>SL<§ikv>^Vi$i-kvSNS&C^ ®ljp ^, ^, pU pkarg QH5^5 "05 nTanrniTiTiF Date Due mki^.d THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD, ACCORDING TO REVELATION AND SCIENCE. Bv J. W7 DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., PRINaPAL AND VICE-CHANCELLOR OF m'gILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL ; AUTHOR OF "acadian geology," " the story of the earth and man," "life's dawn on earth," etc. Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee." -Job. N E W Y O R K : HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1877. TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF DUFFERIN, K.P., K.C.B., Etc., GOVERNOR -GENERAL OF CANADA, (Ll)iG tXJork is tlcs^jcctfnllr) DcbiraU^, AS A SLIGHT TRIBUTE OF ESTEEM TO ONE WHO GRACES THE HIGHEST POSITION IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA BY HIS EMINENT PERSONAL QUALITIES, HIS REPUTATION AS A STATESMAN AND AN AUTHOR, AND HIS KIND AND ENLIGHTENED PATRONAGE OF EDU- CATION, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE. PREFACE. The scope of this work is in the main identical with that of " Archaia," published in i860; but in attempt- ing to prepare a new edition brought up to the present condition of the subject, it was found that so much re- quired to be rewritten as to make it essentially a new book, and it was therefore decided to give it a new name, more clearly indicating its character and pur- pose. The intention of this new publication is to throw as much light as possible on the present condition of the much-agitated questions respecting the origin of the world and its inhabitants. To students of the Bible it will afford the means of determining the precise import of the biblical references to creation, and of their relation to what is known from other sources. To geologists and biologists it is intended to give some intelligible explanation of the connection of the doctrines of revealed religion with the results of their respective sciences. A still higher end to which the author would gladly contribute is that of aiding thoughtful men perplexed with the apparent antagonisms of science and religion, and of indicating how they may best harmonize our great and growing knowledge of nature with our old and cherished beliefs as to the origin and destiny of man. In aiming at these results, it has not been thought A ii Preface. necessary to assume a controversial attitude or to stand on the defensive, either with regard to rehgion or sci- ence, but rather to attempt to arrive at broad and comprehensive views which may exhibit those higher harmonies of the spiritual and the natural which they derive from their common Author, and which reach beyond the petty difficulties arising from narrow or imperfect views of either or both. Such an aim is too high to be fully attained, but in so far as it can be reached we may hope to rescue science from a dry and barren infidelity, and religion from mere fruitless sen- timent or enfeebling superstition. Since the publication of "Archaia," the subject of which it treats has passed through several phases, but the author has seen no reason to abandon in the least degree the principles of interpretation on which he then insisted, and he takes a hopeful view as to their ultimate prevalence. It is true that the wide acceptance of hy- potheses of '' evolution " has led to a more decided antagonism than heretofore between some of the utter- ances of scientific men and the religious Ideas of man- kind, and to a contemptuous disregard of revealed re- ligion in the more shallow literature of the time ; but, on the other hand, a barrier of scientific fact and induction has been slowly rising to stem this current of crude and rash hypothesis. Of this nature are the great discov- eries as to the physical constitution and probable origin of the universe, the doctrine of the correlation and conservation of forces, the new estimates of the age of the earth, the overthrow of the doctrine of spontaneous generation, the high bodily and mental type of the ear- liest known men, the light which philology has thrown on the unity of language, our growing knowledge of Preface. iii the uniformity of the constructive and other habits of primitive men, and of the condition of man in the ear- Her historic time, the greater completeness of our con- ceptions as to the phenomena of Hfe and their relation to organizable matters — all these and many other aspects of the later progress of science must tend to bring it back into greater harmony with revealed re- ligion. On the other side, there has been a growing dispo- sition on the part of theologians to inquire as to the actual views of nature presented in the Bible, and to separate these from those accretions of obsolete phi- losophy which have been too often confounded with them. With respect to the first chapter of Genesis more especially, there has been a decided growth in the acceptance of those principles for which I contend- ed in i860. In illustration of this I may refer to the fact that in 1862 it was precisely on these principles that Dr. ]\IcCaul conducted his able defence of the Mo- saic record of creation in the " Aids to Faith," which may almost be regarded as an authoritative expression of the views of orthodox Christians in opposition to those of the once notorious '-' Essays and Reviews." Equally significant is the adoption of this method of interpretation by Dr. Tayler Lewis in his masterly '' Special Introduction " to the first chapter of Genesis, in the American edition of Lange's Commentary, ed- ited by Dr. Philip Schaff ; and the manifest approval with which the lucid statement of the relations of Geol- ogy and the Bible by Dr. Arnold Guyot, was received by the great gathering of divines at the Convention of the Evangelical Alliance in New York, in 1873, bears testimony to the same fact. The author has also had iv Preface, the honor of being invited to illustrate this mode of reconciliation to the students of two of the most important theological colleges in America, in lectures afterwards published and widely circulated. The time is perhaps nearer than we anticipate when Natural Science and Theology will unite in the con- viction that the first chapter of Genesis '' stands alone among the traditions of mankind in the wonderful simplicity and grandeur of its words," and that '' the meaning of these words is always a meaning ahead of science — not because it anticipates the results of sci- ence, but because it is independent of them, and runs as it were round the outer margin of all possible dis- covery. ^ In the Appendix the reader will find several short essays on special points collateral to the general sub- ject, and important in the solution of some of its diffi- culties, but which could not be conveniently included in the text. More especially I would refer to the sum- maries given in the Appendix of the present state of our knowledge as to the origin of life, of species, and of man — topics not discussed in much detail in the body of the work, both because of the wide fields of contro- versy to which they lead, and because I have treated of them somewhat fully in a previous work, '' The Story of the Earth and Man," in which the detailed history of life as disclosed by science was the main subject in hand. J. W. D. May, 1877. * Argyll's " Primeval Man." CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE MYSTERY OF ORIGINS AND ITS SOLUTIONS. Reality of the Unseen. — Personality of God. — Possibility of a Revelation of Origins. — Turanian, Aryan, and Semitic Solutions of the Mystery. — The Abrahamic Genesis. — The Mosaic Genesis Page 9 CHAPTER II. . OBJECTS AND NATURE OF A REVELATION OF ORIGINS. Objects to be Attained by a Revelation of Origins. — Its Method and Structure. — Vision of Creation. — Translation of the First Chapter of Genesis 35 CHAPTER III. OBJECTS AND NATURE OF A REVELATION OF ORIGINS {continued). Character of the Revelation and its Views of Nature. — Natural Law. — Progress and Development. — Purpose and Use. — Type or Pat- tern 70 CHAPTER IV. THE BEGINNING. The Universe not eternal.— Its Creation.— The Heavens.— The Earth.— The Creator, Elohim. — The Beginning very Remote in Time 87 CHAPTER V. THE DESOLATE VOID. Characteristics of Biblical Chaos. — The Primitive Deep.— The Divine Spirit.— The Breath of God.— Chaos in other Cosmogonies.— Chemi- cal and Physical Conditions of the Primitive Chaos 100 vi Contents. CHAPTER VI. LIGHT AND CREATIVE DAYS. What is Implied in Cosmic Light. — Its Gradual Condensation. — Day and Night. — Days of Creation. — Their Nature and Length. — They are Olams, ^ons or Time-worlds. — Objections to this View Answered. — Confirmations from Extraneous Sources 115 CHAPTER VII. THE ATMOSPHERE. Its Present Constitution. — Waters Above and Below. — The "Expanse" of Genesis not a Solid Arch. — Mythology of the Atmosphere. — Superstitions connected with it Opposed by the Bible 157 CHAPTER VIIL THE DRY LAND AND THE FIRST PLANTS. The Earth of the Bible is the Dry Land. — Its Elevation and Support above the Waters. — Structure of the Continents arranged from the first. — The First Vegetation. — Its Nature. — Introduction of Life. — Organization and Reproduction. — Objections considered. — Geolog- ical Indications 174 CHAPTER IX. LUMINARIES. How Introduced. — What Implied in this. — Dominion of Existing Causes. — Astronomy of the Hebrews. — Not Connected with Astrology.. 199 CHAPTER X. THE LOWER ANIMALS. The Sheretzim, or Swarmers. — Their Origin from the Waters. — The Great Reptiles. — Their Creation. — Coincidences with Geology. — Hypotheses of Evolution 211 CHAPTER XL THE HIGHER ANIMALS AND MAN. The Placental Mammals. — The Principal Groups of these. — Man, how Introduced. — His Early Condition. — His Relations to Nature.. . 230 Contents, vii CHAPTER XII. THE REST OF THE CREATOR. The Sabbath of Creation.— The Modern Period.— Its Early History.— The Fall and Antediluvian Man. — Postdiluvian Extension of Men. . .. 249 CHAPTER XIII. UNITY AND ANTIQUITY OF MAN. Biblical Account of his Introduction and Early History. — Historical Tes- timony with respect to his Unity and Antiquity. — Testimony of Language 263 CHAPTER XIV. UNITY AND ANTIQUITY OF MAN {continued). Geological Evidence of Antiquity of Man. — General Conditions of Post- glacial and Modern Periods. — Remains of Man in Caverns, in River-gravels, etc. — Paloeocosmic and Neocosmic Men 294 CHAPTER XV. COMPARISONS AND CONCLUSIONS. Geological Chronolog)'. — Table of Succession of Life. — Points of Agree- ment of the Two Records. — Parallelism of Genesis and Physical Sci- ence with Reference to the Origin and Early History of the World. — Conclusion 322 APPENDICES. A.— True and False Evolution 363 P.— Evolution and Creation by Law 373 C. — Modes of Creation 377 D.— Theories of Life Z^Z E.— Recent Facts as to the Antiquity of Man 386 F. — Glacial Periods in Connection with Genesis 395 G.— Chemistry of the Primeval Earth , 400 H.— Tannin and Bhemah 405 I. — Ancient Mythologies 4o8 K. — Assyrian and Egyptian Texts 4^2 L.— Species and Var'ieties in Connection with Evolution and the Unity of Man 4^4 THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD. CHAPTER I. THE MYSTERY OF ORIGINS AND ITS SOLUTIONS. " The things that are seen are temporal." — Paul. Have we or can we have any certain solution of those two great questions — Whence are all things ? and Whither do all things tend ? No thinking man is content to live merely in a transitory present, ever emerging out of darkness and ever returning thither again, without knowing any thing of the origin and issue of the world and its inhabitants. Yet it would seem that to-day men are as much in uncertainty on these subjects as at any previous time. It even appears as if all our added knowledge would only, for a time at least, de- prive us of the solutions to which we trusted, and give no others in their room. Christians have been accustomed to rest on the cosmogony and prophecy of the Bible; but we are now frankly told on all hands that these are valueless, and that even ministers of religion more or less " sacrifice their sincerity" in making them the basis of their teachings. On the other hand, we are informed that nothing can be discern- ed in the universe beyond matter and force, and that it is by a purely material and spontaneous evolution that all things A 2 nonRTY LIBKARY fi, C. State Coiku^ 10 The Origin of the World. exist. But when we ask as to the origin of matter and force, and the laws which regulate them — as to the end to which their movement is tending, as to the manner in which they have evolved the myriad forms of life and the human intel- ligence itself — the only answer is that these are " insoluble mysteries." Are we, then, to fall back on the real or imagined revela- tions and traditions of the past, and to endeavor to find in them some foothold of assurance; or are we to wait till further progress in science may have cleared up some of the present mysteries ? Whatever may be said of the former alternative, all honest students of science will unite with me in the ad- mission that the latter is hopeless. We need not seek to be- little the magnificent triumphs of modern science. They have been real and stupendous. But it is of their very nature to conduct us to ultimate facts and laws of which science can give no explanation; and the further we push our inquiries the more insuperably does the wall of mystery rise before us. It is true we can furnish the materials for philosophical spec- ulations which may be built on scientific facts and principles; but these are in their nature uncertain, and must constantly change as knowledge advances. They can not solve for us the great practical problems of our origin and destiny. In these circumstances no apology is needed for a thorough and careful inquiry into those foundations of religious belief which rest on the idea of a revelation of origins and destinies made to man from without, and on which we may build the superstructure of a rational religion, giving guidance for the present and hope for the future. In the following pages I propose to enter upon so much of this subject as relates to the origin and earliest history of the world, in so far as these are treated of in the Bible and in the traditions of the more an- The Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. ii cient nations ; and this with reference to the present stand- point of science in relation to these questions. To discuss such questions at all, certain preliminary ad- missions are necessary. These are : (i) The reality of an un- seen universe, spiritual rather than material in its nature.- (2) The existence of a personal God, or of a great Universal Will. (3) The possibility of communication taking place be- tween God and man. I do not propose to attempt any proof of these positions, but it may be well to explain what they mean. (i) That the great machine for the dissipation of energy, in which we exist, and which we call the universe, must have a correlative and complement in the unseen, is a conclusion now forced upon physicists by the necessities of the doctrine of the conservation of force. In short, it seems that, unless we admit this conclusion, we can not believe in the possible existence of the material universe itself, and must sink into absolute nihilism. This doctrine is expressed by the apostle Paul in the statement, " The things that are seen are tempo- ral, but the things that are not seen are eternal," and it has been ably discussed by the authors of the remarkable work, "The Unseen Universe." That this unseen world is spirit- ual — that is, not subject to the same material laws with the visible universe — is also a fair deduction from physical science, as well as a doctrine of Scripture. I prefer the term spiritual to supernatural, because the first is the term used in the Bible, and because the latter has had associated with it ideas of the miraculous and abnormal, not implied at all in the idea of the spiritual, which in some important senses may be more natural than the material. (2) The idea of a personal God implies not merely the ex- istence of an unknown absolute power, as Herbert Spencer 12 llie Origin of the World, seems to hold, or of " an Eternal, not ourselves, that makes for righteousness," as Matthew Arnold puts it, but of a Being of whom we can affirm will, intelligence, feeling, self- con- sciousness, not certainly precisely as they occur in us, but in a higher and more perfect form, of which our own conscious- ness furnishes the type, or " image and shadow," as Moses long ago phrased it. On the one hand, it is true that we can not fully comprehend such a personal God, because not lim- ited by the conditions which limit us. On the other hand, it is clear that our intellect, as constituted, can furnish us with no ultimate explanation of the universe except in the action of such a primary personal will. In the Bible the absolute per- sonality of God is expressed by the title " I am." His inti- mate relation to us is indicated by the expression, " In him we live, and move, and have our being." His all-pervading essence is stated as "the fullness of him that filleth all in all." His relative personality is shadowed forth by the attribution to him of love, anger, and other human feelings and sentiments, and by presenting him in the endearing relation of the uni- versal Father. (3) With reference to the possibility of communication be- tween God and man, it may truly be said that such communi- cation is not only possible, but infinitely probable. God is not only near to us, but we are in him, and, independently of the testimony of revelation, it has been felt by all classes of men, from the rudest and most primitive savages up to our great English philosopher, John Stuart Mill, that if there is a God, he can not be excluded from communion with his intel- ligent creatures, either directly or through the medium of ministering spirits.* Farther, placed as man is in the midst * Essays on Theism, 1875. Thc^ Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. i of complex and to him inexplicable phenomena, involved in a conflict of good and evil, happiness and misery, to which the wisest and the greatest minds have found no issue, sub- ject to be degraded by low passions and tempted to great ex- tremes of evil, and himself weak, impulsive, and vacillating, there seems the most urgent need for divine communication. It may be said that these are conflicts and problems which God has left man to decide and solve for himself by his own reason. But when we consider how slow this process is, and how imperfect even now, after the experience of ages, we seem to need some intervention that shall stimulate the human mind, and impel it forward with greater rapidity. Farther, it would appear only right that an intelligent and accountable being, placed in a world like this, should have some explanation of his origin and destiny given him at first, and that, if he should perchance go astray, a helping hand should be extended to him. Practically it is an historical fact that all the great im- * pulses given to humanity have been by men claiming divine guidance or inspiration, and professing to bring light and truth from the unseen world. It would be too much to say that all these prophets and reformers have been inspired of heaven ; but scarcely too much to say that they have either received a message of God, or have been permitted to trans- mit to our world messages for weal or woe from powers with- out in subordination to him. Farther, we shall have reason in the sequel to see that in far back prehistoric times there must have been impulses given to mankind, and revelations made to them, as potent as those which have acted in later historic periods. In Holy Scripture the Word of God is rep- resented as " enlightening every man f and with reference to * John i., 9. 14 TJie Origin of the World. our present subject we are told that " by faith we understand that the ages of the world were constituted by the Word of God, so that the visible things were not made of those which appear."* In other words, that the will of God has been act- ive and operative as the sole cause throughout all ages of the world's creation and history, and that the visible universe is not a mere product of its own phenomena. AVe may call this faith, if we please, an intuition or instinct, a God-given gift, or a product of our own thought acting on evidence af- forded by the outer world ; but in any case it seems to be the sole possible solution of the mystery of origins. These points being premised, we are in a position to in- quire as to the teaching of our own Holy Scriptures, and in this inquiry we can easily take along with them all other rev- elations, pretended or true, that deal with our subject. Max Miiller, in his lectures on the Science of Religion, re- jects the ordinary division into natural and revealed, and adopts a threefold grouping, corresponding to the great division of languages into Turanian, Aryan, and Semitic. With some modification and explanation, this classification will serve well our present purpose. As to natural and re- vealed religions, if we regard our own as revealed, v/e must admit an element of revelation in all others as well. Ac- cording to the Hebrew Scriptures revelation began in Eden, and was continued more or less in all successive ages up to the apostolic times. Consequently the earlier revelations of the antediluvian and postdiluvian times must have been the common property of all races, and must have been associated with whatever elements of natural religion they had. When, therefore, we call our religion distinctively a revealed one, we * Hebrews xi., 3. TJic Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 15 must admit that traces of the same revelation may be found in all others. On the other hand, when we characterize our religion as Hebrew or Semitic, we must bear in mind that in its earlier stages it was not so limited ; but that, if as old as it professes to be, it must include a substratum common to it with the old religions of the Turanians and Aryans. Neglect of these very simple considerations often leads to great con- fusion in the minds both of Christians and unbelievers, as to the relation of Christianity to heathenism, and especially to the older and more primitive forms of heathenism. The Turanian stock, of which the Mongolian peoples of Northern Asia may be taken as the t3'pe, includes also the American races, and the oldest historical populations of Western Asia and of Europe ; and they are the peoples who, in their physical features and their art tendencies, m.ost near- ly resemble the prehistoric men of the caves and gravels. They largely consist of the populations which the Bible af- filiates with Ham. They are remarkable for their permanent and stationary forms of civilization or barbarism, and for the languages least developed in grammatical structure. These people had and still have traditions of the creation and early history of man similar to those in the earlier Biblical books; but the connection of their religions with that of the Bible breaks off from the time of Abraham ; and the earlier portions of revelation which they possessed became disintegrated into a polytheism which takes very largely the form of animism, or of attributing some special spiritual indwelling to all nat- ural objects, and also that of worship of ancestors and he- roes. The portion of primitive theological belief to which they have clung most persistently is the doctrine of the im- mortality of the soul, w^hich in all their religious beliefs oc- cupies a prominent place, and has always been connected 1 6 The Origin of the Woj'ld. with special attention to rites of sepulture and monuments to the dead. Their version of the revelation of creation appears most distinctly in the sacred book of the Quiches of Central America, and in the creation myths of the Mexicans, Iroquois, Algonquins, and other North American tribes ; and it has been handed down to us through the Semitic Assyrians from the ancient Chaldseo-turanian population of the valley of tlie Euphrates. The Aryan races have been remarkable for their change- able and versatile character. Their religious ideas in the most primitive times appear to have been not dissimilar from those of the Turanians ; and the Indians, Persians, Greeks, Scandinavians, and Celts have all gone some length in de- veloping and modifying these, apparently by purely human imaginative and intellectual materials. But all these devel- opments were defective in a moral point of view, and had lost the stability and rational basis which proceed from monotheism. Hence they have given way before other and higher faiths ; and at this day the more advanced nations of the Aryan, or in Scriptural language the Japhetic stock, have adopted the Semitic faith; and, as Noah long ago predicted, " dwell in the tents of Shem." No indigenous account of the genesis of things remains among the Aryan races, with the exception of that in the Avesta, and in some ancient Hin- doo hymns, and these are merely variations of the Turanian or Semitic cosmogony. God has given to the Aryans no spe- cial revelations of his will, and they would have been left to grope for themselves along the paths of science and philoso- phy, but for the advent among them of the prophets of " Je- hovah the God of Shem." It is to the Semitic race that God has been most liberal in his gift of inspiration. Gathering up and treasuring the old The Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 17 common inheritance of religion, and eliminating from it the accretions of superstition, the children of Abraham at one time stood alone, or almost alone, as adherents of a belief in one God the Creator. Their theology was added to from age to age by a succession of prophets, all working in one line of development, till it culminated in the appearance of Jesus Christ, and then proceeded to expand itself over the other races. Among them it has undergone two remarkable phases of retrograde development — the one in Mohammedanism, which carries it back to a resemblance to its own earlier pa- triarchal stage, the other in Roman and Greek ecclesiasticism, which have taken it back to the Levitical system, along with a strong color of paganism. Still its original documents survive, and retain their hold on large portions of the more enlightened Aryan nations, while through their means these documents have entered on a new career of conquest among the Semites and Turanians. They are, however, it must be admitted, among the Aryan races of Europe, growing in a somewhat uncongenial soil ; partly because of the materialistic organi- zation of these races, and partly because of the abundant re- mains of heathenism which still linger among them ; and it is possible that they may not realize their full triumphs over humanity till the Semitic races return to the position of Abra- ham, and erect again in the world the standard of monothe- istic faith, under the auspices of a purified Christianity. It follows from this hasty survey that it is the Semitic solu- tion of the question of origins, as contained in the Hebrew Scriptures, that mainly concerns us ; and in the first place we must consider the foundation and historical development of this solution, as many misconceptions prevail on these points. We may discuss these subjects under the heads of the Abrahamic Genesis and the Mosaic Genesis, and may in 1 8 The Origin of the World, a subsequent chapter consider the results of these in the Genesis of the later Scripture writers. THE ABRAHAMIC GENESIS. It has been a favorite theory with some learned men that the earlier parts of the book of Genesis existed as ancient documents even in the time of Moses, and were incorporated by him in his work, and attempts have been made to separate, on various grounds, the older from the newer portions. Un- til lately, however, these attempts have been altogether con- jectural and destitute of any positive basis of archaeological fact. A new and interesting aspect has been given to them by the recent- readings of the inscriptions on clay tablets found at Nineveh, and to which especial attention has been given by the late Mr. G. Smith, of the Archaeological Depart- ment of the British Museum. Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, one of the kings known to the Greeks by the name of Sardanapalus, reigned at Nine- veh about B.C. 673. He was a grandson of the Biblical Sennacherib, and son of Esarhaddon, and it seems that he had inherited from his fathers a library of Chaldean and As- syrian literature, written not on perishable paper or parch- ment, but on tablets of clay, and containing much ancient lore of the nations inhabiting the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. Assurbanipal, living when the Assyrian empire had attained to the acme of its greatness, had leisure to be- come a greater patron of learning than any preceding king. His scribes ransacked the record chambers of the oldest tem- ples in the world ; and Babel, Erech, Accad, and Ur had to yield up their treasures of history and theology to diligent copyists, who transcribed them in beautiful arrow-head char- acters on new clay tablets, and deposited them in the library TJie Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 19 of the great king. It would appear that, at the same time, these documents were edited, archaic forms of expression translated, and lacunae caused by decay or fracture re- paired. They were also inscribed with legends stating the sources whence they had been derived. The empire of Assyria went down in blood, and its palaces were destroyed with fire, but the imperishable clay tablets which had formed the treasure of their libraries remained, more or less broken it is true, among the ruins. Exhumed by Layard and Smith, they are now among the collections of the British Museum, and their decipherment is throwing a new and strange light on the cosmogony and religions of the early East. Though the date of the writing of these tablets is com- paratively modern, being about the time of the later kings of Judah, the original records from which they were transcribed profess to have been very ancient — some of them about 1600 years before the time of Assurbanipal, so that they go back to a time anterior to that of the early Hebrew patriarchs. Their genuineness has been endorsed, in one case, by the discovery by Mr. Loftus, in the city of Senkereh, of an apparent origi- nal, bearing date about 1600 years before Christ, and other inscriptions of equal or greater antiquity have been found in the ruins of Ur, on the Euphrates. Nor does there seem any reason to doubt that the scribes of Assurbanipal faith- fully transcribed the oldest records extant in their time. Their care and diligence are also shown by the fact that where different versions of these records existed in different cities, they have made copies of these variant manuscripts, in- stead of attempting to reduce them to one text. The sub- jects treated of in the Nineveh tablets are very various, but those that concern our present purpose are the docu- ments relating to the creation, the fall of man, and the 20 The Origin of the World. deluge, of which considerable portions have been recovered, and have been translated by Mr. Smith. These documents carry us back to a time when the Tura- nian religions had not yet been separated from the Semitic. The early Chaldeans, termed Cushites in the Bible, and who under Nimrod seem to have established the first empire in that region, are now known to have been Turanian ; and among them apparently arose at a very early period a litera- ture and a mythology. The Chaldeans were politically subju- gated by the Semitic Assyrians, but they retained their re- ligious predominance ; and until a comparatively late period existed as a learned and priestly caste. To these primitive Chasdim were undoubtedly due the creation legends collected by the scribes of Assurbanipal. They were obtained in the old Chaldean cities, in the temples under the guardianship of Chaldean priests ; and their date carries them back to a time anterior to the Assyrian conquest, and in which Chaldean kings still reigned. Here, then, we have an important con- necting link between the cosmogonies of the Turanian and Semitic races ; and leaving out of sight for the present the legends of the deluge and other matters allied to it, we may inquire as to the nature and contents of the Assyrian and Chaldean record of creation. The Assyrian Genesis is similar in order and arrangement to that in our own Bible, and gives the same general order of the creative work. Its days, however, of creation, as indeed there is good internal evidence to prove those of Moses also are, seem to be periods or ages. It treats of the creation of gods, as well as of the universe, and thus introduces a poly- theistic system ; and it seems to recognize, like the Avesta, a primitive principle of evil, presiding over chaos, and subse- quently introducing evil among men. These points may be The Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 21 illustrated by an extract from Mr. Smith's translation. It re- lates to the earlier part of the work : " When above were not raised the heavens, And below on the earth a plant had not grown up The deep also had not broken up its boundaries Chaos (or water) Tiamat (the sea or abyss) was the producing mother of them all These waters at the beginning were ordained But a tree had not grown a flower had not unfolded When the gods had not sprung up any one of them A plant had not grown and order did not exist Were made also the great gods The gods Lahma and Lahamu they caused to come * * * And they grew * * * The gods Sar and Kisar were made A course of days and a long time passed The god Anu * * * The gods Sar and * * * " Here the first existences are Chaos (Mummu, or confusion) and Tiamat, which is the Thalatth of Berosus, representing the sea or primitive abyss, but also recognized as a female deity or first mother. Then we have Lahma and Lahamu, which represent power or motion in nature, and are the equiv- alents of the Divine Spirit moving on the face of the waters in our Genesis. Next we have the production of Sar or Hoar and Kisar, representing the expanse or firmament. Sar is supposed to be the god Assur of the Assyrians, a great weather god, and after whom their nation and its founder were named. The next process is the creation of the heaven and the earth, represented by Anu and Anatu. Anu was al- ways one of the greater gods, and was identified with the higher or starry heavens. In succeeding tablets to this we find Bel or Belus introduced, as the agent in the creation of no The Origin of the World. animals and of men ; and he is the true Demiurgus or Me- diator of the Assyrian system. Next we have the introduction of Hea or Saturn, who is the equivalent of the Biblical Adam, and of Ishtar, mother of men, who is the Isha or Eve of Genesis. The rest of this legend evidently relates to dei- fied men, among whom are INIerodach, Nebo, and other he- roes. The first remark that we may make on this Assyrian Gene- sis is that, while it resembles generally the Mosaic account of creation, it also strongly resembles the old cosmogonies of the Egyptians and Persians, and those of the widely scattered Turanians of Northern Asia and of America. As an extreme illustration of this, and to obviate the necessity of digression at this point of our inquiry, I introduce here some extracts from the Popul Vuh, or sacred book of the Quiche Indians of Central America, an undoubted product of prehistoric re- ligion in the western continent.* " And the heaven was formed, and all the signs thereof set in their angle and alignment, and its boundaries fixed toward the four winds by the Creator and Former, and Mother and Father of life and existence — he by whom all move and breathe, the Father and Cherisher of the peace of nations and of the civilization of his people — he whose wisdom has pro- jected the excellence of all that is on the earth or in the lakes or in the sea." " Behold the first word and the first discourse. There w^as yet no man nor any animal, * * * nothing w^as but the firmament. The face of the earth had not yet appeared over the peaceful sea, and all the space of heaven * * * nothing but immobility and silence in the night." "Alone also the Creator, the Former, the Dominator, the Feathered Serpent — those that engender, those that give being — they are upon the * I avail myself of the condensed translation in Bancroft's " Native Races," vol. iii. The original French translation of Brasseur du Bour- bourg is more full. The Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 23 water like a growing light. They are enveloped in green and blue, and therefore their name is Gucumatz."* " Lo now how the heavens exist, how exists also the Heart of Heaven ; such is the name of God. It is thus that he is called. And they spake, they consulted together and meditated; they mingled their words and their opinions." " And the creation [of the earth] was verily after this wise. Earth, they said, and on the instant it was formed ; like a cloud or a fog was its beginning. Then the mountains rose over the water like great fishes ; in an instant the mountains and the plains were visible, and the cypress and the pine appeared. Then was the Gucumatz filled with joy, crying out : Blessed be thy coming, O Heart of Heaven, Hurakan, Thunderbolt. Our work and our labor has accomplished its end." This corresponds to the work of the first four creative days; and next details are given as to the introduction of animals, with which, however, the Creator is represented as dissatisfied, because they could not know or invoke the Creator. They are therefore condemned to be subject to be devoured one of another. Again there is a council in heaven, and the gods determine to make man. But he also is imperfect, for he has speech without intelligence: so he is condemned to be de- stroyed by water. A new council is held, and a second race of men produced ; but this fails in the capacity for religious worship — " they forgot the Heart of Heaven." These were partly destroyed by fire and partly converted into apes. Lastly another council is held, and perfect men created. Then follows a remarkable series of stories relating to the early history and migrations of men. It is known that similar creation myths existed among the * The Feathered Serpent is perhaps the representative of the Dragon and Serpent in the Semitic version ; but has not the same evil import, and his color gave sacredness to blue and green stones, as the turquois and emerald, both in North and South America, and perhaps also in Asia and Africa. 24 The Origin of the World. Mexicans and other early civilized nations of America, and in ruder and more grotesque forms even among the semi-bar- barous and hunter tribes. Their connection with the ancient Semitic and Turanian revelations of Asia is unquestionable. We have thus in the Assyrian Genesis a relic of early relig- ious belief belonging to a period when such widely separated stocks as the Assyrian and American were still one : to a period, therefore, presumably long anterior to that of Moses. Yet at this very early period the central portions at least of the Turanian race had already devised some means of record- ing their traditions in writing — probably the arrow-head writ- ing, afterwards used by the Assyrians, had already been in- vented. Again, at this early period a complex polytheism had already sprung up, and this was connected with cosmo- logical ideas, inasmuch as the primitive abyss, the firmament, the starry heavens, the principle of life, were all subordinate gods ; and so were also some of the earliest of the patriarchs of the human race. It is possible, however, that this was among the early Chaldeans an exoteric representation for the vulgar, and that the priestly caste may have understood it in a monotheistic sense. In any case, the idea of a Supreme Creator remains behind the whole. Farther, in the early Chaldean record we have a more detailed and expanded document than that of the Hebrew Genesis, probably intend- ed for the popular ear, and to include as much as possible of the current mythology. As an example, I quote the follow- ing in relation to the creation of the moon, being apparently a part of the narrative of that creative period corresponding with the fourth day of Genesis : " In its mass [that is, of the lower chaos] he made a boiling, The God Uiu [the moon] he caused to rise out, the night he over- shadowed. H. C State C#/i«f « TJie Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 25 To fix it also for the light of the night until the shining of the day, That the month might not be broken and in its amount be regular. At the beginning of the month at the rising of the night, His horns are breaking through to shine in the heavens. On the seventh day to a circle he begins to swell, And stretches toward the dawn farther." We now come to the historical connection of all this with Abraham and with the Hebrew Scriptures. The early life of the "Father of the Faithful" belongs to the time v/hen Tu- ranian and Semitic elements were mingled in the Euphratean valley. Himself of the stock of Shem, he dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees, a city in whose ruins, now known by the name of Mugheir, Chaldean inscriptions have been found of a date anterior to that of the patriarch. In the time of Abraham a polytheistic religion already existed in Ur, for we are told that his father "served other gods." Further, the legends of the creation and the deluge, and the antediluvian age, with the history of Nimrod and other postdiluvian heroes, existed in a written form ; and, strange though this may seem, there can be little doubt that Abraham, before he left Ur of the Chaldees, had read the same creation legends that have so recently been translated and published by Mr. Smith. But Abraham's relation to these was of a peculiar kind. With a spiritual enlightenment beyond that of his age, he dissented from the Turanian animism and polytheism, and maintained that pure and spiritual monotheism which, according to the Bible, had been the original faith of the sons of Noah. But he was overborne by the tendencies of his time, and probably by the ro3-al and priestly influence then dominant in Chaldea, and he went forth from his native land in search of a country where he might have freedom to worship God. It is thus that Abraham appears as the earliest reformer, the first of B 26 The Origin of the World. those martyrs of conscience who fear not to differ from the majority, the father and prototype of the faithful of every age, and the earliest apostle of the monotheistic faith which still reigns among all the higher races of men. Did Abraham take with him in his pilgrimage the records of his people ? It is scarcely possible to doubt that he did, and this probably in a written form, but purified from the polytheism and inane imaginations accreted upon them ; or perhaps he had access to still older and more primitive rec- ords anterior to the rise of the Turanian superstitions. In any case we may safely infer that Abraham and his tribe carried with them the substance of all that part of Genesis which contains the history of the world up to his time, and that this would be a precious heir-loom of his family, until it was edited and incorporated in the Pentateuch by his great descendant Moses. It seems plain, therefore, that the origi- nal prophet or seer to whom the narrative of creation was revealed lived before Abraham, but we need not doubt that the latter had the benefit of divine guidance in his noble stand against the idolatry of his age, and in his selection of the documents on which his own theology was based. These considerations help us to understand the persistence of He- brew monotheism in the presence of the idolatries of Canaan and Eg3'pt, since these were closely allied to the Chaldean system against which Abraham had protested. They also explain the recognition by Abraham, as co-religionists, of such monotheistic personages as Melchisedec, king of Salem. They further illustrate the nature of the religious basis in his people's beliefs on which Moses had to work, and on which he founded his theocratic system. Before leaving this part of the subject, I would observe that the view above given, while it explains the agreement be- The Mystery of Origins and its Solntions. 