^\^t §. ^. ptl pkarg QK15 C6 NX. STATE UNIVERSITY D.H, HILL LIBRARY S00264289 V Date Due J>0:iOVi ^44 FEB Z ^ my r PR i 1 VV/n I CD 1 i \of u M^R 3 :07o i - L. B. Cat. No. 1 137 1IJ)55 A DICTIONARY OF American Plant Names COMPILED BY WILLARD N. CLUTE Editor of the American Botanist, and author of the "Flora of the Upper Susquehanna," "Our Ferns in their Haunts," etc. JOLiET, Illinois WILLARD N. CLUTE & CO. 1923 FOREWORD This volume is designed to l)ring together in a sin- gle list, all the vernacular Ucinies l)y which die plants of Northeastern America are known. The material has been gathered from a great variety oi sotirces and though the list can only approximate completeness, it seems comprehensive enough to warrant publication. It is hoped that it will be of value to all who are in- terested in the vernacular names. In any event it will serve to show what is at present known of the subject and facilitate further progress The book naturally divides into two parts, the first consisting of the vernacular names arranged under their proper genus and species, and the second a cross- referenced index to the first list. The genera in each family and the species in each genus are arranged alphal^etically, but in an endeavor to indicate the best known vernacular name as well as to distinguish those that are obsolete or misapplied it was found impracticable to arrange the names under each species alphabetically. The plan has been to print the most commonly used name in small capitals, while the oth- ers, in ordinary type, follow somewhat the order of their importance. In the rare cases in which a given plant >B recognized by a different name in different parts of its range, both names are printed in small capitals. It has often been a matter of nice distinc- tion to decide which of two names is more commonly used. Here the author has been obliged to rel>- on his own judgment. He has often followed the usage of botanical manuals but often.also, he has used names which in his experience appear to have a wider cir- .11055 dilation. In any case, the next name that might be regarded as, entitled to first place follows immediately after the otlier, so that both will be found together. Obsolete names are set off from the others by a dash and those regarded as misapplied are placed in paren- thesis. When the genus has a common generic name, it is placed in the line with the technical term. In gen- eral such names may be applied to any plant in the genus, though in individual species they are often so overshadowed by specific vernacular names as to be seldom if ever used. The order of arrangement for the Families is that followed in the pages of the Amer- ican Botanist w^here a series of articles on 'Tlant Names and their Meanings" explains all the known names. The series began in the number for Novem- ber, 1919. The only names intentionally omitted from this volume are the so-called English names, invented by bookish students, which are frequently mere trans- lations of the technical names. Since these are frank- ly manufactured, to include them would obscure the purpose of this book which aims to record only the names current in common speech. It is to be remem- ered, however, that a large number of our plants are so inconspicuous, or of so little consequence to the common people, that they have no names in th^ verna- cular, and are not likely to have. In the second part of the book, the compound names are indexed according to the first noun in the name. In such names as end in berry, root, flower, leaf, wort, weed and the like, however, even if the- qualifying word is an adjective, the names are listed under the adjective instead of the noun, but in all cases where confusion might occur, they are listed under both words. As an ilkistration, water az'ciis may be looked for under W and under A, but yellow avcns would appear under A, only, while yellow-root would appear under Y. In writing the compound words which make up the names of so many plants, it has been impossible to lay dow'U rules that will govern all cases. The best authorities,themseh'es, do not agree in such matters. Guided somewdiat by common usage we have wTitten them according to our idea of the closeness of their meaning, either as tW'O separate w-ords, tw^o words hyphenated or two words written as one. The area covered ])y this list is that included by Gray's Manual, 7th edition, which may, for our pur- poses,be said to extend from the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, north and east. The nomenclature is that of the volume mentioned which conforms to the Vienna Code, universally recognized as standard in such mat- ters. Since the citation of this volume leaves no doubt as to the species meant, it has been possible to omit all author-citations. Although great pains have been taken to avoid er- rors, it is unfortunately true that several have crept in. Those that w^e have discovered are corrected in the final pages, but if others are discovered by tliose who consult this book, the author would appreciate having his attention called to them. With a view to making this list as nearly complete as possible, he will also wel- come notice of any genuine vernacular names that ma}- have been omitted. Johet, Mar. 31, 1923. \ PART I. LIST OF SPECIES RANUNCULACEAE. Crowfoots. ACONITUM. Monk's-hood A. Napelliis. Monk's-hood. Aconite, wolf's-bane helmet-flower, friar's cap, soldier's cap. (Turk's-cap, bear's-foot). ACTAEA. Baneberry. A. alba. White Cohosh. Baneberry, white beads, white-berry, doll's-eyes, necklace-weed, herb-Christo- pher, (snake-root). A. rubra. Red Cohosh. Baneberry, poison-berry snake-berry, coral-berry, red-berry, rattlesnake-herb, toad-root, herb-Christopher, (grape wort, black cohosh, snake-root). ADONIS. Pheasant's-eye. A. autumnalis. Pheasant's-Eye. Red morocco, (chamomile). ANEMONE. Anemone, Windflower A. cylindrica. ThimbeE-wEEd. Anemone, nimble- weed, ( tumble-weed ) . A. qiiinqiie folia. Wood Anemone. Windflower, nightcaps, (snowdrops). A. multifida. Red Windflower. A. Pulsatilla. Pasque-flower. Mayflower, wind- flower, Easter-flower, headache-plant, hartshorn-plant, gosling, prairie smoke, lion's-beard, cat's-eyes, badgers, — April fools, (blue tulip, rock lily, wild crocus). A. Virginiana. Virginia Anemone. Thimble- weed, nimble-weed. ANEMONELLA. Rue Anemone. A. thalictroides. Rue Anemone. Mayflower. AQUILEGIA. Columbine. A. Canadensis. Red Columbine. Honeysuckle, culverwort, akeley, rock-bells, — duckies, meeting- houses, jack-in-trousers, (Turk'scap). A. vulgaris. Garden Columbine. Culverwort, blue-bells, — cock's-foot, akeley, capon's-tail, ladies- shoes, (snap-dragon). CALTHA. Marsh Marigold. C. paliistris. Marsh Marigold. Cowslip, king- cup, — meadow-gowan, May-blob, horse-blob, bull- flower, bulls-eyes, gools, water-goggles, soldier's but- tons, (meadow buttercup, crowfoot, cow-lily). CIMICIFUGA. BuGBANE C. Americana. American Bugbane. C. racemosa. Black Snake-root, Bugbane. black cohosh, rattle-weed, rattlesnake-weed, rattle-top, rattle-root. CLEMATIS. Clematis. C. crispa. Bluebell. Blue jessamine, curl-flower clematis. C. lig lis tic i folia. Hill Clematis. Western clem- atis, pipe-stem. C. ochroleuca. Curly-heads. C. vcrticillata. Purple V'irgin's-bower. Blue clematis, mountain clematis. C. z'iorna. Leather-flower. Vase-vine, head- ache-weed. C. Virginiana. Virgin's-bower. Traveller's-joy, love-vine, pipe-stem, devil's-hair, devil's thread, (wild hops, woodbine). COPTIS. Gold-thread. C. trifolia. Gold-thread. Yellow-root, mouth- root, canker-root, — coptide. DELPHINIUM. Larkspur. D. Consolida. Field Larkspur. Knight's spur, lark's heal. D. exaltatum. Tall Larkspur. D. tricorne. Dwarf Larkspur. Stagger-weed. ERANTHIS. Winter Aconite B. hycmalis. Winter Aconite. Wolf's-bane, hellebore. HELLEBORUS. Hellebore. H. viridis. Christmas Rose. Green hellebore. HEPATICA. Liverwort. H. triloba. HepaTica. Blue anemone, Mayflower, liverwort, squirrel-cups, kidney-wort, noble liverwort, liver-leaf, three-leaved liverwort, paas blumes, heart- leaved liverwort, ivy-flower, herb-Trinity, crystal- wort, — golden-trefoil, liver-moss, (spring beauty). HYDRASTIS. Golden seal. H. Canadensis. Golden Seal. Yellow root, tur- meric-root, yellow puccoon, ground raspl)erry, orange- root, Indian-dye, Indian-turmeric, yellow Indian paint, yellows-seal, eye-balm, eye-root, yellow-eye, ice-root. ISOPYRUM. False Anemone I . hiternahim. False Anemone, (rue anemone). KERRIA. K. Japonica. jKw's Mai,i,o\v. Japan globe-flower. MYOSURUS. MousTAiL. M. ininuna. Moustail. Blood-strange. NIGELLA. FexxeIv Fi.o\ver N. Daniascena. Love-in-a-Mist. Fennel flower, devil-in-the-bush. RANUNCULUS. Crowfoot, Buttercup. R. abortk'its. Smaue-fuowered crowfoot. R. acris Common Buttercup. Tall crowfoot, blister-flower, blister-wort, biting crowfoot, — gold- balls, gold- weed, butter-rose, butter-cress, butter-daisy, butter-flower, yellow gowan, horse-gold. R. aquatilis. W^HiTE water-crowfoot. (water milfoil). R. arvenis. Heee-weed. Starve-acre, devil's claws, hunger-weed. R. hulhosus. Bulbous Crowfoot. Buttercup, bit- ing crowfoot, St. Anthony's turnip, St. Anthony's rape, blister-flower, — gold-balls, gold-weed, butter- rose, butter-cress, butter-daisy, butter-flower, yellow gowan, horse-gold. R. circinatus. Stiff Water-crowfoot. A', cymhalaria. Seaside Crowfoot. R. delphinifolius. Yeelow Water-crowfoot. R. fascicularls. Early Crowfoot. R. ficaria. Lesser Celandine. Figwort, crain. R. Flammiila. Smaller Spearwort.^ Creeping spearwort. R. laxicaulis. Water-plantain Spearwort. R. Pennsyhanicus. Bristly Cro\\'Foot. R rccitrvatits. Hookkd Crowfoot. IMister-flowcr, 1 blister plant, blister-wort. R. rcpcns. Crehpixg Buttkrc ur. Sittast. — Rani's-claws, gold-balls, gold-weed, butter-rose, butter- cress, butter-daisy, butter-flower, yellow-gowan, borse- gold. R. scptcntrionalis. Swamp Buttercup. R. sceleratus. CuRvSKd Crowfoot. Celery-leaved crowroot, (water celery). THALICTRUM. Meadow Rue. T. dioicum. Eari^y Meadow Rue. Featbered columbine, poor-man's rbubarb. T. Polyganmrn. Tall Meadow Rue. Featber columbine, silver-weed, quicksilver-weed, shining- grass, mausquasb-weed, rattlesnake-bite, (celandine). TRAUTVETTERIA. False Bugbane. T. Carolinicnsis. False Bugbane. TROLLIUS. Globe-flower. T. laxus. Spreading Globe-flower. ZANTHORHIZA. Yellow-root. Z. apiifolia. Yellow-root. ROSACEAE. Roseworts. AGRIMONIA. Agrimony A. Bnpatoria. Agrimony. Beggar-ticks. 1)eggar- lice, harvest-lice, stickseed, stickweed, .>ticklewort, cocklebur, rough agrimony. 6 ALCHEMILLA. Lady's Mantlk. A. arvensis. Parsley Piert. A: pratcnsis. Lady's Mantle. Great sanicle, pe- delion, bear's foot, duck's foot. ARUNCUS. GOAT'S-BEARD. A. Sylvester. Goat's-beard. DALIBARDA. False Violet. D. repens. False Violet. Robin runaway, dew- drop. DUCHESNEA. Indian Strawberry. D. Indica. Indian Strawberry. Mock straw- berry, barren strawberry. FILIPENDULA. P. rubra. Queen-of-the-prairie. F. iilmaria. Queen-of-the-meadow. Meadow- sweet, meadowwort; meadow-queen, bridewort, honey- sweet, (sweet bay). FRAGARIA. Strawberry. F. Virginiana. Strawberry. Strayberry. GEUM. AvENS. G. Canadense. Red-root. Herb Bennett. G. ciliatum. Prairie Smoke. Johnny smokers. G. rivale. Purple Avens. Water avens, river avens, evans-root, throatwort, cure-all, chocolate-root, Indian chocolate. G. strictum. Yellow Avens. Herb Bennett, black-bur, cramp-root. GILLENIA. Indian Physic. G. stipttlacca. Amkrican Ipecac. G. trifoliata. GiluvNIA. Bowman's-root, Indian physic, American ipecac, false ipecac, dropwort, In- dian hippo. PHYSOCARPUS. Nink-bark. P. opulifolius. Nine-bark. Nine-bark syringa. POTENTILLA. Cinquefoil. P. a user ilia. Goose-Grass. Silver- weed, silver feather, wild tansy, dog's tansy, goose-tansy. P. argcntca. Silvery cinquefgii,. hoarv cincjue- foil. P. Canadensis. Cinquefoii,. Potentilla, five-fin- ger, running buttercup, barren strawberry, — sink- field, star-flower. P. fruticosa. Shrubby Cinquefoii,. Hardback, prairie-weed. P. Monspcliensis. Rough Cinquefoii.. Three- leaved cinquefoil, Norway cinquefoil, (barren-straw- berry). P. paliistris. Marsh Cinquefoil. Purple cinque- foil, marsh five-finger, bog strawberry, — purple- wort, purple marsh-locks, (cow-berry). P. tridentata. Three-toothed Cinquefoil. ROSA. Rose R. canina. DoG Rose. R. Carolina. Swamp Rose. Carolina rose, dog rose. R. laevigata. Cherokee Rose. R. ruhiginosa. Sweetbriar. Eglantine. R setigcra. Prairie Rose. Michigan rose, climb- RUBUS. BRAMBI.E. R. Allegheniensis. Bi^ackberry. High-bush black- berry. £ig R. Canadensis. Bear-berry. October-berry. R. chamaernorus. Ci^oud-bERRy. Baked-apple-berry, mountain bramble, mountain raspberry, — low mul- berry, ( knout-berry ) . R. cimeifolius. Sand Blackberry. Brier-berry, knee-high blackberry. R. occidentalis. Bi,ack Raspberry. Black-cap, thimble-berry. R. odoratus. Flowering Raspberry. Thimble- berry, purple-flowering raspberry, mulberry. R. parviflorus. Salmon-bERRY. White-flowered raspberry. R. phoenicolasiiis. Wine-berry. R. strigosiis. Red Raspberry. Mulberry. R. triflorus. Swamp Raspberry. Running rasp- berry, dwarf raspberry, swamp-berry, bog-berry, — pi- geon-berry. R. villosus. Dewberry. Running blackberry. SANGUISORBA. Burnet. S. Canadensis. Canadian Burnet. S. officinalis. Great Burnet. S. minor. Garden Burnet. Salad burnet, pim- pernelle, — bloodwort, toper's plant. SPIRAEA. Meadow-sweet. - i'. latifolia. Meadow^-sweet. S. salici folia. Meadow-sweET. Spiraea, mead- wort, queen-of-the-meadow, — spice hardback, bride- wort. S. tomentosa. Hardhack. Steeple-busb, mead- ow-sweet, white-cap, rosy-bush, — poor man's soap. WALDSTEINIA. Barren Strawberry W. fragarioidcs. Barren Strawberry. Dry strawberry. MALACEAE. Apples. AMELANCHIER. Juneberry. A. Canadensis. Juneberry. Shad-bush, ser- vice-berry, shadblow, shad-flower, — Indian cherry, May-cherry, juice-plum, Indian pear, currant-tree, sui^- ar-plum, (boxwood, bilberry, sand cherry, sugar- berry). CRATAEGUS. Hawthorn. C. coccinea. Black-thorn. Crimson haw, scar- let-fruited thorn, albespine, (white thorn). C. criis-galli. Cockspur Thorn. Thorn-apple, pin- thorn, thorn-bush, (red haw). C. mollis. Red Haw. Thorn-apple. C. punctata. Dotted-eruited Thorn. C. OxycantJia. English Hawthorn. Quick, quick-set thorn, May. C. tomentosa. Red Haw, ThornapplE. Pear- thorn, pear haw, thorn plum, (black-thorn, white- thorn). COTONEASTER. Fire Thorn. C. pyracantha. FiRE Thorn. Evergreen thorn Christ's thorn. 10 PYRUS. Pear, Appi.E. P. Americana. Mountain Ash. Rowan-tree, round-wood, rowan-wood, service-berry, — dog-berry, elder-leaved sumach, elder-leaved mountain ash, missy- moosey. P. arhutifolia. ChokEbERRY. Choke-pear, choke- huckleberry, — dog-berry, shore-berry. P. cornmunis. Siberian Crab. P. coronaria. Wild Crab. American Crab. AMYGDALACEAE. Plum. Cherry. PRUNUS. Plum. P. AUegheniensis. Allegheny Sloe. P. Americana. Wild Plum. Canada plum, wild red plum, wild yellow plum, goose-plum, horse-plum, hog-plum, — pomegranate, plum-granite. P. angustifolia. Chichasaw Plum. P. Avium. Sweet Cherry. Mazzard. P. cerasus. Sour Cherry. Morello. P. imtititia. Bullace Plum. P. mahaleb. Perfumed Cherry. P. maritima. Beach Plum. Sand plum. P. nigrum. Horse Plum. Canada plum. P. Pennsylranica. Pin Cherry. Fire cherry, bird-cherry, pigeon-cherry, (dogwood). P. Persica. Peach. P. Pumila. Sand Cherry, (beach plum). P. serotina. Wild Cherry. Wild black cherry, rum cherry, whiskey cherry, cabinet cherry, (choke cherry ) . P. Virginica. Choke Cherry. 11 LILIACEAE. Lilyworts. ALETRIS. Couc-ROOT. A. farinosa. Coi^ic-root. Star-grass, ague-root, ague-grass, bitter-plant, bitter-grass, aloe-root, uni- corn, unicorn plant, mealy startwort, (blazing star). ALLIUM. Onion, Garuc. A. Canadensc. Wild Garlic. A. cernimiii. Nodding Wild Onion. Nodding garlic. A. schoenoprasimi. Chives. Gives, rush garlic. A. tricoccum. Wild Leek. Lance-leaved garlic. A. vineale. Crow Garlic. AMIANTHIUM. Fly Poison. A. miiscactoxiciim. Fly-poison. Crow-poison, (hellebore). CAMASSIA. Wild Hyacinth. C. csciilenta. Wild Hyacinth. Camass. CHAMAELIRIUM. Devil's-bit. C. lutciun. Devil's-biT. Blazing-star, droop- ing starwort, (unicorn-plant, unicorn-root). CLINTON LA. C. borealis. Clintonia. Northern Clintonia, wild lily-of-the-valley, cow-tongue, (dog-berry, bear-tongue, heal-all). C. iimhellulata. White Clintonia. Dog-plum, wild corn. 12* CONVALLARIA. Lily-of-the-vai^ley. C. uiajalis. Lii.y-of-ThE-vai.i.ey. Mayflower, — conval lily, (wood lily). DISPORUM. D. lanuginosiun. Twisted Staek. Liver-berry. ERYTHRONIUM. Adder's-toxgue. B. AniericainiuL Yeeeow Adder's-toxgue. Dog- tooth violet, yellow lily, yellow bells, rattlesnake-violet, trout-lily, fawn-lily, trout-flower, snake-leaf, lamb's tongue, yellow snowdrop, yellow hookers, fish-hooks, ( snakeroot). B. alhidiim. White Adder's-toxgue. Dog-tooth violet, spring lily, trout-lily, fawn-lily. HEMEROCALLIS. Day-eiey H. Dumortieri. Copper Liey. H. flava. Lemox Liey. Yellow day-lily. /-/. fiiha. Tawxy Day-Liey. Orange day-lily, tiger-lily, fire-lily, (Eve's thread). FUNKIA. Day-eily. F. grandijlora. Day-eiey. Plantain-lily, white day-lily, August lily. H. TJiunbergii. Late Lemox Liey. LILIUM. Liey. L. Canadense. Wied Red Liey. Wild yellow lily, Canada lily, field lily, nodding lilv. L. PhiladelpJdcmn Wood Liey. Fire Liey. Red lily, glade-lily, wild orange lily, huckleberry-lily, flame lily, Philadelphia lily, mouse-root, (tiger-lily). 13 L. supcrhuiu. Turk's-cap Lii.v. Turk's-head, superb lily, (tiger-lily, nodding tiger-lily). L. tigrimtin. Tiger-Lii^y. MAIANTHEMUM. M. Canadcnsc. Two-IvEaved Solomon's Seal. W^ild lily-of-the-valley, Mayflower, ruby-bead, (cow- slip). MEDEOLA. M. Virginica. Indian Cucl:mber-ROOT. MELANTHIUM. M. Virginicuui. Bunch-FloweR. MUSCARI. Grape Hyacinth. M. botryoidcs. Grape Hyacinth. r)luc-l)elN blue-bottles, starcb hyacinth, pearls of Spain. NARTHECIUM. A^ Auicricamini. BoG Asphodel. Yellow grass, moor-grass, (rosa solis). OAKESIA. O. scssili folia. Wild Oats. Straw-flower. POLYGON ATUM. Solomon's Seal. P. biflornm. Small Solomon's Seal. Sealwori. P. couuniitatiini. Great Solomon's Seal. Seal- wort. ORNITHOGALUM. Star of Ih-rrHLEiiEM. O. lunhcllata. Star of Bethlehem. Summer 14 snowflake, star-flower, nap-at-noon, sleepy Dick, ten- o'clock lady. SMILACINA. False Solomoxn's Skal. S. raceniosa. Wii^d Spikenard. False Solomon's seal, clustered Solomon's seal, zig-zag Solomon's seal, treacle-berry, (Job's tears, golden seal). S. stellata. Starry SoiyOMON's Seai,. Star-flower- ed Solomon's seal, false Solomon's seal. STENANTHIUM. S. gramineuni. Death Cam ass. Hog-potato. STREPTOPUS. S. amplexifoliiis. Twisted Stalk. S. rosens. Tw^isted Stalk. TOFIELDIA. T. glutinosa. False Asphodel. T. palustris. False Asphodel. TRILLIUM. Wake-robin. T. ccrnuum. Nodding Triluum. Nodding wake- robin, drooping trillium, ground lily, benjamins, cough-root, — Jew's-harp plant, snake-bite, (Rattle- snake-root). T. erectiim. Wake-robin, Purple Trillium. red trillium, red wake-robin, red benjamins, squaw- root, birth-root, death-root, beth-root, bath-root, ill- scented trillium, dog-flower, nose-bleed, — bumblebee- root, orange blossoms, (shamrock, lamb's quarters, herb Paris, truelove). 15 T. grandifloruiu. Grkat Whitic Trillium, Wood Lily. * Trinity lily, large-flowered wake-robin, ground lily: Easter-flower, moose-flower, buttermilk-lily. T. nivalc. Snowy Trillium. Early trillium, dwarf trillium. 7\ rcflcxiun. Red Trillium. Bloody noses, nose- bleed, beafsteak, bloody butchers. T. sessile. Red Trillium. Nose-bleed, three- leaved nightshade, beefsteak, bloody butchers. T. nndiilatiim. Painted Trillium. Benjamin, wild pepper, smiling wake-robin. SMILAX. Greenbrier. S. hona-nox. Stretch-berry. S. ecirrhata. Carrion-flower. .S". glauca. False Sarsaparilla. Saw-brier. S. herhacca. Carrion-flower. Tall carrion-flow- er, fleld yam-root. S. lanceolata. Jackson-vine. S. pseudo-China. False China-root. False sar- saparilla, bull-brier. 5". roHindifolia. Cat-brier, Greenbrier. Horse- brier, bamboo-brier, bull-grip, nigger-head, devil's hop- vine, wait-a-bit, — hungry-vine, biscuit-leaves, bread- and-butter, hunger-root. S. Walteri. False Sarsaparilla. Red-berried bamboo. UVULARIA. U. grandiflora. Straw-Flower. Large bellwort, corn-flower, straw-lily, wood daffodil. U. pcrfoliata. Mealy Bellwort. straw-fl(nver. fragrant bellwort, — Mohawk weed. 16 VERATRUM. Fai.se: Heli^Kbore. V. viride. American White HeeeEbore. Green hellebore, false hellebore, swamp hellebore, Indian poke, pepper-root, itch-weed, tickle-weed, earth-gall, — rattlesanke-weed, ( poke-root ) . XEROPHYLLUM. X. asphodeloides. Turkey-beard. YUCCA. Spanish Bayonet. Y. filainentosa. Spanish Bayonet. Spanish dag- ger, yucca, bear-grass, bear's thread, Eve's darning- needle. Our Lord's candles. y. glauca. Spanish Bayonet. Bear's grass, soap- weed, palmillo. LEGUMINOSAE. Pulses. Legumes. AMORPHA. A. canescens. Lead PeanT. Leadwort, wild tea, shoestrings. A. fruticosa. Lead Peant. False indigo, (river locust). ASTRAGALUS. Miek Vetch. A. Canadensis. RaTTeE-weed. Milk vetch. A. caryocarpus. Ground Peum. Milk vetch, earth-plum, buffalo-pea. buffalo-bean, buffalo-apple. A. hypo glottis. Cock's Head. A. Mexicana. Ground Peum. Earth-plum. A. mollissimus. RatteE-weed. Crazy- weed, rattle- bag weed, milk vetch. 17 APIOS. Gbouxd-nut. A. tiihcrosa. Grouxd-xut. Wild bean, wild wis- teria, potato-pea, Indian potato, pig-potato, white apples, trailing pea, rabbit-vine, ground-pea, tuberous wistaria, traveller's delight. AMPHICARPAEA. Hog Pkaxut. A. monoica. Hog PeaxuT. Wild i)eanut, wild peavine, (licorice). BAPTISIA. Wild Ixdigo. B. alba. Prairie Ixdigo. B. australis. Blue False Ixdigo. Wild indigo, blue indigo. B. tinctoria. Wild Ixdigo. False indigo, yellow indigo, horse-fly weed, horse-flea weed, shoofly, rattle- bush, — clover broom. CASSIA. Sexxa. C. cJiamaccrista. Partridge-pEa. Sensitive i)lant, prairie senna, dwarf senna, — magoty boy bean. C. Marilandica. Wild Sexxa. C. nictitaiis. SexsiTive-pEa. Sensitive plant. C. occidentalis. Coffee- weed. Negro-weed — niagdad coffee. C. Tora. Sickle- POD. Coft'ee-weed. CENTROSEMA. C. Virginianuin. Spirred Bl'TTKrflv Pka. CERCIS. Red-bud. C. Canadensis. Red-bud. Judas-tree. — June bud. salad tree. 18 CLADRASTIS. Yi^i.i.ow-wood. C. hitea. YEI.I.OW-WOOD, Virginia. Kentucky yellow-wood, American yellow-wood, gopher-wood, (yellow locust, fustic-tree). CLITORIA. Butterfly Pea. C. mariana. Butterfly Pea. CORONILLA. Crown Vetch. C. varia. Coroniuua. Crown vetch, hive-vine, — axseed, axwort. CROTALARIA. Rattle-box. C. rotundifolia. Rabbit Bells. C. sagittalis. RattlE-box. Rattle-weed, wild pea, crazy-weed, loco-weed. CYTISSUS. Broom. C. scoparius. Scotch Broom. Green broom, besom. DESMODIUM., Tick Trefoil. D. Canadense. Tick Trefoil. Bush trefoil, beg- gar lice, beggar-ticks. C. Michauxii. Tick Trefoil. Dollar-leaf, hive- vine. DOLICHOS. D. Lahlah. Hyacinth Bean. Jack-bean. GALACTIA. G. regidaris. Milk Pea. 19 GENISTA. WoAD-wAXEN. G. tifictoria. Woad-waxen. Dyer's-weed, dyer's broom, dyer's green-wood, dye-weed, green-wood, green-wxed, woad-wax, wood-wax, wood-wash, whin, base broom. GLEDITSIA. Honey Locust. G. triacanthos. Honey Locust. Three-thorncd acacia, thorn-locust, honey-shucks, sweet-bean, sweet locust, squeak-bean. GLYCERRHIZA. Licorice. G. lepidota. Wild Licorice. American Hcorice, licorice-root, swxet-root, sweet-wood. . GYMNOCLADUS. Coffee-tree. G. Canadensis. Kentucky Coffee-tree. Coffee- tree, American coffee-bean, coffee-nut, Kentucky ma- hogany, stump-tree, — chicot, (nicker-tree, nicker-nut). HOSACKIA. H. Americana. Bird's-foot Trefoil. Prairie bird's-foot trefoil, wild vetch, trefoil. LATHYRUS. Everlasting Pea. L. decaphyllus. Prairie Vetchling. L. latifolius. Perennial Pea. Everlasting pea, L. maritimus. Beach Pea. Seaside pea, heath- pea. L. palustris. Marsh V^etchling. Wikl pea. L. pratensis. Mouse Pea. Crow-peas, — Tom Thumb, angleberries, ladies'-fingers. L. venosiis. Bushy Vetch. 20 LESPEDEZA. Bush Ci^over. L. capitata. Bush Ci.ove:r. Dusty clover. LOTUS. Bird's-foot Trefoh.. L. corniciilata. Ground Honeysuckle. Bloom- fell, cat-clover, crow-toes, cross-toes, sheep-foot, shoes- and-stockings, bird's-eye, ladies'-fingers. LUPINUS. Lupine. L. percnnis. Wiud Lupine. Sun-dial, wild pea, — Quaker bonnets, old maid's bonnets. MEDICAGO. Medick. M. Arabica. Spotted Medick. M. hispida. Bur Cuover. M. Inpiilina. Buack Medick. Nonesuch. Hop- clover, yellow hop-clover, hop-medick, shamrock, sain- foin, horned clover, black nonesuch, black-seed, black grass. M. sativa. Aefaefa. Lucerne. Purple medick, Burgundy trefoil, Spanish medick, sainfoin, snail- flower. MELILOTUS. Sweet Ci^over. Meui^ot. M. alba. White Sweet Clover. Meeilot. White melilot, sweet clover, honey-clover, honey-lotus, Cabul clover, Bokhara clover, tree-clover. M. officinalis. Yeeeow MeeiloT. Yellow sweet clover, king's clover, king's crown, heart-wort, hart's clover, plaster-clover, balsam-flowers. OXYTROPIS. Loco- weed! O. Lamberti. Loco-weEd. Crazy-weed, stemless loco-weed, Colorado loco-vetch. 21 PETALOSTEMUM. Prairik Clovkr. P. candidum. White Tasskl-flowkr. Prairie clover. P. purpurcuj]!. Red Tassel-Elower. Prairie clo- ver, thimble-weed. PSORALEA. P. esculenta. Indian Bread-root. Prairie-po- tato, prairie-apple, prairie-turnip, Cree potato, Mis- souri bread-nut, tipsin, tipsinna, pomme blanche pomme de prairie. P. floribunda. Scurvy-pea. P. hypogaea. Indian Bread-root. P. onohrychis. French Grass. Sainfoin psoralea. P. peduncnlata. Sampson Snakeroot. Bob's root, congo-root. P. tenuifolia. ScurvEy-pEa. ROBINIA. Locust. R. hispida. Bristly Locust. Rose-acacia, moss- locust, (honey locust). R. Pseudo-acacia. White Locust. False acacia, black locust, yellow locust, green Ic^ust, post locust, silver-chain, white honey-flower. R. viscosa. Ceammy Locust. Rose-acacia, red locust, (honey locust). SCHRANKIA. S. uncinata. SensiTivE-briER. Sensitive-rose, gan- der teeth, shame-vine, Be shamed Mary. SOPHORA. S. Japonica. PaGoda-TrEE. 22 TEPHROSIA. Hoary Pea. T. virgmica. Hoary Pea. Goat's-rue, wild sweet pea, rabbit-pea, turkey-pea, cat-gut, devil's shoe strings. THERMOPIS. T. mollis. Bush Pea. T. rhombifolia. Bush Pea. Yellow pea, false lupine. TRIFOLIUM. Clover. Trefoil. T. agrarium. Yellow Hop-clover. Hop-clover, yellow clover, hop-trefoil. T. arvensc. Rabbit-foot Clover. Stone-clover, hare's-foot clover, old-field clover, poverty-grass, pussy-clover — pussies, pussy-cats, dogs-and-cats, calf- clover, bottle-grass. T. hyhridiim. Alsike Clover. Swedish clover, Alastian clover, hybrid clover, honey clover. T. incarnatiim. Crimson Clover. Italian clover, carnation-clover, Napoleons. T. medium. Zig-zag Clover. Mammoth clover, pea-vine clover. T. pratense. Red Clover. Broad-leaved clover, purplewort, honey-suckle clover, — suckles, sugar- plums, marl-grass, cow-grass. T. procumbens. Dwarf Hop-clover. Low hop- clover. T. reflexiim. Buffalo-clover. T. rep ens. White Clover. Shamrock, white trefoil, Dutch clover, — honeysuckle-clover, sheep's gowan, honey-stalks, lamb's sucklings. 23 ULEX. U. Bnropaca. GoRSE, Whin. Furze, prickly broom, thorn-broom. LABIATAE. Mints. AGASTACHE. Giant Hyssop. A. nepetoides. Giant Hyssop. Catmint. AJUGA. Bugle-weed. A. reptans. BuGi.E-weEd. Bugle, (carpenter's herb, sicklewort). BALLOTA. Fetid Hoarhound. B. nigra. Fetid Hoarhound. Black hoarhound, hair-hound, false hoarhound, black angelica, henbit. BLEPHILIA. B. ciliata. Ohio Horsemint. B. hirsuta. Wood-mint. COLLINSONIA. Horse-baem. C. Canadensis. Horse-baem. Stone-ROOT. Rich- weed, knot-root, knob-weed, ox-balm, citronella, rich- leaf, — (knot-grass) . CUNILA. Dittany. C. origanoides. Dittany. Stone-mint, sweet horse-mint, (basil). DRACOCEPHALUM. Dragon-head. D. parviflorum. DraGON-hEad. Lion's heart. 24 GALEOPSIS. HEMP-NETTI.E. G. ladamiui. Red Hemp-nettlE. Dog-nettle, ironwort. G. tetrahit. Hemp-xetteE. Hemp dead-nettle, bee-nettle, dog-nettle, blind-nettle, flowering-nettle, net- tle hemp, false hemp, ironwort. HEDEOMA. American Pennyroyae. H. pidegioides. American Pennyroyal. Mock pennyroyal, squaw-weed, squaw-mint, tickseed. HYSSOPUS. Hyssop. H. officinalis. Hyssop. ISANTHUS. Faese Pennroyae. /. hrachiatiis. Faese Pennyroyal. LAMIUM. Dead-nettle. L. album. White Dead-nettle. Dog-nettle, blind-nettle, dumb-nettle, bee-nettle, — snake-flower, suck-bottle, white archangel. L. amplexicaitle. Hen bit. Henbit dead-netle. L. piirpiireiim. Red Dead-nettlE. Dog-nettle, French nettle, deaf-nettle, rabbit meat, — sweet arch- angel. LEONURUS. Motherwort. L. cardiaca. Motherwort. Lion's tail, lion ears, — cowthwort. L. marnihiastruni. Hoarhound Motherwort. LYCOPUS. Water Hoarhound. L. Americamis. Water Hoarhound. Bitter bugle, gypsy-wort. 25 L. Buropaeiis. Europkax Watkr Hoariiouxd. Marsh hoarhound, bitter hiii^lc, — .i;Tccn arclian<(cl, g-ypsy-plant, gypsy- weed. L. ntbelliis. Watkr I Ioarholxd. Gypsy-\vf»rt. L. itniflorus. Bl'Gl.k-\vkp:d. L. Virgimcus. Bugi^E-wkKd. Bugle-wort, (wood betony). MARRUBIUM. Hoarhouxd. M. I'll! gave. Hoarhouxd. White hoarh(aind, hound's-bane, — marrube, marvel. MELISSA. BAI.M. M. officinalis. Bai^m. Bee-balm, lemon-balm, balm- leaf, balm-mint, honey-plant, dropsy-wort, — sweet Mary, pimentary. MENTHA. MixT. M. aquatica. Water Mixt. Fish mint. M. arvensis. Corx Mixt. Field mint. American mint, wild pennroyal, — lamb's tongue. M. citrata. Bergamot Mixt. M. longifolia. HoRSE-MixT. Water-mint, brook- mint, fish-mint. M. piperita. PeppERMIxt. Brandy-mint, lamb's mint. M. rotiindi folia. Horse-mixT. Wild mint, ap[)le- mint, Patagonia-mint. M. spicata. SpEarmixt. Green mint, lamb's mint, garden mint, mackerel-mint, common mint, Our Lady's mint, sage-of-Bethlehem. MONARDA. Horse-mixt. Bee-balm. M. citriodora. Lemox Mixt. Lemon monarda. 26 M, cJinopodia. BasiIv Bai^m. M. didyrna. Bke-bai^m. Oswego Tea. Moun- tain mint, red balm, low balm, fragrant balm, Indian plume, (horse-mint). M. fistulosa. W11.D Bergamot. (Oswego tea). M. punctata. Horse-mint. Rignum. NEPETA. Catnip. A'', cataria. Catnip. Catmint. Cat's heal-all. A^ hederacea. Ground Ivy. GilIv-over-t he- ground. Gill-go-by-the-ground, gill-run-over, creep- ing Charley, creeping Jenny, — ale hoof, tun hoof, hay hove, hay hof e, hedge maids, hay maids, ale gill, ( wild snake-root, robin-runaway). ORIGANUM. Marjorum. O. vidgare. Wied Marjorum. Pot marjorum, winter-sweet, — organy, organs. PHLOMIS. P.hihcrosa. Jerusalem Sage. Sage-leaf mullein. PHYSOSTEGIA. Obedient Peant. P. Virginiana. Obedient Peant. False dragon- head, lion's heart, American heather. PRUNELLA. Seek Heae. P. vidgare. Seef Heae. Beue Cures. Heal-all, all-heal, sickle-wort, hook-heal, hook-weed, carpenter's square, carpenter's herb, square-stem, heart-of-the- earth, brown-wort, blue Lucy, dragon-head, thimble flower. 