®Iie ^. ^. ^iU pbrarg Jforilj (Uarolina ^late College SF117 HZ NORTH CAROLINA S]*TE UNIVERSITY LIBRAR'ES ifiiii S00554970 U ^/ 52243 5g243 I This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below: ;60c*5'. 24 0c-.- llOw Copyright, 1912, by PHILIP HENRY HALE, bditor, 3550 Vista Ayenue, St. Louis, Mo. THE BOOK Live Stock Champions, Being an Artistic Souvenir Supplement OF THE MONTHLY National Farmer and Stock Grower. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY PHILIP H/^^HALE EDITOR AND MANAGb-R, ST. LOUIS, MO. Complete Volume, 1912. ^^4'*********-h***+***-i-**************+******'t-'lr*4-4-****** Mr. PHILIP H. HALE, Editor and Publisher Book of Live Stock Champions.^.4.4.4. 4.4-4-4-4-4'4-4'4-4'4'4'4-4-4-4-4-->'4-4-4-4-4--fr4-4-4-4'4'4-4'-i-4-4'-fr4-4'-fr4'-fr A View of Onward, 4th. PREFACE. HIS is not the first edition of the Book of Live Stock Champions, and we hope it will not be the last. The intention is now to make it an Annual, issuing one book each year. This represents the issue of the year 1912, and may be regarded as Volume No. 1, because it contains the best sub- jects of all former editions. if there are any fam )us animals conspicu( usly absent from this volume, future editions will make up the deficiency. The publisher will not rest until all improved breeds are represented by their most meritorious and famous animals. Photograph by R. J. Rogerson. 5^'|^4:0 nnnnnnnnnnnannnnnpnnnnnnapnnnnnn □ □ Head of My Lady Dainty. annnnnnnnnnnnanannnnnnnannnnnnan QnaQnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn □ The Book of Live Stock Champions* □ nnnnpnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDnnnnnnpnnnnnn -NETHERLEA, five years old. A cham- Winner of first prize, open class in harness, Chicago International Exposition, 19 00. Shown by Peter Walker & Sons, of Liverpool. CLYDESDALE HORSE- pion Liverpool work horse. ABERDEEN-ANGUS COW — VALA. Champion of the breed for several seasons, including Chicago International Exposition and American Royal Show. Was champion at every show in which she was exhibited, and during her life was without a peer as an Aberdeen- Angus cow. Died in transit while on show circuit in 1904, when she was ownel by W. B. Seeley, of Mount Pleasant, la. Library N. C, State Colle«r© THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. PURE-BRED ABERDEEN-ANGUS STEER — ADVANCE. Grand champion of Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1900. Sold for the record-breaking price of .111. .5 per pound on foot by Bowles Live Stock Commission Company to Schwarzschild & Sulsberger. Fed by Stanley R. Pierce, of Creston, 111. ADVANCE is first of a line of grand champion beef steers at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. He was followed by The Woods Principal in 1901; Shamrock in 1902; Challenger in 1903; and Clear Lake Jute in 1904. These steers are all in this edition of The Book of LiveStockChampions. BARBARA McHENRY, 2-lth, and GLENFOIL THICKSET, 2d— Champion Aberdeen-Angus cow and bull at the Iowa State Fair, Min- nesota State Fair and Sioux City Interstate Fair. Exhibited by W. A. McHenry, of Denison, Iowa. This is a fine pair. When this picture was taken he was an aged champion and she a two-year-old. At the American Royal Show, GLENFOIL THICKSET, 2d, was grand cham- pion cow, and her sister was grand champion. They won many other premiums. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HEREFORD COW — DOLLY, 2d. Famous show cow. First-prize winner at St. Louis and many State Fairs. This magnificent show cow with calf by her side was sold at auction, May 23, 1901, by John Hooker, of New T ondon, Ohio, to N. W. Bowen, of Delphi, Ind., for $5,000. HEREFORD COW— DOLLY, 5th, 71,988. Champion Hereford female, Chicago International Exposition, 1900. Bred by John Hooker, of New London, Ohio. Sold after exhibition, with calf at side, to C. A. Jamison, of Peoria, 111., for $3,150. 10 THE ROOK OF I.IVK STOCK CHAMPIONS. HJi^KEFORD STEER— THE WOODS PRINCIPAL, as champion calf at the Chicago International Exposition, 1900. Exhibited by Geo. P. Henry, of Goodenow, 111., .John Letham, herd manager and feeder. THE WOODS PRINCIPAL appears again as yearling and grand cham- pion steer, 1901. llEKI'Ji' olv I ) (A I ! I.l'j -I'l Kt-'r-l'UiZhJ iil'JKI). In procession at the Great St. Louis Fair, 1899. A famous show herd, owned by Thomas Clark, of Beeoher, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 11 THE FAMOI'S TRY HORSE ' D \X ' Owned by Campbell & Reid and the Western Sale Stables Company at the St. Louis National Stock Yards. Champion work horse, used for the purpose of trying other horses by his side, to see if they can work or not. Has worked beside a Quarter of a million horses and done ten-years' service on the St. Louis market. DUTCH BELTED ro^— LADY CLARENCE. First-prize winner and champion at the principal Eastern State Fairs. Representative of the magnificent Valley Farm herd owned by Mrs. S. A. F. Servin, of Valley Farm, Warwick, N. Y. This breed has its great home in the Eastern States, where their dairy qualities are highly esteemed. 12 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COW- LADY DE VRIES OF ROCHESTER. Grand sweepstakes dairy cow, Ohio State Fair, 1899. Exhibited by W. B. Smith & Son. of Columbus, O. A handsome, useful cow, highly representative of the Holstein family. PERCHERON STALLION — POUR-Ql'OIS-l'AS. T as as champion of Chicago International Exposition, r.tni an,] ; : i im- ported by Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman and afterwards owned by McLaugh-.n Bros., of Kansas City, Mo., Sioux City, la., and Columbus,0. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. IS h^ 9 SADDLE STALLION — HIGHLAND FLOWER. Owned and exhib- ited by Gay Bros., of Pisgali, Ky. One of the winners at the Blue Grass Fair. 19 01, and a close contestant for championship honors. Pronounced by the Farmer and Breeder as very close to perfection in the saddle-horse type. From photograph by Thos. A. Knight & Co.. Photographers, Lexington, Ky. SHORTHORN COW— LADY SHARON, 4th. Female Shorthorn champion of the Chicago International Exposition, 1900; also champion at many State Shows. Exhibited by W. A. Belaud, of Gray Tower, Grass Lake, Mich. 14 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. n _™ !^i9ekf*t?!QHffi 1 i se^ 1 Br ■ '" 1 ■1 r ■ ^ll k .^t? ^ r A^fi-igM 1 1 fe^^,.|i 1 n i 1 ! i -a ?5?^H 1 GALLOWAY BT-LL-DRUID OF CASTLE:\rTLK. 17.0.-4 f6..519). Champion of Scotland, 1SS9; Kansas City Royal Show, 1902. and twice champion of Chicago International Exposition. Imported and owned by O. H. Swigart, of Champaign, 111. ILLUSTRIOUS ANGORA GOAT — PASHA COLUMBIA. The champion at Kansas City Royal Show, 1901. Owned by Mrs. M. Armer, of Kingston, N. M. This is one of the heaviest-fleeced goats iu America. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 15 GUERNSEY COW — LILLY ELLA, 7,240. Owned by Mrs. Marion G. Hathaway, of Trenton .Junction. N. .J. This cow is a wonder in beauty as in useful capacity. Record at five years old under public supervision, 12.2S2.68 pounds of milk, 6.4 per cent, fat, 782.16 pounds butter-fat, equivalent to 91 2. -5 pounds of butter, in one year. _-. ..-V — r \« CHESTER WHITE MALE — "HAMLET." Sired by World Beater. Champion boar of the breed, Chicago, 1901. Exhibited by O. N. Phil- lips, of Hamlet, 111. As a three-year-old this boar weighed 900 pounds. He had thickness and depth to be looked for in one of his build. THE ROOK OF IJVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. JERSEY BULL— SILVERTNE COOMARSIE, 5 5,600. Winner of first prize in his class wherever shown. Never beaten for sweepstakes by any bull of his age. Bred and raised by John E. Robbins, of Greensburg, Ind. Since his first appearance in The Book of Live Stock Champions SILVERINE COOMASSIE had the distinguished honor of heading the champion herd at tlie Louisiana Purchase Exposition. HEREFORD BULL — DISTURBER. 139.9S9. Bred and exhibited by Geo. P. Henry, of Goodenow, III. First at Des Moines, la.; first at Indianapolis, Ind.; first at Chicago International, 1902. Picture taken a6 a youngster at the Chicago International. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 17 LINCOLN SHEEP — Aged ewe. First in class and champion, St. Louis, Mo. Exhibited by J. T. Gibson, of Denfield, Ontario, Canada. This picture is highly representative of the best in the Lincoln breed of sheep. OXFORD DOWN SHEEP— Yearling ram. Champion at six State Fairs in 1902. Owned and exhibited by R. J. Stone, of Stonington, 111. 18 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CLYDESDALE HORSE— PRINCE WILLIAM. Champion stallion any age, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by Alexander Galhraith, of Janesville, Wis. PRINCE WILLIAM em- bodied about all that is best in tht^ type of Clydesdales. ANGORA GOAT KINO OF SIERRA. First-premiuu, ...uu;,.^ at Kansas City Royal Show, 1902, in a class of eighteen of the linest goats in America. Owned by Wra. J. Cohill, a Maryland breeder of Angoras. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 19 DUTCH BELTED BULL— CHARLES THE GREAT. Winner of fifty-four first premiums, including individual herd and produce. Shown for seven years and never defeated in the show ring. Valley Farm herd of Mrs. S. A. F Servin, of Warwick, N. Y. HEREFORD Brr,T>--ni PORTED ALRAXY. iml featsd English champion. Among ALBANY'S winnings are; First, Royal and Reserve Champion at Cardiff; First and Challenge Cup for best male or female at Maddersfield, and first in class and champion bull of any breed (open to all England) at London. He was imported by Mr. C. A. Jamison, of Peoria, 111., and since the dispersion of the Hamlet Herefords, heads the herd of Messrs. Avery & Hlnes, of Alto Pass. 111. 20 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. POTJ.ED DURHAAT BriJ,— COT.DEX CxAT'^NTLET, 128.003. Undefeated champion bull and champion sire of this breed. Twice senior champion at the Chicago International Show. Exhibited by J. H. Miller, of Peru, Ind. In order not. to lose a picture from life in the prime of this famous bull. It was necessary to use a faded photo- graph. HAMPSHIRE DOWN YEARLING RA.M — A Royal winner In England; also over the entire American cii-cuit. including the Chicago International in 1902. Exhibited by John Milton, of Marshall, Mich., and imported by him. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 21 CLYDESDALE MARE — CHERRY STARTLE. Champion any age, Chicago Live Stock Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by Graham Bros., of Claremont, Ontario, Canada. When portrait was taken she was three years old and had easily beaten all competitors at many shows. HEREFORD BULL— POLSON, 49,230. Owned by Lee Bros., of San Angelo, Tex. Sweepstakes bull at Texas State Fair several years in euccession and one of the great Missouri Hereford bulls which was successfully acclimated in Texas. 22 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FRENCH COACH HORSE — PALADIN, 1,968. This horse won championship over all coach and carriage breeds, same age and sex, including Hackneys, Gdrman Coachers, Trotters, Thoroughbreds and Cleveland Bays, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. He won first prize at the Chicago Horse Show in 1897; first prize at the Illinois State Fair, 1899; first prize for his get, Minnesota State Fair. 1903. Exhibited by Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman, of Wayne, 111. VICTORIA SWINE- (11 \:\IP IONS OF THEIR BREED. Exhibited at many shows by Davis Eros., of Dyer, Ind., and winning many premiums. These exhibits of Victoria swine used to be a feature of the St. Louis Fair, THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 23 A FINE SHOKrilOKX KEMAI.E — DUCHESS. II. First in class at St. Louis Fair, 19 00. Then owned by Aaron Barber, of Avon, N. Y. This picture is representative of a fine herd of cattle now one of the memories of the breed. She was champion at several State Fairs. SHROPSHIRE SHEEP — YEARLING RAM. Champion at Indiana, Kentucky and St. Louis Fairs, 1902. Exhibited by Geo. Allen, of Allertou, 111. This picture was taken on the Fair Grounds. 24 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL — DL\Z. A great Scotch representative of the Aberdeen-Angus family. First-prize winner at principal Scottish Shows. Ancestors of animals imported into this country and making records. ' THE LITTLE FOUR — STALLION TEAM OF FOUR BLACK SHETLAND PONIES. Exhibited at the Chicago Columbian Exposi- tion by G. A. Watkins, of Detroit, Mich. They took every prize on ponies in harness and were the best bred, best matched, best trained, prettiest, smallest four-stallion team in the world. Their names were PRINCE OF SHETLAND, IMETKLE JOHN. PRIDE OF THE ISLES and MUCKLE ROOL. JLiibl iU' N. C, Sta,te CollRfr^ THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 25 FIXAavJIAL COUNTESS, IT.:., HO — Imported Jersey cow. This cow takes first place in her breed in dairj' capacity. In one year (leap year) she gave 13,248 pounds of milk, containing 795 pounds 4.6 ounces of butter-fat, equivalent to 93.5 pounds 10 ounces of merchant- able butter 85 per cent, fat, just 31 pounds less than her own weight, her weight being 967 pounds. Previously FINANCIAL COUNTESS made a private churn test of 943 pounds 13 ounces of butter in one year. GUERNSEY COW— SUKE OF ROSENDALE. One of the most beautiful of the Guernsey family. She was first-prize winner many times from 1895 to 1898. Has record of 427.1 pounds of butter in a year. Exhibited by Geo. C. Hill & Son, of Rosendale, Wis. 26 THE BOOK or I.IVR STOCK CHAMPIONS. :if .■■■ ■ . -:> {.'•^:^2iiB 1 ( r TROTTING STALLION— ETHAN ALLEN, 2:25 Va . From an orig- inal copyright photograph by Schreiber & Sons, dated 1859, being one of the earliest high-class animal photographs in existence. ETHAN ALLEN was the first entire trotter to beat 2:30. Owned by the late Colonel Henry S. Russell, of Boston, Mass. CHUUJE GOODS — Imported from England. Conquering Shorthorn bull. Always firsif in class, and champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902, and picture taken at that time. Owned by the late G. M. Casey, of Clinton. Mo. Another later picture of CHOICE GOODS appears in this volume. THE BOOK OF LTVK STOCK CHAMPIONS A FAMOUS JUMPER — HEATHERBLOOM. A later page in this book will contain another picture of this famous horse. Owned by Mr. Howard Willett, of White Plains, N. Y. -z-^^ .U HEREFORD BULL — BRITISHER, 145,996. Imported by George Leigh & Co., of Aurora, 111. Winner of grand sweepstakes at Chicago International Exposition, 1902: afterwards sold to Giltner Bros., of Eminence, Ky. Photograph taken in the show. BRITISHER has the sole distinction of being champion of principal shows of England and America. 28 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. TROTTING SIRE— BINGEN, 2: 06 14. At Louisville, Kv., Sep- tember 26, 189 8, BINGEN, then five years old, won the fastest six-heat race, taking a record of 2:06% in the first heat, wihich was the world's champion record for five-year-old trotters. Later he reduced his record to 2:061/4. BINGEN is making a wonderful record as sire of trotters. THREE- YEAR-OLD SHORTHORN BEEF CATTLE — First-prize winners at Chicago International Show, 1902. Fed by B. F. Harris, of Champaign, 111. This load averaged 1,694 pounds and was sold at $8.75 per 100 pounds to the late Simon O'Donnell, of Pitteburg. Pa., for the Pittsburg Provision Company. Mr. Harris in his day, for flfty years, was one of the foremost cattle feeders in the United States. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 29 ^^^^^v^J^R^Bv^^1CZ4|j(pH^ m THE i^REiNCHMAN — FAMOUS SADDLE GELDING. The seusa- tion of the shows of 1900. Undefeated in all rings in which he com- peted. Exhibited by C. F. Neagle, of Lexington, Ky. tiiiJKEiiUKD I'EMALE — QUEENLY. The wonderful two-year-old champion in class and best Hereford female at the Chicago Intetrna- tional Exposition, 1902. Exhibited by W. S. Van Natta & Son, of Fowler, Ind. Picture taken under disadvantage in the snow at ClaicagQ. 30 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CIIAMnONS. SHlKE HuKaE — BLAiSUON PLUTO, as a four-year-old. Cham- pion Shire stallion, any age, at Chicago International Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by Pioneer Farm, J. G. Truman, Manager, Bushnell, 111. This is a great bright bay horse, with white legs, weighing 2,000 pounds, ^le was imported. PRIZE-WINNING COACH IU)l;s). in ins tlay iikmc were few better strings of show horses than those owned and exhibited by John S. Bratton. of the St. Louis National Stock Yards. The picture here- with represents his two four-in-hands tJiat won many championships held by himself. Photograph taken in the year 1904. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 31 PIETERTJE MAID ORMSBY, 78,0ol, A. R. O., at three years, three months, butter, seven days, 2fi.l7 poiinds; average fat, 4.18 per cent.; in thirty days, 107.78 pounds; average fat, 4.17 per cent.; world's record for class. A. R. O. at six years, butter, seven days, 35.56 pounds; average fat, 5.31 per cent.; in thirty days, 145.66 pounds; average fat, 4.54 per cent. ; world's record for thirty days. Owned at Woodlake Stock Farm, Minneapolis. ROAN KING — Grade Shorthorn. Grand champion beef steer at the Chicago International Show, 19 07. Exhibited by his breeder, Mr. James Leask, of Greeubank, Ontario, Canada. Weight at show, 1,080 pounds. Although called a calf, ROAN KING was fifteen months old when exhibited. He gained 2y^ pounds a day from birth to the block. ROAN KING was not over fat or any way unusually developed. He was a perfect baby beef and a Champion of Champions. 32 THE ROOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. i r 1 i CLYDESDALE HORSE— SENSATION, twelve years old. A work horse from Liverpool. Winner of the Clydesdale special in harness, Chicago, 1900. Shown by Peter Walker & Sons, of Liverpool, England, as an example of the great power, endurance and value of the Clydes- dale horse. i I. ( »\\\ \ l:i '. Mil. i :':;,r,;t4. ciiainpioii Here- ford bu.. ... ,;.,.v_.,w.,. iCo.\al Stock Showb, I'JUo and 1904. One of the great modern bulls of the Hereford family. Bought and owned by S. L. Standish, Hume herd of Hereford cattle, Hume. Mo. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 33 GUERNSEY BULL — LORD STRANFORD. One of the most illustrious of his breed. LORD STRANFORD was sired by Chronicler, and his dam was Miss Maggie. He was calved May 31st, 1S88, and imported July 17th, 1889. LORD STRANFORD began his career by winning first prize at the Royal Guernsey Agricultural Society, Island of Guernsey, in 1889. In 1890 he won first in two-year-old class and head of first-prize herd at New York State Fair, also at New York and New England Fair, at Albany. From 1891 to 1894 he was twelve times head of first-prize herd and as many times individually first- prize winner. His record at the Columbian World's Fair was first prize in aged bull class, winner of sweepstakes and head of prize herd. LORD STRANFORD was owned and exhibited by G. Howard Davidson, of Altamont Stock Farm, Milbrook, Duchess county. New York. DELAINE RAM — WONDERFUL, 700. Grand champion Delaine ram, AVorld's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Bred by H. G. McDowell, of Canton, Ohio. This picture was made from an indistinct photograph in order to preserve the appearance of one of the grandest Merino rams which ever lived. 34 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CTTAMPIOXS. SUFFOLK STALLION— THEODORE, 140. Chestnut, two years old. Winner of first prize, International Live Stock Exposition, i901. Owned by Alex Galbraitli & Sou, ot Janesville, Wis. LEICESTER RA:\I~Sweepstakes winner, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. Owned by Mr. Jno. Kelley, of Shakespeare, Ontario, Canada. THF] BOOK OF IJVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 35 Till'] i.Mi'<)irri':!i i a ;•, ;".,ji;:, — i.u-:.i \>-v>.^-\ hull. WimuM- or m-si prize, St. Clement's Show, Island of .Jersey, ]fM)5 and 1906; son of Eminent's Raleigh, sire of sixteen prize winners, and seventeen daugh- ters with high butter tests; his dam was Fontaine's Gold Medal, cham- pion female, St. Clement's Show, 1906; also Gold Medal winner in butter test. THE JAP has scored 9 8.02 per cent, of a perfect scale of points by Jersey cattle standards. THE JAP is the herd bull at Meri- dale Farms, Meredith, Delaware county, New York. Owned by Ayer & McKinney, of Philadelphia, Pa. PETERJ PRINCE McKEAN — FOUR-YEAR-OLD HOLSTEIN BULL. First-prize winner and champion at New York State and other Fairs. Highly representative Holstein-Friesian bull. Ownecl by T. A. Mitcliell, of Weedsport, N. Y. 36 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS HEAVIEST ST1:i:r ox i:f.( OFiD — Winner of Gold Medal at Chicago Columbian Exposition, 1893. Official weight, 3,755 pounds. This steer does not have the appearance of furnishing the largest proportion of choice cuts of meat to weight of carcass, but considering his extreme heavy weight, he was far from being a freak. BILLY was exhibited round the country, especially in Texas, as a show in himself, and his weight was claimed to have reached the 4,000-pound mark before he died. GUERNSEY COW— GYPSY OP RACINE, 9,639. Owned by Geo. C. Hill & Son, of Rosendale, Wis. Yearly record, 11,246.8 pounds of milk, 713 pounds of butter; also 18 pounds 11.7 ounces of butter in seven days. One of the great aged cows in the Guernsey family. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 37 38 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SHORTHORN HEIFER — MISSJE, 165. MISSIE, 16.5, was a phenomenal yearling, and her death, which happened before maturity, was a matter of great regret in the Shorthorn breeding fraternity. She was younger, but of the same character as Ruberta, and contested honors with her. MISSIE was a rich roan of beautiful finish, shapely feminine outlines, wide and level of back, with well-filled ciuarters and deeply-fleshed thighs — a model Shorthorn. AYRSI11R1-: COW i;()SK ''IJONXA. llj:.::. !;• - ; -,^64 pounds of milk in 36.5 consecutive days; 455 pounds of buitur in 365 consecutive days. Winner of first premium at Vermont State Fair at Burlington, 1S9 7, for largest amount of butter-fat from one day's milking. Thirteen cows in competition. First prize in the ring, Vermont St^t^ F^ir. Br^d and owced by C. M. Winslow, of Brandon,Vt, THE BOOK OF LIVFJ STOCK CHAMPIONS. 39 SHETLAND PONY STALLION — CHAMPION PRINCE OF WALES. Registered number, 1,160. Foaled June 16th, 1891. Color, black. Height, 89 inches. The greatest show pony of the day. The sire of more winners than any pony in America. The sire of the pony commanding the largest offer ever made for a Shetland in America. Awarded twelve championships at National Horse Shows and State Fairs. First prize two-year-old, Chicago World's Fair, 1893; first-prize stallion, three years old and over, Pan-American, 1901. Owned by Charles E. Bunn, of Peoria, 111. ABERDEEN-ANGUS CATTT>E — First prize in Eastern District, fat steers, two years old and under three. International Live Stock Exposition, 1901. Average weight, 1,631 pounds at thirty-one months. Bred, fed and exhibited by I>. H. Kerrick, of Bloomington, 111. An- other load by Mr. Kerrick, the champions of 1900, will be found in this book. 40 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ABERDEEN-ANGUS GRADE STEERS— The champion car-load at the Chicago Fat Stock Show of 1900. Fed by L. H. Kerrick, of Bloomington, 111., and sold by Clay, Robinson & Co. at $1.5.50 per 100 pounds. Average weight as two-year-olds, 1,492 pounds; percentage of beef, 64.37. Of all the champion car-loads of beef cattle exhibited at the Chicago International Show this load is more distinctly remem- bered than the others, probably because the photograph is the best and because the well-known champion feeder stands alone by his cattle in the picture. HAMPSHIRE DOWN RAM — TWO YEARS OLD. First-prize winner and champion, Pan-American Exposition, 1901; also at St. Louis. Exhibited by John Milton, of Marshall, Mich. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 41 LITTLE BOY PERFECT — THE WONDERFUL PONY. Has taken over 100 blue ribbons in the show ring. Exhibited by John S. Bratton, of the St. Louis National Stock Yards. COTSWOLD Slli.l.i .vL. Li; ].,.!.. ill.,. 1.1, ,.o V. iiiiior and cham- pion at several Fairs, including St. Louis, in 1902. Exhibited by Lewis Bros., of Camp Point, 111. This ewe was on the circuit several years and never failed to win championship prizes and represented the great mutton and wool-grow^ing qualities of the Cotswold sheep. 42 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CLYDESDALE MARE— PRINCESS HANDSOME. Four years old. Winner of first prize three years in succession at Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Show; also champion at State Fairs. Bred and owned by IMcLay Bros., of Janesville, Wis. CHAMPION LOAD OF CHESTER WHITE HOGS — Picture taken on the farm of the breeder and exhibitor, E. D. Funk, of Shirley, 111. These were champions at the International Live Stock Show of 1908. The average weight of fifty-six hogs was 302 pounds. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SADDLE STALLION— ARTIST MONTROSE, 51, A. S. H. R. Owned by A. F. Wyckoff, of Appleton City, Mo. Exhibited by Jeff Bridgford, of Paris, Mo. Winner of first prize in Stallion Class, St. Louis Fair, 1899, and champion at Chicago Columbian Exposition, 1893. I'M r jk. m^ P' ' Wrj M . .» , i Si %:-i ^^^^a i> W^^ ',, - -rf^' !: i* ^^. L CHESTER WHITE BOAR — YvORLD'S BEATER. First-prize winner in class and champion at St. Louis and other P'airs; also first in class for two-year-olds and over, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902. Exhibited by Dorsey Bros.. o£ Perry, III. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS PERCHERON MARE— MOUVETTE. Champion at Chicago In- ternational Live Stock Exposition, 1902; Minnesota, 1903; Illinois and other Fairs in 1904. Owned and exhibited by Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman, of Wayne, 111. SCOTCH BLACK-FACE SHEEP— Champion ram of Scottish High- land Show of 1902. Shown as a curiosity in sheep raising. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 45 GUERNSEY COW — PRIMROSE TRICKSEY, 7,236. Official record for a year, 9,277 pounds of milk. Average per cent, fat, 5.48. Butter, 5 92.6 pounds. Ov/ned by George C. Hill & Son, of Rosendale, Wis. One of the high ijroductive and beautiful Guernseys. LOAD OF HOGS THAT OBTAINED A NEW TOP ON THE MARKET. The picture herewith represents a load of hogs shipped by John A. Adams, of Warrensburg, Mo., to the St. Louis market. There were fifty-two head, averaging 2 89 pounds, and sold at $8.25 per 100 pounds by Clay, Robinson & Co., live stock commission agents. This was on November 18th, 1911, and the price paid was not only the top of the market for the day, but the highest price paid for a straight load of market hogs for forty-four days. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. PURE-BRED CLYDESDALE DRAFT HORSES— Owned by Xelson Morris & Co., and first-prize winners in harness ai; the Chicago International Live Stoclt Exposition, 1900. Imported by Geo. :Moore, of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. These horses weighed 1,R.50 pounds each and carried themselves proudly with an elastic step. They were the wheelers of the six-in-hand rig which won over the crack teams exhibited by other Chicago packers. THE FAT^IOrS WHITE SHORTHORN BULL SPECULATOR— Four years old; weighs 2,6!K) jjo'inds. Owned by E. W. Bowen, of Delphi, Ind. One of the best Shorthorn bulls in the United States. He was champion of the Pan-American Shorthorns. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 47 PACING STA[.I.1().\ aXI) SI iH^J— BlIOW X HAL, I'M-i^- Ownerl by the late Geo. Campbell Brown, of Spring Hill, Tenn. Sire of Star Pointer, 1:591/4; Hal Dillard, 2:04%; Star Hal, 2:04%; Hal Chaffln, 2:0.51/4; and many other great pacers. A FAMOUS BERKSHIRE BOAR — KING ^NIARVIE. as a two-year- old. Photograph taken in 1900 at St. Louis Fair, when he weighed 800 pounds. Has since won many premiums. Bred by John F. Stover, of Indiana. This is one of the best pictures of a typical Berkshire boar in existence. 48 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. TYPICAL rOLO PONY — BINGO. Winner of several blue ribbons in Polo Pony class at Eastern Horse Shows. From photo by Schreiber. HEREFORD CATTLE — Swoepslakes-winning calves of the Chicago International Live Stock Show and Exposition, 1902. Bred and shown by the Nebraska Land and Feeding Company.Ellsworth.Neb. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 49 PERCHElluA rM vi.i.iv).\- (.jit v.\(,k^ i 10. Percheron stallion, (45,088) 29,606, a dark gray, and was foaled April 15, 1899. He was bred by M. Tessier, of France. His sire was Jules (37,987) and his dam Pelotte (29,009). Was champion of France an entire season; also first-prize winner at Ohio State Fair, 1902. ORANGISTE was one of the importations by McLaughlin Brothers, of Columbus, Ohio; Kansas City, Mo.; and St. Paul, Minn. SHROPSHIRE SHEEP — Awarded the first prize or the best flock shown at the Wisconsin State Fair, September, 1909. Owned and exhibited by A. J. Klein, of Campbellsport, Wis. 50 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SADDLE STAI.LIOX — GOQDWiN, 1,22 7. Owned by General John B. Castleman, of Louisville, Ky. Regarded by the U. S. Govern- ment as representing the highest type of the American saddle horse. GOODWIN was sired by Highland Denmark, 130; dam, the World's Fair winner, Emily, 85.5. As a yearling he won in every ring in which he was shown. ANGORA GOAT — PRINCESS OF MONTEREY — Winner of Crold Medal, American Royal Show, Kansas City, 1902. Exhibited by C. P. Bailey & Sons, of San Jose, Cali''. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 51 ■■■€ ~.t, i-jit^i-*' A BLOCK OF ANGUS BEEF— THE ABERDEEN-ANGUS HEIFER 1.AY1A OF GLAMIS — Sweepstakes champion at the Birming- ham and Smithfield Shows, England, 1902. Tnis picture represents more than any other in this book the capahility of a photograph from life representing a beef animal. Two things are needed to insure success: First, the animal; next, an animal photographer. GRAND CHAMPION POLLED-.\NGUS STEER— SHAMROCK, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902. Show-ring weight, 1,805 pounds as a two-year-old. )]]xhibited by the Iowa Agricultural College and fed to a finish by Mr. Samuel Johnson, herdsman. 52 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. THE "PERCHERON COUNTENANCE." This is a reproduction from a photograph of the original painting by H. Lang. The picture is given a place in the Book of Live Stock Champions at the request of many admirers THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. MOQUETTE— Standard-bred Trotting Stallion. His mile at 2:10 was the champion four-year-old record. Remarkable for size, style, speed, beauty and ability to transmit same. Owned by W. H. Davis, of Washington, Pa. ■""^Hfe- ^ 'l^'dm^A^. ^^^fcHi-">i.->-|^^^^^E ^ ^ ■^*^ ', ^^'fi ..^^5w-.- AGED HEREFORD HERD — Champion at St. Louis; also at Kansas City, 1902. Headed by March On, 6th, the senior champion Hereford bull. From photograph taken at the St. Louis Fair. Owned by the late J. A. Funkhouser, of Plattsburg, Mo. 54 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. POLLED DURHAM HEIFER — GOLDEN HEATHER. Junior champion female at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. Has won many first prizes since then as a mature cow. Exhibited by J. H. Miller, of Peru, Ind., and afterwards sold to J. H. Jennings, R. F. D. 4, Streator, 111. DORSET SHEEP — Ram in foreground is WOODLAND, 239. First as ram lamb at Michigan State Fair, 1902; not shown elsewhere. Owned by Wing Bros., of Woodland Farm, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 55 CLYDESDALE STALLION — EARL OF BOMBIE. Winner of Grand International Gold Medal for champion stallion, any age, at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1900. Exhibited by C. E. Clarke, of St. Cloud, Minn. RIVALS' CHAMPIONS' BEST, 127.963— Grand champion Berk- shire boar at the Minnesota State Fair, 1911. He was sired by a champion boar and is the sire of champions. Exhibited by Rockwood Farm, Ames, Iowa, C. F. Curtiss, Proprietor. 56 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. DOUBLE TEAM— ROBERT J., record 2:01i/o. ; GENTRY, record 2:00%. Double-team record, pacing, 2:[)&. by Lewis Tewkesbury, of New York state. GUERNSEY COW— MARY MARSHALL. 5,60 1. Tlio Avinning cow in butter production in the Pan-American Model Dairy Herd, 1901. Record for six months, 5,611.0 pounds milk; 5.36 per cent, butter-fat; 354.26 pounds churned butter. Profit in production of butter, $59.43, the next highest being $51.58. Exhibited by Mr. Ezra Michener, of Carversville, Pa., afterwards owned by A. C. Loring, of Minneapolis, Minn. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 57 SIR BEDIVERE — A famous chestnut saddle gelding that is win- ning lots of blue ribbons. Property of W. J. Roe, of Oshkosh, Wis. SIR BEDIVERE is a rich chestnut with white face and hind feet white, bred by E. D. Fryman, of Cynthiana, Ky., and foaled in 1904. Sire, Dandy Jim, 2d; dam, Mary Evans. Photograph by Thomas A. Knight, of Lexington, Ky. f m i ■ uii ^ ^P ^IM i m JERSEY COW — PRIDE'S OLGA. 4th. 96,870. Test, 27 pounds Vz ounce from 42 pounds 9 ounces of milk. She is a daughter of MEDIA ANN'S STOKE POGIS, 22,042 (sire of ten) and the great PRIDE'S OLGA, 37,186, who has a test of 19 pounds 12 ounces, and leads the world as having the largest number of tested daughters of any Jersey cow. Owned by C. A. Sweet, of East Aurora, N. Y. THE BOOK OP LIVR STOCK CHA^IPIONS SADDLE HORSE — PRINCE CHARMING. Prize winner in New York, Atlantic City, Staten Island, Chicago, St. Louis, Des Moines and Kansas City. Owned by H. P. Crane, of St. Charles, 111. BROWN SWISS BULL— DUKE OF RIVER MEADOW. First-prize winner in class and champion at the New York Pan-American Show, 1901. Exhibited by McLaury Bros., of Portlandville. N. Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. !SE^*r| ..^ 't^BB^^ ' ' "^i^B^^^ V 1 SADDLE MARE — CORTNNE. An Eastern show-ring champion of 1904. Then owned by Mrs. J. M. B. Grosvenor, a lady exhibitor who had a very fine collection of show horses. JERSEY BULL — GOLDEN MON PLAISIR, 59,936. Winner of first prize over ISLAND OF JERSEY, 1898; also champion iu the United States. Owned by H. N. Hl§ginbotham, of Joliet, 111. 60 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 'y%^4>d;^teaMa<.«>i.. THOROUGHBRED HIJXTER — (iARNET RIPPLE. -MuKiie-weight champion of 1904. Owned by Courtland H. Smith, of Alexandria, Va. CHEVIOT SHEEP — Ased Fairs and St. Louis in 19 02. castle, Ind. am. First-prize winner at three State Exhibited by F. B. Hartman, of Fin- THE BOOK OP LIA^E STOCK CHAMPIONS. 61 SHORTHORN BULL— MERRY HAMPTON. Purchased by the University of Illinois to head the College Shorthorn herd. At four years old this grand bull weighed 2,400 pounds. He was a champion in Scotland, and has not been shown in this country, although consid- ered one of the greatest living Shorthorn bulls. AYRSHIRE COW — VIOLA DRUMMOND. First-prize aged cow, Pan-American Show, Buffalo, 1901. Exhibited by J. F. Converse & Co., of Woodville, N. Y. 62 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ^ t u CLYDESDALE FILLY— LADY ELEGANT. Three years old. Champion female at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1904. Bred and owned by McLay Bros., of Janesville, Wis. JERSEY BULL- CZAR OF Rl VERMEADOW. Owned by F. E. Dawley, of Dotshome, Fayetteville, N. Y. Winner of thirty-one first prizes in the Eastern and Middle States, including championship at New York, Pennsylvania, and Trenton, N. J. Never beaten in the show ring. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 63 DUROC-JERSEY SOW — AS A YEARLING. Weight, 700 pounds. St. Louis Fair sweepstakes winner. Exhibited by O. Walter & Son, of Lebanon, Ohio. f^^SiS^ niPORTED YEARLING OXFORD DOWN RAM. Exhibited and ownad by G. McKerrow & Sons, of Pewaukee, Wis. First-prize winner and champion at Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illi- nois and Kentucky State Fairs, also at the Great St. Louis Fair, and at the American Royal Show of 1903. 64 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SUFFULK STaLLIUX - IIEXDLESIJAAI ALBERT. Champion of the hreed at Chicago International Live Stoclt Exposition, 1902. Imported and owned by Alex. Galbraith & Son, of Janesville, Wis. SADDLE STALLION— ROSE WHIRLWIND. Three years old. First prize at Illinois State Fair, 1902; also at Paris and three other Fairs in Missouri. Owned jay Ed. Hodgson, of El Paso, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 65 SHETLAND PONY STALLION— CHESTNUT, 3,572. Foaled 1897. Height, 41 inches. First-prize winner at many State Fairs and Horse Shows. Picture taken at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1909, after winning the Gold Medal offered by the American Shetland Pony Club. TAMWORTH SOW — PRUDALIA, 119, A. T. R. First in class and sweepstakes sow, Illinois State Fair, 1898. Photographed at three years. Owned by J. M. Simpson & Sons, of Palmer, 111. fi6 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. IMP. VILLAGE BELLE, 2d — Champion Shorthorn cow at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902; American Royal, 1903; Chicago International, 1903; also other chami)ionships too nnmerous to mention. This picture was taken in the snow at Chicago during the show of 1902. Owned and exhibited by D. R. Hanna, of Ravenna, Ohio. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COW — MERCEDES JULIPS PIETERJE, 3 9,4 80. Record of 5 84 pounds of milk in seven days, official test, containing 29 pounds .5.7 ounces of butter. Claiming world's record. 1901-2. Owned bv McAdam & Von Heyne, Brothertown Stock Farms, Deansboro, N. Y., and afterwards sold to Dr. W. T. Housinger, of West Chazy, N. Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS KING ALAR, 26,552 — Owned by Miss A. A. Marks, of Sound Beach, Conn. KING ALAR is 17 hands high; weighs 1,450 pounds, and has a mark of 2:26 as a fouryear-old. He is the fastest large horse and can trot a mile at 2:20 at any time without any boots. His disposition is kind and gentle, and he is a rare specimen of the American trotter, combining speed, size and power. y ■ ^ »it • '-^ '^ L ^HQ^^^^gfe , 4BI^^^^I^I^^^I BRAHMA COW — Tnis is a picture of a fine representation of the Brahma or Zebu breed of East Indian cattle, being one of an American impoi'tation and champion in her class. 68 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. KEX i\lcDONAL,u, H'6'6 — BlacK Stallion, sixteen nands high. Champion saddle horse of America. Foaled 1890. Bred by Joseph McDonald, of Mexico, Mo. Sire. Rex Denmark. 84 0; dam, Lucy Mack. Picture taken at thirteen years old. This horse won cham- pionship ribbons without limit and was finally barred from contests. In the zenith of his career he wa? owned and shown by Colonel Jno. T.Hughes, of Muir,Ky. In his old age, by B.R.Middleton, of Mexico, Mo. HEREFORD BULL— IMP. SALISBURY, 76,059. Sweepstakes winner at the Ohio State Fair; also at West Virginia and Maryland, 1898. At head of Castalia Herefords, Murray Boocock, Proprietor, Keswick, Albemarle county, V^. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 69 GERMAN COACH STAL.L10N — HANNltiAi., ^,iJ.. A^ed six years. First-prize winner at New York, Illinois and Indiana State Fairs, and champion prize winner over all coach hreeds at the Amer- ican Royal Show, 1903; champion at Chicago International, 1903. Owned by J. Crouch & Son, of Lafayette, Ind., and Sedalia, Mo. HANNIBAL was also grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. POLLED DURHA:M CATTLE — Champion bull and cow. Polled Durhams are Shorthorn cattle with the horns bred out. This pair is highly representative of the breed, and the picture is published in order to show the foundation upon wljich profitable young market catUe can be produced. 70 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HEREFOJ;i> i;i|,l, I.MI-|;(J^-|-:K il'.t.L'nr,), iM/ii'n, nnv. .l..-a>>Ml He was bred by J. H. Arkwright, Esq., Hampton Court, Leoniinsler, England, and imported by T. F. B. Sotham. of Chillicothe, Mo., to head his herd. This great bull at three years old weighed 2,000 pounds. He was believed to be the deejiest-bodied and shortest-legged bull in the world. IMPROVER was a grand show animal from the start, and in several instances was first in class, first in herd or champion aged bull at State Fairs, and first in class at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1901. By reason of mistaken patriotism this bull was sent for exhibit at the South Carolina Exposition, and died from fever contracted there. AYRSHIRE COW — CLARA GLADYS. Seven years old. Cham- pion cow of the breed at St. Louis, 1903, and winner of many other premiums. Owned by W. P. Schanck, of Avon, N. Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. RYSDICK'S HAMBLETONIAN— SIRE OP TROTTERS. Picture taken in his old ag:e. From copyright ohotosraph by permission of Schreiber & Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa. RYSDICK'S HAMBLETONIAN was never trained. In 1864, when he was fifteen years old, David Bonner drove him at a 2:30 to 2:40 gaii. When he was foaled in 1849, the mile record, 2: 291/2, was held by Lady Suffolk. It was nineteen years afterwards when the first 2:10 record was made. He was 151/^ hands high, dark bay, with both hind ankles white. SUFFOLK SHEEP — PEN OF WETHERS. Winners of sweep- stakes at the Scottish National Show; also at Smithfield, London, England, 1902. At twenty-one months these wethers weighed a total of 928 pounds. Exhibited by Colonel Baird, of Newmarket. 72 THE BOOK OP LTVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ^ ±1,...,-.. . • y^-^_.. m m pm •v. ^ -^-^m..., , SHIRE MARE — BEAUTY, 6,013. Champion Shire mare, any age, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, I'JOl. Exhibited by L. W. Cochran, of Crawfordsville, Ind. A FAMOUS C.M^ OP FIRST-PRIZE TWO-YEAR-OLDS, S. W. District, at the International Live Stock Exposition, 1902. Fed and exhibited by John Keister, of Emery, 111. THE BOOK OF L[VE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 73 POLLED DURHAM HEIFER — RUBY OF BUTTOXWOOD. Owned by Fletcher S. Hines, of Malott Park, Ind. Has always taken the blue ribbon wherever shown. Junior champion at Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition, 1901, and senior champion also at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902; also senior cham- pion cow, Chicago, 1903. Later, since grown to maturity, RUBY OF BUTTONWOOD was grand champion at Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, 1904. RUBERTA — CHAMPION SHORTHORN COW OF 1902. 1903 AND 1904. Bred by J. G. Bobbins & Sons, of Horace, Ind., and owned by G. M. Casey, of Clinton, Mo. This is one of the early pictures of RUBERTA taken in 1902 at the Great St. Louis Fair. thf: book of livk stock ohampions. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION — LOUFOC, 44,948. Aged four years. Weight, 2,100 pounds. First-prize winner at the Indiana State Fair. Owned by J. Crouch & Son, of Lafayette, Ind. HEREFORD STEER CALVES — Bred and shown by Swenson Bros., of Stamford, Texas. First in class for feeders under one year old in Southwest District, International Live Stocli Exposition of 1902. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 75 > » o 76 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SHORTHORN BULL — CEREMONIOUS ARCHER, 171,479. Junior champion Shorthorn bull (yearling) at the Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition, 1002. Exhibited by George Harding & Son, of Waukesha, Wis. This bull wins great honors in the year 1903, and will be found again in this Book of Live Stock Champions. COTSW'OI.l) SlIKKP — AGED RAM. Champion at St. Louis, New York, Michigan and other Fairs. Exhibited by Lewis Bros., of Camp Point, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. A CLYDESDALE STALLION— WOODEND GARTLY. Champion at Stirling, Scotland, and winner of other great prizes. Imported and owned by Alex. Galbraith & Son, of Janesville, Wis. POLLED DURHAM HEIFER— RUBY OF BUTTONWOOD, 2d, AS A YEARLING. Owned by Fletcher S Hines, of Mallott Park, Ind. First in class at all the State Fairs, 1902, and junior champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902. At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, as a full-grown cow, she was only second to her half-sister, who was a grand champion female of the show. 78 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. A THOROUGHBRED HORSE — ROBERT WADDELL. Winner of the American Derby of 1901. _^^ ^ >h- ^^^■■^vjK ^^v r^ *" ^M m^'UfiP^ ':^'lP^B^| /'X^' ■ MM !mm^' J GUERNSEY COW — SWEET BRIAR OP LINDEN HOME, 9,681, A. G. C. C. First-prize and champion cow, special Guernsey exhibit, Wisconsin State Fair, 1901. Property of Charles Solveson, of Nash- otah, Wis. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 80 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SHORTHORN BULL— LAVENDER VISCOUNT. Champion Short- horn bull, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1904. Exhib- ited by Chas. E. Leonard, of Bell Air, Mo. This great bull was photo- graphed at Chicago on a dull, snowy day, and is the best picture obtainable. Speaking of this great bull, the Breeders' Gazette said: "Twice champion in the West, LAVENDER VISCOUNT transfers the scene of his victories east of the river. Nothing can be added to the account of the career of this remarkable flesh carrier save the cham- pionship record achieved here over the pick of the bulls of America and Britain." VJCTORI.V UUAll Fiibt iu rlass ..l 600 pounds when exhibited as a yearling. Dyer, Ind. ;l. i,ui:i^. .:;l;-. Weighed Owned by Davis Bros., of THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 81 BELGIAN DRAFT MARE- -BRILLl ANTE, 117. Champion Bel- gian mare, any age. at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by H. Lefebure, of Fairfax, Iowa. Nearly every picture appearing in THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS has at some time or other appeared in THE NATIONAL P^ARMER AND STOCK GROWER, published monthly at St. Louis, Mo. EC W4: ^^^K^'-l^v<^:^HliHl LINCOLN SHEEP — A prize-winning flock at the Great St. Louis Fair, 1902. Exhibited by J. T. Gibson, of Denfleld, Ontario, Canada. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPION'S. GUERNSEY BULL — COCK OF THE WALK. First-prize winner and champion at New York State Fair, 1902. Owned by Edward T. Price, Spotswood Dairy Farms (Walter Jauncey, Manager), Broad Axe, Pa. THE ANGOR.A (iOAT — LAZ.\RUS. Cliampion of the First Kansas City Royal Show, 1900. Exhibited by D. C Taylor, of New Mexico, and sold to Richardson Bros., of Dubuque, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 83 HEREFORD STEER— 'THE WOODS PRINCIPAL." Champion calf at International Fat Stock Show, 1900. and grand champion steer of the same show of 1901. Exhibited by George P. Henry, of Goode- now, 111., and fed by John Letham. Weighed 1,64.5 pounds at twenty- five months. AYRSHIRE COW — IMISS OLLIE, 12,039. Bred and owned by L. S. Drew, of South Burlington, Vt. Won first in home dairy test for single cow, giving official record of 9,924 pounds of milk and .514 pounds of butter in one year. 84 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. • 1 ^ ^irsS^S^ -^ HP^H'^'^'^- '■'^»-^^^?^^i PhhK B^^H Hnk^ii^ >>^i P^ '^i^^^^^^^^^^l ^^^R ■KkJIiLi^Lia.iL;&tei^ Ml^. i.r'r^W TROTTING SIRE— JAY BIRD, 2:31%, by George Wilkes, 2:22. Foaled in 1877. Sire of Hawthorne, 2:06%; Allerton, 2:09%:; Early Bird, 2:10; Invader, 2:10; also many more with records from 2:11 to 2:hj. Copyright photograph by permission of Sthreiber & Sons, of Philadelphia. POLAND-CHINA BOAR — Two years old. Champion at St.Louis, 1902. Exhibited by Burgess Bros., of Beraent, 111. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 85 A FAMOUS JACK — MONARCH, 190. Winner of first premium in two-year-old ring, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Exhibited by Charles G. Comstock, of Albany, Mo. mmmrnnss^mmswsnf ..■.■^■■■im iiMMiiitt|||^J|. - ^m,'*^i^ i^v'- ,1/it^^ V " CAR-LOAD OF YEARLING HEREFORD CATTLE — First-prize winners at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1902. Bred, raised and fed by W. F. Herrin, of Buffalo, 111., weighing an average of 1,093 pounds in market and sold at $7.60 per 100 pounds. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. P\\:M01'S jack day S1\\K, lM, lmU. Took the iinMiiiuin at the Chicago World's Fair, ISf).''., as best in his class. Bred and owned by J. W. & J. L. Jones, Jr., of Columbia, Maury county, Teijn. LINCOLN SHEEP — Champion ram, any age, at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by J. H. Patrick, of Ilderton, Canada. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 87 > % 9 ^^ Wo o r - K Q.O o r*. ^3 3 r> (fq g p 03 3 ® 88 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CtlAMPIONS. SHORTHORN BULL — NONPAREIL OF CLOVER BLOSSOM, 153,672. Junior champion male at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by George Both well, of Nettleton, Mo. Since sold to D. R. Hanna, of Ravenna, Ohio. The contest in which this great bull was declared junior champion was considered especially- great and interesting. NONPAREIL OF CLOVER BLOSSOM had beaten all American Shorthorn yearlings in the show ring and was in competition with a bull w'^' -h had beaten all the yearlings of England. in 11 II ii\'.i.ii'A) LULL. — L i..i-liDIUS, 324. As four-year-old weighed 1,680 pounds. Owned by Mrs. S. A. F. Servin, of Valley Farm, Warwick, N. Y. Was shown in 1S97, 1898 and 1901 at leading Fairs, including New York State (Syracuse), New Jersey Interstate (Trenton, N. J.), and Pan-American, and out of seventeen first prizes he took thirteen in 1901. He headed the herd and took first at all Fairs shown. He also took sweepstakes at New York State (Syra- cuse), in 1901. THE BOOK OF T.IVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. |t CLEAR LAKE JUTE — The grand champion beef steer at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition Oi 1904. This steer was fed and exhibited under the direction of Andrew Boss, Chief of the Live Stock Department of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. The steer was handled and cared for by George Craig, herdsman and graduate of the college. At fourteen months old his weight was estimated at 1,050 pounds; at twenty-six months, as reserve champion, his official weight v/as 1,624 pounds: at thirty- eight months, as grand champion, his weight was 1,89.5 pounds; and when sold he weighed 1,870 pounds. CLEAR LAKE JUTE dressed 69 per cent, of clear beef; furnished 123 pounds of fat, and the hide weighed 95 pounds. CLEAR LAKE JUTE was sold by the Bowles Live Stock Commission Company at 3 6 cents per pound to the United Dressed Beef Company of New York. The verdict of the slaughterers in regard to this steer is, that it was the Champion of Champions. DUROC-JERSEY BOAR — Champion two-year-old, St. Louis Fair, 1902. Exhibited by O. Walter & Son, of Lebanon, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HOLSTEIN-FRTESTAX COW— DTJCHESS ORINISBY, 2d. Owned by A. N. McGeoch. of Lake Mills, "Wis. Record in six-year-old form, 409.8 pounds of milk and 21 pounds .'