LIBRARY OF 9: m Kip mm. m: i^- ^^f ^•^'^iT 5i^Wf,r- THE FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA, INCLUDING CEYLON AND BUEMA Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. edited by lt.-col. c. t. bingham. EHYNCHOTA. -Vol. IV. HOMOPTERA and APPENDIX (PU BY W. L. DISTANT. LONDON: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET 8TREET. CALCUTTA AND SIMLA : THACKEE, SPINK, & CO. BURMA : MYLES STANDI8H & CO., RANGOON. BOMBAY : THACKEE & CO., LIMITED. BERLIN : E. FRIEDLANDEE & SOHN, 11 CAELSTEA8SE. 1908, AlEEE I FUIMMAM. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCTi KKn I. ION COURT, FLF.F.T STREKT. PREFACE. This the fourth volume of the Rhynchota in the ' Fauna of British India' series deals with the Membracidae, Cer- copidse, and Jassidse^ the last a most obscure family of Homoptera, and the Appendix (which has been commenced) includes such species of the Pentatoraidse_, Coreidse, and Berytidse as have been added to the Indian Fauna since the publication in 1902 of Vol, I. of the Rhynchota. The arrangement and classification of the Indian Jassidse has been a most arduous task, as so little pioneer work had been done heretofore in this obscure group. It is hoped, however, that the arrangement adopted, though it may here- after be subjected to revision, will fulfil the primary object to which all the volumes of the ' Fauna of British India ' series are directed, viz. that of enabling students of Natural History in India to recognize and identify the forms of animal life they meet with in the course of their collecting. C. T. BINGHAM. London, July 1908. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Order RIIYNCHOTA 1 Suborder Homoptera 1 Fam. 3. Membhacid^ 1 Subfam. 1. Memhracince Div. 1. Oxyrhachisaria . . 3 1 . Oxyrhacbis, Germ 3 1. tarandus, Fabr 4 2. subjecta, Walk 5 3. rudis, Walk 5 4. palus, Buckt 6 5. uncatus, Melich 6 0. crinitus, Buckt 7 2. Oxyrhacbidia, Melich. . . 8 1. inermis, Stal 8 3. Xipbistes, Stal 8 ' 1. imicolor, Walk 9 1 Subfam. 2. Centrotince Page 9 Div. 1. Ilypsaucbeniaria. 10 1. llypsaucbenia, ^enn 10 l.hardwickijr. XeV%.. 10 2. subfusca, Buckt 11 3. unciuata, Stal 12 4. gibbosa, Dist. ...... 12 2. Hybanda, 13 1.' anodonta, Buckt 13 3. Maguva, Melich 14 1. horrida, Melich 14 Div. 2. Micreunaria 14 1. Leptobelus, Stdl 15 1. dama, Germ 15 2. gazella, Fairm IG 2. Maarbarus, Dist 16 1. bubalus, Kirby 17 2. cinctus, Buckt 17 3. Teliugana, Z>^s^ 17 1. curvispina, Stdl 18 2. paria, Fairm 18 3. canescens, Buckt 19 4. capistrata, Dist 19 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page •'i. decipiens, Kirby 20 B. flavipes, Kirby' 20 7. imitator, Kirby 21 8. pallipes, Stdl 22 4. Parapogon, Dist 22 1. kandyiaua, Dist 22 0. Batlioutha, Bist 23 1. indicans, Walk 23 Div. 3. Acanthopliyesaria 24 1. Dograna, Dist 24 1. suffulta, Dist 24 2. Indicopleustes, Dist 25 1. albomaculatus, Dist. . . 25 2. curvatus, Melich 26 3. Acanthophyes, iS^a/ 26 1. capra, Fabr 26 Div. 4. Leptocentraria . . 27 1. Leptocentrus, Stdl 28 1. taurus, Fabr '2^ 2. substitutus, Walk 29 3. reponens, Walk 30 4. leucaspis, Walk 30 5. luephistoplieles, Biickt. 31 6. loiigispinus, Dist 31 7. ustus, BucU 32 8. iusignis, Dist 32 2. Nilautaina, Dist , . . . 32 1. typica, Dist 32 3. Centrotypus, Stdl ...... 33 1. flexuosus, Fabr 33 2. assameusis, Fairm. . . 34 3. securis, Btickt 34 4. ortus, Dist 35 5. fiavescens, Dist 35 6. asmodeus, Dist 36 7. ater, Buckt 36 4. Emphusis, Buckt 36 1. malleus, Walk 37 5. Periaman, Dist 37 1. flavolineatus, Buckt. . . 38 2. pyi'opinus, Dist 38 6. Otinotus, Buckt 39 1. ammon, Buckt 39 2. pallipes, Dist 40 3. rufescens, Dist 40 4. oneratus, Walk 40 5. pallescens, Dist 41 6. elongatus, Dist 41 Page Pogoii, Buckt 42 1. incurvatiim, Buckt. . . 42 2. atricoxis, Kirby 43 3. cupreum, Kirby 43 4. am-iculatiim, Stal .... 44 5. ferrugineum, Melich. . . 44 Div. 5. Centrotusaria .... 45 1. Centrotus, Fabr 46 1. indicatus, Melich 46 2. graniilatus, Kirby .... 46 3. bioculatus, Kirby .... 47 4. ramosus, Dist 47 5. aiigustulus, Melich. . . 48 6. transversus, Dist 48 2. Anchon, Buckt 49 1. pilosum. Walk 49 2. idniforme, Buckt 50 3. echinatum, Dist 51 4. rectangulatum, Kirby . 51 5. dirce, Btickt 52 6. brevis, Dist 52 3. Tricentrus, Stdl 53 1. gibbosulus. Walk 53 2. congestus, Walk 54 3. projectus, Dist 55 4. bicolor, Dist 55 5. subangulatus, Dist. . . 55 6. albomaculatus, Dist. . . 56 7. cuneatus, Dist 56 8. selemis, Buckt 57 9. assameusis, Dist 57 10. decoratus, Dist 58 11. fairmairei, Stdl 58 Div. 6. Gargararia 59 1. Ebbul, Dist 59 1. vaiius. Walk 59 2. Gargara, Amy. S,- Serv. . . 60 1. piceola, Melich 60 2. robusta, Dist 61 3. affinis, Dist 61 4. majuscula, Dist 61 5. apicata, Melich 62 6. tumida, Melich 62 7. ferrugata, Melich 62 8. citrea, Dist 63 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 9. sericea, Dist 63 10. trinotata, Dist 63 11. myitlas, Dist 64 12. sikhimensis, Dist 64 13. rivulata, Dist 64 14. mixta, Buckt 65 1-5. ilavolineata. Dist 65 16. delimitata, Dist 66 17. alboapicata, Dist 66 I'ogontypus, Dist 67 1. complicatus, Melich. . . 67 2. horvathi, Dist 67 Machaerotypus, Uhler. ... 68 1. incultus, Melich 68 2. discretus, Melich 69 Demanga, Dist 69 1. sooknana, Dist 69 Div. 7. Coccosterpliusaria 70 1. Coccosterphus, Stal .... 70 1. mimitus, Fabr 71 2. decoloratus; Dist 71 3. tuberculatus, Motsch. . . 72 4. obscurus, Dist 73 5. mucronicoUis, Motsch.. 73 2. Yasa, Dist 74 1 . greeni, Dist 74 3. Kanada, Dist 74 1 . irvinei, Dist 75 4. Hemiptyclia crux, Li?m. . . 75 5. Scaplnila semiatra, Fairm. 76 Dartlmla, Kirk 77 1. hardwicki, Gray 78 Fam. 4. CKU00PiD.a5 79 Subfam. 1. Macharotina'. .... 79 1. Machserota, Burm 80 1. ensifera, Burm 80 2. guttigera, Westw 81 3. spangbergi, Sign 82 4. punctulata, Sign 83 5. andamaneiisis, Dist. . . 83 6. flavolineata, Dist 83 7. ])laniti8e, Dist 84 2. Machseropsi.s, Melich 84 1. valida, Melich 84 Subfani. 2. Aphrojjhorivn' . . 85 1. Poophiliis, St(°l 86 1. costalis, Walk 86 2. Ptyelus, St. Fmy. S^- Serv * 87 1. nebulosus, Fahr 88 2. afRiiis, Dist 88 3. prtefractus, Dist 89 4. hirsutus, Kirhy 89 6. sulcatus, Dist 90 6. majusculiis, Dist 90 7. inconspicuu.*, Dist. . . 90 8. sexvittatus, Walk. . . 91 9. subfasciatus, Walk. . 91 10. declaratus, Melich. . . 92 11. pallidus, Melich. . 92 3. Clovia, Stai 93 1. conifer, Walk 93 2. puncta, Walk 94 3. bipunctata, Kir by .... 94 4. lineaticollis, Motsch. . . 95 5. margheritas, Dist 95 6. signata, Dist 96 7. andamanensis, Dist. . . 96 8. roepstorffi, Dist 97 9. humeralis, Kirby .... 97 4. Lepyronia, Amy. '^^ Serv. 97 1. picta, Melich 98 5. Thoodzata, Dist 98 1. pvinceps, Dist 99 6. Apiirophora, Germ 99 1. bisigiiata, Dist 100 2. burmanica, Dist 100 3. brachycepbala, Dist. . . 101 4. bimaculata, Dist, . . . 101 5. nancyae, Dist ] 01 6. moorei, Dist 102 7. cognata, Dist 102 8. sigillifeia, Walk 103 9. deserta, Melich 103 7. Jenibrana, Dist 104 1. buprestioides, Dist. . . 104 2. montana, Dist 105 3. ornata, Dist 105 8. Souuama, Dist 105 1. imprimis, Dist 106 9. Mandesa, Dist 106 1. amplificata, Dist 106 10. Daha, Dist 107 1 . arietaria, Di.^t 107 11. PliiLigra, Stdl 107 1. fiisiformis, Wall- 108 2. dissimilis, Dist 109 SYSTEMATIC INDEX, Page Subfam. 3. Cercopince 109 1. Rhinastiia, Kirby HO 1. bicolor, Kirbij 11 1 2. Callitettix, Sm Ill 1. braconoides, Walk. . . Ill 2. contigua, Walk 112 3. pi-oxima, Walk 112 4. versicolor, Fabr 113 3. Abidama, Dist 114 1. producta, Walk 114 2. rufula Dist 114 4. Caloscarta, Bredd llo 1. capitata, Stdl 115 5. Eoscarta, Bredd 115 1. semirosea, Walk. ... 116 2. borealis, JDist 116 3. nilgiriensis, Dist 117 4. apicata, Dist 117 5. atricapilla, Dist 117 6. illuniinata, Dist 117 C. Phymatostetha, Stil .... 118 1. circumducta, Walk. . . 118 2. stali, Butl. 119 3. hilaris, Walk 119 4. rengma, Dist 120 5. na.ngln,Dist 120 6. pudica, Walk 121 7. signifera, Walk 121 8. dubitabilis, Walk 122 9. stellata, Guer 123 10. sema, Dist 123 11. dorsivitta, Walk 124 12. triseriata, Butl 125 13. binotata, Dist 125 14. karenia, Dist 120 15. pudens, Walk 126 16. basiclava, Walk 127 17. lydia, Stal 127 18. descbampsi, Leth. . . . 128 7. Cosmoscarta, Stal 128 1. beroina, Dist 129 2. montana, Dist 130 3. nagasana, Dist 130 4. decisa, Walk 130 5. trigona, Walk 131 6. metaUica, Dist 131 7. macgillivrayi, Dist. . . 132 8. pictilis, Stdl 133 9. minor, Atkins 133 10. sbillongana, Dist 133 11. margberitfe, -D/s^ 134 12. castanea, Dist 134 Page 13. ducens, Walk 135 14. egens, Walk 135 15. elengantula, Butl 136 16. dimidiata, Dall 136 17. zonaria, Dist 137 18. tboracica, Dist 138 19. taprobanensis, Atkins. . 138 20. incoaspicua, Butl 139 21. andamana, Dist 139 22. inclusa, Walk 140 23. greeni, Atkins 140 24. samudra, Dist 141 25. nycteis, Jacobi 141 26. nigTofasciata, ^^Z;»is. . . 141 27. pallida, Walk 142 28. naiteara, Dist 142 29. relata, Dist 143 30. raja, Dist 143 31. rotundata, Walk 144 32. putamara, Dist 144 33. tenuanti, Dist 145 34. flora, Dist 146 35. dorsalis, Walk 146 36. bispecularis, White . . 147 37. dorsimacula, Walk. . . 147 38. fictilis, Butl 148 39. septempuuctata, Walk. 148 40. menaca, Dist 149 41. trimacula, Walk 149 42. tnco\o\;St.Farg.St-Serv. 150 43. basiuotata, Butl 151 44. siamensis, Butl 151 45. prouotalis, Dist 151 46. fulviceps, Dall 152 47. moorei, Dist 152 48. fuscipennis, St. Farq. S^- Serv "... 153 49. leoniua, Dist 153 50. aiRnis, Atkins 154 51. luneralis, Butl 154 52. nigra, Atkins 155 53. hyalinipennis, Dist. . . 155 54. viridans, Guer 155 i)5. masoni, Dist 1 56 Fani. 5. Jassidve 157 Subfam. 1. Ledrince 158 1. T\Um&,Stal 159 1. planata, Fabr 160 SYSTEiUATlC INDEX. Page 2. acutangulata, Dist. . . Kil 3. assamensis, Dist Kil 4. cuneata, Dist 162 2. Petalocephala, Sm 162 1. subaquila, Dist 163 2. hearsay!, Dist 163 3. cultellifera, Walk. . . 164 4. conica, Walk 164 5. confusa, Dist 164 6. glauca, Melich 165 7. imiformis, Dist 16o 8. umbrosa, Dist 165 9. chlorocepbala, Walk. . . 166 10. latifroiis, Walk 166 11. bornei, JDist 166 12. bicolor, Dist 167 13. insignis, Dist 167 14. perductMlis, liirlji/ .... 168 15. nigriliiiea, Walk 168 16. tabalata, Z)?5^ 169 17. bracbycepbala. Dist. , . 170 18. remota, Melich 170 ^9. walken, Melich 170 3. Ledra, Fabr 171 1. seiTulata, Fabr 171 2. intermedia, Dist 172 3. dorsalis, Walk 172 4. sublata, Dist 173 5. mutica, Fabr 173 6. dilatata, Walk 174 7. cingralensis, Dist 175 PaKi! 0. atkinsoiji, Lcth 18(5 4. cljpealis, Lcth 187 5. scutellatus, Dist 187 6. unimaculatus, Melich. . 188 7. subopacus, Motsch. . . 188 8. astutus, Melich 189 2. Balocba, Dist 189 1. ivicoloi; Dist 189 3. Bytboscopus, Germ 190 1. cbloropbana, Me/ic/t. . . 191 2. piceatus, Dist 191 3. pulvereus, Dist 192 4. rubrofrontalis, Dist. . . 192 4. Cbunra, Dist 193 1. puncticosta, Walk 193 5. Agallia, Curtis 194 1. plotina, Dist 194 2. atvoveuosa, Melich. . . 195 3. biplagiata, Melich 196 4. qnndv'motKtu, Melich. . . 197 6. Moonia, Dist 197 1. sancita, Disi 198 7. Busonia, Dist 198 1. amentata, Dist 199 2. iiidica, Leth 199 Siibfam. 3. TettiyonielliiKe 200 8. rugosa, Walk . 175 1 . Tettigoniella, Jacobi . . . 201 9. puiictulata, Melich. . 175 1. ferruginea, Fabr. . . . . 202 4. Chatura, Dist . 176 2. iudistincta, Walk. . . . . 203 1. nigella, Dist . 176 3. leopardina, Dist. . . . . 204 5. Ezrana, Dist . 177 4. illustris, Dist . 204 1. pygmaea, Dist . 177 5. kotagiriensis, Dist. . . 206 6. Confucius, Dist . 178 6. nielicbaii, Dist. . 205 1. ocellatus, Dist . 178 7. affinis, Dist . 206 2. bituberculatus, Dist. . . 179 8. assamensis, Dist. . . . . 207 7. Ledropsis, White 1. obligeus, Walk . 180 9. pytbonis, Dist . 207 . 180 10. pavo, Si(/n . 208 2. maculata, Dist . 181 11. semicircularis, Si(/n. . . 209 3. producta, Melich. . . . . 181 ] 2. Cornelia, Dist . 209 8. Eleazara, Dist . 182 13. infecta, Dist . 210 1. aedificatura, Dist. . . . . 182 14. belena, Dist 15. spectra, Dist 16. subvirescens, Stdl . . . 17. amaltbea, Dist . 210 . 211 . 212 . 212 . 183 18. bellona, Dist . 212 19. iocasta, Dist . 213 1. Jdiocerus, Leivis . 184 20. rubromaculata, Si(/7i. . . 213 1. niveosparsus, Leth. . . 185 21. dunsiriensis, Dist. . . . . 214 2. fasciolatus, Dist. . . . . 186 22. pupula, A7;% . 214 VOL. IV. h SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page ■23. mai'pessa, Dist 215 24. quadrilineata, *>yn. . . 215 25. intlammata, ifist 215 26. sulphiirata, iJist 21 6 27. iudiga, Dist 217 28. sandaracata, Dist 217 29. sikhiuiensis, Dist 217 30. habilis, Dist 218 31. inutata, Melich 218 32. alcmena, Dist 219 33. ceylonica, Melich 219 34. fuscovenosa, Melich. . . 220 35. exig-ua, Melich 220 36. gagatina, Melich 221 37. festiva, Melich 221 Bhandara, Dist 221 1. seiuiclara, Siffn 222 KoUa, Dist 223 1. insignis, Dist 223 2. uiiimaculata, Sij/ti 224 3. vesta, Dist 224 4. lineata, Dist 224 5. liiimica, Dist 225 6. mungplmensis, Dist. . . 225 7. opponeus, Walk 225 8. canidia, Dist 226 9. gregalis, Dist 226 Euacanthus, Burni 227 1. extremus, Walk 227 2. repexus, Dist 228 Bandera, Z>/a'^ 228 1. venata, i>/s^ 228 Mainda, Dist 229 1. prajculta, Dist 230 Pisacha, Dist 230 1. primitiva, Dist. 231 2. pallescens, Dist 231 Signoretia, Stdl 232 1. malaya, *S'^a^ 232 2. aureola, Dist 232 3. greeni, Dist 233 Preta, Dist 234 1. gratiosa, Melich 234 Atkinsoniella, Dist 235 1. decisa, Dist 236 2. maculata, Dist 236 Soibanga, Dist 236 l.bella, Walk 237 Mileewa, Dist 238 1. margheritae, Dist 238 V]ivA,Dist 239 1. delicatula, Dist 2.39 2. consors, Dist 240 Pag« Subfam. 4. Gyponin(e 240 Div. 1. Penthimiaria 240 1 . Penthimia, Genn. 241 1. melanocepbala,i^fo^s6'A. 241 2. compacta. Walk 242 3. castanea, Walk 243 4. subniger, Dist 243 5. scapularis, Dist 244 6. maculosa, Dist 244 7. juno, Dist 245 8. erebus, Dist 245 2. Neodartus, Melich 246 1. acocephaloides, Melich. 246 2. scutellatus, Dist 246 3. rufopunctatus, Motsch, 247 3. Tambila, Dist 247 1. greeni, Dist 247 4. Haranga, Dist 248 1. orientals, Walk 249 2. scutellaris, Dist 249 3. decurtata, Dist 250 5. Balala, Dist 250 1. fulviventris, Walk. . . 251 Div. 2. Hylicaria 252 1. Hylica, StSl : .... 252 1. paradoxa, Stdl 253 2. Kalasba, Dist. . . : ..... 254 1. nativa, Dist 254 3. Assiringia, Dist 255 1. exhibita, Dist 255 4. Bbooria, Dist 256 1 . modulata, Dist 256 5. Sudra, Dist 257 1. notanda, Dist 257 6. Hatigoria, Dist 258 1. praeiens, Dist 258 7. Namsangia, Dist 259 1. garialis, Dist 259 8. Vangama, Dist 260 1. steneosaura, Dist 260 9. Traiguma, Dist 261 1. nasLita, Dist 261 10. Gurawa, Dist 262 1. vexillum, Dist 263 11. Pythamus, Melich 263 1. dealbatus, Melich 263 12. GypouaFkangrensis,^M-A;. 264 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Subfam. 6. Jassince 26-") 1. TJzelina, Melich 260 1. laticeps, Melich 267 2. Ohudania, Dist 268 1. delecta, Dist 268 I>iv. 1. Mukariaria 269 1. Mukaria, Dist 269 1. penthimioides, Dist. . . 270 2. splendida, Dist 270 2. Buloria, Dist 271 1. gyponinoides, Dist . . 271 3. Mohunia, Dist 272 1. splendens, Dist 272 Div. 2. Hecalusaria 273 1. Hecalus, Stal. 273 1. sulcatus, Fieb 274 2. umballaensis, Dist. . . 274 3. lefroyi, Dist 275 4. paykulli, Stal 276 5. nervosus, Melich 277 2. Thomsoniella, Sign 277 1. porrecta, Walk 278 2. rubroliueata, Motsch. . 279 3. arcuata, Motsch 280 4. viridis, Dist 280 5. albomaculata, Dist. . . 280 3. Nirvana, Kirk 281 1. pseudommatos, Kirk. . 282 2. lineal is, Dist 282 3. greeni, Dist 283 4. longitudinalis, Dist. . . 