ft* GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES PUBLIC LIBRARIES THE RAY SOCIETY. INSTITUTED MDCCCXEIV ^.^^^_^ ^i^-^^^^ LONDON; MDUCCLXII. GLASGOW ON THE ''UBLIC Li3RAR!E! GERMINATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND FRUCTIFICATION HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA, AND ON THE FßUCTIFICATION OF THE CONIFERS. BY Dr. WILHELM HOFMEISTER. TRANSLATED BY FREDERICK CURREY, M.A., F.R.S., Sec. L.S. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE RAY SOCIETY, BY ROBERT HARDWICKE, 192, PICCADILLY. MDCCCLXII. ^ /^f/O' ■^;?j ülix-femina, Aspleniurn Bellangeri, Slndhiopteris Germanica, Nephrolepis undulata and N. splendens, 245 — 248 ; peculiarities in the growth of Aspleniurn filix-femina, 246 ; development of adventitious buds and furcation of the stem in that fern, 247 ; adventitious shoots of Slru- thiopteris Germanica, 247 ; production of adventitious buds on the frond of Aspleniurn Bellangeri, 247 ; development of runners iu Nephrolepis, 247, 248 ; vegetation of Bolypodium and Niphobolus, 248 — 251 ; two-edged form of apical cell and bilinear arrangement of fronds in Niphobolus and Pohjpodium, 248 ; not occurring in Poly- podium vulgare, 248 ; growth of P. vulgare and Bryopteris, 248 — 249 ; formation of the stipes and develo|)ment of scales in the above ferns, 249 ; development of the fronds, 249 — 251 ; scales at the base of the fronds, 251; vascular bundles and roots, 251; vegetation of Platycerium alcicorne, 251 — 254; development of the fronds, 251 — 253 ; structure of the stem and roots, 253 ; form of the apical cell, 253; vegetation of Maratlia cicutafolia, 25 4 — 256; statements of De Vriese and Hartig on the devolojjnient of the MarattiaceJB, 254, note; form of the apical cell, 254; growth of the fronds, 254, 255; development of the Perula, 255 ; development of scales and roots, 255 ; development of new plants from fragments of Maratlia cicutafolia, 255, 256 ; development of the fruit and spores of ferns, 256, 257. Historical review : — 257 — 266; reproduction of ferns by TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE spores first indicated by Morison, 257 ; Eluhart's observation of tlie two-lobed leaf preceding the perfect fern, 257; germination of spores of ferns, first accurately observed by Kaulfuss, 257 ; sexual organs of prothallium, discovered by Bischoff, 257, 258 ; antheridia and sper- matozoids, discovered by Nägeli, 258 ; Nägeii's observation of the arcliegonia, 258 ; real nature of the archegonia first ascertained by Suminski, 258, 259; Wigand on the sexual organs of ferns, 259; observations of Hofmeister confirmatory [of Suminski's results, 260; Schacht on the archegonia and impregnation of ferns, 200, 261 ; Von Mercklin on the same subject, and his observation of the entrance of the spermatozoid into the archegonia, 261 ; Mettenius' observations, 261; Henfry on the sexual reproduction of ferns, 261 ; further statements by Hofmeister and Wigaud on the same subject, 261,262; anatomy of fern-stem, first clearly explained by Von Mohl, 262 ; Brogniart on the ramification of ferns, 262 ; his views, supported by Hofmeister and Steuzel, 262 ; opposed by Karsten and Mettenius, 263 ; views of Pringsheira and Irmisch adopted by Hof- meister, 263—266. CHAPTER VIII. EaUISETACE^ 267 {Equisetum arvense, pratense, varieffatum, hyemale, palustre, and limosum.) Growth of the stem of Equisetum, 267 — 269 ; Cramer on cell-succession in the end of the stem, 267, note ; production of the leaf, 269, 270; production of the teeth of the edge of the leaf, 270, 271 ; relation of the cells of the pith to those of the outer layers of the stem, 271 — 273 ; formation of the epidermis, 273 ; difi'erentiatiou of the vascular bundles, 273 — 275; separation of the cells of the pith, 275 ; ramifica- tion caused entirely by adventitious buds and their mode of growth, 275 — 278; formation of adventitious roots in Equiseta growing in damp situations, 278 — 280; fructification of Equisetacese, 280 — 288; development of spore-mother-cells, 281 — 286; elaters, 287 — 289; spores, 288 — 290; Sanio's observations on abnormal formation of elaters, 291 ; evolution of the spores, 291, 292 ; formation of the pro- thallium, 292, 293 ; male and female prothallia, 293 ; formation of antheridia, 293, 294; spermatozoids, 294 — 296; obstacles to the germination of Equisetacese, 296, 297; female prothallia, 297; Bis- choff's observation of antheridia and archegonia on the same prothal- lium of a. sylvaticum, 297, note; observations on the production of male and female prothallia, 297, 298 ; formation of archegonia, 298 — 300 ; impregnation, 300 ; development of the impregnated arche- gonium, 300, 301 ; development of the embryo, 301 — 303; formation of the stem, 303 ; development of adventitious buds, 303, 304. His- torical Review : — Observations of Vaucher and Agardh on the germina- tion of the spores of Equisetaceae, 304, 305 ; Bischoff's observations on the same subject, 305, 306 ; first account of the antheridia given by Thuret, 306 ; archegonia discovered by Bischoff, 306 ; observations of Milde and Hofmeister on the sexual organs of Equisetaceae, 306. XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGK OPHIOGLOSSE.E 307 Germinatiou and development of Botrychium Lunaria, Sw. : — Underground germination of this plant, 307 ; structure of the prothallia, 307, 308 ; production of antheridia and archegonia, 308 ; development of the embryo, 308, 309 ; Roper's notion of the growth of Botrychium, 309, 310; modified by Presl, Mettenius, and subsequently by Roper, 310 ; Braun on the growth of Oplnoglossum, 310; Schacht's assertion that Botrychium is reproduced only by adventitious buds, 310 ; production of fronds in Botrychium, 311, 312; Roper's observations on ramifica- tions of stems oi Botrychium in loose, sandy ground, 312, note ; vege- tation of Ophioglossum vulgatum, 312 — 315 ; development and arrange- ment of the fronds, 313, 314; form of the apical cell, 314; develop- ment of vascular bundles and roots, 314, 315 ; relation of fertile and sterile fronds, 315 ; observations of Mettenius on the germination of Ophioglossum pedu)iculosum, 315 — 317; its prothallia, 315, 316; pro- duction of antheridia and archegonia, 31G ; development of the em- bryo, 316, 317. CHAPTER X. PILULARIA GLOBULIFEKA AND MINUTA ; MARSILEA PTJBESCENS . 318 Truit of Pilularia, 318 — 321; development of spore-mother-cells, 319; formation of the macrospores, 319, 320 ; formation of the micro- spores, 320; dispersion of the spores, 321 ; germination of the macro- spores, 321, 322 ; development of the prothallium and pro-embryo, and formation of the archegonia, 322; production of spermatozoids from the microspores, 322, 323 ; development of the embryo, 323 — 325 ; structure and germination of the large spore of Marsilea pubes- cens, 325, 326 ; formation of the prothallium and archegonium, 326, 327: failure of experiments with the small spores, 327. CHAPTER XI. SALVINIA NATANS 328 Structure of the large ripe spores, 328 ; production of the prothallium, 328, 329 ; formation of the archegonia, 329, 330 ; development of the microspores and production of spermatozoids from them, 330 — 332 ; development of the impregnated archegonium and formation of the embryo, 332 — 334 ; production of vascular bundles, 334 ; infertility of prothallia kept from microsporangia, 334. Historical review: — Confusion produced in regard to the germination of Rhizocarpeaj by Schleiden's 'Grundzüge,' 335; observations of Nägeli, Mettenius, and Hofmeister on this subject, 335. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XII. PAGE ISOETES LACUSTBIS ... . 336 Importance of the study of tlie development of the IsoeteEc in botanical morphology, 336 ; peculiar phenomena in the growth of these plants indicated by Von Mohl, 336, 337 ; observations on the arrangement of the fronds of young plants, by A. Braun, 337; structure of the spore described by Mettenius, 337 ; Karl Müller's account of the germination of Iso'etes lacustris, and observations of Mettenius on the same subject, 337 ; form and structure of the microspores of Isoetes 1 lacustris, 338, 339 ; Roper and Schleiden on the supposed presence of carbonate of lime in the exosporium, 338 ; evolution of the spores, 339 ; formation of the prothallium, 339, 340 ; production of arche- gonia, 340, 341 ; microspores of Isoiiies lacustris, 341 ; production of spermatozoids by them, 341—343; observation of Mettenius on the slow motion of the spermatozoids, 342, note ; development of the embryo, 843—345 ; production of the first leaf, 345, 346; develop- ment of the scale, 347 ; formation of the sheath, 347 ; growth of the primary axis, 347 ; formation of the first root, 348, 349 ; develop- ment of subsequent roots, 350—355 ; experiments on the germina- tion of spores, 351 ; arrangement of the leaves, 354 ; structure of the stem in the germ-plant, 356; formation and development of cam- bium, 356, 357; growth of bark, 357—358; formation of roots of the second year, 358—360; ramification of the roots, 360; sub- sequent growth of the plant, 360, 361; effect of the annual renovahon of the cambial layer, 361, 362 ; scalariform arrangement of cells in the leaves, 362 ; periodicity in the production of sterile and fertile leaves in IsoHtes, 362—363; origin of the scales of the leaves, 363, 364; production of the sporangia of Isoetes lacustris, 364—367 ; spore-mother-cells, 365, 366 ; furrows of the underside of the stems in Isoetes, 367; differences of growth connected with the presence of one furrow or more under the stem, 367—370 ; re- semblance of Isoetes in its mode of reproduction to the Conifer«, 370 ; spores of Isoetes favorable to the observation of the peculiar mode of reproduction by macro- and microspores, 370, 371 ; distinction of germination of Isoiites from that of vascular cryptogams with green prothallia, 371 ; agreement of Isoetes with Lycopods, both in vegeta- tion and fructification, 371, 372 ; annually renewed cambium-layer, peculiar to Isoetes among vascular cryptogams, 372 ; general observa- tions on the stem and roots of Isoetes, 372. CHAPTER XIV. SELAGINELLA 373 Growth of the end of the stem in species of Selaginella, with 2i arrangement of leaves, 373—376 ; formation of the leaves, 376— 380; production of a flat cellular body (stipule) from the upper side of the base of the leaf, observed by R. MiUIer, 378 ; structure of the stipule, 378, 379 ; production of papilte at the margins of the leaves, 378, 379 ; furcation of the apex of the stem, 380—382 • Xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE unequal development of the forks of the stem in some species, 381 ; their equal development in others, 381, 382 ; structure of the stem, 382, 383; production of adventitious roots from the forks of the stem, 383, 384 ; production of new plants from fragments of the stem of Selaginella, 384 ; fructiferous shoots of Selaginella, 384, 385 ; produc- tion of tiie sporangia, 385—392 ; views of Bischoffand Von Mold on the nature of the sporangia of Selaginella, 387 ; differentiation of the macrosporangia and microsporangia, 387 ; development of the macro- sporangia, 387 — 389 ; production of the macrospores, 388 — 390 ; differences in certain species, 389, 390 ; development of the micro- spores ; formation of rudiments of prothallia from macrospores before the bursting of the macrosporangia, 391, 392; Mettenius on the de- velopment of the cells of the prothallium, 392, ?wte ; uncertainty as to tlie first stages of development of the prothallium, 392, 393 ; dormancy of the macrospores of Selaginella hortensis and S. Helvetica, 393 ; germination of macrospores, 393 ; formation of archegonia, 393, 394 ; production of spermatozoids from the microspores, 394, 395 ; cause of want of success in experiments on sowing spores of Selaginellcr, 295 ; only one archegonium usually impregnated on the prothallium, 395 ; development of the pro-embryo, 395, 396 ; development of the embryo, 396, 397 ; greater resemblance of Li/copoditim in its mode of growth to Polypodiacese than to Selaginella, 398 ; growth of Psilo- tum triquetrum, 398 ; remarks on the reproduction of Lycopodiacese with spores of only one kind, 398, 399 ; De Bary's observations on the spores of lycopodium inundatum, 399. Historical review : — 399. CHAPTER XV. C0XIFE11.K 400 Structure of the ovules of Coniferse, 400, 401 ; development of the pollen of the Coniferje, 401 — 406 ; peculiar cell-multi|)licatiou in the free pollen-cells of Coniferse, 404, 405 ; structure of the pollen of the Abietinese explained by Fritzsche and Schacht, 405, note ; passage of the pollen through the micropyle of the ovule to the nucleus and formation of pollen-tubes, 406 ; resemblance of the pollen of Ephedra to that of Larix, 406, note; development of the endosperm, 406 — 409 ; development of the endosperm in Taxus, 409, 410 ; production of the corpusculum in Coniferse, 410 — 414; statements of Mirbel and Spach as to the contents of the corpuscula, 414 ; development of the endosperm of Coniferse not always dependent on the contact of pollen of the same species, 414, 415 ; second penetration of the pollen-tube towards the embryo-sac, 415 — 421 ; development of free spherical cells in the ends of the pollen-tubes which reach or enter the corpusculum, 416; penetration of the pollen-tube into the corpusculum in Pinus sylvestris, 417, 418 ; in Pinus Abies, L. {Abies excdsa), 418, 419 ; in Pinus Larix, 419, 420 ; relation of the pollen-tube to the corpuscu- lum, 421 ; development of the embryo, 421 — 432 ; evolution of the impregnated germinal vesicle, 421, 422 ; Schacht on this subject, and Geleznoff on the formation of the embryo in Larix, 422, note ; rela- tion of the pollen-tube to the endosperm in Taxus baccata, 422 ; de- velopment of impregnated germinal vesicle in that species, 423 ; im- TABLE OF CONTENTS. XVU PAGE pregnation of Thuja orientalis, Juniperus communis, and /. Sahina, 424 — 426 ; evolution of the impregnated germinal-vesicle in Coniferse generally, 426, 427; production and growth of the pro-embryo, 427 — 430; non-ramification of pollen-tubes in Abietinese, 430; several cor- puscula impregnated in Taxus by the expanded end of one pollen-tube, 430 ; development of the pro-embryo in Taxus, 430 ; Hartig's obser- vations on this subject, 430, ?iote ; production of the pro-embrvo in Juniperus and Thuja, 431, 432 ; development of the embryo of Coni- ferge, 432. Historical review : — 432. CHAPTER XVI. REVIEW 434 Comparison of the development of mosses and liverworts with that of ferns, Equisetaceee, Rhizocarpese, and Lycopodiacese, 434 — 438; alternation of generations in mosses and ferns, 434, 435 ; homologies of ferns and mosses, 435; comparison with liverworts, 435; condi- tions of life in mosses, compared with vascular cryptogams, 435, 436 ; occurrence of thickenings of the cell-walls of spoiiferous generations of mosses and ferns, 436 ; want of natural foundation for the separa- tion of mosses and liverworts into only two groups, 436, 437 ; their division into four groups, 437 ; formation of the embryo of Coniferse intermediate between that of the Phsenogams and higher Cryptogams, 438, 439 ; general considerations, 439 — 441. Note on the cell-multiplication of the apex of the stem of the leafy Jungermannise 442 Explanation of the figures 443 Index 493 0\ TUE GERMINATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND FRUCTIFICATION OF THE HIGHEli CRYPTOGAMIA. CHAPTER I. ANTHOCEROS LEVIS AND PUNCTATUS. The young germ-plants as well as the adventitious shoots of Anthoceros form linear flat masses of cellular tissue, the breadth of which continually increases from back to front (PI. I, fig. 1). In the middle of the fore edge a shoot is formed, on both sides of which, in the angles between it and the adjoining parts of the fore edge, new masses of cells are rapidly protruded. These con- stitute, in the first instance, a vigorous median shoot, on the right and left of which, shoots of a more delicate nature are formed almost contemporaneously, which latter in the progress of growth unite on either side with the median shoot (PI. I, fig. 7). The new shoots formed by the amalgamation of these actively growing cellular masses unite themselves on either side to the primary shoot, which now constitutes the middle lobe of the fore edge. By the rapid elongation of the new shoots, the primary one increases in breadth, and its original semicir- cular outline (PI. I, fig. 7) assumes that of the segment of a circle (2 '). In the two indentations of the fore edge of each of the new shoots the same process is re- peated, and henceforth the regular ramification of the plant goes on in like manner. At the bottom of the 1 2 HOFMEISTER, ON two indentations exhibited by the fore edge of each shoot (which indentations arise from the amalgamation of three growing masses of cells, viz., a median shoot and two side shoots) three cellular protuberances origi- nate, first a median one, and then two side ones. They grow into one another nearly up to their fore edge, and unite on either side with the median lobe of the fore edge of the next older shoot. By further elongation they Ijecome new shoots, producing an increase in the bi-eadth of the median lobe. The ramification of the plant is therefore irregularly dichotomous, depending upon the continual formation of side shoots on cither side of a median shoot, which latter is limited in its longitudinal growth — a mode of ramification which, in the case of phacnogamous plants, has Ijeen called by Schimper " Dichassium." As the new shoots, lying in one plane, diverge from one another at angles exceeding 90°, a succession of three generations of shoots suffices to render the outline of the entire plant circular. The habit of the plant depends, for the most part, upon the extent to which the three component parts of each new shoot amalgamate longitudinally inter se and Avith the median lobe of the fore edge of the next older shoot. Where the elongation of the lower part of the new shoots begins at a late period^ there the extent of the amalga- mated growth is very considerable. This is the case with specimens of Anthoceros IcBvis grooving in sunny open fields. Here, in consequence of the perishing of the oldest shoots, those namely which originate directly from the spore, the plant usually has the appearance of an exactly circular or slightly lobed expansion of dark green, succulent cellular tissue. The extent of amalga- mation of the shoots is nuich smaller in Anihoceros punctatuSj and still less in plants of Anthoceros lavis which have grown in moist shady places or in higlier temperature (as, for instance, in pots AAdiich have been long under glass), 'ilie ramification of Anthoceros is similar to that of the Riccieae, the Marchantiea^, and several leafless Jungermanniae, as, for instance, Pellia. In Anthoceros, however, the regiüarity of the ramification THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 3 is much interrupted by the fact that individual marginal cells, and in Antltoceros pimctatus even the surface cells, become transformed into adventitious shoots. The circum- stances under which the plant grows have a decided in- fluence upon the number of the adventitious shoots which come to perfection ; and these circumstances also determine whether the growth of such shoots shall terminate at an early period, or whether, hke the mother-shoots, they shall continue to ramify and develope themselves. The latter is always the rule in Anthoceros pimctatus. It contributes much more to the crisped, distorted aspect of the plants of this species, than the perishing of the upper coverings of the air-cavities which are enclosed in their tissue. In Anthoceros lavis, ramification only takes place when the plant grows in a very moist atmosphere and in deep shade. Then A. Icevis ramifies to as great an extent as -the other species, from Avhich, however, it is decidedly distinguishable by the entire absence of air-cavities in its tissue. The flat stem of Anthoceros groAvs and elongates itself by continual division of the cells of its fore edge. These cells have the form of a three-sided prism, with one side (that, viz., which forms the fore edge) convex. These cells divide repeatedly by septa, which are inclined at angles of about 45° alternately towards the upper and under surfaces of the flat stem. In the cell constituting the fore edge (viz., the cell of the first degree), the division is repeated until the full number of cells belonging to the segment (which segment is limited in its longitudinal growth) is reached. This cell-multiplication terminates at a later period in the median line of the segment than it does at the sides. Hence it follows, that the shape assumed by each of the three lobes of the fore edge of a shoot is that of the segment of a circle. The cells of the second degree, which are distinct from the three-sided prismatic cells of the fore edge, have the form of procumbent prisms with a rhombic base. Each newly formed cell of the second degree divides immediately by a septum parallel to the free outer surface. This division is followed by that of the inner and outer daughter-cells, which takes place by means of a septum parallel to the neighbouring cell, and at right 4 HüFMElSTE«, ON angles to the free outer surfocc of the stem (PI. I, figs. 3, 4). The outer one of the cells thus formed continues to divide hy septa parallel to the free outer surface, until the cells have reached the number of ^yhich the shoot is des- tined to consist in the direction of its thickness. This nuniher (al)out thirteen) is greatest in the median line of the shoot, and diminishes to one at the sides. The arrangement of the cells of a section of the end of a growing shoot, taken through the median line at right angles to the surface, is what is called scalariform; the cells of each longitudinal moiety of the shoot are ar- ranged in roAvs parallel to one another bearing upAvards from the longitudinal axis. Each of the cell-masses which unite to form a shoot consists in its earliest stage of a single cell, situated normally at the bottom of the indentation of the fore edge of an older shoot (PL I, fig. 7), but, when des- tined to form an adventitious shoot, placed at the edge or on the surface of such older shoot. The primary division of this cell, which takes place by a septum inchned to the horizon, is followed immediately by the division of the cells of the first and second degree, by means of a longitu- dinal septum perpendicular to the surface of the stem. As the young shoot increases in length, the number of its cells, reckoned in the direction of its breadth, increases largely and continually, the cells of its fore edge dividing in like manner by longitudinal septa. Thus it happens that, as long as the shoot grows, its fore edge becomes continually Avidcr. The arrangement of the cells seen from the sur- face is fiabelliform, in rows Avhich radiate from the base of the shoot to the arcuate fore edge. In each of the cells Avhich constitute the permanent upper and under surface of the shoot, four cells are produced by duplicate cell-divi- sions, Avhich four cells lie in one plane. It follows that, in full-groAvn shoots, these superficial shells are four times smaller than the internal cells. A suppression of the final septum not unfrequently occurs in individual cells of the inner parenchyma. Some of the latter are often found which arc twice the size of the adjoining cells. The growing cells of the fore edge of young shoots con- tain a thick coating of a mucilaginous fluid rendered tur- TIIK HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 5 bid by numerous granules, and in this fluid is a spherical or slightly flattened nucleus formed of a less highly refractive substance (PL I, fig. 3). Appearances are not wanting which point to a uniformity in the process of tlie cell-multiplication with that which usually obtains in tlie more highly organized plants. The nuclei of the cells of the first and second degree appear sometimes to be under- going a manifest process of dissolution. Individual cells of the first or second degree are sometimes devoid of nuclei (PI. I, fig. 3 *). Not unfrequently two nuclei, not separated by any septum, occur in one and the same cell. The wall between the cell of the first degree and the youngest cell of the second degree is always of the greatest delicacy, so as to leave no doubt that it has only just been produced. Prom these facts it necessarily follows that the vegetative cell-multiplication in Anthoceros (as in nucleate cells gene- rally) commences by the dissolution of the primary nucleus of the cell, which is quickly followed by the formation of two secondary nuclei. Between the two new nuclei a septum is then formed, which extends through the entire cavity of the cell. In the youngest cell of the second degree, sometimes even in a cell of the first degree, there is produced near the surface of the nucleus a colouring matter consisting of numerous, immeasurably small, colom'ed particles. The particles ai'e of a pale bluish-green colour in the youngest cells ; in the next older cells they tinge the immediate neighbourhood of the nucleus (that is to say, the mass of protoplasm which surrounds it, and from which filaments radiate through the cell-cavity, PI. I, fig. 3) with a bluish verdigris colour. In rather older cells the colouring matter suddenly seems to be enclosed in a well-defined vesicular body surrounding the luicleus (PI. I, fig. 6) ; the somewhat thick, membranous peripheral layer of this body is of an intense emerald green. The less highly refractive substance of the interior of this body is of a much paler colour. At a later period nume- rous very small starch-granules are usually formed in tlic interior of the chlorophyll-bodies, and, for the most part, inside the nucleus which they surround. No other changes * See the lower cell adjoining tlic apical cell; a cell of the fourlli degree. 6 HOFMEISTER, ON of importance occur in the chlorophyll-bodies dimng the life of the cell. Anthoceros alone, therefore, amongst all known plants, exhibits the phenomenon of a single very large chlorophyll-body in each cell.* The form of it in Anthoceros lavis is (in most of the cells) globular or elhp- soidal; in the very elongated cells of older shoots it is flattened and spindle-shaped, and then often much dra^vn out at the points ; in the epidermal cells it is much flat- tened, and, when seen from above, often irregularly stellate. The normal form of the chlorophyll-bodies in Anthoceros punctatus is similar. The chlorophyll-bodies of both species are ahvays parietal in the older cells, closely attached to the mucilaginous layer clothing the inner sm-face of the cell, i. e., the primordial utricle. By treatment with a weak alkaline solution, the primordial utricle shrivels up. Tt then appears in the form of a delicate sac, to the inner wall of which the chlorophyll-body is attached (PI. I, fig. 10). In cells which already possess a fully developed chlorophyll - body, the duplication of the latter precedes the division wiiich takes place by the formation of a septum. In cells on the under or upper surface, in which division is about to take place, two separate chlorophyll-bodies are often found, each of which encloses a (secondary) nucleus (PI. I, fig. 6). In the chlorophyll-bodies of cells which are about to divide, and which bodies occupy about two thirds of the cavity of the cell, the included primary nucleus of the cell always becomes less distinct, and eventually disappears altogether. In the chlorophyll-bodies of other neighljouring cells may be seen two indisputably newly formed nuclei. The chlo- rophyll-bodies of other cells again exhibit a dark line in the ecpiator of the ellipsoidal chlorophyll-body (PI. I, fig. 14 *), the dai'k line being the side view of the dense assemblage of immeasurably small coloured particles lying in the equa- torial plane. No intermediate stages between this condition and the perfect division of the chlorophyll-body into two parts has been observed ; the one seems to follow^ imine- * In the ' Vergleichende Unters uclmngen,' p. 3, I called this body a c1iloropliyll-?T«V/e — a name whicli H. v. Mohl lias rightly objected to as inaccu- rate, inasmuch as, wiicu the chlorophyll-body has swollen and become partly dissolved by the absorption of water, uo trace of a surrounding nienibranc is visible.— 'jöo^. Zeitung,' 1855, p. 107. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 7 diately upon the other. These processes can be seen m the cells of the wall of the lower part of the young fruit Avhose cell-multiplication is in progress, and still more clearly in the epidermal cells of young shoots. It is true that in the cells of the fruit the chlorophyll-bodies are manifestly smaller than in those of the epidermis. Por this reason, however, during the process of cell -multiplication which is con- stantly going on from above downwards, no doubt can exist as to the mode of succession and the signification of the different states observed. The cells of the upper part of the young fruit contain, without exception, tivo chlorophyll- bodies. It would seem that here an ultimate division of the cells commences, but is not perfected. In the inner tissue of the stem the appearance of two chlorophyll-bodies in one cell is unusual. I once saw between two such chlo- rophyll-bodies a free nucleus ; it was united to both the chlorophyll-bodies by a thread-like filament of granular mucilage (PI. I, fig. 9). The position of the organs of fructification of Anthoceros is not confined to any definite points of the fiat stem. Both in Anthoceros lavis and in A. pimctatus, groups of archegonia and antheridia are scattered about, apparently without regidarity ; in some instances occurring in great numbers upon one shoot, in others being very sparingly distributed. The first appearance of antheridia consists in the separation from the underlying tissue of a circiüar group of about sixteen cells of the upper layer of a very young shoot. Hence arises a small lenticular cavity in the cellular tissue, which is filled with a watery fluid, and only covered by a single layer of cells* (PL III, fig. 16). Its basal cells divide by vertical, longitudinal, and transverse septa. Certain of the smaller cells which thus originate (six in number at the utmost in A. lavis, but amounting to twenty in A. pimctatus) grow into short papillce, which pro- trude into the intercellular cavity (PI. Ill, fig. 16). The dome-shaped portion, which protrudes considerably into the air- cavity, becomes separated by a septum from the primary ® Tlie large cavities in tlie interior of the cellular tissue of A. jmndatus arc also formed by the separation of cells originally in close cohesion. These usually die-shaped cavities contain at first a watery fluid, and afterwards air. 8 HOFMEISTER, ON cell-cavity. In the licmispherical cell which is thus pro- tUiced there coinmences, either immediately (Plate III, figs. 10, 17) or after the occurrence of one or two divisions of the same cell by means of horizontal septa, a series of repeated divisions of the apical cell, by means of septa in- clined in opposite directions. The cells of the second order which are thus formed are bisected by the growth of radial longitudinal septa (PI. Ill, fig. 18). There is thus produced a short clavate mass of cellular tissue, composed of four parallel longitudinal rows of cells. One of the cells of the double pair of cells adjoining its apex divides by a septum which, lying parallel to the longitudinal axis of the organ, forms with the side walls of the mother-cell an angle of 45°. Thus arises an inner cell which is sur- rounded on all sides by a simple cellular layer. The inner cell expands at the expense of the surrounding cells, the latter becoming tabular and flattened. These cells hence- forth multiply only by divisions produced by septa perpen- dicular to the free outer walls. It is probable that the munljer of the cells of the cortical tissue of the antheridia increases, but such tissue always consists of a single layer of cells, l^he inner cell, on the contrary, becomes converted, by means of a series of continued bisections, into a multi- cellular body, the cells of which become smaller in pro- portion as their number increases (PI. Ill, figs. 19, 20). In its latest stage of development, this cellular body is a spheroidal mass of very small, almost tabular cells (PI. Ill, fig. 21). Each of them contains a lenticular vesicle which almost fills the cell. The walls of the cells decay as the antheridia approach maturity. In the mean'^time, in each of the vesicles, a delicate helicoid filament of from two to three and a half turns, and composed of a substance Avhich is coloured yellowish by iodine (PI. Ill, fig. 22), forms itself into an antherozoid. At this period the cellular layer which covers the cavities in the cellular tissue of the frond, and wliich cavities are almost filled with antheridia, bursts irregularly. It often happens that in the mean time the chlorophyll-bodies have assumed a reddish-yellow colour. The same colour appears regularly and with increased in- tensity, at the approach of maturity, in the colouring par- Ij , kSTABLISHED \ THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMTA. ^1*^ iÄi )* tides of the cells of tlic covering layer of the antherioiTi^^- ' which several, to the amount of eight, are here found in one cell. The antheridia, when fully ripe, open at the apex, the cells of the covering layer parting asunder. The contents, that is to say the lenticular vesicles before men- tioned, emerge under water by degrees, and become distributed in the surrounding fluid. The vesicles begin to rotate slowly, during which the enclosed antherozoid becomes free, apparently by the gradual dissolution of the wall of the vesicle. It moves about slowly in the water, rotating slowly round the axis of its spiral. The formation of the archegonia of Anthoceros differs essentially from that of all other Hepatiae. A single string of cells, situated on the upper side of a young shoot, and directed obliquely backwards and inwards, becomes filled with granular mucilage. The cells of this row are arranged in a straight line one above another, and form part of a group of cells produced by the multiplication of an upper cell of the second degree. There is no formation of chloro- phyll-bodies in these cells (PI. I, fig. 4). The low^est of the cells of this row swells up during the time that the cells of the stem are increasing in number in the direction of its thickness, and, consequently, before the number of the cells lying between such lowest cell and the upper surface of the stem has reached its limit (PI. I, fig. 4, a). In the basal cell a free daughter-cell is formed, which, in- creasing rapidly in size, soon fills up the greater part of the mother-cell (PI. 1, fig. 16). The transverse septa Avhich divide the rest of the cells of the row from one another are then absorbed. Thus there originates a narrow open passage, filled with mucilaginous fluid, which leads into the interior of the tissue of the stem, and into the basal cell of the archegonium, which is now open above (PL I, fig. 17). Seen from above, this passage is a hexagonal opening, bounded by six cells of the epidermis, and becoming narrowed inwardly to a cylindrical canal (PI. I, fig. IS'')« By this means the spermatozoa, after their escape from the antheridium, are enabled to reach the immediate neigh- bourhood of the oval daughter-cell of the basal cell of the archegonium. 10 HOFMEISTER, ON So far all the archegonia comport themselves alike. In many, however, the further development noAv ceases. The daughter-cell which originated in the basal cell disappears. Frequently the walls of the passage leading from the basal cell outwards assume a brown colour. In other arche- gonia, Avhich in all probability have been impregnated by the entrance of the spermatozoa, the daughter-cell, as well as its nucleus, increases manifestly in size ; numerous large granules appear in the fluid in its interior (PI. I, fig. 17). The oval cell soon divides by an oblique septum (PI. I, fig. IS), upon which another septum, inclined in a contrary direction, is shortly afterwards seen (PI. I, fig. 20). In the same manner, the terminal cell divides two or three times by septa inclined in contrary directions (PI. I, fig. 19). Tlie body, which at this period consists of a few large cells, can now be easily isolated. After some time a division of the apical cell takes place by means of a septum inclined to the ideal longitudinal axis of the organ at the same angle as the previously formed' septa, but diverging from them at an angle of 90°, and cutting the under edges of the apical cell. The next septum which is formed stands opposite to this, is inclined in a contrary direction, and forms also a right angle with the two older septa of the cell. The ter- minal cell of the obtusely conical body, which now plainly constitutes the fruit-rudiment, increases by the production of a series of septa wliich collectively have the same incli- nation to the longitudinal axis of the young fruit, b\it Avhich point in four different directions, and not in two only, as heretofore. The divisions succeed one another in such a manner that the development of a septum turned towards the south is followed by that of another turned towards the north ; a septum towards the east is folloAved by one towards the west, and so on.* The form of the cell of the first degree resembles that of a three-sided prism with one of its lono; sides turned doAvnwards. The cells of the second degree have partly the form of a parallelopipcd, in so far as they originate from the division of the apical cell hy * In tlie 'Vergleichende Untersuchungen,' an erroneous statement has crept in hy a slip of the pen. The series of ecU-divisions is erroneously stated to run round the circumference of the apical cell in the course of aright-handed spinal. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 11 a septum cutting one of its sides, and parallel to one of its other sides ; and partly the form of a three-sided prism, so far as they originate from the division of the apical cell by a septum parallel to one of its short side-walls. Seen from above, the apical cell has an oblong form (PI. I, tig. 25); in a longitudinal section, it is triangular if the section is per- pendicular to the long side-walls (PL I, figs. 21 "' "' 23 *), quadrangular, on the other hand, if the section is at right angles to the shorter side-walls (PI. I, figs. 21 ''■ 23 "). Each cell of the second degree divides, soon after its pro- duction, into an inner and an outer cell, by means of a septum parallel to the chord of the arc of the free outer surface. Each of the latter cells is divided l^y a longitu- dinal septum radiating from the longitudinal axis of the fruit ; those cells adjoining to the side faces of the apical ceU being divided at an earlier period, and more repeatedly, than those adjoining the terminal faces (PI. 1, fig. 23). These divisions take place in such a manner that the cell is divided into two portions of imequal size, of which the larger portion immediately divides again by a septum parallel to the septum last formed. Eurther longitudinal divisions take place (especially in the side cells of the mass of cells wdiich is formed by the multiplication of a single cell of the second degree), in such a manner that, measured in a tangential direction, their number appears to be represented by the odd numbers, 3, 5, 7, &c. (PI. I, fig. 25). The division of those cells of the outer surface of the fruit Avhich immediately adjoin the apical cell (which division takes place by a radial longitudinal septum) is shortly folloAved by the formation of a trans- verse septunij also perpendicular to the free outer surface, but at right angles to the septum just mentioned. In the cells which originate from the smaller cells of the second degeee, the formation of the transverse septum often precedes that of the longitudinal one (PI. I, fig. 25). In the rudimentary fruit of Anthoceros, as in other growing organs, one step in the regular series of cell- divisions is often anticipated. It sometimes happens that a division takes place before the occurrence of another divi- sion which usually follows it, and yet the final arrangement 12 HOFMEISTER, ON of the entire mass of cells is not thereby materially affected. The enlargement which takes place in a direction radial to the axis of the fruit, and the cell-multiplication in the direction of the sides of the paraboloid which constitutes the apex of the rudimentary fruit, are somewhat more extensive in the cells derived from tlie wider cells of the second degree than in those derived from the narrower ones. The outline, as seen from above, of the mass of cells produced by the multiplication of each rectangular combination of four cells of the second degree, which out- line is at first elliptical, becomes consequently soon trans- formed into a circle. The innermost of the cells into whicli each cell of the second degree divides is separated by longitudinal se})ta into two halves. Immediately under the apex, the fruit- rudiment consists of four axial longitudinal rows of cells, which are covered by an almost entirely simple layer of peripheral cells (PL I, fig. 24). The fruit-rudiment in- creases in thickness and circumference by the growth of tangential longitudinal septa in the peripheral cells, which growth is always repeated in the outermost of the new cells, and alternates with the formation in the same cells of radial longitudinal septa. The cells of the base of the very young fruit-rudiment expand considerably in breadth, imd thus lay tlie foundation of the flattened spheroidal enlargement by means of which the fruit is buried in the cellular tissue of the stem (PI. I, figs. 21 '"' 22). At the period of the middle age of the fruit, the cells of this swelling not only attach themselves very firmly to the neighbouring cells of the stem, but force themselves inwards between the latter cells to some depth, becoming transformed into cylindrical, crooked papillae, comporting themselves like short radicular hairs (PI. II, fig. 5). The cells of the stem which adjoin the archegonium multiply actively in all three directions of space during the development of the fruit-rudiment. By this means the surrounding tissue keeps pace, for a considerable time, Avith the increase in size of the fruit-rudiment (PI. I, fig. 19 ; 1^1. II, fig. 1) ; afterwards it usually so far outgrows the latter, that a wide hollow space, filled with tough gelatinous THE IIICIIKU CllYrTOGAÄIIA. 13 iiintter, is formed above the young fruit, into which indi- vi(hial cells of the adjoining tissue protiiuhi in the form of jointed hairs (PL II, fig. 2). A wart-like elevation of the upper side of the flat stem denotes the spot at wdiich a fruit-rudiment lies concealed within. Owing apparently to the position of the archegonium {i. e., the young fruit), tliis excrescence is always oblique to the fore edge of the shoot. Eventually the growth of the fruit exceeds that of its covering. One of the causes of this growth is an increase in number (commencing at an early period, and continuing until the bursting of the fruit) of those cells of its lower portion which lie immediately underneath the basal enlarge- ment ; or, in other words, a continually repeated division of all the cells of one of the lower zones of cells. Another cause of the growth of the fruit is an expansion of its cells commencing at the apex of the fruit at the period when the apical cell ceases to multiply, and extending slowly to the base (PL 11, fig. 5). The fruit breaks through the arcuate lid of the surrounding cavity, and carries the decaying tissue of the lid upwards, attached to the gelati- nous mass which is accumulated above the apex of the fruit, and which is traversed by the jointed hairs now broken up into their individual cells ; it (the fruit) then a})pears above the surface of the stem, apparently sur- rounded by a sheath. The dome-shaped mass of gelatine, covered with a brownish layer of cells, is the so-called Calyptra of the earlier observers (PL 11, figs. 4, 5*). The differentiation of the parts of the internal tissue of the fruit begins shortly before the latter breaks through its covering, and proceeds from above downwards. Certain cells, forming an axile cylindrical string of from twelve to sixteen rows of cells, one above another (each now showing four cells in transverse section), cease to form horizontal septa, whilst in all the other cells at least one more such division takes place (PL II, fig. 5). This string of cells is the future colmnella. The layer of cells immediately surrounding it is that out of which the spores and elaters are developed, which extend from the columella to the wall of the fruit. In this layer the multiplication of the cells by division by horizontal septa is twice as active as 14- HOFxMEISTER, ON in other parts of the fruit. Measured vertically, one cell of the columella, or two of the wall of the fruit, are equal to at least four of the cells of the latter layer (PI. Ill, flp:. 1). The wall of the fruit is thinnest in its upper part. It con- sists there of only four layers of cells, whilst towards the base there are five such layers (PI. Ill, fig. 1), being the result of the division of the cells of the second layer (reckon- ing from without inwards) by longitudinal septa parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fruit. Those cells of the layer surrounding the columella which are destined to be the mother-cells of spores become detached from the neighboiu-ing cells, and assume a spheri- cal form. Their contents consist of finely granular })roto- plasm, and a large central transparent nucleus with a large nucleolus (PI. Ill, figs. 1, 3). Those destined to form elaters remain less developed. Their nucleus disappears ; in its place are seen two new nuclei, between wdiicli a septum is produced, dividing' the cell into two daughter- cells (PI. Ill, fig. 1 *). The same process recurs in one, sometimes in both, of the newly formed cells ; so that the fully grown elater consists of a row of three or four cells. The j)erfecting of the spore-mother-cells proceeds slowly from the upper to the lower part of the fruit. A \vell- made longitudinal section of a half-ripe fruit exhibits a graduated series of all the different states, from the fii-st separation from the neighbouring cells up to the formation of the spores. The spore-mother-cell increases rapidly in size after becoming detached from the neighboming tissue. The protoplasm in its interior divides into strings, radiating from the nucleus, and into a thin parietal layer (PI. Ill, fig. 4). Shortly afterwards an accumulation of mucilagi- nous plasma is formed close to the primary nucleus which occupies the middle point of the cell. This plasma, in Anilioceros lavis, is usually coloured green by the particles dispersed in it ; in A. p/inctatus it is colourless. 'J'his accumulation divides itself into two halves, each of which clothes one of the poles of the globular nucleus (PL III, figs. 5, 5 *). In slightly older cells, two newly formed second- ary nuclei are found near the primary nucleus, surrounded by a halo of finely granular protoplasm, fi'om which strings THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 15 of protoplasm radiate to the inner Avail of the cell (PI. Ill, fig. 6). The new nuclei, in Anthoccros lavis, usually con- sist of a greenish substance ; in A. pundatus, of a colourless substance, containing coarser particles. They doubtless orio-inatc from the fact, that each of the accumulations of protoplasm which clothe either pole of the primary nucleus, has become rolled into a balb and distinctly defined. The layer of protoplasm which surrounds each of the newly formed nuclei, often contains so many granules, that the outlines of the latter are at first completely concealed, and only become visible long after their first production. The contrary, however, is frequently the case in both species. The secondary nuclei are often without any solid substances in their interior. Sometimes they contain a single large nucleolus ; sometimes a larger number of granules, which, becoming blue with iodine, indicate the existence of starch. Late in the autumn, after the occmTence of the first frosts, each of the secondary nuclei is found, in many of the fruits, surrounded by a thin-walled, rather larger cell (PL III, fig. 15). Fruits of this kind decay without further de- velopment : their state is one of disease. In more fully developed mother-cells lying nearer to the apex of the fruit, the outlines of the secondary nuclei are hazy and less defined. Ultimately two masses of granular proto- plasm are found occupying their place, the limits of which are confluent Avith the surrounding layer of protoplasm (PI. Ill, figs. 7, 8). In the mother-cells immediately above, each of these masses is divided into two sharply defined globular balls, i. e., into two tertiary nuclei. Their position at first is ordinarily decussate (PI. Ill, fig. 9) ; at a later period, they usually group themselves in a manner answer- ing to the four corners of a tetrahedron. They are bound together by thick strings of protoplasm ; thinner strings of more finely granular, almost transparent protoplasm proceed in greater or less numbers from each nucleus to the inner wall of the cells (PI. Ill, fig. 10). Up to this point the primary nucleus of the cell has become continually more transparent and paler; now, it and its nucleolus have disappeared. Immediately thereupon the mother-cell divides into four daughter-cells ; the special-mother- cells, 16 HOFMEISTER, ON by means of six triangular septa, passing between each two miclei, and cutting each other in the middle point of the cell. The wall of the mother-cell increases manifestly in thickness from the time of the appearance of the secondary nuclei until the formation of the septa. In Anthuceros heels, it remains smooth ; in JnlJioccros punctatus it is furnished witli numerous dots {Tüpfeln); (PL III, fig. 23). The inner layers of the thickened wall are very sensitive to the action of w^ater, especially in AntJioceros Iccvis ; they swell up rapidly, and to a great extent, contracting the cavity of the cell, and compressing its contents into a small space, causing great difficulties to the observer. The affinity of the swelling layers for Avater is so remarkable, that the swelling takes place even in saturated saline solutions. Alcohol is the only medium in which it fails to occur ; it is Aery much diminished in diluted alcohol. If spore- mother-cells, in which the four tertiary nuclei are fully formed, are placed in diluted alcohol, the cell-contents first contract ; a slight swelling of the membrane of the cell then beghis, which increases in proportion as the alcohol escapes l)y evaporation from the fluid. It is now plainly aeen that it is one of the middle layers in particular of the cell-wall M'hich increases in size by absorption of water (PI. Ill, fig. 11). The outermost layer of the membrane passively follows the increase in size of the middle one, and becomes ex])anded. If pure alcohol is added, water is withdrawn from the swollen membranous layer ; the latter diminishes in size ; the outer layer of the cell- wall there- upon becomes wrinkled, inasmuch as its volume does not diriiinish in the same proportion as that of the middle layer, and its elasticity does not equal its power of ex- pansion. H. V. Mold has shown that the formation of the septa of the mother-cells progresses gradually from the j)eriphery to the centre ; and he has figured a condition in A\hich this growth has taken place to so small an extent that the yet imperfect septa have not interfered with the strings of protoplasm uniting the four tertiary nuclei.* The ]-apid swelling up of the waUs of the mother-cells prevented me for a long time from repeating this observation, which * 'Linntea,' 1836; "Vermischte Schriften," tab. iv, fig. 23. THE HIGHER CHYI'TOGAMIA. 17 is certainly of great importance with reference to cell-nuilti- plication. However, since I made the experiment of using alcohol in the observation, I found in every fruit which was submitted to dissection spore-mother-cells (situated between spore-mother-cells which were yet undivided and others which were already completely divided into four daughter- cells) the inner walls of which were traversed by the rudi- ments of the future septa, in the form of ridges protruding inwards (PI. II, fig. 12). By adding water to such a preparation, the imperfect septa are seen to be direct con- tinuations of the innermost layer of the cell-wall, which layer swells up but little in water (PL III, fig. 13), The swelling up of the inner layers of the membrane of the mother-cells has a peculiar appearance in those mother-cells in which very numerous strings of protoplasm pass from the tertiary nuclei to the cell-wall. The enlarging sub- stance of the membrane does not force these strings in- wards, but shapes them to itself and clings to them (PL III, fig. 15). The swollen substance of the membrane is manifestly less firm than that of the strings of protoplasm.''' Nevertheless, the swollen layer of the wall exhibits sharp broken edges when the cell is ruptm'ed by pressure with the covering-glass. It is only after prolonged soaking in water that the substance of the swollen layers becomes dis- integrated ; the middle layers first dissolve, and then the in- nermost ones ; the outermost layer remains behind to the last. After the walls of the special iiiothcr-cells have attained a moderate thickness, there is formed in each one of them a single spore, which, from the first moment of its membrane becoming visible, occupies the entire cavity of the mother- cell. In Aiit/ioceros jjtr?ictcäus, the prominences attached to the outer membrane of the spore exactly fill up the dots of the wall of the mother-cell. Irregularities of spore forma- tion occur in both species : occasionally two special-mother- * It was probably the observation of similar cases which led Kiitziug to the erroneous notion that the prolongations of the exosporium were hardened, thread-like prolongations of the protoplasm surrounding each of the nuclei. ('Philos. Bot.,' Leipz., 1S51, p. SGI.) The error of this view is at once mani- fest, from the fact that the exosporium of Anthoceros presents, at its first appearance, an entirely smooth outer surface. Its protuberances originate at a later period. 2 18 HOFMEISTER, ON cells and two spores only are formed in some of tlie mother- cells, in wliicli case the two spores are donblc the usual size ; this is similar to what occasionally takes place in the formation of the pollen of many phaenogams. When the upper four-üfth parts of the long cylindrical fruit have be- come tilled with ripe spores, the wall, which assumes a dark brown colour as soon as it contains ripe spores, splits lon- gitudinally into two halves, and the spores which have be- come free by the absorption of the walls of the mother-cells are dispersed. These spores are of a brownish-yellow colour in Anfhoceros Icevis, and somewhat darker in Aiiiho- ceros punctatits. Both species are also reproduced by 1)uds. These are formed in the interior of the tissue of the stem in the follow- ing manner : — The contents of individual cells of that tissue, after a slight contraction of the entire ujiper smface, become clothed with a new membrane (PL 1, tig. 11), and the new cell thus formed becomes transformed into a cellulai' body by a series of divisions following the course of those which occur in the cell-nndtiplication of young shoots (PI. I, figs. 1:2, 17). This cellular body sometimes com- mences its own independent development by the protrusion of radicular hairs, even Avhilst fully enclosed in the cellular tissue (PI. I, fig. 13). The contents of the cells of very young buds consist of colourless protoplasm ; the cells of older buds are filled with numberless small starch- gramdes, between which is seen a dark bluish-green colouring matter, composed of extremely minute particles. The buds are usually set free by the disintegration of the tissue sur- rounding them, which takes place as the stem slowly decays from back to front. If they remain very long en- closed in the tissue of the stem, a discoloration of th.; parenchyma connnences in their middle, which is followed by the breaking up of the bud into its component cells, and this latter process advancing gradually to the periphery ultimately destroys the bud. The development of the spores of Anthoceros is a process which has been the subject of very many observations (j\Iohl. sup. 'Nägeli Zeitschr. f. Botanik,' H. 2; Schacht, 'Berk Bot. Zeit.,'' 1850, 24— 26). The observers just cited agree with me as to the THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 19 facts observed in all essential points ; but there is a dif- ference of opinion as to the interpretation of these facts. Mold assnmes that the duplication of the secondary nuclei takes place by gradual constriction ;'"^" Nägeli, that it occurs by the growth of a septum bisecting the internal cavity of the secondary nucleus of the first order, and by the subse- quent differentiation of the two halves ; Schacht's notion of the process approximates to that of Mold, from which niy own explanation only differs in the mode of expression. Figures of Anthoceros are to be found in Dillenius (' Historia Muscorum,^ tom. Ixviii, figs. 1, 2), in Schmidel ('Icones pi.,' t. xix, A. Icevis ; t. xlvii, A. pu?ictatus), and also in Hedwig [A. Imvis, theoria generat., ed. ii, t. xxix, xxx). According to these figures, the characters of the floAvers appear to be principally grounded upon a " radi- ating mode of growth, progressing in all directions from a central point of attachment." The history of the develop- ment of the fruit Avliich is given by the above observers does not extend further back than the appearance of the fruit above the edge of its veil or covering. Nees v. Esen- beck (' Naturgeschichte der Europ. Lebermoose,' B. iv, s. 334, 1838) describes the rudiments of the fruit, whilst enclosed in the substance of the stem, as archegonia {Stem- pel). BischofF, on the other hand, had already (1835) rightly described the relation of the young fruit to the tissue of the stem which covers and encloses it (' Nova Acta Acad. C. Carol. Leop.', T. xvii, p. 2, s. 934), and has figured it. (' Handb. der Botan. Terminol,' B. ii, t. Ixvi, fig. 2783.) He does not mention the archegonia. Schacht has lately (' Berliner Bot. Zeit. Jahrg,' viii, 1850, N. 24 — 26) pubhshed a contributiori to the history of the develop- ment of the fruit and spore of Anthoceros. My own obser- vations, in the 'Vergleichende Untersuchungen/ were com- pleted before the appearance of Schacht's paper. Schacht has only once observed an archegonium (1. c. 459), unfortunately an imperfect one, of which the essential parts were already decayed. The arrangement of the cells of the stem adjoining the base of the archegonium appeared to him to bear a great * See Waguer's ' Handwöiterbiich der Physiologie,' Bd. iv, s. 215. 20 HOFMEISTER, ON THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. resemblance to that occurring at tlic base of the ruclinicn- tary fi'iiit. Tliis led him to the erroneous conclusion, that the fruit Avas the product '' of ccriaiii cells lijing at the bot- tom of a nmall, narrow, deep catial of the leaf'' The above remarks show the inaccuracy of this view. The following observations will exhibit the essential agreement in fruit - formation existing between Anthoceros and the liverworts and mosses generally. PUBLIC LIBRARIES CHAPTER II. LEAFLESS JUNGERMANNI^E. PeJ/ia cpipliylla, Aneura j)wgim and muJtIßda, Mcf^gcria fiircata.) Amoivgst all the liverworts indigenous to Germany, Pel/ia cpipliylla has the largest spores. They are oval, Surrounded by a delicate, linely granular outer mem- brane ; in the ripe state, as they escape from the opening fruit, they are multicellular. They usually consist of four cells, arranged in a single row, two of which are disc- shaped and two hemispherical (PL IV, fig. 1). Sometimes one of the former is divided by a longitudinal septum, so that the spore is 5-cellular (PL IV, fig. 2). The internal cavity of the cell contains much chlorophyll ; the green of which, appearing through the thin, pale-yellowish wall of the capsule, imparts to the unopened fruit its dark colour. The cell which constitutes one of the ends of the spore contains a far smaller quantity of chlorophyll-granules than the other cells. Prom it springs the first of the long root- like papillae by Avhicli the plant is attached to its place of support. The cell next to this divides by a longitudinal septum a few hours after the spores have been sown on moist earth, even if such division has not taken place earlier ; the same process then follows in the neighbouring- cell, and frequently also in the cell opposite to the radicular cell. Each pair of cells of the middle region of the germi- nating spore is doubled by longitudinal division, taking place principally in the direction of one of the transverse diameters (of the spore). Some varieties occur throughout the whole extent of the ccll-multiphcation caused l)y this longitudinal division, which, however, have little influence upon the ultimate form of the })lant. The division begins in the cells next to the rooting cell (PL IV, fig. 3), sometimes 5^% 3 22 IlOrMEISTER, ON only in one of these cells (PI. IV, figs. 4, 5, 9), sometimes in the cells next but one to the rooting cell (PI. 4, figs. 6, 7), or even in one only of such cells. The germ-})lant con- sists now of the basal cell, which is protruding the first radicular papilla ; of two sets of cells above the basal cell, each consisting of from two to four cells adjoining one another ; and of the apical cell, which is already not unfre- quently divided by a longitudinal septum (PL IV, figs. 9, 10), The activity of cell-multiplication in the direction of the breadth of the plant increases continually towards the apex. Although it never occiu's more than once in the cells next to the basal cell, it is a rare occurrence when it only takes place in one of the next higher cells, and it is a nüe almost without exception that it happens repeatedly in the fourth pair of cells reckoned from the basal cell upwards (PI. IV, figs. 12, 14). Hence the plant assumes the form (more and more distinctly marked as it advances in growth) of a plate widening continually towards the fore edge. In its earliest youth the base, notwithstanding the smaller number of its cells, is as wide or wider than the apex. The expan- sion of the lower cells, which occurs at an early period, keeps pace up to a certain point with the increase in breadth of the upper cells. But, when a month old, the outline of the young plant has already assumed the shape ofaspatiüa (PL IV, fig. 14). The expansion of the ceUs adjoining the base of the plant begins at the time of the protrusion by the basal cell of the first rootlet ; this takes place contemporaneously Avitli the commencement of the nmltiplication of the cells in the dii'cction of the longitudinal axis, Avliich latter results only from the continual division of the apical cell, or (as is more often the case) of the two adjoining apical cells. Both cells divide contemporaneously by a very oblique* longitudinal septum, upon which a similar septum, inclined more obliquely, but in the opposite direction, is soon imposed (PL IV, figs. 7, 8, 13). This division of the terminal cells by septa alternately inclined in different directions to the surfaces of the plant, is repeated con- tiimally, and with tolerable rapidity ; for instance, twice in * The longitudinal axis of the spore being considered to be vertical. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 23 three clays in a plant kept moist upon the stage of the microscope. If the number of the apical cells of the plant increases in a lateral direction by the division of the exist- ing cells, the like process immediately follo^vs in all the ncAvly formed cells : in the entire row of apical cells division takes place continually by septa inclined either to the upper or the under surface of the plant. The newly formed cells of the second order divide, very shortly after- wai'ds, by septa almost parallel to the surfaces of the plant (PI. IV, fig. 13). By this means the number of layers of cells increases, and Avith it the thickness of the plant. This increase is only slight at first ; it does not seem that the process is repeated whilst the plant is quite young, or that either longitudinal or transverse sections exhibit more than four layers of cells. Very frequently those cells only (hvide which are turned towards one (? the lower) surface ; the plant then consists, in the direction of its thickness, of three layers of cells (PI. IV, fig. 16). By this time certain of the superficial cells of the plant are divided once or twice by a septum perpendicular to the surface, which cells consequently appear twice or three times as small as those in the interior of the tissue (PI. IV, fig. 13). This is afterwards the normal condition. By the penetration of the first rootlets into the ground, the young plant is set erect. It retains this position only a short time. The expansion which immediately commences in the the cells of its lower portion is not uniform ; the cells of one surface expand far less in a longitudinal direction than those of the other (PI. IV, fig. 13) : hence it follows, that the apex of the plant becomes more and more inclined to- wards the less expanded side of the basal cell, i. e., the future under surface of the plant ; so that the direction of the growth of the young Pellia is parallel to the surface of the soil beneath it. Individual cells of the under side, especially those lying in the median line, grow out into long rootlets, which penetrate deeply into the ground. The rootlets originate in the following manner -. at a certain point, iTsnally, exactly in the middle of the onter surface of one of these cells, the membrane grows out into a strongly developed point, which shortly leads to the formation of ^ 24 HOFMEISTER, ON long tube attached to the cell The mode of origin of the first main root docs not differ essentially from that just described ; the conical cell Avhich emits the rootlet usually (not always, see PI. IV, fig. 12) becomes transformed by degrees into the main root. In consequence of the commencement of the expansion of the basal cell of the germ-plant, the outer membrane of the spore (which, although it has become considerably ex- panded and more delicate, has, nevertheless, up to this i)oint, still enclosed the germinating spore) is ruptured (PI. IV, fig. 10). The cUhris of this membrane may be found, for some time afterwards, attached to the apex of the young plant (PI. IV, fig. 13). Ity this time, the cells nearest to the fore edge of the young Pellia have begun to protrude short club-shaped hairs (PL IV, figs. 18, 14), which appear in increased numbers as the growth of the plant progresses (PI. IV, figs. 24, 27). From six to eight weeks after the sowing of the spores, the germ-plant has, partly by the multiplication and partly by the expansion of its cells, attained a length of from \"' to § '". It is now attached to the ground by a larger num- ber of rootlets ; the fore edge, from repeated division of its marginal cells, has become wider than the older parts. At every repetition of a longitudinal division of the marginal cells, the septa, which continue to be perpendicular to the surfaces of the plant, appear to diverge laterally more and more in the fore part of the plant. Tlie consequence is, that the arrangement of the ceUs (PL IV, fig. 15) is flabelhform. The sides of the fore edge grow more rapidly than its middle, partly on account of a more frequent division of the cells by moans of sc))ta inclined alternately in different directions, but princi})ally on account of a more vigorous expansion of the cells. The apex of the young plant appears indented, at first slightly, afterAvards more deeply (PL IV, fig. 15). Tlie cell which occupies the bottom of the indentation begins all of a sudden to multiply itself actively. It divides twice by a transverse septum jx'rpendicular to the surfaces of the plant. The foremost of the new cells divides by a longitudinal septum into two, each of which is again divided THE IlIGlIEll CRYPTOGAMIA. 