. ounces of butter. AMERICAN MERINO RAM — First-prize winner and champion for years at State Fairs and at St. Louis. Grows a fleece weighing 28 pounds. Exhibited by C, H. Bell, of Ashley, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPTONS. 91 NANCY HANKS — THRICE CROWNED CHAMPION TROTTING MARE. Reduced the mile record 414 seconds in forty-one days. September 28, 1892, she trotted a mile in 2:04. From copyright pho- tograph by courtesy of Schreiber & Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa. See another picture of NANCY HANKS on page 98. DEVON BULL — TULIP'S ROYAL. 1st. Exhibited by James Hilton & Son, of New Scotland, N. Y. First-prize winner in t\vo-yea,v- Qld class and sweepstakes bull at Pan-American, 1901. 92 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. BELGIAN STALLION — OMER. Champion at Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition, 1903. "A clean winner." Exhibited by ]\IcLaiighlin Bros., of Columbus, Ohio, and Kansas City, Mo. DUTCH BELTED COW— ECHO, 2d, 701. Won first prize and championship at South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposi- tion, first and sweepstakes at New Hampshire State Fair, first and champion New York State Fair, first at Indiana State Fair, champion dairy cow, any breed, Batavia, N. Y., Jerseys, Ayrshires and Guernseys competing, first prize New Jersey Interstate Fair. She was never beaten in the show ring. Owned by Frank R. Sanders, of Wayback Farm, Laconia, N. H. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 93 BELLINI, 2:1314 — Trotting stallion by Artillery, 2: 21 1/2, sou of Hambletonian, 10. Very successful trotter. Owned by W. H. Dicker- man, of Mamaroneck, N. Y. Sire of The Judge, 2:10i4; Alberto, 2:131/^; and many other standard performers. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BULL — COUNT PAUL DE KOL, 2d. First-prize winner at Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by Highlaw» Farm, Worcester, M^ss. Owned by Mr. F. P. Knowie?. 94 thp: book of live stock champions. McKUSICK — CREAT PRIZE-WINNING HARNESS HORSE. Owned bj' G. Hutchinson Gallony, of Devan, Pa. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CHAMPION COW— SADIE VALE CON- CORDIA, A. R. O., 1,124. Producing under official test 694.3 pounds of milk in seven days, containing ?,Q pounds 10.10 ounces of butter: also producing in thirty days jjounds of milk, containing 12Ii 10 ounces of butter, breaking world's record in both tests. Owned by Mc.\dam & Von Heyne, of Brothertown Stock Farms, Deausboro, Oneida county, N. Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 95 JIM CROAV — CHAMPION MIDDLE-WEIGHT HrXTEK, Owned by Mr. .1. R. Valentine, of Brj-n Mawr, Fa. CHAMPION GRADE WETHER LAMB, Chicago, 1902. An example of what a fat lamb ought to be. Exhibited by R. Gibson, of Delaware, Ontario, Canada. 96 THE BOOK OF LTVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. GOLDSMITH S MAID — Famous Trotting Queen, reduced the mile record to 2:14 on September 2d, 1874. From copyright photograph by courtesy of Schreiber & Sons, Art Photographers, Philadelphia, Pa. Anyone who desires to look over a first-class monthly farm paper should obtain a copy of THE NATIONAL FARMER AND STOCK GROWER, published monthly at 3 550 Vista .Ave., St. Louis, Mo. This BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS is a souvenir of that paper. ^.'.^m^' .^ ABERDE1::X ...><. L o Caj , , .l,1.1:TIIA OF MEADOWLRUOK. First aged cow and champion, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by D. Bradfute & Son, of Cedarville, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 97 ALLIE NLJN^ in roadster class. -Winner of forty-three first and championship prizes Owned by E. T. Stotesbury, of Philadelphia, Pa. AYRSHIRE COW— PINK DAISY, 14,320. Representative Ayr- shire cow. Shown at Ohio State Fair as a two-year-old and won first premium. Was also in first-prize herd as get of one sire. Owned by Mr. Howard Cook, of Ayrshire Stock Farm, Beloit, Ohio. 98 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. NANCY HANKS IN RETIRE:\IENT— THE BROOD MARE. RAMBOUILLET SHEEl'— Lliciiii,-iuii , wt., ai., d^e, CliicaMu Inter- national Live Stoclc Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by Max Chapman, of Marysville, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ALH]XAX1)K11 liAKKWH^LL—CHAMPlON CLYDESDALE STAL- LION AT THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR OF 1909. He is a massive dark-brown horse, easily weighing 2,000 pounds. Exhibited by Alex. Galbraith & Son, of DeKalb, 111. SIR BOURBON — KENTUCKY SADDLE YEARLING. First- prize winner at the Kentucky State Fair. Exhibited by Weissinger & Sons, Undulata Stock Farm, Shelbyville, Ky. Photograph by Thps. A- Kuight <& Co., of Lexington, Ky. 100 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. KESWICK— CHAIMPION conformation of hunter type. LIGHT-WEIGHT HUNTER, showing Owned by Julian Morris, Keswick, Va. BARON DUKE, 62d, 1.54,052 — Photograph taken at Missouri State Fair, 1911, where he was grand champion Berkshire boar. At the Fair his age was less than one year and his weight was 500 pouAds. Bred and exhibited by N. H. Gentry & Son, Sedalia, Mo. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 101 AMERICAN STARLIGHT— Registered No. 3,253 in American Jack Stock Stud Book. AMERICAN STARLIGHT is four years old, 15 Vz hands high, beautiful black with white points, extra fine head with thirty-six-inch ears from tip to tip. Weight, 1,100 pounds, large foot and bone and a wonderful breeder. AMERICAN STARLIGHT was champion jack at Columbia, Tenn., September, 1911. Property of Thos. H. Ezell, owner of Mill Creek Stock Farm, Nashville, Tenn. '^m ^^ lbL^MiL>:> -,,.^:.i:.^.^^A<^:M.r z^ v:^^^^^^^ WHITE MARY, r,th— CHAMPION LARGE YORKSHIRE SOW. Bred, owned and exhibited by B. F. Davidson, of Menlo, Iowa. ShQ weighed 640 pounds and was champion at four State Fairg. 1 02 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. BRADGATE BLUE JACKET— SHIRE STALLION. Imporled and exhibited by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, HI. BRADGATE BLUE JACKET as a two-year-old weighed 1,900 pounds; has the very best of style and action; stands on large, sound feet, with best of legs and joints. He was shown at tbe great London Shire Horse Show, and in a class of 102 shown he stood fourteenth, which was inside the ribbons. He is a beautiful grey, and has started out well since arriving on this side by having won first at the Iowa State Fair and first at the Illinois State Fair. HEREFORD CATTLE — First-prize winners and champions of the herd of Luce & Moxley, of Shelbyville, Ky. Photographed by Knight, Qf Lexington. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 103 CHAMPION SHORTHORN STEER AT AMERICAN ROYAL SHOW OF 1911. Grown and exhibited by Tliompson Bros., of Dover, Kansas. Sold by the firm of Clay, Robinson & Co. at $9.30 per 100 pounds to Cudahy Packing Company. A PAIR OF SHORTHORNS— SULTAN MINE, BULL, AND NON- PAREIL, 44th, COW. Exhibited by F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Champions at Wisconsin State Fair of 1911. 104 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SADDLE STALLION — DANDY JIM, 2d. Winner of five-gaited championship at Kentucky Blue Grass Fair. Exhibited by M. D. Martin, of Poindexter, Ky. DANDY JIM, 2d, was sired by McDonald Chief, 1,451, by Rex McDonald, 8S3; dam Lady Mc, 1,604, by Indian Chief, Jr. This great saddle horse has a blaze face and left fore and right hind foot white. From photograph by Thos. A. Knight & Co., Photographers, Lexington, Ky. PETER STERLING! — ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL. Picture taken at the Sioux City Interstate Fair, where he was first-prize winner in class for two-year-olds. PETER STERLING was also first in class and reserve senior champion bull at the American Royal Show. Exhib- ited by A. C. Binnie & Son, of Alta, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 105 The picture preseuiu.l hLiu.vUh is of ANDY, a champion Aber- deen-Angus steer, classing as the best on any market. He was fed. and exhibited by the Iowa Agricultural College and narrowly escaped the grand championship award at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. SILVER SECRET— POLLED DURHAM BULL. Age, January 4th, 1910, photo as junior yearling. First-prize winner and reaching junior championship honors in State Fair Circuit of 1911. Owned and exhibited by J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. THR BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. A FIRST-CLASS LOAD OF HEAVY HOGS. These hogs were marketed by S. C. Savior, of Oakwood, 111., a prominent stockman of Vermilion county, near the Indiana line, and were shipped to the Buffalo market, where they were sold at $9.65 per 100 pounds by Clay, Robinson & Co. to the Jacob Dold Packing Company. SOPHIE, 19th, OF HOOD FARM, 189,748— WORLD'S CHAM- PION. Yearly authenticated test Jersey cow, tour to five years old. 14,373 pounds 3 ounces of milk testing 1,005 pounds of butter in one year. Owned and tested at Hood Farm, Lowell, Mass. THE BOOK OF LIVE3 STOCK CHAMPIONS. 107 MAZEJMOOR HAROLD — CHAMPION SHIRE STALLION AT THE INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1908. Imported and exhibited by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. There were fifty-two Shire stallions shown at the Chicago International, and this one was the best. CHAMPION SHROPSHIRE RAM at Ohio, Indiana, New York and Michigan State Fairs of 1911. Sold for $600, the record price for a sheep of the English mutton breeds. Owned and exhibited by Geo. McKerrow & Son, Pewaukee, "Wi8. 108 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CHIEFTAIN AND :\IATE Owned and exhibited by J. W. Harri- man at Horse Shows in the East. A team tliat has won a fair share of championship .prizes. MY CHOICE — ABERDEEN-ANGUS STEER. Champion fat steer at the Iowa and Nebraska State Fairs of 1909; also champion grade Aberdeen-Angus steer at the American Royal Show. MY CHOICE is a two-year-old. Exhibited by W. J. Miller, of Newton, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 109 HAUTBOIS (74,U26), 44.3S2 -PERCIIEUOX STALLION. Foaled April, 1907. First-prize winner Ohio State Fair, 1911, First prize in class, reserve champion and championship cup, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Winner of first prize, championship and Vanderbilt Cuj), .NIational Horse Show, 1911. Imported and owned by McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. GRAND CHAMPION CAR-LOAD OF BEEF CATTLE AT THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, DECEMBER, 1908. These cattle were two-year-old Aberdeen-Angus steers, aver- aging 1,400 pounds in market. In the show ring they won $625, and were sold at 11 cents a pound to the United Dressed Beef Company, of New York City. They were fed by Funk Bros. Seed Company, of Bloomington, 111. 110 THE BOOK OF T.TVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ADVANCE d'Alih STA N ! ).\ |; l )-| ; i; i:i » SHOW" STAT.LTON, BREEDING FOR COACH ilOll-^lO 'I ^ i'lv Ih lias Ixm n inoiiouiiced by good judges to be one of the greatest show stallions in America. He produces his type in his colts to a remarkable degree and breeds colts of good size. Winner of many prizes, including first in runabout class and first in championship stallion class for stallions under 15.1, Chicago Horse Show, 1909. Property of A. T. Cole, Gretna Farm, Wheaton, 111. s = ^ -^^a^ — ■- ^jji^^^M '^ / /^J^gl^^ i^i^'^-^^^ i- mr m. %M W m^,^ Hr w^ ^^^^H^ ' ' ^^B^^^BIBjm ^^^^^^^^^^^1 W '*% ■Wf^^^'^H f / R IXC MASTER — - ILLUSTRIOUS SHORT I champion of the breed at Missouri State Fair, graph was taken. RINGMASTER was then grand championships. Bred and owned by lOU.X IM'LL. Grand Ut 1 1 , when the photo- winner of twenty-six White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. RINGMASTER was grand champion of the breed at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1910 and 1911. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. Ill 112 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. VICTOR -(JRADK ANUiy s'1'1';I':K. Ciaiid chainpioii at ("liicago Jnternational Live Slock Exposition of I9n. Bred by W. J. Miller, of Newton, Iowa. Fed and exhibited by the Iowa State College. Sold by Clay, Robinson &. Co. at 90 cents a ponnd, weighing 1,610 pounds, bringing $1,449.00. Bought by The Fair at Chicago, and slaughtered by Armour & Co., the slaughter record being 09.87 per cent, of dressed meat to carcass. That the price obtained was a remarkable one was reflected in the fact that it was the highest a fat two-year-old steer ever made, and the highest i)aid at the International Show for any fat steer in eleven years. PONTIAC CLOTHILLE DE KOL. 2d. H.-B. NO. 69,99 1, A R.. NO. 5,279 — HOLSTEIN COW, AND THE CHAMPION COW OF THE WORLD — ALL BREEDS. 2r,,318 pounds milk, 1,017.28 pounds butter-fat, 1,271.6 pounds butter, 80 per cent, fat, in 365 days, A.R.O. Owned by Stevens Bros., Liverpool, N, Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ^^^^. |gH||^Kri!^^-^^^^^^l ^^^^■i^^&rm H 1 fji^^Hh^,^^ ^^^K^ ti^W l^^^^^l COLORADO E., 2:04%, by the Bondsman, dam Flossie McGregor. The world's champion three-year-old trotter. Magnificent photograph by Schreiber. COLORADO E. is owned by George H. Estabrook, of Denver, Colo. SIR BEETS CORNUCOPIA I^'ETHEIiLAND, 38,400 — Grand champion Holstein bull at the Minnesota State Fair, 1910; Iowa Dairy Show; National Dairy Show, etc. Owned by W. S. Moscript, North St. Paul, Minn. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CHAMPION RED CLOUD — ()>i: "l WINNERS. Owned and exhibited by Thos. Mass. Photo by Schreiber, of Philadelphia. NOTABLE PRIZE Lawson, of Boston, LADY EFFIE— CHAMPION CLYDESDALE MARE AT THE ILLI- NOIS STATE FAIR OF 1909. She won first in class for aged mares and champion also in a show of Clydesdales that was above the aver- age. Exhibited by James Kennedy, of Utica, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 115 FRENCH COACH STALLION — PERFECTION. Picture taken at seventeen years old. His sons and daughters at the time of his death, in 1885, had been sold, amo-.inting to $150,000. PERFECTION was grand champion at Columbian Exposition. Owned by Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman, of Wayne, 111. A GROUl' UF POLLED DURHAM FEMALES Lied and ovvnud by J. H. Miller & Sons, Peru, Ind. This group includes on the right QUEEN OF MIAMI, a tour-year-old champion cow at State Fairs, and in the center WANDERER'S VIOLET, senior sweepstakes cow at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1911. 116 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. I'.AROX (M.1FT0X--FIRST-PRIZE AGED STALLION AND CHAMPION CLYDESDALE STALLION AT THE IOWA STATE FAIR OF 1909. Exhibited by W. V. Hixson, of Marengo, Iowa. BARON CLIFTON was an easy winner, being very close to tlie conformation of the ideal Clydesdale. I'li.MKii: q! i:i:.\ i.ijLvxD chaivipion Hereford fe.male AT INDIANA, ILLINOIS AND MISSOURI STATE FAIRS. Also first- prize winner at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1908. Exhibited by W. T. McCray, of Orchard Lake Stock Farm, Kentland, Indiana. This magnificent cow with calf at side represents practical perfection in beef cattle. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 117 DISPUTER— MISSOURI AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE STEER. Winner of four champion prizes in 1911. Was champion steer under twelve months old and champion grade Hereford at Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition of 1911. KING CUMBERLAND — riHOKTHOKN BULL. Photograph at the age of eighteen months, when he weighed 1,500 pounds. His great show ring career brought him as winner of the grand championship at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition in 1908, when he was a long yearling. During that season H. H. Powell & Son, of Linn Grove, Iowa, sold him to G. H. White, of Emerson, Iowa, and after winning the grand championship he was transferred to the Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 118 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CUVON — CHAMPION PERCHERON STALLION AT THE NE- BRASKA STATE FAIR. Exhibited by Maasdam & Wheeler, of Fair- field, Iowa. At this Fair Percherons made a great showing, as many as twenty-four colts were exhibited in one class. CUVON is a massive but active aged stallion. CHAMPIU.X OXFORD DOWN EWE at State Fairs of Indiana, New York, Michigan and Illinois, also at the American Royal Show of 1911. Owned and exhibited by Geo. McKerrow & Son, Pewaukee, Wis. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. IMP. BRITISH GLOin, I sii,;(i4— SHORTHORN BULL. Owned by C. F. Curtiss, of Rockwood Farm, Ames, Iowa. BRITISH GLORY was shown at nine Fairs in Central Illinois and won nine firsts and eight sweepstakes prizes. He has been at the head of the Rockwood Farm Herd of Shorthorns during the past five years and has proven himself a sire of exceptional merit. . IMPROVER— POLAND-CHINA BOAR. Junior champion of the breed at Missouri State Fair, 1911, where photograph was taken. His weight was 400 pounds. IMPROVER was exhibited by D. B. Right- mire, of Monticello, Mo. 120 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CHAMPION HACKNEY MARE— QUEEN OF DlAMUXDb. lliit. is considered as being ihe best high-stepping mare to-day in the United States. She was first and champion at the Kansas City Royal Show; also first in the greatest class of all recognized coach breeds ever shown in the United States at the Chicago Horse Show, 1906. QUEEN OF DIAMONDS was sired by Judge Moore's renowned champion Forest King, and owned by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. JOHN HOOKER'S PRIZE CALVES.— This is a bunch of prize- winning Hereford calves exhibited at the Great St. Louis Fair of 1901 by John Hooker, of New London, Ohio, and is published here as a reminder of that great Fair. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 121 INTIME (83,ir)3), 44,105 — PERCHERON STALLION. Foaled March, 1908. Winner of first prize and gold medal, Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition. Champion at Ohio State Fair, 1910 and 1911. Imported and exhibited by McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. THE CONFESSOR — POLLED DURHAM BULL. Exhibited by J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. THE CONFESSOR was junior champion of the breed up to two years ago, and since then has been grand cham- pion and champion without a single defeat. Was grand champion. International Live Stock Exposition, 1911. 122 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. .MAlvllA l»l II.vUmIv {'. \\ 1{|'.1.(;1A.\ -^lAi.LiMA r irst-prizc wiuuer and champion of his breed at the Iowa State Fair, 1908. Ex- hibited by Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. Belgians are a straight, every-day, heavy-weight, draft breed of horses. A great middle and big ends are characteristic of the breed. Stallions that do not weigh 2,000 pounds are a disappointment. DUROCK— CHAMPION RED POLLED BULL AT THE IOWA STATE FAIR, 1909. Exhibited by Dan Clark, of Cedar Falls, Iowa. At this show there were Red Polled cattle exhibited from four dif- ferent states, and it was said by good judges that Red Polls are im- proving all the time. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 123 MlSSOnil KING — DARK BAY STALI.IOX. Sixteen hands high, six years old. The champion saddle horse of Missouri of 1911, having beaten all stallions, mares and geldings in competition. Won cham- pionship at American Royal and St. Louis Horse Show. Owned and exhibited by W. P. Hawkins, Bowling Green, Mo. HOWIES EMERALD — ^Junior champion Ayrshire female at Min- nesota State Fair; also junior and grand champion female at Wis- CQUsift State Fair, 1911. Exhibited by Adam S^itz, Waukesha, Wig. 124 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HIS ^JA.IESTY. THE GRAND CHAMPION SHORTHORN BULL SIDELIGHT — Champion. Shorthorn bull at the Illinois State Fair and other important shows, and grand champion of the Shorthorn breed at the American Royal Show. SIDELIGHT is a son of Royal Wonder, and his grand championship was won at the strongest Shorthorn Show ever held at Kansas City. His Majesty, the grand champion SIDE- LIGHT, is a full aged bull, and was exhibited by F. W. Harding, of Waukesha, Wis. HER MAJESTY, THE GRAND CHAMPION MARGARET — CHAM- PION HEREFORD FEMALE AT THE IOWA AND ILLINOIS STATE FAIRS. Also grand champion female of the Herefords at the Amer- ican Royal Show. Exhibited by W. S. Fowler & Son, of Fowler, Indiana. MARGARET is daughter of Prime Lad, the St. Louis World's Fair champion; her dam was Lovey Mary, and she was calved in October, 1905. THE BOOK OF, LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 125 of the Morris six-horse team of Clydesdales, lie is the heaviest in a team that averages 2,100 pounds. He has thirty or more blue ribbons and championships to his credit in the show rings, including the gelding championships of the Royal Agricultural Show in England and the Highland Agricultural Show of Scotland. DREW is an absolutely perfect specimen of a massive Clydesdale work horse. SCO-it;. i: \ ki^ditoi^ _■;..:;;— grand champion O. I. C. BOAR AT THE MlSSULKl STATb] r AIR OF 1911, where the photo was taken. When exhibited, SCOTTLEA CREDITOR was three years old and weighed 916 pounds. Owned and exhibited by L. W. and R. H. Scott, of Nelson, Mo. 126 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. BARONS VOUCHER— CHAMPION CLYDESDALE STALLION AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1908. Exhibited by Galbraith & Son, of DeKalb county, Illinois. This grand stallion was foaled in April, 1902, and is in fact a massive draft horse. He is strong and muscular without surplus fat, carrying only flesh enough to give a shapely appearance. Although in the annual contest there Avere heavier limbs and greater weight against him, he had sufficient development with his other qualities to win the grand prize. PRINCEPS LASSIE — CHAMPION HEREFORD COW IN IOWA CLASS, IOWA STATE FAIR. Also grand champion at the Sioux City Interstate Show. She is a full aged cow and highly representative of tU$ breea. Exhibited by O. S. Gibbons & Sons, of Early, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 127 LIVELY BEESWING — CHAMPION IN' HACKNEY MAKE BREED- ING CLASSES. Light chestnut with half-moon star on face and white ankles behind. She is three years old and unbroken to harness, and stands 1-5.2 hands. Said to be the highest-priced Hackney mare ever imported from England. Photograph by Schrelber & Sons. MISSOURI GIRL, 290,794— GRAND CHAMPION DUROC-JERSEY SOW AT MISSOURI STATE FAIR OF 1911. The photograph was taken September 8th, 1911, when she weighed 450 pounds. Exhib- ited by McFarland Bros., Sedalia, Mo. 128 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. THK CUBAN MILITARY HORSE. — The picture represents a tyi)- ical horse bought for service in Cuba by Mr. George W. Maxwell, who had a contract for 1,000 head. The sizes bought were from 141/2 to 1 r. 1^ hands, all geldings, solid colors, black, bay, brown or sorrel, four to seven years old, in fair condition, saddle broKe, no fancy gaits. The horses are for use l-y officers of the Cu])an Army and Rural Guard. DALES VISCOUNT — A YEARLING SHORTHORN BULL. First in class and junior champion Shorthorn bull at the Iowa State Fair; also prize winner at other Fairs. Exhibited by D. R. Hanna, of Ravenna, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 129 HIS MAJESTY, THE GRAND CHAMPION REPEATER — CHAM- PION HEREFORD BULL AT THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, ST. JOSEPH INTERSTATE P'AIR, GRAND CHAMPION OF THE MIS- SOURI STATE FAIR, AND GRAND CHAMPION AT THE AMERICAN ROYAL SHOW. REPEATER is a senior yearling and the most distin- guished and sensational winner in the show rings of the season of 1909. Exhibited by Overton Harris, of Harris, Mo. REPEATER was also senior and grand champion of the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1910. I A PAIR OF POLAND-CHINAS. — This photograph was taken by Dave Risk, famous photo and sketch artist. The pigs are the boar KLEVER'S BEST, 104,856, and the sow JAUNITA, 14,672, champion and grand champion at the American Royal Show of 1911. Exhibited by G. M. Curnutt. Montserrat, Mo. 130 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SIR MARCUS— CHAMPION CLYDESDALE STALLION, CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL OF 1907. E.xhibited by Graham Renfrew Co., of Bedford Park, Toronto. Canada. l.All^■ FRAGRANT— F]RST-PRIZE AGED SHORTHORN COW AT THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. Exhibited by Owen Kane, of Wisner, Nebraska. At this Fair about 175 elegant Shorthorns were exhibited, including some of the best herds from Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 131 SULTAN'S CREED— POLLED DURHAM BULL. Age, June, 1910, photograph as a junior yearling. Exhibited by J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Winner of ])rizes in the State Fair Circuit and junior champion of the breed at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1911. JUNKER— CHAMPION BROWN SWISS BULL AT ILLINOIS AND OTHER STATE FAIRS. Exhibited by E. M. Barton, Hinsdale, lU. 132 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HER -MAJESTY, THE GKWi) CIIA.MI'ION SIIORTHORX COW ^DOROTHEA, 2d. Exhibited by C. E. Clarke, of St. Cloud, Minn. She was the senior and grand champion Shorthorn cow in her own state; also at others, including Missouri; also senior and grand cham- pion at the American Royal Show in the greatest contest in the history of that great Exposition. JAUNITA, 146,072— FIRST-PRIZE AND JUNIOR POLAND- CHINA SOW AT THE MISSOURI STATE FAIR OF 1911, where pho- tograph was taken. Her weight at the Fair was 500 pounds. Owned by G. M. Curnutt, Moutserrat, Mo. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 133 II REX ARBUCKLE, BY REX McDONALD. — Was retired to the stud with a record of sixty blues and five reds. Owned by W. F. Arbuckle, of Silver Creek, Ky. PAUL SOLDENE DE KOL^SIX YEARS AND TEN MONTHS OLD. Representative Holstein bull. P'irst-prize winner at the National Dairy Show, Chicago, 1907. Exhibited by F. P. Knowles, Auburn, Mass. 134 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. RENA TIOSS AYRSHIRE COW. On.' o; the chaiiii)!*)!! per- formers of the breed. Owned by .John R. Valentine, Bryn ^Mawr, Pa. When picture was taken she hnd .just been admitted to the Advanced Register with a year's record of 1 5,072 pounds of milk and 751 pounds of butter, the same being, at that time, high milk and butter records of the breed. »^^.i^'"f I (;i;.\M» ('ii.\Mi'i().\- siii-:i':i' at CHICAGO internatioxai. LIVE STOCK EXI'OSITIOX OF 1011.— The average weight was 165 pounds. They were bought at South Omaha as feeders, averaging 132 pounds, and fed to a finish for the exhibition by J. Orton Finley, of Oneida, 111. These sheep were a cross of Cotswold Ramson Grade Merinos and were raised by J. A. Delfelder, of Wolton, Wyq. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 13 5 LADY SEATUX - D.\UK BAY liACKNEY ALVUE, A\lTiI WHITE HIND FEET, FIVE YEARS OLD, AND STANDS 15.1 HANDS HIGH. Bred by Albert Walker, of Seaton Ross, England, and imported by Mr. Wm. H. Moore. LADY SEATON was discovered in the English pasture and purchased when she was unbroken for $3,000. Upon being shown to harness she immediately took the first prize. The best authorities upon show horses, such as L. M. Newgass and M. H. Tichenor, say that she is not only the finest Hackney, but she is the finest harness horse of any breed they ever saw. The magnificent illustration of LADY SEATON is from a photograph by Schreiber & Sons, Animal Photographers, of Philadelphia, Pa. In the United States LADY" SEATON has won many blue ribbons and championships. MARKET HOGS— A CHAMPION LOAD. Sold at the St. Louis market in the month of July, 1909. 136 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. IMP. HAYES ROSIE, 15,476— GUERNSEY COW. Dam of the great bull, Imp. Yeoman, sire of the famous cow, Dolly Dimple. Since arrival in this country she has produced 14,633 pounds of milk, 4.88 per cent, fat, containing 714.31 pounds of butter-fat, equal to 833.36 pounds of commercial butter. IMP. HAYES ROSIE is owned by F. Lothrop Ames, of Langwater Farms, North Easton, Mass. :'m;,li-;i 1 1 ,r i; 1 1 \M cmW" ., md champion of the breed at the Chicago International Exposition of 1907. Exhibited by Shaver & Deuker, of Kalona, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 137 EDXA MAE— GRAND CHAMPION SADDLE .AL\RE OF KEN- TUCKY. Her record of triumphs in the show ring is a remarkable one. EDNA MAE is owned and exhibited by Mrs. R. T. Lowndes, of Clarksville, W. Va. Photograph by Thomas A. Knight, of Lex- ington, Ky. LORD MAR — CrUERNSEY BULL. Exhibited by W. W. Marsh, of Waterloo, Iowa. Champion at the Iowa State Fair and grand cham- pion Guernsey bull at the National Dairy Show of 1911. At the latter show, ten splendid Guernsey herds competed for honors, and it was pronounced one of the best exhibits of this breed ever seen in a show ring. 138 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. years old, by Dr. llook'.-r, 2:23^4, dam Lena S., 2:22\(>. HIGHRALL was one of the sensational performers, season of 1907. His perform- ance at Libertyville, Ind., .Tuly 4th, won the world's record for a green trotter. HIGHBALL became famous in the hands of Mr. F. G. Jones, of Kentucky, who bought him for $17,500 before he made a record. CASiolv- ili:ui:i(>Kl* N KARLING BULL. Weighing 1,375 pounds at eighteen months old. Bred and exhibited by Dr. J. E. Logan, Sunset Herefords, Kansas City, Mo. He won the junior cham- pionship at the Chicago International Exposition as a calf. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 139 CASTILLE, 78,956 (G4,553)--mPORTED PERCHEROX MARE. Weighing about 2.200 pounds. Was a prominent prize winner in France, and won first and championship at the International Live Stoclc Exposition of 1911. W^as shown and is the property of Dun- hams, Oaklawn Farm, Wayne, 111. GRAND CHAMPION CAR-LOAD OF STEERS AT CHICAGO IN- TERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1911. Bred, fed and exhibited by Escher & Ryan, of Irwin, Iowa. Sold at $15.75 per 100 pounds, fifteen head averaging 1,203 pounds, and bought by J. Dodd Packing Company, and cost 1189.57 per head. 140 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. MARTIN DE CAPPELLE — CHAMPION BELGIAN STALLION AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. Ex- hibited by Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. This is a chestnut horse and shown in splendid bloom, representing the massive Belgian draft type. ,ii_ IMP. YEOMAN, 8,618— GUERNSEY BULL. Famous as sire of Dolly Dimple and other cows of extraordinary merit. IMP. YEOMAN is owned by Mr. F. Lothrop Ames, of Langwater Farms, North Easton, Mass. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 141 BOURBON KING — FIVE-GAITED SADDLE STALLION. i-'rom a photograph by T. A. Knight, of Lexington, Ky. BOURBON KING was himself an undefeated champion, and is occasionally brought into prominence by the performances of his sons. One of them, Bohemian King, fresh from winning a championship, was sold as a two-year-old for $3,000 by A. G. Jones, of North Middleton, Ky. CHAMPION OXFORD DOWN RAM at Indiana, New York and Michigan State Fairs of the year 1911. Owned and exhibited by Geo. McKerrow & Son, of Pewaukee, Wis. 142 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. LADYLIKE— CHAMPION CLYDESDALE MARE AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1908. Wis. With a grand show of big, drafty young mares on exhibit, she Here we have a filly two years old and under three, sired by Merrimac, dam Lady Elegant. Bred and exhibited by INIcLay Bros., of Janesville, had to be exceptionally fine in build, with good action, trotting and walking, to obtain the first prize, and in the championship contest she had to compete with the best on- her own farm. ENDYMYON— GUERNSEY BULL. Senior and grand champion at the National Dairy Show at Chicago, 1907. Exhibited by Helen- dale Farms. Milwaukee, Wis. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 143 SU-XUMA GIRL. j::(i.">i^i — BROWN TROTTIXCl .\l\liK Bred by S. B. Wright, of Santa Rosa, California, and owned by "Lotta" Crab- tree. Picture from copyright photo by Schreiber & Sons, Philadelphia. PRIME LAI), 9rh — HEREFORD BULL. A champion of many important Fairs and one of the best, if not the very best, bull of the Hereford breed. PRIME LAD is son of the St. Louis Woi'ld's Fair Grand Champion, and was bred by W. S. Van Natta & Son, of Fowler, Indiana. 144 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. BRILLIANT D.— PERCHERON STALLION. Owned and exhib- ited by Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. His age is three years. Weight, 2,2.50 pounds. He v.'on first in class and reserve champion at the Iowa State Fair, 1908. First and champion at the Nebraska State F'air, 1908; first and chami)ion at the Wisconsin State Fair, 1908; and first and reserve champion at the Illinois State Fair, 1908. This picture was taken at the Iowa State Fair. #^ BARGENOCK GAY CAVALIER, 11.981— AYRSHIRE BULL. Senior and grand champion of the breed at the State Fair of Minne- sota; also at Wisconsin, Illinois and other Shows and Expositions. Exhibited by Adam Seitz, Waukesha, Wis. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 145 JACK O' DIAMONDS — CHESTNUT GELDING. Five-gaited show-ring saddler, recently sold at the age of nine years by H. R. Mid- dleton, of Mexico, Mo., to George Snyder at Allentown, Pa., for $900. The photograph was taken at Mexico, Mo., in 1910. In his prime as a show-ring performer, .lACK O' DIAMONDS was the property of Mr. Thomas Dunn, of St. Louis, Mo. COUNT ABBOTT— SENIOR CHAMPION SHORTHORN BULL, IOWA CLASS, IOWA STATE FAIR. COUNT ABBOTT was first-prize winner in the two-year-old class. Iowa is a great Shorthorn cattle state and only first-class animals are shown. COUNT ABBOTT was exhibited by C. S. McLellan, of Lowden, Iowa. 146 THE BOOK OF lAVK STOCK C'llAMFJONS. ^^^ SURVEYOR — BROWX SHIME STALLloX. IJxliibited as a yearling at the Chicago International Live Stock Exi)osition of 1907, and won first in class and championship of the breed. Exhibited by Wm. Crownover, of Hudson, Iowa. .->( 1 1 r ; i.s! I i;i;ijj;, iih ci i.\ .\i i'i< ).\ i'()li,I':i( nruif.VM cow AT THI': M-:HKASKA state FAIK. Exhibited by H. \V. Deuker, of Wellman, Iowa. There were five other herds exhibited, all of Nebraska, but the Iowa herd captured the championship. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 147 # . " l^>,. ^-.. Kiv \^ 'wv ^ 0^ ^^mm W^^/Km^Mj^^^-' GASCON— PERCHERON STALLION. The champion of the Chicago International Exposition of 1908. Exhibited by Robert Bur- gess & Son, of Wenona, 111. This magnificent stallion is less than three years old. He won the fiist prize in a class of the finest j'oung Percherons ever shown in a ring, then defeated the pick of the other three stallion rings, being proclaimed champion over eighty-two of the best Percherons in America. Considering that he is an ideal draft horse, combining elegance with weight and power, GASCON moves with the light step of a spirited trotter and stands squarely upon well- set legs and good feet. Our readers can accept this picture as repre- senting the ideal draft horse of France. BEEF CATTLE — ONE OF THE GREAT LOADS OF TEXAS CATTLE MARKETED IN 1885 AT ST. LOUIS. Fed by the late Samuel Scaling, of St. Louis and Texas. 148 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS, DESERTER— A CROSS-BRED STEER. Champion calf at the International Live Stock Exposition of 1909, and champion grade Hereford steer, International of 1910; also champion grade Hereford American Royal of 1909 and 1910. He was a cross of Hereford and Angus, with black coat, white face and without horns, weighing 1,050 pounds as a calf. Fed and exhibited by the Animal Husbandry De- partment of the University of Missouri. DORSET SilEEl'--CllAMP10NS AT THE WISCONSIX STATE FAIR. Dorset sheep are great favorites with all who keep them. They are noted for lamb raising. The owner of these sheep sells fall lambs from his flock on the Christmas market at Chicago, THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 149 HILDRED — AVORLD-RENOWNED SHOW HARNESS MARE OF THE EAST. Driven by her owner, Miss Emily H. Bedford, of Brook- lyn, N. Y. This picture was taken by Schreiber, famous photog- rapher, towards the end of her show career. HILDRED had several hundred ribbons to her credit. SHAMROCK, 2d. — GRAND CHAMPION STEER AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. Fed and exhibited by the Iowa Agricultural College. Sold by Clay, Robinson & Co., live stock commission agents, at the magnificent price of sixty cents a pound to C. H. Morgan & Co., enterprising Chicago butchers. ir.o THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. I.\ir. M1:1»]jLEK— A THUKULGHBRKD bay house. Leading winning sire in the racing seasons of 1904 and 1906. Then owned by Clarence H. Mackay, Kingston Stud, Lexington, Ky. GOLDEN BEN— GUERNSEY BULL, SIX YEARS OLD. Weighs 1,625 pounds. The picture was taken at the Wisconsin State Fair, where he had just won the championship. GOLDEN BEN was sired by Ben Sampson, 5,4 80, and his dam is Nellie B., 12,305. We are in- formed by the owners and exhibitors, Messrs. A. W. & F. E. Fox, of Waukesha, Wis., that this great bull has a fine and gentle disposition, absolutely safe to ride, and anyone can get on and ride him. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 151 COMO AND LUCAXO - JXTERXATIOXAL CliA.MPIOXS. A pair of famous roadsters. Exhibited bj' E. T. Stotesbury, of Philadelphia, Pa. JERSEY CATTLE— A CHAMPION HERD. Being handled and made ready for exhibit at the New York State Fair. 152 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. INCLUSE — GRAND CHAMPION PERCHBRON STALLION AT THE MISSOURI STATE FAIR, 1911, WHERE PHOTO WAS TAKEN. INCLUSE was three years old when exhibited and weighed 2,200 pounds. Owned by Percheron Importing Company, South St. Joseph, Mo. CHAMPION CAR-LOAD HEREFORD FAT CATTLE AT AMER- ICAN ROYAL, 1911. Bred by Adams & Roberts in Missouri and fed by Horace G. Adams, Maple Hill, Kansas. Sold by Clay, Robinson & Co. at $9.40 per 100 pounds; average weight, 1,376 pounds. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 153 DRAGON — CHAMPION PERCHERON STALLION AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, DECEM- BER, 1807. This magnificent black stallion was foaled in France, March, 1904. At the International of 1906 he was first-prize two- year-old, and was then sold for $2,000 to Mr. J. A. Spoor, President of the Chicago Union Stock Yards. Being exhibited again a year later he receives the first prize in the three-year-old class and the cham- pionship as the best Percheron stallion of any age at the Show. SOUTHDOWN SHEEP — CHAMPION PEN. Imported in 1909 and exhibited by McKerrow & Son, Pewaukee, Wis. 154 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. COl.UHAM Srifl'KISI': -SillliE .MAKE. At the Chicaso Inter- national Live Stock Exposition of 1911 this mare in foal and with two daughters at her side were exhibited. She was pronounced grand champion, and her daughter, Coldham Charm, first-prize three-year- old. Exhibited by George M. McCray, Fithian, 111. Imported by Trumans". STAMJAUIJ lA\UUiTE CliAMl'lUX GALLOWAY iU'LL AT MANY SHOWS, including the Chicago International, 190t^. Eyhibited by C. S. Hechtner, of Princeton, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 155 PINK, 24,765 (47,513) — IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. Twice champion International, Chicago. First at Iowa State Fair; Grand Sweepstakes, Minnesota State Fair; First at Illinois State Fair, and champion same show in 1906. All these winnings were the highest possible at each of the above shows. For years at head of Percheron stud. Weight, 2,2 00 pounds. Claimed to be the greatest individual and sire that the Percheron breed has produced to date. Owned by Dunhams, Wayne, 111. CHAMPION MULES AT V/ORK. Mules bought by Mr. Smith Kirk of Mr. Joseph Maxwell at the St. Louis National Stock Yards at $300 each. All 16 V2 hands high and representing the highest-graa^ teams sold on the m,arket. 156 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. WRYDELANDS SUNSHINE— CHAMPION SHIRE MARE, IOWA AND ILLLINOIS STATE FAIRS, 1909. Exhibited by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. FYFIE KNIGHT— TWO-YEAR-OLD ABERDEEN-ANGUS STEER, Grand champion steer at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposi- tion of 1908, weighing 1,610 pounds. Exhibited by Purdue Univer- sity, Lafayette, Ind. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 157 FLORA, 90th — GRAND CHAMPION SHORTHORN FEMALE. Exhibited by D. R. Hanna, of Ravenna, Ohio. The picture was talton at the Iowa State Fair, where she was first-prize aged Shorthorn cov/ and female champion of the breed. FLORA, 90th, was calved March 28, 1905; her sire was Old Lancaster, and her dam Scotch Lassie, and won many premiums. SUNNY U. J. — HEREFORD BULL. First-prize bull and cham- pion bull of the Hereford breed at the Interstate Show held at Sioux City, Iowa. Exhibited by Mr. J. J. Early, of Baring, Mo. 158 THE BOOK OF I.IVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ROYAL GREY — THREE-YEAR-OLD SHIRE STALLION. Im- ported and exhibited by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. One of the greatest Shire stallions ever seen in this country. Jnterna- national grand champion, 1911. SHIRE HORSE CHAMPIONS.— Exhibited by T-unuius- I'ioiwev Stud F9,rm, Bushnell. III., ahd r^ady for the Show Ring. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 159 ROLAND — CHAMPION AMERICAN-BRED PERCHERON STAL- LION. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. Exhibited by D. Augstin, Carlock, 111. POLLED DURHAM COW — ROYAL QUEEN. Senior champion cow at the Chicago International Exposition, 1900. Exhibited by J. H. Miller, of Peru, Ind. 160 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FAKENHA5I PRINCESS — HACKNEY MARE. One of the famous show horses owned by Mr. W. H. Moore, of New York City. Photo by Schreiber, of Philadelphia, Pa. ^^€:ti ACTIVE FOREST KING— HACKNEY HORSE. Sired by the great champion sire. Forest King, and half brother to Queen of Diamonds. ACTIVE FOREST KING was champion. Kansas City Royal and Chicago Horse Show of 1906. THE BOOK OF IJVR STOCK CHAMPIONS. 161 ^ ^ '0 PARTHENA HENGBRVELD — HOLSTBIN COW. First-prize and champion cow at the Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois State Fairs in ITiOT and 1909. Exhibited by W. B. Barney & Sons, Chapin, Iowa. 1 - w >1 l. ^^^^^ '-■JH ^1 E -^ ^^^^^^W Hh^^^^P ELMDI'LXK Ki.\(;, l,:i;i;»--T-\Ai\VOKl H l;u.AK. Championship winner at the Bhie Grass Fair, Lexington, Ky., 1910; also champion, 1911, Louisville, Ky., Memphis, Tenn., and Hot Springs, Ark. Exhib- ited by Boonedale Stock Farm, Chas. Ford, Proprietor, Mortons- ville, Kentucky. 1G2 THE BOOK OF TJVE STOCK CTIAMPIONS. k rf^ % THE ADMIRAL — MORGAN STALLIUX. Color, hrunze sorrel. 15% hands, l,2r)0 pounds. Won first prize as yearling, two-year-old and three-year-old at Illinois State Fail'. At head of Mountain Vale Ranch Stud of Morgans. Owned hy Richard Sellman, Rochelle, Texas. s 1 ■ r s 1 f' .-. :\IISTRESSPrECE— CHAMPION BERKSHIRE SOW AT MANY IMPORTANT FAIRS AND INCLVDING GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. Exhibited by Gregory Farm, W. S. Corsa, Proprietor, Whitehall, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 163 llEATHERBLOOM — WORLD'S CHAMPION JUMPER. Richard Donnelly up. This picture was taken by Schreiber in 1902. LOU DILLON, 1:. 5 8 1/2 —CHAMPION TROTTER IN HARNESS. "This delicate deer-like daughter of Pegasus floats through the air with no more effort than a thing with wings." — Horse Review. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. WRYDELAND'S STARLKJHT — CHAMPION SHIRE MARE. Im- ported, owned and exhibited by Trinnans' Pioneer Stud Farm. Bush- nell. 111. The age of this wonderful mare is eight years: she stands 17 hands hi2;h; weighed 2 110 pounds the dav her photograph was taken. WRYDELAND'S STARLIGHT was bought by the Iowa Agri- cultural College for breeding purposes. PKI.MK LAI» A.\l) LOILXA DOOXE ( ; K A X I ) ( ' I! A M I'l O.X IIEUI«:- FORDS AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION. Exhibited by W. S. Vau Natta &, Son, Fowler, Ina. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 165 166 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. BELLK :\1AC ARA- CHA^NIPIOX AMKRUWX-BRED CLYDES- DALE MARE AT ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. Exhibited by A. C. Wylie, Utica, HI. This picture shows a pure-bred Clydesdale mare bred and raised in the United States. PERFECTION, 92,891 — HEREFORD BULL. Senior champion, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1901. PERFECTION was then under three years old. Exhibited by Thos. Clark, Beecher, III. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 167 CARNOT — CHAMPION PERCHERON STALLION AT PARIS, FRANCE; also at State Fairs of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. At the Illinois State Fair the contest was between the pick of ten of the finest herds in the country. CARNOT was imported and exhibited by J. Crouch & Son, of Lafayette, Ind. After winning grand championship at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1909, he was sold for $10,000 to W. S. Corsa, Proprietor Gregory Farm, White- hall, 111. GOOD E NUFF AGAIN — DUROC-JERSEY BOAR. Grand cham- pion boar at the Ohio State Fair of 1910. Weight, 970 pounds at 29 months of age. Exhibited by Wm. H. Robbins, Springfield, Ohio. 168 THE ROOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. DAN PATCH — THE IMPORTED SHIRE HORSE. A draft stal- lion, second time grand champion of the breed at the Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition. Exhibited by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111., and sold to Mr. John J. Mitchell, of Lake Geneva, Wis., for ten thousand dollars. CHAMPION COTSWOLD EWE AT OHIO. NEW .lERSEY, PENN- SYLVANIA, VERMONT AND VIRGINIA STATE FAIRS. Exhibited by M. H. McNeill, New Richmond, Ind. THE BOOK OF "LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 169 lOLANTHE, 40,9:'i> — PlilRCHKKUN MAKE. Shown in exhibition thirty-eight times and thirty-six times first or champion, including championship mare two different years at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. Owned by Gregory Farm, W. S. Corsa, Pro- prietor, Whitehall, Illinois. READERS OF THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS WILL FIND A FULL AND COMPLETE INDEX ON THE LAST PAGES OF THE WORK. WHITEHALL SULTAN -SHORTJIOKX HULL. Giand champion of the breed at many shows. Exhibited by F. W. Harding, Wau- kesha, Wisconsin. 170 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ^^ ROMEO — ANGORA GOAT. Champion buck at El Paso, Texas, October, 1910. Bred by F. O. Landrum, Laguna, Texas. Weight of fleece, 18 pounds at 18 months' growth, 20% inches long. Sold to Bear Creek Angora Goat Company for $250.00. PAWNEE CHIEF HADLEY — POLAND-CHINA BOAR. Senior and grand champion at Missouri State Fair of 1911. Weighed 1,060 pounds in the show ring. Exhibited by James Gildow & Sons, James- port, Missouri. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 171 FRISSON— IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. Champion at Indiana State Fair of 1911. Owned and imported by J. Crouch, & Son, La Fayette, Ind. SHORTHORN CATTLE— THREE MEMBERS OF THE CHAM- PION HERD. Exhibited by C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn., at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1900. 172 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1909. These bar- rows were Berkshires and were fed and exhibited bj' the Iowa Agri- cultural College, Ames, Iowa; weighed 300 pounds. Speaking of these barrows, Judge C. A. Kurtze said they were the best pen ever exhibited at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. Their prominent features were the breed characteristics. They were perfect market hogs, and in conformation were uj) to the ideals of the breeder. CHAMPION CHEVIOT RAM AT OHIO AND KENTUCKY STATE FAIRS OF 1911. Bred and exhibited by G. W. Parnell, Wingate, Ind., and is owned noAV by Turney C. Collins, Leesburg, Ky. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 173 PERFECTION, 2fi0— FAMOUS JENNET. Was shown fifteen times in 1892 and took premiums eac^h time. Amongst notable pre- miums won in class and sweepstakes were at State Fair, Nashville. Tenn., 1893, and World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. Bred by W. J. Knox, of Murphreesboro, Tenn.; afterwards sold to J. W. & .1. L. Jones, Jr., of Columbia, Tenn. TIPPECANOE, 44th — POLLED DURHAM BULL. Owned by Fletcher S. Hines, of Mallott Park, Ind. Winner of many first pre- miums and was junior champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1901, and senior champion also at Chicago. 1902. THE BOOK OF T.TVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. COMMODORE, 5th— SHIRE STALLION. Champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Exhibited by Finch Bros., of Verona, Illinois. CHALLENGER — GRADE HEREFORD STEER. Grand beef champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1908. Fed and exhibited by the Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Nebraska. Weight. 