283 0. suturalis, Melich 284 6. pallida, Melich 284 7. decora, Melich 285 4. Kana, Dist 285 1. tboracica, Dist 285 2. ramificata, Dist 286 3. ordiuata, Dist 287 4. illaborata, Dist 287 6. Balbillus, Dist 287 1. granulosus, Dist 288 6. Platyretus, Melich 289 1. marginatus, Melich. . . 289 Div. 3. Selenocephalaria . 290 1. Selenocephalus, Ger?n. . . 290 1. egregiu.s, Stal 291 Page 2. virescens, Dist 291 3. disparatus, Melich. . . 292 4. dolens, Melich 293 2. Paramesus, Fieb 293 1. lineaticollis, Dist 294 3. Megabyzus, Dist 294 1. signandus, Dist 295 4. Cenedffius, Dist 296 1. horvathi, Dist 296 5. Krisna, Kirk 297 1. strigicollis, Spin 297 2. striata, Kirby 298 3. sherwilli, Dist 299 6. Acropona, Melich 300 1. prasina, Walk 300 Div. 4. Tartessusaria .... 301 1. Gessius, Dist 301 1. verticalis, Dist 302 2. Tartessus, Stal 302 1. ferrugineus. Walk. . . 303 3. Drabescus, Stal 304 1. nervosopunctatus,5zV7n. 304 2. angulatus, Sign 305 3. conspicuus, Dist 306 4. stramineus, Dist 306 5. Ifetisigna, Walk 307 6. limbaticeps, Stal .... 307 4. Kutara, Dist 308 1. brunuescens, Dist. . . 308 5. Cestius, Dist 309 1. versicolor, Dist 310 6. CToniagnathus, Fieb 310 1. puuctifer. Walk 311 2. nervosus, Melich 312 3. uniformis, Dist 312 7. Mesargus, Melich 313 1. asperatus, Melich 313 Div. 5. Thagriaria 314 1. Thagria, Melich 315 1. fasciata, Melich 315 2. siguata, Dist 315 3. pedestris, Dist 316 2. Mukwana, Dist 317 1. introducta, Dist 317 3. Pugla, Dist. 318 1. sioillaria, Dist 319 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 4. Soortana, Dist 319 1. simtdata, Dist 319 5. Varta, Dist 320 1. rubrofasciata, Dist. . . 321 Div. 6. Jassusaria 321 1. Dussana, Dist 322 1. quajrenda, Dist 322 2. Dharmma, Dist 323 1. projecta, Dist 324 3. Sabima, Dist 324 1. prima, Dist 325 2. stellifera, Dist 325 4. Guliga, Dist 326 1. erebus, Dist 326 5. Jassus, Fah}- 327 1. indicus, Walk 327 2. maldivensis, Dist 328 3. ele^ans, Dist 329 4. pectitus, Dist 329 5. tenasseiimensis, Dist. . 330 6. cretatiis, Dist 330 7. atkinsoni, Dist 331 8. silvestris, Dist 331 9. luridus, Melich 331 10. pauperculus, Spangb. . 332 11. nocturnus, JDist 332 12. pulchellus, ZiV6y .... 333 13. roratus, Dist 334 14. sulphureus, Dist 335 lo. rutatus, Dist 335 16. opulentus, Dist 336 17. percultus, Dist 337 18. karenensis, Dist 337 19. prsetextus, Dist 338 6. Arya, Dist 338 1. rubrolineata, Dist. . . 338 7. Kunasia, Dist 339 1. nivosa, Dist 339 8. Myittana, Dist 340 1. dobertvi, Dist 340 9. Placidus/DiV 341 1. boruei, Dist 342 Div. 7. Atbysanusaria .. 343 ] . Athysanus, Bu7-m 343 1. fusconervosus, Motsch. 344 2. indicus, Dist 344 Page 3. atkinsoni, Dist 345 4. nanus, Dist 346 2. Pblepsius, Fieh 346 1. divaricatus, Melich. . . 346 2. plumbeus, Dist 347 3. Xestocepbalus, Va7i Diiz.. 348 1. guttatus, Motsch 349 2. apicalis, Melich 349 3. pagauurus, Melich. . . 350 4. pardalinus, Dist 350 Div. 8. Thamnotettixaria. 351 1. Monobazus, Dist 351 1. bimalayensis, Dist. . . 352 2. Bauus, Dist 353 ] . oblatus, Dist 353 3. Tbamnotettix, Zett 354 1. brevissimus, Leth 354 2. gi-eeni, Melich 354 3. cicur, Melich 355 4. latruncularius, Motsch. 356 5. curtulus, Motsch 356 4. Bbatia, Dist 357 1 . olivacea, Melich 357 5. Nepbotettix, Matsum. . . 359 1. bipunctatus, Fabr. . . 359 2. apicalis, Motsch 360 6. Eutettix, Van Duzee 362 1. disciguttus, Walk. . . 362 2. apricus, Melich 3G3 3. pbycitis, Dist 363 4. smaragdinus, Di?t. . . 364 7. Divus, Dist 365 1. bipunctatus, Melich. . 365 Div. 9. Cicadulai'ia 366 1. Cicadula, Ze^^ 366 I. \SigiL, Melich 367 2. Balclutba, Kirk 368 1. punctata, Thunb 368 2. lineata, Melich 369 3. rubrostriata, Melich. . . 370 4. viridis, Matsum 370 6. intrusa, Melich 370 6. laevis, Melich 371 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Pag<> Div. 10. Deltocepha- lusaria 371 1. Scaphoideus, Uhler .... 371 1. festivus, Matsum. . . 372 2. ornatus, Melich 373 3. morosus, Melich 373 4. indicus, Dist 374 5. consanguineus, Dist. . 375 6. elegantulus, Melich. . 375 7. polymitus, Dist 376 8. russus, Dist. , 377 9. notatus, Dist 377 10. fletcberi, Dist 377 11. punctulatus, Melich. . . 378 2. Acouura, Leth 378 1. colombensis, Melich. . . 379 2. solitaris, Melich 379 3. Deltocephalus, Burm. . . 380 1. dorsalis, Motsch 380 2. pulvisculus, Dist 381 3. distinctus, Motsch. . . 382 4. Isetus, Melich 383 5. oneratus, Melich 383 6. montanus, Dist 384 7. erebus, Dist 385 8. thoracicus, Dist 385 9. rufolineatus, Melich. . 386 10. infirmus, Melich 386 11. porticus, Melich 386 12. bimaculatus, Melich. . 387 13. intermedins, Melich. . 388 14. brunnescens, Dist. . . 388 15. scriptus, Dist 389 16. transparipennis, Motsch 389 17. variegatus, Motsch. . . 390 18. eloiigato-ocellatus, Motsch 390 Div. 11. Chiasmusaria .. 390 1. Chiasmus, Muls. ^ Rey . 391 1. uzelii, Melich 391 2. Doratulina, Melich 392 1. jocusa, Melich 393 3. Kartwa, Dist 394 1. mustelina, Dist 394 Div. 12. Paralimnusaria . 395 2. albomaculatiis, Dist. 3. umbratus, Melich. . 2. Alitui'us, Dist 1. gardineri, Dist. . . . Page 397 397 398 398 1. Paralimnus, ikfa^sM?«. 1. lateralis, Walk. . . 395 395 Subfam. 6. Typhlocybin(s . . 399 Div. 1. Empoascaria .... 399 1. Homa, Dist 400 1. insignis, Dist 400 2. Empoasca, Walsh .... 401 1. rufa, Melich 402 2. centromaculata, Me- lich 402 3. citrina, Melich 403 4. niiniata, Melich 403 5. melichari, Dist 403 6. notata, Melich 404 7. flavescens, Fahr 405 8. petasata, Melich 406 3. Heliona, Melich 407 1. constnctdi, Melich. .. 407 2. bioculata, Melich. . . 408 Div. 2. Typhlocybaria . . 408 1. Typlilocyba, Oerm 409 1. orbata, Melich 409 2. erota, Dist 410 3. fumigata, Melich. . . 410 4. funeta, Melich 411 5. fumosa, Motsch 412 6. nigrobimaculata, Motsch 412 7. sudra, Dist 412 8. jaina, Dist 413 9. subrufa (Zygiua - Typhlocyba), Motsch. 413 10. maculifrons, Motsch. . 413 11. currax, Melich 414 12. bipunctula, Melich. . . 414 13. indra, Dist 415 14. tripimctula, Melich. . . 415 2. Eupteryx, Curt 416 1. picta, Melich 416 2. insecata, Melich 417 3. ocliracea, Motsch, . . 418 3. Motschulskia, Kirk 418 1. inspiratus, Motsch. . . 419 XIV SYSTEMATIC INDEX. APPENDIX. Page Fain. Pentatomid^ ..... 420 Subfam. 1. Plataspidin(S . . 421 Tiarocoris, Voll 421 Coptoaoma, Lap 421 merguiensis, Dist 421 Oarrabas, Dist 421 maurus, Dist 422 Subfam. 2. Scutellerince 422 Chrysocoris, Halm ...... 422 iris, Germ 422 Arctocoris, Germ 423 indicus, Sellout 423 Subfam. 3. Graphosomatince . 424 Podops, Lap 424 longispina, Schoui 424 scobinfe, Dist 424 Burrus, Dist 425 spicatus, Dist 425 Subfam. 4, Cydnince 426 Cydnus, Fahr 426 mumba, Dist 426 tanna, Dist 427 Maci'oscytus, Fieb 427 electus, Dist 427 Geotomus, Muls 427 opacus, Dist 427 Chilocoris, Mayr 428 assmuthi, Bredd. 428 solenopsides, Bredd. . . 429 Statanus, DiSit. 430 membranaceus, Dist. . . 431 Subfam. 5. Pentatoviina . . 432 Armatillus, Dist 432 verrucosus, Dist 432 Dalpada, A my 433 annandalei, Dist 433 melania, Dist 434 Erthesina, Spin 434 robertsi, Dist 434 Paranevisauus, Dist 435 subgenericus, Dist 435 Sciocoris, Fallen 436 Page Menedemus, Dist 436 vittatus, Dull 436 Hippo tiscus, Bei'gr 437 Oncinoproctus, Bredd. . . 437 griseolus, Bredd 438 ^schrocoris, Bergr 439 fumosus, Di^t 439 Eusarcocoris, Halm .... 439 modestus, Dist 439 porrectus, Bredd 440 Carbula, Stdl 440 aspayia, Dist 440 Stachyomia, Stdl 441 thamada, Dist 441 Parastracbia, Dist 442 nagaensis, Dist 443 Placosternum, Amy 444 bos, Vist 444 Glaucias, Kirh 444 Menida, Motsch 444 pundaluoyse, Dist 444 wellawayfB, Dist 445 cingalensis, Dist 445 Subfam. 6. Asopince 446 Cazira, Amy 446 bhoutanica, Schout 446 breddini, Schout 446 Breddiniella, Schout 447 insignis, Schout 448 Canthecoiia, ^»H«/ 451 ornatula, Dist 451 humeralis, Dist 452 Picromerus, Amy 453 Andrallus, Bergr 453 Incitatus, Dist 453 primus, Dist 453 Pseudanasida, Schout. . . 454 fallax, Schout 455 Amyotea, Ellenr 456 Subfam. 7. Tessaratomince . . 456 Mesolea, Bredd 456 pedestris, Bredd 457 Aurungabada, Dist 458 siugularis, Dist 459 Empysurus, Martin .... 459 depressus, Martin .... 460 johni, Oshan 460 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Subfam. 9. rhyllocephalina: . 401: Schizops, Spin. nepalensis, Dist. Subfam. 10. Urostylince .... 462 Urostylis, Westiv 462 instructivus, Reut 463 sinensis. Walk 463 Subfam. 1 1 . Acanthosomatime 464 Protophantasta, Bredd. . . 464 forticuloides, Dist 464 Sastragala, Amy 46-) smarag'dina, Dist 465 Fam. CoREiD^ 466 Homoeocerus, Burm 466 relatus, Disf 466 fraternus, Dist 467 jav aniens, D(dl 467 badgleyi, Dist 468 Aschistus, Stal 468 nepalensis, Disf 468 sulcatus, Dist 469 Notobitiis, Stal 470 parvus, Dist 470 mundus, Dist 470 Cloresmus, Stal 471 similis, Dall 471 antennatus, Dist 471 Pago Colpura, Bcn/r 472 terebrans, Bredd 472 Pendulinus, Thunb 473 rostratus, Dist 473 Div. Atractaria 474 Haidara, Dist 474 producta, Dist 474 admota, Dist 475 Cletomorpha, Mayr .... 476 Craspedum, Amy 476 burmanicum, Dist 476 Stachyolobus, Stal 477 cuspidatus, Dist 477 Acestra, Dall 478 sinica, Dull 479 nialayana, Dist 480 Dulichius, Stdl 480 thompsoni, Dist 480 Euthetus, Dall 481 singalensis. Dist 481 Babaranus, Dist 482 ornatulus, Disf 482 Tenosiiis, Stal 483 proletarius, Schatun .... 484 Akbaratus, Dist 485 fisheri, Dist 486 Fam. Berytid.^; 487 Metatropis, Fieb 487 aurita, Bredd 487 Capys, Stil 489 malacaipus, Stdl 490 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Subfam. 9. Phylloeephalmoi . 46:3 Schizops, Spin 4G2 nep.alensis, Dist. ..... 402 Subfam. 10. Urostylimc .... 402 Urostylis, Westiv 462 instructivus, Reut 403 sinensis, Walk 463 Subfam. 1 1 . Acanthosoinatincc 404 Protophantasta, Biedd. . . 404 forticuloides, Dist 464 Sastragala, Amy 46.3 sniaragdina, Dist 405 Fam. CoREiD^ 460 Ilomceocerus, Biirm 46(5 relatus, Dist 460 fraternus, Dint 467 jav aniens, Dull 467 badgleyi, Dist 408 Ascbistus, Stdl 468 nepaleusis, Dist 408 sulcatus, Dist 400 Notobitiis, Stal 470 parvus, Dist 470 mundus, Dist 470 Cloresmus, StS,l , 471 similis, Dall 471 antennatus, Dist 471 Page Colpura, Beryr 472 terebrans, Brcdd 472 Pendulinus, Thunh 473 rostratus, Dist 473 Div. Atractaria 474 Haidara, Dist 474 producta, Dist 474 admota, Dist 475 Cletomorpba, Mayr .... 476 Craspedum, Amy 476 burmanicum, Dist 476 Stachyolobus, Stal 477 cuspidatus, Dist 477 A cestra, Dall 478 sinica, Dull 479 malayana, Dist 480 Dulicbius, Stal 480 tbompsoni, Dist 480 Eutbetus, Dall 481 singalensis. Dist 481 Babaranus, Dist 482 ornatuhis, Dist 482 Tenosius, Stdl 483 proletarius, Sclumm .... 484 Akbaratus, Dist 485 fisberi, Dist 480 Fam. Berytid.^ 487 Metatropis, Fieb 487 aurita, Bredd 487 Capys, Stdl 489 malacaipus, Stdl 490 Order RHYNCHOTA. Suborder HOMOPTERA. Family MEMBRACID^. 0- Membracides, Genn. May. Ent. \\, p. 7 (1821). ©• Membracina, liurm. Handb. Ent. ii, 2, p. 102 (1839). HMLembracida?, Curth, Brit. Ent. xvi, den. p. 14 (1840). Q Coruidorsi, uimy. ^- Sm: Hem. p. 532 (1843). O Jassida, subiam! Membracida, Stdl, Hem. Afr. iv, p. 83 (1866). O Membracida, Fieh. Rev. May. Zool. (3) iii, p. 332 (1875). This familj- has already (vol. iii, p. 54) been diagnosed by its primary characters : — ocelli placed between the eyes ; antenna? inserted in front of and between eyes ; pronotum prolonged backwards into a hood or process of variable form. The Membracidae constitute one of the most distinct families in the Homoptera, and are principally distinguished by the great development of the pronotum, particularly its posterior process, the frequently bizarre structure of which has occasioned much speculation, and produced some observational facts relative to its advantage in mimetic and protective resemblance to other insects and to its environment. The family has been much worked and elucidated in recent years. Fairmaire in 1S46 was the great pioneer ; Walker followed a few years later, but his work is of unequal value ; Stal, in 186G and 1869, with his usual penetration and unique taxonomical insight gave some masterly generic tabulations which still constitute the bedrock of all our classification. Butler, 1877 and 1878, gave revised lists of the species of many genera nearly if not quite wholly American in distribution ; in 1892 Goding gave a synopsis of the subfamilies and genera found in North America ; while in 1894 Fowler commenced his enumeration and description of the Membracidse of Central America. Of the Old- World Membracidae, Stal gave a description of the Philippine fauna in 1870 ; Groding monographed the Australian members of the family in 1903, in which year Melichar described all the species from Ceylon with which he was acquainted. It was also in 1903 that Buckton produced his ' Monograph of the Membracidse ' : and when Ave remember that that gifted and versatile scientific worker commenced his study of the exotic Membracidae when he had about reached the eightieth year of his life, and that he was physically incapacitated by an almost life- long affliction from visiting museums and private collections for VOL. IV. B 2 MEMBRACID.i: comparison of types and specimens, his work, apart from its limitations, is a standard of energy and determination. He drew all the figures himself, which was sometimes disadvantageous, for although a painter in oils of considerable merit, he naturally lacked that minute and microscopic delineation which is indispens- able to the entomological artist. By the kindness of his family his collection of the Membracidae has passed into my hands, and I have thus been able to stndy his types and genera. Of course AValker's types have always been at my examination ; Dr. Horvath has kindly let me see such of Melichar's Ceylonese species as are contained in the M useum Hougrois at Budapest ; Prof. Poulton has done me the same service as regards species described by Buckton from the Hope Collection ; both l)rs. AurivilHus and Sjostedt have assisted me with cotypes of Stal's species in the Stockholm Museum, and I am under similar obligation to Dr. Bolivar of Madrid and Dr. Handlirsch of Vienna. The Membracidaj of British India, _ or of the Old World generally, cannot compare with those of the Neotropical Region either in number, colour, or structure, and it is in the latter region that this family reaches its zenith in development. The natural position of the Membracidae among the other families of the Homoptera is still sub judice. Stal and Hansen consider the Membracidae as essentially belonging to the Jassidae, and not without substantial if not adequate reason. I, however, incline to the views of most modern writers on the subject and consider the Membracidaj as a very distinct subfamily, linked to the Cercopidte by the Macliserotino', and this at least has to be con- ceded, whether according to different views the Cercopidse precede or follow the Membracidae in classification. The family is divided into six subfamilies, of which two are found in our fauna, and in Fowler's opinion these two subfamilies might be sufficient to embrace the whole of the Membracidae. It is probable that there is considerable argument in this view, though at present with some rhynchotal systematists, or those at least quaUfied to express dogmatic opinions, an artificial system once promulgated is to be accepted as a biological canon. Belt (' The Naturalist in Nicaragua,' pp. 226-7) states that certain species of Membracidae were attended by ants for the sake of a sweet secretion. E. E. Green (Ent. Month. Mag. xxxvi, p. 185) has recorded some practically similar observations made by himself in Ceylon. Synopsis of SuhfamiUes. A. Scutellum wanting or obsolete, or entirely concealed by the pronotum ; the tibiae, or at least the intermediate and anterior tibiae, more or less dilated Membracince. B. Scutellum usually distinct and more or less uncovered, its apex generally excavate or broadly sinuate, the apical angles acute .... Centrotlnce. ^ f OXYJUlAClllS. Subfamily J. MEMBRACINtE. Membracida, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 83 (18GG) : Fkb. Rev. Ma,,. Zoo/. (3) iii, p. ;332 (1875). tf Centroticla (part), Stal, Ofv. Vet. -Ah. Fork. 1869, p. 280. Centrotina (part), Atkins. J. A. S. Benrj. liv, p. 76 (1885). ^-^embraciiiae, Fowler, Biol. L'entr.