^^R Reference PROPERTY OF Z. p. METCALF LIBRARY OF l885_IQ5e ir(^ ^/ ■, .'- / / -.■ ^ 7 rf New York State Education Department New York State Museum John M. Clakkk Director Ephraim Porter FF.Lr State Entomologist Memoir 8 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES EPHRAIM PORTJiR FELT D.Sc. voLu^rE 2 Enemies of evergreen or coniferous trees ----- 3^^ Work of bark borers in pine - 333 Certain structures of scolytids - 336 Borers - . . - 338, 341 Twig borers - - - - 339, 397 Ambrosia beetles - - - - 394 Leaf feeders - - - - ^40, 413 Insects of minor importance affecting forest trees ----- 426 Insects affecting deciduous trees - 426 Borers in living or relatively sound wood or bark - - - . 426 Borers in dried, usually manu- factured wood - - 430, 483 Borers in decaying wood or species found under decaying bark 430, 484 Insects of minor importance affecting forest trees {contiiun'd) Fungous beetle - - - - 494 Natural enemies of bark borers - 499 Leaf eaters affecting deciduous forest trees ----- 50$ Frequenters, usually injurious, of deciduous forest trees - - 588 Frequenters, usually beneficial, of deciduous forest trees - - - 603 Plant galls and gall makers - - 615 Less destructive insects affecting evergreen or coniferous trees - - 648 Supplemental bibliographic and de- scriptive catalogue - - . 701 Explanation of plates . . - y^y Index ...... 801 ALBANY NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1906 STATE OF NEW YORK EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Regents of the University With years when terms expire 191 3 Whitelaw Reid M.A. LL.D. Chancellor ... New York 1917 St Clair McKelway M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. D.C.L. Vice Chaticellor Brooklyn 1908 Daniel Beach Ph.D. LL.D. Watkins 1914 Pliny T. Sexton LL.B. LL.D. - - - . Palmyra 191 2 T. Guilford Smith M.A. C.E. LL.D. - - - - Buffalo 1907 William Nottingham M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - - Syracuse 1910 Charles A. Gardiner Ph.D. L.H.D. LL.D. D.C.L. - New York 1915 Albert Vander Veer M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - Albany 191 1 Edward Lauterbach M.A. LL.D. - - - ' - New York 1909 Eugene A. Philbin LL.B. LL.D. - - - - New York 1916 LuciAN L. Shedden LL.B. ------ Plattsburg Commissioner of Education Andrew S. Draper LL.B. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners Howard J. Rogers M.A. LL.D. First Assistattf Edward J. Goodwin Lit. D. L.H.D. Second Assistant Augustus S. Downing M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. Third Assistant Secretary to the Commissioner Harlan H. Horner B.A. Dj-ector of State Library Edwin H. Anderson M.A. Director of Science and State Museum John M. Clarke Ph.D. LL.D Chiefs of Divisions Accounts, William RL\son Attendance, James D. -Sullivan Educational Extension Examinations, Charles V. Wheelock B..S. LL.D. Inspections, F"rank H. Wood M.A. Law, Thomas E. Finegan M.A. -School Libraries, Charles E. Fiich L.H.D. -Statistics, Hiram C. Case X^isual Instruction, DeLancey M. Ellis ENEMIES OE EX'ERGREEN OR CONIFEROUS TREES WOUK OF BARK BOKKKS IN PINE It is difficult for the average reader to gain a just conception of the injurious character of these insects by a perusal of a number of detached notices of the work of associated species. It is therefore proposed to give at the outset a brief resume of the conditions we have found in the Hudson valley. The white pines in this section have suffered seriously during the last three or four }-ears and a considerable proportion of the damage is due to the work of bark borers and their associates. The extremely injurious character of their operations is well illustrated on plates 52, 53 and the rapid progress these pests may make is shown in figures i and 2 of plate 53. Eigure i was taken Sep. 28, 1901 and figure 2 of the same trees was taken April igo2. It will be seen that these pines have been practical!}' killed within a year and if a close examination is made we will find conditions substantially as follows: At the very base of the trees there are a number of irregular, rather large masses of pitch and on removing these it will be found that they cover the entrance to a gallery about y^ inch in diameter. The condition within is well represented on plate 58, figure 4, which shows the preserva- tion of the walls by the infiltration of pitch and is thus incontrovertible evidence of living tissues having been attacked. This borer, known as Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv., is a very common species in New York State where it may be met with in small numbers in almost any pine grove. It can hardly be regarded as a dangerous form though it works in living tissues. Earther up the same trees a much more serious injury is evidenced by the numerous pitch tubes on the bark [pi. 54, fig. 2]. Plate 54, figure 4, represents one in profile. The removal of a piece of bark will show the condition of affairs under the pitch tube. Plate 54, figure 3, illustrates the large central chamber underneath with five longitudinal galleries leading therefrom. .Small notches may be observed on the sides of these galleries, particularly near the extremities, and these lead into 333 334 f^'EW YORK STATE MUSEUM diverging somewhat sinuous larval galleries which run approximately trans- versely of the wood fibers. This is the work of a large borer known as T o ni i c u s c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s Germ., an insect that occurs in the thicker bark of trunks and larger limbs of both hard and soft pines. It normally does not cause very much injury bu,; under exceptional con- ditions it may become so abundant as to kill a tree very rapidly, so much so that the writer has known young pines, in apparently excellent condition, killed in lo weeks' time. These borers sometimes become so abundant as to eat away practically all of the inner bark, a condition represented at plate 56, figure 3. Farther up on the tree in the thinner bark of the trunk and the medium thick bark of the larger limbs, a smaller species may be found at work in some pines and its method of operation is well shown in plate 60, figure 3, which represents the longitudinal burrows and the larval galleries of this smaller species, Tomicus cacographus Lee. This is a very badly infested piece of bark and plate 60, figure 2, illustrates the work of this insect on limbs of hard pine which it had entered in the fall of 1900. It will be observed that these galleries are very irregular and anastomose with out apparent reason. These are evidently galleries which the beetles have made for feeding purposes and in which they pass the winter. Higher up on a white pine in the still thinner bark of the smooth trunk, a smaller form, the pine bark beetle, Tomicus p i n i Say, may be observed at work. This species operates not only in the trunk but also in the medium thick bark of the smaller limbs and not infrequently attacks liv- ing tissues. Plate 59, figure i, which is from a photograph taken with a light background, represents the numerous exit holes which this species may make in a badly infested section of a trunk and also a number of small jMtch tubes and plate 59, figure 2, shows the inside of the same piece of bark photographed in a similar manner. The method of operation of this species is well illustrated, the central chambers, the primary galleries and the dilatuig mines of the young together with larger flat tortuous mines ot another species known as the pine sawyer, M o n o h a m m us c o n- INSECTS AFFECTING PARK \ND WOODLAND TREES i35 fusor Kirby. The parent of this latter insect is represented at plate 63, figure I, and its operations are familiar to many lumbermen because its coarse white sawdustlike chips may be frequently observed dropping from logs |)iled in mill yards and its large galleries are not uncommon defects in timber. The sawyer is rarely found attacking living trees. It prefers to breed in those which are dying or nearly dead and therefore is a follower of the above noted barkborers. Other species have a similar habit, notably the ribbed rhagium, R h a g i u m 1 i n e a t u m Oliv., a species which is fre- quently destructive to the bark of trees previously killed by other insects. Its broad flattened grub delights to revel in moist decaying tissues and its very characteristic cells | pi. 64, fig. 7, 8, 10 1 are walled by long white splinters torn from the wood forming a portion of its oval pupal cell. Another species, Pytho americanus Kirby, is also associated with the preceding in this work of reducing decaying tissues to a still finer condition. It may be easily recognized by its oval cells which instead of being bordered by linear cliips torn from the surface of the wood are lined with nearly decayed debris from the bark [^scc pi. 64, fig. 6, 9]. These two species in conjunction with the bark borers soon reduce the inner tissues of an attacked tree to a mass of decayed vegetable matter and render the stripping of the bark an easy matter. Plate 56, figure 2, illus- trates the secrecy of these operations very nice!)-. Apparently the trunk of the tree has suffered little or no injury, but on removing the bark its inner layers are found to be a mass of corruption, as shown at plate 56, figure 3. The bark loosens and soon drops in large patches, exposing the wood to other enemies such as ambrosia beetles. The condition of such a tree which scarcel/ two years before it was photographed was in full vigor, is well shown at plate 54, figure i. The small black holes in the bare wood are entrances to galleries of wood borers known as ambrosia beetles and these lead into lateral galleries from which in turn there are series of perpendicular chambers. This latter insect, X\loterus bivittatus Kirby, is common in soft woods and is 336 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM injurious on account of its making small black walled galleries which materially lower the market value of infested lumber. CERTAIN STRUCTURES OF SCOLYTIDS Scolytid beetles are so small and present such slight differences in gen- eral form, that a study of minor structural details is absolutely necessary for the adequate separation of species, unless we rely largely on food habits, something which is not always practical. Color has very little value and as a consequence we have felt obliged to give some attention to structural details, in spite of the fact that a distinguished authority on this group is engaged in a comprehensive study of these beetles. The classificatory value of the antennae has long been recognized. They vary widely in character, as has been pointed out by earlier writers, though to our knowledge no one has figured these organs in many of our native species. The exceeding variability in structure is well illustrated by reference to plate 67, figure i, showing the single jointed funicle of Monar thrum mali Fitch, unique in this extremely interesting group. The strongly flattened and enormously dilated club or terminal segment of Chramesus hicoriae Lee. is extremely characteristic. The two antennae of Scolytus, S. rugulosus Ratz. and S. quadrispinosus Say [pi. 67, fig. 10 and 15] are peculiar on account of the dark colored, triangular, chitinous structure in the club. The lamellate antennae of Phloeotribus liminaris Harr. and P. frontalis Oliv. [pi. 66, fig. I and 3 respectively] are very different from those of other scolytids. The disposition of the sensory areas on the expanded club of the various species of Tomicus, is of considerable specific value [pi. 66, fig. 4—9 inclu- sive], while the general structure of the antennae of Dendroctonus [pi. 66, fig. 10] appears to be very characteristic of this genus. The tibiae of various species also present characters which .are of con- siderable value in the separation of different forms, though we should expect to find more or less variation in the number and development of the minor chitinous tubercles or processes. The closely allied species of Dryocoetes, D. eichhoffii Hopk. and D. autograph us Ratz. vary sufficiently, so that they can be recognized by this character alone. Chramesus hicoriae Lee. has a very peculiar middle tibia, and the two species of Scolytus are remarkable for the development of a large terminal process opposite the attachment of the first tarsal segment [fig. 47]. Various species of Tomicus may be recognized by tibial characteristics, and Xyloclepter: possesses a very peculiar femur and tarsus. Phloeosinus dentatus INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 00/ Say may be instantly recognized by tlie distal margin of the hind tibia bein"- thick!)- set with stout, chitinous processes. The structure of the so called gizzard or proventriculus is exceedingly interesting in this group, most of the species differing markedly in this respect from their allies. The employment of this organ in systematic work is not new. It has been used by myrmecologists and Dr J. B. Smith, in a report issued a few years ago, calls attention to the fact that various species of katydids present recognizable differences in this organ. The structure of the Scolytid proventriculus is exceedingly interesting. It consists of a series of eight double, rectangular plates, the posterior extremities of which are provided with a series of long, chitinous, hairlike processes, undoubtedly serving as strainers to prevent the entry into the true or chyle stomach, of untriturated material. An end view of this organ is given on plate 68, figure I, and plate 69, figures 2, 5, each of which shows the octagonal struc- ture and the first named, the strainerlike hairs probably in the normal posi- tion. There are several well marked types of proventriculi. That of Tomicus, shown on plate 68, illustrates a highly developed form in which the anterior portion consists of a series of plain, chitinous basal plates inter- locked more or less perfectly by a series of marginal teeth, while the poste- rior part is narrower, strongly ribbed with chitinous bars and in addition, provided with a series of long, slender, chitinous processes, wdiich undoubt- edly serve as strainers as stated above. This type is also found in Pityo- genes and Dryocoetes. Dendroctonus [pi. 68, fig. 7] has a simpler form of proventriculus, consisting of a series of eight double plates, in the walls of which are numerous chitinous points placed in more or less irregular rows. The posterior portion is provided with a series of stout, chitinous rods which terminate at the free margin in tufted processes and long, slender, chitinous rods, which latter evidently serve as strainers. A modification is seen in the • proventriculus of P h 1 o e o s i n u s d e n t a t u s Say [pi. 69, fig. 4]. Another type, intermediate perhaps between that of Tomicus and Dendroc- tonus or Phloeosinus, is found in X)leborus, Xyloterus and some other genera. It consists of the usual double plates, each provided along its lengtn with a series of stout, chitinous bars terminating in a stout, dense structure composed apparently of fused ends and at the posterior extremity there are a number of long, slender, chitinous processes which unite to form a strainer. The differences in this organ between closely allied forms, are very nicely shown on plate 68, figures 2, 3, 6 and 8, and plate 69, figure 10, which illustrate portions of the proventriculus of certain species of Tomicus. It will be seen that no two are alike, though all present a general resem- blance one to another. The illustrations of the proventriculus of Dryo- coetes au t ogr ap h u s Ratz., and D. eichhoffii Hopk. [pi. 69, fig. 9 and 1 1] also bring out this point nicely, there being a marked difference in the toothing of the anterior portion of the plates. 338 . NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM EXEMIES OF EVERGREEN OR COXIFKROUS TREES Borers in trunk and wood Large, brownish pitch masses on pine trunks Pitrli mass borer, P a r h a r m o n i a p i n i , p. 341 True bark borers Masses of pitch at the base of hirge pines, usually indicate the presence of a stout, brownish beetle about 3-^6 to }^ inch in length which, with its grub, bores the inner bark Turpentine bark beetle, D e n d r o c t o n u s terebrans, p. 342 A rather stout, brownish or black, cylindric beetle, about }l inch in length, makes more or less longitudinal burrows in the thicker bark of the trunk and larger linil)s of various pines Coarse writing bark beetle, T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s, p. 345 A light brown or nearly black beetlp about ' „ inch in length, bores the thicker pine bark near the middle portion of the trunk and that of the larger limbs Pine bark beetle, T o m i c u s p i n i , p. 35 1 A brown or nearly black, cylindric beetle about '/e inch in length, works in the inner layers of thicker pine bark, particularly about the middle part of the trunk and on the underside of the limbs of larger trees T o m i c u s c a e 1 a t u s , p. 354 A small, brown or blackish, cylindric beetle about ji inch long, bores the thicker bark of smaller ])ines and that of the limbs of larger trees Southern Tomicus, T o m i c u s c a c o g r a p h u s, p. 356 A minute, dark bark beetle about V16 inch long, makes short, sinuous mines in the bark of spruce and pine Minute spruce bark beetle, C r y p t u r g u s a t o m u s, p. 359 A rather stout, brownish or black beetle, about y^e inch long, makes longitudinal gal- leries in the inner bark and outer sapwood of living spruce. Spruce destroying beetle, Dendroctonus piceaperda, p. 379 A light brown or black, rather stout beetle about 3-3, inch in length, makes somewhat irreg- ular, traiTsverse galleries in inner spruce bark, from which diverge smaller dilating larval galleries Spruce bark beetle, P o 1 y g r a p h u s r u f i p e n n i s, p. 386 Balsam trees with red tips may be infested by a small, brownish or black beetle about ■J^2 inch in length which, with its larvae, runs numerous galleries in the inner bark and sapwood Balsam bark borer, T o m i c u s b a 1 s a m e u s, p. 375 A light brown or black beetle about '/le inch long, makes peculiar, clubbed, longitudinal galleries under the bark of red cedar Red cedar bark beetle, P h 1 o e o s i n u s d e n t a t u s, p. 391 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 339 Large bark and wood borers, sawyers and their associates Large, white, tlesiiy, legless grubs from about '2 to I'j im lies long, may be frequently found working in the inner bark and sapvvood of dead and dying pines, spruces, balsams and also in cut logs from these trees, produce the following ; A magnificent grayish beetle finely mottled with light brown and ranging in length from ^ to I '^ inches Sawyer, M o n o h a m m u s c o n f u s o r, \>. 360 A uniformly black beetle mottled with white and with a white scutellum, about ^ inch in length . . White spotted sawyer, M o n o h a m m u s s c u t e 1 1 a t u s, p. 364 A brownish, mottled, cylindric beetle about }4 inch in length and with very long, slender antennae Tickler, M o n o h a m m u s t i t i 11 a t o r, p. 365 A large beetle about .j/a inch long, with light grayish wing covers mottled with brown and dark spots Marbled sawyer, M o n o h a m m u s m a r m o.r a t u s, p. 366 Smaller white grubs working in decaying bark, never entering the wood. A white, broad headed, flattened grub occurs in considerable numbers on the bark of dead pines, transforming to a gray, black marked beetle with conspicuous ridges on its wing covers Ribbed pine borer, Rhagium lineatum, p. 366 A smaller, less flattened grub producing a small beetle with a black head and thin, dark bluish wing covers P y t h o a m e r i c a n u s, p. 368 Flattened, white or yellowish spotted beetles about >8 inch in length, occur on spruce and hemlock in July, and are the parents of a destructive fiat headed borer Spotted buprestid, M e 1 a n o p h i 1 a f u 1 v o g u 1 1 a t a, p. 390 Smaller wood borers A rather stout, brownish black beetle about }a inch long, attacks exposed wood of various coniferous treees Spruce timber beetle, X y 1 o t e r u s b i v i 1 1 a t u s, p. 369 A brownish black, rather slender beetle about '3 inch long, enters the sapwood of dying and dead white pine, making cylindric galleries, with black stained walls. Eastern pine wood stainer, G n a t h o t r i c h u s m a t e r i a r i u s, p. 37 i Small bark and wood borers working in the inner bark and outer sapwood and forming rather irregular galleries in dead limbs Pi ty o ph t h o rus and Pi t y o g e n e s (several species of each). {>. 372-375 Twig borers An oblong, oval weevil about }{ inch long, frequently deposits eggs in the leading shoots of pine or other evergreen trees. The grubs work in the shoots and kill them, causing an irregular, deformed tree of little commercial value White pine weevil, Pissodes strobi, p. 397 340 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Two larger forms occasionally taken with the above, are much rarer P i s s o d e s d u b i u s and P. a f f i n i s, j). 401, 402 Two small, jet black weevils not over ^ ,6 inch in length, are occasionally abundant in association with the white pine weevil Magdalis perforata and M. a 1 u t a c e a, ]>. 402 Short lirown needles on llie tops of hard pine, specially if there be a small pitch mass near the base of the tree, is an indication of the work of this insect Pine tip moth, P i n i p e s t i s z i m m e r m a n i, p. 403 Small yellowish larvae infest the new growth of several pines, spinning a delicate web around the bud and mining both the twig and bases of the leaves Nantucket pine moth, E v e t r i a f r u s t r a n a, p. 405 ^.n associated similar species is much rarer Pitch pine Retinia, E v e t r i a r i g i d a n a, p. 407 Masses of pitch usually on the upper side of the smaller limbs and twigs of hard |)ine, cover the entrance of a Inirrow made by a small, yellowish white caterpillar about. J-^ inch in length Pitch twig moth, E v e t r i a c o m s t o c k i a n a, ]>. 407 Footless orange grubs occur in colored or whitish pitch masses on the underside of jiitch pine branches Pitch midge, C e c i d o ni y i a r e s i n i c o 1 a, p. 410 Insects affecting the leaves Dirty, yellowish, red headed, black spotted false caterpillars feed in clusters on the outer branches of pines from which they strip the leaves LeContes sawfly, L o p h y r u s 1 e c o n t e i , ]>. 413 Yellowish, black headed, black spotted, false caterpillars nearly an inch in length, defoliate while and hard pines from midsummer till late fall Abbott's pine sawfly, L o p h y r u s a b b o t i i, p. 414 Clusters of black headed, dark green, dark striped false caterpillars about '2 inch long defoliate fir, spruce and pitch pine Fir sawfly, I- o p h y r u s a b i e t i s, j). 415 Spruces dying in masses or clumps of greater or less extent are very likely allected by this species Spruce bud worm, T o r t r i x f u m i f e r a n a, p. 416 A greenisli yellow sawfly caterpillar frequently defoliates larches in midsummer Larch sawflv, L y g a e o n e m a t u s e r i c h s o n i i , p. 418 Shortened, deformed needles of pitch pine having a basal enlargement . occupied by a thick, orange colored larva Pine needle gall fly, C e c i d o m y i a p i n i - r i g 1 d a e, p. 423 IXSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 34 1 Pitch-mass borer Parharnionia pint Kellicott Large brownish pitch masses on pine trunks may be caused by this borer. This species is one of the more common pine borers and evidences of its \vork are by no means rare in the vicinity of Alban}-. Its recorded dis- triljution is given as Canada, Xew York, Xew Jersey and New Hampshire. The life history of this species has been worked out very fully by the late Dr Kellicott, its describer, and the following is taken largely from his account. Description. Male. Head, palpi, antennae, thorax, and legs wholly metallic blue or green black. Collar edged with orange in front. Abdo- men blue black above, with the posterior half of the fourth segment orange ; underside wholly orange. Anal tuft orange, blue black above in the mid- dle. Fore wings opaque, metallic blue or green black with discal mark somxewhat deeper in color. Hind wings thinly covered with blue black scales ; outer border very narrow, blue black. Female. Same as the male. Expanse : male and female, 28-30 mm ( Beutenmuller). Life history. The larvae occur more frequently than elsewhere just below a branch, sometimes about the border of a wound made by the a.\e, or where a limb has been wrenched off by the wind, rarely in the axils of the branches. It appears to attack larger trees than Zimmerman's pine pest and more frequently occurs at a considerable hight, having been taken 30 to 40 feet from the ground. While the larvae as a rule probably take advantage of the broken cortex, Dr Kellicott found instances of where they had worked through the bark into the soft layers. Pupae are to be found the last of May and the moths appear from the middle to the end of June and possibly others come forth in July and August, for Dr Kellicott found seemingly fully grown larvae in July, though some apparently mature cater- pillars taken July 15th remained in their pitch cells unchanged till'the following November. According to the observations of Dr Kellicott three years are required, in some instances, to complete the life cycle. The larvae run more or less 342 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM transverse rather tortuous galleries in the inner bark and sapwood, thus causing a copious exudation of pitch which is the most tangible evidence of their presence in a tree. Pupation occurs within the mass of pitch and just prior to the emergence of the moth, the pupa wriggles itself partly out of this sticky medium and is thus in a position to release the adult so that it may not become smeared with the pitch [pi. 45, fig. 4.]. Dr Kellicott bred a dipterous parasite from this species and as the larva frequently moves through the pitch and is almost always within its pitchy burrows, it is some- what difficult to understand how a parasitic fly could get at such a host. The excrement of the larvae is mixed somewhat with pitch and the cater- pillar apparently moves through this substance as easily as some others through water. Turpentine bark beetle Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv. Masses of pitch at the Ijase of large pines usually indicate the presence of a stout brownish beetle about ^',.(, to '/f inch in length which, with its grubs, bores the inner bark. This species is very common in New York State judging from collec- tions in various localities, and the masses of pitch occurring at the base of larger trees is a most characteristic sign of its presence. A number of grubs and larvae of this species were found working in the living tissues at the base of hard pines at Manor L. I., in 1900. The insect was observed in the vicinity of Albany the same year and in 1901 at Round Lake and other localities. Pitch may be found flowing slowly from the wounds the latter part of the summer and pitch tubes on adjacent parts of the tree give additional evidence to the liking of this beetle for living tissues. T o m i c u s c a c o g r a p h u s Lee. was observed working in large numbers in hard pines infested by this borer on Long Island and in the Hudson river valle)'. T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s Germ, and some smaller species wer^ found working in the trunk and limbs of trees infested by this insect. In no instance has the writer been able to trace very serious injury to the work of this borer. The greater part of the damage appears to have been done by species of Tomicus. Early history. This species was observed by Dr Harris and he states INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 343 that its larvae are common under the thick bark of pine logs and stumps. Dr Fitch notices this insect briefly and evidently considered it one of the common species in New York State. Dr Packard records the occurrence of larvae and immature beetles in abundance at Brunswick Me., in the mid- dle of March. Dr A. D. Hopkins states that this insect was very common in West Virginia from 1890-94, when it attacked all the pines and Norway spruce, working near the base of living and dying trees and in stumps. He also observes that it is widely distributed. Description. The adult is a rather stout brownish beetle from about 3/16 to ]^ inch long. It is probable that in a large series there would be Fig. 64 D e n d brans (auth, Fig. 66 Anal plate of la D e n d r o c t o n I brans (author's considerable range in color, as is the case in many other bark beetles. The jaws are black, the eyes are finely granulated and the head and thorax thickly and somewhat coarsely punctured. The wing or elytra are striated and somewhat coarsely punctured. The general form of the beetle and certain structural details are shown in figure 64. The pupa is white, quite stout and about '/( inch long. The lateral edges of the abdominal segments are each provided with a rather stout fleshy spine tipped with a dark chitinous point. A pair of similar spines are found on the last segment and smaller, scattering ones on the dorsal 344 XEW YORK STATE MUSEUM surface of the abdomen. Three segments project beyond the tips of the wing pads. The grub is a stout, brown headed, white larva about 3, s inch h)ng. The tips of the mouth parts and adjacent sutures are dark brown or black. The most prominent characteristic of this grub is the group of seven dark, chitinous spines on the horny anal plate. They are arranged as follows : an anterior transverse row of three, two wider apart behind and between these latter two, two others, one in front of the other [fig. 66]. Life history. The life history of this insect has received considerable attention at the hands of Dr Hopkins who states that hibernating adults commence to fly in the latitude of Morgantown W. Va., as early as Ap. 20 and that all have emerged by May 10. Beetles from hibernating pupae and larvae emerge later. He records an instance when this beetle appeared in immense swarms soon after emerging from winter quarters and states that many were attracted by recently painted buildings and furniture shops, freshly sawed pine, lumber, etc., by the odor of turpentine. Dr Hopkins states that this insect prefers to enter the bark of dying trees or the stumps of recently felled ones and that it will attack healthy trees only when it has no more favorable conditions. He finds that it shows a decided preference for the living bark at the base of trees and stumps and even the exposed roots, in which it excavates broad galleries. It rarely breeds in the bark of logs. I)r Hopkins states that the primary gallery is usually extended longitudinally both above and below the main entrance, seldom in a lateral direction, though the secondary or drainage galleries may do so. Along the sides of the main or secondary galleries 20 to 40 eggs are placed in a mass and when the larvae emerge they proceed in a body to feed on the bark before them, working side by side. Plate 58, figure 4, illustrates a primary gallery of this species and shows how the walls have been preserved by the infiltrating pitch. 1 he young grubs were working from one side of this gallery and had eaten out an irregular area of considerable size. Dr Hopkins states that the first egg depositing period extends through IXSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 3 ic the month of May and that larvae are found in abundance from the first of June to the beginning; of winter. Pupae commence to appear earl)- in July and may be found from then till winter. The adults of the first brood develop about the middle of July and emerge in August or possibly late in July since he has found young larvae by Aug. lo. Late in the fall all stages occur in the bark of infested trees and often in the bark of the roots as much as 6 inches below the surface of the ground. These observations agree very closely with our own in this section as large numbers of eggs were found by us at Round Lake, Sep. 20, 1901. The observations of Dr Hopkins indicate that there are at least two broods in West \'irginia and the same appears to be true for the latitude of Albany. Dr Hopkins states that he has observed a clerid, Thanasimus dubius Fabr.. attack and kill this large bark beetle, and he records find- ing large numbers of the beetles in the stomachs of brook trout caught in Randolph county, W. \'a. the latter part of May. Bibliography 1862 Harris, T. W. Insects Injurious to Vegetation, p. 86. 1858 Fitch, Asa. Ins. X. Y. 4th Rep't 1857, p. 42-43. 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't p. 721. 1899 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp. .Sta. Bui. 56, p. 284, 294, 296, i^^, 342, 344, 347. 349. 392, 415-20- 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Came Com. 7th Rep't. p. 480-Si. Coarse writing bark beetle Tomiciis iLxlligraphns Germ. A rather stout brownish or blackish cylindric beetle, about % inch in length, makes more or less longitudinal burrows in the thicker bark of the trunk and larger limbs of various pines. This is one of the largest and commonest species of the genus found on or in the thick bark of our native pines. Its operations have been observed by the writer in many localities in and about Albany during the seasons of 1 899-1 902 and in some instances at least it appeared to be an active partner in causing very serious injuries to these trees. 346 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Early history. This species was noticed by Dr F'itcli in his fourth report under the common name of fine writing bark beetle, but as this is hardly characteristic of the work of this borer, the writer has preferred to use the more pertinent common name employed by Dr Packard. Dr Fitch states that this beetle occurs mostly in the pitch pine in New York State and that he has also met with it in the limbs of aged white pines. Dr Packard records the work of this insect under the bark of the southern pitch pine at Houston • Tex., where it appeared to be abundant and Dr Hopkins in more recent years has taken the insect in various localities in the Western States. He finds that it is a common and widely distributed species over the greater part of the pine producing areas of the United States from the Atlantic coast to and including the Rocky mountain region. He adds that it attacks all of the eastern and southern pines and doubtless several of the western species in addition to the rock pine in which he found it in large numbers in the Black Hill region. Description. The beetle is about 14 inch in length and varies in color from a light brown to nearly black. It is rather stout, cylindric and the conspicuous excavation or declivity at the posterior end of the wing covers is bordered on each side by a row of six teeth or chitinized processes [fig. 67]. The teeth are arranged on each wing cover as follows : a minute tooth a little to one side of the median line, a dorsal subequal pair, a minute tooth between them and the two teeth of nearly uniform hight near the ventral margin of the declivity. The prothorax is thickly and rather finely granulated while the wing covers are marked with rows of closely set rather large punctures. The general form of the beetle and the sculpturing of the dorsal surface are .shown in the accompanying figure. The antennae are represented on plate 66, figure 8. The white pupae are found in oval cells in IXSECTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 347 the bark. They are not quite so larg-e as the beetle, having a smaller transverse diameter and tapering very much to the posterior extremity. Two or three of the abdominal segments usually project beyond the tip of the wing covers. As the pupa advances in age, the white becomes yellowish and the mandibles may be a dark brown. The full oTown larva is a brown headed •^ Fig. 68 Declivity of Tomicus caUi- grub about 3 ^(, inch long when normally extended. graph us (amhor's illustration) It body is rather stout, usually slightly curled and there is frequently a considerable thickening in the thoracic segments. Portions of the mandi- bles and the borders of adjacent sutures are dark brown. The galleries of this borer are very characteristic and frequently afford one of the readiest means of recognizing the insect. The exterior signs of its presence may be limited to numerous circular holes about y^ inch in diameter or very few of these may be found. This latter occurs in cases where the beetles have entered the bark in large numbers but have not emerged. The entrance is usually effected under a projecting scale of bark and is therefore not conspicuous, while many of the exit holes [pi. 56, hg. i] occur on the prominent ridges and are therefore very easily detected. This species under certain conditions attacks living tissues and in that event the presence of the borers is indicated by brownish or whitish pitch tubes which may be nearly }i inch in diameter and almost that in hight. One of these structures is represented [pi. 54, fig. 4] and a close examination would show that it was built up with particles of pitch from the burrows. Plate 54, figure 2, shows a pine trunk with a number of pitch tubes indicating that the tree was alive when attacked. These pitch tubes are located, as a' rule, over the entrance or nuptial chamber, from which the females make their galleries, usually following along the grain of the bark. Plate 54, figure 3, shows one of these nuptial chambers on the inner side of the bark and represents the seven female galleries, three extending 248 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM down and four upwards. In the farther portions of the galleries are series of expanding larval burrows. It will be seen that these are placed at somewhat regular intervals and are due to the fact that the female gnaws small chambers at these points and places an egg in each. Sometimes eggs are deposited very largely on one side of the gallery and at others on both sides. The larval galleries dilate gradually, with the growth of the young, have a somewhat serpentine course and end in an oval pupal cell. They form perfect mazes of interlacing burrows when at all abun- /.-Dendroctc Manor ; c-T o dant because the galleries of the young of different females may interfere more or less. It frequently happens that the beetles are so abundant as to eat away a considerable proportion of the bark and plate 55, figure 3, shows this condition very nicely and figure i on the same plate represents the same thing in a more advanced stage. The condition of the trunk of the tree after it has harbored large numbers of these borers is shown on plate 54, figure I. It will be seen that all of the bark has dropped from the trunk and that many very shallow grooves have been made in the surface INSECTS AFFFXTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 349 of the wood, indicating that this species burrows very largely in the inner bark. The work of this insect is sometimes inconspicuous. Plate 56, figure 2, shows the base of a tree, the inner bark of which has been thoroughly riddled by this borer, as shown on plate 56, figure 3, while it will be seen that nothing but decaying borings lies between the outer bark and the surface of the wood. The few exit holes on such a tree are shown on plate 56, figure i. The galleries of this insect are sometimes preserved for indefinite periods and constitute unimpeachable records of injury to living trees. Plate 55, figure 4, shows an elongated piece of bark with a series of longitudinal w^ell preserved burrows which have been kept from injury by insects usually following Tomicus because their walls were infil- trated with pitch, conclusive evidence that the tissues were living at the time this bark borer attacked the tree. The same thing is shown more plainly in plate 56, figure 2. It will be observed that the burrows on either side of these preserved channels have been almost entirely obliterated by insects which follow the original invaders. Plate 60, figure 4 shows how the Tomicus burrows may be obliterated by R h a g i u m 1 i n e a t u m Oliv., a species living in decaying bark. The work of this scolytid in con- junction with other forms to be noticed later is well shown on plate 53, figure I, which represent two pines photographed Sep. 28, igoi. It will be observed that the tip of one has very little foliage and as a matter of fact it was entirely dead at that time. The lower limbs, however, were thrifty and green and though insects w^ere working in the trunk the tree still appeared to be vigorous. The other tree in the photograph bears rather abundant foliage and showed very little evidence of weakness, though it was somewhat injured at that time by the borers. The same trees are represented at figure 2, as they stood Ap. 28, 1902. It will be observed that the tree with a dead tip the preceding September has been entirely killed and that very few needles are to be seen on the other one, which showed comparatively little injury the preceding fall. Both are dead and are evidences of the rapidity with which this insect and its associates may work. Plate 52 shows a somewhat familiar condition in the vicinity of 350 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Albany where a considerable proportion of narrow strips of jjine have been killed by this and related bark borers in recent years. Life history. The development of this insect requires about lo weeks. Auij. 5, 1 901 a slender pine was observed in which this species was entering in large numbers. The needles were somewhat thin at that time, pitch tubes were rather abundant and many small masses of pitch were to be found on the foliage of surrounding shrubs. The beetles were running their primary galleries at this time, the bark of the tree was alive along practically its entire length, and many eggs were being laid by the beetles. About eight weeks later, or Sep. 26, two thirds of the needles were brown and the remainder were changing rapidly. Oct. 16 practically all the needles were brown and dead, the bark had been killed and its inner layers consisted of little else than borings. Practically all of the living Tomicids had forsaken this tree though some were found in those near by. During this short time the entire life cycle was completed as the inner bark had been entirely destroyed by the work of beetles and grubs. Dr Hopkins states that H i s t e r c y 1 i n d r i c u s Payk is a common predaceous enemy of this species. Habits. It is not intended by the above account to give the impression that this insect normally attacks living trees, but the evidence submitted above proves conclusively that, under certain conditions, it may and does cause serious injury. It is undoubtedly true, as stated by other writers, that this species,- like some of its allies, attacks by preference diseased or dying trees' and that only when it becomes exceptionally abundant is there danger of its injuring healthy pines. The writer has observed this insect in the vicinity of Albany where it has caused more injury to white pines than to the equally abundant, though smaller, hard or pitch pine. The latter occurs almost entirely on Long Island and therefore this species can attack no other pine in that section. Preventive measures. There is very little that can be done for trees which have been attacked by this and related borers other than cutting and burning the infested parts before the beetles have emerged. If this cutting INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 35 1 is done at the time the insects are all in the larval or grub state, it will be sufficient if the bark is stripped from the trees and allowed to dry. This will kill practically all the insects, but in case there are considerable numbers of beetles present, it would be wiser to destroy them at once by burning. Bibliography 1858 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rei)'t 1857, p. 35-36 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 711-12 1899 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui, 56, p. 284, 294, 342,422, 445 1902 Felt, E. P. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Bui. 31, n. s., j). 64-65 1902 Hopkins, A. D. U. S. Dep't Agrie. Div. Ent. Bui. 32, n. s. p. 11-12 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 4S2-85 Pine bark beetle Toinicns piiii Say A light brown or nearly black beetle about 5 32 inch in length bores the thinner pine bark near the middle portion of the trunk and that of the larger limbs. This species is about the same size as Tomicus cacographus Lee. and similarly it is frequently associated with larger forms, specially with Tomicus calligraphus Germ. It appears to confine its attack largely to the white pine though it has been recorded from spruce and larch. This borer was breeding in large numbers Aug. 18, 1901 at Saranac Inn in a small dying white pine about 18 inches in diameter. The tree was abundantly infested about midway of its hight and a few beetles were found almost at the top and nearly to the base. This species occurred Sep. 15 in considerable numbers under the bark of the upper portion of the trunk and on the underside of the larger limbs of a large dying white pine at Lansing- burg. This tree was also attacked by Tomicus calligraphus Germ, which was exceedingly abundant in the thick bark near the base of the trunk. Practically the same conditions as described above were found at Bath-on-Hudson, across the river from Albany, except that the attack was more advanced. This form was also concerned in the death of a number of 352 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM white pines at Round Lake N. Y. in the summer of 1901. The destructive work of this little borer was further evidenced by a complaint from Jeremiah Day, Catskill N. Y., December 1901, to the effect that 50 young white pines about 25 or 30 years old had been killed durinj^r the preceding sumnier and the examples of the injured bark proved that this species was the dep- redator. It is very evident that this little borer can seriously injure if it does not kill a tree outright. It was met with on pine and tamarack at Big Moose N. Y., )ul}' 8, 1903, evidently attracted to the recently burned trees. Description. The beetle is slightly larger than Tomicus c a c o- graphu s Lee, being about 5/32 inch long and usually a little stouter. It varies in color, like the preceding, from a light to a very dark brown. One of the most prominent char- ' .icteristics of this species is the presence of but four teeth on each side of the conspicuous- posterior exca- vation or declivity of the elytra. They are arranged as follows : the dorsal one near the median line is minute and sometimes wanting in the female ; the second and third are larger, specially the latter, and touching at the base; the fourth is much smaller and independent. The prothorax is rather coarsely granulated and the elytra or wing covers are ornamented with longitudinal rows of rather small punctures. The antennal structure is shown on plate 66, figure 7 and that of the tibia in figure jia. Life history and habits. The typical form of the burrows of this insect is well shown in plate 57, figure 3, which represents the central or entrance chamber and an adult gallery. ' The latter is about ' i6 inch in diameter, and leading therefrom are somewhat tortuous expanding larval mines, rarely more than }^ inch in length. The specimen of bark photographed shows also the work of what is probably a young Monohammus larva. It will be seen by an examination of this figure that, in this case at least, two females continued their work from the central chamber, one going up and the other down approximately parallel with the bark fibers. A more advanced INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 353 stage of this insect's work is shown at plate 57, figure 2, which represents a portion of a female gallery together with a great many very irregular larval mines, several pupal cells and a few exit holes. This insect and its relatives may cause considerable injury to the inner bark without any very perceptible exterior signs. Plate 57, figure i, represents a portion of pine bark, the inner surface of which has been badly mined by this borer. The early work of this species is shown on plate 58, figure i, 2. The work of this species in the thinner bark of the middle portion of a young pine is well shown on plate 59, figure i, 2. The view of the inner aspect of the bark [fig. 2] shows the galleries of the Tomicus very plainly indeed and also the broader shallow workings of young Monohammus larvae. A great number of exit holes are represented in figure i by the light spots. Both of these illustrations were taken with a light background, consequently the exit holes appear as white spots. Dr Fitch has noticed this insect and he states that the adult burrows have some resem- blance to the fingers of a hand spread apart or to the track of a bird, in that they diverge from a common center and run up and down the tree. He states that this insect may be found under the bark of old white pines. Prof. A. D. Hopkins records this species as exceedingly common in the bark of white pine in West Virginia and observes that it attacks all other kinds of pine in that State. He has also found it in both the larch and black spruce, but not so commonly as in the pine. In May and [une 1897 he found it quite common excavating egg galleries in the living bark of black spruce and his observations led him to conclude that under favorable conditions it might prove a very destructive enemy of this tree. Preventive measures. Methods of service in controlling the preceding species will also prove valuable in checking this borer. rig. 71 Middle tibiae: a=T o n pini; i~T. caelatiis; c-T. graph us (original; 354 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Bibliography 1S58 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep't 1857, p. 36-37 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 713-15, 858, 903 1899 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp, Sta. Bui. 56, p. 253-54, 342, 422, 445 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 487-88 Tomicus caelatus Eich. A brownish or nearly black cylindric lieetle about '/6 incli in length may be found working in tlie inner layers of thinner pine bark, particularly that of the middle portion of the trunk and on the underside of tlie limbs of larger trees. This borer, like Tomicus cacographus Lee. and T. pini Say is frequently associated with tlie larger and very common T. c a 1 1 i - graph us Germ, and like the other small forms prefers the thinner bark of smaller trees or that of the upper portions of the trunk of larger ones. This bark beetle has been characterized by Dr Fitch as one of the most pernicious of all the insects infesting our white pine forests and the yellow pine in the Southern States. He adds that while most of the larger borers may attack old and decaying or dead trees, this small insect is liable to invade those that are in full health and vigor and young trees as well as older ones. This species is stated by Dr Hopkins to be very common in West Virginia in partly living bark, on living, dying and dead, standing and felled trees. He adds that it infests all of the pines and the native and intro- duced spruces and that it is widely distributed. He has found Hister c y 1 i n d r i c u s Payk in the galleries of this species. This beetle was found at work in baLsam in company with Tomicus balsam eus Lee, in hard pine with T. calli graph us Germ, and T. c a c o g r a p h u s Lee, in white pine with T. c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s Germ, and T. pini .Say and in spruce witli 1' o 1 y g r a p h u s r u f i p e n n i s Kirby. It was also taken on spruce and tamarack at Big Moose N. Y., Aug. 3, 1903, probably attracted to the recently burned trees. Description. This is another medium sized Tomicus, being about y^ inch in length, c)'lindric, and varying in color from a light to a very dark INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 355 brown. It is a little shorter and more slender than Tomicus c a c o- graphus Lee, the posterior, dorsal portion of the wing covers is more hairy and the declivity is not so well marked. ^ I There are three principal tubercles orchitinous teeth. A minute dorsal one near the median line and two larger, widely separated teeth on --J^Tw^^^^^'^^ the flattened area of the declivity. Between ^ ' '' "* *""" " ' " the larger tubercles and farther from the median line there are two minute chitinous points marking the real margin of the declivity. The prothorax is rather finely granulated and the wing covers are marked with longitudinal rows ^''' ^\^T\l'uih,.r\ ■nustrui!,,,)'''"''''" of rather fine punctures. The antennae are represented on plate 66, figure 5 and the middle tibia at figure 71/;. The galleries of this species, judging from the few specimens collected are more irregular than are those of some other members of the genus. The central or entrance chamber is well marked and from this three or more females may make their way in rather tortuous courses, sometimes parallel with and sometimes nearly across the bark fibers. The eggs are deposited on both sides of the burrows and the grubs or larvae excavate very irregular galleries for a distance of about an inch and end their labors in a rather deep oval cell in the sapwood in which the grub transforms to the beetle. Dr Fitch noticed this insect in his fourth report under the name of Tomicus xylograph us Say and he comments as follows on the boring habits of this species. He states that a long slender cylindric gallery is formed which is excavated about equally in the outer surface of the wood and in the inner layers of the bark. In some cases two, three or even six galleries start from one point, running in opposite directions, but always lengthwise with the tree or limb. Little notches are excavated at intervals in the adult galleries while the work is in progress, one to four eggs being placed in each notch. The gnawings of the beetles are left 356 " NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Strewn in the bark behind them, and as they travel backward and forward in the burrow trom time to time, the little stiff hairs with which their bodies are provided serve as a brush to sweep this dust into the egg notches. Thus the mouths of these chambers are filled and the eggs therein covered and concealed. The female forms a burrow from 4 to 8 inches or more in length. Life history. Dr Fitch states that the eggs probably hatch in 10 to 20 days according .to the temperature. The young grub is found lying with its back towards the sawdust with which the cavity in which the egg is laid was filled, it thus being close to the soft innermost layer of bark at the extremity of the notch. This cavity is continued by the larvae to a distance of from I to 3 inches at approximately right angles to the central gallery, which latter increases in size with the development of the grub. Those not overtaken by disaster excavate an oval cell in which the final transformation to the adult takes place. The small beetles escape from their retreats by boring directly to the surface of the bark. Bibliography 1857 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep't 1857, p. 30-35 1899 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. .\gric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 56, p. 258, 342, 423 and 446 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 488-90 Southern tomicus Tomicus cacograpJius Lee. A small brown or blackish cylindric beetle about '3 inch long may frecpiently be found boring the thinner bark of smaller pines and that of the limbs of larger trees. It is usually associated in this work with one or more species belonging to this genus. This bark borer is a medium sized form which was specially abundant in October 1900 at Manor L. I., where it attacked the hard pines which are so abundant in that region. This beetle prefers the thinner bark of smaller trees and also attacks the middle portion of the trunk and the limbs of larger pines. It is frequently associated in its destructive work with Tomicus c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s Germ. This species was taken in August and .September in considerable num- INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 3 c 7 bers at Sllngerlands and Karner. It was found working- in a recently cut hard pine at Karner and in white pine Hmbs which had just been cut at Slingerlands. This beetle was common at Manor L. I., in 1900. It was taken from under the bark of the middle portion of the trunk of a pitch pine, which was attacked at the base by Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv. It appeared to be the primary offender in one case where it was boring in large numbers in a limb on which the needles were still green, though they dropped readily. It was found working in the living tissues at the base of another dying hard pine. This lattter tree had thrown out sprouts in a last effort to sustain life and even these were dying. Another small tree was found badly infested with this bark borer. The leaves were just beginning to turn yellow and the attack was confined almost entirely to the upper portion of the trunk. Description. This is one of the medium sized species of Tomicus. The beetle is a trifle over yg inch long, cylindric, rather slender in form and like other species of this genus, varies in color from a light to a dark brown. The posterior excavation or declivity of the wing covers is bordered by a series of five teeth. The one near the dorsal median line is very minute, the second and third are much larger and connected at the base and the fourth and fifth are Fie- 73 cecivity of Tomics smaller and distinct from each other. The prothorax iHusirafionV is rather coarsely granulated and the wing covers are marked with longitu- dinal rows of rather deep punctures. The antennal structure is illustrated on plate 66, figure 8 and the tibia in figure yir. The soft white pupae may be found in their oval cells in the bark. The pupa is usually creamy white, about as long as the beetle and with a tapering abdomen wath one or two segments usually extending be)-ond the tips of the wing covers. The full grown larvae or grubs are a creamy white, about 3 ,5 inch long and with the body slightly curved. The head is light brown with the tips of the mouth parts and adjacent sutures much darker. 358 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Life history. Adults of this species were entering limits in large numbers at Manor L. 1. Oct. 3, 1900, the galleries evidently being both for hibernation and food. They were a little over ' 16 inch in diameter, exceedingly tortuous and apparently without plan. In one portion the beetles had just begun their operations and the curious manner in which they work in living bark is shown on plate 60, figure i. A more advanced stage is illustrated at plate 60, figure 2, and this shows how completely a limb may be girdled within a short time. The specimen from which this illustration was made was taken from a limb about 10 feet long which bore many green needles. The foliage dropped readily and as the tree had apparently been vigorous till within a short time, the primary injury was attributed to this insect. A central or entrance chamber will be seen in both of these illustrations, though most of the galleries are very irregular. The tendency of the adults to work largely with the grain of the bark is shown in plate 60, figure 3, which illustrates a very badly eaten piece of hard pine bark. There was very little or no evidence of the operations of the larva in this instance. Dr Packard states that the burrows of this species are much like those of T. calligraphu s Germ, except that the main gallery is narrower, being about ' i„ inch in diameter and the exit holes to correspond with the smaller size of the beetle. So far as our observations go the galleries made by the beetles during the breeding period are more regular and are apt to run with the grain of the bark, the eggs being deposited on either side and the young making more or less oblique, serpentine galleries in the adjacent tissues. Later, the infested bark may become a mass of interlacing burrows partly filled with brown particles of decaying bark. A few of the adult galleries may remain comparatively untouched, but, as a rule, they are not so straight and sharply defined as are those of Tomicus calligraphus Germ. Dr Hopkins has observed that the beetles are attracted by turpentine. Distribution. The distribution of this species has been given by Dr LeConte as the Southern and Western .States and Dr Packard credits it with injuring the pines of North Carolina and southward even more than INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 350 T. pini Say in the north. Dr J. B. Smith records the insect as being present throughout New Jersey where it mines the green bark of dead or dying pines and spruces. Dr Hopkins states that it is very common in West \'irginia under partly Uving. dying and dead bark of living, dying and dead standing and fallen pines and spruces. He states that it infests all of the pines and the native and introduced spruces and that it is widely distributed. Natural enemies. Dr A. D. Hopkins has reared several parasites from this species. Spathius canadensis (?) Ashm. was bred by him from cocoons found in the mines of this insect in white pine and S. p a 1 1 i d u s Ashm. was reared by him from cocoons occurring in the larval galleries under the bark of scrub pine. Hister parallelus Say and H. cylindricus Payk were taken by Dr Hopkins in the galleries of this species. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 17 1S99 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56, p. 284-344, 347, 422, 427, 42S and 445 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish &: Game Com. 7th Rep'r. p. 4S5-S6 Minute spruce bark beetle Cryptiirgus atoiiiiis Lee. A minute, dark bark beetle about '/lo inch in length, makes short sinuous mines in the bark of spruce and pine. This is one of our smallest bark borers and in many instances is proba- bly overlooked on this account. According to Dr Hopkins it enters the galleries of other bark beetles, from which it e.xcavates numerous very small, irregular channels through the inner bark of dying and dead black and red spruce and white pine. The mine consists of a short, sinuous, pri- mary- galler}" about ^i inch long from which arise on either side about 10 shorter secondan," galleries. The beetles are sometimes e.xtremely numer- ous, manv mines occurring within a square inch of surface. Dr Packard records meeting Iar\ae, pupae and beetles in great abundance at Brunswick 360 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Me., in August 1880, where they occur in dead trees as well as spruce stumps, also in white pine stumps. The followino; description of the beetle is given by Dr LeConte : Slender, dark, piceous, shining, prothorax distinctly longer than wide, sparsely and coarsely punctured ; elytra very finely not densely pubescent, striae composed of shallow punctures, interspaces as well as the striae with- out distinct punctulations. Length, i mm +. Head with a broad short beak, slightly conve.x, finely not densely punctulate. Prothorax distinctly longer than wide, slightly rounded on the sides, gradually narrowed from the middle to the tip ; disk transversely convex, not polished, but very imperceptibly granulate, sparsely and strongly punctured. Elytra cylin- drical, not wider than the prothorax, convexly declivous behind ; sparsely clothed with very short and fine yellowish pubescence , striae composed of rather large, shallow punctures, interspaces not narrower than the striae, almost imperceptibly punctulate. Beneath nearly smooth, sides of meta- sternum with a row of punctures, sides of ventral segments feebly punctured. Legs piceous, front tibiae with five distinct acute teeth on the outer edge, which is also sparsely fringed with long yellowish hairs, with a fine apical spine at inner angle ; tarsi yellow, narrow, third joint not dilated. Antennae with the scape long, the first joint of the funicle large, rounded; second indistinct, closely connected with the club, which is large oval, not pointed, solid, polished and corneous, except along the apical margin, where there is a spongy sensitive band. This species probably has a wide distribution in the northeastern United States, as it is recorded from Canada and Maine south to West Virginia and westward to Ohio. Sawyer JMonohainiiiiis tonfiisor Kirby Large white, fleshy, legless grub from i ',2 to 2 inciies long may frequently work in the inner l)ark and sapwood of dead and dying pines, spruces and balsams, and also in logs cut from these trees. This species is one of the more common borers found under the bark of logs and dead and dying trees belonging to the species mentioned above. The presence of the borers in piles of logs may easily be detected by the masses of white sawdustlike borings which collect on the ground beneath or which may be found under the bark. Injuries. Grubs belonging presumably to this species have been met INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES •jgj with by the writer in balsam, spruce, hard and white pines, and in not a few instances they were abundant enough to cause considerable injury and materially reduce the market value of the logs. This species, when numer- ous, also appears able to exist in living trees. The writer found a number of these grubs Oct. i6, 1901 at Bath-on-Hudson, working in living, appar- ently healthy bark and with the point of injury indicated by wormlike masses of pitch, showing conclusively that the grubs were operating in living tissues. The tree under observation was apparently not infested^ by any other insect and it appears probable that the beetles must have bred in large numbers in nearby decaying, dead or dying trees and then, because of the lack of more .suitable conditions, attacked this living white pine. Another case was observed during the same summer where the grubs of this species were working in what appeared to be healthy pines and their operations were to be observed here and there over a considerable propor- tion of large trunks. It is remarkable how quickly this species infests a dying tree, and in not a few other cases have we been led to question whether the Monohammus larvae may not have followed the work of other species very closely, even if its attack was not coincident with theirs. Early history. This species was noticed in some detail by Dr Fitch under the name of M o n o h a m m us n o t a t u s Drury. He characterizes it, M. marmoratus Rand, and U. scutellatus .Say as the most common and pernicious borers of pine timber in New York. He states that felled pine timber allowed to remain in the forest through the summer months is likely to suffer much injury from these borers, and adds that they invariably make their exit from the wood on its upper side, and, as the holes from which they issue admit water, the timber decays rapidly. This insect was noticed in 1877 by Rev. C. J. S. Bethune who states that it is very generally destructive throughout Canada and the Northern states, often being excessively abundant in pine regions. He cites Mr E. Billings to the effect that he once saw a pine tree near Lake Clear, Renfrew county, on which he calculated there were at least 300 individuals of this species, while many others were flying about in all directions. Dr James ^62 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fletcher in 1887 includes this species and M. scutellatus Say as the two insects which probably commit the most serious ravages in Canada on felled pine timber or on standing pine trees after they have been injured by fire. Description. The egg has been described by Dr Packard as follows : " Ovo-cylindrical, well rounded, but tapering somewhat at each end, of a dirty white color" and as about V6 inch long. The grub is a white, fleshy, cylindric larva, which when full grown may attain a length of from i^/^ to 2 inches. The mandibles are a very dark brown and the head varies in color from amber to rather dark brown, the deeper color occurring at the sutures. The thoracic shield is somewhat chitinized and bears a transverse, irregular, dark brown marking. This larva may be readily distinguished from that of Rhagium, which frequently occurs under similar conditions, by the entire absence of legs and by the head not being nearly so wide and flattened. The adult insect is a magnificent grayish beetle, finely mottled with light brown and rather conspicuously dotted, specially on the wing covers, with dark brown or nearly black. The body length of the beetle varies from about i/^, to i}4 inches. The insect is remarkable for its enormous antennae, which may measure from 2 to 3 or more inches in length [pi. 63, fig- I]- Life history. The beetles are found in the vicinity of Albany from the latter part of June through July and into August and Dr Fletcher mentions taking an adult in September. This latter date is late for New York State. The beetles by preference frequent dying or dead trees and occasionally are found in considerable numbers. The eggs of this species are deposited in conspicuous transverse gashes in the bark which are made by the female with her jaws. Dr Packard is of the opinion that the beetle prys up a portion of the gash and inserts the egg in the opening thus formed. The eggs are said to hatch in from two to three days after deposition and the young grubs at once begin boring in the inner bark. The earlier work of the larva or grub is confined almost INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 363 entirely to the inner bark, but as it increases in size the sapwood may be scored, and eventually the borer may go to some depth in the wood, particularly on the approach of winter. This grub when near maturity is very strong and excavates large, irregular galleries in almost any direction in the wood, and has been fre- quently met with by the writer at the depth of 6 or 8 inches from the surface. He has seen small balsam trees, 6 inches in diameter, penetrated to the center by the grub, which subsequently completed its transformations and the beetle emerged on the opposite side. This borer works so vigor- ously that it may be heard at night gnawing in the wood. The period required for the completion of the life cycle is unknown, though most writers are of the opinion that under ordinary circumstances three years are necessary. Dr James Fletcher calls attention to the finding of larva of all sizes in a pine which had been killed by fire the previous spring and from this he is inclined to believe that under certain conditions ^the life cycle may be completed in a year. It is known that this time may be enormously extended, since beetles have been bred out from wood which had been cut lo to 15 or more years before. Distribution. This insect, which appears to have a general distribution in pine, spruce and balsam regions, ranges from West Virginia into Canada and, according to published accounts, it appears to be much more abundant to the north. Protective measures. Very little, or nothing can be done to protect standing trees from attack by this insect, other than the prompt cuttino- of dying and dead timber. Dr James Fletcher has pointed out that logs may be protected to a considerable extent by covering them with fir boughs so as to shade them from the sun. Probably any other shade would be nearly as effective. The removal of the bark would also aid materially in prevent- ing the borers from entering the logs. Bibliography 1857 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep't, p. 21-24 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 686-95 364 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM White spotted sawyer ]\Io!io/ia>/ninis sc/i/c//ir/us Say This longicorn is much less abundant about Albany than its larger relative M. confusor Kirby. It measures about }-i inch in length and may be recognized by its nearly uniform black color mottled with white. The writer took a specimen on dying white pine at Bath-on-Hudson July 26, 1901, and one on hard pine at Karner Jime 13 of the same year. It appears to be numerous in the Adirondack reoion, and somewhat so at Pike. According to Dr Packard it is common, sometimes abundant, in Maine and northern New England and specially in the lumber regions of Lake Superior, from whence he had received it in large numbers. It also occurs, according to him, in pine forests of British America, and in Wash- ington and Oregon along the Pacific coast. Dr A. D. Hopkins records it as a common and destructive wood borer in dying and dead white pine in West Virginia. This species appears to be comparatively rare in New Jersey, since Dr Smith lists a single specimen from Newark and gives but one other locality where it is known to occur. Rev. C. J. S. Bethune, writing of this insect in 1877, states that the species is sometimes very abundant in Canada, and that he has occasionally found the insects swarniing in great numbers on fallen pines. Rev. Thomas W. Fyles records an instance where this species was extremely injurious to spruce in 1895. He states that in the spring one of his neighbors planted an extensive hedge around his grounds and by the end of the summer nearly every scion had been girdled or partially so by this beetle. He adds that in a hea\'y wind he has seen a large spruce tree snap off two feet from the ground, and on examination found that the stem was honey combed with the larval galleries of this insect. Dr James Fletcher states that shading cut logs with balsam boughs appears to be a very effective method of pre- venting injury by this species and M. confusor Kirby. . INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 365 Tickler IMonoIiannints titillator Fabr. A brownish mottled cylindric beetle, about )4 inch long, and with very long slender antennae, may be found in small numbers on pine trees in midsummer. The larvae bore in the wood. This beautiful little beetle was met with in very small numbers in 1901 on both white pine and hard pine. This species is evidentl)- widely dis- tributed, since its range has been given by Dr Horn as from Canada to the state of Washington and southward. It occurs on pines in June and July throughout the state of New Jersey as recorded by Dr Smith. This insect was noticed briefly by Dr Harris, but he was not aware of its habits. Mr F. C. Bowditch has ascertained some interesting facts regarding it. Life history and description. Mr Bowditch records taking adults under the bark of yellow pines in June, at which time a number were nearly ready to emerge, and a week later he discovered no less than So beetles in one tree in all stages of development, the largest being near the base. The larvae bore through the trunk, when it is less than 6 inches in diameter, instead of working here and there on the surface of the wood. He states that the larva feeds on the sapwood or inner bark till fall, wdien it turns and bores outward, leaving its passage filled with chips, and forms a hibernating cell about Yi to ' 10 inch beneath the bark, in which it completes its trans- formation during the winter or even as late as the last of June. The grub has been described by Mr Bowditch as follows: The larva is a footless, yellowish, white grub, more or less hairy, cylindrical in shape, about i ■* 10 inches long, and 3/20 of an inch in diameter. The body including the head is made up of 14 segments, the last eight of which have a kind of ridge on each side, covered with hairs longer than those which are found on the rest of the body and which doubtless assist it in locomotion, the second segment next the head is flattened on the upper side. Bibliography 1873 Bowditch, F. C. Am. Nat. 7 : 498-500 366 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Marbled sawyer j\/oiio/ia)uiinis Jimrmorah/s Rand. This insect is much rarer in New York State than the larger M. c o n f u s o r Kirby and the nearly equal sized M. s c u t e 1 1 a t u s Say. The beetle is about Js inch long and may be recognized by its light grayish wing covers mottled with brown and dark brown SDOtS. The insect was taken in small numbers the latter part of Jime and in early July, 190T at Albany and a few specimens have been received by the writer from I^ike. It presumably has about the same habits as M. scutellatus .Say. It was broug-ht to the attention of Dr F"itch in 1857, who records the breed- ing of the beetle in July. Dr Packard states that it is not a particularly common insect. Bibliography 1857 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4tli Rep't, p. 24 Ribbed pine borer Rhagiuni liticatiini Oliv. A white, broad headed flattened grub fre(iuently occurs in considerable numbers under the bark of dead pines, and transforms to a gray, black marked beetle with con- spicuous ridges on its wing covers. This species has been met with by the writer in considerable abundance under the bark of dead white or hard pines in the vicinity of Albany. It can not be considered Injurious to living trees so far as our experience goes, since it is one of the forms which revels in partly rotten tissues, and the operations of the grub and associated insects soon loosen the bark so that it falls off in large sheets. This beetle was so abundant Sep. 2, 1901, under the bark of a good sized white pine, at Lansingburg, that about 25 adults, numerous pupae and larvae were obtained in a few minutes. Oct. 10 practi- cally the same conditions obtained, though there may have been fewer larvae. It was taken Aug. 17, 1901, under spruce bark at Saranac Inn. This species was noticed by Dr Rathvon in 1861, who found it very common in Pennsylvania and credited it with killing trees. It has been INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 36? recorded by Dr Packard as occurring under the bark of pitch pine and balsam trees. He found this species abundant under the bark of a white pine log at Salem Mass., in October, and states that he has frequently detected it in the same situations in Maine. He obtained both the larvae- and adults Ap. 24. Dr Hopkins has recorded this species as mining under the bark of dying trees and states that it is common in Virginia. He records the presence of adults Ap. 8, May 5, 9, Oct. 17, Dec. 19, and pupa in October, and larvae July 14. He adds that it is a very common borer in decaying pine wherever the trees grow in West Virginia. Description. This beetle is a grayish insect, mottled with black, about ^8 inch long. Its general forms and markings are well shown on plate 64, figure I. The prothoracic spines and the two prominent ridges on each wing cover are the most characteristic features of this beetle. The pupa is white, rather stout, and varies in length from about j4 to nearly ^ inch. The dorsum of the head, meso- and metathorax and each abdominal segment bear minute hairs or setae somewhat grouped on each side of the dorsal line. The brown abdominal spiracles are conspicuous [pi. 64, fig. 4]. The pupal cell is constructed just under the bark. It is oval, about ^ by ^ inches in diameter and is partly lined with somewhat decayed wood particles. The most characteristic feature is the mass of fibers torn from the wood at the bottom of the cell and incorporated in its walls [pi. 64, fig. 7]. The excavation in the wood is probably necessary to give requisite depth for the thicker pupa and beetle. This is in marked contrast to the pupal cells of Pytho americanus Kirby, a species frequently associ- ated with Rhagium and which is noticed on page 368. The white flattened grub or larva ranges in length from 3/j^ to i^ inches and is remarkable for its broad head which is amber colored and is fully as wide as the thoracic segments. The powerful jaws are tipped with black. The corneous prothoracic shield is yellowish, and the six true legs are poorly developed [pi. 64, fig. 11]. Life history. Some larvae, pupae and many beetles were found under ■j68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the bark of one tree Sep. 21, 1901. The remaining pupae were nearly ready to assume the adult form and the beetles were to be found mostly within the pupal cells. j\lr.ny of them had begun to burrow in an oblique direction up and out through the bark. Some had just started the work but in many cases the beetles had nearly penetrated the thick bark, though none had escaped, so far as was observed. The grubs of this species evidently become full grown during the latter part of the summer, construct their pupal cells, and transform to beetles before the approach of cold weather. The adults winter very largely in the pupal cells or in the characteristic upward curving exit burrows which they begin soon after assuming the adult condition. Bibliography 1 86 1 Rathvon, S. S. U. S. Patent Office Rep't, p. 620 1S90 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rept, p. 704-6,830, S62 1893 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. .\gric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32, p. 195 1899 W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56, p. 439 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish t>c Game Com. 7th Re|)'t, p. 49--93 Pytho americanus Kirby A small beetle with a black head and thin dark bluish green wing covers may be met with under decaying pine bark the latter part of the summer. This species, like its associate, Rhagium 1 i n e a t u m Oliv., occurs rather commonly in moist decaying pine bark. The lar\-ae, pupae and beetles of these two species may be found in large numbers under the bark of the same tree. This insect appears to prefer the bark in an advanced state of decay and, like its associate, can be regarded as injurious only so far as it hastens the decay of dead trees, since it aids in loosening the bark and in exposing the wood to the elements. It has been recorded by Mr Harrington as occurring in Ontario, Can., in shallow cells under the bark of old logs and stumps. Dr Hopkins states that in West X'irginia it commonly infests dying and dead bark in pine logs and stumps. He obtained adults in February. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAXD TREES 369 Description. The beetle is much tlattened and is about yi inch long, with the head and thorax black, and the striated wing covers a dark bluish green. The powerful jaws are rufous, tipped with black, and the antennae, legs and abdomen are similiarly colored. The insect is represented on plate 64, figure 2. The pupa is whitish, more slender than that of Rhagiuni, and ma)- easily be recognized by its occurring in cells with walls composed entirely of nearly rotten particles of bark [pi. 64, fig. 3]. The pupal cell is nearly circular, about 0,4 inch in diameter, and is constructed between the bark and the wood. There is no excavation in the w^ood and the walls are composed only of partly rotten borings [pi. 64, fig. 9]. The difference between the cells of Rhagium and Pytho is well brought out in the illustration. Life history. The larva evidently becomes full grown the latter part of the season and transforms to the pupa and then to the beetle before the approach of cold weather. The species hibernates probably very largely in the pupal cells or under the bark. Bibliography 1893 Hopkins, A. D. W. Ya. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32, p. 204 1899 \\'. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56, p. 441 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 494 Spruce timber beetle Xylfltcriis bivittatus Kirby A rather stout, brownish black beetle, about )'& inch long, attacks the exposed wood of various coniferous trees. The deserted galleries of this species were found by the writer in a spruce log at Floodwood in 1901. This beetle was breeding Aug. 23 at Axton in a stump of a balsamtree which haci been cut the preceding April. It has been recorded by Dr Hopkins as infesting black spruce and hemlock in West Virginia, and Dr Packard states that the insect occurred, though not commonlv, under the bark of a fir in the White mountains near the 370 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Glen House. Mr H. G. Hubbard states that this species is common in coniferous trees from Alaska to Maine and extending southward in the mountainous regions. He adds that it is equally common in northern Europe. This is a rather stout, brownish, black beetle, measuring but little over ys inch in length. The form of the antennae, the sculpturing of the prothorax and the markings on the wing covers are well shown at ^J I fig"!'*^ 74- The galleries of this species, like those of the fol- lowing, penetrate the wood vertically for some distance '^ and then branch. The brood chambers are arranged at nearly equal distances and extend above and below in a direction parallel with the wood fibers. They are usually farther apart than in the case of X. p o 1 i t u s Say. The walls are stained black as in allied species. Natural enemies. I)r Hopkins has found I p s fas ci at us Oliv. associated with this form in spruce logs, and larva, probably of the same species, in its burrows. A predaceous form, T h a n e r o c 1 e r i s sanguineus Sa)', was found by Dr Hopkins on a hemlock stump with this borer. He also records an interesting instance where large numbers of this species were taken in the stomachs of brook trout in Randol[)h \V. Va. the latter part of May. The insects had evidently been flying in considerable numbers, dropped on the water and fallen a prey to the fish. Bibliography 1S97 Hubbard, H. G. U. S. ])ei)'t Agrir. Div. Em. l!ul. 7, n. s. p. 2S 1899 Hopkins, A. D. \\ . Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56, ]i. 349, [44 Fis. 74 X y I o t e r u s h i v ! I ta t us. {Alter HuLb.ird, I S. Dep't Agric. Div. Enl Bui. 7, n. s. 1897) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES i7i Eastern pine wood stainer Gnathotriclnis luatcriariiis Fitch A brownish black, rather slender beetle about >8 inch long, enters the sapwood of dying and dead white pine, making cylindric galleries, the walls of which are stained black. This common wood-boring Ambrosia beetle lives on a fungus cultivated in its galleries. This species is common in d\ing and dead white pines in different sections of the State, entering the wood very shortly after the tree has been injured as a rule. It w^as met with on spruce at Big Moose N. v., July 2, 1903, it being attracted to trees injured by recent fires in that rius. (After Hub- bard, U. S. Dep't Agric.Div. Ent. Eul. section. It has also been noticed by Dr Fitch. This insect makes slender, cylindric burrows across tli.e wood fibers and usually parallel with the lines of growth. Short, straight, lateral galleries or brood cells branch off from the main ones at right angles above and below. This species is attracted by the odor of turpentine, and Dr Hopkins records it as one of a number collected on a recently painted greenhouse. He states that this species, associated with others, is frequently found in the sapwood of spruce at Williams River W. \'a., and adds that it is very common in that state in the sapwood of dead and dying pine and spruce trees, logs and stumps. He 372 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM adds that it is widely distributed. A small beetle, Hister parallelus Say occurs in the burrows of this insect and may possibly prey on it. The presence of this borer, as well as that of some others, may frequently be detected by the small piles of white sawdust on the bark or at the base of infested trees. Description. This beetle is a rather slender, cylindric, brownish black insect, about ys inch long, and with yellowish legs. The globular antennal club, the puncturing of the thorax, and the linear dotting of the wing covers are well shown in figure 75. The structure of the antennae is represented on plate 67, figure 4, and that of the middle tibia at figure 78.'?. The burrows of this beetle extend into the wood vertically for a short distance, in a specimen at hand less than 1^2 an inch. This main gallery has several branches diverging in a direction approximately par- allel with the lines of growth, each of which leads into a series of vertical brood chambers. The illustration is typical of the complex system of galleries. Bibliography 1858 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rf]/t 1857, p. 40-42 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Knt. Com. 5th Rep't, j). 718-20 1897 Hubbard, H. G. U. S. Dep't Agric Div. Knt. JUil. 7, n. s. p. 30 1899 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56, p. 344, 346, 347, 434, 442 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 495-96 Pityophthorus sp. An insect belonging to this genus 'was met with by the writer Aug. 22, 1900, at Axton, where it was working in small numbers under the bark of a young dying white pine. The central chamber of this species is somewhat circular and in the specimen figured has four primary galleries with a short fifth. The primary or egg galleries run longitudinally or obliquely to the wood fibers and cut into the wood a considerable propor- tion of their depth. The larval galleries are somewhat tortuous, expand very gradually, and also cut the sapwood for about }4 their depth, and toward the extremities a greater proportion lies in the wood [fig. 77]. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 373 Pityophthorus sp. A small species belonging to this genus was met with by the writer Sep. 8, 1900 at Karner, working under the bark of a dead hard pine limb. Fig. 77 Work of Pityophtliorii Recently transformed adults and a few pupae were observed in the galleries. The twig was also bored by a longicorn larva. The adult galleries of this insect are remarkable for their delicacy. They are well represented in plate 63, figure 6. It will be seen that the general design has been much marred by the work of the longicorn above mentioned, and the tortuous larval galleries may be seen branching from the primary ones at irregular and somewhat considerable distances. The larva as it attains maturity appears to make a very irregular excavation which sometimes doubles back on itself or is simply a very broad excavation. Pityophthorus sp. This species was taken Sep. 8, 1900 at Karner from dead limbs of i)itch pine. Its breedintr season f'8- 7^ Middle •- Gnathotricub niateri- was evidently nearly at end as a very few pupae and irius; i-pit yogenes sp. a. ; c—P i t y o g e n e s sp. b. some recently transformed adults were found. (origin.,i) Description. This is a reddish brown or almost black, rather slender, cylindric beetle measuring but little over yi6 inch in length. 374 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The adult burrows, in the smaller limbs just beneath the bark, are usually nearly parallel with the grain of the wood and may extend a distance of 3 or more inches. The irregular, serpentine burrows of the young are ^ inch or more apart, over ]/, inch long and usually alternating on each side of the parental gallery. Pityogenes sp. a Another species of this genus, stated by Dr Hopkins to be a new form, was met with by the writer at Saranac Inn in August igoo. It was working in a nearly dead young pine and its galleries are quite different from the following. The central chamber is not quite so large, the egg notches appear to be placed closer together, and the larval galleries do not groove the wood so deeply as a rule. The pupal cells are sunken much more deeply into the sapwood. Figure 7q illustrates the work of this species. Apparently the same insect was met with in another white pine where it was associated with T o m i c u s c a e 1 a t u s Lee, and also in balsam, where it occurred in company with the last named species and Tomicus b a 1- s a m e u s Lee. This latter tree was dying and had been abundantly infested by the bark borers. Pityogenes sp. b A small beetle, a little over ■ 32 inch in length, works in the bark of dead white pine limbs. The prothorax is dark brown, rather coarsely tuberculate, while the wing covers are a lighter brown, nearly smooth, and with two or three minute tubercles on the declivity of each. This species was met with by the writer Aug. 5, 1900, at Slingerlands N. Y., where it was working on pine limbs which had . evidently been recently cut. Larvae and pupae were present and the insect had begun operations only a little while before. Tomicus caco graph us Lee. was associated with this borer and also a species of Hypophloeus. This iig. 79 Work of Pity ogen es sp. a in white pine (original) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 3-5 bark borer occurred in the limbs of a (l)ing- white pine at Saranac Inn, Aug. 19. All stages were present and though the tree was not excessively infested, it may possibly have had a hand in its death, as its burrows were found along the entire length of the tree. It was associated with T o m i c u s b a 1 s a m e u s Lee, another species of Pityogenes, Hypoph- loeus and a Chalcid. The two latter were not determined. This insect was also met with Sep. i8, 1900, at Bath-on-Hudson, where it was boring the dead limbs of white pine in Vv-hich were found larvae, pupae and adults. This tree had also been attacked b)- Tomicus calligraphus Germ. The borings of this species form a rather larue irregular central chamber with 3 to 4 or 5 primary or egg galleries diverg- ing, sometimes obliquely and sometimes at right angles to the wood fibers. In one case noticed, several larval galleries originated from the central chamber, showing that the eggs in at least one instance, were deposited in little notches in its wall. The primary or egg galleries are from about i to 132 inches in length, and from them arise the slender, somewhat tortuous larval galleries, which latter may attain a length of about iV. inches [pi. 63, fig. 5]. Pupation occurs at the tip of the mine in a slightly enlarged cell which is sometimes excavated in the sapwood. The beetles emero-e there- from through vertical exit holes. Balsam bark borer Toiuicits balsaiiiciis Lee. Balsam trees with red tops may frequently be observed in the Adirondack region and a close examination may show that a small brownish or nearly black beetle about 3/32 inch in length is working in large numbers in the inner bark. The balsam is one of the handsomest trees in the Adirondack region and forms a very characteristic feature of the landscape. It is not a specially valuable tree out as a subject of insect attack, it is of interest. Many healthy balsamtrees have probably been killed by this borer though it also works in diseased or sickly trees and hastens their death by its operations. Affected balsams may easily be detected at a distance by their reddened tops though this sign does not invariably indicate the presence of borers. 