1,750 pounds. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 175 PINK, l'4,7liri (47,?.i;:)— PKRCHKHON STALLION. Cliamuion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Imported and exhibited by Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman, of Oakland Farm, Wayne, 111. The Breeders' Gazette says: "Shown in the grandest of shape and smooth and level as a die, he was called by several of the judges the best Percheron stallion they had ever seen." PINK was also champion at Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1904. ROAN HERO -POLLED DURHAM BULL. Senior and grand champion, Nebraska State Fair. Exhibited by D. C. Van Nice, Rich- laud. Kansas. 176 THE BOOK OF LIVK STOCK CHAMPIONS. -r^ PICKET WINNER AMERICAN itERBY 190 3 PICKKTT--A THOHOr'IHBPEl) HORSK. Winner of the Aniei ican iJerby, l90;j, showing contorniation of the thoroughbred horse. ONETTA — BROWN SWISS COW. l-'irsi -pn/.c cou m liir I'an- American Show and Exposition, 19U1. Exhibited by McLaury Bros., of Portlandville, New York. THE FK)OK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 177 SIMPSON, 2,129— GERMAN COACH STALLION. Aged three years. First-prize winner at the Iowa and Indiana State Fairs and American Roval, Kansas City, Mo. Owned by .1. Crouch & Son, of Lafayette, Indiana. HAMPSHIRE DOWN SHEEP— ONE YEARLING RAM AND TWO YEARLING EWES. Champions at four leading Fairs in Michigan and Indiana, 1902. Exhibited by The Elk Horn Herd, Geo. W. Grim, Manager, Fremont, Indiana. 178 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. WYETH — THOROUGH B I ; , , I Derby, 1902. .^1 Winner of the American BEEF STEEUS CHIAND CHAMPION LOAD AT THE CIHCACO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1901. Fed by D. W. Black, of Lyndon, Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 179 TORRENT — FREWCH COACH STALLION. Champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Photographed on the ground. Exhibited by McLaughlin Bros., of Columbus, Ohio, and Kansas City, Mo. Also grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. STAR HAL, 2:04%— A PACER. "Not only is he game and fast, but one of the handsomest individual members of his great tribe." — Horse Review. Half-mile dash, stallion record, 0:59%. 180 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FANNIE DH^LARD, 2:03%, BY HAL DILLARl). Held the world's record of fastest heat paced in a race by a mare. JEWEL OF FARM HOME — HOLSTEIN BULL. Eight years old. Exhibited by W. B. Barney & Co., of Hampton, Iowa. Chami)ion at Iowa and Wisconsin State Fairs and grand champion at the Illinois State Fair, 1905. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 181 LADY HUGHES — CHESTNUT HARNESS AND SADDLE MARE. Winner of forty-seven blue ribbons in 1903. Owned by Col. Jno. T. Hughes, of Mulr, Ky., a famous breeder of saddle horses. CRUSADER — HEREFORD BULL. First-prize two-year-old and champion at the Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Exhibited by Clem Graves, of Bunker Hill, Ind., and afterwards sold to Ed. Hawkins, of Earl Park, Indiana. 182 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ,=r ■•^■- ■ > ]:XTll()Kl'i: PERFORMER— CHAMPION HACKNEY STALLION. Owned and exliibited by Mr. F. G. Bourne, of New York City. R.\..L^ ..AST— BERKSHIRE IJOAR. ., j:.: -km;, -ion a leading Stale Fairs of 1911. Exhibited by Gregory Farm, W. S. Corsa, Proprietor, Wlxitetiall, Illinois. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 183 THE YEARLING -HAWTHORNE, 6,880 — SHIRE HORSE. Weight, 1,750 pounds. Winner of the Gold Medal at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903, for best American-bred Shire stallion. Exhibited by Lew W. Cochran, of Crawfordsville, Ind. GRAHAM OF AVOMJALE, :.'u,7 6 «— GALLOWAY BULL. First- prize yearling, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Grand champion calf, Kansas City Royal, 1902. Exhibited by O. H. Swigart, of Champaign, HI. Afterwards sold to Mr. F. P. Wild, of Cowgill, Missouri. 184 THK BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SOLOMON, 2 4,100 — IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLION. Aged three years: weight, 2.040 pounds. First-prize winner at the Iowa State Fair, Indiana State Fair. Illinois State Fair, and first-prize winner at the American Royal Live Stock Show at Kansas Citv, and also winner at the same show of the championship prize over all draft breeds otler than Pcrcherons. Owned and exhibited by .1. Crouth & Son, of Lafayette, Ind., and Sedalia, Mo. "RARE BEAUTY-FAMOUS WHITE SHORTHORN HEIFER. Winner of Shorthorn Cup and at Smithfield, 1902. Bred by Her Late Majesty, Queen Victoria, and exhibited by King Edward, VIL THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 185 LOU DILLON, 1:581/2 -CHAMPION TROTTER. Owned by Mr. C. K. G. Billings. The Horse Review says: "She has realized the dreams of a century and placed her name at the beginning of a new era in the history of the trotting turf." From copyright photograph by permission of Schreiber & Sons, Art Photographers, Philadelphia, Pa. DAINTY OF WAVERTREE — GALLOWAY COW. Champion at many shows, including the American Royal Show, and first-prize aged cow at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Exhib- ited by C. E. Clarke, of St. Cloud, Minn. 186 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. PEERLESS WILTON, 39th's, DEFENDER — HEREFORD CALF, ELEVEN MONTHS OLD, WEIGHING 975 POUNDS. Grand champion steer at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1906. Ex- hibited by F. A. Nave, of Attica. Ind. This was the first time that a calf was awarded the grand championship at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. PEERLESS WILTON'S DEFENDER was bought by the Iowa Agricultural College. ■ ^' Mi , ^^H '*' Irl^^l t^S n Ui\L Ol' iriL FAMOUS BEAU DONALD PRIZE-WINNING HERDS OF HEREFORD CATTLE. Bred and owned by W. H. Curtice, of Eminence, Kentucky. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 187 188 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. GAY LAD, ijlh HAS XKVKR KNOWN DEFEAT IX THE SHOW RING. Has always won first in class, and as a yearling won three chami)ionshii)s out of eight shows. In 1911, as a two-year-old, he won chanii)ionshii)s at State Fairs. American Royal and Chicago inter- national Live Slock Exposition. This great Hereford bull was exhib- ited by Overton Harris, the Model P^arm, Harris, Mo. FIVE FAMOUS SHOW MTLES RAISED L\ THE VICINITY OF Fl'LTON, MO. Champions of many show rings. From photograph furnished by .Mr. G. S. Maddox, of the Horse and Mule Market a,t the Natioual Stock Yards, Illinois. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. THE PEERLESS MAUD S. — On July 13th, 1885, at Cleveland. Ohio, in her fourteenth year, she reduced the mile trotting record to 2:08%, which record remained supreme for six years. From a copy- right photograph by Schreiber & Sons, Art Photographers, Phila- delphia, Pa. She was driven by W. W. Bair. SiCNAL OF MAPLE CJROVE, (i,940 — AYRSHIRE BULL. Im- ported and owned by W. P. Schanck, of Avon, N. Y. Chami)ion of the breed at the New York State Fair, Michigan State Fair and St. Louis Fair, 1903. 190 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. m { BETSY DE VOUKlJi: !.\IJ'Uin"EL) BELCIAX MAIU:. Firsl-prize winner in three-year-old class and grand champion Belgian mare, International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, 1911. Imported by J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Jnd. SARCASTIC LAD--H0LSTE1X-FR1ESIAX BULL. Bred by the Michigan Agricultural College and exhibited by the World's I'^air Tlolstein Association. Grand champion bull at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Afterwards at head of the Illinois Agricultural Col- lege Holsteiu herd. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 191 ZAZA, 24,618 — PERCHERON MARE. Bred, owned and exhib- ited bj' J. W. & J. C. Robinson, of Towanda, Kansas. Winner of first prize for mare four years and over and grand champion Percheron mare, any age, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. DOLLY DLMPLES MAY KING OF LANGWATER — GUERNSEY BULL. Dropped February 15, 1307. Champion by inheritance and already sire of promising and performing heifers. He was sired by Imp. King of the May, dam Dolly Dimple. Bred by Langwater Farms, North Easton, Mass., F. L. Ames, Proprietor, 192 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. NETHER BAROX - IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION'. First in class and chanii)ion at the New York State Fair, Utl 1 : same at the New England Fair, and won championshi]) as best stallion of all draft breeds. Exhibited by Blythewood Farms, Pittsfield, Mass., John Buckler, Sujierintendent. CEREMONIOUS ARCHER— SHORTHORN BULL. Champion cr his breed in the show ring.s of 1903. Great competition had he at all times, but in the sui)renie hour at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition he was i>ronounced the best Shorthorn bull of the year. The illustration herewith is taken from a photograph api)roved by the owner, Mr. F. W. Harding, of Waukesha, Wis. CEREMONIOUS ARCHER was sold for $5,000 to Col: F. O. Lowden, of Oregon. 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 19' VICE COMMODORE, 2:11 — TROTTING STALLION, BY BINGEN, 2:061/4. VICE COMMODORE is developing as a worthy son of his illustrious sire, and by some is regarded as the handsomest horse in the world. Photograph taken as a colt without record. PEDRO, 3,187, AT TEN YEARS OLD— JERSEY BULL. One of the great sires of the breed. Sweepstakes Jersey bull at the Chicago Columbian Exposition; also headed champion herd. Owned by T. S. Cooper, of Coopersburg, Pa. 104 TFIE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. "BUCANEER"— CHAMPION HACKNEY SADDLE GELDING. Owned by Henry Fairfax, of Loudoun county, Virginia. Photo by Sclireiber, Philadelphia, Pa. LUCINDA'S BOY—AYRSHIRE BULL. Grand champion of the breed at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. St. Louis, 1904. Bred and exhibited by Wm. Lindsay, of Plainfield, N. J. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 195 JOHN A. McKERRON. 2:041/^ — FAMOUS TROTTING STALLION BY NUTWOOD WILKES, 2:161.^. Owned by Mr. H. K. Devereux, of Cleveland, Ohio. From copyright photograph by Schreiber & Sons, Art Photographers, Philadelphia, Pa. CAR-LOAD OF CHAMPION SHORTHORN YEARLIN«,o -^icL.i>. RAISED AND FED BY W. F. HERRIN, OF BUFFALO, ILL. The fifteen steers averaged 1,227 pounds, and were sold by Harpole, Shlnn & Fry at $7.20 per 100 pounds. Exhibited at the Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition, 1902. 196 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. TOPSY- A MTLE. At the Kansas City the champion paii of mules was exhibited by Platte City, Mo. They were both magnificent 16.3 hands high, and weighing 3,200 pounds, blue ribbons in two years. The best mule, \ nil I I :- I . ' > al Show Mr. \Vm. A. Elgin, of animals, fiye years old. They had won fourteen any age, was TOPSY. This same TOPSY was also champion of the American Royal of 1905. JERSEY VENTURE— JERSEY COW. A famous beauty of the Jersey breed. JERSEY VENTURE was imported from the Island of Jersey in 1895 by Mr. John E. Robbins, of Greensburg, Indiana. She was a very fine cow, and for two years was a constant Avinner at the Fairs. Among her victories was sweepstakes at the Omaha lOxposition, in 1898. At this same Fair, her son. Venture's Lad, also won sweep- gtakes in his class; that is, for bulls uu(ier two years of age. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 197 PRIZE-WINNING FOUR-HORSE DRAFT TEAM EXHIBITED AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, 1901. Owned by Swift & Company. HAMPSHIRE DOWN SHEEP— FIRST-PRIZE RAM AT BUENOS AYRES, IN SOUTH AMERICA. Cut by courtesy of United States Department of Agriculture, from Bicknell Bulletin, No. 48, Bureau qJ Animal Industry. 198 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SPORTS OF THE TIMES — FAMOUS SADDLE HORSE. Prize winner at Eastern Horse Shows. From a photo by Schreiber. FAIR QUEEN — SHORTHOR?':irlii:.u,. w- ' pounds. ()\MH:-d by 1'. D. Uuuiben, oL Xashua, iowa. l'"irsL-iii i/.t- uud sweep- stakes winner in 1903 at Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska State Fairs, also at the Great St. Louis Fair. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 211 EVALINE, 2d, OF AVOXDALE — GALLOWAY COW. Prize- winning female at many shows. Senior champion at the Cliicago International Live Stock E.xposition of 1904. and grand champion of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Weight at two years and four months, 1,61.") pounds. Exhibited by C. N. Moody, of Atlanta. Mo. EVALINE, 2d, OF AVONDALE was also grand champion, American Royal, 1905. WORTHY, 3d— GALLOWAY BULL. Winner of many premiums, including championship at the Chicago International Live Stock Expo- sition, and grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Exhibited by C. E. Clarke, of St. Cloud, Minn. 212 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. METEOR— SADDLE HORSE. SHOW RINGS OF 1902. Owned by Mr. Stanton Elliott, of New York. Winner of many ribbons. BLACKBIRD, 26th — ABERDEEN-ANGUS COW. A prize winner at all State Shows and grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. "She is a heifer of beautiful character, amply grown, thick in her flesh, smooth along the back and finely finished." Exhibited by C. J. Martin, of Churdan, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 213 LANDSEER'S FANCY, 2,876— JERSEY COW. A great member of the Jersey breed. Record, 93 6 pounds of butter in one year. Owned by W. J. Webster, of Columbia, Tenn. This picture is from a photograph taken by Schreiber, of Pliiladelphia, 1883. CHOICE GOODS, 186,802 — GRAND CHAMPION SHORTHORN BULL. The grand champion Shorthorn bull at the St. Louis World's Fair was CHOICE GOODS, 186,802. He was also champion at many other great Fairs and Expositions. Exhibited by the Tebo Land and Cattle Company, of Clinton, Mo. CHOICE GOODS was calved April 21, 1899, and the picture was taken at the World's Fair Grounds, September, 1904. 214 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ANTELOPE — CHAMPION HEAVY-WEIGHT HUNTER, H)U; Owned by W. Hinkle Smith, of Bryn Mawr, Pa. PRIME LAD. 119,115— GRAND CHAMPION HEREFORD BULL. The grand champion Hereford bull at the Cattle Show of the Louis- iana Purchase Exposition. He was also champion of the Hereford breed at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Exhibited by W. S. Van Natta & Son, of Fowler, Ind. This picture of PRIME LAD was taken at the World's Fair, 1904. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 215 TROTTING STALLION— CARMOJSJ, 32,917. The first sire selected for use in the experiments of the Department of Agriculture to develop an American breed of carriage horses. CARMON is a bay with black points and no white markings, sixteen hands high, and weighing 1,200 pounds in fair condition. Bred by Hon. Norman J. Colman, of St. Louis, Mo. This illustration is used by courtesy of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and is from Year Book for 1904. 216 THE BOOK OP^ LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. REX DEN.MAKK. JH. — BLACK STALLION. Owned by Arthur W. Koon, of Onarga, HL Handsome black stallion, with star in face, 15% hands high. Sired by Rex Denmark, 840, and tracing back in four generations to the famous Black Hawk. REX DENMARK, JR., was shown in 1902 in great company, winning several first prizes and championships. HILLDALE CHIEF, 52,645 — BERKSHIRE BOAR. Owned by Thos. Teal & Son, of Utica, Iowa. Weighed 800 pounds when exhib- ited as a two-year-old. Won first prizes at seven State Fairs and sweepstakes at four State Fairs in 1901. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 217 CHARMILLE, 42,128 (64.550) — GRAND CHAMPION PERCH- ERON MARE AT INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, AS THREE-YEAR-OLD, CHICAGO, 1907. Imported by Croucli & Son and owned by Holland Stock Farm, Springfield, Mo. MARGARET — FAMOUS HEREiUKD TEAlALi., ..^ .. .iEIFER. One of the great show cows of recent years. See also page 124. 218 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. PRINCE ITO, 2d— ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL. Winner of many sweepstakes and championship prizes. Was grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1004. "He is 'nuggety' all over and the finish is at both ends and in the middle. The back withstands critical examination, while the buttocks will raise a man's estimation of round steak." Exhibited by C. J. Martin, of Churdan, Iowa. M FARM WORK TEAM — THE REAL THING. Photograph taken at high noon by Eugene J. Hall, Oak Park, Hlinois. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 219 McAfee if'ey, DAN PATCH, 1:55 — CHAMPION LIGHT-HARNESS HORSE OF THE WORLD. Bred by Dan A. Messnei-, Jr., of Oxford, Ind. Owned by M. W. Savage, of Minneapolis, Minn. World's pacing records: One mile, 1:55; half mile, 0:56; mile to wagon, 1:57%; two miles, 4:17; also many other records. From copyright photo by permission of Schreiber & Sons, Art Photographers, of Philadelphia, Pa. FOLIE— BROWN SWISS COW. Senior and grand champion female of the Brown Swiss breed at the National Dairy Show, Chicago, 1907. Exhibited by F. R. Hazard, of Syracuse, N, Y, 220 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. MODJESKA, 2.1114 — FIJKXCll COACH .M.\l;i;. ' : -ii at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1903. Bred and exhib- ited by Dunham, Fletcher & Coleman, Oaklawn Farm, Wayne, 111. GOLDEN FERNS LAD — IMPORTED JERSEY BULL. The highest price of the year 1903 for a Jersey bull was $2,250, paid for GOLDEN FERN'S LAD, imported by Mr. F. S. Peer and purchased by Mr. T. S. Cooper at auction. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 221 ORNAMENT — THOROUGHBRED STALLION. This horse was selected bv Kentucky breeders to represent the interests of the Blue Grass region at the St. Louis World's Fair, 19 04, as combining all the qualities which make a Thoroughbred great, including beauty. ORNAIMEXT was the grand champion Thoroughbred of the show. He was the best two, three and four-year-old of his years, winner of four Derbies and sixteen other races, retiring sound. Exhibited by H. P. Headley, of Lexington, Kentucky. LADY OF ^lEADOWBROOK— CHAMPION ABERDEEN-ANGUS COW OF THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSI- TION, 1900. Exhibited by D. Bradfute & Son. of Cedarville, Ohio. This was a famous cow in her day. 222 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. The group of five imported Percheron stallions, "IMPRECATION," 79,304: ILDEFONSE, 79,307; INEDIT, 79,316; ISMAIL, 79,30.j; INTELLIGENT, 79,330; that won the special prize offered by the French government for the best five animals, either sex, at the inter- national Live Stock Show, in Chicago, December, 1911. "IMPRECA- TION," the grand champion Percheron stallion, is the first horse at the left of the picture. Exhibited by J. Crouch & Son, Proprietors, Lafayette, Indiana. mgd IMPERIAL YEOMAN— OXFORD DOWN RAM. An unbeaten English show ram; also first-prize winner at many American State Fairs, and first in the two-year-old class at Chicago, 1901. Owned by Geo. McKerrow & Sou. of Pewaukee, Wisconsin. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 223" n LORETTA ]). -CHAMPION BUTTER COW. In the World's Fair Dairy Contest, so far as economical milk and butter production are concerned, the champion cow was the Jersey LORETTA D. In the 120 days this cow gave 5,082. pounds of milk 4.8 per cent, fat, yield- ing 280.16 pounds of butter-fat, equal to 330.04 pounds of merchant- able butter. Owned by the estate of W. S. Ladd, of Portland, Oregon. Was bred by Moore & Gilbert, of Muncie, Indiana. GUERNSEY CHAMPION, 8,218 — GRAND CHAMPION GUERN- SEY BULL AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR. Bred by H. McK. Twombley, of Florham Farms, Madison, N. J. This picture of GUERNSEY CHAMPION was taken at the Fair, September, 1904. He was calved November 15th, 1901. THE BOOK OF IJVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CALYPSO, 2:., 017 (44,577) — A CHAMFIOX Oi-' C'i i AM PIO.NS. His get have won first prize in "get-of-slre" group thirty-nine times, without a single defeat. He sired the highest-price Percheron mare Jolanthe, that sold at public auction for $3, .500. 00. See page 1G9. CALYPSO is the i)roperty of H.G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. ABERDEEN-ANGUS CATTLE— WINNING GRADED HERD AT THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. 1905. Owned by W. A. McHenry, of Denison, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 225 TIGKR Ln.Y — HACKNEY STALLION. Owned and exhibited by Reginald Vanderbilt. At Pl'iladelphia, 1905, tiie prize for the best Anierican-loaled Hackney stallion from imported sire and dam was awarded to TIGER LILY. He has since become famous in show rings. COLSTON ECLIPSE — YORKSHIRE BOAR. Yearling. Grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Exhibited^^by W. E. Rockhill, of Etna Green, Indiana. 226 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ORPHAN BOY — THE FAMOUS CHAMPION JACK. At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, the grandest show of jacks and jennets ever seen in the history of the vorld was exhibited. The firm of L. M. IMonsees & Son, of Smithton, IMo., received a majority of the awards in this class. One of tliese grand championships was won by ORPHAN BOY. who is the subject of our ilhist ration. This i)icture was taken out in the pasture when ORPHAN BOY was not in show- ring condition. ORPHAN BOY' was foaled June 4th, 1889; is black with white points: 1 (i hands high, and weighs 1,200 pounds. jjac ul.\ j:.\.\i .\.\!j i-;\\ !•: LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR, 1904. field, Ontario, Canada. (ilL\.\U C'lL\AiriU.\.S AT lili. .-L. Exhibited by J. T. Gibson, of Den- THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 227 AUION, 2:07% — BAY TROTTING STALLION. Sold at three years old for $125,000 to Malcolm P'orbes, of Boston, Mass.; the highest price ever paid for a trotting horse. Held the world's cham- pionship record for two-year-olds, 2:10%. Bought by M. W. Savage, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. MAPLE LEAF SHADELAND, 9th — HEREFORD BULL. Grand champion Hereford bull in quarantine division at the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, 1904. Exhibited by Campbell Russell, of Hereford, Indian Territory, uow the state of Oklahoma. 228 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CRESCEUS, 2:02^4 — WAS FASTEST TROTTING STALLION. Fastest two miles. 4:17. Fastest first heat in a race, 2:03^. From copyright photo liy jiei mission of Schreiber & Sons. Philadelphia, Pa. l'Ut,rT\ 1M':T DIOVON cow. Imi-sI in i... ..Mil:.; .1. ihr I'an American Siiow and Exposition, I'.toi. Owned and e.xliibited by James Hilton & Son, of New Scotl9,n(J, N. Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 229 NEWS BOY — LIGHT-HARNESS HORSE. At the Brooklyn Horse fhow, 1905, he v/on every prize shown for, and at Philadelphia also made a great record. Exhibited by Mrs. J. B. Gerken, of Long Island, New York. YOUNG PREMIER CHIEF— BERKSHIRE BOAR, THREE YEARS OLD. Champion at the Illinois State Fair, 1905. Exhibited by I. N. P?irker & Sons, of Thornton, Indiana. 230 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FOREST KING — HACKNEY HORSE. Imported, sensational, high-stepping Hackney that won the gig prize and the harness cham- ])ionship at the Philadelphia Horse Show, 190.'.; also won the Wal- dorf-Astoria Cup in 1904 at New York. Owned and driven by Judge W. H. Moore, of Sew York City. CLARAS Olil'liAN (IKAXD CHAMPION JERSEY BULL AT THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR, 1905; ALSO AT INDIANA, Exhibited by A. P. Walker, of RushvjUe, Indiana, THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 231 THE EEL — A PACING STALLION. His records: Mile track, 2:021/4; half-mile track, 2:04%; world's record half-mile track on ice, 2:111/2, Ottawa, Ontario, February, 1909: quarter-mile sod track, 2:13, Woodstock, Ont., October 30, 1911. THE EEL was the holder of record for three heats in a race for a stallion until the summer of 1911. Owned by F. W. Entricken, Tavistock, Ontario, Canada. 