-Amer., Rhnnch. Horn, ii, p. 3 (1894). -^ ' ^ The two genera found in the Indian fauna which are placed in this subfamily are of rather doubtful position, 8o sound and experienced a taxonomist as Stfd placed them originally in the above subfamily (1866); in 1869 he transferred them to the "fCentrotince, and again in the same year (Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 47) he adhered to his earlier decision. In general appearance they strongly resemble the "^Centrotina', but they diflfer from all the genera there included by the absent or obsolete scutellum, entirely concealed by the pronotum. Division OXYRUACmSAEIA. In this division the posterior pronotal process is long and narrow, broad at base, and reaching or passing the posterior angle of the interior margin of the tegmiua ; the tibia) are dilated ; the sides of the pro- and mesosterna are armed with a small lobe or tooth. Synopsis of Genera. „ A. Posterior pronotal process compressed and ampliated beneath on its apical area ; Aviugs with three apical areas. a. Pronotum with the lateral angles more or less produced .' Oxybhachis, p. 3. ^ b. Pronotum with the lateral angles not produced OXYRHACHIDIA, p. 8. O a. 1 ostenor pronotal process not compressed and ampliated beneath; wings with four apical areas Xiphlstes, p. 8. ^ ^ Genus OXYRHACHIS. Oxyrbachis, Germ, in Silh. JRev. Ent. iii, p. 232 (1835) ; Fnirm An?i. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1846, p. 267 ; Stal, Hem. Afr. iv, p. 84 (1866) ; Fieh. Rev. Mag. Zool. (3) iii, p. 333 (1875) ; Atkijis. J. A. S. Beng. liv, p. 76 (1885) ; Melich. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, ' p. 108 (1903). ^ ' O Polocentrus, BucU. Monogr. Memhrac. p. 253 (1903). 5 Ouranorthus, Buckt. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix, p. 333 (1905). Type, 0. taranchis, Fabr. 4 MEMBEACID^. Distrihution. Oriental and Ethiopian Eegions. Head perpendicular, face a little elevated ; pronotum -with the lateral angles more or less produced, the processes three-cornered or tricarinate ; the posterior process long, narrow, broad at base, beneath posteriorly compressed and amplified and reaching or passing the posterior angle of the interior margin of the tegmina, this process is also three-cornered or tricarinate ; sides of the pro- and mesosterna armed with, a small lobe or tooth ; wings with three apical areas ; tibi^^jiompressed and moderately dilated. I have included Polocentrus, Buckt. as a synonym of Oxyrliachh, because its deseriber states that P. rufus " may be taken as typifying the genus," though the first. species he enumerates (P. latij)es) evidently belongs to the genus Xij^)lmtes. 2104. Oxyrhachis tarandus, Fahv. (Membracis) Ent. Syst. Suppl p. 514 (1798) ; «/.7Centrotus) -S'y*^;'. Bhyyig. p. 19 (1803) ; Germ. 4 (Oxyrhachis) in Silb. Bck. Ent. iii, p. 232 (1835) ; Amy. &>• Sen: Hem. p. 536 (1843) ; Fairm. Ann: Soc. Ent. Fr. 1846, p. 268, pi. 4, f. 13 ; Sfal, Hem. Afi: iv, p. 84 (1866) ; id. Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 47 (1869) ; Atkins. J. A. 8. B. Hv, p. 77 (1885). {) Polocentrus rufus, Buckt. Munor/r, Membrac, p. 254, t. Iviii, f. 2, a, b (1903). Polocentrus neuter, Buckt. torn. cit. t. Iviii, f. 3 (1903). Ferruginous or fuscous, thickly punctate ; head frontally piceous, often apically more or less marginally ochraceous ; tegmina dull hyaline, the veins fuscous, the base narrowly pale ferruginous ; pronotum Avith a central longitudinal carination which traverses Fiof. l.— O.ri/1-IiacJna iaraiidiis. the length of the posterior process ; the lateral processes sub- horizontal, seen from behind a little recurved, seen from the front more upwardly recurved, strongly tricarinate, compressed, their apices obtusely acute ; posterior process long, extending beyond tegminal apices, upwardly recurved, beneath laminately ampliate and finely serrate ; legs somewhat longly pilose. Length 7 to 9 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4 millim. Ilah. Bengal, Calcutta {Inch Mus.) ; Madras {Coll. Dist.) ; Chatrapur, Ganganu {Stehhing) ; Mysore, Bangalore {Brit. Mus.) ; Karachi {Cummincj). — Abyssinia. Egypt. Senegal. South Africa. OXYllIIACIIIS. 5 This species in the Madras district \\as found by Mr. E. P. Stebbing on^Acacia slamea anclM. arahica and on Casuarina. In Mr. Buckton's collection there is a Madras specimen labelled V (Jentrotus t'myo(type), of which I can find no published description, but the species may have been distributed under that name and thei'efore requires mention. Prof. Poulton has sent me examples for comparison of the species described hy BwQktonas'^Polocenti'us rufus; his'^P. neuter was described from my own collection. Both his figures must be ignored. The species figured by Buckton (Monogr. Membrac. t. xlix, f . 3, a, b) as^Oxi/rJuichis tarandus is the S. Mnc^w'^Xiiiliistes furcicomis, Germ., his cotypes are now i)i my collection. ^2105. Oxyrhachis subjecta, Walk. List Horn. u,-p..50-i (IsrA) ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 79 (1885). g " Nearly allied to 0. tarandus but is smaller ; the dorsal horns are shorter in proportion and less diverging ; the hind appendage is more inclined upward and not serrated beneath. Black, clothed with whitish down ; head transverse, sub(]uadrate, flat, slightly impressed, finely punctured, not much broader than long, a httle narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders, truncated and ferruginous in front ; fore-chest rather high in front, rather roughly punctured, rising almost vertically from the head, with a ferruginous ridge ; shoulders rounded, not prominent ; horns above very broad, prismatic, conical, diverging, ascending, hardly curved downward ; hind side much shorter than either of the other sides ; length of the horns rather less than the breadth of the chest between them ; hind appendage mostly ferruginous, extend- ing very far beyond the tip of the abdomen, inclined upward and keeled beneath but not serrated from the middle to the tip ; breast and abdomen clothed with white down ; legs red ; shanks widened ; wings colourless ; fore-wings tawny and punctured at the base, with a brown spot on the angle of the hind border ; veins stout, ferruginous; four discoidal areolets." {WalJcer.) " Length of the body 3 ; of the wings oh lines." Hah. " East Indies." _ The unique type of this species is now in a most mutilated con- dition, the " dorsal horns " being quite destroyed. According to the description, it differs from the preceding species by the non-serrate under surface of the posterior ])rocess. ^ 2106. Oxyrhachis rudis, Walk. List Horn, ii, p. 509 (1851) ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 78 (1885). Eerruglnous-brown, a central pale cariuate longitudinal line traversing the pronotum and the posterior process ; tegmiua very pale dull ochraceous, the apical margin hyaline, the veins and a small basal patch ferruginous ; pronotum thickly punctate ; the lateral processes broad, somewhat flat, horizontally produced, their 6 MEMBEACID.^. apices subacute and slightly directed backward, as seen from the front more slender and a little more apicallj acute ; posterior process moderately lamiuately gibbous at base, then concave and apically upturned but not reaching tegminal apex, very obscurely serrate beneath ; legs testaceous ; body beneath more or less greyishly or pale ochraceously tomentose. Length 7 to 7| ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3| millim. Hah, North Bengal {Brit^ Mus.) ; Calcutta (Indian Mks.). To be distinguished from 0. tarandus by the shorter and broader lateral pronotal processes, and by the shorter posterior process. ^ 2107. OxyrhacMs palus, Bucld. (Ouranorthus) Trans. Linn. Soc. ix, p. 333, t. xxii, f. 1 (1905). Body and legs pale ochraceous ; face pale castaneous ; tegmina hyaline, wrinkled, talc-like, the veins and extreme basal area pale ochraceous ; pronotum somewhat sparingly punctate ; the lateral processes as seen from above short, broad, slightly recurved at apices, discally concavely grooved, as seen in front apically turned a little downward ; posterior process long, passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina, centrally and laterally carinate, the central carination finely continued through pronotum, moderately laminately gibbous at base and apically upturned. Length 8 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3 millim. Hah. Bangalore {Madrid Mks.). By the kindness of Prof. Bolivar of the Madrid Museum, I have been allowed to examine the type of this species. The posterior pronotal process is fractured and erectly upturned, Mliich deceived Buckton and induced him to regard this as a natural character upon which he proposed the foundation of a new genus, Ouranortlms. The species is allied to'^O. rudis, Walk., by the broad but more apically recurved lateral pronotal processes, especially as viewed in front, the colour is also pale ochraceous. ^ 2108. Oxyrhachis uncatus. Mdich. Horn. Faun. Cerjhn,^. 108 (1903). ^Centrotus nectaris, Bnckt. Mono(/r. Memhrac. p. 246, t. Iviii, f. 4, a, b (1903). '^ Fig. 2.— 0.r)jrliachis loicuirs. Brownish-ochraceous ; a central pale yellow carinate liue_ to OXTBIIACHIS. 7 prouotum ; frontal margin of pronotum, the lateral processes, and posterior process (excluding base) ochraceous ; tegmina wrinkled, subhyaline, the veins ochraceous ; legs ochraceous ; body beneath cretaceously tomentose ; pronotum thickly punctate, laterally here and there slightly cretaceously tomentose ; lateral processes short, ascendant, their apices rounded, their outer areas with an oblique pale line ; posterior process reaching or slightly passing tegminal apices, laterally compressed, apically slightly turned upward ; tegmina opaque and punctured at base. Length 7 ; breadth lat, pronot. process. 3 to 34 milh'm. Hah. Ceylon ; Peradeniya (Green). Trfchinopoly (Jide MeUchar). ^ 2109. Cxyrhachis crinitus, limM. (Centrotus) Momm: Memhrac. p. 247, t. Ix, f. 5 (1903). Pale brownish -testaceous, thickly punctate, a central pale longitudinal carinate line traversing the pronotum and posterior process ; a transverse spot on each side of base of head, a spot on pronotum behind each eye and the apex of carinate line to posterior process black ; tegmina wrinkled, subhyaline, the venation ochra- ceous, the base opaque and punctate ; legs ochraceous ; sternum black, more or less cretaceously tomentose ; abdomen beneath ochraceous, slightly cretaceously tomentose ; pronotal lateral pi"o- cesses very short, much less prominent as seen from behind than in front, from behind they are broadly angulate, from in front more prominent and subacute ; posterior process a little raised near base, then concave and more or less upwardly directed towards apex, which does not quite reach tegminal apices, beneath very finely serrate ; face with the basal and apical margins more or less black. Length 4| to 5| ; brendth lat. pronot. process. 1| to 2 millim. Hah. Ceylon; \\.a,\.i% {Green). MEMBRACID.i:. ^ Oxyrliacliidia, MelicTi. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 118 (1903). ^)Type, 0. hiermis, Stal. Distribution. Ceylon. Dr. Melichar tlnis differentiates this genus. "Tibiae compressed and moderately widened. Differs from Oxyrhachis by the absence of the lateral processes to the pronotura, while the posterior process is broad at base, narrowed like an awl behind and straight. In this respect the genus comes neaif^Gargara, while hYOccyrliacliis the hinder portion of the posterior projection is strongly laterally compressed with the apex directed either up or down." ^ t^2110. Oxyrhachidia inermis, StM (Oxyrhachis), Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 28.3; Mellch. (Oxyrhachidia) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 118 (1903). Ferruginous-brown ; central pronotal carination, medial area of posterior pronotal process, abdomen beneath and legs brownish - ochraceous ; tegmina hyaline, venation ochraceous ; pronotum convex, punctate ; posterior process almost reaching apex of Fig. 4. — Od'f/rhacJiidia inermis tegmina, trioarinate above, the central carination continued through pronotum, narrowest at a little beyond base, posteriorly ampliated beneath where it is both above and beneath margined with fuscous ; tegmina opaque and punctate at base. Length 6^ to 7| millim. Hah. Ceylon {Coll. Sic/noret) I am indebted to Dr. Handlirsch for the opportunity of figuring this species. The Vienna Museum now contains the Signoret collection. Genus XIPHISTES. vi Xiphistes, Stdl, Hem. Afr. iv, pp. 83 & 85 (186G) ; id. Ofc. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 280. ^j'Type,j[. furcicornis. Germ., a South-African species. IHstrihution. Ethiopian and Oriental Regions. Lateral angles of the pronotum variably produced in length, XIPniSTES. 9 ihe processes three-cornered or tricarinate ; posterior process long, tricarinate or three-cornered, almost reaching the apex of the interior mar! Maguva, Melich. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 109 (1903). Typef J/, hon-lda, Melich. Distribution. Ceylon. " Lateral horns longly aad obliquely directed upward, curved and sharply pointed at apices, compressed, tlie front and hind edges keeled, the upper surface with two keels, the lower with one longitudiual keel ; the posterior process smooth, laterally com- pressed, rectangulated, the projecting branch wideued in middle and beneath, the laminate widening provided behind with a short tooth, the sides oi: the projection furnished with a keel, the upper ridge of the projection produced as a middle keel on the pronotum; tegmina strongly transversely wrinkled, with four apical veins ; legs moderately long." {Meliclmr.) I have refrained from proposing a divisional section for this gen as, of which I have no personal knowledge. 2117. Maguva horrida, Melich. Horn. Faun. Ceijlon,-^. 109, t.ii, f. 21 (1903). " Head and pronotum dark brown, deeply punctured, with short, scanty, depressed, yellowish pubescence ; pronotum dirty yellow at base and thickly punctured ; tegmina strongly \\rinkled, rusty-brown ; along the costal margin deeply punctured and rather darker coloured with short yellowish \j-'^^~^^^ hairs in the points ; wings hyaline, ' Fig. l{).