iilir D. l-I. Hill Design Ctbrarij NA2840 ^'^' 12 1768 Worth (Carolina ^ SnioprBily Design (768 Arch lib 69946 The B U I L D E R 's J E W E L. n Part defcribe the Semicircle a h c d. From / k^ draV the Lines / h, k c, parallel to h n the central Line, cutting the Senfiichcle in b and €. Divide the Arches a h and c dy each into any fame Number of Parts; fuppofe 4 ; and divide ^ « into the fame Number oC Parts alfo, as at the Points of g f e ; through which draw^ right Linwj at right Angles to ^ « of Length at Pleafure. P^om the 4 Divifio^ in the Arch a b^ to thofe in the Arch c d, draw Ordinaccs (as thofes. dotted.) Make the Diameter of the Shaft at e, equal to the Length \ of the firft Ordinate ; at /, to the Length of the fecond-Ordinate ; and at g, to the Length of the third Oi«dmate. Then from the Points /■ ky through the Extjejmes-'^C-the Diameters^,/, f, to the Points a dy tracgftbg'QDift^yrisr.Or-Out-iines of the Shaft's Diminu- tion. .-,-^;>:r^,.;--' ' . ._ The MjUMer of Rufti eating the Shafts of Columns explained. The Shafts of the Tufcan^ Doricky and lonick Columns, are fome-- times rufticated ; but thofe of the Corinthian and Compofiie feldom or -.^ver. RULE. To rufiicate the Tufcan, Dorick, end lonick Shafts. Divide the Height of the Tufcan in 7, as in Plate I. the Dorick in 8, as in Plate X. and the lonick in 9, as in Plate XXI j then the Blocks and Intervals in the Tufcan and lonick will each be .1 Diame- ter, and thofe of the Dorick 2 Diameters. . - The Projection of the Blocks are generally made equal to the Projection of the Plinth, as exprefled in the Tufcan Order, Plate I. and continued upright without Diminution ; but as the upper Parts of the Shafts feem thereby overcharged, I therefore recommend the Diminution to be parallel with the Shaft, as ia the Dorick Order, Plate X. The Manner of Fluting the Shafts of Columns explained. The Shafts of the Dorick^ lonicky Corinthiany and Compof.ie Columns, are fometimes fluted and cabled ; but the Shaft of the Tujcan Column feldom or ever was, as being an Embellifhment too gaudy for fo robufl. and fimple an Order, whofe Beauty confifts in its native Plainnefs -, and indeed all Coiuams have a grander AfpeCl D. H. KILL LiEFARY 6994.6'''"" North Carolina Stets College 12 The B U I L D E R's JEWEL. when entirely plain, than when rufticated or fluted. The Darick Shaft, with refpeffl to its Herculean Arpe6l, fhould not be fluted ; but as f''e Ancients dilpenfed therewith, the Moderns frequently do tK fanie. But however, as herein Mnjefty mufl be preferved, tl-if»efore the Ancients allowed but 20 Flutes, and thofe without nllets, as in the Left-fide of Plate XI. tJaereby making them of a mafculine Afpeft ; whilft ihofe of the lotiick and Coriuihian Shafts are charged with 24 Flutes, and as many fillets (each of which are equal to one third of a Flute) which renders them lefs capacious and of an effeminate Afpc6l, agreeable to the Charaftcrs of thofe Orders RULE. To divide the Flutes of a Dorick Column. Plate XI. DiviDL the Circumference into 20 equal Parts, and draw Lines, thereby making a Polygon of 20 Sides ; on each Side complcat an equilateral fpherical Triangle, as « ^ c on the Left of Plate XI. and on the external Angle, as b, defcribe the Curve a f, which is the Depth or Sinking in of a Flute. RULE. To divide the Flutes and Fillets of an lonick, Corinthian, er Compofite Column. Plate XXV. Divide the Circumference of the Semi-Column in 12 Parts, and each Part in 8, as a h. Give 3 Parts to each Semi-Flute, as a hy and / b ; and two Parts to each Fillet, as h i. The Sinkings or Depths of thefe Fillets are either the Arch of a Quadrant, as thofe on the Right-hand defcribed on the Centers c e, &c. or of a Semi-circle, as thofe on the Left, defcribed on the Centers x x, &e. RULE. To defcribe Cablings^ in the Flutes of a Column. Plate XXV. On the Points z «, with the Radius z x, defcribe the Arches^y x 0, y X 0^ &c. which are the Bafes of the Cabling.s, and whofe Height finifhes at the firft third Part of the Shaft's