he Smuts of Austraiia. i/j '«WS*S||)M« S00489871 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. t> f) rn THE SMUTS OF AUSTRALIA (USTILAGINEAE). Frontispiece. Florence. Ohio. Warden. Genoa. Si^^^^ ^^^^^ ZDdys affer Sowing. 8 Ddys af|-er Sowing. 9Dd.ys affer Sowirvg. !0 Ddys aff'er Sowing. RAPIDITY OF GERMINATION OF VARIOUS SEED WHEATS. DEPARTMENT OF AliRICULTURE, VICTORIA. THE SMUTS OF AUSTRALIA THEIR STRUCTITRE, LIFE HISTORY, TREATiAIENT. AND CLASSIFICATION. Government Vegetable Pathuloijisf. WITH WVl ILLUSTRATIONS. ^ ,mclbouvnr: BY AUTHdUITV : .r. KKMP, <: conditions are favorable for their germination at the proper time, infection as a rule occurs, and the smut is propagated. The infection tube can only peuetrat(> the lio^t-plaut and hccomc para- sitic at a spot where the tissue is young and tcndci'. This may he in the young seedling, leaf, or stem, but it nui\- also occur in tlic llowering stage when the young ovary is just forming. u r ^talt Colltgf 4 lutrodnciion. If we follow the spore of the Stinking Smut of wheat from the time it is shed until it reaches a fresh plant next season, the way in which the disease is carried from season to season will be evident. In a district where this smut occurs, the sound grain may receive the spores by means of the wind or in the threshing machine, and this seed with the adhering spores may be sown in the same or in another district and thus introduce the disease. The grain in due course germinates, and the self -same conditions which are favorable to the germination of the wheat also suit the smut spores. They readily ger- minate with moisture and produce secondary spores, or conidia, which in turn put forth delicate threads, and these readily enter the young wheat seedling. There they soon reach the growing point of the stem and continue to grow, plant and parasite being supplied Avith food from the same source. Under ordinarv conditions of growth the wheat-plant is able to provide sufficient food material for both, and this goes on until the flower is formed and the young ovary begins to develop. Then the plant ceases to manufacture fresh material and transfers what has already been accumulated to the grain, for the benefit of the young and growing embryo. Here the fungus luxuriates in the rich supply of food and the filaments increase, multiply, and divide into innumerable branches, from each of which spores are formed ; the wall of the filaments becoming gelatinous. The wall soon deliquesces and is absorbed by the growing spore, which soon assumes its firm black covering; and what was at first intended as a store-house of nourishment for the embryo has been converted into a charnel house, densely packed with the spores of the overmastering fungus. These spores again reach the sound grain and repeat the process in the succeeding crop. The principle on which the treat- ment for the prevention of this smut is based, may be clearly seen from this brief account, for if the spores on the grain are destroyed, or their germinating power arrested, they will not be able to infect the young seedling and pro- duce the disease. The losses caused by this smut are enormous, and these are not only due to the actual reduction in the yield of grain, but to the indirect loss brought about by the sound grain having its commercial value lessened from the ad- hering spores of smut, which are easily recognised by their objectionable smell. It was estimated, from reliable data, that in one season this State suffered a loss of £50,000, although in recent years the general treatment of the seed-wheat has reduced considerably this preventable loss. Even the loss from Loose Smut of wheat is considerable, although the farmer does not always allow for it, and may even blame something else for the naked stalks throughout his crop. In South Australia, it is considered that in some seasons more damage is done to wheat by Flag Smut than even by the dreaded Rust, and in certain districts of Victoria the yields are much reduced from that cause alone. In the countries of the Old World, the loss due to smut is regarded as only surpassed by that caused by Rust, and in the United States, Swingle'^ has calculated the yearly loss from Oat Smut to amount to £3,600,000, and for the State of Ohio alone, Selby- has reckoned the Stinking Smut of wheat to cause a loss of £50,000. For both these diseases a remedy has been provided, and it Hes with farmers themselves to take advantage of it. Historical. — While the mildew or rust of wheat is freely mentioned by ancient w-riters, the smut of wheat is not specially noticed, and there is no word to express it in the language of Greece or Italy. Pliny speaks of the blasting of corn " which cometh of some distemper of the air," but this, in all likelihood, refers to Rust, for he goes on to remark " this unhappy blast falleth most often in places subject to mists and dews, such as hollow valleys and low grounds." It does not necessarily follow, however, that it was not Introduction. 5 known in ainicMit times, tor tho ])robabilities are that it was infludod under the general term of mildew^ or blight. Thus, Bacon says, " Mildew falleth upon corn and smutteth it," and even now. Rust and Smut are often con- founded, the name of " Black Rust " having been applied to Flag Smut for a number of years in South Australia. In historical times, the nature and origin of smut were mucii discussed, and the different views held by eminent writers brought it prominently into notice. The Stinking Smut of wheat was evidently the lirst to attract atten- tion, for TuU, writing in i7;);>, remarks that " Smuttiness is when the grains of wheat, instead of flour, are full of a black stinking powder." Then, in 1755, Tillet distinguished between la Carie the Stinking Smut, and la Charbon or Loose Smut. The grains composing the smut were supposed to resemble the spores of puff-balls, and being enclosed by the Avails of the ovary, Bjerkander' classified this form as a Lycoperdon, in 1775. But this view was not generally accepted, and Tessier, in 1783, while acknowledging the resemblance to Lijco- perdon, considered it rather as a degeneration of the grain and not a, definite and independent organism. He, along with others, had observed that the powder was contagious, but did not know how that pow'der originated. In seeking to account for it all sorts of wild notions were entertained. Some re- garded the black particles as foreign bodies, others as infusoria, and still other.s considered them as indications of an offended deity, for in an article on the subject of smut, in the fifth volume published by the Bath Agricultural Societv, in 1790, the following occurs : — " Premiums, offered for preventing evils which originate from intemperate seasons and destroying blights, may excite inven- tion, artifice, cunning, imposture, and deception, but can never extend the boundary or expand the circle of human knowledge or human power. ■ He, and He only, wdio can repel the malignant blasts of the East ; fraught with myriads of consuming insects, which originate from what or where none but Omniscience knows, and substitute the soft, healing, balmy zephyrs of the West, can reward the labours of the industrious husbandman with plenty and happin-.ess." But the view of the smut as being due to degeneration of the plant itself persisted for a long time, and was held by eminent scientists. Instead of re- garding the smut powder as consisting of spores capable of reproducing the fungus from wdiich they were derived, they were considered to be diseased out- growths, morbid conditions, or eruptions of vegetable matter. As late as 18;3o, this was the view put forth by such a good observer as Unger. in his work " Die exantheme der Pfianzen " and it was adopted by Schleideu even in 1846. About a century ago, in 1807, Prevosti discovered the important fact that the smut spores germinated in water, and consequently showed that the smuts were of the nature of fungi. Unger, in referring to this, remarks that, although fungus filaments were produced, there was no evidence to show that they possessed the power of infectio)i. This evidence w^as only forth- coming iu 1858, when Kuehn dii'cctly followed the penetration of the genn threads in wheat. With our present knowledge, it seems diilicult to conceive tliat even when the snmts were acknowledged to be fungi, and that they produced spores, it should titill be maintained that they were of tiie nature of diseased outgrowths from the plant itself. The facts of their development were generally known ; but that the spores were capable of infection had still to be experimentally proved. Even such a distinguished physiologist as Meyen', in 18.37. did not realize the importance of the spores in the production of the disease, although he described their formation accurately as shown in the following passage : — "I consider it to be an established fact, that the smut (Ustila(jo,L'u\k) is not a contagious disease, but is inlierited, and arises from the stoppage of the saps ^ 6 hitrodnciion. produced by superabundant manure foreign to the nature of the pknt. At one or at several places of the inner surface of the affected cells, small deposits of mucus are formed from which filiform ramified bodies proceed, which are colourless and almost transparent, but contain a quantity of small molecules consisting of a somewhat more solid substance. These mucous filaments, in the interior of the cells, soon present constrictions at various places, first generally at the apices of the small lateral branches ; and these constricted ends take an ellipsoidal and lastly, a spherical form, become of a yellow colom-, and change into those minute brown vesicles of which the smut consists. The destruction of the cellular walls by dissolution commences with the aggrega- tion of these smut vesicles in the diseased cells, and then these vesicles are found in great masses lying close together, filling entirely the diseased organ, and frequently without leaving a trace of the original intervening cellular wall.'" It is still deeply rooted in the minds of many farmers that the smut spores are simply an exudation of the sap of the plant, blackened by exposure to the air, or that the fungus, if fungus it be, has arisen spontaneously from the soil in some mysterious fashion. It is only when the spores are seen to germinate, and when the infected grain produces smutted plants, while those produced alongside free from spores are perfectly healthy, that the fungus is realized to be a parasite, the presence of which is necessary for the production of the disease. The next step in advance was by Tulasne\ in 1847, who investigated methodically the germination of the spores in water, and proved that on ger- mination they did not directly give rise to a mycelium, but to a short germinal tube which produced minute reproductive bodies. He distinguished the germinal tube as a promyceUum, and the reproductive bodies as sporidia,and having a somewhat similar mode of germination to the teleutospores of the rusts, he came to the conclusion that the rusts and the smuts were closely allied. Next, Kuehn^, in 1858, carried out infection experiments with the spores on various host-plants, and he found that the fully developed plants were not capable of infection, but only when they were in the seedling stage. The production of sporidia, as shown by Tulasne, and the mode of infection of the host-plant as demonstrated by Kuehn, gave a simple explanation of the development of the smut, and seemed to account completely for all the ob- served phenomena. When one considers how intimately the smut fungus is associated with its host, how it enters the young seedling and goes on growing within the tissues of the apparently healthy plant, how it suddenly appears in the ovary and replaces the floury contents of the grain with the black smutty spores, it is not to be wondered at that it was regarded at one time as part and parcel of the plant itself. The mode in which the spores are formed next engaged attention, and De Bary\, as early as 1853, extended our knowledge in this direction. Fischer von Waldheim^ also carried on his investigations into the germination of the spores and the mode of their formation. But it was only when Brefeld began his masterly and epoch-making researches into the germination of the spores of the various smut fungi in nutrient solutions that the subject was dealt with in a thorough and complete manner."]. This was in 1883, when the first part of Die Brandinlze was published, and there he showed that it is only by rigorously following exact scientific methods that the boundaries of know- ledge can be enlarged. He found that the germination of the spore in water was often uncertain, slow, and in some cases, such as Maize Smut, it was diffi- cult to secure it at all. He therefore hit upon the happy expedient of germina- ting the spores in nutritive solutions, such as a watery extract of manure, or of such vegetable substances as are contained in the soil. In the fluid extracts of such materials, not only did the spores germinate as in water, but even ■Inlrihliii-flon. 7 spores wiiicli would not fiortniualc at all did so without (wccptioii. It was further discovered that the genniuatiou went beyond that which occurred in water and was not only more luxuriant, but that instead of stopping at that stage, the secondary spores or conidia began to sprout on their own account. These sprouting conidia as they are called by Brefeld, continued to multiply indefinitely as long as the nutrient material lasted, and, becoming detachecl, continued the process just like yeast-cells. Some of these sprouting conidia had also the capacity of giving rise to aerial conidia, which, on account of their minuteness, were scattered in immense numbers by the wind. The final step was taken when infection was proved to t^ke place, not oidy in the seedling, as in Stinking Smut of wdieat, but also n the }'oung and tender tissue of developing maize plants as in the American Corn Smut, and in some cases, in the flower itself. This floral infection was first practically demonstrated and described in 1896, by Maddox.in the Tasmanian Agricultural Gazette, and afterwards re-discovered, in 1905, by Brefeld.^ The probabilities are, that some host-plants are capable of infection both through the young seedling and the flower, but that has yet to be proved. Hitherto, it was taken for granted that the parasitic fungi could only live and grow upon the particular host-plants with which they were associated in nature, and that it was only by confining observations and experiments to the host-plants that the full course of their development could be traced. f But Brefeld opened up a new field of inqub:y when he showed, in the most con- vincing manner, that parasitic fungi can live outside of the host-plant, and that in nutrient solutions they could grow as luxuriantly and sometimes even . more so than they did on their natural hosts. While the smuts can maintain themselves on the living plant, they are also capable of existing on dead organic substances, and thus the line of demarcation between parasites and saprophytes was shown to be less rigid than commonly supposed. In fact, there are sources of infection quite outside the host-plant which have to be taken into account when considering the propagation and prevention of snmt. Each successive step in advance has thrown fresh light upon what takes place in nature, and the discovery of infection through the flower has explained how it is that in Loose Smut of wheat, and Naked Smut of barley, disinfection of the seed has not been successful in preventing the disease, and how the smut may break out in places where it has never before been known, through being carried in a dormant condition within the seed, even although that seed had been carefully treated and there were no wild or cultivated grasses in the neighbourhood from which it might have been derived. Exflanation of Plates. [To face PI :tf I. ] MYCELIUM. {a, b. after Plowright ; c, after Fischer von Waldheini.) a. Ustilaj) nvswM .. Hypha from axis of inflorescence of Avena elatior .. b. .. ,- • • Hypha gelatinized from same plant c. Tilletia striaeformis . . Hypha from leaf with large vacuoles and showing dou'ole contour in walls xoOO x500 x900 d. Ustilago olivacea e. Ustilago zene f. TJstilffjo violacea g. Tilletia levis h I. Ustilnrjo violacea m. ,. ,, p. Usfiliigo iiia;jdis q. r. Ustilago scahiosa SPORE FORMATION. {d, after Brefeld*; e-k, after Fischer von Waldheim.) Spore-bearing hypha, the swellings indicating the formation of spores . . . . . . . . x 400 . . Gelatinized hypha showing the contents hreaking up for spore formation . . . . . . x 900 Coalesced gelatinous hyphae in which spore formation is taking place, and contour of spores distinctly visible .. .. .. .. .'. x900 Spore-forming hypha with commencement of ])ranches ending in spores . . . . . . . . x 900 Young spore still connected with hypha . . . . x 900 Young spores in various stages of development . . x 500 Separation of hypha into two branches with spore at end of each of different degrees of ripeness . . x 500 . . Spore with shrivelled remains of spore-forming hypha x 500 SPORE GERMINATION. {l-o, and r-s, after Harper; p, q, after Istvanffi.) . . Germinating spore with nucleus . . . . x about 1500 . . Geriuinating spore after first nuclear division, one nucleus remaining in spore, the other wandering into germ-tube . . . . . . x about 1 500 Promycelium, with two daughter nuclei and a septum between . . . . . . . . x about 1500 . . Conidium budding like yeast . . . . x about 1500 Germinating spore with single nucleus in promy- celium . . . . . . . . . . X 950 Four-celled promycelium and conidia with a nucleus in each . . . . . . . . . . x 950 . . Promycelium with four resting nuclei . . x about 1500 Four-celled promycelium and conidia with a nucleus in each . . . . . . . . x about 1500 * The magnification of Brefekl's figures is generally too high, probably arii^ing from the mode of reproducing them. Plate 1. G. II. KnlH„^,„|. I'hot. MYCELIUM, SPORE FORMATION AND GERMINATION. ]'cgcfa//7'c (hi^aui. y CHAPTER II. Vegetative Organs — Mycelium. Among parasitic fungi, such as the smuts, it is by means of the mycelium that they obtain their nourishment from the plants on which they prey, and it is therefore the vegetative part of the parasite. Hence, although hidden in the interior of the tissues, it is the foundation of all the disease and deformation which afterwards occur. It is not of itself an evident cause of disease in the plant, for it is generally so intimately bound up with the host-plant and grows so regularly with it, that there is usually no external evidence of its presence. It is only when the spores are formed that the fungus is revealed, and then what remains of it is often used up in their production, so that there is no portion of the fungus which is more easily overlooked or less seldom investigated than the mycelium. Commencing in the young seedling, as it generally does, and growing steadily with it until the seed again is formed, it can readily be understood that the fungus filaments are difficult to detect among the tissues. They are most easily seen in the vicinity of the spore-beds, but even in the early stages of their formation they can be detected, as in the neighbourhood of the growing point uf cereal seedli'igs. The mycelium is composed of hyaline tubes, which are usually septate, copiously branched and comparatively narrow, being only on an average about 2-5 /( broad (Plate I., a, b). The walls of the hyphae are relatively thick, and sometimes a decided double contour of the membrane is visible (Plate I., c). When treated with iodine and sulphuric acid or chlor-zinc- iodine there is no blue colouration produced, shomng that they are not composed of cellulose. From the transparent nature of the walls and the watery contents of the cells, often filled with vacuoles, it is necessary to use reagents to make the mycelium stand out clearly from the surrounding tissue. If the tissue of the host-plant containing mycelium is kept in a strong solution of potash for 24 hours, the fungus filaments are rendered more distinct in contrast with the clear and transparent tissue surrounding them. The hyphae not only ramify between the cells of the host-plant, but may even penetrate into them and form haustoria, which are seldom spherical, but most frequently like a bunch of grapes. In the cereals, long unbranched hyphse are mostly found in the internodes, Avhile in the nodes the}' are much branched and convoluted. Perennial Mycelium. I}i the Rusts, the mycelium may cither confine itself to definite spots and become localized, or it may permeate the entire plant, or at least large portions of it. In the Smuts there is a similar arrangement. When the young ovary is infected as in the Loose smut of wheat {Ustilago fritici), the mycelium is restricted at first to that portion of the host-plant, but in most cases the seedling is attacked, and then the mycelium perjneates the entire plant. When the spores are being formed, it is most readily found in their vicinity, but it originally existed throughout the plant, although the earlier formed portions may have disappeared. The mycelium persists more particularly in the nodes, where it remains dormant, but if the host-plaut ir perennial and gives rise to fresh shoots next spring, it awakens into fresh life, and enters the new growth, as in Ustilago perennans, Rostr. lo Vegetative Organs. I had a very good illustration of this in the case of a barley plant affected with Naked smut {Ustilago nuda). It is commonly stated that the stubble of wheat and barley will not sprout again, because the original forms are annual ; but under our conditions with the ripening season in the summer, and not in the autumn, they may be cut back while still somewhat green and shoot again, and behave as if biennial. This occurred in a plot of Battledore barley sown at Burnley on 2nd July. The ears in one plant were all smutted with the Naked smut, and this smutted stool was cut close to the ground on 6th November, before it was dead ripe, in order to encourage a new growth. The season was favorable and a second growth started, and by the 24th December fresh ears were formed, which were also all smutted, as in the first instance. In this case when the plant was cut down, the mycelium still remained alive in the basal portion, particularly in the nodes, and when fresh shoots were formed later on, the mycelium entered into them and produced the disease. Sections of the lowest node revealed the presence of fungus filaments, so that it was not by shoot infection, but from the perennial mycelium that the fungus arose. Not only may a cereal crop be cut once and shoot up again, but it may even do so a second time. In Victoria this happened with a crop of oats. The land was ploughed and sown in October, 1907, and about 10 acres were sown with Algerian oats. The crop was cut in January, 1908, and yielded about 25 cwt. to the acre. Then heavy rain set in and the crop was cut again in April, yielding hay of splendid quality, and averaging 1 ton per acre. The paddock was heavily stocked from April to October, when it was again closed to stock, and the third cutting taken off in December, 1908. This was the heaviest crop of all, and yielded about 30 cwt. per acre. The land was open plain country, at an elevation of 3,500 feet above sea level. If smut had been originally present in the crop it would probably have appeared in each successive cutting. Although the mycelium may thus permeate the entire plant, it is only at certain definite spots where spore-formation occurs. In the case of Tilletia tritici, however, Berkeley^ has recorded an instance w^here a streak of the smut spores appeared on the outside of the stem, thus showing that, while the normal appearance of the spores is in the grain, they may be produced in the stem under rare conditions. I have also observed in Ustilago tritici that, while the spores are usually produced in the spikelets, they may occasionally occur in elongated streaks on the sheathing blade or shot blade enveloping the ear in its earliest stages, as well as on the stem (Plate VI., c) Localized Myceliu-ai. It frequently happens that where the mycelium is confined, it gives ri&e to swellings known as smut-balls or smut-galls, varying from the size of a pin-head to that of a child's head. These swellings in the American Corn smut, for instance, are not merely due to the multiplication of the fungus filaments, but also to the luxuriant growth of the tissues of the host- plant. The Gall smut of Barnyard grass may give rise to elongated swellings, reaching a length of 9 cm. (Plate XXI.). The mycelium is generally hidden in the tissues of the host-plant, but it sometimes forms a fungus membrane on the outside. This only occurs, however, in connexion with, and as a protective covering for. the spores until they are ready for distribution. Refrodncfivc Organs. CHAPTER III. Reproductive Organs — Spor us. Just as ill the Rusts, the spores form the most prominent feature and play a most important part in the determination of the species. Hence they have received a hirge share of attention at the hands of investigators, and will require to be carefully studied in their various bearings. There is a good deal of confusion in the use of the term spore, since it may be applied in a general way to all the reproductive bodies of these fungi, and in order to fix definitely the exact position it occupies in the course of the life-history a qualifying word is often prefixed to it. We refer to the spores which arise in the form of a dark powder, and to which the familiar name of smut or bunt is given. Since the spore and its products are constantly being referred to, the terms generally employed to designate them may be appropriately given here, indicating at the same time those which will be commonly adopted in describing the life-histories of the various species. As members of the great group of Fungi, the smuts have necessarily much in common in their vegetative and reproductive processes with the others, and there are conse- quently general terms which are applicable to all, but, on the other hand, there are special characters which distinguish them from the others, and to express these distinctions special terms have been employed. The names given will vary according to the different views held as to their relationships, and they will presuppose affinities which may, or may not, be borne out by facts. The following scheme shows at a glance the various names given to the spore and its products by prominent investigators of this particular group : — General terms — Spore= ^ terminal Tube= Conidium= Special terms — Promycelium (Tiilasne and Sporidium (De Bary) Resting-spore (De Baiy) | De Bary) , Conidinm (Brefeld) Olilamydospore (Brefeld) \ Hemibasidinni (Brefeld) Sporidiolum (Saccardo) Teleutospore (Plowright) j ! Promycelial spore (Tulasne) As regards the spore itself, De Bary calls it a resting-spore, because it usually undergoes a period of rest before germination, and Brefeld speaks of it as a chlamydospore, on account of its firm membrane, while Plowright regards it as a teleutospore, being the supposed equivalent of that spore in the Uredineae. Amid all this diversity of naming we will simply call it a Spore, as it is the main reproductive body, and the other spore-like bodies derived from it will receive special designations. The spore on germination produces one or more germinal tubes of the nature of a hypha. This hypha may either elongate, branch, and become the foundation of the mycelium, or, as in the Rusts and Smuts, it may be very limited in its growth, and give rise directly to other spore-like bodies unlike the mother-spore, and then die off. On account of this special feature of the product of germination in the Rusts, Tulasne called it a Promycelium, because it represented a mycelium in a very abbreviated form, and because a similar short and short-lived germinal tube was produced in the Snmts, De Bary likewise gave it the name of promycelium. But Brefeld introduced the term hemibasidium to indicate the relationship which he considered to exist between the Ustilagineaj ai;d the Basidiomycetes. The name of promyeeUum. however, is distinctive without involving any particular view of relationship, and will be adopted here (Plate I.. Is). 12 Reproductive Organs. The germinal 4:ube or promvceliuni (by a j^rocess of ab.striction) proceeds directlv to the formation of reproductive bodies, which diSer in no essential particular from the Conidia similarly produced in other groups, and Brefeld has adopted that term. But De Bary uses the name sporidium as originally proposed by Tulasne for the promycelial spore in the Rusts, and considering that the term had already been used for the ascospore in the Ascomycetes, and Saccardo had therefore altered it to sporidiola. it will avoid the unnecessary multiplication of terms to retain the old name of Conidium (Plate I., q, s). The typical description of the mode of germination will therefore be that the spore produces its short germinal tube or promycelium, which in turn gives rise to conidia. and there may be secondary and tertiary conidia produced, or even those which sprout in a yeast-like manner, and are therefore called sprouting conidia. Although I have adopted here, for the sake of simplicitv, the term conidium for the product of the promycelium, it is not to be regarded as necessarily different from the similar body produced in the Rusts, for which the name of Sporidiolum was chosen. Structure. The spores are colourless at first, and gradually assume a brown or black colour, which is confined to the outer thick membrane or exospore, while (he inner or endospore is thin and remains colourless. The exospore is not only coloured and thickened, but its surface may be either smooth or roughened in various ways. It may develop spines, warts, or net-like markings, but sometimes the markings are so minute as to be simply granular. The spores are either free, as in Usfilago, or united into spore-masses, as in Sorosporium. This formation of spore -clusters is brought about by the sporogenous hyphfe becoming densely interwoven, and when the spores are subsequently formed they grow together, and so remain united in heaps. If they are not thus hrmly united, the spores may occur in clusters, and yet be easily separated, so that they belong to the free-spored forms. The division to which they belong can only be definitely settlecl by tracing their develop- ment and mode of formation, unless when they are permanently and not merely temporarily united. It can readily be understood that there is no great morphological difierence between the forms Math free and with united spores, and even in the germination of the individual spores there is considerable resemblance. But the distinction is well marked where the spores of a cluster have a special envelope consisting of sterile cells, as in Urocystis. These outer sterile cells not only protect the fertile inner cells, but probably serve as floats to carry them to a suitable place for germination. The protection to the spores has reached its highest development in Doassansia, where the clusters of spores are enclosed in a highly speciahzed peridium, consisting of densely packed sterile cells, reminding one of the protective cells in the Gasteromycetes. and there known as a peridium. The spores thus protected are able to remain under water for a considerable time, and they may germinate either under water or on damp earth by the germinal tube bursting through the envelope. Dispersion of Spores. As in the great majority of fungi, the wind is the most important agent in distributing the spores. When the smut is produced in the ear or inflorescence, as it generally is in grasses, it is in a favorable position for the wind to play upon it, and the gentle swaying to and fro of the plants will help to shake out the spores even in a still atmosphere. The spores thus distributed may fall upon the ground, or be carried to healthy grains where they attach themselves to the surface, as any small particles of dust might Kcproductivc Organs. 13 do, and in this wav may convoy the discv.se to groat distanci^.s troin its original source. The conditions favorable for the geriniiiation of the grain are those most suitable for the germination of the spore, and it is, generally speaking, the best time for the infection of the young seedling as well. In the case of Flag smut of rye or wheat, while a proportion of the spores may be blown about by the wind, the greater number remain, attached to the leaf, and when this withers up and falls away and becomes torn into shreds, it not only forms a convenient means of dispersal, but pieserves the spores in the soil until the next season, when they can infect the seedling plant. The examination of commercial samples of wheaten cha:ff from various parts of the State and the detection of spores of this smut in^ greater or less quantity, show that this is a very efficient means of dispersion. Thaxteri regards it as very probable that insects may serve to spread the spores, as in some other fungi, for he notes that the smut of Onions {Urocystis cepulae) appears to be attractive to the " flea beetles," which swarm over the diseased seedlings, and apparently feed upon the spores, while they do not seem to visit the healthy onion leaf. Brefeld^ has observed that in some species the spores separate from one another in water with a sort of jerk, as if some sort of intermediate substance pressed them asunder, as in Cintractia spinificis, (Ludw.) McAlp. Probably sweUing of the membrane, which occurs in spore-formation, also subse- quently plays a part in spore distribution, but it may also be that the mycelium left over after the formation of the spores retains the capacity for swelling. Spore Formation. The spores are not formed from the ordinary mycelium, but at those spots where the spores arise, the vegetative mycelium gives rise to special spore- bearing iilaments. These filaments are produced directly as branches which are quite distinct in their appearance and behaviour (Plate I., g-k). In connexion with the various genera, it is not only necessary to determine the nature of the spores, but also the mode of their formation, for it is only by means of such characters that the genera can be properly distinguished. Hence it follows that each genus will require to be dealt with separately, but a general view of the process may here be given. The spore-forming nlaments have their walls swollen in a gelatinous manner, and contain a granular protoplasm in which a number of oleaginous particles are often seen. This gelatinization of the walls of the filaments is a fairlv constant character, but it does not occur in every species (Plate I. e, f)/ The ordinary mycelium may change quite suddenly into the spore- forming, as in Sorosporium saponariae, or it may be more gradual as in TJstUago longissima, where the extremity of a filament may show the gradual gelatinization and spore formation. When a filament is preparing for the process of spore-formation, its walls beconie distended, while its cavity is diminished. Then the whole enlarges together with the lumen, and the protoplasmic contents are ready to be transformed into spores (Plate I., d). The spore is regarded by some authors as the result of a sexual process, and it will be convenient to consider here the question of sexuality as oc('urring in the Smuts. The evidence of sexuality is based upon the behaviour of the nuclei, the presence of which is now firmly established in the smuts, and not only so, but these nuclei are shown by Harper^ and others to possess the same essential differentiations in structure that are met with in the higher plants (Plate I., l-s). 14 Reproductive Organs. Daiigeard^ found that the young cells of the mycehum or vegetative cells contain two nuclei, although older cells may contain more than two. Then when spores are about to be formed, this formation occurs in special swollen cells, each of which contains two luiclei, as in the purely vegetative cells, a fact also estabUshed by other observers. These nuclei afterwards fuse and form a single nucleus, so that the mature spore is uni-nucleate. This fusion of the nuclei is regarded as a sexual act, equivalent to the conjugation of male and female pro -nuclei. The entire cell with its accumulated reserve material constitutes an oospore, which increases in size and surrounds itself with a thick membrane. Whether this is to be regarded as a sexual act or not depends upon the view we take as to the essence of the process. If it consists in the fusion of two nuclei, representing respectively the male and the female element, derived from more or less speciaUzed cells and forming the single nucleus of a new generation, then the above does not conform to this view, where the blending nuclei are derived from different cells. The fusion of nuclei in the individual spore may serve the same purpose as repro- duction by giving it increased vigour, but it is only where a fertile cell is stimulated to fiu'ther development by the entrance of a nucleus from without that it is here regarded as true sexual reproduction. When the spore of Ustilago, for instance, germinates in water, the single nucleus passes into the germ-tube and divides, then a transverse septum is formed with a nucleus in each division, or the nuclei may divide further and become four, before the septa arise and form the typical four-celled promycelium. When the conidia are formed, each contains normally a single nucleus, which is derived from the division of the nucleus in the parent cell (Plate 1., q and s). In Urocystis and Tilletia, where the conidia are formed at the apex of the promycelium, the original nucleus becomes eight by successive bipartition, which pass in order into the apical conidia. There is another phase of so-called sexuaUty which has long been observed in Tilletia and other genera, where the conidia unite in pairs. Two conidia become connected by a tube like the transverse bar in a capital H, and resemble very much the conjugating cells of Spirogyra, a fresh- water Alga. Such fusions were naturally suggestive of a sexual union, and De Bary maintained the view that they were analogous to a sexual process. In support of this view he observed, first, the almost invariable occurrence of pairing under the normal conditions of germination, as in water. Second, the union occurred, in the great majority of cases, between two and only two conidia. When an odd number of conidia were produced by the promycelium, they still united in pairs, and the odd one did not fuse with any of the others, although it would have been so easy and so natural to do so. This would seem to show that a change had taken place in the fused pairs which rendered a further imion difficult or impossible. This view of De Bary was generally accepted as being the most probable explanation of the phenomenon, that the conjugation of the conidia was a sexual union. But Brefeld opposes this view, and considers the fusion a purely vegetative act, as occurs in the coalescence of vegetable cells. He regards the essence of a sexual union to He in the fact that the conjugating cells are incapable of further growth by division, but become capable of further development as a result of their union. Applying this test to the conidia, he finds that they are individually capable of unHmited development when placed in nutrient solutions before pairing can begin, and that fusion does not occur under such conditions. He concludes that the fusions are purely vegetative, perhaps resulting from a process of starvation, for so long as adequate nourishment is supplied there is no appearance of conjugation. Reproductive Organs. 15 Whatever view may be taken of the paiiiug of the couidia, whether of sexual value or not, it is a very characteristic feature in certain genera, and the nuclear phenomena underlying it ought to be taken into consideration. Dangeard, in investigating the conidia of TiUetia, found nuclei in the fusion tubes under such conditions that it suggested the view that they might serve as a means of equalizing the distribution of the nuclei. It might happei\ that, in the formation of conidia, some might receive two nuclei and some none at all, and the connecting tube would permit of the balance being restored. It would be interesting to observe in this connexion if the unpaired conidia always possessed a single nucleus only, for here we are merely dealing with a possible supposition still awaiting facts to support it. i6 Spore-forniation. CHAPTER IV. Spore-formation in Australian Genera. The mode of formation of the spores is often characteristic of different genera, and therefore it becomes necessary to see wherein the difference lies. The much-branched spore-forming hyphaB generally become greatly swollen, and their walls gelatinize. Then the spores arise within the old cells by the formation of a new membrane, and it is in the details of this process that variety occurs. Ustilago. The development of the spores has been closely followed by Fischer von Waldheim.3 The fertile threads or spore-forming hyphfe become enlarged and excessively branched, and are densely crowded together. Then the gela- tinization of the walls begins, and this proceeds to such an extent that the cavity is almost obliterated at first, only appearing as a narrow shining line in the centre of the hyphse (Plate I., e). Next, a swelling of the surface of the hyphee takes place at certain points, often close to one another, so that they appear nodose, and the cavity at the same time is enlarged. The hyphae continue to increase in size and consequently become intertwined and tangled together, so that eventually they have actually coalesced. The irregularities of the hyphfe become more marked, and it is evident that the spores are begin- ning to be dehnitely formed as the swellings get more and more rounded. The crowded spore-forming hyphse with their numerous branches, as they develop the spores, ru}i together in a complex mass, so that their individuality is almost entirely lost (Plate I., /). They appear as a gelatinous mass studded with numerous shining points in the form of streaky or rounded bodies. The pro- cess of spore-formation, or the commencement of the differentiation of the protoplasmic contents to form a spore, is indicated by the entire mass of the hyphse breaking up into distinct portions, which, however, retain their con- nexion with one another until the spores are completely formed and they are surrounded by a more or less dense gelatinous envelope. The spores become more or less polygonal from mutual pressure, but ultimately separate from each other and assume their typical spherical shape. The differentiated con- tents increase in size and contain fat granules, and a distinct contour is per- ceptible corresponding to the outer spore membrane. The outer edge of this contour darkens, and even while still surrounded by a thin gelatinous envelope, the irregularities of the epispore begin to appear. As the spores ripen the gela- tinous membrane disappears and there is no trace of it at maturity, nor are any remains of the mvcelial hyphae attached to them, although it is often seen in Tilletia (Plate I., Z;). Thus in Ustilago, the spore-forming hyphse with their numerous branches are divided up by means of septa into short swollen cells, which become con- verted into spores. These are produced in an irregular manner, so that the entire mass of mvcelium is ultimately transformed into a dark-coloured mass of spores (Plate I., d). Melanopsichium. In a cross-section of the rachis or axis of the inflorescence attacked by the smut the plant tissue is seen to be excavated by the fungus, leaving a (^,entral core more or less intact, and portions extending towards the epidermis. In these cavities the sori are produced and the spores are first formed at the centre of the sorus and graduallv extend outward all round, so that the younger and Spore-for))jaiion. 17 immature spores are towards the circumference, while the older and fully- formed are towards the centre. The sori generally surround the central core of plant tissue as in Cintractia, but the mode of formation of the spores is diiferent. The sori, to begin with, are probably distended cells, and several of them run together so as to form a comparatively large cavity. In this war swelling and distortion occurs, somewhat similar to that of the Club-root of Cauliflower (Plate XXXIII.). Cintractia. A new genus was constituted by Cornu in 1883 on account of the develop- ment of the spores in a regular manner, radiating from a central columella of plant tissues and protected at first by a membrane composed of fungus cells. It was named in honour of a French botanist called Cintract. This genus is not universally adopted, as it is considered that the distinction between it and Ustilaqo is not sufficiently marked to justify its being retained, but the mode of development of the spores seems to be worthy of generic distinc- tion. The mode of spore-formation has been described by Cornu l and Magnus^ . The inner tissues of the host-plant form a central columella which is pene- trated by the mycelium of the fungus, and this is aggregated into a compact, continuous, gelatinous mass surrounding the axis. The entire outer surface of this mass or stroma as it is called, may be fertile, producing spore-bearing filaments, or there may be sterile rays projecting at frequent intervals be- tween the spore-bearing filaments. The spores are developed in the hvphae as minute colourless portions of protoplasm surrounded by a gelatinous enve- lope. They are formed in succession, the oldest being always towards the outside and the youngest nearest the centre. As they approach maturity, the gelatinous envelope is gradually absorbed, the gelatinous walls of the hyphae disappear, the outer coat of the spore deepens in colour, and ultimately they are quite distinct. In some cases the fertile layer or stroma is formed in the outer tissues of the host as described by Magnus^ in C. krugiana, Magn. The mycelium grow- ing luxuriantly in the parenchymatous and epidermal cells protrudes through the outer wall of the latter and forms on the outside a dense mass of inter- woven fungus filaments in the interior of which the spores are developed. The mass of hyphae closely compacted and felted together on the outside constitutes the envelope or membrane together with the spore-forming hypha?. The matrix from which the spores are formed adjoins the tissues of the plant, and the older ripe spores are on the outside, while the inner and vounger spores are towards the base. This spore -formation occurs in a radial manner, and each row is separated from its neighbour by the mass of hyphai between , which remains sterile. All the differentiated portions of the hyph;p of the matrix do not grow to mature spores. A large number of them onlv form a small cell cavity, and the gelatinous walls become swollen. The.