphuric acid, forming an orange-coloured solution which becomes of an intense green on the application of heat; the colour is not changed by diluting it with water, but assumes a purple hue on the addition of an alkali. The blue substance formed by the oxidation of machro- min can be easily obtained by adding to an aqueous solu- tion of that body an excess of perchloride of iron. Dark blue flakes are thus produced, which are collected, washed with water, and dried; after being washed with ether, the new colouring matter is obtained as a brilliant dark blue mass. Its formula appears to be C 14 H 8 5 . Its alcoholic solution is decolorised by the action of zinc, or of sodium amalgam. Maclurin when dissolved in alkalis and acted on by sodium amalgam, gives rise to phloroglucin and a new body having the formula C u H 12 5 . If maclurin is dissolved in sulphuric acid, after a short time brick-red crystals of riifimoric acid appear, which dis- solve in ammonia with a purple coloration. The same acid is produced if maclurin is boiled with hydrochloric acid. 266 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Moric acid, or morin, when pure, crystallises in colourless needles, which have the formula C 12 H 10 O 6 . It is nearly in- soluble in water and bisulphide of carbon, only slightly soluble in ether, but freely so in alcohol. It dissolves in solutions of the alkalis, borates, or phosphates with a yellow coloration, and is precipitated from them on the addition of an acid. Perchloride of iron communicates to its alcoholic solution an olive-green shade. It gives yellow precipitates with salts of zinc, tin, lead, and aluminium, and a dark green precipitate with those of copper. Hlasiwetz has obtained well defined salts of this acid with potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, lead, and zinc. Moric acid absorbs ammonia, forming a yellow compound, whilst by the action of bromine it yields tribromomoric acid, C 12 H 5 Br 3 6 . Moric acid is transformed into phloroglucin, either when submitted to the action of nascent hydrogen, or by fusing it with caustic alkalis. A solution of moric acid in dilute alkali, when treated with sodium amalgam, at first becomes blue, then green, and finally yellowish-brown ; it now no longer gives a precipitate on the addition of an acid, and on examination will be found to contain phloroglucin. The following equation represents the reaction : — C 12 H 10 O 6 + H 2 = 2 C 6 H c 3 . Moric acid. Phloroglucin. When an alcoholic solution of moric acid, rendered acid by hydrochloric acid, is treated with sodium amalgam until it acquires an intense purple colour, and is then separated from the excess of sodium amalgam and evapo- rated, it yields brilliant purple crystals of isomoriii, a body having the same composition as morin. Under the influence of alkalis this solution becomes green, and after a time moric acid is re-formed ; this change takes place rapidly on boiling. A solution of isomorin mixed with alum offers a remarkable instance of dichro'ism. If it is diluted, it has a RELATION OF QUERCETIN TO MORIN. 267 yellow colour by transmitted light, whilst by reflected light it appears of an uranium green. Hlasiwetz thus sums up the analogies between quercetin and moric acid. 1. Both substances yield a purple compound when the acidulated alcoholic solutions are acted upon by sodium amalgam. 2. Both substances yield phloroglucin when alkaline solutions are treated by sodium amalgam, although in the " case of quercetic acid other bodies are simultaneously formed. 3. Both compounds combine with potash and soda. 4. Fused potash transforms both into phloroglucin. 5. Both bodies are decomposed by heat, yielding a similar sublimate. 6. Their solutions yield similar reactions with various reagents. This eminent chemist believes that the similarity may be explained if we consider quercetin to be a compound of moric and quercetic acids, thus — C 27 H 18 12 = C 12 H 8 5 + C 15 H 10 O 7 . Quercetin. Moric acid. Quercetic acid. Goppelsrceder* has made a very interesting observation which may serve to distinguish moric acid from morintan- nic acid, namely, that a solution of moric acid becomes highly fluorescent on the addition of a small quantity of a salt of aluminium, whilst morintannic acid does not. This reaction is so delicate that moric acid becomes fluorescent by the addition of even one-eight thousandth part of alum, when a ray of light is passed through the solution by means of a lens, whilst if a solution contains only one-quarter millionth part of moric acid the fluorescence may still be seen. He suggests that advantage may be taken of this * Bull. Soc. Industrielle de Mulhouse, xxxvii., 899. 268 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. property as a means of testing for small quantities of salts of aluminium. Old Fustic is especially used for dyeing wools in yellow and olive-green shades. They are mordanted with alumina for yellow, and with salts of iron for green. By the employment of salts of copper and other mordants, a variety of shades can be obtained. It is much used by dyers, but only to a limited extent by calico printers. If the morin- tannic acid or maclurin be precipitated by means of a little glue or gelatin, much brighter yellows are obtained with alumina mordants. The bright yellows produced by this dye are unfortunately affected by air and light, which com- municate to them an orange hue. Through the kindness of Messrs. Z. Heys and Sons, of Barrhead, near Glasgow, we are enabled to illustrate the effect produced by Fustic. FUSTIC YOUNG FUSTIC. — Young fustic is derived from a plant whose botanical name is Rhus cotinus, belonging to the same genus as sumach. It grows in the West Indies, the Levant, and also in France and the southern parts of Europe. It is found in commerce in the form of small logs and crooked branches, the wood imported from the West Indies and the Antilles being the finest in quality. YOUNG FUSTIC. 269 Young fustic contains a tannin matter, and three colour- giving principles, a red, a brown, and a yellow. The yellow colouring matter was first isolated by Chevreul, who gave it the name of fustin. Preisser states that he obtained it by first precipitating the tannin matter from a decoction of the wood by means of gelatin, filtering, and evaporating to dryness. The residue was treated with ether, and the ethereal solution, mixed with water and hydrate of lead, was placed in a retort, and the ether distilled off. A yellow compound was thus formed which was decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the liquor on evaporation yielded small yellow crystals of fustin, which were purified by crystallisation from ether. Bolley prepared it from a decoction of the wood by evaporating it to dryness and treating the residue with alcohol, this dissolved the fustin and left the red colouring matter and other substances. The alcoholic solution, on evaporation and addition of water, yields yellow crystals of fustin. He considers this colouring matter to be identical with quercetin, but Schiitzenberger doubts this, as fustin gives an orange- coloured precipitate with protochloride of tin, whilst quer- cetin gives a yellow one. Alkalis, moreover, produce a red coloration with fustin, and an orange-yellow with quercetin. Fustin is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; its solutions oxidising rapidly when exposed to the atmosphere, and assuming an orange colour. A decoction of the wood gives the following re- actions : — Alkalis. Communicate to it a fine orange hue. Limeand baryta waters. Bright orange precipitate. Acids. Communicate to it a greenish hue. Protochloride of tin. Bright orange precipitate. Acetate of lead. Bright orange precipitate. Acetate of copper. Dark red precipitate. Ferric sulphate Olive-green precipitate. 270 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Like fustin itself, the decoction of the wood becomes orange on exposure to the atmosphere. Young fustic dyes wool mordanted with alumina a fine orange colour, but it is easily affected by light; its chief employment is in conjunction with cochineal, to the red colour of which it imparts a brilliant orange hue. It is not used in the dyeing of cotton goods, but is largely employed by tanners in Turkey and in the Tyrol to impart an orange- yellow colour to leather. Persian Berries. — These are the fruit of the buck- thorn, and several varieties of RJiamnus, growing in the East, and in the southern countries of Europe, among which may be mentioned the Rhamnus amygdalimis, R. olcoides, R. saxatilis, growing in Persia and Turkey, and the R. infec- lorias growing in Avignon. Spain and the Morea also send considerable quantities to this country. Generally speaking, the berries are gathered before they are quite ripe, to which their shrivelled appearance is due; they have a yellowish-green colour, and are about the size of small peas. They only give good results when quite fresh; after being kept a year or two they lose much of their value, yielding far less brilliant colours. The yellower they are, the lower the price they command in the market ; whilst if they are brown or black, they are rejected as being old, or injured by damp. Amongst the dealers, they usually bear the name of the country from which they are imported; thus there are Avignon berries, Turkish berries, &c. ; amongst dyers and calico printers, however, all the varieties are called Persian berries, the best being imported from that country. Persian berries have a disagreeable, bitter flavour, and an unpleasant odour. A freshly prepared decoction, which has a brownish-green colour, gives the following reactions : — Alkalis. Change the colour to orange. Acids. Render it slightly turbid. PERSIAN BERRIES. 27 1 Nitric acid. Brightens the liquor. f Changes the colour to a greenish- Lime water. \ ,. . .. « ! .. ■ I yellow, causing a slight precipitate. j Weakens the colour, but does not 1 produce a precipitate. / Causes no immediate change, but Acetate of lead. \ after a time the liquid becomes I turbid. Acetate of copper. Slight dirty yellow precipitate. Sulphate of copper. Colours the liquor greenish-yellow. Ferric sulphate of iron. Colours the liquor greenish-yellow. _. , , . . . . r Greenish-yellow coloration ; slight Protochlonde of tin. { . . I precipitate. — . . j Slightly turbid ; a floculent precip- l itate forming on standing. ( Deepens the colour to red, after- l wards changing it to yellow. These berries yield to water three principles, — a very bitter compound, a red colouring matter which becomes brown on contact with the atmosphere, and a yellow colouring matter. Kane was the first to carefully examine the colouring matters existing in Persian berries. For this purpose he extracted them with ether, and on evaporating the solution obtained fine golden-yellow crystals, to which he gave the name of Chrysorhamnin, and assigned to them the formula C^H^On. When a solution of this body was boiled in con- tact with the air, or in the presence of oxidising agents, he found that it was converted into a new substance very soluble in water, having the formula C 23 H 24 14 . This sub- stance, which he named xanthorhamnin, is also contained in the ripe berries, or in those that have been kept some time. A few years afterwards Gellatly* investigated this subject, * Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., vii., 252. 272 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. employing anhydrous ether , and obtained a substance which crystallised in pale yellow silky needles. It appears to be a different product to that obtained by Kane. Gellatly called it Xanthorhamniii, and considered it to have the formula C 23 H 28 O u . He found also that when this body was boiled with dilute sulphuric acid it was decomposed into glucose, and a new colouring principle which, on cooling, is deposited from the liquid as a yellow crystalline powder. He gave it the name of rhamnetin, and represen- ted the reaction which takes place by the following equa- tion : — C 23 H 28 O u + 3OH, = 2C 6 H 12 O a + C n H 10 O 5 . Xanthorhamnin. Glucose. Rhamnetin. He was certainly the first to point out the fact that the colouring matter of Persian berries was a glucoside. Hlasiwetz* from a comparison of the analyses came to the conclusion that xanthorhamniii and rhamnetin were identi- cal with quercitrin and quercetin. Bolleyf* noticing the discrepancy between the properties of the xanthorhamniii described by Kane, and that des- cribed by Gellatly, re-examined these substances, and came to much the same conclusion as Hlasiwetz. Schutzen- berger and Berteche subsequently studied the subject, but failed to throw any additional light on it. There can be no doubt that the product they obtained, and to which they gave the name of chrysorhamnm, is identical with the rhamnetin of Gellatly. They do not agree with Bolley in considering this compound to be identical with quercetin, nor do they believe xanthorhamnin to be the same body as quercitrin. In 1866, Lefort, studying these questions, obtained two colouring matters from the berries, the first of which, a yellow crystalline body, he named rJiamuagin, whilst the *Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxii., 107. + Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxv., 55. SUMMAR Y OF RESULTS. 273 other, which he calls r/iamnin, is a yellow amorphous powder. In 1869 he published a paper stating that these two substances were isomeric, having the formula C 12 H 12 5 4- 20H 2 . Rhamnagin is converted into rhamnin by the action of dilute acids without formation of sugar. According to Schiitzenberger, however, rhamnagin, when boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, is converted into rhamne- tin, and a sugar isomeric with mannite. 2 C 12 H 10 O 7 +3OH0 = C 12 H 10 O 5 + 2 C 6 H u 6 . Rhamnagin. Rhamnetin. Sugar. We may conclude from the somewhat conflicting results of these various researches that there is in Persian berries a glucoside, crystallising in yellow silky needles, to which the following names and formulae have been given: — — Chrysorhanmin C 23 H 22 O n . Kane. Xanthorhamnin ... C 23 H 23 O u . Gellatly. Quercitrin C 33 H 30 O T . Bolley. Rhamnasrin ) ^ TT ^ ^ TT ,", This compound, on being boiled with sulphuric acid, yields a sugar and a yellow powder, to which the subjoined names and formulae have been assigned : — Rhamnetin C u H 10 O 5 . Gellatly. Quercetin C 27 H 18 12 . Bolley. Chrysorhamnin ... C 12 H 10 O 6 . Schiitzenberger and Berteche. Schiitzenberger and Berteche have obtained a well defined acetyl derivative of rhamnetin by heating that body with anhydrous acetic acid, in closed tubes, to 285 ° F. They assign to it the formula C 12 H 7 (C 2 H 3 0) 3 5 . It has a pale yellow colour ; is insoluble in water, but crystallises from alcohol. Schiitzenberger remarks that the only difference between moric acid and rhamnetin, (or his chrysorhamnin) is that the latter contains two equivalents more of hydrogen. C 12 H 8 5 + H 2 = Ci 2 H 10 O 5 . Moric acid. Rhamnetin. T 274 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. M Kopp has also drawn attention to the fact that the melin or rutin obtained by Stein* from the Waif a (the un- developed flower buds of the Sophora japonica), may be considered as rhamnetin combined with one equivalent of glucose and one of water, thus : — C 18 H. 2 A, = C 12 H 10 O s + C 6 H 12 O + OH 2 . Melin. Rhamnetin. Glucose. It will be readily perceived, even from this short notice, that the nature of the colouring matter of Persian berries is still involved in much obscurity. It is probable, however, that a careful comparison of the products of the decom- position of the glucosides found in this dyestuff, and in quercitron, would throw much light on the subject. Persian berries are chiefly used by calico-printers for pro- ducing bright yellows or greens in steam styles. To obtain yellows, a freshly prepared decoction is mixed either with a little red mordant (sulpho-acetate of alumina) or with oxy-muriate of tin. The mixture is thickened, printed on, and the fabric steamed. The two samples, illustrating the effects obtainable with Persian berries, we owe to the courtesy of Messrs. Wood and Wright. WM to' - was first isolated by Buchner.* To prepare it, the root is exhausted with boiling water, the extract concentrated by evaporation, and then treated with hot alcohol ; after filtration the greater part of the alcohol is distilled off, and the residue left to itself in a cool place ; yellow crystals of berberine are then deposited, and may be purified by recrystallisation, first from water, and then from alcohol. The best method of extracting the berberine*f" from those sources, such as barberry bark and Colombo wood, which do not contain much starch, is to boil them with water and a slight excess of basic lead acetate, filter and concentrate until the substance crystallises out on cooling. After the crystals have been collected, the remainder of the alkaloid is precipitated from the mother liquors as nitrate by the addition of excess of nitric acid. The free base can be obtained from the nitrate by heating its aqueous solution with milk of lime. In order to purify the crude berberine, it is dissolved in boiling water, basic acetate of lead added as long as a precipitate is produced, the solution filtered, and the excess of lead removed by means of sulphuretted hy- drogen. On cooling, pure berberine crystallises out. Berberine has also been found in Berberis aristata; in JateorJiiza palmata or Coccuhis palmatus, the calumbo, or Colombo root, by Bodeker;^: in the columbo wood of Ceylon, Menispermum fenestration, by Perrins;§ by Stenhouse]] in 'yellow bark', Coelocline polycarpa, used as a dye by the natives of Abeocouta in West Africa ; *Ann. Cliim. Pharm., xxiv., 22S. tjour. Chim. Soc, xx., 187. X Ann. Chim. Pharm., lxvi., 384, and lxix., 40. § Ibid., lxxxiii., 276. || Pharm. J. Trans., xiv., 455, 294 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. by Mayer* in podyphyllum root, Podophyllum peltatum, and from the root of the Hydrastis canadensis. It forms yellow silky needles which have a strong bitter taste. It is only sparingly soluble in cold water or alcohol, but freely so when boiling; it is insoluble in ether, but the fixed and volatile oils dissolve it to a slight extent. Berberine is an alkaloid of the formula C M H 17 N0 4| which in alcoholic solution gives green lustrous scales, with solu- tion of iodine or iodide of potassium. It combines with acids, yielding well defined yellow-coloured salts, of which the nitrate is remarkable for its insolubility in solutions containing a slight excess of the acid; it is decomposed by boiling nitric acid, yielding oxalic acid among other products. Nascent hydrogen converts it into a colour- less compound, hydroberberin, C^H^NO^. Barberry root has been used alone to dye silk yellow, but alum and salts of tin brighten the colour. Its chief use, however, is for dyeing leather. Gamboge. — This is a gum-resin, produced from the Garcinia morella, a tree belonging to the order Guttifcra, and growing in the peninsula of Camboga, in Siam, and in the southern parts of Cochin China. A yellow juice flows from incisions made in the trunk of the tree, which is col- lected in bamboos, and allowed to thicken, when it forms cylinders, often streaked with impressions from the inside of the bamboo. This is the finest sort, called the pipe gamboge of Siam. A portion is also formed into round cakes, either entire, or having a hole in the middle. Gamboge is also produced in Ceylon; and an inferior sort is said to be obtained from the Gambogia gutta, a tree growing wild on the Malabar coast. Gamboge occurs in pieces of various sizes, of a dirty- yellowish colour externally, and covered with a yellow powder. When broken, it exhibits a vitreous orconchoi'dal * Amer. Jour. Pharm., xxxv., 97. GAMBOGE. 295 fracture, with brown or saffron-yellow colour. Its powder is of a brilliant yellow, and forms an emulsion with water. Although it is nearly without odour at ordinary tem- peratures, it gives out a very peculiar one when heated. When taken into the mouth, it has at first scarcely any perceptible taste, but after a time it causes a sharp, acrid sensation in the throat. It is a drastic purgative. Gamboge dissolves in alcohol, in ether, and in ammonia. The ammoniacal solution forms a red precipitate with salts of barium; yellow with zinc salts; reddish-yellow with acetate of lead; and brownish-yellow with nitrate of silver. The following analyses of gamboge are by Dr. Christison. PIPE GAMBOGE, CAKE GAMBOGE, „„, T „..„,«„„ FROM SIAM. FROM SIAM. CEYL ° N GAiIBOGE ' Resin 74-2 71-6 64-3 65-0 6S8 71-5 72-9 75-5 Gum 2i - 8 24-0 207 197 207 188 19-4 18-4 Amylaceous ) \ 6*2 matter J Woody fibre 4'4 6 2 6-8 57 4-3 6 Moisture... 4'S 4-8 4-0 4-6 4-6 ... ... 4-8 5'o ioo'S 100.4 99'6 ioo - 5 ioo - 9 96^0 966 99-3 The resin contained in gamboge is easily separated by means of ether; it is hyacinth-red, and yields a powder of a fine yellow colour. It possesses marked acid properties, decomposing alkaline carbonates at the boiling heat, and forming with the alkalis red salts, which may be separated from their solutions by common salt, like soaps. Buchner assigns to it the formula C- H 35 O 6 . The purified resin, when fused with caustic potash, gives off vapours having a pleasant aromatic odour, and the residue is found to contain phloroglucin, pyrotartaric acid, and two other acids, one of which is crystalline, and the other not. The crystallised acid, which Hlasiwetz and Barth * call isouvitic acid, C 9 H 8 O 4 , is isomeric with u vitic *Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxxxviii., 61. 296 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. acid, and forms thick prismatic crystals, belonging to the rhombic system. The principal use of gamboge is as a pigment in water- colour painting. An imitation gamboge is prepared from turmeric. ILIXANTHIN. — This is a yellow colouring-matter, first observed by Nachtigal in the leaves of the Polygonum fagopyrum, or common buckwheat, and afterwards investi- gated by Schunck. It appears to be identical with the ilixanthin which Moldenhauer* obtained from the leaves of the holly Ilex aquifolium. It crystallises in pale yellow needles, having the composition C 17 Ho 2 O n , and which are only sparingly soluble in hot or cold water, but more soluble in alcohol. Strong sulphuric acid changes its colour to a deep yellow, without decomposition. It yields on calico mordanted with alumina, a dark yellow colour; with tin, a light yellow ; and with oxide of iron, various shades of yellowish-brown, according to the strength of mordant employed. LICHENS. — Various yellow-coloured substances have been obtained from the lichens, namely, clirysopJicuiic acid, and valpic acid or chrysopicrin. Rochelder and Helt obtained Chrysophaiiic acid (see rhubarb, p. 298) from the zcall lichen or Parmelia parietina. Vitlpic acid, or cJuysopicriu, was obtained by Moller and Strecker, from the Cetraria vulpina, growing in Norway ; by Bolley and Kinkelyn, from the Evernia vulpina of the Alps ; and by Stein, from the Parmelia parietina. Chrysinic acid, prepared by Picard from Poplar buds, appears to bear a very close resemblance to vulpic acid. To prepare these various yellow acids, the lichens are macerated in an alkaline liquor, which is then separated from the weed, and neutralised with an acid, when the colouring principle separates. It is washed, and dissolved Ann. Chem. Pharm., cii., 346. PURREE, OR INDIAN YELLOW. 297 in alcohol or ether, which, on evaporation, yields the acid in a crystalline state. Vulpicacid crystallises in needles of the formula C 10 H 14 O 5 , which dissolve freely in water, alcohol, and ether. It sublimes without decomposition at 250 F. and gives a golden-yellow solution with alkalis, which is not changed by exposure to the atmosphere. It produces a good yellow colour as a dye. Chrysinic acid possesses very little interest. Purree, or Indian Yellow. — Purree, or Indian yellow, is a colouring matter imported from India and China in round lumps, weighing from 3 to 4 ozs., of a brown colour externally, and of a bright yellow internally, and, according to Erdmann, exhibiting a crystalline structure. Although, when boiled in a solution Of borax, it yields a fine yellow colour on silk and cotton prepared with alumina mordants, it is not employed for that purpose, on account of its high price. Its chief use is as a pigment in oil and water- colour painting. The origin of this substance is still a disputed question. Some believe it to be an intestinal or biliary concretion of the camel, the elephant, and the buffalo ; whilst others think that it is a deposit from the urine of these animals when they have been eating the leaves of cer- tain plants, among which is the mango, or Mangostana mangifer. The colouring matter is magnesium euxanthate, from which the enxcuithic acid is prepared by washing the purree thoroughly with boiling water, and dissolving the residue in boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, which, on cooling, de- posits the euxanthic acid in tufts of yellow needles. It has a sweet taste, and bitter after taste; and is freely soluble in ether and alcohol, but only slightly so in water. Its formula, when crystallised from alcohol, is C 21 H 18 O n + OH 2 , but it loses the molecule of water when dried at 265 ° F, 298 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. If precipitated from its ammoniacal solution by hydrochloric acid, it retains three molecules of water, C 21 H 18 O u + 30H 2 . According to Stenhousc, if the anhydrous acid be cautiously heated in a tube, it yields a yellow sublimate, to which he has given the name cuxauthoiie, C, H 1;i O c . Euxanthic acid forms well defined salts. Numerous derivatives have also been obtained by the action of various reagents, such as bromine, chlorine, nitric acid, &c, but they are interesting only from a scientific point of view. Indian yellow being somewhat costly, is often adulterated with cheaper yellows, such as chromate of lead. This may be detected by calcination, when the genuine yellow under- goes slow combustion, leaving only a small amount of ash, whilst if mineral matter has been added a larger per centage will be found. RHUBARB. — This drug, which is the root of various species of RJicum, as R. palmatum, R. compactum, R. aus- trale, &c, contains several definite chemical compounds, the most important of which is chrysophanic acid. This is best extracted from the root by exhausting it with cold water, drying it, and boiling it with benzene. On concen- trating the benzene solution by distillation, and allowing the residue to cool, it solidifies to a crystalline mass of the acid, which may readily be purified by treating it with a dilute solution of soda, and recrystallisation. Chrysophanic acid crystallises in pale yellow, six-sided plates, which are almost insoluble in water, and but slightly soluble in alcohol. It is not as yet definitely settled whether its formula is C 14 H 10 O 4 , or C 14 H 8 4 . When boiled with fuming nitric acid it is converted into chrysammic acid (p. 283). Chrysophanic acid also exists in senna, in Runicx obtusifolius, and many other species of this genus, and also in Parmelia parietina, the yellow wall lichen. RUTIN. — Rutin is a glucoside which appears to be widely diffused in the vegetable kingdom. It was first obtained RUTIN.— SCOPARIN. 299 from garden rue by Weiss and Borntrager, afterwards from capers by Rochleder and Hlasiwetz, and by Stein from Wai'fa, the undeveloped flower buds of the Sopliora japonica. It crystallises from its aqueous solution in pale yellow crystals, to which the formula 2C 23 H 2S 15 , 5OH0 has been assigned. It loses three molecules of water at 21 2° F., and the remaining two at 320 F. It is nearly insoluble in cold water, but freely soluble in boiling water, or hot alcohol ; it is insoluble in ether, but soluble in acetic acid. It dissolves freely in alkalis, and their carbonates ; and also in lime, and baryta water, forming yellow solutions from which acids precipitate the rutin unaltered. These solutions become brown on exposure to the atmosphere. Cold nitric acid at first imparts a yellow colour to rutin, which quickly passes to an olive, and finally to a brown. Boiling nitric acid converts it into oxalic and picric acids. Boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, rutin is decomposed into glucose and quercetin, as shown in the following equation : — C 25 H 2S 15 + 3 OH 2 = C 13 H 10 O 6 + 2C 6 H 12 6 . Rutin. Quercetin. Glucose. When acted on by sodium-amalgam, rutin yields para- carthamin. SCOPARIN, C 21 H 22 O 10 . — This compound which was ob- tained by Stenhouse from the Spartium scopariuiu, although not a dyestuff, is considered by Hlasiwetz to belong to the quercetin group, for when fused with caustic potash it is split up into phloroglucin and protocatechuic acid, as repre- sented in the following equation : — C 21 H 22 O 10 +50 = QH 6 0, + 2C 7 H G 4 + C0 2 + 2 OH* Scoparin. Phloroglucin. Protocate- chuic acid. Scoparin, when freed from chlorophyll and other im- purities, is a pale yellow, brittle, amorphous mass, which may, however, be obtained in small crystals by the sponta- neous evaporation of its alcoholic solution. It is a neutral compound, and is tasteless and inodorous : with alkalis 3 oo DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and their carbonates, or with ammonia, it gives yellowish- green solutions. The ammoniacal solution leaves on evaporation a green jelly, which, when dry, is free from ammonia, and has the same composition as the crystallised body. Scoparin, in fact, readily assumes either the colloid, or the crystalline form. Taigu, OR Tayegu Wood. — M. J. Arnaudon,* some years ago, on examining with a microscope a sample of Taigu wood imported from Paraguay, observed some yellow prismatic crystals, which proved to be a colouring matter. To extract it, the wood is cut into small pieces and treated at the ordinary temperature with alcohol of "844, which dissolves the colouring principle together with a little reddish-brown resin. This alcoholic solution, when concen- trated, yields crystals of the impure colouring matter, which may be purified by recrystallisation, first from alcohol, and afterwards by the spontaneous evaporation of the ethereal solution. The new substance, taiguic acid, forms golden- yellow prisms, which are not altered by exposure to the air if light be excluded, but in sunlight it becomes orange- coloured, and finally brown. It melts without decomposi- tion at 275° R, and sublimes at 356° F., yielding large prismatic crystals. As already noticed it is soluble in alcohol and ether, but insoluble in water. It dissolves also in wood spirit and bisulphide of carbon. It is soluble in alkaline solutions with intense scarlet colour, so that it forms a very delicate test for the presence of free alkali. If a small quantity of taiguic acid be added to water con- taining a millionth part of free ammonia, a distinct colora- tion is perceptible. A decoction of taigu wood made with alkaline carbonates imparts a fine orange-red colour to cotton, dipped first into the solution, and then into a bath of dilute acid. The dye is very similar in shade to that obtained with annatto. * Technologiste, xix., 453. LO-KAO, OR CHINESE GREEN. 30 1 WONGSHY, OR Hoang-tchy. — Rondot, Persoz, and Martius, have examined four yellow colouring matters employed in China, but of these only one, called Wongshy, or hoang-tcJiy, and which is the fruit of the Gardenia grandi- fiora, appears to possess any peculiar interest. The colouring principle has been studied by Stein, Orth, Rochleder, and Martius, and according to Rochleder is identical with crocin, the colouring matter of saffron. Carotin. — The yellow colouring matters of carrots, gentian root, and several other plants have been studied, but present no special interest as they have received no applications. Rottlera. — The fruit of the Rottleva tinctoria is used in India for dyeing silk an orange colour. It contains a principle, rottlerin, having the formula C n H 10 O 3 , which crystallises in yellow silky needles; they are insoluble in water, but moderately soluble in ether and in boiling alcohol. GREEN COLOURING MATTERS. Lo-kao, or Chinese Green. — In 1848, attention was drawn by several English gentlemen to samples of a green colouring matter coming from China, which in the mean time was studied in France by Kcechlin, Schouch, and Persoz. In 1853, MM. Guinon, Manias, and Co., of Lyons, imported it in sufficient quantity to enable them to dye silk for the requirements of trade. The silks so dyed were known by the names of Vert-venus, Vert-azof, Vert-lumiere, and were specially admired from their retaining their green colour when seen by artificial light. We are indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Guinon, Marnas, and Co., of Lyons, for the accompanying specimen of the effect obtained on silk with lo-kao. 302 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. L0-KA0. The use of this colour was, however, discontinued, as it was not very fast, and Messrs. Guinon, Marnas, and Co., found that they could produce greens possessing the same property by first dyeing their silks with Prus- sian blue, and then in an acidulated bath of picric acid. It is interesting to observe that if indigo be substituted for Prussian blue, the colour appears blue by artificial light. This process has since been superseded by the beautiful aniline greens. M. Charvin, of Lyons, received a gold medal from the Chamber of Commerce of Lyons, for the discovery of a process for preparing lo-kao from a plant indigenous to Europe — the Rhamnus catharticus, or buckthorn. According to Persoz, the lo-kao imported into this country had three shades of a dark greenish blue, and had the fol- lowing composition : — Colouring matter 6 1 "90 Mineral matter, chiefly lime 28 - 8o Water 9-30 IOO'OO It is insoluble in alcohol, ether ,and bisulphide of car- bon, and only partially soluble in water. The addition of an acid increases its solubility. The alkalis dissolve out of it a green colouring matter, and the solution becomes brown on being boiled, or even if kept for some time at ordinary temperatures. Reducing agents such as arsenious, hyposulphurous, oxalic, LOKAIN. 303 and formic acids, give rise to a violet-purple precipitate with lo-kao, whilst sulphuretted hydrogen imparts to it a blood-red coloration. Exposure to the atmosphere restores after a time the green colour. Protochloride of tin dissolves it partially with an intense red coloration, which changes to green on the addition of an alkali and exposure to the air. Oxidising agents, such as nitric and chromic acids, also convert the green colour into a red one; but in this case the green colour is not restored by exposure to the air. Certain salts, such as those of magnesia and zinc, change the green colour to blue. Cloez and Guignet have recently published a paper on this interesting substance, in which they state that if lo-kao is mixed with water, and left in a warm place for several days, it ferments and becomes partially reduced. If it be now washed with cold water and then boiled in that menstruum, a reddish-violet coloured solution is obtained, which gives a blue precipitate when exposed to the atmosphere. This compound they, in common with Persoz, consider to be the true colouring- principle of lo-kao, and have named it loka'in. It may be prepared in larger quantities by agitating the lo-kao with a solution of carbonate of ammonia, filtering, and pre- cipitating with alcohol. To obtain pure lokain, one part of pure carbonate of ammonia is dissolved in forty parts of water, and one part of roughly powdered lo-kao added, the mixture being shaken from time to time for about four days, when the liquor assumes a very dark greenish-blue colour. The solu- tion thus obtained is filtered and evaporated to dryness in a water bath, to drive off the excess of ammonium car- bonate. The residue, which is soluble in water, is a com- bination of lokain with ammonia, and is further purified by dissolving it in water and precipitation with alcohol. On analysis it yields numbers corresponding to the formula Co 8 H 33 17 ,NH 4 . This compound, on being kept at a tern- 304 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. perature of 21 2° F. for several hours, is decomposed, and yields ammonium lokaetin, an insoluble violet-coloured substance. The same substance is produced when lo-kao is fermented with the addition of yeast : the solution assumes an intense red colour, and on filtration and exposure to the air a rich purple precipitate is thrown down, which is ammonium lokaetin. By the action of sulphuric acid the solution of ammonium lokai'n is decomposed into glucose and an insoluble substance lokaetin, to which the formula C 9 H 8 O 10 has been assigned. Lokai'n is therefore a glucoside. Lokaetin assumes a most intense purple in the presence of the slightest trace of alkali. With sulphide of ammonium it gives a red floculent precipitate. Nitric acid transforms it into oxalic acid and a new yellow colouring matter. From the various colours which lokai'n gives under the influence of certain chemical reagents, and from its being prepared from a species of Rhamnus, it was the author's opinion that there existed a very close analogy between this compound and some of the derivatives of rhamnetin, if not an absolute identity. In all probability, therefore, there must be an intimate relation between it and quercetin, and especially the rosocyanin obtained from turmeric. The solution obtained by digesting lo-kao with water,, dyes silks a pale bluish-grey similar to that observed on some Chinese silks. Ammonium lokaetin alone, dyes cotton, silk, and wool of a violet colour, no mordant being required. If employed in a bath of hyposulphite of soda, it dyes cotton a fast bright sky-blue, which is permanent when exposed to light. YVaifa. — There have been several other green colouring matters sent from China to Europe, but with the exception of waifa, they have no special interest, their composition and mode of application being unknown. Waifa is the undeveloped flower-buds of the SopJiora SAP GREEN. 305 japonica, which grows abundantly in the southern parts of China, and in India. Stein extracted from it a yellow colour- ing principle, which he considers to be identical with rutin. To obtain a green colour, the Chinese dip the cotton to be dyed into a boiling solution of waifa, to which a small quantity of alum has been added, and then expose the fabric to the sun's rays. These operations are repeated until the required depth of shade is obtained. Sap Green. — There has for many years been a green in use prepared from the Rhanmus catJiarticus, or buck- thorn, and known by the name of sap, or bladder green. It is employed by paper stainers and leather dyers, and is largely manufactured in the neighbourhood of Neuremberg. The ripe berries "are submitted to pressure, when a purple- red juice is obtained, which becomes green on the addition of an alkali. To produce the colour, a little soda or lime is added, together with a small quantity of alum and gum. The liquid is then concentrated to the state of a thick syrup, and filled into pig bladders; it is from this circum- stance that it derives its name of 'bladder green.' CHLOROPHYLL. — Notwithstanding the numerous re- searches which have been made by some of the most distinguished chemists on the green colouring matter of leaves, we are still far from having a correct knowledge of its composition and properties. The great difficulties at- tendant on the investigation of this subject, are owing, not only to the green colouring principle being associated with various other substances of a waxy or fatty nature, but also to the readiness with which chlorophyll becomes altered by the action of chemical agency, and even by exposure to light. It may be obtained by the following process : — green leaves are digested several days with ether, and the filtered liquid evaporated to dryness. The residue is treated with boiling alcohol, and a small quantity of milk of lime added V 3o6 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. to the solution, which precipitates all the colouring matter, whilst the alcohol retains a quantity of the fat which was mixed with it. The chlorophyll is separated from the lime by means of hydrochloric acid, and ether is then added to dissolve the colouring matter, which forms a green stratum at the top of the liquid. The chlorophyll is obtained on evaporating the ethereal solution, but not in a pure state, as it is still contaminated by a certain amount of fatty matter. Hartsenn* mixes finely chopped ivy leaves with spirit of wine of 55", and after allowing them to stand twelve hours, presses them : this removes the water, a bitter substance called helicin, and a saponifiable compound. The pressed leaves are now soaked in benzene for twenty-four hours, and the benzene is removed from the expressed solution by distillation. The dark-brown fatty residue, amounting to 2^ per cent, of the leaves, is treated with a solution of soda, filtered, and precipitated by common salt. The pre- cipitate, after being washed with a salt solution, is dissolved in water, and precipitated with a solution of copper sulphate. This precipitate, after being washed and dried, is boiled with absolute alcohol, and then washed with ether and benzene ; this treatment removes the copper soap, and leaves the compound of chlorophyll with copper oxide. On suspending the latter in alcohol, and decomposing it with sulphuretted hydrogen, a solution is obtained, which leaves pure chlorophyll on evaporation. Chlorophyll, thus prepared, is quite free from fatty mat- ter, and is an earthy powder of a very deep green colour, almost black, unalterable in the air, infusible, sustaining a heat of 390" F. without decomposition, but decomposing at higher temperatures. It is insoluble in water, even at the boiling heat, but is easily soluble in hydrochloric acid, and in alcohol ; less so in ether. * Chem. Centr. 1873, 2 °4- CHLOROPHYLL. 307 Among those chemists who have studied the green colour- ing matters of leaves, M. Fremy* is of opinion that the green colour is composed of two substances, a yellow and a blue ; to the former of which he gives the name phylloxanthin, and to the latter phyllocyanin. If dried green leaves, or the alcoholic extract from leaves, be agitated with a mixture of ether and dilute hydrochloric acid, and allowed to stand, the liquid separates into two layers ; the superna- tant ethereal one having a yellow colour, whilst the hydro- chloric acid solution has a blue colour. Again, on mixing an alcoholic extract of the leaves with gelatinous alumina, and then carefully adding water, a bright blue lake is pre- cipitated, whilst the solution has a bright yellow colour. If the solution be now filtered, a fresh quantity of hydrate of alumina added, and then a large quantity of water, a yellow precipitate is produced. The lakes thus obtained may be collected, washed, and dried, and if then treated with alcohol, yield to that solvent their respective colours. Fremy also observed that young and sickly leaves, when exposed to the vapours of hydrochloric acid, assumed a bright green tint, the yellow colouring matter existing in larger quantity than in normal leaves. In the autumn leaves, however, he could find no trace of phyllocyanin, phylloxanthin only being present ; the latter is therefore a more stable compound than the former. Phylloxanthin^ is a neutral substance, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, and crystallising therefrom in yellow laminae, or red prisms, resembling those of potassium bichromate. It possesses very great colouring power, and dissolves with blue colour in strong sulphuric acid, whereas the yellow colouring matter of flowers becomes red under similar circumstances. Phyllocyanin is insoluble in water, but dissolves with *Compt. Rend., 1., 405. t Fremy, Ann. Chim. Phys., [4] vii., 78. Ludwig, Arch. Pharm., [2] cvi., 164. 