Height. RULE. To fet out Flutes and Fillets on the Shaft of a Column. Plate XXVL On a PanncI, l^c, draw a right Line, as a b, and thereon fet off 24 equal ne B U I L D E R's J E W E L. 13 24 equal Parts at Pleafure, which together inuft always be lefs than the Girt at the Artrag?;! of the Column to be fluted. Divide any i Part in 4 Parts, and take i Part in the Compaffes, and fet it off in every of the other 23 Parts; and fiosn the leveral Farts (o divided (which will be to one another as « to 3 ; that is, a Fillet to a Fiute) draw up right Lines at right Ang'es from the divided Line. This done, ftrike a perpendicular Chalk-Line down the Front of the Column. And being provided with two ftraight- edged Pi-ces of Parchment, &c therewith girt the Column at its Bafe, and at its Aftragal. Apply the Girts fo taken to the parallel Lines aforefaid. fo that their Extremes fhall juft touch the two outer Parallels, as at (? r and d f. Then keeping them there, with a Pencil mark their Edges at the Meeting of each Parallel; and thereby the two Girts wijl be divided into the Flutes and Fillers, agreeable to your Column to be fluted. This done, '.ipply any End of each of the Parchment Girts to the Bottom and the fop of the Front central Line ; and then embracing the Column at its Bale and Artragal, remove each Girt, until you bring the iViiddle of a Flute on the central Line ; and then prick off the Breadth of every Flute and Fillet in the tv/o Girts, which will fl:and exadly perpendicular over each other. Note, In large Colum.ns'it may be necefliary to fet out the Breadths of the Flutes and Fillets, in one or more Places, between the firft: third Part of the Shaft's Height and the Aftragal; which, when re- quired, may be moll exactly done, by girting at the Parts required, and proceeding afterv/ards in every other refpedl, as aforefaid. The FJuiin^ of Pilafters explained. RULE. To f.ute a Piiapr 'with Fillets, and a Bead at each ^oin. Plate XXXVIL Draw a Line at Pleafure, as a h, and thereon fet 31 equal Parts, which together Ihall be greater than the Pilafl:er to be fluted. Take the 31 Parts in your Compafl'es, &c. and on the firft and iafl Points make the Sedtion <:, and draw the Lines c a and c h, y;hich will compleat an equilateral Triangle. Set the Breadth of the Pilafler B ffona 14 The B U I L D E R 's J E W E L. from c to fiy and to <■, and draw the Lin^ d e, which being parallel ro a h, is thertlbrt; equal to the Breadth of the Pilallcr. Now right Lines drawn, from the 31 Parts, to the Point f, ijiey will divide the Line rt'r, in fimihir 31 Parts alio. Of which give the 2 outer Parts to the two Beads at the Quoins; the next 2 outer ones to the 2 outer Fillets; the next 3 to the Breadth of a Flute; the next i to a 1 illct ; the next 3 to a Flute; the next i to a Fillet, &c. Nofey By the lame Rule a Pilafter with Flutes and Fillets only, as ]'ig A, is divided iroai 29 Parts, tuft let off at Pleafure; and then proceeding as before. ll.wjKG thus explained the Bafes and Shafts of Columns, &c. I fhall now proceed to their Capitals. Of Capitals, there are two Kinds, i'/z. the one confifting of Mouldings only, as ihofe of the Tujcan and Dorick; and the other of Mouldings and fculptured Ornaments, as the lonick^ Coriuihianf aiui Cofnl'ofiie. T^he lltighti of Cnpitah explained. Tmf. Height of the "tufcan and Dorick Capitals are each precife- ly a Scmidiameter, as in Plates li. and XI. 'Fhe Height of the an- cient louick Ciipital, in its Mouldings above the Allragal of the Shaft, is but one third of a Diameter, or 20 Minutes; but includ- ing the Depth of its Volute, 'tis 35 Minutes, as in Plate XXIII. which exceeds the Volute to the modern Capital by 5 Minutes. 