27 tween the Hebrew Genesis and other ancient rehgious be- liefs, is in strict accordance with the teachings of Genesis it- self The history given there implies monotheism and knowl- edge of God as the Creator and Redeemer, in antediluvian and early postdiluvian times, a decadence from this into a sys- tematic polytheism at a very early date, the protest and dis- sent of Abraham, his call of God to be the upholder of a purer faith, and the maintenance of that faith by his descendants. Besides this, any careful reader of Genesis and of the book of Job, which, whatever its origin, must be more ancient than the Mosaic law, will readily discover indications that Abraham and the patriarchs were in the possession of documents and traditions of the same purport with those in the early chapters of Genesis, and that these were to them their only sacred lit- erature. The reader of the Pentateuch must carry this idea with him, if he would have any clear conception of the unity and symmetry of these remarkable books. THE MOSAIC GENESIS. In the period of 400 years intervening between Abraham's departure from Ur and the exodus of Israel from Egypt, no great prophetic mind, like that of the Father of the Faithful, appeared among the Hebrews. But then arose Moses, the greatest figure in all antiquity before the advent of Christ, and who was destined to give permanence and world-wide prevalence to the faith for w^hich Abraham had sacrificed so much. Under the leadership of Moses, the Abrahamidse, now reduced to the condition of a serf population, emanci- pated themselves from Egyptian bondage, and, after forty years of wandering desert life, settled themselves permanent- ly on the hills and in the valleys of Palestine. The voice of the ruling race, indistinctly conveyed to us from that distant 28 The Origin of ike World. antiquity, maintains that the fugitive slaves were an abject and contemptible herd ; but the leader of the exodus informs us that, though cruelly trodden down by a haughty despot, they \vere of noble parentage, the heirs of high hopes and prom- ises. Their migration is certainly the most remarkable nation- al movement in the world's history — remarkable, not merely in its events and immediate circumstances, but in its remote political, literary, and moral results. The rulers of Egypt, polished, enlightened, and practical men, were yet the devo- tees of a complicated system of hero and animal worship, like that from which Abraham dissented, and derived in great part from the " animism " which caused some of the oldest nations of the world to associate a spiritual indwelling with the natu- ral objects surrounding them ; or, if they had ceased to be- lieve in this, they had sunk into a materialistic devotion to the good things of the present world, combined with a super- stitious belief in the efficacy of priestly absolution. The slaves, leaving all this behind them, rose in their relig- ious opinions to the pure and spiritual monotheism of the great father of their race ; and their leader presented to them a law unequalled up to our time in its union of justice, patriot- ism, and benevolence, and established among them, for the first time in the world's history, a free constitutional republic. Nor is this all ; unexampled though such results are elsewhere in the case of serfs suddenly emancipated. The Hebrew law- giver has interwoven his institutions in a great historical composition, including the grand and simple cosmogony of the patriarchs, a detailed account of the affiliation and ethno- logical relations of the races of men, and a narrative of the fortunes of his own people ; intimating not only that they were a favored and chosen race, but that of them was to arise a great Deliverer, who would bless all nations with pardon The Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 29 and with peace,* and would solve once for all those great problems of the relations of man to God and the unseen world, which in the time of Moses as in our own were the most momentous of all, and gave to questions of origins all their practical value. The lawgiver passed to his rest. His laws and literature, surviving through many vicissitudes, have produced in each succeeding age a new harvest of poetry and history, leaven- ed with their own spirit. In the mean time the learning and the superstition of Egypt faded from the eyes of men. The splendid political and military organizations of Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and IMacedon arose and crumbled into dust. The wonderful literature of Greece blazed forth and expired. That of Rome, a reflex and copy of the former, had reached its culminating point ; and no prophet had arisen among any of these Gentile nations to teach them the truth of God. The world, with all its national liberties crushed out, its religion and its philosophy corrupted and enfeebled to the last degree by an endless succession of borrowings and intermixtures, lay prostrate under the iron heel of Rome. Then appeared among the now obscure remnant of Israel, one who announced himself as the Prophet like unto Moses, promised of old ; but a prophet whose mission it was to re- deem not Israel only, but the whole world, and to make all who will believe, children of faithful Abraham. Adopting the whole of the sacred literature of the Hebrews, and proving his mission by its words, he sent forth a few plain men to * I do not think it necessary to attach any value to the doubts of cer- tain schools of criticism as to the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch. Whatever quibbles may be raised on isolated texts, no rational student can doubt that we have in these books a collection of authentic documents of the Exodus. They are absolutely inexplicable on any other supposition. 30 TJie Origin of the World, write its closing books, and to plant it on the ruins of all the time-honored beliefs of the nations — beliefs supported by a splendid and highly organized priestly system and by despot- ic power, and gilded by all the highest efforts of poetry and art. The story is a very familiar one ; but it is marvellous beyond all others. Nor is the modern history of the Bible less wonderful. Exhumed from the rubbish of the Middle Ages, it has entered on a new career of victory. It has stim- ulated the mind of modern Europe to all its highest efforts, and has been the charter of its civil and religious liberties. Its wondrous revelation of all that man most desires to know, in the past, in the present, and in his future destinies, has gone home to the hearts of men in all ranks of society and in all countries. In many great nations it is the only rule of religious faith. In every civilized country it is the basis of all that is most valuable in religion. Where it has been with- held from the people, civilization in its highest aspects has languished, and superstition, priestcraft, and tyranny have held their ground or have perished under the assaults of a heartless and inhuman infidelity. Where it has been a house- hold book, education has necessarily flourished, liberty has taken root, and the higher nature of man has been developed to the full. Driven from many other countries by tyrannical in- terference with liberty of thought and discussion, or by a short- sighted ecclesiasticism, it has taken up its special abode with the greatest commercial nations of our time ; and, scattered by their agency broadcast over the world, it is read by every nation under heaven in its own tongue, and is slowly but surely preparing the way for wider and greater changes than any that have heretofore resulted from its influence. Ex- plain it as we may, the Bible is a great literary miracle j and TJie Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 31 no amount of inspiration or authority that can be claimed for it is more strange or incredible than the actual history of the book. Yet no book has ever thrown itself into so decided antagonism with all the great forces of evil in the world. Tyranny hates it, because the Bible so strongly maintains the individual value and rights of man as man. The spirit of caste dislikes it for the same reason. Anarchical license, on the other hand, finds nothing but discouragement in it. Priestcraft gnashes its teeth at it, as the very embodiment of private judgment in religion, and because it so scornfully ignores human authority in matters of conscience, and human intervention between man and his INIaker. Skepticism sneers at it, because it requires faith and humility, and threatens ruin to the unbeliever. It launches its thunders against every form of violence or fraud or allurement that seeks to profit by wrong or to pander to the vices of mankind ; all these consequently are its foes. On the other hand, by its uncompromising stand with reference to certain scientific and historical facts, it has appeared to oppose the progress of thought and speculation ; though, as we shall see, it has been unfairly accused in this last respect. With its antagonism to the evil that is in the world we have at present nothing to do, except to caution the student of this venerable literature against the prejudices which interested and unscrupulous foes seek to cultivate. Its doctrine of the origin of man and of the world, and the rela- tion of this to modern scientific and historical results, is that which now claims our attention ; and this more especially in the relation which the Mosaic cosmogony, considered as an early revelation from God, may be found to bear to the facts which modern scientific research has elicited from the uni- verse itself. The aspects in which apparent conflicts present 32 TJie Origin of the World. themselves are threefold. At one time it was not unusual to impugn the historical accuracy of the Pentateuch on the evidence of the Greek historians ; and on many points scarcely any corroborative evidence could be cited in favor of the Hebrew writers. In our own time much of this diffi- culty has been removed, and an immense amount of learned research has been reduced to v;aste paper, by the circum- stance that the monuments of Egypt and Assyria have risen up to bear testimony in favor of the Bible ; and scarcely any sane man now doubts the value of the Hebrew history. The battle-ground has in consequence been shifted farther back, to points concerning the affiliation of the races of men, the absolute antiquity of man's residence on the earth, and the condition of prehistoric men ; questions on which we can scarcely expect to find, at least for a long time, any de- cisive monumental or scientific evidence. Secondly, the Bible commits itself to certain cosmological doctrines and statements respecting the system of nature, and details of that system, more or less approaching to the domain which geology occupies in its investigations of the past history of the earth ; and at every stage in the progress of modern science, independently of the mischief done by smatterers and skeptics, earnest bigotry on the one hand, and earnest scien- tific enthusiasm on the other, have come into collision. One stumbling-block after another has, it is true, been removed by mutual concession and farther enlightenment, and by the removal of false traditional interpretations of the sacred rec- ords, as well as by farther discoveries in relation to nature. But the field of conflict has thereby apparently only changed ; and we still have some Christians in consequence regarding the revelations of natural science with suspicion, and some scientific men cherishing a sullen resentment against what The Mystery of Origins and its Solutions. 33 they regard as an intolerant intermeddling of theology with the domain of legitimate investigation. Lastly, the great growth of physical science, and the tendency to take partial views of the universe as if it were comprehended in mere matter and force, with similarly partial views of the doctrines of continuity and the conservation of forces, along with the growth of a belief in spontaneous evolution as a philosophical dogma, have placed many scientific minds in a position which makes them treat the whole question of the origin and des- tiny of man and of the world with absolute indifference. There can nevertheless be no question that the whole subject is at the present moment in a more satisfactory state than ever previously ; that much has been done for the solu- tion of difficulties ; that many theologians admit the great service which in many cases science has rendered to the interpretation of the Bible, and that most naturalists feel themselves free from undue trammels. Above all, there is a very general disposition to admit the distinctness and inde- pendence of the fields of revelation and natural science, the possibility of their arriving at some of the same truths, though in very different ways, and the folly of expecting them fully and manifestly to agree in the present state of our informa- tion. The literature of this kind of natural history has also become very extensive, and there are few persons who do not at least know that there are methods of reconciling the cos- mogony of Moses with that obtained from the study of nature. For this very reason the time is favorable for an unprejudiced discussion of the questions involved ; and for presenting on the one hand to naturalists a summary of what the Bible does actually teach respecting the early history of the earth and man, and on the other to those whose studies lie in the book which they regard as the Word of God, rather than in the B2 34 The Origin of the World. material universe which they regard as his work, a view of the points in which the teaching of the Bible comes into contact with natural science at its present stage of progress. These are the ends which I propose to myself in the follow- ing pages, and which I shall endeavor to pursue in a spirit of fair and truthful investigation ; having regard on the one hand to the claims and influence of the venerable Book of God, and on the other to the rights and legitimate results of modern scientific inquiry. The plan which I have proposed to myself in this part of my subject is to take the statements of Genesis in their order, and consider what they import, and how they appear to har- monize with what we know from other sources. This will occupy some space, but it will save time in dealing with the remaining parts of the subject. Before entering upon it, I propose to devote one chapter to the answers to three ques- tions which concern the whole doctrine of revealed religion, whether Semitic, Turanian, or Aryan. These are: (i) Why the origin of things should be revealed; (2) How it could be revealed; and (3) What would require to be revealed in or- der to form the basis of a rational theism. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 35 CHAPTER II. OBJECTS AND NATURE OF A REVELATION OF ORIGINS. " There are two books from which I collect my divinity ; besides that written one of God, another of his servant nature — that universal and pub- lic manuscript that lies expansed unto the eyes of all." — Sir T. Browne. There are some questions, simple enough in themselves, respecting the general character and object of the references to nature and creation in the Scriptures, which yet are so variously and vaguely answered that they deserve some con- sideration before entering on the detailed study of the sub- ject. These are : (i) The object of the introduction of such subjects into the Hebrew sacred books — the why of the reve- lation of origins. (2) The origin, character, and structure of the narrative of creation and other cosmological statements in those books — the how of the revelation. (3) The character of the Biblical cosmogony, and genei-al views of nature to which it leads — the what of the revelation. ( I ) The Object of the Introduction of a Cosmogony in the Bible. — Man, even in his rudest and most uncivilized state, does not limit his mental vision to his daily wants. He desires to live not merely in the present, but in the future also and the past. This is a psychological peculiarity which, as much as any other, marks his separation from the lower animals, and which in his utmost degradation he never wholly loses. Whatever may be fancied as to imagined prehistoric nations, it is cer- tain that no people now existing, or historically known to us. 36 The Origin of the World, is so rude as to be destitute of some hopes or fears in refer- ence to the future, some traditions as to the distant past. Every religious system that has had any influence over the human mind has included such ideas. Nor are we to regard this as an accident. It depends on fixed principles in our constitution, which crave as their proper aliment such in- formation; and if it can not be obtained, the mind, rather than want it, invents for itself. We might infer from this very circumstance that a true religion, emanating from the Creator, would supply this craving; and might content our- selves with affirming that, on this ground alone, it behooved revelation to have a cosmogony. But the religion of the Hebrews especially required to be explicit as to the origin of the earth and all things therein. Its peculiar dogma is that of one only God, the Creator, re- quiring the sole homage of his creatures. The heathen for the most part acknowledged in some form a supreme god, but they also gave divine honors to subordinate gods, to de- ceased ancestors and heroes, and to natural phenomena, in such a manner as practically to obscure their ideas of the Creator, or altogether to set aside his worship. The influ- ence of such idolatry was the chief antagonism which the Hebrew monotheism had to encounter; and we learn from the history of the nation how often the worshippers of Jehovah were led astray by its allurements. To guard against this danger, it was absolutely necessary that no place should be left for the introduction of polytheism, by placing the whole work of creation and providence under the sole jurisdiction of the One God. Moses consequently takes strong ground on these points. He first insists on the creation of all things by the fiat of the Supreme. Next he specifies the elaboration and arrangement of all the powers of inanimate nature, and Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 37 the introduction of every form of organic existence, as the work of the same First Cause. Lastly, he insists on the cre- ation of a primal human pair, and on the descent from them of all the branches of the human race, including of course those ancestors and magnates who up to his time had been honored with apotheosis; and on the same principle he ex- plains the golden age of Eden, the fall, the cherubic emblems, the deluge, and other facts in human history interwoven by the heathen with their idolatries. He thus grasps the whole material of ancient idolatry, reduces it within the compass of monotheism, and shows its relation to the one true primitive religion, which was that not only of the Hebrews, but of right that of the whole world, whose prevailing polytheism consisted in perversions of its truth or unity. ' For such rea- sons the early chapters of Genesis are so far from being of the character of digressions from the scope and intention of the book, that they form a substratum of doctrine absolutely essential to the Hebrew faith, and equally so to its develop- ment in Christianity. The references to nature in the Bible, however, and especially in its poetical books, far exceed the absolute re- quirements of the reasons above stated ; and this leads to another and very interesting view, namely, the tendency of monotheism to the development of truthful and exalted ideas of nature. The Hebrew theology allowed no attempt at visi- ble representations of the Creator or of his works for purposes of worship. It thus to a great extent prevented that connec- tion of imitative art with religion which flourished in heathen antiquity, and has been introduced into certain forms of Christianity. But it cultivated the higher arts of poetry and song, and taught them to draw their inspiration from nature as the only visible revelation of Deity. Hence the growth 38 The Origin of the World. of a healthy " physico-theology," excluding all idolatry of natural phenomena, and all superstitious dread of them as independent powers, but inviting to their examination as manifestations of God, and leading to conceptions of the unity of plan in the cosmos, of which polytheism, even in its highest literary efforts, was quite incapable. In the same manner the Bible has always proved itself an active stimulant of natural science, connecting such studies, as it does, with our higher religious sentiments j while polytheism and ma- terialism have acted as repressive influences, the one because it obscures the unity of nature, the other because, in robbing it of its presiding Divinity, it gives a cold and repulsive, corpse-like aspect, chilling to the imagination, and incapable of attracting the general mind. Naturalists should not forget their obligations to the Bible in this respect, and should on this very ground prefer its teachings to those of modern pantheism and positivism, and still more to those of mere priestly authority. Very few minds are content with simple materialism, and those who must have a God, if they do not recognize the Jehovah of the Hebrew Scriptures as the Creator and Supreme Ruler of the universe, are too likely to seek for him in the dimness of human authority and tradition, or of pantheistic philosophy ; both of them more akin to ancient heathenism than to modern civilization, and in their ultimate tendencies, if not in their immediate consequences, quite as hostile to progress in sci- ence as to evangelical Christianity. Every student of human nature is aware of the influence in favor of the appreciation of natural beauty and sublimity which the Bible impresses on those who are deeply imbued with its teaching ; even where that same teaching has in- duced what may be regarded as a puritanical dislike of imita- Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 39 tive art, at least in its religious aspects. On the other hand, naturalists can not refuse to acknowledge the surpassing majesty of the views of nature presented in the Bible. No one has expressed this better than Humboldt : " It is charac- teristic of the poetry of the Hebrews that, as a. reflex of mon- otheism, it always embraces the universe in its unity, com- prising both terrestrial life and the luminous realms of space; it dwells but rarely on the individuality of phenomena, pre- ferring the contemplation of great masses. The Hebrew poet does not depict nature as a self-dependent object, glorious in its individual beauty, but always as in relation or subjection to a higher spiritual power. Nature is to him a work of creation and order — the living expression of the omnipresence of the Divinity in the visible w^orld." In refer- ence to the 104th Psalm, which may be viewed as a poetical version of the narrative of creation in Genesis, the same great writer remarks : " We are astonished to find in a lyr- ical poem of such a limited compass, the whole universe — the heavens and the earth — sketched with a few bold touches. The calm and toilsome life of man, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, when his daily work is done, is here contrasted with the moving life of the elements of nature. This contrast and generalization in the conception of the nmtual action of natural phenomena, and the retrospection of an omnipresent invisible Power, which can renew the earth or crumble it to dust, constitute a solemn and exalted rather than a gentle form of poetic creation."* If we admit the source of inspiration claimed by the He- brew poets, we shall not be surprised that they should thus write of nature. We shall only lament that so many pious * *' Cosmos," Otte's translation. 40 The Origin of the World. and learned interpreters of Scripture have been too little ac- quainted with nature to appreciate the natural history of the Book of God, or adequately to illustrate it to those who de- pend on their teaching ; and that so many naturalists have contented themselves with wondering at the large general views of the Hebrew poets, without considering that they are based on a revelation of the nature and order of the creative work which supplied to the Hebrew mind the place of those geological wonders which have astonished and enlarged the minds of modern nations. A modern divine, himself well read in nature, truly says : " If men of piety were also men of science, and if men of science were to read the Scriptures, there would be more faith on the earth and also more phi- losophy."* In a similar strain the patient botanist of the marine algce thus pleads for the joint claims of the Bible and nature : " Unfortunately it happens that in the educational course prescribed to our divines natural history has no place, for which reason many are ignorant of the important bearings which the book of nature has on the book of revelation. They do not consider, apparently, that both are from God — both are his faithful witnesses to mankind. And if this be so, is it reasonable to suppose that either, without the other, can be fully understood ? It is only necessary to glance at the absurd commentaries in reference to natural objects which are to be found in too many annotations of the Holy Scrip- tures to be convinced of the benefit which the clergy w^ould themselves derive from a more extended study of the works of creation. And to missionaries especially, a minute famil- iarity with natural objects must be a powerful assistance in awakening the attention of the savage, who, after his manner, * Hamilton, " Royal Preacher." Objects ajid Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 41 is a close observer, and likely to detect a fallacy in his teach- er, should the latter attempt a practical illustration of his dis- course without sufficient knowledge. These are not days in which persons who ought to be our guides in matters of doc- trine can afford to be behind the rest of the world in knowl- edge ; nor can they safely sneer at the knowledge which puff- eth up, until, like the apostle, they have sounded its depths and proved its shallowness."* It is truly much to be desired that divines and commentators, instead of trying to distort the representations of nature in the Bible into the supposed requirements of a barbarous age, or of setting aside modern discoveries as if they could have no connection with Scrip- ture truth, would study natural objects and laws sufficiently to bring themselves in this respect to the level of the Hebrew writers. Such knowledge would be cheaply purchased even by the sacrifice of a part of their verbal and literary training. It is well that this point is now attracting the attention of the Christian world, and it is but just to admit that some of our more eminent religious writers have produced noble ex- amples of accurate illustrations of Scripture derived from nat- ure. In any case, the Bible itself can not be charged with any neglect of the claims of nature or with any narrow tend- ency to place material and spiritual things in antagonism to one another. Another reason why a revelation from God must deal with the origins of things, is that such revelation is, like creation, in its own nature progressive. It is given little by little to successive generations of men, and must proceed from the first rudiments of religious truth onward to its higher devel- opments with the growth of humanity from age to age. Hence * Harvey, " Nereis Boreali Americana." 42 TJie Origin of the World. the teachings in the early chapters of Genesis are of the sim- plest and most child-like character, and the first of these early teachings is necessarily that of God the Creator, just as our elementary catechisms for children have been wont to begin with the question, " Who made you ?" In this way man is led in the most direct and simple way to the feet of the Universal Father, and a foundation is laid whereon further religious teaching adapted to the growth of the individual mind and to the growing complications of human society can be built. But again, alike in the earliest and simplest as in the more advanced states of the human mind, if spiritual things are to be taught, it must be through the medium of material things. We have no language to express in any direct way spiritual truths ; they must be given to us in terms of the natural. W^e have not yet learned the tongue of the immortals, and proba- bly can not learn it in this world. The word *' spirit " itself, which we borrow from the Latin, the Greek Fnejwia, the He- brew Ruahf primarily all agree in signifying breath or wind. We have to speak of our own breath when we mean our spiritual nature, of God's breath when we mean his spiritual nature, and so of all other things not obvious to our senses. There is constant danger in this that the material shall be taken for the spiritual of which it is the symbol, the figure for the reality, the creature for the Creator, and this danger is best counteracted by a decided testimony in relation to the origin of all material things in the will of the spiritual and eternal God. Thus the Bible writers are enabled to use a free and bold manner of speech respecting divine things. Their expressions at one time appear pantheistic and at an- other anthropomorphic; they see God in every thing, and use with the utmost freedom natural emblems to indicate his per- fections and procedure, and our relations to him. In this way Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 43 there is life and action in their teaching, and it is removed as far as possible from a dry, abstract theology, while equally re- mote from any tinge of idolatry or superstition. It may, however, be objected that by the introduction of a cosmogony the Bible exposes itself to a conflict with science, and that thereby injury results both to science and to religion. This is a grave charge, and one that has evidently had much weight with many minds, since it has been the subject of en- tire treatises designed to illustrate the history of the conflict or to explain its nature. The revelation of God's will to man for his moral guidance, if necessary at all, was necessary be- fore the rise of natural science. Men could not do without the knowledge of the unity of nature and of the unity of God, until these great truths could be worked out by scientific in- duction. Perhaps they might never have been so worked out. Therefore a revealed book of origins has a right to precedence in this matter. Nor need it in any way come into conflict with the science subsequently to grow up. Sci- ence does not deal so much with the origin of nature as with its method and laws, and all that is necessary on the part of a revelation, to avoid conflict with it, is to confine itself to statements of phenomena and to avoid hypotheses. This is eminently the course of the Bible. In its cosmogony it shuns all embellishments and details, and contents itself with the fact of creation and a slight sketch of its order; and in their subsequent references to nature the sacred writer* are strict- ly phenomenal in their statements, and refer every thing di- rectly to the will of God, without any theory as to secondary causes and relations. They are thus decided and positive on the points with reference to which it behooves revelation to testify, and absolutely non-committal on the points which belong to the exclusive domain of science. 44 The Origin of the World. What, then, are we to say of the imaginary " conflict of sci- ence with religion," of which so much has been made ? Simply that it results largely from misapprehension and from misuse of terms. True religion, which consists in practical love to God and to our fellow-men, can have no conflict with science. True science is its fast ally. The Bible, considered as a rev- elation of spiritual truth to man for his salvation and enlight- enment, can have no conflict with science. It promotes the study of nature, rendering it honorable by giving it the dig- nity of an inquiry into the ways of God, and rendering it safe by separating it from all ideas of magic and necromancy. It gives a theological basis to the ideas of the unity of nature and of natural law. The conflict of science, when historical- ly analyzed, is found to have been fourfold — with the Church, with theology, with superstition, and with false or imperfect science and philosophy. Religious men may have identi- fied themselves from time to time with these opponents, but that is all ; and much more frequently the opposition has been by bad men more or less professing religious objects. Organizations calling themselves " the Church," and whose warrant from the Bible is often of the slenderest, have de- nounced and opposed and persecuted new scientific truths ; but they have just as often denounced the Bible itself, and religious doctrines founded on it. Theology claims to be it- self one of the sciences, and as such it is necessarily imper- fect and progressive, and may at any time be more or less in conflict with other sciences ; but theology is not religion, and may often have very little in common either with true religion or the Bible. When discussions arise between theology and other sciences, it is only a pity that either side should indulge in what has been called the odium theologicum^ but which is unfortunately not confined to divines. Superstition, consid- Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origi)is. 45 ered as the unreasonable fear of natural agencies, is a passive rather than an active opponent of science. But revelation, which affirms unity, law, and a Father's hand in nature, is the deadly foe of superstition, and no people who have been read- ers of the Bible and imbued with its spirit have ever been found ready to molest or persecute science. Work of this sort has been done only by the ignorant, superstitious, and priest-rid- den votaries of systems which withhold the Bible from the people, and detest it as much as they dislike science. Per- haps the most troublesome opposition to science, or rather to the progress of science, has sprung from the tenacity with which men hold to old ideas. These, which may have been at one time the best science attainable, root themselves in popular literature, and even in learned bodies and in educa- tional books and institutions. They become identified with men's conceptions both of nature and religion, and modify their interpretations of the Bible itself It thus becomes a most difficult matter to wrench them from men's minds, and their advocates are too apt to invoke in their defense polit- ical, social, and ecclesiastical powers, and to seek to support them by the authority of revelation, when this may perhaps be quite as favorable to the newer views opposed to them. All these conflicts are, however, necessary incidents in human progress, which comes only by conflict ; and there is reason to believe that they would be as severe in the absence of re- vealed religion as in its presence, were it not that the ab- sence of revelation seems often to produce a fixity and stagnation of thought unfavorable to any new views, and con- sequently to some extent to any intellectual conflict. It has been, indeed, to the disinterment of the Bible in the Reforma- tion of the fifteenth century that the world owes, more than to any other cause, the immense growth of modern science, and 46 The Origin of the World, the freedom of discussion which now prevails. The Protest- ant idea of individual judgment in matters of religion is thor- oughly Biblical, for the Bible everywhere appeals to men in this way ; and this idea is the strongest guarantee that the world possesses for intellectual liberty in other matters. We conclude, therefore, on all these grounds, that it was necessary that a revelation from God should take strong and positive ground on the question of the origin of the universe. (2) The Origin, Ale t hod, and Sfnidure of the Scriptural Cosfnogony. — A respectable physicist, but somewhat shallow naturalist and theologian, whose works at one time attracted much attention, has said of the first chapter of Genesis: " It can not be history — it may be poetry." Its claims to be his- tory we shall investigate under another head, but it is perti- nent to our present inquiry to ask whether it can be poetry. That its substance or matter is poetical no one who has read it once can believe; but it can not be denied that in its form it approaches somewhat to that kind of thought-rhythm or parallelism w^hich gives so peculiar a character to Hebrew poetry. We learn from many Scripture passages, especially in the Proverbs, that this poetical parallelism need not neces- sarily be connected with poetical thought; that in truth it might be used, as rhyme is sometimes with us, to aid the memory. The oldest acknowledged verse in Scripture is a case in point. Lamech, who lived before the flood, appears to have slain a man in self-defense, or at least in an encounter in which he himself was wounded ; and he attempts to define the nature of the crime in the followins: words : 'is "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; Ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my speech :- I have slain a man to my wounding, Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 47 And a young man to my hurt ; If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, Truly Lamech seventy and seven fold." All this is prosaic enough in matter, but the form into which it is thrown gives it a certain dignity, and impresses it on the memory; which last object was probably what the author of this sole fragment of antediluvian literature had in view. He succeeded too — for the sentiment was handed down, probably orally; and IMoses incorporates it in his narration, perhaps on account of its interest as the first record of the distinc- tion between willful murder like that of Cain, and justifiable homicide. It is interesting also to observe the same parallel- ism of style, no doubt with the same objects, in many old Egyptian monumental inscriptions, which, however grandilo- quent, are scarcely poetical* It also appears in that ancient record of creation and the deluge recently rescued from the clay tablets of Nineveh. Now in the first chapter of Genesis, and the first three verses of chapter second, being the formal general narrative of creation, on which, as we shall see, every other statement on the subject in the Bible is based, we have this peculiar parallelism of style. If we ask why, the answer must, I think, be — to give dignity and symmetry to what would other- wise be a dry abstract, and still more to aid memory. This last consideration, perhaps indicating that this chai^ter, like the apology of Lamech, had been handed down orally for a long period, connects itself with the theory of the pre-Abra- hamic origin of these documents to which reference has al- ready been made. The form of the narrative, however, in no way impairs its * Osburn, " Monumental History of Egypt." 