aass:=l USE OF OILS IN TEXTILE MILLS GILL I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/useofoilsintextiOOgill USE OF OILS IN TEXTILE MILLS BY AUGUSTUS H. GILL, PH. D. PROHESSOR OP TECHNICAL ANALYSIS, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. CAMBRIDGE. MASS. PUBLISHED BY TEXTILES BOSTON, MASS. Copyright, 1920 By SAMUEL S. DALE Contents Page Introduction 1 Mineral Oils 4 Organic Oils 8 Castor Oil 10 Cocoanut Oil 10 Com or Maize Oil 11 Cottonseed Oil 11 Klaine or Keil Oil 11 Horse Oil 12 Lard Oil 12 Linseed (Jil 13 Neatsfoot Oil 13 Olive Oil 13 Palm Oil 14 I'alui Kernel Oil 14 Kapeseed Oil 14 Uosin Oil 15 Sesanig or Teel Oil 15 Soya Oil 15 Sperm Oil 15 Tallow or Ox Oil 16 Turpentine 16 Whale Oil 10 Blown Oils 16 Wool Fat 17 Distilled Grease 18 Oil Foots 19 Fuller's Grease 20 Black Oil 20 Garbage Grease 21 Lubricating Greas« 21 Fiber Grease 22 Gear Grease 22 Pinion Grease 22 Grapbite Grease 22 Petroleum Grease 2-i Hot Ne<'k Grease 2: J Miscellaneous Oils 24 (Jas Engine Oils 24 Belt Oils or Dressing 24 Crank Case Oils 24 ^'ydinder Oils 24 I^ressing or Finishing Oils 25 Engine Oils 25 Milling Machine or Soluble Oils 25 Neutral Oil 25 Oilless Bearings 26 Screw Cutting Oils 26 Loom Oil 26 Spindle Oil 26 Stainless Oils 26 Turbine Oil , 20 Wool Oils 26 iv CONTF^NTS— Cnnlinued Page Properties and Tests of Lubricants -T Rapid Tests 27 Heat Test 27 Kiuiilsiflcation Ti-st -'8 More Thorough Tests 28 (iaso-linc Test 28 Viscosity Test 28 Visoosimeter 29 Specific Gravity 31 Cold Test 33 < Flash-l'oint 33 Fire Test 35 Cummiug Test 35 Test for Acidity 36 Tests for Animal and Veiretable Oils in Mineral Oils 36 Detection of "Oil Tliiolcener" 36 Evaporation Test 37 Friction Test 37 Tests of Burning Oils 39 Flasli Test 39 Fire Test 41 Specific Gravity 41 Sulphuric Acid Test 42 Tests for Animal and Vegetable Oil 42 Physical Tests 43 Specific Gravity 44 Valenla Test 44 Klaidin Test 45 ]\Iaumen6 Test 46 Halphen's Test for Cottonseed Oil 47 Tests for Unsaponifinble Oils 48 Saponification Number 48 Iodine Value 48 Spontaneous Combustion Test 49 General Considerations 51 Gravity and Baum6 53 Tests of Certain Oils 53 AVoar and Tear of Oils 54 Introduction Oils are nearly colorless, yellowish, brownish red, or black liquids having a peculiar fluidity or "body." They are thicker than water on which they usually float, and are neither acid nor alkaline in character. According to their origin, they are divided into two great classes: (1) Mineral oils, coming from the earth. (2) Organic oils, the product of animal or vegetable life. The mineral oils are similarly divided into two classes: those of paraffin base and those of asphaltic base. The former are more extensively used as lubricants, although the use of the latter for this purpose is increasing. Certain thick asphaltic oils when heated, and a current of com- pressed air blown through them, change into asphalt, "oil," or "artificial asphalt," whereas the paraffin oils remain practically unchanged. Organic oils are obtained from the seeds of plants or the fat of animals, and are also divided into two classes: fixed or fatty oils, and essential or volatile oils. The fixed oils, like lard or olive, leave a permanent stain on cloth or paper, while the spot made by volatile oils like turpentine or clove, evaporates completely on exposure to the air. The fixed or fatty oils are subdivided into three groups: the drying, the semi-drying, and the non-drying oils. A dry- ing oil hardens and soon forms a skin on exposure to the air, by the absorption of oxygen, as shown with linseed oil. The semi-drying oil tends to the same condition, but natur- ally contains too many non-drying compounds to permit it. Cottonseed or corn oil is an example of this, thickening fiomewhat on exposure to the air. The non-drying oils, such as olive or lard, as their name denotes, change but little even on very long exposure. The volatile oils are the substances that impart the char- acteristic odor to plants and animals. They are Interesting to us only as they serve to mask some familiar or disagree- able