308 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. olive-green or bronze-red colour in alcohol and ether ; its salts are brown and green ; those of the alkali-metals are yellow, and soluble in water. The solutions of phyllo- cyanin in sulphuric or hydrochloric acid are green, reddish- violet, or blue, according to the degree of concentration; the phyllocyanin being precipitated from them on the addition of water. Alkalis change its colour to bright yellow, but it again becomes green, if it be dissolved in alcohol and hydrochloric acid added. Professor Stokes * concludes from the optical characters of chlorophyll, that it is# mixture of four different colouring matters, two of which are yellow, and two green. The solutions of the green (but not of the yellow) colouring matters exhibit strong red fluorescence ; three of these substances are very easily decomposed by acids or acid salts, binoxalate of potash for example. Fremy's phyllo- cyanin is, according to Stokes, merely a product of decom- position of the green bodies by acids; it is soluble in most acids, yielding green or blue solutions. Neutral solutions exhibit very sharp absorption bands. Phylloxanthin varies in its properties according to the manner in which it has been obtained. If the green substances have been removed by means of hydrate of alumina, it is one of the yellow sub- stances existing in the plant; if, however, acids have been used in its preparation, it consists of the same yellow sub- stance, contaminated, however, with the products of the decomposition of the green substance. According to Filhol,-f- all the methods of preparing chlorophyll in which acids are used, yield nothing but products of decomposition. By cautious treatment, four substances may be obtained, namely : a yellow compound, soluble in alcohol, which is resolved, by treatment with strong hydrochloric acid, into a blue soluble substance and * Proc. Roy. Soc, xiii., 144. fAnn. Chim. Phys., [4] xiv. Compt. Rend., Ivi., 1218, and lxi., 371. CHLOROPHYLL. 309 a yellow precipitate. On adding oxalic acid to an alcoholic solution of chlorophyll, a brown body is separated : this is soluble in alkaline solutions with an orange-red colour, which, on exposure to the air, becomes pure green from absorption of oxygen. LommeL* who has lately published a paper on the op- tical properties of chlorophyll, states, that the dark absorption bands observed in a solution of chlorophyll in dilute alcohol, when examined with the spectroscope, cor- respond, both in position and brightness, with the bright fluorescent bands produced in the same solution. The spectrum of chlorophyll, both when fresh, and after it has become modified by the action of light, has been investi- gated by Gerland,-f- and by Chautard. % Occasionally, dead trees contains a bright green colour- ing matter which differs from chlorophyll. It is soluble in chloroform, and is called xylocJiloeric acid. M. Hartmann has succeeded in preparing a pigment from chlorophyll, which, when properly thickened and mixed with lime water, may be printed and steamed in the usual way, yielding colours which are fast, although not bright. The pigment is extracted from grass, which has previously been washed with warm, very dilute lye, by steeping it for twenty-four hours in a solution containing 7^ per cent, of caustic soda. On neutralising the deeply coloured solution with hydrochloric acid, a green floculent precipitate is produced, which only requires to be collected on a filter and washed, in order to be ready for use. * Pogg Ann. cxliii., 568. + Pogg Ann. cxliii., 585. % Compt. Rend. Ixxv., 1837, and lxxvi., 570* CHAPTER X. TANNIN MATTERS. There are certain principles widely distributed over the vegetable kingdom which have an astringent taste, and possess the property of giving a blue, or green coloration or precipitate with persalts of iron. These astringent sub- stances, or tannins, as they are called, when added to solu- tions of gelatin or albumen, produce a precipitate which is a compound of the animal substance with the tannin. All these compounds resist putrefaction in a remarkable degree ; those obtained with gelatin forming the basis of leather. It has been known from time immemorial that the skins of animals, and other animal membranes, when steeped for a certain length of time in solutions of these astringent matters, undergo a change by which they are rendered less liable to putrefaction, and available for many purposes of civilised life. The process by which this is effected is called tanning, and those matters which have been found to con- tain such a proportion of the principles as to be applicable for this purpose have received the name of tannin matters. The tannin is contained in various parts of plants ; in some cases it is the bark, in others the fruit, whilst in others again it is certain excrescences produced by insects. The production of leather is not, however, the only use to which these principles have been applied, for they give colorations with certain metallic oxides, and have, con- sequently, long been among the most valuable dyestuffs, being employed chiefly for the production of blacks, greys, and browns. TANNIC ACID. 311 Tannin matters, or the commercial articles used for dye- ing, being the bark, leaves, &c, of plants, invariably con- tain, besides the tannins peculiar to them, a certain amount of extraneous matter, such as gum, and woody fibre. The tannins, or thoseprinciples which are the true dyestufifs, may be divided broadly into two classes, those which give a blue-black precipitate with persalts of iron, such as gall- nuts, Chinese galls, oak bark, sumach, dividivi, myrobalans, and valonia ; and those which give a green coloration with persalts of iron, such as catechu, gambier, gum-kino, and elder, larch, and willow barks. Stenhouse has shown that most of the natural tannins which give a blue precipitate with persalts of iron are glucosides, whilst those which give a green one are not glucosides, with the exception, perhaps of the tannin of willow bark. All the tannins are remarkable for the avidity with which they absorb oxygen in presence of the alkalis, becoming converted into bodies of various colours, green, red, brown, and black. Tannic, or Gallotannic Acid. — This, the most important of the tannins, which gives a blue-black with ferric salts, was first obtained by Prout in 1795. The best method of preparing it in a pure state, however, is that devised by Pelouze, who treated coarsely ground gall-nuts, in a displacement apparatus, with ether, which had been previously saturated with water, by being well skaken up with it. The ethereal solution which percolates through the gall-nuts separates into two layers, of which the upper one is ether, containing colouring matter, gallic acid, and other impurities ; whilst the lower is a syrupy, aqueous solution of nearly pure tannin. This only requires to be carefully evaporated in vacuo, or at a low temperature, in order to obtain the tannic acid as a pale yellow, amorphous, spongy mass, inodorous, and having a most astringent taste. By this process one hundred parts 312 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. of good gall-nuts yield about sixty parts of tannin. Instead of aqueous ether, a mixture of dry ether with 5 per cent, of alcohol is very frequently used. Tannin, as prepared by those methods, is almost insoluble in ether, but readily soluble in alcohol, and in water. It is precipitated from its aqueous solution by many of the stronger acids, and also by various salts, such as common salt, salammoniac, and potassium acetate. When boiled with baryta water, it yields barium gallate and glucate. Baryta or lime water in excess quickly colours tannin green, then blue, red, and finally a yellowish-brown. It gives a white precipitate with tartar emetic, or salts of lead; a characteristic blue-black one with persalts of iron, but none with the protosalts. It also gives precipitates with gelatin, and with the vegetable alkaloids. When treated with chromic acid, tannic acid is decomposed with evolu- tion of carbonic anhydride ; whilst with bichromate of potash it gives a yellowish-brown precipitate, which quickly turns black. It begins to decompose at about 400 R, carbonic anhydride being given off, whilst pyrogallic acid sublimes, and a black compound, called metagallic acid, remains in the retort. According to Strecker, the de- composition takes place in the following manner : — C^A; = 3C 6 H 6 3 + C 6 H 4 2 + 3 C0 2 . Tannin. Pyrogallic Metagallic acid. acid. As tannin obtained by the methods above described yields gallic acid and glucose when boiled with dilute acids, it was for a long time considered to be a glucoside of gallic acid, notwithstanding that the amount of glucose present in different specimens of tannin varied greatly. The recent researches of Schiff,* however, have thrown much light on the subject, for by heating crystallised gallic acid with phosphorus oxychloride for several hours, he succeeded in *Ann. Chem. Pharm., clxx., 43, and clxxv., 165. GALLIC ACID. 313 obtaining a substance possessing all the physical and chemical properties of ordinary tannin, but differing from it in being perfectly free from glucose. When boiled with dilute acids it is entirely converted into pure gallic acid, which may again be reconverted into tannin. From an examination of the acetyl derivatives of tannin, he came to the conclusion that it is an etherated anhydride of digallic acid, having the formula C u H 10 O 9 , which is that originally assigned to it by Mulder. In a similar manner gallic acid is almost entirely converted into tannin by heating its con- centrated aqueous solution with arsenic acid. Although glucose is almost invariably present in natural tannin, yet it does not appear to be in the free state, that is, it is not a mere mechanical mixture of pure tannin and glucose. Schiff proposes to distinguish the natural product, containing glucose, as tannin ; whilst the pure sub- stance, free from glucose, may be called digallic acid. In presence of alkalis, tannin absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, and is converted into a red substance called tannoxylic or rufitannic acid. This acid, which has the formula C 7 H G 6 , may be prepared as follows :— a mo- derately strong solution of potash is saturated in the cold with tannic acid, and the solution, which soon turns red, is left to stand for some days until it becomes dark red and nearly opaque. It is then precipitated with acetate of lead; the resulting brick-red precipitate is treated with hot acetic acid, to dissolve undecomposed tannate of lead, and the tannoxylate of lead, which remains as a red precipitate, is decomposed by heating with alcohol and sulphuric acid. A dark red solution of tannoxylic acid is thereby obtained, which on evaporation leaves the acid as a brown-red amorphous substance. Gallic Acid. — This acid, which was discovered by Scheele, exists ready formed in several of the tannin mat- ters, such as gall-nuts, sumach, valonia, dividivi, tea, &c, 3 i4 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRIXTIXG. but is usually prepared by the transformation of the gallo- tannic acid of gall-nuts; for this purpose two processes are generally employed. The first consists in reducing gall-nuts to a coarse pow- der, mixing it with water, and allowing it to stand for some weeks in a dark place, the temperature being maintained at from 70" to So : F. A green mould forms on the surface soon after the fermentation sets in, and when it is complete the tannic acid will be found to be converted into gallic acid, mixed, however, with a small quantity of ellagic acid. The second process, which is much more rapid, is based on the fact that the action of the stronger acids on tannin converts it into gallic acid. A strong decoction of gall- nuts is treated with strong sulphuric acid, when a pasty mass is thrown down, which is collected, washed with dilute acid, and pressed. It is then boiled for a few minutes with seven or eight times its weight of dilute sulphuric acid (one part of acid to ten of water), and allowed to cool, when impure gallic acid crystallises out. It may be purified by recrystallisa- tion, or still better, by conversion into gallate of lead, which is washed, and decomposed by sulphuretted hydro- gen. The sulphide of lead which is formed carries down and retains the colouring matters, whilst pure gallic acid remains in solution, and may be obtained on evaporation. Gallic acid, C : H . ; O 5 , forms white silk}' needles, which are sparingly soluble in cold water, but freely soluble in boiling water, alcohol, and ether. It has no odour, but an astrin- gent, slightly acid taste. It gives no precipitate with proto- salts of iron, but a deep purple-blue with ferric salts. The author observed some years ago, that if this precipitate were kept for a few days it would be redissolved, the gallic acid reducing the peroxide of iron to the state of protoxide. Unlike tannin, it gives no precipitate with gelatin or albumen, which is a most important fact, as will be seen REACTIONS OF GALLIC ACID. 315 when we consider the application of tannin matters to dyeing and the preparation of leather. With lime and baryta water, gallic acid gives a character- istic precipitate, white at first, but soon becoming green on contact with the air, and finally brownish-red. This affinity of the acid for oxygen in the presence of alkalis is far more active than that of tannin, as was shown by Chevreul in 1820, in his researches on the oxidation of colouring matters under the influence of alkalis. He sug- gested that tannin, or gallic acid might be used with advan- tage for the determination of the quantity of oxygen in gaseous mixtures. In 1838, Liebig again called attention to this property of gallic acid, and proposed the use of it, or still better, pyrogallic acid in gas analysis. The process, how- ever, is not perfectly accurate, for in 1863, the author showed that a small portion of the oxygen is converted into car- bonic oxide, the volume of that gas amounting to 3 or 4 per cent, of that of the oxygen absorbed when the gas operated on was pure oxygen, and about 25^ per cent, with air. Gallic acid reduces the salts of gold and silver to the metallic state. It is a tribasic acid which expels carbonic acid from its salts, and forms three series of salts, contain- ing one, two, and three equivalents of the base. Perman- ganate of potash decomposes gallic acid, oxidising it to carbonic acid and water. A volumetric method for the determination of gallic acid has been based on this reaction by Morin. When gallic acid, or pure digallic acid, is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, it loses the elements of water, and becomes converted into a red-coloured compound, rufi- gallic acid, C u H 8 8 . On adding water to the mixture, the acid is thrown down as a red crystalline precipitate. It is only very slightly soluble in water, but it dissolves in alka- line solutions with a violet colour. It dyes mordanted cloth like alizarin, but the colours are dull. 316 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. When submitted to a temperature of 21 2° F., gallic acid loses two equivalents of water, and on being heated to about 410 F., it splits up into carbonic anhydride, and a beautiful white crystalline compound, called pyrogallic acid or pyrogallol, according to the following equation : — C 7 H 6 5 - C 6 H 8 3 + C0 2 . Gallic acid. Pyrogallol. At a higher temperature metagallic acid is also formed. Gallic acid has been produced synthetically by treating di-iodosalicylic acid with a hot concentrated solution of potassium hydrate, the reaction being as follows: — C 7 H 4 I 2 3 + 2KHO - C 7 H 6 6 + 2KI. Iodosalicylic Gallic acid, acid. Pyrogallic Acid or Pyrogallol. — This compound has acquired considerable importance of late years from the extensive use which has been made of it as a reducing agent in photography, and also from its application to reduce the metallic salts used with hair dyes. It was first observed by Scheele as a white sublimate, obtained on heating gallic acid. He, however, considered it to be sublimed gallic acid, and it is to Berzelius and Pelouze that we are indebted for establishing its composition. The following process for obtaining pyrogallic acid commercially, was published by Stenhouse in 1843. Powdered gall-nuts are exhausted with water and the solution evaporated to dryness : the extract thus obtained, is reduced to powder and placed in a thin iron vessel having a flat bottom, on the top of which a perforated sheet of blotting paper is pasted, and over this a cardboard cone. A gentle heat is then applied, and gradually in- creased, until white vapours begin to escape from the top of the cone. As soon as the vapours cease to be given off, the cone is removed, when the pyrogallic acid is found on the surface of the blotting paper, and lining the interior of the cone. If the operation is carefully conducted the PYROGALLOL. 317 gall-nuts yield about 10 per cent, of the acid. Liebig has also proposed a good process, which consists in heating a mixture of crystallised gallic acid and pumice-stone in a glass retort, a current of carbonic acid being passed through it during the operation. One hundred parts of gallic acid thus yield from thirty to thirty-three of pyro- gallol. Pyrogallol is very soluble in water and in alcohol, somewhat less so in ether. It imparts an indigo-blue coloration to the protosalts of iron, and a red coloration with the persalts, but no precipitate is formed. It reduces the salts of gold, silver, mercury, and platinum to a metallic state, which renders it so useful in photography ; with lime water it gives a fine purple colour, which is very charac- teristic, but soon changes to a deep brown. In a dry state it undergoes no alteration in the air, but in solution it is quickly changed, becoming brown. This oxidation takes place very rapidly in the presence of alkalis, so that it may be substituted with advantage for gallic acid in the analysis of gaseous mixtures. On the evaporation of an alkaline solution of this acid, a black gummy residue is left, containing carbonate and acetate of the alkali metal. Nitric acid converts pyrogallol into oxalic acid, and as its aqueous solution is turned brown by a mere trace of nitrous acid, it may be used as a reagent for the purpose of detecting the presence of that body. Pyrogallol is com- pletely oxidised by permanganate of potash, so that the amount of the compound present in a solution, may be ascertained by a standard solution of this salt. It fuses at 240 F., and boils at 410 F. At 480 F. it blackens, gives off water, and leaves an abundant residue of metagallic acid : C 6 H 6 3 = C 6 H 4 2 + OH, Pyrogallic Metagallic acid, acid. 318 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. GALLEIN. — This is a red dye, discovered by Baeyer,* which is very similar in its properties to haematei'n. It is prepared by heating a mixture of pyrogallol with phthalic anhydride to 390 F. for several hours. As soon as the reaction is complete, which is known by the mixture be- coming thick, it is allowed to cool, then dissolved in boiling alcohol, filtered, and the filtrate poured into a large quan- tity of water. The brown precipitate of nearly pure gallei'n thus produced may readily be obtained in a crystalline state by dissolving it in hot dilute alcohol and allowing the solution to cool. The crystals are brown by transmitted, but blue by reflected light ; when its solutions are allowed to evaporate spontaneously, the residue has a greenish- yellow metallic lustre. Gallei'n, G»H u 7 , is almost in- soluble in cold water, and but little soluble in hot water, yielding, however, a red solution. It dissolves readily in alcohol, and also in alkaline solutions, the latter having a splendid blue or violet colour. Gallei'n, when treated with reducing agents such as zinc and sulphuric acid, is converted into a colourless compound, galliii, C 20 H ls O 7 , just as haematei'n is converted into haema- toxylin. The gallei'n should be boiled with a large quantity of water and some sulphuric acid and zinc until the liquid becomes yellow. On cooling, oily drops separate, which soon solidify to a crystalline mass of impure gallin. It is best purified from the unaltered gallei'n, by crystallisa- tion from a hot solution of pyrogallol. It forms lustrous prisms, which are nearly colourless when first obtained, but gradually assume a red colour on exposure to the air, especially in the presence of ammoniacal vapours. The colours which gallei'n gives on cloth mordanted with alumina or iron have a bluer tinge than those obtained with logwood, and are finer and more stable, resembling those of barwood. With a lead mordant it produces a *Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., iv., 457, 555, and 663. GALLEIN.— CCER ULEIN. 3 1 9 brilliant violet-blue, which resists the action of soap ex- tremely well. Similar colours are produced by gallin. The annexed interesting specimen, which we owe to the generosity of M. H. Koechlin, is gallei'n, fixed by means of alumina and oxide of tin. GALLEIN. Ccerulehi. — This compound is formed when gallein is heated with twenty times its weight of concentrated sul- phuric acid to 390 F. ; the red colour which the solution has at first, gradually changing to a greenish-brown. When the reaction is terminated, — which may be known by a sample giving dark flocks when heated with water, but without colouring the solution, — the product is poured into a large quantity of water, and the voluminous nearly black precipi- tate thoroughly washed with hot water. The precipitate, which consists of pure ccerulei'n, has a composition repre- sented by the formula C 2( ,H 10 O 7 , and its formation from gallein may be thus represented : — C 20 H 12 O 7 = C 20 H 10 O 7 + H 2 . Gallein. Ccerulein. When dry it forms a bluish-black mass, which is but very slightly soluble in water, alcohol, or ether; it dissolves 120 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRIXTIXG. readily, however, in hot aniline, with a magnificent blue colour, and this solution, when diluted with alcohol, and slightly acidified with acetic acid, dyes wool indigo-blue. Ccerulei'n dissolves in alkaline solutions with a magnificent green colour, which is unaltered by exposure to the air, and yields green lakes with the earths. Cotton mordanted with alumina is dyed a fine green in a bath of this colour, whilst with iron mordants a brown is obtained. These shades resist soaping extremely well, and rival the madder colours in fastness. Ccerulei'n, when treated with reducing agents, behaves like gallei'n, yielding a colourless substance, coerulin, which dissolves in ether, forming a yellow liquid with a beautiful green fluorescence. It is most easily obtained by acting on an ammoniacal solution of ccerulei'n with zinc dust. Ccerulei'n resembles lo-kao in yielding a green alumina lake, and in being reduced by treatment with ammonia and zinc dust, although the difference in properties of the reduced products renders it extremely improbable that the two colouring matters are identical. The accompanying specimen of ccerulein, which has also been presented by M. Koechlin, is fixed by means of alumina. CCERULEIN. ELLA GLC A CID.— GALL-NUTS. 32 1 Both galle'in and ccerule'in are now made on a large scale by Messrs. Durant and Huguenin, of Bale. ELLAGIC Acid. — This acid was discovered by Chevreul in iS 1 5, who assigned to it the formula C 14 H 6 8 , 20H 2 . Schiff finds, however, that the pure acid dried at 230 F. is C u H 8 9 . It is deposited as a grey powder when a solu- tion of gall-nuts is exposed to the atmosphere. To obtain it pure, the powder is thoroughly washed with water to remove the gallic acid, &c, then dissolved in potash, and precipitated from this solution by an acid. It is finally washed and dried. It has also been found amongst the products obtained by heating gallic acid with dry arsenic acid. This acid is sometimes called bezoardic acid, from being found in certain oriental bezoars : these are intestinal calculi of various species of herbivorous animals, which eat the leaves of some astringent plants. Ellagic acid is a light, pale yellow, crystalline powder, composed of very small transparent prisms which are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. It colours a neutral solution of perchloride of iron, first greenish, but after a time, bluish black. This acid is soluble without decomposition in sulphuric acid, whilst nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. Heated at 21 2° F. it loses a molecule of water, and at a higher temperature it is decomposed without previously entering into fusion, and leaves a charred mass covered with crystals. Gall-Nuts. — These are the most valuable of all tannin matters. They are produced by the females of an insect called the Cynips folii quercus, which pierce the buds on the young branches of the Quercus infectoria, a tree grow- ing especially in the East. The egg being deposited in the bud, the latter loses its natural growth and swells out to the size of a hazel nut, having a green, red, or pink colour. The eggs thus enclosed soon hatch, and the insect under- W 322 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. goes all its metamorphoses until it attains the perfect state, when, if allowed (which is not to the interest of either the gatherer or consumer), it makes a hole and escapes. Good gall-nuts should not be so pierced, and they should be of a fresh bluish-green colour, having a prickly surface. If the insect has escaped, they are yellow, and are not of nearly so good quality, a great part of the tannic acid having disappeared. In the market, the nut- galls generally bear the name of the port from which they are shipped. Thus, there are Aleppo galls, which are con- sidered the best, then the Morea, Smyrna, &c. They have received many applications in various manu- factures. The best qualities are employed in the prepa- ration of tannic, gallic, and pyrogallic acids, and in the dyeing of silk. The white gall-nuts are used to produce blacks on morocco and other similar classes of leather. The following may be considered as the composition of an average sample of gall-nuts : — Tannic acid . « 65 "o Gallic acid 2 'o Ellagic acid 2-0 Chlorophyll and Volatile oil 7 Brown extractive matter 2-5 Gum 2"5 Starch 2 - o Lignin 10-5 Sugar albumen, &c, and ash 1*3 Water 11-5 IOO"0 A solution of gall-nuts gives the following reactions : — Salts of copper, chromium, and gold. Brown precipitate. „ bismuth and mercury. Orange precipitate. „ lead and antimony. White precipitate. REACTIONS OF GALL-NUTS. 323 J Dirty yellow pre- Salts of silver, tin, cobalt, and cerium ) . ., . ( Blood-red precipi- „ titanium. \ \ tate. f Red or chocolate „ uranium. \ v. precipitate. . ,. { Dark screen pre- „ platinum. -j osmium. \ cipitate. Bluish-purple pre- cipitate. Gall-nuts only impart a yellowish-green shade to animal fibres, but with an iron mordant they give shades varying from grey to bluish-black, according to the amount of mordant employed. They are used as mordants for various colouring matters in conjunction with alumina, and the order in which these two mordants are applied, makes a considerable difference in the intensity of shade obtained. If the alumina be first applied, and the fabrics then passed through a bath of decoction of galls, far more colour can be fixed than when the process is reversed. Gall-nuts are the only available source for the production of tannic acid and its derivatives. An inferior quality of gall-nuts is also sold, which is found on the Qucrais rubur, an oak indigenous to Hungary, Styria, Croatia, and Piedmont, in which countries it grows with great luxuriance. It is a peculiar excrescence which prevents the growth of the acorn or gland, and in which the insect undergoes its metamorphosis. These gall-nuts bear the name of ' ' knopperns\ and are employed to tan leather, which they do more rapidly than oak bark. They are also used in Germany, in calico printing, to produce drabs, greys, and blacks. Chinese Galls or Japanese Galls. — These are about the size of a walnut, and very irregular in shape, having pointed and curved excrescences. They are formed upon 324 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. the leafstalks and branches of a species of sumach, Rhus semialata, which is common in Northern India, China, and Japan. They are remarkably rich in tannin, which appears to be of the same nature as that existing in ordinary Aleppo galls, since it furnishes gallic acid and pyrogallol when decomposed. VALONIA. — Valonia is the commercial name for the large capsules or acorn cups of the Quercus cugylops, which are shipped in considerable quantities from Smyrna to Trieste and this country, where they are used for tanning, being much richer than bark in tannin matters. Valonia is some- times employed to adulterate garancin, to which it imparts a greater power of dyeing purple shades. Sumach. — Sumach, as Stenhouse's researches have shown, is the only tanning or astringent matter, besides Chinese galls, in which the tannin is identical with that of gall-nuts. In sumach, however, there is a comparatively large quantity of gallic acid present, as also a soluble yellow principle. Sumach is found in commerce as a coarse powder, obtained by grinding under mill-stones the leaves of several varieties of TerebintJiacece. The species most cultivated is the Rhus coriaria, which came originally from Asia, but is now extensively grown in Sicily, France, Spain, and Portugal. The shrub attains a height of about 16 feet in the most arid soils, and the branches are cut down every year level with the ground. There is a great difference in the amount of tannin matter found in the various sumachs which occur in com- merce, but there is no doubt that that obtained from the Rhus coraria is the best, whilst the most inferior is that grown in the south of France, the produce of the Coriaria myrtifolia. The sumachs imported into Fngland bear the name of the countries whence they are obtained. A decoction of sumach, which has a greenish-yellow REACTIONS OF SUMACH. 325 hue, and a peculiar odour, has a distinctly acid reaction, becomes turbid on cooling, and gives the following re- actions : — Gelatin. Abundant white precipitate. {White precipitate, which takes a green or reddish shade if an ex- cess of alkali be added. Lime, baryta, and ("White precipitate, passing to green strontia waters. I or red, on exposure to air. Render it more or less turbid. Abundant pale yellow precipitate, f Floculent canary-coloured precipi- I tate. ( Floculent yellowish-brown precipi- \ tate. {Colours the liquor blue with a slight greenish tint, and gives an abundant blue precipitate. ( Abundant yellowish-white precipi- 1 tate. Produces a remarkable effect, de- Acids. Alum. Acetate of lead. Acetate of copper. Protochloride of tin. Tincture of iodine. S Chlorine. veloping a pink colour, which is ' soon destroyed. , Appears to act in a similar manner, \ but the pink colour is weaker, and ^ still more fugitive than that pro- ^ duced by iodine. In consequence of the powdered state in which sumach is sold, the tannin matter it contains is easily affected by con- tact with the air, and especially by damp, the gallotannic acid which it contains being gradually decomposed into gallic acid and glucose. Gallotannic acid combines with gelatin, albumen, or the animal matters existing in skins, producing an insoluble compound which fills the pores of the animal tissue, and thus contributes, not only to prevent 326 DYEING AXD CALICO PRIXTIXG. its putrefaction, but also to render it impermeable to water ; gallic acid, however, does not combine with the animal matters, and can therefore take no part in the tanning or curing of a hide. It will thus be readily seen that ex- posure to the air or damp, rapidly deteriorates sumach for the purposes of the currier, but even if kept dry the same change goes on slowly, in consequence of the presence of a ferment, so that the longer a sample is kept the less value it has. As already stated, gallic acid reduces the ferric salts (per- oxide of iron) to the ferrous state (protoxide), the colour at the same time disappearing, so that it is not available for the purposes of the dyer of black silks, who uses sumach in conjunction with persalts of iron and gelatin for weighting the silk. For these purposes the tannic acid is the only valuable constituent of sumach, and it is of great importance to be able to ascertain with accuracy the amount of that substance present in any given sample. Although sumach is too expensive a tannin matter to be used for the tanning of common leather, yet it is employed by the currier in the preparation of skins for dyeing with light shades. It is also extensively used for the dyeing and weighting of black silk, although the colour so obtained is not equal to that of gall-nuts. Greys are also produced on silk by means of sumach. Sumach, or more correctly the tannic acid it contains, is used as a mordant on cotton and flax fibres to fix colours which could not be otherwise employed; and this property of tannic acid is often enhanced by passing the goods, after they have been treated with sumach, through a bath of protochloride of tin. It is largely employed for this purpose in Yorkshire, either alone or in conjunction with salts of tin, to mordant the cotton warps of the mixed fabrics so extensively manufactured in that county. By this means the cotton takes the same colours as the woollen DYEING WITH SUMACH. 327 weft, both with vegetable dyestuffs, and also with the aniline colours. Sumach is used in the production of cheap garancin styles in calico printing, the tannin matters fixing the colouring matters of the dyewoods, and increasing the intensity of the purples and violets. An extract or de- coction of sumach is also often used in printworks, to produce a bright yellow with salts of tin; and a dark yellow with sulphate of zinc. Sumach also, without a mordant, yields a yellow colour to wool and silk. From this we may infer that it contains a yellow colouring matter ; the compound, however, has not as yet been isolated and studied. A decoction of sumach must be used immediately it is made, as it contains a ferment called pectase, which at ordinary temperatures quickly decomposes the gallo tannic acid, whilst at 150° F. the fermentation takes place still more rapidly. For the same reason the extract rapidly deteriorates, becoming ropy, whilst at the same time an abundant brownish-yellow precipitate is produced. The author found some years ago that the addition of 1 per cent, of carbolic acid to a decoction of sumach prevented this decomposition taking place for a long time, and, as phenol is a neutral substance, it does not interfere in the least with the decoction, nor does it exert any injurious action on the colouring matters with which it comes in contact. BABLAH. — Bablali* Babool,ov Neb-neb is the fruit of several species of acacia. The principal varieties are East Indian bablah, from the Acacia bambolak ; and Senegal and Egyption bablah, from Acacia nilotica. The pericarp of these fruits contains a dark brown astringent juice. The aqueous extract contains, according to Chevreul, gallic and tannic acids, red colouring matter, and a nitrogenous sub- * Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, i,, 480. 328 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRIX TING. stance, besides other substances not yet examined. East Indian bablah yields to boiling water 49 per cent, of soluble matter; Senegal bablah 57 per cent; nevertheless, according to Guibourt, the East Indian variety is richer in tannic and gallic acids, and therefore more valuable. Bab- lah is used in calico printing, in combination with iron and alumina mordants, to produce various shades of fawn colour. The tint produced by the seeds is different to that obtained with the husks; the seeds are said to contain a red colouring matter, and to be used in Egypt and India for dyeing morocco. CHESNUT Bark. — An extract from the bark of the chesnut has long been used in Italy and the south of France, and is still largely employed in Lyons to produce cheap, fine, and fast blacks on silks. The solid extract has been introduced into this country for dyeing silks and cottons black. Dividivi. — Dividivi is the fruit of the C7° F. it solidifies to a mass of pale yellow needles. It is almost insoluble in water, but is readily miscible with alcohol, ether, and benzene. Dinitrobenzene, C c H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 , discovered by Sainte Claire Deville in 1841, may be prepared directly from benzene by the action of a mixture of sulphuric acid with fuming nitric acid, or more conveniently, by heating nitro- benzene with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. The crystalline cake which separates on cooling is washed, first with water, and then with a dilute solution of carbonate of soda, and finally crystallised from boiling alcohol. Pure dinitrobenzene crystallises in long flat prisms, which melt at 176" F., and are very soluble in ether, ben- zene, and boiling alcohol. It is slightly soluble in boiling water, crystallising out, on cooling, in long slender needles, which are almost colourless. Aniline. — As already noticed, although this base can be obtained from indigo, and also directly from coal-tar, yet, for manufacturing purposes it is universally prepared by the action of reducing agents on nitrobenzene. Zinin's process consisted in dissolving the nitrobenzene in alcohol, adding ammonia, and saturating with sulphu- retted hydrogen. After allowing the solution to stand some time, a large quantity of sulphur is deposited, and the liquid, on examination, will be found to contain aniline. The reaction which takes place maybe thus represented: — C 6 H 5 .X0 2 + 3 H 2 S = C 6 H 6 .NH, - 2 OH 2 + 3 S. Nitrobenzene. Aniline. MANUFACTURE OF ANILINE. 357 Although the reaction is interesting from a scientific point of view, and as being the first by which nitrobenzene was transformed into aniline, it is quite unfit for the prepara- tion of large quantities of material. Bechamp found, however, that reduction took place with far greater facility on substituting acetic acid and iron filings for the am- monia and sulphuretted hydrogen of Zinin. The apparatus now generally employed in the prepar- ation of aniline consists of a cast-iron cylinder, of the capacity of about 200 gallons, furnished with a tightly- fitting cover in which there are three openings: one for the introduction of the materials ; another for the exit of the vapours ; whilst the third gives passage to the hollow shaft of the stirrer, set in motion by bevelled wheels. The top of the shaft is ground into an elbow connected with a steam pipe, so that high-pressure steam can be blown through perforations in the stirrer at any desired moment. In order to start the operation, 20 lbs. of acetic acid (specific gravity ro6o), diluted with about six times its bulk of water, are introduced, and then 60 lbs. of pulverised cast- iron and 250 lbs. of nitrobenzene. As soon as the stirrer is set in motion, a brisk reaction ensues. The temperature rises rapidly, and aqueous vapours commence to distil over along with some nitrobenzene. Fresh quantities of iron are introduced from time to time, until the total amounts to 360 lbs., and the distillate is also repeatedly returned to the apparatus. During all this time, and for at least a couple of hours after the introduction of the last quantity of iron, the stirrer must be kept in constant motion. Steam is now blown in through the stirrer, and the aniline distils over along with the aqueous vapours. In some manufactories the acetic acid, and the whole of the iron, are first introduced into the apparatus, the stirrer is set in motion, and the requisite amount of nitrobenzene is then allowed to flow in gradually. Instead of distilling 353 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. the product by steam in the manner described, the semi- fluid mass may be removed from the apparatus, transferred to long narrow iron cylinders, and distilled over an open fire. In this case the aniline always contains some acetanilide. The crude product obtained by Bechamp's process contains acetic acid, acetone, water, and some ben- zene ; to purify it, it is redistilled ; acetone passes over first, afterwards benzene, the amount of which should be small, as otherwise it indicates that the operation has not been properly conducted, and then dilute acetic acid. The temperature now rises rapidly, and at 360° F. aniline passes over. Many other reducing agents have been proposed for the conversion of nitrobenzene into aniline, such as arsenite of sodium, powdered zinc, &c, but none of them have been found so advantageous on a large scale as Bechamp's method. In Kremer's* process, one part of nitrobenzene is heated in a suitable apparatus with five of water, and two to two-and-a-half of zinc dust. When the reaction is completed, the aniline, amounting to about 65 per cent, of the weight of the nitrobenzene, is distilled off in a current of steam. The reduction both in this case, and also when iron and acetic acid are used, is due to the hydrogen liberated by the action of the metal on water, and may be thus represented : — C e H 5 .NO a + 3 Ha = C 6 H 6 .NHa + 2OE,, Nitrobenzene. Aniline. Pure aniline is a colourless, oily liquid, having a peculiar spirituous odour, and pungent, aromatic taste. It is very poisonous. Its specific gravity at 6o° F. is i'020, and wrren submitted to a low temperature, it forms a crys- talline mass, having a melting point of \j~~.6 F. : it boils at 360 F. It is only slightly soluble in water, but is miscible in all proportions with ether, alcohol, and benzene. *Jour. fur Prakt. Chem., xc, 255. FORMA TION OF MA GENTA. 3 5 9 With hypochlorite of lime, it gives a bright violet-blue colour, as was first observed by Runge. This phenomenon occurs even with perfectly pure aniline prepared from indigo. Although magenta and the other colours derived from it are known by the generic term 'aniline colours,' yet it is a curious fact that this dye cannot be obtained from chemically pure aniline. This discovery was made by Hofmann, when endeavouring to ascertain the chemical nature of magenta; he found that pure aniline when- heated with arsenic acid in the manner presently to be described did not yield a trace of the beautiful red dye, but, as he knew that in commercial aniline there was another base present called toluidine, he suspected that this, perhaps, might be the true source. On repeating the experiment with pure toluidine, however, equally unsatisfactory results were obtained as with pure aniline ; not so, however, when a mixture of the two bases was taken ; for on heating one molecule of aniline and two of toluidine with a sufficient quantity of arsenic acid for a short time, the whole solidified to a deep red-coloured mass of nearly pure magenta. C 6 H 7 N + 2 C 7 H 9 N = Q H 19 N 3 + H Aniline. Toluidine. Rosaniline. From this it is evident that in order to obtain magenta, which forms the basis of the greater number of the aniline colours, we must have an aniline rich in toluidine. Before proceeding further, therefore, it will be advisable to give a short notice of the latter substance. Toluene. — This hydrocarbon, which is the source of toluidine, has the formula C 7 H 8 , and may be regarded as benzene, in which one atom of hydrogen is displaced by the methyl group, CH 3 . In fact, by the action of bromine on benzene, we can displace one atom of hydrogen by that element, forming bromobcnzenc, C c H 5 Br, and, if we mix 360 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. this substance with methyl iodide, CH 3 I, and treat the mixture with metallic sodium, the latter combines with the bromine and iodine, and toluene is formed. C 6 H 5 Br + CH 3 I + Na a = C G H 5 .CH 3 + NaBr + Nal Bromobenzene. Methyl Toluene. Iodide. This, however, is not the way in which the hydrocarbon is prepared ; it exists ready formed in considerable quantity in coal-tar naphtha, and may be obtained in a tolerably pure state by treating the portion boiling between 220° and 240 R, with concentrated sulphuric acid, care- fully rectifying, and collecting apart the portion which boils at 232 F. By these means toluene is obtained as a colourless, mobile liquid, very similar to benzene in appear- ance and properties, but it does not solidify at-4 F., and it boils at 232 F. Its specific gravity at 68° F. is 0*875. Nitrotolueiies. — When toluene is boiled with dilute nitric acid it is converted, according to Fittig,* into oxytoluic acid C 7 H 6 3 , whilst fuming nitric acid attacks it with great energy ; but the reaction in the latter case differs from what takes place with benzene, inasmuch as not one, but two mononitrotoluenes, C 7 H 7 .N0 2 , are formed. In order to conduct this operation successfully, fuming nitric acid (S.G. T'475) is gradually added to carefully cooled toluene, until the latter is completely dissolved ; the mixture is poured into a large quantity of water, and the oil which sinks to the bottom thoroughly washed, so as to remove the excess of acid. In order to separate the solid paranitro- toluene, Rosenstiehl-f distils the mixture, and recrystallises from alcohol the portion passing over above 446 F., and which solidifies on cooling. Mills finds that if the crude product of the action of nitric acid on pure toluene is dis- tilled in a current of steam, toluene comes over first, and then a mixture of paranitrotoluene with the liquid ortho- * Ann. Chem. Pharni., cxx., 966. tAnn. Chim. Phys., [iv.jxxvii., 433. NITROTOL UENES. 