e»vv> p e v\ 1 t es "R i cVii ^v«ii vofnesT e.»r.N.»fcw,> 6,BueHfrtbury] LONDON J .i i.- tv 0/ M^ .(I A Ka Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/compendioushistoOOgues COMPENDIOUS HISTORY COTTON-MANUFACTURE; A DISPROVAL OF THE CLAIM SlIIB IBIKBIJliilBID ii!BIEWIBIl®lIIlP TO THE INVENTION OF ITS INGENIOUS MACHINERY. BY RICHARD GUEST. PRINTED BY JOSEPH PRATT, CHAPEL WALKS, AND SOLD BY i;. I IIOMSON, MARKET-STREET, and W. and W. CLARKE, MARKET-PLACE: IX)NGMAN, HURST & Co. AND G. & W. B. WHXTTAKEB, LONDON. 1823. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PACE. Jialional and general Importance of the Cotton Mamifacture - - - 3 CHAPTER II. Early Modes of Spinning and Weaving - - • • - - 6 CHAPTER III. Improved Methods of Management and Disposal of Manufactured Cottons - - 10 CHAPTER IV. Invention of the Spinning Jenny - - - - - -.-12 CHAPTER V. Invention of the Water Frame, or Throstle - - - - - 16 CHAPTER VI. The Carding Engiyie - - - - - - -'-18 CHAPTER VII. Same Account of the Life of Sir Richard Arkwright - - - - 20 CHAPTER VIII. Mis-statements of the foregoing Fads - - - - - - 29 CHAPTER IX. Invention of the Mule and Exportation of Tivist - - - - - 31 CHAPTER X. Change of Character and Manners, in the Population, superindiicid hy the extension of the Cotton Manufacture - - - - - - -36 CHAPTER XI. Mc.ial and Religious Character of Weavers - - - - - - 40 CHAPTER XII. V/ii >(!(im Looyn - ....... 44 Appendix: — No. 1. Tlie Statement of Thomas Leather ... - rtii No. 2. Certificate of the Burial of Maty Leallier - - - 54 No. 3. Evidence of Thomas Highs .... .5.5 No. 4. Evidence of Jolm Kay - . . . - 62 No. 5. Evidence of Sarah Kay - - - - - 69 ERRATA. In Page 20, line 10, for appaling read appalling. In Page 20, line 23, for Aniens read Anlieus. In Page 30, line 21, for Voila ce que Vhistoire, read Voila c'est que c'est qne I'histoire. This observation is, in the hurry of composition, erroneously attributed lo Louis the 14th. It vras made by Henry the 4th of France, after the Battle of Aumalp, where he was wounded. la Page 41, line 9, for exhUin^ read exiiing. In Page 11, line G, {or practise read practice. CHAPTER I. National and General Importance of the Cotton Manufacture. The present age is distinguished beyond all others by the i-apid progress of human discovery. Man respired the air of his atmosphere for many ages, before he discovered it to be a substance possessing weight and the other properties of material bodies ; but it was reserved for our own times to ascertain that it and the other aeriform fluids, which from their subtlety and invisibility would seem to elude human scrutiny, were chiefly compound bodies susceptible of Analysis and Classification. The science of Aerostation — the means of enabling miners to work in safety in the midst of an inflammable atmosphere, and the illuminating of our Streets and Houses with subterraneous fire, have followed. Water and Fire have been brought to flow in peaceful association under the feet of the inhabitants of our towns, to administer to their wants and promote their pleasures. The double con- densing Steam Engine, and its application to Navigation, may almost claim the merit of original inventions, and will in their consequences to Man, perhaps not be second to the boast of former ages — the discoveries of the Magnet, of Gunpowder, and of Printing. They have subjected to Man a Giant, by whose assistance he can obtain the treasures of mines hitherto unapproachable by reason of subterraneous waters — draw ponderous loads of fuel, limestone or other substances, along rail ways without the help of beasts — set in motion machinery, to which mere human strength was unequal — cross the seas independent, and even in despite of winds and tides, and with a rapidity before unknown. To these might be added the Voltaic Pile, Vaccination and others equally splendid and original. One, however, which would seem to merit the attention of the Philosopher from its ingenuity, the Englishman from its having brought an immense increase of wealth and population to his territory, and all from its economizing human labour and enabling many articles of clothing to be obtained at a less expensive rate, has obtained comparatively little attention. While admiration has been unboundedly lavished on other triumphs of the mind, the successive inventions and improvements of the Machinerv employed in the Cotton Manufacture, have obtained neither the notice which their own ingenuity, nor their national inipoitance required. They have been the great means of increasing the population of the county of Lancaster, in the first ten years of the present century, from 672; 73 1 to 810,539, and, in the subsequent ten years, from that number to 1,052,859, (a rate of more than doubling itself in half a century,) and of producing a corresponding increase of wealth and intelligence. Under the influence of the manufacture of which they have been the promoters, the town of Manchester has, fiom an unimportant pro- vincial town, become the second in extent and population in England, and Liver- pool has become in opulence, magnitude, elegance and commerce, the second Seaport in Europe. That Liverpool is a consequence of the Cotton Manufacture, and indebted to Manchester and its dependencies for its greatness, is evident on general principles. The origin of a Manufacturing town is this: a Manufactory is established, a number of labourers and artizans are collected — these have wants which must be supplied bv the Corn Dealer, the Butcher, the Builder, the Shop- keeper — the latter when added to the Colony have themselves need of the Draper, the Grocer, &c. Fresh multitudes of every various trade and business, whether conducive to the wants or luxurv of the inhabitants, are superadded, and thus is the Manufacturing town formed. The causes of its increase and greatness rest within itself — thev are primary and original. But the formation and increase of a Seaport town, proceed from secondary causes. A commercial Seaport pre-supposes, that the inhabitants of the interior have wants to be supplied through it, or that they have a superfluity of their own productions to exchange for the commo- dities of other nations. The Seaport may decline without injuring the Manu- facturing town, but if the demand of the Manufacturing town for foreign produce should diminish, or if it should no longer have productions of its own to export, or if that commerce of which it is the cause and the nucleus, should flow into ano- ther channel, the business of the Seaport is at an end. These two great Towns, then, which, with their connections and dependencies, are almost an equipoize to the Metropolis, are a consequence of the Cotton Manufacture. The Machinery employed in the Cotton Manufacture is little known except to the manufacturers themselves, and the History of its progressive improvements. ])erhaps, scarcely to them. For the gieatest improvements we are indebted to a man in humble life, whose poverty and want of patronage prevented him from either reaping the pecuniary benefit, or establishing his claims to that fame to which his ingenuity entitled him. By borrowing his ingenious inventions the late Sir Richard Arkwright lived to acquire a princely fortune, and died with the repu- tation of being one of the most eminent of those individuals, who have enlarged the resources of their native country, and made her manufactures and machinery the wonder of surrounding nations; while the man to whose painful labours and ingenious contrivances Sir Richard was indebted for these honours, lived in obscu- rity, and died in indigence: Sic vos non vobis mellificatis apes, Sic vos non vobis fertis aratra boves. — Virgil. To him Sir Richard in his greatness held out no fostering hand — he not only reaped the harvest himself, but assumed the reputation of having sown the grain; and whether from shame, from vanity, or indifference, left the author of his fame to languish in his original poverty. CHAPTER II. Early Modes of Spinning and Weaving. The original Mode of converting- the fleecy contents of the fruit of the cotton tree into Thread, for the purpose of being woven into Cloth, was the distaflf and spindle, and this mode is still used in Hindostan.* ' The distaff is a wooden rod, with a bundle or fleece of cotton wool tied loosely round the top of it. The spinner holds the distaff between the left arm and the body, his left hand is nearer to the distaff than the right, the hands are kept about two inches asunder, and pull from the fleece a continuous lock of cotton wool, the right hand drawino- out and twisting so much of the lock as is between it and the left hand into a fine thread, which is farther twisted by a pendent spindle, or bobbin, which is kept constantly twirling round, and on which the thread is afterwards wound. See plate 1. This tedious process was the one used from the earliest ages, and might be the occupation to which Hector sends Andromache: 'AXX' it; olxov 'mi73. ra. ffaurrji sfya xiui^f, 'lo-rov r, ■^Xaxa.-njv re, xou aa^nroAoio-i jtiXsuE 'Efysv sifAy^nxiai- — Horn. II. Lib. vi. 490. The general likeness between a mast, which is another sense of i(rriy, and the distaff, favours the supposition.! The state of the Cotton Manufacture in the county of Lancaster, at the commencement of the last century, was as follows: The warp, or longitudinal * The superiority of texture and the durability of the India Nankeens, and Long Cloths, are owiii^ to this mode of spinning, which disposes the fibres of the cotton more evenly, and twists them more into the body of the thread than the spinning machines do. t For this criticism, I am indebted to my friend Mr. Littler, Solicitor, Leigh. threads of the cloth, was linen yarn, imported in the hank or bundle, froin Ger- many. The weaver bought it himself, and prepared it for the Loom by arrang- ing it in parallel lines: this operation, called warping-, was done upon pegs fastened into a wall; the warps were from twelve to twenty-five yards long, and were warped or arranged in parallel lines, a single thread at a time, by passing the yarn round the pegs. See plate 2. The threads were also divided into two equal parts, each alternate thread being in the upper half of the warp, and the other threads in the lower half, and this division, called the lesse, was carefully preserved during the weaving, the upper half passing through one heald, and the lower through another. The weft, or transverse threads of the cloth, was made from Cotton, which was also bought by the weaver. The Cotton was beaten, picked and cleaned from dirt and impurities, and then carded, or brushed with coarse wire brushes. The carding was done by hand cards about twelve inches long, and five inches wide; the carder holding one in each hand. See plate 3, figure. I. The Cotton, after being picked and cleaned, was spread upon one of these cards, and was brushed, scraped or combed with the other, until the fibres of the cotton were all disposed in one direction; it was then taken off in soft fleecy rolls, about twelve inches long, and three quarters of an inch in diameter. These rolls, called card- ings, were converted into a coarse thread or roving, by twisting one end to the spindle of a hand wheel, turning the wheel which moved the spindle with the right hand, and at the same time drawing out the carding horizontally with the left. See plate 3, figure 2. The motion thus communicated to the carding twisted it spirally; when twisted, it was wound upon the spindle, another carding was attached to it, drawn out and twisted: thus was formed a continued coarse thread or roving. The rovings were then taken to tlie spinner to be con- verted into weft. The hand wheel was again used for this purpose, and the rovings were drawn out into weft nearly in the same manner as the cardings were made into rovings. See plate 3, figure 3. The double operations of roving and spinning were requisite, because the cardinofs could not at once be drawn out into a level and even thread, fine enough for the loom; roving or coarse spinning reduced the carding to the thickness of a quill, and the spinner afterwards drew out and twisted the roving into weft fine enough for the weaver. The warp was placed between two beams about five feet asunder; half way between the beams the warp passed through a frame work of looped threads, called healds, each alternate thread of the warp going 8 through one heald, and the other threads through tlie other heald. The healds were worked by two treddles, which upon one being put down by the foot, raised one half of the healds and every second thread of the warp; the shuttle which contained the weft was then thrown by the right hand between the threads which were at rest, and the second or alternate threads raised by the treddie and the healds; the shuttle was caught on the other side by the left hand, and the weft thus transversely shot between the threads of the warp was driven by the reed close to the cloth made by former casts of the shuttle. The other treddie was then put down, which raised the other healds and the threads of the warp, which had before been at rest; the shuttle was thrown by the left hand to the right, leaving another transverse thread, which was again driven by the reed close to the former one. See plate 4, fig. 1. In weaving cloth above thirty-six inches broad, two men were required to one loom, because one man could not extend his arms sufficiently to throw the shuttle through the warp from one hand to the other; two were consequently necessary, one on each side of the loom, to receive and throw back the shuttle. The goods thus manufactured were called Fustians, and were sold in the grey by the weavers to the Manchester merchants. It was not until 1740, that the Manchester merchants began to give out warps and raw cotton to the weavers, receiving them back in clotii, and paying for the carding, roving, spinning and weaving. After the fustians were manu- factured the merchants dyed them, and then carried them to the principal towns in the kingdom on pack-horses, opening their packs and selling to the shop- keepers as they went along. In 1733 a Mr. Wyatt, of Litchfield, invented a machine for spinning cot- ton, and two factories were built and filled with his machines, one at Birming- ham, and one at Northampton. Both these undertakings failed; the machines have long ago perished, and no model or description of them remains. We find no farther attempts to spin by machines until 1764. In 1738 Mr. John Kay, a native of Bury, in Lancashire, but at that time residing at Colchester, invented a new mode of throwing the shuttle. By this invention the lathe was extended a foot on each side of the warp, in which foot an impetus was given to the shuttle, by means of the picking peg held by the weaver in his right hand, which drove it across the warp and back again, without being thrown by the workman's hands. See plate 4, fig. 2 and 3. This plan of throwing the shuttle, the one now in use, enabled the weaver to make nearly double the quantity of cloth he could have made on the old system, and enabled one man to weave the widest cloth. Mr. Kay brought this ingeni- ous invention to his native town, and introduced it among the woollen weavers in the same year, but it was not much used among the cotton weavers until 1760. In that year Mr. Robert Kay, Of Bury, son of Mr. John Kay, invented the drop box, by means of which the weaver can at pleasure use any one of three shut- tles, each containing a different coloured weft, without the trouble of taking them from and replacing them in the lathe. About this time, also, the warping mill was introduced into the cotton manufacture. The warping mill is a prisma- tic reel about six yards in circumference, and six or seven feet in height. This reel is turned round on a vertical axis by a band, from a pully or wheel, which is turned by the warper. The bobbins which contain the yarn are placed on a frame a yard or two distant from the reel, and the threads from them pass through a slide which moves perpendicularly up and down an upright piece of wood; this slide is suspended by a cord coiled round the axis of the reel. After dividing, crossing, and wrapping the threads round wooden pins placed at the top of the reel, the reel is turned, the slide descends by the uncoiling of the cord from the axis, and the threads are wound about the reel. When one hun- dred, or one hundred and twenty yards, according to the length of the warp required, are wound upon the reel, the threads are crossed and wrapped round other wooden pins placed at the bottom of the reel. The reel is then turned the contrary way, the cord coils round the axis, the slide ascends, and the threads are again wound about tlie reel. These operations are repeated until the requi- site number of threads are arranged upon the reel. See plate 5. CHAPTER III. Improved Methods of Management and Disposal of Manufactured Goods. About 1750 there arose a second rate class of merchants, called Fus- tian Masters; these resided in the country and employed the neighbouring weavers, and the mode of conducting the manufacture at that time was as follows : — The master gave out a warp and raw cotton to the weaver, and received them back in cloth, paying the weaver for the weaving and spinning; the weaver, if the spinning was not done by his own family, paid the spinner for the spinning, and the spinner paid the carder and rover.