27 SALVIA. Sack. S. lyrata. Cancer-weEd. Lyre-leaved saj^^e. .S'. officinalis. Garden Sage. S. sclarea. Ceary. Clear-eye, see-brij^lit. S. verbenacea. Wild Ceary. Eye-seed. SATUREJA. Savory. S. acinos. Basie. Basil-balm, — polly iiK^untain, ( mother-of-thyme ) . S. Iiortensis. Summer Savory. S. nepeta. Basie Thyme. Calaminth, calaniint, field balm. S. vulgaris. Basie Thyme. Wild basil, field basil, stone basil, bed's foot. SCUTELLARIA. Skuee-cap. S. galericulata. Marsh Skuee-cap. Hooded wil- low-herb. S. lateriflora. Mad-dog Skuee-cap. Mad-weed, hood-w^ort, blue skull-cap, blue pimpernel. STACHYS. Hedge Nettee. S. amhigua. Hyssop Hedge-xETTee. S. arvcnsis. Corn Woundwort. Field wound- wort. S. palustris. Aee Heae. W^oundwort, cUnvn's woundwort, clow^n's heal, marsh woundwort, rough- weed, hedge nettle, dead-nettle. TEUCRIUM. Germander. T. Canadense. Wood Sage. American germander. T. Scorodonia. Wood Sage. Germander sage. 28 THYMUS. Thyme. T. scrpyllum. Creeping Thyme. Mother-of- thyme, hillwort, shepherd's thyme, penny mountain. TRICHOSTEMA. Blue Curias. T. dichotoma. Bi^uE Curias. False pennyroyal. T. lanceolatnin. Faese Pennyroyae. Flea-weed, vinegar-weed, camphor-weed, turpentine. PYCNANTHEMUM. Mountain Mint. P. flexuosum. Virginia Thyme. P. Virginianmn. Mountain Mint. Basil penny- royal, mountain-thyme, (prairie hyssop). VICIA. Vetch. Tare. V. Americana. Wied Sweet Pea. Purple vetch, wild pea, American vetch, peavine, buffalo-pea. V. cracca. Canada Pea. Blue vetch, cow-vetch, bird-vetch, cat-peas, tine-grass. V. hirsuta. Hairy Vetch. Tare-vetch, tare, tine- weed, strangle-tare. V. saliva. Spring V^etch. V. sepiuni. Wied Tare. Crow-peas. V. tetraspenna. LenTie Tare. V. villosa. Winter Vetch. VIGNA. Cow-pea. V. sinensis. Cow-pea. Lady-pea, whip-poor-will pea, black-eyed bean, (kidney-bean). WISTERIA. W. frutescens. Wisteria. Kidney-bean tree. ( Virgin's-bower). 29 SCROPHULARIACEAE. Figworts. ANTIRRHINUM. Snai-dkagox. A. via jus. SxAi'DRAGox. Lion's snap, lion's mouth, tiger's mouth, dog's mouth, toad's mouth, calf's mouth, dragon's mouth, rabbit's mouth, — bunny rabbits, bull-dogs. BACOPA. Water Hyssop. B. monnicra. Watkr Hyssop. Herb-of-grace, hedge hyssop. BUCHNERA. B. Americana. Blue Hearts. CASTILLEJA. Painted Cup. C. coccinea. Scarlet Paixted Cup. Indian paint-brush, Indian pink, red Indians, — bloody warrior, nose-bleed, prairie fire, wickawee. CHELONE. Turtle-head. C. glabra. Turtle- head. Snake-head, shell- flower, balmony, bitter-weed, rheumatism-root, salt- rheum weed, — cod-head, fish-mouth, COLLIN SIA. C verna. IxxocExcE. Blue-eyed Mary. DIGITALIS. Foxglove. D. purpurea. Foxglove. Folk's glove, fairy glove, fairy bells, fairy cap, thimbles, fairy thimbles, witches' thimbles, Lady's thimbles, rabbit-flower, — lion's mouth, throatwort. pop-dock. 30 EUPHRASIA. Eye-bright. B. Americana. Eye-bright. B. Arctica. Eyebright. GERARDIA. Yei^low Foxglove. G. ftava. YelIvOW Foxglove. Downy false fox- glove, wild foxglove. G. maritima. Seaside Gerardia. Salt marsh ge- rardia. G. pedicularia. Yellow Foxglove. Yellow ge- rardia, bushy gerardia, fern-leaved false foxglove, lousewort, false foxglove, fever weed, (lousewort). G. purpurea. Purple Gerardia. G. tenuifolia. Slender Gerardia. Purple Fox- glove. G. Virginica. Smooth False Foxglove. Oak- leaved foxglove, golden oak. GRATIOLA. Hedge Hyssop. G. Virginiana. Clammy Hedge Hyssop. Golden pert. ILYSANTHES. /. diihia. False Pimpernel. LINARIA, ToAD-FLAX. L. cymbalaria. Kenilworth Ivy. Coliseum ivy, Oxford weed, ivy-weed, ivy-leaved toadflax, — climb- ing sailor, roving sailor, (pennywort, wandering Jew, mother-of-thousands) . L. elatinc. Cancer-root. Female fluellin. L. spuria. Cancer-root. Female fluellin. L. vulgaris. Toad-Flax. Butter-axd-Eggs. 31 Ransted, eggs-and-bacon, hrcad-ancl-hiittcr. rabhit-ears. rabbit-flower, yellow toad-flax, flax-weed, — bride-weed, bride-wort, impudent lawyer, gall-weed, rancid, (snap- dragon, Jacob's ladder). LIMOSELLA. L. aquatica. Mudw^ort. Mudweed. MELAMPYRUM. M. linear c. Cow- wheat. MIMULUS. Monkey Flower M. moschatiis. Musk Flower. Musk-plant, (eye- bright.) M. ringens. Monkey-elower. (Eyebright). ODONTITES. O. rubra. Red Eyebright. PAULOWNIA. P. tomentosa. Empress Tree. Princess tree, neck weed, blue catalpa, cotton wood. Napoleon. PEDICULARIS. Lousewort. P. Canadensis. LouseworT. Wood betony. pcd- icularia, head betony, high head-all, — beefsteak-plant, snaffles. P. GroenlavAica. Red Elephants. P. palustris. Marsh Lousewort. Purple pedic- ularis, red rattle, cow's-wort. PENTSTEMON. p. acuminatiis. St. Joseph's Wand. Picard- tongue. 32 P. hirsutus. Hairy Beard-tongue. P. laevigatiis. FoxGivOVE Beard-Tongue. RHINANTHUS. Yei.i.ow Ratti^e R. cristi-gaUi. Yeuuow Rattle. Rattle-box, rattle- bag, yellow cock's-comb, — penny-rattle, penny-grass, inoney-grass, (cow wheat). SCHWALBEA. S. Americana. Chaef-seEd. SCROPHULARIA. Figwort. S. Marilandica. FigworT. Heal-all, scrofula- plant, pile-wort, (carpenter's square). SEYMERIA. S. macro phylla. Mui^iyEiN Fai^se Foxglove. VERBASCUM. Mullein. V. blattaria. Moth Mullein. V. lychnitis. White MullEin. V. thapsiis. Common Mullein. Velvet-plant, flannel-leaf, candle-wick mullein, Adam's flannel, felt- wort, hare's-beard, old man's flannel, blanket-leaf, flan- nel-plant, ice-leaf, lucernaria, Jacob's staff, Aaron's rod, shepherd's club, hedge-tapers, — torches, hag-taper, cow's lungwort, bullock's lungwort. VERONICA. Speedwell. V. agrestis. Field Speedwell. Garden speedwell, germander chickweed, winter-weed, F. Americana. American Brooklime. Blue-bells, wall-link. 33 V. arvensis. Corn Spkkdwfxi.. V . Anagallis-aquatica. W'atkk Si'KKDw i;i.u. Wat- er pimpernel. F. heccahiinga. European Brookumk. V. cJianiacdrys. Germander SpEEdweli^. Bird's- eye, blue-eye, base vervain, God's eye, angel-eye, cat's- eye, (eyebright, forget-nie-not). V, hedcraefolia. Ivy-leaved Speedwell. Ivy chick-weed, small henbit, winter-weed, — mother-of- wheat. ['. officinalis. Common Speedwell. Upland speedwell, Paul's betony, ground-hele, fluellin, gipsy weed. V. peregrina. Neckweed. Purslane speedwell. V. Scutellaria. Marsh Speedwell. Skull-cap speedwell. V. serpylli folia. Thyme-lEaved Speedwell. Paul's betony. V. Toiirncfortii. Byzantine Speedwell. Bird's- eye, cat's-eye. V. Virginica. Culver's Physic. Culver's root, tall speedwell, black-root, — Beaumont's root. Bow- man's root, Brinton's root. CRUCIFERAE. Cresses and Mustards. ALLIARIA. A. officinalis. Garlic Mustard. Treacle mustard, hedge garlic, garlic-root, poor man's mustard. — Jack- by-the-hedge, sauce-alone. ALYSSUM. Madwort. A. alyssoides. Heal-bite. Heal-dog. A. saxatile. Madwort. Rock alyssum. — gold dust. 34 ARABIS. Rock Cress. A. Canadensis. Sickle-pod. Tower mustard. A. glabra. TowKR Mustard. Tower Cress. A. lyrata. Low Rock Cress. BARBAREA. Winter Cress. B. verna. Scurvy-GRxVSS. Early cress, American cress, Bermuda cress, bank cress, land cress, winter cress, Belle Isle cress. B. vulgaris. Common Winter Cress. Yellow cress, bitter cress, rocket cress, winter rocket, wound rocket, herb-Barbara, poor man's cabbage. BRASSICA. Mustard. Turnip. B. alba. White Mustard. Charlock. B. arvensis. Chari^ock. Wild mustard, corn mustard, yellow-flower, kraut-grass, crowd-grass, runch-weed, crunch-weed, field-kale, corn-kale. B. campestris. Rutabaga. Sweedish turnip, Swedes. B. Japonica. Curi^ed Mustard. B. juncea. Indian Mustard. B. napiis. Rape. B. nigra. Bi,ack Mustard. Charlock. B. oleracea. Cabbage. Cauliflower, broccoli. B. rapa. Turnip. CAKILE. Sea Rocket. C. edentula. American Sea Rocket. CAMELINA. False Flax. C. sativa. False Flax. Dutch flax, oil-seed, Si- berian oil-seed, — gold-of-pleasure, (madwort). 35 CAPSELLA. Shkphkrd's Pursk. C. bursa-pastoris. Shepherd's Purse. Shepherd's pouch, shepherd's bag, Lady's purse, witches' pouches, case-weed, mother's heart, shovel-weed, pcppcr-plant, pepper-weed, hen-pepper, — pick-purse, pickpocket, toy- weed, (toothwort). CARDAMINE. BitterCress. Spring Cress. C. hellidifolia. Alpine Cress. C. hulbosa. Spring Cress. C. Doiiglassii. Spring Cress. Purple cress, mountain water-cress. C. hirsiita. Smali. Bitter Cress. Land cress, lamb's cress. C. rotiindi folia. Round-i^Eaved Water Cress. American water-cress, mountain water-cress. C. pratensis. Cuckoo Fi^ower. Bitter cress, meadow cress. Lady's smock, — milkmaids, (May- flower ) . CONRINGIA. C. orientalis. Hare's-Ear Mustard. CORONOPUS. Wart-cress. C. procumbcns. Wart-cress. Wartwort, sow's grass, swine-cress, carpet-cress, herb-ivy, — buck's horn. DENTARIA. Toothwort. Pepper-root. D. diphylla. Crinki^E-ROOT. Toothwort, pepper- root, — trinkle-root. D. laciniata. PeppER-ROOT. Toothwort, — crow- foot, crow's toes. DIPLOTAXIS. D. miiralis. Sand Rocket. Wall rocket, cross- weed, flix-weed. 36 DRABA. D. stylaris. NaiIvWORT. Hunger-flower. D. verna. Whiti,ow-grass. Nailwort, — white- blow, (shad-blow). ERUCA. B. sativa. Garden Rocket. ERYSIMUM. TREACI.E Mustard. B. asperum. Western Wai.i.-fi.ower. False wallflower, prairie rocket, orange mustard, yellow phlox. B. c heir ant hoides. Worm-seEd Mustard. Treacle mustard, wallflower. B. officinale. Hedge Mustard. Hedge-weed, bank-weed, California cress, scrambling rocket. HESPERIS. Dame^s Violet. H. matronalis. Dame's Violet. Sweet rocket night rocket, night violet, dame's rocket, dame-wort, damask-violet, eve-weed, queen's gillyflower, night- scented gillyflower, winter gillyflower, rogue's gilly- flower, (summer lilac). lODANTHUS. /. pinnatifidus. Purple Rocket. False rocket. LEPIDIUM. Pepper-grass. L. campestre. Field Cress. Pepper-grass, Eng- lish pepper-grass, poor man's pepper, glen-pepper, yel- low-seed, cow-cress, crowd-weed, false flax, (Mithri- date mustard). 37 L. sativa. Garden Cress. Upland cress, pepper- grass, golden cress, golden pepper-grass, — tongue- grass. L Virginicum. Wild PeppER-grass. Bird-seed, bird's pepper, tongue-grass, (chickweed). LESOUERELLA. Bladder-pod. L. globosa. Bladder-pod. LOBULARIA. Sweet Alyssum. L. maritima. SwEET Alyssum. Madwort, — sweet Allison, snowdrift. LUNARIA. Honesty. L. annua. Honesty. Satin-flower, satin-pod, money-plant, penny-flower, matrimony-plant. L. rediviva. Satin-flower. Satin-pod, peren- nial satin-flower. NASTURTIUM. Water-cress. A^. Amoracia. Horse-radish. N. aqicatica. Lake Cress. River cress, lake water- cress. A^. officinale. Water-cress. Well-cress, water- grass,^ — crashes, brown cress, (brooklime). N. palustris. Marsh Cress. Yellow water-cress, yellow wood-cress. N. sylvestris. Yellow Cress. Yellow water-cress, wood-cress. NESLIA. N. panictilata. Ball Mustard. 38 RAPHANUS. Radish. R. raphanistrnm. Wild Radish. Jointed charlock, black mustard, charlock, kraut-weed, wild rape. SISYMBRIUM. Hedge Mustard. S. altissimum. Tum biding Mustard. Jim Hill mustard. S. canescens. Tansy Mustard. Hoary hedge mustard. S. sophia. Herb Sophia. Flaxweed, flixw^eed. S. Thalianum. Mouse-Ear Cress. Thale-cress, wall-cress. — turkey-pod. SUBULARIA. S. aqiiatica. AvvlworT. THLASPL T. arvense. Mithridate Mustard. Treacle- wort, dish mustard, field penny-cress, false cress, French-weed, fan-weed, Jim Hill weed. ERICACEAE. Heathworts. ANDROMEDA. A. fiorihunda. Mountain Fetter-bush. A. glaucophylla. BoG Rosemary. A. polifolia. Marsh Rosemary. Bog rosemary, moorwort, wild rosemary, — marsh holywort. ARCTOSTAPHYLLOS. Bear-berry. A. alpina. Black Bear-berry. A. uva-ursa. Bear-berry. Red bear-berry, bil- berry, barren bilberry, meal-berry, meal-plum, bear's 39 grape, fox-plum, rock-berry, crow-berry, barren myrtle, ground holly, mountain box, kinnikinnik, box- leaved wintergreen, wild cranberry, mountain cran- berry, upland cranberry, hog cranberry, universe-vine, uversy, uva-ursa, — bralins rapper dandies, creashaks. AZALEA. Swamp Honeysuckle. A. arhorescens. Tree Azai^ea. Smooth azalea. A. canescens. Mountain Azai^ea. A. lutea. Fi.ame-coi.ored Azai^ea. Flame azalea, flaming pinkster, fiery azelea, yellow honeysuckle. A. nudi flora. Wild Honeysuckle. Swamp pink, Mayflower, pinkster, pinkster-flower, pink azalea, purple azalea, swamp honeysuckle, false honeysuckle, river-pink, — election pink. A. viscosa. White Swamp Honeysuckle. Clammy azalea.. CALLUNA. Heather. C. vulgaris. Heather. Ling, — moor besom. CASSIOPE. C. hypnoides. Moss-plant. Moss-bush. CHAMAEDAPHNE. Leather-leaf. C. calyculata. Leather-lEaf. Cassandra. CHIMAPHILA. Pipsissewa. C. maculata. Spotted Wintergreen. Spotted pipsissewa, rheumatism-root, — rat's-bane, wild arsenic, dragon's-tongue. C. umhellata. Pipsissewa. Prince's-pine, princess pine, wintergreen, ground-holly, rheumatism-weed, — 40 king's cure, pine tulip, noble pine, rat's-bane, love-in- winter, (bittersweet). CHIOGENES. Creeping Snow-berry. C. hispidula. Creeping Snow-berry. Running birch, mountain partridge-berry, moxie-berry, moxie- plum, capillaire, — ivory plum, sugar-plum, maidenhair- berry. CLETHRA. White Ai.der. C. alni folia. SwEET PeppER-bush. White alder, spiked alder, white-bush. EPIGAEA. Trailing Arbutus. B. repens. Trailing Arbutus. Mayflower, ground laurel, rough-leaf, gravel-plant, — winter pink, (crocus, shad-flower, mountain-pink). GAULTHERIA. Aromatic Wintergreen. G. prociiinhens. Wintergreen. Checker-berry, tea-berry, tea-leaves, eye-berry, creeping wintergreen, spring wintergreen, spice wintergreen, kinnikinnik, spice-berry, mountain tea. Canada tea, ginger-berry, one-berry, chicken-berry, grouse-berr}^ deer-berry, ground-berry, ivy-berry, — ivory plum, procalm, pip- pins, jinks, chinks, dnmkards, red pollom, (partridge- berry). GAYLUSSACIA. Huckleberry. G. baccata. High-bush Huckleberry. Black huckleberry, black snaps, crackers. G, hrachycera. Box Huckleberry. Juniper-berry. 41 C.ihiiuosa. Piusn TTtcklK uKrrv. Dwarf huckle- berry, gopher-berry. G. frondosa. Blue Hucklkhkrry. High blue- berry, dangle-berry, tangle-berry, blue-tangle. G. ursina. Bear Huckleberry. KALMIA. Mountain Laurel. /\'. aiigustifoUa. SheEp Laurel. Lanibkill, nar- row -leaxcd laurel, sheep-poison, calf-kill, kill-kid, dwarf laurel, si)(H)nw()()d-i\ y, wickw A', lafifolia. Mountain Laurel. American laurel calico-bush, small laurel, wood laurel, spoon- wood. iv^, big-leaf ivv, i\\-bush, — clamoun, (poison ivy). K. poUfolia. Pale Lai'rkl. Swamp laurel. LEDUM. Labrador Tea. L. grocnlandicjiiu. Labrador Tea. LEIOPHYLLUM. Sand Mvrtlk. L. huxifolium. Sand Myrtle. Sleek-leaf. LEUCOTHOE. Fetter-bush. L. Cateshaei. Fetter-bush. Dog-hobble, poison hemlock, dog-laurel, leucothoe. L. racemosa. PeppER-bush. White osier. LOISELEURIA. L. procimibens. Alpine Azalea. Trailing azalea. LYON I A. L. ligustrina. Swamp Andromeda. Pepper-bush, privet-andromeda, male-berry, seedy buck-berry, (white alder, white- wood). 42 L. mariana. Stagge:r-bush. Wicopy, wicks, (sorrel tree). L. nitida. Fktter-bush. Pipe-stem. MENZIESIA. M. glabella. Mountain Heath. M. pilosa. Minnie- BUSH. MONESES. M. uniflora. One-elowerEd Pyroea. One-flow- ered wintergreen, — ( snowdrop ) . MONOTROPA. Indian Pipe. M. uniflora. Indian Pipe. Corpse-plant, ghost- flower, pipe-plant, Dutchman's-pipe, bird's-nest, con- vulsion-weed, fit-root plant, ice-plant, — fairy smoke, (eyebright). M. hypopitys. Pine-sap. False beech-drops, yel- low pine-sap, fir-rape, — fir rope. MONOTROPSIS. M. odorata. SwEET Pine-sap. Carolina beech- drops. OXYCOCCUS. Cranberry. O. ery thro car pum. Southern Mountain Cran- berry. 0. macrocarpus. Large Cranberry. American Cranberry, marsh cranberry, (bear-berry). 0. paliistris. Smaee Cranberry. European cran- berry, crane-berry, crone-berry, crow-berry, craw- berry, marsh-berry, moor-berry, moss-berry, sour- berry, swamp redberry, — sow-berry. 4;> OXYDKNDRON. 0. arhorenm. Sour-wood. Sorrel-trec, clk-trcc. PHYLLODOCE. P. coeriilea. Mountain Heath. PTEROSPORA. P. andromedea. Pink-drops. Albany beech-drops. PYROLA. Shin-leaf. P. Americana. Shin-i^Eaf. False wiiitergreen, rough-leaved wintergreen, round-leaved wintergreen, consumption-weed, — dollar-leaf, coffee-leaf, Indian lettuce, liverwort lettuce, canker lettuce, — copalm, (wild lettuce). P. asari folia. L1VERI.EAF Wintergreen. P. chlorantha. Fai,se Wintergreen. P. elliptica. Shin-i^Eaf. Lesser wintergreen, (wood lily). P. secunda. One-sided Wintergreen. Low shin- leaf. P. uliginosa. BoG WinTERGREEn. RHODODENDRON. Great Laurei.. R. Lapponiciiin. Lapeand Rose-bay. Laurel. R. Maximum, Great Lauree. Deer laurel, rose- bay, big laurel, big-leaf laurel, horse-laurel, wild laurel, great rose-bay, — bee laurel, cowplant, spot^n-hutch, (mountain laurel). R. Catazvbiensc. Mountain Rose-bay. Catawba rose-bay, Carolina rose-bay, laurel. RHODORA. R. Canadensis. Rhodora. 44 VACCINIUM. BI.UKBERRY. V. arboreum. Farki,i:-berry. Tree huckleberry, sparkle-berry, winter huckleberry, (gooseberry). V. atrococcufu. Black Bi^uebkrry. High black blueberry. V. Canadense. Bi^ueberry. Sour-top, velvet-leaf blueberry, V. caespitosum. Dwarf Burberry. V. cor y mho sum. High Bi^uebERRY. Swamp blue- berry, high-bush blueberry, giant whortleberry. V. melanocarpiim. Southern Gooseberry. V. Myrsinites. Evergreen Bi^ueberry. V. Pennsylvanicum. Dwarf Bi^ueberry. Low sweet blueberry, early blueberry, sweet juniper-berry. V. stamineum. Squaw HuckIvEberry. Deer- berry, dangle-berry, buck-berry, (gooseberry). V. uliginosum. Bog Bilberry. Bull-berry, bog blue-berry, bog whortleberry, — blaeberry. V. vacillans. Late Low Blueberry. Low pale blueberry. V. Vitis-Idaea. Cow-berry. Red bilberry, red whortleberry, mountain cranberry, rock cranberry, ling-berry, lingen-berry, lignon-berry, wine-berry, wind-berry, flowering box-berry, — fox-berry. MALVACEAE. Mallows. ABUTILON. Indian Mallow. A. Theophrasti. Velvet-lEaf. Indian mallow, velvet-weed, butter-print, wild okra, button-weed, but- ter-weed, pie-marker, pie-print, cotton-weed, sheep- weed, American jute, American hemp, (Indian hemp). ALTHAEA. Marsh Mallow. A. officinalis. Marsh Mallow. White mallow, 45 sweat-weed, mortification-root, — wymote. A. rosea. Hoi,i.yhock. CALLIRHOE. Porrv Mallow. C. alccoidcs. Poppy Mallow. C. digitata. Fringed Poppy Mallow. C. involucrata. Purple Poppy Mallow. C. triangidata. Clustered Poppy Mallow. HIBISCUS. Rose Mallow. H. militaris. Halberd-lEaved Mallow. Halberd- leaved rose mallow, sweating-weed. H. moscheutos. Swamp Rose Mallow. Swamp mallow, mallow rose, sea hollyhock, water mallow, (marsh mallow). H. ocidiroscus. Crimson-Eyed Rose Mallow. White hibiscus, white rose mallow. H. Syriacus. Rose-oF-Sharon. Shrubby althaea, tree hibiscus. H. trioniim. Flower-of-an-hour. Bladder ket- mia, modesty, Venice mallow, — devil's-head-in-a-bush, shoofly, (black-eyed Susan). MALVA. Mallow. M. alcea. European Mallow. Vervain mallow. M. moschata. Musk Mallow. Musk rose, musk- plant, musk. M. rotundi folia. Low Mallow. Common mal- low, cheeses, running mallow, malice, blue mallow, country mallow, pancake-plant, button-weed, cheese- flower, Dutch cheese, doll-cheese, fairy cheese, — pellas. M. sylvestris. High Mallow. Cheese-flower, cheese-cake, pisk-cheese,counti^y mallow. — round cU»ck. maul, (marsh mallow). 46 M. verticillata. WhorlEd Mai.i.ow. Curled mal- low. MALVASTRUM. M. angiistiim. Yei^low Fai.se: MalIvOW. M. coccineum. Red Fai.se Mai^IvOW. NAPAEA. A^ dioica. Gi.ade Mai,i.ow. SIDA. S. spinosa. Pricki^y Sid a. False mallow, wire- weed, (Indian mallow). SPHAERALCEA. S. rcmota. G1.0BE Mali^gw. Maple-leaved globe mallow. ORCHIDACEAE. Orchids. APLECTRUM. A. hyemale. Putty-root. Adam-and-Eve. ARETHUSA. A. bulbosa. Arethusa. Dragon's mouth, wild pink. CALOPOGON. C. piilchelliis. Grass Pink. Calopogon, swamp- pink, bearded pink, meadow-gift. CALYPSO. C. bulbosa. Caeypso. 47 CORALLORHIZA. Coral-root. C. inaciilata. Large Corai^-root. Dragon's claws. C. odontorhiza. Small Coral- root. Late coral- root, crawley-root, dras^on's claw, turkey-claw. C. trifida. Early Coral-root. CYPRIPEDIUM. Lady^s Slipper. C. acatde. St^mlEss Lady's Slipper. Moccasin flower, pink Lady's slipper, purple cypripedium, Indian moccasin, nerve-root, — squirrel's shoes, Noah's ark, camel's foot, old goose, (pitcher-plant). C. arietinnm. Ram's-head Lady's Slipper. Amer- ican valerian. C. candidmn. Small White Lady's Slipper. Ducks. C. hirsutum. Showy Lady's Slipper. Moccasin- flower, whippoor-will shoe, nerve-root, ducks. C. parviflorum. Yellow Lady's Slipper. Downy Lady's slipper, yellow moccasin flower, American val- erian, — whipoorwill shoes, Indian shoe, slipper-root, Noah's ark, ducks. C. puhescens. Large Yellow Lady's Slipper. EPIPACTIS. Rattlesnake Plantain. B. piibescens. Downy Rattlesnake Plantain. Rattlesnake-weed, rattlesnake-leaf, adder's violet, spotted plantain, net-leaf, scrofula-weed, — rat's-bane. E. repens. Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain. Creeping-root plant, white plantain, squirrel's-ear. HABENARIA. Fringed Orchis. H. hlephariglottis. White Fringed Orchis. H. hractcata. Bracted Green Orchis. Vege- 48 table satyr, long-bracted orchis. H. ciliaris. YelIvOW Fringed Orchis. Rattle- snake's master. H. clavellata. Green Wood Orchis. Three- toothed orchis. H. fimhriata. Large Fringed Orchis. Purple fringed orchis, meadow-pink, tattered fringed orchis, — long purples, dead man's fingers. H. flava. YEEI.0W Orchis. Green rein orchis, small pale-green orchis, greenish orchis, tubercled orchis. H. lacera. Ragged Orchis. Green fringed orchis. H. leucophaea. White-flowerEd Prairie Orchis. H. obiculata. Round-leaved Orchis. Great green orchis, heal-all, bear's ears, gall-of-the-earth, large two-leaved orchis, — shinplasters, (shin-leaf). H. psycodes. Small Purple Fringed Orchis. Pink fringed orchis, flaming orchis, soldier's plume. HEXALECTRIS. H. aphylla. Crested Coral-root. LIPARIS. L. liliifolia. Large Tway-blade. LISTERA. L. convallarioides. Broad-leaved Tway-blade. L. loeselii. Fen Orchis. Twayblade. L cordata. DoublE-LEaE. Twinfoil. MICROSTYLIS. M. monophyUos. AddEr's-mouth. White adder's- mouth. 49 ORCHIS. 0. rotnndifolia. Small Round-leavkd Orchis. Heal-all, — shin-plasters, ( shin-leaf ) . O. spcctahilis. Showy Orchis. Spring orchis, gay orchis. POGONIA. P. affinis. Small Whorled Pogonl^. P. ophioglossoides. Rose Pogonl\. Adder's- niouth pogonia, snake-mouth. P. trianthophora. Three Bh^^ds. Nodding po- gonia. P. verticillata. WhorlEd Pogonia. Whorled snake-mouth. SERAPIS. S. hellehorine. HellEborine. False helleborine. SPIRANTHES. Ladies^-tresses. vS*. cernuum. Nodding Ladies'-tresses. Wild tu- berose, screw-augur. vS*. gracilis. Twisted stalk. Slender ladies'-tres- ses, corkscrew-plant. TIPULARIA. T. discolor. Crane-fly Orchis. Tallow-root. SOLANACEAE. Nightshades. ATROPA. A. belladonna. Sleeping Nightshade. Deadly nightshade, black nightshade. 50 DATURA. JiMSON-wEED. Thornappi.e. D. stramonium. Jimson-weEd. Thornapple, stra- monium, Jamestown-weed, Jamestown lily, devil's trumpet, devil's apple, mad-apple, Peru-apple, — dew- try, (fire- weed). D. tatula. PuRPivE Thornapple. HYOSCYAMUS. H. niger. Henbane. Black henbane, fetid night- shade, insane-root, poison tobacco, — hog's-bean, belene, chenile. LYCIUM. Matrimony-vine. L. halimifolium. MaTrimony-vine. Box thorn, false jessamine, (Jackson-vine). LYCOPERSICUM. Tomato. L. esculentum. Tomato. Love apple, cherry to- mato, Jew's ear. NICANDRA. N. physalodes. Apple-of-Peru. NICOTIANA. Tobacco. N. rustica. Wild Tobacco. Indian tobacco, Syr- ian tobacco, real tobacco. PHYSALIS. Ground Cherry, Husk Tomato. P. Alkekengi. Chinese Lantern Peant. Win- ter cherry, strawberry tomato, husk tomato. P. ixocarpa. TomaTielo. Mexican ground cher- ry, strawberry tomato. P. pruinosa. Strawberry tomato. 51 P. picbescens. Ground chkrry. Strawberry to- mato, husk tomato. P. Virginia iia. Ground Cherry. Husk tomato, (wild cherry). P. viscosa. Ye:i.i.ow Henbane. SOLANUM. Night-shade. S. Caroliniense.^ Horse Netti^e. Bull nettle, sand-briar, thornapple, tread softly, apple-of-Sodom, — radical weed. S. dtdcamara. Bittersweet. Woody nightshade, climbing nightshade, bitter nightshade, dog-wood, blue bindweed, scarlet-berry, snake-berry, poison-berry, poison-flower, fellen, felonw^ort. S. elaeagnifolium. White Horse Nettle. .S". esculenhim. Egg- plant. Aubergine. .S*. nigrum. Black Nightshade. Deadly night- shade, garden nightshade, common nightshade, garden huckleberry, wonder-berry, hound's berry, — morelle, morel, pettymorel, duscle. S. rostratum. Bueealo-bur. Sand-bur, Texas nettle, beaked nightshade, prickly nightshade, prickly potato. S. trifiorum. Cut-leaved Nightshade. S. tuber osiiin. Potato. White potato. Irish po- tato. RUBIACEAE. Madderworts. ASPERULA. Woodruff. A. galeoides. Bedstraw Asperula. A. odorata. SvvEET Woodruff. Waldmeister, sweet grass, hay plant, — sweet hair-liof, wood-rowcl, wood-rip, mug-wet, mugget, rock-weed, (star-grass). 52 CEPHALANTHUS. Button-bush C. occidentalis. Button-bush. Button willow, honey-balls, globe flower, pin-ball, river-bush, crooked- wood, button-wood shrub, little snow-ball, pond dog- wood, box, crane-willow, swamp wood, crouper-bush, (buck brush, button-tree). DIODIA. Button-wi:ed. D. teres. Rough Button- weed. Button-weed, poverty-weed, poor-land-weed, poor Joe. D. Viriginiana. Button-weed. (Jacob's ladder). GALIUM. C1.EAVERS. Bedstraw. G. aparine. Cleavers. Goose-grass. Cleaver- wort, clayver-grass, scratch-grass, scratch-weed, catch- weed, beggar-lice, harvest-lice, — stickle-back, sticka- back, cling-rascal, wild hedge-hurs, bur-head, gosling- weed, gosling-grass, turkey-grass, pig-tail, grip, grip- grass, bird-lime, love-man, sweethearts, poor robin, hairif, airif. G. asprelhim. Rough Bedstraw. Pointed clea- vers, rough cleavers, clivers. G. boreale. Northern Bedstraw. G, circaezans. Wild Licorice. Cross-cleavers. G. lanceolatum. Wild Licorice. G. latifolium. Purple Bedstraw. G. mollugo. Baby's Breath. White bedstraw, great hedge-bedstraw, wild madder, infant's breath, — whip-tongue. G. palnstre. Marsh Bedstraw. G. sylvaticum. Wood Bedstraw. Baby's breath, Scotch mist. G. tinctorinm. Wild Madder. Stiff marsh-bed- straw. 53 C. tricornc. Rougii-fruiti-d Corn Bf.dstraw. G. trifloriun. Svveet-scented Bedstraw. Fra- grant bedstraw, three-flowered bedstraw, woodruff. G. verum. Yeli^ow Bedstraw. Lady's bedstraw, yellow cleavers, curd-wort, cheese-rennet, — flea-wort, bed-flower, maid's-hair. HOUSTONIA. Bluets. H. angustifolia. Star VioeET. Venus' pride. H. coerulea. Beuets. Innocence. Dwarf pink, Quaker-ladies, for-get-me-nots, Quaker-bonnets, Ve- nus' pride, — blue-eyed babies, bright eyes, angel-eyes, nuns, little washerwoman, (star-of-Bethlehem, eye- bright, blue-eyed grass). H. patens. Star VioeET. Small bluet. MITCHELLA. Partridge-berry. M. repens. ParTridGE-beRRY. Tea-berry, check- er-berry, partridge-vine, squaw-berry, eye-berry, twin- berry, Jesuit-berry, — deer-berry, fox-berry, chicken - berry, pigeon-berry, snake-berry, two-eye berry, one berry, pigeon plum, pudding plum, squaw plum, squaw-vine, hive-vine, winter-clover, (cow-berry, box- berry, mountain-tea). OLDENLANDIA. Buttox-weed 0. uni flora. Clustered beuets. Creeping green- head. SHERARDIA. FiEED Madder. S. arvensis. Beue Fieed Madder. Herb Sherard, spur-wort. 54 SPKRMOCOCE. S. glabra. Smooth Button-weed. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. Honeysuckles ADOXA. A. moschatellina. MoschaTEIv. DIERVILLA. Bush Honeysuckle. D. lonicera. Bush Honeysuckle. Gravel-weed, life-of-man. LINNAEA. TwiN-ELOwER. /,. horealis var Americana. Twin-flower. Ground-vine, deer-vine, two-eyed berry, — twin sisters, (cinnamon vine, eglantine). LONICERA. Honeysuckle. L. Canadensis. American Fly-honeysucklE. Vernal honeysuckle, medaddy-bush. L. caprifolinni. Common Honeysuckle. Italian honeysuckle, American honeysuckle, Italian woodbine, American woodbine, perfoliate honeysuckle, fragrant woodbine. L. coendea. Blue Fly- honeysuckle. Mountain fly-honeysuckle. L. dioica. Glaucous Honeysuckle. Small honey- suckle, small woodbine, (bitter-sweet, yellow honey- suckle). L. flava. Yellow Honeysuckle. L. hirsuta. Hairy Honeysuckle. Rough wood- bine. 55 L. Japonica. Japan Honeysucku:. Chinese honeysuckle. L. ohlongifolia. Swamp FivY- honeysuckle. L. sempervirens. Trumpet Honeysuckle. Woodbine, coral honeysuckle, scarlet honeysuckle. L. tartarica. Tartarian Honeysuckle. Tar- tarian bush-honeysuckle, garden fly-honeysuckle. L. Xylosteum. European Fly-honeysuckle. SAMBUCUS. Elder. S. Canadensis Elder-berry. Black-berried elder, American elder, common elder, sweet elder, elder- blow, — bore-tree, bottery-tree. S. racemosa. Red-berried Elder. Red elder- berry, mountain elder, poison elder, — bore-tree, bour- try, boor-tree. SYMPHORICARPUS. Snow-berry. vS". occidentalis. VVolf-berry. Buck-brush, badg- er^brush. S. orhiculatus. Indian Currant. Coral-berry, buck-brush, — turkey-berry, snap-berry. S. racemosiis var. laevigatus. Snow-berry. Wax- berry, — canterbury, snowdrop-berry, (egg-plant). TRIOSTEUM. Feverwort. T. perfoliahim. Horse Gentian. Tinker's-weed, wild coffee, feverwort, horse ginseng, fever-root, wild ipecac, wood ipecac, — genson, (white gentian). T. angustifoliiun. Yellow Horse Gentian. Nar- row-leaved horse gentian. T. aurantiacum. Orange Horse Gentian. 56 VIBURNUM. Arrow-wood. V. acerifolium. Dock mac kie. Maple-leaved ar- row-wood, mapleleaf guelder rose, squash-berry. V. alnifolimn. Hobbi^k-bush. American way- faring tree, witch hobble, witch hopple, moose-wood, moose-bush, moose-berry, dog- wood, dog-berry, trip- toe, tangle-legs, tangle foot, devil's shoestrings, ( wild hydrangea). V. cassinoides. Withe-ROD. Wild raisin, false "Paraguay tea, Appalachian tea, tea-berry. V. dentatum, Arrow-wood. Withe-rod, withe- wood, mealy-tree. V. lantana. S^urOx^ean Wayfaring Trke. Way- faring-man's tree. V. lentago. Nanny-berry. Black haw, sheep- berry, sweet-berry, wild raisin, sweet viburnum, — nanny-bush, nanny-plum, tea-plant, (black thorn). F. niollc. Soft Arrow- wood. Poison-haw. V. nudum. Naked Withe-rod. Nanny-berry, possum haw, Shawnee haw, (bilberry). V. opulus rar Americana. Cranberry-TreE. High cranberry, high-bush cranberry, wild guelder rose, snowball, cramp-bark, pimbina, marsh elder, water elder, rose-elder, — squaw-bush, cherry-wood, dog-elder, grouse-berry, whitten-tree, dog-rowan tree. May-rose, gaiter-tree, gattan tree, ople-tree, gadrise, love roses, witch hobble, witch hopple, pincushion tree, (white dog- wood, red elder). V. pauciflorum. Squash-berry. Pimbina. V. primi folium. Bi.ack Haw. Nanny-berry, sheep-berry, sloe, stag-bush. V. pub esc ens. Downy Arrow- wood. 57 GENTIANACEAE. Gentianworts. BARTONIA. B. Virginica. Scrkw-sTEm. Yellow bartonia. CENTAURIUM. Centaury. C nuihellatum. European Centaury. Bitter- herb, bloodwort, lesser centaury, eartJi-gall, — sanc- tuary. FRASERA. American Columbo. F. Carolinicusis. Columbo. Yellow gentian, pyramid-flower, pyramid-plant, monument-plant, deer's-ears. GENTIANA. Gentian. G. ainareUa var. acuta. FELL^voRT. False gen- tian, northern gentian, baldmony. G. Andrezvsii. Closed Gentian. Blue gentian, blind gentian, bottle gentian, barrel gentian. Samp- son's snakeroot, — closistered heart. G. crinita. Fringed Gentian. Blue fringed gen- tian. G. flavida. Yellowish Gentian. Yellow gen- tian. G. quinquefoUa. AguE-wEEd. Stiff gentian, five- flowered gentian, gall-of-the-eartli. gall-flower, gall- weed. G. saponaria. Soapwort Gentian. Blue gentian, Sampson s snakeroot. calathian violet, harvest bells, rough gentian, marsh gentian. G. villosa. Striped Gentian. Sampson's snake- root, marsh gentian, straw-colored gentian. 