odor of an oil in a lubricating compound. Having defined the various oils, it is interesting to see how these differences are accounted for and learn something more about their properties. The mineral oils are composed of hydrocarbons, that is, liquids made up of hydrogen and carbon. Hydrogen (H) is a gas used in filling balloons, while carbon (C) is familiar to us in coal, coke, black lead and the diamond. Wlien chem- ically bound to hydrogen, it makes natural gas (mainly CH4, the simplest hydrocarbon), gasoline (CcH„), kerosene, spin- dle oil and all the various mineral lubricating oils, and finally solid paraffin. The symbols or formulas Just used (CH<, CcHjJ are In the first place abbreviations; but they mean more than the ferr. sulph. (ferrous sulphate) and pot. nitr. (potassium nitrate) of the apothecary; they show by a small figure (4, 6, 14) writ- ten after the element and below the line, the number of atoms or smallest parts of each element in a molecule or smallest part of a substance. Thus CH« means in marsh gas (methane) that we find 1 atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen, or since every atom of carbon weighs 12 units and hydrogen, 1, there are 12 parts, 75 per cent., by weight of carbon in a molecule of marsh gas and 4 parts, 25 per cent, by weight of hydrogen. So with Cr,Hi«, the symbol means there are 6 atoms of carbon and 14 atoms of hydrogen combined to make a molecule of hexane; or there are 72/86th of 84 per cent, carbon and 14/S6ths or 16 per cent, hydrogen in the compound. < So it is with every chemical formula. If we let the num- ber of carbon atoms be represented by n, we shall find that hydrogen atoms can be represented by 2n-(-2; this is the general formula of the parafiln series. Besides this we have several other series— the define CnH,n, members of which are also found In lubricating oils, CnH,n'2; the acetylene series, CnH,n-6; the aromatic series, and others, the basis of many of the perfumes, dyes and drugs. Toluene (toluol) one of Its members, is used to make T.N.T, tri-nitro-toluene or toluol. These hydrocarbons, particularly the paraffins, are neu- tral, Inert, inactive compounds, the word "neutral" meaning "without affinity." They are insoluble in water and cannot be saponified; this Is why it Is that spots of loom oil are so 2 dlCBcult to remove. Some of them In thin layers even tena to gum or reslnify, making their removal Btlll harder. All that soaps or alkalis do to them Is to emulsify or split them up Into exceedingly small globules and envelop them with a film of soap, preventing them from sticking to the fabric or each other, in which condition they can be washed off. Organic oils, like the preceding, are made up of hydrogen and carbon and also oxygen. They are compounds of glycer- ine and fatty acids — organic salts of organic acids. By the term salt Is meant a compound formed by the union of an acid and a base. Acids are contained In vinegar. In sour milk and fruits, and "soldering acid": they have a sour taate and turn vegetable blues red. Bases or alkalis are exactly opposite In character to the acids, they are familiar to us In slaked lime, "household am- monia" and lye. They have a biting taste and a "soapy feel," actually dissolving the skin, and turn vegetable reds blue. The base in the case of these oils is glycerine C,H,(OH),. The acid may be one of a number of fatty acids, stearic C„H,.COOH, or oleic C„H„COOH; In the animal fats and oils — olive or neatsfoot for example. It Is largely oleln, hav- ing the formula C.,H„COO 1 C„H„COO } C.H, C„H.,COO J which Is oleate of glyceryl. When these oils are made Into soap, glycerine Is always formed, and, as Is well known. Is a by-product of the soap factories. An Idea of what takes place may be gained from the expression: Oil -f lye gives soap -f glycerine, oi as the chemist would express It: C„H,.COO ] NaOH C„H„COONa f OH C„H,.COO [ C.H, -(- NaOH =C„H„COONa + C,H, ^ OH C„H„COOJ NaOH C„M„COONa ( OH Glyceryl oleate + soda = soap + glycerine Oleln (olive oil) lye The reaction, as It Is called, pictures the process known as saponification, and explains the washing out of wool oils from fabrics, the soap formed being dissolved in water. Inasmuch as machine oils, usually hydrocarbon oils, are unsaponifiable, It explains why these are so difficult to remove. 