48 The Origin of the World. precision or accuracy of statement. On this Eichhorn well says : " There lies at the foundation of the first chapter a carefully designed plan, all whose parts are carried out with much art, whereby its appropriate place is assigned to every idea;" and we may add, whereby every idea is expressed in the simplest and fewest words, yet with marvellous accuracy, amounting to an almost scientific precision of diction, for which both the form into which it is thrown and the homo- geneous and simple character of the Hebrew language are very w^ell adapted. Much of this indeed remains in the En- glish version, though our language is less perfectly suited than the Hebrew for the concise announcement of general truths of this description. Our translators have, however, deviated greatly from the true sense of many important words, especially where they have taken the Septuagint translation for their guide, as in the words "firmament," "whales," " creeping things," etc. These errors will be noticed in sub- sequent pages. In the mean time I may merely add that the labors of the ablest Biblical critics give us every reason to conclude that the received text of Genesis preserves, almost without an iota of change, the beautiful simplicity of its first chapter; and that we now have it in a more perfect state than that in which it was presented to the translators of most of the early versions. It must also be admitted that the ob- ject in view was best served by that direct reference to the creative fiat, and ignoring of all secondary causes, which are conspicuous in this narrative. This is indeed the general tone of the Bible in speaking of natural phenomena; and this mode of proceeding is in perfect harmony with its claims to divine authority. Had not this course been chosen, no other could have been adopted, in strict consistenc}^ with truth, short of a full revelation of the whole system of nature, in the Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 49 details of all its laws and processes. This we now know would have been impossible, and, if possible, useless or even mischievous. Regarded from this point of view — the plenary inspiration of the book — the Scriptural references to creation profess to furnish a very general outline, for theological purposes, of the principal features of a vast region unexplored when they were written, and into which human research has yet penetrated along only a few lines. Natural science, in following out these lines of observation, has reached some of the objects delineated in the Scriptural sketch ; of others it has obtained distant glimpses; many are probably unknown, and we can appreciate the true value and dimensions relatively to the whole of very few. So vast indeed are the subjects of the bold sketch of the Hebrew prophet, that natural science can not pretend as yet so to fill in the outline as quite to measure the accuracy of its proportions. Yet the lines, though few, are so boldly drawn, and with so much apparent unity and symmetry, that we almost involuntarily admit that they are accurate and complete. This may appear to be underrating the actual progress of science relatively to this great fore- shadowing outline ; but I know that those most deeply versed in the knowledge of nature will be the least disposed to quar- rel with it, whatever skepticism they may entertain as to the greater general completeness of the inspired record. Another point which deserves a passing notice here is the theory of Dr. Kurtz and others, that the Mosaic narrative represents a vision of creation, analogous to those prophetic visions which appear in the later books of Scripture. This is beyond all question the most simple and probable solution of the origin of the document, when viewed as inspired, but we shall have to recur to it on a future page. C 50 The Origin of the World. But with respect to the precise origin of this cosmogony, the question now arises, Is it really in substance a revelation from God to man ? We must not disguise from ourselves that this deliberate statement of an order of creation in so far challenges comparison with the results of science, and this in a very different way from that which applies to the in- cidental references to nature in the Bible. Further, inasmuch as it relates to events which transpired before the creation of man, it is of the nature of prophecy rather than of history. It is, in short, either an inspired revelation of the divine pro- cedure in creation, or it is a product of human imagination or research, or a deliberate fraud. To no part of the Bible do these alternatives more strictly apply than to its first chapter. This "can not be history" in the strict acceptation of the term. It relates to events which no human eye witnessed, respecting which no human testimony could give any information. It represents the cre- ation of man as the last of a long series of events, of which it professes to inform us. The knowledge of these events can not have been a matter of human experience. If at all en- titled to confidence, the narrative must, therefore, be received as an inspired document, not handed down by any doubtful tradition, but existing as originally transfused into human language from the mind of the Author of nature himself. This view is in no way affected by the hypothesis, already mentioned, that the first chapters of Genesis were compiled by Moses from more ancient documents. This merely throws back the revelation to a higher antiquity, and requires us to suppose the agency of two inspired men instead of one. It would be out of place here to enter into any argument for the inspiration of Scripture, or to attempt to define the nature of that inspiration. I merely wish to impress on the Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 5 1 mind of the reader that without the admission of its reality, or at least its possibility, our present inquiry becomes merely a matter of curious antiquarian research. AVe must also on this ground distinguish between the claims of the Scriptures and those of tradition or secular history, when they refer to the same facts. The traditions and cosmogonies of some ancient nations have many features in common with the Bible narrative ; and, on the supposition that Moses compiled from older documents, they may be portions of this more ancient sacred truth, but clothed in the varied garments of the fanci- ful mythological creeds which have sprung up in later and more degenerate times. Such fragments may safely be re- ceived as secondary aids to the understanding of the authen- tic record, but it would be folly to seek in them for the whole truth. They are but the scattered masses of ore, by tracing which we may sometimes open up new and rich portions of the vein of primitive lore from which they have been derived. It is, however, quite necessary here formally to inquire if there are any hypotheses short of that of plenary inspiration which may allow us to attach any value whatever to this most ancient document. I know but two views of this kind that are worthy of any attention. 1. The Mosaic account of creation may be a result of an- cient scientific inquiries, analogous to those of modern geol- ogy- 2. It may be an allegorical or poetical mythus, not intend- ed to be historical, but either devised for some extraneous purpose, or consisting of the conjectures of some gifted in- tellect. These alternatives we may shortly consider, though the materials for their full discussion can be furnished only by facts to be subsequently stated. I am not aware that the 52 The Origin of the World. first of these views has been maintained by any modern writer. Some eminent scientific men are, however, disposed to adopt such an explanation of the ancient Hindoo hymns, as well as of the cosmogony of Pythagoras, which bears evi- dence of this origin ; and it may be an easy step to infer that the Hebrew cosmogony was derived from some similar source. Not many years ago such a supposition would have been re- garded as almost insane. Then the science of antiquity was only another name for the philosophy of Greece and Rome. But in recent times we have seen Egypt disclose the ruins of a mighty civilization, more grand and massive though less elegant than that of Greece, and which had reached its acme ere Greece had received its alphabet — a civilization which, according to the Scripture history, is derived from that of the primeval Cushite empire, which extended from the plains of Shinar over all Southeastern Asia, but was crushed at its centre before the dawn of secular history. We have now little reason to doubt that Moses, when he studied the learn- ing of Egypt, held converse with men who saw more clearly and deeply into nature's mysteries than did Thales or Py- thagoras, or even Aristotle.* Still later the remnants of old * On this subject I may refer naturalists to the intimate acquaintance with animals and their habits, indicated by the manner of their use as sa- cred emblems, and as symbols in hieroglyphic writing. Another illustra- tion is afforded by the Mosaic narrative of the miracles and plagues con- nected with the exodus. The Egyptian king, on this occasion, consulted the philosophers and migtirs. These learned men evidently regarded the serpent-rod miracle as but a more skilful form of one of the tricks of ser- pent-charmers. They showed Pharaoh the possibility of reddening the Nile water by artificial means, or perhaps by the development of red al- gae in it. They explained the inroad of frogs on natural principles, prob- ably referring to the immense abundance ordinarily of the ova and tadpoles of these creatures compared with that of the adults. But when the dust of the land became gnats (" lice" in our version), this was a phenomenon beyond their experience. Either the species was unknown to them, or its Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 5 'V Nineveh have been exhumed from their long sepulture, and antiquaries have been astonished by the discovery that knowl- edge and arts, supposed to belong exclusively to far more re- cent times, were in the days of the early Hebrew kings, and probably very long previously, firmly established on the banks of the Tigris. Such discoveries, when compared with hints furnished by the Scriptures, tend greatly to exalt our ideas of the state of civilization at the time when they were written ; and we shall perceive, in the course of our inquiry, many ad- ditional reasons for believing that the ancient Israelites were much farther advanced in natural science than is commonly supposed. We have, however, no positive proof of such a theory, and it is subject to many grave objections. The narrative itself makes no pretension to a scientific origin, it quotes no au- thority, and it is connected with no philosophical speculations or deductions. It bears no internal evidence of havins: been the result of inductive inquiry, but appeals at once to faith in the truth of the great ultimate doctrine of absolute creation, and then proceeds to detail the steps of the process, in the manner of history as recorded by a witness, and not in the manner of science tracing back effects to their causes. Far- ther, it refers to conditions of our planet respecting which science has even now attained to no conclusions supported by evidence, and is not in a position to make dogmatic as- sertions. The tone of all the ancient cosmogonies has in production out of the dry ground was an anomaly, or they knew that no larvae adequate to explain it had previously existed. In the case of this plague, therefore, comparatively insignificant and easily simulated, they honestly confessed — "This is the finger of God." No better evidence could be desired that the savans here opposed to Moses were men of high character and extensive observation. Many other facts of similar tendency might be cited both from Moses and the Egyptian monuments. 54 Ti^'^ Origin of the World, these respects a resemblance to that of the Scriptures, and bears testimony to a general impression pervading the mind of antiquity that there was a divine and authoritative testi- mony to the facts of creation, distinct from histor}-, philosoph- ical speculation, or induction. One of the boldest and simplest methods of this kind is that followed by the authors of the " Types of 2vlankind," in the attempt to assign a purely human origin to Genesis ist. These writers admit the greater antiquity of the first chapter, though assigning the whole of the book to a comparatively modern date. They say: "The 'document Jehovah'* does not especially concern our present subject; and it is incomparable with the grander conception of the more ancient and unknown writer of Gene- sis I St. With extreme felicity of diction and conciseness of plan, the latter has defined the most philosophical views of antiquity upon cosmogony ; in fact so well that it has required the palaeontological discoveries of the nineteenth century — at least 2500 years after his death — to overthrow his septenary arrangement of ' Creation ;' which, after all, would still be correct enough in great principles, were it not for one indi- vidual oversight and one unlucky blunder; not exposed, how- ever, until long after his era, by post-Copernican astronomy. The oversight is where he wrote (Gen. i. 6-8), ' Let there be raquie,'' i.e., 2i firmament ; which proves that his notions of *sky' (solid like the concavit}- of a copper basin, with stars set as brilliants in the metal) were the same as those of ad- jacent people of his time — indeed, of all men before the pub- lication of Newton's 'Principia' and of Laplace's ' Mecanique Ce'leste.' The blunder is where he conceives that aur, ' light,' That in Genesis, chap. ii. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. i)D and iojn^ May* (Gen. i. 14-18), could have been physically possible three whole days before the 'two great luminaries,' Sun and Moon, \Yere created. These venial errors deducted, his majestic song beautifully illustrates the simple process of ratiocination through which — often without the slightest his- torical proof of intercourse — different ' T3-pes of Mankind,' at distinct epochas, and in countries widely apart, had arrived, naturally, at cosmogonic conclusions similar to the doctrines of that Hebraical school of which his harmonic and melodi- ous numbers remain a magnificent memento. " That process seems to have been the following : The an- cients knew, as we do, that man is upon the earth ; and they were persuaded, as we are, that his appearance was preceded by unfathomable depths of time. Unable (as we are still) to measure periods antecedent to man by any chronological si2Lnd- ard, the ancients rationally reached the tabulation of some events anterior to man through induction — a method not orig- inal with Lord Bacon, because known to St. Paul ; * for his unseen things from the creation of the world, his power and Godhead, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made' (Rom. i., 20). Man, they felt, could not have lived upon earth without animal food ; ergo, * cattle ' pre- ceded him, together with birds, reptiles, fishes, etc. Noth- ing living, they knew, could have existed without light and heat ; ergo, the solar system antedated animal life, no less than the legetation indispensable for animal support. But terrestrial plants can not grow without earth; ergo, that dr}' land had to be separated from pre-existent 'waters.' Their geological speculations inclining rather to the XcptuniaJi than to the Plutonian theor}- — for Werner ever preceded Hutton — the ancients found it difficult to 'divide the waters from the waters ' without interposing a metallic substance that'di\ided 56 The Origin of the World. the waters which were tmder the firmament from the waters that were above the firmament j' so they inferred, logically, that 2. firmament must have been actually created for this ob- ject. \E.g., ' The windows of the skies ' (Gen. vii., 11) ; ' the waters above the skies ' (Psa. cxlviii., 4).] Before the 'waters ' (and here is the peculiar error of the genesiacal bard) some of the ancients claimed the pre-existence of light (a view adopted by the writer of Genesis ist) ; while others asserted that ' chaos ' prevailed. Both schools united, however, in the conviction that darkness — Erebus — anteceded all other C7'e- ated thifigs. What, said these ancients, can have existed be- fore the ' darkness ?' £ns entiiun, the Creator, was the humbled reply. Elohi?n is the Hebrew vocal expression of that climax ; to define whose attributes, save through the phenomena of creation, is an attempt we leave to others more presumptuous than ourselves." The problem here set to the " unknown " author of Gene- sis is a hard one — given the one fact that " man is " to find in detail how the world was formed in a series of preceding ages of vast duration. Is it possible that such a problem could have been so worked out as to have endured the test of three thousand years, and the scrutiny of modern science ? But there is an "oversight" in one detail, and a "blunder" in another. By reference farther on, the reader will find un- der the chapters on "Light" and the "Atmosphere" that the oversight and blunder are those not of the writer of Genesis, but of the learned American ethnologists in the nineteenth century ; a circumstance which cuts in two ways in defense of the ancient author so unhappily unknown to his modern critics. The second of the alternatives above referred to, the myth- ical hypothesis, has been advanced and ably supported, es- Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 57 pecially on the continent of Europe, and by such English writers as are disposed to apply the methods of modern rationalistic criticism to the Bible. In one of its least ob- jectionable forms it is thus stated by Professor Powell : " The narrative, then, of six periods of creation, followed by a seventh similar period of rest and blessing, was clearly de- signed by adaptation to their conceptions to enforce upon the Israelites the institution of the Sabbath; and in whatever way its details may be interpreted, it can not be regarded as an historical statement of the primeval institution of a Sabbath ; a supposition which is indeed on other grounds sufficiently improbable, though often adopted. * * =* If^ then, we would avoid the alternative of being compelled to admit what must amount to impugning the truth of those portions at least of the Old Testament, we surely are bound to give fair consider- ation to the only suggestion which can set us entirely free from all the difficulties arising from the geological contra- diction which does and must exist against any conceivable interpretation which retains the assertion of the historical character of the details of the narrative, as referring to the distinct transactions of each of the seven periods. * * * The one great fact couched in the general assertion that all things were created by the sole power of one Supreme Being is the whole of the representation to which an historical character can be assigned. As to the particular form in which the de- scriptive narrative is conveyed, we merely affirm that it can not be history — it may be poetry."* The general ground on which this view is entertained is the supposed irreconcilable contradiction between the literal interpretation of the Mosaic record and the facts of geology. * Kitto's Cyclopaedia, art. " Creation." C 2 58 The Origin of the World. The real amount of this difficulty we are not, in the present stage of our inquiry, prepared to estimate. We can, however, readily understand that the hypothesis depends on the sup- position that the narrative of creation is posterior in date to the Mosaic ritual, and that this plain and circumstantial series of statements is a fable designed to support the Sabbatical institution, instead of the rite being, as represented in the Bible itself, a commemoration of the previously recorded fact. This is, fortunately, a gratuitous assumption, contrary to the probable date of the documents, as deduced from internal evidence and from comparison with the Assyrian and other cosmogonies ; and it also completely ignores the other mani- fest uses mentioned under our first head. If proved, it would give to the whole the character of a pious fraud, and would obviously render any comparison with the geological history of the earth altogether unnecessary. While, therefore, it must be freely admitted that the Mosaic narrative can not be history, in so far at least as history is a product of human experience, we can not admit that it is a poetical mythus, or, in other words, that it is destitute of substantial truth, unless proved by good evidence to be so ; and, when this is proved, we must also admit that it is quite undeserving of the credit which it claims as a revelation from God. Since, therefore, the events recorded in the first chapter of Genesis were not witnessed by man ; since there is no reason to believe that they were discovered by scientific inquiry ; and since, if true, they can not be a poetical myth, we must, in the mean time, return to our former supposition that the Mosaic cosmogony is a direct revelation from the Creator. In this respect, the position of this part of the earth's Biblical history resembles that of prophecy. Writers may accurately relate contemporary events, or those which belong to the hu- Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 59 man period, without inspiration ; but the moment that they profess accurately to foretell the history of the future, or to inform us of events which preceded the human period, we must either believe them to be inspired, or reject them as impostors or fanatics. Many attempts have been made to find intermediate standing -ground, but it is so precarious that the nicest of our modern critical balancers have been unable to maintain themselves upon it. Having thus determined that the Mosaic cosmogony, in its grand general features, must either be inspired or worthless, we have further to inquire to what extent it is necessary to suppose that the particular details and mode of expression of the narrative, and the subsequent allusions to nature in the Bible, must be regarded as entitled to this position. We may conceive them to have been left to the discretion of the writers ; and, in that case, they will merely represent the knowledge of nature actually existing at the time. On the other hand, their accuracy may have been secured by the di- vine afflatus. Few modern writers have been disposed to in- sist on the latter alternative, and have rather assumed that these references and details are accommodated to the state of knowledge at the time. I must observe here, however, that a careful consideration of the facts gives to a naturalist a much higher estimate of the real value of the observations of nature embodied in the Scriptures than that which divines have ordinarily entertained; and, consequently, that if we sup- pose them of human origin, we must be prepared to modify the views generally entertained of early Oriental simplicity and ignorance. The truth is, that a large proportion of the difficulties in Scriptural natural history appear to have arisen from want of such accommodation to the -low state of the knowledge of nature among translators and expositors; and 6o TJie Origin of the World. this is precisely what we should expect in a veritable revela- tion. Its moral and religious doctrines were slowly devel- oped, each new light illuminating previous obscurities. Its human history comes out as evidence of its truth, when com- pared with monumental inscriptions \ and why should not the All-wise have constructed as skilfully its teachings re- specting his own works? There can be no doubt whatever that the Scripture writers intended to address themselves to the common mind, which now as then requires simple and popular teaching, but they w^ere under obligation to give truthful statements ; and we need not hesitate to say, with Dr. Chalmers, in reference to a book making such claims as those of the Bible : " There is no argument, saving that grounded on the usages of popular language, which would tempt us to meddle with the literalities of that ancient and, as appears to us, authoritative document, any farther than may be required by those conventionalities of speech which spring from 'optical' impressions of nature."^ Attempt as we may to disguise it, any other view is totally unworthy of the great Ruler of the universe, especially in a document characterized as emphatically the truth, and in a * Much that is very silly has been written as to the extent of the sup- posed " optical view" taken by the Hebrew writers ; many worthy liter- ary men appearing to suppose that scientific views of nature must neces- sarily be different from those which we obtain by the evidence of our senses. The very contrary is the fact ; and so long as any writers state correctly what they observe, without insisting on any fanciful hypotheses, science has no fault to find with them. What science most detests is the ignorant speculations of those who have not observed at all, or have ob- served imperfectly. It is a leading excellence of the Hebrew Scriptures that they state facts without giving any theories to account for them. It is, on the contrary, the circumstance that unscientific writers will not be con- tent to be "optical," but must theorize, that spoils much of our modern literature, especially in its descriptions of nature. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 6i moral revelation, in which statements respecting natural objects need not be inserted, unless they could be rendered at once truthful and illustrative of the higher objects of the revelation. The statement often so flippantly made that the Bible was not intended to teach natural history has no appli- cation here. Spiritual truths are no doubt shadowed forth in the Bible by material emblems, often but rudely resembling them, because the nature of human thought and language render this necessary, not only to the unlearned, but in some degree to all ; but this principle of adaptation can not be applied to plain material facts. Yet a confusion of these two very distinct cases appears to prevail almost unaccountably in the minds of many expositors. They tell us that the Scriptures ascribe bodily members to the immaterial God, and typify his spiritual procedure by outward emblems ; and this they think analogous to such doctrines as a solid firma- ment, a plane earth, and others of a like nature, which they ascribe to the sacred writers. We shall find that the writers of the Scriptures had themselves much clearer views, and that, even in poetical language, they take no such liberties with truth. As an illustration of the extent to which this doctrine of " accommodation " carries us beyond the limits of fair interpre- tation, I cite the following passage from one of the ablest and most judicious writers on the subject :* "It was the opinion of the ancients that the earth, at a certain height, was sur- rounded by a transparent hollow sphere of solid matter, which they called the firmament. When rain descended, they sup- posed that it was through windows or holes made in the crystalline curtain suspended in mid-heavens. To these * Prof. Hitchcock. 62 The Origin of the World. notions the language of the Bible is frequently conformed. * =* * But the most decisive example I have to give on this subject is derived from astronomy. Until the time of Coper- nicus no opinion respecting natural phenomena was thought better established than that the earth is fixed immovably in the centre of the universe, and that the heavenly bodies move diurnally round it. To sustain this view the most decisive language of Scripture might be quoted. God is there said to have '' established the fowidatiojis of the earthy so that they could not he 7-emoved forever /' and the sacred writers expressly de- clare that the heavenly bodies arise and set^ and nowhere al- lude to any proper motion of the earth." Will it be believed that, with the exception of the poetical expression, " windows of heaven," and the common forms of speech relating to sunrise and sunset, the above "decisive" instances of accommodation have no foundation whatever in the language of Scripture. The doctrine of the rotation of solid celestial spheres around the earth belongs to a Greek philosophy which arose after the Hebrew cosmogony was complete ; and though it occurs in the Septuagint and other ancient versions, it is not based on the Hebrew original. In truth, we know that those Grecian philosophers — of the Ionic and Pythagorean schools — who lived nearest the times of the Hebrew writers, and who derived the elements of their science from Egypt and Western Asia, taught very different doctrines. How absurd, then, is it thus to fasten upon the sacred writers, contrary to their own words, the views of a school of astronomy which probably arose long after their time, when we know that more accurate ideas prevailed nearer their epoch. Secondly, though there is some reason for stating that the " ancients," though certainly not those of Israel, believed in celestial spheres supporting the heavenly Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 63 bodies, I suspect that the doctrine of a soHd vault support- ing the clouds^ except as a mere poetical or mythological fancy, is a product of the imagination of the theologians and closet philosophers of a more modern time. The testimony of men's senses appears to be in favor of the whole universe revolving around a plane earth, though the oldest astronom- ical school with which we are acquainted suspected that this is an illusion ; but the every-day observation of the most un- lettered man who treads the fields and is wet with the mists and rains must convince him that there is no sub-niibilar solid sphere. If, therefore, the Bible had taught such a doc- trine, it would have shocked the common-sense even of the plain husbandmen to whom it was addressed, and could have found no fit audience except among a portion of the literati of comparatively modern times. Thirdly, with respect to the foundations of the earth, I may remark that in the tenth verse of Genesis there occurs a definition as precise as that of any lexicon — " and God called the dry land earth ;" consequent- ly it is but fair to assume that the earth afterwards spoken of as supported above the waters is the dry land or continental masses of the earth, and no geologist can object to the state- ment that the dry land is supported above the waters by foundations or pillars. We shall find in our examination of the document itself that all the instances of such accommodation which have been cited by writers on this subject are as baseless as those above referred to. It is much to be regretted that so many otherwise useful expositors have either wanted that familiarity with the aspects of external nature by which all the Hebrew writers are characterized, or have taken too little pains to ascertain the actual meaning of the references to creation which they find in the Bible. I may further remark that if 64 The Origin of the World. such instances of accommodation could be found in the later poetical books, it would be extremely unfair to apply them as aids in the interpretation of the plain, precise, and unadorned statements of the first chapters of Genesis. There is, how- ever, throughout even the higher poetry of the Bible, a truth- ful representation and high appreciation of nature for which we seek in vain in any other poetry, and we may fairly trace this in part to the influence of the cosmogony w^hich appears in its first chapter. The Hebrew was thus taught to recog- nize the unity of nature as the work of an Almighty Intelli- gence, to regard all its operations as regulated by his un- changing law or " decree," and to venerate it as a revelation of his supreme wisdom and goodness. On this account he was likely to regard careful observation and representation with as scrupulous attention as the modern naturalist. Nor must we forget that the Old Testament literature has descend- ed to us through two dark ages — that of Greek and Roman polytheism and of Middle Age barbarism — and that we must not confound its tenets with those of either. The religious ideas of both these ages were favorable to certain forms of literature and art, but eminently unfavorable to the success- ful prosecution of the study of nature. Hence we have a right to expect in the literature of the golden age of primeval monotheism more affinity with the ideas of modern science than in any intermediate time; and the truthful delineation which the claims of the Bible to inspiration require might have been, as already hinted, to a certain extent secured merely by the reflex influence of its earlier statements, with- out the necessity of our supposing that illustrations of this kind in the later books came directly from the Spirit of God. Our discussion of this part of the subject has necessarily been rather desultory, and the arguments adduced must de- Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 65 pend for their full confirmation on the results of our future inquiries. The conclusions arrived at may be summed up as follows : I. That the Mosaic cosmogony must be considered, like the prophecies of the Bible, to claim the rank of inspired teaching, and must depend for its authority on the maintenance of that claim. 2, That the incidental references to nature in other parts of Scripture indicate, at least, the influence of these earlier teachings, and of a pure monotheistic faith, in creating a high and just appreciation of nature among the Hebrew people. It is now necessary to inquire in what precise form this re- markable revelation of the origin of the world has been given. - I have already referred to the hypothesis that it represents a vision of creation presented to the mind of a seer, as if in a series of pictures which he represents to us in words. This is perhaps the most intelligible conception of the manner of communication of a revelation from God; and inasmuch as it is that referred to in other parts of the Bible as the mode of presentation of the future to inspired prophets, there can be no impropriety in supposing it to have been the means of communicating the knowledge of the unknown past. We may imagine the seer — perhaps some aboriginal patriarch, long before the time of Moses — perhaps the first man himself — wrapt in ecstatic vision, having his senses closed to all the impressions of the present time, and looking as at a moving procession of the events of the earth's past history, presented to him in a series of apparent days and nights. In the first chapter of Genesis he rehearses this divine vision to us, not in poetry, but in a series of regularly arranged parts or strophes, thrown into a sort of rhythmical order fitted to im- press them on the memory, and to allow them to be handed down from mouth to mouth, perhaps through successive gen- 66 ' The Origin of the World. erations of men, before they could be fixed in a written form of words. Though the style can scarcely be called poetical, since its expressions are obviously literal and unadorned by figures of speech, the production may not unfairly be called the Song or Ballad of Creation, and it presents an Archaic simplicity reminding us of the compositions of the oldest and rudest times, while it has also an artificial and orderly ar- rangement, much obscured by its division into verses and chap- ters in our Bibles. It is undoubtedly also characterized by a clearness and grandeur of expression very striking and majes- tic, and which shows that it was written by and intended for men of no mean and contracted minds, but who could grasp the great problems of the origin of things, and comprehend and express them in a bold and vigorous manner. It may be well, before proceeding farther, to present to the reader this ancient document in a form more literal and intelligible, and probably nearer to its original dress, than that in which we are most familiar with it in our English Bibles : THE ABORIGINAL SONG OF CREATION. Beginning. In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth, And the Earth was formless and empty, And darkness on the surface of the deep, And the Breath of God moved on the Surface of the Waters. Day One. And God said— '' Let Light be," And Light was. And God saw the Light that it was good. And God called the Light Day, And the darkness he called Night. And Evening was and Morning was — Day one. Day Second. And God said — " Let there be an Expanse in the midst of the waters, Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 6y And let it divide the waters from the waters." And God made the Expanse, And divided the waters below the Expanse from the waters above the Expanse. And it was so. And God called the Expanse Heavens. And Evening was and Morning was, a Second Day. Day Third. And God said — "Let the waters under the Heavens be gathered into one place, And let the Dry Land appear." And it was so. And God called the Dry Land Earth, And the gathering of waters called he Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said — *' Let the earth shoot forth herbage. The Herb yielding seed and the fruit-tree yielding fruit containing seed after its kind, on the earth." And it was so". And the earth brought forth herbage, The Herb yielding seed and the Tree yielding fruit whose seed is in it after its kind. And God saw that it was good. And Evening was and Morning was, a Third Day. Day Fourth. And God said — "Let there be Luminaries in the Expanse of Heaven, To divide the day from the night. And let them be for Signs and for Seasons, And for Days and for Years. And let them be Luminaries in the Expanse of Heaven To give light on the earth." And it was so. And God made two great Luminaries, The greater Luminary to rule the day. The lesser Luminary to rule the night, The Stars also. And God placed them in the Expanse of Heaven 6S TJie Origin of the World. To give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, And to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And Evening was and Morning was, a Fourth Day. Day Fifth. And God said — " Let the waters swarm with swarmers, having life, And let winged animals fly over the earth on the surface of the ex- panse of heaven." And God created great Reptiles, And every living thing that moveth, With which the waters swarmed after their kind, And every winged bird after its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying — " Be fruitful and multiph-, And fill the waters of the sea ; And let birds multiply in the land." And Evening was and Morning was, a Fifth Day. Day Sixth. A7id God said — " Let the Land bring forth living things after their kind, Herbivores and smaller mammals and Carnivores after their kind." And it was so. And God made all Carnivores after their kind, And all Herbivores after their kind. And all minor mammals after their kind. And God saw that it was good. And God said — " Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, And let him have dominion over the fish in the sea And over the birds of the heavens, And over the Herbivora, And over the Earth, And over all the minor animals that creep upon the earth." And God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him, Male and female created he them. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 69 And God blessed them. And God said unto them — " Be fruitful and multipl}', And replenish the earth and subdue it, And have dominion over the fishes of the sea And over the birds of the air, And over all the animals that move upon the earth." And God said— '' Behold, I have given you all herbs yielding seed, Which are on the surface of the whole earth, And every tree with fruit having seed, They shall be unto you for food. And to all the animals of the land And to all the birds of the heavens, And to all things moving on the land having the breath of life, I have given every green herb for food." And it was so. And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good. And Evening was and Morning was, a Sixth Day. Day Seventh. Thus the Heavens and the Earth were finished, And all the hosts of them. And on the seventh day God ended the work which he had made. And he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, Because that in it he rested from all his work that he had created and made. 70 The Origin of the World. CHAPTER III. OBJECTS AND NATURE OF A REVELATION OF ORIGINS — Contimied. "What if earth Be but a shadow of heaven, and things therein Each to the other like ; more than on earth is thought." Milton. (3) Character of the Biblical Cosmogo?iy, and getter al Views of Nature which it Co7itains or to which it Leads. — Much of what appertains to the character of the revelation of origins has been anticipated under previous heads. We have only to read the Song of Creation, as given in the last chapter, to understand its power and influence as a beginning of relig- ious doctrine. The revelation was written for plain men in the infancy of the world. Imagine Chaldean or Hebrew shepherd listening to these majestic lines from the lips of some ancient patriarch, and receiving them as truly the words of God. What a grand opening to him of both the seen and unseen w^orlds ! Henceforth he has no super- stitious dread of the stars above, or of the lightning and thunder, or of the dark woods and flowing waters beneath. They are all the works of the one Creator, the same Creator who is his own Maker, in whose image and shadow he is made. He can look up now to the heavens or around upon .the earth, and see in all the handiwork of God, and can wor- ship God through all. He can see that the power that cares Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 71 for the birds and the flo\Yers of the field cares for him. He is no longer the slave and sport of unknown and dreadful powers ; they are God's workmanship and under his control — nay, God has given him a mission to subdue and rule over them. So these noble words raise him to a new manhood, and emancipate him from the torture of endless fears, and open to him vast new fields of thought and inquiry, which may enrich him with boundless treasures of new religious and intellectual wealth. Imagine still farther that he wan- ders into those great cities which are the seats of the idola- tries of his time. He enters magnificent temples, sees elab- orately decorated altars, huge images, gorgeous ceremonials, priests gay in vestments and imposing in numbers. He is invited to bow down before the bull Apis, to worship the statue of Belus or of Ishtar, of Osiris or of Isis. But this is not in his book of origins. All these things are contrivances of man, not w^orks of God, and their aim is to invite him to adore that which is merely his fellow-creature, that which he has the divine commission to subdue and rule. So our primitive Puritan turns away. He will rather raise an altar of rough stones in the desert, and worship the unseen yet real Creator, the God that has no local habitation in temples made with hands, yet is everywhere present. Such is the moral elevation to which this revelation of origins raises hu- manity ; and when there was added to it the farther history of primeval innocence, of the fall, and of the promise of a Redeemer, and of the fate of the godless antediluvians, there was a whole system of religion, pure and elevating, and plac- ing the Abrahamidce, who for ages seem alone to have held to it, on a plane of spiritual vantage immeasurably above that of other nations. Farther, every succeeding prophet whose works are included in the sacred canon, following up these 72 The Origin of the World. doctrines in the same spirit, and added new treasures of di- vine knowledge from age to age. But admitting all this, it may be asked, Are these ancient records of any value to us ? ]\Iay we not now dispense v.'itli them, and trust to the light of science ? The infinitely varied and discordant notions of our modern literature on these great questions of origin, the incapacity of any philosophical system to reach the common mind for practical purposes, and the baseless character of any religious system which does not build on these great primitive truths, give a suffi- cient answer. Farther, we may affirm that the greatest and widest generalizations of our modern science have, in so far as they are of practical importance, been anticipated in the revelations of the Bible, and that in the cosmogony of Gene- sis and its continuation in the other sacred books we have general views of the universe as broad as those of any phi- losophies, ancient or modern. This is a hard test for our revelation, but it can be endured, and we may shortly inquire what we find in the Bible of such great general truths. Many may be disposed to admit the accurate delineation of natural facts open to human observation in the sacred Scriptures, who may not be prepared to find in these ancient books any general views akin to those of the ancient philos- ophers, or to those obtained by inductive processes in mod- ern times. Yet views of this kind are scattered through the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, and are a natural out- growth and development of the great facts and principles asserted in the first chapter of Genesis. They resolve themselves, almost as a matter of course, into the two lead- ing ideas of order and adaptation. I have already quoted the eloquent admission by Baron Humboldt of the presence of these ideas of the cosmos in Psalm civ. They are both Objects and Natttre of a Revelation of Origins. 