276 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM This species appears to he quite prevalent in the Adirondacks, judging both from observations and reports and as it frequently concentrates its attack on one or two trees, the inner bark is soon repeatedly traversed with interlacing burrows of beetles and grubs. This species appears to exist wherever its favorite tree, the balsam, grows, though it does not hesitate to attack spruce and white pine. It has been found in the Adirondacks in both of these latter trees several times, once in arbor vitae, and it has been reared from hemlock. There is little doubt of this insect's ability to kill healthy trees. A balsam lo inches in diameter just beginning to die, as was shown by its reddening top, was cut down Aug. 14, 1900. This borer was found in all stages and in large numbers from the base of the tree almost to its tip, some 50 feet high. The bark along much of this distance appeared to be healthy and the lower limbs had not begun to show any signs of weakness. No other insect had affected the vitality of this tree, so far as could be determined. Such balsams were to be met with here and there in the woods and it was stated that many of these trees had been afifected in this way a few years earlier. Numerous dead balsams here and there, attested the truth of this assertion. This insect was associated with T o m i c u s p i n i Say and species of P i t y o g e n e s, in white pine. It was obtained with Cryphalus s t r i- a t u 1 a t u s Mann, and also with P o 1 y g r a p h u s r u f i p e n n i s Kirby from spruce. T o m i c u s c a e 1 a t u s Eich. was found with it in balsam. It was taken by the writer at Flood- wood, at many places about .Saranac Inn, at Axton and vicinit)' and at Ampersand pond. Description. This is our smallest species of Tomi- cus, the adult beetle being only about y^^ inch long. Fig. 80 Dciiw.y of Tomi- |j i^ rather slender in form and varies in color from cus balsanieus (author's illustration) Hght browu to almost black. The rather coarse, light brown hairs are quite conspicuous near the posterior end of the elytra and the possession of these enables one to separate it from the allied INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES in species. The excavation of the declivity is comparatively slight and is marked on each side by the three small independent, nearly equidistant tubercles, the lower two being larger and farther apart. There is also a very minute tubercle a little above and outside of the lowest tubercle but orciinarily it is not seen. The dorsal tubercle of the three is small and near the median line. The prothorax is coarsely granulated and the wing covers are marked with longitudinal rows of rather small punctures. The general form and structure of the antennae and tibia are shown on plate 66, figure 4 and at figure 90a. The white pupa of this species is about the same size as the beetle. P' ■''?'•' M ■iiiii -tii^ Fig. 81 Central chamber ;ui ^, ,. of Tomicus balsam<=u=, Caulhur illustration) li^^' 'i, t ( '_^ t. J t 1 u der riddled lark u tl or illustration) It tapers somewhat at the posterior extremit)-, which latter bears a pair of slender pointed processes. The partly curled grub or larva is almost ys inch long and has a brownish yellow head with dark mouth parts. Habits. The operations of this species are best seen in a tree which the beetles ha\e just entered. There will usually be found three to five branch burrows here and there under the bark. A very small one is shown on plate 62, and in figure 81 It will be seen that there are five radiating 378 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM adult galleries and that each one contains a number of minute notches, the egg chambers. Each branch represents the work of a female and all have origin in a central chamber near the entrance of which the male stands guard. A more advanced stage of this insect's work is shown at plate 62, figure 3, which represents the work of three females diverging from a common chamber. It will be seen that a number of the eggs have hatched and that the larvae have worked to a considerable distance in a direction nearly par- Irilling by adult b a 1 s a III e u s Fig. 84 Galleries of T o m i c u s bal- sa 111 ens showing pitch chamber, pupal cell in sapwood and work of j'oung M o n o h a m m u s larva (author's illii allel with the wood fibers The egg notches are also visible. The same gallery as it appears on the bark is represented at plate 62, figure 1. It will be seen that in this instance at least, the larvae bored in the sapwood rather more than in the bark. A still more advanced stage is shown at plate 62, figure 5, which represents a portion of a trunk which had been injured by a large number of the beetles. The adult galleries, egg notches and the work of larvae or grubs can all be seen. Plate 62, figure 4, represents a portion of a very badly infested trunk INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 379 after the attack has practically ended. It will be observed that the inner bark is a mass of partially decayed tissues tunnelled by numerous larval and adult galleries. Figures 82, 84 represent the condition after the decayed tissues have been removed. The adult galleries may be easily recognized where they score the surface of the wood and here and there are peculiar chambers a little to one side of an adult gallery. These are not central or entrance chambers but are evidently little cavities hollowed out by the beetles for the reception of balsam and show conclusively that the tree must have been alive at the time of the initial attack. The hard, dried balsam can easily be found in such cavities. Figure 83 illustrates very nicely how thoroughly this insect may girdle twigs. It represents a small twig less than y^ inch in diameter and shows the adult galleries of two females passing from a central chamber around the twig in opposite directions and overlapping each other on the farther side by about ^ inch. The larvae or grubs pursue a rather tortuous course at approxmiately right angles to the parental galleries and end their operations in a slightly enlarged elliptic cell where the final transformations to the beetle occur Natural enemies. The writer collected two parasites, Spathius t o m i c i Ashm., and Cosmophorus hopklnsii Ashm. m the burrows ot this bark borer. Bibliography 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com 7th Rei)'t, \\. 519-22 Spruce destroying beetle Dcndroctonus piccapcrda Hopk. A rather stout, brownish or black beetle about 3 16 inch long, makes longitudinal galleries in the inner bark and outer sapwood of living spruce. These, in connection with the mere or less transverse expanding larval galleries, frequently result in the destruction of trees. This species, though only recently characterized, is an exceedingly destructive form, and its ravages have been known for some years, though the operations were usually attributed to another species. 38o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Early history. Dr Hopkins states that there is a record of this insect killing spruce in the neighborhood of Sherburne Vt., in 1831 to 1833, and in 1840, according to Henry Hough, there was serious injury to spruce in Newport, Sullivan co., N. H., probably by the same species. Prof. C. H. Peck, state botanist, wdien investigating the work of this insect in the Adirondacks in 1874, learned that the greatest destruction of spruce in Lewis county occurred 10 or 15 years before. The same trouble, according to him, was experienced in Rensselaer county about 1854. " A lumber firm found that their spruce timber was rapidly dying, and to make their loss as lifht as possible, they made haste to open roads in the forest that they miffht draw out and work up as many dead spruces as practicable before decay should render them entirely worthless, but with all their promptness they suffered no inconsiderable loss, for these dead trees soon became too much decayed to make marketable lumber." Professor Peck's investigations are of exceptional interest, particularly as we have been fortunate enough to examine specimens collected by him at that time, and therefore can be certain regarding the identity of this insect. A portion of his observations for the year 1874, follow : In August a collecting trip was undertaken in the vicinity of Lake Pleasant, Hamilton county. While there it became apparent to me that I was in a region where the spruces were dying. Standing near the outlet of the lake and looking upon the distant mountain slopes toward the north- east, east and south, patches of brown appeared here and there mingled with the usual dark green hue of the forest. The inhabitants told me that these brown patches were groups of dead spruces ; that the spruce trees were then rapidly dying, and had teen for two or three years previous, and that in consequence the value of the woodland was greatly diminishing. One of the most conspicuous of these brown patches was on the slope of Speculator mountain, a little more than half way from the base to the summit. Preparations were therefore made to visit this locality. Once on the ground it needed but little observation to satisfy me that the destructive process was then in operation. The ground under some of the spruces was thickly strewn with their fallen leaves, yet green, and every agitating wind was bringing down more of them. The bark of these trees, and of others already dead, was perforated in many places with small round holes scarcely ys. of an inch in diameter. Upon stripping a piece of bark from the trunk of one of the affected trees, the apparent cause of the mischief was at once INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 38 1 revealed. The surface of the wood and the inner layers of the bark were abundantly furrowed by the winding and branching galleries of a small bark-mining beetle. Small trees are rarely attacked. In the localities visited, from one half to two thirds of the spruces with a basal diameter ranging from one to two feet, were either dead or dying. Trees of this size are the most suitable for lumber and consequently the most valuable. The smallest affected tree noticed, had an estimated basal diameter of about lo inches. In this case the attack appeared to be a failure, for so much resin had oozed from the wound that the work was obstructed. The galleries were scattered and single and their authors were found dead, each in its furrow. . . When two trees of unequal size stand m close proximity the larger one seems to be most liable to be attacked. In one instance two trees stood scarcely more than three feet apart. The larger one had been attacked ; the smaller one remained unharmed. In another similar instance the larger of the two trees was dead, having been attacked first ; the other was dying. Professor Pecks observations in 1876, are also given in part as follows : The green slopes of Mt Emmons, commonly called Blue Mountain, and of several mountains to the north of it had' their beauty, and their value too, greatly impaired by the abundant intermixture of the brown tops of dead spruces. The destruction was also visible along the road between Newcom.b and Long Lake, and on the mountain slopes farther to the north of this road. Again, on the trail from Adirondack to Calamity pond, there was sad evidence that the little destroyer had invaded also the forests of Essex county. From what I have seen at Lake Pleasant, in the southern part, and in the vicinity of Long Lake, in the northern part, and from information concerning the Cedar river region, in the central part of Hamilton county, there is reason to believe that much of the spruce timber of this country has already been invaded by the beetle. How much farther this destructive work has extended, or will extend, it is impossible to say. But one thing is certain, it is still in progress. There are other records of extensive injuries to spruce, presumably by this species, about this time. Dr Packard reports serious damage about Beede's hotel, Keene Flats in the Adirondacks, where the spruces had been dying for about 15 years. Serious injury was caused in Maine between 1874 to 1 88 1, extensive damage occurred about this time on the Allegash and other tributaries of the St John river, and dying spruce was met with in northern New Hampshire by Fiske in 1897. The damage caused by 382 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM this species has been estimated by various correspondents at lo, 50 and even as much as 90^. Description. The parent beetle is a small, rather thick, light or dark brown insect about 3/16 inch in length. It presents no distinctive character which will enable its separation from allies, and it is more easily identified by its work, as no other insect of its size causes so much injury to spruce. The middle tibia is illustrated at figure 8^d. Its attack is limited, as observed by Professor Peck, mostly to the larger trees, it rarely being found in those less than 10 inches in diameter. The most characteristic feature of injury is the browned tops, and an examination of the trunk usu- ally results in finding tubes of pitch, which are pushed out from the wounds made by the beetles when excavating an entrance. The adult galleries *= are about Vs inch in diameter and run longitudi- Dendroctoiiuspicea- perd a (original) nally for 3. distauce of several inches, eggs being laid on either side and the larvae working more or less obliquely and very irregularly from this central gallery [pi. 6i, fig. i]. Their burrows are easily recognized by their irregular, more or less tortuous course and expanding character. Adult galleries preserved by infiltrated pitch are shown at plate '6 1, figure 2. These illustrations are specially valuable as they represent material taken by Professor Peck some 30 years ago. The following more detailed account of this insect's work by Professor Peck, will also prove of service. For the purpose of gaining more knowledge of the insect, I cut down at South Pond, a tree that had recently been attacked by it. It was about 20 inches in diameter at the base ; the foliage was still fresh and green, and there was nothing, except the perforations in the bark, to indicate that it was at all affected. The bark peeled from the trunk without much diffi- culty, the sapwood was perfectly sound, and the heartwood also, except a small portion in which there was a slight appearance of incipient decay. Lono-itudinal furrows, varying from one to six inches in length, were found Fig. 85 Middle tibiae graph us rufipc INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 383 under the bark, and each furrow was occupied by one or two beetles. Tlie furrows are excavated from below upwards. In the short ones but one beetle was found, and but one perforation communicating with the external air. In the longer ones two beetles (probably the two sexes), were usually found, and from two to four perforations afforded means of ingress and egress. The lowest perforation, which is the one by which the beetle first enters and commences its furrow, is often found closed or " blocked up " by the dust and debris thrown down by the excavator in the progress of the work. The second perforation is generally one or two inches above the first. I failed to discover whether it is made by the second beetle for the purpose of ingress or by the first beetle. The third and fourth perforations are in a nearly direct line above the other two and are probably made from within outwardly, but for what purpose is uncertain. In one instance the two beetles were found at work making these perforations, boring through from the inner surface of the bark. In one instance the third was^less than half an inch above the second, so that there would seem to be no particular necessity for it. The eggs of the insect are deposited along both sides of the upper part of the furrow. They lie close together, almost or quite in contact with each other. When the larvae emerge from the eggs they beoin to feed upon the soft cambium and to work their way under the bark at right angles to the main furrow. They are, at first, so minute and work so close together that they make no distinct furrows but seem rather to devour entirely a very thin layer of the cambium. But as they increase in size they begin gradually to form distinct furrows and to take directions more diver- gent from each other and from their original course. In this way colonies from contiguous furrows at length run together and in time the whole trunk is surrounded by their multitudinous pathways, and the death of the tree is accomplished. Great care is taken by the parent beetles to keep their fur- rows separate. No instance was observed in which they ran together. In one instance the course of a furrow was changed to avoid running into the lateral furrows of a colony of larvae just above. No furrows were found in the tree more than lo or 12 feet from its base, thus indicating that the attacks are made upon the lower part of the trunk. The attacks are not made simultaneously. Some of the furrows in this tree were scarcely more than an inch long, and evidently had been just commenced. Others were fully excavated and contained eggs, and in others still the larvae had hatched and commenced their work, but in none were they fully grown. In another tree, a few rods distant from the first, the attack had evidently been made earlier in the season, for the larvae were farther advanced in size and the bark, on one side of the tree was well loosened, though, strange to say, the other side of the trunk was comparatively unharmed. I was unable to dis- cover why, in this instance, the attack was limited to one side of the trunk. It is pretty evident therefore that the trees are attacked all along during the months of June and July and possibly as late as August. 384 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Life history. The life history of this species has been carefully studied by Dr Hopkins, and the following is his summary : These observations would also indicate that activity ceases in the fall by about the middle of October, when all stages of the insect may occur in the bark of infested trees where they, with the probable exception of the eggs and pupae, remain until the first week in June. Activity then com- mence.s, the mature larvae change to pupae, and by the middle of June those that pass the winter in the adult stage emerge and commence to exca- vate galleries and deposit eggs. The adults from the hibernating larvae of different stages, develop and continue to emerge possibly until the last of August. Therefore the eggs deposited by the. late developing beetles produce larvae which do not complete their development until July or August of the next year. Thus, the period of development may vary from about 70 days to about i 2 months, but all broods from eggs to matured and emerging adults remain in the bark about 12 months, of which they are dormant about seven and a half and active four and a half. Natural enemies. This species is subject to attack by several natural enemies. The commonest parasite, according to Dr Hopkins, is Brae on simplex Cress., a well known species which lives at the expense of a number of wood borers. The antlike clerid beetle, T h a n a s I m u s n u b i- 1 u s Kl., is said by Dr Hopkins to be a very efficient enemy of this species. He states that the adult emerges from the bark of infested trees somewhat earlier than the spruce destroying beetle and remains hidden thereon till the bark borers commence to emerge, when it pounces on and devours them. It also follows the beetles to other trees and continues to prey on them, and while it does not enter the galleries, it deposits eggs at their entrances, so that the active reddish larvae hatching therefrom can readily enter and feed on the bark beetle larvae. The clerid larvae on attaining full growth retire to the central Dendroctonus galleries, pupate and transform to the adults. Woodpeckers are valuable checks on this species. Professor Peck states that many of the dead trees in two groves observed by him, had their bark so chipped by woodpeckers, that the general hue of the trunk was a reddish brown instead of the usual greenish brown. Dr Hopkins states that he is quite confident that in many hundreds of infested trees examined, at least one half of the beetles and their young had been IXSF.CTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 385 destroyed by birds, and in many cases a greater proportion liad perished from this cause. He states that the arctic three-toed and Ijanded three- toed woodpeckers render by far the greater service and probably do their principal feeding during winter on this bark borer. Remedial measures. Dr Hopkins advises regulating winter cutting of trees so as to include as many of the infested, dying and dead ones as possible and then placing the logs from the same in water before the first of June. He also advises arranging the summer cutting so that as many recently attacked trees as possible may be cut and the bark removed from their trunks and stumps. He suggests, in badly infested areas where logging operations will or can be conducted the following summer and winter, girdling a large number of trees early in June. These girdled trees are for the purpose of attracting the borers, and if felled later and either peeled or placed in the water before the first of the succeeding June, a large proportion of the insects will be destroyed. His experiments in girdling indicate that the best time for this is when the flowers (catkins) are falling from the birch, and while the flowering or bird cherry and the hobblebush are in bloom. The girdled trees should be sound and healthy and not less 'than 15 inches in diameter. The best method of girdling seems to be hacking through the bark with an axe into the sapwood and around the trunk two or three feet above the base. ' The dead spruce remains sound for some time and is valuable for pulp wood at least, for a considerable period. It should be cut and utilized as rapidly as possible, and the same is true of mature living timber in sections where the beetle is at all abundant. Bibliography 1S76 Peck, C. H. All). Ins. Trans. 8:294-301 1879 N. Y. State Mils. Nat. Hist. 28th Rep't, p. 32-38 1879 ^'- ^'- State Mus. Nat. Hist. 30th Rep't, p. 23-26 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 811-22 (Portions relate to this species) 1901 Hopkins, A. D. U S. Dep't Agric Div. Ent. Bui. 28, p. 1-48 286 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Spruce bark beetle Polvgyaplnis nijipcinu's Kirby A light brown or black, rather stout beetle about -V32 inch in length makes somewhat irregular transverse galleries, from which diverge smaller dilating larval galleries, in the inner bark of spruce. This very common species in the Adirondacks is a dangerous enemy of the spruce. It can usually be found in small numbers in this tree and it is frequently present in great abundance in the bark of cut logs or trimmings. This bark borer was taken by the writer in igoo in several localities in the Adirondacks. It was found Aug. 14, 1900, in all stages in the bark of cut spruce logs and some nearby fallen spruce were badly infested by the insect. It was present Aug. 22 at Axton, breeding in large numbers in logs cut sometime during the preceding month. Old beetles were scarce at this time and there were numerous larvae and few pupae, indicating that the infestation was a comparatively recent one. This insect was also found at work in considerable numbers in spruce tops cut between September and December of the preceding year, and remains of this species were found under the bark of dead spruces standing on the edge of Little Clear pond at Saranac Inn. Large numbers of trees had been affected in in this manner and the primary cause of the trouble in this particular instance was probably the raising of the level of the pond, which had occurred several years earlier. This borer was found by the writer associated with species of Uryocoetes in spruce and with T o m i c u s balsameus Lee. in balsam, and Dr Hopkins records finding a single example in pine. Early history. Very little has apparently been recorded concerning this borer aside from the facts made known b)- Dr A. D. Hoijkins who has made an exhaustive study of this insect in West Virginia, ami writing of it in 1893, states that it infests black spruce. His studies led him to believe that it was a very dangerous enemy of this tree and that it may have been the species to blame for the great destruction of spruce timber in West Virginia in 1883 to 1885. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 387 Description. The beetle varies from a lig-ht brown to a black. It is quite small, being about 3 j, inch long and with a rather stout form. The head is thickly and finely punctured and nearly concealed by the overhano-. ing i)rothorax. The mouth parts are tipped with black and the concolorou.s, coarsely granulated eyes are divided, the two portions being connected by a smooth strip of chitin. The prothorax is much narrowed in front, thickly and finely punctured and the wing covers or elytra are rough, finely punctured and almost striate. The structure of the antennae is shown on plate 67, figure 8, and that of the tibia in figure 85^7 . The white pupa is about the same size as the beetle, rather stout and with a tapering abdomen terminated by a pair of fleshy spinelike processes. The brown headed, white grubs or larvae are about y^ inch lono- when full grown. The mouth parts and adjacent sutures are a dark brown and the body is usually somewhat curved. Life history. The life history of this borer in West Virginia has been given by Dr Hopkins as follows : The adults emerge in May or June and are attracted to stumps, trunks and tops of recently fallen trees and those that are weakened by the attack of insects, such as the destructive pine bark beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm., or diseases of any kinds. The beetles commence to excavate entrance galleries through the outer bark, and their presence is indicated by the fine brownish borings in the crevices of the bark. This entrance is extended to the outer surface of the inner soft bark where the central chamber is excavated. In the meantime, the female, which appears to do the greater part of the work, is joined by a male who statfons himself in the outer gallery to keep out enemies and objectionable visitors and to render assistance in expelling the bor- ings. The female excavates a gallery from one edge of the central chamber through the inner bark of the wood and then in the inner layer of the bark, usually at right angles to the bark fibers, and for a distance Fig, 86 Poiy^r^phus rufi- of ouc or two iuchcs. Small notches are made alono- pennis: early galleries and egg i * j r i i 1 11 • » *^ notches (author's illustration) the sidcs ot the brood gallery, m each of which pearly white eggs are deposited. One to three other females are admitted to this central chamber by the male and from it extend similar 388 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM galleries in other directions from the central chamber. The eggs begin to hatch before the galleries are finished and the grubs burrow in the inner bark on which they feed. The surrounding bark is filled with grubs of various sizes by the time all the eggs are hatched and soon all of the inner part, for a radius of from 2 to 4 inches, is completely honeycombed with burrows. The male guards the entrance in the meantime, and the females either rest in the central chamber or egg gallery, or emerge to make an entrance to the bark in another place and start a new brood. The larvae on attaining their growth enlarge the end of their burrow to form a cell in which they change to the pupa, thence to the adult, and then either Mther badly eaten by , fipennis (author's Fig. 88 Spruce bark badly e., P o 1 y g r a p h u s r u f i p ( (author's illustration) emerge from the bark and start a second brood or remain in this retreat till the following spring. Dr Hopkins states that two or three broods may occur in one season and that his observations have lead him to believe that owing to the short- ness of the season in the high elevations occupied by the spruce in his State there is generally only one generation. This species, as well as some of its allies, occasionally occiu's in swarms since Mrs Slosson records hun- dreds of them in the air at Mt Washington in 1895. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAXD TREES 389 The galleries of this insect are very characteristic and may be elistin- guished from those of Tomicus balsameus Lee. which works in balsam, and ma)- therefore be met with in the same forest, b)- the fact that the wood is rarely scored by the galleries of the spruce infesting species, w'hile the balsam borer frequently cuts nearly half of the diameter of the primary gallery from the sapwood. The general character of these gal- leries is well shown in the accompanying illustration which represents the central chamber, the transverse primary or egg galleries diverging there- from, together with a number of small dilating mines of the young. It will be observed that the larval mines begin as very slender borings which widen gradually and end in a somewhat broader pupal cell which is some- times e.xcavated partly in the sapwood. -Several of the egg chambers may also be seen. Distribution. Dr Hopkins states that this species is evidently widely distributed over Xorth America and doubtless occurs where its food tree is indigenous. It has been recorded from Xew Hampshire to Alaska, and Georgia, and in West Virginia it appears to be confined to the Canadian life zone of the spruce area, since it has never been met with in cultivated spruce or in other life zones. Associated insects. Dr Hopkins records having found the following species associated with this insect in spruce : Homalota species, B a p t o- 1 i n u s 1 o n g i c e p s Fabr., P a r o m a 1 u s b i s t r i a t u s En, P. d i f f i- c i 1 i s Horn, Epuraea truncatella Mann., H y p o p h 1 o e u s p a r a 1- 1 e 1 u s iNIelsh, and H. t h o r a c i c u s Melsh, and a Tenebrionid larva. He also obtained a Dipterous larvae from the galleries of this borer. Natural enemies. The following predaceous insects were observed by Dr Hopkins either in association with this borer or preying on it : T h a n- asimus trifasciatus .Say, T. d u b i u s P'abr., P h \- 1 1 o b a e n u s dislocatus Say, and a Clerid larva. The following parasites were reared by Dr Hopkins from this species or collected by him from infested logs or trees: Spathius c 1 a r i- p e n n i s Ashm., C a e n o p h a n e s p i t )• o p h t h o r i Ashm., C o s m o- 390 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM phorus hopkinsii Ashm., a common parasite of the adult, a species of Eurytoma, a species of Locliites, Cecidostiba polygraph! Ashm., C. dendroctoni Ashm., Decatomidea polygraph! Ashm. The value of these insects in controlling this borer is shown by the fact that Dr Hopkins believes them to be the principal natural agents in checking the injuries to spruce in West Virginia between the years 1882-1889. Bibliography 1893 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rul. 32, p. 9, 12, 40, 41,45, 9S, 99, 102, 107, 205, 206, 209, 293, 349, 359, 373, 379, 384, 398, 399, 407, 492, 493, 494 1899 W. Va. .\gric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56, p. 235, 246, 251, 296, 299, 319, 346, 349, 427, 428, 429, 447 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 513-15 Spotted buprestid Mclaiiop/iila fulvogitttata Harr. Flattened, white or yellowish spotted beetles about 3g inch in length, occur on spruce and hemlock in July, and are the parents of an injurious flat-headed borer. This destructive beetle is sometimes very abundant in hemlock and spruce. Specimens were taken on hemlock at Big Moose, July 6, 1903, and ^•'' a larva, probably belonging to this species, was met with "" f under somewhat moist spruce bark at Saranac Inn, Aug. I 7, 1 900. t Description. The beetle is about 3 g inch long, of a dark metallic color with greenish reflections abo\-e the mouth. The head, thorax and wing covers are marked "^ with somewhat coarse, irregular, transverse punctures. Fig. 89 Meianophii.1 sHglitly resembling the graining of morocco leather. Each larged (origii-ai) ' wlng covcr bears three nearly circular or lenticular shaped yellowish or white spots. The larva is of the ordinary buprestid shape with a wide, flattened head. Life history and habits. Dr Harris records taking this insect from the trimks of white pine in June, and Dr Hopkins states that in West \'irginia INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 39 1 it infests green bark on living, injured and dying liemlocks, the beetles occurring the latter part of March and during May, June and July. He also adds that it has caused the death of a great number of hemlock trees in that State. Dr J. B. Smith records this insect on both spruce and hemlock in New Jersey. Distribution. This species occurs throughout the middle and northern part of the United States, being very abundant about Lake Superior, according to Dr LeConte. It has been taken by Mrs Slosson on Mount Washington, and occurs in limited numbers in southwestern Pennsylvania. Natural enemies. A single parasite, Bracon pectin ator Say, was bred by Messrs Riley and Howard from cocoons found in the larval mines of this insect. Red cedar bark beetle Phlocosinus dent a his .Say A light brown or black beetle, about 'Ae inch long, makes peculiar clubbed, longi- tudinal galleries under the bark of red cedars. This little beetle can hardly be classed as injurious in the Adirondacks, since it was found by the writer in comparatively small numbers only in dying or dead limbs. It was taken by him Aug. 21, 1900, at Floodwood, from limbs cut the preceding June, as nearly as could be ascertained. The beetles were just beginning their operations at this time. This insect was also found in small numbers in the dying red cedars at Axton. It is evidently a common species in northern New York, because almost all red cedar used in the construction of rustic summerhouses and similar structures is very prettily grooved by the characteristic burrows of this insect. Early history. Dr Packard states that this is a common species on junipers about the city of Providence R. I., where its attacks are confined to sickly or dead trees. The beetles were found alive in their burrows May 12 and 13, and also nearly full grown larvae but no pupae. He has found this insect in considerable numbers in northern Maine under the 392 NEW YORK STATE MUSEl'M bark of cedar, T h u j a o c c i d e n t a 1 i s. He states that Mr Knaus con- sidered this borer ver)- destructive to junipers and arbor vitae in that State. It was first noticed at Salina Kan., in the summer and fall of 1884, attack- ing the junipers on the grounds of many residents of that city. The beetles were present in great numbers and many trees were entirely destroyed and others badly injured. The damage was almost in\arialjly confined to the base of the lateral offshoots of the branches, the beetles burrowing under the bark and eating around the base of the twig causing its destruction. This attack, as characterized by Mr Knaus, is different from anything observed by the writer, unless the burrows passing around the twig are the work of larvae rather than adults Description. The beetle varies in color from a light brown to black, is a very little over '/,6 inch long and relatively stout. The mouth parts apically and the eyes are black. The latter are coarsely granulated, transversely elongated and partly divided near their midtlle. The prothorax is rather coarsely and thickly punctured and tapers very much anteriorl)-. The wing covers or elytra are margined anteriorly, deeply striate and thickly clothed with short, yellowish hairs. Certain structural liuia ui laiier lurifjinai; details of the antennae are shown on plate 67, figure 7 and that of the middle and posterior tibiae in figure 90. A pupa nearly ready to assume the adult form is yellowish wliite, about the length of the beetle and stouter. The eyes are brown and the mouth parts almost black. Four of the abdominal segments project beyond the wing pads. The typical burrow | fig. 91, 92, and pi. 63, fig. 4] has a very charac- teristic form. There runs from the three lobed primary or nuptial chamber nearly parallel with the wood fibers a broad burrow about 3_^ inch long. Eggs are laid in minute notches on both sides of the parental channel and the young work for a short distance at nearly right angles and then they are apt to oblique in either direction. The larval burrows score the sap- Fig. 90 Middle tibiae : h i s f a s c i a t u s, p. 434 A black beetle about '2 inch long, with brick-red wing covers marked with reddish yellow spots, occurs on scrub oak T v p o c e r u s v e 1 u t i n u s, p. 436 A small grayish weevil li to 3/,6 inch long occurs on oak foliage, the larva tunnelling the wood Gray sided oak weevil, P a n d e 1 e t e j u s h i 1 a r i s, p. 436 A black, clearwing moth with red-spotted wings and yellow-banded legs and abdomen, may be reared from oak galls Sesia rubristigma, p. 437 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 427 A golden yellow and black wasplike, clearwing moth having a wing spread of 1% inches, is very injurious to red oak M e m y t h r u s s i m u 1 a n s, p. 438 A brown-headed, greenish larva witli rose-colored elevated points, about 1 J^ inches long, bores in black oak Lesser oak carpenter worm, P r i o n o x y s t n s m a c m u r t r e i, p. 439 A small, black, yellowish, gray-marked, long-horned beetle may be reared from dead limbs of hickory, oak and other trees L e p t u r g e s q u e r c i, ]i. 439 A black beetle about |4 inch long, variably marked with dark orange red, occurs on scrub oak L e p t u r a V a g a n s, p. 440 A grayish, narrow, triangular beetle from 3-8 to j^ inch long, may be met with on hickory in early June T o m o x i a b i d e n t a t a, p. 441 A narrow, triangular, brownisli, gray-marked beetle about y^,6 to 5/,6 inch long, occurs on decaying hickory in early June T om o x i a 1 i n e e 11 a, p. 441 A small, cylindric, stout, black, red-shouldered beetle about '/j inch long, makes short, curved galleries in the branches of a number of deciduous trees Red-shouldered twig borer, S i n o x y 1 o n b a s i 1 a r e, p. 442 A flat-headed, yellowish white grub bores in the trunk and limbs of pignut hickory, trans- forming to a flattened, hard-shelled, lurid, dull brassy colored beetle Lurid Dicerca, Dicerca obscura var. 1 u r i d a, p. 442 A stout, black beetle with golden yellow spots and transverse bars on its wing covers, occurs on chestnut, oak and hickory in midsummer. . C a 1 1 o i d e s n o b i 1 i s, p. 443 A slender, blackish, gray-marked beetle about Yz inch long, mines as a larva the inner bark and sapwood of chestnut and oak Thunderbolt beetle, A r h o p a 1 u s f u 1 m i n a n s, p. 444 A black, slender, cylindric, long-horned beetle about }i inch long, is easily reared from hickory twigs D o r c a s c h e m a nigrum, p. 444 A brownish black, red-bordered beetle about ^2 inch long, bores as a larva in hickory Red-edged Saperda, S a p e r d a lateralis, p. 445 A small, jet-black beetle about ]{. inch long and with an oblique white line on each side, works in hickory and chestnut branches Eudercespicipes, p. 445 A cylindric, brownish beetle about 3/,6 inch long, makes holes of nearly uniform diameter in hickory and oak Hickory timber beetle, X y 1 e b o r u s c e 1 s u s, p. 446 A short, stout, black beetle about V',6 inch long, may be bred from hickory twigs Hickory twig borer, C h r a m e s u s h i c o r i a e, p. 448 A slender, odd looking larva with a prominent hump on its neck, and leaf like, fleshy appendages at the end of its back, excavates extensive galleries in the heartwood and sapwood of living and dead chestnut and oak Chestnut timber worm, Lymexylon sericeum, p. 449 428 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A brownish, flattened beetle about '2 inch long, occurs on chestnut, the lar\ae mining the inner bark C a 1 1 i d i u m a e r e u m, p. 450 A beautiful, black, golden-marked beetle about ;^s inch long, occurs on various trees in June L e p t u r a zebra, p. 450 A blue lilack, clearwing moth about ^4 '■'''''■' lo"g. "''''' yellow-banded legs and abdomen, bores as a larva under chestnut and dogwood bark S e s i a s c i t u 1 a, p. 451 A minute, brownish, rather stout beetle about '/,o inch long, runs transverse galleries in the inner bark of peach, plum and cherry Peach bark beetle, P h 1 o e o t r i b u s 1 i m i n a r i s, p. 452 A blue black, clearwing moth having a wing spread of an inch and with narrow, yellow bands on the abdomen and legs, lives as a larva under the bark of plum and several related trees S e s i a p i c t i p e s, p. 453 A red-horned, red-legged, bla( k, lirilliant greenish beetle about yi inch long, occurs on butternut, oak and birch G a u r o t e s c y a n i p e n n i s, p. 454 A flattened, jet-black snout beetle about ^4 i"ch long, bores in butternut, poplar and other woods C o s s o n u s p 1 a t a 1 e a, p. 455 A slender, light brown beetle aljout i inch long, bores in butternut and beech f e n t r o d e r a d e c o 1 o r a t a, p. 456 A purplish, black, yellow-marked, red-tailed, clearwing moth with a wing spread of about ^ inch, bores as a larva in maple S e s i a c o r n i, p. 456 A flat brassy beetle with divergent wing covers, works in peach, cherry, beech, maple and other deciduous trees Divaricated buprestis, L) i c e r c a d i v a r i c a t a, p. 457 A lirilliant green, golden yellow, flat beetle about ^a inch long, bores in maple Banded buprestid, Buprestis fascial a, p. 458 A slender blackish, wasplike insect bores as a larva in diseased maple White-horned maple borer, Xyphidria a 1 b i c or n i s, p. 459 Dark brown or black beetles about '33 inch long, make longitudinal burrows in partly decayed sugar maple limbs X y 1 o c 1 e p t e s species, p. 460 Small worms similar to young apple borers sometimes occur in multitudes under the bark of apple and maple trees. .Prickly Leptostylus, L e p t o s t y 1 u s a c u 1 i f e r u s, ]). 46; A stout, black beetle f^ inch long, with brownish wing covers ornamented with three lines, occurs on elm P h y s o c n e m u m b r e v i 1 i n e u m, p. 462 A light brown beetle about }i inch long, at the base and about the middle of each wing cover, pairs of ixorylike, oval elevations, bores as a larva in ash, hickory and honey locust 4-marked ash borer, E b u r i a q u a d r i g e m i n a t a, p. 462 Slender, flattened, tortuous galleries in ash, }i to '/,(, inch in width, cutting the wood largely, may be the work of this species O b r i u m r u b r u m, p. 463 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 429 A large, brownish, yellow-marke.d and yellow-banded, clearwing moth with a wing spread of i}4 inches, bores as a larva in ash M e m y t h r 11 s a s i 1 i p e n n i s, p. 464 A sawfly larva bo^-es in the partly decayed wood of standing birch and makes a gallery about '8 inch in diameter X y p h i d ri a p r o v a n c h e r i, jj. 465 A horntail borer making moderately large, cylindric burrows in decaying birch Slender birch horntail, Konowia a t t e n u a t a, p. 466 A flattened, brilliantly colored, purplish or bluish beetle about ^4 inch long, occurs in May on birch and other deciduous trees C h r y s o b o t h r i s a z u r e a, p. 467 A slender, brownish beetle ranging from about ?-( to nearly 1}^ inches in length, bores in the larval stage under the bark of yellow birch and maple B e 1 1 a m i r a s c a 1 a r i s, p. 467 A brownish, white-striped caterpiller about i inch long, bores commonly in herbaceous stalks and the more tender twigs of maple and ash Stalk borer, P a p a i p e m a n i t e 1 a, p. 468 A brownish, cylindric beetle works in the stumps of recently cut yellow l)irch, causing an excretion of sa]), which gums the rust-colored borings to the outside of the affected wood Birch bark borer, Dryocoetes sp. p. 468 A small, black beetle with gray or yellowish gray vestiture, is sometimes bred from willow S a p e r d a m u t i c a, p. 469 A blue black, clearwing moth having a wing spread of ~i inch, bores in willow in the larval stage Sesia albicornis, p. 469 A steel blue, clearwing moth with a broad abdominal band and the fore wing tips red, bores willow canes in the larval stage Sesia b o 1 1 e r i, p. 470 A black, clearwing moth with three conspicuous yellow abdominal bands, lives in the larval stage in Saperda galls on willow and poplar Three banded clearwing, M e m y t h r u s t r i c i n c t u s, p. 47 i A large, brown, yellow-marked, clearwing moth having a wing spread of i3'4 inches, lives as a larva in willow and poplar trunks A e g e r i a tibialis, p. 472 A large, brown and yellow-marked, clearwing moth having a wingspread of i^{ inches, lives as a larva in roots of willow and poplar Aegeria a p i f o r m i s, p. 472 A rather stout, blackish beetle irregularly marked with gray, occurs in June on jjoplar and hickory A c a n t h o d e r e s d e c i p i e n s, p. 473 Girdling the trunks of sapling poplars or running a mine around them, causing a swelling twice the diameter of the tree, a cylindric, slaty gray beetle about f's inch long Saperda concolor, p. 474 A small, brown or black, coarsely punctured beetle about -^8 inch long, may be bred from galls of balsam poplar Saperda p o p u 1 n e a, p. 474 430 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A small, brownish bhuk, vf Uowisli-specked weevil about j{ inch long, occurs in early spring under jioplar bark 'D o r v t o m u s j) a r v i c o 1 li s, p. 475 A small snout beetle about '8 inch long, irregularly clothed with grayish ])ubescence, occurs under poplar bark in early May D o r y t o m u s v a g e n o t a t u s, p. 475 Stout, white naked caterpillars about i}4 inches long, bore in poplar trunks Poplar carpenter worm, C o s s u s c e n t e r e n s i s. p. 476 A ])ale whitish caterpillar bores in the smaller twigs of locust and causes a thickened, irregular growth, i to 3 inches long Locust twig borer, E c d y t o 1 o p h a i n s i t i c i a n a, p. 478 A yellow-marked, black beetle almost '2 inch long, may be bred from woodbine, sumac and possibly poison ivy Woodbine borer. S ap e r d a p u n c t i c o 1 1 i s, p. 478 A jet-black, highly polished curculio about }'a inch long and with strongly grooved wing covers, occurs on ampelopsis or Virginia creeper, poison ivy and grape M a d a r e 1 1 u s u n d u 1 a t u s, p. 479 Irregular, gall-like swellings at the base of alder stems followed by dying and breaking of the shoots Alder l)orer, S a p e r d a o b 1 i (j u a, p. 480 A small, legless grub boring irregularly in dead sumac and other twigs, may be the young of this beetle L i o p >i s alpha, p. 481 A small, thick, long-horned, brown or chestnut-colored beetle about ,'4 inch long, with ash gray markings, may be bred from the dead twigs and wood of a number of trees Spotted Leptostylus, L e p t o s t y i u s macula, p. 482 Borers in dried, usually manufactured wood Pin holes less than ',',6 inch in diameter and galleries of the same size running in various directions in wood, may contain linear, black, white marked beetles about 3/16 inch long White marked powder post-lieetle Ly c t u s j) a r a 1 1 e 1 o j) i ji e d u s. p. 4CS3 Burrows about 'j .inch in diameter may occasionally be observed in telegrai)h poles, doors, jiosts and similar places, and a large, dusky winged bee seen going in and out Large carpenter bee, Xy loco pa v i r g i n i c a, p. 484 Borers in decaying wood or species found under decaying bark A large, rather stout, lilack, wliite-marked beetle 1^2 inches long, bearing two conspicuous eyelike spots, is fre(iuently met with in decaying wood Owl beetle, Ala us o c u 1 a t u s, ]i. 485 A thick, fleshy, legless grub about 3 inches long when full grown, bores in roots and stumps of a number of trees Broad-necked Prionus, Prionus 1 a t i c o 1 1 i s, ]i. 486 A rather slender, brown beetle about i J-^ inches long and less than )i inch broad, lives in the larval stage in decaying trees Lesser Prionus, O r t h o s o m a b r u n n e u m, |i. 4S7 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 431 An olive, gray-mottled beetle with black head and thorax and about H inch long, occurs in early spring on partly decayed beech stumps A n t h o p h i 1 a \ a t t e n u a t u s, p. 488 A browrt-headed, black-winged, rather stout beetle about ^^ inch long, was bred from larvae taken from a hollow oak D e r m e s t e s p u 1 c h e r, ].. 489 For less important species taken under decaying bark or in decaying wood, s^r p. 4S9-494 Fungous beetles There are a number of species formed on various fungi growing on trees, and some of the more common are noticed briefly on p. 494 Natural enemies of one kind or another are frequently found in association with the above named species, and they are noticed briefly on p. 499-505 Beautiful hickory borer Goes pule lira Hald. A stout beetle about an inch long and beautifully marked with dark brown, silvery and reddish yellow bores in hickory. The parent insect is :i stout laeetle, al^out i inch long, beautifully clothed with dark brown, silvery and reddish yellow pubescence. There is a broad, transverse, lighter band across the wing covers, and the tips of the latter are conspicuous on account of the golden pubescence covering them [pi. 9, fig. i]. This insect deposits its eggs on dififerent varieties of hickory, frequently selecting smaller trees only an inch or thereabouts in diameter. The opera- tions of the grub inside young trees, causes the trunk to enlarge so that there is produced a gall-like swelling, which weakens the tree and may result in its breaking off in a gale. Old borings are marked by an ugly wound [pl- 9. fig- 3l- Recent operations of the larva are shown at figure 4, its characteristic feedings at the base of leaf stems and the exit hole of the parent beetle are represented at figures 2 and 5 respectively, plate 9. This species is not abundant in New York, if one may judge from the condition of the State collections. This may be due in part to the retiring habits of the adults. It was reported a number of years ago by Dr Hod^Tc as scarce, though found every season in shagbark and pignut hickory, about 432 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Buffalo. Dr Smith states that this species occurs throu. 296 Chestnut timber worm Lyviexylon scriceum Harr. •4. A slender, white grub -with a conspicuous hump behind the head and a dark brown, L J obliquely truncate, serrate posterior extremity, makes extensive galleries in tlie wood of O ^r ng and dead chestnut and oak. y^ fl V livi This destructive borer tunnels the sapwood and heart of chestnut in a directions, though its galleries are frequently oblique and along the lines of O"^^ growth. Entrance is effected at some wound or where a limb has broken • off. Its work in chestnut is so abundant in many sections as to cause mate- rial depreciation in the price of otherwise valuable timber. The parent is a slender, chestnut-brown, yellow-haired beetle about ^2 inch long. The larva is white, slender, cylindric, about V^ inch long. It has a peculiar hump behind the light yellow head, and a hard, dark brown, excavated, obliquely truncate posterior extremity margined with stout quadrate teeth. All fallen or dead timber should be removed from the forest as soon as practical, as this species breeds readily in dead trunks. Unnecessary blaz- ing or wounding should be avoided, since such places are very favorable to infestation by this borer. 45° NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Callidium aereum Newm. A brownish, flattened beetle about Y-z inch long, occurs on chestnut, the larvae mining the inner bark. This species appears to be generally distributed in the eastern United States. It has been recorded from New York, New Jersey and the District of Columbia. The larvae mine the inner bark of chestnut, and in the opinion of Dr Hopkins may hasten and perhaps cause the death of aged or injured trees. The adult may be separated from others of its species, according to Wickham, by its color, it being entirely testaceous or brownish, while the related forms, Callidium a n t e n n a t u m Newm. and C. j a n t h i n u m Lee, are metallic blue or green or buff. This species breeds in chestnut, while the others occur, more commonly at least, in pine and perhaps other coniferous trees. Mr Ulke records this, among other species, as being common on pine. This record evidently refers to places where the adults were captured and does not necessarily imply that the insect breeds in this tree. Leptura zebra OH v. A beautiful, black, golden-marked beetle about Sg inch long, occurs on various trees in June. A single specimen of this handsome insect was cut from living chestnut bark just above where a chip had been taken from a tree at Highland, June 2, 1903. Description. This species presents brilliant con- trasts of golden yellow and black on the thora.x and wing covers. The former is margined anteriorly and posteriorly by bright golden yellow ; there is a yellow band near the base of the elytra, each half being arcuate ; a broad band across the middle of the wing covers is more or less divided into two large, oval, black spots. Underneath, the insect is clothed with yellowish pubescence, thickest on the posterior margins of the abdomi- nal segments. There is a much narrower band near the tip of the elytra. The mouth parts and the legs are yellowish red. Fig. 106 L e p t 11 r .1 z c 1> Urged (original) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 451 Food plants. This insect Ikis bt-en recorded on several food plants. I)r Smith states that it occurs throui^liout New Jersey on chestnut, oak and beech, antl .Mr Hcuteninidler ^ives pine in addition to the above. Distribution. This species has a wide distribution, occurring in New \'ork, and lia\ in^' been recorded from tlie vicinity of Buffalo, Cincinnati, southwestern Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. Dr Hamilton states that it is common in southwestern Pennsylvania, where it breeds in white oak stumps. Sesia scitula Harris A liliK- black cicarwing about '4 Inrh long, witli yellow-banded legs and abdomen, bores in the larval stage under the bark of ciiestnut and dogwood. This species is known to occiu' in Canada, New P2n^-*^^^.>«h^ — ■ ■ - * ^,T ■ tin were collected, as a Fig. 113 Xylocleptes work in decaying mapletwig (original) few larvae were seen but not preserved. Description. The beetle is less than 3^32 inch in length, c\lindric, rather slender and of a dark brown color except the legs, which are a light brown. The head is well retracted and the black eyes are coarsely granulate. The anterior portion of the prothorax is tuberculate, the dorsal part and the wing covers or elytra are rather sparseh' and coarsely puncturetl. i=middle tibia of P i t y - ogenes sp. a (p. 374), enlarged (original) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 46 1 •) y Prickly leptostylus Lcptostylns acnliferits Say Small worms similar to young apple borers, sometimes occur in multitudes under the bark, toriiiing long, narrow, winding, gradually expanding tracks on the outer surface of the wood of apple and maple trees. This species was noticed by Dr Fitch in 1856, who is responsible for the above diagnosis. He states that the beetles appear the last of August. Description. The adult lias been described by Dr Lugger as a brown- ish gray beetle with "numerous small, thornlike points upon the wing covers and a V-shaped band margined with black a little behind the middle of the elytra. Some well marked and fresh specimens are little beauties, being almost silvery white with dark dots on the band already mentioned. The insect measures a little more than ', inch in length." Professor Wickham separates this form from its allies by the tubercles on the elytra, each bearing apicalK, black scalelike hairs, in connection with the feeble and distant puncturing on the elytra, the latter often inconspicuous or concealed. The legs are not hairy and the antennae are scarcel)' longer than the body, even in the male, the third joint being considerably longer than the fourth. New York specimens are stout, gray-brownish with the prothorax roughly tuberculate, pubescent, with the punctures sparse and irregidarly placet! The elytra have raised tubercles or ridges and are ornamented with a grayish and whitish pubescence, which tends to form a postmedian, transverse band broadest at the suture, the pubescence becoming darker anteriorly; tip dark. Food plants. Dr Hopkins reports it from West \Mrginia as infesting dead and dying apple and maple trees, and Mr Beutenmuller records it from sweet gum, oak and osage orange. In addition to some of the preceding, Professor Wickham records it from sycamore. Dr Hopkins states that the larvae mine the inner bark of dying ant! dead tulip trees. Distribution. This species has been recorded from New York, New Jersey, District of Columbia, West Virginia and Ohio, and probably occurs over an extended portion of the northeastern United States. 462 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Physocnemum brevilineum Say A rather stout, black, beetle about 5 g inch long and with brownish or bluish purple wing covers ornamented with three whitish lines, occurs on elm in midsummer. This species is an elm borer in the larval stage and the beetles have been met with on this tree in May, June and July, ovipositing in the latter month. The adult is easily recognized by its rounded thorax and brownish or bluish purple wing covers, each ornamented with three short, slightly oblique, whitish or )e]- lowish lines, one being on the basal third and the other two behind, slightly parallel and near the middle. It is also remarkable because of its dilated femora, those of the hind legs being much the larger. Four-marked ash borer Ebiti'ia qiiadrigc))!ijiata Say eni.irged (original) The larva of tliis stout, light brown beetle about y^ inch long and bearing at the base and about the middle of each wing cover, pairs of ivorylike, oval elevations, bores in ash, hickory and honey locust. This handsome borer is easily recognized on account of its light brown color and the conspicuous pairs of ivorylike elevations at the base and middle of each wing cover. The slender, brown antennae are longer than the body and rise between the deeply emarginate eyes. The prothorax is cylindric, with conspicuous lateral tuberosities and a pair of sublateral tubercles just before the middle, and posteriorly a slight median elevation. The wing covers are closely and irregularly punctured, marked by several more or less distinct ridges and each terminated by a pair of conspicuous spines. The larva of this insect bores the trunks of honey locust, hickory and probably ash, and Dr Hopkins reports taking adults in July on dead beech and elm, adding that it probably infests these trees. Dr Smith states that this species is rare throughout New Jersey in July on oak and hickor)-. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 463 It has also been recorded from West Virginia and the vicinity of Washing- ton, Cincinnati O., and is probably generally distributed in the northeastern United States. Dr Packard, in his account of this insect, cites a case where beetles were bred from an ash sill used in the construction of a house erected some 19 or 20 years before. It hardly seems possible that this insect could have existed during all these years, still there is no occasion for doubting the authenticity of the report. Obrium rubrum Newm. Slender, flattened, tortuous galleries in ash, '/s to about }i inch in width, cutting the wood largely, are very liKely the work of the larva of this species. This insect is a flattened, reddish or rufous beetle about ^/^ inch in length and remarkable for its long, slender antennae. The thorax is nearly cylindric, with lateral tuberosities and much narrower than the elytra, which are rather coarsely punctured and thickly clothed with yellowish hairs. The thighs are strongly clubbed. This beetle emerges from an exit hole a little over '/tf, inch in diameter. The full grown larva is about y, inch in length, slender, tapering gradually from the swollen prothoracic segment, and with the body strongly annulate. The mouth parts are inconspicuous and tipped with dark brown. This larva is remarkable on account of the ventral and dorsal callosities or leglike processes on the anterior portion of body segments 6, 7, 8 and 9. The resemblance to prolegs is very striking though superficial, and on the dorsum of the fifth body segment the same structure exists in a much more rudimentary form, though there are no indications of thoracic legs. The work of this borer in ash is represented on plate 38, figure 2. Distribution. This species is probabl)- widely distributed in the East- ern States at least, though we have records only of its occurring in Ohio, southwestern Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, aside from its being taken in New York .State. Natural enemies. A parasite, kindly determined by Dr Ashmead as Brachistes phymatodis Ashm., was reared from a log infested by this borer. ' 464 I^-'EW YORK STATE MUSEUM Memythrus asilipennis Boisd. A large, brownisli, vellow-inarked and vellow-handed clearwing moth, with a wing spread of i^ inches, bores as a larva in ash and alder. The ash tree suffers very much in Massachusetts from attacks of this borer, according to Dr Harris. It has been recorded from New Hampshire to Florida, westward to Minnesota and southward to Texas. The species occurs in Buffalo in small numbers. It also attacks alder. The following account of the habits of this borer is based on observa- tions by Mr W. L. Devereaux of Clyde N. Y. The species is very abundant in that section, being more plentiful in some swamps than in others. It runs its cylindric burrow from the tap root directly u\) the trunk, sometimes to a height of three or more feet, before turning and cutting its way out. This burrow is never in the center of the tree, but is generally nearer the l)ark than the heart, and the upright or vertical portion of it is as perfectly made as though cut bv a carpenter with bit and brace. Mr Devereaux con- siders the alder the favorite host plant of this species because ash trees in swamps not containing alder are almost exempt from attack while no clump of alder is without evidences of its work. Description. Male. Head blackish, palpi pale yellowish white beneath, rufous above. Antennae rufous. Collar edged with dull orange brown. Thorax brown, patagia rufous, hind portion with a yellow transverse line. Abdomen dull brown black with a very narrow yellow ring at the posterior edge of each segment above and below. Legs orange, femora black. Fore wings transparent with narrow brown borders and discal mark which is marked with rufous ; underside marked with orange brown on the opaque portions of the wings. Hind wings transparent, with a ver)- narrow brown border; underside similar to the upper. Female. Like the male, but the lorewings are opat[ue, deep brown, violaceous, with an oblicpie reddish discal mark, and a triangular transparent area above the hind angle. Abdomen like that of the male, but more robust, with the second segment marked with red above. Antennae simple Expanse, male 30-38 mm; female, 32-44 mm. Beutenmuller INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 465 Xyphidria provancheri Cress. The larvae of a sawfly may be found boring in tlie partly decayed wood of standing white birch trees, making a gallery about ^ inch in diameter, the adults emerge from the tree through circular holes of about the same size. This species was met with Aug. 20, 1900, at Saranac Inn, where the larvae were working in a partly rotten standing birch, and living adults bred therefrom Sep. 6, 1901. A few of the insects had emerged earlier and then died. Description. The adult sawfly is a jet-black insect, about 5/g inch long, with a yellowish white mark on the dorsum and one on the posterior lateral corner of the head, one at the base of the wings, one each on the sides of the third to the sixth and the eighth abdominal seg- ments. Those on the head and at the base of the wings are somewhat elongate, broken and angulated in the latter, while those on segments 3 to 6 of the abdomen are subtriangular, and that on the eighth segment is subquadrangular. The man- dibles are a deep rufous, tipped with black, and the mouth is bordered anteriorly and laterally with yellowish white. The dor- sum of the head and the thorax is rough, tuberculate. The wing spread is about one inch. The male is more slender and a little smaller than the female. The larva when taken in August was about ^ inch long, of a yellowish white birch, showing pi,p.,lcells and exU holes (original) color. The head is a creamy white, with the mouth parts bordered with black. The segmentation is well indicated and the thoracic segments bear somewhat rudimentary legs. The posterior extremity of the body is tipped with a short dark brown spine which rises from a yellowish brown Xyphidria urov showing piip.,1 cells and . 466 ■ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM tubercle. The dorsum of the anal plate is deeply furrowed along the median line. The burrows of this larva are confined ver)- largely to the heartwood of decaying birch, and are invariably filled with the bor- ings, except a short, curved portion through Fig. 116 Xyphidriaprovancheri, . larva, enlarged (original) which tlie aduit Hiakes its Way to the surface. This species has been recorded from Canada, White mountains, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, and Professor Cresson considers it closely allied to X. a 1 b i c o r n i s Harris. The writer has succeeded in rearing a number of small parasites from this borer, which were kindly described by Dr Ashmead as P a m m e g i s- c h i a X i p h y d r i a e . Slender birch horntail Koiiowia attc7niata Nort. A horntail borer making moderately large cylindric burrows in decaying birch, very likely belongs to this species. This insect has been reared from dead black birch by Mr Patton, who also obtained therefrom a parasite, Rhyssa humida .Say, which in all probability preys on this borer in the same way as the lunate long sting, Thalessa lunator Fabn, attacks the pigeon tremex, T rem ex c o 1 u m b a Linn. This species can hardly be considered of much economic iinportance, as it appears to infest only decaying birch. Description. The adult has been described by Mr Norton as follows : Male. Pale honey yellow ; antennae 16 jointed, blackish, two or three basal articles yellowish ; a spot inclosing ocelli, tip of mandibles, sides of neck, of meso- and metathorax blackish, tergum irregularly dark, pectus brown piceous ; body beneath and legs whitish; wings hyaline, nervures and stigma pale ; under wings with two middle cells. This species has been recorded from Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 467 Chrysobothris azurea Lee. A flattened, brilliantly colored, purplish or bluish beetle about J4 inch long, may be met with in May on birch and other deciduous trees. This beautiful little insect was bred by us from white birch taken at Karner, Ap. 6, 1903. The specimens emerged May 12. This insect is one of our most brilliantly colored native species, and may be recognized by the three sparkling blue depressions on each purplish wing cover. Under- neath, the insect is brilliant green or bluish, with coppery on the sides, particularly of the abdomen. The coloring of this species is somewhat variable, and Dr LeConte states that it may be distinguished from C. harrisii Hentz, by the structure of the antennae. He records this insect from New York, Illinois, District of Columbia, Georgia and Texas, and it has been listed from Ohio by Dury. It is probably widely distributed in the eastern United States, at least. Bellamira scalaris Say A slender, brownish beetle, ranging from about ^<( to nearly 1 '4' inches in length, bores as a larva under the bark of yellow birch and has been taken ovipositing on maple. Description. The beetle has been described by Mr Wickham as follows : The form is slender, the elytra tapering greatly to and rounded at tip, deeply sinuate at sides, the tip of the abdomen uncovered. The prothorax is bell-shaped, with prominent, rather flattened hind angles. Color brownish • most of the head, a greater portion of the fore and middle legs, the bases of the hind femora and the bases and tips of the ventral seo-ments inclin- ing to reddish or even yellowish. Antennae rufous. Elytra brownish, with a large lighter (golden-sericeous) wedge-shaped mark (wavy on the edges and sometimes interrupted at about one third its length by a transverse brownish band) which extends about two thirds to tip. The body is finely and densely in most places rugosely punctured, clothed with fine o-olden pubescence, which is much denser on certain parts, notably the abdomen. This insect has been taken in the Adirondacks in August, and Mr Harrington has observed it ovipositing in a maple stump in July. It has also been recorded from New Jersey. Dury records taking a jet black variety of this species in the vicinity of Cincinnati. 468 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Stalk borer Papaipeuia iiitcia Guen. A brownish, white-striped caterpillar about an inch long, bores commonly in herbaceous stalks and occasionally in the tender twigs of certain trees. This stalk borer, well known because of its infesting thick herbaceous stem3, occasionally works in the younger twigs of maple and ash. Birch bark borer Dryococtcs species A brownish, cylindric beetle, works in tlie stumps of recently cut yellow birch, causing an excretion of sap which gums the rust-colored borings to the outside of the affected wood. This species was met with by the writer Aug. 23, igoo, at Axton N. Y., where it was working under the bark of the stump of a recently cut yellow birch. It appeared to be relatively scarce in the Adirondacks in 1900, and was met with but once, though a number of stumps were examined in hopes Fig. .17 Work of Dryocoetessp. in birchrshowing entrance and galleries (original) of fiudlug It. It was taken by Mr Young, July 1903, in recently burned trees at Big Moose and Saranac Inn, at which time it appeared to be common, probably because of the large number of trees offering favorable conditions for its development. The only exterior indication is oozing sap which'causes the rust-colored borings to adhere to the entrance of the gallery. The insect works in a very irregular manner under the rough bark. There is usually a central chamber from which several galleries of greater or less lengths may diverge, in almost any direction, and sometimes there is a large exca- vated area with apparently no plan. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 469 The parent Insect is a brownish, rather stout beetle, about 5/32 inch in length. The black, coarsely granulated eyes are emarginate, the head and thorax are finely punctured and the wing covers ornamented with longitudinal rows of coarsely set punc- tures. The structure of the tibiae, antennae and pro- ventriculus of this species and the allied Dryocoetes autographus Ratz. is illustrated in figure 118 and on plate 67, figure 17, plate 69, figures 9, 11. Saperda mutica Say A small, black beetle with gray or yellowish vestiture is some- ^'2- "^ Middle tibiae: n. Dry. ocoetes sp. ; ^, D. au to- timeS bred from willow graph us, enlarged (original) Very little is known respecting this insect. Beetles were captured by Mr W. H. Harrington on May 15 and June 29, and he states that this species lives in decaying willow. It has been recorded from Canada south to Missouri and westward to Nebraska. It appears to be an uncommon species. Bibliography 1904 Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. N. Y. State Mus. Bui. 74, p. 21 Sesia albicornis Hy. Edw. A blue black clearwiiig moth having a wing spread of }i inch, bores as a larva in willow. This species lives in the trunks and branches of young willows orowing in swainpy places. It also breeds in the burrows of the mottled willow borer, C r y p t o r h y n c h u s lapat h i Linn, and in the galls of Saperda concolor Lee. It has been recorded from New York, New Jersey, Pennsyh'ania, New Hampshire, Illinois, Colorado, California, Nevada and Oregon. The type of this insect, according to its describer, came from Nevada, though the late Dr Riley, in commenting on this species, states that it was received from Karner [Centre] N. Y. It is recorded as a common species in certain localities. The pupal case is represented on plate 16, fio-ure 15, 470 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Male. Head bronzy black ; palpi white, rarely pale yellow. Antennae blue black, rarely with a white patch .before the tip. Thorax bronzy black with a very slight, pale yellow stripe on each side, sometimes absent. Underside of thorax with a very pale yellow spot on each side. Abdomen wholly bronzy black. Anal tuft marked with white beneath. Legs blue black; tibiae with white tufts ; anterior coxae pure white. Forewings trans- parent, with violet brown borders ; costal and inner margins narrow ; outer margin broad, golden yellow between the veins. Discal mark distinct, blue black. Underside scaled with pale yellow. Hind wings transparent with outer margin narrow, violet or blue black. Underside similar to the above. Female. Wholly bronzy black with violaceous reflections, except the transparent parts of the wings. The legs with bluish reflection and white tufts on the tibiae. Forewings beneath on the costal margin and discal marked with yellow scales. Antennae always with a prominent white patch before the tip. Expanse, male 15-18 mm; female 18-22 mm. Baitejtuntller Sesia bolteri Hy. Edw. A steel blue clearwing moth with a broad abdominal band and the fore wing tips red, bores willow canes in the larval stage. The larvae of this species bore in willow canes. It has been recorded from New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Manitoba. Male. Head and thorax deep steel blue black, orbits pure white ; palpi above black, bright orange beneath. Antennae deep steel blue black, with the tip, for one third the length, yellowish on one side. Abdomen deep steel blue black, with the fourth and fifth segments bright scarlet red above and below. Anal tuft blue black tipped with white. Legs blue black, tibiae tufted with white ; tarsi pale yellow. Fore wings transparent, costal and inner border narrow, deep black with a steel blue lustre ; discal mark straight ; outer margin broad and heavily scaled with scarlet or cop- pery red between the black veins ; fringes violet brown. Underside brighter than above, costal and inner margin pale yellow. Hind wings transparent, outer margin very narrow, black, fringes violet brown. Underside same as above. Fetnalc. Larger and inore robust than the male. The red on the fore- wings is usually brighter ; the sixth segment is red beneath, and the hind tarsi are bright orange, otherwise same as the male. Expanse, male and female, 12-20 mm. Beutennudlcr INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 47 1 Three banded clearwing Meinythriis tricinctus Harris A black clearwing moth with three conspicuous yellow abdominal bands lives in the larval stage in Saperda galls on willow and poplar. This borer attacks the small trunks of willows and poplars, and the moth has been bred from the galls of Saperda con color Lee. It occurs in Canada, New England and the Middle States westward to Ohio and Michigan. Dr D. S. Kellicott, in writing of this insect, states that he took larvae from the branches, suckers and small trunks of the balm of Gilead, P o p u 1 u s c a n d i c a n s, growing on lowlands along the Niagara river below Buffalo. The smaller grubs were sometimes found in the sapwood or just beneath the bark, but the larger ones were generally in the center or pith of the stems. They cause considerable swellings on the small branches, which are frequently as prominent as those made on willow branches by a tortrix larva, which he found very abundant in the same locality. Dr Kellicott was of the opinion that the adult deposited her eggs in the deserted burrows of Saperda moesta Lee, thus permitting the young caterpillars to easily gain access to the w^ood, its home for at least a year. The Saperda galls become more enlarged by the attacks of this insect. Description. Male. Head black, collar yellow in front and at each side behind ; palpi black, yellow inside towards the tip. Antennae blue black above, ferruginous beneath. Thorax black, with a yellow spot at the base of the fore wings and one on each side posteriorly. Abdomen black, with a slight bluish reflection. Second, fourth and last two segments with a yellow band above and below. Anal tuft black. Legs black, middle and hind tibiae partly orange, the latter yellow inside ; tarsi orange. Fore wings opaque, violet black with a short transparent streak at the base ; inner margin streaked with red at the base, sometimes also along the costa for a short distance ; underside yellow at the base. Hind wings trans- parent, with a narrow outer margin and discal mark violet black, as are also the veins. Underside with discal mark and costal margin orange red or same as above. Female. Like the male, but with only three yellow bands on the abdo- men instead of four, one on each of the second, fourth and sixth segments. Expanse, male and female, 25-28 mm. Beutenmuller 472 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Aegeria tibialis Harris A large brown, yellow-marked clearwing moth having a wing spread of i^{ inches lives as a larva in willow and poplar trunks. This species occurs in Canada, tlie New England States, New York, Britisli Columbia, Vancouver, Colorado and California, and attacks the trunks of willow and poplar. Male. Head black, orbits and top lemon yellow, as are also the palpi. Antennae jet-black. Thorax deep brown black, with a very narrow yellow line on each side forming a yellow spot behind and meeting a rather broad curved line on each side in front. Sometimes the two lines on top are very indistinct or almost absent. The lateral line connects with the yellow spot on the base of the fore wings; sometimes the line is broken below the middle. Posterior edge of thorax with black hairs, broadly edged with yellow.- Abdomen with first segment black, more or less narrowly edged with yellow behind, second segment wholly black, third segment yellow, narrowly edged with yellow behind, fourth segment wholly brown black, remaining segments brown black, with very narrow yellow bands behind, or yellow with very narrow brown black bands behind. Anal tuft brown black mixed with yellow. Underside of abdomen brown black with yellow bands. Legs yellow, washed with brown. Fore wings transparent with the margins, veins and discal mark orange brown or deep brown black. Hind wings with the borders very narrow, orange brown or brown black. Female. More robust than the male, with the markings of head, thorax, and wings similar, but as a rule a little more pronounced. Abdomen with the first, second, third and fourth segments as in the male ; last three sometimes almost entirely golden yellow, with the tip washed with brown ; the fifth and sixth segments are half yellow and brown. Underside yellow, with narrow brown, black bands, except the last or last two segments, which are wholly yellow. Expanse, male 30-32 mm ; female 35-40 mm. Bctitcniunllcr Aegeria apiformis Clerck A large brown, yellow-marked clearwing motli liaving a wing spread of i^ inches lives as a larva in roots of willow and poplar. This European species is relatively rare in this country although it has been recorded as far west as Nevada. It attacks the roots and trunk of willows and poplars, requiring two years to attain maturity. The adult is very sluggish in habit and readily captured. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 473 Male. Head and palpi lemon yellow. Antennae black above, ferru- ginous below. Thorax brown, with a large lemon yellow spot on each side in front, and a similar one on each side of the posterior part. Sometimes the spots are united by a yellow dash along the patagia. Abdomen with a very broad yellow band on the anterior part of each segment, except the last two, which are entirely yellow ; posterior parts of segments narrowly brown. Legs yellow, slightly washed with brown. Fore wings trans- parent, with narrow light brown borders and discal mark. Hind wings transparent, with outer margin very narrow, brown. Discal mark absent. Female. Much more robust than the male, with the second and fourth abdominal segments usually wholly brown. Otherwise similar to the male. Expanse, male 30-35 mm; female 40-45 mm. Beutcmmdler Acanthoderes decipiens Hald. A rather stout, blackish beetle irregularly marked with gray, may be taken in June on poplar and hickory. This insect was met wiih on poplar at Karner, June 18, 1902, and appears to be a somewhat rare species in this section. Dr J. B. Smith records taking this species in New Jersey on dead hickory in May. Description. It is a rather stout beetle, about y^ inch long, black, irregularly marked with gray, with annulate antennae about the length of the body. The thorax is wider than long and with a prominent tuberosity on each side. The elytra are nearly truncate anteriorly and bluntly spined posteriorly. This species may be sepa- rated from its allies, according to Leng and Hamil- ton, by the maculate white pubescence on the body ; the sutural region is not grooved, the elytra are with- 'fip7ens"ienHrgcd(VrigInair out a whitish space, each bears a distinct M-shaped, black mark behind the middle, and the base is irregular, with an oblong, obtuse umbone at its middle. Distribution. This species has been recorded by Messrs Leng and Hamilton from Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia, Georgia, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Canada and Maine, and it has been listed from the District of Columbia, by Ulke. It has also been taken by Zesch and Reinecke in the vicinity of Buffalo, and is recorded in Dury's list of Coleoptera, from near Cincinnati O. 474 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Saperda concolor Lee. Girdling the trunks of sapling poplars or running a mine around them, causing a swelling twice the diameter of the tree, the larva of a cylindric slaty gray beetle |8 inch long. Life history. The insects appear from the last week in May till after the middle of lime and select for oviposition the smaller canes of dwarf willow. The beetle ornaws a longitudinal incision through the bark about ^ inch in length and deposits an egg in each end. Several are usually made in the same cane some distance apart and these often cause its death the following year. A warty, gnarly swelling occurs around each incision. The young larvae bore nearly to the center of the smaller canes, while the larcrer ones are from one third to one half girdled, the gallery being marked by a rough, annular swelling. Distribution. This species ranges from Canada south to Texas and from Massachusetts westward probably to the base of the Rocky mountains, since it has been recorded from New Mexico. Bibliography 1904 Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. N. Y. State Mus. Bui, 74, p. 73-76 Saperda populnea Linn. A small brown or black coarsely punctured beetle about 38 inch long may be bred from galls of balsam poplar. This European species occurs on the Pacific coast and is of interest because it has two varieties, moesta Lee. and tulari Felt & Joutel. The latter variety is western, the former occurs in New York and ranges from Canada to Wyoming south to Pennsylvania. Our form is a small blackish beetle ranging in length from about 3$ to a little over ^ inch, the larger being females. This variety occurs in balsam poplar, and though it has been reported from the vicinity of New York city, this record is proba- bly founded on an erroneous identification, and the species taken about New York city is really S. concolor Lee. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 475 Life history. The beetles occur abroad in June and larvae have also been met with the same month. Its borings cause galls in balm of Gilead branches, the larvae occasionally being very abundant and in some instances not more than an inch or two apart and located chiefly at the base of the buds, where their presence is indicated by a swelling in the branch sur- mounted by a brown patch of partly decayed bark. The larva makes an excavation more than an inch long, much of which is filled with debris. Bibliography 1^04 Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. N. Y. State Mus. Bui. 74, p. 68-73 Dorytomus parvicoUis Casey A small, brownish black, yellowish specked weevil about J4^ inch long, occurs in early spring under poplar bark. This snout beetle was very abundant under the loose bark of poplars at Karner, up to the middle of May 1902. The insects evidently sought this retreat for shelter, because there were no evidences of borings in their immediate vicinity. The beak is moderately long in the male, longer in the female ; the thora.x is rounded, rather coarsely punctured ; the elytral striae are coarsely punctured, and the wing covers are clothed with a some- what sparse golden pubescence, frequently present in bunches here and there, giving a spotted appearance. This species has been recorded from Indiana. Dorytomus vagenotatus Casey A small snout beetle about yi inch long, irregularly clothed with grayish pubescence occurs under poplar bark in early May. This species is much smaller than the preceding, and apparently cor- respondingly scarce, since only four specimens were taken as compared wath over one hundred of the former species. This differs from the first not only in size but in the finer sculpturing of the prothorax and the smaller dots of the wing covers, which latter are partially clothed with a grayish instead of golden pubescence. This species was described from Indiana. 476 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Poplar carpenter worm Cossns ccntcrensis Lint. Stout, white, naked caterpillars about ij^ inches long, bore in poplar trunks. This comparatively rare species was first described by Dr Lintner from specimens taken on poplars at Karner, then Centre. It appears to be rather rare, though occasionally it may become quite abundant, as evidenced by our finding many larvae of this species in a badly affected cottonwood tree in Albany. This insect has been taken in the vicinity of New York city, and Dr Smith is of the opinion that it occurs in New Jersey. It has been recorded from the Atlantic States by Dr Dyar, and Dr Fletcher has found it about Ottawa Can. Description. Larva. Head dark brown ; mouth parts nearly black ; thoracic shield pale yellowish, with a sublateral, oblique darker line on each side ; body creamy white. Length about 1 1^^ inches. Labium yellowish white, broad at base, sutures brown ; spinneret con- spicuous, brown, slender ; labial palpi very small, i segmented and bear- ing two minute apical setae ; maxillary palpi 3 segmented. Mandibles dark brown, apex black, with two inconspicuous teeth ; epistoma yellowish brown, tuberculate and bearing a number of stout, short setae ; labrum yel- lowish, smooth. Clypeus dark brown, sutures black. Antennae very short, basal segment yellowish white, apical brownish and bearing a conspicuous seta. Simple eyes few, yellowish brown, with a few setaceous tubercles interspersed. Thoracic shield weakly chitinized, yellowish, with a distinct sublateral, oblique line on either side. Anal shield yellowish, weakly chiti- nized ; body tubercles rudimentary and represented only by sparse hairs, spiracles dark brown. Thoracic legs well developed, claws black, the tip of last segment dark brown. Well developed prolegs on the third to the sixth and last abdominal segments. The pupa has been described by Dr Bailey as " about 30 mm in length, narrow, brownish black, shining, rugose. The clypeus presents a strong, broad, spinous process, supported at base by lateral projections. On the underside it descends into a wide sulcation terminating in a broad projection. The capital appendages are visible, and here and there arise isolated hairs as in the previous stage. The abdominal segments are provided with teeth over the dorsum, decreasing in size to the stigmatal line. The anal segment is provided with two unequal-sized terminal teeth on each side of the vent." This adult has been described by Dr Lintner as follows : INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 477 The female, in its appearance, approaches nearer C. querciperda Fitch than any other of our species. The collar and thorax are black, edged with gray scales. The abdomen is black above, interspersed with gray scales towards its tip, and more thickly beneath. The primaries are black over rather more than their inner half, with some gray scales a little within the center of the wing ; the center portion of the wing beyond the reniform mark is grayish. The wing is traversed by broken, black, transverse lines, of which twenty or more can be counted on the costal margin ; three or four of those on the outer portion are more continuous and conspicuous than the others. The fringe is marked with black scales opposite the veins. The secondaries are nearly transparent, darker along their inner margin, showing some faint reticulations, which are more conspicuous beneath. [The type is illustrated on plate 44, figure i.] The male strongly resembles the female, instead of presenting the marked contrasting differences found in Prionoxystus robiniae Peck and P. macmurtrei Guer.-Men. Its wings are only a little more projected apically than in the other sex. Expanse of wings of the pair in my collection, male 2 inches; female 2.5 inches. Length of body, female .95 inch; male 1.2 inch. Life history. This species has been carefully studied by Dr Bailey, and the following account of its life history is based largely on his published observations. The recently emerged moths are rather sluggish and can be easily captured. They resemble the color of the bark so closely that it requires a very good eye and close observation to find them. After the moths have been abroad a few days, they are wild and more or less muti- lated. The females deposit their eggs in clefts near the base of the trunk, one producing over fifty. This species appears every season, and observa- tions seem to indicate that three years are necessary to complete the life cycle. The pupae, as in the case with related species, wriggle partly out of the burrows before disclosing the moths, and these conspicuous empty pupal cases are therefore a very convenient means of detecting the number of moths which should be found about infested trees. Remedial measures. It is probable that this species could be con- trolled in the same way as the carpenter worm noticed on pages 79-84. Ordinarily the poplar is of so little value and this insect so rare, that it will be unnecessary to check it. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. sth Rep't, p. 439-42 478 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Locust twig borer Ecdytolopha insiticiana Zell. A pale whitish caterpiUar bores the smaller twigs of locust, causing a thickened, irregular growth i to 3 inches long. The work of this species has been observed by us in several localities, though the borer is rarely abundant enough to cause material injury Mr J. G. Jack of the Arnold arboretum, states that the young locusts are very subject to serious injury by this borer. Description. The full grown larva, according to Professor Comstock, is about half an inch long, yellowish and somewhat darker along the dorsal line. The head is dark brown and the thoracic shield a light honey yellow. The moth has dark ashy brown fore wings with a large patch of dull pinkish white on the outer part and several sinall black spots near the middle of this patch. The hind wings are a little lighter than the basal portion of the fore wings ; wing spread about ^ inch. Life history. The larvae, according to Professor Comstock, become full grown about the first of October and desert the stems through holes cut to the surface, descend to the ground and transform to pupae among the dried curled leaves in which thc'y <~>\)\\\ thin, tough silken cocoons. One moth emerged October 17 and others from the 20th to the 27th. Distribution. This species apparently has a wide distribution, as it has been recorded from as far west as Colorado. Remedial measures. The most effective method of checking this species is to cut off and burn the infested twigs any time before October. Woodbine borer Sapcrda punclicollis Say A bright yellow-marked, jet-black beetle, almost ]'i inch long, may be bred from woodbine, sumac and possibly poison ivy. This is one of the smallest and prettiest species belonging to this important genus. It is a rare form in most collections in spite of the fact that the insect lives in the dead branches of the common Virginia creeper. Life history. The beetle is shy, rarely seen, and though it may occa- INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 479 sionally be taken on the foliage of its food plant, specimens are more easily obtained by rearing from infested twigs. The adults occur abroad in June and July. The larvae or grubs feed on the inner bark of the branches and stems of the Virginia creeper. Its method of work is represented on plate 6, figures 17-19. Food plants. It occurs on woodbine and has been recorded from poison ivy and sumac. Description. This little black beetle may be easily recognized by its golden thorax with four dots and a wide golden margin, including a sutural and marginal stripe on the wing covers [pi. 6, fig. 24]. Distribution. This species ranges from Canada south to Louisiana and west to Kansas and Nebraska. It is probably generally distributed in the east- ern and middle United States. Bibliography 1904 Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. N. Y. State Mus. Bui. 74, p. 66-68 Madarellus undulatus Say A jet-black, highly polished curculio about 's inch long and with deeply striated wing covers, occurs on Virginia creeper, poison ivy and grape. This little species is widely distributed, having been recorded by LeConte from Massachusetts to Alabama, Texas and Kansas. The northern beetles are entirely black, while those from the south and west have the prothorax red. Dr Hamilton records two varieties as occurring in southwestern Penn- sylvania. This species bores woodbine in association with Saperda puncticollis Sa}' and transforms to the adult in an oval pupal cell composed of '^' , , ,, , „ L L^ r of beetle, pupal cell, finely comminuted, partly decayed pieces of bark and wood glued together. 480 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Alder borer Sapcrda obliqiia Say Irregular, gall-like swellings at the base of alder stems, followed by dying and break- ing of the shoots, are very characteristic of this insect. The white-footed, legless grub closely resembles that of the appletree borer and is most easily recognized by the food plant it inhabits. The adult is a light reddish brown with darker oblique bands on the wing covers. The thorax has a pair of broad, dark brown bands which extend backward onto the base of the wing covers. The spaces occupied by the darker bands on the elytra are depressed, an instance of where coloration is emphasized by sculpture. Life history and habits. This species is a common one in the State of New York, if one may judge from the numerous dead shoots in alder swamps killed by this species. The beetle oviposits close to the ground in black alder and the larvae frequently girdle the stems, there sometimes being two or three borers near together, one of which is very apt to work downward three or four inches and often below the surface of the ground ; the others usually tunnel in an opposite direction. The general method of work is very similar to that of the common round-headed appletree borer, and the beetle emerges from a circular hole very closely resembling that made by the above mentioned species. The adult may be found near the top of alder shoots, and according to Mr Fred. Knab of Chicopee Mass., easily escapes notice on account of its close resemblance to a with- ered leaflet, and its remaining perfectly motionless, clinging tightly to a branch, with the antennae extended forward. This species has also been taken on birch. Distribution. This species has been recorded from Canada south to Mississippi and westward to Wisconsin. It is probably generally distributed in the northeastern United States. Natural enemies. Native woodpeckers appear to be very efficient in checking this borer, as we have found a number of infested stems showing the characteristic marks of these beneficial birds. The larvae are also INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 481 destroyed by an unknown Tachinid parasite and another small dipterous larva is sometimes found feeding in considerable numbers on the larva or pupa. Bibliography 1904 Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. N. Y. State Alus. Hul. 74, p. 18-20 Liopus alpha Say A small, legless grub boring irregularlv in dead sumac and other twigs, may be the young of this beetle. This species occurs rather abundantly in dead sumac twigs at Clinton Heights. The infested twigs were gathered and many of the beetles bred therefrom the latter part of Way. The beetle is about i^ inch long, rather stout, and remarkable for the long, delicate antennae, which have the enlarged distal portion of each joint dark brown or nearly black. It is rather prettily V marked with silvery gray, light and dark brown, the irregular oblique stripe just behind the middle of each wing cover being the most conspicuous, the two forming a V with its point toward the head. Accord- ding to Messrs Leng and Hamilton, this species is quite variable and tlifhcult to separate froin allied forms. They describe five variations in markings and state that it may be separated from its ally, L. c i n e r e u s Lee, by the finely jjunctured surface, behind the band alinost impunctured. The full grown larvae are about ^2 ''ich long, and present no unusual characters. Unfortunately specimens were not preserved and a detailed description is impossible. The working of this larva is limited very largely to the central portion of the twig, and the gallery of one borer may have a length of 2 or 3 inches. The exit hole is oval and a little over y ^, inch in diameter. Distribution. .Say states that this species is not rare in Pennsylvania and that he has obtainetl it from the Northwest Territory, and LeConte 482 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM records it from the Middle and Southern States, while Schwarz found it abundant at Biscayne bay, Floritla. Dr Smith states that it occurs com- monly throughout New Jersey, and we have met it in the vicinity of Albany. It has also been reported from Newport and Buffalo. Food plants. We have reared this insect in numbers from sumac, while Dr Smith .states that it occurs on sumac berries of the previous year. Mr BeutenmuUer records apple as a food plant in addition to that given above, while Dr Hopkins states that it infests yellow locust twigs on dead trees in West Virginia. Natural enemies. A single parasite was reared from infested twigs, presumably from this species. It has been kindly determined by Dr Ashmead as T e m e 1 u c h a f u s i f o r m i s Prov. Pityogenes consimilis Lee. A minute, dark brown or black, cylindric beetle about '/sj inch long, makes the familiar oblique galleries under the bark of decaying sumac twigs, grooving the wood in a very characteristic fashion. The work of this species is e.xceedingly common, easily recognized and of little importance e.vcept when the carved branches are sometimes employed in rustic structures. Spotted leptostylus Lcptostyliis iiiacida .Say A small, thick, long-horned, brown or chestnut-colored beetle, about )-{ inch long, with ash gray markings, mav be bred from the dead twigs and wood of a number of trees. This is one of our common borers having very similar liabits to its ally, Li opus alpha Say. It breeds in a wide variety of twigs, having been taken from sumac, witch-hazel, chestnut, oak, walnut and apple. Dr Fitch states that old butternut trees are .sometimes filled with the grubs of this little beetle. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 483 BOKEKS IN DRIED USUALLY MANUFACTURKI) WOOD White marked powder-post beetle Lychis parallelopipcdus Melsh. Pin holes less than i/,6 inch in diameter and galleries of the same size running in various directions in wood, mav contain linear, black, white marked l)eelles about 3/,6 inch long. This powder-post beetle has very similar habits to those of the more common species, Lyctus unipunctatus Herbst., though it appears to be much rarer. Its destructive work was brought to our attention in July 1903, on the reception of a piece of ash from a large furniture man- ufacturer of New York city, accompanied by the statement that the insects were causing considerable damage to rough stock on hand and had also bred out in numbers from manufactured products, to their great detriment. The piece of ash was badly tunneled by the galleries of this insect and practically worthless for furniture purposes. Description. The beetle is a jet black or dark brown, linear insect about 3/16 inch long and easily distinguished from the common powder-post beetle, Lyctus unipunctatus Herbst., by the broad, creamy white band near the middle of the wing covers and extending almost to the suture. The head and prothorax are rather coarsely and irregularly punctured, while the wing covers are ornamented with rows of closely set, coarse punctures. The young or larvae are small, six legged, yellowish white grubs with the tip of the body curved. The work of this species, like that of the common powder-post beetle, is characterized by fine sawdust dropping from the infested lumber. Life history. This species evidently breeds freely in ash. It has been recorded in fig and probably infests other dry hard woods. The beneficial clerid, E 1 a s m o c e r u s t e r m i n a t u s Say, was bred from the ash ])oarcl infested w^th this species and is undoubtedly of considerable service in preying upon this wood borer. Remedies. Measures of value against the powder-post beetle should be of equal service in checking this species. 484 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Large carpenter bee Xylocopa virginica Drury Burrows about Yi an inch long may occasionally be observed in telegrapii poles, doorposts and similar places, and large-bodied, dusky winged bees seen going in and out. This common insect is sometimes very persistent in its efforts to tun- nel posts or timbers about houses. It is about the size, and has the general appearance of a bumblebee. The abdomen, however, is jet-black and frequently somewhat bare. The tunnels are excavated in solid wood, sometimes to a distance of a foot and are used as nesting places. A unique example of this insect's work together with the bee is represented at plate 39, hgure 3. This shows the outside appearance of a S/% inch board, from a weatherworn building, and near the top a small entrance hole 3 g inch in diameter. The board has been split and the inner aspect with the three long nearly parallel yi inch burrows, split when the board was sawed in two, is represented in the foreground. The slight enlargements seen along the course of the galleries indicate the location of individual cells. These are separated from each other when filled by chips of wood securely cemented together. The nature of the partition is easily seen from below. The cells are provisioned with a paste of pollen or nectar, and when the young insects mature, those in the lower chambers are obliged to await the exit of the bees in the upper cells. INHAKITANTS OK DKCAYIXti WOOD OK RESIDENTS UNDER DKAI> OK DECAYIN*; ItARK A considerable number of species occur in such places. They are of comparatively slight econoinic importance, yet should be characterized because of the liability of their being mistaken for more destructive species, and to aid in this identification the following brief accounts of some of the more common species are given. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 485 Owl beetle .Ua/is oculatiis L.inn. A large, rather stout, black, whilc-niarked lieetlc, i 4 inches long, bearing two conspicuous cyelike s|M>ts, is frciiuenllv nu-t w itii in decaying wood. Thc-re arc a number of insects brouoht to the attention of the ento- mologists from \('ar to year on account of some peculiarity ami such is the case with this species. Its conspicuous eyelike spots on the prothorax excite the attention of e\en the most casual observer, and as the beetle is not very common, most s]3ecimens observed are captured, and are very likely to hnd tlieir wa)' into the hands of some entomologist. This s|)ecifs cannot be considered injurious, since it occurs only in decaj'ing wood, and the obser\'ations of Dr Lugger wcjuld seem to intlicate that it can be classed among om- beneficial species. He has fountl in his own experience that it was impossible to rear the larvae or grubs, unless they were provided with living insects which they soon fouml and devoured. Description. This large snapping beetle ma)- be easily recognized bv reference to plate 39, figure 2, which shows it about natural size and repre- sents the appearance of a well marked indi\ idual. The conspicuous ejelike spots are found only in one other native beetle, a very rare species. This insect is representative of a very large famih , members of which possess the power of projecting themselves upward suddenly by the means of a peculiar springing apparatus on the ventral surface. A stout spine on the thorax projects back in a socket in the abdomen and by bending its l:)od)' backwards, the beetle can raise its spine and rest it on the edge of the socket, and then with a sudden muscular exertion, spring it back into the cavity. The result is that the beetle is thrown into the air to a hight sev- eral times its length. This device is apparently for no other purpose than to enable the insect to regain its feet, evidentl)- very useful, since this beetle and its allies are nearly helpless whenever they fall on their back. This peculiar snapping has led to these insects being called snapping or click beetles, and the entire family, which is composed of a large number of forms, are known to scientists as Elaterldae. 486 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The large grubs of this giant snapping beetle have been described by Dr Harris as about 2^4 inches long, nearly ^4 inch in breadth, Hattened, reddish yellow in color. It is frequently found in decaying appletree wood. Broad-necked prionus Prion! IS laticollis Drur)' A thick, fleshy, legless grub about 3 iiiclifs long when full grown bores in the roots and stumps of a number of trees. This is a very common insect in New York State, though it rarely causes much damage so far as known, for all that the grubs are capable of doing considerable mischief. As a rule we believe their depredations are confined verv largely to comparatively valueless forest trees, and therefore this insect is not often brought to the attention of economic entomologists. The operations of this grub being very largely under ground, also enable it to escape notice. The adult beetle is one of the largest native forms, measuring about i i^ inches in length and 5 § inch or more in breadth. It varies from brown to very dark brown or black. The powerful mandibles are very conspicuous with shar]i, cutting edges. The antennae are about half as long as the body. The head is minutely and irregularly punctured, the dorsum of the thorax smooth, the lateral portions being punctured and the edges prolonged into two or three prominent teeth. The wing covers are coarsely rugose with several more or less distinct ridges and are usually decidedly broader at the base. The larva of this insect has been recorded as infesting pine stumps, roots of living black oak, oak logs, roots of linden, poplar, oak, chestnut, apple, pine and grapevine. Dr Riley records a case where this species was very destructive to young appletrees in Kentucky. These borers as a rule work within the roots, though Dr Riley states of an allied species, P. imbricornis Linn., that where the root is too small to accommodate the borer, it eats away about one third of the bark and hol- lows out the remainder of the root, thus causing great injury in nurseries The adults are abroad during midsummer. Remedial measures. .Since the larva of this species works in the roots, it is very difficult to check its operations and there is nothing better than INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 487 destroying the infested trees and avoiding so far as possible conditions favorable to the breeding of this borer; namely, a great many stvmips and dead trees in which it can thrive. Lesser prionus OrthosoDia brioincinu Forst. A rather slender, brown beetle about i '_• inches long and less than '•_• inch broad, lives in the larval stage in decaying trees. This beetle is another rather common species frequently met with in midsummer and attracts notice largely on account of its size. Its larva lives almost entirely in decaying wood, and as a consequence this form is of comparatively slight economic importance. The adult beetle is about i^y^ inches long with powerful mandibles, and tapering antennae a little over one half the bod\- length. The large eyes are comparatively inconspicuous, finely granulate, and the thorax is prolonged laterally into a series of two or more irregular teeth. The wing covers are very long, rather slender, with parallel sides, irregularly and finely punctured and ornamented with several rather prominent ridges. The larva of this species has been recorded as boring in decaying pine, hemlock, hickor)", walnut, oak, chest- nut, ami l)r Ho])kins states that it inhabits the decaying logs and stumps ol nearh' all forest trees. Description. The larva and pupa have been described b\- Dr Packard as follows : Larva. Described while alive. Body cylindrical, not flattened, the segments very distinct, as the sutures are deeper than usual ; head moder- ately broad ; prothorax large and broad and rather long, being 9 mm broad and 4!/^ mm long; surface rough on the posterior two thirds. On each of the first to seventh abdominal segments is a transverse oval cylindrical fleshy area, each with three transverse folds, the area on the seventh ring being nearly twice as long (antero-posteriorly) as that on the first, the areas becoming longer and narrower, i. e. more rounded, going backward towards the seventh .segment; the end of the abdomen smooth and shining; each thoracic segment with a pair of slender three-jointed feet. Length, 35 mm (i3 g inches). Pupae. Antennae bent near their end at right angles and laid across the end of the elytra, the latter reaching to the middle of the hind tarsi. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM End of the abdomen terminates in a singular rufflelike expansion, armed on the edges with stout spines. Hind tarsi reaching to the middle of the fifth abdominal segment. The body considerably curved. Maxillary palpi extended well beyond the end of the mandibles. Prothorax with a broad- based spine on the side. The projecting parts of the abdominal segments with fine spines, and segments 3 to 5 with a pair of transverse, thin, dark brown chitinous patches. Length 30 mm. Anthophilax attenuatus Hald. An olive gray, mottled beetle with black head and thorax, and alioiit Ss inch long, occurs in early spring on partly decayed beech stumps. This Lepturid has the characteristic form of this subfamily, and has been taken in early May on dead or decayed beech at Newport N. Y. by Mr D. B. Young. The beetles were observed by him, ovipositing in the galleries made by P t i 1 i n u s r u f i c o r n i s, and the process has been described by him as follows : The beetle crawled along with an odd jerky motion and carefully examined every hole and crevice which it crossed. The crevices were aban- doned almost immediately ; the galleries were examined with more care and evidently those selected were a year old ; the beetles invariably oviposited with the head turned nearly or wholly down. One of the galleries removed after the beetle had ovipositeci and flown contained 16 eggs. Nothing had been placed in the gallery to prevent parasites from entering. The eggs were placed 5^ inch from the outside in four lots of four each, with their ends slightly tapering, just tilling the diameter of the gallery. The eggs were cylindrical, rounded at both ends, polished, and waxy white; they were gummed together with a yellowish secretion, and were lyi to nearly 2 mm in length. Beetle. Length S/^ inch ; antennae, legs and wing covers olive, mottled with grayish white ; head and thorax black and clothed with a short, sparse golden pubescence. This form may be recognized, according to Mr Wickham, by its elytra being testaceous and irregularly marked with piceous spots. The surface is coarsely and sparsely punctate and with small spaces which are distinctly pubescent. Median line of thorax distinctly impressed. Fig. 122 A n t h o p h i 1 le n II at us, enlarged (i IXSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 489 This species was found on the shores of Lake Superior b\ I)r LeConte, is reported from Ottawa Can., by Mr Harrington, and Dr Ham- ilton states that it is rare in southwestern Pennsylvania. It has also been listed from Mt Washington, by Mrs Slosson. Dermestes pulcher Lee. A brown-headed, black-wiiii^ed, rather stout tieetle about 14^ inch hjnt;, was bred from larvae taken from a liolhjw oak. This species, according to Jayne, may be easily recognized by its gen- eral red color and almost entirely black wing covers, the flattened thorax with two basal foveae, and the absence of abdominal spots and white rings on the femora. He records this species from the Southern, Middle and Western States. It must be rare in southwestern Pennsylvania, since L)r Hamilton met with onl)- two specimens. It has been listed also from the vicinity of Buffalo N. Y. and Cincinnati O. Ditoma quadriguttata Say. This minute, black and reddish beetle occurs in early spring under dead bark of beech stumps. It is about 332 inch long. Head and thorax almost entirely black, coarsely punctured with conspicuous lateral ridges on the latter. The wing covers have an oblique, reddish stripe at the base of the wings, a similar spot near the middle and a smaller one at the posterior third. These organs are conspicuouslv striated and with coarse, distinct punctures between the ridges. Mycetochares binotata Say. This species occurs under poplar bark. Cerylon castaneum Say. This minute, reddish, rather flattened beetle occurs under dead bark of maple stumps in early spring. It is about \ic, inch long, the head somewhat rounded, the thorax rather irregularly punc- tured and the wing covers finely striate with series of confluent punctures. Silvanus imbellis Lee. This minute, slender, grayish brown beetle occurs sparingly under the dead bark of beech and maple in early spring. It is about yi inch long, slender, the head and thora^: grayish, rather thickly and irregularly punctured ; the wing covers distinctly striate with a series of nearly confluent punctures. Catogenus rufus Fabr. This dark, reddish, somewhat flattened beetle has been taken under dead elm bark in May. It is nearly }4 inch long with conspicuous moniliform antennae. The head and thorax are finely and irregularly punctured and the wing covers marked by a series of deep grooves and with the humeral angles continued as a conspicuous ridee their entire length ; costal margm strong!)- smuate. Cucujus clavipes F"abr. This flattened, bright or dark reddish beetle 490 NEW VOKK STATE MUSEUM riattened beetle may b( It is about y^ inch lon^, occurs in early spring" under deatl elm bark. It is about j.-i inch lontj with conspicuous blackish moniliform antennae, the head and thorax are strongly flattened, irregularly and coarsely punctured, the latter with a series of minute denticulations along its lateral margins ; wing covers finely punc- tured and apparently hollowed. The humeral angles are continued as conspicuous ridges along their entire length. Laemophloeus biguttatus .Sa\. Ill is small, found under dead maple bark in April and Ma\'. the head and thora.x are finely though irregularly punctured, mostly dark brown, while the wing covers are finely striate with series of confluent punc- tures and are mostl\' dark brown with a middle, somewhat broken band of pale yellowish Laemophloeus testaceus habr. This minute, slender, flattened beetle is not uncommon under the dead bark of maple and beech stumps in early spring. It is about 3,32 inch long, the slender antennae are nearly as long as the body. The brown head and thorax are rather finely and sparsely punctured, the latter with distinct sublateral ridges and with the lateral mar- gins prolonged, toothed posteriorly; wing covers finely striate with series of minute punctures ; lateral margins produced. Dendrophagus cygnaei Mann. This flattened, brownish species occurs under elm bark in March and April. The dark brown head and thorax are ornamented with irregular, coarse punctures and the brown wing covers are striated with series of rather large, almost confluent punctures ; humeral angle pronounced and continued as a distinct ridge along the entire length of the win"' covers. The legs are light brown with strongly swollen femora. Uliota dubius Fabr. This flattened, brownish or black beetle occurs under dead elm, beech, maple and butternut liark in early spring. It is about j^ inch long, dark brown or blackish. The red- dish brown antennae are as long as the bod)', and just anteriorly there is on each side a conspicuous curved, hornlike pro- cess apparently peculiar to the male. The dark brown head is coarsely punc- tured with two deeply impressed lines ; the prothorax is al.so coarsely punctured, with lateral margins serrate, the anterior angles being prolonged into conspicuous processes. The wing covers are coarsely ' striate with a conspicuous humeral ridge their entire length and the interspaces ornamented with numerous con- fluent coarse punctures. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 4gi Ephistemus apicalis Lee. This is a very minute, shining black species ■which occurs under beech bark in February. It is so very small that a hand lens is necessary to distinguish it from mite.-^ found in similar places. Hister lecontei Mars. A small, stout, flattened, jet-black beetle occurs under the dead bark of such trees as beech, maple, elm, pine etc. frequently in association with various bark borers. The head is minute, partially retracted under the expanded portions of the prothorax. The short, hio-hly polished wing covers are marked with several distinct striae. Hister parallelus Sa\ Jet-black, somewliat elongatt-d, siibcvlindric beetlfs, about 's incli long, may be met with in considerable numbers under the linrk of white elm and other trees. This species was abundant under decaying elm bark at Albany, Nov. 3, 1903, and we ha\e also met with it umler spruce bark at Davis W. \'a., associated with a species of Pityophthorus. Dr Hamilton records the same species as common under pine bark in southwestern Pennsylvania, and Dr Smith finds it not rare under bark in New Jersey, and states that in one instance specimens were feeding on sap. This species is not a borer, and like its close relatives, is frequently found in the galleries of various wood borers, where it probably feeds on partiall\- decaying or decayed vegetable matter. This species has been recorded from eastern Florida by its describer and, in addition to above named localities, has been listed by Ulke from the District of Columbia and Dr Horn records it from South Carolina and Georgia. Plegaderus transversus Say. This stout, roundish, dark brown beetle less than ' 'x6 inch in length, occurs in early spring in damp situations under basswood bark and probably frequents other trees presenting similar conditions. Colastus truncatus Rand. This small, oval beetle is plentiful in early spring under the bark of freshly cut maple and butternut stumps, where it feeds on the sap. It is about 3/^32 inch in length, oval, reddish brown, with the wing covers protecting only the anterior two thirds of the body. Cryptarcha concinna Alelsh. This species is abundant in early spring under the bark of freshly cut maple and butternut stumps, apparently feed- ing on the sap. It is a ininute, oblong, banded beetle about 3/32 inch long, with the thorax and wing covers obscurely marked with dark brown and pale yellow. 492 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Tenebrioides corticalis Melsh. This black, somewhat flattened beetle from i-^ to 3/g inch in length, is common under the bark of elm, Avillow and other trees. The head and thorax are rather coarsely punctured and the wing covers are finely striate with series of small distinct punctures. Tenebrioides castanea Melsh. This flattened, dark brown beetle occurs in considerable numbers under the dead bark of beech, pine and probably other trees. It is about ^^ inch long, dark brown, the head and prothorax somewhat coarsely though sparsely punctured and the wing covers weakly striate with rows of shallow, nearly confluent punctures. Nyctobates pennsylvanica DeG. This large, rather stout, jet-black beetle tapers slightly anteriorly and is about "g inch in length. It is found under dead bark of various trees such as beech, hemlock and birch. The head and prothorax are rather finely punctured and the wing covers are ornamented with a series of minute striae composed of small distinct punctures with the intermediate spaces marked by almost microscopic punctulations. Iphthimus opacus Lee. This dull black, coarsely punctured beetle about 34. inch long, occurs under the decaying bark of various trees. Tharops ruficornis .Say. This in.sect has been taken from dead beech. Elater nigricoUis Herbst. This species has been found under decaying basswood, beech and maple bark. Elater humeralis Lee. This beetle may be taken in decaying beecii or maple stumps in March, April and May. Melanotus communis Gyll. This species occurs umler the decaying bark of various trees, being perhaps more numerous under that of pine than any other. Corymbites sulcicoUis Say. This species occurs under dead birch bark in March and April. Dorcas paralielus Say. Larvae of this brownish beetle live in decaying logs or stumps of various trees. We have taken it on elm. Ceruchus piceus Web. The larvae of this species have been recorded from old beech stumps, decaying chestnut, willow and birch. We have taken it abundantly in rotting black cherry. Horned passalus. Passalus cornutus Fabr. This very striking, large mahogany brown beetle with its coarsely striate wing covers and deep, broad constriction at the base of the wing covers, lives in the larval stage in the decaying stumps of basswood, hickory and other deciduous trees. Rough flower beetle. Osmoderma scabra Beauw This stout, brownish, purplish black beetle about i inch long and over yi inch in breadth, with its wing covers roughened by irregular coarsely punctured striae, occurs about decaying portions of various trees. Its larva is very similar to that of the well known white grub, only larger. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 493 Hermit flower beetle. Osmoderma eremicola Knoch. This flower beetle is slii^htly larger than the preceding, of a dark mahogany color, with smooth, highly polished wing covers. It presumably has the same habits as the preceding form. Stenosphenus notatus Oliv. This insect was taken at Poughkeepsie on dead hickory and oak. It has been recorded as breeding in dead limbs of the former. Lepturges symmetricus Haiti. This species was taken in early July on beech injured by hre. Oberea schaumii l.ec. This species bores in the twigs and branches of poplar, beetles appearing in early Alay. Oberea ocellata Hakl. This small longicorn has been reared from sumac. Scotobates calcaratus Fabr. This large, black beetle about S/a inch in length, occurs under the dead bark of various hard woods. The head and thora.x are rather hnely, irregularly punctured and the wing covers marked with conspicuous striae composed of fine and in many cases confluent punctures. Tenebrio tenebrioides Beauv. This large, brownish black species occurs under decaying willow, butternut and basswood bark in early spring. It is about l4 inch long, rather stout, the head and thora.x are finely and irregu- larly punctured, while the wing covers are ornamented by series of striae composed of thickly set though distinct punctures. Penthe obliquata Fabr. This species is very similar to the preceding and like it, occurs under dead beech bark, particularly on trees that are down, and may be distinguished from the following by the yellowish scutellum and from the preceding by the deeply impressed thorax and the coarsely punctured elytra. It is also a .somewhat stouter form. Penthe pimelia P^abr. This stout, black species occurs under dead beech bark, most frecpiently on trees that are down. The head and thorax are coarsely punctured, the latter with a deeply impressed spot posteriorly. The wing covers are coarsely marked with irregular series of deep pimctures. Melandrya striata .Sav. This large, black beetle occurs under the dead bark of beech, maple and probably of other trees in July. The beetles range in length from " ,0 to about 5/^ inch and may be recognized b)- the very finel\- punctured head and thorax, the latter tapering strongly ante- riorly, and specially by the prominently ridged, slightly pubescent, finely punctured wing covers. Phloeotrya liturata Lee. This black or dark brown, yellow-marked melandryid is about ? ,6 inch long and occurs under dead maple bark the latter part of June and July. It may be recognized by the rather peculiar irretndar black mark on each side of the anterior third of the elytra 494 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and a smaller one about the posterior third, which latter extends almost to the suture. Phloeotrya simulator Newm. This species occurs in rotting beech anil maple stumps. Asclera puncticollis Say. This dull black beetle, 5 i6 inch long, with a dull red and black-spotted pronotum was taken in midwinter at Newport N. Y., from the dead tissues of a birch, by Mr D. B. Young. Dendroides canadensis Latr. This species has been taken under the decaying l)ark of oak, birch, maple, beech and other deciduous trees. Dendroides concolor Newm. This species has been taken under the decaying bark of oak, maple, beech, birch and other deciduous trees. Cryptorhynchus parochus Herbst. The larvae of this species have been taken under butternut bark, adults being found the latter part of May. Gonotropis gibbosus Lee. This species was taken in early July on living birch and maple trees, which had been injured by fire. Stenoscelis brevis Hohm. A dark brown or black, cylindric beetle scarcely Vs inch long and with prothorax and wing covers coarsely punctured, is a common borer in dead and partly rotten wood of various trees. We have taken this species boring in dead limbs of butternut, a.sh, willow, poplar, and it has been recorded by others as occurring in elm and maple. It runs irregular sinuous galleries about ' ,2 inch in diameter. FUNGOUS BEETLES There are a number of species of very diverse appearance, which feed on fungi and are frequently met with on various trees. They, of them- selves, are of comparatively slight importance, and on that account they should not be confused with the more dangerous borers which may occur under similar conditions. Tritoma thoracica Say A rather broad, oval, black and bright red beetle about y,6 in( h in length, occurs in June and July on soft mushroom growtlis on decaying poplar. The head and prothorax are bright reddish, the eyes small, finely granulate, and the wing covers are faintly striate with small, well separated punctures. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AM) WOODLAND TREES 495 Mycetophagus punctatus Say This somewhat elongate beetle, brightly uKirked with reddisli brown and lilac k, nearly J-4 inch long, infests soft fungi of basswood in June and July. The mouth parts and extremities of the antennae are rufous, the middle portion of the latter being black. The eyes are slightly emargi- nate, rounded, coarsely granulate ; labrum, dorsum of head and prothorax black, coarsely punctured. The wing covers have a large, black scutellar spot and are margined laterally with the same color, from which there extends near the middle a conspicuous lobe; near the posterior extremity there is a broad, somewhat irregular black band across the wing covers. These organs are rather finely striate with coarse punctures and clothed with a short, rather coarse pubescence. Mycetophagus flexuosus Say This rather narrow, elongated, oval beetle conspicuously marked with black and reddish, infests soft fungi on basswood in June. The mouth parts and the extremities of the antennae are reddish, the middle segments of the latter being black. Eyes prominent, coarsely granulate ; head and prothorax coarsely punctured. Wing covers with con- spicuous striae composed of almost confluent punctures ; reddish brown, with a conspicuous black scutellar spot extending some distance each side of the scutellum. There is a broken, irregular black band about midway of the length of the wing covers, and a nearly complete one at the posterior third ; wing covers clothed with a coarse pubescence. Triphyllus humeralis Kirby This minute, oval, dark reddish brown beetle may be found on fungi growing on basswood. It is about 1/8 inch in length. The head and thorax are slightly darker than the dark reddish brown wing covers, and the dorsal surface of the entire insect is faintly punctured and sparsely clothed Avith a short, appressed, golden pubescence. 496 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Phenolia grossa Fabr. This rather flattened, rounded beetle about V i6 of an inch in length, may be taken abundantly on soft fungi on the side of fallen beech. It is obscurely marked with black and very dark red. The head is partially covered by the enormous prothorax, which is arcuate in front, rounded laterally and coarsely and irregularly punctured. The wing covers bear several rather conspicuous though slight ridges. Calitys scabra Thunb. This flattened, reddish beetle, about *8 inch in length, may be found in June on certain fungi growing on the ends of decaying hemlock logs. This insect has a peculiar form, with enormously pro- duced thoracic margins, which are rounded and serrate exteri- orly, and the wing covers have the humeral angle produced behind in a conspicuous ridge and with the margin extended niarged laterally and finely serrate. Phellopsis obcordata Kirby This peculiar appearing rusty red, dark brown beetle about >4 inch in length, found in June on certain fungi growing on the ends of decaying hemlocks. This species is rather flattened and is remarkable on account of the enormous prothorax with its conspicuous lateral anterior protuberances. Wing covers very coarsely punctured and with the humeral angle prolonged into a conspicuous ridge, which is distinctly notched at the anterior fourth and at the posterior fourth enlarged to produce a conspicuous tubercle. There is also a thick- ened lateral ridore extending back to a smaller tubercle below the one mentioned above. The tips of the wing covers are also somewhat enlarged. may be INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 497 Upis ceramboides Linn. This conspicuous jet black beetle, easily recognized because of the coarsely reticulate, ridged wing covers may be found in July on fungi growing on white birch. This handsome beetle is about ^ inch in length, jet black. Eyes inconspicuous, finely granulate ; head and thorax finely punctured, and wing covers coarsely reticulate as stated above. Platydema ruficorne Sturm. This small, oval, dull black beetle about V,6 inch in length feeds in fungi. The antennae, palpi and anterior margin of the labrum are more or less rufous. The eyes are deeply emarginate, coarsely granulate, and the top of the head coarsely, and the prothorax finely punctured. The wing covers are faintly striated with a series of slight, well spaced punctures. This species occurs in early spring. Platydema americanum Lap. This brownish black, glistening, oval beetle about j{ inch in length infests fungi. The mouth parts are rufous, the eyes deeply emarginate, coarsely granulate ; the labrum and dorsum of the head coarsely, and the prothorax finely punctured. The striae of the wing covers are deeper than in P. ruficorne Sturm, and the punctures a little closer. It is easily separated from the preceding by its glistening color and different form. Platydema subcostatum Lap. This oval, rounded, brownish black beetle about }{ '"ch in length, occurs on fungi. The mouth parts and antennae are rufous, the eyes are deeply emar- ginate, coarsely granulate ; the labrum and dorsum of the head coarsely, and the pronotum finely punctured ; wing covers somewhat deeply striated with rather coarse, slightly elongate punctures. Diaperis hydni Fabr. A rather stout, rounded, reddish and black beetle nearly ^ inch long, occurs during June and July on fungus growths affecting white birch and basswood. This species has the head and thorax jet black and the faintly striate wing covers are bright red with black markings. The latter have- a black 49« NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM sutural line, slightly broader posteriorly, with two circular black spots at the anterior third, one subdorsal, the other lateral, and at the posterior third a much larger irregular black spot, which is prolonged along the ventral margin. Hoplocephala bicornis Oliv. This small, rather stout, greenish beetle occurs on maple and beech fungi in April and May in association with Cratoparis 1 u n a t u s Falir. This beetle is about Vs inch in length and the smaller males may be at once recognized by the two conspicuous „. ^ „ "^ , , hornlike processes on the front. The anterior margin of the Fig. 126 H o p 1 u L e p h :i 1 a 1 ^ ('o'rig°na"o'' ^"'"^'^'' labrum is also prolonged as a pair of much smaller processes. Forked fungous beetle Boletotherus bifurciis Fabr. This very striking beetle occurs on fungus growing on beech and maple in June. In spite of its dull colors, its grotesque form renders it somewhat conspicuous. Both sexes are dark brown or brownish black and are remarkable because of the peculiar irregular elevations on both head, thorax and wing Fig. :27 Forked fungous beetle, Bo 1 bi f urcus, side and do rged (oiigin.ll) covers which, in the male, are accentuated. The female has a pair of rather conspicuous tubercles on the prothorax. Her consort may be at once recognized by these prominences being prolonged into enormous horns bearing at their extremities on the underside, delicate brushes of reddish yellow hairs. •INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 499 Cratoparis lunatus Fabr. A rather stout, narrow, grayish brown mottled beetle about % inch in length, may be found on fungi growing on maple and beech stumps, often associated with H o p 1 o c e- p h a 1 a b i c o r n i s Oliv., in April and May. It also occurs in September. The head of this peculiar beetle is distinctly prolonged and the front thickly clothed with yellowish, grayish scales. Mandibles very large, eyes rather large and finely granulate ; prothorax tapering anteriorly, slightly swollen near the middle and thickly clothed with yellowish gray pubescence, sparse posteriorly and exposing the dark brown chitin. The wing covers are strongly striate with coarse, distinct punctures and thickly clothed with yellow, brownish and almost black pubescence, giving the insect a peculiar mottled appearance. NATURAL ENEMIES OF BAUK BORERS There are a number of natural enemies of bark borers, some of which occur on the bark or in the galleries, and one not conversant with their habits might easily mistake them for destructive species. A few of the more important of these beneficial forms are noticed briefly on the following pages. Ibalia maculipennis Hald. This striking and peculiar cynipid was taken at Poughkeepsie N. Y. ovipositing on hickory infested with Dicerca obscura var. 1 u r i d a Fabr., and a species of tremex. The European I. cultellator Latr., has been recorded as a rare parasite on tremex and it is possible that this species has similar habits. It is a small, wasplike insect about y% inch long, with the mem- branous wings clouded near the middle and at the tip. It is black, marked with yellowish and at once recognizable because of the very strongly compressed abdomen with its alternate irregular bands of black and yellowish white. 500 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Xylonomus albopictus Cress. Specimens of this parasite were cut from hickory infested by D i c e r c a o b s c u r a van 1 u r i d a Fabr., on which it was probably parasitic. It has been recorded by Dr Hopkins as a parasite of buprestid larvae. Foenus tarsatorius Say This insect was observed oviposting on butternut. It is undoubtedly a parasite of some wood borers infesting this tree. American bark beetle destroyer Tlianasinius dnbiiis Fabr. This is one of the commoner, larger clerids. It measures nearly ^ inch in length, and may be recognized by the head, thora.x and basal portions of the wing covers being a dull red. The remainder of the wing covers is jet-black, except for the irregular transverse, silvery markings. This predaceous bark beetle was observed in 1901 in small numbers on white pine which had been nearly killed by bark borers at Bath-on-Hudson, and several beetles and a number of larvae were seen, though only one adult was Fig. izg Th.i nasi- captured. mus dubitis, en- ^ _ larged (original) Thisspecics lias beeu met with repeatedly by Dr Hopkins in his investigations of insects affecting forest trees in West Virginia, and he states that this form is the one most closely related to the European species, Clerus formicarius Linn., which was introduced by him in 1892, in the hope that it would prove a very efficient agent in preventing serious outbreaks of bark borers. The American bark beetle destroyer passes the winter in all stages from larva to adult, as stated by Dr Hopkins, in the bark under which it breeds and sometimes in the loose bark and moss at the base of the tree. The beetles appear in the spring, and soon after bark beetles begin to emerge from their winter quarters, fly to infested trees, logs or tops, where they station themselves beneath loose flakes of bark, awaiting an opportu- nity to pounce on their prey. They also move rapidl)^ over the bark in INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES CQI search of beetles or for entrances to galleries of the bark borers, in which the females deposit eggs. These soon hatch, and the minute active grubs find their way into the egg and brood galleries of the bark borers where they may frequently be found by the collector. These beneficial grubs feed on the eggs and young of the bark borers till they have attained full growth, when they leave the inner bark and excavat? cavities in the outer bark where the transformation to the adult occurs. This clerid attacks and feeds„on all kinds of bark beetles which infest the spruce and pine, and it has also been found attacking bark beetles in deciduous trees. It is a common insect wherever pine and spruce grow in West Virginia according to Dr Hopkins. This beneficial species is unfor- tunately preyed on by at least two parasites. One braconid apparently attacks the full grown larva when it enters the outer bark to pupate and lives within its host. This parasite is in turn attacked by another which Dr Hopkins bred in large numbers from clerid larvae. A small, two winged fly, resembling a house fly, deposits its eggs on the living beetle, and the maggot hatching therefrom, enters the abdomen and subsists by absorbing nourishment from the body fluids of its host. The infested beetles remain alive and active, till the parasitic larva leaves it to undergo its final trans- formations, which probably take place in the ground. This clerid has been recorded by Dr Smith as generally, though locally, distributed through New Jersey. Dr J. A. Lintner' observed numbers of these insects on cut pine and timber at Schoharie, May 13, where they had probably been feed- ing on wood-boring grubs. Bibliography 1899 Hopkins, A. D. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bal. 56, p. 262-64 Elasmocerus terminatus Say ■ A small, cylindric, nearly black beetle about ^ inch long, may be found with Lyctus and some other borers in infested wood. This very interesting clerid was obtained from a piece of ash badly infested with Lyctus parallelopipedus Melsh., on which it evidently preys. 1888 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 4tli Rep't, p. 142. 502 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Description. The adult beetle is about y^ inch long, with the head, antennae, legs and wing covers jet-black. The reddish yellow thorax is marked by a median, large black spot. This beetle is remarkable on account of the very large termi- nal antennal segment, which equals in length the remainder of that organ. The head and wing covers are coarsely punctured, eyes coarsely granulate. The abdomen is reddish, with the terminal segment black. 'u ^S^ " This species has been bred abundantly by Dr Ham- „. r,, . ilton from pfrapevines infested by Phymatodes Fig. 130 Elasmoccriislermi- or J J nat us, enlarged (original) amoenus Say, OH whlcli it prcys, and Dr Hop- kins records finding it with Sinoxylon basilare Say, Agrilus otiosus Say, and Chramesus hicoriae Lee. in dead hickory branches, while Dr Smith states that he has found it on trees infested with Scolytus and Bostrichus, adding that it is not uncommon. Distribution. This species probably has a wide distribution in the United States, since it occurs in New York, and has been recorded from Ohio, New Jersey, District of Columbia and West Virginia. Orange-banded clerid Clcrus ichneumoneiis Fabr. This very striking black and red marked insect preys on developing broods of the hickory bark beetle, Scolytns quadrispinosus Say, and wherever abundant is undoubtedly of considerable service in checking that destructive bark beetle. This beneficial species is about 5/i6 inch in length, bright red, with a small interrupted black band just behind the shoulders, and a broader continuous one at the posterior third of the wing covers, which latter are gray apically. This species has been recorded by Messrs Ulke and Dury from Washington D. C. and the vicinity of Cincinnati O. respectively, and we have received specimens from Kansas through the kindness of Dr Snow. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 503 Scarlet winged clerid Tkaiicroc/criis saiigni'iiciis Say This brilliant little beetle occurs under the dead bark of maple and beech in dry situations. It is only about 'i/it inch in length and has a dark brown, rather coarsely punctured pubescent head and thorax and may be easily recognized by the brilliant scarlet wing covers which are coarsely though irregularly punctured. Phyllobaenus dislocatus Say A small, blackish, yellow-marked beetle about 3 ^g inch in length, may be met with in the galleries of certain bark borers. This species was reared from hickory limbs obtained at Ilion N. Y., the adults appearing June 20. The tree was also infested with Chryso- bothris femorata Fabr., and Magdalis olyra Herbst, which were preyed on by several parasites, and this clerid may possibly have been subsisting on the latter borer. Description. The adult beetle is about ijid inch in length, the head and thorax black, and the wing covers jet-black, marked with pale yellowish, having an irregular oblique mark near the humeri and one, near the posterior third, with a small spot near the tip. The head and thorax are rather coarsely punctured, and the wing covers are ornamented with very coarse, almost confluent punctures. This species, according to Dr Hopkins, attacks. Polygraphus rufipennis Kirby in black spruce, and Pityophthorus consi mills Lee. in sumac, and he found it associated with Scolytus rugulosus Ratz. in apple. Adults were obtained by him from the middle to the latter part of June and in early December. Distribution. This species probably has a wide distribution in the eastern United States, since it occurs in New York, and has been listed from the vicinity of Cincinnati O., southwestern Pennsylvania, various localities in New Jersey, and from West Virginia. 504 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chariessa pilosa Forst. This rather stout, black beetle with yellow-margined prothorax, may be easily recognized by reference to the accompanying figure. This clerid, about ^ inch long, is predaceous and undoubtedly renders considerable service in keeping various pests in check. Specimens were taken at Pough- keepsie on a hickory tree in which Dicerca lurida Fabr. was ovipositing, and Dr Smith records its occur- rence in New Jersey on oaks and also pear infested by the sinuate borer, Agrilus sinuatus Oliv., the larva probably preying on the pupa of this latter insect. Dr Hopkins states that the larvae are very efficient checks on several of our destructive flat-headed buprestid borers. 1) Hypophloeus cavus Lee. This very dark brown beetle about ^4, inch long, occurs in the gal- leries of S c o 1 y t u s q u a d r i s p i n o s u s Say, and has been recorded in those of Xyleborus eels us Eich., preying undoubtedly on this ambrosia beetle. It has been recorded from the vicinity of Washington, West Virginia and New Jersey, and is probably widely distributed in the northeastern United States. The antennae are reddish, stout, moniliform, the terminal segments being larger than the basal ones. The eyes are prominent, black, coarsely granulate ; the head and prothorax brown, irregularly and finely punctured, the latter being remarkable because of the prominent median sulcation. The wing covers are very dark brown or black, sparsely clothed with rather coarse hairs and irregularly and finely punctured. Fig. 132 Ch.ariessa losa, enlarged (origi INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 505 Bothrideres geminatus Say This rather slender, slightly flattened, light brown beetle about }i inch long, was taken in the galleries of Scolytus quadrispinosus Say, and it has also been found by Dr Smith under dry oak bark. This species has brownisli, moniliform antennae, the two apical seg- ments being distinctly enlarged. The prominent eyes are coarsely granu- late and the head and prothorax coarsely and confluently punctured, the latter with expanded margins, particularly anteriorly. The wing covers are strongly ridged and the entire body sparsely clothed with rather long, golden yellow setae. 5o6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM LEAF EATERS AFFECTING DECIDUOUS FOREST TREES This comprises a very large assembly of species, many of which are of very little importance. It is impossible to adequately notice all the species found on forest trees, consequently this portion of the work is by no means complete. Leaf eaters Small, triangular, flattened, metallic beetles occur in midsummer on oak and elm leaves, Brachys aerosa, p. 512 B. ovata, p. 513 A small, stout, brown and black beetle a trifle less than j( inch long, occurs on scrub oak in June.. Serica t r o c i f o r m i s, p. 514 Yellowish brown, black-margined flea beetles about ^/is inch long, feed in summer on oak, hickory and birch Black-margined flea beetle, Systena marginal! s, p. 515 A small, shining, dark brown, black-headed leaf beetle '{ inch long on scrub oak in July Tymnes tricolor, p. 515 A slaty gray, brown-striped weevil J4 inch long on oak in July A p h r a s t u s t a e n i a t u s, p. 515 Terminal lobes of oak leaves rolled into neat cylindric cases containing an egg, may be the work of this species. . . .Two spotted curculio, Attelabus bipustulatus, p. 516 A large, greenish weevil }4 inch long, occurs on the buds of a variety of trees from May to July New York weevil, Ithycerus n o vebo r ac e n s is, p. 517 A stout, light apple-green caterpillar with a conspicuous caudal horn and seven lateral oblique white stripes, feeds on hickory, black walnut and ironwood Walnut sphinx, C" r e s s o n i a j u g 1 a n d i s, p. 518 A red-headed, striped caterpillar with a conspicuous red hump on the eighth abdominal segment, feeds on oak in midsummer Red-humped oak caterpillar, Symmerista a 1 b i f r o n s, p. 519 A red-headed, grayish caterpillar about 1^2 inches long, with conspicuous pointed eleva- tions on the first and eighth abdominal segments, occurs on oak in midsummer Rosy Hyparpax, Hy par pax aurora, p. 520 A pale greenish caterpillar about j4 inch long, with a more or less distinct yellowish lateral line, occurs on oaks and various other trees in midsummer Green oak caterpillar, Nadata gibbosa, p. 521 A large, greenish, stout caterpillar with fascicles of irritating, sharp spines over the body, feeds in late summer on the foliage of oak and other trees lo caterpillar, Automeris i o, p. 521 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 507 A yellow-headed, light yellowish, tufted caterpillar closely resembling that of the white marked tussock moth, feeds on oak and a number of other trees Definite-marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa definita, p. 522 A black-headed caterpillar about i}{ inches long, thickly clothed with yellowish hairs and black tufts of the same, feeds in September on a variety of trees Oak tussock caterpillar, Halisidota m a c u 1 a t a, p. 523 A yellowish, brown-headed caterpillar about i}( inches long, clothed with delicate buff yellow hairs and with four light brown dorsal pencils of the same, feeds in the fall on a large variety of trees. . . Pale tussock caterpillar, Halisidota tessellaris, p. 523 A black-headed, yellow or white-tufted caterpillar with a black hair pencil on each side, feeds on most deciduous forest trees Rusty tussock moth, N o t o 1 o p h u s a n t i q u a, p. 524 A black-headed caterpillar clothed with grayish hairs and with two black hair pencils on the second segment, and square tufts on segments 5 to 12, feeds on various deciduous forest trees Dark tussock moth, Olene achatina, p. 524 Large caterpillars thickly covered with greenish yellow and bearing a pair of long, black hair pencils on the first and third abdominal segments and a single one on the eighth, occurs in September on a variety of trees American dagger moth, A p a t e 1 a a m e r i c a n a, p. 525 A grayish, scarlet-marked caterpillar about a'i inches long, remarkable because of the large bordering fringes on each side, occurs in September on oak, ash and apple American lappet moth, Epicnaptera americana, p. 525 A very large, pea-green, brown-headed, fleshy caterpillar with small reddish brown tuber- cles with silvered bases, occurs in midsummer on the foliage of a great variety of plants American silk worm, T e 1 e a p o 1 y p h e m u s, p. 526 A stout, apple-green caterpillar about 3 inches long and with six rows of small, pink, hair- bearing tubercles, occurs in midsummer on a variety of trees Luna moth, Tropaea luna, p. 526 A bright, tawny or orange-colored caterpillar with a dusky stripe along its back and prominent spines on its thoracic segments, feeds on oak in September Spiny oak worm, A n i s o t a stigma, p. 527 Peculiar, brightly colored, variously shaped and usually motionless, sluglike caterpillars occur in midsummer on the foliage of various deciduous trees Slug caterpillars, p. 527 A peculiar larva about i inch long, thickly covered with long, mouse gray and fawn-colored hairs, occurs on the foliage of various trees in September and October Crinkled flannel moth, Lagoa crispata, p. 529 508 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A slaty brown measuring worm with two pairs of peculiar dorsal filaments, occurs in June on oak, maple and currant Filament bearer, A n i a 1 i m b a t a, p. 530 Black-headed, yellowish green caterpillars forming thick web nests on scrub oaks in early June Arc hips fervidana, p. 530 Delicate green, brown-headed caterpillars about }^ inch long feed on oak and other trees in early June, August and September V-marked leaf roller, A r c h i p s a r g y r o s p i 1 a, p. 531 A small, light green, brown-headed caterpillar feeds in early June on tlie foliage of a con- siderable number of trees Red-banded leaf roller, Eulia triferana, p. 532 A grass-green larva about ^ inch long occurs during July in folded oak leaves Oak leaf roller, T o r t r i x q u e r c i f o 1 i a n a, p. 532 Whitish, blotchlike mines on the upper surface of oak leaves, contain minute footless, brownish and yellow larvae White-blotch oak leaf miner, L i t h o c o 1 1 e t e s h a m a d r y e 1 1 a, p. 532 Similar mines on the under surface and possibly on the upper Fitch's oak leaf miner, L i t h o c o 1 1 e t e s f i t c h e 1 1 a, p. 533 Green or brown, sticklike insects sometimes measuring 3 inches in length, occur in forests of deciduous trees in early autumn Walking stick, Uiapheromera f e m o r a t a, p. 533 Clusters of black, yellow-striped caterpillars about 2 inches long, occur on hickory, walnut and birch Striped hickory caterpillar, Datana angusii, p. 535 Clusters of black, yellow-necked, yellow-striped caterpillars nearly 2 inches long, occur in midsummer on the twigs of a variety of trees Yellow-necked apple worm, Datana ministra, p. 535 Large, flocculent masses on the underside of butternut leaves in midsummer, may conceal a bluish, yellowish white sawfly larva about |^ inch long Butternut woolly worm, M o n o p Ii a d n u s c a r y a e, p. 536 Small, roundish, brown and black marked or black beetles about '/,6 inch long, occur on butternut and mountain asli in May T y p o p h o r u s c a n e 1 1 u s, p. 537 A large, pale yellowish green larva striped with darker green, occurs in midsummer on maple trees Green-striped maple worm, An i sot a r u b i c ft n d a, p. 537 A drab-colored caterpillar with a large, orange, dorsal spot exposed at the juncture of the first and second abdominal segments when the body bends, feeds on maple, oak, willow and rose Semilooper maple worm, Homoptera lunata, p. 538 A very large, pale green caterpillar about 4 inches long, ornamented with conspicuous green, blue, yellow and red tubercles, feeds on the foliage of a large number of trees and shrubs Cecropia moth, Samia cecropia, p. 539 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 509 A large, slender bodied spanworm about i^ inches long and marked with dark purple brown and reddish markings, occur) on maples in July Large maple spanworm, Sab u lodes transversal a, p. 539 Small caterpillars boring maple or buckej'f leaf petioles cause the foliage to drop in early summer Maple leaf stalk borer, Epinotia claypoleana, p. 540 Maple leaves with irregular, oval holes '/^o to ylo inch in diameter may have been injured by this species Maple leaf cutter, Incurvaria acerifoliella, p. 541 Yellowish, black-spotted, caterpillarlike larvae nearly ^ inch long, feed on the foliage of American elms in August H y 1 o t o m a s c a p u la r i s, p. 542 A brilliant, bottle-green, oval beetle '^ inch long, with silvery white, green-marked wing- covers, feeds on the leaves of elm, linden, willow and alder Alder leaf beetle, Chrysomela scalaris, p. 542 A small, long-snouted weevil about 3/16 inch long, with strongly ridged elytra and prettily marked with dark brown, yellowish white and reddish brown, occurs on elm Conotrachelus anaglypticus, p. 544 A red-headed, black-spined caterpillar about i inch long, feeds on elm foliage Violet tip, P o 1 y g o n i a i n t e r r o g a t i o n i s, p. 544 A yellowish, spiny, black-marked caterpillar about i inch long, feeds on elm Hop merchant, Polygonia comma, p. 545 A brown-headed, yellowish brown, spiny caterpillar about i inch long, fee^s on elm Gray comma, Polygonia progne, p. 546 A stout, pale green or reddish brown larva about 3 inches long, with a conspicuous caudal horn and four large, tubercular elevations on the thoracic segments, occurs in early September on elm, beech, linden and probably ash Four-lined sphinx, C e r a t o m i a a m y n t o r, p. 546 Dark striped measuring worms about i inch long, defoliate apple and elm trees in early spring Spring cankerworm, Paleacrita vernata, p. 547 A stout, apple-green caterpillar 3 inches long, with seven oblique stripes on each side and a light blue caudal horn, feeds on the leaves of ash, lilac an4 mountain laurel Ash sphinx. Sphinx k a 1 m i a e, p. 54S A variable, light green caterpillar about \^^ inches long, with reddish legs and caudal horn and a series of seven oblique white stripes on each side of the body, feeds on the foliage of white and black ash, lilac and privet Wavy ash sphinx, C e r a t o m i a u n d u 1 o s a, p. 548 A pretty, yellowish or whitish, long-haired caterpillar about 1% inches long, with three dark hair pencils arising on the median line, occurs in midsummer on various food- plants Apatelodes torrefacta, p. 549 5IO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Black-headed, yellowish green, black-spotted, false caterpillars nearly ^ inch long, feed in August on chokecherry foliage Hylotoma macleayi, p. •549 A small, red leaf beetle about ''5 inch long, eats in midsummer irregular, round holes in the leaves of wild cherrytrees Cherry leaf beetle, G a 1 e r u c e 11 a c a v i c o 1 1 i s, p. 550 Web tents in the forks of wild cherry and apple trees in early spring Apple tent caterpillar, M a 1 a c o s o m a a m e r i c a n a, p. 550 Brown, webbed-together leaves occur on wild cherry shoots in July and August Cherry scallop shell moth, Hydria u n d u 1 a t a, p. 551 Yellow, black-headed caterpillars about Yi inch long, web together chokecherry leaves in ' midsummer Ugly nest cherry worm, A re h i p s c e r a si v o r an a, p. 552 A greenish solitary sawfly larva resting on its venter on the underside of sliadbush leaves P t e r o n u s t It o r a c i c u s, p. 553 A large, brownish caterpillar with conspicuous angular, cream-colored markings on its middle and at its posterior extremity, is sometimes abundant on prickly ash Orange dog, Papilio thoas, p. 554 A small leaf miner works in sour gum leaves the latter part of August and early September, cutting oval cases therefrom the latter part of that month Sour gum case cutter, A n t i s p i 1 a n y s s a e f o 1 i e 1 1 a, p. 555 A red-headed, blue flea beetle about '8 inch long, is sometimes abundant on locust and apple foliage Red-footed flea beetle, Crepidodera rufipes, p. 556 Large, pale green caterpillars about 2 inches long, with a red neck and large, red head and yellow spot on each side of the mouth, draw the leaves of locust together and feed by night Locust leaf folder, Epargyreus tityrus, p. 556 A large, delii:ate, bluish white caterpillar with four large, yellow or red tubercles on the posterior thoracic segment and a large one on the dorsum of the eighth abdominal segment, feeds' on the foliage of lilac and a number of trees and plants Proraethea moth, C a 1 1 o s a m i a p r o m e t h e a, p. 557 A whitish, green-tinted sawfly larva on willow, white and yellow birch, belongs to this species , P r i s t i p li o r a s y c o p li a n t a, p. 557 A pale brown, black-spotted beetle about ]^ inch long, is occasionally destructive to willow and poplar Poplar leaf beetle, P h y t o d e c t a pallida, p. 558 A somewhat tuberculate, angular, reddish brown, yellowish marked caterpillar about i inch long, feeds singly on willow and poplar Viceroy, Basilarchia a r c h i p p u s, p. 559 A peculiar, light green, brown-marked caterpillar with a pair of long, slender, annulated caudal appendages, occurs on willows and poplars H a r p y i a c i n e r e a, p. 559 IXSECTS AFFECTING PARK A.XD WOODLAND TREES 51I A black-headed, velvety black caterpillar, usually with a conspicuous somewhat broken subdorsal yellow stripe and another along the stigmatal line, occurs in the fall on poplar, willow and other trees and shrubs Smeared dagger moth, A p a t e 1 a o b 1 i n i t a, p. 560 A black, yellow-striped larva about i}{ inches long, feeds in the folded, webbed-together leaves of poplars and willows. . . Poplar tent maker, Melalopha i n c 1 u s a, p. 560 A yellowish sawfly larva occurs on willow P t e r o n u s m e n d i c u s, p. 561 A black-headed, light green sawfly larva on willow P t e r o n u s o d o ra t u s, p. 562 A striped, rather stout, black and yellow beetle about ){ inch long, occurs in June on willow Willow flea beetle, Disonycha c a r o 1 i n i a n a, p. 563 A reddish, black-spotted beetle about ^ inch long, feeds during the summer on willow leaves Spotted willow leaf beetle, M e 1 a s o m a 1 a p p o n i c a, p. 564 A yellowish, black-marked, hemispheric beetle }( inch long, feeds the latter part of the summer on willows and hard pine C" h r y s o m e 1 a b i g s b y a n a, p. 566 A dull red leaf beetle about ,'^' inch long, feeds on willow Dull red willow leaf beetle, Galerucella decora, p. 566 A small, brownish, long-snouted beetle thickly clothed with golden and brownish pubes- cence, occurs in considerable numbers on willow in early spring Elleschus ephippiatus, p. 567 Orange-yellow, black-spotted larvae about V,o inch long, feed side by side on the foliage of poplars in early June. . . . Poplar sawfly, T r i c h i o c a m p u s v i m i n a 1 i s, p. 568 Black-headed, bluish or leaf-green sawflies feed on the edge of poplar leaves Pteronus h u d s o n i i, p. 569 A greenish, solitary edge-feeding sawfly on poplar. . Pteronus v e r t e b r a t u s, p. 570 Yellowish, black-spotted sawfly larvae feed during August and September on birches H y 1 o t o m a p e c t o r a 1 i s, p. 570 A brown-headed, greenish solitary sawfly larva feeds on the underside of birch leaves N e m a t u s u n i c o 1 o r, p. 5 7 i Brown-headed, purplish solitary or partly gregarious sawfly larvae occur on white birch Pteronus 1 a t i f a s c i a t u s, p. 572 A black-headed, greenish sawfly larva feeding gregariously on the edges of alder leaves A m a u r o n e m a t u s 1 u t e o t e r g u m , p. 572 Deep Prussian blue, rounded flea beetles about ' '5 inch long, or dark brown, black-headed, black-tubercled larvae occur in large numbers on alder Alder flea beetle, H a 1 t i c a b i m a r g i n a t a, p. 573 Peculiar, thimblelike rolls of leaves on alder, hazel and sumac may be the work of this species Attelabus r h o i s, p. S74 512 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Reddish, black-ringed caterpillars about i)^ inches long, feed from June to August on Vir- ginia creeper and grape. . Eight-spotted forester, Alypia octomaculata, p. 575 Sprawly, yellowish green beetles about }i inch long, swarm on rosebushes and the foliage of trees and shrubs Rose beetle, Macrodactylus subspinosus, p. 575 Greenish, black-headed caterpillars about }i inch long, bore in the buds or web together leaves of roses Rose bud worm, Olethreutes nimbatana, p. 576 Yellow-headed, dark green larvae tying rose leaves together Rose leaf tier, Olethreutes cyan ana, p. 577 Yellowish green, brown-headed caterpillars J^ inch long occur on oak and rose Cenopis pettitana, p. 579 Cenopis r e t i c ul a t ana, p. 580 Brown headed, greenish caterpillars about ^ inch long, live in the webbed leaves of roses and those of a large number of trees Oblique banded leaf roller. Arc hips rosaceana, p. 5 80 Rose leaf folder, Arc hips r o s a n a, p. 581 Insects affecting fruit of deciduous forest trees A curculio much resembling the plum pest, though larger, ^ incli long, frequently infests walnuts and butternuts. . . Walnut curculio, C o n o t r a c h e 1 u s j u g 1 a n d i s, p. 581 C o n o t r a c h e 1 u s s e n i c u 1 u s , p. 582 A slender, white caterpillar about ^ inch long, mines hickory shucks, causing them to abort and fall prematurely Hickory shuck worm, Enarmonia caryana, p. 583 A weevil with a remarkably long, slender, curved beak, occurs on acorns or may be bred from white, legless grubs within them or other nuts Acorn weevil, B a 1 a n i n u s n a s i c u s, p. 583 A similar weevil and legless grubs occur in chestnuts Chestnut weevils Balaninus proboscideus and B. rectus, p. 5 85 Frequenters, usually injurious, of deciduous forest trees p- 588 Frequenters, usually beneficial, of deciduous forest trees p. 603 Plant galls and gall makers p. 615 Brachys aerosa Melsh. A triangular, flattened, metallic colored beetle about "/,6 inch in length, occurs on oak and elm leaves in midsummer. A number of examples of this species were taken on elm May 20, 1903, at Poughkeepsie N. Y., where they were eating irregular, oval holes near the edges of the leaves. INSECTS, AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 513 Description. This beetle is about 3/i6 inch in length, subtriangular in outline, metallic in color, the head and thorax being golden, the basal por- tion of the wing covers greenish and purple and their tips reddish and yellow. The larva has been described by Professor Gillette as " whitish, 9 mm long, flattened, segments deeply notched ; head widest and body gradually tapering to the tail. The mandibles are brown and the prothoracic segment has brown, rectangular plates above and below. The anal extremity is provided with a small spine extending behind, which is used by the larva in progression." Life history and habits. The adults, as stated above, feed on elm leaves, and according to Professor Gillette, probably on oak also. He states that in October 1886, while collecting leaf miners, he obtained larvae of two of these beetles from poplar, from v/hich adults were bred later. Dr Packard states that he has found this small buprestid on the leaves of oak early in summer in Maine, and late in May near Providence, and adds that the larva probably mines the foliage. Distribution. This species is probably generally distributed in the northeastern United States at least, since it has been recorded from the vicinity of Buffalo N. Y., from southwestern Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, and is not rare on oak throughout New Jersey. Brachys ovata Weber A small, triangular, metallic colored beetle about 3,-;6 inch in length, may be found abundantly on scrub oak foliage in May and June. This species was very numerous on scrub oaks at Karner during the latter part of May and June 1901. The beetles rested quietly on the leaves or ate irregular holes through the tissues and when startled, flew readily. Description. This small, flattened buprestid is subtriangular in outline, metallic green or olive in color and ornamented with sparse gray and fulvous pubescence. The elytra have a stout, sublateral ridge, and there may be one or two more or less rudimentary ones between it and the suture. 514 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Life history and habits. The beetles are abroad, as previously stated, durint^r May and June, and according to Professors Gillette and Hubbard, the grub is a miner of oak leaves. Mr Hubbard states that the beetle occasionally eats small holes in orange leaves, and leaves us to infer that the larvae are found only in oak foliage. Distribution. This species has been recorded by Dr LeConte from the Middle, Southern and Western States, and local lists show that it is presumably generally present Fig. .33 Brachys in varlous sections, since Dr Smith states that it is common o V a t a enlarged (original) throughout the State on Oak, and adds that the variety, tessellata Fabr. occurs on pine. It has been recorded from the vicinity of Buffalo N. Y. and Cincinnati O., and listed by Ulke from the District of Columbia, and Dr Hamilton states that it is common on oak in southwestern Pennsylvania. Series trociformis Burm. This is a small, stout brown and black beetle a trifle less than ^ inch long. It may be recognized by its black head, very dark thorax, and brick-red, rather deeply striated wing covers, and by its stout, somewhat rotund shape, so characteristic of the allied June beetles. This species was somewhat common on the scrub oaks at Karner in June 1901, and much more so the following May and June, when it was exceedingly abundant and large numbers could be captured with very little effort. A few were also taken on poplar, evidently an accidental occur- rence. The insects eat small, irregular holes in the foliage, and fly readily from one leaf to another. One of the beetles was observed in the grasp of a large robber fly, though the specific identity of the latter could not be determined. This species occurs in a number of localities in New Jersey, according to Dr Smith. Prof. W. E. Britton found it abundant on young hornbeam trees, Carpinus Carolinian a, at Westville Ct., May 30, 1 898. They were so numerous that the foliage was completely riddled in some cases. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES ,515 Black-margined flea beetle Systena marginal is 111. A yellowish brown, black-margined flea beetle about y,6 inch long, feeds in summer and autumn on oak, hickory and birch. This little species appears to be a somewhat general feeder and occa- sionally it occurs in great numbers. It may be recognized by its yellowish brown color in connection with the narrow, black margin on the prothorax and wing covers. The eyes are rather prominent, finely granulate ; the head smooth, and the prothorax closely and shallowly punctured. The wing covers are ornamented with irregular, small, rather deep punctures. This species occurs about Albany and has been taken in Ontario by Mr Harrington, who found it abundant on oak, elm and other trees in midsum- mer and also 6n sweet hickory. It has been recorded by Dr Smith from New Jersey, who states that it is sometimes numerous on oaks. It has also been listed from the vicinity of Washington. Tymnes tricolor Fabr. This small, shining leaf beetle about % inch in length, has a dark brown or nearly black head and prothorax and reddish brown wing covers, which are slightly and irregularly punctured. A single example of this species was taken July 8, 1 90 1 on scrub oak at Karner. It has been recorded by Dr Smith as local throughout New Jersey, where it occurs on chestnut, hickory and other plants. Aphrastus taeniatus Gyll. This slaty gray-brown, striped weevil, about y^ inch in length, was taken in small numbers on scrub oak at Karner, one specimen being captured July 27, igoi. Its distribution has been given by Dr Horn as the Middle and Southern States and Dr J. B. Smith records it as occurring throughout New Jersey on pawpaw, hazel and other bushes in July. Fig, 134 Aphrastus taei 5, enlarged (original) 5i6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Two spotted curculio Attelabus bipjistiilatiis Fabr. Portions of the terminal lobes of oak leaves rolled into neat, cylindric cases containing an egg, may be the work of this species. The peculiar rolled, usually cylindric cases of this species are occasion- ally met with in early spring on oaks of various species, it having been recorded on the red, post and laurel oak. The work of this beetle has been observed, though it is not abundant in the vicinity of Albany. The insect has been listed from New Jersey, District of Columbia and also from the vicinity of Cincinnati O. Dr Packard has recorded this species from near Providence R. I. Description. Larva. Average dorsal length, .22 inch ; diameter on abdominal segments, .06 inch, tapering anteriorly from fourth segment. Yellowish white ; thoracic segments slightly depressed on the back and smaller beneath ; abdominal segments convex above and flat beneath, each one divided into three irregular shallow transverse folds, lateral surfaces with a double row of smooth polished oval tubercles, most symmetric in form and position from segments 4 to 1 1 inclusive ; above the tubercles on each segment is a deep depression. Head horizontal, rounded, small, about half the diameter of segment next behind, into which it retreats ; white, the mandibles and other mouth parts reddish brown, surrounded by long hairs. The pupa is cream white, .12 inch long; abdominal segments sharply ridged ; posterior extremity terminates in a pair of bristly points, white, tipped with brown. Murtfeldt The &g^ has been described by Riley as almost globular, slightly ovoid, tender, pale yellowish and translucent. It is deposited near the tip on the underside of the leaf, which is then cut transversely near its middle, punc- tured a short distance each side of the midrib, which causes it to fold with its lower side out, then curled round and the outer edges tucked in. The beetle is about s/j^ inch long, rather stout, highly polished, black, with two large orange-red spots at the base of the wings. Life history and habits. This beetle has the curious habit of rolling up a leaf, trimming and tucking in the lower ends with her beak. The ^g. ,?i7-2i Striped hickory caterpillar Dataua aiigitsii Gr. & Rb. Clusters of black, yellow-striped caterpillars about 2 inches long, occur on hickory, walnut and birch. This species may be distinguished from the more familiar yellow- necked apple worm, D. mi nistra Walk., by the prothoracic shield being entirely black. It has very similar habits, though its list of food plants is more restricted. The parent insect is marked almost exactly like D. m i n i s t r a Walk., differing in the dark smoky brown color throughout. Yellow-necked apple worm Da tana niinistra Walk. Clusters of black, yellow-necked, yellow-s'.riped caterjiillars nearly 2 inches long, occur in midsummer on the twigs of a variety of trees. This species is well known in economic entomology as the yellow-, necked apple worm because of its depredations on this valuable fruit tree. It is however a general feeder, having been recorded on apple, pear, cherry, quince, linden, walnut, hickory, oak of various species, chestnut, beech, hazel, hornbeam, birch, locust and "feumac. Description. The full grown caterpillars are black, about 2 inches in length with a yellow thoracic shield and a series of four black lines on each side of the body. This species and its associates feed in clusters and have the peculiar habit of elevating both extremities when disturbed. The adult insect is a reddish brown moth with a wing spread of about i^ inches. The fore wings are crossed by a series of four or five oblique 536 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM or curved brown lines, the outer margrin bein<^ dark brown. The hind wings are pale yellowish brown. Life history. The eggs are laid in June and the larvae are met with from August onwanl, the moths appearing the following May. Butternut woolly worm MonopJiadnus caryac Nort. Large, flocculent masses on the underside of butternut leaves in midsummer, may conceal bluish, yellowish white sawfly larvae about ^4 inch long. This species is rather rare and was brought to our attention on account of the woolly white covering of the caterpillars which, when they occur in masses, gives them a resemblance to anything else but insects. This spe- cies was taken in August 1902, on butternut at Nassau N. Y. The larvae rested so closely together that the woolly covering gave them the appear- ance of being a solid mass. These false caterpillars feed in company, devouring the terminal portion of the leaf, rejecting the midrib and usually a small portion of the basal part. Cast skins or e.xuviae were found on the older leaves and these were yellowish white, with the tip of the mouth parts and eyes a dark brown or nearly black. Description. The nearly full grown larvae are about ^^ inch long, with the head, thoracic and terminal abdominal segments pale yellowish white. The other body segments are bluish gray with a very narrow, interrupted black dorsal line. The woolly matter is excreted from the conspicuous transverse folds and appears in narrow bands about ',,2 iuch wide. These develop rapidly and on larvae naked the previous night, had attained a length of '64 inch the next morning. These waxy lilaments are pushed out and eventually are about '4 inch long, giving a very peculiar appearance to the bearer. The adult is a l^lack, red-marked sawfly having a wing spread of nearly ^ inch. Natural enemies. Numerous pupae of a species of Cratotechus were found on a leaf near the larvae of this sawfly, undoubtedly parasites of this species. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAXD TREES •ig. H5 Ty poph or dark jnd light forms, can ell us, shuuing ch enlarged (origiiiall Typophorus canellus Pabr. A small, roundish, brown and black marked or black beetle about '/,6 inch long occurs on butternut, mountain ash and various plants in M.ay and during early fall. This species is a variable one, as is illustrated by Dr Horn's key for the separation of 14 varieties. It has been taken b)- Mr Younu- on butter- nut, mountain ash and such low plants as strawberries in May, and on the heathlike aster. Aster ericoides, the last of August and the first of September. It eats irregular, oval or elongate holes in almost any part of mountain ash leaves and occa- sionally causes considerable injury. Mr Young is of the opinion that a similar form occurring on low plants, may be different from that met with on trees, though at present he is not able to detect con- stant differences. This species, according to Dr Horn, is widelv distributed over the continent east of the Rocky mountains, occurring from Kansas to Texas, west through Arizona to Fort Yuma. Green-striped maple worm Anisota ruhicitnda F"abr. A large, pale yellowish green larva striped with darker green, occurs in midsummer on maple trees. This species is generally distributed throughout the .State, though rarely abundant enough to cause serious mischief. The late Dr Lintner, however, records an instance of this larva occurring in large numbers in Monticello, Sullivan co., where it defoliated a number of soft mapletrees. This species is much better known as a pest in the Western States, where it frequently strips the leaves from large numbers of maples. It feeds on the sugar maple as well as the soft maple. Description. The larva has been described by Dr Riley practically as follows : 53« NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The recently hatched larva is yellow with a large, black head, the spines forming little black tubercles of nearly uniform size. The head is browner after the first molt and the spines and stripes of the full fed larva more apparent. The third stage is very like the fourth or last, except that the caterpillar is smaller. The full grown larva is an inch and a half long, pale yellowish green, longitudinally striped above alternately with eight very light yellowish green lines and seven of a darker green, inclining to black, with two slender black spines on the second segment behind the head, and two lateral rows of sharper, shorter spines. Head copal yellow ; abdominal segments seven and eight a little dilated and rose-colored at the sides. The moth is rose-colored, with the fore wings crossed by a broad, pale yellow band. The hind wings are pale yellow. The body is yellow and the underside and legs rose-colored. Wing spread about 2 inches. Semilooper maple worm Honioptcra Iiinata Drury A drab colored caterpillar about lyi, inches long, and with a large, orange, dorsal spot exposed at the juncture of the first and second abdominal segments when the body- bends, feeds on maple, oak, willow and rose. The caterpillar of this widely distributed species is seldom abundant enough to cause much injury. The larva is about i^/^ inches long, drab colored, with indistinct markings except for the large, orange, dorsal spot exposed when the body is bent at the juncture of the first and second abdominal segments. On the eighth abdominal segment there is a jjair of small, brown-tipped tubercles. The head is quite flat, sloping and irregu- larly marked with brown. The caterpillar when walking loops much as does a measuring worm and displays a marked tendency to remain (juiet and rely on its protective color to escape injury. The parent insect is an obscurely brown colored moth having a wing spread of about 2 inches. Both the fore and hind wings are rather prettily ornamented with wavy dark and light brown bands or lines interspersed here and there with indistinct grayish markings. The eggs of this insect are deposited the latter part of April and full grown larvae are met with in early June, moths appearing the latter part of the month and in early Jidy. Larvae also occur in August and .September, INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 539 the moths appearing in the fore part of November, some wintering in the pupa. There are probably two or tliree broods during a season. < Cecropia moth Samia cecropia Linn. A large, pale green caterpillar about 4 inches long, ornamented with conspicuous green, blue, yellow and red tubercles, feeds on the foliage of a large number of trees and shrubs. The larva of this insect is very striking in appearance and were it at all abundant its voracious appetite would result in a great deal of injury. Ordinarily it is so rare that no repressive measures are necessary. The giant moth shown at plate 42, figure 2, is rather common, and of interest largely because of its immense size. This insect has been recorded on about 50 plants representing some 20 genera, the more important of which are the following : linden, maples, apple and pear, cherry, elm, birch, alder, willow and poplar. Large maple spanworm Sabulodcs traiisz'crsata Dru. A large, slender-bodied spanworm about iV^, inclies long and marked with dark purple brown and reddish markings, occurs on maples in July. This species is rather common and typical of a large class of span or measuring worms, which may be instantly recognized by their peculiar looping walk and their tendency to remain motionless on twigs when dis- covered. There are a great many species and almost all are so shaped and colored as to closely resemble the twigs on which they occur. The larva of this species has the body thickened behind and ridged on the sides. It is a dark purple brown mixed with reddish and has a dull reddish gray crescent-shaped spot on the middle of the fourth abdominal segment, behind which is a pair of low kidney-shaped tubercles, and a pair of dorsal pointed black ones on the eighth abdominal segment. The parent insect is a yellowish tawny color with a dark brown oblique stripe extending from the apex of the fore wings to the middle of the anal margin of the hind wings. Wing spread about 2 inches. 540 NEW VOKK STATE MUSEUM Maple leaf stalk borer Epinotia claypolcana Riley Small, yellowish caterpillars nearly '2 inch long, in midsummer bore the leaf petioles of maple and buckeye. The work of this insect in maple leaf stems was brouoht to the notice of the late Dr Lintner in 1895, through specimens received from Con- cordsville Pa. The first indication of trouble was the apparently causeless dropping of leaves, and on examination a small caterpillar was found boring within the portion of the leaf stalk remaining on the twigs. Description. This yellowish borer is about - 5 inch long with smooth, minute granulations on the skin, not pointed as in the case of another borer, Proteoteras aesculana Riley, which works in a similar manner. The adult is a small moth with a peculiar hopping flight. The fore wings are mottled with black and white and the hind ones are a nearly uniformly dusky color, slightly spotted with black near the tip. Life history. According to Professor Claypole, the larvae occur in the early part of May, and about the loth desert the leaf stems by the holes through which they have entered and migrate to the fading leaves on which growth is completed. Transformation to the pupa occurs within a rolled silk-lined leaf the latter part of May, the moth appearing about 15 days later. This species also works in the leaf stalks of the buckeye. The por- tion traversed by it shrivels, blackens and is soon broken off by the weight of the leaf. The larva of another moth, Proteoteras aesculana Riley, also works in the leaf stalks of both buckeye and maple and extends its tun- nels for a distance of about y^ inch to 2 inches into the slender terminal twigs of both these trees, often causing a pseudogall. The maple leaf stalk borer seldom or never bores along the leaf stem more than ^ inch, very rarely enters the terminal twigs and lives in the rolled-up leaf after the first two or three days. Remedial measures. This insect, where abundant, can probably be INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 54 1 checked by collectings and burning the fallen leaves. Possibly it w^ould be amenable to arsenical sprays were they applied early in the season. Bibliography 1.S97 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 12th Rep't, p. 214-17 Maple leaf cutter Incurvaria accrifoliclla Fitch Maple leaves with irregular, oval holes ', ',„ to y,o inches in diameter may have been injured by this species. This peculiar leaf feeder is occasionally rather abundant on maples in the eastern part of New York State. It is particularly common in the forests, and in May 1850, according to Dr Fitch, its work was so prevalent as to attract popular notice. Dr Fletcher of Canada records an instance of severe injury in 1885, stating that the foliage on four acres was almost entirely consumed, the flat, disklike cases of the larvae carpeting the ground and occurring in great numbers on the tree trunks. .Some beeches were also attacked after the maple foliage had been devoured. Description. The moth has a wing spread of about y^ inch, with the fore pair a brilliant steel blue, sometimes bluish green with purplish reflec- tions. The hind wings are a pale smoky brown, translucent, with pale blue and purple reflections and a pale brown fringe. The top of the head bears a tuft of erect, bright orange hairs, the thorax is a brilliant steel blue and the abdomen a dark satiny brown. The full grown larva is about Y^ inch long, slender, flattened, cylindric, with slight constrictions marking the segments. It is a dull white with the head and three thoracic segments a pale rusty brown and an interrupted broad dorsal stripe. Remedies. This species can probably be controlled by timely spraying with an arsenical poison. 