36 1 nitrotoluene. These two isomerides may be separated very completely by cooling the mixture for half an hour to o° F., and then rapidly filtering with the aid of a water pump ; the liquid orthonitrotoluene has a constant boiling point, and no longer yields crystals when again cooled. Paranitrotoluene forms brilliant white crystals which melt at I2 5°.6 R,* and boil at 45 9 F. It is almost insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in ether, alcohol, and the liquid modification of nitrotoluene. Orthonitrotoluene. — The liquid modification above men- tioned boils at 432 F, according to Beilstein and Kuhlberg t It may also be prepared in a pure state from dinitrotoluene by converting it into nitrotoluidine, and then treating this with nitrous acid by Griess's method. Besides the two nitrotoluenes above mentioned, obtained directly from toluene by the action of nitric acid, a third modification exists called metanitrotoluene. It is prepared by converting solid toluidine into the acetyl compound, treating this with fuming nitric acid, and after purifying the product by repeated crystallisation from hot water, decomposing it by boiling it with alcoholic potash. The nitrotoluidine thus obtained, when treated by Griess's process with strong nitric acid saturated with nitrous acid, yields metanitrotoluene. It boils at 446 F., and when cooled by a freezing mixture, solidifies to a mass of crystals which melt at 61° F. From the results obtained by Wroblevsky,*f* it would seem that this modification is also present in small quantity in the mixture of nitrotoluenes, obtained directly from toluene by the action of nitric acid. Besides the mononitrotoluenes, several dinitrotoluenes, and a trinitrotoluene have been obtained, but as they are of no technical interest it is unnecessary to give a description of them here. * Mills, as the mean of 120 carefully made observations, finds the true melting point to be 124°. 54 F. fZeits. Chem., vii., 185. 362 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRIXTIXG. Toluidincs. — Three modifications of toluidine, C 7 H t N, or C 7 H : .XH,, are known, corresponding to the three nitro- toluenes ; they may be prepared from the latter by treatment with acetic acid and iron in a manner precisely similar to that described when treating of the manufacture of aniline. Paratoluidine crystallises from dilute alcohol in large colourless plates, which are only sparingly soluble in cold water, but more readily when it is hot. It is readily solu- ble in alcohol, ether, benzene, and aniline. It melts at 1 1 y F., and boils at 3S8"-5 F. OrtJwtoluidine 'and Metatolui- diiie are oily liquids, and both boil at the same temperature, SS6\$ F. ; although the two bases resemble one another so closely, there is a considerable difference in the physical properties of the salts they form with various acids. The toluidine of commerce consists chiefly of a mixture of ortho and paratoluidine in varying proportion, being prepared by Bechamp's process from the mixed nitrotoluenes, obtained from toluene by a method similar to that employed in the manufacture of nitrobenzene. Commercial Aniline. — The liquid known in commerce as aniline is not that base in a pure state, but a mixture con- sisting in great part of aniline, paratoluidine (solid), and orthotoluidine (liquid) in variable proportions. It also contains small amounts of metatoluidine, nitrobenzene, odorine, &c, but for all practical purposes it may, as just stated, be regarded as a mixture of aniline and toluidine. These anilines are prepared from a portion of the light coal-tar naphtha, boiling between certain temperatures, by treating it precisely in the manner described, first with nitric acid to convert it into the nitro compounds, and then reducing these with iron and acetic acid. It is evident that as the coal-tar naphtha contains variable proportions of benzene and toluene, the product obtained will likewise contain variable proportions of aniline and toluidine. Reimann, in order to distinguish the various qualities of COMMERCIAL ANILINE. 363 aniline which come into the market, takes advantage of the different results obtained on submitting them to fractional distillation. For this purpose 100 c.c. of the sample to be tested is placed in a retort furnished with a ther- mometer, and heated by means of an oil bath. The liquid, as it distils, is received in a narrow, graduated cylinder, and the amount which passes over between every 5° C. (9 F.) noted. In order to obtain standards for comparison, he first distilled a sample of light* aniline, or 'kuphaniline' as he calls it, then one of heavy aniline or 'baraniline;' after- wards, mixtures of the two in various proportions. The accompanying table shows the results: — CENTIGRADE. K 100 90 85 So 75 60 5° 25 B 10 1 5 20 25 40 5° 75 100 Below 1S0 W 7 *Y SY 7 ... 7 SY 180 - 185 54 50 29^ 22 sH 7 AY *% 2 i8 5 °-i 9 o^ 34 34 56^ 55^ 55^ 37 lY AY> *% 190° -195° ••• 5 iY &Y 15 33 42 17 8 195° - 200° 9 J 9 36 18 200° - 205° AY 16 10 16 39 205°- 2IO° ... 0/2 8 19 2IO°- 215° ... AY 7 Residue. 3Y 4 4 %Y 3% 7 6% 5 sY In order to ascertain the nature of any sample, it is only necessary to distil it in the manner described, and compare the results with those in the table. MAGENTA. — This dye, although it was not the first which was discovered, is, both scientifically and com- mercially considered, by far the most important, forming * The terms light and heavy as here employed are purely conventional, the specific gravity of the so-called light aniline being greater than that of the heavy aniline. 364 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. as it does the starting point of the greater number of the other aniline colours. Natanson, in 1856, first noticed that a red colour was produced from aniline, when he was examin- ing the action of chloride of ethylene upon it ; two years afterwards, in 1858, Hofmann, when studying the action of tetrachloride of carbon on aniline, observed a magnificent red coloration ; but to Verguin is due the first attempt to prepare the colour on a large scale, and to employ it in dyeing. On the 8th of April, 1859, he took out a patent in conjunction with M. M. Renard freres, of Lyons, for the manufacture of the red dye by the action of bichloride of tin on aniline. In this process 20 lbs. of aniline are intro- duced into enamelled cast-iron pots, capable of holding about 4 gallons, and 14 lbs. of anhydrous bichloride of tin are added in small portions at a time, with constant stirring. As soon as all the bichloride has been added, the mixture is boiled from twenty minutes to half an hour, during which time the yellow fluid mass gradually changes colour, and becomes almost black; the product, which is soluble in water, is now poured out, and employed directly for dyeing ; but it does not contain more than 5 or 6 per cent, of rosaniline, the remainder consisting of aniline hydrochloride, and tin salts. The operation should be con- ducted under a hood, so as to carry off the irritating vapours which are evolved. The method by which Hofmann obtained aniline red has been employed on the large scale by Messrs. Gerber Keller, of Mulhouse; and also by Messrs. Mounet and Dury, of Lyons. They heat three parts of aniline with one of tetra- chloride of carbon, in closed vessels, to 350 F., for several hours. A dark brownish-red mass is thus formed, which is purified in a' manner similar to that which will be de- scribed hereafter, when treating of the arsenic acid process. The second process for the preparation of magenta was patented in France, on the 29th October, 1859, b y Messrs. PROCESSES FOR ANILINE RED. 365 Gerber Keller, with whom were associated Messrs. Durant and Schlumberger. Ten parts of aniline are heated in a water bath, and seven or eight parts of mercuric nitrate, dry, and in fine powder, are gradually added, with constant stirring. The mass soon acquires a brown hue, and ulti- mately becomes of a deep red colour, whilst the mercuric salt is reduced to the metallic state, and is recovered almost entirely as such. Formerly the product, as thus obtained, was sent into the market under the name of 'azaleine,' but it may be purified by any of the usual methods. This pro- cess, which is still used to some extent in Germany, is probably the most economical mode of preparing magenta next to the arsenic acid . method, but the great risks which the workpeople run from the frightfully poisonous character of the mercury salts and mercurial vapours, render its discontinuance desirable. The process of Messrs. Lauth and Depoully consists in heating to about 310 F. a mixture of one part of aniline nitrate, and six or eight of aniline. Great caution must be employed, as otherwise the reaction proceeds with such violence that the mass inflames. After several hours' heating, a deep violet-red product is obtained, containing, besides rosaniline, violaniline, mauvaniline, chrysotoluidine and other colours. The yield of rosaniline is only about 7 or 8 per cent., and the purification is very difficult. By far the largest part of the magenta made, not only for use in dyeing, but also for conversion into other aniline colours, is prepared by the arsenic acid process devised by Mr. Medlock, and patented by him in January, i860; a French patent being taken out on the 1st of May, in the same year, by Messrr Girard and de Laire. The manu- facture of magenta, as it is now conducted in the large colour works, is a comparatively simple process; the apparatus employed consisting of a lirge cast-iron pot set in a furnace, provided with means of carefully regulating 366 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. the heat. It is furnished with a stirrer, which can be worked by hand or by mechanical means; the gearing for the stirrer being fixed to the lid, so that by means of a crane, the lid may be removed, together with the stirrer and gearing. There is also a bent tube passing through the lid for the exit of the vapours, and which can be easily connected or disconnected with a worm at pleasure; lastly, there are large openings at the bottom of the pot closed by suitable stoppers, so that the charge can be removed with facility as soon as the reaction is complete. Into this apparatus which is capable of holding about 500 gallons, a charge consisting of 2,740 lbs. of a concentrated solu- tion of arsenic acid, containing 72 per cent, of the anhydrous acid, is introduced, together with 1,600 lbs. of commercial aniline. The aniline selected for this purpose should contain about 25 per cent, of toluidine, for although as already noticed (p. 359), Hofmann has shown that rosaniline is formed from one molecule of aniline and two of toluidine, by the removal of six atoms of hydrogen, yet in practice, it is found that the best results are obtained when a large excess of aniline is employed. After the materials have been thoroughly mixed by the stirrer, the fire is lighted, and the temperature gradually raised to about 360° F. : in a short time water begins to distil, then aniline makes its appearance along with the water, and lastly, aniline alone comes over which is nearly pure, containing as it does, but a very small percentage of toluidine; the operation usually last's about eight or ten hours, during which time about 170 gallons of liquid pass over, and are condensed in the worm attached to the apparatus; of this about 850 lbs. are aniline. The tempera- ture should not exceed 380 F. at any period during the operation. When this is complete, steam is blown in through a tube provided for that purpose, in order to sweep out the last traces of free aniline, and boiling water is MANUFACTURE OF MAGENTA. 367 gradually introduced in quantity sufficient to convert the contents into a homogeneous liquid. When this occurs, the liquid is run out at the openings at the bottom into cisterns provided with agitators : here more boiling water is added in the proportion of 300 gallons to every 600 lbs. of crude magenta, and also 6 lbs. of hydrochloric acid. The mass is then boiled for four or five hours by means of steam £ipes, the agitators being kept in constant motion. The solution of hydrochloride, arsenite, and arseniate of rosani- line thus obtained is filtered through woollen cloth, and 720 lbs. of common salt added to the liquid (which is kept boiling) for each 600 lbs. of crude magenta. By this means the whole of the rosaniline is converted into hydrochloride, which, being nearly insoluble in the strong solution of arseniate and arsenite of sodium produced in the double decomposition, separates and rises to the surface; a further quantity is deposited from the saline solution on allowing it to cool and stand for some time. In order to purify the crude rosaniline hydrochloride, it is washed with a small quantity of water, redissolved in boiling water slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid, filtered, and allowed to crystallise. In this process, although the greater part of the colouring- matter produced is a salt of rosaniline, other aniline colours are formed at the same time, notably mauvaniline, violani- line, and chrysotoluidine, the amount of which is together almost equal to that of the rosaniline; most of the mauvani- line and violaniline, together with some of the chrysoto- luidine, remain in the residues, which are insoluble in water, and are separated by filtration ; the remainder of the chryso- toluidine, being much more readily soluble in dilute acids than rosaniline, is found in the acid mother liquors from which the magenta has crystallised. The yield of pure ros- aniline hydrocloride in a successfully conducted operation, is from 28 to 30 per cent, of the aniline originally taken. 3 6S DYEING' AND CALICO PRINTING. Besides the method of purification just described in detail there are others, in one of which, by means of an ingeniously- constructed apparatus, the crude material may be dissolved and filtered under pressure; in another, the free base is at once extracted in the crystalline state by treating the crude product with boiling milk of lime, or with boiling solutions of baryta or soda. At present, however, we have only considered the pre- paration of the hydrochloride of the base, which, although it can be used for dyeing, is not available for the manu- facture of many of the other aniline colours. Before, however, proceeding to discuss the methods by which it is treated in order to obtain the free base, which constitutes the starting point of the other forms in which it is used, it will be advisable to glance briefly at its chemical nature. Rosauilvie. — Hofmann has conclusively shown that all the varieties of magenta obtained by the different processes above mentioned, and which are so brilliantly coloured, are salts of a colourless base, to which he gave the name of rosaniline, and which has the composition C 20 H 19 N 3 . It may readily be obtained by precipitating, with excess of ammonia, a solution of any of the pure crystallised salts of this base met with in commerce. If, for instance, a boiling solution of the hydrochloride be employed, a reddish crys- talline precipitate is produced, and the colourless liquid, on cooling, deposits a further crop of crystals of the pure base in colourless needles and plates, having the formula C 20 H 19 N 3 ,OH 2 . Rosaniline has a bitter taste, and when heated under the surface of boiling water it melts, one thousand parts of the liquid dissolving about three parts ; in boiling alcohol, however, it is soluble to the extent of about ten parts in one thousand. It is insoluble in ether and benzene, but very soluble in aniline; when heated above 430 F. it ',; decomposed. Rosaniline is a triamine, and ROS ANILINE SALTS. 369 is capable of uniting with either one or three equivalents of an acid to form two series of salts: the members of one of these, the monacid, corresponding to ordinary magenta, are stable crystalline compounds, having a brilliant, green, metallic lustre, and soluble in water and alcohol, forming brilliant red solutions; the other salts, the triacid, are of a deep brownish-yellow colour, and far more soluble in water and in alcohol than the corresponding monacid salts. The hydrochloride of rosaniline, C, H 19 N 3 ,HC1, crystal- lises in minute rhombic plates, which are only sparingly soluble in water. The triacid hydrochloride, C 20 H 19 N 3 , 3HCI, forms brown needles, which gradually lose their acid when heated to 21 2° F., being ultimately converted into the monacid salt. The picrate of rosaniline forms reddish iridescent needles, which are only very sparingly soluble in cold water. The acetate of rosaniline, C 2 oH 19 N 3 ,C2H 4 2 , which is the finest of all the rosaniline salts, issome times met with in brilliant prismatic crystals, half an inch or more in length, and having a beautiful, metallic, golden- green iridescence. When rosaniline, or any of its salts is heated with water, in closed tubes, to a temperature of about 460 F., phenol and ammonia are produced ; also a substance having the properties of a weak acid, and which crystallises in red needles, of the formula C 20 H 17 N 2 O.OH 2 . If, however, the water used for solution has been acidulated with hydro- chloric acid, the reaction is totally different, the rosaniline being completely resolved into aniline and toluidine ; a similar result is produced when it is heated with concen- trated hydriodic acid. As will be seen hereafter, one, two, or three of the hydrogen atoms in rosaniline are capable of being replaced by alcohol radicals, such as methyl, ethyl, phenyl, &c, yielding new bases, the salts of which are blue and violet dyes of marvellous brilliancy and intensity. z 370 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. When any salt of rosaniline is treated with a reducing agent, it takes up two atoms of hydrogen, and becomes colourless, being transformed into the corresponding salt of a new base, named by Hofmann leucaniline. C 20 H 19 N 3 + H 2 = C 20 H 21 N 3 . Rosaniline. Leucaniline. It may easily be prepared from rosaniline hydrochloride by treating it with metallic zinc and a little hydrochloric acid, or still better, by the action of sulphide of ammonium: a yellow resinous-looking mass is thus formed, which, after being powdered, and thoroughly washed with water, is dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of dilute hydro- chloric acid. On adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to this solution, a crystalline precipitate of leucaniline hydrochloride is obtained, which may be purified by re- peated solutions in the smallest quantity of water, and reprecipitation by concentrated hydrochloric acid. Accord- ing to Follenius,* leucaniline may be prepared from rosani- line by boiling it with zinc dust and water until it is completely decolorised. On cooling, the filtered solution deposits the base in a crystalline state. All the salts of leucaniline crystallise well, and the free base may readily be obtained from any of them by preci- pitation with ammonia. It is only sparingly soluble in ether or boiling water, but readily in alcohol or an aqueous solution of leucaniline hydrochloride, crystallising from the latter in splendid crystals. By cautious oxidation it is reconverted into rosaniline. Hydrocyanrosaniline, C 21 H 20 N 4 . Hugo Miiller observed that on treating rosaniline acetate with potassium cyanide and alcohol, a yellowish-white powder was formed ; this may be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and precipitated by ammonia. As thus obtained, the base forms a white crystalline powder, which is soluble in alcohol. It unites *Moniteur Scientifique, [3] i., 678. PREPARA TION OF R OS ANILINE. 37 1 with acids to form colourless salts; the hydrochloride crys- tallising readily in large monoclinic prisms, which are very soluble in alcohol. Preparation of rosaniline and its salts. — From our know- ledge of the chemical nature of magenta, which is ros- aniline hydrochloride, we can easily perceive that if we treat it with some basic substance which has a stronger attraction for hydrochloric acid than rosaniline has, the strong base will combine with the acid, leaving the ros- aniline in the free state. On a large scale, lime, baryta, and caustic soda are all employed for this purpose, and sometimes ammonia. The magenta is dissolved in a quantity of boiling water sufficient to retain in solution the whole of the liberated base, and a slight excess of the alkali or alkaline earth is added. The mixture is now boiled for several hours, filtered through woollen cloths, and allowed to cool, when the free rosaniline is deposited in magnificent crystals, which are almost colourless. Unfortunately, however, rosaniline is but slightly solu- ble in boiling water, so that very large quantities of liquid are required. This difficulty has been obviated, and the operation much facilitated, by the use of an apparatus where the magenta may be decomposed and filtered under a pressure of two or three atmospheres. If the rosaniline hydrochloride is very pure, it is unnecessary to filter; the decomposition being effected by the proper quantity of caustic soda in the course of four or five hours, under pres- sure, in a boiler furnished with an agitator. On allowing it to cool, the contents are found to be a pulp of colourless crystals, which merely require collecting and washing to be ready to convert into rosaniline salts. Acetate of rosaniline, known commercially as 'roseine,' is one of the most important salts prepared from the base, which for this purpose should be crystalline and free from any excess of alkali. The dry powdered base (200 lbs.) 372 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. is introduced into enamelled iron pots, heated to about 1 50 F. by means of a water bath or steam heat, and pure glacial acetic acid (40 lbs.), which must be quite free from sulphurous or sulphuric acids, is gradually added, with con- stant stirring, until a homogeneous mass is obtained of a deep brick-red colour, and green metallic reflex. Boiling water is now added (50 gallons) to dissolve the acetate, and the mixture boiled for a few minutes, after which it is run into a vat to crystallise. In the course of a few days the salt is deposited in magnificent prisms, about equal in weight to the rosaniline originally employed. Care must be taken that the solution is not boiled for too long a time, as in that case, a change takes place in the solution so that it no longer gives crystals on standing. Besides those already described, there are other processes by which magenta may be prepared without the use of arsenic. Messrs. Dale and Caro, in i860, patented a method of obtaining aniline red, which consisted in heating two parts of aniline, with two of nitrate of lead in fine powder, to a temperature of about 350° F. ; one part of phosphoric acid was then gradually added to the mixture, and the whole maintained at the above temperature for one or two hours, with constant stirring. Messrs. Laurent and Casthelaz, have prepared magenta directly from nitrobenzene by mixing it with twice its weight of iron in a fine state of division, and half its weight of concentrated hydrochloric acid. After standing twenty- four hours, the resinous-looking mass, which contains aniline and ferric chloride, is heated, when the ferric chloride reacts on the aniline, producing aniline red. The mass is ex- hausted with water, and the colouring matter, which was called 'erythrobenzene', precipitated by the addition of common salt to the solution. It was purified by a second solution and precipitation. TOLUIDINE RED. 373 More recently Coupler* has devised a process for the manufacture of magenta without using arsenic acid ; he heats a mixture of pure aniline, nitrotoluene, hydrochloric acid, and a small quantity of finely divided metallic iron, to a temperature of about 400° F. for several hours. The pasty mass soon solidifies to a friable mass, resembling crude aniline red ; ordinary commercial aniline and nitro- benzene may be substituted for the nitrotoluene and pure aniline in the above process, the products in either case being extracted with water, and the colouring matter precipitated with sodium carbonate. It is identical with ordinary magenta, and may be purified in the usual manner. Coupier has also prepared another red, which he calls toluidine red, or rosotohiidine. This may be made by mixing 95 parts of nitrotoluene with 65 of hydrochloric acid, and then adding 67 parts of crystallised toluidine, and 7 or 8 of ferric chloride. The whole is heated to 375 F. for three or four hours. A product which is very similar, or perhaps identical, is formed, on heating to 310 F. for four hours, 100 parts of liquid toluidine, 35 of hydrochloric acid, and 160 of a solution of arsenic acid, of 75 per cent. Analogous red dyes are obtained when xylidene is substituted for toluidine. Toluidine red, possesses properties very similar to ma- genta, but the shade which it gives is somewhat bluer, and more intense. It is also distinguished by its salts being much more soluble in water, and by the greater ease with which, by proper treatment, it yields other aniline colours, especially greens. The proportion of colouring matter obtained from a given weight of the materials is also larger, being about 40 per cent., whilst the yield of aniline red seldom exceeds 30. Mr. E. C. Nicholson took out a patent in October, 1872, *Bull. Soc. Chim., [2] xi., 269. 374 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. in which he proposed to manufacture magenta by heating a mixture of 3 parts of aniline with 1 of nitric acid specific gravity 1*42, and 1 of hydrochloric acid, specific gravity 1 'i6, to a temperature of 350 — 400 F. Jegel* has also employed a very similar process, namely, to saturate 1 part of aniline with nitric acid, then to add 10 parts of aniline saturated with hydrochloric acid, and heat. The magenta is extracted from the melted mass in the usual way. The xylidine, boiling at 414 F., prepared from coal-tar naphtha, when mixed with pure aniline and treated with arsenic acid, as in the manufacture of magenta, yields a splendid crimson dye, which rivals that of the rosaniline salts. It is a substantive colour on wool and silk. According to Rosenstiehl,-f- crude magenta always con- tains another base which he calls pararosaniline, very similar to rosaniline, and isomeric with it. It appears to be formed from aniline and paratoluidine, and differs from rosaniline in being amorphous. When heated with hy- driodic acid, it yields aniline and liquid paratoluidine, instead of aniline and the crystalline toluidine. Magenta has a most extraordinary affinity for animal tissues, such as silk and wool, which readily take up the colour without the intervention of any mordant; so great is this attraction, that if a large skein of silk be dipped in a weak boiling solution of the red dye, and quickly with- drawn, the water which runs off will be found to be quite colourless, the fibres of the silk removing all the colouring matter from the liquid as it flows between them. This property at first caused great difficulty in applying the colour in silk dyeing, so as to produce an even shade, especially with pale tints. It was found, however, that by dyeing the silk in a weak soap bath, containing compara- *Chem. Centr., 1874, p. 827. fBull. Soc. Chim., [2] x., 192, and xi., 267. DYEING WITH MAGENTA. 375 tively little of the colouring matter, this obstacle could be overcome to a great extent: the dyeing proceeds less rapidly, and the face of the silk is kept in good condition- After being thoroughly washed, the dyed silk, which has been rendered soft by the action of the alkali in the soap, is passed through a weak bath of acetic or tartaric acid, to give it the requisite 'scroop', as the peculiar harsh sensation which silk has to the touch is termed. These remarks also apply to the dyeing of silk with many other of the aniline colours, such as Hofmann's violet, Britannia violet, &c. It is very important, especially in piece dyeing, that there should be no particles of undissolved magenta in the bath, for they would attach themselves to the fabric and produce red spots. On this account it is customary to add the magenta to the bath in a state of solution. Some dyers dissolve it in acetic acid, but this gives it an unpleasant blue shade ; a far better method is to grind up the crystals with glycerin, and then boil the mixture with water, and filter; this entirely prevents bronzing on the surface of the tissues, and it has no flattening effect on the colour. Some dyers mix the finely powdered magenta crystals with spirit to a thin paste, and after allowing it to stand for sixteen to twenty hours, mix it with the requisite quantity of hot water, boil for a few minutes, and filter through woollen cloth directly into the dyebeck. In dyeing woollen goods with magenta, the bath is generally hotter than for silk; and as acids or alkalis injuriously affect the fibre, the solution must be neutral. Considerable care must be taken in order to produce even shades; for this purpose a part only of the total amount of dye to be used is added at first, so as to form a very weak liquor, in which the pieces are rapidly winced. They are then lifted out of the beck, more colour added, the goods re-entered and winced ; the operations being repeated until the desired shade has been attained. 376 DYEING AXD CALICO PRINTING. A very simple method is sometimes adopted in dyeing woollen goods. A woollen bag filter is fastened at one corner of the dyebeck, the bottom of which dips a few inches into the hot liquor; the quantity of magenta crystals requisite to dye the pieces of the required shade is weighed out, tied up tightly in a piece of flannel, and dropped into the bag filter. Here the magenta slowly dissolves and mixes with the liquor in the dyebeck, which never becomes too strong, an important point; moreover, the solution having to pass through two thicknesses of flannel, all chance of any undissolved particles of the dye coming in contact with the fabric is avoided. WOOL DYED WITH MAGENTA.* Magenta is used not merely alone for rose, pink, and red shades, but also in a variety of compound colours: a beautiful amaranth may be obtained on wool by the follow- ing: 1 3^ ozs. of magenta are dissolved in I lb. of hot gly- cerin, and the mixture filtered into the dyebeck, in which 8 ozs. of picric acid and 4 ozs. of soda crystals have been * This, and the nine other beautiful specimens of woollen dyed with various coal-tar colours, which occur in this work, have been most kindly furnished by M. Gustave Schaeffer, of Messrs. H. Haeffely and Co., Chateau de Pfastadt, near Mulhouse. PRINTING MAGENTA. 377 dissolved. These quantities give a deep shade with 20 lbs. of wool. The process of printing silk or wool is extremely simple. It is merely necessary to thicken a filtered solution of the colour, of the proper shade, with gum Senegal, print, dry, and steam for about half an hour. The goods are then washed and finished in the usual way. Although aniline colours have a strong affinity for animal substances, they merely communicate a fugitive stain to vegetable fibres, which is easily removed by wash- ing; moreover, being of a basic nature, the ordinary mor- dants used for madder and dyewoods, such as alumina and stannic oxide, are found to be of no use. Considerable difficulty, therefore, was experienced at first in their appli- cation to the dyeing and printing of cotton. For dyeing cotton, a mordant is selected which varies according to the circumstances of the case, as to whether the tissue to be dyed consists entirely of cotton, or whether it is a mixed fabric. For pure cotton, either in yarn or woven, it may be prepared as for Turkey red, or it may be treated by the method devised by Perkin and Pullar. It is first steeped for an hour or two in a decoction of galls, sumach, myrobalans, or any other substance rich in tannin, and then after being allowed to drain, worked for an hour or two in a weak solution of sodium stannate. It is finally passed through a bath of alum or dilute sulphuric acid and then rinsed in cold water. Cotton, thus prepared, has a pale yellow colour, and readily takes up the magenta when worked in a cold bath of that dye. Cotton may also be dyed a very good and fast colour, by working it in a solution of lead sub-acetate, and then in a weak soap bath. In piece dyeing, where the warp is cotton, and the weft woollen, the process of mordanting is slightly varied. The material is first soaked in an infusion of a tannin matter, 3/3 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and then winced in a bath of tin crystals. After being washed, it is ready for the dyebeck. Calico may be printed with magenta, or any of the aniline colours, by mixing the solution with albumen or casein, and thickening it in the usual way with starch or gum. The process of Messrs. Perkin and Schultz, also gives excellent results, the colour is first printed on with a thickened mixture of sodium arsenite,and aluminium acetate, the proportions being — i litre of acetate of aluminium, at i o° B. 80 grammes of arsenite of sodium. 16 „ magenta. The pieces are then steamed for an hour, soaped, and washed in pure water: by these means, very brilliant shades are obtained with nearly all the aniline colours. I I MAGENTA PRINTED ON COTTON.* A fine purple may be obtained on cotton, by steeping it for a couple of hours in a hot bath containing 3lbs. of turmeric, and lib. of sumach. lib. of sulphuric acid is then added, the yarn worked in the mixture, taken out, and *This, and the seven other splendid samples of aniline colours printed on calico, which are interspersed throughout this portion of the work, have been generously placed at our disposal by M. Horace Koechlin, of Wisserling, Alsace. AD ULTERA TION OF MA GENTA. 379 washed. Cotton thus mordanted, has a yellow colour, and acquires a fine purple shade when worked in a magenta bath. Adulteration of Magenta. — The presence of any of the foreign colours, violaniline, mauvaniline, or chryso- toluidine, may be readily ascertained by dissolving the suspected sample in the smallest possible quantity of alcohol, diluting with rather more than its own bulk of water, and then putting a drop of the liquid on a piece of white blotting paper. The spot formed by the capillary action of the paper will present concentric circles of different tones of colour if the magenta is not pure. This simple method may also be applied to the examination of aniline blues and violets. As in the case with the madder dyestuffs, one of the best methods of testing magenta, both for the purity of tone and also for the amount of colouring matter, is to make a comparative dyeing experiment with the sample under investigation, and with one of known purity, using white woollen yarn. Crystallised magenta is sometimes adulterated to a large extent with sugar which has previously been dyed with magenta. On spreading out such a sample on a sheet of white paper in the sunshine, the larger crystals of dyed sugar may readily be detected by their colour being paler at the edges. When picked out and washed with alcohol, they become colourless, and the odour of caramel which is produced when they are heated is sufficient to identify them. The amount of this adulteration may be deter- mined by washing a weighed quantity of the sample with absolute alcohol until colourless, or nearly so, and then drying and weighing the residue, or more accurately by dissolving a weighed portion of the dye in hot water, and precipitating the rosaniline as picrate by means of picric acid. The clear yellow solution is now precipitated with 380 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRIXTIXG. basic acetate of lead, filtered, the excess of lead thrown down by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the amount of sugar present estimated by means of the polariscope. There are several other aniline reds met with in com- merce besides magenta, the most important of which are safranine, geranosine, ponceau, and Ulrich's scarlet. SAFRANINE, OR SAFFRANINE, is a bright rose-coloured dye, which, according to Mene, is prepared commercially by treating heavy aniline oils successively with nitrous acid and arsenic acid, or two parts of the aniline may be heated with one of arsenic acid and one of an alkaline nitrate for a short time, to 20CT or 212° F. The product is ex- tracted with boiling water, neutralised with an alkali, filtered, and the colour precipitated with common salt. It is met with both in the state of paste, and also as a yellowish- red powder, which contains the hydrochloride of the base mixed with calcium carbonate and common salt. On boil- ing this with water, filtering, and acidulating the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, a crystalline substance separates on cooling, which, after repeated crystallisation in a similar manner, no longer leaves any residue on ignition. The addition of hydrochloric acid to the filtrate is necessary, as otherwise it is found to lose acid by repeated crystallisation, and to become much more soluble. Pure safranine hydrochloride, C 21 H 20 N 4 ,HC1, forms thin reddish crystals which are soluble in water and in alcohol, yielding intensely yellow-red solutions. The free base safranine may be obtained from this by decomposing the solution with silver oxide, and evaporating the deep-red liquid. It forms reddish-brown crystals, which are very soluble both in alcohol and in water. Hofmann and Geyger,* who have carefully investigated the subject, find that safranine cannot be prepared either from pure aniline or pure crystalline toluidine, or from a * Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., v. 526. PRINTING WITH SAFRANINE. 38l mixture of the two, but that it is derived from the liquid toluidine, boiling at 389 F., the reactions being as follow: — 3 C 7 H 9 N + HNO a = C^H^ + 2 OH 2 CnH^N, + 2 = CaHaoNi + 2 OH 2 The action of nitrous acid first produces the compound C 21 H 21 N 4 , which is then converted by the action of the oxidising agent into safranine. They find, however, that when arsenic acid is employed for this latter purpose, the safranine is mixed with a large amount of secondary pro- ducts. This may be avoided to a great extent by substi- tuting chromic acid for arsenic acid as the oxiding agent. The most characteristic reaction of safranine is, that when concentrated sulphuric acid is gradually added to its solutions, the colour first changes to violet, and then passes successively to blue, dark green, and light green ; on now diluting the solution with water, the same changes of colour will be observed, but in the reverse order. SAFRANINE. Safranine may be printed by thickening the paste with twenty parts of a mixture consisting of — Acetate of alumina standard 1 gallon "Water 1 „ Starch 2 lbs. Boil, and when cold add 1 pint of arsenic standard. 3 S2 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. The acetate of alumina standard is the clear liquid obtained on precipitating a solution of 5 lbs. of alum in 2 gallons of water, with 6 lbs. of lead acetate, and allowing to settle. The arsenic standard is made by boiling 4 lbs. of arseni- ous acid (white arsenic) in 1 gallon of glycerin, until dissolved, and then filtering. After printing, the goods are steamed for half an hour. Safranine is now superseding safflower, or carthamine, as a red dye for silk. It requires no mordant. GERAXOSINE. — This is a beautiful ponceau red, obtained from rosaniline by a process devised by Luthringer. To prepare it 2 lbs. of magenta are dissolved in 200 gallons of boiling water, and as soon as it has cooled down to 1 1 3 F., a solution of 9 lbs. of barium or calcium nitrite in 7 gallons of water is poured in (peroxide of barium may be substi- tuted for the nitrite if thought desirable). As soon as the two liquids are throroughly mixed, 20 lbs. of concen- trated sulphuric acid are added. The liquid instantly becomes yellow, and in a few moments colourless ; it is now filtered from the precipitated barium sulphate and gradually heated to the boiling point. The liquid, which thus acquires an intense red colour, is boiled for two or three minutes, allowed to cool, and the colouring matter preci- pitated by common salt. PONCEAU. — This is a colour manufactured by Messrs. Brooke, Simpson, and Spiller, by a secret process. It is a very brilliant red, and retains its colour when seen by arti- ficial light. It dyes wool and silk without a mordant, the only precaution necessary being to add the colour very gradually to the bath, and so work slowly up to the re- quired shade. The addition of a little ammonia to the bath varies the hue. CERISE. — This is the name given to a colour manu- factured by Knosp, of Stuttgard, from magenta residues, ULRICH'S SCARLET. 383 and is probably a mixture of rosaniline and chrysotoluidine. It is thrown down on adding carbonate of soda to the mother liquors obtained in the manufacture of magenta after that colour has been precipitated by common salt. It dyes wool and silk scarlet shades. Ulrich's Scarlet. — This is a compound obtained by the partial oxidation of magenta. To prepare it, a solution of three parts of lead nitrate, dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of boiling water, is mixed with four parts of powdered rosaniline acetate, and the whole evaporated to dryness at a gentle heat. The dry mass is now heated gradually to a temperature varying from 300 to 400 R, when it becomes violet. The product, as soon as it is cold, is extracted by boiling with very dilute sulphuric acid. The solution is then neutralised, filtered boiling hot, and the colour precipitated in the usual way with common salt. This scarlet yields a rose-red dye when heated under pressure with alcohol, and methyl or ethyl iodide, as in the process for preparing Hofmann violet. It is purified in a similar manner to that colour. CHAPTER XIII. ANILINE VIOLETS. — ANILINE BLUES. Aniline Violets. — The most important of these from a scientific and historical point of view is mauve, or aniline purple, discovered by Mr. W. H. Perkin, and patented by him in August, 1856.* Not only was this the first dye made from aniline which received any practical application, but the brilliancy and beauty of the new colour, as com- pared with those hitherto obtained, excited universal atten- tion, so that the investigation of the nature of the aniline derivatives was pushed forward with great vigour. The result was the establishment of an entirely novel branch of manufacture, which has since developed to such an enormous extent, not only in the production of the various 'coal-tar colours,' but, as we have already seen, in the arti- ficial production on a manufacturing scale of alazarin, a dye which was formerly only obtained from the root of the madder and other plants. Mr. Perkin's own account of his discovery, as related before the Society of Arts, is as follows : — "Chemists have always been desirous of producing natural organic bodies artificially, and have, in many instances, been successful. It was whilst trying to solve one of these questions that I discovered the ' mauve.' I was endeavour- ing to convert an artificial base into the natural alcaloid quinine, but my experiment, instead of yielding the colour- less quinine, gave a reddish powder. With a desire to understand this peculiar result, a different base of more *No. 1984. MANUFACTURE OF MAUVE. 