'I'he Height of the Corinthian Capital is one Diameter and one fixth, as alfo is the Height of the Compo/iie Capital. *The Dii'i/ions ami PtojeSious of ihe Mtmhen in the Tufcan rtn^ Dorick Caf>i:ali explained. Plates II. and XI. RULE T. To divide the Heights, and determine the Projec- tions of the Members in the Capital of a Tufcan Column or Piialler. I. To divide the Heights of the Members. Plate II. DiviDF. the Height in 3 Parts (as on the Left-fide.) Divide the middle I in 6 ; of which give the lower to the Fillet under the Ovo'.o, and the other 5 t* the Ovolo. Divide the upper 1 into 4 ; give the upper 1 to th-; Fillet, and the other 3 to the Fafcia ot the Tfje B U I L D E R's JEWEL. r^ tlie Abacus. Set down ab, half the Height of the Prize or Neck of the Capital, from b tor, and divide it in 3 Parts; give the upper 2 to the Aftragal, and the lower \ to its Fillet. II. To determine the Proje^ions. Divide the Semi-diameter of the Column at its Aftraga! (as is done above on the Capital) in 6 Parts, and give 3 to the Projection of the upper Fillet. But if the Capital is of an undiminlflied Pilaller, (as on the Right-hand Side of Plate II.) then divide the Semi-diamerer of the Pilaller (as above on the Capital) in 8 Parts, and give 3 to the Pro- jedion, as before. Note^ By the Scale of Projection, placed againft the Neck of the Capital, you fee that the whole Projt'<5tion is divided in 3 ; tl^e firll I , in 2 ; and the laft i , in 4 ; the half of the firlt 1 rtops the Pro- je6tion of the Fillets under the Aftragal and Ovolo ; and the 2 firft of the 4, in the outer i third Part, Itops the Ovolo and Fafcia of the Abacus. R U L E II. To dl-vide the Heights y and determine the ProjeSiions f)f the Members contained in the Capital of a Dorick Column or Pilaff ter. Plate XI. I. To divide the Heights of the Members. Divide the Height in 3 Parts (as on the Left-fide.) Divide the middle i in 3 3 of which the lower i divided in 3, give the upper 2 to the Aftragal, and the lower i to the Fillet. Divide the upper 3d Part in 3 ; give the lower 2 to the Fafcia of the Abacus; and the upper i thereof divided in 3, give the upper 1 to the Fillet, and the lower 2 to the Cima re^erfa. NoUy The Height of the Aftragal to the Shaft is found, as be^" fore in the Tufcan Column, Page i i. II. To determine their Proje^ions. Divide the Semi-diameter of the Column at its Aftragal (as above on the Capital) in 4 ; and give 2 to the Projection of the upper Fillet. But if the Capital is of an undiminifhed Pilafter, (as on the Right-hand Side) then divide the Semi-diameter of the B z Pilafter i6 rbe B U I L D E R 's JEWEL. Pilaflcr (as above on the Capital) in 5 Parts, and give 2 to the Projedion, as before. By the Scales of i'roje6tion on each Side of the Capital, you fe**, that the whole Proje*5lion is there divided in 4 Parts; from which, and their Sub-divifionr, the feveral Members in the tv.-o Varieties of Capitals hnve their Projetlions determined. "The anrienl lonick Capital^ and its l'''cluie expli^neri. Plate XXI H. RULE I. To divide the Hti^ht of its Members, and deicribe its Volute. I. To di«:V^ Capital. Between the Modill.ons the IManceer of the Sophefe of the Corona is enriched with Rofes in hollow Pannels, called Coffers, as exprCifed in Plate XLVill. which alio fhews the Manner of re- turning the Sophetc at an externa! Ant!.ie. RULE IV. ^0 liii'ide the Conipofue Entahlitlure-into its Archi- trave, Frize^ and Cornice. Plate XLI. Firj}^ Divide the Height into to Parts j give 3 to the Archi- trave, 3 to the Prize, and 4 to the Cornice. Secord!)'^ Divide the Heights of the .Architrave, and of the Cornice, each into 4; fubdivide their Parts, draw in and terminate their Members by the Scale of Projedtlon, as before done in the preceding Orders. The Manner of enriching the Planceer of the Corona of ihis Cornice, and returning it at an external Angle, is ex- hibited in Plate LXII. CHAP. V. 0/ Doort, IVindanvs^ Porticof, Arcadei^ and the hilercolumtuition of Colurr/ns in j^fneral. THAT the Young. Student may have Pieafure in the ProceD of his Study, I have given him an Example of a Door Iquare and circular, iieaded, with circular and pitched Pediments, a Win- dow, a Portico, and an Arcade, with their Jmpolb and Architraves, in each of the firft 4 Orders ; v/hicU immediaicly follow their re- D. H, HILL LIBRARY ^F^'^c North Carolina