1 .?'A.r:^ * Zbt 9. 11 iitU iCibrarii Norll^ (taralina &latp Btttopraitii IKCIAL COLLECTIOhB F?3 A*^-' <«^ ■T^'if' *. -•iM '» «>'>^5«.": 3^'- ^•^•. :-(€ '^;i^^€ ^ V. ^^?sif ^^-^ ■^■ '-yr :'^fjf .,i^<>; :^'\' ^^^' -.«^y- nix'i: l-^r This book must not be taken from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/applicationofbenOOfarb M^ u^ THE APPLICATION OF THE BENZIDINE COLOURS IN ALL BRANCHES OF PRINTING. FARBENFABRIKEN YORM. FRIEDR. BAYER & CO.. ELBERFELD. Published by the FARBENFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER & CO., ELBERFELD. 1898. So/i' Representatives for Great Britain and Ireland: The Elberfeld Farbeii Fabrikcn Company Limited MANCHESTER, 20, Booth Street, Mosley Street. BRADFORD, 48, Vicar Lane. GLASGOW 42, Bolhwell Street. LONDON, 19, St. Dunstan's Hill E. C. Preface, r ifteen years have now elapsed since the Benzidine colours made their appearance in the market, and at that time no one imagined the important part they would play in improving many branches of textile manufacture. Although at first their application was almost exclusively used in dveing, it soon became apparent that they would make great headway for all re- quirements in printing. The Benzidine colours are suitable for padding, they can also be discharged white and coloured, and with their assistance mercerised effects can be pro- duced etc. They are used in many different ways for printing" cotton, wool and silk goods, and indeed without their aid, modern printers would feel a great void. In the accompanying pamphlet we present you merely with an illustrated collection of the chief applications of our important Benzidine d_vestuffs, trusting it may always keep before you the advantages, the utility and the various applications of these colours. Farbeiifabriken vom. Friedr. Bayer & Co. Elberfeld, Summer li 1339^3 »#* ir»^*«fO Cotton printing. Padtling. The following Benzidine colours are suitable for padding Red Dyestuffs : Benzo Purpurine i B, 4 B Brilliant Geranine B, 3 B Geranine G. Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R Chloramine Orange G Congo Orange G Mikado Orange. Yellow Dyestuffs: Brilliant Yellow ■Chloramine Yellow Chrysamine G, R ■Chrysophenine Direct Yellow R Mikado Yellow Yellow PR Thiazole Yellow. Green Dyestuffs : Benzo Dark Green Benzo Green G, B B Benzo Olive. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Blue 2 B, 3 B Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Benzo Cyanine B, 3 B, R Benzo Sky Blue Benzo Sky Blue 4B Benzo Black Blue G, 5 G Brilliant Azurine B, 5 G Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Diazo Blue Black Diazo Black B (undiazotised . Violet Dyestuffs: Benzo Violet R Heliotrope B B. Brown Dyestuffs : Benzo Brown B X, G, N B X, 5 R, B R, R extra Benzo Chrome Brown B, G, R, 3R, 5G Benzo Dark Brown Chloramine Brown G Congo Corinth G Diazo Brown R extra Direct Bronze Brown Direct Fast Brown B, G G Hessian Brown B, B B, M M Toluylene Brown B, B B O, M, R. Grey Dj'estuffs : Benzo Fast Black Benzo Fast Grey Benzo Grey S extra Pluto Black B, G, R, D. R HFLL LFBRARY North rr.roiina Sfafe "ol/eg. The Benzidine colours arc used to a great extent in padding or finishing light shades on Aniline Black patterns or for covering colour prints. They are padded in the usual manner on the slop padding or finishing machine, whether they be padded with watery solution of Benzidine colour or slightly thickened with dextrine or mucilage of tragacanth or whether the solution of Benzidine dyestuiVs be added to the particular quantity used for finishing. No. 1. 1 oz. or 48 grnis. Benzo Brown B X 2 „ „ lOO „ phosphate of soda 12' 8 galls. „ luO litres water. No. 2. 1 oz. or .")0 grms. Benzo Violet R 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12' ; galls. „ KXl litres water. No. 3. 3''< oz. or (')") grms. Geranine G 5 „ .. 100 „ phosphate of soda jI';'* galls. ,. 1(10 litres water. No. 5. 3',2 oz. or 70 grills. Benzo Chrome Brown G 5 „ „ loo „ phosphate of soda jl'.'i galls. „ 100 litres water. No. 4. '/a oz. or 2-5 grins. Benzo Chrome Black Blue B 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda V2'r3 galls. „ loo liires water. No. (j. 4'. oz. or 00;; grms. Thiazole Yellow 2". „ „ 1S7 „ Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B l"a „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 10 galls. ,. 100 litres water. No. 7. 1 oz. or 50 grms. Benzo Black Blue 5 G 2 „ „ loo „ phosphate of soda 12 '.'s galls. „ 100 litres water. No. S. 3". oz. or ()-3 grms. Chloramine Yellow .5 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 31 '.'i galls. „ loo litres water. No. 9. "a oz. or 24 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B „ „ 100 ., phosphate of suda galls. „ 100 litres water. Cotton printing. (Colours for padding). ■ ■ P.{,i.!"i«i'" ;.. ,.k 1 1 I'm, ^f 'Si; ,.i.H, il'. ■ ii.. '¥'' <^ •■•^;:v- •::;..; •^:'V"?^™ r^mj^ F^:>ii# H/' '9 ^"•f* •,■-.•« . ' ;*'.•. '* ■••.■■.'••■, '•■■'•' ■■'•■'• ■.••";;■■'■■:.■.■::•■■••■•■ , /•■■ 'w Bfnzo Cliroiiie Itronii ti pixicled on Brilliant Benzo BIik- <'> i: .iihI 'l'lii;i/.<>le Aniline Blacli. Yellow itacIdeU on Aniline lIlMik. ^ \ ^ \ Benzo Blaek Blue 5 FARBENFABKIKEN voim. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co. ELBERFELD. No. 10. '/a oz. or 24 grms. Chloramine Orange G 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12';j galls, or 100 litres water. No. 11. 1 02. or 50 grms. Benzo Green G 4 „ „ 200 „ phosphate of soda r2'/« galls, or 100 litres water. No. 1l\ 10 oz. or 'jQO grms. Bril. Benzo Blue 6 B 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda I2',s galls, or lOU litres water. No. 1:5. ' 2 oz. or 2.5 grms. Chrysamine G in powd. 2 ., „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12';» galls, or 100 litres water. No. U. ' a OZ. or 37,.5 grms. Benzo Fast Black 1 ','i „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 10 galls. ., 100 litres water. No. 15. 3 oz. or ISU grins. Benzo Violet R 1 „ ,. CO „ Benzo Sky Blue 3 „ „ 200 „ phosphate of soda 10 galls, or 100 litres water. No. IG. 4 oz. or 200 grms. Benzo Sky Blue 4 „ „ 200 „ phosphate of soda 12','i galls, or \W litres water. No. 17. 1(1 oz. or 500 grms. Geranine G 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12'! galls, or 100 litres water. No. 18. 5 oz. or 250 grms. Chloramine Yellow 2 , „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12*9 galls, or 100 litres water. No. 11). 'li oz. or 24 grms. Benzo Cyanine B 2 ,. „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12';'« galls, or 100 litres water. Cotton printing. (Colours for padding). -a 10 ^ "*^ -.5S Chloramine Orange ti pnddeU on colour prints. n ^ -1*% '^J' .i» Beuzo Ureeii Chrysamine ii padded on Alizarine Red and Aniline Black. >^ u. '"A Benzo FaMt Ulack padded on colour prints. Beuzo Violet K and Itenzo Sky Blue padded on Aniline Black. Anilint- lilack paUtleU Hitli Benzo Sky Bine. •^W" si* *-v *c •"i /' :< ' ^j^ % > 1. ^'v* * lieiiy.<> ( .vnulne U padded un colour priuts. FARBENFABKIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFEU). 9 The Benzidine dycstufts arc also used ice-colours. No. I'O. Ice Red (Paranitraniline) |i-Naplitol 8 oz. or 400 grnis. Benzo Sky Blue 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12'/t galls, or 100 litres water. A'o. 22. Ice Hliic ll )ianisidine( li-N'aphtol 8 oz. or 400 grnis. Geranine G 2 „ ,. 100 „ phosphate of soda 12'/' galls, or ICO litres water. No. 24. Ice Hordcaiix (a-Naplitylamine) Jj-Naphtol 8 oz. or 400 grnis. Chloramine Yellow 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12 '/i galls, or 100 litres water. No. 2(i. Ice HIack iBeiizidine) Developer E S 5 oz. or 2r)0 grnis. Bril. Benzo Blue 6 B 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12';s galls, or 100 litres water. for slop padding goods printed with the modern No. 21. Ice IJluc (Dianisidine) ';-Naphtol 5 oz. or 2-50 grms. Chloramine Yellow 2 „ ,. 100 „ phosphate of soda 12'/. galls, or 100 litres water. No. 28. Ice Hordeaiix i-? -Xaphtylamine) ;-N"aphtol 8 oz. or 400 griii'^. Benzo Sky Blue 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of soda 12'/« galls, or 1(K.I litres water. No. 2."). Ice Red ll'aranitranilinc) ';-N'aphtol 12 oz. or UUO grms. Brilliant Geranine B 2 „ „ ICK) „ phosphate of soda 12'/j galls, or 100 litres water. No. 27. Ice Bordeaux (a-XaphtylaniincI 5-Naphtol 4 oz. or 200 grnis. Benzo Green G 1 „ .")0 „ Chrysophenine 2 „ „ 100 „ phosphate of sod.i 12'/j galls, or lOd litres water. No. 28. Many Benzidine Colours such as Benzo Nitrol Brown G, Benzo Nitrol Dark Brown N, Direct Fast Brown B, Direct Blue Black B, Pluto Black B etc. possess the property of combining with diazotised Paranitraniline and producing eftectivc styles fast to washing. Should the resulting product difler in shade from the original dye very fine two coloured effects can be obtained, such as are produced with Toluylene Orange G (Pattern 28). After diazotised Paranitraniline has been printed on, steam for 5 mins., and then soap, wash and dry. 10 Cotton printing. (Slop-padded shades on Ice colours). Ice Ited iin(l with Henzo Sky ICliic. Ice Blue paililetl with Clilor.tniine Vellowr. Ice Blue padded witli Oei-auiiie G. Ice lS..i.l,aii->. i.ad.led with Beiizo Stk.v Blue. l<-€' liordviliix |>:>yed with 6% Xoluylene Orange G, printed with diazotised Parauitraniline. FARBEXFABRIKEN vorm. FUIEDK. BAYER & Co., ELBERKELD. u Direct Printing. The following Benzidine Colours can be printed on cotton material : Red DyestuflFs: Benzo Purpurinc iB, 4B, 63 Brilliant Congo G Brilliant Geraninc B, 3B Congo Red 4 R Congo Rubinc Delta-Purpurinc 5 B *) Geranine G Rose Azurine B, G. Blue Dyestuffs: Azo Blue Benzo Azurine G, R Benzo Blue RW, 3 B Benzo Cyanine 38 Benzo Sky Blue Benzo Black Blue li, 5 G Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R Congo Orange G Mikado Orange 3 R, 4R Toluylene Orange G. Yellow Dyestuffs : Chloraniine Yellow Chrysamine G, R Chrysophenine. Green Dyestuffs : Benzo Green G Benzo Olive. Violet Dyestuffs: Azo N'iolet R Benzo Violet R. Brown Dyestuffs : Benzo Brown B, G G, N B Benzo Chrome Brown R, B, G Congo Corinth G Chloramine Brown G Toluylene Brown B, M, R. Grey Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Black Benzo Grey S extra Direct Blue Black B Direct Deep Black T. Black Dyestuffs: Direct Blue Black B Direct Deep Black T. *) becomes somowbal faster when acetate oT chrome is ased. The Benzidine Colours have become generally adopted in direct cotton printing especially for such articles where no great importance is attached to fastness to washing. By adding albumen water for print colours, greater fastness to washing is obtained and many Benzidine colours become faster to washing if acetate of chrome be used. 1 pint or 200 3 pints „ 600 1 pint Boil: 2no No. 1. Grey. ;rms. Print Colour A „ mucilage of tragacanth 65 : 1000 water. 1000 grms. Print Colour A. 2 oz. or 20 grms. Direct Blue Black B S oz. ,, 80 „ wheat starch and 4 '/'a pints „ 880 „ water, and then add 2 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda. 1000 grms. No. 2. Pink. "/. pint or 1.50 grms. Print Colour B pmts 850 mucilage of traga- canth 65 : IWO 1000 grms. Boil: Print Colour B. 4 oz. or 40 grms. Brilliant Geranine B 8 oz. „ 80 ,, wheat starch 4'/* pints „860 ,, water, and then add 2 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda. 1000 grms. No. 3. Violet. The same as above in No. 1 but instead of Direct Blue Black B Benzo Violet R. No. 4. Blue. The same as above in N'o. 1 but instead of Brilliant Geranine B Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. No. 5. Blue. '/i pint or 50 grms. Print Colour C 3 pints „ 600 ,, mucilage of traga- canth 65 : 1000 V'n pints „ .350 „ water. 1000 grms. Boil: Print Colour C. 2 oz. or 20 grms. Benzo Sky Blue 8 oz. ,, 80 ,, wheat starch and pints „ 880 „ water, and the add 2 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda 1000 grms. Boil: No. 6. Yellow. 1 oz. or 10 grms. Chloramine Yellow 3 '/a pints „ 635 5 oz. „ 50 1';. pints „ 300 water wheat starch mucilage of traga- canth 65 : 1000, and then add phosphate of soda 1000 grms. 13 No. 7. t)rangc. I'it pints or 2/00 grms. Print Colour D 3'. pints „ 7U0 „ mucilage of traga- canth G.-. : 1000 Boil Km grms. Print Colour D. •2 oz. or 20 grms. Congo Orange G S oz. „ 80 „ wheat starch and pints „ 8Si) „ water, and then add 2 oz. ., 20 „ phosphate of soda 10<.iO grms. No. 0. Blue. (Colours for padding). 1 ' 1 pints or r2-"i grms. Print Colour E :'j pints "/M) pints mucilage of traga- canih 65 : 1000 water. Eoil: Km grms. Print Colour E. 4 oz. or 40 grms. Benzo Blue 3B 8 oz. „ 80 ,. wheat starch and pints „ 860 ,, water, and then add 2 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda Boil: lO'.H.i grms. IJrown. (Print Colour). Boil: No. S. Olive. (Print Colour) 4 oz. or 40 grms. Benzo Green G 7 oz. „ 70 „ wheat starch 3',» pints „ 770 „ water, and then add '/i pint „ 100 ,. mucilage of traga- canth 6.5:100(ire pints 1 ' 4000 Boil: pints I 2300 - water. 2'/« '• mucilage of traga- canth 65 : lOOU 1 lb. ■ 800 ,, wheat starch and 2'. pints 2887 .. water. lOOlX) grms. No. -2. < oz. or 10 grms. Chrysophenine other proportions same as given in N( No. 4. V« oz. or 10 grms. Geranine G other proportions same as given in No. 1 I'* oz. 'It oz. 2'/. galls, j 11 ',1 pintsi 4 lbs. Ooz. 15 pints No. o. Dissolve: I 12,5 grms. Benzo Green G and 5,0 3992,5 Boil: 2300 700 2990 Chrysophenine in water. mucilage of traga- canth 65 : 1000 wheat starch and water. No. (J. '. oz. or 10 grms. Benzo Fast Black other proportions same as given in No. 1. 10000 grms. No. 7. '/« oz. or 10 grms. Brilliant Geranine B other proportions same as given in No. 1. No. S. 'A oz. or 10 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B other proportions same as given in .No. 1 . No. ;». 'It oz. or 10 grms. Benzo Violet R other proportions same as given in No. 1. No. 1(». 4 OZ. or 10 grms. Benzo Chrome Brown R other proportions same as given in .No. 1. Fast Black. 3 pints or 30O grms. Fast Black (')"* pints „ 620 „ acetic acid starch tragacanth thickening 2'/« noggins „ 80 „ acetate of chrome 32° Tw. 1000 grms. 16 Cotton Printing (padded). Congo Orange O. f f : I I i i I ' .1. : ..;. A : Beiizo Clirouie lil.uk Rliie I!. Beilzo Groou G itiiil * lir.y<.i>|>he Brilliant Geranlne B. •;;•.-• ..:: .*.*.•. '-^^m^ > " » V s \ s s s s s \ s s s s s \ s s s s s \ \ \ s Cbrysophenlne. Geranlne O. :'. ■•::':. i' I 'ii i ^ 5 5 S s 4 S ^ J S i i U i !> IS.iij.. Fasi KiMik. Brilliant Benzo Bine 6B. Beiizo Violet K. teli^r£5'«8HI«»?V "*?• * Benzo rtarome Bronu IC. FARBEXFAliRIKEX voriii. FRIEDK. BAYER & Co.. ELBERFELU. 17 Dyeing after printing. Cotton goods are frequentlj- printed with Aniline Black and afterwards dyed at the boil with Benzidine Dyestuffs. This is done in an alkaline bath, or for light delicate shades in a bath containing common salt. Most o( the Benzidine colours arc suitable for this process. Dyed with : No. 1. Z'io Benzo Blue RW. No. 3. 3 % Congo Orange G. No. 5. Heliotrope BE 1 ".u soda 1 "/o Turkey red oil. Dye at 17G° Faht. lift, and add 20 "u Glauber's salt, then boil for ' < hour. No. 7. 3 ° Benzo Purpurine lo B. No. 9. i".'' Benzo Chrome Black Blue B. No. ;^. "u Benzo Blue RW; after dyeing treat with sulphate of copper for ' « hour at the boil, thereby being rendered much faster to light. No. 4. SVo Brilliant Geranine B. 10 "/o common salt. No. 0. 1 ",0 Chrysaniine G. No. S. 3 ",o Benzo Nitrol Brown G ; after washing and drying, run through a mangle with diazotised paranitraniline. No. 10. I'i */o Clirysophenine ri°o Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B 10 "/« common salt. 18 Cotton Printing (dyed after printing). Aniline BlHOk : dyed with 3'Vo Benzo Bine KW. Aniline Black; dyed with 3% Benzo Blue BW and coppered. Aniline Black; dyed -nitli 3% Congo Orang:e G Aniline Black : dyed wilh 3 ' , Brilliani (.ieranine B. ine Black; dyed wilii !<>/„ Heliotrope B B, Aniline Black; dyed with 1% Chryaauiiue G. iv »../ ft Aniline BiHck: dyed with 3'',, Benzo Purparine 10 B. Aniline Black: dyed with 3»'o Benzo Xltrol Brouw Gniid allernards treated w>lh I'aranitraiilllne. Auiliiie Black: dvcil itiili 1' " , CliryNophcninc and !> .■;„ Brilliant Benzo Bine G B. FAKBEM'AIiRlKEN voim. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 19 No. 11. Dyed with Benzo Purpurine 4B; cover printed with Aniline Black. No. V.\. Dj-ed with 4",!' Benzo Azurine G in .in alkaliiK- balh ; cover printed with Aniline Black. No. 15. Dyed with Benzo Purpurine 4 B ; cover printed with Aniline Black. No. ll\ Dyed with Benzo Sky Blue; co\ cr printed witli Aniline Black. No. 14. Dyed with S'.u Benzo Purpurine 4 B in an .Tikiilino h.ith ; cover printed with Aniline Black. No. l(i. Dyed with Azo Violet; cover printed witli Aniline Black. After oxidizing, run through a weak solution of silicate of soda, wash and dry. Printing of Basic Dyestnffs (without tannic acid) on dyed Benzidine ground. The basic dyestufis can not only be dyed on Benzidine colours without a mordant, but they can be printed on without any addition of tannic acid to the colour (Grossnwnni, and when afterwards steamed are tolcrablv fast to washing. No. 1. Dyed with: o "o Chrysophenine. Cover printed with: Dissolve : 1 oz. or 10 grnis. Brilliant Green in V'ii pints „ 290 ,. water, then thicken with 0','! pints „ 700 „ acetic acid starch tragacanth thickening 1000 grms. No. 3. Dyed with : 3",u Congo Orange G. Cover printed with : Dissolve: J/o oz. or 5 grms. Methyl Violet 2B in 1 Vs pints „ "295 „ water, then thicken with 3V2 pints „ 700 „ acetic acid starch tragacanth thickening 1000 grms. No. -2. Dyed with : ■1 " li Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. Cover printed with : Dissolve: ',g oz. or 5 grms. Diamond Fuchsine in l';s pints „ '20."