35 by a transverse septum. The body thus formed, of which the ground plan exhibits five cells, now protrudes into the indentation of the fore edge (PL IV, fig. 17). The further multiplication of its cells in the superficial direction takes ])lace, in the following manner: a membrane, directed obliquely outwards, is mounted upon each of the last-formed transverse septa ; thereupon each of the inner ones of the four newly formed cells of the fore edge divides by a trans- verse septum at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the shoot. In each of the outer cells there is formed, at the same time, a longitudinal septum parallel to the last-formed oblique septum. By this means the ground is laid for the fan-shaped arrangement of the cells of the middle shoot. All that is now" necessary for the development of the cell- arrangement of the half-developed (PL IV, fig. 23) as well as of the perfect middle shoot, is the repetition of the division by transverse septa of the two middle cells of the fore edge — the repeated transverse division of the cells late- rally adjoining the latter — the commencement of a longitu- dinal division in these cells after a repetition once or twice of the transverse division, and lastly, — the frequent reciu'rencc of the same series of divisions in the lateral cells for the time being of the fore edge of the shoot. The gro^vth of the middle shoot of the germ-plant is limited, as is the case with all the divisions of the stem in Pellia. The multiplication of its lateral cells is slight at the base, increases to the middle, and increases rapidly from thence to the apex. The form of the shoot is therefore either that of a short spatula, or semi-oval. The cells which are situated in the axil formed by the middle shoot and the lateral whig of the germ-plant begin to multiply vigorously, according to a similar rule, as soon as that shoot has attained to about a fifth part of its develo])- inent. The cell, which, when seen in profile or from above or below, is oblong or trapezoid, appears, when viewed in the direction of the surface of the plant, divided in the first in- stance, by means of a transverse septum, into two cells, of which the hinder cell is square, and the front cell trapezoid. The latter divides by a longitudinal septum ; each of the newly formed ones again by a transverse septum ; the outer 26 HOFMEISTER, ON cells thus formed divide by laterally inclined longitudintd septa, and so on, as in the case of the origin of the middle shoot. The Hke process is repeated in the angles at both sides of the new sjioot, soon after the connnencemcnt of its formation. A shoot originates in each angle, which unites in growth with the median shoot, on the side which is tiu'iied towards the latter. By this means a new shoot is formed on each side of the rai(ldle segment of the fore edge of the young plant (PL IV, fig. 19), which new shoot, in consecpience of its being comjjoscd of tlirec united slioots, is tripartite at its fore edge. Tlie flat cellular masses which thus originate unite in giowth firudy and intimately with the middle shoot, bv the edf»c which is turned towards the latter. The new shoots, composed of these amalgamated cellular bodies, protrude from the indentations of the fore edge of the young plant, in consequence of the connnencemcnt of longitudinal expansion in its basal cells ; by their expansion, the middle lamellae wdiich are imited to them are drawn out laterally. Their form is now a complete repetition of that of the germ-plant in its earliest stage : the fore edge exhibits a short, spatula- shaped median segment, and two lateral wing-shaped ones. The subsequent ramification takes place in Hke manner. There is one invariable rule for the entire development of the i)lant, connncncing from the formation of the middle shoot of the germ-plant : the rule is, that each shoot has its origin in the amalgamation of three shoots, which are formed almost contemporaneously in one of the indentations of the fore edge of an older shoot. Each new shoot, therefore, exhibits at its first appearance two indentations of the fore edge. According to the ordinary rule, new^ shoots are formed only in those indcmtations wdiicli point out the boundaries of the three amalgamated shoots. Hence arises the furcate ramification of the ])lant (PI. lY, figs. 19—22). The growth of each shoot is limited.* * BIschnfT considers that (lie first slioof of the cfci-m-plant of Tcllia is a protlinl- liiini, disliuct from the snl)sequciit slioots. ('Handb. d. Terminoloffie,' ii, 733 ; 'Botaii. Zeituiif,',' 1853, 115.) As, however, tiie first shoot is not distinguish- able iu^any essential parlieulars from th.c later ones, I agree witli (Joitsche CBot. Zeitnng,' 1858, Aniian?, IG) in thinking that there is no ground for tliis distinction. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM I A. 27 The multiplication of the cells of each shoot in the direction of its longitudinal axis takes place exclusively in the cells of the fore edge. In the young germ-plant they divide, as has l)een shown above, by septa inclined to the horizon alternately in different directions. The form of the cell-multiplication in the fore edge of the growing shoots of older plants is essentially different. Here the marginal cells divide by septa which are parallel to one another, slightly convex on the inner side, and perpendi- cular to the surfaces of the plant. This form of division often occurs in young germ-plants of two months old (PI. IV, fig. 24). The phenomenon which occurs so fre- quently, — viz., the fact that in the earliest stages of develop- ment the division by horizontal septa parallel to one an- other"* precedes that which in all subsequent stages is the normal mode of cell-multiplication, viz., division of the terminal cell by septa alternately incHned in different direc- tions, — makes it probable that the latter form of cell divi- sion is to be looked upon as a more perfect, higher form of growth than the former. Still more remarkable is the fact (which as yet stands alone), that in Pellia the simple, apparently lower form of cell-multiplication follows, in point of time, the more complex form which occurs in the later periods of the life of the plant. This phenomenon appears most distinctly in the first spring-shoots of fruiting specimens. Here the cells of the fore edge of the first, second, and third order exhibit, during the growth of the shoot, large and manifest nuclei, from which mucilaginous threads often pass to the walls of the cells; they contain, besides, a shghtly gramüar, yellowish slime. In the older cells lying behind the fore edge, numerous small chlocophy 11- granules make their appear- ance ; the nuclei of these cells are less easily seen (PI. IV, fig. 25). The cell of the first order — the terminal cell — has the form of a slice taken from the middle of a double convex lens by two sections parallel to the small axis ; the cell of the second order, at its first appearance, is shaped like a * This occurs ill the proihalliiun of mosses, in the suspcusor of Selaginella, iu the greater number of phsenogans, and in the rudiments of tlie fruit of many mosses. 28 HOFMEISTER, ON similar slice from a Areniscus. Through the division of tliese cells by means of septa parallel to the surfaces of the plant, the shoot increases in thickness. The first of these septa does not coincide with the ideal axis of the shoot ; the two parts into which it divides the cell are very Tuiequal (PI. IV, fig. 25). The two newly formed cells divide again several times by horizontal septa ; the thickness of the plant, however, never seems to go beyond eight layers of cells. From some of the cells near the fore edge, hairs, shaped like a club, and bent forwards, take their origin. The latter become bicellu- lar, soon after their appearance, by the gro\vth of a transverse se})tum. The basal cell, when fully groAvn, usually con- tains starch-granules ; the terminal one, a thin fluid muci- lage. A mend)ranous layer of tougli gelatine encloses the growing fore edge of these hairs. The cells which form the permanent upper and mider surface of Pellia ultimately divide by a vertical, longitudinal, and transverse septum ; so that each cell of the outer layer is four times as small as one of the neighbouring inner cells. This division occurs sometimes in the fourth youngest, sometimes even in the seventh youngest group of cells produced by a cell of the second order. As the growth of a shoot progresses, the activity of the cell-multiplication in the direction of its thickness diminishes continually from the base to the fore edge, more slowly, however, in the median line than at the sides. The free margin of each shoot of which the deve- lopment is completed, is formed of a single layer of cells ; at the base of the indentations of this margin are found pro- tuberances of cellular tissue projecting downwards : these are the voung new shoots. TIk! shoots of barren plants growing in flowing water exliibit conditions in the position and shape of their cells, which can only be cxplahied by looking upon them as foinis transitional l)etAveen the first and the second form of cell- multij)lication (PI. IV, figs. 26, 27). It is a remarkable circumstance that, in the earliest spring-shoots of Pellia, the two sides, owing to the moi-e vigorous expansion of the cells of one of them, are always unequally develo})ed. One of the shoots which protrude themselves from the indentations of the fore edge pushes THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 29 II]) n])parently to the apex of the parent shoot through the distortion of the outUne of the Latter, whilst the other appears at some depth below, closely pressed to the side (Fl. IV, fin-s. 20, 21). The former is always developed more rapidly than the latter (PL IV, fig. 22), which often fails altogether, often remains quiescent for months and then suddenly begins to grow. Most of the distm'bances of the regular furcate ramification have their origin in the circumstances just mentioned. It is only in barren plants (where it often occurs) that shoots are found on the upper side also of the flat stem. In individual cells of the surface there conunences a pro- cess of cell-multiplication differing, so far as regards its regular mode of progression, in no material respects from that which obtains in the germination of spores (PL IV, fig. 28). A number of shoots of the above nature, similar to germ-plants, only more fleshy, are often situated close together: — in old joints of the stem I have counted as many as thirty upon a single joint. The tufted mode of growth of barren Pelliae in flowing water uiay, perhaps, be OAving to these shoots. On the upper side of the earliest spring-shoots of fertile Pellise, club-shaped cellular masses are protruded, consist- ing of a short central string, usuall}' of only two cells^ sur- rounded by a single layer of four cells, each lying at the same elevation (PL IV, fig. 29) : these are the first rudi- ments of the antheridia. The arrangement of the cells leads to the conclusion that they have originated in the division by means of septa inclined alternately in different directions, of one of the cells of the upper surface. Each cell of the second order is divided by a longitudinal septum ; two of the cells thus formed, v.hich are placed one above another, and have almost the form of the quadrant of a cylinder, are divided by a septum cutting the side-walls at an angle of 45°, into an inner three-sided and an outer four-sided cell, of which the latter has an arched outer surface. This determines the structure of the first rudiments of the antheridium. By continual multiplication of the five cells of its clavate end, the inner one of Avhich divides in all three directions, the four outer ones only in the direction 30 HOFMEISTER, ON of the tangent, the antheridiimi assumes the form of a mass of cellular tissue, supported upon a very short stalk, consisting of four cells. Contcniporaneously with the first appearance of the young antheritliuni above the surface of the joint of the stem, an annular wall of cellular tissue is raised round the antheridium by means of repeated division of the adjoining cells of the upper surface of the frond (PI. IV, fig. 29), which wall, keeping pace in its growth with that of the antheridium, surrounds it when ripe, enclosing an open space above its apex. The cells, sixteen to twenty-five in number, of the outer cellular layer of the ripening antheridium arc flattened and tabular (PL IV, fig. 30). Their Avails are covered with rather large chloi'ophyll-bodies (starch-grains surrounded by a very thin green layer), which, when the organ is fully ripe, assume a dull yellow colour. The inner cells continue to divide for a long period by alternate longitudinal and transverse septa ; so that the antheridium, when nearly ]-ipe, consists of a glol)ular mass of very small, four-sided, tabular cells, surrounded by a single layer of large, flat cells, con- taining chloro})hyll. Each of the small tessellated cells con- tains a lenticular vesicle, in which a spiral thread is formed, consisting of transparent mucilaginous matter (PI. IV, figs. 30 — 32), When the antheridium is fully ripe, the cells of the covering layer separate from one another at the apex ; the small cells, whose primary intimate adhesion has been destroyed by the softening and swelling up of the cell-mem- branes, escape through the crevices, mixed with nnicilaginous granules, in the form of a thick pultaceous mass ; when brought under water, they disperse themselves in the fluid. The spiral thread enclosed within them (the spermatozoid) soon exhibits an active whirling motion, in consequence of which it resembles a closely Avound watch-spring (PI. IV, fig. 32 "'''■); it is still surrounded by the lenticular vesicle, which, however, diu-ing the motion, can with difficidty be seen. When the wall of the vesicle which envelope's the spermatozoid bursts (which usually occurs after the vesicle has been in the water for half an hour), the spermatozoid im- mediately escapes through the fissure. It then forces its way through the gelatinous,'softened substance of the wall of the TUE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 31 (originally tabular) mother-cell. The turns of the spiralarc drawn out from one another, so that it assumes the form of a screw. The spermatozoid moves abont with some rapidity in the water, keeping up a continual revolution round its own axis, and often dragging behind it the ruptured vesicle. The hinder end of the spermatozoid is draAvn out into a very long, fine point ; the opposite end is thickened, but hardly perceptibly so. At this end I saw very clearly, in sperma- tozoids whose motion had been arrested by a solution of iodide of potash, two long, thin, lateral cilia, exactly like those which Tlmret discovered in the spermatozoa of Chara. The observation of these cilia, which I could not succeed in finding in any other liverwort, is a matter of some difficulty even in Pellia Avitli our present magnifying powers. The cilia, and the thread-shaped ends of the spermatozoa, which some- times adhere to other bodies, exhibit an active motion which is winding and helicoid rather than pendulous. One end of a spermatozoid will often remain attached to the mucila- ginous mass which escapes with it from the ripe anthe- ridium. The movements of the spermatozoa last only a short time ; ten minutes after theii- escape they relax sen- sibly ; in all the cases Avhich I have observed, they have ceased entirely after two hours and a half.* The number of the antheridia is very large; it often amounts to fifty on the same shoot. They first open at the beginning of May ; but even at the end of June a good number of ripe ones may still be found. Upon Pelli» growing in running water, which, as a rule, are barren, iso- lated antheridia are not unfrequently found; but arche- gonia are hardly ever met with. Upon the shoots situated in the indentations of the fore edge of those spring-shoots which bear antheridia, oval, closely packed cellular bodies are protruded, varying in number from four to twelve; these are the first rudiments of the archegonia. Immediately after their appearance, the young shoot makes a further growth underneath them, but without attaining to * Thuret has shown that spermatozoa of a like structure exist in all the Muscinese. (' Ann. Sc. Xat.,' 3rd ser., vol. xvi). He has given very good fig\ircs of those of Pellia (1. c, pi. x). Schacht's figures ('Die Pfianzenzdle,' Berlin, 1S52, pi. v) do not exhibit correctly the relation of the cilia to the body of the spermatozoid. 33 HOFMEISTER, ON the same thickness as before. The archegoiiia, consequently, ap])ear to be seated upon the scarp ])rodiiced on the upj)er surface by tlie sudden diminution in thickness of the joint of the stem (PL V, fig. 1). The deveh)pment and struc- ture of their first rudiments correspond exactly to those of the very young antheridia. A cell of the upper surface of the yet very young shoot becomes slightly arched outwards ; it divides l)y a septum inclined to the surface of the stem, and the uj)])er one of the newly formed cells divides by a septum inclined in an opposite direction to the latter sei)tum. Whilst the division is repeated in the ucav terminal cell by a septum perpendicular to the last and parallel to the last but one, the last formed joint-cell divides by a vertical septum into two cells whose basal outline is a quadrant. The same })roccss recurs in each second-youngest cell, whilst the terminal cell divides anew by a septum inclined in a direction opposite to that of the last. The archegonium would have the appearance of a column consisting of four roAvs of cells, but for the fact that in all the cells of one of the four rows, inunediately after the division of the cell of the second order by a radial longitudinal septum, a partition-wall appears which divides the cell into an inner three-sided cell, surrounded by other cells, and an outer cell, of which one of the foiQ- Avails is free (PL V, figs. 3, 4). The young archegonium thus presents the ap- pearance of a cylinder of cellular tissue, rounded above, con- sisting of a central string of cells (as many as thirty in number), Avhicli is siuTounded by a single layer of four cells. The central cellular string does not extend quite to the base of the young archegonium, Avhich base consists of a short stalk, of the height of one or tAvo cells, and com- ])osed of four cells lying in the same plane (PL V, figs. 5, 6, &'). The cells of the central string become filled, soon after their formation, Avith a granidar nuicilage, in Avliich the nucleus lies imbedded in the form of a transparent vesicle (PL V, fig. 4). The undermost of those cells saa'cIIs considerably ; its nucleus also increases in size (PL V, fig. 5). The adjoining cells divide by longitudinal se])ta as soon as the longitudinal groAvth of the archcgonimn is finished (PL V, figs. 5, 6, 7). The same division proceeds THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 33 to some extent (to the height of five cells), towraxls the apex of the archegonium, the lower part of which thus becomes enlarged. In the mean time, the horizontal septa which divide the cells of the central string of the archegonium from one another become dissolved (PL V, fig. 5). A canal, filled with mucilnge, and closed above, thus originates in the longitudinal axis of the archego- nium. The cells which form the arch over its upper end sud- denly part from one another, bending themselves somewhat backwards ; an open passage, not obstructed by any cell- wall, now leads from the outside through the entire length of the archegonium down to the large cell in its swollen lower part (PL V, figs. 6, 7). In the mean time there is formed in the large cell a free spherical cell, enclosing a central nucleus, and which, w^hen fully grown, almost fills the cavity of its mother-cell (PL V, figs. 6, 7). During the development of the first archegonia a thin lamella of cellular tissue grows out of the upper surface of the flat stem, from the point of insertion of the archegonia backwards. It follow^s the longitudinal growth of the archegonia, inasmuch as the cells of its fore edge con- tinually divide by transverse septa, and its side edges unite with the thin prolongation of the shoot which extends itself underneath (in front of) the archegonium (PL V, fig. 2). A pouch-shaped covering thus originates, which is open in the fore part, and encloses the archegonium. It entirely corresponds in its Avhole development with the perianth of the leafy Jungermannise, especiall}^ in the fact that it appears at a later period than the first rudiments of the archegonia. Pellia must not be classed with the Gyromitrise. The above condition is attained by all those archegonia whose longitudinal growth is terminated before the time when the rudiments of the fruit begin to appear in one of the archegonia enclosed in the same perianth with them- selves. The time of the development of the archegonia is very uncertain : the earliest open at the beginning of May ; the latest in the middle of Jidy. Even then, those flowers which contain no rudiments of fruit exhibit abortive archegonia, in which the walls of the canal of the neck and the wall and contents of the large cell in the expanded 3 34 HOFMEISTER, ON loAvcr portion arc of a deep-brown colour. Of these abortive arclicgonia some have only just burst at the apex, some are still closed, and others again are in the earliest stages of development. I consider those archegonia whose apices have just opened, and the cell-walls of whose necks have not yet become brown, as in a state ready for impregnation ; and I believe that, in order to effect such impregnation, it is requisite that some, perhaps one only, of the motile threads formed in the antheridia should reach the funnel-shaped opening of the archegonium. I have not, indeed, seen the spermatozoa of Pellia in that position, even if such be the case with other liverworts, about which I shall speak here- after. I have frequently found, however, that in those flowers of Pellia to which I had applied a drop of water containing ripe, opened antheridia, several (from three to seven) archegonia have produced the rudiments of fruit (PI. V, fig. 9"). The circumstance, that the ripening of the antheridia and the bursting of the archegonia begin and end precisely at the same time, affords as good ground for the above view as the more exact knowledge which we possess with regard to mosses — a view, moreover, which in all essential points has been entertained for an equal length of time with regard to both liverworts and mosses. The outer cells of the expanded portion of the im- pregnated archegonium divide rapidly several times one after another, by radial septa, by longitudinal septa parallel to the free outer walls, and by transverse septa ; this cell-multiplication is most vigorous at the base of the archegonium. All the ncAvly formed cells become filled with chlorophyll. Thus, very soon after the beginning of th(^ development of the rudiments of the fruit, the ex- panded portion of the sm-rounding archegonium assumes the form of a somewhat large, dark -green, cellular mass. The neck of the archegonium remains unaltered. The fruit is developed from the free spherical cell which is enclosed in the central cell of the expanded por- tion of the archegonium. That cell first divides by a transverse septum into a lower and an upper cell, of which THE IIlfillER CRYPTOGAMIA. 35 the former is much the hirger of the two, and the latter has the shape of a segment of a sphere. Tlie hitter divides by a longitudinal septum shewn in PI. V, fig. 8, which represents the rudimentary fruit extracted entire. Each of the two cells W'hich have a semicircular basal outline is divided after previous expansion in length, by a longitu- dinal septum at right angles to the previous one, and each of the four cells thus formed is divided anew by a transverse septum. The young rudimentary fruit now^ exhibits four apical cells (cells of the first order). Its growth is carried on by continually repeated division of these cells by means of horizontal septa. In the first four interstitial cells thus formed, cell-multipli- cation commences in the direction of their breadth and thick- ness. Each of these cells (whose form is that of the quadrant of a cylinder) divides by a longitudinal sejrtum parallel to the axis of the rudimentary fruit, cutting both the side walls at an angle of 45°; and each of the four new outer cells thereupon divides by a radial longitudinal septum. In the next higher double pair of cells, the cell-multiplica- tion does not proceed any further. Erora thence (going upAvards) the division is repeated in the eight outer cells by a longitudinal septum turned towards the free outer surface, and the following division takes place by a radial longi- tudinal septum. By this time the rudimentary fruit has the form of a short club (PI. V, fig. 9). Its upper end, how- ever, soon increases considerably in thickness by divisions which take place in the cells of the apical surface by means of septa inclined outwards from the longitudinal axis of the organ, w'hich divisions alternate wdth the longitudinal and transverse divisions of these cells. The cells of the apex of the rudimentary fruit exhibit, in consequence, when cut longitudinally, a regular radiate arrangement, which arrange- ment changes, in the lower part of the fruit, into one con- sisting of parallel rows of cells (PL V, fig. 10). About two months after impregnation, the apical cells of the young fruit cease to divide. An active cell-multiplication be- gins instead in almost all its already formed constituent parts. The cells of the upper clavate end, excepting the irmermost 86 HOFMEISTER, ON of them, divide by septa parallel to a tangent to tlie nearest portion of the outer arcuate surface, which latter septa alter- nate with others at right angles to them, and with radial septa. The cellular mass, Avhich thus increases in size, is the future capsule. In the middle of the rudimentary fruit the cells which eventually form its stalk divide, frequently several times over, by means of horizontal septa exclusively. There is thus formed a cylindrical column of about sixty (12 measured diametrically) vei-tical rows of small tabu- lar cells. The lower third part of the rudimentary fruit ultimately exhibits a rapid increase in the number of its cells, both in length and thickness — an increase which diminishes gradually downwards. This end of the rudi- mentary fruit assumes in consequence the form of a turnip; its thickness very soon considerably surpasses that of the cylindrical middle portion (PL V, fig. 11). At this period an active midtiplication commences in the cells of the cir- cumference of the short upper protuberance of the swollen base of the young fruit. These cells, which form a girdle of about four cells in height, divide first by horizontal septa (PI. V, fig. 11), and afterw^ards by septa parallel to a tan- gent to the circumference. By this means there arises out of the upper portion of the turnip-shaped enlargement of the fruit-stalk a hollow cylinder, enclosing its columnar portion. This sheath increases in length by continually re- peated division of the cells of the free upper edge by means of alternately inclined septa. Its cells of the second order are soon divided anew by membranes at right angles to the latter septa, the older lower cells being divided more fre- quently than the upper younger ones. The free upper edge of the hollow cylinder consists, in all its stages of develop- ment, of a single layer of cells ; towards the base the number of the cells continually increases. In the com'se of further development, four (in exceptional cases three) triangular flaps, enclosing the fruit-stalk upAvards for a considerable distance, are formed from the edge of the sheath, by means of a locally increased intensity in the cell- multiplication in a longitudinal direction. During the formation of the sheath, the end of the fruit-stalk beneath it continues to increase in thickness ; this increase terminates, as does also the multi- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM lA. 37 plication of the cells of the sheath in a longitudinal direc- tion, when the sheath has attained a length equal to a fourth or a third part of the stalk of the young fruit which is still enclosed in its calyptra (PL V, fig. 13). At an early period, even before the expiration of the third month from the commencement of the rudiments of the fruit, a diffe- rentiation of the tissue appears in its upper swollen end, i. e. the future capsule. The cells of the outer surface divide by septa perpendicular to this surface, and then again by partitions also perpendicular to the arched outer surface, cutting the last-formed septa at an angle of 90°. The inner cells take no part in this division ; they appear, therefore, eight times larger than the others ; in longitu- dinal and also in transverse sections, the boundary of each pair of cells of the outermost layer coincides with that of one of the adjoining inner cells (PI. V, fig. 11). At the same time the walls of the inner cells of the young capsule begin to thicken. The substance of the thickened walls swells up very rapidly and extensively in Avater ; to such an extent that, in cutting through a young fruit placed in water upon the stage of the microscope, the cells of the interior of the capsule immediately protrude laterally beyond the wall of the capsule. The swollen gelatine is dispersed in the water ; the primordial utricles of the cells become free, and assume a spherical shape (PI. V, fig. 12). In order to get an insight into the structure of the interior of the young capsule, it is indispensable that it should be examined in rectified spirit of wine. With tincture of iodine the entire mass of its cell-walls becomes coloured a vinous red or violet. Even after the differentiation of the wall from the inner tissue of the young capsule, the cells of both in- crease considerably. The cells of the lower part of the wall divide by septa parallel to the outer surface ; consequently, at the spot where the wall of the capsule adjoins the fruit- stalk, that wall consists of two layers of cells. On the other hand, the cells of the wall of the upper part and of the apex of the young capsule divide exclusively by septa per- pendicular to the outer surface (compare fig. 11 of PI. V with fig. 13). At the same time the cells of the interior, especially those at the boundary of the wall of the capsule, 38 HOFMEISTER, ON increase in all three directions ; most actively in the neigh- bourhood of the apex. By the coincidence of both methods of multiplication of its cells, the hemispherical form of the YOung capsule is changed, within a month, into a long oval fornr(Pl. V, fig. 13)/ By the end of August the walls of the cells of the inte- rior are entirely broken up and undistinguishable. The free primordial utricles begin now to clothe themselves with new and firmer cell-walls. They then exhibit a very dif- ferent deportment. One portion of the cells becomes elon- gated and spindle-shaped — the future elaters. A whole string of cells lying in the longitudinal axis of the young fruit assumes this spindle form ; around this string the rest of the cells destined to form elaters are arranged, radi- ating upwards (PI. V, fig. 37). Another portion of the cells of the interior assumes a spherical form : these are the mother- cells of the spores. In their fluid contents, very numerous small chlorophyll - granules now make their appearance. The mother-cells retain the spherical form only for a short time. By the first week of September their walls ex- hibit four protuberances, each of which, sitviated at a distance of 120° from the neighbouring one, constitutes an arched surface, the basal outline of Avhich is an equilateral spherical triangle. These bulgings of the cell-wall become rapidly more and more arched; by the middle of Sep- tember each mother-cell appears to be composed of four oval sacs open at one end, which unite at an angle of 120° with the open, more pointed ends, so as to form a quadrangu- lar median space (PI. V, figs. 14, 15). Each of these bulgings of the mother-cell contains a nucleus ; the mode of its origin, as well as that of the primary central nucleus of the mother- cell, (which latter nucleus has now disappeared,) is difficult to make out, on account of the opaque cell-contents, which consist of a thick mass of chlorophyll-granules. It is even somewhat difficult to feel assured of what is an undoubted fact, viz., the presence of a secondary nucleus in each of the bulgings of the mother-cell. At the boundaries of the four protuberances of the mother- cell, the inner wall of the latter becomes nuich more thick- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 39 ened than in its other parts. Six bands are formed, which are attached to the inner wall, and protrude inwards. At their first appearance, in the middle of September, they are tolerably flat, but increase slowly in height until the beginning of December (PI. V, fig. 17). The median space by which the four protuberances of the mother-cell are in continuous communication * is thereby narrowed ; rather narrow circular cavities lead from it to the four protuber- ances. It is now filled exclusively with transparent fluid matter as clear as water ; chlorophyll-granules and granules of mucilage are as yet found only in the protuberances. Suddenly each of the latter appears separated from the quadrangular median space of the mother-cell, by a wall convex towards the interior (PI. V, fig. 17). This dehcate membrane is probably not mounted upon the edge of the broad ledge which protrudes into the median space, but clings to its surface, and encloses the entire contents of the protuberance, which, consequently, now represents a very delicate-walled oval cell, /. e. the young spore. By the dissolution of that portion of the wall of the latter cell which belongs to the protuberance of the mother-cell, the space very soon becomes free ; I l^ave reason to sup- pose that this occurs within forty-eight hours after the spore has become individualised. The six thickened bands, on the other hand, which consist of glass-like cellulose, and which unite to form the skeleton of an uneven-sur- faced quadrangular figure, last for several days ; they are to be found in large numbers amongst the escaped spores, and are most elegant microscopical objects (PI. V, fig. 20). The spores of Pellia exhibit in the course of their develop- ment several peculiarities, which are of importance in the study of cell-formation. That the walls of the special mother-cells grow gradually inwards from the inner wall of the mother- cell is placed beyond a doubt, as well by the slow growth of the bands above mentioned, as also by the fact that, in Pellia, the walls in question are normally only * This appears perfectly clearly when one of the protuberances of a mother- cell which has been h'm^ in water bursts, and a portion of the contents escapes through tlie fissure (a very frequent occurrence). The fluid contents of the uninjured protuberances of the mother-cell then flow slowly, mixed with chloro- phyll-granules, into the one which has been ruptured. 40 HOFMEISTER, ON developed to the extent of two third parts, and never com- bine to form partition-walls. If there were any need of ad- ditional evidence in opposition to the theory again brought forward by Karsten, viz., that vesicles too small to be seen with the microscope gradually grow into daughter- cells and occupy the entire space of the mother-cell, it would be afforded by the existence for three months before, as well as during and after the hidividualization of the spore, of a secondary nucleus in each of the protuberances of the mother-cell, which protuberances for a long period freely communicate with one another. The circumstance that the four protuberances of the mother-cell of PeUia, which eventually become the spores, leave a space between them filled only with Avater, is a convincing proof of the inde- pendent nature of the halves of the primordial utricle. The young spore divides by a transverse septum very shortly after it has become clothed with a proper membrane ; usually whilst it remains attached to its three sister-spores by the remnants of the mother-cell (PL V, figs. 18, 19). Upon the commencement of this process the central nucleus of the spore, disappears ; two new nuclei, of a flattened ellip- soidal form, appear (PI. V, fig. 18). The numerous small chlorophyll-granules through which the nucleus is faintly seen, thereupon appear separated into two groups, each filling one half of the spore, so that in its equator thei-e is formed a narrow zone of transparent mucilaginous fluid, free from grannies and chlorophyll -bodies. This light space appears suddenly traversed by a very delicate but sharply defined line, which is the side view of a septum passing through the spore (PL V, fig. 21). The same process is shortly afterwards repeated in each of the two semi-el] ip- soidal cells which arc thus formed (PL V, figs. 19, 22, 21). At this time (the beginning of December) one of the four middle cells sometimes divides by a longitudinal septum also (PL V, fig. 23). Henceforth the number of the cells of the spore does not increase until its dispersion in the spring of the next following year. The spore, however, secretes over its whole extent a brownish, slightly trans- parent outer membrane, covered on its external surface with numerous very small asperities, which, when the spore is THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 41 ripe, renders the boundary lines of the four or five eells of which the spore is composed very indistinct. Under cuhivation, irregularities in the development of the spores of Pellia are rather frequent. The primary halves of young spores sometimes divide by longitudinal septa instead of by transverse ones (PI. V, fig. 25). Not unfrequently all the mother-cells of a fruit become abortive shortly before the period of the independent existence of the spores, excepting a few of the mother-cells, which in such a case attain almost double the usual size. The vegetative development of the rest of the species mentioned in the title of this chapter differs materially from that of Pellia. The growth of Metzger la fur cat a in length and breadth is discussed by Nägeli, in his essay on the study of cell-multiplication, " Wachsthumsgeschichte der Laub, und Lebermoose" ('Zeitschrift f. Botanik/ Heft 2). My view of the process, as the following remarks will show, differs in some subordinate points from that of Nägeli. The longitudinal growth of the strap-shaped stem, which is slightly rounded at the apex, results from the conti- nually repeated formation of septa, spreading right and left, and perpendicular to the surface of the stem (PI. V, figs. 26, 27, 28). The cells of the second order thus produced, whose basal outline is a rather lono; five-sided fio-ure, divide first by a septum at right angles to the side walls and perpendicular to the surface of the stem. In the outer- most one of the newly formed cells the same process is repeated again : a septum appears parallel to the one last formed, or else this cell, as well as its inner sister-cell, divides by a longitudinal septum parallel to its side walls. In the former case the shoot grows in breadth ; in the latter in length. Li both cases the division is repeated several times, always in the outermost cells, by septa at right angles to the side walls. The development of each shoot begins with the second form of cell-nmltiplication of the cells of the second order ; as the longitudinal growth draws to a close, the shoot is prepared for fm'cate ramification (PI. V, fig. 28), and thus the first form of cell-multiplica- tion steps in. Li each of the masses of cells which are formed by the division of a cell of the second order, septa 42 HOFMEISTER, ON parallel to the surface of the stem are only found in the one innermost cell adjoining the longitudinal axis of the shoot. After the first division of this kind, the formation of a horizontal sci)tum is repeated twice in each of the under cells. The middle hne of the stem consequently consists of two parallel rows of four tabular cells one above another ; the remaining part of the stem is a single superficies of cells. Both the inner pairs of cells of the mid-rib which protrudes from the lower side, divide by longitudinal septa at right an des to the surface of the stem ; thev are, there- fore, about half the size of the adjoining cells of the upper and under sides (PL V, fig. 29). Sometimes the cells of the underside of the mid rib follow in this division. The under side of the fore edge of the mid-rib sends out numerous bicel- lular hairs with a swollen terminal cell, and Avhich, bending themselves upwards, enclose to a certain extent the growing end of the stem. The entire under surface of the stem sends out rootlets, which are especially numerous on the mid-rib and the side edges. The young cells exhibit a nucleus with transparent fluid contents, which is freely suspended in the slightly granular cell-sap. The nucleus lasts for a long time, and, by means of the chlorophyll ad- herent to its exterior, it is perceptible even in older cells, where its contents refract the transmitted light much in the same manner as the fluid contents of the cell. The chloi'ophyll-grauules of iMetzgeria are amongst the smallest in the vegetable kingdom. Adventitious shoots are often developed from individual cells of the edge or of the under side of the mid-rib of plants growing in dry situations. The cell-multiplica- tion in such shoots, which is very easy to observe, takes place in precisely the same manner as it does in growing primary shoots (PI. V, fig. 26). Vigorous adventitious shoots, whilst still very young, form a mid-rib in the same manner as the growing primary shoot, which mid-rib, by the divi- sion of the cells lying between the first cell of the adventi- tious shoot and the mid-rib of the primary shoot, is not unfretjuently prolonged backwards to the mid-rib of the primary shoot. Sometimes, in unhealthy specimens, the formation of cells of the third order is entirely suppressed ; THE HIGHER CRYP'l'OGAMIA. 43 the shoot then consists simply of a double row of cells (PI. V, fig. 25). A third mode of origin of lateral axes takes place at the approach of fructification. On the under side of the mid- rib, attached not exactly in the middle, but laterally either to the right or left, there is formed, at some little distance underneath the end of the stem, a cucullate leaf, in the axil of which a branch is developed, but only to such an extent as to form a flat cushion-shaped process. On its upper surface are produced either archegonia or antheridia. The antheridia, in structure and development, are exactly like those of most of the leafy Jungermanniae, e. g. Rachila complanata. The archegonia, which are short and thick, and only six cells in height, are situated, like the antheridia, usually from four to seven in number, in the axil of a leaf. Their regiüar mode of cell-development resembles that of Pellia; in Metzgeria, also, the large size of the cells of the archegonium facilitates observation (PI. V, fig. 80). I have not had an opportunity of investigating the develop- ment of the fruit of Metzgeria. In spite of the countless multitudes of apparently healthy archegonia and antheridia produced by the thick patches of Metzgeria furcata, which in our hilly districts clothe the masses of rock in shady, moderately damp localities, the fruit is very rarely met with. Probably, the cause of this remarkable fact is to be found in the drought which prevails in the habitats of the plants at the period of the ripening of the antheridia, viz., the middle of Jime. The species of Aneura {A. pin^uis and mulUfida), not- withstanding the great difference of their habit from that of JMetzgeria, exhibit the same kind of development at the ends of the stem (PI. VI, figs. 2, II). There is, however, one essential difference, viz., that the cells of the second order, even before their division by the septa perpendicular to the surface of the stem, divide by septa /jo'r«//6'/ to that surface. This division is repeated rapidly and frequently, after the manner of the growth (in thickness) of Pellia (PI. VI, figs. 3, 12), so that the shoot increases very rapidly in thickness ; longitudinal sections through its growing end have a parabolic form. 44 HOFMEISTER, ON The ramification of the stem takes place in the same manner as in Metzgeria furcata. In Ancura, however, the growth of one of the young shoots in a forward direction exceeds that of the other, which hitter, at a very early period, appears in consequence to be pushed on one side. This more vigorous development takes place alternately and regularly on each occasion of the division of the end of the stem, occurring at one division in the shoot pro- duced on the ric/lit side of the apical cell, and at the next division in the shoot produced on the left side. In conse- cjuence of this, Aneura exhibits a median principal axis, and lateral axes with normally limited growth. In the side shoots of Aneura multifida, whose longitudinal growth is arrested, the parts adjoining the terminal bud on the right and on the left often outgrow the former, so that the fore edge of the branch appears deeply indented, resembling at first sight the Marchantiese (PI. VI, fig. I). The ramification of Aneura and Metzgeria is therefore truly furcate, like that of the stem of Selaginella ; that of Pellia is not truly so, but resembles the ramification of Viscum, the cause of w^hich lies in the fact that the develop- ment of each terminal shoot in Pellia is limited. The archcgonia of Anem-a originate at the apex of very short side-shoots of the second or third order. In their origin and nature they resemble those of Metzgeria. Under- neath their point of attachment there is produced, contempo- raneously with the conmiencement of their formation, a circle of small leaves, from four to six cells in height, con- sisting at the base of from three to four cells, and at the apex of a single cell. When the large cell in the interior of the flask-shaped portion of the archcgonium of Aneura multifida * first begins to be transformed into the rudiments of the fruit, a series of very active divisions, which last for a long time, commences in the cells of the archegoniiun, excepting those of its neck. The lower part of the archegonium thus be- comes a clavate, fleshy mass, which attains the size of a millet-seed, even when the rudimentary fruit consists of * I have not had the opportunity of examining the formation of the fruit in A. piiiguis. THE IIIGHEll CRYPTOGAMIA. 45 only eleven cells. The cells of the branch bearing the archegonia, which adjoin the place of attachment of the im- pregnated archegoniiini, also take part in this division. In conseqnence of this, uninipregnated archegonia are often carried up on to the oval cellnlar mass (the calyptra) formed by the amalgamation of the flask-shaped portion of the im- pregnated archegonium with the adjoining parenchyma of the stem. By this means the growing calyptra, which in- creases vastly in size, is bent npw\ards, so that its longitu- dinal axis is at right angles to the sm-face of the stem (PI. VI, fig. 8). The multiplication is very active in the cells of the calyp- tra immediately under its apex, with the exception of the epidermal cells, which continue of rather a large size, (PI. VI, fig. 8), and grow out into long cylindrical papillae (Fl. VI, fig. 4), upon whose outer w^all a network of pro- jecting bands is formed. The neck of the impregnated ar- chegonium is usually thrust off at an early period (PI. VI, fig. 8). The development of the fruit itself corresponds entirely in essentials with that of PeUia (PL VI, figs. 5 — 8), but it is altogether of a more slender construction. The fruit- stalk consists of only tw^o concentrical layers of cells ; the enlargement at its lower end is much less developed ; the cells destined to form the elaters and the rows of spore- mother-cells are already differentiated (as in Prullania) at the time when the entire contents of the young capsule consist of a single horizontal layer of cells. Each indivi- dual elater, however, divides by a transverse septum ; each pair reaches from the base of the capsule to its upper arched roof. The autheridia of Aneura pinguis originate in precisely the same manner as those of Pellia. A hemispherical or shortly cyhndrical cellular body, consisting of four short longitudinal rows of cells, is formed by the multiplication of one of the cells of the upper side of the stem (PL VI, figs. 14, 15); by the division of one of its middle cells into an inner and an outer one, the ground is laid for the diffe- rentiation of an outer layer, and an inner cellular mass destined to produce spermatozoa (PL VI, fig. 12). A wall 46 HOFMEISTER, ON THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. of cellular tissue is raised romid the antheridiura In' the multiplication of one of its adjoining epidermal cells. Aneura muHißda produces Ijuds, often in very large num- bers, near the ends of its shoots. Some of the cells of the upper surface, not unfrcqucntly whole groups of twenty or more, protrude outwards in the form of an arch, become quite filled with chlorophyll-granules, and divide by a sep- tum passing transversely through the cell perpendicular to the surface of the shoot ; the same thins; occurs, but less frequently, in the cells at the edge (PI. VI, fig. 9). The bicellular bud becomes free by the swelling up of the middle layers of the wall of its mother-cell into a gelatinous sub- stance Avhicli expands largely in water, in consequence of which the outer lamella of the wall bursts, and the buds escape. Their form is that of a somewhat elongated ellip- soid, strongly constricted at its equator; its outline brings to mind that of many of the Desmidieae (PL VI, fig. 10). The development of the buds into a new plant begins with the repeated division of one of their cells by alternately in- clined septa. CHAPTER III. LEAFY JÜNGERMANNLE. The transition from the leafless to the Icafv Juniper- maimise is a very grackial one ; it passes through an un- broken series of gentle intermediate stages. One genus (Diplolsena) which apparently coincides with Aneura in all its vegetative phenomena, except that it has inferior leaves, is followed by the peculiarly formed genus Blasia, whose stem when young exhibits, in transverse section, the form of an ellipse, and when more advanced, is drawn out in breadth so as to become foliaceous — a genus w^hose superior and inferior leaves differ in shape, the former having en- tire, the latter denticulate, margins. Allied to these is the genus Fossombronia, which has a stem only slightly ex- panded, but nevertheless always much flattened on the upper side, and bearing only superior leaves : this genus differs very little in the relative size of its stem and leaves from many of the leafy Jungermanniae taken in the most limited sense. The most remarkable member of this series of tran- sitional forms is, beyond all question, Blasia pusilla. In perfect shoots, that is to say, shoots bearing bud-recep- tacles, the stem is so much widened that its edges seem to amalgamate wdth the horizontally-arranged superior leaves ; these leaves have been somewhat generally con- sidered to be, and have been described as, " segments of the flat stem." On the shoots just mentioned it is only the inferior leaves which look really like leaves ; they are denticulate scales on the right and left of the longitudinal rib which protrudes from the under side, and which throws out roots (PL VI, fig. 16). At the upper end of the stem is found 48 HOFMEISTER, ON the terminal bud, which is surrounded by closely crowded su})erior and inferior leaves, and which is usually very diiiicult to make out, on account of the buds situated near it and upon it ; this terminal bud is a mass of cellular tissue, which, in shoots capable of further development, has a much-flattened conical form, whilst in shoots whose longitudinal growth has terminated it is flat and cmnrginate at the apex ; it bears on its under side amphigastria, and on the other side scale-like, lubricated superior leaves. Numerous hairs, similar to those on the very young parts of Pellia and Aneura, are scattered amongst the most newly formed leaves (PL VI, figs. 17, 18). It is well known that muuerous reproductive buds are formed on the under side of the stem of Blasia. Their mode of development is very like that of the similar organs in Anthoceros. The contents of one of the inner cells of the tissue of the stem (which cells are only separated from the under side by a single cellular layer) become transformed into a cell occupying the whole cavity of the motlier-cell. This daughter-cell changes into a roundish body, composed of small cubical cells, which contain numerous very small chlorophyll-bodies of a dark bluish-green colour. The cellular layer of the under surface of the stem which covers the reproductive buds becomes swollen to a hemispherical sha])e by the increase in size of the latter. 1 have not seen these reproductive buds develope into young plants. Corda figures their germination in Sturm's Deutschl. Flora, II abth., taf. 32. Bischoft" treats this figure as a ])roduct of the author's imagination. I do not agree with Bisclioft"s opinion. It is true that the branched rootlets which Corda represents are not found in any liver- wort. This portion of the figure is, at all events, erroneous. I consider it, however, beyond dispute that the organs in question are really reproductive buds, judging from the analogy which they bear to the undoubted buds of Antho- ceros which originate in like manner. If old buds of Blasia are opened under water, their cells separate from one another in the surrounding fluid. The like phenomenon occurs in the undoubted buds of Anthoceros and Riccia, if the surrounding tissue continues to retain its vitality THE IlIüHEll CllYPTOGAMlA. 49 for a very long time. It depends, certainly, only upon the decay and internal disintegration of tlie buds. Blasia differs from all other leafy liverworts in the fact of its producing these reproductive organs, but still more in the fact that the well-known flask- shaped bud-cups are formed upon its upper side. The cell-multiplication of the terminal bud of Blasia very much resembles that of Anthoceros, or of the young plants of Pellia. The apical cell continues to divide repeatedly by septa inclined alternately upwards and downwards (PI. VI, figs. 19, 20). The cells of the second order divide by a septum coinciding with the longitudinal direction of the stem, and perpendicular to its surface. The frequent repe- tition of the formation of these parallel septa in the two halves of the stem causes the stem to increase rapidly in width (PI. VI, figs. 17, 18). By the division of the cehs of the second order (and their daughter-cells) by septa parallel to the surface of the stem, the stem increases in thickness (PI. VI, figs. 19, 20). At the spot where a bud-receptacle is about to be formed, this latter cell-multiplication ceases at a very early period, even as early as in the cells of the second order, whilst it continues in the neighboiu-ing cells. A circular depression is thus formed on the upper side of the stem, close to its growing end, and quite covered by the youngest superior leaves (PI. VI, fig. 20). Individual cells of the base and sides of each depression send forth clavate papillae, which are soon separated from the original cavity of the mother-cell by a transverse septum (PL VI, fig. 20). After the apical cell of these short, hair-like papillae has divided two or three times by transverse septa, the hemispherical terminal cell divides by a longitudinal septum. In this way a process of cell- formation originates, which soon leads to the production of a globular (or polyhedral) cellular mass, viz., a reproductive bud, which is attached to the above-mentioned depression in the upper surface of the stem, by means of a hyaline stalk, consisting of one or two narrow cylindrical cells, with clear fluid watery contents. The arrangement of the cells of the reproductive buds cor- responds with that of the terminal bud of the stem (PL VI, fig. 21). 4 50 HOFxMEISTER, ON Soon after the commencement of the development of tlie first reproductive buds, the margins of the depression in Avhich they originate become elevated like walls — the eleva- tion conunencing with the hinder margin (PL VI, fig. 20). A cylindrical tube, open above, is formed over the depres- sion in which the buds are generated (PL VI, fig. 21). The cells of the bud-receptacle itself, and those of the lower part of its growing margin, take part in the longi- tudinal elongation which now^ commences in the tissue of the stem. The cells of the upper part of the above tube extend themselves upw^ards only ; those of its free margin continue to divide by transverse septa. By this means the lower part of the bud-receptacle becomes elongato-lageni- form ; the open tube appears inserted in its upper end. Reproductive buds now make their appearance on the inner-side also of the upper arched surface of the bud- receptacle. The inner cavity of the receptacle is filled, like those of the Marchantiese, with dense transparent slime, in which numerous short greenish threads, too narrow to admit of being measm^ed, are imbedded (PL VI, fig. 22). (Are they the rudiments of fungi?) A very striking peculiarity is exhibited by the rudimentary reproductive buds in these cells, which are destined for a process of active multiplication. Their contents are as clear as water. No nucleus of any kind is to be seen. It is only on rare occasions that solid bodies are found in the cell -sap, in the form of from one to three sharply defined, angular, very small bodies with exceedingly active molecular motion (PL VI, fig. 22*). Concentrated tincture of iodine precipi- tates a scarcely perceptible quantity of a yellowish-brown substance upon the inner wall of the cell, even when the tincture is considerably heated. When the bud (omitting the stalk) has become 4-5 cellular, a nucleus is for the first time perceptible in each of the cells, contemporaneously with the appearance of the first small chlorophyll bodies, which are of a beautiful emerald green. The number of these increases considerably towards the period of the perfecting of the bud. At this time numerous drops of a clear, yellow, fatty oü make their appearance in the cells of the buds. The chlorophyll changes colour. Ultimately the THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 51 stalk of the ripe bud detaches itself from the wall of tlie receptacle ; the bud is ejected through the narrow tube of the lagei!iform receptacle, and becomes free. The escape of the buds is doubtless caused by the pressure which the numerous, rapidly-growing young buds, necessarily exert upon the mucilaginous contents of their re(;cptacle, wdiich contents are thereby in constant motion towards the opening in its neck. It is stated in some books that the bud-receptacles of Blasia are closed when young, and open at the top at a later period (see Nees v. Esenbeck, Naturgesch. d. Europ. Lebermoose, B. 3, s. 395). An incorrect figure of Hed- wig's has probably given rise to this erroneous notion (see * Theoria generationis,' ed. 2, t. xxx, fig. 9). The germination of the German liverworts, irrespective of the very special wonderful development of the spores of Blasia (see the beautiful observations of Gottsche, N. A. A. C. L., vol. XX, p. 1 ; and the supplementary ones of Grönland, 'Ann. Sc. Nat.' ser. iv, t. i, pi. 3) ; exhibits at least three essentially different methods of development. Frnllania dUatata has the largest spores. They are longish and tetrahedral, with rounded edges and angles ; more rarely spherical. The inner membrane is as clear as glass, and not very delicate ; the outer one is thin, membranous, and of a yellowish-brow n colour, beset at regular distances with circular groups of brown protuberances (PI. XI, fig. 27). The contents consist of a yellowish, viscous fluid, in which numerous granules are suspended. In the middle point of the spore a roundish ball of opaque matter (a nucleus surrounded by granules) is indistinctly seen. The germination of the spores commences as early as the fifth day after sowing. Numerous very small chlorophyll bodies are formed in the fluid contents. The primary central nucleus disappears, and in its place are found two new ellipsoidal nuclei. Erom eight to tw^elve days after sowing, these nuclei appear separated by a delicate line, wdiich is the side- view of a septiun, dividing the spore into tw'O cells (PI. XI, figs. 20, 29). One of these cells divides rapidly and con- tinually by alternately inclined septa (PI. XI, figs. 30 — 34) ; the daughter- cells thus formed divide by radial septa. The 5.2 HOFMEISTER, ON cells of the third order divide by septa parallel to the longi- tudinal axis of the germinating spore, and cutting the side walls at an angle of 45°. In the outermost new cells of the fourth order, vertical and radial septa are formed, and then horizontal septa. In this way the spore, in the course of a month, is transformed into an oval cellular mass, whose longitudinal diameter is from three to five times the length of that of the ripe spore. The outer membrane of the spore, which expands considerably, surrounds the continually- increasing cellular body for some time, until eventually it bursts (PI. XI, figs. 32, 33) ; the remnants of it often remain for a long time adherent to the base of the cellular body (PL XI, fig. 37). One of the basal cells of the germ-plant now grows into a root with a thick wall and a narrow cavity, precisely simi- lar to those which are developed by the perfect plant (PL XI, fig. 35). All the cells of the upper surface of the germ- plant, excepting those of the apex, protrude outwards in the form of arched papillae. Ten days later the first leaves sprout forth close under the apex of the germ-plant, placed opposite one another on the stem at equal distances (PL XI, fig. 37). The arrangement of their cells shows that their growth results from the repeated division of a cell of the surface of the stem, b}* means of alternately inclined septa at right angles to the surface of the leaf. The second pair of leaves stands exactly over the first ; the two other rows of leaves of the older plants first appear at a later period. The form of these earliest leaves (ovato-acurninate) is moreover very different from the tvvo-lobed closely-folded later leaves. The terminal bud of the stem is situated between the leaves, in the form of a blunt, conical protu- berance (PL XI, fig. 38). In this bud also the growth manifestly results from the division of an apical cell, by means of alternately inclined septa. The small globular spores of Jungermannia hicuspidala have a brittle, finely granular, brownish outer membrane ; they contain a mucilaginous opaque fluid (PL IX, fig. 1). The cushion-like masses of Palmellea3 which are usually found under the patches of this liverwort afford a peculiarly suitable substratum for the germination of the spores. As THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 53 early as the eighth day after the spores have been scattered over the moist, sKmy mass, the expanding inner membrane ruptures the outer membrane, and protrudes in a vesicular form through the fissure (PL IX, fig. 2). It contains numer- ous very beautiful, small, emerald-green chlorophyll bodies. The protruding portion of the inner membrane is soon divided from the remainder of it by a transverse septum. By continual division of the fore-cell (that one, namely, which is furthest from the remnants of the exosporium) by means of transverse septa, — which septa are always preceded (as in higher plants) by the appearance of two new nuclei in the mother-cell (PL IX, figs. 3 — 7) — the germinating spore is converted, within a month after it has been sown, into a simple row of cells, seven or eight in number. In the apical cell, and often also in the interstitial cells, with the exception of the one or two lowest, division by longitudinal septa now commences contemporaneously with an active longitudinal growth of the germ-plant, which latter growth results from the division of the apical cell by means of alternately inclined septa. In this way there originates a small band, formed of a single layer of cells, lying side by side in pairs (PL IX, fig. 8), near the lower end of which a slight thickening of the cellular tissue is often found, originating from the division by more than one longitu- dinal septum, of some of the interstitial cells of the cellular thread produced by the germinating spore. The ribbon- shape of the fore end of the germ-plant is soon changed to that of a cylinder through the division by radial longitu- dinal septa of the cells of the second order, produced by the division of the terminal cell by inclined septa (PL IX, figs. 10*' 11"'*'''). Prom some of these cells short cellular branches sprout out always close under the septum dividing the particular cell from the next higher one. These branches are soon separated from the inner cavity of their mother-cell by a transverse septum. They are arranged in two vertical rows, the lower being placed (with respect to their attitude) irregularly upon the germ- plant, the upper ones being very regularly alternate (PL IX, fig. 9). The lower ones do not undergo any change, but in the third or fifth, reckoned from below, division occurs by a transverse 54 HOFMEISTER, ON septum ; in tlie higher ones this division is repeated in the terniiniil cell, so that they present the appearance of 3-cellular rows of cells. Those which originate at a later period exhibit longitudinal septa in their basal cells, and a furcate ramification at the apex ; they resemble now, even in tlieir outline, the leaves of the plant (PL IX, fig. 9). Higher up, in more advanced germ-plants, perfect leaves appear in the place of the above rows of cells. Individual points of the wall of many of the cells of the underside of the germ-pliuit often develope, even at an early period, into root- lets, and penetrate into the substratum (PI. IX, fig. 10). In isolated cases the longitudinal growth of the first shoot of the germinating plant is suppressed ; a new shoot then arises near to, and underneath, the apex, whose cells exhibit, at a little distance above the place of origin of the shoot, the same arrangement as that wdiich is found at the apices of germ-plants in a more advanced state of development, and which arc commencing to form leaves (PL IX, tig. 12, 12*).