* * The weft spun in 1760 was of six different qualities, six-penny, eight-penny, ten-penny, fifieeii- peuny, eighteen-penny, and two shillings, so called from the price per pound paid for the weaving. The six-penny was about five hanks to the pound, the eight-peuny about six, and the ten-penny about eight hanks to the pound; the fifteen-penny, eighteen-peuny, and two shillings, were about eleven, thir- teen and sixteen hanks to the pound. A hank is eight hundred and forty yards. These wefts were made into goods called pillows, chains, thieksetts, barragons and denims. The weaving of a piece containing twelve pounds of eighteen-penny weft, occupied 1 m ^ a weaver about fourteen days, and he received for the weaving j The spinning of the weft at nine-pence per pound, amounted to - - 9 The picking, carding, and roving at nine-pence per pound, amounted to - 9 il 16 Thus when the weaver took home the piece, he received thirty-six shillings, out of which he paid the spinner eighteen shillings, the spinner paying nine shillings for the carding and roving. A weaver required three grown persons to supply him with weft. There were also finer qualities of weft spun for cotton velvets, some as tine as forty hanks to the pound. Forty hanks wtft sold for six shillings per pound, including carding, roving and spinning;. In nr.O, Oats were 2s. per bushel, 45 lbs. Wheat was 5s. do 70 lbs. Meal 20s. per load. Jannock, 15 lbs. for 13d. 11 The Master attended the weekly market at Manchester, and sold his pieces in the grey to the Merchant, who afterwards dyed and finished them. Instead of tra- velling with their goods on pack-horses, the Merchants or their Travellers now rode from town to town, carrying with them patterns or samples, and on their return home the goods sold during the journey were forwarded by the carriers' waggons. This practise, far more commodious than the nide and inconvenient mode of carrying their merchandize from town to town, has become general, not only in this, !)ut in every other business; and it may now be asserted, that the whole of the internal wholesale trade of England is carried on by Commercial Travellers they pervade every town, village and hamlet in the kingdom, carrying their samples and patterns, and taking orders from the retail tradesmen, and afterwards forwarding the goods by waggons, or canal barges, to their destination;— they form more than one half of the immense number of persons who are constantly travelling through the country in all directions, and are the principal support of our Inns, the neatness and comfort of which are so much celebrated throughout Europe. The com- mercial travellers are in a great measure the causes of this neatness and comfort, for they soon find out the best houses of entertainment; and, being gregarious, the news is readily communicated, and the best houses of course become more fre- quented: a circumstance which excites emulation among the Innkeepers. These travellers are a body of men exhibiting intelligence and acuteness, combined, in many instances, with self-conceit and the superficial information acquired by reading newspapers. Malt, was 23s. per load, A Goose, 15(1. Cheese, il per lb. Beef, 2d. per lb. A Neck of Mutton, 9d. Land let for 40s. or 45s. the Cheshire acre, and a weaver's cottage, with a two-loom shop, for 40s. or -jOs. per annum. CHAPTER IV. Invention of the Spinning Jenny. About 1760 the Manchester Merchants began also to export Fustians in con- siderable quantities to Italy, Germany, and the North American Colonies, and the cotton manufacture continued to increase until the spinners were unable to supply the weavers with weft. Those weavers whose families could not furnish the neces- sary supply of weft, had their spinning done by their neighbours, and were obliged to pay more for the spinning than the price allowed by their masters; and even with this disadvantage, very few could procure weft enough to keep themselves constantly employed. It was no uncommon thing for a weaver to walk three or four miles in a morning, and call on five or six spinners, before he could collect weft to serve him for the remainder of the day ; and when he wished to weave a piece in a shor- ter time than usual, a new ribbon, or gown, was necessary to quicken the exertions of the spinner. It is evident that an important crisis for the Cotton Manufacture of Lancashire was now arrived. It must either receive an extraordinary impulse, or, like most other human affairs, after enjoying a partial prosperity, retrograde. The spin- ners could not supply weft enough for the weavers. The first consequence of this would be to raise the price of spinning. In the then state of manners and prejudices, when the facilities of communication between places were less, and the population generally possessed with much gi-eater antipathy to leaving their native place than at present, this inducement would have failed to bring together a sufficient number of hand spinners, and a farther rise in the price of spinning must have been the consequence. This would have rendered the price of the manufactured cloth too great to have been purchased for home or foreign consumption, for which its cheap- ness most of course have been the principal inducement. In this strait a means of obviating the difficulty was found in a quarter where it could have been least expected. A reed maker, of the name of Thomas Highs, residing in the town of Leigh, in Lancashire, one forenoon in the year 1763 or 4, 13 being in the house of one of his neighbours, whose son, a weaver, had coine home after a long, ineffectual search for weft, was, by the circumstance, roused to consider Avhether a machine could not be invented to produce a more plentiful supply of weft. He engaged one Kay, a clock maker, to make him the wheels and other apparatus of his machine, and they worked together in a garret in Highs' house. The cham- ber door was kept locked, and they worked at over hours with gi-eat assiduity and perseverance for several months. All their trouble and pains were, however, abor- tive, and one Sunday evening, in a fit of despondency, they threw the machine through the garret window, into the yard. — During their labours they were often jeered by their neighbours with enquiries for weft, and after the catastrophe of the garret window, the derision broke out without restraint. Kay was asked what wages his master gave him for making spinning wheels, to which he replied, that he had done with spinning; and then joined in the laugh with his neighbours. Highs was not so easily discouraged; his persevering mind, though foiled, was not suhdued. He took the broken wheels once more to his garret, and after another effort produced the ingenious machine known by the name of the Spinning Jenny, and which he so called after his daughter, her christian name heing Jane. The first Jenny was about a yard square, and worked only six spindles, which he after- wards increased to twenty and twenty-five. In spinning with the hand wheel, the roving was taken fast hold of betwixt the left fore finger and thumb, at six inches distance from the spindle; the wheel, which by a band gave motion to the spindle, was then turned with the right hand, and at the same time the left hand, holding the roving fast as before-mentioned, was drawn back about half a yard; the roving was thus drawn out into weft, the neces- sary twist was then given by a few turns of the wheel, and finally the weft was wound upon the spindle. See plate 3. fig. 3. Highs' Jenny performed these ope- rations in the following manner: — The spindles were placed in front, and a strin"- from each spindle went round a wooden drum or cylinder, which turned on a per- pendicular axis. The drum was turned by an horizontal handle. The rovings were fixed on skewers at the back of the Jenny, each roving passing throuo-h a separate loop of wire placed about eighteen inches higher than the spindles and skewers, and half way betwixt them. At each of the front corners of the Jenny stood an upright post, three feet higher than the spindles; these posts were grooved perpendicularly on the inside from their tops to the level of the spindle. Two flat pieces of wood, made to open and shut something like a parallel ruler, but opening and shutting vertically, and not laterally, went across the front, their ends 14 fitted into the two grooves, and they were worked perpendicularly from the spindles tu the tops of the posts, by a cord which coiled round a moveable bobbin fixed upon the axle of the drum. When the bobbin was on the lower part of the axle, it turned with it, but when lifted nearer the handle, the axle turned and the bobbin remained stationary. When the pieces of wood, called the clove, were raised to the pro- per hei'jht, the bobbin was lifted by a latch, and the clove remained suspended until lowered by the hand of the spinner. From the wire loops the rovings passed between the flat rulers, or clove, to the spindles. After shutting the clove, or in other words, fastening the roving between the two edges of the rulers, he turned the drum, which set the spindles in motion and raised the clove, drawing out the portion of roving between the clove and the spindles. When drawn out, he lifted the bobbin, the clove thus remained stationary while he gave the weft the proper degree of twist by a few turns of the drum. The clove was then lowered, which wound the weft upon the spindles. See plate 6. Some improvements were afterwards made in the structure of the Jenny, by James Hargrave, of Blackburn. These improvements consisted in placing the spindles at the back, and the rovings and the clove at the front. In the improved Jennv the clove moves horizontally from the spindles when drawing out the rovings, and towards them when copping the weft. See plate 7. The Encyclopsedias state that the merit of the invention of the Jenny is due to Hargrave; but he was not the original inventor, for even if he did make a Jenny in 1767, as stated by them. Highs had made Jennies two or three years before: this, however, is evidently a mistake. The fact of Highs having completed the Jenny in 1764, is proved by the statement of Thomas Leather, see Appendix Nos. 1 and 2, where he states that his father, Richard Leather, a wheelwright, took a public house, the Seven Stars, in the Walk, in Leigh, and went to live at it in May, 1763. On the death of his wife he declined selling ale, and he left the house in ISlay, 1766. During the three years that Leather lived in this house. Highs and Kay were his next, and next but one door neigh- bours, and in the first or second of those years. Highs invented the Jenny. "The case of ^Ir. Richard Arkwright and Co." published in 1781, contains a short account of diflPerent inventions for the spinning of Cotton, and says: — "About "the year 1767 one Hargrave, of Blackburn, constructed an engine that would at "once spin twenty or thirty threads into yarn for the fustian manufacture." This account has been copied by Dr. Aikin. in his History of Manchester, by the editors of the Encyclopaedias, and by other writers. The word "con- 15 structed" used in Mr. Arkwright's pamphlet, has been changed into "invented," and the merit of the invention erroneously attributed to Hargrave. It was con- venient for Mr. Arkwright, and served his purpose, to attribute the invention of the Jenny to Hargrave, because Hargrave was not the inventor of the Water Frame, the talisman of Arkwright's fortune, and which, by his case or memorial, he was then seeking to engross to himself; to have mentioned Highs, the real inventor of the Jenny, might have been a dangerous experiment, because, as Mr. Arkwright well knew, Highs was the inventor of the Water Frame as well as the Jenny. CHAPTER V Invention of the Water Frame, or Throstle. The Jenny was only applicable to the spinning of the Weft or transverse threads, but having^ been successful in his first effort. Highs was induced to pro- secute his inventions, and endeavour to complete a machine which should spin Cotton to that degree of hardness and fineness required in the yarn for the warp, or longitudinal threads, which hitherto had been made from foreign linen yarn. In this attempt, after much labour and meditation, he was equally successful as in the former instance. He produced a second original machine, unlike to. and uncompounded of, the former one, which equalled its precursor in its great effects, and surpassed it in ingenuity. In this new attempt he placed the rovings on skewers at the back of the machine ; from the skewers the rovings passsd between two rollers, placed horizontally, the one above the other ; the lower rol- ler was furrowed or fluted lengthwise, and the upper one was covered with leather. These rollers, each about an inch in diameter, revolved in close contact, drawing the rovings slowly from the skewers. A similar pair of rollers, but revolving five times whilst the first pair revolved once, were placed nearer the front. The second pair, by turning quicker, pulled at the roving much faster than it was given out by the first pair, and as both pairs pressed it fast between the sharp fluted edges and the leadier, this pullincj- of the second pair drew it out and lengthened it.* The first pait drew the roving from the skewer as the * Dr. Aikin in his History of Manchester, 4to. London, 1"9j, page \''2, desciibts this machine in the following raanuer: — " The cotton t<\ he spun is introduced through three sets of rollers, so governed "by tbe clock work, that the set which first receives the cotton makes so many more revolutions than the "next in order, and these more than the last which feed the spindles, that it is drawn out considerably "in passing through the rollers." The effect of the machine, as described by Aikin, if it could aci at all, would be to reduce the roving to its original state. 17 left hand of the distaff spinner draws it from the distaff, the second pair suppHed the place of the right hand and stretched it to the proper fineness. From the second pair the thread passed to a spindle in front of the machine; this twisted the thread and wound it upon a bobbin. The different revolutions of the rollers were regulated by brass wheels or clock-work, and the spindles were turned by strings from a drum. See plates 8 and 9. Highs employed Kay to make this machine, giving him a model in wood, which Kay executed in metal, and soon after it was completed Kay went to live at Warrington, his former place of residence before he lived at Leigh. This second machine, now called the Water Frame, or Throstle, requires considerable power to put it in motion, and can only be worked to advantage in factories, which, before the application of the Steam Engine, as a moving power, were turned by water falls, and hence came the name of Water Frame. The Yarn spun on the Water Frame is much harder twisted than yarn spun on the Jenny, and ©n that account is more pecu- liarly adapted for warps. Until the introduction of the Mule, the yarn or twist for warps was spun from cotton in the Water Frame factories, whilst the weft was spun by the families of the weavers, on the Jenny, which requires no power but the hand of the spinner, and which is equally well calculated for the factory or the cottage. Highs kept the Water Frame as secret as possible; it was his favourite invention, and he promised himself much future advantage from it. The Jenny he made public; but the Roller Spinning he endeavoured to keep to himself, until he could raise money sufficient to establish a factory. In his evidence, given in the Court of King's Bench, in the trial of the King against Arkwri^-ht, in June, 1785, he says he did not follow up the invention because he wanted means, being poor and having a large family, but thought to follow it up when he became a little abler, and could get a friend to assist him. The interview at the Inn, at Manchester, between him and Arkwright, described in his simple and unassuming manner, is highly pathetic and interest- ing. See Appendix No. 3. CHAPTER VI The Carding Engine. The invention of the Jenny and Water Frame caused an increased demand for cardings and rovings, and the carders were soon unable to furnish the neces- sary supply. Stock Cards were introduced. In this improvement the cards are double the size of hand cards. One is fixed to a stool or stock, and the other combed against it with both hands — but these did not afford an adequate quantity, the difficulty, however, was finally obviated by the invention of the Carding Engine. The Carding Engine was not invented at once, nor by any particular indivi- dual, but was the result of a succession of improvements, made at various times, and by different persons. In this machine a wooden cylinder, covered with cards, turning on an horizontal axis, revolves immediately under a concave cover; this cover is also lined with cards, and the teeth of the cards on the cylinder and of those on the cover, are nearly in contact. Originally, the cotton was spread upon the cylinder, and the cylinder by its revolutions carded the cotton against the teeth on the cover: the cotton was then taken oflP the cylinder by hand cards held against it. A great improvement was afterwards made by adding a second cylinder, which took the cotton off the first as fast as it was carded, and a roller, fluted longitudinally, and turning on an horizontal axis, pressed against this second cylinder and rubbed off the carded cotton in stripes. The inventor and improver of this machine are unknown. In 1772, John Lees invented the Feeder. In this improvement the cotton is spread upon an endless piece of cloth, stretched upon two rollers; as the rollers revolve the cloth moves nearly in contact with the first cylinder, which takes the cotton from the cloth. Other improvements have been added: the cotton is now taken from the Feeder by two small rollers; these pass it to another small 19 roller, which last delivers it to the cylinder. See plate 10, fig-. 