State Caliege The B U I L D E R's J E W E L. 25 ^pe6live Entablatures ; and which having their principal Parts deter- mined by their Meafuresi affixed, need no other Explanation. And in order to further enable him in the Art of Defigning, I have lliewn the proper Intercolumnations, or juft Dirtances, that the Columns oi" every Order muft be placed in from each other, when employed in Colonades. ^r. bv which he may form new Defigns at his Plealurc. See Plates VI, XVII, XXXIV, XXXV, and Llll. CHAP. VI. Of Pedimnits, aud the Manner oj fnclin^ their J^ahing and Returned Moulainos for their Cornices y and for Ca^tping of their Raking Mufulei and Modillions. PEDIMENTS, which the French call Frontons, from the Latin From, the Forehead, are commonly placed over Windows, Doors, Portico's, ^c. to carry off the Rains, and to enrich the Or- der on which they are placed. Pediments are either entire or open; and thofe are (Iraight, cir- cular, compound, iffc. An entire ftraight Pediment is generally called a pitched Pediment, as the lower Pediment in Plate LXIX. And an entire circular Pedi- ment is generally called a Compafs Pediment, as the upper Pediment in Plate LXIX. When a Pediment confifts of more than one Arch, as thofe in Plates LXXI, and LXXII, they are called entire compound Pedi- ments. Open Pediments are thofe* whofe raking Members are ftopt in fome certain Place between the Points of their Spring, and their Faf- tigium or vertical Point; as thofe in Plate LXIIf, the lower Pedi- ment in Plate LXXI, and the upper in Plate LXXIV, Entire Pediments are the firll Kind that were made, and were originally placed to Portico's at the Entrances into Temples; but now we place them to Frontifpieces of Doors, Windows, i^c. for Ornament and Ufe. As the entire Pediment by its reclining Surfaces carries off and difcharges the Rains at its ^xtrpmes, therefore none but entire Pedi- C mcnts 26 rie B U I L D E R ^s J E W E L. ments (houid be employed abroad ; whilft the broken or open arc employed lor Ornament only withln-fide, wh.cre no Rains can come. '1 Is true wc may daily Ice open Pediments placed without-fide, as is done by Inigo Jones at Shnffjluiy Houfe in .^Uerf^ale-fiteet^ Lonnon. Hut furcly, nothing can be fo abfurd, (unlch it is the placing ot an entire Pediment v.ithin-fide a Building, where no Rains can fall ; as done by Mr. Gibbs within the Church of St. Mnry le jTrnnJ) bcc!(vi(e, by their being open, they receive the Rains, and dif- charge them in Front, as a liraight and level Cornice doth ; and tiierefc-e of no more Ule. As Pediments, when well applied, are very great Lnrichments to buildii^'^s, and in many Cale.s are very ufcful, 1 have therefore given Id \aiic;ic.s Icr the young Student's Practice, with their Meai'ures affixed ; by v/hich they mny be drawn and worked of any Aiagnicude required. /V./*' Plates LX I X, ^V. 1m the Wcrking of Pediment?, the chief Difiiculty is, to form the Curves of the Raking and Returned Cornices, that ftiall exadlly nccndter, or meet at their Mitres; which may be truly worked, as following RULE. To (iefiribe the Ctifve of the Rakiu£r Citna red a of a Perlim'nt^ hd'vitig ibe Curiae of tbe fraigbt or It'vel Cornice gii'en. Plate LXV. Let a b g be the given Cimrj rcSIa •, divide its Curve in 4 equal Tarts at the Points ^ef; and draw theOrdinites / /, k e, and alfo j{ (i ; from thf Poinrs f/ef draw the raking Lines y^, ^ r, ^/ x ; and the perpenoicular Lines r^k, e /, fvi. In any Place, as at mo, draw aright Line at right Angles to the raking Lines; and making the Crdinaics in Fig I>, as at' -7, n r, / j, equal to the Ordinatcs if\kc^ r^^, in Fig. A, through the points //r^, trace the Curve P q r s u ; which is the Curve of the Raking Cima re6ln required. And tho', itridlly fpeaking, each hrif is a Part of an Ellipfis ; yer, if Centers be found that Ihall defcribe the Arch of a Circle to pafs through the three points p qr, and r s n, it will not be in the Power of the moll inquifitive Eve to dilcgter the Difference. ■ ' ^ To The B U I L D E R's JEWEL. 