73 conspicuous in the narrative of creation, and equally so in a great number of other passages. " Order is heaven's first law j and the second is, like unto it — that every thing serves an end. This is the sum of all science. These are the two mites, even all that she hath, which she throws into the treasury of the Lord ; and, as she does so in faith. Eternal Wisdom looks on and approves the deed."* These two mites, lawfully acquired by science, by her independent exer- tions, she may, however, recognize as of the same coinage with the treasure already laid up in the rich storehouse of the Hebrew literature; but in a peculiar and complex form, which may be illustrated under the following general state- ments : I. The Scriptures assert invariable natural law, and con- stantly recurring cycles in nature. Natural law is expressed as the ordinance or decree of Jehovah. From the oldest of the Hebrew books I select the following examples : f ** When he made a decree for the rain, And a way for the thunder-flash." — Job xxviii., 26. " Knowest thou the ordinances of the heavens ? Canst thou establish a dominion even over the earth ?" — Job xxxviii., 33. The later books give us such views as the following : ** He hath established them [the heavens] for ever and ever ; He hath made a decree which shall not pass." — Psa. cxlviii., 6. * McCosh, " Typical Forms and Special Ends." 1 1 adopt that view of the date of Job which makes il precede the Exo- dus, because the religious ideas of the book are patriarchal, and it contains no allusions to the Hebrew history or institutions. Were I to suggest an hypothesis as to its origin, it would be that it was written or found by D 74 The Origin of the World. " Thou art forever, O Jehovah, thy word is established in the heavens ; Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth ; They continue this day according to thine ordinances, for all are thy servants." _ — rsa. cxix., 90. " When he established the clouds above ; "When he strengthened the fountains of the deep ; When he gave to the sea his decree, That the waters should not pass his commandment ; When he appointed the foundations of the earth." — Prov. viii., 28. Many similar instances \vill be found in succeeding pages; and in the mean time we may turn to the idea of recurring cycles, which forms the starting-point of the reasonings of Solomon on the current of human affairs, in the book of Ecclesiastes : " One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh ; but the earth abideth for the ages. The sun ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteneth to its place whence it arose. The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth unto the north. It whirleth about continually, and returneth again according to its circuits. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea doth not overflow ; unto the place whence the rivers came, thither they return again." I might fill pages with quotations more or less illustrative of the statement in proof of which the above texts are cited; but enough has been given to show that the doctrine of the Bible is not that of fortuitous occurrence, or of materialism, or of pantheism, or of arbitrary supernaturalism, but of invariable natural law representing the decree of a wise and unchanging Creator. It is a common but groundless and shallow charge against the Bible that it teaches an '• arbitrary supernatural- Moses when in exile, and published among his countrymen in Eg}'pt, to revive their monotheistic religion, and cheer them under the apparent de- r,ertion of their God and the evils of their bondage. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 75 ism." What it does teach is that all nature is regulated by the laws of God, which like himself are unchanging, but which are so complex in their relations and adjustments that they allow of infinite variety, and do not exclude even miraculous intervention, or what appears to our limited intelligence as such. In opposition to this, it is true, some physicists have held that natural law is a fatal necessity.* If they mean by this a merely hypothetical necessity that certain effects must follow if certain laws act, this is in accordance with the Bib- lical view, for nothing can resist the \\\\\ of God. But if they mean an absolute necessity that these laws can not be sus- pended or counteracted by higher laws, or by the will of the Creator, they assert what is not only contrary to Scripture, but absurd, for " blind metaphysical necessity, which is the same always and everywhere, could produce no variety of things."! It could lead merely to a dead and inert equilibrium. On the hypothesis of mere physical necessity, the universe either never could have existed, or must have come to an end infinite ages ago, which is the same thing. Only on the hypothesis of law proceeding from an intelligent will can we logically account for nature. 2. The Bible recognizes progress and development in nat- ure. At the very outset we have this idea embodied in the gradual elaboration of all things in the six creative periods, rising from the formless void of the beginning, through suc- cessive stages of inorganic and organic being, up to Eden and to man. Beyond this point the work of creation stops; but there is to be an occupation and improvement of the whole earth by man spreading from Eden. This process is arrested or impeded by sin and the fall. Here commences * Tyndall seems to hold this. t Newton. 76 The Origin of the World, the special province of the Bible, in explaining the means of recovery from the fall, and of the establishment of a new spiritual and moral kingdom, and finally of the restoration of Eden in a new heaven and earth. All this is moral, and re- lates to man, in so far as the present state of things is con- cerned ; but we have the commentary of Jesus : " My Father worketh hitherto, and I work ;" the remarkable statement of Paul, that the whole creation is involved in the results of man's moral fall and restoration, and the equally remarkable one that the Redeemer is also the maker of the "worlds" or ages of the earth's physical progress, as well as of the future " new heaven and new earth." Peter also rebukes indignant- ly those scoffers who maintained that all things had remained as they are since the beginning ; and refers to the creation week and to the deluge as earnests of the great changes yet in store for the earth.* It is indeed curious to observe how in our version of the Bible this idea of progress in the universe, or of " time-worlds," as it has been called, has been variously replaced by the \vords " world " and " eternity," owing to the defective ideas preva- lent at the time when the translation was made. In the He- brew Scriptures the term Olam, " age," and in the New Testa- ment the equivalent term Aion have been thus treated, and their real significance much obscured. Thus when it is said, " by faith we understand that the worlds were framed," or " by him God made the worlds"'\ or that certain of God's plans have been hid "from the beginning of the world,''^X the refer- ence is not to worlds in space, but to worlds in time, or ages of God's working in the universe. So also these ages of God's * John v., 17 ; Rom. viii., 22 ; Heb. i., 2 ; 2 Peter iii. t Heb. i., 2. X Eph. iii., 9. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 77 working are given to us as our only intelligible type of eter- nity, of which absolutely we can have no conception. Thus God's " eternal purpose " is his purpose of the ages. So when he is the " King eternal,"* and in that capacity gives to his people " life everlasting," he is the King of the ages, and gives life of the ages. So in the noble hymn attributed to Moses (Psalm xc), where our version has, "from everlasting to ever- lasting thou art God," the original is, " from age to age thou art, O God." It has perhaps been a defect of our modern science that it has familiarized us merely with the existence of worlds in space, and not with their existence in time. It is only in comparatively modern times that the developments of chronological geology and of physical astronomy have brought before us, not only the long ages in which the earth was passing through its formative stages, but also the fact that still longer oeons are embraced in the history of the other bodies of our solar system, and of the starry orbs and nebulae. These grand conceptions were already embodied in the He- brew revelation, and were used there as the means of giving some faint approach to a conception of the unlimited exist- ence of God himself, of the ages in which his creative work has been going on, and of the future life he has prepared for his redeemed people. Such views of development and progress are not unknown to many ancient cosmogonies and philosophical systems, but they had no stable foundation in observed fact until the rise of modern geology and physical astronomy; which enable us to afnrm that, in addition to those changeless physical laws which cause the bodies of the universe to wheel in unvarying cycles, and all natural powers to reproduce themselves, and, in * I Tim. i., 17. t Eph. iv., 11. 78 TJic Origin of the World. addition to those organic laws which produce unceasing suc- cessions of living individuals, there is a higher law of prog- ress. We can now trace back man, the animals and plants his contemporaries, and others which preceded them, our con- tinents and mountain ranges, and the solid rocks of which they are composed — nay, the very fabric of the solar system itself — to their several origins at distinct points of time; and can maintain that since the earth began to wheel around the sun, no succeeding year has seen it precisely as it was in the year before. The old Hebrew record affirms, and I presume scarcely any sane man really doubts, that this law of progress emanates from the mind and power of one creative Being. When men see in natural law only recurring cycles, they may be pardoned for falling even into the absurdity of believing in eternal succession; but \^ien they see change and prog- ress, and this in a uniform direction, overmastering recurring cycles, and introducing new objects and powers not account- ed for by previous objects or powers, they are brought very near to the presence of the Spiritual Creator. And hence, although no science can reach back to the act of creation, this doctrine is much more strongly held in our day by geol- ogists than by physicists. It is quite true that the idea of creative acts has been superseded to a great extent by that of " creation by law," or by that of "evolution." Still behind all there lies a primary creative power; and the validity of these ideas and their bearing on theism and creation we shall have to discuss in the sequel. In one thing only does the Bible here part company with natural science. The Bible goes on into the future, and predicts a final condition of our planet, of which science can from its investigations learn nothing. 3. The Bible recognizes purpose, use, and special adapta- Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 79 tion in nature. It is, in short, full of natural theology, akin in some respects to that which has been so elaborately work- ed out by so many modern writers. Numerous passages in support of this will occur to every one who has read the Scriptures. It is necessary here, however, to direct attention to a distinction very obvious in Scripture, but not always attended to by writers on this subject. The Bible maintains the true "final cause" of all nature to be, not its material and special adaptations or its value to man, but the pleasure or satisfaction of the Creator himself In the earlier periods of Creation, before man was upon the earth, God contemplates his work and pronounces it good. The heavenly hosts praise him, saying, " Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleas- ure they are and were created." Further, the Bible repre- sents intelligences higher than man as sharing in the delight which may be derived from the contemplation of God's works. When the earth first rose from the waters to greet the light, " the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for jo3\" There are many things in nature that strongly impress the naturalist with this same view, that the Creator takes pleasure in his works; and, like human genius in its highest efforts, rejoices in production, even if no sen- tient being should be ready to sympathize. The elaborate structures of fossils, of which we have only fragmentary re- mains, the profusion of natural objects of surpassing beauty that grow and perish unseen by us, the delicate microscopic mechanism of nearly all organic structures, point to other reasons for beauty and order than those that concern man, or the mere utilities of human beings; and though there are now naturalists who deny absolutely that beauty is an object in nature, and assign even the colors of flowers and insects to utility alone, and this of a very low order, this doctrine is so 8o The Origin of the World. repulsive to our higher sentiments that there is little danger of its general acceptance ; while the slightest consideration shows that the utihties referred to could have been secured without any of this consummate beauty associated with them, and our perception of and delight in which mark in a way beyond the ability of skepticism to cavil at our own spiritual kinship with the Author of all this profusion of beauty. Yet man is represented as the chief created being for whom this earth has been prepared and designed. He obtains dominion over it. A chosen spot is prepared for him, in which not only his wants but his tastes are consulted ; and, being made in the image of his Maker, his aesthetic sentiments correspond with the beauties of the Maker's work, and he finds there also food for his reason and imagination. This view of the subject, as well as others already referred to, is finely repre- sented in the address of the Almighty to Job.* The Bible also very often refers to the special adapta- tions of natural objects and laws to each other, and to the promotion of the happiness of sentient creatures lower than man. The 104th Psalm is replete with notices of such adaptations, and so is the address to Job ; and indeed this view seems hardly ever absent from the minds of the Hebrew writers, but has its highest applications in the lilies of the field, that toil not neither do they spin, and the sparrows that are sold for a farthing, yet the heavenly Father has clothed the one with surpassing beauty, and provides food for the other, nor allows it to fall without his knowledge. I may, by way of farther illustration, merely name a few of the adapta- tions referred to in Job xxxviii. and the following chapters. The winds and the clouds are so arranged as to afford the * Job xxxviii. and xxxix. Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 8i required supplies of moisture to the wilderness where.no man is, to "cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth." For similar objects the tempest is ordered, and the clouds arranged " by wisdom." The adaptations of the wild ass, the wild goat, the ostrich, the migratory birds, the horse, the hip- popotamus, the crocodile, to their several habitats, modes of life, and uses in nature, are most vividly sketched and applied as illustrations of the consummate wisdom of the Creator, which descends to the minutest details of organization and habit. It is to be observed here that in holding this doctrine of use and adaptation in nature, the Bible is only consistent with its own theory of rational theism. The Monotheist can not refer nature to a conflict of antagonistic powers and forces. He must recognize in it a unity of plan ; and even those things which appear aberrant, irregular, or noxious must have their place in this plan. Hence in the Bible God is maker not only of the day but of the night, not only of the peaceful cattle but of the voracious crocodile, not only of the sunshine and shower but of the tornado and the earth- quake. Further, in all these things God is manifested, so that we may learn "his eternal power and divinity* from the things which he has made," and in all these also there are emblems of his relations to us. This argument from design is in truth the only proof the Bible condescends to urge for the existence of God ; and it is the only one in which in his later days our great English philosopher Mill could see any validity.! If the reader happens to be familiar with the objections to the doctrine of final causes, or teleology, in nature, urged in * Romans i., 20. t Essays on Theism, D2 S2 TJlc Origin of the World. our day by Spencer, Haeckel, and others, he will have seen from the foregoing statements that these objections are in themselves baseless, or inapplicable to this doctrine as main- tained in the Bible. There is no consistency in the position of men who, when they dig a rudely chipped flint out of a bed of gravel, immediately infer an intelligent workman, and who refuse to see any indication of a higher intelligence in the creation of the workman himself It is a blind philosophy which professes to see in primal atoms the "promise and potency of mind," and which fails to perceive that such potency is more inconceivable than the evidence of primary and supreme mind. The men who maintain that wings were not planned for flight, but that flight has produced wings, and thousands of like propositions, are simply amusing them- selves with paradoxes to which may very properly be applied the strange word devised by Haeckel to express his theory of nature — Dystekology, or purposelessness. It is to be borne in mind, however, that the teleology of the Bible is not of that narrow kind which would make man the sole object of nat- ure, and the supreme judge of its adaptations. Inasmuch as God's plan goes over all the ages past and future, and relates to the welfare of all sentient beings known or unknown to us, and also to his own sovereign pleasure as the supreme object, we may not be in a position either to understand or profit by all its parts, and hence may expect to find many mysteries, and many things that we can not at present reconcile with God's wisdom and goodness. We know but "parts of his ways," the " fullness of his power who can understand." "His judgments are unsearchable," "his ways are past finding out." 4. The law of type or pattern in nature is distinctly indicat- ed in the Bible. This is a principle only recently understood Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 83 by naturalists, but it has more or less dimly dawned on the minds of many great thinkers in all ages. Nor is this won- derful, for the idea of type is scarcely ever absent from our own conceptions of any work that we may undertake. In any such work we anticipate recurring daily toil, like the re- turning cycles of nature. We look for progress, like that of the growth of the universe. We study adaptation both of the several parts to subordinate uses, and of the whole to some general design. But we also keep in view some pattern, style, or order, according to which the whole is arranged, and the mutual relations of the parts are adjusted. The architect must adhere to some order of architecture, and to some style within that order. The potter, the calico-printer, and the silversmith must equally study uniformity of pattern in their several manufactures. The Almighty Worker has exhibited the same idea in his works. In the animal kingdom, for in- stance, we have four or more leading types of structure. Taking any one of these — the vertebrate, for example — we have a uniform general plan, embracing the vertebral column constructed of the same elements ; the members, whether the arm of man, the limb of the quadruped, or the wing of the bat or the bird, or the swimming-paddle of the whale, built of the same bones. In like manner all the parts of the verte- bral column itself in the same animal, whether in the skull, the neck, or the trunk, are composed of the same elementary structures. These types are farther found to be sketched out — first in their more general, and then in their special features — in proceeding from the lower species of the same type to the higher, in proceeding from the earlier to the later stages of embryonic development, and in proceeding from the more ancient to the more recent creatures that have succeeded each other in geological time. Man, the highest of the ver- 84 TJie Origin of the World. tebrates, is thus the archetype, representing and including all the lower and earlier members of the vertebrate type. The above are but trite and familiar examples of a doctrine which may furnish and has furnished the material of volumes. There can be no question that the Hebrew Bible is the old- est book in which this principle is stated. In the first chap- ter of Genesis we have specific type in the creation of plants and animals after their kinds or species, and in the formation of man in the image and likeness of the Creator ; and, as we shall find in the sequel, there are some curious ideas of high- er and more general types in the grouping of the creatures referred to. The same idea is indicated in the closing chap- ters of Job, where the three higher classes of the vertebrates are represented by a number of examples, and the typical likeness of one of these — the hippopotamus — to man, seems to be recognized. Dr. McCosh has quoted, as an illustration of the doctrine of types, a very remarkable passage from Psalm cxxxix. : " I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvellous are thy works, And that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, When I was made in secret, And curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth ; Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect ; And in thy book all my members were written, Which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them." It would too much tax the faith of many to ask them to believe that the writer of the above passage, or the Spirit that inspired him, actually meant to teach — what we now know so well from geology — that the prototypes of all the parts of the Objects and Nature of a Revelation of Origins. 85 archetypal human structure may be found in those fossil re- mains of extinct animals which may, in nearly every country, be dug up from the rocks of the earth. No objection need, however, be taken to our reading in it the doctrine of embry- onic development according to a systematic type. Science, it is true, or rather I should perhaps say philo- sophical speculation, has sometimes pushed this idea of plan into that of a spontaneous genetic evolution of things in time, without any creative superintendence or definite purpose. This way of viewing the matter is, however, as we shall have occasion to see, both bald and irrational, and wants the sym- metry and completeness of that style of thought which grasps at once progress and plan and adaptation, as emanating from a Supreme Will. The question of how the plan has been worked out will come up for detailed consideration farther on. In the mean time we have before us the fact that the Bible represents the cosmos as not the product of a blind conflict of self-existent forces, but as the result of the pro- duction and guidance of these forces by infinite wisdom. It is more than curious that this idea of type, so long exist- ing in an isolated and often depised form, as a theological thought in the imagery of Scripture, should now be a lead- ing idea of natural science j and that while comparative anatomy teaches us that the structures of all past and pres- ent lower animals point to man, w^ho, as Professor Owen ex- presses it, has had all his parts and organs " sketched out in anticipation in the inferior animals," the Bible points still farther forward to an exaltation of the human type itself into what even the comparative anatomist might perhaps regard as among the " possible modifications of it beyond those realized in this little orb of ours," could he but learn its real nature. 86 TJie Origin of the World. Under the foregoing heads, of the object, the structure, the authority, and the general cosmical views of the Scripture, I have endeavored to group certain leading thoughts important as preliminary to the study of the subject; and, in now enter- ing on the details of the Old Testament cosmogony, I trust the reader will pardon me for assuming, as a working hypoth- esis, that we are studying an inspired book, revealing the origin of nature, and presenting accurate pictures of natural facts and broad general views of the cosmos, at least until in the progress of our inquiry we find reason to adopt lower views ; and that he will, in the mean time, be content to fol- low me in that careful and systematic analysis which a work claiming such a character surely demands. The Beginning, 87 CHAPTER IV. THE BEGIXXIXG. " In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth." — Gene- sis i., I. It is a remarkable and instructive fact that the first verse of the Hebrew sacred writings speaks of the material uni- verse — speaks of it as a whole, and as originating in a power outside of itself The universe, then, in the conception of this ancient writer, is not eternal. It had a beginning, but that beginning in the indefinite and by us unmeasured past. It did not originate fortuitously, or by any merely accidental conflict of self existent material atoms, but by an act — an act of will on the part of a Being designated by that name which among all the Semitic peoples represented the ultimate, eter- nal, inscrutable source of power and object of awe and ven- eration. "With the simplicity and child-like faith of an archaic age, the writer makes no attempt to combat any objections or difficulties with which this great fundamental truth may be as- sailed. He feels its axiomatic force as the basis of all true religion and sound philosophy, and the ultimate fact which must ever bar our further progress in the investigation of the origin of things — the production from non-existence of the material universe by the eternal self-existent God. It did not concern him to know what might be the nature of that unconditioned self- existence ; for though, like our 88 TJic Origin of the World. ideas of space and time, incomprehensible, it must be as- sumed. It did not concern him to know how matter and force subsist, or what may be the difference between a ma- terial universe cognizable by our senses and the absolute want of all the phenomena of such a universe or of whatever may be their basis and essence. Such questions can never be answered, yet the succession of these phenomena must have had a commencement somewhere in time. How sim- ple and how grand is his statement ! How plain and yet how profound its teachings ! It is evident that the writer grasps firmly the essence of the question as to the beginning of things, and covers the whole ground which advanced scientific or philosophical speculation can yet traverse. That the universe must have had a beginning no one now needs to be told. If any phil- osophical speculator ever truly held that there has been an endless succession of phenomena, science has now completely negatived the idea by showing us the beginning of all things that we know in the present universe, and by establishing the strongest probabilities that even its ultimate atoms could not have been eternal. But the question remains — If there was a beginning, what existed in that beginning ? To this question many partial and imperfect answers have been given, but our ancient record includes them all. If any one should say, "In the beginning was nothing." Yes, says Genesis, there was, it is true, nothing of the pres- ent matter and arrangements of nature. Yet all was pres- ent potentially in the will of the Creator. " In the beginning were atoms," says another. Yes, says Genesis, but they were created ; and so says modern science, and must say of ultimate particles determined by weight and measure, and incapable of modification in their essential TJic Beginning, 89 properties — " They have the properties of a manufactured article."* " In the beginning were forces," says yet another. True, says Genesis; but all forces are one in origin — they represent merely the fiat of the eternal and self-existent. So says sci- ence, that force must in the ultimate resort be an "expression of Will." t " In the beginning was Elohim," adds our old Semitic au- thority, and in him are the absolute and eternal thought and will, the Creator from whom and by whom and in whom are all things. Thus the simple familiar words, " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," answer all possible ques- tions as to the origin of things, and include all under the conception of theism. Let us now look at these pregnant words more particularly as to their precise import and sig- nificance. The divine personality expressed by the Hebrew Elohim may be fairly said to include all that can be claimed for the pantheistic conception of "dynamis," or universal material power. Lange gives this as included in the term Elohim, in his discussion of this term in his book on Genesis. It has been aptly said that if, physically speaking, the fall of a spar- row produces a gravitative effect that extends throughout the universe, there can be no reason why it should be unknown to God. God is thus everywhere, and always. Yet he is everywhere and always present as a personality knowing and willing. From his thought and will in the beginning proceeded the universe. By him it was created. * Herschel, Dissertation on the Study of Natural Philosophy ; Maxwell, Lecture before the British Association, t Carpenter, "Human Physiology." 90 The Origin of the World. What, then, is creation in the sense of the Hebrew writer. The act is expressed by the verb hara, a word of compara- tively rare occurrence in the Scriptures, and employed to de- note absolute creation, though its primary sense is to cut or carve, and it is indeed a near relative of our own English word " pare." If, says Professor Stuart, of Andover, this word " does not mean to create in the highest sense, then the Hebrews had no word by which they could designate this idea." Yet, like our English " create," the word is used in secondary and figurative senses, which in no degree detract from its force when strictly and literally used. Since, how- ever, these secondary senses may often appear to obscure the primitive meaning, we must examine them in detail. In the first chapter of Genesis, after the general statement in verse i, other verbs signifying \.o form or viake are used to denote the elaboration of the separate parts of the universe, and the word "create" is found in only two places, when it re- fers to the introduction of "great whales" (reptiles) and of man. These uses of the word have been cited to disprove its sense of absolute creation. It must be observed, how- ever, that in the first of these cases we have the earliest ap- pearance of animal life, and in the second the introduction of a rational and spiritual nature. Nothing but pure mate- rialism can suppose that the elements of vital and spiritual being were included in the matter of the heavens and the earth as produced in the beginning ; and as the Scripture writers were not materialists, we may infer that they recog- nized, in the introduction of life and reason, acts of absolute creation, just as in the origin of matter itself In Genesis ii. and iii. we have a form of expression which well marks the dis- tinction between creation and making. God is there said to have rested from all his works which he " created and made " TJie Beginning. 91 — literally, created '' for or in reference to making," the word for making being one of those already referred to.* The force of this expression consists in its intimating that God had not only finished the work of creation, properly so called, but also the elaboration of the various details of the universe, as formed or fashioned out of the original materials. Of a similar character is the expression in Isaiah xlii., 5, " Jeho- vah, he that created the heavens and spread them out ;" and that in Psalm cxlviii., 5, " He commanded and they were cre- ated, he hath also established them for ever and ever." In as far as I am aware, the word bara in all the remaining instances of its occurrence in the Pentateuch refers to the creation of man, with the following exceptions : Exodus xxxiv., 10, " I will do (create) marvels, such as have not been seen in all the earth ;" Numbers xvi., 30, " If the Lord make a new thing (create a creation), and the earth open her mouth and swallow them up." These verses are types of a class of expressions in which the proper term for creation is applied to the production of something new, strange, and marvellous ; for instance, " Create in me a clean heart, O Lord;" "Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth." It is, hov/ever, evidently an inversion of sound exposition to say that these secondary or figurative mean- ings should determine the primary and literal sense in Gen- esis i. On the contrary, we should rather infer that the sacred writers in these cases selected the proper word for creation, to express in the most forcible manner the novel and thorough character of the changes to which they refer, and their direct dependence on the Divine will. By such expressions we are in effect referred back to the original use * Asah. 92 The Origin of the World. of the word, as denoting the actual creation of matter by the command of God, in contradistinction from those arrange- ments which have been effected by the gradual ojoeration of secondary agents, or of laws attached to matter at its crea- tion. It has been farther observed* that in the Hebrew Scriptures this word bara is applied to God only as an agent, not to any human artificer ; a fact wdiich is very im- portant with reference to its true significance. Viewing cre- ation in this light, we need not perplex ourselves with the question whether we should consider Genesis i., i, to refer to the essence of matter as distinguished from its qualities. We may content ourselves with the explanation given by Paul in the eleventh of Hebrews : " By faith we are certain that the worldsf were created by the decree of God, so that that which is seen was made of that which aJ>J>ears noL^^ Or, with reference to the other uses of the w-ord, if the first in- troduction of animal life was a creation, and if the introduc- tion of the rational nature of man was a creation, we may suppose that the original creation was in like manner the in- troduction or first production of those entities which we call matter and force, and which to science now are as much ulti- mate facts as they were to Moses. The fiature of the act of creation being thus settled, its extent may be ascertained by an examination of the terms heaven and earth. The word " heavens " {shamayim) has in Hebrew as in English a variety of significations. Of material heavens there are, in the quaint language of Poole, ^'■tres regiones, iihi aves, nhi niihes, uM sidera;'^ or (i) the atmosphere or firmament ;$ * McDonald, ''Creation and the Fall." t Literally, " ages " or " time-worlds," as they have been called. I Genesis i., 8, 26-28. Tlie Bezinnins'. 93 '- of Sixth. Great subsidence of the Pleistocene or Glacial Age, > End of Sixth /Eon. The question recurs — Why are God's days so long ? He is not Hke us, a being of yesterday. He is " from 01am to 01am," and even in human history one day is with him as a thousand years; and we who live in these later days of the world know full well how slow the march of his plan has been even in human history. We shall know in the endless ages of a future eternity that even to us these long creative days may at last become but as watches in the night. The Atmosphere. 157 CHAPTER VII. THE ATMOSPHERE. "And God said, Let there be an expanse between the waters ; and let it separate the waters from the waters. And God made the expanse, and separated the waters which are under the expanse from the waters which are over the expanse : and it was so. And God called the expanse Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day." — Genesis i. 6-8. At the opening of the period to which we are now intro- duced the earth was covered by the waters, and these were in such a condition that there was no distinction between the seas and the clouds. No atmosphere separated them, or, in other words, dense fogs and mists everywhere rested on the surface of the primeval ocean. To understand as far as possible the precise condition of the earth's surface at this period, it will be necessary to notice the present constitu- tion of the atmosphere, especially in its relations to aqueous vapor. The regular and constant constituents of the atmosphere are the elements oxygen and nitrogen, which, at the temper- ature and pressure existing on the surface of our globe, are permanently aeriform or gaseous. Beside these gases, the air always contains a quantity of the vapor of water in a perfectly aeriform and transparent condition. This vapor is not, however, permanently gaseous. At all temperatures be- low 212 degrees it tends to the liquid state; and its elastic force, which preserves its particles in the separated state of 158 The Origin of the World. vapor, increases or diminishes at a more rapid rate than the increase or diminution of temperature. Hence tlie quantity of vapor that can be suspended in clear air depends on the temperature of the air itself. As the temperature of the air rises, its power of sustaining vapor increases more rapidly than its temperature ; and as the temperature of the air falls, the elastic force of its contained vapor diminishes in a great- er ratio, until it can exist as an invisible vapor no longer, but becomes condensed into minute bubbles or globules,, forming cloud, mist, or rain. Two other circumstances operate along with these properties of air and vapor. The heat radiated from the earth's surface causes the lower strata of air to be, in ordinary circumstances, warmer than the higher ; and, on the other hand, warm air, being lighter than that which is colder, the warm layer of air at the surface continually tends to rise through and above the colder currents immediately over it. Let us consider the operation of the causes thus roughly sketched in a column of calm air. The low'er por- tion becomes warmed, and if in contact with water takes up a quantity of its vapor proportioned to the temperature, or in ordinary circumstances somewhat less than this proportion. It then tends to ascend, and as it rises and becomes mixed with colder air it gradually loses its power of sustaining moisture, and at a height proportioned to the diminution of temperature and the quantity of vapor originally contained in the air, it begins to part with water, which becomes con- densed in the form of mist or cloud ; and the surface at which this precipitation takes place is often still more dis- tinctly marked when two masses or layers of air at different temperatures become intermixed ; in which case, on the principle already stated, the mean temperature produced is unable to sustain the vapor proper to the two extremes, and The Atmosphere. 159 moisture is precipitated. It thus happens that layers of cloud accumulate in the atmosphere, while between them and the surface there is a stratum of clear air. Fosfs and mists are in the present state of nature exceptional appear- ances, depending generally on local causes, and showing what the world might be but for that balancing of temper- ature and the elastic force of vapor which constitutes the atmospheric firmament.* The quantity of water thus suspended over the earth is enormous. " When we see a cloud resolve itself into rain, and pour out thousands of gallons of water, we can not com- prehend how it can float in the atmosphere."t The expla- nation is — ist, the extreme levity of the minute globules, which causes them to fall very slowly ; 2d, they are support- ed by currents of air, especially by the ascending currents developed both in still air and in storms ; 3dly, clouds are often dissolving on one side and forming on another. A cloud gradually descending may be dissolving away by evap- oration at the base as fast as new matter is being added above. On the other hand, an ascending warm current of air may be constantly depositing moisture at the base of the cloud, and this may be evaporating under the solar rays above. In this case a cloud is " merely the visible form of an aerial space, in which certain processes are at the moment in equilibrium, and all the particles in a state of upward movement."