3 Many experiments have been made, and much time con- sumed In attempts to saponify hydrocarbon oils, but it Is impossible, and the explanation ju.si given shows why it is. The most that has been accomplished, is to mix the soap and mineral oil together, the soap emulsifying the latter and en- abling it to be partially washed out. Mineral Oils. Several theories have been proposed as to the origin of petroleum. One is that it was formed from the flowerless plants and simple animals at about the same time and in a 345 20 see Rape 82.5 . 210» 582 215 530-600 200' 525 250 440 68' 450 350» 530 102 430-480 125' 560 119-125 .... ' Calculated from Doolittle reading 53 90-110 54-80 54-98 57-79 62-75 85-111 Insoluble Insoluble 71-75 60.06 57.62 57.44 57.14 58.37 57.14 57.25 57.25 55.00 57.25 54.12 57.93 62.50 Maumene 47 "76 52 41 111 42 35 55 46 35 ing and hand feed, or combinations of these. Of these the forced, gravity, and ring or wick, are economical, of high effi- ciency, collect little dirt, and in the case of the first two, fur- nish strained oil and use a light or medium-bodied oil; the same holds true of the flooded bearing, except as regards the efficiency of the recovery of the oil. The chief disadvantage of the splash feed is that any dirt and wear from the bear- ings are not separated from the oil. Hand feeding is most wasteful and inefficient, depending upon the efficiency of the individual. Forced feed is employed with high speed and bearing pressures; it uses a somewhat more viscous oil — particularly with automobiles, than the other types of feed. Wear and Tear of Oils. The question is often asked whether oils "wear out." This continues the Southwick con- ception of the ball bearing and implies that the balls or molecules break or wear out. Carpenter and Sawdon showed that the gravity and viscosity of the oils in circulat- ing systems increased, but the actual friction test was slightly lower at low pressures, and a trifle higher at high pressures. With automobile lubrication, the dilution of the oil by the gasoline residues causes it to become thinner; consequently fresh oil should be added to a circulating sys- tem to keep this viscosity practically constant. 54 ^iiliiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiliiliiinliiliiliiliiliiiiiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiiiiliiliiiiiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiig FOR I Wool and Reworked Wool I Unequalled Scouring Agents and Fibre Lubricators | Non-Gumming Penetrating = "SiRADFORIZ A Iways Uniform and Reliable Once Used, Always Used Samples gladly sent on request Write us about your needs BRADFORD OIL COMPANY, inc. LYNN, MASS. SliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiMiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiMiiiiiiliiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ^M FULL STRENGTH TEXTILE OILS As one of the largest and oldest manufacturers of Sulphonated and Solubl.e oils we have taken the lead by inaugurating a policy of making and selling Tur- key Red Oils, Sulphonated Oils, etc., on the SPECI- FICATION plan. You will recognize the importance to you of this policy when we tell you that our laboratory recently analyzed sixty-three samples of competitive Turkey Red Oils and that of the entire sixty-three only one was up to the specified strength, the rest contained excessive amounts of water. Our Sulphonated Oils contain maximum sulphonation and in every case the active oil content is exactly as sipecified. Rigid control of the manufacture of our oils from the source through every part of the manu- facturing process enables us to make our guarantee of absolute full strength and uniformity. NOPCO Textile Oils are cheapest, per yard. Send for technical data and working samples. National Oil Products Company NEW