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It is based upon a couple of articles which appeared in the Eugenics Review for January and April, 1920, and part of it was written during a holiday in America in 1 92 1. Although m}' present interests are occupied with the field of modern botany, I was impelled to write this book by my interest in Eugenics, which is in turn founded upon a knowledge of genetics. The actual writing of it was, however, only made possible by the many friends in various parts of the world who have sent me their publications. It is clear to scientific men, although rarely to statesmen and law-makers, that any intelligent attempt to improve the conditions and qualities of the human race must be founded upon some knowledge of the manner in which these qualities arise and are inherited and maintained or lost. In this book I have confined myself as strictly as possible to an examina- tion of the facts of human inheritance, in so far as they are at present known, and I have laid particular emphasis — possibly too much — upon the many cases now known of Mendelian inheritance in man. This is not on account of any partiality for this particular form of inheritance; but because the Mendehan differences are clear cut and more easily recognised, and the manner of their inheritance is more easil}^ traced and analysed and investigated than that of differences which can only be recognised as quantita- vii viii PREFACE tive, and whose precise manner of inheritance must still be regarded as under discussion. The literature of the last two decades has recorded many cases of Mendelian inheritance in man, as the present book will, I think, testify. But it will also be seen that even the pre-Mendelian literature contained many scattered records of great interest which are now seen to fall into the Mendelian categories of explanation. I have made no attempt to search the literature exhaustively, as the work is really only a by-product of my own evolutionary interests, but I hope that no records of first-rate importance have been omitted, and I believe that several valuable early papers are here for the first time brought into orientation with the twentieth-century literature. The book might easily have grown to considerably greater proportions, but I have endeavoured to include only the more essential subjects and discussions which a book of this kind, written from the biological point of view, ought to contain. Whenever experiments with animals or plants bear directly on the topic in hand, I have not hesitated to use them, and I trust this will add to the value of the w^ork, both to the general public interested in Eugenics, and the medical profession, who should always be on the alert to detect the inheritance element which so frequently is present in the functional derangements with which they have to deal. Many matters which are primarily of genetic interest, but without at present any special bearing on human heredity, have been omitted altogether. If this work aids in the diffusion of an intelligent interest and understanding of heredity in its bearing on the welfare of future generations, its object will have been achieved. The conceptions of heredity are no longer vague and ill-defined, as in the writings of a generation ago. They are clear and sharply PREFACE ix defined, and are based on much accurate knowledge of organic structure and development. The germ plasm of the race is a uniquely precious material, and its conservation and improvement in each genera- tion should be the first aim of the State. The first essential for such a conservation is the recognition of the inherent (inherited) differences in the capacities of individuals. Everything goes to show that once a particular strain of germ plasm is lost, it is gone for ever. In State recognition of the value of human germinal qualities, perhaps no country has equalled Sweden, where family records and genealogies have been kept for centuries in an exceptionally complete form, and where race biology is already recognised as a subject of the greatest national importance. While it is necessary to recognise the fundamental importance of inherited physical and mental differ- ences, as the foundation of Eugenics, one must also remember that environment counts in the sense that a favourable or suitable environment is required to bring out the potential qualities of any develop- ing organism. Nevertheless, it is these potential (germinal) differences on which the Eugenist must rely in any effort to improve the race or direct the selection of germinal qualities which is going on in every generation. In conclusion, I wish to thank those who, in various ways, have contributed to the production of this book. I am indebted to Professor R. C. Punnett, F.R.S., for permission to publish Figs. 4, ii, and 12, from the Journal of Genetics ; to Sir Arthur Keith, F.R.S., for the loan of the blocks from the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, January, 191 6, which illustrate Figs. 13 and 14; to the Royal Society of Medicine for permission to reproduce Fig. 15 (from Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. {Path.), vol. x., p. 60); and to the editorial board of the Journal of Heredity, for X PREFACE permission to republish the photographs of twins in Figs. 29 to 34. Professor J. A. Piatt has kindly supplied the original reference to Caesar's horse, and I am indebted to Professor F. J. C. Hearnshaw for certain historical references. I am very much in- debted to Professor E. W. MacBride, F.R.S., for kindly reading the proof-sheets and offering many valuable suggestions and criticisms; also to Professor A. Dendy, F.R.S., for certain suggestions. I alone, however, am responsible for the views expressed. R. RUGGLES GATES. King's College, University of London, December 27, 1922. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTION - - - - - - I DEFINITION OF HEREDITY. II. THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY - - - 8 INHERITANCE OF DIFFERENCES — MENDELISM — INHERIT- ANCE OF RESEMBLANCES DEVELOPMENT. III. INHERITANCE OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN - 27 y STATURE EYE COLOLfR SKIN COLOUR AND HAIR CHARACTERS ALBINISM LEFT-HANDEDNESS DIGITAL ABNORMALITIES VARIOUS ABNORMALI- TIES. IV. INHERITANCE OF MENTAL CHARACTERS IN MAN - - I45 FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS INSANITY CACOGENIC FAMI- LIES MUSICAL ABILITY HANDWRITING. V. THE LIMITS OF HEREDITY - - - - 1 75 TWINS FINGER PRINTS INHERITANCE OF TWINNING LETHAL FACTORS. VI. SOCIAL AND WORLD ASPECTS OF EUGENICS - - 204 THE BASIS OF RACIAL AND TEMPERAMENTAL DIFFER- ENCES THE RESULTS OF CROSSING BETWEEN RACES THE PROBLEMS OF POPULATION POPULA- TION AND QUALITY. LIST OF GENERAL WORKS BEARING ON EUGENICS - - 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PAPERS CITED IN THE TEXT - -254 INDEX - - - - - - - 273 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIC" I'AGE 1. DIAGRAM OF NORMAL X BRA CHYDACTYL - - - lO 2. DIAGRAM OF BRACHYDACTYL X BRACK YDACTYL - - II 3. DIAGRAM OF HETEROZYGOTE X HOMOZYGOTE - - 12 4. ANTHER SHOWING SEGREGATION - - - I5 5. DIAGRAM OF DOMINANT X RECESSIVE, F^ - - 18 6. DIAGRAM SHOWING THE Fo IN THE ABOVE CROSS - 18 7. DIAGRAM OF SEX CHROMOSOMES - - - I9 8. DIAGRAM OF INHERITANCE OF SEX-LINKED CHARACTERS- 23 9. PEDIGREE OF TORTOISESHELL-COLOURED EYES - - 49 10. PEDIGREE OF BOLLENBACH FAMILY - - " 5^ 11. PEDIGREE OF WHITE FORELOCK - - - 62 12. PEDIGREE OF ALBINIS:\I - - - - 67 13. BRACHYDACTYLOUS AND NORMAL HANDS - - 79 14. RADIOGRAM OF A BRACHYDACTYLOUS HAND - - 80 15. ABNORMAL SEGMENTATION OF FINGERS - - - 84 16. RADIOGRAPH OF HANDS OF A GIRL IN THE SAME FAMILY 85 17. SKIAGRAM OF HANDS OF A.T. - - - - 87 18. PEDIGREE OF HEXADACTYLY - - - - IO4 19. PEDIGREE OF HEXADACTYLOUS FAMILY - - IO5 20. PEDIGREE OF COLOUR-BLINDNESS - - - 112 21. PEDIGREE OF FEMALE SEX-LINKED BLINDNESS - - II 7 22. PEDIGREE OF MALE SEX-LINKED BLINDNESS - - II7 23. PEDIGREE OF MALE SEX-LINKED ICHTHYOSIS - - I18 24. PEDIGREE OF FEMALE SEX-LINKED COLOUR-BLINDNESS- I18 25. PEDIGREE OF CLEFT IRIS - - - - I20 26. PEDIGREE OF EARLY DECAY OF TEETH - - 1 24 27. PEDIGREE OF RIGHT BILOBED Ex\R _ - - 13^ 28. PEDIGREE OF SMALL PIT IN LEFT EAR- - - I36 29. PEDIGREE OF IMBECILITY IN FEMALE LINE - - 1 54 30. IRISH SAILOR TWINS - - - - - 1 82 31. THEIR FINGER PRINTS - - - - - 1 83 32. TWINS FROM YORK, PENN. - - - - 1 84 33. TWINS, MEN -__--_ 185 34. TWINS, WOMEN, MICHIGAN - _ - - 186 35. TWIN SISTERS, SWITZERLAND - - - - 1 86 XUl HEREDITY AND EUGENICS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The central problem of evolution is still the nature and causes of variation, while the practical problems of eugenics centre about heredity. Variation in past ages has already endowed the human race with an almost infinite variety of types and characters, many of the latter alternative in their inheritance. We have only to compare those we know best with their relatives and ancestors to realise how minute are the resemblances and differences which ma}^ be handed on to descendants and collateral lines. These are, no doubt, chiefly a matter of biological inheritance, though similarity of environment may play a part in certain cases. Probably in no other species of animal or plant does the number of differences between individuals approach the number to be observed in man. This is to be expected, because of the mental and physical complexity of the human organism; but it does not imply greater intrinsic variability than in other animals or plants. Given this enormous complexity of types in the human species, and the inheritance of the innumerable differences involved, it follows that the matings of the present generation determine the characteristics which will be handed on to future generations. A knowledge of inheritance must, therefore, form the basis of any enlightened attempt to influence the I I 2 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS future development of the human race, which Sir Francis Galton originally contemplated in the Eugenic Movement. Popular writers frequently venture to deny the importance of heredity to mankind. They are willing to concede its cogency in animals, and, in fact, practical breeders of horses and dogs and other domestic animals rely upon heredity to perpetuate even slight differences in their strains. But they are often unwilling to accept for mankind the principles of heredit}' which they themselves have practised or seen in operation in other animals. Even those w^ho recognise that the principles of heredity must be the same for mankind as regards physical characters, are sometimes inclined to deny that the same laws hold for mental characteristics. It is therefore hoped that this book ma}^ help to bring the reader to a truer perspective regarding the nature and meaning of heredity, and its fundamental bearing on the future of the human race. False conceptions regarding inheritance are widespread, and this is not surprising in view of the complexity of the subject and the general lack of education in the biological sciences. Only in the last tw^o decades, through experimental investigations with plants and animals, has any clear road been found through a mass of complicated data. It may now be claimed, however, that the general mechanism of heredity is well understood in many cases, and although, as in every science, complications continually arise with further knowledge, the principles already understood will form a sound basis for future advance. It is impossi-ble in this book to consider the whole field of heredity in general terms. For that purpose, reference ma}^ be made to various works on the subject which have appeared in recent years, during which the field of genetics has been an extremely active one. In this w^ork an effort will be made to bring together INTRODUCTION 3 the more important data on human heredity which have accumulated chiefly in the last twenty years ; but the general principles will be briefly discussed, and reference will be made to experiments, particu- larly with regard to the higher animals, when the results bear directly upon problems of human heredity. It w^ill be seen that a large amount of information has already been gained regarding the inheritance of a multitude of traits, both physical and mental, in mankind. And perhaps the most surprising feature of these results is the minuteness and variety of the differences which are now known to follow definite laws of inheritance. But it is not necessary to rely upon recent work to establish the minuteness and peculiarity of some of the differences which are inherited in man. Darwin, who was unsurpassed as an observer, and, what is equally important, a collator of the observations of others, has a chapter on blushing in his book, The Expression of the Emo- tions, in which (p. 312) he cites, not only a number of cases of the inheritance of a tendency to blush, but also one in which mother and daughter blushed in the same peculiar manner. The tendency to blush excessively is due to a psychological peculiarity, while the distribution of the area over which a blush spreads must have a physical basis. That gait, gestures, voice, and general bearing are inherited, was recognised in the scientific writings of over a century ago, though imitation may also, of course, play a part here, but this is excluded in some cases. Further random examples of inheritance in man will not be cited here, but the reader is invited to consider the mass of evidence found in the body of this book. It is believed that, in this way, any reader who is inclined to doubt the universality and import- ance of heredity in mankind will attain a truer per- spective regarding the whole matter. But certain 4 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS misconceptions need to be pointed out first. The question is often asked whether heredity or environ- ment is more important in connection with develop- ment. But the question cannot rightly be asked in this way, because any organism is the result of continuous complicated reactions and interactions, not onl}^ between the developing germ and its environ- ment, but also between the different parts of the organism itself. Moreover, it is quite incorrect to assume that the organic germ and the environment mutually react with each other in any simple way. A particular change in the environment ma}^ con- spicuously affect one part of the developing organism without visibly affecting other parts. Thus Stockard (1909) showed that when magnesium chloride is added to the sea water in which certain fish embryos are developing, c3xlopean fishes are produced, with one median eye instead of two lateral ones. This is a surprising reaction of the organism, and more particularly of the nervous system, to a definite environmental stimulus.