* Jungermannia divaricata, Engl. Bot., and Alicularia scalaris (PL VII, fig. II), of both of which I have found spores just germinating and half developed germ-plants, appear to germinate in the same manner, in fill respects, as Junc/ermannia hicuspidata. The same is the case, according to Grönland (1. c. PL I), in Sarcoscypliiis Fimkii and Junger- mannia crenulata. The germination of LopUocolea Jtetero- phijUa coincides generally with that of /. divaricata. Here, however, the delicate brownish outer spore- membrane is not ruptured by the expanding inner membrane, but is only gradually stretched, until finally it disappears in the further progress of the germination. The small globular spores scat- tered over decaying bark, swell to three times their original size within a few days. Numerous chlorophyll bodies are produced at the same time in their fluid contents ; a nucleus becomes clearly visible in the centre of the cell, and may even be seen, although with diificulty, whilst the spore is still enclosed in the capsule. This nucleus vanishes, and * Grönland has observed that, the germ-plant whilst exhibiting only a sinn;le row of cells, not uufrequenlly ramifies; a fact which 1 have not ODserved. (See 'Ann. Sc. Nat.' iv ser. 1, p." 15.) THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 55 two new nuclei make their aj^pearance. The germinathig spore divides into two halves by a transverse septum originating between the two nuclei. The same process is repeated in one of the newly-produced cells ; in this way a short, simple row of cells is formed (PL IX, figs. 17 — 25). The terminal cell of the row swells to the shape of a head, and divides by a longitudinal septum. From the continual division of the terminal cells a small band of cellular tissue is produced, similar to the second stage of development of the germ-plant of /. bicuspidata (PI. IX, fig. 26), and which, as in that plant, produces lateral regularly-placed hairs, hair-like roots on the underside, and finally, after further development, perfect leaves at its apex (PI. IX, fig. 26). At the time of the first appearance of the latter I always found the oldest hinder part of the plant entirely dead. The spores of Radula comjüanafa are tolerably large, globular, and clothed with a brownish-yellow exosporium. In the fluid contents, which enclose numerous very small chlorophyll bodies, a very well - defined large nucleus is suspended (PI. XI, fig. 16). T"\venty-four hours only after sowing the spores upon moist bark the greater number of them begin to germinate ; some lie quiescent for weeks, and then germinate suddenly. Two nuclei, which are very prominent as light circular spaces in the opaque cell-sap, appear in the place of the primary central nucleus. Between them a septum is formed, dividing the spore into two halves (PI. XI, fig. 17). The division is repeated in the newly-formed cells, but by septa at right angles to the first septum (PI. XI, fig. 18) ; fom' cells having the form of quadrants of a sphere have now been formed in the spore. Each of these divides, in the first instance, by a septum either parallel to the first-formed septum or perpendicular to it (PL XI, figs. 19, 20) ; the four four- sided ones of the newly-formed cells divide by septa cutting the last-formed septa at an angle of 90° (PL XI, fig. 20 *'*"). The body which has been formed by the division of the spore-cell, and which now consists of tw^clve cells, four central and eight peripheral ones, has now a well-defined cake-like shape. Henceforth, the multiplica- 5G HOFMEISTER, ON tion of the cells takes place exclusively in the direction of one surface, with the exception of a single division of all the cells Avhich takes place by septa parallel to the sm-face, sometimes at this period (PI. XI, fig. 21), and sometimes rather later. The underside of the flat expansion sends out rootlets with very narrow cavities, exactly similar to those produced from the lower leaf-lobes of fully developed plants. The cells of the margin, as well as those of the middle, multiply continually by division caused by septa perpendi- cular to the surfaces of the plate-shaped body (PI. XI, figs. 23, 24). Ultimately, five months after sowing, a small protuberance of cellular tissue is seen at the margin of the flat germ-plant, which is soon recognised as the first commencement of the leafy stem by the fact of its producing rudimentary leaves under its apex (PI. XI, figs. 25, 26). The arrangement of the cells of the terminal bud of the voung stem shows clearlv that its longitudinal growth is the result of the continual division of an apical cell by alternately-inclined septa (PI. XI, fig. 26). The normal mode of cell-multiplication in the growing end of the stem of developed plants of the leafy Jumger- mannias, is most diflficult to ascertain. The terminal bud protrudes very slightly above the place of origin of the youngest leaf; the older leaves embrace the bud more closely than in any other plants I know. Numerous hairs which are developed upon and between the youngest leaves interfere with the observation ; the contents of the youngest cells (viz. a thick nuicilage in which numerous, often closely- packed chlorophyll bodies are imbedded) are almost opaque ; all which matters present almost insuperable obstacles to the observer. With the exception of the instances brought forward in treating of the germination, there have been but few cases in Avhich I have arrived at clear results, viz., in Frullania dilatata (PI. XI, fig. 9, 10), Lophocolea hiden- faia (PI. IX, fig. 13), Trichocolea tomcntella (PI. VIII, fig, 4), and Jan(/ermannia hiciispidata (PI. VIII, 12, "*) ; the shoots here examined were the few-leaved shoots which break out between the leaves, and which originate from adventitious buds. They all agree in essentials with one another, as also with the modes of development of the rudi- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 57 meiitary stem observed in the germination of different species. One apical cell divides continually by septa alter- nately inclined in different directions. In Jungermannia bicuspidata, and Frullania dilatata, these septa are directed alternately right and left ; the apical cell has the form of, a segment of a sphere. The cells of the second order are divided by radial longitudinal septa. In each of the three-sided daughter-cells a septum is formed, cutting the side walls at an angle of 45°, and dividing the cell into an inner and an outer one. The latter is divided by a radial longitudinal septum into two halves ; the growth of the circumference, even in leafy shoots, terminates at this point in J. bicuspidata and many nearly allied species, such as J. connivens, and divaricafa. In these species both layers of cells, but more frequently only the outer one, continue to divide by horizontal septa ; the four inner cells again divide by longitudinal septa, parallel to the axis ; and after- wards at least two, often four of the newly- formed narrow cells of the interior of the stem, divide by radial septa. The axis of the stem consists, consequently, of somewhat elongated cells, which are much narrower than those of the single cortical cellular layer. Hence, also, there arises the indication of a vascular bundle, traversing the longitudinal axis of the stem. At a similar stage of the development of the stem in thickness — the lowest which occurs in the vegetable kingdom, from the leafy mosses u[)wards — the germ-plants of all observed species make a stand ; ultimately and by degrees thicker shoots are formed, which produce the rudiments of fruit. The great variety of forms in the leaves of Jungermannia is only partly accounted for by the rules of development of their cells. Many of the most striking varieties of form in perfect leaves are produced by an anomalous expansion of small groups of cells, and a multiplication, commencing at a late period, in individual cells of the margin of the leaf. The same difficulties which interfere with a clear ascertain- ment of the structure of the terminal bud, hinder to a still greater extent the observation of the first stages of develop- ment of the leaves. 1 have only been able in a few cases to observe directly that the leaf originates in the continual 58 HOFMEISTER, ON division of a single cell of the upper surface of the stem, which protrudes in an arched form, at an early period, above the bounding surface of the stem. One of these cases is Fossomhronla pmilla. Here the leaf, at its first appearance, is exactly like a sliort hair; the papilteforin protruding cell of the n|)per surface of the stem is soon separated from tlie original cavity of the cell by a transverse septum, and after- wards divided by a septum parallel to the latter, into a lower cylindi'ical, and an upper clavate cell. The fluid con- tents of the latter are tolerably transparent, those of the former exhibit numerous chloro])hyll-granules (PI. IV, fig. 25). The lower cell only, divides in rapid succession; first by a transverse septum, and then the lower one or both of the newly-formed cells, by a septum at right angles to the last, and to the surface of the young leaf (PL VI, fig. 27). The upper pair of cells of the third order divide by transverse septa ; longitudinal septa appear in the lower one, followed by transverse septa again in the outer cells (PL VI, fig. 26). The like succession of divisions takes place in the lower of the two pairs of cells, which originated in the transverse division of the two cells of the third order adjoining the apical cell, and is repeated, (with the recurrence of the transverse division of the upper of these pairs of cells,) continually in the two newly-formed cells lying nearer to the base of the leaf on the right and left of the median line. In the mean time, by frequent longitudinal division of the marginal cells of the lower part, the leaf increases considerably in breadth (PL VI, fig. 28) ; the one longitudinal half is always more vigorous than the other. This multiplication lasts much longer at the base of the leaf, where it keeps pace with and ultimately exceeds the growth of the stem, than it does at the upper margin, towards which it gradually diminishes. Individual cells of the margin continue to multiply for a longer period than their neighbours, repeating in miniature, in the mode of their multiplication, the formation of the leaf; in conse- quence of tliis the leaf assumes its multi-angular shape. The rudimentary appendages of the leaves of the Lopho- coleae are, as has been already observed, short rows of cells ; the first rudiments of the leaves themselves are nothing THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 59 more than simple cells, produced by the cutting off of short papillae by a transverse septum. This renders it in the highest degree probable that a single cell of the bounding surface of the stem is the mother-cell of the leaf. However at the period when the young leaf first appears above the sm*face of the stem, it consists, when viewed from above, of four cells arranged side by side, embracing more than a fourth part of the stem (PI. IX, fig. 14). The two middle ones are considerably larger than the side ones. The foundation for the two-pointed form of the leaf is laid immediately upon the division of the nikldle cells by septa, both at right angles to the median line of the leaf, and diverging from it to the right and left. Each of the two middle cells of the 4-cellular fore-edge of the leaf developes a papillseform prolongation, directed forwards and at the same time obliquely outwards ; the outline of each is parabolical, and each of them divides repeatedly by transverse septa (PI. IX, fig. 15). The wide and low interstitial cells thus produced are divided from once to as many as eight times by septa parallel to the longitudinal axes of the teeth of the leaves. The activity of this cell- multiplication diminishes from below upwards ; the tips of the teeth of full-grown leaves consist of short simple rows of cells. During the formation of the teeth, the number of the cells of the lower part of the leaf continues to increase considerably by longitudinal and transverse divisions. The septa there formed are not always at right angles, or parallel to the longitudinal axis of the leaf, but are often laterally inclined to a considerable extent (PI. IX, fig. 16). Frequent irregularities in the arrangement of the cells are produced thereby, especially in Lophocolea heterophi/Ua. In the latter plant the growth of the teeth on those leaves which are intermediate betw^een the two-pointed lower leaves, and the entire upper leaves, is caused by division of the terminal cells by alternately-inclined septa, not by septa parallel to one another. Jungermcmnia bicuspidafa, and the closely allied /. conni- vens and /. divaricafa, comport themselves, in the matter of leaf-development, similarly to the Lophocolcse. In these latter, however, the regularity of the arrangement of the cells is mucli greater ; the cell-multiplication in the lower 60 HOFMEISTER, ON undivided half of the leaf is very limited, often almost sup- pressed in /. divaricafa. The first rudiments of the two points of the leaf in /. bicuspidafa are of a very plump form (PI. VIII, figs. 8 — 10). In Ptilidu/m ciliare an active multiplication of the cells of the superior leaves commences at a late period, and is more clearly defined than even in Lophocolea and /. bicuspidafa. With it the formation of the leaf commences by the protrusion outwards in the form of an arch, of one of the stem-cells of the second order, close underneath its apex; the protruding cell assumes the form of a swollen seam, embracing nearly half the cir- cumference of the stem (PI. VII, fig. 9, a). The cell divides by a longitudinal septum radial to the axis of the stem ; both halves of the seam are separated from the original cavity of the cell by septa parallel to the outer surfaces of the stem. Each of the two cells of the young leaf there- upon developes itself independently in length. Each arches itself outwards to some extent, so that the fore-edge of the leaf exhibits two very blunt points ; thereupon each of the cells divides by a transverse septum, which separates the protruding portion from the original cell-cavity (PL VIII, fig. 9, b, where only half of the leaf is shown). This division is repeated continually in each of the two apical cells. Each interstitial cell (cells of the second order) is bisected by a longitudinal septum. The cells of the third order divide by septa, either parallel to the latter septum or converging to it (PI. VII, fig. 51, c) ; thereupon the cells of the edge of the leaf grow out into the long cilia which give the specific name to the plant, extending themselves in the form of papillae, and then repeatedly dividing in their apical cell by transverse septa (PI. VII, figs. 7, 8). Ultimately, longitudinal septa are formed in the lowest of the cells of the second order of these excrescences of the edge of the leaf. In highly developed leaves new cilia spring from the marginal cells of these pointed appendages of the edge of the leaf, originating in precisely the same manner as the parts upon which they are borne. The leaf now consists of two synunetrical halves, which have only a single row of cells for their connnon basis, and are connected together at the bottom only to the extent of a single cell (PI. VII, fig. 8). It is this transverse row of cells which, by repeated THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 61 bisection, commencing at a late period, forms the cellular surface, often ^'" in length, which carries the two-pointed heads of the leaf. In Frullania dilatala, which is furnished with such wide leaves, the leaf, at its first appearance above the surface of the stem (the periphery of which at this period exhibits only four cells) consists of a single wide-stretched cell (PI. XI, fig. 9). It divides at first, once or twice, by a transverse septum ; the newly-formed cells then divide by longitudinal septa (PL VIII, fig. 3). Each cell of the lower pair is now divided by a septum coinciding with the longitudinal axis of the leaf, and parallel to the first septum (PI. XI, fig. 8 "' *). The two apical cells of the rudiment of the leaf then divide by septa almost at right angles to its longitudinal axis, thus forming three-sided superior cells of the first degree of the second order, and four-sided inferior trans- versely extended cells of the second degree. The latter are divided immediately after their formation into inner and outer cells by means of a septum parallel to the longitudi- nal axis of the leaf (PI. XI, fig. 8 '). The like processes are repeated several times in the two apical cells of the young leaf, so that the latter soon assumes the form of an oval cellular sm'face, consisting of two inner rows of cells bounded right and left by a row of marginal cells. The leaf soon begins to increase in breadth by repeated division of the marginal cells by means of septa parallel to the margin of the leaf. At the same time the mode of multiplication of the apical cells changes ; the division by means of a septum almost at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the leaf, is followed by a division by means of a septum, mounted upon the latter septum, and only slightly diverging from the median line of the leaf. The now four-sided elongated apical cells continue to divide by alternate longitudinal and transverse septa (PL XI, fig. 14). In the later stages of development of the leaf, the cells produced by the division of the two apical cells, both the marginal cells and the double row of inner cells adjoining the median line of the leaf, are divided soon after their formation by septa at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the leaf (PL XI, fig. 13). This division is followed by a division by means of septa inter- 62 HOFMEISTER, ON secting tlie last-fomied septa, and parallel to those lateral cell-surfaces which are turned towards the median line of the leaf. In the cells of the interior of the leaf this latter division occuis once only ; in those of the margin it is repeated sometimes as many as eight times in the outer- most cells. The lower part of the leaf thus increases considerably in breadth, in proportion to the increase in circumference of the stem. As the longitudinal groAvth of the leaf draws to a close, the two apical ci^lls do not keep pace with one another in their multiplication ; one of them is usually a generation in advance of the other (PI. XI, fig. 14). By the time that the leaf is of the height of four cells, one of the marginal cells of its base begins to protrude laterally in the form of an arch. The protu- berance is soon separated from the original cell- cavity by a transverse septum. By repeated transverse divi- sion of the apical cell the latter is transformed into a row of flattened cells, into a ribbon-shaped appendage of the young leaf, embracing the stem (PL XI, fig. S ') ; this is the first rudiment of the lower lobe (which presses against the upper one) of the 'superior leaves. It increases in breadth by the division of its cells by means of septa parallel to the longitudinal axis. This cell-division is repeated much oftenef in the marginal cells of that side of the lower leaf-lobe which is turned away from the upper lobe, than in those of the opposite ' side. It frequently does not continue in the cells nearest to the apical cell. This latter cell grows regularly into a club-shaj)ed hair (PI. XI, fig. 2). After the form of the leaf is thus prepared the cells of its base divide by frequently alternating longitudinal and transverse septa. The outline of the leaf is not thereby changed, but the number of its cells is veiy nmch increased, and the space over which the upper leave-lobe coheres to the lower is considerably extended. The first stages of development of the inferior leaves of TriiUunia cUlatala entirely resemble those of the bi- dentate superior leaves of Lojjhocolca Udp.niuia, two teeth being formed on the fore-edge in the same maimer as THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 63 in the latter plant. Soon, however, a new process of cell-formation appears at the sicle-edgcs of the leaf, under- neath the place of origin of these teeth ; commencing by a lateral expansion of one of the marginal cells, followed by a cutting off, by means of a transverse septum, of the protuberance thus formed, and by repeated transverse divi- sion of the newly-formed cells. By this means the hitherto double-pointed leaf becomes four-pointed. The leaves of Badala camplanata are developed in all their parts in a manner precisely similar to that of the superior leaves of Frullania dilatata (PI. XI, fig. 15). In this species, also, the apical cell of the lower lobe after its last division usually grows out into a clavate hair (PL XI, fig. 1). The multiplication of the cells of the base of the leaf lasts for a considerable time after the termination of the division of the apical cells. The arrangement of the cells in the leaves of the round-leaved common Jungermannise (/. curta, crenidata, Alicularia Scolaris) very much resembles the later condi- tion of the upper lobe of the superior leaves of rriilla- nia ; it answers exactly to the arrangement of the cehs in the direction of the sm-face, of young shoots of Pellia (PI. VII, fig. 21). The leaves of the Jungermanniae usually exhibit a very decided inclination to development in breadth. I know of no species in which a single apical cell divides by means of septa spreading alternately right and left, and in which the division lasts until the termination of the growth of the leaf. The development of the leaves of all Jun- germannias agrees in this, that the leaf originates in the extension outwards of one or more cells of the bounding surface of the stem close underneath its growing apex, and the subsequent separation by septa of the protuber- ances thus formed from the original cell-cavity. This first rudiment of the leaf grows at first exclusively by division of the cells of its apex and edge. After a series of such divisions, sometimes after very few (in ex- treme cases, as in Fossombronia, and in Haplomitrium according to Gottsche, after one single division) then^ en- Gil HOFMEISTER, ON sues a most active and long- continuing multiplication of the cells of the base of the leaf, which gives the leaf its final shape. The leaf-development of the different Jungermanniae, which I have endeavoured to describe in the preceding pages, may be looked at from one and the same point of view^ How- ever different at first sight the individual processes may appear, tlun' may be looked upon collectively as a tendency in the longitudinal halves of the young leaf-rudiments to develope themselves independently, and often unequally. The upper and lower lobe of the leaves of Scapania, Frulla- nia, Radula, &c., answer to the two tips of the leaves of Lophocole?e, J//?/r/. dicusjjidafa, Ptilidium, and others. The mode of ramification of the Jungermannias is very difficult to unravel, on account of the natiu-e of the terminal buds. I have not arrived at an enth'ely clear idea of it in any species. ]\Iany observations pohit to the conclusion that the normal ramification of the axis results from a genuine furcate division of the naked apex of the terminal bud above the place of origin of the youngest leaf {e.j/., PI. YIl, fig. I, Ptilidium ciliare), and there is nothing opposed to this view. The cases which appear to contradict it (such as the development of new shoots out of the axils of the leaves of fruit-bearing, or even older branches of terrestrial Jungermannia?), may be looked upon as the development of adventitious buds. These shoots in /. hicuspidaia often attain the length of several millimetres without producing leaves. They are, therefore, just the objects in Avhicli the nature and method of cell-multiplication in the apex of the stemof Jungermanniae may be most conveniently investigated (PI. VIII, fig. 12"'*). The half-subterraneous shoots of IlapIomiiriumHookcri often remain in like manner leafless for a considerable extent. These are the processes wdiich Gottsche is inclined to con- sider as being true roots of this liverwort, which is entirely unprovided with rootlets ('Nova Acta Acad. C. Leop.,' vol. XX, 1, 275). I had the opportunity of convincing myself that the structure of the growing end of these shoots en- tirely coincides with that of the end of the stem (PI. VII, THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAIMIA. 65 fig. 1). They grow by continually repeated division of a single apical cell by means of septa alternately inclined in different directions. These shoots are also remarkable from the fact that in the older portion of them each epidermal cell grows out into a short papilla (PL VII, fig. 2), an en- largement of the upper surface, which may serve as a compensation for the absent rootlets. The antheridia of the liverworts are mostly axile, some- times solitary (Jungermannia, Lophocolea, Radula, JMa- dotheca), sometimes gregarious (Alicularia, Frullania), in the axil of the same leaf. They are only occasionally free, i. e., not protected by covering leaves on the upper surface of the stem (Fossombronia, Haplomitrium) . The formation of the antheridium commences by the protrusion outwards in the form of an arch, and to a considerable extent, of one of the cells of the upper surface of the stem, before the latter has ceased to grow in thickness, and by the sepa- ration, by means of a transverse septum, of the protu- berance thus formed from the original cell cavity. In the cell thus formed, which protrudes above the surface of the stem, there sometimes commences a series of repeated divisions of the apical cell by septa alternately inclined in two directions {Madotheca jjlatyphyUa, Fossombronia pii- silla). This series of divisions, however, is not of frequent occurrence. More frequently the primary cell of the antheridium is divided several times successively by septa parallel to one another. By this means it is transformed into a row of cylindrical cells, which is sometimes of con- siderable length, as in Lophocolea heteropltylla. The ter- minal cell of this cellular thread swells in a clavate manner (PL XI, fig. 39). It divides by a septum diverging from its longitudinal axis ; the upper one of the newly formed cells then divides by a septum inclined in the opposite direction. The cells of the second degree are divided by radial longitudinal septa; one of the cells of that upper pair of cells of the third degree which is nearer the apex of the antheridium, divides by a septum parallel to the longi- tudinal axis, and cutting the side walls of the mother-cell at an angle of 45°. The young antheridium now consists of a spherical group of cells — a central cell surrounded by 5 G6 HOFMEISTÜR, ON five cells — wliicli is borne by an elongated cylindrical stem consisting of a single row of cells (PI. XI, fig. 1, 40). The cells of the latter continue to divide frequently by septa parallel to those already present. The central cell of the spherical head which it supports multiplies actively in all three directions by repeated bisections (PL IX, fig. 31 ; PI. XI, figs. 2, 41), whilst the cells of its outer layer divide only by septa at right angles to the outer surface, and much less frequently than the central cell. The anthe- ridium is now a spherical mass of small cells filled with mucilage, surrounded by a single layer of tabular cells con- taining chlorophyll (PI. XI, fig. 3). In each of those smaller cells a spermatozoon is formed inside an ellipsoidal or spherical vesicle (PI. VII, fig. 6 ; PI. XI, fig. 42). When the antheridium is ripe, the cells of its outer layer* separate from one another (PI. VI, fig. 37 ; PI. XI, fig. 42) ; the vesicles containing the spermatozoa, which have become free by the dissolution of the walls of the cellules containing them, escape in the form of a mucdaginous mass. They disperse themselves under water, and commence a rotating motion. The wall of the vesicle bursts, the enclosed spermatozoon escapes either wholly or partially (PI. XI, fig. 42), and moves about in the water, keeping up a per- petual rotation round the axis of the spiral which it pre- sents (PI. VII, fig. 12; PL VIII, fig. 3). In the antheridia of those species in which division by alternately inclined septa commences even in the earliest primary cell of the antheridium, the essential parts, i. e., the mother-cells of the first degree of the spermatozoa and their covering layer, are developed in a precisely similar manner. A long series of cells of the second degree fail to nudtiply, so that a cylindrical double row of cells (long in ]\Iadotheca, short in Possombronia) represents the second stage of develo})ment of the antheridium. The free end of this cylinder swehs up to a clavate shape ; and in the two youngest cells the divisions now ensue which lead to the formation of the central cell and its covering layer. * In some species (e. ff., Fosssombronia pusilla) llie granules of eliloropliyll in lliese cells have by this time become yellow, as is the case iu Authoccros, and iu the mosses. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 67 Madotlieca platyphylla exhibits a remarkable peculiarity. The cells of the covering layer not only divide very fre- quently by septa perpendicular to the outer siu'face, so that they appear proportionally small and very numerous in the perfect antheridium ; but the lateral cells and those underneath the central cell divide also by septa parallel to the outer surface of the young antheridium ; the upper ones once, the lower ones several times over. By this means the antheridium acquires a consider- able size ; the oval group of cells in which the sperm- atozoa are produced occupies only a small portion of its upper half. The covering of this group of cells consists also always of a single layer of cells (PL VII, fig. 5). The walls of the cells of the covering-layer are coloured a bluish- red by iodine. The spermatozoa in the leafy Jungermanniae are con- siderably smaller than those of Pellia. Fossomhronia pusilla has the largest of all those which I have examined ; the diameter of the vesicles in which they originate is yjo'" ; those of the diminutive Jurigermannia divaricata are a httle smaller (PI. YII, fig, 21) ; those of FndJania dilatata and Madotheca plaii/pIiijUa K\:Q\QYy small (PI. VII, fig. 6; PL XI, fig. 42). The development of the archegonia of the leafy liver- worts corresponds exactly with that of the like organs in Pellia, the Marchantiae, and the mosses. In Fossombronia and Haplomitrium these organs are produced in the axils of leaves ; in the other genera treated of in this cha[)ter they are found only on short lateral branchlets. In growing archegonia, however, the peculiar condition which occurs in Pelha and the mosses is seldom seen. In Pellia and the mosses it often happens that the formation of the cells of the axile string does not extend as far as the cells im- mediately adjoining the apical cell, a fact which is doubt- less to be attributed to the slow, and consequently relatively limited development of the neck of the organ. The arche- gonia of the true Jungermanniae, and of Radula complanafa, are proportionatelv short and uniformly thick (PL VII, figs. 14, 15 ; PL VIII, figs. 1, 2 ; PL X, fig. 1 ; PL XI, fig. 1) ; those of Possombronia (PL VI, figs. 29—33) 68 HOFMEISTER, ON and of Frullailia are remarkably distended at the place where the large cell at the base of the neck is enclosed ; those of Frnllania have a longer neck than any moss or liverwort, without exception, with which I am acquainted (PI. XII, figs. 1, 3). "With a few exceptions peculiar to the Jungermanniae proper (PI. VII, fig. 15; PI. VllI, fig. 2 ; PL X, fig. 1), the archegonia of the leafy liverworts agree in the fact that until the formation of the rudiments of the fruit, the mother- cell of the large cell at the apex of the distended portion, is enclosed only by a single layer of cells ; and they also agree in the fact that the distended portion is only of moderate height, and that before impregnation only two or three, or at the most four cells, are to be counted between the low^er arched surface of the above-mentioned large cell and the base of the archegonium. The archegonia of the greater number of leafy liverworts are furnished with a pecidiar cup or pitcher-shaped organ of later growth than the archegonium itself — the calyx or perianthium of authors. In all cases Mdiich have been observed, the first appearance of this organ is in the form of a closed ring, consisting of a single layer of cells. This is the case in the very different perianths of PruUania and Radula, and of Jungermannia bicuspidata and divaricata. The first rudiment of tlie perianth is formed by a contemporaneous protrusion, outwards and upwards, of a belt of cells belonging to the apex of the stem, surrounding the archegonia ; and by the separation of the protruding portion of the cells, from the portion lying within the body of the stem, by means of a transverse septum. The like form of division is repeated several times in the coronet of apical cells of the young organ. In Radtda complanata it lasts until the perianth has completed the full number of its cells in the direction of its length. Here and there cells belonging to the margin are also at the same time divided by vertical septa, and thus the nmnber of cells of the circumference is increased above (PI. XI, fig. 1). The form of the perfect perianth of Radula is consequently that of a horn continually widening upwards, and closely compressed laterally ; doubt- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM I A. 69 less the result of the resistance of the almost contiguous fore and hind lobes of the enveloping leaves, between which the organ must develope itself. A very different state of things is presented in Jmu/er- mannia bicuspidata and divaricata, and in Fridlania dilatafa. In these plants, and in the latter of them at a very early period, the multiplication of the cells of the free upper edge of the perianth ceases altogether. On the other hand there ensues an active multiplication of the basal cells by rapid and often repeated divisions, in Jiingermanma divari- cata and cuspidafa chiefly by horizontal septa, in Frullania almost as vigorously by vertical septa (PL VII, fio-. 14 ; PL VIII, figs. 1, 2 ; PL XII, fig. 2). The cells of the free edge of the perianth of Jungermannia bicuspidata grow at an early period into Ions; teeth, with transparent contents and thick cell-walls (PL VIII, figs. 1, 2). The form of the organ passes from that of an open basket into a cylindrical, and thence into a clavate shape ; the converging teeth close the opening over the half-ripe fruit. In Frullania dilatata the perianth during development becomes more and more distended (PL XII, figs. 1, 2). The mouth, a narrow ring, is lifted up higher and higher, reaches the height of the apex of the archegonium shortly after the completion of impregnation (PL XII, fig. 3), and by the time of the termination of the longitudinal growth of the perianth, is carried about five times higher, by the continuous multi- plication, and ultimately extensive expansion of the cells of the base. At the time of the ripening of the fruit the number of the cells of the free edge of the narrow mouth of the perianth is not greater by one than at the first appearance of the perianth out of the surface of the stem beneath the archegonia, when it amounts to from sixteen to twenty. In Alicularia scalaris the intercalary cell-multi- plication extends from the basal cells of the perianth, up to the tissue of the end of the stem which bears the archegonia. At the time when the rudiments of the perianth appear in the form of an annular border enclosing the young archegonia, the end of the stem is slightly convex.* During the growth of the perianth there ensues * See Gottsche, 1. c, p. 325. 70 HOFMEISTER, ON an active multiplication in the direction of their growth (outwards and at the same time obliquely upwards) of the peripheral layers of cellular tissue of the apex of the stem. This nudtiplication extends downwards from the rudiments of the perianth to the second or third pair of leaves. By this process the end of the stem which bears the archegonia becomes depressed below the level of an annular wall- shaped enlargement of the cortex of the stem, which enlargement bears upon its upper margin the young perianth, and upon its outer surface the uppermost pair of stem-leaves. An expansion of the cells of the above enlargement, in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stem, ultimately raises the points of insertion of the upper leaves above the apex of the calyptra. Trom an exaggeration of the same condition is produced the peculiar formation of the (abnormal) perianth of Calypo- geia TricJiomancs. Gottsche has shown* that the short few-leaved branch which springs laterally from the median line of an inferior leaf, bears upon its apex the archegonia which are immediately surrounded by the last leaves ; the apex of this branch inclines upwards, and becomes a round fleshy knob.f Successful longitudinal sections perpendicular to the plane in which the surfaces of the leaves of the prin- cipal axis lie, and passing through this axis, and also through the young fruit-branch which lies laterally in the axil of one of its inferior leaves, proved to me that the latter branch, which at first is directed obliquely downwards, curves itself upwards, so that at the period of impregnation the arche- gonia are erect (PL X, fig. 1). The central c(;ll before impregnation is exceedingly small. The completion of the impregnation is first recognisable by an unusually active multiplication of the cells of the central portion of the archcgonium during its conversion into the calyptra; a multiplication which forthwith commences in the tissue of the fruit-branch inuuediately adjoining the base of the archegonium (PI. X, fig. 1). The small-celled tissue thus formed, which bears the impregnated and the abortive archegonia, becomes developed into the fruit-sac. The * «Nova Acta Ac. C. L,,' xxi, p. 427. t L.c, p. 4S8. TIIK HIGH KR TRYPTOGAMIA. 71 larger wide-celled moiety of the fruit-stalk above the former takes no part in this new formation. An active cell- multiplication continues to take place in the former tissue for a long time. In the cells imdergoing division, transverse septa perpendicular to the convex outer surface of the fruit branch often make their appearance. The annular zone of new cells thus formed, which lies at the greatest distance from the archegonia, undergoes, immediately after its forma- tion, a considerable longitudinal elongation, at right angles to the partition-walls by the fonnation of which the cells were individualised. This is the mode in which the end of the fruit-branch, which is originally cushion-shaped, becomes transformed into a pitcher-shaped organ (PI. X, fig. 6).* The cells of the inner surface of its cavity are from four to eight times narrower than those adjoining them. Tliis arises from a division of the cells of the inner surface, by means of longitudinal and transverse septa perpendicular to the free surface, which takes place after the last division of the cells adjoining them. These narrower cells expand into long papilloe directed rectangularly inwards, which almost entirely fill the cavity of the fruit-sac (PI. X, figs. 6, 8).t Shortly before the commencement of the dissolution of the transverse septa of the string of cells which occupies the longitudinal axis of the neck of the archegonium of Fossomhronia pusilla, a small free cell becomes visible in the middle cell of the ventral portion of the archegonium, occupying about an eighth part of the cavity of the latter cell, and near its very distinct primary central nucleus. The contents of this small free cell are transparent, and it has a finely granular nucleus with no nucleolus. There can be no doubt that this cell originates in free-cell forma- tion round a secondary nucleus. In archegonia a little more developed, this cell, which has considerably increased in size, quite fills the lower third-part of its mother- cell. The * It is essentially the same process which makes the cavity of the ovary of epigynous Phaneiogamia inferior, and by v^hich the nucleus of many anatropal ovules which have massive outer integuments, becomes sunk within the integu- ments, except that in these cases, and especially in the latter, cell-formation and cell-expansiun are not so clearly distinguishable from one another as in Calypogeia. f Gottsche has given an elegant figure of a longitudinal section of a later condition of the fruit-sac, 1, c, T. xxxi, f. 15. 72 HOFMEISTKH. ON primary nucleus of this latter cell has become indistinct, in fact hardly discernible ; it is manifestly undergoing dissola- tion (PI. Vl, fig. 32). As soon as the canal which trans- verses the neck of the archegonium is completely formed by the dissolution of the transverse septa of the axile row of cells, no trace of the primaiy nucleus of the central cell is any longer perceptible. The free daughter-cell, the germinal vesicle, noAv occupies about two third parts of the central cell (PL VI, fig. 33).* In those forms where the central cell of the archegonium is smaller, the germinal vesicle at the time of the opening of the apex of the archegonium, almost entirelv fills the mother- cell (PI. VII, figs. 15, 16; PL VIII, fig. 2; PL XII, fig. 1). ]\Iost archegonia are not developed beyond this stage. The cell-walls, which adjoin the longitudinal canal of the neck, assume a chestnut-brown colour, as also the inner Avail of the large central cell of the ventral portion. The spheri- cal cell, which has originated in the latter, becomes trans- formed into a dark brown mass. In individual archegonia, however, seldom in more than one in the same inflorescence, a fruit is produced by continuous division of the spherical cell which has been formed within the central cell of the ven- tral portion. It is more than probable that the action upon the archegonium of the spermatozoa, emitted from the antheridia of the same species, is necessary in order to bring about the development of the rudiments of fruit. Where antheridium-bearing plants are found in the neighbourhood of those bearing archegonia, much fruit is met with ; when the contrary is the case there is no fruit. The connnon Lophocolea hidentata is a remarkable instance ; this plant usually has abundance of archegonia, but very seldom bears antheridia, and the fruit is proportionately rare. Those species fructify the most abundantly which bear * The nucleus of the germinal vesicle very much resembles the defunct primary nucleus of the central cell. This circumstance, and the rapidity with wliieii the ahove-mcntionod process of development is gone through, led me on a former occasion (' Vergleichende Untersuchungen,' pp. -37, 47, the most striking of all ; its upright leaf, which is three inches high, and shaped like a Avinding staircase, being one of the most wonderful of vegetable forms. My investiga- tions of this remarkable genus were made on a species found by Reuter at Geneva, which represents in miniature the vegetative phenomena of the North African species. I am indebted for the materials for my work to the kindness of the discoverer, who sent me numerous living specimens. Young individuals, whether produced from spores or adventitious shoots (PI. XIV, figs. 1 — 4), are formed of short rows of cells, which pass at the fore end into a small, cellular surface. The arrangement of the cells is that which is common to the Riccieae and the Marchantieae, viz., in pairs and flabelliform, originating from two cells of the first degree, which are divided alternately by transverse and longitudinal septa. In the young state of the plant there is an excess of formation of transverse septa, nearly at right angles to its median line, and consequently of longitudinal growth. At an early period the njultiplica- tion and expansion of the cells of one side of the fore edge considerably exceed that of the other side, so that the punctum vegetationis of the young Riella is turned on one side (PI. XIV, fig. 2). Contemporaneously wdth the api)earance of the first leaves, the plant develops a mid-rib, by the production in certain cells of septa parallel to its surfaces ; this mid-rib is a strip of massive cellnlar tissue, consisting sometimes of as many as six layers of cells, which rnns along the less highly developed side of the shoot. The rib forms one margin of the flat stem, which may be compared to a stem- joint of Marchantia, of which the membranous left-hand wing has been removed. The helicoid winding of the stem is produced by the lateral twist which takes place in the axis as it grows obliquely upwards, and which is caused by the more rapid development of the left-hand side wing. The twist is always to the right. Leaves are formed only on the mid-rib. The fraction 2^ THE HIGHER CRTPTOGAMIA. 99 represents their arrangement. Each of the surfaces of the plant has two longitudinal rows. The leaf originates from the multiplication of a single cell protruding above the surface of the terminal bud (PI. XIV, fig. 9). In its early stages, and in those leaves which are nearest to the fore edge of the rib, the successive cell-formation corresponds exactly with that of the scales of ferns. The leaves which lie nearer to the membranous wing are considerably and unsymmetrically developed in breadth in their middle region (PI. XIV, fig. 8). The succession of the shoots in Riella, as in the other Riccieae and Marchantiese, is pseudo-dichotomous. The first visible ramification takes place usually in the early youth of new individuals, before the appearance of the first leaves. The relation of the two side shoots to the middle principal shoot, of which the development is ar- rested, and the amalgamation of the latter with the former, may be very easily observed in the simple cellular surface (PI. XIV, figs. 4, 7*). The growth of the antheridia commences by the swelling of a marginal cell of the membranous wing close to the punctum vegetationis, and by the separation of the vesicular protrusion from the original cell-cavity by means of a transverse septum. By the exuberant growth of the cells adjoining its base the rudiment of the antheridium is at once surrounded by a closely-fitting sheath (PI. XIV, figs. 10, 11). After one or several divisions have taken place in the cell of the first degree by means of transverse septa, and the consequent formation of a short stalk, there occurs in the hemispherical cell a series of divisions coinciding with the like process in Riccia, by which there is produced an oval body consisting of cubical cells, the mother-cells of the spermatozoa, surrounded by a layer of large, flat cells (PI. XIV, fig. 12). The growing antheridia now appear deeply imbedded in the folds of the membranous wing (PI. XIV, fig. 13). Antheridia and archegonia are always situated on different shoots. New individuals first produce antheridia. Archegonia usually appear on their shoots of the third, fourth, or fifth degree. The archegonia are situated in the axils of leaves, and are distinguished by a 100 HOFMEISTER, ON large, central cell, with comparatively small germinal vesicles (PL XIV, figs. W- *). The base of the young archegonium is surrounded by a small, annular sheath, which, before impregnation, is only from one to four cells in height (PL XIV, fig. 14«^). After the commencement of the formation of the fruit this sheath grows rapidly into a narrow-mouthed, pitcher- shaped covering, consisting of a single layer of cells (PL XIV, figs. 12, 13, 18). The impregnated germinal vesicle swells at once to the size of the pear-shaped ventral cavity of the archegoniinn (PL XIV, fig. 13), and follows the enlargement of that cavity, which enlargement is caused by the active multi- plication of the cells enclosing it. The first division of the primary cell of the fruit takes place by a horizontal septum, which divides the cell into a semi-oval superior, and a filiform inferior, moiety (PL XIV, fig. 15). By repeated transverse division the latter becomes the fruit- stalk, consisting of a single row of cells, the lower end of which, at a later period, and by means of divisions caused by septa parallel to the axis, becomes transformed into a clavate, cellular body (PL XIV, fig. IS). The upper half becomes the capsule of the fruit ; according to the general rule in the R,iccica3 and Marchantiese, it mul- tiplies by repeated divisions of the cells of the first de- gree by means of septa inclined alternately to the right and to the left (PL XIV, fig. 15). After about eight such divisions the capsule becomes globular; its outer layer, the cells of which become tabular, forms the w\ill. The cells of the interior, becoming loosened and spheri- cal in shape, perfect themselves in different ways. The contents of half of them become turbid from numerous fine granules, and their w^alls increase in thickness. These are mother-cells, containing in their interior four special-mother-cells, usually arranged in a tetrahedron, from which the spores, which are clothed with a strong, delicately marked episporium, are developed (PL XIV, fig. 19). The formation of only two spores in a mother- cell is an irregularity of frequent occurrence. The other cells of the contents of the capsule remain thin-walled, THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 101 and starch-granules appear in their interior (PI. XIV, fig. 19 ^). They change no further until maturity. This double nature of the cells of the interior of the capsule brings to mind the development of the elaters of the Targionieae and Marchantieae. The young conditions of the elaters of the latter answer exactly to the permanent state of those cells of Riella which are intermixed with the spores and contain starch-granules. Kiella thus, in more than one point, forms an intermediate link between the Ricciese on the one hand, and the Targionieae and Marchantieae on the other. GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRAR1£; CHAPTER V. MARCHANTIE.E AND TARGIONIEiE. Marchajitia polymorpha, Fegcdella coiiica, JRehoviUia hemi- spherica, Lunularia vulgaris. Targlonia ht/popJtylla. The growth of the Marchantieae and Targioniese resem- bles in its principal phenomena that of Pellia, Riccia, and Anthoceros. The essential circumstance, viz., the origin of each new shoot by the amalgamation of three shoots, which are developed in one of the two in- dentations of the fore edge of an older shoot, is in these plants, especially in the genera Lunularia and Fegatella, more clearly marked than in any others.* The vegetative organs oi Marchaiitia poIi/morpJia, Fega- tella conica, Hehouillia hemispJierica, Lunularia vulgaris, and Targionia liypophylla exhibit great similarity in development * The rudiments of those shoots of Tegatalla conica which are to be deve- loped in the early spring originate in the preceding October ; on the right and left of a nearly hemispherical mass of cellular tissue, situated at the bottom of one of the two indentations of the fore edge of the fully developed shoot of the next higher order, there are formed two smaller, almost conical shoots, which, by amalgamating with the one between tliem, form the bud of the new shoot. The shoot grows slowly in a longitudinal direction until the commence- ment of winter; the fore edge of the median shoot becomes, at the same time, continually wider (PI. XVI, fig. 1, middle of November). After the coldest months are over there is formed on either side of the median lobe the rudi- ment of a new shoot, which lias already attained a tolerably perfect condition at the time when the longitudinal expansion of the oldest liinder cells of the shoot formed at the commencement of winter begins to cause the latter to protrude out of the indentation of the edge of the stem-joint of the previous year. The shoot whose longitudinal expansion commences, appears at lliis time as if bent upwards ; a thick-fleshed, small mass of cellular tissue, ah-eady slightly furcate at the fore edge by the commencement of the longitudinal development of the shoots of a new order. The lateral margins of the shoot are bent strongly inwards, and it is closely folded together in its median Hue. HOFMEISTER, ON THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 103 and structure. The longitudinal growth of each shoot is caused by repeated division in its apical cells, by means of alternately inclined septa (Lunularia, PL XV, fig, 19 ; Fegatella, PL XVI, tig. 3). Soon after the first division of this kind has taken place in the mother-cell of a new shoot (which mother- cell lies at the bottom of the axil of two older shoots), the number of the apical cells is doubled by the appearance of a longitudinal septum (PL XVI, fig. 2). The fore edge of the shoot widens continually during and until the cessation of its longitu- dinal development, by means of repeated division of the apical cells by longitndinal septa ; this increase in breadth is more or less rapid, according to the circumstances under which the plant is growing, and according to the species of plant. The differences in habit in different species, as well as in individuals of the same species growing under different circumstances, depend, in the first place, upon wdiether the lateral margins of the new shoots amalgamate with the adjoining lobes of the fore edge for a considerable length, or not. Those shoots of Fegatella and of Rebouillia wdiich are formed late in autumn, which remain quiescent during the coldest part of the year, and develope themselves in early spring, remain completely separated from the projecting portions of the shoots of the previous year; this is the cause of the jointed appearance of the leaf-like stem of these species. In Marchantia, in Targionia under all circumstances, and in the summer shoots of Fegatella and Rebouillia, the amalgamation is, on the other hand, very complete. In the next place, differences of habit depend also upon the length of the lines of amalga- mation of the three shoots which combine to form one shoot. In Fegatella, and in specimens of Marchantia poli/- morplia and Lunularia vidgaris, which grow in very moist places, the amalgamation is far more considerable than in specimens of the same species from dry habitats,* or than * The length of tlie amalgamation is manifestly to be measured by tlie number of cells, and not by lines and inches. The expansion of individual cells lias the greatest influence upon the absolute length of tlie shoots. The hitter becomes quite enormous when new shoots of Marchantia polymorpha, covered by older portions of the mother-plants, are making their way to the light. 104 HOFMEISTER, ON is the case in Heboiiillia and Targionia. Differences of habit depend also upon the greater or less rapidity of the expansion of the fore edge of the shoots during their longitudinal growth, and, lastly, upon the fact whether the older shoots die and moulder away with greater or less rapidity. In Rebouillia hemispherica and FegateUa cornea they last for several years ; in Targionia and ]\Iarchantia the decay of the older generation of shoots begins very shortly after the complete formation of the next youngest shoots. It often happens that almost every trace of the (pseudo) furcate ramitication of the plant is obliterated by the fact of a new shoot being developed in one only of the indentations of the fore edge of an older shoot, the other new shoot, situated in the other indentation, becoming abortive. This is often the case in Rebouillia and Tar- gionia. The buds (bulbils according to IMirbel) of Lunu- laria and Marchantia, which are formed in special receptacles on the median line of the shoots, afford a particularly striking example of the above species of rami- fication. These receptacles are formed in the following manner: — in the earliest stageof the shoot, cell- multiplication commences, either all round the spot where the buds are destined to be formed, or in a semicircular chain of cells (the semicircle lying open to the front) of the upper side of the shoot. This cell-multiplication gives rise in Mar- chantia to an annular, in Lunularia to a horse-shoe shaped cushion. The division by septa parallel to the surface, of those cells of the upper side of the shoot which are enclosed by the cushion, soon ceases, whilst it continues for some time in the cells lying outside. Thus the space of the upper sm'face which is enclosed by the celliüar rampart, and is destined to form gemmse, becomes a depression. The margin of the wall grows in Lunularia into a delicate membrane (PI. XV, fig. 19), consisting of a single layer of cells. In Marchantia from sixteen to twenty teeth sprout from it (PL XV, figs. 1, 1*), which incline towards one another when young, and thus cover the gemmae ; after- wards they become upright. The history of the develop- ment of these teeth is as follows : — every other cell of the edge of the annular wall expands considerably outwards. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 105 The protruding portion is separated by a transverse septiiin from the rest of the cavity of the cell, which is then divided by a longitudinal septum. The cells which are elevated above the margin of the wall are transformed into flat teeth, consisting of a single row of cells, resulting from a division by transverse septa, which is continually repeated in each apical cell (PI. XV, fig. 1*). Repeated division takes place in the interstitial cells by means of longitudinal septa perpendicular to the broader surface ; and by this division, which begins at the base and progresses to the apex with increasing intensity, the teeth, at a later period, increase in breadth. At the same time the circumference of the annular wall of the bud-receptacle increases, through the division of its cells by means of longitudinal septa. At the points of origin of the teeth this latter increase cor- responds with the expansion of the teeth ; underneath it is much less. By this means the form of the edge of the bud-receptacle becomes that of a cup. Some time before the appearance of the marginal teeth the formation of the first gemmae commences. Individual cells of the base of the receptacle produce a papilla upon the middle point of their free upper wall (PI, XV, fig. 1*). This papilla is soon separated by a transverse septum from the rest of the cell-cavity. The new semi-oval cell, after previous longitudinal expansion, is divided by a transverse septum (PI. XV, fig. 1*). The lower one of the cells thus produced is the stalk, the other the mother- cell of the gemma. The latter increases considerably in breadth, and by means of transverse division, which is always repeated twice in the terminal cell, it becomes transformed into a row of four short, wide, and low cells. Each of them divides by a longitudinal septum (PI. XV, fig. 2). The three lower pairs of cells thus formed are divided by septa parallel to the last-mentioned septum ; the lower pair once, the two higher pairs twice. The repetitions of the division occur, as is usual in similar cases, always in the outer cells. Each of the two apical cells of the bud, on the other hand, divide by septa having a strong lateral inclination, into an inner and an outer cell, the former having a trapezoidal, and the latter a triangular basal, outline. The former is 106 IIOl'MEISTER, ON soon divided by a septum at right angles to the longitu- dinal line of the bud. The latter cell, after previous trans- verse expansion, divides by a septum parallel to the chord of the arc represented by that portion of the margin of the bud to which the cell in question belongs. The outer ones of the newly formed cells then divide by septa at right angles with the last-formed septum (PI. XV, figs. 3 — 5 ; and compare Nägeli's excellent account of this pro- cess, ' Zeitschr. f. Bot.,' lift. 2, S. 150). The further in- crease in the cells of the bud is caused by the growth of septa in the cells of its fore edge alternately at right angles or parallel to its margin, and by the formation of septa parallel to the margin in the cells of the edge of its lower part. The increase in breadth of the apex exceeds, at an early period, that of the base (PI. XV, figs. 3, 4). The longitudinal growth of the bud is limited, as is the case with all the shoots of the Marchantiese. When it is finished a very considerable increase in the breadth of the lower part of the bud commences. Here the marginal cells divide repeatedly by septa parallel to the margin, alternating with radial septa. The marginal cells also of the upper part, with the exception of those of the apex, multiply ill like manner, although less actively ; they are soon overtaken by those of the lower part. The cells, however, of those two places on the lateral margins at which, at an earlier period, the upper, wider half of the bud separated itself from the lower, narrower ])ortion, take no part whatever in this multiplication (PI. XV, fig. 7), and as little also in the important expansion in length and breadth which occurs shortly afterwards in the remaining cells of the buds. In this way Iavo very deep, lateral in- dentations are produced in the middle of the buds, the inner- most space of which indentations is occupied by a group of small cells, with a trapezoidal basal outline (PI. XV, figs. 7, 8). At the time when as many as ten cells can be counted in the longitudinal line of the bud, this group appears as a single layer of cells. Then, for the first time, it begins to grow in thickness ; in the first place, by the division of the cells of the middle region by horizontal septa (PI. XV, fig. 1*). For a still longer period the Ion- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM I A. 107 gitudinal growth of the bud is produced exclusively by di- vision of the apical cells, by means of septa at right angles to the surfaces of the bud ; the transverse septa which appear in the apical cells are strictly vertical ; the fore edge of the bud is a simple cellular layer. Afterwards, for the first time, when the middle region has become more and more thickened by the repeated formation of septa parallel to the surface, and when this thickening has ad- vanced close to the fore edge, the transverse septa appear in the apical cells, inclined alternately upwards and downwards, and parallel to the circumference of the bud. Thus the form of longitudinal growth of the bud passes into that which occurs in the shoots of older plants. The arrangement of the buds of Lunularia and of Marchantia, with respect to the longitudinal axis of the shoot upon which they originate, is a very constant one ; their surfaces are always at right angles to that axis (PI. XV, figs. 1*, 19). Until their longitudinal growth is almost completed, the buds are surrounded by a trans- parent gelatinous mucilage. When the growth of the bud in length and breadth is ended, the cell which supports it dies and withers, and the bad becomes free. A moist sub- stratum outside the receptacle is all that is now necessary for its further development. Under such circumstances some of the cells of its under side first grow out into rootlets. Then new shoots begin to be developed from the bottom of the lateral indentations of the bud. The middle cell of the group which has been so long arrested in its growth, and which is somewhat larger than its neighbours, becomes the mother-cell of the first new shoot (PI. XV, fig. 8). It divides by a transverse septum, and the front one of the new cells by a longitudinal septum. The division of the latter by laterally inclined septa causes the further growth of the shoot, which pro- ceeds precisely in the same manner as that in which the new shoots of Pellia epiphi/IIa develope themselves, with this difference only, that the transverse divisions of the apical cells are always produced by means of septa inclined to the horizon in alternate directions. The lateral margins of the young shoots thus formed amalgamate ]08 HOFMEISTER, ON for a considerable extent with those of the indentation of the bud. The cells which have amalgamated expand con- siderably in length, and to some extent in breadth. AVhen a shoot is formed in each of the two lateral indenta- tions the bud becomes developed into a wide band, on one side of which may be seen the spot at which the bud was attached to the cell which bore it, and which spot is con- spicuous from its brown colour, and by the arrangement of the cells by which it is surrounded. This is the case in MarcUantia polymorplia (PL XV, fig. 9). In Lunularia vul(/aris, on the other hand, it is a rule almost without ex- ception that a shoot is developed only on one side of the bud, the shoot on the other side becoming abortive. Here the bud in its further growth, assumes the form of a disc drawn out in breadth, and having an indentation on one side. On the other side it sends out a long band, constricted at the fore edge, and on a third side the primary place of attachment is still visible (PI. XV, fig. 20). On both sides of the new shoot, and in the angles wdiich it forms with the prominent portions of the lateral margin of the bud, two new cellular masses are formed which are capable of development — in the first place a median, and then two lateral shoots. The shoot com- posed of the three amalgamated shoots unites by its lateral margins with those portions of the next oldest shoot which adjoin it on the right hand and on the left, and it soon makes its appearance out of the indentation, in the form of a flat mass of cellular tissue, having two notches at the fore edge, and becoming wider in front. A second form of growth, in which the shoots make their appearance in irregular positions, occurs occasionally in Lunularia and Marchantia, and more frequently in Targionia, Rebouillia, and Pegatella. A process of cell- multiplication commences in individual cells (usually near the median line) of the under side of perfect shoots, by means of which slender, delicate shoots are produced, which soon throw out rootlets, and which, by the decay of their posterior parts, separate from the mother-plant and be- come independent individuals. They exhibit exactly the THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 109 same arrangement of the cells as the vigorous normal shoots of the mother-plant ; this may be observed most clearly in FegateUa conica. The mode of ramification of this second form of bud agrees with that of germ-plants ; the fore edge widens considerably, the lateral portions grow more vigorously than the median point, and from the latter a new shoot protrudes, at whose sides the shoots of a new order originate. This process differs materially from the development of the bulbils. There is here the same difference as exists between the development of the germ-plants and the buds of Riccia. The leaves of the Marchantieae are delicate lamellae of cellu- lar tissue, closely pressed to the under side of the flat stem. In an advanced state they sometimes exhibit at the base a double layer of cells containing a small quantity of chloro- phyll, the remainder consisting of a single layer of hyaline cells. They develope themselves in a backward direction, towards the place where three shoots unite to form one shoot, and are situated on the under side of the shoot, in two rows parallel to its longitudinal axis, arranged according to the fraction \. The first rudiments of the leaf are formed as follows : — one of the cells of the under side of the stem protrudes outwardly, and the protuberance becomes divided from the original cell-cavity by a transverse septum (PI. XVI, fig. 15). At this time the stem is but little developed in breadth, and is almost semicircular in a transverse section. The rudiment of the leaf increases in length by repeated transverse division of its apical cell. The cells of the second degree are divided by longitudinal septa (PI. XVI, figs. 15, 16). In FefjateUa conica this division, even in the youngest stage of the leaf, extends as far as the apical cell ; the leaf, when only fom- cells in height, appears to consist of a short, double row of flat cells (PI. XVI, fig. 11). The three pairs of interstitial cells divide by septa parallel to the margin, and the two apical cells by septa inclined somewhat laterally. The two inner ones of the four cells which at this period constitute the fore edge of the young leaf are now divided by transverse septa, and the four cells thus formed by longitudinal septa (PI. XVI, fig. 12). The outhne of the leaf then becomes 110 HOFMEISTER, ON rounded by a process of cell-formation which appears very similar to tliat by which the cells of the very young gemmae of JMarciiantia increase in breadth (PI. XVI, tig. 13). The cell-multiplication on the side of the leaf furthest from the median line of the shoot soon exceeds that of the other side, causing the one-sided appearance which is usual m the leaves of Marchantia. The cell-multiplication is arrested at the apex, whilst it continues at the base. Many of the marginal cells grow into crooked, short, bi- cellular, clavate hairs, similar to those which are found close under the fore edge of rapidly growing shoots of Pellia, as well as in the young parts of many other Jungermannias. Individual cells, arranged at definite distances on the margin, multiply for a longer period than their neighbours, by which means the leaf soon becomes angular. The development of the leaves of Targionia, Rebouillia, Lunularia, and Marchantia, appears not to differ essentially from the above. In Marchantia polt/iuorpha even the leaves exhibit the tendency, common in these plants, of sending out from the margins of their vegetative organs dentate, chaffy processes, a tendency which is seen on the marginal scales on the edges of the bud-receptacles on the perichaete and perigone. By these processes the leaves are beautifully fringed. The well known characteristic structure of the flat stem of the Marchantiese is marked by the separation of the tissue of the stem into — first, an inferior layer of large, very elongated cells, without intercellular spaces; — secondly, a layer superimposed upon the latter layer, and con- sisting of moniliform rows of cells, separated by wide air-cavities and rich in chloi'ophyll, which layer is di- vided into partitions by rhomboidal, cellular walls, each consisting of a single stratum ; — and, lastly, an epider- mis with transparent cell-contents, covering the latter layer, which is in close connexion only with the cellu- lar walls just mentioned, and is pierced by a stomate of peculiar structure at the middle point of each of the partitions of the underlying layer. The foundation of this peculiar structure is laid at a very early period. At a little distance behind the punctum vegetationis of THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. Ill the very young shoot, long before the completion of its growth in thickness, air-cavities are formed just under the upper surface, separated from it only by a smgle layer of cells (PI. XV, fig. 21; PI. XVI, fig. 3). The portions of tissue betw^een the air-cavities form a network of single rows of cells. As these cells continue to divide by septa parallel to the surface of the stem, the lid of the air-cavities is carried upwards. The base of the cavities is quite flat. Lastly, after repeated pre- vious bipartition of the cells of the base, by means of vertical septa placed crosswise, the latter cells protrude upwards (PI. XV, fig. 21), and by repeated transverse division are quickly transformed into the monihform chains of cells which, wdien the shoot is perfected, are pressed closely to one another and fill up the air-cavi- ties. The epidermal cell which is situated over the middle of each air-cavity separates by repeated bipartition into four (Marchantia), six (Pegatella, PI. XVI, fig. 4), or more (Rebouillia) three-sided cells arranged in a circle. In the centre of the circle the cells part from one another; a polyhedral opening is formed, the circumfer- ence of which, owing to the expansion in a tangential direction of the surrounding cells, is often considerable, and through which the air-cavities, in which air is secreted at an early period, conies into contact Avith the atmo- sphere. The first development of the stomata of the Mar- cliantieae is only distinguished from that of higher plants by the fact that more than one bipartition of the mother- cell precedes the opening of the commissure of the cells which form the boundary of the opening. The cells, from four to eight in number, which sur- round the stomata of the Marchantiese divide, dmlng the expansion of the stem to which they belong, by means of septa parallel to the small side walls ; this often occurs repeatedly, so that a hollow arch, with a perforated apex, is formed over the middle point of the air-cavity. The outer walls of the circular, wart-like protuberance of the epidermis divide also by radial septa. The inflorescence of a Marchantia owes its origin to the 112 HOFMEISTER, ON preponderating development in thickness and length, and the proportionally small development in breadth, of the median component of the last vegetative shoot. In its earliest youth it exhibits a hemispherical, and at a some- what later period a cylindrical, mass of fleshy, celhdar tissue, with a bluntly rounded apex (PI. XVI, fig. 5 ; PI. XI, fig. 10). Its longitudinal growth results, as is the case in vegetative shoots, from repeated division of the apical cell by means of alternately inclined septa, except that at the first connnencement of the formation of the in- florescence no more than one apical cell is present (PI. XVI, fig. 5). During the further development there is formed on its under side a deep channel, which is (PI. XVI, fig. 7) destined to receive the rootlets which are produced at a later period by the upper pileate portion, into which the apex of the young rudiment of the head of the fruit is transformed by means of active growth in the direction of its breadth. The under side of the stem of some species {Marchantia pol(j)iiorpha, PI. XVI, fig. 17, for instance) exhibits two such channels. In both cases the channels appear to originate in an active multiplication of the cells of the inverted sides of the stem of the receptacle. The root- lets first appear from the lower end of the channel, and pene- trate into the ground. The shoot which produces tlie inflorescence bears nu- merous narrow, scattered leaves, in which the apex always consists of one cell and the base of (at the most) a few cells. The leaves are not produced on the apical portion, which eventually forms the fruit. It may often be observed that the cells of the base in these leaves multiply for a much longer period than those of the apex. The lateral portions of the undermost oldest parts of the common stem of RehoiiiUia hemispherica extend consider- ably forwards ; they close together so as to form a very narrow, linear fissure in front of the transversely oval chan- nel, and they amalgamate Avith the prominent lateral por- tions of the fore edge of the shoot upon which the fruit- stem is situated. The outer surface bears connivent leaves above the apex of the rudiment of the inflorescence. The longitudinal channel of the under side of the fruit- stem does THE HIGHEPx, CRYPTOGAMIA. 