> „ water, then thicken with oVs pints „ 7W „ acetic acid starch tragacanth thickening 1000 grms. No. i. Dyed with: 1 " u Geranine G. Cover printed with: Dissolve: '.joz. or 10 grms. Methylene Blue BB in I'g pints „ 29(.^ „ water, then thicken with o' t pints „ 700 „ acetic acid starch tragacanth thickening mv grms. Steam for ' » hour without pressure, soap cold for 2 minutes and tiien wash and dry. 20 Cotton printing (dj'ed before printing) Dyeerinted on Azo Violet. rrintiiii-- of basic colours (without tannin). Uyecl with: 3",,j Cbrysopheninc. Uyedwith: :i' „ Brilliant Benzo BliieGB. Cover printed with I" ,, Brilliant ftreen. Cover printed with: I " l»i:liii»ii)cd nitli: :i „ Cun^o Oian^te U. lover n.vcd »illi: I ., t^erauiiic t;. tuxir printed with: "v . Methyl Violet 2B. printed with: 1" Methylene Blue It B. 1 i^ FAUBEXFABRIKEN voim. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co. ELBERFEI.D. 21 Bronze Printing. Cotton piece goods dyed with Benzidine dyestuffs arc often printed with Bronze colours. This can be done in various ways. The bronze colours can be thickened with albumen water, then printed and steamed, or first print on with varnish, and then strew bronze over the material, then allow to dry and brush. The bronze colours are fixed only on those parts whi.:h were printed with varnish. A third way is by printing on certain varnishes and bronze colours together. 7Va— S*4 lbs. or 3(k3— 350 grms. Bronze colour (L. Auerbach & Co., Forth [Bavaria]) 1 ','4 gallons „ 500 „ egg albumen water 1 : 1 '• gallon— 3 pints „ ^O''— 1-50 „ m ucilage of tragacanth 65:100«) ltKX> grms. Nos. 1. 3. 5. 0. 9. 10. — T'o lbs. or 300 grms. Reichgold Flora fine Nos. 2 and F. - &»/« lbs. „ 35 .. . f I'/s"" Benzo Chrome Brown B No. 5. 4°o Benzo Violet R. No. 0. I I's"" Benzo Chrome Brown R. No. 7. 6" 1 Benzo Chrome Black Blue B. No. S. 1 "o Benzo Fast Black. No. 9. 4°o Benzo Purpurine 4B. No. 10. 4 " Benzo Blue B X. The following recipe can be rerommended for preparing a solution of india-rubber i.ir printing. Dissolve: 2 parts of India-rubber waste (unvulcanised) together with: 4 ,. camphor oil 4 ,. naphta, then mix with 1 „ copal varnish. Cotton printing. (Bronze prints). Dyed with: 3% BrilliHut Beuzo Blue 6 B. Dyed with: 8 . Pinto Black B. Bjed «iih: 4";o Benzo Pnrpnrine 10 B. Dyed with: 40 „ Beuzo Violet B. Mycd with:' ;; ^'; Benzol Jiroine Broivii It l !■ 2"„BeuzoCbrouieBronii K nyed with : 60/,, Benzo Chrome Bluck Blue B. Dyed with: I", Beuzo Fast Blach. nyed with: 4".\, Benzo Pnriinrlne -IB. Dyed tiilh: 4 ,. Beuzo Blue B X. FARIiEXFABRIKEX voini. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 23 When dyed on cotton the following Benzidine colours can he discharged with acetate of tin (with or without an addition of tin crystals): Red dyestuffs: Benzo Purpurine i B, 4 B, 6 B, 10 B Brilliant Congo G, R Brilliant Geranine B, 3B Brilliant Purpurine R Congo Red G, 4 R Delta Purpurine 5 B, 7 B, G Diamine Red B, 3B Geranine G, B B Hessian Purple N (yellowish) Rose Azurine B, G. Orange dyestuflFs : Benzo Orange R Brilliant Orange G Chloraniine Orange G Congo Orange G, R Mikado Orange 3R, 4 R, 5R Toluylene Orange G (fairly good). Yellow dyestuffs: Chrysophenine Curcuminc \V. Green dyestuffs: Benzo Green B B, G Benzo Olive (fairly good). Blue dyestuffs: Azo Blue Benzo Azurine G, 3 G, R Benzo Blue 2 B, 3 B, B X, RW, 2 R, 4 R Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Benzo Cyanine B, 3 B, R Benzo Dark Blue 3 B (j^Naphtol) Benzo Indigo Blue (fairly good) Benzo Sky Blue, 4 B Benzo Red Blue G, R Benzo Black Blue G, 5 G, R Brilliant Azurine B, 5G Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Congo Blue 2 B Diazo Blue (,3-Naphtol) (fairly good) Diazo Blue 3R (jj-Xaphtol) Diazo Blue Black (undiazotised) Diazo Indigo Blue B Diazo Red Blue 3R (|j-Naphtol) Diazo Black B, 3 B (undiazotised) Diazo Black R, R extra (undiazotised) Diazurine Cj-Naphtol). Violet dyestuffs: Azo Violet Benzo Violet R Heliotrope Heliotrope B B. Brown dyestuffs: Benzo Brown B. BX, N B X, HK, N B, CC, R extra, N B R. Benzo Chrome Brown B, G, R, 3 R, 5 G Benzo Dark Brown Benzo Black Brown (yellowish) Chloraniine Brown G (yellowish) Congo Corinth G, B Congo Rubine Direct Fast Brown B, G G Diazo Brown G (yellowish) Diazo Brilliant Black B (diazotised and developed with soda) Direct Bronze Brown Mikado Brown G, B 'loluylcnc Brown B, BBO, M, R (fairly good). Grey dyestuffs: Benzo Chrome Black N (yellowish) Benzo Fast Grey (yellowish) Benzo Grey Benzo Grey S extra Diazo Black B H N Pluto Black B, G, R. Black dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Black Benzo Black Benzo Black S extra Hcnzo Black Blue Diazo Brilliant Black B, R (,'3-Naphtol) Diazo Black B, 3 B, B H X, R e.xtra, R (^-Xaphtol yellowish) Direct Blue Black B, N Direct Deep Black E, E extra, R, G, T, T X, RW (yellowish) PUito Black B, G, R. 24 Discharge Printing with Tin. In discharging Benzidine dyestufts, acetate of tin can be used, with or vvitiiout the addition of tin crystals. The bleached cotton goods are previously dyed witli the Benzidine colours (for un- bleached goods less colouring matter is needed, but, of course, not such a good white is obtained) then dried, printed with white discharge, steamed for 5-10 minutes, or run through the Mather and Piatt several times, then washed (in some cases treated with weak acid and washed) and dried. The lighter a dischargeable Benzidine dyestufls is died, the easier it is to obtain a pure white, whereas the darker it is dyed, the more difficult it is to discharge. The strength of the discharge paste must be in proportion to the depth of shade and engravino- of pattern. The more tin crystals are contained in discharge, the shorter time should the material be steamed, lest the cotton become tendered. The longer the o-oods are steamed the yellower the white becomes. AVhite Discharge I: Boil : 45, 's galls, or 870 grms. acetate of tin .32° Tw. 7 lbs. „ 110 „ wheat starch and 1 pint „ 20 ,. acetic acid 9' Tw. (30 »o). 1000 grms. White Discharge II: Boil: SV2 lbs. or I08 grms. wheat starch IV2 galls. „ 277 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. 7', 2 pints „ 170 „ gum water 1 : 1 and 13,4 galls. ,, 277 „ water, boil, and then add 7 lbs. „ 111 „ tin crystals, whilst still lukewarm, and then F/i lbs. „ 27 ,, citric acid 1000 grms. Glycerine, acetine and a trace of Methylene Blue or Prussian Blue etc. are sometimes added to the white discharge. The latter colour prevents the discharged pieces from turning yellowish in course of time. White discharge III is also very suitable for some dyestufts and the discharge objects are not so liable to become yellow either in steaming or when the pieces are stocked. White Discharge III: F. Boil: 2'/4 lbs. or 90 grms. wheat starch 21/4 galls. „ 720 „ water 8' '4 lbs. „ 270 ,, white dextrine and 9 lbs. 6 oz. „ 300 „ yellow prussiate of potash, then cool. Dissolve: Z. 18'/4 lbs. or 600 grms. tin crj'stals in 2V8 galls. „ 750 ,, gum water 1 : 1, and then add 2'/4 lbs. ,, 72 „ powdered tartaric acid. When cold F is stirred into Z. Steam tor 5 minutes without pressure, then wash and dry. D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carcil .^ tate Coileg« These patterns were dyed for 1 hour at the boil with the addition of per 10 fiallons dye liquor per Hire Jye ligtinr V4-I lb. or '2Vs— 10 grms. Glauber's salt, 1—2 oz. „ 1-2 „ soda ash. \o. 1. 4 ",'0 Benzo Chrome Brown G. No. 2. 2";o Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. No. 3. 4 "I'o Benzo Black Blue 5 G. No. 4. S'Jo Pluto Black B. No. 5. 1 ";» Geranine G. No. (>. So/o Diazo Blue diazotised with : 4 ",0 nitrite lO"/* hydrochloric acid SO' Tw. developed with: 4''/o Developer A ('j-XaphtoD. No. 7. 8"o Direct Blue Black B. No. 8. 4'',o Congo Corinth G. No. 9. 5°, Brilliant Azurine B. No. 10. 4'',o Toluylene Brown G. Nos. 2, 8, 0, 10, 11, \-i and 15 — 18 were discharged with White Discharge II. Nos. 1, 3, 4, .'■>, G, T, 12 and 14 were discharged with White Discharge 111. 26 Cotton Priutiiig. (Discharge Printing with tin). Dyed with : 40^ Benzo Chroine Brown « ; Dyed with : 2 ,, Brilliant Benzo Bine 6B ; discharged with tin. discharged with tin. Dyed with : 4";, Benzo Black Blue 5 G discharged with tin. Dyed with : s IMiilo Black B; discharged with tin. Dyed with: l°'o Geranine G; Dyed with: 5 "A, DiazoBliie iBotaNaphtol); discharged with tin. Jttyed with: S" „ Direct Blue Black K; Dyefl with: 4<','o Congo Corinth G. discharged with tin. Dyed with: 5% Brilliant Aznriuc B. I>yed with: 4".,j Tolnylene Brown B. FARBEXFABRIKEX voim. FRIEDK. BAYER & Co.. ELBERFELD. Dyed as above: No. 11. 2 ", " Congo Orange G. No. 13. l^i Benzo Fast Black. No. 15. 2 ° " Chrysophenine. No. 17. GV Benzo Violet R. No. 12. 4 'I'u Benzo Chrome Brown B. No. 14. 3»2''/» Benzo Green G. No. 1(). 4 "/o Benzo Chrome Brown R. No. IS. 5°, •' Benzo Purpurine 4 B. Boil: No. 19. Dyed with : 2 " u Brilliant Azurine 5 G discharged with: White Discharnc IV cover printed with: Aniline Black. Aniline Black. 2V2 galls, or 4CK) grms. water 3';4 lbs. „ 50 . lb. 6>,o oz. „ 22,5 1 lb. l-l oz. „ 30 TVs noggins „ f 3S . 88/4 noggins „ \ 50 wheat starch chlorate of potash yellow prussiate of potash, and wh^n cold add aniline oil hvdrochloric acid 27° Tw. Steam for 5 minutes in the Mather \- Piatt, soap slightly, wash and dry. White Dischaii-c IV. 1 gall, or 196 grms. tartrate of tin and ammonia discharge 1 gall. neutral thickening of starch tragacanth 348 grms. Tartrate of tin and ammonia discharge. 15 lbs. or 9w grms. tin crystals dissolved in I'li gall. „ 900 ,, water, add slowly Vg gall- ,. 570 cc. ammonia, allow to settle, rim oft" the clear water which must be neutral, and then add cold 1' 4 galls. ,, 900 grms. tartrate of ammonia. Dissolve : Tartrate of ammonia. 10 lbs. or 450 grms. tartaric acid in 1 gall. „ 450 „ hotwater,and whenlukewarmadd IV4 galls. ,, 540 cc. ammonia, the solution must react alkaline. 28 Cotton Printing:. (Discharge Printing with tin). Dyed Willi: «' , Con^o Orange «; discharged with tin. Dyed with: 40oBenzo Chrome Browu B; discharged with tin. 13 15 Dyed with : l»/„ Benzo Fast Black; discliarged with tin. Dyed with: 3'ii"l„ Benzo Greeu «; discharged with tin. Dyed with: 3»,, Chrysopheuine ; discharged Avitli tin. Dye«l witli: 6"„ Benzo Violet R; discharged witli tin. IS Dyed with: 5«o Benzo Purpurine 4B; discharged with tin. Dyed with: 3'',, Brilliant Aziirine 5G; discharged with tin, and cover printed with Aniline Black. FARBEXFABRIKKX vorni. FKIEDU. IIAYER Jt Co., ELBERFELD. 29 Colour Discharge Printing with Tin. The following undischargeable dyestuffs can be used with tin crystals for coloured discbarge on Benzidine dyes. Red dyestuffs: Alizarine Red (ahiniina) Brilliant Rhoduline Red B P Pyronine G Rhodamine S, B, G Rhoduline Red G Saflranine F F extra. Yellow dyestuffs : Auramine II Persian Berry Extract (tin). Green dyestuffs : Brilliant Green. Blue dyestuffs : Chrome Blue (Chrome) Celestine Blue B (Chrome) Prussian Blue Methylene Blue B B. Violet dyestuffs : Methyl Violet 2B Rhoduline Violet. 3Q The dischargeable Benzidine colours can be colour discharged with tin crj-stals and undischargeable basic dyestufis, as well as Extract of Persian Berries, lakes etc. The following were dj'ed in an alkaline bath : No. 1. Dyed with : 4 "/u Benzo Purpurine 4 B on flannelette. Boil: ir;« Green Discharge. .5 oz. or 20 grms. Brilliant Green crystals 19 oz. „ 7.5 „ wheat starch '/t pints „ 105 „ water noggins „ 110 „ acetic acid 0° Tw. (TO %) noggins „ 260 „ gum water 1:1, and then add °/» pints „ 2-50 „ acetate of tin Hi" Tw. 2 '/a oz. „ 10 „ tin crj-stals, and when cold add noggins „ 150 „ acetic acid tannic acid solution 1 : 5 oz. „ 20 „ citric acid (powdered) 1000 grms. No. 2. Dyed with : 3 ",0 Benzo Blue RW and after- treated with 1 % sulphate of copper for ','2 hour at the boil. This treatment renders the blue ^■ery fast to light. Persian Berrj' Yellow Discharge. Discharged with : 2','s galls, or 750 grms. White Discharge II 7 '/a noggs. 3V« pints 1 noggin ',8 pint 90 130 10 20 1000 grms. (see page 25| Extract of Persian berries 52° Tw. acetic acid thicken- water [ing acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 "Jo) No. 3. Dyed with : 2 % Congo Orange G. Boil: Violet Discharge. 3 oz. or 30 g rms Rhoduline Violet 7 "2 oz. „ 75 ,j wheat starch ','2 pint ,, 100 " acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 °/o) '2 pint „ 95 water 1 pint „ 260 gum water 1 : 1 and ■l'/2 noggs. „ 250 " acetate of tin .32° Tw. and then add 2 oz. „ 20 ^^ tin crystals 7'r2 OZ. „ 75 " tannic acid dissolv- ed in Vh noggs. „ 75 '■ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 o/o) 2 oz. „ 20 „ powdered citric acid 1000 grms. No. 4. Dyed with: 8 "/o Direct Deep Black T. Boil: 'h- oz. Green Discharge. or 5 grms i'!: Ir. 2'/2 oz. 7'/2 oz. ','2 pint '/a pint 1 pint noggs. 2 oz. 7 "is oz. noggs. 75 100 95 200 250 20 20 Brilliant Green crystals Auramine G wheat starch acetic acid 9° (30 Vo) water gum water 1 : 1 acetate of tin 32° Tw. tin crystals, then add tannic acid dissolv- ed in acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 Vo) powdered citric acid Tw. No. 5. Dyed with : 5 "/o Diazo Blue. Diazotised with : -t "/o nitrite, 10 % hj'dro- chloric acid 30° Tw. Developed with: 4°/o developer A (^■B-Naphtol) Persian Berry Yellow Discharge. 2 galls, or 700 4 '2 pints 1 noggin ',2 pint 90 ISO 10 20 1000 grms. rms. White Discharge II (see page 25) „ Extract of Persian berries 52° Tw. ,, acetic acid thicken- ,, water [ing ,, acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 ";«) 1000 grms. 31 Xo. c. Dvcd with : 1 ° Brilliant Geranine B. No. 7. Dvcd with: 1 ' i " o Benzo Grey S extra. Boil: HI lie Discharge. Boil: Pink Discharge. 1 oz. or 10 grms. Methyl Violet 6B :! oz. or :i(t grn .'^. Rhodamine 6 G 7' i oz. i> 75 „ wheat starch 7' J oz. .1 75 „ wheat starcli 1' 4 pints „ 23.-> water ' 4 pint ., 10<1 „ acetic acid «r Tw. (.30 ",») 1 pint „ 2ti0 gum water 1:1, then add 2" 8 noggs. .. 265 ,, water " > pint ., 200 ., acetic acid «!» Tw. m '.«) 1 pint „ 260 „ gum water 1:1, then add 1 noggin „ 50 acetate of tin 32° Tw., then further add ' 1 pint „ 100 " acetate of tin 32* Tw., and then add / 7';» oz. „ 75 „ tannic acid dissolved in i r. oz. \1';. noggs. >, 75 ,, tannic acid dissolved in U"j noggs. 1. 75 ., acetic acid 9° Tw. (:30 °,o) „ 75 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 "/«> ■2 oz. ,. 20 „ powdered citric acid 2 oz. ,. 20 1000 grn powdered citric acid 1000 grms. s. Boil: (irecn Discharge. 2 oz. or 20 grms. 9 pint I'j pints 1 pint 1 noggin / 7','« oz. ll"« noggs. 100 315 260 60 20 l<.Xt0 grms Brilliant Green crystals wheat starch acetic acid y" Tw. (30 °/o> water gum water 1:1, and then add a:etate of tin Si' Tw. tannic acid dissolved in acetic acid 9° Tw. (;J0 %> powdered citri: acid Persian Berry Yellow Discharge. 1 1 ';« noggs. or 2-50 grms. White discharge II (see page 2:''2° Tw. 1 gallon 1 noggin 610 20 1000 grms acetic acid thickening acetic acid !•" Tw. (:iO "Jo) No. S. Dyed with: o " o Benzo Green G. Boil: P) oz. or 7';« oz. „ 1 noggin „ 'la pint ,, 1 pint „ r . pint „ 2 ''a oz. „ / 9 oz. „ I "s pint „ 2 oz. „ Pink Dischargi m 75 (iO 100 2(iO 2.50 grms. Rhodamine 6 G „ wheat starch „ water „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 » o) „ gum water 1 : 1 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. and add „ tin crystals, then „ tannic acid dissolved in „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 ",<>) „ powdered citric acid IOijO grms. I, • . J -.u Fast Black. Printed with: 3 pints or iJfiO grms. Fast Black C"« pints „ 620 „ acetic acid starch traga- canth thickening 2'. J noggs. „ 80 „ acetate of chrome 32° Tw. 1000 grms. No. 9. Dyed with : 3 " o Benzo Chrome Brown B and treated at the boil for '.« hour with 2 ",0 sulphate of copper 3 ° u biciiiomate of potash. Pink Discharge. Discharged with : :30 grms. Rhodamine 6 G the same as Xo. S. Persian Berry Yellow Discharge. 