385 simple construction was selected, namely, aniline, and in this case I obtained a perfectly black product : this was purified and dried, and when digested with spirits of wine gave the mauve dye." This dye is prepared by the action of oxidising agents on an aqueous solution of a salt of aniline. The nature of the aniline is a very essential point, for it has been found that, that which gives the best results for magenta is not at all suitable for the production of mauve. The process generally adopted for its manufacture is that originally devised by Perkin : — 108 lbs. of sulphuric acid are diluted with 4 lbs. of water, and when cool the mixture is gradually poured into 200 lbs. of suitable heavy aniline, with constant stirring. When all the acid has been added, the mixture is heated, and stirred, so as to render it homogeneous, and then allowed to cool ; 280 lbs. of potassium dichromate are then dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of water, and stirred into the mixture, allowing the whole to stand twenty-four hours. At the expiration of this time, the liquid, which at first was turbid, has become quite clear, the impure mauve being found at the bottom of the vessel as a black precipitate. The supernatant liquor is now drawn off, and the precipitate thoroughly washed three or four times by stirring it up with boiling water ; it is after- wards washed with water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and finally with cold water. The colouring matter is extracted from the precipitate by boiling it with water for about three hours, decanting and filtering: the process being repeated until no more colouring matter is dissolved. An alkali, or alkaline carbonate is added to the aqueous solu- tion thus obtained, in order to precipitate the base wauveine, which is collected, washed with warm water, and dissolved in the requisite quantity of acetic acid. In order to obtain the base in a tolerably pure state, the processes of solution, precipitation, and washing must be repeated several times. AA 386 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. When mauve was first manufactured, the crude product was purified by washing and drying it, and then treating it in closed vessels with boiling coal-tar naphtha to remove resinous impurities. After this, it was exhausted with dilute spirit, the spirit distilled off, and the aqueous solution of the colouring matter which was left, filtered and precipi- tated with caustic soda. The loss of valuable solvents, and the danger in manipulating with large quantities of inflammable liquids caused this process to be superseded by that just described. On dissolving the purified mauve in boiling alcohol and acetic acid, a solution may be obtained which deposits the acetate of mauveine in the crystalline state. It may be purified by one or two crystallisations, when it has a splendid green metallic lustre. It is occasionally met with in commerce in this state, but more generally in paste, or in solution, as the crystals are costly, and do not offer any corresponding advantage to the consumer. The base maiiveine, C 2G H 24 N 4 , unlike rosaniline, is not colourless, but of a dingy violet colour. It may readily be obtained by dissolving a pure salt of the base in boiling alcohol, and adding a slight excess of an alcoholic solution of potash : on cooling, it is deposited in black glistening crystals not unlike specular iron ore in appearance. Mauveine is a very powerful base, readily expelling am- monia from its salts when boiled with them. It is almost insoluble in benzene, and in ether, but dissolves to some extent in alcohol, forming a dingy violet-blue solution : the addition of an acid immediately changes this to a deep purple, resulting from the formation of a salt of mauveine. The sulphate and hydrochloride of mauveine may both be obtained in the crystalline state; the former is the original aniline purple, formed by the action of potassium di- chromate on aniline sulphate. The salts of mauveine are generally very hydroscopic ; they are only slightly soluble PHCENICINE. 387 in cold water, somewhat more so in boiling water, and readily soluble in alcohol and wood spirit. When sub- mitted to the action of nascent hydrogen, mauveine takes up hydrogen, and becomes converted into a new base, the salts of which are colourless, or nearly so. This may be well illustrated by boiling an alcoholic solution of mauve with a few strips of zinc in a tube, which is imperfectly closed, when the dark purple of the solution gradually changes to yellow. On exposure to the air, however, it rapidly acquires its original purple colour. Perkin has found that in the formation of mauve or aniline purple, there is always a small quantity of a second colouring matter produced, which gives rich crimson or rose shades, similar to those from safBower. It occurs, however, but in small quantity. When pure, it crystallises in small prisms possessing a beautiful golden-green lustre. It is soluble both in water, and in alcohol, yielding solutions re- markable for their fluorescence, so much so, that in certain lights the clear transparent liquid appears turbid. Phcenicine is a ponceau red dye, discovered by Willm in 1 86 1, who prepared it by boiling a solution of mauveine in acetic acid, with barium peroxide, until the red colour was fully developed. The liquid is then poured out and care- fully neutralised with carbonate of soda. The colour may be thrown down from the filtered liquid by means of common salt. It is not improbable that this red is identical with that described by Delvaux, as obtained by the action of chromic acid on aniline: 1 part of chromic acid is dissolved in 20 of water, and 1 part of aniline is added. After standing for twenty-four hours, the black precipitate which is pro- duced is exhausted with boiling water, and the filtered solution rendered alkaline with ammonia. Aniline purple is then thrown down, whilst a red colouring matter remains in solution. 388 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Mauve has also been manufactured in France by the action of hypochlorite of lime on a solution of a salt of aniline. Perkin has investigated this reaction, and finds that the blue colour observed many years ago by Runge, on adding a solution of hypochlorite to one of ani- line, is not due to mauve, but to a distinct substance of a blue colour. On mixing solutions of aniline hydrochloride and calcium hypochlorite (chloride of lime) the solution gradually becomes turbid from the formation of a finely divided indigo-blue precipitate. On adding common salt this new substance is precipitated. It is, however, very impure, and requires treatment with ether or benzene to remove brown- coloured resinous substances. Runge's blue, as thus prepared, is a solid substance, which dissolves in alcohol with a fine blue colour, and is capable of dyeing silk of a blue colour ; it is, however, very unstable, the colour of the alcoholic solution changing to purple in a day or two at the ordinary temperature, and immediately if heated. The same effect is observed on the dyed fabric. In the process of manufacture adopted in France, the product is boiled so as to convert it into mauve. In Messrs. Depouilly and Lauth's patent, taken out in June, i860, the precipitate formed by the addition of a solution of chloride of lime to a solution of aniline hydrochloride was washed with acidulated water, dis- solved in concentrated sulphuric acid, and reprecipitated by water. The amount of product obtained by this method is said to be larger than when Perkin's process is employed, but the shades obtained in dyeing are not so pure. About this time several other processes were patented for the production of mauve by the action of various oxidising agents on aniline. In January, i860, Mr. Kay proposed to manufacture mauve by heating a solution of aniline sulphate with manganese peroxide (black oxide of OTHER PROCESSES FOR MAUVE. 389 manganese) to 21 2 , and, when the reaction was complete, precipitating the colour with an alkali. Mr. C. Greville Williams also patented the production of a purple dye by oxidising aniline with potassium perman- ganate; and in the latter part of the year 1859 Mr. David Price took out a patent for the manufacture of aniline purple, by boiling a solution of one molecule of aniline sulphate with two of lead peroxide; the solution of the colouring matter thus obtained was filtered, concentrated by evaporation, and, after a second filtration, precipitated by an alkali. According to Dollfus,* Messrs. Frank & Co., of Lyons, and Messrs. Griiner & Co., Glauchau, in the year 1859, succeeded in obtaining a reddish-violet colour by treating a solution of magenta in wood spirit with potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid. This process, which was at first a secret, afterwards became generally known. The nature of the reaction which takes place in the production of this colour has not been ascertained, but it is well known that if magenta is dissolved in wood spirit it yields on fabrics a much bluer shade than when water or alcohol is employed as the solvent. In May, iS6o,*f" Messrs. Dale and Caro patented a pro- cess for preparing aniline purple, differing from that of Mr. Perkin, the oxidising agent employed being cupric chloride. One equivalent of a neutral salt of aniline is mixed with six equivalents of chloride of copper, dissolved in water (thirty times the weight of the aniline salt), and the whole boiled for three or four hours. The dark coloured precipi- tate is purified by processes similar to those employed in treating the product obtained by Perkin's method. A mixture of common salt and sulphate of copper, in equiva- lent proportions, may be substituted for the cupric chloride. In January, 1861, M. Girard took out a patent for * Wagner's Jahresbericht, xx., 794. fNo. 1307. 390 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. preparing ' Violet Imperial' by heating a mixture of equal weights of magenta and aniline to 330 F. for several hours. The purple-coloured mass after being washed with water and hydrochloric acid, to remove any unaltered aniline or magenta, is ready for use. It is readily soluble in alcohol, acetic acid, and wood spirit. This dye, which was long re- garded as a compound of magenta and aniline blue, has been shown by Hofmann to consist of a mixture of salts of monopJienylrosaniline, C 20 H 18 (C 6 H 5 )N 3 , and diphenylros- aniline, C 20 H 17 (C 9 H 5 ) 2 N 3 identical with those obtained in the manufacture of aniline blue, when an insufficient quantity of aniline has been employed. Monophenylrosaniline salts are of a reddish-violet colour, and may be prepared as follows: 80 lbs. of aniline, and 20 of rosaniline sulphate or hydrochloride, both in a perfectly dry state, are heated in an apparatus similar to that em- ployed for the manufacture of aniline, gently for the first half-hour, after which the temperature is raised, but should never exceed 375 ° F. The progress of the action must now be tested every five minutes by withdrawing a small portion of the material by means of a glass rod, and transferring it to a white porcelain plate, where it is mixed with a little alcohol and acetic acid. The operation is in- terrupted immediately the colour is observed to be of a pure red-violet tint; and as soon as the contents of the vessel are cool enough, they are poured in a very thin stream into a vessel containing an acidulated solution of common salt, which is kept violently agitated by mechanical means. The impalpable powder thus obtained is purified by wash- ing it thoroughly, first with a similar solution, and then with pure water; after being pressed and dried at a low tempera- ture, it is fit for the market. Another method of purification consists in pouring it into benzene, dissolving the precipitate in the smallest quantity of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and then largely diluting with water: the violet is thus PHENYLROSANILINE VIOLETS. 391 precipitated, whilst the unaltered magenta remains in solution. Diphenylrosaniliue salts are of a much bluer tinge than the corresponding monophenylated compounds. The method of preparation is very similar, but the time of heating is longer, and rosaniline acetate is employed in- stead of the sulphate or hydrochloride; 20 lbs. of the acetate to 40 of aniline, giving good results. The product is poured into about 80 gallons of alcohol, which is then acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and the violet dye precipitated by means of a saturated aqueous solution of common salt. It now merely requires to be washed once or twice with acidulated water, and finally with pure water. In preparing these phenyl violets, Levinstein employs 100 parts of magenta, 100 of aniline, and 25 of acetate of soda, for the red shades ; and 3 parts of aniline to 1 of magenta for the blue shades. In the production of very blue violets, soap is often used, the heat being continued for a consider- able time: 300 parts of magenta, 100 of aniline, 75 of sodium acetate, and 66 of white curd soap is a mixture which gives good results. The excess of aniline may be removed by boiling the product with very dilute hydro- chloric acid, and the dye which floats on the surface, is skimmed off, washed, dried, and powdered. These violets are soluble in alcohol, acetic acid, and glycerin, but their employment is comparatively limited since the discovery of the Hofmann and Paris violets, which are methylated or ethylated rosaniline salts. Mr. G. C. Nicholson in 1862, took out a patent for the preparation of ' ' Rcgina purple', by the following process : "I take red dye, such as is made from aniline or its homo- logues and, without the admixture of either aniline, or its homologues, I heat it carefully, in a suitable apparatus, to a temperature by preference between 390 and 420° F. The substance quickly assumes the appearance of a dark 392 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. semi-solid mass, the red dye being transformed into a dark substance with evolution of ammonia. The mass I prefer afterwards to extract with acetic acid, using a quantity of acid about equal in weight to the amount of the red dye treated, and this acid I dilute with enough alcohol to make a dye of convenient commercial strength ; the solution obtained is of a deep violet or purple colour, and may be used directly for dyeing purposes." Kopp's violet L Is prepared by grinding up rosaniline tannate to a paste with three or four times its weight of wood spirit, and then adding about one-twentieth of its volume of nitric or hydrochloric acid, or better, of a saturated alco- holic solution of hydrochloric acid. The red colour of the mixture gradually acquires a violet tinge, which, on stand- ing, becomes more and more defined, and then passes into a nearly pure blue. By properly regulating the amount of acid, any desired shade may be obtained. When the pro- duct is dry, it merely requires washing with water to remove the excess of acid in order to be ready for use. It should be dissolved in alcohol, or wood spirit, and the liquid diluted with water. A violet may also be obtained mixed with Prussian blue and other extraneous matters, by boiling for half an hour a mixture of equal equivalents of potassium ferrocyanide (red prussiate) and a salt of aniline, dissolved in 20 parts of water. Potassium ferrocyanide remains in solution, and a precipitate is produced, which is first treated with coal oil to remove brown resinous matters, after which the violet colouring matter may be extracted by boiling alcohol. Mauvaniline and Violcuiiline. It has been already noticed (p. 367) that in the preparation of magenta three other colouring matters are produced, namely, mauvaniline, violaniline, and chrysotoluidine, which in great part remain undissolved when the crude magenta is treated with water. These residues, which amount to nearly one-half of the HOFMANN VIOLETS. 393 total products of the reaction, were formerly regarded as useless ; but Paraf, and subsequently Girard and De Laire, have succeeded in separating the bases, and rendering them available for dyeing purposes. In order to effect this, the insoluble residue is first boiled with caustic soda, in order to obtain all the bases in the free state; these are now treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, which dissolves the chrysotoluidine and mauvaniline, and leaves the violaniline. On adding common salt to the hydrochloric acid solution, mauvaniline hydrochloride is precipitated, whilst chryso- toluidine salt remains in solution. Mauvaniline may be obtained in crystals having the formula C 19 H 17 N 3 ,OH 2 , which are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, ether, and benzene. Its salts are soluble in water, and yield fine red-purple tints on fabrics. The colours produced by viol- aniline are dull and little used. MetJiyl and etliyl-rosanilines. — It has been already stated that Hofmann, when engaged in investigating the nature of rosaniline, discovered that it was a triamine in which there were three equivalents of hydrogen capable of being re- placed by alcohol radicals. In fact, he found on heating it with excess of ethyl iodide for some hours to 21 2° in closed tubes, that a magnificent purple substance was produced, which was the iodide of a new base, tricthylrosaniline C 20 H 16 (C 2 H 5 ) 3 N 3 ,or rosaniline C, H 19 N 3 , in which three of the hydrogen had been replaced by three ethyl groups, C 2 H 5 . By varying the circumstances of experiment, instead of three of the hydrogen being replaced by ethyl, dyes may be obtained having two, or only one, replaced by ethyl ; moreover, by substituting methyl iodide for ethyl iodide, corresponding methyl compounds may be prepared. In this way Hofmann violets are obtained of different shades, varying from RRR, the very red, which is principally a salt of monomethylated rosaniline C 28 H 1S (CH 3 )N 3 , to BBB, the bluest shade. 394 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. For the red-violet RRR. Rosaniline 20 lbs. Alcohol 200 „ Hydrate of potassium or sodium 20 ,, Iodide of methyl or ethyl 16 „ HOFMAXX VIOLET. RRR. For a blue-violet B. Rosaniline 20 lbs. Alcohol 200 „ Hydrate of potassium or sodium 20 ., Iodide of methyl 10 „ Iodide of ethyl 10 ,, HOFMAXX VIOLET. B. MANUFACTURE OF HOFMANN VIOLET. 395 For a bluer shade BB. Rosaniline 20 lbs. Alcohol 200 „ Hydrate of potassium or sodium 20 „ Iodide of methyl 40 „ These violets are now made in enamelled iron autoclaves of a capacity of about 18 or 20 gallons, and capable of sus- taining a pressure of 300 to 400 lbs. on the square inch. They are fitted with a thermometer and a pressure gauge, and are heated by means of a water bath or steam jacket. The preceding are the proportions given by Girard and De Laire. The rosaniline and a portion of the alcohol are intro- duced into the apparatus, and heated with part of the iodide; the potash in alcoholic solution, and the iodide being added alternately, in successive portions, during the operation ; this takes about two hours, the temperature being 240 to 265 ° F. When the required shade is attained, the contents of the boiler are drawn off and purified. With methyl iodide the product is bluer and more soluble in water than when the corresponding ethyl compound is employed. In order to purify the crude product and recover the iodine, the colouring matter, after the separation of the excess of alcoholic iodide by distillation, is treated with a hot alcoholic solution of soda in an apparatus provided with a cohabator and an agitator. The precipitated base, after being thoroughly washed with boiling water, is treated with sulphuric, hydrochloric, or acetic acid, and the result- ing salt dissolved in boiling water and precipitated with common salt or sodium acetate. These aniline violets are readily soluble in alcohol and in water, and may be ob- tained in the crystalline state. Although the free base, rosaniline, is generally used in the preparation of these colours, it is not absolutely essential. 396 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Very good results may be obtained by heating together rosaniline acetate, methyl iodide, and alcohol, or wood spirit : in fact, Hofmann's violets are frequently made in this way in Germany. The action, however, takes place with less facility, so that a higher temperature and a longer time are required. The Hofmann violets are remarkable for the brilliancy of their colour, but unfortunately they do not resist the action of light so well as many other of the aniline colours — this is especially the case on cotton. It is generally the case that aniline colours resist light better when applied to animal fibres, such as silk or wool. In the formation of these colours it will be observed that as more and more of the hydrogen in the red magenta is replaced by methyl or ethyl, the bluer is the shade of violet produced. With mauve, however, the effect is exactly the reverse, the shade produced by the salts of the new ethylated or methylated base being redder than that of the original dye. A colour intermediate between aniline purple and magenta, and known as ' dahlia,' is prepared in a similar manner to the Hofmann violets by the action of alcohol and iodide of ethyl on mauveine. This colour possesses the same character for fastness as mauve, but unfortunately it is rather expensive, and therefore is not used very extensively. Instead of preparing magenta by the action of oxidising agents on a mixture of aniline and toluidine, and then re- placing one or more equivalents of the hydrogen in this base by an alcohol radicle, such as ethyl or methyl, in order to obtain these violet dyes; we may first introduce the alcohol radicle into the aniline and toluidine, and then submit the methylaniline and methyltoluidine thus formed to the action of oxidising agents. It is in this way that the so-called 'Paris violet' is prepared. The first step in the manufacture of this dye is the pre- PARIS VIOLET. 397 paration of methylaniline, which in the pure state has the composition C 7 H 9 N or C 6 H G (CH 3 )N. being aniline in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by the methyl group CH 3 . As produced on the large scale, however, from commercial aniline, which is a mixture of aniline and toluidine, it is, of course, a mixture of methylaniline and methyltoluidine. Both the iodide and bromide of methyl combine with aniline most energetically, producing methyl- aniline hydriodide, or hydrobromide, from which the free base may be liberated by means of a caustic alkali. The high price of both bromine and iodine, however, is an obstacle in the way of the adoption of this process, and other methods have been devised by which the base may be more conveniently obtained. On heating to about 550 R, for twelve hours, a mixture of 60 or 80 parts of wood spirit, and 100 of aniline hydrochloride, the latter becomes converted into the corresponding methylaniline salt. A similar result is produced by heating to 570 F., 100 parts of aniline, 80 of wood spirit, and 100 of ammonium chloride. The aniline may also be treated with methyl nitrate, or methyl chloride, either at the ordinary temperature, or at 212 F. under pressure. In any case the salts produced are decomposed by caustic soda, and the oily mixture of methylaniline and dimethylaniline is distilled in a current of steam, and then rectified in an oil bath, collecting apart the portion which boils above 410 F. The Paris violet was discovered by M. C. Lauth, but the processes have since been much improved by Messrs. Poirrier and Chappat. Lauth heats salts of methylaniline and dimethylaniline, such as the hydrobromide or hydro- chloride, either with sand, or with certain oxidising agents such as cupric nitrate or chloride, mercuric acetate, &c. Poirrier's process consists in gradually adding 5 or 6 parts of anhydrous stannic chloride to I of methylaniline in successive portions, and then heating the mass to 21 2° F. for 398 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. several hours, until it becomes hard and brittle. When cold it is washed and boiled with a solution of caustic soda, which removes the tin, and leaves the base in a free state. This is then taken up with the equivalent quantity of hydrochloric or acetic acid, and the solution evaporated to dryness at a gentle heat. A bronzed mass is left, which is very soluble in water, alcohol, and acetic acid. Instead of stannic chloride other oxidising agents may be used, as is shown by the following methods which have been pro- posed : — Heat to 21 2° F. 100 parts of methylaniline, 80 of potassium chlorate, and 20 of iodine ; the reaction is sluggish, and takes several days before it is complete. Heat 100 parts of methylaniline, 100 of potassium chlorate, and 150 of mercuric chloride. A similar result is obtained by substituting 300 parts of mercuric iodide for the 150 of chloride in the last recipe. A new source of methylaniline and ethylaniline has been discovered by Spiller* in the 'Hofmann gum,' a dark- coloured resinous substance produced in considerable quantity in the manufacture of Hofmann violet. This gum, when dried and submitted to destructive distillation, yields nearly pure methylaniline or ethylaniline, according as the 'gum' has been derived from methylic or ethylic iodide. The methylaniline from this source boils at 392 R, and does not yield crystalline compounds with acids. With arsenic acid it furnishes a reddish-violet dye, which may be converted into others of bluer shades by treatment with methyl iodide, as in the Hofmann process. The ethylaniline boils at about 405 ° F. Neither of these bases yields Girard's blue when heated with rosaniline. A violet, called by the fanciful name of 'Dorothea violet,' and closely resembling a Hofmann violet, is pro- duced by heating to 21 2° F., for two or three hours, a mixture of 100 parts of alcohol, 70 of rosaniline, and 14 of ethyl *Proc. Roy. Soc, xxi., 204. BENZYLIC VIOLETS. 399 nitrate. In this reaction ethyl nitrate is substituted for the more expensive ethyl iodide employed in the Hofmann process. Various benzylic violet colours have been obtained by the action of benzyl chloride not only on rosaniline but also on the reddest shades of Hofmann and Paris violets, the tendency of the benzylation being to give the colour a bluer shade. The benzyl chloride or ft-chlorotoluene C 6 H 5 .CH 2 C1, re- quired for this purpose, is prepared by the action of chlorine on boiling toluene, the hydrocarbon being distilled in a current of the gas. The condensed product is then rectified, and all that passes over below 338° F submitted to a fresh chlorination. In this manner an oil is obtained, which, when carefully fractioned between 345 and 350 R, yields benzylic chloride equal to about 90 per cent, of the toluene originally employed. Violet colouring matters have also been prepared from certain of the mixed tertiary monamines, such as methyl- diphenylamine, benzyldiphenylamine, benzylphenyltolyl- amine, and benzylditolylamine. A very fine violet blue is obtained from ethyldiphenylamine by heating at 120 F. to 160 F., for four or five days, a mixture of 15 lbs. of the hydrochloride of the base, 5 lbs. of sulphate of copper, 1 of chlorate of potassium, 100 lbs. of pure siliceous sand, and 10 of the hydrochloride obtained by saturating oil of turpentine with hydrochloric acid. The mixture is placed in flat copper dishes in a stove, and frequently agitated. There should be a free circulation of air, which must be kept charged with moisture by means of a jet of steam. When the reaction is complete, the mass is washed with water to remove soluble salts, and the colouring matter extracted from the residue by means of alcohol or strong hydrochloric acid. In the former case, the alcohol is recovered by distillation ; in the latter, the colouring 400 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. matter is precipitated by water saturated with common salt. It is purified by treatment with a caustic alkali, and after well washing with water, taking it up with acetic or hydrochloric acid. Mr. Wanklyn also proposed to treat rosaniline with isopropyl iodide obtained by the action of phosphorus and iodine on glycerin. The violet colour obtained was purified by a treatment similar to that employed for Hofmann violet, but its use was always restricted. A very fine violet known as 'Britannia violet* is obtained by a process devised by Mr. Perkin. He heats 6 parts of magenta, dissolved in 30 of methylated spirit, to 300 F., for eight hours with 4 parts of brominated oil of turpen- tine, a thick oily substance of the composition C 10 H 15 Br 3 produced by the action of bromine on oil of turpentine in the presence of a large quantity of water. It possesses the golden-green iridescence common to the aniline colours, and can be manufactured of any shade from purple to a blue-violet. An aldehyde violet was discovered in i860 by Lauth, who prepared it by treating an alcoholic solution of magenta with a mineral acid, and then adding aldehyde. Various shades of violet, passing ultimately into blue, are produced according to the time the action is allowed to proceed. It is stopped at the proper point by neutralizing the acid with caustic soda, and, if necessary, precipitating with common salt. The dye is readily soluble in water, and dyes beautiful shades, but they are wanting in solidity. The aniline purples are tested in the same manner as magenta; but it occasionally happens that the colour is not homogeneous, one portion being soluble in water, and another in alcohol. In dyeing, the same general principles are observed as when magenta is employed. Hofmann, Paris, and Britannia violets are soluble in water, but most of the others require to be dissolved in spirit, or what s D YEING WITH ANILINE VIOLETS. 401 better, a mixture of alcohol and glycerin. For woollen goods with Hofmann or Paris violets they should be entered at 120 R, and the temperature very gradually raised to 21 2° F. The same processes are followed for cotton and mixed goods as with magenta. I HOFMANN VIOLET ON COTTON. The following is Messrs. Lloyd Dale's process for fixing aniline colours on cotton : — 500 or 600 grammes of pure tannin are dissolved in 9 litres of gum water, and an amount of aniline colour added sufficient to give the de- sired shade. After printing and steaming, the pieces are entered at 135 to 180 F. in a bath of tartar emetic, con- taining 13^ grammes of the salt per litre, then washed and dried. The pattern may also be printed on with a thick- ened solution of tannin, the strength of which varies with the shade required (20 grammes of tannin per litre for pale, and 130 for full shades), steamed, and passed through the bath of tartar emetic. They are then well washed and dyed in the bath of aniline colour, gradually raising the temperature to boiling, at which it is maintained for about twenty minutes. The pieces are finally washed and slightly soaped. BB 402- DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Aniline Blues. — A great variety of processes have been proposed for the preparation of aniline blues, but at the present time only a few of these are in actual use. The 'Bleu de Paris', obtained by Messrs. Persoz, De Luynes, and Salvetat in 1861, is prepared by heating a mixture of 9 parts of stannic chloride and 16 of aniline to a temperature of 360 R, for thirty hours in a closed vessel. The black viscous mass is extracted with boiling water, and the colouring matter precipitated with common salt. Several re-solutions in water, and reprecipitations with salt are necessary to purify it. It may be obtained in the crystalline state by deposition from boiling alcohol. It is precipitated from its aqueous solution by acids, by alkalis, and by salts. Unfortunately the bleu de Paris is difficult to prepare in large quantities. Another blue, which is probably identical with this, is obtained by the pro- cess Delvaux. It merely consists in heating aniline hydrochloride, in closed vessels, to a temperature of 460 F. The preparation of Bleu de MulJwuse, as carried out by Messrs. Gros Renaud and G. Schaeffer, is as follows : 250 grammes of rosaniline nitrate, 100 of white lac, and 36 of sodium carbonate are boiled for an hour, with 1 litre of alcohol and 3 of water. M. Manias, of the firm Guinon, Manias, and Bonnet, Lyons, devised a process by which aniline is oxidised to a blue colour by means of peonine. The preparation of 'azuline,' as this blue is called, will be described when treat- ing of the colours obtained from phenol. Bleu de Lyon. — This colour, which is formed when ma- genta is heated with excess of aniline, was patented in January, i86i,by Messrs. Girard and De Laire. Although it is very largely manufactured, there are considerable difficulties in its preparation : in this it differs remarkably from magenta, which can be made in any quantity and of constant composition, for it requires not only properly MANUFA CTURE OF BLE U DE L YON. 403 selected materials, but also skill and constant care on the part of the operator. The aniline employed should be as pure and as free from toluidine as possible ; that which distils over in the manufacture of magenta answering admirably for this purpose. The nature of the acid with which the ros- aniline is in combination is also important, the best results being obtained with acetic, benzoic, valeric, and oleic acids. Practically it is not necessary to prepare these salts; a mix- ture of rosaniline hydrochloride and sodium acetate or benzoate being employed, which gives by double decom- position sodium chloride and rosaniline acetate or benzoate. The operation is conducted in cast-iron pots capable of holding 3 to 5 gallons each, and furnished with a stirrer, the rod of which passes through a stuffing box in the lid. There are also two other openings in the lid ; one closed by a wooden plug, through which a small sample of the con- tents may be withdrawn from time to time, to enable the workman to judge of the progress of the operation; the other is connected with a bent tube to condense any aniline that may pass over. These pots are heated to a uniform temperature of 360 F. by means of an oil bath: six pots being usually arranged in the same bath. In preparing the blue, a mixture of 30 lbs. of aniline and 10 lbs. of ros- aniline acetate (or a corresponding quantity of a mixture of magenta, with dry sodium acetate or benzoate), is intro- duced into the pots, which are then heated in the oil bath. At first the red colour of the mixture changes slowly, but afterwards with rapidity: as soon as a sample taken out with a rod gives a pure blue colour when placed on a porcelain plate and moistened with a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid, the reaction may be considered as com- plete; to ascertain this point with precision, considerable experience is necessary. In a well managed operation the 4 04 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. blue should remain dissolved in the aniline, the whole forming a liquid of about the consistence of treacle. In order to separate the large excess of aniline, the crude product may be washed with dilute acid, or the aniline may be mechanically removed by distilling it off in a cur- rent of steam ; the former process is preferable, as it removes most of the red and purple impurities. This yields a cheap blue, fit for certain classes of dyeing ; but in order to obtain pure tones, it is necessary to submit it to further processes of purification. A much purer quality may be obtained by mixing the crude product with alcohol, and then pouring it into water acidulated with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. The precipitate is collected and well washed with boiling, very dilute acid. 'Night Blue,' or 'Bleu Lumicre,' is merely a pure salt of triphenylrosaniline, C 20 H 1I ;(C 6 H 5 ) 3 N 3 , which keeps its colour when seen by artificial light. It is pre- pared from the refined blue by washing it with cold alcohol, dissolving it in boiling alcohol, and then precipitating the free base by means of caustic soda. The base is collected, washed with boiling water, and then combined with the quantity of acid necessary to form a salt. The great inconvenience of this process is that it requires large quantities of alcohol. Several other processes have been proposed for the same purpose, the most recent consisting in the employment of aniline or a mixture of aniline and alcohol as a solvent. By slightly varying the proportions of the materials and the circumstances of the experiment, blue of various shades can be obtained : of these there are four recognised in commerce, as B., B.B., B.B.B., and B.B.B.B. respectively. The shade B. is made by heating to 355 F. a mixture of 2 kilos of pure rosaniline, 3 of pure aniline, and 270 of benzoic acid or glacial acetic acid. When the reaction is complete, the product is poured with constant agitation into BARD TS PRO CESS. 405 10 kilos of concentrated hydrochloric acid; the precipitate is collected, and washed by repeatedly boiling it with a large quantity of water. The precipitate, when collected, pressed, and dried, weighs 3^ kilos. For the shade B.B. 5 kilos of aniline are used instead of 3, and when the reaction is complete the product is mixed with 7 or 8 kilos of alcohol and boiled. As soon as it is cool, the colour is precipitated by 10 kilos of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and then treated as for B. The yield is about 1 300 grammes. The shades B.B.B. and B.B.B.B. are obtained by purify- ing B.B. by dissolving it in alcohol, or a mixture of alcohol and aniline, adding alcoholic soda, filtering, and precipi- tating with hydrochloric acid. The following process for preparing aniline blue and violet by the same operation is given by M. Bardy. Magenta is mixed with 30 per cent, of its weight of sodium acetate, and the whole evaporated to dryness; free aniline and crystallised potassium acetate are then added, equal to 10 per cent, of the rosaniline hydrochloride, and the mix- ture heated to 347 F. for several hours, until it acquires a pure blue colour. The product is then boiled for some time with one and a half times its weight of strong hydro- chloric acid, which dissolves the purple colouring matters, whilst the insoluble blue floats on the surface, and may be removed. The blue is purified by washing it with water, and then boiling it with 5 times its weight of caustic soda solution at 32 B. for twenty minutes, diluting with 15 parts of boiling water, and filtering. The base is then freed from traces of the purple by washing with hot alcohol, and finally converted into sulphate by boiling it with its own weight of sulphuric acid, diluted with 10 parts of water. When the excess of acid has been removed by washing, it is fit for use. To extract the purple dyes from the concentrated hydrochloric acid solution, it is first dilu- 4 o6 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. ted with water in the proportion of 9 parts for every 8 of the crude blue, this throws down diphenylrosaniline hydrochloride, a violet of a very blue shade, and on diluting the filtrate from this, with more water (about 180 parts) the monophenylrosaniline violet is precipitated. The Bleu de Paris, previously described, has often been stated to be identical or nearly identical with the Bleu de Lyon or triphenylrosaniline. They are, however, widely different in their nature, the former being easily soluble in water and readily crystallising in sharply defined deep blue needles with a coppery reflection, whilst the latter cannot be obtained in distinct crystals, and it is insoluble in water. This circumstance forms a great drawback in its use, as when the alcoholic solution employed for dyeing is poured into the bath, the colour is precipitated in a finely divided state, and much of it only adheres mechanically to the goods, so that it afterwards rubs off. It may be kept in solution by the use of large quantities of alcohol, but this adds greatly to the cost of dyeing. Mr. Nicholson, in 1862, discovered a process by which these blues might be rendered perfectly soluble in water ; this consists in forming conjugate sulpho-acids with them, similar to the soluble compounds obtained by treating indigo with sulphuric acid. Of these acids four are known to exist, and have been carefully examined.* They differ from triphenylrosaniline in having one, two, three, or four atoms of the hydrogen in the phenyl replaced by the group HS0 3 ; the stronger the acid and the higher the temperature the greater the number of hydrogen atoms replaced. In the early attempts to prepare these soluble blues the higher sulphonic acids only were obtained, which had the disadvantage of giving shades which were less fast under the influence of light, soap, and alkali than the Bleu de Lyon itself. At present, however, a sodium salt of *Bulk : Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber., v., 417. NICHOLSON'S BLUE. 407 triphenylrosaniline-monosulphonic acid, C 20 H 16 (C 6 H s ) a (C 6 H 4 .S0 3 Na)N 3 , can be obtained, known as 'Nicholson's Blue,' which is fast, and well adapted for the use of the dyer. Formerly a very large excess of sulphuric acid was em- ployed in the manufacture, the proportion being 20 lbs. of aniline blue, and 80 of sulphuric acid, which were mixed and heated to a temperature of 270° R, until the mass had become homogeneous, and a sample, taken out for that purpose, dissolved completely in water when excess of ammonia was added. It was then poured into about 8 times its weight of water, and the precipitated blue, which is insoluble in the strongly acid liquid, collected and washed until the colour began to dissolve and pass through the filter. It was then pressed, and heated with a slight excess of ammonia in an enamelled cast-iron vessel until the coloured salt floated on the surface as a bronzy layer. It only required to be dried and ground, in order to be in a fit state for the market. In the methods more recently adopted, a sulpho acid is produced which is insoluble in water; this is converted by treatment with an alkali into a salt soluble in water, which is then used in dyeing. The blue known as 'Nicholson's Blue' is a compound of this kind, being as before stated, nearly pure sodium triphenylrosaniline-monosulphonate. To prepare the monosulphonic acid: 1 kilo of refined blue is added, in small portions at a time, to 3 litres of sulphuric acid of density 176, and the mixture heated on the water bath until a sample poured into water gives a deep blue precipitate, which, after being washed until no longer acid, should not colour the water, but must be completely solu- ble in ammonia: this usually takes about five or six hours. The product is then poured into 30 litres of water with constant agitation, collected on woollen filters, and thoroughly washed. The pure acid thus obtained, is con- verted into the sodium salt by digesting it with a quantity 4o8 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. of soda-ley, not quite sufficient for saturation, filtering the solution, and evaporating in enamelled basins in a heated chamber. It then forms a grey-black amorphous mass, which dissolves easily in hot water. As met with in com- merce it is frequently mixed with an excess of carbonate of soda. ANILINE BLUE ON WOOL. A toluidine blue, very similar to the triphenylrosaniline salt known as the ' Bleu de Lyon,' may be obtained by heating rosaniline acetate with twice its weight of toluidine. Abundance of ammonia is evolved, and a brown mass with metallic lustre is obtained, which is soluble in alcohol with a deep indigo-blue colour. This dye is the acetate of tritolylrosaniline, a base which may be regarded as rosani- line C 20 H 19 N 3 in which three of the hydrogen are replaced by tolyl, and having the formula C 20 H 16 (C 7 H 7 ) 3 N 3 . Diphenylamine blue. — Hofmann was the first to notice that a blue colour was produced by the action of various reagents on diphenylamine ; the discovery of a diphenyla- mine blue fit for use in dyeing is due, however, to Messrs. Girard and De Laire. It is prepared in a manner similar to magenta, by the action of oxidising agents on a mixture DIPHENYLAMINE BLUE. 409 of diphenylamine and ditolylamine, and is in all proba- bility identical with the Bleu de Lyon. Its formation would then be represented by the equation : — 2C 12 H 12 N + C u H lfl N - H 9 = Q H 1G (C 6 H 5 ) 3 N 3 Diphenylamine. Ditolylamine. Triphenylrosaniline. When three equivalents of aniline are heated to about 460 or 470 F. with two of aniline hydrochloride in a flask furnished with a condensing tube, a reaction takes place, accompanied by disengagement of ammonia and formation of diphenylamine. The operation, however, is very tedious, only about one-eighth of the aniline being converted after 30 hours' digestion. In order to extract the diphenylamine, the product is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and diluted with a large quantity of hot water; this decomposes the diphenylamine hydrochloride, and the liberated base floats on the surface in the melted state. It may be purified by recrystallisation from ether or benzene. In order to prepare the commercial diphenylamine, which, as has previously been stated, is a mixture of diphenylamine and ditolylamine, a suitable aniline is chosen and a portion converted into hydrochloride; 740 lbs. of this hydrochloride and 100 of the aniline are introduced into an enamelled cast-iron vessel, closed by a lid and furnished with a safety valve, a manometer, a screw valve opening into a tube connected with a worm, and a tube closed at the lower end and long enough to dip into the mixture in the boiler; this tube is partly filled with mercury, into which is plunged the bulb of a thermometer. The mixture is gradually heated, and kept for about two hours at a temperature of 420° to 428° F. ; the screw valve is now closed, and the temperature gradually raised to about 480 F., during which the pressure in the interior increases to about 5 atmospheres. The time required for an opera- tion is 12 hours, during the last 6 of which the temperature should be 465 ° — 500 F. When cold, the product is 4 io DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. removed from the boiler, dissolved in 140 lbs. of hydro- chloric acid by the aid of a gentle heat, and poured into 60 or 80 gallons of water; this precipitates the dipheny- lamine, whilst the unaltered aniline remains in solution as hydrochloride. The diphenylamine, after being washed first with water and then with a dilute alkaline solution, is purified by distillation, or by crystallisation from coal oil or petroleum. Although almost all the oxidising agents which have been proposed for the preparation of magenta may be employed to transform diphenylamine into the blue colouring matter, trichloride of carbon C 2 C1 C , is that which has been found to give the best results. The operation is conducted in enamelled iron retorts of the capacity of about 10 gallons, furnished with agitators, and heated in an oil bath. A mixture of 24 lbs. of carbon trichloride, and 20 lbs. of the diphenylamine are introduced into each of these, and the temperature gradually raised to 355° F. which should not be exceeded, as otherwise a portion of the blue is apt to be destroyed. During the reaction carbon dichloride (perchlorethylene), CXI i} distils, the quantity of which corresponds very nearly to that of the trichloride originally employed. When the operation is finished, which usually occupies three or four hours, and the product is cold, it is dissolved in twice its weight of aniline heated to 212° F. This solution is then poured very slowly into ten times its weight of coal oil with constant agitation ; the blue is precipitated by this means as an impalpable powder, which is collected, washed with coal oil, and again dissolved and reprecipitated in a similar manner. Finally, it is redissolved in twice its weight of aniline, precipitated by 4 parts of hydrochloric acid, collected, and washed with boiling water. The crude blue may also be purified by boiling it with soda solution, extracting the resinous matters from the pulverised base AZODIPHENYL BLUE. 411 by hot petroleum, dissolving the residue in alcohol, and precipitating by hydrochloric acid. Another process, devised by Brimmeyr, consists in heat- ing the diphenylamine to about 245° F. for four or five hours, with an equal weight of oxalic acid ; the amount of colouring matter produced is but small, however. This blue, which is insoluble in water, gives very pure shades in dyeing. Azodiphenyl blue. — This blue is prepared by heating 1 part of azodiphenyldiamine (diazoamidobenzene, p. 429), 1 part of aniline, and 2 of alcohol to 320 F. for four or five hours. The dark blue product is then washed with boiling water, dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and hydrochloric acid, and the base thrown down with caustic soda. By dis- solving the well washed base in a mixture of hot alcohol and hydrochloric acid, and concentrating the solution if neces- sary, a dark blue crystalline hydrochloride is obtained, which is insoluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol, especially if it is warm. The composition of the hydro- chloride is C 18 H 15 N 3 .HC1 the base being formed in the manner represented in the following equation : — C ia H u N 2 + C 6 H 7 N = C 1S H 15 N 3 + NH 3 Diazoamido- Aniline. Azodiphenyl benzene. blue. This blue has the same composition as violaniline, but nothing is known at present of the relation between the two substances. This colour dyes wool and silk of a deep violet-blue. A variety of processes are employed in dyeing with aniline blues. Those which are insoluble in water, are dis- solved in alcohol and wood spirit, or a mixture of these with glycerin ; the purer the blue, the more solvent does it require. Like most of the aniline colours, they dye wool and silk without mordants; a hot bath acidulated with sul- phuric acid, being used for the former, and one of a lower temperature, acidulated with tartaric acid, for the latter. 