}' appear later to be absorbed, and probabh' supply material for the spores which grow tx) nraturity. The successive production of spores in spore-bearing filaments, arising from a so-called stroma, radiating outwardly and firudy agglutinated at inaturity, is characteristic of Cintractia, but the sterile rays are not always present. SOROSPORIUM. In this genus the spores are in clusters and not separate and distinct as in Ustilago. Fischer von Waldheini'^ has investigated their formation in *S'. saponariae. Rud., and it is as follows : — The extremely abundant mycelium in the blossom and ovary rapidly changes into spore-forming hvpha\ from 4 to 7 /( in dianK^tcr. and like those of Ustilago are gelatinous and full of sliining i8 Sforc-foniiai'ioii. protoplasm. At the same time, the hypha? give rise at various points to in- wardly curved branches, and several of these branched spore-forming hyphae lay themselves together and twist themselves into a small ball, not unlike what happens in the formation of a lichen-thallus. These convoluted and con- torted hyphfe, being gelatinous, soon become so intertwined and entangled that they lose their individuality, and on the exterior of this gelatinous ball other hyphse are seen encircling it. These hyphae are also gelatinous and soon become indistinct, although sometimes there are traces of a concentric arrangement. Spore-formation is confined to the central gelatinous ball in the middle of which it commences as circumscribed clear spots, which soon assume a distinct outline, become brownish in colour, and are diSerentiated into spore-like bodies varying in number from four to sixteen, or even more. These bodies again subdivide, so that when the spores arrive at maturity there are sixty to a hundred, or even more of them, in a spore ball. In the young state these developing spores are polygonal from mutual pressure, and they are to be found in spore-balls not more than 50 // in diameter. In the subsequent development of the spores, the ball increases in size and the gela- tinous zone swells also, but when the spores assume their characteristic deep brown colour, this gelatinous zone begins to be absorbed, having been utilized in the development of the spores. In spore-balls of 70 /< in diameter, the gelatinous zone is only from 4 to 6 /i thick, and there is no trace of it in the fully matured spore-balls, except occasionally as in &. solidum, where the rem- nants were at hrst regarded as sterile cells like those in CJrocystis. In a section of the affected portion of the host-plant concentric layers of spore-balls to the number of six to eight occur, the peripheral layer being the oldest, having been pushed outwards by the continued formation of the young spore-balls in the centre. Thecaphora and Tolyposporium. The development of the spores has not been completely traced in these genera. The spore-bearing hyphae are intertwined and interlaced into a dense mass, and the early stages of the spore-balls are difficult to determine. TiLLKTIA. The formation of spores in this genus has been investigated by several, but it is to Fischer von Waldheim that we owe the most complete account of the process which is as follows : — When spores are about to be formed, the spore - bearing hyphse give off pear-shaped buds in succession from their sides. (Plate I., cj). These outgrowths increase in length, and at the same time the swollen end of each increases in diameter and becomes rounded, so that it is ultimately attached to the hyphse by a thin stalk (Plate I., h). The contents derived from the hyphse are granular and vacuolated and particularly rich in oil, and the membrane becomes somewhat gelatinized. Just before reaching maturity the gelatinized membrane is absorbed and the young spore acquires a double contour, the epispore gradually becoming darker and uneven (Plate I., i, j). In some cases the gelatinous membrane of the hyphse invests the spores up till the time of ripening, and then disappears without leaving any trace. The stalks or connecting branches soon wither, and to many ripe spores their remains continue attached (Plate I., k). While in Ustilago the spore-bearing hyphse directly break up and form the spores, in Tilletia the spores are formed singly at the ends of branches. Entyloma. De BaryS has investigated and described the development of the spores, and it is found to be very similar to that of Tilletia. The fertile mycelium Sforc-fonnation. 1 9 is much branched, and the spore-forming hyphic become swollen at certain places along their length as well as at their ends. The contents of the cells acquire the characters of spores, so that they are marked oi? or intercalated between certain portions of the hyphtc. In Tilletia the spores are onlv formed at the ends of the branches. In this intercalary formation a series of spores may be seen arranged in regular succession with the intervening remains of the hyphre. When mature, they do not break up into dusty masses, but remain embedded in the tissues of the host-plant. Each matur(^ ■spore possesses two coats, and the outer coat is sometimes gelatinous. Urocystis. The development of the spores has been studied principally by De Barv, Woli?, and Winter. The spores are produced in compact clusters with a special envelope of sterile cells, and the mode of formation of both these struc- tures has been generally followed. The spore-forming hyphse branch at their free ends, and the first beginning of a cluster is indicated by the branches becoming swollen and curved, and winding themselves round each other generally in a spiral manner, seas to form a glomerulus or ball. Their walls become so gelatinized that they run into each other and blend so that they are quite indistinguishable from one another. The spores are formed entirely fro'n these gelatinized central balls and consist of a group of cells firmly bound together. Each cluster of spores is surrounded at an early stage by slender curved branches from the hyphte, and these outer branches closely invest the spores and form the envelope. These investing hyphae, as DeBaryhas shown, divide into short cells by means of transverse septa, and, while most of them disappear as the spores ripen, a number varying with the individual species persist and form the envelope of the mature cluster of spores. The number of spores in a cluster vary and sometimes there is only one sur- rounded by its sterile envelope. DOASSANSIA. Cornu, who founded the genus, Fisch, and Setchell have studied the de- velopment of the spores. When a sorus is about to be formed, the hyph?e give off numerous interlacing short branches which are soon formed into tangled knots. It is from these knots that the spores are formed. The cells of the hyphfe in the interior of the knots become swollen and form a mass of large, thin-walled, polygonal cells, which become the spores, the process being accompanied by a gelatinization of the walls. The external portion is at first composed of compact layers of almost unaltered hyphte, but shortlv before the ripening of the spores the "cortex" of sterile cells is indicated. These appear just beneatli the reduced layer of investing hypha^ and arc probably formed from a layer of cells similar to and adjoining those from which the spores are formed. The sterile cells gradually become oblong or wedge-shaped, lose their granular contents, and are filled with air. taking on the brown colour of the wall characteristic of maturity. Gcrmiiiaf'iou of Sforcs. CHAPTER V. Germination of Spores. The spores may either germinate in water or in a solution to which; nutritive material has been added. The germination of spores in nutrient solutions has been studied in great detail by Brefeld, and has been shown to differ somewhat from that obtained when only water is supplied. The first to employ nutrient solutions in studying the germination of smut spores seems to have been Hallier- in 1868, who used a variety of substances, such as starch paste, white of egg, milk, a solution of sugar, &c. In every case where germination has been carried out by myself it was first tried in water, and then usuiilv in some definite nutritive medium for comparison. The process of germination, wherever known, is given in connexion with the various species, since it furnishes important systematic characters ; but a general account is given here of the usual course of development. When the spore begins to germinate under the influence of moisture, it puts forth a longer or shorter germinal tube, known as a promycelium (Plate I., m, n, 'p, r). Then small hyaline spore-like bodies are, as a rule, produced, called promycelial spores or conidia (Plate I., q, s). In those cases where infection of the flower takes place, as in Loose Smut of Wheat, a much-branched mycelium is usually formed without any conidia, and here we have an instance of the germinal tube developing directly into a mycelium. When conidia are formed, they may directly produce a germ-tube which infects the proper host-plant and develops a mycelium, which again reproduces the spores. Or they may bud even while still attached to the germinal tube, and give rise to secondary or tertiary conidia, which may in turn germinate and penetrate the tissues of the host-plant. It happens not infrequently that the conidia unite in pairs, even in some cases before they have become detached from the promycelium. A short transverse tube connects adjacent pairs, and the protoplasm of the two is placed in direct communication. This pairing is regarded by De Bary as a sexual act — a process of conjugation ; but Brefeld considers it as analogous to the blending which takes place between different branches of a mycelium. However that may be, after this union has taken place, a slender germ-tube is produced which receives all the protoplasm from the paired cells, and can infect the proper host-plant where it develops a mycelium, which in turn produces a crop of smut spores. This may happen either with solitary or paired conidia. While the spore follows the general course of development sketched above when germination takes place in water, it is somewhat dift'erent when a nutrient solution is supplied. Hallier^ observed that in rich nitrogenous substances, such as white of egg, the germinal tubes were thick and distorted, but he also considered that they changed into various moulds from his cultures not being pure. It was Brefeld, however, who was the first to successfully apply nutrient solutions to the prolonged and pure culture of smut spores. He mostly used a sterilized decoction of fresh horsedung, and found that when such a solution is employed the germina- tion is not only more rapid and much more luxuriant, but that it can be kept up indefinitely as long as nutriment is supplied and the reproductive bodies • themselves are sometimes different. He soon found that water alone was- (icini'nmi'iO]i of Spores. 21 not the most suitable medium for obtaining the best results. In many cases the couidia were formed, but they were often so passive that they did not germi- nate, and without some additional means of quickening their germination and development it was diflicult to account for the wide distribution of the snuits. I have found a sterilized infusion of hay a good culture medium, and have also used a variety of substances, such as malt extract, soil extract, somatose, Cohn's modified solution, &c. In onio cases it is v; ry difficult to get a spore to germinate even when the various nutrient media are tried in addition to water. It may be that it is not the proper season of the year, and some spores may require a rest before starting germination. I may take Ustilago calandrinice, CHnt., as an illus- tration of this class of spore. The spore i of the Tilletia type, with regular reticulations of the epispore, and it was desirable to germinate it in order to settle the genus. The only material in my possession at first was fully ten years old, and it failed to germinate ; but that might be owing to its age. Fortunately I came across fresh material in October, 1908, and it was also supplied to me in November, as well as in January, 1009. The fresh spores were placed in both tap and distilled water, as well as in a decoction of the plant itself, also in ammonium nitrate, lactic acid, tannic acid, an infusion of sugar-beet, sugar solution, and Cohn's modified solution. At the end of six days only a very few germinated in distilled water and formed conidia, as in Ustilago. But in the other solutions, although some of them were kept till the fourteenth day, there were no signs of vitality. In proper culture media the spore germinates as usual, and produces a germinal tube, but instead of remaining short and forming conidia, it often continues to develop and gives rise to sprouting conidia, which multiply by budding after the manner of yeast. Or the germinal tube may grow luxuriantly and produce a much-branched mycelium, from which in the fluid itself or in the air conidia are formed. These conidia sprout at the end again into one or several conidia. and we may distinguish them as water or air conidia, according to the medium in which they are produced. There is thus a great variety of reproductive bodies, although there is only one kind of spore, and it is quite likely that the conidia, sprouting conidia, and aerial conidia of the smuts are just as efficient means of distribution as the different kinds of spores among the Eusts. A w ord of caution is necessary, however, as to the interpretation of results ol)tained from " pure cultures," as they do not necessarily represent Avhat actually takes place under natural conditions. The researches of Klebs,' Kaufmann,' and others have shown that the formation of reproductive organs of a particular kind or their suppression is largely determined by food and environment. Klebs was able to control at will the reproductive processes in certain fungi, according to the composition and concentration of the nutrient medium, as well as by the temperature, presence or absence of light, &c. There is no reason to doubt that the same principle applies to smuts, and that it will tend to explain the discrepancies in the results obtained by different observers in the germination of the spores under different conditions and in different media. As has already been shown, the germination of the spore is uot always easy of accomplishment, for we do not always know the precautions to be taken. Some spores are capable of germination immediately after being gathered, others require a period of rest. Some germinate in the water or 22 Gcrnii nation of Spores. other liquid medium, others ou the surface of it, and still others require only damp air, for if they come in contact with water they are abnormally developed. The time required for germination is also very variable, as it may occur within a few hours or take several days, as in the case of Tilletia tritici. No doubt this is dependent on various factors, such as the age of the spore and the conditions of the weather, which is most favorable when it is warm, damp, and cloudy. Duration of Germixating Power. In quite a number of casei the spores are capable of germination as soon as they are mature, and where cereal crops are concerned, this immediate germination w ould evidently tend to the extinction of the fungus, since there would be no suitable host-plant to infect at that season, and so the conidia formed would probably perish. But it is now known that under such circumstances special conidia are formed, which have the property of living on dead or decaying vegetable matter, and thus tiding the fungus over the period when living plants are not available. In the case of Loose Smut of Oats, for instance, Brefeld brought about infection by means of the sprouting conidia derived from the budding conidia grown in a nutritive solution. In other cases the spores are only capable of germination after a period of rest, and so are ready to infect the host-plant at the next period of vegetation. This period of rest may extend over a number of years, if the conditions are not favorable for germination. Thus the bunt spores have been known to retain their vitality for eight years and a half when kept perfectly dry, and the spores of Tolyposporium bursiim on kangaroo grass have germinated after four years, the spores having been collected in November, 1902, and germinated towards the end of 1906. Types op Germination. It was formerly taken for granted that .smut fungi could only live and grow upon the host-plants with which they were found associated in nature, and experiments and observations were accordingly confined to these hosts. It was known that the spores could germinate in water just as they would on the moist surface of the plant, but beyond that there was no independent existence supposed to be possible. When it was discovered, how^ever, that these smut spores could live and grow outside of the host-plant, then it was realized that their developmental history could be followed apart from the living organism. It is to Brefeld we owe this new point of view, which has been so fruitful in results, and the use of artificial nutrient solutions, instead of mere water, was the starting-point. By studying the germination of spores in this way we have learned that there are various types of germination, and concrete examples, occurring in AustraUa, will be given of each type. 1. In Vstilago avence the germinating spore produces a germinal tube bearing conidia, and these conidia multiply rapidly m the liquid by sprouting in a yeast-Uke manner at both ends. (Fig. 1.)* Each of these daughter conidia is capable either of repeating the sprouting in a nutritive solution or of directly infecting the young seedling. * Text figures are simply referred to as Figures, while tliose beloiuing to the Plates are always preceded by the number of Plate. (icrniuiatioii of Spores. ^3 a. h. Pig. l.—Ustilago avence or Oat Smut.— a. Spore gerniiuating and giving off conidia from germinal tube or promycelium x 450. b. Colony of sprouting conidia, developed from one of the conidia in a x 350. (After Brefeld.) 2. In Ustilago hromivora the conidia produced by the germinal tube are not sprouting conidia, but they form n-w germinal tubes or promycelia, which in turn produce similar conidia. (Fig. 2.) As a rule the, promycelium is only formed once direct from the spore, but here it is repeated, and is not confined to the germinating spore. Fig. 2. Ustilago hromivora or Brome Smut. — -A single spore producing a two-celled promycelium, which forms conidia, and these conidia in turn again develop a promycelium, and so on until quite a number is formed, as in Figure X 400. (After Brefeld.) 3. In Ustilago olivacea the germinal tube is in abeyance, and conidia are formed direct from the spore. These conidia multiply indefinitely in a nutritive solution by sprouting in a yeast-like manner. (Fig. 3.) ^8 f. )#= Fig. 3. Ustilago olivacea or Carex Smut. — Spores producing conidia direct without the intervention of a germinal tube x 400. (After Brefeld.) 34 Gcrminafion of Spores. \. In Ustilago nuda the germinal tube does not produce conidia at all, but grows out into a large and copiously branched sterile mycelium. (Fig 4.) Fig. 4. Listilcu/o nuda or Naked Barley Smut. — Spore germinating and producing a much-branched mycelium x 350. (After Brefeld.) 5. In Tilletia tritici the germinal tube produces a tuft of conidia at its apex, and each of these conidia or the conidia united in pairs produce a single secondary conidium capable of infecting the wheat plant. Or the conidia may produce a large and richly-branched mycelium in the air, just like a tuft of mould from which aerial conidia again arise, and this process is repeated as long as the nutrient solution lasts. (Fig. 5.) The important fact is here made evident that the smut fungi can reproduce themselves saprophytically, and that these reproductive bodies are found to be capable of infecting the proper host-plant and of producing the disease. fHOnRTY LIBRARY M. C. StaU College Germination of Spores. Fig. 5. Tilletia tritici or Bunt of 'v1/heat. — a. Genninating spores with septate promyceliuni bearing elongated conidia at apex x 300. h. Apex of promyceliura from which the six conidia fused in pairs have become detached X 250. c. Conidia detached and fused in pairs, and some bearing sickle- shaped conidia x 400. d. Mycelium like a tuft of mould produced from conidium and bearing sickle-shaped conidia in all stages of development X .350. (After Brefeld.) Effect of Light and Darkness on Germination. I tested the germination of some of the more rapidly germinating spores, such as those of Ustilago readeri in light and in darkness. Spores were taken from plants of Danthonia penicillata, collected on 6th December, 1908, and placed on sUdes in ordinary tap water on 6th January, 1909. Some were kept under a bell- jar exposed to the light and others in a seed germinator in which the light was excluded, but the air admitted. Both were kept in the same room, the only difference being the presence or absence of light. The experiment was repeated several times and invariably liglit was proved to favour germination. In one experiment, the slides were examined after five hours, and while a few of the spores exposed to the light had germinated, none had done so in the dark. After twenty-four hours, they were again examined, and the great majority of the spores had germinated in the light, while only a few had ger- minated in the dark. In the light, promycelia wer<^ formed which sometimes 26 Germmafioii of Spores. grew out into slender elongated filaments, but no conidia were formed. In the dark a few of the promycelia produced on^- or two conidia. In another experi- ment, there was no germination after two hours, but in four hours occasional spores in the light had produced promycelia about twice or thrice as long as the spore, while in the dark only a very few had germinated, and the pro- mycelia were much shorter, only about the length of the spore. At the end of twenty-four hours the slides Avere again examined. In the dark only a comparatively few of the spores had germinated. The promycelia varied in length from .30 to 52 ^(, either without septa or 1-3 septate, and bearing some- times one or two lateral and a terminal conidium. Only in rare cases was a conidium produced at the end of another while still attached. In the light there was luxuriant germination, and the great proportioji of the spores had germinated. The characteristic feature was that the promycelia grew out into long, slender, often wavy filaments, which readily became detached, reaching a length of 200 -.300//. Only rarely were conidia formed, and some- times two promycelia proceeded from the same spore. I have only tested the effect of light and darkness on the oi\e species of spore, but Fischer von Waldheim^ also found that the germination of smut spores was retarded by withholding the light — that light had a stimulating effect o]i germination. In Ustilago carbo ( = Ustilago avence) it delayed the ger- mination for several hours, and also caused the promycelium to be frequently bent in a knee shape. Effect of Exposure to Sunshixe on Germination. It is a common belief among farmers that long exposure to the sun's rays in summer kills the bunt spores, and they account for the general absence of bunt in self-sown wheat by the spores on the exposed grain being destroyed in this way. Laurent^ was induced to investigate the subject by observing that in some districts a burning sun at the time of sowing the wheat diminished the chances of infection. He took bunt spores and exposed them to the full sunlight in a glass vessel, and at the same time he exposed other spores to the same light passed through a layer of a solution of sulphate of cjuinine three centimeters thick. The temperature of the surrounding air did not rise above 40° C. After eight hours it was found that the spores fully exposed to the sunlight did not germinate at all, even in a nutrient solution of unfermented beer, while the spores shaded entirely from the sun germinated freely. The spores which were shaded from the chemical rays of the sun by the solution of sulphate of quinine did not lose their germinating power, even after sixteen hours of exposure to a very hot sun. so that it may be assumed that while the exterior spores of a bunt-ball are killed under these conditions, the interior spores are still capable of germination. Farrer^ also carried out experiments to test the effect of dry heat on bunt spores, and since it was believed that soaking the seed wheat in water for a quarter of an hour at 57° C. had the effect of killing the spores, he tried this heat in the dry state, as well as higher temperatures for the same time. The result was that the higher the temperature the smaller was the proportion of seeds which produced plants, and the greater the proportion of plants which were bunty. At 54° C. of dry heat about 2 • 6 per cent, of the infected grains lost their germinating power and 3 per cent, were bimty, while at 104° C. three out of 136 seeds grew, but none formed ears. The direct heat of the sun may have a different effect on spores than dry heat, yet Farrer^ says : — " My experiment with dry bunt shows conclusively. I think, that it is not the heat of the sun which kills the spores of bunt which are left on the ground: it is. I think, moisture — the moisture from lains and dews, the moisture which comes Gcrndnation of Spores. 27 from below to the surface of the soil, and possibly also the invisible hygro- scopic moisture which the soil and vegetable matters absorb at night, especially on nights when the fall of temperature is considerable — which causes the great majority of the spores which are left m the ground to germinate. When this happens, the absence of hosts (freshly germinated wheat-plants) to attach themselves to and dry weather soon causes the young bunt-seedlings to perish." It is probable that both methods occur in nature, and that while the exposed spores are acted on by the sun's rays, those protected by the soil or otherwise are induced to germinate by the moisture and perish in the absence of a host -plant. Effect of Temperature on Germination. Eriksson found that the spores of some rusts germinated more freely after being exposed to a temperature of 0° C, or even less, although an extremely low temperature retarded germination. Schindler' experimented with some smuts and found that with a dry heat the spores of Tilletia tritici could stand 65° C. without losing their power of germination, but with a moist heat of 45-50° C. they were rendered sterile. Cold, on the other hand, produced but little effect, even after prolonged exposure to -20° C. ******* In preparing slides of germinating spores for photographic purposes, the water is first allowed to evaporate under cover, then absolute alcohol is added as a fixing agent. This is gently moved to and fro for a few minutes, and after drying, the stain is directly applied. The most generally useful stain is Bismarck Brown, which gives a beautiful golden-brown tint to the promycelia and conidia. Although it stains quickly the specimen may be left in it for at least twenty minutes without injury. The excess of stain is next drained off or washed off, and, if too deeply stained, it can be rendered lighter by the application of dilute alcohol. The object is then mounted in glycerine and water (half and half) in the usual way. 28 hijcci'ton. CHAPTER VI . Infection. After the germiuatiou of the smut spores had been observed for a large number of species, the mode of entrance into the host-pknt and the furtiier development there until spores were again produced, was carefully studied by a number of botanists. Among the most prominent investigators were De Bary, Kuehn, Fischer von Waldheim, Wolf?, and Brefeld. They determined the mode of infection in certain species, but a number still remain in which the exact method of germination and infection has yet to be discovered. It was generally found that infection occurred in the seedling stage of the host-plant by means of the spores, which germinated and produced their conidia. The young seedlings may be infected either by the smut-spores attached to and so-rni with the seed, or they may be in the soil. While the spores of some species of smuts remain in the soil in an inactive condition, there are others, such as the flag smut, in which the infection is principally from the soil. BrefekP showed in his experiments with loose smut of oats that seed sown in an infected mixture of held soil and fresh horse-dung yielded between 40-50 per cent, of smut ; but his''' recent similar experiments with the loose smut of wheat and barley for three years in succession only yielded negative results. The reason for these negative results lies in the fact that infection does not occur in the seedling stage, but through the flower, as we shall afterwards see. It is principally owing to the patient and long contiimed investigations of Brefeld that our previous views regarding the modes of infection have had to be considerably modified, and, in accordance with this, the methods of treatment have been placed on a surer foundation. Infection and Contagion. When Meyen contended that the smut is not a contagious disease but is inherited, he simply meant that it was not due to any external parasite, but was inherent in the plant itself. Infection and contagion were in his time regarded as synonymous, but now the latter term is generally applied to those infectious diseases in which direct contact is necessary to produce them. There is no necessity for the plants to be actually in contact in order to contract the disease caused by the smut fungi, but the spores or germs are conveyed to the plants, and so we speak of infection. Infection does not consist in the mere penetration of the germ-tube of the spore or conidium through the epidermis into the tissues of the host-plant, but the germ tube must grow and develop at the expense of the living cells until it reaches the apex of growth, and there become associated with the growth of the host, so that finally fresh spores are formed. It is well known that the germ- tube of the smut fungi may penetrate inside a plant, and there die oi? without producing any injurious effect, and for convenience we might use the term inoculation to signify merely that the spores or germs had been applied to an otherwise healthy plant, while the normal infection would consist in the entrance and growth of the germ-tube within the tissues of the plant and the final production of spores. The period which elapses between the infection and the production of spores through the multiplication of the fungus inside the plant might also be called the " incubation period." Thus, in the case of stinking smut, the incubation period extends from the infection of the seedling to the production of spores in the ovary, and in the case of the American corn smut, where infection is strictly confined to the young parts Infection 29 ♦of the plant directly attacked by the fungus, the period of iueubatioii is within fourteen days. It has also to be noted that numerous infections nia v occur in the same plant at the same time. Brefeld I'emoved the epidei'mis from young seedlings that had been infected, and found it pierced by distinct holes,' through which the germ-tubes had entered. In favorable preparations he observed the surface riddled as if by drill holes and penneated by numerous in-grown germ-tubes. This would explain such cases as I have met with where ears from the same plant produced spores of both Tilletia intia and T. levis, for if the grain was dusted with both kinds of spores they might both infect the same plant. Even the case mentioned by Sorauer^. where both species were found in the same ear, ould be explained in the same way. It is not unusual to find cases with stinking smut and loose smut on diSerent ears from the same wheat plant, but this is not difficult to account for. The loose smut fungus was already in the grain of the wheat plant, since infection takes place through the flower, and afterwards infection occurred in the seedling stage by means of the spores of stinking smut. Modes of Infection. There are at least four typical modes of infection at present known, and t)y giving a detailed account of each subsequently it will serve to show the nature of the process and the means most likely to be successful in combating the particular disease. 1. The most common mode is that the young seedlings are infected, the resulting mycelium grows throughout the entire plant and the smut spore* are produced usually in the flowers or inflorescence, as in oat smut ( Ust^lago avenae). ■ *,' '0 2. A second tvpe is represented in the case where any young and growing portion of the host-plant is capable of infection, and the mycelium is localized where the infection occurs, as in the American corn smut not known in AustraUa {Ustilago maydis). .3. Infection may take place through the stigma of the flower, the spore acting after the manner of a pollen-grain, or by piercing the young ovary wall, the mj^celium developing in the ovary, lying dormant in the ripe grain and growing throughout the entire plant next season, until it reaches the flowering stage, when the smut spores are again formed, as in loose smut of wlieat {Ustilago tritici) and naked smut of barley [Ustilago nuda). While in the cereals it is generally considered that the wind is the agent for carrying the spores to the stigma or ovary after fertilization has occurred, it is highly probable that thrips are also concerned in it, for in our northern areas particularly, these insects are in some seasons so common as to affect the development of the ears of wheat. ■ '. * ; ; 4. Infection may take place as shown by Hecke,^ through the young shoots which arise near the surface of the soil in tlie process known as " tillering." It is worthy of note that these different modes of infection are asso- ciated with a different behaviour of the spores on gei'mination. In the first and fourth type sprouting conidia are formed which are capable of living saprophytically in the soil and infecting the plant from that source. In the second aerial conidia are chiefly formed, and infection is mainly brought about by the wind ; and in the third no conidia are formed at all. so that the spores are carried to the stigma and germinate there after the manner of pollen-grains, or they may fall u])on the surface of the very young ovary. 30 Infection. 1. Seedling Inb^ection. This was at first considered to be the only mode of infection, as it was tlie only one knowai, and even now it is recognised as by far the most common. The spores are generally attached to and sown with the seed, and if both germinate at the same time infection usually occurs. The spore on the moist surface of the grain germinates and produces its germinal tube bearing conidia. The conidium stimulated by the moisture puts forth a deUcate germ- tube Avhich penetrates the young tissues of the seedling if it reaches i: at the right time. The particular spot for infection is at the juiiction of the rootlet just emerged wath the young shoot still wdthin the seed, and this is sufficiently delicate to allow the germ-tube not only to reach the growdng point of the primary shoot, but to branch out into any secondary shoots that may be formed. But the question has also been raised as to soil infection, wdiether the spores in the soil and not on the seed wall infect the host-plant. As already stated, Brefeld has shown that this may occur with loose smut of oats {Ustilago avenae), and I have elsewhere proved by experiment that soil infection occurs in flag smut of wdieat {Urocystis tritici). With regard to stinking smut of w^heat, Bolley showed that when the spores winter in the soil they do not infect the second crop, as they have already germinated by that time. If smut-balls are in the soil, however, they may cause infection. Seed was sown close to smut-balls in the ground, and it was found that when the seed was untreated the spores of the smut-balls reached the seed, and infected it, wdiile seed under similar conditions and treated with bluestone Avas unaffected. It would appear also that the greater the proportion of sjjores on the seed s,wn the more severe the infection. Thus in inoculating the grain wdth bunt spores, when one ball of smut was applied to a hundred w^heat grains, the percentage of smutted plants in two cases was 56 and 58 respectively, while when the spores were applied at the rate of one bunt ball to five grains, the proportion was 79 and 81 per cent, respectively. 2. Local Infection. This is seen to perfection in the American corn smut {Ustilago maydis) where any young and growing portion of the host-plant is capable of infection and the action of the fungus is strictly localized to these particular spots. Brefeld^ carried out an extensive series of experiments in which he proved that only those parts of the young plant become smutty which have been directly infected, all the rest remaining perfectly normal, so that the action of the germ is strictly localized. He began by inoculating young seedlings with sprouting conidia produced upon a nutrient solution, and the few plants which developed the smut swellings died completely. In those cases, however, where the axis remained sound he expected to find smut developed in the ears as in the case of grain smuts, but not a single plant v as smutty. This was contrary to the idea then prevalent that infection could only take place through the young seedling, and he came to the conclusion that the germ- tube might penetrate into other parts which were in a young condition similar to the teedling. Accordingly he infected the heart of the plant still growing, and the result was that " the entire leaves were covered with a complete crust of pustule, Avhich,in part, made them almost unrecognisable." He next in- fected the fertile inflorescences in the bud condition, and none escaped. Where the lower flower buds were infected, and not the upper, the latter always remained sound, and even where the exposed ovaries at the tip received the germs, they were swollen and smutted, while the ovaries lower down on the same spike produced normal grains. The adventitious roots which Iiiicction. 31 appear 011 tlie lower nodes of the axis were also infected as soon as tlieii' tips were exposed, and tliey, too, soon showed swellings which developed into smut pustules. Thus, wherever the tissues were young and tender, the ger- minating conidia were able to penetrate and produce infection which, how- ever, was strictly confined to the parts directly attacked. ■>. Flower Infection. Infection throuj:;h the liower has only been recently experinientalh^ proved, and on account of its practical importance, will recjuire to be fully considered. For this mode of infection, those smuts are best adapted which have powdery spores, and are, consequently, easily blown about by the wind. What are known as Loose or Flying Smuts, fulfil these conditions perfectly, as the very name indicates that they are readily scattered, and those of wheat and barley are characteristic examples. As far back as 189(5, Mr. Frank Maddox, then Agricultural Experimental- ist to the Council of Agriculture of Tasmania, had practically demonstrated infection by the flower, and his account of it in the Agricultural Gazette is well worthy of being reproduced here. He writes : — " I will now give the conclusions I have arrived at with smut (of wheat) from the results of my experiments. I have never been able to cause infection and reproduce the disease with spores on the grain or in the ground, which I can so easily do with bunt spores to reproduce bunt. " The only way I have been able to infect grain and reproduce smut (which seldom ever fails) is by putting the spores on the ovary of the plant at flowering time, about the same time as the pollen-grains are being shed. The grain will mat ; re without the slightest signs of being diseased. I have hit the time so well now that I may say I never have a failure. I think this accounts for when I did fail, viz., the ovary was not forward enough for the spore to get its seed-bed, or possibly, sometimes the spores were not matured enough. The comparison of bunt and smut spores finding their seed-bed are the very opposite. It is really wonderful to me how the smut spores do, as the ovary is well protected by the glumes or chaff, and there is only a short period that infection seems to be able to take place. " There is no doubt that here we have a practical demonstration of the fact that infec- tion by the loose smut of wheat occurs during the flowering period, and that this is the first record of it. Next year, in 1897, Nakagawa' infected the flowers of wheat with the matured spores of loose smut. The infected seeds were sown, and next year the plants were found to be smutted. Soon afterw^ards, similar results in flower infection with the spores of Ustilago tritici and U. nuda were obtained by Hori', and he concluded " that the spores of those smuts which mature at the flowering time of the host, and may be scattered easily by the wind, will be retained in the inner side of the seed and give rise to the smut I'.isease during the next flowering time of the host-plant." In 1903, Brefeld" had also proved flower-infection in the wheat, and Hecke^, in 1904, the same in th ? barley. In 1905, Brefeld published a series of carefully conducted experiments. Spore material of the loose snuit of wheat carefully selected and preserved through the winter, was dusted on to the stigma of the wheat-flower, just as in the operation of crossing, and micro- scopic examination showed that the spores germinated, and that the germ-tubes passed down the style into the ovary, where a fine network of mycelial fila- ments were formed. But the ])lants thus treated exhibited no signs of disease and produced strong healthy grains in the ear. When the grains, however, were sown next season, with all necessary precautions against outside infec- tion, the resulting plants were so badly affected that the entire inflorescence was destroyed. .\s the same result was always repeated the conclusion 3- Infection. became irresistible, that tliis smut exclusively infects the flower, and that it is not developed in the same year but remains latent in the mature grain. When this grain is sown next season, the myceUum passes into the young plant and then, on reaching the inflorescence, proceecb to the formation of smut spores. It is very evident, therefore, that it was the mycelium in the seed which caused the disease, for the grains were sterilized and disinfected before sow- ing, so that every chance of infection from spores adhering to the grain was excluded. Further, to protect them against contamination in the soil, the grains were sown in germinating chambers on a layer of sterilized sand, and when the developing grains had reached the immune stage, the plants were carefully laid out and grown in the op3n. The methods adopted by Brefeld in carrying out experiments to prove that infection took place through the flower, are of sufficient interest to justify mention of them, and they wera such as approached most nearly the natural infection. The most favorable time was when the flowers were most fully opened and the spores were powdery and easily scattered, condi- tions met with in dry sunny weather. As the result of various preliminary trials, Brefeld found that a hollow India-rubber ball was the best for apply- ing the spores, an apparatus similar to that used for applying " Mortein," only the ball was larger. The smutted inflorescence was introduced into the ball and a tube inserted in the opening, so that the smut spores could be forcibly blown out in the form of a fine spra3^ The ears to be infected were placed in a glass cylinder, closed below by cotton wool, and the spores were blown in from above. After a short interval to allow the spores to settle, the ears were removed from the cylinder and thus infection of the flowers alone was made the subject of the experiment. Of course only a limited number of flowers open at the same time to allow access to the spores, for it is well-known that they do not op^sn all at once, but generally those in the middle of the ear are most advanced, while those at the top and bottom are later. Hence with only one infection a vertain proportion are always missed, and there is no advantage in infecting the same ear at different times, since the necessary handling hinders the normal development. When infection tak.:!s place in the field, the chances are proportionately in- creased, for the spores are being constantly scattered upon adjoining healthy plants with the slightest breath of wind, and it is only interfered with by rain or damp weather. Warm and dry weather is also unfavorable for the germination of the spores, while it hastens the ripening of the grain. A second and more delicate method consisted in the artificial infection of each flower, just as in cross-fertilization, using a fine cameFs hair brush to dust t e spores on the stigma of the flower. This is more reliable than the " cylinder-infection," since all flowers not infected may be removed, but it must not be assumed that each flower left is actually infected, for all the flowers of an ear are not capable of infection at the same time. By either of these methods, flower infection experiments were carried out on wheat and barley, and while the grains produced seemed Cjuite healthy and normal, yet on being sown the following year under strict sterilization conditions, smutted ears appeared at harvest time in greater or less proportion. Although Brefeld succeeded in inoculating the wheat- flower, for instance, and observed a few days afterwards that the spores had germinated in the stigmatic secretion and had sent hyphae through the stig- matic tissues to the ovary, yet it must not be assumed that this is the only way in which flower infection takes place in nature. It is well-known that the flower of wheat is self-fertilized before opening, so that the smut spores will in all probability, fall upon the young ovary wall when exposed and thereby gain an entrance. InfecUnn. 