113 not reacli quite to its base ; it projects in the form of a blunt knob into the indentation of the fore edge of the last vegetative shoot (PI. XII, fig. 17). The differentiation of the tissue of the leafy, expanded, vegetative shoots is not continued into the stem of the fruc- tifying shoot. At the point where it is attached to the next older shoot the upper side of the stem decreases by a steep inclination to the extent of the height of the layer which bears the air-cavities (PI. XV, fig. 12 ; PI. XVI, fig. 17). The archegonia spring from the lateral margins of the receptacle in the form of cylinders of cellular tissue directed obliquely upwards (PL XV, fig. 6). The essential features of their development and structure correspond with those of the Jungermannige and the mosses. Very soon after the appearance of the arcliegonia the ])ortion of the recejitacle above them begins to grow considerably in breadth, and also downwards. The archegonia, in consequence, appear shortly afterwards to be situated on the under side of the expandedreceptacle(Pl. XV,fig. 11; PI. XVI, fig. 7). The receptacle of RehouiUa heudspherica usually produces only four archegonia ; sometimes one more, frequently less. The cells of the upper surface of the ventral portion of the archegonium divide at an early period by septa parallel to the axis ; even before the bursting of the apex the central cell is surrounded by a double layer of cells (PL XVI, fig. 17). The neck is considerably bent upwards. The ex- pansion of the receptacle above the archegonia takes place at a late period compared with the other Marchantiea^, i. e. not till after the opening of the apices of the arche- gonia. The growth of the margin of the receptacle down- wards is at first more vigorous between the archegonia than above them. In the neighbourhood of impregnated archegonia these circumstances are altered. The tissue of the receptacle above them increases in mass not less actively than in their neighbourhood. Afleshysheath is formed, encircling the fore part and sides of the swollen ventral portion of the arche- gonium. Behind the young calyptra also the margins of the sheath approximate to one another, so as to form a narroAV fissure ; the bent neck only of the archegoniiun projects out 114 HOFMEISTER, ON of the narrow covering whicli is closely attached to tlie caljptra (PI. XVI, fig. 20). Viewed from the outside, these processes of the receptacle appear like fleshy appendages of its margin. The number of them is the same as that of the impregnated archegonia, viz., from one to five. (See Bischotfs figures, ' N. A. A. C. L.,' vol. xvii, part 2, pi. 49, figs. 1—4.) The tendency of the ventral portion of the archegonium of Eebouillia to develope itself largely is especially remark- able in archegonia just impregnated. Here the multipli- cation of the cells near the central cell is so rapid that the latter becomes a wide, flask-shaped cavity, even before the occurrence of the first division of the germinal vesicle con- tained in its interior. This elongated, ellipsoidal cell lies free in the cavity, entirely imbedded in transparent muci- lage (PI. XVII, fig. 18). The fruit-rudiment in Rebouillia, like that of Riccia, Targionia, Marchaiitia, and Fegatella, exhibits the remark- able species of groAvth which occurs in the fruit of mosses, although, in other respects, the plants just mentioned are nearer to the Jungermanniae than to the mosses. This growth consists in the division of the mother-cell by a strongly inchned septiun, and a continually repeated di- vision of the apical cell of the fruit-rudiment by means of septa inclined alternately in two directions. The form of the young fruit-rudiment is very slender (PI. XVI, fig. 19); it is only a double row of elongated cells. The longitudinal growth, however, soon ends ; a considerable multiplica- tion of the cells commences in a diametrical direction, a multiplication which is more active at the apex (the future capsule) and at the base (the growing knobby enlargement) than in the middle (the future fruit-stalk). The increase in the size of the fruit is so considerable at the approach of maturity that it usually entirely destroys the upper part of the calyptra; it then lies naked in the fleshy sheath formed by the growth of the margin of the receptacle. Fe (J at (diet co?iica developes from six to eight archegonia on the lateral margins of its receptacle (PL XVI, fig. 6). These archegonia are, at an early ])eriod, surroimded by the receptacle, which is growing rapidly in breadth. The mass THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 115 of the receptacle increases very considerably round the base of each archegoniuni, so that these soon have the ap- pearance of deep, ahnost cyhndrical, cavities, sunk in the under side of the receptacle (PL XVII, hgs. 7, 8). The fructification consists, as it were, of as many amalgamated cornet-sliaped masses of cellular tissue as there are archegonia. The very considerable expansion of the cchs of these masses causes their margins, in half-developed receptacles, to extend close to the point of origin of the common fruit-stalk. The archegonia of Fegatella resemble those of Rebouillia in the early and extensive development of their ventral portion. Like the great number of liverworts whose archegonia have to live through the winter, they exhibit the early duplication of the cellular layer surrounding the central cell of the ventral portion, and the extensive growth in thickness of the wall of the young calyptra after the occur- rence of impregnation (PI. XVI, fig. 8). The neck is pro- portionately long. The rudimentary fruit, when consisting only of a few cells, may be very easily detached (PI. XVI, fig. 9). The ladder-like arrangement of its cells, caused by the repeated division of an apical cell by means of alternately inclined septa, is unconnnonly sharply defined. The growth of the uppermost part of the yoimg fruit in thickness, i. e. the foundation of the capsule, commences at a very early period (PI. XVI, fig. 10). The lower portion of the fruit-stem is very slightly developed ; the formation of a knotty enlarge- ment of its base is entirely suppressed. As observed by Schmidel (' Icones plant./ p. 121) and Bischoff", the stem detaches itself spontaneously when the fruit is ripe from the tissue in which it is inserted. The first archegonia of Marchantia 2^ohjmorpha appear in like manner at the margin of the young receptacle, usually eight in number, placed at regular distances. Those at the hinder part of the recep- tacle (/. e. turned away from the fore edge of the plant) are developed, as in Rebouillia and Fegatella, much earlier than those on the opposite part (PI. XV, figs. 11, 12). Very soon after the appearance of the first archegonia new ones are formed on the under side of the pilcate receptacle. 116 HOFMEISTER, ON and nearer to its centre, arranged in radial double rows (PI. XV, fig. 11). A phenomenon, of wliicli traces are seen in Rebouillia, is very strongly marked in Marchantia : the underside of the mai-gin of the receptacle is developed at a very early period between each two archegonia into a process extending downwards for a considerable distance, whose form gradually passes from that of a hemispherical wart to that of a long, cylindrical prolongation, curved slightly inwards, with deep, longitudinal fmTows on the under side, in Avhich rootlets lie concealed. The archegonia oi Marchantia polj/motyha are large-celled, the ventral portion being remarkably swollen at an early period. A single layer of flat, tabular cells surrounds the pi'oportionably large central cell of the ventral portion, which is attached almost immediately to the under side of the receptacle. The neck of the archegonium, which in its earliest youth is curved strongly upwards (PL XV, fig. 12), is pointed directly downwards at the time when the apex opens (PL XV, figs. 13, 14). After the parting asunder of the cells of the apex, the central cell of the ventral portion of the impregnated arche- gonium enlarges very considerably. A free, oval cell entirely fills its inner cavity. Its large central nucleus is very plainly distinguishable as a clear vesicle in the thick granular mucilage (PL XV, figs. 13, 14). The transforma- tion of this cell into the rudimentary fruit is introduced by the appearance of a much inclined longitudinal septum PI. XV, fig. 15). The septa, which are formed at a later period in the apical cell, diverge only very slightly from the longitudinal axis of the fruit. I have but seldom and only imperfectly succeeded in detaching the young rudimentary fruit. It remains for some time spherical ; its cells soon become very small by repeated cell-divisions. After the first divisions of the primary cell of the rudi- mentary fruit, the cells of the young calyptra double them- selves by the formation of septa parallel to the outer surface. A special covering has at an earlier period been formed close round each impregnated archegonium. The ring of bells of the under side of the receptacle which surrounds the case of the archegonium protrudes outwards ; the protru- THE niGHER CRYPTOGAMIA, 117 ding portions are separated from tlie original cell-cavity by transverse septa (PI. XV, fig. 13). By repeated transverse divisions of the apical cells of the membranous sheath, pro- duced by septa parallel to the free margin, the young covering grows in length (PI. XV, fig. 14). Its fur- ther development, viz., the transformation of the cylin- drical shape into that of a distended pitcher (PI. XV, fig. 15), corresponds to that of the covering of Frullania dllatata. Close under the arched upper surface of the receptacle of Marchantia, including the outer surfaces of the upward-growing shoots of the lateral margin, numerous air- cavities are formed, even before the first appearance of the archegonia. They are formed in the same manner as the air-cavities of tlie stem. At the first appearance of the air- cavity one epidermal cell only detaches itself from the underlying tissue of the receptacle (PI. XVI, fig. 17, un- derneath, to the right). By repeated transverse division of the mural rows of cells lying between the air-cavities, the lid of the cavity is carried rapidly upwards. This epidermal cell, which closes the air-cavity, forms itself into a stomate. It divides by a septum perpendicular to the outer surface, as is the case in the first stage of the stomata of the upper side of vegetative shoots ; both daughter-cells then divide by a septum at right angles to the one last formed (PI. XVl, fig. 17, in the middle). The four cells part asunder at their edges of contact, and the air-cavities come into connexion with the outward air. The four cells of which the young stomate now consists divide repeatedly by transverse septa. The first partitions thus formed are parallel to the upper side of the receptacle ; the later ones, which are produced in the upper and under of the newly formed cells, are strongly inclined either towards or away from the passage which traverses the axis of the stomate. The apex of the organ protrudes above the upper side of the receptacle in the form of a conical w^art, open at the apex ; the base lies deep down in the air-cavity (PL XVI, fig. 7). The middle part of the canal, which traverses the stomate, is strongly distended. In the mean time the apical cells of the cellular walls, which separated 118 HOFMEISTER, ON the individual air-cavities from one another, have also multiplied considcrahly. A remarkable transverse ex- pansion has preceded the repeated bipartitions (PI. XVI, fig. 17, at the bottom, on the left side); the sides of the cells are at an early period forced above the air-cavity, to which they are contiguous. The process of the production of those cells of the epidermis of the receptacle, which are in connexion with the cellular layers separating the air- cavities, consequently soon helps to form the lid of those cavities, which at an earlier stage was represented only by the young stomate or its mother-cell. The base of the side walls of the air-cavities of Mar- chantia soon produce moniliform chains of cells filled with chlorophyll. In Rebouillia most of the cells of those walls do not usually do more than project considerably, but individual cells grow out into short, cellular rows. The walls of the air-cavities of the receptacle of Fegatella remain for a very long time smooth and even. The median component part of the fructifying shoot of Tarcjionia Jii/poj)/ii/II(i docs not become changed into a specially formed receptacle, but developes the archegonia at once, the latter being from one to five in number (PL XV, fig. 21). The lower half of the archegonia is pressed into the exceedingly narrow fissure, within which the lateral wings of the fore edge of the fertile shoot confine the rudi- mentary median part. The necks of the archegonia, M'hich are bent upwards, project from the fissure into space. A considerable increase of the parts of the tissue adjoining the archegonia in front commences even during the longi- tudinal growth of the latter. At the junction of the median shoot with the lateral wings of the fore edge, above the point of attachment of the archegonia, the cellu- lar layers expand and midtiply vigorously in a longitu- dinal direction ; their thickness is proportionate to the development of the layer of air-cavities. Before the apices of the archegonia open, a flat covering is formed, which exceeds the archegonia in height, and which unites the approximated lateral portions of the fore edge into one surface. The separation of the upper side of the stem into the layer of air-cavities and the epidermal layer takes THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 119 })lacc within this covering (PL XV, fig. 21). At the same time broad, fleshy, cellukir masses, concave above and within, rise out ot the angles between the median shoot (which bears the archegonia) and the lateral wings. They amalgamate Avith one another, and by their upper margin they unite with the above-mentioned covering. Thus, there is formed a blunt, triangular envelope, enclosing the lower part of the archegonia, from the narrow three-sided opening of which the apices of the unnupregnated archegonia pro- trude (PI. XV, fig. 21). Tlie rather thin walls of the enve- lope, which are tm-ned downwards, consist of homogene- ous cellular tissue. When a rudimentary fruit is formed in an archegonium the envelope enlarges with wonderful rapidity, especially by expansion of its cells. It very soon entirely encloses the impregnated archegonium. The cells adjoining the mouth, which continues very narrow, grow out into short papillae. The archegonia are slender, almost cylindrical. The cropped api}earance of the apex, which occurs also in the archegonia of the ^.larchantieae, is seen with remarkable dis- tinctness (Pl.XVjfigs. 22,23). The cells of the ventral portion double themselves at an early period by septa parallel to the circumference. The inner cells adjoining the central cell be- come filled with granular matter, as in Pellia (PI. XV, fig. 22). Immediately after impregnation the cells of the incipient calyptra multiply very rapidly, so that, as in Rebouillia, the central cell becomes a fusiform cavity, in which the mother-cell of the rudimentary fruit lies free (PL XV, %-22). The rudimentary fruit in its earliest youth is narrowly spindle-shaped, composed of two double rows of cells (PL XV, fig. 24, detached; fig. 23, enclosed by the calyptra). The growth in thickness begins much earlier at the upper end than at the lower (PL XV, figs. 23, 25). The latter pene- trates deeply into the tissue of that portion of the stem which bears the impregnated archegonimn, and which has become transformed by active and repeated division of its cells into a conical, cellular mass. The lower end of the rudi- mentary fruit, which is originally of a pointed, conical form, changes gradually into a spherical enlargement by trans- 120 HOFMEISTER, ON verse expansion and siihsequent repeated bipartition of the cells of its circumference (PI. XV, fig. 2G). The arrangement of the spore-mother-cells and of the elaters in Targionia, and also, it Avould seem, in the Marchan- tieae, is \ery much the same as in Fossomhronia pusilla. At the time of the differentiation of the two kinds of contents of the capsule, the cells destined to form the elaters are hardly pcrce[)tibly longer and thinner than the future mother-cells of the spores (PI. XV, fig. 59). The elaters and spore-mother-cells lie across one another somewhat like the chlorojjhyll-cells and the air-cells of the leaf of Sphagnum. A remarkable longitudinal expansion of the elaters first occurs when the prominences of the inner wall of the spore-mother-cell begin to be seen (PI. XV, fig. 30). The antheridia of the JMarchantieae are, as is well known, united in large immbers on the upper side of pecu- liarly formed shoots, and enclosed in flask-shaped cavities of the tissue. The first stage of development of these shoots in MarcJian- iia poli/morpha exactly resembles the first rudiments of the head of the inflorescence. Here as there the forward, upper portion of the narrow, almost cylindrical shoot becomes developed considerably in breadth, j)rotruding beyond the lower, stem-like portion, like the pilcus of a fungus. A number of ceHs of the upper side of this disc, which is slightly convex above and strongly so beneath, protrude outwards in the form of papillae ; between them the epi- dermis detaches itself from the underlying tissue. The shortly cylindrical cellidar processes, the first rudiments of the antheridia, are outgrown by the cells smTounding them, and are sunk down into circidar cavities of the upper surface. This arises from the rapid multiplication of the cells of the circle which bears the detached fragments of the epidermis, which multiplication is caused by rapid and frequently repeated division of these cells by means of sejjta parallel to the surface of the antheridial disc (PI. XV, fig. IG). The above process coumiences in the middle point of the young antheridial disc, and progresses from thence to its growing margin. The mother-cell of the antheridiimi assumes the form of THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 131 an elongated, oval cellular mass, consisting of four rows of cells (PI. XV, fig. 16). This arises from frequently re- peated division of the apical cell by means of alternately inclined septa, and by the production of radial longitudinal septa in the cells of the second degree. The cells of one of these rows, with the exception of the two at the base, and the one next to the apex, divide by septa parallel to the longitudinal axis of the antheridium, and cutting the side v/alls of the mother-cells at an angle of 45°. The antheridium now consists of a short, central string of cells, surrounded by a single layer, the cells of which are arranged in successive sets of four cells of equal height. The further development, like the preceding, corresponds with that of the antlieridium of Anthoceros and Pellia, with this distinction, that the multiplication of the cells in the direction of the longitudinal axis, exceeds that in the direction of the thickness. The ripe antheridium is oval. The apices of the cellular masses which arise between the antheridia expand considerably in breadth as soon as they have outgrown the antheridia. They consequently soon close together over the antheridium, so as to form narrow passages, hardly perceptible from the outside. The cell which covers the air-cavity develops itself into a stomate, exactly in the same way as the median cell of the covering of the air-cavities on the upper side of the recep- tacle (PL XV, fig. 16). The cells adjoining this cell divide by slightly inclined longitudinal septa parallel to the axis of the stomate. The inner of the cells thus produced, Avhich form a ring round the stomate, take part in the formation of the covering of the air-cavity, expanding at the same time in breadth. In the air-cavities in the middle of the antheridial disc these cells divide frequently by longitudinal and transverse septa perpendicular to the outer surface. The cells of the base of the disc grow into the expanding air-cavities, and form chains of cells filled with chlorophyll. When the antheridia are ripe, the cells of the apical, covering layer separate from one another, the internal mucilage, swarming with thousands of active, motile spermatozoa, is forced through the narrow canal at the apex of the antheridia which opsjus externally, and ap- 122 HOFMEISTER, ON pears in drops of considerable size upon the upper surface of the antheridial disc. The spermatozoa, which are hardly half as large as those of PelHa, consist of a delicate thread, sliditlv thickened at one end, and drawn out into a thin long process at the other. I could perceive no trace of lateral cilia.* I have only been able to examine the antheridia of IlehoiiiUia heiiilspherica when fully developed. They arc imbedded, as Bischofl"s beautiful observations have shown,+ in half-moon-shaped cushions, which appear su])erimpose(l upon the median line of vegetative shoots, usually upon those which bear a fruit-receptacle. As the outside of these cushions often bear rudimentary leaves, it appears to me probable that these cushions may be considered to be weakly developed shoots, resembling to some extent, in their deve- lopment, the portions of the stem of Pellia which bear archegonia (PI. XVI, fig. 17). The antheridia are pro- portionably large, surrounded by flask-shaped cavities. In the youngest which I have examined there was still to be seen the covering layer of tabular cells (PI. XVI, fig. 17), which, at a later period, is entirely supplanted, so that a membranous sac alone encloses the cells which produce the spermatozoa. The mouth of the antheridial cavities is not often on the level, like that of Marchantia polymorpha (PI. XVI, fig. 17). It more frequently protrudes to a consi- derable height, in the form of a thick, conical point, like the antheridial envelopes of Riccia. The tissue of the anthe- ridial cushions consists of very large cells, with transparent fluid contents. The history of oiu' knowledge of the INIarchantieae is most fully treated in Bischoff 's work, already so often cited, and in the fourth part of the ' Naturgeschichte Euro- paischer Lebermoose,' by Nees von Esenbeck. Except this volume, I know of no connected treatise on the develop- ment of the ]\larchantiea3 since the almost contemporane- ous appearance of Bischoff"s and Mirbel's j large works, * Compare Thuret, 'Ann. d. Sc.,' iii ser., torn. 3, pp. 13, 14. t ' N. A. A. C. L./ vol. xvii, pi. kix, f. 1, 6, 7. X " Rcclicrclies sur la Marclniutia polj/moqilui," 'Mem. de I'xVcad. des Sc. de riust. de France.' vol. xiii. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 123 Many of the most interesting specialities are to be found in Gottsclie's two writings above referred to. The above investigations of Mirbel and Bischoff are so generally studied and known that it would be superfluous to give even a short smnniary of the valuable results obtained by them. Good representations of the fruit and perianth of ]\h(rchantia poI^iiiorjjJia are to be found in Micheli's ' Gen. PI.,' p. 2, and in Dillenius's ' Hist. Muse.', pi. xxviii, figs, m, n, who also figures the germination of the gemmae. Micheli considered the male and female plants as different species ; the relation of the two was first noticed by Kupp ('Flora Jenensis,' ii, 276), then by Dillenius (1. c, p. 524), and with certainty by Linnaeus (SP. PL. 1137). Our present more accurate knowledge of the Marchantieae dates from the publication of Schmidel's observations ('Icones pi.,' ed. ii, p. 109 M. polymorph a ; p. 120 Fcga- tella conica ; p. 133 Prcissia commutatci). Schmidel isolated the antheridia, and pointed out their mode of attach- ment to the tissue supporting them ; he gave an accurate figure of the structure of the receptacle, and described the spontaneous detachment of the fruit- stalk of Fcgatella conica from the tissue of the mother-plant. Hedwig (' Tlieoria gen erat ionis,' ed. ii, 1798) distinguished the enveloping cellular layer of the antheridia (p. 176), and found that in the young fruit the young perianth did not reach to the height of the mouth of the archegonium (p. 177). The object of Mirbel, in his remarkable work on Mar- ch cüitia poly moipha ('Mem, Acad, des Sciences de I'lnst. de Prance,' xiii, 1835) was to investigate fully the history of the development of this plant in all its speciali- ties. This object was only imperfectly attained. Mirbel observed the germination of the spores. He came, how- ever, to the erroneous conclusion that the newly added cells were produced on the outside of the existing cells (I.e., p. 347). This error arose from the circumstance that in yoimg multicellular germ -plants which are fur- nished with only one rootlet, the cell out of which the root- let is formed is very similar in shape and size to the germinating spore, whilst the latter is still unicellular, but Avhen it has already developed a rootlet. His view of 124 HOFMEISTER, ON the origin of the quadrangular stomate upon the vegetative shoots is to some extent erroneous, for he assumed such origin to he in the disintegration of one four-sided cell, surrounded by four epidermal cells, which (four-sided) cell is, in reality, the mother-cell of the cells which enclose the stomate, and which afterwards separate from one another. H. von j\Iohl commented upon this error in the * Linnaea' (1838) and in his ' Vennischte Schriften/ p. 25.2. Mirbel's representation of the origin of the stomate sur- rounded by more than four cells is, on the other hand, quite natural (1. c, p. 356). AVith regard to the receptacles of the gemmae, IMirbel believed that, at the time of their appearance, the super- ficial cellular layer of the flat stem became detached from the underlying tissue, and separated into converging teeth, which soon constituted the margin of the receptacle. Mirbel has rightly apprehended the unicellular, earliest state of the gemmae (1. c, p. 350) ; his notion of the con- temporaneous metamorphosis of the contents of the uni- cellular gemmae into a multicellular tissue filling the cell was confirmed by Nägeli in 1845 (' Zeitsclnift f. wnss. Bot.,' ii, p. 150). Mirbel's investigations of the germina- tion of the gemmae of Marchantia are of especial interest. He showed that that svnface of the gemmae which happens to be in contact with the ground develops rootlets, whilst the other one forms the upper surface by development of stomata and air-cavities ; but that, twenty-four hours after being sown, and when only a few rootlets have grown out of the under side, the upper and under surfaces of the future plant have already become permanently dif- ferentiated. When gemmae, which had been sown for this short period, were reversed, rootlets grew from that side, which having been formerly the upper, had become the under surface, whilst those rootlets which had sprung from the quondam upper, then the under surface, con- tinued to grow, and bending themselves downwards, pene- trated the soil. During the further growth of the gemmae, however, each of the cloncratino; lateral halves effected a semi-revolution around its axis, so that the surface which had been formerly the upper one again became the upper THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM I A. 125 surface of the newly developed portions. In cases where obliquely incident light intersected the smaller diameter of the inverted gemmae, the younger portions of the latter bent themselves simply backwards, so that the original upper side was again turned to the light, and only rested upon the soil by the one reflexed end. The under side, which by inversion had become directed upwards, never developed stomata, not even at the points directly exposed to the light ; on the other hand, when kept in the shade and sufficiently moist, it sent out roots in every direction, and as it advanced in age exhibited pro- minent ribs (1. c, p. 355). Mirbel thought that the cell- multiplication in the interior of the gemmae, was an inter- polation of new cells between those already present (1. c, p. 352). He has not discussed in detail the mode of rami- fication of the Marchantiese, although the inquiry into this is closely connected with the investigations as to the mode of development of the gemma3. Even at a still later period, up to the present time, this ramification has generally been described as dichotomous (as, for instance, by Nees v. Esenbeck, ' Naturgesch. Europ. Lebermoose' iv, (1838) p. 83), whereas, in point of fact, it represents a Dichasium. We are indebted to Mirbel for very accurate accounts of the structure of the developed fructification, especially of the relation of the longitudinal forks of the stem, which are ti'aversed by the rootlets, to the pileate expansion which bears the reproductive organs (1. c, pp. 346, 376). Mirbel was least successful in his investigations of the structure and development of the organs of sexual reproduction ; his figures are certainly beyond all comparison more elegant and satisfactory than those of Schmidel and Hedwig, but in the knowledge of the more important circumstances he is not really a step in advance of the observers just named (1. c, pp. 377 — 381). Mirbel's investigations of the develop- ment of the spores and elaters were of great scientific im- portance, the more so because, in conjunction with Mohl's contemporaneous works on the same subject, they gave an impetus to the more accurate investigation of the visible processes of cell-formation and cell-multiplication. IMirbel pointed out the division of the contents of the spore-mother- 126 HOFMEISTER, ON cell into four masses, each of which becomes a spore, and also the origin of the elaters, out of a previously thin-coated elongated cell (1. c, pp. 371, 382). In a treatise more par- ticularly devoted to systematic questions relative to the Marchantiese, Bischofl" (' Nova Acta A. C. L.,' xviii, 1835) has conununicated some interesting results ; he proved that the presence of male plants of Lunularia vulga- ris \'& necessary for the development of the fruit (p. 925) ; he pointed to the simple nature of the structure of the first shoot of the germinating spore in comparison with that of the shoots of the fully developed plant (p. 953). He has repeatedly and emphatically dwelt upon this point, and has endeavom^d to distinguish these first shoots (as a prothal- lus) from the later ones (' Handb. Bot. Term.,' ii, p. 733 ; 'Bot. Zeit.,' 1853, p. 113), starting manifestly from the supposition that the formation of a prothallus is pecidiar to the order Muscinese, and that it must, therefore, be proved to exist generally in all liverw^orts (see BischofF's definition of the Muscincffi in ' N. A. A. C. L.,' xviii, p. 958). Both Gottsche and myself have proved that there is no essential difference between the first shoot of the germ-plant and the later shoots (' Botan. Zeit.,' 1858, Supp., p. 45). This difference of opinion can give rise to no real con- troversy. The formation of a prothallus is a universal j)he- nonienon in the embryonal life of plants. The development of the germinal vesicle of the phaenogams into the embryo, of the germinal vesicle of the vascular cryptogams into the rudiment of the leafy plant, and of the germinal vesicle of the Muscinese into the fruit all commence with a kind of cell-multiplication, wdiich, at least during the first process of division, differs from the later stages of develojmient. The first, at least, of the permanent cells thus formed does not enter into the composition of the mass of the organ which is to be constructed ; very frequently it dies. The same law prevails in the germination of the spores of ferns and of the Muscinese. In the leafless Jungermanniese, the Riccieae, and the Marchantiea:^., however, the boundaiy between the prothallus and the developed plant is not, as Bischotf considers, to be looked for at the ])oint where the second shoot is attached to the first, but at the point wliei-e THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 127 the primary, atypical divisions of the spore-cell terminate, and the regular arrangement of the cells of the first shoot commences. As far as present observations extend, this point is generally only a few cells distant from the hinder end of the germ plant. Few works upon the Marchantieae have appeared since those of Mirbel and Bischoff, Gottsche has given a very accurate account of the germination of Prcissia commuted a ('Nova Acta A. C. L.,' xx, p. 388) ; Grönland has pub- lished some observations upon the same subject, and upon the germination of Marchantia polymorplia and Lunularia vulgaris ('Ann. d. Sc. Nat.,' iv ser., vol. i, 1854, p. 22); and lastly, Henfrey has written upon the development of the spores and elaters of Marchantia poly mor'pUa ('Trans. Linn. Soc.,' vol. xxi). The latter paper contains the important observation that the interior of the young capsule is filled with elongated, closely packed cells. A portion of these radiating cells consists of narrow, thin tubes, tapering at both ends ; these are the young elaters ; the wider cells are the primary mother-cells of the spores. These wider, elongated cells are divided by transverse septa into rows of cubical cells, the spore-mother-cells. Sometimes longi- tudinal division also takes place in some of the rows of cells thus formed (1. c, p. 107). The process is, therefore, very similar to that which I have described in FruJJania dilatafa. The development of the spores of Marchantia polymorpha affords very little opportunity for the study of the processes of cell-multiplication, on account of the sensitiveness of the membrane and of the contents of the mother-cells. It is quite conceivable that Henfrey might have failed to see nuclei during the examination of the cells in water or iodine (1. c, p. 109). Motile spermatozoa were first observed in Marchantia by Unger (' N. A. A. C. L.,' xviii, p. 791, 1837). In his figures (1. c, pi. Ivii, fig. 4) he represents correctly the relation of the two oscillating cilia of the fore end of the spermatozoon to the body of the latter, but without noticing that the duality of these cilia is normal. Meyer also (' Wiegman's Archiv,' 183S, i, p. 212) believed the sper- matozoa of Marchantia to be furnished with only one long r28 HOFMEISTER ON THE IIIGIITTv CRYPTOGAMIA. " tail," an unfortunate expression, inasmuch as the fihform portions take the lead when the spermatozoon is in motion. Thuret's figures of the spermatozoa of the Marchantiesc arc very accurate ( ' Ann. d. Sc. Nat.,' iii ser., xvi, pi. xii ; Marchantia, Fegatella, and Targionia). CHAPTER VI. MOSSES. The stems of mosses grow by coiitmually repeated divisions of the blunt, conical, apical cell. This cell is pointed beneath ; the division takes place by means of septa inclined in different directions. All mosses are alike in this. The form of the terminal bud is very various ; it is narrowly pointed in Sphagnum and Racomitrium ericoides (PI, XXI, fig. 19); it is blunt in Phascum and in many others ; hemispherical in Hypnum ; and very slightly arched in Polytrichum and Bicraiium scoparimn, where it is, in fact, almost a level surface, upon which the youngest leaves are arranged concentrically. The apical cell of the stem of Sphagnum is pointed be- neath, where it has three surfaces ; and this three-sided pyramid is deeply imbedded in the adjoining next older cells of the end of the stem. These cells were separated fi'om the inner cavity of the terminal cell by the formation of septa traversing that cavity. Each new septum which is produced in the apical cell is parallel to one (and that one the oldest) of the lateral smfaces, and cuts the two others. The newly formed cell of the second degree has the form of a body with rhombic fore and hind surfaces and with four rectangular lateral surfaces, one of which, the smaller one (the free outer wall of the cell), is slightly arched. The successive septa produced in the apical cell are therefore arranged spirally, and the spiral is nonnally a left-handed one, in accordance with the arrangement of 9 130 HOFMEISTER, ON the leaves.* Each cell of the second degree divides very soon after its separation from the apical cell, by a septum at ridit angles to the lono;itudinal axis of the stem, which septum cuts the free outer wall, and also that lateral wall of the cell which is turned towards the apical cell. * The first correct account of the cell-multiplication in the outermost apex of the stem of Sphagnum was given by Kägeli ('Pflanzen. ])hysiol-Uiiter- suchungen/ i, Zurich, 1855, p. 76). I had previously ('Vcrgl. Unter- suchungen,' p. 60) erroneously conceived the process to consist in the repeated division of a two-surfaced, pointed, apical cell, by means of septa alternately parallel to either of the two lateral surfaces. The origin of tiiis error was as follows : — When the arched apex of a very slender paraboloidal cellular body consists of a single terminal cell (as is the case with the ends of the stem of Sphagnum and Equisetum), a portion of the lateral edges of tiie apical cell will usually be the only part clearly visible when the body is viewed from above. The edges of the neighbouring cells of the second degree will not be seen. These edges form arcs, the curvature of which is greater in proportion to the size of the cells of the second degree, i. e. in proportion to the size of that por- tion of the terminal cell which is cut off to form the cell of the second degree. If the edges of the apical surface of the terminal cell of the bud extend so deep down that at the spot where each two intersect the sides of the bud possess a high degree of inclination, then, when the body is viewed from above, the middle part only of each edge of the apical surface can be clearly seen. When the apical cell has the form of a three-sided inverted pyramid, with its apical surface highly arched, and divides by septa arranged in a continuous spiral order, and parallel to one of tlie lateral surfaces, then one of the edges of the apical surface must, immediately after each division, be considerably shorter than the two others. This fact is more clearly perceptible in proportion to the size of that portion of the cell which goes to form the cell of the second degree. In a system of similar spherical triangles, with a common centre, constructed by drawing successively within each triangle arcs parallel to each one of its sides, it will be found tliat one of the three arcs of each successive triangle is con- siderably shorter than the other two, the difference being greater in proportion to the curvature of the arcs, and to their distance from the respective parallel sides of the next outer triangle (see the Diagram, PI. XVII, fig. 5*). When the length of the arcs exceeds 90°; when the length of the transverse diameter of the outer surface of a cell of the second degree amounts to one half of the diameter of the cell of the first degree from the division of which it originates; and lastly, when at the moment of division (by virtue of the innate growing power of the plant) the form of the apical surface of the cell of the first degree IS not that of an equilateral, but of an isosceles spherical triangle, then it may happen that the points of intersection of the two larger arcs with the third (very short) arc may fall quite outside the apical, vaulted surface of the organ, when the latter surface is viewed under the microscope directly from above. These remarks apply almost exactly to the apices of the stems of Sphagnum and Equisetum, if observed immediately after the occurrence of division in the apical cell. A figure of the upper surface of the terminal cell is then obtained, which is strikingly similar to the apical aspect of tiie two-surfaced segment of a spheroid (PI. XXII, fig. 4). Now, since in other instances (as in the apices of the stems of liverworts, of Selaginella and of certain ferns, and in the organs of fructification of mosses &c.) 1 had frequently ascertained that the multipli- cation of the apical cell undoubtedly took place through division by means of THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 131 The cell of the second degree is thus divided into an upper daughter-cell, with three-sided fore and hind surfaces, and an under, four-sided cell (PI. XVII, fig. 2). The free outer wall of the former forthwith becomes arched outwards, and is recognisable as the rudimentary cell of a leaf. The latter (the lower cell) divides by means of longitudinal septa, alternately tangential and radial to the axis of the stem, which division continues until the completion of the full number of the cells of the portion of the stem in question. There is no very great regularity in the suc- cession of these divisions. Sometimes one, sometimes the other, occurs first ; frequently one step of the ordinary suc- cession is passed over, and made good at a later period. In every case, however, one phenomenon is constant — at a point near the end (of the stem), about three cells downwards from the apical cell, the number of the cells of the circum- ference of the young stem is eight. An inequality in the multiphcation by radial longitudinal septa of the cells of the third degree also occurs regularly ; one of these cells in each zone of the stem must lag about one division behind the two others. For if this midtiplication in the cells of the third degree were uniformly active, it would follow that, inasmuch as three cells of the third degree must occur in each transverse section of the stem, the number of cells of each girdle of the outer surface of the stem must be a multiple of three. A transverse section of the perfect stem usually exhibits a number of peripheral cells which is a multiple of eight. septa inclined alternately in only two opposite directions, I was led to believe that I must necessarily assume the same to be the case in Sphagnum and Equi- setum, where 1 observed the pointed apical cells of the stem-bud had the appearance of being two - surfaced. The cases of three-sided apical cells which came under my observation, and of which I have given figures in pi. xix, fig. 7, of the 'Vergleichende Untersuchungen,' I considered to be instances of a mode of growth which caused a change in the form of the apical cell between the period of each two divisions. Later observations have convinced me that Nägeli's representation of the mode of increase of the apical cell of the stem of Sphagnum, and Cramer's account of the similar process in Equisetum, are correct. Erom this error there necessarily arose, in tlie case of Sphagnum, an additional one, viz., in the account given of the further division of the cells of the second degree, and in the statement that the rudimentary cells of the leaves were derived from these latter cells, which error I have corrected in the text above. 132 HOFMEISTER, ON In slender branches, especially those which hang down- wards, the hark consists very regularly of only eight longi- tudinal rows of cells. In the younger parts of the bud the axile cells of the stem are more elongated longitudinally than the peripheral cells, a circumstance Avhich has a remarkable influence upon the slender form of the end of the stem. The arrangement of the cells of the interior of the stem into triangular plates, inclined inwards to the axis of the stem, arises from the fact that all the cells of the third part of a transverse section of the stem are derived from a single cell of the third degree. Each of these plates is higher by a portion of the length of a cell than the adjoining plate on one side of it, and is exceeded by the same portion of the length of a cell by the similar plate on the other side of it. The difference of height of two such cellular plates is almost always less than half a cell, a circumstance from which it must be concluded that the elongation of the cells of the stem preponderates in their upper portions. The above-mentioned ari-angement is most clearly seen in a perfectly axile longitudinal section of a Sphagnum bud, made at some distance from the apex ; if the section deviates only slightly from the longitudinal axis of the bud, the arrangement is partially or entirely imdistinguishable. In all the cells of the periphery of the stem (with the exception of the cells of insertion of the leaves) a transverse division occurs a short time before, or contemporaneously with, the termination of the cell-multiplication of the end of the stem, in a radial direction (PI. XVII, figs. 1, 7). This multiplication does not continue in the cells of the interior of the stem, which are elongated, instead, during its continuance, to about double their former length ; by this means the short-celled bark is differentiated from the long-celled axile-tissue. The multiplication of the stem- cells in the diametral direction is caused by the division of the slightly elongated cells of the interior of the stem, by means of septa tangential to the axis of the stem, alternating with divisions by radial longitudinal septa. The number of these cells in the transverse diameter of the stem increases tenfold from the place of insertion of THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM lA. 133 the youngest (already nuilticelliilar) leaf, to the place where the stem ceases to mcrease in thickness (PI. XVII, fig. 1). This cell-multiplication does not, how- ever, occur exclusively in a specific group of cells, such as is found in many vascular plants somewhat in the form of a cylindrical envelope. It is no doubt true that the cells in which division especially occurs are those of a conical envelope lying underneath the outermost cellular layer of the conical mass of cellular tissue. But the cells of the inner layers are by no means passive (PI. XVII, fig. 1). During these processes the cells of the outer surface divide by radial longitudinal septa, and the cells of more vigorous shoots also hy tangential longitudinal septa, so that the above peripheral cellular layer becomes transformed into a double, triple, or quadruple layer of cells (PI. XVII, fig. 1). In more slender shoots the latter form of cell- division is suppressed : the cells of the periphery of the stem certainly increase in number, by the formation of radial longitudinal septa, whilst they keep pace with the increase of the peri- phery of the axile cellular string ; the bark, however, re- mains, for a time at least, a simple cellular layer (PI. XVII, figs. 7, 9). The basal cells of the leaves, which are buried to a certain depth in the tissue of the stem, and which are easily recognisable by their peculiar tabular, flattened shape, present in their ends, which are turned inwards, certain indications from which it can be determined whether a multiplication of the peripheral cells of the bark of the stem has taken place or not (PL XVII, figs. 1, 7, 8, 9). Whilst the growth in thickness of the stem is thus in course of completion, its longitudinal growth is at a stand-still. It commences with increased activity at the spot where the conical form of the end of the stem passes into the cylindrical form of the older portion. All the cells become extended to at least twelve times their former length, and during this elongation one more final process of cell-multiplication takes place in them. The cells of the interior of the axile string are often (although not with any regularity) divided by transverse septa (PI. XVII I, fig. 8). The cells of the periphery of this string divide still oftener by radial and tangential longitudinal septa. They become 134 HOFMEISTER, ON very narrow and elongated (PL XVII, figs. 8, 9). Lastly, the cells of the bark, in all tolerably vigorous shoots, divide once more by tangential longitudinal septa, and in all cases very frequently by transverse septa (PL XVII, fig. 8). The bark thus becomes a stratum, consisting of from two to foiu' layers of cells. In slender shoots this duplication of the cellular layers of the bark does not take place ; trans- verse divisions only occm* in their cells, so tliat even the fully grown bark consists of only one layer of cells. A considerable thickening takes place in the walls of the cells of the axile tissue of the ends of the stems of fully formed shoots, whose longitudinal growth remains dormant from the end of autumn until the following spring, and whose densely crowded lateral shoots form a capitate accumulation round the end of the stem. This thickening is observable in a transverse section, when made about ten cells underneath the terminal bud. The thickened cell-membranes exhibit delicate pits (PL XVII, figs. 9, 9 *), which bring to mind those of the Coniferse, inasmuch as they are usually (not always) arranged in longitudinal rows.* There are not any lenticular air-cavities between the ends of two con- tiguous pits ; the ends are divided from one another by a thin, apparently homogeneous, membrane. The pits, when seen from the surface, exhibit within their circumference a narrow oval, but this appearance is probably caused by an interference of the rays of light incident from beneath. Dming the final longitudinal growth of the stem, during the remarkable expansion of the axile tissue of the inter- nodes (which expansion is rarely accompanied by a trans- verse division), the thickening of these cell-membranes for the most part disappears. In old stems the membranes of the middle cells become rather thin again, and less brittle than in the younger portions. It is now diflicult to dis- tinguish any traces of the pits, which at an earlier period were so distinct. They have now the form of short, oblique fissures. The above-mentioned peculiar thickening of the cell-membranes only extends a short distance into the axile * rigures of these pitted cells, agreeing with those previously published by me, have also been given by 'Schimper, M^m. pres. p. div. savauts,' xv, pi. iv, f. 4. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 135 tissue of the thin, Literal shoots. No trace of it is to Ijc found in the innovations* which are developed from the ends of older, thinner, lateral shoots, and which, growin«- rapidly in length and thickness, ultimately exactly resemble the principal shoots in their mode of vegetation. On the other hand, after the completion of the final longitudmal expansion, a different mode of thickening occurs regularly in the elongated cells of the axile tissue of these thin- ner shoots, and also in that of the thick, principal shoots and of the lateral shoots. After the completion of this thickening the cell-membranes appear thick and indis- tinctly stratified, their colour being yellowish-brown or greenish lirown, and sometimes very intense. This thick- ening is most highly developed in the narrowest peri- pheral cells of the axile cylinder; it diminishes rapidly in the wider, median cells. \Mien, from the arching outwards of its free surface, the rudimentary leaf-cell is recognisable as the mother-cell of the leaf, it embraces rather more than a third part of the circumference of the stem (PI. XVII, figs. 3, 4, 5). At this period it still lies on the immediate boundary of the apical cell of the tip of the stem (PI. XVII, fig. 2). When view^ed from above it is clearly seen that the tan- gent of its free outer margin is parallel to the tangent of the arc which is represented by that one of the lateral edges of the apical surface of the terminal cell of the tip of the stem which is turned towards the rudimentary leaf- cell (PI. XVII, figs. 4, 5). If, now, the successive divisions of the terminal cell were such that each third w^all were parallel to the third last one (as in the diagram, PI. XVI, fig. 5*), it would follow that, inasmuch as each cell of the second degree produces a leaf, the leaves must be arranged under one another on the stem, in three exactly parallel, longi- tudinal rows. Accurate examination, however, of a termi- nal bud shows that even in the youngest portions of the bud this is not so. Even here also the youngest leaf-rudiments have the arrangement which is characteristic of a later * Schimper, 1. c, pi. xvi, f. 1. 136 HOFMEISTER, ON period, viz., that of a spiral, usually a left-handed one, with divergence represented by the fractions |, |, or ^.* This circumstance can only be accounted for in two ways. It is possible that, contemporaneously with or immediately after, the formation of each leaf, a certain twisting of the portion of the stem beneath it might occur. This assumption, however, is negatived by observation. It is easily seen that even the two youngest leaves of the bud have always the same divergence as the older ones (PI. XVII, figs. 3, 4, 5). The only other possible process is that the apical cell of the stem may change its form between each two divisions in such a manner tb.at each cell of the second degree, which is cut off from it by the formation of a septum parallel to one of its lateral surfaces, is with- drawn from the next previously formed similar cell by so much of the circumference of the stem as is equal to the distance of each leaf from the next youngest leaf beneath it. Observation shows that both immediately before and imme- diately after each division, the apical surface of the terminal cell has the form of an isosceles triangle (PL XVII, figs. 4, 5). The change of form of the cell, therefore, must arise from the fact that its increase in size, after division, takes place more particularly in a direction perpendicular to the new wall formed by the division ; the youngest edge of the apical surface, which immediately after division represented one of the legs of the isosceles triangle, becomes, until the next division, relatively the shortest side ; it forms the base of the triangle, which, by the greater elongation of the two other sides, has become again isosceles, but which deviates to the extent of the angle of divergence of the phyllotaxis from its previous position. The conclusions necessarily to * A. Braun ('Nova Acta, A. C. L.,' xv, p. 279) and Scliimper (1. c, p. 28) agree in representing the pliyllotaxis on the middle of the stem of Sphagnum as having | divergence. I have previously spoken of | as the normal arrangement ('Vergh Unters.,' p. 61), and I find this confirmed by subserpicnt observations of the median shoots (PI. XVIII, fig. 5) of vigorous innovations and of germ-plants. Doubtless the § arrangement also often occurs, of which I myself have figured an example (PI. XVII, fig. 4), but, however frequent, I find it much less common than the other. IS'ägeli also found the f and fj ar- rangements more frequent than the |. (' Pflauzeu-pliysiolog. Untersuchungen,' i, Zurich, 1855, p. 77.) THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 137 be drawn from the position of the youngest leaves, and their relation to the apical cell of the stem in Sphagnum, lead to the same results which I had previously arrived at from direct measurement of the sides and angles of the three-sided apical cells of the stems of ferns.*' In Sphagnum the object is not fitted for direct measurement ; the steep inclination of the arch of the apical surface renders the accurate determination of the length of its edges impracti- cable. It is worthy of mention, however, that in the apical cells of Sphagnum- stems, with § phyllotaxis, the apical angle of the triangle is visibly much more acute than in stems with I or /a phyllotaxis. Probably in Sphagnum, as in ferns, the change of form which the terminal cell u.nder- goes between two divisions does not depend upon a capa- city for change of form innate in the cell alone, but is caused by the definite expansion of the cells of the second degree adjoining the apical cell. The youngest conditions of lateral shoots wdiicli have come under my observation have the form of hemispherical arched cells, which are situated on the outer surface of the terminal bud, at a distance of three or four cells in a straight line from the apical cell, near the left margin of the third or the fourth leaf, and above the middle line, in the first case of the sixth, in the second case of the seventh leaf t (PL XVIII, figs. 16, 17). When a longitudinal sec- tion of a principal shoot is made through the longitudinal axis of the median shoot, and through that of a young lateral branch, it is clearly seen that the place of attachment of the young lateral branch, together with the cortical cells which lie between it and the next lower cell, occupies a portion of the outer surface of the stem exactly as large as that occupied by the insertion-cell of a leaf together with the cells of the tissue of the stem which are produced from the same cell of the second degree as the insertion-cell ; one of the oblique rows in which the elongated cells of the interior of the stem are arranged reaches up to the place of attachment of the branch (Pl.'XVII, fig. 1; PI. XVIII, figs. * 'Ablmndl. Kön. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss.,' v, C)i2. I shall return to this subject hereafter in speaking of the developnieut of ferns. f Considering the leaf as viewed from the outside and from beneath. 138 HOFMEISTER, ON 16, 17).* This circumstance justifies the conckision that at the conimenceinent of the formation of a hiteral branch a portion of the apical ceU-cavity, which, under ordinary cir- cumstances, becomes the primary cell of a leaf, is applied to the formation of the rudimentary cell of the branch. It is probable that the formation of the branch takes place earlier than that of the leaf which stands at the same elevation in the ascendhig line of the spiral of the phyllotaxis. Assuming this to be so, the process can hardly be viewed otherwise than as a separation from the fom'-sided terminal cell, of an irregularly shaped cell of the second degree with a three- sided apical surface ; after which separation the apical cell divides by a septum which is parallel to one of the shorter sides of the apical surface, and is inserted in the angle formed by the oldest lateral wall of the apical cell with one of the lateral surfaces of the rudimentary cell of the branch. This latter division would restore the apical cell to its three- sided pyramidal form. The direct observation of this pro- cess can only be accidental. Indications, however, of such a state of circumstances clearly exist in the occasional occurrence of very slender apices (of stems), whose conical end extends far above the last leaf-rudiment which is visible in profile, so that in the optical section of the naked cone two superposed cells of the second degree can be distin- guished on one or on both sides. f ]\Iost lateral branches ramify soon after their formation. Schimper (1. c, p. 30), judging from the anatomical struc- tm-e of the points of origin of perfect branches, concludes * In the 'Vergleichende Untersuchungen,' p. 62, 1 made use of an expression ■which might lead to the belief that I considered the lateral branches as axile in their origiu. This arose from my having only had in view the relation of the elementary cell of the lateral branch to the leaf below it. Schimper, at p. oO of his work on Sphagnum, has rightly objected that, the position of the rudi- mentary as vrell as of the perfect lateral branches is always at the side, near the margin of the leaf which stands at the same elevation. 1 consider Schimper, however, to be in error (1. c, p. 30) in supposing that certain oval (occasionally stalked) cells, which are interjjolated between each two moderately distant leaves, and which are seated upon the outer surface of the stem, are to be looked upon as the rudimentary cells of lateral branches. These cells are nothing more than the young state of the bicellnlar hairs, with oval terminal cells, ^vhicll occur not unfrequeutly upon the stem of Sphagnum, and which are figured by Schimper himself (pi. v, f. 2). f Such terminal buds have often been figured, for instance, by myself in the 'Vergl. Uuters.' (pi. xiii, f. 1), and by Schimper (1. c, pi. iii, f. 2, 7). THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 139 that the branch developes a number of lateral branches before the commencement of the formation of leaves ; and he treats the scale-like appendages of the young branch- buds, which I considered to be leaves, as being the rudi- ments of hxteral branches (PI. XVII, fig. 6). Continued observations have not afforded me a single phenomenon confirmatory of this opinion of Schimper's. I have found, without exception, that the lateral branches develope indis- putable leaves at a very early period, almost close to their place of insertion into the principal stem (PL XVII, fig. 1), and I have never seen a branch of the second order inserted on a primary branch underneath the place of origin of the first leaf. The points at which the axile cellular strings are separated from the branches^, often appear to be enclosed within the bark of the fidly developed principal shoot (1. c, pi. iv, fig. 4) ; but this appearance is caused by the com- paratively late commencement of the growth of this l^ark in the direction of its thickness ; the bark is closely attached to, and grows round, the base of the branches, and strips off their lowest leaves. I found that the development of the stem and branches of Ortliotrichum aßne agrees in all essential particulars with that of Sphagnum. The first division of the rudimentary leaf-cell, which pro- trudes slightly above the circumference of the terminal bud, takes place by means of a septum springing laterally from its longitudinal axis, and perpendicular to the surfaces of the leaf. This division is succeeded by that of the apical cell, which takes place by means of a septum inclined in the opposite direction, meeting the one previously formed at an angle of 90° (PL XVII, fig. 3). By the repeated division of the apical cell by means of alternately inclined septa, the leaf grows in length. During this time the form of the apical cell is that of a low, three-sided prism, and the form of the cells of the second degree is that of a procum- bent parallelopiped. Contemporaneously with or very shortly after the forma- tion of a new cell of the second degree, the next older one divides by a transverse septum, which, like all those which take part in the formation of the leaf of Sphagnum, is per- 140 HOb'MEISTER, ON pendicular to the surface of the leaf. The edge formed by the contact of this hotter septum witli the upper side wall of the mother-cell coincides exactly with the line in which the membrane just produced in the apical cell cuts the boundary wall of the cells of the first and second degree. The septum in question forms a right angle with the side walls of the cell of the second degree; its direction is, therefore, exactly the same as that of the septum by which the apical cell was contemporaneously divided. The inner of the cells into which the second youngest cell of the second degree is divided has a rather long, rectangular, basal surface. Both the cells of the third degree, which are produced by the division of the cells of the second degree, are soon divided, by longitudinal septa parallel to the side walls, into ecpial parts, whose basal surfaces are almost exactly square (PL XVIII, fig. 1). A similar process takes place upon each further division of the apical cell of the leaf. All the cells of the edge of the leaf which lie in the course of the prolongation of the line of direction of the newly produced septum of the apical cell divide, almost contemporaneously, with the apical cell, by septa Avliose direction coincides with that of the above-mentioned line (PL XVIII, fig. I'). The result of these processes is that in all species of Sphagnum the young leaf, with the excep- tion of its margins, appears divided into regular squares. With the exception of its edge, which appears composed of somewhat elongated cells, the entire surface of the leaf con- sists of cells whose basal outline is square, and each four of which are in contact at their edges. It is only occa- sionally that in these divisions one cell is passed over, and then one cell of the interior of the leaf is twice as wide as its neighbours, and its basal surface has the form of a paral- lelogram (PL XVIII, fig. I ; see one of the cells of the fifth of the oblique rows to the left).