! But so soon as condensation markedly ex- ceeds evaporation, rain falls, and the atmosphere discharges its vast load of water — how vast we may gather from the fact * Daniell's I\reteorological Essays ; Prout's Bridgewater Treatise ; art. "Meteorology," Encyc. Brit. ; "Maury's Physical Geography of the Sea." t Kaemtz, "Course of Meteorology." X Encyc. Brit, art. " Meteorology." i6o The Origin of the World. that the waters of all the rivers are but a part of the overflow- ings of the great atmospheric reservoir. "God binds up the waters in his thick cloud, and the cloud is not rent under them." It is thus that the terrestrial waters are divided into those above and those below that expanse of clear air in which we live and move, exempt from the dense, dark mists of the earth's earlier state, yet enjoying the benefits of the cloudy curtain that veils the burning sun, and of the cloudy reservoirs that drop down rain to nourish every green thing. AVe have no reason to suppose that the laws which regulate mixtures of gases and vapors did not prevail in the period in question. It is probable that these laws are as old as the creation of matter ; but the condition of our earth up to the second day must have been such as prevented them from operating as at present. Such a condition might possibly be the result of an excessive evaporation occasioned by internal heat. The interior of the earth still remains in a heated state, and includes large subterranean reservoirs of melted rock, as is proved by the increase of temperature in deep mines and borings, and by the widely extended phenomena of hot springs and volcanic action. At the period in question the internal temperature of the earth was probably vastly greater than at present, and perhaps the whole interior of the globe may have been in a state of igneous fluidity. At the same time the external solid crust may have been thin, and it was not fractured and thickened in places by the upheaval of mountain chains or the deposition of great and unequal sheets of sediment ; for, as I may again remind the reader, the prim- itive chaos did not consist of a confused accumulation of rocky masses, but the earth's crust must then have been more smooth and unbroken than at any subsequent period. This being the internal condition of the earth, it is quite conceiva- The Atmosphere. i6i ble, without any violation of the existing laws of nature, that the waters of the ocean, warmed by internal heat, may have sent up a sufficient quantity of vapor to keep the lower strata of air in a constant state of saturation, and to occasion an equally constant precipitation of moisture from the colder strata above. This would merely be the universal operation of a cause similar to that which now produces fogs at the northern limit of the Atlantic Gulf Stream, and in other lo- calities where currents of warm water flow under or near to cooler air. Such a state of'things is more conceivable in a globe covered with water, and consequently destitute of the dry and powerfully radiating surfaces which land presents, and receiving from without the rays, not of a solar orb, but of a comparatively feeble and diffused luminous ether. The continued action of these causes would gradually cool the earth's crust and its incumbent waters, until the heat from without preponderated over that from within, when the result stated in the text would be effected. The statements of our primitive authority for this condition of the earth might also be accounted for on the supposition that the permanently gaseous part of the atmosphere did not at the period in question exist in its present state, but that it was on the second day actually elaborated and caused to take its place in separating the atmospheric from the oceanic wa- ters. The first is by far the more probable view; but we may still apply to such speculations the words of Elihu, the friend of Job : " Stand still and consider the wonderful works of God. Dost thou know when God disposes them, And the lightning of his cloud shines forth ? Dost thou know the poising of the dark clouds, The wonderful works of the Perfect in knowledge ?" 1 62 The Origin of the World. We may now consider the words in which this great im- provement in the condition of the earth is recorded. The Hebrew term for the atmosphere is Rakiah, literally, some- thing expanded or beaten out — an expanse. It is rendered in our version " firmament," a word conveying the notion of support and fixit}'-, and in the Septuagint ^^ Stereoma" a word having a similar meaning. The idea conveyed by the He- brew word is not, however, that of strength, but of exte?it; or as Milton — the most accurate of expositors of these words — has it : "The firmament, expanse of liquid, pure. Transparent, elemental air, diffused In circuit to the uttermost convex Of this great round." That this was really the way in which this word was under- stood by the Hebrews appears from several passages of the Bible. Job says of God, "Who 2i\ox\Q sp?'eadeth out the heav- ens.'"* David, in the 104th Psalm, which is a poetical par- aphrase of the history of creation, speaks of the Creator as ^^ stretching out the heavens as a curtain." In later writers, as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, similar expressions occur. The notion of a solid or arched firmament was probably altogether remote from the minds of these writers. Such beliefs may have prevailed at the time when the Septuagint translation was made, but I have no hesitation in affirming that no trace of them can be found in the Old Testament. In proof of this, I may refer to some of the passages which have been cited as affording the strongest instances of this kind of * It is not meant that the word rakiah occurs in these passages, but to show how by other words the idea of stretching out or extension rather than solidity is implied. The verb in the first two passages is nata, to spread out. TJie Atmosphere. 163 "accommodation." In Exodus xxiv., 10, we are told, "And they saw the God of Israel, and under his feet as it were a paved work of sapphire, and as it were the heaven itself in its clearness." This is evidently a comparison of the pavement seen under the feet of Jehovah to a sapphire in its color, and to the heavens in its transparency. The intention of the writer is not to give information respecting the heavens, or to liken them either to a pavement or a sapphire ; all that we can infer is that he believed the heavens to be clear or trans- parent. Job mentions the "pillars of heaven," but the con- nection shows that this is merely a poetical expression for lofty mountains. The earthquake causes these pillars of heaven to " tremble." We are informed in the book of Job that God "ties up his waters in his thick cloud, and the cloud is not rent under them." We are also told of the "treasures of snow and the treasures of hail," and rain is called the "bottles of heaven," and is said to be poured out of the "lattices of heaven." I recognize in all these mere poetical figures, not intended to be literally understood. Some learn- ed writers wish us to believe that the intention of the Bible in these places is actually to teach that the clouds are contained in skin bottles, or something similar, and that they are emp- tied through hatches in a solid firmament. To found such a belief, however, on a few figurative statements, seems ridicu- lous, especially when we consider that the writers of the Scrip- tures show themselves to be well acquainted with nature, and would not be likely on any account to deviate so far from the ordinary testimony of the senses; more especially as by doing so they would enable every unlettered man who has seen a cloud gather on a mountain's brow or dissolve away before increasing heat to oppose the evidence of his senses to their statements, and perhaps to reject them with scorn as a bare- 164 The Origin of the World. faced imposture. But, lastly, we are triumphantly directed to the question of Elihu in his address to Job : " Hast thou with him stretched out the sky, Which is firm and like a molten mirror ?" But the word translated sky here is not ^'' rakiah^^ or ^^ shamayim,^^ but another signifying the clouds^ so that we should regard Elihu as speaking of the apparent firmness or stability, and the beautiful reflected tints of the clouds. His words may be paraphrased thus : " Hast thou aided Him in spreading out those clouds, which appear so stable and self- sustaining, and so beautifully reflect the sunlight?"* The above passages form the only authority which I can find in the Scriptures for the doctrine of a solid firmament, which may therefore be characterized as a modern figment of men more learned in books but less acquainted with nature than the Scripture writers. As a contrast to all such doctrines I may quote the sublime opening of the poetical account of creation in Psalm civ., which we may also take here as else- where as the oldest and most authoritative commentary on the first chapter of Genesis : " Bless the Lord, O my soul ! O Lord, my God, thou art very great : Thou art clothed with honor and majesty, AVho coverest thyself with light as with a garment. Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain (of a tent), Who layest the beams of thy chambers in the "waters. Who makest the clotids thy chariots, Who %valkest tipon the wings of the wind.'''' The waters here are those above the firmament, the whole * See also Humboldt, " Cosmos," vol. ii., pt. i. The Atmosphere. 165 of this part of the Psalm being occupied with the heavens ; and there is no place left for the solid firmament, of which the writer evidently knew nothing. He represents God as laying his chambers on the waters, instead of on the sup- posed firmament, and as careering in cloudy chariots on the wings of the wind, instead of over a solid arch. For all the above reasons, we conclude that the " expanse " of the verses under consideration W'as understood by the writers of the book of God to be aerial, not solid ; and the " establishment of the clouds above," as it is finely called in Proverbs, is the effect of those meteorological laws to which I have already referred, and which were now for the first time brought into operation by the divine Legislator. The He- brew theology was not of a kind to require such expedi- ents as that of solid heavenly arches ; it recurred at once to the will — the decree — of Jehovah ; and was content to believe that through this efficient cause the " rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full," for " to the place whence the rivers came, thither they return again," through the agency of those floating clouds, " the waters above the heavens," which " pour down rain according to the vapor thereof." God called the expanse " Heaven." In former chapters we have noticed that heaven in the popular speech of the Hebrews, as in our own, had different meanings, applying alike to the cloudy, the astral, and the spiritual heavens. The Creator here sanctions its application to the aerial ex- panse ; and accordingly throughout the Scriptures it is used in this way ; rakiah occurs very rarely, as if it had become nearly obsolete, or was perhaps regarded as a merely tech- nical or descriptive term. The divine sanction for the use of the term heaven for the atmosphere is, as already explain- 1 66 The Origin of the World. ed, to indicate that this popular use is not to interfere with its application to the whole universe beyond our earth in verse ist. The poetical parts of the Bible, and especially the book of Job, which is probably the most ancient of the whole, abound in references to the atmosphere and its phenomena. I may quote a few of these passages, to enable us to under- stand the views of these subjects given in the Bible, and the meaning attached to the creation of the atmosphere, in very ancient periods. In Job, 38th chapter, we have the following: " In what way is the lightning distributed, And how is the east wind spread abroad over the earth ? Who hath opened a channel for the pouring rain, Or a way for the thunder-flash ? To cause it to rain on the land where no man is, In the desert where no one dwells ; To saturate the desolate and waste ground, And to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth." Here we have the unequal and unforeseen distribution of thunder-storms, be3'ond the knowledge and power of man, but under the absolute control of God, and designed by him for beneficent purposes. Equally fine are some of the fol- lowins: lines : 'fc. " Dost thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, That abundance of waters may cover thee ? Dost thou send forth the lightnings, and they go. And say unto thee, Here are we ? Who can number the clouds by wisdom. Or cause the bottles of heaven to empty themselves ? When the dust groweth into mire. And the clods cleave fast tosrether ?" •'t>^ In the 36th and 37th chapters of the same book we have a grand description of atmospheric changes in their relation The Atmosphere, 167 to man and his works. The speaker is EHhu, who in this an- cient book most favorably represents the knowledge of nature that existed at a time probably anterior to the age of Moses — a knowledge far superior to that which we find in the works of many modern poets and expositors, and accompanied by an intense appreciation of the grandeur and beauty of natural objects : " For he draweth up the drops of water, Rain is condensed * from his vapor, Which the clouds do drop, And distill upon man abundantly. Yea, can any understand the distribution of the clouds Or the thundering of his tabernacle.t Behold he spreadeth his lightning upon it. He covereth it as with the depths of the sea.| By these he executes judgment on the people. By these also he giveth food in abundance ; His hands he covers with the lightning, And commands it (against the enemy) in its striking; He uttereth to it his decree,§ Concerning the herd as well as proud man. At this also my heart trembles, And bounds out of its place ; Hear attentively the thunder of his voice, ' And the loud sound that goes from his mouth. He directs it under the whole heavens. And his lightning to the ends of the earth. After it his voice roareth. * Heb., " they refine." t " His pavilion round about him was dark waters and thick clouds of the skies," Psa. xviii. This expression explains that in the text. X Or " He darkens the depths of the sea." § Translation of these lines much disputed and very difficult. Gesenius and Conant render it, ** His thunder tells of him ; to the herds even of him who is on high." 1 68 The Origin of the World, He thundereth with the voice of his majesty ; And delays not (the tempest) when his voice is heard. God thundereth marvellously with his voice, He doeth wonders which we can not comprehend ; For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth. Also to the pouring rain, even the great rain of his might. He sealeth up the hand of every man, That all men may know his work. Then the beasts go to their dens, And remain in their caverns. Out of the south cometh the whirlwind And cold out of the north, By the breath of God the frost is produced And the breadth of waters becomes bound ; With moisture he loads the thick cloud, He spreads the cloud of his lightning, And it is turned about by his direction. To execute his pleasure on the face of the world ; Whether for correction, for his land, or for mercy. He causeth it to come. Hearken unto this, O Job, Stand still and consider the wonderful works of God. Dost thou know when God disposes these things, And the lightning of his cloud flashes forth ? Dost thou know the poising of the clouds. The wonderful work of the Perfect in knowledge .'* When thy garments become warm When he quieteth the earth by the south wind ; Hast thou with him spread out the clouds Firm and like a molten mirror ?"* * I take advantage of this long quotation to state that in the case of this and other passages quoted from the Old Testament I have carefully consulted the original ; but have availed myself freely of the renderings of such of the numerous versions and commentaries as I have been able to obtain, whenever they appeared accurate and expressive, and have not scrupled occasionally to give a free translation where this seemed neces- sary to perspicuity. In the book of Job, I have consulted principally the The Atmosphere. i6g It would not be easy to find, in the poetry of any nation or time, a description of so many natural phenomena, so fine in feeling or truthful in delineation. It should go far to dispel the too prevalent ideas of early Oriental ignorance, and should lead to a more full appreciation of these noble pictures of nature, unsurpassed in the literature of any people or time. I trust that the previous illustrations are sufficient to show, not only that the sfe?'eoma, or solid firmament of the Septua- gint, is not to be found in Scripture, but that the positive doctrine of the Bible on the subject is of a very different character. For instance, in the above extract from the book of Job, Elihu speaks of the poising or suspension of the clouds as inscrutable, and tells us that God draws up water into the clouds, and pours down rain according to the vapor thereof; he also speaks of the clouds as being scattered before the brightness of the sun ; and notices, in truthful as well as ex- alted language, the nature and succession of the lightning's flash, the thunder, and the precipitation of rain that follows. Solomon also informs us that the " establishment of the clouds above " is due to the law or will of Jehovah. Finally, in this connection, the divine sanction given to the use of the term heaven for the atmosphere may in itself be regarded as an intimation that no definite barrier separates our film of atmosphere from the boundless abyss of heaven without. Of this period natural science gives us no intimation. In the earliest geological epochs organic life, dry land, and an atmosphere already existed. At the period now under con- sideration the two former had not been called into existence, and the latter was in process of elaboration from the materi- translation appended to Barnes's Commentary, Conant's translation, 1857, and those of Tayler Lewis and Evans in Schaff's edition of Lange, 1874. H I/O TJie Origin of the World. als of the primeval deep. If the formation of the atmosphere in its existing conditions was, as already hinted, a result of the gradual cooling of the earth, then this period must have been of great length, and the action of the heated waters on the crust of the globe may have produced thick layers of detrital matter destined to form the first soils of the succeed- ing jEon. We know nothing, however, of these primitive strata, and most of them must have been removed by denud- ing agencies in succeeding periods, or restored by subterra- nean heat to the ciystalline state. The events and results of this day may be summed up as follows : "At the commencement of the period the earth was envel- oped by a misty or vaporous mantle. In its progress those relations of air and vapor which cause the separation of the clouds from the earth by a layer of clear air, and the varied alternations of sunshine and rain, were established. At the close of the period the newly formed atmosphere covered a universal ocean ; and there was probably a very regular and uniform condition of the atmospheric currents, and of the processes of evaporation and condensation." But while we must affirm that no idea of a solid atmos- pheric vault can be detected in the Bible, and while we may also affirm that such an idea would have been altogether for- eign to its tone, which invariably refers all things not to sec- ondary machinery, but to the will and fiat of the Supreme, we must not forget that a most important moral purpose was to be served by the assertion of the establishment of the atmos- pheric expanse. Among all nations the phenomena of the atmosphere have had important theological and mythological relations. The ever-changing and apparently capricious as- pects of the atmosphere and its clouds, the terrible effects of storms, and the balmy influence of sunshine and calm, deeply The Atmosphere, i^i impress the minds of simple and superstitious men, and this all the more that in their daily life and expeditions they are constantly subjected to the effects of atmospheric vicissitudes. Hence the greatest gods of all the ancient nations are weath- er-gods — rulers of the atmospheric heavens — displaying their anger in the thunder-storm and tornado. It is likely that in most cases, as in many barbarous tribes of modern times, these weather-gods were malevolent beings contending against the genial influences of the heavenly Sun-god ; but in nearly every case their supposed practical importance has elevated them, as in the case of the Olympian Zeus, the Scandinavian Thor, and the American Hurakon, to the place of supreme divinity. This was one of the superstitions which the He- brew monotheism had to overcome. Hence the atmosphere is afBrmed to be under Jehovah's law, and all its phenomena are attributed to his power. The value of this as cutting at the root of the most widespread superstitions it is easy to understand, and it has a farther value in teaching that even the apparently unstable and capricious air is a thing estab- lished from the first and amenable to the ordinance of God. How difficult it has been to eradicate superstitious views of the atmosphere may be learned from the fact that St. Paul, in writing to the enlightened citizens of Ephesus, could speak of the power which the heathen worshipped as the " Prince of the powers of the air," and it is also evidenced by the abundant notions of this kind which have survived from the Middle Ages among the more ignorant part of the people even in lands called Christian. While, however, the Bible affirms the atmosphere to be sub- ject to law, it does not carry this into the domain of physical necessity, and affirm with some modern materialistic philoso- phers that it is useless to pray for- rain. It is God who gives 1/2 The Origin of the World. rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, and what he gives he can withhold. Perhaps no part of our subject can bet- ter than this illustrate the rational distinction between a mere physical fatalism, or a mere superstitious fear of capri- cious nature, and that belief in a divine Lawgiver which lies between these extremes. Modern science may smile at the poor Indian, who in his fear invokes Hurakon or Tlaloc or the terrible Thunder-bird, and may even despise that nobler worship of the great Phoenician Sun-god, the source and fount- ain of all light and life ; against which, though it was the grandest of all the old idolatries, Elijah waged war to the death. But may it not equally deride the faith of Elijah himself, when, after three years of drought, he prayed in the sight of assembled Israel for rain ? It may do so if physical law amounts to an invariable necessity, and if there is no supreme Will behind it. But if natural laws are the expres- sion of the divine will, if these laws are multiform and com- plicated in their relations, and regulate vastly varied causes interacting with each other, and if the action and welfare of man come within the scope -of these laws, then there is noth- ing irrational in the supposition that God, without any capri- cious or miraculous intervention, may have so correlated the myriad adjustments of his creation as that, while it is his usual rule that rain falls alike on the evil and on the good, he may make its descent at particular times and places to depend on the needs and requests of his own children. In truth the belief in law is essential to the philosojDhical conception of prayer. If the universe wer a mere chaos of chances, or if it were a result of absolute necessity, there would be no place for intelligent prayer; but if it is under the control of a Lawgiver, wise and merciful, not a mere manager of mate- rial machinery, but a true Father of all, then we can go to The Atmosphere, 173 such a being with our requests, not in the belief that we can change his great plans, or that any advantage could result from this if it were possible, but that these plans may be made in his boundless wisdom and love to meet our necessi- ties. There is also in the Bible the farther promise that, if we are truly the children of God, regulating our conduct by his will and enlightened by his spirit, we shall know how to pray for what is in accordance with his divine purpose, and how to receive with gladness whatever he sees fit to give. While, therefore, the Biblical doctrine as to natural law eman- cipates us from fears of angry storm-demons, it draws us near to a heavenly Father, whose power is above all the tempests of earth, and who, while ruling by law, has regulated all things in conformity with the higher law of love. When God had made the atmosphere, he saw that it was good, and the high- est significance is given to this by the consideration that God is love. The position of the Bible is thus the true mean be- tween superstitions at once unhappy and debasing, and a ma- terialistic infidelity that w^ould reduce the universe to a dead, remorseless machine, in which we must struggle for a precari- ous existence till wc are crushed between its wheels. 0' 174 ^^^(^ Origin of the World. CHAPTER VIII. THE DRY LAND AND THE FIRST PLANTS. "And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear : and it was so. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters called he seas ; and God saw that it was good. " And God said, Let the earth bring forth the springing herb, the herb bearing seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit, after its kind, whose seed is in it on the earth : and it was so. And the earth brought forth the tender herb, the herb yielding seed, and the tree bearing fruit whose seed is in it, after its kind ; and God saw that it was good." — Genesis i., lo, ii. These are events sufficiently simple and intelligible in their general character. Geology shows us that the emer- gence of the dry land must have resulted from the elevation of parts of the bed of the ancient universal ocean, and that the agent employed in such changes is the bending and crumpling of the outer crust of the earth, caused by lateral pressure, and operating either in a slow and regular man- ner or by sudden paroxysms. It farther informs us that the existing continents consist of stratified or bedded masses, more or less inclined, fissured and irregularly elevated, and usually supported by crystalline rocks which have been pro- duced among them, or forced up beneath or through them by internal agencies, and which truly constitute the pillars and foundations of the earth. These elevations, it is true, were successive, and belong to different periods; but the appear- ance of the first dry land is that intended here. The Dry Land and the First Plants. 175 The elevation of the dry land is more frequently referred to in Scripture than any other cosmological fact ; and while all have been misapprehended, the statements on this subject have been even more unjustly dealt with than others. In the text, the word "earth" (aretz*) is, by divine sanction, narrowed in meaning to the dry land ; but while some expositors are quite willing to restrict it to this, or even a more limited sense, in the first and second verses of this chapter, almost the only verses in the Bible w'here the terms of the narrative make such a restriction inadmissible, they are equally ready to understand it as meaning the whole globe in places where the explanatory clause in the verse now under consideration teaches us that we should understand the land only, as dis- tinguished from the sea. I may quote some of these pas- sages, and note the views they give ; always bearing in mind that, after the intimation here given, we must understand the term "earth" as applying only to the contijicnts or dry land, unless where the context otherwise fixes the meaning. We may first turn to Psalm civ^ : •* Thou laidst the foundations of the earth, That it should never be removed ; Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment; The waters stood above the mountains ; At thy rebuke they fled ; At the sound of thy thunder they hasted away; Mountains ascended, valleys descended To the place thou hast appointed for them : Thou hast appointed them bounds that they may not pass, That they return not again to cover the earth." * The word is one of those that pervade both Semitic and Indo- European tongues: Sanscrit, rt'/^^r^; Pehlevi, fl'r/iz; "LdLtiu, terra ; German, Enfe; Gothic, an'/Aa ; Scottish, yircf ; English, (?«;-///.— Gesenius. 17^ The Origin of the World. , The position of these verses in this "the hymn of creation" leaves no doubt that they refer to the events we are now con- sidering. I have given above the literal reading of the line that refers to the elevation of mountains and subsidence of valleys ; admitting, however, that the grammatical construc- tion gives an air of probability to the rendering in our version, " they go up by the mountains, they go down by the valleys;" which, on the other hand, is rendered very improbable by the sense. In whichever sense we understand this line, the pict- ure presented to us by the Psalmist includes the elevation of the mountains and continents, the subsidence of the waters into their depressed basins, and the firm establishment of the dry land on its rocky foundations, the whole accompanied by a feature not noticed in Genesis — the voice of God's thunder — or, in other words, electrical and volcanic explosions. The following quotations refer to the same subject : "Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills was I (the Wisdom of God) brought forth ; While as yet he had not made the earth, Nor the plains, nor the higher parts of the habitable world. When he gave the sea his decree That the waters should not pass his limits, When he determined the foundations of the earth." — Proverbs viii., 25. "Thou hast established the earth, and it endureth, According to thy decrees they continue this day. For all are thy servants." — Psalm cxix., 90. " Who shaketh the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble." — Job ix., 6. *■' Where wast thou when I founded the earth "i Declare, if thou hast knowledge. TJie Dry Land and the First Plants. ly'j Who hath fixed the proportion thereof, if thou knowest? Who stretched the line upon it? Upon what are its foundations settled? Or who laid its corner-stone, When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy? Who shut up the sea with doors In its bursting forth as from the womb? When I made the cloud its garment, And swathed it in thick darkness, I measured out for it my limit. And fixed its bars and doors ; And said. Thus far shalt thou come, but no farther, And here shall thy proud waves be stayed." — Job xxxviii., 4. In these passages the foundation of the earth at first, as well as the shaking of its pillars by the earthquake, are con- nected with what we usually call natural law — the decree of the Almighty — the unchanging arrangements of an unchange- able Creator, whose "hands formed the dry land,"* This is the ultimate cause not only of the elevation of the land, but of all other natural things and processes. The naturalist does not require to be informed that the details, in so far as they are referred to in the above passages, are perfectly in accord- ance with what we know of the nature and support of con- tinental masses. Geolo2:ical observation and mathematical calculation have in our day combined their powers to give clear views of the manner in which the fractured strata of the earth are wedged and arched together, and supported by in- ternal igneous masses upheaved from beneath, and subse- quently cooled and hardened. A general view of these facts which we have learned from scientific inquiry, the Hebrews * Psalm xcv. H 2 178 The Origin of the World. gleaned with nearly as much precision from the short account of the elevation of the land in Genesis, and from the later comments of their inspired poets. From the same source our own great poet, Milton, learned these cosmical facts, be- fore the rise of geology, and expressed them in unexception- able terms : *' The mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops ascend the sky. So high as heaved the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow bottom, broad and deep. Capacious bed of waters," In further illustration of the opinions of the Scripture writers respecting the nature of the earth, and the disturb-, ances to wdiich it is liable, I quote the following passages. The first is from the magnificent description of Jehovah descending to succor his people amid the terrors of the earth- quake, the volcano, and the thunder-storm, in Psalm xviii. : ** Then shook and trembled the earth, The foundations of the hills moved and were shaken, Because he was angry. Smoke went up from his nostrils, Fire from his mouth devoured, Coals were kindled by it. Then were seen the channels of the waters, And the foundations of the world were discovered, A tthy rebuke — O Jehovah — At the blast of the breath of thy nostrils." In another place in the Psalms we find volcanic action thus tersely sketched : *' He lookcth on the earth and it trembleth. He toucheth the hills and they smoke." — Psalm civ., 32. The Dry Land and the First Plants. lyg Perhaps the most remarkable discourse on this subject in the whole Bible is that in Job xxviii., in which mining opera- tions are introduced as an illustration of the difficulty of ob- taining true wisdom. This passage is interesting both from its extreme antiquit}', and the advancement in knowledge and practical skill which it indicates. It presents, however, many difficulties ; and its details have almost entirely lost their true significance in our common English version : " Surely there is a vein for silver, And a place for the gold which men refme ; Iron is taken from the earth, And copper is molten from the ore. To the end of darkness and to all extremes man searcheth, For the stones of darkness and the shadow of death. He opens a passage [shaft] from where men dwell, Unsupported by the foot, they hang down and swing to and fro.* The earth — out of it cometh bread ; And beneath, it is overturned as by fire.t Its stones are the place of sapphires. And it hath lumps | of gold. The path (thereto) the bird of prey hath not known. The vulture's eye hath not seen it.§ The wild beasts' whelps have not trodden it, The lion hath not passed over it. Man layeth his hand on the hard rock. He turneth up the mountains from their roots. He cutteth channels [cidifs} in the rocks, His eye seeth every precious thing. * Gesenius. t Perhaps "changed," metamorphosed, as by fire. Conant has "de- stroyed." t " Dust " in our version, literally lumps or " nuggets." § The vulgar and incorrect idea that the vulture " scents the carrion from afar," so often reproduced by later poets, has no place in the Bible poetry. It is the bird's keen eye that enables him to find his prey. i8o The Origin of the World. He restraineth the streams from trickling, And bringeth the hidden thing to light. But where shall wisdom be found, And where is the place of understanding?" This passage, incidentally introduced, gives us a glimpse of the knowledge of the interior of the earth and its products, as it existed in an age probably anterior to that of Moses. It brings before us the repositories of the valuable metals and gems — the mining operations, apparently of some mag- nitude and difficulty, undertaken in extracting them — and the wonderful structure of the earth itself, green and product- ive at the surface, rich in precious metals beneath, and deep- er still the abode of intense subterranean fires. The only thing wanting to give completeness to the picture is some mention of the fossil remains buried in the earth ; and, as the main thought is the eager and successful search for use- ful minerals, this can hardly be regarded as a defect. The application of all this is finer than almost any thing else in didactic poetry. Man can explore depths of the earth in- accessible to all other creatures, and extract thence treas- ures of inestimable value ; yet, after thus exhausting all the natural riches of the earth, he too often lacks that highest wisdom which alone can fit him for the true ends of his spiritual being. How true is all this, even in our own wonder-working days! A poet of to-day could scarcely say more of subterranean wonders, or say it more truth- fully and beautifully ; nor could he arrive at a conclusion more pregnant with the highest philosophy than the closing words : '* The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom ; And to depart from evil is understanding." The Dry Land and the First Plants. i8i The emergence of the dry land is followed by a repetition of the approval of the Creator. *•' God saw that it was good." To our view that primeval dry land would scarcely have seemed good. It was a world of bare, rocky peaks, and verdureless valleys — here active volcanoes, with their heaps of scoriae and scarcely cooled lava currents — there vast mud- flats, recently upheaved from the bottom of the waters — no- where even a blade of grass or a clinging lichen. Yet it was good in the view of its Maker, who could see it in relation to the uses for which he had made it, and as a fit preparatory step to the new wonders he was soon to introduce. Then too, as we are informed in Job xxxviii., " The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." We also, when we think of the beautiful variety of the terrestrial surface, the character and composition of its soils, the variety of climate and exposure resulting from its degrees of eleva- tion, the arrangements for the continuance of springs and streams, and many other beneficial provisions connected with the merely mechanical arrangements of the dry land, may well join in the tribute of praise to the All-wise Creator. There is, however, a farther thought suggested by the approv- al of the great Artificer. In this wondrous progress of crea- tion, it seems as if every thing at first was in its best estate. No succeeding state could parallel the unbroken symmetry of the earth in the fluid and vaporous condition of the "deep." Before the elevation of the land, the atmospheric currents and the deposition of moisture must have been sur- passingly regular. The first dry land may have presented crags and peaks and ravines and volcanic cones in a more marvellous and perfect manner than any succeeding conti- nents — even as the dry and barren moon now, in this re- spect, far surpasses the earth. In the progress of organic 1 82 TJic Origin of the World, life, geology gives similar indications, in the variety and mag- nitude of many animal types on their first introduction; so that this may very possibly be a law of creation. During the emergence of the first dry land, large quantities of detrital matter must have been deposited in the waters, and in part elevated into land. All of these beds would, probably, be destitute of organic remains ; but if such beds were formed and still remain, they are probably unknown to us, for the oldest formations that we know — those of the Eo- zoic age — contain traces of such remains. It has, indeed, been suggested that these most ancient organisms are, as it were, overlooked in the history of creation, or regarded as equivalent to those shapeless monsters and animals of the darkness that are referred to in the older Turanian versions of this story of creation. I doubt very much, however, if this is a fair interpretation of our ancient record ; but we shall be in a better position to discuss it when we come to the actual introduction of animals. Modern analogy would induce us to believe that the land was not elevated suddenly; but either by a series of small paroxysms, as in the case of Chili, or by a gradual and im- perceptible movement, as in the case of Sweden — two of the most remarkable modern instances of elevation of land — ac- companied, however, in the case of the last by local subsid- ence.^ In either of these ways the seas and rivers would have time to smooth the more rugged inequalities, to widen the ravines into valleys, and to spread out sediment in the lower grounds ; thus fitting the surface for the habitation of plants and animals. We must not suppose, however, that the dry land had any close resemblance to that now existing in * Lyell's *' Principles of Geology." The Dry Land and the First Plants. 183 its form or distribution. Geology amply proves that since the first appearance of dry land, its contour has frequently been changed, and probably also its position. Hence near- ly all our present land consists of rocks which have been formed under the waters, long after the period now under consideration, and have been subsequently hardened and elevated ; and since all the existing high mountain ranges are of a comparatively late age, it is probable that this prime- val dry land was low, as well as, in the earlier part of the pe- riod at least, of comparatively small extent. It is, however, by no means certain that there may not have been a greater expanse of land toward the close of this period than that which afterwards existed in those older periods of animal life to which the earliest fossiliferous rocks of the geologist carry us back; since, as already hinted, it seems to be a rule in creation that each new object shall be highly developed of its kind at its first appearance, and since there have been in geological time many great subsidences as well as elevations. Neither must we forget that the oldest land has been sub- jected throughout geological time to wearing and degrading- agencies, and that from its waste the later formations have been mainly derived. It would be wrong, however, to omit to state that, though we may know at present no remains of the first dry land, we are not ignorant of its general distribution; for the present continents show, in the arrangement of their formations and mountain chains, evidence that they are parts of a plan sketched out from the beginning. It has often been re- marked by physical geographers that the great lines of coast and mountain ranges are generally in directions approaching to northeast and southwest, or northwest and southeast, and that where they run in other directions, as in the case of the 1 84 TJic Origin of the World. south of Europe and Asia, they are much broken by salient and re-entering angles, formed by lines having these direc- tions. Professor R. Owen, of Tennessee, and Professor Pierce, of Harvard College, were, I believe, the first to point out that these lines are in reality parts of great circles tangent to the polar circles, and the latter to suggest a theory of their ori- gin, based on the action of solar heat and the seasons on a cooling earth. This has been more fully stated by Mr. W. Lowthian Green in his curious book, " Vestiges of the Molten Globe." * It would appear that the great circles in question are in reality at right angles to the line of direction of the attrac- tion of the sun and moon at the period of either solstice, and when they happen to be in conjunction or opposition at these periods; and that such circles would be the lines on which the thin crust of a cooling globe would be most likely to be ruptured by its internal tidal-wave. Whatever the cause of the phenomenon, it is evident that in the formation of its surface inequalities the earth has cracked — so to speak — along two series of great circles tangent to the polar circles; and that these, with certain subordinate lines of fracture run- ning north and south and east and west, have determined the forms of the continents from their origin. M. Elie de Beaumont, and after him most other geologists, have attributed the elevation of the continents and the up- heaval and plication of mountain chains to the secular re- frigeration of the earth, causing its outer shell to become too capacious for its contracting interior mass, and thus to break or bend, and to settle toward the centre. This view would well accord with the terms in which the elevation of the land is mentioned throughout the Bible, and especially with the * Stanford, London, 1875. - TJic Dry Land and the First Plants. 