5'. pints or 5U<.t grms. White discharge I! (sec page 2j) 3 % noggs. ',1 noggin 1 noggin 4'« pints , 90 , 10 , 2'» , 380 1000 grms. Extract of Persian berries 52° Tw. water aceti; acid 0° Tw. (:^0 »,'«> acetic acid thi:kening Cotton Printing. (Coloured discharge printing with tin.) Dyed with: 4% Benzo Porparine 4B; discharged with: 3% Brilliant Green. I>.tcycd with: 2',, Congo Orange ti : discharged with: S"/,, Khoduliue Violet. Dyed with : s IMrc discharged nitli: 2,5 "„ Aiiraniin 0.3" Brilliant Green crystals. Dyed with : 5 % Diazo Bine (Beta Xaphtol) : discharged with: Persian berry Yellow- discharge. ^|[! [ Dyed with: 1°'(, Brilliant Geranine B: discharged with: I'l,, Methyl Violet 6B. Dyed with: 1". ".i Benzo Grey S extra: discharged with: 3% Rhodamine 6G, 2",) Brilliant Green. Persian berry Yellow ilischarge. Dyed with: :$<"(, Benzo Green G; ischarged with: 3",, Bhodaniine 6G; printed with : SO" o Fast Black. Dyed with : 3 " ., Benzo Clironie Brown B ; discharged with: 3"., Rhodamine 6G, Persian berry Y'ellow discharge. FARBENFABKIKEN voriii. FKIKDR. BAYEK & Co. ELBEKFEI.D. 33 No. 10. I)y<.d with: 6 " j Benzo Chrome Black Blue B. Red Discharsic. Hoi 02. or t>M srms. Rhodamine 6 G 1 oz. ".'■« oz. 3". noggs. •'/s noggin U ■■ . noggs. 5"/9 noggs. a'/i oz. 1''. pints S „ Auramine II 7.5 „ wheat starch 132 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 Vo) 2.5 „ water 80 „ gum water 1:1, and then add 250 „ acetate of tin 32" Tw. 30 ., tin crystals 320 „ acetic acid tannic acid solution 1 : 1 20 ,, powdered citric acid 10(10 grms. White Di.schaiiie. 1 gall, or IdOO grms. White discharge II 1(1(1 (?ee pa^e 2b) glycerine 48° Tw. No. 11. I)yed with: 4",o Benzo Brown GG. 3oil. Green Discharge. 2 oz. or 20 grms. Brilliant Green crystals wheat starch gum water 1 : 1 acetic acid S»° Tw. (:iO °,'o) water acetate of tin 32° Tw. tannic acid dissolved in acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 » powdered citric acid 1 pint ' i pint 2' 2 noggs. 1 ' . pints I 7 ' = oz. \V'. noggs. 2 oz. 260 100 12:. 2.')0 20 1000 grms. Boil: No. 12. Dyed with: 3 ".'o Heliotrope BE. Green Discharjje. oz. or 5 grms. Brilliant Green crystals 2'/j oz. „ 25 7 "3 oz. „ 75 1 |)int „ 2fi(.i "< pint „ 160 1 I'i pints „ 215 1 ' J noggs. „ 90 [ 7 "a OZ. „ 75 \r'f noggs. „ 75 2 oz. „ 20 imxi grms. Auramine G wheat starch gum water 1 : 1 acetic acid 0° Tw. (oO",'^) water acetate of tin 32° Tw. tannic acid dissolved in acetic acid 9° Tw. (.30 Vo) powdered citric acid \A'iiite Di sell a rue. White discharge 11 (see page 25). No. 13. Dyed witii : 4 % Brilliant Azurine 5 G afterwards treated with 1 "/o sulphate of copper for ' s hour at the boil. Discharged with : Persian berry Yellow discharge the same as No. 2 (see p.igc 31 1. Printed with : Fast Black the same as No. S (see page 32). 34 Cotton Printing. (Coloured discharges with tin.) 10 Dyed witb: GOg Benzo Chrome Black BIneB: disctaarsefl nitb: 6%Bhod»mlne 6G and V,S "o Auramine II and for White with acetate of tin. Dyed with; 4"l„ Benzo Brown GG; ^,, Anramine G, . % Brilliant Green and for White with tin crystals. Dyed with: 4°o Benzo Azarine 5G (cop- pered); discharged with: Persian berry Yellow discharge ; cover printed with : Fast Black. Dyed witb: 3°,, Benzo Bine 2B; fliscbargefl with : 3" g SafTranine FF extra, 1 "/o Auramine G: cover printed with: Fast Black. Dyed with: 5o/o Yellow P B, 0,1% Tolny- lene Orange G, 0,So/„ Benzo Sky Bine; discharged with : tin crystals. Dyed with: 4",„ Azo Violet; discharged with: 3°,'o Anramine II. Dyed with: 3",, Benzo Aznrine 3G; discharged nilh: Persian berry Yellow discharge and for White with tin crystals. Dyed with: I " „ Benzo Sky Blue; discharged with: Persian berry Yellow discharge. Dyed with: I"„ Benzo Fast Black: discharged with : , Brilliant Rhoduline Red B D In paste. FARBEXFABKIKEN voroi. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 35 T.ible 12 Boil: No. U. Dyed with: :',".« Benzo Blue 2 B. Red Dischariic. 2 oz. or 20 grnis. Saffranine F F extra 1 oz. „ 10 Auramine G 7' 2 oz. „ 75 wheat starch 1 pint „ 260 gum water 1 : 1 ' 2 pint „ 115 water ' 2 pint „ IOC* acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 ";<> 1' , pints „ 250 acetate of tin 32° Tw. and then add 7''2 oz. » 75 tannic acid ' '2 noggs. ,. 75 acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 */o 2 oz. ., 20 citric acid crj'stals 100(> grins No. 15. Dyed with: 5»o Yellow PR 0,1 ° Toluylene Orange G 0,8 ",v. Beozo Sky Blue. Discharged with: White discharge II (see page 25). Toluylene Orange G and Benzo Sky Blue are dischargeable with tin crystals, whereas Pnmuline Yellow being undischargeable remains. Boil: No. 10. Dyed with: 4"o Azo Violet. Yellow Discharue. 3 oz. or 30 grms Auramine II 71 '2 oz. „ 75 ., wheat starch 1 pint „ 260 „ gum water 1 : 1 ' ■> pint „ 110 „ water '2 pint „ 100 „ acetic acid 0" Tw. (30 "/o) 1 ' 4 pint „ 2.50 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. and then add '/« oz. 5 „ tin crj-stals ( 7>/2 oz. ,• 75 ,, tannic acid dissolved in U' 2 noggs. „ 75 ,. acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 ",0) 2 oz. „ 20 „ powdered citric acid No. 17. Dyed with: S"/" Benzo Azurine 3 G. White discharge II (page 25) reduced IW Persian Berry Yellow Di.schai^e. 13'inoggs. or 150 grms. White discharge II (see page 251 7'« noggs. „ 90 „ Extract of Persian berries 52° Tw. 1 noggin „ 10 „ water 2' » galls. „ 730 „ acetic acid thickening 2 noggs. „ 20 „ acetic acid 'j° Tw. (30 ",0) 1000 grms. 1000 grms. No. IS. Dyed with: 1 "0 Benzo Sky Blue. Persian Berry Yellow Discharge. 13'. pints or COO grms. White discharge II (see page 25) 7','« noggs. „ ^0 „ Extract of Persian berries 52" Tw. 2 noggs. „ 20 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (:30 °,o) 1 nogg. „ 111 „ water 7 pints „ 280 „ acetic acid thickening 1000 grms. No. 19. Dyed with : l-.o Benzo Fast Black. Boil: Red Discharge. 2 oz. or 20 grms. Brilliant Rhoduline Red B D in paste 7'i oz. , 75 „ wheat starch 1 pint „ 260 „ gum water 1 : 1 1 pint „ 205 „ acetic acid 9" Tw. (30 ° 0) 1 pint „ 200 „ water r. noggs. „ 70 •• acetate of tin 32° Tw., and then add [ 7', oz. , 75 „ tannic acid dissolved in 1,1 '/• noggs. „ 75 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 ",0) 2 oz. ,. 20 ., powdered citric acid 1000 grms The pieces printed with dis.-hargc colours are steamed for 10 mins. and passed through a bath of tartar emetic, then washed and dried. 36 Cotton Printing. (Colour discharge printing with tin.) I>yed with: Beiizo Fiirpiiriiie 4 B; disrharged with: I'ersiau Berry Yellow and Methyl Violet. I>y«d with: Benzo t^ky Bine; distiharged with: Hethyl Violet, Uyed with: Diazo Black B; disfliarsed with : / Brilliant (ireeu, Persian Berry Yellow I and Aiiraiiiine. I>.yed witii: Benzo Pnr|turiue 10 B ; discharged with: Brilliant Green. Myed with: Benzo discharged with: Persin and Brilliant i Dyed with : Benzo Olive and Benzo BlacU Bine 3 0: discharsed with: Methyl Violet and Persian Berry Yellow Dyed with : Heliotrope B B and Gerauine G; discharged witii: Persian Berry Yellow and Methyl Violet. Dyed with: Benz«» Piirpnrine IB; discharged with: Methyl Violet. Brilliant Greeu. Persian Berry Yellow. Dyefl with : Benzo Broivu >B and Geranine G; fliscliarged with: Methylene Blue and Brilliant Green. Dyed with: Benzo Sky Blue; discharged nilh: Persian Berry Yellow and Methyl Violet. FARBEXFABRIKEN vorni. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 37 No. 30. Dyed with : 1 '/o Benzo Cyanine 3 B ','i« °,u Chrysophenine. Discharged with: tin-discharge Brilliant Green crystals. Printed with : Steam Black. No. 31. Printed with: I'i'u Benzo Purpurine 10 B '. "o Geranine BB ' s "o Benzo Purpurine 4 B. Discharged with : Brilliant Green crystals. No. 32. Dyed with: l'i8°o Benzo Cyanine 3B 0,-56% Diazo Black B. Discharged with : Persian Berry Yellow Brilliant Green crystals. Printed with : Steam Black. No. 33. Dyed with : o " •> Benzo Purpurine 4 B. Discharged with : Methylene Blue Brilliant Green crystals. Printed with : Logwood Black. No. 34. Dyed witii: 1 "10 Benzo Cyanine 3 B 0,OGi ' ■J Chrysophenine. Discharged witli : Brilliant Green crystals. No. 35. Dyed with: 3°o Benzo Purpurine 4 B. Discharged witli : Methylene Blue. 38 Cotton Printing. (Coloured discharges with tin). Dye«I Ith : Beiizo Cj-anin :tB anye«l with: .■> , Brilliant Piirpuriue R; discharged with zinc powder. Dyed with: 2'/2% Conso Orange R; discharged ^vith zinc powder. l>yed with: S<"o Benzo C'yanine B; discharged with zinc i»owder. Dyed with: 3 "„, Benzo Olive; discharged with zinc powder. Dyed with: 8°/a Pluto Black B ; discharged with zinc powder. 10 Dyed with: 1 " ,j Benzo Fast Grey; discharged with zinc ponder. Dyed with: 2"/,, Cbi'ysopheniue: discharged with zinc powder. FARBENFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDK. PAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 43 When dyed on cotton the following Benzidine colours cannot be discharged with zinc powder: Red Dyestuffs : Yellow P R (developed). Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloraniinc Yellow Curcumine S Yellow PR Thiazole Yellow. Brown Dyestuffs: Katigene Black Brown. Black Dyestuffs; Benzo Chrome Black. 44 The following dyestufts are suitable for coloured discharges with zinc powder on Benzidine colours : Red Dyestuffs : Brilliant Rhoduline Red B D Yellow PR (developed) Rhoduline Red G Saffranine F F extra. Yellow Dyestuffs: Yellow PR. It can be discharged with : 1 lb. or 100 grms. Yellow PR 2 lbs. , „ 200 , , dextrine SVa pints , , 400 , , water 22/5 lbs. , „ 240 , , zinc powder IVs lbs. „ 180 , , bisulphite of soda 52° Tw. 4 oz. , „ 24 , glycerine 48° Tw. 3 oz. , . 16 , , ammonia. Steam, sour, wash and dry. In order to obtain a Red instead of a Yellow it can be diazotised and developed with p-Naphtol Developer. Blue Dyestuffs: Methylene Blue B B. The following recipe can be used for discharging: Dissolve : [ 10 oz. or 10 grms. Saffranine FF extra in •> 3 pints „ 60 „ \vater and warm with ^. 1 Vs galls. „ 300 „ gum water 1 : 1, and then add 18'lt lbs. „ 300 „ zinc powder; when cooled down add 11 pints „ 300 „ sodium bisulphite 72° Tw. f 15 oz. „ 15 „ tannic acid dissolved in I 3 noggins „ 15 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 °,'o) 1000 grms. Steam for '/a hour without pressure, then run through a bath of tartar emetic, wash and dry. 45 Coloured Discharges with oxidizing agents. Most of the Benzidine dyestufl's can be discharged with oxidizing agents (such as chlorates etc.) but a few of them withstand the same. These can be employed for coloured discharges in dischargeable dyestuffs such as Indigo, Alizarine, Chrome, Diamond and Basic Colours. This small selection of colours withstanding the action of chlorine to a more or less degree can be used as coloured resists for the Aniline Black discharge style. The following Benzidine colours, which entirely or partly resist oxidizing agents, are specially adapted for coloured discharges on Indigo, Alizarine colours fixed on chrome, Basic colours etc. with the aid of oxidizing agents; they can also be employed as discharges on Aniline Black by the ferrocyanide process : Red Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Red Brilliant Geranine B Geranine G. Orange Dyestuffs: Chloraniine Orange G Congo Orange G R Mikado Orange. Yellow Dyestuffs: Chlornniine Yellow Clirysophenine. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Sky Blue. Brown Dyestuffs : All the Benzo Browns. 46 Tal)le 16. These Benzidine dj-estufts not aftected by chlorine are also used for discharging dyed Indigo Blues: No. 1. gQil; Yellow Discharge. 7',» pints or 400 grms. chlorate of soda solution 76" Tw. (16'/» lbs. per gallon or 500 grms. : 000 grms. water) water Chrysophenine and British gum, and then add red prussiate of potash, and when cold add citric acid dissolved in water. No. 2. Boil: Orange Discharge. "'/» pints or 4(10 grms. chlorate of soda solution Tfi" Tw. (16V« lbs. per gallon or 500 grms. : 300 grms. water) 1 4'! lbs. or 148 I 1 pint „ 40 ". lb. „ 24 5',. lbs. „ 180 10 oz. „ 20 f 1';. lbs. „ 40 \2','2 pints „ 100 .1 4' 3 lbs. , 148 grms China clay I 1 pint , 40 „ water 1 lb. , 02 „ Chloramine Orange G and 5 '/a lbs. , 180 „ British gum, and then add 10 oz. , 20 „ red prussiate of potash, and when cold add / 1". lbs. , 40 „ citric acid dissolved in \2's pints , 1(111 „ water. 5 pints 'U lbs. i pints !, lbs. pints '/. lbs. ■ pints White Discharge. or 400 grms. chlorate of soda 148 „ China clay 72 ,, water 180 „ British gum, and then add 20 ,. red prussiate of potash, and when cold, add 40 „ citric acid dissolved in 100 „ water. 71/2 oz. 2V2 pints 0V4 pints 15 pints V2 noggin 2V'2 pints IV4 pints Steam for ','4 — V2 hour without pressure, and then wash and dry. No. 3. Padded with: 1 5 grms. Alizarine Viridine in paste 100 „ mucilage of tragacanth 6-".: 1000 129 „ water 600 „ water 6 ., acetate of chrome 32° Tw. 100 „ water 50 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. {-30 "/o) 4 lbs. 11 oz. 6'/2 pints 3V2 noggs. Boil: 8V4 oz. 51/2 lbs. 2 lbs. 4V8 pints IV2 pints IC'OO grms. Printed with : or 300 grms. Alizarine Viridine in paste „ 620 ., acetic acid starch traga- canth thickening „ 80 „ acetate of chrome 32° Tw. 1000 grms. Discharged with : r 33 grms. Chloramine Yellow , 350 „ British gum 125 „ chlorate of soda and 332 „ water, and when luke warm add 10 grms. red prussiate of potash, and when cold add 150 „ citrate of soda .52° Tw. N 0. 4. Padded with : dissolve: 121/2 oz. or 25 grms Alizarine Bordeaux BP 21 •",'0 in 1 '/s pints , 45 ,. annnonia spc. gravity a950 5/4 nogg. . 10 „ glycerine 48° Tw. 5 pints , 200 „ water, and then ad J 15 pints , 600 „ water [13/4 noggs. , 20 „ acetate of chrome 32° Tw. [ 2', 2 pints , 100 " water. Boil: Yell ow Discharge. 1 lb. r 33 grms. Chloramine Yellow 6 lbs. , 192 „ British gum GI/4 pints . 247 water V2 lb. , 16 „ chlorate of potash, and V2 lb. , 17 „ chlorate of soda, allow to , lbs. 2oz. 7 pints cool down a little, and then add 165 grms. powdered red prussiate of potash (sifted) and when cold, add 330 grms. citrate of soda -38° Tw. 1000 srms. Steam for one hour without pressure, soap wash and dry. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, soap for 3 mins. at 86° Faht. wash full width, nip through, mangle and dry. The soaping, washing and squeez- ing must take place "open" (not in the rope) as in the latter case "marking off" is liable to occur. The goods can also be hydro-extracted. 47 No. 5. Padded with : 1*'4 oz. or 70 grms. Brilliant Alizarine Blue D in paste 3»/« pints „ 3000 „ water 1''4 pints , 100*^ . mucilage ot" tragacanth 65 : 1000 7V« pints „ 5770 „ water 1/4 noggin , CO ., acetate of chrome 32° Tw. SVj noggs. , IW , hyposulphite of soda solution 80 : 20 water No. (i. Padded with: :?lbs.2oz. or 50 grms. Alizarine Cyanine Black 10000 grms. ■i'lt noggs. 5 pints Discharged with : 33 grins. Geranine G '"' , Briti^li gum water chlorate of soda „ chlorate of potash powdered red prussiate- of potash, and when cold, add 59 grms. citrate of soda 52' Tw. 231 „ starch tragacanth thicken- 1000 grms. ['"8 G in paste 2' • pints „ 45 „ ammonia 0.950 1 • . nggs. „ 10 „ glycerine 48° Tw. 8'. pints , 175 „ water 2'. galls. „ 600 „ water 3' f noggs. „ 20 „ acetate of chrome 32° Tw. 5 pints . 100 water. 1000 grms Boil : Discharged with : 1 lb. or 33 grms. Congo Orange G 6 lbs. , 193 . British gum 11 pints , 435 „ water 3' I oz. 1'. lbs. noggs. 5 pints 7 „ chlorate of potash 7 „ chlorate of soda, and then add 40 „ powdered red prussiate of potash, and when cold add 59 grms. citrate of soda 38° Tw. 226 „ starch tragacanth thicken- KHX) grms. Striking effects can be produced by combining mordant dyestuffs and Benzidine colours which are dischargeable by chlorates. No. 7. Padded with: ( 10 oz. or 20 grms. Alizarine Bordeaux BP 20 ".o ) 1 ','» pints „ 45 „ ammonia i>.\}'A> •;. nogg. „ 10 „ glycerine 48° Tw. water I 5 pints „ 200 „ 12','i pints „ 500 „ water (y , nggs. „ 20 „ acetate of chrome 32° Tw. \2'it pints „ 100 „ water 2'> oz. „ 5 „ Chrysophenine 2'/i pints „ 100 - water 1000 grms. Discharged with : jjoii: AVhitc Discharge F. 5 lbs. or 400 grms. British gum 18 oz. t pints 2 oz. 90 350 10 4' 4 noggs. .. l-SO chlorate of soda and water, and then add powdered red prussia tc of potash and when cold, add citrate of soda 52° Tw. 1000 grms. The process depends on Alizarine Bordeau.x being discharged with chlorates, whereas Chrysophenine is not destroyed, and thus yellow figures may be produced on a brown ground. 43 Cotton Printing:. (Colnui dl^:li.ira;e printing with oxidising agents.) Indigo flischarged with Ctarysophenine. Indigo discharged with Chloraniine Oran$;e f>. Alizarine Viridine discharged with Chrysqi>henlne. mnmi fBUHini ■ I^W^ i^ ^ 1 I^B iHJ Jl' ■ ^^H^f IH ■ ^■1 ■UHr I^M^t i^i ■ ^■i ■UHr l^M^I i^L HuiBt I^L /■N Alizarine Bordeaux B 1> discharged with I'hiorauiiiie Tellow. I t < Brilliant Alizarine Bine D discharged Alizarine Cyantne Black a discharged with Geranine G. with Congo Orange U. Alizarine Bordeaux BP and C'hrysophenine discharged with chlorate of soda. Alizarine Bordeaux BP and Oeranine fi discharged with chlorate of Koda. Brilliant Alizarine Blue !S P aufl Geranine Cw discharged with acetate of tin. Aniline Black discliargcfl with Congo Orange G. FAUBEXFABUIKEN vorui. FRIEDK. BAYER * Co.. ELBERFELD. 49 No. 8. Similar eftects to No. 7 are obtained with Geranine G wliich is fairly resistant to the action of chlorine. Padded with: The same as in No. 7 but instead of 5 grms. Chrysophenine take 5 ,, Geranine G. Discharged with : White Discharge F same as in No. 7. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, run tlirough a weak soap bath, wash and dry. In this way a pink on a brown ground is produced. No. U. Padded with : {4 oz. or 40 grms. Brilliant Alizarine Blue SP dissolved in 1 pint I '/. pint \l". pint il'U noggs. \ ','• pint / '/« oz. \ "« pint lOllO grms. Discharged with : White Discharge II reduced 2 and 1 page 25. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, wash, soap slightly if requisite, wash and then dry. If Geranine G, which is discharged by tin, is combined with Brilliant Alizarine Blue S P^ which is not discharged, and then printed with acetate of tin and steamed, Geranine G alone is discharged, and the light blue of Brilliant Alizarine Blue SP remains. Discharge Printing on Aniline Black. '. „ 200 , water, thickened with I „ 100 , , mucilage of tragacanth 05 : lliOO t „ 360 , , water . „ 100 , , acetate of chrome 32° Tw. ; „ 100 , , water, and then add . II 5 , Geranine G dissolved in t ,1 95 , water. No. 10. Or aiii i;e Di.scharj-e. l.'i oz. or 15 grms. Congo Orange G 3'.. pints „ 05 „ water 11"/. lbs. „ ISO „ zinc white 1';. galls. „ 2(K3 „ mucilage of tragacanth (i 8'.;, pints „ 220 .. gum water 1 : 1 r. pints ,. 30 „ glycerine 4.S° Tw. I'l pints „ 30 „ olive oil. IIIKO Print, steam for 't hour, slop pad with Ferrocyanide Aniline Black, o.xidise in Mathir and Piatt, run through a bath of silicate of soda, wash and dry. 50 No. 11. The following colours can be printed on white calico and steamed for '/a hour: Pink Discharge. 15 oz. or 15 grms. Geranine G 3'/* pints , , 65 , , water 11". lbs. , , IBO , zinc white 11 pints , 220 , , mucilage of tragacanth 65 : 1000 8''. pints , ', 220 , , gum water 1 : 1 1'/* pints , , 30 , , glycerine 48° Tw. I'/j pints , , 30 , olive oil Slop pad with Ferrocyanide Aniline Black, dry, oxidise in Mather and Piatt, then run through a bath of silicate of soda, wash and dry. No. 12. Padded with Ferrocyanide Aniline Black, dried, and then discharged with : Boil: 12 oz. or 12 15 pints „ 303 12','i pints „ 250 l';j galls. „ 250 1-/. lbs. r 20 9'/= lbs. „ 150 2'/* noggs. „ 15 Yellow Discharge. 12 grms. Chloramine Yellow water mucilage of tragacanth 65 : 1000 starch tragacanth thickening phosphate of soda; when lake warm add acetate of soda caustic soda 6G° Tw. lOOU grms.. Steam for 5 mins. in Mather and Piatt, ran through a bath of silicate of soda, wash and dry. No. 13. Blue Discharge. Boil: No. 14. Red Discharge. 1'/. lbs. or 20 grms. Benzo Sky Blue 3 pints „ 60 „ water ir;* lbs. „ 180 „ zinc white 15 pints " 300 " mucilage of tragacanth 65 : 1000 8';'* pints „ 22(1 „ gum water 1 : 1 1'/* pints „ 30 „ glycerine 48° Tw. I'll pints „ 30 „ olive oil % pint „ 20 „ bisulphite of soda 66° Tw [2 lbs. 2 oz. or 135 grms. Benzo Purpurine 4B I 7^. noggs. ,. 155 „ water noggs. , , 250 „ mucilage of tragacanth 65 : 1000 3 pints , , 250 „ starch tragacanth thicken- ing, and then add 5 oz. , , 20 „ phosphate of soda, and when cold add noggin , , 15 „ caustic soda 66° Tw. noggin , , 30 bisulphite of soda 66° Tw. Print on padded Aniline Black, steam for 5 mins., run through a bath of silicate of soda, wash and drj'. 51 Aniline Black piece goods discharged with Benzidine colours arc often mercerised. No. 15. Aniline Black discharged with Brilliant Geranine B, Benzo Purpurine 4 B, Chrysophenine (Chrysophenine tBenzo Sky Blue niul afterwards mercerised. N... 16. Aniline Black discharged with Heliotrope BB I Benzo Sky Blue iChloramine Yellow and afterwanls mercerised. Discharge Printing on Basic Dyestnffs. The Benzidine dycstutVs are sometimes used for with o.Kidising agents. coloured discharges on basic dyestuflfs dischargeable Padded with : N... 17. 4 "/o tannic acid 2 "> tartar emetic. Dvcd with: Boil: 8 oz. l'/« pints '/« pint (1.7 °,u Turquoise Blue B B. Washed, dried, and printed with : Orange Discharge. 30 grms. Chloramine Orange G 250 l(i(i (0 pints ! pint Steam for water mucilage of tragacanth G:> : 10(.K.i wheat starch ; when cold add White Discliarge I albumen water 2 : 1 4r)0 _KKJ moo grms. hour without pressure, wash and dry Boil: White Discharge I. I4V2 pints or 4U0 grms. chlorate of soda Tw. ) t'^U lbs. „ 140 „ China clay \ 9/4 galls. „ 120 „ water 8 lbs. „ 130 „ British gum, when hike warm, add red prussiate of potash citric acid dissolved in water 20 40 IdO l'/4 lbs. ) 2V2 lbs. \ .■> pints For colour discharging of Alizarines with chloride of lime. Benzidine dyestutt's which resist the action of chlorine can be used. No. 19. Dyed with Alizarine and printed as follows: Dissolve: YeUow Discharge. 1-") oz. or 150 grms. powdered tartaric acid and powdered citric acid in water, and add slowly British gum and Chloramine Yellow and water, then boil. 1 ' 1 lbs. „ 200 I pint „ 200 ir. oz. „ 150 .■> oz. „ 50 I'/i pints „ 250 UW grms. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, run the goods through a solution of chloride of time ;•" Tw. at 0"i° Faht. for 1 minute anil wash. Padded with : Dved with: No. IS. 2 ° « tannic acid 1 ",0 tartar emetic. 1 " « New Victoria Blue B. 2 "it alum. Washed, dried and printed with : l^^il: Yellow Di.scharge. 3 oz. or 80 grms. Chrysophenine IV4 pints p 2."iO „ water ' '> pint „ UXi „ mucilage of tragacanth (;;. : 1000 7 oz. „ 70 „ wheat starch, and then add P.'s pints „ 41K.» ,. Wiiite Discharge I, see No. 17 '4 pint ,. l.")0 „ albumen water 2 : 1 1000 grms. Steam '4 hour without pressure, wash and dry. No. 20. The Benzidine dyestufls are also suitable for adding to the soda-tartar-emetic reserve, to produce coloured resist effects under basic colours. Boil: YeUow Resist. 4V2 oz. or IS grms. Chloramine Yellow dissolved in (is,4 pints ,. 150 „ water, with \4' 8 pints „ 532 ,. soda-tartar-emetic solu- tion 100° Tw. and 4''/« lbs. „ 3(10 „ British gum UW grms. CoA'er Print Blue, l.'i oz. or 150 grms. Acetine Blue 2''4 pints „ .'ioO ,. acetic acid starcli traga- canth thickening 1'4 pints ,, 3(K) p acetic acid tannic acid solution 1 : 1 low grms. Print first with yellow resist, cover print with blue, as above, steam for one hour without pressure, wash, soap for 1() mins. cold, wash and drv. Cotton Printina:. Table 17. (Discharge printing on Aniline Blactc, basic dj-estuffs etc.) ! I Anlllue Black dischargeil with Cbloramine Yellon-, Aniline Black discharged nith Benzo Sky Bine. Aniline Black discharged nitb Benzo Pnrpnrine 4 B. Aniline Black discharged nith Brilliant (ieranine B. Benzo PnrpnrMie 4 B. Ctarj-sophenine: Benzo Sky Blue and Chrysophenine i Olive and aflernards mercerised. Aniline Black dischargetl with Helioirofte B B, Benzo Shy Bine and Cbloramine Yellow, and afterwartls mercerised. Tnr mins. without pressure, wash and dry. White Discharge. 2' 4 pints or 23 grnis. mucilage of tragacanth O.j : lOfK) tartaric acid powder water carbonate of potash caustic soda 00° Tw. mucilage of tragacanth G.j ; 1000 tin crystals soda acetate of soda oil of turpentine. Aniline Black Cover Print. Aniline Black Thickening. ;! pints or 70 grms. Aniline Black 11 oz. or 22 grms. wheat starch thickening 3'/2 lbs. „ 110 „ British gum 2 oz. „ 2.1 .. Rhodaniine 6 G h^.'t pints ,, 234 „ water I'/gnoggs. „ 7 „ glycerine 48° Tw. 4V2 oz. „ '.» „ chlorate of soda {*,'j pint „ 111 „ .\niline oil 5'/2 pints „ 21t'i „ water l'/4 noggs. „ 10 „ hydrochloric acid 4V8 oz. „ ,, yellow prussiatc of 27° Tw. potash. If green or yellow conversion effects are desired when working with .Aniline Black cover, then add to the black print colour in place of Rhodaniine 6G, Brilliant Green or Auramine II. 2V2lbs. „ 20 2 pints ., 20 1 lb. „ O 2';'i noggs. „ 13 GV2 pints „ 34 3 lbs. „ 24 l';2 lbs. „ . 12 2 ',2 lbs. „ 20 '/» pint „ 5 Cotton Printing. (Discharges with tin.) pm W/K^//^ ^^^ ^^^/Yx^/m v^^ f^M^^m wtm M^ttHii Paddetl with: Beta-^HphtoI, Benzo Sky Blue: Persian Berries as a (lischarj^e and resist: cover printed wiitb diazotised Alpha-Xapbtylaniine. VXVa Dyed with : Brilliant ICoiizo Kluo ti B ; Printed nitli : tin crystals diseliarge: cover printed nilh: Aniline Black vvitb Kliodamine 6 0. Dyed with: S°/o Diazo Black B H X (Developer H) ; Discharged with : ehromate of lead and Pigment Red. Dyed with: 3<'o Brilliant Benzo Blue GB; Dischargeil with: Pigment Red. f'AUBEXFABRIKEN vorin. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFEED. 57 Although the Benzidine Dyestuflfs are mostly dis'harged with reducing agents, a large number of them, according to Smirnoff \ Rosenthal can he discharged with oxidising agents. The following Benzidine Dyestuffs are discharged by oxidising agents: Red Dyestuffs: Benio Purpurine 4 B, 10 B Brilliant Congo G (good) •Brilliant Geranine B, 3 B (good) Brilliant Purpurine R (good) Congo Delta Purpurine 5 B (good) •Geranine G, B B (good) Rose Azurine G (good). Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R (yellow) Congo Orange G (yellow) Congo Orange R (yellow) Toluylene Orange G. Yellow Dyestuffs : Thiazole Yellow. Green Dyestuffs: Henzo Dark Green Benzo Green G, B B Benzo Olive. Blue Dyestuffs : Benzo Azurine G (good) Benzo Azurine 3 G (good) Benzo Black Blue G. R, 5G Benzo Blue 2 B, 3 B, B X, R\V Benzo Chrome Bla:k Blue B Benzo Cyanine B (good) Benzo Cyanine 3 B, R Benzo Indigo Blue Benzo Navy Blue Benzo Sky Blue Brilliant Azurine B (good) Brilliant Azurine 5G Brilliant Azurine 5G (coppered) Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B (coppered) Chicago Blue B, R Diazo Black 3 B Diazo Black R, K extra (uiidiazotised). Diazo Blue (jj-Naphtol) (yellowish) Diazo Blue Black (brownish) Violet Dyestuffs: Azo Violet Azo Violet (coppered) Benzo Violet R Heliotrope B B. Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo Black Brown (yellowishl Benzo Brown B, B R, B X. G, G G, N B, Benzo Brown N B X, R e.\tra Benzo Brown 5R (yellow) Benzo Chrome Brown B (brown) Benzo Chrome Brown B (coppered) (brown) Benzo Chrome Brown G Benzo Chrome Brown G (.-oppered) (brown) Benzo Chrome Brown R (brownish) Benzo Chrome Brown R (coppered) (brown- Benzo Dark Brown (yellowish) [ish) Congo Corinth G (good) Diazo Brown G (brown) Diazo Brown G (|3-N'aphtol) (brown) Diazo Brown R extra (diazotised. Soda) Direct Bronze Brown (yellow) Direct Fast Brown B Katigen Black Brown Mikado Brown B (yellow) Toluylene Brown B (good) Toluylene Brown B B O (good) Toluylene Brown M (goodi Tcluylene Brown R. Grey Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Grey (middling) Benzo Fast Black (good) Benzo Grey S extra Diazo Blue Black (,'i-Naphtol) Direct Blue Black B Direct Deep Black T Pluto Black B, G, R. Black Dyestuffs (all brownish): Diazo Black 3B ('j-Naphtol) Diazo Black B H N''(Developer H) (lairly good) Diazo Black R (^j-Naphtol) Diazo Bla:k R extra (Developers A <*>: H) Diazo Blue Black (^'j-NaphtoD Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (,'3-Naphtol) Direct Blue Black B (Paranitraniline) Direct Blue Black B, N Direct Deep Black T Pluto Black B. G, R. These can be ased with weak oxidising Agents for themselves discharged by stron;; oxidising agents. alour discharging other dyestuffs. vrUerfas 58 No. 3. Dyed with : 4 ",0 Benzo Blue B X. Discharged with : Yellow Discharge Yellow Discharge I. 5V2 lbs. or 450 grnis. chromate of lead in paste (Siegle) 2'/2 pints „ 300 „ white discharge 2V2 pints ,. 2-50 „ albumen water 2 : 1 1000 grms. Boil: White Discharge. TVi pints or 400 grms. chlorate of soda 76° Tv 6 lbs. ., 190 „ China clay 3 pints „ 120 „ water 4 lbs. , 130 " British gum, and when luke warm add 10 oz. „ 20 ., red prussiate of potash IV4 lbs. „ 40 „ citric acid powder 2 pints „ 100 „ water 1000 grms. No. 4. Dyed with : 8 > Diazo Black B H N. Diazotised with : 4 lbs. nitrite S'/'o pints hydrochloric acid 30° Tw. 200 galls, water Developed with : 4 lbs. Developer H. Discharged with: Yellow Discharge II and Red Discharge. Red Discharge. 51/2 lbs. or 4-50 grms. Rouge vif. E.N. Fabrique chemique de Thann cS: de Mulhouse 2V2 pints „ 300 „ White Discharge (as above) 2>,'2 pints ,. 250 ,. Albumen water 2 : 1 1000 grms. Yellow Discharge II. 51/2 lbs. or 4-50 grms. chromate of lead in paste (Siegle) 33/4 pints „ 450 „ White Discharge (please refer to No. 1) 1 pint „ 100 „ Albumen water 2 : 1 1000 grms. Steam for V4 hour without pressure. No. 5. Dyed with : 2 "0 Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. Discharged with: Red Discharge as given in No. 4. 59 Mercerising. The fi)llo\ving Benzidine Dycstuft's are suitable for mercerising' purposes: Red Dyestuffs: Benzo Purpurine lo B, 4 B Brilliant Congo G Brilliant Geranine B, 3 B Brilliant Purpurine R Congo Rubine Delta Purpurine 5 B Geranine G. Orange Dyestuffs : Benzo Orange R Chloraniine Orange G Congo Orange G Mikado Orange Toluylene Orange G Yellow Dystuffs : Cliloraniine Yellow Chrysophenine Direct Yellow R Mikado Yellow G Thiazole Yellow. Yellow P R superline Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Black Blue G, 5 G Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Benzo Cyanine B, 3 B, R Benzo Sky Blue Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. Violet Dyestuffs : Azo Violet. Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo Brown B Benzo Chrome Brown B, G, R Chloraniine Brown G Congo Corinth G Toluylene Brown B, M, R. Grey Dystuffs: Benzo Grey S extra Diazo Black B 1 1 N Direct Blue Black B Direct Deep Black T. CO I' 1^ ^ ■ A 4 4 > 4 •4^ 4 1? 4 «1 *t 4 1* «•';":'! ^ * , 1 I * Brilliant Benzo Bine 6B. JF'-:.-?^ I'ougo Orange U ou Aiiiliue Black. * i ■ *' 'r ; * . . . ■ * i- i * * 1 Oeranine O. fit ^-^^ Ut-rniiiiit' 4; on Aniline lilaek. 7^( d. Tliiazola Yellow and Brilliant B^nzo Blue 6 B on Aniline Black. Azo Violet on Aniline Black. > "f -»: *(» . u ■^ \ 1 J 1^ > ^ ^ ' y' ' i-f J /' -■-'i^'irff Brilliant Pnrpurine R on Aniline Black. 10 .^^■^•^''ic FAKBEXFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co.. EI.nERFELD. 61 The Benzidine Dycstufls are extremely suitable for mercerising purposes, especially those unaffected by alkalies, or such as are temporarily altered bvit whose shade returns when washed. The Benzidine Dyestufis can be printed, as in patterns 1, 2, 4-8 and 10 in stripe patterns, the colour being dissolved in water and thickened with gum water, then dried, steamed for ''4 — Vj hour without pressure, then run through caustic soda 52° Tw., washed and dried; or as in Nos. 3 and with any thickening desired, then dried, steamed and cover printed in stripes with gum water, and run through caustic soda. Directions for Printins. 3/4 — 1 oz. or 5 — 7.5 grnis. Benzidine colour dissolved in ','2 pint „ 75 „ water, thickened with 1 gallon „ 1500 „ gum water 1 : 1. Should the Benzidine colours not dissolve in the quality of water given, the solution is warmed up again with gum water; it is advisable to use only a good quality gum. No. 1. '/4 oz. or 5 grnis. Chloramine Yellow. No. -2. 1 oz. or 7."> srnis. Geranine G. No. 3. 1 oz. or 7.5 grnis. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. No. 4. I'/a oz. or U.25 gnus. Thiazole Yellow '/a oz. or 3.75 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B (IVs pints or lOil grins water.) No. 5. 1 oz. or 7.5 grille. Congo Orange G. No. t). 1 oz. or 7.5 grms. Azo Violet (2','4 pints „ 200 ., water- 1. No. 7. 1 oz. or 7.5 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. No. ,S. 1 oz. or 7.5 grms. Brilliant Purpurine R. No. 9. 1 oz. or 7.5 grms. Geranine G. No. 10. 1 oz. or 7.5 grnis. Direct Deep Black T. 62 Printing on of thickened Caustic Soda. As is well-known the Benzidine Dyestufts dj'e and exhaust better on mercerised tlian on ordinary cotton. If pieces are printed with caustic soda, and then dyed with substantive colours, the printed part, which is mercerised, is dyed much darker. Two-coloured effects are thus obtained bj' means of one dyestuff and one roller. These goods can naturally be discharged white or in colours, if dischargeable dyes have been employed; they can further be diazotised and developed, treated according to requirement with sulphate of copper, bichromate of potash, or diazotised paranitraniline, or topped with basic colours etc. etc. Directions. Print the cotton with : 1 gallon or 1 litre caustic soda 106° Tw. thickened with '/a gallon „ 600 grms. gum water 1 : 1. Then drj-, wash and dye as given on page 22 with Benzidine dyestufls. No. 1. Dyed with : l.-S",!) Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B. Discharged with ; White Discharge II see page 25. No. 3. Dyed with : 5 "I'o Direct Deep Black T. No. 2. Dyed with : 2 % Benzo Brown N B. No. i. Dyed with : 2 7o Benzo Violet R. Discharged with; 0.5 % Brilliant Green 2.5 "/o Auramine G 25 "/o acetate of tin 28" Tw. 7.5 "h tannic a:id 2 "/o citric acid. No. 5. Dyed with : 2 °/o Benzo Chrome Brown G and after-treated for '/ with 3 "i'o sulphate of copper and 2 % bichromate of potash. hour No. 6. Dyed with : 1 °/u Brilliant Geranine B. 63 No. 7. Dyed with : ■i"." Benzo Purpurine 4 B. Discharged with : 9 "la Extract of Persian berries 52° Tw. 9.8 "/'o tin crystals 24.4 "/•> acetate of tin 2^° Tw. 2.4 */o citric acid. No. 8. Dyed witli : S'/o Benzo Nitrol Brown G developed with diazotised Paranitraniline. No. 0. Dyed with : 1 °;u Benzo Fast Black. Discharged with ; 3 ",0 Rhodamine 6 G 2.5 ",0 acetate of tin 28° Tw. 7 J) "'0 tannic acid 2 "I'o citric acid. No. 10. Dyed witli : i°.u Congo Orange G. The white discharge patterns were steamed for .'i niiiis. withont pressure and then washed. The colour discharge patterns printed with basic colours were steamed for 10 niins. without pressure, and were then run through a lukewarm tartar emetic bath and afterwards washed; the Persian Berry Yellow Discharge pattern was steamed for 10 mins. without pressure and afterwards washed. 