4 I2 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The soluble sodium salt of the monosulphonic acid of triphenylrosaniline (Nicholson Blue), only gives feebly coloured solutions, but the colour comes out with great in- tensity when a mineral acid is added to them. Woollen piece goods are usually entered into the bath rendered alkaline with soda, water glass (an alkaline silicate), or borax, at 120° F., and the temperature gradually raised to near the boiling point, at which it is kept for about half an hour. The wool extracts the salts in the colourless state, and has such an affinity for them that they cannot be removed by washing with water: on dipping them in an acid, however, the base is removed, and the coloured acid remains combined with the fibre. In order to watch the progress of the dyeing, several strips of the same stuff are attached to the pieces, one of which is removed from time to time, washed, and dipped in acidulated water to bring out the colour. When the required shade has been attained the pieces are taken out, winced in cold water, and then passed through a bath of dilute sulphuric acid to develope the colour: they are finally thoroughly washed in cold water. A blue of this class, manufactured by Messrs. Brooke, Simpson, and Spiller, is a very permanent colour, and is sometimes used with camwood to produce a cheap imita- tion of an indigo vat blue. The soluble blue consisting of the higher sulpho-acids, which now comes but little into the market, dyes silk and wool with moderate facility if the bath is acid, but not if it is neutral or alkaline. The aniline blues have no affinity for cotton fibre, and the attempts to dye them with various mordants have not been very successful. Cotton skeins may, however, be died blue by working them first in a solution of alum and then in soap : the fibre thus mordanted takes up the blue readily, but although it resists light fairly, it cannot be washed with soap. PRINTING ANILINE BLUE. 413 Nicholson's blue on cotton. In printing, the same processes with albumen and lac- tarin may be employed for the blue, as those previously described for magenta. Perkin's arsenious acid process, slightly modified, can also be used. The thickened aniline colour is mixed, according to its strength, with one-eighth to one-fourth of its bulk of a saturated solution of arsenious acid in glycerin, and an equivalent quantity of acetate of alu- mina. The mixture is then printed and steamed for forty- five minutes, after which it is worked in boiling soap-lye for half an hour to brighten the colour. CHAPTER XIV. ANILINE GREEN. — ANILINE YELLOW. Aniline Greens. — One of the first of these colours obtained from aniline was a deep green, called 'emeraldine,' for which Messrs. Calvert, Gift, and Lowe took out a patent in i860. The fabric was first prepared bypassing it through a bath containing one part of potassium chlorate in 200 of water; it was then dried, and printed with an acid aniline hydrochloride. After ageing for a few hours the colour is developed, and the goods only require to be well washed. When passed through a solution of potassium bichromate, the colour is changed to a deep indigo-blue, which was called 'azurine.' Both these colours are dull. Aldehyde green, a very beautiful colour, was accidentally discovered in a remarkable manner. In 1861 Lauth had succeeded in obtaining a blue dye by the action of alde- hyde on an acid solution of aniline; there was, however, great difficulty in fixing it. Shortly afterwards Cherpin, the chemist to the dyeworks of M. Usebe, near St. Ouen, tried several experiments with the colour, during which he mentioned to a photographic friend the difficulty there was in fixing the colour; this gentleman naturally suggested hyposulphite of sodium, with which he was in the habit of 'fixing' his photographs. On making the apparently useless experiment, M. Cherpin found that the blue was converted into a splendid green dye, now known as 'aldehyde green.' In 1862 a patent was taken out for the production of this colour in the following manner: — 2 lbs. of rosaniline ALDEHYDE GREEN. 415 are dissolved in 4 lbs. of sulphuric acid of density v6^ which has previously been diluted with 1 lb. of water. When complete solution has been effected, 8 lbs. of a strong alcoholic solution of aldehyde is added in small portions at a time, and the mixture gently heated until a drop of it, when allowed to fall into water, gives a fine blue coloration without any shade of red. As soon as the reaction is complete, which ordinarily takes place in about 20 minutes, the product is poured into a boiling solution of 8 lbs. of sodium hyposulphite in 5 gallons of water. The mixture is then boiled for 7 or 8 minutes, and the beautiful green-coloured solution separated by filtration from the bluish-grey insoluble precipitate. The green solution may be precipitated by acetate of sodium, tannin, or oxide of zinc, and the green paste dried, or employed for dyeing in the moist state. This green is employed chiefly in silk dyeing, and gives splendid shades, which are very brilliant, both by artificial light and by daylight; as, however, it cannot be kept any length of time without deterioration, dyers usually prepare it for themselves as they require it. ALDEHYDE GREEN ON COTTON. 41 6 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The composition and chemical natute of this substance have not as yet been accurately determined; it is un- doubtedly the salt of an organic base, to which Hofmann assigns the formula C 2 oH 27 N 3 SoO and which may be obtained by decomposing an aqueous or alcoholic solution of aldehyde green with soda or ammonia. It is of a pale green colour, and slightly soluble in alcohol. With acids it forms bright green salts, which are very unstable. According to Lauth, this green is produced whenever aldehyde blue is brought in contact with nascent sulphur, an hypothesis which is strongly supported not only by Hofmann's analysis of the base, but also by Hirzel's method of preparation, in which the aldehyde blue is treated with ammonium sulphide, in place of the hyposulphite. Lucius maintains, however, that aldehyde green exists ready formed in the solution obtained by the action of aldehyde on an acid solution of rosaniline, and that the sodium hyposulphite merely removes the blue and violet-coloured substances produced at the same time. Iodine green. — By far the most important of the aniline greens is that known as the ' iodine green,' which is always produced in larger or smaller quantity, when an excess of methyl or ethyl iodide acts on an alcoholic solution of ros- aniline, Hofmann violet being first produced, which is then converted, by the continued action of the iodide, into dime- thy! iodide of trimethylrosaniline C 20 H 1G (CH 3 ) 3 N 3 (CH 3 I) 2 if the methyl compound has been employed. An explana- tion of the fact that this green colouring matter was not observed until two years after the discovery of the Hof- mann violet, and during which such enormous quantities of the latter were manufactured, is offered by the circum- stance that the most favourable conditions for the production of the violet are those which are most unfavourable for the formation of the green. It was only, therefore, when the ordinary methods were departed from, that the green was IODINE GREEN. 417 produced in quantity sufficient to be isolated, and its pro- perties ascertained. On this account it is somewhat difficult to fix the exact date of its discovery. Messrs. Tillmanns de Crefeld, Meister, Lucius, Briining, Poirrier, and Chappat all seem to have manufactured it in 1865. To Mr. Wanklyn, however, is due the merit of first having published a process for its preparation. This was contained in a patent dated the 6th of November, 1865; and although itself of comparatively little value from an industrial point of view, it has served as the starting point for the present successful methods. Wanklyn's process consisted in heating equal parts of rosaniline, methyl iodide, and methyl alcohol for three hours to 230° F.; the product, which is principally Hofmann violet, is washed with a dilute solution of sodium carbonate, decomposed by caustic soda, and the liberated base, after being dried and pulverised, is again treated with the alcoholic iodide; a third operation suffices to convert nearly all the violet into green. As the latter is very soluble in dilute solutions of sodium carbonate, it is easily separated from the violet which has not been converted, and also from the impurities produced at the same time. Important improvements have been made in this manu- facture by Hofmann and Girard; for although all the salts of rosaniline are capable of being converted into the green, yet some give much better results than others, such as the sulphate, nitrate, benzoate, and especially the acetate. As the presence of water interferes consider- ably with the reaction, it is advisable that all the materials should be in as dry a state as possible; moreover, as the iodine green begins to decompose at 230° R, care must be taken that the temperature should never exceed that point. The iodine green is now manufactured in enamelled CC 41 8 DYEIXG AND CALICO PRINTING. iron digestors of a capacity of about 16 or 20 gallons, and capable of bearing an internal pressure of twenty to twenty-five atmospheres. The lid is furnished with a pressure gauge, and also with a screw tap communicating with a worm, so that at any given moment the liquid pro- ducts of the reaction may be allowed to pass off, and be condensed. The apparatus is heated by means of a water bath or a double steam jacket, care being taken that the temperature never rises above 230" F. Twenty lbs. of pure dry rosaniline acetate, 40 of pure methyl iodide, and 40 of highly rectified methylic alcohol, boiling at 147° — 152° F. are introduced into the apparatus, which is gradually heated. The pressure in the interior of the digestor, as indicated by the manometer, rapidly increases to eight atmospheres, and then more slowly to ten or eleven, which it never ought to exceed. In the course of four or five hours, when the reaction is complete, the steam is shut off, and the apparatus is allowed to cool. The pressure then gradually falls to about four atmospheres, when the screw valve is opened, and the volatile products removed by dis- tillation. Besides the methylic alcohol and excess of methyl iodide, there are considerable quantities of methyl acetate and oxide formed, the latter of which escapes with violence on opening the valve. The semi-fluid mass con- taining the colouring matters is poured into a large vat, heated by steam, and containing 120 gallons of hot distilled water: here the green dissolves entirely, together with a small portion of the violet, which is kept in solution by the acid set free during the reaction ; the greater portion of the violet, however, remains undissolved, and is separated by filtration. To the clear filtered liquor, which must be kept boiling, 70 lbs. of common salt are added, and the free acid is then carefully neutralised with crystallised sodium carbonate in order to precipitate the violet still in solution. To ascertain the exact point when all the violet MANUFACTURE OF IODINE GREEN 419 has been thrown down, a sample is withdrawn from time to time, filtered through sand, and a skein of silk immersed in the hot liquid. When the silk becomes dyed a pure green colour without any admixture of violet, it is a sign that sufficient sodium carbonate has been added; the amount usually required for this purpose being rather more than 3 lbs. After the solution has become quite cold, it is filtered through a sand filter to remove the finely divided violet, and then precipitated with a cold saturated aqueous solution containing about 6 lbs. 14 ozs. of perfectly pure picric acid. In this way a picrate of the iodine green is obtained, which is only very slightly soluble in water; as it is in a fine state of division, it is collected, washed slightly, and allowed to drain until it becomes of a pasty consistence, in which form it is sent into the market. Although it possesses great tinctorial powers, its solubility in water is so slight that it is necessary to employ it in alcoholic solution. In a well conducted operation about 60 per cent, of the colouring matter obtained is green, and about 40 violet. The latter may be converted into green by further treat- ment with methyl iodide in the following manner: — The precipitated violet iodide, after having been carefully washed and dried, is finely powdered, and dissolved in alcohol, adding sufficient caustic soda in alcoholic solution to combine with the hydriodic acid and liberate the base. The whole is now introduced into a vessel furnished with an agitator and a return condenser, and the requisite quan- tity of methyl iodide added. The liquid is carefully heated by means of a water bath, to the temperature of 120 F., and as the production of the green is very rapid, care must be taken to stop the action as soon as the transformation is complete, by cooling rapidly, adding acetic acid, and pour- ing into a large quantity of hot water. After the removal of the unattacked violet by means of common salt and 4 20 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. carbonate of soda, the green may be precipitated by picric acid as before. This green is generally purer than that made directly from rosaniline, and gives finer shades in dyeing. WOOL DYED WITH IODINE GREEN. Soluble green. — The inconvenience arising from the in- solubility of the picrate in water has led to the substitution of a salt of zinc, such as the acetate, chloride, or sulphate, for picric acid in the precipitation of the green from its aqueous solutions containing common salt. The precipi- tates, which are soluble in water, are double salts of zinc and iodine green, and may be prepared either from the product obtained directly from rosaniline, or that from Hofmann violet; in the latter case the colour is purer. The shade which the zinc compound gives in dyeing is less yellow than that of the picrate. Crystallised green. — The iodine green may be obtained in a crystalline state from a concentrated solution. For this purpose, the crude product from 20 lbs. of rosaniline is poured into 24 gallons of boiling water, and after separa- ting the precipitated violet and adding 14 lbs. of common salt, the violet in solution is completely removed by adding a slight excess of sodium carbonate, even at the risk of CRYSTALLISED IODINE GREEN. 421 destroying a small quantity of the green, which is easily altered by ebullition with the alkaline salt. The solution, which should be filtered boiling hot into vats containing copper rods, deposits the dye in beautiful green needles with a metallic-bronze lustre. The finest are formed on the rods and sides of the vessel, whilst at the bottom there is a crystalline crust, which is less pure. It is fit for use after being washed once or twice with a small quantity of cold water to remove the adhering sodium chloride. In order to obtain it chemically pure, however, the purest green crystals should be dissolved in boiling absolute alcohol, the solution filtered, and then mixed with an excess of anhydrous ether; the crystalline precipitate thus produced, when again dissolved in boiling alcohol and allowed to cool slowly, deposits the pure salt in magni- ficent green prisms having a lustre equal to that of the elytra or wing cases of cantharides. Iodine green, or Dimethyliodide of trimethylrosaniline, which in the crystalline state has the formula C 20 H 16 (CH 3 ) 3 N 3 (CH 3 I) 2 + OH, is soluble in alcohol and in water, but insoluble in ether and in benzene. The corresponding acetate crystallises in slender needles, and the nitrate in prisms. Concentrated mineral acids, reducing agents, and oxidising agents, all destroy the green. When treated with alkalis, the iodine green is converted into the corresponding base, which is colourless : it may also be obtained from the picrate by decomposing its solution in ammoniacal alcohol with caustic soda. Transformation of iodine green.— -The crystals of iodine green become changed when left for some time in a vacuum, or when exposed to light; they will now be found to be only partly soluble when treated with water, yielding a green solution, and leaving a residue of a beautiful violet colour, which is extremely soluble in alcohol. This de- composition takes place in the course of a few hours at 422 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. 212° F., and instantly at 300° R; thus the green dissolves in boiling aniline with a splendid violet colour. In this case the green loses a molecule of methyliodide and a molecule of water, and becomes transformed into monomethyliodide of trimethylrosaniline in the following manner: — Q H 10 (CH 3 ) 3 N 3 (CH 3 I) 2 .OH 2 - C 20 H 16 (CH 3 ) 3 N 3 .CH 3 I + Dimethyliodide of trimethyl- Monomethyliodide of rosaniline trimethylrosaniline CH3I + OH, If a solution of iodine green in methyl alcohol be heated to 212 F. for two or three hours in sealed tubes, it splits up into monomethyliodide and trimethyliodide of trimethylrosaniline, the latter of which, being compara- tively insoluble, separates as the liquid cools in long cantharides-green needles. It may also be obtained by the direct union of methyl iodide with aniline green. It is but very slightly soluble in boiling alcohol, giving a violet- blue solution. Perhin's green. — There is also another green dye, a derivative of magenta, known in commerce by the above name. The method employed in its preparation has not been made public, but although it resembles the iodine green more closely than the aldehyde green, it differs from it in its solubility, and in being precipitated from its solu- tions by the alkaline carbonates such as sodium carbonate. It is also precipitated by picric acid, forming a picrate closely resembling that from iodine green, and which crystallises from alcohol in small prisms having a golden iridescence. This colour is now extensively employed, chiefly for calico printing. Methyl green. — Dyes very similar to those prepared by the action of methyl iodide on magenta, may be obtained directly from methylaniline, or rather a mixture of methyl- aniline and methyltoluidine. When such a mixture is oxidised, it yields the so-called 'methyl violet,' or Paris METHYL GREEN. 423 violet (p. 397), which appears to differ from Hofmann violet in retaining its colour when seen by artificial light. If this be methylated by treatment with methyl chloride, or methyl nitrate, 'methyl green' is produced. It may be separated from the unaltered violet by mixing the solution with chloride of zinc, and then gradually adding carbonate of soda. When the violet lake which is at first thrown down ceases to appear on the further addition of carbonate of soda, the solution is concentrated by evaporation, and on cooling, deposits crystals of a double salt of the methyl green hydrochloride, with chloride of zinc. It seems to differ from the iodine green in being more soluble in water, and in not being decomposed when its solution is boiled. It gives very fresh colours, and wool may be dyed with it without any preparation. METHYLANILINE GREEN ON CALICO. The violets obtained from the tertiary monamines, noticed on p. 399, also yield greens when properly treated with methyl iodide or nitrate. The general principles of the methods to be used in dye- ing with these greens are the same as those for the other aniline colours. In order to obtain full shades on wool, Dale recommends that it should be worked in a very dilute 424 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. solution of calcium hypochlorite (chloride of lime) before dyeing: it then takes up the colour very readily. In using the greens sold as insoluble tannates, they must be dissolved in water acidulated with sulphuric acid ; wools and silk can then be readily dyed with them, employing the bath at a higher temperature for the former than for the latter. The so-called 'Pomona paste' of commerce, does not require the use of alcohol, as it is readily soluble in water. Wool is dyed with it in the following manner. A bath is prepared having enough silicate of potash dissolved in it to give the water a soapy feel. In this the wool or woollen yarn is worked at a temperature of 160 F. until it is thoroughly wetted. The colour, which has previously been dissolved in a small quantity of cold water, is now added very gradually to the bath, and the wool worked in it until it has taken up the proper amount of colour. This is ascertained by taking out some waste scraps which have been dyed along with it, and dipping them into very dilute acetic acid. As soon as the proper shade is attained, the wool is taken out and put into a bath of very dilute acetic acid at i6o° F., to which a little tannin, or extract of galls may be added to fix the colour. If a yellow shade of green is required, picric acid may be added to the bath. To dye alpaca with aniline green, the thoroughly wetted stuff is worked in a bath containing 4 ozs. of aniline green, 4 ozs. of strong ammonia, and 4 ozs. of silicate of soda to each 10 lbs. of the material, then passed through a tannin bath, and again returned to the colour bath; finally, it is brightened in a somewhat strong acetic acid bath. To dye cotton, it is first worked thoroughly in a tannin bath made with sumach, galls, or myrobalans, then in double muriate of tin. After this it is winced in water, and the cotton, thus mordanted, worked in a cold bath of the aniline green. ANILINE YELLOWS. 425 Linen may be dyed with aniline green after having been mordanted with tannin and acetate of alumina. The yarn is soaked for 12 hours in a tannin bath made by boiling 8 lbs. of sumach in water, after which it is mordanted with acetate of alumina made by adding a solution of 1 lb. of alum to one of 1 y 2 lbs. of acetate of lead. The yarn thus prepared is worked in the bath of iodine green until it has acquired the proper shade. If a yellow tint is desired, the goods may be topped with picric acid. Sevez recommends for printing, 1 litre of gum water, 250 grammes of paste green, and 150 grammes of bi- sulphite of soda. The mixture is heated in the water bath until homogeneous, and then allowed to stand for three or four days, when it is ready for printing. The colour will bear steaming, and yields more satisfactory results upon silk and worsted than upon calico. ANILINE Yellows. — Generally speaking, the aniline yellow and orange colouring matters differ from those previously described, inasmuch as they are not regularly manufactured, but arise as bye products in the preparation of other aniline colours. Chrysaniline, or phospJiinc, is a bye product obtained in the preparation of magenta, and which, according to Hofmann, has the formula C 20 H 17 N 3 differing from that of rosaniline, C 2 oH 10 N 3 , by two atoms of hydrogen. It was first ob- tained by Nicholson from the magenta residues, by sub- mitting them to a current of steam for some time, and then precipitating the chrysaniline by adding nitric acid to the solution. It is manufactured by Messrs. Brooke, Simpson, and Spiller, but their process is kept secret. There is also a yellow compound formed by the action of oxidising agents on toluidine, discovered by Girard and Chapoteaut in 1866, which possesses characters almost, if not quite, the same as those assigned to chrysaniline. From the results of the analysis, and the mode of 426 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. formation, the substance chrysotohtidine is found to be a homologue of rosaniline, having the formula C 21 H 21 N 3 . As there is but a very slight difference in the centesimal composition assigned to chrysaniline and chrysotoluidine respectively, it is possible that these two substances may be isomeric, if not identical. In fact, whilst chryso- toluidine has been prepared from crystallised toluidine, chrysaniline has been obtained from the residues of magenta made from commercial aniline, which is always rich in the isomeric liquid toluidine. As already noticed, chrysotoluidine occurs along with violaniline and mauvaniline in the insoluble residue ob- tained in the manufacture of magenta, and a process has been given (p. 392) for isolating the mauvaniline. Girard and De Laire treat the crude magenta, obtained from the action of arsenic acid on aniline, in the following way: — 2000 lbs. of the raw product are dissolved in 170 lbs. of hydrochloric acid diluted with 2500 gallons of boiling water. The violaniline remains undissolved, and is sepa- rated by filtration; 250 lbs. of hydrochloric acid are added to the filtrate, which, on cooling, deposits 80 or 90 lbs. of mauvaniline hydrochloride mixed with a little rosaniline and resinous matters ; 1250 lbs. of common salt are added to the filtrate, which precipitates 60 to 70 lbs. of a mixture of mauvaniline and rosaniline salts, and after this has been separated 166 lbs. of soda ash (containing 60 per cent, of soda) is added. The precipitate thus obtained, which weighs 410 to 420 lbs., consists almost entirely of rosani- line salts, mixed, however, with a very small quantity of salts of chrysotoluidine. After this has been separated, the filtrate is completely saturated by adding to it 75 lbs. more of soda ash; this throws down the chrysotoluidine as an amorphous pre- cipitate weighing from 75 to 80 lbs. In order to purify it, 100 lbs. are boiled with 250 gallons of lime water CHR YSO TOL UID1NE. 427 containing a little lime in suspension, and after 4 or 5 hours' boiling it is filtered, and the filtrate rendered acid with hydrochloric acid; on cooling, it deposits a well crystallised salt of rosaniline, containing a little chryso- toluidine, and known in commerce as yellow magenta. It is probable that this colour is identical or very similar to the 'cerise' obtained from magenta residues in the manner described on p. 382. In order to separate the chrysotoluidine from the insolu- ble residue, it is heated in an enamelled cast-iron vessel with a little water, and enough hydrochloric acid is added to exactly neutralise the lime. The chrysotoluidine melts and floats on the surface of the strong chloride of calcium solution, from which it is removed by a skimmer, and washed with a little cold water. One hundred lbs. of the product are then dissolved in a boiling mixture of 200 gallons of water with 100 lbs. of hydrochloric acid. As soon as it is completely dissolved, 10 lbs. of zinc are added, and the whole boiled for eight hours; by this means the last traces of rosaniline are converted into leucaniline and removed. When cold, the solution is exactly neutralised with carbonate of soda, and precipitated by the addition of 20 lbs. of common salt. The yield is 80 lbs. of amorphous chrysotoluidine. In order to purify this, it is dissolved in 200 gallons of boiling water slightly acidulated, precipitated by 50 lbs. of caustic soda at 12 Baume, the precipitate washed with cold water, and 8 lbs. of sulphuric acid poured over it. It is then again dissolved in 200 gallons of hot water, boiled for two hours, and filtered when cold. This solution is then carefully precipitated with carbonate of soda, which throws down about 20 lbs. of a brownish-yellow colouring matter fit for dyeing skins. On adding common salt to the filtrate, 25 lbs. of nearly pure chrysotoluidine are ob- tained. Each of these precipitates, after being collected 4 28 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and pressed, is converted into sulphate by the addition of the exact amount of sulphuric acid. Chrysotoluidine may be prepared directly from the crystalline toluidine by the action of heat on the arseniate, but as that salt is difficultly fusible, it is advisable to add an excess of toluidine acetate. It then begins to fuse at 265° F., and at 300 F. decomposes, water being given off and an orange-coloured matter formed. Carbon trichloride or stannic chloride (bichloride of tin), may be conveniently substituted for the arsenic acid. The action is then perfectly regular, although a small quantity of ditolylamine is always produced. In order to purify the crude product, it is boiled with excess of soda, the unaltered toluidine being driven off by a current of steam. The liberated base is then washed, dissolved in a slight excess of dilute hydrochloric acid, and precipitated by picric acid in excess. The acid picrate of chrysotoluidine thus obtained may be purified by crystal- lisation, and the base set free by treatment with a solution of caustic soda. Chrysotoluidine, may also readily be obtained by the action of nitrate of mercury on toluidine acetate. Pure clirysotohiidiiie, C.^H^N-, is a yellow amorphous powder, resembling recently precipitated lead chromate. It is but slightly soluble even in boiling water, but is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, and benzene. When sub- mitted to dry distillation, it yields ditolylamine. It unites with acids forming two series of salts, one monacid, and the other diacid. These, as a rule, crystallise well, the most remarkable being the nitrates. The nitrates form ruby-red needles, and are very insoluble, so that if a dilute solution of potassium nitrate be added to a moderately concentrated solution of a chrysotoluidine salt, a crystal- line precipitate of the mononitrate is immediately pro- duced. The diacid salt is formed on adding concentrated CHR YSOTOL UIDINE. 429 nitric acid to a solution of the monacid salt. It is decom- posed by water, losing its acid, and being converted into the monacid salt. ANILINE YELLOW. By treating chrysotoluidine with methyl iodide, three atoms of its hydrogen are replaced by methyl, giving rise to the iodide of a new base, trimethylchrysotoluidine, C 21 H 18 (CH 3 ) 3 N 3 , which crystallises in brilliant crimson needles. They are soluble in water, and dye wool and silk a brilliant orange-red. Scheurer-Kestner obtained an orange dye by dissolving mauveine in dilute hydrochloric acid, and treating it with tin. When the metal has dissolved, and the solution lost its purple colour, the addition of common salt throws down a yellow precipitate, which is collected, pressed, and the colouring matter extracted by alcohol. It dyes silk and wool of a yellowish-orange colour, but it easily oxidises and becomes red. Diazoamidobenzene and amidodiphenylimidc, C 12 H n N 3 , are isomeric compounds obtained by the action of nitrous acid on an alcoholic solution of aniline, the former at ordinary and the latter at higher temperatures. Diazoamidobenzene, or azodiphenyldiamine, crystallises in golden-yellow shining 430 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. laminae, which are sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, and insoluble in water. The isomeric amidodiphcnylimide is a yellow crystalline powder which is identical with the product which Schiff* obtained by heating to 21 2° F. 1 part of aniline nitrate dissolved in 10 of water, with 3 of sodium stannate. A reaction takes place, which may be considered to be complete when a sample of the liquid turns red on the addition of an acid. It is then allowed to cool, the stannic oxide removed by hydrochloric acid, and the residue purified by repeated solution in dilute boiling hydrochloric acid, and precipitation with ammonia. Its solutions, when slightly acidulated, dye silk and wool a deep lemon-yellow colour. The picrate gives a red shade. It yields a blue dye when heated with aniline. It is a curious circumstance that both these isomeric aniline yellows are volatile, and may be removed from the dyed fabrics by the mere application of heat. This necessarily interferes considerably with their application in dyeing. Zinaline is the name given by Vogel to a yellow dye obtained by the action of nitrous acid on solutions of rosaniline. It is slightly soluble in boiling water, mode- rately soluble in hot alcohol, and dyes wool and silk a pale orange, which is changed to red by ammonia. It dissolves in concentrated acids with a yellow colour, and with alkalis it gives a bright red solution, from which acids precipitate the zinaline unchanged. This substance, to which Vogel assigns the formula C 20 H 19 N 2 O 3 , melts below 212 F., and at a higher temperature gives off abundant yellow vapours, and then takes fire with slight detonation. A substance which dyes silk and wool of a beautiful golden-yellow colour is also obtained from the mother liquors of magenta made by the nitrate of mercury pro- cess, after the red has been precipitated by common salt. *Compt. Rend., lvi., 1234. ADUL TEE A TION OF ANILINE YELL OW. 431 It is sparingly soluble in boiling water, readily soluble in alcohol. Jacobsen obtains a yellow colouring matter by the action of 4 parts of mercurous nitrate on 10 of aniline hydrochloride dissolved in 40 of water. After 24 hours the precipitate is redissolved in boiling water, which, on cooling, deposits it in a state of purity. Adulterations. — The colours which come into the market as aniline yellow and aniline orange are mostly mixtures of yellow and red colouring matters. Naphthalene yellow and nitrophenol are often sold as aniline yellow, and will be found on examination to consist principally of picric acid or naphthalene yellow. Many of these mixtures may be detected by microscopical examination, or by treating the sample with cold water. The chief adulterant is picric acid, which may be readily recognised by its yielding the purple isopurpuric acid when treated with potassium cyanide, and when treated with chloride of lime, chloro- picrin, which makes itself known by its characteristic pungent odour. Chrysaniline generally contains arsenic, in some cases to the extent of 5 per cent, or more. The presence of picric acid is a decided evil, as it not only diminishes the brilliancy of the yellow colour, but acts prejudicially in other ways. CHAPTER XV. Aniline Brown.— Aniline Black. Aniline Maroons and Browns. — These colours are only of secondary importance in dyeing. One of the first patents taken out for them was that of Messrs. Girard and De Laire for the production of a maroon. To 4 parts of dry aniline hydrochloride in a state of fusion, 1 part of dry magenta is added, and as soon as this is completely dissolved the temperature is raised as rapidly as possible to 465 R, the point of ebullition of the hydrochloride, at which it is maintained until the violet-red coloured mass suddenly becomes a maroon. This point is usually reached in the course of one or two hours ; yellowish vapours of a peculiar alliaceous odour, recalling that of phenyl cyanide, making their appearance just before the change above- mentioned takes place. The colour is soluble in water, alcohol, and acids, and may be employed directly for dyeing, or it may be purified by precipitating its aqueous solution with common salt. It gives rich shades on silk, and also on leather. It is not improbable that this colour- ing matter is an impure chrysotoluidine derivative. Schultz prepares a fine garnet colour by passing a cur- rent of nitrous acid into finely divided rosaniline, suspended in a solution of soda or ammonia. It dyes wool, silk, and mordanted cotton full rich shades, varying from puce to garnet. There is also a brown met with in commerce, manu- factured from phenylenediamine by treating it with an alkaline nitrite. The phenylenediamine for this purpose is ANILINE BROWNS. 433 prepared by submitting dinitrobenzene to the action of tin and hydrochloric acid. Jacobson prepares browns by the action of oxidising agents on rosaniline. One process consists in heating aniline formate to 21 2° F. with a strong solution of ammo- nium chromate; in the other, picric acid is heated in a capacious vessel with two parts of commercial aniline. At first the picric acid dissolves, forming an orange-yellow oily liquid, but as the temperature rises it becomes brown, and at 230 to 240 F. evolves abundance of vapours. It should be kept at 280 to 300 F. until ammoniacal vapours cease to be given off, and a small portion thrown into water communicates but a faint yellow colour to the liquid ; this usually takes some hours. The black mass is then poured with constant stirring into dilute hydrochloric acid, and in order to remove all the unaltered aniline and also a red colouring matter which is present, it is ground up and boiled repeatedly with successive portions of very dilute acid. It is finally collected, and washed first with an alka- line solution, and then with pure water. This dye is insoluble in water, but if too high a tempera- ture has not been employed in its preparation, it is completely soluble in alcohol. Its alcoholic solution is acidulated with sulphuric acid and mixed with glycerin, before it is added to the bath. The crude colour may also be purified by dissolving it in concentrated sulphuric acid, pouring the solution into water, and precipitating with common salt. As thus pre- pared it is somewhat more readily soluble in alcohol. This colour dyes silk a Corinth red, and wool a deep brown with a violet reflection. M. H. Koechlin employs the brown colouring matter noticed by Hofmann when studying the action of oxidising agents on rosaniline. These colours may be fixed on wool by printing a mixture of gum water with 2 parts of oxalic DD 434 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. acid and I of potassium chlorate, to which an alcoholic solution of magenta, containing 50 grammes to the litre, is added. The shade of brown may be altered by employing less oxalic acid and chlorate — this causes it to have a redder tinge. By adding neutral extract of indigo, any shade of colour up to black may be obtained. This brown may also be fixed on cotton by means of albu- men: it is prepared for this purpose by acting on magenta with hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate. The pro- duct, which is insoluble in water, after being thoroughly washed, is ready for use. It is soluble in alcohol and in concentrated sulphuric acid, from both of which solutions it is precipitated by water. Wise prepares a brown in the following manner : a mix- ture of equal parts of rosaniline and formic acid — to which may be added half a part of sodium acetate — is heated for several hours to a temperature which may vary from 290 to400° F. It then forms an orange-red coloured mass, which, when cold, is thoroughly mixed with three parts of aniline and again heated for an hour or two, this time to about 445 F. When the reaction is complete, the brown- coloured product is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and the colouring matter precipitated by common salt. Sieberg prepares a brown dye by the action of aniline on the mixture of crude violaniline, mauvaniline, and chrysotoluidine obtained as an insoluble residue in the magenta manufacture. For this purpose 10 lbs. of the residue are added to 20 lbs. of fused aniline hydrochloride, and the mass heated until the brown colour is fully developed, which may be ascertained by dissolving a sam- ple in alcohol. As soon as the reaction is complete, the product is poured with constant agitation into 50 gallons of boiling water, in which 40 lbs. of crystallised carbonate of soda has been dissolved. The insoluble brownish-black tarry mass thus obtained is repeatedly washed with water. ANILINE BLACK. 