* It is self-evident that, by the repeated division of the cells, the lower, older portion of the leaf increases consider- * From the abovc-nieiitiüned processes by which the chess-board-like arrangement of the cells of the young leaf is produced, Niigeli concludes that the division of one cell has a manifest etl'ecfc u|)on the neighbouring cell, and causes the division of ihe latter in the same direction ('Pflanzeu-piiys. Uuters.,' i, p. 78). On the other hand, 1 find iu these facts u new ground fur the con- TH»SBOOK THE IIIGnKR CRYPTOGAMIA. 141 ably in width. Reckoning from the youngest leaf backwards, the sixth leaf of a shoot embraces one hjilf of the stem ; the twelfth embraces from five eighths to six eighths. Inasmuch as, during the multiplication of the cells of the base of the leaf, the cells of the stem upon which they are seated are in an active state of multiplication in a tangential direction, it follows that the place of attachment of the leaf to the stem continues, relatively, of a considerable width, amount- ing to one third of the circumference of the stem. Every section made through that part of a principal shoot which lies nearly under the apex meets, not only the longitudinal line of each eighth leaf, but also lateral portions of five intermediate leaves ; so that, in most cases, the points of insertion of two leaves are only separated by one cell of the cortical layer. When the division of the apical cell of the leaf (which division takes place by means of septa diverging alternately from the median line) ceases, a multiplication of all its cells, excepting those of the margin, commences ; this multipli- cation begins at the tip, and progresses rapidly from thence to the base. Each of the square cells divides into tAvo rather unequal parts by means of a septum parallel to one of the sides, but not exactly traversing the middle point of the ceU (PI. XVIII, fig. 2, below, to the left). The larger of the two is then divided, by means of a septum parallel to the narrow sides, into two cells of unequal size, the larger being square and the other somewhat elongated (PI. XVIII, fig. 2). After the termination of these divi- sions the surface of the leaf consists of a system of square cells, each of which is surrounded by four oblong cells. In the oblong cells chlorophyll-granules are produced, which increase rapidly and considerably in number and in size (PL XVIII, figs. 3, 9). On the other hand, the pale- green, highly refractive, and finely granular mucilage, which elusion which I had previously drawn from similar appearances ('Abliandl. Kön. Sachs. Ges. d. "VVissenscli.,' vol. iv, p. 161), viz., that the growing power which regulates the form of conipound vegetable organs is mainly proportionate to the form and number of tlie new cells in process of production, and that such power does not exhibit itself in each peculiarity of the process of cell-multipli- cation. 142 HOFMEISTER, ON fills the larger square cells, disappears, after having become turbid and griimous, but without dividing into bodies of any definite form. The contents of these latter cells become clear like water. A considerable expansion of the leaf-cells now ensues, especially in the longitudinal direc- tion. It begins at the apex of the leaf, and proceeds from thence rapidly downwards. The cells of the margin, which divided once, and only })artially, by means of septa at right angles to the edge of the leaf, cannot keep pace with the increase in size of the numerous median cells ; the leaf assumes more and more the form of a cap. At the same time the first traces of the well-known annular and spiral threads begin to be visible upon the inner walls of the larger square cells. A longitudinal division of many (often of all) of the cells with watery contents frequently precedes the appearance of the threads, especially in Sphagnum squar- rosmn, so that each two thread-cells lie near one another (PL XXIII, fig. 4). Not unfrequently, also, many of the small chlorophjdl-bearing-ceUs divide by transverse septa (PL XXVIII, fig. 3). In the mean time the chlorophyll- gvaniües in the small cells, which form a complicated net- work between the thread- cells, increase considerably in size. In the greater number of mosses, e.g. Phascmn, Bryum, Hypnum, Polytrichum, whose early development has been admirably figured by Nägeli, the formation of the leaves agrees in the principal featm'e — that is to say, in the nature of the repeated division of the one apical cell — with Sphagnum. An essential difference exists, however, in the fact that the number of the cells in the leaves of these mosses increases considerably by the repeated bisection of the cells of the lower part of the leaf, even after the division of the apical cell has ceased, after the latter cell and its neighbours have expanded considerably, after the contents have become transparent, and the walls of the cells of the apex of the leaf have become considerably thickened. In Sphagnum this supplementary multiplication of the cells of the base of the leaf can never be distinguished. Upon the last division of the apical cell the lateral margin of the leaf consists of a number of cells (normally from eighteen to THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. • 143 twenty in Sphagnum acufifolium), whicli is afterwards only- doubled by transverse division of tlie marginal cells. The above-mentioned phenomenon, on the other hand, is very distinctly marked in Polytrichnni and Fissidens. It is well known that the leaves of the latter genus are arranged in two rows. The terminal bud is surrounded by the peculiar pocket-shaped duplication of the base of the last-formed leaf; each older leaf of the bud also encloses the younger leaves and the summit of the shoot in the akeady perfected duplication of its base. The very young leaves resemble the first rudiments of the leaves of Sphagnum. But when the leaf is only five cells in height, the method of cell- multiplication changes. As in Sphagnum, the cell of the second degree divides by a septum at right angles to the side walls. The septum which thereupon divides the outer of the newly formed cells into two, stands at right angles to the above septum, like the similar septum in Sphagnum ; on the other hand, the membrane which originates in the inner cell is at ris^ht angles to the median line of the young- leaf (PL XVIII,^fig. 17, ß). The two cells of the fourth deQ;ree belono-iug to the marginal cells of the leaf divide, at first, by a septum parallel to the margin of the leaf. The next septum, however, in both cells is at right angles to the margin of the leaf. The transverse division corre- sponding to this division is suppressed in the cells of the two rows adjoining the longitudinal axis of the leaf, in con- sequence of which these cells are double the length of the neighbouring cells (PI. XVIII, fig. 17). The leaf continues to widen by the further division of the cells of its margin, caused by septa parallel to the edge. Sometimes indi- vidual marginal cells are divided also by longitudinal septa. The formation of the pocket at the base of the leaf com- mences when the base of the leaf has attained a width of eight cells. At this time from five to eight of the lowest cells of that margin of the surface of the leaf which is turned towards the terminal bud become arched upwards to a con- siderable extent ; the protruded portions are then separated from the primary cell-cavities by means of septa parallel to the surface of the leaf. By this means a raised line origi- 144 • HOFMEISTER, ON nates, which is attached laterally to the margin of the leaf, and consists of a longitudinal row of cells. These expand downwards from the longitudinal axis of the leaf, and exactly keep pace with the further multiplication of the cells from which they sprang. As the increase in width of the leaf is nuich less at the base than close above it, it follows that in the perfect leaf the commissure of the two parallel cel- lular surfaces appears to be considerably inclined sideways, running obliquely from the margin of the leaf to the base of the mid-rib. By the peculiar development of the bases of the leaves, nature has more than sufficiently compensated the youngest portions of Fissidens for the deficient protec- tion which, owing to their mode of arrangement, the leaves would be able to afford. When the young leaf of Fissidens has attained a length of |-'", the multiplication of the apical cell terminates. At this time the leaf retains the form which it had when in a younger state ; it is less slender than when more fully grown. The further multiplication of its cells is produced exclusively by the continual division of those of its lower portion. The great activity of this nuiltiplication is shown from the simple statement that the number of the cells of the proportion ably small point of attachment of the leaf, when reckoned transversely, amounts to thirty. The six longitudinal rows of cells adjoining the median line of the leaf of Fissidens become transformed into the mid-rib, by division produced by sei)ta parallel to the sur- face of the leaf, and by the division of the newly formed cells by septa perpendicular to the surface of the leaf. The base of the mid-rib in the perfect leaf is innnediately adja- cent to the duplication of the lower part of the margin of the leaf. The examination of half-develo])ed leaves of mosses which are undergoing this process of cell-multiplication will afford one of the most convenient methods for the accurate inves- tigation of the process of cell-division and the formation of chlorophyll. The object is not large enough for the micro- scopes of the present day. I believe, however, that I have already made out some interesting peculiarities in Fissi- dens. In the cells close to the base of the leaf the nucleus, THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 145 which has the appearance of a bright circle, is surrounded by an apparently homogeneous, pale greenish mucilage. The intensity of the green colour increases towards the apex. In cells which are about to divide, the formation of two nuclei, in the place of the primary one which has dis- appeared, precedes the formation of the transverse septum, as is the case generally in the higher plants ; but, besides this, the green mucilage divides into two globular masses, each of which surrounds one of the newly formed nuclei (PI. XVIIl, tig. 18). Higher up, in cells whose multipli- cation has ended, the nucleus is no longer seen, but two large chlorophyll-bodies are found in the cell-cavity, in the interior of which bodies some starch-grains occur (PI. XVIII, fig. 19). In the cells close to the apex of the leaf, whose walls have already become thick, the number of chlorophyll- bodies amounts to four, six, eight, or even more. The appearances which are seen during the formation of the chlorophyll-bodies in the leaves of Sphagnum and of Phas- cum cuspidatum are essentially the same as those observed in Fissidens. In leaves of Sphagnum where the division of the cells into three parts has extended as far as the base, and at whose apex the last active process (viz., the differen- tiation of the cells into those with, and those without, chlo- rophyll) has occurred, the cells of the base of the leaf are found to be quite filled with finely granular, yellowish green protoplasm, within which the nucleus appears in the form of a bright circle. Somewhat nearer to the apex of the leaf this protoplasm exhibits numbers of immeasm^ably small, dark-green particles, not individually distinguishable, by which the proto})lasm is rendered turbid. Hitherto all the cells of the leaf develope themselves equally. Towards the apex, however, the coloured matter within the quadrate cells diminishes more and more until it disappears altogether, whilst in the oblong cells it appears suddenly conglomerated into one or two spheroidal masses or chlorophyll-bodies. Nearer still to the apex of the leaf the chlorophyll-bodies in the oblong cells increase in number and diminish in size ; this is manifestly caused by the divi- sion of the existing bodies, inasmuch as some of them may 10 146 HOFMEISTER, ON occasionally be seen in tlie actual process of constriction (PI. XVIII, fig. 4). 'i'he perfect chlorophyll-bodies are small ellipsoids, some- what flattened in the direction of the shorter axis, and having the substance of their periphery somewhat denser and more strongly coloured than that of their interior, so that they present a vesicular appearance. They usually contain one or more very small starch-granules. In young leaves of Phascum ciispidatiim, also, the less deve- loped cells exhibit only one or two large chlorophyll-bodies ; in more fully developed cells they become continually more numerous and smaller. The perfect bodies have a vesicular appearance, and usually contain several starch- granules ; when the cell which surrounds them is ruptvu'ed, so that water is brought in contact with them, their entire mass swells up larp;ely, running together ultimately into a shapeless jelly. The previously described process of the formation of the large chlorophyll-bodies of Anthoceros is similar to that here mentioned. From these facts I drew the conclusion* that in young cells the chlorophyll is colourless, inasmuch as the colouring matter is dispersed throughout the muci- laginous cell-contents in the form of immeasurably small particles. As the development of the cell proceeds, the coloiued portions unite to form globular drops, which are capable of multiplying themselves by division. This opi- nion Avas opposed to that of Nägeli (' Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Bot.,' H. 3 &4, Zurich, 1840, 111), who assumes that the chlorophyll-bodies originate in the form of small, coloured granules, Avhich gradually increase in size : it was, however, in accordance Avith Nägeli's view to the extent of assuming a vesicular structure in the chlorophyll-bodies, and it con- firmed the fact, first pointed out by Nägeli, of the division of the latter bodies. The idea of a vesicular structure in the chlorophyll-bodies was opposed by H. v. Mold, who relied u]3on certain appearances exhibited by those bodies when distended Avith water (' Bot. Zeit.,' 1855, 107, 109); but V. Mohl also, having eventually modified an earlier opi- nion, came to the conclusion that, hoAvever chlorophyll may * ' Vergleicliemle Uutersuchuugeu,' Lpz., 1851, p. 10. thp: higher cryptogamia. 147 be formed, nothing more seems necessary for its production than that green colouring matter should be formed in a cell, and should enter into combination with a mass of pro- teine substance. The investigations of Arthur Gris (' Ann. des Sc. Nat.,' iv ser., t. vh, p. 79), and of Sachs ('Sitzungs- berichte AViener Akademie,' xxxvii, (1859,) p. 108), have since shown that even in higher plants the chlorophyll- graniües are formed by the disruption of a shai-ply-defined mass of protoplasm, often of no determinate shape, the green colour of which in certain cases becomes apparent before the disruption, in others dim7ig that process, and in others again after the disruption, and wdiich mass of proto- plasm is usually agglomerated round the nucleus. The development of the leaves of mosses has lately been a matter of discussion. Nägeli asserted that the leaf grows exclusively at the apex and the edge. (' Zeitschr. für wiss.. Bot.' ii, 175). Schleiden, on the other hand (Grundzüge, 3 Aufl), advanced a diametrically opposite opinion. According to him the leaf is pushed forwards by the multiplication of cells lying inside the circumference of the stem ; the apex of the leaf being the oldest, and its base the youngest portion. With regard to the moss which Schleiden examined, viz.. Sphagnum, this is abso- lutely incorrect ; Avith regard to the leaves of liverworts and phcenogams it is only true in part, and to a very limited extent. Both observers have generalised too ex- tensively from the results they have obtained in their investigations of mosses, although Nägeli subsequently limited his too vague conclusions, by acknowledging the frequent occurrence of intercalary cell-multiplication,* a very manifest fact long previously pointed out by Grisebach (' Wiegm. Arch.' 1846, p. 1). I have before attempted to show that, with regard to mosses, the truth lies between the two opinions. The first rudiment of the leaf is formed from an outwardly-protruding cell of the circum- ference of the terminal bud, by means of continually repeated division of the apical portion. In this rudiment * Nägeli called this " accidental cell-forwaiioii,^^ an expression the iiieorrect- uess of which he subsequently acknowledged, 'Pflanzen physiol. Unters.,' i, p. 83. 148 HOFMEISTER, ON of the leaf, wliicli in Polytriclium, for instance, attains a length of t^A'enty-fou^ cells, the apex is the youngest, the base the oldest portion. In most cases the cells of the base of the leaf-rudiment multiply actively, by which means the leaf acquires its ultimate number of cells. Then the cells of the base of the leaf are relatively younger than those of the apex. The naked ends of those branches which are destined to bear fruit change the conical form of the vege- tative bud into a flattened hemispherical one. j\lany of the cells of its upper surface grow out into short papillae (PI. XIX, fig. 1). Each of them divides by a septum inclined to the horizon ; the upper one of the newly formed cells divides by a septum perpendicular to that already formed and inclined in an opposite direction. In the terminal cell of the cellular body, which makes its appearance above the surface of the bud, the divi- sion is continually repeated by septa inclined in dif- ferent directions (PI. XIX, fig. 1 ; PI. XX, fig. 1). The cells of the second degree, except some of the lower, oldest (from two to six in number) cells, divide soon after their formation by radial vertical septa. Thus, in a short time, there is formed in the space surrounded by the youngest leaves, a number of short, cylindrical, cellular bodies, composed of four vertical rows of cells, intermixed, in many of the mosses, with long multi- cellular hairs, which have originated in the division by transverse septa of certain of the papillate superficial cells of the bud. These clavato- cylindrical masses of cells are the first rudiments of the archcgoniti as well as of the antheridia. When the young arehegonium has attained a height of I'rom six to eight cells, all the cells belonging to one of the four perpendicular rows of cells of w^iich (irrespective of the base and the growing apex) it consists, divide by septa parallel to the chord of the arc of the free, arched, outer wall, and cutting the side walls of the cell at an angle of about 45°, by which means the mother-cell is divided into an outer four-sided, and an inner three-sided cell. Each one of the newly-formed cells of the third degree (which form the continuation upwards of the string of diagonally- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 149 divided cells) divides in the same manner immediately after its formation, such division being, in most instances exactly contemporaneous with the next division of the apical cell, very seldom somewhat later, often earlier (PI. XX, figs. 2, 3). The arcliegonium now consists of a central string of cells, which is surrounded by from four to six longitudinal rows of cells. There are far more frequently six rows, in consequence of the division of two of the original four, by radial longitudinal septa (PI. XX, fig. 7). The arche- gonium resembles, therefore, in its development, as well as in its structure, the like organ in the liverworts. One of the cells of the central string swells to a remarkable extent, especially in width, whilst the upper end of the arcliegonium continues to grow. This cell, however, is never so near to the base of the archegonium, as in the liverworts ; amonost the mosses which I have examined it lies lowest in Phascum and Archidium, where it is the third, fourth, or fifth, reckoned from below (PI. XX, fig. 2 ; PI. XXIII, fig. 13). Soon after it begins to swell the cells underneath it divide by transverse, and partly by longitudinal septa, whereby they expand only in length, not in breadth. This cell-multiplication is more active close under the swollen cell, than at the base of the arche- gonium. In Phascum those cells which surround the sides of the swollen cell divide, in the first instance, only by transverse septa and by longitudinal septa perpendicular to the outer surfaces (PI. XX, fig. 4) ; the division of the above cells, by longitudinal septa, parallel to the axis of the organ, commences at a somewhat later period (PI. XX, fig. 5). In other genera, as for instance, Funaria, Pissi- dens, Dicranum, and Polytrichum, the cells which cover the central cell of the ventral portion of the archegonium, are already divided by longitudinal septa parallel to the outer surface, long before the bursting of the apex of the archegonium ; and this occurs particularly early in Sphag- num (PI. XV 111, fig. 14), where, even before the opening of the top of the archegonium, this division is repeated in the inner as well as in the outer cells (PI. XVIII, fig. 15). In this genus, consequently, the ventral portion of the archegonium is larger than in any other moss. 150 HOFMEISTER, ON By these processes the lower portion of the archegoniiim becomes a pear-shaped celhilar mass, which, at the point where it passes into the upper cyhndrical portion (the neck) of the archegonium, surroiuids the enlarged cell of the cen- tral string. In most instances the cell of the central string lying immediately above the enlarged cell, exhibits a con- siderable increase of its dimensions (PL XIX, fig. 5 ; PI. XX, fig. 4) ; this is especially remarkable in Sphagnum (PL XVIII, fig. 15). Like all the cells of mosses the enlarged cell in question exhibits, from its first appearance, a manifest nucleus. In the very young archegonium the nucleus lies free in the mid- dle of the cell, surrounded on all sides by protoplasm of uniform density (PL XVIII, fig. 14 ; PL XX, figs. 2, 4) ; at a later period, after the separation of the contents of the cell into two parts, — viz., the thick coating of the wall, and the less dense fluid contents of the median cavity, — the nucleus lies close to the side wall of the cell, surrounded by a thick accumulation of granular protoplasm, which sends forth radiate prolongations over the inner surface of the cell (PL XIX, figs. 5, 6). At this time there is seen under- neath the primary nucleus of the cell, which is still very distinct, a small daughter-cell, occupying about an eighth part of the cell cavity, and having highly refractive con- tents, and a bright nucleus without nucleoli (PL XIX, figs. 5, 6). Contemporaneously with the appearance of this cell, the transverse septa, by which the separate cells of the axile longitudinal string of cells forming the neck of the archegonium are divided from one another, begin to dissolve. Even before these transverse septa have altogether disappeared, even before the dissolution of the transverse septa of the lowest of the cells of the axile string, and therefore before the formation of the canal which traverses the neck of the archegonium longitudinally, the central cell is found to be almost filled by a free spherical cell, which is either suspended freely, or touches the wall of the mother-cell on one side, and which contains a globular central nucleus (PL XVIII, fig. 15; PL XIX, figs. 7, 8, 20; PL XX, figs. 5, 6, 8). The primary nucleus of the cell is no longer present. These circum- stances must lead to the conclusion, that the germinal THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 151 vesicle (i. e., the small free daughter-cell of the central cell of the archegonium), grows with extraordinary rapidity, and displaces the dissolving primary nucleus of the central cell. In Fnnaria hjjgrometrica the ripe germinal vesicle is usually in close proximity to the transverse septum, which, even after the canal of the neck is fully formed, and some- times even after the apex has opened, still shuts off the central cell of the archegonium (PI. XIX, fig. 8). It often happens, however, in Funaria, in Phascum, and in Liver- worts, that the germinal vesicle rests upon the bottom of the central cell (PI. XIX, fig. 7 ; PI. XX, fig. 9), or that it lies against one of the side-walls of the latter (PL XX, figs. 5, 6, 8).* After the termination of the longitudinal growth, the cells of the apex of the archegonium divide by radial septa which are partly vertical and partly inclined sideways ; and to some extent also by transverse septa. In many genera, such as Polytrichum and Sphagnum (PI. XVIII, fig. 15), the new cells thus formed expand in a radiate manner, in con- sequence of which the apex of the archegonium appears strongly clavate. In the mean time, the walls of the string of cells which traverses the neck of the archegonium dis- solve. The dissolution progresses from above downwards. Thus there originates in the axis of the neck a canal, con- taining only mucilaginous fluid, which leads to the large cell in the upper end of the ventral portion. Suddenly the cells of the apex separate from one another, and bend them- selves backwards in the form of irregular flaps ; in this state they form the so-called stigma (PI. XX, figs. 6, 9, 13). The archegonium is now in the condition in which I con- sider it to be ready for impregnation. After the rupture of the apex of the archegonium, the mucilage which fills the canal of its neck not unfrequcntly oozes out of the opening, protruding above the funnel-shaped mouth in a hemisphe- * The rapid disappearance of the primary nucleus of the central cell, and the agreement with it in size and form of tiie nucleus of the germinal vesicle, led me at first to the conclusion (' Vergl. Unters.,' p. 67) that the germinal vesicle might originate by free cell-formation round the primary nucleus of the central cell. The mode of if s development, as given above, was first arrived at by me in 1S54 ('Berichte Köu. Sachs. Ges. d. Wissensch. Math. Phys. CI.,' ]854, p. 95). 152 HOFMEISTER, ON rical form. Afterwards it is often agglomerated into glo- bular masses, — some small and some large, — of transparent hyaline matter, as is the case in the Jungermanniae. These processes may be seen especially clearly in Archidiuni phascoidcs (PI. XXIII, figs. 1—3). The product of the dissolution of the transverse septa of the string of cells which traverses the longitudinal axis of the neck of the archegonium frequently consists, in mosses, of a vermiform mass of highly refractive, hyaline, transpa- rent mucilage (PL XIX, fig. 8). It seems that the forma- tion of this string of mucilage is favoured by drjaiess of habitat. I seldom failed to find it in plants of Funaria hyf/rometnca which had grown in dry places. It is much less often found in plants taken from moist situations. In Phascum cusjndatum, a part of the contents of the wide axile string of cells lying immediately over the centi'al cell of the archegonium very often assumes the form of an irre- gularly-shaped heap of coarse granules (PL XX, figs. 5, 8). The first stages of development of the antheridia of mosses entirely correspond, as has been already stated, with those of the archegonia. A clavate mass of cellular tissue protrudes in a precisely similar manner above the upper surface of the end of the stem, consisting, — with the exception of the continually multiplying terminal cell and the cells of the base, — of four vertical rows of cells : in an almost precisely similar manner, a string of cells traversing the axis of the organ is formed by the division of the cells of one of the above rows; this occurs in the species of Phascum, Gymnostomum, Bryum, Eucalypta, and Funaria (PL XIX, figs. 1, 2, 3). In other cases diagonal septa ori- ginate in each of the four rows of cells, after which radial septa are formed in the outer ones of the new cells ; by this means the antheridium becomes much more massive. This is the case in Polytrichum. The inner cells of the young antheridium multiply very actively in all three directions (PL XIX, fig. 4). The cells of the upper surface divide only by septa perpendicular to the outer walls, and much less frequently than the inner cells. The antheridium thus becomes a clavate sac, con- sisting of a single layer of cells, which encloses an elongated THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 153 ellipsoid group of very small cellules adhering firmly to one another. In each of the latter, a spiral thread, consisting of nitrogenous matter which is coloured brown by iodine, is produced inside a lenticular vesicle wdiich lies free in the interior (PL XX, fig. 16). The tabular cells of the walls of the antheridimn contain chlorophyll, and in the young state a flat lenticular nucleus also, whose major axis is parallel to the outer surface of the cell (PI. XIX, fig. 4). AVlien the antheridimn approaches matmity, the colour of the chlorophyll-granules in many mosses becomes a yellowish-red. This is the case in Ficnaria hygrometrica, Brijinn ccespiticium, Polytrichum juniperinum, Gym)iostomum jjyriforme, and Neckera conijjianafa. The antheridia are usually intermixed with jointed hairs, the so-called paraphyses, whose terminal cells are often (as is the case in Mniuin hornuiu and Funaria hygrometricct) swollen to a clavate form, and in Polytrichum produce a lancet-shaped expansion at the apex, originating from con- tinual cell-division by means of differently inclined septa. The fuUy-ripe antheridimn opens at the apex, and permits the escape of the small, enclosed cells, which contain the spermatozoa. The process is very easily seen in water on the stage of the microscope ; and that the same thing takes place in nature, appears from the fact, that in every rich male inflorescence in mosses, empty antheridia, open at the apex, are found in company with ripening and ripe antheridia. The bursting of the apex of the ripe antheridium of Funaria Iiyyroinetrica occurs thus : — the apical cell, and the youngest cell of the second degree, which is separated from the latter by a steep septum, exhibit a considerable enlargement of their outer wall, which expands in a vesicular manner ; but the red coloiu-ing corpuscles of the cell contents, (whose interior is now usually occupied by a starch granule) do not enter into the expanded space. Careful investigation shows that the cuticle only of the cells of the apex of the antheridium is forced outwards,* and that the cavity between it and the firm membrane * See Unger's figure of an aiitlieridium of Polytrichum in the act of bursting 'N. A. A. C. L.,' V. xviii, p. II (1837), p. 790. PL 57, f. 1. 154 HOFMEISTER, ON which immediately encloses the contents of the epidermal cells, is filled with a transparent, almost fluid, jelly, which can be nothing else than a product of the swelling np of the median layer of the walls of those cells Mdiich occupy the apex of the antheridium. Suddenly the cuticle of both the above-mentioned cells splits transversely ; the contents of the antheridium are driven out between the detached cells of the epidermal layer in the form of a mucilaginous mass, shaped like intestines ; these contents escape at first with great rapidity, and afterwards with a slower motion, which sometimes, by fits and starts, exhibits a momentary acceleration. The walls of the cellules in which the len- ticular vesicles, which produce the spermatoza, are gener- ated, are now swollen to a mucilaginous jelly. The latter is rapidly dissolved in water on the stage of the microscope, the vesicles are dispersed in the fluid, and are soon rup- tured by the spermatozoa in their efforts to escape. The latter move about for some little time in the water, but with no very great rapidity. I have observed the motion to last for four hours in Folytrichimformosum. The mode of bursting of the antheridium leads to the conclusion that a radial expansion, and swelling up of the walls of the epidermal cefls, especially of those of the apex, are at least as effective in producing the rupture, as is the outward pressure produced by the swelling of the contents. The development of the antheridia of Sphagnum, which are situated singly in the axils of short lateral shoots, differs in some points of secondary importance from that which occm's in Phascum, Bryum, Funaria, &c. There is a long row of cells of the second degree in which division does not take place ; a thin cylindrical double row of cells is pro- duced, the end of which swells in a clavate manner. A few only (two or three) of the cells belonging to the double pairs of cells of the third degree which lie nearest to the apex of the organ, divide, by means of a septum parallel to the outer surface, into inner and outer cells (PI. XVIII, fig. 11). The former become the mother- cells of the vesicles which produce the spermatozoa ; they divide actively in all three directions until at last they form a spherical or oval group of closely-packed, smalb tessellated THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 155 cells (PL XVIII, fig. 12), in each of which a spirally folded spermatozoon is produced in the interior of a len- ticular vesicle. The cells which surround these central cells multiply by division, which takes place by means of septa perpendicular to the outer surface, and become the covering layer of the antheridium. On their outer side there is formed a glassy, transparent, very tough cuticle, which may be easily detached. When the organ is ripe the cuticle bursts at the apex ; the vesicles enclosing the spermatozoa, having become free by the dissolution of the walls of their mother- cells escape at the opening, disperse themselves when under water in the surrounding fluid, and set the spermatozoa free, which then commence their revolving motion. Their spiral has from two and a half to three turns, and is sometimes a right-handed, some- times a left-handed one. The anterior end of the sper- matozoon carries two thin motile cilia attached laterally (PI. XVIII, fig. 13). The covering cells* of the antheridia usually become isolated after matm'ity, like those of Antho- ceros, Fossombronia, &c. ; the cuticle holds together for a considerable time. Schleiden was of opinion that the antheridium of Sphag- num was a laro-e sac-like cell, in whose fluid contents the vesicles which produce the spermatozoa swam about treely. This notion is quite erroneous. Until just before matu- rity, the walls of the small, tessellated, closely-packed cells remain quite intact, each of them enclosing one of the vesicles. The natm-e of their arrangement is such, that the directions of the primary divisions of the seven-surfaced central cell of the very young antheridium may be easily recognised. Pruit is developed only in those mosses where the arche- gonia are in the neighbourhood of antheridia. Any Botanist paying attention to the growth of mosses will be able to produce instances, in addition to those afforded by the older observers, to prove that female dioecious mosses, in whose neighbomliood no male plants of the same species occur, produce perfect archegonia, but never fruit. At Leipzig, in * The chlorophyll granules of these cells do not change colour when the antheridium is ripe. 156 HOFMEISTER, ON certain localities, female plants only of Mnium undidahim, Mniiim pundafum, and Biyuin ccesjnlicium occur. In such places I have found every year numerous vigorous arche- gonia, but never a single fruit. When fruit is found in these species, male plants are invariably to be met with in the immediate neighbourhood. I have not yet succeeded in finding spermotozoa in the central cell of the archegonia of Mosses near the germinal vesicle, as I liave done in Ferns.* I have, however, seen in Punaria a moving spermatozoon which had penetrated through a third part of the length of the neck of an arche- gonium, which was ready for impregnation. The first symptoms of the conunencement of the deve- lopment of a fruit, are a considerable enlargement of the germinal vesicle of the elongated ellipsoidal cell which fills the large cell in the upper end of the ventral portion of the archegonium (PI. XIX, fig. 17 ; PI. XX, fig. 10), and the appearance in it of a horizontal or slightly-inclined trans- verse septum (PI. XIX, fig. 21 ; PL XX, fig. 10). In Bri/um argenteum the upper part of the two cells divides again, once or twice, l^y means of septa parallel to that first formed (PI. XIX, fig. 22"' h). A septum inclined at a considerable angle, and seated upon the uppermost of these horizontal septa, is then produced. In Phascum, Punaria, and Fissi- dens, this inclined septum is formed immediately after the production of the first horizontal one (PL XX, figs. 11, 12). The upper terminal cell of the young fruit-rudiment is then divided by a septum inclined in a contrary direction to the one last formed, then by another parallel to the last but one, and so on. The longitudinal growth of the fruit- rudiment is carried on by division of the terminal cell by means of differently inclined septa (PL XIX, figs. 9 — 11, 22; PL XX, figs. 11—15). The young rudiment of the fruit, when consisting of from one to four cells, may be easily detached (PI. XX, figs. 11*, 12*-''). It occupies only a very small space of the upper half of the ventral portion of the archegonium, in the cavity of which it lies free (PL XX, figs. 11, 13). During its * 'Ber.der K. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss.,' 1S5-1-, p. 54. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 157 further longitudinal growth, it presses together the neigh- bouring cells of the ventral portion, which have multiplied considerably during the development of the fruit-rudiment. This is very remarkable in Funaria (PI. XIX, fig. 11). At the same time, the fruit-rudiment penetrates by its lower conical end continually deeper into the tissue of the arche- gonium. The cells of the second degree which are formed by the continually-repeated division of the apical cell, and wdiose form is that of a flat semi-cylinder, divide by a radial vertical septum. This division usually takes place before the next division of the apical cell. The cells thus formed, each of which has a three-sided basal sm'face, divide by a septum parallel to the chord of the arc of the free outer sur- face, into an inner eel] with a three-sided, and an outer one with a four-sided, basal surface (PI. XIX, figs. 9, 10, 11, IP, 22, 22*; PL XX, figs. 14, 1 5; PL XXI, fig. 2"' *'^; PL XXIII). The undermost margin of each such septum extends a little beyond the line of contact of the corresponding septum of the next lower cell. The next cell-division is that of the outer cells by a radial longitudinal septum. Then all the outer and inner cells of the group formed by the division of a cell of the second degree divide by horizontal septa, the inner ones often sooner than the outer ones (PL XIX, fig. 10). In the simplest moss-fruits, such as that of Phascum for instance, there ensues a repeateddivision of the cells of the circumference by means of horizontal septa, so that these latter cells appear only half as high as those of the centre (PL XXI, fig. 1, a). The cells of the periphery now divide by diagonal septa, the outer ones again by radial septa, and so on alternately, until the entire thickness of the fruit-rudiment is attained. At the same time division commences in the central cells of the middle and lower portions of the fruit-rudiment by means of septa parallel to the chord of the arc of the periphery, alternating with radial septa. This division leads to the formation of the string of elongated cells, v/hicli traverses the axis of the seta (PL XXI, fig. 1). In mosses with more complex fruit, such as Funaria hygrometrica, and Gymnosiomum pyriforma, the division 158 HOFMEISTER, ON of the cells of the circumference by transverse septa first occurs after the production of an entire row of vertical septa, so that the string of elongated cells in the axis of the organ is far thicker. Even in vigorous specimens of Phascum, a division by a septum parallel to the chord of the arc of the outer surface precedes the formation of horizontal septa in the outer cells. The above account of the division of the cells of the second degree does not apply in its entirety to the oldest of such cells. In the latter the above cell-nuiltiplication proceeds only to a certain point ; in the first two, three, or four of such cells, only the radial vertical septum is formed, and in the two three-sided cells thus produced, a tangential septum only ; in the next the formation of radial vertical septa occurs in the four cells of the circumference, and the eight cells thus formed divide by septa cutting the last-mentioned septa at an angle of 90°. Thus the cell- multiplication progresses gradually upwards. The thickness of the fruit-rudiment increases conse- quently from below upwards ; it assumes the form of a spindle-shaped cellular mass. As long as the multi- plication of its apical cell continues, the active increase of the cells in the direction of the thickness is always arrested for some considerable distance beneath the apex (PI. XXI, fig. 3, 8*), In the mean time the cells of the ventral portion of the archegoniam increase actively : so far as they encircle the fruit-rudiment this increase takes place only by divi- sion by means of septa perpendicular to the outer surface, but in the lower portion it is ])roduced by septa turned in all three directions. The cells also of the hitherto flat end of the stem which bears the archegonia (both the impregna- ted and the unimpregnated),* cx})and and nmltiply actively, those in the middle more actively than those at the sides. By this means the end of the stem becomes conical ; it bears at its apex the impregnated archegonium, and on its inclined surface the abortive archegonia and the paraphyses. This is * In several species of Mniuni, which exhibit a very large number of arclic- gouia (as many as fifty) hi one inflorescence, several archegonia are usually impregnated. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 159 the origin of the Vaginula, the formation of which commences in Phascum and Bryiun at a very early period, at the time when the fruit-rudiment only occupies the upper two- third parts of the archegonium (PL XX, fig. 15 ; PL XXI, fig. 4; PL XXIII, fig. 3). In Sphagnum the vigorous in- tercalary multiplication of the cells of the end of the stem which bears the archegonia begins at a much earlier period : even before the young archegonium has attained its full number of cells. The very short fructify- ing side-shoots of Splicignum cymhifolivm and 8. squarrosiim usually develope one, at the most two archegonia, with a remarkably fuUy developed ventral portion, and a strongly clavate apex. When the latter is about to burst the number of the cells of the end of the stem which bears the archegonia (and which in Sphagnum is conical) in- creases, without any change occurring in the circumference of the conical mass of tissue. Its upper surface bears rudi- mentary leaves destined to develope themselves in the fol- lowing summer, at the commencement of the ripening of the fruit (PL XVIII, fig. 15). By the continuous longitudinal growth of the fruit- rudiment its lower end is pressed continually deeper into the tissue of the lower part of the archegonium, until at last it reaches the parenchyma of the vaginula, to the base of which it penetrates. The pressure is caused by the resistance which the arcuate portion of the archego- nium underneath its neck exerts upon the apex of the fruit-rudiment. The tissue of the stem itself resists the further penetration of the lower end of the fruit-rudiment. The ventral portion of the impregnated archegonium which has become the calyptra, now usually assumes the shape of a bell, in consequence, it would seem, solely of the expansion of its cells (Phascum, PL XXI, fig. 24, Gymnostonium, Eucalypta, Orthotrichum). The cells of its inner tissue become dissolved, only the single layer of the outer surface remaining (PL XXI, fig. 4). The hollow cavity between the latter, and the fusiform fruit-rudiment, is filled with watery fluid. The increased tension of the side walls of the calyptra, which is produced by the sudden and considerable expansion of the median cells of 160 HOFMEISTER, ON the fruit-rudiment, causes the calyptra to break away by a circular fissure uear its place of junction with the vaginula. The calyptra is carried upwards by the rapid elongation of the fruit-rudiment, upon whose apex it is placed. At this period an active cell-multiplication commences (especially in the direction of the thickness) in the upper part of the fruit-rudiment, a little beneath the apex. The cells of the apex itself take no part in this new production (PL XXII, fig. 6). AVhen the repeated division of the cells of the outer surface of the rudimentary fruit has in- creased the diameter of the part nearly under the apex by a certain number of cells (in Pliascum cmjjidatum, for instance, to sixteen, in Gymiiostomum pyriforme to eighteen) an air-cavity in the shape of a hollow cylinder is formed nearly under the outer side of the slightly swollen upper end of the rudimentary fruit. This cavity divides the axile portion of the rudimentary capsule from the peri- pheral part, or capsule-wall. The latter in most species of Phascum has only three layers of cells (PI. XXI, fig. 5) ; in Phascum hryoides and Archidium phascoides, it has only two (PI. XXIII, figs. 5, 6, 8) ; in Gymnosfomum pyrifonue it exhibits in its lower portion five, in its upper, three layers of cells (PI. XXII, fig. 7). The primary mother-cells of the spores originate in an annular layer of cells of the axile portion of the rudimentary capsule. In Phascum and Eucalypta this layer is the second, in Gymnostomum and Punaria the third, reckon- ing inwards from the periphery of the central ])ortion of the young capsule, which central portion is surrounded by the swollen, hollow, cylindrical air-cavity. The adjoining outer cells divide at a very early period by septa })arallel to the axis of the fruit, and most of the inner ones of the newly- formed cells divide by horizontal septa (PI. XXII, fig. 8). In consequence of this Phascum and Eucalypta have two, Gymnostomum and Funaria three layers of cells separating the hollow, cylindrical air-cavity from the layer of primary mother-cells (PI. XXI, fig. 5; PL XXII, figs. 7, 10). When the young capsule of Phascum cuspidatum is from 5'" to 1"' in length, the primary mother-cells (in which by often repeated cell-production the spores are formed) surround THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 161 the columella. The latter consists of a central group of smaller cells with thinuer walls, and a peripheral layer of cells containing chlorophyll, which adjoins the mother-cells of the spores. The cells of the outermost of the two layers, which adjoin the primary mother-cells, are four times as large as those of the inner layer. The cells of the layer of the columella adjoining the primary mother-cells, as well as those of the future inner wall of the capsule, are distinguished in a remarkable manner from all other cells of the tlieca, by the great concen- tration of the cell-contents, which are rich in dextrine. The large cells of the centre of the columella contain small amyloid masses of peculiar structm-e : minute firm granules, which become intensely blue under the action of iodine, are endDcdded in a gelatinous mass, which assumes a light blue coloui" under the same action. The primary mother-cells, at this stage of their develop- ment, contain a large central nucleus, which has usually only one nucleolus, and somewhat transparent fluid con- tents (PI. XXI, fig. 5 ; PI. XXII, fig. 9). The remaining contents of the cell, which consist of a thick fluid mucilage rendered turbid by numerous granules, make it somewhat difficult to distinguish the outline of the nucleus. The greater number of the primary mother-cells divide, as the fruit becomes developed, by means of a longitudinal or transverse septum perpendicular to the outer surface of the theca; more rarely by means of a longitudinal septum parallel to that outer surface (PL XXI, fig. 6). The dis- appearance of the primary nucleus of the cell, and the pro- duction of two new nuclei, precede the appearance of this septum. The contents divide into two halves, each of which surrounds one of the newly-formed nuclei (PI. XXI, fig. 6,(5) ; at the point of contact these two halves secrete the new cell-wall, which consists of a very delicate layer of cellulose (PL XXI, fig. 6, a)* Sometimes when the development of the fruit is very active, the above division is repeated in the secondary * The two halves represented in the figure have contracted under the in- fluence of water, to which, in Phascum, they are very susceptible. 11 162 HOFMEISTER, ON mother-cells. Usually, however, immediately after the for- mation of the secondary mother- cells, the tertiary mother- cells, i. e., the spore-mother-cells, are produced. Owing to the want of transparency of the cell-contents the nucleus of the secondary mother-cells can with difficulty be distinguished. It is, perhaps, impossible to make out w^hat part it plays in the formation of the spore-mother- cells. A nucleus with a large nucleolus is very indis- tinctly seen through the grumous contents of the perfect tertiary mother-cell. The spore-mother- cells lie in twos, very rarely in fours (PI. XX, fig. 7), quite free and de- tached in the inner cavity of the primary mother-cells. The second condition can easily be looked upon as the result of the suppression of the formation of the secondary mother- cells. A long series of comparative measurements has con- vinced me that the latter do not increase in size during or after the formation of the spore-mother-cells, and if this be so, the formation of the last-mentioned cells can only take place by the occurrence of a considerable contraction of the entire contents of the cell, either before or immediately after its division into two halves, upon the entire surface of which (two halves) cellulose is then secreted. I believe that I have actually seen such a process of transition (PL XXI, fig. 9). The membrane of the mother-cells, primary, secondary, and tertiary, is coloured pale blue by iodine. When brought under water its substance swells rapidly, espe- cially that of the inner younger layers. The membrane of the tertiary mother-cells swells the most, that of the primary ones the least. This peculiarity of the wall of the spore-mother-cell affords one of the most striking proofs of the independent nature of the primordial utricle. The spore-mother-cell, when placed in water on the stage of the microscope, rapidly swells to double its original size, its wall being excessively distended. The cell contents, which are plainly surrounded by a thin layer of soft matter very like a delicate membrane, swxll slightly or not at all ; they (the cell-contents) lie free in the inner cavity of the cell in the form of a closed vesicle, surroiTuded by watery fluid. Individual points of the primordial utricle THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 1G3 sometimes exhibit slow expansions and contractions similar to those of many of the inferior animals ; for instance, the smaller Amcebaj. It is especially in snch cases that the delicate mucilaginous membrane which encloses the cell- contents may be most clearly observed. By continued absorption of water the primordial utricle becomes pressed laterally against the cell-wall ; the granules which float in its fluid contents exhibit active molecular motion. Ultimately, the cell-membrane is ruptm^ed, usually at the spot where the primordial utricle is in contact with it, and the latter escapes through the fissure. It then usually bursts, but occasionally I have seen the primordial utricle glide out through the fissure of the cell in the form of a closed, tightly stretched globular vesicle (PI. XXL fig. 8). The internal granules (consisting of starch and a substance rendered brown by iodine), conti- nued their active molecular motion, which stopped sud- denly, when a drop of diluted watery tincture of iodine was applied. The membrane of the primordial utricle shrivelled up to some extent, and assumed a yellowish- brown colour (PI. XXI, fig. 8, h). In one instance I observed a very peculiar state of the primordial utricle. As I brought the object under the microscope, it floated freely in the form of a globular vesicle in the interior of the swollen cell. Afterwards it approached the cell-wall, and attached itself to one of the sides, assuming the form of a slightly compressed sac (PL XXII, fig. 1.) Half the cell-cavity remained empty, or at least contained only water. The primordial utricle gliding up to the inner wall of the cell commenced a slow rotatory motion. It has been already mentioned that the walls of the secondary mother-cells swell rapidly until they burst. If a section of a capsule containing fully formed tertiary mother-cells enclosed within secondary mother-cells is placed under water, it often happens that all the spore- mother-cells escape out of the ruptured secondary mother- cells, and become dispersed in the water upon the slide. At this stage of development of the capsule the fluid con- tents even of the cells of the outer capsule- wall attract 164 HOFMEISTER, ON water powerfully. If a tliin section of these cells is placed in water, very active currents may be observed over these cells, and in their interior. In Gymnodomiim ovafum the affinity of the substance of the walls of the tertiary spore-mother-cells for water is even stronger than in Phascum cmpidatum. If these cells are placed in water, the substance of the cell-mem- brane is almost immediately distributed through the fluid, so that the cell-contents remain behind^ a shapeless, dis- solving, round mass. In order to get a sight of these thick cell-membranes, it is necessary to observe the cells with the greatest promptitude immediately after they have been prepared for the microscope. On rare occasions the outermost lamella of these membranes holds together for a somewhat longer period in the form of a sac open at one end, after the rupture, by pressure, of the more highly swollen inner layers. The contents of the mother-cell of the spores of Phascmn divide into four portions, which after some time become clothed with a stiff membrane, and shrivel up under the action of alcohol. The first indication of this division is the appearance of a transparent line in the turbid cell- contents, passing transversely through the cell (PI. XXII, fig. 2), or of two such lines cutting one another at right angles (PI. XXII, fig. 3). The contraction of the contents manifestly occurs for the first time after their division into halves. The opacity of the cell-contents entirely prevents the observation of the behaviour of the nucleus of the spore- mother-cell during the formation of the spores. The young spores lie in fours quite free in the mother- cell (PI. XXII, fig. 4). Each spore exhibits a central nucleus, with a manifest nucleolus (PI. XXII, fig. 5). The cell-contents consist of proteine combinations, dextrine, and starch-granules. Afterwards, when the formation of the exosporium commences, (at which period the absorption of the spore-mother-cells begins), oil-drops are visible in the interior of the spore, which, as the spore becomes mature, increase in number and size. During the time that the spores lie free between the inner wall and the columella, the cells of the innermost cellular layer of the former, and THE IlIOHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 1G5 of the outermost layer of the latter, abound with a saturated Solution of dextrine, in which the nucleus floats in the foria of a very sharply defined vesicle with less highly refractive contents. During the secretion of the exosporium, the walls of those cells which are adjacent to the columella towards the apex of the fruit assume a deep-brown colour. It is in these cells that the partial disruption of the theca com- mences, by means of which the spores, which in the mean time have fully ripened, become free. In Gymnostomum ^^yrifoniie, the multiplication of the cells of the upper part of the spindle-shaped rudiment of the fruit extends downwards far beyond the base of the future fruit. In this way an apophysis originates, which in the earliest stages of development far exceeds the fruit in size. After the separation of two annular layers of cells beneath the apex of the rudimentary fruit, by which means the vacant space between the outer and inner wall of the theca is formed, individual cells of the inner side of the outer wall grow so as to form chains of cells, the uppermost of which remain in connexion with the upper surface of the inner wall (PL XXII, fig. 7). In the very young capsule of Gymnostomum jjyri- forme, at the time of the division of the cells which adjoin the outer and inner sides of the primary mother-cells, the latter have the form of very flat plates parallel to the axis of the fruit (PL XXII, fig. 8). During the fm-ther development of the theca, the transverse dia- meter of these cells increases considerably. A proportion- ably large nucleus with a large nucleolus becomes visible, floating freely in the fluid contents (PL XXII, figs. 9, 10). The length of the cell soon considerably exceeds its height and width. At this time two new globular nuclei appear in the place of the vanishing primary nucleus (PL XXII, fig. 11). Half of the granular mucilaginous cell-contents accumulates round each of them ; two globular masses of protoplasm are formed, which, after secreting cellulose over their entire surface, constitute the free spherical mother-cells of the spores (PL XXII, fig. 12). 166 HOPMEISTER, ON If the primary mother-cells are unusually long or wide, they divide, according to the ordinary method of cell-multi- plication, before the formation of the spore-mother-cells. Two of such primaiy mother-cells then adjoin one of the cells of the neighbouring cellular layers (PI. XXII, fig. 12). In rare instances, fom- spore-mother-cells are found in one primary mother-cell (PI. XXII, fig. 12^). The walls of the primary mother-cells, which at an early period are very sensitive to the action of water, become more so after the formation of the spore-motlier-cells. If a longitudinal section of a fruit in this stage of development be placed in water upon a slide, the walls of the primary mother-cells immediately burst, and the spore-mother-cells are dispersed over the field of view. It is necessary to examine the preparations in some saline solution. A solu- tion of carbonate of ammonia is the most useful. In the natural course of things, the dissolution of the walls of the pnmary mother-cells follows soon after the formation of the spore-mother-cells. The spherical s])ore- mother- cells then lie free between the columella and the inner wall of the theca. Numerous mucilaginous granules surround the central nucleus, the substance of which is as clear as water (PI. XXII, fig. 13). During the further development of the fruit, the nucleus of the spore-mother-cell approaches the cell-wall, and usu- ally assumes a lenticular shape. The graniües of the fluid contents of the cell accumulate at its middle point, so as to form a spherical group (PL XXII, f. 14), in which the nucleus is sometimes partially embedded. This accumula- tion of granides divides afterwards into two halves (PI. XXII, fig. 15); a spherical nucleus may often be seen in each of these granular masses (PI. XXII, fig. 16). Each of the elongated groups of mucilage and granules divides anew into two parts ; and then four spherical accumiüations of coarsely granular protoplasm are found in the mother- cell. They are usually arranged at the four corners of a tetrahedron (PL XXII, figs. 17, 18), and very seldom lie in the same plane (PL XXII, fig. 19). Each of them contains a nucleus. The outline of the primary nucleus of the mother-cell becomes less and less distinct during THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 167 these processes, and at last that nucleus disappears alto- gether. A spore is formed round each of the four secondary nuclei. The four spores do not nearly fill the mother-cell. A viscid fluid jelly tills the space between them (PI. XXII, figs. 20, 21). A layer of similar jelly is previously visible, forming the innermost layer of the membrane of the mother-cell ; a bright space is formed between the firm lamella of the membrane and the boundary of the cell-contents (PI. XXII, figs. 17, 19). The first stages of development of the spore-mother- cell of Funaria hj/(jrometnca resemble those of Gyinnostomum pi/riforme. Two secondary nuclei are formed outside the primary nucleus of the cell in the middle of an accumula- tion of granular mucilage (PI. XIX, fig. 12). After- wards four nuclei appear in the place of the two (PI. XIX, fig. 14). The primary nucleus, which has become paler, now disappears. Suddenly the mother-cell divides into four parts of the form of a tetrahedron Avith a convex basal surface. This division is produced by six septa passing through each two of the four secondary nuclei. These four divi- sions constitute the special mother-cells, which in this genus have firm rigid w^alls, which at first are very thin (PI. XIX, fig. 15). After the walls of these special- mother-cells have become considerably thickened by the deposition of gelatinous layers, a spore is produced in each of them, which, at its first appearance, entirely fills the mother-cell (PI. XIX, fig. 16). The formation of the spores of Funaria more nearly resembles that of the pollen of phsenogamous plants, than the spore-development of Phascum, the similar process in Eucalypta, and that in Gtjmnostomum puriforme. The material differences in the process of development of the spore-mother-cells in plants which are in other respects so closely alhed, may, without hesitation, be considered as an indication of the fact, that the greater or less degree of firmness of the walls of the special mother-cells is an unimportant circumstance. The essential phenomenon in the formation of four spores or pollen-cells in the 168 HOFMEISTER, ON interior of a mother-cell, is the contraction of the contents of the mother-cell (which contraction usually follows the division into two parts, or the repeated division into two parts of such contents), and the foniiation round the contracted mass or its divided portions of a new mem- brane, not attached to the inner surface of the membrane of the mother-cell. In plants, where the contents of the mother-cells divide into several portions before the con- traction, the question whether special mother-cells with firm rigid walls are developed or not, depends simply upon the greater or less firmness of the substance which must be secreted by the cell-contents in order that the latter may be able to contract into a smaller space. This substance is always gelatinous, and usually tolerably firm. The thin, fluid nature of the jelly in Gi/mnosiomum ppnforme forms a gradual transition to the state of circumstances found in Phascum, where the fluid substance which is found between the inner wall of the mother-cell and the contracted portions of the contents, behaves under iodine just like pure water. The latter cases seem to show that the contraction of the cell- contents depends upon an innate vital action, and not upon a mechanical compres- sion (accompanied by the witlidrawal of water), caused by the distension of the innermost lamella of the membrane of the mother-cell. A great uniformity prevails in the process of develop- ment of the fruit of mosses so far as regards the most prominent features, viz., the cell-multiplication of the young fruit-rudiment, the separation of the sporiferous cellular layer from the remaining tissue of the theca, and the separation of the outer wall of the capside from the inner one. The deviations from this process exhibited in Archidium johascoides, the ripe fruit of which is itself remarkable, are, therefore, the more surprising. These deviations are reducible to two: — 1. Spores arc developed by one cell only of the hollow cylindrical layer whose cells in other mosses become, one and all, ])rimary mother- cells : — 2. This cell and the daughter-cells produced by the division of its contents, gradually displace tlie whole of the inner tissue of the capsule. The peculiarities of THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 1G9 Archidiiim are, therefore, not altogether a departure from the typiral development of moss-fruit, but are rather, with regard to the first point, a diminution, and with regard to the second, an increase, of the growing power usual in the allied forms.* The antheridia do not differ essentially from those of the species of Phascum. The spermatozoa are rather large ; they exhil)it, very clearly, the two cilia shown by Thuret, to exist in the mosses generally. The structure of the unimpregnated archegonia is distinguished from that in Phascum only by the slight extent of the longitudinal deve- lopment of the lower part (PI. XXIII, fig. 1). I cannot confirm P. W. Schimper's statement as to the pleuro- carpus fructification of Archidium. I find rather that the position of the archegonia and fruit exactly agrees with that which obtains in Phascum. The germinal vesicle is usually attached to one of the side wahs of the central cell of the archegonium (PL XXIII, fig. 1). After impregna- tion the germinal vesicle enlarges to a remarkable extent, considerably expanding the ventral cavity of the archego- nium, and pressing together the adjoining cells (PI. XXIII, fig. 2). The cell- succession of the fruit-rudiment is that which is common to all mosses, depending upon the re- peated division of the apical cell, by septa inclined alter- nately in two different directions (PI. XXIII, fig. 3). The upper half of the fruit-rudiment soon increases in thickness, and ruptures the calyptra on one side, dis- placing it laterally (PI. XXIII, fig. 4). In the interior of the fruit-rudiment, underneath the second cellular layer (reckoning from the outside inwards), layers of cells parallel to the outer surface become discon- nected : an intercellular space is formed, having the shape of an ellipsoidal covering, truncate at either end (PI. XXIII, * Scliimper attempted to explain the nature of the ripe fruit of Archidium (PI. xxiii, f. 11) by supposing that the whole of the interior of the fruit-rudi- ment became converted into mother-cells, and that only one spore was formed in each of them (' Rech, sur Ics Mousses,' Strassburg, 1848, ßrjiol. Europ. 1st ed., p. 2). In the ' Vergl. Untersucliungen,' I have objected to the above view, on the ground that imperfectly ripe spores exhibit a junction in fours. The observations given above (which were first published in the ' Reports of the Royal Academy of Saxony,' 1854, p. 103) were made upon living plants, kindly furnished by Messrs. Schultz, Bitsch, Tulasne, and Durieu. 