33 Hecke^, in 1905, also deinonstrated that the myceUum of the fungus was in the embryo of the barley, even while still enclosed in the seed, after the infection of the flower with the spores of naked smut. This anatomical proof places the fact of flower-infection on a sound basis (Fig. 6). Flower-infection experiments have also been carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture, and in a communication, dated October, 1908, it is stated that " During the last two years numerous inoculation experiments have been per- formed with the loose smuts of wheat {Ustilago tritici) and loose smut of barley {Ustilago nuda). In the case of both of these smuts infection takes plaee only at the time of flowering of the host. The smut spores are easily carri'-d by the wind, and as the wheat and barley glumes open for a &hort time during the process of pollination, the spores readily gain entrance and infect the de- veloping ovary. The smut-gerin then lives intraseminally until the grain sprouts in the spring, after which it grows along with the host, and at Hower- mg-time becomes evident as the well-known loose smut." 4. Shoot Infection. The only method of infection recognised for a long time among the snmts was that of the seedling being attacked by the germinating spore attached to the seed, and this was known as Seedling infection. Next it was found that in American corn smut young and growing ]iortioiis might be attacked, is:,?. c 34 Infection. and this was called Local infection. Then it was discovered that the young ovary or other portions of the flower might be infected by the germ-tube of the spore producing in some cases a mycelium inside the seed, so that when the ripe seed was sown next season, the resulting plant was diseased. This is known as Flower infection and occurs in Ustilago tritici and U. nuda. Next Hecke-i discovered a fourth mode of infection, which he called Shoot infection, and it was suggested by what occurred among the numerous Lychnis plants which had been grown from seed obtained from the flowers that had been infected. Such seed produced nothing but sound flowers in the summer, but one plant formed a smutted flowering shoot in October (autumn). There were, at least, two possible explanations of this. It might be accounted for by flower infection, the summer flowering shoots escaping by their rapid growth, while the fungus reached the growing point of the more slowly de- veloping autumn flowering shoot, or there was the possibility that the plant was originally sound and was subsequently infected by neighbouring diseased plants grown in pots alongside. Such an infection could only be conceived to take place by the mass of spores falling to the ground, germinating there, and producing their conidia, which reached and infected the young shoots arising at the collar or top of the root. In order to prove this possibility, he experimented with perfectly sound two-year old plants of Lychnis alba. They were grown from seed in pots and cut back in October as far as possible to the collar or the portion level with the ground. Then the exposed collar was dusted with spores of Ustilago violacea and covered with manure containing similar spores. A few weeks afterwards the freshly formed shoots appeared at the surface, and in May of the following year began to flower. The flowera pro- duced were smutted and their diseased condition can only be referred to the shoot infection which took place in October. The Anther smut {Ustilago violacea (Pers.) Fckl.) is able to produce its spores only in the anthers or male organs. This fungus infects the Campion {Lychnis dioica) which has the sexes on separate individuals, and it not only attacks the male plant where the anthers are normally developed but also the female plant which normally never bears them. In the male plant it produces its violet spores in the anthers naturally present, but in the female plant it still produces its spores, although anthers are absent in the natural conditio]!. It stimulates the female host in some way to the production of stamens in which it may develop its spores, while the pistil normally developed, is suppressed. The fungus is evidently able to induce the con- ditions necessary to the formation of male organs, although elaborate experi- ments by Strasburger failed to produce this effect in uninfected plants. We must assume that both sexes exist, but the dominant one only becomes visible while the other remains latent, and this dominance may be controlled by an internal stimulus which may influence the particular kind of nutriment available. Change of sex is here shown to be possible, but how it is brought about cannot be definitely stated, further than that it is determined by internal, not external factors, and since it is the young shoots which are infected, the sex may be determined long before the appearance of the flower. A similar experiment was made with Urocystis occulta. The perennial Secale montanum was employed as a host-plant, after it had been shown that plants of this species, which were cultivated in gardens, became naturally infected by Urocystis occulta produced upon the rye {Secale cereale). In this experiment all shoots were likewise cut back to the collar and then infection was made in the autumn with spores and manure containing spores. The result was that in the spring of the following year, the shoots produced were smutted. Infection. 35 Dr. Hecke comes to the conclusion from these experiments '' that besides the seecIHng and flower infection, there is still another kind of infection among smuts, that is to say, shoot infection. It is probable that this kind of infection occurs not only with Ustilago violacea and Urocystis occulta, but also with other smuts as well. The smuts of perennial plants are especially considered here, but it is possible that the same thing occurs in the case of infected shoots of cereals. A series of experiments of this kind is being carried out with different smuts, the results of which will be given later." This will account for the infection of the shoots of cereals by Urocystis occulta or flag smut, by these 5'oung and tender shoots coming into contact with the diseased straw and other spore-bearing material in the soil, in the process known as " tillering." When the primary or terminal bud has about reached the surface of the ground, then lateral buds mav be formed in the axils of the leaves about the same position. These lateral buds or " tillers " as they are sometimes called, usually develop into branches, and these branches may in turn produce other branches, so that from a single grain of wheat a plant may be developed consisting of numerous stalks each bearing an ear. Such an individual plant with numerous stems arising from a common root is usually called a " stool " and the process by which the plant thus adapts itself to its environment is known as " stooling " or " tillering." This branching takes place at the joints or nodes near the surface of the ground and as many as 125 stalks of Steinwedel wheat with 12.5 perfect ears, with an average of fifty grains in each ear have been recorded and photographed by Thompson' in New South Wales. It is evident that the smut fungus may enter these numerous stalks, either by directly infecting the young seedling, or by gaining an entrance through the young shoots, or, as in the case of plants living more than one year, by a perennial mycelium.. The case already given of a smutted barley plant being cut back and the fresh shoots being again infected by the mycelium persisting in the lower nodes, shows that we have to distinguish between infection of the shoots from without and from within. Collection of Spore Material. For successful infection it is necessary to have the material as fresh and as well preserved as possible and taken direct from the fields where it is produced. To preserve it in the best possible condition for the following spring requires care and attention, for if special precautions are not taken, it may be injured by moulds or by grubs so as to be quite useless. To guard against such injurious influences, Brefeld adopted the following method of collecting and preserving plenty of pure spore material as the result of a lengthened experience. It should be gathered in sufficient ([uantity soon after the exposure of the spores, before grubs or moulds can gain access to it and preserved for about a week in a dry place. Then the spores are passed through a fine sieve on to white paper and the residue is thrown away. The result is that the spores which have passed through the sieve are in a powdery and dry condition, and keep well until the next spring. The spores are next placed in small tubes, only filling them to about a quarter of their capacity, and the neck is securely closed with sterilized paper before laying them aside in a cool dry place during the winter. A number of these tubes are filled, so that if some should happen to deteriorate, the others mav be perfectly pure. Just before using the spores in the spring for the infection of the young seedlings, they were placed in pure water and thoroughly stirred up in the centrifuge. This treatment of the spores and leaving thein to settle for one day in the water, not only cleaned them thoroughly but rendered them most 36 Infection. favorable for germiiiatiou, and when placed on the young seedling in dihite nutritive solution, they germinated without loss of time and directly produced infection. In the case of stinking smut of wheat, there is no difficulty in securing well preserved material. The unbroken smut-balls are filled with the un- contaminated spores and require only to be crushed in order to dust the grain to be infected. The Influence of Temperature on Infection. Brefeld* came to the conclusion, as the result of experiments with oat smut, that a low temperature at the time of germination favours successful infection, so that sowing in the spring, when a higher temperature than in winter usually prevails, is less favorable to it. But Tubeuf- and others proved quite the contrary, that a high temperature brought about a higher degree of infection, and they recommend late autumn sowing as a means of reducing the amount of smut. On the other hand, it has been proved by carefully conducted experiments, that in the case of stinking smut of wheat, sowing late in the autumn, when the temperature is low, encouraged it, other things being equal. In all these experiments, however, it must be borne in mind, that neither temperature nor infection ought to be considered independently, but that there are modi- fying factors which must be taken into account. Thus rapidity of germina- tion and a quick growth, will counteract the effects of temperature, for if the fungus cannot keep up with the rapidly elongating plant and reach the growing point, the host-plant will remain sound, in spite of the temperature. Hecke' has considered the influence of temperature in its threefold aspect of — 1st. Effect upon the germination of the spores and the seed grain ; 2nd. Upon the duration of the infective stage of the host-plant ; and 3rd. Upon the possibility of the fungus reaching the growing point of the host-plant. 1. If the temperature of germination be compared for the fungus and its host, it is found that in wheat the minimum is practically the same for both. For the wheat it is 3-4.5° C, and for the spores of stinking smut, 5° C, so that, usually, the wheat and the spores will germinate together. But in the case of oats, there is a considerable difference. The minimum tempera- ture for the germination of oats is 4-5° C, while the spores require 5-11° C, hence the oat itself may germinate at a low temperature while the spores remain stationary. 2. Cold and damp weather tend to retard growth, so that the infective stage is prolonged, and at the same time, the tissues being soft and tender, infection is rendered more certain. In the stinking smut of wheat, the principal effect of a low temperature consists in lengthening the period during which infection is possible, for the spores and the wheat, germinating together, along with the retarded growth, will insure the fungus filaments inside the plant reaching the growing point. 3. Since our Avheats are all sown in the autumn or early winter, there is little rapid growth at first as a rule, so that the fungus has sufficient time to reach the growing point and estabhsh itself in the host-plant. But it is in the summer wheats that the influence of temperature is most marked in favour- ing or hindering the fungus in reaching the growing point, and this may ac- count for the great variety in susceptibility shown by such wheats towards the stinking smut. It will now be clearly understood why a low temperature at the time of sowing, especially if the soil is damp, will be favorable to the infection of wheat by stinking smut, while in the case of oat smut it will be rather the re- verse, since it retards the germination of the spores. Infection. 3-7 The clifl'ereut results obtained by Brefeld and Tubeuf in eoiiuexiou witli 'Oat smut may be explained from tiis fact that Brefeld used germinating conidia mixed with earth 'in which oats were planted, while Tubeuf used conidia Avhich had not germinated. In the one case the low temperature was applied after the spores had germinated and it was assumed that in the slowly de- veloping seedlings, owing to the cold, the fungus had penetrated to the grow- ing point, and this produced a high percentage of smut. In the other, the pots were placed in a low temperature during the germination of the spores, with the result that the oats germinated, while there were very few spores to infect them. Whatever hinders the rapid development of the seedling and extends the period of infection, will favour the access of the germ-tubes of the germinat- ing conidia to the growing point. Smuts in tJtcir Relation to Rusts. CHAPTER YII. Smuts in their Relation to Rusts. It has always been more or less generally taken for granted that there is some sort of relation between the rusts and the smuts, but the exact nature of that relation has never been definitely settled. On a superficial view, there are seen to be black masses of spores produced in both cases, often bursting through the particular parts of the plant on which they occur, which suggest some close connexion, and even the farmer has been misled by this superficial resemblance, for he invariably calls flag smut of wheat {Urocystis tritici) " Black rust." On closer and deeper investigation, they are still found to have many points of resemblance, so much so, that both were placed together by the older writers under Fries' division of the Hypodermii. At the present time Brefeld'^ who has studied the smuts more thoroughly than any other living investigator, regards them as the progenitors of the rusts, and this genetic connexion is supposed to be proved by various structures which they possess in common. There was one jarring note, however, introduced to disturb the harmonious relations which were supposed to exist between the two, and that was by De Bary, as early as 1853. He considered that the rusts were very closely allied to the Ascomycetes, while the smuts were more nearly related to the Phycomycetes, but in order to understand the points of difference, as well as the points of resemblance, it will be necessary to make a general review of the position. There are three primary groups of fungi still generally recognised, which are based upon purely morphological characters. The Phycomycetes or Alga- like fungi are regarded as the primitive stock, and divergence has taken place in two directions, the offshoots representing the other two main divisions. The Ascomycetes are characterized by the ascus contain- ing a definite number of spores, and the Basidiomycetes by basidia or large terminal cells bearing naked spores at their free apex. Brefeld*^ has pointed out that, in the Basidiomycetes there are two dif- ferent forms of basidia. In the one case, the basidia are septate, and a spore arises from each cell, while in the other, they are undivided and bear at the apex a definite number of spores, usually four. The most primitive forms of basidia are divided transversely, hence called Protobasidia, and the un- divided basidia are known as Autobasidia. In the smuts, the promycelium arising from the spore agrees with the divided basidium of the Proto-basidio- mycetes, but there is nothing corresponding to the undivided basidium of the Auto- basidiomycetes, when fully developed forms are taken into con- sideration. There are still some who strain analogy so far as to make the promycelium of the Tilletieae correspond with an undivided basidium, but the septa or divisions are just as pronounced in their promyceha when mature, as in any of the Ustilagineae. The promycelia of the smuts are, therefore, regarded by Brefeld as primitive basidia, foreshadowing the special basidia of the Basidiomycetes, and the only point of difference between the two con- sists in the promycelia of the former bearing a variable number of conidia, while the basidia of the latter bear a definite number. The smuts are there- fore called by Brefeld Hemibasidii, forming a sort of half-way house to the Basidiomycetes proper, and they show their primitive nature, like the rusts, bv representing the type in which the basidia are still divided. The Tilletieae, Smuts in their Relation to Rusts. 39 however, show a step in advance by the characteristic whorl of conidia at the apex of the jointed promycelium. According to this view, the smuts have given'_^rise to the Basidiomycetes and form the connecting link with the Phycomycetes. But there are others, such as MoellerandMassee, who assign a.different origin to the Basidiomycetes, the latter regarding them as having originated independently from conidial forms of the Ascomycetes. Having shown that the smuts are, probably, most nearly allied to the primary group of the Basidiomycetes, let us now see in what relation they stand to the rusts. The smuts are all parasitic fungi, mostly occurring in the tissues of the higher plants, more particularly in the Gramineae, which are often seriously injured by them. The spores are produced, as a rule, in the interior of special or sporogenous hyphae, the walls of which become gelatinous and finally deliquesce, while the protoplasm in the interior, develops into the spores. When the ripe spores are thus set free, they germinate under the influence of moisture, after a longer or shorter period of rest, or immediately. The outer coat of the spore bursts at a particular spot and a germinal tube is protruded, which ultimately divides by means of transverse septa into two or more cells. As in the case of the rusts, this germinal tube is called a pro- mycelium, and it bears the spore-like bodies or sporidiola here called conidia. De Bary regards this germinal tube as of the nature of a mycelium, while Brefeld considers it a basidial structure, and if we accept this latter view, then the smuts, as well as the rusts, are akin to the Basidiomycetes. The whole ques- tion turns upon what is meant by a basidium. A basidium is generally con- sidered to be a relatively large cell giving rise at its apex to a definite number of naked spores, which are produced only once at fixed spots. It must be granted at once that the germinal tube or promycelium in the smuts has not the definite characters of a true basidium. It is divided into several cells, conidia may be produced laterally as well as terminally, and when they fall away, new ones may be produced. But it may well be regarded, in its most primitive form, as a transition stage to the more definite characters met mth in the rusts. In the rusts there is a definite promycelium, consisting of four cells, and each cell bears a single conidium or promycelial spore, which is only once produced, although Brefeld* has shown that the conidia in the smuts may sprout and produce secondary and tertiary conidia in a nutritive solution. It may be considered as the variable form from which the definite rust form has arisen. Not only was the product of the spore different from that of the rusts, according to De Bary, but he pointed out that the snnits were essentially different in the mode of formation of their spores. There, the contents of the hyphae at certain definite spots are transformed into spores and the walls of the sporogenoiis hyphae deliquesce and set them free, while in the rusts the spores are pinched off from the ends of the hyphae. No doubt, this is a dis- tinct difference, but when the sexuality of the rusts is considered and the spores are seen to be the result of this, then a different mode of formation was inevitable. But porliaps the most important difference between the two, according to De Bary^* is the conjugating cells. He writes :— " If, on the other hand, we look for the points which are distinctly characteristic of the Ustilagineae, the most prominent is that of the conjugating pairs of cells." He considers the pairing of the promycelial spores or conidia as of the nature of a sexual act, but it is not now regarded as such, according to the present state of ki^ow- ledge. It is simply a means of mixing the protoplasm from two different sources, through anastomosis, and occurs in germ-tubes and hvphae as well. This brines us to the Question, however, of true sexualitv in both. I have 4° Smuts in their Relation to Exists. akeady called attention in mv work on " The Rusts of Australia," to the dis- coveries of Blackman and Christman, showing that there are true sexual cell fusions in the aecidial stage of the rusts, and this has been extended to forms possessing uredospores and teleutospores by Olive^ and others. Dangeard^ has also shown that when sexual reproduction, as he considers it, is about to take place in the smuts, the cells concerned become swollen. Each single swollen cell contains two nuclei, and the fusion of these two nuclei to form one is regarded as an act of fertilization. But this is not the kind of fertiliza- tion which occurs in the rusts investigated, and it will be necessary in order to understand clearly the relation between the two. to give a brief life-history of both. In the rusts the condition in which two nuclei occur in a cell is shown to arise in aecidia in the fusion cells or " basal cells," so called because they subsequently give rise to the chains of a^cidiospores. The binucleate basal cell is the result of the conjugation of two uninucleate cells, so that the contents of two distinct cells enter into its composition. The nucleus, together with the protoplasm of one cell passes into the other cell by means of a pore in the wall separating the two cells, and the latter or receptive cell is thereby fertilized. These sexual cell fusions may either represent true sexual reproduction, in which the two uniting cells are clearly distinct like the ovum and sperm, or the two uniting cells may show no appreciable differences. The former, is called by Winkler,' Amphimixis and the latter Pseudomixis, so that we have here an instance of Pseudomixis, for the two fusing cells, as well as their nuclei, are approximately equal. The myceUum which bears the uninucleate fusion cells has also single nuclei, but the product of the fertilized cell is a growth with paired nuclei. Hence all the constituent parts of the spore-bearing generation or Sporophjte show in their cells the paired nuclei, including the aecidiospore, the mycelium arising from them, the uredospores, and teleutospores. When uredo- and teleutospores only occur, they originate from similar fusion cells, and Olive has investigated a species possessing only teleutospores, and found that the binucleate condition arises in the basal cells, which give rise to teleutospores almost immediately. The mycelium in the host-plant, bearing the sexual cells or gametes which are all uninucleate, constitutes the Gametophyte. There are thus two distinct stages of the rust starting in each case from a single cell. The fertile cell is the starting point of the spore-bearing generation or Sporophyte. and the spore is the beginning of the sexual generation or Gametophyte, and there is a regular alternation of the sexual Gametophyte and the asexual Sporophyte. In the smuts, on the other hand, only the asexual generation is represented, and the single spore corresponds generally to the teleutospore of the rusts. The mycelium has two nuclei in each cell, at least when young. In certain swollen cells the two nuclei already contained in the cell combine and fuse to form one, and it is this nuclear fusion within the one cell which Dangeard considers sexual reproduction. It may also be remarked that in the rusts the two nuclei finally fuse in the teleutospore as it matures. But it is of the essence of the sexual process that the nucleus passes from one cell, representing the male, to the female receptive cell, and it is just here that the difference lies between the origin of the spore in the rusts and the smuts. The binucleate swollen cell wliich becomes the spore in the smuts is not connected in any way with a sexual process, while the spore generation in the rusts is the result of sexual cell fusion. The smut spore otherwise, generally resembles the rust teleutospore in the product of its germination. It produces a 3-4: celled filament bearing conidia. Sniitts in their Relation to Rusts. 4t but these coiiidia are not di'tiiiite in nuinber and may be produced more than once from the same cell. This multiplication of the conidia seems a necessary consequence from the fact that there is only one kind of spore. The conidia may cither directly germinate and produce the sporophyte, or they may multiply in a yeast-like fashion before doing so, according to the supply of nutriment. The yeast-like budding of the conidia not only multiplies the means of reproduction, but carries the fungus over the period when no host- plants are available. The germination of the teleutospore in both rusts and smuts does not always result in the production of a promycelium. In the rusts every gradation may be observed from the ordinary germ-tube as in aecidiospores and uredospores to the special conidia-bearing promycelium. Its mode of germination evidently depends largely on surrounding conditions. Fischer^ observed this in Gymnosporangium, where conidia were oiily formed in air, while in water an elongated germ-tube Avas produced, and Magnus ^ has repeatedly observed that when the teleutospores of Puccinia graminis were germinated in water, they produced a germ-tube just like that of a uredospore. The teleutospore in the rusts has therefore departed from the ordinary mode of germination of producing a germ-tube which directly infects the host-plant, but multiplies itself by means of minute conidia suited for aerial conditions, and giving rise in the host to a mycelium which bears the sexual cells. The production of conidia, too, outside the host-plant will also have an invigorating effect when they are nourished in a saprophytic manner. Brefeld^ cultivated the conidia of rust fungi in a nutritive solution, and found that they budded so as to form secondary and tertiary conidia, and in smuts this mode of nutrition has produced the most luxuriant budding. While in the smuts the spore produces generally a promycelium bearing conidia, there is frequently only hyphae, and in infectioii through the flower it is the rule for the spore to germinate direct and form a mycelium. If we compare the life history of a smut with that of a rust there is seen to be partial resemblance, with important differences such as the absence of a sexual stage. There is sufficient resemblance, however, to indicate some affinity, and the question is as to the nature of it. As to the origin of the smuts, we can only arrive at a reasonable conclusion by taking all the facts into consideration and comparing them with others, seeking to find a place in the general scheme of life where they best fit in, and associate them with those forms with Avhich they are most in agreement. Brefeld regards them as having been derived from the Phycomycetes, and as this group possess both sexual and asexual forms of reproduction, they are supposed to have originated from the latter. He also lays a great deal of stress on the fact that the spore on germination produces what he considers a basidium, and since the rusts also give rise to a similar structure, more definite and more nearly approaching the type, he regards the smuts as the preeoursors or progenitors of the rusts, and through them of the whole group of Basidiomycetes. But, as we have already seen, there is room for difference of opinion as to the origin of the Basidiomycetes, and consecjuently of the relation of the snmts to them. My own idea is that the Ustilagineae may be simply regarded as forms which have a distinct alternation of a saprophytic with a parasitic stage, and with sexuality grafted on to this, they originated the TJredineae. It is considered that the promycelium bearing conidia is a saprophyte, because it generally grows freely in a nutritive solution It is now generally accepted that all fungi were originally saprophytes, living upon dead or decaying vegetable matter, and that some of them gradually became accustomed to a parasitic habit. The division of fungi into saprophytes and parasites is convenient, but not natural, for there are 42 Smuts in their Relation to Rusts. saprophytes which are occasionally parasitic, and parasites which are occasionally saprophytic. In the case of grey mould {Botnjtis) and blue mould {PeniciUium) we see parasites in the making, as it were, for they are able, under certain conditions, to enter the living plant and grow there as ordinary parasites. It is not so well known, however, that there are also true parasites, which spend a portion of their existence outside the host- plant, and, not only so, but saprophytic and parasitic stages regularly alternate in their hfe-histor3^ The smuts were originally entirely saprophytic, and this stage is still represented of course in a much reduced form in the promycelium bearing conidia. The promycelium is all that remains of what was once probably a much more elaborate organism. Next, they became educated up to and developed into the parasitic stage, and this gradually took the lead, until now it is the most conspicuous form, and is represented by the internal mycelium bearing spores. Only one kind of spore is produced, but by means of nuclear fusion, which serves the purpose of a sexual act and foreshadows it, it is invigorated and rejuvenesced. There is here an alternation of a saprophytic, with a parasitic stage, and it may be represented graphically thus : — Parasitic Sporophyte (Internal Mycelium). Conidia or Sprouting Conidia. M 2J Spores, Saprophytic Sporophyte (Promycelium). The earliest alternation was that of nutrition, as represented by a saprophytic and a parasitic mode of life, and this gradually developed into an alternation of spore-forms, using the term spore in its widest sense. The parasitic form ultimately developed into a sexual form, so that an alternation of a sexual with a non-sexual generation arose. With the development of sexuality a higher plane was reached, and greater variety in the reproductive bodies secured, each specially adapted for different conditions, and ultimately for different host-plants. This was the starting point of the new group of rusts. It is interesting to note, in this connexion, that Christman holds that the teleutospores are the primitive spores of the rusts, and that the other kinds have been gradually intercalated in their life-history. There is here, as in higher forms, a distinct alternation of a sexual and asexual stage. The sexual stage is represented by an internal mycelium bearing sexual cells or gametes, the contents of which blend and produce the fertiUzed cell. The asexual stage is the product of the fertilized cell, and is represented by the aecidisopores with their intercalary cells, and the mycelium produced by them bearing uredospores and teleutospores. This is the parasitic form of the sporophyte, which sometimes completes the cycle by the teleutospore directly infecting the host-plant and producing a mycelium bearing the sexual cells. But, generally, the saprophytic form of the sporophyte asserts itself, by the teleutospore producing a promycelium bearing conidia, and the conidia infecting the host-plant. Smuts ill their Relation to Rusts- 43 Th ' alternation of gonoiations in tlie Rusts may be thus graphically represented : — Conidi Saprophytic Si)oro])liyte h ■^"*^ Gamctopliyte (.Myceliiun). (Pro mycelium). Ae:'idio-Ureclo- and \^5 ^J Gametes (Uninucleate). Teleutosporeir Parasitic 8i)oro])liyte. Vi 3/ Fertilized Cell (Biniuleate). In both smuts and rusts there is a tendency to dispense with the sapro- phytic stage, and become more perfect parasites, as, for instance, in the species of smut infecting the host through the flower, and Puccinia (jraminis in Australia dropping this stage altogether. Alternation of Parasite and Saprophyte. — Only one kind of reproductive body is formed inside the host-plant, and these smut spores are produced by the j)arasitic form of the fungus. When these spores are set free and scattered by the wind or other agency they may either immediately, or after a period of rest, begin to germinate. This process of germination takes place outside the host-plant, and gives rise to a promycelium which generally produces conidia, either laterally and terminally, or only at the apex. Germination readily occurs in a mitrient solution, and since the formation of conidia has been carried on by this means from generation to generation for more than a year, as in the oat smut, this must be regarded as the sapro- phytic form of the fungus. In some instances, as in Tilletia, when food material is abundant, the promycelium is not limited to a short germinal tube, but grows into a large branched mycelium like a tuft of mould, which bears conidia, differing slightly from those produced normally. While in the rusts two different host-plants are often concerned, in the smuts there is only one, but a saprophytic mode of life succeeds and alternates with the parasitic mode of life. During the parasitic stage, there is a definite form of spore produced which is capable of giving rise to conidia on a germinal tube, and in the saprophytic stage the conidia formed are capable of sprouting continuously, as long as the nutriment lasts, and then putting forth a germ- tube which penetrates the living plant if it comes in contact with it at the right stage. In the one case the living and the dead substratum exerts an influence which results in the different reproductive bodies, in the other it is the living substratum of different host-plants which produces the variety of spore forms. The researches of Klebs^ already referred to, show that it is just this exhaustion of food in the successive host-plants attacked which brings about the different reproductive bodies. The rusts have an advantage over the smuts in the variety of spores produced, and their appearance at different seasons of the year. Not only have they reached the highest degree of specialization in the selection of their host-plants, often confining their attention to one particular species, but they may select one plant for the production of spring spores and another for summer and winter spores, so that their distribution is increased and their adaptation to varying climatic conditions improved. Aeci'lia-like Forms. — In the higher forms of smuts there is an approach to the aecidia of the rusts, and the characters of Doassansia and Cintractia are very suggestive in this connexion. In Doassansia the fertile spore- clusters are enclosed in a peridium formed of closely packed sterile cells, arranged in a single layer. In Cintractia the spores arc developed in rows, 44 Smuts in their Relation to Rusts. the older and more mature being on the outside, and thev are often contained in a special receptacle formed by several layers of sterile cells. So striking is the resemblance that Brefeld asserts that if the characters of the two genera were united in one form there would be almost complete agreement with the aecidia of the rusts, and he considers it not improbable that such forms may yet be discovered. In such a case the smuts might reasonably be regarded as the progenitors of the rusts, the primary forms from which they were derived. If we sum up the principal resemblances and differences between the smuts and the rusts, it is found that they agree in the following : — 1. They are all parasites. 2. They produce a promycelium bearing c0]iidia. 3. A peridium is sometimes present, and spores are produced in a radiating manner resembling an aecidium. And they differ : — 1. In the promyceKum producing a variable number of conidia. 2. In the promycehum of some species growing and branching in a vegetative manner without the formation of conidia. 3. In the mode of production of spores, which are formed in the interior of the hyphae and not pinched off at their apex. 4. In the production of one spore form, and not a variety. 5. In the absence of a true sexual process. Parasitism and hnmnnitv. 