27 , To defcribe the Cur^ve of the Returned Cornice. From p. Fig. C, fet bac^ p 0, the Projection h g in Fig. A ; and draw the Perpendicular t?^ on the Top of the Fillet p ; make the Diftances p t, t 'v,.'v iy, equal to the Diftances I? k^ k /, / w, in Fig. A ; and drawing the Lines iv x, "v r, t g, parallel to the Perpendicular «, they will cut the Raking Lines in the Points (] r s x. From the Point p, thro' the faid Points to «, trace the Curve p q r s x, which is the Curve of the Returned Cima reSIa^ as required ; for its Ordinates at thofe Points are equal to the Ordinates in Fig. A. By the fame Rule, the Curves of the Raking and Returned Ovo- lo's, Plate LXVI, the Raking and Returned Cavetto't, Plate LXVII, and the Raking and Returned CAma reverfa, for the Capping , of Raking Mutules and Modillions, Plate LXVIil, are found, as is evident to the firll: Viev/. CHAP. VII. Of Block ana Canlcill^-osr Cornices, Ruftick ^oins. Cornices and Cocoes, proportioned to Rooms of any Height, An^le- Brackets, Mouldini^s for Tabernacle-Frames, Pa>inels and Centeritig for Groins. I. f^\ F Block Cornices I have given three Varieties in Plate \^ LXXV ; where I have firil iheu'n them in fmall, to exprefs the Breadth of their Biock-Trulles, and Ditlance at which they are to ftand ; as likewife the Vlanner of applying them over Rullicic Quoins; and fecondfy, at large, the better to e.xprels the Divifion or their Members. II. In Plate LXXJX, I have given an Example of a Cantaliver Cornice at large, which in lofty Rooms under a* Cove has a very grand and noble Effect. The breadrh of a Cantaliver is one 4th of Ks Height, v^hich is equal to the Hfight of the Frize ; and the Dif- tance they are placed at is the fame as their Height ; thereby in:iking their IVIetopes eJia^Stly a geometrical Square, as in the Dorick Order,' HI. CovF-s to Cielings are of various Heights ; as one third, one fourth, one fifth, one fixth, two fevenths, two ninths, l^c. of the v/hb!e Height. C z A Coy p. 28 rhc B U I L D E R 's J E W E L. A Cove of one tl.Ird, at Fig. A, Plate LXXXI, is befl for a lofty Room ; and when Windows are made therein, the Groins make a very agreeable Figure, and take olF the leeming Heavinefs which an entire Cove o^ a larpe Height inipofes on the Eye. The Curve of this Cove x hh ^ Quadrant of a Circle defcribed en the Center e ; as alfo is ihi Curve a c of the fame Radius de- fcribed on the Center h. 'Fo find the Center b. after having fet out the Oiftances of t!".e Columns at 9 Diameters and a half, and dc- icribed the Cove x /.\ as aforefaid, make d b equal to n d. A CovK of one fourth, as Fig. A, Plate LXXIX ; is alfo fit for a loky Room, as a Hall, Saion, l^c. which is thus proportioned : Divide the Height in 20 Parts j give 5 to the Cove, and 2 to the EntabI iturc. To defcribe an Angle-Bracket for any Cove, fuppofe for Fig. R Let a /' <: be a Front-Bracket, and a f i\it Bale over which the Angle- Bracket is 10 fiand. In C draw Ordinates from its Curve to its Hafc a r. at any Diltances, and continue them till they meet a f ihe Bafe of the Angle-Bracket, from whence raife Ordinates at right Angles to the faid Bafe ; and making them refpedlively equal to thole in Figure C, through their Extremes trace the Curve aue^ v.'hich is one <^^arter of an Ellipfis, and the Curve of the Angle- Bracket required. A Cove of one 5th, as Fig. I, Plate LXXIX, is fit for a Room of State, and thu.«; proportioned, 'viz. Divide the Height in 5 : ^ give 1 to the Cove, and one third of the next to the Cornice, j^wlJclr is Do'iik without Mutules, and reprefcnted at laige bv ' • Ffg. H. A Cove of one 6th, as the two Coves in Plate LXXX. is fit for Dining-Room?, l^c. and is thus proportioned : Divide the Height in 30 Parts; give 5 to the Cove, and 1 to the Cornice. A Cove or two yths, as Fig. B. Plate LXXXI, is fit for a Study or Beti-chamber, and even (or a Hall ; as herein exprelFed, and 13 thus proportioned: Divide the Height in 7 ; give 2 la the Cove, and 1 to the Entabh.turG, which is /J^r/V/^. IV. In The B U I L D E R's JEWEL. 