170 HOFMEISTER, ON figs. 5, G, 7). This is exactly the process which in all mosses causes the separation of the outer capsule-wall from the inner portion. One of the cells of the interior of the capsule grows to a considerable extent, pressing the adjoining cells together. Its walls become thickened, and its contents rich in granular mucilage (PI. XXIII, fig. 5). This cell is the sole primary mother-cell of the spores. Its primary position is always excentrical, separated by two layers of cells from the hollow cavity which adjoins the inner surface of the outer capsule-wall. Its vigorous power of growth con- tinues whilst the surrounding tissue becomes disintegrated and dissolved. It now lies quite free in the cavity of the capsule, and falls out of the opened capsule without assist- ance. Four freely- floating mother-cells of the second degree are produced in its interior (PI. XXIII, fig. 7), each of which divides into four special mother-cells (PI. XXIII, fig. 8). Each of the latter produces one spore, so that the whole number of spores is sixteen. I have met with no exception to this in my numerous investigations. The diameter of the newly-formed spore measm'es only one-sixth that of the ripe one. A delicate exosporium is distinguishable even in the earliest stages of develop- ment (PI. XXIII, fig. 9). Afterwards it increases consider- ably in thickness, even before the entire dissolution of the mother-cells and the special mother-cells. The inner capside wall, and the inner cellular layer of the outer wall, are present for some time after the forma- tion of the spores. These masses of cells are displaced, as far as the outermost cellular layer of the (now spherical) capsule, by the gradual growth of the spores. The mem- brane of the primaiy mother-cell remains to the last, en- closing all the spores. It is the membrane spoken of in the ' Bryologia Europaea ' as the delicate spore-sac. Few processes in the vegetable kingdom are so thoroughly understood as the germination of the spores of mosses, the production of leafy axes from individual cells of the confervoid pro-embryo. The admirable observa- tions of Schimper* have entirely solved the last remaining * 'Reclierches surles Mousses/ Strasburg, 1848. THE HIGHER CKYPTOGAMIA. 171 difficulty. The investigations of Hedwig and his successors can be so easily repeated in many species, as, for instance, Funaria hjgrometrica and Barhula muralis, that it would be waste of time to give a description of the phenomena. I will mention only some peculiarities which are not so well known. The threads of the pro-embryo, whether they arise from the development of a spore, or from a cell of the surface of the stem or of a leaf*, exhibit in many species two very different modifications of development. The principal ramifications of the confervoid rows of cells are filled with assimilated matter, and contain very numerous chlorophyll bodies ; their longitudinal groAvth, which results from repeated transverse divisions of the terminal cell, is unlimited. The lateral ramifications of these principal branches of the pro -embryo have only a limited growth ; the terminal cells, when they cease to divide, assume a conical form. Moreover the lateral branchlets ramify in a complicated manner. Their con- tents are far less concentrated, their transverse diameter narrower, their chlorophyll more inclined to a yellowish tinge than is the case with the principal branches. These latter only are capable of producing true germs or leafy axes. The principal branches of the pro-embryo may, perhaps, be compared to stems ; the lateral branches with limited growth to leaves. These phenomena are very remarkable in the pro-embryo of Bacomitrium ericoides. Here, owing to their peculiar habit, the lateral shoots of * I wisli to add a few words as to the meaning of the expression " pro- embryo." By the word "embryo," is meant the bud capable of developing leaves and roots. Thus, we speak of the embryo of the onion, the potato, the bop. Now, when we find in the vegetable kingdom organs which differ from, and are of an essentially simpler structure than the leafy stem-rudiments which afterwards spring from them, but which must normally and necessarily in the course of their development produce embryos, I consider that I am justified ia calling these organs " pro-embryos." Thus, 1 designate as a pro-embyro the proto- uema of a moss, whether it owes its origin to the germination of a spore or to the independent development of an individual cell of the leaf- bearing plant. I treat in the same manner the suspeusor of Selaginella, of the Couiferae, and of the phanerogamia. On the other hand, I do not designate as a pro-embryo ihe body which is jn-oduced directly from the germination of the spores of ferns, Equisetacece, Rhizocarpeae, and Lycopodiaces, and which bears antheridia and archegonia, usually only the latter. This organ I call a " prothallium." 172 HOFMEISTER, ON the principal branches, bring to mind most forcibly tlie leaves of Trichocolea tomentella. The i)ro-cmbryo of Phas- cum serratum is also remarkable, especially Avhen it originates from the lower leaf-axils of developed plants. It is a fact, noticed especially by Nägeli, that the shoots of the pro-embryo are often subterraneous for a considerable distance ; the transverse septa of such subterranean threads of the pro-embryo are not perpendicular to their cylindrical outer surface, but strongly niclined to it. The pro- embryonal threads of ScJiis foster/a osimmdacea creep about for a considerable distance in the damp sand upon which this delicate moss is accustomed to vegetate. These sub- terranean rows of cells have such a narrow cavity, and their fluid contents are so transparent, and so deficient in granular matter, that they may be mistaken for some of the most delicate microscopical forms of moulds. When the terminal cell of such a thread is exposed to daylight, it immediately swells to a spherical form, and some beautiful emerald green chlorophyll-bodies are formed in its fluid contents. It would seem that a single chlorophyll-body is first formed, which is then increased by self-division (PI. XVIII, fig. 16). The multiplication of the cells of the subterranean green portion of the pro-embryo, takes place by the continual division of its cells by means of transverse septa. The process is somewhat peculiar. The new septum does not pass through the mother-cell transversely, but the division commences by the protrusion, from the apex, of a small swelling which is at first hemispherical. The upper part of this protuberance increases rapidly in circumference, and becomes spherical ; the lower part, on the other hand, — viz., the place of junction of the protuberance with the mother-cell, — widens to a very small extent, or not at all. Finally, when the size of the protuberance has nearly reached that of the mother-cell, a transverse septum is produced at the point of constriction, which cuts off the protuberance from the mother-cell (PI. XVIII, fig. 16). Some time before the appearance of this septum, the first chlorophyll- vesicles are perceived within the protuberance. Usually only one such vesicle is at first visible, and the first symp- * ' Zeitsclirift für Wiss. Bot.,' lift. 2, s.l72. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 173 tonis of it appear to be the production of colouring matter within a spherical drop of semi-fluid mucilage. It is cer- tain that no chlorophyll-vesicles pass from the original cell- cavity into the enlarging protuberance. The single chloro- phyll-vesicle often attains a very considerable size : in other cases four or more chlorophyll-vesicles are found in the protuberance before the formation of the septum which divides it from tlie original cell-cavity. Probably these have been produced by the repeated division of the original individual chlorophyll-vesicle. The number of chlorophyll- vesicles in the recently-formed cells of the pro-embryo is very frequently four. Older cells usually exhibit a larger number. It is but rarely that the chlorophyll-vesicles are asQ-lomerated in the middle of the cell : when this is the case, the condition appears to me to be a diseased one. The well-known metallic lustre which marks the spots overgrown by Schistostega is not, caused by the chloro- phyll-vesicles, but is fully accounted for by the spherical form of the individual cells. Dew drops upon spiders' webs produce a precisely similar optical appearance. I could not discover any nuclei in the dividing pro- embryonal cells of Schistostega. My observations having been made whilst travelling, I had not any tinctm-e of iodine at hand. Some of the older observers entertained curious opinions as to the influence of the nioniliform rows of cells of the pro-embryo upon the development of the young plants. The most peculiar notion is that of Hiibener, who says, '• These bodies afford, by reflexion, the hght which is neces- sary for the life of Schistostega ; and in this way, as Esch- weiler has very correctly remarked, they represent the moons of the vegetable kingdom." The glimmer of the protonema of Schistostega cannot be explained by phos- phorescence. The plant never shines in the dark, even although previously exposed to a rather intense light, such as that reflected from a white cloud. The direct action of sim-light almost immediately destroys the vitality of the cells. This unusual sensitiveness to the rays of the sun is common to a number of other mosses also ; for instance, Calypogeia Trichomanes. 174 HOFMEISTER, ON It is a widely-spread notion that the pro-cnibryo of mosses, irrespective of its entirely different physiological nature, is distinguishable from the prothallium of ferns by the fact that the former consists of confcrvoid cellular threads, the latter of an ulva-like cellular superficies. I was much surprised, therefore, when I found that certain crisped vegetable formations resembling the prothallia of the Equiseta or plants of Anfhoceros jmncfatus and which had grown as weeds amongst some unsuccessful sowings of Lijcopodwm Selar/o, proved to be the pro-embryos of a moss. Sphagnum cuspidati/m. Schimper (' Rech, sur les Mousses') has figm-ed the ramified rows of cells which are the first products of the development of S})hagnum-sporcs wiien sown in water. Afterwards the same observer noticed certain shoots pro- ceeding from short lateral branches, during the vegetation of the pro-embryo in water. These shoots are very pro- bably the rudiments of leafy branches. When germinating upon moist earth, one of the ramifications of the thread- like pro-embryo becomes a cellular superficies (PI. XVIII, figs. G, 8). The disposition of its cells fluctuates between an arrangement in pairs and a simple cross-bar arrange- ment ; this is caused by the repeated division of a single apical cell, by means of septa perpendicular to the surface, turned alternately to the right and to the left. The former kind of cell-succession usually prevails. The copious rami- fication of the pro-embryo appears sometimes truly, some- times spuriously, dichotomons ; it is rendered indistinct by the appearance of numerous adventitious basal shoots. A vigorous pro-embryo forms a tangled tuft which it would be lost labour to attempt to reduce to any regular system of ramification (PI. XVIII, fig. 5). Two phenomena distinguish these pro-embryos in a remarkable manner from the prothallia of ferns and Equi- setaceae. ^Phe crisped cellular surfaces are single throughout their whole extent even after ten months' growth. The parenchymatal tissue, from which the female organs of reproduction are produced in the green prothallia, is never seen. The base and the side-edges of the lobes of the pro- embryo are fm-nished with thread-like processes which arc THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 175 branched and divided by septa, differing herein consider- ably from the simple radical threads of prothallia. Such of the above-mentioned processes as are rich in chlorophyll are divided by septa perpendicular to the longitudinal axis ; those which are deficient in chlorophyll, by oblique septa. Tliese widely-creeping cellular threads have the capacity of prodncing new expanded pro-embryos, by enlargement and division of the terminal cells. In individual cells of the lobes of the embryo, usually in those very near the base, a multiplication commences diifer- ing essentially in direction and in kind from that hitherto spoken of A hemispherical knot of cellular tissue is pro- duced, which by degrees becomes cylindrical, and which, developing, as it does even at an early period, some rudi- mentary leaves, may be recognised as the shoot of a moss (PL XVIII, fig. 10). The arrangement of the cells of the leaves brings to mind Sphagnum ; a suspicion which is reduced to certainty by the characteristic thickening layers of the leaf-cells which appear in the fifth leaf I find the phyllotaxis to be from the beginning § (PI. XVIII, fig. 10). Rootlets springing from the leafy root are not to be found in Sjjhagnum acutifolium. Hedwig's observations* were the commencement of an accm^ate knowledge of the sexual reproduction of mosses. He pointed out the antheridia as the male organs, recognised their structure, and observed the escape of their contents. He figured the archegonia as flask-shaped bodies, closed when young, and afterwards opening at their apex. He also pointed out the conversion of the ventral portion of the archegonium into the calyptra, and the formation of the fruit-rudiment within it. Lastly, he showed by experiment that the spores of the mosses are their true seeds. He sowed the spores of Gj/mnostomuvi j)i/riforme, and observed their germination, and the development of the inner spore- membrane into a cellular thread, or, as Hedwig called it, a cylindrical cotyledon (1. c, 153, pi. xvi, fig. 9). After some time scales were seen on these threads, which scales, when examined with the microscope, proved to be young plants, the bases of which were attached to branched pro-embryonal * 'Theoria gcnerationis,' ed. ii, p. 134, et seq. 176 HOFMEISTER, ON threads. The same was the case with Funaria hjgrometrica. The production of leafy plants out of pro-cnibryonal threads was considered by Hedwig's followers to arise from the amalgamation of several threads of the pro-embryo, so as to form the leafy stem (see Schleiden, 'Grundzuge,' 2nd edit., vol. ii., p. OG), an error which was grounded upon the fact that numerous cells of the base of the young leafy plant usually grow into new pro-embryonal threads, the Bnitkeimfadeii of Nligcli. Niigeli clearly explained the development of the leafy axis out of the pro-embryo. He showed* that at the commencement of the formation of the moss- stem, the terminal cells of individual branches, or of the principal axis of the spores or brood-germ-threads, expand, and, through division by means of septa inclined in different directions, become con- verted into a cellular body, which afterwards produces leaves, and thus indicates the rudiment of a stem. The results obtained by Nägeli have been extended by P. W. Schimper (' Rech, sur les Mousses,' Strassburg, 1848, ss. 1 — 4) to such a number of different species, that there is no doubt of their general application. The spermatozoa of the mosses, and (with the exception of an imperfect observation of Bischoff's,) of the cryptogamia generally, were discovered by Unger in 1834 ('Flora,' 1834, p. 145 ; more fully in ' N. A. A. C.,' xviii, pp. 2, 690, 790). Unger describes the spermatozoa as con- sisting of a thick body, and a thin thread-like prolonga- tion, which goes in advance when the body is in motion, and is of a spiral form.f The motion of the spermatozoa * ' Zeitschrift f. wiss. Bot.,' 2, 168. •j- ' Bisclioff, Kryptog. Gewächse ' (Nürnberg, 182S), p. 13 note, mentions that he has always noticed in freshly-opened globules (antlieridia) of Chara hiqnda, a medley of numberless infusoria. They appeared to consist of small dark points, which were connected by transverse lines like little strings. They exhibited a continuous tremulous motion, by means of which the individual points, with their stems, revolved round one another. Bisclioff was doubtful whether these "infusoria" originated from cellular threads in the interior of the antheridia. It is hardly necessary to remark that Bischoff's dark points are only the optical sectious of the turning points of the spiral spermatozoon. Schmidel's observations on Fossombromia (Ic. pi., p. 85) and those of Nees v. Eseubeck ('Flora,' 1822, p. 31) on Sphagnum afford still less claim to the dis- covery of the Spermatozoa, inasmuch as both observers only saw the motion o. the escaped contents of ruptured antheridia, but did not distinguish the forms of the motile bodies. THE HIGHER ClllPTOGAMIA. 177 is accompanied by continual revolution of the body round its own axis : that is, round the axis of the spiral. Be- fore maturity the spermatozoa are enclosed in quadran- gular cells. Later observations have only added one fact to those of Unger, viz., that the thin fore- end of the spermatozoon bears two long oscillating cilia (Thuret, ' Ann. Sc. Nat./ ii Ser., vol. xiv, ]). 68, and iii Ser., vol. xvi, p. 73; Schimper, 'Rech, sur les Mousses/ pi. xv, figs. 25 — 29 ; ' Mem. sur les Sphaignes/ pi. viii, figs. 23 — 25). Unger noticed the cuticle of the antheridia of Sphagnum, but could not decide whether the structureless membrane, which is capable of being detached from the chlorophyll-bearing cells of the covering layer, was on the outside, or on the inside of those cells. He was in- clined to assume the latter. Schleiden seems fo have fallen altogether into the mistake of supposing the cuticle to be the membrane of a large central cell of the anthe- ridiuni surrounded by the covering layer, for he alleges (' Grundzüge,' ed. iii, p. 577), that this organ in Sphag- num is a stalked oval sac, formed of a large central cell, and a surrounding cellular layer. This erroneous state- ment has been entirely refuted by P. W. Schimper ('Rech, sur les Mousses,' p. 52), by means of the history which he gives of the development of the antheridia, and also by his accm'ate description of the anatomical structure of these organs when they are mature and ruptured. In the same manner as he has done in the case of the antheridia, P. W. Schimper has recognised the rudi- mentary formation of the archegonia, by means of the di- vision, by septa inclined in different directions, of an out- wardly-protruding papillary cell of the external surface of the apex of the stem. This division is continually re- peated in the apical cell of the cellular body, as it gra- dually becomes cylindrical. Until the publication of my observations, however, the continental botanists attained no greater knowledge of the structure of the archegonium when ready for impregnation, than was possessed by Hedwig. In the mean time, in the year 1833, Valentine had dis- covered the simple rudimentary cell of the moss-fruit, in 12 178 HOrMElSTER, ON the interior of the archegou^uii ('Trans. Linn. Soc./ vol. xvii, p. 465). liu succeeded in detaching this cell (p. 466). He recognised it also in archegonia, whose apices were still closed, but failed to disco^ er it in Bryuni roseum, which in England often bears healthy archegonia, but rarely fruit. He describes the development of the rudimentary cell of the fruit as follows. " Soon after the opening of the upper extremity of the style, another cell is formed on the upper surface of the first. The two adhere firmly, and may be dissected together. Presently another cell is formed, either on the upper surface of the second, or on its side ; then appears another, and so on. * * The base of the style increases not by distension, but by addition of fresh matter. * ^ The fusiform mass Avithin passes 'its conical extremity deeper and deeper into this tissue, until at last it reaches the branch itself." Valentine observed further that after the separation of the calyptra from the vaginula, the seta increased in growth only at the apex, and he figures accurately the separation of the outer capsule-Avall from the inner, by the formation of an annular intercellular space. Strange to say these observations of Valentine have remained to this day wholly unknown in Germany and France. They are not mentioned by De Candolle (' Organographic vegetale,' ed. ii, vol. ii, p. 146) ; Treviranus (' Pflanzenphysiol,' vol. ii, p. 46) ; ]\Ieyen ('System d. Pflanzenphys.,' vol. iii, p. 385); Schleiden (' Grundzüge,' ed. ii, vol. ii, p. 68) ; or P. W. Schini- per ('Rech, sur les Mousses,' p. 67). I was myself ignorant of them when I published my observations upon the subject in'Botan. Zeit.,' 1849, p. 798, and in the '^Vergleichende Untersuchungen,^ p. 69. JMolil in Wagner's ' Handwörterbuch der Physiol,' vol. iv (1853), p. 279; P. W. Schimper, 'Mem. surges Sphaigncs (1859), p. 10; and Gottsche, 'Botan. Zeit.' (1858), supplement, p. 42, make no mention of Valentine's discoveries. Valentine himself was far from appreciating the importance of his own observations. He expressly disputes Hedwig's views of the sexuality of mosses. He says " If sexes are to be found in mosses tliey must be sought in the theca THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 179 (I.e., p. 777). The sporules of mosses and of all eellular plants are analogous to the pollen of the vasculares." I can claim as my own the accomit of the origm of the germinal vesicle, of the dependence of its development upon the fact of its impregnation, and the proof of the conformity between the process of formation of the moss-fruit, and that of the embryo of the vascular cryptogams, of the Coniferee, and of the phanerogamia. The first accurate account of the development of the moss-capsule was given by H. v. Mohl, ('Flora,' 1833, p. 1 ; 'Vermische Schriften,' p. 72). He places in a very clear light the relation of the columella of Sphapmm gracile to the two walls of the capsiüe, of the apophysis, and of the peristome. The original homogeneity of the cel- lular tissue of the young, few-celled fruit-rudiment, has often been noticed by Bischoff {e.g., in ' Nova Acta,' vol. xvii, p. 917). The development of the spores in fours in one mother-cell, was pointed out by Mohl (1. c, p. 72). Lantzius-Beninga showed (' De evolutione sporidiorum in capsulis muscorum,' Göttingen, 1844, pp. 7, 11, 17), that a single annular cellular layer of the interior of the capsule represents the primary mother- cells of the spores, and that the mother-cells, in which the spores originate, are formed out of these primary mother-cells, by their repeated chvision into two parts. He recognised, in many instances, the free state of the mother-cells within the primary mother-cells, as for instance, in Orthotriclmm speciosiim, Trichostomum jy^/Z^V/^^w, and Gymnostoynum pyriforme ; and lie discovered that the membrane both of the primary mother-cells and of the mother-cells became blue with iodine. In a later work, ' Bot. Zeit.,' 1847, p. 17, and more clearly in ' Nova Acta,' vol. xiv, the same observer gives an admirable account of the anato- mical structure of the perfect moss-capsule, especially of the peristome, which up to that time had been almost en- tirely misunderstood. Lantzius-Beninga stated that the teeth of the peristome (except in Splachnum and Polytri- chum,) do not consist of perfect cells, but that during the development of the peristome-teeth, a partial thickening occurs in the walls of the cells belonging to a conical 180 llOl'JMHISTKB, ON enveloping layer found in the interior of the upper conical part of the capsule, Avithin and beneath the layers Avhich afterwards fall off in the form of the operculum. The thickening of the cell-membranes always occurs on both sides. When a thickening takes place in the outer wall of a cell wdiich is occupied in forming the peristome, then a portion, exactly corresponding in extent and form, of the inner w^all of the cell adjoining it on the outside becomes thickened. When the thickened portion of the peii- stome-cell is found on the wall which is directed tow^ards the axis of the capsule, then the corresponding portion of the outer wall of the neighbouring cell adjoining it on the inside, is thickened in like manner. These thick- enings have usually the form of longitudinal stripes, and are so arranged in each of the ceils which help to form the peristome, that they look like direct prolongations of the stri])cs of the "wall of the cell next bclow^ AVlien the thickenings of the })eristoinc-cells fill up the adjacent angles of two laterally adjoining peristonie-cells which are bounded on the outside or on the inside by a cell of double width, then the thickening of the wall in this wide cell occurs in the form of a median stripe, wdiich has the width of the two corner stripes of the smaller neighbouring ])eristome- cells. In the formation of the teeth of a moss with a single peristome the outAvardly-directed walls only of i\\v ])eris- tome-cells (and the correspondhig nnu-al stripes of the cells adjoining on the outside) are partially thickened. In mosses with double peristomes the inwardly-directed walls of the peristome-cells are also thickened. AVhen the cap- sule becomes mature, the cell-walls which ha\e jemained unthickened become torn during the separation of the operculum from the capsule, and the thickened longitudinal stripes remain as the peristome teeth. In Splachnum and Polytrichium the peristome-cells are thickened on all sides ; in Splachnum hoAvever the thickenings are irregular, those wdiicli m-e directed outwards being much the strongest. Some interesting observations of Bruchs have very lately been published. G umbel's ol)servations have shown the occurrence of abnormal fruitiu mosses ('Nova Acta,' vol. xxiv, p. 65.2). Those portions of the latter observations which THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 181 relate to the production in Mnhmi verrat tim of two capsules upon one seta, and of two capsules upon one apophysis in Bri/iim argenteuri}, and Splacluuuu vasculosiim, seem to in- dicate the possibility of a bifurcation of the growing upper end of the fruit-rudiment. Those portions which relate to the discovery of two fruits and two fruit stalks imderneatli one conunon calyptra in Poljjfricht/ui jiuiijjcri/iuni and of two stalked fruits upon one seta in Ilypnum jjifciiiosiim, ap- pear to point to the existence in the central cell of one and the same archegonium, of two germinal vesicles capable of impregnation. There is hardly a doubt of the occiu-rence of such a polyembryony, the development of which however must assume a different form, when it is considered that (1. c, p. 653) the case of an amalgamation of tw^o capsules, each furnished with a peristome, has been observed in Hypnurn lutescens. The mouths of the two capsules are tm'ued to one another, the smaller one having grown up upon the larger one. Both arc united by a median process. In order to arrive at a perfect proof of the sexuality of mosses, it is desirable that hybrids between different species should be artificially produced : ?'. e. that fruits should be obtained by the impregnation of the archegonia of one species by the antheridia of another. Bayrhotfer suggested that some mosses found by him growing wild were hybrids between Gymnostomum pyriforme and fasciculare on the one side, and Funaria hygronietrica on the other side (see Braun's 'Verjüngung,' p. 330). I have not yet succeeded in producing such hybrids experimentally, although I brought together antheridial plants of Gymnosiomum pyri- fonue and plants of Funaria hyyvometrica with their anthe- ridial shoots cut off. The mutilated plants of Funaria Iryyromefrica always perished. This is however no reason for giving up the attempt. By changing the method of culti- vation the right one will probably be attained at last wliich will lead to the desired result. CHAPTER VII. FERNS. 1. Their fjermination. — The spores of feiiis usually exhibit a tolerably thick, brittle, outer membrane, which is furnished with prominent linear markings, or with wart- like protuberances. When exposed to moisture and warmth the inner membrane swells and ruptures the brittle outer shell : this rupture usually occurs at the point of junction of those three prominent lines of the outer membrane which correspond with the lines of contact of the spore with the three sister-spores which originated in the same mother- cell and which, with the spore, formed a tetrahedron. In the spores of those species in which the spore-mother-cell divides into four cells having the form of quadrants of a sphere and lying in one plane (which spores when ripe have the shape of an elongated kidney) the exosporium usually bursts i)y a longitudinal fissure, the course of which in like manner corresponds with the line of contact of the spore with its sister spores ; as for instance in Plafi/cerium alcicorne (PL XXIV, fig. I). A portion of the inner membrane protrudes through the fissure of the exosporium, and some chlorophyll-ljodies are formed in this protruded portion. The latter is soon afterwards separated by a par- tition from that portion which remains inside the outer membrane. In the outer of the two newly formed cells the transverse division is repeated ; it usually occurs several times (from three to five) in the terminal cell, so that the young prothallium is converted into a row of cells (PI. XXIV, fig. 1). Sometimes the undermost cell, the one which adjoins the exosporium, becomes considerably elon- HOFMEISTER, ON THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 183 gated; as may be observed in AsjjJenium septentrional e (PI. XXIV, fig. 3). In most cases however this elonga- tion does not occur. I have never seen it in Fteris aquilhm, Aspidhim. ßJix-mas, Ceratopteris or Adiantum. In those species where considerable elongation of the lowest cell occasionally takes place, it seems to be caused by deficiency of light. The first rootlet is produced during the con- tinuance of the transverse division of the terminal cell of the young prothalliuni : it has the form of a cylindrical process developed from a protrusion of the membrane of the lowest, more rarely of the second lowest, cell of the prothallium. The rootlet very soon after its appearance is separated from the original cavity of its mother-cell by a septum convex towards the interior (PL XXIV, figs. I — 3). After about the fifth transverse division of the apical cell of the young prothallium, this cell divides by a longitudinal septum. The two apical cells afterwards divide frequently by transverse septa. In the cells of the second degree which are thus formed transverse septa are produced. The formation of these septa is however usually suppressed in the two or three first-formed lowermost pairs of cells and often also in one of the two next equal-aged cells (PI. XXIV, fig. 2). Thus the prothallium begins to be converted into a cellular surface. At the same time the direction of its growth is turned more and more from the light, so that it soon assumes a position parallel to the surface of the ground : when the light is powerful it adheres closely to the earth.* The apical cells often divide also by longitudinal septa, Avhich diverge slightly from the longitudinal axis of the , prothallium, and which, like all septa which are produced during the early growth of the organ, are perpendicular to its sm-face. The prothallium has now four apical cells, of which the two outer ones grow more rapidly in length than the median ones, and immediately divide repeatedly by * The turning away of the prothallium from the light, by which the fore edge of each prothallium is continually diverted from the source of light, was first observed by Wigand (''Beiträge zur Botanik/ 1851', p. 35). His explana- tion however is altogether erroneous ; he assumes that the upper surface of the prothallium was drawn from the liglit. If this were so the prothallium must turn itself to the light. 184 HOFMEISTER, ON septa cutting tliosc which diverge from tlic longitudinal axis of the organ at an angle of about 45° (PI. XXIV, fig. 3). By this nicaus the foundation is laid for the two-lobcd form of the prothallium. The cells of the edge of the wings of the fore end of the prothallium then divide very frequeutly by septa parallel to the chord of the arc of their circum- ference. After a series of such divisions there are produced in the marginal cells, longitudinal sei)ta at right angles to the latest formed transverse septa. This cell-multiplication, by which both lobes of the prothallium are rapidly and remarkably enlarged, is least active on the outside of the lol)es, where it soon ceases. The cessation progresses from the hinder part of the protallium to the apex of each of the side lobes. On the other hand those cells of the two lobes which are directed towards the deep indentation of the fore edge, continue to multiply for a longer period. The nuütiplication, however, is most active in the two cells which occupy the base of the notch between the two wings of the prothallium, Avhich notch is constantly increasing in depth. These cells divide continually and repeatedly by means of transverse septa at right angles to the longitudinnl axis of the prothallium, alternating with divisions by means of longitudinal septa which converge slightly to the longi- tudinal axis. Those of the new cells thus formed w^hich are farthest from the middle point of the indentation begin immediately to diverge in their growth from the longitu- dinal axis of the prothallium to the extent of about 05°. By this means the new cells thus produced drive the cells adjoining them on the outside upwards and outwards. During their change of position the growth of these cells diverges more and more from the longitudinal axis of the. prothallium, ultimately to the extent of 90°. Those daughter-cells which arc separated from the cells in the loAvest portion of the indentation push themselves upwards laterally by the side of their mother-cells, by means of an innate power of growth. Whilst they push the adjoining older cells outwards, they take part in the formation of the two side wings of the prothallium, which consequently in- crcnsc continnally in size and in the number of their cells, not- withstanding the progressive cessation of the nuütiplication THE HIGHER CllYPTOGAMIA. 185 of the cells of their outer edge (PI. XXIV, fig. C). The npical cell for the tmiebehig of the wmgof theprotlmlliuin, is contiiuially pushed downwards and outwards and re- placed by a younger one. The growth of the youngest cells in the direction diverging from the longitudinal axis of the side wings is frequently more active at their inner than at their outer end. Where this phenomenon is very strongly manifested it leads to such a remarkable develop- ment of the breadth of the two wings of the prothallium that the one overlaps the other. This circumstance how- ever occurs, for the most part at least, only in prothallia of exuberant growth ; it does not take place until the termina- tion of the normal growth of the prothallium. Individual cells of the under side of the prothallium pro- trude outwardly in a hemispherical form. In very young prothallia, or in thin shoots of old exuberant prothallia, the same thing occurs in the marginal cells (PI. XXIV, fig. 4). The development of these cellular excrescences usually commences at the hinder part of the prothallium, proceed- ing from thence towards the front part, but without any very great regularity. As a rule one excrescence only is developed on one cell of the prothallium. In the median line of the latter, one of these excrescences is produced from almost every cell ; towards the sides their number dimin- ishes, and at the edges of the wings of the prothallia the formation is entirely suppressed. Their expansion coincides with that of the radicidar appendages. The protruding portion of the free outer smface of the cell is soon separated from the primary cell-cavity by a transverse septum. This transverse division is often repeated a second time, more rarely several times, so that the hemispherical terminal cell of the excrescence is supported by one, or by several, discoid shortly cylindrical cells. The nature of their contents differs little at first from that of the vegetative cells of the prothallium. The walls are covered by a layer of chloro- phyll having somewhat smaller granules than that of the neighbouring cells ; their supply of protoplasm is somewhat larger. Prom this period the highly refractive protoplasm of the young antheridium accunuilates to such an extent, that the arrangement of its component cells is very difficult 186 HOFiMEISTEK, ON to recognise. There can however be no doubt that after some time the antheridium is composed of a cyhndrical or angular, ahiiost cubical, central cell of large size, very rich in granular protoplasm, supported by one cylindrical or two semi-cylindrical cells, covered by a cell having the form of a segment of a sphere, and surrounded laterally by a gii'dle, which in most cases looks at first sight like a simple annular cell, or two such cells standing one over the other, but which, after more careful examination, and especially after treatment with a saccharine solution and iodine, may often be seen to be composed of several cells, from two to four in number, lying in one plane. Those states of the antheridia which, judging from their size and their position on the prothallimn, are intermediate between the condition just mentioned and the unicellular condition, may be distinctly recognised by the sharply de- fined, circular boundary line of the apical cell ; and, less distinctly, by the appearance of the central cell which is rich in protoplasm. In some young antheridia the best object- glasses especially when combined with the use of a solution of sugar and iodine exhibit the lines of contact of the cell- walls with the outer surface of the antheridia. These lines run obliquely downwards, usually in a left-handed spiral which describes about a sixth part of a circumference (PI. XXIV, fig. 9). The analogy to be derived from the pro- cess of development of the antheridia of the Muscineae ren- ders it probable that the large central cell is formed by the production of an excentrical, inclined, longitudinal septum in the young antheridium, followed by the production of another excentrical septum cutting the latter at right angles, and the subsequent formation of a longitudinal septum cutting both the above at an angle of 45°, such formation taking place after the apical cell of the antheri- dium has been isolated by a strongly inclined almost hori- zontal septum cutting the primary longitudinal septum. Where the central cell is surrounded by two zones of en- veloping cells it is manifest that the two zones originate in the transverse division of the primary single zone. The structure of the prothallia' and antheridia of all the Polypodiaccae which have been yet examined is identical in THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 187 all essential points. The only specific differences are, that in certain species {swch as Jspiduwi ßlicv-7nas, and several species of Adiantum) certain marginal cells of the pro- thallium grow into papillae, which in Aspidiuni are thin and cyhndrical with a clavate end, and in Adiantum are very large and flask-shaped, whilst in the prothallia of other ferns the margin is destitute of such protuberances, as is the case in Fteris aqidlina and serrulata. The only known instance of variation is afi'orded by Ceratopteris thalictroides. When the large spores of this species germinate, and the exospo- rium bursts, it is seen that the portion of the prothalHum which is enclosed within the lobes of the exosporium, is a multicellular roundish body. The conclusion from this fact is that the inner cell of the spore is divided into several daughter-cells before the bm-sting of the exosporium. The prothallium moreover does not develope two lateral lobes with a deep indentation between them, having the focus of continuous cell-multiplication, at its base, but the point of most active cell-multiplication is situated sideways on the prothallium (PI. XXIV, fig. 16). One wing only of its fore edge is developed. The rudimentary cells of the antheridia are for the most part marginal cells of the pro- thallium somewhat deeply buried between the vegetative cells of the margin. The process of cell-division in them coincides Avitli that which is supposed to exist in most of the Polypodiacese (PI. XXIV, figs. 17—19).- * Wigand states that the mother-cells of spermatozoa, and even motile spermatozoa themselves, are sometimes found in the chlorophyll-bearing vege- tative cells of the prothallium. This statement has not been confirmed by any other observer. Wigaud has probably seen appearances which I have myself met with, though on rare occasions. I iiave found iu many of the vegetative cells of old, abnormally developed, prothallia, globular or elongated, sharply defined masses of a thick mucilaginous substance which for the most part hung together in arborescent ramifications, but were to some extent detached, and formed entirely free globular bodies. The diameter of these bodies is but little (about a third) greater than that of the mother-cells of the spermatozoa. They were present in individual cells sometimes in greater sometimes in less num- bers. The arrangement of the chlorophyll of the cells in which they were enclosed was not materially disturbed although the colour of the chlorophyll was slightly faded. Some of the arborescent groups were drawn out at one end into a thin thread-like cell which had quite the appearance of a fungoid filament, and which was attached at its extremity to the free outer M'all of the cell of the prothallium. iu otiier cells of the same prothallium the chlorophyll had disappeared and they were filled with empty cells having a firm membrane and looking like the mother- cells of zoospores. These structures arc certainly 188 HOFMEISTER, ON The cells of the authcridia, which surround the central cell, do not multiply any furtlier. The latter, however, after a considerable increase of its circumference, is trans- formed by a series of divisions into a globular group of cubical cells (PI. XXIV, figs. 10, 11). By the growth of this cellular mass the cells of the covering layer are ex- tended more and more into a tabular form, sometimes to such an extent, that their cavities are entirely obliterated. During the multiplication of the central cell their fluid contents have become as clear as water. In each of the small tesselated cells within the antheri- dium there is produced a flat spirally twisted spermatozoon in the interior of a lenticular or globular vesicle, the latter being apparently the primary nucleus of the small cell. The turns of the spiral are but few in number. As the antheridium approaches maturity the w^alls of the small internal cells are dissolved and the vesicles en- closing the spermatozoa then lie free, enveloped in a granu- lar mucilage, and surrounded by the compressed covering cells. If the antheridium is now exposed to moisture, its contents swell, the flatly compressed cell of the apex bursts in the middle in a stellate manner, and the vesicles enclosing the spermatozoon escape through the fissures. If the spermatozoa are fully- formed and ripe, the vesicles when lying in water, exhibit a rotatory motion shortly after their escape from the antheridium. I have often observed, that at the commencement of this motion, one of the ends of the spermatozoon (usually the fore-end, which is the thicker one and bears the cilia), protrudes from a fissure in the vesicle. Suddenly the vesicle bursts by a wide open- ing, the spermatozoon becomes free, and shoots out from it in very rapid motion. The expanded fore-end of the spermatozoa, as has been mentioned, is compressed laterally to a considerable ex- tent; the outer side of its spiral coils bears numerous deli- cate cilia, which vibrate actively during its motion (PI. XXIV, figs. 13, 15). At the opposite end the sperma- tozoon gradually fines off into a very long hair-like termina- always foreign to the prothallium and arc probably states of development of an cntophytal fungus. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 189 tion. The latter often retains its original spiral form, and remains attaclied to the interior of the vesicle within which the spermatozoon originated (PI. XXIV, fig. 14"'*). The forward motion of the spermatozoon is ahvays accompanied by a rapid rotation romid the axis of the spiral, and follows the direction of this spiral, Avhicli is sometimes a right- handed, sometimes a left-handed one.* AVhen the prothallium has become two-lobed, and has a deep indentation on its fore-edge, the cells of that portion of it which lies immediately behind the indentation, divide by means of septa parallel to tlie sm-face of the prothal- lium. This division is repeated two or three times, always in the lower one of the ncAvly-formed cells. By this means a flat cushion of cellular tissue is formed on the imder side of the prothallium. On its hinder i)art, new antheridia continue to be formed for a considerable time. The archegonia are produced at the fore-part adjoining the indentation. t The mother-cell of an archediuiti fihx-mass exhibit a specific difference in the angles of incli- nation of the newly-formed septa. The upper angle Avhich the newly-formed septum in the front cell forms with the older one (PI. XXVI, figs. 6 ^ 7 *, h, c) is widely open in Aspklimi filix-mas ; it is almost a right angle; the lower angle of the septum in the hinder cell is very acute (PL XXVI, figs. 6 ^ 7 *, a, d). In Pteris aquilvia this state of things is exactly reversed (PI. XXVIII, figs. 1 *, 3*, a, d, b, c). In connexion with this difference there exists also a difference in the further development. In both species the stem-bud and the first frond are formed out of one of the four cells, viz., the lower one of the two front cells (PI. XXVIII, figs. 1, 3, a.r; PI. XXVI, figs. 0, 7, ^/.c), and the first root is produced from another of those four cells. But in Asjud'mm filicc-mas the mother-cell of the root {b,d PI. XXVI, figs. 0, 7) lies opposite to that of the stem ; in Pteris aquilina it lies at the side {a,d PI. XXVIII, figs. 1, 3). In Aspidium the primary abortive axis of the embryo,* is developed almost ex- clusively by continual divisions of that one of the four cells which is most distant from the mouth of the archego- nium. In Pteris the descendants of the two cells which are furthest from the archegonium compose this organ, which in that genus is much larger (PI. XXVIII, fig. 3). The fourth cell of the young embryo Avhich lies under the mouth of the archegonium multiplies still further in Aspi- dium, althougli onlv to a slidit extent. Its derivative cells do not form a detached portion of the germ-i)laut, but go to form the cortical portion between the back of the first frond and the first root (PI. XXVI, fig. 7). All the \ascular cryptograms in which the germination * The foot-like appendage by wliich tlie young fern is altaclied to tlie pro- tliallium. Only a few of the ceils of the rudiment of the root take part in the formation of tli'is "foot" (PI. XXVI, fig. 7). THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 201 lias been obser\ed exhibit tlie same aiTaiigeincut of the first four cells of the embryo. This arrangement exists in the Khizocarpene, the Equisetacese, and in Isoetes ; and the position of the first cells of the ruchment of the germ-plant at the lower end of the suspensor of Selaginella, is the same. In these cases the primary leafless axis is formed principally by the multipHcation of the lowest of the four cells ; of that one namely which is turned away from the mouth of the archegonium. One of the side cells produces the primary indefinite axis of the plant. A third cell forms the first root, if the embryo produces such an organ. Sal- vinia is well known to be generally rootless ; Selaginella does not send out the first root until after the first bifurca- tion of the stem. In this prevailing fact there is such a marked diff'erence between the vascular cryptograms and monocotyledons, that the remarkable similarity between the germ-plants of the Naiadese and the grasses, and those of the vascular cryptograms (especially such of the latter as have a prothallium devoid of chlorophyll) upon which similarity I once attempted to ground a comparison of the organs of the two families, appears to be an unessential external resemblance. The multiplication of the primary cell of the lateral principal shoot considerably exceeds that of the mother- cell of the primary axis. The same thing prevails although in a less degree in the primary cell of the first root. Both divide by means of septa inclined in diff'erent directions, and, it would seem, in a manner similar to that in which in the m.ore advanced plant, the multiplication of the cells of the first degree takes place. I recognised the triangular form, Avhen seen from above, of the apical cell of the principal shoot in Aspi- (liumjllLv-iuas, and the two edged form of the same cell, when viewed in a similar manner, of Pteris aquiU/ia, after about three divisions had taken place in each of them. Even after the first round of divisions the stem- cell of the first degree ceases to multiply further : * a proportionally more rapid sequence of divisions begins in * See the explanation to PI. XXVIII, fig. 3 ^ aud PI. XXVII, figs. G*, 7*. 202 HOFMEISTER, ON the cell of the second degree, contiguous to the mouth of the archegonium, which has been cut off from the stem-cell. This cell of the second degree is the primary cell of the frond. That moiety of the primary cell of the principal shoot Avhich adjoins the first cell of the primary abortive axis is considered to be a cell of the first degree, the principal rea- son for which ts, that at a later period, and when the germ- plant is more developed, the cell in question appears as the apical cell of the stem. It would be a simpler mode of settling the rank of the cells, if that cell were con- sidered to be of the first degree, in which the successive divisions take place, not only at the earliest period, but in the primary direction'; and according to this method there would be no doubt that the primary cell of the stem, consi- dered in relation to that of the frond, must be looked upon as a cell of the second degree ; an opinion which might be ]nade use of in support of the theory of the origin of the fern-stem from the amalgamation of the stalks of the fronds.* As, however, there are but few plants which ex- hibit so manifest a terminal bud (around and under which the appendicular organs take their rise), as the ferns do Avhen they have attained some growth, it follows that here, as in the similar instances of monocotyledonous embryos, it is necessary in forming an opinion as to the rank of the cells, to have regard to the condition of the plant at a period subsequent to the formation of the cells in question. In the two species immediately under consideration, the cell-succession in the first frond agrees substantially with that in the later ones, but at the same time it differs consi- derably. The surface of the first frond is, however, in its inception, parallel to that of the prothallium, as is the case in all the Polypodiacere which have been hitherto ob- served. The primary cell of the root divides in the first instance by septa turned towards the neighbouring cells ; the division takes place tmce by means of opposite septa (concave * Considerations of this nature may have led Nägeli to deny that ferns have leafy stems (' Zeitschrift für wiss. Botanik,' Heft 3 and 4, p. 148) ; Hau- steiu's notion of the fern-stem also rests upon this foundation ('Linupea,' 1848). THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 203 to one another in Fteris aquiUnci), so that the cell retams its original two-edged form ; and three times by means of flat septa diverging from one another at angles of 60°, so that the cell assumes the shape of a three-sided pyramid with an arched mider surface (PL XXVI, fig. 6). In both cases a septum is now formed parallel to the chord of the outer arc (PL XXVIII, fig. 1 ; PL XXVI, fig. 7). The flat cell cut off' by this latter septum is the first rudiment of the root- cap, whose outermost, hood-shaped, cellular layer is formed by the miütiplication of this cell. Henceforth the root- cell of the first degree lies surrounded by cellular tissue. Its further increase arises from repeated divisions occurring in the same succession. Judging from its position, the first root of the young fern is adventitious^ diflering in no respect from the later adventitious roots of the full-grown plant. This view of the nature of the first root of the vascular cryptogams in general (a view which I expressed many years since*), has lately been objected to by Wigand. His first objec- tion (an unfounded one) rests principally upon a con- jecture that the foot-shaped portion of the germ-plant, that which I have called the primary axis, not only amalgamates with the prothallium, but is prohahJy prolonged backwards so as to form the root. Wigand adds, " I consider that the enlargement of the lower part of the germ -pi ant is of a different nature ; I look upon it as the undoubted rudi- ment of the first main root ; it does not break through after the manner of an adventitious root." A few words of explanation are requisite as to the distinction be- tween main roots and adventitious roots in general. Om^ conceptions of main roots rest entirely upon the observation, that the portion of the embryo of dicotyle- dons, which is situated beneath the cotyledons (and in most instances that portion of the plant alone) is prolonged downwards and becomes the root, and that in a normal state no portion of the plant above the cotyledons sends forth roots. Now, strictly speaking, the root by no means commences close underneath the insertion of the cotyledons, for between the latter point and the root there is to be * Berlin 'Botanische Zeitung,' 1849, 797. 204 HOFMEISTER, OX found the small ombiTO-siciu which Inuisch calls the liypocotyledonary axis, and which Clos calls the colhf. The place of origin of the root, /. c, the loAver end of the enibrjo- steni, is difHcult to discover by direct observation, but may safely bo defined as the point at which in the lower end of the very young embryo the cell-multiplication peculiar to the root connnences. IS^ow, whether the young root of the germinating plant has the appearance of an immediate» prolongation downwards of the embryo-stem (as is the case with most dicotyledons, and with a few monocotyledons, such as Juncus, Allium, and Paris) — or whether it (the young root) breaks out from the interior of the low^r end of the embryo, as in the Palms and the Loranthacae — de- pends simply upon the fact whether the place of origin, the focus of cell-formation of the root, lies nearer to or further from the lower end of the embiyo. In both cases the root is a main root. An adventitious root differs only in the fact, that its longitudinal axis does not coincide with the prolongation of that of the embryo, but forms with the latter a considerable angle. For instance, the Oi'chi- dese, the Pluviales, and especially (as Irmisch has well observed), the Grasses, have no radicle, but only adventi- tious roots. The distance from the surface of the place of origin of adventitious roots is variable, being less in some plants than in others. In the former case the surface of the adventitious roots passes gradually into the cortical layer of that portion of the plant from which they spring, as may be observed in the pea when germinating. In the latter the adventitious roots pierce through the outer cel- lular cortical layers, throwing back those layers in the form of a ring round the place of egress of the roots. The absence of tliesc characteristic collars (Coleorhizji'), at the base of the adventitious roots, is by no means unusual.* Perns with creeping stems almost always have them, and those with upright stems not unfrec[uently. It is well known that all ramifications of roots, both those from main roots and those from adventitious roots, are formed from the outer surface of vascular bundles, and must therefore, with- out exception, break through the bark. The reason why * See Irmisch's observations on ' Ts^'coftia nidus avis.' THE HIGHER CRYPTOüAMIxV. 205 no Coleorhizse are usually visible here, is, that (as in the case of axile superficial adventitious-root-formation) the direction of the root-branch in its earliest stage, generally follows the axis of the root. The bark of the latter is pierced by the former during the young state of the cells before they have attained their final thickness. The con- tinual amalgamation of the contiguous cells of the root and its branch obliterates all traces of the gradual perfo- ration. During the first divisions of the rudimentary cells of the stem, frond, and root, the two others of the four primary cells of the embryo multiply by the formation of oblique longitudinal and transverse septa (PI. XXVIII, fig. 3 ; PI, XXVI, fig. 6), so that the embryo assumes altogether a spherical form. Only the rudiment of the first frond ap- pears at an early period as an elongated point. Prom the time when the outer linnts of the rudimen- tary cell of the root are fixed by the formation of the first cell of the root-cap, the cells of the upper surface of the primary axis, and also the neighbouring cells of the growing root, enter into close combination Avitli the adjoining cells of the prothallium.* The result is a complete amalgamation of the adjoining outer sm'faces of the cells, which cannot now be detached from one another by mere mechanical means. Henceforth the embryo which up to this point lay free in the cavity of the enlarged central cell of the arehegonium, ad- heres firndy to tlie prothallium. The adjoining cells of each remain toleral^ly even. The attachment of the embryo is not the result of arrangements such as we find in the analogous process of the ingrafting of the fruit of a moss into the axis of the mother-plant ; nor is there any elongation of the basal cell of the fruit rudi- ment into a capillary tube, becoming curved where it penetrates the stem, as is the case in many Jungeimanniae ; nor is there as in Anthoceros any development of pro- cesses from the cells of the broad, slightly convex, under surface of the young fruit. Prom the moment of the commencement of the amalgamation, the cells of the * See Mohl in 'Wagner's Handwörterbuch der PliYsio).,' vol. iv, p. 279. 206 HOFMEISTER, ON embryo which attach themselves to the prothallium divide by the repeated formation of transverse septa into groups of almost tabular cells. By this means the way is pre- pared for the subsequent not inconsiderable longitudinal extension of the primary axis of the embryo which is the result of cell-expansion. The action of concentrated sulphuric acid soon loosens the connexion between the prothallium and the embryo. If the latter is detached the outer surface of its primary axis appears to be surrounded by a gelatinous envelope witli radial markings : this is the loosened adhesive mat- ter by which the embryo and the prothallium were united. The outlines of the cells of the latter are most clearly marked upon it by a net-work of narrow band-like protu- berances. The growth of the embryo is accompanied by an active multiplication of the cells of the prothallium adjoining the impregnated archegonium. This multiplication, which is not confined to the cells immediately adjoining the central cell of the archegonium, gives rise to the formation of a con- siderable cellular protuberance, attached to the under side of the prothalliiQu, and which encloses the embryo. The circumference of this excrescence is usually very consider- able in Pteris aquilhia. The increase in growth of this cellular tissue usually keeps pace so completely with that of the embryo, that the expanding cavity is always exactly filled up. The multiplication of the neighbouring cells of the prothallium is not however caused by the pressure of the growing embryo upon the side walls of the central cell of the archegonium : this is manifest from the fact of the occurrence of exceptional cases of imperfect growth of the embryo, as has been observed, not only in many vascular cryptogams, but even in mosses.* The embryo, probably in consequence of imperfect impregnation, only occupies a small portion of the enlarged cavity of the central cell of the archegonimn, as has been obsei*ved by comparing two im- pregnated archegonia of the same prothallium in Pteris aqicillna and in Aspidium filix-mas (PI. XXVIII, fig. 2) \ * By Gottsclie iii Cali/imgeia Trichomaiies^ 'X. A. A. L. C.,' and by myself iu FruUania dilatata aud Tatyionia hypo;phi/lla. ' Vergl. Unters,' p. 41. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 207 the same thing also has been noticed in Salvinia natans and Pihdaria (/Johulifera. The active longitudinal growth of the first frond and of the first root of the young fern produces a constantly increas- ing expansion of the surrounding tissue of the prothallium, until the latter is ultimately unable to keep pace with the increase in size of the young plant. The layer of tissue surrounding the latter underneath, is ruptured transversely, usually somewhat in front of the neck of the impregnated archegonium. The frond immediately curves upwards, and appears between the two flaps of the prothallium. Before this period it has formed the rudiments of its lamina, which in all ferns are much less divided in the young, than in the full-grown plant. The first fronds of JPolypodium vulgare^ for instance, are not unfi-equently undivided and lancet- shaped ; more often however they are divided at the apex into two portions of very unequal size. Contemporaneously with the appearance of the first frond, the fii'st root also pierces downwards through the tissue of the prothallium. Immediately after it makes its appearance it turns doAvn- wards into the ground.* If the second frond of the germ-plant is developed very soon after the first, the surrounding celliüar tissue of the prothallium in the neighbourhood of, or above the point of egress of the first frond, is pushed outwards and forwards, and is ultimately broken through. Before the frond makes its appearance out of this covering, the latter resembles a coni- cal wart protruding into the indentation of the fore edge of the prothallium : it is the body wdiich Wigand (' Bot. Zeit.' 1849, p. 121) has described as the prolongation of the midrib of the prothallium. * Von Mercklin asserts (' Beobacht. am Prothallium der Farrnkr.' Peters- burg, 1850) that soou after the appearance of the embryo in the interior of the prothallium, a dark stripe becomes visible, passing from the base into the mass of the prothallium, and expanding itself there. It contains a bundle of shortly- jointed, striped vessels, the pointed ends of which reach to the neighbourhood of the archegonia. The older the prothallium the more numerous are these vessels, which, in their configuration, answer exactly to those of the large vascular bundles of the first frond, and appear never to be wanting. I find the prothallia of all the ferns which I have examined to be always com- posed of homogeneous parenchyma, and to be devoid of vessels. I have not the least notion what Von Mercklin's supposed striped vessels can be. 2Ü8 HOFMEISTER, ON Development of the vec^etatlve organs. — The similarity ii\ the development of the different species of ferns does not extend beyond the formation of the rudiments of the first frond and of the first root. So far as regards the mode of development of the vege- tative organs, the two commonest ferns of Germany re- present the terminal points of the long series of multi- farious forms of the most extensive family of the vascular cryptogams. Pfcrls aqnilina affords one of the most ]jer- fect examples of a fern with a creeping stem, having the fronds arranged in two lines, and with a most decided tendency to bifurcation of the terminal bud. The greater number of the ferns inhabiting the forests of the torrid zone comport themselves like Pteris aquilina. Aspidium filix-mas, on the other haud, forms a stem tending up- wards, and agrees essentially in its habit, in the arrange- ment of its fronds, and in the division of its vascular ])undles, with the tree-ferns of the tropics. The follow- ing observations will treat of the history of the develop- ment of the two ferns just mentioned, and we will pi"o- ceecl first Avitli Pteris aquilina. Pteris Aquilina, L. — The surfaces of the septa formed in the cell of the first degree in the first frond oi Pteris aquilina arc turned towards the apex of the stem."* A plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the stem ancl of the frond, is at right angles to the lateral surfaces of the wedge-shaped apical cells of both organs (PI. XA'III, fig. 6). Even at a very eiu'ly period, before the enveloping cellular layers of the prothallium are raptured by the longitudinal growth of the first frond, septa are formed in the apical cell of the frond on the right aiul left of its median line. These septa are at right angles to the fore and hind walls, and they change tlie form of the cell, which has hitherto been Avedge-slia])ed like a segment of an ellipsoid, into a three-sided prism Avitli the edge turned downwards and having its hinder surface * This is the case also with all ihc subsequent fronds not only of Flcris aquilina but also of other species of the same genus ; as well as Avith the fronds of sueh ferns as Fterls srrrulufa, which have a triple froud-arrangcnient, and wiiere the apical cell of the terminal bud has the form of a three-sided inverted ])yramid. In the Polypodiums and Aspidiums the circumstances arc widely dilTcrent. THE HIGHER CKITTOÜAMIA. 