2. The fluted roller, in rubbings oft' the cotton, injured tlie cards, and was in other respects awkward and inconvenient. In 1772, James Hargrave, the improver of the Jenny, invented the Crank and Comb, a curious and most ingenious contrivance for taking the cotton off" the cylinder. A thin plate of steel, toothed at the edge like a tennant saw, is worked in a perpendicular direction by a crank, and striking at short intervals against the cylinder, shaves oft" the cotton in fleeces or cardings. See plate 10, figs. 2 and 3. The cards were nailed on both cylinders in longitudinal stripes,' ea°ch stripe of card being placed parallel to the axis of the cylinder. These stripes were five or six inches broad, and from twelve to twenty inches long, according to the length of the cylinder. In the circumference of the second cylinder there were eight or ten stripes, and as the spaces between these stripes did not act upon the carded cotton, the fleece was broken oflF at each interstice; these broken fleeces were by the Crank and Comb, divided into four or more cardings, each carding being about an inch in diameter and twelve or twenty inches long. In 1773, Thomas Highs, and in 1774, a Mr. Wood, obtained a perpetual or endless carding, by nailing the cards on the second cylinder circularly, instead of longitudinally. Highs used two cylinders equal in size; Mr. Wood's second cylinder was smaller than his first. In this improvement the stripes of card go round the cylinder, instead of being placed parallel to its axis, and as there is no I)reak, space, or interstice in the circumference of the second cylinder, it takes the cotton from the first in a uniform and unbroken fleece. See plate'lO, figs. 4 and 5. Ilargrave's Comb separates this fleece from Mr. Wood's cylinder without destroying its continuity, and it afterwards passes through a funnel, and between two rollers into a tin can. See plate 10, figs. I, 2 and 3. The card- ings are then taken to the Roving Frame; the Roving Frame consists of a system of rollers and spindles similar to those in the V,'atcr Frame; the rollers draw the cardings out of the can and lengthen them, and the necessary twist is given by tlie spindles. See plate 11, figs. 1 and 2. Mr. Arkwright, in his Roving Frame, used a can revolving on a vertical axisj this can had the same eflect as the spindles in twisting the rovings, and was used for tliut purpose as early as lloO, by lienjumin Butler. See plate II, liu'. 0. CHAPTER VII. So))ie Account of the Life of Sir Richard Arhwright. Sir Richard Arkwrigbt M'as a rare instance of one, who from a ^cry inferior sitnation in life, by dint of indefatigable persevcrcncc, unity of object and able nianasement of the men be bad to deal with, amassed a large fortune and raised himself to gveat eminence. With no original invention to boast of in the depart- ment of mechanics, to which he devoted himself, he possessed unwearied zeal and patience in obtaining the discoveries of others, and great skill in combining tliem and turning them to his own purposes. Whether he had a natural turn for tlio mechanics, or whether be had sharp sijbtcdness and sagacity enough to discover the land of promise through the haze which surrounded him, and was thus induced to seek after inventions for spinning, does not appear; but he had the same appaling obstacle to surmount which Highs himself bad — the res angusta domi — nothing could be done by either, without capital. The modest spirit of Highs shrunk from the humiliation of soliciting partnerships or patronage; he was incapable of dressing- up his projects and expectations in the pomp of promise and the alluring colours of confident prediction and plausible calculations — a quality much more necessary to a projector than the real merits of his scheme. Highs' proper arena was in his gar- ret, among bis wheels and machines; it was here that his peaceful successes were achieved; but the sphere of Arkwright was in the world and amongst men. It was there that his bustling activity was in its proper element, and there that his suc- cesses equalled those of Highs in his garret. Arkwright succeeded very unawount- ably in finding fresh partnerships, though former ones were dissolved in conse- quence of their not answering, and he always came richer from the misfortune, like Anteus, who in his falls gained strength from his mother earth. 21 Richard Arkwrij^lit was Ijorn at Preston, in the comity of Lancaster, on the 23r(l of December, 1732.* In the year 1760, he lived at Bolton-le-moors, in the same connty. At this time he was a barber, but soon after he travelled through the country buying human hair. He possessed a valuable chemical secret for dying it, and when it was dyed and prepared he sold it to the wig makers. Mr. Richardson, hair dresser, of Leigh, tells me that Arkwright's hair was esteemed the best in the country. In 1761, Arkwright married Margaret Biggins, of the township of Penning- ton, and parish and town of Leigh,-[- and his marriage brought him acquainted with Highs and his inventions. His knowledge of them, however, was not obtained from Highs himself; he went to work in a more crafty and circuitous manner. Having learnt that Kay, who then resided in Warrington, had been Highs' work- man, he introduced himself to Kay in the summer of 1767, by employing him to turn some brass, or wheels, and when he had called two or three times on Kay, he took him to a public house and treated him with wine, telling him that he was endeavouring to discover the perpetual motion, and that the turned brass was for a machine on that principle. Kay dissuaded him from the attempt, and advised him to turn his attention to making a machine for spinning cotton. Ah! said Arkwright, that will never be brought to bear; several gentlemen have almost ruined themselves by it. Kay replied he could bring it to bear. This was exactly what Arkwright wanted, and the following morning, early, he went to Kay's bedside, reminded him of their last night's conversation, and eventually succeeded in procur- ing from him a model of Highs' machine, the Water Frame, or Throstle. In this model Arkwright found the perpetual motion he wanted, as well as the philo- sopher's stone. * The following certificate is copied from the Parisli Register of Preston Chiircii: — "Christen- "ings ill December, 1732. Richard, son of Thomas Arkwriglit, born 23rd, baptized 31st." The above is Irnly copied from the Register of baptisms for the Parish of Preston, for tiie year 1732. Witness my hand, this seventh day of August, 1S23, Anthony Hammond, Curate. fTlie following certificate is copied from the Parish Register of Leigli Church:— "Banns of mar- "riage. Richard Arkwright, of tlie Parish of Bolton, Barber, and Margaret Biggins, of this Parish of "Pennington, Spinster, were married in this Church, by licence, with consent, this twenty-fourth day of "March, in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, by me Ja: Hartley, Curate. This mar- "riagc was solemnized between us, Richard Arkwriglit, Margaret Biggins. In the presence of S. "Simpson, Lawrence Brandwood. No. 100." A true cojiy, taken from tlie Parish Register, by me Sanincl If'/iitlU, Pari>h Clerk, Marcli 0, 1822. 22 Arkw right shewed the model to several geullcnicii, with the x'lvw of prociiriug peciiuiarv assistance to enable him to build a luctory, and having prevailed on Mr. Smalley, of Preston, to aflord that assistance, he retnrned to Warrington and hired Kay to work for him, securing his secresy for a certain number of years by a bond. In April, 1768, he took Kay with him to Nottingham, where he built a factory turned by horses. In 1769, July 3rd, he obtained a patent for spinning by rollers. In 1771, he built a second factorv, at Cromford, in Derbyshire; this was turned by a water wheel after the manner of Messrs. Lonibe's Silk Mill, at Derby. At this time the Jenny Spinners were earnestly era'ployed in improving the machines used for carding and roving, and manv ingenions contri- vances were found out to shorten those operations. Mr. Arkwright kept an attentive eye on these contrivances, and by combining a number of them in a series of engines, he formed a complete system of carding and roving by machinery, for which he took out a second patent, dated December 16th, 1775. The improvements speci- fied in this patent were not invented by IMr. Arkwright, but were borrowed by him from different spinners. These spinners, and others, continued to use these improve- ments after the patent was obtained, and in 17S1 Mr. Arkwright commenced actions against a number of persons for invading his patent- Only one cause was tried, that against Col. Mordaunt, in the Court of King's Bench, in July, 1781. Col. Mor- daunt's defence was, that Mr. Arkwright had not fully communicated his inventions in the specification, as required by law, and that therefore the patent was invalid. Several witnesses proved to the satisfaction of the Judge and Jiu-y, that instead of dis- closing his inventions in the specification, he had described them in a confiisetl and unintelligible manner, and a verdict was given against Mr. Arkwright. Soon after this trial Mr. Arkwright published " The Case;" the following aie extracts from it. It begins by stating that Great Britain, from its many natural advantages, is particularly well adapted for a manufacturing country; that the extension of the cotton manufitcture depends principally on the being able to sjiin cheaply and expeditiously, and alter mentioning that many unsuccessful atteni])ts had been made to spin by machines, it goes on as follows: — "About the year 1767, one Ilargrave, " of Blackburn, in Lancashire, constructed an engine that would at once sjjin "twenty or thirty threads of cotton into yarn for the fustian manufacture; but " because it was likely to answer in some measure the end proposed, his engines " were burnt and destroyed, and himself driven out of Lancashire: he afterwards "removed to Nottingham, and obtained a |)atcnt for his engine; but he did not "even there loner continue in the j)caLCalde |)osscssiun. His jiattnl right was 23 •'invaded, and be found it necessary to commence a prosecution; an association " was soon formed against him; and, being unable to contend against the united "power of a body of men, he was obliged to give up the unjust and unequal " contest. His invention was cruelly wrested from him; and be died in obscu- " rity, and great distress." " Mr. Arkwrigbt, after many years intense and painful application, invented, "about the year 1768, his present method of spinning cotton, but upon very dif- " ferent principles from any invention that had gone before it. He was himself "a native of Lancashire; but having so recently witnessed the ungenerous treat- " ment of poor Hargrave, by the people of that county, he retired to Notting- "ham, and obtained a patent in the year 1769, for making cotton, flax, and " wool into yarn. But, after some experience, finding that the common method "of preparing the materials for spinning (which is essentially necessary to the " perfection of good yarn) was very imperfect, tedious, and expensive, he "turned his thoughts towards the construction of engines for that purpose; "and, in the pursuit, spent several years of intense study and labour, and at "last produced an invention for carding and preparing the materials, founded in •'some measure on the principles of his first machine. These inventions, united, " completed his great original plan. But his last machines being very compli- "cated, and containing some things materially different in their construction, " and some others materially different in their use, from the inventions for which " his first patent was obtained, he procured a patent for these also in December, « 1775." " No sooner were the merits of Mr. Arkwright's inventions fully under- " stood, from the great increase of materials produced in a given time, and the "superior quality of the goods manufactured; no sooner was it known, that his " assiduity and great mechanical abilities were rewarded with success ; than the "very men, who had before treated him with contempt and derision, began to •' devise means to rob him of his inventions, and profit by his ingenuity. Every "attempt that cunning could suggest for this purpose was made; by the seduc- •' tion of his servants and workmen, (whom he had with great labour taught "the business) a knowledge of his machinery and inventions was fully gained. " From that time many persons began to pilfer something from him; and then by " adding something else of their own, and by calling similar productions and <• machines by other names, they hoped to screen themselves from punishment. '• So many of these artful and designing individuals had at length infringed on 24 "his patent right, that he found it necessary to prosecute several: but it was not " without great difficulty, and considerable expence, that he was able to make "any proof against them; conscious that their conduct was unjustifiable, their " proceedings were conducted with the utmost caution and secresy. Many of the " persons employed by them were sworn to secresy, and their buildings and work- " shops were kept locked up, or otherwise secured. This necessary proceeding " of Mr. Arkwright, occasioned, as in the case of poor Hargrave, an association " against him, of the very persons whom he had served and obliged. Formid- "able, however, as it was, Mr. Arkwright persevered, trusting that he should " obtain in the event, that satisfaction which he appeared to be justly entitled to. " A trial in Westminster Hall, in July last, at a large expence, was the " consequence; when, solely by not describing so fully and accurately the nature " of his last complex machines as was strictly by law required, a verdict was " found against him. Had he been at all aware of the consequences of such ''omission, he certainly would have been more careful and circumspect in his "description. It cannot be supposed that he meant a fraud on his country: it is " on the contrary, most evident that he was anxiously desirous of preserving to " his native country the full benefit of his inventions. Yet he cannot but lament, •' that the advantages resulting from his own exertion and abilities alone, should "be wrested from him by those who have no pretension to merit; that they "should be permitted to rob him of his inventions before the expiration of the "reasonable period of fourteen years, merely because he has unfortunately "omitted to point out all the minutiae of his complicated machines." "In short, "Mr. Arkwright has chosen a subject in manufactures (that of spinning) of " all others the most general, the most interesting, and the most difficult. "He has, after near twenty years unparalleled diligence and application, "by the force of natural genius, and an unbounded invention, (excellencies sel- " dom united) brought to perfection machines on principles as new in theory, as " they are regular and perfect in practice. He has induced men of property to " engage with him to a large amount; from his important inventions united, he has " produced better goods, of their diflferent kinds, than were ever before produced "in this country; and finally, he has established a business that already employs " upwards of five thousand persons, and a capital, on the whole, of not less than " £200,000, a business of the utmost importance and benefit to this kingdom." The object of this "Case" was to obtain from the Legislature an act of Parliament to guarantee to Mr. Arkwright the patent-right wliich had been 25 invalUlatetl and destroyed by the trial in 1781. In this "Case," and the know- ledge of the circumstances attending it, the real character of Mr. Arkwright is better shewn than in volumes. The attributing of the invention of the Jenny to Hargrave, who was only an improver of it, and the cautious circumspection shewn in omitting to mention Highs, who had produced entire and perfect, Mr. Arkwright's great possession, the Rollers, or Water Frame, was artful in tlie extreme. Hargrave was then dead, and could make no claim, nor interfere in anywise with Mr. Arkwright's projects; but it was highly-important to Mr. Ark- wright to keep Highs as much as possible in the back ground, and out of sight. The pathetic description of Hargrave's Engines being burnt and himself driven out of Lancashire, was intended to melt the hearts of the members of Parlia- ment. This Mr. Arkwright might as well have done by giving them an extract from Clarissa Harlowe — ^her woes and those of Hargrave being about equally founded in fact. But in representing these misfortunes as having happened to Hargrave, and by shewing that he himself had also left Lancashire, and that both were labourers in the same vineyard, Arkwright was raising an interest for him.