185 general progress of the work as we have gleaned it from the Mosaic narrative; since from the period of the desolate void and aeriform deep to that now before us secular refrigeration must have been steadily in progress. Let us also observe here that the earliest fractures of the crust would determine the first coast lines, and the first slopes along which sedi- mentary matter would descend from the land and be depos- ited in the sea. They would also modify the direction of the ocean currents. Thus the deposition of new formations would be directed by these old lines, as would also to some extent the course of all subsequent fractures and plications. Thus it happens that the lines of outcrop of the oldest rocks first raised out of the waters already marked out the forms of the continents, and that the later formations appear rather as fillings-up and extensions of the skeleton established by the first dry land. Farther, the lines of plication first estab- lished along the borders of the continents formed resisting walls along which, in the continued contraction of the earth, pressure was exerted from the ocean bed, widening and ele- vating these lines of upheaval, and still farther fixing the general forms of the continents, and giving variety to their surfaces. In the progress of geological time there have also been successive depressions and re-elevations of the conti- nental plateaus, subjecting them alternately to the wearing and disintegrating action of the atmosphere and its waters, and to the influence of waves and ocean currents, and es- pecially to that of the deep-seated polar currents which have throughout geological ages been loading the submerged areas of the earth's surface with the products of the waste caused by frost and ice in the polar regions. These causes again have been progressively increasing the oblateness of the earth's figure,' and, along with the slackening of its rotation, 1 86 TJie Origin of the World. preparing the way for those periodical collapses in the equa- torial and temperate regions which form the boundaries of some of our most important geological periods.* Through- out all these changes the great general plan of the conti- nents, first sketched out when the " foundations of the earth " were laid, before Eozoic time, was being elaborated. The same creative period that witnessed the first appear- ance of dry land saw it also clothed with vegetation; and it is quite likely that this is intended to teach that no time was lost in clothing the earth with plants — that the first emerg- ing portions received their vegetable tenants as they became fitted for them — and that each additional region, as it rose above the surface of the waters, in like manner received the species of plants for which it was adapted. What was the nature of this earliest vegetation ? The sacred writer speci- fies three descriptions of plants as included in it; and, by considering the terms which he uses, some information on this subject may be gained. JDes/ie, translated " grass " in our version, is derived from a verb signifying to spring up or bud forth ; the same verb, in- deed, used in this verse to denote " bringing forth," literally causing to spring up. Its radical meaning is, therefore, vege- tation in the act of sprouting or springing forth; or, as con- nected with this, young and delicate herbage. Thus, in Job xxxviii., " To satisfy the desolate and waste ground, and to cause the bud ol \\-\Q young herbage to spring forth." Here the ref- erence is, no doubt, to the bulbous and tuberous rooted plants of the desert plains, which, fading away in the summer drought, burst forth with magical rapidity on the setting-in * In further explanation of these general geological changes, see** The Story of the Earth and Man," by the author. TJic Dry Land and the First Plants. 187 of rain. The following passages are similar : Psalm xxiii., "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures" (literally, young or tender herbage) \ Deuteronomy xxiii., "Small rain upon the tender herb;^^ Isaiah xxxvii., " Grass on the house- tops." The word is also used for herbage such as can be eaten by cattle or cut down for fodder, though even in these cases the idea of young and tender herbage is evidently in- cluded ; " Fat as a heifer at grass " (Jer. xi\^) — that is, feeding on young succulent grass, not that which is dry and parched. " Cut down as the grass, or wither as the green herb," like the soft, tender grass, soon cut down and quickly withering. With respect to the use of the word in this place, I may re- mark : I. It is not here correctly translated by the word "grass ;" for grass bears seed, and is, consequently, a member of the second class of plants mentioned. Even if we set aside all idea of inspiration, it is obviously impossible that any one living among a pastoral or agricultural people could have been ignorant of this fact. 2. It can scarcely be a general term, including all plants when in a young or tender state. The idea of their springing up is included in the verb, and this was but a very temporary condition. Besides, this word does not appear to be employed for the young state of shrubs or trees. 3. We thus appear to be shut up to the conclusion that deshe here means those plants, mostly small and her- baceous, which bear no proper seeds ;* in other words, the Cryptogamia — as fungi, mosses, lichens, ferns, etc. The re- maining words are translated with sufficient accuracy in our version. They denote seed-bearing or phoenogamous herbs and trees. The special mention of the fructification of plants is probably intended not only for distinction, but also ^ * " Tenera herba, sine semine saltern conspicuo."— Rosenmiiller, " Scho- lia." 1 88 Tlie Origin of the World. to indicate tlie new power of organic reproduction now first introduced on the surface of our planet, and to mark its dif- ference from tlie creative act itself. That this new and won- drous phenomenon should be so stated is thus in strict sci- entific iDropriety, and it is precisely the point that would be seized by an intelligent spectator of the visions of creation, who had previously witnessed only the accretion and disin- tegration of mineral substances, and to whom this marvellous power of organic reproduction would be in every respect a new creation. The arrangement of plants in the three great classes of cryptogams, seed-bearing herbs, and fruit-bearing trees dif- fers in one important point — viz., the separation of herbaceous plants from trees — from modern botanical classification. It is, however, sufficiently natural for the purposes of a general description like this, and perhaps gives more precise ideas of the meaning intended than any other arrangement equally concise and popular. It is also probable that the object of the writer was not so much a natural-history classification as an account of the order of creation, and that he wishes to af- firm that the introduction of these three classes of plants on the earth corresponded with the order here stated. This view renders it unnecessary to vindicate the accuracy of the arrangement on botanical grounds, since the historical order was evidently better suited to the purpose in view, and in so far as the earlier appearance of cryptogamous plants is con- cerned, it is in strict accordance with geological fact. A very important truth is contained in the expression "after its kind" — that is, after its species; for the Hebrew ^'- min,^^ used here, has strictly this sense, and, like the Greek idea and the Latin species, conveys the notion of form as well as that of kind. It is used to denote species of animals, TJie Dry Land and the First Plants. 189 in Leviticus i., 14, and in Deuteronomy xiv., 15. We are taught by this statement that plants were created each kind by itself, and that creation was not a sort of slump-work to be perfected by the operation of a law of development, as fancied by some modern speculators. In this assertion of the distinct- ness of species, and the production of each as a distinct part of the creative plan, revelation tallies perfectly with the con- clusions of natural science, which lead us to believe that each species, as observed by us, is permanently reproductive, variable within narrow limits, and incapable of permanent in- termixture with other species; and though hypotheses of mod- ification by descent, and of the production of new species by such modification, may be formed, they are not in accordance with experience, and are still among the unproved specula- tions which haunt the outskirts of true science. We shall be better prepared, however, to weigh the relations of such hy- potheses to our revelation of origins when we shall have reached the period of the introduction of animal life. Some additional facts contained in the recapitulation of the creative work in Chapter II. may very properly be con- sidered here, as they seem to refer to the climatal conditions of the earth during the growth of the most ancient vegetation^ and before the final adjustment of the astronomical relations of the earth on the fourth day. "And every shrub of the land before it was on the earth, and every herb of the land before it sprung up. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground ; but a mist ascended from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground." This has been supposed to be a de- scription of the state of the earth during the whole period an- terior to the fiUl of man. There is, however, no Scripture evidence of this ; and geology informs us that rain fell as at 1 90 TJie Origin of the World. present far back in the Palaeozoic period, countless ages be- fore the creation of man or the existing animals. Although, however, such a condition of the earth as that stated in these verses has not been known in any geological period, yet it is not inconceivable, but in reality corresponds with the other conditions of nature likely to have prevailed on the third day, as described in Genesis. The land of this period, we may suppose, was not very extensive nor very elevated. Hence the temperature would be uniform and the air moist. The luminous and calorific matter connected with the sun still occupied a large space, and therefore diffused heat and light more uniformly than at present. The internal heat of the earth may still have produced an effect in warming the oce- anic waters. The combined operation of these causes, of wdiich we, perhaps, have some traces as late as the Carbon- iferous period, might well produce a state of things in which the earth was watered, not by showers of rain, but by the gentle and continued precipitation of finely divided moisture, in the manner now observed in those climates in which veg- etation is nourished for a considerable part of the year by nocturnal mists and copious dews. The atmosphere, in short, as yet partook in some slight degree of the same moist and misty character which prevailed before the " establishment of the clouds above" — the airy firmament of the second day. The introduction of these explanatory particulars by the sacred historian furnishes an additional argument for the theory of long periods. That vegetation should exist for two or three natural days without rain or the irrigation which is given in culture, was, as already stated, a circumstance altogether un- worthy of notice ; but the growth during a long period of a varied and highly organized flora, without this advantage, and by the aid of a special natural provision afterward discontin- The Dry Land and the First Plants. 191 ued, was in all respects so remarkable and so highly illustra- tive of the expedients of the divine wisdom that it deserved a prominent place. It is evident that the words of the inspired writer include plants belonging to all the great subdivisions of the vegetable kingdom. This earliest vegetation was not rude or incom- plete, or restricted to the lower forms of life. It was not even, like that of the coal period, solely or mainly cryptoga- mous or gymnospermous. It included trees bearing fruit, as well as lichens and mosses, and it received the same stamp of approbation bestowed on other portions of the work — " it was good." We have a good right to assume that its excellence had reference not only to its own period, but to subsequent conditions of the earth. Vegetation is the great assimilating power, the converter of inorganic into organic matter suita- ble for the sustenance of animals. In like manner the lower tribes of plants prepare the way for the higher. We should therefore have expected a priori that vegetation would have clothed the earth before the creation of animals, and a suffi- cient time before it to allow soils to be accumulated, and sur- plus stores of organic matter to be prepared in advance : this consideration alone would also induce us to assign a consider- able duration to the third day. After the elevation of land, and the draining off from it of the saline matter with which it would be saturated, a process often very tedious, especially in low tracts of ground, the soil would still consist only of min- eral matter, and must have been for a long period occupied by plants suited to this condition of things, in order that suf- ficient organic matter might be accumulated for the growth of a more varied vegetation ; a consideration which perhaps illustrates the order of the plants in the narrative. It may be objected to the above views that, however ac- 192 The Origin of the World. cordant with chemical and physiological probabilities, they do not harmonize with the facts of geology ; since the earliest fossiliferous formations contain almost exclusively the remains of animals, which must therefore have preceded, or at least been coeval with, the earliest forms of terrestrial vegetation. This objection is founded 011 well-ascertained facts, but facts which may have no connection with the third day of creation when regarded as a long period. The oldest geological for- mations are of marine origin, and contain remains of marine animals, with those of plants supposed \o be allied to the exist- ing algae or sea-weeds. Geology can not, however, assure us either that no land plants existed contemporaneously with these earliest animals, or that no land flora preceded them. These oldest fossiliferous rocks may mark the commencement of animal life, but they testify nothing as to the existence or non-existence of a previous period of vegetation alone. Far- ther, the rocks which contain the oldest remains of life exist as far as yet known in a condition so highly metamorphic as almost to preclude the possibility of their containing any distinguishable vegetable fossils ; yet they contain vast de- posits of carbon in the form of graphite, and if this, like more modern coaly matter, was accumulated by vegetable growth, it must indicate an exuberance of plants in these earliest ge- ological periods, but of plants as yet altogether unknown to us. It is possible, therefore, that in these Eozoic rocks we may have remnants of the formations of the third IMosaic day; and if we should ever be so fortunate as to find any portion of them containing vegetable fossils, and these of species differing from any hitherto known, either in a fossil state or recent, and rising higher, in elevation and complexity of type, than the flora of the succeeding Silurian and Carbonifer- ous eras, we may then suppose that we have penetrated to The Dry Land and the First Plants. 193 the monuments of this third creative aeon. The only other alternative by which these verses can be reconciled with ge- ology is that adopted by the late Hugh Miller, who supposes that the plants of the third day are those of the Carboniferous period; but, besides the apparent anachronism involved in this, we now know that the coal flora consisted mainly of cryptogams allied to ferns and club-mosses, and of gymno- sperms allied to the pines and cycads, the higher orders of plants being almost entirely wanting. For these reasons we are shut up to the conclusion that this flora of the third day must have its place before the Palaeozoic period of geology. To those who are familiar with the vast lapse of time re- quired by the geological history of the earth, it may be start- ling to ascribe the whole of it to three or four of the creative days. If, however, it be admitted that these days were pe- riods of unknown duration, no reason remains for limiting their length any farther than the facts of the case require. If in the strata of the earth which are accessible to us we can detect the evidence of its existence for myriads of years, why may not its Creator be able to carry our view back for myr- iads more. It may be humbling to our pride of knowledge, but it is not on any scientific ground improbable, that the oldest animal remains known to geology belong to the middle period of the earth's history, and were preceded by an enor- mous lapse of ages in which the earth was being prepared for animal existence, but of which no records remain, except those contained in the inspired history. It would be quite unphilosophical for geology to affirm either that animal life must always have existed, or that its earliest animals are necessarily the earliest organic beings. To use, with a slight modification, the words of an able think- I 194 ^/^^ Origin of the World, er on these subjects,* "For ages the prejudice prevailed that the historical period, or that which is coeval with the life of man, exhausted the whole history of the globe. Geologists removed that prejudice," but must not substitute " another in its place, viz., that geological time is coeval with the globe it- self, or that organic life always existed on its surface." A second doubt as to the existence of this primitive flora may be based on the statement that it included the highest forms of plants. Had it consisted only of low and imperfect vegetables, there might have been much less difficulty in ad- mitting its probability. Farther, we find that even in the Carboniferous period scarcely any plants of the higher orders flourished, and there was a preponderance of the lower forms of the vegetable kingdom. We have, however, in geological chronology, many illustrations of the fact that the progress of improvement has not been continuous or uninterrupted, and that the preservation of the flora and fauna of many ge- ological periods has been very imperfect. Hence the occur- rence in one particular stratum or group of strata of few or low representatives of animal and vegetable life affords no proof that a better state of things may not have existed pre- viously. We also find, in the case of animals, that each tribe attained to its highest development at the time when, in the progress of creation, it occupied the summit of the scale of life. Analogy would thus lead us to believe that when plants alone existed, they may have assumed nobler forms than any now existing, or that tribes now represented by few and hum- ble species may at that time have been so great in numbers and development as to fill all the offices of our present com- plicated flora, as well as, perhaps, some of those now occupied * Haughton, Address to the Geological Society, Dublin. TJie Dry Land and the First Plants. 195 by animals. We have this principle exemplified in the Car- boniferous flora, by the magnitude of its arborescent club- mosses, and the vast variety of its gymnosperms. For this reason we may anticipate that if any remains of this early plant-creation should be disinterred, they will prove to be among the most wonderful and interesting geological relics ever discovered, and will enlarge our views of the compass and capabilities of the vegetable kingdom, and especially of its lower forms. A farther objection is the uselessness of the existence of plants for a long period, without any animals to subsist on or enjoy them, and even without forming any accumulation of fossil fuel or other products useful to man. The only direct answer to this has already been given. The previous exist- ence of plants may have been, and probably was, essential to the comfort and subsistence of the animals afterwards intro- duced. Independently of this, however, we have an analo- gous case in the geological history of animals, which prevents this fact from standing alone. Why was the earth tenanted so long by the inferior races of animals, and why were so much skill and contrivance expended on their structures, and even on their external ornament, when there was no intelligent mind on earth to appreciate their beauties. Even in the pres- ent world we may as well ask why the uninhabited islands of the ocean are found to be replete with luxuriant vegetable life, whv God causes it to rain in the desert where human foot never treads, or why he clothes with a marvellous exuberance of beautiful animal and plant forms the depths of the sea. We can but say that these things seemed and seem good to the Creator, and may serve uses unknown to us ; and this is pre- cisely what we must be content to say respecting the plant- creation of the Eozoic period. 196 The Origin of the World. Some writers* on this subject have suggested that the cos- mical use of this plant-creation was the abstraction from the atmosphere of an excess of carbonic acid unfavorable to the animal life subsequently to be introduced. This use it may have served, and when its effects had been gradually lost through metamorphism and decay, that second great with- drawal of carbon which took place in the Carboniferous pe- riod may have been rendered necessary. The reasons afford- ed by natural history for supposing that plants preceded ani- mals are thus stated by Professor Dana : " The proof from science of the existence of plants before animals is inferential, and still may be deemed satisfactory. Distinct fossils have not been found, all that ever existed in the azoic t rocks having been obliterated. The arguments in the affirmative are as follows : " I. The existence of limestone rocks among the other beds, similar limestones in later ages having been of organic origin ; also the occurrence of carbon in the shape of graphite, graph- ite being, in known cases in rocks, a result of the alteration of the carbon of plants. "2. The fact that the cooling earth would have been fitted for vegetable life for a long age before animals could have existed ; the principle being exemplified everywhere that the earth was occupied at each period with the highest kinds of life the conditions allowed. "3. The fact that vegetation subserved an important pur- * See McDonakI, " Creation and the Fall." Professor Guyot, I believe, deserves the credit of having first mentioned, on the American side of the Atlantic, the doctrine respecting the introduction of plants advocated in this chapter. t "Eozoic" of this work. Professor Dana in the latest edition of his Manual uses the name "Archaean." TJie Dry Land and the First Plants. 197 pose in the coal-period in ridding the atmosphere of carbonic acid for the subsequent introduction of land animals, suggests a valid reason for believing that the same great purpose, the true purpose of vegetation, was effected through the ocean before the waters were fitted for animal life. "4. Vegetation being directly or mediately the food of animals, it must have had a previous existence. The latter part of the azoic age in geology we therefore regard as the age when the plant kingdom was instituted, the latter half of the third day in Genesis. However short or long the epoch, it was one of the great steps of progress." In concluding the examination of the work of the third day, I must again remind the reader that, on the theory of long creative periods, the words under consideration must refer to the first introduction of vegetation, in forms that have long since ceased to exist. Geology informs us that in the period of which it is cognizant the vegetation of the earth has been several times renewed, and that no plants of the older and middle geological periods now exist. We may therefore rest assured that the vegetable species, and probably also many of the generic and family forms of the. vegetation of the third day, have long since perished, and been replaced by others suited to the changed condition of the earth. It is indeed probable that during the third and fourth days themselves there might be many removals and renewals of the terrestrial flora, so that perhaps every species created at the commence- ment of the introduction of plants may have been extinct be- fore the close of the period. Nevertheless it was marked by the introduction of vegetation, which in one or another set of forms has ever since clothed the earth. At the commencement of the third day the earth was still covered by the waters. As time advanced islands and 198 The Origin of the World. mountain-peaks arose from the ocean, vomiting forth the molten and igneous materials of the interior of the earth's crust. Plains and valleys were then spread around, rivers traced out their beds, and the ocean was limited by coasts and divided by far-stretching continents. At the command of the Creator plants sprung from the soil — the earliest of organized structures — at first probably few and small, and fitted to contend against the disadvantages of soils impreg- nated with saline particles and destitute of organic matter ; but as the day advanced increasing in number, magnitude, and elevation, until at length the earth was clothed with a luxuriant and varied vegetation, worthy the approval of the Creator, and the admiring song of the angelic "sons of God." Luminaries. 199 CHAPTER IX. LUMINARIES. "And God said, Let there be luminaries in the expanse of heaven, to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years. And let them be for luminaries in the ex- panse of heaven, to give light on the earth : and it was so. "And God made two great luminaries, the greater luminary to preside over the day, the lesser luminary to preside over the night. He made the stars also. And God placed them in the expanse of heaven to give light on the earth, and to preside over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness : and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning w^ere the fourth day." — Genesis i., 14-19. After so long a sojourn on the earth, we are in these verses again carried to the heavens. Every scientific reader is struck with the position of this remarkable statement, inter- rupting as it does the progress of the organic creation, and constituting a break in the midst of the terrestrial history which is the immediate subject of the narrative ; thus, in effect, as has often been remarked, dividing the creative week into two portions. Why was the completion of the heavenly bodies so long delayed t Why were light and veg- etation introduced previously ? If we can not fully answer these questions, we may at least suppose that the position of these verses is not accidental, though certainly not that which would have been chosen for its own sake by any fabricator of systems ancient or modern. Let us inquire, however, what are the precise terms of the record. 200 The Origin of the World. 1. The word here used to denote the objects produced clear- ly distinguishes them from the product of the first day's cre- ation. Then God said, " Let light be ;" he now says, " Let lu- minaries or light-bearers be." We have already seen that the light of the first day may have emanated from an extended luminous mass, at first occupying the whole extent of the solar system, and more or less attached to the several planetary bodies, and afterwards concentrated within the earth's orbit. The verses now under consideration inform us that the proc- ess of concentration was now complete, that our great cen- tral luminary had attained to its perfect state. This proc- ess of concentration may have been proceeding during the whole of the intervening time, or it may have been com- pleted at once by some more rapid process of the nature of a direct interposition of creative power. 2. The division of light from darkness is expressed by the same terms, and is of the same nature with that on the first day. This separation was now produced in its full extent by the perfect condensation of the luminiferous matters around the sun. 3. The heavenly bodies are said to be intended for signs — that is, for marks or indications — either of the seasons, days, and years afterwards mentioned, or of the majesty and power of the true God, as the Creator of objects so grand and elevated as to become to the ignorant heathen objects of idolatrous worship ; or perhaps of the earthly events they are supposed to influence. The arrangements now perfected for the first time enabled natural days, seasons, and years to have their limits accurately marked. Previously to this period there had been no distinctly marked seasons, and consequently no natural separation of years, nor were the limits of days at all accurately defined. Luminaries. 201 4. The terms expanse and heaven, previously applied to the atmosphere, are here combined to denote the more distant starry and planetary heavens. There is no ambiguity in- volved in this, since the writer must have well known that no one could so far mistake as to suppose that the heavenly bodies are placed in that atmospheric expanse which sup- ports the clouds. 5. The luminaries were made or appointed to their office on the fourth day. They are not said to have been created, be- ing included in the creation of the beginning. They were now completed, and fully fitted for their work. An impor- tant part of this fitting seems to have been the setting or placing them in the heavens, conveying to us the impression that the mutual relations and regular motions of the heaven- ly bodies were now for the first time perfected. 6. The stars are introduced in a parenthetical manner, which leaves it doubtful whether we are merely informed in general terms that they are works of God, as well as those heavenly bodies which are of more importance to us, or that they were arranged as heavenly luminaries useful to our earth on the fourth day. The term includes the fixed stars, and it is by no means probable that these were in any way affected by the work referred to the fourth day, any farther than their appearance from our earth is concerned. This view is confirmed by the language of the 104th Psalm, which in this part of the work mentions the sun and moon alone, without the fixed stars or planets. It is evident that the changes referred to this period re- lated to the whole solar system, and resulted in the comple- tion of that system in the form which it now bears, or at least in the final adjustment of the motions and relations of the earth; and we have reason to believe that the condensa- I 2 202 The Origin of the World. tion of the luminous envelope around the sun was one of the most important of these changes. On the hypothesis of La Place, already referred to as most in accordance with the earlier stages of the work, ther^ seems to be no especial reason why the completion of the process of elaboration of the sun and planets should be accelerated at this particular stage. We can easily understand, however, that those clos- ing steps which brought the solar system into a state of per- manent and final equilibrium would form a marked epoch in the work ; and we can also understand that now, on the eve of the introduction of animal life, there is a certain propriety in the representation of the Creator interfering to close up the merely inorganic part of his great work, and bring this department at least to its final perfection. The fourth day, then, in geological language, marks the complete vit7'oduction of " existing causes " i?t itiorgafiic nature, and we henceforth find no more creative interference, except in the domain of organization. This accords admirably with the deductions of modern geology, and especially with that great principle so well expounded by Sir Charles Lyell, and which forms the true basis of modern geological reasonings — that we should seek in existing causes of change for the explanation of the appearances of the rocks of the earth's crust. Geol- ogy probably carries us back to the introduction of animal life ; and shows us that since that time land, sea, and at- mosphere, summer and winter, day and night — all the great inorganic conditions affecting animal life — have existed as at present, and have been subject to modifications the same in kind with those which they now experience, though perhaps different in degree. In this ancient record we find in like manner that the period immediately preceding the creation of animals witnessed the completion of all the great general Ltiminaries, 203 arrangements on which these phenomena depend. The Bible, therefore, and science agree in the truth that existing causes have been in full force since the creation of animals ; and that since that period the exercise of creative power has been limited to the organic world. This has a curious bear- ing, not often thought of, on modern theories of evolution as compared with the teaching of the Bible. In one important sense, absolute creation, in so far as the inorganic universe is concerned, is in our Mosaic narrative limited to the produc- tion of matter and force at first. All else is called makinar, forming, or appointing. Thus the production of all the ar- rangements of the waters, the atmosphere, the earth, and the heavens, in the work of the first four days, and even the in- troduction of plants, may be correctly termed an evolution or development from preformed materials, with the single ex- ception that the reproductive power and specific diversities of plants are recognized as entirely new facts. Creation is properly resumed when animal life is introduced. Hence, in so far as a comparison with the terms of Genesis is con- cerned, hypotheses as to the evolution of animal life from in- organic matter are in a different position from hypotheses as to the previous evolution of the parts of inorganic nature ; and still more so from statements as to the progress of in- organic nature subsequent to the introduction of animals ; since within that period, which really includes the whole of geological time, absolutely no creation whatever in the do- main of inanimate nature is affirmed in the Biblical record to have taken place. On the contrar}^ all the arrangements of inorganic nature are represented as finally completed before the creation of animals. The obliquity of the earth's axis, which gives us the changes of the seasons, is apparently included in the arrangements 204 The Origin of the World. of the fourth creative day. The cause of this obliquity, and the time when it may have attained to its present amount, have been fertile themes of discussion. It is clear, however, that if this obliquity was established, as appears to be stated here, before the introduction of animal life, it can have no bearing on the changes of climate of ^vhich we have evi- dence in geological time since the dawn of animal life, un- less, indeed, it is capable of greater variation than astron- omers admit j and the same remark applies to supposed changes in the position of the poles themselves. There is, however, nothing in this record to oppose the idea of any secular changes in these arrangements under the laws ap- pointed in the fourth creative period. The record relating to the fourth day is silent respecting the mundane history of the period ; and geology gives no very certain information concerning it. If, however, we as- sume that any of the Eozoic or pre-eozoic rocks are deposits of this or the preceding period, w^e may infer from the dis- turbances and alteration which these have suffered, prior to the deposition of the Cambrian and Silurian, that during or toward the close of this day the crust of the earth was af- fected by great movements. There is another consideration also leading to important conclusions in relation to this pe- riod. In the earliest fossiliferous rocks there seems to be good evidence that the dry land contemporary with the seas in which they were formed was of very small extent. Now, since on the third day a very plentiful and highly developed vegetation was produced, we may infer that during that peri- od the extent of dry land was considerable, and was probably gradually increasing. If, then, the Cambrian and Silurian systems, so rich in marine organic remains, belong to the commencement of the fifth day, we must conclude that dur- Luminaries. 205 ing the fourth much of the land previously existing had been again submerged. In other words, during the third day the extent of terrestrial surface was increasing, on the fourth day it diminished, and on the fifth it again increased, and proba- bly has on the whole continued to increase up to the present time. One most important geological consequence of this is that the marine animals of the fifth day probably commenced their existence on sea bottoms which were the old soil sur- faces of submerged continents previously clothed with vege- tation, and which consequently contained much organic mat- ter fitted to form a basis of support for the newly created an- imals. I shall close my remarks on the fourth day by a few quo- tations from those passages of Scripture which refer to the objects of this day's work. I have already referred to that beautiful passage in Deuteronomy where the Israelites are warned against the crime of worshipping those heavenly bodies which the Lord God hath "divided to every nation under the whole heaven." In the book of Job also we find that the heavenly bodies were in his day regarded as signal manifestations of the power of God, and that several of the principal constellations had received names : '' He commandeth the sun, and it shineth not ; He sealeth up the stars ;* He alone spreadeth out the heavens, And walketh on the high waves of the sea ;t * This may refer to an eclipse, but from the character of the preceding verses more probably to the obscurity of a tempest. It is remarkable that eclipses, which so much strike the minds of men and affect them with su- perstitious awe, are not distinctly mentioned in the Old Testament, though referred to in the prophetical parts of the New Testament. t Perhaps rather the high places of the waters, referring to the atmos- pheric waters. 2o6 The Origin of the World, He maketh Arcturus, Orion, The Pleiades, and the hidden chambers of the south ; Who doeth great things past finding out ; Yea, marvellous things beyond number." —Job ix., 9. " Canst thou tighten the bonds of the Pleiades,* Or loose the bands of Orion ? Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in their season, Or lead forth Arcturus and its sons? Knowest thou the laws of the heavens. Or hast thou appointed their dominion over the earth?" — Job xxxviii., 31. I may merely remark on these passages that the chambers of the south are supposed to be those parts of the southern heavens invisible in the latitude in which Job resided. The bonds of Pleiades and of Orion probably refer to the ajDpar- ently close union of the stars of the former group, and the wide separation of those of the latter; a difference which, to the thoughtful observer of the heavens, is more striking than most instances of that irregular grouping of the stars which still forms a question in astronomy, from the uncertainty whether it is real, or only an optical deception arising from stars at different distances coming nearly into a line with each other. I have seen in some recent astronomical work this very instance of the Pleiades and Orion taken as a mark- ed illustration of this problematical fact in astronomy. Maz- * The rendering " sweet influences " in our version may be correct, but the weight of argument appears to favor the view of Gesenius that the close bond of union between the stars of this group is referred to. I think it is Herder who well unites both views, the Pleiades being bound together in a sisterly union, and also ushering in the spring by their ap- pearance above the horizon. Conant applies the whole to the seasons, the bands of Orion being in this view those of winter. Ltuninaries. 