58 HALENIA. H. deflexa. Spurred Gentian. MENYANTHES. Buck-bean. M. trifoliata. Buck-bean. Bog-bean, bog myrtle, bog hop, marsh trefoil, marsh clover, water trefoil, water shamrock, moor-flower, bean trefoil, bitterwort, bog-nut, brook-bean. NYMPHOIDES. iV . lacunosurn. Floating Heart. A^. peltatum. Floating Heart, (water-lily). OBOLARIA. O. Virginica. Pennywort. PLEUROGYNE. P. rotata. Marsh Felwort. SABBATIA. American Centaury S. angularis. Rose Pink. Bitter-bloom, bitter clover, pink bloom, American centaury, square-sten sabbatia. S. campanulata. Slender Marsh Pink. S. campestris. Prairie Sabbatia. S. stellaris. Sea Pink. Marsh pink, rose-of- Plymouth. SAXIFRAGACEAE. Saxifrages. ASTILBE. A. biternata. False Goat's-beard. 59 CHRYSOSPLENIUM. Water-carpet. C. Americanuin. GoldEiX Saxii-ragk. Water- carpet. HEUCHERA. Alum-root. H. Americana. Common Ai,um-Root. AiiKTican sanicle. H. villosa. American Sanici^e. HYDRANGEA. //. arbor CSC ens. Wir.D Hydrangea. Seven harks, hills-of-snow, — high geranium. //. cinerea. Nine-bark.. Silver-leaf, wild hy- drangea. ITEA. /. Virginica. Virginia Willow. Virginia tea. MITELLA. M. diphylla. Mitrewort. Bishop's-cap, two- leaved bishop's-cap, currant-leaf, false sanicle, fringe- cup, fairy cup. M. nuda. Naked-stalked Mitrewort. Bishop's- cap. PARNASSIA. P. Caroliniana. Grass-of-Parnassus. Carolina grass-of-Parnassus. P. paliisfris. Marsh Grass-oe-Parnassus. PHILADELPHUS. Mock Orange. P. coronariiis. Mock Orange. False syringa, garden syringa, orange-flower tree. 60 RIBES. Currant. Gooseberry. R. aiireiim. Flowering Currant. Golden cur- rant, buffalo currant, Missouri currant, spice currant, clove currant. R. cynoshati. Wild Gooseberry. Prickly wild gooseberry, dog bramble, dog-berry. R. floridmn. Wild Black Currant. Flowering currant, quinsy-berry. R. gracile. Slender Gooseberry. Missouri gooseberry, Illinois gooseberry. R. grossularia. European Gooseberry. Garden gooseberry, wine-berry, berry-tree, tea-berry, fea- berry, fay-berry, day-berry, car-berry, — fabes, honey- 1)lobs, goggles, gaskins. R. Hiidsomamim. Northern Black Currant. Quinsy-berry. R. laciistre. Swamp Gooseberry. R. nigrum. Black Garden Currant. R. oxyacanthoides. Smooth Gooseberry. Haw- thorn gooseberry. R. prostratmn. Skunk Currant. Fetid currant. . R. triste. Swamp Red Currant. R. vnlgarc. Red Garden Currant. SAXIFRAGA. vSaxifrage. .S". oizoidcs. Yellow Mountain Saxifrage. Sengren saxifrage. vS". aisoon. Live-long Saxifrage. S. Mr cuius. Yellow Marsh Saxifrage. S. micrmithidi folia. Lettuce Saxifrage. S. oppositifolia. Mountain Saxifrage. Purple saxifrage. S. Peimsylvanica. Swamp Saxifrage. 61 S. rivularis. Ai^pink Brook Saxifkagj:. ^. stcllaris. Starry Saxifrage. Kidneywort. 5". Virginica. Eari^y Saxifrage. Rock saxifrage, sping saxifrage, — sweet Wilson, (everlasting, May- flower). TIARELLA. T. cordifolia. Fai,se Mitrewort. Foam flower, cool wort, white cool wort, gem- fruit. CARYOPHYLLACEAE. Pinkworts. AGROSTEMMA. Corn Cockle. . A. githago. Corx Cocki^e. Mullein pink, woolly pink, corn rose, corn campion, corn pink, old maid pink, crown-of-the-field. ARENARIA. Sandwort. A. Caroliniana. Pine-barren Sandwort. Moun- tain sandwort. A. groenlandica. Mountain Sandwort. Moun- tain starwort. A. lateriflora. Showy Sandwort. Side-flowered sandwort. A. peploides. Sea Sandw^ort. Sea-beach sand- wort, sea chickweed, sea purslane, sea pimpernel. A. stricta. Rock Sandwort. A. serpyllifolia. Thyme-lEaved Sandwort. DIANTHUS. Pink. Carnation. D. Anneria. Deptford Pink. Wild pink, grass pink. 62 D. barbatus. Sweet Wii^liam. Bunch pink, French pink, London pride, London tuft, — sweet John, bloomy down, snowflake. D. deltoides. Maiden Pink. Meadow pink, — Spink. D. prolifer. Childing Pink. Childing sweet William. CERASTIUM. Mouse-ear Chickweed. C. arvense. FieIvD Mouse-Ear. Field chickweed, meadow chickweed. C. nutans. Nodding Chickweed. Clammy chick- weed, powder-horn. C. seViidecandnini. Spring Mouse-Ear. Small chickweed. C. viscosuni. Clammy Mouse-Ear Chickweed. Mouse-ear chickweed. C. vulgatiun. Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed. Large mouse-ear chickweed, mouse-ear. GYPSOPHILA. BabyVbreath. G. panicidata. Baby's-breath. Gypsum pink, panicled gypsophila, tall gypsophila, mist. HOLOSTEUM. H. umbellatum. Jagged Chickweed. LYCHNIS. Campion. L. alba. White Campion. Evening lychnis, cuckoo flower, — thunder flower, cow rattle, bull rattle, white robin, snake-flower. L. chalcedonica. Scaruet Lychinis. Scarlet lightning, cross-of-Jerusalem, Maltese cross, knight's cross, — nonesuch, fire-balls, (sweet William). 63 L. curonaria. Muu.KiN Pink. Jvosc CcUiipion, mullein lychnis^, — gardener's delight, gardener's eye. L- dioica. Red Campion. Red bird's-eye, — robins, red robin, poor robin, soldiers, adder's flower, devil's-flower, (white soapwort, bachelor's button). L. flos-cuculi. Cuckoo Flower. Meadow cam- pion, meadow pink, ragged robin, — ragged Jack, marsh gillyflower, Indian pink, crow-flower, cuckoo. SAGINA. Pearlwort. vS*. nodosa. Knotted PearlvvorT. Spurrey. S. procumhens. Creeping Pearuvort. SAPONARIA. Soapwort. S. officinalis. Bouncing Bet. Soapwort, London pride, fuller's herb, soap-root, sheep-weed, chimney pink, hedge pink, old maid's pink, bruise-wort, wild sweet William, — Boston pink, world's wonder, sweet Betty, woods phlox, mock gillyflower, lady-by-the- gate, (soapwort gentian). S. vaccaria. Cow-herb. Cockle, cow-basil. SILENE. CATCHFI.Y. Campion. S. acaulis. Moss Campion. Moss pink, cushion pink. S. antirrhina. SeEEpy Catchfey. Snapdragon catchfly. S. armeria. SwEET Wieuam Catchfey. Garden catchfly, bunch pink, dwarf French pink, old maid's pink, none-so-pretty, limewort, mock sweet William. — pretty Nancy, sweet Susan, mice pink, wax-plant. S. conica. Corn Catchfey. S. lati folia. Beadder Campion. — Cow-paps, cow- 64 ])ell, biill-rattle, rattle-bags, devil's rattle-box, spattling, frothy poppy, snappers, knap-bottle, behen, white ben, bird's eggs, sea-pink, maiden's tears. S. nivea. Snowy Campion. White campion. S. nocti flora. Night-f'lowering Catchfi^y. S. nutans. Nottingham Catchfi^y. Nodding catchfly, Dover catchfly. S. Pennsylvanica. Wild Pink. Pennsylvania catchfly. S. regia. Royal Catchfly. Splendid catchfly. S. rotundi folia. Round-lEaved Catchfly. S. stellata. Starry Campion. King's cure-all, thermon, snakeroot, vS'. Virginica. Fire Pink. Indian pink. SPERGULA. Spurrey. S. arvensis. Surrey. Corn spurrey, poverty- weed, — sand-w^ed, pine-cheat, pick-purse, cow-quake, yarr, (toad flax). SPERGULARIA. Sand Spurrey. S. Canadensis. Northern Sand Spurrey. Red sandwort. S. marina. Seaside Sandwort. Red sandwort, salt-marsh sand spurrey. .S. rubra. Red Sandwort. Purple sandwort, sand spurrey. STELLARIA. Chickweed. Starwort. S. aquatica. Water Chickweed. Water mouse- ear chickweed. S. holostea. Greater Stitch wort. Greater star- wort, — adder's-meat, snake-flower, snake-grass, star- 65 flower, thunder-flower, snappers, snap-Jnck, pi skies, Easter-bell, lady's lint. S. longifolia. Long-i,eavkd Stitciiwort. S. media. Common Chickwkkd. Starwort, winter- weed, — white bird's-eye, tongue-^rass, chicken- weed, (satin-flower). S. pnbera. Great Chickwked. Star chickweed. S. uliginosa. BoG Starwort. Marsh chickweed, bog stitchwort, swamp stitchwort, marsh stitchwort. POLEMONIACEAE. Phloxworts. GILIA. G. rubra. Standing Cypress. Cypress gilia, scar- let gilia. PHLOX. Lychnidia. P. dk'aricata. VV11.D SwEET W'ieeiam. IMuc phlox. P glaherrima. Smooth Phi^ox. P. maculata. Wild Sweet William. P. panicidata. Garden Phlox. P. pilosa. Hairy Phlox. Prairie phlox, downy phlox, (sweet William). P. siihidata. Moss Pink. Ground pink, moun- tain pink, flowering moss. P. stellaria. Chickweed Phlox. POLEMONIUM. Greek \aleriax. P. reptans. GrEEk Valerian. Blue-bell, Ameri- can great valerian, creepini^- i^rcat valerian, sweat-root, American abscess root. P. Van-Briintiac. Jacob's Ladder. Bluebells. 66 HYDROPHYLLACEAE. Hydrophylls. HYDROPHYLLUM. Wateri.Eaf. //. appendiculatmn. W001.EEN Breeches. H. Canadense. Canadian WaterIvEae. H. Virginianmn. Virginia Wateri^Eaf. Burr- flower, brook-flower, Indian salad, Shawnee salad. PHACELIA. P. Purshii. Miami Mist. BORAGINACEAE. Borageworts. ASPERUGO. Madwort. A. prociimhens. Madwort. German madwort, small wild bugloss, catch-weed, great goose-grass. BORAGO. B. officinalis. Borage. Cool tankard, talewort. CYNOGLOSSUM. HoundVtongue. C. officinale. Common Hound's-Tongue. Beg- gar-lice, beggar-ticks, sheep-lice, dog-bur, dog-tongue, gipsy-flower, wood-mat, Canadian bur, — rose noble, tory-weed. C Virginiamun. Wii^d Comfrey. Dog-bur. ECHIUM. Viper's Bugi^gss. B. vulgare. Bi.ue-weed. Viper's bugloss, blue devil, blue-thistle, viper's herb, viper's grass, — snake- flower, adder's-wort, cats tails. HELIOTROPIUM. Heeiotrope. H. Buropaciim. Turnsoee. Heliotrope. 67 B. curassaz'icum. Skasidk Hkijothropk. LAPPULA. Stickseed. L. cchinata. European Stickseed. Bur-sccd, sticktights, small sheep-bur. L. Viriginiana. Beggar-eice. X^irginia stickseed, beggar-ticks, sticktights, dysentery-weed, dysentery- root, Virginia mouse-ear, — soldiers. LITHOSPERMUM. Grom weel, Puccoon. L. angustifoliiim. Yeeeow Puccoox. Narrow- leaved puccoon. L. arz'cnse. Corx Gromw^eeE. False alkanet, wheat-thief, red-root, pigeon-weed, pearl-plant, sal- fern-stone seed. L. canescens. OrAxXGE Puccoox. L. Gmelini. Saxd-barrex Puccoox. Hairy puc- coon. L. latifoliiiin. Americax Gromweee. L. officinale. Common Gromweee. Graymile, pearl-plant, — little mile. LYCOPSIS. Bugeoss. L. arvensis. Smaee Bugeoss. Wild bugloss. MERTENSIA. Luxgwort. M. inaritiijia. Sea Lungwort. Sea buglt)ss, (oys- ter plant). M. Virginica. Smooth Luxgewort. P)lue-bells, Virginia cowslip, Virginia lungwort, — tree lungwort, Roanoke-bells, (blue iris). MYOSOTIS. Scorpion Grass. M. arvensis. FiEED Scorpiox-grass. Field mouse-ear. 68 M. laxa. Forget-me-not. M. mierantha. Bi^uE Scorpion-grass. M. scorpioides. True Forget-me-not. Marsh scorpion-grass, mouse-ear scorpion-grass, snake-grass, — love-me. M. versicolor. Yei.i.o\v Scorpion-grass. Blue scorpion-grass. M. virginica. Forget-mE-noT. Spring scorpion- grass, early scorpion-grass. ONOSMODIUM. Fai.se Gromweli.. 0. Virginianum. Virginia False Gromwell. Wild Job's tears. SYMPHYTUM. Comfrey. S. officinale. Common Comfrey. Healing herb, backwort, blackwort, knit-back, boneset, bruisewort, consound, — gum plant. VERBENACEAE. Vervains. CALLICARPA. Beauty-fruit. C. Afnericana. French Mulberry. Beauty-fruit Spanish mulberry, Bermuda mulberry, sour-bush. LIPPIA. L. lanceolata. Fog-fruit. — Frog-fruit. VERBENA. Vervain. ' V. bracteosa. Prostrate Vervain. Large-bract- ed vervain. V. hastata. Beue Vervain. Common vervain, 69 false vervain, American vervain, wild hyssop, — pur- vane, (iron-weed). V. officinalis. European Vervain. Sinipler's joy, herb-grace, herb-of-the-cross, holy plant, enchanter's plant, — pigeon-grass, Juno's tears. V. stricta. Hoary Vervain. Mullein-leaved ver- vain. V. iirticaefolia. White Vervain. Nettle-leaved vervain. CICHORIACEAE. Laticiferous Composites. AGOSERIS. False Dandelion. A. cuspidata. Prairie False Dandelion. A. glauca. False Dandelion. ARNOSERIS. A. minima. Lamb's Succory. Dwarf nipplewort, dw^arf succory, sw^ine's succory, hog's succory. CHONDRILLA. C. juncca. Gum Succory. Skeleton-weed, naked- weed devil's grass, hog-bite. CICHORIUM. Chicory. C. intyhus. Chicory. Succory, wild succory, cof- fee-weed, blue dandelion, bachelor's butt(^ns, blue sailors, — bunk. CREPIS. HawkVbeard. C. pulchra. Small- flowered Hawk's- beard 70 HIERACIUM. Hawk-weed. H. aurantiacmn. Orange Hawk-weed. Devil's paint-brush, flora's paint-brush, red daisy, tawny hawk-weed, golden mouse-ear hawk-weed grim-the- collier, missionary-weed. H. Canadense. Canadian Hawk-weed. High dandelion. H. Plorentiniim. King Devii,. H. gronovii. Hairy Hawk- weed. Cat's-ear. H. miiroriim. Wall Hawk- weed. Golden lung- wort, French lungwort, — mouse-bloodwort, ling- go wan. H. pilosella. Mouse-Ear. Mouse-ear hawk-weed, felon-herb. H. pratense. King Devil. //. venosiun. RattlESNake-weed. Poor Robin's plantain, early hawk-weed, striped bloodwort, snake- plantain, adder's-tongue, (hawkbit). HYPOCHAERIS. H. radicata. Cat's-Ear. California dandelion, gosmore. KRIGIA. Dwarf Dandelion. K. amplexicaulis. Cynthia. False dandelion, Virginia goat's-beard. K. dandelion. Dw^arf Dandelion. Dwarf goat's- beard. K. Virginica. Dwarf Dandelion. Krigia. LACTUCA. Lettuce. L. Canadensis. Wild Lettuce. Horse-weed, fall lettuce, fire-weed, butter-weed, trumpet-weed, trum- 71 pet milkweed, trumpets, devirs-weed, devil's iron weed, wild opium. L. pulchclla. \\\x\\ IjvTTicK. L. sagittifolia. Wild Lkttlck. Devil's ironweed. L. scariola. Frickia' Lkttlck. Wild lettuee, horse-thistle, ( milk-thistle ) . L. spicata. Tall Bluk Lkttuck. Milkweed. L. villosa. Bluk Lkttlck. False lettuce. LAMPSANA. Nipplkwort. L. coininunis. NipplKwort. Succory dock-cress, ballogan, holgan-weed. LEONTODON. Hawkbit. L. aiitmnnalis. Fall Dandkliox. Arnica, autum- nal hawkbit, dog-dandelion, arnica-bud, lion's-tooth. PICRIS. P. echioides. Ox-tonguk. Bugloss, bristly ox- tongue, bugloss-picris. P. hieracioidcs. Hawkwkkd. Langue-de-beef. PRENANTHES. Rattlksxakk-root P. alba. WhiTK Lkttuck. Rattlesnake-root, wild lettuce, milkweed, white canker-root, cancer-weed, joy- leaf. P. altissimus. Wild Lkttlck. Milkweed, jov- leaf, bird-bell. P. aspera. Whitk Lkttuck. Kattlonake-roc^t. P. serpentaria. RattlKsxakk-root. Gall-of-the- earth, earth-gall, white lettuce, snake-gentian, canker- weed, lion's-foot. P. trifoliolata. Gall-of-thk-Karth. 72 P. virgata. Si^Ender Ratti,esxake-root. DeWitt's Snakeroot. PYRRHOPAPPUS. P. Carolinianus. Fai^se DandeIvIOn. SONCHUS. Sow THISTI.E. S. arvense. F1E1.D Sow-thisti,e. Corn sow- thistle, tree sow-thistle, swine sow-thistle, milk-thistle goutweed, — dindle. S. asper. Spiny-i^eaved Sow-thisti,e. S. oleraceiis. Annuai, Sow-thistle. Hare's let- tuce, hare's colewort, hare's thistle, milk-thistle, milk- weed, — milky-tassel, swinies.. TARAXACUM. Dandelion. T. erythrospcrininn. Red-seEded Dandelion. T. officinale. Common Dandelion. TRAGOPOGON. Goat^s-beard. T. porrifolius. Vegetable Oyster. Salsify, oys- ter plant, purple goat's-beard, oyster-root, nap-at-noon, Jerusalem-star. T. pratensis. Goat's-beard. Meadow salsify, yel- low goat's-beard, buck's-beard, star-of-Jerusalem, noon-tide, noon-flower, go-to-bed-at-noon, Joseph's flower. ASTERACEAE. Asterworts. ACHILLEA. Yarrow. Milfoil. A. borealis. Wild Tansy. 4. millefoliiim. Common Yarrow. Milfoil, nose- 7Z bleed, sanguinary, nosebleed-sani^uinarx-, thousand- leaf, hundred-leaf grass, thousand-seal, yerha-de-San- Juan, herb-aux-charpenticrs, (»ld man's |)ci)1)ct, sol- dier's woundwort, gordaldo. A. ptarniica. SnKKzk-wKKd. White tansy, sneeze- wort, sneezewort-yarrow, wild pellitory, luiropean pel- litory, fair-maid-of-France, sneczewort-tansy, goose- tongue. ACTINEA A. herbacea. Early Marigoi^d. Spring marigold, actinella. ACTINOMERIS. A. alter nif alia. Goi^den IroxwEEd. Wing-stem, winged ironweed, golden honey-plant, river-weed. ADENOCAUI.ON. A. bicolor. S11.VER-GREEN. AMBROSIA. Ragweed. A. artemisii folia. Common Ragweed. Roman wormwood, bitter-weed, hog-weed, hay-fever weed, — wild tansy, tassel-weed, black-weed, stammer-wort, stick- weed, carrot- weed. A. trifida. Great Ragweed. Horse-wccd, rivor ragweed, three-lobed ragweed, wild hemp, bitter-weod. horse-cane, rich-weed, buffalo-weed, hay-fever weed. ANAPHALIS. Everlasting. A. margaritacca. Pearly Everlasting. M(mmi- shine, cotton-weed, ladies' tobacco, silver-button, sil- ver-leaved life-everlasting, live-long, lady-ncvcr-fade. 74 poverty-weed, Indian posey, large-flowered everlast- ing, none-so-pretty. ANTENNARIA. Everlasting. A. Canadensis. Cat's-foot. A. dioica. Plantain-leaved Everlasting. Com- mon everlasting. A. plantaginifolia. Ladies' Tobacco. Pussy-toes, spring everlasting, early everlasting, plantain-leaved everlasting, Indian tobacco, w^oman's tobacco, white plantain, dog's toes, four-toes, poverty-weed, pearly mouse-ear everlasting, mouse-ear plantain, — love's test. ANTHEMIS. Chamomile. A. arvensis. Corn Chamomile. Field chamo- mile. A. cofula. DoG-FENNEL. May-weed, May-flower, dog-chamomile, stinking chamomile, hog-fennel, dog- daisy, pig-sty-daisy, chigger-weed, path-weed, dill- weed, — morgan, mather, balders, maise. A. nobilis. Garden Chamomile. White chamo- mile, Scotch chamomile, low chamomile. A. iinctoria. Yellow Chamomile. Ox-eye cham- omile, golden marguerite. ARCTIUM. Burdock. A. lappa. Great Burdock. Clot-bur, great bur, cockle-bur, cockle-button, beggar's-button, stick-but- ton, hurr-bur, cuckold-dock, — hardock, hardane. A. minus. Common Burdock. Cuckoo-button. ARNICA. A. acaulis. Leopard's-bane. A. alpina. Arctic Lkopard's-baxk. Mountain tobacco, Arctic arnica. ARTEMISIA. Wormwood. A. absint/iiauum. Absinth. Common wormwood, mugwort, madderwort, mingwort, warmot, — boy's love. A. ahrotannm. Southernwood. Old man, slov- en-wood, sweet Benjamin, boy's love, lad's love. A. Canadensis. Sea Wormwood. Canada worm- wood, wild wormwood. A. caudata. Wild Wormwood. A. frigida. Wormwood Sage. Wild sage, pas- ture sage-brush. A. ludoviciana. Western Mugwort. White sage, western sage, prairie sage, cud-weed mugwort. A. pontica. Roman Wormwood. Hungarian wormwood. A. stcllcriana. Beach Wormwood. Dusty miller, old woman. A. tridentata. Sage-brush. Sage-wood, moun- tain sage. A. vulgaris. Common Mugwort. Worm woe h1. motherwort, felon-herb, sailor's tobacco, green gin- ger — bulwand. ASTER. Starwort. Frost-flower. A. acuniinatus. Mountain Aster. Wh«^rled aster. A. azurcus. Blue Devh, Slickwecd, sky-blue aster. A. cordifolius. Heart-eeaved Aster. Common blue wood aster, tongue, bee-weed. 76 A. depauperattis. Serpentine Aster. A. divaricatus. Wood Aster. Early aster, co- rymbed aster, A. dumostis. Bushy Aster. Rice-button aster. A. ericoides. White Heath-aster. Frost-weed aster, frost-weed, michaelmas daisy, farewell-summer, steel-weed, heath-like aster, white rosemary, frost- blow, — mare's tail, scrub-brush, (dog's fennel). A. gracilis. Seender Aster. Tuber aster. A. in fir mils. Cornee-eeaved Aster. A. laterifloriis. Starved Aster. Calico aster, rosemary, wise-weed, farewell-summer, old field wheat, Old Virginia, stick-weed, nail-rod, white devil, hairy-stemmed aster. A. linearifoliiis. Stiff Aster. Savory-leaved as- ter, sand-paper starwort, pine-starwort, double-bristled aster. A. macrophylliis. Large-eeaved Aster. A. midtiflorus. White Wreath Aster. Fall flower. A. Nova Angliae. New Engeand Aster. Last- rose-of-summer, farewell-summer. A. Nova Belgii. New York Aster. A. panicidatits. Tali. White Aster. Panicled aster, A. patens. Purple Daisy. Large purple aster. A. prenanthoides. Swamp Aster. Crooked-stem aster. A. ptarmacodes. Upeand White Aster. A. puniceus. Swamp Aster. Red-stalk aster, purple-stemmed aster, early purple aster, rough-stem- med aster, swamp-weed, — meadow-scabish , cocash. A. salicifolia. Wieeow Aster. 77 A. spcctabilis. Low Showy Asti-k. Seaside [uir- ple aster. A. tradcscantii. Michaki.mas Daisy. A. lunbcllatus. Tai,l Fi.at-top White Aster. A. vUnincus. Frost-fi^ower. BACCHARIS. B. Iialinii folia. Groundsei.-bush. Groundsel- tree, pencil-tree, cottonseed-tree, water-brush, water- gall, plowman's spikenard, — kinks-bushes. BELLIS. Daisy. B. intcgrifolia. Westerx Daisy. BIDENS. Bur-marigold. B. Beckii. Water Marigold. Water nur-niari- gold. B. bidentoidcs. Swamp Beggar-ticks. B. hipinnata. Spanish Needles. Cuckolds. B. cernua. SticktighT. Small bur-marigold, nodding bur-marigold, double-tooth, pitchforks, beg- gar-lice, water agrimony. B. connata. Swamp Beggar-ticks. Pitchforks. harvest-lice, cuckold. B. frondosa. Beggar-ticks. Sticktight. rayless marigold, beggar-lice, devil's pitchfork, stick-seed, common bur-marigold, old ladies' clotlies-pin, cucklcs. cockles. B. laez'is. Large Bur-marigold. Brook sunflow- er, smooth bur-marigold. B. tricliospcrnia. Tickseed-sunei.ower. B. z'ldgata. Tall Beggar-ticks. BIGELOWIA. B. niidata. RaylEss Goldexrod. 78 BOLTONIA. B. asteroides. False Starwort. False chamomile. BORRICHIA. B. friitescens. Sea Ox-eye. BRACHYCHAETA. B. sphacclata. False Goldenrod. BRAUNERIA. B. angiistifolia. Purple Cone-flower. Purple daisy. B. purpurea. Purple Cone-flower. Hedgehog cone-flower, purple daisy, black Sampson, red sun- flower. BRICKELLIA. B. grandiftora. Tassel-flower. CACALIA. INDLA.N Plantain. C. atriplicifolia. PalE Indian Plantain. Wild caraway. C. reniformis. Great Indian Plantain. Wild coUard. C. suaveolens. Sweet-scented Indian Plantain. Wild caraway. CARDUUS. Plumeless Thistle. C. crispus. Curled Thistle. Welted thistle. C. nutans. Musk Thistle. Plumeless thistle, bank-thistle, buck-thistle, Queen Anne's thistle. CENTAUREA. Star Thistle. C. calcitrapa. Caltrops. Star thistle, maize- thorn, mouse-thorn, knop-weed. 79 C. cyancus. Bachklor's-buttox. Corn-flower, blue-bottle, blue-bonnets, corn-bottle, corn Ijlue-botUe, corn-centaury, hurt-sickle^ blue poppy, l)lue-capb, French pink, witches bells, witches thimbles, barbeau, brushes, corn binks, blaver. C nigra. Knapweed. Spanish buttons, black knapweed, centaury, hard-head, iron-weed, hard-weed, button-weed, knob-weed, bowl-weed, bull-weed, club- weed, hurt-sickle, horse-knops, crop-weed, — logger- heads, ladies' cushion, bachelor's button, matfelon, tassel, sweeps, blue-tops. C. scabiosa. Greater Centaury. Scabious knap- weed. C. solstitialis. Barnaby's Thistle. CHRYSANTHEMUM. Ox-eye Daisy. C. balsamita var. tanacetoides. Costmary. Mint- geranium, sweet Mary, — bible-leaf, cost, ale-cost, co- logne-plant. C. leiicatithemvini. Ox-eye Daisy. W'hiteweed, Marguerite, white daisy, field-daisy, dog-daisy, bull's- eye daisy, bull-daisy, butter-daisy, big daisy, midsum- mer-daisy, moon-daisy, horse-daisy, poor-land daisy, maudlin daisy, moon-penny, moon-flower, herb Mar- garet, poverty-weed, white-man's weed, — Dutch mor- gan, sheriff-pink C. partheniiun. Common Feverfew. Wild cham- omile, pellitory, feather-few. C. segetum. Corn Chrysanthemum. Corn mar- igold, yellow ox-eye. CHRYSOPSIS. Golden Aster. C. graminifolia. Silver-GRASS. Silk-grass, scur- vey-grass, golden aster. 80 C. falcata. Ground Goi^d-fi^ower. Golden aster. C. mariana. Golden Star. Maryland golden aster. C. villosa. Goi^DEN Aster. Rosin-weed. CIRSIUM. THISTI.E. C. altissimns. Roadside Thisti^e. C. arvense. Canada Thisti.e. Cursed thistle,. California thistle, creeping thistle, corn-thistle, way- thistle, hard thistle, prickly thistle. C. discolor. F1E1.D Thisti^e. C. lanceolatiim. Buli. Thisti^e. Roadside this- tle, horse-thistle, bur-thistle, spear thistle, plume-this- tle, bank-thistle, bell-thistle, bird-thistle, blue thistle, button-thistle, boar-thistle. C. mitticiun. Swamp Thisti^e. C. pinnilmn. Pasture Thistle. Bull-thistle, fra- grant thistle. C. spinosissimum. Yellow Thistle. CNICUS. C. Bened ictus. Blessed Thistle. Our Lady's thistle, St. Benedict's thistle, holy thistle, bitter thistle, sweet sultan. COREOPSIS. Tickseed. C. lanceolata. Tickseed. C. piihescens. Star Tickseed. C. rosea. Swamp Tickseed. Rose tickseed, small pink tickseed. C. tinctoria. Golden Coreopsis. Garden tick- seed, — wild flax, Nuttall-weed. C. tripteris. Tall Tickseed. 81 DYSSODIA. D. papposa. Fetid Marigold. RCHINOPS. B. sphacroccphalns. GivOBE ThisteE. ELEPHANTOPUS. B. Carolinianiis. Caroeina EeEphant's-foot.^ B. tonientosus. WooeeEy EeEphaxt's-foot. To- bacco-weed, devil's grandmother. ERECHTITES. B. hicracifolia. Firp:-wEED. Butter-weed, pilewort. ERIGERON. Feeabane. B. acris. BeuE Feeabane. Bitter fleabane. B. cinnnns. Daisy FeEabaxe. Sweet scabious, common fleabane, larger daisy -fleabane tall daisy, white-top, lace-buttons, (white weed). B. Canadensis. Horseweed. Canada fleabane, bitter-weed, butter-weed, fire-weed, mare's-tail. colt's- tail, hog-weed,~cow's-tails, pride-weed, blood-staunch, B. divaricatns. Dwarf Feeabane. Purple horse- weed, low horseweed. B. Philadelphicns. SwEET ScABiors. Daisy flea- bane, — skevish. B. pnlchelliis. Robin's Plantain. r.hie >\n-uv^ daisy, poor robin's plantain, K..berl's plantain, rose- petty. B. ramosus. Daisy FlEabank. \\lHie-t..p, mugh- stemmed fleabane. EUPATORIUM. l>oNESET. B. albiun. White Thorolghwort. 82 B. aromaticum. Smai^ler White: Snakeroot. Wild hoarhound, — pool-root, poor-root. B. c a pun folium. Dog-fennei^. Sneezeweed hog- weed. B. coelestimini. MisTFi^owER. Blue boneset. B. leucolepis. Justice-weed. B. maculatiim Purpi^e Boneset. Spotted Joe- Pye weed. B. perfoliatum. Boneset. Thoroughwort, Indian sage, ague-weed, marsh-sage, feverwort, wild sage, cross-wort, trumpet-weed, thorough-stem, thorough- growth, thorough-wax. B. pur pur cum. Joe-PyE-weed. Purple boneset, trumpet-weed, pride-of-the-meadow queen-of-the- prairie, king-of-the-prairie, tall boneset, marsh-milk- weed, kidneywort, Indian gravel-root, skunk-weed, — nigger-weed, turnip-weed, quill-wort, (motherwort). B. rotundifolunn. W11.D Horehound. Rough- leaf thoroughwort, (horehound). B. sessili folium. UpIvAnd Boneset. B. iirticaefoUum. White Snakeroot. White sanicle, Indian sanicle, rich-weed, deerwort-boneset, stevia, milk-sick-plant, hemp agrimony. B. verhenaefolium. Vervain Thoroughwort. Wild hoarhound, rough thoroughwort. GAILLARDIA. G. arista ta. Bi,anket-feower. GNAPHALIUM. Cud-weed. G. deciirreiu. Evereasting. Winged cud-weed, clammy everlasting, sweet balsamx, balsam-weed. G. polycephaliim. Common Everlasting. Rab- 83 bit-tobacco, sweet balsam, white ])alsani, tra^^rant life- everlasting, balsam- weed, old-field balsam, moonshine, — feather-weed, Indian posey, poverty-weed, chafe- weed, lussy-gussy. G. purpureum. PuRrusH Cudwkkd. G. sylvaticnrn. Wood Cudwi-kd. Owl's-crown, gol- den motherwort, chafe-weed. G. supinum. Dwarf Cudweed. Mountain cud- weed., G. uliginosum. Low Cudweed. Marsh cudweed, wart-wort, mouse-ear. GIFOLA. Cotton Rose. G. Gerrnanica. Herba Impia. Cudweed, cotton- rose, hoarwort, owl's crown, down-weed, chafe-weed, childing cudweed. GRINDELIA. Gum Plant. G. squarrosa. Gum Puant. Tar-weed, rosin- weed. GUTIERREZIA. G. sarothrae. Rabbit-brush. Broom-weed. HELENIUM. Sneeze-weed. H. autiimnaUs. SnEEzE-wEED. False sunflower, swamp sunflower, ox-eye, yellow star, (dog- fennel).. H. tenuifoliiim. SnEEzE-wEEd. P.itter-wccd. HELIANTHUS. Suneeower. H. anmiiis. Garden Sunflower. Gold, golden, larea-bell, comb-flower. 84 H. atroruhens. Purpi^E-disk Sunfi^ower. Hairy wood sunflower. H. decapetaliis. River Sunki^gwer. Ten-rayed sunflower. H. giganteiis. Tali. Sunfeower. Wild sunflower, Indian potato. H. laetiflorus. Prairie Artichoke. Showy sun- flower. H. petiolaris. Prairie Sunfeower. H. tuber osiis. Jerusaeem Artichoke. Canada potato, earth-apple, girasole, topinambour. HELIOPSIS. Ox-eye. H. helianthoides. Ox-eye. False sunflower. H. scabra. Rough Ox-eye. False sunflower, or- ange sunflower. IVA. Marsh Eeder. /. imbricaria. Sea-coast Marsh Elder. /. or aria. Marsh Eeder. Highwater-shrub, Jes- uit's-bark, false Jesuit's-bark, jacko-bush. INULA. 7. helenium. Elecampane. Horse-heal, horse el- der, yellow star wort, scabwort, elf -dock, elf wort, (wild sunflower). KUHNIA. K. eupatorioides. False Boxeset. Prairie false boneset. LEPACHYS. L. columnaris. Long-headed Cone-flower. Prairie cone-flower. 85 L. pinnata. Gray-headkd Coxic-i-lowicr. LIATRIS. BUTTON-SNAKEROOT. L. graminifolia. Fixe-LEaved Blazixg-star. L. pycnostachya. Prairie Buttox-sxakeroot. Hairy button-snakeroot, Kansas gay feather. L. scariosa. Gay Feather. Blue blazing-star, gay feather, button-snakeroot, rattlesnake-master, devil's bite. L. spicafa. Gay Feather. Button-snakeroot. prairie-pine, throat-wort, colic-root, back-ache root, rough-root, devil's bit, devil's bite. L. squarrosa. Blazing-star. Scaly blazing-star, rattlesnake-root, rattlesnake-master, colic-root. MARSHALLIA. M. ohovata. False Scabish. MATRICARIA. Wild Chamomile. M. chamomilla. Wild Chamomile. German chamomile, horse-gowan. M. inodora. Corn Mayweed. Arctic chamomile, scentless chamomile. M. suarcolcns. PineapplE-wEEd. Wild mari- gold, rayless chamomile. MIKANIA. M. scandens. Climixg BoxesET. Climbin,<;- hemp- weed. ONOPERDON. 0. acanthium. CoTTox Thistle. Sonch thistle, silver-thistle. Queen Mary's thistle, ass's tliistle, oak- thistle, down-thistle, musk-thistle. 86 PARTHENIUM. P. integrifoliimi. Prairie Dock. American fe- verfew, wild quinine, cutting-almond. PETASITES. P. pahnatiis. Palmate-i.Kaf Sweet Coetsfoot. Butter-bur. P. sagittatus. SwEET Coetseoot. Bitter-bur. P. vulgaris. Butter-be^r. Butterfly-dock, bog- rhubarb, poison rhubarb, batter dock, umbrella-leaf, — flea-dock, eldin, gallon, pestilence-wort, oxwort. PLUCHEA. P. carnphorata. Saet-marsh FeEabane. Spicy fleabane, plowman's-wort. P. foetida. Fetid Mars-eeEabane. Viscid marsh-fleabane. POLYMNIA. P. irc'cdalia. Leaf-cup. Yellow-flowered leaf- cup, large-flowered leaf-cup, yellow bear's-foot. RUDBECKIA. CoNEFEOWER. R. hirta. Yeeeow Daisy. Black-eyed Susan, brown-eyed Susan, yellow ox-eye daisy, bull's-eye daisy, bull-daisy, brown daisy, English bull's-eye, niggerhead, nigger-daisy, poor-man's daisy, — brown Betty, golden Jerusalem. R. laciniata. Taee Cone-feower. Golden-glow, green-headed cone-flower, thimble-weed. R. triloba. Brown-eyed Susan. Three-lobed rudbeckia. SENECIO. Groundsee. Ragwort. S. aureus Goeden Ragwort. Squaw- weed, 87 swamp sqitaw-wecd, life root, false valerian, — piunk- um, grundy-swallow. S. glahcllus. BuTTf;r-\vei:d. Cress-leaved .i^rcund- sel. S. Jacohaca. Stinking WilliK. Tansy-ra^j^wort staggerwort, star- wort, kettle-dock, felon- weed, cank- er-weed, St. James' wort, Saracen's compass, fairies' horses, (ragweed.) S. palustris. Marsh Flea wort. Marsh ground- sel, pale ragwort. S. tomcntosus. Woolly Ragw^ort Ash-weed. S. vulgaris. Common Groundsel. Bird-seed. — chicken-weed, grinsel, simson. SERICOCARPUS. S. asteroides. White-topped Aster. S. bifoliatus. WhiTE-TippEd Aster. Silk-seed aster, rough white-topped aster, rattlesnake's master. SILPHIUM. Rosin-weed. S. laciniatiim. Rosin- weed. Compass-plant, pilot- weed, polar-plant, gum-plant, turpentine-plant, tur- pentine-weed. S. perfoliatum. Cup-plant. Indian cup. ragged cup. S. terehinthinaccuni. Prairie Dock. Rosin-weeti. rosin-plant, gum-plant, prairie burdock, compass-plant. S. trifoliatiim. Three-LEaved Rosix-weed. SILYBUM. S. Marianiim. Lady's Thistle. Milk thistle, Virgin Mary's thistle, holy tliistle. Lady's milk. 88 SOLIDAGO. G01.DENROD. S. altissinia. Tai,i, Goldknrod. Double golden- rod, yellow-weed. S. hicolor. SiIvVER-ROD. White goldenrod, pale goldenrod, silver-weed, belly-ache weed. S. caesia. BIvUE-stkmmed GoIwDEnrod. Woodland goldenrod, wreath goldenrod, slender goldenrod. S. Canadensis. Rock GoIvDEnrod. Yellow-weed, Canadian goldenrod. S. yrarnini folia. Fi.AT-TorPED Goi.denrod. Bushy goldenrod, fragrant goldenrod. S. juncea. Eari^y Goldenrod. Yellow-top, pyr- amid goldenrod, plume goldenrod, sharp-toothed gol- denrod. S. niollis. Veevety Goedexrod. Ground golden- rod. S. neglecta. Swamp Goedenrod. Pyramid gold- en rod. S. nemoralis. Gray Goldenrod. Low goldenrod, field goldenrod, dwarf goldenrod, dyer's-weed. vS". odorata. SwEET Goldenrod. Anise-scented goldenrod, Blue Mountain tea, true goldenrod. S. riigosa. Rough Goldenrod. Blue Mountain tea, tall hairy goldenrod, bitter-weed, dyer's-weed. S. sempcrvircns. Sea-side Goldenrod. Salt- marsh goldenrod, beach goldenrod. S. speciosa. Showy Goldenrod. Noble golden- rod. S. squarrosa. Big Goldenrod. Large-flowered goldenrod. TANACETUM. Tansy. , T. vulgare. Common Tansy. Bitter-buttons, hind- heal ginger-plant. 