- self in the minds of the members, out of Hargrave's misfortune. In this "Case," Mr. Arkwright, with all the assurance imaginable, roundly asserts that he invented the Water Frame, or Roller Spinning, in 1768 — what effrontery! — ^Mr. Arkwright was not the inventor, as is demonstrable from the documents in the Appendix. His "great mechanical abilities" consisted solely in having cunning enough to pump a secret out of a silly, loquacious clock- maker, and in having sense enough to know when he saw a good invention. When we read in Mr. Arkwright's Case of "his inventions and his machinery " being pilfered from him by artful and designing individuals," we cannot help feeling sorry for him ; but wlien we find tliat " his inventions" were all pirated from others, and that one of them (the crank and comb) "was cruelly wrested "from poor Hargrave,'' or, in other words, stolen from the man whose hard case he so feelingly deplores, we see the true bent of Mr. Arkwright's "natural genius "and unbounded invention," and feel emotions of a very different description from those he wished to excite. When Mr. Arkwright complains that " by the "seduction of his servants and workmen, a knowledge of his machinery was gained," we are forcibly reminded of the manner in which he procured the model of Highs' Water Frame; and when he says, "the persons employed by " the artful and designing individuals were sworn to secresy," he brings to our recollection the bond he himself took from Kay. 26 In February, 1785, nearly four years after the first trial ^^bich overturned the patent, a second action was tried in the Court of Common Pleas, in which Mr. Arkwright brouofht a number of artists to prove that they could make machines from his specification, in consequence of which he obtained a verdict. In June, 1785, that is to say four months after the second trial, in consequence of the conflicting- verdicts g^iven in the two preceding trials, and as a great and final setting at rest of the dispute, a process on Scire-facias was brought against Mr, Arkwright in the Court of King's Bench, in which the whole question was brought to issue, not only on the point of the unintelligibility of his specification, but on the less technical and more important ground of not being himself the inventor of the maciiines for which he had obtained the patent. The ablest Counsel of the time, amongst whom were Mr. Bearcroft, Mr. Serjeant Adair, Baron Wood, the late ]Mr, Justice Chambre, and Lord Erskine, were arrayed on each side. After a long, minute, and ably-conducted trial, in which the first artists of the time, and also Hargrave's widow and son, Kay and his wife, and Highs himself, were examined, and models of the machines produced and worked in open Court before the Judge and Jury, a verdict was given against Mr. Arkwright, which upon a subsequent motion for a new trial, was held to be perfectly satisfactory by the Court; Mr. Justice Buller, before whom the cause was tried, expressing his opiuion that Mr. Ark- wright had not a leg to stand upon. On this last trial it appeared that Mr. Arkwright's specification, dated Dec. 1775, contained ten articles. Xo. 1. A hammer worked by a cog wheel. On the trial, this was proved to have been described and engraved in Emmer- son's Mechanics, in 1773, and moreover, that if any person after the expiration of the patent had attempted to improve his machinery by following the direc- tions given in the specification, he would have gained a loss, to use an Irish phrase, as this article would have utterly spoiled the cotton. No. 2. The wit- nesses could not tell what this was intended for, one of them, Mr. Samuel Moore, said he believed it was first used together with No. 1, for beating hemp, by Mr. Mc Pharson, and another, Benjamin Pearson, who had worked in ]Mr. Ark- wright's factory seven years after he obtained the patent, deposed that he had never seen it or even heard of it. This useless article only served to render the spe- cification unintelligible. No. 3. The Feeder of the Carding Engine, or cloth which conveys the cotton to the cylinder covered with cards. Henry Marsland proved that he used this Feeder in 1771, and that in 1771 or 1772, Mr. Ark- 27 Wright called at his works and saw it, and John Lees proved that he invented a similar feeder in 1772. In the specification this article was described in a very obscure and confused manner. No. 4. The Crank for taking the carded cotton off the cylinder. This was proved, by Hargrave's Widow and Son, and by George Whitaker and others, to have been invented by James Hargrave, in 1772. No. 5. Filleted Cards on the second cylinder. These were nailed round the cylinder circularly, and took the carded cotton from the first cylinder in one continued fleece. Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Wood proved that these were invented by Mr. Wood, in 1774. No. 6. Two pairs of Rollers, one pair revolving faster than the other. These were proved by John Kay, his Wife, and Thomas Highs, to have been invented by the latter at Leigh, in 1767. See Appendix, Nos. 3, 4 and 5. No. 7. The Roving Can. Benjamin Butler proved that he used this article in 1759, and Betty Kennion and Joseph WooUey, proved that it was used in Mr. Binyon's factory, in 1773, or early in 1774. No. 8. The witnesses could not explain for what use this article was intended, and Mr. Arkwright's Counsel admitted that it was not used for preparing cotton, nor for spinning. No. 9. The Spindle used by Tliomas Highs in the Water Frame, in 1767, and previously used in the Flax or Treddle Wheel. No. 10. None of the witnesses described the use of this article; it is a Shaft or Spindle, on which is a puliy and drum, which by strings give motion to the spin- dles, or to the roving can. There never was a greater practical attempt made to mystify a subject since the creation of the world, than this specification of Mr. Arkwright's. He wished to have all the benefit of a patent as long as the law allowed him, and when that time was expired, he wished his specification to be such a stumbling block and inex- plicable enigma to the public, that no one but himself should be able to make the machines. This is evident from his own admission to Mr. W. D. Crofts, who was examined on the trial, and then proved, that he was employed by Mr. Arkwright to draw out the specification, and that Mr. Arkwright told him he wished it to operate "as a specification, but to be as obscure as the nature of the case would possibly admit." From the evidence it appears, that the component parts of Mr. Arkwright's machines were all borrowed by him from other persons. When he saw an improvement in the Carding Engine or Roving Frame, he adopted it, and in the end, by combining Lees' Feeder, Wood's Filleted Cylinder, "Poor Hargrave's" Crank, Highs' Water Frame, and Butler's Roving Can, he completed a series of machines for carding and roving. He was enabled to do this the more easily by having the command of a large capital. The 28 inventors of the improvements had not the means of carrying them into ^ffect on an extensive scale; they found the game, but from the want of capital were unable to secure it, whilst Mr. Arkwright, by availing himself of their inventions, and by inducing "men of property to engage with him to a large amount," reaped all the advantages and obtained all the rewards. That Mr. Arkwright deserves well of his country, and that he was one great means of forwarding her manufactures, is not meant to be denied. To combine, to arrange, to put in execution, though secon- dary to the merits of original invention, are, nevertheless, necessary to the perfection of art. Without Mr. Arkwright, the Water Frame would probably have had a slow and tedious introduction, or might have perished with its author and been lost to the world. On the attempted assassination of his late Majesty, by Margaret Nicholson, Mr. Arkwright presented an address from the Hundred of Wirksworth, and was knighted ; from which circumstance he was, by some, quaintly called " one of Peg Nicholson's knights." The following year, 1787, he was High Sheriff" of Derbyshii-e. Sir Richard Arkwright died at Cromford, in Derbyshire, in August, 1792, aged 59, and his life and labours are a worthy subject of contemplation. From a very low situation in life, he raised himself to the highest dignity in an extensive and affluent county — what a contrast does his splendid career present to that of Highs — and how melancholy the reflection, that the founder of Sir Richard's great- ness partook not of his prosperity. While Sir Richard was filling the situation of the King's representative, escorting his Judges, and receiving favours from the Royal hand — Highs continued to make reeds. While gold was flowing in copious streams into the coffers of Sir Richard — Highs was struggling for the pittance of a day labourer. The latter was a man of a serious turn of mind and retired habits; sober, intelligent, and unassuming. He was universally respected and esteemed, and is even now well remembered in Leigh as a kind and benevolent man. CHAPTER VIII. Mis-statements of the foregoing Facts. The misrepresentations of the above facts, by various writers, are so great, that it is frequently difficult to discover the spark of truth, through the misty and uncer- tain atmosphere which surrounds it, or to know whether we see a beacon or an ignis-fatuus. The General Biography by Aikin and Enfield, 4to. London, 1799, vol. 1st. p. 392, says, that Hargrave invented the Jenny, in 1767. This is erroneous, as has been sufficiently shewn. Aikin's History of Manchester, 4to. London, 1795, pages 170 and 171, says, that Arkwright obtained a patent for the Twist Machine and afterwards sued several cotton spinners for an invasion of his patent; that they joined issue with him, and that, in the event, he was non-suited. That Arkwright finding several improve- ments not in his first specification, got it extended, and specified in particular the invention of the Crank and Comb. That on the extension of the patent, care being taken to specify the additional improvements, he instituted another suit for the invasion of his patent, and obtained a verdict in the Court of Common Pleas. That the persons concerned got the matter removed in the Court of King's Bench, where, upon trial, it was proved that the Crank and Comb was a prior invention of an ingenious mechanic, Mr. Heyes by name. This account is equally incorrect with the former one given by Aikin and Enfield; there was no extension whatever of the patent after the trial in 1781, when Arkwright was non-suited, and it is apparent from the preceding pages that the Crank and Comb were invented by Hargrave and not by Highs, who had sufficient merit of hi»i own to enable him to dispense with usurping the discoveries of others. The Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 4to. article. Cotton Manu- facture, page 392, states that Mr. John Kay, of Bury, invented the Fly Shuttle, 30 about 1762. In page 393 it is said that Hargrave invented the Jenny in 1767, and in page 394, that Arkwrighf s patent ■was contested in 1772. Rees' Cyclopjedia, 4to. London, 1819, toI. 10th. article, Cotton Manufac- ture, states that Hargrave invented the Jenny in 1767; that Highs invented the Crank and Comb, and that Arkvrright's patent vras contested about the year 1772. Lempriere's Universal Biography, 4to. London, 1809, article, Arkwright, says that Arkwright invented the Jenny. The Gentleman's Magazine, for August 1792, page 771, says that Ark- wright acquired his wealth by accidentally purchasing a piece of Mechanism, called the Spinning Jenny, the invention of an ingenious carpenter. And in the followins month, (page 863,) that Arkwright was a Barber, at %yirk5Worth, in Derbyshire, and by frequent opportunities of examining the silk mills at Derby, acquired the invention of the cotton mills. It is a melancholy reflection, that on matters of such general notoriety, and which have happened within the memory of the present generation, so much in- correctness and misrepresentation should exist. They forcibly remind us of Sir Walter Raleigh's mortified feelings as to the uncertainty of History, when hav- ing witnessed an assassination from his window, while writing his History of the World, a number of witnesses swore directly contrary to the facts he had seen with his own eyes. And of Louis the 14th"s remark to his officers when giving him accounts of a battle totally at variance with each other — "voila ce que I'histoire."' It may be proper to mention, that the account of the inventions of the Fly Shuttle and the Drop Box, given in the second chapter, is derived from a manuscript lent to me by Mr. Samuel Kaj', of Bury, son of Mr. Robert Kay, the inventor of the Drop Bos, and grandson of Mr. John Kay, the inventor of the Fly Shuttle. And that the orthography of Highs' name is taken from the Regis- ter of bis marriage in Leigh Church. CHAPTER IX. Invention of the Mule and JExportation of Twist. In the year 1780, there were twenty Water Frame factories, the property of Mr. Arkwright, or of persons who had paid him a consideration for permis- sion to use his machines. After the repeal of the patent in 1785, the number of factories rapidly increased, and in 1790, there were one hundred and fifty in England and Wales. About 1790, factories were also built for the Jenny; in these factories the cotton was carded and roved by the newly -invented machines, which furnished weft better in quality and lower in price, than that spun on the smaller Jennies in the houses of the weavers. Carding, roving and spinning were now given up in the cottages, and the women and children formerly em- ployed in those operations, applied themselves to the Loom. The invention of the Mule, by enabling spinners to make finer yarns than any the Jenny and Water Frame could produce, gave birth to the muslin manufacture, and found employment for this additional number of weavers. The Mule is a compound of the Jenny and the Water Frame, from which circumstance it derives its name, and was invented in 1775, by Samuel Cromp- ton, of Bolton-le-Moors. In this machine, the roving passes from the back part through rollers to the spindles, which are placed in front on a moveable frame. As the spindles revolve, this frame recedes from the rollers, somewhat faster than they give out the roving. The first pair of rollers draw the roving from the bob- bin, the second pair draw it out and lengthen it, as in the Water Frame, and the pull of the spindles as the frame recedes, stretches it still finer. When a certain quantity of roving is given out, the rollers stop and shut fast the roving, as the clove does in the Jenny, the spindles still continuing to revolve and the frame to recede, drawing out the roving to the fineness required and giving it the necessary twist, the yarn is then wound upon the spindles by returning the 32 frame to its first position. See plate 12. By this gradual extension of the roving' it can be drawn much finer than on the Jenny, or Water Frame, which stretch it out at one operation. The Mule was for some years after its invention used only in the dwelling-houses of the spinners, and had, like other inventions, to contend with much prejudice. As an instance of which, it may be mentioned, that when a young man, then a Fustian Master, but now a Blagistrate in a populous part of Lancashire, established a factory, his father expressed his ap- prehension that his son Richard and his Mules, would all turn out Asses. la 1790, the Mule was introduced into factories, and about the same time the Steam Engine began to be applied to the turning of machinery. By these improvements in spinning the price of yarn was so much reduced, that the manufacturers were enabled to undersell their continental rivals, and at the same time could afford to remunerate the weaver with wages of thirty shil- lings per week. This was the case more particularly in the muslin manufacture. The twist and weft spun on tlie Water Frame and the Jenny are coarse, and are chiefly used for strong goods, for thicksetts, velveteens, fancy cords and calicoes. These goods were also manufactured in France, Saxony and Switzer- land, from yarn spun on the hand wheel, the low price of labour in those countries, in some measure counterbalancing the advantages the English derived from their improvements in spinning; but in the manufacture of fine Muslins, the English had not a rival in Europe. The French, Saxons and Swiss, could not spin the yarns for fine muslins on the hand wheel, and for some years, the English had this manufacture entirely to themselves. The continental manufac- turers, however, soon procured fine yarns from England, and, with the aid of those yarns, they were enabled to rival the English in manufactured goods. By exporting mule yarn, the English have nourished and supported a foreign cotton manufacture, equal in extent to three fifths of their own, and have materially injured the interests of their own weavers. On the Continent, the necessaries of life are cheaper than in England, and the wages of the weavers very low, con- sequently, whilst foreign Aveavers are supplied with the same description of yarns the English manufacturer uses, obtained at the same price as that which he pays for them, he is compelled to reduce the wages of his own weavers to the foreign standard, in .order to avoid being undersold in the market. The machinery of England, particularly in the instance of the Mule, has thus been auxiliary to the prosperity of foreign, and, generally, hostile nations. 33 It has created resources of revenue for their treasuries, and a population to supply their armies, and, at the same time, has proportionably impoverished and injured its own. That this is not an exaggerated picture, will be evident from the fol- lowing- extracts from Parliamentary returns of the quantity of twist exported: — In 1816, 16,862,782 lbs. were exported. 1818, 16,106,000 1819, 19,652,000 1820, 23,900,000 1821, 23,200,000 1822* 28,000,000 The twist and weft spun in Great Britain in the year 1820, may } , , ^ Jt!- ^^^ r • I I *■ t 1 * -^ > 110,000,000 fairly be estimated at - - - C ^ ^ ^» rly be estimated at - - - J cported from Great Britain in the year ing- to Parliamentary returns amounted to The twist exported from Great Britain in the year 1820, accord-? 