— Maguva horrida. smoky brown, with pitchy-brown veins ; legs pitchy-brown ; abdomen black." {Melichar.) Length $ 9 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 7 millim. Hah. Ceylon. I have "not seen this species and therefore reproduce Dr. Melichar's description and figure. Division MICREUNARIA. Scutellum longer than broad, apically acuminate ; sides of pro- and mesosterna unarmed ; pronotum posteriorly or discally more or less elevated ; tibiae rarely dilated ; wings with four apical areas. The name of this division is derived from Micrcune, Walk., a Malayan genus. LEPT013ELU,S. 15 Si/iio2ysis of Genera. A, Pronotum strouglj' disc-ally elevated LKrxoBELrs, p. 15. V>. Pronotum not strongly discally elevated. a. I'ronotal posterior process strongly elevated at base ' Maabbarus, p. 16. ^ b. I'rouotal posterior process curved, but not strongly elevated at base. a. Veins to apical areas of tegmina straight or nearly straight Temngaxa, p. 17. ^ b. ^'eins to apical areas of tegmina curved inwardly. a'. Anterior pronotal processes produced - laterally I'arapogon, p. 22, ^ b'. Anterior pronotal processes longly pro- duced horizontally ' Bathoutha, p. 23. ^ ^ Genus LEPTOBELUS. '* Leptobelus, StSl, Hem. Aft: iv. p. 86 (1866) ; id. Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, pp. 280 & 284 («) ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 81 (1885). ^ Type, L. dama, Germ. Distribution. Oriental Region. Face Mitbout a lateral lobe, gradually narrowed ; sides of the sternum unarmed ; pronotum with the disk elevated, the elevated portion armed on each side with a transverse spinous process, and posteriorly with a slender process which is extended parallel with but high above the body ; scutellum longer than broad, gradually but strongly narrowed toward the apex which is slightly and nai-rowly obtusely or subsinuately truncated ; exterior discoidal area of tegmina petiolated; wings with four apical areas ; tibiae slightly dilated. ^ 1^118. Leptobelus dama, Germ. (Cen^otus) m Silb. Rev. Ent. iii, p. 258 (1835): Fainn. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1846, p. 510, t. iii, f. 14; Stm (Leptobelus), Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. 1866, p. 386; Atkins. J. A. S. B. Hv, p. 81 (1885). Head, pronotum, and scutellum black ; posterior area of Fig. 11. — Leptobelus dama. pronotum, base of scutellum, and apical margins of face densely 16 isiembkacid^t:. cretaceously sericeous ; legs and abdomen beneath black, the first more or less greyishly pilose, the latter moi'e distinctly so; tegmina pale bronzy, the base black, followed by a large transverse dull ochraceous spot ; prouotum thickly and somewhat coarsely punctate, the discal transverse processes seen from behind more prominently recurved than when viewed in front, their apices acute, the posterior process curved and a little undulated, strongly tricarinate above ; scutellum beyond the cretaceous base finely thickly punctate ; black basal area of tegmina thickly coarsely punctate. Length 9i ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 5 millim. Hah. India {fide Fairmaire). — Java. 2119. Leptobelus gazella, Fairm. (Centrotus) Ami. Soc. Ent. Fr. 184G, p. olO ; Stal (Leptobelus), Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 386 (1866) ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. Uv, p. 81 (1885) ; Buckt. (Lepto- centrus) Monogr. Membrac. p. 235, t. liii, f. 5 a (1903). Indigo-black ; legs castaneous ; tegmina brownish-ochraceous, dark castaneous at base ; pronotum and its processes thickly punctate, lateral processes wide, recurved, three-cornered or tricarinate, posterior process almost straight, centrally and Fig. 12. — Leptobelus gazella. laterally carinate, the central carination continued throughout the pronotum ; scutellum elongate, more or less white at base (this character is to be best seen in fresh specimens) ; tegmina Mith the apical area distinctly wrinkled ; tarsi paler than tibial ; pronotum finely palely pilose. Length 8 to 10 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 6 millim. Hab. Assam {Coll. Dist.) ; Naga Hills (Dohertg). Eurma ; Euby Mines {Doherty). ^' Genus MAARBARUS, nov. ^Type, M. hubalus, Kirby. Distribution. Ceylon. Scutellum exposed, elongate, subtriangular, considerably longer than broad ; pronotum Avith two curved lateral processes ; the posterior process obliquely rising from base of pronotum and then straightlv obliquely turned downward, not reaching apex of TELIXGAXA. tegmiiia, its apical portion becoming gradually acuminate; tegmina \vil}h four apical areas; wings with four apical areas ; tibiae simple. 2120. Maarbarus bubalus, Kirhj (Centrotus), J. Linn. Soc, Zool. xxiv, p. 167 (1891) ; Melich. (Platybelus) liovi. Faun. Ceylon, p. ] 20 (1903). Black ; lateral margins of the pi'onotum and sternum and base of scutellum ochraceously sericeous ; anterior legs testaceous, intermediate and posterior legs stramineous, apices of tibite and tarsi piceous ; tegmina stramineous, the base, costal area to beyond middle, a costal apical spot and a transverse spot near inner Fi£. ly, angle, black ; pronotum somewhat coarsely punctate, the lateral processes strongly recurved and apically acuminate, distinctly carinate ; posterior process compressed, centrally and laterally carinate, the central carination continued through pronotum ; scutellum beyond base coarsely punctate ; tegmina ^vith the black basal and costal areas coarsely punctate. Length G| ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 5 millim. Hah. Ceylon (Lewis); Pundaluoya, Maskeliya (Green). 2121. Maarbarus? cinctus, BticU. (Leptocentrus) Monoyr. Membmc p. 236, t. liii, f. 8, a, b (1903). I can find no trace of this species in the Buckton Collection. Judging from the figure it may probably belong to this genus. " kSmall and slender, with rather erect and sharp suprahumerals. Posterior horn rising erect from the dorsum and then reflected as a thin and free process to the tip of the tegmina. Colour bro\\-n, with a broad and white tomentose band at the margin of the pronotum, which band is continued below the abdomen and covers the coxae. Tegmina rather slender, with broad yellow neui'atiou, narrow apicals, and with no limbal border. I could only count two discoidal areas, but an exact mapping out of venation in many species of the Centrotidae is hardly attainable." (Buclcton.) " Size 7x3 millim." Hah. " Calcutta."' Genus TELINGANA, nov. "^ Leptobekis, sect, aa, h, Stdl, Ofv, Vet.-Ak. Foi-h. 1869, p. 284. oType, T. curvispina., Stal. Distribution. Oriental Eegion. VOL. IV. c IS TME^SrBBAC'ID.?;. Principally differing from Lejitohelvs by the non- or little elevated disk of the proDotum and the distinctl}' curved posterior process. Pronotum with a transverse curved lateral process on each side, the posterior process very distinctly tricarinate ; scutellum elongate, triangular, as in Leptohehis. A. Lateral nronotal processes curved. 2122. Telingana curvispina, Stdl (Leptobelus), Ofr. Tet.-Ak. Fork. 1860, p. 289; 3IelwJi. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 115 (1903). ^ Leptocentrus imitator, Biickt. Monor/r. Membrac. p. 234. t. liii f. 2, a (1903). Black; latei-al margins of pronotum and sternum, and bases oE scutellum densely ochraceously sericeous ; tegmina dark shining stramineous, apical area dark ochraceous, the whole of the costal Fig. 14. — TdliKjunu eurvispina. area, the radial area beyond middle and base of claval area black ; posterior tibise ochraceous; pronotum punctate, the lateral processes transverse and recurved, a little upwardly raised, their apices subacute ; posterior process curved downward from near base, abo\e very strongly tricarinate, the central cariuation continued throughout pronotum ; scutellum nearly twice longer than broad, finely punctate ; tegmina strongly punctate on the black basal and anterior areas. Length 7g ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4^^ millim. Hah. Ceylon : Maskeiiya ( Green). 6 Q ^2123. Telingana paria, Fairm. {Cenixoiwii) Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.lSia. p. 513 ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 83 (1885). Head and pronotum ferruginous-brown or pale castaneous ; scutellum (excluding apex) and lateral areas of sternum cretaceously ^. .J sericeoiis ; ochraceous 15. — Ti;ling^na paria. abdomen beneath greyishly pilose ; legs brownish- ; tegmina very pale ochraceous, subhyaline, opaque TELINGANA. 19 and punctate at base ; prouotum thickly and sotnev\'hat coarsely punctate ; lateral transverse processes as seen from above some- what short, recurved, strongly carinate near middle, apices obtusely acute, anterior margins ridged, as viewed in front more slender and less strongly recurved ; ])Osterior process slender, well separated from scutellum' at base, above tricarinate, its apex acute and almost touching tegmina near the posterior angle of the inner margin, the central carination more finely continued through pronotum; legs normal. Lencth 5k ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3 millim. HaL N. Bengal {Brit. Mus.). O O 2124. Telingana canescens, BucU. (Leptoceutrus) Momxjr. Membrac. p. 234, t. liii, f. 1 (1903). Black ; lateral margins of pronotum, sternum and abdomen beneath, and the whole of the scutellum densely ochraceously sericeous ; intermediate and posterior tibise and the apices of the femora ochraceous ; tegmina bronzy-yellow, the anterior area and base of claval area black ; pronotum punctate, subgranulose ; the lateral processes broadly, transversely and a little upwardly extended, their apices i-ecurved and subacute, above tricarinate ; posterior process long, almost reaching apex of tegmina, moderately curved from near base, above tricarinate, the central cariuatiou continued throughout pronotum; tegmina coarsely punctate at base and to about middle of anterior area. Length 8 to 9 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 6 millim. Hah. Sikhira ; Mungphu {Atkinson). Teuasserim ; Myitta {DoJiertij). Buckton described his species as from " Honduras." This is clearly owing to a wrong habitat having been given to him with the type specimen, which is now in my own collection. '^2125. Telingana capistrata, s])yu? Piceous-black ; lateral margins of the pronotum and a central longitudinal discal fascia to same divided by a dark carinate hne, Fig. IG. — Tilingana capistrata. scutellum and intermediate and posterior tibiae ochraceous : tegmina bronzy, inner apical margin beyond clavus and costal 20 MEMBBACIDJS. area beyoud middle piceoiis-black ; veins dark castaneous ; prouotum granulose, the lateral processes strongly recurved and centrally and laterally carinate above; posterior process strongly curved from base to near apex, slender, apically attenuated, centrally and laterally carinate above ; tegmina with the basal and costal dark areas punctate. Length 8 to 10| : breadth lat. pronot. process. 5| to 6 millim. Hah. Assam ; Margherita {Atldnson Coll.). Burma ; Kuby Mines (DoJierty). O o 2126. Telingana decipiens, Kh-hy (Ceutrotus), J. Linn. Soc, Zool. xxiv, p. 165 (1891) ; Motsch. (Walk. MS.) Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xxxvi (2) p. 96 (1863); Melicli. (Leptocentrus) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 117 (1903). Head, pronotum, and scutellum black ; lateral margins of pro- uotum, base of scutellum, and the sternum cretaceously sericeous ; legs testaceous ; abdomen beneath black, more or less cretaceously Fig. 17. — Telingana decipiens. pilose; tegmina pale bronzy, base and costal area black; pronotum thickly punctate, centrally longitudinally carinate ; the transverse processes tricarinate above, apically subacute, seen from behind distinctly recurved, viewed in front almost obliquely straight ; the posterior process curved near base and directed downward, tricarinate above ; scutellum beyond cretaceous base thickly finely punctate ; black basal and costal areas of tegmina thickly coarsely punctate. Length 6 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3| millim. Hah. Ceylon {Brit. Mus.). 2127. Telingana flavipes, Kirby (Centrotus), J. Linn. Soc, Zool. xxiv, p. 165 (1891). C>Centnichus atricoxis, Melicli. (part.) Horn. Faun. Ceylon,-^. 113 (1903). Head and pronotum black, somewhat thickly greyishly pilose ; scutellum, lateral margins of pronotum, and sternum greyishly sericeous ; legs oehraceous, extreme apices of tibise and apices of tarsi pieeous ; abdomen beneath more or less greyishly sericeous ; tegmina pale castaneous, the base and costal area piceous ; pronotum punctate ; the lateral processes as seen from behind TELINGANA. 21 recurved, as viewed from the front less prominently so, above with a strong central carination, their apices subacute ; posterior O Fig. 18. — Teli)ujanajlai:rpc». process recurved from near base, above tricarinate, the central carination continued through pronotum ; tegmina with the piceous areas coarsely punctate and slightly pilose. Length 6| ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 5 raillim. Hah, Assam ; Margherita {Coll. Dist.). Ceylon ; Kandy, Peradeniya, Nawalapitya (Green). Melichar (supra) has included this species as a synonym of ^ Centruclms atricoxis, Kirby, probably from its describer having stated that it might prove to be a variety of that species. The two species are, however, not congeneric. B. Lateral pronotal processes almost obliquehj straight, O o 2128. Telingana imitator, Kirby (Centrotus), J". Linn. Sac, Zool. xxiv, p. 107 (1891); Mdich. (Lepto^entrotus) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 118 (1903). Indigo-black ; lateral margins of pronotum and sternum, and base of scutellum cretaceously sericeous ; legs pale ochraceous ; tegmina stramineous ; base and about basal half of costal area black ; pronotum thickly finely punctate, the lateral processes "y^^ Fig. 19. — Teliiiyana imitator. obliquely straight, a little directed backward ; posterior process curved, considerably shorter than tegmina, centrally and laterally carinate above, the central carination continued through pronotum ; scutellum longer than broad, coarsely punctate ; tegmina coarsely punctate on the black area at base and on costal area. Length 5 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 2| millim. Hah. Ceylon; Pundaluoya (6-')Tm). 22 ilEMBRACIDJi. O O 2129, Telingana pallipes, Stdl (LeptoMus), Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fiirh. 1869, p. 284 ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 82 (1885). " Black, distinctly punctate ; lateral margins of pronotum and sternum, and base of scutellum densely ochraceously sericeous ; tegmina sordidly vinaceous, base of elavus, entire costal area and radial area at base and outwardly beyond middle black, punctate ; lateral processes of prouotum slender, moderate, gradually acuminate, straight, turning outwards, above unicarinate, beneath bicarinate : posterior process slightly curved towards the base, thence straight, distant from the scutellum ; legs yellow-ferru- ginous. ^ " Like T. curvispina, Stal, but lateral processes of pronotum shorter, more slender, turning outwards, very little upward ; posterior process not reaching the apex of the scutellum ; face jiarrower at apex." (Stdl.) "Length 5 to o| ; breadth 2 millim." Hab. India (Jicle StFd). ^ Genus PARAPOGON, nov. ■o Type, P. Tcandijiana, Dist. Hah. Ceylon. Allied to Telinc/ana, from which it differs by the veins to the apical area of the tegmina being strongly curved inwardly as in the genus Pogon. Apart from this character and the produced lateral processes of the pronotum, Parapogon has a strong super- ficial resemblance to MacJuerotgpus. ^ 2130. Parapogon kandyiana, sp. n. Head and pronotum black, finely, shortly, palely pilose ; a spot on each side of base and another near apex of scutellum cretaceously sericeous ; basal margin of front of pronotum and some angulate markings on its posterior lateral areas, lateral margins of clypeus, and sternum and abdomen beneath more or Fig. 20. — Parapogoi) Jcandyiaiia. less cretaceously sericeous ; legs testaceous ; teguiina subhyaline ; base and anterior area for about two-thirds the length and a spot on inner margin near end of elavus piceous, finely palely pilose, the whole inner area bronzy, the apex hyaline ; prouotum finely punctate ; the latei-al processes as seen from above slender, very slightly upturned and moderately directed backward, apices acute ; UATIIOUTHA. 