29 IV. In Plate LXXVI, I have fliewn how tp proportion the Tuf- caftj Dorick, lonick, i^c. Cornices to the Height of any Room ; a Work known, or at leaft pradifed but by few, I. To proportion the Tufcan Cornice to a Room of any Height. Divide the Height from the Floor or Dado in ^, and the up- per I in 5 ; of which give 3 to the Height of the Cornice, and 2 to the Breadth of its Stile and Height of its Rail, Fig. A. 11. To proportion the Dorick Cornice to a Room of any Height Fig. B Divide the Height in 4, and the upper i in lo; of which give 3 to the Height of the Cornice, and 2 to the Breadth of its Stile and He.ght of its Rail. III. To^ proportion the \on\ck, Corinthian, or Compofite Csrnices to the Height of any Room, Fig. C. Divide the Height in 3, and the upper i in 5 ; of which give the upper i to the Height of the Cornice, and 3 fifths of the next 1 to the Height of the Rail, and to the Breadth of the Stile. V. In Plate LXXVIf, I have given eight different Mouldings for Tannels ; and in Plate LXXVI !I, four different Mouldings for Tabernacle-Frames, with proper Enrichments, and their Meafures affixed j by which they may be drawn and worked, of any Magni- nitude required VI. In Plate LXXXII, I have Ihewn the Manner of finding the Curves of the necelTary Ribs for Groins, by one general Rule, as follows. In Fig. A, \ti ahc dhQ the Plan, and the Serai-circle a c b m End Rib, and c f its Height. Draw the Diagonal a d, as alfo the Ordinates i 2 3 4, on the Semi-circle Rib, which continue till they meet the Diagonal, in the Points 5 6 7 8 i from whence raife right Lines perpendicular to a d, refpe6tively equal to the Ordinates i z 3 4i and then tracing the Curve thro' their Extremes, it vi|ll be the Curve for the Diagonal Rib, as required. By the fame Rule, the Ribs for all other Kinds of regular or irreplaf Groins are found, be their Plan? what they will, and C 3 theif 50 The B U I L D E R's J E V/ E L. their Arche? femi-circular, femi-elllptical, or Scheme ; as is evident by Figures B C D E and F ; which a liule infpedlon will make evi- dent to the meanefl: Capacity. CHAP. VIII. Of TruJJtd Parlilhns, Irujfed Girders, K^ked Flooring, &c. I. TN Plate LXXXIII, are three Varieties of TrufTed Partitions, X of 40, 50, and 60 Feet Bearing, for Graineries, Ware-houfes, ilfc. wherein great Weights are laid ; of which the middle one is for two Stories Height. II. In Plate LXXXIV, the Figures A B C reprcfent three Varie- ties of truffed Girders ; which ought not to exceed 25 or 30 Feet In Length ; and Figure D is a Girder cut Camber, which, for Lengths from 15 to 20 Feet, will do without being truiTed, as the preceding. The Scantlings of Girders JJjould he Feet. Feet. Inches. Lengths 'S^to'^' itobe Irom ) 21 ,_ .AWtf, That Girders fliould have at lead 9 Inches Bearing In the Walls, and be bedded on Lintels, hid in Loam, with Arches turned over their Ends, that they may be renewed at any Time without Damage to the Pier. III. In the upper Part of this Plate, I have (hewn three Bays of ^ills, or naked Flooiing ; wherein the two outer ones have only their binding Joifts expreffed ; and that in the Middle with their Bridging Joids, (or Furring Joifts) as called by fome. In this kind of Flooring 'tis tQ be noted, ihat binding Joills are lb framed as that their r/j^ B U I L D E R's J E W E L. ^t their under Surface be level with the under Surface of the Girder^ and the upper Suiface of their Bridgings with the under Surface of the Girder. The Diftance of binding Joifts fhould not exceed 3 Feet and a half, or 4 Feet, in the Clear j and their Scantling? (hould be as fol- lows, 'viz. Feet. Inches. If their ) / their Scantlings ) (, j^fTt. Length be |;° j Aould be j ^ J by J 5 J Inches. Bridgixg Joifts (hould be laid at i Foot in the Clear, and their Scantlings fliould be 3 by 4, 3 and a half by 4, or 4 by 4, ^c. In common Flooring, where neither Binding nor Bridging Joifts are ufed, the Scantlings of Joifts ought to be as follov/s, viz. Feet. C.ol If the Length be -s i » > their Scantlings to be Note, No Joifts to exceed 1 2 Feet in Length ; to have at leaft fix Inches Bearing, and that on a Lintel or Bond Timber ; and their Diftance in the Clear not to exceed one Foot. 