89 TRILSIA. T. odoratissiuui. \'a.\ii,ua-ij;ai-. Dccr-ton^^ue, vanilla-plant, Carolina vanilla, do^^'s toni^aic, honnd's- tongue. TUSSILAGO. T. farfara. Colt's-foot. Clayweed, coucrhwort. ginger, horse-foot, horse-hoof, ass's-foot,, buH's-foct, foal-foot, sow-foot, colt-herb, — hoofs, elects, dunimy- weed, (butter-bur ) . VERBESINA. V. enceloidcs. Goldex Crowx-beard. V. helianthoides. SuxFi^owER Crowx-beard, V. Virginica. White Crown-beard. VERNONIA. Iroxweed. V. novehoracensis. Ironweed. Flat-top. XANTHIUM. Clot-bur. X. Canadense. Commox Cockle-bur. Clot-bur, sheep-bur, bur-weed, button-bur, small burdock, less- er burdock. X. spinosimi. Spixy Clot-bur. Cockle-bur, thorny clot-bur, clot-weed, bur-weed, dagger cockle- bur. APOCYNACEAE. Dogbanes. APOCYNUM. DoGBAXE. A. androsacuiifoUuni. Spkeadixc; Dogbani:. Honev-bloom, milkweed, l)itter-r()()t, hitler dogbane, 90 rheiimatism-weed, wild ipecac, fly-trap, wandering milkweed, (western wallflower, buck-brush). A. cannahimiin. Indian Hemp. Canada hemp, rheumatism-root, Choctaw-root, (wild cotton). TRACHELOSPERMUM T. difforme. CivImbing Dogbank. VINCA. PERIWINKI.E:. V. niinor. Periwinkle:. Myrtle, running myrtle, small periwinkle, (wintergreen). ASCLEPIADACEAE. Milkweeds. ACERATES. A. viridi flora. GrEEn Miek\veed. ASCLEPIAS. M11.KWEED. A. incarnata. Swamp Milkweed. Swamp silk- weed, rose milkweed, white Indian hemp, water nerve- root. A. phytolaccoides. Poke Miekw^EEd. Tall milk- weed. A. pulchra. Hairy Miekweed. White Indian hemp. A. purpnrasccns. PurpeE Miekweed. A. quadrifolia. Four-eEaved Miekweed. A. speciosa. Showy Miekweed. A. Syriaca. Common Miekweed. , Silkweed, silky sw^allow-w^ort, Virginia silk, wild cotton, silk- grass. A. Hiberosa. BuTTERFey-weEd. Pleurisy-root, 91 orange milkweed, yellow milkweed. (»ran.i^a' swallow- wort, orange-root, Canada root, I)iUleri]y-ll< »\\\t. lu- ber-root, white-root, — wind-root, llux-root, Indian posey. A. z'crticillata. \\'h()rij-;i) Mikkw i:i;i). CYNANCHUM. C. nigrum. Bi,ack Swallow-wort. GONOLOBUS. Axr.i.i:-roD. G. lacvis. AngIvK-pod. Sand-vine, luislen's vine, climbing milkweed, w^ild sweet-potato, vine, blue-vine, devil's shoestrings. VINCETOXICUM. V. gonocarpus. Large-leaved yVxglE-pod. CONVOLVULACEAE. Bindweeds. CUSCUTA. Dodder. C. arvensis. Field Dodder. Love-vine. C. epilinum. Flax Dodder. C. epithymiim. Thyme Dodder. Cl(^ver dodder, lesser Lucerne dodder, hell-weed, — hair-weed. C. Gronovii. Commox Dodder. L(we-vine, — scald-weed, devil's gut. CONVOLVULUS. Bixdweed. C. arvensis. Small BixdwEEd. Hedge-bells, cornbind, bearbind. — bellbind. withwind. sheepbine. lap-love. C. sepiuni. Hedge Bixdweed. Great bindweed, 92 Rutland beauty, bear-bine, bellbind, woodbind, wood- vine, bracted bindweed, hell-weed, German scammony, creepers, — devil's vine, ladies' nightcap, hedge lily, harvest lily, lily-vine, (Virginia creeper.) C. spithamaeiis. Dwarf Morxixg-gi^ory. Up- right bind-weed, low bindweed, bracted bindweed. IPOMOEA. M0RXIXG-G1.ORY. /. coccinca. W11.D Red Morxixg-gi^ory. Ameri- can jasmine. /. lacunosa. Morxixg-glory. \Miite star, small- flowered white morning-glory. /. pandurata. Max-oF-thE-Earth. Wild pota- to-vine, man-root, wild jalap, wild sweet-potato^ scammony, mech-a-meck. /. purpurea. Commox Morxixg-gi,ory. /. quamoclit. Cypress-vixe. Red jasmine, Ameri- can red bellflower, — Indian pink, sweet-\\^illiam-of- the-Barbadoes, cupid's flower. ONAGRACEAE. Evening Primroses. CIRCA EA. C. alpina. Low Exchaxter's Nightshade. C. Lutetiana. Exchaxter's Nightshade. Man- drake, — bindweed-nightshade. EPILOBIUM. W1L1.OW-HERB. B. angustifolhun. Fjre-weEd. Gr£at willow- herb, burnt-weed, fire-top, flowering willow, bloom- ing willow, blooming Sally, Sally-bloom, herb-wick- opy, wickup, purple rocket, French willow-herb. 93 French willow, hay-willow, hay willow-hcrh, Persian willow, spiked willow-herh, moose-tongue, (rose-hay, pigweed.) B. colorafniu. Smai^l Wiu.ow-ttKRH. Purple- veined willow-herh. B. liirsiituni. Hairy W'illow-hkrb. Great hairy willow-herh, — fiddle-grass, codlins-and-creani, apple- pie, gooseherry-pie, cherry-pie. B. palustrc. Marsh Willow-herb. W'ickup. GAURA. G. biennis. Commox Gaura. Biennial gaura. G. coccinca. Scarlet Gaura. Wild lioneysuckle. G. sinitafa. Wild Honeysuckle. JUSSIAEA. Primrose-willow. /. diffusa. Floating Primrose-willow. Creej)- ing primrose-willow, clove-strip, water-pusley. LUDVIGIA. False Loosestrife. L. alternifolia. Seed-box. Rattle-pod. L. palnstris. Water Purslane. False loose- strife, marsh purslane, phthisic weed. L. poly car pa. False Loosestrife. OENOTHERA. Evening Primrose. O. biennis. Common Evening Primrose. Nighi willow-herh, tree-primrose, large rampion, German rampion, coffee-plant, — fever-plant, king's-cure-all. scurvish, scahish, (four o'clock.) O. fruticosa. Sundrops. Wild heet, scahish. O. Missiouriensis. MissiouRi Primrose. 0. pallida, Prairie Evening Primrose. 94 O pratcnsis. Meadow Sundrops. O. piirnila. Smaix Sundrops. Small evening primrose. 0. speciosa. White Evening Primrose. TRAPA, Water Cai^top. T. natans. Water-nut. Water caltrop, buffalo- nut, sanghara-nut, Jesuit's water-nut. LYTHRACEAE. Loosestrifes. AMMANNIA. A. koehnci. Tooth-cup. CUPHEA. C. pctiolata. Cuammy Cuphea. Blue waxweed, tar-weed, wax-bush. DECODON. WATER-WII.I.0W. D. vcrticillatus. WaTER-wiluow. Swamp loose- strife, grass-poly, wild oleander, milk willow-herb, — peat-weed, slink-weed, (willow herb.) DIDIPLIS. D. diandra. Water Pursi^ane. LYTHRUM. Loosestrife. L. alatuni. Winged Loosestrife. Milk willow- herb. L. hyssopifolia. Grass Poey. Hyssop loosestrife. L. salicaria. PurpeE Loosestrife. Spiked loose- strife, milk willow-herb, spiked willow-herb, purple 95 willow-herb, purple .c^rass, — willow-weed, kill-weed, s.'i<:^e willow, rainbow-weed, red Sally, soldiers, long purples. ROTALA. R. rauwsior. Tooth-clt. HALORAGIDACEAE. Water milfoils. HIPPURIS. ' H. milgaris. Mark 's-T ails. Bottle-brush, joint- weed, cat's-tail, witches milk, paddock-pipe, (knot- grass.) MYIOPHYLLUM. M. spicatuin. Spikkd water-milfoil. Water- navelwort, — meakin. M. verticillatiun. Myriad-lKaf. W'horled water- milfoil. PROSERINACA. P. pahistris. Mermaid-weed. THYMELACEAE. Mezereum Family. DAPHNE. D. mczcrciiui. MezEREUM. Spurge laurel. Lady laurel, mezereon, spurge-olive, flax-olive, dwarf bay, — paradise-plant, mysterious plant, wild pepper. DIRCA. D. pahistris. 1 j-:ather\\ood. \\'ic(»i)y. moose- 96 wood, leather-bush, leaver-wood, swamp-wood, Amer- ican mezereon, rope-bark, wickup, wickerby-bush. ELAEAGNACEAE. Oleasters. ELAEAGNUS. B. argcntca. Sii^ver-bERRY. Wolf-berry, buck- brush. SHEPHERDIA. S. Canadensis. Buffal,o-bkrry. Wild olive-tree, wild oleaster-tree, Canadian buffalo-berry. S. argentea. Buffai^g-berry. Silver-leaf, wild oleaster-tree, wild olive-tree, — beef-suet tree, bull- berry, rabbit-berry. MELASTOMACEAE. Melastomes. RHEXIA. R. mariana. Maryland Meadow-beauty. R. Virginica. Meadow-bEauTy. Deer-grass, handsome Harry. ARALIACEAE. Araliads. ARALIA. A. hispida. Bristly Sarsaparilla. Wild elder, dwarf elder, rough sarsaparilla, pigeon-berry, hyebele. A. nudicaidis. Wild Sarsparilla. Small spike- nard, false sarsaparilla, shot-bush, wild licorice, Vir- ginia sarsaparilla, rabbit's-foot. A. racemosa. American Spikenard. Spignet, pettyniorel, white-root Indian root. 97 A. spinosa. Hkrculks' Ci.ub. Angclicci-trcc, spikenard-tree, prickly eklcr, prickly ash, toothache- tree, wild orange, devil's walking-stick, tcar-blankct. pick-tree, pigeon-tree. FATSIA. P. horrida. Devil's Club. PANAX. P. qiiinquefolium. Ginseng. Red-berry, sang. P. trifolium. Dward Ginseng. Ground-nut. CORNACEAE. Cornels. CORNUS. Dogwoods. C. alternifolia. Alternate-LEaved Cornel. Green-osier, blue dogwood, purple dogwood, umbrel- la-tree, pigeon-berry. C. amomiim. Silky Cornel. Kinnikinnik, swamp dogwood, blue-berried cornel, red osier, red-brush, red willow, rose willow, squaw-bush. C. as peri folium. Rough-lEaved Cornel. C. Canadensis. Bunch-berry. Dwarf cornel, low cornel, trailing dogwood, bunch-plum, cracker- berry, (bear-berry). C. circinata. Round-lEaved Cornel. Green osier, alder-leaved dogwood, round-leaved dogwood. C. florida. Flowering Dogwood. White cornel, cornelian-tree, box- wood, false box- wood, arrow- wood, Indian arrow-wood, Florida dogwood, — nature's mistake. C. paniculata. Gray Dogwood. Panicled cornel. 98 C. stolonifera. Rkd Osier. Red dogwood, red cornel, kinnikinnik, dogberry tree, wax-berry cornel, red-brush, squaw-bush, gutter-tree. C. stricta. Stiff CoRNKiy. Panicled cornel. C. suecica. LapIvAND Cornf:i,. Northern dwarf cornel. NYSSA. N. aqnatica. Swamp TupeIvO. Large tupelo, tupelo-gum, cotton-gum, sw^amp hornbeam. A^. syhatica. Black Gum. Sour-gum, pepper- idge, tupelo, water-tupelo, water-gum, swamp horn- beam, yellow gum-tree, — snag-tree, hornbeam, horn- pipe, horn-bine, horn-pine, beetle-bung. EUPHORBIACEAE. Spurges. ACALYPHA. Three-seeded Mercury. A. Virginica. Three-seeded Mercury. Wax- ball, copper leaf, Virginia three-seeded mercury. CROTON. C. capitatus. Hogwort. C. Texensis. Skunk-weed. EUPHORBIA. Spurge. B. corollata. Fi^gwering Spurge. Milk purslane, white purslane, milk pussley, milkweed, milk ipecac, blooming spurge, — picac apple-root, Bowman's-root, purging-root, snake milk, wild hippo. B. cyparissias. Cypress Spurge. Graveyard- weed, garden spurge, cypress, — quacksalver spurge, tree moss, balsam, kiss-me-Dick, Bonaparte's crown, welcome-to-our-house, (balsam. Irish moss). 99 E. cmla. Leafy Spurge. Faitour's ^rass, titliy- mal. B. helioscopia. Sun Spurge. Wart-spurgc, wart- weed, sun-wxed, wart-grass, — cat's milk, mouse-milk, devil's-milk, wolf's-milk, mad-woman's milk, churn- staff, seven sisters, little-good, (turnsole). B. heterophylla. Painted Leaf. B. Ipecacuanhae. Ipecac Spurge. American white ipecac, spurge ipecac, white ipecac. B. lathynts. Caper Spurge. Mole-plant, mole- tree, myrtle spurge, wild caper, caper-bush, spring- wort. B. maculata. Spotted Spurge. Milk purslane, blotched spurge, spotted pusley, black pusley, black spurge, milkweed, spotted eye-bright. B. niarginata. Snow-on-The-mouxTaix. Warie- gated spurge, white-margined spurge, mountain snow. E. obtitsata. Warted Spurge. B. peplus. Petty Spurge. Wart-weed, devil's- milk, seven sisters. B. polyonifolia. Seaside Spurge. Slu^re spurge, knotweed spurge, knotgrass spurge. B. preslii. Nodding Spurge. JATROPHA. Tread-softly. /. stimulosa. Spurge Nettle. Tread-softly, sand nettle, stinging-bush. MERCURIALIS. Mercury. M. annua. Herb Mercury. RICINUS. Castor-oil plant. £. communis. Castor Bean. Castor-oil plant. 100 palma Christi, oil-plant, Mexico-weed, steadfast, man's motherwort. STILLINGIA. OueenVroot. S. sylvatica. Oueen's-root. Queen's delight, silver-leaf, nettle potato, yaw-root. UMBELLIFERAE. Umbelworts. AEGOPODIUM. GouTwEKD. A. podagraria. Goutwked. Bishop's-weed, bishop's elder, goat's-foot, gout-wort, herb-Gerard, ground ash, dwarf ash, ashe-weed, white ash herb ax-weed, aise-weed, dwarf elder, dog-elder, wild- elder, wild alder, wild masterwort, garden plague. AETHUSA. A. cyanapium. Fool's ParsIvEy. Dog-parsley, dog-poison, false parsley, fool's cicely, small hemlock, lesser hemlock. ANETHUM. A. graveolens. Dili,. ANGELICA. A. atropitrpiirea. Great Angelica. Masterwort, purple-stemmed angelica, archangel, — aunt Jerichos. A. villosa. Wood Angelica. Hairy angelica. ANTHRISCUS. A. cerefolinm. Chervil. 101 BERULA. B. crccta. Cut-i,kavkd Watkr-parsijcy. Creep- ing water-parsley. BUPLEURUM. B. rotundi folium. Thorough-wax. Hare's-ear. modesty, ( thorough- wort ) . CARUM. Caraway. C. carvi. Caraway. Carries. CHAEROPHYLLUM. C. sativum. Garden Chervil. C. procnmbcns, W11.D Chervil. Spreading cher- vil. CICUTA. Water-hemlock. C. hulhifcra. Bulb-bearixg Water-hemlock. C. maciilata. Spotted Cowbane. Musqiiash- root, water-hemlock, beaver-poison, miiqiiash-poisop, — snake-weed, children's bane, (wikl parsnip). COELOPLEURUM. C. actaeifolium. Sea-coast Angelica. CONIOSELINUM. C. Chincnsc. Hemlock-parsley. CONIUM. C. maciilatiim. Poison Hemlock. Spotted pars- ley, St. Bennet's herb, poison-parsley, snake-weed, cashes, wode-whistle, bunk. 102 CORIANDRUM. C. sativum. Coriander. DAUCUS. Carrot. D. carota. W11.D Carrot. Bird's-nest, Queen Anne's lace, lace-flower, bird's-nest plant, — crow's- nest, devil's plague, rantipole, (parsnip). ERIGENIA. Pkpper-and-sai^t. £. bnlbosa. Harbingkr-of-Spring. Pepper-and- salt, turkey-pea, turkey-foot. ERYNGIUM. Eryngo. B. Lcavemvorthii. Briary Thisti^e. E. yuccifoliiim. Ratti^esnake Master. Button- snakeroot, water-eryngo, corn-snakeroot, rattlesnake- weed, rattlesnake-flag. FOENICULUM. Fennei.. P. vulgare. FenneIv. Meetin-seed, finkel, spingel, (dill). HERACLEUM. Cow Parsnip. H. lanatimi. Cow Parsnip. Masterwort. HYDROCOTYLE. Water pennywort. H. Americana. American Marsh Pennywort. — Penny-post. H. umhellata. Marsh Pennyw^ort. Water navel- wort, water-grass. IMPERATORIA. /. ostnithiiim. Masterwort. Pellitory of Spain, 103 felon-grass, fclonwort, hog's fcniK-l, inipcrial niastcr- wort. LIGUSTICUM. Lovagc. L. Canadcnsc. Ange:lico. Nondo. L. Scothiciiin. Scotch Lovage. Sea lovage, sea- parsley, shunis. OSMORHIZA. SwEKT Ciciav. O. Claytoni. W001.1.Y SwKET Cicely. Sweet javril. 0. longistylis. Smooth Sweet Cicely. Anise- root, sw^eet anise, sweet chervil, cicely-root, sweet javril. OXYPOLIS. 0. filiformis. Water Drop wort. O. rigid or. CowbanE. Water dropwort, hem- lock, pig-potato. PASTINACA. PARSNir. P. sativa. Parsnip. Wild parsnip, niadnep, tank, queen- w^eed, heart's-eye, (bird's-mest). PETROSELINUM. P. hortensc. Common Parsley. Ache. PIMPINELLA. P. saxifragra. Pimpernel. Burnet-saxifrage, bennet. PSEUDOTAENIDIA. P. inonfana. Mountain Pimpernel. 104 PTILIMNIUM. P. capillaceum. Mock Bishop's-weed. Herb- William, wood-nep, bolewort, bull-wort. SANICULA. SANICI.E. S. Marilandica. Bi^ack Snakeroot. Sanicle. SCANDIX. S. pecten-veneris. Venus' Comb. Sheperd's- needle, Lady's comb, Adam's-needle, beggar's needle — crow-needle, crape-needle, devil's darning-needle, pink needle, needle-chervil, hedgehog, poukenel. SIUM. S. cicutacfolimn. Water Parsi^ey. Hemlock. TAENIDIA. T. integcrrima Golden Ai^exanders. Yellov/ pimpernel. THASPIUM. Meadow Parsnip. T. aureurn. Meadow Parsnip. Purple Alex- anders, round-heart, purple meadow parsnip. TORILIS. T. anthriscus. Hemi^ock-chervil. Erect hedge- parsley, rough chervil, rough cicely, scabby-head. ZIZIA. Z. anrca. Goi^den Ai^exanders. Golden meadow- parsnip, early meadow-parsnip, wild parsley. Z. Bebbii. Goi^den Ai^exanders. 103 DIPSACEAE. Teaselworts. DIPSACUS. Tkaski. D. sylvcstris. Common Tkaski.. Wild teasel, card-teasel, water thistle, Indian thistle, card thistle, shepherd's thistle, shepherd's staff, fuller's teasel, clothier's hritsh, fuller's thistle, draper's teasel, ^n-psy combs, hutton-weed, wood-broom, church-broom, Venus' cup, Venus' bath, prickly back, (Adam's flan- nel). SCABIOSA. S. arvcnsis. Field Scabious. Scabish, blue but- tons, blue caps, Egyptian rose, gypsy rose, [)incushions. S. australis. Pincushion Flower. CAMPANULACEAE. Bellworts. CAMPANULA. Belufuowkr. C. Americana. Tall Bellflower. C. aparinoidcs. Marsh Bellflower. Slender bellflower, bedstraw bellflower. C. glomcrata. Clustered Bellflower. Dane's blood, (Canterbury bells). C. rapunculoidcs. Creeping Bellflower. Fuiro- pean bellflower. C. rotiindifolia. Bluebells. Hare-bell, heath- bells, witches bells, heatherbells, wind-bells, round- leaved bellflower, bluebells-of-Scotland. thiniblcS; lady's tliimbles. C. trachcliiim. NettlE-lEaved Bellflower. Canterbury bells. 106 JASIONE. Sheep's-bit. /. montana. Sheep's-bit. SPECULARIA. Venus' Looking-gi.ass. S. biflora. Venus' Looking-gIvASS. S. pcrfoliata. Venus' Looking-glass. Clasping bellflower. LOBELIACEAE. Lobelias. LOBELIA. L. cardinalis. Cardinal Flower. Scarlet lobelia, red lobelia, — slink-weed, hog's physic, (red bay). L. Dortmmina. Water Lobelia. Water gladiole. L. inflata. Indian Tobacco. Wild tobacco, asth- ma-weed, emetic-weed, gag-root, puke-weed, bladder- pod lobelia, low belia, kinnikinnik, eyebright. L. Kalmii. Kalm's Lobelia. L. siphilitica. Great Blue Lobelia. Great lobelia, high belia, blue cardinal flower. L. spicata. Spiked Lobelia. VALERIANACEAE. Valerians. VALERIANA. Valerian. V. ediilis. Edible Valerian. Tobacco-root, Oregon tobacco. V. officinalis. Common Valerian. Garden heli- otrope, garden valerian, great wild valerian, cat's valerian, summer heliotrope, hardy heliotrope, all- heal, cut-heal, vandal-root, — St. George's herb, set- well, setewale. lu: V. paiici flora. Largi<:-ki,o\vkrkd ValKkiax. American wild valerian. V. uliginosa. Marsh Vai.kriax. Swamp valerian. VALERIAN ELLA. Corn Salad. V. lociista. European Corx Salad. Fetticus, lamb's-lettuce, milk-grass, white pot-herh. V. radiata. Beaked Corx Salad. Lamb's-lettuce. CUCURBITACEAE. Gourds. CUCURBITA. Squash. Pumi'kin. C. foetidissima. Missouri Gourd. Fetid wild pumkin, wild pumpkin, calabazilla. ECHINOCYSTIS. Wild Balsam-apple. B. lohata. Wild Balsam-apple. Wild cucumber, mock apple, creeping Jenny, mock orange. MELOTHRIA. M. pcndula. Creeping Cucumber. SICYOS. S. angulatns. Oxe-seeded Bur-cucumber. Single- seed cucumber, star-cucumber, wild cucumber, nimble Kate. BIGNONIACEAE. Trumpet-flowers. BIGNONIA. B. caprcolata. Cross-vixE. Tendrilled trumpet- flower, quarter-vine. 108 CATALPA. C. bignonioides. Catalpa. Indian bean, smoking bean, bean-tree, cigar-tree, Indian cigar-tree, candle- tree, Catawba, — patalpa. C. speciosa. Catai^pa. Western Catalpa, hardy catalpa, white mahogany, Indian bean, cigar-tree, candle-tree, Shawnee-wood. TECOMA. T. radicaus. Trumpet CrEEpER. Trumpet-flower, trumpet-vine, trumpet-ash, cow-itch, (cross-vine, fox- glove). ACANTHACEAE. Acanthads. DIANTHERA. D. Americana. Wat E R-wi 1.1^0 w. RUELLIA. R. ciliosa. Wild Petunia. PHRYMACEAE. Lopseeds. PHRYMA. P. leptostachya. Lop-seed. MARTYNIACEAE. MARTYNIA. M. Louisiana. Unicorn-peant. Martynia. double-claw, elephant's trunk, martinoe. 109 LENTIBULARIACEAE. Bladderworts. PINGUICULA. BuTTKRwcjRT. P. vulgaris. BuTTERWORT. Boi; violet, steep- grass, earning-grass, Yorkshire sanicle, sheep-weed, sheep-root, sheep-rot, rot-grass, l^ean-weed. UTRICULARIA. Bi^adderwort. U. cormita. Horned Bladderwort. U. pinnila. Two-flovverEd Bladderwort. U. purpurea. Purple BIvADDERWOrt. Hooded milfoil, horned milfoil. U. vulgaris. Greater Bladderwort. Hooded water milfoil, pop-weed. OROBANCHACEAE. Broom-rapes. CONOPHOLIS. C. Americana. Squaw-root. Canccr-roc^t. earth- club. EPIFAGUS. E. Virginiana. Beech-drops. Cancer-root, can- cer-drops, Virginia brown-rape. ORABANCHE O. fasciculata. YeIvEOW Cancer-root. O. Ludoviciana. StranxlE-tare. O. minor. Lesser Broom-rape. Clover broom- rape, strangle-tare, herb-bane, devil's root, hell-nK)t, O. ramosa. Hemp Broom-rape. 0. nniflora. Oxe-flowered Caxcer-root. Nake 1 110 broom-rape, pale broom-rape, squaw-drops, one- flowered broom-rape. PLANTAGINACEAE. Plantains. LITTORELLA. L. nniflora. Plantain Shore-weed. Shore- grass. PLANTAGO. Plantain. P. aristata. Large-bracted Plantain. P. cordata. Heart-lEaved Plantain. Water plantain. P. decipiens. Seaside Plantain. Goose-tongue, buck's-horn, gibbals, sea-kemps. P. lanccolata. Narrow-lEaved Plantain. Rib- grass, rib-wort, English plantain, ripple-plantain, ripple-grass, buck-plantain, buck-horn plantain, snake- plantain, long plantain, kemps, kemp-seed, knock- heads, headsmen, — black-jack, jack-straws, dog-ribs, cocks, rat-tail, windles, hen-plant, cat's-cradles, chim- ney sweeps, klops, leechwort, ram's-tongue. P. major. Common Plantain. Door-yard plan- tain, wayside plantain, round-leaved plantain, broad* leaved plantain, hen-plant, lamb's-foot, waybread, healing-blade, cart-track plant, greater plantain. P. media. Hoary Plantain. Lamb's-tongue, lamb's-legs, healing-herb, fire-leaves, fire-weed. P. Purshii. SalT-and-peppER-planT. Pursh's plantain. P. Rngelii. PalE Plantain. Silk-plant, white- man's-foot. Ill DIAPENSIACEAE. Diapensia Family. GALAX G. aphylla. Gai.ax. Bcetle-wccd, galaxy, colt's- foot. PYXIDANTHERA. P. harhiilata. Pyxik. P'lowcrin^^-moss, pinc-har- ren beauty. PLUMBAGINACEAE. Leadworts. LIMONIUM. Thrift. L. Carolinianum. Sea Lavender. Marsh rose- mary, canker-root, American thrift, lavender-thrift, ink-root. STATICE. Thrift. S. Armeria. Sea Pink. Summer thrift, sea- thrift, European thrift, sea i^illy-flower, sea-j^^rass, red-root, ladies cushion. PRIMULACEAE. Primrose Family. ANAGALLIS. Pimpekxei.. A. arrcnsis. Scareet Pimterxee. Poor-man's weather-glass, red pimpernel, shepherd's weather- glass, shepherd's clock, shepherds dclii^iu. red chick- weed, burnet-rose, sunflower, eye-hrii^ht. hird's-eye. bird's-tongue, wink-a-peep. 112 CENTRUNCULUS. C. miiiimits. Chaff weed. False pimpernel. DODECATHEON. American Cowsi^ip. D. meadia. ShooTing-star. Prairie pointer, American cowslip, pride-of-Ohio, rooster-head, Indian chief, johnny-jump, gentlemen and ladies, lamb's noses. GLAUX. Sea Mii^kwort. G. marithna. Sea Mii.kworT. Black saltwort, sea trifoly. HOTTONIA. Water Violet. H. inflata. Water V101.ET. Feather foil, water- feather, water-yarrow, American featherfoil. LYSIMACHIA. Loosestrife. • L. munularia. Moneywort. Money-plant, creep- ing loosestrife, creeping Jenny, wandering Jenny creeping Sally, wandering Sally, herb-twopence, two- penny-grass, money-myrtle, myrtle, down-hill-of-life. L. punctata. Spotted Loosestrife. L. quadrifolia. Whori^ed Loosestrife. Cross- wort, yellow balm, five sisters, liberty-tea. L. terrcstris. Bui^b-bearing Loosestrife. Swamp candles. L. thyrsiflora. Tufted Loosestrife. L. vidgaris. G01.DEN Loosestrife. Yellow loose- strife, golden willow-herb, yellow w^illow-herb, willow wort, yellow rocket. PRIMULA. Primrose. ' P. farinosa. Bird's-Eye Primrose. Mealy prim- rose. 113 p. niistassiiiica. Dwarf Canadian I^rimkosk. SAMOLUS. Watkr Pimi-icrnkl. vS'. floribnndiis. Watkr Pimi'i;r\i;i,. Brook -weed. STEIRONEMA. S. cilia t II ]]L Fringed Loosestrife. TRIENTALIS. Chickweed Wintergreen. T. Americana. Chickweed Wixtergreen. SUir- flower, star chickweed. SAPOTACEAE. Soapworts. BUMELIA. B. lanuginosa. Fai^se Buckthorn. Black haw, gum-elastic. B. lycioides. Southern Buckthorn. CanJina buckthorn, bumelia-ironwood, coma, (mock oranjj^e). EBENACEAE. Ebony Family. DIOSPYROS. Persimmon. D. Virginiana. Persimmon. Date plum, lotus- tree, possum-wood, winter-plum, seeded plum, — Jove'- fruit. STYRACACEAE. Storax Family. HALESIA. SlEVKRina.T.-TKl-K. H. Carliniav.a. Possum -wood. Silverbell-tree 114 snowdrop-tree, bell olive-tree, wild olive-tree, tiss- wood, calico-wood, rattle-box. STYRAX. Storax. S. Aiuericana. Smooth Storax. Spring orange. S. grandiflora. Mock-orange. SYMPLOCOS. SWEET-I.KAF. S. tinctoria. Sweet-i.eaf. Horse-sugar, Florida laurel, yellow-wood, dye-leaves. OLEACEAE. Olive Family. ADELIA. A. acuminata. Swamp Privet. CHIONANTHUS. Fringe-tree. C. Virginica. Frixge-Tree. Old Man's beard, graybeard-tree, grandfather graybeard, white-fringe, American fringe, snowflower-tree, shavings, flowering ash, poison ash, (white ash). FRAXINUS. Ash. P. Americana. White Ash. Cane ash. P. Carolinana. Water Ash. Carolina ash, pop- ash, poppy-ash. P. nigra. Bi^ack Ash. Swamp ash, water ash, hoop ash, basket ash, brown ash. P. Peiinsyhanica. Green Ash. Red ash, blue ash, river ash, swamp ash, (black ash). 115 LIGUSTRUM. Privet. L. z'ulgare. Privet. Prim, prinnvorl, prim-print, print, prie, skedge, skedgewith. SYRINGA. Lilac. S. vulgaris. Common Lilac. Persian jasmine, Persian ekler, Ichiche, Roman wiUovv, pipe-tree, pij)e- privet, bkie pipe-privet, hkie ash, — kaylock. LOGANIACEAE. Logania Family. CYNOCTONUM. C. mitrcola. Miterwort. GELSEMIUM. Yellow Jessamine. G. sempcrvircns. Yellow False Jessamine. Carolina jasmine, yellow jessamine, Carolina wild woodbine, evening trumpet-flower. SPIGELIA. Pink-root. S. Marilandica. Pink-root. Worm-grass, star- bloom, Indian pink, Carolina pink. MAGNOLIACEAE. Magnolias. LIRIODENDRON. TrLir-TREE. L. tulipifcra. Tulip-Tree. ^\'11ow poplar, wliiii-- wood, tulip-poplar, white poplar, hhie poplar, hickorv- poplar, saddle-tree, saddle-leaf, canoe-wood, (lime- tree, basswood, linn-tree, cucumber-tree). 116 MAGNOLIA. M. acuminata. Cucumber-tree. Mountain mag- nolia, blue magnolia, yellow linn, black linn. M. fraseri. Ear-i,eavEd Umbrei.IvA-treE. North Carolina bay, cucumber-tree, water-lily tree, Indian physic, ( cucumber-tree ) . M. macro phylla. Cucumber-tree. Great-leaved magnolia, large-leaved unbrella-tree, large leaved cu- cumber-tree, elk-bark, silver-leaf, big-bloom. M. tripe tala. Umbrei.i.a-TreE. Cucumber-tree, elk-wood. M. Virginica. SwEET Bay. White bay, swamp laurel, swamp bay, white laurel, swamp magnolia, laurel-magnolia, beaver-tree, sw^amp sassafras, Indian bark, small magnolia. CALYCANTHACEAE. Calycanths. CALYCANTHUS. Sweet-scented Shrub. C. floridiis. Sweet Shrub. Carolina allspice, spice-bush, American allspice, sweet-scented shrub, strawberry-shrub, strawberry-bush, sweet Bettie, swe^^t Bubbie, bubby-blossoms. C. fertilis. SwEET Shrub. Strawberry-shrub, bubby-bush. ANONACEAE. Custard-apples. ASIMINA. Papaw. A. triloba. Common Papaw. Wild banana, cus- tard-apple, North American papaw% fetid shrub, false banana. 117 MENISPERMACEAE. Moonseeds. COCCLUS. C. Caroliuiis. Sarsaparili^a. CALYCARPUM. C. Lyoni. Cup-seed. MENISPERMUM. Mooxseed. M. Canadense. MoonseEd. Yellow pcrilla. Cana- da moonseed, yellow sarsaparilla, Texas sarsaparilla. BERBERIDACEAE. Barberry Family. BERBERIS. Barberry. B. Canadensis. Americax Barberry. Berberry. B. vidgaris. Europeax Barberry. Jaundice- tree, jaundice-berry, pepperidge-bush, wood-.'^our. CAULOPHYLLUM. Blue Cohosh. C. thalictroidcs. Blue Cohosh. Pappoose-root squaw-root, blueberry, blueberry-root, blue ginseng. DIPHYLLEIA. D. cyniosa. UmbreIvLA-leae. JEFFERSONIA. /. diphylla. Twin-leaf. Rbeuniatisni-rooi. ground-squirrel pea, helmet-pod. PODOPHYLLUM. Mav-appij:. P.peltatum. Mandrake. May-apple, wild lemon, 118 ground lemon, raccoon-berry, Indian-apple, hog- apple, devil's apple, wild jalap, behen, — duck's foot, (Mayflower). LAURACEAE. Laurels. BENZOIN. Spice-bush. B. acstivalc. Spice-wood. Spice-bush, fever-bush, wild allspice, Benjamin-bush, snap-wood, — snap- weed. B. luclissacfoliuin. Jove's Fruit. Hairy spice- bush. LITSEA. L. geniciilata. Pond-spice. Pond-bush. PERSEA. P. Borbonica. Red Bay. Sweet bay, Isabella- wood, false mahagany, bay-galls, white bay, tiss-wooa. P. pubescens. Swamp Bay. SASSAFRAS. S. variifolinm. Sassafras. Ague-tree, cinnamon- wood, smelling-stick, saloop. NYMPHAEACEAE. Water-lilies. BRASENIA. B. Schrcberi. Water-shieed. Water-target, frog- leaf, little water-lily, deer-food, egg-bonnet, purple bonnet. 119 CABOMBA. C. Caroliniana. Carolina Wati;r-siiii;ij). CASTALIA. Water-lily. C. odorata. WaTKR-lily. White water-lily sweet scented water-lily, water-nymph, pond-lily, t(Xid- lily, water cabbage, alligator bonnets. C. hihcrosa. Tuberous Watkr-lily. NELUMBO. Sacred Beax. A^. hitea. Yellow Lotus. Water chinkapin, water-bean, American lotus, great yellow water-lily, wankapin, yankapin, rattle-nut, water-nut, duck acorn, alligator buttons, yankapin bonnets. NYMPHAEA. Poxd-lily. A^. adrena. Yellow^ Pond-lily. Spatter-dcKk, splatter-dock, flatter-dock, brandy-bottle, beaver-root, beaver-lily, frog-lily, dog-lily, cow-lily, horse-lily, globe-lily, three-colored lily, tuckahoe, tucky. tucky- lily, mule-foot, mule-foot bonnets, mulet-foot lily. N. sagittifolia. Alligator Bonxets. PAPAVERACEAE. Poppyworts. ARGEMONE. Prickly Poity. A. Mcxicana. Mexicax Prickly Potty. Thorn- poppy, yellow thistle, flowering thistle. Jamaica thistle. devil's fig, — birds-in-the-bush. CHELIDONIUM. Celandine. C. niajus. Celandine. Swallow-wort, greater 120 celandine, tetterwort, killwort, wartwort, kenningwort, sightwort. GLAUCIUM. Horned Poppy. G. flavum. Horned Poppy. Sea-poppy, yellow horned poppy, bruisewort, squatmore. PAPAVER. Poppy. P. argemone. Priority Poppy. Wind rose, head- ache. P. ditbium. Blind Eyes. Headache, blaver. P. rhoeas. Corn Poppy. Field poppy, red poppy, corn rose, redweed, African rose, headache, canker rose, — cheese-bowl, thunder-flower, blue eyes. P. somniferiim. Common Poppy. Garden poppy, opium' poppy, marble-flower, mawseed, Joan silverpin, — cheese-bowl, balewort. SANGUINARIA. Bloodroot. S. Canadensis. BloodrooT. Red puccoon, white puccoon, puccoon-root, redroot, tetterwort, turmeric, corn-root, red Indian-paint, — pauson, sweet slumber, snake-bite. STYLOPHORUM. S. diphylluni. CeIvAndine Poppy. Yellow poppy. FUMARIACEAE. Fumeworts. ADLUMIA. Climbing Fumitory. A. Juncjosa. Mountain Fringe. Alleghany-vine, 121 climbing fumitory, Alleghany fringe, wood frin fairy creeper, canary-vine, cvi)ress-vine. CORYDALIS. C. aurca. GoIvDIvn Corydai^is. C. flaz'ula. PAI.E Corydai^is. Yellow corydali.-. colic-weed. C. sempervirens. Pink Corydalis. Pale cory- dalis, (Roman wormwood). DICENTRA. D. Canadensis. SquirreIv-corx. Turkev-corn, turkey-pea, white hearts, lyre-fiower, colic-weed. D. ciicidlaria. Dutchman's Breeches. Colic- weed, white eardrop, fly-flower, butterfly-banners, breeches-flower, soldier's cap, bachelor's breeches, — little boys' breeches, kitten-breeches, boys and girls, Indian boys and girls, (white hearts, monk's-hood). D. cximia. Wild Bi.EEding-hEarT. Turkey-corn, stagger-weed. FUMARIA. P. officinalis. Fumitory. Hedge fumitory, wax dolls, earth smoke. LINACEAE. Flaxworts. LINUM. Flax. L. catJiarticum. Dwarf Flax. Cathartic flax, purging flax, fairy flax, mountain-flax, fairy lint. L. Lczi'isii. Prairie Flax. Wild flax. 122 L. nsitafissirrutm. Common Fi,ax. Lint-bells, linseed, linn, flix, lint. MILLEGRANA. M. radiola. A1.1.-SEKD. OXALIDACEAE. Wood-sorrels. OXALIS. O. acetosella. Common Wood-sorrei.. Sheep- sorrel, shamrock, wood-sorrel, white wood-sorrel, sour trefoil, alleluia, cuckoo-flower, cuckoo-meat, wood-sour, Lady's clover, sleeping Mollie, sleeping beauty, sleeping clover, sour trifoly, stubwort, hearts. O. corniculata. Lady's Sorrei.. O. stricfa. Shkep-sorreIv. Yellow wood-sorrel, sour-grass. Lady's sorrel, toad's sorrel, poison sheep- sorrel. O. z'iolacca. V101.ET Wood-sorreIv. Purple wood- sorrel, sheep-sorrel. GERANIACEAE. Geraniums. ERODIUM. Stork's-bii.1.. B. cicutarium. Stork's-bieIv. Fileree, alfiliria, pink needle, pin-clover, pin-grass, pin-weed, wild musk, hemlock stork's-bill, heron's-bill, alfillerilla. GERANIUM. Craxe^s-biee. G. Columhianum. Long-staeked Crane's-biee. G, maciilatimi, Crane's-biee. Wild geranium, 123 spotted crane's-bill, spotted ij^ei aniuni, alum-root, alum-bloom,, crow-foot, Americ^i|n kino-ro(jt, choco- late-flower, — shame-face, rock-weed, sailor's knr)t. G. mollc. Dove's-foot Crank's-bill. Culver- foot, pigeon's foot, starlight. G. Rohertianiim. Herb Robert. Wild geranium, fox geranium, mountain geranium, red robin, red- shanks, dragon's blood, wren's flower, Jenny wren, red bird's-eye. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. Bean Capers. KALLSTROEMIA. K. maxima. Greater CAivTRor. TRIBULUS. T. tcrrcstris. Cai^Trgp. Puncture-weed, ground bur-nut, land caltrop, automobile- weed. RUTACEAE. Rueworts. PTELEA. P. trifoliata. Hop-Tree. W^afer ash, shrubl\v trefoil, three-leaved hop-tree, quinine-tree, ague-bark, pickaway-anise, prairie grub, swamp dogwood, wing- seed. RUTA R. gravcolcns. RuE. Country-man's treacle, herb- o'grace. 124 ZANTHOXYLUM. Pricki^y Ash. Z. Americanum. Northern Prickly Ash. Toothache-tree, angelica tree, suter-berry. Z. clava-her culls. Southern Pricki^y Ash. Her- cules' club, prickly yellow-wood, yellow prickly ash, sea-ash, pepper-wood, (wild orange). SIMARUBACEAE. AILANTHUS. A. glandidosa. Tree of Heaven. Chinese su- mach, false varnish-tree, — heavenward tree, paradise- tree, (devil's walking-stick). POLYGALACEAE. Milkworts. POLYGALA. M11.KWORT. P. cruciata. Marsh Milkwort. Drumheads. P. incarnata. Pink Milkwort. Procession flower. Rogation flower. P. lutea. Orange Milkwort. Yellow milkwort, yellow bachelor's buttons. P. pauciflora. Flowering Wintergreen. Fring- ed polygala, fringed milkwort, gay wings, dwarf milk- wort, May-wings, evergreen snake-root, bird on the wing, little pollum, baby's feet, baby's toes, baby's sHppers, Indian pink, satin-flower, (lady-slipper). P. polygama. Racemed Milkwort. Pink milk- wort, bitter milkwort, centaury. P. sangiiinea. Field Milkwort. Purple milk- wort, strawberry tassel. 125 P Senega. Seneca Sxakk-root. Scnc^^a-root, rattlesnake snake-root, mountain flax. P. verticillata. Whorlkd Milkwort. CALLITRICHACEAE. Water-starworts. CALLITRICHE. C. Austini. Terrestriai, Water Starvvort. C. paliistris. Vernal Water Starvvort. Water chickweed, water-fennel. BUXACEAE. Boxwoods. PACHYSANDRA. P. prociimbens. Alleghany Mountain Spurge. EMPETRACEAE. Crowberries. COREMA. Broom Crow berry. C. Conradii. Broom Crow^berry. Brown crow- berry, poverty-grass, Plymouth crowberry. EMPETRUM. Crowberry. E. nigrum. Black Crowberry. Heath-berry, blackberry-heath, wire ling, monox heather, monox, crow-pea, curlew-berry, pigeon-l)crry, — crake-berry, hog-cranberry. LIMNANTHACEAE. False Mermaid Family. FLOERKEA. F. proserpinacoides. False Mermaid, r^lcrmaid- weed. 126 ANACARDIACEAE. Sumacns. RHUS. Sumach. R. Canadensis. Fragrant Sumach. Sweet- scented sumach, sweet sumach. R. copallina. Dwarf Sumach. Upland sumach, black sumach, mountain sumach, varnish sumach, common sumach, (smooth sumach). R. cotinoides. American Smoke-TreE. Yellow- wood, chittim-wood. R. glabra. Smooth Sumach. Upland sumach, scarlet sumach, sleek sumach, white sumach, Pennsyl- vania sumach, senhalanac, vinegar-tree. R. quercifolia. Poison Oak. R. toxicodeiidron. Poison Ivy. Poison oak, three-leaved ivy, mercury, black mercury-vine, mar- kry, mark-weed, picry, climath, climbing ivy, trailing sumach, climbing sumach. R. trilohata. Skunk-bush. Ill-scented sumach. R. typhina. Stag-horn Sumach. Hairy sumach velvet sumach, Virginia sumach, stag-horn, vinegar- tree. R. vernix. Poison Sumach. Poison oak, poison ash, poison dogwood, poison elder, swamp dogwood, poison-tree, swamp sumach. CYRILLACEAE. Cyrillads. CYRILLA. C. raceniiflora. Lhatherwood. Southern leather- wood, black titi, white titi, red titi, iron-wood, he- huckleberry, burnwood bark. AQUIFOLIACEAE. Hollies. ILEX. H01.1.Y. /. cassme. Dahoox H01.1.Y. Yaiipun, cassena- bush. /. decidiia. Swamp H01.1.V. Possum-haw, de- ciduous holly, bear-berry, meadow-holly. 7. glabra. Ixk-berry. Evergreen winterberry, gallberry, bear-bush, (Appalachian tea). /. leaevigata. Smooth W^ixtkrbkrky. Hoop- wood, can-hoop. /. litcida. Shining Ink-bkrry. /. inonticola. Mountain Holly. Large-leaved holly. /. opaca. American Holly. White holly. /. verticillata. Black Alder. Winterberry, northern holly^ dog-berry, striped alder, white alder, false alder, pigeon-berry, Virginia winterberry, fever- bush. /. o'oinitoria. Cassena. Yaupon, emetic holly, evergreen cassena, appalachian tea, Carolina tea, Indian black-drink, deer-berry, cassena-bush, — South Sea tea. NEMOPANTHUS. Mountalx PIollv. N. viHcroiiafa. MouxTaix Holly. Wild holly, cat-berry, prick-timber. CELASTRACEAE. Staff-trees. CELASTRUS. Hitterswekt. C. scandens. BiTTERSWEET. Staff-tree, staff-vine, 128 shrubby bittersweet, climbing bittersweet, false bitter- sweet, red-root, climbing orange-root, wax-work, Roxbury wax-work, fever-twig. EUONYMUS. Burning-bush. B. Americanus. Burning-bush. Strawberry- bush, bursting heart, fish-wood, bishop's-cap. B. atropiirpiireiis. Burning-bush. Wahoo, strawberry-tree, strawberry-bush, spindle-tree, skew- er-wood, dog-wood, arrow-wood, Indian arrow, bitter ash. B. Bttropaeus. SpindIvE:-Trke. Skewer-wood, skiver-wood, prick-wood, prick-timber, peg-wood, butcher's prick-tree, louseberry, louseberry-tree, pin- cushion-shrub, European dog-wood, arrow-beam, gaiter-tree, gattan-tree. B. obovatus. Running Strawbkrry-bush. PACHISTIMA. P. Canbyi. RaT-stripper. Canby's mountain- lover. STAPHYLEACEAE. Bladder-nuts. STAPHYLEA. S. frifolia. American Bi^adder-nut. ACERACEAE. Maples., ACER. Maple. A. negundo. Box Eeder. Ash-leaved maple, cut- 129 leaved maple. Red ri\er maple, ma])le-asli, ( l)lack asli, water ash ) . .1. J\'niisyl:'aiiiciiiii. SrKii'Ki) AIai'ij-:. Aloose- \v(i()(l, \\liistle-\V()()(l, striped doi^wood. false dogwood, northern maple, i^oose-foot maple, hush maple. A. rubnuii. Rkd Maplk. Swamp maple, soft maple, scarlet maple, water maple, w hite maple, shoe- peg maple, (hard maple). A. saccliarinuin. Whitk Matlk. Soft mai)le, sil- ver maple, river maple, water maple, swamp maple, silver-kaved maple, creek maple. A. saccharnm. Hard Mapij:. Sugar maple, hlack maple, sweet maple, sugar tree, rough maple, rock maple. A. spicaUirn. Mountain Mai%i:. Mountain maple-bush, spiked maple, goose-foot maple, low- maple, water maple, moose maple, bush maple, (swami) maple). SAPINDACEAE. Soapberries. SAPINDUS. Soaphkkkv. S. nruDiiuoudii. Soapbkrkv. laidian soap-i)lant, \\ild China-tree. CARDIOSPKKMUM. C. Inilicacabitiu. Balloon -v ink. lleari->eed. heart-pea, winter cherry, pu ft -hall. AKSCULUS. HORSK-CHKSTNUTS. A. argiita. Shri'BBV BuckKyk. W^estern buck- eye. 130 A. glabra. Ohio Buckeye. Fetid buckeye, American horse-cliestnut. A. hippocastanum. Horse-chestnut. Bongay. conquerors, lambs. A. octandra. Sweet Buckeye. Yellow buckeye, large buckeye, big buckeye. A. pavia. Red Buckeye. Little buckeye, fish poison. BALSAMINACEAE. Jewel-weeds. IMPATIENS. ToucH-ME-NOT. /. hi flora. Spotted Tolch-me-not. Jewel-weed, silver-weed, lady's ear-dr()i)s, ear- jewel, balsam, wild celandine, brook celandine, slipper weed, lady's slipper, wild balsam, speckled jewels, shining grass, snap- weed, snapdragon, kicking horses, kicking colt, solen- tine, weather-cock, (cowslip). /. pallida. PauE Touch-mE-noT. Silver- weed, balsam, wild celandine, cream-colored jewel-weed, snap-weed, quick-in-the-hand. slipper. RHAMNACEAE. Buckthorns. BERCHEMIA. B. scandcns. SupplE-Jack. Rattan-vine, rattan. CEANOTHUS. Red-root. C. Americanus. New Jersey Tea. Red-root, mountain sweet, wild snowball, sprangles, wild pepper, Indian tea, \\'alpole tea. ISI RHAMNUS. I^.ucKTHOKx. R. alnifolia. Dwarf Aij)i:r. (jpccii .ildcr, do^- \v()od, alder-lccivcd huckthorn. R. Caroliniana. Carolina Huckthorn. Px .j^ birch, alder-leavcd buckthorn. hi(h'an chcrr\'. \c'll<»\\ l)Uckthorn, yellow wood. R. catliartica. Common Buckthorn. Pur<;in«^ buckthorn, hart's thorn, Rhine-berry, vvay-thoni. R. frangula. Europkan Buckthorn. AKk-- buckthorn, black dogwood, arrow-wood, Pcrsian-berr\. berry-alder, (black alder). VITACEAE. Vines. AMPELOPSIS. A. qiiinquc folia. Vh^gixia CrKKPKR. Woodbine. American ivy, false grape, hve-hni^ered i\'\-. ti\i- ftngered creeper, five-leaf ivy. CISSUS. C. ampelopsis. Raccoon Graim:. Swamp .i^rape. coon-grape, marine ivy. C. arbor ca. PeppER-vinf.. liird cherry, .snow- vine. VITIS. Grapiv. F. aestivalis. Summkr (jRapi;. I'igeon iira|).'. small grape. V. bicolor. Si'mmkr Graph. lUue grape, winter grape. V. cincrca. Swkkt Wintkr Graim:. Oowny grape, bunch grape. 13. V. cordifoUa. Frost Grapk. Chicken grape, fox grape, winter grape, sour winter grape, possum grape. V. labrusca. Northern Fox Grape. Northern grape, plum grape, (wild vine, raccoon grape, swamp grape). V. pahnata. Red Grape. Cat grape. V. rotnndifolia. Southern Fox Grape. Musca- dine, bullace-grape, scuppernong. V . riipestris. Sand Grape. Sugar grape, sand- beach grape. V. z'ltlpina. Frost Grape. Sweet-scented grape, riverside grape, winter grape, bull grape, arroyo grape, river-bank grape. TILIACEAE. Lindens. TILIA. Bass WOOD. T. /hiicricaiia. Bass wood. American linden, white-wood, yellow basswood, bass-tree, linn-tree, lime-tree, white Hnn, southern linn, black lime-tree, bee-tree, wickup, monkey-nut tree, daddy-nut, spoon- wood, whistle- wood. T. JictcropJiylla. White Bassw^ood. Linden, bee- tree, white linn, teil-tree, tile-tree, (cottonwood, silver- leaved poplar, wahoo). TERNSTROEMIACEAE. Camellias. GORDONL\. LoBEOEEY Bay. Ci. lasiaiit/iiis. Tan Bay. Loblollv bav, swamp laurel, l^lack laurel, hollv bav. >."> HYPERICACEAE. St. John's-worts. ASC\1U\M. J. liypcricoidcs. St. Andkkw 's Cross. A. stans. St. Pktkr's-wout. HYPr:RICUM. St. Johx-s-wokt. /-/. ascyroji. GrkaT St. Johx's-w ort. Ciant St. John's- wort, great flowered St. John's-worl. //. gciitianoidcs. Pixk-wkkd. Oraii,<(e-.i^n-as^. false St. John's-wort. pr)verty-grass. knit-WL-ed, (ground pine). H. gnu'colcus. IMorxTAix St. Joh.x's-wokt. H. Kahiiiaiiiiiii. Kalm's St. Johx's-wort. Slirul)- l)y St. John's-wort. H. mittilum. Dwarf St. Johx's-wort. Small- flowered St. John's-wort. H. perforatiiiii. Commox St. Johx's-wort. Iuu-o- pean St. John's-wort. St. John's bush, amber, rosin- rose, herb-John, penny-John, camnK.ck. icuch-and- lieal. toute saine, tutsan. //. pctiolatuui. Marsh St. Johx's-wort. H. prolifiaiiu. Shrubby St. Johx's-wort. lUisii l)r()om, (rock rose, paint-brush). H. punctatuui. Si'ottkd St. Johx's-wort. H. Virginicmii. Marsh St. Johx's-wort. ELATINACEAE. Waterworts. b:LATl\l':. B. Americana. W \ti;k\\ oiri'. .Mud pur>Iane 134 CISTACEAE. Rock Roses. HELIANTHEMUM. Rock Rose. H. Canadensc. FrosT-weed. Rock rose, scrofula- plant, long-branched frost-weed, Canadian rock rose, sim-rose. H. ma jus. Rock Rose. Hoary frost-weed. HUDSONIA. H. ericoidcs. Hudsoxia. Poverty-grass, Ameri- can heath, field pine. H. tomentosa. Hudsoxia. False heather, pover- tv-grass, poverty-plant, beach heather, ground cedar, ground-moss, heath, bear-grass, dog's dinner. LECHEA. PixwEED. L. minor. Thyme-EEaved Pixweed. VIOLACEAE. Violets. \ lOLA. V. arveiisis. W^ied Paxsy. V. blanda. Commox White VioeET. Sweet white violet. ]\ Canadensis. Caxada \^ioeET. American sweet violet, hens. V. conspcrsa. Am eric ax Dog \'ioeet. Early blue violet. V. aicullata. Commox Beue VioeET. Meadow violet, hooded blue violet, early violet,' long-stemmed purple violet, fighting cocks, hookers, roosters. V. fimbria tula. OvaTE-EEavEd VioeET. Fringed violet, rattlesnake violet. l.vS P\ hastata. HAijiKi;i)-ij;A\ kd \ i<)1j;j. Spi-ar- leaved yellow violet. V. lanccolata. Lanck-lk.wkd \ioi.i:t. Wat-jr violet. V. Nuttallii. Ykllow Prairik V ioi.kt. V. palmata. Early Bluk X'ioukt. Tland-Kav rd violet, chicken fighters, Johnny-jiinij)-iii). V. palustris. Marsh Violkt. V. pedata. Bird-foot Violkt. Sand \ iolet, crow- foot violet, snake-violet, lavender \ iolet, pansN- \i<)- let, horse-violet, (wood violet). V. pcdatifida. Prairik Violkt. Larkspur violet. V. prhnulifolia. Primrosk-IvKavkd \^ioi,kt. Sweet white violet. ]\ piibcsccns. Dowxv ^'Kl.Lo\\ X'loi.i-T. Stem- med yellow violet. V. Rafincsquii. W11.D Paxsv. Field \ iolet. V. rosfrata. Long-sihrrkd \'ioij-;t. leaked violet, canker violet. V. rotundifolia. Round-lkavkd ^'kluow \ loi.i-r. Stemless yellow violet, early yellow violet. V. sagittata. Arrow-lK wr.n \^ioij:t. I\arl\- hlue violet, (sand violet). V. scahrhiscida. Smooth Yi-xlow \^ioij:t. V. Selkirkii. Grkat Spitrrkd Violkt. V. striata. Pale ViolKT. Striped violet. HYBANTHUS. //. concolor. Grkkx Violkt. PASSIFLORACEAE. Passion-flowers. PASSIFI.OKA. P. iucarnata. Passion-Klowkr. May-pop, pas- sion-vine, <^ronnd-ivv. 136 LOASACEAE. Loasads. MENTZELIA. M. dccapetala. Showy Mextzei^ia. Prairie lily, gumbo lily. M. oligospcrma.. Stick-IvEaf. CACTACEAE. Cactus. MAMILLARIA. M. Missoiiricnsis. Nippi^e Cactus. Missouri cactus, purple cactus. OPUNTIA. O. vulgaris. Fricki^y Pear. Indian fig, prickly pear cactus, devil's tongue (barberry). SANTALACEAE. Sandalwoods. COMANDRA. Faese Toad-feax. C. uuibellata. Faese Toad-feax. PYRULARIA. P. pitbera. Oie-nut. Buffalo-nut, elk-nut, rabbit- wood. LORANTHACEAE. Mistletoes. ARCEUTHOBIUM. A. piisillmn. Dwarf MisteEToe. Small mistle- toe. l.v" PHORAI)i:M)k()\. P. flirc'csccns. Am i;kuaxMistij:T()i;. h'alsc niisil'/- toe. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE. Birthworts. ARISTOLOCIIIA. A. dcinatitis. Upright Birthwoht. A. macrophylla. PrPK-viNK. l)ntclinian'> pijic, wild ginger, big sarsaparilla. A. serpentaria. Virginia Snakkroot. I')irtli- wort, serpentary, black snake-root, snakc-wced. san- grel, sangree-root, pelican-flower. ASARUM. W^iLi) Gix(;kr. A. arifoliujii. Jug-1'Ua.\t. A. Canadensc. Canada Gingkr. Wild i^ini^er, Indian ginger, Canada snake-root, heart snakc-roc.t, Vermont snake-root, colic root, southern snake-mot. false crowfoot, asarabacca, hazelwort. A. Virginiciiiu. Southern Wild Gixgir. lUack snake-weed, heart-leaf, pigs. POLYGONACEAE. Buckwheat Family. BRUNNlCIll A. B. civrhosa. Laoiks' 1v\r-I)Koi\ IVMuh-il-hcarini^: sniartweed, buckwheat \iiH". KRIOGONUM. B. lojKjifoliiun. W'li.i) I'rcKW hkat. 138 FAGOPYRUM. F. csciilentiiin. Buckwheat. Beech wheat, corn- heath. Saracen's corn, crap, brank. F. lataricum. India- wheat. OXYRIA. O. diyyna. Mouxtaix Sorrei.. Sour dock. RUMEX. Dock. Sorree. R. acctosa. Garden Sorree. Green sorrel, sour- grass, sour dock, Enghsh sorrel, sharp dock, meadow sorrel, cock sorrel, red-shank. R. acctosella. Fieed SorrEE. Horse sorrel, sheep sorrel, red sorrel, sour dock, sour-grass, sour-leaf, cow sorrel, toad sorrel, red-weed, mountain sorrel, gentleman's sorrel, (wood-sorrel). R. altissiiuus. PaeE Dock. Tall dock, peach- leaved (lock. 7^. Jh'iff aniens. Great Water Dock. Horse sorrel. R. cris/^iis. Yeeeow Dock. Curled dock, narrow dock, sour dock. R. obfusifolitis. Bitter Dock. Broad-leaved dock, blunt-leaved dock, butter-dock, celery-seed. R. palUdns. White Dock. R. patientia. Patience Dock. Monk's rhubarb, garden patience, — passions. R. persicarioidcs. Goeden Dock. R. hulchcr. Fiddee Dock. R. z'crti cilia ta. Swamp Dock. POLYGONELLA. P. articulata. Coast Joint- weed. Sand-grass. POLYGONUM. S.MAKTwi.KDs. P. acre. VVaTKk Pki'i-kr. W'aWv smart-weed, clotted smartweed, turkey-troop. P. luuphibiuui. Watkr Smaktw ki;i). Water per- sicaria, red-shank, heart's-ease. ground w illo\v,f water willow). P. arifoliuui. Hai^bkro-ij-.w-kd Ti-AR-TinM b. Scratch-.ii^rass, sicklc-j^rass. P. avicularc. KxoT-grass. liirdV knot-grass, door-yard grass, way-grass, door-grass, ninety-knot. l)ir(rs-i()ngue. bird-weed, bird knot-grass, sparrow's- tonguo, pink-weed, beggar-weed, stone-weed wire- weed, wire-grass, door-weed, goose-grass. — cow-grass, swine-grass, (crab-grass) . l\ coiiz'oh-ulus. CuiMBixc. lUcKW iiKAT. lUack bindweed, climbing bindweed, corn bindweed, corn- bind, bear-bind, ivy bindweed, knot bindweed, dex il's tether. — black-bird bindweed. I\ Iiydropihcr. Common Sm artwkkd. Water pepper, biting persicaria. biting knot-weed, pejjper,- plant, red-shank, bite-tongue, red-leaves, snake- weed, sickle-weed. P. hydropipcroidcs. Mild Watkr-pkitkr. P. lapathifoliitiii. Pali-: Pkrsicaria. Dock-leaved persicaria. willow-weed. P. oricutalc. I^rixck's Fi-.athkr. Ragged sailor gentleman's cane, love-lies-bleeding. P. persicaria. Lady's Thtmh. Heart-weed, spotted knot-weed, red-weed, pink-weecb lieart's-ease. peach-wort, red-sliank. loxer's pride, black-heart, wil- low-weed. P. sayittatuiu. Arr()\\-li:.\\i:i) Ti: ar-tium m. P. scandens. Cijmmixc. h\\i,si-; IWckw hkat. 140 CHENOPODIACEAE. Pigweeds. ATRIPLEX. A. argentca. S11.VERY Orache. Salt-weed. A. patula. Orachk. Lamb's quarters, fat hen. CHENOPODIUM. Goose-foot Pigwekd. C. albiiui. Pigweed. Lamb's quarters, wild spin- ach, bacon- w^eed, fat hen, frost blite, muck- weed. C. ambrosiodes. Mexican Tea. C. anthelmifiticiim. Wormseed. Fish-weed. C. Bonus-Henricns. .Good-King-Henry. All- good, wild spinach, fat hen, blite, perennial goosefoot, mercury, English mercury, — markery, Roman plant, smiddy-leaves. C. hotrys. Feather Geranium. Jerusalem oak, turnpike geranium, hind-heal, ambrose. C. capitatum. Strawberry BeitE. Strawberry spinach, Indian strawberry, Indian paint. C. glancnin. Oak-lEaved Goosefoot. C. Jiybridum. MapeE-EEaved Goosefoot. Sow- bane, swine's bane. C. polyspermum. Aee-seEd. C. rubrnin. Coast BeiTE. Red goosefoot, pig- weed, swine's bane. C. vulvaria. Stinking Goosefoot. CORISPERMUM. C. liyssopifoliuui. Bug-seed. Bug- weed, tumble- weed. CYCLOLOMA. C. airiplicifoliuni. Winged Pigweed. Tumble- weed. 141 KOCMIIA. /\'. scoparia. Standixc. Ca'I'ki-ss. WMild*. |<'aii plant, Belvedere cypress. sninnuT CNpre^s. Mexican fire-weed, broom cvpress. SALICOKXIA. .V. Hiiro paca. Glass- wouT. Samphire, jointed .i>lass-\vort, marsh samphire, slender i^dass-wort, I\n,i^- lish sea-.^rass. chicken's toes, froi^-^rass. priekh- .i^ras-. pickle-plant, crab-o-rass. sea-«^rass. saltwort. SALSOLA. .S'. kali. CoMMOx Saltwort. Prickly <^lasswort. kelpwort, Russian thistle. salt.grai)e. sea-i^rape. sea thrift. Russian cactus. SUAKDA. vS'. Americana. Ska Goosktoot. Tall sea-blite. AMARANTHACEAE. Amaranths. ACNIDA. A. caiiiiahina. W'aTKk-hk.m p. Water-leaf, salt- marsh water-hemp. AMARANTHUS. .\.mauaxth. ./. hlitoidcs. SprKadixc; Pic.w kkd. A. ijracci::aiis. Tim hi.k-w i:i:i). A. Jiybridiis. Gkkkx Amaranth. Spleen amar- anth. i)ilewort. prince's feather, sk-nder pigweed, red amaranth, cock's-comb, Hower L^entle. careless, tlora- mor. 142 A. paniculatus. Purpi^e Amaranth. A. retroflexiis. GrKEn Amaranth. Red-root, rough pigweed. A. spinosiis. Spiny' Amaranth. Thorny amar- anth, red amaranth. IRESINE. 7. paniculata. Bi.ood-i.eaf. Juba-bush. GOMPHRENA. G'. globosa. Geobe Amaranth. Immortelle. PHYTOLACCACEAE. Pokeweeds. PHYTOLACCA. P. decandra. Poke-berry. Garget, pigeon-berry ink-berry, red-ink plant, poke-weed, scoke, pocan-l)ush cancer jalap, American nightshade, red-weed. NYCTAGINACEAE. Four o'clocks. OXYBAPHUS. O. uyctagincHS. Wied Four-o'ceock. Umbrella- wort. ILLECEBRACEAE. Knotworts. SCALERANTHUS. ' S. annus. KnawEE. German knot-grass, gravel chickweed, (parsley piert). 14.^ ANYCHIA. A. polygouoidcs. Fokk kd C i i k k w i;i:i). PARONYCHIA. P. arijyrocojua. Siuvkr Chk" k\\i;kd. SiKc-r whitlow-wort. P. dichotoimi. Naii^wokt. Whitlow-wort, fork- ing whitlow-wort. AIZOACEAE. SESUVIUM. S. niaritiiuitni. Ska Purslane. MOLLUGO. M. Tcrticillata. CarpKT-wkKd. Indian chickwocJ, devil's grip. PORTULACACEAE. Purslanes. CLAYTONIA. Spring Beauty. C. Caroliniaua. Carolina Spring Beauty. W'hite- leaved spring heaiity. C. Virginica. Spring Beauty. May-flower, grass- flower, good-morning-spring, wild potatoes, (daisy). MONTI A. M. foiifana. \YaTER Chickw KKD. Wati-r hhnk>. blinking chickwecd, blinks. M. f^crfoliafa. Mixkr's Tj-:TTrc"K. Indian k-iincc. PORTUKACW. P. (jraudijlora. Gardkx Pokti-eaca. Rose-moss, 144 sun-plant, garden purslane, showy portulaca, Mex- ican rose, wax-pinks, Kentucky moss, French purs- ley. P. olcracca. Pursi^anE. Pusley. P. rctitsa. Notched Pursi^ane. Western purs- lane, (pigweed). TALINUM. T. calyciviiim. Rock Pink. T. tcrctifoliuui. Feame FeowER. CERATOPHYLLACEAE. Hornworts. CERATOPHYLLUM. C. (IcincrsiiJii. Horxwort. Horn-weed, niorass- weed, hsh-blankets, cedar moss. CAPPARIDACEAE. Caperworts. CLEOME. C. scrntlata. Rocky Mouxtaix Bee-peaxt. Stinking clover, pink cleome, spider flower. C. sj^iuosa. Spider FeowER. Prickly cleome. POLANISIA. P. (jnvi'colcns. Ceammy-weed. Worm-weed, false mustard. RESEDACEAE. Mignonettes. RESEDA. R. lutca. Y^EEEOW Mignonette. Crambling rocket. 143 R. lutcola. I )vi;k's-\\ i;i;i). Dyer's weld. (Iver'.s '■ockct, yellow-wccd, (l\or's iiii.i^iioncttc. nl-IIow rocket. Italian rocket, Dutch pink, wild w<.ad. weld. SARRACENIACEAE. Pitcher-plants. SAUK \C'h:XlA. .S^ flara. TiUMrKTS. N'ellow pitcher-plant, yel- low trumpets, trumpet-leaf, water-cu]), watches. — his- cuits S. purpurea. PiTCHKK-rLANT. Side-saddle Hew- er, huntsman's cup, Indian cup. Indian i)itcher. Ad- am's cup, Adam's ])itcher, forefathers' cup. watche.s, duml) watches, fly-trap, meadow-cup. fever-cup, St. Jacoh's di])per. Indian teakettles, small-pox plant. — whip-poor-will's hoots. whii)-p<»or-wiirs shoes, (skunk cahhaire, foxi/love). DROSERACEAE. Sundews. DKOSh'.KA. n. filiforiiiis. TiiRi-iAD-uK.wKi) srxDi'.w. P. rotundifolia. vSiXDKw. Dew-plant, rosa s( is. youtli-wort. moor-., (water beech). IRIDACEAE. Irises. RKLAMCAiXDA. B. Chinciisis. \\i..\ckh\:\<\<\ \j\,\. Leopard- flower, dwarf tiger-lilv. IRIS. Ki.AC. iji,\. h'i,i;i R-ni:-i,is. /. fulra. Coi'i'KR Iris. 148 /. l^rismafica. Narrow Blue Fi,ag. Poison flag- root. /. pscudaconis. YeIvIvOw FivAG. Sword-flag, yellow water-flag, false sweet-flag, corn-flag, — water skegs, Jacob's sword, daggers, flagons. /. rcrna. Dwarf Iris. Spring iris, violet, slend- er 1)lue flag. /. z'crsicolor. Commox Blue feag. Flag-lily, water-flag, flowering flag, large blue flag, poison flag, snake lily, — liver-lily. SISYRINCHIUM. Beue-Eyed Grass. S. angustifoliuui. Beue-Eyed Grass. Blue-grass, star-eyed grass, grass-flower, blue-eyed Marv, pig- root, satin lily. S. (iraiiiiucuni. PeppER-grass. AMARYLLIDACEAE. Amaryllids. AGAV^E. American Aeoe. A. Viryinica. Faese AeoE. Pattlesnake-niaster. COOPERIA. C. Dnfiiujiondii. Prairie Liey. HYPOXIS. Star-grass. //. Jiirsuta. ^^EEEOw Star-grass. Yellow-eyed grass, Star of Bethlehem. NARCISSUS. A', poeticns. Poet's Narcissus. N. pseudo-narcissus. Daffodie. 14^ ZKPHYRANTHICS. I^mkv Iji.v. Z. Ataiuasco. Faikv \a\^\. Ataniosco lily. >\v,iiiiii lily. stai^iL(er-<(rass. ]\astcr lilv. DIOSCOREACEAE. Yams. DIOSCOREA. n. villosa. Wild ^'am. Wild yam-root. HAEMODORACEAE. Bloodworts. LACHNANTHKS. L. tinctoria. Rf:d-root. Indian rctl-root. paint- root, Carolina red-ro<:>t. spirit-weed. LOPHIOLA. L. aiirca. Goldkx Ckkst. JUNCACEAE. Rushes. JUNCUS. ./. aciiiiiinahts. K.xottv-ijcaxkd Uisii. Sliaip- pointed rush. /. articulatus. JoixTK.i) Ui sii. Span. /. bufonius. Toad Kisn. Toad-,5;ra>>. tr^o- i^rass, salt-weed, coe-^rass. J. congloiucratiis. PiTii Rrsii. StalT ru^h. J. cjfusus. Common Kish. P.oi;- rush, soft rn>h. w^ater rush, round rush, hard laish. candle ru^h. pin rush. sui;(ar-i(rass. J. fiilfoniiis. 'Phri-.ad I\i sh. 150 /. Gcrardi. Bi.ack Grass. J . ijiilitaris. Bayonet Rush. J. nodosus. Knotted Rush. /. tenuis. Slender Rush. Yard rush, wire- ;'rass, poverty-grass. PONTEDERIACEAE. Pickerel-weeds. HETERANTHERA. Mud Plantain. H. dubia. Water Star-grass. Bufifalo-grass. H. rcniforinis. Mud Puaintain. PONTEDERIA. P. cordata. PickerEU-weed. Alligator wampee. BROMELIACEAE. Pine-apple Family. TILLANDSIA. T. usncoides. Spanish Moss. Long moss, gray moss, Florida moss, long beard, tree beard, vegetable hair, hanging moss. COMMELINACEAE. Spiderworts. COMMELINA. Day-eeower. C. couimunis. Creeping Day-feower. TRADESCANTIA. ,, Spiderwort. T. rosea. Rose-coeored Spiderwort. T. Virginiana. Spiderwort. Widow's tears, snake-grass, trinity, (spider-lily). 131 XYRIDACEAE. Yellow-eyed Grass. XVRIS. X. ffc.viiosa. Vi-xuo\\-i;vi;i) Grass, ^\■ll<)\v Mow- erini^ rush. ERIOCAULACEAE. Pipeworts. ERIOCAULON. B. aiiccps. Hairv Pipewort. B. (iccaugulare. Ph'Ewort. Tcn-cm^^led i)ii)c- wort. LEMNACEAE. Duckweeds. LEMNA. L. trisiilca. Ivv-ij:aved Duck-w kkd. Star duck- weed, duck's meat. SPIRODELA. S. I^()lyrh{.za. DrcKWi-i-i). Duckuieal, lai-.^cr < luck weed. ARACEAE. Arums. ACOKUS. SwKKT-i-i.AC. . /. ailaiinis. Sw KKT-fi.ac. Calamus, calauiu.-- root. niyrtle-fia^-. uiyrtle-sedge, niyrtie-<^n-ass, sweet myrtle, flai^-root. sed<,a'-.e:rass, sed.^-e cane, sedi^e vu>h. sea sedge, bee wort. 152 ARISAEMA. Dragon Arum. A. draconthtm. GrEEN Dragon. Dragon-root, dragon-tail, (Indian turnip). A. tripliyllttm. Indian Turnip. Jack-in-the-pul- pit, three-leaved Indian turnip, pepper turnip, wild turnip, bog onion, brown dragon, starchwort, wake robin. CALLA. C. palitstris. Wiud Caeea. Water-arum, water- dragon, female water-dragon, — swamp robin, (water lilyV ORONTICUM. GoEDEN Ceub. O. aqiioticuiii. Goeden Ceub. Floating arum, water dock, tawkin, never- wets. PELTANDRA. Arrow -arum. F. virginica. Arrow-arum. Green arrow arum, Virginia wake-robin, poison arum. SA^MPLOCARPUS. Skunk Cabbage. vS'. foctidus. Skunk Cabbage. Swamp cabbage, skunk-weed, meadow cabbage, pole-cat weed, poke- weed, collard. TYPHACEAE. Cat-tails. TA^PHA. T. augitstifoUa. Narrow-eEaved CaT-Taie. T. lati folia. Common Cat-taie. Broad-leaved cat-tail, great reed-mace, cat-of-nine-tails. marsh bee- tle, marsh pestle, cat-tail flag, bullrush, water-torch, 153 caiullc-wick. I)ull-sc.i;-.i;, blackamoor, hlack-cai). ^^''^^- tail. SPARGANIACEAE. Burr-reed SPAKGANIUlM. S. si'm/^Uw. r.rRR-wKKi). T.lack weed, hiirr-rccd. NAJADACEAE. Pondweeds. NAJAS. A', marina. Vosd Wekd. Naiad. lX:)'rOi\10GETOX . Poxdwkkds. F. crispiis. Pond Weed. Curly muck- weed. P. htcciis. Shi XING PoxdweED. Cornstalk- wee wrack. KL'1MM.\. R. Jiiarifiiiia. Di'i'c u-ckass. Sea-gra.ss. tassel pondweed. tassel grass, zherhes. ZAX\lCIII-:iJtare. -ca- sedge, sea-bent. C. bulla to. Button Skdgk. C. caryophyllca. \'ernai. Skdgk. Pink-.i^ras.-. iron-grass. C. criuita. Fringed Sedge. Droopini^ >ed!L;c. sickle-grass. C. flaz'a. Yeeeow Sedge. Meadow sedge, marsh hedgehog-grass. C. glaitca. Heath Sedge. Carnation-gras.^. gilji- flower-grass, pink-grass. C. liirta. Hairy Sedge. Hammer sedge, carna- tion-grass, goose-grass. C. liystcricina. Porcipine Sedgi;. C. niuricata. Lesser Prickly Sedgk. C. panicca. Grasseike Sedgk. Carnation, gilli- flower-grass, blue-grass, pink-leaved sedge. C. plantaginea. Pi^aintain-leaved Skdc.i:. C. straminca. Straw Sedge. Hog-grass. C. stricta. Tussock Sedge. CLAOirM. C. Jaiiiaiccnsc. Saw-grass. C. mariscoidcs. Twig-rush. r)Oi:-rush. 156 CYPERUS. C. diandnis. Low. CypKRUS. Cypress-grass, gal- ingale, galingal. C. csciilcnta. Yi:i.i.ovv Nut-grass. Edible galin- gale, earth-almond, rush-nut, tiger-nut. C. flavescens. YeIvIvOVV Cyperus. Galingale. C. ovnlaris. Hedgehog CivUB-rush. Globose cyperus. C. rotuudiis. Xlt-gRx\ss. Coco-grass, round- root. C. strigosus. Straw-coi,ored Cyperus. Lank galingale, nut-grass, ground-moss. ELEOCHARIS. Spikk-rush. B. aciculaj'is. NeedeE Spike-RUSH. Least spike- rush. B. iiitcrsiicta. Knotted Spike-rush. B. palustris. Creeping Spike-rush. Aglet- headed spike-rush. B. tenuis. Slender Spike-rush. Poverty-grass, kill-cow. ERIOPHORUAL Cotton-grass. B. angustifoliiini. Tale Cotton-grass. B. callitrix. Cotton-grass. Cotton rush, hare's tail, canna down, cat-locks, moss-crop. B. Virgiiuciiin. \'irginia Cotton-grass. Moss- crop. FUIRENA. F. squarrosa. L^mbreeea-grass. PSILOCARYA. P. scirp aides. Baed-rush. 157 mXCllOSrokA. r»r..\Ki:i) Ui sn. R. coruicnlata. 11()r.\i;i) Ki sn. iicak rush. R. yloiucrata. Falsi-: lioc. Kisii. SCI R PUS. P)Ui.RusH. S. Auicriccmiis. 'J'hrkk-squakk. C1iair-ni;ikcrs rush, sword-grass. S. atroz'ircns. Common IUliush. S. cacspitosus. Deer Hair. S. campcstris. Bayonht-grass. Tulc. S. cypcriiiiis. Wool-grass. Cotton-grass. S. fluviatilis. RivER Bulrush. l\iver cliil)-ni>li. S. mncronatiis. BoG Bulri^sh. .S". occidcutalis. Tuek-grass. S. 'c'ulidits. Great Bueri'sh. Pake n\>h. niat- nish, black-rush, boukler-bast, tule. SCLKRPA. S. triylouicrata. Taee Nut-rush. Whip-i^ra^^. PIPERACEAE. Peppers. SAUurkus. .S". ccruiius. PizARD-T.\iE. Prcast-w cc(k swamp lily. SALICACEAE. Willows and Poplars. popuprs. Poi'EAK. p. alba. W'liiTi-: Poi'i.Ai^ Sil\ cr-lcax cd poplar. ;il)ele, ahelc-lrcc. whilc-lcat. aspen, white aspen, great aspen, Dutch heech. rattler-tree, while-hark. 158 P. angnstifolia. VVir.LO\v Cottonwood. Black Cottonwood. P. halsamifera. Balsam Poplar. Tacamahac, Carolina poplar, Ontario poplar, rough-bark poplar. P. candicans. Balm-of-GilEad. P. ikltoidcs. Cottonwood. Necklace poplar, big Cottonwood, yellow Cottonwood, cotton-tree, Carolina poplar, water poplar, river poplar, alamo. P. grandidcntata. Large-TooTHEd AspEn. White poplar. P. hctcrophylla. Downy Poplar. Swamp pop- lar, swamp Cottonwood, river cottonwood, (balm-of- gilead ) . P. nicjra. Black Poplar. Willow poplar, cat- foot poplar, Mormon tree, devil's fingers, old English poplar. P. tremuloidcs. American Aspen. Quaking ash, (juaking asp, trembling poplar, American poplar, (juiver-leaf, (white poplar, mountain ash). SALIX. Willow. S. alba. White Willow. Common willow, European willow, duck willow, Himtington willow. S. aiuyydaloidcs. Peach-lEavEd Willow. Al- mond-leaved willow, black willow. S. Bahylonica. Weeping Willow. Drooping willow, ring-willow, garb-willow. S. discolor. Pussy Willow. Glaucous willow, silver willow, swamp-willow, bog-willow. S. fragilis. Crack Willow. Brittle willow, snap willow, stag's head, redwood-willow, varnished willow. S. Iiiiiiiilis. Prairie Willow. Low willow, bush willow. S. longifoUa. Sand-bar Willow. Narrow- 15<> leaved willow, rixcr-hank willow, lon«4-k'a\ ed willow, red willow, white willow, osier-willow, siiruh-willow. S. liicida. Shimxc; Wiij.ow. Clossv willow. S. nigra. PjLACK W'iuujw. Swamp willow. S. pcntaudni. Bay-lkaved W'ii.i.ow. S. purpurea. PrRPLK W'lij.ow. iliiu-r willow, rose-willow, whipeord- willow. S. reticulata. Wrinklkd-lkak Wii.i.ow . .S'. tristis. Gray Wiulow. Dwarf ^ray willow, sa.i^e- willow. S. viniinalis. Osier W'iueow. Basket willow, white osier, velvet osier, eomnion osier. twi,i,^\\ ith\'. ausier, wilgers. MYRICACEAE. Sweet Gales. MYRICA. M. as pic nif alia. SwEET Ferx. Shruhhy fern, fern-gale, sweet-bush, spleenwort-bush, Canada >weet gale, meadow fern, sweet ferry. M. Carolincusis. P)AYBERRY. Small waxberrw M. ccrifcra. Wax Myrtle. Wax-berry, bay- berry, candle-berrv, tallow shrub, tallow l)a\-berry. candle-berry myrtle, sweet oak, myrkle-bushes. M. gale. SvveET GaeE. Fern-gale, moor-myrtle. Dutch myrtle, Burton-myrtle, bay-bush, meadow fern, golden osier, sweet willow. Scotch gale, bog myrtle. LEITNERIACEAE. Corkwoods. LKITNKRIA. L. Ploridaua. Cork-wood. 160 JUGLANDACEAE. Walnut. Hickory. CARYA. Hickory. C. alba. Whitk- HEART Hickory. Mocker-nut, liard-bark hickory, white-bark, black hickory, red hickory, fragrant hickory, bullnut, (kingnutj. C. aquatica. Water Hickory. Swamp hickory, bitter pecan, water bitternut. C. cordiforinis. BiTTERXUT. Bitter pignut, bitter hickory, pig hickory, swamp hickory. C. glabra. Pignut Hickory. Broom hicory, brown hickory, red hickory, white hickory, black hick- ory. C. Illinoeusis. Pecan. Soft-shell hickory. Illi- nois-nut. C. laciniGsa. KingmT. Big shellbark. thick shellbark, big shagbark. C. niicrocarpa. Smaee-fruited Hickory. Small pignut, little shag-bark. C. ovata. Sheee-bark Hickory. Shag-bark liickory. scaly-bark, white hickory, white walnut, sweet walnut, upland hickory, red-heart hickory, (kingnut ). JUGLANS. Waenut. Butternut. J. cincrca. Butternut. White walnut, oil-nut, lemon walnut. J. nigra. Beack Waenut. BETULACEAE. Birch Family. ALUS. Aeder. A. crisf^a. Green Aeder. Mountain alder 161 A. incarui. SimvCKIJvD Ai.dkk. ll(.;ir\ alder, black alder, tai^ alder. A. luarithiia. Skasidk Ai.dkk. A. mollis. Downy Gkkf.x Aldi-k. A. riigosa. Smooth Aldkk. Common alder, la.i; alder, hazel alder, American alder, <(reen alder. A. T'ltlgaris. EuropKax Ai.dkk. lilack alder, Irish maho,!