23 posterior process obliquely robust at base, theuce slender, oblique and dull castaneous to apex, which passes the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina. Length 4; breadth lat. pronot. process. 2 millim. Hah. Ceylon; Kandy (6rree7i). ^ Genus BATHOUTHA, no\ . Type, B. mdicans. Walk. Distrihution. Ceylou. Pronotum long, posteriorly truncate, lateral angles produced anteriorly into longitudinal, slightly directed upward processes ; posterior process emitted from near base, slender, curved, extended well above scutellum and tegmina, lateral posterior angles subacutely prominent ; scutellum completely exposed, longer than broad, centrally, finely longitudinally carinate ; tegmina with the vinns to lateral areas curved inwardly, gradually widened from base but apically subacutely nan-owed ; legs simple ; eyes prominent. O o 2131, Bathoutha indicans, Walk. (Oxvrhacliis) List Horn., Suppl. p. 128 (1858) ; Mr-Iic/i. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 108 (1903). Pronotum above and scutellum black ; thickly covered with minvite clusters of short pale greyish hairs ; front of pronotum, face, sternum and abdomen beneath more or less cretaceously sericeous ; tegmina piceous, becoming bronzy-brown on inner and costal apical areas ; femora castaneous, their apices and the Fig. 21. — Bathoutha ii/dicaiis. whole of the tibife and tarsi ochraceous ; lateral pronotal processes as seen from above moderately slender, three-cornered, directed almost longitudinally but a little upwardly and outwardly, their apices outwardly broadened and concavely truncate ; posterior process slender, tricarinate above, strongly curved and elevated above both scutellum and tegmina, its apex finely acute and slightly recurved ; scutellum with a fine central carination. Length 7^ ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4 millim. Hah. Cey\on (Brit. Mas.)- Yatiyantota (6-'/wm). 24 MEMBEACIB.i:. ^ Division ACANTHOPHYESAEIA. This divis-ion includes a few genera, mostly Neotropical, which have a downward prolongation beneath the posterior prouotal process, sometimes connecting it with the scutellum. Sijnopsis of Genera* A. Posterior pronotal process united with the apex of scutellum by a distinct perpen- q dicular prolongation Dogbana, p. 24, B. Posterior pronotal process impinging on ^ scutellum near its apex Indicoplexjstes, p. 25. ^ Genus DOGRANA, nov. ^Type, D. suffulta, Dist. Distrihiitton. Oriental and Malayan Eegions, Face moderately transversely globose between the eyes ; ocelli almost as far apart from eyes as from each other ; pronotum with the anterior angles produced in transverse spinous processes ; the posterior process curved from base and united with the apex of the scutellum, after which it is more straightly and more slenderly continued to above the inner angle of the tegmina ; scutellum a little longer than broad, its apex merged in the connecting support of the posterior pronotal process ; tegmina with the claval area long, the exterior claval vein united \\ith claval margin beyond middle, the arrangement of the veins and areas shown by fig. 22 ; legs simple. The Gampylocentrus fcilco, Buckt., from the Philippines belongs to this genus. o 2132. Dograna suffulta, sp. n. Head, pronotum, and scutellum black ; base of scutellum, lateral ^ Fig. xtiffnUa. margins of clypeus, and lateral margins of sternum cretaceously sericeous ; abdomen beneath black ; legs testaceous ; tegmina * Acanth(yphyes belongs to this division, but I have not seen a specimen of the only species recorded from British India. INDICOPLEUSTES. 25 pale bronzy, the base black ; pronotum coarsely punctate, the lateral transverse processes grooved above, their apices acute, moderately recurved as seen from behind ; the posterior process tricarinate above, the apical portion slender and some- what testaceous in hue ; scatelluin beyond the basal cretaceous area, which is somewhat gibbous and bilobed, thickly punctate ; tegmina with the black basal area coarsely punctate and followed by an obscure paler transverse fascia. Length 7 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3| millim. Hah. Bombay {Divon). ° Genus INDICOPLEUSTES, nov. O Type, /. alhomacukitus, Dist. Distribution. Ceylon. Pronotum" somewhat long, posteriorly truncate, centrally strongly longitudinally cariuate ; lateral transverse processes only of moderate size, upwardly recurved ; the posterior process strongly curved and raised above scutellura but impinging on it near its apex, then narrowed and following the curve of the inner margni oE the tegmina of which its apex reaches the inner angle ; scutellum almost fully exposed, nearly as long as broad ; tegmina with the lateral areas inwardly curved (as irPPor/on, Buckt.) ; legs simple. 2133. Indicopleustes albomaculatus, sp. n. Fuscous-brown, somewhat densely sprinkled with small tuffs oE short pale hairs ; a small spot on each side of base of scutellum and a spot at posterior angle of inner margin and another central spot near end of radial area of tegmina, white ; lateral areas of sternum cretaceously sericeous, abdomen beneath more sparmgly so ; lateral transverse pronotal processes somewhat short, broad, ^ Fi". '2'-'>. — Iii(lico))lcnsic» alliomacuhilii^. upturned, almost centrally carinate from about halfway from base, the apex obtusely pointed ; posterior process strongly tricarinate above, impinging on the scutellum at its apex ; tegmina with the two lower apical areas pale fuliginous. Length 4^ to 5 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 2h mdhm. Hah. Ceylon; Peradeniya (^T'reeiO- 26 MEMBBACID.^. O O 2134, Indieopleustes curvatus, Melich. (Centi-otas) Horn. Faun. • Ceylon, p. 112 (1903). " Small species, distinguished by the remarkably strong wave- like, curved, posterior spine process aiid the short, obliquely truncated, transverse, lateral horns. Pitchy-brown, thickly punc- tate, with very short yellowish hair ; the lateral processes rather broad, prismatic, rising obliquely upward, truncated at end, front angles rounded off, the hinder pointed ; posterior process prismatic, strongly carved at base so that there is a free space between the scutellum, the middle of process impinging on scutellum and thence wave-like, curved, the sharp poiut directed down\Aard ; on the pronotum a distinct middle keel losing itself in the upper corner of the spine process ; tegmina ])itchy-brown, thickly punc- tured at the base to half ; Mings fuliginous : underside pitchy- brown : anterior legs rusty-brown, intermediate and posterior legs pale yellow." {Melichar.) Difliers from*^i. albomanilatus in the smaller size, truncate apices to the lateral pronotal processes, different colour of the legs, etc. The sternum and the base of the scutellum is cretaceously sericeous. Length 4 to -li} ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3 millim. Hab. Ceylon ; Kandy, Peradeniya ( Green). ° Genus ACANTHOPHYES. ^Acanthophves, StSl, Hem. Afric. iv, pp. 87 & 89 (1866); id. Ofv. VeL-Ah Flirh. 1869, p. 281 ; Athins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 84 (1885). Type, A. alhqyennis, Stal, a South-African species.* Disiribxition. Ethiopian and Oriental Regions. " Thoi'ax much elevated between the lateral angles, ver}' often cornuted above the same angles ; posterior process remote from the scutellum, bisinuate beneath, more or less amplified or lobed in the middle, between the sinus, with the amplified part reaching the dorsum of the abdomen or the apex of the scutellum ; tegmina with five apical, two diseoidal areas ; wings M'ith four apical areas ; tibias simple." {Stal.) o 2135. Acanthophyes capra, Fai;-. (Membiacis) i:7it. Si/st. Suppl. Pj514 (1798) ; id. (Centrotus) Syst. Rhyng. p. 20 (1803) ; Stdl (Acanthophves),//««. Fahr.n, p. 50 (1869); Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p.' 84 (1885). " Ferruginous-black or ferruginous, remotely flavescent greyish - * Stal, when he originally described this genus, first mentioned, the species Centrotus hamifer, Fairin. and C. eurvidcns, Fainn. as belonging to it. Sub- sequently (1869) he included both these species in his genus Campyloccntrus. It seems, therefore, necessary to take the Ethiopian A. aUdjicnnis, Stgl, as type of the genus Acanthophycs. LEPTOCENTKAEI A . 27 sericeous, two small basal spots on scutellum and sides o£ sternum very densely sericeous ; lateral pronotal processes depressed, truncated, bicarinate above. " Head between eyes a little shorter than broad, beneath the eyes abruptly and very much uarrowed ; face gradually slightly narrowed, subtruncate, freely produced downward for some distance ; pronotum punctured, armed on both sides anteriorly above the lateral angles with a depressed horn-like process, very slightly narrowed towards the apex, truncated at apex, bicarinate above and beneath ; anterior apical angle of the processes rounded, posterior somewhat acute ; posterior process distinctly carinate, very broadly sinuate in the middle above, a little amplified beneath in the middle, reaching the apex of the scutellum, very slightly decurved towards the apex ; tegmiua fuscous-ferruginous or ferruginous-grey, punctured at the base." (Stdl.) Length 6| ; exp. lat. pronot. process. 4^ millim. JIab. Tranquebar. I do not know this species. ^ Division LEPTOCENTRARIA. Scutellum transverse, nearly equally long as broad, the apex broad, sinuate or truncate, and on each side prominently tlentate ; wings with four apical areas. Synopsis of Genera. A . Veins to apical areas of tegmina straight. a. Posterior pronotal process remote from scutellum. a. Posterior pronotal process curved at base and then obliquely directed downward, its apex touching or nearly touching the posterior angle of inner tegminal margin ; ^ sometimes passing it LEPTOCENTurs, h. Posterior pronotal process straight, not [p. 28. curved at base, not obliquely directed downward, its apex remote from tegmina and scarcely reaching posterior angle of _ inner tegminal margin Nilalt ama, p. ;}2. b. Posterior pronotal process robust, more or less impinging on scutellum and inner tegminal margin. a. Pronotum more or less gibbous before base of posterior process. «'. Pronotal lateral processes in a con- tinuous line with the crescentic anterior q margin of pronotum Emphusis, p. 36. b', Pronotal lateral processes d ivergent from line of anterior margin of pronotum . . Centrotypus, O h. Pronotum not gibbous before base of [p. 33, posterior process, but in a continuous ^ line with it Periaman, p. 37. MEMBEACID.E. c. Posterior ])i-onotal process slender, scarcely or slightly elevated above sciitellum, biit as a rule uot elevated above tegmina .... Otinotis. p. 39. B. Veins to apical areas of tegmina strongly curved inwardly Pogon, p. 42. "^ Genus LEPTOCENTRUS. o Leptcceutrus, StRl, Hem. Afr. iv. pp. 87 & 90 (1866) ; id. Of v. Vet.- Ah. Fork. 1869, p. 281 ; Athins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 85 (1885) ; Mdkh. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 116 (1903). ^ Tj'pe, L. hos, Sign., ;i West-African species. Distribidion. Ethiopian and Oriental Regions. Pront of prouotum more *or less obliquely prominent towards face ; pronotum \vith anteriorly produced transverse processes ; posterior process slender, tricarinate, emitted a little before the posterior margin of the pronotum, well separated from thescutellum and abdomen, sometimes, but seldom, posteriorly touching the interior margin of the tegmina, neither sinuated beneath nor medially amplified ; scutellum ti-ansverse, nearly equally long as broad, apically emarginate and of moderate size ; tegmina with five apical, two discoidal areas, none of them petiolated ; wings with four apical areas ; tibite simple. o 2130. Leptocentrus taurus, Fabr. (Membracis) Syst. Enf. p. 676 (1775); id. (Cent?otus) Sysi. Rhym/. p. 20 (1803) ^O/i'y. (Membracis) Enc. Meth. vii, p. 665 (1792) ; St&l (Leptocentrus), Hem. Fubr. ii, p. 50 (1869) ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 85 (1885) ; Melic/i. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 116 (1903). ^ Membracis rupicapra, Fahr. Enf. Si/st. Siq^pl. p. 514 (1798) ; id. ^(Centrotus) Syst. Bhyny. p. 18 (1803). ^ Membracis tricornis, Hardic. Zuol. Juttvn. iv, p. 114, Suppl. t. XXX, tf. c, d, f (1828). O Centrotus teririualis, Walk. List Horn, ii, p. 604 (1851) ; Stdl, Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1862, p. 491 j Melich. Horn. Faun. Ceyhn, p. 109 (1903). • ■ ^ Centrotus vicarius, Walk. torn. cit. p. 605. c? Leptocentrus gazella, Bnckl. Monogr. Mvmhrac. p. 235, t. liii, f. 5« (1903). Head and pronotum black ; scutellum and sternal lateral margins cretaceously sericeous ; body beneath black ; legs castaneous, sometimes the femora piceous ; tegmina pale bronzy- ochraceous, a narrow pale piceous submarginal streak beyond middle of costa ; pronotum thickly coarsely punctate ; the trans- verse lateral processes robust, strongly recurved, above tricarinate, the central carination nearer posterior than anterior margin, apices subacute ; the pronotal front and face in fresh specimens are thickly palely ochraceously pilose ; posterior frontal process strongly tricarinate above, curved and a]ncally touching the interior margin of the tegmina, the central carination contiiuied through LEPTOCENTRUS, 29 prouotuiu ; tegmiua narrowly opaque and punctate at base : lateral pronotal processes as seen in front apparently nnich narro\A-er and less recurved. Length G to 8 ; breadth lat. prouot. process. 5 to G millim. ^^T^^ Hah. Assam, Mai-gherita (AtJdnson) ; Calcutta ; Sikhiin (Jide Atkinson) ; Tenasserim, Myitta (DoJierti/); Mei-gui. — Borneo (Coll. Dist.); Timor (Coll. BLic/i-ton). Melicliar adds one of the following species, L. leucaspis, Walk., as a synonym of this species, but he places terminalis Walk. =^''icarius. Walk, in the genus Centrotus ; he had, however, probably not seen these fonns. Walker himself (List Horn. Suppl. p. 158) admitted that his terminalis was a variety oiYaurus. Bucktou gives to the specimen he identified as L. gazella the habitat Ceylon, but I cannot corroborate it. C . O 2137. LeptocentrilS SUbstitutus, Walk. (Centrotus) List Horn, ii, p. 60o (1851) ; Atkim. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 87 (1885) : Mdich. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 110 (1903). ^ Centrotus flexicorne, Walk. Ins. Saunrl, Horn. p. 78 (1858) ; Atkins. (Centrotus ?) /. A. S. B. Iv, p. 197 (1886). ^ Centrotus obliquus, Walk. Ins. Saund., Horn. p. 79 (1858) ; Atkins. (Centrotus ?) J. A. S. B. Iv, p. 197 (1886). Closely allied to L. taurus, Fabr., but smaller ; posterior pronotal process less arched at base and more obliquely straight, the latei-al transverse posterior processes less prominently recurved and their apices less acute. These characters appear to be constant, and I have seen a very long series of specimens from Ceylon. Length 6 to 6| ; breadth lat, pronot. process. 4i to 5 millim. Hah. North Bengal (Brit. Mas.) ; Calcutta (CoZ^. Dist.) ; Bombay (Dixon). Ceylon ; Peradeniya, Elephant Pass, Balangoda, Colombo, Yatiyantota, Kelani Valley (Qreen).. The_ unique type of Walker's fexicome is in a mutilated condition, but I have no doubt as to its identity. " Frequents and breeds upon a thorny Capparis. Its larvse mimic the thorns most effectively, as do also the adult insects. 30 ^lEMEKACIDA". The former rest head downwards, the Jatter head upwards, thus briuging the curve of their spmes iu the right direction." (A\ E. Green in lift.) o a 2138. Leptocentrus repon^ns, Walk. (Centrotus) List Bom. ii, p. 604 (1851); AtJdiis. (Leptocentnis) J.A.S.B. liv, p. 86 (1885); ^ Melich. (Centrotus) Horn. Faun. Cei/lon, p. 110 (1903). Centrotus antilope, Stdl, Freq. Evq. Bern, Ins. p. 284 (1859) ; id. (Leptocentrus) Of v. Tet.-Ak. Fork. p. 727 (1870). Head, pronotum, and scutellum black ; face thickly ochraceously pilose ; basal two-thirds of scutellum and lateral areas of sternum cretaceously sericeous ; abdomen beneath black, more or less sparingly cretaceously sericeous ; legs piceous ; tegmina pale bronzy, base piceous and punctate, basal costal margin narrowly piceous. Allied to the two preceding species but differing by the shape of the transverse pronotal processes, which are much broader above and somewhat foliaceously convex at their anterior margins. Length 0^ ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 5 millim. Hah. IS^orth Bengal {Brit. Jlus.). Tenasserim ; Myitta (DoJierty). — Sumatra ; Philippines. Both Walker and Melichar included this species in their enumeration of Cingalese M embracida>, but I have found no example in the extensive collection made of these insects in Ceylon by Mr. Grreen. o 2139. Leptocentrus leucaspis. Walk. (Centrotus) List Mom. Suppl. p. 158 (1858) ; Buckt. (Leptocentrus) Monogr. Membrac. p. 235 t. liii, f. 3, «,6 (1903). ^ Centrotus taurus, Walk, {nee Fair.) List Horn, ii, p. 602 (1851). Head, pronotum, and scutellum black ; basal two-thirds of scutellum and lateral areas of sternum cretaceously sericeous ; abdomen beneath black, legs piceous ; tegmina shining ochraceous, the costal margin, obscurely^ at base, black; pronotum coarsely Lc2jtocciitru)> Iciicaxp punctate; the lateral transverse processes slender, centrally cariuate above and somewhat strongly recurved ; the posterior process tricarinate above, recurved from near base and touching LEPTOCEKXUUS. 31 the apex of the interior margin of tegmina whicli ai-e i)uiictate at base. Length 7 to 9 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 44 to t milhin. Hah. Chatrapur (>S'6uu/), Dum Dum (Falva). Ceylon ; Kandy, Pnndaluoya, Maskeliya, Peradeniya (r/z-^o;).— Phihppines {ColJ. Dist.). o , This and the following species L. me^^histoiiheles are to be distinguished by the long and slender lateral transverse pronotal processes. 2140. Leptocentrus mephistopheles, Ihicht. Momn/r. M^mhmc ]). :>35, t. liii, f. 4 (1903). Buckton thus describes this species :— " This insect differs from ^L. lenmspis in wanting the white tomentose patches on the dorsum and in the browner colour of the prouorum. The abdomen of the male is stout and ringed and the pronotal posterior is shorter and rather more curved. The supra-humeral s ai-e somewhat slender, but variation is common as to their curvatures. The tegmina are hyaline." Buckton's unique tvpe is now in my possession but in a mutilated condition; 'the colour of the legs is a distinctive character as compared with^L. leucaspis, very pale ochraceous, the femora (excluding apices) and the apices of the tarsi piceous ; the tegmina are pale ochraceous, subhyaline ; otherwise it seems (so far as a crushed specimen allows comparison to be made) to conform to the general characters of Walker's species. Length 8 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 5 millim. Hah. Sikhim {Filcher). 2141. Leptocentrus longispinus, sp. n. Head, pronotum, body beneath, and legs black, more or less longly palely pilose ; base of scutellum and lateral areas of sternum cretaceously sericeous; tegmina pale ochraceous, subhyaline, extreme base and broad costal area to apex black; prqnotum coarselv punctate, somewhat thickly longly pilose on disk and front ; the lateral processes very long, as seen from above moder- ately 'regularly cur\-ed backward, prominently longitudinally carinate near* posterior margin, the anterior margin a httle upwardly recurved, apex subacute, as seen in front much narrower, widely divergent, obliquely directed upward ; posterior process slender, tricarinate, moderately curved to apex which passes the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina, widely separated from scutellum, impinging on tegmina at apex, the central cariuation finely continued tlirough pronotum ; face thickly longly pilose ; tegmina punctate at base ; legs pilose. Length 9; breadth lat. pronot. process. 9 millim. Hah. Burma {Brit. Mus.). A species to be recognized by- the length of the lateral pronotal processes. 32 MEMBRACID.i:. €> 2142. leptocentrus ustus, Bucht. Monocjr. Memhmc. ]). 236, t. liii, f. 7 (1903). The type of this species is not to be found in the Bucktou collection. The description is as follows : — " Small, nearly black in coloui'. Posterior horn very slender and thin at the base. Tegmina Instrous, with fine bro\\n ueui-ation. Abdomen stout and nearly as long as the tegmina. Tibiae slightly flattened. " Size 5x3 mm." Hah. " Ceylon, Madras." 2143. Leptocentrus msignis, sp. n. Head and pronotum black : scutelltim, lateral margins of pronotum, and the sternum cretaceously sericeous ; abdomen beneath black, more or less cretaceously sericeous ; legs black, apices of femora, the intermediate and posterior tibiae and the tarsi (excluding apices) ochraceous ; tegmina pale bronzy, base and costal area piceous ; pronotum thickly and finely punctate and pilose, frontally palely pilose; lateral transverse processes somewhat short, roundly recurved, tricarinate above, their apices subacute ; posterior process slender, tricarinate above, obliquely recurved, the central carination continued through pronotum ; face thickly palely pilose ; tegmina with the basal and costal piceous areas thickly punctate ; scutellum about as long as broad. Length to 6| ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3| millim. i/ai. '^icobar Islands ; jVankauri (i^o^^-.t).— Borneo ; Muching {Heivitt). The type of this species is a Bornean specimen, that from the Nicobars being somewhat mutilated. It may be distinguished by the totally white scutellum and the broad lateral white margins to the pronotum. Genns NILAUTAMA, nov. O Type, N. typica, Dist. Distribution. Tenasserim. Pronotum slightly elevated at base ; the lateral transverse processes broad,"robust, a little directed upward and very slightly apically recurved, strongly carinate behind middle ; posterior process short, slender, emitted a little above base of pronotum, well elevated above scutellum and continued a little obliquely upward, the apex acute and almost extending to the point of the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina ; scutellum shox'ter than broad, its apex emarginate ; tegmina ampliated towards middle and obtusely angularly narrowed at apex, w^ith four apical areas ; legs simple. O 2144. Nilautama typica, sp. n. Head and pronotum black ; scutellum (excluding apex) and lateral margins of sternum cretaceously sericeous ; legs pale castaneous ; tegmina brouzy-ochraceous ; costal ai'ea somewhat CEXTROTl'PUS. 33 broadly black ; front of proiiotam and face palely pilose ; pronotum coarsely punctate, lateral transverse processes as seen from above broad, carinate behind middle, apex roundly truncate and a little O Fig. 26. — Nilautainn typka. recurved, as viewed in front narrow and obliquely npwardly divergent ; posterior process tricarinate, apex acutely narrowed ; tegmina coarsely punctate at base. Leugth 7; breadth lat. pron(^ process. 4| millim. Hah. "^India" {Brit. JIus.). Tenasserim-' Myitta (Dolierty). ^ Ceutrotvpus, Stal, Hem. Aft: iv, p. 88 (1866) ; id. Of v. Vet.-Ak. Forluimd, p. 281 5 Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 87 (1885). Type, C. amplicornis, Stal, from Cambodia. Distribution. Oriental and Malayan Eegions. Face gradually narrowed from base, without basal lobes on each side ; posterior pronotal process not sinuated on each side from base to scutellum, never well separated from scutellum, gradually narrowed and covering the wliole or almost the whole of the scu- tellum ; posterior pronotal area distinctly centrally carinate, the carination either not or very obsoletely continued anteriorly, where it is replaced by a somewhat smooth line; sides of scutellum not prominent ; scutellum only a little, seldom twice, as broad as the base of the posterior pronotal process ; tegmina with five apical areas, costal and radial areas abbreviated at about the same distance from base. o O 2145. Centrotjrpus fle^OSUS, Fabr. (Membracis) Ent. Syst. iv, p. 12 (1794^ ; id. (Centrotus) Syst. Rhyny^. 18 (1803) : Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1846, p. 516 ; Stal (Centrotypus), Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 51 (1869) ; id. Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 286 ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 87 (1885) ; Buckt. Monogr. Membrac. p. 2-37, Q t. liv, f. 1 (1903). Centrotus anchorage, Guer. Icon. Bey. An. t. lix, f. 4 (1829-44). Pronotum very dark indigo-blue ; face, body beneath and legs dull black, more or less thickly, shortly, palely pilose : tegmina very pale ochraceous, the apical area broadly castaneous, the base and costal and radial areas bluish-black; pronotum coarsely punctate ; the lateral transverse processes as seen from above broad, laminate, wrinkled, apically obliquely truncate, posteriorly VOL. IV. D 34 MEMBBACID^. cariDate, as frontally A'iewed narrow and apically upwardly recurved ; posterior process not detached from tegmina, tricarinate, Fig. 27. — Cvniroiupus JJcxuosuf robust ; lateral areas oblique and concave, coarsely punctate between the carinatious. Length 10 ; breadth lat. pronot, process. 8 to 8| uiillim. Hah. Sylhet,'15ik^im,^ Assam {Coll. Dist.). Shillong, Sibsagar (Ind.Ihis.). ''Burma; Arraksin (Coll. Dist.). 'Tenasserim ; Myitta (DoJiert)/).— Malacca (Castelnau, Bucldon Coll.). ''Perak {Doherty). O o 2146. Centrotypus assamensis, Fainn. (Centrotus) Ann. Soc. Ent- Fr. 184(i, p. 517 ; Stdl (Centrotvpus), Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 286; Dist. J. A. S. B. xlviii, p. 38 (1879); Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 88 (1885). ^Centrotus costalis, Walk. Ins. Smrnd., Horn. p. 82 (1858). In general coloration this species is scarcely to be differentiated from C. Jfexuosus, but the lateral transverse pronotal processes are less dilated, more convexly oblique and subacute apically, and Fi^. 28. — Centrolyinis assamcm^ above with a more or less distinct anterior, as well as a very distinct posterior carination. These transverse processes, while thus to be always distinguished from those of C.fexuosus, are still variable in'^C. assamensis in length and in apical recurvence. Length 10 to 11 : breadth lat. pronot. process. 8 to 9| millim. Bah."- Assam {Coll. Dist.). " Sikhim and Pankabar {Ind. Mvs.). Burma; Eangoon (Co/?. D/s^). ^Tenasserim; My\iia{Doherty). I Malay Peninsula ; Province Wellesley {Distant). '^'^-"^ Siam. 2147. Centrotypus securis, Buckt. Monor/r. Monhrac p. 238, t. liv, f. 4 (190.:3). Pronotum black : face thickly ochraceou sly pilose ; body beneath CENTROTYPUS. 35 and legs piceous, thickly ochraceously pilose ; tegmiua shiuing ochraceoiis, a broad subcostal longitudinal fascia occupying pos- terior half of radial area and continued to apex, reaching costal margin on apical area, black ; pronotuni coarsely punctate ; the lateral transverse processes long, somewhat broad and flat, tri- carinate, the two posterior carinations closer together, apex broad, roundly oblique ; posterior process long, passing the exterior angle of inner margin, punctate, tricarinate, apically acute ; tegmina with the black apical costal area coarsely punctate ; tarsi pale castaneous. Length 10 ; breadth lat. pronot, process. 10 millim. HahyHik^im ; Mungphu (Brit. Mus.). Naga Hills {DoJierty). — Nilgiri Hills {Hampson). Bombay {Divon). "^Burma; Euby Mines {Dohertij). This species can be easily separated from the preceding two by the longer and tricarinate transverse pronotal processes, the longer and more apically acute posterior process, and the different colour of the tegmina. 2148. Centrotjrpus ortus, sp. n. Head and pronotum black, apical margin of pronotal front and the face ochraceously pilose ; body beneath and legs fuscous ; tegmina shiuing ochraceous, costal ai*ea from base to apex black ; pronotum thickly finely punctate, anteriorly bi-oad and rounded; lateral transA^erse processes short, moderately recurved, bicarinate, the first carination about middle, the other behind it ; posterior process slightly raised above tegmiua at base, tricarinate above, its apex acute and reaching outer angle of interior margin ; tegmina with the black costal area punctate. Length 11 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. S miUim. Hah. Trivandrum {Coll. DisL). / Resembling C. securis, Buckt., by the somewhat similar colour of the tegmina, but to be recognized by the anteriorly broad and rounded pronotum, the bicarinate transverse pronotal pro- cesses, and the shorter posterior process. o 2149. Centrotypus flavescens, sp. n. Head, pronotum, body beneath and legs ochraceous, apices of the lateral pronotal processes pale castaneous ; tegmina hyaline, the venation ochraceous, base and the whole of costal and subcostal areas from base to apex very pale castaneous ; pronotum coarsely punctate ; the lateral processes longly produced, moderately broad, apically recurved, centrally longitudinally carinate behind middle, apex oblique ; posterior process becoming gradually narrower from base to apex, which passes the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina, laterally and centrally carinate, the central carination finely continued through pronotum ; tegmina distinctly pilose on the darker opaque coloration at extreme base, and sometimes with a small, transverse, pale castaneous spot near end of clavus. d2 36 MEMBRACIDiE. Length 10 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 71 to 8 millim. Hah. " India " {Brit. Mus.). Two specimens with no more pi'ecise locality than the above are contained in the National Collection. The peculiar pale coloration alone renders this species very distinct. C 21.50, Centrotypus asmodeus, sj). n. Black, legs brown ish-ochraceous ; tegmina subhyaline, talc-like, oblique basal area, costal and radial areas more or less black, apical area and a spot near base bronzy-brown ; pronotuni thickly, some- what finely punctate ; lateral processes as seen from above marginally laminate, with a strong carination before posterior margin, apices narrowed and obliquely rounded, as viewed from the front narz'ow and obliquely dii'ected upward ; posterior process much narrowed beyond middle, tricarinate above, the central carination acutely raised, apex acute and very slightly passing the posterior angle of the inner margin ; tegmina only punctate at extreme base, the oblique blackish basal area occupying about one- third of tegmen ; legs normal. Length 6 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. -1 millim. Hah. Tenasserim ; Myitta (DoJierty). O 2151. Centrotypus ater, Buckt. Monogr. Membrac. p. 238, t. liv, f. .5 (1903). This species is not to be found in the Buckton Collection and I can therefore only reproduce the original description. " Whole pronotum dull black. Suprahumerals stout, broad, acute and slightly recurved. Pronotum quite covers the abdomen and legs. Tegmina with thick brown nervures, with the costal areas brown and eacli with a dark triangular spot at the basal margin ; the membrane other\\ise is hyaline. The pronotum is arcuate in front, but allows the head and eyes to be visible above." {Buckton.) " Size 14 X 11 mm." Hah. Burma ; Euby Mines {Doherty). ^ Genus EMPHUSIS. ■^Emphusis, Buckt. Monogr. Membrac. p. 256 (1903). Type, E. ohesus, Fairm., from Java *. Distribution. Oriental and Malayan Regions. Buckton diagnoses this genus as follows : — "Pronotum without suprahumeral horns, tumid and crescentic in form, much punctured. Tegmina variegated with rich brown. Hind tarsi short." The pronotal lateral processes are, however, well developed, but subhorizontally directed and apically recurved and in a continuous * E. tunuscens, Buckt.