45 CHAPTER VIII. Pakasitism and Immunity. In cGiinexiou witli tlio diseases of plants, where fungus parasites are con- cerned, determined efforts have been made to study these parasites in such a way that their Ufe-histories might be made out, and their mode of infecting the host-plant and producing the disease thoroughly understood, the object being, from the knowledge thus obtained, to prevent the parasite gaining an entrance into the host. This has hitherto been usually accomplished, either by destroying the spores of the fungus or preventing their germination, and thus effectually preventing the appearance of the disease. By means of spray- ing, for instance, at the proper time with suitable fungicides, a large number of such diseases have been kept in check, and so successful had this method proved that the hope was entertained by many that it only required a further extension of our knowledge of plant parasites and their life histories, in order to completely overcome their destructive effects. This was a great step in advance, even although it involved unceasing warfare against the parasite, and the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America led the way in demonstrating the efficacy of the gospel of spraying. But there were some serious diseases due to parasitic fungi which did not •lend themselves to this mode of treatment, even although the history of the parasite had been followed from spore to spore, and it became necessary to devise other means for controlling the disease. Foremost among these was the Rust in Cereals, to which, from the very nature of the mode of attack of the parasite, and the manner of growth of the host-plants themselves, it was found to be mechanically impossible to apply this method of prevention. It will be observed that in this method of grappling with disease, the host- plant itself is left out of account, and attention is concentrated on the para- site. But there is another possible way of preventing disease, and that is by rendering the plant immune. Accordingly, attention was turned to the question of immunity or resistance to disease, which has been for some time deepiy studied and discussed in connexion with human diseases, and which has also been observed in some species and varieties of cultivated plants, such as wheats and other cereals. The definition of an immune plant as given by Massee^ may be accepted. It signifies an individual of the same species as the one on which a given species of fungus is parasitic, but which, owing to the absence of the chemotactic substance in its tissues necessary to enable the germ-tubes of the fungus to penetrate, remains unattacked. Only it is to be understood that while the parasite may gain an entrance, it does not normally develop in such an " immune " plant, and, consequently, cannot produce the harmful disease or spread infection by means of its spores. In dealing with the smuts \\dth which we are more immediately concerned, there were various steeps for the seeds, or disinfectants, as they may be called, such as sulphate of copper or bluestone, and formalin, which effectually pre- vented the attacks of some of the more common smuts, but there were othei's, su.ch as the destructive flag smut of wheat, which did not yield to such treat- ment, and even here it is becoming apparent that immunity to the disease is to be aimed at as a means of overcoming it. In short, at the presen' time, it is felt that our present methods of fighting parasitic fungi is simply tinkering 46 Parasitism and Immiinitx. with the disease, afiordiug only temporary relief, and that the only permanent and natural means for overcoming them lie in following Nature's methods for preventing extinction of the species, by rendering the plants themselves im- mune, or at least, partially immune to such attacks. Before this goal is reached, numerous researches in the laboratory and experiments in the field will require to be carried out, but already there are sufficient instances known to justify our hope and that of Rust in Wheat may be taken as an example. Rust Immunity. There are, at least, three different kinds of rust which attack wheat, the Black Rust (Pwcci/im gramims,'PeTS.), the Brown Rust (P. triticina, Eriks.), and the Yellow Rust {P. cjlumarum,Yiv\ks. and Henn.). Only the two former occur in Australia, and it is the so-called Black Rust which is so injurious in certain seasons, while the Brown Rust is comparatively harmless. It appears that in Britain and America the Yellow Rust does considerable damage, and it is this one which has recently been made the subject of exact experiment. Mr. Biffen, of the Agricultural Department of Cambridge University, found in his plots a strain of wheat which was immune to this rust, for although under observation for four seasons, and surrounded by varieties susceptible to the disease, it remained free and showed no trace of infection. This Avheat belonged to the sub-species, Triticum cofupactum, or Dwarf Wheat. On the other hand, there was a type known as Michigan Bronze which was so liable that not a single individual escaped, and comparatively few ripe grains were ob- tained. On crossing these two types, the first generation consisted of plants badly rusted without exception, even the awns and grains being affected, but fortunately, a number of ripe grains were obtained for subsequent sowing. Every available grain was sown to produce the second generation, in plots alongside the parent varieties. The result was that while every individual of the susceptible variety was infected and the immune variety escaped entirely, the crosses were badly rusted, but certain individuals stood out perfectly clean, not showing signs of disease, even on the withering basal leaves. The second generation of the cross was thus composed of plants either badly rusted or immune, and the exact numbers were 1,609 diseased and 523 immune, or a ratio of o.07 to 1. Biffen has found another wheat which possesses an even greater degree of immunity to Yellow Rust than the American Club — the variety of Triticum compactum already referred to. It is known as Einkorn, or Triticum monococcmn, and is said to be exceptionally immune to the three common rusts. There is a principle here which is found to hold for diseases other than rust, and it opens up great possibilities in the way of breeding plants immune to disease. There are certain varieties of wheat, for instance, which are more or less immune to rust, but lacking in those useful qualities which the farmer desires, such as strength of straw, holding of grain, prolific yield, &c. But when it is discovered that these unit characters, as they are called, go in pairs, such as susceptibility and immunity to rust, and that they can be combined with other characters which obey the same law, by crossing, then it is seen to be possible in three generations to obtain a pure strain by crossing, com- bining these desirable qualities with immunity to rust. If two fixed strains are crossed, all the possible forms obtainable appear in the second generation if a sufficient number of plants are grown, and a certain proportion of each of these forms is already fixed. The third generation will show those individuals Parasitism and ImmiDiit i 47 which are fixed, and breed true, and thus two generations are sufficient to pro- duce and fix the new variety. There is also a definite proportion between the fixed and unfixed sorts. In the particular instance given, where two con- trasted characters are concerned, the susceptibility to rust is called the domi- nant character, because it prevails over the other or recessive character in the first generation, and this holds good irrespective of which plant was pollen- bearing or seed-producing. In the second generation, the dominant " rusty " plants and the recessive " immune " plants appear in the ratio of ."] to 1, as nearly as possible. Smut Immunity. Although I am not at present (1909) in a position to give such defiiiite results for smut as have just been given for rust, yet experiments are under way to settle the point as regards Stinking Smut, or Bunt. The difficulty here is to secure wheat-plants which are immune to this smut when grown under conditions favorable to its development, such as the seed- wheat being dusted with the spores, but this difficulty is being gradually overcome. There is a variety grown here, known as AUora Spring, which is most suscep- tible to bunt, having yielded 95.5 per cent, of bunty plants when the seed was coated with spores, while under the same conditions, Minnesota Blue Stem, a strong flour variety, was the least susceptible of ten varieties tested, only producing 12 per cent. But while a small proportion of rust is admissible without seriously interfering with the yield or the quality of the grain, a very small percentage of Stinking Smut is objectionable, and it is necessary, if treat- ment of the seed is to be dispensed with, to have a variety or strain which is absolutely free. Experiments in the direction of producing bunt-resisting wheats have been hitherto mainly carried out by Farrer and Pye. The work of Farrer is being continued by Sutton at the Cowra Experiment Farm. Experiments of Farrer and Sutton in New South Wales. When the grains of dift'erent varieties of wheat are thoroughly dusted with bunt spores and sown at the same time alongside each other, it is found that the percentage of bunty plants varies considerably according to the variety, basing the calculation upon the number of plants which grew in each case and not upon the number sown. Thus, in experiments carried out by Farrer^ with ten different varieties, the percentage varied from 95.5 to 12, and the proportion which remained clean might be owing to the fact that either the plants them- selves, or the seeds from which they grew, possessed the property of resisting infection. But there are various other causes which might produce this re- sult, even on the assumption that the bunt spores germinated, such as germ- tubes which penetrated the seedlings failing to reach the growing point, or the growth being too rapid for the mycelium to keep up with it. So that the only way to settle the point was to harvest the clean plants separately and sow the seed after inoculation, in order to see whether any of them transmitted the quality of bunt-resistance to their progeny. This was accordingly done with different strains of AUora Spring, and the lowest percentage of bunty plants was 87.1, and the highest 95.5. While carrying out these experiments, Farrer hit upon the idea of selecting clean plants from the strains of his crosses which showed the smallest percentage of bunt, in order to see if bunt-resis- tance could be increased by a course of systematic selection. He observed that the plants of the variable generation of a cross differed widely in their liability to bunt, just as has been observed in the case of rust, and he came to the conclusion that if the plants of this generation were ex]iosed to infection, 48 Piirasitism and hnnmmty. by inoculating the seed from which they were grown, then a large proportion of the plants which might otherwise have produced bunt-liable varieties would be culled out, and a higher average of bunt-resistance would be secured in those retained. And if the next generation was also similarly infected, further cull- ing-out could be made and a still higher average of bunt-resistance secured in the remaining plants. In 1901. experiments were begun in inoculating with bunt the seed which produces the variable generation of new crosses, and in reporting on these Farrer? remarks : — " A large number of experiments were made in sowing bunt-infected seed of unfixed and partially fixed crossbreds, with the object of seeing into the possibility of making varieties which are valuable on account of the resistance they offer to the infection of bunt. No good purpose would be served by describing these experiments in detail. The results, however, from sowing seeds produced by plants of the variable generation which were free from bunt in 1901 are exceedingly encouraging, but it remains to be seen Avhether and to what extent these good results are due to the exceptional character of the season." And in his report for 1903^" he states : — "Whether bunt-proof varieties will ever be secured is, of course, as yet uncertain ; but I have on hand some neAver crossbreds which promise to yield varieties which are better resisters of this parasite than are any of the first batch." And in 1905^^ he writes : — " The investigation, however, is very laborious and will take a longer time than I am likely to live. That I am now in a position, however, to select bunt-resisters as parents for crosses is in the direction of helping matters on. Crosses for the special purpose of securing bunt-resis- tance were made this last season (1904) for the first time." The lamented death of Farrer, on ITth April, 1906, deprived us of the benefit 01 his scientific skill and ripe experience, but Sutton- has brought to fruition the experiments which he initiated. The result is that he has succeeded in producing varieties which apparently resist bunt, for he writes as follows in the Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales for March, 1908 : — "Florence and Genoa have, in our trial plots, shown themselves, under severe trial, to be practically smut-proof, and in consequence, seed of them does not require to be blue-stoned or treated with any other fungicide for the prevention of smut." Florence and Genoa are the result of the same crosses, the parents being White Naples, Improved Fife, Hornblende, and an Indian wheat. Al- though only different strains of the same breed, they vary in the period of ripen- ing, Florence being very early and Genoa about a fortnight later. Genoa also stools much more freely than the other with us. The method followed was to inoculate as thoroughly as possible the seed of each generation of the cross and in tliis way to arrive at the most bunt-resistalit. " Florence and Genoa have proved themselves to be over 99 per cent, smut-resistant, that is to say, that out of 100 seeds thoroughly infected, ninety-nine plants have been found to be entirely free from smut at harvest time." That is certainly a very good record and justifies the hope that the treatment of the seed for the prevention of smut may yet prove unnecessary; but in order to command full price, the wheat must be, as near as possible, bunt-free. In order to get an idea of what the trade required, I communicated with one of the largest dealers in wheat, and received the following reply : — " When selling wheat, we do not allow any percentage for smut. It entirely depends on the condition of the wheat ; if the smut balls are not broken and the wheat not much contaminated, it will probably be about Id. per bushel under prime wheat ; but if the balls are broken and the Avheat badly smutted, the difference is often from 6d. to 9d. per bushel." If the market rates are taken as a guide, there may be from 6d. to Is. deducted per bushel on account of smut. When good milling wheat Parasitism and Imnmnity. 19 was selling at is. 5W. to 4s. 6d. per bushel, smutty was sold at 3s. 5d. to 3s. 9d. for inferior, and 3s. lOd. to -is. for better samples. It is tbis necessit}' for having wheat almost absolutely bunt-free that has hitherto deterred experi- menters from even making the attempt. Experiments with Florence and Genoa to test their Bunt-resistance This question of immunity to smut is a very important one, and experi- ments to test how far this immunity is hereditary or transmissible, and if it is maintained under different conditions of soil and climate, heat and mois- ture, were carefully planned. Mr Sutton willingly supplied seed- wheat of Florence and Genoa for the purpose, and a sufficient quantity of grain was mixed with bunt spores to allow of its being sowii in such distinct districts of Victoria as Dookie Agricultural College, in the North, under the superintend- dence of the principal, Mr. Pye : at Longerenong Agricultural College, in the West, under the charge of Mr. Pridham ; and at Burnley Horticultural Gar- dens, near Melbourne, in the South, under my own personal supervision. The seed was all dusted ecjually with spores of Tilletia levis, derived from a common source, and it is important to note that the experiments were all on an equal footing as far as the amount and vitality of the bunt-spores are con- cerned. A bulk sample of wheat was mixed with the spores as follows : — Bunt-balls were taken direct from the wheat plant and then broken up by rolling them in paper. The spores were next well dusted and rubbed over the moistened grains, so that every grain looked as if it had been dressed with soot. The grain Avas sent out immediately afterwards for sowing. At Dookie, the sowing took place on 17th June, and the seed-bed was a moist one. Superphosphate was applied at the rate of about 65 lbs. per acre. The rainfall for April was .23 inches ; for May, 1.99 inches ; and for June, 4.36 inches. The bunted grain sown in a moist seed-bed was particularlv liable to infection. The mean temperatures for May and June were 11 and 7° C. respectively. At Longerenong, the seed was sown on 1st June, and the seed-bed was in good condition and moist. The rainfall for April was .09 inches ; for May, 3.22 inches ; and for June, 2.55 inches. The mean temperatures for Mav and June were 10 and 7° C. respectively. At Burnley, the plots were sown on 16th June, the soil being a sandy loam, and in a moist condition. The experimental ground was enclosed with bird- proof netting so that the results were not interfered with in any way. As this was the first season of the wheat experiments there, manure was sup- plied at the rate of per acre, 1 cwt. superphosphate, J cwt. sulphate of am- monia and I cwt. sulphate of potash. The rainfall for April was .33 inclies ; fov May, .87 inches : and for June, 3.94 inches. The mean temperatures for May and June were 11 and 8° C. respectively. Since the weather conditions exercise an important influence on the ger- mination of the spores, it may be noted generally for the first quarter of the year 1908, that the rainfall was scarcely 50 per cent, of the average amount and this was followed by one of the driest April months ever known. The brealdng up of the drought occurred in May, and the rains in June were above the average, so that altogether, the conditions were favorable for the germina- tion of the spores and the seed-wheat at the same tune. The results of the experiments have been carefully tabulated, and while they show that Florence may have as much as 12 per cent, of Stinking Smut, and Genoa, 22 per cent., yet on the whole, they are fairly resistant. 50 Parasitism and Immunity. Table I. — Relative Susceptibility to Stinking Smut of Florence and Genoa. Variety. 3 Florence . 6 Genoa 8 Florence . 9 Genoa 12 Florence . 13 Genoa 14 Florence . 15 Genoa 16 Florence . 17 Genoa Florence . Genoa Florence . Genoa Inoculation of Seed witli— ' Smutty. Smutty. 7. — Burnley. T. tritici T. levis T. tritici T. levis Florence . . Genoa Florence . . Genoa Florence . . Genoa Florence . . Genoa Florence . . Genoa Florence . , Genoa Florence . Genoa Florence . Genoa Florence Genoa Florence Genoa j Florence Genoa General Average T. levis — General Average //. — Dookie. T. levis .. T. levis, re- smutted T. levis . . " T. levis, re- smutted General xA.verage T. levis — General Average T. levis, re- smutted III. — Longerenong. T. levis .. 2 82 84 2.38 7 71 78 9. 10 69 79 12.65 5 78 83 6.02 7 79 86 8.14 75 75 5 79 84 5.95 17 58 75 22.66 41 818 859 4.77 41 774 815 5.03 65 1,127 1,192 5.45 1 70 1,056 1,126 6.21 1 58 966 1,024 5.66 ! 46 927 I 973 4.72 1 84 85 1.17 1 74 75 1.3 8 85 93 8.6 5 76 81 6.17 3 77 80 3.75 2 72 74 2.70 3 83 86 3.48 5 73 78 6.41 4 79 83 4.82 14 72 86 16.28 19 408 427 4.45 27 367 394 6.85 4 161 165 2.42 3 146 149 2. 15 1 247 262 5.72 24 ! 221 245 9.79 General Average 45 443 488 9.22 95 560 655 14.50 7 70 77 9.09 10 54 64 15.62 52 513 565 9.20 105 614 7 IS 14.60 I. Burnley. — There were seven plots of each variety sown, in two of them the ordinary seed was used as a check, while in the others the seed was thoroughly dusted with bunt-spores. Both T. tritici and T. levis were used for infection, but no conclusions as to their relative virulence could be drawn from the results of a single season's experiments. The general average for the whole of the plots was over 5 per cent, for Florence, and over 6 per cent. for Genoa. If the comparison is strictly confined to the plots in which T. levis Parasifisin a>ul 1 ninuiuitx. 51 was used, as at Dookie and Longerenoiig, then Florence had .j.' on the result. Thus, if the autumn is wet when the seed is sown nearly all the seeds with spores attached will become infected, because the tissues under such conditions remain longer soft and succulent. There are also limitations imposed upon the germination of the spores, for they are not always capable of putting forth their germinal tube at any given time even when moisture is supplied. It is a general characteristic of smut fungi that they confine themselves to particular hosts. This denotes a high degree of specialization in thus exer- cising a selective power for their food, for there are other parasites which are omnivorous in their tastes and show little or no preference in their selection of hosts. Some of them such as the American corn smut utilize any young and tender portion of the plant, be it leaf or stem or kernel of the cob, and when- ever it is attacked do not at once proceed to use it up in its immature state. The fungus stimulates the young and growing part to further growth, and when it has multiplied excessively so as to form gall-like swellings, the food stored up is rapidly appropriated and the spores are produced from a well nourished and vigorously growing mycelium. Not only do they select a host but in many cases they are only capable of infecting a particular stage of that host, such as the seedling stage or the flowering stage. Wlien the young seedling is infected, the parasite puts itself in touch with the growing tissue and shares in all the growth and vigour of the plant until the criticaV time arrives, when all the nutrient material prepared for the young embryo is used up in the formation of smut spores. But the perfection of specialization is reached in the Carnation Smut fungus, where the anthers of the flower are alone chosen for the production of the spores. The parasite enters the plant through the young shoots as shown by Hecke, and reaches the flower just before it is completely formed. There it confines itself to the young stamens, using the anthers for the production of spores and leaving the rest of the flower quite normal. It is the doctrine of substitution carried to its utmost limits, for not only have the spores replaced the pollen-grains, but they are carried by the fertilizing insects to other flowers, and thus their distribution is assured as they are likely to be deposited on the fruit which is being formed. This is an instance where the fungus has selected the most favorable spot for the production of spores, and timed it so that they are carried to their destination as if they Avere the flower's oAvn pollen. There are degrees of proficiency in the parasite, just as there are powers of resistance in the host, and this is the highest attainable in the mode of infecting the most suitable part at the most favorable time. In considering the relations of the parasite to its host, we must take into account all the phases of its life and distinguish between those which are intimately bound up with the life of the individual plant and others which ai'e passed outside of it. The mycelium of the fungus, for instance, ramifies among the tissues and directly preys upon them, but there are portions of the hyphfe detached at the surface for purposes of rapid propagation and known as conidia, which are used to infect fresh plants. These conidia are known to vary in their infective power, not only as we have seen, according to the condition of the host, but dependent upon the nourishment they receive and their age as well, or the generation to which they belong. If the mycehum which produces them is well nourished, then as parts of the whole, they share the increased vigour for a time, but with increasing age and the continued absence of a host-plant tliey lose their capacity for infection. Biefeld^ has shewn that these conidia can germinate in artificial nutritive solutions and go on producing generation after generation of their kind. He cultivated one form throuoh more than one hundred successive generations in the course of 62 Relations betit\een Host and Parasite. a year, but towards the end their germinating power began to fail and at last failed completely. " Smut germs which have lived too long and too exclusively outside of the host-plant and multiplied in the form of yeast conidia lose their infective power conjointly with the ability to throw out germ-tubes.'" It has also to be noted that the climatic conditions which favour the para- site are not always those which are most conducive to the well-being of the host, especially when it is being attacked from the outside. The dull, damp, cold weather which makes its tissues tender and renders its functions less active are just those conditions which favour the entrance of the fungus, and if the latter once reaches the growing-point, it is as certain to succeed as the plant itself. Brefeld has shown this beautifully by demonstrating that if the conidia are forced into the bud by means of a syringe, so that they can germinate in contact with the young and growing cells, infection can always be assured. There is, generally speaking, a double set of factors involved in each case of parasitism, the internal disposition or constitution of both host and para- site and the external influences or environment affecting each. It is iu the mutual play and interaction of these factors that all the varied and varying effects are produced, and it can therefore be readily understood that no single cause or set of factors will explain any case of parasitism, but that the life- history of both host and parasite must be considered and all the agencies which affect one or other favorably or unfavorably must be taken into ac- count. The study of the parasitic diseases of plants, or the mutual relations of host and parasite, thus becomes a very complicated problem, and the recog- nition of the factors acting in concert or successively which bring about the changes giving rise to disease, is the only way to arrive at its true nature. While it is true that no single factor is entirely responsible for a disease, yet it is customary to classify diseases according to their chief causes. John Stuart Mill says that " in practice, that particular condition is usually styled the cause, whose share in the matter is superficially the most conspicuous." In this sense the weather might be said to be the " cause " of some parasitic plant diseases, as they are conspicuously associated with particular weather conditions. But among the various factors concerned, that one without which none of the others would be effective in producing the particular symp- toms, may be more truly termed the cause. Hence when the presence of a fungus, such as the smut-fungus, is absolutely essential to the production of a well-marked disease, it is the direct cause of it, even although such a co- operative factor or contributing cause as the weather is necessary. hidigciioiis and Introduced Species. 63 CHAPTEK X. Indigenous and Introduced Species. It is not always easy to determine what parasites are native and which have been introduced, because although the introduced plant is liable to carry with it the spores of some of the fungi which infest it in its native country on the seed, or it may be only the hibernating mycelium inside the seed, yet this is not invariably the case. While the potato has introduced into New Zealand and Australia the well-known potato disease PhytophtJiora injestans, the orange and the lemon in New South Wales are badly affected with a disease caused by Phoma citricarpa, a fungus which is unknown elsewhere, either in Italy or California, and wdiich has probably been derived from the native Citrus trees. It will be safe, however, unless we have evidence to the contrary, to regard as introduced those parasites which are found on intro- duced plants. The term alien is usually applied to those species wdiich, although now growing spontaneously, have been introduced through human agency. Such alien plants are, therefore, often called introduced plants, although we may have no definite information as to how they were brought here. In the case of cultivated plants, such as cereals and some grasses, there is historic evi- dence as to their introduction, but beyond that there is very little certainty. A species, therefore, which is found wild amid natural sm'roundings may be regarded as indigenous, Avhile those found amid artificial surroundings or as escapes from cultivation, may be considered introduced. The introduced plants with smuts are confined almost exclusively to the cereals, such as wheat and oats, barley and maize, and to a few grasses such as rye-grass and Poa. From the principles laid down, the following may be regarded as having been introduced : — 1. Ustilago avencs (Pers.) Jens., on Avena saliva, or Oats. 2. U. hordei (Pers.) Kell. and Sw., on Hordeum vulgare, or Barley. 3. U. nuda (Jens.) Kell. and Sw., on Hordeum vulgare. •i. U. tritici (Pers.) Jens., on Triticum vulgare, or Wheat. 5. Cintractia sorghi-vulgaris (Tul.) Clint., on Andropogon sorghum.. 6. Sorosporium reilianum (Kuehn) McAlp., on Zea Mays, or Maize. 7. Tilletia levis (Kuehn), on Triticum vulgare. 8. T. tritici (Bjerk.) Wint., on Triticum vulgare. 9. T. striaeformis (Westd.) Oud., on Lolium perenne, and Poa annua. 10. Urocystis tritici, Koern., on Triticum vulgare. There is no difficulty in accounting for the introduction of the above smuts as the spores would be associated with the seeds, or the hiliernating mycelium would be inside the seed, as in the case of loose smut of wheat and barley, and both spores and mycelium retain their vitality sufficiently long to allow them to be transported long distances. The only case calling for special remark is that of flag smut on wheat. It is generally assumed to be the same species as that found on Rye in the Old World, but since the spores from wheat will not infect rye, nor the spores from rye infect wheat, it must be biologically distinct, and as a biological species it may be called Urocystis tritici, Koern. The same form has also been found on wheat in India and Japan, but how this biological species originated it is impossible to say. 6^ Indigenous and Introduced Species. The total number of species at present recorded for Australia is sixty-eight. They are grouped under ten genera, and no new genera have been discovered as in the case of Uromycladium among the rusts. There are two gall-form- ing species, however, which are interesting, not merely from their producing galls, but on account of their distribution. Melanofsichium Aiistro-Ameri- canum occurring on species of Polygonum, was first recorded from South America, then it was found in the United States, and now it has been met with near Brisbane, in Queensland. The Queensland specimen was first deter- mined by Mr. Broome as Ustilago emodensis Berk., but an examination of the original type of this at Kew showed it to be quite distinct. Cintractia crus- f/alli occurring on the common Barn-yard grass, is widely distributed in the United States, but has only been found elsewhere near Sydney. A number of afEected plants were observed by Mr. Hattrick growing in sandy soil, and they attracted his attention by the large galls formed on the stems. Both these gall-forming plants are adapted for moist situations. Ustilago cynodontis may also be regarded as indigenous, since the host-plant — Ci/nodon dactylon — is a native. It occurs in Europe, Northern Africa, and India, to which Australia has now to be added. The distribution of the species in the different States is very unequal. In Victoria there are about double the number recorded for any other single State, and this only shows how imperfectly known the smuts are. They do not generally attract the notice of collectors, and in some cases they are in- conspicuous and not easily recognised when the spores are enclosed in the fruit. In West Australia only those species are known which attack culti- vated crops, and those occurring on the native flora have yet to be discovered. The following list shows the distribution of the species : — i ■ ., 45 r Js"o. of Species. Victoria. Xew Soutli Wales. Queens- land. South Australia. West Australia. Tasmania. Ustilaso . . 18 12 „ S 10 9 ilelanopsichium . 1 1 Cintractia 11 7 1 4 •2 i Sorosporium 13 fi 8 (i 1 2 Thecaphora "2 1 1 Tolyposporium 7 4 2 •J 3 Tilletia . . <) •' 3 Entyloma 2 1 1 Urocvstis 7 7 1 1 1 Doassansia 1 1 Totals G8 44 22 2-) 17 ' 19 The smuts have not received the attention of collectors like the rusts, and only nineteen new species have been added to the following genera : — Ustilago (2), Cintractia (3), Sorosporium (6), Thecaphora (1), Tolyposporium (4), Til- letia (1) and Urocystis (2). II. LIFE HISTORIES AND TREATMENT OF CEREAL SMUTS. Life Histories of Cereal Sniuts. 67 CHAPTER XI. Life Histories of the Cereal Smuts. — Introductory. Since the smuts are all parasitic in their nature and cause disease in quite a number of our economic plants, investigations have been directed, not only towards gaining a complete knowledge of their history, but also a practical means of preventing their ravages. In order to control their course and counteract their influence it is essential to have a knowledge of their life history and mode of attack, how they gain a footing in the plant, how they reach the stage when spores are produced, and how these spores behave until the plant is again infected. The hrst step in working out their life history was taken when Prevost\ at the beginning of the nineteenth century, established the fact that the spores when placed in water germinated, and since then various investigators, including Tulasne, Kuehn, De Bary, Fischer von Waldheim, and Brefeld, have advanced our knowledge until at the present time Brefeld has followed their history from spore to spore, and given us a complete account of some of the more important smuts. Only the cereal smuts will be dealt with here, on account of their economic importance, including those which occur in wheat, oats, barley, and maize. In our wheat lields there are three which do considerable damage, and require to be carefully attended to with the extension of the wheat-growing area, viz., stinking smut or bunt {Tilletia tritici and T. levis), loose smut {Ustilago tritici), and flag smut {Uroci/stis tritici). In oats there is only the loose smut {Ustilago avenae), and in barley there are the two species known respectively as naked and covered smut. In the one case the smut is enclosed in a membrane which soon breaks, and the spores are scattered as in loose smut {Ustilago nuda), while in the other the smut is enclosed in the unbroken walls of the ovary, and generally remains solid after maturity {Ustilago Tiordei). In maize there is only one smut Icnown here, which is commonly called head smut, because it attacks the entire head {Sorosporium reilianum), but this has so frequently been confounded with the corn smut so common in America that an account of the latter is also given. A great deal still remains to be done before anything like a complete account can be given of the Ufe histories of the various Australian smuts ; still a beginning has been made, and when the gaps are known it may lead to their being filled up all the sooner. In order to give a connected view of the cereal smuts and their different peculiarities, I have arranged them in tabular form, and one of the most striking features is that they naturally resolve themselves into two gi-oups, according to their mode of infection — flower infection and seedling infection. Among the flower infection forms there are only two, the loose smut of wheat and the naked smut of barley. Both give rise directly to a mycelium on germination without the formation of conidia, and the spores are scattered naturally at the flowering season. i> 2 68 Life Histories of Cereal S//n/ts. 'o ■4H £ j-j ^3 , -a >i , =? s s S r ^ 2 -5 r 03 1 £ Ji "o ^ ci ^ "o Oj II ac -2 O rH tr S M 1 ° bC ,^ gS •s o £ o Q-ft 03 It p-s -3 S £ 1 o o 1 as i s ■^ 03 a ri t; M s t3 « .o S 'g S ce 1 ■*3 § ?S 's ft S bC 03 M bfj tc 1 bO f.^ "o s c a 03 1 ^0 &; O ;^ 1 o >> _o _ u> s cc s m cc s OD <^-. < 2 o ft so 2 03 03 T s^ o s ■^ S a g g S a & £3 • '■*^ '■^ '2 S ■43 •-3 ■43 •5 •43 p t 6C 3 £ p ^ 2 to 1 bC 03 bp bC 1 bC-^2 ^14 5 ^ 1^ o o 1 s 5 1 1 < '^ >> 1 ^ ^ 'S 'S T! P c4 c3 a s s cS 2 S 2 so s 5 g a g 3 3 ■Bi 3 ;5 a o 03 3 03 1 03 o s b >> s !>. >-i >i 5 a o a 'o p a a a J, 1 1 u ^ ^ IM s cS 11 c cS s ^ o 03 :;3 o ^ 11 |5 ^ c o rS o S-l > ft iS: ^ ft ^ ^ ^ _^ T ^ >. ^~ ^ >i _,- >i >% |gl S '2 c3 1 :3 M ^ flcc t^ <^ c3 03 § 3 o S "^ s 1 ,5 $ X ■73 s 3 1. :3 Is t^ ^ ^ 1 Is ^^ Is nl 1?; 1^ 53 S 11 ,ft _03 -2 2 T •s a r^ ^ i*^ ^ S ^ ^-S ^ £ s ,^3 ^-^ S ft P-I s ft ft ft m xn 02 ce' i-i 02 02 .^ 03 .^ 1 ;-^ % •-5 fl ^ 1 g 1 H ■*-' CO ce d ^ 2 E N * cS ^ s i S S tS 1 i3 1 £ 3 & -^^ s 3 s -g ^ "3 D g a _J^ o ^" g a a S 1 a 1 3 •^ 1 i T3 i i i CO 1-1 Ph h; ^ w Q ^ ^ ~ ~ 1 1 -2 >> 03 tS cS cS 1 Life Histories of Cereal Smuts. 69 With the increase in our knowledge of the life histories of the cereal smuts, it has been found necessary to split up some of the older collective species, both on account of their morphological and physiological characters, into several new species. Ustilago segetum (Bull.) Dittm. and U. carbo Tul. were originally used to include several of the species occurring principally on wheat, oats, and barley, and these names have now been discarded and replaced by others. At first the old species U. segetum was split up by Jensen', in 1888, into the following four races : — U. segetum, var. tritici; U. segetum, var. avenue; U. segetum, var. hordei, form fiuda ; U. segetum, var. hordei, form tecta. And he showed, at the same time, that the smuts occurring on wheat, oats, and barley were only able to infect the particular cereal on which they grew. Then in the same year Brefeld found that the loose smut of wheat and barley did not produce conidia on germination, and that their spores were incapable of infecting oats. On these grounds he constituted a species U. hordei, Bref., for the forms occurring on wheat and barley. In 1890, Rostrup^ named the form tecto, determined by Jensen, U. jensenii, Rostr., because the spores produce a promycelium with conidia. And, finally, in the same year Kellerman and Swingle^ raised Jensen's two forms on barley to the dignity of species, and named them respectively U. nuda (Jens.), Kell. and Sw., and U. hordei (Pers.), Kell. and Sw., so that Brefeld's U. hordei was spUt up into the three species now retained — U. tritici, U. nuda, and U. hordei. The names that will be adopted in this work are the following : — U. avenae (Pers.) Jens. (1889) — forming conidia on germination. U. hordei (Pers.) Kell. and Sw. {18^0) = U. jensenii, Rostr. — forming conidia on germination. U. nuda{Jens.) Kell. and Sw. (1890) — forming no conidia on germination. U. tritici (Pers.) Jens. (1890)= f/. hordei, Bref. (in part) — forming no ■ conidia on germination. 70 Stiiiknig S/nui or Baut in VC Jicat. CHAPTER XII. Stinking Smut or Bunt in Wheat. {TUletia tritici (Bjerk.) Wint. ; T. levis, Kuehn.) Perhaps there is no smut better known to the AustraUan farmer than this one, since although it remains enclosed until harvested, it gives forth a disagreeable odour like stinking fish, especially when crushed, and one cannot fail to detect its presence. The spores do not escape as a powder, but are enclosed in the ovaries and glumes, and although at first somewhat greasy, they soon become dry and hard ; and the mass of spores in an ovary is known as a bunt-ball, hence it is frequently spoken of as ball smut, and sometimes, on account of its hardness, as stone smut. Since the spores do not burst through, but are enveloped by the outer coats of the ovaries, it requires the practised eye to detect the disease at first (Plate II.). The ears are rigid, and of a somewhat darker green colour than the normal, the spikes are rather smaller, and a little further apart, and stand out more from the axis of the inflorescence, and the grains themselves in the early stages are of a deep dark unhealthy green, and the upper straw is of a peculiar bluish-green colour. The growth is arrested earher than in healthy plants, so that there is premature ripening, and the leaves indicate the diseased condition by their yellow colour. There is the disagreeable smell where the disease is plentiful, which is due to trimethylamin, a decomposition product of the nitrogenous constituents of the parasite. There are two species of smuts responsible for this disease, the one with smooth and the other with netted spores, but as both sometimes occur in the same ear of wheat and generally agree in their life history, they will be treated here as practically the same. Germination. This was one of the first species in which the germination of the spores of smuts was observed. Prevost^ in 1807, germinated them in water, and figured not only the promycelium, but also the primary and secondary conidia. These observations were confirmed by a number of later observers, and Tulasne\ in 1854, investigated the subject more fully. In 1858, Kuehn^ fully described the process, and then, in 1883, BrefekV added to our knowledge by showing how the spores behaved in a nutritive solution. The spore germinates in water or after being kept damp for two or tliree days. The spores germinate freely under the following conditions : — Place them on damp blotting paper on a plate under a bell jar, keeping them moist for a few days, and the fine white mould which soon appears constitutes the promycelia and the numerous sickle-shaped conidia of the germinating spores. Or take a plate of plaster of Paris sprinkled with spores and place it in water under a bell jar. In about three days there is a copious production of conidia. The outer membrane of the spore splits, and a stout promycelium of varying length is produced, which elongates at the apex. When this reaches the air a tuft of thread-like branches is formed at the apex, and these constitute the conidia. After all the protoplasm has passed into them from the promycelium, they are cut off by a cross partition or septum, and if the promycelium happens to be very long, then numerous septa are formed from, below upwards. The length of the promycelium will vary according to th distance to be traversed before it reaches the air, since conidia are only forme Pr.ATK 11. G. H. Robinson, Phot. STINKING SMUT OF WHEAT (Til/ctia Trifici and T. Levis.) Sti)iking Smut or Bunt in Wheat. 71 in the air and not in fluid. If germination takes place in damp air then the promyceUum is short, but if in a dense layer of water then it is long. The contents of the spore pass into the tube, and then the contents of the tube collect in the growing apex, and if this grows further the tube becomes divided regularly by transverse septa. Lateral branches may also be formed which grow in a similar fashion. The mature conidia are filiform bodies arising from fine tubercles at the apex of the promycelium, curved in various ways and varying in number from four to twelve or more. They usually become united in pairs by the outgrowth of a narrow tube passing from, the one and fusing with the other, giving the appearance of the letter H. After this fusion germination occurs by the production of a slender filament bearing a sickle-shaped secondary conidium at its apex, into which the contents of the united spores have migrated. According to Kuehn^ both the primary and secondary conidia when placed in a damp atmosphere can give rise to a germ-tube which is capable of infecting the wheat plant. The primary conidia may become detached before germinating, and then fusion between them is not so likely, but when it occurs the connecting bridge is wider. Brefeld found that the conidia which did not fuse behaved similarly to those which paired, only the resulting germ-tubes and conidia were smaller and shorter. Three or more primary conidia have been seen connected, and double fusion between two has occasionally been observed. Thus the normal mode of germination is for the spore to produce a stout promycelium bearing a tuft of primary conidia at its apex, and each of these conidia or the conidia miited Ln pairs to produce a single secondary conidium, which puts forth a slender germ-tube to infect the wheat plant. We must carefully distinguish, however, between w^hat takes place in water or in moist air and in a nutrient solution. While the spores germinate freely in water, they do not succeed in a nutrient solution, Brefeld there- fore first germinated the spores in water up to the formation of primary and secondary conidia, and then added a nutrient solution. Both primary and secondary conidia produce germ-tubes which develop into a much-branched mycelium, just like a tuft of mould, the hyphae of which are exceedingly fine. On the aerial branches numerous short lateral shoots are formed which swell up at their ends and become crescent-shaped conidia (Fig. M). These are easily detached, and again give rise to a tufted mycelium capable of producing further conidia in the manner already described, and this continues as long as the culture is maintained in the nutrient solution. Xo conjugations or fusions occur among these conidia. The branches of the mycelium which are given off in the nutrient fluid do not produce conidia, but grow outwards until they reach the air, when they produce terminal conidia or remain sterile, in which case the liyphaj are septate and appear empty. Adaptations to Unfavorable Conditions. This account of germination would not be complete without referring to the curious adaptations which Brefeld has observed to occur during germi- nation, in order to provide against or to escape unfavorable conditions. 1. If the spores are submerged or the detached conidia fall into water, they only produce a germ-tube which must either enter the wheat-plant or die. The spores do not produce pi'imary conidia, nor the primary conidia secondary conidia, because it would be a useless waste of energy, as they would be sure to perish in the superabundant moisture. 72 Sfi///;/itg Smut or Bunt in Wheat. 2. But if the spore germinates in water and the promycelium at length reaches the air, conidia are formed which become detached and are free to be distributed by the wind. 3. If the detached and paired conidia happen to germinate in moist air, they invariably produce secondary conidia, which are minute and easily de- tached, and may readily be carried by the slightest breath of air to a distance. 4. If these secondary conidia reach a place sufficiently moist, they produce a germ-tube for the infection of the wheat-plant, but if there is not sufficient moisture, they give off another conidium at one side, and so on until even- tually they may either produce a filament which will enter a wheat-plant or die of exhaustion. 5. If nutriment is added to the water in the shape of organic matter, each primary and secondary conidium is capable of producing filaments which ultimately form a mass, like a tuft of mould, visible to the naked eye. The aerial branches develop sickle-shaped conidia, which are easily detached and readily distributed, and again give rise to a tufted mycelium bearing conidia, and so on. This shows how the conidia may be preserved in an active con- dition where organic matter is present. If there is sufficient moisture the conidia will germinate, and instead of perishing, if there is no wheat-plant at hand into which they may enter, they will absorb nourishment and grow like a mould and produce secondary conidia, which may, in their turn, either germinate or remain dormant according to the amount of moisture. It is interesting to note that while Ustilago only produces spores in the host-plant, Brefeld succeeded in producing spore-like bodies with Tilletia in artificial cultures. Under these conditions the conidia give rise to hyphte, which, after growth in length has ceased, begin to thicken in a moniliform manner, and then transverse septa are formed which isolate the roimded cells. After becoming free, they grow no more, but concentrate their contents and thicken their membrane, gradually assuming a dark colour and net-like markings on the walls. Although so far developed, they did not germinate when placed in suitable solutions. There are thus two stages in the life history of this smut to be clearly dis- tinguished — the 'parasitic stage, starting from the period of infection up to the time when spores are produced, together with conidia and secondary coni- dia, and the sapropJiyfic stage, commencing with the germination of the coni- dia in a nutrient solution and producing conidia in damp air which are capable of infection. Although the conidia arising from the promycelium and those produced from the mould-like mycelium are distinct in their mode of origin and in their shape, yet they have much in common. The former arise as a whorl at the apex of the promycelium and are generally elongated and filiform, while the latter are always formed singly from a hypha, and are shorter, thicker, and sickle-shaped. But in a nutrient solution, Brefeld has shown that both coni- dia form a mycelium, and when a number of cultures are made in water, those produced by the hyphee assume all sorts of transition shapes, from the elon- gated filiform to the typically sickle-shaped. Duration op Germinating Power. The spores produced in the ovary retain their power of germination for two or three years at least, and Liebenberg^ states that he has germinated them after eight-and-a-half years, of course after being kept under dry con- ditions. Since these dry conditions do not exist under ordinary cultivation for au entire season, it may safely be assumed that if a change of crop after Stinking Snint or Bunt i>i W/ieai. 73 wheat is followed, the smut spores in the soil will have germinated and died, and if two years are allowed to elapse before wheat is again sown the chances are entirely against any smut spores having survived. Even the smut-balls would be broken up by that time in the ordinary operations of working the soil, or even by the slow movement of water in the soil. An experiment bearing on this was carried out with unbroken smut-balls in the soil to see if the spores were disturbed. Clean seed wheat was planted by hand in two rows alongside each other, in one of which the seed was pickled with bluestone and the other not, and unbroken smut-balls were planted close to the grains in each row. The result was that the plants were all clean in the pickled row, while in the unpickled several plants were bunted, thus showing that the smut-balls in the soil, even when undisturbed by the plough, can infect the seed wheat when not pickled. Infection. The mode of infection has been investigated, among others, by Kuehn^ who artificially infected the youngest seedling stage with the spores, and afterwards traced the course of the germ-tubes by means of sections. He found that both primary and secondary conidia were capable of infection, and that the germ-tubes penetrate the epidermal cells directly through the walls, always in the neighbourhood of the lowest node. Just as the young seedling emerges from the grain, it is then in the most susceptible condition, and it may be attacked at any point up to the first joint, which is sometimes called the tillering point. The first joint is always beneath the surface of the soil, when the grain is drilled or harrowed, and not lying on the surface of the ground. Above that the plant cannot be infected, because the cuticle is too tough to allow the penetration of the delicate germ-tube. Therefore, unless the bunt spores were sown with the seed or existed in the soil, there is no possibility of infection. Once the germ-tube has entered the young seedling a mycelium is formed, which, if it reaches the growing point, keeps pace with the lengthening plant, chiefly growing among the loose cells of the pith, without interfering to any perceptible extent with the healthy growth of the plant, and finally reaching the ovaries, where spores are formed. It is thus seen how the parasite has conquered the host-plant in the long run, for just at the critical time, when the wheat plant is about to store away in the ovary for the benefit of the young embryo all the valuable materials accumu- lated during the growing period, the fungus enters in and appropriates them, rapidly growing at their expense, and forming a network of delicate branching hyphcB, which give rise to the innumerable dark-coloured spores. Since infection only occurs in the young seedling by means of spores attached to the seed or by spores derived from smut-balls in the soil adjoining the seed, and since these spores are known to be destroyed or their germination prevented by bluestone solution, formalin, or hot water, the reason for steeping the seed before sowing is evident, while at the same time it is not seriously affected by the solution employed, particularly the two latter. Artificial Infection of Seed. Since a number of the plots were artificially infected, and as it is the usual way of testing susceptibility to the disease, it seemed desirable to see if dift'erent results were obtained, according as the spores were applied wet or dry and in larger or smaller quantities to the seed. The Wallace variety of wheat was chosen, and one plot was sown without infection as a check, while another was infected and treated with bluestone for comparison! When applied wet the spores wore made into a paste with water, and the 74 Stinking Smut or Bunt in Wheat. grains rolled in this until they were quite black ; when applied dry the grains were simply rolled in the dust from the crushed sniut-balls until they looked as if coated with soot. The results are given in the following Table : — Table IV. -Infection with Spores applied Wet and Dry and in Various Quantities. As far as conclusions can be drawn from a single experiment, the wet infection was a little more effective than the dry, and the increased quantity to a given quantity of seed decidedly increased the chances of infection, as might have been anticipated. Since this experiment was carried out I have come across the record of a somewhat similar one made by Gleichen as far back as 1781, and for the details of which I am indebted to a suggestive Bulletin on the " Smut of Wheat and Oats," by Professor Arthur. Gleichen, who seems to have been the first to test the method of infection experi- mentally, soaked one lot of seed in water and then rolled it in smut spores until completely coated, while another lot of seed was rolled in smut without previous wetting. The results are given by him for clean and smutted heads, and not for stools, but still they may be compared in a general way with those already given. 