435 In order to prepare it for use, 5 lbs. of the dye are dissolved in 4^ gallons of alcohol, and 6}i gallons of water are added, with constant stirring. It is then put aside to settle, and the clear brown solution decanted. Most of the aniline browns are soluble in boiling water, and may be used directly for dyeing. No mordant is re- quired for dyeing wool or silk: with cotton, albumen is employed, and also processes similar to those already described when treating of the other aniline colours. A yellower shade can in most cases be obtained by employing a small amount of picric acid ; whilst for a redder shade magenta may be added to the bath. ANILINE BROWN. Aniline Black. — This colouring matter is of a very indefinite nature, and differs remarkably from the other aniline colours previously described, as it is quite insoluble in water and alcohol, in soap lye, and in acid or alkaline solutions, so that it has to be formed on the fibre itself. It gives a deep velvety shade on cotton, whicli is cnangec to a dull green by the action of acids, and restored again to its original colour by alkaline solutions. HDilute solu- tion$ of potassium dichromate intensify the colour, and 436 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. hypochlorites slowly destroy it. If, however, an aniline black be submitted to the action of a solution containing a hypochlorite merely until it acquires a red shade, and is then washed and exposed to the air, it slowly becomes black again. The processes for printing aniline black are very numerous and varied, the earliest being that employed by Mr. J. Lightfoot, of Accrington, in i860, and for which a French patent was taken out in January, 1863. The peculiarity of this colour is, that it does not exist when printed on the fabric, but is gradually developed by the reactions which take place between the various substances composing the mixture that is printed. The first mixture employed consisted of: — Starch 1 y 2 lbs. to 1 gallon of water Aniline 8 ounces Hydrochloric acid 8 „ Ammonium chloride 4 „ Xitrate of copper solution (88° T\v.) ... 2 „ Chlorate of potassium 4 „ In the patent of 1863 this was considerably modified, the mixture to be printed consisting of: — Aniline 8 ounces Hydrochloric acid 8 „ Acetic acid 20 „ Perchloride of copper (SS° Tw.) 8 „ Ammonium chloride 4 „ This was mixed with 1 gallon of starch paste containing 4 ozs. of chlorate of potassium in solution; or, if used for dyeing, the thickening could be omitted. The dyed or printed goods were then aged for three days, washed, and soaped, or passed through a dilute solution of chloride of lime, whereby an intense black was produced. During the ageing, the acid decomposes the chlorate of potassium, and the liberated chloric acid and the cupric chloride, reacting ANILINE BLACK. 437 on the aniline, produce the insoluble aniline black which remains fixed on the tissue. The beauty and lustre of the black thus obtained caused it to be extensively adopted in England, France, Switzer- land, and Germany ; but the excess of acid and the copper chloride attacked the rollers and doctors of the printing machines so strongly, that the process fell into disfavour. Moreover, the mixture would not keep for any length of time at the ordinary temperatures, the reaction which pro- duces aniline black taking place in the mixture itself, so that the colour, being no longer formed on the fibre itself, would not adhere. It is still used, however, for block printing. Lauth succeeded in obviating this inconvenience by substituting the insoluble sulphide of copper for the acid chloride of copper, and in January, 1865, took out a patent for the new process. Water 5 litres Starch 1000 grammes Sulphide of copper 250 „ This mixture was boiled, and allowed to cool. In the meantime a second mixture was prepared containing: — Water 1850 grammes Torrefied starch 1 200 Gum water 1000 Aniline hydrochloride 800 Chloride of ammonium 100 Chlorate of potassium 300 When cold, the two mixtures were thoroughly incor- porated, and printed in the usual manner. The black was developed by ageing for 24 hours at about 70° F. and then washing thoroughly. In this mixture, the sulphide of copper is gradually converted into sulphate by the oxidis- ing action of the hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate, and then acts as the chloride of copper does in Lightfoot's 43 S DYEING AND CALICO PRIXTIXG. mixture. As the soluble salt of copper does not exist in the mixture when printed, but is only formed gradually on the fibre, it does not affect the rollers and doctors; more- over, the mixture can be kept for a considerable length of time in a cool place. The sulphide of copper for this purpose is prepared by precipitating a hot solution of sulphate of copper, with sodium sulphide made by boiling flowers of sulphur in a solution of caustic soda. The black precipitate merely requires to be collected and washed, to be ready for use. The nature of the acid which enters into the composition of the aniline salt is not a matter of indifference : neither the acetate nor the citrate give good blacks, whilst both the hydrochloride and nitrate give good results. The more acid the aniline salt is, the more rapidly does the colour develope, and the deeper is the shade ; unfortunately, when a great excess of acid is used, it not only attacks the rollers but also injures the fibre. M. C. Koechlin has modified Lauth's process by substi- tuting tartrate of aniline for the hydrochloride; this has not only the advantage that it can be applied to the most delicate tissues, but it does not attack the mordants for other colours with which it may be mixed in printing. Koechlin's formula is : — Water 10 litres Starch 2 kilos Torrefied starch 2 ., Aniline 2 „ Chloride of ammonium 4 n Chlorate of potassium 1 ., Boil together until the mixture is homogeneous, and when cold add 1 kilo of sulphide of copper paste and 2 kilos of tartaric acid. M. Sacc has succeeded in obtaining deep olive-browns with the following mixture : — AXILIXE BLACK. 439 Water 300 grammes Starch 36 „ Aniline 20 „ Chlorate of potassium 15 „ Acetate of copper 15 „ Nitric acid 10 „ Dullo has proposed to employ a paste prepared by mixing 100 grammes of aniline, 80 of hydrochloric acid, 10 of black oxide of manganese, and 1 litre of water. The colour, which is green at first, is changed to black by the action of ammonia. The action of oxide of manganese on an acid salt of aniline has been taken advantage of by Lauth, who pro- poses to dye or print vegetable fabrics or yarns by first applying a salt of manganese, and then passing the goods through a bath of dilute caustic soda to precipitate the manganous oxide; this is finally converted into peroxide by treatment with chloride of lime. The mordanted pieces or yarn, after being thoroughly washed, are im- mersed in a bath of aniline salt containing 50 grammes of aniline, 100 of hydrochloric acid, and 150 of sulphuric acid to the litre of water. The mordanted parts then acquire a greenish hue, which becomes black when passed through a bath of soap lye, or weak alkali. Treatment with a dilute solution of potassium dichromate, or with a mixture of potassium chlorate, ammonium chloride, and sulphate of copper (1 gramme of each to the litre) inten- sifies the colour. The goods are finally washed and boiled with soap. In order to dye wool, silk, or other animal substances, the peroxide of manganese mordant is de- posited by immersing them in a bath of weak manganate or permanganate of potassium, and then dyeing them in the manner just described. This process gives a very brilliant black, but the mordanting is troublesome, and the dye is apt to rub off a little. 440 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The following recipes, the two first of which are by Mr. Spirk, may also be found useful: — Water 6 litres Aniline i ooo grammes Chlorate of potassium 625 „ Chloride of ammonium 625 „ Boil for a quarter of an hour, and, when nearly cold, add 1000 grammes of tartaric acid dissolved in 1 litre of water, stirring all the time. To prepare this for use add 135 grammes of starch and 135 of dextrin to 1 litre of the mixture, and boil until dissolved; then, just before printing, add 60 grammes of sulphide of copper. Water 3 litres Starch 150 grammes Tragacanth 7^ „ Dextrin 42 „ Potassium chlorate 90 „ Ammonium chloride 75 „ Boil until dissolved; when cold add 240 grammes of aniline, and, just before printing, 75 grammes of sulphide of copper. Water 6 litres Starch 300 grammes Tragacanth 150 „ Torrefied starch 750 „ Potassium chlorate 200 „ Boil until dissolved; when cold add 400 grammes of aniline hydrochloride, and, just before printing, 200 grammes of sulphide of copper. Starch solution 5 litres Dextrin solution 5 „ Tragacanth solution 5 „ Potassium chlorate 500 grammes Aniline hydrochloride 1 000 „ Before printing incorporate 330 grammes of sulphide of copper. ANILINE BLACK. 441 The printed goods, after ageing for 24 to 48 hours at a temperature of about 8o° R, are passed, first through an alkaline bath at 170 R, and then through a soap bath. If the whites are dull, they may be brightened with weak bleaching liquor. An aniline black paste, to be used for printing with albumen, may be prepared by warming to about 140 F. a solution of 40 grammes of potassium chlorate, 32 of ammonium chloride, 80 of sulphate of copper, and 80 of aniline hydrochloride in a litre of water. In a few minutes a powerful reaction sets in, and the mixture froths up. It is now left to itself for a few hours, and if the black is not fully developed it is again heated to 140 R, and then exposed in an open place for a day or two. It must be carefully washed until it is quite free from soluble salts. It is then ready for use. Jarosson and Miiller have patented a process for aniline black in which iron chloride is substituted for the copper salt usually employed, the cloth being mordanted with it by immersion in a bath prepared by dissolving 6 lbs. of iron in 2 gallons of water and 20 lbs. of hydrochloric acid, and then diluting it with water until it has a density of 12° Baume. It is then aged for 12 hours. The mordanted calico or yarn is then winced in a bath containing for each 60 lbs. of cotton 6 lbs. of aniline and 10 lbs. of hydro- chloric acid, to which is added a solution of 4 lbs. 3 ozs. of potassium chlorate in 6 gallons of water. The cloth is then heated for 3 to 5 hours in a closed vessel to a temperature of 90 R, which is gradually raised to 120 R, and the colour finally fixed by a bichromate bath. Schlumberger has proposed to print aniline black with a mixture made by adding 10 per cent, of moist aniline ferrocyanide to a thickened mixture of aniline chlorate. The aniline ferrocyanide for this purpose is prepared by mixing 2 kilos of aniline with 2 kilos of hydrochloric acid 442 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. of 19/ Baume, and then adding it to a solution of 2*4 kilos of potassium ferrocyanide in 4*2 litres of water. The ferrocyanide should be dissolved in the water by boiling, and as soon as it has cooled to 1 35° F. the aniline salt must be added. When it is quite cold, the crystalline pulp of aniline ferrocyanide is thrown on a filter and allowed to drain. It should weigh about 47 kilos. It has the inconvenience that it cannot be kept long, for it quickly acquires a violet colour, especially if exposed to light. The composition of aniline black is not known, neither is its mode of formation thoroughly understood. It seems probable, however, that it consists of two colours, one a brown-black, produced by the action of the chlorinating agents on the aniline salt; the other, an intense violet blue-black, is, perhaps, a product of the oxidation of the aniline salt. The former is the most stable, resisting the action of almost all chemical agents; whilst the latter, although it resists soaping, is turned green by a trace of free acid. These two colours combined form ordinary aniline black. According to Brandt, the composition of the aniline blacks fixed upon fibrous materials differs greatly according to the process employed, as is evident from the manner in which they withstand the action of light and of chemical reagents. The more intense the black, the better does it resist the agents which are likely to produce this change. A black which has been formed in the presence of an excess of aniline is always faster than one formed where the acid is in excess, the latter being apt to turn green. As, however, potassium chlorate decomposes but slowly in the presence of an excess of aniline, it is advisable to substitute for it, in this case, aniline chlorate; the develop- ment of the colour also takes place much more rapidly, since the chlorate of aniline itself is applied to the cloth, instead of being formed by double decomposition ANILINE BLACK. AA% between the aniline hydrochloride, and the potassium chlorate. Some aniline blacks resist the action of chemical agents extremely well, whilst others readily turn olive-green in contact with air containing sulphurous fumes, so that if the gas, used in a warehouse where goods dyed or printed with aniline black are stored, should contain a little sulphur, the folds of all the pieces will be turned green, more or less, by the sulphurous anhydride produced. Aniline black may be considered as the result of the mixture of colours produced by two different reactions, namely, the decomposition of the aniline chlorate and of the oxidation of the aniline itself. By the decomposition of the aniline chlorate, chlorinated substitution products of aniline are formed, and the various degrees of substitution which may take place would offer a probable explanation of the different results obtained. The presence of copper has generally been regarded as essential to the production of aniline black, but Mr. Light- foot has recently ascertained that there are a few other metals which are capable of replacing it in this curious reaction. The manner in which the experiments were carried out was by printing a thickened mixture of ammonium chlorate and aniline hydrochloride, containing excess of aniline, on well bleached cotton by means of a wooden roller. The fabric thus prepared was brought, whilst still damp, in contact with various metals, and allowed to remain for a quarter of an hour, after which it was hung up in a warm moist atmosphere for twelve hours, and then passed through an alkaline bath. The metals tried were copper, iron, vanadium, uranium, nickel, lead, zinc, antimony, tin, manganese, chromium, bismuth, arsenic, titanium, tungsten, cadmium, molybdenum, mercury, silver, gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, cobalt, aluminium, magnesium, thallium, lithium 444 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. lanthanum, didymium, erbium, yttrium, tantalum, and niobium, also selenium and tellurium. The result showed that the best black was produced by vanadium, the next best by copper, then uranium, and lastly iron. The other metals gave but little colour, or none at all. It has been found that all the aniline blacks believed to be formed in those processes in which copper salts are not employed, owe their formation to the presence of that metal in the vessels in which the mixtures have been prepared, or to the use of copper or bronze rollers in printing; the merest trace of copper being sufficient to produce a black colour, although a larger quantity greatly facilitates its de- velopment. Mr. Lightfoot found that a sovereign or a shilling which had no effect on his printed calico, after having been violently shaken in a bag with some copper coins, produced a change; the gold coin giving a grey mark, and the silver one an almost black tint. It has also been thought that the presence of chloride of ammonium was essential to the formation of the colour, but Rheineck has prepared aniline black without the use of ammonia, by mixing equal weights of aniline, hydro- chloric acid, and potassium chlorate, with a minute quantity of chloride of copper, and a sufficient quantity of water, and allowing the solution to evaporate spontaneously. The black powder thus produced, after being thoroughly washed with water, left no residue on ignition. According to Rheineck, aniline black is a powerful base, to which he gives the name of nigraniline. When a cotton fabric is immersed in a solution of aniline hydrochloride and potassium chlorate, containing a little cupric chloride, and then exposed to the air, it acquires a dark green colour, which on treatment with alkalis changes to a violet-black. The dark green compound is the hydrochloride of the base, from which the hydrochloric acid may be removed by soda or ammonia, leaving the black base. This base is more ANILINE BLACK. 44$ powerful than aniline, and expels it from its salts ; so that if a piece of cotton lightly dyed as above described, and then treated with an alkali, be immersed in a solution of aniline hydrochloride, it immediately takes a green tinge, even if the aniline is in excess. A piece of cotton moderately coloured with aniline black is a good test for the presence of free acids or alkalis, and the same piece may be used several times without losing its sensitiveness. When turned green by an acid, it should be well washed with distilled water, after which it will be found to change to violet when immersed even in a very feeble alkaline solution, such as spring water. When the greenish-black precipitate ob- tained by Rheineck's method is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid, it gives off hydrochloric acid, and yields a violet-coloured solution ; on evaporation this leave a green- black residue apparently the sulphate of the base. In dyeing with aniline black, the nature of the aniline, as in the preparation of the other aniline colours, is a matter of considerable importance, neither pure aniline nor pure toluidine giving satisfactory results. The aniline oils usually employed for this purpose may be separated by fractional distillation into four portions. 1. About 60 to 65 per cent, of nearly pure aniline, boil- ing at 356 to 365 F. 2. About 18 to 22 per cent, of a mixture of aniline and toluidine, boiling at 365 to 378 F. 3. About 8 or 9 per cent, of nearly pure toluidine, boil- ing at 378° to 388° F. 4. From 4 to 6 per cent, of residue, boiling above 388 F., and consisting of xylidine, cumidine, &c. The specific gravity of these fractions is as follows : — 1. From 2°. 7 5 to 3° '.4 Baume. 2. „ i°.6 to 2°. 1 3. ,, o°.6 to i".o 4- „ °°-5 446 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Pure aniline oil of Coupier has a density of 3°.5 Baume; ordinary toluidine o°.88 ; and pseudotoluidine o°.5o. Pure aniline oil of Coupier, and anilines boiling at temperatures varying from 3 5 6° to 365 ° F., yield intense and brilliant blacks. Pseudotoluidine and the products boiling at 365 to 378 F., also give good blacks, but with a blue shade. Ordinary toluidine of Coupier, and fractions of aniline oil boiling above 378° F., give unsatisfactory shades between brown and black. As toluidine, which is decidedly injurious to the colour if present in too large a quantity, has a comparatively low density, it will be evident that the specific gravity of the oil affords important indications of its value for the pro- duction of aniline black. If the specific gravity of the oil is above 3°. 5 Baume, it will generally be found to contain nitrobenzene. Anilines of 3°.5 to 2° Baume give satisfac- tory blacks, whilst if below 2° it contains too much toluidine. Although this method of testing the value of the aniline has the advantage of simplicity and rapidity, much more accurate results may be obtained by submitting the sample to fractional distillation, and noting the amount which dis- tils over between 355° and 375° F. Hartmann estimates the value of a given sample of aniline by observing the yield of black dye which it gives as compared with that obtained from a known quantity of Coupler's aniline. Although it had long been known that bichromate of potassium has a very powerful action upon certain aniline salts if the solution is sufficiently concentrated, producing a black precipitate, yet none of the attempts to render this available for dyeing black have hitherto been successful. Thus, if the mixed solution of the aniline salt and bichro- mate is very dilute, the fabric immersed in it is not dyed at all ; whilst, if concentrated, a black precipitate soon makes its appearance in the bath. Attempts were made to ANILINE BLACK. 447 obviate this inconvenience by cooling the solutions to the freezing point, but, as aniline chromate is comparatively insoluble at a low temperature, it crystallised out if the solutions were sufficiently concentrated to produce the colour, and, being deposited on the cloth, caused the formation of spots. Moreover, when the piece was removed from the bath and the temperature rose, there was danger of its being burnt in the neighbourhood of the spots, from the heat evolved in the decomposition of the aniline chromate. M. J. Persoz has overcome these difficulties by the simple expedient of exposing the tightly stretched cotton fabric to the spray of solutions of an aniline salt and of potassium bichromate, which are separately applied to the cloth by means of a horizontal brush, to which a reciprocating motion is communicated in a vertical direction. These solutions, which may be thus applied either successively or simultaneously, become intimately mixed in the fabric itself, where the reaction takes place which results in the production of the black. The cloth has at first a very dark green colour, which changes to a pure black when washed and passed through a soap bath. By printing the fabric with resins or fats previous to dyeing it in this way, white patterns on a black ground may be obtained. Persoz found that neutral salts of aniline do not give good results, neither do salts of organic acids, such as the acetate or oxalate; the best aniline salts for the purpose being the biacid salts. The sulphates give a reddish-black, and the hydrochlorides and nitrates a black with a violet or blue shade. As might be expected, a mixture of equal volumes of the bisulphate and bihydrochloride gives excellent results, It is necessary to employ a rather con- centrated solution of bichromate of potassium, containing not less than 8 per cent, of the salt. Aniline black is much valued for printing on cotton 443 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRINTING. ANILINE BLACK. on account of its brilliancy and fastness. It acquires a greenish hue by long exposure to air and light, but the original colour is restored by treatment with alkaline solu- tions, or by washing with soap. Considerable difficulties have hitherto been met with in dyeing silk and wool with this colour, but in 1S65 Mr. Lightfoot patented a process for treating wool, by which it was rendered capable of taking up aniline black. A solution is prepared with 1 lb. of chloride of lime to 1 gallon of water, and the wool is immersed at ioo = F. in a bath of 30 gallons of water, 7 lbs. of solution of chloride of lime, and 1 lb. of hydrochloric acid, and worked in it until it acquires a yellowish tinge. It is then thoroughly washed, and is ready for dyeing by Lauth's or Lightfoot's process. According to Lauber, an aniline grey may be printed on cotton by the following process: — In 3*5 litres of water 625 grammes of potassium chlorate are dissolved, and on cooling the following materials are stirred in: 6'5 litres of gum water to 1 kilo; 3125 grammes of ammonium chloride; 1500 grammes of potassio-chromic tartrate of 30" Baume; 200 grammes of aniline; and n 60 CASTHELAZ GREY. 449 grammes of tartaric acid. The whole is well stirred up until the salts are completely dissolved. The potassio-chromic tartrate is prepared by dissolving 960 grammes of potassium dichromate in 3 litres of boiling water, and when the solution has cooled to uo° R, adding 1,440 grammes of finely powdered tartaric acid. The vessel is placed in cold water, so as to avoid any rise of temperature, which might prove injurious. The printing should proceed continuously, and not stop, in fact, until the last piece leaves the dry plates. The pieces are hung up for forty-eight hours in a warm room, the temperature of which is about 105 F., then washed, dried, and finished. Paler shades may be obtained by diluting the mixture with gum water. Casthelaz prepares an aniline grey by the action of aldehyde on an acid solution of mauveine, but its price hitherto has been very high. To prepare it, 10 lbs. of mauveine paste are dissolved in 1 1 lbs. of concentrated sulphuric acid 66° Baume: 6 lbs. of aldehyde are gradually added, and the whole left to stand for four or five hours. It is then poured into water, the solution filtered, and the colouring matter precipitated by common salt. It may easily be purified by successive solutions and reprecipitations. To prepare it for printing, one part of the solution of 'Casthelaz grey' is mixed with four of reduction paste made by boiling I gallon of acetate of alumina, 1 gallon of water, and 3 lbs. of starch until dissolved, and then adding 8 ozs. of arsenic dissolved in 1 pint of glycerin. The pieces should be steamed for half an hour. EE CHAPTER XVI. PHENOL, CRESOL, AND NAPTHALENE COLOURS. Besides the numerous beautiful dyes which have been described in the previous chapters as derived from aniline and its homologues, there are others, which, although not 'aniline colours,' have been prepared from products ob- tained in the distillation of coal-tar. It is the object of the present chapter to notice briefly the various compounds in coal-tar which yield these colours, and also to describe the mode of preparation of the most important of the latter. PHENOL. — This substance, which is known also by the name of carbolic acid or coal-tar creosote, was discovered in coal-tar by Runge, and was afterwards obtained in larger quantity and carefully examined by Laurent, and by Williamson and Scrugham. The first, however, to manu- facture it on a large scale was Dr. E. Sell, a German chemical manufacturer at Offenbach, who introduced it as a substitute for creosote. Phenol may be extracted both from the light coal-tar naphtha, and also from that portion of the oil which distils between 300 and 400 F. by agitating them with milk of lime or a solution of soda, the former source yielding the purer article. After separating the clear solution from the neutral oils, and neutralising it with an acid, the impure phenol is obtained as an oily layer, which is submitted to fractional distillation. The portions which come over between 360° and 368 F., when well cooled, form a mass of crystals, from which the fluid portions may be removed by PHENOL. 45 1 draining and pressure, or by means of a centrifugal machine. If a very pure phenol is required, it is advisable to repeat the solution in alkali and precipitation with an acid before the final rectification. This precipitation should be made fractionally, the first portions which are thrown down con- taining all the naphthalene and most of the cresol, whilst the subsequent fractions consist of almost pure phenol, which will crystallise after one rectification, if a crystal of the substance be added to the distillate when cold. Phenol, C G H 6 or C c H 5 .OH, crystallises in long colour- less needles, which melt at 108 F., and boil at 359'6° F. It is moderately soluble in water, and forms with it a crystal- line hydrate, 2C 6 H 6 + OH,, in large six-sided prisms, which melt at 93 F. When a small quantity of water is added to crystalline phenol, it takes it up and becomes an oily liquid. It is miscible in all proportions with alcohol, ether, and strong acetic acid. Phenol is very closely allied to aniline and to benzene, C 6 H 6 : it may be regarded as derived from the latter by the replacement of one atom of hydrogen by the group OH, thus: C a H O = C G H 5 .OH. This atom of hydrogen is replaceable by metals, so that when treated with an alkali, such as potassium hydrate, the hydrogen is replaced by potassium. QH 5 .OH + KHO = C 6 H 3 .OK + OH 2 . Phenol. Potassium- phenate. The compounds, with the metals of the alkalis and the alkaline earths, are very readily soluble in water; advantage is taken of this in the process of extracting phenol from coal-oil by agitating it with an alkaline solution : the sodium or calcuim phenate dissolves, and on the addition of an acid to the solution, it is decomposed ; a sodium or calcium salt being formed, whilst the phenol separates as an oil if the solution is sufficiently concentrated. 452 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Picric acid. — Picric acid, carbazotic acid, or trinitrophenol is the most important of the compounds obtained from phenol by the action of nitric acid on it. When phenol is treated with dilute nitric acid, taking care that no great elevation of temperature occurs during the reaction, a deep brown tarry mass is obtained, from which two isomeric mononitrophenols C 6 H 5 (N0 2 )0, may be obtained; one of these crystallises in yellow needles, which are readily vola- tile in the vapour of water; the other forms colourless needles, which are not volatile at 21 2° F. By the further action of nitric acid on these compounds, another atom of hydrogen may be displaced by the group N0 2 , and dinitro- phcnols C 6 H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 are obtained. Finally, the long continued action of nitric acid on any of these gives rise to trinitrophenol or picric acid, C c H 3 (NO 2 ) 3 O, which may be regarded as phenol in which three of the hydrogen atoms have been displaced by NO... Stenhouse's method of preparing this acid by the action of nitric acid on the resin of the Xanthorrhcea Jiastilis, or Australian 'yellow gum,' has been recommended by Cary Lea as one of the best modes of making it. It is now, how- ever, universally manufactured from phenol, which for this purpose must be tolerably free from cresol, otherwise the product will be contaminated with nitro derivatives of that substance. Concentrated nitric acid acts on phenol with extreme violence, so that in preparing picric acid it is necessary to operate with the dilute acid. Perra puts 6 parts of nitric acid, of density 1.3, into a flask or other suitable apparatus, furnished with a condensing tube, or cohobator, and gradually adds 1 part of phenol. The nitric acid which is volatilised, condenses and flows back into the flask, whilst the nitrous fumes, which are generated in abundance, pass off. Guinon allows phenol to drop slowly into flasks con- taining nitric acid of specific gravity 1*3, and arranged in PICRIC ACID. 453 two rows on a sand bath. All these flasks communicate by means of tubes, with a large stone-ware vessel to con- dense the acid fumes. As soon as the drops of phenol no longer produce a violent reaction when they fall into the nitric acid, the supply is cut off, and a gentle heat is applied by means of the sand bath, to dissolve the resinous mass floating in the liquid. As soon as this is effected, the con- tents of the flasks are poured into a crystallising vessel, where the picric acid is deposited, partly in plates, and partly as a resinous cake at the bottom. In order to purify the crude picric acid, after it has been collected and the acid mother liquor allowed to drain off as far as possible, it is dissolved in boiling water previously mixed with about one thousandth of sulphuric acid, and then filtered from the yellow resinous matters which are comparatively insoluble in the acid liquid. The picric acid separates from the solution, on cooling, in crystalline plates of a pale yellow colour. But these crystallisations cause the loss of a considerable quantity of substance, and the product is by no means free from tarry and resinous matters ; moreover, the large quantity of water required to dissolve the acid renders the filtrations inconvenient. Another process is therefore very generally adopted which consists in nearly neutralising a boiling solution of picric acid with sodium carbonate, and filtering from the resin, which is but very slightly soluble if the liquid be dis- tinctly acid. On adding excess of sodium carbonate to the filtrate, nearly the whole of the sodium picrate cyrstal- lises out, being comparatively insoluble in strong solutions of the carbonate. The nearly pure sodium picrate thus ob- tained, after being freed as far as possible from adhering mother liquor, is dissolved in boiling water, and decomposed by a slight excess of sulphuric acid. The picric acid being nearly insoluble in the strongly acid solution of sodium sulphate, crystallises out almost entirely on cooling. After 454 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. being collected and washed with a little water, it is almost chemically pure, provided sufficient water was taken in the first instance to enable the sodium sulphate formed to re- main in solution, otherwise some of this salt crystallises out along with the picric acid. Picric acid may also be very conveniently prepared by acting with nitric acid on the phenolsulphonic acid obtained by mixing phenol and sulphuric acid in equivalent pro- portions; or, still better, by converting the phenolsulphonic acid into a sodium salt, and then treating this with nitric acid. Picric acid crystallises in lustrous plates, which are of a very pale yellow colour when pure. It melts at 252°.5 F., and at higher temperatures gives off suffocating fumes, and ultimately decomposes with a slight explosion. Its solutions redden litmus, and it has a very bitter taste. It dissolves in 86 parts of water at 59° F., and in 26 at 170° F. Its tinctorial power is very great, one part of the acid, according to Carey Lea, communicating a distinctly yellow colour to 30,000 of water. It is readily soluble in alcohol and ether; strong nitric acid also dissolves it, and the solution is not altered by boiling. Picric acid yields com- pounds with the metals, many of which explode with fearful violence when fired with a detonator. Sodium picrate is sometimes sold as aniline yellow, and serious accidents may arise if due care be not taken. Picric acid dyes silk, wool, and other animal substances yellow, the depth of tint varying from a pale straw to a golden colour. It has, however, no affinity for vegetable fibres, such as cotton, flax, and hemp, on which it can only be fixed by the aid of albumen or some similar mordant of animal origin. Wool and silk may be dyed by plunging them into a hot bath of a strength sufficient to give the desired tone, and then washing thoroughly in water. The colour resists the action of light very well, but it is some- USES OF PICRIC ACID. 455 what affected by washing, especially if soap be used ; mordanting the goods with alum and tartar tends to render the colour faster. PICRIC ACID. Picric acid is also used for precipitating aniline green in the process of purification; and in dyeing, to modify the shade of aniline greens, or along with extract of indigo or Prussian blue, for producing greens. The affinity which picric acid has for animal fibres renders it useful for detecting cotton when mixed with wool in a fabric. It is merely necessary to plunge the fabric into a hot solution of picric acid, and then wash thoroughly in water; the wool takes a permanent yellow tinge, whilst the fibres of cotton remain unchanged. If the specimen is a dyed one, it is advisable to bleach it before applying the test. Picric acid is frequently mixed with various extraneous substances, such as alum, oxalic acid, borax, and sodium sulphate, the latter arising from unskilful manufacture. These may readily be detected by gently heating the sample with benzene, which dissolves the picric acid and leaves the foreign matters. Its value may also be estimated by making a comparative dyeing experiment with a sample of known purity. 456 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. By the action of reducing agents on picric acid, a new compound, picramic acid, or amidodinitrophenol, C 6 H 3 (N0 2 ) 2 (NH 2 )0, is produced. It may be regarded as derived from picric acid by the displacement of one of the NO 2 groups by NH 2 thus: — C 6 H 3 (N0 2 ) 3 + 6H = C 6 H 3 (N0 2 ) 2 (XH 2 )0 + 2OH Picric acid. Picramic acid. It may be prepared by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through a solution of picric acid in alcoholic ammonia. The liquid acquires a dark red colour, and, on standing, deposits a mass of deep reddish-brown tables of ammo- nium picramate, from which the acid may readily be obtained by dissolving it in hot water, and precipitating with a slight excess of acetic acid. Aqueous ammonia cannot be substituted for the alcoholic solution in this method of preparation, as in that case the reduction goes farther, and diamidonitrophcnol, C 6 H 3 (N0 2 )(NH 2 ) 2 0, is formed. Picramic acid may also be obtained by the action of other reducing agents on picric acid, as when an alkaline solution is heated with grape sugar, or by dissolving 1 part of picric acid and 7 of ferrous sulphate (green vitriol) in boiling water, and then adding a boiling solution of barium hydrate in slight excess. Picramic acid crystallises from its aqueous solution in red needles, and from an ethereal one in garnet-coloured prisms. It melts at 329 F., and decomposes at a higher temperature. It is almost insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. It not only combines readily with bases to form salts, but it also unites with acids; the latter compounds, however, are not very stable. Both picramic acid and its salts readily dye silk and wool, but they have not come into general use. Isopurpuric acid, or picrocyamic acid. Hlasiwetz's method of preparing the potassium compound of this acid consists in pouring a solution of 1 part of picric acid in 9 parts of ISOPURPURIC ACID. 457 boiling water, into a solution of 2 parts of potassium cyanide in 4 parts of water at 140° F., with constant stirring. A powerful odour of ammonia and hydrocyanic acid is produced, whilst the solution acquires a deep reddish-brown colour, and, on cooling, forms a crystalline pulp of potas- sium isopurpurate. According to Kopp, a better process is to intimately mix powdered picric acid with twice its weight of potassium cyanide and a little water. After allowing it to stand for half an hour more water is added ; the whole is then heated to no° F., and allowed to cool. The crystals obtained by either of these methods, after being drained and pressed, are purified by dissolving them in boiling water, filtering, and allowing the solution to cool. It then deposits isopurpurate of potassium, C 8 H 4 KN0 5 , in brownish-red crystalline scales, with a metallic-green reflex, very similar to murexide. The potassium salt is only sparingly soluble in cold, but more readily in hot water. It is but very slightly soluble in a strong solution of potas- sium carbonate; and this circumstance may be taken advantage of to precipitate it from its solution if, owing to the presence of impurities, it does not crystallise out. The ammonium salt C 8 H 4 (NH 4 )N0 5 . forms dark green crystals, with a metallic lustre, which, like the potassium salt, are but slightly soluble in cold water. This compound is isomeric with murexide or purpurate of ammonium, with which it was for some time supposed to be identical. Murexide, and the other purpurates however, are not explo- sive, whilst ammonium purpurate, when heated on platinum foil, deflagrates like gunpowder, and the corresponding potassium compound detonates sharply. Moreover, on adding hydrochloric acid to a somewhat concentrated solution of murexide, it becomes colourless; and on allow- ing it to stand, a substance called dialuramide crystallises out. A solution of an isopurpurate treated in a similar manner, becomes yellowish-brown, and turbid; and on 45 8 D YEING AND CALICO PRINTING. standing, brown amorphous flocks separate. The products of the decomposition of the isopurpurates are colouring matters, dyeing silk of a shade similar to the aniline browns known as Vesuvian and Bismarck. Isopurpurate of ammonia has been manufactured by- Messrs* Roberts and Dale, of Manchester, and gives with silk, wool, and leather, beautiful shades of reddish-purple; its employment, however, is but limited. As the isopurpu- rates, when dry, explode readily, and with fearful violence, they should be made into a paste with water and glycerin, which keeps them moist. The mordants used in dyeing with the isopurpurates are the same as those employed with murexide, the best being mercury and lead salts. Murexide gives, with mercury, a splendid purple with a violet shade; whilst with isopurpu- rates the purple has a reddish hue: the colours produced by the latter are much faster than those obtained with mu- rexide, being acted on neither by sunlight nor by sulphu- rous acid. Silk mordanted with zinc gives a fine yellow with murexide, and a dark reddish-brown with the isopur- purate. Murexide colours are completely destroyed by acids and by alkalis, whilst those of the isopurpurates merely assume a yellowish tint. In dyeing, isopurpurate of aniline gives good results : this is made by dissolving in the bath 42 parts of aniline hydrochloride for every 100 of potassium isopurpurate. In this bath, silk mordanted with alum acquires a deep garnet-brown ; and wool, which has been mordanted by boiling for two hours with 4 parts of alum and 1 of cream of tartar, becomes chesnut-brown. ROSOLIC ACID. — This name was first given by Runge to a red colouring matter which he obtained from coal-tar. On agitating coal-tar naptha with milk of lime, and then adding an acid to the clear aqueous liquor, a mixture of impure phenols with rosolic and brunolic acids is obtained. This mixture is distilled in a current of steam as long as CORALLIN. 459 any phenol comes over, and the non-volatile, brown, pitchy matter is dissolved in alcohol: to this solution milk of lime is added, which precipitates calcium brunolate, whilst cal- cium rosolate remains in the rose-coloured solution. On distilling off the alcohol and putting the residue aside, rose- coloured crystals of the lime salt are deposited, and from this, after purification, the rosolic acid may be obtained by pre- cipitating the aqueous solution with acetic acid. As it seemed probable that rosolic acid was produced by the oxidation of phenol or cresol, or a mixture of the two, Dr. Angus Smith proposed to prepare it by heating to a high temperature, a mixture of 2 parts of commercial phenol, with I of caustic potash, and 5 of black oxide of manganese. The product is then extracted- with water and the rosolic acid precipitated by hydrochloric acid. Tschelnitz mixes heavy coal-tar naphtha with slaked lime, and exposes it to the air for several months. The red mass thus obtained, is then treated in a manner similar to that originally employed by Runge. The name rosolic acid, however, has also been applied to various other substances of totally different composition and properties, especially to the product now called Corallin, obtained by heating phenol with a mixture of sulphuric and oxalic acids, and also to that produced by the action of nitrous acid on rosaniline, and which Fresenius has proposed to name pseudocoralli?i. Corallin. — In order to prepare this colour, which was dis- covered by Kolbe and Schmitt,* 2 parts of oxalic acid, 3 of pure phenol, and 4 of sulphuric acid are heated together at 285 to 300 F. for five or six hours, in a vessel furnished with a cohobator. The dark brown-red mass thus obtained is poured into hot water, when a resinous substance separates having a cantharides-green lustre, whilst the supernatant liquid is a yellowish-red. The mixture is * Ann. Chem. Pharm., cxix., 169. 460 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. then boiled until the odour of phenol, which the vapour has at first, ceases to be perceptible, and, on cooling, the liquor deposits a quantity of orange-red flocks, which together with the insoluble portion are collected and washed. In order to obtain corallin in the crystalline state,* it is rubbed up with magnesia, and the mass exhausted by repeatedly boiling it with water. To the filtrate, ammonium chloride is added, when a small quantity of ammonia is given off, and a brilliant crimson precipitate is produced. This is treated three or four times succes- sively with magnesia and precipitated with chloride of ammonium, so as to render the magnesian compound pure. If this is now decomposed by hydrochloric acid, and the precipitate dissolved in boiling alcohol, the pure corallin separates on cooling in long, slender, lustrous, scarlet needles. It crystallises from glacial acetic acid in trans- parent, dark red, rhombic prisms. Its melting point is 3 1 3° F. It is only slightly soluble in cold water, but more readily when it is boiling, giving a yellow solution. If an alkali, or an alkaline earth, or one of their carbonates be added, water takes up more of the substance and acquires a beautiful purple-red colour. The addition of potassium ferricyanide to the alkaline solution renders it much darker if the corallin be impure, but does not change it if pure. It dissolves readily in alcohol, ether, and in acetic acid with deep yellow colour. It is also soluble in phenol. According to Fresenius, this compound has the formula C 40 H 38 O n , but as it is undoubtedly produced by the action of nascent carbonic oxide on phenol, Kolbe suggests that it may be formylated phenol C 7 H 6 0, or C 6 H 4 (COH)OH, which agrees with the results of the analysis nearly as well as the formula proposed by Fresenius. If Kolbe's view is correct, its formation would be represented by the equa- tion : — * Fresenius, Jour. Prakt. Chem., v., 184. CORALLIN. 