=£'. obesus, Fairm. line with the crescentic anterior margin of the prpnotum. This is the real and sufficient character which separates^in^j/utsis from ^Centrotiipus. c O 2152. Emphusis malleus, Walk. (Ceuti-otus) Lkt Horn, ii, p. 613 (18.51). <5 Centrotypus obesus, Atkins, (part.) J. A. S. B. liv, p. 88 (I880) ; Melich. (part.) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 116 (1903). Pronotum indigo-black ; head, body beneath and legs dull black, finely pilose; tegmiua stramineous, extreme base, costal and radial ai'eas black, apical area bronzy-brown ; pronotum coarsely punctate, anteriorly broad and rounded ; the lateral transverse o Fig. 29. — Emplmsis malleus. processes somewhat short, recurved, posteriorly bicarinate above, their apices broadly subacute ; the posterior process somewhat broad and very strongly tricarinate above, its apex acute and very slightly passing the posterior angle of the inner margin, the central carination only continued on the basal area of the pronotum ; tegmiua m ith the black basal, costal and radial areas punctate ; anterior legs not prominently incrassate. Length 8| ; breadth lat. pronot. process, 6 millim. Hah.^Cejion ; Kalutara (Green). Stfil (Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Eorh. 1869, p. 286), and Atkinson and Melichar (supra) treat this^species as a synonym of'^C'. ohesus, Fairm. = malleator. Walk. = malleohis, Walk. The latter, however, is a distinct Javan species in which the pronotal angles are much more obtuse than in C.'^ialleus, Walk. Genus PERIAMAN, nov. Type, F.flavolineatus, Buckt. Distribution. Oriental and Malayan Regions. Face strongly emarginate before clypeus ; pronotum frontally roundly oblique ; the lateral processes moderately broad and trans- verse, not prominently gibbous before posterior process which is robust, gradually narrowing to apex but not extending beyond the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina ; tegmina broad, apical areas long and five in number; femora moderately thickened, tibiae simple. The'Centrotas Umbatus, Walk., from Borneo also finds a place in this genus. 38 membeacibvT;. ^ o 2153. Periaman flavolineatus, Budd. (Centrotus) Monoyr. Memhmc. p. 247 (190-3). ^ Pronotum castaneous, lateral margins connected with a central line before face and angularly connected with same before middle of posterior process, ochraceous ; face and body beneath castaneous but thickly palely pilose, apical half of abdomen castaneous ; legs ochraceous ; tegmina ochraceous, the veins castaneous, basal area ^- Fig. 30. — Pcria/iian jla volineai its. pale fuscous, apical area bronzy and talc-like ; pronotum coarsely punctate, the central ochraceous line levigate, the others punctate ; lateral transverse processes as seen from above moderately short and broad, directed upward, the anterior margins laminate, centrally strongly carinate, apices narrowed and obtusely acute, viewed from front narrow and obliquely directed upward ; jjosterior process strong, tricarinate above, the central carination acute, narrowed beyond middle, extreme apex acute and slightly passing the posterior angle of the inner margin ; tegmina punctate at base ; legs normal . Length 9 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4| millim. Hah. Mergui {Ind. Mus.). ^ Tenasserim ; Myitta (DoJierii/). This species is allied to^'entrotus limhatus, Walk., from Borneo. 2154. Periaman pyropinus, sp. n. Pronotum castaneous-brown, base of frontal area and the face piceous; a narrow central carination, a frontal line to lateral processes and a posterior line to same continued to the margins Periaman pyropin us. of the posterior process ochraceous, posterior process with the basal area ochraceous, the apical area piceous ; body beneath piceous ; femora black, their apices and the whole of the tibiie and OTINOTUS. 39 tarsi ochraceous, claws black ; tegmina pale bronzy, semihyaliue, darker, more opaque and punctate at basal area; prouotum coarsely punctate, palely pilose ; lateral processes as seen from above long, somewhat slender, upwardly obliquely ascendant, apically strongly recurved, their apices acute ; posterior process robust, passing posterior angle of inner margin of tegmina, strongly centrally and laterally carinate ; tibiae somewhat longly pilose. Length 6 ; breadth lat. prouot. process. 3 millira. Hah. ^urma ; Euby Mines {Dolierty). ^ Genus OTINOTUS. o Otinotus, Bucld. Monocji-. Memhrac. p. 202 (190.3). Type, 0. ammon, Buekt.* Distribution. Oriental Region. Face gradually narrowed from base ; pronotum with produced transverse lateral angles either directed horizontally or forwardly ; posterior process slender, sinuate, scarcely or only a little separated from the scutellum, but as a rule not elevated above the tegmina, its central carination continued through the pronotum ; tegmina with five apical ai-eas ; scutellum about as broad as long, its apex emarginate ; legs simple. A. Posterior pronotal process not passing tlie p>osterior angle of inner margin of tegmina. 2155. Otinotus ammon, BucU. Monoqr. Memhrac p. 2.3-3, t. Hi, f. 6rt (1903). Body and legs black or dark piceous ; front of prouotum, face, and lateral areas of sternum strongly ochraceously pilose ; tegmina Fifr. 32. — Otinotus ummon. pale bronzy, black at base; pronotum coarsely punctate; the lateral pronotal processes as seen from above narrow, transverse, slightly recurved, strongly centrally carinate, tlieir apices subacute ; posterior process slender, distinctly separated at base from scutellum, sinuate, narrowed at apex which about reaches the ^ * Buckton lias several distinct genei-a incluclecl in the species ot his geuus Otinotus. ®(>. 1)clus, Buekt., is the tirst species enumerated, but the type is not in his collection, nor is the locality known. His generic descriptiau is inadequate I select I?, aninion as type ovOtinotus as here understood and described. 40 membeaciDjE. posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina ; tegmina punctate on the black basal area ; posterior segmental margins to abdomen beneath dull ochraceous. Length 7 to 8 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4 millim. yy^lS"'' Hah. Nilgiri Hills (IIamj)Son). O 2156. Otmotus pallipes, sp. n. Head and pronotum black; femora piceous-brown, tibipD and tarsi pale ochraceous, extreme apices of tibiae and tarsi black : tegmina very pale bronzy-ochraceons, base black, beyond which there is a narrow distinct transverse area which is paler in hue than the general bronzy tint ; sternum and abdomen beneath black ; pronotum coarsely punctate ; lateral processes as seen from above strongly recurved, centrally carinate, gradually narrowing to apices AAhich are subacute, as viewed in front narrower and more upwardly directed ; posterior process sinuate, not extending beyond the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina, strongly tricarinate, the central carination finely continued thi'ough the pronotum : tegmina punctate on the black basal area. Length G ; breadtli lat. pronot. process. 3 to 3| millim. Hah. ^urma ; Karen Hills (Doheriy). Allied to 0. ammon, but with the lateral pronotal processes much more strongly recurved ; colour of legs different, &c. o 2157. Otinotus rufescens, sp. n. Head, pronotum and legs testaceous-red ; sternum and abdomen beneath pieeous ; tegmina very pale bronzy-ochraceous, the base narrowly pieeous ; pronotum obscurely punctate, finely pilose ; lateral processes as seen from above almost horizontally produced, narrowing to the apices which are subacute and at their extremities very narrowly pieeous, centrally carinate, as viewed in front appearing much narrower and more obliquely directed upward ; posterior process closely impinging on tegmina, narrowing to apex which is pieeous at extremity, and not passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina, strongly centrally carinate, the carination finely continued through pronotum ; legs pilose. Length 6 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4 to 4^ millim. Hab. ^Tenasserim. ; Myitta {Doherty). B. Posterior ])ronotal 2'>'>'0Cess i^cissing tlie posterior angle of inner margin of tegmina. O 2158. Otinotus oneratus^ Walh. (Centrotus) Ins. Saund., Horn. p. 78 (18r)8); ««/ (Cenfrotvpus), 0>. Vet.-Ak. Torh. 1869, p. 28G; Atkins. J. A. S. B. Iv^p. 196 (1886). ^Oxvrhacliis lionicola, BucM. Monogr. Memhrac. p. 224, t. xlix, iQa,b (1903). Castaneous or piceous-brown ; lateral areas of scutellum and 41 sternum and apical margins of face cretaceously sericeous ; tegmina pale semi-hyaline, talc-like, the base ochraceously opaque ; lateral pronotal processes as seen from above somewhat slender, obliquely upturned, apically a little recurved, centrally cariuate, gradually Oliuotus oneratv.6. narrowing from base to apex ; posterior process long, slender, scarcely separated from scutellum and then sinuate, impinging on tegmina, its apex passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina ; tegmina punctate on the basal opaque area. Length 6 to 7 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3 to 3^ millim. ■■ Hab. Calcutta; ''Bombay and Poona {CoU. Bist.); Catrapura (Sfebbim/). Rauchi (Irvine) •'^S. India; Ramiseram. ''Ceylon; Peradeniya, Elephant Pass, Jaffna ((rreeM). " ' .. , O 2159. Otinotus pallescens, sp. n. Body and legs brownish-ochraceous, finely pilose ; lateral areas of the scutellum paler and more dull ochraceous ; tegmina pale tawny, semi-opaque, the veins fuscous-brown ; pronotal lateral processes as seen from above rather long, somewhat strongly ascending, apically recurved, centrally cariuate, their apices only obtusely acute, as viewed in front appearing narrower, with their apices more acute ; posterior process long, scarcely ivaised above scutellum, strongly cariuate above, the central carination con- tinued through the pronotum, its apex piceous and considerably passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina, its whole length strongly sinuate and impinging on the tegmina. Length 6 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3| millim. Hab. ^Bombay (Dixon). Mainpuri,TJ.^. I.(TFa?;ou). Bangalore (Cameron, Indian Mils.). ->.- • A species to be recognized by its general pale tawny colour, the pale tegmina with dai'kly coloured veins, the obtuse apices to the lateral pronotal processes, &c. o 2100. Otinotus elongatus, sp. n. Body and legs piceous-brown ; lateral areas of the sternum dull cretaceously sericeous ; tegmina semi-hyaline, narro\\]y dull piceously opaque at base, narrowly elongate, somewhat com- pressed ; pronotum verj" tinely pilose : the lateral processes as seen from above modei-ately broad, upwardly directed and apically strongly recurved, centrally cariuate, apices subacute, as viewed 42 MEMBBACID.Ti. in front these processes are much narrower in appearance ; posterior process long, sinuate, impinging on tegmina, scarcely elevated ahove scutellum, its apex considerably passing posterior angle of inner margin of tegmina, tricarinate, the central carination continued through pronotum. Length 5 to 6 ; breadth lat. prooot. process. 3^ millim. Hah. Calcutta {ColJ. Dist.). I- ' ' r^ •- This species is distinct by its elongate and compressed form and its pale semi-hyaline tegmina. <^Pogou, Bucht. Monoffi: Memhrac. p. 248 (1903). Type, P. incurvatum, Buckt. Distribution. Ceylon. This genus, judging from the unique typical specimen now before me, has been founded on a mutilated specimen. Buckton writes : " may be distinguished by its almost obsolete posterior horn and by the curved neuration of the tegmina." The first character does not exist and was described from the mutilated type now in my collection. The posterior process is slender, closely impinging on the tegmina and extends to or beyond the posterior angle of the inner tegminal margin ; the veins to the apical areas of the tegmina are strongly curved inwardly, and this character will separate ^o«^o>i irom^Otinotus to which it has a strong superficial resemblance. -^^"T ■ r^ ■ o 2161. Pogon incurvatlim, Bucld. Monor/r. Memhrac. p. 248, t. Iviii f. 6, a, h, c, (190:i). Buckton's mutilated type is here figured and I add his original description : — " 8uprahumerals stout and thorn-like, recurved and divergent. 8cute]lum exposed and conspicuous " (this is only con- sequent on the mutilated posterior pronotal process). "Posterior horn very short, not so long as the scutellum and like it cleft at the apex" (description of a mutilation). " Abdomen bi'oad, pale umber-brown like the rest of the insect. Tegmina pointed, much paler brown in colour, with darker fuscous waved markings, which are partly followed by the curved dark neuration. The fine apical poGOJf. 43 areas are bouuded by these curved nervures and those forming the two discoidal ceUules. The posterior horn is less than half the length of the abdomen " (this last character represents a mutilation). The lateral pronotal processes as seen from above are bicarinate, with their apices obliquely truncate. "Expanse 12; size G x 4 millim." Hab.