^any, eller, hollard. BETULA. Birch. B. alba. Paper Birch. Canoe birch, w bite birch, silver birch, spool-wood. B. glandulosa. Dw^arf Birch. Scrub birch. B. Icnta. BivACK Birch. Cherry birch, sweei birch, spice birch, river birch, mahoi^^'in)- birch, moun- tain mahogany. B. Iv.tca. YeIvLOW Birch. Gray birch, .swamp birch, silver birch. B. nigra. RivKR Birch. Red birch, water birch, (black birch). B. pcndula. W'hitk Birch. Canoe birch, blue ])irch. B. popitlifolia. White Birch. Gray birch, (tld held birch, poverty birch, broom birch, pin birch. B. pumila. Low Birch. Swanij) birch, dwarf birch, (tag alder). CARPINUS. Iron WOOD. C. Caroliniaua. America.x IIorxhkam. lUue beech, water beech, iron-wood. CORVLUS. llA/Ku C. .hiicricaiia. Hazee-xiT. I^.onneled liazel. fil- bert. 162 C. rostrata. Beaked Hazel. OSTRYA. Hop Hornbeam. O. Virginiana. Hop Hornbeam. Ironwood, lev- er-wood, hard-hack, Indian cedar, black hazel, deer- wood. FAGACEAE. Beech Family. CASTANHA. Chestnut. C. dcntata. Chestnut. Prickly-bur, sardian nut. C. puniila. Chinquapin. FAGUS. Beech. f. (jrandifolia. American Beech. Red beech, white beech, stone beech. OUERCUS. Oak. 0. alba. White Oak. 0. hicolor. Swamp White Oak. Swamp oak. O. coccinca. Scarlet Oak. Black oak, red oak, Spanish oak. O. cUipsoidalis. Yellow Oak. Black oak. Hill's oak. 0. falcata. Spanish Oak. Water oak, Turkey oak. 0. ilicifolia. Bear Oak. Black scrub oak. O. imbricaria. Shingle Oak. Laurel oak, jack oak, lea oak. 0. lyrata. OvERCUP Oak. Swamp post oak, water white oak. 0. niacrocarpa. Bur Oak. Mossy-cup oak. over- cup oak, blue oak, mossycup white oak, scrub oak. 163 Q. Marilandica. Bi^ack Jack Oak. I)arrcn (;ak. Q. Michauxii. Basket Oak. Cow oak. swainp chestnut oak. Q. Muhlcnbcrgii. Vicm^ow Oak. C'licstnut oak. pin oak, shrub oak, scrub oak, chinquapin oak, vcllow chestnut oak. Q. nigra. Water Oak. Q. palustris. Pin Oak. Swamp oak. swamp Spanish oak. Q. phellos. Wii,i.o\v Oak. Laurel oak. Q. prinoides. Scrub Oak. Dwarf chestnut oak, chinquapin oak. running white oak. Q. primis. Chestnut Oak. Rock chestnut oak, white chestnut oak, rock oak. mountain oak, tanbark oak, swamp chestnut oak. 0. rubra. Red Oak. [Mack oak. Si)anisli oak. champion. 0. Stella ta. l^osT Oak. Iron oak, rough oak, l:)rash oak, turkev oak. box white oak, rougli wliite oak. 0. Tcxaiia. Ked Oak. 0. vchitina. Black Oak. Ouercitron. \ell<>w- barked oak, dyer's oak, spotted (Xik. 0. J^irgiiiiana. Live Oak. URTICACEAE. Nettle Family. BROUSSONKTIA. B. papyrifcra. Paper Muebekkv. Otaheile mul- berry, cut-paper. BOEHMERL\. Faese Nettee. B. cvlindrica. False Nettle. 164 CANNABIS. C. sativa. Hkmp. Red-root, gallows-grass, neck- weed, fimble. CELTIS. Hackberry. C. occidentalis. Hack-berry. Sugar-berry, net- tle-tree, false elm, juniper-tree, one-berry, nigger-pill, hedge-berry, minny-berry, beaver- wood, rim ash, hoop ash. HUMULUS. Hop. H. lupulus. Common Hop. LAPORTEA. Wood Netti^e. L. Canadensis. Wood NetteE. Canada nettle, Albany hemp. MACLURA. Osage Orange. M. pomifera. Osage Orange. Hedge apple, mock orange, bow-wood, bowdark, Bois d'arc, yel- low wood, wild orange, hedge plant, osage apple. MORUS. MUEBERRY. M. alba. White Mueberry. M. rubra. Red Mueberry. PILEA. P. puniila. Rich weed. Clearweed, coolweed, stingless nettle, false nettle, dead nettle, silverweed. PLANERA. P. aquatica. Peaner Tree. Water-elm, syca- more. 165 PARIETAklA. I\ Pciuisyh'auica. Pf<:luiT()kv. 1 laniiiK-rwort. ULMUS. Elm. U. alata. Wingkd Elm. Walioo, watcr-clni. cork- elm, witch elm. U. Americana. American Elm. Water elm. swamp elm, rock elm. U. campestre. English Elm. U. fiilva. Slippery Elm. Red elm. m(»<»se elm. Indian elm, sw^eet elm, rock elm. U. racemosa. Cork Elm. Rock elm, clilt elm, hickory elm, corky white elm, wahoo, racemed white elm. URTICA. U. dioica. Stinging Nettle. Great nettle. U . urens. Dwarf Nettle. Stin^^^ino- nettle, burn- ing- nettle, small nettle. ADDITIONAL NAMES Amole. Yucca glauca. Apache plume. Geuni ciliatufii. Baby's breath. Houstonia angustifolia. Beauty-berry. Callicarpa Americana. Black sage. Artemisia tridentata. Blue bead. Clint onia horealis. Blue sage. Artemisia tridentata. Bluets. Houstonia angustifolia. Broom- weed. Biglowia nudata. Brown-weed. Bigeloida nudata. Bufifalo-weed. Astragalus nicxicana. Bur-nut. Trihidiis terrestris. Bush honeysuckle. Louie era tatarica. Butterfly-weed. Gaura coccinea. Button aster. Aster multiflorns. Button snakeweed. Bryngiuni Leavenworthii. Candle anemone. Anemone cylindrica. Candy- weed. Poly gala hi tea. Cat-brier. Smilax hona-nox. Ohalk-plant. Gypsophila paniculata. Compass-plant. Lactuca scariola. Coral green-brier. Sndlax Walteri. Cotton-weed. Ancjuone cylindrica. Deseret-weed. Glycyrrhiza lepidota. DeA^l's horns. Martynia Loidsiana. Dew-flowers. Pcntstemon cobaea. Dingleberry. Vaccinuni erythrocarpum. Ditch sunflower. Bidens trichospenna. Dog-hobble. Viburnum alnifolium. Dusty miller. Lychnis coronaria. Elbow-bush. Cephalantlms occidentalis. \h7 Fairy l)ell>. I hs/^onun sp]). Fairy wand. Chauniclirion liiica. ^^'llse hyacinth. Ccniiassia csciilcnfa. Fanwort. Cahomha (^irollin'and. Fire-on-the-mountain. Iluplwrbia JictcropliylUi. Flop-top. Saponaris officinalis. (lolden-eye. Chrysopsis I'illosa. (lolden tuft. AlyssiiDi sa.vatilc. Gold-thread. Cit scuta arz'ciisis; C it scut a (jroiiorii. Green-briar. SniilaA' bona-nox. Heath mulberry. Ruhus cluijuacniorus. Hemp doiL,d)ane. Apocyuuui cauuahinu lu. Horse-weed. Bigloivia midata. Innocence. Houstonia angusli folia. ] une-berry. Syniphoricarpus occid en talis. Kin,ii^-head. .huhrosia trifida. Limber honeysuckle. Louiccra dioica. Match-weed. Bigloi^'ia nudata. Meadow Pink. Sabbatia canipcstris. Merry bells. Uvularia spp. Mock cucumber. BcJiinocystis lobata. Money-in-both-pockets. Lunaria annua. j\h)()nwort. Lunaria annua. Mountain sa^e. Artemisia friyida. Motlier of millions. Linaria ruh/aris. Xicrtrer-heads. Hrauncria purpurea: Lepacliys col- unmaris. C^ld man's wiskers. (,'euni cilia tuni. Pa^i^oda dogwood. C\)nnis alterni folia. Parrot's feather. M yriopliihnn rerticillatuni : I'ro- serpinaca palustris. Partridge-l)err\-. Syniphoricarpus (hcidentalis. Potato-bean. Apios tuberosa. Prairie-hen flower. .Inenione Pulsatilla. 168 Proboscis flower. Martynia Louisiana. Purple nightshade. Solanum elaeagni folium. Quail-berry. Syniphoricarpiis occidcntalis. Rabbit bush. Auwrpha fruticosa. Rabbit-weed. Guiicrrczia sarothrae. Ram's horns. Martynia Louisiana. Red-berry. Ilex dccidna. Red snowberry. SynipJwricarpus orbiiulatus. Red waxberry. Symphoricarpus orhiculatiis. Rose of Heaven. Agrostemma githago. Rosy strife. Ly thrum salicaria. Sand-bur. Trihulus tcrrestris. Saskatoon. Amelanchicr spicata. Side-bell pvrola. Pyrola secunda. Silver-bush. Shcpcvdia argcntca. Skunk-bush. Ftclia trifoliata. Skunk daisy. Vcrhcsina cnceloidcs. Snail-seed. Cocculus Carolinus. Snow thorough wort. Bupatorium urticaefolium. Snow trillium. Trillium gr audi flo rum. Southern moss. Tillandsia usneoidcs. Southern smilax. Smilax lanceolata. Stag-berry. Symphoricarpus occidcntalis. Sticky-head. Grindelia squarrosa. Stink-weed. Datura stramonium. Strangle-weed. Cuscuta arvcnsis. Summer-sweet. Clcthra alnifolia. Swamp lily. Lilium supcrhnm. Sweet-berry honeysuckle. Loniccra coerulca. Sweet spire. Itca Virginica. Tall white evening primrose. Oenothera pallida. Texas star. Sabbatia campestris. Three-leaved sumach. RJius triloba. Tick clover. Desmodium spp. 169 Torch-flower. CjCuiii cilia hini. 'I'orch-wccd. Higloicia uudaia. Trailing fire. Ciilia rubra. Turtle-bloom. CJiclonc glabra. \eniis' slipper. Calypso boreal is. Wild alfalfa. Fsoralca floribuuda. Wild hollyhock. Callirhoc iligifata. Wild potato. Solammi trifloruui. Wine-cup. Callirhoc digitata. Woodruff-weed. Asperula odorata. Woolly sage. Artemisia litdoriciaua. ^'ellow clover. Polygala liitca. ^'ellow nightshade. Solannin rostratnm. ERRATA. Page 4 transfer Kerria to Rosaceae. " 5 line 15, for mausquash read musquasli. "11 " 5, for startwort read starwort. " 15 " 7, for beafsteak read beefsteak. " 16 '* 5, for rattlesanke read rattlesnake. " 19 " 10, for Glycerrhiza read Glyc3^rrhiza. " 21 " 9, insert comma after blanche. " 21 " 16, for scurvey read scurvy. " 22 " 17, for alastian read alsatian. " 24 " 18, for dead-netle read dead nettle. " 26 " 14, for marjorum read marjoram. " 26 " 15, for marjorum read marjoram. " 28 transfer Vicia, Vigna and Wisteria to Leguniinosae. " 30 line 11, strike out comma after lousewort. " 31 " 20, for head-all read heal-all. " 39 " 5, insert comma after bralins. " S2 " 15, for hedge hurs read hedge-burs. " 57 " 17, for closistered read cloistered. " 58 " 17, for sten read stem. " 62 " 28, for lychinis read lychnis. " 64 " 16, for surrey read spurrey. " 70 " 4, insert comma after grim. " 85 " 24, for climing read climbing. " 86 " 14, for mars read marsh. " 94 " 5, for caltop read caltrop. " 98 " 24, insert comma after picac. " 101 " 16, for muquash read musquash. " 107 " 11, for pumkin read pumpkin. " 112 " 15, for numularia read nummularia. " 116 " 8, for unbrella read umbrella. " 117 " 2, for coclus read cocculus. " 118 " 13, for mahagany read mahogany. " 149 " 24, fiilformis read filiformis. " 155 " 25, for plaintain read plantain. " 160 " 10, for hicorv read hickory. PART II. FINDING LISTS INDEX TO FAMILIES Acanthaccac 108 Aceraceac 128 Aizoaccac 143 Alismaccat 154 Amaranthaccac 141 Amaryllidaceae 148 Amygdalaceae 10 Anacardiaceae 126 Anonaceac 116 Apocynaceae 89 Aquilfoliaceae 127 Araccac 151 Araliaceac 96 Aristolochiaceae 137 Asclepdadaceac 90 Asteraceae 12 Balsaminaceae 130 Berberidaceae 117 Betiilaceac 160 Boraginaceae 66 Bromcliaceae 150 Biixaceac 125 Cactaccae 136 Callitrichaceae 125 Calycantliaceae 116 Campaniilaceae 105 Capparidaceae 144 Caprifoliceae 54 Caryophyllaceae 61 Celastraceae 127 Ceratophyllaceac 144 Chenopodiaceae 140 Cichoriaccae 69 Cistaceae 134 Commcliinaceae 150 Convolviilaceac 91 Cornaccae 97 Crassulaceae 146 Cruciferac ZZ Cucur1)itaceac 107 Cypcraccac 155 Cyrillaceae 126 Diapcnsiaceae HI Dioscoreaceae 149 Dipsaceac 105. Droscraccae 145 Ebenaceac 113 Klacagnaccac 96 Klalinaccac 133 Kmpctraccac 125 Kricaceac 38 Eriocaulaceac 151 Euphorbiaceac 98 Fagaccac 162 Fumariaccac 120 Gentianaccae 57 GeraRiaccac 122 Hacmodoraccac 149 Haloragidaceae 95 Hamamelidaccac 147 Hydrocharitaccae 154 Hydrophyllaceae 66 Hypcricaceac 133 Illeccbraccae 142 Tridaccac 147 Juglandaceae 160 Juncaceae 149 Juncaginaceae 154 Labiatae 2Z Lauraceac 118 Leguminosac 16 Leitncriaceae 159 Lentibulariaccac 109 Liliaccac 11 Limnaceae 151 Limnanthaccae 125 Linaccae 121 Loasaccae 136 Lobcliaceac 106 Loganiaccac 115 Loranthaccat' 13() Lythraccac 94 Magnoliaccac 115 Malvaceae 44 Martyniaceac 108 Melastoniaceae 96 Mcnisperniaccac 117 Myricaceac 15^ Najadaccae 153 Nyctaginaccae 142 Nvinphaeaccae 118 Olcaccao 114 Onagraceac 92 Orchidaceae 46 Oroi)anchaccar 109 Oxalidaccae 122 174 Papaveraceae 119 Passifloraceae 135 Phrymaceae 108 Phytolaccaceae 142 Piiperaceae 157 Plantaginaceae^llO Platanaceae 147 Plumbaginaceae 111 Podostomaceae 145 Polenioniaceae 65 Polygalaceae 124 Polygonaceae 137 Pontederiaceae 150 Portulacaccae 143 Primulaceae 111 Ranunculaceae 1 Resedaceae 144 Rhamnaceae 130 Rosaceae 5 Rubiaceae 51 Rutaceae 123 Salicaceae 157 Santalaceae 136 Sapindaceae 129 Sapotaceae 113 Sarraceniaceae 145 Saxifragaceac 58 Scrophulariaceac 29 Simarubaceae 124 Solanaceae 49 Sparganiaceae 153 Staphylaceae 128 Styracaceae 113 Ternstroemiaceae 132 Thymelaceae 95 Tiliaceae 132 Typhaceae 152 Umbelliferae 100 Urticaceae 163 Valerianaceae 106 Verbenaceae 68 Violaceae 134 Vitaceae 131 Xyridaceae 151 Zygophyllaccae 123 INDEX TO NAMES Aaron's rod 32, 14(). Abele 157. Abele-tree 1S7. Abscess-root, American 65. Absinth 75. Acacia, false Jl, rose 21, three- thorned 19. Acanthads 108. Ache 103. Aconite 1, winter 3. Actinella 73. Adam-and-Eve 46. Adam's-cup 145, -pitcher 145. Adder's-flower 63, -meat 64, -mouth 48, -mouth, white 48, -tonj>ue 12, 70, -tongue, white 12, -tongue, yellow 12, -wort 66. Agrimony 5, hemp 82, rough 5, water 77. Ague-bark 123, -grass 11, -root 11, -weed 57, 82, -tree 118. Airif 52. Aise-weed 100. Akeley 2. Alamo 158. Albany beech-drops 43. Albespine 9. Alder 160, American 161, berry 131, black 127, 131, 161, common 161, dwarf 131, 147, downy green 161, European 161, false 127, green 131, 160, 161, hazel 161, hoary 161, mountain 160, .seaside 161, smooth 161, speckled 161, spiked 40, spotted 147, strip- ed 127, tag 161, white 40, 41, 127, wild 100, witch 147. Alder-buchkthorn 131. Ale-hoof 26, -cost 79, -gill 26. Alexanders, golden 104, purple 104. Alfalfa 20, wild 169. Alf^liria 122. Alfillerilla 122. Alkanet, false 67. Allegheny sloe 10. Alleghany-vine 120. Alleluia 122. Ail-good 141). All-heal 26, 27. 106. Alligator bonnets \l<), tree 147. wampee I 50. -Mlison, sweet 37. Allseed 122, 140. Allspice, American ll(,, Carolina 116, wild 118. Almond, cutting So, earth 156. Aloe, American 148. false 148. Aloe-root II. Alsike clover 22. Althaea, shrubby 45. Alum-bloom 123. -root 5'», 123. root, common 5V. Alyssum, rock 3.^ sweet 37. Amaranth 141, globe 142, green 141, 142, purple 142, red 141. 142, spiny 142, spet-n 141. thorny 142. Amaryllids 148. Amber 133. Ambrose 140. Amole 166. Andromeda, pnvet 41. swamp 41. Anemone 1, blue 3, candle 166. false 3. rue 1, 3. N'iririnia I. wood 1 . Angel-eye 33, -eyes 53. Angelica 100, black 23, great 100, hairy 100. purple-stemmed 100. sea-coast 101. wood lOd. Angelica-tree "7. 124. -Vngelico 103. Angle-berries 1''. Angle-pod ^1, iarj^e leaved 't\. Anise, pickaway 123. sweet Iii3. Anise-root 103. Apache plume 166. Appalachian tea 56. April fools 1. Apple 10. bufTalo l6. devds 50. earth 84, hedgs 164. mad 50, mock 107, osage 164, I'eru 50, prairie 21, wild bals.im InT Apple-of-Peru 50. Apple-of-Sodom 51. 176 Apple-pie 93. Apple-root 98. Apples 9, white 17. Araliads 96. Arbutus, trailing- 40. Archangel 100, green 25, sweet 24, white 24. Arethusa 46. Arnica 71, Arctic 75. Arnica-bud 71. Arrow-bean 128. Arrow-grass 154, marsh 154, sea- side 154. Arrow-head 154, broad-leaved 154. Arrow-leaf 154. Arrow-wood 56, 97, 128, 131. downy 56, Indian 97, maple- leaved 56, soft 56. Arsenic, wild 39. Artichoke, Jerusalem 84, prairie 84. Arum, arrow 152, dragon 152, floating 152, green arrow 152, poison 152, water 152. Arums 151. Asarabacca 137. Ash 114, basket 114, bitter 128, black 114, 129, blue 114, 115, brown 114, cane 114, Carolina 114, dwarf 100, flowering 114, green 114, ground 100, hoop 114, 164, maple 129, mountain l6, 158, northern prickly 124, poison 114, 126, pop 114, poppy 114, prickly 97, 124, quaking 158, red 114, rim 164, river 114, sea 124, southern prickly 124, swamp 114, wafer 123, water 114, 129, white 114, yellow prickly 124. Ash-weed 87, 100. Asp, quaking 158. Aspen 157, American 158, great 157, large-toothed 158, white 157. Asphodel, bog 13. false 14. Ass's-foot 89. Aster 75, bushy 76, button 166, calico 76, common blue wood 75, cornel-leaved 75, corymbed 76, crooked-stem 76, double-bristle 76, early 76, early purple 76, frost-weed 76, golden 79, 80, hairy-stemmed 76, heart-leaved 75, heathlike 76, low showy 77, large-leaved 76, large purple 76, Maryland golden 80, mountain 75, New England 76, New York 76, panicled 76, purple-stemmed 76, rice-button 76, red-stalk 76, rough-stemmed 76, rough white- topped 87, savor>--leaved 76, sea- side purple 77, serpentine 76, silk-seed 87, sky-blue 75, slender 76, starved 76, stiff 76, swamp 76, tall flat-topped white 77, tall white 76 tuber 76, upland white 76, willow 76, white heath 76, white-wreath 76, white-tipped 87, white-topped 87, whorled 7S, wood 76. Asterworts 72. Asthma- weed 106. Atamosco lily 149. Aubergine 51. August lily 12. Aunt Jerichos 100. Ausier 159. Automobile weed 123. Avens 6, purple 6, river 6, water 6, yellow 6. Awl-wort 38. Ax-seed 18, -weed 100. Aye-green 146. Azalea, alpine 41, clammy 39, fiery 39, flame 39, flame-colored 39, mountain 39, pink 39, purple 39, smooth 39, trailing 41, tree 39. Baby's breath 52, 62, 166, -feet 124, -slippers 124, -toes 124, Back-ache root 85. Backwort 68. Bachelor's breeches 121, button 63, 79. Bachelor's buttons 69, yellow 124. Bacon-weed 140. Badgers 1. Badger-brush 55. Bag-leaves 146. Baked-apple berry 8. Balders 74. Baldmony 57. Balewort 120. Ballogan 71. Balloon-vine 129. 177 Halm 25, basil 26, 21 , bee 25, 26, field 27, fragrant 26, horse 2^, lemon 25, low 26, red 26, yellow 112. Balm-leaf 25, -mint 25. Malm-of-gilead 158. Balmony 29. Balsam 98, 130, old held 8.^, sweet 82, 83, white 83, wild 130. Balsam-apple, wild 107. Balsam-flowers 20, -weed 82, 83. Bamboo, red-berried 15. Bamboo-brier 15. Banana, false 116, wild 116. Baneberry 1. Bank-weed 36. Barbeau 79. Barberry 117, 136. American 117. European 117. Barnacle-grass 154. Barren strawberry 6. Bartonia 57, yellow 57. Base-broom 19. Basil 23, 27, cow 63, field 21 , stone 27, thyme 21 , wild 27. Basil-balm 26, 21, -pennyroyal 28. Bass-tree 132. Basswood 115, 132, white 132, yel- low 132. Bath, Venus' 105. Bath-root 14. Batterdock 86, 153. Bay, dwarf 95, holly 132, loblolly 132, North Carolina 116, red 106, 118, swamp 116, 118, sweet 6, 116, 118, tan 132, white 116, 118. Bay-bush 159, -galls 118, -berry 159, -berry, tallow 159. Bayonet, Spanish 16. Bayonet-grass 157. Beach plum 10. Bead, blue 166. Beads, white 1. Bean, bog 58, brook 58 buffalo 16. hog's 50, hyacinth 18, Indian 108, jack 18, kidney 28, sacred 119, smoking 108, sweet 19. water 119, wild 17. Bean-capers 123, -weed 109, -tree 108. Bear-berry 8, 38. 42, 97. 127. black 38, red 38. Bear-bmd VI, VJ, l.v/, inish \i, , -grass 16, 134, -tonRue II. Bear's ears 48, -foot I, 6, -foot, yellow 80, thread lb. Beard-tongue 31, foxglove 32. hairv 32. Beaumont's-root l}t. Beauty-berry 106, -fruit 6X. Beaver-lily 119, -poison 101. root 119, -tree 116, -wood 164. Bedflower 53. Bedstraw 52, fragrant 53. great hedge 52. lady's T'I, marsh 52. northern 52, purple 52, rough 52, rough-fruitel corn 53, stiff marsh 52, sweet-scented 53, three-flower ed 53, white 52. wood 52, vellow 53. Bedstraw asperula 51. Bed's foot 21. Bee-balm 25, 26, -plant, rocky mountain 144, -tree 132, -wec«l Beech 162, American 162, blue 161, Dutch 157, red 162, stone 162. water 147. 161. white 162. 75, -wort 151. Beech-drops 109, Albany 43. Caro lina 42, false 42. Beechwheat 13S. Beefsteak 15. Beefsteak-plant 31. Beef-suet tree 96. Beet, wild 93. Beetle, mash 152. Beetle-bung 98. -weed 1 1. Behen 64. 118. Belene 50. Bell-bind 91. 92. Bellflower 105. American red *'J. bedstraw 105, clasping 105. clu stered 105, creeping 105, Kuro- pean 105, marsh 105, nettle-leav- ed 105, round-leaved 105. slender 105, tall 105. Bells, fairy 167. witches 7'). yellow 12. Bell-olive tree 114. Bell-ware 154. Bellwort >1 , fragrant 15. large 1^. mealy 15. Bellworts 105. Bellv-ache weed SS. 178 Belvedere cypress 141. Beggar-lice 5. 18, 52, 66, 67, 17. Beggar-ticks 5, 18, 66, 67, 77, swamp n , tall 11 . Beggar-weed 139. Beggar's button 74. Ben, white 64. Benjamin 15, sweet 75. Benjamin-bush 118. Benjamins 14, red 14. Bennet 103. Bent, sea 155. Berberry 117. Bergamot, wild 26. Bergamot mint 25. Berry-tree 60. Be-shamed-Mary 21. Besom 18. Beth-root 14. Betony, head 31, Paul's }t}t, wood 25, 31. Bible-leaf 79. Big-bloom 116. Bilberry 9. 38, 56, barren }^'^, bog 44, dwarf 44, red 44. Bilsted 147. Bindweed 91, 139, black 139, blackbird 139, blue 51, bracted 92, climbing 139, corn 139. great 91, hedge 91, ivy 139, knot 139, low 92, small 91, upright 92. Birch 161, black 161, blue 161, bog 131, broom 161, canoe 161, cherrv 161, dwarf 161, gray 161, low 161, mahogany 161, old held Ibl, paper 161, pin 161, poverty 161, red 161, river 161, running 40, scrub 161, silver 161, spice 161, swamp 161, sweet 161, water 161, white 161, yellow 161. Bird-bell 71, -lime 52, -seed il , 87, -weed 139. Bird-on-the-wing 124. Bird's eggs 64, -eye 20, }^i, 111, -eye, red 63, 123, -eye, white 65, -nest 42, 102, 103, -pepper Zl , -tongue 11, 139. Bird's-nest plant 102. Birds-in-the-bush 119. Birth-root 14. Birthwort 137, upright 137. Biscuit-leaves 15. Biscuits 145. Bishop's-cap 59, 128, two-leaved 59. Bishop's-weed 100, mock 104. Bite-tongue 139. Bitternut 160, water 160. Bitter-bloom 58, -bur 86, -buttons 88, -clover 58, -grass 11, -herb 57, pignut 160, -plant 11, -root 89, -weed 29, 11, 81, 83, ' 88 -wort 58. Bittersweet 40, 51, 54, 127, climb ing 128, false 128, shrubby 128 Blackamoor 153. Blackberry 8, brier 8, high-bush 8 knee-high 8, running 8, sand 8 Blackberry-lily 147. Black-bur 6, -cap 153 -caps 8 -grass 20, 150, -heart 139, -jack 110, -root 33, -seed 20, snaps 40 -thorn 9, -weed 73, 153, wort 68 Black-eyed Susan 45. Bladder ketmia 45. Bladder-nut, American 128. Bladder-nuts 128. Bladder-pod 37. Bladderwort 109, greater 109, horn- ed 109, purple 109, two-flowered 109. Blaeberry 44. Blanket-flower 82, -leaf 12. Blaver 79, 120. Blazing star 11, 85, blue 85, tine- leaved 85, scaly 85. iileeding-heart, wild 121. Blinks 143, water 143. Blister-flower 4, 5, -plant 5. Blisterwort 4, 5. Blite 140, coast 140, strawberry 140. Bloodroot 120 . Bloodwort 8, 57, mouse 70, strip- ed 70. Bloodworts 149. Blood-staunch 81. Blood-strange 4. Blood-leaf 142. Bloody butchers 15. Bloody noses fS. Bloom-fell 20. Bloomy-down 62. Bluebell 2, 65. \7') Blue-hells J, 13, S2, oS, o/, lO.S. Kluebells-of-Scotland 105. Hlueberry 44. 117, black 44, boR 44, dwarf 44, early 44, evergreen 44, high 41, high black 44, high- bush 44, low 44, low pale 44, low sweet 44, swamp 44, velvet-leaf 44. lilueberry-root 117. Hlue-bonnets 7'', -bottle 79, -bottle, corn 79. Blue-bottles 1.?. Blue-caps 79, -curls 26, 2S, -devil 66, -eye 33, -eyes 120, -grass 148, 155, Lucy 26, tangles 41, -tops 79, -vine 91, -weed 66. Bluet, small 53. Bluets 53, 166, clustered 53. Blue-eyed babies 53, grass 53, 14H, Mary 29. Bob's root 21. Bog-bean 58, -berry 8, -nut 58, -onion 152, strawberry 7, -violet 109. Bois d'arc 164. Bokhara clover 20. Bolewort 104. Bonaparte's crown 98. Boneset 68, 81, 82, blue 82, climb- ing 85, deerwort 82, false 84. prairie false 84, purple 82, tall 82, upland 82. Boiigay 130. Bonnet, egg 118, purple 118. Bonnets, alligator 119, blue 79, mule-foot 119, yankapin 119. Boor-tree 55. Borage 66. Borageworts 66. Bore-tree 55. Bottery-tree 55. Bottle-brush 95, -grass 22. Boulder-bast 157. Bouncing Bet 63. Bourtry 55. Bow-dark 164. Bowl-weed 79. Bowman's-root 7, 3^, 98. Bow -wood 164. Bo.x 52, mountain 39. Box-berry 53, flowering 44. Box-wood 9, 97. false 97. |{o.\ woods 125. Boys-and-(;irls 121. Boy's love 75. Bralins 39. Bramble 8, dog Ml, mountain i^. IJrandy-bottle II". Brank 138. Bread-nut, Missouri 21. Bread-root, Indian 21. Bread-and-butter 15, 31, Breast-weed 157. Breeches, Dutchman's 121, knt<:i 121, little boy's 121. Breeches-flower 121. Bride-weed 31, -wort '>, '«. 31. Brier blackberry S. Brier, sand 51. Bright-eyes 53. Brinton's-root ^^. Broccoli 34. Brook-bean 58, -flowir (.<., uit. Buck-bean 58. -brush 52. 55. 9(i. 96. ■plantain 110, -berry 44. berry, seedy 41. Kuckeye. big 13(i. fetid 13(1. largf 130. little 130. Ohio 130. red 130. shrubby 129, sweet 130. western 129. yellow 130. Buck's-beard 72, -horn 35, llo. Buckthorn 131. alder 131. abler leaved 131. Carolina 113. 131. common 131. F.uropean 131. false 113, purging 131. Southern 113. vellow 131. 180 Euckthorns 130. Buckwheat 138, climbing 139, climbing false 139, wild 137. Buckwheat-vine 137. Buffalo-apple 16, -bean 16, -berry 96, -berry, Canadian 96, -bur 51, -grass 150, -nut 94, 136, -pea 16, 28, -weed 11, 166. Bug-bane 2, American 2, false 5. Bug-seed 140, -weed 140. Bugle 23, bitter 24, 25. Bugle-weed 23, 25, -wort 25. Bugloss 67, 71, sea 67, small 67. small wild 66, viper's 66, wild 67. Bugloss-picris 71. Bullace plum 10. Bullberry 44, 96. Bull-brier 15, -dogs 29, -flower 2, -grip 15, -nut 160, -rattle 62, 64, -segg 153, -weed 79, -wort 104. Bullock's eye 146. Bull's-eye, English 86. Bull's-eyes 2. Bull's-foot 89. Bulrush 152, 157, bog 157, common 157, great 157, river 157. Bulwand 75. Bumblebee-root 14. Bunch-berry 97, -flower 13. Bunk 69, 101. Bunny-rabbits 29. Bur-clover 20, -flower 66, -head 52, 154, -nut 166, -nut, ground 123. -reed 153, -seed 67, -weed 89, 153. Bur-marigold 11, common 11, large 11, nodding 11, small 11, smooth 11, water 11. Burdock 74, common 74, great 74, lesser 89, prairie 87, small 89. Burnet 8, Canadian 8, garden 8, great 8, salad 8. Burnet-rose 111. Burning-bush 128. Burnt-weed 92. Burnwood-bark 126. Bursting heart 128. Bush-broom 133. Butter-bur 86, 89, -cress 4, 5, -daisy 4, 5, -flower 4, 5, -print 44, -rose 4, 5, -weed 44, 70, 81, ^1 , -wort 109. Buttercup 4, common 4, creeping 5, meadow 2, running 7, swamp 5. Butterfly-banners 121, -flower 91, -pea 18, -pea spurred 17, -weed 90, 166. Butter-and-eggs 30. Buttermilk lily 15. Butternut 160. Button, bachelor's 79. Button-bur 89, -weed 44, 45, 52, 53, 79, -weed, rough 52, -weed, smooth 54. Button-wood 147. Button-wood shrub 52. Button-aster 166, -ball 147, -bush 52, -tree 52, -willow 52. Buttons, blue 105, Spanish 79. Cabbage 34, skunk 152, meadow 152, poor man's 34, swamp 152. Cabul clover 20. Cactus, Missouri 136, nipple 136, prickly-pear 136, purple 136, Russian 141. Calabazilla 107. Calamint 21 . Calaminth 27. Calamus 151. Calamus-root 151. Calf-kill 41. Calf's-mouth 29. Calico-bush 41, -wood 114. Calla, wild 152. Calopogon 46. Caltrop 123, greater 123, land 123, water 94. Caltrops 78. Calycanths 116. Calypso 46. Camass 11, death 14. Camellias 132. Camel's-foot 47. Cammock 133. Camphor-weed 28. Campion 62, 61, bladder 63, corn 61, meadow 63, moss 63, red 63, rose 63, snowy 64, starry 64, white 62, 64. Canada-lily 12, '-plum 10, -tea 40, -root 91. Canadian-bur 66, -burnet 8, -hawk- weed 70, -weed 154. 181 Canary-vine 121. Cancer-drops 1U9, -root 30, 109, -root, one-flowered 109, -root, yellow 109, -weed 21, 71, -jalap 142. Candle, Our Lord's 16. Candle-berry 159, -tree 108, -wick 153. Candles, swamp 112. Candy-weed 166. Can-hoop 127. Canker-root 3, 111, -root, white 71, -weed 87. Canna-down 156. Canoe-wood 115. Canterbury 55. Canterbury bells 105. Caper-bush 99. Caper, wild 99. Caperworts 144. Capillaire 40. Capon's-tail 2. Caps, blue 105. Caraway 101, wild 78. Car-berry 60. Cardinal-flower 106, blue 106. Careless 141. Carnation 61, 155. Carnation-grass 155. Carolina rose 7. Carpenter's herb 23, Id. Carpenter's square 26, 32. Carpet-weed 143. Carrion-flower IS, tall 15. Carrot, 102, wild 102. Carrot-weed IZ. Carvies 101. Cart-track plant 110. Case-weed 35. Cassandra 39. Cassena 127, evergreen 127. Cassena-bush 127. Cashes 101. Castor-bean 99. Castor-oil plant 99. Catalpa 108, blue 31, hardy 108, Western 108. Catawba 108. Cat-berry 127, -brier 15, 166, -clover 20. Catgut 22. Catlocks 156. Catmint 23, 26. Catnip 26. Cat's-cradles 110, -ear 70, -eye ll, -eyes 1, -foot 74, -milk 99 -tail 95, -tails 66. Cat-tail, common 152, broad-leaved 152, narrow-leaved 152. Cat-tail flag 152. Cat-tails 152. Cat-of-nine-tails 152. Catchfly 63, corn 63, Dover 64, garden 63, night-flowering 64, nodding 64, Nottingham 64, Pennsylvania 64, round-leaved 64, royal 64, sleepy 63, snap- dragon 63, splendid 64, sweet William 63. Catch-weed 52, 66. Cauliflower 34. Cedar, ground 134, Indian 162. Cedar moss 144. Celandine 5, 119, brook 130, great- er 119, lesser 4, wild 130. Celery, water 155, wild 155. Celery-grass 155, -seed 138. Centaury 57, 79, 124, American 58, corn 79, European 57, greater 79, lesser 57, marsh 58. Chafe-weed 83. Chaff-seed 32. Chaff-weed 112. Chalk-plant 166. Chamonile 1, 74, Arctic 85, corn 74, dog 74, false T&, field 74, garden 74, German 85, low 74, ox-eye 74, rayless 85, scentless 85, Scotch 74, stinking 74, white 74, wild 79, 85, yellow 74. Champion 163. Charlock 34, l"^, jointed }>%. Charley, creeping 26. Checker-berry 40, 53. Cheese-bowl 120, -cake 45, -flower 45, -rennet 53. Cheeses 45. Chenile 50. Cherokee rose 7. Cherry 10, bird 10, 131, cabinet 10, choke 10, fire 10, ground 50, 51, Indian 9, 131, Mexican ground 50, perfumed 10, pigeoii 10, pin 10, rum 1(\ sand 9, sour 182 10, sweet 10, whiskey 10, wild 10, 51, wild black 10, winter 50, 129. Cherr>'-pie 93, -wood 56. Chervil 100, garden 101, hemlock 104, needle 104, rough 104, spreading 101, sweet 103, wild 101. Chestnut 162. Chickasaw plum 10. Chicken-berry 40, 53, -weed 65, 87, -fighters 135. Chicken's toes 141. Chickweed 11, 64, blinking 143, clammy 62, clammy mouse-ear 62, common 65, common mouse- ear 62, field 62, forked 143, germander 32, gravel 142, great 65, Indian 143, ivy ZZ, jag- ged 62, large mouse-ear 62, marsh 65, meadows 62, mouse- ear 62, nodding 62, red 111, sea 61, silver 143, small 62, star 65, 113, water 64, 124, 143, water mouse-ear 64. Chickweed wintergreen 113. Chicory 69. Chicot 19. Chigger-weed 74. Children's bane 101. Chimney-sweeps 110. China-root, false 15. China-tree, wild 129. Chinese lantern plant 50. Chinks 40. Chinquapin 119, 162. Chittim-wood 126. Chives 11. Chocolate, Indian 6. Chocolate-flower 123, -root 6. Choctaw-root 90. Choke-berry 10, -huckleberry 10, -pears 10. Chrysanthemum, corn 79. Christmas rose 3. Christ's thorn 9. Church-broom 105. Churn-stafif 99. Cicely, fool's 100, rough 104. Cicely-root 103. Cigar-tree 108. Cinnamon-vine 54, -wood 118. Cinquefoil 7, hoary 7, marsh 7, Norway 7, purple 7, rough 7, shrubby 7, silvery 7, three-leaved 7, three toothed 7. Citronella 23. Cives 11. Clammy-weed 144. Clanioun 41. Clary 27, wild 27. Claver-grass 52. Clay-weed 89. Clear-eye 27. Clear-weed 164. Cleavers 52, cross 52, pointed 52, rough 52, yellow II. Cleaver-wort 52. Cleets 89. Clematis 2, blue 2, curl-flower 2, hill 2, mountain 2, western 2. Cleome, pink 144, prickly 144. Climath 126. Climbing rose 8. Cling-rascal 52. Clintonia 11, Northern 11, white 11. Clivers 52. Clock, shepherd's 111. Cloistered hearts 57. Clops 110. Clot-bur 74, 89, spiny 89, thorny 89. Clot-weed 89. Clothes-pins, old ladies' 11. Clothier's brush 105. Cloud-berry 8. Clove-strip 93. Clover 22, alsatian 22, alsike 22, bitter 58, Bokhara 20, broad- leaved 22, buffalo 22, bur 20, bush 20, Cabul 20, calf 22, car- nation 22, cat 20, crimson 22, dusty 20 dwarf hop 22, Dutch 22, hare's-foot 22, hearts 20, honey 22, honeysuckle 22, hop 20, horned 20, hybrid 22, Italian 22, lady's 122, low hop 22, mam- moth 22, marsh 58, old field 22, peavine 22, pin 122, plaster 20. prairie 21, pussy 22, rabbit-foot 22, red 22, sleeping 122, stinking 144, stone 22, Swedish 22, sweet 20, tick 168, white 22, winter 53, 1K> yellow 2.2, 16'', yellow hop _'(i. 12, zig-zag 22. Clover broom 17. Club- weed 7'). duckies 2. Club-rush, hedgehog 156, river 157. Coast blite 140. Coast joint-weed 138. Cocash 76. Cockle bl. Cockle-button 74. Cockle-bur 5, 74, 8'*, common 89, dagger 89. Cockles 11. Cocks 110. Cock's-comb 141, yellow Z2. Cock's-foot 2, -head 16. Cock-spur thorn 9. Coco-grass 156. Cod-head 29. Codlins-and-cream 93. Coe-grass 149. Coffee, wild 55. Coffee-bean, American 19. Coffee-leaf 43, -nut 19, -plant 93, -tree 19, -tree, Kentucky 19, -weed 17, 69. Cohosh, black I, 2, blue 117, red' 1, white 1. Colewort, hares 12. Colic-root 11, 85, 137, -weed 121. Collard 152, wild 78. Cologne-plant 79. Colt-herb 89. Colt's-foot 89, in, sweet 86, pal- mate leaved sweet 86. Colt's-tail 81. Columbine 2, feathered 5, garden 2, red 2. Columbo 57, American 57. Comb, lady's 104, Venus' 104. Comb-flower 83. Come-to-our-house 98. Comfrey 68, common 68, wild 66. Compass-plant 87, 166. Coneflower 86, gray-headed 85, green-headed 86, hedgehog 1'^, long-headed 84, purple 78, prai- rie 84. purple-disk 84, tall 86. Congo-root 21. Conquerors 130. Consound 68. Coiisumimon-weed \S. Conval lily 12. Convulsion-weed 42. Cool-tankard 66. Cool- weed 164. Coolwort 61, white 61. Copalm 43. 