* Some differences in the environment will therefore produce very marked effects on the developing organism. On the other hand, organisms developing in the same environment may show marked differences, because they have inherited different characters. Tw^o hen's eggs in an incubator, under the same con- ditions of temperature, moisture, etc., may develop birds, one with a rose comb and the other with a single comb, or one with white feathers and the other with brow^n. Obvioush^ the environment is not a differential, but the difference was in the original eggs and is inherited from the previous generation. * Stockard 's result has recently been shown to be due to differential destruction of the nerve plate in the embryo, the destruction beginning at the anterior end, as in Child's experi- ments with potassium cyanide. INTRODUCTION 5 No one would suggest that even if the eggs were incubated at different temperatures the single comb would be altered to a rose comb. Clearl}', then, some characters are produced by an environmental stimulus and others are determined by inheritance, although in both cases interaction of organism and environment takes place in the development of the character. A given character may occur in either or both categories. Thus fascia- tion or flattening of the stem in plants usually results from over-nutrition and is then, as a rule at least, not inherited at all. But in Celosia cristata, the coxcomb of gardens, extreme fasciation is a specific character, distinguishing this form from C. pluniosa. Again, thickening of the epidermis or formation of corns results from friction of the skin of the hands or feet, and is not inherited. But keratosis is an inherited condition in which there is abnormal thickening of the skin without any excessive friction. When a new character appears through a variation, the first question one asks is whether it is inherited. It is impossible to determine this with certainty except by experiment — i.e., by breeding from the new type. If it is inherited, one must conclude that a germinal change has taken place, leading to the production of a new character, or at least that a germinal rearrangement has taken place, making possible the appearance of the new^ character. If it is not inherited, then the conclusion is that a modification has been impressed on the organism by some feature of the environment.* The question to ask, then, is not whether heredity or environment * The possibility of the inheritance of acquired characters has not been considered here, because if it ever occurs in mankind it is probably too slow in its action to affect the practical problems of eugenics. The subject has been discussed from an evolu- tionary point of view elsewhere (Gates, 192 1, chap, viii.-xii.). 6 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS is more important in the ontogeny of any character, but whether a difference (variation) which appears in an organism is due primarily to a difference in the environment or a difference in heredity {cf. Sumner, 1922). This leads us to emphasise a point w^hich is not always recognised — namely, that the relation between the organism and its environment is not the simple and direct relation between two reacting chemical substances — it is rather one of stimulus and re- sponse. It is, moreover, clear that not all elements of the environment are equally effective in modifying the organism. For example, a change in the light may have a striking effect on the development of one organism and no appreciable effect on another. The relations of an organism to its environment are therefore extremely complex, and can only be under- stood after elaborate analysis. But the higher organisms, and particularly man, have many regula- tory mechanisms which enable him to triumph over extreme variations in the environment without being vitally affected b}^ them. This, with his weapons and his intelligence, has enabled mankind to people the four corners of the earth in almost everv extreme of climatic conditions w^here organisms can live at all. From a eugenic point of view it is to be remembered that while hereditary differences of all kinds are per- petuated in all conditions, yet optimum conditions are desirable for the full expression of the characters inherited by the organism. From this it follows that those who insist upon the importance of heredity in perpetuating good stocks should, at the same time, realise the desirability^ of creating an environment in which the best ph3^sical, mental, and moral qualities of the individuals can find free expression. Before proceeding further it may be well to point out that whereas heredity w^as formerly defined or INTRODUCTION 7 measured by the degree of resemblance between parents and offspring, this treatment of the subject will no longer suffice. Thus Brooks (1906) says, C" So far as the word is used inductively in biology, heredity is the resemblance of child to parent, of offspring to ancestor, while the difference between parent and child is called variation." The study of alternative inheritance, which appears to be the most usual form of heredity, has made it necessary to revise such a definition of heredity, as well as our outlook with regard to its incidence. It has now become a commonplace of observation that the differences between organisms, as well as their resemblances, are often inherited, i If a tall is crossed with a dwarf variety, we know that usually the second generation will inherit tallness and dwarfness — the parental differentiating characters — in a definite proportion, and that certain of the tall individuals will go on transmitting dwarfness. We may even cross two white varieties of plants or two albino animals, externally alike, and obtain coloured off- spring. Yet we know that the colour in this case is not the result of variation. One of the necessary elements in its production has been inherited from each parent, though neither possesses both. In such instances invisible (probably nuclear) differences have been inherited which, when combined, produce a striking externalised difference. Hence it is neces- sary, in speaking of inheritance, to recognise that both similarities and differences may be inherited, the one quite as truly as the other. Some of the differences, particularly the quantitative ones, which appear in offspring may, then, be the result of varia- tion, germinal or otherwise; but many of them will be the result of inheritance. CHAPTER II THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY Many vague conceptions of heredity were formerly held, and much ink was unprofitably spilled in an effort to explain or elucidate inheritance in the absence of adequate experiment. Human inheritance par- ticularly has been the subject of innumerable crude, unscientific conceptions such as " failure " of inheritance when a particular trait does not appear in every generation, a belief in maternal impressions, or scepticism regarding the inheritance of mental traits. The scientific investigation of heredity may almost be said to have begun with Mendel's studies of single characters in garden peas, since the results of the early hybridisers were so contradictory and confused — owing partly to an unfortunate choice of material for crossing and partly to an unsuitable method of experiment — that they never led to a consistent point of view on which future progress could build. The rediscovery of Mendel's principle of segregation in 1900 therefore marked the beginning of an era in the study of heredity. It has become progressively clearer that while mass statistics of resemblances may furnish useful information where no other is available, yet such data cannot furnish a basis for an understanding of the hereditary process. The experimental analytical method is necessary here, as in other fields of biology. The results of the experimental method, however, can be and have been applied to genealogical pedigrees of inheritance in man with illuminating results. 8 nOFERTY LIBRARY THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 9 This method has, of course, certain definite limitations, since evidence is available only from such marriages as have taken place. But in many cases of simple Mendelian inheritance this evidence is quite as clear and unequivocal as though actual experimental crosses had been made for the purpose of determining the method of inheritance. The number of characters in man which are now known to follow a Mendelian t^'pe of inheritance is surprisingly large. It is therefore desirable to elucidate briefly the principles of Mendelian inherit- ance for those who are not already familiar with the matter. An elementary treatment of the subject is to be found in Punnet t's Mendelism. While thus emphasising the importance of Mendelian heredity", particularly as regards the inheritance of abnormali- ties in man, we wish also to stress the value of biometric studies of inheritance, for there are many characters in w^hich this is the only method of analysis which can -be applied. The two methods are com- plementary and are becoming more and more closely interwoven in the study of heredity. On the one hand, experimentalists are recognising the advantages of a mathematical anal3^sis of their results, while on the other, biometricians realise the advantages of material under experimental control. The inter- action of both methods produces the ideal result, but this is, of course, not always possible. The view taken here is that while Mendelian hereditv is verv common in mankind, especially as regards the inheri- tance of abnormalities, yet it is by no means universal. Many quantitative characters, and perhaps racial characters, will probably be found not to follow simple laws of inheritance involving fixed germinal units. As an example of Mendelian inheritance let us consider brachydactyly or short fingers in man, the digits having two joints instead of three. This condi- lo HEREDITY AND EUGENICS tion is dominant to the normal, which is spoken of as recessive. Brachydactylous individuals have always married normals. Persons showing this trait have therefore always been the children of one normal and one abnormal parent. They are therefore hybrid or heterozygous in nature as regards this character, and, since they are brachydactylous in appearance, this condition is said to be dominant to the normal. Now the essential feature of Mendelian behaviour is that the factors or determiners for such a pair of characters as normal and brachydactylous fingers separate in the formation of the germ cells, so that half the germ cells of a brachydactylous person who had one normal parent will carry the factor Germ cells. Unions oF Germ cells oF \ ■■' SO >i B ^.^^^ germ cells oFFspring. parent 7 """--^ ^"""--^ __— ' 50 Z n ^ B(n).(50%) — Normal n n (50 X) parent. | --■^.,^ ^,^--^'^ ' ' 50 y. n Fig. I. — Result of Cross between Heterozygous Brack YDACTYL and a Normal Parent. for brachydactyh' and half will carry the factor for normal fingers. If such a person marries a normal individual, all of whose germ cells are therefore carrying the factor for normal fingers, then, on the average, half the children will be brach3"dactylous and half normal, for the chances for the germ cell matings — (i) normal x normal and (2) normal X brachy dactyl — are equal. The result will be clear from the accompanying diagram (Fig. i). Hence we see that as long as matings of brachy- dactyls wdth normals continue, half the children will, on the average, be heterozygous brachydactyls (transmitting this character to half their offspring), while the other half of the children will be pure normal. THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY ii and transmit only the normal condition to all their offspring. In other words, the heterozygous domi- nants will continue to produce both types when mated to normals, while the normals derived from such a cross, being recessive, have entirely lost the brachy- dactylous condition (or rather never had it), and will therefore have only normal offspring even if two such normals from a brachydactylous cross mate together. For a full discussion of brachydactyly, see p. 78. Many abnormalities in man are simple dominants and will therefore be inherited in this manner. In order to make clearer the nature of Mendelian heredity, let us consider the other types of mating which commonly occur in organisms showing a single Heterozygous brachydactyl parent. Heterozygous brachydactyl parent. Germ cells SO X B Fi hybrids (zygotes) 25 y. B B 25 y. ..B \75X 'l^/Xcecty, 25 % B n 25 y. n. n 25 y^ normal Fig. 2. — Results of Cross between Two Heterozygous Brachydactyl Parents. difference. If tw^o such individual organisms which are pure or homozygous are crossed, the first hybrid generation (written briefly Fj) will show only the dominant character. But if two of these F^ hybrids are intercrossed, their offspring will number on the average three dominants to one recessive. Thus, in a marriage between two heterozygous brachy- dactyls, three-fourths of the children would be ex- pected to be brachydactylous. The reason for this will be understood from the following diagram (Fig. 2). The four possible combinations of the two types of germ cells will occur with equal frequenc}^ and since the factor for brachydactyly is absent from only 12 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS one of the four combinations, it follows that only 25 per cent, of the offspring will be likely to have normal lingers. Of the other 75 per cent, which are brach3'dact3^1ous, two out of three will be heterozygous {i.e., with half their germ cells of each type), while one-third will be homoz^^gous, carrying the determiner for brach^'dactyl}' in all their germ cells. We may similarh' consider the case where a hetero- zygous brach3'dactyl marries a homozygous brachy- dact\d.* From the diagram (Fig. 3) it will be seen that the offspring from such a mating would be all brachy- Heberozygous brachydacbyl parent. Germ cells 50% B ZvQotes /homozygous brachydacbyl parent. 50% B Fig. 3. — Theoretical Results of Cross between a Heterozygous and a Homozygous Parent. dact\dous, half of them heteroz3^gous and half homo- Z3^gous. So long as the former continued mating wdth homoz3^gous brach3^dact3ds the normal condition would be completeh" suppressed, and the strain would appear to be pure for brach3^dactyly. But if in any generation two heterozygous individuals mated, there would be one chance in four of the recessive condition reappearing. The sudden appearance of a reversion or throw back in a pedigree strain, for example, of cattle, is no doubt often to be accounted for in this wa3^ A recessive character ma3^ thus be * There is some evidence that the homozygous brachy-phalan- gous (related) condition is non-viable and therefore cannot exist (see p. 90). THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 13 carried in the germ plasm of a strain for many genera- tions, only to crop out again when a chance mating of two heterozygous individuals takes place. It is not known how or when brachydactyly origi- nated, but it probably occurred centuries ago, and pre- sumably arose in the first instance as a mutation — i.e., a sudden and probably spontaneous germinal change.* Fortunately, the segregation which takes place in germ-cell formation can now be referred to definite elements in the cells — namely, the chromosomes. These are the elements of the nucleus whose con- stancy in number and shape for each species of animal and plant is one of the remarkable features of organic structure. In the complicated process of mitotic nuclear division, w^hich happens whenever cells divide in the growth and development of the organism, the essential fact is that they are split lengthwise, so that each daughter cell contains in its nucleus the longitudinal halves of every chromosome. Although these bodies seem to merge in the resting nucleus into a mass in which the outlines of the separate chromosomes are lost, yet there are cases in which the outlines can still be traced, each chromosome forming a separate compartment or vesicle of the nucleus. There is also evidence that the parts of the various chromosomes maintain their special re- lationships throughout the period between one division and another even when visible boundaries are lost, or, at any rate, that the}^ reassemble with the same arrangement as they disappeared. There is something, not at present understood, which main- tains the unity of the chromosome as a persisting structure, and determines the constancy of its relative size and shape during mitosis in the various parts of the organism. * For a discussion of the causes and nature of Mutation, see Gates (1915, chap. ix.). 14 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS The organism begins its development from the union of the nuclei of egg and sperm. But when this union happens it is not a mere interminghng of two fluid substances, for the chromosomes, which are highly viscous in the condensed condition, maintain their separate identity ; and in the subse- quent nuclear divisions they frequently arrange them- selves in pairs, each pair consisting of one chromo- some of paternal origin (from the male germ cell) and one of maternal origin (from the female germ cell). In man}^ animals and plants the various pairs are distinguishable from each other in size or shape. The chromosomes may therefore be said to possess individualit}' and to show genetic continuit}^ from generation to generation. When the germ cells of an organism undergo maturation as the organism develops, the chromo- some number in them is reduced to one-half. The essential feature of this complicated process is the separation of the pairs of chromosomes which are characteristic of the somatic nuclei, so that the nuclei of the eggs and sperms receive one member of each pair and hence have half as many chromosomes as the somatic cells.* Half the germ cells will thus receive one member of each pair, and half the other. This maturation process has been studied in great detail in hundreds of plants and animals, as well as in man (see p. 20). In the separation of pairs in the reduction divisions there is free assortment of the chromosomes. There are many reasons for believing that the chromosomes are the basis of Mendelian inheritance, and that the segregation of characters, which IMendel's experiments indicated took place in the formation of the germ cells, really depends on the separation of the chromosome-pairs in the reduction divisions. * Further complications of this process need not concern us here. THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 15 -^t^:' That segregation of factors really takes place during meiosis (the period during which chromosome reduc- tion occurs) has been shown by the formation of two types of pollen grain in certain hybrid rice plants. In these Fi hybrids half the pollen grains contain starch grains, like the pollen grains of one parent, while the other half contain no starch. Fig. 4, from a section of an anther treated with iodine, shows the two types of pol- len grains scattered in equal numbers through the anther. Thus in an organ- ism which is hetero- zygous for one pair of characters, say short hair (domin- ant) or long " An- gora " hair (reces- sive) in guinea-pigs, the Fj hybrid ani- mals will have short hair, and all their cells w^ill contain a pair of chromosomes which differ in that one chromosome contains the deter- miner for short coat, while its mate contains the determiner for long coat. When the germ cells of this guinea-pig are formed, this pair of chromosomes, like the other pairs, is separated, and half the eggs or sperms, as the case may be, get the chromosome with the determiner for short hair, while the other half receive its mate containing the determiner for long Fig. 4. — Photomicrograph showing Segregation of Pollen Types in a Rice Hybrid. (After F. R. Parnell.) i6 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS hair. From this it follows, as shown in the diagram in Fig. I (p. lo), that three-quarters of the individuals in the next generation (Eg) will have short hair, the remaining quarter having Angora hair. This is because when the eggs and sperms unite in fertilisation, half the eggs and half the sperms will contain the chromo- some determining short hair, while the other half carry its mate with the determiner for long hair. The fertilised eggs will then be of three types : ( i ) con- taining a pair of chromosomes, both of which carry the determiner for short coat. When these eggs develop into organisms which can be bred together, they can obviously give only short-coated offspring. They are homozygous dominants. (2) These ferti- lised eggs will contain a pair of chromosomes with determiners respect ivety for long and short coat, and, according to the laws of chance combination, they will be twice as numerous as the last. They are the heteroz3^gous dominants, their bodies indistinguish- able from the pure dominants (when dominance is complete), but their germ plasm as well as all their body cells containing an '' unequal " pair of chromosomes which will separate as in the E^ to produce the next generation. These two classes of F2 animals, together making up three-quarters of the offspring, are visibly short-coated. (3) In the third class of fertilised eggs both chromosomes of this pair will contain the determiner for long coat. They will develop into long-coated animals, their body cells and germ cells will all contain the descendants of this pair of chromo- somes, and they wdll give long-coated offspring w^hen bred together. They are the homozygous recessives, and because they result from chromosome recom- binations taking place according to chance, they are as numerous as the first class, the homoz^^gous dominants. The history of the chromosomes in organisms was THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 17 worked out quite independently of genetic experi- ments, but they furnish precisely the mechanism required to explain Mendelian behaviour, although the main facts of their history were known before the rediscovery of Mendel's laws in 1900. The number of freely assorting groups of Mendelian characters in a species should therefore be the same as the number of pairs of chromosomes, and the experimental work, particularly with the fruit fly Drosophila, clearly indicates that this is the case. Differences in the chromosomes in crossed races appear to determine the different types and combina- tions of characters which arise in the offspring. It thus appears that Mendelian differences in general have originated as mutations, probably through an alteration in a portion or locus of a chromosome. That the differences which arise in this way are inherited as Mendelian factors results, then, from the manner of distribution of the chromosomes in the reduction divisions, when the nuclei of the germ cells are formed. Mutations seem to arise in the germ plasm at relatively infrequent intervals. They may then be handed down to later generations for an indefinite period. In some cases the same mutation appears indepen- dently more than once. Let us now consider the inheritance of a recessive Mendelian character. Feeble-mindedness ma}'" be taken as an example, for it appears to be generally inherited as a simple Mendelian recessive. Con- structing a diagram (Fig. 5), we see that all the germ cells of a feeble-minded person will carry the factor for feeble-mindedness, since the character is recessive. If mated with normal, the children will all be normal for the same reason, and the defect will seem to have disappeared. But these normals will all be hetero- zygous, carrying the defect for feeble-mindedness in i8 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS half their germ cells. If two such persons mate together, it will be seen from the following diagram (Fig, 6) that half the germ cells of each will be normal and half carr}- the defect. This will give four combinations of germ cells occurring with equal frequency. Three of them, or FeeblemindecA parent Germ cells all F Cro Normal parent. all N ss N(F) Fig. 5. — Result of Cross between a Dominant and a Recessive Character in F^. on the average three-fourths of the offspring, will be normal, the other fourth will be feeble-minded. Moreover, of the normals tw^o-thirds will be carrying feeble-mindedness as a recessive character while the other third will be untainted. Further, it is clear Heterozygous parents. Germ cells. ^ 50 % N N(F) <; ~-^ 50 % F ^ 50 % N Unions oF germ cells. 25 X N N 25 % N F 25 % N F ^ (F) ^^ ^^^"'^_— — ^^ 25 % r F 50 % F Fig. 6. — Results of above Cross in F., that if the Mendelian behaviour is strictly adhered to two feeble-minded parents can have only feeble- minded offspring. The exceptions to this rule, if they exist, are so few as to be negligible. For a further account of feeble-mindedness see p. 149. There is no doubt that the germ plasm of any human THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 19 strain contains numbers of such recessive characters, which may be transmitted for generations without appearing, until union with an individual carrying the same recessive character may ultimately bring it out in some (25 per cent.) of the offspring. The presence of similar, undesirable recessive characters in the germ plasm is thus the chief danger from inbreeding or intermarriage of cousins. The main features of a recessive character are, then, that it disappears in the first generation of a cross between a pure dominant and a pure recessive, while it re- appears in about one-quarter of the offspring of two Germ cells X XX XY Fig. 7. — Diagram to show the History of the Sex Chromosomes. individuals heterozygous for the character. It will appear in about half the offspring of matings between a heterozygous normal and a (pure) recessive. Another type of Mendelian character, which in its inheritance follows exactly the distribution of the sex chromosomes, is known as sex-linked inheritance. Such characters evidently depend for their origin upon mutations occurring in the sex chromosomes. As an example of this in man we may consider colour- blindness. The nature of this inheritance-mechanism will be clear from the following diagram (Fig. 7), showing the history of the sex chromosomes as they appear to behave in man. 20 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS The history of the sex chromosomes has been clearly shown in many animals, and in the fruit fly Drosophila a large number of sex-linked mutations, determined apparently by changes in loci of the X-chromosome, have been studied. A brief account is first necessary of the sex chromosomes as they apparently exist in man. Although many observations have been made on the subject, the facts are not 3'et known with certainty; but the details are gradually becoming clear. It appeared at one time that the negro had 24 chromo- somes and the white man 48, but this apparent difference ma}^ have been due to clumping of the chromosome pairs in the process of fixation, so that they looked like single chromosomes. Also in the earlier accounts one or two more chromosomes were found in the female than in the male, but later investi- gators are agreed that there is a pair (XY) of sex chromosomes which are distinguishable b}^ their shape and behaviour from the other chromosomes. It appeared from the studies of Guyer (1910, 191 4) and of Montgomery (191 2) on human spermato- genesis that the male negro possesses 22 chromosomes, including 2 sex or accessory chromosomes. Mont- gomery found that the accessories were irregularly distributed in the reduction divisions. It was inferred that the female number was 24. Von Winiwarter (191 2), however, studying members of the white race, found 47 chromosomes in man and 48 in woman (oogonial divisions). Farmer, Moore and Walker (1906), in examining pathological tissue (somatic cells) presumably of white people, found usually 32 chromo- somes, while Wieman (191 3) counted 33 to 38 chro- mosomes in a human embr3^o the parentage of which is not stated. More recently Wieman (191 7) de- scribes human spermatogenesis with 24 chromosomes in both negro and white, including an XY pair of sex THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 21 chromosomes which divide in the first reduction division and segregate in the second, unUke the other chromosomes which segregate in the first and divide in the second. Still more recently, Painter (1921), in a preliminary account of spermatogenesis in both whites and negroes from Texas, finds approximately 48 chromosomes in both, including an XY pair of sex chromosomes. This is a partial confirmation of Von Winiwarter. It might appear that all these investigators were right in their determinations of numbers, and that human individuals exist with 24 (2X or diploid), about 36 (3X or triploid), and 48 (4X or tetraploid) chromosome numbers. The chro- mosomes of all mammals are, however, notoriously difficult to deal with, and it seems more likely that clumping may have given rise to an appearance of lower numbers. The existence of triploid and tetra- ploid races of mankind would, however, be in accord with their occurrence in man}^ species of plants and animals (see Gates, 191 5, pp. 195 ff.). In an}^ case, it seems clear that the higher number (48) of chromo- somes is present at least in some men, and that an XY pair of chromosomes exists in the male. It may be pointed out that the number 48 is a rather high one, and is approximately double the number found in some mammals.* It has, therefore, probably originated at some time by sudden doubling of the chromosome number, as this was originally shown to take place when CEnothera gigas appears as a mutation from CE. Lamarckiana (see Gates, 191 5, pp. 118, 209). Whether this doubling to produce 48 chromosomes occurred in some of the races of mankind, or earlier in his ancestry, remains to be determined. In the matter of relationships and phylogeny, as has recently been shown, in the varieties * Painter (1922) reports finding 54 chromosomes, including an XY pair, in a ring-tail monkey. 22 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS of wheat, and in a number of other instances, the determination of chromosome numbers and shapes is of great value. Returning to the question of human chromosomes, there are many difficulties attending their study, so that neither their total numbers nor the behaviour of the sex chromosomes can be regarded as settled. Von Winiwarter found an unpaired X chromosome in the male, while later workers are agreed in finding an XY pair. In either case, the mechanism of sex determination and the inheritance of sex - linked characters is essentially the same, so it will be assumed that the later work is correct in describing an XY pair. This type of sex -determining mechanism is well known in some of the insects. It may be briefly described as follows (see Fig. 8). Males have an unequal XY pair of sex chromosomes, the X usually being larger than the Y, while females have a pair of X chromosomes (XX). In the spermatogenesis of the male, the X passes undivided into half the sperm, w^hile the other half receive the Y. Since the females have a pair of X chromosomes, all the eggs before fertilisation will contain one X. In fertilisa- tion there is an equal chance that a sperm containing an X will enter an egg, and produce a female, or, that a sperm bearing a Y will function and so produce a male. Through this general mechanism an approxi- mation to equality of the sexes is maintained. But it is now known that there are various conditions which may come in to disturb this tendency to equality in numbers of the sexes. We are now in a position to understand the mechanism of inheritance of sex-linked characters, such as colour-blindness, in man. The diagram shows only the sex chromosomes, which are XX in the female and XY in the male. The underlined X is carrying the factor for THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 23 colour-blindness. The male, XY, would therefore be colour-blind. Mated with a normal woman, their male children would all be normal. The X chromo- some of the father, however, goes to all his daughters, Parents XX X Y Germ cells XX X Y Zygotes XX XYcf OXX Germ cells XX XY Zygotes OXX OXX XYCJ" XYd' Germ cells XX XY Zygotes ^XX XX^ XYC? XYC/ Fig. 8. — Diagram to illustrate the Inheritance of Sex- Linked Characters through the X-Chromosome. who are all, therefore, transmitters of the defect to future generations. With a husband who is normal, they will transmit the defect to half their children of both sexes, as shown in the next two lines of the 24 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS diagram (Fig. 8), but onl}' the sons will be colour- blind. The last three lines show how a colour-blind father and a heteroz3'gous mother will have a family in which half the daughters show the defect and half the sons will show it.* If the mother were homozygous for colour-blindness and the father also carried it, then all the children would be colour-blind. There is no instance of a colour-blind father transmitting the condition to the next generation, except in connec- tion with a mother who transmits it. This criss- cross type of inheritance is more complicated than simple Mendelian behaviour in which both parents take the same part in inheritance, but it is simply explained by assuming the behaviour to be due to the transmission of a defective X chromosome. It appears, then, that in all these cases the fact that the differences are inherited as Mendelian factors results from the manner of distribution of the chro- mosomes in the reduction divisions at the time the germ cells of the organism are matured. It may be that some of the fundamental resemblances betw^een related organisms are inherited in a different wa}^ Since in experimental breeding it is only possible to study directl}^ the inheritance of differences, evidence concerning the process of inheritance of resemblances must necessarily be indirect and closel}' wrapped up with development itself. We ma}^ now consider some of the differences appearing in man which so often follow one of these types of Mendelian behaviour. While dominance is very common, especiall}^ in connection with abnor- malities, it is not by any means universal. There is, for instance, no dominance in such a character as skin colour, but the first generation is intermediate * There appear to be some irregular cases in which colour- bhndness shows in a heterozygous woman. fnffparr librart 19, C. Statt Colkj^ THE GENERAL ASPECTS OF HEREDITY 25 and back-crosses will further dilute the colour. It is probable that in organisms at large complete domi- nance is the exception rather than the rule. Why dominant mutations should be so numerous in man is at present quite unexplained. In Drosophila, only about a dozen dominant mutations have ap- peared among some 300, all the rest being recessive, and they are equally uncommon in other organisms. The biological characters or differences observable in the human race and for the most part inherited include not merely the more striking racial divergen- cies, but also the innumerable structural and mental or temperamental differences that we see in the individuals of any population, however " pure " the race. Colour of hair and eyes, height and size of various parts of the body (for there is some evidence that these may be independently inherited for different segments), conformation of the head and features, size and shape of eyes, e-ars, nose, mouth, hands, and feet — there is good reason to believe that the element of inheritance enters largely into the perpetuation of a host of such differences as well as others more minute. Everyone can cite, from his own experi- ence, cases of such essentially phj^siological traits as longevity and early baldness* or greyness "running in families." * In an interesting study of the inheritance of baldness, by Dorothy Osborn (1916), she tabulated the results for twenty-two families and reached definite conclusions. Baldness is found to be a sex-limited trait, being inherited as a dominant character from father to son. In the woman it acts as a recessive, and may be transmitted as such, only appearing as baldness when present in the duplex (homozygous) condition. This may explain the greater rarity of baldness in women. Baldness is frequently associated with progressive decrease in the concentra- tion of thyroid in the blood (see pp. 211 ^.). This view of early baldness as a sex-limited trait is borne out by data of Sedgwick (1863). It is interesting to note in this connection that Duerden (191 8, 26 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS Differences in reactions to serums and to various diseases, as well as other evidence, indicates the existence of corresponding chemical and constitutional differences between individuals. The inheritance of such differences is now commonly recognised. Only a few years ago, in the Law Courts, the disposal of a large estate turned upon a peculiar conformation of the ear occurring in the father and the supposed son.* A considerable bod}^ of detailed evidence concerning heredity in man has accumulated in recent years. It is not my purpose to attempt anything like a complete citation of this work, but it may be of interest to enumerate some of the studies which have been made on this subject; for our knowledge of the inheritance both of normal and abnormal traits in man must always form the chief basis for eugenic action. 1919) has shown that in crosses between the North African and South African ostrich the bald spot of the former behaves as a simple dominant character not sex-linked. In the chicks the head is covered with a bristly down, but in the North African birds this gradually falls out during the first few months and is not replaced by feathers. * On the other hand, a case is cited (Jenks, 1916), with some evidence of authenticity, in which a girl of Swedish ancestry, whose ancestors of both sexes had been accustomed for many generations to wear earrings, was born with a hole in the proper position in each ear-lobe. That such cases of inheritance of a mutilation are admittedly rare does not necessarily prove that they are non-existent. The fact that (Windle, 1891) a fissure sometimes occurs in the sulcus intertragicus of the ear, as an arrest of development, scarcely seems an adequate explanation of the above case; but in an instance cited by Windle where the mother tore the lobule of her left ear when eight years old, and afterwards had eight children, one of whom, a boy, had cleft lobule of the left ear, there is obviously no inheritance involved. CHAPTER III INHERITANCE OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN Stature Two of the earliest subjects studied in connection with human heredity were naturally enough stature and eye-colour. Galton dealt with these traits in his Natural Inheritance. I have pointed out elsewhere (191 4) that Galton was a believer both in continuity and discontinuity in variation, and also in alterna- tive as well as blended inheritance. His point of view with regard to the inheritance of these two characters may be well illustrated by a quotation from Natural Inheritance (p. 138): "Stature and eye-colour are not different as qualities, but they are more contrasted in hereditary behaviour than perhaps any other common qualities. Parents of different statures usually transmit a blended heritage to their children, but parents of different eye-colour usually transmit an alternative heritage." He also remarks (p. 139), " The blending in stature is due to its being the aggregate of the quasi-independent inheritance of many separate parts, while e3^e-colour appears to be much less various in its origin." In- stead of Galton's conception of particulate inheritance, we now think in terms of such abstractions as multiple allelomorphs or multiple factors. But this conclusion of his concerning stature has been supported by Davenport (191 7), who concludes from a considerable aggregation of analysed data that the correlation between " knee height " and " pubic arch minus knee 27 28 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS * height " or length of thigh, is only 24 per cent.*^ Knee height includes height of ankle, which is con- sidered an independent variable. The correlation between supra-pubic and sub-pubic portions of stature is found to be 30 per cent., and striking differ- ences in the relative lengths of these portions of the bod}' occur in different races of man. Thus Eskimo, Mongoloids, and some American Indian tribes have a relativel}^ long trunk and short legs, while the Australian aborigines and some negro groups have a short trunk and long legs. Of the supra-pubic region, the supra-sternal or head and neck, and sub- sternal or trunk portion, are independent variables as regards length, with a correlation between them of onh' 9 per cent. A defect in these data is, however, the use of " sitting height " as a measurement, and the deduction of certain elements of the stature from that. Thus, while inherited general growth factors, such as differences in the amount of secretion of various glands, are concerned in determining the adult stature as a whole, other factors are believed to control inde- pendently the length of the various segments which go to make up stature. Hence, according to this view, an individual ma}" be tall because of the presence of general growth factors, or because he happens to have inherited length in each segment of his stature. If this is true, then, of the four segments that combine to form the total stature, any individual may be long in some and short in others. It is commonly stated that certain families have predominantly long trunks and short legs, while others may have short, stocky trunks combined with long or short * The calculation of the length of different segments of the body by this indirect method introduces sources of error, as Castle points out, which, at any rate, weaken Davenport's conclusions regarding the inheritance of stature. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 29 legs. A child may happen to inherit all the relatively long or short segment-lengths of its two parents, and may thus be considerably taller or shorter than either parent. Thus uniformity is not to be expected in marriages between tall and short people. I know personally of two cases of marriages between a very exceptionally tall man and an exceptionally short woman. In one case the son is tall, though not so tall as his father. In the other, the son is exception- ally short, like his mother. Castle (1922) has recently criticised these con- clusions of Davenport. He made a study of size inheritance in crosses between large and small varieties of rabbits and found the F^ generations intermediate between the parental races, but nearer the size of the larger parent owing to heterosis or hybrid vigour. The latter phenomenon is well known. It is largely confined to the F^ of both plant and animal hybrids, and probably occurs also in some first generation crosses of man.* Castle found that in crosses between two small varieties of rabbits, such as Polish and Himalayan, the F^ was larger than either parent owing to this " hybrid vigour," but the effect was lost in the F2, which was strictly intermediate in average size. In crosses of either of these races with the much larger Flemish rabbit, the average size of the F2 was strictly intermediate, but the range of varia- tion was much greater than in F^. By the application of statistical methods it was estimated that eight or ten independent factors or linkage-systems affected the size. Extensive measurements were made of weight, ear-length, and the dimensions of several bones. A study of the correlation between these measure- ments was made, in order to determine whether * For a discussion of heterosis in hybrids see East and Jones (1919)- 30 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS independent factors govern the size in different parts of the bod}'. The correlation-coefficients obtained were uniformly high, and Castle reaches the conclusion that " the genetic agencies affecting size in rabbits are general in their action, influencing in the same general direction all parts of the body." This important contribution of Castle to the subject of size-inheritance seems to indicate that, in so far as rabbits are concerned, there is no certain evidence of factors independently influencing the size of particular organs. Castle applies the same views to mammals and man, but not to plants where " hormone action is less in evidence." He regards the view of the genetic independence in size of the various parts of the body as a " sporadic relapse into preformation- ism," and denies that any lack of co-ordination of organs, such as Davenport has suggested, can arise through the crossing of different races of man. He points out also, that the measurements used by Davenport were not sufficiently precise to give reliable correlation-coefficients, and criticises the photographs of a Dinka negro and a Chiriguan Indian as evidence that length of legs and trunk is independently inherited. Castle suggests that there is the same difference in proportions between a boy and a man as between the Chiriguan Indian and the Dinka negro, and that the latter, therefore, merely repre- sents a later stage of development. He believes that Southern Italians are short of stature and short- limbed because they cease to grow early, while Swedes and Scotch are tall and long-limbed because they mature later, in the same way that Flemish rabbits are large and have long ears because of their late maturity. Davenport also recognises general growth factors, and it is evident that the last word has not yet been said on this important subject. What is required is a mass of more accurate measurements. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IX MAN 31 Two earlier studies by Punnett and Bailey (191 4, 191 8) on the inheritance of weight in poultry and in rabbits also bear directly on this question. They crossed Gold-pencilled Hamburgs with Silver Sea- bright Bantams. The F^ was not quite so large as the larger parent, while in F, and F3 the range of variation is beyond that of either parent — i.e., both larger and smaller birds w^ere obtained. The results were explained on the assumption that four factors affecting weight were present, two of them being assumed to give an increase of 38 per cent, in a single dose or 61 per cent, when present in the homo- zygous condition. The other two factors were assumed to give 25 per cent, increase in weight in the simplex condition, and 30 per cent, in the duplex condition. The results are believed to give a clear indication that weight in poultr}^ may depend on the presence of definite segregating genetic factors, and it is suggested that the increased size of some hybrids is not due to hybrid vigour, but to the bringing to- gether of independent growth factors. In their later study of weight in rabbits, Punnett and Bailey (191 8) made crosses between the large Flemish rabbit and a mixed strain of Himalayan- Dutch-Havana of nearly uniform size. They also made certain crosses betw^een Flemish and Polish rabbits. After making a careful study of the curves of growth in these rabbits, they conclude that " though animals belonging to large breeds may mature more slow^ly than those belonging to small breeds, it does not follow that age of maturity is closely correlated with size." The very small Polish rabbit is believed to mature a good deal more slowly than a larger form such as the Dutch, and the conclusion is reached that size and early maturit}' are to some extent transmitted independently. These conclusions are contrary to the view of Castle, who finds, from a stud}' of growth- 32 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS curves in pure and hybrid races, that in PoHsh rabbits " the initial weight is less, the growth-rate lesS; and the completion of growth comes earlier," all these features combining to produce a smaller rabbit. It is evident from these and other contradictory results that further studies of size inheritance in relation to rate of growth, etc., are necessar}- before any final conclusion can be reached; but it is highly probable that the same laws of size inheritance apply to man as to mammals, whatever those laws may be.* Castle's data provide strong evidence that in the strains of rabbits he studied general growth factors preponderated over any factors affecting only the size of certain parts. Nevertheless, the effects of a genetic factor are frequently confined almost entirely to one organ, and we see no reason why this should not apply to size factors as well as others. Wright (191 8) in a statistical analysis of earlier measurements by Castle, of a stock of rabbits w^hich gave strikingly high correlations between skull and leg measure- ments, brings out correlations which '' suggest the existence of growth factors w^hich affect the size of the skull independently of the body, others which affect similarly the length of homologous long bones apart from all else, and others which affect similarly bones of the same limb." The five measurements considered were length and breadth of skull, length of humerus, femur, and tibia. Analysis of the rela- tions shows that in a population of rabbits most of the differences between individuals are those which involve the size of the body as a whole. But there is a certain amount of variation of each bone length independently of all others measured. There are also groups of bones, which vary together inde- * There is much evidence in man (see p. 212) that the activities of various ductless glands, such as the thyroid and pituitary, control the size and development. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 33 pendently of the rest of the skeleton . Two such groups are skull length and breadth and the three leg bones. Again, femur and tibia form a group subject to common influences which do not affect the humerus (foreleg). How far these variations were controlled by genetic factors is of course unknown. Castle specifically confines to animals his view that all size factors are general, excluding it from plants on the ground of a greater hormone control in animals. But the apparent difference may simply be due to the present state of our knowledge. In plants it has been shown (Gates, 191 7) that when a large- flowered species is crossed with a small-flowered one, an intermediate F^ ma}" be followed by later genera- tions in which widely different sizes of flower occur simultaneously on the same plant, and even different lengths of petal in the same flower. This striking result, which has been studied on a large scale in CEnothera crosses, shows that in plants, at any rate, organs of widely different size ma}" occur on the same individual as the result of inherited differences. Another important fact which bears on the whole theory of multiple factors in the interpretation of size inheritance has been brought out by Sumner and Huestis (1921). From extensive measurements of the right and left mandibles, femurs, and pelvic bones of the Californian deer mouse, Peromysciis maniculatiis , they have constructed curves for the sinistro-dextral ratio for each bone — i.e., the relative lengths of the corresponding right and left bones. The range of variation on either side of equality in this ratio is, of course, small in every case, but they are able to show statistically that the difference — i.e., excess of length or weight on the right or left side — is, as might be expected, not inherited from one generation to the next. Nevertheless, if pure races are compared with hybrids, the Y^ generation shows 3 34 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS a considerable increase in the variability of these ratios. The authors rightly insist that this increased variability of the Eg in characters which are demon- strably non-hereditar}^ weakens very much the force of the evidence usually offered in favour of the hypothesis of multiple factors in size inheritance. An increased range of variation in Eg hybrids cannot therefore in itself be accepted as evidence of the inheritance of multiple size factors. In the light ol these results, the whole subject of size inheritance takes on new aspects and will require more critical re-examination . As regards human dwarfs, they ma}^ be achondro- plasic* — having short legs and long trunk — or ate- liotic,t with normal proportions and reduced size (miniatures). The former condition frequently skips a generation, and its heredity is uncertain, but it appears to be connected with derangements of the internal secretions. A number of pedigrees of both types of dwarfs are described in the Treasury of Natural Inheritance (Pearson). Rischbieth and Barrington (191 2) have accumu- lated an enormous amount of information regarding dwarfism in the human race, with a number of pedi- grees of its inheritance. Regarding achondroplasia, the condition ma}' appear '' accidentally " or it may be hereditar}'. Cases are known in which normal and achondroplasic babies occur in the same twin birth. The condition appears more commonl}' in girls than in bo3'S, Kassowitz finding twenty-five girls and four bo3's in a total of twenty-nine cases. An achondroplasic mother may have children like herself or normal, and delivery must be b}" Csesar- otomy. * Achondroplasia is a defect in the iormation of cartilage at the epiphyses on the ends of the long bones, producing dwarfs, t Ateliosis is arrest of development before it is complete. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IX MAN 35 Ateliosis or true dwarfism is considered to be rather rare. It is probably due to a defect of the pituitary. There is a fair number of cases recorded in which offspring have been born to parents one or both of whom were ateliotic. These, however, with the exception of the cases quoted, have grown to a normal size, if the}^ survived to adult years." Usualh' the condition is found in only one generation. In an exceptional case, an achondroplasic mother produced an ateliotic son by an ateliotic father. In another case, ateliosis occurred in father and son, and probably in the grandfather. A condition in plants, which appears to correspond with achondroplas}^, has been described in cotton, under the name brachysm (Cook, 191 5). It consists in a great shortening of the internodes without any corresponding reduction in the diameter or in the size or number of other organs. This condition exists in the " bush " varieties of various vegetables and cereals such as beans and peas, tomatoes, oats and w^heat. Kempton (1921) has studied it in maize, and finds that it is inherited as a simple recessive in crosses with the normal tall. Ateliosis* in man appears to correspond to many of the ordinary dwarf varieties of plants and animals, though Davenport thinks it is due to dominant in- hibiting factors. In some plants at least smaller cell size is involved. A w^ell-known pedigree of the ate- liotic type of dwarfism occurs in two families in the Tyrol which have intermarried, and Pearson suggests that it may here be inherited as a recessive from an ancestral stock. Dwarfing of the t^'pe which produces general reduction in size is often the result of unfavourable * Among horses, most ponies, such as the Shetland variety, appear to be atehotic miniatures, while the Chinese pony, with short legs and stout body, is apparently an achondroplasic dwarf. 36 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS conditions or general inhibition to growth. The Japanese method of producing dwarf trees b}- star- vation is sometimes copied by nature. When a tree seedhng germinates in a cleft of a rock where little nourishment is obtainable it may struggle on for decades, making an infinitesimal amount of growth each ^xar. Various instances are known in which domesticated animals in becoming feral under a rigorous climate have decreased conspicuously in size. This is probably the history of the Shetland ponies and others. It is certainly the origin of the somewhat larger ponies from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. These are known to be descended (St. John, 1 921) from horses taken to this desolate little island from Massachusetts. The historv of these horses and other feral animals on Sable Island is of such interest, in showing how a group of animals may react when removed from the care and selection of civilised man, that I refer to the subject at some length. The facts are taken from St. John (1921) and Gilpin (1864). Sable Island is a long crescent of sand dunes, now twxnt}' miles long and less than a mile wide, about 150 miles east of Halifax, Nova Scotia. When first visited in the sixteenth centur}^, it was apparently ten miles longer and two miles wide. Ever}^ few years a great storm washes away some part of the island. The higher dunes now reach nearly 100 feet, but were formerly higher. It is surrounded by shoals, and hundreds of wrecks have occurred on its shores, giving it the lugubrious distinction of being the " graveyard of the Atlantic." On this inhospitable island the Portuguese landed cattle and pigs about 1520. In 1633 a writer reported, " about 800 cattle, small and great, all red, and the largest he ever saw." Large numbers of wild cattle were afterwards shipped from the island, according to a letter written in 1686, PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 37 and in i 738 there were no cattle left there. Evidently the cattle never became so truly feral as the horses, which were landed afterwards. Unlike the latter, they sought shelter from human habitations in storms, also they increased in size and remained uniform in colour. The hogs also ran wild, and became quite fierce. But they w^ere all destroyed in 1814 " because of their ghoulish tastes when shipwrecks occurred." English rabbits, as well as rats, cats, dogs, and foxes, were introduced in turn, the native red and black foxes having become extinct. These introductions furnish an instructive instance of how one species may prey upon and quickly exterminate another. But the history of the horses is of greatest interest . In 1753 there were twenty or thirty horses on the island descended from animals landed some time earlier. About 1760 Thomas Hancock, a Boston (Mass.) merchant, landed horses, cows, sheep, goats, and pigs. By the end of the American Revolution, all had been killed except a number of horses. Many of the horses, as well as other animals, had been eaten as food by shipwrecked mariners. The horses de- scended from this stock are well described by Gilpin (1864), who visited the island about 1864, and found some 400 wild ponies in about six herds, each headed by an old male with masses of mane and tail. Each herd had its own feeding ground, and they separated again when driven together promiscuously. The males often fought savagely, and they appeared to sleep standing and never to lie down to rest, alwa^^s fleeing from man and shelter. Thus in one hundred and fifty years or less they had returned to the habits of the wild tarpany horse, with which they agreed in size, hairy heads, and thick coat, though differing in form in some respects. They are said to reproduce wonderfully the forms of horses known only from the sculptures of Nineveh and the friezes of the Par- 58 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS thenon, having the same short cock-thrappled neck, hairy jowl, and horizontal head. As regards colour, bays and browns were most numerous, then chest- nuts, a few blacks, no greys, one probable red roan, one pure white, many piebald, and many '* bluish mouse colour "* often wdth a black stripe along the back, but none with black lines around the legs. The striking features in the history of these horses appear to be ( i ) the complete reversion to an ancestral condition, with change of form and decrease in size; (2) the large number of colour varieties. Mere in- breeding will not account for the former. The colour varieties may, perhaps, all have been represented in the germ plasm, the piebald and bluish colours being extremelv old. Piebald horses have existed in all ages. According to Gilpin, the}^ are depicted on the most ancient coins of China and w^ere contemporary with the siege of Tro\^, being still seen feral in Northern Italy. They have also appeared in Patagonia and among the horses of the North American Indians. The structural changes involved in the reversion of these Sable Island ponies must have resulted in some w^ay from the rigorous conditions. How the environ- ment acts in such cases is not clear. It ma}^ be parth' by direct inhibition of development, and partly by selection of smaller varieties requiring less food. It may also involve the reappearance as fresh mutations of conditions which had previously been selected out of the germ plasm by the action of man. The small human races in some inhospitable climates may, perhaps, be accounted for in a similar wa}^ — i.e., by the selection of variations, sometimes negative, which made survival more likely, as well as by the direct inhibiting effects of unfavourable conditions. But * This " Phrygian cerulean blue of Homer " is scarcely known among modern domestic breeds. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 39 this is obviousl}^ not the place to analyse such possi- bilities from the evolutionary point of view. That the diminution in size of a species may happen very quickly is shown by garden vegetables which are allowed to run wild, or bv the immediate and rapid increase in size of wild species taken into a garden. This appears to be due to the fact that con- ditions of culture permit of the rapid accumulation of reserve material. Such instances as the following in animals show rapid decrease in size: Dr. John D. Caton (1887) tells how a male and four female wild turkeys were sent from his grounds in Ottawa to Santa Cruz Island, twenty miles off the coast of California. This island is thirt}^ miles long and five to ten miles wide. Here the turke^^s had no enemies except a small grey fox. In a few years they became ver}^ abundant and very much smaller, the largest weighing not over 6 pounds, or less than one-third the size of the first and second generations bred there. In this case the mild climatic conditions could not have been responsible, the food supply was abundant, the birds were vigorous and healthy, and there was no evidence of any epidemic. The wild turkey was formerly abundant in Arizona, and birds introduced on the mainland of California north of San Francisco were prolific and of normal size. The cause of the decrease in size of the Santa Cruz birds, therefore^ remains unexplained. Davenport is inclined to conclude from his studies of human stature that " in both ateliosis and achon- droplasia in man there are multiple dominant (growth inhibiting) factors, whose actions are often obscured by opposing epigenetic growth factors, and which are probably of a different sort in ateliosis than in achondroplasia, for achondroplasia affects chiefly or exclusively the appendages." Evidently much has yet to be learned of the inheritance of these 40 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS conditions in man, as well as concerning the effec- tive environmental factors which are involved in producing racial differences in stature. A condition which bears some resemblances to achondroplasia, but was probably of a different character, appeared in a flock of sheep in i 791 (Hum- phreys, 1 813). The so-called Ancon sheep originated from a single ram in the flock of a farmer in Massa- chusetts, near Boston. This ram had short, bandy legs and a short back. The character was evidently a simple Mendelian recessive, and had probably been carried in the stock for some time before it was brought out b}' inbreeding. The breed seems to have attained some popularity because they could not jump fences ; but their crooked forelegs, loose joints, and flabby subscapular muscles made them difficult to drive to market, their carcasses were smaller, and they became extinct some time after 181 3. This is an excellent example of man's power over variations in domestic animals, first to multiply them and afterwards to bring about their extinction when the}^ were found less serviceable. A somewhat different account of the origin of this breed was given b}^ Timothy Dwight (1822, vol. iii., p. 134). Hesays that about i 798, in Mendon township (Mass.), about eighteen miles south-east of Worcester, *' an ewe belonging to one of the farmers had twins, which he observed to differ in their structure from any other sheep in this part of the countr}^." The twins are said to have been of different sex, and to have been bred together to produce the new race. Dwight stated that their bodies were thicker and more clumsy, they were more gentle, and have since multiplied to many thousands; when crossed with other breeds, they always resembled entirely either the sire or the dam. The dachshund among dogs appears to have re- PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 41 suited from a similar mutation, although here the back is long, as also in the turnspit. A variety like the turnspit, having crooked legs and a long back, was formerly known among the pariah dogs of India. To quote some of the further conclusions of Daven- port regarding heredity of stature in man, he finds that the time of onset of puberty is probabh' an ele- ment in determining the stature ultimately reached by the individual, and that the factors for tallness are mostly recessive — probabl}^ due to the absence of inhibitions to prolonged growth. The least vari- able offspring are, therefore, the children of two tall parents, all being usuall}^ tall, while tall mated with short will give the most variable result owing to the recessive factors for greater stature carried b}^ the short parent. An interesting experimental result bearing on the subject of gigantism has recentty been obtained by Uhlenhuth (192 1). He fed young salamanders {Ambly stoma) on a pure diet of the anterior lobe of the M'pophysis (pituitary*) of cattle, control animals being fed with earthworms. A greath' increased rate of growth resulted, and when the normal adult size was reached growth continued at a decreasing rate, until animals of gigantic size w^ere produced. The hormonef from the anterior lobe of the hypophysis not onl}^ accelerates growth, but also maintains growth after the normal adult size is reached. Carrel finds that in tissue cultures the growth of the cells of warm-blooded animals is not accelerated by hypo- physis extract, and various investigators have shown * The pituitary is a small reddish ellipsoid organ in a depression (the sella turcica) at the base of the skull. It consists of anterior and posterior lobes. t A hormone is a chemical substance produced as an internal secretion in a gland or organ and carried in the blood-stream in minute quantities to control the activity of another organ. 42 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS that the division rate of protozoa is not affected by the extract. The continued growth of the sala- mander is evidently due to continued cell multipli- cation rather than increase in the size of cells, the hormone effect being probably not directly on the cells of the body, but through the intermediary^ of some other substance which stimulates cell growth and division in all the tissues. In plants it has been shown by Bottomley (191 7) that auximones or growth-promoting substances, bearing certain resemblances to the vitamins,* may be obtained from the water extract of bacterised peat. These substances are probably organic de- composition products obtained in peat which has partially decomposed under anaerobic conditions, and is then acted upon by aerobic bacteria. When 368 parts per million of organic matter from the water extract was added to a culture of Lemna minor, grown in nutrient solution, the effect was remarkable. In six weeks the increase compared with that of con- trol plants was sixt^^-two times in weight and twenty times in number of plants. The increase in size was striking, not onty as regards the individual plants, but also in the cells, nuclei, and chloroplasts. That gigantism of body and of cells in plants is also often associated with tetraploidy or doubling in the chromosome number has been shown by Gates (1909) and by Tupper and Bartlett (191 6), with de- tailed measurements of cells and nuclei in various tissues. This is another example of the same mor- phological difference being produced by an external stimulus, in which case it is not inherited, or by a germinal change, when it is inherited. * Vitamins are substances of vegetable origin whose presence in minute quantities is necessary for the proper development of the higher animals and man. In their absence such diseases as scurvy, beri-beri, and rickets develop. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAX 43 The data of inheritance of gigantism in man include some interesting cases in the tall Scotch population of North Carolina and Kentucky. It is concluded by Davenport that excessively tall stature is the result of inherited excessive activity in the pituitary gland, the factors for tallness being mostly recessive, due to absence of inhibition to prolonged growth. It is clear that gigantism and dwarfism are not merety the extreme terms in a single series, but they are conditioned in inheritance by entirely different ph3^siological and developmental processes. Windle (1891) quotes from Francesco Leporata the case of a dwarf born of normal parents. At the age of 83 years he was i -i 30 metres high. By a normal wife he had six children whose heights are given. They w^ere all dwarfs but one normal daughter, their heights ranging around that of the father. One son, Antonio, married twice, both wives being normal, By the first he had a normal daughter, and b}' the second three children who were below normal. Another son, Pietro, married a normal woman and had three small children, all of whom when measured were below the normal height for their age. Dwarfing in this family appears to be strongly dominant. Stature is, of course, also a racial characteristic. The tall races are found in North-Western Europe, the Polynesians, North American Indians, and some negro tribes of the Soudan and Central Africa. Their height is 68 inches or over. The short races comprise those of Indo-China, Japan, Malaya, the Hottentots, and Eskimos. Many dwarfs are small because they cease growth at an early age; others are ver}- small at birth and grow slowly. According to Davenport (191 7), the average stature of man ranges from 4 feet 6 inches' in the Negrillo Akkas to 5 feet 10 inches in the Scots of Galloway. Frederick Wilhelm of Prussia contemplated breeding a race of tall grenadiers for 44 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS his battalions, and Catherine de Medici is said to have endeavoured to produce a race of dwarfs by bringing about matings between them. Eye Colour. The Mendelian studies of eye colour up to 191 2 were summarised by Hurst (191 2). He defined three patterns of distribution in the pigmented e^^e : self, where the brown is distributed all the way to the periphery of the iris; ringed, in w^hich the brown is confined to a ring around the iris; and spotted, in which irregular spots and patches occur on a blue background. The blue or grey colour represents absence of brown pigment, and is simply the apparent colour of the muscle fibres in the iris as seen through the cornea. A recent paper (Boas, 1919) presents statistics of e3'e colour which, it is claimed, do not support the Mendelian contention that two blue-eyed individuals have only blue-eyed offspring. But the wTiter admits that in collecting these data, persons with a certain amount of brown in their eyes may have been classed as blue-e^^ed. Pearson and others have also studied carefully some of the more detailed differences in eye pigmentation which are important for a complete anah^sis. It is clear that the conception of a single Mendelian factor difference between brown and blue e\^es is only a rough first approximation in the study of this subject. Usher (1920), from a careful histological examina- tion of six albino eyeballs, found traces of pigment in four. The fifth was unknown, and the sixth, that of an infant, was devoid of pigment. Usher therefore con- cludes that total absence of pigment cannot be used as a definition of albinism in man . The fovea centralis* * This is a pit in the middle of the macula lutea or point of clearest vision at the centre of the retina. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 45 in albinotic eyes is shown to be absent or imperfect, and this may be the chief cause of the imperfect vision in such eyes. In the eyes of albinotic individuals belonging to dark races the mesoblastic pigment appears earlier and is found in much larger quantity at time of birth than in European eyes. Chemical examination indicates that there is more pigment in the eyes of albinos of dark races than of white races. This is in line with much evidence from mammals of a close relation between density of coat colour and of eye pigmentation. Recent studies of brown and blue eyes indicate that they are not alw^ays a simple pair of Mendelian characters as formerly supposed, but sex-linkage and other complications may come in. Br^^n (1920) collected statistics in Norw^ay and states that in four out of thirty marriages tw^o blue-eyed parents had some brown-eyed children. From these four mar- riages there were ten children with brow^n eyes and seventeen with blue. One or both grandparents, in all cases, had brown eyes. Winge (1921), in a much more extended studv, criticises these results and concludes that such cases are exceedingly rare if the parents have normal vision. By means of a question- naire, Winge collected data of eye colour in about 1 ,400 children of natural history association members in Denmark and their parents. The data obtained were carefully sifted, and the results are given in the table on p. 46. From the table it will be seen that, in addition to the seven children with doubtfull}^ blue eyes from blue-eyed parents, twelve children (belonging to eight families) had brown pigment in their eyes. Further information obtained from five of the families indi- cates that the condition was due in two cases to abnormalities in the eye. In another family of seven, two of the daughters had some brown pigment in 46 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS their eyes, and one of the latter married a blue-eyed man and had six children, all blue-e3^ed. This case is thought to be explained b}" assuming that one of the grandparents was genot3'picalh^* brown-eyed but had a " pigment restrictive disposition " which made him or her phenotypically (that is, visibty) blue-eyed. The brown-eyed daughter having blue-eyed children is explained by sex-linked inheritance. It is shown from other evidence that pigment-inhibiting factors ma}" be accompanied by abnormalities in vision, but the interpretations in this part of the paper are not always convincing. TABLE I. Inheritance of Eye Colour (Winge). Number of Children. Marriages. Blue. 1 Browfi I. Greyish-Green or Bluish-Green. Total. Blue X blue Blue X brown and conversely Brown x brown 625 '317 25 12 322 82 7 9 i 644 648 107 Total 967 i 416 1 16 1,399 Perhaps the most interesting results of Winge concern the sex-linked inheritance of eye colour. The statement that there are more brown-eyed women than men was borne out by statistics of 300,000 school children, collected by S. Hansen. Similar results have been obtained by others. Winge shows the fact of sex-linkage by giving the results of marriages in which the parents had different e^^e colour. These are appended in the following tables : * That is, in inherited germinal constitution. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IX MAN 47 TABLE II. Mother Blue x Father Browx. Eye Colour of Children. Sons. Daughters. Total. Blue Brown . . Greyish-green or bluish-green 63 65 4 50 81 2 113 146 6 Total 132 133 265 TABLE III. Mother Brown x Father Blue. Eye Colour of Children. Sons. Daughters. Total. Blue Brown . . Greyish-green or bluish-green lOI 87 ■ 103 89 3 204 176 3 Total 188 195 383 Clearly from the tables, when the father has brown eyes, half the sons have blue e3"es and half brown, but many more daughters have brown than blue eyes, although the total numbers of the sexes are equal. On the other hand, when the mother has brown eyes there is a marked excess of blue-eyed sons and daughters. After an elaborate analysis these results are explained by assuming that in addition to the simple pair of factors originally recognised, there is another dominant factor for brown eyes which is sex-linked in inheritance. The writer is further obliged to assume that female germ cells (b W) containing the sex-linked factor (W) together with the ordinary determiner for blue, cannot exist. It should not be difficult to obtain extensive data of eye colour to test these h3'potheses. All the assump- tions made are reasonable enough in the light of 48 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS present genetic knowledge. It is well known that in rabbits and guinea-pigs factors for coat colour also often affect e^^e colour. Having stated some of the facts as found, several criticisms of the present Mendelian position as regards e3^e colour are necessary. In the first place, many grades of brown exist, both as regards shade of colour of the iris and distribution of pigment. In an accurate study of eye colour these shades and varying distributions should be distinguished, and only lumped together for certain statistical purposes. It may turn out that all the shades of iris pigmentation do segregate sharpty from pure blue, but much more extensive and accurate data will be required than are at present available before any certain conclusions can be drawn. It appears that even a difference in pigmentation of the two eyes ma}^ be inherited in certain families, and when the effects of various abnormalities of the eye in distorting or inhibiting the pigmentation of the iris are considered, the neces- sity for accurate and prolonged observation is obvious. On the other hand, in the light of the complications as regards eye pigmentation disclosed in Drosophila, it is by no means improbable that w^hen sufficiently anah'sed, the pigmentation of the iris in man will be found also to follow^ Mendelian laws. But it is neces- sary to emphasise the necessity of very accurate and detailed first-hand observations of parents and children. The existence of all intergrades of colour and distribution of pigment in the iris is well known. Whether the detailed facts will bear a complicated Mendelian analysis remains to be seen, but there is nothing at present to negative that possibilit}^. The writer recently had the opportunit}'^ of ex- amining the e3^e colour of people in Bergen, Norway. Only about one in fifteen would be roughly classed as brown-eyed, but the blues varied continuously PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 49 from very light to very dark blue, and so through greenish or yellowish shades (due to a small amount of brown pigment) to pale brown, dark brown being rare. Every grade of colour appeared to be repre- sented, with a great predominance of the paler shades. Sedgwick (1861) describes an interesting family in County Wexford, Ireland, with tortoiseshell-coloured eyes. The third generation, numbering sixteen sons and five daughters, all had the peculiarity, which they inherited from their mother. The mother had three sisters and a brother with the same colour of eyes, which was in turn inherited from their mother. Hence the character was a simple Mendelian dominant. Bond (191 2) has studied the inheritance of the con- • ^ D i 4 4 4 4xD I I /6 Sons 5 Dau. Fig. 9. ^TORTOISESHELL-COLOURED EyES. dition known as heterochromidia iridis, in which the two eyes are of different colour. In addition to the patterns recognised by Hurst, he distinguishes between self colour and the ray pattern, in which only one or more sections of the iris are pigmented. This con- dition is a fairly frequent one, and shows inheritance, though the position of the ra}^ or sector is variable from one generation to another. Bond finds that the two eyes are unlike in pigmentation in perhaps one or two individuals per 1,000. In rabbits the condition is much more common, sometimes four in 100. Horses with a '' wall " eye are, of course, well known, and in various breeds of dogs, such as Great Danes, English collies, and Old English sheep dogs, the condition is not uncommon. In both horses and dogs it is fre- 4 50 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS quently associated with a patchy or piebald coat. Both conditions nia}^ arise when self colour is raated with w^hite, and in some cases it may be looked upon as a phenomenon of disintegration following on the quantitative dilution of a factor for pigmentation. It resembles in this respect the striping of flowers (see p. 58). Because factors may be diluted and disintegrated in this w^ay by crossing, it is not neces- sar}' to assume, as Bond does, that there were originally independent factors for each eye and subordinate factors independently controlling different areas of the iris. There is no evidence that factors have been built up in this way. They appear rather to originate as germinal changes or new conditions of equilibrium, which may later become modified by crossing or otherwise. A number of observations on the e^^e colours of birds and their inheritance are recorded b}^ the same writer (Bond, 191 9). His studies were chiefly of pigeons and fowls, although references are made to many other species. The pigment granules producing eye colour may be black, brown, ^^ellow, ruby, or pearl. The '' bull " eye owes its black colour, as in the white fantail pigeons, to the absence of pig- ment from the anterior surface of the iris. The pos- terior uveal pigment shines through the translucent tissues of the iris and gives the eye its colour, as in blue human eyes. Also, as with blue eyes in man, the "bull" eye of the chick is retained in the adult. The ruddy glow of this e3"e is due to the plexus of bloodvessels. (A similar t3^pe of eye occurs in guinea-pigs of the type which Castle calls red-eyed silver agouti). But in most birds with dark or black eyes, the colour is due to the presence of anterior iris pigment. In the rock pigeon {Columba livia) the iris colour is yellow or orange, while in other pigeons it may be white or red, and in the stock dove (C. cenas) PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 51 the e\^e is peculiar, its black colour being due to the presence in the iris and in deeper tissues of branching cells packed with dark granules. In the pearl or white eye of pigeons and the " daw " eye, as in the Malay fowl, there is no anterior pigment in the iris, but its tissues are opaque, owing to the presence of crow^ded colourless granules. This ap- parently corresponds with the " wall " eye in horses, dogs, and pigs. The muscle fibres of the avian e3^e, however, are striated or voluntary, and not plain as in the mammals. Pearl eye in pigeons is recessive to yellow or " gravel " eye, as " daw " e^^e in fowls is to amber or black eye when the latter is due to anterior pigment. The yellow eye derives its colour from a network of branching cells containing yellow granules. If the latter are closely packed, the eye may appear black. In fowls the ^^ellow e3^e ma}' be due to (i) granules in the connective tissue cells; (2) granules in the striated muscle cells, as in Dorkings and Orpingtons. In owls the yellow eye is due to bright 3"ellow granules in cells coating the iris. Brown and black eyes in birds are produced b}' a layer of branching cells on the iris containing dark pigment granules. Ruby e3^es are produced in various ways in different birds ; and some birds, such as certain birds of paradise, have parti-coloured irides. Gene- tically, black due to pigmented iris is dominant over yellow and other grades of iris pigmentation. Skin Colour and Hair Characters. Hurst (191 2) has summarised the studies on hair and skin colour in man, and added some observations of his «wn. The main points with regard to hair colour are: (i) That the brown shades of colour appear to be continuous from white (albino) hair to jet black; (2) the reds form a separate series due to a 52 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS lipochrome (a group of animal-fat pigments), while the brown is a melanin (a dark pigment found in hair, etc.); and (3) the generalisation of the Davenports (1910) that (with rare exceptions) children never have darker hair than their darker parent. This '' non-transgressibility of the upper limit " applies also to skin colour or complexion in the white races. Davenport (191 3), from a study of mulatto families in Bermuda, Jamaica, and the United States, con- cluded that there are probably two segregating Mendelian factors for black, and that other negroid features, such as kink}^ hair and thick lips, segregate independently. The same would appear to be true for mental characters, since mulattoes sometimes display high intellectual ability, but never pure negroes, as far as is known. The evidence in favour of a strictly Mendelian ex- planation of colour inheritance in white-black crosses is, however, by no means conclusive. Pearson (1909), from data supplied b}^ a medical man in the West Indies, gives quite a different picture. The first cross gives a brown mulatto or a yellow mulatto, and the basis or cause of this difference is not apparent. In crosses between mulattoes " there are now and then slight variations from the usual mulatto brown or mulatto yellow," but never pure black or white. Sports or throwbacks rarely occur, but the form where the tint is barely evident is said to be not uncommon. Mulatto x negro produces the sambo, a deep mahogany brown, and it is said there is never any other colour from this cross. Mulatto x white produces the quadroon, which is never pure white, but almost invariably lighter than the brown mulatto and nearly always lighter than the yellow mulatto. This gives the impression of intermediac}^ in the various hybrid conditions, with a not very marked tendency to segregation, which is never complete. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 53 Evidentl}^ what is required is an extensive collection of accurate data based on careful measurements of pigmentation with colour tops before this complex subject can be fully understood. Probably something more complicated than the two-factor hypothesis of Davenport is required to explain all the facts of colour inheritance in white-black crosses. In how far real permanent blends occur remains to be seen. Although individuals occur in later generations who pass for whites, it is not certain that the pigment is ever entirely lost, though it is probable that the presence of other negroid features gives the impression that more black pigment has been retained than in the normal brunette skin. Jordan (191 1), in a histological stud}' of melano- genesis in mulatto and white skins, finds that the only factor in skin pigmentation is the number of (yellowish-brown) granules and the number of cells containing such granules. Some mulattoes are iden- tical with negroes and others with brunettes in amount of pigment. The apparent continuit}' in the melano- genetic process is believed to rest in mulatto families upon discontinuities or discrete units controlling the production of melanin granules. Such conditions conform more or less closely to an alternative mode of inheritance. Sedgwick (1863) refers to silvery grey hair of very coarse texture as being present in about one in ten or twelve of the Mandan Indians, irrespective of age. The various types of hair in the different races of man — straight, wav}', kink}', and curly — are known to differ in the shape of a cross-section, straight hair being circular in cross-section, kinky hair elliptical, with the other t3'pes intermediate. Little is actually known regarding the inheritance of these differences. Bean (1908) has studied the hair types among the h3'brid Filipinos, in which the Chinese element fur- 54 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS nished the straight t3^pe of hair. Hair was classed as straight when the relative diameters in cross- section were 100:90 or over, wav}^ when 100:70-90, and curly when 100:60-70. In 31 families in which the cross was wavy X straight or curh' x straight, there were i 57 children, of whom 84 had straight hair to 73 curly or wavy. This approximates to a Men- delian i : i ratio; but dominance, when it occurs, is variable, and although segregation occurs to some ex- tent, there is no close conformit}' to simple Mendelian behaviour. Wav}^ is regarded as a heteroz^'gote of curly and straight, curh^ being recessive, but there is no sharp line between wavy and curl}'. W^avy x wavy gives all three types in approximately^ equal proportions. Straight X straight gives all three types, but with a large preponderance of straight. Curh' X straight gives mostly straight if the father's hair is straight, but more curly if the father's hair is curly. These results for Filipinos appear to be general!}' the reverse of those obtained in America. (See photographs in Journal of Heredity 7:412 [191 6].) Bond (191 2) cites certain cases of negro-white crosses in which wavy and kinky hair both appear in the same individual, the hair being wavy on the vertex and kinky on the sides of the head. Three such cases are figured. In a little-known work on the hair of mankind, Friedenthal (1908) gives descriptions with numerous coloured plates showing the distribution of hair on the human body, and the extremes of plus and minus variation in various races of man and in some apes. Aino of Japan are figured, in some of which almost the entire body has a hairy covering, and these are compared with certain European variations in which the whole face is covered with hair. Darwin* cites a Siamese family which for three generations had the face * Animals and Plants, i. 448. PHYSICAL CHARACTERS IN MAN 55 and body covered with long hair. This was accompa- nied by deficient teeth. He also refers to a woman with completely hairy face, exhibited in London in 1663. E. Fischer (1910) has given the history of an interesting family in Upper Alsace, near Colmar, some of whose members were almost entirely devoid of hair. Daniel BoUenbach, belonging to the second generation of the pedigree (see Fig. 10), had no hair of the ordinary type, but his whole head bore a very scattered, soft down, about i centimetre long, com- posed of soft, thin, colourless hairs. Under the microscope they are seen to have no central medulla or pigment granules, to be somewhat thinner than ordinary hair, and twisted. Amongst these are a very few longer (3 centimetres) and somewhat thicker, pale reddish, delicate hairs. Under the microscope these show a normal central medulla and a weak reddish-brown pigmentation. Eyebrows and e3^e- lashes are lacking. The arms and legs are hairless ; also there is no breast hair or axillary hair. The nails of the toes and fingers are deformed, becoming thick and rough. The teeth deca\'ed early, leaving many stumps. There is here the well-known corre- lation between deficiencies in teeth, nails, and hair. Some other members of the familv have a few hairs on the body = The inheritance of this hairless, condition shows peculiarities (see chart. Fig. 10), which are difficult to explain except perhaps on an hypothesis of variable or reversed dominance of a single Alendelian factor. The character itself seems to have appeared suddenty through a germinal change, since the two generations preceding its original appearance were all normal, although they included cousin marriages which would probably have brought out a recessive character it it had been present. It will be seen (Fig. 10) that in the Fi Mathias, who was normal, had only normal 56 HEREDITY AND EUGENICS to .'0 5: K> < 0i I— I < o w U pq -+-> TO a ^ O ^O u: O o W 'O ■+-> d CD "^ a ^ IS ^ o ^ .1:3 o crT -H CD U (X) 0) u biO 03 Ph o3 biD CT^^ S CD n nn H .S2 -2 8w o3