64 Cotton Printing;. (Printed with thickened caustic soda). Dyed Avilb: l-S",,, Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B dischargetl with acetate of tin. Byed witb: S% Benzo Brown KTB. Dyed with: 5»/o Direct Deep Black T. Dyed with: 3»/o Benzo Violet R; discharged with: Brilliant Oreeu and Anraniine G. ■» Dyed with: a% Benzo Chrome Brown G, coppered and chromed. Dyed with: 3'V„ Benzo Pnrpnrine 4 B, dischar§;ed with Persian Berry Yellow. Dyed with : 3"/„ Benzo >"itro] Brown G, developed with diazotlsed Paranitraniline. Dyed with: 1 V„ Benzo Fast Black; disebari^ed with: 3% Khodamine 6G. 10 Dyed with: 3% Congo Orange G. FARBENFABRIKEN vorni. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 65 Zinc White Printing. Goods first dyed with benzidine dycstufl's and afterwards printed can be employed in some cases for printing with zinc white, viscose, tungstate of soda (tlien run through chloride of h.iriiiin solution [Opaline eftects]) etc. Nos. 1—4 were printed with zinc white as follows: No. 1. Dyed with : 1 °.o Benzo Sky Blue. Printed with : zinc white. No. 2. Dyed with: 0'j',» Brilliant Geranine B. Printed with : zinc white. No. 3. Dyed with ; h "u Benzo Purpurine 4 B. Printed with: zinc white. No. -4. Dyed with: "/o Benzo Chrome Black Blue B. Printed with : zinc white. Zinc Wliito Recipe. 7 lbs. or ihO grms. zinc white '/• pint „ 50 „ glycerine 4S° Tw. ';'« gallon „ 3:W „ egg albumen water 1 : 1 3'«noggs. „ G7 „ water 3 'A „ „ !■) „ olive oil 2' « „ .50 „ oil of turpentine. 1025 grms. Steam for ' < hour without pressure. No.s. 5—10. Benzidine dycstufts printed with zinc white, viscose etc. ()G Cotton Printing. (Printed with zinc white, viscose etc.) Dyed with: 1"„ Benzo >>k.v Bine; Dyed with; 0'5'"„ Brllllnnt Oeranine B; Primed witli: zinc white. Printed with: zinc white. Dyed with: 5<'/o Benzo Parpnrine 4B; Printed with: ziuc white. Dyed with: 6<"„ Benzo Chrome Black Blue B; Printed with: zinc white. \v Benzo Sky Bine. Heliotrope BB. • • • • « • Chloramine Xellow. Benzo Sby Blae. r. •••!•.■;••■.*••• -v :33?-. Heliotrope B B. Chloramine Yellow (shaded). FARBENFABKIKEX vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co. ELBERFELD. . 67 Liuiugs. Cotton linings are often padded on tlic slop padding machine instead of dyeing in a beck or jig. Slop-pad and dry : No. 1. 4 oz. or 22 grms. Benzo Chrome Brown B I oz. „ .">'5 „ Benzo Chrome Brown G '/i« oz. „ 1 „ Chloramine Yellow 9 oz. „ 50 „ phosphate of soda 2.") galls. „ 22 litres water. No. 2. I'j oz. or 6 grms. Chloramine Yellow I'/i oz. „ 6 „ Benzo Chrome Brown B l','» oz. „ 4'5 „ Benzo Chrome Brown G 12 oz. ,, 50 „ phosphate of soda 39 galls. „ 22 litres water. No. 3. ' « oz. or 72 grms. Direct Deep Black G '. oz. „ 2"4 „ Benzo Chrome Brown G 5 oz. „ 50 „ phosphate of soda 13' 2 galls. „ 20"S litres water. No. i. •;» oz. or 3 grms. Chloramine Yellow ','« oz. „ 2 „ Benzo Chrome Brown B 6 oz. „ 50 „ phosphate of soda 19'/i galls. „ 22 litres water. No. 5. I oz. or ](• grms. Chloramine Yellow ' 1 oz. „ 5 „ Benzo Chrome Brown G 5 oz. „ 50 ,. phosphate of soda 13*/« galls. „ 22 litres water. '.', oz. or 6 grni •1. oz. ., •/, oz. „ 4-5 „ 'I'l oz. „ 3 4 oz. „ 50 11' • galls. „ 22 litres No. 6. rnis. Chloramine Yellow Benzo Chrome Brown B Benzo Chrome Brown G Direct Deep Black G phosphate of soda water. No. 7. 10 oz. or 40 grms. Chloramine Yellow 15 oz. 5 oz. 3 oz. 5 oz. 31". galls. (X> „ Benzo Chrome Brown B 20 „ Benzo Chrome Brown G 12 „ Direct Deep Black G 20 „ phosphate of soda 20 litres wwter. Indigo padded with: No. 1. 2 lbs. or 1 kilo Chloramine Yellow 3';. oz. „ 10() grms. phosphate of soda 20 galls. „ 100 litres water. No. 2. 4 lbs. or 2 kilos Brilliant Geranine B 3','4 oz. , 100 grms. common salt 20 galls. „ UK) litres water. GS Cotton Printina:. (Slop-padded linings). Benzo Clirome Brown B, Benzo Gbrome Brown G, Ciiloraniine Tellow. Chloraniiiif Tpllon, Beuzo i'broine Bronii B. Benzo Chrome Bronii t-, nirei-t Iteop Black <>. Cbloratnine Yellow, Uirect Deep Black 4>, Benzo Chrome Rronn B, Benzo Chrome ];roivii O. (Indigo padded). ]>lscIiarKeeraulne B. FARBENFAhKIKEN" voim. FKIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELUERFELD. 69 The following Benzidine dyestuffs arc unaffected by acid (when spotted with acetic acid). Red Dyestuffs: Heiizo Purpuriiie i B (slightly affected) Brilliant Congo (scarcely affected) Brilliant Geranine B, 3B Delta Purpurine 5B, 7B (slightly affected) C'.cranine G, B B Red PR Rose Azurine H, G (slightly affected) Orange Dyestuffs: Chloramine Orange G (scarcely affected) Congo Orange R, G Mikado Orange Toluylene Orange G Yellow Dyestuffs : Chloramine Yellow Chrysainine Chrysopheninc Direct Yellow K Mikado Yellow Yellow PR Green Dyestuffs: Benzo Green BB, G, Benzo Olive (scarcely affected) Blue Dyestuffs : Benzo Azurine G, 3G Benzo Blue R\V, BX, 2B, 3B Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Benzo Cyanine B, 3B, R Benzo Indigo Blue Be.izo Navy Blue B Benzo Sky Blue Benzo Black Blue G, 5G, R Brilliant Azurine B, 5G Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B Diazo Blue, 3R (^3-Naphtol) Diazo Blue Black Diazo Indigo Blue (|j-Naphtol) (scarcely effected) Diazo Black B, R, R extra Violet Dyestuffs: Azo N'iolet (coppered) Benzo \'iolet R Diazo Violet (3-Naphtol( Heliotrope BB Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo Brown B, BR, BX Benzo Nitrol Brown G, 2R (Paranitraniline) Benzo Black Brown Chloramine Brown G Diazo Brown ti Diazo Brown G (jj-Xaphtol) Mikado Brown B Toluylene Brown B Grey Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Grey (scarcely affected) Benzo Fl' the Benzidine Dyestuffs the following are llic fastest to light : Red Dyestuffs : Brilliant Geranine H, 3 B Geranine G, B B. Orange Dyestuffs : Cliloiamine Orange G Mikado Orange. Yellow Dyestuffs : Chloraniinc Yellow Chrysamine Chrysophenine Mikado Yellow. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Azurine G, 3 G, R (coppered) Benzo Blue R\V (coppered) Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Benzo Indigo Blue Benzo Black Blue G, 5G, R Benzo Navy Blue B Brilliant Azurine 5 G (coppered) Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B (coppered). Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo L lironic Brown (chromed and coppered) Chloramine Brown G. Green Dyestuffs: Benzo ( )live. Grey Dyestuffs : Benzo Fast Black. 70 Of the Benzidine Dyestuffs the following are suitable for cotton yarn printing Red Dyestuffs: Benzo Purpurine 4 B Geranine G. Orange Dyestuffs : Benzo Orange R. Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloramine Yellow. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Blue Benzo Sky Blue. Direct Yarn Printing. No. 1. N... 2. Boil: lilue- Boil: •* '-''■•• G oz. or 30 grm?. Benzo Sky Blue 4 oz. or 2i> grms. Geranine G ^'It lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and 3V« lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and 6*'. pints „ 670 „ w ater ti'i pints „ 680 „ water 1000 grms. 1000 grms. Steam for 1 hour without pressure. Discharge Printing Witli Tin On Yarn. The Benzidine colours when dyed on cotton yarn can be discharged white or coloured with tin in exactly the same way as when dyed on piece goods. (See page 24 — 37.) Boil: Tin Crystals Discliariic. b!'i pints or 420 grms. water "i lb. „ 50 „ wheat strarch 3' 1 pints „ 300 „ acetate of tin 32° T\v. l','» pints „ 180 „ gum water 1:1 .5 oz. „ 20 „ tin crystals, and when cold add 7'« oz. „ 30 „ citric acid 1000 grms. Steam lor 2 — ."j niiiis. without pressure, wash and dry. Cottoii Yavii Printiiis Printed with: 3% Benzo Sky Blue. Printed trith: 3°,] Geranine Ci. (Discharge Printing with tii^) ed with: 3"., Congo Oranse tit discharged with: tin crystals discharge. Byed w^ith : 4 ",„ Benzo Purpurine 4 B : discharged witli : tin crystals discharge. l>ycd with: 5<>o Benzo Violet B ; discharged with : tin crystals discharge. Byed with: 1 i Benzo Fast Blacli : discliarsed with: tin crystals discharge. Bved wit discharged with: tin crystals discharge FARBEMAIUUKEN vorni. FKIEDU. BAYER iS Co.,ELliKRFELD. 70 \ Colour Discharge Printing Witli Tin. No. 1. Dyed with: G»u Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Discharged with : 4 ",0 Auramine G method same as in No. G. Xo. -2. Dyed with: o " u Benzo Chrome Brown G Discharged with: 1% Methyl Violet 6B method same as in No. (i. No. 3. Dyed with: 4 " Benzo Blue BX Discharged with: 3% Rhodamine 6G. Red Discharge. ( (j oz. or -io grins. Rhodamine 6 G ( 3 pints „ 290 „ water 2',s pints „ mo „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 ",'0) 1 pint „ 100 „ mucilage of tragacanth 65 : 1000 r,' J noggs. „ 100 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. I'll pints „ 180 „ acetic acid tannic acid solution 1 : 1 No. 4. Dyed with: 2 " Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B Discharged with: 3''o Auramine II. Yello-sv Diseliariie. ( oz. or 30 grms. Auramine II 1000 grms. \ 3 pints „ 290 „ water 2'/s pints „ 300 „ acetic acid 9' Tw. (30 "M 1 pint „ lOii " mucilage of tragacanth 65 :UKKi 3',s noggs. ., 100 „ acetate of tin 32* Tw. r/« pints „ 180 " acetic acid tannic acid solution 1 : 1 luoo grms No. 5. I )ycd with : 8 "0 Pluto Black B Discharged with : 4 "/<> Auramine G method same as in No. 0. No. (.). Dyed with: 3 " u Benzo Chrome Brown B Discharged with: 11,5 "o Brilliant Green crystals 2,5 " a Auramine G. (ireen iMscharue. 1 oz. or 5 grms. Brilliant Green crystals 5 oz. „ 25 , Auramine G /« pints „ 280 water '« pints „ 300 , acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 "/u) 1 pint „ 100 , mucilage of tragacanth 65 : KXX) noggs. „ 100 , acetate of tin 32° Tw. 2 oz. „ 10 , tin crystals a pints „ 180 , acetic acid tannic acid solution 1 : 1 1000 grms Steam for 2-5 mins. without pressure, run through a cold bath of tartar emetic, wash and dry. 80 Cotton Yaru Printing. (Colour discharges with tin. Dyed nilh: 3"/,, Beiizo Chrome Brown (• : Dlscbnrtsed with: !"/„ Methyl-Tiolet 6 B. I»ye«l nilh: 4 lEiu/o liliio BX; Dyed with; 3°'„ Brilliant Benzo Bine 6B; Discharged with: ;i „ Khucliimine C G. Discharged with: 3% Anramine II. Dyrd with: 8°/, Pluto Black B; Discharged with: 4% Auraiuine O. Dyed with: 3",, Benzo Chrome Brown R; Dischar|;eii with: '/.", Brilliant Oreen crystals and •i'.,"'; Anramine O, (Printing with caustic soda and afterwards dyeing). Dyed with: 2% Benzu Oreen O. Dyed with: 3"/i, Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B. Printefl wllh: Canslic Soda: Dyed with: 3"„ Benzo Pnrpui-iue IB. Prlnteil with: Canvlic Soda; Dyed with: -J v.i BrilliHut Ucranine B. KAi;i!KNK.\I!i:iKEX voim. FUIKDR. BAYER & Co. ELBERFELD. 81 Printing Caustic Soda on Cotton Yarn. By printing caustic soda on cotton yarn and then dyeing with Benzidine Colours similar effects as on cotton pieces (see page (JoJ are obtained since the mercerised cotton dyes darker than the part not printed. Print with : S'j pints or 1000 grnis. Caustic soda 10G"4° Tw. thickened with 1 pint „ 100 „ gum water 1:1, dry, wash in ruiniing water and dye as mentioned on page G3. No. 7. No. 8. 2 ",0 Benzo Green G. 2 % Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. No. i). No. 1(1. 3°/o Benzo Purpurine 4 B. 2%' Brilliant Geranine B. Wool Printing*. The following Benzidine Colours can be printed on wool stuffs and j'arns: Red Dyestuffs: Benzo Purpurine i B Brilliant Geranine B, 3 B Delta Purpurine 5 B Geranine G Rose Azurine B. Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R Congo Orange G Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloraniine Yellow Chrysophenine. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Azurine G Benzo Blue 2 B, 3 B Benzo Sky Blue. Brown Dyestuffs: Heliotrope B B (Bordeaux). 83 Wool Stuff Printing. The Benzidine Dj'estufls are also adapted for printing chlorinated wool stuffs. No. 1. Boil: 4 oz. or 20 grnis. Geranine G 3"i lbs. „ 300 „ British gum 0''« pints „ (JGO „ water, and then add 4 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of potash 1000 grms. No. 2. 4 oz. or 20 grnis. Benzo Orange R the other components same as in No. 1. No. 3. 4 oz. or 20 grnis. Benzo Sky Blue the other components same as in No. 1. No. 4. 4 oz. or 20 grms. Benzo Purpurine 4B the other components same as in No. 1. Stiani fir 1 hour without pressure, wash and dry. 84 Wool rriiitiiig. (Wool stufl".) It TFooI printed n-itb : 2 % Geranine U. l i I Wool printed wltb : Benzo Orange R. I ( M'ool prinlefl with: 3<>;o Benzo Sky Bine. (Wool Yarn Printing.) Wool printed nith: 3% Benzo Pnrpnrine 4B. (Slabbing Printing Printed with: 8% Geranine G FARBENFABRIKEN voiiii. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 85 Wool Yarn Printing. Print the colour on chlorinated wool yam, steam moist for 1 hour without pressure, wash and drv- Xo. 1. f fi oz. or 30 grnis Congo Orange G \ •/• gallon „ 200 , water 7';« pints „ 750 „ flour thickening 1 noggin , 20 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. 1000 grms. [(oO%) No. 2. C 6 oz. or 30 grms. Chrysophenine I ' . gallon „ 200 „ water 7'« pints „ 750 „ flour thickening 1 noggin , 20 „ acetic acid 9' Tw. lOOO'gi^ms. [(.TO'-) Xo. 3. (5 oz. or 30 grms. Geranine G ". gallon „ 21X1 . water 7's pints „ 750 „ flour thickening 1 noggin „ 20 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. 1000 grms. [(30 "/c) Flour Thickening. 10 lbs. or 100 grms. flour O'.'i gallons ,, 950 „ water. Slubl)ing Printing. The Benzidine Dycstufis have foimd considerable application in slubbing printing No. 1. „ ., licn/o Purpminc 4- B. 10 oz. or 50 grms. BenzoPurpurine4B 3'. lbs. „ 300 „ British gum 6"i pints „ 650 „ \vater 1000 grms. No. -2. „ ., (".hrvsopliciiiiitj. Boil : • ' G oz. or 30 grms. Chrysophenine 3'* lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and 6','« pints „ 670 .. water 1000 grms. N.\ :?. . I. Brilliant Sulphon A/.iuinc K. 6 oz. or oO grms. Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R in paste 3';« lbs. „ 3< „ British gum and 5' t pints „ 570 „ water, and then add 1 pint „ KW „ acetate of ammonia 1000 grms. 86 The following Benzidine Dyestuffs are adapted for stubbing printing: Red Dyestuffs: Benzo Purpurine 4 B Brilliant Congo R Brilliant Geranine B Delta Purpurine 5 B Geranine G, B B. Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloraniine Yellow Chrysophenine Curcumiae W, S. Green Dyestuffs : Benzo Green G. Blue Dyestuffs: Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Sulphon Azurine D. Brown Dyestuffs: Chloraniine Brown G. - •-vAjj«r>» lioil : () oz. or 30 grin 3^. lbs. „ 300 „ 4*4 pints „ 470 „ '; pint „ "0 ) r. oz. „ 30 „ [ I pint „ 100 .. No. 4. Brilliant (icraniiic li. Brilliant Geranine B British gum and water and add acetic acid 0" T\v. (W.'^t chrome alnm dissolved in water No. 5. Boil: IJcn/.o (irccn (i. 10 oz. or 50 grnis. Benzo Green G 3 lbs. 2 oz. , 250 „ British gum and pints „ COO „ water, and add 1 pint ^ 10 „ acetate of ammonia Km grms. 1000 grms. No. C. U^,il. (]hloraininc Bntwn (i. S oz. or 40 grms. Chloramine Brown G 3*4 lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and 5'/i. pints „ 5".'U „ water, then add ';» pint „ 70 „ acetic acid it" Tw. (30 "/«) lOlKi grms. Boil: 8 oz. or 40 3" 4 lbs. „ 300 6 pints „ 600 ',. pint „ 60 X... 7. (^ilciraininc Yellow, Chloramine Yellow British gum and water, then add acetic acid 9° Tw. (30%) 1000 grms. Boil: No. S. Brilliant Congo R. 10 oz. or 50 grms. Brilliant Congo R 3*4 lbs. „ 3U0 „ British gum and O'/ii pints „ G5 „ w ater 100<;i grms. Boil; Sulphon A/.urintj 1). 10 oz. or 50 grms. Sulphon Azurine D 3'4 lbs. „ 300 ., British gum and 5'/j pints „ 5.50 „ water, and then add 1 pint „ 100 „ ^acetate of ammonia ICOO grms. Boil: No. 10. Curcuniinc S. No. 11. 12 oz. or GO grms. Curcumine S 3';4 lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and ',« pints „ 580 „ water, then add '/« pint „ 60 . ac etic acid ",i° Tw. (30 %1 1000 grms. Boil: No. 1-2. Congo Orange G. 6 oz. or 30 grms. Congo Orange G 3% lbs. „ 300 , British gum and C pints „ 600 n water, then add ',1 pint „ 70 J, acetic acid 9° Tw. (o0°,o) 1000 grms. Boil: Geranine G. 6 oz. or 30 grms. Geranine G 3'. lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and 4 '.'4 pints „ 470 ., water, then add ''s pint - 70 acetic acid 9° Tw. (30^ and when cold add / f) oz. „ 30 „ chrome alum dissolved in I 1 pint 100 „ water 1000 grms. No. 1.".. Boil: Curcumine W. 8 oz. or 40 grms. Curcumine W 3'. lbs. „ 300 ,: British gum and 6 pints „ 600 „ water, then add ';« pint _»_ 60 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 " > 1 1000 grms After printing the goods are steamed for 1 hour without pressure, washed and dried. FAKIiEXFAIiUlKEX voriii. KRIKDI!. IIAYEK & Co.. ELIIEUFELD. 