542 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hylotoma scapularis King. • Yellowisli, black-spotted, caterpillarlike larvae nearly 3-4 inch long, feed on the foliage of American elms in August. This species has been studied by Mr J. G. Jaclc of Jamaica Plain, and his description of the larvae and account of their habits follows : The full grown larvae have a pretty general resemblance to those of H. pectoral is Leach and are about 18 mm long. Headlight orange yellow, body somewhat flattish and light yellowish green in color. There are six distinct rows of small closely adjoining black spots on the upper por- tion of the body extending from the head to the anal segment. On each of the fleshy projections on the sides of the segments, except the last, there is an oblono- dark spot ; but these spots above the two posterior pair of true leo-s appear as two large somewhat triangular black blotches. Above the anal segment there is a large oval shaped black spot. The legs are black on the outer side, and the prolegs are marked by a dark brown blotch on the outer side. The black legs and black blotch on the anal segment are the chief marks which distinguish this larva from that ofH. pectoralis in which the legs and anal segment are yellowish. The cocoons are of a dirty white or light brown color and average about 12 mm in length. They are composed of two walls, the inner being closely, and the outer loosely spun. The eggs are deposited along the margins of the leaves of the common American elm ( U 1 m u s a m e r i c a n a) on which the larvae feed. Young larvae were found early in August and those observed attained full growth about the end of the month. Two males and many females were raised from these about -the first of July following. Alder leaf beetle Clirxsoincla scalaris Lee. A brilliant, bottle-green, oval beetle about yz inch long, with silvery white wing cov- ers, the latter ornamented with several conspicuous green spots and with a median jagged stripe of the same color down the back, feeds on the leaves of elm, linden, willow and alder throughout the season. This, one of the prettiest of our native beetles, sometimes becomes excessively abundant, and Dr Hagen records an instance in 1884, when this insect was very abundant on elms in Cambridge, and in 1881 it was so IXSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 543 numerous at Brunswick Me., as to seriously injure lindens on the campus of Bowdoin College, according to Dr Packard. Dr Fitch states that this species feeds on elms throughout the season and is also common on willows. Description. This insect has been described in its various stages, by Dr Packard as follows : Egg. Rather large, oval cylindrical, yellow, several together attached by one end ; about 1.5 mm in length. Larva. Body very thick, curved up like that of the grub of the Colo- rado potato beetle, being much swollen behind the thoracic segments, w'hile the tip of the abdomen is curved down. Head honey-yellow, darker over the jaws ; antennae bluish, except at base ; eyes black. Prothoracic shield blackish in the young before the last molt ; in full grown individuals not all black, but pale, with four irregularly square black spots. Body behind dirty white with a row of dorsal and lateral dusky spots. Legs pale, spotted -with black at the joints. A pair of mesothoracic spiracles, and eight pairs of smaller abdominal ones. Low down, on the sides of the sec- ond and third thoracic segments a curvilinear black spot. Length, 8 to 9 mm. Pupa. Body pure white ; prothoracic shield with long scattered hairs around the edge and in two groups on the back ; antennae curving around between the eyes and jaws, and with the ends resting on the tips of the elytra. The insect undoubtedly descends into the earth to pupate. Beetle. Head, prothorax, and underside of body dark coppery green, with scattered pits. Antennae, palpi, and legs pale pitchy yellow ; elytra coppery green and whitish, the green forming a broad median stripe, send- ing prolongations outwards toward the middle of the elytra, the first pair of branches nearly parallel to the band, the second becoming more and more at right angles to the band, the last short and broad near the tip of the body. Eleven rounded dark green spots in the whitish field ; the pair near the shoulders gourd-shaped ; two of the spots behind the middle of the elytra touching each other. The pits or punctures near the sutures of the elytra arranged in three lines parallel to the median line of union of the body ; elsewhere they are arranged irregularly. Life history. Dr Packard states that the beetles may be found abroad from May to June and that a second brood occurs in September and Octo- ber. The grubs hatch from eggs deposited on the leaves in the spring, attaining full growth toward the end of June in Massachusetts. The trans- formation of the adult is believed by Dr Harris to occur in the ground. Among natural enemies, Dr Hagen records Podisus spinosus Dall. 544 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM as preying on the larvae of this leaf feeder. This species has an extended dis- tribution, ranging, according to Linell, from the East to Nebraska and Texas. Remedial measures. There is no reason why this species, when abun- dant, can not be controlled as in the case of other leaf feeders, by thor- oughly spraying the infested foliage with an arsenical poison, preferably arsenate of lead. Conotrachelus anaglypticus Say A small, long-snouted weevil about s/g inch long, with strongly ridged elytra and prettily marked with dark brown, yellowish white and reddish brown (tlie latter forms a large spot near the anterior lateral margin of the elytra and nearly covers the posterior I'ourth) occurs on elm. This species was taken by Mr Young, at Poughkeepsie, June 5 and 6, on slippery elm. The occurrence of the weevil on two successive days on this tree, would indicate a certain attraction for this food plant. The tree had been stripped of bark and the surface was dry though the leaves were green. Mr Young has also taken this species in the Adirondacks. Say records taking many specimens on a hickory, and states that they oviposit in the fruit. This species has been recorded by Dr LeConte, as abundant from Massachusetts to Kansas, Georgia and Texas. It has been listed as occurring on walnut through- out New Jersey, and Ulke states that it commonly occurs in the District of Columbia, under moist bark and on various bushes. Dr Horn records it as common in southwestern Pennsylvania, and Dury has listed it from the vicinity of Cincinnati. Violet tip Polygonia interi'ogationis Fabr. A red-headed, black-spined caterpillar about i inch long, feeds on elm foliage. This species is one of our common butterflies and occasionally its larvae become somewhat abundant and destructive to elm. It is easily r a c h e 1 li s an Urged (original) INSECTS AFFECTING PAKK AND WOODLAND TREE:. 545 controlled by thorough spraying with an arsenical poison. The larva is more or less variable in coloration. It has been described as follows by Professor Fernald. The full grown larvae " are about an iitch and a half long, pale yellow, variegated with brown, with a yellowish line on each side of the body. The head is rust-red, with two blackish, branched spines at the top. The spines of the body are arranged in seven rows, one along the middle of the back, from the fourth to the i ith segment inclusive and three rows on each side." This insect, as do some of its allies, hibernates in the adult and under favorable conditions produces two generations. The butterflies of the first brood appear early in May and disappear by the middle of June. The larvae attain their growth rapidly and appear as butterflies in fuly, continu- ing on the wing till nearly the middle of August, depositing eggs late in July and during August, which produce butterflies again toward the end of August. Mr Scudder states that there are at least three broods in the South, and Mr Edwards thinks that there may be four or five in Florida. Hop merchant Polygon I a comma Harr. A yellowish, spiny, black-marked caterpiHar about an inch long, feeds on elm. This species closely resembles the preceding and according to Dr Pack- ard, the larva differs in being brownish red anteriorly and white or pale yellow behind. It has been described by Professor Fernald as follows : The mature larva is one inch long, armed with seven rows of long, tapering spines ; one along the middle of the back, from the third to the twelfth segment, inclusive, and three along each side ; the upper row on each side running from the third to the twelfth segment ; the next row from the third to the thirteenth, but the spine on the fourth is below the row and in line with the spiracle ; the lower row extends from the fifth to the twelfth segment. A little below the summit of each spine, from three to five branches start out, each branch and spine ending in a bristle. The color varies greatly; some are black with yellow bases to the spines and a yellow lateral line ; others are nearly white, with red spots along the sides. Its life history and habits are very similar to the two preceding, and 546 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM when abundant it can be controlled in the same manner. This species is one of the forms so well known as hop merchants, the hop being its favorite food plant. Gray comma Polygon ui progne Cram. A brown-headed, yellowish brown, spiny caterpillar about one inch in length, feeds on elm. This species, according to Dr Fitch, is the more common spiny cater- pillar found on elm. He states that it is white mottled with gray. It has been described by Professor Fernald as follows : The mature larva is about one inch long, buff-colored, and armed with branching spines as in P. comma Harr. Head subcordate, with a large, compound, spinous process on each vertex, the main stem black, the branches black and yellow, the face and sides of the head thickly covered with simple, conical, yellowish spines of various sizes. The surface of the body varies greatly in color and markings. The life history is very similar to the preceding and it can be controlled in the same manner. Four-lined sphinx Ceratoniia aniyntor Hiibn. A stout, pale green or reddish brown larva about 3 inches long, with a conspicuous caudal horn and four large tubercular elevations on the thoracic segments, occurs in early September on elm, beech, linden and probably ash. This striking and to some disgusting larva is not uncommon in early .September, and on account of its peculiar appearance attracts more or less notice, though it is rarely abundant enough to cause material injury to trees on which it feeds. The recently hatched pale green larva emerges from a spheric, greenish &^^ and is then about '/s inch long. It has a straight, brown-tipped caudal horn about half the length of the body and there are four minute, tubercular processes on the posterior thoracic segments. These latter structures continue throughout the different stages and afford a ready means of identifying the larva which, when full grown, ranges from 2-)i to 31/j^ inches in length. It is then pale green or reddish brown with the head and body strongly granulated. There is a dorsal row of fleshy teeth. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 547 one on each wrinkle, tipped with whitish or pink and extending along the abdo:iinal segments. The two posterior thoracic segments are each orna- mented with a pair of straight tuberculated horns, a line of granulations connecting them. Seven oblique stripes of whitish granulations occur on each side, each reaching from one segment across the following and onto the third, the last stripe extending to the caudal horn. The parent insect is a magnificent sphinx moth with a wing expanse of about 5 inches. The fore wings are broad with a large, distinct, round discal spot, light brown and variously marked with dark brown. The abdomen is marked with a narrow, black, dorsal line, a crenulate black, subdorsal line and a somewhat broken, black, lateral line. Spring canker worm Palcaci'ita vcrnata Peck Dark striped measuring worms about an inch long, defoliate' apple and elm trees in early spring. This species is a well known apple pest in New England and inflicts considerable loss in certain portions of New York State. Its original food plant is the elm, and occasionally it is somewhat injurious to this, though most of the injury in later years has been in apple orchards. The fall canker worm, Anisopteryx pom et aria Harr., is a closely allied form possessing similar habits except that the adult is more likely to emerge and deposit its eggs in the fall, whereas the spring canker worm does not usually appear till very early spring. The eggs of both hatch about the time the leaves begin to appear, and where the pest is at all abundant defoliation quickly follows. The caterpillars complete their growth, forsake the tree and transform to pupae in the soil. This makes it possible to take advantage of the wingless condition of the female and injury can be prevented by employing a sticky band in early spring or fall as the case may be, or by thorough spraying with an arsenical poison. C^g NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ash sphinx sphinx kalniiae Abb. & Sm. A stout, apple-green caterpillar about 3 inches long, with seven oblique stripes on each side and with a light blue caudal horn, feeds on the leaves of>ash, lilac and mountain laurel. The parent insect is a very handsome hawk moth having a wing spread of about TyYz inclies. It maybe recognized by its narrow, yellowish brown fore wings margined on the outer part and posteriorly with brown. The head and thorax are chestnut brown on the top and whitish or yellowish along the sides. A pair of light brown stripes extend down the back and there is a series of live or si.x lateral transverse stripes on the abdominal segments. The full grown larva is three inches long with a rather small, flat head of a clear apple-green color, yellowish on the sides and with a lateral black stripe. The body is apple-green in color, lighter above and darker on the sides. There are seven oblique stripes on each side, confined to one seg- ment each, which are whitish through the middle, yellowish on the lower side and dark blue, almost black on the upper side. The caudal horn is light blue thickly studded with shining black tubercles, and is quite curved. The caudal shield and anal plate are yellowish green and dotted with small, black, elevated points. Spiracles, pale orange, their upper portion extend- ing into the yellow of the bands. Legs, black and pearly at the base. Prolegs with two black spots on the outside separated by yellow, or connected posteriorly by a black line. Fcrnald Wavy ash sphinx Ceratoinia imdulosa Walk. A variable, light green caterpillar al)out iY\ inches long, with reddish legs and caudal horn and a series of seven oblique whitish stripes on each side of the body, feeds on the foliage of white and black ash, lilac and privet. This leaf feeder is not abundant as a rule, and the parent moth is a magnificent insect having a wing spread of nearly four inches. It is rather prettily marked with various shades of gray and dark brown or black, the latter in more or less wavy lines at the base and near the apex of the fore wings. The young pale greenish yellow larvae emerge from pale green INSECTS AFFF.CTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 549 eggs and are then about 1/5 inch long with a large, straight caudal horn pointing obliquely up and backward. After the first molt the seven oblique whitish stripes are visible, and in the next stage there is an additional series of reddish spots along the longitudinal whitish stripe. Apatelodes torrefacta Abb. & Sm. A pretty yellowish or whitish, long-haired caterpillar about two inches long, with three dark hair pencils along the median line, one each on the second and third thoracic and eighth alidominal segments, occurs in midsummer on varioits food plants. This caterpillar is a rather general feeder, having been recorded on ash, wild cherry, willow, sassafras, alder, blackberry, bayberry, azalea, viburnum, hazel, ironwood and gall berry. It is clothed with long, yellowish hairs which bend backward and the body beneath is marked with yellowish white. The long, yellow hairs part along the median line, where there are also a few short black hairs, giving a distinct black marking. The eggs are laid the latter part of June, hatching early in July, the larva requiring about 30 days to complete its growth. A parasite, E r e m o t y 1 u s m a c r u r u s Linn., has been reared from this insect. • Bibliography 1895 Packard, A. S. First Memoir on the Bombycine Moths, p. 100-3 Hylotoma macleayi Leach Black-headed, yellowish green, black-spotted, fake caterpillarlike larvae nearly ^ incli long, feed in August on chokecherry foliage. This larva has been carefully described' by Mr J. G. Jack of Jamaica Plain, and his account follows : Full grown larva from 15 to 18 mm long. Head black. Body tlattish; pale yellowish green, with four distinct lines of l)lack spots along the back extending from the head to the anal segment; and with some minute, less regularly arranged spots or dots along the sides above the fleshy projections which characterize larvae of this genus. Each fleshy projection bears a long narrow black spot. The anal segment is sur- mounted by a large irregular oval black blotch and is brown above the » 1891 Psyche, 6 : ii. 550 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM anus. The legs are dark brown or black on the outer base and have a heavy black blotch at the base. The prolegs are marked on their outer side by a somewhat triangular, black or very dark brown spot. The cocoon is double walled, the outer wall being loosely woven and it is dull white or pale brown in color, and is from 12-14 mm i" length. The larvae were found in considerable numbers in the month of August feeding on the foliage of common chokecherry (P r u n u s v i r g i n i a n a) at Jamaica Plain Mass. From these larvae a number of female imagos were bred in the latter part of the following May. Cherry leaf beetle Galeriicella cavicollis Lee. A small red leaf beetle, about V5 inch long, eats in midsummer irregular round holes in the leaves of wild cherrytrees. This little species is somewhat abundant in the Adirondacks on wild cherry, and was repeatedly observed by the writer in August 1900. It was so numerous that the foliage on many of the trees was badly riddled, and large numbers of the beetles could be collected with little trouble. This species has also been observed by Dr Lintner injuring cultivated cherry trees on several occasions. Bibliography 1896 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. nth Rep't 1895, P- i97~98 Apple tent caterpillar Jlfa/acosotini anicricaiia Fabr. Web tents in the forks of wild clierry and apple trees in early spring, are most char- acteristic of this very common species. This caterpillar is well known because of the conspicuous and charac- teristic tents or webs it spins in the forks of wild cherry and apple trees. The full grown caterpillar is about two inches long and may be easily dis- tinguished from the closely allied forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hiibn., by its possessing a continuous white line down the middle of the back, whereas the forest species has a row of silvery white, diamond-shaped spots. This caterpillar has marked preferences for the INSECTS AFFECtlNG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 55 1 plants named above, though it has also been recorded as feeding on sugar maple, shadbush, mountain ash, thorn, rose, witch hazel, elm, oak, birch, willows and poplars. It is kept in check to a considerable extent by natural enemies, prominent among which may be mentioned the small plant bug, Podisus placid us Uhl. The writer has taken five from a single nest and observed six or seven on the outside of another. Bibliography 1898 Felt, E. P. State Ent. 14th Rep t. N. Y. State Mus. Bui. 23, p. 177-90 Cherry scallop shell moth Hydi'ia undulata Linn. Brown, webbed-together leaves occur on wild cherry shoots in July and August. This species is rather common and attracts notice because of the curi- ous way in which the cherry leaves are fastened together, edge to edge, with the upper surface inside. The yellow, black-striped caterpillars occur within this cavity. It is seldom abundant enough to cause material injury even to its comparatively worthless food plant. This species has been recorded on willow by Dr Packard, though the larvae presented some differences from the typical form on cherry. Description. The full grown caterpillars are about 2,/^ inch long and have a dark amber head and thoracic shield. The body is a variable yel- low, marked as follows : dorsally there are four approximately equal, some- what broken yellowish white lines inclosing brownish yellow lines, and laterally there is a broad, jet-black stripe nearly continuous across the anal plate, venter yellowish white. True legs dark brown, prolegs yellowish, tipped with fuscous. Life history. The larvae attain full growth early in August or Sep- tember, enter the soil and transform to pupae within slight silk-lined cocoons where the winter is passed. The moths appear the following spring and deposit their eggs in an irregular cluster on the lower side near the tip of the branch, as recorded by Messrs Comstock and Slingerland. 55^ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ugly nest cherry worm .-Ircliips c'cras/z'cvana Pitch Yellow, black-headed caterpillars about 'i inch long, web together chokecheiry leaves in midsummer. This common species is not of much economic importance because its attacks rarely cause material injury, since they are so largely confined to the comparatively valueless chokecherry. It occasionally feeds on the cultivated cherry. Dr Lugger states that this species is sometimes so abundant in Minnesota, that the larvae enclose entire trees with their webs. It is sometimes extremely numerous in the province of Quebec, though rarely causing material injury. Description. The full grown larvae are lemon yellow, clothed with scanty, fine, yellowish hairs, and have the head, the prothoracic shield, the anal shield and true legs black, the mouth parts being brown. The moths vary greatly in size, having a wing spread ranging from ■* 5 to i'/5 inches. The wings are broad, the outer edge being rounded toward the base and straight from the middle to the tip. They are crossed by irregular, wavy bands, alternately of bright ocher yellow and pale leaden blue. The yellow bands are varied with darker spots, the most conspicuous of which is placed on the outer margin of the tip, and from this spot a broader ocher yellow band extends toward the hind angle and curves thence to the inner angle. The hind wings and the entire under surface are pale ocner yellow. Life history. The dense web nests of this species are rather common the latter part of June, the larvae transforming to pupae early in July The interior of the nest at this time contains large black masses composed of larval excrement, among which the larvae spin their cocoons and trans- form to pupae. The moths emerge during July, and prior to the disclosure of the adults, the pupae wriggle partly out of the nest, so that after the escape of the insects, empty pupal cases may be seen projecting there- from. The eggs have not been observed. Professors Comstock and Slingerland are of the opinion that the eggs are deposited in clusters on a INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 553 twig near the end of the branch and remain unhatched till the following spring. Natural enemies. This species is very subject to the attack of para- sites, and we have bred from one nest a number of specimens of M a c r o- centrus solidaginis Cress. This and other species are undoubtedly of considerable value in keeping the pest in control. Serica sericea 111. was taken on alder at Karner June 8, 1902. It is common in Herkimer county on the blossoms of wild cherry, visiting these trees when in bloom. Pteronus thoracicus Harrington A greenish, solitary sawfly larva resting on its venter on the under surface of shad- bush leaves ( A m e 1 a n c h i e r canadensis) may belong to this species. This larva was met with by Dr Dyar at Plattsburg N. Y. and its various stages have been characterized by him as follows : First stage. Head round, higher than wide, but not narrowing to vertex, shining, eye black, mouth brown ; width .25 mm. Second stage. Similar; eye surrounded by a black spot; head rather higher ; width .33 mm Tliird stage. Head almost whitish, pale; width .5 mm ; joint 2 small, making the head appear prominent. Body much as in the following stages, but paler. Fourth stage. As in the next stage in all points, but a little paler,' though darker than iji the previous stage ; width of head .7 mm. Fifth stage. Head round, smooth, shining, greenish testaceous, prominent ; eye black, mouth brown ; width i mm. Thorax a little enlarged, the feet spreading widely, not concealed. Abdomen slightly tapering posteriorly, gradually becoming smaller from the thorax ; feet present on joints 6-1 1 and 13 ; segments 4-annulate, smooth, without tuber- cles, not shining ; color pale clear green, the alimentary canal showing dark green or the surface covered with a slight white bloom. Thoracic feet watery greenish ; abdominal ones short, concolorous with the pale subventral region ; anal plate rounded. Sixth stage. As before, width of head 1.4 mm. Seventh stage. Head held forward ; light testaceous, faintly brownish, smooth, shining, minutely reticulated ; eye black, mouth brown ; width 2 mm ; joint 2 depressed anteriorly. All as in the previous two stages ; skin smooth, but not shining ; at the end of this stage the larvae fade to a whitish color with a bright green dorsal band and enter the earth without moltine. 554 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cocoon double, the outer layer thin, brown, the inner dark brown, compact, but not very hard ; size 4x8 mm. The adult female is about '/j^ inch in lengtl\, reddish yellow with darker markings. The male is slightly smaller, black, marked with reddish yellow. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Ent. Soc Trans. 22: 307-8 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 64 Orange dog Papilio tJioas Linn. A large, brownish caterpillar with conspicuous angular, cream-colored markings on its middle and at its posterior extremity, is sometimes rather abundant on prickly ash. This species is southern and only occasionally is it abundant as far north as Albany, though it is quite common near Poughkeepsie and undoubtedly more abundant farther south. Dr Smith states that only single examples occur throughout New Jersey. Description. The full grown caterpillar is about 2^ inches long, dark brown in color with a conspicuous angular, cream-colored blotch about the mid- dle and another similar colored area at the pos- terior extremity. The thoracic segments are slightly swollen and marked with several yellowish ocellate spots, so that when the head is drawn under the anterior thoracic segments there is a strong resemblance to a mask face. This caterpillar when irritated, as in the case of its allies, is capable of projecting two long, fleshy, orange-colored tentacles from a fold just behind the head. These emit a very disagreeable odor and are Fig- 137 Orange dog ab. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 55 1: probably of value in protecting the insect from its enemies. The parent insect is a magnificent brownish, yellow and red-marked butterfly with a wing spread of over 4 inches. Life history. This insect, according to Dr Scudder, ranges from the northern part of South America to about the latitude of Albany, and in the warmer portions of its habitat develops about four generations and in the northern only two, the butterflies of the first appearing in early June or even the last week of May, and those of the latter occurring at the end of July. The caterpillar feeds on orange, prickly ash, hoptree and a number of other plants. The life cycle may be completed from within 20 to 60 days, dependent largely on conditions. A number of eggs are usually deposited on a single bush or tree and consequently the work of the larvae is easily detected. Natural enemies. This species is subject to the attack of several natural enemies, among which may be mentioned a tachina fly, a small chalcid, Chalcis robusta Cress, and Pteromalus vanessae Howard. Remedial measures. Like most leaf-feeding species, this caterpillar when unduly abundant, can easily be checked by the timely application of arsenical poisons. Sour gum case cutter Antispila iiyssacfoliclla Clem. A smalt leaf miner works in sour gum leaves the latter part of August and in early September, cutting oval cases therefrom the latter ])art of that month. This species is occasionally very abundant on Long Island, and in September 1893, it was brought to the attention of the late Dr Lintner by Dr Dyar, who had observed the work of this species. Description. The larva has a dark brown head and thoracic shield, the body is a very pale green with dark atoms along the dorsum. Ventral surface with a line of two black spots. The adult has dark brown fore wings with greenish reflections and a bright coppery hue at the base. The hind wings are a purple brown, the fringe yellowish gray. Life history. The larvae may be found early in July, inaking first a linear mine and later excavating a blotch. The cocoon is spun within the 556 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM mine, well lined with silk and the upper and lower walls composed of the leaf epidermis, is cut away so that the case with its occupant, drops to the ground. It is then secured to surrounding objects by small strands of silk. Bibliography 1895 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. nth Rep't, p. 157-59 Red-footed flea beetle Crepidodcra rujipcs Linn. A red-headed, blue flea beetle about /s inch long, is sometimes very abundant on locust and apple foliage. Specimens of this little flea beetle were taken from badly damaged honey locust foliage at Poughkeepsie, May 21, 1903. Description. y% inch long, with head, antennae, legs and prothorax a brick-red color, while the wing covers are bluish and plainly marked with rows of punctures. The ventral surface of the meta- and mesothorax and abdomen black. Life history and habits. This little insect is liable to appear in large numbers in early spring, at which time its depredations on locust, apple and other fruit trees may be somewhat serious. Dr Smith states that in New Jersey it also attacks grape. Distribution. This is an European form, according to Dr Horn, now widely scattered over the Atlantic region and as far west as Iowa. It is probably generally distributed over this area, since it has been recorded in a number of local lists. Locust leaf folder Epargyreiis tityriis Fabr. Large, pale green caterpillars about 2 inches long, with a red neck and large red head and a yellow spot on each side abo\'e the mouth, draw the leaves of locust together and feed by night. The caterpillar of this rather handsome butterfl)' is a somewhat gen- eral feeder, eating freely the leaves of many of the Leguminosae and occasionally being so abundant in New Englanci as to strip the foliage from the common locust and specially the viscid locust, R o b i n i a e v i s c o s a, INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 557 which latter Is used as an ornamental tree. Ordinarily it does not cause a great deal of injury. The parent butterfly is a beautiful orange-red, dark brown-marked butterfly with a wing spread of about two inches. The fore wings have a number of irregular black spots, the outer margin being a dull brown, while the greater portion of the short-tailed hind wings are dark brown, the prolongations and posterior margin being blue. Dr Scud- der states that this Insect produces two generations in the South and but one In the North, hibernating In the chrysalis. The eggs are laid during June or early July, the caterpillars hatching in the latter month, and when quite small conceal themselves in the leaf fold, which is bent over their bodies and secured by silken threads. As they increase In size two or more leaves are fastened together so as to form a leaf case, which shelters them from the weather and screens them from the prying eyes of birds. Promethea moth Callosaviia pronictlica Drury A large, delicate bluish white caterpillar with four large yellow or red tubercles on. the posterior thoracic segments and a large one on the dorsum of the eightli abdominal segment, feeds on the foliage of lilac and a number of trees and plants. This is another common species remarkable in Its larval stage for the delicate color, which so closely resembles that of the underside of a lilac leaf, that the caterpillars are difficult to detect. The full grown larva is a stout, bluish white caterpillar about 2^^ inches long and ornamented as described above. The parent insect is one of our larger moths and can be easily recognized by reference to plate 43, fig. 4. This species feeds on a number of trees and shrubs, being commonly found on lilac, and occurring on sassafras, wild cherry, oak, maple, birch, beech, apple, peach, plum, tulip, poplar and occasionally on pine. Pristiphora sycophanta Walsh A whitish, green tinted sawfly larva on willow, white and yellow birch belongs to this species. This' sawfly was found by Dr Dyar on the leaves of white birch at Keene Valley N. Y. and also on willow and yellow birch at Jefferson N. H. 558 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The later stages of this sawfly have been characterized by Dr Dyar as follows : Larva. Head whitish, scarcely shining, eye black, mouth brown ; a green tint by transparency ; width 1.5 mm. Body smooth, not shining, faintly 4-annulated, translucent, leaf-green, the pulsating edges of the dorsal vessel forming a geminate white dorsal line, filled in with the darker green blood, the anal end usually touched with crimson ; segmental incisures a little folded, forming transverse whitish bands when the segments are retracted; tracheal line evident; thoracic feet clear, moderately spreading, abdominal ones small, present on joints 6-1 1 and 13. Last stage. As before, but the head is shining, with brown dots ; body also more shiny ; width of head the same as before ; the larvae form brown cocoons in the earth. The female is ' j inch in length, black marked with yellowish. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. .Soc Trans. 22 :3oi 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 115-16 Poplar leaf beetle Phytodccta pallida Linn. A pale brown, black-spotted beetle about J4 inch long, is occasionally destructive to willow and poplar. This species, according to Mr Chittenden, ranges across the continent from the White mountains of New Hampshire through the Lake Superior region, Wyoming and Utah to California and British Colum- bia. It has been observed in injurious numbers in Michigan, occurring in early June in such abundance as to skeletonize the leaves and inflict serious injuries to the trees. Its coloration is more or less variable, Fig. 138 Poplar leaf lieetlc, Phytodecta p a 1 1 i d .i, ^,-,j like othcr leaf feeding Insects, It may be controllecl five times natural size. (After ^ ' "' Chittenden, U.S. Dep't Agric. ^^^\y\^ arscnlcal poisons. Bur. For. Bui. 46. 1904) ^ INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 559 Viceroy Basilarchia aycliippiis Cram. A somewhat tuberculate, angular, reddish brown, yellowisli marked caterpillar i-i/i; inch long, feeds singly on willow and poplar. The parent insect is a very striking and common butterfly in the Adi- rondacks, having a wing spread of about three inches. It may be instantly recognized by the broad, oblique, white band extending across the middle of both the fore and hind wings. The caterpillar is rather curious in appearance and has a red or purplish brown head ornamented with many reddish brown tubercles. The thoracic segments are somewhat enlarged, dull dirty brownish yellow or clay brown and with darker markings. The middle segment bears a pair of long, spiny tubercles. The rest of the body is a dark brown, olive or dark reddish, tinged in places with brownish yellow, occasionally running into black, and on the middle of the back is a large saddle-shaped spot of a dirty dull cream color, usually slightly tinged with green. While this species is abundant in the Adirondacks, the caterpillars are rarely numerous enough to cause material injury. It feeds by preference on poplars and willows and it has also been taken on other trees such as apple, plum, cherry and it is said to occur on oak. Harpyia cinerea Walk. A peculiar, light green, brown-marked caterpillar with a pair of long, slender, annulated caudal appendages, occurs on willows and poplars. This insect is interesting largely because of the very peculiar cater- pillar which, when at rest, appears somewhat like a linear brown scar on a leaf. This peculiar form and coloration is undoubtedly a protective device. This species is so rare that it can not be considered dangerous. A male is represented on plate 44, figure 7. A larva, probably of this species, is illustrated on plate 16, figure 10. c6o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Smeared dagger moth Apatcla oblinita Abb. & Sm. A black-headed, velvety black caterpillar usually with a conspicuous, somewhat broken, subdorsal, yellow stripe and another one along the stigmatal line, occurs in Sep- tember and October on poplar, willow, alder, buttonbush and a variety of deciduous trees. This caterpillar is very common, though rarely abundant enough to cause material injury, partly because of its very general food habits. The full grown larva has a black head, the body is velvety black mot- tled with yellow dots which, along the subdorsal line coalesce inore or less to form a somewhat broken, subdorsal stripe. There is a broad, yellow, stigmatal band deeply incised at the white spiracles. The tubercles are black and bear short bristly hairs. There is more or less variation in color ; the tubercles may be deep red, or situated in a series of broad, trans- verse, red bands reaching across to the spiracles on each segment. The yel- low markings may be much more apparent, forming a broad and nearly con- tinuous substigmatal band. Poplar tent maker MelalopJia iiicliisa Hiibn. A black, yellow-striped larva, about i^^ inches long, with a pair of large, black tubercles close together on the top of the first and eighth alidominal segments, feeds in the folded, webbed-together leaves of poplar and willows The larva of this species is easily recognized on account of its remain- ing in an enclosure formed of several leaves fastened together at the ends of the twigs. It is gregarious in habit and ordinarily is not sufficiently abundant to cause material injury. Description. The full grown larva is about i ^ inches long with a nearly cylindric body, bearing on the first and eighth abdominal segments a pair of large contiguous black tubercles. The general color of the body is black, irregularly mottled with grayish white. There are four subdorsal, lemon yellow equidistant stripes, a substigmatal line of the same color and beneath, a broad, lemon yellow or orange band mottled irregularly with black and dark brown [pi. i6, fig. i]. The second and third thoracic seg- ments and abdominal segments one to eight inclusive, bear anteriorly a rather inconspicuous subdorsal, black setaceous tubercle between the sub- INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 561 dorsal stripes and larger supralateral ones on the middle of each segment. There is a more or less indistinct lateral, dark brown or black line bordered above and below by grayish or yeilowish. The stripes above and below this indistinct line are lighter and irregularly mottled with grayish or yellowish. The true legs are jet black, prolegs dusky orange or yellowish. The moth has a wing spread of a little over an inch, the fore and hind wings being pale gray, the latter sparsely marked with dark brown scales [pi. 16, fig. 2]. Life history. The eggs of this species, according to Riley, occur in April, May, July and August, the larvae from May to July and August to September, adults March, April, May and July and August. There are evidently tw^o generations annually. Pteronus mendicus Walsh A yellowish, leaf-feeding species. This sawfly larva was taken on wil- low in Central park and also at Plattsburg by Dr Dyar, who describes its method of oviposition and early stages as follows : Egg. Laid anywhere on the leaf in semicircular saw cuts just under the upper epidermis ; cuts 1.5 mm in diameter. First stage. Head blackish testaceous, shining, eye and mouth black; higher than the body; wndth .3 mm. Body indistinctly 4-annulate, not very shining, greenish. Thoracic feet and anal prongs blackish ; abdominal feet on joints 6-1 1 and 13. Second stage. Head dull testaceous, a blackish longitudinal line at the vertex, one upward from each ocellus ; eye black, mouth brown ; width .55 mm. Body dull greenish, thoracic feet concolorous ; a faint blackish tinge above spiracles and a little on subventral ridge on joints 2-4, pale along dorsal line ; posterior portion of the body curved under so as to touch the venter ; anal prongs blackish. Third stage. Head rounded, flattened before, pale green, faintly brownish tinged; a black longitudinal line over the vertex, reaching top of clypeus ; a lateral transverse line over ocellus, not quite reaching vertex; mouth brown ; width .9 mm. Body soft, leaf-green, a faint blackish dorsal and substigmatal shade line ; venter a shade paler. Feet small, green ; anal prongs blackish. Body scarcely annulate, not shining ; tracheae showing as a white line. Fourth stage. Head clear green, marked as before, the marks clouded, not so black as ocelli; an additional patch at ape.x of clypeus ; width 1.15 mm. Body uniform leaf-green, not shining, except in the creases of the 562 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM annulets ; feet clear, no marks ; color paler, clearer greenish yellow than before, tracheae very distinct, white ; annulets very obscure ; anal prongs with a very faint blackish shade, a few setae on anal plate. Cocoon. At first pale yellow, later brown, opaque. The adult female is about y^ of an inch long, light yellow, marked with darker and with brownish antennae. The male is a little smaller, black, and marked with yellowish red. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. Soc Trans. 22 : 302-3 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. .S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. no. 3, p. 69-70 Pteronus odoratus Dyar This species lives on willow and has been taken at Ithaca N. Y. The eggs and larval stages are characterized by Dr Dyar as follows : Eggs. Laid in masses on the underside of a leaf, on the surface with- out any saw cuts. The dried, empty skins measure .8X.4 mm. Fii'st larval stage. Head .3 mm wide, rounded, shining black as in the next stage. Second stage. Larvae eating holes in the leaf, near the egg.s. Head rounded, full at vertex, black ; width .5 mm. Body held S-shaped ; thoracic feet blackish. Segments annulate shining greenish yellow, pale ; the two rows of subventral tubercles visible, smoky; none seen dorsally. Anal plate small, black. TJiird stage. Head as before; width .7 mm; anal plate and spines black. Lateral and subventral tubercles blackish ; subdorsal black spots faintly indicated. Body light green ; joints 2, 12 and 13 posteriorly yellow- ish. On approaching a group of these larvae on a tree, their peculiar odor is very obvious. Foiu-th stage. As in the next stage, except that the black markings are smaller. Width of head i mm. Fifth stage.. Head well rounded ; clypeus large, quadrate, smooth, shining black, the sutures and antennae honey-yellow; width 1.4 mm. Body normal for Nematus, terminal segments somewhat swollen. Thoracic feet large, abdominal ones present on joints 6-1 i and 13 (20 feet), the last pair small. Five medioventral eversible pale yellow scent glands behind the feet on joints 6-10. These function in the normal position of defense of the larvae when the abdomen is held up in an S-shape. A black anal plate with a pair of terminal spines. Segments 4-5 annulate, smooth, slightly shining, the tubercles obsolete dorsally, but represented laterally and subventrally by large, smooth, rounded, shining black prominences, largest subventrally. A dorsal and subdorsal row of round black spots with INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 563 irregular edges, four on each segment in a straight, even line, not shining like the subventral tubercles. Body light green; joints 2, 12 and 13 posteriorly orange. Venter orange tinted. Thoracic feet black, except at the joints ; abdominal ones green. Larvae entered the earth without molting and formed thin, elliptic black cocoons of uniform close texture. Size 6 to 7 x 2.5 to 4 mm. The adult female of this species is nearly j^ inch long ; black, marked with dusky and ferruginous. The male is slightly smaller, black and marked with light yellowish, which is also the color of the venter. Bibliography 1894 Dyar, H. G. Can. Ent. 26:187 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 65 Willow flea beetle Disonycha caroliuiana Fabr. A striped, rather stout, black and yellow beetle about }{ inch long, occurs in June on willow. This insect was taken by us in small numbers on willow and as a gen- eral thing it can hardly be considered injurious. Dr Walsh records rearing it from a cecidomyid gall, Rhabdophaga brassicoides, of the same season's growth, and states that he captured another at large on that gall about the same date. He also records, on the authority of Dr LeConte, that Say found this species in considerable numbers on the common elder (Sambucus) and some other plants, but he states that he failed to obtain any specimens on elder at Rock Island, though it is a coinmon plant in that section. Dr J. B. Smith records this species from a number of New Jersey localities. Mr F. H. Chittenden obtained eggs of this species and suc- ceeded in bringing the insect to maturity on purslane, though the larvae rejected chenopodium and amarantus. The eggs were obtained July 30, and the largest larvae had attained full growth by Aug. 9, and entered the earth the following day. The remainder buried themselves in the sand Aug. II, and all but one had transformed to pupae on the 17th. He found the pupal stage to be of about nine days duration. He has described the larva and pupa as follows : 564 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The larva when full grown is subcylindrical in form, abdominal seg- ments 2 to 7 subequal in width, the others gradually narrowing toward the extremities. Ground color either olive or green, variegated with red, forming with a dark green mediodorsal and two submedial stripes, seven longitudinal stripes of alternate green and red. Sometimes red and sometimes green is the prevailing tint. Surface finely granulate, feebly shining. Aside from color the general characters are much the same as in D. xa n t h o m e 1 ae n a Dalm. . . Each segment is produced into a transverse row of 10 papillae, each surmounted by a small black piliferous wart, and terminating in a fine bristle. The first thoracic segment has an additional row of papillae, and each spiracle is surrounded by a ring of black. Head small, nearly circular, color shining black or very dark brown, triangu- lar space in middle and clypeus brown. The posterior end of the body termi- nates in a proleg which is concoloroys with the surrounding portions of the terminal segment. This is surrounded with two rows of black bristles, one above and the other below. Legs considerably darker than the neighboring portions ; sutures and some other portions marked with black, last joint nearly black. Length 10 mm, width 3 mm. From the variability in color of the larva we would expect a similar variation in the pupa. As with the larva there are two prevalent ground tints; in one, rose is the prevailing color; in the other, somewhat greenish orange. Probably these colors represent the similar colors in the larva, rose corresponding to red and orange to olive and green. Aside from color the pupa of this species closely resembles that of D. x a n t h o m e 1 a e n a. The pink or rose-colored form of the pupa has pearly antennae, elytra, and legs, while the orange type has orange-yellow as the color of the same parts. Length, 6-6.5 "'"'"> width, 3-3.2 mm. Bibliography 1898 Chittenden, F. H. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Bui. 18 n. s. p. 83-84 Spotted willow leaf beetle Mclasonia lappoiiica Linn. A reddish, black-spotted beetle about ]/i, inch long, feeds during the summer on willow leaves. This species is closely allied to the striped cottonwood beetle, M e 1 a- soma scripta Fabr., noticed on page 317, and it is stated that the INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 565 larvae of these two species cannot be separated, though the young of this form appear to excrete the milky fluid more freely than its ally. The parent insect may be recognized by its red color above and conspicuous black markings, and were it not for its rather elongated, pear-shaped form, it might be mistaken for a lady- beetle. This insect feeds on willows and poplars and appar- ently has very similar habits to those of M. scripta Fabr. Mr Chittenden states that in some seasons it is just as abun- 1 1 ... Fig. 139 M e 1 a s o r dant as the more mjurious cot- common new tonwood leaf beetle. Mr F. \V. '-^cd (original) Hubbard recorded it as being destructive to willows at Lyons N. Y. in 1902. It has been reported as gener- ally distributed in New Jersey by Dr Smith, who also gives alder as a food plant. Remedial measures. This species, like its ally, is a leaf feeder and can be controlled by a thorough application of a poisoned spray. Chittende Agric. Bi 1904) (After Dep-t Bui. 46. Melasoma tremulae Fabr. This species is very closely allied to M. scripta Fabr. It may be recognized by its brownish, finely punc- tured elytra, and greenish head and thora.x. This form is exceedinglyab undant and injurious in the northwest- /W •' IK ^'^'^ states writes Dr Lugger, who adds that it sometimes "^^ ^^fa^ V. strips the leaves from willows of Minnesota windbreaks. He ranks it as next to M. scripta Fabr. in economic uiae enlarged (original) importauce. This species was taken by Mr D. B. Young at Newport N. Y. in 1898, where it was stripping the leaves from small poplars and willows. 566 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chrysomela bigsbyana Kirby A yellowish, black-marked, hemispheric beetle about j{ inch long feeds the latter part of the summer on willows and hard pine. 1 his leaf feeding beetle was taken on hard pine at Karner, September 1901, nine specimens being collected on the 6th, and two on the 17th. This species is recorded by Walsh as feed- ing in the larval stage on willow. He states that the young resemble the grub of potato beetle. It 1 .'i IT- l:5ody wmte, tmged witn yellow; spiracles '" ' ■ - '• black with a white dot in the center of each ; on each side of the segments 2 and 3 is a curved black dash, the curve downwards ; cervical shield concolorous, marked with a blackish rpot in the middle of each outer edge ; head yellowish brown, ocelli black, in two clusters; length 10 mm. Dr J. B. Smith states that this species occurs with C. m u 1 1 i p u n c t a t a Say, on maple, willow, and alder, but that it is more rare. This form is regarded by some as a variety of C. m u 1- t i p u n c t a t a and is often confounded with it, so that many references to Say's species, in reality apply to this form. Dull red willow leaf beetle Ga/er7iceiia decora Say This is one of our most abundant leaf beetles and has been considered hy Riley to_^be the most numer- ous and dangerous among our willow insects. It closely resembles the related, exceedingly destruc- tive elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. Its eggs, according to Mr Chittenden, are a little larger, more brightly colored and less acuminate, and the young larvae are darker in color though very simi- lar. He has observed this species on swamp willows in central New York in great numbers, both larvae and adults. Dull red willow Icif Galerucella d e- (After Chittenden, U. S. Dep't Agric. Bur. For. Bui. 46. 1904) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 56/ Anaspis flavipennis Hald. occurs abundantly on willow catkins and also on shadbush when in bloom. Orchestes ephippiatus Say and O. niger Horn, occur on swamp wil- lows in Herkimer county in May and June. Rhynchites cyanellus Lee. was taken on willow at North Chatham, June 6, 1902. Elleschus ephippiatus Say A small, brownish, long-snouted beetle thickly clothed with golden and brownish pubescence, occurs in considerable numbers on willow in early spring. This species was met with by us May i6, 1903, at Nassau, where it was abundant pairing and feeding at the base of the ovaries of willow blossoms. This insect appears to be limited to this food plant, since it has been taken on or bred from this plant by a number of entomologists. Dr Walsh reared this insect from a cecidomyid gall, R. brassicoides, on Salix 1 o n g i f o 1 i a, and Dr Hamilton records it as common on willow sprouts in southwestern Pennsylvania. Description. The beetle may be recognized from the following descrip- tion by Dr LeConte. A small yellowish brown insect, densely clothed with yellow pubes- cence, with a large dark spot near the base and another transverse one behind the middle, connected by a sutural stripe ; sometimes there is an appearance of a third spot near the tip of the elytra. Dr LeConte states that this species might easily be confused with some of the varieties of P h y 1 1 o t r o x n u b i f e r Lee, and adds that the elytra are less broadly rounded at the tip and the claws are not simple but broadly appendiculate. He states that it varies greatly in size, ranging from .07 to . 1 1 inch in length. Distribution. This species has an extended distribution. It has been recorded by Dr Dietz from the Atlantic States, Michigan, Georgia, Kansas, New Mexico and California. 568 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Poplar sawfly TricJiiocampus viininalis Fallen Orange-yellow, black-spotted larvae, about V^o inch long, feed side by side on the foliage of poplars in the early part of June. This species was brought to notice by Dr J. A. Lintner, under the name of Aulacomerus lutescens as he was unable to refer it to any described species. Life history. He states that he found a number of the larvae In the early part of June feeding in parallel rows side by side, on two leaves which had been eaten from the tips, downward. The scars made by oviposition were observed on the leaf stalks and on the leaves, 30 in the case of one, and 28 in the case of the other. He adds that both lots were probably deposited by one female. The larvae feed heartily, and when all but the basal parts had been eaten on one leaf it was abandoned for another. In some cases some of the larger veins were left uneaten. The larvae fed in company till mature, though as they approach this period, they separate into smaller groups and would at once do so if disturbed by the removal of some from the leaf. They commenced to spin irregular cocoons between the leaves on which they had been feeding June 25, and by the 27th all had spun up. The perfect insects appeared July 13 to 18. A second brood of this species was observed in August. A large number of leaf petioles bore the marks of oviposition, the eggs being placed in two parallel rows on opposite sides, usually on the upper side of the leaf stalk, the rows apparently being made one after another, as they were seldom of equal length, and each for the most part, having the punctures in a perfectly straight line. The foliage of the infested trees was so badly eaten that it was necessary to pick off such infested leaves as could be conveniently reached, in order to destroy the larvae and prevent further depredations. The work of this insect was also observed by Dr Lintner on other trees that same year. The young of this second generation were not carried to maturity, and consequently nothing further could be learned regarding its life history in America. This species is stated by an European authority INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 569 to feed in August and September on the underside of willow and poplar leaves, the adults appearing in June. Description. The larvae of this insect have been described by Dr Lintner as follows : When near maturity, they were zAo of an inch long, of an orange-yellow color, with two rows upon the back (subdorsal) of 12 large irregularly rounded black spots, measuring in diameter about y^ the length of the seg- ment. There is also a row on the side (stigmatal) of 12 smaller black spots, of which the 2 anterior ones are the largest, and semicircular in form. Numerous short white hairs are given out from two transverse rows of tubercles on each segment, the longest of which about equals one half the diameter of the body. The head is black superiorly and laterally, with a central black spot in front surrounded with brown. The tarsal hooks are brown. Adult. Head, shining black, short, broad, not so wide as the thorax ; antennae brown, the seven long joints are slender, tapering regularly to the last. Thorax black above, yellow laterally and beneath, except posteriorly where it is black. Abdomen yellow, distinctly incised, short, flat, subovoid ; leo-s yellow. Wings yellowish towards the base and particularly on the costa ; the stigma large, conspicuous, with a black spot on its base. Bibliography 1888 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep't, p. 44-46 1889 Ins. N. Y. 7th Rep't, p. 223-24 Pteronus hudsonii Dyar Black-headed, bluish or leaf-green sawfly larvae with series of orange-yellow, large blotches on segments 3-12 and numerous black spots, sit on the edge of poplar leaves. The larva has been described by Dr Dyar as follows : Larva. Sitting on the edge of a leaf and thrashing the abdomen about when disturbed. Head normal, round, black, sutures paler; width 2.2 mm. Thoracic feet moderate, pale, abdominal ones on joints 6-1 1, 13, well developed ; short black anal spines. Body smooth, shining, faintly 3-annulate, dorsal vessel yellowish ; color bluish or leaf-green, with a series of orange-yellow, large lateral blotches on joints 3-12 and numerous black spots as follows : two transverse rows per segment above the spiracles, the anterior of three on each side, the posterior of four, its lower (lateral) one largest ; two black patches on the halves of the subventral ridge, the lower posterior one somewhat broken ; on joint 13 a large lateral black patch and dorsal suranal blackish cloud. 570 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The adult insect is a little over l^ inch in length, black with a rusty yellow abdomen. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 306 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Uep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 59 Pteronus vertebratus Say A greenish, solitary edge-feeding sawfly on poplar belongs to this species. This sawfly larva was taken by Dr Dyar on poplar at Plattsburg N. Y. and its egg and early stages have been described by him as follows : ££'£: Laid in semicircular incisions under the upper epidermis, 1.5 mm long. Second stage. Head testaceous, a brownish shade up from the black eye; width .65 mm. Body pale yellowish, the food showing green by transparency, slightly shining, subannulate. Third stage. Head as in the ne.xt stage, but pale testaceous ; jaws black, width i mm. Body the same, slightly shining, subannulate. Fourth stage. Head greenish, with a slight honey tinge, large, higher than the dorsum ; a faint blackish shade runs up not far from the black ocellus which is surrounded by a black spot ; mouth brown, a dark mark for antennae; width 1.4 mm. Body subtranslucent, poplar leaf-green, not shining, the segments folded ; no annulets or the merest trace. Feet on joints 6-1 1, 13; anal prongs short, brownish; blackish marks at the base of the clear thoracic feet; tracheal line evident, no tubercles. Fifth stage. The same with the same width of head. The adult female is about ]/^ inch in length, light yellow marked with black or darker brown. The male is a little smaller, black, marked with yellow, and with the entire venter of the same color. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 303 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 68-69 Hylotoma pectoralis Leach Yellowish, black-spotted, sawfly larvae about ?4 inch in length, with reddish yellow heads, feed during August and early September on liirches. This insect is rarely brought to the attention of economic entomolo- gists, though several reports of its occurring in immense numbers on INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 571 birches in Quebec have been placed on record. The larva may be recog- nized by its jet-black eyes and yellowish red head, and specially by the six rows of conspicuous black, nearly confluent spots down the back, in connec- tion with a lateral row of elongated ones and the two rows of black spots on the underside of the body at the base of the legs. The dorsal rows of spots are nearly confluent, about three to each segment, except on the last, which is naked and sparsely clothed with rather coarse hairs. This species feeds on white birch in the neighborhood of Quebec during August and Septem- ber. Dr Fletcher has recorded this insect as very abundant in several Quebec localities in 1887, they being present in myriads in the eastern portion of the province. These false caterpillars spin cocoons on attaining full growth, the adults appearing the following July or early in August and deposit eggs for a subsequent generation. The perfect insect has black antennae and head, with spots on the breast and ovipositor blue black, the remainder of the body, excepting the legs which are steel blue, being yel- lowish red. This species has a general distribution in the northeastern United States and Canada, and is probably rather abundant some seasons in the Adirondacks. There is no practical method of preventing its depredations, particularly as birch has ver}' little commercial value. Nematus unicolor Marlatt A brown-headed, greenish sawfly larva resting alone on its venter on the underside of birch leaves belongs to this species. This sawfly was met with by Dr Dyar on white birch at Keene Valley N. Y. Its larva has been characterized by him as follows : Larva. Head slightly granular, shagreened, a little pilose, pale brown- ish, pale around mouth, not shining ; eye on a black spot ; two blackish shades on the back of head behind the vertex ; width 1.8 mm. Thorax a little enlarged, its feet spreading; venter flattened ; feet on joints 6-1 1 and 13; subventral region slightly fluted with a few pale setae; segments not very completely 5- to 6-annulate, segmental incisures folded ; not shining, translucent greenish, food giving a dusky tint ; subdorsally below the skin a series of emerald-green or pale green granules and streaks, form- ing a nearly continuous band, or even an evident white subdorsal band ; tracheal line evident ; spiracles pale. When mature the larvae became pale 572 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM yellowish with a bright emerald green tint on the thorax and entered the ground. The adult female is nearly i^ inch in length, uniformly reddish yellow marked with brown. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 308 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 88 Pteronus latifasciatus Cress. Brown-headed, purplish, solitary or partly gregarious sawfly larvae occur on white birch. The larva of this insect was met with by Dr Dyar at Keene Valley and his description is as follows : Head vinous brown, dotted with brown over the vertex, eye black ; width 1.6 mm. Body purplish vinous tinted, a metallic red-green shade over the dorsum, partly produced by the food showing by transparency ; segments indistinctly 6-annulate, shining, a lateral black shade band, scarcely noticeable against the metallic shade, supplemented by black patches on the folds around the spiracles, subventrally and on the bases of the legs, the latter distinct against the pale purplish subventral color. Feet all pale, yellowish tinged ; abdominal on joints 6-1 1,13, small ; anal plate and short prongs black ; setae minute, seen with a lens. The adult insect is a dusky black, white-marked, sawfly about J3 inch in length. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 1304 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. -S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 50 Amauronematus luteotergum Nort. A black-headed, greenish sawfly larva feeding gregariously on the edges of alder leaves belongs to this species. This larva was met with by Dr Dyar on alder at Keene Valley N. Y. and he has described two stages as follows : Larva. Head shining black, sutures of mouth pale ; width .85 mm. Feet on joints 6-1 1 and 13; anal prongs black. Body shining green, yel- lowish subventrally and on the legs ; segments obscurely annulate, all minutely pilose, but no distinct tubercles ; a blackish subdorsal shade-band INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 573 and also blackish on the two parts of the subventral ridge. Thoracic feet and anal plate shaded with dusky black ; a medioventral series of black patches. Last stage. Head shining dark vinous, eye black; minutely pilose; width I.I mm. Body shining, sordid greenish, rather dark, shaded more or less with vinous, especially subventrally ; segments obscurely annulate, minutely pilose ; dorsal vessel a dark band ; the subventral ridges show as blackish elevations. Thoracic feet partly, anal plate and prongs largely black. The female is about 'j^ inch in length, very robust, black, marked with yellowish rust-red. Bibliography 1895 Dyar, H. G. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 •.lo^, 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, 82 Alder flea beetle Haltica bimarginata Say Deep Prussian blue, rounded flea beetles about '/j inch long or dark brown, black- headed, black-tubercled larvae occur in large numbers on alder. This species is sometimes exceedingly abundant in the Adirondacks, and were it not for the fact that alder is comparatively valueless, its depre- dations would result in considerable loss, as it is more or less abundant from year to year. The ravages by this beetle have been recorded by Dr Harris and Dr Packard in Maine and New Hampshire, and Dr Lugger states that this species is sometimes exceedingly numerous and destructive to willows growing on the shores of Minnesota lakes. Description. The pupa and larva have been described by Dr Packard as follows : Larva. The body is somewhat flattened ; head scarcely two thirds as wide as the body in the middle, black, becoming brown in front near the jaws. Body livid brown above ; the tubercles black ; paler beneath, with three pairs of black jointed thoracic legs ; no abdominal legs, but an anal prop leg. The abdominal segments each with a transverse, oval-rounded, ventral, rough space forming a series of creeping tubercles ; and in front of each segment is a transverse, oval, crescentic, chitinous area bearing two piliferous tubercles ; the back of each segment divided into two ridges, each bearing a row of six sharp tubercles, bearing short hairs ; a single 574 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ventral row on each side of the ventral plate. Length 7-10 mm (.28 to .4 inch). Pupa. Body rather thick white. Antennae passing around the bent knees (femero-tibial joints) of the first and second pairs of legs, the ends scarcely going beyond the middle of the body. Elytra with five or six rather deep, longitudinal creases. The salient points of the body armed with piliferous warts. Abdominal tip square at the end, with a stout, black spine projecting from each side. Length 6 mm (.24 inch). The parent insect has a uniform, deep prussian blue color with greenish reflections on the head and an elevated line near the outer border of each wing cover. It is a rather stout, rounded flea beetle about 1/5 of an inch long. Life history. The larvae are abundant skeletonizing alder foliage in July and even as late as August and into September, though beetles begin to predominate in the latter months. Dr Lintner states that the pupae are normally found under moss coating adjacent rocks ; hundreds were brought to light lying loosely in the mold and without the slightest indication of cocoon or cell. They were about an inch below the surface and distinctly yellow in color, though Dr Packard has characterized them as white. Distribution. This species has an extended distribution according to Dr Horn, who states that it occurs in the entire northern portion of the continent, as far south as Pennsylvania, thence westwardly, extending over the western plains to Texas and Arizona, and on the Pacific slope from Alaska to Mexico. Attelabus rhois Bohe. Peculiar, thimblelike rolls of leaves on alder, hazel, and sumac, may be the work of this species. This dull reddish beetle has the body clothed with a short yellowish down, and is about V5 i'lch long. The figg is nearly spheric and about 1/25 inch in diameter. Life history and habits. The singular, thimblelike rolls of this weevil may be found in June and July on alder and also on hazel and sumac. When about to lay her eggs, the female begins to eat a slit near the base of the leaf, on each side of the midrib and at right angles to it, so that the leaf may be folded together. Before rolling, she gnaws the stem nearly off, so that the rolled portion of the leaf will dry in perhaps a day and drop INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 575 with the wind. The ends are neatly tucked into the somewhat tight roll till a compact, cylindric, nearly solid mass of vegetation is formed. Before the entire leaf is rolled, she deposits a single egg, rarely two, in the middle next to the midrib, where it lies loosely in a little cavity. The egg hatches in about a week. Eight-spotted forester Alypia octomaciilata Fabr. Reddish, black-ringed caterpillars about i^ inches long, feed from June into August on Virginia creeper and grapevine. This rather common insect is occasionally quite injurious to Ampelopsis or Virginia creeper, and it is also a grapevine pest. The caterpillar is easily recognized by the above characters and can be readily controlled by spraying with an arsenical poison wherever this measure is practical. The parent insect is a beautiful black moth with eight lemon yellow spots on its wings, which latter have a spread of 13^ inches. Rose beetle Macrodactyhis subspiiiosiis Fabr. This familiar species is a well known pest of roses and needs no descrip- tion. It is particularly abundant on sandy soils, where it sometimes occurs in immense numbers. Grapevines and rosebushes in particular suffer from its depredations, though it is almost equally injurious to apple, pear, cherry, peach, plum and most other fruit trees as well as some forest trees. A few specimens were taken on hard pine at Karner in June 1901, and it was abundant the following year on scrub oak. There is probably no better way of protecting valuable plants from the ravages of this voracious insect than by covering them with mosquito netting. Calligraphus lunata Fabr. was found eating wild rose blossoms at North Chatham June 6, 1902. 576 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Rosebud worm Oletln'C7itcs nimbatana Clem. Greenish, black-headed caterpillars about Y^. inch long, boring in the buds or webbing together leaves of roses, may belong to this species. This insect was brought to the attention of the late Dr Lintner in March 1883, on account of its injuries to rose plants in greenhouses at Scars- dale, Westchester co. It is well distributed over the State and probably more or less common, since it is known as an annual rose feeder in Albany. Description. The full grown caterpillar is about 5/8 inch long, a clear apple-green color, with the head and tho- racic shield dark blackish brown and the true legs a dull black. The parent insect is a ^^l^ brownish gray moth with the outer portion of the fore wings and the under surface of the hind wings lighter. The inner part of the fore wings is dark brown mot- tled with white, black and light purple spots ; wing spread about i/% inch. Life history The life history of this species has been given by Dr Lintner substantially as follows. The parent insects appear about the middle of April and deposit their eggs at night, presumably on the terminal leaves of rosebushes. The caterpillars soon hatch and at once commence to draw together margins and surfaces of the folded leaf, and as they increase in size the single leaf is deserted and several fastened together or, as observed by Mr Chittenden, they may enter the unopened buds. The Fig. 144 Olethreutes nimbatana: a_moth ; ^=larva pupal case ; (/—terminal segment of pupa; c — rosebud show: work ; /-leaves folded by larva ; all twice natural size except rf, which i greatly enlarged. (After Chittenden, U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. 1901 Bul.27, n. s.) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 577 caterpillars feed within these shelters, (^row rapidly and matwrtr by the last week in May, transforming to pupae among the folded or fastened leaves of the bush. The moths of the second brood were observed by Dr Lintner as early as [une 2. Eggs are cpiickly laid antl cater|jillars of the second brood are soon at work. The pupal stage is limited to about five days. There are two and possibly three broods in the vicinity of Albany, and Mr Chit- tenden states that in the District of Columbia there ma)' be three or even foLU' generations annuall)'. Natural enemies. A single parasite, Eulophus c )■ r i a d e s AV'alk was bred from this bud worm by Mr Chittenden. Remedial measures. About the most practical way of controlling this species is to destroy the caterpillars in their web retreats or on open buds, by pinching off and burning or crushing the affected parts. Bibliography 1S99 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 5th Rep't, ji. 21.5-15 Rose leaf tier Olftlircutts ivanatia Murtf. This rose leaf insect occurs as far north as Michigan, south to Missouri and District of Columbia. It has been recorded from Pennsylvania and probably occurs in New York State. This species has been carefully studieil b)' its describer, Miss Murtfeldt. Description. Larva. Length .5 inch, diameter . i, cylindrical, tapering slightK' in both directions from middle, but most posteriorly ; color dark green, surface glossy with two shallow wrinkles to each segment, spots minute, blisterlike, each giving rise to a fine short hair. A dark vesicular line extends along the dorsum, and on each side below the small dark stig- mata is a pale translucent ridge or fold, bearing an irregular row of light hairs more conspicuous here than elsewhere. Head polished, honey-yellow inclining to olive, with a few scattered hairs, palpi white, tipped with crim- son. Cervical shield polished, nearly same color as the head, covering top of segment i. Terminal point of thoracic legs black. Prolegs concolorous with general surface. Pupa. Enclosed in a pouchlike case formed from a portion of a leaf foldeil o\er and lined with silk, elongate oval in form, \^r\ j^ointed poste- c^S ^EW YORK STATE MUSEUM riorly and of a bright brown color. Each of the abdominal segments is provided with two transverse rows of teeth, the posterior ridge composed of minute, close-set, rasplike points, while those composing the anterior ridge are longer and more scattered. In disclosing the moth the chrysalis protrudes itself from its case for nearly its entire length, holding itself in position by the anal hooks. Imago. Alar expanse from .5 to .55. Length .22. Head and palpi densely tufted, brown with a slight purplish reflection, eyes grayish blue, antennae short. Thorax with a brown dorsal tuft and dark blue patagia. Abdomen fuscous shading to brown above with a silky lustre ; front and middle legs fuscous inclining to cinerous, hind legs silvery cinerous, tarsi annulated with pale bufT. Front wings dark chocolate-brown and metallic blue ; the latter color predominates in the basal third, but is interrupted about midway by an irregular fascia and some scattered flecks of brown ; middle portion of the wing mainly brown, but penetrated from both apical and basal sides with streaks and points of blue ; on the outer third the blue and brown colors are thoroughly intermixed in a somewhat intricate pattern, the apex being brown variegated with four or five irregular, blue spots, while the inner angle is occupied by a large oblong blue spot divided by an oblique, narrow, brown stripe. The costa presents in a strong light a succession of broad and narrow blue streaks on a purplish brown ground and on the outer edge is a narrow border of the latter color, while the fringe is of a more or less intense blue. Hind wings fuscous, shading to cinerous at base, with a silky lustre, fringe cinerous. Under surface of both front and hind wings fuscous, the former a shade darker than the latter and displaying a faint irridescence. No sexual differences except the smaller size, the relatively narrower abdomen, and conspicuous anal tuft of the male. Murtfeldt Life history. A considerable proportion of rose leaves will be found in early spring, with their tips blackened and tightly webbed together with glistening white silk. An examination may reveal a minute larva eating into the heart of the growing point, not only blackening and distorting the young leaves, but in many instances destroying the incipient flower bud. This species is occasionally so abundant in Missouri that fully 20'j'o of the buds, particularly white or light colored varieties, are destroyed. There are at least three successive broods in a season, the later ones attacking plants in full leaf. The full grown larva deserts the mass of webbed leaves and constructs for its protection a neat case by slitting the blade of a leaf on INSECTS AFFECTINU PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 579 both sides ;i littU- litlow the tip and folding and fastening the partially severed portions b)- the edges to the upper surface. This is lined inside with white silk and in this retreat the insect transforms to a pupa, the moth issuing about lo days later. Bibliography 1880 Murtfeldt, M. E. Am. Ent. 3 : 14-15 Cenopis pettitana Rob. A yellowish green, brown headed, sparsely haired caterpillar a little over J^ inch long occurs on oak and rose. This is another rose leaf roller, which may occasionally be injurious and is likely at any time to invade greenhouses and possibly destroy buds. The adult flies, according to Dr Lintner, in early July. The moth has been described by Dr Robinson as follows : Palpi pale yelloiw above, ochreous or brownish ochreous beneath. Head and thora.x above pale lemon-yellow, sometimes of a deeper shade. Anterior wings very pale yellow or lemon-yellow, shining. Costa in the male with two aggregations of brownish ochreous scales at basal and apical third. Posterior wings and fringes pure shining white. Under surface of both pairs, and abdomen, above and beneath, pure white. He states that the wing spread of the male is about 7/g inch, and that of the female ranges from the same to about iVg inches. He gives its habitat as western Canada, Ohio, Illinois, and as stated above, it has been recorded from New York. Dr Dyar lists it from the Atlantic States. Dr Robinson states that this is a quite variable species, and an e.xamination of specimens from Illinois resulted in the following description made on the spot : " Head, thorax and palpi above, clear lemon-yellow, the latter brown- ish ochreous laterally and beneath. Upper surface of primaries in both sexes lemon-yellow ; the costa covered with brownish ochreous scales to one third from base. Hind wings above and under surface of both pairs brilliant white." The female is slightly larger than the form described above. ^SO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cenopis reticulatana Clem. This rose leaf roller is abroad in New York State in July and may be considered a form capable of doing more or less damage from year to year, and should it invade greenhouses is likely to be rather injurious. It has been recorded by Dr Smith from New Jersey localities, where it is stated to feed on rose, geranium, oak, persimmon, pear and maple. Dr Dyar lists it from the Atlantic .States. The little moth has been described by Dr Robinson as follows : Palpi red, very long, probosciditorm. Head and thora.x yellow above. Anterior wings \elIow hnel)' reticulated with orange. Costa at base tinged with purple. Central fascia purple, commencing in a spot on costa before the middle and ending in the apex of a large triangular spot of the same hue on internal margin. The large purple costal spot throws out a line which is forked just below it, one branch running obliquely inwardly to the triangular spot on internal margin, the other outwardly to before internal angle. Posterior wings and fringes very pale yellow. Under surface of both pairs pale straw color, the anterior pair slightly reflecting the hue and markings of the upper surface. The wing expanse has been given by Dr Robinson as from 5.^ to 3/^ inch in the male, and in the female from about i^ to 7/g inch. This spe- cies he states varies greatly, the reticulations sometimes being obsolete antl the ordinary markings partially so. Oblique banded leaf roller .-li-chips rosacea iia Harr. l'>ri)\vn-headed, greenish i aterpillars about J4 incli long, occur in May and early lune in the webbed leaxes of a large number of trees. This species is a very common leaf roller and occasionally destructive to rose and some other more valuable shrubs and trees. It is an exceed- ingh' general feeder, ha\ing been bred b\' Mr Cocjuillett from some 24 difterent species of ])lants, including among others, apple, cherry, lilac, horse-chestnut, burr oak, pojjlar, hazel and simiac. The larvae draw together the \-ovmg leaves at the ends of the limbs, INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 581 secreting themselves therein and feed on the foliage. They are slender, pale green or yellowish green caterpillars sometimes redtlish or brownish, about j/l inch long, with the head and thoracic shield brown and often a green stripe along the back. They attain their growth in early June, transform to pupae, delicate brown moths with a wing spread of about J^ inch appearing the latter part of June or early in July. Rose leaf folder Arcliips rosana Linn. A dark olive-green, brown-headed caterpillar feeds within the webbed-together leaves of rose and a number of other plants. This leaf roller is an introduced species and like its allies, not very par- ticular as to its food plants. It has been record<-d from wild rose, apple, hawthorn, raspberry, hazel, currant and gooseberry. Both larva and moth are darker than those of most of our native species. The brownish gray moth, having a wing spread of about "^{^^ inch appears in early June. Platynota flavedana Clem. This is another small rose leaf roller liable to cause more or less injury outdoors and likely to invade greenhouses, in which latter it may acquire the bud-eating habit. Walnut curculio Conotrachelus jiiglandis Lee. A curculio very much resembling the plum pest though larger, yi, inch long, frequently infests walnuts and butternuts. This species very closely resembles the phmi curculio. It is about 14; inch in length, reddish brown and prettily ornamented with golden and silvery hairs. The most conspicuous feature is the broad transverse whitish band on the posterior third of the wing covers. The curious projec- ^.^^ /^ tions on the wing covers seen in the plum curculio also occur, and an examination with the lens shows them to be strongly ridged and ornamented with several minor processes. L-,>n.,ir.ichelus enlarged loriginal) c82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM This curculio is the parent of the worm frequently occurring in wal- nuts and butternuts, and the presence of the pest is indicated by a dis- colored spot on the green husk. Dr Lugger states that these insects fre- quently take the lion's share of our native nuts. Mr Young has met with the insect in early June at Poughkeepsie, and has taken it at Newport N. Y. Mr Ulke records this species on hickory from the District of Columbia, and Dr Packard states that it has been taken from walnuts at Mt Carmel 111. This species was described from the Middle States. It occurs in various sections of New Jersey, breeding in green butternuts and walnuts, and has been listed from southwestern Pennsylvania by Dr Hamilton, who states that it is common on walnut and hickory. Conotrachelus seniculus Lee. A sniall, long-snouted obscure brown-colored weevil about 3/,6 inch in length, marked with a yellowish white transverse band on the posterior third of the wing covers, occurs on butternut and hickory. This small species was taken on hickory May 26 and June 5 at Pough- keepsie by Mr Young. It is a small, inconspicuously colored species which may be recognized by the elytral markings given above. The wing covers are rather strongly ridged. Dr LeConte states that it is of the same form and size as C. nenuphar Herbst., and is distinguished from C. a f f i n i s Boh., chiefly by the broader and more strongly carinate prothora.x ; by the two lines of pubescence being straight and meeting at the front margin, and by the first ventral segment being less punctured than the others. Dr LeConte records this species from the Middle and Western States and Texas, and Dr Hamilton states that it is not common in southwestern Pennsylvania. It has also be;en listed from the District of Columbia, from the vicinity of Cincinnati and New Jersey. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AN'D WOODLAND TREES 583 Hickory shuck worm Emirnionia caryana Fitch A slender, white caterpillar about yk inch long, mines hickory shucks causing them to abort and fall prematurely. This little miner of the hickory shucks or husks is very common in New York State and so far as our observations go, its operations have been confined to the husk or shuck enveloping the nut. Dr Shimer states that in Illinois the larvae live in the nut of the bitternut hickory, Gary a a mar a, destroying its interior and causing it to fall. Dr Fitch has placed on record the statement of Louis Potter of Easton N. Y., to the effect that this insect was so numerous in his section in 1S56, that several of the hickory trees scarcely produced a single nut. According to Dr Shimer, the moths appear the latter part of November, hibernate in this stage and live till some time in June, when they deposit eggs on the young nuts. Dr Fitch states that specimens of this insect were received by him from Easton X. Y., in April, with a letter saying that the insect pupated about the first of February, the moth emerging the latter part of that month. Dr Pack- ard records taking unrubbed specimens of this moth May 20, in a growth of young hickories at Providence. These two records seem to indicate that some of the insects hibernate in the larval or pupa stage. Description. The m.oth has been described as follows, by Dr Fitch : Sooty black, the fore wings with reflections of tawny yellow, blue and purple ; their outer edge black, with oblique triangular whitish streaks placed at equal distances apart. A very oblique faint silvery blue streak extends inward from the points of two of these white streaks, namely, the fourth and sixth ones from the tip of the wing; while the usual white spot on the inner margin of the wings is wanting. Expanse of wings, .6 inch. Acorn weevil Balaniniis iiasiciis Say A weevil, with a remarkably long slender curved beak, occurs on acorns or may be bred from white legless grubs within them or other nuts. This species was met with in small numbers when collecting in June at Karner in iqoi, and was bred the following season from acorns on the rg_i NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM bear or chestnut scrub oaks. This species was noticed by Dr Harris who states that it is one of the most common nut weevils known to him, and he adds tliat it is very common in hazehiuts, chestnuts and acorns. I)r I'^itch states that hickory nuts are seldom affected by worms, referring- to this species or perhaps also to allied forms, and adds that they are much more frecpiently met with in hazelnuts, chestnuts'and acorns. He failed to rear any of these insects as was also the case with Dr Harris. Dr Packard states that Professor Riley bred this species from a lot of acorns of ()uercus o- r i s e a, received from Fort (irant Ariz., July 26, 1882, and Messrs Howard and Riley record breeding this species from a lot of acorns from which B. uniform is Lee. was obtained. Dr Packard also pub- lished a note of Professor Riley's to the effect that this species breeds entirely on hickory nuts, while Mr Harrington states that in the neighbor- hood of Ottawa Can., it is never found on hickory but frequents the hazel almost entirely, being very numerous on these bushes in some years. Description. This species has been described by Dr Harris as follows: Its form is oval, its ground color dark brown; it is clothed with very short rust-yellow flattened hairs which more or less conceal its original color, and are disposed in spots on its wing covers. The snout is brown and pi)l- ished, longer than the whole body, as slender as a bristle, of equal thick- ness from one end to another, and slightly curved ; it bears the long elbowed antennae, which are as fine as a hair, just behind the middle. This beetle measures nearly 3/,^ of an inch in length, exclusive of the snout. [Sec pi. 17, fig. 19, 20] The larva or grub of this species has been desribed by Dr Riley as yellow, with reddish brown head and dark brown mandibles. Life history. Dr Harris records finding this species paired on hazelnut bushes in July, at which time the eggs are probably laid. He adds that others appear in .September and October, and must pass the winter con- cealed in some secure place. Mr Glover states that there are said to be two broods, the last one probably hibernating in the earth, and reports Mr Akhurst of Brooklyn as observing that these insects sometimes remain in the larval condition over one season. Mr W H. Patton states that the following species of Balaninus have been reared from acorns : B. INSECTS AFFECTIXC; PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 585 caryae Horn, B. u n i f o r in i s Lee, B. nasicus Say, B. rectus Say, and B. q u e r c u s Horn. Natural enemies. This species is apparently exempt from the attacks of natural enemies. Messrs Riley and Howard record the rearing of T r I c h a c i s r u f i p e s Ashm. MS., from cocoons infested with this insect, and H o 1 c o ce ra g-landu lella Riley from St Louis Mo., and states that this is probably from a Cecidomyiid inquiline. It thus appears that no imdoubted parasitic enemy has yet been obtained. Bibliography 1856 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 3(i Rep't, p. 142-43 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. sth Rep't, p. 216. 