209 arched. The longitudinal growth of the frond is also for- warded by the production of septa which are parallel to the fore and hind walls of the cell of the first degree^ and are turned towards the surfaces of the frond. From time to time, however, the apical cell divides anew by longitudinal septa at right angles to those just mentioned, and the end of the young frond is by this means widened. Thenceforward both forms of division continue to take place in the marginal cells of the frond which adjoin the apical cell; but the activity of division diminishes in a lateral direction, and terminates far above the place of insertion of the frond. That portion of the frond which is situated above the point at which the multiplication of the marginal cells terminates, becomes the blade of the frond, and the portion below that point becomes the stem of the frond. The cell-succession of the leafy portion of the frond therefore much resembles that of the flat stem of the Marchantieae and Ricciese ; but there is invariably one cell only of the first degree ; not two. The formation of the pinnae of the frond in the species of Pteris, as in the rest of the Polypodiacese, is the result of a true bifurcation of the apical 2mnctum vegetationis. This formation commences with the division of the apical cell by a septum coinciding with the median line of the frond, and perpendicular to its surfaces. Each daughter-cell is divided by a septum almost parallel to the longitudinal axis of the frond (PL XXIX, fig. 3). This latter division occm's either inuuediately, or after the previous formation of septa wdiicli are inclined to the surfaces of the frond, and contribute to its longitudinal growth. The three-sided cell on the right and on the left of each of the two pairs of cells which occupy the middle of the fore edge of the frond, becomes the seat of fresh cell-multiplication, and is the cell of the first degree of a pinna of the frond. Each of the new shoots is alternately more strongly developed, thus changing the direction of the bifiu-cation to the right or to the left. The weaker one is pushed on one side so as to appear to be lateral. The continual change in the direction of the less vigorous bifurcations causes the feather-like form of the frond, ^vhose segments (as is well known) are in no species 14 210 HOFMEISTER, ON exactly opposite to one anotlier. The position of the first hiterai bifurcation on tlie mid-rib is not constant in any species ; in Pteris aquilina it is more often to the left, in AqmUuni fiUx-mcw to the right. The principal segments of the fronds, however, taken in relation to their subsequent ramifications, are very regularly antidromal : on tlie pinnae to the left of the axis of the frond the first segment of the second degree, or the first tooth of the margin, is on the right : on the pinnae to the right of the axis it is on the left. From the first commencement of the frond its growth in thickness is most vigorous behind. Its mathematical longitudinal axis is not identical with the morphological one ; it does not coincide with the surfaces of contact of the masses of cells, produced by the multiplication of the cells of the second degree, which are tmrned towards the front and back surfaces of the frond. At the time of the commencement of the formation of the blade of the frond, which is produced by the widening of its apex, the cell- multiplication in a longitudinal direction increases on the hinder surface of the frond. It exceeds that which takes place on the front siu'face and thus leads to the commence- ment of the rolling inwards of the fi'ond (PL XXIX, fig. 1), which is completed by the stretching of the cells of the hinder siu'face which shortly afterwards takes place. Con- temporaneously with the commencement of the rolling inwards, the axile longitudinal rows of cells separate them- selves by the cessation of transverse division, and become transformed into the simple vascular bundle which traverses the stem and mid-rib of the frond. Pour cells of the adjoining parenchyma are about equal in length to one of the cells of the rudimentary vascular bundle. This latter passes through the morphological longitudinal axis of the young frond, near its front surface. It is concave in a transverse section, open towards the front (PI. XXIX, fig. 14). Dming this development of the frond, the first root also has grown considerably. Its axile rudimentary vascular bundle becomes visible contemporaneously with that of the frond. The two meeting together in their entire breadth THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 211 underneath the terminal bud, — which in the meantime has become developed into a cellular wing, — form a connected, slightly curved, string of cambium, upon which the wing is attached sideways (PI. XXIX, fig. 1). Now Avhilst the cellular layers surrounding the embryo are ruptured by the longitudinal growth of the frond and root, the cells of the primary axis also become consider- ably elongated, so that the germ-plant is removed from the prothalliimi as if borne upon a short stem ; an appear- ance which brings to mind the normal process in Salvinia, The innermost cells of the primary axis acljoining the vascular bundles of the frond and of the root assume a prosenchy- matal form (PL XXIX, fig. 1), and at a later period become woody scalariform cells, so that the ligneous body of the germ-plant has a blind-ended short prolongation reaching into the primary axis. The growth of the stem-bud, which is rapid in com- parison with what occurs in other ferns, and which is observable whilst the embryo is yet enclosed (PI. XXVIII, figs. 4, 5), increases still more after the latter has emerged from the prothallium ; the end of the stem becomes a somewhat slender cone (PI. XXIX, fig. 1). The forma- tion of the second frond commences even before any thickenings of the membrane make their appearance in any of the cells of the rudimentary vascular bundles of the germ-plant. The second frond originates in the multipli- cation of a cell of the apex of the stem situated on that side of it which is turned away from the point of attach- ment of the first frond, and distant from the latter by about half the circumference of the stem. The cell-multiplication of the second, and of all the subsequent fronds, follows the same rule as that of the first : it begins by the continually repeated division of the cell of the first degree, by means of septa inclined alternately towards and away from the top point of the stem. After the rudiments of the stipes of the frond are fully formed, the apical cell divides by longitudinal septa at right angles to the fore and hind surfaces ; in all the cells of the thus expanded fore-edge, division occurs by septa inclined alternately towards the upper and under surfaces of the fi'ond. 212 liOl'MElSTEli, ON Almost coiiteinporancoiisly with the appearance of the second frond, numerous celhdar hairs are seen upon the terminal bud of the stem, which have been previously visible, although more sparingly, upon the first frond. Having regard to their position and their centripetal deve- lopment, they are undoubtedly analogous to the scales of other ferns, which indeed also appear primarily elsewhere under the form of simple rows of cells,* In Pteris aqidlhia, Bicksonia ruhiginosa, and Balantium Karstenianum they do not progress beyond this primary stage of develop- ment. From the time of the formation of the second frond until the commencement of that of the third, the longitu- dinal growth of the axis increases considerably, as it does Avitli each successive frond during the entire life of the plant, unless prevented by unfavorable influences. At this time, if not (as is not unfrequently the case, PI. XXIX, fig. I) even before the formation of the second frond, a twisting of the stem takes place. If the young stem is supposed to be horizontal, the hinder surface of the first frond is turned downwards ; the rudimentary frond was parallel to the surface of the })rothallium.f By the torsion of the axis the direction of the third frond, and sometimes even of the second, is turned away from it to the extent of 90°. Henceforth the fronds are inserted on the sides of the creeping stem, the fraction \ representing as before their mode of arrangement. The plane of involution of the budding stem (that plane in which all the turns of the incurved leafy surface lie, juul Avliicli is perpendicular to the leafy portion of the frond) is at first radial to the axis of the latter. This plane, however, soon stands at right ♦ I will return to this subject liercaftcr. Multicellular hairs with intercalary cell-multiplication, even in the ciircetion of llic breadth and thickness, occurs here and there even on the leaves of jjlirenoganis {e.g. Begonia, and the calyx and corolla of Hibiscus Tnoinim). jNly observations do not confirm Kunzc's opinion that the shoots at the base of the stipes of Ilemitelia capc^iisis, which resemble the fronds of Triehonianes, are transformed scales. The reasons therefore which induced me to consider the scales as leaves, and the fronds consequently as leafy branches, fall to the ground. The scales are only a kind of hairy covering ; certainly a very highly developed one, as they frequently contain chlorophyll; for instance in rialycerium. ■\ It is self-evident that in speaking thus of the direction of the frond no account is taken of tlic secondary curving upwards of the stipes to the light. THE HIGHER CRYPTOCiAMIA. 213 angles to the axis, on account of the rapid horizontal longitudinal growth of the stem, which far outstrips the development of the frond ; and the result is that the sur- faces of the frond are parallel to the axis. The stalks even of the first fronds exhibit the appearance* which occurs in the stipes of almost all fronds, that is to say, prominent bands of loose cellular tissue having the intercellular cavi- ties filled with air pass along the side edges of the stipes ; which bands are in connexion with, and of the same nature as, the inner parenchyma, wdiich latter, except where it is traversed by the bands, is enclosed by a firm cortical tissue (PL XXX, figs. 7, 9). The creeping stem oi Pferis aquUlna (PI. XXX, fig. 3), and the stems of the exotic Dicksoniae, which are similar in their habit, exhibit the same quality. The lateral ridges of the stem pass directly into those of the fronds (PL XXIX, fig. 14). At an early period the germ-plant exhibits that prema- ture vigorous development of the peripheral cellular layers of the stem in the immediate neighbourhood of its terminal bud, which afterwards has a marked effect upon the form and position of the apex of the stem. The growth in thickness of the cortical tissue of the next younger portion of the stem is very rapid, and by the time that the third frond is developed, the apex of the stem appears to be sunk in that tissue (PL XXIX, fig. 6). The internal structure of the young stem, like that of the first frond, is very simple. From the point of junction of the vascular bundles of the first frond and first root there is developed a central vascular bundle, traversing the young stem (PL XXIX, figs. 5, 6, 7), from which the transformation into vascular bundles of the strings of cellular tissue which pass into the newly-formed fronds commences, and on the outer surface of which the development of new adventitious roots begins (PL XXIX, fig. 6). The direction of the second and of tTie next following root diverges by about 90° from a plane passing through the first frond and the longitudinal axis of the stem (PL XXIX, fig, 6). The subsequent roots exhibit no trace of this regular arrangement. After the formation of from seven to nine fronds, the * Karsten, ' Vegetatious-orgaue der Palmen,' p. 129. 214 HOFMEISTER, ON stem becomes forked by the division of its punctum vege- tationis. Each branch of the fork increases rapidly and considerably, and about equally, in thickness. The first frond of each is usually situated to the right hand (PI. XXIX, figs. 10, 11). From this time forth the course of the vascular bundles of the stem is a compound one. The lateral opening of the central vascidar bundle becomes enlarged (PI. XXIX, fig. 8). Its upper half is soon sepa- rated from the lower; the vascular bundle is prolonged, whilst the tissue of the bud of the stem remains paren- chymatal. The stem has now two flat vascular bundles (PI. XXIX, fig. 9) parallel to the axis, which here and there split into thinner forked branches which soon unite again (PI. XXIX, fig. 9*). When the furcate shoots have attained a length of about three inches, and their transverse diameter is about two lines wide, the two large vascular bundles send out less vigorous bundles which take a direction nearer to the bark, and of which the uppermost one, which passes above the axile bundles, is somewhat more fully developed, and is about equal in breadth to the latter (PI. XXIX, figs. 12, 13). The cortical vascular bundles anastomose in the vicinity of the place of insertion of each frond, and thus form a hollow cylindrical network of elon- gated meshes. But no connecting branches between them and the axile bundles are to be found anywhere in the stem. The latter follow an entirely isolated course within the creeping stems ; ramifications from them enter the fronds, and it is only these ramifications which are met inside the stipes by ramifications from the cortical vascular bundles. Roots originate only from the latter bundles. The stems of fully grown plants exhibit, in all essential points, the same distribution of vascular bundles. The number of the peripheral ones amounts to as many as twelve. The two uppermost of the latter are blended to- gether for the greater part of their course, and thus form a Avide bundle, which lies in the same vertical plane as the primary axile bundles. Two masses of cells almost parallel to these primary vascular bundles, and situated between them and the peripheral vascular bundles, become THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 215 very woody, like bast-cells. Their very thick walls, which are pierced by pits or canals, assume a brown colour throughout. Thin sections of them are of a beautiful golden yellow ; when seen in a mass they are almost black. The axile region of the stem thus appears, even to the naked eye, to be distinctly separated from the bark by a thick hard sheath of vascular bundles, which has a fissure-like longitudinal opening only on each of the two sides parallel to the outer longitudinal bands of the stem (PL XXX, fig. 3). One of these fissures is often closed by an amalgamation on one side of the two halves of the sheath of vascular bimdles. The upper half of the sheath is tolerably flat ; the lower one has the form of a furrow. Dming the transformation of the parenchy- niatal cells of the end of the stem into bast-cells, air- bubbles are formed (PL XXX, fig. 12), between the walls of the latter, in the interior of small n-regularly- defined inter- cellular cavities. These air-bubbles disappear when the thickening of the walls commences. The outermost cellular layers of the bark also assume a deep brown colour, but without becoming prosenchy- matous, and without any material thickening of their walls. Those portions only of the tissue which pass towards the lateral longitudinal ridges do not assume this brown colour, which extends to the depth of one-eighth of a line into the cortical tissue. The portions just mentioned, like the parenchyma of the interior of the stem, remain of a dazzling white : they contain starch, and their intercellular cavities are filled with air. Here and there in this tissue, and sometimes also in the brown-coloured outer cortical layer spindle-shaped groups of combined cells become trans- formed into thick-walled bast-cells, similar in all respects to those of the sheath of vascular bundles,* As the vascular bundles in the growing stem become more complicated, so also do those in the stipes of the fronds. As in the first, so also in the other fronds of the young plant up to the twelfth, the vascular bundles unite to- * Molil objects to these cells being called bast-cells ('Vermischte Schriften,' p. 116), but in their form and mode of development they agree exactly with the bast-cells of phfnnoganis. 216 HOFMEISTER, ON getlier to form a single one. The transverse section of this single bundle has the shape of a horse-shoe, of whicli the opening is originally turned towards the apex of the stem-bud, but which in consequence of the rapid longi- tudinal development of the latter, and of the curving up- wards of the frond, appears at a later period to be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stem. After the splitting of the primary vascular bundle, and the appearance of cortical vascular bundles in the stem, there arise ramifica- tions of both the axile bundles, of the wide bundle above them, and of the rest of the cortical vascular bundles of the adjacent longitudinal half of the stem (PI. XXX, figs. 1" to 1', and fig. 2). The sheath of vascular bundles also sends out prolongations into the stipes : from the upper as well as from the lower group of brown bast-cells the same transformation of the tissue advances in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the frond (PI. XXX, fig. 7). At a shoi't distance above the place of insertion of the frond, both longitudinal strings of ligneous tissue unite to form a single one of which a transverse section exhibits the shape of the letter T having the two branches of its head turned to the lateral longitudinal ridges of the frond (PI. XXX, figs. 8, 9). The 'hind angle of the T includes the ramifications of the two axile primary bundlt^s of the stem ; the fore angles those of the wide cortical vascular bundle which runs off in the top line of the hori- zontal stem, as well as the branches of the cylindrical cortical vascular bundle inunediately adjoining. In front and on the outside of the head of the T, run the bundles which sent forth the cortical bundles underneath the place of inser- tion of the frond. In the lowest part of the stiijcs, under- neath the point of junction of the prolongations of the vascular sheath, all these vascular bundles anastomose in a radial direction ; above this point only in a tangential direction. Each of the primary vascular bundles sends two ])roportionally thin cylindrical branches into the frond (PI. XXX, figs, 'Z''"'). All four soon imite to form a wide vascular bundle concave behind (PI. XXX, figs. S, 9). A similar bundle is formed by the junction of those bundles which are enclosed by the fore angle of the T-shaped mass THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 217 of l)ro\vn cells. It is this distribution of the tissue com- posing the stipes Avhich produces the well known figure of the eagle seen on an oblique section. Delicate longitudinal sections through the terminal bud of the stem of Pteris aquilina, exhibit with the greatest clear- ness the transformation of the originally homogeneous parenchymatal tissue into vessels and bast-cells. The in- vestigation is very much facilitated by the course of the inner one of the two primary vascular bundles, which is straight and parallel to the axis. According as the section is taken parallel to the surface of the earth, through the longitudinal ridges of the creeping stem, or at right angles to this direction, the wedge-shaped cell Avhich encloses the apex of the flatly conical deeply buried terminal bud is seen either on its three-sided front aspect (PI. XXXI, fig. 5), or its four-sided lateral aspeet (PI. XXXI, fig, 4). The funnel-shaped depression, at the bottom of which the terminal bud is seated, is strongly compressed from above and below. The walls of the depression are thickly clothed with scale-like hairs. The erect ends of the hairs, which are closely pressed against one another, and fastened to- gether by a hardened mucilage secreted from the bud, entirely close the mouth of the funnel, and shut off the delicate young portions at its base from the outer air. The end of the stem in its longitudinal growth forces its way through the toughest clay, without injury to the delicate bud buried in its apex. The clearly defined mode of arrangement of the cells of the second degree, and of their derivatives, affords an im- mediate explanation of the deep depression of the terminal bud. The cell of the first degree is wedge-shaped (PI. XXXI, figs. 2 — 5), as is manifest by comparing its apical, front, and side aspects. It is bounded by three curved surfaces, the upper free wall of the cell representing a portion of a spherical surface enclosed by two flattened arcs, and the side-Avalls being two segments of a conical surface. The septa which arise in the cell, and which are alternately parallel to the one and the other of the simple curved lateral surfaces, form cells of the second degree, having the shape of the fifth part of an oblique hollow 218 HOFMEISTER, ON cone. These divide successively by means of longitudinal septa which are parallel to each one of their small lateral sur- faces, and diverge strongly from the radii of the stem, into from three to five cells, adjoining the cell of the first degree (PI. XXXI, fig. 3 *) ; a form of multiphcation in which variations sometimes occur by which the next step in the development is anticipated (PL XXXI, fig. 2). The newly-formed cells then divide gradually by means of septa parallel to the lateral surface of the ajDical cell into twos ; those cells which are situated anteriorly to the middle of the sides of the apical cell dividing sooner than those adjoining the lateral corners. The cells thus formed, whose increase in height and in width {i. e., parallel to the lateral surface of the apical cell) far exceeds their increase in thick- ness, divide by means of transverse septa into low, almost cubical, inner cells, and elongated outer cells, with a free outer wall (PI. XXXI, figs. 4, 5). The expansion and multiphcation of the cells of each of the groups derived from a cell of the second degree, preponderate considerably in the lower portion and in a transverse dii'ection j and the same thing occurs in the cells derived fi'om the youngest of the four cells of the second degree, whose free outer walls compose the conical interior portion of the stem-bud (PL XXXI, figs. 4, 5). In the longitudinal section of the stem the boundary lines which enclose each such group of cells exhibit strongly protruding angles on the side turned away from the apex of the stem : the side walls of the cells composing the outer sm-face of the stem-bud, are inclined inwards towards their summits. In the next older group of cells the direction of the suddenly-augmented cell-multi- plication is reversed. Here the cells of the circumference often divide repeatedly by means of septa parallel to the chord of the arc of the outer wall, and perpendicular to the side-walls. This is a growth in thickness, an increase of the cortical tissue in a direction at right angles to the axis, but in consequence of the unusual direction of the cells in which it occurs, it takes place at first apparently in an upward dh'ection. The bud becomes surrounded by a high, narrow, annular wall. The growth of the latter is particularly active in the direction of a plane cutting the THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 219 lateral bands of the stem at right angles ; here the internal septa of the annular wall become perpendicular, or even overhanging. Its cells appear arranged in concentrical scal}^ layers round the middle point of the stem-bud. During the formation of the annular wall the activity of cell-multiplication in the longitudinal direction (/. e- neath its entire outer surface of a layer of cells having the form of a conical covering thicker towards the base, whilst the angle of inclination of the cone becomes continually narrower. At a latter period, after the formation of the rudiments of several cycles of fronds, the longitudinal grovrth of the stem is so much accelerated by the active ex- tension of the cells of the axile tissue (accompanied by the formation of transverse septa in the peripheral cells) that it exceeds the previous increase in thickness. The cortical region is pushed outwards by the longitudinal extension of the middle of the stem, and passes from the form of a very blimt cone into that of a cylinder ; this complete inversion of the mode of growth is caused by the change of direction of the expansion and multiplication of the cells. The l)rocess (wliich is common to all stems with flat tenninal buds, e. g., Polytrichum, Dracasna) is more easily seen in the slender steni-ends of the germ-plants and gemmae of Aspidium filix-mas or Asplenium ßUx-femina, than in the stems of ol del individuals of the former plant which become too thick. iJ After the st^ni of the germ-plant has increased in thick- ness the arrangement of the subsequent new fronds changes from the I to the | arrangement. At the same time the distribution of the vascular bundles in the stem becomes different. At the place where the vascular bundle which passes into the last frond of the 3 arrangement turns side- ways, strings of the cambium which afterwards forms the vascular bundles separate themselves in the direction of each of the three next fronds, and run parallel to the longi- tudinal axis of the stem (PI. XXVI, fig. 15). A trans- verse section of the stem at this spot exhibits three vascular bundles arrang(;d in a circle (PL XXVI, fig. 16). The rudiments of the vascular bundles which pass to all THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 229 the succeeding fronds are already formed whilst the fronds are still in the condition of very yoimg buds, inasmuch as from the place where those vascular bundles which pass to the two next adjoining older fronds bend aside to make their way out of the stem, the cells of the bud-tissue are transformed into cambium-strings as far as the younger frond. Close under the place of insertion of the young frond the two rudimentary vascular bundles unite to form a single one (PL XXVI, fig. 9) which after passing through the stipes for a short distance spHts again into, two (PL XXVI, figs. 10, 11). A vascular bundle passes to the first frond from the fiftli and sixth, and to the ninth from the sixth and seventh, and so on. Thus the vascular bun- dles of the young stem represent in their entirety a tubular net, with rather wide meshes,* from whose angles simple vascular bundles pass off to the fronds. A transverse section of the stem of a seedling of about a year old exhibits five vascidar bundles enclosing a pith. In' the second year the plant develops itself much more vigorously. Its fronds attain a foot in length ; their arrangement proceeds normally according to the -% arrange- ment. Henceforth several vascular bundles occur in each stipes. In old vigorous individuals as many as five pass from the knot of vascular bundles vvhich corresponds with the place of insertion of each frond. The lowest and most vigorous of these bundles — which, as it originates out of the lower angle of the knot of vascular bundles, corresponds Tvnth the single bundle of the fronds of the one-year-old plant — passes near the hinder surface of the stipes, and divides into two close above the place of attachment of the frond to the stem, at the place where the protuberant en- largement of the stipes, characteristic of Aspidium filix-mas, begins (PL XXVII, fig. 6). Mature plants produce roots exclusively from these two vigorous bundles of the stipes. The stem, which in the first year of the germ-plant sends out all the roots, afterwards ceases to produce any. From the side angles of each knot of vascular bundles of the stem two thin vascular bundles pass off" into the frond, and * jMolil, 'Vermischte Sclinfteu,' p. 115. 230 HOFMEISTER, ON two rather more vigorous ones at a little distance higher lip (PI. XXVI, fig, 20). Both pairs run along the protu- berant longitudinal ridges of the frond, the former pair behind, the latter in front (PI. XXVII, fig. 7). The vas- cular bundles not unfrequently anastomose in the interior of the stipes. Hence it arises that transverse sections of the latter sometimes exhibit more than five vascular bun- dles. The distribution of the vascular bundles within the stem remains essentially the same during the progress of the arrangement of the fi'onds, except that (as is manifest) the number of loops increases. The first frond of a cycle receives its vascular bundles no longer from the sixth and seventh, but from the ninth and eleventh of the preceding cycle ; the sixth frond from the first and the third, the eighth from the third and fifth of the same cycle, and so on. Or to state it more shortly — the vascular bundles which pass from the right to the new fronds follow (when the turn of the spiral is normal, or to the right hand) the 3-numeral fronds ; those which pass from the left follow the 5-numeral ones. Eight transverse sections of vasciüar bundles lie in one plane passing through the stem at right angles to the axis. In mature plants of AspicUum filix-vias, there is a periodicity in the development of the frond which is not foimd in the one-year-old seedling. The growth of the frond in the former is aiTcsted in winter, but not so in the latter. The number of fronds Avhich unfold in spring, and which all grow simultaneously from the end of May till October, is usually thirteen, corresponding with the number of the joints of a segment of the spiral in which the fronds are arranged. A similar state of circumstances is met with also in some other ferns, as in Asjjleniuiit ßlix- femina, where the number of fronds is usually eight or thirteen, and in Aspidium S2)inuJomm and Asplen'mm TricJio- ■manes where eight fronds are usually developed contempo- raneously. As in Pieris aqidlina, the rudiments of the fronds are formed two years before their unfolding. In the first year the stipes only is formed, and in the outer- most fronds of the cycle about three or five of the pinna3. In the second year the pinna) of those fronds which are to THE HIGHER CRYPTOQAMIA. 231 open in the spring are completed in all their parts, and after the second winter's rest they are fully developed. The younger fronds of the same season follow step by step in the same development until the month of June. The commmencement of the formation of the vascular bundles takes place in the bud even of very vigorous speci- mens from the fifth-youngest frond in a backward direc- tion, and thus, far above the point at which the longi- tudinal growth of the stem begins to exceed its growth in thickness. Thus the wdiole system of vascular-bundle- meshes lies at first in an almost horizontal, very flatly para- boloidal surface, close under the top surface of the stem, and nearly parallel thereto. It is only immediately below the apex that the number of the cells of the tissue of the stem underneath and within the net of vascular bundles is increased ; lower down there occurs an expansion of these internal cells, their longitudinal diameter becoming from four to five times longer, and their transverse diameter from two to three times wider. It is only by this increase (caused by cell-expansion) of the biük of the pith that the net of vascular bundles is lifted up by degrees and pro- jected upon a cylinder. It is easily seen by counting the cells during and after the transition of the net of vascular bundles from the form of a paraboloid to that of a cylinder, that the increase in thickness of the stem is not caused by any subsequent new formation of parenchymatal cells either ^^dthin the pith or in the neighbourhood of, or be- tween, the rudimentary vascular bundles. It is only in front of the youngest rudimentary vascular bundles that a slight multiplication of the cortical tissue takes place, by di- vision of the peripheral cells (PL XXVII, fig. 3). If any radial section be taken through the longitudinal axis of the stem the side view thus obtained of the apical cell of the terminal bud is without exception three-sided (PI. XXVII, figs. 3, 4). When viewed from above the upper surface of the same cell exhibits the like shape (PL XXVII, figs. 1, 2). Its form is therefore that of an inverted three- sided pyramid with an arched upper surface. The appearance shews (PL XXVII, figs. I, 2,) that this cell divides re- peatedly by septa, having three directions, and turned sue- 232 HOFMEISTER, ON ccssively to one of the lateral surfaces. As far as can be judged from numerous observations, the succession of these septa one after another is to the right hand, more seldom to the left, but always coincident with the spiral in which the fronds are aiTanged. There is yet a second point in which the relation of the apical cell to its daughter-cells is affected by the frond- spiral. The apical aspect of the top cell of old speci- mens of Aspidium ßlix-mas is very rarely that of an equi- lateral triangle. One of the sides is usually considerably shorter than the two others, which latter are nearly of equal length. The outline of the apical surface is normally that of an isosceles triangle. Deviations from this form may be easily traced to the disturbances caused in the older lateral surfaces of the apical cell by the growth of the adjoining secondary cells. The one side of the triangle is formed by the upper edge of the youngest side-wall of the terminal cell, and the other side by that of the oldest side- wall of the same cell. The base is formed by the side-wall intermediale in age between the oldest and the yomigest. The relation of the length of this base to the younger of the tw^o sides is in most cases a definite one. The follow- ing series of measurements will show this. The younger of the two longer side- walls of the apical cell is the one always measm-ed. Some of the measurements were made on the apical cells of buds which had been separated by a transverse section from the older portion of the stem, and simply cleansed from the adherent mucilage and scales. The greater part of the measurements, however, were made on the transparent membrane formed by the free outer walls of the superficial cells of the bud. These walls have a much stronger consistence than those of the inner tissue of the bud. After a little practice with the microscope it is not difficult to scrape out from the inside of the terminal bud the mass of internal parenchyma, consisting of delicate cell-walls and cell-contents, so as to leave the outer Avails in the form of a connected, slightly arched membrane — (the epidermis, improperly so called, of the young portions of the plant). The lines of contact of the cell- walls which have been attached to this membrane are most dis- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 233 tinctly marked upon the latter in the form of slightly pro- tuberant ridges, and admit of the most accurate measure- ments. Each of the following is the mean of at least five measurements which did not differ from one another by more than half a micro-millimeter.* Measurements of the apical cells of Ferns having the j^ frond- arrangement. Base. Side. Relation of the two. M.M.M. M.M.M. Aspid'mm filix-mas, Spiral right . 33.6476 47.1618 1 : 1.401 3) 11 • 39.912 56.542 1 : 1.416 J) >i 43.3104 61.0986 1 : 1.401 » • 45.2312 63.7098 1 : 1.408 11 i> ' 46.564 66.52 1:1.41 11 95 49.89 70.6773 1:1.416 11 51.8504 73.6386 1 :1.42 11 52.859 75.0198 1:1.419 J> 11 55.7116 78.593 1:1.41 11 >i 55.7116 79.5336 1 ■ 1.427 }i 11 ' 55.9874 78.593 1 : 1.403 >) 56.542 79.824 1:1.411 „ sinnidosvm „ left . 36.6076 51.3022 1 : 1.401 11 40.1194 56.4582 1 : 1.406 rigLt . 43.0526 60.3246 1 : 1.401 >> 43.0526 60.8408 1 : 1.413 »> 44.0838 61.7421 1:1.4 left . 52.0756 73.2152 1 : 1.407 right . 52.6778 74.5487 1:1.401 52.9536 75.5692 1 : 1.428 Aspl.fiUx-fem. " 33.26 46.564 1:1.4 I xau . . . 1:1.4094 This proportion of the base to the sides is that of an equilateral triangle with an apical angle of 69° 13' 53"3", and whose angles at the base are 41° 32' 13-4"; angles which very nearly approximate to those of a triangle which is bounded by the chords of two arcs of 138° 27' 41-53' — (tAvo successive steps of the smaller divergence of the i^ frond- arrangement) — and by the line uniting the free terminal points of these chords, which line is the chord of an arc of 83° 4' 36 •94", being the difference between the larger and the smaller divergence of the ^ arrangement. The apical angle of such a triangle is 41° 32' 18-47"; each of * 1 m.m m. = 9-0001 millim. 234 HOFMEISTER, ON the angles at the base is 69° 13' 50-765"; the relation of the base to one of the sides is 1 : 1-4067. The divergence of these numbers from the measurement falls within the limits of probable error.* The conformity of the angle of the apical cell of the stem with the divergence of the appen- dicular organs is not limited to the ^ arrangement. The calculated relation of the shorter side of the triangular apical surface of the terminal cell to one of the loniror sides is : In the ■ST 2 1 TT arrangemeut 1 1 1 1 1 1 >i 1.618 1.307 1.4067 1.3683 1.3799 1.3294 The observed relations are- Base. Side. Relation of the two. A.' » }> >> j> » A »» jj light . IS W.M.M. 56.9738 27.8558 36.1298 M.M.M. 74.2464 36.6814 47.7134 1 : 1.307 1:1.316 1 : 1.3216 63.161 63.4386 86.1052 90.23 1 : 1.363 1:1.381 It would be natural to attempt to explain this pheno- menon by the supposition, that the angle Avhicli a new septum of the apical cell forms Avith the next older side wall, bears a relation to the angle of divergence of the frond arrangement, inasmuch as it equals the half of the latter angle. The necessary result of this would be, that * I considered it much better to calculate the angle of the apical surface from the length of its sides than to measure it directly with the goniometer, as the former process gives a more certain result. The credibility of each method dcpend.s u])on the same circumstances as those upon which, in the determination of i)iiyllotaxis, the relative credibility of the results obtained by the direct measurement of the angle of divergence and by the calculation of the latter from the number of the turns, depends. The uunibor of measurements might easily have been increased, but it seemed advisable to exclude all the cases invvhich the imperfect parallelism to the apical surface of the stem of the section separating the outermost apex of the flat bud from the remaining tissue, might have given rise to mistakes. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAM I A. 235 ill each mode of frond arrangement following upon the I arrangement, such as fj, ^ and so forth, the form of the apical sm-face of the cell of the first degree would be that of an isosceles triangle. Each cell of the second degree might be treated as the prhuary mother-cell of a frond, to be pro- duced by the further development of the cells derived from the secondary cell. This supposition would however re- quire that the four sided apical surface of each cell of the second degree^ should, innnediately after its production, be considerably wider on the hinder edge than on the fore edge. The excess of the length of the hinder edge over that of the fore edge would be determined by the difference between the apical angle and one of the side angles of the upper surface of the cell of the first degree. It would necessarily bear the same proportion to the second youngest side of the apical surface of the compound figure formed by the cell of the first degree and the youngest cell of the second degree, as the sine of the apical angle bears to that of one of the side angles. Consequently each cell of the second degree must, immediately after its production, be wider at the hinder end than at the fore end to the following extent in each respective case, that is to say, — in the farrange- ment to the extent of about the whole length of its front wall and of the oldest wall of the apical cell which repre- sents its prolongation, — in the I arrangement to the extent of something more than the half (0-5412) of this length, — in the ^ arrangement to the extent of about j'ö (O'^OOSl) of the same. Observation entirely upsets the above supposition. It is true that in older cells of the second degree, especially in those which are already several times divided, the outer side wall normally diverges from the inner one. But the younger the cells of the second degree which are subjected to examination, the more nearly do their side walls approach to parallehsm, until at last it is manifest that the earliest septa of the ceU of the first degree appear exactly parallel to the oldest side wall of the same ceil (PL XXVII, fig. 1). It is plain from this that in point of fact the supple- mentary expansion and the multiplication of the cells of the second degree proceed step by step from back to front 236 HOFMEISTER, ON (by which gradual advance the broken, sharply-angular suc- cession of these cells is converted into a spiral) but that there is no perceptible divergence of the newly formed septa of the cell of the first degree from the oldest opposite side wall of this mother-cell. There is a second series of facts which militates not less decidedly against the above assumption, viz., the occurrence, although a rare one, of apical surfaces of cells of the first degree which exhibit angles not corresponding with those of the frond-arrangement. The following instances have been observed, and they are the only ones obtained in a long series of investigations : — Length of Length of tlie oldest side Willi of theyuungcsl side Willi of R('I;ilion of the apical ' cell. the apical cell. the two. Asp. sjniitdosum, tt: arraiigenieiit, Spiral right 60.583 83.0116 1:1.37 ,, ,, ,, ,, J' . 56.3293 76.3088 1:1.355 3) 3> J) 3) left 52.7201 68.783 1 : 1.307 3J » right 45.5017 52.4623 1:1.152 3> >> J) J> left 59.5518 61.0986 1 : 1.026 ,, fiUx-mas, 5) 1) riglil 55.427 73.9886 1:1.335 » » ■JT „ JJ 71.1528 88.1676 1 : 1.239 „ spi/iulosum, 1 J) 69.8638 75.7932 1 : LOSS „ ßlü'-mas, 5 )j 88.4254 85.074 1:0.961 j> jj JJ JJ JJ 69.Ü904 63.161 1 : 0.913 In the greater number of these irregularly shaped cells their size is very remarkable. In none of the foregoing tables did the base of the triangle attain the leno-th of 64 m. m. m., a length which is hero often surpassed. But the measurements of those apical cells in which the length of the oldest side-wall considerably exceeds that of the youngest, are very instructive. Taken in connexion with the fact, that in by far the greater number of instances the angles of the apical cell correspond with the divergence of the frond-arrangement, these phenomena indicate that after each division the apical cell does not become enlarged equally in all directions so as to attain the size which it had before the division, but that the expansion which THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 237 ensues takes place, if not exclusively, at all events prin- cipally, in a direction at right angles to the septum last produced. This septum which, at the instant of one divi- sion, forms one of the sides of the isosceles triangle repre- sented by the upper surface of the cell of the first degree, is, until the next division, far surpassed in longitudinal growth by the two other side walls of the apical cell, so that the latter then constitute the sides and the newly- formed septum the base of the triangle. The new division is produced by a septum which is parallel to the second side wall of the apical cell, which side-wall at the time of the preceding division was the longer one, and which in the mean time has become elongated and displaced. The diagram given in PL XXXII, fig. 5, of the mode of succession of four such divisions of the apical cell of a bud with the - arrangement, will explain the above sugges- tion. The triangle enclosed by the lines 1, 2, 3, represents the apical cell before the first of these divisions ; the line 4 represents the com'se of the dividing membrane. This cell (which we will designate with the figure II until the next division) now expands to the left : the line 4 now be- comes the base of the triangle ; the line 1, increased by the line 1" becomes one side of the triangle, and the line 3, displaced to 3^^ and lengthened, becomes the other side of the triangle. The next division is represented by the line 5. This line becomes the base of the upper surface of the cell, which is enclosed by the lines 3", 4, and 5, and which expands again to the left. By this expansion the line 3 becomes the line 3^^\ and the Ime 4 becomes 4"^ The line 6 represents the third division. The apical cell is now first bounded by the lines 4, 5, 6. By a fresh expan- sion of the cell the line 5 is increased by the line 5^^, 4 is shifted to 4^'', 2 to 2^^ and 1 is extended to 1^^. PI. XXXII, fig. 6, exhibits the somewhat complicated mode of arrangement and displacement of the cells of the second degree after three more such divisions of the apical cell. All the above facts can easily be brought under the one point of view of the above supposition. The latter explains 238 HOFMEISTER, ON tlie frequency of the correspondence in form of tlie npper surface of the cell of the first degree with the frond arrangement, as well as the rarity of the deviations from this form. Moreover, the observation confirms the conse- quent backward curvature of the lines uniting the project- ing angles (which are turned to the same side) of the dif- ferent com'ses of the successive cells of the second degree aroimd the axis of the stem ; — which lines represent three similar tiuns of the frond-spiral. The above opinion is further supported by the fact, that the expansion and dis- placement snp])osed to occur in the apical cell, must neces- sarily follow from the enlargement and multiplication, progressing gradually from the older to the younger ones, of the cells of the second degree. The marginal angles of the lateral surfaces of the cell of the first degree, must, in the direction of the ascending spiral which represents the course of the divisions, become more acute at the fore edges, and more obtuse at the hinder ones, if — as observa- tion proves — the multiplication of the older cells of tlie second degree in the direction of a tangent to the stem is more active than that of the youngest cells. In this process the apical cell may be looked upon as to a certain extent passive. The supposition of a high degree of expansive and for- mative power in the walls of the young cells of a portion of a plant in process of development, is indispensable for the purpose of explaining the change in the position and form of the individual cells, which is caused by the growth of the entire portion of the plant, and by the influence of the expan- sion (and the multiplication of the older cells and masses of cellular tissue) upon the younger ones, and conversely. In the terminal bud of ferns expansion and multiplication of the secondaiy cells, and of the groups of cells produced by their divisions, advance in an ascending spiral from below up- wards. In the neighbourhood of the apical cell this expan- sion occurs at an early period (and is consequently more advanced and productive of greater results) in the oldest wall which forms the base of the upper surface of the cell, and in the next oldest, whose margin forms the penultimate side ofthat surface. The growth of the apical cell, which, between THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 239 eacli two divisions always increases to nearly the original size, become especially active in the direction of the mar- ginal angle formed by these two side-walls. This will cause its form to vary more and more in the manner above pointed out, until the relation between the angles required by the hypothesis is attained. It is easy to imagine that any excess of aperture is prevented by the proportion of the rapidity of the progress of the multiplication of the older secondary cells to that of the youngest. In the course of the long inquiries leading to these results, I met with only one isolated fact which militated against the conclusions arrived at. I found the apical cell of a tenninal bud of AspicUuvi spimdosum, the base of whose upper surface measured 4r248 m.m.m., and each side 97'808 m.m.m. The stem, which had the left-handed xl arrangement of the fronds, was growing at the edge of a ditch, amongst a mass of briars, being half buried in the earth, and directed downwards : the joints of the stem were unusually elongated. It is probable that the plant was in an abnormal, perhaps in a diseased condition. The two-edged form of the apical cell, and the bilinear arrangement of the fronds, of Fleris aquilina, have been already observed upon. The same coincidence is always met with (as far as present observations extend) in NijjJiohohs rupestris and N. Lingua, in Poli/podinm ptinctu- lattim, P. cymatodes, and P. aitreum, and very frequently in P. viilr/are and Dryopferis. The determination of the cell-succession in the apical region of the leaf-buds of phccnogamous plants is attended with considerable difficulties. The minuteness of the ele- mentary organs is the least obstacle ; a more formidable one, especially in the Coniferae and Dicotyledons, is the very early occiuTence of rapid and vigorous multiplication of the secondary cells of the flat end of the bud. It is not always that the terminal cell of the bud can be ascertained with certainty. Where however this w^as done the form of this cell corresponded with the phyllotaxis ; it was two- edged in the grasses (/S'r-cfl'/e cereale, Phrafjinifes arimdinaced) and in species of Iris ; and often of the same shape in trees with decussate leaves {Acer, Fraxinus, Cupressus). Here 240 HOFMEISTER, ON however cases occurred, though less frequently, of tri- angular upper surfaces with a very acute apical angle. These irregularities possibly depend upon the fact of the occurrence in each internocle of a gradual ti'ansposition, a deviation of about 90°, of those septa of the apical cell of the bud, which are turned towards the surfaces of the leaves. Trees with imperfect 3-numeral phyllotaxis always ex- hibited three-sided apical cells with one shorter edge. In Ttohinia Pseiidacacia (phyllotaxis |) the following measure- ments occmTcd : — The base of the triangle. 9.9288 m.m.m. 10.121 „ 9.875 „ One of the sides. 15.4448 = 1 : 1.555 1G.2936 = 1 : 1.6891 15.9975 = 1 : 1.62 Mean = 1 : 1.634 This result corresponds as nearly with the relation re- quired by calculation, viz. 1 : 1'618, as could be expected, considerino; the errors in measurement likely to arise from the minuteness of the objects. Even if the first of the above measurements may not be attributed to the dis- placement of the apical cell between two divisions, it would only be necessary to introduce a correction of about 5^0 millimeter in the first, and the same in the second (where the proportion is too large), in order to make the observed measurements correspond with the calculated ones. The following are farther measurements of apical cells : — Base. Side. Relation of the two. Pinus Jbies, phyllotaxis -i^ turned to M.M.M. M.M.M. the right 13.79 18.7544 = 1 : 1.36 15.8569 21.5124 = 1 : 1.3566 „ „ „ ^ turned to tlie right ..... 14.6174 20.4192 = 1 : 1.397 Pinus Balsamea, phyllotaxis -i-^ turned to the right 13.8451 19.0302 = 1 : 1.375 14.3416 19.488 = 1 : 1.359 13.5422 18.4615 = 1 : 1.363 Zamia longifolia, phyllotaxis ^^^j turned to tlie right 27.58 38.612 = 1 : 1.4 TUE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 241 The first division — at right angles to the free outer sur- face — of the cells of the second degree oi Asjndium fllix-mas and A. spinulosum is produced sometimes by a septum parallel to the front surface, i. e., the surface by which the cell of the second decree is connected with the cell of the first degree (PL XXVII^ fig. 2, PI. XXXII, fig. 4), and some- times by a longitudinal septum meeting the front wall at an angle of about 70° (PL XXVII, fig. 1). In the former case the second mode of division follows upon the first, in the latter case the first mode of division follows upon the second ; the final result is the same in both cases. The further divisions of the cells of the terminal bud are subject to not less stringent rules. The tendency to transform the zigzag line of succession of the generations of cells resulting from each cell of the second degree into an uniformly ascend- ing spiral line, manifests itself especially in the frequent occurrence of three-jointed groups of cells which originate in the following manner — the septum produced in a cell of the outer sm-face is parallel to no one of the side walls, but cuts tAYO of the side walls of the mother cell which form an edge, in such manner that the latter is divided into a smaller daughter-cell with a three-sided outer wall, and a larger cell with a four-sided outer wall. The latter cell is divided again by a septum almost at right angles to the one last formed. Instead of one cell of the n*'' degree there are now three : one of the ^^ and two of M^*^ degree. The cell-succession of the terminal bud, and the form of the terminal cell which is possibly the result not the cause of such cell-succession, are manifestations of the same power of growth, by which the aiTangement of the fronds on the axis is determined. After long extended and often re- peated observations of the attendant circumstances, the conclusion will not be premature, that the power by which the form of the growing portions of plants is determined, is manifested in the details of the cell-multiphcation by so much the less in proportion as the organs in question are composed of a greater number of cells. The main direc- tions in which the cell-multiplication takes place are fixed : the number however and mode of succession of the cell- 16 242 HOFMEISTER, ON divisions in these directions varies within rather wide limits.* The younger portions of the bud of Aspidiiim filix-mas are enveloped in transparent mucilage as is usually the case wätli all huds.f Owing to the very imperfect exclusion of the outer air from the terminal bud of this fern, in which the punctum vegetationis is only covered Ijy the connivent scales of the older parts, this mucilage is often partly dried up, and forms a structureless membrane, granular on the outside, covering the top of the bud ; precisely similar to that which is seen on the youngest parts of the fronds of Anthoceros. j In order to obtain a clear view of the top of the bud it is necessary to remove this membrane, wdiich is a laborious and uncertain operation. The small scales (whose development differs in no essen- tial particulars from that of the similar organs in Niplio- holiis riq)estris to which w^e shall afterwards refer), make their appearance on the terminal bud veiy far above the point at w^hich the cellular increase of the stem in thickness tenninates, but never above the place of origin of the youngest frond (PL XXVI, fig. 14; PI. XXXII, fig. 4). This holds good in Aspidium as well as in Pteris, Poly- podium, &c. According to Nägeli's definition of leaves and hairs, § the scales would undoubtedly belong to the former, as I also formerly assumed to be the case.|| On the other hand a conclusive method of distinguishing * This conclusion is the same as that which I arrived at on a former occa- sion from observations on Isoetes (see vol. ii of the 'Abhandl. der K. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss.' p. IGl). The statement there made, that all the septa — turned in one of the three directions — of the apical cells of the three-furrowed Isoeteae are at right angles to a plane passing through tliat indentation of the stem which is nearest to them, is too positive aud general. Nevertheless the obser- vations, the number of which was limited by the paucity of the materials, certainly show, that all the septa seen were turned towards one of the indenta- tions ; no one of them was turned towards the space intermediate between two indentations. This fact may have some connexion with the high ratios of the numbers representing the phyllotaxis of those species of Isoetes. f See 'Vergl. Unters.,' p. 82, note. % See 'Vergl. Unters.,' PI. i, figs. 8, 9. § • Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Botanik.,' Heft 3, 4, p. 185. Tlie leaf is formed on the outside at the top of the stem, close under the apical cell, before the growtli iu thickness by peripheral cell-formation is ended The luiir, &c., is formed on the outside on an epidermal cell by growth of the latter after the termination of the peripheral cell-formation. II 'Vergl, Unters.,' p. 87. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 243 between the two is arrived at, if the difference between hairs and leaves is sought for in the facts that the youngest hairs are never seen below the first visible rudiments of the leaves, and that leaf- formation on the axis always precedes the formation of hairs. By trusting to these characters the observer will never be in doubt, in any case where the axis of the plant exhibits both these forms of appendicular organs. The scales of ferns therefore, as well as the hairs in the buds of mosses and liverworts, fall under the definition of hairs, and the fronds consequently under that of leaves.* The formation of a frond commences thus — one of the superficial cells of the terminal bud, distant from the next older frond by the angle of divergence of the frond-arrange- ment increases in size, and becomes arched outwards in a papillate manner (PL XXVII, fig. 4; PI. XXXII, fig. 4). In this cell there commences a series of divisions which are repeated continually in the apical cell by means of septa tmiied to the right and left towards the future margins of the frond. The secondary cells multiply in all three directions more vigorously on the hind surface of the frond, so that the latter is converted into a somewhat slender cone bent over towards the fore part. Septa are now produced in the apical cell, turned towards the fore and hind surfaces of the frond, and alternating with others turned towards the lateral margins. The fiu:ther formation of the frond, the development of its blade, takes place in the manner pointed out in l^teris aquiUna. In the mature plant of Aspidium filix-mas roots (as we have already said) are no longer formed on the stem itself, but exclusively on the protuberant swollen portion of the * Two of the main grounds formerly adduced to prove that the scales were of the nature of leaves, and the fronds of the nature of branches, have been set aside. Kuuze's statement, that the delicate bodies, resembling the fronds of Trichomaues, found at the base of the stipes of Hemitelia capoisis are transformed scales, is erroneous, as lias been already observed. They have nothing in common with scales as may be seen at once by the examination even of a dead stem. The course of the vascular bundle within them is con- clusive to show that they have been formed in the earliest stage of the frond, even before the commencement of the formation of the blade of the latter. I have latterly arrived at a very clear view of the growth in the Ophioglossea;. I formerly thought that it must be considered to consist of a successive series of adventitious buds. I now find that the Ophioglosseae agree essentially with the Polypodiacese. 244 HOFMEISTER, ON stipes. They originate here from the vascular bundles which run on the hind side of the stipes, parallel to the longitudinal ridges of the latter. Usually two roots are formed on each stipes. Every longitudinal and transverse section of the root-cell of the first degree appears triangular. Its form is that of a low three-sided pyramid. It divides by means of a concave septum turned towards its slightly convex basal surface, and by this means lenticular cells are formed, each of which becomes the mother-cell of two of the cap-shaped cellular layers of the root-cap. The len- ticular cell divides by longitudinal septa into four cells standing cross- wise (PI. XXVII, fig. 10), after which trans- verse septa are formed. In the middle of the circiüar cellular layer, the further division by longitudinal septa occurs more rapidly and more frequently than at the edges, by which means the cellular surface assumes its cap -like shape. Between the older of these cellular layers, whose outer walls become very much thickened, intercellular spaces filled with air make their appearance ; this is the first commencement of the falling ofl* of the cellular layers of the root-cap, which decay by degrees from the outside. Each division which is produced by means of a concave septum turned towards the basal surface of the cell of the first degree, is followed by three divisions of the latter, by means of septa successively parallel to each of its three lateral sm^faces. The three cells of the second degree thus formed, and which stand in a triangle, divide by means of longitudinal and transverse septa, the division being more active in that portion of them which is more distant from the longitudinal axis of the root. The short-celled tissue here formed becomes the cortical layer, whose early growth is afterwards overtaken by the rapid longitudinal expansion of the axile cellidar tissue of the root during the transfor- mation of the latter into the central vascular bundle.^ It is only in very rare instances that the terminal bud of the stem, of Jspidiumßlioj-mas di\ideshj true forking of the * In consequence of my having examined sections M^liich were not truly axile, I was led to assume that the lenticular cells of the interior of the root of Equisetum variegatum [^ Vergl. Unters.,' pi. xviii, fig. -S), as well as the primary cells of cue of the layers of the root-cap, were root-cells of the first degree. THE HIGHEll CRYPTOGAMIA. 245 punctum vegetationis. The multiplication of shoots by means of adventitious buds is proportionably more frequent. These buds always originate on the back of the stipes, at the place where the protuberant swelling of the latter passes off into the more slender upper portion. After the removal from the stipes of the thick covering of scales, the earliest conditions of the adventitious buds may be seen in the form of a disk surrounded by an annular fiUTOw and having a slight protuberance at its middle point which represents the apex of the new axis in process of formation. Somewhat later, other protuberances, being the rudiments of fronds, are seen, arranged in a circle round the central one (PI. XXVII, fig. 5). Whilst on the mother- plant the new shoot begins to send forth roots independently (PL XXVII, fig. 6). The vascular bundles which pass to it from the vascular bundles of the frond on which it is produced, unite at its place of attachment so as to form a closed ring from which their distribution in knots answering to the insertions of the fronds commences (PI. XXVII, fig. 7). Such adventitious buds are formed on vigorous plants in fertile habitats at about every twelfth frond, and much more frequently in plants growing in dry situations.* Aspidium spinulosum comports itself in all its parts like AspidiuM filiöß-mas. The adventitious buds are here met with very near the base of the stipes. The scales bear at their apices, and frequently also on the teeth of the margin, very swollen, oval, or pear-shaped cells with mucilaginous contents ; a phenomenon which is also seen in Aspidium Oreopteris, Asplenitim ßlix-femina, StrutJiiopteris germanica and other fems. Asphnium ßlix-femina ; Asplenium Bellanfferi; StrutJiiop- teris germanica ; Nep/irotepis undulata ; Nephrolepis splen- dens. — The above-named ferns agree entirely in the principal features of vegetation, viz., in the form and mode of multi- plication of the cells of the terminal bud ; in the position of the frond- cells of the first degree with regard to the apical cell of the terminal bud ; and in the arrangement of the * It is probable that Scbleiden had these buds in view -when he spoke of this fern as haviug axillary buds (' Gruudziige ' 2 Aufl., vol. ii, p. 87), which in Js2ndium ßlix-mas, as in all European ferns, are absolutely unknown. 246 HOFMEISTER, ON vascular bundles in the stem. Asplenium ßlix-femina is distinguisliable by the more slender form of the terminal bud, the growth of which in thickness terminates at the fourth set of cells, (reckoning doAAiiwards and sideways from the apical cell), the produce of one of the cells of the second degree, so that the frond-less apex of the stem is elevated considerably above the earliest rudiments of the fronds (PL XXXIII, fig. 2). A further peculiarity of this plant is that only one vascular bundle enters each stipes from the upper angle of each knot of vascular bundles. For a con- siderable distance this bundle is simple ; it then divides into two, and further up into several strings. The status which in Aspidmm ßlix-mas only occurs Avhilst the plant is young, that is to say only in the one year old plant, is main- tained here during its whole life. Underneath the place where the vascular bundle of the stipes exhibits its first ramification, one root is normally produced ; each frond has only one, which is developed in a plane passing through the median line of the frond. This circumstance greatly facilitates the investigation of the earliest stages. In well- made longitudinal sections, close outside the rudimentary vascular bundle of the frond, there may be seen the primary cell of the appurtenant root, by the multiplication of which in the manner pointed ont in Aspidi um fUx-vias, the root-cap and the permanent cylindrical portion of the root are pro- duced (PI. XXXIII, figs. 4, 5). The tissue of both halves of the growing root, as well as the cells of the root-cap, are, whilst in this early state, in intimate parenchymatal con- nexion Avith the cortical cells of the stipes. Afterwards, shortly before breaking forth from the hind surface of the stipes, the boundary between the root-cap and the cells be- fore it becomes sharply defined (PI. XXXIII, fig. 6) with- out however any rupture of the tissue, or the appearance of any inter-cellular space. The few cellular layers of the stipes anterior to the apex of the young root, are gradually displaced and dissolved, not broken through ; the cuff- like margin, which is formed from the cellular tissue of the mother-portion of the plant, and which is so remarkable on the adventitious roots of many Monocotyledons, is wanting here. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 247 Adventitious buds are very rare in Asplenium filix- femina; it would seem that they never occur when the plant is growing naturally. HoAvever at the base of the stipes of a frond which had been torn off and kept for some time in a closed bottle in moist air, I saw adventitious buds produced underneath the place of attachment of the roots (PL XXXIII, fig. 1). On the other hand the forking of the apex of the stem by division of the frond-less terminal bud is in this fern quite a normal process ; it is the usual asexual mode of multiplication of the plant which it woiüd seem occurs at tolerably regular intervals. The observer will seldom fail to find the bifurcation of the stem in old plants ; specimens often occur with from four to nine heads. In Stndhiopteris germanica'^ the formation of numerous adventitious shoots is added to the other peculiarities already mentioned.! As in Aspidiimi spinidosum, they originate on the outside, at the base of the stipes, close above its in- sertion into the stem. The first commencement of their formation occurs unusually early, long before that of the blade of the frond. In their first development they are directed obliquely downwards (PI. XXXIII, figs. 7, 8). The copious production of adventitious buds on all parts, even on the ramification of the blade of the frond, is very remarkable in Asplenium Bellangeri. The mode of develop- ment is essentially the same as in Aspidium ßUos-mas. Here also the new shoots do not originate in the interior of the tissue of that portion of the plant which produces them, but outside, on its outer surface. It is well known that the species of Nephrolepis send forth long thin runners, whose ends, in Nephrolepis undu- lata and N. tuberosa, swell into knobs. | The stolons originate from adventitious buds, which are produced apparently on the stem, at that part of the base of the frond which amalgamates with, and forms a bark to the stem (PL XXXIV, fig. 3). The nmners are one third of a line thick, and sparingly clothed with pale yellow scales ; * On the distribution of the vascular bundles, see Schacht, ' Pflanzenzelle,' PL XV, fig. 3—6. f See Braun, * Verjiinguns:,' p. 115. X Kunze, 'Bot. Zeit.,'' 1849, p. 881. 248 HOFMEISTER, ON they root here and there, and are traversed by a vascular bundle. The apical cell of the terminal bud is always two-sided in N. undulata. On the thicker stolons of N. splendens it appears to be frequently three-sided. In N. undidata it first assumes this form when the apex of the runner begins to form a knob. Within the swelling mass of parenchyma the central vascular biuidle, which has hitherto been simple, becomes branched (PI. XXXIV, fig. I). The bundles are henceforth arranged in a circle concentrical with the periphery of the knob. As far as my observations extend, the vegetation of the terminal bud ceases with the complete formation of the knob, which is about an inch long.* The arrange- ment of the cells admits of the observation of their mode of ceU-multiplication, if followed out in the same manner as in the end of the stem of Aspidium filix-mas. The con- tents of the cells, as well as those of the numerous rudi- ments of withering scales by which they are surrounded, become transparent. The knob sends forth fresh adventiti- ous buds, which originate in numbers on its lateral surfaces (Fl. XXXIV, fig. 2). Soon after the development of these shoots the knob decays. PoJi/podmm, Niphohohs. — The species of Niphobolus, which I have examined {N. rupesiris and N. chi/iensis), as well as several foreign species of Polypodium {aiireum,piincia- tum, ct/mafodes), all exhibited the two-edged form of apical cell answering to the bi-linear frond-arrangement. In Poly- podium vulgare it was otherwise. Here the terminal bud, when viewed from above, exhibits sometimes the form of the cell of the first degree and the arrangement of its next deriva- tives as in Aspidium filix-mas (PI. XXXIV, fig. C) ; some- times (and most frequently) the two-edged form of the upper siu-facc of the apical cell (PI. XXXIV, fig. 5) ; sometimes forms which may be looked upon as intermediate between the two, inasmuch as the free outer wall of the cell of the first degree has the shape of a triangle, whose sides are more than three times the length of the base. Deviations from the typical bi-linear frond-arrangement are not un- * This is opposed to Kunze's statement. He describes the further develop- ment of the apex of the bud, 1. c., p. 883. THE IlIGHKR CRYPTOGAMTA. 