89 Half Wool Priiitiiiu". (Wool nnd cotton). Tlic rollowing Benzidine Dyestufts are adapted for printing half wool: Red Dyestuffs: Bcnzo Purpurine 4 B Brilliant Geranine B. Orange Dyestuffs: Congo Orange G. Yellow Dyestuffs : Chrysophcninc. Blue Dyestuffs: Henzo Sky Blue. Brown Dyestuffs : ToUivleiic Brown. No. 1. No. 2. Boil: Boil: 4 oz. or 20 grnis. Brilliant Geranine B The same as No. 1 but with 3°* lbs. „ 300 „ British gum niul 4 oz. or 20 grms. Congo Orange G. 6'/« pints „ 660 „ water, and then add 4 oz. „ 20 ,. borax 1(1110 grms. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, wash and dry. 90 Half Wool Piiutius ll tl t I S°o Brilliniit Oeraiilue B. a'o Congo Orange C Half Wool Dyeing-. (Discharge Printing). Wool aiuX mercerised Coltou. Uyetl nilli: O-l^'n Congo Orange K; Discharge*! wiih: 3% Rhodiiliue Violet. Dyed with: 0-I5 "o Geranine G; Diseharsetl nitb: I'S'o New Meihylene Blue 3R. 11 .'V s ' s s s \ S ..: \ \ Dyed with: O'l^'^, Brilliant Reuzo Bine 6B and 0'U:{ \, AlUall Blue 6R; Discharged with: 4>., Rhodaniine GG. Dyed with: O'l ' , ('hrjsophenine : Discharged nilh : 3"., Rbodnliue Violet. Halfwool hon C'yantue GR extra, ' . '., Mnlplion Blue Black: Dischargt-d with: « "., Rlio. The following colours are adapted for shading the wool, as they dye well in a neutral ba:h : Cochineal Scarlet P S. Croceine Scarlet 3 B. Brilliant Croceine 3 B. ~ Orange GT. — Indian Yellow G. — Acid Green 3 B. — New Victoria Blue B. Lazuline Blue R. Sulphon Cyanine. — Alkali X'iolct R. Acid \'iolet H W. — Sulphon Black. Sulphon Blue Black. Half Wool Discharge Printing. The Benzidine dyestuffs are of considerable importance for half wool dsxing. No. 3. Dj-ed with : O'l "/o Congo Orange R 20'',u Glauber's salt. Discharged with: 4 oz. or 20 grms. Rhoduline Violet U oz. . 70 „ wheat starch gallon , 220 „ gum water 1 : 1 gallon , 200 „ water 2 pints , 250 „ acetic acid 9' Tw. (30 "io ','s pint , 100 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. 12 oz. , 60 ,. tannic acid dissolved in 2 noggs. , CO „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 "/o 4 oz. _ , 20 „ citric acid 1000 grms No. 4. Dyed with: 015 "I'll Geranine G 20 "/o Glauber's salt. Discharged with: o oz. or 15 grms. New Methylene Blue 3 R {. 14 oz. , 70 .. wheat starch gallon , 220 „ gum water 1 : 1 J pints , 255 „ water gallon , 200 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (:30 "/o) 's pint : 100 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. 12 oz. , 60 „ tannic acid dissolved in noggs. , 60 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (:30 V) 4 oz, , 20 „ citric acid 1000 grms No. .5. Dv'ed with ; OT ",'0 Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B 0-03 ",0 Alkali Blue 6B 20 ",o Glauber's salt. Discharged with : S oz. or 40 grms. Rhodamine 6 G lY 1'^ l2S 14 oz. gallon ! pints I pints I pints 12 oz. noggs. 4 oz. 70 „ wheat starch 220 „ gum water 1 : 1 250 „ water 130 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (:30 "/o) 150 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. 60 ,, tannic acid dissolved in 60 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (;30 "/o) 20 „ citric acid 1000 grms. No. 0. Dyed with : OT ",0 Chrysophenine 30 ",o Glauber's salt. Discharged with : 6 oz. or 30 grms. Rhodvdine Violet 14 oz. , 70 ,. wheat starch ',4 gallon . 220 .. gum water 1 : 1 1 pint , 100 „ water 2 ''2 pints , 260 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (:30 "iv) l'/» pints , 150 „ acetate of tin 32° Tw. ) 15 oz. „ 75 „ tannic acid dissolved in \ 3 noggs. I 75 „ acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 %) 4 oz. „ 20 „ citric acid 1000 grms 93 No. 7. 1 )yeci with : (i">- Direct Deep Black G 1 ° Sulphon Cyanine G R extra ',» °,o Sulphon Blue Black 20 "o Glauber's salt. Boil for ' a hour, and let the goods run for another ' J hour without steam. Discharged with : Auraniine II wheat starch acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 "i") gum water 1 : 1 acetate of tin 02° Tw. and then add tin crystals tannic acid dissolved in acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 %) citric acid Boil: I 12 oz. or 00 I'i oz. „ 8 U oz. .. 70 'U gallon „ •■>•") I'/s. pint ., 150 2'. pints ., 2'>0 1". lbs. „ KK3 / 2 lbs. „ 160 \r/« pints „ 160 4 oz. „ 20 1000 grms. No. 8. Dyed with: 2 ■ J Benzo Chrome Brown B (V4 '■' ' Benzo Chrome Brown G 10 "o Glauber's salt crystals. Enter at 12-5° Faht. bring slowly to the boil, shut off steam and then run the goods for ','f — I hour longer. Discharged with : 3 oz. or 15 grms. Brilliant Green (crystals) 3 oz. „ 15 U oz. „ 70 '8 pint ^ 100 'Is pint „ 90 1';. pints , 190 2'i pints „ 250 r;. lbs. „ iw I't pints „ 1-50 4 oz. „ 20 Auramine G wheat starch acetic acid 9° Tw. (30*,>> water gum water 1 : 1 acetate of tm 32'' Tw. tin crystals solution of tannic acid 1 ; 1 citric acid 1000 grms. Steam for '/» hour without pressure. After printing with discharges the pieces are steamed for '« — 1 hour without pressure, accordint; to the depth of the engraving and quantity of tin crystals used, and then run through a cold bath of tartar emetic, washed and dried. 91 Half AVool Djeiuar. (Discharge Priiitina;!. mi 10 Dyed with: 4",, Beuzo Purpiirine 4B; Discharged nith: 4",^, Auraiuine ii. Dyed willi : 4 . Ui-iizu 4 .\aiiiiii- B; Discharged with: -l",, Aiiraniine G. n I 11 iii Dyed with: ■i'-/., Chrysophenine and l'3°o Brilliant Green; Discharged with: l'3"u Auranilne G. Dyed tvith: 4"/„ Geranine G; Discharged with: 4"/o Anraniine G. Dyed nith: 4",i Benzn Chrome Bron'n R; Discharged with: 4% Anrauiiue G. Dyed witli: 4' „ Itirect Fast Brown B; Discharged with: 4"v, Anraniine G. Dyed witii: 4"„ Benzo Orange B; Discliarged with: l'5"o Brilliant Green and 1*5'-% Anraniine G. \ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ I 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 tw in m ■ m ' Dyed with: 4",, Tolnylene Brown M; Discharged with: i",,, Anraniine G. Dyed with: 4"„ Chicago Bine B; Discharged with: 4",^ Anraniine G. FARBEXFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. HAYER & Co., ELIiERFELD. 94 a. Dyed witli : Discharged witii: No. 0. 4 ",0 Beiizo Purpiirine 4 B l(i""o Glauber's salt. 4 "/» Auramine G. No. 11. Dyed with: 4 " u Chrysophenine 10 "o Glauber's salt. I I'.") °'o Brilliant Green crystals il'-'i^o Auramine G. Discharged with: No. 1.-;. 4"" Benzo Chrome Brown R l(j°u Glauber's salt. 4 "0 Auramine G. No. 15. Dyed with: 4"o Benzo Orange R 10 ",0 Glauber's -alt. j 15 "0 Brilliant Green crystals \ 1'.5 "0 Auramine G. Dyed with : I )isoliarjied with: Discharged with: Dyed with Discharged with No. 17. 4 "0 Toluylene Brown M 10 "0 Glauber's salt. 4 " Auramine G. No. 10. Dyed with : 4 ° Benzo Cyanine B 10 ° Glauber's salt. Discharged with: 4 "o Auramine G. No. 12. Dyed with : 4 °'o Geranine G 1(1 " Glauber's salt. Discharged w^th: 4°o Auramine G. No. U. Dyed with: 4"o Direct Fast Brown B 10 ",'0 Glauber's salt. Discharged with: 4''o Auramine G. No. 10. Dyed with: 4 "0 Benzo Purpurine 10 B 10 % Glauber's salt. Discharged with: 4°o Auramine G. No. IS. Dyed with: l"« Chicago Blue B 10 "0 Glauber's salt. Discharged with: 4".) Auramine G. In dyeing raise temperature to boil in ',■> hour, boil for '. hour, run '» hour without steam, rin and dry. Afterwards print with discharge colour, steam for '. hour without pressure, and finally p.i through a cold tartar emetic bath, wash and dry. Ycll«)w Di.schan;c. 8 oz. or 40 grms 14 oz. 1 pint '• pint 1 ' 4 pint ■^'4 pints 2 lbs. 1 ','4 pints 4 oz. 70 100 70 140 •250 ICill 1.50 20 1000 grms. Auramine G wheat starch acetic acid 9° Tw. (30 "o) water gum water 1 : 1 acetate of tin 32° Tw. tin crystals solution of tannic and acetic acid 1 : 1 citric acid powder (irccn Di.schartic. oz. or 15 grms. Auramine G 3 oz. , , 15 14 oz. , , 70 1 pint , , 100 r,'4 pints , , 120 r. pints , , 140 2 ','4 pints , , 250 1"» lbs. , , 1-20 r,'4 pints , , 1.50 4 oz. Brilliant Green crystals wheat starch acetic acid 9° Tw. (;30 %) water gum water 1 : 1 acetate of tin 32" Tw. tin crystals solution of tannic and acill acid 1 : 1 citric acid powder 1000 grms. 94 b. Silk Priutiug. The following Benzidine Dyestuflfs can be printed on silk goods: Red Dyestuffs : Benzo Purpurine i B Brilliant Geranine B Delta Purpurine 5 B Rose Azurine B. Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R Chloraniine Orange G Congo Orange G, R. Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloraniine Yellow Chrysophenine. Blue Dyestuffs : Benzo Azurine G Benzo Sky Blue. Violet Dyestuffs: Heliotrope B B (red violet) Brown Dyestuffs : Congo Corinth G, B. Grey Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Grey^ The Benzidine dyestufts can also be used for direct printing on silk. No. 1. Printed with : Boil 4 oz. or 20 grnis. Heliotrope B B 3','. lbs. „ 300 „ British gum 6 ','9 pints „ ()60 ,, water, and then add 4 oz. ,. 20 .. phosphate of soda lOOO grnis. No. 2. Printed with : Boil: 4 oz. or 20 grms. Brilliant Geranine B S'^'i lbs. „ 300 ., British gum and 6', a pints „ 660 „ water, and then add 4 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda 1000 grms. Steam lor 1 hour without pressure, wash and dry. k 95 Silk Discharge Printing. Dyed on silk tlic lollowing Benzidine dyestufts can be discharged with zinc powdei Red Dyestuffs: Henzo Purpuiine i B, 4 B Brilliant Gcraninc B Geranine G Rose Azurine G. Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange K Congo Orange G, R. Yellow Dyestuffs: Clirysaniine G Clirysophenine. Green Dyestuffs: Benzo Olive (yellow). Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Blue 2 B, B X Benzo Chrome Black Blue B Benzo Cyanine B, R Benzo Cyanine 3 B Benzo Indigo Blue Brilliant Azurine 5 G Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Diazo Blue (|3-Naphtol| Sulphon Azurine D (yellow). Violet Dyestuffs: Azo Violet Heliotrope B B. Brown Dyestuffs: Congo Corinth B, G. Grey Dyestuffs: Benzo Grey S extra (ycKow). Black Dyestuffs: 'Benzo Black S extra 1 yellow) Dia^o Blue Black B (yellowish) Diazo Brilliant Black B (_3-Naphtol) Diazo Brilliant Black R ([j-Naphtolj Diazo Blairk R (|j-.\aphtol| Direct Blue Black B (vellowish) No. 3. Dyed with: S'/o Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B (boiled oft' liquor and acetic acid). Uischnrged with : zinc powder and bisulphite of soda as given on page 42. Steam for ': hour without pressure, give a slight sour, wash and drj'. No. 4. Dyed with: "i ", I' Congo Corinth G (boiled oft" liquor and acetic acid). Dis:harged with : Dissolve: 3 oz. or (i grms. Methylene Blue B B in 2' » pints „ 9-t „ water and (5' 1 pints „ 300 „ gum water 1:1; and when cold add 1(1 lbs. „ 3211 „ zinc powder; then add slowly 5"/. pints „ 280 ,. bisulphite of soda (i('>" 1000 2:rms. Tw. After printing steam for ' « \v^ur without pressure, wash and dry. 9t3 silk Printing. (Direct Printing). l>riutc';o Benzo Mrauge R. Printed nilh: 3 ' , Brilliant Bcnzo Blue 6 B. (Yarn Discliarge Printing). W^W Dyed wilb: ^■•\, tieraiiine «: l>i!ivliarj;ed Uycd Willi: 4»'„ Benzo Piir|Mirlne IB: Willi: 3"., Fast Acid Violet 10 B. Discharged with: ziuc powder. Half Silk Piintlni--. (Direct Printing). 9 1/ \ Printed with: «"o Beiizo Orange K. Printed with: ex/o Benzo Pur|>nrine J B. F.\RIiEXF.\BniKEN vonii. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co. ELBERFELD. 97 The following dyestuft's are not destroyed by zinc powder, and are therefore adapted for colour discharging Benzidine dyestufls dyed on silk: Red Dyestuffs: Rhoduline Red B, G Saflranine F F extra. Yellow Dyestuffs: Oiiinoline Yellow. Blue Dyestuffs : Induline B, 6 B Methylene Blue B B. Violet Dyestuffs: Rhoduline \'iolet. 93 Silk Yarn Printing. The following Benzidine Colours are adapted for printing silk yarn : Red Dyestuffs: Brilliant Geranine B. Orange Dyestuflfs : Benzo Orange R. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Skj- Blue Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B. Brown or Bordeaux Dyestuflfs : Congo Corinth G. No. 5. Orange. 4 oz. or 20 grms. Benzo Orange R dissolved in 3'/a pints „ oGO „ water, and thickened with 6 pints ,, Goo „ mucilage of traga- canth 6D : 1000 4 oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda lOUO grms. No. 6. Blue. 4 oz. or 20 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B dissolved in 3' -J pints „ 360 ,. water, and thickened with 6 pints „ 6(10 „ mucilage of traga- canth G3 : 1000 4 oz. „ 20 ,. phosphate of soda 1000 grms. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, wash and drj'. 99 Discharge Printing on Silk Yarn. Those Benzidine Dyestuffs which can be discharged with zinc powder (or tin cr>'stals> after having been dyed on silk yarn, are the same as those given on page OG for dyeing silk stufl's. No. 7. No. 8. Dyed with: Dyed with: 4 "u Geranine G. 4''a' Benzo Purpurine i B. Boil Discharged with: Discharged with: Blue Discharge. Ziiu- powder as same page 42. (.; oz. or oO grnis. Fast Acid Violet lo B 1 ',! pints „ ]0S „ water 4'/« pints „ 450 „ gum water 1 : 1 litoz. „ 4S „ wheat starch .") oz. „ 21 „ dextrine and 1 i)int ,. ](() „ water, and then add I pint „ 120 „ acetate of tin o2° Tw. 12 oz. „ tjQ „ till crystals lUUO grms. Steam for '4 hmir without pressure, wash a:ul drj'. The rolldwiiii; undischargeable dyestuffs arc adapted for colour discharges with tin on silk yarn dyed with dischargeable Benzidine colours : Red Dyesluffs : Saffranine F F extra. Yellow Dyestuffs: .\uraminc II (Jiiinolinc Yellow. Green Dyestuffs: Brilliant Green crystals Fast Green bluish Fast Green extra bluish Fast Light Green Acid Green G G, B B N, 3 B. Blue Dyestuffs: Fast Acid Blue B Fast Acid Violet 10 B. i Violet Dyestuffs: Methyl Violets Acid Violets. 100 The following Benzidine Dj'estuft's dyed on silk are fast to milling: Red Dyestuffs: Diazo Bordeaux (Developer A) Rose Azurine G, B. Yellow PR (Developer A) Orange Dyestuffs: Chloramine Orange G Yellow PR (Developer F) Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloramine Yellow Direct Yellow R. Blue Dyestuffs: Brilliant Azurine 5 G Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Diazurine B (Developer A) Diazo Blue (Developer A) Diazo Red Blue 3R (Developer A) Sulphon Azurine D. Violet Dyestuffs: Heliotrope. Brown Dyestuffs : Chloramine Brown G. Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developed with soda) Diazo Brown G, V (Developer A) Diazo Brown R extra (Developed with soda) Diazo Brown R extra (Developer H) Diazo Brown R extra (chromed and coppered)- Black Dyestuffs : Benzo Fast Black (Developer A) Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developer B) Diazo Blue Black (Developer A) Diazo Black R, G, H, B (Developer A) 101 The following Benzidine Dyestuffs dyed on silk are fast to alkali (ammonia): Red Dyestuffs: Bcnzo Purpurine i B, 46,66, 10 B Brilliant Congo R Brilliant Gcranine B, 3 B Brilliant Purpurine R Delta Purpurine 5B Diazo Bordeaux (Developer A) Geraninc B B Hessian Purple N Rose Azurine G, B Yellow P R (Developer A). Orange Dyestuffs: Chloramine Orange G Mikado Orange R Toluylene Orange R. Yellow Dyestuffs: Chloramine Yellow Chrysophenine Direct Yellow R. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Black Blue G. R Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Diazo Blue (Developer A) Diazo Blue Black (undiazotised) Diazo Red Blue 3R (Developer A) Sulphon Azurine D. Violet Dyestuffs: Benzo Violet R Heliotrope Heliotrope B B. Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo Brown G, G G, B, B X, R extra Benzo Chrome Brown B. G, R Chloramine Brown G Congo Corinth G, B Diazo Brown G, V (Developer A) Diazo Brown R extra (developed with soda) Diazo Brown R extra (Developer H) Diazo Brown R extra (chromed and coppered). Toluvlene Brown B, R Black Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Black Benzo Fast Black (Developer A) Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developer Bt Diazo Blue Bla:k (Developer A) Diazo Black R, G, 11, B (Developer A). 1U2 The following Benzidine Dyestufts dyed on silk are fairly fast to water : Red Dyestuffst Benzo Purpurine i B, 4 B Brilliant Congo R Diazo Bordeaux (Developer A) Yellow PR (Developer A). Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R Chloramine Orange G Congo Orange Mikado Orange R Mikado Orange G Yellow PR (Developer F). Yellow Dyestuffs : Chloramine Yellow Chrysamine G Chrj-samine R Chrysophenine. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Azurine G Benzo Black Blue R, G Diazo Blue (Developer A) Diazo Red Blue 3R (Developer A) Diazurine B (Developer A) Sulphon Azurine D. Brown Dyestuffs : Chloramine Brown G Diazo Brown R extra (Developed with soda) Diazo Brown R extra (Developer H) Diazo Brown R extra (chromed and coppered | Diazo Brown G, V (Developer A) Diazo Brown Y Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developed with soda) Black Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Black iDeveloper A) Diazo Blue Black (Developer A) Diazo Black R, G, H, B (Developer A) Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developer B). 