207 zaroth are supposed by modern expositors to be the signs of the Zodiac. On the whole, the Hebrew books give us little information as to the astronomical theories of the time when they were written. They are entirely non-committal as to the nature of the connections and revolutions of the heavenly bodies; and indeed regard these as matters in their time beyond the grasp of the human mind, though well known to the Creator and regulated by his laws. From other sources we have facts leading to the belief that even in the time of Moses, and certainly in that of the later Biblical writers, there was not a little practical astronomy in the East, and some good theory. The Hindoo astronomy professes to have observations from 3000 B.C., and the arguments of Baily and others, founded on internal evidence, give some color of truth to the claim. The Chaldeans at a very early period had ascertained the principal circles of the sphere, the position of the poles, and the nature of the apparent motions of the heavens as the re- sults of revolution on an inclined axis. The Egyptian astron- omy we know mainly from what the Greeks borrowed from it. Thales, 640 B.C., taught that the moon is lighted by the sun,, and that the earth is spherical, and the position of its five zones. Pythagoras, 580 B.C., knew, in addition to the sphe- ricity of the earth, the obliquity of the ecliptic, the identity of the evening and morning star, and that the earth revolves round the sun. This Greek astronomy appears immediately after the opening of Egypt to the Greeks ; and both these philosophers studied in that country. Such knowledge, and more of the same character, may therefore have existed in Eg}'pt at a much earlier period. The Psalms abound in beautiful references to the creation of the fourth day : 2o8 The Origin of the World. " When I consider the heavens, the work of thy fingers, The moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained ; What is man, that thou art mindful of him ? Or the son of man, that thou visitest him ?" — Psalm viii. "Who telleth the number of the stars, Who calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and of great praise ; His understanding is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the meek; He casteth the wicked to the ground." — Psalm cxlvii. " The heavens declare the glory of God, The firmament showeth his handiwork ; Day unto day uttereth speech, Night unto night showeth knowledge. They have no speech nor language. Their voice is not heard ; Yet their line is gone out to all the earth. And their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a pavilion for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. ^ Its going forth is from the end of the heavens, And its circuit unto the end of them. And there is nothing hid from the heat thereof" — Psalm xix. These are excellent illustrations of the truth of the Scrip- ture mode of treating natural objects, in connection with their Maker. It is but a barren and fruitless philosophy which sees the work and not its author — a narrow piety which loves God but despises his works. The Bible holds forth the golden mean between these extremes, in a strain of lofty poetry and acute perception of the great and beautiful, 'whether seen in the Creator or reflected from his works. Luminaries. J09 The work of this day opens up a wide field for astronom- ical illustration, more especially in relation to the wisdom and benevolence of the Creator as displayed in the heavens ; but it would be foreign to our present purpose to enter into these. It may be well, however, to think for a moment of the importance of the facts suggested by the writer of Genesis in mentioning the use of the heavenly bodies as signs of time. To what extent civilization or even the continued existence of man as an intelligent being would have been possible with- out the marks of subdivision of time given by the great astro- nomical clock of the universe, it is almost impossible for us to imagine. Without such marks of time, in any case, the whole fabric of human culture must have been different from what it is. Farther, in connection with this, it is a grand thought of our early revelation that all these heavenly bodies, however magnificent, and however they might seem to the heathen to be objects of worship, are but marks on God's clock, parts of a mere machine which keeps time for us, and is therefore our servant, as the children of the great Artificer, and not our ruler. The idea has been termed an astrolog- ical one ; but astrology as a means of divination has no place in the record. The heavenly bodies are under the law of the Creator, and their function relatively to us is to give light and to give time. Astrological divination is an out- growth of the Sabasan idolatry, and held in abomination by the monotheistic author of Genesis. His object may be summed up in the following general statements : I. The heavenly hosts and their arrangements are the work of Jehovah, and are regulated wholly by his laws or ordi- nances ; a striking illustration of the recognition by the He- brew writer both of creative interference, and that stable. 210 The Origin of the World. natural law which too often withdraws the mind of the philosopher from the ideas of creation and of providence. 2. The heavenly bodies have a relation to the earth — are parts of the same plan, and, whatever other uses they were made to serve, were made for the benefit of man. 3. The general physical arrangements of the solar system were perfected before the introduction of animals on our planet. TJie Loiver Afiimals. 211 CHAPTER X. THE LOWER ANIMALS. "And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarming living creatures, and let birds fly on the surface of the expanse of heaven. And God created great reptiles, and every living moving thing, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every bird after its kind ; and God saw that it was good. " And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the flying creatures multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day." — Genesis i., 20-23. In these words, so full of busy, active, thronging life, we now enter on that part of the earth's history which has been most fully elucidated by geology, and we have thus an ad- ditional reason for carefully weighing the terms of the narra- tive, which here, as in other places, contain large and impor- tant truths couched in language of the simplest character. I. In accordance with the views now entertained by the best lexicographers, the word translated in our version "creep- ing things" has been rendered "prolific or swarming creat- ures." The Hebrew is Sherefz, a noun derived from the verb used in this verse to denote bringing forth abundantly. It is loosely translated in the Septuagint Erpeta, reptiles ; and this view our English translators appear to have adopted, without, perhaps, any very clear notions of the creatures intended. The manner in which it is used in other passages places its true meaning beyond doubt. I select as illustrations of the 212 The Origin of the World, most apposite character those verses in Leviticus in which clean and unclean animals are specified, and in which we have a right to expect the most precise zoological nomen- clature that the Hebrew can afford. In Leviticus xi., 20-23, ijtsects are defined to h^ flying sheretzim^ and in verse 29, etc., under the designation '^ sheretzim of the land,'' we have ani- mals named in our version the weasel, mouse, tortoise, ferret, chameleon, lizard, snail, and mole. The first of these ani- mals is believed to have been a burrowing creature, perhaps a mole; the second, from the meaning of its name, "ravager of fields," is thought to have been a mouse. Some doubt, however, attends both of these identifications, but it appears certain that the remaining six species are small reptiles, prin- cipally lizards. We learn, therefore, that the smaller reptiles, and perhaps also a few small mammals, are sheretzim. In verses 41 and 42 we are introduced to other tribes. "And every sheretz that swarmeth on the earth shall be an abomina- tion unto you ; it shall not be eaten ; whatsoever goeth upon the belly (serpents, worms, snails, etc.), and whatsoever hath more feet (than four) (insects, arachnidans, myriapods). In verses 9 and 10 of the same chapter we have an enumeration of the sheretzim of the waters : " Whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas and the rivers, of all that swarm in the waters (all the sheretzim of the waters), they shall be an abomination unto you." Here the general term sheretz includes all the fishes and the inver- tebrate animals of the waters. From the whole of the above passages we learn that this is a general term for all the inver- tebrate animals and the two lower classes of vertebrates, or, in other words, for the whole animal kingdom except the mammalia and birds. To all these creatures the name is The Lower Animals. 213 particularly appropriate, all of them being oviparous or ovo- viviparous, and consequently producing great numbers of young and multiplying very rapidly. The only other creat- ures which can be included under the term are the two doubt- ful species of small mammals already mentioned. Nothing can be more fair and obvious than this explanation of the term, based both on etymology and on the precise nomen- clature of the ceremonial law. We conclude, therefore, that the prolific animals of the fifth day's creation belonged to the three Cuvierian sub-kingdoms of the Radiata, Articulata, and Mollusca, and to the classes of Fish and Reptiles among the vertebrata. 2. One peculiar group oi sheretziin is especially distinguish- ed by name — the tLVi7iimm^ or "great whales" of our ver- sion. It would be amusing, had we time, to notice the va- riety of conjectures to which this word has given rise, and the perplexities of commentators in reference to it. In our version and the Septuagint it is usually rendered dragon ; but in this place the seventy have thought proper to put Ketos (whale), and our translators have followed them. Subsequent translators and commentators have laid under contribution all sorts of marine monsters, including the sea-serpent, in their endeavors to attach a precise meaning to the word ; while others have been content to admit that it may signify any kind or all kinds of large aquatic animals. The greater part of the difficulty appears to have arisen from confounding two distinct words, tannin and tan^ both names of animals ; and the confusion has been increased by the circumstance that in two places the words have been interchanged, proba- bly by errors of transcribers. Tan occurs in twelve places, and from these we can gather that it inhabits ruined cities, deserts, and places to which ostriches resort, that it suckles 214 The Origin of the World. its young, is of predaceous and shy habits, utters a wailing cry, and is not of large size, nor formidable to man. The most probable conjecture as to the animal intended is that of Gesenius, who supposes it to be the jackal. The other word {fajinin), which is that used in the text, is applied as an emblem of Egypt and its kings, and also of the conquering kings of Babylon. It is spoken of as furious when enraged, and formidable to man, and is said to be an inhabitant of rivers and of the sea, but more especially of the Nile. In short, it is the crocodile of the Nile. We can easily under- stand the perplexity of those writers who suppose these two words to be identical, and endeavor to combine all the char- acters above mentioned in one animal or tribe of animals. As a farther illustration of the marked difference in the mean- ings of the two words, we may compare the 34th and 37th verses of the fifty-first chapter of Jeremiah. In the first of these verses the King of Babylon is represented as a " dra- gon" {tannin), vihich. had swallowed up Israel. In the second it is predicted that Babylon itself shall become heaps, a dwell- ing-place for "dragons" {tanint). There can be no doubt that the animals intended here are quite different. The de- vouring tajinin is a huge predaceous river reptile, a fit em- blem of the Babylonian monarch ; the taji is the jackal that will soon howl in his ruined palaces. It is interesting to know that philologists trace a connection between tannin and the Greek iei7io, Latin tendo, and similar words, signifying to stretch or extend, in the Sanscrit, Gothic, and other languages, lead- ing to the inference that the Hebrew w'ord primarily denotes a lengthened or extended creature, which corresponds well with its application to the crocodile. Taking all the above facts in connection, we are quite safe in concluding that the creatures referred to by the word under consideration are The Lower Animals. 215 literally large reptilian ammals ; and, from the special men- tion made of them, we may infer that, in their day, they were the lords of creation.* 3. In verse 21 the remainder of the ^//^r^/s:/;;/, besides the larger reptiles, are included in the general expression, " Living creature that moveth." The term " living creature " is, liter- ally, " creature having the breath of life ;" the power of res- piration being apparently in Hebrew the distinctive character of the animal. The word moveth {raviash)^ in its more gen- eral sense, expresses the power of voluntary motion, as ex- hibited in animals in general. In a few places, however, it has a more precise meaning, as in i Kings iv., -^-^^ where the ver- tebrated animals are included in the four classes of "beasts, fowl, C7'eeping tilings (or reptiles, remes), and fishes." In the present connection it probably has its most general sense ; unless, indeed, the apparent repetition in this verse relates to the amphibious or semi-terrestrial creatures associated with the great reptiles ; and, in that case, the humbler reptilian animals alone may be meant. 4. We may again note that the introduction of animal life is marked by the use of the word " create," for the first time since the general creation of the heavens and the earth. We may also note that the animal, as well as the plant, was cre- ated "after its kind," or "species by species." The animals are grouped under three great classes — the Remes, the Tan- ninim, and the Birds; but, lest any misconception should arise as to the relations of species to these groups, we are expressly informed that the species is here the true unit of the creative work. It is worth while, therefore, to note that this most an- * It would be unfair to suppress the farther probability that the writer intends specially to indicate that the sacred crocodile of the Nile was itself a creature of Jehovah, and among the humbler of those creatures. 2i6 TJie Origin of the World. cient authority on this much controverted topic connects spe- cies on the one hand with the creative fiat, and on the other with the power of continuous reproduction. 5. In addition to the great mass oi sheretzi?n, so accurately characterized by Milton as ** Reptile with spawn abundant," the creation of the fifth day included a higher tribe of ovipa- rous animals — the birds, the fowl or winged creature of the text. Birds alone, we think, must be meant here, as we have already seen that insects are included under the general term sheretzim. 6. It is farther to be observed that the waters give origin to the first animals — an interesting point when we consider the contrast here with the creation of plants and of the higher animals, both of which proceed from the earth. 7. It can not fail to be observed that we have in these verses two different arrangements of the animals created, neither corresponding exactly with what modern science teaches us to regard as the true grouping of the animal king- dom, according to its affinities. The order in the first enu- meration should, from the analogy of the chapter, indicate that* of successive creation. The order of the second list may, perhaps, be that of the relative importance of the ani- mals, as it appeared to the writer. Or there may have been a twofold division of the period — the earlier commencing with the creation of the humbler invertebrates, the later characterized by the great reptiles — which is the actual state of the case as disclosed by geology. 8. The Creator recognizes the introduction of sentient ex- istence and volition by blessing this new work of his hands, and inviting the swarms of the newly peopled world to enjoy TJie Loivcr Animals. 217 that happiness for which they were fitted, and to increase and fill the earth, inaugurating thus a new power destined to still higher developments. When we inquire what information geology affords respect- ing the period under consideration, the answer may be full and explicit. Geological discovery has carried us back to an epoch corresponding with the beginning of this day, and has disclosed a long and varied series of living beings, ex- tending from this early period up to the introduction of the higher races of animals. To enter on the geological details of these changes, and on descriptions of the creatures which suc- ceeded each other on the earth, would swell this volume into a treatise on palaeontology, and would be quite unnecessary, as so many excellent popular works on this subject already exist. I shall, therefore, confine myself to a few general statements, and to marking the points in which Scripture and geology coincide in their respective histories of this long period, which appears to include the whole of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic epochs of geology, with their grand and varied succession of rock formations and living beings. In the Primordial or oldest fossiliferous rocks next in suc- cession to those great Eozoic formations in which protozoa alone have been discovered, we find the remains of crusta- ceans, mollusks, and radiates — such as shrimps, shell-fish, and starfishes — which appear to have inhabited the bottom of a shallow ocean. Among these were some genera belonging to the higher forms of invertebrate life, but apparently as yet no vertebrated animals. Fishes were then introduced, and have left their remains in the upper Silurian rocks, and very abundantly in the Devonian and Carboniferous, in the latter of which also the first reptiles occur, but are principally mem- bers of -that lower group to which the frogs and newts and K 2i8 The Origin of the World. their allies belong. The animal kingdom appears to have reached no higher than the reptiles in the Palaeozoic or primary period of geology, and its reptiles are comparatively small and few ; though fishes had attained to a point of per- fection which they have not since exceeded. There was also, especially in the Carboniferous age, an abundant and luxuriant vegetation. The Mesozoic period is, however, em- phatically the age of reptiles. This class then reached its cli- max, in the number, perfection, and magnitude of its species, which filled all those stations in the economy of nature now assigned to the mammalia. Birds also belong to this era, though apparently much less numerous and important than at present. Only a few species of small mammals, of the lowest or marsupial type, appear as a presage of the mammalian crea- tion of the succeeding tertiary era. In these two geological pe- riods, then — the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic — we find, first, the lower sheretzim represented by the invertebrata and the fishes, then the great reptiles and the birds ; and it can not be de- nied that, if we admit that the Mosaic day under consideration corresponds with these geological periods, it would be impos- sible better to characterize their creations in so few words adapted to popular comprehension. I may add that all the species whose remains are found in the Palaeozoic and Meso- zoic rocks are extinct, and known to us only as fossils ; and their connection with the present system of nature consists only in their forming with it a more perfect series than our present fauna alone could afford, unless, indeed, we should find reason to believe that any modern animals are their modified descendants. They belong to the same system of types, but are parts of it which have served their purpose and have been laid aside. The coincidences above noted be- tween geology and Scripture may be summed up as follows : The Lower Animals. 219 1. According to both records, the causes which at present regulate the distribution of light, heat, and moisture, and of land and water, were, during the whole of this period, much the same as at present. The eyes of the trilobite of the old Silurian rocks are fitted for the same conditions with respect to light with those of existing animals of the same class. The coniferous trees of the coal measures show annual rings of growth. Impressions of rain-marks have been found in the shales of the coal measures and Devonian system. Hills and valleys, swamps and lagoons, rivers, bays, seas, coral reefs and shell beds, have all left indubitable evidence of their existence in the geological record. On the other hand, the Bible affirms that all the earth's physical features were perfected on the fourth day, and immediately before the cre- ation of animals. The land and the water have undergone during this long lapse of ages many minor changes. Whole tribes of animals and plants have been swept away and re- placed by others, but the general aspect of inorganic nature has remained the same. 2. Both records show the existence of vegetation during this period; though the geologic record, if taken alone, would, from its want of information respecting the third day, lead us to infer that plants are no older than animals, while the Bible does not speak of the nature of the vegetation that may have existed on the fifth day. 3. Both records inform us that reptiles and birds were the higher and leading forms of animals, and that all the lower forms of animals co-existed with them. In both we have es- pecial notice of the gigantic Saurian reptiles of the latter part of the period ; and if we have the remains of a few small species of mammals in the Mesozoic rocks, these, like a few similar creatures apparently included under the word sheretz 220 TJie Orighi of the World. in Leviticus, are not sufficiently important to negative the general fact of the reign of reptiles.* 4. It accords with both records that the work of creation in this period was gradually progressive. Species after species was locally introduced, extended itself, and, after having served its purpose, gradually became extinct. And thus each successive rock formation presents new groups of spe- cies, each rising in numbers and perfection above the last, and marking a gradual assimilation of the general conditions of our planet to their present state, yet without any convul- sions or general catastrophes affecting the whole earth at once. 5. In both records the time between the creation of the first animals and the introduction of the mammalia as a dominant class forms a well-marked period. I would not too positively assert that the close of the fifth day accords precisely with that of the Mesozoic or secondary period. The well-marked line of separation, however, in many parts of the world, between this and the earlier tertiary rocks suc- ceeding to it, points to this as extremely probable. It thus appears that Scripture and geology so far concur respecting the events of this period as to establish, even without any other evidence, a probability that the fifth day corresponds with the geological ages with which I have endeavored to identify it. Geology, however, gives us no ' * The interesting discovery, by Mr. Beale and others, of several species of mammalia in the Purbeck, and that of Professor Emmons of a mam- mal in rocks of similar age in the Southern States of America, do not in- validate this statement ; for all these, like the Alicrolestes of the German trias and the Ajuphitherium of the Stonesfeld slate, are small marsupials belonging to the least perfect type of mammals. The discovery of so many species of these humbler creatures, goes far to increase the improbability of the existence of the higher mammals. The Loiver Animals, 221 means of measuring precisely the length of this clay ; but it gives us the impression that it occupied an enormous length of time, compared with which the whole human period is quite insignificant \ and rivalling those mythical " days of the Creator " which we have noticed as forming a part of the Hindoo mythology. Why was the earth thus occupied for countless ages by an animal population whose highest members were reptiles and birds ? The fact can not be doubted, since geology and Scripture, the research of man and the Word of God, concur in affirming it. We know that the lowest of these creatures was, in its own place, no less worthy of the Creator than those which we regard as the highest in the scale of organi- zation, and that the animals of the ancient, equally with those of the modern world, abounded in proofs of the wisdom, pow- er, and goodness of their Maker. Comparative anatomy has shown that these extinct animals, though often varying much from their modern representatives, are in no respect rude or imperfect ; that they have the same appearance of careful planning and elaborate execution, the same combination of ornament and utility, the same nice adaptation to the condi- tions of their existence, which we observe in modern creat- ures. In addition to this, the many new and wonderful con- trivances and combinations which they present, and their re- lations to existing objects, have greatly enlarged our views of the variety and harmony of the whole system of nature. They are, therefore, in these respects, not without their use as manifestations of the Creator, in this our later age. There is another reason, hinted at by Buckland, Miller, and other writers on this subject, which weighs much with my mind. All animals and plants are constructed on a few leading types or patterns, which are again divided into sub- 222 The Origin of the World. ordinate types, just as in architecture we have certain lead- ing styles, and these again may admit of several orders, and these of farther modifications. Types are farther modified to suit a great variety of minor adaptations. Now we know that the earth is, at any one time, inadequate to display all the modifications of all the types. Hence our existing system of organic nature, though probably more complete than any that preceded it, is still only fragmentary. It is like what architecture would be, if all memorials of all buildings more than a century old were swept away. But, from the begin- ning to the end of the creative work, there has been, or will be, room for the whole plan. Hence fossils are little by lit- tle completing our system of nature ; and, if all were known, would perhaps wholly do so. The great plan must be pro- gressive, and all its parts must be perishable, except its last culminating-point and archetype, man. Tennyson expresses this truth in the following lines : "The wish that of the living whole No life may fail beyond the grave ; Derives it not from what we have The likest God within the soul ,-* Are God and Nature then at strife, That Nature lends such evil dreams ? So careful of the type she seems, So careless of the single life. * So careful of the type ?' but no. From scarped cliff and quarried stone She cries, ' a thousand types are gone ; I care for nothing, all shall go. ' Thou makest thine appeal to me : I bring to life, I bring to death : The spirit does but mean the breath: I know no more.' And he, shall he, The Loiuer Animals. 223 Man, her last work, who seem'd so fair, Such splendid purpose in his eyes, Who roll'd the psalm to wintry skies. Who built him fanes of fruitless prayer, Who trusted God was love indeed, And love Creation's final law — Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw. With ravine, shriek'd against his creed — Who loved, who suffer'd countless ills. Who battled for the True, the Just, Be blown about the desert dust, Or seal'd within the iron hills ? No more ? A monster, then, a dream, A discord. Dragons of the prime, That tare each other in their slime. Were mellow music match'd with him. O life as futile, then, as frail ! O for thy voice to soothe and bless! What hope of answer, or redress? Behind the veil, behind the veil." The farther explanation given by evolutionists that those ancient forms of life may be the actual ancestors of the pres- ent animals, and that through all the ages the Creator was gradually perfecting his work by a series of descents with modification, was probably not before the mind of our ancient Hebrew authority, nor need we attach much value to it till some proof of the process has been obtained from Nature. A farther reason, however, which was intelligible to the author of Genesis, and which is fondly dwelt on in succeeding books of the Bible, depends on the idea that the Creator himself is not indifferent to the marvellous structures, instincts, and pow- ers which he has bestowed upon the lower races of animals. 224 1^^^^ Origin of the World. Witness the answer of the Almighty to Job, when he spake out of the whirlwind to vindicate his own plans in creation and providence ; and brought before the patriarch a long train of animals, explaining and dwelling on the structure and pow- ers of each, in contrast with the puny efforts and rude artificial contrivances of man. Witness also the preservation, in the rocks, of the fossil remains of extinct creatures, as if he who made them was unwilling that the evidence of their existence should perish, and purposely treasured them through all the revolutions of the earth, that through them men might mag- nify his name. The Psalmist would almost appear to have had all these thoughts before his mind when he poured out his wonder in the 104th Psalm: " O Lord, how manifold are thy works ! In wisdom hast thou made them all. The earth is full of thy riches ; So is this wide and great sea, Wherein are moving things innumerable, Creatures both small and great. There go the ships [or " floating animals "] ; There is leviathan, which thou hast formed to sport therein : That thou givest them they gather. Thou openest thy hand, they are filled with good ; Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled; Thou takest away their breath, they return to their dust. Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created, And thou renewest the face of the earth." There are, however, good reasons to believe that, in the plans of divine wisdom, the long periods in which the earth was occupied by the inferior races were necessary to its sub- sequent adaptation to the residence of man. In these periods our present continents gradually grew up in all their variety and beauty. The materials of old rocks were comminuted and The Lozver Animals. 225 mixed to form fertile soils,* and stores of mineral products were accumulated to enable man to earn his subsistence and the blessings of civilization by the sweat of his brow. If it pleased the Almighty during these preparatory stages to re- plenish the land and sea with living things full of life and beauty and happiness, who shall venture to criticise his pro- cedure, or to say to Him, " What doest thou ?" It would be decidedly wrong, in the present state of that which is popularly called science, to omit to inquire here what relation to the work of the fifth creative day those theories of development and evolution which have obtained so great cur- rency may bear. The long time employed in the introduc- tion of the lower animals, the use of the terms "make" and " form," instead of " create," and the expression " let the wa- ters bring forth," may well be understood as countenancing some form of mediate creation, or of " creation by law," or " theistic evolution," as it has been termed ; but they give no countenance to the idea either of the spontaneous evolu- tion of living beings under the influence of merely physical causes and without creative intervention, or of the transmuta- tion of one kind of animal into another. Still, with reference to this last idea, it is plain that revelation gives us no defini- tion of species as distinguished from varieties or races, so that there is nothing to prevent the supposition that, within certain limits indicated by the expression "after its kind," animals or plants may have been so constituted as to vary greatly in the progress of geological time. If we ask whether any thing is known to science which can * It is very interesting, in connection with this, to note that nearly all the earliest and greatest seats of population and civilization have been placed on the more modern geological deposits, or on those in which stores of fuel have been accumulated by the growth of extinct plants. K 2 226 The Origin of the World. give even a decided probability to the notion that living be- ings are parts of an undirected evolution proceeding under merely dead insentient forces, and without intention, the an- swer must be emphatically no. I have elsewhere fully discussed these questions, and may here make some general statements as to certain scientific facts which at present bar the way against the hypothesis of evolution as applied to life, and especially against that form of it to which Darwin and his disciples have given so great prominence. 1. The albuminous or protoplasmic material, which seems to be necessary to the existence of every living being, is known to us as a product only of the action of previously living pro- toplasm. Though it is often stated that the production of albumen from its elements is a process not differing from the formation of water or any other inorganic material from its elements, this statement is false in fact, since, though many so-called organic substances have been produced by chemical processes, no particle of either living or non-living organiz- able matter of the nature of protoplasm has ever been so pro- duced. The origin, therefore, of this albuminous matter is as much a mystery to us at present as that of any of the chemical elements. 2. Though some animals and plants are very simple in their visible structure, they all present vital properties not to be found in dead albuminous matter, and no mode is known whereby the properties of life can be communicated to dead matter. All the experiments hitherto made, and very emi- nently those recently performed by Pasteur, Tyndall, and Dal- linger, lead to the conclusion that even the simplest living beings can be produced only from germs originating in pre- viously living organisms of similar structure. The simplest TJie Lower Animals. 227 living organisms are thus to science ultimate facts, for which it can not account except conjecturally. 3. No case is certainly known in human experience where any species of animal or plant has been so changed as to as- sume all the characters of a new species. Species are thus practically to science unchangeable units, the origin of which we have as yet no means of tracing. 4. Though the general history of animal life in time bears a certain resemblance to the development of the individual animal from the embrvo, there is no reason whatever to be- lieve that this is more than a mere relation of analogy, arising from the fact that in both cases the law of procedure is to pass from the simpler forms to the more complex, and from the more generalized to the more specialized. The external conditions and details of the two kinds of series are altogether different, and become more so the more they are investigated. This shows that the causes can not have been similar. 5. In tracing back animals and groups of animals in geo- logical time, we find that they always end without any link of connection wdth previous beings, and in circumstances which render any such connections improbable. In the work of our next creative day, the series of animals preceding the modern horse has been cited as a good instance of probable evolu- tion ; but not only are the members of the series so widely separated in space and time that no connection can be traced, but the earliest of them, the Orohippiis, would require, on the theory, to have been preceded by a previous series extending so far back that it is impossible, under any supposition of the imperfection of our present knowledge, to consider such ex- tension probable. The same difficulty applies to every case of tracing back any specific form either of animal or plant. This general result proves, as I have elsewhere attempted to 228 TJie Origin of the World. show,* that the introduction of the various animal types must have been abrupt, and under some influence quite different from that of evolution. These are what I would term the five fatal objections to evolution as at present held, as a means of accounting for the introduction and succession of animals. To what extent they may be weakened or strengthened by the future progress of science it is impossible to say, but so long as they exist it is mere folly and presumption to affirm that modern science sup- ports the doctrine of evolution. There can be no doubt, how- ever, that the Bible leaves us perfectly free to inquire as to the plan and method of the Creator, and that, whatever dis- coveries we may make, we shall find that his plans are order- ly, methodical, and continuous, and not of the nature of an arbitrary patchwork. Though science as yet gives us no certain laws for the in- troduction of new specific types, it indicates certain possible modes of the origination of varieties, races, and sub-species of previously existing types. One of these is that struggle for existence against adverse external conditions, which, however, has been harped upon too exclusively by the Darwinian school, and which will give chiefly depauperated and degraded forms. Another is that expansion under exceptionally favorable con- ditions which arises where species are admitted to wider new areas of geographical range and more abundant and varied means of sustenance. Land animals and plants must have experienced this in times of continental elevation ; marine animals and plants in times of continental depression. An- other is the tendency to what has been called reproductive retardation and acceleration which species undergo under * See Appendix. The Lower Animals. 229 conditions exceptionally unfavorable or favorable, and which in some modern aquatic animals produces differences so great that members of the same species have sometimes been placed in different genera. Lastly, it is conceivable that species may have been so constructed that after a certain number of s:en- erations they may spontaneously undergo either abrupt or gradual changes, similar to those which the individual under- goes at certain stages of growth. This last furnishes the only true analogy possible between embryology and geological suc- cession. While, however, science is silent as to the production of new specific types, and only gives us indications as to the origin of varieties and races, it is curious that the Bible sug- gests three methods in which new organisms may be, and ac- cording to it have been introduced by the Creator. The first is that of immediate and direct creation, as when God created the great Tanninim. The second is that of mediate creation, through the materials previously existing, as when he said, "Let the land bring forth plants," or "Let the waters bring forth animals." The third is that of production from a pre- vious organism by power other than that of ordinary repro- duction, as in the origination of Eve from Adam, and the mi- raculous conception of Jesus. These are the only points in which its teachings approach the limits of speculations as to evolution, and they certainly leave scope enough for the le- gitimate inquiries of science.* * See Appendix for farther discussion of this subject. 230 TJie Origin of the World. CHAPTER XI. THE HIGHER ANIMALS AND MAN. " And God said, Let the land bring forth animals after their kinds ; the herbivora, the reptiles, and the carnivora, after their kinds ; and it was so. And God made carnivorous mammals after their kinds, and herbivorous mammals after their kinds, and every reptile of the land after its kind ; and God saw that it was good, "And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness ; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, and over the herbivora and over all the land. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them. And God blessed them ; and God said. Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it ; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. " And God said. Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for food, and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat ; and it was so. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And evening and morning were the sixth day." — Genesis i., 24-31. The creation of animals, unlike that of plants, occupies two days. Here our attention is restricted to the inhabitants of the /a?id, and chiefly to their higher forms. Several new names are introduced to our notice, which I have endeavored to translate as literally as possible by introducing zoological terms where those in common use were deficient. The Higher Animals and Alan, 231 1. The first tribe of animals noticed here is named Bhemah, "cattle" in our version; and in the Septuagint "quadrupeds" in one of the verses, and "cattle" in the other. Both of these senses are of common occurrence in the Scriptures, cattle or domesticated animals being usually designated by this word ; while in other passages, as in I Kings iv., 33, where Solomon is said to have written a treatise on ''^beasts, fowls, creeping things, and fishes," it appears to include all the mammalia. Notwithstanding this wide range of meaning, however, there are passages, and these of the greatest authority in reference to our present subject, in which it strictly means the herbivorous mammals, and which show that when it was necessary to distinguish these from the predaceous or carnivorous tribes this term was specially employed. In Leviticus xi,, 22-27, ^^'^ have a specification of all the Bhemoth that might and might not be used for food. It includes all the true ruminants, with the coney, the hare, and the hog, animals of the rodent and pachy- dermatous orders. The carnivorous quadrupeds are desig- nated by a different generic term. In this chapter of Leviti- cus, therefore, which contains the only approach to a system in natural history to be found in the Bible, bhemah is strictly a synonym of herbivora, including especially ungulates and rodents. That this is its proper meaning here is confirmed by the considerations that in this place it can denote but a part of the land quadrupeds, and that the idea of cattle or domesticated animals would be an anachronism. At the same time there need be no objection to the view that the especial capacity of ruminants and other herbivora for domes- tication is connected with the use of the word in this place. 2. The word remes^ "creeping things " in our version, as we have already shown, is a very general term, referring to the 232 The Origin of the World. power of motion possessed by animals, especially on the sur- face of the ground. It here in all probability refers to the additional types of terrestrial, reptiles, and other creatures lower than the mammals, introduced in this period. 