86,100,000 The lace, thread and stocking manufactures use annually 7,000,000 Manufactured into cloth in Great Britain in 1820. 79,100,000 One half of the seventy-nine millions manufactured in Great Britain, was twist for the warp, the other half was weft. Thus, for the sake of round num- bers, we may say, that in 1820, Great Britain manufactured forty millions of li)S. of twist, and exported twenty-four millions. The export of twist being as three, and its home consumption as five, it follows, that to every five cotton weavers employed in Great Britain, there are three foreign weavers supplied with twist for their warps by our exports. The foreign manufacturers in general spin their own weft. The number of cotton weavers in Great Britain cannot be less than three hundred and sixty thousand, and with their families, they are pro- bably half a million. The whole number of persons employed in Great Britain in spinning for the foreign weavers in the year 1822, taking the export at twenty- eight millions of lbs. could not exceed thirty-one thousand, of which number twenty thousand were children, and the twenty-eight millions of lbs. of twist * The statement for 1S22, in which it will he ohserved there is a considerable increase, is an estimate formed by competent judges, as well as circumstances will admit, the Officers of the Customs at Hull, not being willing to give the requisite information as regards that port. 34 spun by them, famished twelve months supply of warps for upwards of two hundred and fifty thousand of foreign weavers. The individuals in Great Britain interested in the export of twist, and bene- fited by that export, are as thirty-one, and with their families are as forty-six, the operative weavers in Great Britain, with their families, injured by that export, are as five hundred — what an astounding difference ! — the interests of five hun- dred thousand people sacrificed to those of forty-six thousand! It is not fashion- able at the present day to advocate what are called restrictions upon trade — but the facts speak for themselves; we have been nourishing in our bosom a serpent which may sting us — nay, which is stinging us — and the folly of our Govern- ment, in permitting mule twist to be exported duty free, to countries where the value of labour is so much lower than in England, is almost unequalled — perhaps the conduct of the Dutch, who in 1671 supplied Louis the 14th. with powder and ball to shoot themselves, is the only extant parallel case. The old doctrine of Government, divine right and passive obedience, has by the progress of civilization and the diffusion of knowledge become obsolete, and the light now beginning to dawn upon the world, is, that the true object and end of governments are the protection and happiness of subjects. This doctrine has received the sanction of his present Majesty, who, on a memorable occasion, stated his conviction, that the Crown was held in trust for the benefit of the people. In this point of view, therefore, the Government of this country was guilty of a great dereliction of duty, and of a disregard of the interests of its most industrious subjects, in not imposing such a seasonable and proper impost on the exportation of cotton twist, as to have left the population of foreign countries to struggle with difficulties at least equal to those which our own have had to contend with. The evil of creating a colony of foreign weavers by the unrestricted exportation of our own fine twist, must have been evident to all, and the bad consequences •which it has caused, as well as those which may ensue, (and from the above details of the exportation of mule twist they are evidentl}"^ considerable and in- creasing) are, on the score of neglect, justly chargeable to the Government of this country. English twist was first exported in small quantities about the year 1700. At that time the continental weavers were chiefly employed in the manufacturing of Imen and woollen cloth, and the English, by their improvements in spinning, pos- sessed almost a monopoly of the cotton manufacture. The Continent, if left to itself, would not have attempted to vie with us in the article of cotton, and what- 35 ever may be said as to the high price of a manufacture in a particular quarter having a tendency to make the means of producing it emigrate from the soil of its birth, it is plain, that from the want of machine-makers, of trained and experienced work- men, of capital and of fuel, in foreign countries, a restrictive impost in the outset would have preserved to us those advantages which are now enjoyed by foreigners. Improvements in machinery and skill in the operative workmen are progressive, and in 1790 we were in both so far advanced beyond all the continental nations put together, as to leave them scarcely the chance of success if they had attempted to rival us. By means of their agents sent over for the purchasing of twist, they have now acquired a knowledge of our machinery, and have many spinning factories ; these are chiefly employed in making weft. The twist for their warps, which re- quires better machinery, and greater nicety and skill in spinning than weft, is sup- plied by the English. Under the dynasty of Buonaparte, the Continent was shut against us, and the quantity of twist exported from England was but small. When he was sent to Elba, in 1814, the Continent was thrown open, twist was exported without restriction, and, in succeeding years, in increased quantities. What followed ? A reduction of the wages of our weavers,* and its constant attendant, an increase of our Poor Rates. If the Government of this country had paid proper attention to this subject, when twist was first exported, or in 1814, when the Continent was thrown open, great numbers of Weavers would have been kept off the Poor Rates, and probably much of the misery, tumultuous assemblages and riots, which took place in 1819, would have been prevented. * Prices paid for Weaving 6-4ters. 60 Cambrics, 24 yards, 160 picks in an iircli. 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 C June I Dec: ;rabe ("January \ August - f January 1806 ■? June (^ December 1807 HP"' (^Decei her 1808 C February J^June 1810 Mirch ecember d. 31 6 30 32 6 34 6 28 26 28 32 30 27 26 22 18 18 18 20 25 19 From the above Table it w for the reception of British T« 1811 1812 rjune 1813^ November (^ December '^^^{ December - 1815 C January I June 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 - 1822 - - - 12 To weave one of these pieces would occupy a weaver about a week. 11 appear, that ever since the years 1815 and 1816, when the CoDtinent was opened ist, the Wages of the Eagiish Weaver have gradually declined. s. d. 16 18 21 27 32 6 28 20 17 17 14 14 14 12 12 13 6 CHAPTER X. Change of Character and Manners, in the Population, superinduced hy the extension of the Cotton Manufacture. The population of Lancashire, before the introduction of the Cotton Manu- factui-e, was chiefly Agricultural, and a favourable picture of its state may be found in Addison's character of Sir Roger de Coverley. In those days, the Squire was the feudal Lord of the neighbourhood, and his residence, or the Hall, as it was called, was looked upon in the light of a palace. He was the dictator of opinion, the regulator of parish aflFairs, and the exclusive settler of all disputes. On holidays the rustics were invited to the Hall, where they wrestled, ran races, played at quoits and drank ale. An invitation to the Hall was a certificate of good character ; not to be invited along with his neighbours was a reproach to a man ; because no one was uninvited unless he had been guilty of some impropriety. The Clergyman had scarcely less influence than the Squire, his sacred character and his superior attain- ments gave him great authority ; he was generally from Oxford, and in those days the appellation of Oxford Scholar was understood to describe a man of learning and piety. He never met the elders of his flock Avithout the kindest enquiries after the welfare of their families, and, as his reproof was dreaded, so his commendation was sought, by young and old. Incontinence in man or woman was esteemed a heinous offence, and neglecting or refusing to pay a just debt was scarcely ever heard of. Twice at Church on Sundays, a strict observance of fast days, and a regular reading of the Scriptures every Sunday evening, at which the youngsters, after putting off their best clothes, were always present, were uniform and established customs. The events of the neighbourhood flowed in a regular, unbroken train ; politics were a field little entered into, and the histories of each other's families, including cousins five times removed, with marriages, births, deaths, &c. formed the almost only subjects of their conversations. The Farmer was content to take on trust the old modes of husbandry and 37 management practised by his forefathers for generations; and new improvements were received, or rather viewed, %vith dislike and contempt. There was little flac- tuation in prices, little competition between individuals, and the mind became con- tracted from this general stagnation and its being so seldom roused to exertion. Men being mostly employed alone, or having few but their own families to converse with, had not their understandings rubbed bright by contact and an interchange of ideas; they witnessed a monotonous scene of life which communicated a corres- ponding dulness and mechanical action to their minds. The greatest varieties of scene which they witnessed were the market day of the village, and the attendance at Church on the Sabbath, and the summicm bomim of their lives was to sit vacant and inactive in each other's houses, to sun themselves in the market place, or to talk over news at that great mart of village gossip, the blacksmith's shop. It is obvious that the morals of the people would, in a great measure, take their tone from the character of the Squire. In one particular neighbourhood, where fifty years ago the Squire was a man of superior understanding, expanded mind, amia- ble disjjosition, diffusive benevolence, and of the most pure and spotless integrity, the good effects of his residence among his tenantry were pre-eminently conspicuous. The progress of the Cotton Manufacture introduced great changes in the man- ners and habits of the people. The operative workmen being thrown together in great numbers, had their faculties sharpened and improved by constant communica- tion. Conversation wandered over a variety of topics not before essayed; the questions of Peace and War, which interested them importantly, inasmuch as they might produce a rise or fall of wages, became highly interesting, and this brought them into the vast field of politics and discussions on the character of their Government, and the men who composed it. They took a greater interest in the defeats and victories of their country's arms, and from being only a few degrees above their cattle in the scale of intellect, they became Political Citizens. To these changes the establishing of Sunday Schools has very much contri- buted; they have been a great means of forwarding this wonderful alteration.* * Sunday Schools were first established at Gloucester, by Mr. Robert Raikes, in 1780. In 17S3, Mr. Raikes publislied an account of the good effects arising from his schools. This account met the eye of John Baltersby, of Bedford, near Leigh, about Cliristmas, 1783. Mr. Battersby prevailed on some of his neighbours to join him in purchasing books, seats, and desks, and ou the 28tli of ]\Iarcb, 1784, he opened a Sunday School at Green-lane-end, in Bedford. In the management of this scliool he wa« assisted by his brother Richard Baltersby. These are the earliest instances of the establishment of those schools, which have now become general in every village and hamlet in the kingdom, and wliii.h exercise so decided an influence on the minds and character of the rising generation. 38 Before their institution the lower orders were extremely illiterate ; very few of them could read, and still fewer could write, and when one of them learned to read, write and cast accounts, those acquirements elevated him to a superior rank. His clerkly skill exempted him from manual labour, and as a shopman, book- keeper or town's officer — perchance in the higher dignity of parish clerk or school- master — he rose a step above his original situation in life. The labourers and operative workmen were formerly sunk in the depths of ignorance; they seldom formed an opinion of their own, and were content to believe every thing their superiors told them. Sunday Schools have greatly assisted in dispelling this thick cloud of ignorance, they have taught the mass of the peo- ple taread, and the countless publications dispersed over the country, in monthly portions or numbers, at 6d., 9d. or Is. per number, have taught them to reason and think for themselves. During the last 40 years the mind of the labouring class (taking them as a body) has been progressively improving, and within the last 20, has made an advance of centuries, and is still advancing with accelerated rapidity. The facility with which the Weavers changed their masters, the constant effort to find out and obtain the largest remuneration for their labour, the excite- ment to ingenuity which the higher wages for fine manufactures and skilful work- manship produced, and a conviction that they depended mainly on their own exertions, produced in them that invaluable feeling, a spirit of freedom and inde- pendence, and that guarantee for good conduct and improvement of manners, a consciousness of the value of character and of their own weight and importance. The practical truth of these remarks must be obvious to every one who has served on the Jury at Lancaster, and compared the bright, penetrating, shrewd and intelligent Jurors from the south of the county, with the stupidity and utter ignorance of those from its northern parts ; and to every one who witnessed the fervour and enthusiasm with which the people in the manufacturing districts flew to arms, in 1803, to defend their firesides against a foreign invader. What crowding to the drills; what ardour and alacrity to learn the use of arms there then was, and how much stronger and more rapid the feeling of independence, both national and individual, is found to be among a highly-civilized dense manufacturing popula- tion, than among a scattered half-informed Peasantry! The amusements of the people have changed with their character. The Athletic exercises of Quoits, Wrestling, Foot-ball, Prison-bars and Shooting with the Long-bow, are become obsolete and almost forgotten; and it is to be regretted that the present pursuits and pleasures of the labouring class are of a more effemi- 39 nate cast — They are now Pigeon-fanciers, Canary-breeders and Tulip-growers. The field sports, too, have assumed a less hardy and enterprising character. Instead of the Squire with his merry harriers and a score or two of ruddy, broad- chested yeomen, scouring the fields on foot headless of thorn or briar, and scorn- ing to turn aside for copse or ditch, we now see half a dozen Fustian Masters and Shopkeepers, with three or four greyhounds and as many beagles, attacking the poor Hare with such a superiority, both as respects scent and fleetness, as to give her no chance of escape, and pouncing upon their game like poachers, rather than pursuing it with the fairness and hardihood of hunters. CHAPTER XI Moral and Religious Character of fTieavers. If we examine the history of the moral character of Weavers, we shall find them, from the earliest periods, distinguished bv a propensity to scrutinize the received dogmas of the times, and, generally, foremost in the race of liberal opinions, zealous in supporting the promulgation of new doctrines, full of hos- tility to the encroachments of tyrannical power, disposed to fanaticism in reliorion, often of a gloomy and determined cast of character and pervaded with the most entire devotion to the cause they espouse, a circumstance to which the peculiarity of their religious feelings mainly contributes. The doctrines of Luther were first sown and took root amonsrst the Weavers and manufacturing population of Saxony, a soil the most g-enial for the reception of the new religion, and posterity is indebted to them for having received and sheltered that vigorous controversialist, and for having nourished and fanned the spark which afterwards blazed out far and wide, enliehtened the European mind and freed it from the chains of darkness and superstition. Amonsfst men less dis- posed to enquire and to question, and more inclined to bow to the dictates of authority, the nascent spark might have been estinofuished. The Weavers in England, also, were among the earliest supporters of the Reformation, and were cruelly persecuted by Bonner.* The new religion spread so fast amonsrst the mercantile and manufacturm^ population in the Netherlands, as to call down upon them the vengeance of the bigoted court of Spain, and in 1567 the Duke of Alva, a fit instrameDt for such a measure, was dispatched by Philip to execute it. More than one hundred thou- sand were expatriated by his barbarous cruelties. These exiles, the most indus- * Bornet's History of the Reformation, folio, Londoo, 16S], 2i. part, pages 307, 313. 