249 common in this species. They occur very frequently in plants which grow in places having a comparatively small amount of moisture, as is the case usually in an open plain. The frond-arrangement oscillates unsteadily be- tween ^ and ^. Similar deviations occur in Folypodium Dryopteris. The walls, by whose appearance in the first cell of the rudimentary frond the formation of the stipes commences, are radial, not tangential to the axis of the stem (PI. XXXIV, fig. 4), agreeing in this respect with those of Aspidium ßlix-mas, and differing from those of Pteris aquilina. At the slender ends of the stems of Niphobolus rupestris and N. splendens, the development of the scales may be very conveniently traced. This development takes place at some little distance underneath the apical cell of the stem. The formation of the scales begins at a distance of eight cells from the top, reckoning downwards, by the formation of a papillate protuberance of the free outer wall of a cell of the circumference (PI. XXXII, fig. 9). The pro- tuberance is soon cut off from the original cell-cavity by a transverse septum. The appearance of a new transverse septum then divides the cell, which is already much flattened laterally, into an upper and a lower cell (PI. XXXII, fig. 10). Repeated transverse divisions, not only of the apical cell, but also of the interstitial cells (PI. XXXII, figs. 11, 12), transform the rudimerit of the frond into a short series of low cells with an elliptical basal surface. The phenomena which become visible from these divisions, and especially the gradual dissolution of the prmiary nucleus of the divid- ing cell and the appearance of two new nuclei in its place, are precisely the same as those which are observed in the nuütiplication of the cells of the hairs of pliaenogamous plants (PI. XXXII, fig 11). The cells of the lower portion of the young frond now . divide by longitudinal septa which coincide Avith the me- dian line of the frond. These longitudinal septa are per- pendicular to the surface of the frond, like the walls of almost all the cells which take part in the formation of the scales of ferns. The division progresses from the base of the frond towards its apex, extending in Niphobolus ru- 250 HOFMEISTEll, ON pestris to about the sixth, in N. splendens as far as the third cell from the apex, reckoning backwards. The upper- most cells of the frond, those into which the above division does not extend, now expand considerably lengthwise, the expansion commences with the apical cell and the others follow step by step (PL XXXII, figs. 13, 14). The termination of the multiplication of these cells is mani- fested by the thickening of their walls, and by their con- tents becoming transparent. On the other hand a partial, very considerable multiplication, ensues in the remaining cells of the frond. It is most considerable in the cells at the base, where the divisions by means of septa at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the frond are most fre- quently repeated, alternating with divisions parallel to such axis. The activity of the cell-multiplication dimi- nishes continuously towards the apex of the frond. The divisions first cease in the cells of the upper half of the frond, wdiich become elongated at the earliest period and to the greatest extent. The division of the cells of the frond by means of septa parallel to the longitudinal axis, appears not to be contemporaneous ; it is repeated oftener, and 'extends nearer to the apex of the frond in one longitu- dinal moiety of the frond than in the other (PI. XXXIII, fig. 8). Owing to the gradual increase in breadth of the base of the fi'ond, its cells in Niphoholus rupestris, Nephrolepis splendens^ and Polypodhim aureiim, do not amalgamate with the cells of the circumference of the stem with which they are in contact. The place of attachment of the frond does not become wider, and moreover consists, even when the frond is perfected, of only two cells, which have been produced by the division by means of a longitudinal septum of the luidermost cell of the rudiment of the frond. The cells of the free margin of the base of the frond nudti ply actively in many species (as for instance in Niphobolus rupestris and TV. splendens), through division by means of septa parallel to a tangent to the circumference ; those cells which adjoin the place of attachment of the frond and the angle of the lateral margins multiplying less actively than those between them. The base of the frond thus becomes THE HIGHER CllYPTOGAMI A. 2.~>1 heart-shaped. The cells of the place of attachment, and often also those near it, divide, when the frond is almost perfect, by means of septa parallel to the surface of the frond (PI. XXXIV, fig. 7). The cells of the lateral margins of the leaf often grow into delicate little teeth, which are usually curved backwards. Scales which run through all the stages of development here represented are found not only on the principal axis of the plant but also on the lower portion of the frond. In the greater number of ferns the bases of the fronds exhibit scales at least in their youth. The arrangement of the scales both on the principal axes and on the fronds is governed by well-defined rules.* The reason why the arrangement is often undistinguishable on the fronds is that after the last important longitudinal expansion of the stipes individual scales fall off" abnoruially much earlier than the neighbouring ones. In the earliest stages of Polypodium vulgare scales are found whose almost circular forui indicates the tendency to assume the shape of a shield which is ultimately arrived at by the exuberant growth of the hinder margin, in which growth those daughter-cells take part which are derived from the primary cell, which after numerous divisions by means of longitudinal septa has become the attachment-cell (PL XXXIV, fig. 7). The separation of the vascular bundles from the rest of the tissue of the stem, and the formation of roots from them, take place as in Aspidium and Pteris. In Foly- podium vulgare, as in Poh/podium aureum, the vascular bun- dles run off" into a cylindrical annular net of meshes, which have no immediate relation to the insertions of the fronds, f Platycerium Alcicorne. — The first frond of the germ- plant is erect and fleshy, having the shape of a spatula, and being slightly bent over behind. It is clothed with the stellate hairs characteristic of the plant, and has but few scales. The latter are more abundant on the young * For instance, on the principal axis and fronds of Niphoholns ckinensis the arrangement is fij. The regularity of the arrangement is beautifully shown on tiie procumbent stem of Poli/podium aureum by the little depressions, of which each one indicates the place where a scale has been attached. t See V. Mohl, 'Vermischte Schriften,' p. 115. 252 HOFMEISTER, ON stem, and are remarkable for their rapid development, especially in thickness, even in the early youth of the plant. The fronds which follow the first frond differ rcmarkahl}^ in form, direction, and strncture. Their ontline is circular or rcniform ; they are developed in a horizontal direction, bending backwards and downwards to such an extent from the point of attachment, that they touch the base of the plant. Their thickness far exceeds that of the upright frond; their vascular bundles lie, not in one, but in two planes parallel to the surfaces of the frond. These bundles form two many-meshed nets, one close under the upper side, and the other inmiediately above the lower side of the frond ; the two net-works are united in many places by frequent ramifications which pass through the mass of the frond in a transverse direction. When the plant has attained a certain amount of vigour, erect fronds are again formed, which hang over gracefully, and exhibit slightly spreading forks upon which spo- rangia sometimes appear. After six or eight such erect fronds have been produced, a pair of simple fronds is de- veloped, one on the right and the other on the left of the stem. These latter fronds curve downwards. All the fronds, as well the thick flat recurved ones as also those which are slender and erect, are arranged accurately in two lines ; this is seen clearly by cutting through the fronds as ftU- back as the primary place of attachment. The direction of the frond-arrangement, judged by reference to the mode of succession of tAvo neighbouring flat fronds, is sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left. A bud is usually formed deep down on the hinder side of the stipes of each of the erect fronds. This bud, when laid bare by the re- moval of the flat frond which forms a thick covering over it, becomes developed into an independent plant. It is not difficult to conjecture the part which the thick recurved fronds play in the economy of the plant. They prevent the drying up of the place of growth. The thick covering which they form causes that portion of the bark of the trunk of the tree upon which the fern grows, to be retentive of moisture. Those species of the same genus whose fronds spread over the smface of the ground, — thns THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 253 forming a wide covering over the places of attachment of the older fronds and the gronnd beneath as in Plaiyceruim grande, — are entirely devoid of the irregularly-shaped, fleshy, recurved frond. The vascular bundles of the horizontal stem are arranged in a simple circle (PI. XXXIV, figs. 8, 9) ; they form on the upper side a polygonal net, and on the under side a net with very narrow, parallel meshes. The arrangement of the meshes in both nets is shown in PI. XXXIV, figs. 10, 11. The vasciüar bundles pass to the fronds from the angles of the meshes of the upper side. These bun- dles anastomose frequently in the cortical layer of the upper side of the stem. The vascular bundles of the roots originate at the upper and lower terminal points of the narrow meshes of the under side of the stem, the roots themselves being arranged in transverse rows. Roots very frequently penetrate into the substance of the decayed flat fronds, where they ramify considerably. The cortical layer of cellular tissue which smTounds the central vascular bundle of the root, exhibits an anatomical peculiarity, having a remarkable analogy with what is seen in the epiphytal Orchids and the Aroiclese. The walls of its cells, which become brown at an early period, are thickened by a net-work of filaments. Narrow flat de- pressions are seen between the very delicate threads of the net (PI. XXXIV, figs. 12, 12*). The outermost cellular layer of the root of Platycerium, from which rootlets are emitted, has the depressions, but not the reticulate threads. The apical cell of the end of the stem of Plaff/cerium cdcicorne is two-edged, having the form of a strongly-com- pressed cone. The arrangement of the surrounding cells discloses the fact that the multiplication of the cells of the terminal bud is brought about by the continuously repeated formation in the cell of the first degree of septa inclined in two opposite directions. A parabolical line drawn through the middle point of the places of insertion of all the younger fronds, cuts the upper smface of the apical cell of the stem, not in its shortest but in its longest diameter. The top cells of the young fronds have their edges, and not their surfaces, turned towards the ends of the stem, whose apical PLEASE CO NOT SOIL, MAMR 251 HOFMEISTER, ON cell turns its own edges towards them. These facts are directly contrary to what occurs in Pteris aquilina, but on the other hand they agree with what takes place in the Polypodiese. Marattia Cicutcefolia.^ — The flat terminal bud of this fern exhibits, when viewed from above, a three-sided apical cell as in Aspid'mm filix-mas. Longitudinal sections show a very oblique arrangement of the side walls of the apical cell and of the neighbouring cells. The rudiments of the young fronds surround the flat conical end of the stem in a spiral. The latest formed have the appearance of sharply conical protuberances of cellular tissue flattened in front, hardly distinguishable from the first rudiments of the fronds of the larger Polypodiaceae. In consequence of its increased longitudinal groAvth the top of the young frond bends over in front. Dming this process the stipula makes its appearance, in the first in- stance at the fore surface of the yomig frond, in the shape of a transverse protuberance (PL XXXIII, fig. 11). Shortly afterwards a membranous cellular mass grows in a forward direction out of each of the lateral margins of the rudiments of the frond. Those surfaces of the two cellular masses which are turned towards the protuberance of the fore-side, amalgamate with the side margins of the latter (PI. XXXIII, figs. II, 12). The fore margins of the two lateral lobes of the stipula remain free. In consequence of their rapid further development they almost entirely en- velope the younger portions of the stem-bud. In the mean time the upper margins of the two lateral portions of the stipula grow rapidly and vigorously upwards and back- * De Vriesc and llartings Monograpli of tlie Marattiaceae (Lcyde et Dussel- dorf, 1S53, pp. 49 and 51) contains statements as to the development of the fronds of tlie Marattiaccre, which, if correct, sliow that the process is very peculiar. It is there said, " Tlie formation of each frond is preceded by tliat of its Perula. ... It covers even tlie younger fronds partially. . . . The cellular ))rotuberance, in the form of which the younger frond makes its appearance laterally near the terminal bnd, consists in Angiopteris originally of cells of equal size, and of equal capacify for multiplication. The outer cells grow and multiply more rapidly, in consequence of which they separate from tiic inner ones. The former constitutes the membranous portion of the Ferula, the latter that of the fronds." My observations on Maral I'm ricuttrfoUa, from which in this respect Angiopteris certaiidy docs not differ, lead to entirely diflcreut conclusions. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 255 wards. Tliey assume a cap-like form, and laying hold of one another they envelope the apex of the rudiments of the frond, which now for the first time slowly elongates itself (PL XXXIII, figs. 15-19). Thus the rudimentary Ferula is formed in all its parts, but nevertheless as an organic closed veil : its principal portion, viz., the two membranous lobes which enclose the involute frond, con- sists of two entirely distinct moieties overlapping one another and leaving a wide opening at the place where they impinge upon that part of the stipula which has origi- nated from the fore surface of the rudiment of the frond (PL XXXIII, fig. 19). By further development this trans- verse portion of the stipula becomes divided at the upper margin into two cellular surfaces, one of which is bent backwards over the involute special frond, the other for- wards over the rudiments of the younger fronds. By fur- ther advance in growth all the parts of the stipula, especially the basal portions, are developed to a great degree, so as to form a tissue of considerable extent, of a dark red coloilr on the outside and rose red within, and traversed by an intricate complication of numerous vascular bundles and passages containing gummy matter. The cells of this tissue abound with large starch-grains. Even now, how- ever, no amalgamation takes place anywhere between the hitherto distinct portions of the stipula. The development of the scales and roots of Marattia differs in no material respect from that of the Polypodiacese. The root-cell of the first degree appears three-sided both in a longitudinal and in a transverse section of the root. It is generally known amongst gardeners that fragments of the fleshy adventitious fronds of the Marattiacese can be used to produce new individuals. In Marattia cicutafolia this mode of reproduction maybe practised with exceeding facility. The stipules, even of the most slender fronds, of specimens grown in the same manner only a few months pre- viously, may be employed for the experiment. If these stipules be cut into pieces about half a square inch in size, and simply placed in a stoppered bottle, adventitious buds, produced at some of the numerous vascular bundles, will be seen in ten or twelve weeks to break through the bark of 256 HOFMEISTER, ON the fragments of the stipules. Tlie first fronds of these shoots have no lamina ; they are entirely stipulseform. Developinoit of the fruit and spores. — Although much variety exists in the process of formation of those organs of ferns which surround and cover the sori, ne- vertheless the development of the capsules of the Poly- podiaceae exhibits, as far as present observations extend, a marked uniformity. At the place of attachment of the sorus the rudiments of the capsules are developed (contemporaneously with the appearance of the indusium where the latter is present), under the form of short multi- cellular hairs. The terminal cell of each swells to a globular form, and, by the effect of a series of cell-divisions, assumes the form of a body consisting of a single central cell and a peripheral cellular layer. The central cell is the primary mother-cell of the spores. By division in all three direc- tions of space it is transformed into a globular mass of polyhedral cells — the spore-mothor-cclls — the walls of which become somewhat thickened. Whilst the internal cavity of the young sporangium becomes enlarged by the expansion of the peripheral layer, the walls of the spore-mother-cells swell, and the latter become disconnected, and assume a globular form. They then divide into four special -mother- cells, which in certain species are situated at the angles of a tetrahedron, in others are arranged in a decus- sate manner. A spore is formed in each of these special mother-cells. The membrane of the primary mother-cell is still existent at the time of the commence- ment of the individualization of the spore-mother- cells, and can be detached from the peripheral cellular layer.* This development of the capsule has been observed by Schacht, * Schacht, 'Bot. Zeit.,' 1S49, figs. G, 7. The membrane of the primary mother-cell, like those of the mother -cells, is somewhat distended ; the latter appear to be snspended freely in the former. Schacht was thus led to assume that the mother-cells originated by free cell-formation in the primary mother-cell (I. c, p. 544). Schach t's statement that the nucleus of each primary mother-cell separates by division into four secondary nuclei, is not confirmed by the observations which 1 have made upon Asplcnium filix-femina and Ci/stopleris fragilis. In the former I found at first two secondary nuclei iu the place of the primary one, and afterwards four tertiary ones in the place of the secondary ones. It appeared to me that here also the dissolution of the })riiiK\ry nucleus of the mother-cell preceded the formation of the nuclei in daughter-cells. THE HIGHER CRYPTüGAMIA. 257 in Ptetis serrulata, Aspleninuni F et rar ice, and Scolopendrium oßcinarum ; and by myself in AsjjI. fdlx-femina, and Cydonterls fragilis. H. v. Mold, in 1883, described the development of the spores in special-mother-cells (four being contained in each mother-cell), whose mem- branes possess a remarkable power of distension (see 'Mora,' 1833, B. i; ' AYu'mischte Schriften,' p. 69). In the families of ferns other than the Polypodiacese, few ob- servations have been made. I may remark here, that I have clearly seen a single central cell in very young sporangia of Osmuiida regcdk. In this respect, therefore, ferns seem to agree Avith the rest of the vascular crypto- gams, viz., that a single cell situated in the interior of the young sporangium represents the primary mother- cell of all the spores. Historical Beview. — The reproduction of ferns by means of spores was first pointed out by Morison, who states (' His- toria plantarum,' Oxford, 1699, iii, p. 55) that after sowing the spores oi Scolojjendrium oßcinarum upon moist ground in the shade, he obtained in the following year numberless little plants of the same species, with delicate and at first roundish leaves. Ehrhart first made known with certainty that the production of the perfect fern is preceded by the development of a deeply two-lobed leaf-like body, upon the under side of which, between the indentations and the hinder end, the perfect fern is attached (' Beiträge,' iii, Hanover, 1788, p. 75). For the first accurate micro- scopical investigations of the germination of fern- spores we are indebted to Kaulfuss, who clearly and accurately described the ruptm^e of the outer spore-membrane, the protrusion of the inner one, and the development of the prothalliura ('Das Wesen der Farrn-kraüter,' Halle, 1827, p. 61). The sexual organs of the prothallium entirely escaped his observation, as well as the enclosure of the young embryo in the tissue of the prothallium. The dis- covery of this fact is due to Bischoff" (' Handb. botan. Ter- minologie,' b. ii, Nürnberg, 1842, p. 640), who states that a wart-like excrescence originates on the back of the pro- thallium underneath its indentation, and that out of this excrescence the first frond breaks forth in an upward 17 258 HOFMEISTER, ON direction and the first root downwards, the latter being surrounded at its base by the ruptured membrane of the cellular protuberance, as % a sheath. Upon the plate ex- planatory of this process (1. c, t. 41, fig. 2385) an empty antheridium is shoAvn upon the prothallium, without how- ever any mention of this organ being miide in the text. Two years afterwards Niigeli published the discovery of the antheridia and spermatozoa of the ferns (' Zeitsclu'. f. Avissensch. Bot.,' Zurich, 1844, p. 168). He describes the origin of the antheridium, of the mother-cells of the spermatozoa, and of the spermatozoa themselves, essentially in conformity with the account given in the preceding pages ; he brings clearly forward the similarity of the an- theridia of the ferns with those of the Muscineae and asserts that the antheridia are very probably the male organs, although it remained almost inexphcable to him in what relation they could stand to the impregnation, which he considered only to affect the spores. It is beyond ques- tion that Nageli also observed the archegonia of ferns, but misunderstood them : they are the organs which he describes and figures (1. c, p. 171, t. iv, fig. 11 — 15) as many-jointed antheridia. The real nature of the archegonia was first correctly ascertained by Count Leszyc-Suminski ('Zur Ent- wickelungs-geschichte der Farrn-kräuter,' Berlin, 1848). He pointed out (1. c, p. 13) that the rudiments of the frond- bearing plant always appeared on the underside of one of the archegonia, inside a cavity sunk in the tissue of the cushion of the ]3rothallium, and he assumed that in order to excite the development of this embryo, the entrance of one or more of the spermatozoa was necessary. He ob- served the cilia of the spermatozoa, but did not figure them quite accurately. Suminski's correct conclusions Avere arrived at ])y observations which were to a great extent erroneous. He believed that the archegonium in its yomigest condition, and before its neck protruded above the surface of the prothallium, was open at its apex ; and that at this period the entrance of the spermatozoon into the central cell took place, He called the latter the cavity of the germinal vesicle and its nucleus the germinal vesicle itself. He considered that the longitudinal development THE HIGHER CRYPTO GAMI A. 259 of the neck of the archegoniuni and the closing of its mouth did not take place until after the entrance of the sperma- tozoa. According to his view one of those spermatozoa which had first effected an entrance into the archegoninm then penetrated with its pointed end into the embiyo-sac which in the mean time had become multicellular; the pointed end then became SAvollen and converted into a spherical cell which gradually displaced the tissue of the embryo-sac, formed new cells in its interior, and thus con- stituted the embryo. He thought that the spermatozoa which had entered the archegoninm at an early period, and which had not aided in the formation of the embryo but had reached the canal of the neck, were there trans- formed into the worm-shaped masses which I have pointed out as the product of the transformation of the cells of the axile string of the neck of the archegoninm. From the erroneous notion entertained by Suminski as to the de- velopment of the archegoninm, it is quite clear that his observations upon the entrance of the spermatozoa into the central cell must be founded on a misconception, and that he ne^^er really saw the spermatozoa enter the archegoninm at all. His idea of the formation of an endosperm in the embryo-sac is founded upon an incorrect arrangement of the different stages of development which he olDserved; the body which he designates as endosperm, as " multicellular parenchyma filling the embryo- sac," is in fact the young embryo. L. Suminski first observed the cilia of the fore- end of the spermatozoa, but did not draAV them quite cor- rectly (1. c, t. ii, figs. 20, 21). Thuret gave the first accurate figures of them (' Ann. d. Sc. Nat.,' 3rd ser., vol. xi, p. 5). A succession of works by other observers fol- lowed quickly upon the publication of Leszyc-Suminski's treatise. First came Wigand in the ' Bot. Zeitung,' for 1849. He disputed most of the statements of his prede- cessor, even those which were quite accurate, such as the constant occurrence of the cavity (of the central cell) beneath the free portion of the archegoninm (1. c, p. 78) ; the regularity of the pressure of the neck of the arche- goninm upon that layer of the tissue of the prothallium which covers the enclosed young embryo (1. c, p. 77, 106) ; 260 HOFMEISTER, ON tlie iioniial concealuient of tlie young embryo in llie tissue of the prothallium (1. c, p. 106), and even the possibility of the access of the spermatozoa to the archegonia (1. c, p. 78). On the other hand in the ' Bot. Zeitung,' for 1849, p. 796, I have given my opinion confirmatory of the principal point in L. Suminski's statements, viz., the regular development of a young plant in the interior of one of the organs called Ovula by L. Suminski. I added that the parting asunder of the four longitudinal rows of cells which form the neck of the archegonium, is the cause of the opening of the passage which leads to the large cell at the bottom of the female organ, and that Suminski's " En- dosperm " is in fact the young plant. At the same time I called attention to the facts that the antheridia and archeo;onia of mosses exhibit in their structure the most striking similarity to the like organs in ferns, and that the development of the embryo of the vascular cryptogams coincides in its principal features with that of the fruit in mosses, inasmuch as in both those large groups of plants the fruit is not developed in a continuous course of vegeta- tion from the germination of the spore, but in both families the development suffers a discontinuance ; in an organ which has essentially the same structure in both families, a cell originates, in Avhich, after exposure to the access of spermatozoa, an independent cellnlar body is formed, mor- phologically distinct from the mother-plant, upon mIucIi the mosses are dependent for the development of their fruit only, Ijut to which the ferns owe by far the most im- portant part of tliei]- vegetative growth. In a work which appeared shortly afterwards (' Linna^a,' B. xxii, 1850, p. 753) Schacht also pointed out that the archegonia of ferns are formed just like those of mosses ; that they arc at first closed, and are fnrnishcd at the base Avith a cavity sunk in the tissue of the prothallium, which cavity is in comnuuiica- tion with the canal which traverses the neck of the organ; that in the interior of the cavity, and probably inside a cell clothing the cavity, the emlnyo is formed. Like myself, Schacht considers that the filiform nuicilaginous bodies in- side the closed canal, which L. Suminski looked upon as transformed spcrmntozoa, are tlie })roducts of the transfoj'- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMI.A. 261 Illation of the primary contents of the canal, and that Snminski's endosperm is the embryo (L c. p. 780). On the other hand V. Mercklin's conchision from the exami- nation of the same object (' Beobachtungen am Prothalhum der Farrn-kräuter/ Petersburg, 1850) was more in favour of Suininski's ^ iews. V. jMerckhn also thought that the young arohegonia were open, and believed that he had seen the entrance of spermatozoa into such .young archegonia, and he assumed that it was not until a subsequent period that the apex of the neck of the archegonium became closed (1. c. p. 46). On the other hand he observed correctly the bursting of the apex of the archegonium after its complete formation (1. c. ]). 33) as well as the presence of a globular cell in the central cell (which like Schacht and Suminski he took to 1)6 an intercellular space) before the bursting of the latter (1. c. p. 31). To Y. Mercklin also is due the merit of the first reliable observations of the entrance of the motile spermatozoa into the mouth of the neck of an opened archegonium (1. c. p. 46 in A^pleniutu Serrci). Mettenius ('Beiträge zur Botanik,' Frankfurt 1850, p. 18) arrived at the same results as Schacht and myself. He first pointed out that the development of an archegonium from a cell of the prothallium, commences with the division of this cell into two cells lying underneath one another (1. c. p. 19). In my 'Vergleichende Untersuchungen' Leipzig 1851, p. 81, I added to the account which I had published two years before. The principal points in the literature of the sexual reproduction of ferns received a further confirmation from a paper of Henfrey's in the ' Transactions of the Linnean Society,' vol. xxi, p. 117, 1852. In 1851 I was under the impression that the germinal vesicle of ferns originated by renewed cell-formation round the primary nucleus of the central cell, an error which I corrected in 1854 ('Sitzungsberichte K. Sachs. Gcsellsch. d. Wissen- schaft,' J\Iath. Phys. CI. 1854, p. 54) Avlien reviewing my first observations on the motile spermatozoa in the central cell of the archegonium. In a publication which appeared soon afterwards, Wigand retracted his previous contradic- tions of the statements of other observers, (Botanische Untersuchungen, Braunschweig, 1854, p. 151) so that 26.2 HOFMEISTER, ON botanists are now unanimous upon all the essential points of the question. The anatomy of the stems of ferns (the coiu'se of whose vascular bundles had been supposed to be very similar to that of the monocotyledons) was first clearly explained by H. V. Mohl (de structurä caulic. filic. arbor, in v. INIartius' Icon, plant, cryptog. Brasil. München 1835 ; translated in H. v. Mold's ' Vermischte Schriften/ p. 108). lie pointed out that the closed vascular bundles (which do not increase in thickness after they are first formed) in tree ferns as well as in the herbaceous species form a hollow cylindrical net concentric with the periphery of the stem, whose meshes, in the species with crowded fronds {Jsjjl.ßlix-mas for instance), are arranged with the greatest regularity in the following manner, that is to say ; from the place where each frond is attached to the cyhnder, two bundles pass to the bases of the two next higher fronds, and two to the bases of the two next lower ones. This regularity in the relation between the anastomoses of the vascular bundles and the places of in- sertion of the fronds, docs not occur in the species with distant fronds, such as Poh/poduoii aicreum. The difference between the tree-ferns and the herbaceous species is im- material, depending upon the breadth of the vascular bundle, and the development of the sheaths of the latter out of woody prosenchyma. At the place where a vascular bundle passes into a frond an entire bundle is never found to bend itself outwards for that piu-pose, as is almost always the case in phaenogams, but small ramifications only are sent off into the fronds.* Later obseiTations have not yielded any additional results of importance. Brogniart first made known that the ramification of the stems of ferns is caused exclusively by bifurcation of the extremity (' liistoire des vegetaiLx fossiles,' ii, p. 30), an opinion which has been supported by Stenzel (' Jahresb. Schles. Ges.,' 1857, p. 85), and bymyself.f On the other * Unger's notion of the ferns and tlieir allies as " Phintce acrobri/a " is founded upon this important pecularity ('Uuger Bau und Wachsthum der Dikotjle- doncn-stamen/ Petersburg, ISIO; ' Anat. und Physiol, d. Pfl.,' 1S50, p. 225). t My observations on tliis subjeet which are given in the preceding pages were first published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Sciences of Saxony^ vol. v, p. GO. 1857. THE HIGHER ORYPTOGAMIA. 263 hand, Karsten (' Vegetationsorgane der Palmen,' Berlin, 1847, p. 125), called attention to the definite relation which so often occurs between the ramifications of fern-stems and the insertion of their leaves ; and Mettenius lately en- deavoin*ed ('Al)handl. K. Sachs. Ges. d. AViss./ vol. vii,) to show that no essential difference exists between the mode of ramification of ferns and of the vascnlar crypto- gams generally, and that of phsenogamons plants, inas- nuicli as the ramification of ferns owes its origin to the development of lateral buds, which are normally situated in a definite position with regard to the bases of the leaves. Mettenius draws his conclusions from a number of species of Trichomanes, whose lateral buds he considered to be un- doubtedly situated in the axils of the fronds. He finds even in Hymenophyllum instances of the transition between axillary buds and buds springing from the fore side of the stipes. With these he classes the Davallieae, which exhibit transitions from axillary buds to buds which ori- ginate in front of and underneath the axil. Mettenius finds the buds of PlaU/ceruim alcicorne and of many other species behind and underneath the insertion of the fronds, and in Poh/jwdium vulgare (amongst others,) he finds the bud so far removed from the point of insertion of its own proper frond, that it appears to be opposite the next older one. Mettenius considers these lateral buds to be of the same nature as those found on the stipes of Pteris aquilina and Aspidiiim flix-mas, which I look upon as adventitious buds distinct from the true ramifications of the stem. He adopts Karsten's view, that in Dicksonia, in consequence of a bud of this natui'e being developed at an early period before the development of tlie frond be- longing to it, the frond which originally belonged to the stem is Avithdrawn from the latter, and transferred to the apparently dichotomous ramification of the principal stem. Mettenius also ao-rees with Karsten as to the mode of branching of the stem of Pteris aquilina. If the object of this conception is to point out the essential ao-reement between the ramification of the vas- cular cryptogams and the axile position of the lateral branches of phsenogams, it may be objected that the agree- 264 HOFMEISTER, ON nient in question assumes a very different aspect, if the view suggested by Pringslieim (' Bot. Zeit./ 1853, p. 609), and supported by Irmisch ('Bot. Zeit.,' 1858, p. 492) be adopted. According to this view (which I con- sider correct), all normal ramification rests upon bifurca- tion of the end of the stem above the youngest leaf of the bud, the result of which usually is, that one fork of the branch developes itself more vigorously than the other, and forms the prolongation of the principal axis, whilst the other which is less strongly developed and is displaced side- ways, forms a lateral branch. It is hardly necessary to remark that the existence of a definite relation between the positions of the branches and the leaves is entirely recon- cileable with this view. No supporter of it has denied the fact. In phsenogams the less-developed branch, — which, in consequence of its inferiority of development becomes a lateral branch of the more vigorously developed one, — is usually inserted in the axil of the next lower leaf, but this circumstance is of little importance, inasmuch as no causal connexion is anywhere proved to exist, or as far as we know even suspected, between the anatomical rela- tions of the axil of the leaf and the insertion of the lateral branch. Nothini^ is more certain than that the rudiment of the lateral branch in all cases hitherto examined is formed immediately after the commencement of the formation of the phyllophore, and that the next higher leaf in a vertical direction is first formed at a much later period. The essential difference between the existing opinions relates therefore only to the question whether the dichotomous ramification of fern-stems and the formation of buds at the base of the stipes of ferns are processes of a similar nature ; wdiether both stand in the same relation to the principal axis as the axillary buds of phaenogams. Obser- vation gives immediately a negative answer. The adventi- tious buds which are situated upon the back of the stipes of Aspidium ßJix-mas, as well as those which are inserted lower down in Pterls aqinlina and Struthiopteris, are not formed until the frond has reached a high degree of deve- lopment, a fact quite at variance with the mode of produc- tion of the axilc buds of monocotyledonous or dicoty- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 265 ledonous plants, and of the forked brandies of ferns. I should not adopt the definition given by Mettenius of lateral and adventitious buds. I should call those buds lateral buds, which originate from the naked apex of the stem above the insertion of the youngest leaf, and are thus formed by bifurcation of the end of the stem, whilst owing to their inferiority of development they are pushed aside by the other division of the forked end of the stem. I should call those buds adventitious which make their appearance underneath the insertion of the youngest appen- dicular organ, whether on the outer sm-face or in the interior of the tissue. The term Dichotomy might then be applied to the cases of equal development of the two ends of the fork of the stem. These definitions leave the doctrine of ramification as established by Schimper imtouched. The fact, that in phcenogams that branch of the end of the stems which is situated in the axil of the next lower leaf is usually less vigorously developed than the other one, justifies the assumption, that the cases in which the former is, more vigorously developed than the latter must be looked upon as special instances of ramification. If a comparison be made between the adventitious l)uds of Aspiclium flhv-mas (which are of frequent occurrence), and the early conditions of the bifurcations of the apex of the stem of the same species (which are of rare occurrence), or between the bifurcations of the apex of the stem of Asjplenium fiUx-femina (which are of frequent occurrence), and the adventitious buds at the base of the stipes of the latter plant (which are ofvery rare occurrence), it will be self-evident than in these instances the two things are (piite as distinct as (for example) the bifurcations of the end of the stem of Metzgeria furcata , and the adventitious shoots which are developed from the marginal cells of the flat stem of the latter plant. Upon examining the bifurcations of Aspleniuvi filix- femina whilst in a very early stage of development, after having removed all the older fronds and scales, I found that the two ends of the axis, when viewed from above, presented the appearance of conical protuberances of equal size, each surrounded by the rudiments of only three fronds. 366 HOFMEISTER, ON THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. The arraugement of the fronds in both was antidromal, and in one of them always passed by degrees into that of the older undivided axis, whilst the frond-arrangement of the adventitious shoots of Aspidium ßliv-mas is usually homodi'omous with that of the principal stem, and rarely antidromous to it. With regard to Pteris aquilina the inadmissibility of the views of Karsten and Mettenius is still more manifest. I have seen stems of Pteris aquilina with naked frondless unbranched ends of considerable length, whose youngest branch disclosed no rudiment of a frond. This was the case (amongst many other instances) throughout a length of eight inches in a portion of the end of a stem, and throughout a length of 2^ inches in the youngest branch. This is proof of undoubted bifurcation. The supposition of Mettenius woidd also require that (Avhen the first frond of the sub-axis is inserted on the side turned towards the principal axis) a bud inserted on the hinder edge of the stipes should, by its early development, push away the frond from the principal axis to which it belongs. It would follow also that the front surface of its lamina must be turned towards the latter, or in other words its stipes must exhibit a tension of 180°. Neither of these two circum- stances occurs. Finally a real difference exists betAveen the internal structure of the forked branches of the stem and that of the place of junction of the principal stem with the buds which I have considered as adventitious and seated on the stipes. The former exhibit throughout their entire length the peculiar structure of the stem. Their two axile vas- cular bundles, and the sheaths of the latter, are united immediately with the corresponding portions of the tissue of the principal axis. The tissue on the other hand which lies between the principal axis and the place of origin of an adventitious bud, exhibits the characteristic arrangement of the vascular bundles of the stipes. CHAPTER VIII. EQUISETACEiE. Equisetum arvense, pratense, varie^atum, hyemale, pahisfre, limosum. The growing end of the stem of each shoot of the Equi- setaceae consists of a blunt conical mass of cellular tissue, and projects considerably beyond the place of origin of the youngest leaf. The latter encloses the terminal bud in the form of an annular cushion of uniform height. The next youngest leaves are immediately underneath it, and closely packed together. Their upper margins already exhibit the first indications of the pointed lobes, into which the sheaths which surround the base of each joint of the stem are pro- longed (PL XXXV, figs. 6, 7). The longitudinal growth of the stem* is produced by repeated division of the large apical cell of the terminal bud, which cell is three sided beneath, and sharply pyramidal. The division takes place by means of septa which, following a left-handed spiral direction, are successively parallel to each one of the lateral surfaces (PL XXXV, tigs. 3, 4). The cells of the second degree thus formed divide imme- diately twice over, by means of vertical septa which make acute angles with the lateral surfaces of the cell and pass to its fi*ee outer surface in a gentle curve concave towards these lateral smfaces. That septum is usually formed first which is seated upon the older side-wall of the cell * The cell-succession in the end of the stem of Equisetum was first correctly described by Cramer (Nageli and Cramer, ' Pflanzen-physiol. Untersuch.,* Heft 4, Zurich), I had previously erroneously considered the form of the apical cell to be tliat of a wedge. I have mentioned the cause of this erroneous assumption in speaking of the cell-successiou in the growing end of the stem in Sphagnum. 268 HOFMEISTER, ON (PI. XXXV, fig. 3). The middle one of the three cells which are produced in the interior of the cell of the second degree (all of which lie in one plane) is the only one which reaches to the middle point of the stem. It divides into an inner and an outer cell by means of a longitudinal septum almost parallel to the chord of the curved free outer surface (PI. XXXV, fig. 5). Poth arc divided by a trans- verse septum, the outer one usually before the inner one (PL XXXV, fig. 2). In the former this septum is parallel to the upper and under surface of the cell ; in the latter it is usually horizontal, and at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the shoot (PI. XXXV, fig. 1). The stem fortliA^th increases in thickness by repeated division of the cells of the circumference by means of septa parallel to the fi'ce outer wall. In very vigorous shoots, as for example in the autumn shoots of Eqf'lsrfum limo.wDi, the like division occurs several times in the cells of the next inner layer also (PI. XXXV, fig. 1). In such buds the cells of the circum- ference usually di^■ide once more by transverse septa close above the place of origin of the yomigest leaf. During the increase of the stem in thickness the number of the cells of its circumference increases continually by the division oi' these cells by means of septa radial to the longitudinal axis of the shoot or at least only slightly diverging from the radial position. At first, in the upper part of the conical cellular mass, this division alternates very regularly with division by longitudinal septa parallel to the outer wall of the cells ; lower down, where the stem becomes thicker, division by a radial septum does not occur until after several divisions by septa parallel to the axis of the stem. The mass of the end of the stem which lies above the youngest leaf, and the number of the cells of its longitu- dinal axis and of its circumference are very different in different species and even in the shoots of the same plant ; they vary with the vigour of the shoots. By the early occurrence of transverse division in the cells produced by the multiplication of a cell of the second degree, the ladder- like interweaving of the cells of the two longitudinal halves of the stem is equalised at an early period. In those cases in which this division does not extend into the cells adjoin- THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 269 ing the axis of the stem, it occurs at least once in the cells of the circumference. On the upper surface of the stem therefore an extremely regular circular girdle of cells is to be distinguished. At a definite distance from the apex of the terminal bud all its outer cells which lie at the same altitude (a girdle of cells enclosing the end of the stem) divide contemporaneously by a septum inclined to the horizon (PI. XXXV, fig. 2). In the outer (the upper) of the two cells thus formed, a division takes place by a sep- tum inclined in an opposite direction. Thus an annular Avail of uniform height and embracing the terminal bud is raised a little beneath the apex of the latter : this is the first rudiment of the youngest leaf. All the cells of its free upper edge continue to divide by alternately inclined septa (PL XXXV, fig. 1). The leaf at first grows upwards in the form of a cylindrical sheath of uniform height enclosing the terminal bud (PI. XXXV, figs. 6, 7). The place of origin of the youngest leaf, the girdle of its mother-cellsj is close above the place of attachment of the next younger leaf. The leaf very soon after its production begins to nicrease in thickness, the cells of its base, — those of the under surface exclusively (PI. XXXV, fig. 1), — dividing repeatedly by septa parallel to this surface. This cell-multiplication progresses slowly from the base of the leaf to its apex, and finally ceases at a considerable distance beneath the latter. The outer (or lower) ones of the cells thus formed, divide by transverse septa (septa parallel to the ideal longitudinal axis of the leaf) the division being more frequent in proportion as the shoot is destined for more vigorous development. The great excess in the number of the cells of the under surface of the leaf over that of the upper, causes the free upper edge of the leaf to bend inwards. By the vigorous multiplication of the lower portion of the outer surface of the leaf, the base of the leaf is soon transformed into numerous layers of cells, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the shoot, and repre- senting the outer circumference of the stem (PI. XXXVI, fig. 1). The subsequent increase in length and thickness of the joints of the stem depends upon the increase in 270 HOFMEISTER, ON length and breadth of this ceUular mass which has arisen from the development of the basal portion of the leaf-rudi- ment. The central cellular cylinder of the stem which has arisen immediately from the terminal bud becomes exclu- sively pith.* In the mean time by longitudinal division of the cells of the leaf in a direction radial to the axis of the stem — a division which occurs as well in the cells of the imder part which represents the outer layer of the stem, as also in the free sheath-shaped upper portion — the number of the cells of the circumference of the stem-joint and of the hollow cylindrical leaf continually increases. Shortly after the first appearance of the leaf there may be observed an inequality in the activity of the growth of its free npper edge. In the first place, at fom* points of the leaf, one of the cells is about one step in advance of all the rest in the process of division, which division takes place by septa turned alternately towards and away from the longitudinal axis of the stem (PL XXXV, fig. 8). The neighbouring cells on the right and left are about one step in arrear : the cells adjoining the latter cells remain one step further in arrear. Four short blunt points are thus produced, placed in pairs opposite to one another upon the upper edge of the sheath-like leaf. The multiplication of the cells of the circumference of the free upper edge of the leaf is produced exclusively by the division of the apical cells of these points by means of longitudinal septa (PL XXXV, fig. 8).t This division of the apical cells of the tip of the leaf by septa radial to the circumference of the leaf-sheath is often repeated at certain stages of the growth of the leaf, and increases the breadth of the tip more and more. Shortly afterwards the widened apex of the tip of the leaf exhibits the first indication of a rapid })ifurcation (PL XXXV, fig. 9). Thus with the age of the leaf the number of the teeth of its edge increases; in * Trom au opposite point of view, viz., tlie comparison of finished stages of development, Spring arrives at the same conclusion for larger divisions of the vegetable kingdom (' Monographie des Lycopodiacees, extraite des Memoires de I'Academie Royale de Belgique,' Bruxelles, 1849). t This mode of growth of the tip of the leaf brings strongly to mind that of the shoots of Riccia, &c. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 271 strong shoots of JEquketum limosum this increase takes place with great regularity according to the progression 1 . . 4 7 . . 8 . . 9 . . 10 . . 11 and so on to 20 (PL XXXV, fig. 7). At about the fourth or fifth leaf (reckoning backwards from the uppermost youngest leaf) there occurs a very remark- able longitudinal elongation of the cells of the apices of the tip of the leaf. Even after its commencement, the multi- plication of the cells of the base of the leaf in a longitudinal direction by means of septa at right angles to the axis of the stem continues for some length of time. The relation of the outer cellular layers of the stem (which are produced by the development of the outer side of the base of the leaf-rudiment) to the central pith cylinder, which corresponds with the cells of the free portion of the terminal bud, is very different in the different forms of shoots. In the few vigorous shoots which are usually developed in autumn by the subterranean internodes of Jllquisdum 2icdustre ^\\{^ pratcn8e,m\A in a still more marked manner in Equiselum limosum and hi/emale, the distinction between the pith and the outer layer of the stem is visible at a very early period : the cells of the latter even in the youngest joints of the stem often divide repeatedly ni a longitudinal direction, whilst the multiplication of the pith cells is quite at a stand-still. On the other hand this dis- tinction occurs at a comparatively later period, and is not nearly so well defined, in the delicate shoots which break forth from the bases of the leaves high up on the stem, especially in the thin shoots of the second, third, or fourth order of Eqiiisetum pratense, arveuse and limosum, or even in the shoots of the first order of Eqiiisetum variegatum. The following table shows the number, in a longitudinal direction, of the cells of the pith {ci) and those of the outer layers {h). 272 HOFMEISTER, ON 11 In tlie 2nd. In the 3rd. In the 4th. In the 5th. Li the 6th. a b a h a h a J a 4 a J « b 1 i lü Equiselum iialustre (a vigorous shoot) The same species, a very delicate shoot Hq. Umosmi (a shoot formed at j the end of May) 'Eq. limosuiu (a vigorous autumn shoot) Eq. pi-ateme (a vigorous autumn shoot) ..... Eq. tariegatim (a delicate shoot) The number of cells of the trans- verse diameter in a vigorous autumn shoot of Eq. limosum amounted to . In a delicate shoot of Eq. variega- ium to . 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 5 7 K 8 7 9 10 7 fi 4 9 8 4 4 8 12* 17 7 7 13 4 8 1 ' 6 6 7 4 4 7 40 9 4 4 10 7 410 8 ! 1 13ti 8 3 7 7 7 1 22 5 32 8 48 12 58 12 1 ... 12... ... This comparison appears at the first glance to be quite at variance Avitli the common notion that the cells of tlie stem are multiplied in a longitudinal direction only at the apex of the organ. This opinion is untenable in any extended sense. As far as observations go there are no plants, from the mosses upwards, in which the cells of the stem arc nml- ti])lied in a longitudinal direction exclusively l)y division of the terminal cell. Generally the division of the daughter- cells of the cells of the second degree by septa at right angles to the longitudinal axis, plays an important part in the production of longitudinal growth. On a more accu- rate examination, however, the above table, shows that there is a special tendency to multiplication in the cells of those parts of the leaves which have been already some time formed. It is only the cells of the cortical layers (which my figure PI. XXXV, tig. 1, sho\vs clearly to have been produced by the nuütiplication of the cells of the leaf- rudiment) which exhibit the long-continuous longitudinal * Those of the epidermis 14. This fourth inlernode exhibited the first indications of annular vessels, 5 — 6 rings in each of the cells of a longitudinal row adjoining the pith. t A trace of annular vessels was first visible iu the 15th internode. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 273 multiplication extending in many cases even beyond the twelfth internodc. In the cells of the pith only a single transverse division occurs. From the fact that the thick- ness of the shoot is in such manifest connexion with the period of the occurrence of the transverse division of the pith-cells, it may perhaps be concluded that the immediate operation of the outer air upon the tissue of the growing- stem has an especial effect in promoting transverse division in the cells. The formation of the epidermis of the young stem-joint is contemporaneous with its longitudinal extension, with its appearance abo^'e ground, and with the formation of nu- merous chlorophyll bodies in the cells of its circumference. All the cells of the outer surface divide twice by transverse septa, then by longitudinal septa, and lastly by septa paral- lel to the outer surface. A double layer of cells is thus produced, enclosing the circumference of the stem, the cells being one-eighth the size and eight times as numerous as those of the next inner layer. The outermost are trans- formed into the epidermis ; every second cell of the epider- mis of the above-ground shoots becomes the mother-cell of tAvo stomatal cells ; these as well as the tabular cells of the epidermis exhibit upon the outer surface very regular pro- jections the form of which is constant for each species (PI. XXXVI, fig. 2). These projections contain more siHceous matter than any other part of the stem. The differentiation of the vascular bimdles from the smTOunding tissue commences a short time before the for- mation of the epidermis. The first commencement of the vascular bundle consists in the appearance of annular fibres in a vertical row of cells the position of which answers exactly to one of the tips of the next higher leaf. From five to six of these annular fibres occur in each cell (PI. XXXV, fig. 13). A plane passing through the middle of the lip of the leaf cuts the string of cells of the stem-joint which bears the leaf, in each of which cells annular fibres are formed. The horizontal septa which separate the ring-bearing cells from one another are very soon absorbed, and a circle of annular vessels traversing the entire length of the stem- 18 274 HOFMEISTER, ON joint is thus produced. At the time when the annular vessel becomes continuous a multiplication commences in the neighboui'ino; cells — those situated in front (towards the outside) and to the side — by means of vertical septa alternatino" with radial septa and with septa parallel to the periphery of the stem (PI. XXXVI, fig. 1). Thus a thick string of cambial cells is produced in which more annular vessels (with much narrower rings) are shortly afterwards formed in a similar manner, and where at a much later period spiral vessels are also formed. In the developed internode this string of cells represents a closed vasctilar bundle. The tips of each leaf and the corresponding vascular btmdles of each stem-joint alternate with those of the next lower one. Soon after the first separation of the vasctdar bundle from the surrounding tissue of the stem — which separation takes place whilst the vascular bundle has still the appearance of a string of cambial cells and exhibits only a single annular vessel on its inner side — the cells of the node from the base of the vascular bundle as far as the two adjoining ones of the next lower stem-joint are trans- formed into short spiral cells arranged in a moniliform manner ; the cells which adjoin these stnngs in a lateral and outward direction are transformed into a thin layer of cambial cells which at a later period silso take part in the formation of vessels. After the conunencement of the formation of the \ascular bundle of the stem the corresponding leaf-tip exhibits the transformation of a string of cells into a vascular bundle traversing its median lono-itudinal line. The first vessels which ap})ear in the leaf are elongated, narroAv, spiral vessels. The vascular btmdles of the leaf attain only a slight thickness. The distance from the middle point of the stem at which the formation of vascular bttndles commences — in other words the bitlk of the pith and the number of leaf-tips and the (corresponding) number of the vascular Ijundles of the internode Avhich bears the leaf — is very variable according to the activity of the growth of the shoot, and according to the number of its diametral cells. In thin shoots of Eq^. THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 275 vane(/atiim ^ndipahsfre the number of cells in the diameter of the pith is only 6 ; in vigorous shoots of Eq. limosum it is 40. The number of leaf-tips and vascular bundles appears not less variable ; in the main shoots of Eq. varie- gatiim it is 7; mEq. palusfre 7 — 10; in Eq. pratense 10; in Eq. limosum 10—20. Most striking differences in this respect are found even in the axes of different orders of one and the same shoot. The connexion between the cells of the pith of all the indigenous (German) species of Equisetum is very soon dissolved. The numerous intercellular spaces become filled with air. The cells of the pith are soon unable to keep pace with the longitudinal groAvth of the periphery of the stem. All connexion between the pith-cells ceases, they are torn fi'om one another, they become shrivelled, and in a short time disappear altogether with the exception of a flat double layer of cells in each internode which lasts as long as the stem itself. Thus there is produced in each inter- node a central pith-cavity covered above and filled with air, having smooth side walls and a base rough with the debris of the pith- cells. In just the same way — by the separation of a string of cells from the adjoining tissue, by the early cessation of the multiplication of these cells, and by their shrivelling and desiccation — an air-cavity is produced, in Equisetum limosum, around each vascular bundle ; and ultimately by the decay of the central por- tion of the vascular bundle, a narrow air-cavity is formed in the interior of each of them. Normally, the terminal bud of the Equisetacese never ramifies. There is hardly any other group of plants which exhibit such a well-defined, exclusively apical, growth. Ramification is caused solely by adventitious buds. These are produced in definite positions, viz., in the an- nular locus of insertion of the sheathing leaf ; each adventi- tious bud, with rare exceptions, being seated under the angle between each two leaf-tips. The rudiment of the adventitious bud appears long before that of the vascular bundles of the same internode. In the autumn shoots of Eq. pratense which are developed in the following spring, a cell, situated in the defined position at the base of the 276 HOFMEISTER, ON leaf (oftüii of the third or fourth-youngest leaf), and in the second or third layer beneath the surface of the latter, becomes distinguishable from the neighbonring cells (which often already contain chloroi)hyll), by its increase in size, and still more by its colourless thickly nmcilaginous contents. This cell often lags behind its neighbours in longitudinal groAvth, in consequence of which its connexion Avith the cells above it and at its sides is dissolved. Division soon commences in it, and is repeated in different directions in rapid succession in the terminal cell. (PI. XXXV, figs. 11, 12). Thus a cell-multiplication is set on foot which corre- sponds in all respects with the preceding multiplication of the apical cell of the terminal bud. The presence of the adventitious bud is soon indicated by a protrusion of the outer sm-face of the stem close under the place of insertion of the leaf. Ultimately by further longitudinal growth it breaks forth from the under-side of the sheath-like leaf. The adventitious buds of Equisetum liave the peculiarity of being able, under certain circumstances, to remain long dormant, a peculiarity which they possess in conmion with the adventitious buds which are produced in mosses and phoenogams upon the outer surface of the young stem in the axils of leaves. They often pass the greater portion of a period of vegetation in the most rudimentary condi- tion, consisting of one or at most of a few cells. This is the case Avith the adventitious l)uds of E. prafoise, 2ialudre, and Vuiiomm, Avhich are destined to reproduce the species. Although in spring numerous thin branches break out from the base of the leaf-slieath of tlie middle and upper part of the above-ground shoots, the number of wdiicli branches is usually the same as that of the leaf-tips, yet the adven- titious buds of the lowest internodes — those which are bmied in the earth — remain entirely dormant imtil late in autunui. At that time, however, one only of the buds of each of those internodes developes itself but with a strength and activity which far exceeds that of the subter- ranean branchlets. Individual internodes of the lower subterranean portion of the main shoots of Eq. arcense become swollen, whilst THE HIGHER CRTPTOGAMIA. 277 the cells of the tissue which siuTOimcls* the circle of vas- cular bundles multiply vigorously. Vigorous adventitious buds are formed at the base of the rudimentary leaf of such internodes ; seldom more than two in the same intcrnode. The cellular tissue of the swollen internodes contains starch and a good deal of sugar, I believe not crystalHzed. The different habit of the species of Equisetum depends upon the relation of the adventitious lateral shoots to the principal shoot. In all the above-named species [arvense, prafense, variegatum , InjemaJe, jjal/fsfre, liinosi(m), the lowest leaves of those shoots which have completed their subterranean development, send out vigorous shoots destined for develop- ment in the following season, a process which brings to mind the buds m hich occur in the cataphyllary region of many phsenogams. These shoots are the least developed in Eq. arvense ; they are of an elongated cylindrical form, and very beautiful and vigorous in Eq. prateme and limomm. In the latter species they protrude, even in autumn, for a distance of several inches from the base of the sheathing leaves ; in Equisetum palusfre they appear at the beginning of spring; in Eq. hj/emale at the end of April. Those of Eq. limosum deserve a closer investigation, not onty on account of many peculiarities dependent upon habitat, but also on account of the injury produced by its abundant growth in the richest w^ater- meadows of North Ger- many, where the hay is frequently uneatable from the ad- mixture of numerous shoots of the Equisetum. As in the other species of the genus, the lower part of each shoot (unlike the portion above ground), does not die until the autumn. The epidermis of this portion of the stem assumes a beautiful red-brown colour; from one to three shoots, destined for development alcove ground in the following- year, bm'st forth in an upward direction out of the hollow cylindrical leaves, whose upper portion dies and withers. The epidermis of these Avinter shoots is of the colour of ivory, and the tips of their leaves of a chestnut-brown. If the shoots are exposed to the light, chlorophyll is developed, even in autumn, in the cells of the circumference. Be- * Compare Bischoff ' Kryptogamisclie Gewächse,' Numb., 1828, Heft i, p. 29. 278 HOFMEISTER, ON sides these shoots others are developed here and there on individual joints of old stems : the latter have a lateral, not an upward direction ; their colom* in the young state is a deep citron -yellow, and their leaf-sheaths are of a deep black-brown. Unlike those first described, they are not blunt at the top, but the connivent tips of the sheathing leaves of the terminal bud form a sharp apex. These shoots are the foundation of the creeping rhizome, and some- times attain a length of twenty feet. When they emerge from the leaf-sheaths of the mother-shoot they are of the thickness of a slender goose-quill, but afterw'ards by expan- sion of their cells, and by gradual increase in the number of the cells of the new internodes in a diametral direction, they attain fi-om half to three-fourths of an inch in thick- ness. From the bases of their leaf-sheaths a few shoots are produced separated from one another by considerable in- tervals (by several internodes, which produce no adventitious buds), and which are destined partly for development above ground, and partly for the formation of new Rhizomes. In those species of Equisetum which are found in damp localities away from the light, a girdle of adventitious roots is formed at each node of the stem, on a level with the septum Avhich traverses the pith cavity, and close under- neath the rudiments of the adventitious buds. They originate close underneath the bark, immediately below the lower ends of the vascular bundles of the next superior internode, and consequently meet the upper ends of the septa which separate the cortical air-cavities of the next lower internode. In the lower nodes of the vigorous autumn shoots one at least, usually two, and often three such adventitious roots are formed close to one another. At an early period the cells of that portion of the partition wall of two cortical air-cavities which leads from the adventitious roots to the convergent prolongations of the vascular bundle are transformed into a single vascular bundle traversed by numerous short spiral vessels. The origin of these thick vascular bundles, which are attached to the spreading prolongations of the vascular bundles of the internode, renders the course of the vascular bundle of the stem within the node quite indistinct ; they THE HIGHER CRYPTOGAMIA. 279 may have given rise to the opinion that the vascidar bundles of the stem of the Eqiiisetaceao miite in each node to form a confused mass of tissue.* The normal mode of cell-multiplication in the punctum vegetationis of the adventitious roots is identical with that in A-spidluiu filiv-nia