YORK CHICAGO Exact Science Produces the Modern Lubricant With the passing of old styles of textJIe machinery in favor of improved and better types, common greases and wasteful oil had to be discarded in favor of the scien- tirto product. Special Textile Lubricants Non-Fluid OH overcomes the need of constant re- oiling necessary when fluid oils are used, because it does away with the dripping and spattering of fluid oil. Non-F4uid Oil saves not only time and lubricant, but prevents oil stains on goods in process. Common grease simi)ly will not do, because it cannot lubricate until partly melted so increases friction and wastes power. , , , If your mill uses NON-FLUID OIL yon should be sure that it is used on all textile machinery. We will be glad to make suggestions as to what grades to use on any given machine. Write and ask us for all the in- formation you need. ,. _, If your mill is one of the few still struggling with the old lubrication methods— Write and ask us for test- ing samples of NON-FLUID OIL. A few selected grades for the various types of machinery will yield big dividends in improved lubrication. Ample Stocks at our Branches Charlotte, N. C — Atlanta, Ga. New Orleans, La. New York & New Jersey Lubricant Co. 401 Broadway, New York Jacques Wolf & Co. Manufacturing Chemists and Importers Main Office and Works : Passaic, N. J. Xew York Office: 112 John Street Largest (Manufacturers in the U. S. A. of ALL SULPHONATED CASTOR OILS TURKEY RED OILS ALIZARINE ASSISTANTS FINISHING OILS PARA OILS BEXSAPOL ANTISTAIN BLEACHING OIL BOIL-OFF OIL MONOPOLE OIL Reg. Trade Mark No. 70991 DRAGON r'W^^m BRAND QUALITY ^SSS^ .^.^^M^ UNIFORMITY FULLING and SCOURING OIL TEXTILE SCOURING OIL WORSTED OIL CONCENTRATE OLIVE OIL CONCENTRATE BOIL OFF OIL IMPERIAL OIL (Pute Turkey Red Oil) ASTER OIL SOLUBLE TALLOW "G" SPECIAL OILS FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT OF THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY The General Adhesive Mfg, Co., Inc. Main Office and Factory 474-478 Greenwich Street NEW YORK CITY Made Up to a Standard — Not Down to a Price BORNE, SCRYMSER COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1874 Oils and Greases for Textile Machinery Oils for Wool Batching Cylinder Oils Air Compressor Oils Loom Oils Engine Oils Spindle Oils Dynamo Oils 80 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. BOSTON PHILADELPHIA Works at ELIZA BETHPORT, NEW JERSEY For the Lubrication of Textile Machinery Slo^Flo The Scientific LUBRICANT possesses many decided advantages. Its lubricating qualities are of the highest. It stays on the bearings— it will neither drip nor spatter. It lasts. Its economy has long been recognized in the many mills for which SLO-FLO is sav- ing time— keeping the machinery in better condition and preventing losses from stained goods. Samples and information upon request. S & F Wool Oils sualain a high reputation for uni/ormity and quality SWAN^FINCH COMPANY NEW YORK Quality Lubricants Since 1853 Chicago Philadelphia Boston San Fronciaro Buffalo P'-«'-o:t r>— -•:'■• — r^ »•- ,. /^ >„- . . "Scientific Lubricants for Scientific Lubricatort" Turbo Sprayer A New Way of Oiling Stock in Process Oil evenly distributed — better pene- tration of fibre. Saves oil — saves labor — saves time in picking — less waste in carding and spinning, ^lore uniform weight — better roping- — ■ stronger yarn — more production — easier scouring of finished product. A descriptive booklet is waiting your call; IJ Parks -Cramer Compaiiy^ Engineers' & Contractors Industrial "Pipixy and Air Conditioning Kichbur^ Boston Charlotte The Service Journal of the Textile Industry An illustrated monthly journal which shows live textile mill men the latest and best processes everywhere. Answers questions for subscribers free of charge. Has unrivalled facilities for secur- ing technical information for textile mill men. Subscription $1 .00 per year $1.50 in foreig7i countries 79 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Our Book Department Can Supply Any Textile Book in Print. Write for Catalogue