^ejlon (Green, Brit. 3Ius.); Pattipola (Green, Coll. Dist.). O ^ 2162. Pogon atricoxis, Kirhy (Ceutrotiis),^j: Limi. Soc, Zoo!, xxiv, p. 164 (1891) ; Melich. (part.) (Centruchus) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 113 (1903). Head and pronotum black, very shortly greyishly pilose ; sternum and abdomen beneath cretaceously sericeous ; legs castaneous, finely greyishly pilose ; tegmina dark castaneous, paler towards apex, the veins and costal and basal areas very finely and more palely pilose ; pronotum finely obscurely punctate ; lateral pro- cesses as seen from above transverse, apically recurved, bicarinate, Togon air'uoxis. their apices subacute, as viewed from in front much narrower and their apices more acute ; posterior process slender, closely impinging on the tegmina, finely laterally and ceiatrally carinate, its apex passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina, which have a very small paler spot near posterior angle of inner margin. Length 6 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3| millim. Haiy Ceylon ; Kandy, Nawalapitya (Green). o o 2163. Pogon Capreum, Kirhy (Centrotus), J. Linn. Soc, Zool. xxiv, p. 168 (1891); 3Ie'lic/i {Centruchus) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 113 (1903) ; Bitckt. (Sextius) Monoc/r. Membrac. p. 228, t. 1, f. 8 a (1903). Head and pronotum purplish-brown, very finely, shortly and more palely pilose ; sternum aud abdomen beneath more or less cretaceously sericeous ; legs pale testaceous ; tegmina purplish- brown, becoming more ochraceous on apical area, the A-eius and costal and basal areas very finely and more palely pilose ; pronotum finely punctate ; lateral processes as seen from above broadly sub- triangular and apically recurved, bicarinate, apices subacute, as viewed from the front much narrower and the apices more acute ; 44 MEMBEACIDiE. posterior processes slender, closely impinging on tegmina, finely laterally and centrally caririate, the central carination continued through pronotum, apex passing posterior angle of inner margin of tegmina ; legs finely pilose. Length 5| ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 3 millim. i/f«6y Ceylon ; Badulla, Maskeliya, Kandy, Pundaluoya {Green). To be distinguished from the preceding species P. atricoxis by the slightly shorter and more subtriangular pronotal lateral processes. '^ o 2164. Pogon auriculatum, StM (Leptobelus), Ofv. Vet.-Al: Fdrh. 1869, p. 1>85 ; Melich. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 114 (1903). " Ferruginous, punctulate, moderately silaceo-sericeous, thorax above the lateral angles shortly cornuted, the processes short and o Fig. 36. — Po(jon auricuhdiun. compressed ; tegmina palely ferruginous-hyaline, base of clavus, the Avhole of costal area, and radial area before middle and out^vard]y behind middle ferruginous, opaque and punctate." {Smi.) This species is to be distinguished from the other examples of the genus here previously enumerated, by the much shorter lateral pronotal processes. Length $ 5| millim. IlabyQeylon {Siockholvi Miisenm). I have not received this species myself from Ceylon and am indebted to Dr. Yngve Sjtistedt of Stockholm for enabling me to figure it. 2165. I'ogon? feYVUgiueVLm, MeNch. (Centruchus) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 114 (1903). ""Whole upper surface and underside rusty-yellow; face and pronotum very thickly and finely punctured, bare, the lateral pro- jections short, prismatic, directed obliquely upward and outward, above with a very fine short keel, the hinder projection narrow, impinging on the scutelhmi, towards the back pointed like a thorn and weakly wave-like, curved, the tip slightly extending beyond the tip of the clavus and sliij;htly arched downward, ridged in middle and on sides, the middle keel on pronotum reduced and very prominent ; scutellum longish, triangular, punctured, not tomentose ; tegmina hyaline, rusty yellow, transversely wrinkled CENTROTUS. 45 at the clavus, ou the base and along costa thickly and finely punctured and traversed by rusty-yellow veins; wings hyaline, with rusty-yellow veins ; pectus rusty-yellow ; anterior cox"fe and clypeus brownish; abdomen pale yellow beneath, anterior coxse near clypeus brownish; abdomen' below pale yellow and above I'usty-yellow ; borders of abdominal segments reddish. " This species is allied to atrkoxis, Kirby, but much more slender, the lateral process short, and especially distinguished by the rusty- jellow colour of the whole bodv." (Slelichar.) " Length ^ & 2 5 millim." ' Hab. »^Ceylon ; Peradeniya, Henaratgoda (Jlde JlellcJiar). I have not seen this species. Division GENTROTUSARIA. The fundamental character by which the CentroUisaria are to be separated from the ]3revious divisions is found in the wings, which have only three apical areas. The presence of pronotal 'lateral processes divide it from the following division'^&'rtr^rt>'«;-/rt. Synopsis of Genera. A. Posterior pronotal process distinctly separate from scutelhmi, moderately ampliate beneath and impinginj^ on tegmina Centrotus, p. 45. ^ B. Posterior pronotal process rising obliquely direct near base of pronotum and then rectangnlarly directed to near posterior angle of inner teg-minal "lai'giii Anchox, p. 49. €. Posterior pronotal process modoratelv short and impinging on scutellum and tegmina . , Tricentrus p. 53. ° O ^ Genus CENTROTUS. Cmtxotm, Fabr. Si/st. Rhimg. p. 16 (1803); Sm, Hem. Afr. iv, p. 88 (1806) ; Mehch. Horn. Faun. Ceijlo7i, p. 109 (1903). Type, C. cornutus, Linn., a Palaearctic species. Distrihution. Apparently found throughout the Eastern hemi- sphere. In this genus the posterior pronotal process is distinctly sepa- rate and somewhat remote from the scutellum, then moderately amphated beneath, the apical area slender and impinging on the tegmma; anterior lateral processes of variable shape and size generally, as in the species here included, longly produced. Stal,' in his synopsis {supra\ gives the lateral angles 'as acuminate, but this cannot be maintained for all the species which I have here included iri Centrotus. The structure and position of the posterior pronotal process is, however, apparently a constant character. 46 MEMBRACID-i:. A. Anterior lateral pvonotal processes ohliquehj directed u/nvard. 2166. Centrotus indicatus, Meiich. Horn. Faun. Ceylon,^. Ill (1903). Piceous-brown, thickly ochraceously pilose ; lateral areas of the sternum and a spot on each side of base of scutellum greyish - ochraceous ; tegmina with a small pale spot near posterior angle of inner margin ; lateral pronotal processes as seen from above i 'ciilrutus indicatu>i somewhat broad, obliquely upturned, bicarinate, their apices obliquely truncate, as viewed from the front xevx much narrower, with their apices subacute; the posterior process separate from the scutellum, sinuate, placed close to the margins of the tegmina, the central carinatiou very pronounced, the apex just passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina ; tegmina punctate on basal area ; legs pilose. Length 6 to 7; breadth lat. pronot. process. 4 millim. Hah. Ceylon ; Kandy, Badidla, Jaffna {Green) ; Eatnapura District, Moruwale, Gamaduwa, Patipolla, Uva {CoJumho 2Ii(s.); "Wehgama (Mus. Ilonr/rois). Dr. Horvsith of Budapest kindly sent me a cotype of this species for comparison. o 2167. Centrotus granulatus, Ktrby, J. Linn. Sac, Zool. xxiv, p. IGO (18U1); Mdicli. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 110 (1903); BucU. (Dauuus) Monogr. Mejnbrac. p. 226, 1. 1, f. 2 a (1903). Piceous, greyishly-pilose ; an ochraceous spot near each lateral angle of the scutellum ; lateral areas of the sternum testaceously sericeous ; pronotiun granulose ; the lateral processes as seen from above long, moderately ascendant, obliquely directed forward, bicarinate, apices broad and truncate, as viewed in front much narrower, more obliquely ascendant and the apices apparently more acute ; posterior pronotal process about reaching the postei'ior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina, robust, centrally and latei-ally carinate, vceW separated from the scutellum at base, after which it is ampliated beneath and impinges on the tegmina, thence gradually narrowed to apex ; tegmina with the veins pilose ; body beneath and legs thickly pilose. Length 8 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 5| to 6 millim. Hah. Ceylon; Kandy, Pundaluoya (G-'rce^i); Kalanda, Patipolla (^fide Melichar). CENTROTUS. 47 2168. Centrotus bioculatus, Kirbi/, J. Linn. Soc, Zool. xxiv, p. 16G (1891) ; Melich. Horn. Fau'n. Ceylon, p. Ill (1903). Head and pronotum purplish-black ; two spots in centre oB front and a spot on each side of base of scutelluin greyish-sericeous ; lateral areas of sternum and abdomen beneath more or less very Fig. •i'i.— Ccni}-oim hiurnlafns. pale ochraceously sericeous ; legs purplish-brown, palely pilose ; tegmina castaneous-browu, the inner area hyaline, which is darker on basal half owing to the reflection of the abdomen beneath ; pronotum coarsely granulose ; the lateral processes as seen from above long, broad, obliquely ascendant, bicarinate, the apices truncate, as viewed in front narrower, with the apices apparently more acute ; posterior process at base only moderately raised above the scutellum, centrally and laterally carinate, the central cari- nation continued through pronotum, its apex slightly passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina, modei-ately ampliated beneath beyond basal area and impinging on the tegmina. Length 9 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. G millim. Hah. Ceylon; Maskeliya, Pundaluoya {Green); Haputale, Newera Ellya {fide MeUcliar). 2169. Centrotus ramosus, sp. n. Head and pronotum black; tegmina piceous ; a small spot at each basal angle of scutellum and the lateral areas of the stern uni CcH.troius raiHusiis. ochraceously sericeous ; legs piceous ; pronotum coarsely granu- lose, lateral process as seen from above very long and obliquely 48 MEMBRACID,!:. fisceudant, the apical areas considerably widened and slightly recurved, tricarinate, the carinations transversely connected before apex which is truncate, as viewed in front narrower but the apex broad with the edges recurved ; posterior process well separated from the scutellum, beyond which it is ampliated beneath and impinges on the tegmina, tricarinate, the central carination finely continued on pronotum, the apex passing the posterior angle of the inner margin of tegmina ; tegmina with a small pale spot near apex of claval area and narrowly black and punctate at base. Length 8 ; breadth lat. pronot, process. 7 millim. Hah. Ceylon; Udagama (CoZZ. -Di'sf.). o 211Q. Centrotus angustulus, Melich. Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 112 (1903). " Small and slender, similar to cupreus, but nearer granulatus in the form and position of the lateral pronotal projections ; whole body rusty-brown, face and pronotum thickly punctate and sparingly greyishly hirsute; in middle of pronotum a longitudinal keel produced on posterior process ; lateral processes directed more upward and for^A-ard, at base rather broad, tip slightly narrowed, at end almost' straightly truncated, front corners rounded ofE, hinder forming a sharp corner, provided above with a keel which runs into the sharp corner, beneath with two truncated longitu- dinal keels, the front corner of lateral processes somewhat sharp- ened ; posterior process narrow, prismatic, distinctly wave-like, curved, at base of scutellum somewhat standing away, directed downward ; tegmina rusty-brown, punctured at base and on costal margin ; wings hyaline, strongly shining ; scutellum longish, tri- angular, not tomentose ; pectus yellowish-white, thickly tomentose ; abdomen rusty-brown, sparingly haired with greyish-white on the belly ; legs rusty -yellow, claws dark." (Melichar.) " Length 2 5 millim." Hab. Ceylon ; Pundaluoya. I have not seen this species. B. Anterior lateral pronotal processes neither oblique nor ascendant, O 2171. Centrotus transversus, sp. n. Head, pronotum, body beneath and legs black ; a spot at each basal angle of scutellum and the anterior lateral areas of the sternum ochraceously sericeous ; legs ochraceous ; tegmina dark castaneous-brown ; pronotum coarsely granulose ; the lateral pro- cesses as seen from above broad, horizontally extended, bicarinate, the anterior carination more or less imperfect, the apices broadly truncate, their anterior angle rounded, their posterior angle obtusely acute, as viewed in front apparently very much narrower ; posterior process robust, tricarinate, the central carination continued through pronotum, distinctly separated fi-om scutellum, where and for a short distance beyond which it is amphated beneath and then gradually narrowed to apex, which is acute and passes the posterior 49 angle of the inner margin of teginina ; tegmina a little darker at base and on costal area, where they are obscurely punctate ; leg.s sparingly ochraceously pilose. Length 10 ; breadth lat. pronot. process. 8 millim. Hah. Assam ; Margherita {Coll. Dist.). Genus ANCHON. ^ Anchon, Buckt. Monocjr. Membrac. p. 214 (1903). Platybelus, Stdl (part.), aa, Hem. Afr. iv, p. 9G (1860). Type, A. nodicomis, Fairm., a South-African species. Distribution. Ethiopian and Oriental Eegions. Front well bent outwardly, the apex not prominent ; pronotum above lateral angles produced into strong processes directed obliquely u])\\ard and at apices strongly recurved, posterior process rising obliquely direct near base of pronotum and then rectangu- larly directed to about or beyond the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina ; scutellum about as broad as long ; tegmina with five apical areas (as computed by Stal)*; wings with three apical areas ; tibiae simple. According to Buckt on : " This genus may be chiefly distinguished by the almost rectangular attachment of the posterior border of the pronotum to the short upright process springing from the dorsum. This is carried horizontally and quite tree from the scutellum. The suprahumerals are rather varied in form, some being clavate and others being more arcuate in shape." The ger\\\fi*-'Anchon, in fact, really represents Stal's section aa of his geim^Flatybelus (Hem. Afr. iv, p. 96). o o 2172. Anchon pilosam, Walk. (Centrotus) List Horn, ii, p. 606 (1851) • Stal (Xiphopoeus), Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 285 ; Atkins. J. A. S. B. liv, p. 83 (1885) ; Melich. (part.) (Platybehis) Horn. Faun. Ceylon, p. 119 (1903). Head and pronotum brownish-testaceous, strongly greyishly Fig. 40. — Anchon pilosum. pilose, posterior pronotal process from near base pale ochraceous with the apex black ; body beneath thickly greyishly pilose ; legs * This is an uncertain character owing to the different methods of com- putation used by describers. TOL. IT. B 50 MEMBBACID^. pale testaceous, greyislily pilose ; tegmina greyish, semi-opaque, talc-like, somewhat prismatic, the veins very pale brownish, a brown marginal spot near apex of inner margin and a piceous stigmatical spot ; lateral pronotal processes as seen from above broad, directed obliquely upward, their apices a little widened, the apical margin subtruncate with an obliquely raised angulation beyond middle, behind which it is obliquely concavely excavate ; posterior process obliquely erect at base and then obliquely and sinuately directed backward, becoming gradually more slender to apex, wiiich is acute and extends to a little beyond the posterior angle of the inner margin of the tegmina, strongly centrally ridged above, the ridge extending through the pronotum but very faintly seen in front ; tegmina wrinkled, the base dai-ker and more opaque. Length 5 ; breadth lat. pronot. process, 3| millim. Hah. '']