41 Irious of the people, (for it was chiefly by the manufacturers and merchants that the opinions of the Reformers were embraced,) fled to other countries, carrying with them their industry, their arts and their manufactures. Elizabeth supported and protected the Worsted Weavers who took shelter in England, and with her encouragement numbers of them settled at Norwich. That a hundred thousand quiet, moral, industrious citizens should have been exiled, put to death, exterminated, for a speculative difference of opinion only, would excite in us unmixed indignation, but that we feel the Barbarian was by the same blow punishing himself. By exiling and destroying the manufacturing population he deprived himself of one of the best sources of wealth and political greatness, and transferred them to England, at that time his most formidable enemy, and the chief support of the religion he wished to extirpate. Haerlem, famous for its linen manufacture, made a most vigorous and desperate, but un- successful defence against Frederick, son of Alva, in 1572, and 1573.* As the Weavers in England, in the commencement of the 16th century, had been among the foremost to receive and adopt Luther's doctrines, so we find them, in the commencement of the 17th. century, equally ready to receive those of Puritanism, and they encountered, perhaps in a slighter degree, persecutions from the English Hierarchy similar to those which their predecessors had sustained from the Roman Catholics. Great numbers of Woollen and Worsted Weavers were driven out of the country by the intolerant Laud, and they also met with much severe treatment from Wrenn, Bishop of Norwich. Some of them fled to Holland, others to the new settlement in Massachusets' Bay.-f- Glasgow, where the Weavers were a corporate body in 1528, was early distinguished for its zeal against Popery, and, in the middle of the 17th century, was staunch in supporting the covenant. Full of gloom and fanaticism the Covenanters prohibited the most innocent amusements, and were prepared to hallow with texts of scripture every atrocity which political rancour could produce. After the battle of Kilsyth, ♦Observations npon the United Provinces, by Sir Wm. Temple, 12mo. London, 1673, pages ;33, 34, 203. History of Piiilip 2nd. by Robert Watson, LL. D. 7th edition, London, 1812, vol. 1st. pages 294, 298, 299, 300, 392; Vol. 2nd. page 64 to 89. History of Philip 3rd. by Robert Watson, LL. D. 3rd. edition, London, 1808, vol. 1st., page 245. Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, 4to. Lon- don. 1808, vol. 2nd, pages 32, 33. t Lives of James 1st., Charles Ist, Oliver Cromwell and Charles 2nd., by Wm. Harris, 8vo. Lon- don, 1814, vol 2nd. page 243. Select Tracts relating to the Civil Wars in England, in the reign of Charlea Isl., by Francis Maseres, Bvo. London, J8I5, part 1, page 1C3. 4-2 Montrose levied heavy contributions upon the City, as a punishment for it's attachment to the Covenant.* In the year 1640, Taunton, one of the chief manufacturing towns in the West of England, adopted and vigorously supported the cause of the parliament.! The Inhabitants of Gloucester, in 1643, made a most determined resistance ao^ainst Charles 1st. and, in all probability, prevented him from making a con- quest of his kingdom. At that time Gloucester was famous for its manufacture of woollen cloth, and though the Gentlemen of the City were in favour of the King, the Tradesmen and Weavers were strongly hostile to him, and fought with sur- prising courage and resolution. A cotemporary writer thus describes them: "The Inhabitants consisted " chiefly of Yeomen, Farmers, Petty Freeholders, and such as use manufactures " that enrich the country and passe through the hands of a multitude, a genera- '• tion of men truely laborious, jealous of their properties, whose principall ayme " is Liberty and Plenty, and whilst in an equal rank with their neighbours, they " desire only not to be oppressed, and account themselves extreamly bound to " the world if they may keepe their owne ; such therefore continually thwart the "intentions of tyrannie."J When the Duke of Monmouth landed in the West, in 1685, the nobility and gentry of Somersetshire sided with James the 2nd. but the manufacturing towns of Taunton, Bridgewater and Froome joined the Duke.^ The free spirit which animated the Hugonots of France, and the consequent disgust with which Louis the 14th. regarded them, was, in all probability, the cause of the revocation of the Edict of Nantz. This measure drove fifty thousand Hugonot families from France; they were chiefly Weavers, and twenty thousand of them settled in Spital-fields, London, and gave a new impulse to the Englisli silk manufacture, j * History of Glasgow, by James Denholni, 12nio. 2nd. edition, Glasgow, 1798, pages 15,20, 153. t Clarendon's History of the Civil War, 8vo. Oxford, 1712, vol. 2nd. part 1st. page 375. 1 Clarendon's History of the Civil War, Svo. Oxford, 1712, vol. 2ud. part 1st. page 344. Histo- rical! Relation of the Military Government of Gloucester, by John Corbet, Preacher of God's Word, 12mj. London, 164-5, pasres 9, 17. History of Gloucestershire, folio, Cirencester, PriLted by Samuel Rud- der, 1779, pages 123, 124, 107 to 112. The Ancient and present state of Gloucestershire, by Sir Robert Alkyns, Knt. folio, second edition, London, 1712, reprinted 176S, page 46. § History of the early part of the Reign of James the Second, by the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, 4to. London, ISOS, pages 229, 231, 234, 237. I Chalmer's Domestic Economy of Great Britain and Ireland, Svo. Edinburgh, 1612, page 7?. Modem Loudon, 4to. Loudon, 1S04, page 134. 43 Londonderry, the capital of the manufacturing county of Derry, in Ireland, and itself a manufacturing City, after sustaining a siege of four months and enduring all the horrors of famine, courageously repulsed the army of James the 2d. and gave the first check to his successes. In 1715, the Citizens of Glasgow raised a battalion of six hundred men to oppose the Pretender, and, in 1746, they raised two battalions of four hundred and fifty each, for the same purpose. At the approach of the Pretender, in 1745, the conduct of Manchester would seem to form an exception to the general feeling of the other manufactur- ing districts, but it must be remembered, that the town was quite unprepared for resistance, and that the mass of the people was quiescent, not active. What has been represented as the conduct of the town generally, was merely that of a few individuals zealously attached to the Stuarts. When Wesley and Whitfield unfurled the standard of Methodism, the Wea- vers flocked to it and shewed as much zeal and ardour in favour of the new Religion, as their predecessors had previously shewn at the Reformation, or in the succeeding period of Puritanism. The great mass of Weavers are now deeply imbued with the doctrines of Methodism, jtird form a great proportion of the whole number of persons who profess that religion. The belief in a preter- natural mental communication with the spiritual world, and in instantaneous regeneration, and the enthusiastic singing of Hymns in full chorus, are strictly in tmison with that reli, with their chil- dren, and the aged and infirm belonging to them, at two and a half to each loom, it mav very safely be said, that the work done in a Steam Factory containing two hundred Looms, would, if done by hand Weavers, find employment and support for a population of more than two thousand persons. The Steam ,Looms are chiefly employed in Weaving printing cloth and shirtings ; but they also weave thicksetts, fancy cords, dimities, cambrics and quiltings, tosrether with silks, worsteds, and fine woollen or broad cloth. Inven- tion is progressive, every improvement that is made is the foundation of another, and as the attention of hundreds of skilful mechanics and manufacturers is now turned to the improvement of the Steam Loom, it is probable that its application will become as general, and its efficiency as sfreat, in Weaving, as the Jenny, Water Frame and Male, are in Spinuiucr, and that it will, in this country at least, eutirelv supersede the hand Loom. But, so great is the difference, so astonishing the disproportion, between the price of labour in India and in Europe, that when Mule Twist is exported from Ensrland to Hindostan, or when Mule factories are established there, the Indian hand Weavers will undersell the English Steam Loom manufacturers, that is to say, when the Indian Weaver can avail himself of the assistance of part of our machinery, he will be able to beat the other part out of the market. The race of competition betwixt the cheapness of labour in Hindostan and English industry assisted by machinery, is much nearer upon an equality than is arenerally supposed. The very trifling difference between India manufacture, as produced from yarn spun by the distaff" and spindle, and that produced in England from yarn spun by machinery, is only as fourteen and a quarter to nineteen and a half; the Indian manufacturer being able to sell for une shilling and seven-pence half-penny, that which the English manufacturer, with all his machinery and economy of human labour, cannot aftbrd to sell for less than one shilling and two-pence farthing. This immense disproportion of price, considering the multiplied facilities which the English manufacturer pos- sesses in comparison with his Indian rival, ought to make ns dread as the greatest evil that can possibly happen to the manufactures of England, the Establish- ment of Male or other factories in Hindostan. where there is an overflowinsr 49 population, skilful in the management of the Loom and long trained to its labours, each individual of which usually subsists upo., wages of three-pence per day.* From the best accounts that can be obtained, the annual Consumption of Cotton in India is eight hundred thousand bags, while that in Great Britain is only six hundred thousand. There being no machinery used in India, it is manifest, that the spinning and manufacturing of such a vast quantity of cotton must give employment and support to immense numbers of people, and if Eng- lish spun Twist and Weft is conveyed to them in a state ready for being woven into cloth, all those employed in the protracted and tedious process of spinning by the Distaff and Spindle, will be gradually thrown out of employment, the consequence of which must be that the hands and time employed in this process will be applied to the labours of the Loom, and the Indian population will become Weavers for the whole world. *The following Statement of the prices of Spinning and Weaving in Hindostan, are taken from Mr. Lee's calculations, printed about the year 1811. !. d. Weaving a square yard of Cloth, containing thirteen hanks, of one hundred hanks Yarn 01 Spinning the thirteen hanks of Yarn ' ' <;ost of the Cloth manufactured in India, from Indian spun Yarn . 1 71 The Weaving of a similar yard of Cloth in England, at the present rate of wages 7 Spinning the thirteen hanks in England, at the present prices of Yarn 7{ t'osl of the Cloth manufactured in England ' *» If tlie Indian Manufacturer was supplied with Englisii Yarn, he would be enabled to manufacture llu same Cloth for eight-pence half-penny. The Yarn 7* Freight OJ Weaving 0| 8J Whenever the great current of English Twist flows unrestricledly into the Indian market, all the •■xertioiis to improve the Steam Loom will have become futile, and all the capital and machinery employed in working it, a ruinous speculation. The Indian Weaver will obtain our Twist, AVeavc it into Cloth, return it to England, and with all our boasted Machinery, all our Steam Looms and their subordinate preparatory machines, undersell us in our own Markets. 50 The Indian Weaver can support himself as just mentioned, with wages of three-pence per day, and when tlvose vast hordes of population which the Asiatic countries alone exhibit, apply themselves to weaving Yarn spun by machinery, it is perfectly demonstrable, that the Weavers of Europe, whose wages are so disproportionate to those of India, must turn to some other employment, or starve, and which ever is the case the greatest distress and misery must ensue. Alarming as this prospect is, it does not admit of the alleviation of being a distant one, at this very time, perhaps, the first step to the innumerable evils which- must fall upon the Weavers of England and of Europe has been made. A QUANTITY OF TwiST WAS SHIPPED LAST YEAR TO InDIA FROJI THE PORT OF LiVERPOOI., AND THE ADVENTURE HAS PROVED A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL ONE. The arguments which have been used to shew the impo- licy of the exportation of Cotton Twist from England to the Continent of Europe, will no doubt be answered by an assertion that, were it now to be put a stop to, all that Twist which is exported and gives employment to the Continental Wea- vers, would stagnate in our own Markets, to the ruin and destruction of the whole spinning interest of England, and of the capital employed in it; but no such argument can be used on the subject of the exportation to India, because the practice is now first originating, and probably the shipment just alluded to is the first that ever sailed to India from the British shores. The distress and misery to which it may give rise by bringing the Indian into competition with the British Weaver appears so great, so pregnant with destruction to the latter, that, as one interested in the welfare of my country, and feeling an anxious and tender solicitude for the well being and prosperity of that industrious and intelligent population, the operative Weavers of this kingdom, I call ear- nestly upon tliat Legislature and those Statesmen, whose sacred trust it is to watch over and protect the interests of the people, to turn their most serious attention to a question so vitally important to their countrymen. 51 An account of the quantity (in lbs. net) of Cotton Wool imported into Great Britain from the year 1791, and at different intervals prior to that time. (Parliamentary returns, except the years 1813, 1820, 1821 and 1822):— From 1 70 1 to 1 705 average of 5years 1^ ] 70,88 1 1716tol720 - - 2,173,287 Ab'Mit this time the Jenny and Water Frame were invented. 1771 to 1775 - - 4,764,589 1776 to 1780 - - 6,706,013 1781 to 1785 - - 10,941,934 Arkwright's patent repealed. 1786 to 1790 - - 25,443,270 1791 - - 28,706,675 1792 - - 34,907,497 1793 - - 19,040,929 1794 - - 24,358,567 1795 - - 26,401,340 1796 - - 32,126,357 1797 - - 23,354,371 1798 - - 31,860,641 1799 - - 43,379,278 1800 - - 56,010,732 1801 - - 56,004,305 1802 - - 60,345,600 1803 - - 53,812,284 1804 ----- - 61,867,329 1805 59,682,406 1806 ------ 58,176,283 1807 ----- - 74,925,306 1808 ----- - 43,605,982 1809 .--_.. 92,812,282 1810 ------ 136,488,935 1811 . _ - . - - 91,576,535 1812 63,025,936 1813 ------ 50,966,000 1814 60,060,239 1815 - 99,306,343 The Continent opened for the reception of British Twist. 1816 93,920,055 1817 124,912,968 1818 177,282,158 1819 149,739,820 1820 - - - about 143,897,000 1821 ------ 129,013,000 1822 ------ 142,202,000 APPENDIX. No. 1. The Statement of Thomas Leather. Thomas Leather, of Leigh, Weaver, aged sixty-nine, says, that when about eight years of age he came with his father Richard Leather, and his mother Betty Leather, from Padgate, to live in a house situated on the west side of a street in Leigh, called the Walk; that the said street is in the Township of Pen- nington, and Parish and Town of Leigh; that his father was a wheelwright; that when they had lived one year at the said house they removed to another house, a public-house, situated on the east side of the Walk; that the last-mentioned house is now occupied by Molly Aspinwall; that he lived with his father three years in this last-mentioned house, in the first of which years his mother died; that at the end of the three years his father and he quitted the house and never afterwards resided in it. That whilst he lived the three years with his father, in the house on the east side of the Walk, their next door neighbour on the south side was James Smetham, Glass-maker, and their next but one on the south side was Thomas Highs, Reed-maker; that their next door neighbour on the north side was John Kay, Clock-maker. That whilst he lived the three years with his father, in the house on the east side of the Walk, there was much talk amongst the neighbours about a Spinning Machine, that Highs and Kay were making in Highs' garret; that Highs and Kay worked at this machine during over hours, sometimes working until late at night; that after they had worked at it some months, they one Sunday Evening threw or carried it into the back yard and broke it. That on the Monday morning, he, this deponent, took a wheel or pully for a trundle bowl from the broken machine as it lay in the yard ; that when the neighbours heard that Highs and Kay had broken the machine they laughed at them; that Kay said he would have no more to do with Spinning machines; that Highs, however, was not satisfied, but took the broken machine 54 into his garret and soon after completed a Spinning Jenny. That the Jenny made by Highs had six spindles; that the spindles stood at the front of the Jenny, and were turned by strings from a drum working on a perpendicular axle; that the clove worked perpendicularly, rising when drawing out the weft, and falling when it was copped. That after Highs had invented this machine he did not work much at Reed-making, but was employed in making and scheming machines for Spinning; that Highs' daughter, Jenny, set the Reeds during her father's absence. That John Kay left Leigh, and went to live at Warrington about the time this deponent and his father removed from the house on the east side of the Walk, and that Thomas Highs and his family went to live in a house in Brad- shaw-gate, in Leigh, about the same time. The mark of Thomas X Leather. Signed by Thomas Leather after