1D3 The following Hcnzidine Dyestiiffs dyed 0:1 silk are fast to acid (acetic acid): Red Dyestuffs: Benzo Piirpuiine i B, 4 B Brilliant Congo R Brilliant Geranine B, 3 B Brilliant IHirpurine R Delta Piirpurine 5 B Diazo Bordeaux (Developer A) Geranine B B Hessian Purple N Rose Azurine G, B Yellow PR (Developer A). Orange Dyestuffs: Congo Orange Chloraminc Orange G Mikado Orange R, G Toluylene Orange G Yellow P R (Developer F). Yellow Dyestuffs : Cliloraniine ^'ellow Chrysamine G, R Chrysophenine. Blue Dyestuffs: Benzo Azurine G Benzo Black Blue G, R Brilliant Azurine 5 G Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Diazo Blue (Developer A) Diazo Blue Black (undiazotised) Diazo Red Blue 3R (Developer A) Diazurine B (Developer A) Sulphon Azurine D. Violet Dyestuffs: Benzo \'iolet R Heliotrope Heliotrope BB Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo Brown G, G G, B, B X, R extra Benzo Chrome Brown G, R Chloraniine Brown G Diazo Brown G, V Diazo Brown G, V (Developer A) Diazo Brown R extra (Developer H) Diazo Brown R extra (Developed with soda) Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developed with Toluylene Brown R, B. [soda) Black Dyestuffs: Benzo Fast Black Benzo Fast Black (Developer A) Diazo Black R, G, H, B (Developer A) Diazo Blue Black (Developer A). Diazo Brilliant Black R, B (Developer A) 104 Half Silk Priutiiio-. The Benzidine Colours are also employed in half silk printing. The following were printed with : Boil: No. 9. 12 vz. or iM> grms. Benzo Orange R 31bs. -2oz. „ 250 „ British gum and C'.'i pints „ G70 „ water, and then add ■i oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda lUUO grms. No. 10. The same as Xo. 9 but with 12 oz. or CO grms. Benzo Purpurine i B. Table 31. No. 11. The same as No. but with 12 oz. or 60 arms. Benzo Chrome Brown B. No. 12. The same as No. 9 but with 12 oz. or GO grms. Delta Purpurine 5 B. Boil: No. 13. -t oz. or 20 grms. Geranine G 0^4 lbs. „ 300 „ Britisli gum and G','s pints „ GGO „ water, and then add -t oz. „ 20 „ phosphate of soda lOUU grms. Boil: No. U. 2 oz. or 10 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B 3". lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and G'/4 pints „ 670 „ water, and then add •i oz. „ 20 ,. phosphate of soda 1000 grms. Steam for 1 hour without pressure, wash and dry. 105 Half Silk Dyeing. The Benzidine dyestutVs are very suitable tor half silk dyeing. In their beliaviour to silk and cotton they vary considerably. Many of them dye the cotton and leave the silk undyed, whilst others dye both silk and cotton the same or different shades. Colours of the latter class dye the silk more than the cotton. They are dyed with the addition to the bath of Glauber's salt and soap. 1. The following colours djc silk and cotton equally: Benzo Purpurine 4 B, Brilliant Congo R, Brilliant Geraiiine 3 B, Delta Purpurine 5 B, Geranine G, Rose Azurine B, G. — Chrysainine G, R, Chrysophenine. — Benzo Dark Green. — Congo Corinth, Toluvlcne Brown BBO. 2. The following colours leave the silk white or almost white and dye the cotton only : Chliiranunc Orange G. — Direct Yellow R. — Benzo Sky Blue (soap), Benzo Black Blue G (soap), Benzo Blue 2 B, 3 B, Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B, Benzo Chronic Black Blue B (almost white). - Diamine Black R O. ;!. The following colours dye the silk less than the cotton (or the cotton more than the silk): Chloramine Yellow (slightly), Thiazole Yellow (almost the same). — Benzii Green G. — Benzo Blue RW (slightly), Benzo Indigo Blue (slightly). — Toluylene Brown R. The following colours dye the silk a different colour to the cotton : Azo Blue (silk redder), Benzo Azurine G (silk reddish, cotton a deeper blue). - Azo Violet (silk redder, cotton darker). — Benzo Brown B (silk redder), Benzo Chronic Brown B, G, R and 3R (silk lighter shade, somewhat yellower than the cotton). — Diamine Black BO (silk redder). lOG Half Silk Println Half .Silk i>riiile"o I>elta Piirpiiriiie -IB. 13 Hair Silk printed with : 2'^,, Geraiiiiie Ci. (DisL-harge Printing witli zinc. I U Hair Silk printed with: 1":.. Brilliant Uenzo Blue 6 B. Tolnylene Brown B B O. Chrysophenine. Delta Pnrpnrine 3B. Brilliant <;eranine 3B. Benzu Bine -i B. FARBEXF.\BRIKEX vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co., ELBERFELD. 107 Half Silk Discharge Printing. The following Benzidine dyestufts dyed on half silk can be discharged with zinc powder: Red Dyestuffs: Behzo Purpurine 4 B Brilliant Congo G and R Brilliant Geranine B, 3 B Geranine G Rose Azurine G, B. Orange Dyestuffs: Benzo Orange R Congo Orange R. Yellow Dyestuffs: Chrysaniine G, R Chrysophenine. Green Dyestuffs: Benzo Dark Green Benzo Green G Benzo Olive. Blue Dyestuffs: Azo Blue Benzo Blue 2 B. 3B, BX. R\V Benzo Azurine G Benzo Cyanine 3 B Benzo Indigo Blue Benzo Sky Blue Benzo Black Blue G Brilliant Azurine 5 G Brilliant Sulphon Azurine R Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B Sulphon Azurine D. Violet Dyestuffs: Azo Violet Heliotrope B B. Brown Dyestuffs: Benzo Brown B R, G G, B Benzo Chrome Brown B, G, R, 3 R Congo Corinth G Heliotrope Toluylene Brown B B O, R. Black Dyestuffs: Diamine Black R O, B O. 108 Discharge Printing With Zinc Powder. Colours dj-ed with dischargeable Benzidine dyestuffs can be easily discharged with zinc powder and bisulphite. Mix : White Discharaje. 12 lbs. or S33 grms. zinc powder, finely sifted 1 gallon „ 33-3 „ gum water 1:1, cool down with ice, and add gradually 7' 4 pints „ 331 „ bisulphite cf soda G6° Tw. UiOO grms. Print on with a brush furnisher, steam for ','■ sour, wash and dr\-. ■1 hour without pressure, give a weak No. 1. 4 "/u Congo Corinth G lO'/u Glauber's salt 2 "," soap. Dye for 1 hour at l[t.j° Faht. No. 3. 2 °, Chrysophenine 10 "I'o Glauber's salt 2 % soap. No. 2. 4 "I'o Toluylene Brown B B O 10 "lO Glauber's salt 2 7o soap. No. 4. 4 ° u Delta Purpurlne 10% Glauber's salt 2 "/o soap. No. 5. 2% Brilliant Geranine 3B 10 Vo Glauber's salt 4 ° soap. No. 6. SVa Benzo Blue 2B 10% Glauber's salt, and later add 1 "I'o acetic acid. lO'J No. 7. 2»» Geranine G lu ° n Ghnuber's salt 4 "/o soap. N... s. 4 ",» Benzo Blue RW 10 Vo C;iauber's salt S'/o soap. • No. 9. 4 "/" Benzo Brown B 1(1 ",0 (.jauber's salt S "/o soap. No. 10. 4 ",0 Benzo Green G 10 "I'o Glauber's salt. 4 "/o soap. No. 11. 4 "/o Rose Azurine B 10 "/o Glauber's salt Ij "/o soap. No. 1-2. S'/u Benzo Sky Blue lOVo Glauber's salt. No. l:^.. 2','o New Toluylene Brown M 10 0,0 Glauber's salt 2 °/o soap. No. 14. 4 ",'0 Congo Orange R lO^u Glauber's salt 2 "/« soap. No. 15. 2% Chrysamine G 10 "o Glauber's salt 3 "io soap. Half Silk Piiiitiuir. (Discharge Printina; with zinc) Geranine O. Benzo Sky KIne. Xeir Tolnylene Brown M. Congo Orange R. Chrysamine G, FAKBEXFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER «£ Co., ELBERFELD. Ill Xvloliiie Priiitiim*. The Benzidine dycstufts can also be used for padding or printing Xyloline ( ■■■ttin and paper). Padding. No. 1. 1 oz. or .")0 grms. Chloramine Yellow yi'.t galls. „ UK) litres water 2 oz. „ 100 grms. phosphate of soda. No. 3. 1 oz. or 50 grms. Heliotrope B B 12'. galls. ^ 100 litres water 2 oz. „ 100 grms. phosphate of soda. No. :.'. 1 oz. or 50 grms. Geranine G 12 V I galls. „ ICO litres water 2 oz. „ 100 grms. phosphate of soda. No. i. 1 oz. or .W grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B 12',! galls. , 100 litres water 2 oz. .. 100 grms. phosphate of soda. Pad on the slop padding machine. Printing. No. o Orange. 1 '/s pints or 1.50 grms. Print colour X S's pints . 850 . mucilage of tragacanth 05:1000 1000 grms. Print Colour X. Boil: 8 oz. or 40 grms. Congo Orange G 1 lb. „ 80 .. wheat starch and *- 8's pints „ 8fiO „ water, and then add 4 oz. , 20 „ phosphate of soda ICKX) grms. No. C. Blue. The same as Xo. 5 but with 8 oz. or 40 grms. Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. No. 8. Brown. The same as Xo. .". but with 8 oz. or 40 grms. Benzo Chrome Brown B No. 7. Violet. The same as Xo. 5 but with 8 oz. or 40 grms. Benzo Violet R. No. 9. Pink. The same as Xo. ."> but with S oz. or 40 grms. Geranine G. Steam for 'is hour without pressure. 112 Xyloline Printing. (Padded). Heliotrope B B Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B. (Printed). Congo Orange 6. Ill I I 1 fit I I 1 I n ff""T( Brilliant Benmo Bine 6B. Benzo Violet R. Benzo Chrome Broivu B. (lierauine U. F.\RBEXFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. B.WER & Co., ELUERFELD. 113 Supplement. Wool Silk Printing. Many Benzidine Dyestufts are further well adapted for dyeing mixed goods of wool and silk for ili< -liarsie purposes. No. 1. Dye witii : 2 "io Chrysophenine ■JU"," Glauber's salt and boil for 1 hour. Steam for ' i hour without pressure, wash and drj'. Discharge with : t) oz. or "0 grms. Acid Violet 6B dissolved in 1'. pints „ 170 „ water, thickened with .'« pints „ 600 „ gum water 1:1, and then add T» lbs. „ 200 ,. tin crystals lOlO grms. The following dyestuffs are suitable for colour discharging with tin crystals: Eosine S extra (yellowish), Ouinoline Yellow, Acid Green G G, Fast Acid Blue B etc. Dye with : 2 ",'" Benzo Chrome Brown R 2n°,u Glauber's s.nlt. and bod for 1 hour. I>';j Steam D ischarge with : J oz. or 15 :allon „ 85 grms. Methylene Blue BB water, thickened with pints „ 300 lbs. , 320 " gum water 1:1, warm and then add zinc powder, and add pints „ 280 gradually, cooling down with ice, bisulphite of soda 72° Tw. lOUO grms. for 1 hour without pressure, wash and dry. No. 3. Dye with: 2°,u Congo Orange R 211" Glauber's salt. Boil for 1 hour. Discharge with : 1.") oz. or 30 grms. Rhoduliiie Violet stirred up with 75 „ water, thickened with 300 „ gum water 1:1, warm, and then add 32" „ zinc powder; finally add gradually after cooling with ice bisulphite of soda 72° Tw. 11'. pints 0' . Dints 10 lbs. 5 pints „ 280 Treatment same as in No. 2 The following colours can also be similarly employed for dyeing and discharging white: Benzo Chronic Brown G, B, Direct P'ast Brown B. Toluylcne Brown B, Direct Blue Black N, Diazo Blue Black, Brilliant Geranine B, Geranine G, Delta Purpurinc 5 B, Benzo Olive, Benzo Sky Blue, Benzo Violet R etc. Linen Printing. The Benzidine DyestutVs are also sometimes used for printing linen. No. 4. Boil: 6 oz. or 30 grms. Chrysophenine 3";. lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and G'/i pints „ 670 „ water No. 5. Boil: S oz. or 40 grms. Brilliant Congo R 3*4 lbs. „ 300 „ British gum and G',« pints „ (i(>0 ,. water 1000 grms. lUOO grms. Print tlic linen and then steam fo:- 1 hour without pressure. in AVooI Silk Printiiu {Discharge Printing). Dyed with: 3% Clirysophenine ; discbar§rer/^lm> Cf>». r^ll^ ■\7v''itlic-a.t 0-a.axa.n.tee. lit) Contents. Preface Cotton Printing: Slop Padding Direct Printing Macliine Padding Dyeing after Printing Dyeing before Printing Printing basic dyestuffs without tannic acid Page 8 5 5-11 12-15 lG-17 18-19 20 . 20 Bronze Printing 22— ''o Discharge Printing with tin crystals 24—29 Colour Discharge Printing with tin crystals . . . 30-39 Dyestuffs not dischargeable by tin 40 Discharge Printing with zinc powder 41—43 Dyestuffs not dischargeable by zinc powder .... 44 Colour Discharging with zinc powder 45 Colour Discharge Printing with oxidising agents ... 46 Discharge Printing on Aniline Black .50-53 Discharge Printing on basic colours 52 Jantsch's process 55 Pluszanski's process Discharging with oxidising agents .... Mercerising Zinc white Printing Linings slop-padded Finishing patterns Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to acid . Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to alkali Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to ironing Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to chlorine Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fastest to light Cotton Yarn Printing 77 — 79 Cotton Yarn Discharge Printing 78-81 Cotton Yarn mercerised 81— S'"* 56-57 57-59 60-65 66-67 68-69 71-73 70 117 >V(»(il I'riiitiiii,' ^^ Wool Stufi" Printing 84-85 Wool Yarn Printing 85—86 Slabbing Printing 85—89 Half Wool riiiitiiic; -^'^ Hall" Wool StufV Priming W-91 Half Wool Dyeing 9- Ilall" Wool Dis:harge Printing 93-94 b Silk Printing ^5 Silk Stuff Printing 95-07 Silk Discharge Printing 9i3-97 Colour Discharges with zinc powiler ...... 98 Silk Yarn Printing 99 .Silk Yam Discharge Printing 100 'I'ables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to milling . . .101 Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to alkalies . . .102 Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to water 100 Tables of the Benzidine Dyestuffs fast to acid .... lii+ Half Silk Printing lo5 Half Silk Stuff Printing 97, 105, In? Half Silk Dyeing 106 Half Silk Discharge Printing 108 Discharge Printing with zinc Iu9 — 111 Wool and Silk 114-115 Linen Printing 114-115 Xylolinc Printing 112-113 Contents 117-1 IS Index 119-121 Dyestuffs for Cotton Printing 122 Dyestuffs for Wool and Half Wool Printing . . . .123 Dyestuffs for Silk and Half Silk Printing 124 lis lnde:it. Aoetine Blue 52, 53 Acid Green BBN 100 Acid Green GG 100, lU Acid Green 3 B 92, 100 Acid Violet H W 92 Acid Violets 100 Acid Violet 6 8 lU. 115 Alizarine Red BO Alizarine Red S X extra 7 Alizarine Red SXX 71 Alizarine Bordeaux 47. 49 Alizarine Cyanine Black G . . . . 48, 49 Alizarine Viridiue 47, 49 Alkali Blue 6 B .92 Alkali Violet R 92 Alpha Naphtylamine 10, 55. 57 Aluminium 22, 23 Anili: Black Auramine G Auraroine II 7. 9, 15, IS, 19, 20, 21. 28, 49. 52, 53, BB. 57, 61 31, 33, 35, 36, 63, 65, 60, 81, 91. 94 30, 31, 35, 36, 53. fO, 81, 91, 91. 100 Azo Blue 12, 24, 41, 106, lOS Azo Violet .... 12, 20, 21, 21, 35, 36, 41, 42, 43, 58, 60, 61, 62, 70, 96, 106, 108 Benzidine ... 10 Benzo Azurino G 12. 20, 21. 24, 41, 58, 70, 76, 83, 92, 95 102, 104, 106, lOS Benzo Azurine R . . . . Benzo Azurine 3 G . .24, 35, 36, Benzo Blue B X 22, 23. 24, 41, 57, 58, i Benzo Blue 2B B Benzo Brown B X Benzo Bro^ vn BR . Benzo Bro xn G Benzo Bro »n GG 12 Benzo Bro vn N B 12 Benzo Brown R extra Benzo Bro^ vn NBX Benzo Brown X B R Benzo Brown 5R Benzo Chrome Brown B S3, 41, 68, 60, 68, . 12. 24. 41, 76 41, 68. 70, 76, 92 )9, 70, 72, 80, 81. 92 96. lOS 70. 72. 77. 83. 92 24. 36, 36, 41, 58, 70. 96. 106, 107, 108, 109 Benzo Blue 3 B 6, 14, 15, 24, 41, 58, 70, 72, 83, 92. 106, 103 Benzo Blue R W 12, 18. 19, 24, 31, 33, 41. 58, 70, 72. 76, 92 106, 108. 110, 111 Benzo Blue 2R 24, 41 Benzo BLue 4R 21, 41 12, 24, 41, 46, 58, 60, 70, 72, 102 104, lOB, 103, 110, 111 6, 0, 7, 24, 41, 42, 43, 46, 58. 70 102. 104 5, 24. 46. 68. 70, 108 5, 24, 46, 58, 72, 102, 104 24, 34, 35, 46. 68, 102. 104, 108 12. 14, 15, 24, 37, 41, 46. 58. 63, 65 6, 24, 41, 46. 58, 102, 104 . 5, 24, 41. 46, 58, 92 . 24, 41. 46. 92 5, 40, 46. 58, 72 6, 12, 22, 23, 24. 28, 29, 32 72, 76, 80. 81. 91. 92, 94, 102 105. 106, 107. lOS, 112. 113, 114 Benzo Chrome Brown G 5, 6, 7, 12. 14. 15. 24, 26, 27, 41, 58, 60, 63, 65, 68, 69, 76, 80, 81, 91. 92, 94 102, 104, 106, 108, 114 Page Benzo Chrome Brown R 5, 12, 16. 17. 22, 23. 23, 29, 41, 58, 60, 76, 92, 102, 104, 106. 108. 114, 115 Benzo Chrome Brown 3K . . 24, 41, 92. 106. 108 Benzo Chrome Brown 5 G .... 24,41 Benzo Chrome Black N . . 24. 40, 41, 44, 70 Benzo Chrome Black Blue B 5, 16. 17, 18, 19, 22 23, 24, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43. 68, CO, 66. 67. 70. 72. 76. 80 81 92. 96, 106 Benzo Cyanine B 5. 8, 9. 24. 41, 42. 43, 58, 60, 70. 72, 92, 96 Benzo Cyanine 2 B 72.96 Benzo Cyanine 3 B. 5, 12, 24 38, 39, 41. 58, 60. 70, 72. 96, 103 Benzo Cyanine R . . . 5. 21, 41, 58, 60, 70, 72 Benzo Dark Brown . . . 5, 24, 41. 58, 92 Benzo Dark Green 92, 106, 1C8 Benzo Fast Grey . . . 24 41. 58. 70, 74, 96 Benzo Fast Red 46 Benzo Fast Black 5, 8, U, 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29, 35, 86, 41, 58, 64, 65. 70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 101, 102, 103. 101 Benzo Grey 24. 41, 42, 43, 95 Benzo Grey S extra . 24, 32, 33, 41, 53, 60, 95, 96 Benzo Green B B . . . . 5. 24, 41. 58, 70, 72 Benzo Green G 5. 8. 9, 10, 11, 14. 15, 16, 17, 22. 23. 24 23. 29, 32, 33, 41, 58, 70. 72, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 92 106, 108, 110, HI Benzo Indigo Blue . 24, 41, 58, 70, 72, 76, 96, 106, 1C8 Benzo Navy Blue B . . 24, 41, 58, 70, 72, 76 Benzo Nitrol Brown G . .10, 18, 19, 64, 65, 70, 72 Benzo Nitrol Brown 2R 70 Benzo Nitrol Dark Brown N .... 10 Benzo Olive 5, 12, 24, 37. 41. 42, 43, 58, 70. 74, 76. 92, 96, 108 114 Benzo Orange R 5, 12, 21, 41, 68, 60. 77, 83, 84, 85 92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 103 Benzo Purpurine IB 5, 12, 21, 37, 41, 70, 72, 83. 93 96, 97, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105 Benzo Purpurine 4 B 6, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 31. 33, 37. 38, 39, 41, 51, 52. 63, 58, 60, 64, 66, 67, 72 71, 77, 79, 81, 82, 81, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92, 96, 102, 103 103, 108 Benzo Purpurine 6 B . . .12. 21, 41, 72. 102 Benzo Purpurine 10 B . 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 37, 38, 39, 41 58, 60, 72, 92, 102 Benzo Sky Blue 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 21. 24 35. 