327, 641 Chestnut weevils Jia/aiiniiis prolwsa'dc2{s Fabr. ; Balanhiiis rectus Say. Wormy chestnuts are familiar to all lovers of this favorite nut, though the })arent insects are not so well known as their imwelcome grubs. Chestnuts are so seriously infested by this insect in some seasons that a large proportion of the crop is rendered worthless. It not infrequently happens that a lot of chestnuts stored in some box or vessel soon after gathering are found a few weeks later badl\- infested and sometimes nearly entirely destroyed by the white grubs or young of this weevil. The chestnut is a valuable native nut, and one which is apparently capable of considerable de\elopment. There are now many acres in this and other States almost unproductive which might produce large crops of this nut. It is stated that great quantities of .Spanish nuts are imported yearly though equally good, if not better ones, can be grown here. Several indi- viduals are now engaged in growing this nut for the market, and as an illustration of what has been done, the 20 acres of bearing paragon trees of Mr H. M. Engle, Marietta Pa., may be mentioned. Native trees were cut on a steep hillside and the sprouts grafted to this improved variet)-, and in about three years they began to bear. The trees were kept trimmed and the ground clear from underbrush, and it was stated in 1896 that the land 586 ^'E\V VORK STATE MUSEUM yielded more in value than an equal area of potatoes, and at much less expense. The grafting of an improved variety on native stock renders it easy in a few years to transform worthless trees to valuable fruit producers. The most serious drawbacks are stated to be underbrush, injury by insects and thieves. Injury by chestnut weevil. The amoiuit of damage this insect causes varies with the season and the locality. The following facts published by Dr Lintner give an idea of the damage caused by the insects : Mr R. C. Hewson, Penn Yan N. Y. estimates the annual loss of native nuts in that vicinity at from 5 to lo^o of the crop. This appears to be rather a conservative estimate, since in Massachusetts as high as 40^ of the chestnuts in certain seasons are injured by these weevils. Sometimes in New Jersey 50^ of the Japanese and Spanish varieties are ruined, and Dr Smith cites an instance in which the crop was almost entirely destroyed at the Parry Brothers nursery. The loss in Maryland ranges from 10 to 25^, in Delaware from 30 to 40/r, and in North Carolina from 10 to 50, possibly averaging about 20/0. From 5 to 2^^ of the few native nuts in Michigan are injured by the weevils. Species attacking chestnuts. There are at least two species which injure chestnuts in this country. The large chestnut weevil, 13 a 1 a n i n u s p r o b o s c i d e u s Fabr. may be distinguished from other American species of this genus, as stated by Dr Horn, by the first joint of the antennae being shorter than the second. It is a beautiful variegated insect with fuscous lines and spots interspersed among the dense ocherous scales on the thora.x and wing covers. Some examples of this species are entirely ocherous. The beak of the female is very long, and ranges from 1 1^ to twice the length of the body. The distribution of this species has been given by Dr Lintner as follows: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, Middle .States westward. Other localities are recorded by McCarthy for chestnut weevils, ,but the species are not indicated. The smaller chestnut weevil, B a 1 a n i n u s rectus Say, has a wider recorded distribution, as follows : Canada, Massachusetts, New York. New INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 587 Jersey, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Southern States and Arizona. Besides the above, chestnut weevils have been reported from Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, Michigan, and Missouri, but without having been referred to either species. Possibly each of the species may have a distribution over the United States coextensive with its chosen food. The smaller chestnut weevil, B a 1 a n i n u s rectus Say ranges from about ]'(, to I3 inch in length, the general color of the scales or hair is light brown above, pale yellow below, and on the thorax there is a dark brown discal stripe, which is limited at the sides, and divided longitudinally by a pale yellow line. The wing covers are variously marked with the same color. The beak of the female is very long, being equal to or even longer in proportion than in the larger species. The long beak and the long conical thora.x is said to distinguish B. rectus from the other members of the genus. The male is not so readily recognized. " It has a shorter thorax, but it is still narrowed anteriorly ; this, with small femoral tooth oval elytra rapidly narrowed from base, and a yellowish or brownish spot of condensed scales on each side of the central line of the metasterum (occasionally obsolete), will, with practice, distinguish it." Hainilton Life history. The life history of these two species agrees very closely so far as known. The weevils appear about the time the chestnuts bloom and oviposit in the young burrs. The long snout of the female is well adapted for piercing the kernel, and one or more eggs are then deposited therein. The slight injury to the husk and nut soon heals, and there is no exterior indication of the insect's presence. The holes observed in wormy chestnuts are made by the larvae when forsaking the nut. The females are said to live but a short time, a week or two at the most. All the larvae of this species enter the ground in the autumn, none winter in the nut, though this has been thought probable by some writers. Dr Hamilton states that the appearance of the smaller chestnut weevil in breeding cages was much more irregular than that of the larger, varying from June 28 to Oct. 1. On this latter date he found in the cage pupae in various stages, and many 588 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM larvae or grubs that would doubtless live through the winter. A delay till the second season appears to be quite common in this species, and is one of nature's safeguards against extermination should there be an entire failure of the crop in any one year, as happens occasionally. This smaller species is known to breed in chinquapin nuts and acorns, as well as chestnuts while the larger form has been obtained only from the latter. There is a|)pa- rently no record of the larger species remaining in the pupa stage till the second year, although it is probable that such occurs. Only one parasite, Urosigalphus armatus Ashm. has been l)red from this chestnut weevil. Remedial measures. There is no practical method of preventing oxi- position, unless it be by jarring which would probably prove too expensive in most case.s. The infested nuts should be destroyed each year before the insects forsake them and enter the ground. Wormy chestnuts may be easily recognized b\- pouring the nuts into a vessel of water, antl the lighter ones will rise to the surface after a little stirring. The sound ones should be dried, and it would be safer to thoroughly treat them with carbon bisulfid, using at least one pound for each 1000 cubic feet of space and exposing the nuts to the fumes for about 24 hours. Bibliography 1897 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 12th Rtp't, p. 267-72 FKEyHKNTKKS, 1!SIIALI.Y IN.JlIRIOlIfS. OF DECIDUOUS FOKEMT TREES Rmg-legged tree bug Jirockymcna annidata l-abr. This dark grayish black, rather thick tree bug about ^y inch h)ng, may be taken from midsummer to tlie end of the season and probably in early spring, on \arious trees. There are only three examples in our collection and these were cap- tured from miscellaneous trees ; one, in particular, probably occurring near or on pines. Description. This species has been frequently mentioned in literature, though in some instances it has probably been confused with B. 4-p u s- INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 589 t ulata Fabr. I\Ir E. P. ^'anDuzce of Buffalo, who kindly determined our specimens, states that this species may be recognized by the short, broad head, truncate at the apex, with the apical sinus nearly transverse. The surface is hneh" and coarsely punctured antl ornamented in places b\' groups of lar^^e, black punctures ; the sides of the pronotum befi^re the sinus are stron^h' arcuated and armed with close reg'ular teeth ; the second joint of the antennae is much shorter than the third, and tlie rostrum is longer, usualK' reaching the third ventral segment. He states that this is a comparativeh" rare species, ■which he has seen only from the eastern United States, his material showing a range from southern New York to Florida. Messrs Walsh and Rile\- record the insect from Hannibal Mo. in 1869, at which time it was considered beneficial. Its dis- trilnition has been given by Uhler as Colorado, Texas and a large part of the United States east of the Mississippi river. Mr C. H. T. Townsend lists it from Kansas, and Professor Osborn states that it is common in Iowa. Dr .Smith also lists this insect from a number of New Jersey locations and from .Staten Island. Habits. There are several records of this species occurring on apple- trees in considerable numbers, and Messrs Riley and Howard cite a case in Virginia, where this insect attacked a new growth of appletrees in the month of May. It is there known as the "large chinch bug," and many twigs and limbs were said to have been killed i)y the insect. These gentle- men add that the adults occur under bark in midwinter, and that the eggs and young larvae have been found on pea vines and willow. Professor Webster also records a case where this insect killed the shoots on some young appletrees in May 1894, at Owensville O. This was on the farm of Mr Lowell Rauderbush, who wrote Professor Webster that he had carefully watched the insect in the summer and found that it also CQO XEW YORK STATE MUSEUM attacked young plumtrees. Professor Webster observed this species in large numbers on larches near Cincinnati, and on various fruit trees in Ohio northward to Lake Erie, and he records in addition, taking the insect in Illinois and Indiana. Professor Pettit notes its occurrence in Michigan, though no record of injury is given. Bibliography 1894 Riley, C. V. & Howard, L. O. Insect Life, 7 : 47-48 1896 Webster, F. M. O. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 68, p. 26-27 Brochymena quadri-pustulata Fabr. This is a rather stout, dark gray plant bug about ^i inch long. It was taken by us on hard pine at Karner and on willow at Nassau, and occurs rather commonly from July to the end of the season and in March, April and May on various trees and shrubs in different sections of the state. We have specimens kindly determined by Mr E. P. VanDuzee of Buffalo from the following New York localities : Warwick, Nassau, East Greenbush, Karner, Ilion, Newport, Ithaca, North Hector, Pike, Batavia and Hamburg. Mr VanDuzee has seen this form in several collections under the name of B. an nu lata Fabr. The distinguishing characteristics as given by him are the '' long head, narrow and cleft at the apex, the rounded anterior margin of the humeri, and the pale, irregular teeth on the sides of the pronotum anteriorly." It is probable that some of the records given under B. annulata Fabr., refer to this insect. This is probably the species we have met with in abundance on appletrees, four or five being observed within a short distance of each other, and we have also taken it on plum- trees, though no instance has come to our knowledge of serious injury. This species is noticed but rarely in literature, though Uhler has recorded it from Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana, and Dr Smith lists it from several New Jersey localities, adding that it occurs late in the fall, early in the spring and occasionally in winter and that it is not injurious. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 591 Brochymena arborea Say This is a stout, grayish, rosy or red-marked tree bug about 5/g inch in length. It is remarkable for the serrate and angular projections of the pronotum and the large toothlike processes of the head. We have taken this species at both Nassau and Lansingburg N. Y., in the former locality on or near willows, and in the latter probably about growths of miscellaneous bushes. Mr Townsend gives its distribution as the Atlantic States, while Professor Osborn records it as common in Iowa. Dr Smith lists it from Staten Island and a number of New Jersey localities, stating that it is common about Caldwell. •^ ^'~ — Brochymenaar- enlarged (original) Buffalo tree hopper ^ Ceresa biibalus Fabr. A grass-green, triangular two-horned leaf hopper, about Jg inch loni:, maybe met with in tlie latter part of the summer on a number of trees and shrubs. This grotesque little insect is a very common species sometimes present in considerable numbers. It rarely inflicts much injury on forest trees and is important from an economic aspect largely on account of the dam- age done to )oung fruit trees. Description. The ^g'g' is about i/t6 inch long, slightly curved, tapering toward the outer end and more rounded at the other. It is a dirty whitish segment and ovipositor of female; h, j— terminal segment of male abdo (After Marlatt, U. S. Dep't Apric. Div. Ent. 1897, Cir. 23, 2d s.) cq2 NEW VOKK STATE MUSEUM color, without markings, and cylindric, except as its shape is modified by pressure of the wood and adjacent eggs. The young resemble the adults but are wingless and armed along the dorsal line with numerous forked or barbed projections. The adult is a green insect, about 3 8 inch in length, and may be easily recognized by the greatly enlarged thorax which bears on its anterior angles lateral ]jrojecting horns, as represented in figure 148. Life history. The life history of this insect has been given by Mr Marlatt substantially as follows : The adult insect de]josits her eggs in twigs of various trees, preferably those of two or three vears' growth, particularly the apple, willow, cot- tonwood, maple etc. and confines its operations in general to the upper surface of the twigs. It works more abundantly on the south sitle of the trees than on the north, though in this respect the prevailing winds and other con- ditions appear to have an infiuence. The eggs are deposited quite as readily in the new growth of olil trees as in young growth though the dam- age is much more noticeable in the latter. 1 hey are placed in small compound groups of from J'i^. 149 Twij; of apple showint;: rt^feniale _ at work; /.^rectni egg punctures; c— bark six to 12 eggs, each arranged in two nearly reversed with eggs in position, slightly ,. , , if' l- -1 enlarged; rf-singie row of ecgs still more parallel or slightly curvecl slits exteudiiig in the enlarged ; ^-=wtiunds of two or three ' _ , , , years' standing on older limbs. 'After JireCtion of thc twig aljOUt ^,6 lUCh, aild Sepa- Marlatt, U. S. Dep'l Aijric. Div. Ent. 1897 cir.j3, ^>is.i rated by ys inch or less of bark. The bark is cut b\- the ovi]K)sitor in such a way when depositing the eggs that the narrow portion intervening between the two incisions is U)ose. This has a very important bearing on the subse([uent condition of the wounds mailc by the insect in oviposition. The object is doubtless to cause a deadening of the wood between the two rows of eggs, and thus prevent their being crushed or choked b\- the subsecpient rapid growth of the twig, and it is due to this peculiarity that the injury later assumes such a serious nature. A single INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 593 incision made by the insect would heal over and cause little after-damage, but the combination of the two incisions and the killing of the intervening bark causes it to adhere to the wood and a large scar is produced, which with subsequent years' growth assumes an oval form, the dead bark of the center breaking out. Limbs which have been thickly worked by the insect become very scabby and rough, are easily broken off by the \vind, and are very liable to attack Ijy wood-boring insects. The adults appear about the middle of Jul\' ami become most numerous during August and September. They begin oxiposition about the middle of the former month, or even earlier, and continue till they are killed by the frost of early winter, some- times working as late as the end of October. The number of eggs deposited b\- a single female exceeds loo, and possibly 200. The eggs remain unchanged or dormant in the twigs till the following spring, hatching in 'Mixv or earl\- in June. Food plants. The \oung as well as the adults feed on all sorts of suc- culent \egetati(in, such as weeds and garden vegetables, and are apparently not particularly fond of the apple, much preferring the more succulent annual ])lants. Mr |. G. Jack states that he has found the adults feeding on the young tender shoots of the apple near the ground, though Dr Mar- latt states that after careful and repeated observations in an orchard, so badl\' infested as to be nearly ruined, he failed to find any indication of the insects feeding on the apple, and he concludes that the infestation that Mr Jack obser\ed must relate to the suckers springing from the base of the tree. Distribution. This insect has evidently a very general distribution in the Ignited States, since it has been recorded from Canada, southward to Missouri, at least, and westward to the Rocky mountains. Bibliography 1897 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Knt. Cir. 23, 2d .s. 594 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Two-marked tree hopper O Enchcnopa binotata Say A peculiar, brownish, black tree hopper with an enormous hornlike projection over its liead, occurs in the fall on a number of plants. This little insect is very peculiar on account of the enormously developed prothorax, which makes it appear as thoutjh it were the bearer of a large horn. It is very probable that this structure is of advantage, since the resting insect bears a very close resemblance to a thorn and on this account is no doubt overlooked by natural enemies. This tree hopper is specially fond of bittersweet, which it occasionally injures seriously. It occurs on this plant during July and August in company with its )oung, a group somewhat resembling a flock of old and young partridges in minia- ture. The ii.'g'g covering of this insect is as unique as the parent. It is a snow-white, frothy mass about s/.^ inch long by y% inch broad, and an examination with a lens shows that it is composed of a double row of numerous small, stringy, transverse masses laid side by side, those of each row meeting end to end along a somewhat irregular median ridge. See plate 17, figure 15, for an illustration of the adult and plate 4q, figure 4, for a representation of the peculiar ^'g'g coverings. Description. The full grown insect has been described by Dr Harris as nearly ^lo inch long, including the horn of the thorax; of a dusky brown color, and with two yellow spots on the ridge of the back. When seen sideways it presents a profile much like that of a bird, the head and neck of which are represented by the curved projecting horn of the thorax. The young of this little tree hopper, of various sizes, clustered together on a stem of the waxwork, may be likened to a flock of old and young partridges. They appear to pass through all their transformations on the plant, are fond of society, and sit close together with their heads all in the same direction. The eggs, as stated by Dr Lintner, are arranged in much the same way as those of the cicada, inserted through a single hole, in two parallel series separated by a small interval. There are in each row from six to 12 eggs, which partly overlap one another. They are elongated. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 595 aJmost cylindric, of a delicate green color, pointed at tht- more deeply buried end, and rounded and of a yellowish tint at the opposite extremity. Life history. The life history of this insect is incompletely known. The young were found by Dr Riley on the loth of May at which time after passing their first and third molts, on May i8 and June 5, they trans- formed to perfect insects June 12. The young are described as being without the hornlike projection of the thorax, and they appear to lack the ability to hop which the adults possess, and from which they derive the common name of treehoppers. The time of oviposition is not known, but it is probably not prior to the middle of August in New York State, for on the 8th of that month Dr Lintner observed the mature insects abundantly on locust, when none of the egg coverings were observed. A corre- spondent of Dr Lintner's records finding the egg covering in the early part of September. We have found them in October and the insect undoubt- edly winters in the egg. Food plants. This species occurs on a number ot plants during the latter part of the summer. It may be found on grape, red hoptree and trefoil, the latter its favorite home. It has been recorded as occurring on the leaves of the butternut and locust, and has been observed on wisteria. Distribution. This insect has an extensive range, having been recorded by various writers from Canada, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri and Texas. Bibliography 1882 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N, Y. ist Rep't, p. 281-88 O Thelia acuminata Fabr. This, one of the most grotesquely shaped of our tree hoppers, is characterized by the enormous development of the prothoracic horn, which extends nearly vertically with a uniform diameter to a rounded tip 5^ inch above the large prothorax. The insect is about '^^ inch length, yellowish, densely mottled with brown or dark brown, specially T h e 1 1 I , c u m enlarged (oris;inal> J96 NEW VOKK STATE MUSEUM on the prothoracic horn | pi. 17, fig. 17]. A single specimen was taken on scrub oak at Karner July 24, 1901, and Mr E. P. Van Duzee, who kindl\- identified the species, states that it is a rather rare form, beiny^ met with only occasionally in his own collecting, and seldoni represented in lots sent for identification. It has been recorded by various writers from Pennsyl- vania, Arkansas, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan and New York. Thelia godingi \'an \)u/.. This is one of our more grotesquel\' shapeel leaf hoppers. It may be recognized b)' the enormoush' developed prothorax which forms a stout, nearly vertical, rounded horn- The median line on the posterior portion of the horn and on the top of the immensely developed prothorax is marked by a lenticular whitish line. The remainder of the prothorax is )ellowish l^rown marked with darker lirown, specially near the e.\tremit\' ot the horn, where it is nearh- black. The head is yellowish and the eyes are black. This pretty leaf hopper was taken in small numljers on scrul) oak at Karner, July 27, 1901. '■^ Telamona monticola babr. This grotesque little leaf hopper measures about .vg inch in length and may be distinguished b\- its yellowish brown color and the broadly rounded elevation of the immensely developed i^rothorax. It is a very common species on the Virginia cree])er or ampelopsis, and was taken by the writiT in small numbers on scrub oak at Karner in July igoi. Dr bitch in his catalogue of the Homoptera of the .State of New York, published in 185 i, described this forin as T. (j u e r c i and states that it occurs on scrub oak. This insect has l)een recorded from Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina and Illinois by various entomologists and presumably has a general distribution in the Eastern States at least. INSECTS Al-FECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAXD TREES 597 ■^Archasia galeata Fabr. All apple-Ljreen, somewhat triangular tree liojiper with an enormously developed jirothorax, occurs on scrub-oaks and other trees from midsummer to early fall. This species has the prothorax remarkably developed into an arched shield co\erin^" most of the body [pi. 17. h<^. 16 1. It is triano'ular in out- line, whether viewetl from the front or above, and the membraneous wings extending from under the pronotum, are greenish, brownish or yellowish ])r()\vn in color. This species is about 3g inch in length, and was met with in small niuubers on scrub-oaks at Karner in iqoi, specimens being taken the latter part of Jime, during Jidy and toward the latter part of September. This species is occasional!)' very abundant and infests hickories as well as oak. ^ Cyrtolobus fenestratus bitch This is a ])rettily marked tree hopper measuring only about ?/,6 inch in length. It is triangular in form when viewed from almost any aspect, and has somewhat the shape of a very small beechnut. I he prothoracic shield is irregularly banded with light, brownish )ellow, light brown, dark brown and white, (^^ and the banded effect is greatly increased b\- the brown i/ wing tips. The e\-es vary in color from a yellowish Ug . white to dark brown. Three specimens of this insect > ri^;, were taken on send) oak at Karner June 26, 1901. It has been recorded from as far west as Colorado, as ranging north into Canatia and as occur- ring in several southeastern states. It is doubtless a wideh' distributed form. C^ Jassus olitorius Say was taken on send) oak at Karner Aug. 20, 1902. '^ Pediopsis basilis \'. I), was abundant at Karner |une 2, 1903, on poplars. ^^' Idiocerus suturalis Fitch was taken at Karner the latter part of June 1903 in considerable numbers on poplar. 59^ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM v/, y 1% Agallia quadripunctata Prov. was abundant at Poughkeepsie May 21, 1903, on honey locust. f) Clastoptera proteus Fitch. Larvae and adults of this species were abundant on Cornus at Kenwood N. Y. July i i. Lightning leaf hopper Ornicn/s pritinosa Say This active little leaf hopper is a trifle over 14 i'lch in length and may be recognized by its whitish covering over the dark purplish or brownish wings. The young insects are a delicate green and bear long floc- culent masses of woolly matter. Both young and adults are very active and occasionally occur in immense numbers. A single example was taken on scrub oak at Karner July 19, 1901. It has been met with by the writer in large numbers about ornamental bushes in a door- yard, and Mr Young found it present in enor. mous numbers on a catalpa tree, which did not seem to be injured in the slightest. Hawthorn tingis Corytluica arcuata Say .\ small net-veined insect, about Js inch in length, may be found on the underside of Crataegus or thorn and oak leaves during the summer. This species or one of its varieties is quite common in New York State on oak leaves and an a.ssemblage of its peculiar egg masses is an interesting sight. It is occasionally al:>undant enough so that toward the end of the simimer foliage of oaks and other plants infe.sted become somewhat dry and withered. Description. The insect in its various stages has been described by Professor Comstock as follows : The eggs of this insect, which, I think, have not been described, are smooth, whitish, glistening, semitransparent and ovoid in shape. " Their cnl.irged (orit-inall INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 599 Fig. 154 Corythu arcuata, eggs a young CAfter Co average length is .01 inch. They are deposited on their broad end, and seem to be somewhat inserted into the substance of the leaf; they are cov- ered completely by a brown, sticky substance, which hardens soon after oviposition. It adheres so firmly to the egg, specially to the upper portion, that it is impossible to remove it without crushing the egg. At its upper end this cover- ing of the egg is squarely truncate, giving the whole mass the appearance of a frustum of a cone with a porous lid. From the funnel-shaped summit the young insect makes its exit, and the round hole at this point renders the empty eggs readily distinguishable from those still unhatched' The eggs are usually laid, in groups of from 10 to 30, along both sides of some prominent leaf vein. They bear a much greater resemblance to certain forms of fung'i, notably the genus Phoma, and to certain young homopterous galls, than they do to eggs of any sort. The immature insect is of the same dirty brown color as stance covering the egg, and but little darker than the withering leaf. It is of a broad, flat, oval shape, and spines seem to project from almost every portion of its body. It looks under the microscope more like a lobe of a prickly cactus than anything else we can think of. The cast-off skins stick to the leaf, and give it the appearance of being much more seriously infested than it really is. The general appearance of a mature individual is well shown in figure 155. It is about y^ inch long. Professor Comstock states that the species ordinarily hibernates in the adult condition, and may be found during the winter under the loose bark of a tree or under sticks or stones on the ^^-round. Bibliography 1880 Comstock, J. H. V. S. Dep't Agric. Rep't 1879, P- 221-22 Ciliated tingis CorytJtHca ciliata Saj' Very delicate reticulate winged insects, about >8 inch in length, mav be found on the foliage of buttonwood. This species was brought to the attention of Dr Lintner about 1888, and was noticed briefly in his report. It was received by him from Prof. 6oO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM D. S. Martin who took this species in its young and adult condition on the leaves of buttonwood or sycamore. The adult has been ilescribed b) Say as follows : Whitish, reticulate with nervures on which are short spines ; widely margined ; color whitish ; thorax with an inflated carina before, extending over the head ; sides dilated, bullate, a little elevated, lateral and anterior margins ciliate with short spines ; scutel with the lateral margin elevatetl and an acute, highly elevated carina on the middle ; hemelytra dilated, with an inflated carina before the middle of each, on which is a brown spot ; edge ciliate with short spines, excepting the posterior third and tip, which are unarmed, rectilinear; beneath piceous-black ; feet pale yellowish. Length to tip of hemelytra, 3 20 of an inch. The larva is spinous, fuscous, with a large yellowish spot each side of the middle, and before the middle a broad yellowish vitta. The species is very, pQnUTion. Bibliography 1888 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep't, p. 107-9 Woolly maple leaf aphid PcmpJiigHS accrifolii Riley Blackish or purplish, winged, woolly plant li< e "c ( ur in large numbers on the under- side of curled, soft maple leaves. This species is rarely abundant enough to excite attention, though occasionally it is quite injurious, specially in the .Southern States. Professor Johnson has recorded instances of serious injuries to soft maples for several years in succession, and in June 1905, this species was excessively al)undant on soft maples at several points in the Hudson valley. It may be easil)- recognized by the large amount of woolly matter, it being sometimes nearly as long as the insect. This form may be separated from the closely allied Pemphigus aceris Monell., which lives on the underside of hard maple limbs, by the antennae reaching only to the wing insertion, whereas in this last named the fourth joint extends to the base of the wings. This species is sometimes excessively abundant on the luiderside of soft maple foliage in June and the leaves may be badly curled as a result. The insects usually desert the trees early in Jid\' and as a rule remedial measures are unnecessary. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 6o I • Birch aphid Calliptcrus hetulaecolens Mon. A delicate yellowish plant louse is sometimes exceedingly abundant in niidsumnier on the underside of birch foliage. 1 his little species is sometimes very injurious to birches in the vicinity of Albany, particularly the ornamental cut-leaved variet)-, and it is occa- sionally quite destructive in other portions of the State, complaints of its depredations having- been received from Herkimer county and also in the vicinity of Buffalo. There is no method of keeping it in check aside from spraying with contact insecticides such as a whale oil soap solution or kerosene emulsion and ordinarily that is impractical, '^he pest, when abundant, is fed on to a considerable extent by adults and larvae of the two-spotted lady beetle, Adalia bi punctata Linn. Woolly beech leaf aphis Phyllapliis fagi Linn. Cottony masses occurring on the underside of purple beech leaves usually shelter groujjs of this plant louse. This species is a common one on purple beech in parks, and sometimes becomes so abundant as to cover a large proportion of the under surface of the leaves and at such times it may cause considerable injury to the tree. Description and habits. This aphid is shown clustered on the under- side of leaves and along the mid ribs and smaller veins on plate i i, figures lo, II. The adult females may be recognized by the con.spicuous cottony tufts largely concealing the body. The young are pale greenish yellow and may frequently be seen nestling among the hairs so abundant along the leaf veins. The cast skins or exuviae are snow-white, sometimes abundant and may then give a whitish appearance to the underside of the foliage. The partly grown plant louse has the habit of resting with its head close to a vein, from which it is apparently drawing nourishment. The extremity of the young is usually ornamented by a few scattering bluish, white fibers. 5o2 NEW VOKK STATE MUSEUM 'Ihe latter become more abundant as the insect develops and eventually nearly conceal it. Remedial measures. The flocculent woolly secretion serves to protect this species in a large measure, from applications of such contact insecti- cides as kerosene emulsion or whale oil soap solution, and in order to ol^tain satisfactory results the spraying must be done very thoroughly and preferably with considerable force. White flower cricket OecantliJis nivciis DeGeer This delicate, pale greenish or white insect is one of our common species from the middle of August till the hitter part of September, when it occurs on various plants, shrubs and trees. • This flower cricket is about Y^, inch in length and may be recognized by its pale color and the usually two nearly circular, black s|>ots on the basal two segments of the antennae. This species, as well as its allies, is more or less nocturnal in habit, and though found on various plants during the daytime, it is usually comparatively motionless, becommg more active on the approach of night. It is at this time, according to Miss Murt- feldt, that its predaceous habits may be observed. She states that as the twilight deepens, the young crickets awaken to greater activity, and that with the aid of a light they may be seen " hurry- of basal an- mg, With a furtive, dartmg movement over the leaves and stems, mems, (Af- the head bent down, the antennae stretched forward, and. ever)- t**r Beuten- . '*/\i i • •! i '11 mui.er. Am. scHse apparently on the alert. A plant louse is seized and rapidly Mus. Nat. l-l 1 Hist. Hul. devoured. She observed that unless a very liberal number oi aphids were supplied, none would be found in the jar the ne.\t morning. It is interesting in this connection to refer to the observation of an Indiana nurseryman, who is reported by Professor Webster, substantially as follows : This gentleman experienced much trouble from plant lice till after he planted raspberries in his young orchard, after which his troubles underside INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 6o^ from these pests ceased to a considerable extent, though the raspberry plants were frequently seriously injured from oviposition by tree crickets. Professor Piper states that these crickets, after attaining full growth, feed to some extent on the tender shoots of various shrubs and sometimes do a little damage in this manner. The principal injury, however, is caused l)y the deposition of the eggs in the smaller limbs of various bushes and trees, where they remain over winter and hatch in June. This injur\ is particularly marked in the case of raspberry and similar soft-stemmed ]ilants. These insects also deposit their eggs as stated b)' various writers, in peach, apple, grape, cherry, oak, elm, hazel, sumac and willow, and the observations of Dr Hopkins, now of the United States Bureau of Ento- mology, convince him that considerable injury ma\' follow this act. The wounds made by the tree crickets afford ready entrance for fungous diseases or an opportunity for such plant lice as the woolly aphis to attack the tree and serious deformities may result. Tree crickets, as well as some other insects, suffer to some extent from egg parasites. Two species, C a c u s oecanthi Riley M.S. and Baryconus oecanthi Riley MS., have been reared from eggs of this species, and the former also from those of (). latipennis. Generally speaking, these tree crickets are beneficial, and as a rule they should not be destroyed, though occasionally some injury niay be caused. Bibliography 1899 Murtfeldt, Mary E. Insect Life, 2 : 130-32 KREQITKNTKKS, IT.SIIAI.I,Y BENEFlCI.iL, OF DECIDUOUS FOREST TREES Cicada killer Sp/uriiis spca'osiis Drury This handsome black, yellow-marked Avasp, with rust-brown wings, about an inch in length, is a southern form and ordinarily occurs from Poughkeepsie southward, being more abundant in New Jersey and places having a similar climate, than farther north. This fierce, striking wasp was rather common at Karner, only a few miles west of Albany, in the summer of 1901, at which time it was observed about scrub oaks, evidently 0O4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM attracted to the exudation from the starting buds, though in no instance was it detected trying to capture insects. This species received its common name because of its habit of preying on the cicada, which is stung into insensi- bility, then dragged to the foot of the burrow, an egg deposited and the exca- vation filled. In due time the grub appears, feeds on its prey and develops Fig. 157 Cicada kiii<.r (author s illustration) intoa vvasp. This luscct lias becu so abundant at Poughkeepsie as to occasion complaints because its numer- ous large burrows rendered lawns unsightly. Fifteen-spotted lady beetle Aiia/is oicllata Linn. This large rather common species was met with on hard pine at Karner in 1901, where it probably preyed on plant lice and other small forms infesting the trees. This species was observed on *^ several occasions about other trees infested by ])lant lice, particularly pines where Chermes ,-. , p., j , ^ .. , ,. v ■ I'ig. 158 Fifteen-spotted lady beetle, light and dark form, enlarged foriKinal) pinicorticis Fitch was abundant and also in the vicinity of Nprway maples infested by Chaitophorus aceris Linn. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 005 \^ Neomysia pullata Sa\' This, one of our iiKjdiuni sized to larj^e lady beetles, was taken in small numbers on hard pine at Karner in 1901. ()ne specimen was captiu'ed |une 4 and another Jul\- 8. The species may be recognized by its heail being- nearly black, or with very few light markings on it and more specially by the nearly uni- form yellowish red or yellowish brown wing covers. Hyperaspis binotata Say A minute, black, red-spotted lady beetle less than ig inch in length, was met with on scrub oak at Karner, May 14, 1902. It was bred in some numbers October 3, 1902 from a branch of scrub oak badly infested with a species of Lecanium found at North Chatham N. V. July 6. It probably preys on such soft-bodied insects as it can overcome as well as on scale insects. The species appears to be rare in this State. It has been recorded by Casey from New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin, and I)r .Smith lists it from New Jerse)', where it occurs on pine trees in spring and on willows in summer. It probably appears in Dr Hamilton's list of southwestern Pennsylvania, Dury's list of Cincinnati species, and in Ulke s list of forms occurring in the District of Columbia, under the name of H. signal a Oliv. Limonius quercinus Say. This beetle was beaten in June from scrub oak at Karner. Hydnocera verticalis Say A slender, yellow-headed, blackish and \ello\vish beetle occurs in early spring on low shrubs and trees. This species was reared from a larva found in an oak gall at Normanskill near Albany, May 10, 1902. 6o6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Description. Length about Vg inch ; head yellowish ; eyes black ; thorax longer than wide, cylindric, black ; wing covers shorter than the abdomen, not meeting at the suture and narrowed to the rounded tip ; densely punctured and with a large yellowish spot extending from the base nearly to the middle ; legs yellowish. Habits. This predaceous insect is undoubtedly beneficial and has a wide distribution in the northeastern United States, having been recorded from the vicinity of Buffalo N. Y., southwestern Pennsylvania, various localities in New Jersey and from the District of Columbia. Hydnocera subaenea Spin. This species was beaten in June from both pine and scrub oak at Karner. Paratenetus punctatus Sol. A small, brownish black beetle about li inch long, occurs among dead leaves and also in nests of tent caterpillars. This small beetle is rather stout, with a dark brown coarsely punctured head and thorax, coarsely granulated eyes, the thorax with its lateral mar- gins irregularly serrate. The wing covers have rather large, almost confluent punctures and are ornamented with a some- what coarse pubescence. This species was met with in early June 1902 at Kenwood N. Y., where it was present in consider- able numbers in nests of the appletree tent caterpillar, M a 1 a- netus punc- CO som a ame r 1 cana rabr. It presumably was teedmg on (o^riginair'"'*^^'' the frass and cast skins in the nests, particularly as it has been recorded by Dr Hamilton, as abundant on dead leaves on bushes. Dr Horn records it from the Middle and Eastern States. It has been listed by Ulke, from the District of Columbia, who also states that it is very common on dried leaves. Dury records it from Ohio, .Smith from several New Jersey localities and Staten Island, and it has been listed by Zesch and Reinecke, from the vicinity of Buffalo. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 607 Soldier bugs : Podisus and Euschistus Pod is US placid lis Uhl. This species ranges in length from .? j^ to nearly '^ inch and was present in small numbers on hard pine at Karner in 1901, three specimens being taken June 13 and two July 9. It has the angles of the prothorax slightly developed, is yellowish in color, thickly mottled with reddish or reddish brown and with the anterior and posterior anMes '''^- '^' Podisus ' '^ placid us, enlarged of the abdominal segments marked with small black spots. ^original) Mr Kirkland states that in the nearly full grown young the head, thorax and wing pads are an intense pitch black, the abdomen dark red, margined with a series of black spots, one on each segment, and with four black spots in a longitudinal row on the dorsum. This insect is an exceedingly valuable check on several injurious species. The writer in May 1902 found five of these bugs within one tent of the common appletree tent caterpillar ( M a 1 a c o s o m a a m e r i c a n a Fabn), and six or seven were observed on the outside of another. Several bugs were seen with their beaks inserted in caterpillars, and in two or three instances a caterpillar hung from the beak of its voracious enemy. Another was observed in association with sawfly larvae ( Lophyrus) on hard pine and was probably preying on them, since it did not hesitate to do so in confinement. Young of this plant bug were also taken at Karner in July 1902 feeding on the eggs of the senatorial oak caterpillar, Anisota senatoria Abb. & .Sm. In addition to the above, Mr Kirkland states that this species has been recorded as destroying currant worms, Pteronus ribesii Scop., spiny elm caterpillars, Euvanessa antiopa Linn., fall webworms, Hyphantria text or Ham, cater- pillars of the white marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa 1 e u c o- stigma Abb. & Sm., H. definita Pack., and gipsy moth caterpillars, Porthetria dispar Linn. He also states that over-wintering adults appear in early spring, and after feeding about a fortnight on caterpillars occurring at this time, 6o8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM deposit their ei^^j^s on the underside of leeives or on twists, 50 to 60 bein^^ laid by a single female. The)' hatch in about 10 days and the red and l>lack younu- feed on the leaves for about a week and then begin to prey on insects, becoming full grown during July. He states that there are undoubtedly two annual l)roods in Massachusetts, the young of the second maturing in September, and that possibly three generations may appear in favorable seasons. This species has been recorded from Colorado by Messrs Gillette and Baker, from southern Michigan b\- Professor Townsend, from Iowa by Professor Osborn, from Canada by Mr Saunders, and Dr .Smith states that it is common in New Jersey. The latter is true of both Massachusetts and New \'ork. Spined soldier bug I'odisiis iiiaculii'ditris Say This insect is )ellowish, with its upper surface so thickh' spotted with reddish or dark brown as to give it a general dull brown color. It is about ]'i inch in length and is remarkable for the prolonged acute projections of the pronotum. Ihis species is well known in economic literature under the abox'e common name, while its scientific name has almost universally been given as P. spinosus "* Dallas. It is the form fretjuently met with on various plants and is an enemy of the elm leaf beetle. Imma- ture specimens and eggs of this insect were taken at li. Karner, .Sej). 30, 1902 by Mr "\'oung who obser\-ed the vinins, en .T.uf. ..r,.;,n.. fomieT prey 1 ug o u Zebra caterp i 1 Uirs, Mamestra picta Harris, and he succeeded in bringing the insects to maturit)' on these caterpillars. This bug is a \ cry general feeder, having been recorded by various authors as preying on such diverse forms as walking sticks, D i a- p h e r o m e r a f e m o r a t a Say, asparagus beetles, Crioceris asparagi Linn., Colorado jjotato beetles, Doryphora decemlineata -Say, INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 609 cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae Linn., fall webworm, Hyphantria t e X t o r Ham, white marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucos- t i o- m a Abb. & Sm., a climbing cutworm, Carneades scan dens Riley, cotton worm, Alabama argillacea Hbn., a webworm, Archips fervidana Clem., codling moth, C a r p o c a p s a p o m o n e 1 1 a Linn., Gymonychus ap p e n d i c u 1 a t u s Hartig, the morning glory leaf cutter, Loxostege oblite rails Walk., and a sawfly, Selandria bard a Say. It is subject to attack by egg parasites, two species, T e 1 e- n o m u s p o d i s i Ashm. and Trissolcus podisi Ashm., having been reared from its eggs, which have been described by Dr Riley as " bronze- colored caldron-shaped objects, with a convex lid, around which radiate 15 or 16 white spines." They are placed side by side in small clusters on leaves or other objects. The young bugs, according to Riley, are ovoid,' shiny black, with some bright crimson about the abdomen, and when fuh grown four yellow spots appear on the thorax and the abdomen is more yellowish. This author also states that the diet of the young is principally vegetarian, though a young bug has been observed to destroy a grub of the Colorado potato beetle four or five times its own size. This species has been taken by ]Mr Bueno, in June, July, September and October, in various localities about New York city, and has been recorded by Dr Smith, from Staten Island. Its distribution has been given by Kirkland, in addition to the above localities, as follows : Canada, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vij-ginia, Wisconsin, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri Colorado, Indian Territory, Texas and California. He states that it is said to occur generally throughout the south and west, and that it is rare in Massachusetts. Professor Osborn records this species from Williams Ariz. Bibliography 1898 Kirkland, A. H. Mass. State Bd Agric. Rep't, p. 131-35 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Podisus modestus Dallas This predaceous plant bug measures about 3/^ inch in length, is a yellowish color, thickly mottled with red- dish brown, the wing covers being bordered anteriorly by the same color and the tips of the prothoracic angles margined by the same. A single specimen was taken li at Karner on hard pine Sep. 6, 1901. This species has been recorded by Mr Uhler from Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, Canada and the eastern United States as far south as Georgia. Dr J. B. Smith states that it is not rare in New Jersey. Fig. 163 Podisus mode enlarged (original) Euschistus fissilis Uhler This rather large, yellowish green, brown-mottled species measures about 5 8 inch long, and was taken by us in May and June, on hard pine and scrub oak at Karner. It must be somewhat common at times, since four were taken in one day, and it probably preys, like its relatives, somewhat indiscriminately on caterpillars and other soft-bodied insects occurring on these trees. This species is probably common in New York State, as it has been listed from Staten Island by Smith, and been taken by Mr Bueno, from various localities in the vicinity of New York, during May, June, July and August. It has also been recorded by Uhler, from Colorado, Nebraska, Illinois and parts of the Atlantic States. Professor bsborn states that it is common in Iowa, and lists it from Tacoma, Wash. Messrs Gillette and Baker record it from several Colorado localities, where it evidently occurs throughout the season, having been taken at Fort Collins from April 23 to Oct. 24, and Dr Smith lists it from several places in New Jersey. Prof. F. M. Webster observed this species extracting the milk from immature kernels of wheat in Indiana, and adds that it must inflict considerable damage to both fall and spring grain. INSECTS AFFECTIXC PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 6ll Euschistus variolarius Beauv. This is a rather stout, reddish or yellowish gray plant bug about i^ inch long, with the humeral angles somewhat prominent. It was found by us fjuite common on white pines at Round Lake N. Y., Sep. 22, 1902, at which time it appeared to be deeply interested in the web nests of an undetermined tortricid on the larvae of which it probably feeds to a consid- erable extent. We have taken this insect at Karner during the months of May, early June, September and October, and Mr Bueno records its occur- rence about New York city during June, July, August and September. It has been listed from Staten Island by Dr Smith. It is -^ ^,^_ very probable that this species, like some of its congen- | \m>f (f ers, feeds in its early stages on plants to some extent \>^^mK<£^ and becomes predaceous and therefore beneficial after ^^^wg^^ attaining some size. It is interesting in this connection § r \*"KW\\ to note that Mr F. F. Crevecouer of Onaga Kan., states / , 'Aji"^ fl V that the fluid exuded by this species caused a very pain- ij ^m^^ '■, ful sensation on a sore spot on his finoer, beine almost rf ^^Wy like that of a burn. The active character of this tluid / \ has been observed by others, and Mr Young states that '^ll*ns."^,L^cdl^r^sn'^i°' in the case of the common Cosmopepla earn if ex Fabr., its exuda- tion burns the tender portion of the lip much as described above. This species, according to L'hler, occurs in Colorado, Texas and gen- erally throughout the eastern United States. It has been recorded by Osborn from Albuquerque X. M., ami Colorado, by Townsend from southern Michigan, by Gillette and Baker as present in a number of locali- ties in Colorado and from the vicinit)- of Woods Holl Mass. by T. H. Montgomery jr. 1 his species evidently occurs on various plants, which are injured to some extent. It has been recorded about raspberry bushes (the fruit of which it injures seriously") in gardens b\- Townsend, and on melon stalks from July to September. Professor Webster reports it as puncturing the 6l2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM skin of ripening tomatoes, numbers being- clustered on the fruit and juice oozing from the wounds, and states that the bugs also attack peaches in a similar manner. Professor Garman has observed serious injury following the presence of this insect on young tobacco plants, causing the sudden wilting of the leaves, and Mr Crevecoeur, mentioned above states, that it often feeds on strawberries. Bibliography 1897 Garman, Harrison. Ky. Agnc. Exp. Sta. Bui. 66, p. 83-84 Euschistus tristigmus .Say This dark brownish plant bug is about 33 inch in length and was met with by the writer in small numbers on hard pine at Karner, one specimen being taken -Sep. 18, 1901. This species has been described by Uhler as from Texas, Indian Territory, Kansas, Missouri, and as ranging from Florida to New York. He states that the form with blunt, lateral angles has been taken at Washington, Kansas, Canada, Penn- sylvania, Maryland, Iowa and New York, and adds that it sometimes occurs in large numbers during late sum- mer on bushes in damp situations. The species has been listed by Mr Townsend from southern Michigan and Dr '"'"'> Smith records it from a number of New Jersey localities, where it is stated to be locally common. Euschistus politus Uhler This is one of the smaller members of this genus, being only about 3/g inch in length. It is yellowish and so thickly spotted with dark brown as to give it a yellowish brown appearance. The posterior portion of the wing covers are nearly black. Its head is short and the pronotal angles less developed than in other species. A single specimen was taken by us at Karner, Sep. 30, 1902. It probably occurs on hard pines to some extent. Mr Kirkland states that this rare insect has occasionally been taken under • circumstances which gave the impression that it is predatory in habit. The Fig. i6s E u s INSECTS AFFECTIiXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 613 eggs have been described by him as pearly white, i mm long and .8 mm wide, nearly cylindric in form, with both extremities flattened. The cap is surrounded by a row of black, elongated, club-shaped spines, and the surface of the egg is covered with small blunt spines between which are numerous smaller ones. He has found the insect preying on gipsy moth caterpillars, though he is inclined to believe that it more frequently feeds on plants than insects. Bibliography 1897 Kirkland, A. H. Mass. State Bd Agric. Rep't, p. 58-59 Alydus eurinus Say This black species, with red-banded abdomen is about }< inch in length, and on account of its slender form and peculiar movements, resembles an ant to some extent. It was observed in small numbers on scrub oak at Karner, one specimen being taken June 21, 1901 and another in early July 1902. This insect has a wide distribution, having been recorded from as far west as Colorado, south to Texas, as occurring '''*^' 'eniar'^^dfriginri)'"" in the Eastern States and ranging north into Canada. AchoUa multispinosa DeG. This predaceous, spiny hemipteron is one of our rather common though rarely abundant forms. It is about ^4 inch long, slender in shape, and varies in color from light to dark brown, and it may be recognized by the prominent spines on the top of the head. The young are similar in appearance to the adults, though usually with the abdominal segments colored more or less deeply with red. Adults of this species were taken in 1901 on hard pine at Karner Aug. 9 and 21, and Sep. 6. Immature specimens of what probably belong to this species were also taken earlier Fig. 167 AchoUa m u 1 1 i- s p i 11 o sa, enlarged (original) 6i4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM in the season, three less than half grown being captured July 8, nine about half grown July 19 and two nearly full grown July 27. This species is pre- daceous and is therefore beneficial. It has a wide distribution, having been recorded from as far west as Nebraska and from a number of the Eastern and Middle States. Camptobrochis grandis Uhl. This species was somewhat common on hard pine at Karner during June and July 1901, though on account of its timidity and rapid movements comparatively few specimens were taken. The adult insect is about y^ inch long, oval in outline and inconspicuously marked with brown and yellowish brown. This species has been recorded by Dr Howard as sucking the eggs of the imported elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull., and it is very probably a predaceous form living on some of the weaker insects infesting the plants on which it occurs. Mr E. P. VanDuzee lists this species from the Muskoka lake district and states that it is apparently nocturnal in habit, since several were captured while flying around a LrgUt " J. ""Z scales candle at cartip. .Some of these individuals, he states, are much enlarged (orig- , , i i • 1 ^ T inai) extremely dark, even approachuig an almost uniform piceous black. It has been listed from Iowa by Professor Osborn, from Colorado by Messrs Gillette' and Baker, and probably has an extended distribution in America. Anthrenus castaneae Melsh. An ovnl, black, golden specked beetle about ^fy, inch in length, occurs on blossoms of alder and cornus. This species was taken at Poughkeepsie on cornus blossoms June 3, 1903, and has also been met with on alder blossoms at Newport by Mr Young. The insect is remarkable because of the triangular shaped, crinkled scales covering its body, by which it may easily be distinguished from A. m u s e o r u m Linn., with which it has probably been confused. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 615 PLANT GAI-LS AND GAII, MAKEUS The abnormal growths frequently found on plants and known as insect galls, excite considerable interest and have led to much speculation as to their origin and manner of development. The species producing these peculiar structures do not compose a natural group, but are found in six orders and two classes of the animal kingdom. Certain of the insects present most remarkable features in their life histories and all have attained the position sought by many of a higher race, in that they secure both food and shelter with little or no labor. Development of galls. Galls produced by insects or by the somewhat closely allied mites, may be found on practically every portion of the plant. The roots are affected by a number of species of plant lice and mites ; trunks or stems are attacked by certain 4-winged gall flies, beetles or Cole- optera, 2-winged gall flies and plant lice, while branches, foliage and iruit or seeds are infested by various species producing most remarkable and diverse growths. These abnormal structures may vary from the compara- tively simple galls of certain plant -lice, which consist of little more than a folded leaf to the nearly solid, hard cynipid galls on stems. The many celled bud galls may be contrasted with the beautiful fuzzy swellings adorn- ing the stems or leaves of oaks and various plants. These structures, as previously stated, are caused by several insects belonging to widely sepa- rated groups, and it is probable that no general law can account for their production. Certain galls like those of the Tenthredinidae or sawflies, are probably produced by the irritation incident to oviposition or the presence of the egg, since, according to several observers, the gall develops before the young hatches from the egg. The larvae of the 4-winged gall flies or Cynipidae, are probably responsible in most cases for the development of the abnormal growths caused by this family, as their activity results in abnormal stimulation followed by excessive cell formation and the develop- ment of a mass of unhealthy tissue. The plant lice illustrate another and in certain ways a more remarkable method of development, in that the tissues of the affected plant grow around and inclose the insect. The plant 6l6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM louse establishes herself on a stem or leaf, drawing nourishment therefrom, and the affected tissues shrink away to some extent, while those adjacent bend over her and eventually form an almost complete inclosure. Alternation of generations. Certain gall insects are remarkable on this account. The Cynipids had long been a puzzle to entomologists, and the classic studies of Dr Hermann Adler explained many enigmas. Dr Adler's investigations were largely with the oak gall flies, and proved that a remarkable alternation of generations occurs in this group. He found that insects, previously assigned to separate genera, were only members of different generations, and in general his conclusions may be stated as fol- lows : that the parthenogenetic bud-inhabiting gall flies are parents of a sexual generation which oviposits on foliage, producing leaf galls, these in turn producing the preceding form. Previous to Dr Adler's investigations, these parthenogenetic forms had been supposed to be asexual, and according to him certain European species are thus restricted. The Cynipidae have always attracted more interest, probably because of their higher organization and more perfect galls, yet in complex alterna- tion of generations they are far surpassed by certain plant lice which produce six or seven generations with marked variations in structure and radical changes of food plant, as detailed in the accounts of H o r m a p h i s h a m a- m e 1 i d i s F"itch and Hamamelistes spinosus Shim., to which the reader is referred for details. It would not be at all surprising if there were other species of gall-inhabiting plant lice presenting almost as great diversities in their life histories. Gall makers. These, as previously stated, belong to very diverse groups and the gall-making habit h?,s undoubtedly arisen independently in each instance. The Hymenoptera include some of the best known gall makers, notably the Cynipidae and certain Tenthredinidae. The farmer are small, dark colored insects with few veins in their four nearly transparent wings. Their galls are always completely closed and though very diverse in char- acter are easily recognized by exclusion, as a rule. They contain, when INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 6lJ inhabited, footless, comparatively helpless magorots. The Tenthredinitl gall flies are small creatures with many veins in their four wings. Their galls are lii<;ewise closed, and when inhabited are easily recognized by the many footed, somewhat cylindric larvae within. Coleopterous larvae produce swellings in trunk and limb, which have been classed as galls, and these are in most cases due solely to the mechanical irritation caused by the larvae. The Diptera or 2-winged flies, include several distinct groups of gall flies. Certain Trypetidae produce solid, closed galls, the one on goldenrod or Solidago being an excellent example. The Cecidomyidae or gall gnats, are the most important gall makers of the family, and deformities may be produced by them in stem, branch, leaf or fruit. Their galls are usually closed and when inhabited can easily be recognized by the character of the larva, which has the somewhat unique power of propelling itself some distance by bringing the two extremities together and then suddenly extending them. Some gall flies also belong to the Mycetophilidae, but the habit is abnormal for this group. The Hemiptera include a number of important gall insects, some of which are quite destructive. The Psyllidae or jumping plant lice, include a few gall insects belonging to the genus Pachypsylla, while the majority of galls referable to this group are the work of plant lice or aphids whose characteristics are well known. The deformities caused by these insects, may be easily recognized by the mouth of the gall being open, and when fresh by the peculiar inhabitants. The Acarina or gall mites, produce many deformities in vegetation, particularly on leaves. These creatures are usually pyriform in shape and remarkable among mites because of their possessing but four legs. Their galls are always open and are frequently ornamented with hair growths. They are sometimes very abundant on foliage and occasionally somewhat injurious. Gall insects display a marked preference for certain trees, various oaks, the willows and rose-bushes suffering specially from their attacks. Fortunately this group is comparatively harmless to vegetation. 6l8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Key for the separation of insect galls Affecting oak Galls on tivigs Delicate white, pinkish, woolly growths on twigs Wool sower, Andricus seminator, p. 622 Woolly oak gall, Andricus o p e r a t o r, p. 622 Rough, gnarled, scaly swellings on red oak limbs Gouty oak gall, Andricus p u n c t a t u s, p. 623 Irregularly rounded gall with numerous hornlike protuberances Horned oak gall, Andricus c o r n i g e r u s, ]i. 624 A green or brown, club-shaped gall on tips of white oak twigs Oak tij) gall, Andricus c 1 a v u 1 a, p. 624 A rough, globular gall with conelike apex Rough bullet gall, H o 1 c a s p i s d u r i c o r i a, p. 624 Bulletlike galls in clusters on white oak twigs Oak bullet gall, H o 1 c a s p i s globulus, p. 624 Large uneven galls somewhat resembling a jiotato ia shape, on white oak twigs Oak potato gall, N e u r o t e r u s b a t a t u s, p. 624 An irregularly rounded gall on swamp white oak Noxious oak gall, N e u r o t e r u s n o x i o s u s, ]>. 624 Aa oval gall composed of wedge-shaped lobes on swamp white oak Lobed oak gall, C y n i p s s t r o b i 1 a n a, \t. 625 Irregular reddish or greenish galls in clusters on white oak stems Oak fig gall, B i o r h i z a f o r t i c o r n i s, p. 626 Galls on Ica'ih-s A nearly globular, greenish or brown gall Large oak apple, A m p h i b o 1 i p s c o n f 1 u e n t u s, |i. 625 Similar to the above but with interior nearly hollow Larger empty oak apple, A m p h i b o 1 i p s i n a n i s, p. 625 Elongate, fusiform galls on leaves and petioles of dwarf and scrub oak Black scrub oak gall, A m p h i b o 1 i p s i 1 i c i f o 1 i a e, p. 625 Globular, smooth, green galls ]i^ inch in diameter on red oak Oak leaf apple, Andricus s i n g u 1 a r i s, p. 625 White or buff-colored woolly masses on veins of white oak leaves Oak wool gall, Andricus Ian a, p. 625 Irregular, woody enlargements at base of the leaf Oak leaf-stalk gall, Andricus p e t i o 1 i c f) I a, p. 625 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 619 Small globular galls on scrub and post oak Oak leaf bullet gall, D r y o p h a n t a p o 1 i t a, p. 626 Irregular^ reddish or greenish galls in clusters on leaves and stems of white and scrub oaks Oak fig gall, B i o r h i z a f o r t i c o r n i s, p. 626 Somewhat rounded, hard, woody, red, reticulate galls Warty oak leaf gall, C e c i d o m y i a p i 1 u 1 a e, p. 627 Rounded, oblong or oval galls with numerous long spines Oak hedgehog gall, A c r a s p i s e r i n a c e i, p. 627 A globular, spiny gall on dwarf chestnut oak Spiny oak gall, C y n i p s p r i n o i d e s, p. 627 Clusters of seedlike bodies on red oak. . . . Oak leaf seed gall, C y n i p s d e c i d u a, p. 627 Small, brown, buttonlike galls . . Oak button gall, N e u r o t e r u s u m b i li c a t u s, p. 627 Marginal fold at base of leaf serration Marginal fold gall, C e c i d o m y i a e r u b e s c e n s, p . 627 Galls on catkins or fruit Shotlike, white catkin gall Oak flower gall, A n d r i c u s p u 1 c h r a , p. 627 A globular gall growing from the side of acorn cups Oak plum gall, A m p h i b o 1 i p s j) r u n u s, p. 628 Affecting hickory Galls on flings Green or black irregular galls on leaf stem or twigs Hickory gall aphid, Phylloxera c a r y a e c a u 1 i s , p. 33 i Galls on leaves Smooth, green, onion-shaped galls with pointed tip Hickory seed gall, C: e c i d o m y i a c a r y a e c o 1 a, p. 628 Diplosiscaryae, p. 628 Subglobular, pubescent, onion-shaped gall Hickory onion gall, C e c i d o m y i a h o 1 o t r i c h a, j). 628 Rounded, brownish, downy gall Hickory peach gall, C e c i d o m y i a p e r s i c o i d e s, p. 628 Narrow, cylindric, tubelike galls . . Hickory tube gall, C e c i d o m y i a t u b i c o 1 a, p. 628 Flattened, circular, yellow or whitish galls Hickory button gall, Phylloxera foveola, p. 629 Affecting maple Red, yellow-ringed galls in red maple leaves Ocellate maple leaf gall, Cecidomyia ocellaris, p. 629 Slender, fusiform galls on upper surface of sugar maple leaves Fusiform maple gall, F r i o p h y e s a c e r i c o 1 a, p. 630 620 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Small, hladderlike galls on upjier surface of soft maple leaves Bladder maple gall, E r i o p h y e s q u a d r i p e s, p. 630 Afffctiiii; linden Sub-globular greenish or whitish galls on both sides of leaf Linden wart gall, Cecidomyia v e r r u c i c o 1 a, p. 631 Top-shaped galls on upper surface of linden leaves Linden mite gall, E r i o p h y e s a b n o r m i s, p. 631 Affecting ash Elongated, greenish or reddish brown galls on the leaf midrib Ash midrib gall, Cecidomyia p e 11 e x, p. 632 Lobulate green or brown deformed catkins Ash flower gall. E r i o p h y e s f r a x i n i f 1 o r a, p. (iT,-T, A_ffi'cting ctni Cockscomblike structures on the upper surface of elm leaves Cockscomb elm gall, C o 1 o p h a u 1 m i c o I a, ]i. 186 Solitary, spindle-shaped galls on the upper surface of red elm leaves Red elm leaf gall, P e m p h i g u s u 1 m i f u s u s, p. 633 Affecting poplar Irregular, subglobular enlargements of the young twigs Poplar twig gall, A g r o m y z a a e n e i v e n t r i s, p. 634 Folded, convolute masses of foliage Vagabond gall. Pemphigus v a g a b u n d u s, p. 635 Oval, somewhat elongated galls on the leaf i)etioles of Cottonwood Poplar leaf stem gall, Pemphigus ]j o p u 1 i - 1 r a n s v e r s u s, p. 635 Imperfect, globular galls at base of Cottonwood leaves ' Basal leaf gall, P e m j) h i g u s p o p u 1 i c a u 1 i s, p. 636 Affecting wilkm's Galls on shoots Fusiform apical galls Willow club gall, Rhabdophaga rigidae, p. 636 Irregular fusiform enlargements on the young shoots European willow gall midge, Rhabdophaga s a li c i s, p. 299 Galls on leaves Smooth, globular or slightly oval galls like a miniature apple, occur on the leaf midrib Willow apple gall, P o n t a n i a p o m u m, p. 636 Subspheric, pealike, yellowish galls on the underside of willow lea\es P o n t a n i a p i s u m, p. 637 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 62 1 Smooth, flattish, sessile, yellowish green galls on both sides of tlie leaf ]' o n t a n i a d e s m o d i o i d e s, p. 638 I'leshy, reddish galls in parallel rows on either side of the midrib • P o n t a n i a h y a 1 i n a, ]i. 638 A conelike deformity on the tips of willow shoots Willow cone gall, R h a b d o p h a g a s t r o b i 1 o i d e s, p. 639 Affecting 7i '//(■// -hazel Conical, green or reddish galls on upper surface of the leaves Witch-hazel cone gall, H o r m a p h i s h a m a m e 1 i d i s, ]). 639 Many spined, green or reddish bud galls Spiny witch-hazel gall, H a m a m e 1 i s t e s s p i n o s u s, p. 643 • Affecting birch Deformed catkins with enlarged, globular seeds Birch seed gall midge, O 1 i g o t r o p h u s b e t u 1 a e, p. 647 Affecting sumac Pear-shaped, round or reddish galls on the leaves Sumac tomato gall, Pemphigus r h o i s, p. 647 Affecting hackl>eny Broadly rounded elevations on the under surface of the leaf Hackberry nipple gall, P a c h y p s y 1 1 a c e 1 1 i d i s - m a m m a, p. 647 Affecting rose A large, smooth, reddish brown root gall . . Rose root gall, R h o d i t e s r a d i c u m, p. 647 Fibrous, inosslike masses on rose and blackberry bushes Rose bedegar, Rhodites rosae, p. 647 Irregular, spheric, mealy galls Mealy rose gall, R h o d i t e s i g n o t a, p. 647 Round galls covered with prickly spines. . Spiny bullet gall, Rhodites b i c o 1 o r, p. 647 Smooth rounded galls on twigs Globular rose gall, Rhodites g 1 o b u 1 u s, p. 647 Elongated, hard, woody galls on twigs Long rose gall, Rhodites d i c h 1 o c e r u s, p. 648 An oblong or rounded gall on wild rose twigs Knotty rose gall, Rhodites v e r n a, p. 648 Affecting evergreens Stunted pitch pine needles with basal enlargement Pine needle gall fly, C e c i d o m y i a pi n i-r i g i d a e, p. 423 Balsam needles with basal enlargement Balsam gall midge, C e c i d o m y i a b a 1 s a m i c o 1 a, p. 685 622 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Wool sower Andricus soiiinator Harris A delicate white, pinkish marked woolly growth, from i to i '2 inches in diameter encircles in June the small twigs of white oak. This abnormal growth is onr of the most beautiful things in nature when in its prime. The delicate creamy white color is admirably set off by blotches of bright pinkish red, and the unexpected weight of the woolly mass only adds to our appreciation. This beautiful gall is a common species in New York State, and specimens are frequently sent to the entomologist with inquiry as to its source and character. As the gall ages, the white becomes a light brown and the pink a somewhat dark brown, and examination of its structure shows that it is composed of numerous small seedlike cells with the spaces between filled by a soft hairlike growth. Each of the seedlike bodies contains an insect and from a specimen received in 1898, 235 adults were reared. The flies appear in June or early July. The operation of ^'g'g laying has been described by Dr Harris substantially as follows. He states that the female lays a great number of eggs in ringlike clusters around small twigs of white oaks, and that her punctures are followed by the growth of a rough or shaggy reddish gall, sometimes as large as a walnut. Dr Fitch states that the growth from the eggs laid by the midsummer Hies forms a harder and more woolly gall, of a coarser texture and- duller color, and that it resembles a ball of wool. These remain through the winter, though their attachment to the twig is so slight that birds often tear them oft. The gall is illustrated on plate 49, figure I. The adult fly has been described by Dr Harris as ' ,„ inch long, almost black or of the color of pitch, highly polished, e.\cei)t on the abdomen, with the mouth parts and legs a cinnamon color. Dr I' itch states that the female maybe distinguished by its longer abdomen and its being black. Woolly oak gall. Amiriciis operator Osten Sacken. This gall closely resembles the beautiful structure produced by the wool sower, Andricus ' INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 623 seminator Harr. It, when fresh and growing, consists of whitish filaments forming a white round body with beautiful pink spots. Within there are a series of seedlike kernels containing larvae. This gall occurs on the young flowering branches of oaks in June. Gouty oak gall Aiidricus punctatns Bass. Rough, hard, woody, gnarled scaly swellings on red oak limbs and twigs not over i '/( inches in diameter, occasionally occur in immense numbers. Thk interesting gall insect is ordinarily rare in the vicinity of Alban)-, if we may base an opinion on the absence of earlier records. The writer's attention was called by Dr H. M. Pollock, in April 1902, to a red oak at Loudenville near Albany, which was very badly infested with the galls of this species. It will be seen by reference to plate 48, figure 4, that these unnatural growths are irregular swellings along the smaller limbs, ranging in diameter from less than y^ to i}4 inches, depending on the size of the twig. They are of variable length and frequently several coalesce to form an elongated mass of diseased tissue. The galls illustrated were inclosed in a box and produced over 500 insects, some of which were guest flies and a few were probably parasites. These galls were made the basis of an esti- mate and it was calculated that the entire tree bore 20,000 and produced over 500,000 insects. The general character of the infestation is well shown on plate 47. This species was reared Ap. 1 1 by Mr Bassett, from a young, thrifty red oak growing in the vicinity of Waterbury Ct. Its local habit is con- firmed by his finding galls onl\- on the one tree. Professor Walsh also described what is probably this same species, under .the specific name of podagra e, and he likewise refers to its local habits. Both gentlemen, as well as ourselves, reared largx: numbers of the insects without obtaining males. The perfect insect has been described .by Bassett as follows : Fe7nale. Head and thorax black, face pubescent, palpi light brown, tips darker ; antennae reddish brown at the base, gradually deepening to a dull dark brown, 14 jointed. Thorax finely and beautifully punctate ; three 624 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM longitudinal grooves, converging towards the scutellum and a short groove on each side of the middle one, reaching halfway from the collar to the scutellum, also a short, shallow groove or depression over the base of the wings. Scutellum with coarse, irregular pits or punctures. Legs reddish brown, coxae and tips of tarsi dark brown or black. Dorsal portion of the abdomen black, ventral, reddish brown, second segment has a few scattered hairs beneath the wings, others (except the first) minutely punctate. Wings hyaline; veins brown, rather slender; areolet small, distinct; radial area not closed. Length .15. Horned oak gall. Andricus cornigcnis Osten Sacken. This irregu- larly rounded gall is woody with numerous hornlike protuberances through which the gall flies escape. It is very hard, of the same color as the branch, is from ^ to i^^ inches in diameter and contains within many larval cells. It occurs on the branches of pin oak, scrub oak and black-jack oak and is recorded by Beutenmuller as being exceedingly common in the vicinity of New York city. Oak tip gall. Andricus clavula Bass. A green or brown, club-shaped, hard, woody gall with a few leaves growing from its summit, occurs at the tips of white oak twigs. It is recorded by Beutenmuller as very common about New York. Rough bullet gall. Holcaspis diiricoria Bass. A globular, rough gall with conelike apex, occurs somewhat commonly on scrub and swamp oak. This gall resembles the bullet gall but may be distinguished by its m.uch rougher exterior, less globular form, flattened base, and tlie apex extended into a conelike process. It occurs rather commonly on scrub oak at Karner and it is stated by Beutenmuller to be rare on swamp oak in the vicinity of New York city. Oak bullet gall. Holcaspis globulus Fitch. Bulletlike galls in clusters of two, three or more are common on the terminal twigs of white oak and occur also on the post and chestnut oaks. This gall is yellow or reddish in summer, turning brown with the approach of cold weather, is corky in texture and contains a larva in the small central cell. Oak potato gall. Neicrotcrus batat2is V\X.z\\. Large, hard, uneven galls ^ inch thick and two or three times as long, somewhat resembling a potato in shape, occur on white oak twigs. This peculiar deformity to oak twigs is abundant on the branches of young trees in the vicinity of New York city. It is a hard, woody growth with the surface coated with pale bluish bloom and internally it has a dense corky texture with numerous larval cells. It is sometimes quite injurious on account of its deforming young trees. Noxious oak gall. Ncurotcrus noxiosus Bass. An irregularly rounded, hard, woody gall resembling that of N. batatus Fitch, occurs on the terminal twigs of swamp white oak. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 625 Lobed oak gall. Cyniips strobilaua Osten Sacken. A large, oval body consisting of a number of wedge-shaped parts closely packed together with their pointed extremities attached to the twig, occurs on swamp white oak [pi. 48, fig. 3]. Each of these ^vedgelike structures is hard, corky, and contains a larva in the central cell. It is not common. Large oak apple. AuipJiibolips confitieiitiis Harr. This is one of our common oak galls. It is nearly globular in shape, greenish or brown in color dependent on its age, and its interior is filled with a spongy mass in the center of which is a single larval cell. This species is occasionally quite abundant on trees, as may be seen by reference to plate 50, figure i, though it cannot be considered injurious. Mr. Beutenmuller states that a certain number of these galls produce both males and females in June and others females in October or the following spring. These latter are merely a dimorphic form. Larger empty oak apple. Aniphibolips inanis Osten Sacken. A globular gall closely resembling the oak or May apple, A. confluentus Harr., occurs on the leaves of scarlet and red oak. It is much like the preceding in general appearance, though considerably smaller and may be at once recognized by the nearly empty interior, the small larval cell being held in position by numerous radiating filaments. Black scrub oak gall. AmpJiibolips Uicifoliac Bass. Elongate, fusiform galls tapering at both ends, with the apex more slender and frequently slightly curved, occurs on the leaves and petioles of dwarf and scrub oak. It is about 1 1^ inches long, half that in diameter, and contains an elongated kernel held in position by radiating fibers. It is green and soft in summer, turning brown and becoming brittle on the approach of winter [pi. 50, fig. 2]. Oak leaf apple. Andricns singiilarjs Bass. A globular, smooth, green gall from J^ to '2 inch in diameter, occurs rather commonly on the leaves of red oak. This gall is first green and succulent, turning brown and becoming brittle later in the season. It contains a central oblong cell held in place b)' radiating fibers. Oak wool gall. Andricns lana Fitch. The white or buff-colored woolly masses composing this gall, occur on the underside of the principal veins of white oak leaves. Within it is composed of numerous small larval cells closely crowded together and attached by their lower ends to the vein of the leaf. It is recorded by Beutenmuller as common in the vicinity of New York. Oak leafstalk gall. Andricns pctiolicola Bass. These irregularly rounded or fusiform, hard, woody enlargements at the base of the leaf con- tain many cells. The full grown galls are about 3/^ inch in diameter, green in summer, brown in winter and common on several oaks. 626 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Oak leaf bullet gall DryopJianta polita Bass. A small, globular gall occurs in numbers in August and September on both surfaces of the leaves of scrub and post oak. This gall ranges from about y^ to 3/j^ inch in diameter, is at first pale green but sunlight changes it to red or reddish brown. It is found on the foliage of young and thrifty shoots, from one to 20 occurring on a leaf. When dry the shell is very thin and brittle and contains a round larval cell held in a central position by radiating branching fibers which extend to the outer shell. The perfect insect becomes matured in October and remains in the gall over winter. Oak fig gall Biorhiza forticornis Walsh Irregular reddish tinted, greenish galls occur in dense clusters along the midrib of the leaves or on the stems of white and scrub oaks in midsummer. This species is rather common, and was met with at Karner on the dwarf chestnut oak, O u e r c u s p r i n o i d e s, being quite abundant in lim- ited localities. The galls on the young twigs and leaves are very pretty about the middle of August, being irregular in shape, greenish yellow and tinted with red. Plate 48, figure i, represents a mass of forming galls and shows the badly infested shoots as well as the foliage. The galls are found along the midrib on both the upper and under surface. The old galls, as they appear on the dead twig are represented at plate 48, figure 2. It will be seen that they constitute a very irregular mass and look not unlike figs closely packed around a central stem. The gall flies emerge from small circular holes. This species was met with by Dr Fitch on thrifty growing white oaks, on which tree he stated it is quite abundant. His description of the formation of the galls is as follows : The female pierces the bark with her ovipositor, and inserts a number of eggs at a-short distance from each other, apparently sinking them into the wood beneath the bark causing a little discoloration and a spongy spot runs inward from the gall to the pith of the limb. These wounds of the bark heal over so that no indication of their presence can be detected with a magnifying glass. A little smooth round swelling or elevation on the bark soon commences above the &'3^%, increases in size, till at length the bark INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 627 bursts, and small round granules, the size of a pinhead, protrude from the openings. These grow more and more, resembling miniature ciustecs of grapes, at which time they begin to press on each other. They are from yl to i^ inch in diameter, and the outer surface is covered with fine short hairs which become rubbed off from the more e.xposed portions. The larva, lies in a small oval cavit)- at the base of each gall or lobe, and on account of the tough, whitish leathery walls, there is considerable resemblance to a seed. Dr Fitch states that most of the galls are perforated before winter, indicating that the flies appear before cold weather. He adds that some clusters may be found in winter containing insects, and these latter appear the following June. Warty oak leaf gall. Cccidomyia pilulac Osten Sacken. Somewhat rounded, hard, woody galls occur commonly on the leaves of pin, red, black-jack and scrub oaks. They appear in May and become fully devel- oped in August or September, at which time they are bright red or reddish brown. These galls vary greatly in size and may be recognized by the characteristic reticulate markings [pi. i, fig. i6]. ' Oak hedgehog- gall. Acraspis erinacci Walsh. A rounded, oblong or oval gall covered with numerous rather long spines, is attached to^'the upper side of the principal veins of white oak leaves. This yellowish or greenish gall with bright red spines is rather common. Spiny oak gall. Cynips prinoidcs Beut. This globular gall about '< inch in diameter, covered with numerous conelike projections, occurs oii the upper side of the leaves of dwarf chestnut oak. It is green tino-ed with red and contains only one cell. Oak leaf seed gall. Cynips dccidua Bass. Clusters of seedlike bodies often 30 or 40 together, grow from the underside of the mid vein of leaves of the red oak. The larger cells are smooth, greenish white with the apex enlarged and are about the size of grains of wheat. Oak button gall. N'curotcnts unibiiicatus Bass. This small, round, brown, buttonlike gall occurs in considerable numbers on the underside of swamp white oak leaves. The galls are about ' ,0 inch in diameter and are rather common. Marginal fold gall. Cccidomyia crudescens O. S. This peculiar pocket-shaped, marginal gall [pi. i, fig. 18] occurring in the angles of oak leaves, is somewhat abundant in early summer on certain species of oak, though rarely injurious. Oak flower gall. Andricus pidchra Bass. The rounded, shotlike, greenish white, soft, spongy polythalamous galls of this species were taken on catkins of red oak at Poughkeepsie May 20, 1903, adults appearing 528 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM May 29. This species, identified by Beutenmuller, is described in American Entomological Society Transactions, 1890, 17:73. Oak plum g-all. Ampliibolips pritmis ^2\'^\. This globular gall about I inch in diameter, grows from .the side of acorn cups of the black and red oak, maturing in August and September. It is a solid, fleshy growth with a central larval cell. The parent flies appear in April, according to l)r Walsh. Hickory seed gall. Cccidoniyia caryaccola Osten Sacken. The pale o-reen, smooth, elongate, onion-shaped galls of this species have the tip prolonged into a point and are frequently found in clusters on the under- side of leaves of various kinds of hickories. Osten Sacken states that the galls are somewhat larger than those made by Diplosis caryae Osten Sacken, and that it occurs through the summer either in separate clusters or mixed with other galls, and Beutenmuller records it as common in the vicinity of New York city [pi. i, fig. 21]. Diplosis caryae O. S. Clusters of the pale greenish pointed galls | pi. I, fig. 8], of this species are somewhat abundant in midsummer along the midrib and on the under side of hickory leaves. Hickory onion gall. Cccidoniyia Jiolotricha Osten Sacken. A sub- globular, pubescent, onion-shaped gall occurs on the undersides of leaves of shellbark and other hickories. They sometimes cover the entire under surface of the leaf, producing a deformity and gradual shriveling. The gall is covered with a pubescence, pale when the gall is young and growing, and becomes rose color as it approaches maturity. It is hollow and con- tains a single larva. This species has been figured by Glover and Beuten- muller states that it is abundant everywhere in the vicinity of New York city I pi. I, fig. 4]. Hickory peach gall. Cccidomyia pcrsicoidcs O. S. This rounded, brownish, downy gall | pi. i, fig. 9], is rather common in midsummer on the under siirface of hickory leaves. Hickory tube gall. Cccidomyia tubicola Osten Sacken. Narrow, cylindric, tubelike galls occur on the underside of the leaves of different kinds of hickories. They are inserted in a small protuberance, break off very easily, are green when immature, becoming brown and blackish when ripe. They are hollow, and in October contain a whitish larva with the breastbone terminating anteriorly in a single elongated point. These galls generally occur in clusters. This species has been figured by Glover and Beutenmuller records it as very common in the vicinity of New York city [pi. I, fig. 10 [ INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 629 Hickory button gall Phylloxera fovcola Perg. Flattened, circular, greenish yellow or whitish galls about 's inch in diameter, occur on the under surface of hickory leaves. These peculiar growths [pi. i, fig. 19] are very interesting and are probably the work of this species, though we were unable to obtain adults. This species has recently been described by Mr Pergande, who states that it may possibly be P. f oveata Shimer, a form which produces galls very similar to this. These structures were rather abundant on hickory leaves at Nassau in August. They have been described by Mr Pergande as follows : In the largest and perfectly developed galls the upper side is either of a delicate pale red with the dimple darker and its basal circumference yellowish green ; or entirely yellowish green with only the dimple of a beautiful pink color. Beneath they are uniformly yellowish green, often with a faint reddish tinge, especially toward the nipple. On the other trees, most densely covered by them, they were less beautiful, with less red and shallower dimples. The walls are very thin and paperlike and readily collapse when old. All galls are perfectly smooth on both sides. Ocellate maple leaf gall Cccidoniyia occllaris Osten Sacken Red maple leaves are frequently thickly spotted with circular ocellate spots about 48 ihch in diameter, the disk being yellow with the margin and central dot cherry-red. This peculiar affection of maple foliage is the work of a small gnat, which, judging from the abundance of its work, must be numerous In the vicinity of Albany [pi. i, fig. 12]. It has been recorded by Professor Com- stock as being very common at Ithaca and as occurring at Washington D. C. The tissue inhabited by the gall Is undoubtedly rendered of little value to the plant and therefore the foliage is injured to some extent. Generally speaking, this species Is not injurious, and ordinarily Its work may be regarded as ornamental in character, since it gives a decidedly variegated appearance to the foliage. There Is no unquestioned record of the adult insect havino- been reared. The 'full grown larva drops to the ground 530 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM the latter part of September and spins a rude cocoon a short distance below the surface, where it undergoes its transformations. Fusiform maple gall Eriopliycs acericola Garm. Slender, fusiform galls are sometimes very abundant on the upper surface of the leaves of sugar maple. This gall is very slender, about 1/5 inch in length and tapers at both extremities. It is occasionally rather abundant on sugar maple leaves in the vicinity of Albany. This species has been studied by Professor Gar- man, who states that in five examples of this mite the striae were counted and in three of them numbered 30 and in the other two 28 and 29 respectively. The prongs of the featherlike appendage seemed to be three The mite is about .0075 inch. He ha, recorded this species as being abundant in galls collected in Illinois in June. Bladder maple gall Eriopliycs quaaripfs Shimer The small, bladderlike galls of this species, about Yio inch in diameter, are sometimes very abundant on the upper surface of soft maple leaves. This trouble is sometimes exceedingly prevalent in the vicinity of Albany, the galls being so numerous on certain trees as to disfigure a very considerable proportion of the foliage. The galls, according to Professoi Garman, appear with the unfolding of the leaves in spring, as slight swell- ings of the parenchyma, and as the foliage expands they develop into top-shaped galls on its upper surface. The form varies from discoid to more or less spherical, while occasionally two are fused and have a com- mon opening. The gall is at first of the same color as the leaf, chang- ing later to dull purple or green and afterward becoming the light green of the veins and veinlets, and later changes to purplish, drying up and becom- ing black at the end of the summer. The outer surface is smooth, though the walls are broadly and irregularly impressed. The position of the gall INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 63 1 is usually indicated on the under surface by a deep impression with a tuft of white hairs in the center [pi. i, fig. iij. This mite, according to Professor Garman, has from 37 to 42 coarse striae and is about .008 inch in length. The tarsal claw is slightly curved and terminates in an evident knob. The featherlike appendage has four pairs of prongs. It varies in color from pale yellow to light orange. Matured females, young and eggs occur in fune. Linden wart gall Cccidoiiiyia vcrriicicola O. S. This gall [pi. I, fig. 13] is sometimes exceedingly abundant in mid- summer on linden and quite variable in color, being pale greenish or whitish when young and dark brown or almost black later in the season. It shows about equally on both sides of the foliage. The leaf tissues at the edges of the galls weaken as the season advances, allowing the latter to drop to the ground, so that toward the end of the summer badly infested leaves may be fairly riddled with irregular, circular holes from which the galls have disappeared. Linden mite gall EriopJiycs abiiorniis Garm. Top-shaped galls about Vw inch in diameter, are sometimes exceedingly abundant on the upper surface of linden leaves. This species is more or less common in the vicinity of Albany, and occasionally leaves are very badly affected. The abnormal growth is pro- duced by a small mite which, according to Professor Garman, differs from all Eriophyidae, in that the abdomen, just before the terminal sucker, is noticeably enlarged. He describes the gall as "top-shaped, expanding above and contracting toward the upper surface of the leaves into a neck. It measures .155 of an inch in height and ' 10 inch in diameter. The walls are deeply infolded, sometimes giving rise to unequal lobes. The outer surface is smooth, green and devoid of hairs. The cavity of the gall is made unsymmetrical by the deeper impressions of the wall. The inside of the latter is slightly roughened by small folds and is clothed with long 63- NEW YORK STATE MUSEL'M aciculatc unicellular hairs." He has recorded the species from Wilmin^rion III. |AVr pi. I, fig. 14] Ash midrib gall Cccidoinyia pcllex Osten Sacken. .\ peculiar, elongated, greenish or reddish brown gall wrapping itself about the midrib and inclosing whitish, footless larvae, is the work of this species. Fig. 169 Ash midrib gall, Ceci do niyla p e 1 I >.• v (,.ri.;in.in This insect is somewhat common in the Hudson river valley, having been observed in the neighborhood of South Durham by Mr O. Q. Flint and found in numbers at Poughkeepsie by Mr Young. It also occurs about Albany, the galls being nearly full grown the latter part of May or early in June. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 633 The development of the gall is interesting. It appears to be formed by the irritation due to one or more larvae on the upper surface of the midrib of the leaflet. The longer, more conspicuous galls are inhabited by a considerable number, while smaller ones may contain only one or two or three larvae. In each instance it will be observed that the tissues on either side of the midrib and including it to. some extent, begin to swell enor- mously, thicken and gradually close over the irritating larva. The fly has not been bred, due to the rapid withering of the gall, in spite of several attempts to obtain the adult. When young, the gall is a pale oreen and as it ages it becomes tinged with brown. It is thick and the hyper- trophied tissue is very succulent [fig. 169]. This species has been recorded by Professor Beutenmuller from Fort Lee N. J., where it occurs in June. Red elm leaf gall. Pemphigus nlinifusiis Walsh. The solitary spindle- shaped galls produced by this plant louse on the upper surface of the leaves of the red elm, are about an inch long. This species is rare in New York State. It occurs in small numbers on slippery-elm. Ash flower gall Eriopliycs fra. vim' flora n. sp. The staminate flowers of white ash are sometimes very curiously deformed by the work of a small gall mite, which appears to attack them about the time they begin to develop, and by the latter part of June peculiar irregular masses of green tissues are found on the flower stem. An examination shows that each mass consists of a series of irregular, fringed, lobulated masses joined one to the other, each group at this time ranging from ]^ to about '< inch in diameter. Later they become nearly ^ inch or more in diameter, eventually drying and remaining on the trees over winter, giving the infested ones a very peculiar appearance. The work of this mite appears to be moderately common in New York State, though it does not seem to have attracted much attention. Specimens of this mite's work have been received from Brooklyn N. Y. where it appears to infest several trees year after year, and we have also observed its 5^1 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM operations in the vicinity of Albany. It probably causes very little or no injury. Poplar twig gall fly Agroiiiyza acncivcntris Fallen This little fly, kindly identified by Professor Coquillett through the courtesy of Dr Howard, produces oval, smooth swellings about i^ inch long on one side of small poplar twigs [pi. 50, fig. 3]. It is rather abundant at Karner, the insects wintering within the galls as larvae, adults appearing in early spring. Description. The parent insect is a small, black fly, with red eyes, less than Vi inch long. The larva is a greenish yellow maggot about ^8 inch long with strongly tridentate jet-black mandibles, as shown in figure 170, and with a pair of spiracles borne on knobbed elevations at each extremity of the body. The puparium is oval, less than ' 8 inch long, each seg- Die ot A g r o m y z a aeneiven tris, nient with au irregular, slightly wavy, transverse series of much enlarged (orig- inan chitinous points near its anterior margin. Posterior e.xtrem- ity terminated by a pair of stout, blunt, slightly moniliform processes. Life history. The young larva apparently begins operations in the green bark, causing an irrit,ation which results in the rapid development of abnormal tissues, producing a spongy, oval mass on one side of the twig — probably hypertrophied bast. These galls vary considerably in size, rang- ing from about y% inch in length to compound masses about an inch long. The smaller galls contain a single larva while the larger ones may be inhabited by several. The gall tissue is very soft, almost cheesy in texture, very different from the ordinary wood fiber. This is true of the majority of the galls found in the spring, which occur on last year's growth. A few are found on growth of the preceding year, and these are remarkable for containing oval, hard masses of woody tissue a little less than y^ inch long. The galls, in older tissues, usually contain several maggots. The larvae make rather broad, short galleries about an inch long in a portion INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 635 of the diseased tissues. Fresh excavations are bright green, showing that the dentate mandibles are very effective tools. The gall is sometimes inhabited b\" an undetermined curculionid larva. This gall insect is preyed on by a parasite, determined through the courtesy of Dr Howard as Urogaster forbesi Ashm. This gall- making fly has been reared by Professor Webster from larvae burrowino- in the roots of clover and tunneling the pith of the common garden sun- flower, and Mr Pergande has bred it from stems of ambrosia. Vagabond gatl Pciiipliigus I'agabiindiis Walsh. A peculiar folded convolute mass of foliage some two inches in diameter, frequently occurs on the tips of poplar twigs. This species appears to be rather common in the vicinit)- of Albany, and the peculiar convolute, greenish galls or the dry brown remains of the same may often be met with on poplar shoots [pi. 51, fig. i]. This gall is sometimes very abundant on the tips of certain cotton- woods and poplars, and according to Walsh is much more numerous some years than others. The old blackened galls hang on the twigs for several seasons, thus giving them a characteristic appearance, particularly in winter. The winged plant lice make their appearance in September, and the green, shining, hollow gall appears the following summer. The skin of the latter is quite thin and contains a single wingless plant louse, which is the parent of the colony subsequently inhabiting this peculiar shelter. All become winged in September and desert the gall. Poplar leafstem gall PcDipJiigus populi-transvcrsiis Riley Oval, somewhat elongated galls, with transverse openings, develop near the middle of the leaf petioles of cottonwood during the latter part of the summer. The galls are nearly i^ inch long, about 3^ inch in breadth, and of the same color as the leaf petiole. The mouthlike orifice, when the plant lice are mature, gapes, is nearly transverse and may extend two thirds the way 636 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM around the gall thoug-h occasionally it is smaller. The interior of the inhabited gall is crowded with plant lice, they being sometimes so abundant as to literally stand on their heads in attempting to obtain nourishment from the succulent walls. The mealy white powder, cast shriveled skins and globules of honeydew are also characteristic features of this insect's retreat. This species has been very abundant in the vicinity of Albany in recent years and was the occasion of a brief note by Dr Lintner in 1897. \_See pi. II, fig. 15, 16] Basal leaf gall Poiiphigiis popitlicaidis Fitch Imperfect, globular galls ){ to nearly Y^. inch in diameter, occur in June at the base of Cottonwood leaves. These little galls at the very base of the leaf are somewhat irregular in size and shape and otherwise closely resemble the preceding species. This insect was described by Dr Fitch in 1858, at which time it was very abundant in Albany and attracted much notice. Willow club gall RJiahdopliaga rigidae O. S. Purplish, fusiform galls y^ to i inch in length are common on or near the tips of low willow shoots. This gall is quite abundant at Karner, the large, pale orange larva wintering in a central channel within the gall, the flies appearing the following May. Willow apple gall Pontania po»iitin Walsh. A smooth, globular, or slightly oval rosy cheeked gall, like a miniature apple, measur- ing from .3 to .55 inch may be found growing on one side of the midrib of the leaf of S a 1 i X c o r d a t a. This species is rather common in certain localities, and on opening the gall a pale greenish white larva with a pale brown head may be found within. The gall has been desribed by Walsh as follows : The gall S. pomum is found on Salix cor data and very rarely INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAXD TREES 637 on S. discolor. A smooth, fleshy, sessile, globular, or slightly oval monothalamous gall, like a miniature apple, .3 to. 55 inch diameter, growing on one side of the midrib of a leaf, and extending to its edge or beyond it. The principal part of the gall projects from the underside of the leaf ; very rarely it is bisected by the leaf. Color greenish yellow, sometimes with a rosy cheek, especially the upper surface and often with little dots. Fully mature July 31. An analogous gall is formed in Europe on various willows by N e m a t u s g a 1 1 i c o 1 a W^estw. The transformations to the yellowish red adult occur within the gall in case of specimens reared by Walsh. There was no earth in the jar and some cocoons were spun between the galls. Pontania pisum Walsh. Siibspherical, pealike, pale yellowish galls growing on the underside of the leaves of Salix discolor are the work of this species. This gall-making sawfly is a common species in some sections at least, and on breaking open the hollow galls a w'hitish, i8-footed caterpillar with a slightly dusky head and dusky mouth parts may be found within. The gall has been described by Walsh as follows : A subspherical, pealike, hollow, pale yellowish green gall, always growing on the underside of the leaf and almost always from one of the side veins (in one case from the midrib) and attached to the leaf by only a minute portion of its surface; .18 to .28 inch in diameter, and a few, immature, only .08 inch in diameter. Almost invariably there is but one gall to the leaf, but on four leaves there were two, and occasionally two are confluent. Surface in some smooth and even, without pubescence ; in others a little shriveled, generally studded in the medium sized ones with four to 12 small, robustly conical nipples, which in the larger ones have burst into a scabrous brown scar. Only in 3 out of 62 was there any rosy cheek, as in S. p o m u m. The point of attachment is marked on the upper side of the leaf by a brown subhemispherical depression. The final transformations to the black yellowish marked adult occur in the grfound. 638 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pontania desmodioides Walsh A smooth, flattish, sessile, yellowish green gall on bolli sides of the leaf of Sali x h u m i 1 i s in all probability belongs to this species. The galls of this insect were taken by Mr Pergande at Richfield Springs on Sep. 28, 1886, and it is probably a somewhat common species. The gall has been described by Mr Walsh as follows : The gall, is found on S. h u m i 1 i s. It is smooth, flattish, fleshy, sessile, yellowish green, monothalamus, semicircular in general shape like the seed of a Desmodium or the quarter of an orange. It is about equally divided between the two surfaces of the leaf ; no rosy cheek. Generally there is but one gall on a leaf; one leaf was seen with three upon it. Length .23 to .5 inches. 131 specimens. Gall mature July 30. The larvae resemble those of other gall-inhabitating species belonging to this group, and when full grown transform to the adult within their shelters, at least when there is no earth that can be conveniently entered. The parent insect is about ''5 inch long, dark brown marked with reddish brown, and with the lower part of the abdomen and the legs rust yellow. Pontania hyalina Norton Fleshy, reddish galls on S a 1 i x f r a g i 1 i s, occurring in two parallel rows one on either side of the midrib, sometimes touching but not originating from the latter, and rarely extending to the edge of the leaf, may be those of this insect. This species occurs in New York State, the galls having been collected at Richfield Springs by Mr Pergande in February 1886, adults being bred from the same Mar. 3 and Ap. 27. The gall and its arrangement has been described by Marlatt as follows : Fleshy galls, occurring in two parallel rows, one on either side of the midrib sometimes touching but not originating from the latter, and rarely extending to the edge of the leaf; sometimes as many as 20 on a single leaf ; in other cases confined to a row on one side of the leaf, or occa- sionally occurring singly ; shape irregular, elongate ovate, projecting equally on both surfaces of the leaf; length 7 to 10 mm, the abortive ones smaller. Color on upper side more or less brownish red ; beneath white with slight purplish tinge. The galls result from the punctures of the females in the very tenderest leaves, the wound closing and becoming invisible. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 639 Willow cone gall Rhabdophaga strohiloidcs Walsh A peculiar conelike deformity on the tips of willow shoots is diu- to the work of this insect. These interesting galls are rather common objects about Albany, and the insect presumably has a wide distribution in the United States, though specific records of its occurrence are not abundant. Description The gall, a tapering, conelike, terminal growth, is obviously a mass of aborted leaves, one overlapping the other much as the scales of a pine cone. This deformity was figured by Glover in 1874, in addition to the description and illustrations given by Walsh, who also figured the adult fly without describing it. Life history. The parent insects, according to Walsh, appear in April or early May, and the gall commences its growth shortly after and attains full size by the middle of June. In its early" stages it is spherical and enveloped in a dense mass of foliage, which gradually falls off toward autumn, and by November the twig on which it occurs, if small, is killed at the tip. At this time the larva is in the heart of the gall inclosed in a delicate membranous cocoon, where it remains till the following spring, when it transforms to the pupa and shortly after the fly escapes. Witch-hazel cone gall Hormaphis lianuiviclidis Fitch Conical, green or reddish galls occur in considerable numbers on the upper sur- face of witch-hazel leaves. Though this retnarkable plant Fie. 171 Hormaphis hamamelidU: «=galls, natural size ■^ _ /—section of gall, much enlarged. (.After Pergande, U. S. louse was briefly described by Dr oep't Agric. Div. Em. Tech. ser. 9, iooi> Asa Fitch in 1851, very little was known concerning the species till it was 640 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Studied by Mr Theodore Pergande, who had been interested in the insect for over 20 years, and in 1899 succeeded in completing its life history. The following is an abstract of his detailed notice. The rapidity of growth depends on the season. The galls usually begin to appear in the latitude of Washington D. C, about the middle of April, attaining full growth toward the end of j\Iay. Young stem mothers hatch a week or more before the leaves appear and frequently assemble in li \i^i^^ Fig. 172 H or ma phis ha twig and bud with young ^=young stem mother ; r=a (After Pergande, U S. Dep Tech. Ser. 9, 1901) enlarged. Fig. 173 Hormaphis har n a m e 1 i d i s : iT=young lar\ a; i=pupa : Div. Ent t-=spring migrant ; r e s t i s s t r i a t a, p. 655 An obscure, < opper\- r>r black, flattened beetle aliout ' _• im h long on ])itch pine 1 ) i ( e r <■ a p u n c t u 1 a t a, p. 656 A brass)-, nietallii . flattened beetle about -^s inch long occurs in midsummer on pine and arbor-vitae ])iccr< a t u b e r c u 1 a t a, p. 656 An ashy bronze or obscurely bron/.e, flattened, metallic beetle from a little over 'j to nearly Y^ inch long occurs on while pine from midsummer m ()ctol)er I * i c e r c a t e n e b r o s a, p. 657 An (il)long, o\al, flattened, bronze or pur|)lish beetle, copper-crjlored beneath antl '_• inc h long o<'curs on hard ]iinc C h r y s o b o t h r i s d e n 1 i p e s, ]1. 6c;y INSF.CTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES ' 649 A modestly colored, flattened beetle about 3 8 inch long occurs in midsummer on hard pine branches • • ■ C h r y s o b o t h r i s f 1 o r i c o 1 a, p. 658 A small, flattened beetle '4 inch long is abundant on hard ])ine from June till September C h r y s o b o t h r i s p u s i 1 1 a, p. 658 A large, stout, brownish beetle ij^ inches long breeds in i)ine stumps Harris's Prionus, Tragosoma harrisii, p. 659 A lar^e, brownish black, narrow beetle about 1 inch long occurs on pines in June and July Criocephalus agrestis, p. 659 A bluish, flattened beetle about '2 inch long occurs in early s])ring on pines Blue pine borer, C a 1 1 i d i 11 m a n t e n n a t u m, p. 660 A blackish brown beetle '2 to ^s inch long occurs late in May on pine Lesser pine borer, A s e m u m m oe s t u m, p. 66 r A grayish brown, mottled beetle y,6 to }4 inch long occurs on white pine A c a n t h o c i n u s o b s o 1 e t u s, p. 662 A slender, grayish brown beetle about ^i inch long occurs on pine in July X y 1 o t r e c h u s s a g i 1 1 a t u s, p. 663 A small beetle 'i inch long with a dark head and thorax and lighter wing covers and antennae, occurs on pine B a t y 1 e s u t u r a 1 i s, p. 663 A small, dark brown longicorn ]{ inch long occurs on pine and willow in midsummer P o g o n o c h e r u s m i x t u s, p. 663 A black beetle about J'4 inch long sparsely clothed with white hairs and downy white spots on the wnng covers, forming two irregular bands, occurs on pine H \' 1 o t r u ]i e s b a j u 1 u s, p. 664 A dark chestnut-colored weevil fg inch long occurs in iMay and June on pines or in mill yards Pales weevil, H y 1 o b i u s p a 1 e s, p. 664 A stout, brownish bark beetle about 3,16 inch long occurs under pine bark Pine Hylurgops, H y I u r g o p s g 1 a b r a t u s, p. 665 A jet-black beetle only }( inch long and with silvery white markings on the wing covers, occurs in midsummer on pines C 1 e r u s q u a d r i g u 1 1 a t u s, p. 666 S/ruif, s/'i-i'/i-s ajfccting A conspicuous bluish black horntail about 1^4 inches long opcurs on spruce AVhite-horned Urocerus, Urocerus albicornis, p. 667 A large, black, 4-winged fly an inch long and having some resemblance to a wasp but with a stout, cylindric body, attacks sprui'c Banded horntail, Urocerus a b d o m i n a 1 i s, p. 668 A small horntail with a blue abdomen and rufous legs attacks spruce and fir Blue horntail, P a u r >i r u s c y a n e u s, p. 669 650 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A somewhat cylindric, black or lirownish beetle about '2 inch long occurs in midsummer on spruce T e t r o p i u m c i n n a m o p t e r u m, p. 669 A black, red-shouldered, flattened beetle al)£)ut ViS '"ch long occurs on spruce P h y m a t o d e s d i m i d i a t u s, p. 669 A large, handsome, black beetle with the basal portion of the wing covers deep red and the middle antennal joints broadly ringed with reddish Canadian Leptura, L e p t u r a canadensis,]). 670 A cylindric brownish beetle about Yi inch long and ornamented with irregular, sulfur yellow bands, occurs on hemlock and spruce. . X y 1 o t r e c h u s u n d u 1 a t u s, p. 671 A slender, whitish, wood-boring grub enters the wounds of living trees and bores deep into the sapwood and heartwood Blazed tree borer, S e r r o p a 1 p u s b a r b a t u s, p. 67 1 A small, nai'row, triangular beetle about 3/j6 inch long and irregularly marked with silvery white, occurs on spruce and decaying maple Mo r del la bo real is, p. 672 A small, stout, nearly cylindric, brownish bark beetle about ^ inch long occurs in spruce bark Dryocoetes autograph us, p. 672 A small, yellowish brown to almost black bark beetle occurs in spruce bark, particularly at the base of the limbs C ry p h a 1 u s s t r i a t u 1 u s, p. 673 A minute, black or brown bark beetle e.xcavatcs many short, radiating, curved galleries in young dying red and black spruce Spruce wood engraver, P i t y o p h t h o r u s c a r i n i c e p s, p. 674 Balsam, species affecting A large, metallic, flattened, oval beetle about Y^ inch long occurs on balsam in July B u p r e s t i s m a c u 1 i v e n t r i s, p. 674 Hemlock, species affecting A rather slender, somewhat triangular beetle with a subtriangular spot near the middle of the outer margin of each wing cover, occurs on hemlock Leptura subhamata, p. 675 Cedar, species affecting A brownish beetle from ^ to nearly Y^ inch long with two large, blue patches at the base of the wing, bores as a larva in cedar Cedar tree borer, Hylotrupes ligneus, p. 675 Leaf feeders Pine, species affecting Loose web nests thickly sprinkled with excrement, occur on the terminal twigs and contain greenish or brownish false caterpillars. .. False pine webworm, Ly da species, p. 676 IXSECTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 65 I Loose web nests with considerable brown excrement on the needles of terminal pine twigs contain true caterpillars Pine web worm, Bent a m a 1 a n o g r a m m o s, p. 676 A large, thick, pale green caterpillar, 3 to 4 inches long with pale orange head and legs and 6 spined, yellow tubercles behind the head, occurs on white pine late in August and through September Imperial moth, B a s i 1 o n a i m p e r i a 1 i s, p. 677 A grass green, yellow and white striped caterpillar feeds on pine in the middle of September Harris's pine hawk moth, L a p a r a b o m b y c o i d e s, p. 679 A dull red caterpillar banded with brighter red with a light lateral line and reddish hairs in clusters, occurs on pine in late August and September White pine tufted caterpillar, P a n t h e a f u r c i 1 1 a, p. 679 A dull rusty brown, irregularly white-spotted, tlattened caterpillar with series of grayish tufts on each side harmonizes very closely with the bark Larch lappet, T o 1 y p e 1 a r i c i s, p. 680 A small, cylindric larva mines the leaves of various pines Pine leaf miner, P a r a 1 e c h i a p i n i f o 1 i e 1 1 a, p. 6S1 Peculiar tubes of webbed-together pine needles occur in midsummer and September on white and probably other pines Pine tube builder, E u 1 i a p o 1 i t a n a, p. 681 Short, stout beetles from '3 to nearly '4 inch long are numerous on hard pine foliage the latter part of June and throughout July Light-loving grapevine beetle, A n o m a 1 a 1 u c i c o 1 a, p. 682 A light brown beetle less than yi inch long is rather common on hard pine from the latter part of June till the last of August M e t a c h r o m a m a r g i n a li s, p. 682 Spn{<-e, speiies affecting Pale green, false caterpillars feed singly on spruce the latter part of the summer Spruce sawfly, Pteronus integer, p. 683 A red-headed, brownish caterpillar about fi inch long feeds on young, fresh spruce *^°"'^^ Spruce cone worm, D i o r y c t r i a r e n i c u 1 e 11 a, p. 6S4 Balsam, gall fly affecting A small midge produces an oval enlargement near the base of balsam needles Balsam gall midge, C e c i d o m y i a b a 1 s a m i o o 1 a, p. 685 Sucking insects Pine, species affecting A small, grayish and brown plant bug s/,^ inch long occurs on hard pine and other trees and shrubs False chinch bug, N y s i u s a n g u s t a t u s, p. 685 A small, brown plant bug % inch long P h y t o c o r i s e x i m i u s, p. 685 P i 1 o p h o r u s c r a s s i p e s, p. 686 652 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A brownish, membranous, winged plant bug a little over % inch long -' O 1 i a r i u s q u i n q u e 1 i n e a t u s, p. 686 Small, stout, triangular or rounded bugs producing masses of frothlike spittle on pines Spittle insects, several s|jecies, p. 686 A greenish brown leaf hopiier about 5 ,5 inch long. . S t i c t o c e p h a 1 a i n e r m i s, p. 687 0' A small, active, rather slender plant bug about ^ inch long with yellowish head and prothorax and yellowish red wing covers occurs on hard pine in midsummer Dichrooscytus rufipennis, p. 687 A light brown, slender plant Inig aliout '4 inch long with the thorax variously marked with red, jiinkish and light lirown occurs on hard pine N a b i s r u f u s c u 1 u s, p. 688 A grayish, yellowish or red-marked, elliptic insect, about J2 inch long occurs the latter part of summer on hard pine, many shrubs and plants / G y p o n a o c t o 1 i n e a t a, p. 688 A small, reddish brown, jumping plant louse y& inch long abounds on hard pine the latter part of the season and in early spring Bramble flea louse, T r i o z a t r i p u n c t a t a, p. 688 A conspicuous snow-white, woolly scale is sometimes very abundant on the more tender growths of pitch and southern yellow pine Woolly pine scale, P s e u d o p h i 1 i p ]i i a qua i n t a n c i i, p. 689 Hemlock, species affecting An oval, dark gray often blackish scale with a lighter margin, occurs on hemlock, pine, fir and maple Hemlock scale, A s p i d i o t u s a b i e t i s, p. 690 Frequenters of evergreen or coniferous trees A brilliantly marked, brick-red and blue ground beetle about ;'/;' inch long Lebia g r a n d i s, p. 690 A yellowish, 9-spotted hemispheric beetle ' Nine-spotted lady beetle, C o c c i n e 1 1 a 11 o v e m n o t a t a, p. 691 A yellowisli, almost black banded hemispheric beetle Three-banded lady beetle, C o c c i n e 1 1 a t r i f a s c i a t a, p. 691 A black beetle about ^4' inch long with a conspicuous orange band containing two circular black spots on the basal two thirds of the wing covers I p s s a n g u i n o 1 e n t u s, p. 69 1 A shining black beetle about ^'4 inch long with four irregular, orange markings on the wing covers I |i s q u a d r i g u 1 1 a t u s, p. 692 A small, snapping beetle less than fa inch long with a light head and light yellowish elytra marked with dark brown C o r y m b i t e s p r o p o 1 a, p. 692 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 653 A small, snapping beetle about }4 inch long with its yellowish wing covers thickly marked with curved, dark brown or black lines . . C o r y m b i t e s h i e r o g 1 y p h i c u s, p. 692 A small, black clerid with wing covers marked with zigzag black and gray transverse bands occurs on spruce Cloudy bark beetle destroyer, T h a n a s i m u s n u b i 1 u s, p. 693 A small beetle 3 ,6 incli long with pale yellow irregularly mottled wing covers and black head and thorax H y d n o c e r a p a 1 1 i p e n n i s, p. 693 A jet-black, slender beetle nearly -V ,6 inch long occurs on late scrub growths H y d n o c e r a h u m e r a 1 i s var. c y a n e s c e n s, p. 693 A small, variable, somewhat elongated, brown beetle about 's inch long E r n o b i u s m o 1 1 i s, p. 694 A greenish, coppery, elongate, parallel-sided beetle about '2 inch long D i c h e 1 o n y c h a a 1 b i c o 1 1 i s, p. 694 A thick, cylindric, brilliant brassy, coppery hued, rather stout beetle Pine Chrysomela, G 1 y p t o s c e 1 i s p u b e s c e n s, p. 695 A stout, yellowish brown beetle a trifle over li inch long C r y p t o c e p h a 1 u s s c h r e i b e r s i i , p. 695 A small, stout, black, red-spotted beetle }i inch long C ry p t GO ep h alu s q u a d r i m a c u 1 a t u s, p. 695 A small, brown or blackish lieetle, li inch long, with lighter transverse bands on the wing covers and a conspicuous pronotal process N o t o x u s b i f a s c i a t u s, p. 696 A small, brown, black-marked beetle about Ja inch long with a conspicuous pronotal process N o t o x u s a n c h o r a, p. 696, A yellowish brown, black-dotted, somewhat oval plant bug f/s inch long Co en us d e 1 i u s, p. 697 Delicate, greenish or brownish lace-winged flies with golden eyes, occur on many plants Lace-winged flies, Hemerobius s t i g m a t eru s, p. 697 M i c r o m u s m o n t a n u s, p. 697 Slender, pale green or greenish white, cricketlike creatures Flower or tree crickets, several species, p. 698 Larger flat-headed pine borer Chalcophora virginiciisis Drury Large, white, fleshy, flat-headed borers i^ inches long occur under pine bark in long narrow, very shallow grooves in the surface of the wood, transforming to a dark metallic gray, flattened beetle i to 1^ inches long. This large, white, fleshy, flat-headed borer about i )^ inches in length may be met with under pine bark, where it inhabits long, narrow and very 654 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM shallow grooves in the surface of the wood. The irregular, wavy or ser- pentine galleries enlarge with the growth of the larva and differ in general appearance from the borings of other insects inhabiting similar situations. This, the largest of the flat-headed pine borers, was met with rather com- monly by the writer on hard pine at Karner in 1901 from early in June to the latter part of September. The record of captures is as follows: June 4, two; June 13, two; June 26, four; July 8, two; August 9, two and September 18, one. The beetle may be found resting on the sunny side of the trunks and branches and occasionally among the needles of the smaller twigs. It is probably attracted by light, since one was taken in a trap lantern. The adult is a dark metallic gray colored beetle measuring from i to I yl inches in length. Dr Packard states that the beetles appear in the Northern States toward the end of May and occur i,. through the month of June, according to Harris, while he observed them in Maine on pinetrees in the mid- dle of July. Dr LeConte records this species as abundant in the Middle, Eastern and Southern States and adds that this form may be readily distin- guished by its dull color, fine punctuation of the depressed spaces of the wing covers, of which the four impressed spaces are better defined than any others, and finally by the sides of the thorax being anteriorly rounded to the middle and not at all angulated. Smaller flat headed pine borer ChalcopJiora libcrta Germ. This species may be distinguished from C. virginiensis Drury by its smaller size, it ranging from about ^ inch in length, and by the brilliant coppery color which is usually much more marked than in C. virginiensis. It was taken by the writer in relatively small numbers on hard pine at Karner in 1901 as follows: June 4, one; June 13, four; September 6, one and October 3, one. Dr Pitch states that this species is much more com- Fig. 185 C: h a 1 c o p h I) r gin ien si s, enlarged ( IXSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 655 mon in eastern New York than the larger C. virginiensis Drury, though such has not been our experience. He instances a small growth of young pines, only a few rods in extent, where upwards of 100 specimens of this beetle were taken in the middle of September, one or two being found on almost every tree in the grove, while only six of C. virginiensis Drury were met with. This smaller form, according to our observation, is present in the adult stage rather more abundantly late in the fall and this may be the reason why Dr Fitch failed to meet with more of the larger beetles. Dr Fitch states that he found the insects mostly at the tips of the limbs, clinging to the leaves with their heads inwards, the position in conjunction with shape and size giving them a close resemblance to the young fruit cones growing ;rom the same points on several of the limbs. He adds that they appeared to be eating the young buds, which are probably the food on which all these beetles subsist in the perfect state. Dr LeConte has recorded this species as abundant in the Middle and Eastern States and adds that it varies slightly in color, but is usually of a fine golden copper tint. He states that the broadly rounded sides of the thorax, the deep dorsal grooves and the entire sutural striae are characteristic of this species. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 678-79 ChaIcophor.al enlarged (orisinall Golden buprestis Biip7'cstis striata Fabr. A brilliant, sparkling, copper-red beetle a little over ^4 to nearly Vi^ inch in length, occurs on pine and spruce trees in May and June. This handsome, flat, metallic beetle was noticed by Dr Fitch about a half century ago. It appears to infest the dead wood of logs and stumps. The 656 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM adults are said to feed on the tender buds of pine and spruce. This insect, according to Dr Saunders, is a very handsome beetle from Yio to 7/,o inch long, of a coppery red color, with a broad, bluish green stripe on each w'ng cover, which varies in brilliancy in different specimens. There are four raised, smooth lines on each wing cover and a wide, shallow groove along the middle of the thorax. Both thorax and wing covers are pitted with minute dots. Dr LeConte records this species from the Middle States, Canada and Lake Superior. Dicerca punctulata .Schonherr An obscure, eoppery or black bronze, flattened beetle about Yt, inch long, occurs on pitch jMne. This buprestid was rare at Karner in 1901, only two specimens being taken, one in June and the other in August. Dr Fitch states that this species may be recognized by the smooth, transverse elevation on its front, extending from eye to eye, The wing covers taper to a rounded, nearly truncate tip. , ., .„•„,. Dicerca tuberculata Chev. largcd (original) A brassy, metallic flattened beetle about Ss inch in length, occurs in midsummer on pine, arbor-vitae and probably some other evergreens. This species was taken on arbor-vitae July 6, 1903, at Big Moose. It is a brassy colored ■ species, having coarse, rough, irregular marks. The rows of coarse punctures on its wing covers are about equally distant from each other instead of being in pairs. The intervening spaces have many irregular, elevated, black, polished spots, and the elevated, transverse lines upon the front are interrupted and not very prominent. LeConte states that the terminal segment of the male is truncate, emarginate, with tibiae simple, while in the female the last segment is rounded apically. This species has been recorded from Maine and, as stated above, occurs in New York. Blanchard records it from Massachusetts. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 657 Dicerca tenebrosa Kirby An ashy bronze or obscurely bronze, flattened, metallic beetle from a little over Y^ to nearly ^ inch long occurs on white pine from midsummer to October. This insect has been described by LeConte as follows : Ashy bronze or obscurely bronze, the prothorax dilated on the sides, which are rounded in front, sinuous behind, coarsely punctured ; behind broadly excavated on each side, with apical and basal shining smooth rugos- itijes ; a definite dorsal deep furrow with smooth sides, somewhat interrupted in the middle ; elytra densely punctured, with alternate oblong, raised, shin- ing interstitial spaces, prolonged entire to the apex; length .57 to .75 inch. Male with the pectus broadly sulcate, villose ; the intermediate tibiae armed with an internal acute tooth ; the last ventral segment truncate emarginate. Female with the pectus smoother, less sulcate ; the last ventral segment tridentate ; the intermediate tooth obtuse, defined by minute incisions. LeConte also adds the following regarding this species : The under surface is copper-colored, coarsely and densely punctured on the sides, abdomen and prosternum, less densely on the metasternum and middle of the first segment of the abdomen ; the divided portions of the mesosternum are coarsely and tolerably densely punctured. The outer costae of the thorax are interrupted so as to form on each side an apical and basal callosity. A female from Newfoundland differs by the epipleurae being green, the under surface of the prolonged extremity of the elytra blue, and by the incisures betw^een the anal teeth being more widely separated. Beetles belonging to this species were taken in July on arbor-vitae at Big Moose, and a specimen found in June 1900, at Saranac Inn. It is recorded as being abundant at Lake Superior, and according to Kirby, has been taken in latitude 65" in the Rocky mountains. The beetle has also been taken under the bark of white pine in the Adirondacks by Mr George Hunt. Mr Blanchard records finding it in Massachusetts on spruce wood piles and logs in June and also lists it from New Hampshire. Chrysobothris dentipes Germ. An oblong, oval, flattened, bronzed or purplish beetle, copper-colored beneath and about Y-i inch long, occurs in small numbers on hard pine. This species was somewhat rare on hard pines at Karner in 1901. It is similar in coloration to C. floricola Gory, though it is considerably 658 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM larger [pi. 20, fig. 11]. Dr Harris states that this species issues from the trees between the end of May and the first of July. It may be recognized by the aid of the above characters and the following: The thorax is not so wide as the hinder part of the body and its posterior margin is hollow on both sides to receive the rounded base of the wing covers, on each of which there are three irregular, smooth, elevated lines divided and interrupted by large, thickly punctured, impressed spots, two of which are oblique. The larva makes a slender, winding, serpentine gallery between the bark and the wood of newly felled trees and presents the usual buprestid characters. This species is reported as rather common on pine wood and timber in Massachusetts, though not so abundant as C. floricola Gory. It occurs in Canada and the northern United States. Chrysobothris floricola Gory. A modestly colored, flattened beetle about fa inch long occurs in midsummer on hard pine branches. This modestly colored buprestid about 3/^ inch long [pi. 20, fig. 10 1 occurred at Karner on hard pine branches and young needles from the 13th of June to the latter part of August 1901. It ranges from Florida through the Middle States probably into Canada. Chrysobothris pusilla Lap. & Gory A small, flattened beetle '4 inch long is abundant on hard pine from June till September. This small buprestid i<^ inch long [pi. 20, fig. 9], was very abundant on hard pine at Karner early in June till the first part of September 1901. The blue abdomen, uncovered when the insect is in flight, glistens brightly in the sunshine. This is a common pine insect, ranging from North Carolina probably to Canada and westward to Wisconsin. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 659 Harris's Prionus Tragosoina Jiarrisii Lee. A large, stout, brownish beetle about 1J4 inches in length, and closely resembling a rather slender prionid, breeds in pine stumps. This species, according to Wickham, is considered by some writers as identical with the North European T. depsarium Linn. He character- izes it as a curious looking beetle of elongate form and brownish color. The antennae are slender, the prothorax small in comparison with the elytra, very hairy and armed on each side with a single sharp tooth, in front of which the lateral margins are convergent. The elytra are shining, distinctly punctured and with numerous raised lines. This species probably ranges across the continent in the more northern latitudes, having been reported from Fort Colville Wash. Leng records it from Newfoundland to Vancouver and Coney Island. The state collection con- rig. ,83 Tragosoma harrisii, enlarged tains a specimen taken by Erastus Corning at Murray Bay, (original) Province of Quebec, in July or August, and it has also been captured in the pine forests of the Adirondacks. Criocephalus agrestis Kirby A large, brownish black, narrow beetle about i inch long occurs on pines in June and July, its white footless grub boring therein. The adult insect is a large, brownish black, narrow beetle about i inch in length. It may be recognized by the pair of deep thoracic impressions, the fine punctures on the elytra and by the third joint of the hind tarsi being two thirds longer than wide, emarginate for about one half its length. This beetle closely resembles A s e m u m m o e s t u m Hald., though twice as large and with longer, more slender antennae. This species is evidently very abundant in Quebec, since a large series was taken at Murray Bay by Erastus Corning in July or August 1878. It occurs in New York 66o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM State, has been recorded as infesting- the roots of pine and spruce, and is evidently widely distributed in the northern United States and Canada. Blue pine borer Callidiuni antennatii))i Newm. A bluish, flattened beetle about ]2 inch long, is common in early spring on pines. This pretty borer was bred in large numbers from a young dead pine taken at Karner, Ap. 17, 1903, at which time larvae, pupae and adults were present. Description. The beetle may be easily recognized by its blue or violet color and black antennae and legs. It is about y^ inch long, flattened, eyes coarsely granulate, strongly emarginate, almost divided ; thorax broad, rounded laterally ; wing covers rather coarsely corrugated. This species may be separated from the closely allied C. janthinum Lee, according to Wick- ham, by the impressions on the thorax and its finer punctures. Life history. The beetles occur in early spring, at which time they may be cut out of their burrows or collected from pine foliage. The boring by the larva ^'""^'""'^ is somewhat characteristic, being a broad, wavy channel just under the bark and largely confined to wood that is quite dry. Frequently considerable proportions of the sapwood are eaten away, so that only ridges remain as illustrated on plate 61, figure 3. The life cycle is probably completed in one year. Food plants. This insect is a common borer of the pine, and has also been recorded from red cedar. Dr Walsh was of the opinion that the cedar-inhabiting form was simply a phytophagic variety. Distribution. This insect probably has an extended distribution in America, since it has been recorded in various local eastern lists, and from Fig. 189 CaUidi INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 66 1 California, ranging as far south at least, as West Virginia. It probably occurs in most places where pine grows. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. stli Rep't, \>. 700-1 Lesser pine borer Ascmiciii viocstiiDi Hald. A blackish brown beetle ]A, to Sg incli long occurs late in May on pine. The larva of this species makes flattened, cylindric holes or mines which perforate the trunk of white pine and other trees in all directions. It is rather small, and the blackish brown beetle, about 3^ to 5/8 inch in length, appears late in May. We have met with this small borer on hard and white pine in May. Dr Packard states that this species appears to attack healthy as well as diseased trees, and cites several instances of injurious work. He finds that the exit holes are usually most abundant on the south side of the tree or stump, and that in some cases they are very numerous, as many as 10 occurring in a space of five square inches. The larval gallery is deep, extending 6 or 8 inches toward the heart of the tree, where it ends in an oval pupal cell. Description. The larva has been described in detail by Dr Packard, who states that it is about '-2 inch long, and that the prothorax inclines downward toward the head, being long and no wider than the mesothoracic or metathoracic .segments. Abdominal segments rather broad, and on the two hinder thoracic and first abdominal segments are transverse, regular, oblong areas banded by impressed lines. On segments two and four the callosities are narrower and pointed anteriorly, on si.x and seven they are a little longer than broad, contracted posteriorly. Smaller callosities occur on the ventral surface. The true legs are minute, three- jointed, small and rather short. The pupa is flattened, nearly yi inch in length, somewhat broad and 662 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUxM may be readil)' distinguished from other pupae of the genus, by the short antennae not extending to hinder edge of the metathorax, and the component segments being much shorter than in other species. The two raised, longitudinal lines of the wing covers corresponding to those of the beetle are very characteristic. The end of the abdomen is square and terminates in two sharp, slender, incurved hooks which are dark red at the tip. The adult is a rather stouth, blackish or very dark brown beetle from ^ to 5,.4i inch in length. The short antennae do not extend to the hind edge of the metathorax, the prothorax is short with rounded sides, and the elytra are marked by two conspicuous ridges. Food plants. Dr Hopkins states that this species works at the base of dying pine and spruce trees, hastening their death and decay. Mr Beuten- muller records this species as occurring upon oak and grapevine as well as pine, spruce and other conifers. Distribution. We have taken this beetle at Nassau and Troy N. Y., and it has been reported from Buffalo N. Y., Cincinnati O., southwestern Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, and Dr .Smith states that the beetles occur throughout New Jersey, during May and June, and that the larvae may be found in pine. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 697-99 Acanthocinus obsoletus Oliv. A grayish brown, mottled beetle 5 ,6 to )i inch long, occurs on white pine. The female of this species is remarkable because her long ovipositor extends about 3/8 inch beyond the tip of the abdomen. The delicate antennae are longer than the body, ringed with dull, yellowish white and the wing covers are marked with obscure, oblique, darker areas. It occurs in small numbers during July and August on white pine. This species has a wide distribution in the northern Atlantic region, according to Dr LeConte. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 66- ' Xylotrechus sagittatus Germ. A slender, grayish brown beetle about ^ inch long occurs on pine in July. A single example of this interesting borer was taken at the base of a dying white pine July 26, 1901 at Bath-on-Hudson. Dr Sinith states that this species is generally distributed, though rare in New Jersey. Batyle suturalis Say A small beetle }( inch long with a dark head and thorax and lighter wing covers and antennae, occurs on pine. This small longicorn, about '/^ inch long, may be recognized by its dark brown head and thora.x, lighter wing covers and antennae. The head, Fig. 191 X y 1 o Fig. 192 Batyle sutur enlarged (original) Fig. 193 Pogon ocher- us mixtus, enlarged (original) tatus, enlarged (original) thorax and wing covers are rather coarsely punctured and all, as well as the antennae, are clothed with stiff, somewhat sparse hairs. A single speci- men was taken on hard pine at Karner, June 26, 1901. Pogonocherus mixtus Hald. A small, dark brown longicorn about '4 inch long, occurs on hard pine and willow. This beetle has a nearly black head and thorax, the latter with a con- spicuous spine on each side and the wing covers are irregularly mottled with black or dark brown, brown or grayish. It is abroad during June and July and has been recorded as a willow borer. 664 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hylotrupes bajulus Linn. A black beetle about ^ inch long, with a gibbous jjrothorax sparsely clothed with white hairs, with shallow, confluent punctures and the elytra with tlouny while spots forming two irregular bands, occurs on pine and spruce. This species appears to be rare in New York State, since we had no specimens in the collection prior to receiving a few beetles in June 1904 from Yonkers, where it was stated that they were emerging in some num- bers from flooring, presumably spruce. Harris states that this is probably an introduced species, and that it is found in this country only near the seacoast. Pales weevil Hylobius pales Herbst. A dark, chestnut-colored weevil ^ inch long, occurs in May and June on pines or in mill yards. This beetle [pi. 20, fig. 8] lives under the bark of various pines and is widely distributed, ranging from Florida northward to Maine and Lake Superior. It occurs somewhat commonly on hard pines at Karner from June to the latter part of September. Life history. The life history is summarized by Dr Packard as follows : The grubs make irregular galleries under white pine bark and later tra- verse the sapwood, transforming in autumn in pupal cells e.xcavated in the latter. The insects protect their shelters with a thick roof of sawdust or chips and sometimes as many as eight or 10 cells may be found within an area of four square inches. The grubs remain till early spring in these retreats, transforming to [nipae in March, the beetles appearing in May or June. The eggs are laid either in the sides of the old burrow or in crevices of the bark. We have taken adults as late as October 23 and it is probable that oviposition continues throughout the summer. INSECTS AFFECTIXG PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 665 Pine Hylurgops Hyliti'gops glahratiis Zett. A stout, brownish bark beetle about 3/,6 inch in length, may be found working under pine bark during early spring and again in September. A single example of this species was taken by us at Bath-on-Hudson, Sep. 26, 1901, from under the moist bark of a hard pine infested with Rhagium lineatum Kirby. The tree had evidently been killed by borers, and it is probable that this species had a part in the destructive work. Description. This brownish black beetle is about s/jg inch in length. The labrum bears a few golden yellow hairs at its lower extremity ; the prothorax is rounded at the sides, narrowed anterior])-, and thickly and somewhat coarsely punctured. The wing covers are deeply striated, the striae being almost a series of confluent punctures. The posterior third of the elytra is sparsely clothed with rather coarse, yellowish hairs. The larva is a footless, curved, white grub, according to Packard. Life history and habits. This borer was first noticed fig. b\- l)r Fitch, who records it as occurring frequently on pine larged (onginaii lumber in mill yards early in May, and who characterized it as the pine destroying Hylastes. Dr Packard has recorded finding the beetles under the bark of a white pine stump at Brunswick Me., Aug. 15-20, 1881. This species has been met with by Dr Hopkins of West Virginia, who states that it mines the green bark of pines, both at the base of dying trees and also in logs and stumps. He states that the adults were met with in early May (some entering the bark on the i8th), and the latter part of June, pupae occurring Oct. 4. Eggs were observed in early May, young larvae June 13, and full grown ones July 14. Distribution. This species has been recorded by Dr LeConte, from 666 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lake Superior, Canada and Ohio, and it has been listed by Ulke from the District of Cohimbia, where it occurs on pine. Bibliography i8go Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 722-24 Clerus quadriguttatus Oliv. A jet-black beetle only 'y{ inch long and Avith silvery white markings on the wing covers, occurs in midsummer on pines. This, one of our smaller beneficial species, is only i^. inch in length. The head, thorax and posterior por- tions of the wing covers are jet-black except for transverse, silvery white markings on the latter ; the basal portion of the wing covers is reddish. This little beetle occurs rather commonly on hard and probably other pines infested by Tomicus or other borers, on which it undoubtedly preys. Adults were taken from the latter part of June throughout July. It is a common, somewhat abundant species in the northeastern United States. quadriguttatus enlarged (original) Rhyncolus brunneus Mann. This rather slender, jet-black beetle about 53, inch in length occurs under decaying pine bark. The head and thorax taper slightly anteriorly, are finely punctured and the wing covers coarsely striated with series of almost confluent, coarse punctures. Synchroa punctata Newm. This obscurely colored, brownish melandryid with the wing covers thickly clothed with a yellowish pubescence, is about 3 g inch long and has been taken under the bark of white pine and maple. Larvae and pupae were found by Mr Young under maple bark at Ilion, May 31, the beetles issuing June 5. Scymnus tenebrosus Muls. was beaten from pine at Karner July 27, 1901. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 667 Cardiophorus gagates Er. This species was taken on pine in June and probably lives under the bark of decaying trees. Limonius confusus Lee. This beetle was beaten in June from hard pine at Karner. Callidium aereum Newm., jcc p. 450. Leptura zebra Oliv., sfr p. 450. Urographis fasciatus DeG., srr p. 434. Platydema subcostatum Lap. This insect was taken under decaying- white pine bark at Schuylerville in October. Eustrophus repandus Horn, occurs under the decaying bark of white pine. Rhinomacer pilosus Lee. was taken on hard pine at Karner, Ap. 15. White-horned Urocerus Uroccnts albicornis Fabr. A conspicuous, bluish black horntail about \)i inches in length may be observed upon spruce, or its thick, fleshy larvae may be found at work in the wood. This species is a close ally to the common pigeon tremex so frequently observed on diseased or dying maples and elms, and has similar habits. Description. The adult may be easily recognized on account of its resemblance to the pigeon tremex, p. 61, in connection with the following description by Dr Harris : The white-horned Urocerus has white antennae, longer and more tapering than those of the pigeon tremex, and black at each end. The female is of a deep blue black color, with an oval white spot behind each eye, and another on each side of the hinder part of the abdomen. The horn on the tail is long, and shaped like the head of a lance. The wings are smoky brown, and semitransparent. The legs are black, with white joints. The body measures about an inch in length, and the wings expand nearly two inches. 668 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Life history and habits. Adults of this species have been observed ovipositing on recently sawed spruce lumber, and Dr Hopkins states that it attacks spruce, hemlock and fir. This is one of the more common of our species in the eastern United States, though it is far from abundant and the male appears to be quite rare. Tht? adults are usually found during July and August on the trunks of coniferous trees on bright days. The eggs are deposited in the wood with the stout ovipositor, the insects apparently preferring recently felled trees. The larvae run large burrows through the trunks, often rendering them unfit for lumber. Distribution. This species has been recorded by Fabricius from both North and South America. It has in addition also been reported from the following localities: New England, New York, New Jersey, Louisiana, Washington, Ottawa Can., Lake Winnipeg, Newfoundland and Northwest Territory. It has also been taken in England, probably carried there in infested lumber. Some allied species are regarded as destructive to pine forests in Germany, and reports of considerable injuries to coniferous trees have been received from the Northwest Territory, though we believe that, as a rule, in this country comparatively little damage results from this insect's work. BibUography 1897 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. V. i 51I1 Rc|.'t, ]>. ;,;vS-4o Banded horntail Uroccrus abdoiiiinalis Harr. A lariif, black, 4-\vinged fly an inch long having some resemblance to a wasp, but with a stout, cylindric body, attacks spruce. This species has smoky, transparent wings and its larvae have the gen- eral character of other horntails. The different .sexes of these insects vary considerably, and it is possible that this species is the male of Urocerus a 1 b i c o r n i s Fabr. noticed above. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES Blue horntail Paururiis cyancits Fabr. A small horntail conspicuous because of its blue abdomen and rufous legs attacks spruce and fir. This horntail is even rarer than the preceding and may be recognized by its unicolorous antennae, the triangular apical horn of the female in connection with its blue abdomen and the rufous legs. Its habits are probably similar to those of the foregoing species, and it has likewise been recorded as working in spruce and fir. Tetropium cinnamopterum Kirby A somewhat cylindric black or brownish beetle about y^. inch long occurs in July on spruce. It may be recognized by its jet-black head and thorax, which latter is nearly cylindric, though swollen at the middle, and by the dull brown wing covers. This borer, according to Dr Hopkins, infests the green bark and w-ood of injured and dying spruce trees in West Virginia. He states that it is very injurious, since it hastens the death of the trees and causes rapid decay of the wood. Adults were taken by him in March and July. enlarged (original; Phymatodes dimidiatus Kirby A black, red-shouldered, flattened beetle about '-■ ,6 inch in length, occurs on spruce. Examples of this species were taken on spruce at Big Moose N. Y., July 7, 1903. Description. The head, thorax and posterior portion of wing covers black ; anterior portion of latter and legs brownish. The antennae are slender, about as long as the body, thorax subpyriform, swollen anteriorly ; sides nearly parallel, femora clubbed. This species may be distinguished from its allies, according to Wickham, by the absence of narrow cross- 5-0 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM bands on the dark elytra, which are of a hghter shade before the middle. Life history and habits. The beetles have been met with in West X'iroinia the latter part of June, b)- Dr Hopkins, who records this species as a borer in spruce bark. Mr Young- has known of this insect emerging from spruce sidinjT after it had been manufactured, and Dr Hamil- ton lists it as occasional in southwestern Pennsylvania, stating that the larva is probably imported in lumber. Distribution. This insect is probably widely dis- tributed in the northeastern United States, since it has been recorded from West Virginia, New Jersey, .Staten Island and Buffalo N. Y., besides being occasionally found (original) in southwestern Pennsylvania. Canadian Leptura Lcptura canadensis Fabr. A large, handsome, black beetle with the basal jiortion of the black wing cases deep red and the middle antennal joints broadly ringed with reddish, works as a footless grub under spruce and hemlock bark. This species is more or less common in hemlock, and according to Dr Hopkins, the stout, fleshy, round-headed grubs mine the sapwood of dead spruce and hemlock, inducing rapid decay. We have met with what we believe to be this larva working in live hemlock tissues, though this habit may be somewhat exceptional. The adult beetle is a handsome insect about 3/j; inch in length, deep black, with the surface coarsely and densely punctured. It may be readily distinguished from its allies by the deep red basal portions of the wing covers and also by the antennae being broadly ringed with paler red, the joints of the middle being alternately red and black. The beetle may be met with in July and is rather common in the Adirondack reg-ion. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 671 Xylotrechus undulatus Say. A beautiful, cylindric, brownish beetle 'about Yi inch long, and ornamented by sulfur-yellow markings, occurs on both hemlock and spruce. This species is closely allied to X. c o 1 o n u s Fabr., but may be separated, according to Mr Wickham, by the thorax having an apical and basal pubescent band, the elytral bands being angulated or undulatory. It is a beautifully marked species with con- siderable sulfur-yellow on the lateral anterior portions of the thora.x. Specimens were taken on spruce and hemlock at Lake Clear and Big Moose in early July 1903. Dr Packard also states that he has beaten it from spruce at the end of July, and Dr Lintner states that Erastus Corning jr of Albany, met with the insect at Murray Bay Can., in the month of August, at which time they were emerging from burrows in spruces. Distribution. This species has a wide distribution in this country, since it has been recorded from Canada and the Eastern States, and Dr Packard mentions having received it from Tacoma Wash. Mr Fall records it from the northern portion of California. This species is stated by Dr Hamilton to be rare in southwestern Pennsylvania. It has been recorded from New Jersey by Dr Smith. Blazed tree borer Scrropalpns barbatiis Schall. A slender, whitish, wood-boring grub enters the wounds of living trees and bores deep into the sapwood and heartwood. The larva of this Melandryid is a slender, whitish, wood-boring grub, which enters wounds on living trees and bores deep into the sapwood and heartwood, causing rapid decay of the infested parts. Dr Hopkins states that it is common in blazed wood on balsam, fir and spruce trees along trails in northwestern Maine, while Dr Smith lists it from New Jersey and states that it has been taken from dry fungus. 6/2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mordella borealis Lee. A small, narrow, triangular beetle about 3/,6 inch in length, irregularly marked with silvery white, occurs on spruce and decaying maple. This species may be recognized, according to Dr Smitli, by the short, truncate anal style, its dull black color, with the thora.x, pygidium and the elytra sprinkled with small, rounded spots of silvery pubescence; wing covers with a narrow, interrupted band, composed of confluent spots behind the middle. This species was taken on dying or recently killed spruce at Big Moose N. Y., July 2, 1903, by Mr Young, and he has also found it breeding in decaying maple stumps. This is essentially a northern species, and has been recorded by Dr LeConte, from the Northern States. It is also listed from the vicinity of Cincinnati by Dury. Dryocoetes autographus Ratz. A small, stout, nearly cylindric, brownish bark beetle about /a inch in length, may be met with in spruce bark. This borer was taken in considerable numbers under spruce bark at Bier Moose N. Y., July 2, 1903. It may be distinguished, according to Dr LeConte, from its allies, by its larger size and the smooth front of the strongly punctured prothorax. He records this species from Alaska, Canada and Virginia under pine bark, while Dr Hopkins states that it occurs under green bark of logs and stumps of spruce. It is possible that there is a mistake in the preceding record. This species evidently has a wide distribution in the northern part of this country, since it has been recorded from Alaska, Hudson Bay Territory, Canada, Lake Superior, Mount Washington N. H., New Jersey, southwestern Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. The peculiar structure of the proventriculus is illustrated on plate 69, figure 9, and that of the tibia in figure 118, page 469. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 673 Dryocoetes sp. A species belonging to tliis genus was met with by the writer Aug. 14, 1900, at Saranac Inn, where it was breeding under spruce bark in company with the spruce baric borer. Polvgraphus rufipennis Kirby. The beetle is about 3/32 inch long, and in the case of the specimen obtained, of a yellowish brown color. It is doubtless much darker in mature individuals and its galleries are larger than those of Polygraphus. Cryphalus striatulus Mann. A small, yellowish brown to almost black bark beetle occurs in spruce bark, working particularly at the base of limbs. This species was taken by us, working in spruce bark in association with Tomicus balsa meus Lee. The affected tree was near water and was noticeable because of its red foliage. The trunk was not injured though this borer was work- ing in some numbers at the base of the limbs and appeared to be the primary cause of the trouble. This species was taken in August, working at the base of a small hemlock limb, the foliaire of which had becrun to rig. 200 Midd halus str turn brown. It was also observed at work in a small ophthorus r=P.puberulus;^=Phloeo- balsam tree, which had been cut several months. tribus frontalis (original) The adult is a light yellowish brown to almost black beetle about 3/32 inch long. The prothorax bears a number of prominent chitinous tubercles and the wing covers are faintly striated with rows of fine punctures. The galleries of this species are very irregular and appear to have no plan, consisting, as they do, of a series of interlacing burrows, which often unite to form laree excavations around the base of a twie. 674 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Spruce wood engraver Pityophtlionis cariniccps Lee. A minute, black or brown beetle excavates many short, radiating, curved galleries in young dying red and black spruce. This minute form excavates many short, radiating-, curved galleries from a large central chamber, working in the bark and surface of the wood of twigs and branches of dying trees and stems of young, dying red and black spruce. This species ranges from western Maine to Morgantown W. Va., and westward to Detroit Mich., according to Dr Hopkins. Like its allies, it is of comparatively little importance because its attacks are confined to dying or dead trees, mostly limbs. Buprestis maculiventris Say. A large, metallic, flattened, oval beetle about 3-4 inch long, occurs on balsam in July. This species was taken on balsam at Lake Placid, July 10, 1903. Description. It is a brassy-brown beetle about ^4 inch in length, and is easily distinguished, accordmg to Mr Harrington, by the reddish yellow ventral spots on each side of the abdominal segments, and by smaller spots of the same color on the anterior lateral margin of the thorax. The prothorax is rather coarsely, irregularly punctured and the wing covers deeply striated (according to Harrington frequently rumpled ), tips almost truncate. Life history. Mr. Harrington states that this species is common on both old and young spruce ventris, eni:irged(or,gip.ao y^^^^ J ,^ Juue aud July, aud adds that he has had the beetles emerge from pine timbers about the end of June. Distribution. I)r LeConte states that this species occurs in Pennsyl- vania, Lake Superior and Newfoundland. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 67; Leptura subhamata Rand. A rather slender, somewhat triangular beetle with a subtriangular spot near the middle of the outer margin of each wing cover, occurs on hemlock. This beautiful insect may be easily recognized by its yellowish elytra with a subtriangular spot near the middle of the outer margin. It was taken on tamarack at Lake Clear Junction July 8, 1903. The trees had been killed by a fire, and this species was evidently about to oviposit on them. This beetle has been taken by Mr Harrington on oak and also from a beech log. This form was described from the White mountains, and has been recorded from New Jersey, by Dr Smith, on the authority of ]\Ir Leng. It is also listed by Mr Ulke, from the District of Columbia, and six examples were taken by Dr John Hamilton, in southwestern Pennsylvania. This, in connection with its occurrence in New York State, leads us to believe that it is some- what generally distributed in the northeastern United States and probably ranges into Canada. Cedar tree borer Hylotriipcs lignats Fabr. A brownish beetle from -'s to nearly ]^ inch long, with two large, blue patches at the base of the wing, bores in the larval stage in cedar. This species is common in northwestern Maine, according to Dr Hopkins, who states that its slender, whitish bark and woodboring grub excavates winding burrows in the bark and surface of the wood of living arbor-vitae, causing the death of trees and serious defects in the wood. Mr Fall states that this species is common in southern California, where it depredates on pine, and that a nearly black variety occurs only on fir wood piles situated in more or less shady forests. He states that the typical form of this species may be taken on pine and spruce wood piles in sunny 676 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM situations. This beetle may be recogriized by its brown head, antennae, prothorax and legs, while the wing covers are mostly a dark prussian blue with a broad, yellowish band near the apical third, extending anteriorly along the margin and to the base of the wing covers along the suture. This insect ranges from about 3/g to nearly }4 inch long. False pine webworm Lyda sp. Loose web nests thickly sprinkled with excrement, occur on the terminal twigs and contain greenish or brownish false caterpillars. Several species of these interesting false caterpillars feed on both hard and soft white pine. They are easily recognized by the conspicuous antennae and alinost equally developed anal filaments at the opposite extremity which, with the prominent anal shield, give the creatures a some- what two-headed appearance. While the nests of these sawfly larvae are somewhat common, the insects are rarely abundant enough to cause serious damage. Their method of feeding is somewhat different from that of Benta, in that there is more of a tendency to eat the needles off at a uni- form level. A soldier bug, E uschistu s variolarius Beauv., is rather common on the nests of these insects in September and is probably of considerable service in keeping these leaf feeders in check. Pine webworm Bcnta uialanogranuiios Zell. Loose web nests, with considerable brown excrement, on the needles of terminal pine twigs, are very characteristic of this species. This leaf feeder appears to be a somewhat common one on pine in the vicinity of Albany, but as it is a difficult insect to rear, it has been impossible to determine its specific identity beyond question. The peculiar nests, found in midsummer and later, are two to three inches long and consist of an irregular, loose, cobwebby structure with brown pellets of excrement thicklv sprinkled throughout the mass. This species has been INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 677 observed by Professor Comstock in Florida, and he states that the larvae on attaining maturity, enter the ground for pupation. The parent moth has a wing spread of about an inch with the fore wings dark brown, nearly black on the basal third and beyond there is a broad, light gray band crossing the wings, outside of which is a dark brown area followed by gray. The hind wings are a dark ashy color with a silky luster. The full grown larva is about -^ inch long, dark yellowish brown, paler beneath and with a moderately distinct subdorsal line extending from the thoracic shield to the posterior extremity. Head, thoracic shield and last abdominal segment yellowish brown, more or less irregularly marked with dark brown or black. This species has not, to our knowledge, caused any serious injury and it is hardly probable that it will ever become dangerous. One of the soldier bugs, Euschistus variolarius Beauv. is common in the fall on web nests of Lyda and doubtless preys on this species also. Imperial moth Basiloiui iiiipci'ialis Drury A large, thick, pale green caterpillar 3 to 4 inches long, with pale orange head and legs and six spined, yellow tubercles behind the head, occurs on white pine needles late in August and through September. This, one of the largest native caterpillars, is most common in New York State on white pine though it lives on a considerable variety of food plants and in the South it is said to have a marked preference for species of oak. Description. The male of this magnificent moth has a wing spread of 4 inches and that of the female exceeds 5^ inches. The insects are light yellow, spotted and banded with brownish as represented on plate 41, figure I. The summarized descriptions of the early larval stages are drawn from Dr Lintner's more extended account. The recently hatched larva is 6/8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM dull red, J4 inch long, each segment except the last two with six rows of bristle-tipped spines, annulate with three fuscous bands. True legs black. After the first molt the head is a shining red and the segments reddish in the middle shading into an obscure color at the incisures. The spines are glossy black with branches bearing apical white bristles. The two long spines of the second and third segments and the mesal one of the iith about one fifth the length of the bod)', directed slightly forward and unequally forked. After the second molt the larva is ^ ',0 inch long, the head dull red with fuscous mesally and lateralK'. The Ijody is an umber brown, lighter at the incisures, gray dorsally and with a dark vascular line. Spines of second, third and eleventh segments curved, glossy black with yellowish base. The caterpillar after the third molt may be recognized by the long white hairs arising from the central portions of the segments, the dorsal ones being nearly twice the length of the thoracic spines, the lateral ones shorter. These spines are honey-yellow studded with conical projec- tions and each hearing a short, acute, fuscous spinule. After the fourth molt the larva is 1 3^^ inches long and the heretofore cylindric spines are conic and armed with stout spinules, anal plates with conspicuous whitish granulations. The nearly full grown larva is 3 to 4 inches long, green with a reddish tinge on the back. The yellowish black marked head and anal shield, the conspicuous spined yellowish tubercles and the prominent light spiracles with their darker margins are all conspicuous features. This larva can easily be recognized by reference to plate 19, figure i. The pupa is dark mahogany brown, i to i^i inches long and subcylin- dric in form. Life history. The moths fiy in June and deposit eggs, producing cater- pillars which attain maturity in September, at which time they forsake the trees and construct cells in the ground and change to pupae, in which condition the winter is passed. This caterpillar has a wide range of food plants. It has been recorded from 52 species representing 15 natural orders. The white pine appears to INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 6/9 be the favorite in the North and a number of species of oak in the South. It has been stated that in the vicinity of Germantown Pa., the larvae of this species have displayed a marked preference for red maple foliage in recent years. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't p. 771-2 1898 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. V. 13th Rep't, p. 342-51 Harris's pine hawk moth Lapara hombycoidcs Walk. A grass-green, yellow and white striped caterpillar feeds on pine in the middle of September, the moths appearing the following June. This caterpillar is interesting largely because of its peculiar appear- ance, its striking color rendering it inconspicuous on pine needles. The young larva is remarkable because of its large, high head terminating in a conspicuous cone. Just before the last molt the head is triangular, conical, the body thick and stout. It is then green with yellowish and red stripes. The full grown larva is green like that of the pine leaves, and has the broad, brick-red dorsal stripe wanting on the prothoracic segments and rep- resented by patches on the two following. This band is bordered with a whitish yellow line. There is a lateral straw yellow line and a broad white line becoming yellow anteriorly, below the spiracles. This larva may be easily recognized by its conspicuous striping. White pine tufted caterpillar Panthca fur cilia Pack. A dull red caterpillar banded with brighter red, with a light lateral line and reddish hairs in clusters, occurs on pine during late August and in September. This species is not common. The larva, when full grown, measures about \y% inches in length. It has been described by Dr Packard as follows : The body is black, with sparse, dull, light yellow hairs radiating from dark or pale mamillae. A pair of long prothoracic straight tufts projecting 68o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM over the head, and a pair of long similar erect ones on the eighth segment. All the legs are reddish. Some of- the full grown larvae turn black. The moth appears the following June. Larch lappet Tolypc laricis Fitch A dull, rusty brown, irregularly white-spotted flattened caterpillar with seiies of grayish tufts on each side, harmonizes very closely with pine bark. This caterpillar feeds on pine, hemlock, and larch and occurs on plum and cherry. It is rarely abundant enough to cause any injury and its claim to notice in this connection is based on its being a most excellent example of protective miinicry. This latter is due to several causes. In the first place it is a dull, rusty brown color, broken by irregular, white markings, which give it a striking resemblance to the bark of a tree. This protective feature is further hightened by the flattened form of the caterpillar and especially by the grayish tufts of hair springing from the large lateral tuber- cles and extending on either side a distance nearly equal to the width of the caterpillar itself. This curious larva when at rest harmonizes so closely with its surroundings as to render its detection exceedingly difficult. This latter was nicely exemplified by an experience of the late Dr Lintner, who showed an entomologic friend (well known because of his keen sight further sharpened by long experience in collecting, so that few caterpillars could escape his eyes) a small twig on which were four of these caterpillars, and though they were within reach of his extended finger, he was unable to discover them until their presence was revealed by movements as one after the other was touched. The cocoons of this interesting species are equally difficult to detect. They are placed longitudinally in a slight angle or depression and so spun as to harmonize very closely with their surround- ings, even to the extent of light markings of the bark being continued on the eocoon. Bibliography 1882 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. ist Rep't, p. 87-99 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES ' 68l Pine leaf miner Paralcckia pinifoliclla Chamb. A small cylindric larva mines the leaves of various species of pine. This small leaf miner is common on hard pine at Karner and the same is undoubtedly true in other sections of the State where this tree occurs. The tip of the leaf and in many instances the larger portion above its base is mined, dies and turns brown [pi. 20, fig. 5]. Description. The moth is very small, brownish, irregularly gray banded with a wing spread of 3 g inch, and may be recognized by reference to plate 20, figure 23. The ^'g^g has been described as reddish brown, globular, about .14 mm in diameter. The larva is '/a inch long, yellowish brown with the head, thoracic shield and anal plate dark brown. Life history. A single needle apparently affords ample sustenance for the development of the larva, which enters near the middle of the leaf and burrows toward the end, and then, reversing its course, proceeds toward the base. The borings are pushed out at the point of entrance. Professor Comstock states that there are certainly two and possibly three genera- tions annually. Natural enemies. This leaf miner is subject to attack by a number of parasites, notably several minute Chalcids and a small Tachina fly. Bibliography 1880 Comstock, J. H. U. S. Dep't Agric. Rep't 1879, P- -38-41 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 793-97 1903 Felt, E. P. For. Fish & Game Com. 7th Rep't, p. 509-10 Pine tube builder Eitlia- politana Haw. Peculiar tubes of webbed-together pine needles occur in midsummer and in September on white and probably other pines. This insect is rarely abundant and is worthy of notice largely because of the peculiar tubes it constructs among the pine needles. These consist of about 15 needles, which are bound together by silken threads, and the 582 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM terminal third eaten off. Dr Packard states that there appears to be two broods, full grown larvae ha\ing been observed by him the latter part of September, in tubes from which the terminal portions of the needles were not eaten. He was of the opinion that this was prevented b)- the approach of cold weather. The typical short tubes are found in midsummer. Description. The maker of these tubes is a pale green larva about j4 inch long. The head is a light brown color with darker, somewhat reddish patches on each side. It is very active, escaping from the tube and dropping by a thread when disturbed. The pupa is found inclosed in a slight web within the tube. The head, thorax and fore wings of the parent insect are a dull rust- red color, the latter with two oblique paler bands ; one a little before the middle and the other beyond parallel to it, crossing the wings. The hind wings and the upper side of the abdomen are silky gray. Wing spread half an inch. This is a widely distributed form, as Dr Dyar has listed it from Europe and the north Atlantic States. Light-loving grapevine beetle Auoinala lucicola P'abr. A short, stout beetle from ,' i to nearly Y-z inch long, is abundant on hard pine foliage the latter part of Jvuie and throughout July. This beetle [pi. 20, fig. 12, 13, 14] is more commonly known as a grape feeder, though its presence in large numbers on hard pines would also indi- cate that it is able to subsist on the pine. Its presence may be merely incidental, as soil conditions at Karner N. Y. are unusually favorable for the larvae. Metachroma marginalis Crotch A light brown beetle less than ]i inch long is rather common on hard pine in midsummer. This light brown beetle occurs rather commonly on hard pine from the latter part of June till the last of August. It does not appear to be INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 68;: injurious to the tree, though usually taken at the base of the needles. This species probably has an exten- sive range, as it has been recorded from North Caro- lina and Kansas. The larva are probably root feeders. Spruce sawfly Ptcroiuis ijitcgcr Say Pale green, false caterpillars feed singly on spruce the latter part of the summer. Fig. 203 .m e t a c h ro m a m.Trginalis, enlarged This species is stated by Dr Packard to be com- (original) mon over the Northern States and may at times prove obnoxious. It occurs on spruce in Maine during the latter part of the summer and feeds singly, not being gregarious as in the case of many species. He states that pos- sibly the fly appears in the fall, though probably it winters in the cocoon and may be found abroad in the early part of June. The larva and its cocoon have been described by Dr Packard as follows ' : Larva. The body is long, broader than the head ; pale pea green ; of the color of the leaves of the spruce among which it feeds. The head is smooth, of the same color as the body, with a dark patch extending upward behind each eye. Body not spotted, but with a dorsal dark green stripe, bordered on each side with whitish glaucous green. Along the body is a lateral conspicuous broad white stripe, the stripe much scalloped below. Body beneath and abdominal legs uniformly green ; thpracic legs pale honey yellow, except at base. Length 1 7 mm. Cocoon. Of the usual oval cylindrical form ; of a pale horn color, of the usual density, the walls being opaque. Length 13 mm; diameter 4 mm. The adult sawfly is about ^ inch long, yellow with black or dark brown markings, except on the sides and venter of the abdomen, which are a greenish tinge. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 838-39 1896 Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Tech. Ser. 3, p. 69 'Possibly the larva of another species. Dyar records Pteronus integer Say as an oak feeder. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 189S. 6:122. 684 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Spruce cone worm Diowctria rciiiciilclla Grote A red-headed, brownish caterpillar about f 8 inch long, feeds on young fresh spruce cones, surrounding them with a mass of webbed excreta. This species was brought to our attention by the receipt of a large number of infested cones collected in the Adirondacks. The attack, according to Dr Packard, is usually confined to the young cones, into which the larvae bore and mine in different directions, excavating galleries in the interior and separating the scales from the axis of the cone. The cater- pillar may mine one cone and then pass into an adjoining one, spinning a rude silken passage between the two. Occasionally a bunch of three or four cones is tied together with silken threads, in which latter masses of castings or excrement become entangled. Description. The larva has been described by Dr Packard as follows : Head and prothoracic shield deep amber brown ; the body reddish carneous or amber brown, with a livid hue ; a faint, dark dorsal, and a broader, subdorsal line ; piliferous warts distinct ; each segment divided into a longer anterior and shorter, narrower, posterior section, bearing two dorsal piliferous warts, besides a lateral one. Length s/jg inch. The parent insect has its fore wings ornamented with light and dark gray. There is a broad basal light patch and before the middle of the wing a white zigzag line and near the outer margin another white zigzag line with a dark border. Wing expanse about 34! inch. This is considered by Ragonot to be a synonym of the closely allied D. d e c u r i e 1 1 a Hiibn., a form which feeds both on firs and pines, and it is possible that the species under description has similar food habits. There is no practical method of preventing its depredations, were it desir- able, other than collecting and burning the infested cones before their inhabitants have escaped. Bibliography 1890 Packard, A. S. U. S. Ent. Com. 5th Rep't, p. 854-56 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 685 Balsam gall midge Cccidouiyia balsaniicola Lintn. A small midge produces an oval enlargement near the base of balsam needles. This insect was first brought to the late Dr Lintner's attention in 1886, because of its abundance on balsam fir in Adirondack localities. It does not appear to occur in the vicinity of Albany, though it has been taken at Shelbourne N. H., and specimens of what appears to be the same insect, were received by Dr Lintner from North Carolina, where they infested the southern balsam, Abies fraseri. Occasionally this insect is so abun- dant as to give a peculiar nodose appearance to affected trees, at which times as many as three quarters of all the leaves may be infested. The larvae are inactive, hardly move and show no disposition to feed. Badly infested trees lose a considerable portion of their foliage in December, all the galls dropping. The adult has not been reared so far as known. False chinch bug Nysiiis angusfatus Uhler A small, grayish and brown plant bug ' ,6 inch long occurs on a variety of plants. This species is best known on account of its being confused with that notorious enemy of the farmer, the chinch bug, B 1 i s s u s 1 e u- copterus Say. It is a general feeder, occur- ring on such diverse plants as appletrees, hard pines, grapevines, potato vines, turnips and radishes. Phytocoris eximius Reut. This is an inconspicuous, brownish marked Capsid (fig. 204), a little less than y^ of an inch '^ '°^ iLged (original)' long. It occurred somewhat sparingly on hard pine at Karner in Septem- ber, 1901. 686 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fig. 205 O I 1 1 r u s Pilophorus crassipes Uhl. This small, brown plant bug [pi. 20, fig. 15], only about i/^ inch long, occurs rather commonly on hard pine in midsummer. Oliarus quinquelineatus Say This brownish, membraneous winged plant bug a little over '^ inch in length occurred in midsummer on hard pine. It was taken in 1901 at Karner as follows : Jul)' 8, two ; fuly 19, two ; [uly 27, one and Aug. 8, one. Spittle insects Masses of frothlike sjiittle on pines indicate the pres- ence Ijeneath of small stout, triangular or rounded bugs. Several of these interesting forms are briefly noticed below. O Saratoga spittle insect, A p h r o p h o r a s a r a t o g e n s i s Fitch. This spittle insect may be recognized by its uniform brownish color variegated with very light brown or yellow. It is about j ,s inch long and more slender than A. parallela .Say. Adults occur from the latter part of June to the last of September. 6 Parallel spittle insect, A p h r o p h o r a parallela Say. This spit- tle insect is somewhat common on hard [Mue at Karner, adults occurring during July. It is about '2 inch long and may be easily recognized by the whitish spot in the center of each wing cover and by the smooth, whitish line along the dorsum of the head and prothora.x [pi. 20, fig. 22 [ r Quadrangular spittle insect, A p h r o p h o r a q u a d r a n g u 1 a r i s Say. This small, rather prettily oblique-banded spittle insect ]\ inch long, occurs in small numbers on hard pine in August and September. > Pine clastoptera, Clastoptera pini Fitch. This species, described by Dr F"itch, is a stout, oval, blackish tree hopper '/e inch long. Head pale yellow, margined anteriorly with black ; thorax sculptured transversely and ornamented with a pale yellow anterior band. Wing covers with INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 6Sj a broad, clear, white margin outwardly, broken by black behind the micJdle and with a shining black dot near the tip. Legs and ventral surface yellow. The young of this little species occur on pines about June i, in this State. They are enveloped in frothy masses among the terminals, and about this time they are J^. inch in length, and have a small shiny black head and thorax, with the body broad, flattened, and flesh color, or sometimes brick-red, as described by Miss Wolsey, of Matteawan. S Obtuse clastoptera, Clastoptera obtusa Say. This little spittle insect occurred in small numbers on hard pine at Karner, the young being located at the base of leaf petioles. Adults were taken from June 13 to 19. They ^ig- ^oo clastoptera are from ys to 3/15 inches long and irregularly marked- with (""g'nai) brown, yellowish brown and yellowish white. It is remarkable for its obtuse form. - Stictocephala inermis Fabr. A greenish brown leaf hopper about = ,6 inch long, occurs on hard pine in midsummer. This species has somewhat the shape of a beechnut and is not marked by any excessively developed processes. It was present in small numbers on hard pine during July 1901. This tree hopper probably has a wide distribution as it has been recorded from a number of eastern and several western States. Dichrooscytus rufipennis P all. A small, active, rather slender plant bug about }{ inch long with yellowish head and prothorax and yellowish red wing covers occurs on hard pine in midsummer. This is a small, active, rather slender plant bug, measuring about ^ inch in length. The head and prothorax are yellowish and the yellowish red wing covers are bordered by the same. This species was met with by the writer in small numbers on hard pine at Karner in 1901. It is quite agile and but few specimens were captured, the numbers and dates being as follows: one on June 13, two on the 26th and two July 8. The species has been listed from New Jersey by Dr Smith and Douglas ct Scott' ■1865 British Hemiptera, p. 478. 