'Tis alfo to be obferved, that all Joifts on the Breafts and Backs of Chimneys be framed into Trimming Joifts (whofe Scantlings are to be the fame as thofe of Binding Joifts) at 6 or 8 Inches Diftance behind, and 1 2, 16, ^Cj Inches before, as a a. CHAP. IX. 0/ Roofs. ^f^ H E Requifites to Roofing, is the Scarfing and Completing 1 of Raifings, or Wall-plates, ^c, to determine the necefTarJ' Heiglitof the Pitch, agreeable to the Covering ; to find the Lengths of Principal and Hip-Rafters, and to back them when neceffary * to J 32 Tbf B V I h D E R's J E W E L. to contrive the proper TrufTes for to ftrengthen the principal" Raftefs ; and to layout in Ledgement the feveral Skirts ; therc-b/ to determine the Quantity of Materials necefHi > ; and to find the fcvcral Angles and Length? of all Parts ; fo as to fct out Work, ami fix. at once, the Whole in a Workman-like Manner, and in the haft 'T ime. Now. in order to make the young Student a Mafter, herein I have Ihewn, J. In Plate LXXXV, by Figures CDEFGHIKLMten different Manners of Scarfing together the Raifings of Roofs ; which is the firft Work to be done, and then the Heams being cogged dwwn thereon at their proper Diftances, wh-ch Oiou'd ne- vei exceed 10 Feet in the Clear, we may begin to confider, and work the Superi^ruflure to be railed thereon. The fiift Ihing to be confidered as the Height of the Pitch ; which muft be determined according to the Covering ; which, if with plain Tile or Slate, the true Pitch, as Fig. A, will be proper : But it vv'ith Pan-tiles or Lead, it may be much lower. But here, for Example's Sake, we will fuppofe a Roof to be true Pitch, whofe Plan is r a; t h, Fig. B, and whofe Breadth we will fuppofe is equal to^ 4, Fig A. To find the h.npth of a principal Rafter. D I V t D E _^ 4, in 4 Parts ; on g and 4, with the Radius of 3 Parts make theSeftion h ; then draw the Lines _§' ^, and h 4 j and each is the Length of a principal Rafter required. To find the Length of the Hip-Rafters. Draw the Central Line a^ and the Diagonals or Bafes, over which the Hip Rafters are to (land ; a^ r a, t a, a ^v^ and a h ; make a t, a h. and a r, in Fig. A, equal to « /, a by and a r, in Fig. B, and draw the Lines h t^ h b, iuid b r ; then A r is the Length of the Hip-Rafter r p ^ i> ^ is the Length of the Hip g b j and q *v and b t n the Length of th': Hip / s. Or othcrwile, on th« End of the Diagonal r a, raife the Perpen- cllcuiai a q equal in height \Qb avsi fig. A; and draw tb« Line r p^ which. The B U I L D E R's JEWEL. '^^ U'Mch is the Length of that Hip, nnd equal to h r, in Fig. A, as before. By the lame Rule you may find the lengths of all the other three Hips To find the Ar.gh of the Bach of any Hip-Rafter . Through sny Point of its Bale, as c in Fig. B, draw a right Line at right Angles, as/ ^, cutting the Out-lines of the Plan in _/"and h. From the Point r, let fall a Perpendicular, as c d^ on the Hip / h ; and make c e equal to c d, Draw the Lines/"?, and b e, and the Angle h efh the Angle of the Back required. To lay cut a Roof in Ledgement. Plate LXXXVL Let b i d chQ2. given Plan ; a h. Fig. B, the given Pitch ; and h gy h e, 2. Pair of principal Rafters agreeable thereto. By the preceding, draw the Ridge-Line a a, and the Diagonals a d, a f, and a b, a i In Fig. B, make a r, a d^ and a b equal to the Diagonals a a. a c^ and a h, a /, in Fig. A. Thro' the Points a a, in Fig. A, draw the two beans g k, and e 4, Make r g, and/^, and ^ /, 4 w, each equal to the Length of a principal Rafter, as h g. Fig. B ; and draw the Lines d s, s r^ r b, and i I, I m, m c. On the Points B and /, in Fig. A, with the Radius h h (the Length of the Hip) make the Section r, and draw the Lines h t and / i. On the Point d^ in Fig. B, with the Length h d, in Fig. B, and on c with the Length (^ r, make the Se»Slicn o; then