461 C 6 H 5 .OH + CO = C 6 H 4 (COH)OH. Phenol. Carbonic Corallin. oxide. Persoz uses less sulphuric than Kolbe and Schmitt, the proportions being 2 parts of oxalic acid, 3 of phenol, and 2 of sulphuric acid, which are heated for several hours. The mass effervesces, becomes thick, and acquires a deep red colour: the reaction may be considered as terminated when a drop of the mixture dissolves in dilute aqueous ammonia with a deep red colour. It is then poured into water and treated in the manner above described. Sulphuric acid is not essential to the production of this colour; it merely acts as a dehydrant, and may be replaced, although not with advantage, by boric, arsenious, or arsenic acids. In fact, Prud'homme found that rosolic acid was produced in small quantity if dry phenol were heated with carefully dried oxalic acid. AURIN. Corallin gives a variety of fine red shades, which are easily modified by the use of proper reagents, but its liability to change renders it somewhat difficult to fix the colour on the fabrics to which it is applied. It may, however, be printed with albumen or lactarine: 8 ozs. of 462 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. aurin solution added to 2 lbs. of lactarine dissolved in a mixture of 7 pints of water at 8o° F. with 1 pint of ammonia, gives good results. After printing, the pieces should be steamed 20 minutes. The calcium and lime lakes of corallin are now largely employed by paper stainers. YELLOW CORALLIN" ON" CALICO. Peonine. — This colour, also called red corallin, is ob- tained from corallin by treating it with ammonia at a high temperature according to the method discovered by M. J. Persoz in 1859, and which was patented in France by Messrs. Guinon, Manias, and Bonnet. In their process, 9 parts of crude corallin are introduced into a strong iron digestor together with 22 parts of a concentrated solution of ammonia, and heated to 270° F. for three hours. On allowing the vessel to cool, and opening it, the corallin will be found to be completely dissolved in the ammonia, forming a thick liquid with a golden-crimson reflection. On adding an acid to this solution, a deep red precipitate of the colouring matter is obtained, which is capable of dyeing silk and wool of a red colour. Peonine is almost insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol, to which it PEONINE OR RED CORALLIN. 463 communicates a red colour. Its alkaline solutions acquire a brown colour on exposure to the air. The chemical nature of peonine is at present unknown, and from the very different results obtained in dyeing with the two substances it would seem to be different from corallin. Its method of preparation renders it probable that it is an amide or imide of corallin. Red corallin is much used for dyeing wool, but it has the disadvantage that when it comes in contact with acids the red colour fades to yellow; this may be prevented, however, by the use of calcined magnesia, the corallin being dissolved in water or alcohol. The colour produced is a rich Turkey red, which maintains its intensity and brilliancy for years. This red shade can be produced at about two-thirds the cost of that from cochineal, and has the advantage that it is not turned blue by washing in water containing much calcium carbonate. The following is a good recipe for printing: — 320 grammes of corallin are dissolved in 1 litre of water and 250 grammes of glycerin, and added to 560 grammes of magnesia sus- pended in 1 litre of water. This mixture is thickened with 3 litres of gum water containing 1500 grammes of gum, then printed, steamed, and washed in the usual Avay. For printing an orange-red with corallin, a lake is formed, by dissolving 2000 grammes of corallin in a solution of soda at io° B., diluting it with water, and after adding protochloride of tin, heating the mixture. The precipitate is mixed with: — Magnesia 100 grammes Oxalic acid 260 „ Gum 2000 „ Water 10 litres A bath for dyeing with corallin may also be prepared by dissolving the dye in alcohol with the help of a little soda, then pouring it into a large quantity of lukewarm 464 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. water, and nearly neutralising it with tartaric acid. The goods are then entered, and worked for an hour and a half. Cotton must be mordanted with tin, and sumach or galls. The colour, which is a shade between cochineal and magenta, resists washing, but is affected by soap or exposure to sunlight. CORALLIN ON WOOL. Azulin. — This blue colour was discovered by Marnas, and patented by Messrs. Guinon, Marnas, and Bonnet. It is obtained by the mutual reaction of aniline and peonine. For this purpose, a mixture of 5 parts of peonine with 8 of aniline, are heated to the boiling point for several hours. The whole is thus transformed into a blue colouring matter, which is purified by washing it, first with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with hot coal-tar naphtha, and finally with a dilute solution of caustic soda. It is a violet powder with a golden iridescence, which is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. According to Willm it has the composition QoHjoNCK, and may be regarded as dioxyphenylamide NH 2 (C 6 H 5 0) 2 . A blue similar to, or identical with this, is also produced by treating aurin with aniline.* When aurin is boiled with *Jour. Chem. Soc, xxvi., 444. PSE UDOCORALLIN. 465 aniline and a little acetic acid, the solution soon assumes a pure blue colour, and on removing the excess of aniline by- means of boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, a resinous sub- stance is obtained consisting of a mixture of different bodies, some of which are soluble in acetic acid and in alcohol, and some insoluble. On heating the mixture of aniline and aurin for twenty hours to 21 2° R, a blue solution is obtained, which is also a mixture. A portion of the product dissolves in caustic soda with a purple colour, and is precipitated by- acids in blue flocks, soluble in alcohol, and in acetic acid. The portion insoluble in alkalis dissolves completely in alcohol and acetic acid, with a fine blue colour; it is, however, only partly soluble in ether, the portion remaining undissol- ved being a dark blue powder with a golden reflection. Pseudocorallin. — This is the name which Fresenius pro- poses to give to the compounds discovered by Caro and Wanklyn, and which they considered to be rosolic acid. It may be prepared by dissolving rosaniline or magenta in excess of hydrochloric acid, in such proportion that there may be three molecules of the acid to one of base, and then adding finely powdered potassium nitrite until the odour of nitrous acid no longer disappears on agitation. This converts the rosaniline into an azocompound, which, when boiled with dilute hydrochloric acid, decomposes with effervescence due to the escape of nitrogen, whilst red flocks separate; these, however, soon melt together and form a brown resinous cake, with a golden lustre. If per- fectly pure rosaniline be used in this operation, the boiling mother liquor, poured off from the resinous cake, deposits a small portion of the pseudocorallin in well formed crystals, which after recrystallisation from alcohol closely resemble corallin in appearance. Caro and Wanklyn, who did not succeed in obtaining this compound in the crystalline state, assigned to it the formula C 20 H 16 O 3 , and supposed it to be formed by the following reactions : — FF 466 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. C 20 H p N 3 + 3HNO, = C 20 H 10 N 6 + 60H 2 . Rosaniline. Azorosaniline. C 20 H 10 N 6 + 3 OH 2 = C 20 H 16 O 3 + 3 N 2 . Azorosaniline. Rosolic acid. Fresenius, however, who has examined the pure crystalline compound, finds that it melts at 316 F., and on analysis gives numbers corresponding with the formula C 2C H 28 O 10 . It will be seen from this that Caro and Wanklyn's sub- stance, pseudocorallin, is not identical with that obtained by Kolbe and Schmitt (corallin) by the action of sulphuric acid on a mixture of oxalic acid and phenol ; moreover, an alcoholic solution of corallin is decolorised on the addition of a concentrated solution of acid sodium sulphite, whilst pseudocorallin undergoes no change. Aurin. — There is a compound known in commerce by the name of yellow corallin, or aurin, and which is obtained by heating a mixture of phenol with oxalic and sulphuric acids in a manner similar to that employed in preparing corallin, but the temperature employed is lower. This colouring matter has been examined by Dale and Schorlemmer, who find that the commercial product is a mixture, from which they succeeded in extracting aurin by dissolving it in alcohol, and saturating the liquid with ammonia. A compound of ammonia and aurin is thus formed, which, being comparatively insoluble in alcohol, separates in the crystalline state. After being collected and washed with alcohol, it is treated with an acid, which removes the ammonia, and liberates the aurin. Aurin crystallises in slender red needles from concentrated hydro- chloric acid, and from a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid, in dark red trimetric crystals; both these, however, obsti- nately retain a small quantity of water and acid. Aurin, C 20 H u O 3 , when pure, does not melt even at 422 F.; whilst corallin fuses at 3 1 3 F. ; moreover, the crystalline forms of the two substances are quite distinct. Instead of extracting aurin from the commercial article, A URIN AND LE UK A URIN 467 which is always made with an impure phenol containing cresol, it may be obtained in the pure state at once by heat- ing to 230 F., for five or six days, a mixture of oxalic acid and pure crystallised phenol, pouring the product into water, distilling off the excess of phenol in a current of steam, and then dissolving the aurin in dilute caustic soda, and precipitating it with hydrochloric acid. The crystals only require to be dissolved in boiling alcohol and allowed to cool, when the pure substance separates in distinct needles. The difference which undoubtedly exists between aurin and the corallin of Kolbe and Schmitt must be looked for in the difference of temperature at which the two sub- stances are produced, namely, below 230 F. for aurin, and from 285 to 300 F. for corallin. The reaction which takes place in the formation of aurin may be represented by the following equation : — 3 C 6 H 6 + 2CO = C 20 H u O 3 + 2 OH 2 Phenol. Aurin. Aurin forms crystalline compounds with sulphurous anhydride, and with the acid sulphites of alkalis. When an alkaline solution of aurin is heated with zinc dust, it becomes colourless, and the addition of an excess of hydro- chloric acid then causes the precipitation of a new sub- stance, leukanrin, C 20 H 16 O 3 . When pure, it crystallises in thick, hard, colourless prisms, which are freely soluble in acetic acid. Aurin, or yellow corallin, yields very fine orange shades on wool by printing with a lake prepared by dissolving 5 lbs. of yellow corallin in 2 gallons of caustic soda at 10° B., heated to a temperature of 140 F.; it is then diluted with 20 gallons of water, again heated until entirely dissolved, and rather more than 1^ pints of bichloride of tin at 55 B. added, previously diluted with 1 gallon of water. The precipitate is then collected, and allowed to drain. It should measure 4 gallons. 468 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. Corallin paste 2 gallons Powdered gum 4 lbs. Oxalic acid 11 ounces The mixture is heated until the gum and oxalic acid are com- pletely dissolved, when it is ready for printing. An orange-red shade may be obtained by dissolving the aurin in dilute ammonia so as to make a solution of 32 Tw. This solution is then mixed with 4 parts of starch paste, containing 14 lbs. to the gallon, printed, dried, and steamed for one hour. Phenicienne, or Rothine. — This colour, which is also prepared from commercial carbolic acid, was discovered by Roth in 1863. It is made by gradually adding to carbolic acid a mixture of nitric acid of density 1 '35 with twice its volume of sulphuric acid. The reaction is very violent at first, so that only a very small portion of the acid must be added at a time, but larger quantities may be poured in afterwards in successive portions until red nitrous fumes cease to be given off; for this purpose about 10 to 12 parts of the mixed acids are required for 1 of carbolic acid. As soon as the reaction is complete, the product is poured into a large quantity of water, and the brown precipitate which is produced is thoroughly washed with water, which is a tedious process, occupying several days. The colour is very soluble in alcohol, ether, and acetic acid, also in alkaline solutions, but almost insoluble in water. It dyes silk and wool without a mordant, but cotton must be mordanted with tannin and stannate of soda. It cannot be employed in printing, as the process of steaming destroys the brilliancy of the colour. It yields shades varying from a deep garnet to a chamois, according to the strength of the solution, or the nature of the oxidising agents employed. Fols yellow. — This colour is obtained by heating in an open cast-iron pot for twelve hours, at 21 2° F., a mixture CRESOL YELLOWS. 469 of 5 parts of carbolic acid with 3 of arsenic acid in fine powder. In about two hours the reaction commences, and the mass acquires a yellow colour, which gradually increases in intensity. At the end of the twelve hours the temperature is raised to 260° F., at which it is maintained for six hours more. When cool, 10 parts of acetic acid at 7 B. are added; the product is dissolved in a large quantity of water, filtered, and the colouring matter precipitated by the addition of common salt. It may be purified by converting it into the barium salt and decomposing the latter with dilute sulphuric acid. When pure it forms reddish-brown scales or plates, which are readily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It dyes wool and silk yellow, and in presence of caustic or carbonated lime or baryta gives red shades, which are not affected by soap. There is another yellow colour, known in commerce as 'Campo Bello yellow,' which is prepared from carbolic acid, by a secret process in the possession of Messrs. Schraeder and Berend, of Schonfeld, Leipzig. It is soluble in water, and dyes wool various shades of yellow: it is usual to add alum to the bath in the proportion of 3 lbs. to every 50 lbs. of wool. CRESOL COLOURS. — Two yellow colours occur in com- merce, known under the names of 'gold yellow' and 'Victoria yellow.' They are both impure salts of dinitro- cresols. The former, 'goldgelb 1 or 'gold yellow,' is 'a brown crystalline mass, which detonates sharply when heated ; it is the potassium compound of a dinitrocresol, C 6 H 2 (N0 2 ) 2 CH3.OH, which when pure melts at 180 F. The free dinitrocresol may be obtained by strongly acidulating an aqueous solution of the yellow dye with sulphuric acid and then agitating it with ether, which takes up the liberated dinitrocresol and deposits it again in the crystalline state on evaporation. It crystallises readily from boiling water, 470 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. and is also readily soluble in alcohol, ether, benzene, and chloroform. The potassium compound is only slightly soluble in cold water. 'Victoria yellow' is also a salt of a dinitrocresol, which may be obtained from the dye in a similar manner to that just described. The nitrocompound, however, is not iden- tical, but only isomeric with that from 'goldgelb,' as it melts at a much higher temperature, 230 F. Neither of these colours is extensively used. Naphthalene Colours. — One of the most abundant of the compounds occurring in coal-tar is the hydrocarbon naphthalene, C 10 H 8 , so much so, that the heavier portions of the coal-oil, when subjected to a low temperature, become quite pasty from the large quantity of naphthalene de- posited by them in the crystalline state. The gas mains also, especially in the immediate neighbourhood of the gas works, frequently become choked up by the crystals of naphthalene which form in them, and which are occasion- ally met with in large masses of dazzling whiteness. As this substance occurs in such abundance, many chemists have endeavoured to turn this waste product to account, by transforming it into colouring matters similar to those ob- tained from aniline. Unfortunately, however, most of the naphthalene colours want that brilliancy and purity of tone which is such a distinguishing characteristic of those derived from aniline. Naphthalene. — This hydrocarbon volatilises very readily, so that it sublimes in colourless crystals on gently heating the mass obtained by draining and pressing the pasty naph- thalene deposited from the heavy coal-oils when they are cooled. These, however, have a disagreeable odour, which according to Ballo is due to the presence of leucoline oil: this may be removed by heating the crystals with sulphuric acid, and then washing and resubliming the fused cake of naphthalene. When perfectly pure, naphthalene has a faint DINITR ONAPHTHOL. 47 1 but not unpleasant odour, melts at I74°.5 F. and boils at 42 3 F. It is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, and benzene, but insoluble in water. Although it has such a high boil- ing point, it passes over readily with the vapour of water, or when distilled in a current of steam. DinitronapJithol. — Naphthalene readily dissolves in con- centrated sulphuric acid when the two are heated together; the product consisting of a mixture of two isomeric sulpho- napJithalic or naphthalene sulphonic acids y C 10 H 7 .SO 3 H, in varying proportion. If the temperature be higher than 320 F., scarcely anything but /3-naphthalene sulphonic acid will be formed, whilst at 175 F. the product is principally the a modification. If the potassium or sodium compound of either of these acids is fused with excess of caustic soda, the SO3H group is replaced by OH, and a corresponding naphthol is formed, thus — C 10 H 7 .SO 3 Na + NaHO = C 10 H 7 .OH + Na 2 S0 3 Sodium sulpho- Sodium Naphthol. Sodium naphthalate. hydrate. sulphite. On dissolving the product in water, and adding an excess of acid, the naphthol is precipitated as an oil which solidifies on cooling. a-naphthol crystallises in small shining, colourless needles, which are easily soluble in alcohol or ether, and in alkaline solutions, but only slightly soluble even in boiling water. It melts at about 203 F. a-Dinitronaphthol, C 10 H s ,(NO 2 ) 2 .OH cannot be procured by the direct action of nitric acid on naphthol, but if the naphthol be dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid, whereby it is converted into naphthol-sulphonic acid, then diluted with water, nitric acid added to the solution, and the whole gently heated, it deposits the dinitronaphthol in the form of minute yellow needles. This process was patented by Wichelhaus and Darmstaedter in 1867. The same compound is formed by treating naphthylamine, 472 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. first with nitrous acid, and then with nitric acid, a method previously patented by Martius. He adds a slight excess of potassium nitrite to an acid solution of naphthylamine, whereby diazonaphthalene hydrochloride is produced — C 10 H 9 N.HC1 + HN0 2 = C 10 H 6 N 2 .HC1 + 2OH, Naphthylamine Nitrous Azonapthalene hydrochloride. acid. hydrochloride. If this compound were boiled with hydrochloric acid, a-naphthol would be produced, but if nitric acid is sub- stituted for hydrochloric acid, the naphthol at the moment of its formation is converted into dinitronaphthol thus — C 10 H 6 N 2 .HC1 + 2NO..OH = C 10 H G (NO,)X) + N 2 + HC1 + OH 2 Diazonaphthalene Nitric Dinitronaphthol. hydrochloride. acid. The a-dinitronaphthol crystallises out in yellow needles which, if required quite pure, may be converted into the ammonium salt, and then after repeated crystallisation again decomposed by an acid. According to Ballo, it may also be prepared by heating 1 part of naphthylamine with 5 parts of nitric acid of density 1*35, and when all action has ceased, diluting the mixture with water and boiling. This nitro-compound forms beautiful crystalline com- pounds with the alkalis and alkaline earths. The lime salt is manufactured on a large scale by Messrs. Roberts and Dale, of Manchester, and is known as 'Manchester yellow' or 'Martius' yellow.' Its tinctorial power is even greater than that of picric acid, and it gives a very pure gold colour on silk and wool without the slightest tinge of green, which is so objectionable with picric acid. It also possesses the advantage over the latter that it is not volatile, so that it will bear steaming, and does not come off on other goods with which it may come in contact. $-naplithol. — This compound closely resembles a-naphthol, and is formed, as has been already noticed, by fusing potassium |3-naphthalene-sulphonate with excess of caustic soda. It likewise yields a nitro derivative, but it is difficult INDOPHANE. 473 to prepare, so that, although it dyes silk and wool a deep yellow, it has not come into use. Naphthylpurpuric acid. — The naphthylpurpurates are prepared in a manner somewhat analogous to that employed for the isopurpurates, but the reaction should take place in an alcoholic solution. Dinitronaphthol is dis- solved in 40 times its weight of boiling alcohol in a flask furnished with an inverted condenser, and a concentrated aqueous solution of potassium cyanide mixed with alcohol is gradually added. The orange-coloured potassium com- pound of binitronaphthol, which is at first formed, soon dissolves, and the boiling liquid acquires a deep brown hue. The solution is now concentrated by distillation, and the potassium naphthylpurpurate, C u H 6 KN 3 4 , which separates on cooling, is purified by pressure and recrystallisa- tion from water. It forms brown, microscopic plates, which are very soluble in water, and have a slight green iridescence. The free acid has not been obtained. Indophane. — This compound is also produced by the action of potassium cyanide on dinitronaphthol: for this purpose 6 parts of the nitro compound are dissolved in 400 of boiling water by the aid of ammonia, and to this, a hot concentrated solution of 9 parts of potassium cyanide is gradually added. As soon as the precipitation is complete, the product is thoroughly washed with boiling water, and the violet-coloured mixture of free indophane and potassium indophane is boiled with very dilute hydrochloric acid to remove the potassium, washed until free from acid, and dried. Pure indophane, C 22 H 10 N 4 O 4 , has a violet colour and a brilliant green iridescence. It is insoluble in water or alcohol, but moderately soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid, yielding a purple-red liquid. Resorcin-indophane, a substance analogous to that just described, is formed when trinitroresorcin (styphnic acid) 474 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. is treated with potassium cyanide. Schreder* prepares it by gradually adding I part of potassium cyanide dissolved in 5 of water at I io° F. to a solution of 5 parts of potas- sium styphnate in 50 of water at 170 F., maintaining the mixture at that temperature for ten or fifteen minutes ; the liquid is then quickly filtered through linen, and the potassium compound of resorcin-indophane, which separ- ates, collected, and washed with cold water until the wash water begins to have a green colour. On adding dilute sulphuric acid to a warm concentrated solution of this salt, and allowing it to cool, impure resorcin-indophane crystallises out in slender needles. It may be purified by dissolving the pressed crystals in hot water, filtering, and adding strong hydrochloric acid to the clear solution. Resorcin-indophane, C 9 H 4 N 4 6 , forms small needles with a bronze iridescence, insoluble in alcohol, but very soluble in water, yielding a solution of a pure blue-violet colour; it is also soluble in cold concentrated sulphuric acid, but is precipitated again unaltered on the addition of water. Potassium resorcin-indophane C c H 2 K 2 N 4 6 + OH, crystallises in microscopic needles, which dissolve with difficulty in cold, but readily in boiling water, with a pure green colour similar to that of potassium manganate. The concentrated aqueous solution gelatinises on cooling, but if potash be added, the salt separates in the crystalline state. It is insoluble in alcohol, and when strongly heated decomposes with explosion. Chloroxynaphthalic acid, or chloroxynaphthaquinone. — When naphthalene is treated with potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid it is converted into a mixture of monochloronaphthalene and dichloronaphthalene, and this product, if boiled with nitric acid, yields phthalic acid and chloroxynaphthyl chloride. When the latter com- pound is boiled with a dilute alkaline solution, it is *Ann. Chem. Pharm., clxiii., 297, NAPHTHYLAMINE. 475 decomposed, yielding a salt of chloroxynaphthalic acid, C 10 H 5 ClO 3 , from which the free acid may be obtained by precipitation with hydrochloric acid. The pure acid is a pale yellow crystalline powder, which forms beautiful compounds with barium, zinc, and copper. It dyes wool of a scarlet colour without the aid of a mordant. Some of the salts of this acid are beautiful pigments. The preparation of this acid and its salts has been carried out on a large scale by Messrs. P. and E. Depouilly. Carminaphtha. — This compound was first obtained by Laurent by acting on naphthalene with a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, but the exact circumstances under which it is formed have not been fully investigated. It is of a carmine-red colour, almost insoluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol. It is a substantive colour on wool and silk, giving orange-red and red-violet shades. NitroxynaptJialic acid. — This compound, also called French yellow and chryseic acid, was discovered by Durant and Gelis. It may be prepared by heating to 300 F., in a current of air, a mixture of 20 parts of nitronaphthalene, 50 of slaked lime, and 15 of potassium hydrate dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of water. In ten or twelve hours the mass will have assumed a deep yellow colour, and the reaction may be considered as completed. On ex- tracting the product with water, a reddish-yellow solution is obtained. This, when concentrated, and strongly acid- ulated with hydrochloric acid, deposits the colouring matter as a yellow magma, which should be washed with water and dried. It dissolves easily in acetic acid, alcohol, and hot water, and may be obtained in fine golden-yellow needles, which are not volatile. It dyes silk and wool a full golden-yellow. Naphthylamine. — This base, which bears the same relation to naphthalene that aniline does to benzene, is prepared by 476 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. processes very similar to those employed in manufacturing the latter. Naphthylamine, C 10 H 9 N or C 10 H 7 .NH 2 , was discovered by Zinin in 1842, when acting on nitronaphthalene by ammonium sulphide. The nitronaphthalene for this pur- pose was prepared by treating finely divided naphthalene at the ordinary temperature for five or six days with nitric acid of density 1 "35, thoroughly incorporating the mixture from time to time, or more rapidly by heating the two sub- stances together at 2 1 2° F. with constant agitation. The pro- duct is thoroughly washed and then strongly pressed. If required pure it must be crystallised from alcohol. In Zinin's process the nitronaphthalene is dissolved in alcoholic ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen is passed into the solution to saturation, and the whole is allowed to stand: sulphur is then liberated, and the nitronaphthalene is reduced to naphthylamine. C 10 H 7 .NO 2 + 3SH 2 - C 10 H 7 .NH, + 2OH, + 3S Nitronaphthalene. Naphthylamine. Piria succeeded in obtaining naphthylamine by first con- verting nitronaphthalene into ammonium thionaphthamate by boiling it with dilute alcohol and ammonium sulphite, and then heating the product with dilute sulphuric acid. Naphthylamine sulphate is then formed. 2 C 10 H 9 NSO 3 + 20H 2 = (C 10 H 9 N) 2 H 2 SO 4 + H 2 SO, Thionaphthamic Naphthylamine sulphate, acid. Roussin reduces nitronaphthalene by means of tin and hydrochloric acid, but by far the best method is that of Bechamp, by which, in fact, naphthylamine is now universally manufactured. For this purpose, 2 parts of nitronaphthalene are fused in a cast-iron pot heated on a sand bath, and 2 parts of iron turnings are added, and the whole thoroughly mixed. The pot is now taken off the bath, and 2 parts of acetic acid are poured in, when a powerful reaction takes place. As soon as this has AZODINAPHTHYLDIAMINE. 477 terminated, and the product is cool, it is mixed with 2 parts of quicklime, introduced into a retort, and submitted to distillation, either per se or in a current of steam. Ballo prefers to decompose the product with a solution of caustic soda, and then distil by means of steam. Naphthylamine crystallises in white silky needles, which soon acquire a purplish-brown tint on exposure to the air. Its odour, which is most disgusting, is exceedingly persis- tent. It melts at 122 F., and boils above 570 F. It is almost insoluble in water, but is readily soluble in alcohol or ether, and in acid solutions. It is readily sublimable. Azodinaphthyldiamine, C 20 H 15 N 3 , is a base which was discovered by Perkin and Church, and is formed by treating naphthylamine hydrochloride with a mixture of potassium hydrate and nitrite, the reaction being: — 2 (C 10 H 9 N.|HC1) + KHO + KN0 2 - Q H 15 N 3 + 2KCI + 3 OH 2 Naphthylamine Azodinaphthyl- hydrochloride. diamine. In preparing the substance, however, regard must be had to the state of concentration of the solutions, and the tem- perature at which the operation is performed ; for if a moderately concentrated solution of the potassium hydrate and nitrite be added to a solution of the naphthylamine hydrochloride, saturated at 63° F., and which contains 35 grammes of the salt per litre, the product is mixed with a large amount of resinous matters; whilst, if the solution be too dilute, the potash precipitates unaltered naphthylamine. On this account Lecco* advises that a preliminary trial should be made with small portions of the solutions, and when the precipitate is a brownish-red the solutions may be considered to have the proper degree of concentration for the given temperature. If they are too strong the pre- cipitate will be dark brown. This precipitate is purified by dissolving it in a boiling mixture of alcohol and ether, *Deut. Chem. Ger. Ber., vii., 1290. 478 DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. filtering hot, and adding hot water until the liquid becomes turbid; on cooling, the azonaphthyldiamine is deposited in reddish-brown needles, which have a metallic-green irides- cence. It melts at 347 F. according to Lecco (266° F. Perkin), and is moderately soluble in alcohol, ether, and benzene; insoluble in water. The acid solutions are deep violet, but the original orange-red tint is restored on the addition of an alkali. RosanaphtJiylamine. — This colouring matter, which is also known as 'Naphthylamine red' and 'Magdala red,' appears to be produced when naphthylamine is treated with oxidising agents, such as mercuric nitrate or bichloride of tin ; but the quantity formed is far too small to render these processes available for its manufacture. The method adopted by Girard is to heat a salt of naph- thylamine with a proper quantity of azodinaphthyldiamine, the proportions taken being : — Powdered Azodinaphthyldiamine 6 lbs. Naphthylamine 6 „ Glacial acetic acid 5 „ These materials are heated in a sand bath to a temperature of about 340° F., in a glass flask of the capacity of 2 gallons. The materials gradually dissolve, whilst ammonia is given off, and the mass acquires a red colour. Care must be taken to stop the operation as soon as a violet coloration begins to appear on the sides of the vessel. About 6 ozs. of glacial acetic acid are now added, and after thoroughly mixing, the contents are poured out on cast-iron plates and allowed to cool. To purify the crude product it is dissolved in 50 times its weight of water acidulated with hydro- chloric acid, and carefully filtered through flannel. It is then exactly neutralised with sodium carbonate, and the colour precipitated by the addition of salt, as in the pre- paration of the aniline colours. This precipitate consists of crystals of impure rosanaphthylamine hydrochloride MAGDALA RED. 479 which may be rendered sufficiently pure for the purposes of the dyer by two successive solutions in dilute acid, and reprecipitations by salt. The crude product may also be purified by decomposing it with a slight excess of a solution of soda, distilling off the unaltered naphthylamine in a current of steam, dissolving the residual base in hydro- chloric acid, and precipitating with salt in the manner just described. This colour is prepared on a large scale by Scheurer-Kestner, and by Durand and Hugenin, of Basle. The base itself, rosanaphthylamine, C 30 H 21 N 3 , has not been obtained in a pure state, but its composition may be infer- red from that of its salts. Its mode of formation is as follows : C 20 H 15 N 3 + C 10 H 9 N = . C 30 H 21 N 3 + NH 3 Azodinaph- Naphthyl- Rosanaph- thyldiamine. amine. thylamine. being, precisely analogous to that which takes place in the formation of azodiphenyl blue by the action of aniline on azodiphenyldiamine. Rosanaphthylamine hydrochloride, when pure, forms large needles, with a green metallic reflex. They are only slightly soluble in cold water, more so in boiling water, and readily in hot alcohol. The free base, when treated with the iodides of methyl and ethyl, yields splendidly crystallised colouring matters. By heating mixtures of azodinaphthyldiamine with aniline or with toluidine, Lecco has succeeded in obtaining new colouring matters very similar to 'Magdala red.' NaphtJiylamine violet. — This colour is produced in a manner very similar to aniline black, but unlike the latter, it does not appear to be the final result of the oxidising process, but only an intermediate stage. Kielmayer prints the following mixture: Starch 456 grammes. Water 2500 ,, Naphthylamine 118 „ Hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1 •12) 79 „ The naphthylamine is dissolved in the acid diluted with 480 DYEIXG AXD CALICO PRIXTIXG. part of the water (ij4 litres), then added to the starch, which has been boiled with the remainder of the water (i litre), and the whole boiled for a few minutes : when cold, 1 3 J < grammes of potassium chlorate dissolved in 300 grammes of water are added. The printed goods are aged for three days, then passed through a weak soda bath, and finally through a soap bath. The shade of colour produced is much affected, however, by the temperature of the oxi- dising room, which should be kept low, and the atmosphere should contain vapours of acetic acid. Blumer-Zweifel makes a mixture for printing thus : — Gum water 1 litre. Xaphthylamine 1 5 to 45 grammes. Solution of chloride of copper at 5 1 3 B 15 „ After printing, the fabric is aged for two or three days at J J" F., and then washed with soap. Fifteen grammes of naphthylamine gives a pale shade, 30 a medium shade, and 45 a deep shade. Alkalis render the colours reddish, whilst acids give it a blue tint. Ballo has obtained a violet colour similar in every respect to Hofmann's violet, by heating magenta with monobromonaphthalene. The saturated alcoholic solution of the dye is of such a deep violet colour, that it appears almost black, whilst the addition of a small quantity of hydrochloric acid to the liquid, changes the colour to blue. There are two other naphthalene colours, oxynaphthalic acid, and naphthazarin or dioxynaphthaquinone,the methods of preparation and properties of which have been already described when treating of alizarin (p. 55.); for it was at one time imagined that oxynaphthalic acid would prove to be identical with alizarin, whilst napthazarin was, for some time after its discovery by Roussin, considered to be alizarin itself. O. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College INSERT FOLDOUT HERE APPENDIX. TABLES FOR DISTINGUISHING THE DIFFERENT COLOURING MATTERS FIXED ON TISSUES BY PRINTING OR DYEING. GG 482 I.— BLUE COLOURING Navie of the colouring matter. Combustion of the coloured fibre on platinum foil. Immersion in dilute hydrochloric acid. Immersion in dilute soda solution. Vat Indigo. Leaves a small quantity of colour- less ash, which sometimes contains lime, and may also contain a little ox- ide of iron. No action. No action. Indigo carmine, alkaline sulphindi- gotates, Saxony blue. Leaves a small quantity of white ash sometimes con- taining tin. Loses a little of its colour. Loses a little of its colour; the solution, and sometimes the edges of the fabric becoming green. Prussian blue. Reddish ferrugi- nous ash. Is not altered. Gradually becomes yellow. Thesolution supersaturated with HC1, becomes blue on the addition of a few drops of per- chloride of iron. Logwood blue. White residue, rarely greyish. The ash contains alumi- na, and occasion- ally a little oxide of copper. Becomes red, as does also the liquid. A little deeper in shade ; pure blue. Aniline blue. Little ash, and no trace of any mor- dant with wool or silk. No alteration takes place. The dark shades become quickly vio- let, the lighter ones flesh-coloured. Ultramarine. Blue ashes. Is decolorised with disengagement of sulphuretted hy- drogen. No alteration. MATTERS. 433 Immersion in a solution of chloride of lime. Immersion in a solution of permanganate of potash to which a little sulphuric acid has been added. Remarks. Bleaches slowly. Quickly be- comes deco- lorised. This colouring matter may be met with on woollen, cotton, flaxen, and hempen fibres, but not upon silk. Nitric acid produces a pale yellow coloration. If the co- loured fibre be placed in a capsule covered with a watch glass, and heat be cautiously applied, violet vapours having the characteristic odour of indigotin will soon make their appearance, and condense on the cool part of the watch glass. Bleaches slowly. Is slightly less changed than vat in- digo. May be found on all fibres. After treating with nitric acid, sulphuric acid may easily be detected in the solu- tion. The indigo cannot be separated by sublimation. Moistened with protochloride of tin, it becomes green, and afterwards yellow. Vat indigo resists the actions of these reagents a little better. No altera- tion takes place. Dirty green. Is met with upon silk, wool, and cotton fibre ; be- comes decolorised in presence of soap; fades in the light. Is not attacked by weak acids. Protochloride of tin and dilute hydrochloric acid produce no change. Is decom- posed. The dark shades be- come brown, the light ones yellow. Alone, it is of a dull, dark, and dirty tint ; but it is often associated with indigo on woollen and cotton fabrics ; and if used to top the indigo colour, it is dis- solved by hydrochloric acid, whilst the indigo is not affected. The colour is slowly des- troyed ; more rapidly upon cotton than upon wool or silk. Slowly de- colorised. Most frequently met with on silk and wool ; and also on cotton and linen, on which it is fixed by albumen or sumach. Nitric acid gives a dark blue coloration at first, which afterwards becomes yellowish-blue. Under the influence of protochloride of tin and hydrochloric acid it suffers but little change ; sometimes it becomes greenish, but recovers its colour when brought in con- tact with water. It behaves in a similar manner with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Is only employed for printing; it is generally fixed with white of egg, consequently, on burning the tissue, even if it be cotton, products are formed similar to those obtained when nitrogenous bodies are burnt (smell of burnt horn, ammonia reaction). Name of the colouring matter. Combustion of the coloured fibre on a piece of platinum. Boiling in water 'ontaining J per cent. of soap. Immersion in dilute nitric acid. Quercitron bark. The ash contains alumina. The water be- comes coloured, but the colour of the cloth is not much altered. Becomes brown. Persian berries. The ash contains alumina, or if the coloration is more orange, tin is present. Behaves like the preceding. As the preceding. Old fustic. The ash contains alumina. Almost decolor- ised. As the preceding. Weld. The ash contains alumina, and some- times, although rare- ly, tin. Only slightly al- tered. Little changed. Barberry root. Is not used with mordants. Little changed. Red-brown, as is also the liquid. Turmeric. Generally used without mordants. Rapidly becomes brown, but recovers its colour by the action of acids. Little changed. Annatto. Used without mor- dants. Takes a darker shade. At first reddish- brown, then yellow- ish-green, and lastly becomes bleached. Picric acid. Used without mor- dants. Loses its yellow colour. Little alteration. Chrome yellow and chrome orange. Lead will be found in the ash. Becomes more orange. Decolorises. Ochre. Reddish - brown ash, containing ox- ide of iron. Generally more brilliant, otherwise no change. Is destroyed im- mediately. Orpiment. The vapours arising from the burning cloth have the smell of sulphur- ous acid and garlic. Little change. Little change. Treating in a hot ■mixture ofioo c.c nitric acid, sp.gr, i'5, 6 vols, water and 4.0 vols, of al- cohol. To the ex- tract a few drops of acetate of lead solution a re added. Immersion in caustic ammonia. Remarks. The acid extract is yellow. The voluminous pre- cipitate pale yel- low. Whilst wet it appears brown, but when dry is found to have changed very little. The reactions of this and the two following colouring matters are very similar, the chemi- cal nature of the colouring principle being analogous. The same as the preceding. The tone changes a little; colour slightly dissolved. Persian berries are only used for printing, and not for dyeing. They are employed with a salt of alumina as a mordant for yellow, and a salt of tin for orange; the latter, however, is not a good tint. As the preced- ing. Becomes col- oured orange ; the liquid be- comes coloured also. If the extract obtained by nitric acid and alcohol be evaporated, and a little concen- trated sulphuric acid then added, a red coloration is produced, which is more intense upon wool than on cotton fibre (rufimoric acid). Like the pre- ceding. Slightly altered. This colouring matter is employed for every sort of fibre. No visible pre- cipitation. Red-brown. Is only employed for dyeing silk. Dense orange - brown precipi- tate. Reddish-brown coloration. Is seldom employed alone; generally with other yellow pigments. No visible pre- cipitate. Little altera- tion. Is not a pure yellow, but generally orange. No precipitate. Clear yellow ; loses a little of its colour. Only dyes silk and wool ; is generally met with only on the former. A solution of cy- anide of potassium colours it red-brown; which reaction must not be confounded with that of the alkalis with turmeric. The colour is partially remo- ved, and becomes orange-yellow. Is destroyed, the solution con- tains iron. No alteration. If a little hydrochloric acid be first added, and then some potassium ferrocyanide, a blue coloration is produced. Greater part dissolves. Very little employed. 486 III.— RED COLOURING me of the colouring matter. Combustion on a \ Boiling in - piece of platinum containing \ per foil. cent, of soap. Moistened 'with a solution of carbon- ate of soda. Cochineal. The ashes contain alumina, or oxide of tin, or both these bases. The colour is but little changed, the liquid is a faint violet colour. The liquid is coloured a little with- out perceptibly al- tering the colour of the fibre. Brazil wood. Ashes generally contain alumina. The colour dis- appears ; the liquid becomes red-brown. The liquid quickly becomes coloured, the fibre remains red. Madder reds. Alumina will be found in the ashes. The colour be- comes brighter. A little colour is removed, but the shade remains un- changed. Safnower. The ash does not contain any mor- dant. Quickly and com- pletely decolorised. The fibre becomes flesh-coloured, and acquires a yellowish tint. Murexide. The fibre contains a little oxide of lead or mercury, (the latter is detected by heating a piece of the cloth in a tube). Is moderately per- manent. Becomes lilac- coloured ; a little of the colour is re- moved. Aniline reds. The ash generally does not contain a mordant. Become more bril- liant upon wool at first, and is then rapidly discolored. Preserves its colour well. MATTERS. 