having been taken down in writing, from his own statement, and read over to him by Abraham Heyes, this twenty-ninth dav of August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. In the presence of Abraham Heyes, Sashtei- Whittle, Parish Clerk. No. 2. Certificate of the Burial of Mary Leather, mother of Thomas Leather. The following Certificate is copied from the Parish Register : — " Burials at Leigh Church, continued. October 4th, 1763, Betty, wife of Richard Leather, of Pennington." Witness, Samuel Whittle, Parish Clerk. Lfifi/i, March 7ih. 152-3. No. 3. The Evidence of Thomas Highs, given in the Court of King's Bench, on the 25tk Day of June, 1785, on a Trial of a cause instituted on a Writ of Scire Facias, to repeal a Patent granted to Mr. Richard Arkwright, \^th Decem- ber, Ml 5. London, folio, 1785. Thomas Highs, Sworn. Examined by Serjeant Bolton. Q. What business are you? A. By trade I am a Reed-maker. Q. Have you been employed to make machines for manufacturers ? A. I have. Q, Look at this carding machine, with the two cylinders, the great one and the little one. Look at that — how long ago have you seen one of those ? A. It is about twelve yearsj between twelve and thirteen years. Q. Was your little cylinder like that, covered over with needles? A. Covered over with cards, it was. Q. Do you happen to remember, Mr. Highs, telling Mr. Arkwright about jthis? A. About this. Sir? Q. Aye! A. No, not about that. Q. But about the machine that was made ? A. No, T did not tell him about that, it was made after I had some dis- course with Mr. Arkwright. Q. When was it you had that discourse with Arkwright? A. It might be about thirteen years since, as near as I can guess, but can- not just remember every thing. IPM 56 Mr. Serjeant Bolton.' — I will take him to the rollers. — Look at the rollers through which the thread comes, the roving or spinning, or whatever it is called. Did you ever see rollers like those before 1775, before Mr. Arkwright's patent:^ A. I have seen rollers; I made rollers myself in 1767. Q. You yourself made rollers in 1767? A. Yes, Sir. Q. Have you looked at them; you see one is fluted, the other covered with leather ? A. I see it is. Q. Was your's the same way ? A. Yes, mine was, two years after, but not then. Q. Not at first? A. No. Q. In 1769 your's were like it? A. They were, mine had fluted work; fluted wood, upon an iron axis; but the other roller was the same, only it was covered with shoe leather, instead of that leather; I am informed it is such as they make shoes of. Q. Who did vou employ when you first conceived this invention; who diil you employ to make it for you ? A. I employed one Ray, who came from Warrington. Q. What trade was he? A. He followed clock-making, at that time. Q. You employed him to make it? A. Yes, I employed him to make a small model, with four wheels, of wood, to shew him the method it was to work in, and desired him, at the same lime, to make me brass wheels, that would multiply it about five to one. Q. Look at that, and see whether it is upon the same principle? A. No, not exactly so; the wheels were not exactly so. Q. Who made you the wheels ? A. I made them myself. Q. Describe what you mean by multiplying five to one? A. By making the dift'erent rollers go, one faster than the other. Q. Was that for the purpose of drawing the thread finer. A. Yes, Sir, Mr. ErsVtne. It is very necessary your Lordship should take notice, the only description given by Mr. Arkwright, for his rollers, falls in directly with this man's description. All he says, is, " No. G consists of rollers fixed to ;i 5T " wooden frame, the contents of No. 5 being' brought to it, and going through, " prodiiceth it a proper size." Mr. Lee. — It does not say shoe leather, or calf leather, or any thing else about it. Mr. Serejant Bolton. — Do you remember being at Manchester Races, 1767. A. No. Q. Did you see Mr. Arkwright at any time ? A. Yes. Q. When might you see him? A. I suppose about twenty years since; or about twenty-one years since or thereabouts; somewhere thereaway.* Q. Now, recollect yourself, and tell us what passed between you and Ark- wright, when you saw him? A. I will tell, as near as I can. There was a gentleman, a tradesman in Bolton, one Thomas Rothwell; this Thomas Rothwell and I were pretty intimate; I met him in Manchester at a certain time, and he asked me, "Could you like to see Mr. Arkwright? he is in town." With all my heart, says I. He said, "If I had a mind, he could bring me into his company, or bring him " into Mrs. Jackson's, to have a glass together, and we might have a bit of dis- '' course together." Q. Did you get together ? A. Yes, he brought him in, I remember into a little apartment, I believe the parlour of the house; we fell into some conversation about engines; at that time I was making another engine for a gentleman in Manchester, that they gave me a premium for. It happened I was there at that time, and Mr. Arkwright; and accordingly we fell into conversation, and I began to tell him he had got my invention. I told him, I had shown the model of it to John Kay, the method I intended to use the rollers, because John Kay's wife had told me that before, how it happened, and Mr. Arkwright and them could never deny it. I told him, I had been informed that he had hired Kay, for twenty or twenty-one years, for about half-a-guinea a week, or something more, I dont know what; but, how- ever, I should go on, if I would. I told him which way she told me he came hy it. He said very little about it: when I told him, he never would have had the rollers but through me, he put his hand down in this way, and never said a word. * W'hen Highs said he had seen Arkwriglit twenty or twenty one years before llie Trial, he allu(h;d to his first seeing him at Leigh, which happened soon after Arkwriglit's marriage. The conversation in Mrs. Jackson's parlour took place about thirteen years before the Trial. 58 Q. You will please to repeat that, I don't hear you, A. I shall, as near as I can; would you have me i*epeat all again f Mr. Justice Buller. — No, only what you said last. A. I happened to meet with Thomas Rothwell. Q. What discourse had you with Arkwright about the rollers ? A. We were in some discourse about the rollers: I told him he would never have known them but for me; and he put his hand in this manner; I remember very well in this manner, to his knee, and that was the answer he gave; also he told me, when I told him it was my invention, suppose it was, he says, if it was, he says, if any man has found out a thing, and begun a thing and does not go forwards, he lays it aside, and any other man has a right in so many weeks or months, (I forget now) another man has a right to take it up, and get a patent for it. Mr. Serjeant Bolton. — Q. Mr. Arkwright said, it was no matter if a man does not proceed upon a thing, but let it lie by so many weeks or months, he, or any other man, might get a patent for it? A. Yes, I cannot tell how that is, says I, for I never was much concerned in law. Q. Have you actually ever made, or not, any of these carding machines? A. 1 have made carding machines, but not with these individual things, as this is; there are various forms. Q. Did you ever make a machine that gives a perpetual roving ? A. Yes, I did, the very same as that is. Q. That made it a continual roving? A. Yes. Q. Had you a little cylinder, like that, to take off the cotton from the large one ? A. I had a cylinder, like that, to take off the cotton from the large one; but you will excuse me, both my cylinders were of a size. Q. But, however, that cylinder behind took off from the other cylinder, for the perpetual carding? A. Yes, Sir. Q. How long is it since you made those ? A. It is about twelve, or between twelve or thirteen years; nay, I am sure it is twelve years since. Q. What did you do with them; did you sell any of them? A. Yes, Sir, I sold them. 59 Q. For use to the manufacturers ? A, Yes, I did. Q. How many did you? A. I suppose four or five, but then I never made but one in this method; I tell nothing but the truth. Cross-examined hy Mr. Sergeant Adair. Q. You never made but one in that method r A. No. Q. When did you make that ? A. About twelve years ago. Q. Who did you make it for ? A. For one Mr. Walmesley. Q. You never made but one of that kind ? A. No I did not. Q. It did not answer; it was a new experiment ? A. It did not answer the end the gentleman wanted it for: you know it is nothing to me, I had nothing to do but work as I was ordered. Q. What was the nature of that? A. To take the carding off perpetually. Q. What sort of carding? A. Just such as is round this, only garters were put on the same way ; first and foremost, I made a cylinder of a board, and got it turned, I had workmen of my own : then when that was turned, I had got a mahogany board, and made them the breadth of the card, to fit; after that, when I had screwed them on with screws upon that cylinder, I drew them over that cylinder; then I got them throwed again, or turned; and after that I took and dressed the edges of the card a little narrower, to give liberty for the other to come in ; I took the card this way, and laid it down sideways, to take up but little room, and by that means it brought the teeth so close together, as made a perpetual carding. Q. You placed them across the cylinder, as those are, or round it like filleting? A. No, they were put round, like this. Q. You never made but one of them ? A. No. Q. Do you know where it was used ? A. Yes, there was a man in the town that worked upon them. Q. What use did you put those rollers to, that were in proportion to five to one? Q. 60 A. What use ? Q. Aye. A. I made them on purpose to spin cotton. Q. To spin ? A. Yes, and to rove too. Q. Upon your oath, did you ever apply them to roving of cotton ? A. I will tell you how I did it : I got a board of flat wood, as this is ; I took the carding first, and rolled it with another board, till it was a little harder; I laid loose the card at first; then I run it through the roller, to make it stronger; then, after that, I run three, four, or five through, till it was thick enough ; then I put them all together through and through again, till we made it coarse thread as this is; afterwards I put in the coarse thread, I put it in the roller again, and made it fine. Mr. Sergeant Bolton. — The roving and spinning are done with the same rollers. Mr. Sergeant Adair. — Q. When and where did you apply them to that pur- pose ? A. In the town of Leigh. I did not follow this new manufacture; I was only improving myself, as I had a large family at that time, and was not able to follow it. I thought, when I came a little abler, when I could get a fi-iend to assist me, being poor, and ha\nng a large family, I was not willing any body should steal it from me. Q. Now, Mr. Highs, this was an experiment you made for your information ? A. It was an experiment undoubtedly; I used but two spindles at that time. Q. You meant to preserve the benefit of it, if afterwards you should be able to avail yourself of it ? A. I did, Sir. Q. Now what knowledge had you, how came you to suppose, Mr. Arkwright ever got that from you ? A. I have no further knowledge than what I told you, Kay's wife told me. Q. You, yourself dont know ? A. I cannot tell which way he got it. 3Ir. Sergeant Bolton. — We have that Kay, a clock-maker, that will tell your Lordship how this Arkwright got it from him. 3Ir. ErsJiine. — Your Lordship will observe, No. 6 conveys the description of the rollers used by Mr. Arkwright, not in the roving but the s})inning machine; and if you add 6 and 9 together, it is the spinning machine when together. Mr. Lee, — Now, let them spin and rove together at the same time. 61 [7%e fVheels, accordingly, were set in motion.'] Mr. Sergeant Bolton. — The one forms the coarse thread, the other the fine one; the same machine will do both things. 3Ir. Bearci'oft. — What we mean to convey an idea of to your Lordship, is, that that machine which is now worked, if the tin can was absent, is in truth the spinning machine, which is specified under the first patent ; the one is fine and the other coarse. Mr. Justice Buller, — That is the spinning, I suppose, which is upon the spindle? Mr. Bear croft. — Yes. A Juror. — I want to know, whether what he has got upon that wheel, he took out of the can ? Mr. Bearcroft. — The very same ; it is done in the same manner, and by the same rollers, and this will do it. Mr. Ershine. — Break the thread, and put it behind, and the gentlemen will take notice of that part next ; my Lord, that is the thing for which he had a patent that is expired ; one wheel goes five turns to one of the other. Mr. Sei'geant Bolton. — Q. Now, in fact, with your rollers, you did exactly the same thing ? A. I did. Sir. Q. You roved it, and made the finer thread with your rollers, as this does now!* A. I did. Q. And your principle was, that your motion went five to one, to the other ? A. It did, Sir; that is my own invention. Mr. Sergeant Bolton. — You will find, as to that principle of the wheel actii>g five to one, we are totally left in the dark by the specification. Mr. Justice Buller. — From the size of the wheels being different he says this man's invention was of a different proportion of wheels, as to their principle of operation, and there is nothing of that sort in the patent. Mr. Ershine. — No, my Lord ; we say, this difference of wheels, invented by this most ingenious man, was taken by Mr. Arkwright from him, and he claims the whole benefit of it by this patent, and we say, that destroys the whole of his patent. Mr. Cowper. — Let us not have more spinning than is necessary. Mr. Sergeant Bolton. — Nor speaking than is necessary. No. 4. The Evidence of John Kay. JoHK Kay, sworn. Examined by Mr. Lee. Q. Do you remember, Mr. Kay, being at Manchester Races in any parti- cular year, and meeting Mr. Arkwright there? A. No, Sir, I did not; I was not there. Q. What place was you at? A. At Warrington; at the time of the Manchester Races he came to War- rington. Q. In what year was it? A. In the year 1767. Q. What was it Arkwright applied to you about, or said to you; how did he introduce himself to you? A. He comes to a public house, and I comes up there; he said he was going to a wheel-maker, one Edward Ashmore, to get a few wires bended, and he wanted a few bits of brass turned, and asked, where he could get them turned. I said if he would go down the street, he would meet with a clock-maker, where he might get them done. He came to our house, I was at woi"k, and asked, If I could do those things for him? I said I would see about it; and I did it; he paid me the next day, and came again, and wanted something else ; and when I had done it, he went about his business. The third day, or the fourth, he came again, and wanted something else; I did him those things; and he asked me when I had done, if I would drink a glass of wine with him in Dale-street. I went with him; in our discourse, he asked me if mine was a profitable business. I said it was not: he asked me what I could get a week. I told him about fourteen shil- lings: Oh, says he, I can get more than you: I said what business may jou be of. He said, " I was a barber, but I have left it off, and I and another are going 63 •' up and down the country buying hair, and can make more of it." We were talking' of different things, and this thing came up, of spinning by rollers. He said, that will never be brought to bear, several gentlemen have almost broke themselves by it. I said, 1 think I could bring that to bear; that was all that passed that night. The next morning he comes to my bed side, and says, Do you remember what I told you last night, and asked, whether I could make him a small model, at a small expence? Yes, says I, I believe I can; says he, if you will, I will pay you. I went and bought a few articles, and made a small wooden model, and he took it with him to Manchester, and in a week or fort- night's time, I cannot say which, he comes back again, and I made him another. Q. Before you go farther, who did you get the method of making these models from? A. From Mr. Highs, the last witness. Q. Did you tell Mr. Arkwright so? A. I told him, I and another man had tried that method at Warrington. Q. You made him a model? A. I made him two models, and he took one to Preston; Burgoyne's elec- tion was about that time. 3Ir. Lee. — I understand that was in 1768; you say General Burgoyne's election at Preston, was at that time. A. Yes — I cannot say I can say any more upon that affair — He took it away with him. Q. Look at that, was that the sort of model or was it at all like that? A. It was with rollers. Q. It was with double rollers in that way? A. Yes, with four pair of rollers; this has only two. Q. Were they fluted? A. No. Q. TSI either of them? A. No. Q. Neither top nor bottom ? A. No. Q. Did they turn equally when at work^ or one faster than the other? A. ^o — one faster than the other. Q. What was tiie purpose of that? A. Why, on purpose to draw cotton out finer, Q. Were do you live, Kay? 64 A. I live at Warring'tou. Q. You have seen those kind of things worked? A. Yes. Q. Was the purpose of your discovery, you had from Highs, to do the like things now in that engine? A. Yes. Q. First to rove it, then to make it finer, but to give it a proper consistency ? A. Yes, we had it roved by a second, a hand wheel at that time. Q. It was for the purpose of roving, with one roller, and afterwards spin- ning it with the other rollers ? A. Yes. Q. After he took your model away, and carried it to Manchester, you had some other conversation with him, do you recollect? A. Yes, and I went with him. Q. Did you live with him there? A. I was with him at the time of the election in 1768; about thirteen week* with him. Q. Was you working with him as a mechanic r A. Yes, I went there to make a clock for him. Q. Now pray did you ever make an\' other models for him. or for any l)od\ else ? A. No, not at that time, not till such time as I went to work for him at Net- tingham. Q. You did go afterwards to Nottingham ? A. Yes. Q. When? A. As soon as the election was over. Q. That was in March, 1768? A. It was ended in April, I believe. Q. Now, how long did you work with him? A. I cannot tell, four or five years perhaps, I cannot say how long. Q. Well, afterwards Mr. Arkwright obtained his patent at a considerable distance of time ? A. Yes. Q. When did you hear he had obtained it ? A. James Hargrave came and told me he had got his patent. Q. Where is he P 65 A. He is dead — I could not help myself, you see I did not know any thing at all about it. Q. You must know, whether at that time it was his own invention, or he had it of you? A. James Hargrave told me I should have lodged a caveat. Q. Dont tell what James Hargrave said, you must know, whether it wa« his own invention? A. I know very well he did not invent the rollers. Q. You know very well he did not invent the rollers. A. No. Q. On the contrary, you know he had them from you? A. Yes. Q. And you had them from this poor Highs? A. Yes. Q. And you told him so? A. Yes, I told him so many a time. Cross-examined hi/ Mr. Coavper. Q, You lived with him before he gained his patent? A. Yes. Q. Parted with him upon very good terms ? A. I dont know upon what terms I parted with him. Q. I dont know whether I have a right to ask you. Did you leave his house without his knowledge ? A. Yes. Q. I must not ask you, whether any thing else left his house at that time : you fled from his service? A. Yes. Q. By what appi-ehension did you leave him, whether well, or ill-founded, I will ask you this, Was there not at least a charge of felony against you ? A. They pretended so, but they could not find any thing against me. Q. I ask, whether you did not fly from him upon the charge of felony? Mr. Bearcroft. — I have no objection to your asking him, whether he had stole any body's invention. Mr. Lee. — Ask him that, who stole the invention? Mr. Cowper. — There is a deal of difterence between stealing a tankard, when invented, or the invention of making a tankard. Q There was a charge against you, well or ill founded ? 