drawing the Lines d and f 0, the Skirts of the whole Roof are laid; whick fill up with fmall and Jack Rafters at Pleafure. Now, when the Skirts of a Roof are thus drawn on Paper, and are cut out round at their Extremes, and be truly bended or turned up on the Out-lines of the Railing, as ^ /, ^ ^, ^ r, and c i 5 they will all come truly together, and become a A4odei of the Root required, wherein every Rafter may be exprelTed in its Place, and thejuft Lengths and Quantity known to a very great"^ Exa6tnefs. By the fame Rule, the irregular Roof, Plate LXXXVII, is laid out in Ledgement, and its Rcquifites found, as is evident at the firft view. Note, 34 "The B U I L D E R'5 JEWEL. Notey As this Plan hath not parrallel Sides, every Pair of Rafters will therefore be of different Lengths, although tlie Heighth of their 1 itch is the fame ; and fo confequently every Rafter inuft be backed by taking away the Triangle ; asa e^, Fig. D, and then the Sole of the Foot of a Rafter will be as c « db. The following Plates confiding wholly of Truffes for Roofs and Domes, need no Explanation more than their owa Figures exprefs, CO which I refer. ///.^ /^/.^C^C^^C'^'^^^ ^V^ D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College iV \ Tit.fcru/ Uecrj' P/atc. 4 -A ■ jU 4 Jj 'iiiifi 1 0^ D ^^irz± \ _j_ 6 JJiaf2i ^5. P^ate s. in- p/.^ ■) i i >^i ^ ^ ^ 'I M. . ^ ^ I ^' ' I J- in §^ V ^s' 3., =3= j7J77T77eaJ7777~ /nfrr-j-tirr ■{ /ihnr/r- J/y t*1^ rr^i re -tV^rr ,triY j i I '|-^ ^S. Parts c\ - . ; :/// // // .' 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I /cJifcA // /fir/c'/i P/^tr 1 2 J' L ; ~^- ■ 1 >,' \. ^ .'' •^ F ««i Ti ^ N ■ N t1 111 ^ B.Za/io/^'/y //^l/rf^t. \ Of ''ll!;;il,:lt,ii :,,:,i;.i.;ii'';i:.i ,..:::.:ii!ii),:iii I I. ^ Jirtft/^ jLfrniy/ci/ /fu/cnt 1 ^f/ff th/'/)/A////? ?f //t/jJM/, //'//// //j /V/7t/ /4?r tf /iAij/rr B(7//// Zan^/ru /nv^t (('/7// t/f/fi// ^rf/jft/f//i?t-^7''f7 irj'/rr /t/ ///jt^r (l^nnt/n/i n £//7/r /' /trfu rr F/^itr 40^ K V > [71] <^ U — R \JU ¥V 7 7 SP^ r^ \3 I I I I 1 I I -^^-^ Xofe //<• Jt'jttrjfrc ////// f'j/i W Pt/nytr rs u 4.0 ► ffift .oirr {r/(tnifis,j^^ ^ Kin .(^ rAr/r cuvn — — n JBrrnt^tn in l>ot/{ iiisrj .ifr n '/Ac /tcntni c/ //i'T U-^r/zf^A^ti// 7V.///rr.'/'' e\4/j/ff//fiy ' 1 1 ^7 fo?'///t/iin n JJoon 2^/ntr 4J J JJmjneter.r Pv r f - ; p;^ ^ T/i e fcr/N^/ui 7 n £7ffnl> /atn/r f^or2Joo?j' II PK i/o fiKr j . r /'/^ 2 ^ a T I^ '■^ e ~^~^~^ '['''[ ' f ' ■ ^1 ^1 ^\ -^. ^ 7i ^^ 13, / Pl.3^ HP •m ^f--^ -3J> O' — n □ 23 . /Cii/ij//<*i/ A//'r///' -r- T ^-s >■ f^ Y^ . l\ N- G^anoUfj //wrnt. X \T/u I'/rinrrt r iyV///' {i'f/iVi^J'f//* /V/v7/>y- '^ S " (> r> i 3 2 /. f ""i I It. I I t (- JDr\itn X— pr0-2. PL 6 N^^ ^ .^ N. S 5 /y. cU' z 1/ /- _______ 2 2 J'('if-/J- /"rr/zz/nn/j- {7/^ roifti/7//rr/ T^r/nrr^ <1 -+— ^fr-^ 2$ Zrrnjr/ry /^?i/r//t frro/l7lc^im^:Ii, 7^/. 72 • mJI'!!')IHi l !:.S f- ! I > ^f^ r-T"" I -' Bb :r /V./^ y^^ J^/cyj{?r^/ 1 >/}/*'/•/ //rt\j- /ty IL^Of/iJ v/nff/y //r/t/Zi/ /Vyo f*^ ^ { ^ i rs-. ^s^ — -— — ir». 1 ''I jAn'r/c B x^ 1 i -U iJ C ^2 ///oN/^i??j/j'ydr JPnt?7n^/j^ S^c . J^/. Jk I-V-x-'-'-M-^^T^'-V^^ ^''n) I ; l | | l i !| M) l|'! ill n/firs ■ I H I lillil I W 11 I ll«W i [ : / ::i i i||( j' a-e •1- » ■*-»', ?<^: ' |?^SK»s I ;ii'iiiiii:i;miiii ■i ^ 3| 4| 1 ^dChi^r 4 oft/ir rntirc J/tiy/it. 1^/. 7S xy- ]^^ .^ (anta/ii'cr Cirr'nirc -i. L~-- a ^r~/--TY^ -^^^^ - ! 4 ZJI7 l£)). t ^ACcvr J of the cntiJ'e Ifi'ijfht 23 LL J7V. Da (ovt's O c/^t/ir en ttr/" J/r/*//it B.^0 ■ • ■ ■ \ ^ \\ 1 ■ . J BL/fw A {"ct/rj ^/y^^fi' /^/ //>/v' //r/}/// t ^1 ^^t/r I iY?/ r/2tirr^^i^/ii "■^ -— -— ■ - -^ 7P^^ B U//f.'ri//t7 . /tv- 07\?t/iJ Tni/?^ Fr^r^i'ri^^nf J"/ ^s Met^rmjj^ 'f^/Iect i/i // i'/rr.'/- E,e - i aJsci/ JWcu^/ //iif /"/J^ I^.J^tiftn'/r{/J/t I'. yl Pioo/ in Lr^^r ///('/? t \Ej'v/f7r/fi(if P/ . 8 d ^fi/f'rcyi//ar Ri^i7/^Ejr/j/ain'i/ P/ Go- //'///jy^/vrllo^cf/s B. Z/f?iy/ei/ /ni'Cflt PIl , yi aJ Iv ^i "j^^ ^7 T* >'i ^1 A'' y/' yii' /!^l ^^ /j Z,ft /t,j A'// //i rmt 7/^/rr 'ynf/?j/(7r y^'^^r,M~Bpo/r JV o;^ -mM^^^^M. 7ri//rs /vr ^c^(:/y t^ Pai'i /i