487 Immersion in caustic ammonia. Moistened ivith a solution of citric acid. Moistened ivith a solution of equal parts of tin salt, hydrochloric acid, and water. Remarks. A little of the colour is removed; the liquid becomes violet. Becomes yellow, and the colour can- not be completely restored by ammo- nia. A little of the colour is removed; the fibre becomes yellow. On silk, wool, and cotton. Much colour is removed. Cotton is almost decolor- ised. Reddish -yellow; the colour is res- tored by ammonia. The tissue be- comes tinted yel- low. On silk and cotton, rarely on wool. The colour fades in presence of soap. On wool and silk rather brown; but Turkey reds and alumina reds on calico undergo but slight change. Unaltered. Almost unaltered ; only a little of the colour is removed. Resists the action of all reagents better than other reds. The fibres and the liquid become reddish-yellow. Is permanent. It assumes a fine straw-yellow colour Is not met with upon wool ; most generally upon silk, sometimes also on cotton. Retains its colour well. Bleaches quickly. Quickly becomes grey. It was met with often on dyed and printed cotton goods, but more frequently upon wool; it is now rarely employed. Becomes pale rose- red, then colour- less. When the ammonia absorbed by the fibre has evaporated the colour is restored. Stands well. Is decolorised gradually in places which are only slightly touched by the reagent ; the fibre becomes blue before being de- colorised. On wool and silk. 4 88 IV.— GREEN COLOURING The ashes contain neither iron nor lead. In this group may be classed : ist, Indigo-blue and vegetable yellow; 2nd, Log- wood blue and a vegetable yellow ; 3rd, Lo-kao ; 4th, Aniline green ; 5th, Aniline blue and picric acid, or vegetable yellow; 6th, (Scheeles green or arsenite of copper) ; 7th, Oxide of chromium. la. Vat indigo may be recognised by heating a piece of the cloth in a porcelain capsule; the indigo volatilises (see blue colouring matters). lb. Carmine of indigo does not give this reaction. They both become greenish- yellow when moistened with tin salt and hydrochloric acid. Nitric acid decom- poses both, leaving the yellow colour but slightly altered. The ashes of both con- tain alumina, in consequence of salts of that base being employed as mordants for the yellow colour. 2. Logwood blue and vegetable yellow. Hydrochloric acid produces a yellow- ish-red coloration ; the liquid becomes yellowish, but blue or green on the addition of an alkali. Alumina is contained in the ashes. No satisfactory method is yet known for determining the yellow vegetable colouring matter which is mixed with the blue colour. 3. Chinese green (lo-kao). No mordant base in the ash, but sometimes a little lime. Does not change in presence of acids or alkalis if they are not too concentrated. It is only used for dyeing silk, but is now rarely found. 4. Aniline green. No mordant base in the ash. Moistened with hydrochloric acid (concentrated) it immediately becomes yellow, or even colourless. The colour is, however, again restored when water is added. 5. Aniline blue, and vegetable yellow or picric acid. The blue is not altered by chloride of tin and hydrochloric acid. This mixture is rarely met with. 6. Scheele's green. Fused with carbonate of soda it gives in the reducing flame of the blowpipe, a globule of metallic copper. Heated in a small open glass tube, it gives a deposit of arsenious acid, and a smell of garlic. 7. Oxide of chromium. Fused with a little potassium nitrate, it gives a yel- low soluble mass, which, mixed with a little acetic acid and a solution of acetate of lead, gives a yellow precipitate. It is only employed for printing fibres. MATTERS. 489 The ashes contain lead but 8. Chrome yellow and indigo blue. A piece of the cloth soaked in soda-ley becomes more blue, and the solution contains a little chromate of potash. Chloride of lime leaves the yellow, but destroys the blue. The ashes fuse into an incan- descent bead of a brownish yellow color, which, if mix- ed with carbonate of soda and again fused, leaves a globule of metallic lead. The ashes contain iron but no lead. 9. Prussian blue and vegetable yellow. Placed in caustic soda solu- tion, the piece becomes brown-yellow : if a little hydrochloric acid be added to the filtered liquid and then perchloride of iron, a blue or greenish-blue pre- cipitate will be produced. The ashes contain iron and lead. 10. Prussian blue and chromate of lead. The lead may be detected as given in No. 8 by re- duction to the metallic state. The chromic acid remains in combination with the soda, so that the product of the fu- sion, dissolved in water, gives with acetic acid and acetate of lead, a yellow precipitate. 490 V.— PURPLE Name of the colour. Moistened with concen- trated hydrochloric acid. Moistened ivith a mixture of equal parts of chloride of tin, hydrochloric acid, and water. Perkin's aniline purple (prepared with chromic acid). Becomes blue, but re- covers its original colour when immersed in water. Almost unchanged. Aniline purple obtained with magenta and aniline. Becomes green ; the liquid a little reddish. Placed in water it takes its original colour. Same reaction as that with hydrochloric acid. Hofmann's aniline violet, obtained with iodide of ethyl. Becomes yellow, some- times taking a green coloration previously ; its colour is also restored by placing it in water. Ditto. Madder purples. Becomes red-brown. Water does not restore its colour. Becomes of a slightly reddish-brown. The li- quid takes up very little colour. Alkanet. Becomes more lilac- colored, but none of the colour is removed. Undergoes but little alteration, which is less marked as the colour is more blue. Orchil. Becomes clearer; rather brick-red. Is immediately and completely decolorised. Logwood purple. Becomes red; much of the colour is removed, and the solution becomes red. Fades much to violet- red. COLOURS. 491 Immersion in a solution of ammonia. Immersion in a solution of carbonate of potash or soda. Remarks. Loses brilliancy. Becomes blue. For wool and silk, no mordant base in the ash. For cotton sometimes alumina. Ditto. Unchanged. Same as the preceding colour. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Rather more violet, but none of the colour is re- moved. The ash contains iron. Almost exclusively em- ployed for cotton goods. Ditto. Little changed, none of the colour is removed. On silk and cotton. No mordant base in the ash. Becomes violet-blue. At the ordinary tem- perature the colour is rather bluish. If warmed the solution also becomes coloured violet-blue. No mordant base. Is found on wool, silk, or cotton, often with a blue or brown-red shade, pro- duced by indigo or co- chineal. These colours do not generally affect the reactions. The colour fades to vio- let, as dark as that pro- duced by the acid solution. Same as with ammonia. The ash contains oxide of tin. 492 VI.— BROWN Name of the colour. Moistened with concen- trated hydrochloric acid. Moistened with a solution of equal parts of tin salt, hydrochloric acid, and water. Madder. Becomes red or orange- colored. Ammonia re- stores the original colour. Same reaction as with hydrochloric acid. Catechu. Stands well; if other colouring matters have been employed with it, it only becomes of a lighter shade. Same reaction as with hydrochloric acid. Browns produced with various woods (logwood, and a red dyewood). Destroyed, and violet coloration produced. Destroyed, and violet coloration produced. Manganese. Little alteration. Is slowly decomposed. Brown produced by the employment of blue, yel- low, and red upon wool. a. — Ground or bottom of indigo. b. — Ground or bottom of Prussian blue. Is not alterated, the blue resists the action well. Becomes green. Not much altered. The blue resists the action well. COLOURS. 493 Burning on apiece of platinum foil. Remarks. The ash contains oxide of iron and alumina. Only employed for colouring cotton, linen, and hempen fibres. Ashes greenish-grey. Heated with borax before the blow-pipe it gives a green glass. This colour is rarely produced by the employment of catechu and bichromate of potash only ; but logwood, carmine of indigo, orchil, or turmeric are generally employed at the same time, to produce various shades. These substances ren- der its detection difficult ; the chromium in the ash, and a certain resistance to the action of acids, are characteristic. The ash contains alumina and some- times also oxide of iron. Besides these two woods, others are employed for making brown. The re- actions are then less certain. The ash contains manganese, which gives a red coloration to a bead of borax. Now little employed. This colouring matter gives a good shade. Is some- times employed with indigo to produce a deep blue. The ash contains alumina ; and when the ground is of Prussian blue, also oxide of iron. It is often difficult to identify this in consequence of the simultaneous pre- sence of different substances. 494 VII— BLACK AND GREY Name of the colour. Burning upon a piece of platinum foil. Immersion in hydrochloric acid. Logwood (iron mordant). The ash contains oxide 1 of iron. Is decolorised, giving a cherry-red colour. Tannin. Ash contains oxide of iron. White spots, becoming rust-colored by ammonia. Chrome black. The ash contains oxide of chromium. Becomes reddish. Madder black. The ash contains oxide of iron and alumina. Becomes red ; the colour is restored by ammonia. Black, with bottom or ground of vat indigo. Ash contains a little iron. Becomes blue. Aniline black. Very light ash. After some time a green shade appears. COLOURS. 495 Immersion in a mixture of equal farts of chloride of tin, water, and hydro- chloric acid. Remarks. Violet, fades quickly. Same reaction as with hydrochloric acid. Violet, a rather large quantity of the colour is removed. Same reaction as with hydrochloric acid. Is only employed for printing. Becomes greenish-blue. It is the beautiful black which is formed upon wool. If care be first taken to remove by dilute acid any gal- late of iron or logwood, the indigo may then be recognised as directed in the table for blue colouring matters. Becomes rapidly green, then greenish- grey; the colour is not restored by water, but is by ammonia. Is almost exclusively employed for printing on cotton. INDEX. Page. ABIES canadensis 328 Acacia ba?nbolah 327 ,, catechu 330 ,, nilotica 327 Acetophenone 169 Acetylrhamnetin 273 Acid, aloeresic 282 ,, aloeretic 282 ,, aloetic 282 ,, anchusic 134 ,, anthraflavic 44 ,, anthranilic 167 ,, P-usnic 245 ,, bezoardic 321 ,, bromisatic 166 ,, bnmolic 428 ,, cachoutannic 333 ,, carbazotic (picric) 452 ,, carminic 209 ,, carthamic 136, 137 ,, catechuic 334 ,, catechutannic 333 ,, chloranilic 166 ,, chloroxynaphthalic 474 ,, chrysammic 283 ,, chrysammidic 284 ,, chrysanilic 167 ,, chrysophanic 296, 298 ,, chrysinic 296 ,, cladonic 245 ,, dibromisatic 166 „ digallic 313 ,, ellagic 321 ,, erythric 239 ,, euxanthic 297 ,, evernic 245 ,, everninic 245 „ gallic 313 ,, gallotannic 311 , , hydrindic 1 70 ,, hyposulphindigotic 177 ,, indigotic 162 ,, isamic 161 ,, isatic 160 ,, isopurpuric 456 HH Page. Acid, iso-uvitic 295 „ japonic 335 ,, lecanoric 240 ,, meta-amidobenzoic 167 ,, metagallic 312, 317 , , mimotannic 333 ,, moric 264,266 ,, morintannic 264 ,, naphthalene-sulphonic ... 471 ,, naphthylpurpuric 473 ,, nitrocinnamic 172 ,, nitrococcusic 213 ,, nitrosalicylic 162 ,, nitroxynaphthalic 475 ,, orsellesic 246 ,, orsellic 241 ,, orsellinic 246 ,, oxalic, from garancin washings 86 ,, oxynaphthalic 56 ,, oxyphenic 336 ,, oxytoluic 360 ,, paracoumaric 282 ,, paraoxybenzoic 282 ,, parellic 247 ,, phenylcarbamic 167 ,, picramic 456 ,» Pjcric 163, 452 , , picrocyamic 456 ,, protocatechuic. . 258, 264, 335 , , pyrocatechuic 336 ,, pyrogallic 316 ,, quercetic 257,258 ,, quercimeric 258 ,, quercitannic 255, 328 ,, regianic 329 ,, rhotic 329 ,, rocellic 247 ,, rosolic 458 ,, ruberythric 35 ,, rubiacic 30, 33 ,, rubianic 36 ,, rubinic 335 „ rufigallic 315 ,, rufimoric 265 498 INDEX. Page. Acid, rufitannic 313 ,, salicylic 163 ,, santalic 129 ,, styphnic 123 ,, sulphindigotic 176 ,, sulphoflavic 181 ,, sulphonaphthalic 471 ,, sulphopurpuric 175, 181 ,, sulphorufic 181 ,, sulphoviridic 180 ,, sulphurous, bleaching ac- tion of 16 ,, taiguic 300 ,, tannic 311 ,, tannoxylic 313 ,, tribromomoric 266 ,, triphenylrosaniline-sulpho- nic 4°7 ,, uric 225 ,, usnic 244 ,, vulpic 296, 297 ,, xylochloeric 309 Acids, action of on indican 150 , , indigosulphonic 1 75 Action of acids on indican 1 50 ,, alkalis on indican 155 ,, chlorine on colouring matters. 13 ,, j, indigo ... 164 ,, electricity on flowers.. 10 ,, light on guaiacum ... 6 „ heat on colouring mat- ters 11 Adrianople red 64 Adulteration of aniline yellow... 431 ,, annatto 289 ,, catechu 333 ,, cochineal 214 ,, madder 104 ,, magenta 379 Adulterations, detection of 348 Ageing 77 Al root in Alcohol from madder 89 Aldehyde green 414 ,, violet 400 Aleppo galls 322 Alizaric extract 93 Alizarin, 25, 30, 32, 35, 38, 93, III ,, anthracene, from 41 ,, artificial 44, 48, 54 ,, ,, Graebe's patent 50 ,, ,, printing with... ICO ,, commercial 87 , , from anthracene 44 green 93 ,, hydrate 39 , , hydride of 40 , , optical characters of . . . 62 Page. Alizarin, oxidation of 41 » yellow 93 Alizarinamide 42 Alizarinimide 43 Alkalis, action of on indican ... 155 Alkanet 134 Alloxan 226 Aloeresic acid 282 Aloeretic ,, 282 Aloeretin 282 Aloes 278 ,, Barbadoes 279 ,, Bombay 279 >, Cape 279 ,, colours yielded by 284 ,, hepatic 279 ,. liver 279 ,, Natal 279 ,, Socotrine 279 ,, Zanzibar 279 Aloetic acid 282 Alo'in 280 Amidoalizarin 42 Amidodinitrophenol 456 Amidodiphenylimide 429 Ammonia, hsemateate of 115 Ammoniacal cochineal 218 Ammonium lokaetin 304 Amylic orsellinate 242 Amylorcin 238 Analysis of white light 2 Anchusa tinctoria 134 Anchusic acid 134 Anchusin 134 Aniline 356 Aniline black, aniline for 445 ,, composition of .. . 442 „ Dullo's 439 , , Jarossen and Mid- ler's 441 ,, Koechlin's 438 Lauth's 437, 439 ,, Lightfoot's 436 ,, ,, experi- ments on 443 ,, nature of 442 ,, Persoz' 447 ,, Sacc's 438 ,, Schlumberger's. . 441 ,, Spirk's 440 Aniline blues 402 ,, ,, dyeing with 411 ,, browns 432 ,, commercial 362 ,, discovery of 352 ,, for aniline black 448 ,, from coal-tar 353 ,, from indigo 169, 353 „ greens 414 INDEX. 499 Page. Aniline grey, Laiiber's 448 ,, heavy 363 „ light 363 ,, manufacture of 356 ,, maroons 432 „ violets 3S4 ,, yellow, adulteration of.. 431 , , yellows 425 Animal charcoal 14 Annatto 288 ,, adulteration of 289 ,, composition of 288 „ reactions of 289 ,, uses of 291 Anthracene 46 ,, alizarin from 44 , , discovery of 44 ., from alizarin 41 ,, orange 55 ,, purification of 46 ,, properties of 47 Anthraflavic acid 44 Anthranilic acid 167 Anthrapurpurin 45 Anthraquinone 49 Apparatus for evaporation 147 Arcca catechu 330 Artificial alizarin 44, 4S, 54 ,, ,, Graebe's patent 50 ,, ,, printing with... 100 Assistant liquor, purple 73 Aurin 466 Azodinaphthyldiamine 477 Azodiphenyl blue 411 Azodiphenyldiamine 429 Azolitmin 248 Azoresorcin derivatives 250 Azulin 464 BABLAH 327 Babool 327 Bahia wood 122 Baphia nitida 128 Baraniline 363 Barbadoes aloes 279 Barbaloin 280 Barberry root 292 Bardy's process for blue & violet 405 Barwood 128, 131 , , reactions of 132 Bengal catechu 331 Benzene 353 Benzidam 352 Benzoylalizarin 43 Benzyl chloride 399 Benzylic violets 399 Berberine 293 Berber is aristata 293 ,, vulgaris 292 Page. Berlin lake 128 ]3-ery thrin 247 P-orcin 245, 247 p-usnic acid 245 Bezoardic acid 321 Bigonia cliica 291 Binitroanthraquinone 50 Bixia orellana 288 Bixin 290 Black, aniline 435 ,, logwood 120 ,, mordant 75 Bladder green 305 Blanco 208 Bleaching action of sulphurous acid 16 Bleu de Lyon 402 ,, ,, manufacture of 403 ,, Mulhouse 402 ,, Nemours 131 ,, Paris 402 Bleu lumiere 404 Blue and violet, Bardy's process for 40S ,, azodiphenyl 41 1 ,, diphenylamine 408, 410 ,, Nicholson's 407 ,, night 4°4 ,, Runge's 388 ,, Saxony 178 , , toluidine 4°8 Blues, aniline 402 Bombay catechu 331 Brazilwood 121 ,, dyeing with 126 ,, extract 125 ,, ,, reactions of... 125 „ rose colour 127 Brazile'in 124 Brazilin 123 Britannia violet 400 Bromalizarin 43 Bromaloin 281 Bromisatic acid 166 Bromisatin 166 Bromobenzene 359 Bromorcins ." 236 Brou-de-noix 329 Brown, Girard and De Laire's ... 432 ,, Jacobsen's 433 ,, Koechlin's 433 ,, Sieberg's 434 Wise's 434 Browns, aniline 432 Brunolic acid 458 Butea frondosa 330 CMSALPINJA brazilicnsis ... 121 5oo IXDEX. Page. Ccesalpinia christa 121 ,, coriaria 328 ,, eckiiuita 122 ,, sappan 122 Cachoutannic acid 333 Caliatour wood 133 Calico printing 72 California wood 122 Calumbo root 293 Campeachy wood 113 Campo Bello yellow 469 Camwood 128 Cape aloes 279 Carajara 291 Carbazotic acid 452 Carmin de pourpre 227 Carminamide 218 Carminaphtha 475 Carmine 209, 219 „ indigo 178, 179 ,, lakes 218 „ red 211 sorgho 134 Carminic acid 209, 212 Carotin 301 Carthamic acid 136,137 Carthamin 136, 137 Carthamus tinctorius 1 36 Casthelaz grey 449 Catechin 334 Catechu 330 ,, adulteration of 333 „ Bengal 331 ,, Bombay 331 ,, brown 337 „ dyeing with 337 ,, Gambier 331 ,, reactions of 332 Catechuic acid 334 Catechuretin 335 Catechutannic acid 333 Cerise 382 Cetraria vidpina 296 Chalk, use of in madder dye- ing 27, 81 Charbon de garance 25 Charcoal 13 ,, animal 14 Chayaver 108, no Chesnutbark 328 Chica 291 China blue 203 Chinese galls 323 „ green 301 ,, sugarcane 133 Chintz 72 Chloralo'in 281 Chloranil 166 Chloranilic acid 166 Page. Chlorine, action of on colouring matters. 1 3 ,, ,, indigo... 164 Chlorisatin 165 Chlorogenin 28, 29 Chlorophyll 305 ,, composition of 308 ,, printing with 309 Chlororcins ... 236 Chlorotoluene 399 Chloroxynaphthalic acid 474 Chloroxynaphthaquinone 474 Chocolate chromium 99 ,, mordant, dark 75 light 75 Chromium chocolate 99 Chrysammic acid 283 Chrysammidic acid 284 Chrysanilic acid 167 Chrysaniline 425 Chrysinic acid 296 Chrysophanic acid 296 Chrysopicrin 296 Chrysorhamnin 271, 272 Chrysotoluidine 367, 426 Cladonia rangiferina 245 Cladonic acid 245 Clearing madder dyed goods ... 83 ,, Turkey red 68 ,, with hypochlorite of soda 84 Coal-tar, aniline from 353 ,, colours 350 , , constituents of 350 ,, distillation of 352 ,, naphtha 352 Coccigranum 220 Coccinin 212 Cocculus palmatus 293 Coccus cacti 206 ,, ilia's 220 ,, lacca or ficus 206 ,, Polonkus radkens 206 Cochineal 206, 207 ,, adulteration of 214 ,, ammoniacal 218 ,, dyeing with 216 ,, history 206 , , preparation of 208 ,, reactions of 213 ,, testing 215 Cceloclim polycarpa 293 Coerulem 319 Coerulin 320 Cohen's vat (indigo) 199 Cold vat (indigo) 197 Colombo root 293 Colorometer 342 Colour, cause of 2 INDEX. 501 Page. Colour, recovery of waste 101, 102 Colour-giving principles 2 Colouring matters 2, 7 ,, action of chlo- rine on 13 Colouring matters, action of heat on 11 Colouring matters of flowers ... 7 ,, nature of 3 Colours 1 ,, coal-tar 350 ,, cresol 469 ,, effect of heat on 20 ,, fast 19 ,, loose 19 ,, naphthalene 470 ,, obtained from aloes 284 ,, on cloth, madder 107 ,, spectroscopic examina- tion of 346 Columbo wood 293 Commercial alizarin 87 „ aniline 362 ,, indigo 189 Comparison of dyestuffs 347 Composition of aniline black . . . 442 ,, annatto 288 ,, chlorophyll 308 ,, cochineal 209 ,, gamboge 295 ,, madder 24 ,, safflower 136 ,, shell-lac 224 ,, stick-lac 222 ,, turmeric 285 Constituents of coal-tar 350 Corallin 459 ,, red 462 ,, yellow 466 Coriaria myrtifolia 324 Cotton, dyeing with indigo 199 Cresol colours 469 Crocin 292 Crocus sativus 292 Croton tinctorium 249 Crystallin 352 Crystallised green 420 Cudbear 247 Curcuma longa 284 „ tinctoria 284 Curcumin 285 Cutch 330 Cyanin 7, 135 Cynips folii qtiercus 321 DARK chocolate mordant 75 ,, purple mordant 73 ,, red mordant 74 Datisca cannabina 258 Page. Dead oil 352 Decomposition of rubian 29 Detection of adulteration 348 ,, purpurin 63 Determination of tannin 338 Diacetylalizarin 41 Diamidonitrophenol 456 Diamylorcin 239 Diazoamidobenzene 429 Diazorescorcin 250 Diazoresorufin 250 Dibromindin 161 Dibromisatic acid 166 Dibromisatin 166 Dichlorisatin 165 Dichlorisatyde 166 Diethylorcin 239 Difference between garancin and madder style 87 Digallic acid 313 Dimethyliodide of trimethyl- rosaniline 416, 421 Dinitrobenzene 356 Dinitrocresol 469 Dinitronaphthol 471 Dinitrotoluenes 361 Dioxindol 1 70 Diphenylamine 409 ,, blue 408, 410 Diphenylrosaniline 39 1 Discoveiy of magenta 364 ,, of mauve 384 Discharge process (indigo) 201 Distillation of coal tar 352 Disulphisatyde 161 Dividivi 328 Dorothea violet 398 Dunging 78 Dutch yellow 275 Dyebeck 79 Dyeing cotton with indigo 199 ,, madder 81 , , power of garancin 86 ,, Turkey red 67 ,, with aniline blue 411 ,, ,, brazilwood 126 n catechu 337 ,, ,, cochineal 216 „ ,, indigo 196 „ „ logwood 119 ,, ,, lo-kao 304 „ magenta 374.377 ,, ,, old fustic 268 ,, ,, Persian berries 274 ,, ,, quercitron 261 ,, ,, safflower 138 ,, ,, sumach 326 ,, ,, turmeric 287 ,. weld 278 502 INDEX. Page. Dyestuffs, comparison of 347 Dyewoods, red 113 EFFECT of heat on colours ... 20 Effects of salts on colours 18 Electricity, action of on flowers . 10 Ellagic acid 321 Emeraldine 414 D 25I Ervthric acid 239 Er'vthrin 239 Erythrite 235, 243 Erythrobenzene 37 2 Ery throlein 248 Ery throlitmin 248 Erythromannite (erythrite) 243 Erythrozym 24, 25 Estimation of tannin 338 Ethylalizarin 43 Ethylaniline 398 Ethyldiphenylamine violet 399 Ethylic orsellinate 240, 242 Ethylorcin 238 Ethyhosaniline 393 Euxanthic acid 297 Euxanthone 298 Evaporation, apparatus for 147 Evernia prunastri 245 ,, vulpina 296 Evernic acid 245 Eveminic acid 245 Examination of mordants 348 Extract, alizaric 93 ,, of brazil wood 125 ,, ,, logwood 119 ,, ,, madder, Leitenber- ger's ... 91 ,, „ orange 94 „ Paraf's ... 92 ,, » „ Pernod's... 95 „ ,, ,, . recipes for dyeing with 96 ,, pectic 94 FAST colours 19 Femambuco wood 121 Flavin 260 Fleurs de garance 88 Florence lake 128 Florentine lake 220 Flowers, action of electricity on. 10 , , colouring matters of . . . 7 ,, of madder 89 Fluorescein 25 1 Fol's yellow 468 Formation of indigo 146 rosaniline 359 French purple 232 Furfurol (foot note) 85 Page. Fustic 262 ,, dyeing with old 268 „ old 263 , , reactions of young 269 ,, young 268 Fu-tin 269 GALLEIN 318 Gallic acid 313 Gallin 318 Gallipoli oil 70 Gall-nuts 321 Gallotannic acid 311 Galls 321 ,, Aleppo 322 ,, Chinese 323 ,, Japanese 323 Gambier 330 ,, catechu 331 Gamboge 294 ,, composition of 295 pipe 294 Gambogia gtttta 294 Garanceaux 88 Garancin and madder style, difference berween.. 87 , , dyeing power of 86 ,, extracting, with bisul- phide of carbon ... 96 ,, from munjeet 109 , , manufacture of 84 ,, oxalic acid from wash- ings 86 Garancine modifiee 85 Garcinia morella 294 Gardenia grandiflora 30 1 Garnet, Schultz 432 Gaidtheria procumbms 163 Geranosine 382 Goldgelb 469 Gopher wood 329 Grain colours 221 Grana fina 208 Granilla 208 Green, aldehyde 414 ,, alizarin 93 „ bladder 305 ,, Chinese 301 „ crystallised 420 ,, iodine 416 ,, methyl 422 ,, methylaniline 422 ,, Perkin's 422 .. sap 305 ,, soluble 420 ,, transformation of iodine 421 Greens, aniline 414 ,, from tertiary monamines 423 Grey Casthelaz 449 INDEX. 503 Page. Grey Laiiber's 448 Guaiacum, action of light on ... 6 Gum-kino 330 H^EMATEATE of ammonia... 115 Hsematein 115 Hrematin 114 Hematoxylin 114 ,, a test for lime car- bonate 116 ,, reactions of 117 Hamaloxylon campechianumn^, 118 Heat, action of on colouring mat- ters 11 , , effect of on colours 20 Heavy aniline 363 Hemlock spruce 328 ,, tree 328 Hennis 329 Hepatic aloes 279 Hoang-tchy 301 Hofmann gum 398 ,, violets 393 Huile tournante 69 Hydralizarin 36 Hydrastis canadensis ... 294 Hydride of alizarin 40 ,, purpurin 59 Hydrindic acid 170 Hydroberberine 294 Hydrochrysammide 284 Hydrocyanrosaniline 370 Hydrodiazoresorufin 250 Hypochlorite of soda, clearing with 84 Hyposulphindigotic acid 177 Hyposulphites, reduction of in- digo by 184 ILEX aquifolium 296 Ilixanthin 296 Imasatin 161 Imesatin 161 Indian vat 203 ,, yellow 297 Indican 147 ,, action of acids on 150 ,, ,, alkalis on 155 ,, leucin from 151, 154 Indicanin 155 Indifulvin 151 Indifuscin 151 Indiglucin 150, 153 Indigo 140 ,, action of chlorine on ... 164 , , aniline from 169, 353 ,, carmine 178, 179 ,, commercial 189 ,, dyeing cotton with 199 Page. Indigo, dyeing with 196 ,, formation of 146 , , from urine 205 ,, manufacture 141 ,, printing 185 ,, pulverisation of 198 ,, purification of 188 ,, recovery of waste 197 ,, red 151 ,, reduction of, by hyposul- phites 184 ,, testing 191 ,, white 182 Indigo/era: ... . 140 Indigopurpurin 173 Indigosulphonic acids 175 Indigotic acid 162 Indigotin 150, 158 ,, properties of 158 ,, pure 158 ,, synthesis of 169, 173 Indihumin 151, 153 Indin 161 Indiretin 151, 153 Indirubin 150, 151, 155 Indof. 171 Indophane 473 Injurious effects of rubiacin 81 Iodine green 416 , , transformation of. . . 42 1 Isalizarin 36 Isamic acid 161 Isamide 162 Isatic acid 160 Isatimide 162 Isatin 159 /satis indigotica 144 ,, iinctoria 143, 146 Isatyde 160 Isatofiavin 162 Isatopurpurin 162 Isatosulphites 162 Isodulcite 256 Isomorin 266 Isopurpurate of potassium 457 Isopurpuric acid 456 Iso-uvitic acid 295 JACOBSEN'S yellow 431 Jamaica wood 122 Japanese galls 323 Japonic acid 33c Jaleorhiza palmata 293 Jola 220 KAMBE wood 128 Kermes 220 Kino 330 Knopperns 323 504 INDEX. Page. Kopp's alizaric extract 93 ,, green alizarin 93 ,, purpurin 92 ,, violet 392 Kuphaniline 363 Kyanol 352 LAC 222 ,, dye 222, 224 ,, lake 224 Lacmus 248 Lake, Berlin 128 ,, Florence 128 ,, Florentine 220 ,, madder 103 „ Venetian 128 Lakes, carmine 218 Lawsonia inermis 329 Lecctno?-a tartarea 229, 241 , 247 Lecanoric acid 240 Lecanorin 241 Leitenberger's extract of madder 91 Leucaniline 370 Leuch's vat 204 Leucin from indican 151, 154 Leukaurin 467 Lichen, wall 296 Lichens 228, 296 „ testing 233 Light, analysis of 2 ,, aniline 363 ,, chocolate mordant 75 „ oil 352 ,, purple mordant 73 ,, red mordant 74 Lightfoot's experiments with ani- line black 443 ,, process 186 Lima wood 122 Litmus 248 Liver aloes 279 Lloyd Dale's process 401 Logwood 113 ,, black 120 ,, dyeing with 119 „ extract 1 19 ,, preparation of for dye- ing 118 ,, purple 120 Lokaetin 304 Lokain 302 Lo-kao 301 ,, dyeing with... 304 Loose colours 19 Luteolin 277 MACHROMIN 265 Maclura tinctoria ... 262 Maclurin 264 Page. Madder 22 ,, adulteration of 104 ,, alcohol from 89 ,, changed by keeping 26 ,, colours on cloth 107 , , composition of 24 11 dyeing 81 ,, ,, clearing 83 ,, „ soaping S3 ,, ,, use of chalk in, 27, 8 1 ,, extract, recipes for dye- ing with 96 , , extracts of 90 ,, flowers of 89 „ injured by keeping 89 ,, lake 103 ,, manufacture of 23 „ sugar from 35 ,, testing 105 ,, use of 64 Magdala red 478 Magenta 363 ,, adulteration of 379 ,, discoveiy of 364 ,, dyeing with 374, 377 ,, manufacture of... 365, 373 „ printingwith ... 377, 378 ,, purification of 367 Manchester yellow 472 Manganese mordant for aniline black 439 Manufacture of aniline 356 ,, Bleu de Lyon ... 403 ,, garancin 84 ,, indigo 141 ,, madder 23 „ magenta... 365, 373 „ mauve 385, 388 „ nitrobenzene ... 355 ,, orchil 229 ,, rosaniline 371 Maroons, aniline 432 Martius' yellow 472 Mauve, discovery of 384 ,, manufacture of 385, 388 ,, purification of 385 Mauvaniline 367, 392 Mauveine 386 Melin 274 Menispermum fenestration 293 Mesteque 208 Meta-amidobenzoic acid 167 Metagallic acid 312, 317 Metanitrotoluene 361 Metatoluidine 362 Methyl green 422 ,, salicylate 163 Methylaniline 397, 398 m green 422 INDEX. 505 Page. Methylorcin 238 Methylrosanilines 393 Mimotannic acid 333 Mimotanninhydroetin 336 Mock Turkey red 131 Mononitro-orcin 237 Monophenylrosaniline 390 Monoxyanthraquinone 46 Mordant, black 75 ,, dark chocolate 75 ,, ,, purple 73 „ „ red... 74 ,, light chocolate 75 „ ,, purple 73 ii ,, red 74 Mordanting Turkey red 67 Mordants, examination of 348 ,, printing machine for 76 ,, theory of 17 ,, Thorn's experiments on 17 Moric acid 264, 266 Morin 266 ,, blanc 263 ,, jaune 263 ,, relation of to rhamnetin ... 273 Morinda citrifolia 1 1 1 Morindin m Molindone in Morintannic acid 264 /Moras tinctoria 262 Munjeet 106, 108 ,, garancin 109 Mungistin 109 Murexide 225, 457 Myrobalans 328 NAPHTHA, coal-tar 352 Naphthalene 470 ,, colours 470 Naphthalenesulphonic acid 471 Naphthazarin 55 Naphthol 471 Naphthylamine 475 red 478 violet 480 Naphthylpurpuric acid 473 Natal aloes 279 Natalo'in 281 Nature of aniline black 442 , , colouring matters 3 Neb-neb 327 Nicholson's blue 407 Night blue 404 Nigraniline 444 Nitrindin 161 Nitroacetophenone 1 69 Nitroalizarin 41 Nitrobenzene 354 Page. Nitrobenzene, manufacture of ... 355 N itrococcusic acid 213 Nitrocinnamic acid 172 Nitroerythrite 244 Nitro-orcins 236, 237 Nitronaphthalene 476 Nitronaphthalic acid 475 Nitrophloroglucin 259 Nitropurpurin 41 Nitrosalicylic acid 162 Nitrotoluenes 360 Nopal 206 Nucitannin 329 OAK bark 328 CEnolin 135 Oil, Gallipoli 70 ,, of wintergreen 163 Oiling Turkey red 66 Old fustic 263 ,, dyeing with 268 , , reactions of 263 Optical characters of alizarin ... 62 , , , , purpurin . . 60 Orange extract of madder 94 Orcein 237 Orchil 228 , , manufacture of 229 ,, uses of 233 Orcin 234 Orellin 290 Orsellesic acid 246 Orsellic acid 241, 243 Orsellinic acid 246 Orthonitrotoluene 361 Orthotoluidine 362 Oxalic acid from garancin wash- ings 86 Oxindicanin 157 Oxindol 171 Oxynaphthalic acid 56 Oxyphenic acid 336 Oxytoluic acid 360 PALUDS 24 Paracarthamin 299 Paracoumaric acid 282 Paradatiscetin 257, 258 Paraf's extract of madder 92 Paranitrotoluene 360 Paraoxybenzoic acid 282 Pararosaniline 374 Paratoluidine 362 Parellic acid 247 Paris violet 397 Parmdia parietina 296 Pastel 143 Peach wood 121 Pectic extract 94 506 INDEX. Page. Peonine 462 Perchlorquinone 166 Perkin's green 422 Pernambuco wood 121 Pernod's extract of madder 95 Persian berries 270 dyeing with 274 ,, ,, reactions of 270 Phenicienne 468 Phenol 450 Phenyl carbamic acid 167 i Phenyl violets 391 ' Phloramine 259 Phloroglucin 257, 259, 264 i Phcenicine 387 j Phosphine 425 Phyllocyanin 307 Phylloxanthin 307 Picramic acid 456 Picric acid 163,452 | Picrocyamic acid 456 Pi croery thrin 240, 242, 246 ! Pincoffine 88 Pipe gamboge 294 Podophyllum pdtatum 294 Podyophyllum root 294 Pollution of rivers 85 Polygonium fagopynun 296 ,, tinctorium 144 Pomona paste 424 Ponceau 382 Potassium isopurpurate 45 7 Preparation of cochineal 208 »> >> logwood for dyeing 1 18 ,, ,, woad 143 Printing calico 72 ,, chlorophyll 309 ,, indigo 185 ,, machine for mordants .. 76 ,, Turkey red 71 ,, with artificial alizarin... 100 „ magenta 377, 378 ,, ,, safranine 381 Process of Lloyd Dale 401 Properties of indigotin 158 Protocatechuic acid . . . 258, 264, 335 Protococcus vulgaris 244 Pseudo-corallin 465 Pseudo-curcumin 286 Pseudo-erythrin (ethylic orselli- nate) 240 Pseudo-orcin (erythrite) 243 Pseudo-purpurin 36, 38 Pterocarpus marsupium 330 ,, santalinus 128 Pulverising indigo 198 Pure indigotin 158 Purification of indigo 1S8 „ magenta 367 Page. Purification of mauve 385 Purple assistant liquor 73 ,, logwood 120 ,, mordant dark 73 ,, light 73 ,, Regina 391 Purpurin 38, 58, no hydrate 37 ,, hydride of 59 ,, detection of 63 ,, Kopp's 92 , , optical characters of 60 Purpurinamide 58 Purpurolein 1 34 Purpuroxanthin 37, 38 Purree 297 Pyrocatechin 336 Pyrocatechuic acid 336 Pyrogallic acid 316 Pyrogallol 316 QUERCETIC ACID 257, 258 Quercetin 255, 259 Quercimeric acid 258 Quercitannic acid 255, 328 Quercitrin 255 Quercitron 253 ,, dyeing with 261 ,, reactions of 254 Quercus agylops 324 ,, infectoria 321 nigra 253 ,, robur... 323 „ tinctoria 253 REACTIONS of annatto 289 ,, barwood 132 , , brazil wood ex- tract 125 ,, catechu 332 ,, cochineal 213 „ hematoxylin... 117 ,, old fustic 263 ,, Persian berries 270 ,, quercitron 254 ,, sandal wood... 132 ,, sumach 352 ,, weld 276 , , young fustic . . . 269 Recipes for dyeing with madder extract 96 Recovery of waste colour ...101, 102 „ ,, indigo 197 Red Adrianople 64 ,, corallin 462 , , dyewoods 113 ,, Magdala 478 ,, mordantdark 74 „ „ light 74 INDEX. 507 Page. Red naphthylamine 47& ,, Turkey 64 „ ,, printing 71 Reduction of indigo by hyposul- phites 184 Regianic acid 3 2 9 Regianin 3 2 9 Regina purple 39 1 Relation of morin and rhamnetin 273 Reseda luteola 276 Reserve process (indigo) 200 Resist process , , 200 Resorcin . 249 , , from sapan wood 123 ,, indophane 473 Rhamnagin 272 Rhamnetin 272 , , relation to morin 273 Rhamnin 273 R/iaiii mis cathartkus 302, 305 Rheum 298 Rhotic acid 3 2 9 Rhubarb 298 Rhus coriaria 3 2 4 ,, cotinus 268 ,, semialata 3 2 4 Rivers, pollution of 85 Robinin 256 Roccella fuciform is 229, 239 ,, tinctoria 229, 241, 247 Roccellic acid 247 Roccellinin 247 Rosanaphthylamine 478 Rosaniline 368 „ acetate 369* 37 1 ,, formation of 359 ,, hydrochloride 369 ,, manufacture of 371 ,, picrate 369 Rose colour, brazil wood 127 Rosees 24 Roseine 37 l Rosocyanin 287 Rosolic acid 458 Rosotoluidine 373 Rothine 468 Rottlera tinctoria 301 Rottlerin 281, 301 Ruberythric acid 35 Rubiacic acid 3°» 33 Rubiacin 33> 34 ,, injurious effect of 81 Rubiadin 3°> 33 Rubiafin 3°> 33 Rubiagin 3 l Rubian 24, 28 ,, decomposition of 29 Rubianic acid 36 Rubianin 3°> 33 Page. Rubichloric acid 29 Rubinic acid 335 Rubiretin 30, 33 Rulicoccin 213 Rufigallic acid 315 Rufimoric acid 265 Rufitannic acid 313 Rumex obtusifolius 298 Runge's blue 388 Rutin 274, 298 Safflower 135 ,, composition of 136 ,, dyeing with 138 ,, yellow colouring matter from 138 Saffron 292 Saffronin (from saffron) 292 Safranine or saffranine 380 ,, hydrochloride 380 ,, printing with 381 Salicylic acid 163 Salts, effects of on colours 18 Sandalwood 128 ,, ,, reactions of 132 Sanders wood 128- Santa Martha wood 121 Santal 130 Santal wood 128 Santalic acid 129 Santalin . 129, 130 Sap green 305 Sapan wood 122 Sappanin 123 Saxony blue 178 Scarlet, Ulrich's 383 Schiitzenberger's and Lalande's process 184 Scoparin 299 Seeddac 223 Sesam oil 1 1 1 Shelblac 224 ,, composition of 224 Soap waste, utilisation of 103 Soaping madder dyed goods ... 83 Socalo'in 281 Socotrin aloes 279 Soluble green 420 Sooranjee Ill Sophora japonica 299, 304 Sorgho 133 ,, carmine 134 ,, red 134 Sorghum saccharatum 133 Spaniolitmin 248 Spartium scoparium 299 Spectroscopic examination of colours 34^ Spectrum 2 508 INDEX. Page. Spruce bark 328 Stick-lac 222 ,, composition of 222 Styphnic acid 123 Sugar from madder 35 ,, cane, Chinese 133 Sulphindigotic acid 176 Sulphisatyde 161 Sulphoflavic acid 181 Sulphonaphthalic acid 471 Sulphopurpuric acid 175, 181 Sulphorufic acid 181 Sulphoviridic acid 180 Sulphurous acid, bleaching ac- tion of 16 Sumach 324 ,, dyeing with 326 ,, reactions of 325 , , uses of 326 Synthesis of indigo 1 69, 173 TAIGU wood 300 Taiguic acid 300 Tannic acid 31 1 Tannin, estimation of 338 ,, matters 310 Tannins 310 Tannoxylic acid 313 Tayegu wood 300 Tein-hoa-tein-ching 144 Terminalia chcbula 328 Terra firma wood 122 Terra japonica 330 Testing cochineal 215 ,, indigo 191 , , lichens 233 ,, madder 105 Theory of mordants 17 Thorn's experiments on mordants 1 7 Tetrabromonuoresce'in 251 Tetranitroerythrite 244 Tetrazoresorcin 251 Tetrazoresorufin 251 Toluene 359 Toluidine, blue 408 ,, _ red 373 Toluidines 362 Tournesol en drapeaux 249 Transformation of iodine green 421 Triamylorcin 239 Tribromomoric acid 266 Trichloraniline 1 64 Trichlorophenol 1 64 Triethylorcin 239 Triethylrosaniline 393 Trimethylchrysotoluidine 429 Trimethylorcin 239 Trimethylrosaniline, dimethyl- iodide of 416, 421 Page. Trini tro-orcin 236 Trinitrophenol 452 Trinitroresorcin 123 Triphenylrosaniline 404 Triphenylrosanilinesulphonic acid 417 Turkey red 64 ,, clearing 68 ,, dyeing 67 ,, mock 131 ,, mordanting 67 , , oiling 66 ,, print 71 Turmeric 284 ,, dyeing with 287 ,, composition of 285 Tyrosine 210 ULRICH'S scarlet 383 L T ncaria gambir 330 Uric acid 225 Urine, indigo from 205 Use of chalk in madder dyeing.. 81 ,, madder 64 Uses of annatto 291 1, orchil 233 ,, sumach 326 L ~s>ica florida 244 Usnic acid 244 Utilisation of soap waste 103 VALONIA 324 Variolaria dcalbata 229 , , orcina 229, 240 Vat, Cohen's (indigo) 199 ,, cold (indigo) 197 ,, Indian (indigo) 203 ,, Leuch's (indigo) 204 ,, woad 203 Venetian lake 128 Verantin 30, 32 Vert- Azof 301 ,, lumiere 301 ,, Venus 301 Victoria yellow 469 Violaniline 367, 392 Violet, aldehyde 400 ,, Britannia 400 ,, Dorothea 398 ,, ethyldiphenylamine 399 ,, Imperial 390 ,, Kopp's 392 , , naphthylamine 480 n Paris 397 ,, Wanklyn's 400 Violets, aniline 384 ,, benzylic 399 ,, Hofmann 393 „ Phenyl 391 INDEX. 509 Page. Vulpicacid 296, 297 WAIFA •••274, 299, 304 Wall lichen 296 Walnut husks 3 2 9 Wanklyn's violet 400 Waste colour, recovery of...ioi, 102 ,, indigo, recovery of 197 , , utilisation of soap 1 03 Weld 276 ,, dyeing with 278 ,, reactions of 276 White indigo 182 ,, light, analysis of 2 Woad 143. x 46 ,, preparation of 143 „ vat 203 Wongshy 3 QI Wintergreen oil 163 XANTHEIN 9 Xanthin 25, 28, 29 ,, of flowers 8 Xantholein 134 Xanthorhammin 271, 272 Xylidine red 374 Page. Xylochloeric acid 309 YELLOW, adulteration of ani- line 431 ,, alizarin 93 bark. 293 ,, Campo Bello 469 ,, colouring matter from flowers ... 138 ,, corallin 466 Dutch 275 Fol's 46S ,, Indian 297 ,, Jacobsen's 431 ,, Manchester 472 ,, Martius' 472 ,, Victoria 469 ,, wood 263 Yellows, aniline 425 Young fustic 26S ,, reactions of 269 ZACATILLA 208 Zanzibar aloes 279 Zinaline 43° Palmer and Howe, Printers by Steam Pa:oer, 1, j>, d-= J, Bond-Si., Manchester. ERRATA. Page 24, line 9, for 'palus,' read 'palud.' , 88, , 127, , 166, , , 166, , , 227, , , 229, , , 236, , > 294, , , 3 0I > > , 45 6 > . 11, „ 'or clearing,' read 'but only clearing.' 9, „ 'M. K. Koechlin,' read 'M. H. Koechlin.' 30, „ 'Bromisatinic acid,' read 'Bromisatic acid.' 32, „ ' Dibromisatinic acid,' read 'Dibromisatic acid.' 10, „ poupre] read pourpre? 17, „ 'Leconaria,' read 'Zemnora.' 13-14,,, 'monobromicin,' read 'monobromorcin.' 15, „ '/lydroberberin,' read ' hydroberberine? 27, „ ' Vert-Iumiere,' read ' Vert-lu/niere.' 6, „ '2 OH,' read '2OH,'. JUST PUBLISHED, In Two Handsome Quarto Volumes, strongly Bound, containing 40 Plates, and 259 other Illustrations. Price £4 4s. THE SCIENCE OF MODERN COTTON SPINNING. BY EVAN LEIGH, C.E, Palmer & Howe, PtiMishers, 1, 3, and 5, Bond Street, Manchester. SimpMn, Marshall, &• Co., London. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. [ From the Manchester Examiner and Times. ] Cotton spinning is not often honoured by being the subject of such handsome volumes as these, but Mr. Leigh evidently thought the history of cotton, from its growth in America or India to its appearance as twist, was not only worthy of a detailed record, but of a work in which neither the engraver's nor the printer's art should leave anything to be desired. Accordingly we have two folio volumes which rival in appearance most of the illustrated gift books of the season, printed on fine paper, and illustrated by a considerable number of engravings. But if the first sight of the work should suggest the idea of its purpose being merely to provide scientific entertainment for the drawing room, the impression would be erroneous ; the work is essentially practical, and though a knowledge of cotton spinning is not often acquired by the study of books, we may add that Mr. Leigh's book is pre-eminently didactic. The first edition, indeed, was so successful that, we understand, arrangements have already been made for translations of the book into several foreign languages. Throughout the book, as we stated above, Mr. Leigh is very practical, and his advice is the result of considerable personal experience during nearly half a century. But we will leave others better acquainted with the subject to say how far he is justified in making the inferential promise in the following passage from the preface : — " The author dwells but little on present examples, which may be seen in every day operation, but rather points to the inevitable future, taking care to advise no step but what is both safe and practical, and by which large sums of money may be saved in original outlay, and consequently in cost of production." But many spinners who are at a loss for advice when about to make changes in machinery, &c, may turn with advantage to Mr. Leigh's book as an impartial guide, the object of which is to counsel real economy, and to give recommendations without favour. In a work of this character the author, of course, trusts very much to the assistance of his engraver, and Mr. Leigh in this respect is extremely fortunate. The engravings tell their own story,. and, so far as this department is concerned, the book is almost exhaustive. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS.— Continued. [From the Manchester Guardian.] These handsome volumes mark a decided advance upon anything in the literature of cotton spinning which, so far as our acquaintance goes, has yet been published in this country. The author, who has had nearly half a century's extended and active experience in the business, ought certainly to have some- thing to say worth the attention of all who have more recently entered it, and even of others who, though not inexperienced, have had a few opportunities of wide observation. A book of this kind has, in fact, for some time bark been wonted. Most of those previously extant are out of date, and little has been hitherto done toward collecting together the scattered results of improvements in machinery and in methods of management which little by little have wrought on the whole no inconsiderable changes in the operations of cotton spinning. The first part of the book supplies a very full description of the principal varieties of cotton, together with a statistical account of their production. Then comes a chapter on mill architecture, which includes some lengthened observa- tions upon building materials. On the cpiestion of "belting versus mill gearing" English spinners will scarcely be at first sight disposed to side with Mr. Leigh in his decided preference for belting. Yet this plan appears to be almost universally adopted in America. There certainly appears much to be said in its favour, and perhaps the high cost of iron now prevailing may lead to a trial of the system in this country ere long. Some pages on steam engines complete what may be called the introductory part of the work, and we now enter upon the earlier stages of the process of cotton spinning proper — viz., mixing, opening, and scutching. Besides the older forms of openers and scutchers, the more recent ones of Crighton and Lord are very fairly described. On the subject of carding Mr. Leigh gives his opinion at once in favour of "flats" as against rollers. In connection with this subject we have also much very valuable information respecting the choice and management of cards. Some pages are devoted to the combing machine, not only the beautiful and well-known invention of Heilmann, but also a more recent discovery of Joseph Imbs, who, like the late M. Heilmann, is a native of France. In the remarks on slubbing, intermediate and roving frames we have much useful practical advice respecting the adjustment of draughts and the management of these preparatory processes. Passing on now to the chapters on spinning, we have, after a judiciously slight historical sketch, a full and interesting account of the throstle frame in all its varieties. Mule spinning receives equally full treatment, and then follow very useful directions for doubling, gassing, polishing, and spooling. The illustrations are abundant, and the mechanical drawing is very well done. We repeat, in conclusion, our opinion that this is the best work on the subject of cottou spinning that has yet appeared in this country. [From the Manchester Courier.] An examination of the two handsome volumes before us will show that the promise of the title, lengthy though it be, is more than fulfilled. The articles are most elaborate, and most carefully written, while so far as we can discover the most perfect impartiality is exhibited with reference to the machinery described. The introductory chapter describes the varieties of the cotton plant and illustrates most completely the length of staple of the different kinds by means of illustrations of full size laid out on a scale of tenths of an inch Then comes a chapter on cotton mill architecture, with an account of the great " India Mill" at Over Darwen, the architect's plans, sections, and elevations of which are fully giveu. The remaining chapters will be found equally useful and equally practical, and if Mr. Leigh's work as a whole cannot pretend to any special graces of style or remarkable literary merit, it may at least be said that he has brought to his task great practical knowledge and abundant common sense. BOUND TO PLEASE IJulwwjri ftudwf* _ FEB. 66 Vl-Wh H. MANCHESTER. INDIAMA mmm BBSBBSBBSm ■ ■'■;■■'■'•'.•■'.'■'.-■•■ • ..--::,■ g ■ ,, '■:•■■■■■:, ■••■;•'■'.■■■■,■■ ' V ' iBilSil ■ ■■ ■ ■■■' n