1. Wheat sowed wet with Stinking Smut 2. 3. „ „ dry „ 4. ,, ,, wet ,, ,, 5. Good Heads. Smutted Heads. 178 166 40 59 102 35 48 14 339 188 Per Cent.'of Loss. 48. 59.5 25.5 22.6 35.6 In the four trials with wet seed there was a loss of 41 per cent., and in the single trial with dry seed 25| per cent. ; so that the wet infection was here also the most effective. The Spores after Harvest. This is usually spoken of as the wintering of the spores, but as in our climate the wheat is reaped towards the end of spring and in early summer, the term is inappropriate. The sowing takes place in the autumn months, so that the spores pass the summer either on the grain or in the soil. Sfiiikiiii! Smut or Bunt in Wheat. 75 It is generally recognised that the threshing machine has a deal to do with the scattering of the spores and the dusting of the grain. When a wheat stack infected with bunt is being threshed, the beaters of the drum will break the bunt balls, and consequently the spores in countless millions will be scattered by the wind, and the wheat coming down into the bags will also be dusted with them. When the same threshing machine is used for another stack, which maybe free from bunt, there are plenty of spores left about the machine to infect a new lot of grain. The grain in the bags will necessarily be stored in a dry place during the summer, and the spores cannot germinate until moisture is supplied to them when they are sown in the soil. It is well known that such seed dusted with spores and kept dry during the summer will produce bunted wheat in the succeeding crop if not treated, and even if the seed is kept dry for three years in a bag the spores will germinate and cause the disease all the same. Clean seed may also be contaminated by passing through a seed drill which has been used for bunted wheat, and the sacks in which the seed is stored may also be a source of infection. They should be disinfected by dipping in the solution used for treating the seed wheat, say 1 lb. of bluestone dissolved in 5 gallons of water, even although the wheat has been treated, for the seed may be reinfected through dirty bags. But if the spores were exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather, as in the case of those falling upon stubble ground from the last year's crop, would they live and infect the new crop ? BoUey'^ carried out experiments to settle this point, and he found that when the seed was treated to prevent any infection from that source, in no case were there any smutted heads. He considered that the spores, having germinated, the conidia, even although in the ground, Avere so minute that the probabilities were against their being in the proper position to infect the young wheat plant at the proper time. In every case where the seed was pickled there were no smutted heads, even although the soil was smutted. The results of these experiments show that spores falling to the ground lose their vitality the first season ; but it is known that when bunt-balls remain unbroken in the ground and are broken the second year the spores may infect the young wheat plant. Re-inpection of the Seed after Treatment. Reference has been made to the danger of re-infecting the treated seed ' J returning it to smut-infested bags, or sowing it by means of a seed drill not properly cleaned. In the case of bluestone, a thin film of the solution coats the grain, when it is properly soaked, and this is known to protect it against infection from spores on the grain itself, and from bunt-balls iu the soil. But what happens when the grain receives a fresh coating of spores after treatment, either from broken bunt-balls or dirty bags, is a natural question to ask. This has been investigated by the late Mr. Farrer, and our own experiments are at present under way, the results of which will be available later. As early as 1899 Farrer- commenced experiments with various fungicides for the treatment of stinking smut, and he found it necessary, at the same time, to test the effect produced by bunt-balls left among the grain and soa\ti with it. In treating the seed, if the bunt-balls are not removed in the process, they are likely to be broken in the subsequent handling of the grain, and possibly infect it afresh, even although all the loose spores on the seed may have been destroyed. The first experiments were designed to ascertain whether, and to what extent, the bunt-balls when crushed and treated with fungicides were capable of infection. The seed used was free from spores to begin with, and taken 76 Stinking Smut or Bunt in Wheat. from a crop also bunt free. Only two experiments were made with formalin. In the one the seed was infected from balls soaked for five minutes in a solution of strength 1 in 109 of water, and in the other the strength was 1 in 207 of water. In the first case the plants were all clean, and in the second 48.-3 per cent, were bunty. But since the strength of formalin required to destroy the infective power of the crushed bunt-balls probably killed 73 per cent. of the plants treated, as shown by another experiment, it was evident that such a strong solution could never be used in practice. Several experiments were made with bluestone solution of various strengths, and they all showed a high proportion of bunty plants, ranging from 61 to 90 per cent., even although the balls had sometimes been soaked as long as 45 minutes. To take one experiment in Avhich the strength used and the time taken was reasonable : The seed was infected from balls soaked for five minutes in a solution of 1 lb. bluestone in 4 gallons of water. The result was that 77 per cent, of the plants were bunty. In the next series of experiments the treated and untreated bunt-balls were placed in the soil at the time of seeding. Untreated bunt-balls w^ere placed in the bottom of the drill, at 1 inch, | inch, and \ inch respectively from each wheat seed, and on one side of it only. The result was that infection occurred at the various distances, and the nearer the bunt-ball was to the seed the greater the infection. This varied from 4 to 17 per cent., and in one case there was no infection at all. Bunt-balls treated with formalin, as in the previous experiments, dried and placed in the bottom of the drill, \ inch from each seed and only on one side of it, produced no infection. When bluestone, however, was used, the bunt-balls being soaked in a solution of 1 lb. to 4 gallons of water for five minutes, then dried and placed in the bottom of drill, it was found that when placed 1 inch from each seed there was 1^ per cent, of bunty plants, and when ^ inch from each seed, a little over 6 per cent. These experiments show that, if unbroken bunt-balls are contained in the seed after treatment, they are liable to be broken subsequently and infect the grain, and even if unbroken may infect adjacent untreated plants if sown with the grain. In 1900'^ these experiments were continued, but only one is recorded relating to infection after treatment ; and it is very suggestive as to the protective effect of bluestone solution. Minnesota Blue Stem was the variety chosen. The grain was soaked for five minutes in bluestone solution of a strength of 1 lb. in 4 gallons of water, then dried, and afterwards infected. The result was that 1^ per cent, of the plants were bunty, while grain of the same variety taken from the same bulk, infected without any treatment, yielded 12 per cent, of bunty plants. The coating of bluestone on the seed evidently prevents the germ-tube of the fungus penetrating inside to any great extent. In 1901, further experiments were made, and Farrer^ records the results of infections after treating different varieties of wheat with bluestone, and then infecting the grains after drying. Purple Straw, Farmer's Friend, and Allora Spring were tested, the grains of each being soaked for five minutes in a 2 per cent, solution (1 in 50), then dried and infected. The percentage of bunty plants varied for each variety. In Purple Straw there was no infection, in Farmer's Friend nearly 2 per cent., and in Allora Spring nearly 9 per cent. The date of planting for all of them was 10th July, and Allora Spring alone was tried later, planting on 2nd August, and using a slightly stronger solution of bluestone over .3 per cent. (1 in 30). Two different plots yielded as nearly as possible the same percentage of bunted plants, viz., 19.74 and 19.77. The results here are rather discordant, and Farrer himself confesses Stinking Smut or Bunt in Wheat. 77 that he cannot account foi" the inferior protection against infection Allora Spring received when treated with a stronger sohition and planted later. In 1902'*, the experiments were continued, but the drought which prevailed and the excessive dryness of the seed bed at the time of planting were not favorable for obtaining normal comparative results. Yandilla was the only variety chosen, and the seed was soaked for 4 minutes in a 2| per cent, solution of bluestone (1 in 40), then dried, and afterwards infected. A second similar experiment was tried, the only difference being that the bluestone was dissolved in water to which a little gelatine had been added to sec if a thicker coating would be formed on the grain, and thus protect it all the better against infection. The planting was done as late as 3rd September, and the percentage of bunty plants was a little over 4 and 8 respectively. The addition of gelatine did not add to the protective qualities of the bluestone solution. It is evident from these experiments that grain may be re-infected after treatment, and every precaution should be taken to prevent this re-infection. The principal source of danger arises from smut-balls, which are liable to be broken in the seed drill, but no sample of wheat containing smut-balls should be used for seed purposes, and any stray ones should be skimmed off in the process of pickling. Proportion op Smutted and Sound Stalks in same Stool. It is commonly stated that when a plant is infected with stinking smut all the ears are generally affected, and that the cases are exceptional where smutted and sound stalks occur in the same stool. But a lengthened exper- ience in Australia has led me to the opposite conclusion, viz., that it is less usual to find a stool in which all the ears are bunted, and it will be satisfactory to give examples bearing out this contention. This occurred during the past season at all the stations where bunt experiments were being conducted, but actual figures will be given. At Burnley, Dexter wheat was infected with bunt-spores — one plot with those of T. levis and another with those of T. tritici. At the end of the season I selected ten stools with bunted ears at random from each plot and counted the number of ears on each, separating them into bunted and clean. The following table gives the result : — Table V. — Bunted and Sound Ears in each Stool of Dexter Wheat. stool 5. stalks. Clean. Bunted. stools stalks. Clean. Bunted. 1 8 6 2 / 1 20 14 6 2 16 13 3 ' 2 8 3 5 •J 14 10 4 •■> 7 3 4 Infected 4 15 11 4 Infected 4 20 7 13 with 5 27 18 <) with 5 9 6 3 T. levis 6 23 21 2 T. tritici \ (5 12 3 9 7 10 8 2 , 7 13 6 7 8 12 8 4 8 15 13 2 9 10 5 9 14 10 4 10 12 10 2 10 8 6 2 Totals 10 147 110 37 10 126 71 55 It is seen from the above Table that every stool was only partially bunted whether the spores of T. levis or T. tritici were used, and that in both cases 78 St'uikiug Smut or Bunt in Wheat. there was a greater proportion of clean than bunted. With T. levis, 75 per cent, were clean, and with T. tritici, 56 per cent., so that the same plant, as a rule, produces both sound and smutted heads. I next examined a large number of bunted plants to try, if possible, to find one in which all the ears were affected. Federation was the variety chosen, because it is specially liable to bunt, as it was infected with T. levis, and 72 per cent, were diseased. On examining 20 diseased stools at random, as in the case of Dexter, the result was as follows : — Table VI. ^Bunted and Sound Ears in each Stool of Federation Wheat. stools. stalks. Clean. Bunted. 1 14 1 13 2 16 1 15 3 9 3 6 4 11 2 9 5 20 20 f) 9 9 7 12 4 8 8 13 1 12 9 17 9 8 10 8 8 11 6 6 12 8 1 7 13 9 1 8 14 6 6 15 10 1 9 16 7 7 17 8 2 6 18 10 10 19 6 1 5 20 10 1 9 Total 209 28 181 Out of twenty plants, there were seven entirely bunted, and only 13 per cent, of clean ears. When the variety is particularly susceptible, there may be a considerable proportion entirely bunted, but under our conditions, a mixture of smutted and sound ears in the same plant is the more common. Grains of Wheat Partially Bunted. The normal course of the stinking smut fungus is to produce its spores in the ear, and in every ear of the stool attacked, as well as in every grain of the ear, and the contents of each grain is converted into a foetid mass of spores. But when a number of diseased specimens are examined, it is found that the spores may occasionally occur on the stem, as well as in the ear, and that it is not at all unusual in certain seasons for only some of the ears in a shoot to be bunted, while a number of the grains in the affected ear may escape, and even the grain itself may be only partially diseased. I have not, personally, found bunt-spores elsewhere than in the ear, but Berkeley^ records an in- stance of a streak of bunt appearing on the stem. The plant to which he refers in the following sentence was grown from a grain infected with the spores of bunt : — " In one of the bunted plants, not only the ear was diseased, but there was a streak of bunt upon the stem, in which the foetid smell and Stinking Smut ^or Bunt in Wheat. 79 peculiar structure were not to be mistaken, a circumstance whicli I have never before observed, nor am I aware that the fact has been noticed by others." The occurrence of bunted and clean ears in the same stool has already- been fully referred to in Chapter VIII., and bunted and clean grains in the same ear are illustrated in Plate II., B and C. That the grain of wheat itself in a diseased ear should be only partially bunted, is regarded by some as an impossibility, nevertheless, two examples have been met with this season, confined to a single ear in each case, and one of them is here photographically illustrated. This belonged to the variety known as Cedar, grown at Dookie Agricultural College, and the one ear con- tained all the gradations of sound, bunted, and partially bunted grains. The three partially bunted grains were partly translucent and partly opaque and dingy, indicating, apparently, the diseased and healthy portions. On making transverse and longitudinal sections of the diseased grains, fungus filaments and numerous spores were found interspersed between the outer skin and aleuron layer on one side, while the other portion was of the normal character and filled with starch granules. (Fig. 10.) In a longitudinal section, the embryo was seen to be quite intact and partially surrounded by the numerous spores, some of which were still in the early stage with fungus filaments at- tached. The species belonged to Tillitia tritici, with the spores of which the plants had been originally infected. The other specimen was found on Genoa, grown at Burnley, and the ear contained sound and entirely bunted grains, and only one partially bunted. This variety was infected with T. levis. so that both species of smut produced partially bunted grains. I have had a partially bunted grain photographed, both as it naturally appeared, and in section, because Bolley-^ has stated very distinctly and em- phatically, after making hundreds of sections of apparently sound grains, that " In a crop of stinking smut, the grain product is made up of solid grains and smut balls only. In other words, there are no grains which are partially smut and partially flour." I grant that such an occurrence is exceedingly rare, but it shows how diffcult it is to prove a negative. Fig. 9. — Grain of wlioat partially buutoJ. Surface view prain p;irtially 8o Stinking Smut or Bunt in Wheat. Conditions favouring the Diseask. There is no doubt that bunt is more prevalent in some years than in others. In the season of 1898 it was so prevalent in Victoria that it was estimated to have caused a loss on the year's crop of £50,000. In 1908, with a record har- vest, there were certain districts, such as the Wimmera, where the value of the crop was considerably reduced from this cause alone. Ten years ago, the treatment of seed-wheat for smut was neither so general nor so well carried out as it is now, although farmers asserted that every precaution had been taken in the treatment, and even now there are some who neglect it altogether, or do it in a slipshod manner. Heat and moisture are the two controlling factors in its development, especially the latter. It is generally considered that less moisture is required to germinate the smut spores than the wheat, on account of their much smaller size, hence it is a common practice in some districts to sow the seed unpickled in a dry seed-bed, but to pickle it after rain. In the one case, the insufficient moisture is likely to start the growth of the smut spores before the wheat, and in the absence of a host-plant, the germ-tubes shrivel up and die, while in the other, there is every probability of both germinating at the same time and infection is sure to occur. A cold and wet period immediately after sow- ing is more favorable to the growth of the bunt than of the wheat, and the tissues of the young plant, being soft and tender, there is often a larger pro- portion of bunt than usual. But in discussing the relations between the nature of the season and the prevalence of bunt, there are no definite experi- ments to guide us. Effects upon the Crop. When the smut appears in a crop, the farmer generally considers his loss as being entirely due to the ears destroyed by the fungus and to the deprecia- tion in price per bushel for the remaining sound wheat, but it has been shown by Bolley3 particularly, that smutted ears are only an indication of more widespread damage. Thus it was found that in stools with only one or a few ears affected, the smut fungus was in all the straws, even when the heads were sound. Further, in untreated wheat paddocks where only about one- third or one-fourth of the crop had actually smutted heads, it was difficult to find a stool or a straw free from the fungus, explaining why the crop was materially reduced beyond the evident indications. Then the growth of the straw may be seriously interfered with, as well as the formation of the heads, for it has been observed that on stools bearing smutted ears there are often several unheaded straws. Kuehn^ even found that, where smut infection was very bad, youngr plants might die back completely. Where the straw is completely formed, the heads may still be poor, for just at that period when the grain is about to be formed, if the fungus is present, there is Hkely to be a shortage of supplies. As we remarked in connexion with the rust-fungus, " In the actively growin:T and feeding period of the plant's life, it is apparently able to provide for the wants of the fungus as well as its own, and therefore its vitality is not seriously alfected. But when the second period of forming and ripening the seed arrives, when feeding is gradually ceasing, and the ac- cumulated materials are being transferred to the seed, then the fungus draws upon the plant's capital, crippling its energies, and checking the movement of the food materials to the seed." If the fungus filaments are not sufficiently robust to give rise to the spore-forming hyphae and invade the grain, they are still capable of diverting food material from its natural destination — the ear. Siiiikiiig Snint or Ihiiit in Wheat. 8i Diseases produced in Animals. The disastrous effect upon the crop is not the only thing to be considered, for the smut possesses poisonous properties which render the flour contami- nated with it dangerous to human beings and the straw or chaff eaten by cattle is also injurious. In seasons when this disease of wheat is prevalent, owing to the seed-wheat not being treated properly, there is a good deal of the chaff given to cattle and horses. Tubeuf^ referring to this particular smut, remarks — " The symptoms in the few cases of disease observed do not agree very closely. A paralyzing effect on the centres of deglutition and the spinal cord seems to be regularly present. As a result, one generally finds a con- tinuous chewing movement of the jaws, and a flow of saliva, also lameness, staggering, and falling. Cattle, sheep, swine, and horses are all liable to attack." More recently, Giissow^ in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, has been writing in a similar strain. " The smut fungi {Ustila- gineae) of our cereals and grasses, especially the fungus known as bunt {Tilletia caries Tul.) have proved extremely dangerous to animals of the farm. After feeding on hay which contains the spores of these fungi (often in enormous masses so that they form clouds of black dust when the grain passes through the machine), inflammation of the niucous membrane, laboured action of chewing, flow of saliva, and occasional abortion have resulted." Accordincr to Smithy fowls have been fed with bunted wheat without any bad result, but that is not our experience here. At a poultry farm near Mel- bourne, carrying 650 Leghorns, about the beginning of March, the egg yield dropped in a few days from an average of 100 to 16, and that without any apparent cause, the fowls being given the usual feed with a good supply of meat. The wheat was examined and found to be smutty, and it M^as further found that the egg yield began to drop from the time this particular line of wheat was used. The use of the smutty wheat was at once stopped and now, at the end of March, barley, with a fresh line of clean wheat, has been tried, with the result that the egg yield has begun to improve and is steadily mount- ing up. At the end of three weeks, after the use of smutty wheat had been discontinued, the average yield of eggs had reached 80 per day. The smut in the wheat w^as the only cause that could be assigned for the unprecedented drop in the egg yield, as in every other respect the feeding was the same as usual and the weather was good at the time. In some cases, fowls have refused to eat badly smutted wheat, after being fed on it for several days, preferring an empty crop. Other poultry-keepers have had similar experiences of the injurious effects of feeding their birds on snuitty wheat. Experiments were also conducted with pigeons, to see the effect of feeding with clean as compared with smutty wheat. They were kept under exactly the same conditions for twenty-two weeks, the only difference being that the one pair was regularly fed with clean wheat, while the other had a particu- larly bad sample of smutty wheat. During that period seven eggs were laid as the result of feeding with clean wheat, while the other, fed on smutty wheat, only produced two eggs. Both pairs were in good plumage at the start, but at the end one pair retained their lovely plumage, and were in good condition and fat, while the other \)Vi\x were in poor condition, and the feathers all standing up. The mouth inside was quite black froni the smutty wheat, and there was a danger of disease being produced in time, such as cancer in the throat. Experiments with a single pair of pigeons are too hmited in their scope to aUow of final deductions being drawn. But it may be noted that the pigeon fancier, from whom the birds were received and to whom they were 82 Stinking Smut or Bunt in W'licat. returned, found that all his fifty pigeons were laying, with the exception of the pair fed on smutty wheat, even although they were now being fed on clean wheat. Legislation Eelating to Plant Diseases. A cargo of wheat was shipped to Victoria from Tasmania in which not only every grain was densely coated with the spores of stinking smut, but the balls containing millions of spores were freely scattered through it. Although there was plenty of smutty wheat within our own borders, it was not deemed advisable to admit it from a neighbouring State, so it was refused admission under the Health Act as being unfit for use as human food in that condition. But the importers, taking advantage of the absence of legislation on the subject, labelled it as " Fowl's feed," and there was no law to prevent this. Here was evidently a case where it was necessary to protect ourselves against the introduction of grain which was proved to be injurious even to fowls, not only as regards their general health, but seriously interfering with their laying capacity. Accordingly a proclamation was issued under the authority of the Governor in Council, whereby this particular disease was brought under the Vegetation Diseases Act, and thus any further importations of that nature were rigidly excluded. This instance clearly shows the necessity for each State having the power to protect itself, and prohibit the importation of diseased plants or parts of plants, and not only so, but for the Commonwealth to have the power of excluding any plants which might be the means of introducing disease into Austraha. There are at present legal means in existence for accomphsh- ing this end — the Vegetation Diseases Act in each State and the Quarantine Act for the Commonwealth as a whole. Summary — Answers to Questions. This particular smut has been treated at some length, because it is the form with which the farmer is most famihar, and it appeals to him as the type of smuts in general. Therefore, it has been deemed advisable, by way of summary, to conclude by clearly stating a number of questions which he often, consciously or unconsciously, asks himself, and answering them as far as observation and experiment will permit. It is of fundamental importance for him to realize at the outset that the smut plant is a fungus which develops from spores that are the equivalent of seeds in other plants so far as the propagation of the species is concerned, and that this plant grows as a parasite within the wheat plant until it reaches the grain, and there produces its fruit or masses of spores (ball smut), similar to those from which it started. In order to grow and develop properly, this smut plant is dependent on surrounding conditions, just as much as the wheat plant itself, and if we understood those conditions, it w^ould explain why the spores sometimes germinate and sometimes do not, why the smut plant some- times reaches maturity and forms its spores, and sometimes does not, just as the seed-wheat may or may not germinate and the seeedhng may or may not reach maturity. It is also of prime importance to remember that the wheat is only infected in the seedling stage, just as the young plant emerges from the seed beneath the surface of the soil. Consequently, no infection can come through the air, unless, indeed the grain germinates upon the surface of the ground, and when it is properly planted, only the spores adhering to the seed or smut- balls adjoining it can produce the disease. The farmer sometimes sees, or fancies he sees, smut spores upon his fences, and when he has treated his wheat after a fashion, and the smut still appears, he tells you that it was blown from S////k///i^ SiiiNt or Ihtut in \\ heat. 83 the fences. But when the wheat plant is above ground, it is proof against infection from bunt spores, so that there must be some other reason for the failure of the treatment. There are questions sometimes put by the farnier, however, which cannot receive a definite answer, because his experience does not always take note of the accompanying (;onditions, and because his love of paradox sometimes overrides his experience. I am often asked by farmers, " Why is one part of a paddock of wheat smutted and the other not, the seed in each case being treated properh' and sown at the same time ? " It all depends here on what is meant by proper treatment of the seed, as it is implied by the question that the fault must be in the soil. But it is found by experiment that when the seed is properly treated with bluestone solution and all the smut balls re- moved, there is no smut in the crop, even although spores of the smut may be in the soil from a previous crop or from self-sown wheat. Then the farmer almost invariably upsets any answer you may give by adding that the next season things were reversed, the clean part of the paddock being smutted and the other not, even with the aforesaid proper treatment. Bearinor in mind that there is no fungus disease known which can be more readily or more absolutely prevented than this smut, we will now propound a few of the ques- tions which arise in connexion with it. 1. Is the smut of loheat, oats, and barley the same ? No, they are quite distinct, for the smut of wheat cannot infect oats or barley, nor can the smut of oats or barley infect each other or the wheat. 2. Why does hunt sometimes appear in a paddock when the seed is supposed ■to he properly treated ? This may be due to various causes, such as returning the treated grain to bags which have not been disinfected and thus re-infecting the grain ; or sowing the seed with a drill which has not been properly cleaned. It may be, however, that the smut balls had not been skimmed off in the process of pickling, and being crushed in the drill, the seed is infected. 3. Will the hunt spread from one paddock to another or from one plant to ■another, like the rust, ivhen the crop is groiving ? Since infection occurs in the seedhng stage only, and the germ-tubes pene- trate at the point where stooling occurs, and that is beneath the ground when the grain is covered with earth, there is no possibility of the disease spread- ing from one growing plant to another. 4. Should seed-wheat he used from a crop known to he hunted ? Decidedly not, for there is a strong probability that the grain will not be so plump as if perfectly healthy. A crop may have but comparatively few actually smutted ears and yet give a much reduced yield and a poor quality of wheat, because the smut was in the straw and affected the yield, although it did not reach the ears before maturity of the grain. 5. Will spores lying on or in the ground from, last year's crop infect the next ? This question of infection from the soil often crops up, but since it was found by repeated experiments that properly treated grain, even although grown on very smutty ground was free, it may be concluded that soil-infection practically does not occur. I say practically, because there is a possibility of stray infection taking place when there are numerous spores around the germ end of the seed, where the young plant bursts through. 0. May hunt originate from self-sown ivheat ? Self-sown wheat is rarely affected by bunt, still it may occur in some sea- .sons. I have usually seen self-sown crops perfectly free, and have also found 84 St'nikiiig Smut or Bunt in Wheat. a little, but not in sufficient quantity to injure the sale of the wheat. It is generally stated that it is the heat of the sun in summer which kills the bunt spores on self-sown wheat, but Farrer' showed that the rains and the dews may also cause the spores to germinate, and having no germinating wheat plants to penetrate, they soon perish. The heat of the sun and the dews at night are likely to prevent the appearance of bunt in a self-sown crop, but if the interval between the harvesting of the crop and the sowing of the next, as well as between the ploughing of the land and the seeding is short, together with cool and dry weather, there may be some danger of infection. In the early days, many farmers used to expose on a cloth the wheat intended for next year's seed. They found that the weather — dews, sunlight, and hot dry winds — acting on the seed for a period of several weeks, killed the spores, or rather, they discovered that it gave a comparatively clean crop, without knowing the reason w^hy. 7. Why is there more hunt from the same seed in one paddoch than another ? There may be various reasons for this. The land may be fallowed in the one case and not in the other. It may also be more moist in one paddock than another, and thus favour the germination of the spores at seeding time. Actually wet soil would be inimical to germination. Whatever delays the first growth of the wheat plant will be favorable to the increase of bunt. 8. Does the date of seeding influence the amount of bunt in the crop ? Different conditions at seeding time are hkely to affect the result. Bolley^ carried out experiments to test this, sowing the same kind of seed on various dates of April, May, and June. He found that the untreated seed yielded the heaviest growth of smut in the earhest date, viz., April. " It was also observed, in all tests, that the number of smutted heads stayed quite approxi- mately in proportion to the total number of heads, the best crop of wheat pro- ducing the best crop of smut.'' I carried out an experiment with flag smut which shows that the date of sowing has a very decided influence. The seed was purposely sown on 24th April and 16th July, or nearly three months be- tween, on land that had borne a crop badly affected with flag smut the pre- vious season. The first was sown when the ground was dry, but there seems to have been no germination until the rain came, which germinated both the seed and the smut, for there were up to 14 per cent, of diseased plants. The later sown was about a month after the rain, and the ground was in excel- lent order, but the spores had evidently germinated and perished in the in- terval, for there was only about 1 per cent, of crop affected. The weather and soil conditions enter so much into the result that a dry or a moist seed bed at the time of sowing, or a spell of warmth, or of frost at the time of germination, is bound to make a difference. 9. Why are some varieties more liable to hunt than others ? As afterwards more fully discussed, this may be due to the fact that the least liable variety germinates so rapidly that the smut plant is unable to reach the growing point of the wheat, and so dies, or there may be some- thing in the tissues of the variety unsuitable to the growth of the fungus, and so the variety is said to have the hereditary or inherent quality of bunt re- sistance. 10. When all the grains are equally inoculated ivith spores, tvhy are some plants bunted and others not ? It is quite a common occurrence for inoculated seed to be sown under similar conditions, and yet a number of the plants escape infection. It is not easy to answer the question, but a few considerations may help in this direction. First of all, the young seedling must be at the right stage of Stijikiiig Smut or Binii in }\']icat. 85 growth ill order that the germ-tube of the fungus may penetrate, and this period is of very short duration. Next, the germ-tube must grow and reach the growing point, or it would not be able to develop and produce the disease. But a main reason for some plants being attacked and others not lies in the fact that there are certain substances known as chemotactic substances in the plant which favour the entrance of the germ-tube of the fungus and its development inside. There are also substances which actually repel the germ-tubes, and it is the presence or absence of these substances which deter- mines whether an individual plant will be attacked or escape. The seed from plants, however, which escaped infection in one season have been sown the next and found to succumb. 11. Why are some iilants fartially hunted — only some of the ears being affected and not all ? It often happens that only the secondary or late ears are affected, the others being clean, and this might arise from the fungus filaments at the base of the plant only reaching the growing point of the slow and late developing plants, while the others escaped. In other cases, where the fully developed ears were bunted, the germ-tube had evidently reached the growing point of the seedling, and the mycelium had kept pace with, the growing plant. 12. Why are some ears only partially bunted ? Under ordinary conditions the whole of the grains in an ear are affected, but in certain seasons it is not unusual to find ears in which some of the grains are bunted and others clean (Plate II., B). It may be that one side of the ear has escaped, but usually the sound grains are interspersed among the bunted. In one particular case the lower grains were all bunted, then about the middle an occasional one was clean, and at the top both smutted and sound occurred, the topmost grain, however, being diseased (Plate II., C). The normal condition is that all the grains in an ear are attacked, and when some escape it can only be owing to the spore-bearing hyphae failinu; to reach these particular grains. It might be thought that the grains -which escape the invasion of the fungu.s to form spores had some resisting power, but when the clean grains in a partially bunted ear were infected and sown they produced bunty plants, showing that there was nothing in the grain itself to account for its escape. 13. Why are some grains of ivheat only partially bunted ? This was a comparatively rare occurrence, only appearing in one ear of the variety known as Cedar, grown at Dookie, and in one ear of Genoa, grown at Burnley. In the latter ear there was only one grain partially bunted, three entirely bunted, and all the rest free. In the partially bunted grain the fungus had evidently exhausted itself in producing its spores only on one side, and why the whole of the starch w^as not utiUzed, as is usually the case, in the formation of spores, might be due to the slow growth of the fungus, or its late entrance into the grain, as evidenced by the embryo having had time to develop. In fact, in all these cases, whether it is smutted and sound plants on the same stool, or smutted and sound grains in the same ear, or even when the grains are only partially smutted, the probable explanation is the same, that by some accident of growth the fungus did not undergo its full development, and was unable to reach all parts of the plant as usual. 86 Loose Smiif of Wheat. CHAPTER XIII. Loose Smut of Wheat. {Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Jens.) Of the three different species of smut known on the wheat plant in Austraha this is one considered the least injurious, but it may be present to a considerable extent and yet overlooked, because the stalks affected are usually stunted. Like the oat smut it is produced in the ovaries, and destroys the various parts of the flower, so much so that at harvest time only the bare stalks of the ears remain after the spores have been blown away. It is distinguished as loose smut from the powdery nature of the spores, or flying smut, from the way in which it flies when blown, and the ears are often spoken of as " snuffy ears" by the farmer (Plates III., VI.). It differs from the much more common stinking smut or bunt in having no objectionable odour, and the loose dusty mass of spores ripen and are blown away while the wheat plant is in flower, instead of remaining and falling what would otherwise be the grain with an evil-smelling compact mass of spores, only broken up and scattered when being harvested or threshed. When a stool is affected with loose smut, the stalks are generally of a purplish tint, so that they can be readily picked out from among the general crop. The same has been observed in the naked smut of barley, but it is not particularly so in the case of loose smut of oats. This purpUsh colour is natural to some wheats, such as Purple Straws, but it occurs in other varieties as well when smutted. It is sometimes attributed to premature ripening, the food materials in the straw not being completely converted into food for the embryo. But I am incUned to think, as it occurs particularly in those cases where flower infection takes place, that the young embryo is influenced in some way by the fungus filaments present in the grain, and this is after- wards shown in the peculiar colour of the straw. Unlike the loose smut of oats, it is not uncommon to find stools with both smutted and sound ears. Germination. Kellerman and Swingle"^ and Herzberg^ have described the germination ■of this species, and I have found it to germinate readily in water and in a nutritive solution. After being kept for five months the spores germinated at once. In water they germinated fairly well in 21 hours, and in three days there were copious branchings. The main germ-tube was nearly always slightly curved, although it might grow out quite straight. The numerous branches might arise either beneath a septum or opposite to each other, or sometimes a protuberance opposite to a septum grew out into two branches alongside of each other, above and below the septum. In a nutritive solution such as hay infusion, after eighteen hours a slender germ-tube was formed, and it is generally characteristic of it that it curves in a sickle-shaped fashion. After 24 hours branches are freely formed, and the whole grows out into a much-branched mycelium without the formation of any conidia. This pecuUar curvature of the branches is so striking that when copious branching has taken place the whole resembles a loosely wound coil of filaments. Pl.ATK III. G. H. Robinson, Phot. LOOSE SMUT OF WHEAT iUsti/cigo Trifici.) Loose Smut of Wlicat. 