3. The compound term {haf th-eretz) which I have vent- ured to render "carnivora," is literally animal of the land; but though thus general in its meaning, it is here evidently in- tended to denote a particular tribe of animals inhabiting the land, and not included in the scope of the two words already noticed. In other parts of Scripture this term is used in the sense of a " wild beast." In a few places, like the other terms already noticed, it is used of all kinds of animals, but that above stated is its general meaning, and perfectly accords with the requirements of the passage. The creation of the sixth day therefore includes — ist, the herbivorous mammalia; 2d, a variety of terrestrial reptilia, and other lower forms not included in the work of the pre- vious day; 3d, the carnivorous mammalia. It will be ob- served that the order in the two verses is different. In verse 24th it is herbivora, "creeping things," and carnivora. In verse 25th it is carnivora, herbivora, and "creeping things." One of these may, as in the account of the fifth day, indicate the order oi time in the creation, and the other the order of rafik in the animals made, or there may have been two divis- ions of the work, in the earlier of which herbivorous animals took the lead, and in the later those that are carnivorous. In either case we may infer that the herbivora predominated in the earlier creations of the period. It is almost unnecessary to say this period corresponds with the Tertiary or Cainozoic era of geologists. The coin- cidences are very marked and striking. As already stated, though in the later secondary period there were great facili- The Higher Animals and Man. 233 ties for the preservation of mammals in the strata then being deposited, only a few small species of the humblest order have been found ; and the occurrence of the higher orders of this class is to some extent precluded by the fact that the place in nature now occupied by the mammals was then pro- vided for by the vast development of the reptile tribes. At the very beginning of the tertiary period all this was changed ; most of the gigantic reptiles had disappeared, and terrestrial mammals of large size and high organization had taken their place. Perhaps no geological change is more striking and remarkable than the sudden disappearance of the reptilian fauna at the close of the mesozoic, and the equally abrupt appearance of numerous species of large mammals, and this not in one region onl}^, but over both the great continents, and not only where a sudden break occurs in the series of formations, but also where, as in Western America, they pass gradually into each other. During the whole tertiary period this predominance of the mammalia continued; and as the mesozoic was the period of giant reptiles, so the tertiary was that of great mammals. It is a singular and perhaps not ac- cidental coincidence that so many of the early tertiary mam- mals known to us are large herbivora, such as would be in- cluded in the Hebrew word hhemah; and that in the book of Job the hippopotamus is called hehemoih, the plural form be- ing apparently used to denote that this animal is the chief of the creatures known under the general term hhemah, while ge- ology informs us that the prevailing order of mammals in the older tertiary period was that of the ungulates, and that many of the extinct creatures of this group are very closely allied to the hippopotamus. Behemoth thus figures in the book of Job, not only as at the time a marked illustration of creative power, but to our farther knowledge also as a singular rem- 234 The Origin of the World. nant of an extinct gigantic race. It is at least curious that while in the fifth day great reptiles like those of the secondary rocks form the burden of the work, in the sixth we have a term which so directly reminds us of those gigantic pachy- derms which figure so largely in the tertiary period. Large carnivora also occur in the tertiary formations, and there are some forms of reptile life, as, for example, the serpents, w^hich first appear in the tertiary. I may refer to any popular text-book of geology in evidence of the exact conformity of this to the progress of mammalian life, as we now know it in detail from the study of the suc- cessive tertiary deposits. The following short summary from Dana, though written several years ago, still expresses the main features of the case : " The quadrupeds did not all come forth together. Large and powerful herbivorous species first take possession of the earth, with only a few small carnivora. These pass away. Other herbivora with a larger proportion of carnivora next appear. These also are exterminated ; and so with others. Then the carnivora appear in vast numbers and power, and the herbivora also abound. Moreover these races attain a magnitude and number far surpassing all that now exist, as much so indeed, on all the continents. North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, as the old mas- todon, twenty feet long and nine feet high, exceeds the mod- ern buffalo. Such, according to geology, was the age of mammals, when the brute species existed in their greatest magnificence, and brutal ferocity had free play; when the dens of bears and hyenas, prowling tigers and lions far larger than any now existing, covered Britain and Europe. Mam- moths and mastodons wandered over the plains of North America, huge sloth -like Megatheria passed their sluggish TJie Higher Atiinials and Man. 235 lives on the pampas of South America, and elephantine mar- supials strolled about Australia. " As the mammalian age draws to a close, the ancient car- nivora and herbivora of that era all pass away, excepting, it is believed, a few that are useful to man. New creations of smaller size peopled the groves; the vegetation received ac- cessions to its foliage, fruit-trees and flowers, and the seas brighter forms of water life. This we know from compari- sons with the fossils of the preceding mammalian age. There was at this time no chaotic upturning, but only the opening of creation to its fullest expansion ; and so in Genesis no new day is begun, it is still the sixth day^ The creation of man is prefaced by expressions implying deliberation and care. It is not said, " Let the earth bring forth" man, but let us form or fashion man. This marks the relative importance of the human species, and the heavenly origin of its nobler immaterial part. Man is also said to have been "created," implying that in his constitution there was something new and not included in previous parts of the work, even in its material. Man was created, as the Hebrew literally reads, the shadow and similitude of God — the greatest of the visible manifestations of Deity in the lower world — the reflected image of his Maker, and, under the Supreme Law- giver, the delegated ruler of the earth. Now for the first time was the earth tenanted by a being capable of comprehending the purposes and plans of Jehovah, of regarding his works with intelligent admiration, and of shadowing forth the excel- lences of his moral nature. For countless ages the earth had been inhabited by creatures wonderful in their structures and instincts, and mutely testifying, as their buried remains still do, to the Creator's glory; but limited within a narrow range of animal propensities, and having no power of raising a 236 TJie Origin of the World. thought or asph"ation toward the Being who made them. Now, however, man enters on the scene, and the sons of God, who had shouted for joy when the first land emerged from the bosom of the deep, saw the wondrous spectacle of a spiritual nature analogous to their own, united to a corporeal frame constructed on the same general type with the higher of those irrational creatures whose presence on earth they had so Ions: witnessed. Man was to rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the hhemah or herbivorous animals. The carnivo- rous creatures are not mentioned, and possibly were not in- cluded in man's dominion. We shall find an explanation of this farther on. The nature of man's dominion we are left to infer. In his state of innocence it must have been a mild and gentle sway, interfering in no respect with the free exer- cise of the powers of enjoyment bestowed on animals by the Creator, a rule akin to that which a merciful man exercises over a domesticated animal, and which some animals are capable of repaying with a warm and devoted affection. Now, however, man's rule has become a tyranny. " The whole creation groans " because of it. He desolates the face of nature wherever he appears, unsettling the nice balance of natural agencies, and introducing remediless confusion and suffering among the lower creatures, even when in the might of his boasted civilization he professes to renovate and im- prove the face of nature. He retains enough of the image of his Maker to enable him to a great extent to assert his dominion, and to aspire after a restoration of his original paradise, but he has lost so much that the power which he retains is necessarily abused to selfish ends. Man, like the other creatures, was destined to.be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. We are also informed The HigJicr Animals and Man. 237 in chapter second that he was placed in a " garden," a chosen spot in the alluvial plains of Western Asia, belonging to the later geological formations, and thus prepared by the whole series of prior geological changes, replenished with all things useful to him, and containing nothing hurtful, at least in so far as the animal creation was concerned. These facts, taken in connection, lead to grave questions. How is the happy and innocent state of man consistent with the con- temporaneous existence of carnivorous and predaceous ani- mals, which, as both Scripture and geology state, were created in abundance in the sixth day? How, when confined to a limited region, could he increase and multiply and replenish the earth 1 These questions, which have caused no little perplexity, are easily solved when brought into the light of our modern knowledge of nature, i. Every large region of the earth is inhabited by a group of animals differing in the proportions of identical species, and in the presence of distinct species, from the groups inhabiting other districts. There is also sufficient reason to conclude that all animals and plants have spread from certain local centres of creation, in which certain groups of species have been produced and allowed to extend themselves, until they met and became inter- mingled with species extending from other centres. Now the district of Asia, in the vicinity of the Euphrates and Tigris, to which the Scripture assigns the origin of the hu- man race, is the centre to which we can with the greatest probability trace several of the species of animals and plants most useful to man, and it lies near the confines of warmer and colder regions of distribution in the Old World, and also near the boundary of the Asiatic and European regions. At the period under consideration it may have been peojDled with a group of animals specially suited to association with 238 TJie Origin of the World. the progenitors of mankind. 2. To remove all zoological difficulties from the position of primeval man in his state of innocence, we have but to suppose, in accordance with all the probabilities of the case, that man was created along with a group of creatures adapted to contribute to his happiness, and having no tendency to injure or annoy; and that it is the formation of these creatures — the group of his own cen- tre of creation — that is especially noticed in Genesis ii., 19, et seq., where God is represented as forming them out of the ground and exhibiting them to Adam ; a i^assage otherwise superfluous, and indeed tending to confuse the meaning of the document. 3. The difficulty attending the early exten- sion of the human race is at once obviated by the geolog- ical doctrine of the extinction of species. We know that in past geological periods large and important groups of spe- cies have become extinct, and have been replaced by new groups extending from new centres j and we know that this process has removed, in early geological periods, many creatures that would have been highly injurious to human interests had they remained. Now the group of species created with man being the latest introduced, we may infer, on geological grounds, that it would have extended itself within the spheres of older zoological and botanical districts, and would have replaced their species, which, in the ordinary operation of natural laws, may have been verging toward ex- tinction. Thus not only man, but the Eden in which he dwelt, with all its animals and plants, would have gradually encroached on the surrounding wilderness, until man's happy and peaceful reign had replaced that of the ferocious beasts that preceded him in dominion, and had extended at least over all the temperate region of the earth. 4. The cursing of the ground for man's sake, on his fall from innocence, would The Higher Animals and Man. 239 thus consist in the permission given to the predaceous an- imals and the thorns and the briers of other centres of cre- ation to invade his Eden ; or, in his own expulsion, to con- tend with the animals and plants which were intended to have given way and become extinct before him. Thus the fall of man would produce an arrestment in the progress of the earth in that last great revolution which would have con- verted it into an Eden ; and the anomalies of its present state consist, according to Scripture, in a mixture of the con- ditions of the tertiary with those of the human period. 5. Though there is good ground for believing that man was to have been exempted from the general law of mortality, we can not infer that any such exemption would have been en- joyed by his companion animals ; we only know that he himself would have been free from all annoyance and injury and decay from external causes. We may also conclude that, while Eden was sufficient for his habitation, the re- mainder of the earth would continue, just as in the earlier tertiary periods, under the dominion of the predaceous mam- mals, reptiles, and birds. 6. The above views enable us on the one hand to avoid the difficulties that attend the admis- sion of predaceous animals into Eden, and on the other the still more formidable difficulties that attend the attempt to exclude them altogether from the Adamic world. They also illustrate the geological fact that many animals, con- temporaneous with man, extend far back into the Tertiary period. These are creatures not belonging to the Edenic centre of creation, but introduced in an earlier part of the sixth day, and now permitted to exist along with man in his fallen state. I have stated these supposed conditions of the Adamic creation briefly, and with as little illustration as pos- sible, that they may connectedly strike the mind of the reader. 240 The Origin of the World. Each of these statements is in harmony with the Scriptural narrative on the one hand, and with geology on the other ; and, taken together, they afford an intelligible history of the introduction of man. If a geologist were to state, ct pri- ori^ the conditions proper to the creation of any important species, he could only say — the preparation or selection of some region of the earth for it, and its production along with a group of plants and animals suited to it. These are precisely the conditions implied in the Scriptural account of the creation of Adam.* The difficulties of the subject have arisen from supposing, contrary to the narrative itself, that the conditions necessary for Eden must in the first instance have extended over the whole earth, and that the creatures with which man is in his present dispersion brought into contact must necessarily have been his companions there. One would think that many persons derive their idea of the first man in Eden from nursery picture-books ; for the Bible gives no countenance to the idea that all the animals in the world were in Eden. On the contrary, it asserts that a selec- tion was made both in the case of animals and plants, and that this Edenic assemblage of creatures constituted man's associates in his state of primeval innocence. The food of animals is specified at the close of the work of this day. The grant to man is every herb bearing seed, and everv fruit-tree. That to the lower animals is more ex- tensive — every green herb. This can not mean that every animal in the earth was herbivorous. It may refer to the group of animals associated with man in Eden, and this is most likely the intention of the writer ; but if it includes the animals of the whole earth, we may be certain, from the ex- * Sec Lycllj Principles of Geology, "Introduction of Species." TJie HigJicr Animals and Man. 241 press mention of carnivorous creatures in the work of the fifth and sixth days, that it indicates merely the general fact that the support of the whole animal kingdom is based on vegetation. A most important circumstance in connection with the work of the sixth day is that it witnessed the creation both of man and the mammalia. A fictitious writer would prob- ably have exalted man by assigning to him a separate day, and by placing the whole animal kingdom together in respect to time. He would be all the more likely to do this, if unac- quainted, as most ignorant persons as well as literary men are, with the importance and teeming multitudes of the lower tribes of animals, and with the typical identity of the human frame with that of the higher animals. Moses has not done so, we are at liberty to suppose, because the vision of creation had it otherwise ; and modern geology has amply vindicated him in this by its disclosure of the intimate connection of the human with the tertiary period; and has shown in this as in other instances that truth and not "accommoda- tion" was the object of the sacred writer. While, as already stated, many existing species extend far back into the tertiary period, showing that the earth has been visited by no univer- sal catastrophe since the first creation of mammals ; on the other hand, we can not with certainty trace any existing species back beyond the commencement of the tertiary era. Geology and revelation, therefore, coincide in referring the creation of man to the close of the period in which mammals were introduced and became predominant, and in establish- ing a marked separation between that period and the preced- ing one in which the lower animals held undisputed sway. This coincidence, while it strengthens the probability that the creative days were long periods, opposes an almost insur- L 242 The Origin of the World. mountable obstacle to every other hypothesis of reconcili- ation with geological science. At the close of this day the Creator again reviews his work, and pronounces it good. Step by step the world had been evolved from a primeval chaos, through many successive phys- ical changes and long series of organized beings. It had now reached its acme of perfection, and had received its most illustrious tenant, possessing an organism excelling all others in majesty and beauty, and an immaterial soul the shadow of the glorious Creator himself Well might the angels sing, when the long-protracted work was thus grandly completed : "Thrice happy man, And sons of men, \Yhom God hath thus advanced, Created in his image, there to dwell And worship him, and in reward to rule Over his works in earth, or sea, or air, And multiply a race of worshippers Holy and just ; thrice happy, if they know Their happiness and persevere upright." The Hebrew idea of the golden age of Eden is pure and exalted. It consists in the enjoyment of the favor of God, and of all that is beautiful and excellent in his works. God and nature are the whole. Nor is it merely a rude, unintel- ligent, sensuous enjoyment. Man primeval is not a lazy savage gathering acorns. He is made in the image of the Creator; he is to keep and dress his garden, and it is fur- nished with every plant good for food and pleasant to the sight. In the midst of our material civilization we need to disabuse ourselves of some prejudices before we can realize the fact that man, without the arts of life or any need of them, is not necessarily a barbarian or a savage. Yet even Adam must have been an agriculturist with strong and willing Tlie HigJicr Animals and Man, 243 hands, and must have had some need of agricultural imple- ments such as those with which the least civilized of his de- scendants have been wont to till the soil. Still, without art or with very little of it, he could enjoy all that is beautiful and grand in nature, and could rise from the observation of nat- ure to communion wdth God. We need the more to realize this, inasmuch as there seems so strong a tendency to con- found material civilization with higher culture, and to hold that man primeval must have been low and debased sim- ply because he may have had no temples and no machinery. We must remember that he had nature, which is higher than. fine art, and that when in harmony with his surroundings he may have had no need either of exhausting labor or of me- chanical contrivances. Farther, in the contemplation of nat- ure and in seeking after God, he had higher teachers than our boasted civilization can claim. Alas for fallen man, with his poor civilization gathered little by little from the dust of earth, and his paltry art that halts immeasurably behind nature. Hov/ little is he able even to appreciate the high estate of his great ancestor. The world of fallen men has worshipped art too much, rev- erenced and studied God and nature too little. The savage displays the lowest taste when he admires the rude figures which he paints on his face or his garments more than the glorious painting that adorns nature ; yet even he acknowl- edges the pre-eminent excellence of nature by imitating her forms and colors, and by adapting her painted plumes and flowers to his own use. There is a wide interval, including many gradations, between this low position and that of the cultivated amateur or artist. The art of the latter makes a nearer approach to the truly beautiful, inasmuch as it more accurately represents the geometric and organic forms and 244 ^J^^ Origin of the World. the coloring of nature; and inasmuch as it devises ideal com- binations not found in the actual world; which ideal combi- nations, however, are beautiful or monstrous just as they re- alize or violate the harmonies of nature. It is only the high- est culture that brings man back to his primitive refinement. Art takes her true place when she sits at the feet of nature, and brings her students to drink in its beauties, that they may endeavor, however imperfectly, to reproduce them. On the other hand, the student of nature must not content him- self with "writing Latin names on white paper," wherewith to label nature's productions, but must rise to the contempla- tion of the order and beauty of the Cosmos as a revelation of Divinity. Both will thus rise to that highest taste which will enable them to appreciate not only the elegance of individu- al forms, but their structure, their harmonies, their grouping and their relations, their special adaptation, and their places as parts of a great system. Thus art will attain that highest point in which it displays original genius, without violating natural truth and unity, and nature will be regarded as the highest art. Much is said and done in our time with reference to the cultivation of popular taste for fine art as a means of civiliza- tion ; and this, so far as it goes, is well ; but the only sure path to the highest taste-education is the cultivation of the study of nature. This is also an easier branch of education, provided the instructors have sufficient knowledge. Good works of art are rare and costly ; but good works of nature are everywhere around us, waiting to be examined. Such education, popularly diffused, would react on the efforts of art. It would enable a widely extended public to appreci- ate real excellence, and would cause works of art to be valued just in proportion to the extent to which they realize TJie Higher Animals and Man, 245 or deviate from natural truth and unity. I do not profess to speak authoritatively on such subjects, but I confess that the strong impression on my mind is that neither the revered antique models, nor the practice and principles of the gener- ality of modern art reformers, would endure such criticism ; and that if we could combine popular enthusiasm for art with scientific appreciation of nature, a new and better art might arise from the union. I may appear to dwell too long upon this topic ; but my ex- cuse must be that it leads to a true estimate both of natural history and of the sacred Scriptures. The study of nature guides to those large views of the unity and order of creation which alone are worthy of a being of the rank of man, and which lead him to adequate conceptions of the Creator ; but the truly wise recognize three grades of beauty. First, that of art, which, in its higher efforts, can raise ordinary minds far above themselves. Secondly, that of nature, which, in its most common objects, must transcend the former, since its artist is that God of whose infinite mind the genius of the artist is only a faint reflection. Thirdly, that pre-eminent beauty of moral goodness revealed only in the spiritual nat- ure of the Supreme. The first is one of the natural resources of fallen man in his search for happiness. The second was man's joy in his primeval innocence. The third is the inher- itance of man redeemed. It is folly to place these on the same level. It is greater folly to worship either or both of the first without regard to the last. It is true wisdom to as- pire to the last, and to regard nature as the handmaid of piety, art as but the handmaid of nature. Nature to the unobservant is merely a mass of things more or less beautiful or interesting, but without any definite order or significance. An observer soon arrives at the con- 246 TJie Origin of the World. elusion that it is a series of circling changes, ever returning to the same points, ever renewing their courses, under the action of invariable laws. But if he rests here, he falls infi- nitely short of the idea of the Cosmos, and stands on the brink of the profound error of eternal succession. A little further progress conducts him to the inviting field of special adaptation and mutual relation of things. He finds that nothing is without its use ; that every structure is most nice- ly adjusted to special ends ; that the supposed ceaseless cir- cling of nature is merely the continuous action of great pow- ers, by which an infinity of utilities are worked out — the great fly-wlieel which, in its unceasing and at first sight ap- parently aimless round, is giving motion to thousands of reels and spindles and shuttles, that are spinning and weaving, in all its varied patterns, the great web of life. But the observer, as he looks on this web, is surprised to find that it has in its whole extent a wondrous pattern. He rises to the contemplation of type in nature, a great truth to which science has only lately opened its eyes. He begins dimly to perceive that the Creator has from the beginning had a plan before his mind, that this plan embraced various types or patterns of existence; that on these patterns he has been working out the whole system of nature, adapting each to all the variety of uses by an infinity of minor modifications. That, in short, whether he study the eye of a gnat or the structure of a mountain chain, he sees not only objects of beauty and utility, but parts of far-reaching plans of infinite wisdom, by which all objects, however separated in time or space, are linked together. How much of positive pleasure does that man lose who passes through life absorbed with its wants and its artifici- alities, and re^ardin" with a " brute, unconscious sraze " the The Higher Animals and Man. 247 grand revelation of a higher intelligence in the outer world. It is only in an approximation through our Divine Redeemer to the moral likeness of God that we can be truly happy; but of the subsidiary pleasures which we are here permitted to enjoy, the contemplation of nature is one of the best and purest. It was the pleasure, the show, the spectacle prepared for man in Eden, and how much true philosophy and taste shine in the simple words that in paradise God planted trees "pleasant to the sight," as well as "good for food." Other things being equal, the nearer we can return to this primitive taste, the greater will be our sensuous enjoyment,- the better the influence of our pleasures on our moral nature, because they will then depend on the cultivation of tastes at once natural and harmless, and will not lead us to commun- ion with and reverence for merely human genius, but will conduct us into the presence of the infinite perfection of the Creator. The Bible knows but one species of man. It is not said that men were created after their species, as we read of the groups of animals. Man was made, "male and female;" and in the fuller details afterwards given in the second chap- ter — where the writer, having finished his general narrative, commences his special history of man — but one primitive pair is introduced to our notice. We scarcely need the de- tailed tables of affiliation afterward given, or the declaration of the apostle who preached to the supposed autochthones of Athens, that " God has made of one blood all nations," to assure us of the Scriptural unity of man. If, therefore, there were any good reason to believe that man is not of one but several origins, we must admit Moses to have been very im- perfectly informed. Nor, on the other hand, does the Bible any more than geology allow us to assign a very high antiq- 248 The Origin of the World. uity to the origin of man relatively to that of the earth on which he dwells. The genealogical tables of the Bible may admit of some limits of difference of opinion as to the age of the hu- man world or aeon, and also of that of the deluge, from which man took his second point of departure ; but they do not allow us to put the origin of man farther back than that of the present or modern condition of our continents and the present races of animals. They therefore limit us to the modern or quaternary period of geology. The question of man's antiquity, so much agitated now, demands, however, a separate and careful consideration ; but we must first devote a few pages to the simple statements of the Bible respecting the Sabbath of creation and its relation to human history. The Rest of the Creator, 249 CHAPTER XII. THE REST OF THE CREATOR. "And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because that in it God rest- ed from all his work which he had created to make." — Genesis ii., 1-3. The end of the sixth day closed the work of creation prop- erly so called, as well as that of forming and arranging the things created. The beginning of the seventh introduced a period which, according to the views already stated, was to be occupied by the continued increase and diffusion of man and the creatures under his dominion, and by the gradual disappearance of tribes of creatures unconnected with his well-being. Science in this well accords with Scripture. No proof ex- ists of the production of a new species since the creation of man; and all geological and archaeological evidence points to him and a few of the higher mammals as the newest of the creatures. There is, on the other hand, good evidence that several species have become extinct since his creation. Those who believe in the continuous evolution of animals and men, it is true, can see no actual termination of the process with the introduction of man ; but even they see that the appearance of a rational and moral being at least changes the nature and order of the development. Nor can they doubt L 2 250 The Origin of the World. that man is the last born of nature, and that the whole ani- mal creation is crowned by him as its capital or topmost pin- nacle. The later speculators on this subject have never reached any truth beyond that long ago stated by the lament- ed Edward Forbes — a most careful observer and accurate reasoner on the more recent changes of the earth's surface. He infers, from the distribution of species from their centres of creation, that man is the latest product of creative power; or, in other words, that none of those species or groups of species which he had been able to trace to their centres, or the spots at which they probably originated, appear to be of later or as late origin as man. "This consideration," he says, "induces me to believe that the last province in time w^as completed by the coming of man, and to maintain an hypoth- esis that man stands unique in space and time, himself equal to the sum of any pre-existing centre of creation or of all — an hypothesis consistent with man's moral and social position in the world." The seventh day, then, was to have been that in which all the happiness, beauty, and perfection of the others were to have been concentrated. But an element of instability was present in the being who occupied the summit of the animal scale. Not regulated by blind and unerring instincts, but a free agent, with a high intellectual and moral nature, and lia- ble to be acted on by temptation from without; under such influence he lost his moral balance in stretching out his hand to grasp the peculiar powers of Deity, and fell beyond the hope of self-redemption — perpetuating, by one of those laws which regulate the transmission of mixed corporeal and spiritual natures, his degradation to every generation of his species. And so God's great work was marred, and all his plans seem- ed to be foiled, when they had just reached their completion. The Rest of the Creator. 251 Thus far science might carry us unaided; for there is not a true naturalist, however skeptical as to revealed religion, who does not feel in his inmost heart the disjointed state of the present relations of man to nature ; the natural wreck that results from his artificial modes of life, the long trains of vio- lations of the symmetry of nature that follow in the wake of his most boasted achievements. But here natural science stops; and just as we have found that, in tracing back the world's history, the Bible carries us much farther than geol- ogy, so science, having led us to suspect the fallen state of man, leaves us henceforth to the teaching of revelation. And how glorious that teaching ! God did not find himself baffled — his resources are i-nfinite — he had foreseen and prepared for all this apparent evil ; and out of the moral wreck he proceeds to work out the grand process of redemption, which is the es- pecial object of the seventh day, and which will result in the production of a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwell- eth righteousness. In the seventh, as in the former days, the evening precedes the morning. For four thousand years the world groped in its darkness — a darkness tenanted by moral monsters as powerful and destructive as the old pre- Adamite reptiles. The Sun of Righteousness at length arose, and the darkness began to pass away; but eighteen centuries have elapsed, and we still see but the gray dawn of morning, which we yet firmly believe will brighten into a glorious day that shall know no succeeding night.* The seventh day is the modern or human era in geology; and, though it can not yet boast of any physical changes so * For the exposition of the details of the fall, I beg to refer the reader to McDonald's " Creation and the Fall," to Kitto's " Antediluvians and Patriarchs," and to Kurtz's "History of the Old Covenant." 252 The Origin of the World. great as those of past periods, it is still of much interest, as affording the facts on which we must depend for explanations of past changes ; and as immediately connected in time with those later tertiary periods which afford so many curious problems to the geological student. The actual connection of the human with preceding periods is still involved in some obscurity ; and, as we shall see, there has recently been a strong tendency to throw back the origin of man into pre- historic ages of enormous length, on grounds which are, how- ever, much less certain than is commonly imagined. This question we have to examine ; but before entering upon it may shortly sketch the actual import of the statements of the Hebrew Scriptures respecting what may be called the prehis- toric duration of the human species. This is the more neces- sary, as the most crude notions seem very widely to prevail on the subject. I shall, therefore, in this place notice some general facts deducible from the Bible, and which may be useful in appreciating the true relation of the human era to those which preceded it. It will be understood that I shall endeavor merely to present a picture of what the Bible actually teaches, and which any one can verify by reading the book of Genesis. I. The local centre of creation of the human species, and probably of a group of creatures coeval with it, w^as Eden ; a country of which the Scriptures give a somewhat minute geo- graphical description. It was evidently a district of Western Asia j and, from its possession of several important rivers, rather a region or large territory than a limited spot, such as many, who have discussed the question of the site of Eden, seem to suppose. In this view it is a matter of no moment to fix its site more nearly than the indication of the Bible that it included the sources and probably large portions of the val- The Rest of the Creator. 253 leys of the Tigris, the Euphrates, and perhaps the Oxus and Jaxartes. Into the minor difficulties respecting the site of Eden it would be unprofitable to enter, and it will matter little if we accept that view, which, however, I think less probable, that it was placed in the lower part of the valley of the Eu- phrates. I may merely mention one particular of the Biblical description, because it throws light on the great antiquity of this geographical delineation, and has been strangely miscon- ceived by expositors — the relation of those rivers to Cush or Ethiopia and Havilah, a tribal name derived from that of a grandson of Cush. On consulting the tenth chapter of Gen- esis, it will be found that the Cushites under Nimrod, very soon after the deluge, are stated to have pushed their migra- tions and conquests along the Tigris to the northward, and established there the first empire. It is probably this prim- itive Cushite empire, called Ethiopia in our translation, which in the epoch of the description of Eden occupied the Euphra- tean valley, and being bounded on one side by the river call- ed Gihon, was thus believed to extend over the old site of Eden. Thus the Cush or Ethiopia of the description has no direct connection with the African Ethiopia, and speculations based on such a supposed connection are groundless. On the other hand this feature furnishes an interesting coinci- dence with other parts of Genesis, and throws light on many obscure points in the early history of man ; and since this Cushite empire had perished even before the time of Moses, it indicates a still more ancient tradition respecting the pri- meval abode of our species. 2. Before the deluo:e this reo:ion must have been the seat of a dense population, which, according to the Biblical ac- count, must have made considerable advances in the arts, and at the same time sunk very low in moral debase- 254 The Origiyi of the World. ment.* Whether any remains of the central portions of this an- cient population or its works exist will probably not be deter- mined with absolute certainty till we have accurate geological investigations of the whole country in the neighborhood of the Caspian Sea and along the great rivers of Western Asia, though there is nothing unreasonable in the belief that some of the old prehistoric men whose remains are discovered in caves and river gravels in Europe may belong to the antediluvian race. Should such remains be found, we might infer, from the extreme longevity and other characteristics assigned to the antediluvians, that their skeletons would present peculiar- ities entitlinsf them to be considered a well-marked varietv of the human species, and this not of a low type of physical organization. We may also infer that the family of man very early divided into two races — one retaining in greater purity the moral endowments of the species, the other excelling in the mechanical and fine arts ; and that there were rude and savage outlying communities of men then as at present. If the so-called palaeolithic men of Europe are antediluvian, they were probably of such outlying tribes, and possibly of the mixed race which sprung up in the later antediluvian age, and who are described as mighty men physically, and men of violence. It would be quite natural that this intermixture * The Bible specifies, perhaps only as the principal of these arts, music and musical instruments by Jubal, metallurgy by Tubalcain, the domes- tication of cattle and the nomade life by Jabal. It is highly probable that these inventors are introduced into the Mosaic record for a theological reason, to point out the folly of the worship rendered to Phtha, Hephses- tos, Vulcan, Horus, Phoebus, and other inventors, either traditionary rep- resentatives of the family of Lamech, or other heroes wrongly identified with them. Very possibly their sister Naamah, " the beautiful," is intro- duced for the same reason, as the true original of some of the female deities of the heathen. The Rest of the Creator. 255 of the Sethite and Cainite races should produce a race excel- ling both in energy and physical endowments — the "giants" that were in those days.* If any remains of the two central nations of the antediluvian period are ever discovered, we may confidently anticipate that the distinctive characteristics of these races may be detected in their osseous structures as well as in their works of art. Farther, it is to be inferred from notices in the fourth chapter of Genesis, that before the deluge there was both a nomadic and a settled population, and that the principal seat of the Cainite, or more debased yet energetic branch of the human family, was to the eastward of the site of Eden. No intimations are given by which the works of art of antediluvian times could be distinguished from those of later periods ; but that curious summary of the treas- ures of antediluvian man contained in the notice that the land of Havilah produced gold and agate and pearl (Gen. ii., 12) would lead us to believe that the early antediluvian age was on the whole an age of stone, in which flint for weap- ons, and gold and shell wampum for ornaments, were the lead- ing kinds of wealth. On the other hand, the notices of ante- diluvian metallurgy, and the building and construction of the ark, would lead us to infer that the later antediluvians had at- tained to much perfection in some constructive arts — a conclu- sion which harmonizes with the otherwise inexplicable perfec- tion of such art soon after the deluge, as evidenced not only by the story of Babel, but also by the early works of the As- syrians and Egyptians. 3. When the antediluvian population had fully proved it- * I can not for a moment entertain the monstrous supposition of many expositors that the "sons of God" of these passages are angels, and the *' Nephelim" hybrids between angels and men. 256 TJie Origin of the World, self unfit to enter into the divine scheme of moral renova- tion, it was swept away by a fearful physical catastrophe. The deluge might, in all its relations, furnish material for an entire treatise. I may remark here, as its most important geological peculiarity, that it was evidently a /