147. Copper-leaf 98. Copper lily 12. Coptifle 3. Coral-berry 1, 55. Coral-root 47, crested 48, earlv 47. large 47, late 47, small 47. Coreopsis, golden 80. Coriander 102. Cork-screw plant 49. Cork- wood 159. Corn. Saracen's 138, squirrel 121. turkey 121, wild 11. Corn-bind 91, 139, -binks 79, -bot- tle 79, campion 61, -cockle 61. -flower 15, 79, pink 61, -root 120. rose 61, -salad 107, -salad, beak- ed 107, -salad, European I(i7. -stalk weed 153. Cornel, alternate-leaved 97, blue- berried 97, dwarf 97, lapland 98. low 97, Northern dwarf 98, pani- cled 97, 98, red 98, rough-leaved 97, round-leaved 97, silky 97. stiff 98, wax-berry <>S. white ''7. Cornelian-tree 97. Cornels 97. Corpse-plant 42. Corydalis. golden 121. pale 121, pink 121. yellow 121. Cost "'). Costmary 7''. Cotton, wild 90. Cotton-weed 44, 73, 166. -grass 15(.. 157, -grass, tall 156, -grass. \'ir- ginia 156. -tree 158, -gmn "'S. rose 83. Cottonseed-tree 11. Cottonwood 31, 132. 158. big 158. black 158. river 158, swamp 158. willow 158, yellow 1 5S. Cough-root 14, -wort 89. Cowbaiie 103, spotted 101. Cow-bell 63, -berry 7, 44. 53. -grass 22, 139, -herb 63, -itch 108. lily 2, -paps 63, -parsnip 102. -plant 184 43, -quake 64, -rattle 62, -tongue 11, -wheat 31, 32. Cowslip 2, 13, 130, American 112, Virginia 67. Cow's lungwort 32, -tails 81, -wort 31. Cowthwort 24. Crab, American 10, Siberian 10, wild 10. Crab-grass 139, 141. Cracker-berry 97. Crackers 40. Crain 4. Crake-berry 125. Cramp-bark 56, -root 6. Cranberry 42, European 42, high 56, high-bush 56, hog 39, 125, large 42, marsh 42, mountain 39, 44, rock 44, small 42, southern mountain 42, upland 39, wild 39. Cranberry-tree 56. Crane-berry 42, -willow 52. Crane's-bill 122, 123, dove's-foot 125, long-stalked 122. Crap 138. Crape needle i7 . Crashes il . Craw-berry 42. Crawley-root 47. Crazy-weed 16, 18, 20. Creashaks 39. Creeper, fairy 121, five-fingered 131, Virginia 92, 131. Creepers 92. Creeping Charley 146. Creeping Jack 146. Creeping Jenny 107. Creeping-root plant 47. Cress, alpine 35, American 34, American water 35, bank 34, Belle Isle 34, Bermuda 34, bit- ter 34, 35, brown 37, California 36, carpet 35, common winter 34, cow 36, early 34, false 38, field 36, garden 37, golden 37, lake 37, lake water 37, lamb's 35, land 34, 35, low rock 34, marsh 37, meadow 35, mountain water 35, mouse-ear 38, purple 35, river 37, rock 34, rocket 34, round leaved water 35, small bit- ter 35, spring 35, succory dock 71, swine 35, Thale 38, tower 34, upland 37, wall 38, wart 35, water 37, well 37, winter 34, wood 2>7 , yellow 34, 37, yellow water 37, yellow wood 37. Cresses 33. Crest, golden 149. Crinkle-root 35. Crocus 40, wild 1. Crone-berry 42. Crooked-wood 52. Crop-weed 79. Cross-toes 20, -vine 107, 108, -weed 35, -wort 82, 112. Cross-of-Jerusalem 62. Crow-berry 39, 42, 125, black 125, broom 125, brown 125, Plymouth 125. Crowberries 125. Crow-flower 63, garlic 11, -pea 125, -poison 11, -toes 20, -weed 36. Crowd-grass 34. Crowfoot 2, 4, 35, 123, biting 4, bristly 4, bulbous 4, celery-leav- ed 5, cursed 5, early 4, false 137, hooked 5, seaside 4, small-flower- ed 4, stiff water 4, tall 4, white water 4, yellow water 4. Crowfoots 1. Crow's nest 102, toes 35. Crown-beard, golden 89, sunflower 89, white 89. Crown-of-the-field 61. Crown vetch 18. Crouper-bush 52. Crunch-weed 34. Crystalwort 3. Cuckles 77. Cuckold dock 74. Cuckolds 77. Cuckoo 63. Cuckoo-button 74, flower 35, 62, 63, 122, -meat 122. Cucumber, creeping 107, mock 167, one-seeded bur 107, single- seed 107, star 107, wild 107. Cucumber-root, Indian 13. Cucumber-tree 115, 116, large-leav- ed 116. Curd-wort 53. Cure-all 6, King's 64. Curlew-berry 125. 185 Curl-flower clematis _'. Curly-heads 2. Currant 60, black garden 60, buf- falo 60, clove 60, fetid 60, flowering 60, golden 60, In- dian 55, Missouri 60, northern black 60, red garden 60, skunk 60, spice 60, swamp red 60, wild black 60. Currant-leaf 59, -tree 9. Cushion, ladies' 79, 111. Custard-apples 116. Cudweed 82, 83, childing 83, dwarf S3, low S5, marsh 83, mountain S3, purplish 83. winged 82, wood 83. Culver- foot 123. Culver's-root 33, physic 33. Culverwort 2. Cup, Venus' 105. Cup-plant 87, -seed 117. Cuphea, clammy 94. Cupid's flower 92. Cut-heal 106. Cut-paper 163. Cynthia 70. Cyperus, globose 156, low 155. straw-colored 156, yellow 156. Cypress gilia 65. Cypress 98, belvedere 141, broom 141, summer 141, standing 65, 141. Cypress-grass 156, -spurge 98, -vine 92, 121. Cypripedium, purple 47. Cyrillads 126, Daddy-nut 132. Dafifodil 148, wood 15. Dagger, Spanish 16. Daggers 148. Daisy 77, 143, big 79, blue spring 81, brown 86, bull 79, 86. bull's- eye 79, 86, butter 79, dog 74, 79, field 79, horse 79, maudlin 79, Michaelmas 76, 77, midsum- mer 79, moon 79, nigger 86, ox- eye 79, pig-sty 74, poor-land 79, poor man's 86, purple 76, 7P-, red 70, skunk 168, tall 81, Western 77, white 79, yellow 86, yellow Ox-eye 86. Dame-wort 36. Dane's blood 105. Dangle-berry 41, 44. Dandelion 72, blue 69, California 70, common 72, dwarf 70, fall 71, false 69, 70, 72, high 70, dog 71, prairie false 69, red-seeded 72. Daphne ^'5. Date-plum 113. Day-berry 60, -flower 1 5o, -flower, creeping 150. Day-lily 12, orange 12, tawny 12, white 12, yellow 12. Dead man's fingers 4S. Dead-nettle, hemp 24. henbit 24, red 24, white 24. Death camass 14. Death-root 14. Deer-berry 40, 44, 53, 127, -food 118. -grass 96, -hair 157, -tongue 89, -vine 54, -wood 162. Deer's ears 57. Deil's spoons 153, 154. Delight, shepherds HI. Deseret weed 166. Devil, blue 75, white 76. Devil's apple 50, 118, -bit 11. 85, bite 85, claws 4, club 97 darning-needle 104, fig 119, fin- gers 158, flower 63, grandmother 81, grass 69, grip 143, gut 91. -hair 2, hop-vine 15, horns 166, ironweed 71, milk 99, plague 102, root 109, shoestrings 91, tether 139, thread 2, tongue 136, trum- pet 50, vine 92, walking stivk 97, 124, weed 71. Devil-in-a-bush 4. Devil's-head-in-a-bush 45. Dewberry S. Dewdrop 6. Dew-flowers 166, -plant 145. Dewtry 50. Dill 100, 102. Dill-weed 74. Dindle 72. Dingle-berry 166. Ditch-grass 153. Ditch-moss 154. Dittany 23. Dock 138, batter 153. bitter 13S, butter 138. blunt-leaved 138. broad-leaved 138. butterfly So, 186 cuckold 74, curled 138, fiddle 138, flatter 119, flea 86, golden 138, great water 138, narrow 138, pale 138, patience 138, peach-leaved 138, prairie 86, 87, round 45, sharp 138, sour 138, spatter 119, splatter 119, swamp 138, tall 138, white 138. water 152, yellow 138. Dock-cress, succory 71. Dockmackie 56. Dodder 91, clover 91, common 91, field 91, flax 91, lesser lucerne 91, thyme 91. Dogbane, bitter 89, climbing 90, hemp 167, spreading 89. Dogbanes 89. Dog-berry 10, 11, 56, 60, 127, -bur 66, -daisy 74, 79, -elder 56, 100, -fennel 74, 76, 82, 83, -flower 14, -grass 155, -hobble 41, 166, -laurel 41, -lily 119, -plum 11, -poison 100, -ribs 110, -rose 7, -tongue 66. Dog rowan-tree 56 Dog-berry tree 98. Dogs-and-cats 22. Dog's dinner 134, mouth 29, tansy 7, toes 74, -tongue 89. Dog-tooth violet 12. Dog-wood 10, 51, 56, 128, 131, alder-leaved 97, black 131, blue 97, European 128, false 129, Florida 97, flowering 97, gray 97, Pagoda 167, poison 126, pond 52, purple 97, red 98, round-leaved 97, striped 129, trailing 97, swamp 97, 123, 126. Dogwood, white 56. Jiogwoods 97. Dollar-leaf 18, 43. Doll-cheese 45. Doll's-eyes 1. Dolls, wax 121. Door-grass 139, -weed 139. Door-yard grass 139. Double-claw 108, -leaf 48. -tooth 77. Down-weed 83. Down-hill-of-life 112. Dragon, brown 152, female water 152, green 152, water 152. Dragon-head 2S, 26, false 26. Dragon-root 152, -tail 152. Dragon's blood 123, claws 47, mouth 29, 46, tongue 39. Drew 154. Dropsy-wort 23. Dropwort 7, water 103. Drumheads 124. Drunkards 40. Duck-acorn 119, -grass 153, -meat 151, -moss 153. Ducks 47. Duck's foot 6, 118, -meat 151. Duckweed 151, larger 151, ivy- leaved 151, star 151. Duckweeds 151. Dumb watches 145. Dummy-weed 89. Duscle 51. Dusty miller 75, 166. Dutch-cheese 45. Dutchman's pipe 42, 137. Dye-leaves 114, -weed 19. Dyer's broom 19, green-wood 19, -weed 19, 88, 145, weld 145. Dysentary-weed 67, -root 67. Earth-club 109, -gall 16, 57, 71. Earth-plum 16. Earth-smoke 121. Ear-drop, lady's 130, 137, white 121. Ear-jewel 130. Earning-grass 109. Easter-flower 1, 15, -bell 65. Eel-grass 154, 155. Egg-bonnet 118, -plant 51, 55. Eggs-and-bacon 31. Eglantine 7, 54. Egyptian rose 105. Elbow-bush 166, Elder 55, American 35, bishop's 100, black-berried 55, box 128, common 55, dog 56, 100, dwarf 96, 100, horse 84, marsh 56, 84, mountain 55, Persian 115, poison 55, 126, prickly 97, red 56, red- berried 55, rose 56, sea-coast 84, sweet 55, water 56, wild 96, 100. Elder-berry 55, -berry, red 55, -blow 55. Eldin 86. Elecampane 84. 187 Klephaiit, red 31. Klephant's-trunk 108. Klephant's-foot, Carolina 81, wool ly 81. Klk-bark 116. -nut 136, -tree 4.^, -wood 116. Klf-dock 84, -wort 84. Kller 161. Kim 165, American 165, cliff l65, cork 165, corky white 165, Eng- lish 165, false 164, hickory 165, Indian 165, moose 165, racemed white 165, red 165, rock 165, slippery 165, swamp 165, sweet 165, water 164, 165, winged 165, Elm, water 164, 165, winged 165, witch 165. Empress-tree 31. Emetic- weed 106. Enchanter's plant 69. Enslen's-vine 91. Eryngo 102, water 102. Evans-root 6. Evening primroses 92. Evergreen 146. Evergreen thorn 9. Everlasting 61, 73, 74, 82, 146, clammy 82, common 74, 82, early 74, large-flowered 74, pear- ly TS, pearly mouse-ear 74, plantain-leaved 74, spring 74. Eve-weed 36. Eve's darning-needle 16, thread 12. Eye-balm 3, -berry 40, 53, -root 3, Eye-bright 30, 31, 33, 42, 53, 106, 111, 145, red 31. spotted 99. seed 27. Eyes, blind 120. Fabes 60. Fairies' horses ?^1 . Fairy-bells 29, 167, -cap 29, -cup 59, cheese 45, glove 29, lily 149, lint 121, smoke 42, thimbles 29, wand 167. Fair-maid-of-France 73. Faitour's grass 99. False elm 164. Fall-flower 76. Fan-weed 38, -wort 167. Farewell-summer 76. Farkle-berry 44. Fat hen 14M. Fawn lily 12. Fay-berry 60. Fea-berry 60. Feather, silver 7, i)arrots 167. Featherfew 79. Feather-foil 112, American 112. Feather- weed 83. Fellen 51. Felon-grass 1(13, -lu-rl» "n. 75. Felon -weed 87. Felon- wort 51, ''3. Feltwort }>2. Felwort, marsh 58. Female fluellin 30. Fennel 102, dog 76. 82, X3. water 125. Fennel-flower 4. Fern, shrubby 159, sweet 159. Fern-gale 159. Fetter-bush 41, 42, mountain 38 Fetticus 107. Fever-bush 118, 127, -cup 145, -plant 93, -root 55, -twig 128. -weed 30. wort 55, '^2. Feverfew, American 86. common 79. F"iddle-grass 93. Field-pine 134. Fig, Indian 136, devil's 119. Fighting-cocks 134. Figwort 4. 32. Figworts 29. Filbert 161. Fileree 122. Fimble 164. Finkel 102. Fire-balls 62. -leaves llu, thorn 9, -top 92. -weed 50, 70. 81. "j. 110, -weed, Mexican 141. Fir- rape 42, -rope 42. Fire-on-the-mountain 16". Fish-blankets 144. ■hook> i:. -mouth 2''. -poison 13m. -weed 140, -wood 128. Fit-root plant 42. Five-finger 7. marsh 7. Five sisters 112. Flag, cat-tail 152, corn 148. com- mon blue 148, false sweet 148, flowering 148, large blue 148. Myrtle 151. narow blue 148, poison 148. slender l>ltie MS. 188 sweet 151, sword 148, water 148, yellow 148, yellow water 148. Flagons 148. Flag-lily 147, 148. Flag-root 151, poison 148. Flame-flower 144. Flannel, Adam's 32, 105, old man's Z2. Flannel-leaf i2, plant 32. Flatter dock 119. Flat-top 89. Flax 121, cathartic 121, common 122, Dutch 34, dwarf 121, fairy 121, false 34, 36, mountain 121, 125, prairie 121, purging 121, wild 80, 121. Flax-weed 31, 38, -tail 153. Flaxworts 121. Fleabane 81, bitter 81, blue 81, Canada 81, common 81, daisy SI, dwarf 81, fetid marsh 86, larger daisy 81, rough-stemmed 81, salt mash 86, spicy 86, vis- cid marsh 86. Flea-weed 28. Fleawort 53, marsh 87. Fleur-de-lis 147. Flix 122, -weed 35, 38. Flop-top 167. Floramor 141. Flower gentle 141. Flower-of-an-hour 45. Fluellin 33. Flux-root 91. Fly-flower 121, -poison 11. -trap 90, 145. Foal-foot 89. Foam-ilower 61. Fog-fruit 68. Folk's glove 29. Forefather's cup 145. Forget-me-not 33, 68, true 68. Forget-me-nots S?i. Fothergilla 147. Four-o'clock 93, wild 142. Four o'clocks 142. Four-toes 74. Fox-berry 44, 53. Foxglove 29, 108, 145, downy false 30, false 30, fern-leaved false 30, mullein false 32, oak-leaved 30, purple 30, smooth false 30, wild 30, yellow 30. French-grass 21, -weed 38. Friar's cap 1. Fringe, Alleghany 121, mountain 120, wood 121. Fringe-cup 59, -tree 114. Frog-fruit 68, -grass 141, 149, -leaf 118, -lily 119, -mouth 146, -plant 146. Frog's-bit, American 154. Frog's bladder 146. Frost-blite 140, -blow 76, -flower 75, 77, -weed 76, 134, -weed, hoary 134, -weed, -long-branced 134. Fuller's herb 63. Fume worts 120. Fumitory 121, climbing 120, 121, hedge 121. Furze 23. Fussy-gussy 83. Fustic-tree 18. Gadrise 56. Gag- root 106. Gaiter- tree 56, 128. Galax 111. Galaxy 111. Gale, Canada sweet 159, fern 159, Scotch 159, sweet 159. Galingal 156. Galingale 156, edible 156, lank 156. Gall-berry 127, -flower 57, -weed 31, 57. Gall-of-the-earth 48, 57, 71. Gallon 86. Gallows-grass 164. Gander-teeth 21. Garden burnet 8, columbine 2. Gardener's-delight 63, -eye 6?>. Qarget 142. Garlic 11, crow 1 1, hedge 33, lance- leaved 11, nodding 11, rush 11, wild 11. Garlic-root 33. Gaskins 60. Gattan-tree 56, 128. Gaura, biennial 93, common 93, scarlet 93. Gay-feather 85, Kansas 85. Gay-wings 124. Gem-fruit 61. Genson 55. \H') (Jentian 57, barrel 57, blind 57, blue 57, blue fringed 57, bottle 57, closed 57, false 57, five-flowered 57, fringed 57, horse 55, marsh 57, Northern 57, rough 57, snake 71, soapwort 57, 63, spurred 58, stiff 57, straw-colored 57, striped 57, white 55, yellow 57, yellow horse 55, yellowish 57. (ientianworts 57. (ientleman's cane 139. Gentlemen and ladies 112. Geranium feather 140, fox 123, high 59, mint 79, mountain 123, spotted 123, turnpike 140, wild 122, 123. (jeraniums 122. (ierardia, bushy 30, purple 30, salt- marsh 30, seaside 30, slender 30, yellow 30. (jermander 27, American 27. (iermander-sage 27. (ihost flower 42. Gibbals 110. Gilia, cypress 65, scarlet 65. Gill-go-by-the-ground 26. Gill-over-the-ground 26. Gill-run-over 26. Gillenia 7. Gilliflower-grass 155. (iilly flower, marsh 63, mock 63, night-scented 36, queens 36, rogues 36, sea 111, winter 36. Ginger 89, 146, Canada 137, green 75, Indian 137, Southern wild 137, wild 137. (iinger-berry 40, -plant 88. Ginseng 97, blue 117, dwarf 97, horse 55. (iirasole 84. (iladiole, water 106. Glass-wort 141, jointed 141, prickly 141, slender 141. (ilobe-flower 5, 52, spreading 5. (ilobe-thistle 81. (ioat's-beard 6, 72, dwarf 70, false 58, V^irginia 70, yellow 72. (ioat's-foot 100, -rue 22. God's eye 33. (toggles 60. (iold 83. (iold-chain 146, -balls 4. 5, -dust M, -thread 3, 107, weed 4, 5. (ioldflower, ground 80. (rt)l7 , -lice 5, 52, 77, lily 92. Haw, black 56, 113, crimson 9, poison 56, pear 9, possum 56, red 9, Shawneee 56. Hawk-bit 70, 71, autumnal 71. Hawk-weed 70, 71 Canadian 70, early 70, golden mouse-ear 70, hairy 70, mouse-ear 70, orange 70, tawny 70, wall 70. Hawk's-beard 69, small-flowered 69. Hawthorn 9, English 9. Hay-hofe 26, -hove 26, -maids 26, -plant 51, -fever weed 7Z. Hazel 161, beaked 162, black 162, bonneted 161, snapping *147. Hazel-nut 161. Hazelwort 137. Headache 120. ' Headache-plant 1, -weed 2. Headsmen 110. Heal-all 11, 26, 12, 48, 49, cats 26, high 31. 191 Ileal, clown's 27. Ileal-bite 33, -dog ii. ITealiiiR-blade 110, 146, -herb dS, 110. Heart, floating 58. Heart-leaf 137, -pea 129, -seed 129, 139, -wort 20. Hearts 122, blue 29, white 121. Heart's-ease 139, -eye 103. Heart-leaved liverwort 3. Heart-of-the-earth 26. Heath 134, American 134, black- berry 125, corn 138, mountain 42. Heath-bells 105, -berry 125, -mul- berry 167. Heather 39, American 26, beach 134, false 134, monox 125. Heather-bells 105. Heathworts 38. Heavenw^ard tree 124. Hedge-apple 164, -bells 91, -berry 164, -burs, wild 52, -lily 92, -maids 26, -nettle 27, -nettle, hy- ssop 27, -plant 164, -tapers 32, -weed 36. Hedge-hog 104. Hedgehog-grass, marsh 155. Hedge-parsley, erect 104. He-huckleberry 126. Heliotrope 66, garden 106, hardy 106, seaside 67, summer 106. Hell-root 109. Hell-weed 4, 91, 92. Hellebore 3, 11, American white 16, green 3, 16, false 16, swamp 16. Helleborine 49, false 49. Helmet-flower 1, -pod 117. Hemlock 103, 104, bulb-bearing water 101, lesser 100, poison 41, 101, small 100, water 101. Hemlock-parsley 101. Hemp 164, Albany 164, American 44, Canada 90, false 24, Indian 44, 90, water 141, wild 7i. Hemp dogbane 167. -broomrape 109, -nettle red 24, -weed, climb- ing 85. Hen-and-chickens 146. Henbane 50, black 50, yellow 51. Henbit 23, 24, small ii. Hen-pepper 35, -plant 110. Hens 134. Ilepatica 3. Herb-bane 109, -Barbara 34, -lien nett 6, -Christopher 1, -Gerard 100, -grace 69, -ivy 35, -John 133, -Margaret 79, -mercury 99. -Paris 14, -Robert 123, -Sherard 53, -Sophia 38, -Trinity 3, -two- pence 112, -wickopy 92, -Wil- liam 104. Herba impia 83. Herb aux charpentiers 73. Herb-of-grace 29. Herb-o'-grace 123. Herb-of-the-cross 6abrador tea 41. Lace-buttons 81, -flower 102. Lad's love 75. Ladies-lint 65, -shoe 2, -fingers 19, 20 -tresses 49, -tresses, slender 49, -tresses, nodding 49. Lady-by-the-gate 63. Lady-never-fade 73. Lady's-mantle 6, milk 87, purse 35, smock Zl, thimbles 29, thistle 87, thumb 139. Lady's-slipper 47, 124, 130, dow- ny 4 7, large yellow 47, pink 47, ram's-head 47, showy 47, small white 47, stemless 47, yellow 47. Lambkill 41. Lambs 130. Lanib's-foot 110, -legs 110, lettuce 107, -noses 12, -quarters 11, 139, 140, sucklings 22, -tongue 12, 25, 110. Langue-de-beef 71. Lap-love 91. Larea-bell 83. Lark's heal 3. Larkspur 3, dwarf 3, field 3, tall 3. Last-rose-of-summer 1(>. Laurel 43, American 41, bee 43, big 43, big-leaf 43, black 132, deer 43, dog 41, dwarf 41, Flor- ida 114, great 43, ground 40, horse 43, lady 95, mountain 41, 43, narrow-leaved 41, pale 41, sheep 41, spurge 95, small 41, swamp 41, 116, 132, white 116, wild 43, wood 41. Laurels 118. Lavender, sea 111. Lavender-thrift 111. Laylock 115. Lead-plant 16. Leadwort 16. Leadworts 111. Leafcup 86, large-flowered 86, yel- low-flowered 86. Leather-bush 96, -flower 2, -leaf 39, wood 95, 126, wood, south- ern 126. Leaver-wood 96. Leech-wort 110. Leek, wild 11. Legumes 16. Lelache 115. Lemon, ground 118, wild 117. Lemon-balm 25, -lily 12, -lily, late 12, monarda 21. Leopard-flower 147. Leopard's-bane 47, Arctic 75. Lettuce 70, blue 71 ^ canker 43, fall 70, false 71, hare's 12, Indi- an 43, 143, lamb's 107, liverwort 43, miner's 143, prickly 71, tall blue 71, white 71, wild 43, 70, 71. Leucothoe 41. Lever-wood 162. Licorice 17, 19, American 19, wild 19, 52, 96. . Licorice-root 19. Lightning, scarlet 62. Lignon-berry 44. l-ilac 115. comnioii 115, siiinnu-i 36. Life-root 87. l-ife-of-man 54, 146. Life-everlasting, fragrant 8.1, sil- ver-leaved 73. Lily 12, Atamosco 149, August 12, beaver 119, blackberry 147, but- termilk 15, Canada 12, conval 12, copper 12, cow 119, day 12, dog 119, dwarf tiger 147, easter 149, fairy 149, fawn 12, field 12, fire 12, flag 147, 148, flame 12, frog 119 glade 12, globe 119, ground 14, 15, gumbo 136, harvest 92, hedge 92, horse 119, huckleberry 12, lemon 12, late lemon 12, liver 148, mulefoot 119, nod- ding 12, Philadelphia 12, plan- tain 12, prairie 136, 148, red 12, satin 148, snake 148, spider 150, spring 12, superb 13, swamp 149, 157, 168, three-colored 119, tiger 12, trinity 15, trout 12. tucky 119, turk's-cap 13, water 152, wild orange 12, wild red 12, wild yellow 12, wood 12, 15, 43, yellow 12. Lily-vine 92. l>ily-of-the valley 12, wild 11, 13. Lime-tree 115, 132, black 132. Lime wort 63. T.inden 132, American 132. Ling 39, wire 125. Ling-berry 44, -gowan 70. Lingen-berry 44. Linn 122, black 116, southern 132, white 132, yellow 116. Linn-tree 115. Linseed 122. Lint 122, fairy Lint-bells 122. Lion's-beard 1, heart 23, 26, tail 24, tooth i-iciuidamber 147. Little-good 99, -mile 67. Live-forever 146, wild 146. Live-long 7i, 146. Liver-berry 12, -leaf 3, -moss 3, wort 3, -wort, three-leaved 3. Lizard-tail 157. ■tuft 62. 106. bulb-beariiiK Low belia 106. Low mulberry 121. Lucernaria 32. Lucerne 20. ears 24, foot 71, l-ungwort 67, mouth 29, snap 2^). 32, French 7 71. smooth 67, 1 Loasads 136 Lobelia 106, bIadder-po, red 106, scarlet 106. spiked 106, water 106. Loco-weed 18, 20, Colorado 2. yellow II''. Lotus-tree 113. Louseberry 128. Louseberry-tree 128. Lousewort 30, 31, marsh 31. Lovage 103, sea 103, Scotch 103. Love-apple 50, -me 68, -man 52. roses 56, -vine 2. '>\. Love-in-a-mist 4. Love-in-winter 40. Love-lies-bleeding 13''. Lover's pride 13*'. Love's test 74. .S. bullocks i2, cc J, golden 70, sea ree 67, V'irgini.i Lupine 20. false 22. wild 20. Lust wort 145. Lychnidia 65. Lychnis, ev."'iin< 62. mullieii scarlet 62. Lyre-flower 121. Mad-apple 50, nip 103, -weed 196 -wort 33, 34, 37, 66, -wort, Ger- man 66. Madder, blue field 53, field 53, wild 52. Madderwort 75. Mad-dog weed 154. Mad-woman's milk 99. Magdad coffee 17. Magnolia 116, blue 116, great leav- ed 116, laurel 116 mountain 116, small 116, swamp 116. Magnolias 115. Magoty boy bean 17. Mahogany, false 118, Irish 161, Kentucky 19, mountain 147, 161, white 108. Maidenhair-berry 40. Maid's hair 53. Maiden's tears 64. Maise 74. Maize-thorn 78. Male-berry 41. Malice 45. Mallow 45, blue 45, clustered pop- py 45, common 45, country 45, crimson-eyed rose 45, curled 46, European 45, false 46, fringed poppy 45, glade 46, halberd- leaved rose 45, high 45, Indian 44, 46, low 45, maple-leaved globe 46, marsh 44, 45, musk 45, poppy 45, purple poppy 45, red false 46, rose 45, running 45, swamp 45, swamp rose 45, Ven- ice 45, vervian 45, water 45, white 44, white rose 45, whorled 46, yellow false 46. Mallow rose 45. Mallows 44. Maltese cross 62. Mandrake 92 117. Man-root 92. Man-of-the-earth 92. Maple, ash-leaved 128, black 129, bush 129, cut-leaved 128, creek 129, goose-foot 129, hard 129, low 129, moose 129, mountain 129, northern 129, red 129, red river 129, rock 129, rough 129, scarlet 129, shoe-peg 129, silver 129, silver-leaved 129, soft 129, spiked 129, striped 129, sugar 129, swamp 129, sweet 129, wa- ter 129, white 129. Maples 128. Maple-bush, mountain 129. Marble-flower 120. Mare's tail 76, 81, -tails 95. Marguerite 79, golden 74. Marigold, bur 77, common bur 77, corn 79, early 73, fetid 81, marsh 2, nodding bur 77, rayless 77, small bur 77, smooth bur 77, spring 73, water 77, water bur 77, wild 85. Marjoram 26, pot 26, wilu zo. Mark-weed 126. Markery 140. Markry 126. Marl-grass 22. Marrube 25. Marsh-berry 42, -locks, purple 7. -mallow 45, -marigold 2, -pink, slender 58. Martinoe 108. Martynia 108. Marvel 25. Mary, blue-eyed 148, sweet 25, 79. Masterwort 100, 102, imperial 103, wild 100. Match-weed 167. Matfelon 79. Mather 74. Matrimony-plant 37, -vine 5U. Maul 45. Maw-seed 120. Mazzard 10. -May-apple 117, -blob 2, -flower 1,3, 9, 12, 13, 35, 39, 40, 61, 74, 118, 143, -cherry 9, -rose 56, pop 135, -weed 74, -weed, corn 85, -wings 124. Medaddy-bush 54. Meadow-beauty 96, -beauty, Mary- land 96, buttercup 2, -cup 145, -fern 159, -gift 46, gowan 2, -pink 48, 167, -queen 6, -rue 6, -rue, early 5, -rue, tall 5, -sweet 6, 8, 9, -wort 6. Meadwort 8. Meakin 95. Meal-berry 38, -plum 38. Mealy-tree 56. Mech-a-meck 92. V)7 Medick 29, black 20, hop 20, purple 20, Spanish 20, spotted 20. Meetin-seed 102. Meetinjr-houses 2. Melastomes 96. Melilot 20, white 20, yellow 20. Mentzelia, showy 136. Mercury 99, 126, 140, English 140, three-seeded 98, \'irRinia three- seeded 98. Mercury-vine, black 126. Mennaid, false 125. Mermaid-weed 95, 125. Merry-bells 167. Mexico-weed 100. .Mezereon, American 96. .\le/ereum '^5. .Miami mist 66. Michaelmas daisy 76. Michigan rose 8. Midsummer men 146. Mignonette, dyer's 145, yellow 144. Mignonettes 144. Milfoil 72, hooded 109, hpoded wa- ter 109, horned 109, spiked water 95, water 95, whorled 95. Milk, wolf's 99, witches 95. Milk-grass 107, -pea 18, -purslane 98, -thistle 72, -vetch 16. Milkmaids 35. Milksick plant 82. Milkweed 71, 72, 89, 90, 98, 99, climbing 91, common 90, four- leaved 90, green 90, hairy 90, marsh 82, orange 91, poke 90, purple 90, rose 90, showy 90, swamp 90, tall 90, trumpet 70, wandering 90, whorled 91, yel- low 91. Milkwort 124, bitter 124, dwarf 124, field 124, fringed 124, marsh 124, orange 124, pink 124, purple 124, racemed 124, sea 112, whorled 125, yellow 124. Milkworts 124. .Milky-tassel 72. .Miller, dusty 75. Missionary- weed 70. Missouri currant 60. Missy-moosey 10. Mist 62. -Mist-flower 82. Mistletoe 136, American l.<7. fals,- 137, small 136. Mistletoes 136. Mingwort 75. Minny-berry 164, -bush 42. Mint 25, American 25, apple 2^, bergamot 25, brandy 25, brook 2^, common 25, corn 25, field 25, hsh 25, garden 25, green 25. horse 25, 26, lamb's 25, lemon 2F:, mackerel 25, mountain 26, 28, Our Lady's 25, Patagonia 25, water 25, wild 25. Mints 23. ^lint-geranium 7'i. Miterwort 115. Mitrewort 59, false (.1. naked stalked 59. Moccasin, Indian 47. Moccasin-flower 47, yellow 47. Mock cucumber 167. -orange 5'', 107, 113, strawberry 6. Mockemut 160. Modesty 45, 101. Mohawk-weed 15. Mole-plant 99, -tree "''. Mollie. sleeping 122. Monarda, lemon 25. Money-grass 32, -myrtle 112, i)lant 37, 112, wort 112. Money-in-both-pockets 167. Monkey-faces 147, -flower .U . -nut tree 132. Monks- hood 1. 121. Mono.x 125. Monox-heather 125. Monument-plant 57. Moon-flower 7'>. Moonpenny 7*'. Moonseed, Canada 117. Moonseeds 117. Moonshine 73, 83. Moor-berry 42, besom 3'', -flower 58, -grass 13, 145. -myrtle 149, -wort 38. Moon wort 167. Moose-berry 56, -bush 56, -flower 15, -tongue 93. -wood 5t», 95, 129. Morass- weed 144. .Morel 51. Morelle 51. Morello 10. Morgan 74, Dutch 79. Mormon-tree 158. Morning-glorj' 92, common 92, dwarf 92, small-flowered 92, wild red 92. Morocco, red 1. Mortification-root 45. Moschatel 54. Moss, cedar 144, ditch 154, duck 153, Florida 150, flowering 65, 111, 146, golden 146, gray 150, ground 134, 156, hanging 150, Iceland 146, Kentucky 144, long 150, mountain 146, potato 153, Spanish 150, Southern 168, tree 98, wall 146. Moss-berry 42, -bush 39, -crop 156, -pink 63, -plant 39. Mother's heart 35. Mother-of-thousands 30. Mother-of-thyme 27, 28. Mother-of-millions 167. Mother-of-wheat 33. Motherwort 24, 75, 82, hoarhound 24, man's 100, golden 83. Moth-mullein 32. Mountain ash 10, elder leaved 10. Mountain bramble 8, heath 43, pink 40, raspberry 8, sage 167, snow 99, sweet 130, tea 40, 53. Mountain-lover, Canby's 128. Mouse-ear, 62, 70, 83, field 62, 67, spring 62, Virginia 67. Mouse-milk 99, -root 12, -tail 4, -thorn 78. Mouth- root 3. Moxie-berry 40, -plum 40. Muck-weed 140, -weed, curly 153. Mud-plantain 150, -purslane 133, -weed 31, wort 31. Mugget 51. Mug- wet 51. Mugwort 75, common 7S, cud- weed 75, Western 75. Mulberry 8, 164, Bermuda 68, French 68, heath 167, low 8, Otaheite 163, paper 163, red 164, Spanish 68, white 164. Mule-foot 119. Mullein 32, candle-wick i2, com- mon 32, moth 32, sage-leaf 26, white 32. Mullein-pink 61. Muscadine 132. Musk 45, wild 122. Musk-mallow 45, -flower 31, -plant 31, 45, -rose 45. Musquash-poison 101, -root 101, -weed 5. Mustard 34, ball 37, black 34, 38, corn 34, curled 34, dish 38, false 144, garlic 33, hare's-ear 35, hedge 36, 38, hoary hedge 38, Indian 34, Jim Hill 38, Mithridate 36, 38, orange 36, poor man's 33, tansy 38, tower 34, treacle 33, 36, tumbling 38, white 34, wild 34, worm-seed 36. Myriad-leaf 95. Myrkle-bushes 159. Myrtle 90, 112, barren 39, bog 58, 159, Burton 159, candle-berry 159, Dutch 159, sand 41, run- ning 90, sweet 151. Myrtle-grass 151, -spurge 99. Naiad 153. Xail-rod 76, wort 36, 143. Naked-weed 69. Nanny-berry 56, -bush 56, -plum 56. Nap-at-noon 14, 72. Napoleon 31. Napoleons 22. Narcissus, poet's 148. Nature's mistake 97. Navehvort, water 95, 102. Necklace-weed 1. Neckweed 31, 33, 164. Needle, Adam's 104, beggar's 104, crape 104, crow 104, pink 104, 122, shepherd's 104, Spanish 77. Negro-weed 17. Nerve-root 47, water 90. Net-leaf 47. Nettle, bee 24, blind 24, bull 51, burning 165, Canada 164, dead 24, 27, 164, deaf 24, dog 24, dumb 24, dwarf 165, false 163, 164, flowering 24, French 24, great 165, hedge 27, hemp 24, horse 51, sand 99, small 165. spurge 99, stinging 165, sting- 99 less 164, Texas 31, white horse 51, wood 164. Nettle-potato 100, -tree 164. Xever-wets 152. New Jersey tea 130. Nicker-nut 19, -tree 19. Nigger-daisy 86, -head 15, 86, -heads 167, -pill 164, -weed 82. JVightcap, ladies 92. Nightcaps 1. Night-shade 51, American 142, beaked 51, bindweed 92, bitter 51, black 49, 51, climbing 51, common 51, deadly 49, 51, cut- leaved 51, enchanter's 92, fetid 50, garden 51, low enchanter's 92, prickly 51, purple 168, sleep- ing 49, three-leaved 15, woody 51, yellow 169. Nightshades 49. Nimble- weed 1. Nimble Kate 107. Nine-bark 7, 59. Nine-bark syringa 7. Ninety-knot 129. Nipple-wort 71, dwarf 69. Noah's ark 47. Noble liverwort 3, pine 40. Nondo 103. Nonesuch 20, 62, black 20. None-so-pretty 63, 64. Noon-flower 12. Noontide 12. Norway cinquefoil 7. Nosebleed 14, 15, 29, 72. Nosebleed-sanguinary 1},. Nuns 53. Nut-grass 156, yellow 156. Nuttall-weed 80. Oak 162, barren 163, basket 163, bear 162, black 162, 163, black jack 163, black scrub 162, blue 162, box white 163, brash 163, bur 162, chestnut 163, chinqua- pin 163, cow 163, dwarf chest- nut 163 dyer's 163, Hill's 162. iron 163, jack 162, Jerusalem 140, laurel 162, 163, lea 162, live 163, mossy-cup 162. mossy- cup white 162, mountain 163, over-cup 162, pin 163, poison 126. post 163, red 162, 163, rock 163, rock chesliuit 163, rough 163, rough white 163, running white 163, .scarlet 162, -scrub 162, 163, .shinRk- 162, .shrub 163, Spanish 162, 163, spotted 163, swamp 162. 