66 A. I was at Nottingham, and he took my property away. Mr. Justice Buller. — Who had took them ? A. Mr. Arkwright had. Q. He had taken your goods, had he ? A. Yes. Mr. Cowper. — What I want to know, which I desire you to give rae an answer to, had not you run away from his service upon a charg'e of felony being- exhibited against you ? A. 1 cannot tell what was charged against me. Q. You cannot tell whether you run away upon the fear of a charge? A. He told me something when I came back; I did run away. Q. Yon heard soon after, of this patent, which you knew to be your's or Highs' invention and not Arkwright's? A. Yes. Q. And you talked of a partnership, I suppose? A. Yes. Q. You made no secret of it? A. No. Q. You being a poor man, it put you to no expence to complain to any body about the theft of the invention ? A. No. Q. Did you apply to any body when the nine causes were here? A. Yes. Q. Did you hear them talked of, before they were tried, that they were to be so ? A. Yes. Q. And did you, before that, publicly complain Arkwright stole those rollers? A. Yes. Q. Were you brought up then? A. Yes, Sir. Q, You was not examined upon the first trial? A. No. Q. Was you examined upon the second trial? (No Answer.) Mr. Lee. — I have sent for the brief, to shew he was put down as a Witness:' Mr. Justice Buller. — Kay, what were the things, Mr. Arkwright had taken out of your house ? 67 A. Several tools. Q. Where they tools respecting this business? A. Yes. Q. Was that the subject of the charge against you? A. Why, I was making another machine in my house, to spin Jersey, which I thought of while I was at Nottingham, 1 might compleat it, I believe he thought I was making this machine, and that was his intent. Q. You was making a spinning machine ? A. I was making a thing to spin Jersey; before I went to Nottingham I pul- led that thing to pieces. Q. You dont understand my question. Were the tools, which Mr. Arkwright had taken out of your house, the subject of the charge of felony against you; was it upon that account, he said you was to be charged with felony ? A. I believe he did ; he told my wife I had stole things from him. Q. Did he take those things, as the things stolen ? A. No ; I brought them out of Lancashire. Q. Tell what it was Mr. Arkwright took away ? A. Several tools, compasses, pliers, and vice, and other things. Q. Did he take any thing besides tools ? A. Yes, a pair of sleeves, a spying glass I had, and locks and brass wheels I had brought with me, to make a movement with, from Lancashire; I had not time to make it, and I brought them with me. Q. What was the spying glass ? A. That was a small spying-glass, which drew into four joints, that was mine, I brought it from Nottingham. 3Ir. Erskine. — It is my duty in this place to answer, I have now in my hand my brief, which I had in 1781. Mr. Sergeant Adair. — It is not properly evidence. Mr. Erskine. — I can tell my Lord and the Jury why he was not called. Mr. Justice Buller. — You had better not state it. Mr. Erskine. — You will observe the objection to my stating it, comes from Mr. Sergeant Adair. Mr. Lee. — That it is not now evidence is objected — the observation is enough to obviate that. Mr. Justice Buller. — Surely. Mr. Lee. — Q. Did Arkwright ever pretend to prosecute you for this pretended felony ? 68 A. Yes, he oflfered to do it. Q. Did he do it? A. No, I never saw it. Mr. Justice Buller. — Q. When did you get back to Nottingham again ? A. I never went to Nottingham again. Mr. Lee. — Q. It is suggested to me ; did Mr. Arkwright require you to entt-v into any obligation or bond, not to do any thing in this way of business ' A. Yes, at the time I was at Preston with him. Q. In the year 1768? A. Yes. Q. After yoii had given him that model ^ A. Yes. Q. Was he then well to live, or in a situation not much better than you were ? A. He was a poor working man. Q. He was ? A. He was, and I too; he got assistance to join him in this affair, lud I agreed to work for him as a servant. Q. He got a bond, did he ^ A. Yes. Q. What was it for^ A To serve him so many years. No. 5. The Evidence of Sarah Kay. Sarah Kay, sworn. Examined hy Mk. Erskine. Q. You are the wife of the last witness ? A. Yes, last Michaelmas it is twenty-six or twenty-seven years since. Q. You remember, then, I suppose, when he worked for Highs ? A. Yes, I remember his making a small model. Q. When did you see or know any thing about rollers, by which cotton is spun? A. That was about the beginning of the year 1763. Q. Where did you first see it P A. At a place called Leigh. Q. Who had them ? A. Mr. Highs had them. Q. Do you remember your husband getting any models made of those ? A. That one I remember, and one that he made for Arkwright — He made one for Highs, and then he made one for Mr. Arkwright. Q. Do you remember when he made the model for Highs ? A. In the year 1763. Q. Do you remember when he made the model for Arkwright ? A. At the time of Bourgoyne's election. Q. How do you know it was for Arkwright that he made the model ? A. My husband told me so. Q. You have seen Arkwright and him together ? A. Yes, all the day over. Q. About the time he was getting this model made ? A. Yes. Q. And had he this model at the time, to take with him ? TO A. Yes, he asked whether he would make him a small model at a small expence. Q. You saw them together all day ? A. Yes, after he had made the first model, he took it oflFwith him some where or other, and came back to my husband, and asked if he could make another. Q. He took it off somewhere or other, and came back to your husband, and asked him if he could make him another ? A. Yes. Q. Was there another made ? A. Yes. Q. Did you see this model of the rollers for drawing the cotton thread ? A. Yes, for spinning. Cross examined by Mr. Chambre. Q. You are sure it was in 1763? A. In 1763, my husband and Mr. Highs began it. Mr. Erskine. — Q, When was the first model you ever saw ? A. That my husband made for Mr, Highs. Q. When was that ? A, In the year 1763.* Q. Now, when was it he made the model for Arkwright ? A. In the year 1767. ♦When Sarah Kay said her Hiisbaod and Highs began to make a model iii 1763, she alluded to the Jenny, and her evidence corroborates the statement of Thomas Leatlicr. The Jenny wa-s mad* in 1763, or 1764, the Water-frame in 1767. She saw her Husband and Highs at vrnrk oc a Spinning Machine ill 1763, and probably thought it vvas the same her husband shewed to Arkwrighl in 1767. EXPLANATIONS OF THE PLATES. Plate 1. Distaff Spinning, Plate 2. Peg fVarping. The llircaus of tlie warp were divided by tlie pegs, each alternate thread going under the centre peg, and the succeeding thread over it. This division of the threads, called the lesse, was preserved during the weaving. At flic other end of the warp the threads were passed round two pegs in a similar manner. Plate 3. Figure 1. Hand Cards. Figure 2. Eov'mg bij the Hand Wheel. Figure 3. Spinning hy the Hand Wheel. The cotton after being combed or carded between the hand cards, was scraped off them in rolls about t\pelve inihes long, and three-quarters of an inch in diameter. These rolls, called cardings, were drawn out into rovings on the hand wheel. In figure 2 the cardings arc represented Ijing across the knee of the rover. From the spindle of figure 2 the rovings were taken to figure 3, to be spun into weft. In figure 3 the roving lies in the lap of the spinner. On the spindle of figure 3, the weft was linall^' prepared for the weaver. In roving, the card- ings were drawn out in an angle of forty or forty-five degrees from the point of the spindle ; in spinning, the rov- ings were drawn out nearly in a right angle. The Hand Wheel was first used in the woollen maaufacture. Pl.4Te 4. Figure 1. TJie Loom. The warp is wound upon the yarn beam A; the less is carefully preserved by rods B; one half of the llireads pass through one hcald, and the other half through the other. The hcnlds C are looped in the middle, and the threads of the warp go through the loops. From the hcalds the warp passes through the reed D, which is fixed in a moveable frame called the lathe, E. A cross-piece, F. on the upper part of the lathe rests on each side of the loom, and the lathe swings on this cross-piece. The weaver sits on the scat G, and with his foot presses down one of the Ireddles //, which raises one oftho healds and each alternate thread of the warp. The weaver holds the picking peg in his right band, and with it drives the sluillle from one side of the lathe to the other, between and across the threads of the warp. The shuttle passcj^ between the reed and the weaver, and leaves behind it a slioil ol weft; by pulling the lathe towards him with his left hand this shoot of weft is driven close to the cloth marie by fiirmer casts of the shuttle. The cloth is wound upon the cloth beam /. Figure 2. The Lalhc used when the Shuttle ii-ns thrown by the Hand. Figure 3. Mr. Kay's Lalhc. K The reed; L I. iron rods; M M moveable slides which work on the rods from N to 0, and are fastened to r liir picking peg by a siring 3, B R boxes on each »iile of the lathe to contain the shuttle. The shuttle is placed in one of Ibe Loxei, and the wearer bj a sudjeo jerk with the picking peg moret the lUJe fiom .V to 0. and drives the shnttle along the (led or shuttle race S. into the box cd the other side. FlGiRE 4. The Shuttle. T 7 Wheels on which the shatlle mores aiong the sled. I' The »-eft, fixed in the shuttle upon a skeirer. As the shatlle flies across the warp the weft uorois from the skener and runs through a imall bole Via the side ol the shuttle. Plate 5. The Warping Mill. The warper sits at J, and tarns the reel B by the wheel C and rope D. E The jarn on bobbins, t' Tlic •lide, which rises and falls b> the coiling or uncoiling of the cord G round or from the axle of the reel H. Ill Wooden pios similar to those used in Peg-warping. Plate. 6. Figure 1. Highs' Jenny. A The spindles tamed by strings from the dram B. C The roringsj D the wire loops; E the clove which rises and falls in the groove FF. and is opened and shut by the latch G. When the clove is down at the spindles, at if it is opened and the drum is tamed which raises the clove by means of the cord //, which passing over pul- lies is coiled round the bobbin K. As the clove rises the rovinjs slide throngh it; when the clove is raised five or lix inches to L it is shut fast by the latch G, the dram is again tamed which sets the spindles in motion and raises the clove by the coiling of the cord round the bobbin. The rising of the clove draws ont the five or six inches of roving shot fast between the spindles and the clove into weft. When the clove is raised to .V the roving is suf- ficiently drawn out ; the bobbin is then moved by a latch from the lower part of the axle, nearer to the handle where the axle is of less diameter than the bore of the bobbin. The drum is then turned and the spindles again revolve giving to the weft the necessary twist. During this twisting of the weft the clove and the bobbin remain stationary, the axle of the drum turning within the bobbin, and a leaden weight, .V. counterbalancing the clore. When twisted, the clove is lowered from M to H by the hand of the spinner, and the weft copped or wound upon the spindles. The drop rod guides the weft npoo the spindles. Figure 2. The .\xle ol the Drum square at P and round and of less diameter at 3. Figure 3. The Bobbin, which when at P turns with the axle, but when at S remains statioDary. Plate 7. The Improved Jenny. The wheel A turns the cylinder B by a band C C. The spindles D are turned by strings from the cylinder B. The rovings are placed on the frame E and pass through the clove F to the spindles. The clove moves in the grooves G G. When the clove is close to the spindles at H it is opened and drawn from them eight or ten inches to /, the rovings sliding through if, it is then shut fast and the spindles are set in motion by turning the wheel A. As the spindles revolve, the clove is drawn back from / to A' by the left hand of the spinner; this stretches out the rovings into weft. When stretched out, the spinner holds the clove at A' with the left hand, and gives the pro- per degree of twist by turning the wheel A with the right hand. The weft is then copped by turning the clove to H. L the drop rod. The spindles in the first improved Jennies were turned by strings froni a drum on a perpen- dicular axis. Plate S. A Section of the Tf'ater Frame. .1 The rovings. S The first pair of rollers, r The second pair of rollers which revolve Uster than the trjt pair. D The spindle. E The bobbin. F a drura, the bands from whirh turu four spin.lles. Plate 9. A front Hew of the Wafer Frame. Pi. ATE 10. Carding Engine. Figure 1. A Section of the Carding Engine. A Tlie feeder. B Rollers wbicb take the cotton from tlie feeder and deliver it upon the grenl cylinder C. DTbe concave cover. £ The second cylinder. /"The crank and comb. G The funnel. H HTwo rollers. / Th» perpetual carding. XThe can. Figure 2. A Bird's Eye View of the Carding Engine. A The feeder. B Rollers which take the cotton from the feeder and deliver it upon the great cylinder C C. DThe concave cover. JSThe second cylinder. /"The comb. G The funnel. HThe rollers. /The perpe- tual carding, if The can. Figure 3. Front View of the Carding Engine. A The concave cover. B B The first or great cylinder with the cards nailed on it longitudinally. C The jeeond cylinder with the fillet cards nailed on it circularly. D The comb worked by the upright rods E E and the • ranks F F. G G The rollers. H The can. Figure 4. The old second Cylinder, with the Cards nailed on it longitudinally. Figure 5. Mr. IVood's second Cylinder, with the fillet Cards nailed on it circularly. Plate 11. Figure 1. A Bird's Eye View of the Roving Frame. A A Cans containing the perpetual cardings. B The first pair of rollers. C The second pair of rollers, re- volving quicker than the first. The rovings by passing through these two pairs of rollers are drawn out and lengthened, two of the rovings are then united at the rollers I>, and are again drown out by another pair E, wbicb revolve quicker than the pair at D. Figure 2. Front View of the Roving Frame. /"The fourth or last pair i>r rollers, represented at E on figure 1. From these rollers the rovings pass to lb* spindles G. Figure 3. The Roving Can used by Mr. Arkwright instead of the spindles. Plate 12. The Mule. FiocRE 1. il The Roving. JS The first pair of rollers. C The second pair, revolving quicker than the first. The roving and rollers arc placed on a fixed frame, D A moveable carriage on which the spindles stand. This carriage recedes from the fixed frame when drawing out the yarn and returns to it when the yarn is copped or wound upon the spindles. E a spindle. The spindles arc turned by strings from a drum, each string turuin; two spindles. /"The drop rod. FiGCDB 2. GGG The fixed frame on which stand H H. The second pair of rollers represented at C Figure 1. //The moveable carriage. KThe spindles, i The drop rod. -.^,,., /'» '^ t i' ^ »?' '^ M. 4i^r\ i! '■Y~^~'W«'']!rT ////; *^-# I f~w ^ [3 i ^ x! ^ ^^ <^: ^ / ^ V ^ l.J V 5^ •^. ■^ '^ SI: