<% 1. 11 Ml &thrarg NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES S00818439 X Ni A1 Qcc This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below: 0£fr.y6 7aj«595 2l0e'46S 17De'46R jun 4 '47 29Ja4P>|DEC 5196? 9Jun'S0S GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF NORTH CAROLINA. PART III, BOTANY; CONTAINING A CATALOGUE OF THE INDIGENOUS AND NATURALIZED PLANTS OF THE STATE, BY REV. M. A. CURTIS, D. D., F. A. A. A. &, &a* &c. RALEIGH: PRINTED AT N. C. INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB AND THE BLIND. 1867. To Ills Excellency, Jonathan Worth, Governor of North Carolina : Sir :— The following Catalogue of the Plants of North Carolina is alluded to in the letter of Prof. Emmons to Gov. Ellis, printed in the introductory portion of my Eeport on the Woody Plants of the State, which this was intended to accompany. The printing of it at that time was, however, prevented by more important matters of national interest that Avere then occupying the public mind. It gives me pleasure now to submit the Eeport to your consideration, not only because I desire to secure a permanent record of observa- tions and discoveries made through a period of about twenty-five years, but on account of the interest it should have among Scien- tists as determining the localities and range of our vegetation, and as being much the most extensive local list of Plants ever published in North America. The extent of this list is not due to the greater amount of our vegetation, though there are very few States that contain a greater number or richer variety of species, but to the fact that more atten- tion has been given in this State than elsewhere to the investigation of the lower OrdeTS, or Flowerless Plants, and especially of the Fungi. The accomplished Dr. Sehweinitz, while a resident at Salem, paid great attention to these obscure forms, and was the pioneer of Cryptogamic Botany in America. It will be seen, in the frequent reference to his name in my list of these Plants, how much we are indebted to him for a knowledge of these species, many of which have not been detected by others. But large as is the following list, comprising over forty-eight hun- dred species, it is not offered as a complete enumeration of all the plants growing in the State. It is only a record of what have been thus far discovered. Of our Flowering Plants probably very few have escaped notice ; but of the Flowerless kinds doubtless many more remain to reward the researches of future observers. We may confidently assume that the actual number of Plants indigenous to North Carolina exceeds ^ve thousand species. Hoping this contribution to a knowledge of the Natural History of our State will prove acceptable to yourself and the public generally, I remain Yours, very respectfully, M. A. CUETIS. *H?S5 PREFACE. The scientific names in this Catalogue, to the end of the list of Ferns, are in accordance with the nomenclature of Dr. Chapman's Flora of the South ern United States. Of the Flowering Plants 147 are naturalized species. These are indicated in the Catalogue by Italics. Among the Fungi, the species in Italic*, (over ]<><> in number), are eatable Mushrooms. The division of the State into Botanical Districts, as explained in the Introduction to the Woody Plants of North Carolina, is here indicated by the abbreviations Low, Mid, and Up. Where a spe- cies is found in all the Districts, the word Common is used. The name of a person put in brackets after any of the above ab- breviations, as (Schw.) for Schweinitz, (Rav.) for Kavenel, ow, and Mid. Dist. Lactuca elongatft, Mnhl. (Wild Lettuce.) — Common. " var : graminifolia. — Low. Dist. " var: sanguinea. — Lincoln Co. Mulgedium acuminatum, D. C. (Blue Lettuce.) — Common. Floridanum, D. C. — Common, leucophasum, D. C. — Mountains. Soxonus oleraceus, L. (Sow Thistle.) — Common. asper^ Vill.— Mid. Dist. LOBELIACU.K. Lobelia cardinalis, L. (Cardinal Flower.) — Common. syphilitica, L. (Great Lobelia.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. puberula, Michx. (Blue Lobelia.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. lep tost achy s, A. D. C. — Lincoln to Cherokee. ainoena, Michx. — Low. and Mid. Dist. glandulosa, Walt. — Common. inflata, L. (Indian Tobacco. Lobelia.}— Mid. and Up. Dist. spicata, Lam. — Mid. and Up. Dist. Nuttallii, E. & S.— Low. and Mid. Dist. paludosa, Xutt. — Low. Dist. (AMPAXULACE.E. Campanula Americana, L. (Bell-flower.) — Low, to Up, Dist. aparinoides, Pursh. (Marsh Bell-flower.) — Moun- tain Swamps, divaricata, Michx. (Hare-bell.) — Mountain sides, tlexuosa, Michx. — Mountains. (Michaux.) Spectlaria perfoliata, A. D. C. (Venus' Looking Glass.) — Com- mon. " var : Ludoviciana. — Mid. Dist. ERICACE.B. Gaylussacta frondosa, Tor. & Gr. (Blue Huckleberry.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. dumosa, T. & G. (Dwarf Huckleberry.) — Do. " yar: hirtella. — Do. FLOWERING PLANTS. ;J5 Gayluhsacia resinosa, T. & G. (Black ^Huckleberry.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. ursina, Gray. (Bear Huckleberry. Bearberry.) — Hay- wood county and southward. Vacclmlm Corymbosum, L. (Swamp Huckleberry.) — Common. Constablsei, Gray. (Pale Dwarf Blueberry.) — Summits of mountains, tenellum, Ait. Low. and Mid. Dist. hirsutum, Buckl. (Bristly Huckleberry.) — Mountains of Cherokee. — (BucMey.) myrsinites, Michx. — Pine Barrens. arboreum, Micux. (Sparkleberry.) — Coast to Cherokee. stammeuirij L. (Deerberry. Gooseberry.) — Common. erassifolium, Andr. (Creeping Huckleberry.) — Low. Dist. erythrocarpon, Michx. — Higher mountains, macrocarpon, Ait. (Cranberry.) — Swamps of Low. and Up. Dist, Epigjea repens, L. (Trailing Arbutus. Crocus.) — Common. Gaultiiekia procumbens, L. (Mountain Tea. Wintergreen.) — Low. and Up. Dist. Leucotiioe axillaris, Don. — Low. Dist, Catesbsei, Gray. (Dog Laurel.) — Mountains, racemosa. Gray. — Low. and Mid. Dist, recurva, Gray. — Near Paint Rock. (Buckle//.) Cassandra calyculata, Don. — Low. Dist, Andromeda floribunda, Pursh. Mountains. — (Pursh. Buckley.) nitida, Bartr. (Fetter Bush.) — Low. Dist. Mariana, L. (Stagger Bush.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. speciosa, Michx. — Low. Dist. ligustrina, Muhl. (Pepper Bush.) — Common. Qxydendrum arboreum, D. C. (Sour Wood. Sorrell Tree.) — All tiu' Districts. Olethra alnifolia, L. (White Alder. Sweet Pepper Bush.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. " var: tomentosa. — Low. Dist. acuminata, Michx. (Mountain Pepper Bush.) — Mountains. Kalmia latifolia, L. (Ivy.)— All the Districts; rare in the Lower, angustifolia, L. (Wieky.) — All the Districts. cuneata, Michx. — Low. Dist. o<5 - ILOWEELXG I'l.AMv MESfziESiA globularis, Salisb. (Minnie Bush.) — Mountains. Azalea nudiflora, L. (Purple Honeysuckle.) — Common. calenduhicea, Miclix. (Yellow Honeysuckle.) — Mountains. viscosa, L. (Clammy Honeysuckle.) — Up. Rjst. " var: glauca. — Mid. Dist. arboreseens, Pui'sli. (Smooth Honeysuckle.) — Common. UuoDoDKNDHox maximum. (Laurel.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. Catawbiense, Michx. (Oval-leaved Laurel.) — On highest mountains. punctatum, Audi*. (Dwarf Laurel.) — Mountains. JjEiophyxlum buxifolium, Ell. (Sand Myrtle.) — Mountains, and in Brunswick county. Pyeola rotundifolia, L. (False Wintergreen.) — Low. Dist. Ciiimapiiila umbellata, ISutt. (Prince's Pine. Pipsissewa.) Low. to Up. Dist. maculata, Pursh. (Spotted Wintergreen.) Common. Shortia galacifolia, Gray. — Mountains. {JtifficAdux. ) Sc'iiweixitzia odorata, Ell. — Salem. (Bcliweinuz.) Table mountain. (Prof. Gray) Moxoteopa uninora, L. (Eye-bright.) — Common. Hypopitys, L. (Pine Sap.)— Mid. and Up Dist. GALACINE.E. Galax aphylla, L. (Colt's Foot.) — Beaufort county to mountains. AQUIFOLIACE.E. Ilex opaca, Ait, (Holly.) — Common. Dahoon, Walt, var: myrtifolia, Chapm. (Dahoon Holly.) — Low. Dist. Cassine, L. (Yaupon.) — Near the Coast, decidua, Walt. — Mid. Dist. ambigua, Chapm. — Mountains, verticillata, Gray. — Common . glabra, Gray. (Gallberry. Inkberry.) — Low. Dist. coriacea, Chapm. (Tall Gallberry.) — Do. STYRACACEJB. Styrax grandifolia, Ait, (Mock Orange.) — Coast to Lincoln. Americana, Lam. — Low. Dist, Halesia tetraptera, L. (Snow-drop Tree.) — All the Districts. Symplocos tinctoria, L'Her. (Yellow Wood. Sweet Leaf.) — Com- mon. FLoWEKING PL£KX8. 37 Cyriixa raeemiflora, Wait. (Burn-wood Bark. He Huckleben-y.) — Low. Disk EBENAOE/K. Piosrvkos Virginiawa, L. (Persimmoli.) — Common.. SAPQTACEJE. Bimelia Ivcioidjes, GaTt. (Buckthorn.)— Gbast to Lincoln Co. PLANTAUINACE^E. Plantaoo iti((j<)/\ L. (Plantain* ) — Common. la/iceolata, L. (Narrow-leaved Plantain.) — Common, sparsitiora, Miehx. — Low. Dist. Virginica, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. heterophylla. Kutt. — Low. Dist. PLUMB A G IX A CE-E Statice Caroliniana, Walt. (Marsh Rosemary.) — Salt Marshes. PKTMULAl/EJE. Hottonia mikta. Ell. (FeatlierfoiL) — L"p. Dist. Lysimaciiia stricta, Ait. (Loosestrife.) — Common. u var : august itbli a. — Low. Dist. Ilerbemonti, Ell. — Low. Dist. quadrifoiia, L. (Five Sisters.) — Common, ciliata, L.— All the Districts. radicans, Hook. — Up. Dist. * longifolia, Pnrsh. — Do. Dodecatiieon Meadia, L. (American Cowslip.)— Chatham Co. Anauallts arveims, L. (Pimpernel.) — Xear settlements in all the Districts. Rare. Ckntunculus minimus, L. (Chaffweed.) — Davidson Co. Samolus noribundus, Kth. (Brook-weed.) — Low. Dist. lentibulace.e. Utricularia innata, Walt. (Bladder-wort.)— Low. Dist. vulgaris, L.- — Mid. Dist. striata, Leconte. — Low. Dist. fibrosa, Walt.— Do. gibba, L. — Do. purpurea, Walt.-— Low. Dist, 38 FEOWEEING PLANTS. I'tkk tlakia eornuta, ^\I ic-lix . — Do. subulata. L. — Low. and Mid. Disk Pieguicuea iutea, Walt. (Butter-wort.) — Low. Dist, elatior, Michx.— Do. BIGNOJtfIAUEJ3. Bignonia capreolata, L. (Cross Vine.) — Low. &Mid. Dist. Tecoma radicans, Juss. (Trumpet Flower.) — Coast to the Mountains. Catalpa biynwiioideS) Walt. (Catalpa.) — About settlements. Maetynia proboscidea^ (xlox. (Martino. LTnicorn Plant.) — About settlements. OBQBAKOHAOEjE, Epiphegus Virginiana, Hart. (Beech Drops.) — Common. Oonopholis Americana. Wallr. (Squaw-root. ) -Low. & Mid. Dist. Aphyllon uniflorum Tor. & Gr. (Cancer-root.) — Mid. Dist. {Prof. Mitchell) SCEOPHUEAElACELE. Vebbabqum Thapsus, L. (Mullein.) — Common. Blattaria, L. (Moth Mullein.) — Do. Scropiiulaeia nodosa, L. (Fig-vort.) — All the Districts. Chelone glabra, L. (Snake-mouth.) — Common. Lvoni, Pursh. — Mountain sides. Penstemon pubescens, Soland. (Beard-tongue.) — Common. " var: laevigata's. — Common. Linaria Canadensis, Spreng. (Toad Flax-) — Low. &Mid. Dist. vulgaris, Mill. (Butter & Eggs.) — Roadsides. ElaUne, Mill.— Roadsides in Orange, Co. MimueCs ringens, L. (Monkey Flower.) — Common. alatus, Ait.— Lower? & Mid. Dist. Heepestis nigreseens, Benth. — Low. Dist. Monniera, II. B. & K. — Low. Dist. amplexicaulis, Pursh. — Do. Gkatiola Virginiana, L. (Hedge Hyssop.)— Low. & Mid. Dist. sphaerocarua, Ell. — Low. & Mid. Dist. viscosa, Schwein. — Lincoln A: Surry. aurea, Mulil. — Low. Dist. pilosa, Michx. — Low. & Mid. Dist. Ilysanthes gratioloides, Benth. (False Pimpernel.}— Common. refracta, Benth. — Surry (Gra.y) to Henderson, Co. (BucUey^ FLOWERING PLANTS. 39 Ilysanthes saxicola, Chapm. — Rocks in Hiwassee River. Mioranthekdm orbiculatum, Miclix. — Low. Dist. Veronica Virginiana, L. (Culver's Physic.) — Mid. & Up. Dist. officinalis, L. (Speedwell.) — Mountains. serpyllifolia, L. (Paul's Betony.) — Common. peregrina, L. (Purslane Speedwell.) — Do. crvensis, L. (Corn Speedwell.) — Low. & Mid. Dist. a g resits, L. (Field Speedwell.) — Up. Dist. Btjchnera Americana, L. (Bine Hearts.) — Mid. cV Up. Dist. Seymeria tenuifolia, Pursli. — Low. & Mid. Dist. pectinata, Pursh. — Low. Dist. (Crdom.) Otophylla Micliauxii, Bentli. — Up. Dist. Dasystoma pubescens, Bentli. (False Foxglove.) — Common, quercifolia, Bentli. — Mid. & Up. Dist. pedicularia, Bentli. — Mid. Dist. pectinata, Bentli.— Low. & Mid. Dist. Gerardia linifolia, Nutt. (Flax leaved Gerardia.) — Low. Dist. divarieata, Chapm. — Do, aphylla, Ts utt. — Low. Dist purpurea, L. (Purple Gerardia.) — Common, a var: fasciculata, — Low. Dist. maritima, Eaf. — Sea-beach. setacea, Ell. — Low. Dist. tenuifolia, Yalil. — Common. parviiblia, Chapm. — Low. Dist. Castilleia coccinea, Spreng. (Painted Cup.) — Mid. & Up. Dist. Scuwalbea Americana, L. (Chaff Seed.) — Low. Dist. Pewoularis Canadensis, L. (Lousewort.) — All the Districts. lanceolata, Miclix. — Mountains. Mei^ampyrum Amerieanum, Miclix. (Cow Wheat.)— Mountains. ACANTHACESl. Dipteracanthus strepehs, Xees. — Common. Dianthera Americana, L. (Water Willow.)— Mid. and Up. Disti ovata, Walt. — Low. Dist. Diclipteka braehiata, Spreng. — Low. Dist. verbenacet. PrcxAxnn:MrM incanum, Miclix. (Mountain Mint.) — Mid. and [Jp. Dist. var : Tullia.- — Common, duoiuni, Gray. — Mountains. {Gray^ aristatuin, Miclix. — Low. Dist. " var. hyssopifolium. — Do. piiosum, Nutt. — Mountains. {Prof. Ova//.) muticum, Pers. — Mountains, lanceolatum, Pursli. — Low. and Mid. Dist, linifolium, Pursli. — Common, nudum, Nutt.— Mountains, montanum, Miclix. — Do. Coi.LixsoNiA Canadensis, L. (Horse Balm.) — Mid. and T T p. Dist. punctata, Ell. — Low. Dist. ovalis, Pursli. — Mountains. Hebeoma pulegioides, Pers. (Penny Royal.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. Calamintha JVepeta, Link. (Basil Thyme.) — Common about streets. Caroliniana, Sweet. — Low. Dist. Melissa officinalis, L. (Balm.) — Mid. Dist. Pare. Salvia urtici folia, L. (Wild Sage.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. lyrata, L. — Common. Claytoni, Ell.— Mid. Dist. Moxaroa didyma, L. (IPorse Mint.) — Mountains, ristulosa, L. — Common, punctata. L. (BiVnum.) — Common. FLOWERING PLANTS. 41 Monakd gracilis, Purse. — Mountains. {Lyon.) BlepiiiliA ciliata, Eat". (Horse Mint.) — Mid. Dist. hirsuta, Benth. — Mountains. Lopiiantiius nepetoides, Benth. (Giant Hyssop.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. scrophulariaefolius, Benth. — Mountains. J^epbta (Maria, L. (Catnip.) — Common about settlements. Glechoma, Benth. (Ground Ivy.) — Near settlements. Cedronella cordata, Benth. — Ashe Co. {Prof. Gray.) Brunella vulgaris, L. (Heal-all.) — Common. Scutellaria versicolor, Nutt. (Skullcap.) — Up. Dist. arguta, Buckl. — Black Mt. {Buckley.) serrata, Andr. — Mid. Dist. pilosa, Michx. — Low. & Mid. Dist. integrifolia, L. — Low. Dist. lateriflora, L. — Low. Dist. galericulata, L. — Mid. Dist. parvula, Michx.— Mid. Dist. saxatilis, Biddell. — Mountains. Macbridea pulchra, Ell. — Low. Dist. Bare. Piiysosteoia Virginiana, Benth. (Dragon-head.) — All the Districts. Lamium ojiiplcricuHlr, L. (Dead Settle. Hen hit.) — Common in Gardens. Markubium yulgare, L. (Horehound.)— Common about settlements. Leonurus Gardiara, L. (Mother-wort.) — Do. Stachys aspera, Michx. (Hedge Nettle.) — Mountains. hyssopifolia, Michx. — Low. Dist. Isantuus cceruleus, Michx. (False Fenny Eoyal.)— Mid. A: Up, Dist. Triciiostema die-hot omum, L. (Blue Curls.) — Common. " var. lineare. — Mid. Dist. Teucrium Canadense, L. (Wood Sage.)— Low. & Mid. Dist. boeraoinaol.k. Heliotropium Curassavicum, L, (Heliotrope.)— Low. Dist. near the coast. Heliopiiytum Indicum, D. 0. (Indian Heliotrope.)—Low. cv Mid. Dist. Eciiium vuhjare, L. (Blue-weed.)— Mid. Dist. Bare. Onosmoiutm Carolinianum, D. C. (GroniwclD— T>. Dist. 6 42 FLOWERING PLANTS* Onosmodium Virginianum, D. C. — Low. & Mid. Dist. LrrHOSPERMUM arvense, L. (Corn Gromwell.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. hirtum, Lehm. (Hairy Puccoon.) — Low. Dist. Mertensia Virginica, D. C. (Roanoke Bell. Virginia Cowslip.) — Halifax, Co. (T. B. Hill.) Mts. Gynoglossum officinale, L. (Hound's Tongue.) — Mid. Dist. Virginicum, L. (Wild Comfrey.)— Mid. & Up. Dist. Morisoni, D. C. (Beggar Lice.) — Do. Myosotis laxa, Lehm. (Forget me not.) — Low. & Mid. Dist. Rare. verna, Nutt. — Mid. & Up. Dist. J I YDROril YLL XCEM. Hydeophyllum Virgin ieuni, L. (Water-leaf.) — Mountains. Canadense, L. — Mountains. Ellisia Nyctelea, L.— Mid. Dist. (Prof. Mitchell) Nemophila microcalyx, F. & M. — Up. Dist. Phacelia bipinnatifida, Miclix. — Up. Dist. Purshii, Buckl. — Mountains. (BveMey.) fimbriata, Miclix. — Mountains. parviflora, Pursh. — Low. Dist. HYDROLEACEJS. Hydrolea quadrivalvis, Walt. — Low. Dist, POLEMONlAOEiE. Phlox paniculata, L. (Phlox.) — Lincoln & westward. " var : acuminata. — Mountains. maculata, L. — Common. Carolina, L. — Mountains. glaberrima, L. — Mid. & Up. Dist. reptans, Miclix. — Lincoln & westward. divaricata, L. — Common. Walteri, Cliapm. — Low. & Mid. Dist. pilosa, L. — Mecklenburg & westward. subulata, L. (Wild Pink.) — Low. Dist, to Mountain-. Polemonium reptans, L. (Greek Valerian.) — Haywood Co. Pvxidantiiera barbulata, Miclix. (Flowering Moss.)- Low. Dist. i CONVOLVTjLACEjE. Quamoclit coccmea, Momcli. — Common in cultivated grounds. Pharhitts Nily Chois. (Morning Glory.) — Do. rLOWERING PLANTS. 43 ImMtKA eonmmtata, 11, cV: S. — All the Districts. pan lurata, Meyer. (Wild Potatoe.)— Coast to Cherokee. sagifctifolia, Bot. Reg. — Low. Dist. lacunosa, L. — Low. Dist. Calysteoia sepiuni, II. Br. (Bindweed.)— Common. spithamsea, Pursh. (Low Bindweed.)— Mid. Dist Stylisma hnmistrata, Cliapm.— Low. Dist. aquatica, Chapm. — Do. Pickeringii, Gray. — Do. Dichondra repens, Forst. var : Carolinensis, Chois.— Low. Dist. Ouscuta arvensis, Beyr. (Love Yine. Dodder.)— Mid. Dist. Gronovii, Willd. — Low. and Mid. Dist, rostrata, Shnttl. — Mountains. compacta, Jnss. — All the Districts. ep ill mi in, Weihe. (Flax Dodder.) — Orange Comity. SQLANACEJE, Solan um nigrum, L, (Nightshade.) — Common near settlements. Carolinense, L. (Horse JSTettle.) — Common. aculeatissimum^ Jacq. (Soda Apple.) — Low. Dist. Physalis viscosa, L. (Ground Cherry.) — Common, lanceolata, Michx.- — On the coast. angulata, L. — Waste Grounds of Low. Dist. pubescens, L. — Do. Nicandea physahides, Gsert. (Apple of Peru.) — Waste ground-. Datura Stramonium, L. (Jamestowm Weed.) — Common. " var : Tatula. — Common. Metd, L.— Low. Dist. (Br. MoBee.) GENTIAN ACE M. Sabbatia lanceolata. Tor. & Gr. — Low. and Mid. Dist. paniculata, Pursh. — Low. Dist, angularis, Pursh. (Centaury.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. brachiata, Ell. — Low. Dist. gracilis, Pursh. — Low. and Mid. Dist. stellaris, Pursh. — Salt Marshes, calycosa, Pursh. — Low. Dist. chloroides, Pursh. — Do. irentianoides, Ell , — Do. 4i FLOWERIXG PLANTS. Genttana quinqiieflora, Lam. (Five flowered Gentian.) — Mecklen- burg and westward. crinita, Froel. (Fringed Gentian.)— Macon Co. oehroleuca, Frcel. (Sampson Snake Hoot.) — Mid. Dist. Elliottii, Cliapm. (Sampson Snake Hoot.) — Low. Dist. saponaria, L. (Sampson Snake Root.) — Common. Andrewsii, Griseb. (Sampson Snake Root.) — Mountains, angustifolia, Michx. (Narrow-leaved Gentian.) — Low, Dist. Bartonia tenella, Mulil.— All the Districts. verna, Muhl. — Low. Dist. Obolakia Yirginica, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Frasera Carolinensis, Walt. (Colnmho.) — Tallies of Macon and Cherokee. Limnanthemtjm lacunosum, Griseb. (Floating- Heart.) — Low. Dist. trachyspermum, Gray.— Low. Dist. APOCYNACE.E. Apocynum cannabinum, L. (Indian Hemp.) — Low. Dist. to Mts. androssemifolium, L. (Dogbane.) — Mid. Dist. Forsteroxia diflbrmis. A. D. C. — Low. Dist, to Wake Co. Amsoxia ciliata, Walt. — Robeson and Moore Counties. Tabernsempntana, Walt. — Low. and Mid. Dist. ASCLEPIADACE^E. Asclepias Cornuti, Dec, (Milkweed. Silkweed.) — Low. Dist. (Groom.) Rare. phytolaecoides, Pursh. (Poke Milkweed. Squaw Root.) — ■ Mountains, purpurascens, L. (Purple Milkweed.) — Mid. Dist. variegata, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. incarnata, L. (Swamp Silkweed.) — Common, tomentosa, Ell. — Cumberland County, paupercula, Michx. — Low. Dist. rubra, L. — Low. Dist. to Wake. obtusifolia, Michx. — Low. and Mid. Dist. ainplexicaulis, Michx. (Rabbit's Milk.) — Low. Dist. quadrifolia, J acq. — Pp. Dist. verticillata, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. tuberosa, L. (Butterfly Weed. Pleurisy Root.) — Common, FLQWEEIN6 PLANTS, 45 Acerates viridiliora. Ell. (Green Milkweed.)— -Mid. Dist. longifolia, Ell. — Low. Disk Podostigma pubescens, Ell. — Low. Dist. Seuteea maritima, Dec. — Salt Marshes. GoNOiOBUS birsutus, Miehx. (Running Milkweed.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. maerophvllus, Miclix. — Low. and Mid. Dist. OLEACE.E. Olea Americana, L. (Devil Wood.) — Near the coast. Ligusteum vulga/'e, L. (Privet.) — About dwellings. Ciiionantiius Virginiea, L. (Fringe Tree. Old Man's Beard.) — Coast to Blue Ridge. Feaxinus platyearpa, Miehx. (Water Ash.) — Low. Dist. Americana, L. (White Ash.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. pubescens, Lam. (Red Ash.) — Mid. Dist. viridis, Miehx. (Green Ash.)— Mid. and l T j>. Dist. ARISTOLOCiHACEJE. Aristolochia Serpentaria, L. (Virginia Snake-root.) — Common, tomentosa, Sims. — Mountains. Sipho, L'Her. (Wild Ginger. Ph'g Sarsaparilla.) — Along mountain rivulets. As arum Canadense, L. — Mountains. Yirginicum, L. (Heart Leaf.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. arifolium, Miehx. (Heart Leaf. Asarabacca.) — Common. rHYTOLACCACE^E. Phytolacca decandra, L. (Poke-weed.)— Common. CHENOPODIACE-E. Chenopodium album, L. (Lamb's Quarters.) — Common about set- tlements. murale, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Anthelminticum, L. (Worm-seed, Jerusalem Oak.) — Common. Atriplex hastata, L. (Orache.)— Sea-shore. Obione arenaria, Moq. (Sand Orache.) — Sea-beach. Ciienopodina maritima, Moq. (Sea Goosefoot.) — Salt Marshes. Salicorxia herbacea, L. (Samphire.) — Salt Marshes. ambigua, Miehx. — Do. Salsola Kali, L. (Salt-wort.)— Sandy Sea-shore. 4t> BTJOWKRING Pr.AXTS. AMAltlNTACEJE. Amabantus albux, L, (Amaranth.) — Low. Dist. ^ phnicidatus, (Red Amaranth.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. kybridus, L. (Green Amaranth. Careless.) — Common. spinosus, L. (Thorny Amaranth.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. chlorostachys, Willd. — Cultivated grounds. Euxolus pumilus, Baf. (Dwarf Amaranth.) — Sandy Sea-shore. Acnida cannabina, L. (Water Hemp.) — Low. Dist. Telaxtiiera polygonoides, Moq. — Low. Dist. CoLYOoXACE.E. Polygonum orientate, L. (Prince's Feather.) — About settlements. Pennsylvanicum, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Persicaria, L. (Lady's Thumb.) — Common. acre, Kth. (Smart Weed.)— Common, hydropiperoides, Michx. (Water Pepper.)- — Common, hirsutum, Walt. — Low. Dist, aviculare, L. (Knot Grass.) — Yery Common. " erectum. — Mid. and Up. Dist. " littorale. — Sea-beaeh. tenue, Michx. — Lincoln and westward. Yirginianum. L. — Common, arifoliuffij L. (Scratch Grass.) — Common. sagittatum, L. (Tear Thumb.) — Do. cilinode, Michx. — Summit of Black Mountain. dumetorum, L. (False Buckwheat.) — Common. Fagopyeum eseuhn&ttm, Moench, (Buckwheat.) — Occasionally natu- ralized. Polyooxella parvifolia, Michx. — Low. Dist. articulata, Meisn. — Do. Rumex orispus, L. (Sour Dock.)— Yery common. verticillatus, L. (Swamp Dock.) — Low. Dist. sanguineus, L. (Bloody Dock.) — Do. (C/'oo///.'\ obtusifolius, L. (Bitter Dock.)— All the Districts, niaritimus, L. (Golden Dock.) — Low.. Dist. Bare. AeetoseUa, L. (SorreL) — Gommou. LAUBACEJE. Peksea Carolinensis, Nees. (Bed Bay.) — Low, Dist. var: palustris. — Do. FLOWERING PLANTS. 4 i Sassafras officinale, Nees. (Sassafras.) — Common. Benzoin odoriferum, Xees. (Spice Bush. Fever Bush.)— Common, melisssefolium, lSees, — Low. Dist. (Dr. McRee^ Mid. Dist. (Prof. Mitchell.) Tf:trantuera geniculata, Xees. (Pond Bush.) — Low. Dist. to Chatham county. TTIYMELEACEJE. Dirca palustris, L. (Leather-wood.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. Rare. SANTALACEJS. Comandra umbellata, jS T utt. (Toad Flax.) — Mid. Dist. Darbya umbellulata, Gray. — Lincoln County. Buckley a distichophylla, Torr. — French Broad and Pigeon Rivers. (Buckley. Nutted!.) Pyrularia oleifera, Gray. (Oil-nut. Buffalo-nut.) — Mountain sides. LORANTHACE^:. Piioradendron Havescens, Nutt. (Misletoe.) — Common. SATJRITRACE.E. Saururus cernuus, L. (Swamp Lilly. Lizard's Tail.) — Common. CERATOP1I YLLACE.E. Cjsratophyllum demersum, L.~Low. Dist. CALLITRICIIACE.E. Callitriciie verna, L. (Water Star-wort.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. P0D08TEMACE.E. Podostemum ceratophyllum, Michx. (River Weed.) — Streams of Mid. and Up. Dist. EtfPHORBIACEJE. Euphorbia eorollata, L. (Flowering Spurge.) — Common. " var: angustifolia. — Low. Dist. Curti&ii, Engelm. — Low. Dist. atrorubens, Engelm. — Cumberland Co. and southward, ohtusata, Pursh. (Warted Spurge.) — Low. Dist. Darlingtonii, Gray. — Yancey and Haywood Counties. Ipecacuanha 1 , L, (Wild Ipecac.) — Low. Dist. cyathophora, Jacq. — Low. Dist. hyperieifolia, L. — Common in waste ground-, puhentissima, Michx.- — Low. Dist. 48 FLOWERING PLANTS. Euphorbia maeulata, L. (Spotted Spurge.) — Common in waste grounds, eordifolia, Ell. — Low. Dist. polygonifolia, L. (Shore Spurge.) — Sea-shore. Latkyrky L. (Caper Spurge. Mole Plant.) — Up. Dist. marginata, Pursh. (variegated Spurge.) — Mid. Dist. Stillinota sylvatica, L (Queen's Delight.) — Low. Dist. ligustrina, Micks. — Low. Dist. (Dr. IlcRee.) Acalypha Yirginica, L. (Three seeded Mercury.) — Common. gracilens, Gray. — Low. Dist. Tkagia urticifolia, Michx. — Mid. Dist. urens, L. (Nettle.) — Low. Dist. Croton maritimum, Walt. — Sea coast. glandulosum, L. — Low. & Mid. Dist. monanthogynum, Michx. — Surry & westward. Ceotonopsis linearis, Michx. — Lincoln, Co. Cnidoscolus stimulosus, Gray. (Tread softly.) — Low. & Mid. Dist. Picinus 0&mmuni8) L. (Castor-oil Plant.) — Near dwellings PiiYLLANTiirs Caroliniensis, AY alt. — Mid. Dist. IKYUWCEJE. Ubtica gracilis, Ait. (Tall Nettle.)— Up. Dist. capitata, "Willd.— Low. to Up. Dist. urens, L. (Stinging Nettle.)-— Low. Dist. Laportea Canadensis, Gaud. (Wood Nettle.) — Up. Dist. Pilea pumila, Gray. (Clear-weed.) — All the Districts. ParietabiA Pennsylvanica, Muhl. (Pellitory.) — Up. Dist. debilis, Forst. — Low. Dist. Bcehmeria cylindrica, Willd. (False Nettle.) — Common. C AXNAUINAOK.E. Cannabis mtiva, L. (Hemp.) — About settlements. Humultjs Lupulus. L. (Hop.) — Rockingham to Cherokee. MOKACE.E. Morus rubra, L. (Mulberry.) — Common. alba, L. (White Mulberry.)— About Dwellings. l>KorssoNKTi.v papyri/era. Vent. (Otaheite Mulberry.) — Do. DLMACE^E. Ulmus Americana, L. (Elm. V— All the Districts. FLOWERING PLANTS. 4$) Ulmus fulva, Michx. (Slippery Elm.) — All the Districts. alata, Miclix. (Small-leaved Elm.) — Do. Planera aquatica, Gmel. (Planer-Tree.) — South of Cape Fear River. Celtis occidental is, L. (Ilackberry.) — All the Districts. " var: pumila, (Dwarf Haekberry.) — Low. & Mid. Dist. PLATANA* K.E. Plata xrs oceidentalis, L. (Sycamore.) — Goinmon. juglandacet:. Juglans nigra, L. (Black Walnut.) — Common. cinerea, L. (White Walnut.) — Guilford & westward. Carta alba, Xutt. (Shell-bark Hickory .)— Low. to l r p. Dist. sulcata, Xutt. (Thick Shell-bark H.)— W. part of the State. tomentosa, Xutt. (White Hickory.) — Common. glabra, Torr. (Pig-nut Hickory.) — All the Districts. microcarpa, Xutt. (Small-nut H.) — Western Comities. amara, Xutt. (Bitter-nut Hickory.) — Coast to the mountains. aquatica, Xutt. (Water Bitter-nut II.) — Low. Dist. CUPULIFER^I. Querccs alba, L. (White Oak.) — Common obtusiloba, Michx. (Post Oak.)— Do. lyrata, Walt. (Over-cup Oak.) — Low. Dist. to Chatham & Orange. Prinus, L. (Swamp Chestnut Oak.) — Low. Dist. " var: discolor, Miclix. (Swamp White Oak.) — Mid. Dist. " var : monticola, Michx. (Rock Chestnut Oak.)— Mid. & Up. Dist. castanea, Willd. (Chestnut Oak.)— Low. & other (?) Dis- tricts, prinoides, Willd. (Chinquapin Oak.) — All the Districts, virens, Ait. (Live Oak.) — Sea-coast. Phellos, L. (Willow Oak.)— Low. & Mid. Dist. " var : heterophylla. — Alamance ('reek, laurifolia, Michx. (Laurel Oak.) — Do. imbricaria, Miclix. (Shingle Oak.) — Mountain streams. " var : Leana. — Pigeon Piver. cinerea, Michx. (Upland Willow Oak.) — Low. Dist. < 50 FiVnVKRIXG pla.nl.-. Quercus einerea var : pumila, (Running Dak.) — Do. aquatica, Cates. (Water Oak.)— Coast to the mountains. nigra, L. (Black Jack.) — Do. faleata, Michx. (Spanish Oak.) — Common. '' var: pagodsefolia.---Low.Dist. wi triloba. — Do. tinctoria, Bartr. (Black Oak.)— Low. \ and other Districts, eoccinea, Wang. (Scarlet Oak.)— All the Districts. rubra, L. (Bed Oak.) — Do. Catesbaei, Michx. (Scrub Oak.)— Low. Dist. ilicifolia, Wang. (Bear Oak.)— Mountains, Bare. Castaxea vesca, L. (Chestnut.) — Guilford and westward. pumila, Michx. (Chinquapin.) — Coast to Cherokee. " var : nana. — Low. Dist. to Wake. Fagus ferruginea, Ait, (Beech.)— All the Districts. Corylus Americana, Walt, (Hazel-nut.) — Mountains. rostrata, Ait. (Beaked Hazel-nut.) — Mid. and I T p. Dist, Carpixus Americana, Michx. (Hornbeam.) — Common along streams. Ostrya Virgin ica, Willd. (Hop Hornbeam.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. myricaceje. Myrica cerifera, L. (Wax Myrtle. Bayberry.) — Swamps of Low. Dist, " var : pumila. — Barrens of Low. Dist, Comptoxia asplenifolia, Ait. (Sweet Fern.) — Franklin, Wake and Cumberland to the mountains. BETULACE.E. Betula nigra, L. (Bed Birch.)— Common on rivers, excelsa, Ait. (Yellow Birch.) — Black Mountain. Also mountains of Haywood. (BucMey.) lenta, L. (Black Birch.) — Mountains. Alnus serrulata, Ait. (Alder.) — Common. viridis, D. C. (Mountain Alder.) — Top of Koan Mountain. SALICACEiE. Salix nigra, Marsh. (Black or Swamp Willow.) — Common on streams, tristis, Ait, (Gray Willow.) — Mountains, humilis, Marsh. (Bush Willow.) — All the Districts. FLOWERING PLANTS. ;"> 1 sericea, Marsh. (Si Iky -leaved Willow.) — Low. Disk I Balylonica, Tourn. (Weeping Willow.)— About dwellings. vitdllna, Smith. (Yellow Willow.) — Do. Populus angulata, Ait. (Carolina Poplar.)— Low. and Mid. Dist. heterophylla, L. (Cotton Tree.) — Low. Dist. grandidentata, Michx. (Large-toothed Aspen.) — Mid Dist. cl'datata, Ait. (Lombard y Poplar.) — About settlements. Coktfekje. Pests mitis, Michx. (Yellow or short-leaved Pine.) — Common. mops, Ait. (Cedar or Scrub Pine.) — Mid. and l T p. Dist. pungens, Michx. (Prickly Pine.) — Pilot Mountain to Bine Ridge, rigida, Mill. (Pitch Pine.)— Mid. and Pp. Dist. Pare. serotina, Michx. (Pond Pine.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Tseda, L.(01dneld, Loblolly, cfc Slash Pine.)— Low. and Mid. Dist. australis, Michx. (Long-leaf Pine.) — Low. Dist. Pare in the Middle. Strobus, L. (White Pine.) — Mountains. Abies Fraseri, Pursh. (Balsam Fir.) — Highest mountains, nigra, Poir. (Black Spruce.) — Do. alba, Michx '{ (White Spruce.) — Do. Canadensis, Michx. (Hemlock. Spruce Pine.) — Mountains. Oupressus thyoides, L. (White Cedar. Juniper.)— Low. Dist. Taxodium distichum, Rich. (Cypress,) — Do. " var: imbricaria, Ts r utt. — Do. Thuja occidentalis, L. (Arbor Yita?.) — Mountains. Pare. JrxjpEurs Yirginiana, L. (Red Cedar.) — Common. 52 FLOWERING PLANTS. CLASS II. ENDOGENOUS PLANTS. PALMACE^E. Sabal Palmetto, E. & S. (Palmetto.) — Cape Fear 6z southward. Adansonii, Guerns. (Dwarf Palmetto.) — Low. Dist. AEACE.E. AmsiEMA triphyllum, Torr. (Indian Turnip.) — Common. Dracontium, Seliott. (Dragon Eoot.) — Mid. Dist. polymorphum, Cliapm. — French Broad River. (BucMey.) Peltandea Virginica, Eaf. (Arrow Arum.) — Lincoln Co. Xantiiosoma sagittifolium, Schott. (Spoon Flower.) — Wilmington. Symplocaepus fcetidus, Salisb. (Skunk Cabbage.) — Near Raleigh. Oeontium aquaticum, L. (Golden Club. Water Dock.)— Coast to Cherokee. Acokus Calamus, L. (Calamus.) — All the Districts. LEMNACEiE. Lemxa minor, L. (Duck-weed.) — Low. & Mid. Dist. polyrhiza, L. — Low. Dist. TYPHACTLE. Typiia latifolia, L. (Cat-tail.) — Common. Spaegaxium ramosum, Huds. (Bur Reed.) — Low. &Mid. Dist. NAlADACEiE. Naias nexilis, Rotsk.— Low. Dist. Zosteea marina, L. (Sea-wrack.) — Salt water. Zanniciiellia palustris, L. — Low. Dist. Euppia maritima, L. (Ditch Grass.) — Low. Dist. Potamogeton pectinatus, L. (Pond-weed.) — Low. Dist. pauciflorus, Pursh. — Low. ROC II A RIDAC E M . Axaciiaris Canadensis, Planch. (Water-weed.) — Valley River, Cherokee. Vallisneria spiralis, L. (Tape (Trass.) — Near Newborn . (Cmom.) Limnobium Spongia, Rich. (Frog-bit,) — Low. Dist. BUKMANKlACEiE. Burmannia biflora, L. — Low. Dist. capitata, Chapin. — Do. 0RQHIDACEJ3. Microstylis ophioglossoides, Nutt. (Adder's Mouth.) — All the Dis- tricts. Liparis liliifolia. Rich. (T way blade.)— Low. and II]). Districts. Corallorhiza odoiitorhiza, Nutt. (Coral Root.) — Mid. andllp. Dist. innata, R. Br. — Up. Dist. Aplectrum hiemale, Nutt, (Putty Root.)— Macon Co. (feucM-ey.) Calopogon pulchellus, R. Br. (Bearded Pink.) — Common. parviilorus, Lindl. — Low. Dist. " var : albiis. — Do. Tipularia discolor, Nutt. (Crane-Fly Orchis.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Bletia aphylla, Nutt.— Low. Dist. (Dr. McRee.) Mid. Dist. {Dr. Hunter.) Pogonia ophioglossoides, Nutt. — Low. Dist. to Mountains, pendula, Lindl. — Mid. and Up. Dist. divaricata, R. Br. — Low. and Up. Dist. vertieillata, Nutt.— Low. Dist, {Geo. Wilson.) Aretiiusa bulbosa, L. — Mountain?. {Miehavx.) Orchis spectabilis, L. (Showy Orchis.)— Davidson county and westward. 54: FLOWERING PLANTS. Gymxadenia flava, Lindl. Macon and (Cherokee. tridentata, Lindl. — Mountains. Platantiieea orbiculata, Lindl. (Pound-leaved Orchis.) — Moun- tains. flava, Gray. (Yellow Orchis.) — Low. Dist. bracteata, Tor. (Green Orchis.) — Mountains. ciliaris, Lindl. (Yellow Fringed-Orchis.) — Common. blephariglottis, Lindl, (White Fringed-Orchis.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. cristata, Lindl. (Crested Orchis.) — Const to Moun- tains, lacera, Gray. (Ragged Orchis.) — Up. Dist. psycodes, Gray. (Small Purple Fringed-Orchis.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. fimbriata, Lindl. (Large Purple Fringed-Orchis.) — Mountain Swamps, peramcena. Gray. (Great Purple Orchis.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. Habenaeia repens, Xutt. — Low. Dist. Spieanthes cernua, Rich. (Lady's Tresses.) — Common, odorata, JSTutt.— Low. Dist. tortilis, Willd. — Common. gracilis, Bigel. — Low. Dist. (toodyeka pubeseens, P. Br. (Rattlesnake Plantain.) — Lincoln and westward, repens, R. Br. — Mountains. Llstera australis, Lindl. (Twayblade.) — Low. Dist. convallarioides, Hook. — Mountains. Poxtiiieva glandulosa, R. Br. — Low, Dist. Cypbipedium pubescens, Willd. (Yellow Lady 8 Slipper.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. parviflornm, Salisb. — Mountains. [Miehmix.) spectabile, Swartz. — Mountains, acaule, Ait. (Purple Lady's Slipper.")— All tlie Dis- tricts. AMAEYLLIDACE.E. Amaryllis Atamasco, L. (Atamasco Lily.) — Low. and Mid, Dist. Pancratium rotatum. Ker.— Low. and Mid. Dist. Agave Yirginica, L. (False Aloe.)— Mid. and Up. Dist. Hypoxys erect a. L. (Yellow Star-grass.)— Common. FLOWERESG PLANTS. 00 U^IMODORAGE^E. Lachnaxthes tinetoria, Ell. (Red Root.) — Low. Disk Lopiiiola aurea, Ker, — Low. Dist. Aletris farinosa. L. (Star-grass. Colic-root.) — Opmmon. aurea, Walt. — Low. and Mid. Dist. BROMELIACTLE. Tii.LAxnsrA usneoides, L. (Long Moss.) — Low. Dist IRIDACE.E. Iris versicolor, L. (Blue Flag.) — Common, tripetala, Walt,— Low. Dist. Virginica, L. — All the Districts. cristata. Ait. (Crested Iris.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. verna, L. (Dwarf Iris.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Pardaxtiius Chinensis, Ker. (Blackberry Lily.) — Mid. Dist. Sisyrixciiioi Berinudiana, L. (Blue-eyed Grass. Pepper Grass.) — Common. DtOSCOREACRE. Dioscorea villosa, L. (Wild Yam.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. SMILACE.E. Smilax rotundifolia, L. (Bamboo.) — Common, tamnoides, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Pseudo-China, L. (China Root.) — Common, glauca, Walt, (Sarsaparilla.) — Do. Walteri, Pursh. (Red-berried Bamboo.) — Low. Dist. lanceolata, L. — Low. Dist, laurifolia, L. — Do. auriculata, Walt. — On the Coast. Coprosmaxtiius herbaceus, Kth. (Carrion Flower.) — Mid. Dist. peduncularis, Kth. — Low. and Mid. Dist, tamnifolius, Kth. — Do. Trillium sessile, L. (Wake Pobin.) — Davidson and westward, cernuum, L. — Mid. and L T p. Dist. stylosum, JSTutt. — Mid. Dist. erythrocarpum, Michx. (Wild Pepper.) — Mountains. grandiflorum, Salisb. — Mountains, erect um, L. — Mountains, pusillum, Michx. — Low. Dist. Medeola Virginica, L. (Cucumber Root.) — Lincoln and westward, 5(5 FLOWERING PLANTS. LILIACE.E. Ltlium superbttHi, L. (TurkVcap Lily.)— Mountains. " var: Caroliniautim. — Mid. and Up. Dist. Canadense, L. (Yellow Lily.)— Mountains. Philadelphieitm, L (< )rangeLily.) — Do. Catesbsei, Walt. (Southern Lily.)— Low. Dist. to Wake Co. Yucca aloifolia, L. (Spanish Bayonet.)— Low. Dist. gloriosa, L. — Sea-coast. filamentosa, L. (Dear Grass.)--All the Districts, reeurvifolia, Salisb.— u Sandy fields, N. Gar." (Xutta(L) Erythronium Americamim, Smith. (Yellow Adder's Tongue.)— Mid. and Up. Dist. Polygonatum bifiorum, Ell. (Solomon's Seal.) — Connnon. Smilacina racemosa, Desf. (False Spikenard.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. bifolia, Ker.— Mid. and Up. Dist Convallakia majalis, L. (Lily of the Yalley.)— Mountains. ( Yixtoxia nmbellata. Torr. — Mountains. borealis, Raf.— Do. Allium tricbceum, Ait. (Ramps.) — Mountains. eernnnm, Roth. — Do. Canadense, Kalm. — Low. and Mid. Dist. striatum, Jacq. — Low. Dist. to Wake, vineale, L. (Wild Onion.) — Fields in Low. and Mid. Dist. MKLAVniACI-lL. Melanthiuh Virginicum, L. (Bunch Flower. ) — All the Distriets. Zyoadexus glaberrimus, Michx. — Low. Dist. leimanthoides, Gray. — Mountains. Stkxantiiium angustifolium, Gray. — All the Districts. Veratrum viride, L. (Big Hellebore. Bear Corn.) — Mountains. parvinorum, Michx. — Mountains. Amiaxtiiiim musesetoxicum, Gray. (Fall Poison. Hellebore. Crow Poison .) — Comm on, angustifolium. Gray. — Low. Dist. Xerophyllum asphodeloides, Gray. — Table Mountain. ChamjELIRIUM luteum, Gray, (Blazing Star. Devil's bit.) — Common. Pleea tenuifolia. Michx. — Low. Dist. TofieldiA glabra, Nutt. (False Asphodel.) — Low. Dist. pubens. Ait. — Common. FLOWERING PLANTS. 5 Tofieldia glutinosa, Wilkl. — Mountains. Uvularia perfoliata, L. (Bell-wort,)— Mid. Dist, grandiflora, Smith. — Mountains. sessilifolia, L. — Common. puberula, Miclix. — Mid. and Up. Dist. Prosartes lanuginosa, Don. — Mountains. Streptopus roseus, Michx. — Do. JUNCACE^E. Juncus effusus, L. (Bog Rush.) — Common. setaceus, Rostk. — Low. and Mid. Dist. maritimus, Lam. — Brackish marshes. tenuis, Willd. — Common. Gerardi, Lois. — Brackish marshes. dichotomus, Ell. — Low. and Mid. Dist. scirpoides, Lam. — Do. polycephalus, Ell. — Common. paradoxus, Meyer. — Low. Dist, debilis, Gray. — Low. Dist. acuminatus, Michx. — Do. Elliottii, Chapm. — Do. Conradi, Tuck. — Do. marginatus, Rostk. — Low. and Mid. Dist, " var: cylindricus. — Lincoln County. hufonius, L. — Low. Dist. Luzula campestris, D. C. — Common. pilosa, Willd. — Mountains. Cepiialoxys flabellata, Desv. — Low. Dist, pontederiace^e. Pontederia cordata, L. (Pickerel Weed.) — Common. Schollera graminea, Willd. (Water Star Grass.) — Surry and west- ward. Heteranthera reniformis, R. & P. (Mud Plantain.)— X. Carolina. (Prof. Darly.) COMMEL YN ACEiE . Commelyna communis, L. (Day Flower.) — Low. Dist. Virgin ica, L. — Common, erecta, L. — Mid. and Up. Dist. 58 FLOWERING PLANTS. Tradescaxtia Virginica, L. (Spider-wort.) — Mountain*, rosea, Yent. — Low. Dist. MAYACACFJE. Mayaca Michauxii, S. & E. — Low. Dist. XYR1DACEJE. Xyris brevifolia, Miclix. (Yellow-eyed Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. ambigua, Beyr. — Low. Dist. flexuosa, Mulil. — Up. Dist. Caroliniana, Walt. — Common, fimbriata, Ell. — Low. Dist. torta, Smith.— Low. and Mid. Dist. tenuifolia, Cliapm. — Low. Dist. Baldwiniana, E. & S. — Low* Dist, ERIOCAULONACE.E. Eriocattlox decangulare, L. (Pipe-wort.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. gnaplialodes, Miclix. — Low. Dist. P^palantiius flavidulus, Kth. (Yellow Pipe-wort.) — Low. Dist, Lachnocaelox Michauxii, Kth. (Hairy Pipe-wort.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. cyperacejE. (Sedge Grasses.) Cyperus flavescens, L. — Mid. Dist, diandrus, Ton*. — Common. Nuttallii, Ton*.— Low. Dist. microdontus, Ton*. — Mid. Dist, Gatesii, Ton. — Low. Dist. strigosus, L. — Common. speciosus, Yahl. — Low. Dist, stenolepis, Ton*. — Do. Michauxianus, Schultes. — Do. " var: ? elongatus, Ton. — Up. Dist, tetragonus, Ell. — Low. Dist, repens, Ell. — Do. rotundus, L. (Nut Grsss.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Haspan, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. dentatus, Ton. — Low. and Mid. Dist. virens, Miclix. — Low. and Mid. Dist. vegetitSj Willd. — Low. Dist, FLOWERING PLANTS. 59 Cyperus iimexus, Mulil.— Mid. Diet compressus, L. — Low. Dist. fiiiculmis, Yalil. — Do. Grayii, Ton*. — Do. ovularis, Ton*. — Low. and Mid. Dist. retrofract us, Torr. — Common . Baldwinii, Ton*. — Low. Dist. erythrorhizos, Mulil. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Kyllingia pumila, Michx. — Common. Lipocarpiia maculata, Torr. — Low. and Mid. Dist. IIemicakpiia subsquarrosa, Nees. — Mid. Dist. Duliciiium spathaceum, Rich. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Fuirp;na squarrosa, Michx. (Umbrella Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. " var : hispida. — Mid. Dist. Eleocharis equisetoides, Torr. (Spike Rush.) — Low. Dist. quadrangulata, R. Br. — Do. tuberculosa, R. Br. — Low. and Mid. Dist. simplex, Torr. — Do. prolifera, Torr. — Low. Dist. intermedia, Torr. — Mid. Dist. rostellata, Torr. — Low. Dist. nielanocarpa, Torr. — Do. tricostata, Torr. — Do. tenuis, Schultes. — Mid. Dist. microcarpa, Torr. — Low. Dist. olivacea, Torr. — Sea-coast, palustris, R. Br. — Low. Dist. obtusa, Schultes. — Common, acicularis, R. Br. — Low. Dist. pygmrea, Torr. — Xear the Coast. Baldwinii, Torr. — Do. Scirpus ci-espitosus, L. (Bulrush.)— Mountains, debilis, Pursh.— All the Districts, pungens, Yahl. (Sword Grass.)— Kear the Coast. Olneyi, Gray. — Brackish marshes, lacustris, L. — Low. Dist. maritimus, L. — Salt Marshes, polyphyllus, Vahl.— Mid. Dist. Eriophorum, Michx. — Common, lineatus, Michx,— Low. Dist. 60 FLOWERING PLANTS. Eriopiiorum Yirginicum, L. (Cotton Grass.) — Common. polystachyon, L. — Mountain swamps. Fimbristylis spadicea, Yalil. — Low. and Mid. Dist. " var : puberula. — Low. Dist. laxa, Vahl. — Mid. and Up. Dist, Trichelostylis autumnalis, Chapm. — Common. Isolepis capillaris, R. & S. — Low. and Mid. Dist, ciliatifolia, Torr. — Low. Dist. stenophylla, Torr. — Low. Dist, Rhynchospora plumosa, Ell. (Tick-seed Grass.) — Low. Dist. oligantha, Gray. — Low. Dist. rarinora, Ell. — Do. Torreyana, Gray. — Do. eymosa, !Nutt. — Mid. Dist, microcarpa, Baldw. — Low. Dist. inexpansa, Yahl. — Do. caduca, Ell. — Do. iniliacea, Gray. — Do. Grayii, Kth. — Do. megalocarpa, Gray. — Do. Baldwinii, Gray. — Do. ciliata, Yahl. — Do. fascicnlaris, Niitt, — Do. " var: clistans. — Do. tilifolia, Gra}^. — Do. pallida, M. A. C— Do. alba, Yahl. — Low. and Mid. Dist, gradient a, Gray. — Do. glomerata, Yahl, — Common. var : paniculata. — Do. cephalantha, Gray. — Low. Dist. Chapmanii, M. A. C. — Do. Ceratoscilexus macrostachyus, Gray. (Horned Rush.) — Low. Dist. corniculatns, ~Nees. — Low. Dist. Psilocarya rhynchosporoides, Torr. (Bald Rush.) — Low. Dist, Cladium effusum, Torr. (Saw Grass.) — Low. Dist mariscoides, Torr. (Twig Rush.) — Do. Dichromexa latifolia, Baldw. — Low. Dist. leueocephala, Miehx. — Do. FLOWERING PLANTS. 61 Scleria triglomerata, Miclix. (Nut Rushi) — Common* reticularis, Miclix. — Low. Dist. laxa, Torr. — Common. Elliottii, Chapm. — Low. and Mid. Dist. paneiflora, Muhl. — Mid. Dist. gracilis, Ell. — Low. Dist. verticillata, Muhl. — Do. Carex bromoides, Schk. (Sedge Grass.) — Low. Dist. decomposita, Muhl. — Mid. Dist. ? vulpinoidea, Michx. — Low. and Mid. Dist. stipata, Muhl. — Do. sparganioides, Muhl. — Mid. Dist. Muhlenbergii, Schk. — Low. and Mid. Dist. cephalophora, Muhl. — Mid. Dist. rosea, Schk. — Do. . retrofiexa, Muhl. — Mountains, stellulata, Good. — Common, canescens, L. — Mountains. (Buckley.) scoparia, Schk. — Common. " var: lagopodioides. — Do. straminea, Schk. — Do. " var: festucacea. — Up. Dist. foenea, Muhl. — Low. Dist, " var: alata. — Do. (Groom.) torta, Boott. — Macon County, stricta, Good. — Common . crinita, Lam. — Common. " var: gynandra. — Low. Dist. Mitchelliana, M. A. C— Chatham County, polytrichoides, Muhl. — Common. Fraseri, Sims. — High mountains. Willdenovii, Schk.— Up. Dist. squarrosa, L. — Mid. Dist. Buxhauinii, Waal. — Mountains. {Prof. Gray.) hirsuta, Willd. — Common, triceps, Michx. — Mid. Dist. virescens, Muhl. — Mountains, aestivalis, M. A. C. (Winter Grass.) — Mountains gracillima, Schwein. — Low. Dist. Davisii, Schw. & Torr.— Mountains. "^ FLOWERING PLANTS. Care* miliacea, Muhl. — Lincoln to Cherokea. filiformis, L. — Mountain swamps. vestita, Willd.— Up. Dist. polymorpha, Muhl.— Swamps of Low. and Up. Dist. dasycarpa, Muhl.— Low. Dist. Pehnsylvanica, Lam. — Common. var: Muhlenbergii. — Up. Dist. lucorum, Willd. var : nigromarginata. — Mid. Dist. var: Emmonsii.— Low. and Mid. Dist, grisea, Wahl.— Mid. Dist. " var: mutica.— Low. Dist. granulans, Muhl. — Low. Dist. conoidea, Schk. — Common. tetanica, Schk.— Mountains. laxiflora, Lam. — Common. kw var: striatula.— Mid. and Up. Dist. stfioflexa, Buekl.— Mid. and Up. Dist. digitalis, Willd.— Do. oligocarpa, Schk. — Common. plantagiuea, Lam.— Mountains. {Prof. Gray.) Carolinian^ Buck].— Mountains. venusta, Dew. — Low. Dist. debilis, Miclix.— Common. juncea, Willd.— Roan Mountain. {BucUey.) scabrata, Schwcin. — Mountains. flacca, Schreb. — Mid. Dist. glaucescens, Ell.— Low. Dist. verrucosa, Ell.— Do. comosa, Boot t.— Do. hystricina, Muhl— Mountains. tentaculata, Muhl.— Common. gigantea, Rudge.— Up. Dist. lupulina, Muhl.— Common. subulata, Michx. — Low. Dist, folliculata, L.— Common. turgescens, Ton-.— Low. Dist. Elliottii, Schw. & Tor.— Do. intumescens, Rudge. — Up. Dist, striata, Michx.— Low. Dist. ? FLOWERING PLANTS. 63 Carex riparia, Curt. — Low Dist. bullata, Schk.— Mid. Dist. \ gramineje. (Grasses.) Leersia oryzoides, Swartz. (Rice Grass.) — Common. Yirginica, Willd. — Common. lentieularis, Michx. — Islands of the Roanoke. {Pui'sh.) Zizania aquatica, L. (Wild Rice.) — Low. Dist. miliaeea, Michx. (Wild Oats.)— Low. and Mid. Dist. Hydeociiloa Carolinensis, Beau v. — Low. Dist. Alopecurus genicidatus, L. (Floating Foxtail.) — Swampy Grounds. praiensis, L. (Meadow Foxtail.) — Meadows. Piileum pratense, L. (Timothy.) — Meadows. Polypogon maritimus, Willd. (Beard Grass.) — Sea-coast. Sporobolus junceus, Kth. (Wire Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Indicus, Br. — Do. Yirginieus, Kth. — Mid, Dist. Vilfa aspera, Beauv. — Low. and Mid. Dist. vaginreflora, Torr. — Mid. Dist. Agrostis elata, Trin. (Tall Thin Grass.) — Common, perennans, Gray. (Thin Grass.) — Common, scabra, Willd. (Hair Grass.) — Do. alba, L. (Bent Grass. Herd's Grass.) — Qpmmon. rupestris, All. — Mountains. Cinna arundinacea, L. (Wood Reed Grass.) — Common. " var : pendula. — Mountains. Muhlenbergia Mexicana, Trin. (Drop-seed Grass.)— Mid. and Up. Dist. Willdenovii, Trin. — Mountains. diffusa, Schreb. (Nimble Will.) — Common, papillaris, Kth. (Hair Grass.) — Near the coast. trichopodes, Chapm. — Low. and Mid. Dist. BrAchyelytrum aristatum, Beany. — Mountains. Calamagrostis coarctata, Ton*. (Reed Bent Grass. Wild Gats.) — Common, arenaria, Roth. — Sea-beach. Stipa avenacea, L. (Feather Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Aristida lanata, Poir. (Three-awned Gnlss.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. purpurascens, Poir.— Common . gracilis. Ell. — Do. t>4 FLOWERING PLANTS. Aristida virgata, Trin. — Low. Dist. stricta, Miclix. (Wire Grass.) — Low. Dist. dicliotoma, Michx. (Poverty Grass.) — Mid. Dist, spiciformis, EH. — Low. Dist. oligantha, Miclix. — Do. Spartixa juncea, Willd. — Sea coast. polystachya, Willd. — Low. Dist. glabra, Mulil. (Marsh Grass.) — Salt Marshes. G fmnopogon racem osus, Beau v. — Comm on . " var : filiformis. — Law. and Mid. Dist. Eustaciiys petra?a, Desv. — Sea coast. Cyxodon Dactylon, Pers. (Bermuda Grass. Reed Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Ctenium Amerieanum, Spreng. (Lemon Grass.) — Low. Dist. to Wake Co. Dactyloctexiem Aegyptiacum, Willd. (Egyptian Grass-) — Do. Eleustxe Indica, Ga?rt. (Goose Grass.) — Common. Leptoculoa mucronata, Kth. — Common in cult, grounds. polystachya, Ktli. — Brackish marshes. Tkicuspis seslerioides, Torr. — Common in old fields. Thiplasis Americana, Beauv. (Sand Grass.)— Low. Dist. purpurea, Chapm. — Low. Dist. Eatoxia ohtusata, Gray. — Common. Pennsylvanica, Gray. — Mid. and Up. Dist. Melica mutica, Walt, (Melic Grass.) — Common. Glyceria nervata, Trin. — All the Districts. pallida, Trim— Up. Dist. (Dr. Hunter.) fluitans, R. Br. — Low. and Up. Dist. Arundlnaria gigantea, Chapm. (Cane.) — Low. Dist. tecta, Muhl. (Reed.) — Common. Brizopyrum spicatum, Hook. (Spike Grass.) — Sea coast, PoA annua, L. (Spear Grass. May Grass.) — Common, flexuosa, Muhl. — Common, pratensis, L. (Blue Grass.) — Common, compressa, L. — All the Districts. Dactylis glomerata, L. (Orchard Grass.) — All the Districts. Ekagrostis reptans, Xees. — Mid. and Up. Dist, megastachya. Link. — Common. Purshii, Schrad. — Do. FLoWKKlXO PLANTS. <\.~> Eragbqstis tenuis, Gray. — Do. capillaris, Noes. — Mid. Dasfej pectin acca, Gray. — Common. " var: rcfracta. — Low. and Mid. Di:l Festuca Mynrns, L. (Fescue Grass.) — Low. and Midi 1 >i. I tenella, Willd.— Do. duriuscula, L. — Sea coast. clatior, L. — Low. and Mid. Dist. nutans, Willd. — Common. Beomus secalinus, L. (Cheat. Chess-) — Wheat field;-, ciliatus, L. — Mid. and Up. Dist. " var : purgans. — Do. Uniola latifolia, Michx. — Mid. and Up, Dist. paniculata, L. (Beach Grass.) — Sea-beach. gracilis, Michx. — Common. IIordeum pusillum, Nntt. — Low. Dist* ( TF, M. I 'inly.) Elymus Virginicus, L. (Bye Grass.) — Common. striatals, Willd. — Mountains. Gymnosticiium Iiystrix, Sclireb. (Bottle Brush.) — Mid. and Up. Dist. Lolium temidentwn, L. (Darnel.) — Mid. Dist. Ami flexuosa, L. (Hair Grass.) — Mountains. Tkisetum palustre, Tori'. — Low. and Mid. Dist. molle, Kth. — Roan Mountain. Daxtiioxta spicata, Beau v. (Wild Oat Grass.) — Common. sericea, Nutt. — Low. and Mid. Dist. Arriienattierum avenaceuvij Beauv. (Tall Oat Grass.) — Mid. Dist. in meadows. IIolcus lematus, L. (Velvet Grass.) — Common. In meadows. Antitoxantiium odoratum, L. (Sweet-scented Grass.) — Do. Phalaris intermedia, Bosc. (Southern Canary Grass.) — Low. Dist. Paspalum flnitans, Kth. — Lincoln Co. Also Gaston Co.? {Dr. Hunter.) Walteri, Schultes. — Low. Dist. Digitaria, Poir. — Do. distichum, L. (Joint Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. precox, AY alt. — Low. Dist. to W&foe. Iseve, Michx. — Common . Floridanum, Michx. — Low. and Mid. Dist. racemnlosum, Kutt. — Coast to Oherofcee. 9 66 FLOWERING PLANTS. Paspalum undulatum, Poir. — Low. and Mid. Dist. ciliatifol ium , Miclix. — Common . Ampiiicarpum Purshii. Ktli. — Near Newbern. (Groom.) Panicum sanguinale, L. (Crab Grass*) — Common. filiforme, L. — Cummon. gibbnm, Ell. — Low. Dist. Cnrtisii, Cliapm. — Do. Mans, Ell. — Low. and Mid. Dist. anceps, L. — Common. virgatum, L. — Do. am arum, Ell. — On the coast. proliferum, Lam. — Common. eapillare, L. — Do. divergens, Muhl. — Low. Dist. verrucosum, Muhl. — Common. latifolium, L. — Mid. and Up. Dist. clandestinum, L. — Mid. Dist. scoparium, L. — Common. paucinorum, Ell? — Low. Dist. viscidum, Ell. — Low. Dist. scabriusculum, Ell. — Do. microcarpon, Muhl. — Mid, Dist. dichotom urn , L. — Common. commutatum, Schultes. — Low. and Mid. Dist. depauperatum, Muhl. — Do. ignoratum, Ktli. — Low. Dist. rufum, Kth. — Do. Or us- Galli, L. — Common. " var : hispidum. — Do. Walteri, Ell.— Low. and Mid. Dist. hirtellum, L. — Near the coast. Setaria verticillata, Beauv. — Low. Dist. glauca, Beauv. (Foxtail.) — Common. Ttalioa, Kth. (Italian Millet.) — Near Wilmington. Cenchrus tribuloides, L. (Sand-spur.) — On the coast. Pottb(ellia rugosa, Nutt. — Near Newbern. (Groom <& Wilson.) Tripsacum dactyloides, L. (Gama Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. Andropogon scoparius, Michx. (Broom Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. FLOWERING PLANTS. 67 Andropogon iVircatus, Mulil. — Common. tetrastachyns, Ell. — Common. " var: distachyns. — Low. Dist. Elliottii, Cliapm. — Low. Dist. Virginicus, L. — Do. " var : vaginatus. — Low. Dist. to Wake Co. macrourus, Michx. — Low. and Mid. Dist. ternarius, Michx* — Mountains. (Michaux.) Erianthus alopecuroides, Ell. — Coast to Cherokee. brevibarbis, Michx. — Mid. Dist. Sorghum avenaceum, Chapm. (Indian Grass.) — Common. IIalaj?ense, Pers. (Cuba Grass.) — Low. and Mid. Dist. nutans, Gray. (Wood Grass.) — Common. FLOWEBLESS PLANTS. EQUISETACE^. Equisetum lsevigatum, Braun. (Horse-tail.) — Low. and Mid. Bist. FILIQESi (Ferns.) Polypodium vidgare, L. (Polypod.) — Mid. and Up* Dist, hexagonopteriim, Miclix. — Lincoln and westward, incanum, Swartz. — Common. Pteris aquilina, L. (Brake.)--Do. Pell.ea atropnrpnrea, Link. (Rock Brake.) — Mountains. Cheilanthes vestita, Swartz. (Lip Fern.) — Wake Co. to Mountains. foment osa, Link. — Mountains. Awantum pedatum, L. (Maiden-liair. Hair Fern.) — Common. Woodwarbta angnsti folia, Smith. — Low. Dist. yirginica, "W illd. — Do. Camptosorus rlilzophyllns, Link. (Walking leaf.) — Mountains. Asplexium pinnatifiduni, Nutt. (Spleen-wort.) — Do. Trk lomanos, L. — Lincoln and westward, ebenenm, Ait. — Common, angustifolinm, Miclix. — Mountains. niontanuni, Willd. — Orange Co. to Mountains. Ruta-muraria, L. — Mountains. thelypteroides, M iclix. — Do. {Michcmx.) Filix-fomiina, Bernh. — Common. Cystopteris fragilis, Bernh. (Bladder Fern.) — Mountains. bulbifera, Bernh. — Mountains. Aspidium Thelypteris, Swartz. (Wood Fern.) — Up. Dist. ISToveboracense. Willd. — Mid. and Up. Dist, spinulosum, Swartz. — Mountains. " var: dilatatum. — Do. marginale, Swartz. — Do. acrosticlioides, Swartz. — Common. Onoclea sensibilis, L. (Sensitive Fern.)— Common. W^oosia Ilvensis, E. Br. — Mountains. obtnsa, Torr. — Do. FLOWER LESS PLANTS. 69 Dicksonia pilosiuscula, Ktinze. — Do. Lygodium palmatiim, Swartz. (Climbing Fern.) — Mountains. {Buckley^ Osmunda regalis, L. (Flowering Fern.) — Common. Claytoniana, L. — Mountains. einnamomea, L. — Common. Botryciiium Virginicum, Swartz. (Moonwort.) — Mountains. lunarioides, Swartz. — All the Districts. Ophioglossum vulgatum, L. (Adder's Tongue.) — Up. Dist. LYCOPODIACEyE. Lycopodium lucidulum, Michx. — Mountains. S el ago, L. — Do. alopecuroides, L. — Low. Dist. to Wake. clavatum, L. (Club Moss.) — Mountains. dendroideum, Michx. (Ground Pine.) — Do. Carolinianum, L. — Low. Dist. coniplanatum , L. — Mountains. Selaginella rnpestris, Spring. — Low. and Up. Dist. apns, Spring. — Common. IIYDROPTERIDES. Azolla Caroliniana, Willd. — Low. Dist. MUSCI OR MOSSES. Sphagnum cymbifolium, Dill. — Common. Bogs and Swamps. compactum, Brid. — Up. Dist. Springy places. Lescurii, Sull. — Low. and Up. (Lesquereux.) Wet ground Schraderi, Sull.— (Sull.) Wet ground, humile, Schirnp. — Up. (Lesq.) Wet ground. eyclophyllum, Sull. — Low. and Up. 8 Swamps, sedoides, Brid. — Mountains. (Lesq.) Springy places, macrophyllum, Bernh. — Low. Swamps, acutiiblium, Ehrli. — Common. Morasses, molle, Sull. — Mountains. (Gray.) Wet places. cuspiclatum, Ehrh. — Common. Swamps, tabulare, Sull.— Mountains. (Sulliv.) Wet rocks. 70 FLOWEELESS PLANTS. Axde^ea rupestris, Turn. — Mountains. (Sull.) On rucks. Phascum serratum, Schreb. — (Sull.) Damp ground. erassinervium, Schwaegr. — (Sull.) Earth in woods. cohserens, BEedw.— (Sull.) River "banks, patens, Hedw. — (Sull.) On clay soil, muticum, Schreb. — Mid. Naked earth. subulatum, Schreb. — (Sull.) Earth, erispum, Hedw. — (Sull.) Do. Bkuohia nexuosa, Schwaegr. — Low. Sides of ditches, brevifolia, Sull. — Low. Earth. Ravenelii, Wils. — Low. Grassy land. WeisiA viridula, Brid. — Common. Grass lands. Riiabdoweisia denticulata, Br. & Sell. — Mts. (Sulliv.) On rocks. Campylopus flexuosus, Brid. — Mts. (Sulliv.) Rocks. T eematodon longicollis, Rich. — Mid. and Up. Clayey soil. Diceancm varium, Hedw. — Mid. and Up. Clay hanks. heteromallum, Hedw. — Common. Wet ground. interruptum, Br. & Sch. — Mts. (Sull.) On rocks. longifolium, Hedw. — Mountains. (Raven el.) Rocks. scoparium, L. — Common. Earth and rocks, elongatum, Schwaegr. — Mts. Earth. congestum, Brid. — Mts. Rocks. spurium, Hedw. — Low. 6c Mid. (Sull.) . Sandy soil. Ceratodon purpureus, Brid. — Low. & Mid. Sandy ground. Leucobryum minus, Ilampe. — Low. & Mid. Earth. glaucum, Hampe. — Common. Moist ground. Fissidests bryoides, Hedw.— Mid. & Up, Shaded banks. Ravenelii, Sull. — Low. Side of ditches, osmundioides, Hedw. — Mts. (Sull.) Base of trees, subbassilaris, Hedw.— Mid. Old logs and trees. taxifolius, Hedw. — Low. Earth in woods. adiantoides, Hedw. — Low. Wet ground. Conomttbium Julianum, Mont. — Low. Shallow streams. Teichostomum vaginalis, Sull. — Low. Side of ditches. glaucescens, Hedw. — Up. (Sull.) Earth, tortile, Schrad. — Mid. & l r ]>. ('lay soil, pallidum, Hedw. — Common. Clay soil. IUkbula unguiculata, Hedw. — Mid. Earth. eaespitosa, Schwaegr. — Low. & Mid. Earth and walls. FLOWEBLESS PLANTS. 71 Rarbula tortuosa, W. & M. — Mts. (Sull.) Wet rocks. ruralis, Iledw. — Up. (Sull.) On rocks. Desmatodox plinthobius, Sull. & Lesq. — Low. Brick walls. Tetrapiiis pellucida, Iledw. — Mid. & Up. Earth in woods. Zygodon Sullivantii, Mull.— Mts. (Sull.) On rocks. Diummoxdia clavellata, Hook. — Common. Trunks of trees. Ortiiotriciium cupulatum, Iloff. — Up. (Sull.) On Rocks. exiguum, Sull. — Low. (Sull.) On Trees, strangulatum, Beau v. — Common. Trees. ITutchinsiae, Smith. — Mts. Hocks. crispum, Iledw. — Mts. Trees. Pi Y( iiomitrium incur vum, Schwsegr. — Mts. (Sull.) Rocks. Drummondii, II. cfe W. — Low. Trees and roofs. Greumia apocarpa, Iledw. — Up. On rocks. Pennsylvanica, Schwsegr. — Mid. and Up. Rocks. Hedwigta ciliata, Elirh. — Mid. and Up. Rocks. Buxeaitmia aphylla, Haller. — Up. (Sull.) Earth. Diphyscium foliosum, W. & M. — Mts. Earth. Atrichum undulatum, Beau v. — Up. (Sull.) Clay banks. angustatum, Beauv. — Common. Shady woods. Pogoxatum brevieaule, Brid. — Mid. and Up. Clay hanks, brachyphyllum, Michx. — Low. Sandy hanks. Pogonatum urnigerum, Brid. — Mts. (Sull.) Earth, capillare, Brid.— Mts. (Sull.) Earth, alpinum, Brid. — Mts. (Sull.) Earth. Polytriciium commune, L. — Low. and Mid. Damp sandy soil, formosum, Iledw. — Mts. Earth around trees, piliferum, Schreb. — Mts. (Sull.) Rocky soil. Aulacomxiox palustre, Schwsegr. — Low. Swampy ground. heterostichum, Br. & Sell. — Mid. and L T p. Shaded 1 tanks. androgynum, Schwa j gr. — Mts. (Sull.) Rocky ground. Bryum pyriforme, Iledw. — Mid. and Up. Moist ground crudum, Schreb.— Mts. (Sull.) Earth, annotinum, Iledw. — Mts. (Sull.) Earth, elongatum, Dicks. — Mts. (Sull.) Crevices of rucks, roseum, Schreb. — Mid. and Up. Shady woods, argenteum, L.— Mid. and Lip. On roofs, open ground, &c pseudo-tricpietrum, Schwsegr. — Up. (Sull.) Wet rock-. 72 ELOWERLESS PLANTS. Beyum cernmim, Ileclw. — Up. (Sull.) Damp woods. intermedium, Brid. — Low. Brick walls. capillare, Hedw. — Up. (Sull.) Rocks. caBspiticium, L. — Mid. and Up. Earth and rocks, atropurpureum, W. & M.— Mts. (Sull.) Earth. Mnium affine, Bland. — Common. Shady hanks. stellare, Ilcdw. — Up. (Sull.) Borders of streams, punctatum, Hedw.— Mts. Damp earth, serratum, Brid. — Mts. (Sull.) Margin of rivulets, rostratum, Schwregr. — Up. (Sull.) Along streams, cuspidatum, Hedw. — Mid. and Up. Base of trees. Bartramia pomiformis, Hedw. — Mid. and Up. Damp shaded ground, font an a, Brid. — Mid. and Up. Springy ground, calcarea, Br. & Sch. — Mountains. (Lesqur.) Wet rocks, radicalis, Beauv. — Low. Side of streams. Fun aria hygrometrica, Hedw. — Mid. and Up. Earth, navicans, Michx. — Low. Earth, serrata, Beauv. — Low. Earth. Entosthodon Drummondii, Sull.— (Sull.) Clayey soil. Physcomitrium pyriforme, Br. & Sch. — Low. Damp woods. Petraplodon australis, Sull. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. Junoermannia connivens, Dicks. — Common. Decayed jwood, &c. curvifolia, Dicks. — Mid. (Schwein.) Decayed woods, &c. bicuspidata, L. — Mid. and Up. Decayed wood, &c. setiformis, Elirli. — Up. (Sull.) Decayed wood, &c. barbata, Schreb. — Up. (Sull.) Earth and rocks. Michanxii, Web. — Mid. and Up. Side of wet rocks, incisa, Sclirad. — Mid. (Schwein.) Damp earth. Schraderi, Mart, — Low. and Mid. Earth and logs, crennlata, Sm. — Mid. Wet rocks, &c. exsecta, Schmidel. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth and wood, obtnsifolia, Hook. — Mid. and Up. Earth and rocks, albicans, L. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth. Plagiochila spinulosa, N. & M.— Mts. (Sull.) Banks of rivulets, asplenioides, ~N. & M. — Mid. and Up. (Schw.) Banks of rivulets, porelloides, Lind. — Up. Swampy ground. Sarcoscypiius Ehrharti, Cda. — Mts. (Sull.) Bocks. Frullania Grayana, Mont. — Mid and Up. Bocks and trees. Caroliniana, Sull. — Low. Bark of trees. Ilutchinsige, Nees.— Mts. (Sull.) Wet rocks. Virginica, Lehm. — Low. and Mid. Trees and old roofs. Eboracensis, *Lehm. — Low. and Mid. Bark of trees, plana, Sull.— Mts. (Sull.) Kocks. ceolotis, Nees. — Mid. and Up. Rocks, logs, &c. Lejeunia clypeata, Schwein. — Common. Trees and rocks, longinora, Tayl.— (Sull.) Trees. calyculata, Tayl. — Mts. (Sull.) On Lichens, serpyllifolia, Lib. — Low. and Mid. Bocks and trees, cucullata, Nees. — Mts. (Sull.) Bocks. Madotiieca porella, Nees. — Common. Earth and rocks. playthylla, Dum. — Mid. and Up. Trees and rocks. Wataugensis, Sull. — Mts. (Sull.) Old logs. Badula complanata, Dum. — Mid. (Schwein.) Bark of trees. pallens, Nees.— Mts. (Sull.) Old logs. Ptilidium ciliare, Nees. — (Sull.) Botten logs. Sendtnera juniperina, Nees. — Mts. (Sull.) Earth. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 77 Tkichocolea Tomentella, Nees.— Mid. and Up. Damp ground. Mastigobryum trilobatum, Nees.— Common. Dam]) ground. Lepidozia reptans, Nees.— lite. (Sull.) Wet rocks. Calypogeia Tricliomanis, Cda. — Low. Wet ground. LICIIENES. COLLEMACEI. Enchylium polyeoccum, (Nyl.) — Mid. Dist. On rocks. Collema flaccidum, Acli. — Mid. and Up. Rocks. pulchellum, Acli. — Low. and Mid. — On Trunks, tenax, (Sw.) Acli.— Mid. (Schwein.) On the eartli. limosum, Acli. — Mid. (Schwein.) On the earth, nigrescens, (L.) Acli. — Mid. and Up. Rocks and trunks, cyrtaspis, Tuck. — Mid. and Up. Trunks. leptaleum, Tuck. — Mid. and Up. Trunks, pycnocarpum, Nyl. — Mid. On trunks. Leptogium lacerum, (Sw.) Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth among Mosses. Corticola, (Tayl.) Tuck.— Mid. and Up. Mossy trunks and rocks, tremelloides, (L.) Fr. — Common. Trunks and rocks, saturninum, (Dicks.) Nyl. — Mid. and Up. Trunks and rocks, chloromelum, (Sw.) Nyl. — Mid. (Schwein.) and Up. Trunks and rocks. Myriangium Curtisii, Mont, and Berk. — Common. On trunks of Nysaa, Crataegus, &c. LICHENACEI. Calicium trachelinum, Ach. — Mid. and Up. On dead wood. quercinum, Pers. — Mid. (Schwein.) Trunks; Coniocybe furfuracea, (L.) Fr.— Mid. (Schwein.) Trunks. Coniocybe albella, Schwein. — Mid. (Schwein.) Trunks. <5 FL0WEBLESB PLANTS. B.eomyces erieetoruni, (L.) D. C. — Common. Earth. Cladoxia Papillaria, (Ehrli.) Iloffm. — Common. Earth. cespiticia, Fl. — Up. Trunks. pyxidata, (L.) Fr. — Common. Earth. gracilis, (L.) Fr. — Common. Earth. fimbriata, (L.) Fr.— Mid. and Up. Earth. furcata, (Schreb.) Fl.— Mid. and Up. Earth. squamosa, Iloffm. — Common. At base of trees, &c. rangiferina, (L.) HofFm. — Common. Earth. imcialis, Fr. — Up. Earth. Caroliniana, Schwein. — Mid. and Up. (Schw.) Earth. Mitrula, Tuck. — Low. and Mid. Earth. Georgiana, Tuck. — Mid. and Up. Earth. cornucopioides, (L.) Fr. — Up. (Ear.) Earth. cristatella, Tuck. — Common. Earth. macilenta, Iloffm. — Up. Earth and rotten logs. pulchella, (Schwein.) Tuck. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth. cetrarioides, (Schwein.) Tuck. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth. leporina, (Fr. lib.) Tuck. — Low. and Mid, Earth. Stekeocaulon sphserophoroides, Tuck. — Mts. Earth. Usnea barbata, Fr. — Common. Limbs of trees. trichodea, Ach. — Low. and Mid. Limbs of trees, angulata, Ach. — Mid. (Schweiu.) Limbs of trees. Alectokia jubata, (L.) Ach. — Mid. and Up. Old rails and rocks. T?. am a ttn a calicaris, Fr. — Common. Trees, rails, etc. Evekxia furfuracea, (L.) Mann. — Mid. and Up. Limbs and trunks. Ceteaeia Islandica, (L.) Ach. — Grandfather and Black Mts. Earth. lacunosa, Ach. — Mid. and Up. Trunks. ciliaris, Ach. — Mid. and Up. Trunks and old rails. Oakesiana, Tuck. — Mts. Trunks. juniperina, (L.) Ach. — Common. Trunks and limbs. Nephroma tomentosum, (Hoffm.) Kcerb. — Mid. (Schwein.) Trunks. Ilelveticum, Ach. — Low. and Mid. Trunks and rocks. Peltioeea aphthosa, (L.) Iloffm. — Up. (Rav.) Earth. canina, (L.) Iloffm. — Mid. and L T p. Earth and trunks, rufescens, (Neck.) Iloffm. Common. Trunks, polydactyla, (Neck.) Hoffm. — Common. Rocks and trunks. Sticta pulmonaria, (L.) Ach. — Common. Trunks. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. fg Sticta quercizans, (Michx.) Ach.— Mts. Trunks and rock* glomerulifera, (Lightf.) Delise.— Mts. Trunks and rocks. Bavenelii, Tuck.— Low. Trunks, crocata, (L.) Ach.— Mts. (Buekl.) Bocks. aurata, (Sin.) Ach.— Common. Eocks and trees. Parhelia perlata, (L.) Ach.— Common. Eocks and trees, crinita, Ach.— Mid. and Up. Trunks. perforata, Ach.— Mid. and Up. Trunks, laevigata, (Sm.) Ach.— Common. Trunks, aurulenta, Tuck.— Up. Trunks and rocks. tiliacea, (Ehrh.) Ach.— Common. Trunks and rails. Borreri, Turn.— Low. and Mid. Trunks, aleurites, Ach.— Mts. (Bay.) Trunks and rails, colpodes, Ach,— Mid. and Up. Trunks, olivacea, Ach.— Mts. (Ear.) Trunks, caperata, (L.) Ach.— Common. Trunks and stones, conspersa, (Ehrh.) Ach.— Common. Eocks and stones, ambigua, Ach.— Common. Trunks and dead wood. Physcia chrysophthalma, (L.) D. C— Low. On trees. parietina, (L. Duf.) NyL— Common. On trees, candelaria, (Ach.) ISTyl.— Low. and Mid. On trees, aquila, Ach. (Nyl.)— Mid. and Up. Trunks, speciosa, (Wulff. Fr.)— Common. Trunks, stellaris, (L.) — Common. Trunks and rocks, obscura, (Ehrh.) NyL— Mid. and Up. Trees, picta, (Ach.) Kyi. — Low. Trunks. Umbilicaria mammulata, Ach. — Mts. Eocks. Pennsylvania, HofTm. — Mts. Eocks. pustulata, Hoffin. — Mid. and Up. Eocks. Muhlenbergii, (Ach.) Tuck— Mid. (Sehwein.) and Up. Eocks. Dillenii, Tuck.— Mid. and Up. Eocks. Pyxine Cocoes, (Sw.) Nyl. — Mid. and Up. Trunks, woods and rocks. Pannaria rubiginosa, (Thunb.) Delis.— Mid. and Up. Trees. leucosticta, Tuck. — Mid. (Sehwein.) Rocks and trees, tryptophylla, (Acln Fr.) Nyl.— Mid. and Up. Eocks and trees. Coccocarpia stellata, Tuck. — Low. Trunks. 80 FLOWERLESS PLANTS. Coccocarpia parmelioides, (Hook.) — Common. Trunks and rocks. Micheneri, Tuck.— Mid. Base of trunks. ITeppia Despreauxii, (Mont.) — Low. and Mid. Earth. Amphiloma lanuginosum, (Fr.) Nyl. — Mid. (Schwein.) Kocks. Squamaria Frostii, Tuck. — Mid. and Up. Granite rocks. Lecanora cerina, (Hedw.) Ach. — Mid. and Up. Trunks and rocks. aurantiaca, (Light f.) Nyl.— Mid. Trunks and rocks, cinnabarina, Acli. — Mid. Kocks. camptidia, Tuck. — Low. Trunks, ferruginea, (Huds.) Nyl.— Mid. Trunks, cervina, (Pers.) Sommerf. — Mid. and Up. Kocks. chrysops, Tuck. — Mid. Kocks. Myrini, (Fr.)— Mid. Kocks. tartarea, (L.) Ach. — Mid. and Up. Kocks. pallescens, (L.) Schser. — Mid. Trunks, pallida, (Sclireb.) Schaer. — Low. and Mid. Trunks, subfusca, (L.) Ach. — Common. .Trunks and rocks. Cenisia, Ach. — Mid. (Schwein.) Kocks. Berica, Tuck. — Mid. Trees. varia, (Ehrh.) Ach. — Common. Trunks and old wood. orosthea, Ach. — Mid. (Schwein.) Kocks. atra, (Huds.) Ach.— Mid. Kocks. oreina, Ach. — Mid. Kocks. chrysomelama, Ach. — Mid. Kocks. sophodes, Ach. — Mid. Trunks and rocks, punicea, Ach. — Low. Trunks, ochrophrea, Tuck. — Mts. Balsam trunks. Urceolaria lepadina, (Sommerf.) — Mid. (Schwein.) Kocks. actinostoma, Pers. — Mid. (Schwein.) Kocks. Pertusaria pertnsa, (L.) — Common. Trunks. pilulifera, (Pers.) Nyl.— Mid. Trunks, faginea, (L.) — Mid. Trunks, hymenia. (Ach.) — Mid. (Schwein.) Trunks. globularis, (Ach.) — Mid. and Up. On mosses, leioplaca, (Ach.) Xyl.— Mid. Trunks. Tiielotrema Kavenelii, Tuck. — Lr>w. and Mid. Base of trunks. subtile, Tuck. — Low. Trunks. Gymnotrema atratum, (Fee.) Njfl. — Low. Trunks. Lecidea pineti, (Schrad.) Ach. — Mid. (Schwein.) On the earth. Kussellii, Tuck.— T T p. Rocks. FLOWERLESS PJLAKT& Si Leoidea rufonigra, Tuck.— Mid. and Up. Ro^ks. chlorosticta, Tuck.— Low. Pine and Cypress trunks. parvifolia, Pers. — Common. Trunks. absconsa, Tuck.— Low. (Tuckerm.) Red Oak Trunk,. microps, (Fr.) Tuck.— Mid. (Scliwein.) Trunks. russula, Ach. — Common. Trunks. spadicea, Ach. — Low. and Mid. Trunk*. sanguineoatra, Ach.— Mid. (Schwein.) On Mosses. anomala, Fr. — Mid. (Scliwein.) Trunks. uliginosa, Acli. — Mid. Earth. recedens, Nyl. — Low. Dead wood. leucoblephara, Nyl. — Low. On bark. exigua, Chaub. — Common. Trunks. luteola, Ach.— Mid. Trunks. Schweinitzii, Fr.— Low. and Mid. Bark of trunks. Elizae, Tuck. — Low. Pine bark. pachycheila, Tuck. — Low. Trunks. Domingensis, (Ach.) — Low. Trunks. leucoxantha, Spreng. — Low. and Mid. Trunks. parasema, (Ach.) Nyl. — Low. Trunks. " var: enteroleuca. — Mid. Bocks. lactea, Massal. — Mid. (Scliwein.) Kocks. atroalba, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Rocks. petrsea, Flot. — Mid. Rocks. contigua, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Rocks. rivulosa, Ach. — Mid. (Scliwein.) Rocks. disciformis, (Fr.) !Nyl. — Common. Trunks. Conotrema urceolatum, (Ach.) Tuck. — Mtsi Trunks. Graphis script a, (L.) Ach. — Common. Bark of trees, striatula, Ach. — Mid. Trunks. inusta, Ach. — Low. Trunks. dendritica, Ach. — Common. Trunks. Afzelii, Ach. — Low. On bark. astrcea, Tuck. — Low. Bark of Cypress. nitida, (Eschw.) Nyl. — Low. Bark. erumpens, !Nyl. — Low. Bark. Patellula, (Fee.) Nyl.— Low. Bark. Qpegrapha oulocheila, Tuck. — Mid. (Schwein.) Rocks, varia, Pers. — Common. Trunks. 11 32 flowjsblbsb plants. Opegrapha at i'a, Pers. — Common. Trunks. Platygrapiia ocellata, Nyl. — Low. Smooth bark. Artiionia cinnabarina, Wallr. — Low. Trunks. Caribcea, (Ach.) Nyl.— Mid. Trunks, rubella, Fee. — Low. Trunks. taediosa, Nyl — Low. Trunks, speetabilis, Flot. — Mts. (Kav.) Trunks, astroidea, Ach. — Mid. Trunks, glaucescens, Nyl. — Up. (Kav.) Trunks. Glypiiis Achariana, Tuck. — Low. and Mid. Smooth bark. Normandina Jungermannise, Nyl. — Mts. (Rav.) On Mosses. Endocarpon miniatum, Ach. — Mid. (Schw.) and Up. [(Rav.) On Rocks. Muhlenbergii, Ach. — Mid. and Up. On rocks. fluviatile, (Web.) L>. C— Mts. (Rav.) Wet rocks. Tuckermani, Mont. — Common. Mossy trunks, hepaticum, Ach. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth. Yerrucaria umbrina, (Ach.) Wahl. — Mid. (Schwein.) Granite rocks, nigrescens, Pers. — Mid. and Up. Rocks, fuscella, (Turn.) Ach. — Mid. (Schwein.) Rocks, rupestris, Schrad. — Up. Lime rocks, diffractella, Nyl. — Mid. (Schwein.) Rocks. epigoea, Pers. — Low. and Mid; On naked earth, carpinea, (Pers.) Ach.— Mid. Trunks. Nucula, (Ach.) Nyl. — Low. Trunks, pyrenuloides, (Mont.) Nyl. — Low. Trunks. Santensis, Tuck. — Low. Trunks. nitida, Schrad. — Common. On smooth bark, punctella, Nyl. — Low. Trunks, thelomorpha, Tuck. — Low. Trunks, spinulosa, Schwein. — Mid. (Schwein.) Trunk?, aggregata, (Fee.) Nyl. — Low. Trunks, glabrata, Ach. — Mid. (Schwein.) Trunks, gemmata, Ach. — Low. Trunks, subprostans, Nyl. — Low. Trunks, tropica, Ach. — Low. and Mid. Smooth bark, prostans, Mont. — Low. Trunks. 5-septata, Nyl. — Low. Trunks of Holly. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. SZ Verrucaria epidermidis, Ach. — Common. Smootli bark. Pyrenastrttm Americanum, Spreng. — Low. Trunks. simplex, Rav. — Low. Trunks. Ravenelii, Tuck. — Low. Trunks. Trypethelium cruentum, Mont. — Low. Trunks. scoria, Fee. — Low. and Mid. Trunks, virens, Tuck. — Mid. Trunks. Carolinianum, Tuck. — Mid. Trunks. Gyrostomum Curtisii, Tuck. — Mid. Trunks. FUNGI. I. 1IYMEN0MYCETES. Agaricus (I. Amanita.) ccBsareus, Scop. — Common. In Oak forests. virosus, Fr. — Common. Sandy woods. vernus, Fr. — Common. Woods. phalloides, Fr. — Common. Woods. muscarius, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Woods. monticulosus, Berk, and Curt. — Common. Sandy woodt pantherinus, D. C. — Common. In woods. stroMliformis, Vitt. — Common. In woods. Mappa, Batsch. — Common. In woods. recutitus, Fr. — Common. In woods. agglutinatus, B. & C. — Low. Pine woods. riibescens, Pers. — Low. Damp woods. polypyramis, B. & C. — Low. Pine woods. excelsus, Fr. — Common. Earth in woods. lenticularis, Fr.?— Mid. Earth in woods. asper, Fr.— Mid. (Schwein.) Earth in woods. vaginatus, Bull. — Common. Woods and fields. farinosus, Schwein.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. pubescens, Schwein.— Mid. (Schw.) In grassy land. (II. Lepiota.) proeeru*, Scop. — Common. Woods and fields 84 FLOWERLESS PLANTS. rachodes, Yitt. — Mid. Base of stumps and trees. excoriatus, Fr. — -Mid. Grassy lands. mastoideus, Fr. — Common. Woods. acutesquamosus, Wein. — Low. and Mid. By rotten logs and stumps, clypeolarius, Bull. — Common. On earth and rotten logs, cristatus, Bolt. — Common. Gardens and rich swamps, ceprestipes, Sow. — Mid. (Schw.) Cultivated lands, granulosus, Batscli. — Common. Woods and cult, grounds, floralis, Berk. & Bav. — Low. Cultivated grounds, eultorum, B. & C. — Low. Cultivated grounds, fulvaster, B. & C. — Low. Sandy grass plats, aspratus, Berk. — Low. Botten sticks in swamps, delicatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Damp woods and Ledges. (III. Akmillakia.) bulbiger, A. & S. — Low. and Mid. Woods, robustus, A. & S. — Mid. (Schwein.) Woods. mdleus, Yahl. — Common. About stumps and logs, mueidus, Schrad. — Mid. (Schw.) On dead Beech. (IV. Tricholoma.) equestris, L. — Mid. (Schwein.) Pine woods, sejunctus, Sow. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, ustalis, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, flavobrunneus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods. Hussula, Schasff. — Low. Among leaves in woods. frumentaceus. Bull. — Mid. Pine woods, scalpturatus, Fr. — Low. Pine logs and stumps. hypopithyus, M. A. C. — Mid. Pine woods. Cohimbetta, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. vaccinus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, terreus, SchrefF. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods and fields, euneifolius, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods and fields, luteovirens, A. & S. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, saponaceus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Among fallen leaves. cast us, M. A. C. — Mid. Grassy old fields, sulfureus, Bull.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. alhcUus, D. C. ? — Mid. Damp woods, alhus, Fr. — Low. Swamp* and woods. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 8j> ccmsociatus, M. A. C. — Mid. Pine woods. perswiatus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Near rotten logs. nudus, Bull.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. grammopodius, Bull. — Low. Shady woods and swamps. adstringens, Pers. — Mid. (Scliwein.) "Woods. melaleucus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Grassy woods. brevipes, Bull. — Low. Humous earth. humilis, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Humous earth. (Y. Clitocybe.) nebularis, Batsch. — Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods. clavipes, Pers.— Mid, (Schw.) Woods. fumosus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Grassy woods. viridis, Scop. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods. odorns, Bull. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods. phyllophilus, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. candicans, Pers.— Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods. illudens, Scliwein. — Mid. Base of trees. opacus, With, — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. giganteus, Sow. — Mid. (Schw.) Borders of Pine woods. infundibuliformis, Sclueff.— Common . Earth and rotten wood. parilis, Fr. \ — Mid. Woods among leaves. gilvus, Pers.— Mid. (Schw.) Wooded hill sides. setisedus, Scliwein.— Mid. (Schw.) Among fallen leaves. cyathiformis, Bull.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. brumalis, Fr.— Low. On decayed wood in swamps. bellus, Pers.— Low. and Mid. Earth and trunks. laccatus, Scop. — Common. Earth in woods. cesjpitosus, M. A, C— Common. Base of stumps. (YI. Collybia.) radicatus, Bull.— Common. Woods. platyphyllus, Fr.— Low. and Mid. Rotten w< *>d. maculatus, A. & S.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. butyraceufi, Bull.— Mid. Pvotten trunks. asemus, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. velutipes, Curt.— Mid. and Up. Rotting logs. stipitarius, Fr.— Mid. and Up. On decaying trunks. connuens, Pers.— Mid. and Up. Among rotting 1 en vis. detersibilis, B. & C— Low. Sandy gmss land. $6 FLOWERLESS PLANTS. conigenus, Pers. — Low. Rotting Pine-burs. eirrhatus, Pers. — Low. Damp earth. tuberosus, Bull. — Mid. (Scliw.) On decaying Agarica. collinus, Scop. ? — Low. Pine woods. ventricosus, Bull. — Low. Rotten logs. esculentus, Jacq. — Mid. (Schw.) Dense woods. tenacellus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, dryophilus, Bull. — Mid. Woods. acervatus, Fr. ? — Up. Earth. Clavus, Bull. — Mid. Among Mosses. (TIL Mycena.) elegans, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, purus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Shaded places, iocephalus, B. & C. — Low. Rich swampy woods. Adonis, Bull. — Mid. (Schw.) On trunks, lineatus, Bull,— Mid. (Schw.) Grassy lands, lacteus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, cohrerens, A. & S.— Mid. (Schw.) Earth and trunks, intertextus, B. & C. — Low. Decaying Pine logs, galericulatus, Scop. — Common. Earth and rotten wood, polygrammus, Bull. — Mid. (Schw.) On trunks, atrocyaneus, Batsch. — Low. Rotten logs, alcalinus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, amictus, Fr.- — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, hsematopus, Pers. — Low. and Mid. Rotten "wood, galopus, Schrad. — Mid. (Schw.) Earth, epipterygius, Scop. — Common. Rotten wood, vulgaris, Pers. — Mid. (Schwein.) Earth. citrinellus, Pers. — Mid. (Schwein.) Pine woods. • stylobates, Pers. — Mid. (Schwein.) On stems of leaves, corticola, Pers. — Mid. Bark of trunks, capillaris, Schwein. — Low. Rotting leaver. (VIII. Ompiialia.) chrysoleucus, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Grassy rich lands, scyphoides, Fr. — Common. Cultivated grounds, ehrysophyllus, Fr. 1 — Low. Rotten logs, xanthophyllus, B. tv; C. — Low. Rotten log?. FLOWEJJLE88 PLANTS. Si pyxidatus, Bull. — Common. Grassy places. Epichysium, Pers. — Mid. (Sehw.) Rotting wood. muralis, Sow. — Low. Damp woods. umbelliferus, L. — Common. Damp woods. stellatus, Fr. — Common. On trunks. campanella, Batscli. — Common. Rotten wood. setipes, Fr. — Low. Spliagnous swamps. centenarius, B. & C. — Low. Eotten logs. fibula, Bull. — Mid. (Scliw.) Damp mossy places. integrellus, Pers. — Mid. (Scliw.) Swamps. Muscorum, HofFm. — Mid. (Schw.) Mosses at base of trees. (IX. Pleueotus.) dryinus, Pers. — Mid. (Schwein.) Dead trunks. ulmarius, Sow. — Mid. (Schwein.) Dead trunks. tessidatus, Bull. — Mid. (Schwein.) Pine trunks. Pometi, Fr. — Mid. Carious wood. glandulosus, Bull. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead trunks. ostreatus, Jacq. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead trunks. salignus, Pers. — Common. On trunks and stumps, petaloides, Bull. — Low. and Mid. On Pine wood, serotinus, Schrad. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, planus, A. & S.— Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, nidulans, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine trunks, septicus, Fr. — Mid. On dead Polyporus. mastrucatus, Fr. — Common. Dead wood, atrocoeruleus, Fr, — Common. Dead trunks, algidus, Fr. — Common. Dead wood and sticks, fluxilift, Fr. — Low. Rotten wood, niger, Schwein. — Common. Dead limbs and twigs. applicatus, Batsch. — Common. Dead bark and wood. striatums, Fr.— Low. Dead wood, perpusillus, Weim. — Low. On bark. (X. Volvaria.) bombycinus, Schffitf.— Low. and Mid. Earth and carious wood, volvaceus, Bull. — Mid. (Schwein.) Rich cult, ground, parvulus, Wein. — Low. and Mid. Cult, grounds. 3$ FLOWEELE8B PLANTS. parvnlus, var : major, B. & C. — Low. Woods. speeiosus, Fr. — Low. Grassy land, emendatior, B. & C. — Low. Earth, gloiocephalus, D. C. — Low. Cult, lands. (XL Pluteus.) cervinus, Schorl*. — Mid. (Schwein.) Dead trunks. Curtisii, Berk. — Low. and Mid. Carious wood. leoninus, Schaeff. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead trunks. nanus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead trunks. chrysophlebius, B. & P.— Low. Dead trunks. (XII. Entoloma.) prunuloides, Fr. — Low. Dry Swamps. sericellus, Fr. — Low. 2 and Mid. Grassy lands. elodes, Fr. — Mid. Woody hili-sides. nauseosus, M. A. C. — Mid. Old fields under Cedars. clypeatus, L. — Mid. (Scliw.) Swampy ground. turbidus, Fr. % — Mid. (Scliw.) Among rotten sticks. (XIII. Clitopilus.) jPrumdus, Scop. — Low. and Mid. Damp woods. popinalis, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Swampy lands. carneo-albus, With. — Low. and Mid. Earth. (XI Y. Leptonia.) serrulatus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. ? (Scliw.) In woods. chalyboeus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Swamps. apularum, B. & C— Low. Potten wood in swamps. (XV. ISTOLANEA.) pascuus, Pers. — Mid. & Up. ? (Schw.) Woods and pastures. mammosus, L. — Low. and Mid. Open woods. hirtipes, Schwein. — Low. Sphagnous swamps. (XYI. Eccilia.) atrides, Batscli. — Up. Potten wood. (XVII. PlIOLIOTA.) aureus, Math. — Low. and Mid. Buried wood. praeeox, Pers. — Low. and Mid. Grassy lands. adiposus, Batscli. — Mid. Mulberry trunks. aurivellus, Batscli. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead Alders. squarrosits, Mull. — Mid. (Schw.) Oak stumps. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 89 tuberculosis, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Trunks. muiabilis, Schseff. — Mid. (Scliw.) Trunks. (XYIII. Hebeloma.) lanuginosus, Bull. — Low. Earth in woods. lacerus, Fr. — Low. Pine woods. Bongardi, Wein. — Low. "Woods. rimosus, Bull. — Common. Woods. trechisporus, Berk. — Low. Decayed wood. geophyllus, Sow. — Mid. (Schwein.) Woods. scabrellus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Among leaves and grass in woods. fastibilis, Pers. — Mid. Woods. (XIX. Flammula.) lentus, Pers. — Mid. (Scliwein.) Woods. spumosus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. In thickets. navidus, Schseff. — Low. and Mid. Rotten logs. inopus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Rotten logs. polychrous, Berk. — Low. Rotten logs. penetrans, Fr. — Low. Rotten logs. sapineus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Pine stumps. picreus, Fr.— Low. and Mid. Damp logs. (XX. Naucoria.) subglobosus, A. & S.—Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. cerodes, Fr. ?— Mid. (Schw.) Cultivated fields, arsillosus, B. & C. — Low. Woods. semiorbicularis, Bull. — Common. Woods and fields. furfuraceus, Pers. — Low. Dead sticks. conspersus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods. siparioides, B. & C. — Low. Exsiccated swamps. Curcuma, B. & C— Low. Old stumps. (XXL Galera.) tener, Schseff.— Common. Rich grounds. Ravenelii, B. & C— Low. Pine woods. crocosporus, B. & C— Low. Decaying vegetable matter. Hypnorum, Batsch.— Mid. and Up. Among Mosses. (XXII. Crepidotus.) mollis, Schseff.-— Common, Carious wood, 12 yO FLOWERLESS PLANTS. nephrodes, B. & C. — Low. Eotten wood, variabilis, Pers. — Common. Trunks and dead wood, elatinus, Pers. — Low. Eotten wood, depluens, Batseh. — Mid. (Scliw.) Earth and wood. Pecten, B. & C. — Low. Eotten wood. (XXIII. PSALLIOTA.) camjycstris, L. — Common. Fields and pastures. arvensis, Schseff. — Common. Fields and pastures. amygdalinus, M. A. C. — Common. Eich grounds, woods and lanes. Acliimenes, B. & C. — Low. Earth. eretaceus, Fr. — Common. Earth and wood. sylvaticm, Schaaff. — Low. and Mid. "Woods, echinatus, Both. — Mid. (Scliw.) Cultivated lands, ceruginosus, Curt. — Mid. (Scliw.) Earth and wood, squamosus, Fr. — Low. Pine woods, stercorarius, Fr. — Low. Manured ground, semiglobatus, Batseh. — Common. On cow dung. (XXIV. Hypholoma.) sublateritius, Schseff. — Common. On and around stumps, epixanthus, Paul. — Low. Burnt places in woods, fascicularis, Huds. — Common. Eotten wood, dispersus, Fr. — Low. Earth in Pine woods, lacrymabundus, Fr. — Low. Earth and trunks, velutinus, Pers. — Low. Earth and wood, appendiculatus, Bull. — Low. and Mid. Dried swamps. (XXV. PsiLOCYBE.) Antillarum, Fr. — Low. Stable yards and gardens, spadiceus, Schreff. — Low. and Mid. Shaded and grassy places, foenisecii, Pers. — Mid. (Scliw.) Meadows. ericreus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) "Woods and fields, atrorufus, Schgeff. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods and fields. (XXVI. PSATIIYRA.) conopilus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Among Mosses. obtusatus, Fr. — Low. Woods and swamps, fagicola, Lasch. ? — Low. Eotten wood. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 91 (XXVII. PANiEOLUS.) papilionaceus, Bull. — Com. Pastures and rich grounds, campanulatus, L. — Common. Rich ground, separatus, L. — Mid. (Schw.) Among manure, firaicola, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Among manure. (XXYIII. PsATHYRELLA.) disseminatus, Pers. — Low. and Mid. Earth. Coprinus comatus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. In stable yards, cUramentarins Bull. — Mid. Manured grounds, fimetarius, L. — Mid. (Schw.) Hedge rows, &c. niveus, Fr. — Low. On cow dung, tergiversans, Fr. — Low. Earth, micaceus, Fr. — Mid. About rotten stumps, radiatus, Bolt. — Mid. (Schw.) Horse dung, domesticus, Pers.— Mid. (Schw.) In gardens, ephemeras, Fr. — Low. and Mid. In gardens, plicatilis, Curt. — Common. Manured grounds. Spragueii, B. & C. — Mid. Rich grass plats. Bolbitius vitellinus, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) On manure. titubans, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) On manure. IIiatula fragilissima, Rav. — Low. Vegetable matter in rich grounds. Cortinarius infractus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods. glaucopus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Gardens. callochrous, Fr. — Low. andJMid. Woods & swamps. ccerulescens, Fr. — Mid. "Woods. turbinatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Woods. rufoolivaceus, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Woods. scaurus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. croceo-coeruleus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods. maculosus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods. subtortus, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. collinitus, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. iodes, B. & C— Low. Mossy ground. argentatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) "Woods. violaceus, Fr. — Micl. (Schw.) Woods. violaceo-cinereus. Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods. albo-violaceus, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) AVoods. 92 FLOWERLESS PLANTS. Cortinarius pholideus, Fr. — Mid (Scliw.) Dense woods. sublanatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woody hill sides. ochroleucus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Woods, decumbens, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Grassy woods, anomalus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woody hill sides, sanguineus, Fr. — Common. Damp woods. cinnamomeiiS) Fr. — Common. Earth and wood. " var: croceus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) On trunks, macropus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, bivelus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, hinnuleus, Fr. — Low. Among leaves in Pine woods. gentilis, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, flexipes, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Moist woods, iliopodius, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, hemitrichus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Among fallen leaves, armeniacus, Fr. — (Schw.) Wooded hill sides. castaneus, Fr. — Common. Earth in woods, decipiens, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, acutus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Mossy ground. Paxillus involutus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Sandy woods, atro-tomentosus, Fr. — Mid. Pine woods, flavidus, Berk. — Low. and Mid. Earth in woods. Panuoides, Fr. — Common. Pine wood. Curtisii, Berk. — Common. Pine and Fir wood, reniformis, Berk, and Raw — Up. (Rav.) Woods, porosus, Berk. — Low. and Mid. Woods. Gomphidius viseidus, Fr. — Low. Sandy woods. IIvgropitorus chrysodon, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Woods. eburneus, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Woods, purpurascens, Fr. — Mid. (Schwein.) Among rotting leaves, erubescens, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Springy ground, discoideus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, tephroleucus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. jyratensis, Fr. — Midi (Schw.) Hill sides, cinnabarinus, Fr. — Common. Damp woods. Cantharellus, Fr. — -Common. Among decayed wood. leBtus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Mossy ground. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 93 Hygrophorus ceraceus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Dried swamps, coccinellus, Fr. — Low. Sandy woods, livridus, B. & C. — Low. Swamps, hsematocephalus, B. & C. — Low. Pine woods, coccineus, Fr. — Common. Mossy grounds, miniatus, Fr. — Low. Damp woods and swamps, mucilaginosus, B. & C. — Low. Swamps, nitidus, B. & C. — Common. Swamps. Kavenelii, B. & C. — Low. "Wet grounds, conicus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Grassy land, chlorophanus, Fr. — Mid. Among rotting leaves, psittacinus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pastures. Lactarius torminosus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Woods, turpis, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. imidsus % Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, flexuosus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods, pergamenus, Fr. ? — Low. Woods. jyiperatus, Fr. — Common. Dry woods, vellereus, Fr. — Common. Dry woods. deliciosus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Pine woods. Indigo, Fr. — Common. Woods, chrysorheus, Fr. — Common. Swamps, acris, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, pallidus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Damp woods. volemus. Fr. — Common. Woods. siibdulcis, Fr. — Common. Damp grounds, subtomentosus, B. & B. — Common. Swamps, camphoratus, Fr. — Low. Woods and thickets, illacrymans, B. & K. — Common. Swamps. helvus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, fuliginosus, Fr. — Low\ Woods and thickets. Eussula adusta, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods and thickets, furcata, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods and thickets, depallens, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, rubra, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. lepida, Fr. — Low. Pine woods. virescens, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, lactea, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. emetica, Fr. — Common. Woods. 9tt FLOWERLESS PLANTS. Eussula ochroleuca, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Woody hill sides, fcetens, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods, fragilis, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Woods. snbstiptica, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Pine woods, nitida, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Woods. akitaeea, Fr. — Common. Woods, ocliracea, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Borders of woods, lutea, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Woods. Cantharellls cibarius, Fr. — Common. Woods. floccosus, Scliw. — Mid. and Up. Woods, aurantiacus, Wnlf. — Mid. (Scliw.) Woods, umbonatus. Fr. — Common. Woods among leaves, tubseformis, Bull. — Common. Woods among leaves, lutescens, Bull. — Mid. (Scliwein.) Woods among leaves. cinereus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Woods among leaves, muscigenus, Bull. — Mid. (Scliw.) On Mosses. crispus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Dead wood and sticks, lignatilis, B. & C. — Low. Carious wood, helosioides, Scliw. — Mid. (Scliw.) Eotten sticks. Nyotalis Asterophora, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Eotten Agarics. Marasmius oreades, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Hill sides. plancus, Fr. — Low. Eotten leaves, spongiosus, B. & C. — Low. and Mid. Eotten leaves, archyropus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Eotten leaves. scorodonius, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Decaying vegetation, calopus, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Dead sticks. Vaillantii, Fr. — Low. and Mid. On trunks. clavaBformis, Fr. — Mid. On dead plants, ramealis, Fr. — Common. Dead leaves and sticks. opacus, B. & C. — Low. Dead leaves and sticks, siccus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Earth among leaves. lia3matoceplialus, Mont. — Com. Earth, leaves, sticks, &c. hrevipes, B. & E. — LTp. (Eav.) Dead twig>. alliaceus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Woods. nigripes, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Fallen leaves, androsaceus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Among Mosses. rotula, Fr. — Common. Dead sticks, similifl, B. & C. — Low. Earth. FL0WEBLE88 PLANTS. 1)5 Marasmius Graniinum, Berk. — Low. Dead grass, herbs, &c. pithjopliilus, B. & C. — Low. Dead Pine leaves. perforans, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead Fir leaves, insititius, Fr. — Up. On fallen leaves, pruinatus, B. & C. — Low. Dead bark and wood, pusio, B. & C. — Low. Trunks, dichrons, B. & C. — Low. Fallen limbs, velutipes, B. & C. — Low. Hotting leaves in swamps. epiphyllns, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Fallen leaves. Lentinus Schweinitzii, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) . Sides of trunks. Lecontei, Fr. — Common. Logs and stumps, strigosus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks of Tulip tree, tener, Kl. — Low. Dead wood in swamps, tigrinus, Fr. — Common. Logs and stumps. Bavenelii, B. & C. — Common. Dead wood, lepideus, Fr. — Common. Stumps, coclileatus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead wood, friabilis, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Side of trunks, chama, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Oak trunks, nabelliformis, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead trunks, pelliculosus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead trunks. Miclieneri, B. & C. — Up. Dead wood, pectinatus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Side of trunks, teniiissimus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Bark of Willows. Panus conchatus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Dead trunks, torulosus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Stumps, levis, B. & C. — Low. and Mid. Trunks and logs, foetens, Seer. — Low. Dead wood. dorsalis, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Pine stumps and logs, stypticus, Fr. — Common. Dead wood. clealbatus, Berk. — Up. Dead wood. angustatus, Berk. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead wood. Xerotus nigrita, Lev. — Mid. and Up. Dead wood. Schizophyllum commune, Fr. — Common. Dead wood. Lenzites betulina, Fr. — Common. Logs and stumps. Berkeleii, Lev. — Common. Logs and stumps, trabea, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) On wood. striata, Fr. — Common. On wood, abietina, Fr. — Common. Old posts and rails. 96 FLOWBKLESS PLANTS. sepiaria, Fr. — Common. Old posts and rails. Lenzites rhabarbarina, B. & C. — Low. Trunks. tricolor, Fr. — Low. Dead limbs. Klotschii, Berk. — Common. Trunks and logs. Cratsegi, Berk. — Common. Trunks and limbs. variegata, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Trunks and limbs. Boletus luteus, L. — Mid. (Scliw.) Pine woods. elegans, Fr. — Low. Earth in woods. Curtisii, Berk. — Low. Earth in woods. flavidus, Fr. — Common. Damp woods. collinitus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Pine woods. gramdatus, L. — Common. Woods and fields. lovinus, L. — Common. Pine woods, decipiens, B. & C. — Low. Damp woods, piperatus, Bull. — Low. and Mid. AVoods. laeticolor, B. & C. — Mid. Woods. Betula, Scliw. — Mid. Ligneous earth, variegatus, Fr. — Mid. Sphagnous grounds, chrysenteron, Bull. — Mid. and Up. Damp woods and fields. subtomentosus, L. — Common. Earth in woods, hemichrysus, B. & C. — Low. Base of Pines. rubiginosus, Ketz. — Mid. Woods. calopus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, pachypus, Fr. — Low. Woods, retipes, B. & C. — Mid. Woods. Satanas, Lenz. — Mid. Woods, purpureus, Fr. — Mid. Woods, luridus, Sehaeff.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. edulis, Bull.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. versipellis, Fr. — Mid. Woods. scaler, Bull. — Low. and Mid. Sandy woods, felleus, Bull. — Low. and Mid. Banks and thickets. castamus, Bull. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods, strobilaceus, Scop. — Common. Woods and thickets, albo-ater, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Moist woods. Ananas, M. A. C. — Low. Under Pine logs. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. V»7 PoLYPOEUS (I. MeSoPUS.) leucomelas, Fr. — Mid. \Y r oods-. ovinus, Scliseff. — Low. and Mid. Earth in woods. poripes, Fr, — Mid. and Up. Wooded ravines, arcnlariiis, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Dead sticks, brumalis, Fr.