87 Infection. It has generally been taken for granted that the wheat snint, like the oat smut, only infected the youn;^; seedling, and that the fully-developed plant was immune. It was assumed that the spores fell to the ground, retained their germinating power there, and that they caused infection the next season in the young seedling. This view was rendered probable from the fact that in some of the smuts, as will be shown in the case of flag smut, the spores in the soil infected the young plant, so that treatment of the seed did not prevent the appearance of the smut. Another view was that the spores reached the flower and there remained on the seed which was formed until the next sowing season, but, unfortunately for this view, the spores only retain their germinating power for a few months. All these conflicting views were finaUy disposed of when Brefeld and Hecke carried out their conclusive experiments, and showed that infection took place through the flower and not through the seedling. Previous to this, however, it had been experimentally proved by Maddox, in Tasmania, that flower infectioai occurs. It is well known to every agriculturist that, when grain is dressed for stinking smut or bunt, the dressings have no appreciable effect on loose smut, and in my experiments with bluestone and formahn treatments I have always found this to be the case. This fact can be easily explained when it is remembered that the source of invasion is from within, and it is not reached by the dressings usually employed. The mycelial filaments are so intimately bound up with the living cells of the embryo that the destruction of the one would involve the death of the other. The only feasible measures for this disease at present seem to be to select seed from crops free from the disease, and at a sufficient distance from any diseased crop, so that air-borne spores could not be carried at least in any great quantity. Also, as in the case of rust, to endeavour to breed a race of wheat capable of resisting the disease. Quite recently the hot-water treatment of the seed has been found effective, both in Loose smut of Wheat and Naked smut of Barley. 88 Flag Smut of Wheat. CHAPTER XIV. Flag Smut of Wheat. (Urocystis tritici. Koern.) This smut, as the common name denotes, is most commonly found on the leaf blades and leaf sheaths, but it may also occur on the stem and even on the chaff ; but very rarely in the ovary, as it is seldom formed (Plates IV., VI.). Since it prevents the formation of the ear, this disease is very destruc- tive in its effects, and in some seasons favorable to its development, such as that of 1906, the harvest was considerably reduced by it in several districts of Victoria. The serious nature of the disease and its widespread occurrence demanded a thorough investigation, and, as far as time and opportunity permitted, this has been done. Not only have Laboratory experiments been conducted as to the germination of the spores and the mode of infection, but field experiments are being carried out to determine how far special treat- ment of the soil or a suitable rotation of crops can mitigate the disease, for it has already been proved that the treatment of the seed so successful in the case of stinking smut does not prevent the appearance of the disease. The following account will give the present state of our knowledge with reference to this disease and the measures that have been tried to keep it in check. Although it has been known in Australia at least since 1868, it was only in 1873 that Wolffs definitely determined the fungus causing it to be the same as that on rye — Urocystis occulta — but as it is afterwards shown to be biologically distinct from that spacies, the more striking differences between the two may here be given. Stem Smut of Rye and Flag Smut of Wheat Compared. It is the characteristic of Urocystis on the wheat that it principally attacks the leaf sheaths and the flag or blade, causing the latter to curl up and become variously twisted and distorted, while the ear is very seldom formed (Plate IV.). In the rye, on the other hand, the long grey streaks are formed on the flag without causing much distortion, and even in observed cases, where the whole plant was more or less affected, the lower and older leaves still retained their normal shape, only splitting up towards their tips in lines parallel with the streaks of the fungus and becoming frayed. But it is on the stems that the streaks are principally noticeable, where they run together, more par- ticularly at the base of the inflorescence, forming one dense mass of black spores as the epidermis ruptures to expose them. Not only do the spores escape on the outside of the stem, but the tissue is ruptured on the inside, so that the cavity of the stem is more or less filled with the black spore- powder. The ear is generally formed, but arrested in its development, only becoming a sort of skeleton ear, and it usually droops, as the tissues of the stem immediately beneath it are more or less destroyed by the fungus (Plates V. and VI.). Hence the common names by which these diseases are generally known — the flag smut of wheat, and the stem smut of rye. Another feature of the flag smut of wheat is that all the stalks in a stool are often affected, while in the rye, as far as my observation goes, this is not the case. Thus, in one stool of rye there were eighteen healthy stalks and five diseased, and the healthy ears all produced the normal grain. In addition to these visible differences there are others which are microscopic, and are duly noticed in the technical description of the fungus. Plate I\' FLAG SMUT OF WHEAT (Urocysfis Tritici.) Flag Smut of Wheat. 89 History. The earliest record I can find of the prevalence of this disease in Australia is contained in the Eeport of the South Australian Commission on Diseases in Cereals in 18G8. There it is unfortunately referred to under the name of " Black Kust," and even at that period it is spoken of as a disease with which the farmers were familiar. In New South Wales Dr. Cobb^ had referred to it in 1891 as behig a serious plague, and remarked that " It is not rare for half the crop to be lost through its ravages, and a loss of 10 per cent, is common." In 1892 I first reported upon it at Kochester, in Victoria, where it had been prevalent for some time, and had caused considerable loss. On making mquiries as to its occurrence in Queensland, I am informed by the Government Vegetable Pathologist there that only a single instance of it had come under his notice in 1906 in a wheat crop grown in the heavy soil of the Hodgson district. However, this does not imply that the disease was confined to this one spot, for he significantly adds — " that it may have been more prevalent than is indicated by this statement, since farmers are not in the habit of calling attention to affections in their crops until these are sufficiently pronounced to cause them some concern." In West Australia and Tasmania there is no record of it so far. This disease was at first only known on wheat in Australia, but now it has been recorded on wheat in Japan in 1895 by Hori\ and on wheat in India in 1906 by Sydow and Butler. ^ Origin. Although this smut first appeared, as far as known, on wheat in Aus- tralia, it does not necessarily follow that it originated here. It is always difficult to trace the early beginnings of a particular disease, especially after it has become rather widely distributed. It may have been introduced into Australia through the medium of the seed or chaff of rye, and particularly into South Australia where there are a number of German settlers. Mr. Summers, of the Agricultural Department, Adelaide, has kindly made in- quiries, and informs \wq that it has long been customary for settlers on the hills to grow small plots of rye for early green feed. Once introduced, this smut might adapt itself to the wheat plant, in the absence of its regular host- plant — the rye — in sufficient abundance, and in such an extensive wheat- growing country as South Australia its spread would be only a matter of time. This, however, is only a surmise, as there is no record of smut on the rye. It is hardly necessary to do more here than refer to the popular notion that all smuts are practically the same, no matter on what plant they occur, and that the flag smut of wheat may easily have Leen derived Irom one of the others. It is quite possible that fag smut of wheat may have been derived from rye smut, which also occurs, although less frequently, on oats and barley, as it is closely allied to it in structure and habit, but that is something very different from saying that one smut may arise indiscriminately from another, even when they are as distinct in their structure and life-history as stinking smut and flag smut. There is another point worthy of consideration in regarding this smut as having probably been derived from that of rye, and that is the close affinity between the two host-plants. Eye is said to be more closely related to wheat than any other cereal, although differing in several par- ticulars, and the same rust has beeii found on it, viz., Puccinia gmminis, Pers., which Eriksson found to produce aecidia on the Barberry, just as in the case of wheat. 90 Flag Sinnt of Wlieat. Symptoms and General Characters. The first indications of the disease are seen on the leaves, where it forms long grey streaks at first running parallel with the veins, and the black pow- dery spores are set free by the rupture of the leaden-coloured epidermis. The ruptured skin and long black streaks suggested a kind of rust to the farmer, and so he called it " Black Rust." The ear is rarely formed, for what should ■^11 5] 1 1 Ij .11 Fig. 11. Portion of Sheath showing elongated black imes caused by the fungus. be the ear is generally only a twisted mass of diseased tissue as seen in Plate IV. Occasionally the grain is formed, but it is extremely small and shrivelled, and only in very exceptional oases have a few seemingly perfect grains been found. On trying to germinate some of these they all died within a few weeks. The leaves generally become curled and twisted up, and the entire plant often withers before it comes into ear. All the stalks in a stool may be af- fected, which is usually the case, or only a portion of them. From the way in which the affected plants die down in the midst of an otherwise perfectly healthy crop the true cause of the shortage in the harvest is often not realized, but the curled and twisted and streaky leaves of the earless plants are sure evidence of this disease. Effects. In South Australia, where the disease has lon:^ been known in the wheat crops, it is regarded as being in some seasons quite as injurious as the rust itself. In Victoria as much as half the crop may be lost through it, and in New South Wales Dr. Cobb has shoM^i it to be equally bad. It was observed in Japan that all the wheat plants in an area of about one quarter of an acre were entirely destroyed by it, but this was an exceptional case. From the way in which some plants of a stool are affected — others not — and from the fact that the disease generally prevents the formation of ears, the farmer is often at a loss to know the true cause until his attention has been specially called to it. He knows that his crop promised earlier in the Pl.ATK \' C. C. Brittlebank, Phot. ^ ^,„, ^,„^, , v^-^, ^^ A — STEM SMUT OF RYE. B GERMINATING SPORES OF UROCYSTI OCCULTA. GERMINATING SPORES OF UROCYSTIS TRITICI. Flag Smut of Wl/cat. 91 year a much heavier yield, but the season is generally blamed for the shortage. As will be shown afterwards, the twisted and curled leaves breaking up and falling to the ground are the main sources of infection for next season, and it can readily be understood that where wheat is grown year after year and no nrecautions taken against this disease the effects are cumulative. This will f^;CC0unt for the widespread and injurious effects of this disease in many w^heat-growing districts. Conditions favouring the Disease. In the evidence given by farmers before the Commission on Cereal Diseases in South Australia in 1868, various conditions and causes were assigned for this disease. Early and self-sown crops were said to suffer most, and all loose and richly-manured lands were supposed to be very liable. Ploughing- in the straw was also said to encourage it, and early sowing, combined with a spell of dry weather, was sure to bring the disease. Hence late sowing and wet soil were recommended for its prevention, as it was generally understood the later you sow the less likely you are to have it. Among Victorian farmers it is also held that dry sowing is more subject to the disease than wet, and one even went the length of saying that when wheat was so^vn in very wet ground there was no flag smut. The lighter ground is generally found to be the worst, and it is said that virgin ground, in districts liable to this disease, generally bears two clean crops while the third is attacked. This probably means that the disease has spread suffi- ciently in the third crop to make it noticeable to the farmer as being in- jurious. The effect of early and late sowing, as well as of a dry and a comparatively moist seed-bed on the appearance of flag smut, was put to the test in 1907. Wheat was purposely sown on 24th April, when the ground was dry, on land which had borne a crop of wheat badly flag-smutted the previous season. There was practically no rain till June, when about an inch fell on the 20th. This rain sr^ems to have germinated the seed-wheat and the fungus spores at the same time, giving thereby a heavy proportion of diseased plants, up to 14 per cent. Alongside the early-sown plots a second sowing was made on 16th July, about a month after the rain. The ground at sowing time was in excellent order, and it was a remarkable fact that at harvest the proportion of diseased plants, taking all the late-sown together, averaged only 1 per cent. The conclusion to be drawn from such a test is that early sowing in a dry seed-bed following a dry summer is favorable to flag smut, since spores and seed germinate together when the rain comes. On the other hand, if the soil is moist and has been so for some weeks, most of the flag-smut spores appear to have lost their effective power. These conclusions were supported by results in the general crop on the farm, and these views so strongly confirm those of the farmers that they practically amount to proof. Conditions occurring in a 'particular Crop. — In the north and north- eastern districts of Victoria the flag smut was very prevalent during 1906, and was largely responsible, together with Take-all {Ophiobolus qraminis). for the falling-off in the promised yield of many of the wheat crops. The con- ditions under which it occurred were very closely followed, and the particulars regardinjr it will be given for one district as a fair sample of the whole. In a 50-acre paddock near Wilby the Pur])le Straw Wheat was badly affected with flag smut, so much so that what promised to be a 20 to 24-bushel crop only turned out 8 bushels per acre. When inspected in the middle of November the general impression was that of a fine crop, but for the numerous plants scattered through it without ears, owing to flag smut. The conditions under which the crop was grown and all the defects conducted with its cultivation 92 Flag Smut of Wheat. were carefully recorded by tlie farmer, so that they are given here in con- nexion with the appearance of the smut. The soil is a rich alluvial red loam, with a sub-soil of clay at an average depth of 3 inches, and holding the moisture well. On analysis it was found that lime was very deficient. The land is level, low-lying, but not swampy by any means, and has hitherto generally yielded splendid crops. The seed obtained from per- fectly new land was carefully graded, dressed with bluestone at the rate of 4 lbs. to 50 gallons of water, and drilled in on 28th April. This was a very dry month, only .25 inches of rain having fallen, although the preceding month was very wet, having 5.55 inches. It was sown at the rate of 45 lbs. per acre, and Florida superphosphate along with it at the rate of 75 lbs. per acre. The Hag smut was first observed in this paddock in 1903, the year after the dry season of 1902, and it was estimated that the loss due to it was about 8 bushels per acre. The wheat was followed by Algerian oats in 1904, with nitro-super. as manure. Then bare fallow during 1905, being ploughed in August, disced in November, and scarified about the middle of April. The ploughing was 3 to 4 inches deep. Up till about the beginning of October, 1906, the crop looked perfectly healthy and fresh, and then signs of disease began to appear. All through the crop the smutted plants were found generally destitute of ears, alongside of strong vigorous plants just coming into ear. To give an idea of the state of the crop, on 16th November a square yard of the average crop was measured ofE and the wheat plants grown on it care- fully pulled. There were 144 smutted straws producing no grain, and 62 clean straws with healthy ears, or 70 jier cent, affected with flag smut (Plate VIZ.). The average rainfall is about 18 inches, but this was much exceeded in 1906, and distributed as follows : — January February March April May June Total Inches. .0 .16 5.55 .25 July August September . . October Inches. .. 1.96 .. 2.28 .. 2.76 .. 1.87 2.74 November .. 2.24 2.83 December . . 25 . 27 inches. .. 2.63 After the very definite results obtained from sowing on a dry and a wet seed- bed, as regards the appearance of flag smut, it seemed rather contradictory that the heavy rain preceding the sowing of the crop in 1906 should not have tended to reduce the amount of smut rather than increase it. But, as the farmer informed me that the cattle had the run of the whole paddock, both before and after the heavy rain in March, it is evident how the paddock was freshly infected with smut spores in the most suitable condition for germina- tion. Laboratory experiments conducted in pots showed that with wheaten hay affected with flag smut fed to horses, the resulting manure was capable of infecting seed sown in the ground, and the farmer's cattle in this case were fed on such diseased hay straw. During 1908 the flag smut was not so bad in this particular locality. On counting the smutted plants in a row 10 chains long it was found that there were about two diseased straws to every square yard, and the yield was 13 bushels per acre. At Dookie and Longerenong there were evidences of it being in the soil, but not widely distributed. At Dookie there were ten plots of 1 acre each on which selected wheats were sown. The seed was treated with bluestone, and the varieties were as follows : — Yandilla King, Marshall's No. 3, Austrahan Talavera, College Purple Straw, Dart's Imperial, Jumbuck, Plate VI. ■C. C. Brittlebank, Phot. Xat. Size. A— FLAG SMUT. B,C— LOOSE SMUT OF WHEAT. {Urocystis Tritici and Ustilago Tritici.) Flag Siiinf of Wheat. 93 Jade, Comeback, Federation, and Bunyip. There was a little flag smut in each plot, but it was confined to a few plants, and the yield in no case was seriously affected. At Longerenong there were also ten plots of selected wheats of 1 acre each. The fla^ smut was not so much in evidence, but there was a little of it in the four varieties — Australian Talavera, Dart's Imperial, Jade, and Federa- tion. Nature of Fungus causing Disease. The flag smut of wheat belongs to the genus known as TJrocystis, because the spores are provided with bladder-like appendages which in this case completely envelop them, and thus act as a protective covering. The spores are produced in long streaks on the flag, which soon curls up and withers, and thus the smutted portions of the plant become mixed with the soil under favorable conditions for the spores attacking the succeeding crop of w^heat. As will be shown afterwards, they infect the plant at the seedling stage, or when the young shoots are formed, and generally destroy the entire stool, although sometimes a few ears may come to perfection beside those stalks which have withered and died. The dissemination of the spores is well pro- vided for in nature by mixing with the soil, and the withered shreds and patches being blown about by the wind. Men and animals are also unconscious agents, not only in transporting the smutted earth from one field to another, but the agricultural implements may also carry it to otherwise clean fields. It can also be readily distributed by means of chaff and horse or cattle drop- pings. On examining 42 commercial samples of wheaten chaff from various parts of the State, only one was found free from the spores of this smut, and some of them were exceedingly bad with it. The disease was exceedingly bad in two cases, very bad in seven, bad in ten, common in thirteen, slight in eight, and very slight in one. Owing to the nature of the disease, the microscopical examination of chaff samples furnishes a very accurate guide as to the pre- sence or absence of the disease in any particular district. Geographical Distribution. Although an allied species of smut is well known on rye in both Europe and America, the species on wheat is unknown there. It was first found in Australia, and since then it has been met with in India and Japan, and that is the extent of its distribution as known at present. It is very widely distributed in South Australia, where wheat has been so lon^ and so extensively grown, and in Victoria it is now more or less prevalent in the northern areas. In New South Wales it is probably more generally distributed than it is supposed to be, and in Queens- land it has only been recently discovered. Once this disease has gained a footing in a district there is every likelihood of it spreading if not kept in check, for it can be carried about by the farm implements and in the soil from diseased fields, and even in the manure from horses and cattle fed on the diseased hay. Germination. The germination of this smut was specially studied, because the spores on diseased straw in the soil, as well as those on the grain, were capable of in- fecting the young seedling. It has been tested for a period extending over three years, with spores of various ages, and at different seasons, in order to determine the period of its greatest activity. The most luxuriant germination was obtained about the beginning of April (autumn), and it is during the autumn months that the wheat is generally sown. The. results of various germination tests will now be given. Spores were taken from the wheat-plant 94 riag Sniut of Wheat. immediately after maturity and placed directly in water on a slide, but they did not germinate. With material, however, about a month old, and kept seven days on soil, a small proportion of the spores germinated in water after 24 hours. There was considerable variety, but it consisted gene- rally of a promyceUum l-(3 celled, bearing at its apex 2-6 conidia. The pro- mycelium reached a length of 66 /;< and a breadth of 3-5 \i. The conidia at the apex were usually of unequal length, and they might either be unicellular with protoplasmic contents throughout, or 2-3 celled and only partially filled with dense protoplasm. At first they were close together, but gradually diverged and stood out as finger-like processes. In some cases they grew out into long slender filaments, reaching a length of 76 {.i. Spores were finally taken from wheat of last season and floated on tap water in a watch-glass in April. In about four days 40 per cent, had ger- minated, showing various stages of development. The longer or shorter promycelium was generally unicellular, but sometimes septate, and there might be only one germinal tube from a cluster of spores or occasionally two, and in one case each of the four spores in a ball germinated, producing conidia. The conidia were generally 3-4, at first unicellular and cylindrical, but after- wards becoming at least 1-2 septate. The earlier stages of germination show the conidia close together and relatively short, then they diverge and grow unequally. In some cases, one of the three or four may receive all the pro- toplasm and grow out as an elongated slender curved filament, in others, all the conidia may elongate and form variously curved and spreading filaments. The behaviour of these conidia, even in water, indicates how their germ-tubes may reach the host-plant, by growing stolon-like in the soil and penetrating a suitable host, if they reach it at the proper stage (Plate V., C.) The conidia are formed by the splitting up of the promycelium at the apex into several branches, which are direct prolongations of it, like the fingers on the palm of the hand, although not all in the same plane. The conidia do not become detached, as a rule, although I have occasionally seen a few separate, truncate at the base and producing a slender germ-tube at the apex. The Flag smut of wheat is closely allied to the stem smut of rye, and the germination of the latter is given here for comparison. Since Rye smut does not occur in Australia, specimens were collected by P. Sydow in the neigh- bourhood of Berlin on 21st July, 1907, and forwarded to me. The spores were placed on a slide with tap water added on 13th September, or 54 days after being gathered, and kept under a bell-jar. On the second day they showed signs of germination, and on the third day they were germinating freely and producing conidia at the apex of the germinal tube. The germinal tube varied considerably in length, sometimes reaching 100 /< or more, and at first was filled with protoplasmic contents. At the apex, a Avhorl of 2-6 cylindrical conidia were given off, generally 3-4. The germinal tube or pro- mycelium is finally 4-5 septate and the contents in the lower portion of the tube are transferred to the upper. The apical conidia are very variable in size and shape. They are generally elongated, cylindrical, and either straight or slightly curved. Sometimes they may become prolonged at the apex Avhile still attached, into a tapering filament, reaching a length of 50 j.i or more. The germination of stem smut of Rve has also been studied by Kuehn, Wolff, and Brefeld. According to Kuehn ^ the fertile spores readily germinate in water and produce a longer or shorter unicellular germinal tube, which bears at its apex a whorl, consisting of two to six cylindrical conidia. They sometimes unite in pairs as in Tilletia, by means of a transverse bridge towards their upper ends, and often germinate while still attached by putting forth a slender germ- tube. Plate VII. G. H. Robinson, Pliot. PRODUCE OF ONE SQUARE YARD WITH FLAG SMUT. Flai^ Sin lit of Wlicat. 95 Brefeld'' also germinated the spores iu water, and considers the whorl at the apex of the promyceliiini as branches, since they never become detached. In a nutritive sokition it was the same, only the whorl of branches grew out and branched more freely. These cylindrical bodies at the apex of the pro- mycelium behave Uke conidia, by putting forth a longer or shorter germ-tube, and there is no evident reason why they should not be regarded as such. The conidia are said to give off lateral germ-tubes, and Wolffs gives a figure of one of the conidia producing a lateral germ-tube at its base. I have examined thousands of germinating conidia, and while the germ-tubes grow- ing out at the tip may curve laterally, or even backwards, none were produced elsewhere than at the free end of the conidia. Duration of Germinating Power. These spores are well protected by their layer of sterile cells, and are well adapted from their structure to retain their vitality for some time. How long they retain their infective power, both in the soil and out of it, has not yet been definitely settled. In considering measures for dealing with the disease it is important to know how long this period lasts, for in a rotation of crops which is the most likely means of coping with it, it is necessary to know, if possible, how long the wheat crop has to be discontinued before it will be safe to sow it again. Experiments are being conducted to settle this point. A portion of a paddock, the soil of which is known to be badly infested with the smut, has been fenced off, and wheat wall be continuously grown in certain parts of it to see how long, under ordinary cultivation and conditions, there is danger of infection, when every precaution is taken to prevent re-infection. Already pot experiments have been carried out, in which it was shown that seed dusted with spores from the crop immediately preceding was infected, while seed dusted with spores from the crop previous to that was not infected. But they are not sufficiently decisive and extensive enough to allow definite conclusions to be drawn from them. Mode of Infection. Since the host-plant is generally destroyed by this smut before the flowering stage is reached, infection through the flower is excluded, but experiments were carried out to test if it occurred in the seedling stage or later on. Seed wheat was obtained from a district in which this smut did not occur, and planted in pots containing ordinary garden soil. There were three pots — one used as a check in which the seed was uninfected, a second in which the seed was dusted with plenty of spores, and a third in wliich the spores were dusted over the plants when about 6 inches high. The result was that the smut developed only where the seed was dusted with spores, showing that it is probably the young seedling which is attacked, and that there is no infection when the plant is above ground. The experiment of dusting the seed with spores was re])eated with a similar result, and when in another ex])eriment the young plants about 3 inches high were also dusted with spores and kept moist by bein ;f covered with a bell-jar, there was no infection. In another . experiment, affected straw from the previous season's crop was added to the soil, and the clean grain sown along with it. In about ten days after sowing the mycelium was obtained in the young leaf, and in 40 days after sowing the first production of new spores was observed. These conditions would be very similar to those occurrhig in the field, only there the diseased straw would be more in patches and not likely to be so generally distributed. In this experiment 18 plants out of 35 were diseased, or a percentage of 51. 96 Flag Smut of W'Jieat. The ordinary marketable chaff was also chosen, on which spores of the smut had been found, and a small handful was added to the soil of a pot, and the clean grain grown amongst it. Care was taken that there was no grains among the chaif which might possibly be affected independently, and in 40 days it was found that about 12 per cent, of the plants had become infected. Finally, manure was added to the soil from horses which had been fed on diseased hay, and a small percentage of the plants was affected. The following Table gives details of the experiments :— Pot Experiments with Flag Smut, 1906-7. Method of lulection. No. plants germi- nated. No. diseased 78 7 50 1 48 42 6 41 12 13.11.08 22.11.06 27.11.08 29.11.06 30.11.06 6.12.06 100 i Seed just germinated, then I dusted with spores and sown 50 Seed dusted, with spores of 1908 crop 50 50 3.1.07 50 9.1.07 50 50 26.2.07 50 Seed dusted with spores of 1905 crop Chaff sample badly smut- ted placed in soil and grain sown Smutted straw of 1908 crop put in pot, 22.11.08; grain sown, 30.11.03 Diseased hay fed to horse, maniu-e put in pot and grain sown Diseassd straw of 1906 crop put in pot, 22.11.08 ; grain sown, 9.1.07 Diseased straw of 1906 crop kept in laboratory till date of sowing and then added to pot Same as 5, manure in pot since 6.12.06; sown, 9.1.07 Same as 5, but manure left in box, only added to pot when seed sown Straw from 1906 crop kept on soil till date of sow- ing and then mixed with soil in pot 35 19 18 Plants died very rapidly, some pro- bably diseased All dead, 31.1.07 ; probably more than six diseased All dead, 10.3.07 Plants began to die rapidly about end of March All died very rapidly Died very rapidly 1 Soon died ofi Control plots in every case free from disease. These experiments prove conclusively that not only does infection occur in the seedling stage, or at least before the young plant has reached the surface, and when the spores adhere to the grain, but also when the spores are distributed through the soil on stubble or in the manure from horses fed on diseased hay. The failure of the different treatments, such as formalin, bluestone, and hot water, to prevent the occurrence of the smut, when the seed thus disinfected was sown in the soil containing the spores, also proves Flag Siiiiii of }Vhcat. 97 that infection may arise from the soil, as well as from spores sown with the seed. By treating the seed dusted with spores with hot water, for instance, the development of Fla^ smut has been prevented, and the artificially in- fected grains p-oduced healthy plants, but then the seed was sown in soil free from it. It was at first difficult to understand how the spores were able to infect the young seedling when they were not in contact with the grain, or had their germinating power destroyed by various re-agents. But, since the spores are capable of germinating in the soil and producing their elongated conidia, these conidia can in turn put forth a long tapering germ-tube, which may eventually reach the young plantlet as it emerges from the seed, or the young shoots formed beneath the surface. Experiments in the infection of wheat with the spores of Urocystis tritici have also been carried out by Hori^ in Japan. The spores were mixed with the moistened grains before sowing, and as the result of two years' experi- ments, while the uninfected seed produced clean plants, the infected seed pro- duced both smutted and healthy plants in the ratio of 3 : 2. The conclusion come to is as follows : — " These two years' experiments decidedly proved that the smut is produced by the spores of Urocystis occulta \U . tritici] adhering to the seed coat, whither they have been carried by careless thrashing. But it may be possible, to some extent, that the matured spores, being easily scat- tered by winds, could also reach the inner side of the flowers, and this may be kept until thrashing time." The same investigator ^ also states that during a period of five years he tried many experiments to test whether spores in the soil iufsct the host. No details are given, only the general results. " After thoroughly mixing the spores with the soil, seeds of the wheat were sown in different intervals, partly on the same day, partly after five and ten days. But the results were always negative, and no difference with the control plants was noticed." In our experiments, as already shown, when diseased straw was mixed with the soil in pots, there was invariably a crop of more or less infected plants, while the control plants were clean. And not only so, but in one case at least the infection was much more virulent from diseased straw in the soil than from dusting the spores on the seed. It may be that suffi- cient moisture is necessary to decompose the straw, or at least to scatter the spor3s before they can produce their full effects, and in the pot experiments the plants were always well and regularly watered. The coiiclusions to be drawn from our experiments as regards infection are — ■ 1. Plants may be infected by coating the seed with spores. 2. Plants are liable to infection if seed is sown in soil containing diseased straw of the previous crop. 3. Plants may become infected if sown on soil containing manure from horses or cattle fed on diseased hay. But a fresh light has been thrown on the infection of rye, and the same probably applies to wheat. By the experiments of Hecke, already recorded in Chapter VI., it was there shown that the spore has not only the one chance of infecting the primary or terminal bud, but also the numerous chances of infecting the lateral buds produced beneath the surface of the soil and growing out into fresh stalks. There is not only seedling infection, but shoot in- fection, and it is decidedly to the advantage of the parasite to multiply the points of attack as much as possible. This will explain how in an infected soil the seed may be quite free from spores and disinfected, while the young shoots are infected by the spores already in the soil. 1858. E 98 Flag Smiit of VJhcat. Infection and Treatment. The mode of infection has to be understood before methods of treatment can be inteUigently appHed, and this is particularly the case in dealing with Flag smut, which may either arise from the soil or the seed. A series of experiments were therefore carried out at Burnley Horticultural Gardens this season (1909) in order to test the effects of various modes of infecting the seed and of different kinds of treatment, both before and after infection. There were ten small plots altogether, each sown with 25 grains of the Federation variety of wheat, on 30th June, 1909, and three of these were used as a check or control plants to compare with the others. Both spores and diseased straw were used for purposes of infection. The wheat was thoroughly damped and rolled in the spores, while the diseased straw was chaffed up into small pieces and placed around the seed when planted. The following table gives the relative results : — Plot. Grains Grains Mode of Infection and Treat nieiifc • Results. sown. germinated. of Seed. 47 25 19 Clean 48 25 " Dusted with spores 20 plants flag- smutted = 83 per cent. 49 25 25 Dusted with spores and bhie- stoned Clean 50 25 18 Dusted with spores and diseased straw added 15 plants flag-smutted = 83 per cent. 51 25 21 Diseased straw only added 11 plants flag-smutted = 52 per cent. 52 25 24 Bluestoned and diseased straw added 7 plants flag-smutted = 29 per cent. 53 25 25 Bhiestoned and spores added Clean 54 25 25 . Clean 55 25 24 .. .. Clean 62 25 25 i i 1 Treated with corrosive sublimate and diseased straw added 1 1 plants flag-smutted = 44 per cent. Without laying too much stress on details, on account of the small size of the plots, it is evident that infection may be produced either from spores adhering to the seed or by means of diseased straw occurring in the soil where the seed is sown. The addition of diseased straw to grain already dusted with spores did not increase the virulence of infection. Again, when the seed was infected with spores and afterwards treated with bluestone, the germinating power of the spores was destroyed, as the resulting plants were all clean, and when the grain was treated with bluestone before the addition of the spores no infection occurred. If, however, the grain was reated with bluestone and diseased straw added, there was infection to the extent of 29 per cent. This could easily be accounted for from the young shoots being attacked which had no pro- tective coating of bluestone. Even when the grain was treated with corrosive sublimate and diseased straw added there was . till a large amount of infection. Thus, the general results already obtained are corroborated, that if the spores are only on the grain and no Flag smut in the soil, treatment with bluestone is a preventive ; but if the diseased straw is already in the soil from a previous crop, neither treatment of the seed with bluestone nor corrosive sublimate is effective. Flail Sniitt of Wheat. 99 nfectioii by diseased straw alone, as compared with spores on the (frain was also tested in 1908. Two hundred grains of Federation were sown in four divisions, the first having diseased straw added, and the other three had the seed dusted with spores. The results were practically the same in each case, as there were respectively 11, 13, 14, and 12 per cent, of Flag smut. There is a discrepancy here Ix'tween the results obtained by experiments in pots and in the field, lor in the pots the diseased straw produced much more severe infection than the spores. This may be due to the fact that the regular watering of the pots would have a tendency to remove the spores adherent to the grain, while in the case of diseased straw it would tend to be absorbed, and leave the spores undisturbed. Infection of Wheat and Rye. The Flag smut was first found on wheat in Australia and was determined by Wolff in 187-3 as being the same as that so abundant on rye elsewhere, and named Urocystis occulta. Then Koernicke in 1877 considered the form on wheat to be a new species, basing his determmation on morphological charac- ters alone, and named it Urocystis tritici. If the same species of smut occurred on both plants, then they ought to be mutually infective, the spores from rye infecting the wheat, and the spores from wheat infecting the rye, and infection experiments alone could settle it. The first experiment was carried out in pots containing ordinary garden soil, and wheat and rye were cross-infected. There were six pots, and wheat and rye were sown in them on 11th October, 1907. The ordinary seed of wheat and rye was used as a check. Then seed wheat infected with the spores of Flag smut from wheat collected on 28th September, and another lot with those from rye collect3d on 21st July. Finally rye seed was infected with the spores of Rye smut, and another portion with those from wheat. The first outbreak was in the rye infected with Rye smut, -40 days after sowing, and about a week afterwards the wheat infected with the Flag smut of wheat showed the disease. The rye germinated about two days before the wheat. Although several plants germinated, only one each of rye and wheat showed distinct traces of the disease, and they were each infected with their own particular smut. These pot experiments are very useful for giving in- dications of what may happen in the field, and they often show what to avoid, as well as what to follow, upon a large scale. Another experiment was planned, conducted in my own garden, in which there were six plots, with 20 grains each, but otherwise similar to the first ; the same smut of wheat and rye being used for infection as before. They were sown on 23rd May, 11)08, and on the 28th October three wheat plants out of twenty were found badly infected with Flag smut, the infection having been brought about bv the spores of wheat Flag smut. The plots were finally examined at the end of the year, but there was no further development of disease. Although in these experiments there was no disease in the rye, it was not owing to the spores being non-germinable, for when placed on a slide in tap water and kept under a bell-jar thev ger- minated freely in three days. On 12th August, 11)08, I duplicated the'plots, in order to see what effect very late sowing might have upon the result. The same smut of wheat and rye was used for infection. The late-sown rye grew much bettor than the late-sown wheat, the latter in fact, turning out a com- parative failure. In this experiment two plants of rye were found on (Hh January, 1901). to be badly infected with their own smut, but none appeared in the wheat plots, neither fr^m infection with Flag smut of wheat nor with Ryfe smut. K 2 Flao Smut of ]V//ca/. A final experiment was undertaken at Burnley Horticultural Gardens, in which 200 grains of Federation wheat were inoculated with the spores of Flag smut derived from a crop of wheat grown in the north of Victoria the previous season, and 200 grains of rye inoculated with the same smut. Clean seed of both was sown alongside, the date being 28th June, 1908. The object of this test was simply to see if wheat and rye could be infected by the same smut. The results were taken on 29th December, and, while the wheat was diseased, the rye was absolutely clean. There were 190 plants of wheat altogether, 21 of which were affected with Flag smut, and 169 clean, so that 11 per cent. were diseased. The diseased plants bore 85 ears, and on counting the ears of 21 healthy plants of the same variety growing alongsida there w^ere 165, or nearly double the number. The photograph of the two bundles of wheat, each representing the produce of 21 plants, shows the difference in yield of the healthy and diseased. A represents the growth of the healthy plants, and B of the diseased, and the proportion of ears in A is nearly double that of B, indicating that the number of ears on each plant affected with the Flag smut fungus would be reduced, on an average, about one-half (Fig. 12.) In Fig. 13 is shown the grain from the healthy and diseased plants, and the yield from the former is fully three times that of the latter. Fig. 12. — Clean and Flagsnuitted Wheat. Fig. 13. — Grain from healthy and diseased plants. A. — 21 healthy plants ; B. — 21 diseased plants. A. — 21 healthy plants yielding about 8 oz. of grain ; B. — 21 diseased plants yielding exactly 2i oz. The main conclusion to be drawn from these experiments is, that the Flag smut of wheat and rye are not mutually infective, and therefore the name given to Flag smut of wheat by Koernicke in 1877, who received specimens from R. Schomburgk in South Australia, should be retained, viz., Urocystis tritici. I'la^ Sii/n/ of W/icat. JOi Prevkxtivio Measurf-is. From the very nature of this disease it is difficult to cope with, since it not only infects the young seedlin/ when the spores are attached to the grain, but they may also be in the soil and carried by various agencies from one paddock to another. Hence the soil would require to be disinfected in order to render any treatment of the seed efficacious, and that does not seem practicable at present. The effect of various manures has been tried, including the application of ground quick-lime with the seed, and two of lime to one of sulphur in combination, but the results were not promis- ing. It is believed that a proper system of rotation will be one way of solving the difficulty, and experiments are now being carried out in that direction. There are, however, certain recommendations that may be made from our present knowledge of the fungus, which will tend at least to reduce the ravages of the disease — 1. Wheat after wheat should be avoided. — It is not only bad farming practice to grow wheat after wheat, but it is a sure means of perpetuating the fungus in the soil, since a fresh crop of the fungus will be produced year after year if the conditions are favorable. If we wish to starve out the fungus we must sow some other crop on which it does not live, and it is well known that oats are exempt from this particular smut. 2. Early fallow, with thorough ivorking.