36, 37, 41. 46. 51, 62, 53, 54, 55, 67, 68, 60, 66. 67, 70 72, 77 78, 79, 83, 81, a5. 90, 92, 99, 106, 108, 110. Ill, 114 Benzo Sky Blue 4 B . . . . 5. 24, 41, 95 Benzo Red Blue G 21, 41 Benzo Red Blue R 24, 41 Benzo Black 21, 41 Benzo Black S extra ... 24. 41, 72, 9.5, 96 Benzo Black Blue G 5, 24, 41, 58, 60, 70. 72. 76, 92 102, 103, 104, 106. 108 Benzo Black Blue 5 G 5. 6, 7, 24. 26, 27, 37, 41 58. 60, 70, 72, 76 Benzo Black Blue R 5, 24, 41, 53, 70. 72, 76, 92 102. 103, 104 119 Pit ice B.'iiio Black Brown . . 24, 41, 0% TO, Ti, 92 Bbdio Violet H B, 6. 7. 8, 9. 12. 1», 15. 16, 17, 22. 23 21, 2i 29. 41. 08, C3, 05. 70, 79. 102, 101, 112, 113, 114 BetH X»i>btol 55 Bismarck Brown 51 Krilli^tut Alizarine Blue D in pnste . 48. 49 Brilliant Aliiurino Blue SD ... 49,50 Brilliant Azurloe B . .5. 24. 26. 27. 41. 58, 70. 92 Brilliant Azurine BG B,24. 28, 29. 84, 3.\11. Ba 70. 76. 95 96, 101. 101. loe Brilliant Benzo Blue 6 B 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, IB 16, 17. 19. 19. 20, 21. 22, 23. 24. 26. 27. 41. 56. 57, 58. B9 80, 61, 62. 63, 05. 70. 72. 76, fO, 81, 82. 91. 62. 93 96. 97, 99. 105. 106, 107, 108. 112. 113 Brilliant Congo G . .12. 21, 41, 58. 60. 70, 72. 103 Brilliant Congo E 21, 41, 70, 72, 87, 88, 89. 101, 103 104. 106. 1C8. 114, 115 Brilliant Gcranine B 10, U, 12, 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 21, 32, S3. 41. 46, B2. B3, 58, 60. 63. 65. 66, 67. 68, 69 70! 72. 75, 7d, 81. 82. 83, 67. 68. 89, SO. 91. 9J, 96. 97 99, 101. 102. 103. 108. Ill Brilliant Geranine 3B 12. 24. 41. .'iS, 60. 70. 72, In. 76 83, 92. 101. 102. 103. 106, 107. 108. 109 Brilliant Green 20, 21, 30, 31. 33, 34, 35. 37. 38. 89, B3 63, 65, 80. 61, 91, 94. 100 Brilliant Orange G 24, 41 Brilliant Purpurine U . 21. 41. 42. 43, 58. 60 61, 62 102. 104 Brilliant Rhoauline lied BD . 30. 35 36. 44 Brilliant Sulphon Azurine H 5. 24. 41, 65, 66. 87. 95. X. 101, 1C2. 101. 108 Brilliant Yellow 5 Bronze Prints 22. 23 Chicaeo Blue B 21, 41, 58. 72, 92 Chicago Blue R .... 24, 41. 58. 7J. 92 Chloramine Brown G 5, 12, 21, 41. 60. 70, 72. 71 7.). 76. 87, 88, 89. 101. 102 103. 101 Chloramine Yellow 5. 7. 8, 9. 10. U, 12. 13, 15. 40. 44 45, 46, 47, 49. 51, 52, 53. 60, 61, 62, 67, 68. 69, 70, 72 74, 75, 76, 77, 83. 87, 88, 69, 92, 95, 101. lOa 103. 104 105. H2, 113 Chloramine Orange G B, 8, 9. 24, 41, 46, 47, 49. 52. 60 70. 72, 71, 75, 92, 95, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106 Chromate ol lead 57. 59 Chrome Blue 30 Chrysamine G 5, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19. 41. 70. 71. 72, 73. 76. 92, 98 10:i, 101. 106. 103 Chrysamine R 5. 12. 41. 92, 103, 104, 106, lOS. 110. Ill Chrysamine G S 41 Chrysamine R S . . .... 41 Chrysophenine B, 10, 11, 13. 17, 18, 19. 20. 21,21,28,29 38. 39, 41. 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, BS. 60. 70. 72. 74 75, 76, 83, 85, 86, 87 90, 91, 92. 93. 95, 96. 102, 103 101, 107. 109. 109. 114, 115 Chrysophenine GS 41 Cochineal Scarlet PS 92 Celestine Blue 30 Congo Corinth B ... 24. 41. 95. 96, 97. 102 Congo Corinth G 5. 12. 21, 26. 27, 41, 58. 60. 72, 92 9.'>. 98, 97, 99. 102. 106. 107. 108. 109 Congo Orange G 5, 12, 13, 15. 16. 17, 18, 19. 21, 28, 29 33, 41. 46. 48. 49, BO. B8. 60, 61. 62. 64. 65, 70, 72, 71 79. 83, 6B, 86. 88, 89. 90. 91, 92. 96, 103. 104. 112 113 Congo Orange R 20, 21. 24. 42. 43. 46. B8, 70. 72. 74 91, 93, 108. 110, 111. 111. 115 Congo Red 24, 41, B8. 72. 92 Congo Red G 21, 41 Congo Red 4 R 12.24.41 Congo Red QR 41 Page Congo Ruhine 24. 41, 60, 72. 92 Croceine Scarlet ,8B 92 Curoumine S . . . .40. 41. 44. 87. 68. 89. 92 Carcnmine W 24. 41. 87. 8a 69 Delia Purpurine B B .24. 41, 69, 60. 70. 72, 63, 87 92. 95. 102. 101. 105. 106. 107. 103. lit Delta Purpurine 7 B .... 21. 41, 70 Delta Purpuiine G 24. 41 Diamond Fuchsine 20. 21 Diamine Rod B 24 41 Diamine Red 3 B 24, 41 Diamine Black BO 106. 108 Diamine Black R O 100, 108 Dianijidine 10 Diazo Blue . . 21. 26. 27, 31, 8:1. 41. Ba 70. 96 101, 102, 103, 101 Diuzo Blue 3 n 21, 41, 70 Diazo Blue Black B, 21. 41. Ba 70, 72. 71, 92. 95. 96 101. U2. 103. 101. 114 Diazo Bordeaux ... 40. 101, 102, 103, 101 Diazo Brown G 24. 41, Ba 70 72. 74. 101, 102. 10), 101 Diazo Brown R extra . B, B8, 72. 101, 102. 103, 101 Diazo Brown V . . . . 101. 102. 103, 101 Diazo Brilliant Black B 24. 41, B8, 72, 74. 9B. 96 101. 102. 103. 101 Diazo Brilliant Black R . 41, Ba 72, 71. 95. 96 101. 10:i. 104 Diazo Navy Blue 3 B . . 21, 41, 72 Diazo Indigo Blue B . . . . 24. 41. 70 Diazo Red Blue 3R 24, 41, 92. 101. 102. 103. 104 Diazo Black B . . . 5. 21. 37. 41. 70. 72. 74. 92 101, 102. lO.i, 104 Diazo Black BUN 21. 41, 57. 58. 59. 60. 72, 71. 9i 101 Dia?o Black 3 B ... 21, 41. n% 70. 72. 71 Diazo Black G 102, 103, 101 Diazo Black H ... 40. 101. 102 103. 104 Diazo Black R . . . 24. 41. 58, 70. 72, 71. 92. 95 101. 102. 103. 101 Diazo Black R extra . 24. 41. 5a 70. 72 74 Diazo Violet 24. 41. 70. 72 Diazurine B . . . . 21. 41. 101. Ittl. 101 Direct Blue Blaok B . 10, 12, 13, 21. 26, 27, 41 58, 60, 70, 72. 71. 92. 95. 96 Direct Blue Black N . 24, 41, 70, 72, 74. 92, 111 Direct Bronze Brown , . . B, 21, 41. B8, 72 Diiect Deep Black E . . . .24. 41, 70, 72 Direct Deep Black E extra . . 24. 41, 70. 72 Direct Deep Black G 24, 41, 68. CO. 70. 72. 91. 92. 91 Direct Deep Black R . . . 21, 41. 70, 72, 92 Direct Deep Black R W . . . 21. 70 Direct Deep Black T 12. 24, 31, 33, 41. Ba 60. 61. 62. 68. 65. 70, 72, 74 Direct Deep Black T N 21 Direct Fast Brown B . B, 10, 24, 11, &a 72. 92, 114 Direct Fast Brown G G . . . 5. 24. 41. 72 Direct Yellow R 5. 40, 11. 60, 70, 72. 75. 92, 101, 102. 106 Developing baths 26. 31 Developer ES 10 Emerald Green 51 Eosine H* Fast Acid Blue B 100. Ill Fast Acid Violet 10 B 97. 100 Fast Black 15. 16. 17. 32, 83 Fast Green bluish, extra bluish ... ICO Fast Light Green 100 Ferrocyanide Blue 30 Geranine B B . 21 3a 39, 41, Ba 76, 87. 102. 104 120 Page Gernniiie G B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 16. 17. 20. 21. 24. 26 27. 37, 41, 46, 4S, 49. 50. 51. 53. 58, 60. 61 6i, 70, 72, 74. 75. 76. 77, 78. 79. 83. 84, 85 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 100, 105 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112. 113, 114 Heliotrope 24. 41, 72. 101, 102. 108 Heliotrope B B 5, 18, 19, 24. 34, 35, .37. 41. 52. 58, 67 70, 83, 95, 96, 97, 1C2. 101. 108. 112, 113 Hessian Brilliant Purple B .... 41 Hessian Brown B 5. 40. 41 Hessian Brown B B 5 Hessian Brown MM 5 Hessian Purple B . . ... 41. 92 Hessian Purple N B 41 Hessian Purple N . . . 24. 41. 92. 102. 104 Hessian Yellow 41 Ice Black 10, 11 Ine Blue 10, 11 Ice Bouieaux 10, 11, 55 Ice Red 10, 11 Indian Yellow G 92 Indigo 49, 68. 69 Indaline B 98 Indalice 6 B 98 Imperial Green GI 54 Katigene Black Brown . . . .40 44, 58 l^azuline Blue R .92 Logwood Black 39, 89 MercerisationsTa'bles of i lie Benzidine Colours 60 Methylene Blue B B . .20, 21, 80, 37. 39, "9, 45. 95. 96. 97. 98, 114. 115 Methyl Green 54 Methyl Violet 37 Methyl Violet IB 54 Methyl Violet 2B .... Methyl Violet 6 B Miiado Brown B . . . 24. 41. 58. 70. 72. 74 Mikado Brown G 21. 41 Mikado Orange 5. 46. 60. 70 Mikado Orange G . . . . 72. 74, 75. 103, 104 Mikado Orange R . . . .41. 102. 103, 104 Mikado Orange 2 R 41 Mikado Orange 3 R .... 12,24,41 Mikado Orange 4 R 12.24,41 Mikado Oranse 5 R 24,41 Mikado Orange RO 41 Mikado Orange 2R0 41 Mikado Orange 3 RO 24 41 Mikado Orange 4R0 24. 41 Mikado Orange 5R0 24.41 Mikado Yellow 5. 40, 41. 60. 70. 72. 75. 76. 92 Page Orange GT . . 92 Orange T A 92 Patent Moss Green 22, 23 Persian Berry Extract 30. 55 Persian Berry Y'ellow Discharge . 31, 32, 33, 3.^ 36, 37. 57 Plato Black B . 5, 10, 22, 23. 24, 26. 27. 41, 42. 43 58. 70, 72, 74, 80, 81 Pluto Black G . . 5, 24, 41, 58, 70, 72. 74, 92 Pluto Black R . . . . 5, 24. 41. 58, 70. 72, 74 Pyronine G SO Quinoline Yellow 98, 100, 114 Red PR 40, 44. 45. 70, 72, 74 Reichgold Flora fine 22, 23 Rhodamine B 30, 54 Rhodamine G 30 Rhodamine 6 G cl2. 33. 34. 35, 56. 57, 64. 65. 80, 81. 91 93. 94 Rhodamine S so Rhoduline Red B gs Rhoduline Red G 30, 45. 98 Rhoduline Violet . HO. 31, 33. 91. 9i. 98. 114, 115 Rosazurine B 21, 41, 70, 83, 95 101, 102, 104, 106. 108, 110, 111 Rosazurine G 24. 41, 58. 70, 72, 96, 101, 102. 104, 106. 108 Rouge vil' EN (Pigment Red) ... 57. 59 Saffranine V F extra . 30, 35, 36. 45. 98. 100 Steam Black . . .... 38, 39 Sulphon Azurine D 87, 88. 89. 96, 101, 102. 103, 104. 108 Sulphon Black 9j Sulphon Blue Black .... 91, 92, 94 Sulphon Cyanine GR extra ... 91, 92. 94 Thiazole Yellow 5, 6, 7. 40, 44. Ba 60, 61, 62. 92, 105 Toluyene Brown B 5, 12, 21, 26, 27, 41, 58, 60, 70, 72 90, 92, 102. 101, 114 Tolnylene Brown B B O 5, 21. 41. .58. 72, 103, 107. 108. 109 Toluylene Brown M 5, 12. 24, 41, 58, 60, 72. 90. 92 Tolnylene Brown R 5, 12. 24, 41. 58. 60, 72. 80. 92 102, 104, 106, 108 Toluylene Orange G 10, 11, 12, 3.5, Sij, 41, 48. 60, 70 72. 74. 92. 104 Turquoise Blue li B .... 52. 53. 54 Turquoise Blue G 54 Viscose 66, 67 • Methylene Blue Toluylene Browi Victoria Blue B 3R 91. 93 . 110 111 2, 53, 51, 62 White Discharge with tin . . .25, 28, 84, 35 White Discharge with zinc powder . . 42, 43 Yellow PR . 5, 35. 36. 40, 44. 45 60, 70, 72 101, 10>, 103, 104 Y'ellow PR, developed with Developer B . 40 121 Cotton Printing. For Cotton Printing wc fiinhor recommend tlie following approved dyestuffs a. Basic Dyestuffs (with tannic acid) b. Mordant Dyestuffs (with alumina, chrome, iron, nickel, zink) c. Ice Colours. Red Dyestuffs: a. Brilliant Rhoduline Red B D in paste Diamond Fuchsine Pyronine G Rhodamine B, G, S Rhoduline Red, B, G Saftranine F F extra. b. Alizarine Red (bluish to yellowish) (alumina) Alizarine Purpurine in paste (alumina) Brilliant Chrome Red in paste (chrome) Chrome Red (chrome) Eosine (chrome) Rhodamine, B, G, S (chrome). c. Paranitraniline (^-Naphtol or N'aphtol L C). Orange Dyestuffs : b. Alizarine Orange (alumina) Alizarine Yellow R (chrome) Chrome Orange (chrome) Diamond Orange (chrome). Yellow Dyestuffs: a. Auramine 11. b. Alizarine Yellow 3G (chrome) Anthracene Yellow in paste (chrome) Chrome Yellow D (chrome) Chrome Yellow R extra in paste (chrome) Diamond Flavine in paste (chrome) Diamond Yellow in paste (chrome). Green Dyestuffs: a. Brilliant Green China Green Emerald Green Imperial Green Methyl Green Turquoise Blue B B, G. b. Alizarine Viridine (chrome) Azo Green in paste (chrome) Chrome Green (chrome) Coeruleine S (chrome). Blue Dyestuffs : a. Blue 8336 (Navy Blue) Cotton Blue I -VI Methylene Blue BB New"Blue G New Fast Blue F New Victoria Blue B Victoria Blue B. b. Alizarine Blue S, S R paste and powder (chrome, nickel, zinc) Alizarine Cyanine G, R paste (chrome) Alkali Blue (chrome) Brilliant Alizarine Blue G, R, S D, D paste (chrome) Celestine Blue B (chrome) Chrome Blue paste (chrome) Gallamine Blue (chrome) Victoria Blue B (chrome). c. Dianisidine (^^-Naphtol). Violet Dyestuffs : a. Methyl Violet 5 R to 7 B Rhoduline Violet. b. Alizarine Bordeaux B P paste (chrome) Alizarine Red I, I extra (iron) Gallcine (chrome) Gallocyanine paste. Brown and Bordeaux Dyestuffs: a. Bismarck Brown F F, F, R extra, R, M. b. Alizarine Bordeaux B P, G P paste (alumina) Alizarine Cardinal paste (alumina) Alizarine Orange (chrome) Alizarine Purpurine paste (chrome) Alizarine Red (yellow— blue shade) (chrome) Anthracene Brown GG,G,R,\V paste (chrome) Chrome lirown R paste (chrome) Chrome Bordeaux (Chrome) Chrome Bordeaux 6 B double (chrome) Chrome Prune (chrome) Chrome Rubine (chrome) Diamond Brown G (chrome) c. Alpha Naphtylamine (3-Naphtol) Benzidine (3-.\aphtol) Mononitro Benzidine (3-Naphtol). Grey Dyestuffs: a. New- Fast Grey New Grey P paste. b. Alizarine Blue Black B paste (chrome) Alizarine Cyanine Black G paste (chrome) Alizarine Fast Grey paste (chrome). Black Dyestuffs: lute Black. Alizarine Blue Black B paste (chrome) Alizarine Bordeaux B P paste (chrome) Alizarine Cyanine Black G paste (chrome) Alizarine Fast Grey paste (chrome) Chrome Black (chrome). c. Benzidine (Developer E S). Wool and Half Wool Printing. For printing wool and half wool we recommend the following approved dyestutfs a. Acid Dyestuffs b. Mordant DyestuiFs (chrome or alumina) c. Basic Dyestuffs. Red Dyestuffs: a. Acid Magenta Azo Bordeaux Azo Crimson S Azo Eosine Azo Fuchsine B, G, G extra Bordeaux B X, extra Brilliant Double Scarlet 3 R Brilliant Ponceau 5 R Carmoisine B Cochineal Scarlet P S Croceine Scarlet 2 B, 3 B X, 7 B, 10 B Double Ponceau 4 R Eosine S extra bluish (for pink) Fast Acid Magenta B Fast Red A, B T, E, N S New Coccine Orseilline B B Ponceau 3 R Rhodamine B, G (for pink) Wool Ponceau 2 R b. Alizarine Purpurine paste (alumina) Alizarine Red ItAB 20 ",'0 (alumina) Alizarine Red W powder (alumina) Anthracene Red (chrome) Cloth Red B (chrome) c. Rhoduline Rod B, G Safl'ranine F F extra. Orange Dyestuffs: a. Croceine Orange G, R Eosine S extra j'ellowish Orange II B. b. Alizarine Orange (alumina). Yellow Dyestuffs : a. Fast Yellow extra Indian Yellow G, R Metanil Yellow Naphtol Yellow S Quinoline Yellow. b. Alizarine Yellow 3 G (chrome) Anthracene Yellow (chrome) Chrome Yellow D, R extra (chrome) Diamond Flavine G (chrome). c. Auramine II. Green Dyestuffs: a. Acid Green B B, 3 B, G G Alizarine Cyanine Green K, G extra paste Fast Green bluish, yellowish Fast Green extra bluish Fast Light Green b. Alizarine Cj'anine Green G extra, E paste Chrome Green (chrome) [(chrome) Coeruleine (chrome). c. Brilliant Green Turquoise Blue G. Blue Dyestuffs : a. Alizarine Sapphirole Alkali Blue 1B-7B Azine Blue Brilliant Alizarine Cyanine G, 3 G Carmine Blue B, G Fast Acid Blue B Fast Acid Violet 10 B Fast Blue greenish Induline B, 6 B greenish Navy Blue New Patent Blue 4B. b. Alizarine Blue S, SR paste and powder Alizarine Cj-anine (chrome) [(hrome) Alizarine Sapphirole (chrome) Brilliant Alizarine Blue G, R (chrome) Brilliant Alizarine Cyanine G, 3 G (chrome) Chrome Blue (chrome) Gallamine Blue (chrome). c. Blue 8336 (Navy Blue) New Victoria Blue B Victoria Blue B Violet Dyestuffs: a. Acid Violet 3 B extra, 4 B G extra, 4 B extra, 5 B, 6 B, 8 B extra, 4 R S, 6 B N, I R extra, 2 R, 3 R. Alkali Violet R Azo Acid Violet B extra, R extra Azo Acid Violet 4R Victoria Violet 5 B. b. Celestine Blue B (chrome) Galleine (chrome). c. Methyl Violet 5R-7B. Brown Dyestuffs: a. Azo Acid Brown. b. Alizarine Cardinal (chrome) Alizarine Orange (chrome) Alizarine Red 1 1 A B 20 "/'o (chrome) Alizarine Red W powder (chrome) Anthracene Brown (chrome) Chrome Brown (chrome). c. Bismarck Brown. Grey Dyestuffs : a. Nigrosine B. c. New Fast Grey New Grey P paste. Black Dyestuffs: a. Diamond Black F Victoria Black B, G. b. Alizarine Cj-anine Black G (chrome) Alizarine Blue Black B (chrome). Alizarine Fast Grey (chrome). Jute Black B. 12.3 Silk and Half Silk Printing. For printing silk and half silk we recommend the following approved dyestuffs: a. Basic Dyestuffs (with tannic acid) b. Mordant Dyestuffs (with chrome or alumina) c. Acid Dyestuffs. Red Dyestuffs: a. Brilliant Uiiodulinc Red B D paste Diamond Kuchsine Rhodaminc B, G Rhoduline Red B G Saffranine ¥ V extra. b. Alizarine Red S X extra (alumina) .Alizarine Red W powder (alumina) Alizarine Red 1 P (alumina) Brilliant Chrome Red (chrome) Chrome Red (chrome). c. Anthracene Red .Azo Bordeaux .Azo Fuchsine G Azo Crimson S Brilliant Croceine Brilliant Double Scarlet 3R Brilliant Ponceau 5 R Carmoisine B Cochineal Scarlet P S Croceine Scarlet 3 B X, 2 B X Double Ponceau 4 R Fast Red NS Fast Acid Magenta B Imperial Scarlet 3 H New Coccine. Orange Dyestuffs: b. Alizarine Orange (alumina) Chrome Orange (chrome). Orange 11 B. Yellow Dyestuffs: a. Auraminc II. b. Anthracene Yellow (chrome) Chrome Yellow D (chrome) Chrome Yellow R extra (chrome) Diamond Flavine G (clirome) Diamond Yellow (chrome). Green Dyestuffs: a. Brilliant Green China Green Emerald Green Imperial Green Methyl Green Turquoise Blue BB, G. b. Alizarine Cyanine Green G extra (chrome) Chrome Green (chrome) Coeruleine (chrome). c. Acid Green G G Fast Green bluish Fast Green extra bluish New Patent Blue B. Blue Dyestuffs: a. Blue 8336 (Naw Blue) Methylene Blue" B B New Blue New Fast Blue F. b. Alizarine Blue S, S R paste and powder Alizarine Cyanine G G (chrome) [(chrome^ Brilliant Alizarine Blue G, S D (chrome) Chrome Blue paste (chrome). c. Azo Acid Blue 4 B Fast Acid Blue B Fast Acid X'iolet 10 B Indulinc B, 6 B Intensive Blue New Patent Blue 4B Silk Blue BES Soluble Blue red shade extra strong Sulphon .Acid Blue B, R. Violet Dyestuffs : a. Methyl Violet 5R-7H Rhoduline X'iolet. Alizarine Bordeaux B P paste (chrome) Alizarine Cyanine R paste (alumina) Chrome Violet paste (chrome) Galleine paste (chrome). c. Acid Violet 5 B, R extra, 2R, 3R Azo Acid Violet R extra Victoria Violet 5 B. Brown and Bordeaux Dyestuffs: a Bismarck Brown F, F F, R extra, R, M. b. Alizarine Bordeaux paste (alumina) Alizarine Orange (chrome) Alizarine Red II A B (rhrome) Alizarine Red \V powder (chrome) -Anthracene Brown (chrome) Chrome Bordeaux (chrome) Diamond Brown G (chrom;). Grey Dyestuffs : New Fast Grey New Grey paste. Black Dyestuffs : lute Black. Alizarine Cyanine Black G (chrome). 5- *"', 'If- -id y'^i-'^iA-^ ..•r«^>.. ^:c^s.jr:'