^-Low. and Mid. Dead sticks. ciliatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead sticks. Schweinitzii, Fr. — Mid. Pine woods, tabulasformis, Berk. — Low. Earth in Pine woods, persicinus, B. & C. — Low. In swamps, clependens, B. & C. — Low. Under Pine logs, rufescens, Fr. — Common. Carious wood, tomentosus, Fr. — Low. Base of Pines, perennis, Fr. — Common. Earth in woods, parvulus, Kl. — Low. and Mid. Burnt places in woods. (II. Pleueopits.) Boucheanus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. On sticks. (i yar: peponinus, B. & C. — Low. On sticks, melanopus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. On sticks. varius, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Trunks and limbs, elegans, Fr, — Up. Earth, lucidus, Fr. — Common. Buried roots. Curtisii, Berk. — Common. Buried roots, dealbatus, B. & C. — Low. Buried wood, mutabilis, B. & C. — Com. Stumps and sticks in swamps. rhipidius, Berk. — Common. Dead limbs, sanguineus, Fr. — Common. On logs. (III. Meeisma.) frondosus, Fr. — Common. Earth and base of stumps. cristatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. co?ifluens, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Pine woods. giganteus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Base of slumps. lobatus, Fr. — Low. Base of stumps. sulp7mreus, Fr. — Common. Trunks and logs. Berkeleii, Fr. — Mid. and Up. "Woods. distortus, Schw.— Low. and Mid. Clayey banks, graveolens, Schw. — Common. On trunks. 13 98 FLOWEBLESS PLAJSTS. (IY. Apus.) epileucus, Fr. — Common. Dead trunks and limba. fissilis, B. & C. — Low. Stumps, stypticus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, lacteus, Fr. — Common. Trunks and stumps, mollis, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) On sticks. csesius, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) On sticks, destructor, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Wood and logs. Aesculi, Fr. — Up. (Schw.) Trunk of Buckeye, gilvus, Fr. — Common. Trunks and limbs, adustus, Fr. — Common. Trunks and limbs, crispus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. (Schw.) Chestnut Trunks, isabellinus, Fr.— -Mid. (Schw.) On trunks, unicolor, Fr. — Low. and Mid. On trunks. Pilot®, Schw.— Mid. and Up. (Schw.) Chestnut trunks, hispidus, Fr. — Common. ^Trunks, labyrinthicus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, scarrosus, B. & C. — Low. Log of Tulip tree, borealis, Fr. — Low. Logs, cerinuus, B. & C. — Low. Decaying logs, undulatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks. Symphyton, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Fallen limbs, dryophilus, Berk. — Low. Oak (?) trunks, resinosus, Fr. — Common. On logs, palustris, B. & C. — Low. Pine trunk, pallescens, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Trunks and limbs, conchifer, Schw. — Mid. and Up. Dead limbs, spissus, Fr. — Low. and Mid: Trunks, applanatus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Trunks and logs, fomentarius, Fr. — Common. Trunks and limbs, cupulssformis, B. & C. — Common. Bark of Walnut, Su- mach, &c. igniarius, Fr. — Common. Trunks and limbs, senex, Mont. — Low. and Mid. Trunks, conchatus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Logs. citrinellus, B. &iC.— Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, salicinus, Fr. — Common. Logs and limbs, scutellatus, Schw. — Mid. and Up. Bark of limbs, &c, pinicola, Fr. — Mid. (ScJbw.)^Pine trunks. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 99 marginatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Beech trunks, carneus, Nees. — Common. Posts and logs, annosus, Fr. — Common. Logs and wood, cinnabarinus, Fr. — Common. Logs and limbs, scruposus, Fr. — Common. Stumps and logs, radiatus, Fr. — Up. Trunks, cervinus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Bark of Peach tree, biformis, Kl. — Low. and Mid. Stumps, logs, sticks, &c. unclatus, Fr. — Up. Logs, hirsutus, Fr. — Common. Trunks and limbs, hirsutulus, Schw. — Low. and Mid. Dead limbs, zonatus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead wood, versicolor, Fr. — Common. Trunks, limbs, &c. decipiens, Schw.— Common. Trunks, limbs, &c. zonalis, Berk. — Low. Trunks, limbs, &c. abietinus, Fr. — Common. Pine and Fir limbs, deglubens, B. & C— Low. Dead Pine limbs, dendriticus, Fr. — Low. Cypress stumps, chartaceus, B. & C. — Mid. Trunk and limbs of Tulip tree. velutinus, Fr. — Mid. Carious wood. Sullivantii, Mont. — Common. Limbs, pergameneus, Fr. — Common. Logs and limbs, elongatus, Berk. — Low. Stumps and sticks, cinerascens, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) On wood, virgineus, Schw. — Mid. and Up. Dead limbs. Nilgerrhensis, Mont. — Mid. Logs. Floridanus, Berk. — Low. Logs and limbs, barbulatus, Fr. — Low. Bark of Cedar and Cvpress. (V* Eesupinatus.) obliquus, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Logs and trunks. Viticoia, Fr. — Mid. Grape vines, contiguus, Fr. — Common. Dead sticks, ferruginosus, Schrad. — Common. Dead limbs, occidentals, Kl. — Low. Logs, niger, Berk. — Common. Carious wood, xanthus, Fr. — Low. and Up. Under Pine wood, nitidus, Fr. ?— Low. Bark of Tulip Tree, pulchellus, Schw. — Low. and Mid. Underside of log. aureolus, Grev.— Low. Pine wood. 100 FLOWERLESS PLANTS. fnscocameus, Pers. — Low. Trunks. crociporus, B. & C. — Mid. (Scliw.) Oak trunks, yitellinus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Dead wood, incarnatus, Fr. — Common. Bark and wood. purpureus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Wood, mcdulla-panis, Fr. — Common. Wood, mucidus, Fr. — Common. Wood, callosus, Fr. — Low. Carious wood. vulgaris. Fr. — Common. Carious wood. Cremor, B. & C. — Low. Fallen limbs. Stepliensii, Berk. — Low. and Up. Dead limbs, xantholoma, Scliw. — Mid. (Scliw.) - Dead wood, limitatus, B. & C. — Low. Dead wood, nigropurpureus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Under logs, salmonicolor, B. & C. — Common. Carious wood. Juglandinus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) On Walnut and Syca- more, molluscus, Pers. — Low. On sticks, sanguinolentus, A. & S. — Low. On mosses. oxydatus, B. & C. — Low. Kotten wood, sinuosus, Fr. — Low. Dead sticks, vaporarius, Fr. — Common. Wood and bark. aneirinus, Fr. — Low. Carious wood. Vaillantii, Fr.— Up. (Eav.) Logs. farinellus, Fr. — Common. Carious wood and bark, reticulatus, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Wood. Teametes sepium, Berk. — Common. Dead wood, lactea, Berk. — Up. Stumps. rigida, Berk. — Low. Logs. rubescens, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) On Willows. Pini, Fr. — Low. Pine trunks. Djedalea glaberrima, B. & C. — Low. On logs. subtomentosa, Scliw. — Mid. (Scliw.) Trunks, aurca, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Oak trunks, einerea, Fr. ? — Mid. and Up. Trunks. unicolor, Fr. ? — Common. Stumps and logs, zonata, Scliw. — Mid. (Scliw.) Trunks. IIexagona carbonaria, B. & C— Low. On burnt logs. CrLrEopo-RTTs nigropurpurascens, (Schw.) — Com. Logs and trunks. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 10 1 amorphus, (Fr.) — Low. and Mid. Logs and trunks. Merulius incarnatus, Schw. — Common. Rotting* losra confluens, Schw.— Mid. (Schw.) Dead Alders, &c. tremellosus, Schrad. — Common. Rotten logs. inerassatus, B. & C— Low. Carious Pine stump. Corram, Fr. — Common. Sticks and logs. ceracellus, B. & C. — Low. Dead Oak limbs. molluscus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Wood. fugax, Fr. — Low. Pine limbs. Porinoides, Fr. — Common. Under Pine wood. rufus, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks. serpens, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Pine trunks and limbs. Brassicesfolius, Schw. — Low. and Mid. Damp wood, walls, &c. lacrymans, Schum. — Mid. (Schw.) In cellars. Porotiielium flmbriatum, Fr. — Common. Carious wood, lacerum, Fr. — Common. Wood and sticks, subtile, Fr. — Common. Bark and wood. Arriiytidia flava, B. & C. — Low. Pine bark and wood. fulva, B. & C. — Low. Underside of Pine logs. Fistulina hejxitica, Fr. — Up. Base of trunks and stumps, radicata, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Hollow trunks. Hydnum (I. Mesopus.) imbricatum, L. — Mid. and Up. Earth in woods. suhsquamosum, Batsch. — Common. Damp woods. Iwvigatum, Swartz. — Low. Pine woods, canum, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Mossy banks. rejxmchim, L. — Common. Woods. rufescens, Schseff.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods, compactum, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Woods, aurantiacum. A. & S. — Mid. and Up. Hill sides, ferrugineum, Fr. — Low. Pine woods, spadiceum, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods, velutinum, Fr. — Mid. Woods, zonatum, Batsch. — Common. Woods, graveolens, Delast. — Common. Base of stumps. tomentoRum, L.— Mid. (Schw.) Woods. 102 FLOWERLESS PLANTS. (II. Pletjropus.) adustum, Schw. — Mid. and Up. On sticks. (III. Merisma.) coralloides, Scop. — Common. Side of trunks. ramosum, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) On wood. Erinaceus, Bull. — Common. Base of trunks. Cajnit-Medusce, Bull. — Common. Trunks and logs. (IV. Aprs.) gelatinosum, Scop. — Common. Trunks and logs, cirrhatum, Pers. — Common. Logs, pulcherrimum, B. & C. — Low. Stumps and logs, amblyodon, M. A. C. — Mid. On wood, strigosum, Swartz. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks. Bliois, Schw. — Common. Stumps and sticks. la)ticolor, B. & C. — Low. Fallen limbs, ochraceum. Pers. — Common. Sticks, stumps, &c. (V. Eesupinattjs.) fuscoatrum, Fr.— Common. Wood and sticks, membranacenm, Bull. — Common. "Wood and sticks, ferruginosnm, Schrad.— Common. Wood and bark, croceum, Fr. — Micl. (Schw.) Wood, snlfureum, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Dead limbs, fragillimum, B. & C. — Low. Under rotten logs, alutaceum, Fr. — Mid. Carious wood. spathTilatum, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Carious wood, viride, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Potting trunks. udum, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Carious wood. Himantia, Schw. — Mid. Carious wood, nrucidum, Pers.— Low. Trunks and wood, diaphannm, Schrad. — Mid. (Schw.) Logs and leaves, farinaceum, Pers. — Common. On wood, fasciculare, A. & S. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine logs, chrysodon, B. & C. — Low. On Oak chips. Fascicularia, B. & C— Low. Carious wood and bark, velatum, B. & C. — Low. Underside carious wood, ciliolatum, B. & C— Low. Fallen limbs. pltuiiosTiin, Duby.— Low. Wood and bark. FLO WEKLESS PLANTS. 1(>3 caryophyllsaum, B. & C. — Low. Carious wood, xantkum, B. & C. — Low. and Up. Fallen limbs, pithy ophilum, B. & C. — Low. Pine wood, plumarium, B. & C. — Low. On dead Viburnum. ? Nyssse, B. & C— Low. Log of Black Gum. depauperatum, B. & C. — Low. Carious wood, nudum, B. & C. — Common. Rotten wood, &c. Hebioium Hystrix, Fr. — Low. Base of trees. Sistotrema coniluens, Pers. — Mid. (Schw.) Woods. occarium, Fr. — Mid. (Seliw.) Trunks. Ikpex pendulus, Fr. — Low. Pine stumps. fusco-violaceus, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) Cedar and Pine trunks. sinuosus, Fr. — Common. Stumps, limbs, &c. pallescens, Fr.— Mid. (Scliw.) Trunk of Tulip Tree. crassus, B. & C. — Mid: Oak trunks. mollis, B. & C. — Low. and Mid. Trunks and stumps. tabacinus, B. & C. — Low. and Mid. Bark of White and Post Oaks. Schweinitzii, B. & C— Mid. and Up. Dead limbs, paradoxus, Schrad. — Mid. (Scliw.) On Birch and Cherry, cinerascens, Scliw. — Mid. (Schw.) Side of trunks, obliquus, Fr. — Low. and Mid. On Sweet Gum. Tulipiferee, Schw.— Mid. (Schw.) On Tulip Tree, deformis, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Trunks, cinnamomeus, Fr. — Common. Trunks and limbs, carneus, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) On bark. Radulum molare, Fr. — Common. Dead limbs, pallidum, B. & C. — Low. Sticks. ; lsetum, Fr. — Common. Branches, fagineum, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Wood of limbs. Phlebia Merismoides, Fr. — Common. Dead limbs. zonata, B. & C. — Low. and Up. Wood and limbs, reflexa, B. & C— Low. Oak limbs, radiata, Fr. — Common. Limbs and logs, orbicularis, B. & C. — Low. Fallen Oak b'mbs. vaga, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Rotten logs. Gbandixia granulosa, Fr. — Common. Carious wood. Odoxtia fimbriata, Fr.— Common. Fallen limbs, lateritia, B. & C ? — Up. Carious wood. 104 FLOWERLESS PLAWTS. Sistotremoides, Fr. — Mid. (Scliw.) On wood. Kneiffia setigera, Fr. — Common. On wood. candidissima, B. & C. — Com. Bark of Cedar and Grape. tessulata, B. & C. — Low. Carious wood. Craterellus tfdorattis, Fr. — Low. and Mid. Earth in woods, lutescens, Fr. — Low. Earth and rotten wood, cornucopioides, Pers. — Common. Woods, rosens, Fr. — Mid. (Sehw.) Mossy banks. Cantharellns, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Earth in woods. Thelepiiora (I. Mesopus.) regularis, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Mossy banks. pannosa, Fr. ?— Mid. (Schw.) Earth. vialis, Schw. — Common. Woods and road sides. tephroleuca, B. & C— Mid. and Up. Woods. tnberosa, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Earth. anthocephala, Bull. — Common. Woods. caryophyllaea, Fr. — Common. Woods. multipartita, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Earth, (II. Merisma.) Cladonia, Fr.— Mid. and Up. Woods. palmata, Fr, — Common. Earth in woods. pallida, Schw. — Common. Earth in woods. Candida, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Earth in woods. terrestris, Ehrh. — Mid. and Up. Earth in woods. gausapata, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Trunks. lutosa, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Koadsides. (III. Apus.) fimbriata, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Earth. spiculosa, Fr. — Mid. (Schw.) Pine woods. laciniata, Pers. — Common. Earth and trunks. biennis, Fr. — Mid. and Up. Earth and trunks. cuticularis, Berk. — Mid. and Up. Earth and trunks. frondescens, Fr.— Mid. (Schw.) Earth. (IV. Resupinatus.) Helvelloides, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Earth, spongiosa, Schw. — Mid. (Schw.) Mossy rocks, galactina, Fr. — Low. Side of ditches, sebaccea, Fr. — Common. Leaves, grass, &c. FL0WERLES8 PLANTS. 105 stabularis, Fr.™ Mid. (Schw.) Stable manure. umbrina. Fr.— Mid. and Up. Under logs and sticks. arida, Fr.— Low. On Pine wood, terrea, B. & C. — Low. Under prostrate Pine wood, granosa, B.