— The practice is now becoming general of taking off only one wheat crop every three years. The stubble is allowed to stand after harvest, and any grass which springs up serves as pasture. Then, in the second winter or spring after the wheat crop the land is fallowed, and in the following autuinn the wheat is again sown. This is the ordinary three years' rotation of grass, fallotv, and crop, and it would be well occasionally to replace wheat with oats. The thorough working of the land after rain through the spring and summer is as important as the fallowing. By working the land under these conditions air is admitted and moisture is conserved, and this favours the germination of the spores, and, in the absence of suitable plants to grow upon, they soon perish. On the other hand, dry-worked land is specially favorable to the disease, for this simply encourages the spread of the spores, and preserves them in a dormant state, so that they are ready to germinate along with the wheat plant. 3. Burning the sttibble. — This is not so commonly practised as it used to be, since the value of the straw is now recognised. But badly affected paddocks should be burnt off, in order to destroy the spores of the fungus and check the spread of the disease, and this must be done with reference to the object in view. If the patches are too bare to burn where the Flag smut has been then the harrows should be run over the stubble and the straw will be drawn to such patclu^s and a profitable burn-off rftVcted. 4. Selection, and breeding of resistant varieties. — Among the dif- ferent varieties grown there may be some which more success- fully resist the Flag smut than others when grown under similar conditions, or there may be perfectly cliwn individual plants among the diseased, and such might be selected for further trial. Early varieties are said to be most susceptible. I02 Flag^ Smut of Wheat. and that is probably because they are more likely to be in- fected by the spores at the proper time for germination. Late wheats do not suit our conditions ; so that the selection should be made from early maturing varieties. Now that a certain measure o_' success has been gained in securing rust and bunt-resisting wheats, similar methods may be adopted with regard to Flag smut, and a smut-free late wheat, crossed with a susceptible early variety, might lead to earUness combined with smut-resistance. Summary. Flag smut of wheat does not infect rye, and rye smut does not infect wheat : so the form occurring on wheat is a distinct biological species, and is, therefore, named Urocystis tritici, Koern. Infection occurs in the seedling stage, also when the young shoots are being formed, but not when the plant is above ground, and this infection may arise either from spores adhering to the surface of the grain or from diseased straw or fragments of flag in the soil. The spores may persist and retain their vitality on wheaten chaff, and soil containing manure from horses and cattle fed on diseased hay is capable of infecting the wheat plant. The adherence of the smutted soil to the feet of men and animals may cause it to be transported from one place to another, and agricultural imple- ments also scatter and carry it. Since this smut is only known to attack wheat, a change of crop will evidently tend to starve it out ; but as it is not known how long the spores retain their germinating power, the nature and extent of the rotation cannot yet be -determined. Loose Smut of UaU. 103 CHAPTER XV. Loose Smut of Oats. {Ustilaqo avenae (Pers.), Jens.) This is a disease which is known wherever oats are cultivated, and caused enormous losses before methods of prevention were discovered. The spores are produced exclusively in the spikelets, and every part of the inflorescence may be attacked, even the glumes and the awn (Plates VIII. and IX). Th3 ovaries are filled with the spores, and the ovary wall remains as a delicate wall around them. The diseased ears may be seen emerging from their en- veloping leaf-sheaths, and when exposed the membrane is soon ruptured, and the powdery spores are blown about by the wind, or washed away by the rain, leaving only the bare axis of the inflorescence with the ragged remains of the envelopes of the flowers. Generally, all the shoots of a plant and all the grains of the ear are attacked, but in some cases the upper spikelets may be free. In a partially-smutted ear, although the tip may be sound, the base is always affected. In no case has the upper portion of the inflorescence been found diseased, while the lower was sound, thus showing that infection proceeds from below upwards, and that when the inflorescence began to elougata, the smut had not reached the upp3rmost pohit of the panicle. The spores are scattered before harvest- time, even before all the oat plants have ceased flowering, and thus many of the smut spores are enclosed by the scales, which gradually envelop the ripening grain, or they may fall on the ground, where they will be ready to germinate under the same conditions which favour the sprouting of the seed oats. Germination. This has been reported and illustrated in comparatively recent times by Brefeld^ in 1883, by Kellerman and Swingle^ in 1890, and by Herz- berg^ in 1895. Fresh material was gathered in November, 190(), and ger- minated during the same month. When placed in water the spores begin to germinate usually in six to eight hours, and it is more rapid in summer than in winter, and with fresh spores rather than with those kept for several months. A germinal tube or promycelium, occasionally two, is produced by an out-growth of the endospore bursting through the exospore. and the protoplasm contained in the spore passes into the tube. The rupture is sometimes so pronounced that the projecting portions of the exospore are seen along each side o' the base of the tube. Then it becomes divided by three to four transverse partitions into equal compartments. From each of these com par.ments, as a rule, little off-shoots or buds arise, generally near the septa, and almost always one is produced at the apex. These buds constitute the promycelial spores or conidia, and they become elongated and ovate, and then fall away. The protoplasm in each segment is used up in the formation of conidia, and if this is exhausted then no more are formed. But some- times the protoplasm is not all used up, and the primary conidium, instead of falling away, remains attached, and gives off at its free end a small bud. which gradually becomes a secondary conidium, although it does not attain the size of the parent. The conidia »^hen detached undergo further changes in water. They may either put forth a very narrow-pointed germ-tube, into which the proto- plasmic contents pass, or two adjacent conidia may become connected by a transverse branch, and tlie (■()nt;'nts pass from the one into the other. Then 104 Loose Smut of Oats. the one with protoplasmic contents puts forth a germ-tube, or it may swell out at the end and form another conidium. Thus fusion of the conidia occurs where a number of them are aggregated together, and even more than two may in this way be united. This is the typical mode of development, the spore producin.g a germinal tube or promycelium, from which conidia are budded off, but there ara various departures from this. Under certain circumstances, according to Kuehn, the promycelium may not develop conidia, but becomes an ordinary hypha and penetrates the tissues of the host-plant by its pointed extremity. Again, various fusions may take place by means of a tube from one segment to an- other of the same promycelium, or the promycelia from different spores may unite in a variety of ways by means of branches. Thus, the upper segment may become connected with the lower segment of the same promycelium by means of a curved tube, or two succeeding segments may become united by w^hat Brefeld calls a buckle-joint or knee-joint. This is very common with spores germinated in both water and nutritive solutions, and consists of the unequal growth of one side of the promycelium at the level of a septum. As this protuberance grows the promycelium itself becomes bent at an angle. So far the behaviour of spores in water has been shown, but when placed in a nutritive solution, such as hay infusion, there is a difference, as Brefeld has pointed out. In the first place, they germinate cjuicker, as might be anticipated, and the promycelia and conidia are larger. Then the various fusions do not occur, but the most important difference is that the detached conidia multiply themselves by budding after the manner of yeast and form what are known as sprouting conidia. By keeping up a supply of the nutrient fluid, Brefeld maintained this process of budding for more than a year, and, ■whenever this was exhausted, the budding ceased. The sprouting conidia retain their vitality for about two months if kept moist, but when allowed to dry there was no perraination after the sixth week. It becomes a question of greal practical interest how long the various reproductive bodies retain their germin ting power and under different conditions of moisture. While the sprouting conidia only retained this power for about six weeks when kept dry, Brefeld found that the spores germinated as freely at the end of two years as when fresh. Another observer. Von Liebenberg^ germinated the spores at the end of seven and a-half years, so that the time limit of germina- tion may exceed that considerably. Infection. Infection by this smut has been specially studied by Brefeld,^ and a description of it will give a clear idea as to how^ this happens in smuts of this type. The spores are produced exclusively in the spikelets. It had already been shown by Wolffs and Kuehn ^ that infection takes place only in the seedlin ; stage, and Brefeld followed the mycelium in the growing plant until it reached the ovary of the flower and formed its spores. He brought about infection not directly with the spores, but with pure cultures of the " yeast-spores," or sprouting conidia, derived from the budding conidia grown in a nutritive solution. The young seedlings specially grown were sprayed by means of an atomizer, with the " yeast-spores " mixed up in water, and after a short time were planted out. Accordin ' to the stage of growth at which the seedlings were infected, there was a definite percentage affected with the disease. In the earliest stage of the seedling, while still in the bud, 17 to 20 per cent, were diseased ; when about 1 cm. long, there were 7 to 10 per cent, diseased ; when 2 cm. long, and still enclosed in the sheathing leaf, there were only 2 per cent, diseased ; while in older seedlings there was PiATK VTir. G. H. Robinson, I'hot. LOOSE SMUT OF OAT (Ustihiiio Avciuic.) Loose Smut of Oats. 105 practicallv no infection — to 1 per cent, diseased. These experiments con- clusively prove that the younger the seedling the more susceptible it is to infection. The course of the infection was closely followed. The germ-tube pene- trated the cuticle and grew obliquely through the cells. In the earliest stages of the seedling the hyphae were numerous and distinct ; but as the tissues lengthened and strengthened it was more difficult to trace the mycelium. In the fully-formed plant the mycelium could only be detected in the tissue of the nodes, in a more or less ruptured condition. The fungus is unable to keep up with the rapid longitudinal growth of the plant, and its mycelium is torn up into fragments, so that it becomes isolated and does not reach a suitable spot for the production of spores. In the rapid elongation of the internodes the oat therefore exercises a kind of check upon the parasite, but, on the other hand, if the mycelium has once reached the growing point then it is always present there, and finally produces its spores. It is evident, therefore, that not every infection of the host-plant will necessarily attain to the production of spores, but only in those cases where the fungus has been able to reach the tissue of the growing point and continue to keep up with it until the flowering stage. This supplies an explanation of the fact that in- fection is much more successful in younger than in older seedlings, for in that case the mycelium can much more easily reach the growing apex and remain there than when the elongation of the internodes has taken place. There are several conditions which render infection more or less certain, and also affect its virulence. If the " yeast-conidia " used for spraying the seedlings were cultivated in a solution obtained from fresh horse-dung, then there might be as much as 46 per cent, of diseased plants, and if the spores were cultivated for a number of generations the virulence decreased towards the end. Spores that have wintered in the soil will, under suitable conditions, germinate in the spring and form conidia : but whether these conidia will infect young plants directly or sprout in a yeast-hke manner or die, will depend upon the weather, particularly in regard to the heat and the moisture. Since our sowing time is generally in the autumn and before the winter, the problem we have to solve is what happens to the spores in the soil during the summer, as, by the time winter is reached the spores have either germinated or have missed infecting the seedling stage. This smut produces its spores in the ovary of the flower ; then they are dispersed by the wind or rain, and some of them fall on the soil or are carried to healthy grain. Infection takes place when the seed begins to germinate, and the young mycelium grows alon^ with the seedling, showing no external signs of its presence until the flowers are produced, when it again forms its spores in the ovary. Jensen^ proved that oat smut will not infect wheat or barley, and that it is, therefore, biologically distinct from the smuts attacking either of these cereals. Between the loose smut of wheat and of oats there are marked differences in the behaviour of the two. To begin with, the spores in the case of wheat only retain their germinating power for a few months, while in oats thev have been germinated at the end of seven years. Then again, on germination the wheat loose smut only picduces a j^erm- tube, which may be variously branched, while in oats not only are conidia formed, but these in turn may give rise to sprouting, conidia. These differences are correlated with the mode of infection. In wheat it is flower infection, which must be done within a limited period, and after the manner of a pollen-grain, and in oats it is seedling iiifection, which may be prevented by treatment similar to that of stinking smut of wheat. io6 Loose Stunt of Oats. Treatment of Seed. It is the seedling which is infected, and therefore the destruction of the spores on the seed will prevent the disease • but from the nature of the smut and the nature of the oat-grain itself, certain precautions must be taken in the treatment of the seed. Unlike the stinking smut, the spores of the loose smut are blown about by the wind before all the oat-plants have formed their seed. The consequence is that spores find their way between the scales, v-hich ultimately firmly clasp the seed, and any solutions which merely wr t the outside will not reach these enclosed spores. Hence, any treatment to be effectual must be sufficiently prolonged to allow the solution to reach the spores beneath the hull of the oat. Treatment with hot water is, therefore, very effective, and Close ^ has shown that sprinkling the seed with a 1 per cent, solution of formalin entirely prevents the disease. The drawback to the use of bluestone is that in order to reach the spores the seed must be dipped so long as to injure it. Platk IX. C. C. Brittlebank, I'lu LOOSE SMUT OF WILD OAT iUsfilcioo Avciuic.) A'akr/I Stniii of Barley. lO? CHAPTEK XVI. Naked Smut of Barley. {Ustilago nuda (Jens.) Kell. and Sw.) It was first pointed out by Jensen ^ that there are two distinct kinds of smut on barley. The one completely destroys the ear, being at first enclosed in a thin silvery-looking membrane, which soon breaks, and the povrdery spores are scattered by the wind as soon as mature. This is known as the Naked smut (Plate X.) in contradistinction to the other, which is called Co/ered smut, because the compact mass of spores is enclosed in the unbroken walls of the ovary, and remains intact for some time, even after harvest. Jhe heads of barley with Naked smut resemble those of the wheat when affected with loose smut, and this resemblance extends even to the mode of infection, which in both cases occurs in the flowering stage. Germination. The germination of the spores of U. nuda and U. tritici is quite different from that of U. avenae and U. hordei. In the two latter, as has been shown, a promycelium is formed, giving rise to conidia, while in the two former a typical mycelium arises. The spore on germination produces a separate germinal tube, which continues to grow at the apex and forms lateral branches which in turn branch again, and so a spreading mycelium is developed without the formation of conidia. This important difference in the mode of germina- tion led Herzberg^ to propose a new genus — Ustilagidium — for the reception of these two species. The germination of this species has been described by Kellerman and Swingle,^ Brefeld,^ and Herzberg,^ among others. Spores obtained from barley grown at Myrniong in 19()(i germinated freely in water and in a nutri- tive solution in May, 1907. When grown in water a straight septate germ- tube was first formed, the protoplasm of which was highly vacuolated, and at first divided into four cells by transverse septa, then branches were spar- ingly given off beneath the septa, sometimes at right angles, but generally at an acute angle. The germ-tube sometimes became attenuated towards the apex, and, although branches might be given off near the base, yet in no instance was a spore met with producing two independent germinal tubes. In a nutritive solution the branching was much more copious. Brefeld^ found that the filaments grew rapidly in various directions, and produced a branching system like the mycelium of the higher fungi. The ends of the filaments continued to grow in length, the contents passhig from behind forward and formed very long tubes, which afterwards became septate. Their branches were produced below the septa, and continued the process until the central parts of the original mycelium were gradually drained of their contents and carried to the circumference of the filaments. The spores do not long retain their germinating power, as it was found not to have lasted for a year, and this, along with the absence of conidia, would seem to indicate that the spore must germinate as quickly and directly as possible in order to penetrate the stigmas of the flowers that are in bloom. Infection. Brefeld' and Hecke^ have both recently shown that infection takes place through the flower. It was found that when infection of seedlings was at- tempted only negative results were obtained, and in every case sound healthy jo8 Naked Sniiii of Barley. plants were produced. But when floral infection was carried out the results were the same as in the Loose smut of wheat, the mycelium remaining latent in the seed and developing spores when the young ovaries of the host-plant were formed. From the nature of the flower of the barley and its being more firmly enclosed in the glumes than is the case in wheat, it was not so easy to carry out artificial infection and with the same certainty of results, but the experi- ments showed that infection of the flower is the main, if not the only mode. Hecke infected a number of the flowers of barley with smut spores when the ovaries were still undeveloped, and the stigmas were quite fresh. Then, when the fruit had normally ripened, and had been properly disinfected, it was placed under sterile conditions in a germinating chamber, in order to examine the embryo or young plant at different stages of development. If an embryo is examined just beginning its development, even at this young stage numerous hyphae are seen in a longitudinal section. In Fig. 6 a slightly more advanced embryo is shown, and the mycelium is copiously developed at the junction of the first leaf with the growing apex. {v). There can be no doubt that this is the mycelium of the smut produced by flower infection, since it is only found in infected seeds, and the subsequent infection of the seed during germination is completely excluded by treatment with a fungicide. Pl.ATK X. G. H. Robinson. NAKED SMUT OF BARLEY iUstildiio Niiiiii.) Covered Smut of Barley. 109 CHAPTER XVII. Covered Smut of Barley. (Ustilaqo hordei (Pers.) Kell. and Sw.) This smut is not so readily observed as the Naked smut, and therefore it is sometimes said to be not so common, but as to relative prevalence it is found to be the more common of the two. At Dookie, where a number of varieties of barley are grown, it is much more general than the Naked smut, and it is a very marked feature of the skinless barleys. This wider distri- bution may ba due to the compactness of this smut, which gives it exactly the same chance as Stinking smut of wheat, which is distributed in a whole- sale manner in the form of smut-balls, and also to the fact that the floral infection necessary in the Naked smut will be more uncertain (Plate XL). The two species of smut found on cultivated barley {U. hordei and U. nuda) have only comparatively recently been separated, and they were formerly included under U. segetum. The differences between the two are very marked, independent of what is indicated by the common name. In the Naked smut the diseased ears are ultimately free from the leaf-sheath and fully exposed, while in the Covered smut the ears are more or less en- closed. The spores in the former are echinulate and powdery, and scattered by the wind at the flowering period, while in the latter they are smooth, slightly larger and compact in the mass, and remain intact till later harvest. In the Naked smut the spores in the mass have a decided greenish tinge, which is absent from the Covered smut. The germination, too, is very dis- tinct. In the Naked smut only a germinal tube is formed, which elongates and branches and becomes a regular septate mycelium, but in the Covered smut conidia are produced. Lastly, the Naked smut has been proved to infect the flower and not the seedling and the Covered smut infects the seedling, as indicated by the certain treatment of the seed with bluestone solution. The differences between the two may be briefly summarized : — Covered Smut. Naked Smut. Ears — More or less enclosed in leaf- Free from leaf-sheath. sheath Spores — Compact in mass, with Powdery, echinulate, and scattert(i greenish tinge, smooth, and re- during flowering time. maining intact till after harvest Germination — Conidia produced . . No conidia. Infection — Seedling . . . . Flower. Germination, The germination of the spores has been described by Kellerman and Swingle,'^ Brefeld* and Herzberg. Affected barley was obtained from the neighbourhood of Melbourne in November, 1906, and the spores germinated freely in water in December. Also from Port Fairy in January, 11)07, and when tested in June the spores readily germinated. The promycelium was generally .'5-septate, only one being formed from each spore, according to Herzberg, but I have found occasionally more than one. Promycelial spores were produced both laterally and terminally, and were generally attached by a slender sterigma. sometimes two being given off together, each with their own sterigma. The promycelium was sometimes branched, the l)ranches becoming septate and giving off conidia, and knee-joints were very common, no Covered Sniint of Barley. as in other species. Along with the single promycelium arising from the spore, there might be given off at another part a large oval unicellular body behaving like a conidium. The conidia which are elongated ellipsoid, readily fall away when they multiply independently by budding. In a hay infusion the promycelia branched copiously. Slender elongated branches were given off, and sometimes on a level with the septum where a knee-joint might have been, there were long jointed hyphae. Brefeld has shown that the conidia multiply in a yeast-like manner and form sprouting conidia, which continue to develop as long as nutritive material is supplied. Infection. This occurs, in all probability, in the seedling stage, as indicated by the certain treatment of the seed and the formation of sprouting conidia in order to tide the fungus over from one season to another. The spores are very commonly found on samples of barley, so that they must reach the sound grain during thrashing. i Pl\tk XI. COVERED SMUT OF BARLEY (Usfi/cigo Uordci.) Head S?)!!it of Maize. CHAPTER XVIII. Head Smut of Maize. {Sorosporium reilianum (Kuehn) McAlp.) This is the only known smut of maize known at present in Australia, and it is spreading in districts where maize is largely grown. It attacks the cobs and tassels (Plates XII., XIII.), and is usually confined to them, but, in ex- ceptional cases, a few patches of smut may appear on the upper leaves. The smut is enclosed at first in a pinkish membrane, which soon ruptures in order to allow the escape of the spores. It is distinguished from American Corn smut [Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Unger.) by not enlarging the ears and forming large smut boils, by generally confining itself to the inflorescence and not attacking the leaves and stems, and by the larger and more finely echinulat^ spores. It was probably introduced here from America, although not a native of that country, for, as Clinton" says — " This is one of our most con- spicuous but rather uncommon smuts. It has been introduced into this country, probably from Europe." This species was first named from a speci- men on Sorghum vulgare, Pers., sent by Dr. Reil from Egypt, and it was afterwards found in Italy on the same host-plant. Its introduction into America was probably by means of this host-plant, and then it spread to maize, as it is found on both plants in the United States. Germination. The maize was taken from the field about the middle of March, just about two months before maturity, and the smutted cobs were still contained within their enveloping bracts. The smut spores were at once placed in tap water on a microscopic slip and placed under a bell-jar, and in 17 hours several had formed germinal tubes consisting of three to five cells, but usually four- celled, although none had formed conidia. On germination there is an evident rupture of the exospore, which is split into lobes where the germinal tube protrudes. In 21 hours conidia were formed, both terminally and laterallv, and the terminal conidia are the first to be formed. In one which was specially observed the elongated terminal conidium was first formed, then one laterally from the top of the second cell from the base, and a third just be- ginning to be formed from the top of the basal cell on the opposite side. The contents of the germinal tube are highly vacuolated when producing the conidia, which are sometimes formed in pairs at the apex, and three lateral conidia are sometimes produced together. Occasionally the germinal tube may branch and the conidia may be borne direct or on elongated slender sterigmata. The conidia bud in a yeast-like manner, and these sprouting conidia again give rise to secondary conidia. Brefeld^ germinated the spores in a nutritive solution after being kept for about eight years, and the sprouting conidia retain their germinating power for several months, if kept drv. Infection. The mode of infection has not been determined, hut, since according to Freemai and Umberger,' the formalin and hot-water treatment of the seed are ineffective, the probabilities are that it does not occur through the voung seedling, as in the case of Bunt, but may ho in the grain itself. These authors state that the only recoininiMulation that can he made at present is to ohtaiu 112 ' Head Simd of Maize. seed from districts where it is not known to occur. It is interesting to note that the " Milo " variety of Sorghum has not hitherto been attacked and appears to be immune. American Corn Smut. [Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Unger.) This smut, which occurs on all parts of the maize plant, has not been found in Australia, although there is another species met with which is con- fined to the ear, but since this species represents one of the typical modes of infection, it will be briefly discussed. The spores have not been found to germinate in water, but very easily in a nutritive solution or on manured soil, producing the fusiform conidia. These do not directly infect the plant, but give rise to sprouting conidia, and very often they also put forth fungus filaments which reach the surface of the culture drop, and there develop quite a number of sprouting conidia in the air, similar to those produced in the fluid. These air conidia are easily scattered by the wind, and play an important part in spreading infection. Since this smut occurs on all young and growing parts, most rarely on the roots and most frequently on the stems, leaves, cobs, and tassels, it is evident that we have not to do with a general infection of the plant, but with a local infection, each smut-boil representing a single infec- tion. Brefeld* carried out a systematic series of infection experiments, infecting the various parts of the plant. He started with the young seedling, as in the case of the oats, but produced only a few diseased spots, and always in the neighbourhood of the collar or at the junction of root and stem, while all the other parts of the plant were unaffected. Then, in other parts he infected the leaves and the stem, the male and female flowers, and even the young ovaries of individual flowers, always with the same result. The infection was exclusively local, and it was only young and tender tissues which the germinating tube could penetrate. When the fungus filaments had reached maturity they broke up into spores in the usual way, with gela- tinization of the membranes, and it was observed that from the period of infection until the spores were produced and scattered was about three weeks. I' LAI I. \11. G. H. Robinson, Phm. ^ Nat. Size. MAIZE COB WITH HEAD SMUT (Sorospoi-iiiiii Rciliciinim.^ I'l.MK Xlll. MAIZE TASSEL WITH HEAD SMUT {Sorosporiiim h'ciliiin iim.) General Trcaimcnt for Smul',. T13 CHAPTER XIX. General Treatment for Smuts. It is only when the true nature and the life-history of the smuts are pro- perly understood that intelligent measures can be devised for effectually coping with them, and the treatment will depend on the individual history of each particular species. But the general rule may be laid down that in every case clean seed should be used for sowing, for, as Bessey^ emphatically points out, " It has been demonstrated over and over again that perfectly clean seed and clean ground will produce a clean crop. It is with smuts as with weeds of all sorts, if we have seeds we shall have weeds growing up as a result, but if we have no seeds there will be no weeds. So with smut. Clean seed upon a clean field will result in a clean crop." Since it has been clearly shown that the smuts are reproduced from spores, it is evident that if the spores can be destroyed or their germination pre- vented, the smut itself will not appear, and it is on this principle that the direct treatment for smut is based. But this method is only practicable when the spores are so located that they can be easily reached as in the seed grain, and in other cases only indirect measures can be employed. In the buiit or stinking smut of wheat for instance, where the spores adhere to the grain and infection occurs in the young seedling, all that is necessary is to treat the grain with some substance which, while harmle-ss to the grain, will destroy or prevent the germination of the spores. Quite a number of substances have been used for this purpos>, including corrosive sublimate, and found more or less effectual, but there are only two which are generally used by farmers in Australia on account of their ease of application and comparative cheapness, and that is, first, a solution of sul- phate of copper or bluestone, and, second, formalin. All methods of seed treatment known depend for their success to a large extent on the precau- tions taken to prevent re-infection after dipping. Careless farmers put the l)ickled grain into smut-infested bags or omit to clean the drill. If the seed- box contains bunt balls or spores of other siuuts the treated seed will be, in part at least, affected. 1 adopt a very simple method in the treatment of the seed- wheat, the solution being contained in a wooden cask. The mouth of the bag which is immersed in the solution, and that is to contain the seed, is slightly folded over the edge of the cask and fastened there with a bag ring or hoop. The seed is then gently poured into the sack, so that all the unbroken smut-balls as well as wild oats and light seeds float on the surface and may be skimmed off. In the case of bluestone solution the time of immersion should never exerted one minute, as every grain is sure to be thoroughly wetted in that \\\w\ .V supply of the same strength of bluestone solution is kept ready. in ()r(l(M' to replenish the solution in the cask used for pic^kling. as required. Bl.UKsrONK TUKAI'MKNT. This is the one most commonly used here, and consists in making a solution at the rate of 1 11). of bluestone to 5 gallons of water, or a 2 per cent, solution. The seed is then placed in sacks and immersed in this solution until every individual grain is wetted, and that only takes about a minute, and should not exceed it. The constant shaking and stirring while being immersed sliould bring all bunt balls to the surface, and these should be skimmed off. The bag is then allowed to drain, and when dry the seed is ready for sowing. iJ-1 General Trcatmcitt for Smuti,. It is to be noted that the solution of bluestone is always of the same strength as when first prepared, no matter how much of it has been used up in dipping or in coating the grain. It becomes, of course, reduced in quantity, and if exposed to the hot sun for several days, it would become more concen- trated, but under ordinary circumstances the standard solution remains constant in its proportion of bluestone to water. If more convenient the seed may be pickled on the barn floor by sprinkling the solution over it and thoroughly turning over the seed until all the grains are completely wetted. The corrosive action of the bluestone on the grain is generally very in- jurious, and this can be largely prevented by the use of lime. It may be pointed out that the copper sulphate or bluestone is gradually decomposed by the lime, and acting chemically upon the soil renders certain substances available as plant food. The treated seed, while wet, may be sprinkled with air-slaked lime, but this interferes with its ready passage through the seed drill. As an alternative the treated seed may be transferred to lime-water. On? pound of freshly-slaked lime in 8 gallons of water gives full strength after standing one hour, and traces of alum or sulphate of magnesia increase the solubility of the lime slightly. The grain is stirred in this solution for a few minutes, then dried preparatory to sowing. An objection to the lime-water treatment is that the film of bluestone coating the seed is removed, and the grain is afterwards easily re-infected by stray spores or broken bunt-balls in the drill, unless due precautions have been taken. Formalin Treatment.* Formalin is the trade name given to a solution in water of a colourless pungent gas known as formaldehyde, and the solution ordinarily used con- tains .36 to 4:0 per cent, of the gas. One pound of formalin (16 ozs. avoir- dupois) of the above strength is added to 40 gallons of water, and the seed is i;nmers:!d in this solution for five minutes, shaking and moving it about sufficiently to insure the wetting of all the grains. The bunt-balls are also skimmed off as before, or the seed may be pickled on the floor by sprinkling the solution over it at the rate of about 1 gallon to each bushel of grain. It is well turned over while being sprinkled so as to get thoroughly wet, and after being in a pile for two hours, it is ready to be planted in the case of wheat, but in the case of oats and barley the damp grain may be allowed to remain over night, in order to allow the formalin to penetrate the husk. Wheat treated with formalin should be sown within 24 hours of treatment in a seed bed moist enough to insure germination in order to obtain the best results. In a farmers' Press Bulletin issued in 1*,K)4 by the North Dakota Agricul- tural Experiment Station relating to " The effect of evaporation upon solu- tions of formaldehyde " such questions are asked as — Must the solution which is made up for treating seed grain all be used up the same day ? Will it grow weaker from standing \ Must a new lot of solution be made up each day % Does the standard formalin lose strength if left uncorked % The results of special tests showed that solutions of formaldehyde grow stronger by evaporation, the water being given off faster than the gas. A solution, therefore, which has stood open for a number of days is fully as strong as when first made. While this is so, and the water and methyl alcohol or wood spirit of the solution evaporate first, leaving the formaldehyde, which * By the new industry of wood distillation, Messrs. Cuming, Smith, and Co. are producing formalin at Warbuiton, and can provide 1-lb. bottles of 40 per cent, strength (same as Schering's) at Is. 6d. |ier lb., packages free. General Treatment for Smuts. 115 is stronger, behind, yet this also eventually evaporates, especially in warm places. It is therefora advisable to keep the solution corked, if only to keep the strength even. Whether bluestone or formalin be used, the treated seed should never be put into old bags unless they have first been dipped in the pickle. Another precaution to be taken is to skim of? any smut-balls as well as imperfect seeds. Of course, the wheat used for seed should be free from smut-balls, but farmers are not always as careful as they ought to be in the selection of seed-wheat. It is well known that while sound grain sinks in water the bunt-balls float. One hundred grains of each were taken of Federa- tion wheat, and while the sound wheat weighed <)7| grains, the bunty wheat was only 24^ grains, or a little more than one-third the weight. The bunt- balls may at first be carried down with the sound grains and remain attached by means of air bubbles, but by constant shaking and stirring they come to the top. In practice it is found that all the bunt-balls do not rise to the sur- face, but the probabilities are that these are cracked, and so their germinating power will be destroyed by the solution. Effect of Formalin and Bluestone on the Germination of Seed Wheat. While either of these substances has given satisfactory results in the treat- ment of bunt or ball smut, as it is often called by farmers, there is considerable difference of opinion as to their effects upon the grain, both as regards ger- mination and the subsequent growth of the plant. Extensive experiments were conducted to answer this question, extending over five successive seasons, and in the last year, when 20 acres were treated, the seed was sown with a drill, bluestone being used at the rate of 1 lb. to 5 gallons of water, and formalin at a strength of 1 lb. in 40 gallons of water. The result of the treatment was very conclusive, and was stated as follows : — " While the untreated plot contained at least 50 per cent, of smut, careful search over the treated plots failed to reveal a single smutty head. Thus both solutions were equally successful in destroying the bunt, but it was noticeable that the plot treated with formalin looked much better and w^as a little further advanced." A special test was made with 1,000 grains each of the same variety of wheat sown at the same time and under similar conditions, the formalin and bluestone treatment being compared as before, with the following results : — Untreated . . . . . . . . 884 grains germinated Formalin, 1 lb. hi 40 gallons of water . . 740 ,, ,, Bluestone, 1 lb. in 5 gallons of water . . 606 ,, „ The bluestone treatment affected the germination much more injuriously than the formalin, and the plants afterwards did not look so healthy. In all these experiments, however, the grain was sown not more than a day or two after treatment, but it sometimes happens in the ordinarv course of farming that sowing is delayed after treatment owing to the state of the weather, or grain is sown in some cases in anticipation of rain, which does not come, and the question arises — how does the treated grain compare with the untreated under such conditions, when germination does occur ? Accordingly, tests were made with varying strengths of formalin and varying periods of sowing after treatment. It may be noted here that formalin exercises a hardening effect upon the grain, which soon becomes bone dry, so that the young germ does not so readily force its way through the skin, while in the case of bluestone there is a fine film of the substance left on the seed after treatment, and this will likely have a preservative and protective effect upon the grain. i I 6 General Treat )}ieut for Simtts. When seed was treated with varying strengths of formalin and sown after 24 hours, the results of germination were as follows : — Untreated . . . . . . . . 84 per cent. Formalin, 1 lb. in 40 gallons . . . . 77 ,, 2 lbs. in 40 gallons . . . . 62 ,, 3 lbs. in 40 gallons . . . . 41 ,, The increased strength of formalin above the normal 1 in 40 decreases the amount of germination in a progressive degree. But when the treated seed was sown after being kept for varying periods of time our experiments showed, on the whole, that wheat treated with 1 lb. in 40 gallons of water loses its power of germination to some extent at least, after being kept a few days ; that this effect is cumulative for a time at least, but it gradually disappears again after, say, four or five weeks. The late Mr. Farrer also arrived at practically the same conclusion from his experiments in New South Wales, and he summed up as follows : — " (1) Formalin does not exercise an injurious effect upon the vitality of seed grain if it be treated just prior to planting, and the con- ditions at planting time are favorable for its germination. (2) It is undesirable (and previous experiments at Lambrigg prove unnecessary) to treat seed-wheat with a stronger solution of formalin than that made by mixing 1 lb. of formalin with 40 gal- lons (400 lbs.) of water." It was not considered necessary to carry out the same series of exhaustive experiments with bluestone as with formalin, but grain treated at the rate of 1 lb. in 5 gallons of water actually germinated better, instead of deteriorating, after being kept for nine and fifteen days respectively. Formalin is a well-known antiseptic, disinfectant, and preservative, and is extensively and most satisfactorily used for the treatment of Stinking smut in both the United States and Canada. From its less corrosive action on the seed and the higher percentage of germination which it yields it has certain advantages over bluestone, and if the seed is sown within 24 hours of treatment in a soil sufficiently moist to insure germination the freedom of the resulting crop from bunt is assured. Hot Water Treatment. In addition to various chemical substances, heat has also been employed for the destruction of the spores. At first a dry heat was used for the purpose, but what we now know of the resistance of spores to such a heat makes the success of such a method highly improbable. But the hot water treatment of the seed introduced by Jensen in 1888 has proved highly successful. It is a method, however, which is never likely to become popular with our farmers, since without special conveniences it is rather troublesome, and as the methods already given are simpler and equally effective they are generally preferred. The process consists in immersing the seed in hot water at a temperature ranging between 55° to 57° C. (132 to 135° F.), and then plunging it into cold water, and it is the regulation of the temperature which makes the demands on the care and atten- tion of the farmer. Where a steam jet is available it is easy to regulate the temperature. I will just describe the method, as carried out by myself : Three barrels were used — one with cold water, another with the water heated to about 44° C. (111° F.), and a third in which the temperature was main- tained at 55-57° C. The grain was placed in a wire mesh basket made for the purpose, and then dipped into the barrel with water at a temperature of Cici/crat Trcaiiiiciit I or Smuts. 117 about 44° C. in order to heat it ; then it was transferred to the higher tem- perature, where it was plunged up and down and shaken from side to side for five minutes, so as to bring every grain into contact with the hot water. Any smut-balls floating on the surface were carefully skimmed off. As it is im- portant to keep the water from falling below 55° C, since less heat would not be so likely to prevent the germination of the smut spores, and from rising above 57° C, since it might injure the grain, I attended to the time necessary for dipping and the thermometer, while another kept continually agitating the grain. At the end of five minutes it was immersed in cold water and then spread out on a clean floor to dry. The grain thus treated germinated well and came away quickly, as the heat and moisture combined seemed to stimulate it. ****** It has already been pointed out that while these various methods of treat- ment afford temporary relief, the only permanent means of overcoming the disease is to secure by breeding or otherwise a race which will be " immune " to the attacks of the parasite. In the case of those smuts which infect the host-plant through the flower, this is seemingly the only means at present known of meeting the difficulty. III. LTFE-HJSTORrES OF VARIOUS GRASS SjMUTS. Explanation of Plates PLATE XTV. A. — Healthy and diseased plants (one-tenth natural size). B. — Health}' Ear or Panicle (reduced 2| times). C. — Smutted Ear (reduced 2^ times). D. — Sound grains ( x 3). E. — Smutted grains ( x 3). Pr,ATK XIV. C. C. Hrittlcbaiik. I'h. i. I'. I . x ;. \. i;. C. K. ,hi.-. , A -AMBER CANE, SOUND AND SMUTTED. B SOUND HEAD. C — SMUTTED HEAD. D— SOUND GRAINS. E SMUTTED GRAINS. Lije Histories of Various Grass Simits. 121 CHAPTER XX. Life-Histories of various Grass Smuts. Only a few of the smuts occurring on various grasses of economic im- portance will be noticed here, in which the mode of germination of the spores and infection are known, and a more or less detailed account given of their life-history. There are still a number awaiting further investigation, and among our native grasses practically nothing has been done in the way of preventing the spread of the smuts attacking them, which are sometimes very destructive. 1. Grain Smut of Sorghum. (Cintracfia sorghi-vulgaris (Tul.) Clint.) There are two kinds of smut which occur on sorghum, the Grain smut, so called because it confines itself chiefly to the individual grains, and the Head smut, because it converts the whole head, just as it emerges from the upper leaf into one large smutty mass. The Head smut of maize has already been described, and the same fungus which causes it is also found on sorghum, but not hitherto in Australia. It is the Grain smut which has been found here on broom corn, amber cane, and sugar sorghum, and wherever it occurred was very destructive. The cultivated sorghums are placed under Andro- pogon sorghum, Brot., by Hackel, of which there are a number of varieties, such as broom corn, amber cane, and sugar sorghum, the latter variety being usually called Sorghum saccharatum, Pers. Effects and Losses. The effects of this smut upon the host-plant is very noticeable in pre- venting the formation of seed. The seed is replaced by an enlarged body of a dirty white or brownish colour, splitting irregularly at the top and exposing a mass of dark-brown spores. In a crop of sugar sorghum examined in March there were about 14 per cent, of the plants affected (1 in every 7), while amber cane grown in the same field was only slightly affected. The smutted ears or panicles are readily recognised in the field, from the grains being replaced by a horn-like projection of a dirty white or brownish colour. The individual smut bodies are not only considerably elongated, but usually somewhat stouter than the normal healthy grains (Plate XIV.). The ear may be attacked by the smut even while still green, and a portion of it only in flower. Occasionally there may be a few clean grains on an other- wise smutty ear. In the case of broom corn the loss is not so serious as where the sorghum is raised for seed. Nevertheless, the brush of an infected plant is of an inferior grade, and almost worthless. In healthy broom corn the rays are uniform in thickness and length, and all spring from nearly the same point, but in infected plants the rays are of unequal length, and arise from an elongated and thickened central axis. The number of large rays, too, are always less, so that the commercial value of the brush is lessened. One prominent grower stated that most of the heads that have smut on them are of no account. T22 Life Histories of Various Grass Smuts. The monetary loss from this smut is considerable, since the crop is so valuable. Amber cane, when it is grown for seed, may sometimes be worth £25 to £30 per acre, so that the loss is serious enough to render preventive treatment desirable. Distribution. It occurs in Southern Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, as well as in Australia. It was brought to the United States through imported seed, and, no doubt, it was also introduced here in the same way. I have examined seed of amber cane and sugar sorghum obtained from the best seedsmen, and in every instance the spores of the smut were present, even although it ap- peared to be quite clean, as from the mode of hand-picking the seed and winnowing, none of the smut bodies were found. Is there any wonder, then, that the smut, from being a negligible quantity, should be gradually on the increase, when the spores are regularly sown with the seed, without any treatment ? Germination. The spores germinate readily in water. Fresh spores were taken in Feb- ruary, and in twelve hours there was vigorous germination. They retain their germinating power for a number of years, and De Bary states that Liebenberg germinated them after being in the herbarium for six and a-half years. The germination has been described by Brefeld, Clinton, Norton, and others. The spore puts forth a promycelium, which divides into three or four cells by transverse septa. Quite a feature of the promycelium is the formation of the so-called buckle or knee-joints. A short out-growth arises at the end of one or more cells, and this bends over and unites with the ad- joining end of the next cell. From these protuberances or from the end of the promycelium slender filaments of varying length grow out, called by Clinton infection threads, on account of their supposed function. Conidia are generally produced either from the tip of the promycelium or at the apex of the cells and readily fall away from their connexion. In a nutrient solution the germination was more luxuriant and the for- mation of conidia was increased. Infection. This takes place in the seedling stage, and may either occur by means of infection threads from the promycelium itself or from conidia. These threads must reach the growing tip of the plant in order to infect successfully, and that is only possible when the cells are young and tender. Whenever the young plant appears above ground it is then proof against infection. Spore Formation. A cross-section of a young infected ovary shows a central core of plant tissue or columella, a firm outer wall, and the spores between. The outer membrane is composed of a more or less distinct epidermis with a layer of fungus cells beneath, which may attain a thickness of 40 //. The spores are fully formed on the outside nearest the fungus layer and gradually become immature towards the centre. If the spores are traced from the columella they begin to be formed just outside the fibro- vascular bundles. The fungus filaments seem to have gelatinized their walls, and the protoplasmic contents Life FH'tforits of }'ar/tiiuulating to the seed is still a desideratum. The loss caused by disease in crops must be very large in the aggregate, and, as Mr. Pye' has remarked in his article on Diseases and Pests in Cereals — " If statistics could be published of the financial loss to the State, due to the ravages of fungoid and allied pests, the amount would be astounding." It is practically impit>s!ble to oljtain exact data of the loss caused by diseases 136 Field Experiments. of this nature, and estimates are only approximate, but, by giving the estimates made by responsible authorities for bunt of wheat and smut of oats alone, in certain countries, it may be brought home to the farmer what a saving would be effected by simply treating his seed in the way experience has proved to be efficacious. Crop. Disease. state. Period. Estimated Loss. Authority. Wheat Stinking smut [Tilletia levis and T. tritici) Victoria . . 1898 £ 50,000 McAlpine ,, Ohio Annual 52,083 Selby Oats .. Smut ( Ustilago avence) Kansas . . 1888 287,985 Kellerman and Swingle " ' ■ " " " 1889 177,199 Kellerman and Swingle '• 1890 189,854 Kellerman and Swingle Indiana . . 1889 166,151 Arthur 1890 126,115 Arthur ,> Michigan 1891 166,666 Harwood n 1892 208,333 Harwood „ Wisconsin 1901-3 2,812,500 Moore ,, United 1880-1890 33,845,210 Swingle States " •• " Annual 3,384,521 Swingle V. CLASSIFICATION A^D TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS. Classificatiuii. j^g CHAPTER XXII. Classification. It is often hinted, or e\enly plainly stated, that the systematic classification of Fungi is neither necessary nor useful where the object in view is to investigate diseased conditions due to parasitic fungi. It is contended that the physiology and not the morphology is the important thing, that if the life-history is clearly traced and the abnormal conditions propeiiv studied, nothing further is required for a correct diagnosis of the disease. This may be true for isolated instances, but where the diseases of plants are compre- hensively studied, and, particularly in a continent like Australia, where the fungus-fiora is not as yet too well known, I consider it to be indispensable for a proper appreciation of the nature and effects of the diseased conditions, that the nature and affinities of the organisms causing them be definitely known and defined if possible. As the President of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria remarked in his annual address for 1907 — " In a new country, until your objects have been collected in fairly large numbers, and dealt with fiom a systematic point of view, it is difficult to see on what lines to investigate the steps in their individual life-histories." In fact, until their affinities are known, comparative study is impossible. In the first place, if the parasite should happen to be a new one, it will be a guide in our investigations to know how it is related to other forms, as well as its modes of reproduction and so forth. In the next place, if it is not a new one, its exact determination will enable us to learn what is known about its habits and history, and possibly serve as a guide to some method of treatment. In the third place, when it has been determined and catalogued, it will enable the future investigator readily to know when he is dealing with the same disease, and afford him valuable hints in tracing its course. In the literature of Plant Pathology one often meets with more or less elaborate descriptions of diseases, such as a Wheat disease, a Potato disease, or a Lily disease, without a clue to the definite parasite, and in such diseases there is often a doubt as to the distribution of the disease, and where the symptoms vary somewhat there is difficulty in deciding as to its identity. When the smut of maize was first discovered in Australia, it was naturally concluded to be the corn smut common in America, and named accordingly, but when its systematic position was settled it was found to be quite a different smut, and while in some cases the determination of the fungus mav not help us much in the way of treatment, in others, where its nature and mode of attack are known, it may afford a clue of considerable value. In short, there are at least four factors to be considered in the study of any particular parasitic disease — (1) the organism which is parasitic upon the plant, (2) the plant which is attacked, (3) the predisposing causes which have favoured the entrance of the parasite into the plant, and (4) the mutual reactions of plant and parasite. The members of this group of parasitic fungi are, as a ruli'. easily recognised by the production of soot-like masses of spores, and wliilr these may be formed in any portion of the host-plant, the special parts in which they occur are usually constant for each species, and this is frequently the ovary which is thereby completely converted into a mass of spores. The reason for the ovary ])eing so often chos;Mi foi' this purpose is ]ii()i)al>]y owing to its being such a splendid situation for the dissemination of the spores. 14c Classification. It may also be chosen because it is a perfect store-house of nourishment provided bv the young embryo in a form easily assimilated, so that the parasitic fungus steps in and utiUzes for its own reproduction what was originally intended for the propagation of the species of the host-plant. The most prominent feature of the smuts is their reproductive bodies or spores, and they form the basis of our classification, taken in conjunction with their mode of formation and germination. In fact, so important a systematic character is the mode of germination of the spore that it is used to divide the group into two main divisions, and in cases where this has not been observed, there is often room for doubt as to the exact position of the species. The spore, on germination, puts forth a germinal tube, which may either divide transversely and form lateral as well as terminal conidia, or it may remain at first undivided and produce a crown of conidia at the apex. Too much stress must not be laid on the midivided germinal tube, for it is the whorl of conidia at the apex which is the distinctive feature. This is the basis of the main division of the order into the two families of JJstilaginacece. and Tilletiacece, and it shows how necessary it is for classificatory purposes to determine the mode of germination of the spore. There is general unanimity as to the division of the smuts into two families, but as to the limits of the genera there is difference of opinion. The one touches the other at so many points that there is always room for individual judgment in determining whether a genus shall be circumscribed or made to include a number of outlving forms, and what characters are to be regarded as essential. Thus Cornu^ has separated out from the genus Ustilago those forms which, instead of producing their spores more or less simultaneously, develop them in succession in spore-bearing hyphae arising from a so-called fertile stroma or persistent mycelium which surrounds a central columella, and for such species he has constituted the genus Cintractia. Wherever this feature is clearly shown of basipetal formation of the spores as in C. axicola, there, as a matter of convenience, the genus is adopted, although some would not consider it of sufficient importance to merit generic distinction. Again, in addition to a central columella, there are some forms closely allied to Ustilago which are provided with a definite fungus membrane enclosing the spores, and which opens in various ways to allow them to escape. On account of this pecuHarity, De Bary^ has placed them in the genus Sphacelotheca, as illustrated in S. hydropiperis. But the fungus membrane enveloping the spores shows every gradation from that of Sorosporium reilianum, where it is partly composed of plant cells at the base of the ovary and entirely fungus cells at the top, to that of Ustilago (Sphace- lotheca) hydropiperis, where the false membrane forms a special receptacle, splitting at the top to allow the escape of the spores. Besides, this membrane enclosing the spore-layer also occurs in species of Cintractia (C crus-galU) and Sorosporium {S. panici-miliacei) , so that the distinction is not suffi- ciently definite, in my opinion, to justify the formation of a new genus. Sometimes the plant tissues are hollowed out into cavities, and the simple spores develop there, thus constituting the monotypic genus Melanopsichium. In such a genus as Sorosporium, where the spore-balls readily separate into their constituent spores, it is not always easy to separate it from Ustilago, especially when the mode of germination is the same. In order to be certain in some cases it is necessary to examine the spores in the early stages of their formation. In Thecaphora and Tolyposporium the spore-balls are rather permanent, and it is mainly by the structure and germination of the spores that the difference is determined. Ustilagiiiacca. 141 Just as ill the family of the Tstilaginacete, the oeuus Ustilago is the startino; point for a number of distinct genera, so in the family of the TilletiacefB there are clustered around the genus Tilletia a number of distinct types. AVhile the spores are simple in Tillelia, they may unite to form permanent spore-balls as in Vrocystis, the spore-balls consisting of an envelope of sterile cells surrounding one or several fertile spores. The spore masses, instead of being powdery and erumpent, may be permanently imbedded in the tissues. When the spores are simple and scattered through the substance of the tissues, this constitutes the genus Entyloma, but in some of the species the spores have a tendency to adhere irregularly in groups. This leads up to the spores being in balls as in Doassansia, where the spore- balls have a covering of sterile cells for the fertile spores. The ten genera noted above are those which are definitely known to occur in Australia, but it will give us a wider outlook if we glance at the principal genera contained in the order as a whole. It is not so easy to settle what genera should be included in such a survey. A number have to be excluded, because they are now known to belong to other groups, and several have been proposed which are hardly sufficiently distinct from existing genera. There are altogether nineteen genera, which may be arranged according to their outstanding features — whether the spores are single or in groups, whether exposed or imbedded in the tissues, whether the spore-balls are temporary or permanent, whether there are sterile cells at the centre or circumference of the l)all, and finally the mode of formation of the spores and their oermination. USTILAGINACE/E Tul. 8ori usually forming exposed powdery or agglutinated masses. Germina- tion by means of a septate promycelium producing lateral and terminal conidia or sometimes by means of an elongated germinal tube without conidia. I. Spores, single — A. Sori powdery at maturity. 1. Ustilago. — Oermination by 1-5 celh-d promyceliuin with lateral and terminal conidia, or sometimes developing directly into a mycelium. B. Sori agglutinated at maturit}-. a. Spores developed in a basipetal manner in liyphae arising from a persistent my8 (1904). Sacc. Syll, XIV., p. 417 (1899). Sori in the leaves and leaf-sheaths, usually forming elongated ])ustules covered by the leaden-coloured cuticle which usually rujitures, exposing the mass of powdery black spores. Spores dark-brown, globose to ellipsoid, distinctly warted, 10-] 2 // diam. or 10-13 x 7-10 /', occasionally reaching a length of l~) r- 156 Ustilago. On Triodia mitchelli Beiitli. Queensland — (Bailey). Bailey kindly sent me a specimen from his Herbarium, and in an accom- panying note remarked — " I obtained it many years ago and sent samples to Berkeley and Broome, who at first named it Ustilago carbo TuL, after- wards changing it to U. secjetum Berk. In the original description of this species on Bouteloua ciUata Grisel. from the Argentine, the spores are given as 11-15 x 8-13 i-i and said to be some- what punctate. Clinton also records it on Triodia jmlcheUa H. B. and K. from Arizona, and speaks of the spores as rather obscurely cchinulate, but in the Queensland specimens they are prominently so. This is a very variable species, and in the absence of sufficient material on Triodia for fuller investigation, this particular smut will be retained here for the present. (Plate XXXI.) Polygonum. 12. Ustilago hydropiperis var. columellifera Tul. Berkeley. Journ. Linn. Soc. London XIII., p. 171 (1872). Cooke, Handb. Austr. Fung. p. 327 (1892). 8ori produced in the ovaries, the solitary ovule of each being completely transformed and replaced by the fungus ; the outer portion sharply defined and compact ; composed of spore-like barren cells, forms a distinct urn-shaped spore-receptacle, open at the top and with reflected margin, the central por<-ion projects as a dark-j)urplish body, the so-called columella, up to 4 mm. long, hollow in the centre, composed of similar cells to that of the wall, and coated with a dense mass of the violet-coloured spores. Spores purplish, oblong to ovoid, but generally subspherical, very finely echinulate, 10-13 n diam. or 11-12 x 8 / . On Polygonum minus Huds. Tasmania — Near Launceston, March, 1893 (Rodway). On Polygonum sp. Queensland — (Bailey). In the transverse section of this fungus (PI. XXXII.) towards the base of an affected ovary, the wall of the ovary is seen detached quite unaffected by the fungus. Inside, the tissue of the ovule has been entirely replaced by fungus cells, the centre being hollow. The inner colourless cells surround- ing the cavity are similar to those on the outer side, and the dark-purple ring between consists of the spores. The colourless cells readily separate from each other and are subspherical, differing from the spores in having generally a thicker wall, which is not echinulate. The spores gradually merge into them on either side, and they are, in all probability, immature spores. When fully developed, the outer wall splits at the top, forming an urn-shaped recep- tacle, while the central portion elongates as the columella carrying some of the spores with it. The species of Avhich the above is considered a variety was made the type of a new genus by I)e Bary, and named by him Sphacelotheca mainly on account of the distinct spore-receptacle formed of fungus cells, but also because of the central columella and the differentiation of the spore-layer into sterile I'sfilago. 157 and fertile cells. The developiuent of this species, as described by l)e l^>arv, will show so clearly the nature and origin of the different parts that it will be given briefly before discussing the necessity for a new genus. When the ovule is fully formed, the hyphae pass through the flower-stalk into the ovary and reach the ovule through its funicle or stalk. There the parasite penetrates the tissue to such an extent that the ovule is replaced by a compact mass of densely interwoven hyphae with gelatinous walls. The fungus is confined entirely to the ovule, and becomes differentiated into a thick colourless outer wall, a central axile cylinder or columella, and be- tween the two a dense mass of violet-coloured spores. The base of the ovule remains undifferentiated, and there new hyphae are constantly being formed which add to the height of the parts already formed and consequently give them a cylindrical form. The fully-formed wall consists of several layers of minute round cells, similar in size to the spores and produced in the same way fi'om the hyjjliae of the primary tissue, but with a colourless membrane. The columella has generally the structure of the wall, and the spores are developed around the columella in a dense ring about equidistaiit from the centre and circum- ference. The wall of the ovary is not attacked by the fungus, and does not follow the growth of the spore-receptacle so that it is soon ruptured. The wall of the spore-receptacle itself is very fragile and readily bursts at the top to allow the escape of the spores. The development and germination of the spores are the same as in Ustilago, the compact mass of much-branched spore- bearing filaments having gelatinous Avails as in that genus. It will be seen from this description that the species differs considerably from that of any other Ustilago, particularly in the distinct spore-receptacle made up of fungus cells, but there are various gradations in the formation of a fungus membrane enclosing the spores in different species, and the difficulty is where to draw the line. The presence of a central columella is also not uncommon, although it is often composed chiefly of the plant-tissues, and the differentiation of similarly produced cells into colourless sterile cells, and coloured fertile cells is foui\d in various other species of Ustilago, such as U. cruenta, Cintractia as ('. leucoderma, and Sorosporium as S. panici-nnhacei, so that the presence of a fungus membrane enclosing the spores cannot be regarded as of generic value. While there is a general resemblance in this variety to the type species which has already been recorded on Poh/c/oDum minus in other parts of the world, yet there is sufficient distinction, perhaps, to make it worthy of being classed as a variety. The cylindrical projecting columella is very characteristic, and, on comparing the spores with those from U. hi/dro pi peris in Rab. Fung. Eur. No. 2<)0l, they are slightly sniidler. (Plate XXXII.) ( '(irc.r. 1:3. Ustilago olivacea (DC.) Tul. Tulasne, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III.. Vol. VIT.. p. 88 (1847). Brefeld, Untcrs. Gesammt. Mvk. \'.. p. 1l'9 (1883). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. iM (1888). Ustilago catenata LudwiiX. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. III., j). 139 (1893). 8oi'i only j)roduced in some of the ovaries of the inflorescence, often more or less concealed at first by the perigynium ; olive-brown spore-masses, firmly agglutinated at first ; finalh' more or less powdery and intermixed with conspicuous filaments. 158 I'sfilagfl. Spores olive-brown, variable in size and shape, often arranged in chain-like rows and accompanied by long hyaline filaments, sub- spherical to ellipsoid or oblong to linear, densely warted, 6-7 /' diam. when subspherical, and 7-13 x 4-(U /' when elongated. In spikes of Carex fseudo-cyperus L. Tasmania — Huon, Dec, 1894 (Kodway). South Australia — Mount Lofty Eange, 1893 (Tepper). A specimen was sent to Ludwig from South Australia hy Tepper on a host-plant supposed to be Cyperus lucidus R. Br. He determined the smut as a new species {U. catenata) but recognised it as being closely allied to U. olivacea. Ludwig kindly forwarded me some of the original material, and it was evidently the same as U. olivacea, but I presume Ludwig was mainly influenced in making it a new species from being found apparently on a dif- ferent genus of host-plant. On submitting the plant to L. Rodway, F.L.S., he determined it as unmistakably Carex pseudo-cijperus, so that I have made Ludwig's species a synonym. Spsgazzoni had already recorded it on this species from the Argentine Republic, but Saccardo made it a variety — pseudocyperi — on account of the spores being 6-12 x 6-10 //. We found no spores as broad as this, and have retained the original species. This smut is confined to species of Carex and chiefly those which grow under damp conditions. Only a few of the ovaries of a spike are affected, but the rain readily spreads the spores over the parts beneath. It is easily recognised, not only from the olivaceous tint over- spreading the spike, but from the tufts of filaments which project from the ovaries which are attacked, and it is this peculiarity chiefly Avhich has attracted a considerable amount of attention to this species. Among the irregularly twisted web of filaments there are two kinds to be distinguished — those which produce the spores and those which remain barren. The spore-pro- ducing filaments show the formation of spores at various stages. At first the filaments exhibit swellings quite close to one another, like a string of beads or a series of knots, then cross-partitions are formed separating each swelling, the contents of which becomes a spore. There are other filaments, however, which are sterile and do not form spores, but are mixed up with the spores like the filaments composing the capillitium in the Puff-balls. How these filaments originate and Avhat is their function has not been explained, but probably they serve in some way to scatter the spores over a wide area. The characteristic elongated spores are usually found in chains from the mode of their formation. Germination. — ^This has l^een determined bv BrefekU both in water and in a nutritive solution. The spores germinate readily in water after a few hours, putting forth an exceedingly fine germinal tube, which elongates and then becomes detached as a conidium. In the case of small spores this com- pleted the germination, but with large spores a second conidium is formed. The detached germinal tube gave rise to a secondary conidium and ended there. In a nutrient solution the spore germinated as before, only giving rise to a succession of conidia, each of which when detached produced a secondary conidium, or several might remain attached to the spore and bud, but large colonies were never formed. It will be seen from this description that there is, strictly speaking, no germinal tube, it is unicellvdar and does not differ from the conidium directly proceeding from it. Hence the only means of multiplication is by sprouting conidia. (Plate XXIX.) Ustilago. 159 Sctaria. 14. Ustilago pertusa Tr. and Eaile. Tracv and E-irle, Bull. Torr. Rot. ('lul). p. IT.-) (189.-)). Saccl Syll. XIV., p. 415 (1899). Sori ill ovaries, hird, compact, black, finally pulvinato. Spores small, globose, brownish, epispore covered with piominciit irregular spikes, very constant in size, 5-1) /' diam. On Setaria macrostachya H. B. and K. Queensland— 1890 (Bailey). In the original description, the host is given as S. macrochaeta, but this is evidently a misprint, as this grass does not occur in Australia. In U. viridis Ell. and Ev. the spores are slightly smaller, and form a yel- lowish-green coat on the outside of the seeds. Ddiilhoiiia. l.j. Ustilago reader! Sydow (in letter 1905). Ustila/o a/wp>jn' McAlp. Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, p. 154 (189(5). ■ Sori in stems, leaves, and ovaries, black, pulverulent, usually destroying entire inflorescence, at first enclosed by the leaf-sheaths Avhen in ovaries, ultimately exposed and the spores dissipated, leaving the rachis bare or with the glumes still attached. Spores dark-brown, globose to ellipsoid, apparently smooth hut delicately echinulate, 10-13 m diam. or 11-14 x 8-11 /'. On Danthonia fznicillata F. v. M. — Wallaby grass. Victoria— Burnley and Ardmona, Oct., 1892 (Robinson). Dim- boola, Nov., 1892 (Reader). Myrniong, Dec, 1900 and 1908 (Brittlebank). Kergunvah and Killara, Nov., 1902 (Robinson). Casterton, Dec, 1905" (Reader). Darebin Creek, Oct., 190(i (C. French, jun.). Cheltenham, Oct., 1906 (Robinson). Emerald, Nov., 1906 (McLennan). Camberwell, Dec, 1907, Oct. and Nov., 1908 (C. French, jun.). Rainbow, Oct., 1908. Plenty Ranges, Nov., 19 9 (C. French, jan.^ Angustown, Dec. 1909. New South Wales— Penshurst, Nov., 1908 (Cheel). South Australia— Port Elliot, Nov.. 19()I (Summers). Blumberg, Nov., 1904 (Tepper). Tasmania— Huon River, Jan., 1903 (Rodway). Ifoharf. -Ian.. !906 (Rodway). Devonport, Jan., 190') (Rol)inson). On Danthonia sp. Victoria— Carombv, Oct.. 1889 (Teppi-i). Wliittle.sea Ranges. Nov.. 1898 (C. French, jun.) U. danlhoniae Kalch. is (|uit(' distinct since the s])ores are given as 36 /( diam. I'his snpt is not at iiU uiicammon on DnMth.oiiia. attacking thi> leaves and stems as well as the inflorescence, and it has, unfortunately, received a variety of names. The earliest specimen, found in Victoria in 1889. was sent through Tepper to Professor Saccardo-, who deterjnined it as Ustilnqo Icuco- derma Berk. Berkeley's species was characterized liy being clothed exter- nally with a white rugged crust, and was afterwards found to be a Cintractia and named C. leucoderma (Berk.) P. Henn.'^ It has been found on Ri/ucho- sfora aurea Vahl. in Viutoria, but it i- (jiiite distinct from the smut on Dan- thonia. i6o Usiilago. Then in 1892 Massee determined a specimen sent from Victoria bv Reader on Danfhonia penicillnM as TJstUaqo destruens Schieclit., and the same species had been previously recorded on Danthonia by Coolie^. Finally, in 1896*, I described what was really the present species under the name of U. agrofyri, as there was a mixture of material of Agropyron and Danthonia which was afterwards separated out. It simply remains now to compare this species Avith that of TJ . destruens Schlecht. = U. pamci-miliacei (Pers.) Wint. = Sprosporiiini 'panici-miliacei (Pars.) Takahashi. As Takahashi^ has clearly shown the species referred to by Massee is a Sorosporium and not an Ustilago, the spore-balls being rather evanescent at maturity. The smut pustules are covered by the epidermis of the host with a layer of sterile hyphae in close contact and fibro -vascular bundles traverse the pustule together with hyphal strands. The external appearance as well as sections of U. readeri clearly show how distinct this species is. On the stem it forms elongated bJister-like swellings, and the leaden-coloured epidermis soon raptures to allow the escape of the spores. It sometimes completely surrounds the stem which is longitudinally furrowed as the swollen epidermis bursts and exposes the spores. A cross-section of the stem shows the hollow cavity in the centre, and in the plant tissue immediately beneath the epidermis scattered patches of spores are developed. Sometimes these isolated patches blend here and there and form a larger one, and finally the epidermis is elevated and ruptured to allow of the escape of the spores. A cross-section of the axis of inflorescence shows the central core of plant tissue either solid or with a small cavity, and surrounding that the patches of spores are developed, so numerous and so close together, that they ultimately form a dense continuous mass, covered by the epidermis until it is ruptured. A cross-section of the ovary shows the central vascular bundles comple- tely surrounded by dense masses of spores. The spore-forming hyphae have evidently penetrated the larger vessels as they are seen to be filled with spores at different stages of development, and finally the entire tissue of the ovary would be replaced by spores. Germination. — The spores germinated readily in water and also very luxuriantly in Cohn's modified solution. Fresh spores and spores one year old readily germinate, but when the material is two years old only an occa- sional spore germinates. It is one of the easiest sjDores to germinate, and if not too old can always be relied upon to do so in a few hours. Spores taken from Danthonia psniciUata F. v. M., collected in December, 1905, germinated in July, 1906, and also in December of the same year. The germinating spores figured (PL LIII., Figs. 203, 204, 205) are from Danthonia penicillata collected in December, 1908, and they were germinated at once. The spores when germinated in water put forth in a few hours a straight promycelium which at first is non-septate (PL LIII., Fig. 203). Then it elongates and becomes divided by several septa, when it may either produce conidia (PL LIII., Fig. 204) or elongate further (PL LIII., Fig. 205). The conidia are produced laterally and termin- ally, only a few lateral and one apical. They are colourless, cylin- drical, rounded at the ends, 6-9 /.t long, and may or may not be attached by a short sterigma. Only occasionally one produces another by budding while still attached. The promycelium, however, may and often does forego the formation of conidia. It grows out at the apex of the septate portion or Ustilago. i6i laterally or even direct from the spore as a slender, elongated, more or less wavy filament, which may reach a length of 200-300 p. At first it is non- septate, but afterwards becomes septate and even branched. The spore may give rise to two promycelia, one being usually shorter than the other. Spores immersed in liquid do not germinate as readily as those floating on the surface. Thus, after 18 hours on one occasion, the spores in the water had failed to germinate, while by simply altering the focus and examining the spores on the surface, they were all found, with very few exceptions, to have germinated. This germination at the surface was in various stages. Some had just put forth a short, slender, simple promycelium ; others had produced an elongated, septate promycelium ; and still others had put forth slender branches from the segments of the promycelium. In some cases the septate promycelium tapered out into a long wavy filament, and when the liquid began to dry up, these filaments became exceedingly long and exceed- ingly wavy, and ultimately became detached. (Plates XVIIL, XXXI., LIII.) Stenotaphnim. 16. Ustilago stenotaphri McAlp. McAlpine, Agr. Gaz., New South Wales, Vol. VI., p. 758 (1895). Sacc. Syll. XIV., p. 415 (1899). Sori on stem and leaves, giving them a blackened appearance as if charred, compact, completely surrounding part attacked, which is usually the younger growth. Spores dark-brown, subglobose to ellipsoid or irregular, smooth, 16-17 X 10-13 p. On Stenotaphrum glabrum Tr'in. (Buffalo grass) = S. americanum Schrank. Victoria— Kew, June, 1890 (Ralph). There is another smut affecting Buffalo-grass, but it occurs in the sjjike- lets, and the spores are only 5-9 /< in length. This is U. affinis Ell. and Ev., but it was also named U. stenotaphri by P. Hennings (1898) and Massee (1899) respectively. The host-plant is frequently regarded as an introduced grass, but it is a true native of Australia, as well as of America. (Plate XXXII.) Amphipogon , Xeurachtie. 17. Ustilago tepperi Ludw. Ludwig, Bot. Centr. 341 (1889). Sori in stem and flowers, black, powdery, destroying the parts affected. Spores globose or shortly ellipsoid, brown, papillate or rather aculeate, 12-17 /.i diam. On Amphipocjon strictus R. Br. and Neurachne ahpecuroides R. Br. South Australia — Torrens Gorge and Highbury Scrub (Tepper). I could not obtain a specimen of this smut, and have never met with a smut of any kind on either of these hosts. 1 62 Ustilago. Polygonum. 18. Ustilago utriculosa (Nees) Tul. Tulasiie, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III., p. 102 (1847). Cooke, Hanclb. Austr. Fung., p. 326 (1892). Brefeld, Unters. Gesammt. Mvk. XII., p. 139 (1895). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 476, (1888). Sori inside floral envelopes, causing the blossoms to become swollen, dark-violet to purplish, powdery. Spores globose or subglobose, occasionally elHpsoid, transparent, violet, reticulated with verv high ridges which form meshes 2-3 jx wide, 10-13 /» diam. or 11-13 x 8-11 /.. On Polygonum minus Huds. Victoria^ — Near Melbourne, June, 1884 (Reader). Tambo River, Feb. (National Herbarium). Casterton, Dec, 1908 (Reader). Queensland— (Bailey, No. 59). On Polygonum frostratum., R. Br. victoria— Dimboola, March, 1898 (Reader). On Polygonum hydropiper L. Victoria— Tinandra, May, 1909 (Whittekers). The Queensland specimen was labelled Sphacelotheca hydropiperis. The swelling of the ovaries and the dark purple spore-masses are very characteristic. Spore formation. — A cross-section of the ovary shows that the spores originate from hyphae adjoining the vascular bundles, where they are seen as minute colourless specks, gradually acquiring a round form and a netted epispore, with the development of a violet colouration. Germination. — This has been described and illustrated by Brefeld^. The spores do not germinate, as a rule, in the autumn when they are formed, but in the following summer, after lying on damp earth. In water they pro- duce a triseptate promycelium, which soon gives rise to lateral and terminal elliptical conidia. These become detached and again produce smaller conidia without further development. In a nutritive solution, there is a more luxuriant formation of conidia, with unlimited capacity for sprouting in a yeast-like manner. Neither fusion of the conidia nor their germination has been observed. Spores from a specimen of Polygonum hydropiper L., obtained in May, were placed in tap Avater towards the end of September. In two days they germinated freely, and in three days the great majority had germinated. The promycelium was generally three septate, 3-4 /t broad, and branches were frequently produced beneath the septa, the terminal segment often giving rise to a slender elongated filament. Conidia were produced both laterally and terminally, but the formation of branches from the segments of the pro- mycelium was more common. They generally arose from the basal and terminal segments and reached a length of 60 f/, while the promycelium itself was only 16 ^i on an average. (Plate XXXII. Mclaiiopsicliiui}).. 163 MELANOPSICHIUM Beck. Mycelium intermixed with tlie diseased plant tissues, which arc hollowed out into cavities, containing the spore-bearing gelatinous hyphae. Sori on various parts of the host, forming compact, hard, conspicuous, gall-like masses, black when cut across, and the galls consisting of a mixture of plant tissue and hyphae. Spores single, as inUstilago, and germination similar, developed in cavities of various shapes and sizes, which are sometimes confluent. There is only a single species of this genus known, which was formerly placed under Ustilago. It was originally found in South America and now in the United States and Australia. The development of the spores in cavities, the walls of which consist of the plant tissues and the mycelium intermixed, is the characteristic feature of the genus. Australian species, 1. 'Pohjqonum. 19, Melanopsichium austro-americanum (Speg.) Beck. Beck, Ann. K. K. Natur. Hofmus. Wien. p. 22 (1894). Sacc. Syll. VII., p. 457 (1888). Ustilaqo austro-americana Speg. Fung. Argent., pug. 4, No. 45 (1881) Forming compact, hard, rough, lobed, oblong, ruddy-brown galls around joints of stem, up to 1 cm. in size, black when cut across. The gall consists of the various tissues of the stem — epidermis, cortex, and fibro-vascular bundles — for the most part hollowed out into cavities which are the sori. Sori of various shapes and sizes, generally marked off by definite tissue, round to oval or oblong, adjoining one another and sometimes con- fluent ; ranging from 70 /i long w^hen young up to 500 /< or more when mature. Spores olivaceous, ellipsoid to ovate, prominently echinulate, 10-14 X 7-8 II. On Polygonum sp. Queensland — Near Brisbane, April, 1879 (Bancroft). The spores are developed in gelatinous hyphae which deliquesce and set free the spores in the cavity. As the sori are completely surrounded by the outer tissues of the stem, the spores can only escape by the decay of the tissue, or by the absorption of water and the oozing out of the ripe spores. Only a single species of this genus has, so far, been known, and although in the United States specimens the sori were chiefly in the inflorescence, and in South America, where it was first found, chiefly on the leaves, yet the general characters of this specimen agree so well with the type, that I have no hesita- tion in referring it to the same species. A specimen examined from Clinton's Ustilaginese C. 35, on Polygonum lapatJiifolium had the same characters. This Queensland specimen was given by Cooke in his Handbook of Australian Fungi as Ustilago emodensis Berk. Berkeley founded this species on a single specimen from Tonglo, in the Sikkim Himalaya, 10,000 feet high, and he described it as forming a lobed tubercle ; spores ovate or elliptic, deep lilac, smooth, very minute, traversed G 2 164 Mdanopsicliiitm — Cintraciia. by radiating forking threads. Then Cooke supplemented this description later by giving the size of the spores as 12-15 yi diam. and their surface is described as delicately rugulose. There is no trace of lilac in the spores of the Queensland specimen, which is, however, at least a quarter of a century old, nor of the bifurcating filaments. The original determination of this species as Ustilago emodensis Berk. was made by Mr. Broome, as the following note from Mr. Bailey will show : — " My only specimen of Ustilago emodensis was given to me by the late Dr. Joseph Bancroft, who found it on Polygonum sp. at Kelvin Grove, Three- mile Scrub near Brisbane, April, 1879. It was determined by the late Mr. Broome." Massee^ has made Ustilago treuhii Solms. a synonym of U. emodensis Berk., but it has certainly no relation to the Queensland specimen. Dr. Treub kindly sent me specimens from Java on Polygonum chinense, and they show the clustered outgrowths, up to 1 inch long, forming a swollen head like a Cantharellus. The swollen head splits across and allows the escape of the violet-tinted spores, which are globose to ellipsoid, very delicately echinulate and 7-8 /w diam. or 7-8 x 5-6 /l/. Dieted describes them as smooth and only 4 i-i diam. The arrangement of the spores and their size and colour are altogether different to those of Melanopsichium. On forwarding photographs of Melanopsichium austro-americanum and Ustilago treuhii to the director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, he courteously replied — "that an examination of the original specimen of Ustilago emodensis Berk, had been made. The plant proves to be very different from Bailey's Queensland plant, having spores irregularly globose, violet, thick-walled, almost smooth, and measuring 5-7 ^1 diam. Ustilago treuhii Solms. (Exsicc. No. 56) has also been examined and it is, as stated by Mr. Massee, practically identical with Berkeley's species." Germination. — This has been described and figured by Norton-. He says — " It begins in water after a day or two and proceeds slowly. The promycelia are small and slender, frequently branched, and irregular in shape. Conidia few." (Plate XXXIII.) CINTRACIIA Cornu. Mycelium usually persistent in the diseased parts, with a compact gelatinous base from which spore-bearing filaments arise, in which the spores are successively differentiated from the inside outwards. Sori on various parts of the host, forming a compact usually firmly agglutinated spore-mass, generally surrounding a central columella of plant tissue. Spores single, as in Ustilago, and germination the same, or only slightly modified. This genus was named by Cornu after a distinguished French botanist called Cintract. It is not always recognised as distinct from Ustilago, but the distinction lies in the spores remaining firmly agglutinated and compact for a considerable time, while the spores themselves are developed successively