163. swamp chestnut l63. swamp post 162, swamp Spanish 163. swamp white 162, sweet 159, tan-bark 163, turkey 162, 163, water 162, 163, white 162, white chestnut 163. willow 163. yellow 162, 163, yellow barked 1- < ■ ' low chestnut 163. Oats, wild 13. Obedient-plant 26. October-berry 8. Oil-nut 136, 160, -plant Kmi, -seed 34, -seed, Siberian 34. Okra, wild 44. Old goose 47. Old maid's bonnets J'l. Old man 75. Old man's beard 114. Old man's whiskers 167. Old woman 1^. Oleaster-tree, wild 96. Oleander, wild 94. Oleasters 96. Olive, flax 95, spurge 95. Olive-tree, wild 96, 114. One-berry 40, 53, 164. Onion 11, nodding wild 11. Opium, wild 71. Ople-tree 56. Opossum-tree 147. Orache 140, silvery 140. Orange, mock 107, 113. 114. 164. Osage 164, spring 114. wild <'". 124, 164. Orange-blossoms 14, -grass 133, -root 3, <)1. -root, dimliing 1 2S. Orange-flower tree 5''. Orchids 46. Orchis 49, bracted green 47, crane- fly 49, fen 48. flaming 4S. fringed 47, gay 40, great green 48, green fringed 48, green rein 48, green wood 48, greenish 48, large fring- ed 48, large, two-leaved 4S,long- bracted 48. pink fringed 48, pur- ple fringed 48, ragged 48. round- 200 leaved 48, showy 49, small pale- green 48, small purple fringed 48, small round-leaved 49, spring 49, tattered fringed 48, three-toothed 48, tubercled 48, white-flowered prairie 48, white-fringed 47, yel- low 48, yellow fringed 48. Organs. Organy 26. Orpine 146, American 146, garden 146. Osage-apple 164, -orange 164. Osier, common 159, golden 159, green 97, red 97, 98, velvet 159, white 41, 159. Osier-willow 159. Oswego tea 26. Otaheite mulberry 163. Owl's crown 83. Ox-balm 23, -eye 83, 84, -eye, sea 78, -eye, yellow 79 -tongue 71, -tongue, bristly 71, -wort 86. Oxford-weed 30. Oyster, vegetable 12. Oyster-plant 67, 12, -root 12. Paas blumes 3. Paddock-pipe 95. Pagoda dogwood 167, -tree 21. Paint, red Indian 120. Paint-brush 133, devil's 70, floras 70. Paint-root 149. Painted-cup 29, scarlet 29. Painted-leaf 99. Palma Christi 100. Palmillo 16. Pancake-plant 45. Pansy, wild 134, 135. Pansy-violet 135. Pappoose-root 117. Paradise-plant 95, -tree 124. Paraguay-tea false 56. Parrot's feather 167. Parsley, common 103, cutleaved wa- ter 101, dog 100, erect hedge 104, false 100, fool's 100, hemlock 101, poison 101, sea 103, spotted 101, water 104, wild 104. Parsley-piert 6, 142. Parsnip 102, 103, cow 102, early meadow 104, golden meadow 104, meadow 104, purple meadow 104, wild 101, 103. Partridge-berry 40, hi, 167, -berry. Mountain 40, -pea 17, vine 53. Passion-flower 135, vine 135. Passionflowers 135. Passions 138. Pasque-flower 1. Patalpa 108. Patience, garden 138. Path-weed 74. Pauson 120. Pawpaw 116, common 116, North American 116. Pea, beach 19, black-eyed 28, bpf- falo 16, 28, bush 22, butterfly 18, Canada 28, cow 28, crow 19, 21, 125, everlasting 19, ground 17, ground-squirrel 117, heart 129, heath 19, hoary 22, lady 28, milk 18, mouse 19, perennial 19, potato 17, rabbit 22, scurvy 21, seaside 19, sensitive 17, trailing 17, turkey 22, 102, 121, whip- poor-will 28, wild 18, 19, 20, 28, wild sweet 22, 28, yellow 22. Peach 10. Peachwort 139. Peanut hog 17, wild 17. Pea-vine 28, -vine, wild 17. Peas, cat 28, crow 28. Peg-wood 128. Pear 10, Indian 9, prickly 136. Pear-haw 9, -thorn 9. Pearl-plant 61. Pearls of Spain 13. Pearlwort 63, creeping 63, knotted Peat-weed 94. Pecan, bitter 160. Pedelion 6. Pedicularia 31, purple 31. Pelican-flower 137. Pellas 45. Peliitory 79, 164, European IZ, wild IZ. Peliitory of Spain 102. Pencil-tree 11 . Penny-cress, field 38, -flower Zl , -grass 32, -John 133, -mountain 28, -post 102. Pennyroyal, American 24, basil 28, false 24, 28, mock 24, wild 25. Penny-wort 30, 58, American marsli 102, marsh 102, water 102. I'epper, bird's 37, glen 36, hen 35, poor man's 36, 146, old man's 11, wall 146, water 130, wild 15. 95, 130. Pepper-bush 41, -bush, sweet 4(i. -crop 146, -plant 35, 139, -root 16, 35, -turnip 152, -vine 131, -weed 35, -wood 124. Pepper-grass 36, 37, 148, English 36, golden 37, wild 1)1. Pepper-and-salt 102. Pepperidge 98, 117. Peppermint 2}^. Peppers 157. Perilla, yellow 117. Periwinkle 90, small 90. Persian-berry 131. Persicaria, biting 139, dock-leaved 139, pale 139, water 139. Persimmon 113. Peru apple 50. Pestilence-wort 86. F'estle, marsh 152. Pettymorel 51, 96. Petunia, wild 108. Pheasant'e eye 1. Philadelphia lily 12. Phlox, blue 65, chickweed 65, downy 65, garden 65, hairy 65, smooth 65, prairie 65, woods 6.i, yellow 36. Phlox worts 65. Phthisic- weed 9,v Physic, hog's 106, Indian 116. Picac 98. Pickaway anise 123. Pick-pocket 35, -purse l^, 64, -tree 97. Pickerel-weed 150. Pickle-plant 141. Picry 126. Pie-print 44, -marker 44. Pigeon-berry 8, 53, 69, 96, 97, 125, 127, 142. -grass 69, -plum h}<. -tree 97, -weed 67. Pigeon's-foot 123. Pigmy- weed 146. Pignut, bitter 160, small 160. Pig-potato 17, 103, -root 148, -tail Pigweed 93, 140, 144, 146. goose- foot 139, rough 142. slender 141. spreading 141. winged 14'i. Pigs 137. Pile- wort 32, 81. 141. Pilot-weed 87. i'imbina 56. Pinientary 1}^. I'impernel 8, lo3. Ill, blue 27. false 3U, 112, mountain 103, red 111, scarlet 111, sea 61, water 33. 113. yellow 1(14. Pin-bail 52, clover 122. -grass 122, -thorn 9, -weed 122, 134. -weed, thyme-leaved 134. I'incushion-flower l')5. -shriib 12S. -tree 56. Pincushions 105. Pine-cheat 64, -drops 43, -sap 42. -sap, sweet 42, -.sap. yellow 42. -tulip 40, -weed 133. Pineapple-weed 85. Pine-barren beauty 111. Pink 61, bearded 46, Boston 63, bunch 62, 63, Childing 62, chini ney 63, corn 61. cushion 63, Deptford 61, Dutch 145, dwarf 53, dwarf French 63, election 39, fire 64, French 62, 79, grass 46. 61, ground 65, gypsum 62, hedge 63, Indian 29, 63, 64, 92, 115. 124, maiden 62, marsh 58, mea- dow 62, 63, 167, mice 63, moss 63, 65, mountain 40, 65, mullein 61, 63, 65, old maid 61. 63, river 39, rock 144, sheriff 79, slender marsh 58, sea 58, 64, 111. swamp 39, 46, wild 46. 61. 64, winter 4<>. woolly 61. Pinks, wax 144. Pinkster 39, flaming 39. Pinkster-flower 39. i'inkworts 61. Pink-bloom 58, -grass 155. root 115, -weed 13". Pipe. Dutchman's 137. Pipe-plant 42, -privet 115. -stem 2, 42, -tree 115, -vine 137. Pipewort 151, hairy 151, ten-angled 151. Pipeworts 151. Pippins 40. 202 Pipsissewa 39, spotted 39. Pisk-cheese 45. Piskies 65. Pistachio 147. Pitcher-plant 47, 145. yellow 145. Pitcher-plants 145. Pitchfork, devil's 11. Pitchforks 11. Piunkum 87. Plague, garden 100. Plane-tree 14 7. Planer-tree 164. Plantain 110, American water 154, broad-leaved 110, buck-horn 110, common 110, dooryard 110, dow- ny rattlesnake 47, English 110, greater 110, heart-leaved ll(i, hoary 110, great Indian 78, In- dian 78, lesser rattlesnake 47, large-bracted 110, long 110, nar- row-leaved 110, mouse-ear 74, pale 119, pale Indian 78, poor Robin's 70, poor robin's 81. Pursh's 110, rattlesnake 47, rip- ple 110, Robert's 81, robin's 81. round-leaved 110, seaside 110, snake 110, spotted 47, sweet- scented Indian 78, water 110, 154, wayside 110, white 47. Plantains 110. Plantain-lily 12, -shoreweed 110. Pleurisy-root 90. Plowman's-wort 86. Plum 10, beech 10, buUace 10, bunch 97, Canada 10, chickasaw 10, dog 11, earth 16, fox 39, goose 10, ground 16, horse 10, ivory 40, meal 39, moxie 40, nan- ny 56, pigeon 53, pudding 53, sand 10, seeded 113, squaw 53, sugar 40, thorn 9, wild 10, wild red 10, wild yellow 10, w-inter 113. Plum-granite 10. Plume, apache 166. Pocan 160. Pocan-bush 142. Pogonia, adder's-mouth 49, nodding 49, rose 49, small whorled 49, whorled 49. Poison-berry 1, 51, -flower 51, -tree 126. Poke, Indian 16. Pokeberry 142. Poke-root 16, -weed 142, 152. Poke-weeds 142. Polar-plant 87. Pole-cat weed 152. PoUom, little 124, red 40. Polly-mountain 21. Polygala, fringed 124. Pomegranate 10. Pomme blanche 21. Pomme de prairie 21. Pond-bush 118, -grass 153, -lily 119, -lily, yellow 119, -spice 118. Pondweed 153, choke 154, clasp- ing-leaved 153, common 153, eel- grass 153, fennel-leaved 153, floating 153, horned 153, sago 153, shining 153, tassel 153. Pondweeds 153. Pool-root 82. Poor Jan's leaf 146. Poor Joe 52. Poorland weed 52. Poor-man's rhubarb 5. Poor-man's soap 9. Poor-man's-weather-glass 111. Poor-robin 52. Poor-root 82. Pop-ash 114, -dock 29, -weed 109. Poplar 157, American 158, balsam 158, black 158, blue 115, Caro- lina 158, cat-foot 158, downy 158, hickory 115, old English 158, necklace 158, Ontario 158, river 158, rough-bark 158, silver-leaved 132, 157, swamp 158, trembling 158, water 158, white 115, 157, 158, yellow 115, willow 158. Poppy 120, blue 79, celandine 120, common 120, corn 120, field 120, frothy 64, garden 120, horned 120, Mexican prickly 119, opium 120, prickly 119, 120, red 120, sea 120, thorn 119, yellow 120, yellow horned 120. Poppy-mallow 45. Poppyworts 119. Porcupine-eggs 147. Portulaca, garden 143, showy 144. Possum-haw 56, 127, -wood 113. Potato 51, Canada 84, Cree 21, hog 2(1^ 14, Indian 1/, 84, Irish 31, net- tle 100, pig 17, 103, prairie 21. prickly 51, white 51, wild 16'^. Potato-bean 167, -pea 17, -vine, wild 92. Potatoes, wild 14.^. Potentilla 7. Pot-herb, white 107. Poukenel 104. Poverty-weed 52, 64, 74, 83, -grass 22, 125, 133, 134, 150, 156, -plant 134. Powder-horn 62. Prairie-apple 21, -burdock 87 -dock 87, fire 29, grub 123, lily 136, -pine 85, -pointer 112, -potato 21, -rose 8, smoke 1, 6, -turnip 21, -weed 7. Prairie-hen flower 1, 167. Pretty Nancy 63. Pricket 146. Prick-timber 127, 128. Prick-tree, butcher's 128. Prick-wood 128. Prickly-ash, northern 124, southern 124, yellow 124. Prickly-back 105, -bur 162, -pear 136. i'ride-of-Ohio 112. Pride-of-the-meadow 82. Pride-weed 81. Prie 115. Prim 115. Primprint 115. Primrose 112, bird's-eys 112, com- mon evening 93, dwarf Canadian 113, evening 93, mealy 112, Mis- souri 93, prairie evening 93, small evening 94, tall white evening 168, tree 93, white evening 94. Primrose-willow 03, floating 93, creeping 93. Primwort 115. Prince's-feather 139, 141. -pine 3''. Princess-pine 39, -tree 31. Print 115. Privet 115, blue pipe 115. pipe 115, swamp 114. Proboscis-flower 168. Procalm 40. Procession-flower 124. Puccoon 67, hairv 67, narrow-leav- ed 67, orj.nKe t,7 , red 12(i, sand barren 67, white 12"i, yellow ^,>u Puccoon-root 120. F'udding i)luin 53. Puff-ball 129. I'ukeweed 106. i'ulse 16. Pumpkin I07, letid wild lij7, wdil 107. Puncture-weed 123. Purging-root 98. Purplewort 7, 22. Purple-bonnet 118, -grass 95. Purslane 144, garden 144, marsh •33, milk 98, 99, mud 133, notched 144, sea 61, 143, western 144, wa- ter 93, 94, white 08. Purslanes 143. Purvane 69. Pursley, French 144. Pusley 144, black 9'), French 144. Pusley 144, black 99. spotted 'J", milk 98, water 93. Pussies 22. Pussy-cats 22, -toes 74. Putty-root 46. Pyramid-flower 57, -plant ^7. Pyrola, one-flowered 42, side-bell 168. Pyxie 111. Quail-berry 168. Quaker-bonnets 20, ^i. -ladies 53. Quarter-vine 107. Queen Anne's lace 102. Queen-weed 103. Queen's delight 100. Queen's-root 100. Queen-of-the-meadow 6, 9. Queen-of-the-prairie (>. 82. Quercitron 1()3. Quick 9. Quick-set thorn 9. Quicksilver-weed 5. Quick-in-the-hand 130. Quillwort 82. (hiinine, wild 86. <)uinine-tree 123. Quinsy -berry 60. ()uiver-leaf 158. Rabbit-bells 18, -berry Oh. brush S3, -bush 168. -ears 31. -flower 29, 31, -meat 24. -pea 22, vmc 17. !04 -weed 168, -wood 136, -foot clo- ver 22 Rabbit's-foot 96, -mouth 29. Raccoon-berry 118. Radical- weed 51. Radish 38, wild 38. Ragged cup 87. Rag-weed 12>, 87, common IZ, great 73, river 11, three-lobed li. Ragwort 86, golden 86, pale %! , tansy 87, woolly 87. Rainbow-weed 95. Raisin, wild 56. Rampion, German 93, large 93. Ram's-claws 5, horns 168, -tongue 110. Rancid 31. Ransted 31. Rantipole 102. Rape 34, wild 38. Rapper-dandies 39. Raspberry, black 8, dwarf 8, white- flowered 8, flowering 8, ground 3, mountain 8, purple-flowering 8. running 8, red 8, swamp 8. Rat's-bane 39, 40, 47. Rat-tail 110, -stripper 128. Rattan 130. Rattan-vine 130. Rattle, penny 32, red 31, yellow Z2. Rattle-bush 17, -bag 32, -bag weed 16, -bags 64, -box 18, Z2, 114, box, devil's 64, -nut 119, -pod 93, -root 2, -top 2, -weed 2, 16, 18. Rattler-tree 157. Rattlesnake-bite 5, -leaf 47, -flag 102, -herb 1, master 48, 85, 87, 102, 148, -plantain 47, -root 14, 71, 85, -root, slender 72, snake- root 125. violet 12, -weed 2, 16. 47, 70, 102. Red-berry 1, 97, 168, -berry, swamp 42, -brush 97, 98, -bud 17, -leaves 139, -morocco 1, -root 6, 67, 111, 120, 128, 130, 142, 149, 164, -root, Carolina 149, -root, Indian 149, -rot 145, sally 95, shank shank 138, 139, shanks 123, -weed 120, 138, 139, 142. Red-head-grass 153. Red ink plant 142. Reed-mace, great 152. Rein-orchis 48. Rheumatism-root 29, 39, 90, 117, -weed 90. Rhine-berry 131. Rhodora 43. Rhubarb, bog 86, monk's 138, poi- son 86, poor-man's 5. Rib-grass 110. Ribwort 110. Rich-leaf 23, -weed 21, 73, 82, 164. Rignum 26. Ripple-grass 110. River avens 6, -bush '^^l, -weed 73, 145. Riverweeds 145. Roanoke bells 67. Robin, poor 63, ragged 63, red 63, 123. Robin-runaway 6, 26. Robins 6Z. Robin's plantain 81. Rock-bells 2, -berry 39, -cress, low 34, lily 1, -moss 146, pink 144, -plant 146, -rose 133, -rose, Can- adian 134, -weed 51, 123. Rock-roses 134. Rocket, American sea 34, cramb- ling 144, dame's 36, dyer's 145, false 36, garden 36, Italian 145, night 36, prairie 36, purple 36, 92, sand 35, scrambling 36, sea 34, sweet 36, wall 35, winter 34, wound 34. yellow 45, 112. Rogation flower 124. Roman plant 140. Rooster-head 112. Roosters 134. Rope-bark 96. Rosa solis 13, 145. Rose 7, African 120, burnet 111. canker 120, Carolina 7, Chero- kee 7, Christmas 3, climbing 8, corn 120, cotton 83, dog 7, Egyp- tain 105. gypsy 105, Mexican 143, Michigan 8, prairie 8, rock 133, sensitive 21, Snowdon 146, sun 134, swamp 7, wind 120. Rose-bay 43. 93, Carolina 43. Catawba 43, great 43, Lapland 43, mountain 43. Rosemary 76, bog 38, marsh Z%, 111, white 76, wild 38. Rost-nohle 66, -mallow 45. -moss 143. Rose-of-heaven 168. Rose-of- Plymouth 58. Rose-of-Sharon 45. Rose- Petty 81, -pink 58. -root 14(.. Rose-scented root 146. Rosewort 146. Roseworts .^. Rosin-plant 87, -rose 1.53, -weed 80, 83, 87, -weed, three-leaved 87. Rosy-bush 9, -strife 16S. Rot-grass 109. Rough-leaf 40, -root 85, -weed 11. Round-heart 104, -wood Id, -root 156. Rowan-tree 10, -wood lo. Ruby-head 13. Rudbeckia, three-Iobed 86. Rue 123, meadow 5. Rue anemone 1, 3. Rue- worts 123. Runch-weed 34. Rush, bald 156, bayonet 150, black 157, beak 157, beaked 157, bog 149, 155, candle 149, chair-mak- ers 157, common 149, cotton 156, false bog 157, garlic 11, hard 149, horned 157, jointed 149, knotted 150, knotty-leaved 149, lake 157, mat 157, pin 149, pith 149, round 149, sedge 151, sharp- pointed 149, slender 150, soft 149, staff 149, tall nut 157. thread 149, toad 149, twig 155, water 149, yard 150. yellow flowering 151. Rush-nut 156. Rushes 149. Rutabaga 34. Rutland beauty 92. Sabbatia, prairie 58, s(niare-stein 58. Saddle-leaf 115, -tree 115. Sage 27, black 166, blue 166, garden 21 , germander 21 , Indian 82, Jerusalem 26, lyre-leaved 21, marsh ^^2, mountain 1t<, 167. prairie 75, western 75, white 75. wild 75, 82, wood 21, 75. worm- wood 11, woollv 169. Sage-brush 75, pasture 75. Sage-of-Hethlehem 25. Sailor, blue 69, climbing 3(i, rau ge«l 139, roving 30. Sailor's knot 123, tobacco 75. Sainfoin 20. Sainfoin psoralea 21. St. Andrew's cross 133. St. Anthony's turnip 4. rape 4. St. Mennet's herb 101. St. George's herb 106. St. James' wort 87. St. Jacob's dipper 145. St. John's bush 133. St. John's-wort 133, common 133. dwarf 133, European 133. false 133, giant 133, great 133, great- flowered 133, kalm's 133, marsh 133, mountain 133, shrubby 133, small-flowered 133, spOtteH. -mouth 49, -mouth, whorled 4'>, -plantain 70. -weed lOl, 137, 13'', -weed, black 137, -weed, button 166. Snake-root 1. 12, 64, Canada 137, black 2. 104. 137, button «.=;, 102. corn 102, DeWitt's 72. evergreen 124. hairy button 85, heart 137, prairie button 85, rattlesnake 125, Sampson 21. Sampson's ^7, Seneca 125, small white S2, southern 137, X'ermont 137, Virginia 137, white 82, wild 26. Snap-berry 55, -Jack 65. -weed 118, 130, -wood 118. Snapdragon 2, 29, 31, 130. Snappers 64, 65. Sneeze-weed 73, S2, S3, wort 73. Sniddles 155. Snowball 56. litlie }'2. wild 13o. Snow l)erry 55, creeping 4ii, red |6S. Snowdrift 37. Snow-flower tree 114, -vine 131. -thoroughwort U.S. -trilliuin I08. Snow, mountain '>'>. Snowdon rose 14(>. Snowdrop 42, yellow 12. Snowdrops 1. Snowdrop berry 55, tree 114. Snowflake 62. summer 13. 208 Sno\v-on-the-mountain 99. Soap-berry 129, -plant, Indian 129, -root 63, -weed 16, wort 63, -wort, white 63. Soap, poor man's 9. Soapworts 113. Soldiers 63, 67, 95. Soldier's-buttons 2, -cap 1, 121, -plume 48. Solentine 130. Solomon's seal 13, clustered 14, false 14, great 13, small 13, star- flowered 14, starry 14, two-leaved 13, zig-zag 14. Sorrel 138, cock 138, common wood 122, English 138, garden 138, field 138, gentlemen's 138, green 138, horse 138, meadow 138, lady's 122, mountain 138, red 138, sheep 122, 138, toad 122, 138, white wood 122, wood 122, 138. Sorrel-tree 42, 43. Sour-berry 42, -bush 68, -grass 122, 138, -leaf 138, -top 44, -wood 43. Southernwood 75. Sow-bane 140, -berry 42, -foot 89. Sow-thistle 72, annual 12, corn 72, field 12, spiny-leaved 12, swine 72, tree 12. Sow's-grass 35. Spanish bayonet 16, -dagger 16, -needles 11 . Sparkle-berry 44. Sparrow's-tongue 139. Spart 149. Spatter-dock 119. Spattling 64. Spearmint 25. Spearwort, cieeping 4, smaller 4, water plantain 4. Speedwell 32, Byzantine li, com- mon 33, corn 33, field 32, gar- den 32, Germander 33, ivy-leaved 33, marsh 33, purslane Zl, skull- cap 33, tall 33, thyme-leaved 33, upland 33, water IZ. Spice-berry 40, -bush 116, 118, -bush, hairy 118, -wood 118. Spice hardback 9. Spider-flower 144. Spiderwort 150, rose-colored 150. Spiderworts 150. Spignet 96. Spike-grass 154. Spike-rush 156, aglet-headed 156, creeping 156, knotted 156, least 156, needle 156, slender 156. Spikenard, American 96, plowman's n, small 96, wild 14. Spikenard-tree 97. Spinach, strawberry 140, wild 140. Spindle-tree 128. Spingle 102. Spink 62. Spiraea 8. Spirit-weed 149. Splatter dock 119. Spleenwort-bush 159. Spoolwood 161. Spoon-hutch 43. Spoonwood 41, 132. Spoonwood-ivy 41. Sprangles 130. Spreading globe-flower 5. Spring beauty 3, Carolina 143, white-leaved 143. Spring lily 12. Spring-wort 99. Spurge 98, Alleghany mountain 125, black 99, blooming 98, blotched 99, caper 99, cypress 98, flower- ing 98, garden 98, ipecac 99, knot-grass 99, knot-weed 99, leafy 99, myrtle 99, nodding 99, petty 99, quacksalver 98, seaside 99, shore 99, spotted 99, sun 99, variegated 99, wart 99, warted 99, white-margined 99 Spurge-nettle 99. Spurges 98. Spurrey 63, 64. corn 64, northern sand 64, salt-marsh sand 64, sand 64. Spur-wort 53. Stafif, shepherd's 105. Stafi^-tree 127, -vine 127. Stag-berry 168, -bush 56. Stagger-bush 42, -_grass 149, -weed 3, 121 wort 87. Staghorn 126. Stag's-head 157. Stammer- wort 73. 2m Star, yellow 8.^, Roldeii SO, siiiid 155, Texas 16S. Star-bloom 115, -llouer 7, 14, t>4, 113. Star-grass 11, 51, 14S, water 15(1, yellow 148. Star-eyed grass 148. Starlight 123. Star-of-Bethlehem 13, 53, 148. Star-of-Terusalem 72. Starchwort 152. Stare 155. Starwort 64, 65, 7^, 87, bog 65, drooping 11, false 78, greater 64, mealy 11, mountain 61, pine 76, sand-paper 76, terrestrial water 125, vernal water 125, yellow 84. Starworts, water 125. Starve-acre 4. Steadfast 100. Steel-weed 76. Steep-grass 109. Steeple-bush 9. Stevia 82. Stickaback 52. Stick-button 74, -leaf 136, tight 77, -tights 67, -seed 5, 67, 77, -seeds, European 67, -seed, Virginia 67, -weed 5, 73, 75, 76. Stickle-back 52, -wort 5. Sticky-head 168. Stinging-bush 99. Stinking Willie i^7. Stink-weed 168. Stitchwort, bog 65, greater 64, long-leaved 65, marsh 65, swamp 65. Stonecrop 146, biting 146, crooked 146, ditch 146, mossy 146, three- leaved 146, Virginia 146, wild 146, yellow 146. Stone-mint 23, -root 2.^, -weed 139. Storax 114, smooth 114. Stork's-bill 122. hemlock 122. Stramonium 50. Strangle-tare 29:, 109, 168, -weed 168. Strawberry 6, barren 6, 7, 9, bog 7, dry 9, Indian 6, 140, mock 6. Strawberry-bush 116, 128, -bush, running 128, -shrub 1 Ih, -tomato 50, 51, -free 128. Straw-flowor 13, 15, lily 15. St ray berry 6. Stretch-berry 15. Stubwort 122. Stump- tree 1''. Succory 69, dwarf <,<), mm, (,'», lamb's 69, swine's (>'>, wibi 6'i. Suck-bottle 24. Suckles 22. Sugar-berry '), lh4, -urass ]4'.), -plum 9, -plums 22 tree 12''. Sultan, sweet 80. Sumach, black 126. Chinese 124. climbing 126, common 126, dwarf 126, elder-leaved 10, fragrant 12fj, hairy 126, ill-scented 126, moun- tain 126. Pennsylvania 126. poi- son 126. scarlet 126. sleek 12(). smooth 126, staghorn 126, swamp 126, sweet 126, sweet-scented 126, three-leaved 168. trailing 126, up-. land 126, varnish 126, velvet 12^. Virginia 126, white 126. Summer- sweet 168. Sundew 145. thread-leaved 145. Sundews 145. Sun-dial 20. Sundrops *'3, meadow ''4, smaP 'M. Sunflower Si, 111. brook 77, ditch 166, false Si, 84, garden 83, harry wood 84, orange 84. prairie 84. red 7S, river 84, showy 84. swamp Si, tall 84, ten-rayed 84, tick-seed 77, wild 84. Sun-plant 144, -rose 134. Supple-jack 130. Susan, black-eyed 86, browii ;•> .-I 86. Suter-berry 124. Swallow-wort 11", l)Iac'< 'M, c: .: . 91. silky 90. Swamp-berry 8, -candles 112. lily 168, -robin 152. -weed 7r>. -wood 32, <>6. Sweating-weed 45. Sweat-root 65. -weed 45. Swedes 34. Sweeps 7''. Sweet-bay l'i3, clovt-r 210 20, -clover, white 20, -clover, yel low 20, ferry 159, -grass 51, 154 -gum 147, John 62, -leaf 114 Mary 25, -potato, wild 92, -pota to-vine, wild 91, -spire 168 Susan 63. Sweetheart 146. Sweethearts 52. Sweet William 62, 65, childing 62, mock 63, wild 63, 65. Sweet- William-of-the-Barbadoes 92. Sweet-root 19, -wood 19. Swine-cress 35, -grass 139. Swine's bane 140. Swinies 72. Sword-grass 157. Square-stem 26. Squash 107. Squash-berry' 56. Squatmore 120. Squaw-berry 53, -bush 56, 97, 98, -drops 110, -mint 24, -plum 53, -root 14, 109, 117, -weed 24, 86, -weed, swamp 87. Squeak-bean 19. Squirrel-corn 121, -cups 3. Squirrel's ear 47, -shoes 47. Sycamore 147, 164, false 147. Syringa, false 59, garden 59, nine- bark 7. Tacamahac 158. Tale-wort 66. Tall crowfoot 4. Tallow-root 49, -shrub 159. Tangle-berry 41, -foot 56, -legs 56, tail 146. Tank 103. Tansy 88, common 88, dogs 7, goose 7, sneeze-wort 73, white 7?,, wild 7, 72, 73. Tapegrass 155. Tare 28, lentil 28, wild 28. Target, water 118. Tar-weed 83, 94. Tassel 79, strawberry 124. Tassel-flower 78, -flower, red 21, -flower, white 21, -grass 153, -weed 73. Tawkin 152. Tea, Appalachian 56, 127, blue mountain 88, Carolina 127, In- dian 130, liberty 112, Mexican 140, New Jersey 130, Oswego 26, south-sea 127, Virginia 59. Walpole 130, wild 16. Tea-berry 40, 53, 56, 60, -lenves 40, -plant 56. Tear-blanket 97. Tear-thumb, arrow-leaved 139, hal- berd-leaved 139. Tears, maiden's 64. Teasel 105, card 105, common 105, draper's 105, fuller's 105, wild 105. Teaselworts 105. Teil-tree 132. Tench-weed 153. Ten-o'clock lady 14. Tetter-wort 120. Texas star 168. Thale-cress 38. Thermon 64. Thimble-berry 8, -flower 26, -weed 1, 21, S6. Thimbles 29, 105, fairy 29, Lady's 29, 105, witches 29, 79. Thistle 80, ass's 85, bank 78, 80, Barnaby's 79, bell 80, bird 80, bitter 80, blessed 80, blue 66, 80, boar 80, briary 102, buck 78, bull 80, bur 80, button 80. California 80, Canada 80, card 105, corn 80, cotton 85, creeping 80, curled 78, cursed 80, down 80, field 80, fragrant 80, flower- ing 119, fuller's 105, globe 81, hard 80, hare's 72, holy 80, 87, horse 71, 80, Indian 105, Jamai- ca 119, lady's 87, milk 72, 87, musk 78, 85, oak 85, Our Lady's 80, pasture 80, plume 80, plume- less 78, prickly 80, Queen Anne's 78, Queen Mary's 85, roadside 80, Russian 141, St. Ben- edict's 80, Scotch 85, shepherd's 105, silver 85, sow 72, spear 80, star 78, Virgin Mary's 87, swamp 80, water 105, way SO, welted 78, yellow 80, 119. Thorn, black 9', 56, box 50, Christ's 9, cock-spur 9, dotted- fruited 9, evergreen 9, fire 9, pear 9, pin 9, quickset 9, scarlet fruited 9, white 9. 11 'rhorii-apple '', .Ml, 31, -apijlf, pur- ple 50, -bush '^ plum '). Thorough-growth 82, -stem 82, -wax 82, 101. Thoroughwort 82, 101, rough 82, roughleaved 82, snow 168, white 81, vervain 82. Thousand-leaf 73, -seal 75. Thread-foot 14.5. Three-birds 49, -scpiare 157. Throatwort 6, 29, 85. Thrift, American 111, Kuropean 111, lavender 111, sea 111, 141, summer 111. Thumbwort, great 154. Thunder-flower 62, 65, 120, -plant 146. Thyme 28, basil 27, creeping 28, mountain 28, shepherd's 28, Vir- ginia 28. Ticklewort 25, -weed 16. Tickseed 24, 80, garden 80, rose 80, small pink 80. star 80, swamp 80, tall 80. Tiger-nut 156, -lily 12, 1.^, -lily, nodding 13. Tiger's mouth 29. Tile-tree 132. Tine-grass 2^, -weed 2S. Tinker's weed 55. Tipsin 21. Tipsinna 21. Tiresome-weed 154. Tiss-wood 114, 118. Tithymal 99. Titi, black 126, red 126, white 126. Toad-bellies 146, -flax 30, 64, -flax, false 136, -flax, ivy-leaved 30, -flax, yellow 31, -grass 149, -lily 119, -root 1, -sorrel 122. Toad's mouth 29. Tobacco 50, Indian 5tl, 74, 106, ladies' 75, 74, Oregon 106, moun- tain 75, poison 50, rabbit, 82, real 50, sailor's 7Fi, Syrian 50, wild 50, 106, woman's 74. Tobacco-root 106, -weed SI, -wooil 147. Tomatillo S^K Tomato 50, cherry 50, husk 50, 51, strawberry 50, 51. Tom Thumb 19. Tongue 75. Tongue-grass 37, 65. Tooth-ache tree 97, 124. Tooth-cup 94, 95. Toothwort 35. Toper's plant 8. 'i'opinambour 84. Torch, water 152. Torch-flower 169, -weed ](>''. Torches 32. Tory-weed 66. Touch-and-heal 133. Touch-me-not 130, pale 13it. spot ted 130. Toute saine 133. Tower mustard 34. Toy-weed 35. Trailing fire 169. Traveler's delight 17, -joy 2. Treacle, countryman's 123. Treacle-berry 14, -nuistard 55. -wort 28. Tread softly 51. 99. Tree-beard 150. -clover 2". Tree-of-heaven '24. Trefoil 19, 22, bean 58, bush IS. bird's-foot 19, 20, Burgundy 2<>, hop 22, marsh 58, prairie bird's- foot 19, shrubby 123. sour IJJ, tick 19, water 58, white 22. Trifoly, sea 112. sour 122. Trillium, drooping 14, dwarf 15, early 15. great white 15, ill-scent- ed 14, nodding 14. painted 15, purple 14, red 14. 15. snow 168, snowy 15. Trinity 150. Trinity lily 15. Trinkle-root 35. Trip-toe 56. Truut-llower 12. bly 12. True love 14. Trumpet-ash loS, creeper lOS, -flower 108. -flower, evening 115, flower, tendrilled 107. leaf 145. -vine 108. -weed 70. 82. Trumpet-flowers 107. Tnnnpets 71. 145. yellow 14 5. Tuber-root 91. Tuberose, wild 4''. Tuckahoe II". 212 Tucky 119. Tule 15'. Tule-grass 157. Tulip, blue 1. Tulip-poplar 115, -tree 115. Tumble-weed 1, 140, 141. Tun-hoof 26. Tupelo 98, large 98, swamp 98, water 98. Tupelo-gum 98. Turkey-beard 16, -berry 55, -claw 47, -foot 102, -grass 52, -pea 22, 102, -pod 38, -troop 139. Turk's cap 1, 2. Turk's-head 13. Turmeric 120. Turmeric-root 3. Turnip 34, Indian 152, pepper 152, prairie 21, Sweedish 34, wild 152. Turnip-weed 82. Turnsole 66, 99. Turpentine 28. Turpentine-plant 87, -weed 87. Turtle-bloom 169, -head 29, -grass 154. Tutsan 133. Tway-blade 48, broad-leaved 48, large 48. Twig-withy 159. Twin-berry 53, -foil 48, -flower 54, -leaf 117, sisters 54. Twisted stalk 12, 14, 49. Two-eye berry 53. Two-eyed-berry 54. Twopenny-grass 112. Umbelworts 100. l^mbrella-grass 156, -leaf 86, 117, -tree 97, 116, -tree, ear-leaved 116, -tree, large-leaved 116, -wort 142. Unicorn 1 1 . Unicorn-plant 11, 108, -root 11. Universe-vine 39. Uva-ursa 39. UTversy 39. Valerian 106. Valerian, American 47, American great 65, American wild 107, cat's 106, common 106, creeping great 65, edible 106, false 87, garden 106, great wild 106, Greek 65, large-flowered 107, marsh 107, swamp 107. Vandal-root 106. Vanilla, Carolina 89. Vanilla-leaf 89, -plant 89. V^arnish-tree, false 124. Vase-vine 2. Vegetable-hair 150, -satyr 47. Velvet-leaf 44, -plant 32, -weed 44. Venus' bath 105, -comb 104, -cup 105, slipper 169, pride 53. Vervain, American 69, base 63, blue 68, common 68, European 69, false 69, hoary 69, large-bracted 68, mullein-leaved 69, nettle-leav- ed 69, prostrate 68, white 69. Vervains 68. Vetch 28, American 28, bird 28, blue 28, bushy 19, cow 28, crowH 18, hairy 28, milk 16, purple 28, spring 28, tare 28, wild 19, win- ter 28. Vetchling, marsh 19, prairie 19. Viburnum, sweet 5t>. , Vine, wild 132. Vinegar-tree 126, -weed 28. Vines 131. Virgilia 18. Virginia, old 76. Virgin's-bower 2, 28, purple 2. Viper's-grass 66, -herb 66. Violet 148, adder's 47, American dog 134, American sweet 134, arrow-leaved 135, beaked 135, bird-foot 135, bog 109, calathiau 57, Canada 134, canker 135, common blue 134, common white 134, crowfoot 135, damask 36, Dames 36, dog-tooth 12, downy yellow 135, early 134, early blue 134, 135, early yellow 135, false 5, field 135, fringed 134, great- spurred 135, green 135, halberd- leaved 135, hand-leaved 135, hooded blue 134, horse 135, lance-leaved 135, larkspur 135, lavender 135, long-spurred 135, long-stemmed purple 134, marsh 135, meadow 134, night 36, ovate-leaved 134, pale 135, pansy 135, prairie 135, primrose-leaved 135, round-leaved yellow 135, rattlesnake 12, 134, sand 135, smooth yellow 135, snake 135, spear-leaved yellow 1.55, star 5.^, stemless yellow 135, stemmed yellow 135, striped 135, sweet white 134, 135, water 112, 135, wood 135, yellow prarit- 135. Violets 134. Wafer-ash 123. Wahoo 128, 132, 165. Wait-a-bit 15. Wake-robin 14, 152, larRe-flowered 15, nodding 14, red 14, smiling 15, Virginia 152. Waldmeister 51. Walking-stick, devil's 97. Wallflower 36, false 36, western 36, 90. Wall-link 32, -moss 146, pepper 146. Walnut 160, black 160, lemon I6ii, sweet 160, white 160. Walpole tea 130. Wandering Jew 30. Wankapin 119. Warmot 75. Warrior, bloody 29. Wart-grass 99, -weed 99, wort ^^, 83, 120. Washerwoman, little 53. Watches 145. Water-bean 119, -beech 14 7, -brush 77, -cabbage 119, -carpet 59, -celery 5, -cress 37, -cress, Amer- ican 35, -cress, lake 37, -cress, mountain 35, -cress, round-leav- ed 35, -cress, yellow 37, -cup 145, -chickweed 125, -crowfoot, stiflF4, -crowfoot, white 5, -crow- foot, yellow 4, -dock 152, -elm 164, -feather 112, -gall 77, -gog- gles 2, -grass 37, 102 -hemp 141, -hemp, salt-marsh 141, -leaf 66, 141, -leaf, Canadian 66, -leaf, Virginia 66, -lily 58, 119, 152, -lily, great yellow 119, -lily, lit- tle 118, -lily, sweet-scented 119, -lily, tuberous 119, -lily, white 119, -lily-tree 116. milfoil 4, -mil- foil, hooded lOQ, -mint 25, luit 94, 119, -nut, Jesuit's 94, -nymph 119, -parsley, creeping KH, -pep- per 139, -pepper, wild 13'), -plan- tain 154, -plantain, American 154, parscly, cut leaved I'lI, shield 118, -shield, Carolina IT', -skegs 148, -starwort, terrestrial 125. -starwort, vernal 125, -violt-t 112, -weed 154, -weed, .Xnierican 154, -willow 108, target US, -plantain spearwort 4. Waterworts 133. Wax-ball 98, -berry 55, 15'', -lit-rry, red 168, -berry, small 15'', -bush ''4, -myrtle 159, -plant 63. -weed, blue 94, -work 128. -work, ro\ bury 128. Waybread 110. Way-grass 139. Wayfaring-man's tree 5^. Wayfaring-tree, -Xmerican 5^, Kiiro pean 56. Way thorn 1.11. Weather-cock 130. Weather-glass, poor niMn'- 111, shepherd's 111. Weld 145. Wheat, India 13S, old-hei.i 7'.. Wheat-thief 67. Whin 19, 23. Whip-grass 157, -tongue 52. Whip-poor-will's boots 145. shoe 47, shoes 145. Whistle- wood 129, 132. White-bark 157, 16(i, -beads 1. -berry 1. -blow 36, -bush 4(t, -cap 9, fringe 114, -leaf 157. robin 62, star 92, -weed 7'). SI, woo",. 1.