1 |8^,,=^ 1 ^»m ■ J 1' . f/ '^^^-'■^'^ EPH, 12,79l' — FA.MCK'S RFA) POLLEJJ SIRE AND SHOW BULL. Five times champion and four times grand champion at principal State Fairs, 1909. EPH is sire of Elgin, 14,964, winner of many prizes, including five grand championships. Exhibited by Geo. In- eichen & Sons, Apple Grove Farm, Geneva, Ind. 232 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CROFTJANE DTNAH, 19th— IMPORTED AYRSHIRE COW, FIVE YEARS AND ELEVEN MONTHS OLD. Highly representative of the breed. Senior and grand champion Ayrshire cow at the National Dairy Show held at Chicago, 1907. Exhibited by W. F. Schanck, of Avon, New York. SUCCESS— MERINO RAINI. Champion of the breed at the Inter- national Live Stock Exposition of 1882. Photograph by Schreiber & Sons, Art Photographers, of Philadelphia, Pa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 233 FIGGIS — JERSEY COW. At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the grand champion Jersey cow was FIGGIS, 76,106. This applies to the exhibition of Jersey cattle, and not to the milking and butter- making contest. FIGGIS had a calf at the World's Fair. FIGGIS combines beauty with great dairy capacity. FIGGIS was bred on the Hood Farm, Lowell, Mass., and was sold to Mr. Thomas W. Lawson, owner of Ureamwood Farm, Scituate, Mass., and by him was exhib- ited at the World's Fair. The picture of FIGGIS was taken at the rime when she was declared the grand champion. J. F.'S MODEL, 82,788 — GRAND CHAMPION DUROC-JERSEY SOW AT THE TRI-STATE FAIR AT MEMPHIS, AT KNOXVILLE, NASHVILLE AND MONTGOMERY, ALA., IN 1911. Owned by Wilder Carpenter, Grand View Farm, Marmaduke, Arkansas. 234 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. DR. >;Kh\\().\lv A \ir'lX)Kl.\ HiJUSI-:. (Jwned and exhibited by Reginald Vanderbilt. First-prize winner at tlie Philadelphia Horse Show, 1905, and a constant winner wherever shown. DR. SFLWOXK was 16.1 hands and seven years old. I. S. PERFECTIO.X -^inji..VAU-i iilAA ;bu\\. i wo years oid. Senior grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Exhibited by S. E. Sli«lleuburger, of Camden, Ohig. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 235 McKTNLEY — HACKNEY STALLION. Champion at the London Hackney Show, and the best Hackney stallion at the Philadelphia Horse Show of 190.5, and winning many other honors later. Exhib- ited by Eben D. Jordan, of Boston, Mass. >. wS^^^^ CALLAWAY'S PRIDE— CHESTER WHITE PIG. Age, 175 days; weight, 2 7-5 pounds. Winner of seven first prizes, including champion and grand championship at the Missouri State Fair, 1911. Exhibited by Nunnelly Bros., Readsville, Missouri. 236 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FRONTON — GRAND CHAMPION PERCHERON STALLION. The grand champion Percheron stallion of the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, 1904. Imported from France as a yearling and raised in this country by McLaughlin Bros., of Columbus, Ohio. FRONTON weighed 2,040 pounds at the Exposition. CHESTER ^VI11TE SWINE — UNDER TWO YEARS OLD. First- prize winners, St. Louis Fair, 1902, each weighing 38.^ pounds. Ex- hibited by Dorsey Bros., of Perry, Illinois. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 237 LORD BURLEIGH — HACKNEY HORSE. Winner of harness championships One of the greatest of modern show horses. Owned By Mr E D .Joidan. ot ( ml omi le, Mass. K ^ 'Wp* SHMT SSi m ^r— -• - . .- - ^— STV i ■J'.^/ f , 4 'i ^ ^^^1^^^ PREMIER LONGFELLOW — BERKSHIRE BOAR. Two years old. Grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Exhibited by N. II. Gentry, of Sedalla, Mo. 23S THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ._K:f^ • '^i -•-j-t-./a'^^* GYPSY QUEEN — SIRED BY CHESTER DARE, 10; DAM, KATE. Bred by I. M. Dunn, of Bryantsville, Kentucky. Exhibited by Ball Bros., of Versailles, Kentucky. Grand champion saddle mare at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. iiiUii CLERE COUNTESS, 19lli .:=.-- i CAR-OLD BERKSlllia: SOW. Champion at many shows, the last being the Illinois State Fair, 1905. Exhibited by Hood Farm, Lowell, Mass. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 239 DILHAM PRIME MINISI'ELI— CHAMPION HACKNEY PONY STALLION. When owned by Mr. E. D. Jordan, of Chiltonville, Mass., he was winner in many show ring contests and sire of prize-winning ponies. IDA MARIGOLD, .] 2, 6 15— JERSEY COW. Test, 25 pounds 21/2 ounces of butter in one week. At the Chicago World's Fair she won first prize in Test No. 1, sw^eepstakes in Test No. 1, first prize in show ring's sweepstakes in show ring. Dam of Noted Stoke Pogis of Pros- pect, 29,121, who leads in number of tested daughters in proportion to number he has had. Exhibited by C. A. Sweet, of East Aurora, N. Y. 240 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. LOKp I'I,!.i VST- -hackney HOHS , A .mpanion to LORD Bl'RLElcili. U)t;tilipr niakins a great canum^ team, winning in ;nany classes and championships. Owned by Mr. E. D. .lordan, of Chilton- ville, Massachusetts. ERIC, 7th, OK KEILLOR PARK -CRAXI) CHAMPION ABER- DEEN-ANOrS BULL, AND INGAS GIRL, SENIOR AND GRAND CHAMPION ABERI^EEX-ANGUS COW AT THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR, 1909. Exhibited by A. A. Armstrong, of Camargo. 111. At this great Fair there were four herds e.xhibited, all of them averaging high in quality. Other awards have been won by this pair of Aber- deen-Angus champions. THb] BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 241 DOLLY BLOOM — GUERNSEY COW, DAM OK DOLLY DIMPLE. Official records, one year: 17,297.-5 pounds milk, s:^(>.2 pounds butter- fat, world'.s record for Guernseys until 1908-1909. 12,674.83 pounds milk, 623.94 pounds butter-fat, world's butter-fat record for Guernseys as a three-year-old. 8,841.58 pounds milk, 453.86 pounds butter-fat, world's butter-fat record at two years of age, 19 02-1903. Owned at Langwater Farms, North Easton, Mass., F.L.Ames, Proprietor. NOBLE OF OAKLANDS -IMPORTED .TERSEY BULL. Sensa- tional prize winner and sire of prize winners. Sold at auction. May 30th, 1911, by T. S. Cooper & Sons, to J. B. Haggin, Elmendorf Stock Farm, Lexington, Ky, THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ESMERALDA — ^FRENCH COACH MARE. Although twelve years old and suckling a colt, was declared grand champion at t lie T>oui?iana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Picture taken in pasture. Exhibited by E. M. Barton, of Hinsdale, Illinois. SULTAX— GRAND CHAMPION ANGORA BUCK AT THE LOl'lSIANA ri'RCHASE EXPOSITION, 1904. Exhibited by C. P. Bailey & Sons, San Jose, California. Illustration by courtesy of th« United States Department of Agriculture. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. LETTY LEE AND LEONORA — A TEAM OF ROADSTERS. Owned by C. W. Watson, of Baltimore, Md. Blue-ribbon winners at Eastern Shows, and considered the handsomest pair of roadsters in five years. VILLAGE BELLE, 2d — FAMOUS SHORTHORN HEIFER, AS A CALF. See also page 66. For this photo we are under obligation to John Garden, Cottage Hill, Ravenna. Ohio. 244 THE BOOK 0I<^ lAVK STOCK CHAMPIONS. BUZETTA— FRENCH DRAFT MARE. Foaled March. 1901; weight, l,9Sii pounds. First-prize three-year-old, also chami)ion and grand champion, French Draft Class. Louisiana Purchase Exi^osition. 1904. Owned by Ed. Hodgson, ol El Paso, Illinois. Bred by C. \V. Hurt, of Arrowsmith, Illinois. ITCHEN DAISY, 3d— GUERNSEY COW. At four years and seven months she i)roduced in one year 1?.,G3(» pounds milk, ri.24 per cent, fat, equivalent to 714.10 i)ounds butter-fat. Owned by Lang- water Farms, North Easton, Mass., F. L, Ames, Proprietor. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 245 JOLIH JOHANNA — HOLSTEIN COW. She was bred by Gerritt Smilley, of Peterboro, N. Y., and at ten years old, in the ninety-day demonstration test at St. Louis she gave 5,064.4 pounds of milk and 169.99 pounds of butter-fat, equivalent to 212.48 pounds of butter, an average daily yield of 2.36 pounds of butter. She was first-prize cow at the St. Louis World's Fair, cham])ion senior female at the World's Fair, and grand champion female of the Holstein breed at the same Fair. Her official test made on the World's Fair Grounds at St. Louis was 544.6 pounds of milk, 19.61 pounds of butter-fat, the equivalent of 23 pounds and 14 ounces of butter in seven consecutive days. Owned by the State Agricultural College of Colorado. MASHER'S SEQUEL— IMPORTED GUERNSEY BULL. Has twenty-seven or more tested daughters in Advanced Register. Owned by Scoville Bros., Chapinville, Connecticut. 246 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SUNOL, 2:081^ — TROTTING MARE. Bred by the late Gov- ernor Stanford, of Palo Alto, California. Owned by the late Robert Bonner, of New York City. Price paid, $40,000. From copyright photograph by permission of Schreiber & Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa. LADY VIOLA — IMPORTED JERSEY COW. Sold at auction May, 1911, for $7,000.00. Owned at Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. LADY VIOLA is the highest-priced cow of the breed. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 247 PRINCE OF WHITEHOUSE — FIRST-PRIZE THREE-YEAR-OLD CLYDESDALE STALLIOX AT THE IOWA AND ILLINOIS STATE FAIRS AND RESERVE CHAMPION IN IOWA. Exhibited by John Leitch, of Lafayette, Illinois. FERN AYR— AYRSHIRE COW. Record for one year: 13,601 pounds of milk, 3.80 per cent, fat, producing 519.64 pounds fat, equiv- alent to 519.64 pounds of butter, Owned by John R. Valentine, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. 248 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ^"^ "' -"* — -H -...j!-,-.. .■! i»»\.\I 15V ATTORXEY. Hivd by Daniel Hayes, ol" Muscatine, Iowa. Died the property of Hon. F. C. Sayles, of Pawtucket, R. I. From copyright photograi)h ])y permission of Schreiber & Sons,, of Philadelphia, Pa. At Galesburg, HI., in ISH:',. ALIX placed the mile trotting mark at 2:03%. She was driven by Andy McDowell. ]iU; .MAUV CHESTER ^VH1TE SOW. TWO VL.vU., ul../. Grand champion at the St. Louis World's Fair, li)04. Exhibited by O. L, Kerr, of Independence, Missouri. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 249 LESSNESSOCK'S FIRST CHOICE — NOTED IMPORTED CHAM- PION AYRSHIRE BULL. In service at Riverside Stock Farm. Owned by J. F. Converse & Co., Woodville, New York. Was senior and grand champion at the Iowa State Fair, 1911, and junior cham- pion at the National Dairy Show, 1909. LASS, 4 0th, OF HOOD FARM — JERSEY COW. Gold-medal winner in Class A, 1910, ]iroducing 10,47-5 pounds of milk in one year, from which 606 pounds of butter were made. Bred and owned by Hood Farm, Lowell, Massachusetts. 250 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. RED PRINCE, II. — THOROUGHBRED STALLION, IRISH TYPE. Used in service as sire of hunters and of racers. Was winner Chal- lenge cup at Dublin Royal Show in 1903. Illustration by courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture. From Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1904. AUCHENBRIAN WHITE BEAUTY, 2d— AYRSHIRE COW. Record as a mature cow in one year: 13,789 pounds of milk, pro- ducing 564.39 pounds of butter-fat, equal to 658 pounds of butter. Owned by Penshurst Farm, Narberth, Pa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 251 EMILY, 835 — SADDLE MARE. Sweepstakes mare, any a^e, at the Chicago Columbian Exposition, 1893. Exhibited by General J. B. Castleman, of Louisville, Ky. Illustration by courtesy of the United States Department of A.2:riculture, from Report Bureau of Animal Industry, 1902. EDNA— GRAND CHAMPION ANGORA DOE AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, 1904. Exhibited by F. O. Landrum, Laguna, Texas. Illustration by courtesy of the Uuited States Depart- ment of Agriculture. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SIR ANDREW — IJIGllLAM) iiL LL. Champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Imported and owned by W. M. Van Norden, of Rye, N. Y. illustration by courtesy and permission of Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of United States Agricultural Depart- ment. From an article on Highland Cattle in Bureau of Animal Industry Report for 1 !Htft. THE BOOK OK LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 253 "^ r^^ ] P^ 4rf IMPORTED HORACE JUNIOR — BAY HACKNEY PONY STAL- LION OF EXCELLENT CONFORMATION AND IDEAL ACTION. Winner of various prizes, including championships before importation, and first at Madison Square Garden, 1906 and 1910. In stud at Bel- thorpe Farms, Percy E. Hoge, Proprietor, Jett, Ky. m^m^.m.^Si''^'' ^fcifc-.-^^H^^ ■ FONTAL\'E-S CHIEFTAIN— GRAND CHAMPION JERSEY BULL AT SHELBYVILLE, KY., ALSO AT OHIO, KENTUCKY AND ILLI- NOIS STATE FAIRS OF 19H. Exhibited by Ed. C. Lasater, Fal- furfi?i§, Texas. 254 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPlOiXS. JOHN R. GENTRY, 2:00V2, BY ASHLAND W ILKES — A PACING CHAIMPION. In 1896 he reduced the record a full second, which was ])reviously held by ROBERT J. From copyright photograph by per- mission of Schreiber & Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa. MAS'n':R ()i- 'III1-: gkov k (iiwii'Ion shorthorn bull AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1904. Exhibited by C P. Bellows. Maryville, Mo, THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 255 FLUCK'S EXPECTATION — PURE-BRED HEREFORD STEER. At the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, this steer was champion of the Hereford breed and grand champion of the pure-bred steers at the show. At the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1904 FLUCK'S EXPECTATION was Hereford champion and reserve grand champion. He was champion calf of the same show in 1903. Exhibited by H. J. Fluck, of Goodenow, Illinois. DIJKSTRA BEAUTY LAD — HOLSTEIN BULL. First and grand champion at the Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois State Fairs, 1907 and 1909. Exhibited by W. B. Barney & Sons, Chapin, Iowa. 256 THE BOOK OF I.IVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FIRH: engine horses. — This is the team that was taken from Kansas City to the International Fire Congress held at the Paris Exposition in 1900 and won the world's championshii) prize. Illus- tration by courtesy of Chiei' .J. C. Egner, of the Fire Department, Kansas City, Missouri. Sri.TA.X 8 DAKK l'.l-.\l 1^. — CJHA.M) (,'H.V.MFIUN .lEKSEY female at SHELBY VILLE, KY., AND OHIO. KENTUCKY AND H.LINOIS STATE FAIRS, AND FIRST-PRIZE THREE-YEAR-OLD AT THE NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW, 1911. Exhibited by Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 257 258 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. i\Ki.i.!-.li..M \.\. I I.— 1 KivC iiKUU.X Si.U.lJU.N. Foaled in 1909. Black with large star. Was champion Percheron stallion at the Minnesota State Fair, champion at the South Dakota State Fair, champion at the Sioux City Interstate and reserve champion at St. Joseph in 1911. Owned by H. G. McJVIiilan & Sons, Rock Rapids. Iowa. As a two-year-old he weighed 1,960 pounds. PEN OF FAT WETHERS -GRAND CHAMPIONS AT THE NATIONAL WESTERN SHOW, DENVER, COLO.. 1912. Exhibited by the Agricultural College. Denver, Colorado. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 259 (()L.\.\Tl!\ !-n,s KMIAXXA— HOLSTEIX BULL. Ex-world's cliamijiou. Records: JUG yoiiuds milk in one day, 28.18 pounds butter-fat in seven days at SO per cent., equivalent to 35.22 pounds of butter. Year's record: 27,432.5 pounds milk, 3.64 per cent, fat, equal to 998.26 pounds butter-fat, on basis of butter 85.7 per cent, fat, equivalent to 1.164.6 4 pounds butter, and at 80 per cent, equiv- alent to 1,247.82 pounds butter. Bred and owned by W. J. Gillett, Rosendale, Wis. GLENCOE'S BOPEEP— GUERNSEY COW. Grand champion of the breed at the National Dairy Show of 1911 and 1912. Winner of xaau7 other prizes. Owned hy W. W. Marsh, Waterloo, Iowa- 260 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. TRAPPISTE— BELGIAN STALLION. Grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Exhibited by J. Crouch & Son, of Lafayette, Indiana. ^':SM^^ RUBY, 2d — DEVON COW. Senior and grand champion at the New York State Fair of 1911. Exhibited by W. H. Neal, Propri- etor Hillside Milk Farm, Meredith, N. H. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 261 JUREUR — IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. First-prize two-year-old and junior champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Exhibited by Robert Burgess & Son, Wenona, Illinois. EMINENTS RALEIGH — JERSEY BULL. Sire of thirty-five or more tested daughters and sire of many champion sons, including Raleigh's Fairy Boy, that Avon grand championship wherever exhib- ited, including the National Dairy Show of 1910. Owned by Good Hold Farm, Mentor, Ohio, L. E. Holden, Proprietor. 262 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. IMPRUDEXTE — IMPORTED PERCMEROX MARE. First-prize winner and chami)ion at the Illinois and Wisconsin State Fairs; first and reserve champion at the International Live Stock Exposition, 1910; first-prize winner at the Illinois and Iowa State Fairs, 1911, and first-prize three-year-old and reserve champion at the Chicago International Live Ptock Eximpitioii, TM 1 HAMPSHIRE BARROWS— JUNIOR YEARLINGS, PURE-BRED. In the fat barrow class they were reserve grand champions in contest for all breeds at the International Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Bred and exhibited by Patterson & Rouse, Paynes Depot. Ky. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 263 GLADYS FiZZAWAY— HOLSTEIN COW. Ciaiid champion female at the Minnesota State Fair, 1911. E.xhibited by J. F. Con- verse & Co., Woodville, New York. BELLE NETHERLAND .JOHANNA — HOLSTEIN COW. Her record for the j'ear 1909 to 1910 was 20,516.9 pounds milk and 808.9 pounds fat, or 1,011.1 pounds butter 80 per cent. fat. Her record for 1910 to 1911 was 22,811.8 pounds milk and 883.7 pounds fat, or 1,103.83 pounds butter. The combined records of the two years (consecutive) make her the champion long-distance cow. Both the yearly records were made under the rules of the Holstein-Friesian Association for semi-official tests. Her record for seven days was 657.5 pounds milk and 24.4 pounds fat. Her record for thirty days was 2,797.1 pounds milk and 100.5 pounds fat. Owned by Orchard Farm, Charles L. Roberts, Proprietor, Basking Ridge, N. J. 264 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONg. JURIDIQUE — PERCHERON STALLION. First-prize winner at Paris in a ring of two hundred and sixty contestants. Imported in 1911 as a two-year-old. First-prize winner and champion at the Iowa State Fair. Exhibited by Robert Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. AYRSHIRE CATTLE— CHAMPION HERD AT THE INTERNA- TIONAL DAIRY SHOW, HEl.D AT MILWAUKEE, WIS., 1911. Owned and exhibited by J. W. Clise, Redmond, state of Washington. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 265 TvIONTGOMERY CHIEF. I,;j(jl — (:^KANU CHAMPION SADDLE STALLION AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, 1904. Sire, Bourbon Chief, 9 76; dam, Annie. Bred by R. B. Young, of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. Exhibited by Ball Bros., of Versailles, Kentucky. MERRY MAIDEN'S THIRD SON — JERSEY BULL. Grand champion of the breed at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Bred by C. I. Hood, of Lowell, Mass., and exhibited by H. C. Taylor^ of Orfordville, Wisconsin. 266 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SAMPSON — MORGAN STALLION. Winner of the blue ribbon over all other stallions in the Morgan class at the xMadison Square Garden in 1910. Owned and exhibited by H. R. C. Watson, Edge View Farm, Brandon, Vermont PRINCESS SALATIXK <'AliLOTTA, 56,190— HOLSTEIN COW. Owned by the University of Missouri. Holds second highest record for the Holstein breed in Missouri— 18,405 pounds milk, 721 pounds butter iii one yean THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 267 GENERAL PEACE — THOROUGHBRED STALLION. Suitable to get weight-carrying hunters, Irish type. Was best stallion, any age. Royal Dublin Show, in 1904. Illustration by courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture. From Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1904. "THE WHITE CHIEF," 4,045— CHESHIRE BOAR. Champion Cheshire boar at the New York State Fair, 1906. and grand champion boar at the same Fair 1908. Chief service boar in Cornell University berd of Cbesblre swine, 268 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SHADYBROOK GERBEN — HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COW. In the Cow Demonstration at the World's Fair, 1904, she was the Holstein champion. Her 120-day performance was 8,101.7 pounds of milk with an average test of ?>..5 per cent., yielding 2 82.6 pounds of butter- fat, which represents 330.36 pounds of marketable butter. Of other solids not fat, her record was 620.53 pounds. In butter production her record was the largest by a fraction of a pound. SHADYBROOK GERBEN was exhibited by M. E. Moore, of Cameron, Mo. YESKA SUNBEAM, 15,439 — GUERNSEY COW. During the year ending September 30th, 1905. YESKA SUNBEAM gave 14,920.8 pounds of milk averaging 5.74 per cent, fat, equal to 857.15 pounds of pure butter-fat, which is equivalent to 1,000 pounds of merchant- able butter, this being at the time the Avorld's official butter-fat record made under public supervision. YESKA SUNBEAM was bred by W. D. Richardson, of Garden City, Minn. Owned when tested by Fred Rietrock, of Athens, Wisconsin. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 269 LULA— REGISTERED DAIRY SHORTHORN COW. Owned by the University of Missouri. For two years slie held the highest milk and butter record of this breed in the United States — 12,341 pounds milk, 602 pounds butter. CREMO — RED POLF.ED BULL. Grand champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1908 and 1909. Exhib- ited by Frank Davis & Sons. Holbrook, Neb. 270 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ROYAL MASK— T[iOROT'GHBRED STALLION. Suitable to get weight-carrying hunters. Was the host stallion, any age. Royal Dublin Show, 1903. Illustration by courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture. From Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1904. FAY .JEWELL BEAUTY — HOLSTEIN COW. Grand champion National Dairy Show, Chicago, 1911. Oflicial record, 20.02 pounds butter in seven days at ten years old. Bred and owned at Wood- lake Farm, Jno. B. Irwin. Proprietor, Miuueapolis, Minu. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 271 DAYTONA — THOROUGHBRED MARE. Grand champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1004. Bred by J. B. Haggin, Rancho del Paso, California. Exhibited by Geo. C. Graddy, of Ver- sailles, Kentucky. LONEWOOD BOY — DEVON BULL. Senior and grand cham- pion at the New York State Fair, 1911. Exhibited by W. Hi Neah Proprietor Hillside Milk Farm, Meredith, N. H. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HOWIE'S LADYLIKE— IMPORTED AYRSHIRE COW. Winner of many chanipionsliii^s, including Hartford, Conn., Detroit, Mich., Springfield, 111., Allentown, Pa., and Syracuse, N. Y. Exhibited by W. P. Schanck, Avon, \ew York. AYRSHIRE BULL— I'.L:IC MAX l^i:fi:iv l'A.\. (iraud ehampiou Great Britain and grand cliampiou America. Imported by and at the head of WlUowmoor Parme' Herd, Redmond, state of WaBhington. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 273 PETER THE GREAT, 2:07^/4, BY PILOT MEDIUM— ONE OF THE] GREAT SIRES OF THE TROTTING HORSE FAMILY. Winner of the Kentucky Futurity in 1S9S and sire of Grace, 2:05i4, Sadie Mac 2:06%, and Peter Thompson 2:07V2, winners of the Kentuclty Futurity, 1903, 1910 and 1911.- Owned at Patchen Wilkes Stock Farm, Lexington, Ky. Photo by Knight, of Lexington, now of Cin- cinnati. PETER THE GREAT has for years won against all comers at the Blue Grass Fair in the class for the handsomest and best harness Lorce. DEHORNED SHORTHORN STEERS — A CAR-LOAD, 1,544 POUNDS AVERAGE. First-prize winners, Fort Worth, Texas, Fat Stock Show, 1899. Fed by Marlon Sansom, of Alvarado, Texas. 274 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ALLERTON, 2: 09 14— TROTTING SIRE. On .Tanuary 1st, of the year 1912, ALLERTON stood at the head of the list of sires with two hundred and thirty-five standard performers to his credit. As grandsire there were seventy-three more standard performers to his credit. MISSOURI CHIEF— IIOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BULL. Exhibited by M. E. Moore, of Cameron, Mo. Champion of the breed at Mia- Bourl, Iowa, Kaneaa and St. Louis Fairs, circuit of 1902. Blre of Mis- souri Chief Josephine. THE BOO'K OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 275 1 ! : i 1 ! -I i i % \ 1 M ^^S^Hbv^i ^ h i ^^^^^ 1 1 1 i'-^tS^ FALSETTO THE LAST — RED POLLED BULL. Winner of many awards, including first prize in class for aged bulls, senior and grand champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1910. Exhibited by A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. YOUNG ALICE'S PRINCE, 171,11 1— SHORTHORN BULL. Champion of Texas, 1903, 1904 and 190.5. Grand champion Southern Division Louisiana Purchase PJxposition, 1904; also sire of grand champion female in same division. Weight, 2, .5 3 pounds at five years. Owned by David Harrell, of Durham Park Stock Farm, Liberty Hill, Texas. 'He meets you and he leaves you as a Short- horn bull should do, modeled accurately in front and well finished behind." 276 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. PRINCESS FORTUNE— AS A FOUR-YEAR-OLD. Twice cham- pion Clydesdale mare at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposi- tion in 1909 and 1911. Exhibited hy R. A. Fairburn, New Market. X. .7. CORUi:CTui: !-Alia'AX -lli:ui:FOin) bull, a senior year- ling. Junior champion bull at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1911, Exhibited by J. P. Cudahy, of Kansas City. Mo. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 277 MINNO— GERMAN COACH STALLION. Champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1911. Exhibited by J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Indiana. AYRSHIRE CATTLE— BEST FOUR AYRSHIRE COWS IN MILK AT THE NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW, 1911. Owned by P. Ryan Brewster, New York. 278 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. GENESEO BELL POLKADOT— HOLSTEIN COW. Holder of Iowa state record for day and week's production of butter-fat. Owned by the Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Milk record, one day, 108.8 pounds; butter-fat, 4.06 pounds. Milk record, seven days, 732.3 pounds; 27.25 pounds butter-fat. KLOMAN— ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL. Grand champion at many shows, including the Chicago International Live Stock Exposi- tion. 1911. Exhibited by A. C. Binnie. Alta, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 279 MISSOURI CHIEF JOSEPHINE— HOLSTEIN COW. Owned by the University of Missouri. Held second highest official milk record. Highest for Missouri — 26,801 pounds milk, 861 pounds butter in one ypar. MYRTLE OF MAPLES— GALLOWAY HEIFER. A junior calf. Good enough to be first in class and junior champion, Chicago Inter- national Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Exhibited by C. S. Hechtner, of Chariton, Iowa. 280 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. METEOR MORGAN — MORGAN STALLION. First-iirize winner at St. Louis, Kansas City and Philadelphia Horse Shows. One of the best and handsomest of the Morgan horses. Owned and exhibited by H. P. Crane, Wild Rose Farm, St. Charles, HI. LADYLIKE — C.ALLOW.W lu^^. I \\u YEA I.. i XUER THREE. Senior champion female at che Chicago Lnt- .-diock Exposi- tion, 1911. Exhibited by Straub Bros., Avoca, Iowa. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 281 DEFENDER, 140,037— HEREFORD BULL. Owned by C. G. Comstock & Son, of Albany, Mo. Reserve grand champion World's Fair, St. Louis, ]904. Grand champion bull of the American Royal mn -# SUDBOURNE RUBY— SUFFOLK PUNCH MARE, FOUR YEARS OLD. Champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Exhibited by Fred W. Okie, Marshall. Va. 282 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ASIIAIOOR LUTHER — THREE-YEAR-OLD SULFOLK I'l NCil STALLION. Reserve champion, Chkago [nternational Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Exhibited by Fred W. Okie, Marshall, Va. ^^^p^ssH^^^^ JOHANNA BONHEUR — HOLSTEIN COW. A. R. O. records: 90 pounds milk in one day; 23.1 pounds butter in seven days; 20,522.4 pounds milk, 714.5 pounds butter-fat in one year. Bred and owned by W. J. Gillett, Spring vale Stock Farm, Rosendale, Wis. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 283 CRADK aiiuupyiiun^j — the grand champion wether SHROPSHIRE, LEICESTER BREEDING, INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1911. Exhibited by J. Lloyd Jones, Bur- ford, Ontario, Canada. PEDRO'S ESTELLA, 197,245— JERSEY COW. Bred and owned by the University of Missouri. For two years she held the highest record for the Jersey breed as a three-year-old. Record, 11,063 pounds nailk, 712 pounds butter iu one year. 284 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. SCOTTISH LASSIE — HEREFORD FEMALE. Photo as a two- year-old. Twice grand champion of the breed at the Chicago Interna- national Live Stock Exposition. Exhibited by J. P. Cudahv, Kansas City, Mo. BUNCH OF CHESTER WHITE PIGS ALL UNDER SIX MONTHS OLD. They took four first prizes and award for champion boar pig and grand champion sow pig at the Missouri State Fair, 1911. Exhibited by Nunnelly Bros., Readsville, Missouri. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 285 TRUMANS' SENSATION- -BAY SHIRE GELDING. Weighed 2,240 pounds. Best single draft horse in harness, Chicago Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition, 1911. Exhibited by Trumans' Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, Illinois. DAIRY CATTLE EXHIBITED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MIS- SOURI AT THE MISSOURI STATE FAIR. Partial view of picture, containing six .lerseys. Average year's record, 12,440 pounds milk, 702 pounds butter. One Dairy Shorthorn record, 12,341 pounds milk, 602 pounds butter; two Holsteins, average record, 22,632 pounds milk, 793 pounds butter. 286 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. MON (iuos (•iii':siM r i;i:i,t,i.\ •. - 1 ■ I.! ■ I ,- iii.i-:K- YEAR-OLD. P'irst-prize winner and champion at the Chicago Inter- national Live Stock Exposition of 1911. Exhibited by J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Indiana. ENFIELD NIPPER — PONY STALLION. Belonging to the class between 13 and 14.1 hands. A winner at many Eastern shows. When shown, considered to be one of the greatest ponies in existence. Exhibited by W. D. Henry, of Irviugton Stock Farm, Pennsylvania. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 287 BRITISH LIOX — GREAT HIGH STEPPER. Old-time winner. Black gelding, 15.?. hands high, seven years old. Winner of cham- pionships at Nashville, Atlanta, Kansas City and St. Louis Horse Shows. Exhibited by Crow & Murray, of Toronto, Canada. ZAIRE THE GREAT — THREE-YEAR-OLD POLLED ANGUS BULL. Champion and first-prize winner at many shows; grand champion at the Illinois State Fair, 1906. Bred by S. E. Lantz and exhibited by M. P. & S. E. Lantz. of Carlock. 111. 288 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. REDLAC, 2:071/2 — CONSIDERED THE GREATEST SON OF ALLERTON, 2:09%. REDLAC is a puve-gaited trotting horse and is already sire of thirteen with records in standard time. Owned by Ho])per Stock Farm, Indianola, Iowa. ANNIE DARLING, 2d— BROWN SWISS COW. Graad champion at the Illinois State Fair, 1905. Exhibited by Hull Bros., Perry. Ohio. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 2S0 BERKLEY BAxNTAM — CHAMPION PONY STALLION. Exhib- ited by W. H. Moore, of New York City This imported pony, show- ing in class not exceeding 12.1 hands, -won at Philadeli)hia. 1905, over tlie crack ponies of the day. Noted for extreme brilliancy, accuracy in action, an all-round jioiiy wonder. His cost was about $8,000.00. FOUR SHORTHORNS — WINNING PRIZE FOR GET OF ONE SIRE. Picture includes DALE'S GIFT on right, reserve senior cham- pion female, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1911. Exhibited by Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 290 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. KIXG— UI']1> I'OLLEl) STli:i<]ll. An outstandins; winner and remarkable calf, under one year. Exhibited by A.P. Arj), Hlldrid.iie, Iowa. rh:mii)inn at the ('birago International l.,ive Stock P]xi)()sition of 1 it 1 1 . STAR OF THE NORTH— SHORTHORN BULL. First-prize aged Shorthorn bull at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposi- tion, 1901. Exhibited by I. M. Forbes & Son, of Henry, 111. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 291 PERFECTION LASS— HEREFORD FEMALE. First-prize junior yearling and junior champion heifer, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1911. Exhibited by Luce & Moxley, Shelby ville, Ky. i'RlXC'KSS A1AI:S11A1.L SIK JliTl it )UX COW. (iraud champion at State Fairs and grand champion at the Chicago Live Stock Exposi- tion of 1911. Exhibited by Roseuberger & Edwards, Tiffin, Ohio. 292 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CASINO (45,462). 27,830— FAMOUS PERCHERON STALLION. Owned and exhibited by J. W. & J. C. Robison, of Towanda, Kas. First prize in the aged class at the Missouri State Fair two years in succession, besides winning many other blue libbons; also a prize winner at the National Show in France in 1901. CASINO also won first prize in class at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, then owned by McLaughlin Bros. One of the great sires of the breed. COM r.i.NATii i\ CI I i:si'i':i; wiirri'; \\n\:: c .,,,1 by v. d. Humbert, of Nashua, Iowa. WeiKiiinK, TOO ijouuds ad a yearling. First-prize and sweepstakes winner at Missouri, Iowa, Kansas aiid Nebraska State Fairs, and at St. Louis in 1902. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 293 PETROLEUM — CHAMPION EASTERN SADDLE HORSE. Photograph taken by Schreiber 0 pounds. Sire of the St. Louis World's Fair grand champion jennet: sired the senior and junior champion jennets; sired one of the junior champion jacks, and many of the first-prize winners. THE .JERSEYS AT BILTMORE — This is a picture of the Van- derbilt Jerseys on the Biltmore estate, out in a pasture near Asheville, North Carolina. Several champions are to be seen in this herd of dairy cattle. 302 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. GAIXSFORD MAIIQUIS — IMPORTED SHORTHORN BILL. A senior yearling. First in class, junior champion and reserve srand champion, Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. Exhibited by J. A. Watt, Salem, Ontario. Canada. UPLAND JETHRO, 1,6G3 — BROWN SWISS BULL. State Fair prize winner, New York and Ohio, as calf and yearling, and reserve champion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition as a two-year-old. Bred and exhibited by F. R. Hazard, of Syracuse, N, Y. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 303 ■'€' ft •>^ L jH| ■TL <^H y P^ ■ ^?^-» *^ SWEET MARIE, 2:02— FAMOUS TROTTING MARE. P>om copyright photograph by permission of Schreiber & Sons, of Phila- delphia, Pa. SWEET MARIE is by McKinney, 2: 11 14, he by Alcyone, 2:27. NETHERHALL BROWNIE, 9th — THE "WORLD'S CHAMPION AYRSHIRE COW. Official record for 365 consecutive days: 18,110 pounds of milk and 820.91 pounds of butter-fat, equal to 958 pounds of butter. Owned by J. W. Clise, Proprietor Willowmoor Farnis, Red- mond, state of Washington. 304 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. if> i DAlFtYMAIl) OF PIXEHURST- GU ERXSEY COW. Made several remarkable tests. The last as a -1 Va -year-old, with the following results: Year's milk, 17,2Sr,.-j() pounds: average butter-fat, 5.i'7 per cent.: total butter-fat, 910.67 i)ounds. UAIRYMAID OF PINEHURST was bred by Mrs. E. W. Strowbridge, of Mcorestown, X. J., and owned by W. W. Marsh, of Waterloo, Iowa. ABB1':SS .M(lli:.\KV. ,-,ih T\VO-YEAl:-()Lf) ACIOKDEEX-AXGIS HEIFER. Grand champion Illinois State Fair, I'JOj. Exhibited by W. A. McHeury, of Denison, Iowa. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 305 SFOTSWUUi) D.USV PWAKL, l7,t,;Hi — til KKXhEV t'UW. The record of this wonderful cow as a seven-year-old is 18,602.80 pounds of milk in one year: butter-fat content, 5.15 per cent.; butter-fat pro- duction, 957.38 i)0unds. SPOTSWOOI) DAISY PEARL was bred by Edward F. Price, of Broad Axe, Pa., and is now owned by O. C. Barber, of Anna Dean Farms, Barberton, Ohio. POLLY PRIM AND SWEET MARIE— TROTTING-BRED CAR- RIAGE HORSES. Exhibited by Alfred G. Vanderbilt and winning at PMladelphia and other shows. 106 THE BOOK OP^ LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. MILDRED — HACKNEY .MARE. A thampion harness mare, and whose blue ribbons are counted by the hundreds. Picture taken in the year 1904 by Schreiber, of Philadelphia, Pa. HOSNTAN'S ANNA, i':;i,:..M .)KUSI':\ COW. Record: !t,T;t2 pounds 8 ounces milk, fiSl pounds 12.2 ounces fat, equivalent to 084 pounds 7 ounces butter, in authenticated test, supervised by Storrs Agricultural College and Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. During the year of this test she traveled between 3.000 and 4,000 miles on Fair Circuit. She has won twenty awards in the show ring in Europe and America. Owned by C. I. Hudson, Knollwood Farm, East Norwich. New York. THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 307 RALEIGH'S FAIRY BOY— JERSEY BULL. Has won a large number of championshii) prizes in the show rings at the State Fairs of Iowa. New York, Illinois, New England, and including grand champion- shii) at the National Dairy Show, 1910. is in Register of Merit as sire of producing cows and prize winners. Owned by C. I. Hudson, Knoll- wood Farm, East Norwich, L. I., N. Y. This BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS is published in con- nection with the monthly National Farmer and Stock Grower of St. Louis. AGGIE LAD COLANTHA — HOLSTEIN BULL. Bred by W. B. Barney, Hampton, Iowa. First prize at the Wisconsin State Fair as a yearling and as grown bull sweepstakes winner at the Territorial Fairs of Arizona. Exhibited by H. Renaud, Phoenix, Arizona. ^.-08 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. GREAT SCOT'S CHAMPION — JERSEY COW. Grand champion female at the National Dairy Show, 1911. Exhibited by Ed. C. Lasater, Falfurrias, Texas. GOLDEN HERO, 1 f) 0,3 6 3— POLLED DURHAM BItLL. Grand chaminon at the I>ouisiana Purchase Exi)osition. 1!U)4. "This bull is making enduring history both as a sire and prize winner." Was also champion of the Polled Durhams at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition. 1904. Property of A. C. Wood & Sons, Pendleton, lud. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 309 McALISTER'S BETTY — AYRSHIRE COW. Leading three-year- old, with record of 14,208 pounds of milk, 4.19 per cent, fat, 581.41 pounds of butter-fat, equivalent to 678 pounds of commercial butter in one year. Owned by Percival Roberts, Jr., Narberth, Pa. BELLE KITSER, 2:08 — A TROTTING STAR. In classes which Included the fastest horses she won three events in the year 1903. The Horse Review said: "She has done a great deal to add interest to trotting history." 310 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. Bi.ArKRt)* K— (;KAM< CilAMi'loX STKKR, CHICAGO IN'IKK- NATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 190.^. As a two-year-old steer weighed l,Gf>0 pounds and dressed 69.97 ])er cent, of meat to car- cass. BLACKROCK was a grade Aberdeen-Angus steer, picked out of a car-load of yearlings on the Chicago market by Prof. C. F. Curtiss and fed and exhibited by the Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. LINCOLN SHEEP — CHAMPION YEARLING AT ARGENTINE RURAL SOCIETY, SOUTH AMERICA. Sold at auction for $1,350. From "Animal Industry in Argentina" by F. W. Bicknell, United States Pepartment o£ Agriculture. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 311 OLGA 4TH'S PRIDE, 160,791 — JERSEY COW. Record in authenticated test for one year, supervised by Cornell University Ex- periment Station: 16,275 pounds 13.2 ounces millt, 851 pounds 11.75 ounces fat, 1,005 pounds 14 ounces butter, 83 per cent, fat — the third highest record. She was scored 93.15 per cent, of the perfect scale by Prof. H. H. Wing. Bred and owned by George H. Sweet, Beechlands, East Aurora, New York. KING OF THE PONTIACS — FAMOUS HOLSTEIN BULL. Sire of fifty-three A. R. O. daughters. Owned by Stevens Bros. Co., Liver- pool, New York. 312 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK f'HAMPTOXS. DOMINOE — PO.W (,i:i>i>L\(i. Mother to Tangerine, both sired by Dilham Prime Minister out of Little Wonder. Winner of many first prizes at Eastern Horse Shows. wiXMi': oi' M i:.\iu)\\ i:i;(i():x ^^\l;Ll^l- ijudeex- ANGUS HElFlilii. First-i)rize winner and junior cliumiiion at the Hlinois State Fair, 1908. Exhibited by Bradfute & Son, of Cedar- Yille, Ohio. THE BOOK OF' LIVE STOCK CITAMPIONS. 313 BARBARA McHEXRY. 2 4th — ABERDEEx\-ANGUS COW. Senior and grand champion at the International Live Stock Exposition of 1910. Exhihited by W. A. INIcHenry, Denison. Iowa. FAT BEEF CATTLE— GRAND CHAMPION STEERS AT THE FEEDERS' AND BREEDERS' SHOW, FORT WORTH. TEXAS, 1912. Exhibited by .J. W. Cook & Son, Beeville, Texas. Sold by Clay, Robin- son & Co. to Armour & Co. at $10.75 per 100 pounds. These yearling steers averaged 1,024 pounds in market and dressed 62. HO per cent, meat to carcass. 314 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. LADY ECCLES — J^ANCY HARNESS POXY. One of the Eastern champions, a few years ago. when Eben D. .Jordan, of Boston, Mass., owner of LADY ECCLES, was one of the leading exhibitors. ENGLEWUODS Fl liE?*I AX TAM WORTH BOAR. Grand cham- IJiou at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. The Tamworth hog is not noted for its beauty, but for massive frame and deep sides, a typical bacon hog. Exhibited by W. W. Morton, of Russellville, Ky. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 315 BLACKCAP McHENRY, 84th — ABERDEEN-ANGUS HEIFER. Junior champion at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition of 1911. Exhibited by W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. METZCEUS DUnE"POL.'\Nn-CIllNA ROAR, AS A YEARLlXri. Owned by Mr. E. M. Metzger, of Fairfield, Iowa. Picture taken at the St. Louis Fair, 1903, he having won highest prize for Poland-Chmas. ir. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAISIPIONS. FIRE ENGINE HORSE— RUNNING TO HOSE WAGON IN ENGINE COMPANY NO. 6, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., J. HARRY JOHN- SON, CAPTAIN. Since April, 1898, with the exception of three weeks on pasture, has been in continuous service, making from 197 to 280 runs per year. In the year 1911 he was out 2:](; alarms, some of the runs being four miles long. He is brown in color, stocky built, fifteen hands high, and weighs l.i'.OO pounds. A great example of a cham- pion fire engine horse. ita..^»>»», *;<-.< ^iS^-^Jt-WU^-T^- - PROTECTION CHIEF, 4,9(;i, AM. C. W. RECORO— CHESTER WHITE HOAR. Owned by W. T. Dever, of Lucasville, Ohio. Winner of first prize and sweepstakes at the Ohio State Fair four years in guCQession. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 317 318 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. THE CLYDESDALE IN HARNESS. — This picture is from a pho- tograph of one of the imported pure-bred Clydesdale geldings exhib- ited at the First Chicago International Live Stock Exposition for the purpose of showing the draft horse to perfection. Liverpool is noted for power in draft stock, and this was a Liverpool champion. FANCY, r,S,;tsri- DERKSIIIRI': S0\V. Bred and owned by Thomas Teal & Son, of lUica, Iowa. As yearling was first and sweep- stakes, St. Louis Fair, 1901. Weighed 456 pounds when 396 days old. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 319 (V - ^. i20 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMnOXa STARLIGHT l-AMUl'S i'U IZK-WINNING liA'JKM;\ LIOX. The property ot Mr. F. G. Bourne, of New Yoik City. OAKVILLE QUIET LAD— SENIOR AND GRAND CHAMPION ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL AT THE CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXUOSITION OK 1!M8.34 pounds of butter-fat, equivalent to 1,323 pounds of commercial butter. Holder of other world's records. Owned by Maplecrest Farm, Dau Dimmick & Brq., Proprietors, East Claridon, O, 324 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. ALLKX \\i.\"l"KI{, l':im;' ICAN TROTTIXC. DEllUY, $ for harness horse. ..- WINNER OF TIIIO FlliST A.MER- ,0,0 00. The largest stake ever offered DAN PATCH, 1: 5;-)— FIGHT HARNESS CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. Has broken world's records fourteen times. Has paced 120 miles, averaging; 2:02V2. Picture by McClure, of Lexington. Ky. DAN PATCH is owned by M. W. Savage, International Horse Farm, Minne- apolis. Minu. See also page 21i>, THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 325 REX Mcdonald — retired grand champion of the SADDLE RINGS OF THE CONTINENT. Ridden by present owner, B. R. Middleton, Mexico, Mo. See also page 68. DAISY GRACE DE KOL — HOLSTEIN COW. World's champion junior four-year-old. Record for one year, 21,718.3 pounds of milk, 4.43 per cent, fat, 962.8 pounds butter-fat, equivalent to 1,203.5 pounds of commercial butter. Owned by Maplecrest Farm, Dan Dim- mick & Bro., Proprietors. East Claridon, Ohio. 326 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. STAR SHOOT — THOROUGHBRED STALLION. Premier sire of America in ISlll. Owned by Clay & Woodford, Paris, Kentucky. I ' ~ '* ^%i^ W^^^m ^pf^ ^Bkr ^^lEllSkj f^^^/^^Kr jSSi '( >■ j^^jii, " - miijgi ^y^ T^^^^^^^^^^^^^HH WK'^ -f^^^r..A, ^''^ShH ^EMiialiv^ 1 ''-'^'^fl m^^^gPIPPHPiED er kX JOHn5TOn,LAWRCnCEMH5, iv. .1, .UOM WELL— ANGORA GOAT. A great prize winner and sire ot prize winners, shearing 9 V^ to 11 pounds of lustrous mobair fle^c^, Owp^a by R, Q, JolingtQn, qf L9.wr^uce, Kaosa^. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 327 POKTRY Ol-' MOTIO-V- FAAIOUS WALK, TROT AND CANTER SADDLE GELDLXa. Winner ol' more chaniijionships in England and America than any other saddle horse in the history of the show ring. Purchased recently by Miss Oreci Seibert, of Indianapolis, Ind. During the past few years POETRY OF MOTION was shown for exhi- bition only, being barred from competition at most shows. COUNCILLOR — CHESTER WHITE BOAR. Champion at the Illinois State Fair, 1905. Exhibited by E. J. Brouhard, of Colo, Iowa. 328 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. KENTUCKY'S CHOICE— SADDLE ^1 Al.l.uN clainnd to be the finest saddle horse living. Winner ot many championships. Ridden by Mat S. Cohen at Bellvue Stock Farm, Danville, Ky. Prop- erty of Mrs. Richard Tasker Lowndes, Jr. BEKKSlllIiE SWINK— CH.\:\1P]()N HERD AT THE GREAT ST, LOUIS FAIR, 1900. Combined weight, 2,700 pounds. Exhibited by Jno. F. Stover, of Crawfordsville, Ind. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 329 UNDl'LATA CHIJ'J^'—SADDLKI STALJ.IUN. Foaled HMtS. Son of St. Louis World's Fair champion, Montgomery Chief. His many- winnings include junior championship at the Blue Grass Fair, 1911. Bred and owned by Undulata Farm, Shelbyville, Ky. CARDON — IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. Owned and exhibited by Walker Bros., Oklahoma City, Okla. Winner of various prizes at Arkansas and Oklahoma State Fairs and champion at the Arkansas State Fair of 1911. 330 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. CARON DE BAU — BELGIAN STALLION. Winner of many prizes. Now seven years old. Weighs 2,300 pounds. Owned by \V. C. Goodloe, of Fairlawn, near Lexington, Kentucky. ASTRAL KING— SADDLE STALLION, BY BOURBON KING. In his three-year-old form in show rings of Kentucky and Missouri, he was not defeated, and winning the grand championship against aged horses. Owned by .lames Houchin, Proprietor of Onward Wilkes Farm, Jefferson City, Mo. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 331 CtENERAL watts, 2:06?4 — CHAMPION THREE-YEAR-OLD TROTTER OF 1907-1910, ANT) WINNER OF FOUR FUTURITIES. Making record as sire of trotters. Owned by General C. C. Watts, of Lexington, Kentucky. YOUNG BILL show ring record in Sterling, Kentucky. iaoxi CHESTNUT SADDLE STALLION. GieaL 1911. Owned by Emerald Chief Stock Farm, Mt. 332 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. HAMBURG— THUROUGHBUlilD STALLION. Was lor y» head of the premier thoroughbred horse farm in Kentucky. ANNIE DE KOL BUTTER GIRL— HOLSTEIN COW. 31.31 pounds of butter in seven days, A. R. O.; 129. r.9 pounds of butter in thirty days, A. R. O.; 101.1 pounds milk in a day; 2,595.9 pounds of milk in thirty days. Owned by E. A. Powell, Lakeside Herd, Syracuse, New York. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS, 333 J^W^" iti ^^K"^® ^^^^^^^^^^' ''^^^iff'^VH t V^ inw^ nw yj^ «K 1 W*i , "'*'»'-^^^k|&B^,a^,^^^« hn. M HERMES — THOROUGHBRED STALLION. Famous for all the qualities of this great family of horses. 334 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CIIAIMPIONS. UHLAN, l:r)8%- THE TROTThXG KING. Black gelding: sire, Bingen, 2:t>(n4; dam, Blonde, by Sir Walter, .Tr. Driven to his record at North Randall, Ohio, August 12. 191(», by Charles Tanner. THE TLMIVESTER. 2:01— WORLD'S CHAMPION TROTTING STALLION. Foaled in 190r>. Sire, Walnut Hall. 2:()SVt; dam, Notelet, by Moko. Driven to his record at Columbus, Ohio, September 2:Jd, 1910, by Edward F. Geers. Fastest two miles, 4:1514; first, 2:0Si^; second, 2:0G%. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 335 SAN FRANCISCO, 2:07% — ONE OF THE FASTEST TROTTING STALLIONS LIVING. Walnut Hall Stock F'arm, Donerail, Ky. Ak,^ ■"^^ „ i ^ W w -emm HAMBURG BELLE, 2 : 01 %— WORLD'S CHAMPION RACING TROTTER. Bay mare; sire, Axworthy; dam, Sally Simmons. Driven to her record at North Randall, Ohio, August 25th, 1909, by William J. Andrews. 336 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. - J, .,'-•' AL splendid .A.\-A-1)AL1-: FAM(U-S TJ ;• "l,* )1 ; ; 1 1 lonroniiation and a great sire. r,iM:n s' Al.T.IO.X. A HAMPSHIRE DOVVX LAxMBS — TWO OUT OF A PEN OF THREE CHAMPIONS. Owned by Walnut Hall Farm, Donerail, Ky. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 337 CARROLL PRESTON— KENTUCKY SADDLE STALLION. Dis- tinguishing himself as a sire and in show ring. Owned by W. O. Walker, Stamford, Kentucliv. cor.xTRY i\^, J "^s worn. US ciia:\ipiox saddle TROTTER. Chestnut gelding. Ridden to his record at Syracuse, N. Y., September 15th, 1909, by Ramey Macey. 33! THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. FIRE ENGINE HORSES- -ONE OF THE GREAT TRIOS OF BOSTON, MASS. Photo by courtesy of Chief of Fire Department and Dr. Daniel P. Keogh, Veterinarian. V^^ -^f-^V 3M 1 L • vC T^rVrlN' Sl 1 ■ oi /.i -^^ i A 3t ^ N ', SS^^B. 0I1 *^niiH|^S& ml U^^l;^ ^^^^j^^^^_ ■ m J JAY BIRD— FAMOUS SIRE OF TROTTERS. Second picture taken in his old age by McClure, of Lexington, Ky. See also page 84. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. JACOBA IRENE— JERSEY COW. Record in onp year: 17,253.2 pounds milk, Jir)2.96 ijounds I'at, equivalent to 1,126 pounds butter, tlie highest record in year's test. In thirty-seven consecutive months she produced 42,06.") pounds milk, containing 2,331 pounds fat, equiv- alent to 2,7;'.. 5 i)ounds butter. This cow is now owned by F. B. Keeney, Premier Farm, Warsaw, New York. ELMHURST CHIEF — GRAND CHAMPION LEICESTER RAM OF THE THUMB OF MICHIGAN. Weight, 300 pounds. Sheared 19 pounds at three years old. Owned at Elmhurst Stock Farm, Chaa. B. Scully, Proprietor, Almont, Michigan. 340 THE rtOOK OF T/rVE STOCK CTTAIMPTONS. THE BONDSMAN, BY BAKON WILKES, 2:18. Sire of trotters, having thirty-four sons and daughters, standard performers, to his credit. BEAU ONWARD — HEREFORD BULL. Senior and grand cham- pion at the Oklahoma State Fair, 1910 and 1911. BEAU ONWARD was calved P'ebruary, 1908, Owned and exhibited by Klaus Bros., Bendena, Kansas. THE BOOK OP LTVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 341 MOKO, 24,457 — FAMOUS SIRE OF TROTTERS. Said to be one of three greatest living sires. MOKO is son of Baron Wilkes, and on January 1st, 1912, had sired fifty-three trotters and seven pacers with records in standard time. At Walnut Hall Farm, Donerail, Ky. BOB AND DAN — ONE OF THE BEST FIRE ENGINE TEAMS AT SAN FRANCISCO AND THE FIRST TO BE DISPLACED BY MOTOR APPARATUS, FEBRUARY 16th, 1912. By courtesy of Thomas F. Murphy. Chief Engineer, San Francisco Fire Department. 342 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. WALNUT HALL, 2: OS % — PAMOFS SIRE OP TROTTERS. Sire of The Harvester, 2:01. \{ Waliiul Hall Parni. DoiuMail, Kv. I'lioto by McClure, Lexington, Kentucky. II i-> k. w^ *w^v*-"' ^^Jt^^^Bfw ^■K, ^^ f %Mg^^^ /.- "•*»?** ^^^ -■ ^ HIOl) WILKIOS, 15Y (iEORGK WILKES. 2 : 22— PAMOUS SIRE OP SFEEl) HORSES. In two generations RED WILKES lias 1,396 standard performers to his credit. THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 343 ^INDEX^ TO THE Booko^Live Stock Champions-1912 Page. Abbess McHenry— Angus Heifer 304 Aberdeen-Angus Herd — McHenry 317 Aberdeen-Angus Grade Herd — McHenry. .221 Active Forest King — Haokiioy .Stallion. .. 160 Admiral Dewey — Trolling Siro SOO Admiral, The- — Morgan Stallion 1(12 Advance- — (''ihampion Stoer. S Advance Guard — ^Sho-w Stallion 110 Aggie Lad Colatitlia — Holstoin Bull ;! Allen Winter — Famous Trotter :!24 Allerton — Trotting Sire 274 Allie Nun — Champion Roadster !t7 A merican Merino Ham — 'St. Ijouis Champion 90 American Starlight — ^Champion Jiack....lol Andy — ^Aberdeen- Angus Steer 10.''> Annie Darling — Brown Swiss Cow 2SR Annie De Kol — Holstein Cow ;fS2 Antelope — Hunting Horse 214 Arion — Trotting Stallion 227 BUT'J'u.\\\ ' mjLp iiJ< IV, ,111— < DvMI'KKNJ RED POLLED STEER, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION OF 1011. Exhibited by the Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Artist Montrose — ^Saddle Stallion 43 Ashmoor Luther — SuffoUc Stallion 282 Astral King — Saddle Stallion 330 Auchenbrian White Beauty — .\yr»hirc Cow.250 Axwortih> — Trotting Sire 321 Ayrsihire Biull — Beaucha-n Peter Pan 272 Ayrshire Cattle — Best Four 277 Ayrs'hire Cattle — CUse Herd 204 Banostine Belle — Holstein Cow 323 Barbara McHenry — Angus Cow 8 Barbara McHenry — Angus Cow 313 Bargenock Gay Cavalier — Ayrshire Bull. .144 Baron Clifton — ^Clydesdale Stallion 116 Baron Duke — ^Berksihire Boar 100 Baron. The — Carriage Horse 206 Baron's Voucher — Clydesdale Stallion .... 1 2fi Beau Onward — Hereford Bull 340 Beauty — Red Polled Cow 87 Beauty — ^Shire Mare 72 Beef Cattle — Angus Steer.s 39 Beef Cattle — Black's Ohampions 178 Beef Cattle — Cbampions 109 Beef Cattle — Champion Steers 139 Beef Cattle — Fort Worth . . . . : 313 Beef Cattle— Harris Load... 28 Beef Cattle — ^Hereford Yearaings 85 Beef Cattle — Hereford Yearlings 200 Beef Cattle— Herrin L/oad Beef Cattle — Kerrick Champions... Boof Ciattle— Krambeck Load Page. 195 40 'I'W.I .state Hoove i; \ H I iii.s I I i: WHITE sow. cars old Champion at the Illinoiis Fair, 1905. Exhibited by W. A. •, of Osikalo'osa, Iowa. Beef Cattle — Royal Champions, 1911 152 Beef Cattle — ^Sansom Load 273 Beef Cattle — -Texas Load 147 B(pf CTlth-Twi Year-Old 72 Btlle Ku 1 I I iini„' Mate J09 Belle M. 1 Ivdebdale Maic 166 Belle \ ■! il I I lohanna — HoNtem 263 1-!. Ilmi I 1 II ^1 illion . 93 111 I II I I inv Stdlhon 289 III I I 1 Pen of 192 111 - I n of 328 I I II I I M I I \ I 1 ook — \nsus Cow 96 I t'-N I) \ 11(1 Belgian Mare 190 I euthan P< ter I'an — Avishiie Bull 272 I ig Mal^ — ^Chestci Sow 248 IMngen — 1 lotting Sire 28 Ringo — Polo Pon\ 48 I'lAikhird Jhth— \n8U^ Cow 212 I Irvckcap McHeni> — Angu^ Heifer 315 CLIFTON — CHAMPION HEREFORD STEER AT THE CHICAGO INTERNA- TIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, 1911. Exhibited by J. P. CUdahy, Kansas City, Mo. Blackrock — Champion Steer 310 Blaisdon Pluto— Shire Horse 30 Bob and Dan — Fire Engine Horses 341 344 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. Page. Boghall Snowdrop — Ayrshire Cow 257 Bondsman — Thoroug-hbred Horse 340 Bosnian's Anna — .lersoy Cow 306 Bourbon King — Saddle Stallion 141 Bradgate Blue Jacket — Shire Horse 102 Brahma Cow — Champion Female fi7 Brilliant D.^ — Perclieron Stallion 144 Brillianto— Belgian Mare 81 Britisher — Hereford Bull 27 British Crlory — Shorthorn Bull 11!» British T>ion — High Stc^ppor 2S7 Bi-own Hal — Pacing Stallion 47 Bucancer — Hackney Gelding 194 Buffalo Skvlark Ames — Holstein Bull. ... 297 Buttonwood Dick— Show Steer 343 Buzetta — French Draft Mare 244 Callaway's Pride — Chester White Pig...23.'5 Cherry Startle — Clydesdale Mare Chester White Hogs — Champion Load Chester White Pigs Page. .. . 21 . . . 42 CHAMPION McDOUGAL — SHETLAND PONY STALLION. Winner of many prizes, including champiomship at the Michigan State Pair, 1909. Exhibited by Geo. A. Heyl & Son, Washington, 111. Afterwards so«ld for $1,500 ca.sih. Calypso — Pereheron Stallion 224 Cardon — Pereheron Stallion 329 Carlos Victor — Berkshire Boar 344 Carmon — Trotting' Stallion 215 Carnot — Percli. imu Stallion 167 Caron Do Bau -15. iKiaii Stallion 330 Carroll Preston — Saddle Horse 337 Casino — Pereheron Stallion 292 Castille — I'eroheron Mare 139 Castor — Hereford Bull 13.S Ceremonious .Xrcher — Shorthorn Bull, 76.192 t^hallenger — Champion Steer 174 Chappie — Heavy Hunter 199 Charles the Great — 'Belted Bull 19 Charmille — Pereheron Mare 217 CAIil.i .. BOAK. pounds. Pairs and & Moses, CHBVIOT KWK — TWO YEARS OLD. Grand chamjunn. l.ouis,jana Purchase Expo- sition, 1904. Exhibited by John A. Curry, of Hartwick, N. Y. ("hcsitor Wliite Swine — Dorsey's 236 I'hi stnut -Slielland PiHiy 65 In \ I..1 l':u. I'll iini I 344 ' 1.. \ i-l K nil I'm,. I - 172 ' 1 1 .-I,. . |. \.-. .i K.iiii 60 ■111. run .iiHl .\I.iI. i-.iriiage T--im . . . . 108 ' K -Shorlhorn Bull. 26 213 I I II. I iIImUs — Ayrshire ClMl. -dale in Harness 318 C|\dosdalo Team — Morris 46 Coach Horses— Bratton's 30 CocU. of the Walk — Guernsey Hull 82 Colantha, 4th's Johanna — Hol-tein Ci>w..259 Coldham Surprise — .Shire Mare 154 Colorado E. — ^Trotter 113 Ool-ston Eclipse — Yorkshire Boar 225 DCROt^-JEHSEY B.XRROW — GRAND CH.AMPION AT NATIONAL WK SATURN SHOW, DENVER. COLO,, 191 . I5xhibited by the Agricultur il (^.llege, 1 ^irt Collins, Colorado. I'ook lirst prize at several State at St. Louis. Exhibited by Etzler of Convoy, Ohio. Columbia — -Chester Siw 210 Combination — Chester White Boar 292 Commodore, 5th — Shire Stallion 174 Como and Lugano — Roadsters 151 Confessor, The — Polled Durham Bull.. ..121 Corinne — Saddle Mare 59 Corrector Fairfax — Hereford Bull 276 Cotswold Ewe— McNeill's 16S Cotswold Prize Ewe 41 Cotsvwold Sheep — Aged Ram 66 Councillor — Chester Boar 327 Count Abbott — .Shorthorn Bull 145 fount Paul De Kol, 2(i — Holstein Bull.. 93 Country Jay — Saddle Trotter 337 Crenio — Red Polled Bull 269 Cre.seeus— Trotting Stallion 228 Croftjane Dinah — .\yrshire Cow 232 Crus.ader — Hereford Bull 181 Cuvon — Pereheron Stallion 118 Czar of River Meadow — Jersey Bull 62 Dainty of Wavertree — A Cow 185 THE BOOK OP LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 345 Page. Dairy Cattle — Missouri 285 Dairymaid of Pinehurst — Guernsey Cow. .304 Daisy Grace De Kol — Holstein Cow 325 ELIZABETH— A SENIOR GALLOWAY HEIFER CALF AND .JUNIOR AND GRAND CHAMPION AT THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. At this great Fair only two herds of Galloways were shown, and both \\ oro from Iowa. Bales & Son. of Stockport, Iowa, exhiibited ELIZABETH. Dale's Viscount — ^Shorthorn Bull U's Dandy Jim, 2d — 'Saddle Stallion liil Dan Patch — ^Champion Pacer, 219 and... 32 t Dan Patdh — ^Shir© Horse IfiS Dan — ^Stock Yards "Try Horse." 11 Day Star — ^Famous Jack SG Daytona — Thoroughbred Mare 271 Defender — Hereford Bull 2M Deserter — ^Show Steer 14S Diaz — ^Angus Bull 24 Dijkstra Beauty Lad — Holstein Bull.... 255 Dil'ham Prime Minister — Hackney Stalilionk239 Disiputer — ^Chamipion Steer 117 Disturber — Hereford Calf 16 Docil — Percheron Stallion 75 Dolly Blo'om — -Guernsey Cow 241 Dolly Dimple — Guernsey Cow 204 DoHy, 2d — Hereford Oow 9 Dolly, 5th — Hereford Cow 9 Ddlly Dimple's May King of L 191 Dominoe — Sihow Pony 312 Dorothea, 2d — ^Shorthorn Cow 132 Dorset Sheep — ^Ohampions 148 Draft Team — Armour's Six 319 Draft Team— Swift's Four 197 Draft Team^Swift's Six 79 Dragon — ^Percheron Stallion 153 Drew — Clydesdale Gelding 125 Dr. Selwonk — Carriage Horse 234 Druid of Castlemilk — Galloway Bull 14 Duchess Ormsiby — ^Holstein Cow 90 Duchess, II. — ^Shortihorn Cow 23 ELECTIONEER — FAMOUS TROTTING SIRE. By Hambletonian. Sire of Arion, 2:07%; Sunol, 2:08i4; Palo Alto, 2:08%; and many others with fast records. From, pho- tograph picture taken in 1873 by Schreiber & Sone, Philadelphia, Pa. Page. Duke of River Meadow — Brown Swiss... 58 Duroc-Jersey — Prize Sow 63 Duroc- Jersey Boar — St. Louis Champion. 89 Durock — Red Polled Bull 122 Earl of Bombie^Clydesdale Stallion 55 Bciho, 2d — Dutch Belted Cow 92 Edna — Angora Doe 251 Edna Mae — Saddle Mare 137 Eel, The — Pacing .Stallion 231 Electioneer — ^Trot-ting Sire 345 Elizabeth — Galloway Heifer. 345 Elmdene King — Tarn worth Boar 161 Elimhupst Chief — Leicester Ram 339 HmWy — Saddle Mare 251 Eminent's Raleigh — Jersey Bull 261 Endymyon — Guernsey Bull 142 Enfield Nipper — Pony Stallion 286 Englewood'.s Fireman — Tamworth Boar.. 314 Enithorpe Performer — Hackney Horse.. ..182 Eph— Red Polled Bull 231 Eric, 7th — Angus Bull 240 Esmeralda — French COach Mare 242 Ethan Allen— Tro-tting Stallion 26 Eurotas' — Jersey Cow 345 EUROTAS, 2.4r,4 -JKItSi:^ '-.' K.rord. 778 pounds of butter in om- yiar. Owned by the late A. B. Darling, Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. Evaline, 2d, of A. — Galloway Cow 211 Export — Chester Boar 345 Express Boy — Poland-China Boar 206 Pair Queen — ^Shorthorn Cow, 165 198 Pakenham Princess — Hackney Mare 160 Falsetto the Last — Red Polled Bull 275 Fancy — Berkishire Sow 318 Fannie DiHard — A Pacer ISO Pat Barrows — Berkshires 293 Fat Wethers — Denver Champions 258 Favorite^ — Percheron Stallion 200 Fay Jewel Beauty — ^Hollstein Cow 270 Fern Ayr — Ayrshire Cow 247 Figgis — Jersey Oow 233 Financial Countess — ^Jersey Cow 25 Fire Engine Horses — Boston 338 EXPORT — CHESTER WHITE BOAR. As a two-year-old weighed 700 pounds; was sweepstakes winner at the St. Louis Fair. Exhibited by J. W. Dorsey & Sons, of Perry, 111. The St. Louis Fair referred to is the Great St. Liouis Fair, first opened in 1856. Fire Engine Horses — Indianapolis 316 Fire Engine Horses — San Francisco 341 Fire Engine Horses — World's Champions. 256 346 THE ROOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. Pagp. Flora, 90lh — Shorthorn Cow 1 S7 Pluck's Expectation — Hereford Steer. .. .2or, Flying Fox— Jersey Bull 299 FROLIC — SHETI.,AND PONY MAFtE. Four years old. Grand champion mare at the I.,ouisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Owned and exhibited by Charles E. Bunn, of Peoria, 111. Folie — Brown .Swiss Cow ^l!i Fontalni-'s Cliieftain — .lorsey Bull '.i^-i Forest King— HacUnt-y Horse 2:il) Frenchman. The— Saddle Celding U9 Frisk Prince — Clydesdale Stalilun 297 Frisson — Percheron Stallion 171 Frolic^Shetland Pony :{4t; Fronton — ^Percheron Stallion 2.ir, Fyfle Knight lfi« Gainford Manniis Shnrthurn I'.ull :!"2 Garnet Ripiil. Ilnin.i «0 Gascon — ^E'ercli.i . .n .'-;i:illion 147 Gay I>;ul. al — German Coach Stallion 69 Happy Medium — Trotting Sire 347 GINGERBREAD MAN— SADDLE GEL- DING. Winner of six championships and other prizes in 1911. Owned by T. H, Son- nenburg, St. Louis, Mo. Ridden by Mr. J no. T. Hook. .\T1U.\.\L L1\K .STU'-R KXi'OSITION, 11. Exhibited by the Kansas Agrlcullural dle^ge. Manhattan, Kansas. Harry of Maple*- — Galloway Steer 346 Harvester, The — Trotting Stallion 334 Hattle Seek — Duroc-Jersey Sow 347 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. 347 Page. Hautbois — Percheron Stallion 109 Hoiwthorne — Shire Yearling 1S3 Haye« Rosie — Imported Guernsey Cow... 136 HAPPY MEDIUM, 2 .32 '1— TROTTINcJ SIRE, By Hambletonian. Sire of Naniy Hanks, 2:04; Riley Medium, 2:10U: Maxie Cobb. 2:131/4; and many others in the 2.ir> list. From copyright photo by pernii.=ision of Schreiber & Son.'i, of Philadelphia, l^a. Heatherblcom — Jumper, 27 1 1'>" Heaviest Steer on Record 3r> Hereford Calves — Jno. Hooker's 120 Hereford Herd — Curtice ISfi Hereford Herd — Funkhouser .')3 Hereford Herd — lAice & Moxley lOL' Hereford Herd— Tho.s. Clark's 10 Hereford Herd— Van Natta 165 Hereford Prize Calves 4.'^ Hereford Steer Calves — lyoad 74 Hermes — Thoroughbred Stallion 333 Hetide — A Jack 206 Highball— Trotter 138 High Clere Countess — Berkshire Sow 238 Highland Flower — Saddle Stallion 13 HUdred — Harness Mare, 149 and 306 Hllldale Chief— Berkshire Boar 216 Hood Farm Torono — Jersey Bull 201 Horace, Jur^ior — ^Hackney Stallion 253 Howie's Emerald — Ayrshire Heifer 123 Howie's Ladylike 272 Hulot — Percheron Stallion 347 Ida Marigold — Jersey Cow 239 Ida of St. Lambert — ^Jersey Cow 347 Ildefonse — Percheron Stallion 222 Imperial Yeoman — Oxford Kam 222 Imported Jap — Jersey Bull 35 Imported Yeoman — Guernsey Bull 140 Imprecation — Percheron StaMion 22 Improver — Hereford Bull 70 Improver — ^Poland-China Boar 119 Imprudente — Percheron Mare 262 IncUise — Percheron Stallion 152 Inedit — Percheron Stallion 222 Inga's Girl — -Angus Cow 240 Intelligent — Percheron Stallion. .". 222 International W-ethers, 1910 . Ill HATTIE SECK— DUROC-JERSEY SOW. As a yearling, weighing 500 pounds. Won sweepsvtakes at the St. Ix)uis Fair. Exhib- U^ by N. B. Cutler, of Carthage. HU Page. Intime — Perdheron Stallion 121 lo'lanthe — Percheron Mare 169 Ismail — PercJheron Stallion 222 Itchen Daisy, 3d — Guernsey Cow 244 Jack O' DiamoTid.s — Che.stnut Gelding. .. 145 .lacoba Irene — Jersey Cow 339 .lap — Imported Jersey Bull 35 Jaunita — Poland-China Sow, 1 29 132 Jay Bird — Trotting Sire, S4 and 338 Jersey Belle of Sc4tuate 201 Jersey Cattle — -Cihampion Herd 151 ,|prseys at Biltmore 301 Jersey Venture — 'Jer-sey Cow 196 Jewel of Farm Home — Holstein Bull.... 180 .1. F.'s Model — Duroc-Jersey Sow 233 HULOT — PERCHERON STALLION. Cham- pion any age or breed at the Fort Worth Breeders' and Feeders' Show. 1912. Exhib- ited by J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. Jim Crow — ^Middle-Weiglit Hunter 95 Joe Patchen — ^Pacing Stallion 208 Joihanna Bonheur — Holsitein Cow 2S2 John A. McKerron — Trotting Stallion. .. .195 John R. Gentry — Pacer, 56 254 Jolie Johanna — Holstein Cow 245 Jubilee King — SaiMlo <'oU 348 Junker — Brown Swiss IJnll 131 Jupiter — Belgian Slalii.Hi 209 Jureur — Perch im-mh Slalli.m 261 Juridique — Percheron StaliMon 264 Kellerman. II. — P«rc)heron Stallion 258 Kelver's Best — Poland-China Sow 129 Kentucky's Choice 32s Keswick — Light-Weight Hunter 100 IDA OF ST. LAMBERT— JERSEY COW. Reputed record, 63 pounds of milk in one dav, 30 pounds and some ounces butter in 4orna i:)oone — Hereford Cnw, Ifil ItiS Lou Dillon — Trotting Queen, lfi3 1S.'> Lnufo< I'erchoron Stallion 74 I.ucinda's Boy — Ayrshire Hull 194 l.Uk'ano and <\»mo — Koadsters 151 Lula — Dairy Shorthorn 2(!tt McAlistcr's Bett> — Ayrs-hire Cow 30'J McDougal — Shetland Pony 341 iM(■Kinl^>^ — Hackney Stallion 235 .irHILKlO KINi; S\Ii|>!.l-: cdI.T. Poal of litll. Alnadv winner of lirst prizes at leading Blue Grass Fairs. Bred and owned by J. F. Barbee. MUllersburg. Bourbon county. Kentucky. King— Red Polled Steer 290 Kloman — Aberdeen-Angus Bull 278 Lady Briton — Hereford Cow 37 I,ady Clarence — Dutch Belted Cow 11 Lady de Vries — Holstein Cow 12 Lady Eccles — Show Pony 314 l>ady EfTie — Clydesdale Mare 114 Ladv Elegant — Clydesdale Filly 62 Lady Fragrant — ^S«iorthorn Cow 130 Lady Hughes — Saddle Mare 181 ]>adylike — Clydesdale Mare 142 I.^dvlike — Galloway Cow 280 Lady of Meadowbrook — Angus Cow 221 Ladv Seaton — Hackney Mare 135 Ladv Sharon, 4th — Shorthorn Cow 13 Ladv Viola — .Jersey Cow 246 Lakeside Model King— Holstein Bull 322 Landseer's Fancy — .Jersey Cow 213 Jjuss, 40th — Jersey Oow 249 Lavender Viscount — Shorthorn Bull 80 Layia of Glamis— Angus Heifer 51 I.,azarus — Angora Goat 8- Leicester Ram — Chicago World's Fair 34 Leonora — A Roadster .24o Lessnessock's First Choice — Ayrshire bull. 249 Letty Lee — A Roadster 243 Lexington — Thoroughbred Horse 29 8 Lilly Ella — Guernsey Cow 15 Limestone Mammoth — Jack 301 Lincoln Siheep — Aged Ewe 17 Lincoln Shee^p — Argentine 310 I.,incoln Sheep — ^Champion Ram 86 lyincoln .Sheep — Ram and Ewe 226 Lincoln Sheep — Winning Flock 81 Little Bov Perfect — Pony 41 Lively Beeswing — Champion Hackney .... 127 I>ockhart De Kol— Holstein Cow 298 MASCOT. 2:04— PACING GELDING. In the vear 1892, for the first time, a trotter. Nancy Hanks, and a pacer, MASCOT, divided the honor of being the fastest light-harness performer. McKusick — Harness Pony 94 Major Delmar — Champion Trotter 205 Maple Leaf Shadeland — Hereford Bull... 227 Margaret— Hereford Cow. 124 217 Marker — Red Palled Bull 296 Market Hogs — Champion Load 135 Market Hogs — Heavy Load 106 Market Hogs — Top Price 45 Martin de Cappelle — ^Belgian Stallion 140 Martin du Hayoir — 'Belgian Stallion 122 Mary Anne of St. Lambert 348 Marv Marvsihall— Guernsey Cow 56 Mascot — Pacing Geilding 348 Masher's Sequel — Guernsey Bull 24;. Master of the Grove — Shorthorn Bull.... 254 Matilda — Jersey Co'W 34S MARY ANNE OP ST. LAMBERT — JERSEY COW. Claimed to have made 3C pounds 12 ounces of butter in one week; 836 jx.unds in one year. OwneTshire fow 303 Netherlca — Olydesdale Horse 7 News Boy — Light Harness Horse 229 Noble of Oaklands — Jersey Bull 211 MISSOURI JOSE3FHINE SARCAiSTIC— DAUGHTER OF MISSOURI CHIEF JOSEPHINE. Milk record for siix months, as a two-year-old: 7,037 pounds^ This is 334 pounds higher than her dam's record at the sam« age. Bred and owned by the University of Missouri. Nonpareil, 44fch — Shorthorn Cow 103 Nonpareil of Clover Blossom 88 Oakville Quiet Lad — ^Angus Bull 330 Oldhall Ladysmith, 4th — Avrsliiro Cow.. 257 Olga 4th's Pride — Jersey Cow 311 Omer — Belgian Stallion 92 Onetta — Brown Swiss Cow 176 Onward, 4th — Hereford Bull, 32 Orangiste — Percheron Stallion 49 Ornament — Thoroughbred Horse 221 < Mii)ian Boy — ^Champion Jack 226 iixr..i(i Down Ewe — Champion 1911 US iixf.Td Down Ram — .Chamijion 1911 141 <)Nrnril Down Sheep — Yearling Rjiin 17 Oxford Down — Yearling Ram 63 Paladin — French Coach Horse 22 Parthena Hengerveld — Hol.sHein Cow 161 Pasha Columbia — Angora (^.oat 14 Paul Sold.ene de Kol — Holstein Bull 133 Pawnee Oh.ief Hadley — Bnar 170 .1 ^1 MODEL JIM, 1,081— ESSEX BOAR. First- prize and sweepstakes winner at the St. I>ouis Fair, both years, 1901 and 1902; also winner of many other first prizes. Never defeated In the show ring. Bred and owned by Poter Miller & Son, of Belleville, 111. Pedro — Jersey Bull 193 Pedro."? Estolla — Jersey Cow 283 Peerless Wilton, 39th's, Defender 186 "I'ercheron Countenance." 52 l'ercheix)n Pair — -Texas 350 Perfection — A .lennet 173 Perfection — French Coach Stallion 115 Perfection — Hereford Bull 166 Perfection Lasts — Hereford Heifer 291 Peiterj Prince McKean — Holstein Bull... 35 I'eter Sterling — Angus Bull 104 Peter the Great — Trotting Sire 273 I'etrolcum — ^Saddle Horse 293 Picket — Thoroughbred Horse 176 Piotept.ie Maid Ormsby — Holstein Cow... 31 Pink Daisv — Ayrshire Cow 97 Pink — Percheron Stallion 155 I'ink — Percheron Stallion 175 Poetry of Motion — ^Saddle Horse 327 Poland-China T5oa.r — Burgess Bros 84 ^ hmM PRIDE OF AVON— AYRSHIRE BULL. Champion at Detroit, 1911; champion and grand champion Grand Rapids. Mich.; also champion at Arizona Fair, Phoenix. 1910 and 1911. Exh.ibited by W. A. Macdonald, Mesa, Arizona. Poland-Ohinas — Pair of 129 Polled Dunham — Pair of Champions 69 Polly Prim — Carriage Horse 305 3r,o THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CtlAMPIOXS. Page. Poison— Hereford Bull 2t Ponliac Cl»thilde Dp Kol. I'd— Holstein. .112 Pour-Quois-Pas — Percheron Stallion 12 PniN("E«S. 2d. R.n»6— JKUSRY Ct)\V. UcputPd record, •!•; pounds ]2*. Ownctl by the late S. M. Shoemaker, of Baltimore. Md. From copvright pihotograph hy permisision of Hthreiber & Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa. Prairie Queen — Hereford Cow 116 Premii r I^onRfellow — Berkshire Boar. . . . 237 President. The — ^CaniaKe Horse 2!ir. Pretty Pet — Devon Cow 22S Pride of .\von— .\yr.si1iire Cow 3 l!i I'ride's Olpa, 4th— Jersey C.iw 'u Prime I>ad — Hereford Bull. 1«1, Ui.'i -11 Prime Ivad. flth — Hereford Bull 143 Primrose Tricksey — Ouornsey Cow l.^J l^rince Alert — Paeins CioUlinK 2i)7 Prince Charming — ^Saddle Horse r>S Prince Ito, 2d — Annus Bull 21S J'riiice of Wales — Slictlan.l Stallion 30 Prince of Wihitehoiisc--Cl\ d.sdale Stallion. 217 Prince A\'!illiam — ciydrs.lalr llcrse l.S Princeps l^iLssie — Hircford Cow 120 Princess Kortuiu- I'lydrsdnlr Mar.- L'7r, Prince^>« Hands.. nu' civil. siliil.- IMai. .. .. 12 Prince<5?? Marsliall -Slii.rl li..i'ii C.w 'JIil Princess of M..iil.i(y — AnK..ra C.iat r.ii Princess Salatin(> <'arlotta — Holstein Cow.ljiifi i'rlncess, 2d — ,1 ersey Cow 3.">0 Page. Protection Chief — Cliester Boar 316 I'rudalia — Tamworth Sow 65 Que. n r-:.«lher — K.ss.'X Sow 350 tin. .Illy — ^llereford H.ifer 23 tiueen of Beauty — .'-Shorthorn Cow 16". Queen of Oiamonds — llaekney Mare 120 Queen of Miami — ^P.)lli-d Durham <''ow . . .ILI Paleigh's Fairy Boy — .ler.sey Bull 307 Uaml.ouillet Sheep — -Cliampion Ewe 98 Hare Beauty— Shorthorn Heifer 1S4 K< d Daisy Pearl — Guernsey Cow.. 305 St lulu n— Trotting Star 350 St T uiil Pit's Riotreiss — Je-rsey Cow 295 '^t xn 111 il l"'avorite — Galloway Bull 154 stinh\ of Maples — Galloway Bull 351 Stai H x\ — V Pacer ■ 179 Stai light — Hacknev Stallion 320 Stai of the North — Shorthorn Bull 290 «tai Pointer — A Pacer 20S Star Shoot — Thoroughbred Stallion 32G Success' — Merino Ram 232 Sudbouine Ruby — Suffolk Mare 281 «uffolk Sheep— Pen of Wethers 71 suke of Rosendale — Guernsey Cow 25 bultan — -Angora Buck 242 Sultan Mine— Sdiorthorn Bull 103 sultan of Oaklands — .Jersey Cow 294 suit ins Cieed -rPoUed Durham Bull.... 131 ultan s Dark Beauty — .Jersey Cow 256 si ii'-riii " i\\ .\ w I, ill 1 i; I , L I'loN, \\ KS'l'l'Mt.N XATIDNAI, .SHOW, DENVER. COI.O., 1912. Exhiihited by the Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colorado. TOTtMENTOK. 3,533— IM POllTEIi .lERSET lUILJ.,. Owned by the late Major Campbell IJrown, of Spring Hill, Tenne.ssee. Sunol — Trotting Mare 246 Sunny U. J. — Hereford Bull 157 Surveyor — Shlre Stallion 146 352 THE BOOK OF LIVE STOCK CHAMPIONS. Sweet Swpet Sweet Page. Briar of Tj. H. — Guernsey Cow.... 78 Marie — OarriaBC Horse 305 Marie— Trotting: Mare : . . .303 Page. William Penn — Colt Trotter 352 Willownifior Brownie — .Ayrshire <"ow....352 Winnie of Meadowbrook — Angus Heifer.. 312 Wonderful — Delaino Ftam 33 Woodend Gartly — Clyde.sdale Stallion.... 77 Ww.Mlland — Dorset Ram 54 Wo, (Is Principal— Ohampion Calf 10 W.M.il.s Principal — C.nind Champion Steer. S3 W.iik Muli-s, — Tine Teams 155 Work Team on Farm 218 W «n \.M ri( ix \i- \\|>-ii:i;.\ x \ TK).\.\I. snow. UlONVlMt. COLO.. 1911. Kxhil.ited l.y the .Vt'ricultural Colk-Ke. Fort Collins, Colorado. Tamworth Barrow — Western 3.''.2 Tangerine — Pony Mare 29:> Theodore — Suffolk Stallion : 34 Thin Rind Barrows — Hoodwine 205 Tiger Lily — Hackney Stallion 225 Tippecanoe, 44th — Polled Durham Bull..l7:i Topsy — .A. Mule 19IAM PENN. 2:07 '4 — A COLT TROTTER. A free-for-all trotter and sire of trotter.'si Sire of Miss Penn, 2:16; A. Penn. 2:17%: Steel Pen, 2:lS'/4; Voca, 2:19'-i: Silver Pen, 2:15'/4: and others. Owned by N. W^. Bowen, of Delphi. Ind. From photo by Schreiber, of Philadelphia. Wrydeland's Sun.shine— Shire Mare 156 Wyeth — Thoroughbred Horse 178 Yeoman — Guernsey Bull 140 Yeska Sunbeam — c.ii.iiisi \ r,,\v 268 Young Alice's Prin. . .^In., t In.rn Bull.. .275 Young Alice'.s Priii< . siMniiH.in Bull... 352 Young Bill— Saddle Sl;illi..n 331 Young Premier Chief^Berk.sliire Boar.. .229 Wll.T.dWMKOU BK(>W.\ll':~AYRSniUE 1I1';IKJ0K. (-hainiiinn junior female at tlui National Dairy Show of 1911; daughter of Netherhall Brownie, 9th. world's chaanpion Ayi-shire cow. Bred and owned by Wiillow- moor Farms, Redmond, state of Washington. YOUNG AT>ICE'S PIUXCE— SIIORTHOUN BULL. See page 275. Zaire the Great — Angus Steer 287 Zaza — I'ercheron Mare 191 Zebroid Lordello 210 Library