688 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fig. 207 N a I) i s r u larked Cori redorcl the beating of specimens from P i n u s s y 1 v e s t r i s in several English localities. Nabis rufusculus Rent. A light brown, slender plant bug about % inch long with the thorax variously marked with red, pinkish and light brown occurs on hard pine. This slender plant bug y^ inch long occurred in small numbers on hard pine at Karner in 1901. It is slender, widening gradually to the posterior third of the wing covers. The black eyes and the brilliant carmine ocelli are con- spicuous. The thorax is variously marked with red, pinkish and light brown and the wing covers have a pinkish shade mottled with light brown, the membrane fuscous. It undoubtedly preys on various species frequenting pines and other trees. Gypona octolineata Say A grayish, yellowish or red-marked elliptic insect about % inch long, occurs the latter part of feummer on hard pine, many shrubs and plants. Specimens of this insect were taken on hard pine at Karner, Sep. 18, 1 901. This variable form presents marked differences; some individuals have eight reddish or rosy lines, while others have yellowish lines on the thorax, and with the wing veins and margins similarly ornamented. It has a wide distribution, having been recorded from Colorado, Missouri and several localities in New Jersey. Eutettix strobi Fitch is common on pines in May. Bramble flea louse Trioza tvipinictata Fitch A small, reddish brown, jumping plant louse }i inch long, abounds on hard pine the latter part of the season and in early spring. This species is very abundant on hard pines at Karner and its presence on these trees has also been recorded from Canada and Florida. It occurs INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 689 on blackberry, which may prove to be its normal food plant. The following paragraph is a summary of Mr Sirrine's biological account of this insect : Life history. Last stage nymphs were taken Sep. 12 on blackberry and the first adults were seen Sep. 29 and by Oct. 15 all had transformed. The light yellow eggs are deposited in June and July on blackberry, maturity being attained in September or October, the adults hibernating in sheltered places. Description. The perfect insect is about j/s inch long with the wings deeply tinged with brown '^' '" ilrgedVrig'ina"" "'"'"'' "" along the veins and the entire body a yellowish brown color except the darker eyes. The young are nearly pure white, ranging to a greenish white and when seen by the unaided eye, resemble leaf mites or the young of spiders moie than plant lice. Bibliography 1896 Sirrine, F. A. N. Y. Agrir. Exp. Sta. 14th Rep't, p. 19-23 Woolly pine scale Pseiidophilippta quaint ancii Ckll. A conspicuous snow-white, woolly scale is sometimes very abundant on the more tender growths of pitch and southern yellow pine [pi. 51, fig. 3]. Examples of what are presumably this species were received from Orange county, New York, and Pike Pa., where the insect was extremely abundant on thousands of young pitch pine. It may be at once recognized by the thick woolly masses at the base of the pine needles, the woolly cov- ering being conspicuous and easily detected at some distance. This scale is known to the natives as " bleeding pitch" and "pitch pine wool." The twigs turn brown and become brittle soon after the scales drop off. The attack was confined largely to trees less than 14 feet in hight. The pest was not observed on white pine, hemlock, spruce or larch in the infested region. This species was found in 1897 by Prof. A. L. Quaintance at Lake NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM City Fla., where it was very abundant and generally distributed on branches and young trees of Pin us a u s t r a 1 i s. He states that the insects secrete an abundance of honeydew in which a black fungus develops. Hemlock scale Aspidiotiis abicfis Schr. An oval, dark gray, often blackish scale with a lighter margin and sometimes with a bluish, brownish or purple tinge, occurs on hemlock, pine, fir and maple foliage. This species is reported by Professor Comstock as being rather com- mon on the lower surface of hemlock leaves at Ithaca, and has been found by us in small nuinbers on hard pine leaves at Karner. It is an European species, which has been reported in this country from Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Georgia. The female scale has been described by Professor Comstock as follows : The scale of the female is i"ather elongated, with its sides parallel and ends rounded. The exuviae are nearly central, and are covered with secre- tion. The color of the scale is dark gray, often approaching black, with the margin lighter, and sometimes with a bluish, brownish, or purplish tinge. In many specimens of the fully formed scale, the part covering the ^ exuviae is more or less distinct, appearing like a small """^"^Cf^ ^lSr ' ".^ scale with a light margin superimposed upon a larger \-'^™ ifc~»f scale. Length .08 to .12 inches. Labia grandis Hentz This brilliantly marked ground beetle about -'8 inch in length may be recognized by its brick-red head and thorax and bluish, deeply striated wing covers. It is well known as an enemy of the potato beetle, and was taken in small numbers on hard pine at rig.209 Lebia grandis, . ... 1 o r, much enhirged (original I Kamerm I QO I , ouc specimeu being captured hep. i8. It probably preys on some of the more defenseless forms infesting these trees. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAXD TREES Nine-spotted lady beetle Coccinclla iiovciniiotata Ilerbst. A hemisplieric, yellowish, nine-shotted beetle. This little lady beetle is one of our more common species and is some- what abundant on hard pines at Karner from [iih- to September. The insect is a well known species and may be easily recognized by the accompanying illustra- tion. It appears to be one of the more effective species, in controlling plant lice, since it is quite commonl)- met with on trees infested by these little insects, and is probably an efficient check on those living on pine. Fig. 210 c This species has been recorded by Mr Crotch from (original) the Atlantic reeion, Mexico and Guatemala. Three-banded lady beetle Coccinclla trifasciata Linn. A yellowish, almost black-banded, hemispheric beetle. This medium to small sized lady beetle is sometimes rather abundant. It is easily recognized by the transverse black spots, which give it the appearance of being three- banded, hence its specific name. This little insect was met with in small nimibers on hard pine at Karner, one being taken Aug. 9 and two Sep. 6, igoi. It undoubtedly preys on the plant lice infesting this tree. This beetle has a very wide distribution, having been recorded by Mr Crotch from Lake Superior, Oregon, Siberia and Lapland. Ips sanguinolentus Oliv. .V black beetle about '4 inch long with a conspicuous orange band containing two circular black spots on the basal two thirds of the wing covers. This species has a general resemblance to Ips quadrlguttatus Fabr., and possesses similar habits. It lueasures about Y^ inch in length, 692 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and may be recognized by the large reddish orange markings on each wing cover in the center of which is a jet-black, nearly circular spot. Ips quadriguttatus Fabr. A shining black beetle about // inch long with four irregular, orange markings on the wing covers. This shining black beetle with four irregular orange markings on the wing covers, is from s/jg to s/,^ inch long and occurs in the galleries of various wood Fig. 212 1 ]j s -^ .1 iL •.; u i n o- , - . . . ' , . lentus, enlarged (original) boTers, particularly those moist with exuding sap. It feeds on decaying fruit, corn on the ear, seed after it has been planted and has been taken in the fall on oak and hard pine at Karner. Corymbites propola Lee. A small, snapping beetle less than 3 a inch long with a light head and light yellowish elytra marked with dark brown. This little snapping beetle is less than 3/s inch in length and may be recognized by its light head and the light yellowish elytra marked with dark brown. ■ This species was met with in small numbers on hard tat us, enlarged (original) pine at Karner, one specimen being taken June 4 and two June 13, 1 90 1. It has been recorded from Lake Superior, Eagle Harbor, and is also found in western New York as stated by Dr LeConte. Corymbites hieroglyphicus Say A small, snapping beetle about yi inch long with its yellowish wing covers marked with curved, dark brown or black lines. This peculiar snapping beetle, about }4 inch long with dark brown head and thorax and yellowish wing covers marked with curved, dark brcwn or black lines, occurs on hard Fig. 214 Co ry m hieroglyphic larged (original) INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 693 pines in June and July. This somewhat rare species has been recorded from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Dr LeConte gives its distribution as Lake Superior, Ohio and Maine and states that it is not rare. Cloudy bark beetle destroyer T/ianasiiinis inibilus Kl. A small, black clerid with wing covers marked with zigzag black and gray transverse bands occurs on spruce. The adults of this beneficial clerid feed on the spruce destroying bark beetle, Dendroctonus piceaperda Hopk., and associated species. The larvae of this predaceous form prey on the young and pupae of bark beetles in their galleries. This very beneficial species resembles an ant in appearance. It may be recognized by its black head, by the middle portion of the body being red and the wing covers marked with zigzag black and gray transverse bands. Hydnocera pallipennis Say A small beetle 3/16 inch long with pale yellow, irregularly mottled wing covers and black head and thorax. This is a small beetle about 'il^t inch in length. It has a black head and thorax, and the wing covers are a pale yellow and irregularly mottled with brown. A single specimen was taken July 19, 1901, on hard pine at Karner. It has been recorded by Dr Smith as generally distributed and not rare in New Jersey. Hydnocera humeralis Say, van cyanescens Lee. A jet-black, slender beetle nearly 3/,(; inch in length, may be taken on low shrub growths in midsummer. E-xamples of this species were taken on hard pine at Karner July 2, 1902. Description. This beetle is about 3/i6 inch in length, black in color, except that the head and thorax have dark grayish reflections in certain lights. Eyes large, prominent ; thorax broader than long, subcylindric, with 694 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lateral, rounded tuberosities. Wing covers rather coarsely, irregularly punctured, rounded at the apex and diverging. Habits and distribution. This predaceous species appears to be com- mon in midsummer on late shrubs, and is probably generally distributed in the northeastern United States, having been recorded from the vicinity of Buffalo N. Y., southwestern Pennsylvania, various localities in New Jersey and the District of Columbia. Ernobius mollis Linn. A small, variable, somewhat elongated, brown beetle about }-i inch long occurs on hard pines in June and July. This common European species introduced about 1865, is a common form on hard pines in midsummer. It is recorded as generally distributed in New Jersey though not common. Its allies, E. granulatus Lee. and E. luteipennis Lee. have been taken on pines in New Jersey. Dichelonycha albicollis Burm. A greenish, coppery, elongate, parallel-sided beetle about J2 inch in length, occurs rather sparsely on hard [jine in midsummer. This species was taken in midsummer in rather small numbers at Karner, where it occurred at the base of hard pine needles. Specimens were captured at intervals throughout June and early July 1901, and also the fol- lowing season. Dr Fitch ' states that it becomes quite common on pines about the middle of May, eating the foliage and continuing for about a month. Its distribu- tion has been given by Dr Horn as the Middle States and Canada, and it has been recorded from several localities in enlarged (original) New Jersey by Dr Smith. ' 1858 Fitch, Asa. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep't, p. 61. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 695 Pine chrysomela G/vpiosicIis pnlu-siciis Fabr. Thick, cylindric, brilliant, brassy, coppery Iiued, rather stout beetles occur on hard pine foliage in May and June. This species ranges from 2/^ to 5 15 inch in length [pi. 20, fig. 7]. It was common on hard pines at Karner in June 1901, and occurred through- out May, June and early July the following year. This insect ranges from the Middle States to North Carolina and has been recorded from Oregon. It appears to be a rather characteristic spruce and pine beetle, judging from accessible records. Cryptocephalus schreibersii Suffr. A stout, yellowish brown beetle a trifle over }i inch long occurs on hard pine. This stout yellowish brown beetle, only a trifle over ^8 inch in length, was taken in small numbers on hard pines at Karner in September. This species has been recorded by Dr LeConte, from Massachusetts and Georgia, and Dr Smith reports it from several localities in New Jersey, and states that it occurs on hard pine leaves. Cryptocephalus quadrimaculatus Say A small, stout, black, red-spotted beetle }i inch long occurs on hard pines in midsummer. This species was taken through June and in early July 1 90 1, and the latter part of June 1902, on both scrub oak Fig 217 cryptoceph- and hard pine at Karner. It has also been listed from irus.YnLrge'.rrorig- Ncw Jcrscy tea (C e a n o t h u s a m e r i c a n a) and also on Rubus. Little is known of its life history. 696 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Notoxus bifasciatus Lee. A small, brown or blackisli beetle with lighter transverse bands on the wing covers and a conspicuous pronotal process. This small beetle only about yi inch long, was exceedingly common on hard pine at Karner during the latter part of June and early July 1902. It could have been taken by thousands, if desired. This species, like its ally, N. anchora Hentz, has the peculiar hornlike process on the prothorax, only in this case it is distinctly spatulate at the tip. The elytra are dark brown or black with two transverse bands, the anterior one always being interrupted at the suture. This species, according to Dr Horn, occurs everywhere Fig. ;i8 N o t o .V u s from Canada to Arizona, westward to the Rocky mountains. larged (original)' It is Stated by Dr Smith to be locally common, and Dr Hamilton records it as abundant in southwestern Pennsylvania, along the river shore on herbage, willow etc. Notoxus anchora Hentz A small brown, black-marked beetle about }i inch in length, may be met with on hard ])ine and various shrubs and herbs during the summer. Members of this genus are remarkable for the enormous hornlike projection on the prothorax. This species is somewhat variable, though Dr Horn states that the inarkings are rather constant. There is usually a more or less crescentic black band on each wing cover at the apical third. These join at the suture and extend forward, becoming broader at base. Near the side margin, just behind the humeri, there is a short stripe of varying size, sometimes wanting. This species is widely distributed, though it Fig. 219 Notoxus .1 n c has not been observed in Arizona or the Pacific States. enlarged (original) It appears in most of the local lists, except in that for the District of Columbia, and is usually recorded as rather scarce. Large numbers of this INSECTS AFFECTIXC PARK AND WOODLAXD TREES 697 species have been sent to us by a correspondent, who took them from about the roots of wheat plants. Coenus delius Say A yellowish brown, black-dotted, somewhat oval plant bug fi inch long. This yellowish brown, black-dotted, somewhat oval plant bug, measuring about 3^ inch in length, was taken at Karner on hard pine in jj 1901. The species has a wide range, it having been listed from Colorado, New Jersey, Iowa, and Professor Uhler records it from as far south as Texas and as occurring in Massachusetts, New York and other states. Lace-winged fly Hcvicrobijis stigniatcriis Fitch Delicate greenish or brownish lace-winged flies with golden eyes, occur on many plants, their flattened long-jawed ferocious larvae devouring plant lice. These flies are rather well known both as adults and larvae. The above named species was found in small numbers on hard pine at Karner. It appears to be a common species according to Dr Fitch, in the Northern and Western States. The general appearance of a lace-winged fly is shown at plate 20, figure 18. The peculiar spheric cocoon is illustrated at i8a of the same plate and the singular stalked eggs at i8b. The young aphis lions are very bloodthirsty, even attacking smaller larvae of their own species as well as destroying many aphids. Micromus montanus Hag. This grayish brown, lace-winged fly i^ inch long with a wing spread of ^ inch occurs in September on hard pine. The veins are prettily marked with irregular alternating light and brown spaces. This beneficial species has been recorded from Massachusetts and the White mountains. 698 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pine tree cricket Occantlius piiii Beutm. This flower cricket was taken by the writer on hard pine at Karner in 1901 as follows; luly 27, four; Aug. 21, four, and Sep. 6, one. Immature specimens of what probably belong- to the same species were taken, one on July 8, and two on the 19th. « This insect has been described by Mr Beutenmuller as follows : Head and antennae testaceous, the latter becoming darker towards the tip ; first two joints with four black marks ; the inner mark on the first joint long and straight, the outer oblique ; those on the' second joint JaI parallel; eyes black ; thorax testaceous with a longitudinal line n on each side above ; anterior pairs of legs testaceous ; posterior J, femora green, tibiae testaceous; body beneath black with the sides 1\ yellowish green ; body above blackish with a green stripe along \ the back ; elytra transparent, with grass-green veins ; hind wings slightly protruding beyond the elytra; veins also green. The female is somewhat paler than the male, and the wings Fig. 22, oe- extend a little more beyond the elytra ; ovipositor dark testaceous, ■^ •''"■ i' "== tip black. Average length from head to tip of wing covers, 14 pini, Tinder ^ , , "^ • ? i side of basal mui ; body, 12 mm ; width, 4.5 mm. ments '(After He states that it may be easily distinguished from O. n i g r i- Am. miI^nIi.' c o r n i s Walk., by the grass-green color of the wings and the testaceous head and thorax and the marks on the basal joints of the antennae. He adds that it lives only on pinetrees and usually on the high branches. It has been recorded from Riverton N. J., by Dr Smith and probably occurs in other pine sections of the state. Bibliography 1894 Beutenmuller, William. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 6:271 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 699 Black-horned tree cricket Occanthiis nigriconiis W'alker This tree cricket may be recognized by its dark or nearly black antennae, the black markings on the basal joints as illustrated in figure 222, and by the rufous and dark mark- ings upon the head and abdomen. It is somewhat Aariable in coloring, though possessing a characteristic appearance. This species occurred in small numbers on hard pine at Karner in igoi, and was as abundant as any other species of this genus in that section. Adults were taken in August and September, and the species is undoubt- edly of some benefit to trees because of its predaceous habits, though shrubs, particularly those with soft wood, may be injured to a considerable extent by the deposition of eggs. This insect was noticed by Dr Fitch in 1856, who states that it is almost as common as the snowy tree cricket (Oecan- thus niveus DeG.), and who treated of it under the name of O. fasciatus DeGeer. This species occurs from the lat- ^'s- 23. oeca„. thusnigri- ter part of July till frost, along roadsides and in open fields ""--i^. ""der- accordmg to Mr Beutenmuller, who considers it one of the most »""=''"='i "s- ments (After Beu- common m the vicinity of New York city. Professor Bruner "=""■""=■•. An>. Mus. Nat. Hist. states that it is almost as abundant in Nebraska as the snowy ""'■ 's-*' tree cricket, and that it is a frequenter of meadows and may be found among weeds and grasses, depositing eggs as a rule, in weed stems. Pro- fessor Lugger considers it a very common form in Minnesota. It is interesting to note that it occurs in Mississippi, Avhere Mr W. H. Ashmead detected a small parasite, Antigaster mira bills Walsh ovipositing in the cricket's eggs. Bibliography 1894 Beutenmuller, Wm. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 6: 270 Four-spotted tree cricket Oecanthtis quadripunctatits Beutm. This species occurs in small numbers during early fall on hard pine at Karner. It has been recorded from Ithaca, Staten Island and a number of yoo NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM New Jersey localities. It may be recognized by aid of the figure and the following description by INIr Beutenmuller. Head and antennae testaceous, the latter becoming darker fijl towards the tip ; first two joints with four black marks; the I inner mark on the first joint long and straight, the outer oblique; those on the second joint parallel ; eyes black; thorax testaceous with a longitudinal line on each side above; anterior pairs of legs testaceous ; posterior femora green, tibia testaceous ; body beneath black with the sides yellowish green ; body above blackish with a green stripe along the back ; elytra transparent, "": with grass-green veins ; hind wing slightly protruding beyond ,„'„'. the elytra; veins also green. '^"1 The female is somewhat paler than the male, and the Beu- wings extend a little more beyond the elytra ; ovipositor dark Am. testaceous, tip black. Average length from head to tip of wing ^'"' covers, 14 mm; body, 12 mm; width, 4.5 mm. ennal its(Afte Mus. N.1 Bui. '94) SUPPLEMENTAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE The following list comprises a large number of species which have been observed upon various shade and forest trees. These insects are very rarely abundant enough to cause any material injury, yet their identification is necessary if one would be certain that he has not some more destructive form. References are given to records of food habits and also to descriptions of immature stages. These latter will prove of great value to all working entomologists, since it will enable them to ascertain readily whether a certain caterpillar has been described or not. The more striking larval characters have been included because they will assist in eliminating many species, and thus save much labor in referring to the literature. Many refer- ences are given to Packard's well known Insects I?ijurious to Forest and Shade Trees, fifth report of the United States Entomological Commission. These are so numerous that in the interest of brevity, the name of the author is given in abbre- viated form, followed by the page whenever the volume contains more than a record of food habits. We have endeavored to select the best available larval description, and, as a rule, food plant records compiled from other authors follow the reference. OAK BORERS Synchita obscura Horn, red oak. Ins. N. J. p. 225 Cucujus clavipes Fabr., hickory, maple, locust, buckeye, gum. Hamilton. Can. Ent. 18 : 27. Linden Sandalus petrophya Knoch, white oak. Psyche, 4 : 203 Melasis pectinicornis Mels. Ins. N. J. p. 245 Athous cucullatus Say. Pack. Coelostethus notatus Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 31 : 187 Elater sayi Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 248 Elater nigricollis Herbst. Pack. Buprestis rufipes Oliv., beech. Ins. N. J. p. 254 Dicerca asperata Lap. & Gory. Pack. Hickory Chrysobothris scitula Gory, in white oak bark. Pack. p. 69 Agrilus obsoletoguttatus Gory. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 18:317. Beech Agrilus interruptus Lee. Ent. Am. 5 : 32 Agrilus acutipennis Mann. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 18:307 Cinyra gracilipes Mels., white oak. Ent. Am. 5 : 30 Xenorhipis brendeli Lee. Ent. Am. 5:31 Mastogenius subcyaneus Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 256. Hop hornbeam Bostrichus bicornis Web., under bark. Pack. p. 92 Dinoderus punctatus Say. Pack. Lucanus dama Thunb. Can. Ent. 13:118. Willow Ceruchus piceus Web. Decaying oak, black cherry Parandra brunnea Fabr. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3 : 96. Beech, linden, wild cherry Hymenorus obscurus Say. Wickham. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: 121 Hymenorus communis Lee. Pack. Androchirus fuscipes Mels. Pack. Dendroides canadensis Latr. Pack. Smodicum cucujiforme Say, beech, hackberry. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: 74 702 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Phymatodes varius Fabr., black oak, Pack. p. 76. HTckory Dryobius sexfasciatus Say. 1 .,ck. p. 227. Beech, ehn, maple Romaleum rufulum Hald. Ins. N. J. p. 287 Elaphidion inerme Xcwm., orange. N. Y. Ent. .Soc. Jour. 4:75 Elaphidion scopubescens Lee, white oak. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. iS, n. s. p. 41 Elaphidion mucronatum Fabr., hackberry. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:75 Elaphidion unicolor Rand., redbud. Ins. N. J. p. 288 Curius dentatus Newm. Ins. N. J. p. 288 Tragidion coquus Linn. var. fulvipenne Say. Pack. p. 91 Purpuricenus humeralis Fabr. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:76. Maple Microclytus gazellula Hald. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77 Cacoplia pullata Hald. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78 Cyrtinus pygmaeus Hald., hickory, box elder, locust. Ins. N. J. p. 293 Goes debilis Lee, white oak, chestnut. Pack. p. 82. Hickory Goes tessellata Hald. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78 Acanthoderes quadrigibbus Say, oak twigs. Pack. p. 91. Hickory, beech, hackberry Leptostylus parvus Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 369. Box elder Typocerus zebratus P^abr., white oak. Wickham. Can. Ent. 29:188 Leptura nitens Forst. Wickham. Can. Ent. 29:192 Ataxia crypta Say, hackberry, box elder. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour." 4:80 Cryptorhynchus minutissimus Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 353 Cryptorhynchus ferratus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 83 Cryptorhynchus bisignatus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1:83. Chestnut, beech Cryptorhynchus tristis Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 83 Copturodes quercus Say. Ins. N. J. p. 354 Copturodes longulus Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 354 Zygomicros minutus Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 354 Pityopthorus querciperda Schwz., oak bark. Pack. p. 93 Pityopthorus fagi Hop. Ins. N. J. p. 362 Pityopthorus frontalis Hop. Ins. N. J. p. 362 Hypothenemus aveccae Horning. Ins. N. J. p. 362 Hypothenemus erectus Lee. Pack. Hickory Stephanoderus dissimilis Zimm. Ins. N. J. p. 362 Xyleborus pubescens Zimm., butternut, chestnut, magnolia, cherry. Ins. N. J. P- 3'''.^ Micracis opacicollis Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Thysanoes quercus Plop., chestnut. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Corthylus columbianus Hop. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3 : 104 OAK LEAF FEEDERS Sawfly larvae Periclista albicollis Nort., greenish ; conical tubercles ; white oak. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6 : 130 Periclista media Nort.", green ; white oak. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 132 Periclista purpuridorsum Dyar, greenish white, thorax greenish ; white oak. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6 : i 30 PericHsta subtruncata Dyar, smooth wa.xy greenish ; black oak. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6 : 132 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 703 Periclista emarginata MacGill., pale spined, green. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6:131 Isodyctium infrequens Dyar, white spined, green ; white oak. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6 : 135 Isodyctium subgregarium Dyar, black spined, green ; white oak. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6:134 Isodyctium murtfeldtiae Dyar, green, spined ; black oak. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 135 Nematus chloreus Nort., whitish green. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 123 Pteronus integer Say, green, dark behind eye. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6:122 Pteronus quercus Marlatt, yellowish or dark green. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 122 Hemichroa albidovariata Nort., brown, black spots laterally. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. .Soc. Jour. 6:125 Hemichroa fraternalis Nort., greenish, with dark lateral band. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6 : 124 Hemichroa phytophagica Dyar, green. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 125 Monophadnus dilutus Cress., pale green, S/g in. Pack. p. 206 Monostegia quercusalbae Nort., pale green. Pack. p. 205 Monostegia quercuscoccineae Dyar, vi'hite, black oak. Can. Ent. 26:42 Beetles Brachys aeruginosa Gory. Ent. Am. 5 : 32. Beech. Dichelonycha fuscula Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 27 : 283 Lachnosterna quercus Knoch. Pack. Systena taeniata Sa\-. Pack. Chlamys plicata Fabr., yellow case-bearer, '^ in. Pack. p. 205. Sycamore, hazel, birch, alder, sweet fern, blackberry Bassareus detritus Oliv. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:263 Cryptocephalus mutabilis Mels., hazel. Ins. N. J. p. 302 Cryptocephalus guttulatus Oliv. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 370 Metachroma laevicollis Cress. Ins. N. J. p. 305 Metachroma pallida Say. Ins. N. J. p. 305. Poplar Metachroma quercata Fabr., scrub oak. Ins. N. J. p. 305 Xanthonia decemnotata Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 370 Xanthonia villosula Melsh. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 370. Hickory, hazel, poplar Odontota nervosa Panz., miner, elm. Ent. Soc. Ont. 13th Rep't, p. 61. Linden Xylopinus saperdoides Oliv. Pack. Strongylium terminatum Say. Pack. Eugnamptus angustatus Herbst., hickory, sycamore, butternut, chestnut. Ins. N.J. P- 339 Rhynchites aeratus Say, scrub oak. Ins. N. J. p. 339 Attelabus nigripes Lee, scrub oak. Ins. N. J. p. 340 Pterocolus ovatus Fabr. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 37 Piazorhinus pictus Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 376 Piazorhinus scutellaris Say, hickory. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Laemosaccus plagiatus Fabr. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1:82. Hickory Balaninus uniformis Lee. Pack. Balaninus quercus Horn. Pack. 704 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Caterpillars Papilio glaucus Linn. var. turnus Linn., green, yellow and black marked, 13/5 in.; asli, linden, tulip, sassafras, apple, quince, plum, thorn, poplar, birch, alder. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5 : 244 Basilarchia archippus Cram., whitish or olive-green, mottled, horned ; plum, willow, poplar. French. Butt. East. U. S. p. 212 Basilarchia astyanax Fabr., greenish yellow, tuberculate. Pack. p. 128. Horn- beam, huckleberry, gooseberry, apple, plum, cherry, thorn Thecla edwardsii Saund., dark green. Pack. p. 130 Thecla calanus Hiibn.. }'ello\vish or green, white haired, y^ in. : hickory, walnut, butternut, chestnut, thorn. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5:278 Thecla liparops Boisd. & Lee, green, brown humped, ^ in. ; chestnut, apple, plum, ciierry, thorn, willow, holly. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5 : 279 Thanaos brizo Boisd. & Lee, scrub oak. Pack. p. 131 Thanaos juvenalis Fabr., green, yellow lined and dotted, i in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5 : 301 Anisota virginiensis Dru., yellow, rosy striped, prickly, 2^4 •"■ Pack. Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. 9 : 102 Haploa clymene Brown. Pack. Charadra deridens Guen., white, with tufts of silky white hair; elm, birch. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 125 Apatela afflicta Gr., brown, with black dorsal stripe. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 127 Apatela brumosa Guen., olive-green, yellowish, banded. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 117. Hickory, witch-hazel, plum, willow, birch Apatela hamamelis Guen., brown, blackish dorsal stripe; horse-chestnut, chestnut, birch. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 14.1 Apatela lobeliae Guen., gray, yellow marked, y^ in. Pack. p. 168. Cherry Apatela modica Walk., brown shaded, blackish. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 139 Apatela ovata Grote, brown, yellow marked ; chestnut, beech, birch. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 135 Pyrophila pyramidoides Guen., green, white dotted, i^j in.; hickory, walnut, chestnut, maple, box elder, linden, apple, cherry, lilac, willow, poplar. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 16:452. Hazel Rhynchagrotis alternata Gr., dark brown, white lined. Dyar. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:316. Hickory Psaphidia thaxterianus Grote, brown, green tinted, with creamy patches ; white oak. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 9 : 84 Peridroma margaritosa Haw. var. saucia Hiibn., mottled, gray, i^ in. Pack. P- '73 Mamestra atlantica Grote, greenish or brown, \'ij'(, in. Fletcher & Gibson. Can. Ent. 34:279 Graphiphora alia Guen., whitish, red marked. Pack. p. 172. Hickory, sassafras, birch Crocigrapha normani Grote. Can. Ent. 23 : 36 Jodia rufago Hiibn., yellow, black marked. Pack. p. 172 Calymnia orina Guen., whitish green, ^10 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 16:457 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 705 Scopelosoma devia Grote, dark green, gray or blackish, with dark dorsal band, I '4 in. Thaxter. Can. Ent. 16:33 Scopelosoma morrisoni Grote, black, greenish, bluish white marks, i)/, in. Thaxter. Can. Ent. 16 : 30 Scopelosoma sidus Guen., dark olive-green, purplish markings, i |/j^ in. Thaxter. Can. Ent. 16:33. Hickory, apple, wild cherry, peach Scopelosoma tristig'mata Grote, dark olive-green, orange yellow lined, iji in. Th.ixter. Can. Ent. 16:33 Scopelosoma walkeri Grote, velvety black, purplish white lined, i ':( in. Thaxter. Can. Ent. 16:31 Scolecocampa liburna Geyer, black headed, whitish, brown spotted, 1=5 in.; chestnut. Edw. & Elliot. Papilio, 3: 134 Catocala amasia Abb. & Sm. Pack. p. 175 . Catocala amica Hiibn., slender, greenish yellow, black marked, i 'ij.' in. Pack. p. 174 _ Catocala coccinata Grote, dark gray, black marked, i]/, in. Coq. Papilio, i : 56 Catocala epione Drury, reddish gray, bluish marbled. Pack. p. 178. Hickory Catocala fratercula Gr. & Rob., gray, black spotted, white marked, i->4in. Coq. Papilio, 1 : 7 Catocala ilia Cram., greenish gray, blue, gray marked. Pack. p. 177 Catocala lacrymosa Guen., walnut. Pack. p. 178. Black walnut Catocala polygama Guen., ash-gray, dark marked, 2^/2 in. Pack. p. 179. Thorn Catocala similis Edw., greenish gray. Pack. p. 175 . Catocala ultronia Hiibn., dull grayish brown, lYio i'l- Pack. p. 176 Catocala vidua Abb. & Sm., greenish gray, black marked. Pack. p. 178. Hickory, black walnut, locust, willow Panapoda rufimargo Hubn., dark green, yellow marked, iss in. Pack. p. 172. Wild cherry Zanclognatha protumnusalis Walk. Pack. Palthis asopialis Guen. Pack. Hyperaeschra georgica H.-S., green, white lined, red dotted, i ]i in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 153 Lophodonta angulosa Abb. & Sm., green, white lined, white dotted. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 147 Heterocampa manteo Dbldy., green, purple and white marked, i \^ in. ; walnut, linden, apple, hawthorn, birch, persimmon. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 224 Heterocampa obliqua Pack., gray headed, white or green, many brownish dots. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 242 Heterocampa umbrata Walk., green, white marked, 1^4 in. Pack. Monogr. Bom- bycine Moths, p. 249. Hickory, black walnut, hornbeam, birch lanassa lignicolor Walk., green, brown marked ; hump on first abdominal segment, i?8 in.; beech, birch. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 190. Chestnut Schizura ipomoeae Dbldy., brown, green marked ; humps on first, fifth, eighth abdominal segments, i'^ in.; elm, maple, honey-locust, birch. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 194. Witch-hazel, linden Schizura unicornis Abb. & Sm., lilac, light marked larva; hump on first and eighth abdominal segments; sides of thora.x green, \]/^ in.; hickory, blackberry, winter- berry, elm, apple, plum, thorn, dogwood, rose, willow, birch, alder and probably hazel, locust, cherry, poplar, holly. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 203 -06 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Fentonia marthesia Cram., green, yellow and red marked, long tailed, 3^ in. ; beech. Pack. Monogr. Bomb\-cinc Moths, p. 257 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides Gucn., yellowish brown, white marked, ij/^ in. Pack. p. 167 Alsophila pometaria Harr., green, white lined spanworm. Dyar. Psyche, 9:262 Hickory, hop-hornbeam Tephroclystis miserulata Grote, green, brown marked, 3^' in. Pack. p. 190. Tamarack, cedar, juniper Epirrita dilutata Denis & Schiff., dirty green, red spotted spanworm. Pack. P- 233 Eustroma diversilineata HQbn., dark brown, reddish tinted spanworm. Pack. p. \S<). Elm, woodbine Mesoleuca gratulata Walk. Dyar. Psyche, 10: 191 Nemoria subcroceata Walk., brownish, white specked, tubercidate spanworm. Dyar. Psyche, 8 : 3S6 Aplodes mimosaria Guen., dingy brown spanworm with curved lateral appendages. Pack. p. 189 Orthofidonia vestaliata Guen., hornbeam, apple. Ins. N. J. p. 445 Paraphia subatomaria Wood var. unipuncta Haw., gray, black marked spanworm, lYio in. Pack. p. 185. Elm Cingilia catenaria Drury, yellow, black, brown marked spanworm. Dyar. Psyche, 9:250. General feeder. Hazel, pine, juniper Plagodis fervidaria H.-S., pale yellowish, black marked spanworm, i^i in. Pack. p. 186. Beech, ash, cherry, birch, spruce Therina athasiaria Walk., greenish, black marked, orange shaded spanworm. Dyar. Psyche, 9 : 10. Pine Therina endropiaria Gr. & Rob., whitish, black marked spanworm, i.^s in. Pack. p. 186. Chestnut, hornbeam Euchlaena johnsonaria Fitch, cherry. Ins. N. J. p. 450 Euchlaena pectinaria Denis & Schiff., large, gray spanworm. Pack. p. 184. Poplar Metanema quercivoraria Guen., pale green, red marked spanworm. Pack. p. 182. Elm, willow, poplar Metanema textrinaria Gr. & Rob., red headed, green and red marked humped span- worm. Pack. Monogr. Geometrid Moths, p. 508 Nola ovilla Giote, hairy, white, black marked. Dyar. Psyche, 7: 137 Roeselia minuscula Zell. var. phylla Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6:43 Lacosoma chiridota Grote, greenish, yellow lined, brown marked. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 8 : 180 Cicinnus melsheimeri Harr., brown or pale brown case-bearer. Pack. p. 142 S/nj^ caterpillars Euclea chloris H.-S., greenish, salmon lined. Y^ in. ; hickory, bayberry, chestnut, elm, linden, wild plum, wild cherry, Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:61 Euclea delphinii Boisd., green, yellow marked, red horned ; chestnut, beech, bay- berry, honey-locust, wild cherry, sour gum. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 57 Adoneta spinuloides H.-S., green, purple dorsally ; a red and a shorter yellow horn, 2/5 in. ; chestnut, beech, witch-hazel, bayberry, locust, linden, plum, wild cherry, sour gum, willow, birch. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 :9 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 707 Prolimacodes scapha Harr., green mottled, brown or yellow, -/^ in. ; hickory, chest- nut, hop-hornbeam, witch-hazel, bayberry, maple, linden, wild cherry, sweet gum, birch. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: 172 Natada nasoni Grote, green, subdorsal reddish spots, i^ in. ; hickor\-, chestnut, beech, ironwood. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 7:61 Packardia geminata Pack., whitish green, white lined, Ys in- Dyar. Can. Ent. 23 : 277 Packardia elegans Pack., green, yellowish and dark spotted, Jj in. Dyar. Can. Ent. 23 :277 Heterogenea shurtleffii Pack., greenish, red spotted ; chestnut, beech, ironwood, locust. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6:241 Kronaea minuta Reak., green, red lined. Pack. p. 150. Cliestnut Cochlidion biguttata Pack., whitish green, yellow lined, yi in. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 168 Tortricidia testacea Pack., green ; crimson, yellow marked, '3 in. ; wild cherry, birch. Ins. N. J. p. 487. Linden Tortricidia pallida H.-S., green, red or purple marked, '3 in. ; sycamore, chestnut, witch-hazel, bayberry, maple, cherry, willow birch. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:167 Leaf rollers Exartema inornatanum Clem., white oak. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10 : 30 Tmetocera ocellana Schiff., brown headed, light brown, )< in. ; laurel oak. Fitch. 3d Rep't, p. 27 Cenopis reticulatana Clem., osage orange, maple, pear, persimmon. Pack. p. 194 Cenopis diluticostana Wlsm., cultivated cherry. Pack. p. 194 Archips grisea Robs. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 13 Archips setniferana Walk. Pack. p. 192. Hickory, box elder Pandemis limitata Robs. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. .10: 14 Tortrix albicomana Clem. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: iS. Rose Eulia velutinana Walk., maple, balsim. Pack. p. 196 Aristotelia rubidella Clem., green, purple striped and dotted. Murt. Can. Ent. 6:222 Telphusa quercinigracella Chamb., black marked, yellowish ; black oak. Can. Ent. 4: 171 Telphusa querciella Chamb., brown headed, whitish, purple spotted. Clem. Can. Ent. 4 : 128 Recurvaria quercivorella Chamb., white, red spotted ; in silken tube. Clem. Can. Ent. 4: 173 Trypanisma prudens Clem., ovoid larva beneath web on under surface of leaf. Tineina N. A. p. 126 Epithectis gallaegenitella Clem., in spongy gall tissues. Tineina N. A. p. 243 Ypsolophus ligulellus Hubn., striped, white and black, 6/10 in. Pack. p. 202 Ypsolophus quercicellus Chamb., grayish or greenish, reddish tinged, i in. Can. Ent. 4: --3 Aristotelia rubidella Clem. Pack. Gelechia bicostomaculella Chamb., yellowish ; head and thorax dark brown. Clem. Can. Ent. 4 : 207 Paralechia cristifasciella Chamb., dark green, red banded. Pack. U, S. Div. Ent. Bui. 32:56 7o8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gelechia vernella Murt., gray : purple or red lined larva, laurel oak. Can. Ent. 13 : 244 Stenoma schlaegeri Zell., flattened, pale green, ji in. Pack. p. 197 Cryptolechia quercicella Clem., brown headed, greenish, black marked, yi in. ; in leafy nest. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 13:27 Machimia tentoriferella Clem., large headed, green tapering larva under web near midrib, hickory and wild cherry. Tineina N. A. p. 148 Euclemensia bassettella Clem. Pack. Lnr/ miners Coleophora querciella Clem., dark brown, pistol-shaped case. Tineina N. A. p. 168 Nepticula anguinella Clem., linear, serpentine mine full of black frass. Tineina N. A. p. 175 . , Nepticula saginella Clem., transparent, medium, serpentine ; central frass line. Tineina N. A. p. 175 Nepticula quercipulchella Chamb. Pack. Nepticula quercicastanella Chamb. Pack. Nepticula platea Clem., mine moderate, winding, scattered frass line. Tineina N. A. p. 175 LithocoUetes albanotella Chamb., tentiform mine on under surface. Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2 : 102 LithocoUetes aeriferella Clem. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5 : 187 LithocoUetes argentifimbriella Clem., tentiform, marginal mine under folded leaf edge. Chamb. Cin. Guar. Jour. Sci. 2 : 103 LithocoUetes blancardella Eabr., mine on underside near midrib. Clem. Tineina N. A. p. 141. Wild cherry, thorn LithocoUetes bethuniella Chamb. Pack. LithocoUetes bifasciella Chamb. Pack. LithocoUetes basistrigella Clem., blister mine, under surface. Tineina N. A. p. 70 LithocoUetes cincinnatiella Chamb. P.syche. 2 : 83 LithocoUetes fasciella Walsm., oval, flat, upper surface, later corrugated in middle. Chamb. Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2: 103 LithocoUetes hageni Frey & Boll. Pack. LithocoUetes obstrictella Clem., cylindric, yellow larva in mine, under surface, black oak. Tineina N. A. p. 74 LithocoUetes quercialbeUa Fitch., marginal mine, under surface. Chamb. Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2: 102 LithocoUetes tubifereUa Clem., serpentine frass-lined tract, upper surface. Tineina N. A. p. 140 Coriscium albinatella Chamb. Pack. Tischeria fuscomarginella Chamb., marginal mine below under curled edge. Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2:110 Tischeria pruinosella Chamb. Pack. Tischeria badiiella Chamb., whitish blotch mine, upper surface. Cin. Quar. Jour. -Sci. 2 : 109 Tischeria citrinipenneUa Clem., white, blotch mine, upper surface. Tineina X. A. p. 82. Ash Coptotriche zelleriella Clem., white or brown blotch mine, upper surface. Tineina N. A. p. Si Argyresthia austerella Zell., chestnut, Ins. N. J. p. 481 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 709 Sucking insects '^Thelia univittata Harr., brown, white-lined tree hopper, i-^^ in., on twigs. Pack, p. 98 Aphids or plant lice Lachnus quercifoliae Fitch. Pack. Schizoneura querci Fitch, black aphids, 's in. Pack. p. 212 Chaitophorus spinosus Oestl., orange or yellow aphid, '],, in. Pack. p. 213 Callipterus bellus Walsh. Ins. N. J. p. 104 Callipterus discolor Mon., dark rose colored aphid. Pack. p. 210 Callipterus hyalinus Mon. Ins. N. J. p. 104 Callipterus punctatus Mon. Pack. p. 210 Callipterus quercifolii Thorn., brownish aphid with annulate antennae. Pack. p. 211 Aphis quercifoliae Walsh., pale greenish aphid. Pack. p. 209. Scale i/isccls Eulecanium antennatum Sign. Fern. Coccidae, p. 181 Eulecanium lymani King, P"ern. Coccidae, p. 190 Eulecanium quercitronis P'itch, - 10 in. ; black oak. Pack. p. 98. Ironwood Eulecanium querciferc Fitch, -^,0 in. Pack. p. 98 Kermes andrei King, brown, hemispheric; white oak. Psyche, 9 : 22 Kermes perryi King, scrub oak. Psyche, g: 81 Kermes pettiti Ehrh., brown, hemispheric. King. Psyche, 9:81 Kermes kingii Ckll., red oak. Fern. Coccidae, p. 63 Kermes nivalis King & Ckll., brown, hemispheric ; white oak. King. Psyche, 9:80 Kermes pubescens Bogue. Fern. Coccidae, p. 64 Kermes quercus Linn. Fern. Coccidae, p. 64 Eriococcus quercus Comst. F"ern. Coccidae, p. 78 Sphaerococcus sylvestris Ckll., white oak. Can. Ent. 30:326 Chrysomphalus obscurus Comst., hickory. Fern. Coccidae, p. 291 Acorn feeders Holcocera glandulella Riley, yellow or grayish white larva. Chittenden. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 44 : 38 Melissopus latiferreanus WIsm. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:34 OAK OALLS Acorn galls Andricus operator O. S. form operatola Riley & Bass., five or six galls in aborted acorns. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:315 Andricus perditor Bass., galled acorns exude a liquid. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26: 313 Twig galls and others Andricus seminosus Bass., subconic, apical, 'i to i in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:76 Andricus gibbosus Prov. Nat. Can. 12:2.32 Andricus obtusilobae Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26: ;i6 y\0 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Amphibolips caroliniensis Bass., coarsely reticulated oak apple. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17 : 85 Neuroterus exiguus Bass., aments enlarged, nodular. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:333 Neuroterus crassitelus Prov. Nat. Can. 12:232 Neuroterus dubia Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:335 Cecidomyia majulis O. S., green or reddish blister gall. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 3 : 53 Cecidomyia niveipila O. S., pubescent folded rib gall. Diptera N. A. i : 199 Cecidomyia symmetrica O. S., small, globular, hard, red. Diptera N. A. i : 200 Phylloxera rileyi Licht., circular, yellow spot on underside. Pack. p. 208 WHITE OAK Root gall Biorhiza nigra Eitch. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 5:2 Twig galls Andricus ? indistinctus Bass., globular, broad base, ^g in. diameter. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:81 Andricus tuber Fitch, irregular swellings thrice the size of the twig. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 5 : 26 Amphibolips badius Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:323 Dryophanta radicola Ashm., yellow, fig-shaped, clustered. Insect Galls Ind. p. 836 Dryophanta pallipes Bass., apical enlargement with threadlike appendages. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:327 Cynips juglans O. S., round gall, 3/4 to i in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i :255 Biorhiza loxaulis Maj-r., woody knots at base of young shoots. Can. Ent. 13:76 Bud galls Dryophanta clarkei Bass., round, smooth, diameter 3 jf^ in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. ■7:69 _ Neuroterus minutus Bass., greatly enlarged petioles without leaf. Can. Ent. 13:96 Cynips vesicula Bass., smooth, brown, central. Can. Ent. 13:97 Leaf galls Andricus cicatricula Bass., polythalamous, conical, midrib, yi to 'a in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17 : 80 Andricus flocci Walsh, oval, 1/5 to 3^ in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2 : 482 Andricus foliaformis Gill., warty, leafy growth on underside of midrib. Psyche, 5:214 Andricus fusiformis O. S., fusiform, pedicellate, 1/5 in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i :6i Andricus futilis O. S., spheric, on both sides, '4 in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 63 Andricus utriculus Bass., globular, green or purplish, Yt in. Can. Ent. 13:78 Neuroterus exiguissimus Bass., woolly, midrib gall, .03 in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:332 Neuroterus pallipes Bass., small, hairy on stem or midrib. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:89 Neuroterus perminimus Bass., pustulate, abundant. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:332 Neuroterus majalis Bass., green, '4 to i in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3:683 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 711 Neuroterus consimilis Bass., woody, polythalamous, 3/j; in. Am Ent Soc Trans -6:, ^35 Piiilonix fulvicollis Fitch. Nox. Ins. N. ¥.5:3 Philonix gillettei Bass., oval, tufted, pimply, .15 in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans, --e • -^--^ Philonix nigricollis Fitch. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 5 : 3 ~ ' ''"' Biorhiza rubinus Gill., subglobular ros)^ ; underside, y^ i"- Psyche, 5:215 Acraspis niger Gill., small, brown, globular, pubescent ; underside of leaf. Gill. Ent. Am. 6 : 23 Phylloxera querceti Perg., many small, yellow spots along veins ; other oaks. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9: 263 Phylloxera rileyi Riley, yellowish, circular spots on post oak. Perg. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9: 261 SWAMP OAK Twig galls Holcaspis bassetti Gill., irregular, massed. Psyche, 5:215 Neuroterus distortus Bass., leafy polythalamous gall, jA in. Am. Ent Soc Trans 26:336 _ Neuroterus noxiosus Bass., large terminal or subterminal swellincrs. Can Ent 13: 108 Bud galls Andricus ashmeadii Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:320 Andricus incertus Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26: 317 AmphiboHps melanocera Ashm., globular bud axil gall. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 12 : 299 Leaf galls Andricus capsulus Bass., pedicellate, marginal, }i in. Can. Ent. 13: loi Andricus ignotus Bass., oval, sessile galls on midrib and veins. Can. Ent. 13: 106 Cynips floccosa Bass., many, small, hairy; under surface. Can. Ent. 13: in Cynips nigricens Gill., clustered, cone-shaped; under surface. Psyche, 5:217 POST OAK Twig gall Dryophanta longicornis Bass., apical enlargement. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:327 Leaf galls Andricus pattoni Bass., clustered woolly galls along mid vein. Can. Ent. 13:98 Andricus pruinosus Bass., round, thin, '/, to Vb in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:311 Andricus quinqueseptum Ashm., globular petiole galls. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 12:299 Andricus tubicola O. S., yellow tubular, red spined, '3 in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. I : 60 Holcaspis centricola O. S., globular, silky white, i,^ in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 58 Neuroterus irregularis O. S., flattened, yellow galls, i', in. Ent. Soc. Phila Proc 1:65 Neuroterus verrucarum O. S., round, pubescent, 'io in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 62 712 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM RED OAK Twig galls Amphibolips formosa Bass., elongate, oval, ,'4 to i in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3 : 679 Bud gall Amphibolips cookii Gill., subglobular, acuminate, i in. Psyche, 5 : 220 Leaf galls Andricus femoratus Ashm., globular, central, supported cell, diameter .3 in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 14: 141 Andricus modestus O. S., hard, irregular, green galls. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i 165 Andricus piperoides Bass., pubescent, clustered midrib gall, diameter 'g to }s in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:314 Amphibolips coelebs O. S., fusiform, pale green, i in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 60 Amphibolips sculpta Bass., globular, whitish, % to i^{ in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2:324 Dryophanta liberaecellulae Gill., globular, fuzzy, }i in. Gill. Ent. Am. 6:24 Dryophanta papula Bass., many sharp points on upper surface of thickened por- tions ; scarlet oak. Gill. Psyche, 5 : 187 Dryophanta pedunculata Bass., stemmed, ovate, curved ; scarlet oak. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17 172 SCARLET OAK Ament gall Neuroterus pallidus Bass., clustered, woody colored galls. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 1 7 : 88 Leaf galls Andricus pusulatoides Bass., blisterlike, apical, diameter }4, by '5 in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:74 Andricus saccularius Bass., pouch galls on underside, diameter Yio in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 76 CHESTNUT OAK Twig galls Neuroterus rileyi Bass., irregular swellings on twig. Am. Ent. 3 : 153 SWAMP CHESTNUT OAK Leaf gall Andricus papillatus O. .S., rounded, ' 6 in., with reddish aureole. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. I : 64 AVILLOW O.VK Twig gall Amphibolips phellos O. S.. rounded swellings, '3 in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 70 • QUERCUS MONTANA Leaf gall Biorhiza hirta Bass., round, on veins, '-4 in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3:687 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 713 BLACK OAK Twig gall Andricus scitula Bass., subconical, 3^ to i^ in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3 : 683 Leaf galls Callirhytis tumifica O. S., midrib swellings. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 4:356 Neuroterus favosus Bass., flattened polythalamous, }^ to i in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17 : S7 Neuroterus pigra Bass., irregular midrib swellings ; beneath. Can. Ent. 13:105 BLACK JACK OAK GALLS Andricus operator O. S., round, woolly, seedlike grains within. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. I : 256 Andricus nigrae O. S., elongate midrib swellings. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 66 BUR 0.\K Leaf galls Neuroterus flavipes Gill., hard, woody, midrib swelling, i}( in. Gill. Ent. Am. 6:21 Neuroterus vernus Gill., enlarged petioles or swollen catkins. Gill. Ent. Am. 6:22 Neuroterus nigrum Gill., clustered, pimplelike, '/12 in. Psyche, 5 :2i8 Philonix villosus Gill., globular; underside of midrib, S/jg in. Psyche, 5 :2i8 Philonix macrocarpae Bass., oval, faceted ; lateral veins beneath. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17 : 84 Eriophyes querci Garm., green, yellowish gall, ' 10 to V'5 in. Pack. p. 213 SCRUB OAK Twig galls Andricus similis Bass., clavate, apical. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3 : 685 Andricus ventricosus Bass., truncate, cone-shaped, y^ to ^g in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3 : 681 Cynips rugosa Bass., round, sessile galls, yi to }^ in. diameter. Can. Ent. 13: 100 Ament gall Dryophanta clarkei Bass., black, polythalamous, .08 in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:79 Bud galls Andricus patiens Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:312 Holcaspis fasciata Bass., apical clusters, mottled or banded. Am. Ent. .Soc. Trans. 26:328 Amphibolips verna Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:321 Neuroterus affinis Bass., round, thin, partly hidden by bud scales. Can. Ent. 13 : 103 Neuroterus corrugis Bass. Can. Ent. 13: 109 Dryophanta gemula Bass., early acornlike, "[o '"• Can. Ent. 13: 104 Dryophanta parvula Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26 : 326 Leaf gall Andricus ostensackenii Bass., round, greenish yellow. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2 : 327 7H NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM CHINQUAPIN OAK Bud galls Cynips frondosa Bass., Conical, 's in. Cat. Soc. Phila. Proc. 3:688 Andricus pulchellus Bass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 26:314 Dryophanta corrugis liass. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:71 TIUKKY SCRUB OAK GALL Andricus quercifoliae Ashm., globular, succulent ; loose kernel. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 12 : 299 PIN OAK Leaf gall Andricus palustris O. S., globular, hollow, I3 in. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 62 GUEST FLIES Synergus albipes Walsh. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2:496 Synergus carnpanula O. S., in gall of Holcaspis globulus Fitch. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 4: 376 Synergus dimorphus O. S. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 4: 376 Synergus laeviventris O. S., in oak apple. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i : 57 Synergus lignicolor O. S. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i :252 Synergus mendax Walsh, bred from galls of Andricus p o d a g r a e Walsh. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2:498 Synergus oneratus Harr., bred from gall of Andricus globulus. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2 : 49S Synergus rhoditiformis Walsh, in galls of Andricus podagrae. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2 : 499 Ceroptres arbos Fitch, C. tuber Fitch, guests of Andricus clavula Bass. No.K. Ins. N. Y. 5 : 29 Ceroptres petiolicola O. S., bred from gall of Andricus p c t i o 1 i c o 1 a. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. I : 67 Ceroptres ficus P'itch, guest of Biorhiza forticornis Walsh. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 5 : 32 Ceroptres inermis Walsh, in gall of Cecidomyia pilulae Walsh. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. 2 : 498 Ceroptres obtusilobae Ashm. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 12:300 PARA.SITES Acraspis pezomachoides O. S. Ent. Soc. Phila. Proc. i 1250 Anacharis subcompressa Prov. Nat. Can. 12:237 Ibalia anceps Say. Compl. Wr. i :2i8 Ibalia maculipennis Hald. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 3: 127 Eucoila stigmata Say. Compl. Wr. 2: 717 Eucoila impatiens Say. Compl. Wr. 2:717 Eucoila pedata Say. Compl. Wr. 2:717 Eucoila mellipes Say. Compl. Wr. 2:718 Figites impatiens Say. Compl. W'r. 2:718 Figites chinquapin Fitch. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 5 :40 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 715 Periclistis futilis O. S., in A n d r i c u s f u t i 1 i s gall. Ent. Soc. Phila. Pioc. i : 64 Onychia armatus Say. Compl. Wr. 2:716 Onychia quinquelineata Say. Compl. Wr. 2:716 Aegilips obtusilobae O. S., from globular galls, u' in. Ent. Soc. I'hila. Proc. 1 : 68 HICKORY BOKERS Agrilus egenus Gory. Pack. p. 291. Locust Anthaxia aeneogaster Lap. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 182 Anthaxia viridifrons Gory, twig borer, yc, in. Pack. p. 292. Elm Acraaeodera culta Web. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32: 1S3 Pachyscelus purpureus Say. Ent. Am. 5 : 32 Hadrobregmus errans Melsh. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 365 Trichodesma klagesi Fall. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 31 : 173 Heterachthes quadrimaculatus Newm. Pack. p. 293 Phyton pallidum Say. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3 : 97. Redbud Molorchus bimaculatus Say. Pack. p. 293. Walnut, ash, maple, shad bush, dogwooil Stenosphenus notatus Oliv. Can. Ent. 20:66 Neoclytus scutellaris Oliv. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 368. Elm, grape Neoclytus luscus Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77 Clytanthus ruricola Oliv. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77 Clytanthus albofasciatus Lap. Pack. p. 292. Grape Tillomorpha geminata Hald. Pack. p. 294. White oak Centrodera picta Hald. Lis. N. J. p. 291 Goes oculata Lee, oak. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78 Acanthoderes quadrigibbus Say, oak, beech, hackberry, box elder. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3 : 99 Leptostylus biustus Lee, oi-ange. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:79 Liopus alpha Say var. cinereus Lee. Pack. p. 291. Locust Liopus crassulus Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 23: 122 Lepturges facetus Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:369. Juniper Ecyrus dasycerus Say. Pack. p. 292. Locust, tulip, redbud Eupogonius vestitus Say. Pack. p. 292. Walnut, chestnut, dogwood Dysphaga tenuipes Hald. Pack. p. 291. Oak, walnut, redbud Auletes ater Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 375. Sweet fern Otidocephalus chevrolatii Horn., elm, hazel, grape. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i 142 Otidocephalus myrmex Herbst., hazel, grape. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i 142 Anthonomus suturalis Lee. Ent. Soc. Ont. 14th Rep't, p. 50 Conotrachelus elegans Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 82 Conotrachelus nenuphar Plerbst. Pack. Cryptorhynchus fallax Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 83 Cryptorhynchus obliquus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :83 Acoptus suturalis Lee. Pack. p. 297. Beech, hornbeam Hypothenemus crudiae Panz., oak. Lis. N. J. p. 362 Hypothenemus dissimilis Zimm. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 133 Xylocleptes decipiens Lee. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2 : 394 Micracis suturalis Lcc., oak, black walnut, prickly ash, white ash, black locust, sassafras, willow, redbud. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2 : 394 Micracis aculeata Lee. Can. Ent. 23:65 7l6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Thysanoes fimbricornis Lee. Pack. p. 293 Acrobasis caryae Grote, gieenisli, brown spotted caterpillar, sparse white hairs, ^ in., in twigs. Papilio, 1:13 Acrobasis angusella Grote, in leaf steni. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 121 HHKOIiY Leaf feeders Odontophyes aviingrata Dyar, solitary,, footless, dung-mimickintj larva; butternut. Psyche, 8:212 Isodyctium caryicolum Djar, light green larva, dorsal line darker. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: I35 , . Macrophya externa Say, sordid, pinkish, wa.Ken larva with darker dorsal band. Dyar. Can. Ent. 30: 173 Acordulecera dorsalis Say, colorless larva, head pale or black ; oak. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 199 Dichelonycha elongata F"abr., oak, beech, elm, hazel. Ent. Soc. Ont. 14th Rep't. p. 43. Willow, birch, alder, pine Lachnosterna hirticula Knoch., bur oak. Ky. Agr. E.xp. Sta. Bui. 120, p. 76 Bassareus mammifer Newm., ha7,el. Ins. N. J. p. 301 Tymnes violaceus Horn. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:370 Phyllotreta picta .Say. Ins. N. J. p.- 316 Eugnamptus collaris Fabr. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 36. Scrub oak, butternut Rhynchites aeratus Say. Can. Ent. 23:21 Caterpillars Apatela innotata Guen., gray, brown, yellow and black spotted. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 :74 ' Apatela funeralis Gr. & Rob., sooty black, white patches, \i\, in. ; elm, apple, birch. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 101 Baileya dormitans Guen. Can. Ent. 23:35 Prodsnia commelinae Abb. & Sm. Pack. Mamestra detracta Walk., pale yellowish, marbled, red brown ; oak bud feeder. Dyar. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4: 319 Catocala angusi Grote. Pack. p. 305 Catocala Judith Streck, greenish black, lighter reticulations, 1^4 in. Dodge. Can. Ent. 11: 224 Catocala fiebilis Grote, gray, green tinted, black dotted, white marked, 2'_' in. Kellicott. Papilio, 1 : 141 Catocala habilis Grote, dark or light striped, whitish ventrally, 2 in. Kellicott. Ent. Am. 2 : 46. Walnut Catocala insolabilis Guen. Pack. p. 304 Catocala obscura Streck, dark gray, black marked, 2 in. Pack. p. 305 Catocala palaeogama Guen., reddish, dark striped, 23/j^ in. I-"rench. Can. Ent. 20: loS. Black walnut, chestnut Catocala robinsonii Grote. Pack. p. 303 Catocala serena Edw. Pack. p. 303 Heterocampa subrotata Haw., green, black and brown marked, 2% in. ; maple, witch-hazel, dogwood, birch. Dyar. Ent. Am. 6:209 Schizura leptinoides Grote, pale brown, darker mottled, tuberculate, 2'/ in. Dyar. Ent. Am. 6: 230. Black walnut INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 717 Olene leucophaea Abb. & Sm., black headed, whitish, hairy ; bhick hair tufts and pencils; oak. Dyar. Psyche, 7 : 135. Persimmon Cochlidion y-inversa Pack., greenish slug caterpillar. Dyar & Morton. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 3 : 151-57. Blue beech Tortricidia flexuosa Grote, yellowish and green slug caterpillar, dorsal mark variable, 75 in. ; oak, chestnut, hazel, wild cherry. Dyar. N. V. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6 : 94 ' ^ Exartema versicoloranum Clem. Pack, p- 313 Epagoge caryae Robs. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. io:2i' Archips infumatana Zell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10 : 1 1 Eulia juglandana Fern. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 15. Walnut Ypsolophus caryaefoliellus Chamb., red headed, green, white striped, ^.^ in. Can. Ent. 4: 224 Leaf miners Coptodisca lucifluella Clem., brown headed, green, black spot^ed. Tineina N. A. P- U3 Gelechia caryaevorella Pack. Pack. p. 3*14 Coleophora caryaefoliella Clem., dark brown, cylindric cas^e bearer ; dogwood. Tineina N. .\. p. i6f') Nepticula caryaefoliella Clem., pale green with brownish head. Pack. p. 315 Lithocolletes caryaefoliella Clem., black or brownish. Pack. p. 334. Black walnut, butternut Lithocolletes celtifoliella Chamb., yellowish larva; tent mine on under surface. Can. Ent. 3 : 129 Leaf sucking insects Nezara pennsylvanica Dc Gr., green, black marked bug, 3/5 in. Pack. p. 326 ^ Cyrtolobus vau Say, butternut. Ent. Soc. Ont. 13th Rep't, p. ■]•/ C' Telamona fasciata Fitch, yellowish, black marked tree hopper, V5 ''i- Pack. p. 325 ■^ Ceresa brevicornis Fitch, yellowish, brown marked, horned tree hopper, '^ in. „ Pack. p. 325 ■ '^ Microcentrus caryae Fitch, dull brown, yellowish tree hopper, ^ in. Pack. p. 324 C Cixius coloepium Fitch, black tree hopper, wings brown, banded, Vs in. Pack. p. 326 Cixius cinctifrons Fitch, white, brown marked tree hopper, ^5 in. Pack. p. 325 <£ Diedrocephala coccinea Forst., yellow leaf hopjjer, wings green, red stripecl, )i in. Pack. p. 324 '' Otiocerus amyotii Fitch, yellow, brown marked tree hopper, ':( in. Pack. p. 326 V Phlepsius irroratus Say, white, black marked leaf hopper, \{ in. Pack. p. 324 Apliids Monellia caryella Fitch, pale yellow. Pack. p. 323 Lachnus caryae Harr., black, bluish white, '/^ in. Pack. p. 299. Walnut Schizoneura caryae P'itch, cottony aphids, % in. Pack. p. 298. Black walnut Callipterus caryae Mon. Ins. N. J. p. 104. Black walnut Scale insects Chionaspis caryae Cooley. Fern. Coccidae, p. 214 Aspidiotus uvae Comst., grapevine. Fern. Coccidae, p. 280 Eulecanium pyri Schr., white pine. Fern. Coccidae, p. 194 Eulecanium caryarum Ckll. Can. Ent. 30:293 7l8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Galls Cecidomyia cynipsea O. S., round, hard, midrib gall, 3^ in. Diptera N. A. i : 193 Cecidomyia sanguinolenta O. S., conical, red, .15 in. high. Diptera N. A. 1 : 192 Cecidomyia cossae Shim. Cat. N. A. Diptera. p. 159 Cecidomyia nucicola O. .S., larva in deformed husks. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 3:53 Cecidomyia caryae O. S., subghjbular, seedlike, nippled, .05 to .10 in. Diptera N. A. I : 191 Cecidomyia glutinosa O. S., larvae beneath leaves, no gall. Diptera N. A. i : 193 Phylloxera conica Shim., depressed leaf gall. Pack. p. 323 Phylloxera caryaevenae Fitch, keellike plates in leaf veins. Pack. p. 322 Phylloxera caryae-semen Walsh, minute, subglobular galls. Pack. p. 322 Phylloxera caryae-ren Riley, reniform galls on petiole. Pack. p. 323 Phylloxera caryae-septum Shim. var. perforans Perg., single galls close to midrib. Perg. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9: 193 Phylloxera caryae-fallax Walsh, conical, crowded on upper surface. Pack. p. 323 Phylloxera caryae-globuli Walsh, hemispheric, on upper surface, % in.. Pack. P- 322 Phylloxera caryae-gummosa Riley, stemmed, globular galls. Pack. p. 323 Phylloxera caryae-avellana Riley, yellowish or greenish, pink pubescent galls. Perg. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9:228 Phylloxera caryae-foliae Fitch. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 194 Phylloxera deplanata Perg., reddish or greenish yellow, conical below. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 205 Phylloxera depressa Shim., depressed, fringed leaf gall. Pack. p. 323 Phylloxera forcata Shim., minute, seedlike gall. Pack. p. 322 Phylloxera foveola Perg., red tinted, yellowish green, thin walled gall. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 200 Phylloxera foveata Shim., resembles preceding. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9:209 Phylloxera globosum Shim., greenish, subglobose galls; under surface. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9:236b Phylloxera intermedia Perg., intergrade of c-se p t u m and p i c t a. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9: 199 Phylloxera picta Pei'g., smaller than c -septum; flattened. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 197 Phylloxera pilosula Perg., pilose, light green, flattened above; convex, and with nipple below. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9:203 Phylloxera perniciosa Perg., conical galls; both surfaces. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 25 I Phylloxera rimosalis Perg., large yellowish gall ; terminal leaves. Davenport Acad. .Sci. Proc. 9: 217 Phylloxera spinosa Shim., irregular, spinose galls on petiole. Pack. p. 322 Phylloxera spinuloida Perg., more globular than those of P. c a r y a e c a u 1 i s P'itch, vv'ith numerous irregular, radiating, low ridges on petiole and midrib. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9:247 Phylloxera subelliptica Shim., elongate, nutlikc petiole galls. Perg. Davenport Acad. .Sci. Proc. g : 250 Phylloxera symmetrica Perg., flattened, greenish ; on under surface. Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc. 9:230 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 7IQ SYCAMORE Leaf feeders Halisidota harrisii Walsh, yellow, haireti larva with orange and wliitc hair pencils Dyar. Psyche, 6:162 Misogada unicolor Pack., green, yellow lined, red marked, humped larva. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 254. Maple. Ancylis platanana Clem. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 50 Nepticula platanella Clem., pale green ; blotched mine. Pack. p. 644 Nepticula clemensella Chamb. Pack. Nepticula maximella Chamb. Pack. Gelechia albisparsella Chamb. Pack. Lachnus platanicola Riley. Pack. Corythuca ciliata Say. Pack. Willow liUTTOXBUSH Leaf feeders Siobla excavata Nort., leaden black sawfly larva. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5: 190 Centrinus lineicoUis Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 85 Ampelophaga versicolor Ham, yellowish green or green, white lined, horned larva, 2\i to 3 in. Hulst. Can. Ent. 10:64 WALNUT Leaf feeders Bassareus mammifer Newm., hickory. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 370. Locust Anthonomus profundus Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 376. Thorn Catocala neogama Sm. & Abb., wood-brown, striped larva. Dodge. Can. Ent. 33:299 . . Catocala piatrix Grote, pale gray larva, 27jo in. Dodge. Can. Ent. ^3:299. Hickory, persimmon Mineola juglandis Le B., dark green case bearer in leaflets. Pack. p. 311. Hickory Scale insects Eulecanium pruinosum Coq., ash, birch, laurel. Fern. Coccidae, p. 193 Aspidiotus juglans-regiae Comst., maple, locust, plum, cherry. Fern. Coccidae, p. 265 Eulecanium juglandis Bouche, plum. Fern. Coccidae, p. 189 Aulacaspis pentagona Targ. Fern. Coccidae, p. 234 BI,.4LfK •WALNUT Insects Acrobasis demotella Grote, twig borer. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 122 Allorhina nitida Linn., greenish, stout beetle in bark. Pack. p. 329 Magdalis inconspicua Horn. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. E.xp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 205 720 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Leaf faeders Attelabus analis III., black, red marked, leaf-rolling weevil, J/j^ in. Pack. p. 335. Sumac Cressonia juglandis Abb. & Sm., bluish green, horned caterpillar. Pack. p. 330 Catocala subnata Grote. Pack. p. 333 Allotria elonyrnpha Hiibn., gray white with rose tints. Pack. p. 331. Tupelo Bomolocha madefactalis Guen., slender, green, white, subdorsal striped larva. Dyar. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4: 329 Aplodes bistriaria Hiibn., pale brown spanworm ; two thoracic tubercles ; four large flaps on median rings ; one on end of body. Pack. Monogr. Geometrid Moths. p. 388 Coptodisca juglandiella Chamb., leaf miner. Pack. p. 335 Gracilaria juglandiella Chamb., mines under surface, then lives in curled part. Can. Ent. 4 : 29 Gracilaria blandella Clem., black larva in serpentine mine on upper surface. Can. Ent. 5:14 Nepticula juglandifoliella Clem., pale green dipteroid larva. Pack. p. 334 Gall mite Acarus caulis Walsh, red or brown petiole or leaf vein gall. Ins. Galls of Ind. p. 859 BUTTKRNUT Pests Eriocampa juglandis Fitch, woolly, greenish or gray larva. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. .Soc. Juur. 5 : 200 Eugnamptus angustatus Hbst. Pack. Diacrisia virginica P'abr., stout, hairy, yellowish larva. Pack. p. 340. Oak C Carynota mera Say, greenish gray, subconical tree hopper, ^-^ in. Pack. p. 342 Corythuca arcuata Say, small lace bug, 'fj in. Pack. p. 342 Eulecanium juglandifex Fitch, hemispheric, brown or black scale, ' ; in. Pack. P- 33^ CHESTNl'T Borers Agrilus vittaticollis Rand., chokecherry, thorn, shadbush, mountain laurel. Ent. Am. 5:32 Leptostylus coUaris Hald. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3 : 100 Distenia undata Oliv., hickory, hornbeam. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: jj Liopus variegatus Hald. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. .4:79. Hackberry, maple, box elder, locust Leptura cordifera Oliv. Psyche, 4:204 Cryptorhynchus obteiitus Ilbst., hickory, maple. U. .S. Div. Ent. Bui. 7, n. s. p. 71 Magdalis salicis Morn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :43. Butternut Dryocoetes granicollis Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Platypus compositus Say, black oak, sugar maple, basswobd, magnolia, red elm, beech, wild cherry. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 127 Platypus quadridentatus Oliv., pin holes; oak. W. Va. Agric. Exp. .Sta. Bui. 31 : 127 Xyl^borus pubescens Zimm., white oak, jack oak, black oak, buckeye, magnolia, basswood, honey-locust. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31? 137 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 72 I Silvanus bidentatus Fabr., light brown, flat, 1^^ in., under dead bark. Pack. p. 344. Elm Hydnocera unifasciata Say. Ent. Am. 6: 155 Stenopsis argenteomaculatus Harr., large, naked caterpillar. Pack. p. 346. Oak, maple, willow, poplar, alder Leaf feeders Cercopeus chrysorhoeus Say. Ins. N. J. p. 341 Plocamus hispidulus Lee. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 7, n. s. p. 72. Locust Apatela lithospila Grote, green, whitish frosted larva; oak, hickory. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21" :98 Deptalia insularia Guen. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 32:55 Euchlaena obtusaria Hiibn., slate-colored, marbled with livid, spanworm, i j^ in. Pack. p. 347 Tetracis crocallata Guen., brown, black marked spanworm, i in. Pack. p. 347. Sumac, spicebush Abbotana clemataria Abb. & Sm., brown mottled, tuberculate spanworm, with lat- eral fingerlike processes on third segment. Dyar. Psyche, 9: 142. Elm, sassafras, willow Eurycyttarus confederata Gr. & Rob. Pack. Sisyrosea textula H.-S., green, yellow lined, red marked slug caterpillar, 7^ in. ; oak, hickory, beech, hop-hornbeam, bayberry, elm, maple, linden, plum, cherry. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: 185 Leaf miners Nepticula castaneaefoliella Chamb., lin(*r, crooked mine ; upper surface. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2:117 Nepticula latifasciella Chamb. Pack. p. 349 Bucculatrix trifasciella Clem. Pack. p. 349 LithocoUetes castaneaeella Chamb., blister mine on upper surface ; oak. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2: 104 Tischeria castaneaeella Chamb., larger than T. z e 1 1 e r i e 1 1 a. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2:111. Oak Tischeria tinctoriella Chamb., white blotch mine; with short zigzag purple line, black oak. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2 : 108 Sucking insects Atymna inornata Say, triangular, light green, j'ellowish tree hopper, % in. Pack. ; P- 350 Atymna castanea Fitch, triangular, black, green marked tree hopper, 14.' in. Pack. P- 350 Callipterus castanea Fitch, yellowish, black marked aphid, 'iq in. Pack. p. 350 BEECH Borers Anamorphus pusillus Zimm., on beech fungi. Cinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jour. 20:251 Tenebrioides corticahs Mels. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 70 Rhizophagus dimidiatus Mann., under dead bark Bostrichus bicornis Web., elm, apple. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32: 189 Chrysobothris sexsignata Say, birch. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 7, n. s. p. 71. Pine 722 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eucrada humeralis Mels. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 71 Corymbites cruciatus Linn. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 70 Elater discoideus Fabr. In.s. N. J. p. 248 Perothops mucida Gyll. Ins. N. J. p. 252 Chalcophora campestris Say, sycamore, maple, tulip. Ins. N. J. p. 253 Platycerus quercus Web. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 72 Platycerus depressus Lee. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 72 Dryobius sexfasciatus Say. Pack. Cyrtophorus verrucosus Oliv. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77. Oak, linden, wild cherry Hoplosia nubila Lee, basswood twigs. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 23: 134 Toxotus schaumii Lee. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. Ji Lepturges signatus Lee, red bud. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3: loi. Sumac Xylotrechus quadrimaculatus Hald. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 73. Black alder Pelecotoma flavipes Mels. Ent. Soc. Ont. 27th Rep't, p. 74 Phloeophagus minor Horn. Pack. Scolytus fagi Walsh. Pack. Hackberry Xyleborus obesus Lee. Pack. Euchaetes echidna Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :85 Choragus sayi Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 88 Leaf feeders Hyperitis amicaria IL-S., brownish, white spotted larva, i}^ in. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 13:28. (3ak, beech, hornbeam, alder Isochaetes beutenmulleri Hy. Ed., pale green larva ; oak. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 7 : 208 Exartema fagigemmaeanum Chamb. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:29 Venusia comptaria Walk. Ent. Am. 3 : 50. Birch, alder Sucking insect Pemphigus imbricator Fitch, on underside of twigs. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 20: 301 HOP-HOKN15KAM Leaf feeders Pteronus ostryae Marlt., green larva, brown on folds. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 26 Cecidomyia pudibunda O. S., larvae in red leaf fold. Diptera N. A. i : 202 Coptodisca ostryaefoliella Clem., leaf miner. Pack. p. 648 Coleophora ostryae Clem., brown, flattened case ; parallel edges. Tineina N. A., p. 167 Nepticula ostryaefoliella Clem., narrow, contorted, frass-lined mine. Tineina N. A. p. 172 Nepticula virginiella Clem., slender, long mine; scattered frass particles. Tineina N. A. p. 172 Lithocolletes ostryaefoliella Clem., marginal mine becoming corrugated. Pack. p. 649 Lithocolletes tritaeniella Chamb. Pack. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 723 Lithocolletes obscuricostella Clem. Tineina N. A. p. 71 Chrysopeleia ostryaeella Chamb. Pack. HORNBEAM Oil lUONTVOOD Leaf feeders Pteronus carpini Mark., dull green, yellow blotched larva. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. See. Jour. 6: 121 Psylla carpini Fitch. Pack. HOP TREE Leaf miner Nepticula pteliaeella Chamb., blotch mine in very long, tortuous, linear mine. Psyche, 3: 137 HAZEI, Borers Agrilus arcuatus Say van coryli Horn. Am. £nt. Soc. Trans. 22 : 364 Dichelonycha subvittata Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans, 27 : 282 Leaf feeders Apatela falcula Grote, dark brown, green marked, spined larva, 1% in. Pack. P- ^^37 Exartema permundanum Clem., black headed, greenish larva, y^ in. Papilio, 3 : 102 Exartema corylanum F"ern. Pack. Eulia ministrana Linn., green larva. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 15 Lithocolletes corylisella Chamb., blotch mine; upper surface. Pack. p. 641. Hornbeam Nepticula corylifoliella Clem., long, winding, narrow mine. Pack. p. 639 Coleophora corylifoliella Clem., case irregular, cylindric, compressed, toothed. Tineina N. A. p. 166 Anacampsis tristrigella Wlsm., pale greenish, black marked leaf roller, '^ ifj in. Pack. p. 639 Ypsolophus trinotellus Coq., dark brown, white marked leaf roller, -^^ in. Pack. p. 640 Depressaria groteella Rob., green, dark marked leaf roller, i/s in. Pack. p. 639 Menesta tortriciformella Clem. Pack. Affecting nuts Balaninus obtusus Blanch. Pack. WITCH-HAZEL Borers Hydnocera longicollis Ziegl. Ent. Am. 6:155 Mycetochares nigerrima Casey, under dead bark Leaf feeders Luperodes meraca Say. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2 : 264 Scopelosoma moffatiana Grote. white, yellow banded larva, i}4 in- Parsall. Ent. Am. 4: 59 724 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Celama triquetrana Fitch, pale yellow larva, darker dorsally, ]/> in. Dyar. Insect Life, 3 : 62 Exartema footianum Fern. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:31 Olethreutes niveiguttana Grote, sassafras. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 36 Gelechia hamameliella Clem., pale green leaf roller in tube. Pack. p. 668 Gracilaria alchimiella Scop., pale green leaf roller in cones. Pack. p. 668. Maple LIQUinAMBAR Leaf feeders Paectes delineata Guen., yellowish green, yellow marked, y^ in. Dyar. Can. Ent. 3': -7 Paectes pygmaea Hiibn., yellowish green, yellow marked, % in. Edw. -Elliott. Papilio, 3: 135 ELM Borers Anthaxia viridicornis Say. Pack. p. 229. Hickory, willow Eupogonius subarmatus Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 369 Leptura emarginata Fabr., ^ippery elm. Psyche, 4:204 Trichodesma gibbosa Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 365 Leaf feeders Monocesta coryli Say., hazel, red elm. Ent. Soc. Ont. 13th Rep't, p. 59 Cotalpa lanigera Linn., oak, hickory, poplar. Pack. p. 274 Haltica chalybea 111. Pack. p. 237 Cryptocephalus quadruplex Newm. Ins. N. J. p. 302 Plocetes ulmi Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Caterpillars Deilephila lineata Fabr., greenish, black and red, horned, 3 in. Pack. p. 271. Apple, plum, rose Smerinthus jamaicensis Dru., bluish green, yellow lined, horned, 2' 5 in. ; oak, hazel, hornbt.'am, ash, apple, plum, cherry, willow, poplar, birch. Beut. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, g : 89 Paonias excaecatus Abb. & Sm., green, yellow marked, horned, 2.21 in. ; oak, hazel, ash, linden, apple, plum, cherry, willow, poplar, birch. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7 : 314 Utetheisa bella Linn., deep buff, black marked, i J/( in. Pack. p. 257 Apatela grisea Walk., green, brownish, humped, ^ in. Pack. p. 272. Apple, willow Apatela interrupta Guen., purplish with long, reddish hairs, humped, i in. : oak, apple, birch. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 79 Apatela morula Grote & Rob., greenish brown, humped, 2 in. Pack. p. 272. Linden Apatela vinnula Grote. green, brown tubercles, i in. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 93 Bomolocha abalienalis Walk., green, white striped ; slippery elm. Dyar. Can. Ent. 23:157 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 725 Datana contracta Walk., black, yellow striped, 2'; in. Pack. p. 266. Oak, hickory, chestnut Nerice bidentata Walk., greenish, irregular, dorsal serrations, i \ in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 171 Heterocampa bilineata Pack., green, white and yellow lined, red marked, 1% in.; beech. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 218 Opheroptera boreata Hubn., maple. Ent. Am. 3:49 Olene plagiata Walk. Pack. Linden Euchoeca albifera \\'alk. Ins. N. J. p. 441 Mesoleuca intermediata Guen. Ins. N. J. p. 441 Percnoptilota fluviata Hubn, Ins. N. J. p. 441 Selidosema umbrosarium Guen.. horsechestnut, hemlock. Ins. N. J. p. 447 Episimus argutanus Clem., witch-hazel, black thorn, sumac. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:45 Ennomos magnarius Guen., dark green, reddish mottled, 4I3 in. ; hickory, chestnut, maple, linden. Beat. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 3 : 137 Ennomos subsignarius Hubn., dull colored. 7^ in. ; hickory, chestnut, maple, linden. Pack. p. 232 Canarsia ulmiarrosorella Clem., green ; on upper surface. Kv. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 84, p. 72 Hulstea undulatella Clem. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:187 Lithocolletes argentinotella Clem. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5 : 190. Oak LithocoUetes ulmella Chamb., irregular blotch mine in upper surface. Can. Ent. 3: 149 Sucking insects, etc. 'Typhlocyba tricincta Fitch, pale yellowish, dark banded leaf hopper. Pack. p. 281 Lachnus ulmi Linn. Pack. Aspidiotus ulmi John., catalpa. Fern. Coccidae, p. 280 Eulecanium canadense Ckll., white oak, hickorv, maple, peach. Fern. Coccidae, p. 182 Eulecanium caryae Fitch, hickory, red cherry, willow. Fern. Coccidae, p. 183 Eulecanium cockerelli Hunter, oak, walnut, pear, plum, peach, sweet fern. Fern. Coccidae, p. 185 Eriophyes ulmi Garm., small, slender gall, Yio in. Pack. p. 281 H.\CKBEKRY Borers Agrilus fallax Say. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32: 184 Urographis triangulifer Hald. Pack. p. 610 Phloeotribus frontalis Oliv. Pack. Mulberry Scolytus muticus Say. Pack. Micracis rudis Lee. Pack. Proteoteras aesculanum Riley. Pack. p. 609. Maple Leaf feeders Chlorippe celtis Bd. & Lee, green, horns at both ends, i in. Pack. p. 602 Chlorippe clyton Bd. & Lee, greenish; foliate, cephalic spines, \}i in. Pack, p. 604. Wild plum 726 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hypatus bachmani Kirt., green, yellow striped, i in. Bent. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5 : 277 Sphinx drupiferarum Abb. & Sm., green and white, horned, 3.5 in. Bent. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7:300 Apatela rubricoma Guen., greenish ; blackish dorsal bands; 12/5 in. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 142 Salebria celtidella Hulst., pale green, striped, 5/5 in. ; in leaf fold. Beut. Can. Ent. 22: 17 Megalopyge opercularis Abb. & Sm. Pack. p. 609 Leaf galls Pachypsylla celtidis-asteriscus Riley, blisterlike gall ; upper surface. Pack. p. 618 Pachypsylla celtidis-cucurbita Riley, greenish yellow, pyriform ; under surface ; 1/16 in. Pack. p. 621 Pachypsylla celtidis-gemma Riley, budlike twig gall. Pack. p. 618 Pachypsylla celtidis-globulus Riley, globular, pyriform ; under surface ; 1/16 in. Pack. p. 621 Pachypsylla celtidis-pubescens Riley, subglobular, hairy; under surface; 1/12 in. Pack. p. 620 Pachypsylla celtidis-vesiculum Riley, blisterlike ; under surface. Pack. p. 618 Pachypsylla celtidis-umbilicus Riley, circular, buttonlike ; green, woody, 1/5 in. Pack. p. 619 Pachypsylla venusta O. S., subglobular, on petiole. Pack. p. 617 MULBERRY Borers Hetoemis cinerea Oliv. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78. Walnut Dorcaschema wildii Uhler. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4 : 78. Osage orange Dorcaschema alternatum Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78. Orange OSAGE ORANGE Insects Hormiscus saltator Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 87 Eulecanium maclurarum Ckll. Can. Ent. 30:294 ASH Borers Tylonotus bimaculatus Hald. Pack. p. 543. Hickory, black walnut, tulip, birch Gnathotricus asperulus Lee. Pack. Leaf feeders Monophadnus bardus Say, whitish, gray tinged. Dvar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 308 AUantus annularis Nort., green, dark dorsal line. Osborn. Ent. Soc. Ont. 15th Rep't, p. 32 Thysanocnemus fraxini Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Psomus pohtus Csy., common on sprouts. Cinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jour. 20:256 INSECTS AFFFXTIXG PARK AND WOODLAXD TREES 727 Sphinx chersis Hubn., greenish, yellow marked, horned, 3'+ in. Pack. p. 546. Lilac Sphinx gordius Syoll., green, carmine striped, 23/5 in.; apple, huckleberry, myrica. Beut. X. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 9:87 Chlaenogramma jasminearum Boisd., green, six oblique white stripes, 3 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7:306 Diacrisia latipennis Stretch, dark brown larva. Dyar. Ent. News, 2:115 Apatelodes angelica Grote, gray, black lined larva ; lilac. Pack. Monogr. Bom- bycine Moths, p. 103 Coriscium cuculipennellum Iliibn., yellowish green miner in leafy cone. Ent. News, 6 : log. Privet Sucking insects Neoforus petitii Uhler. Pack. Pemphigus fraxinifolii Riley, green and black aphid, Vie in. Pack. p. 552 Trionymus americanus Ckll. Fern. Coccidae, p. 96 MAPLE Borers Oryssus sayi Westw., black, white marked, wasplike. Pack. p. 383 Oryssus terminalis Newm. Pack. p. 383 Acamptus rigidus Lee, soft maple. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: 122 Leptura proxima Say. Can. Ent. 29: 192 Pyrochroa femoralis Lee. Ent. Soc. Ont. 17th Rep't, p. 32 Enchodes sericea Hald. Ent. Soc. Ont. 17th Rep't, p. 32 Leaf feeders Platycerus quercus Web., bud eater. Pack. p. 392 Caterpillars Cyaniris ladon Cram., green and brown. French. Butt. East. U. S. p. 291. Wild cherry, dogwood, viburnum Philosamia cynthia Drury, green, blue and yellow tubercled ; 2 1< in. ; general feeder. Beut. Ent. Am. 6:216 Apatela retardata Walk., whitish, rfd banded. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 145 Noctua c-nigrum Linn. Pack. Morrisonia confusa Hiibn., white, crimson spotted ; oak, hickory, apple, willow, birch. Dyar. Insect Life, 3 : 63 Bomolocha baltimoralis Guen., pale green, Y^ in. Pack. p. 407 Heterocampa biundata Walk., green, 'brown marked, i3< in.; hickory, beech, witch- hazel, cherry, dogwood, willow, birch. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 235 Heterocampa guttivitta Walk., green, yellow and purple marked, i >^ in.; oak, chestnut, beech, apple, viburnum. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 230 Tolype velleda StolL, bluish gray, white lined, 2I/2 in., lateral haired tufts, 2V< in.; oak, elm, cherry, lilac. Pack. p. 165 Heterophleps triguttaria H.-S., bluish green, light lined spanworm. Pack. Monogr. Geometrid Moths, p. 194 728 XEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Psysostegania pustularia Guen., bluish green, light striped spanworm, yi in. Harrington. Ent. Soc. Ont. 17th Rep't, p. 27 Lycia cognataria Guen., brown, black specked spanworm, i'a in. Pack. p. 638. Elm, hazel, honey-locust, willow, larch Eutrapela alciphearia Walk., brown, gray marked, angulate spanworm. Psyche, 8:395 Eutrapela kentaria Grote, oak, beech, linden, birch. Pack. p. 405 Euchlaena serrata Dru., brown mottled, black marked, spined spanworm. Psyche, 9: 130 Phigalia titea Cram., elm, birch. Ent. Am. 3:49 Anagoga pulveraria Linn., gray, black marked, humped spanworm. Pack. p. 638. Beech, hazel, willow Azelina ancetaria Hiibn. Ent. Am. 3:47. Cherry Sisyrosea inornata Gr. & Rob., elliptic, flattened, green, red and yellow slug cater- pillar; hickory, wild cherry. Dyar. Can. Ent. 21 -.yy Lithacodes fasciola H.-S., yellowish green, white slug caterpillar, J^ in. ; oak, hickory, chestnut, beech, hop-hornbeam, linden, cherry, dogwood, birch. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : i Platynota flavedana Clem., sassafras, rose. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:22 Pandemis lamprosana Rob. Pack. p. 408 Lithocolletes aceriella Clem., brown headed, yellowish miner. Pack. p. 409 LithocoUetes clemensella Chamb., mine and larva closely resembles that of L. lucidicostella Clem. Can. Ent. 11:91 Lithocolletes lucidicostella Clem., brown headed, pale green miner. Pack. p. 410 Incurvaria acerifoliella Fitch, round holes in leaves. Fitch. 2d Rep't, p. 269 Leaf mutilators Megachile optiva Cress., leaf cutter. Pack. p. 410 Cecidomyia aceris Shim., larvae in curled, contorted leaves. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. I :28i Sucking insects Lygus monachus Uhler. Pack. p. 420. Alder Poecilocapsus goniphorus Say. Pack. Psylla annulata F"itch. Ent. Soc. Ont. 17th Rep't, p. 33 Pemphigus aceris Mon., aphid on underside of limbs. Can. Ent. 14: 16 Aleurodes aceris Forbes, white, chocolate marked, 54o i'^- Pack. p. 422 Aspidiotus comstockii John. Fern. Coccidae, p. 254 Aspidiotus rapax Comst., walnut, willow, birch, cottonwood. Fern. Coccidae, p. 276 Eulecanium cerasifex Fitch, oak, ash, apple, pear, plum, cherry, peach. Fern. Coccidae. p. I 84 Chrysomphalus tenebricosus Comst. Fern. Coccidae, p. 294 BOX ELDEK Insects Xylina grotei Riley. Pack. Gracilaria negundella Chamb., leaf roller. Psyche, 3:66 Cecidomyia negundinis Gill., terminal bud gall. Psyche, 5 : 392 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 720 Chaitophorus negundinis Thorn. Ins. N. J. p. 104 Pulvinaria acericola Walsh & Riley. Pack. BUBNINC; BUSH Insect Aphis rumicis Linn. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 20:298. Euonymus PBICKLY A.SH Insects Liopus fascicularis Harr. Pack. p. 659 Catapastus conspersus Lee. Cinn. Soc. Nat. Hist.Jour. 20:255 Papilio thoas Linn. Cram., dark brown, white banded caterpillar; 2 in. ; orange poplar, hop tree. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5:245 HONEY-LOCUST Bark beetle Ptinidium lineatum Lee, under decaying bark. Cinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jour. 20:251 Leaf feeders Caterpillars Schizura ipomoeae Dougl., brown, green and white marked, humped, \]A in. Pack. Mem. Bombycine Moths, p. 194 Heteropacha rileyana Harv. Pack. Tlascala reductella Walk., greenish yellow, brown, yellow marked leaf roller ig in Pack. p. 652 ' ' ' Catocala innubens Guen., dull white, obscurely striped, 2'^; in. French. Can. Ent. 20:170. Black walnut Catocala illecta Walk., black and white banded, 2 in. Beut. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 9 : 189 Catocala minuta Edw., brownish, light striped; broad, white patches, Mi in. Dodge. Can. Ent. 33 : 222 Adelocephala bicolor Harr., yellow., carmine, white and blue banded, i in. • coffee tree. Pack. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. 9 : 65 Mompha gleditschiaeella Chamb. Psyche, 3:66 Agnippe biscolorella Chamb. Pack. Helice pallidochrella Chamb. Pack. Leaf gall Cecidomyia gleditschiae O. S., larvae in folded leaflets. Ins. Galls of Ind. p. 839 Scale insect Aspidiotus ancylus Putn. Psyche, 9:403 LOCUST OB BLACK LOCUST Borers Agrilus egenus Gory. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32: 184 Agrilus otiosus Say. Pack. p. 367 Agrilus politus Say. Psyche, 4 : 203. Willow 730 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ino reclusa Lee. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:73 Liopus variegatus Hald., under bark (Joutel) Liopus fascicularis Harr., prickly ash. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:79 Leaf feeders Pteronus trilineatus Nort., brown headed, green sawfly larva, -'5 in. Pack. p. 369. Willow Pachybrachys atomarius Melsh. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 199 Myochrous denticoUis Say. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 199 Colaspis brunnea Fabr. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 199 Nodonota tristis Oliv. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 200 Nodonota puncticollis Say, sumac. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 200 Phyllechthrus gentilis Lee. Hopk. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32:201 Crepidodera aesculi Dury, buckeye. Cinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jour. 20:253 Coptocycla significa Hbst. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32:202 Apion nigrum Hbst. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 40 Apion rostrum Say. Pack. p. 367. Sweet fern Copturus binotatus Lee, oak, sumac. N.Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 83 Anthribus cornutus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 88 Cecidomyia robiniae Hald., whitish maggot in folded leaflets. Pack. p. 368 Dasyneura pseudacaciae I-'itch, \\hitish maggots in leaflets. Pack. p. 368 Macrobasis unicolor Kirby. Pack. p. 371 Ptosima gibbicollis Say. Ins. N. J. p. 256. Redbud Anomoea laticlavia Forst. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2 : 262 Euparthenos nubilis Hiibn., brown, dark spotted larva. Pack. p. 370 Dasylophia anguina Abb. & Sm., red headed, lilac, yellowish and black lined larva; black tipped tubercle on eighth abdominal segment, 2 in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 174 Sciagraphia heliothidata Guen., green, white lined spanworm. Dyar. Psyche, 9:203 Salebria contatella Grote, pale green, striped, 7^ in. Beut. Can. Ent. 22: 16 Epagoge sulfureana Clem., yellowish green larva, 5/3 in. Pack. p. 362. Willow, pine Gelechia pseudoacaciella Chamb., green larva with reddish head, -^5 in. Pack. P- 363 Depressaria robiniella Pack., green, black headed. Pack. p. 364 Chrysopeleia purpuriella Chamb. Psyche, 3 : 64 Gracilaria lespedezaefoliella Clem., yellow blotch mine, upper surface. Cotton. Ohio Dep't Agric. Bui. 7, p. 37 Recurvaria robiniella Fitch, pale green, whitish or yellowish. I'itch. 5th Rep't, P-55 Lithocolletes robiniella Clem., white blister mine, under surface. Fitch. 5th Rep't, p. 56 Lithocolletes morrisella Fitch. 5th Rep't, p. 58 Lithocolletes ostensackenella Fitch. 5th Rep't, p. 58 Lithocolletes uhlerella Fitch. 5th Rep't, p. 58 Xylestia pruniramiella Clem. Pack. Spermophagus robiniae Sch. Pack. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 73 1 REDBUD Insects Rhopalophora longipes Say. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:97 Bruchus mimus Say. Psyche, 4 : 204 • BASSWOOD OR LIXDEN Bark insects Silvanus planatus Germ. Can. Ent. 18:66 Tenebrioides americana Kirby. Can. Ent. 18:66 Tetratoma truncorum Lee. Can. Ent. 18:67 Xyletinus lugubris Lee. Ent. Soc. Ont. 34th Rep't, p. 61 Orchesia castanea Melsh. Can. Ent. 18 : 67. Birch fungi Eustrophus bicolor Say. Can. Ent. 18:67 Allandrus bifasciatus Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 366 Leaf feeders Monophadnus tiliae Nort. Ent. Soc. Ont. 34th Rep't, p. 59 Chrysomela pnirsa Stal. Ent. Soc. Ont. 34th Rep't, p. 52 Odontota quadrata Fabr., oak, hornbeam, ciierry, juneberry, white birch. Beut. Ent. Am. 6: 17S Rhabdopterus picipes Oliv. Ins. N. J. p. 305 .t a- it c EUida caniplaga Walk., whitish green, yellow lined, •* 5 m. Dyar. N. \ . Ent. Soc. Jour. 10 : 143 Xylina bethunei Gr. & Rob. Ent. Soc. Ont. 34th Rep't, p. 54 Catocala cerogama Guen., ash-gray, black specked. Dyar. Can. Ent. 26:21 Erannis tiliaria Harr., yellow, black marked spanworm. Pack. p. 475. Oak, hickory, elm, apple, pear ■ r> 1 Pantogr'apha limata Gr. & Rob., green, brown spotted leaf roller, i in. lack. Coleophora tiliaefoliella Clem., dark brown larva ; pistol-shaped case. Pack. p. 478 Lithocolletes lucetiella Clem., greenish, brown headed leaf miner. Pack. p. 478 Lithocolletes tiliacella Chamb. Ent. Soc. Ont. 34th Rep't, p. 58 Galls Cecidomyia citrina O. S., young terminal buds deformed. Pack. Sciara tilicola O. S., peaiike swelling on stem near origin of last two leaves. Pack. Sucking insects Gargaphia tiliae Walsh. Pack. Drepanosiphum tiliae Koch. Pack. Lachnus longistigma Mon. Pack. Aspidiotus diffinis Newst., lilac. Fern. Coccidae, p. 257 Pulvinaria tiliae Kg. & Ckll., woolly bark louse. Psyche, 8 : 286 732 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM TIILIP TREE Borers Acanthoderes morrisii Uhlcr. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78. Sour gum Himatium conicum Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1 : 87 Leaf insects » Cecidomyia liriodendri O. S., brown spots with yellow or greenish aureole. Diptera N. A. I :202 Cecidomyia tulipiferae O. S., midrib swelling of leaf. Diptera N. A. i : 202 Callosamia angulifera Walk., greenish, black marked, red and yellow tubercled larva, 2jA in. ; sassafras, wild cherry; Beut. Ent. Am. 5:200 Polychrosis botrana Schiff., greenish or purplish, naked larva, ji in. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 28 Phyllocnistis liriodendronella Clem., broad, very long, linear, contorted mine ; underside ; brownish frass line. Tineina N. A. p. 220 Tulip aphid Nectarophora liriodendri Mon. Pack. SASSArKA.S Borers Oberea ruficollis Fabr., girdler. Can. Ent. 28 : 247. Sumac Corthylus punctatissimus Zimm. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bnl. 31 : 127 Leaf feeders Prionomerus calceatus Say, larval leaf miner. Ins. N. J. p. 350 Papilio troilus Linn., green, blue spotted, yellow banded larva, 134 ''i. ; spicebush. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5 : 243. Wild plum Gonodontis hypochraria H.-S., rust-red, black lined larva. Dyar. Ent. News, 5:61. Persimmon Gracilaria sassafrasella Chamb. Ins. N. J. p. 481 Scale insect Eulecanium lintneri Ckll. & Benn. Fern. Coccidae, p. 189 PLUM, AVILD Leaf feeders Pteronus thoracicus llarr., whitish green, banded larva. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 307 Incisalia irus Godt., slug-shaped, yellowish green and reddish brown lined larva, ^ in.; huckleberry. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 5:280 Sucking insects Pediopsis trimaculata Fitch. Ent. Am. 5 : 172 Aphis cerasicolens Fitch. Pack. Aphis cerasifoliae Fitch. I'ack. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 733 CHERRY, WII.I> Borers Sanninoidea exitiosa Say, white, naked caterpillar at base of trunk. Pack. p. 521 Leaf feeders Lyda fasciata Nort., yellowish, black tipped webworms. Pack. p. 524 Eriocampoides limacina Retz., slug-like, slimy larva. Harrington. Ent. Soc. Ont. 15th Rcp't, p. 69 Pseudanthonomus crataegi Walsh, wild thorn. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 376 Galerucella rufosanguinea Say. Pack. p. 529 Epicaerus imbricatus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc- Jour, i : 38 Rhyncolus brunneus Mann. Pack. Phloeophagus apionides Horn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 87. Birch Paonias myops Abb. & Sm., green, yellow marked, horned larva. Psyche, 5 : 266. Wild plum, thorn Strymon titus Fabr., sluglike, dull green, pink or rose patched larva, ^4 in. ; plum. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5:281 Chamyris cerintha Treits., purplish, white lined larva. Dyar. Psyche, 8 : 349 Apatela furcifera Guen., black, red striped larva. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 85 Apatela radcliffei Harv., black, yellowish lined larva. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 107 Plagodis phlogosaria Guen. Ent. Am. 3 : 48 Cymatophora pustularia Hiibn., reddish, white lined, black dotted spanworm, i in. Kellicott. Can. Ent. 17:32 Synelys ennucleata Guen., brown, black marked spanworm ; multiannulate segments. Dyar. Psyche, 9:165 Tortrix pallorana Robs. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 17 Alceris logiana Schiff. Pack. Mineola indigenella Zell., brown or green larva ; apple, crab apple, quince, plum, peach. Hulst. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:130 Coleophora pruniella Clem., case flattened, deeply notched distally. Pack. p. 528 Nepticula prunifoliella Clem. Pack. p. 527 Nepticula serotinaeella Chamb., mine narrow, linear, much convoluted, filled with frass. Can. Ent. 5:126 Gall insects Cecidomyia serotinae O. S., enlarged terminal buds on young shoots. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 3 : 346 Acarus serotinae Beut.. pouchlike galls on upper surface, 5/5 in. Ins. Galls of Ind. p. 858 MOCNTAIN ASH Insects Euzophera semifuneralis Walk., mining under bark. Kellicott. Can. Ent. 23 : 250 Apatela clarescens Guen., green or greenish brown, reddish purple striped cater- pillar; apple, wild cherry. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 123 Venusia cambrica Curtis, spanworm. Pack. Monogr. Geometrid Moths, p. 86 734 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM SHADBUSH OR JUNEBEKRY ( AMEtANCHIER) Leaf feeders Schizocerus prunivorus Marlt., green larva, blotched with yellow subventrally ; wild cherrw Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:23 Nyctobia limitata Walk. Ent. Am. 3:49 Ornix quadripunctella Clem., greenish, black dotted larva in mine on upi:)er surface. Tineina N. A. p. 177 Nepticula amelanchierella Clem., broad, contorted, irregular mine with broad, frass line. Tineina N. A. p. 174 Scale insect Hulecanium kansasense Hunter, ledbud. Fern. Coccidae, p. 189 WILD THORN Borers Saperda cretata Newm. N. Y. State Mus. Bui. 74, p. 50 Xylotrechus convergens Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:76 Fruit insects Tachypterus quadrigibbus Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 376 Conotrachelus crataegi Walsh. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 376 Conotrachelus naso Lee. Pack. Conotrachelus posticatus Boh. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 82 Leaf feeders Anthonomus decipiens Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 80 Nothus varians (Jliv. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 373 Tymnes metasternalis Cr. Ins. N. J. p. 305 Stethobaris tubulatus Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 377 Limnobaris calva Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 377 Anthonomopsis mixtus Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 376 Apion herculaneum Smith. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 39 Catocala polygama Guen. var. crataegi Saund., gray-black, red marked larva, \j4 in. Pack. p. 532 Nacophora quernaria Abb. & .Sm., slate-gray spanworni with tubercle on third thoracic and seventh abdominal segments. Pack. RIonogr. Geometrid Moths, p. 412 Uranotes melinus lliibn. Pack. Enarmonia prunivora Walsh. Pack. Coptodisca splendoriferella Clem., linear, frass-lined mine, expanding to a small transparent blotch. Tineina N. A. p. 105. Wild cherry. Nepticula crataegifoliella Clem., thick, bright green larva. Pack. p. 534 Ornix inusitatumella Chamb., nearly circular, blister mine on upper surface. Can. Ent. 5:48 Ornix crataegifoliella Clem., brownish, greenish white leaf miner. Pack. p. 534 Tischeria malifoliella Clem., brown, trumpet-shaped mine, upper surface. Pack. Leaf gall Cecidomyia bedeguar Walsh., subglobular, midrib gall, ■< in. Can. Ent. i : 79 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOdDLAND TREES 735 Sucking insects Melinna pumila Uhler, willow. Ent. Am. 3:69 Nectargphora crataegi Moncll. Pack. Schizoneura crataegi Oest. Pack. Phenacoccus dearnessi King. Feni. Coccidae, p. 91 Chionaspis furfura Fitch van fulva King, scurfy white scale. King. Psyche, 8 : 334 PERSI>niOX Insects Olethreutes malachitana Zell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:33 Artace punctistriga Walk. Can. Ent. 23:35 Brachystylus acutus Say. Ins. N. J. p. 341 Aphis diospyri Thorn. Ins. N. J. p. 103 PAWPAW Leaf feeder Iphidicles ajax Linn., gray or green larva ; white, black and yellow bands. French- Butterflies East. U. S. p. 84 TREE OF BCEAl'EN Leaf feeders Atteva aurea Fitch, dark olive-brown, white lined larva, Ji in. Riley. 1st Mo. Rep't, p. 151 SWEET GUM Leaf miner Phyllocnistis liquidambarisella Chamb., indistinct, long, tortuous mine on upper surface. Cinn. Guar. Jour. Sqi. Proc. 2: 106 SOUR GUM OR PEFPEKIDGE TREE INSECTS Callichroma splendidum Lee. Can. Ent. 24 : 38 Nepticula nyssaeella Clem. Pack. Phylloxera nyssae Perg., woolly aphid in bark crevices. Davenport. Acad. Sci. Proc. Q : 269 CATALPA Leaf feeders Ceratomia catalpae Bois., black dorsal band, black and yellow lined larva, 3 in. Koebele. Bklyn Ent. Soc. Bui. 4:20 Cecidomyia catalpae Comst., abnormally brown maggoty pods. Pack. p. 666 ROSE Leaf feeders Emphytus cinctus L., banded, curled larva. Riley. Insect Life, 5=9 . Cladius pectinicornis Fourcr., greenish, bristly larva. Riley. Insect Life, 5 : 9 Monostegia rosae Harr., greenish, sluglike larva, >-< in. Insect Life, 5 : 10 Trichius piger Fabr. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 27, n. s. p. 100 Nodonota puncticoUis Say. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 7, n. s. p. 60 736 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Deilephila galii Rott.. dark green, yellow spotted larva, 3 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7: 286 Schizura mustelina Pack., dark brown, gray mottled and green larva, -t/^ in. French Can. Ent. 18 :92 Chloridea virescens Fabr., Olive-green, yellow lined, 'g in- U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 27, n. s. p. loi Nepticula rosaefoliella Clem., mine verj' serpentine, frequently marginal, moderately broad, filled with black frass. Tineina N. A. p. 176 Coleophora rosaefoliella Clem., brown, cylindric, hooked case. Tineina N. A. p. 251 Coleophora rosacella Clem., dark red, compressed, cylindric, serrate case. Tineina N. A. p. 251 Rose scale Eulecanium rosae King. Fern. Coccidae, p. 196 Rose galls Rhodites multispinosa Gill., reddish brown, spined, knotlike excrescence on young shoots. Ent. Am. 6: 25 Rhodites lenticularis Bass., lentil-shaped leaf gall on both surfaces, ] io in. Am. Ent. See. Trans. 17 : 59 Rhodites nebulosus Bass., globular, hollow leaf gall. ?',f, in., on under surface. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:63 Periclistis sylvestris O. S., guest fly from gall of Rhodites radicum. Ent. -Soc. Phila. Proc. 4: 366 Periclistis semipiceus Harr., guest in rose root gall. Ins. Inj. Veg. p. 436 DOGAVOOD Borers Agrilus lecontei Saund. Psyche, 4:203 Psenocerus supernotatus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78 Anthonomus corvulus Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Leaf feeders Harpiphorus versicolor Nort., shining, blue-gray larva, marked with leaden black. Dyar. N. Y. I'^nt. Soc. Jour. 5 :22 Harpiphorus tarsatus Say, olivaceous black larva, i in. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 21 Euthyatira pudens Guen., semitransparent, whitish flecked caterpillar. Dyar. Can. Ent. 21 : 209 Ancylis cornifoliana Riley. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:51 Antispila cornifoliella Clem., fat, white larva living first in linear, then a blotch mine. Psyche, 3 : 149 Gall Cecidomyia clavula Beut., capitate, apical twig gall. Ins. Galls Ind. p. 841 Sucking insects Eulecanium tarsale Sign. Fern. Coccidae, p. 197 Chionaspis corni Cooley. Fern. Coccidae, p. 215 IXSECTS AFFECTIN'G PARK AND WOODLAND TREES Aphis cornifoliae Fitch. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 20:^99 Schizoneura corni Fabr. Ins. N. J. p. 105 737 SlJMAf Borers Pogonocherus penicellatus Lee. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui xo ■ ,q- Cryptorhynchus obliquus Sav, bores sumac roots. W. Va Acrric Fx-n Sta Bui. 32:206 '=' -^P- ^^^• Pityophthorus consimilis I.ec. \V. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : i ^o Leaf feeders Coscinoptera dorainicana Fabr., oak, sassafras, apple, plum. Ent Am 6- 17; Orthaltica copalina Fabr. Lint. 5th Rep't. p. 271 ' ' Blepharida rhois Forst. Ent. Am. 6:177 Pyrrhia umbra var. exprimens Walk., locust. Can. Ent. ■^x-t.G Marasmalus inficita Walk. Can. Ent. 23 : 36 ' ^ Marasmalus ventilator Grote. Can. Ent. 23 : ^,6 Datana perspicua Gr. & Rob., black headed, yellow, red striped larva, i V,' in. Pack Monogr. Kombycine Moths, p. 117 Amorbia humerosana Clem. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: ly. Pine spicebush Schreckensteinia erythriella Clem., dark green, deeplv incised 'larva ; middle of segments produced dorsally. Tineina N. A. p. 132 Sucking insects Pulvinaria maclurae Kenn., osage orange. Fern. Coccidae, p. 135 Calophya nigripennis Riley. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 6 : 244 ' ELDER Insects Tenthredo atroviolacea Nort., dark slaty, blue-black, shining larva. Dvar N Y hnt. hoc. Jour. 5 : 192 . • • • Macrophya trisyllaba Say, black mottled, white larva. Dvar N Y Ent So- J our. 5 : 192 ■ . ^. Desmocerus pailiatus Forst. X. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77 LILAC Leaf feeders ^ xTh"!'""^ r,"" ^"'^''■' ^"■''^ ^'^'''' b'"*^ banded, 4 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Aat. Hist. Bui. 7:300. Fringe tree "hu'mo'"d "! - '"'^'f^'fy ^^'^")V ^^""^^ ^'''"^'"^' y^"«"- b'-vn and black marked, humped, 1.4 m. Goodhue. Can. Ent. iS : 58. Honeysuckle, holly PIIIVET Leaf feeder Diaphania quadristigmalis Guen., pale yellow to bluish green larva. V, in. Insect 738 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM FRINGE TREE Leaf feeder Periclista chionanthi Murtfeldt (M. S.), yellowish larva; broken subdorsal black shade. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 132 \aBURNTJM Leaf feeders Macrophya bilineata MacGill., whitish translucent ; body segments scvcn-annulated with minute black setae on second and fourth annulets. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:19 Macrophya mixta MacGill., head reddish, body waxy greenish. D)'ar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 19 Hemaris thysbe Fabr., whitish green, yellow and white spotted larva, i^ in.; honeysuckle, snowberry. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7:277. Plum, thorn Ampelophaga choerilus Cramer, pale green, dark lined larva, white marked, '5 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7 : 291. Sour gum Diphthera fallax H.-S., flat, velvety green larva with narrow, dorsal and subdorsal pale lines. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 7 : 67 Schizura badia Pack., green, brown and yellow marked larva, i '/ in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 208 Calledapteryx dryopterata Gr., translucent white larva, slightly greenish. Dyar. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:414 Platynota sentana Clem. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:23 Cpleophora viburniella Clem., brownish, irregular alate case. Tineina N. A. p. 167 BATBERRV Insects Acrobasis comptoniella Hulst., green larva with four rows of black spots. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 125 Racheospila lixaria Guen. Ent. Am. 3 : 72 Auletes cassandrae Lee, sweet fern. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 36 Triachus atomus Suff. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2 : 263 BLITEBKRRY Leaf feeders Paonias astylus Dru., pale green, yellow lined, horned larva ; low huckleberry, Rosaceae Fern. Sphing. N. E., p. 76 Anarta cordigera Thunb., reddish brown and white larva. Staint. Brit. Butterflies & Moths, I : 293 Eudemis vacciniana Pack., brown or black headed, greenish larva. Pack. Guide, P- 339 Cymatophora pustularia Hiibn., reddish, white and black lined spanworm. Staint. Brit. Butterflies & Moths, 2:62 Macaria praeatomata Haworth, green, dark green lined spanworm. Pack. Monogr. Geometrid Moths, p. 291 Alceris minuta Rob., red or yellow headed, green larva, yi in. Pack. Bui. 12, U. S. Div. Ent. p. 18 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 739 Scale insect Eulecanium kingii Ckll. Fern. Coccidac, p. 189 HUCK1.KHKBRV Leaf feeder Datana drexelii Edw., black, yellow lined hirva, 2 '4' in. Pack. Monoi,n-. l^ombycine Moths, p. 112. Witch-hazel, linden ANDKO>EEI>A Leaf feeder Datana major Grote & Rob., black, stout, broken yellow or white lined larva. Psyche, 5:415 sorAw-HicKLKBERRY (Vacciniiuii staniineuni) Leaf feeder Datana palmii Beut., stout, black, yellow lined larva. U\ar. V.nt. Am. 6: 129 AZ.4LEA Leaf feeder Amauronematus azaliae Marlt., shining, green solitary saw fly larva. Dyar. X. Y. Ent. Soc. jour. 5 : 2/ SHKKP l.iUREL Pseudanthonomus incipiens Dietz. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1 : So IXKBKRKY (Ilex glabra) Leaf feeder Dolba hylaeus Dru., green, pink and yellow marked, horned larva, 2';( in. Psyche, 5 : 267 \VHITE ALDKR Leaf feeders Nola clethrae Uyar, bluish ashen larva. Can. Ent. 31 :62 Pyrausta thestialis Walk., brown headed, greenish white larva. Beut. Can. Ent. 20: 15 VIRGINIA CREEPER Leaf feeders Adoxus obscurus Linn. Ent. Am. 6: 176 Ampeloglypter ater Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 85 Ampelophaga myron Cram., green, yellow dotted larva, 2 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7 : 292 Pholus achemon Dru., green to brown, brown lined, horned larva, 3 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7:289 Pholus pandorus Hiibn., pale green larva with oval, cream-colored spots. 3 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7 : 288 Sphecodina abbotii Swains, chocolate-brown, narrow, transverse lined larva, 2.21 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7 : 283. Thorn 740 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Amphion nessus Cr., chocolate-brown, checkered, black, lionied larva, 23^' in. Beut. Am. Mils. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7: 282 Triptogfon lugubris Linn., pale green, dark green and vellow marked larva, 2.41 in. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7:281 Deidamia inscriptum Harr., greenish, yellow marked, horned larva, 2'a in. Soule. Psyche, 7:317 Euthisanotia grata Fabr., red headed, bluish, orange and black banded larva, T 'i in. Saund. Ins. Inj. Fruits, p. 258 Acoloithus falsarius Clem., bluish black, orange and black marked larva, i.^ in. Glover. U. S. Com. of Agric. Rep't 1870, p. 8i Phyllocnistis ampelopsiella Chamb., narrow, much convoluted, linear mine resembling white blotch on under surface. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2 : 107 Antispila ampelopsiella Chamb., fat, white larva living first in linear, then a blotch mine. Psyche, 3: 149 Tree hopper Telamona ampelopsidis Harr. Ent. Soc. Ont. 13th Rep't, p. 78 POISOX IVY Insects Corymbites hamatus Say. Psyche, 4:203 Leaf feeders Pachybrachys tridens Melsh. F.nt. Am. 6: 175 Epipaschia superatalis Clem., orange, black and blue lined larva. Dyar. N. Y Fnl. .Soc. Jour. 12: 249 Epipaschia zelleri Grote, yellow, gray and black lined larva. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 12 : 250 Lithocolletes guttifinitella Clem., broad, tortuous niinc on upper surface. Pack. J). 665. Horsechestnut ,SMII>AX Leaf feeders Mitotna damon Cram., green, red spotted larva. French.- Butterflies East. U. S. p. 268. Red cedar Phiprosopus callitrichoides Grote, mahogany-red larva, i in. Daecke. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. II : 105 Phyllocnistis smilacisella Chamb., linear, white frass-liiud mine ; upper surface. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2: 107 Sucking insects Proleucoptera smilaciella Busck. N. V. Ent. Soc. Jour. 8:244 Chrysomphalus smilacis Comst. F'ern. Coccidae, p. 294 Lachnus smilacis Auct., purplish gray, cottony aphid, sometimes very abundant HONKYSUfKLK Borers Hypothenemus erectus Lee. \V. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 133 Hypothenemus eruditus Westw. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 132 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 741 Leaf feeders Hemaris diffinis Boisd. van axillaris Gr. & Rob., pale green larva. Jewett. Bklyn Ent. Soc. Bui. 4:17 Homohadena badistriga Grote. Can. Ent. 23:35 TRUMPET VIJTE Leaf feeder Sphinx plebeia Fabr., olive-pink, olive-marked, horned larva ; flesh-colored dots in transverse rows, 23,5 in. Beut. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 3 : 58 BITTERSWEET Leaf feeder Zelleria celastrusella Kearf., leaf-green larva with darker dorsal line, 2/5 in. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1 1 : i 50 Borers Agrilus politus Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 364. Locust Smodicum cucujiforme Say. Psyche, 4 : 203. Hackberry Mecas inornata Say, poplar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:81 Olethreutes capreana Hubn., bright green larva in willow shoots. Staint. Brit. Butterflies & Moths, 2 : 194 Marmara salictella Clem., extremely long, narrow mine under delicate cuticle of twigs. Tineina N. A. p. 212 Leaf feeders Cladius isomera Ham, black spotted larva. Harrington. Ent. Soc. Ont. 15th Rep't, p. 66 Priophorus irregularis Dyar, whitish larva with two irregular transverse rows of warts. N. V. Ent. Soc. Jour. 8 : 28 Pristiphora sycophanta Walsh. Pack. Pontania pallicornis Nort., transparent green sawfly larva. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 196 Pteronus mendicus Walsh, leaf-green not shining sawfly larva. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 302 Pteronus odoratus Dyar, light green, segments 2, 12, 13 orange posteriorlv. Can. Ent. 26: 187 Amauronematus similis Marlt., solitary translucent, light green sawfly lar\a; subdorsal line white. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 27 Amauronematus oregonensis Marlt.. solitary whitish green, pilose sawfly larva; addorsal and stigmatal lines white. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:26 Amauronematus fur Walsh. Pack. Pachynematus gregarious Marlt., whitish, black streaked slug-like larva. Dyar. X. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:29 Dolerus arvensis Say, steel-blue sawfly frequents buds. Pack. p. 587 Dolerus bicolor Beauv., brownish yellow sawfly frequents buds. Pack. p. 588 Litargus tetraspilotus Lee. Pack. Orsodachna atra Ahr. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:262 742 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chrysomela multiguttata Stal, liazcl, elm, linden, alder. Ent. Soc. Ont. nth Rep't, p. 58 Chrysomela philadelphica Linn, van spireae Say. Pack. p. 590 Pachybrachys livens Lee. Ent. Am. 6: 175 Pachybrachys tridens Mels. Ent. Soc. Ont. 13th Rep't, p. 56. Sumac Galerucella tuberculata Say. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:371 Hoplia trifasciata Say. Pack. Phyllodecta vulgatissima Linn., poplar. Ent. Am. 6: 176 Crepidodera helxines Linn. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. ;i2:20[. Wild cherry, thorn, [)oplar Gastroidea cyanea Mel.sh. VV. Va. A^jric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 200 Nodonota tristis Oliv. l^ick. p. 587 Macratria murina Fabr. Ins. N. J. p. 333 Rhynchites cyanellus Lee. Can. Ent. 23:21 Apion segnipes Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 39. I'robably visits flowers Lepyrus geminatus Say. Can. Ent. 23 : 23 Acalyptus carpini Hcrbst. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i -.4^ Dorytomus squamosus Lee. Pack. (A n t h o n o m u s t e s s e 1 1 a t u s Walsh) Orchestes niger Horn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8r Orchestes pallicornis Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Orchestes salicis Linn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Orchestes rufipes Lee. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Elleschus bipunctatus Linn., poplar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :8i Phloeophagus minor Horn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 87. Beech, elm, ash, birch Anthonomus sycophanta Walsh, gall feeder. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 80 Eurymus interior Scudd., greenish fuscous, with black points. Scudd. Butterflies East. U. S. & Can. p. 1105 Polygonia faunus I^dw., brownish yellow, white spined caterpillar, I'jin. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5:265. Gooseberry, birch, alder Aglais milberti Godt., spiny, black larva ; whitish tubercles. Scudd. Butterflies East. U. -S. & Can. p. 420 Basilarchia arthemis Dru., green, reddish or whitish patched larva, i- ,0 in. ; elm, linden, poplar, birch. French. Butterflies East. U. S. p. 208 Thecla acadica Edw., green, oblique striped, greenish yellow larva. Saund. Can. Ent. I :95 Thanaos icelus Lintn., red headed, greenish, white lined larva, 3/5 in. Edw. Can. Ent. 17:98. Hazel, poplar Thanaos persius Scudd., green, yellowish lined, white dotted larva, i in. ; poplar. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5 : 300 Sphinx luscitiosa Clem., green, white lined, horned larva, 2^ in. Dyar. Ent. Am. 5 : 189 Marumba modesta Harr., green, granulated, horned larva with white points, 3 in. ; poplar. Beut. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 7:312 Ecpantheria deflorata Fabr., locust. Ins. N. J. p. 398 Apatela lanceolaria Grote, green, black lined larva. Sm. & Abb. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 171 Apatela connecta Gr., dark green, broad, yellow lined larva. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 115 Apatela dactylina Grote, black, yellowish and brown haired larva ; birch, alder. Sm. & Dyar U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 :5i INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 743 Apatela oblinita Sm. & Abb., velvety black, yellow dotted, liaii\' larva; alder. Sin. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 169. Hazel Apatela impressa Walk., velvety black, reddish striped larva ; hazel. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 159 Arsilonche albovenosa Goeze, black, yellow striped and dotted larva. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 175 Calocampa curvimacula Morr., light brown, white striped larva. Dyar. Psyche, 8:356 Scoliopteryx libatrix Linn., pale green, yellow lined larva. Pack. p. 569 Catocala parta Guen., fawn-colored, black or brown marked larva, 24/5 in. Pack. p. 570. Poplar Catocala relicta Walk., dark greenish, black marked, humped larva, 2^8 in. Clark. Can. Ent. 20: \~. Poplar, birch Catocala cara Guen., gray, brown marked, horned larva. Pack. p. 464. Poplar Catocala concumbens Walk., brown, black marked larva, 2-2 j/j in. Pack. p. 570 Catocala briseis Edw. Can. Ent. 23 : 36 Catocala grynea Cram., silver gray, reddish, yellowish white marked larva, 2]4 in. Bklyn. Ent. Soc. Bui. 4:22 Catocala babayaga St reck. Pack. p. 570 Homoptera minerea Guen. Can. Ent. 23 : 36 Homoptera lunata Dm. var. edusa Dru., dark gray larva with orange patches, 2/5 in. Beut. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 9: 192 Melalopha brucei Hy. Edw., black headed, purplish, white haired larva. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 137 Harpyia borealis Boisd., red headed, yellow, brown marked, long tailed larva, i'-^ in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 264. Wild cherry, poplar Schizura concinna Abb. & Sm., black and white lined, reddish, red humped larva, \ '4 in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine moths, p. 212, general feeder Schizura semirufescens Walk., white headed, brown and yellow marked larva with conspicuous dorsal processes on 1st, 5th, and 8th abdominal segments, 1 'j in.; beech, maple, apple, poplar, birch. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 210 Cerura occidentalis Lint., green, purple marked, long tailed larva, i '^ in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 268 in. Pack, p. 5S2. poplar POPLAK Borers Eros aurora Herbst. Pack. Dicerca prolongata Lee. Ent. Am. 5 : 29 Agrilus granulatus Say. Pack. p. 443 Poecilonota cyanipes Say. Ent. Am. 5 : 30 Plectrodera scalator Fabr. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 23: 112. Willovv Hyperplatys aspersus Say, hickory, chestnut, cottonwood. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:79 Zeugophora varians Cr. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 370 Saperda moesta Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 23 : 151 Oberea tripunctata Swed. van mandarina Fabr. N. V. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:81 Dorytomus mucidus Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i :4i. Pine Memythrus dollii Neum. Ins. N. J. p. 471 Leaf feeders Pontania populi Mark., whitish larva with two dusky brown, corneous patches. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 24 Pontania robusta Marlt., pale emerald-green larva. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5: 195 Pteronus hudsonii Dyar, bluish green, orange-yellow blotciied larva. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 306 Pteronus lombardae Marlt., larva indistinguishable from P. v e n t r a 1 i s. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:25 Camponiscus americana Marlt., whitish green dorsaliy, not shining; at rest, spirally curled. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 23 Cryptocephalus leucomelas Suffr. Ins. N. J. p. 302 IXSECTS AFFECTING PARK AXD WOODLAND TREES 747 Chrysomela conjuncta Rog., gregarious, black larvae, ^ in. Pack. p. 470. Wollastonia quercicola Boh. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 87 Raphia frater Grote, bluish green, yellow and red marked larva, i}^ in. Pack. p. 462. Willow Apatela distans Grote, black, pale yellow haired larva ; willow, birch, alder. Sni. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 :" 161 Apatela leporina Linn., thick, long, yellowish hair, i-f's in. Pack. p. 461. Birch. Apatela lepusculina Gucn., yellow larva; 5 black hair pencils. Saund. Ent. Soc. OiU. 14th Rep't, p. 24 Apatela noctivaga Grote, black mottled, red banded larva. Sm. & Dyar. L . .S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 156 Apatela populi Riley, yellowish, hairy larva with black hair pencils. Pack. p. 433 Apatela sperata Grote, pinkish or carmine, brown mottled, blackish larva ; alder. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 154 Catocala amatrix Hiibn., gray or flesh-colored, black spotted larva, 3 in. Pack. p. 465 Catocala unijuga Walk., gray, white marked larva, 2' 5 in. Pack. p. 463 Catocala meskei Grote, light drab, brown banded larva, 2'/i in. Pack. p. 462 Plathypena scabra Fabr. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 32:55 Melalopha albosigma Fitch, yellow, gray lined larva, t '4 in. Pack. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. I : 2j. Willow Melalopha apicalis Walk., light brown or grayish larva with yellowish tubercles, I "/( in. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 125. Willow Melalopha strigosa Grote, black headed, yellow and purple striped larva. Dyar. Psyche, 7 : 424 Gluphisia septentrionalis Walk., green, pink marked larva, i '4 in.; willow, birch. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 90. Elm, sweet gum Pheosia dimidiata U.S., reddish, slate gray, black horned larva, i V^ in. : willow. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 158 Hyperaeschra Stragula Grote, a slate or lilac colored, brown and golden marked larva with humps on the 2d, 3d and 8th abdominal segments, 2 in. ; willow. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 165 Harpyia scolopendrina Boisd., red headed, yellowish, purple marked, long tailed larva. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 270 Epimecis virginaria Cram., red headed, yellowish, bluish green marked spanworm. Pack. Monogr. Geometrid Moths, p. 443 Lycia ursaria Walk., drab or dingy purple spanworm, 2-2 1< in. Pack. p. 445. Elm. wild chcrr\- Metanema inatomaria Guen. Ins. N. J. p. 45' Anacampsis rhoifructella Clem., green, black .spotted or brown, dark marked larva, 5/8 in. Pack. p. 468. Sumac Gracilaria stigmatella Fabr., willow. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 192 Ancylis tineana Hiibn. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:52 Coleophora cinerella Chamb. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 32 : 56 Phyllocnistis populiella Chamb., tortuous winding mine with central indistinct frass line. Cinn. Quar. Jour. Sci. 2: 106 Lithocolletes populiella Chamb. Pack. p. 468 Proleucoptera albella Chamb., conspicuous mine in silver-leaved and lombardy poplars, separates the two cuticles. Can. Ent. 3 : 24 748 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sucking insects Chaitophorus candicans Koch. Pack. Chaitophorus populifoliae Fitch, chestnut-brown, black marked aphid, 1/5 in. Pack. P- 471 Chaitophorus popuhcola Thorn. Pack. p. 434 Pemphigus popularius Fitch, brown, green, black marked aphid, 'a in. Pack. p. 472 Pemphigus populi-globuli P"itch, basal, globular leaf galls. Pack. p. 472 Pemphigus populimonilis Riley. Pack. Pemphigus populiramulorum Riley. Pack. Phemphigus populi-venae F'itch, yellow mid vein galls. Pack. p. 472 Pemphigus pseudobyrsa Walsh. Pack. Phylloxera popularia Perg., in green deserted galls of Pemphigus p o p u 1 i- c a u 1 i s Fitch. Davenport. Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 266 Phylloxera prolifera Oestl., occurs in deserted galls of Pemphigus p o p u 1 i- caulis F"itch. Perg. Davenport. Acad. Sci. Proc. 9 : 265 BIKCH Borers Campylus denticornis Kirby. Pack. p. 485 Gracilia minuta Fabr. Wickham. Can. Ent. 29: no Rhinosimus viridiaeneus Rand., under birch bark Liodes basalis Lee, on woody fungus Liodes globosa Lee, on woody fungus Dorcatoma setulosum Lee, on woody fun.gus Orchesia gracilis Melsh., fungi Leaf feeders Croesus latitarsus Nort.. blue black larva; cherry. Harrington. Ent. .Soc. Ont. 1 5th Rep't, p. 67 Hylotoma coerulea Nort., larva indistinguishable from H. pectoral is Leach. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 309 Pristiphora. tibialis Nort., translucent, leaf-green, shining larva; willow, yellow birch. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 301 Strongylogaster pinguis Nort., not shining, yellowish olivaceous larva ; oak, linden. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 311 Tenthredo cressonii Kirb\', whitish green to yellowish green translucent larva. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 312 Tenthredo remota MacGill.^ whitish translucent larva, appearing yellowish green. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 19 Taxonus multicolor Nort., translucent wa.xy tinged vinous and tar-brown laiva. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 309 Pteronus ? lateralis Nort., dark, slightly shining green larva. Am. Pint. Soc. Trans. 22 ; 307 Pteronus latifasciatus Cress., purplish vinous tinted larva. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 304 Pteronus pinguidorsum Dyar, translucent green larva. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 303 Pteronus hyalinus Marlt. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 3, t. s. p. 6^ Syneta ferruginea Germ. Pack. Aphrastus taeniatus Gyll. Pack. INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 749 Strophosomus coryli Fabr. N. Y. Eiit. Soc. Jour, i : 42 Orchestes betuleti Horn. N. V. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1 : Si Apion walshii Smith. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i -.40 Eugonia j-album Bd.-Lec, light green, reddish and black, bri.stled larva, 2 in. ; paper birch. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bui. 5:266; willow, poplar Drepana arcuata Walk., green, vellow and brown marked lar\a. Beut. ILnt. Am. 5 : 3« Lophodonta ferruginea Pack., green, white lined larva; rctldish dorsal line on 13th segment. Pack. Monogr. Bombycine Moths, p. 150 Apatela superans Guen., soft green larva; narrow, yellow subdorsal lined ; mountain in. Sm. & Dyar. U. S.'Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 :75 Apatela impleta Walk., black and white mottled larva ; oak, walnut, elm, ash, maple, linden, apple, cherry, willow, poplar. Sm. & Dyar. U. -S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 152 Apatela xyliniformis Guen., blackish or gray, fineh' strigose, red banded larva. Sm. ^K: Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 166' Euplexia lucipara Linn., green, white marked larva, 12/5 in- Pack. p. 497 Olene leucophaea Abb. & Sm. var. basiflava Pack. Can. Ent. 23 : 34 Cosymbia lumenaria Hiibn., green, white marked larva, 25 in. Pack. p. 501 Demas propinquilinea Grote, white larva with red or black pencil on joint 3 ; oak, w.dnut, beech, maple. Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 : 20 Falcaria bilineata Pack., rusty brown larva, '^6 in. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 2 : I oS Mesoleuca ruficillata Guen. Ent. .-\m. 3:49 Ectropis crepuscularia Denis & .Schiff. Pack. Oreta rosea Wall^. Pack. Viburnum Oreta irrorata I'ack. Pack. Priocycla armataria H.-S., black spanworm, 'j in.; maple, birch, currant. Saund. Can. Ent. 3 : 1 30 Rheumaptera hastata Linn., black or brownish black, black spotted, black and white marked spanworm ; sweet gale. Pack. Monogr. Geometric! Moths, p. 164 Metrocampa praegrandaria Guen., green headed, brown, dark spotted spanworm. Dyar. Psyche, 10: 190. Oak, hornbeam, elm, linden, willow, poplar Brephos infans Mosch. Pack. Depressaria betulella Busck. U. S. Nat. ^hls. Proc. 24:746 Moodna pelviculella Hulst. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 194 Acrobasis betulella Hulst. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 125 Eucosma transmissana Walk. Pack. Eucosma solicitana Walk. Pack. Eucosma similana Hiibn., hazel (in Europe). Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:42 Exartema zellerianum Fern. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:29 Alceris ferrugana Schiff. Pack. Alceris niveana P"abr. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:6 Sucking insects Bythoscopus fenestratus Fitch. Pack. Eutettix seminudus Say. Pack. -Corythuca juglandis Fitch. Pack. --co NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Calaphis betulella Walsh. Pack. Hormaphis papyraceae Oest. Pack. Eulecanium websteri King. Fern. Cocciclae, p. 198 AXDER Borers Dicerca pugionata Germ. Ent. Am. 5 : 30. Oak, maple Tetrops canescens Lee. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 23 : 157 Eupristocerus cogitans Web. Ent. Am. 5 : 32 Leaf feeders Kaliosysphinga dohrnii Tisch., slender, whitish leaf-mining larva, Vii-}^ in- Slin- gerland. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 233 : 58 Amauronematus luteotergum Nort., shining green larva, yellowish beneath. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 304 Poecilostoma inferentia Nort., smooth, shining, pale green larva. Dyar. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 308 Pteronus corylus Cress., slender, dark green larva. Dyar. Am. Ent. .Soc. Trans. 22 : 306 Pteronus marlattii Dyar, shining green brown larva. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22 : 305 Calligrapha scalaris Lee, white, red headed, humped larva, ]:^ in. Pack. p. 635. Wild plum Monachus saponatus Fabr. Ent. Soc. Ont. 13th Rcp't, p. 36 Papilio rutulus Boisd. Pack. p. 625 Apatela hastulifera Abb. & Sm., black, dark brown, haired larva, 1- 5 in. .Sm. & Dyar. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 21 147. Linden Mesoleuca truncata llufn. Ent. Am. 3:50 Hemichroa americana Prov., yellowish larva. Dyar. Can. Ent. 25 : 244 Sabulodes arcasaria Walk., dark brown, silver-marked spanworm ; 5th abdominal segment with double hump; \y^ in. Pack. p. 628 Telphusa belangerella Chamb., amber-colored leaf roller, with long caudal hairs, % in. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 13:25 Acrobasis rubrifasciella Pack., brown, pinkish larva, 'i in. Hulst. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:124. Hickory Gelechia corylisella Chamb., dull whitish larva, ^4 in. Pack. p. 635 Lithocolletes auronitens Frey & Boll. Pack. Aphid Lachnus alnifoiiae Pitch. Ins. N. J. p. 105 Bud gall Dasyneura serrulatae O. S., deformed terminal, greenish or brown, \\ ith whitish efflorescence. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2 : 388 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 75 I PINE 1 Borers Urocerus flavicornis Fabr. Ent. Soc. Ont. 36th Rtp't, p. 60 Chalcophora fortis Lee. Pack. p. 680 Buprestis consularis Gory. Ent. Am. 5 : 30 Buprestis lineata Fabr. Pack. p. 683 Buprestis sulcicoUis Lee. Ent. Am. 5 : 30 Buprestis ultramarina Say. Pack. p. 682 Melanophila aeneola Mels. Ent. Am. 5:31 Chrysobothris blanchardi Horn. Ent. Am. 5:31 Chrysobothris harrisii Hentz. Pack. p. 680 Chrysobothris trinervia Kirby, spruce. Ent. Am. 5:31 Pityobius anguinus Lee, in pine woods, pi'obably also on licmlocks Laricobius erichsoni Rosen. Ent. Am. 6:155 Actenodes acornis Say. Ins. N. J. p. 255 Prionus pocularis Dalm. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:74 Caliidium janthinum Lcc. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:75 Romaleum simplicicoUis Hald. Ins. N. J. p. 287 Euderces pini Oliv. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77 Neoclytus muricatulus Kirby. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:76 Atimia confusa Say. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:77. Cedar Leptostylus commixtus Hald. Pack. p. 697. Locust Leptostylus sexguttatus Say. Wickham. Can. Ent. 29 : 20S Acanthocinus nodosus Fabr. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 23: 132 Eupogonius tomentosus Hald. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4: 80. Hickory Eupogonius pinivora Fitch. Pack. p. 696 Pytho niger Kirby, black spruce. W. Va. Agric. E.xp. Sta. Hnl. 32:204 Podapion galUcola Riley. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 1 : 40 Pachylobius picivorus Germ. Pack. p. 727 Hylobius confusus Kirby. Ent. Soc. Ont. 33d Rep't, p. 117 Hypomolyx pinicola Coup. Pack. p. 726 Magdalis lecontei Horn. Can. Ent. 23:24 MagdaHs hispoides Lee. Ent. Am. 6: 170 Copturodes longulus Lee. W. Va. Agric. Exp. .Sta. Bui. 56:441 Cossonus concinnus Boh. Ent. Am. 6: 172 Cossonus corticola Say. Ent. Am. 6: 172. Spruce Cossonus crenatus Horn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 87 Cossonus piniphilus Boh. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 87 Monarthrum fasciatum Say, oak, hickory, beech, hemlock. Ins. N. J. p. 361 Gnathotrichus retusus Lee. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 128 Pityophthorus coniperda Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Ont. 33d Rep't, p. 117 Pityophthorus pullus Zimm. Ins. N. J. p. 362 Pityophthorus puHcarius Zimm. Ins. N. J. p. 362 Pityophthorus annectens Lee. Pack. p. 715 Pityophthorus confinis Lee. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 130 Pityophthorus cribripennis Eich. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56 : 442 Pityophthorus hirticeps Lee. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 25 : 56 Pityophthorus lautus Eich. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31:131 y~^2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pityophthorus plagiatus Lee. W. Va. Agiic. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 129 Pityophthorus puberulus I,ec. Ins. \. J. p. 362 Pityophthorus pulchellus Eich., spruce. W. Va. Agric. Exp. .Sta. Hul. 56 : 442 Pityogenes plagiatus Lee. W. Va. Agiic. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56:447 Pityogenes sparsus Lee. VV. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56:446 Xyleborus fuscatus Eich., oak, hickory, chestnut. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Xyloterus scabricoIHs Lee. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56:444 Tomicus avulsus Eich. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 139 Dryocoetes affaber Mann. Can. Ent. 23 : 26. Spruce Dendroctonus pusillus Gyll. Insect Life, 5: 187. Spruce Dendroctonus simplex Lee. Can. Ent. 23 : 27 Hylastes porculus Ehr. Pack. p. 724 Hylastes, tenuis Zimm. \V. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rul. 56:449 Dryophthorus americanus Bedel. Ent. Am. 6; 172 Dioryctria abietella Denis & Schiff. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17: 135 In dead wood or under bark Mycetophagus pini Zeigl. Ins. N. J. p. 229 Melanotus cribulosus Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 250 Melanotus leonardi Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 250 Corymbites vernalis Hentz. P.syche, 4: 203 Ernobius tenuicornis Lee. Pack. p. 727 Ernobius luteipennis Lee. Ins. N. J. p. 267 Ernobius granulatus Lee. In.s. N. L P- 267 Helops aereus Germ. Ins. N. J. p. 324 Aradus cinnamomeus Panz. N. Y. Ent. See. Jour. 13 : 38 Leaf feeders Lophyrus fabricii Leach, greenish, opaepie white larva, with quadrate black spots. Dyar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5 : 200 Lophyrus pini-rigidae Nort., yellowish, black spotted, false caterpillar. Pack. !'■ 759 Lophyrus pinetum Nort., larva with " 22 feet — 6 true, 14 abdominal prolegs, and 2 anal. The body wliitc, with 2 dorsal and 2 lateral rows of quadrate black spots — the former running together. The head and true legs shining black. Length, about ^^ inch." Kirkpatrick. Ohio Farmer. Nov. 24, i86o(l<"rom transcript sup- plied by the editors). Str Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:328-29. Chrysomela philadelphica Lin. Pack. p. 801. Willow Pachybrachys femoratus Oliv. Ent. Am. 6:175 Tachygonus lecontei Gyll. Ins. N. J. p. 354. Oak Scythropus elegans Coup. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour, i : 39. Spruce Cecidomyia inopis O. .S., resinous cocoon on scrub pine leaves. Diptera N. A. i : 196 Incisalia niphon lliibn., slug-shaped, green, yellow striped larva, ^4 in. Heut. .Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Hul. 5:280. Juniper Citheronia sepulchralis Gr. & Rob., brown, horned, red marked larva, 4 in. Pack. P- 77- Platagrotis condita Guen. Can. Ent. 23:35 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 753 Pheocyma lunifera Hiibn., brown, black marked, i->8 in. Pack. p. Tj6 Therina pellucidaria Gr. & Rob., span worm, whitish, black marked head : body greenish, brown and black lined. Dyar. Psyche, 9:21 Eufidonia notataria Walk., green, white striped spanworm, i in. Pack. p. 782. Tamarack, hemlock Nepytia semiclusaria Walk., whitish, black marked spanworm, i-i Jg in. Pack. p. 781. Spruce, fir, tamarack, hemlock Macaria praeatomata Haw. van bisignata Walk., red headed, green sixinworm, -'4 in. Pack. p. 780. Birch, fir Caripeta angustiorata Walk., grayish brown, marbled spanworm, i '^ in. Pack. P- 779 Paraphia subatomaria Wood, brown spanworm; June. Pack. p. 77S. Beech, linden, birch, alder, spruce, fir Melanolophia canadaria Guen., pine, spruce, tamarack, hemlock, sweet gale. Ins. N. J. p. 448 Alceris ferrugana Schiff., red or brown headed, green, red tinted leaf roller. Pack. p. 790 Lapara coniferarum Abb. & .Sm., yellowish green, white lined larva, 3 in. Pern. Sphing. N. E. p. 84 Epinotia pinicolana Zell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10:47 Root feeder Lachnosterna fusca Frohl. Pack. p. 675. Hickory Sucking insects O Phlepsius fulvidorsum Fitch, hemlock. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 19:74 Melinna modesta Uhler. Ent. Am. 3 :69 Tetyra bipunctata H.-S. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 13:30 ^ Cixius pini P'itch, brownish black, smoky winged bug, Vj, in. Pack. p. 803 Livia vemalis h'itch, orange yellow, Ve in. Pack. p. 803 Schizoneura pinicola Thom., woolly aphids on tender shoots. Pack. p. 804 Chaitophorus pinicolens Fitch, yellow, white powdered aphid, '^^ in. Pack. p. 806 Lachnus strobi Fitch, dark, mealy aphids, '3 in. Pack. p. 741 SPRUCE Borers Cupes concolor West. Pack. p. 8.?7 Melanophila longipes Say. Pack. p. 827. Pine Melanophila drummondi Kirby. Ent. Am. 5 : 30 Chrysobothris scabripennis Lap. & Gory. Ent. Am. 5:31. Pine Xestobium squalidum Lee, black spruce. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 11 : 189 Graphisurus pusillus Kirby. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56:439 Pityophthorus tuberculatus Eich. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 132 Cryphalus piceae Ratz. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56 : 444 Dryocoetes granicoUis Lee, black spruce. W. Va. Agric. E.xp. Sta. Bui. 31 : 138 Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 17, n. s. p. 67 Crypturgus alutaceus Sz., black and Norway spruce. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 56:448 Hepialus mustelina Pack. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 3:70 754 ^'EVV VORK STATE MUSEUM Leaf feeders Oligia versicolor Grote, humped, red spotted larva, "^ in. Pack. p. 840. Black walnut, pine, fir Epizeuxis aemula Hiibn., brown, dark lined larva. Pack. p. 843 Hydriomena contracta Pack., green, white and yellow lined larva. ', in. : pine, larch, juniper. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 12:21 Cleora cribrataria Gucn. Pack. p. 841. Poplar Therina fervidaria Hiibn., yellowish, black lined larva. Pack. p. 841 Oxyptilus tenuidactylus Fitch. Pack. p. 851 Alceris variana Fern., red headed, greenish larva, ^/z in. L S. Div. Ent. Bui. 12: 17 Tortrix packardiana Fern., fir. Pack. p. 849 Recurvaria piceaella Kearf., red larva with dorsal green patches; black spruce. N. V. Ent. .Soc. Jour. 11:155 Recurvaria obliquistrigella Chamb.. reddish brown bud larva. '^ in. U. .S. Div. Ent. Bui. 12 : 21. Larch Epinotia ratzeburgiana Sax, dark olive-brown bud lar\a ; June. Pack. p. 845 Sucking insects ^Bythoscopus variabilis Fitch, black, yellow and white marked, ' 5 in. Pack. p. 854. Birch Lachnus abietis Fitch, black aphid, % in. Pack. p. 853 Chermes abieticolens Thom., apical, conelike deformities on twigs. Pack. p. 853. HKMLOf'K Borers Boletophagus corticola Say, under dead bark 1 Boletophagus depressus Rand., under dead bark Leaf feeders Feralia jocosa Guen.. pea-green, checkered yellow and red larva, 1^/5 in. ; spruce, balsam. Seifert. , N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 6: 182 Sabulodes lorata Grote, brownish, white marked, tuberculate spanworm, i ',2 in. Pack. p. 873 Caripeta divisata Walk., brownish, white, yellow marked larva. Pack. p. 874 Mesoleuca vasaliata Guen. Ins. N. J. p. 441 Scoparia basalis Walk. Ins. N. J. p. 461 Recurvaria apicitripunctella Clem., slender, green larva, % in. Pack. p. 876 BALSAM Leaf feeders Panthea acronyctoides Walk. ? Can. Ent. 23:35 Tephroclystis luteata Pack., reddish, white specked spanworm, ^4 in. Pack. p. S65. Hemlock Archips afflictana Walk. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 10: 13 Holcocera chalcofrontella Clem., leaf sheath worm. U. S. Div. Ent. Bui. 12 : 54 INSECTS AFFECTING PARK AND WOODLAND TREES 755 L,ARCI1 OK TAMAUAfK Leaf feeders Hemichroa laricis Marlt., green striped larva. Dj'ar. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:28 Samia Columbia Smith, light green tuberculate larva, 3 in. Pack. p. 891 Sucking insects and mite Chermaphis laricifoliae Fitch., solitary, black and green aphid, i/io in. Pack. p. 903 Lachnus laricifex Fitch, solitary, brown, white marked aphid, }s in. Pack. p. 902 Tetranychus telarius Linn., brown foliage bearing minute, globular mites. Pack, p. 903 CYPRESS Gall Cecidomyia ananassi Riley, brown, pineapplelike gall, 'j in. Am. Knt. 2:244 ARBOR VITAK OK WHITK CKK.VK Leaf feeders Recurvaria thujaella Kearf., slender, dull red, purplish larva, 'j in. N. Y. Ent., Soc. Jour. 1 1 : 154 Bucculatrix thuiella Pack., brown headed, yellowish lar\a or white ribbed cocoon. Pack. p. 917 Scale insects and mite Eulecanium pallidior Ckll. & Kg., brownish, hemispheric scale. Ps)che, 8 : 349 Eulecanium fletcheri Ckll. Can. Ent. 25:221 Eriophyes thujae Garm. Pack. p. 920 JUNIPER OR RED CEDAR Borers Oeme rigida Say. Ins. N. J. p. 287 Leptura abdominalis Hald. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 4:78 Listronotus latiusculus Boh. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bui. 32 : 205 Leaf feeders Syssaura infensata Guen. var. biclaria Walk., brown, rough spanworm, i '^ in. Pack. p. 907 Phalonia rutilana Hubn., webs containing yellowish larvae, 14. in. Pack. p. 910 Recurvaria juniperella Kearf., slender, dull green, pink tinged larva, }^ in. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 11: 157 Sucking insect Psallus juniperi Heid. X. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 13:49 EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 49 757 Wool sower, A ii d r i c u s semi n a t d r I larr. T Two o'alls Banded bullet gall, Holcaspis fascial a Bass. 2 ProbabK" two youn^- ^^alls ot this species Tomato sumac gall, I'c in p h i l; u s rliois l""itcli 3 Cluster of galls Two marked tree hopper, E n c h e n o p a b i n o t a t a Say 4 Kg'g masses on \ibui'num, enlarged PARK AXI) WOODI.AXD INSECTS ICemoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Plate 49 Insect galls and tree hopper eggs PLATE 50 759 Larger oak apple gall, A m p h i b o 1 i p s c o n f 1 u e n t u s Harr. 1 Two oralis on a small twig- Scrub oak gall, A in p h i b o 1 i p s i 1 i c i f o 1 i a c Bass. 2 Two twigs bearing the jjeculiar fusiform galls Poplar stem gall, A g r o m y z a a e ii e i v e n t r i s Fall 3 Several galls on twigs Willow gall midge, Rhabdophaga salicis Shrank 4 Gall with pupal skins protruding therefrom 760 PARK AND WOODLAND INSECTS Menioir 8 N. Y. State Museum Insect galls PLATE 51 761 Vagabond gall, I' c m j) li i i^ u s v a l;- a b u ii d u s W'alsli 1 Two trails on po]3lar twig' Andricus singularis Bass. 2 I'pper i^all on etlLje of leaf is this species Woolly pine scale, 1' s c u d o p li i 1 i ]i p i .l q u a i n t a n c i i Ckll. 3 Infested twig 762 PARK AND WOODLAND INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Plate 51 Insect galls and woolly pine scale PLATE 52 763 Hark borer work at Bath-on-the- Hudson The coarse writing bark beetle, T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i g r a pli u s Germ, was by far the most abundant and injurious in these white pines. 764 PLATE 53 765 l^)ark hort-r work at Bath-on-thc-Hiulson I'wo white pines taken September 22, iqoi Same, photographed April 1902. These two illustrate the rajjidity with which trees ma)' he killetl by bark borers. T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i- graphus Germ, and I. pini Say were responsible for most of the injur)'. 766 PLATE 54 767 Coarse writing bark beetle, T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i •;■ r a p h u s Germ. 1 Bare wood surface of white pine tree badly scored by galleries 2 Pitch tubes on the trunk of a badly infested tree 3 Borings showing the entrance or central chamber under a pitch tube, the adult and larval galleries 4 A pitch tube in profile 768 PLATE 55 769 Coarse writing bark beetle, T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s Germ. 1 Inner aspect of badly eaten white pine bark 2 Several galleries preserved by infiltrated pitch 3 Internal aspect of badly scored bark 4 Portion of Iiark removed from a tree which had been dead some years. most of the galleries being preserved by infiltrated pitch 770 PLATE 56 771 Coarse writing bark beetle, T o m i c u s c a 1 1 i g r a p h u s Germ. 1 Piece of white bark sliowing exit holes 2 Base of a badly infested tree from which bark illustrated at figures i and 3, was taken 3 Same as 2, except that a portion of the bark has been removed to show the condition beneath 772 PLATE 57 773 Pine bark borer, T o m i c u s p I n i Say I, 2 Advanced stage of work in white pine 3 Portion of a typical mine showing in places the work of young Mono- hammus larvae 774 S 2=^1 PLATE 58 775 Pine bark borer, T o m i c u s p i n i Say 1 Early work in white pine bark 2 Work in a more advanced stage Balsam bark borer, T o m i c u s b a 1 s a m e u s Lee. 3 Early work as shown on the surface of the wood Turpentine bark beetle, D e n d r o c t o n u s terebrans Oliv. 4 Work at the base of a tree, showing main gallery with its pitch-lined walls 776 PARK AND WOODLAND INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Musevim Work of pine bark borers PLATE 777 Pine bark borer, T o ni i c u s p i n i Say Surface of white pine bark showing- numerous exit holes and small pitch tubes Internal aspect of the same piece of bark showing galleries of Tomicus and young Monohammus and also exit holes The light background used in both photographs, makes the exit holes appear as white spots 778 PLATE 60 779 Southern Tomicus, T o ni i c u s cacographus Lee. 1 Early operations in hard pine 2 Same, in a more advanced stage 3 Thick bark badly eaten by this species Coarse writing bark beetle, Tomicus c a 1 1 i ij r a p Ii u s Germ. and Ribbed pine borer, Rhagium 1 i n e a t ii m Oliv. 4 Work under white pine bark, the characteristic pupal cells showing very well 780 PLATE 61' Spruce destroying beetle, D e n d r o c t o n u s p i c e a p c r d a Hopk. Internal aspect of badly mined spruce bark. This view shows the lon- gitudinal adult gallery and the numerous irregular dilating ones made by the larvae. Interior view of bark showing several longitudinal adult galleries pre- served by infiltrated pitch, and also two ventilating burrows, the latter showing light, owing to the white background Blue pine borer, C a 11 i d i u m a ii t e n n a t u m Ncwm. Hard ])in(; branch showing characteristic mines '"TP'l^^ PLATE 62 i Balsam bark borer, T o ni i c u s b a 1 s a m e u s Lee. 1 Advanced stage of work in bark 2 A small gallery in bark 3 Portion of galleries in wood, showing the same borings as represented in I 4 Portion of wood from which the outer bark has been removed, showing very badly riddled, probably decaying tissues 5 Wood rather badly carved by adult galleries 7S4 PLATE 63 785 Sawyer, M o n o h a m m u s c o n f u s o r Kirby 1 Adult, much reduced Urographis fasciatus DeG. 2 Adult White-spotted sawyer, Monohammus scutellatus Say 3 Adult Red cedar bark beetle, P h 1 o e o s i n u s d e n t a t u s Say 4 Typical gallery in Arbor vitae Pityogenes sp. 5 Work in white pine Pityophthorus sp. 6 Work under hard pine bark, and probably that of C a 11 i d i u m a n t e n- n a t u m 'Newm. 7S6 PARK AM) WOODLAND INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Plate 63 Borers and borer work PLATE 64 7S7 Ribbed pine borer, R h a g i u m 1 i n e a t u m Oliv. 1 Beetle slightly enlarged 4 Pupa slightly enlarged 7, 8, 10 Pupal cells I 1 Larva or grub I 2 Pupa in cell Pytho americanus Kirby 2 Beetle slightly enlarged 3 Pupa slightly enlarged 5 Pupa in cell 6, 9 Pupal cells PARK AXI1 WOdDLAXI) INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Plate 64 KhaL;iuni i\n(\ PmIio PLATE 65 789 Tomicus sp. 1 White pine killed by bark borers in 1900, at Lansingburg N. Y., photo October 1902, showing the rapidit)' with which injured trees decay White pine weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck. 2 Deformed hard pine at Salem N. Y., photo October 1902 PLATE 66 791 Scolytid antennae 1 Phloeotribus liminaris H arr. x 1 1 o 2 Pityogenes sp. x i i o 3 Phloeotribus frontalis Ol iv. x 1 1 o 4 Tomicus balsam eus Lee. x 1 1 o 5 T. caelatus Lee. x i i o 6 T. c a c o g r a p h u s Lee. x i i o 7 T. p i n i Say. x i lo 8 T. c al 1 i g raph u s Germ, x i lo 9 T. integer Lee. x iio o DendroctonLis terebrans Oliv. x 8o PARK AND WOODLAND INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Scolytid antennae PLATE 67 793 Scolytid antennae 1 M o n a r t h r 11 m ni a 1 i iMtch. x no 2 Pityogenrs sp. x no 3 Cr)-phalus striatulus Mann, x iio 4 (i n a t h o t r i c h Li s materia ri us Fitch, x iic 5 P i t y o g- e n e s j> o n d e r o s a e H opk. x i i o 6 H y 1 e s i n u s o n a c u 1 u s Lee. x i i o 7 P h 1 o e o s i n u s d e n t a t u s Say. x i i o 8 Pol y g- r a p li ii s r u f i ]) e n n i s Kirb\-. x no 9 . C h r a ni e s u s h i c o r i a e Lee. x no lo .S c o 1 y t u s r u l;' u 1 " s u s Ratz. x no n P i t y o p h t h I ) r u s ni i n u t i s s i m u s Zim. x no 12 Pityogenes sp. x no 13 X )• 1 e b o r u s d i s p a r Fabr. x no 14 X. celsus P'ich. x no 15 .S c o 1 )• t u s ( 1 VI a il r i s p i n o s u s Sa\-. x no 16 Pityogenes sp. x no 17 Dryocoetes sp. x no PARK AM) WOODLAND INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Plate 67 Scolytid antennae PLATE 68 Scolytid proventriculi T Den drocto nils piceapercla Hopk., end view, x ito 2 Tomicus caelatus Eich., internal aspect of flattened segments. X I lO 3 Tomicus cacotrraphus Lee, internal aspect of flattened seg- ments. X I lO 4 Pityogenes species, internal aspect of flattened segments, x i lo 5 Xylocleptes species, internal aspect of flattened segments, x iio 6 Tomicus call i graph us Germ., internal aspect of flattened seg- ments. X 1 lO 7 Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv., internal aspect of flattened segments, x i lo 8 Tomicus pini Say, internal aspect of flattened segments, x i lo 796 TAKK Axn wodin.Axn ixsEcrs Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Plate 68 Scolytid proveiitriculi PLATE 69 7g7 Scolytid proventriculi 1 I'ityogenes species, internal aspect of flattened segments, x iio 2 T o m i c 11 s balsa m e u s Lee, end view, x no 3 (i n a t h o t ri c h u s niateriarius iMtch, internal aspect of flattened segments, x i lo 4 Phloeosinus den tat us Say, internal aspect of flattened seg- ments. "X IIO 5 ^^ o\ y g r a p h us r u f i p e n n i s Kirb\-, end view, x i i o 6 Chramesus hicoriae Lee, internal aspect of flattened seg- ments. X I lO 7 Xyleborus eels us Eich., internal aspect of flattened seg- ments. X I lO 8 Xyloterus lineatus Kirby, internal aspect of flattened seg- ments. X IIO 9 Dryocoetes autographus Ratz., internal aspect of flattened segments.' x i lo 10 Tomicus integer Eich., internal asjK^ct of flattened segments. \ IIO 11 Dryocoetes sp., internal aspect of flattened segments, x no 798 PARK AND WOODLAND INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum ;"!!'.*'*' Plate 69 -^ V|F/- -C, >iU Scolylid provenliiculi PLATE 70 799 Scolytid structures 1 Xyloterus sp. antenna, x i lo 2 Xyloterus lineatus Kirby, right antenna, x no 3 Xyloterus sp., inner aspect of flattened segments of proventriculus. X I lO 4 X\loterus politus .Say, antenna, x i lo 5 X )■ 1 o t e r u s politus .Say, inner aspect of flattened segments of proventriculus. x i lo PARK AND WOiniLAXI.) INSECTS Memoir 8 N. Y. State Museum Scolytid structures GENERAL INDEX The superior figures tell the exact place on the page in ninths ; e. g. 685' means page 685, begin- ning in the third ninth of the page, i. e. about one third of the way down. Volume and page numbers are separated by a colon ; e. g. 2: 724" means volume 2, page 724. abalienalis, Bomolocha, 2: 724'. Al)liotana clemataria, 2; 721'. ahbotii, Lophyrus, 2: 340', 4I4''-I5'. Sphecodina, 2: 739'. Ahbott's pine sawfly, 2: 340', 414''- abdominalis, Leptura, 2:755'. Urocerus, 2:649', 668*. Abies fraseri, 2:685'. aliietella, Dioryctria, 2: 752''. abieticolens, Chermes, 2: 754^. abietis, Aspidiotns, 2-652", 690'. Chermes, 1:172*, iSg'-gi". Lachnus, 2: 754=. Lophyrus, 2: 340*^, 4i5°-i6''. Ablerus clisiocampae, 1:216'. abnormis, Aphelinus, 1: 212'. Eriophyes, 2: 620*, 63i'-32'. acadica, Thecla, 2:742''. Acalyptus carpini, 2: 742"'. Acamptus rigidus, 2: 727". Acanthocinus nodosus, 2: 751'. obsoletus, 2:649'', 662'. Acanthoderes decipiens, 2:429*, 473"- morrisii, 2: 732'. quadrigibbus, 2: 7n2'', 715^. Acarina, 2: 617'. Acarus aenigma, 2: 745'. caulis, 2: 720^ semen, 2: 745'. serotinae, 2: 733*. acericola, Eriophyes. 2:619', 630^. Phenacoccus, 1:49. 172', iS2'-86'. Pulvinaria, 1:172", i79'-82*; 2:729'. aceriella, Castastega, i: 169''. Lithocolletes, 2: 728''. acerifoliella. Incurvaria, 2. 509', 541^ 728^ Tischeria, sf^ Incurvaria. acerifolii, Drepanbsiphum, i: 172*, l75«-765. acerifolii. Pemphigus, 2:600^. aceris, Aleurodes, 2: 728'. Cecidomyia, 2: 728*. Chaitophorus, 1:49, 172', 174-- 75^ 2:604'. Pemphigus, 2:600*, 72S'. acerni, Sesia, 1:49, 50*, 56'-58'. achatina, Olene, 2: 507'', 524'. achemon, Pholus, 2: 739*. Acholla multispinosa, 2: 6i3''-i4''. achyrantes, MyAis, 1:249*. Acmaeodera culta, 2: 715'. Acoptus suturalis, 2: 715*. Acordulecera dorsalis, 2: 716'. Acorn feeders, 2:709'. Acorn galls, 2: 709*. Acorn weevil, 2:512'', 583*-85''. acornis, Actenodes, 2:751^. Acraspis erinacei, 2:619'*', 627^. niger, 2: 711''. pezomachoides, 2: 714*. Acrobasis angusella, 2:716'. betulella, 2: 749'. caryae, 2: 716'. comptoniella, 2:738*. demotella, 2: 719'. rubrifasciella, 2: 750'. Acronycta americana, stY Apatela. oblinita, sif^ Apatela. acronyctoides, Panthea, 2: 754'. Actenodes acornis, 2:751^. aculeata, Micrasis, 2:715'. aculeatus, Hylesinus, i: 257^ 288*- 89'. aculiferus, Leptostylus, 2:428*, 461'. acuminata, Thelia, 2: 5g5*-96-. acuminatus, Evacanthus, 2: 744*. a'-utipennis, Agrilus, 2: 701'. acutus, Brachystylus, 2: 735'. Adalia bipunctata, 1:174', 195°, 20'^)'; 2: 601''. Adelocephala bicolor, 2: 729'. 801 Adistola americana, i: 140'. Adoneta spinuloides. 2: 529^, 706^ Adoxus obscurus, 2: 739*. Aegeria apiformis, 2:429*, 472*- 73'- tibialis, 2: 429', 472'. Aegilips obtusilobae, 2: 715'. aemula, Epizeuxis, 2: 754'. aeneiventris, Agromyza, 2:620', 634^-35"- aeneogaster, Anthaxia, 2:715'-. aeneola, Melanophila, 2:751'. aenigma, Acarus, 2: 745'. aeratus, Rhynchites, 2:703*, 716'*. aereum, Callidium, 2:428', 450', 667I aereus, Helops, 2: 752*. aeriferella, Lithocolletes, 2:708^. aerosa, Brachys, 2: 506', 5I2'-I3'. aeruginosa, Brachys, 2: 703'. aesculana, Proteoteras, 2: 540'', 540'. aesculanum, Proteoteras, 2: 725*. aesculi, Crepidodera, 2: 730'. affaber, Dryocoetes, 2: 752'. affinis, Conotrachelus, 2: 582'. Neuroterus, 2: 713*. IMssodes, 2:340', 401', 402'. affiicta, Apatela, 2: 704*. afflictana, Archips, 2:754'. Agallia quadri-punctata, 2: 598'. agarici, Phora. i: 140* Agathis sp., 2:410'. agilis, Mesochorus, i: 131*. Aglais milberti, 2: 742''. Agnippe biscolorella, 2: 729'. agrestis, Criocephalus, 2:649', 659''-6o'. agrilli, Bracon, 1:73''. Agrilus acutipennis, 2: 701'. anxius, 1:257'', 284*-87'. arcuatus firr. coryli, 2:723**. 802 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Agrilus bilineatus, 1:257', 280*- 83'1 egenus, 2: 715', 729'. fallax, 2: 725'. granulatus, 2: 746'. inlerruptus, 2:701'. lecontei, 2: 736'. obsoletoguttatus, 2: 701'. otiosus, 2: 502'', 518', 729'. politus, 2: 729', 741*. sinuatus, 2- 504*. torpiflus, see A. anxius. vittaticollis, 2: 720'. Agromyza aeneiventris, 2:620", 634«-35'. ajax, Iphidicles, 2: 735''. Alabama argillacea, 1:6'; 2:609'-'. Alaus oculatus, 2:430', 485'-86'. albanotella, Lithocolletes, 2; 708*. albella, Proleucoptera, 2: 744', 747'. albicollis, Dichelonycha, .ter D. albicollis. Periclista, 2: 702'. albicomana, Tortrix, 2: 532*, 707". albicornis, Chiloneurus, 1:182'. Sesia, 2:429', 469*- 70''. Urocerus, 2: 649*, 667«-68', 668«. Xyphidria, 2: 428', 459'-6o', 466*. albidovariata, Hemichroa, 2: 703'. albifera, Euchoeca, 2: 725''. albifrons, Symmerista, 2: 506'', 5i9'''-2o'. albinatella, Coriscium, 2:708*. albipes, Synergus, 2: 714*. albisparsella, Gelechia, 2: 719'. albitarsis, Asecodes, 1:140°, 140''. albofasciatus, Clytanthus, 2: 715'. albopictus, Xylonomiis, 2: 500'. albosigma, Melalopha, 2:747''. albovenosa, Arsilonche, 2: 743^. albovittata, Cecidomyia, 2:746'. Alceris effractana, 2:744^ ferrugana, 2: 744=, 749*, 753'. hasliana, 2: 744"*. logiana. 2: 733'. vnr. viburnana, 2: 744^*. minuta, 2: 738'. niveana, 2: 749'. permutana, 2: 744'. schalleriana, 2: 744' Alceris variana, 2: 754'. alcliimiella, Gracilaria, 2: 724'. alciphearia, Eutrapela, 2: 72S'. Alcoloithus falsarius, 2:740''. Alder, injurious insects : Anthrenus castaneae, 2:614'. aphids : Alder blight aphid, I: 173', 195'. Lachnus ainifoliae, 2: 750*. borers : 2: 750'-. alder borer, 2:430*, 480'. Memythrus asilipennis, 2: 464-- saperda, red-edged, 2:445*. Stenopsis argenteomaculatus, 2:721'. willow borer, mottled, i: 103'. xylotrechus quadrimaculatus, 2: 722*. gall insects : Dasyneura serrulatae, 2; 750^. leaf feeders : 2: 750^. alder flea beetle, 2: 511', 573^. alder leaf beetle, 2: 509', 542'. Amauronematus luteotergum, 2: 511*, 572*. American dagger moth, 2: 525^. Apatela dactylina, 2: 742'. distans, 2: 747'. oblinita, 2: 743'. sperata, 2: 747'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. Attelabus rhois, 2:511', 574''. Cecropia moth, 2: 539''. Chlamys plicata, 2: 703®. Chrysomela bigsbyana, 2: 566^. multiguttata, 2: 742'. dagger moth, smeared, 2: 560'. Dichelonycha elongata, 2:716''. Ectropis crepuscularia, 2:743'. elm saw fly, I: 157'. Hyperitis amicaria, 2: 722'. oak tussock caterpillar, 2:523^ Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2: 704'. Paraphia subatomaria, 2: 753'. Polygonia faunus, 2: 742*. Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. Serica seric'ea, 2: 553'. Alder, injurious insects (cont'd). leaf feeders: tussock moth, white marked, i: 136'. Venusia comptaria, 2; 722". willow leaf beetle, spotted, 2:565^ scale or sucking insects: Chionaspis lintneri, 1:173*. 227'. Lygus monachus, 2: 728*. Alder, black, injurious insects: lo caterpillar, 2: 522'. scurfy scale, 1:215'. Alder, white, leaf feeders injur- ing, 2:739*. Alder blight aphid, t: 173', 195'- 96'. Alder borer, 2:430*, 48o'-8i'. Alder flea beetle, 2: 511', 573*- Alder leaf beetle, 2: 509', 542''-44'-. aletiae, Frontina, i: 138'. Aletis argillacea, see Alabama. Aleurodes aceris, 2: 728'. alia, Graphiphora, 2:704'. Allandrus bifasciatus, 2:731''. Allantus annularis, 2: 726'. Allocota thyridopterigis, l: 138*. Allorhina nitida, 2:719'. AUotria elonympha, 2: 720'. ainifolia, Clethra, 1:215'. ainifoliae, Lachnus, 2: 750*. alpha, Liopus, 2:430', 48i'-82*, 482*. var. cinereus, Liopus, 2: 715*. Alsophila pometaria, 2: 706'. alternata, Rhynchagrotis, 2:704''. alternatum, Dorcaschema, 2: 726*. altiscuta, Pachyneuron, i: 182', 203'. alutacea, Magdalis, 2: 340'^, 402'-3-. alutaceus, Crypturgus, 2: 753'. Alydus eurinus, 2:613'. Alypia octomaculata, 2: 512', 575'. amasia, Catocala, 2:705^. amatrix, Catocala, 2: 747*. Amauronematus azaliae, 2: 739'. fur, 2: 741*. luteotergum, 2:511*, 572'-73'', 750'. GENERAL INDEX 803 Amauronematus oregonensis, 2: 741". similis, 2: 741*. Ambrosia, poplar twig gall fly in, 2:635'. Ambrosia beetles, 2: 335', 335', 339«-40^ 394'-425'- amelanchierella, Nepticula, 2:734". American bark beetle destroyer, 2: 500^-1'. American dagger moth, 2: 507^. 525'. American lappet moth, 2: 507', 525'- American redstart, i: in*. American silk worm, 2: 507', 526'. americana, Adistola, i: 140'. Apatela, 2: 507°, 525'. Caraponiscus, 2: 746'. Chionaspis, I: 173'', 207*-8'. Cimbex, 1:105', i55''-58'. Epicnaptera, 2: 507", 525'. Hemichroa, 2: 750*. Malacosoma, ses M. americana. Schizoneura, 1:172*, i77'-78'. Tenebrioides, 2: 731'. americanum, Platydema, 2: 497*. americanus, Dryophthorus, 2:752^. Pytho, 2:335-', 339^ 368''-69». Trionymus, 2: 727'. arnica, Catocala, 2: 705'. amicaria, Hyperitis, 2: 722^. amoenus, Phymatodes, 2: 502^. Amorbia humerosana, 2:737''. Amorphota orgyiae, 1:138'. Ampeloglypter ater, 2: 739'. Ampelophaga choerilus, 2:738''. myron, 2: 739'. versicolor, 2: 719*. ampelopsidis, Telamona, 2:740'. ampelopsiella, Antispila, 2:740'. Phyllocnistis, 2: 740'. Ampelopsis, see Virginia creeper. Amphibolips badius, 2: 710*. caroliniensis, 2: 710'. coelebs, 2: 712''. confluentus, 2: 618', 625'^ 625''. cookii, 2: 712". formosa, 2: 712'. ilicifoliae, 2:618', 625°. inanis, 2: 618', 625''. .Vmphibolips melanocera, 2:711'. phellos, 2: 712'. prunus, 2:619*, 628". sculpta, 2: 712'' verna, 2: 713". .\mphion nessus, 2: 740'. amyntor, Ceratomia, 2: 509'', 546*. amyotii, Otiocerus, 2:717'. Anacampsis rhoifructella, 2:747'. tristrigella, 2: 723*. Anacharis subcompressa, 2: 714'. anaglypticus, Conotrachelus, see C. anaglypticus. Anagoga pulveraria, 2: 728''. analis, Attelabus, 2:720'. Anamorphus: pusillus, 2: 721'. ananassi, Cecidomyia, 2:755*. Anaphes gracilis, 1:212', 222*. Anarta cordigera, 2: 738'. Anaspis flavipennis, 2: 567'. Anatis ocellata, i: 175', 195', 198'; 2: 604°. oculata, i: 186''. anceps, Ibalia, 2: 714'. ancetaria, Azelina, 2: 728'*. anchora, Gaurax, i: 140". Notoxus, see N. anchora. Ancylis cornifoliana, 2:736'. platanana, 2: 719°. tineana, 2: 747'. ancylus, Aspidiotus, i: 173', 226'- 27'; 2: 729*. andrei, Kermes, 2: 709*. Andricus ashmeadii, 2: 711'*. capsulus, 2: 711*. cicatricula, 2: 710'. clavula, 2:618'', 624'', 714". cornigerus, 2:437*, 45l^i 618', 624'. femoratus, 2: 712^ flocci, 2: 710'. foliaformis, 2: 710'. fusiformis, 2: 710'. futilis, 2: 710', 715'. gibbosus, 2: 709*. globulus, 2: 714*. ignotus. 2: 711^. incertus, 2: 711*. ? indistinctus, 2: 710''. lana, 2:618', 625'. modestus, 2: 712^ Andricus nigrae, 2:713'. obtusilobae, 2: 709'. operator, 2:618*, 622'-23", 709', 7I3''- ostensackenii, 2:713'. palustris, 2: 714'. papillatus, 2: 712' patiens, 2: 713'. pattoni, 2: 711'. perditor, 2: 709'. petiolicola, 2:618^, 625', 714''. piperoides, 2: 712'. podagrae, 2: 623', 714*, 714*. pruinosus, 2: 711'. pulchellus, 2: 714''. pulchra, 2:619'', 627'-28'. punctatus, 2:618', 623^-24^. pusulatoides, 2: 712*. quercifoliae, 2: 714'. quinque septum, 2:711' saccularius, 2:712'. scitula, 2:713'. seminator, 2: 618'', 622', 622'-23'. seminosus, 2:709'. similus, 2: 713*. singularis, 2:618', 625'. tuber, 2: 710''. tubicola, 2: 711'. utriculus, 2: 710*. ventricosus,.2: 713^. Androchirus fuscipes, 2: 701'. Andromeda, injurious insects: Datana major, 2: 739^*. Euclea delphinii, 2: 529-. angelica, Apatelodes, 2: 727'^. anguina, Dasylophia, 2: 730*. anguinella, Nepticula, 2:708'. anguinus, Pityobius, 2:751'. angulifera, Callosamia, 2: 732'. angulosa, Lophodonta, 2: 705'. angusella, Acrobasis. 2: 716'. angusi, Catocala, 2:716'. angusii, Datana, 2: 508*, 535'. angustatus, Eugnamptus, 2:703', 720*. Nysius, 2: 651', 685'. angustiorata, Caripeta, 2: 753'. Ania limbata, 2: 508', 530*. Anisopteryx pometaria, 2: 547'. Anisota rubicunda, 2: 508', 537'- 8o4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Anisota senatoria, 1:258*, 306°- 10'; 2: 527', 607'. stigma, 2: 507*, 527^. virginiensis, 2; 704''. annectens, Pityoplithorus, 2: 751'. annularis, AUantus, 2: 726'. annulata, Brochymena, 2; 5S8'- 90^, 5go*. Psylla, 2: 728'. annulipes, Aphycus, sfc- A. •annulipes. Cecidomyia, 2: 746'. Pimpla, I: 138', 139'. Anomala lucicola, 2:651', 682'. Anomalon exile, i: 113". Anomoea laticlavia, 2: 730". antennata, Xylina, sff X. antennata. antennatum, Callidiuni, 2:450', 649', 66o--6i'-. Eulecanium, 2: 709**. Anthaxia aeneogaster, 2: 715'. quercata, 2: 518'. viridicornis, 2:724"*. viridifrons, 2: 715^. Antlionomopsis mixtus, 2:734^. Anthonomus corvulus, 2: 736'. decipiens, 2: 734'. profundus, 2: 719°. suturalis, 2: 715^ sycophanta, 2:742^. tessellatus, 2: 742*. Anthophilax attenuatus, 2:431', 488--S9^ Anthrenus castaneae. 2:614''. museorum, 2: 614". Anthribus cornutus, 2: 730*. Antigaster niirabilis, 2: 699^. antiopa, Euvanessa, sivK. antiopa. antiopae, Entedon, 1:161". antiqua, Notoloplius, 2: 507*, 524'', 5248. Antispila ampelopsiella, 2: 740'. cornifoliella, 2: 736". nyssaefoliella, 2: 510^, 555'-56''. Ants, large black carpenter, i: 51*, go*. white, 1:51*, 87'-9o'. anxius, Agrilus, 1:157*, 2S4''-87'. Apanteles delicatu^i, i: 138*. hyphantriae, i: 13S*, 145*. Apanteles parorgyiae, i: 138'. Apatela afflicta, 2: 704'. americana, 2: 507^, 525'. betulae, 2: 749'. brumosa, 2: 704*. clarescens, 2: 733'. connecta, 2: 742'. dactylina, 2: 742'. distans, 2: 747°. falcula, 2: 723'. funeralis, 2: 716*. furcifera, 2: 733*. grisea, 2: 724*. hamamelis, 2: 704'. hastulifera, 2: 750'. impleta, 2: 749'. impressa, 2: 743'. innotata, 2: 716^. interrupta, 2: 724'. lanceolaria, 2:742'. leporina, 2: 747'-. lepusculina, 2:747'. lithospila, 2: 721-. lobeliae, 2: 704'. modica, 2: 704''. morula, 2: 724*. noctivaga, 2: 747'. oblinita, 2:511-, 560', 743'. ovata, 2: 704^. populi, 2: 747^ radcliffei, 2: 733\ retardata, 2: 727^. rubricoma, 2: 726'^ sperata, 2: 747^. superans, 2: 749"*. vinnula, 2: 724^. xyliniformis, 2: 749*. Apatelodes angelica, 2: 727'. torrefacta, 2: 509", 549'. Aphelinus abnormis, 1:212'. fuscipennis, i: 212', 214', 222'. mytilaspidis, 1:212', 222^ 231^ Aphids, s^e Plant lice. Aphis lions, i: 154'. Aphis cerasicolens, 2: 732'. cerasifoliae, 2: 732^. cornifoliae, 2: 737'. diospyri, 2: 735'. mali, 2: 641'. quercifoliae, 2:709'. Aphis rumicis, 2: 729'. salicicola, 2: 744'^. Aphrastus taeniatus, 2:506". 515*, 748'. Aphrophora parallela, 2: 686*. quadrangularis, 2:686'. saratogensis, 2: 686^. ■\pliycus annulipes, 1:203'. flavus, i:i8l'. hederaceus, i: i8i'. pulvinariae, 1:199'. apicalis, Ephistemus, 2:491'. Melalopha 2: 747". apicitripunctella, Recurvaria, 2: 754*. apiformis, Aegeria, 2:429', 472'- 7f. .\pion herculaneum, 2:734'. nigrum, 2: 730*. rostrum, 2: 730*. segnipes, 2: 742^. walshii, 2: 749'. apionides, Phloeophagus, 2:733^. Aplodes bistriaria, 2: 720'^. mimosaria, 2: 706*. .'Vpoda biguttata, 2: 529''. y-inversa, 2: 529*. appendiculatus, Gymonychus, 2: 609-. Apple liorer, flat headed, I: 261'. round-headed, 1:51", 84'-S6'. Apple plant louse, 2:641'. Apple tent caterpillar, 1:24''; 2: 510'-', 550^-51^, 606', 607'; birds feeding on, i: 28'. Apple wood stainer, i: 257', 2S9*- 92''. Apple worm, yellow-necked, 2: 508«, 535*. 535'-36-- Appletree, Phyllobaenus disloca- tus beneficial to, 2: 503'. injurious insects: borers: apple wood stainer, 1:289'', 290''. Eostrichus bicornis, 2: 721'. buprestis, divaricated, 2: 45S«. flat-headed borer, common, i: 86*, 87-. GENERAL INDEX 805 Appletree, iiij. insects {conl'il): borers: fruit tree bark beetle, 2: 453-- liickory borer, banded, I: Hyperplatys niaculatus, 2; 433'- Leptostylus, prickly, 2; 428*, 461-. Leptostylus, spotted, 2; 4S29. linden borer, i: 91*. Liopus alpha, 2:482'. maple and oak twig pruner, i:6i2. Neoclytus erytlirocephalus, l:72«. pigeon tremex, 1:63'', prionus, broad-necked, 2; 486''. twig borer, red-shouldered, 2:442-'. twig girdler, 1:273'. Urographis fasciatus, 2: 435'. flower cricket, white, 2:603'. leaf feeders: American la]ipet moth, 2: 507', 525*- Apatela clarescens, 2: 733'. funeralis, 2: 716'. grisea, 2: 724*. impleta, 2: 749'. interrupta, 2: 724^. superans, 2: 749'. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 5io«, 550'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'. bag or basket worm, i: 127'. Basilarcliia astyanax, 2: 704'^ black walnut caterpillar, i:305'<. brown tail moth, i: 164'. Cecropia moth, 2: 539''. Coscinoptera dominicana, 2:737'. Deilephila lineata, 2: 724". Erannis tiliaria, 2: 731". Appletree, inj. insects {coiil'J): leaf feeders: flannel moth, crinkled, 2: 530'. flea beetle, red-footed, 2, 5I0^ 556''. forest tent caterpillar, i: 107', no', hag moth caterpillar, 2: 528^ Heterocampa guttivitta. 2: 727'. Heterocampa manteo, 3: 705'. leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 580'. leaf roller, red-banded, 2: 532*. leaf roller, v-marked, 2: 531*- Mineola indigenella, 2: 733«. Morrisonia confusa, 2: 727'. Orthofidonia vestaliata, 2: 706'. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Papilio glaucus zwr. turnus, 2: 704'. promethea moth, 2:557'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2; 704'. rose beetle, 2: 575'. rose leaf folder, 2: 512^, 581''. Schizura semirufescens, 2: 743'- unicornis, 2: 705'. Scopelosoma sidus, 2:705'. Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2: 724'. ,Sphinx gordius, 2:727'. spring cankerworm, 2: 509", 547'''- Thecla liparops, 2: 704'. tussock moth, white mark- ed, I: 133', 136'. viceroy, 2: 559''. Xylina antennata, i:i2g', 130'^ 130', 131''. scale or sucking insects: black-banded scale, 1:201'. box elder plant bug, I: 239''. .Appletree, inj. insects (coiit'ii): scale or sucking insects: Brochymena quadripustu- lata, 2: 590*. Buffalo tree hopper, 2: 592*. chinch bug, false, 2:685*. Eiilecanium cerasifex, 2: 728«. oyster scale, 1:211'. .\pricot, injurious insects; bag or basket worm, i: 127'. tussock moth, white marked, I: 136*. .\quilegia canadensis, Tortrix albicomana injuring, 2:532''. Aradus cinnamomeus, 2: 752*. Arbor vitae, insects injurious to: borers : balsam baric borer, 2: 376'. Dicerca tuberculata, 2:648', 656*. red cedar bark beetle, 2: 392'- leaf feeders : 2: 755''. bag worm, i: 123'. fir sawfly, 2: 415'. mite, 2: 755°. scale insects: 2: 755'. arborea, Brochymena, see B. arborea. arbos, Ceroptres, 2: 714'. arcasaria, Sabulodes, 2: 750' Archasia galeata, 2: 597'. archippus, Basilarchia, 2: 510*, 559', 704'. Archips afflictana, 2: 754'. argyrospila, 2: 508', 531'. cerasivorana, 2:510', 552'. fervidana, 2:508', 530'-3i', 609'. grisea, 2: 707*. infumatana, 2: 717'. rosaceana, 2: 512', 531'', 5So'-8i'. rosana, 2:512'', 581'. semiferana, 2: 707*. arcuata, Chrysopa, i: igi'. Corythuca, 2: sga^-gg', 720*. Drepana, 2: 749'. arcuatus I'lir. coryli, Agrilus, 2: 723'. argenteomaculatus, Stenopsis, 2: 72. >. 8o6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM argentifimbriella, Lithocolletes, 2: 708'. argentinotella, Lithocolletes, 2: 725^ argillacea, Alabama. 1:6'; 2:609'. argutanus, Episimus, 2: 725'. Argyresthia austerella, 2: 708'. argyrospila, Archips, 2; 508', 531*. Arhopalus fulminans, 2: 427', 444*. Aristotelia rubidella, 2: 707*, 707'. salicifungiella, 2: 74O''. armataria, Priocycla, 2: 749*. armatus, Onychia, 2:715^ Urosigalphus, 2: 588'. armicollis, Magdalis, see M. armi- collis. Army worm, 1:22', 132'. Arotes decorus, i: 261'. Arsenate of lead, i: 34', 37I Arsenical poison, 1:35'. Arsenical preparations, formulas for. 1:37^-38". Arsilonche albovenosa, 2: 743'. Artace punctistriga, 2: 735^ arthemis, Basilarchia, 2: 742'. arvensis, Dolerus, 2; 741'. Asclera puncticollis , 2: 494". Asecodes albitarsis, I: 140*, 140''. Asemum moestum, 2: 649^, 659', 66r'-62'. Ash, beneficial insect: Elasmocerus terminatus, 2: 50i9. injurious insects: borers: 2: 726'. ash borer, i: 51*, 92'. banded, 1:257'', 279'-8o'. four-marked, 2:4289,462'. ash timber beetle, i: 257', 288». carpenter worm, i; 79', 83'. lilac borer, I: 104'. Memythrus asilipennis, 2: 429', 464*. Molorchus bimaculatus, 2: 715*. Obrium rubrum, 2:428', 463'. powder-post beetle, white marked, 2:483', 483*. rustic borer, 1; 260'. Ash, injurious insects {confJ): borers: stalk borer, 2:429'', 468'. Stenoscelis brevis, 2: 494'. Xyloterus politus, 1:292*. gall insect: ash midrib gall, 2:620', 632'. leaf feeders, 2: 726^-27'. Agrilus otiosus, 2: 518'. American dagger moth, 2; 5253. American lappet moth, 2: 5o7«, 525*. Apatela impleta, 2: 749'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549*- ash sphinx, 2; 509', 548-. wavy, 2: 509*, 548'. Cleora pampinaria, 2: 743*. forest tent caterpillar, i: no', hag moth caterpillar, 2: 528=. hickory tussock moth, i: 314'. io caterpillar, 2: 522'. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2: 704'. Phloeophagus minor, 2: 742'. Plagodis fervidaria, 2: 706'. Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2: 724'. sphinx, four-lined, 2: 509*, 546^ Tischeria citrinipennella, 2: 7o8». tussock moth, white mark- ed, i: 136'. scale or sucking insects: box elder plant bug, i: 239", 240*. Eulecanium cerasifex, ■ 2: 728'. pruinosum, 2: 719'. oyster scale, i; 173', 211'. Putnam's scale, i: 227''. Ash, mountain, see Mountain ash. Ash, prickly, injurious insects: 2: 729-. Liopus fascicularis, 2: 729', 730' • Micracis suturalis, 2: 715'. orange dog, 2; 510'', 554''. Ash, white, injurious insects: ash flower gall, 2:620*, 633*. Micracis suturalis, 2: 715'. Ash borer, i: 51', 92^ banded, 1:257', 279''-8o'. four-marked, 2: 428', 462^-63'. Ash flower gall, 2: 620*, 633'-34'. Ash midrib gall, 2:620', 632'-33'. Ash sphinx, 2: 509', 548'. wavy, 2: 509', 548'-49'. Ash timber beetle, 1:257^ 288'- ashmeadii, Andricus, 2: 711^. asilipennis, Memythrus, 2: 429^ 464'. asopialis, Palthis, 2: 705*. asparagi, Crioceris, 2: 608'. Asparagus beetle, 2: 608'. Aspen, injurious insects: apple wood stainer, i: 290'. poplar borer, i: 99'. asperata, Dicerca, 2: 701*. aspersus, Hyperplatys, 2: 746*, asperulus, Gnathotricus, 2: 726'. Aspidiotiphagus citrinus, 1:212', 222'. Aspidiotus abietis, 2:652', 690'. ancylus, i: 173', 226^-27'; 2: 729'. comstockii, 2; 728'. diffinis, 2: 731*. juglans-regiae, 2:719'. perniciosus, 1:8'', 12', 38', 173', 2I6*-26^ rapax, 2: 728'. ulmi, 2: 725^. uvae, 2: 717'. Aspidisca lucifiuella, see Copto- disca. splendoriferella, see Coptodisca. Aster, Typophorus canellus in- juring, 2:537'. Aster ericoides, 2: 537'. Asterolecanium quercicola, see A. variolosum. variolosum, 1:258', 32g'-3l'. GENERAL INDEX 807 astyanax, Basilarchia, 2: 704'. astylus, Paonias, 2: 738'. Ataxia crypta, 2: 702''. ater, Ampeloglypter, 2:739*. Auletes, 2; 7I5^ athasiaria, Therina, 2: 706'. Athous cucullatus, 2:701^. Atimia confusa, 2:751^. atlantica, Mamestra, 2; 704*^. atomarium, Romaleum, 2:426*, 434''. atomarius, Pachybrachys, 2: 730'. atomus, Crypturgus, 2:338', 359'- 6o«. Triachus, 2: 738'. atra, Orsodachna, 2: 741'. atratus, Chermes, i: 188'. Elasmus, 1:140'', 145'. atricornis, Cecidomyia, 2:746". atrocularis, Cecidomyia, 2: 746'. Atropates collinsi, 1:199'. atroviolacea, Tenthredo, 2:737'. Attacus promethea, see Callo- samia. Attelabus analis, 2: 720'. bipustulatus, 2: 506°, 516'. nigripes, 2: 703*. rhois, 2: 511', 574'-75". attenuata, Konowia, 2:429', 466^. attenuatus, Anthophilax, see A. attenuatus. Atteva aurea, 2: 735^. Atymna castanea, 2:721'. inornata, 2: 721'. augustana, Epinotia, 2: 744^^. Aulacaspis pentagona, 2: 719*. rosae, i: 173', 228'. Aulacomerus lutescens, 2:568'. Auletes ater, 2: 715'. cassandrae, 2:738'. aurea, Atteva, 2: 735^. auronitens, Lithocolletes, 2:750'. aurora, Eros, 2: 746*. Hyparpax, 2:506*, 520^-21'. austerella, Argyresthia, 2: 708'. • australasiae, Orcus, 1:223'. autographus, Dryocoetes, see D. autographus. Automeris io, 2: 506', 52i'-22'. aveccae, Hypothenemus, 2:702'. aviingrata, Odontophyes, 2:716-. 1 avulsus, Tomicus, z; 752'. azaliae, Amauronematus, 2: 739'. Azalea, injurious insects: Amauronematus azaliae, 2:739''. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549^. .\zelina ancetaria, 2: 728'. azurea, Chrysobothris, 2: 429', 467'. babayaga, Catocala, 2: 743''. Baccha fascipennis, i: 186'. baclimani, Hypatus, 2: 726'. badia, Schizura, 2: 738*. badiiella, Tischeria, 2: 708'. badistriga, Homohadena, 2:741'. badius, Amphibolips, 2: 710'. Bag or basket worm, I: 105', 123''- 289. Baileya dormitans, 2: 716'. bajulus, Hylotrupes, 2:649', 664'. Balaninus caryae, 2: 584'-85'. nasicus, 2: 512', 583*-85''. obtusus, 2: 723*. proboscideus, 2: 512', 585''-88'. quercus, 2: 585', 703'. rectus, 2:512', 585', 585'-88«. uniformis, 2:584'', 585', 703'. Balm of Gilead, resistance to in- sect attack, 1:47'. injurious insects: clearwing, three banded, 2: 471'. oyster scale, i: 173*, 211-. Saperda populnea, 2:475'. willow borer, mottled, i: loi', 103''. Balsam, injurious insects: 2: 339-. borers: ant, large black carpenter, 1 : 90'. balsam bark borer, 2: 338*, 375'- ■ blazed tree borer, 2:671'. Buprestis maculiventris, 2: 650', 674'. pine borer, ribbed, 2: 367'. sawyer, 2: 360'. spruce bark beetle, 2: 386'. spruce timber beetle, 2: 369'. Tomicus balsameus, 2: 354'. caelatus, 2: 354'. Balsam, injurious insects (cont'dy. leaf feeders: 2:754'. balsam gall midge, 2:651*, 6852. Eulia velutinana, 2: 707'. Feralia jocosa, 2: 754'. Balsam bark borer, 2: 338', 375'- 79'- Balsam gall midge, 2: 621', 651*, 685'. Balsam poplar, Jirf Poplar, balsam, balsameus, Tomicus, see T. balsa- meus. balsamicola, Cecidomyia, 2:621', 651*, 685'. baltimoralis, Bomolocha, 2: 727'. Banded ash borer, i: 257'-, 279'-8o^ Banded buprestid, 2:428', 4588-59'. Banded hickory borer, 1:256', 267'-68=. Banded horntail, 2:649', 668'. Baptolinus longiceps, 2: 389'. barbata, Glyptoscelis, 2:518'. barbatus, Serropalpus, 2: 650', 671'. barbita, Magdalis, 1:49. 5i'. 7°'. 72', 73°-75". barda, Selandria, 2:609'. bardus, Monophadnus, 2: 726*. Bark beetle, 1:7'; 2:729*. coarse writing, 2: 338*, 345'-5i*. 351*-. spruce, birds feeding on, i: 28'. Bark beetle destroyer, cloudy, 2: 653*. 693'^- Bark borers, 1:6', 11', 35', 256*- 57'; 2:339'; work of in pine, 2: 333'-36'; in trunk and wood, 2:338'; true, 2:338''; oiatural enemies, 2: 499''-505'. Baryconus oecanthi, 2:603*. Basal leaf gall, 2:620'. 636'. basalis, Liodes, 2: 748'. Scoparia, 2: 754*. Basilarchia archippus, 2:510', 559», 704-. arthemis, 2: 742'. astyanax, 2: 704-. basilare, Sinoxylon, 2: 427'', 442', 502-'. 8o8 basilis, Pediopsis, 2: 597'. Basilona imperialis, 2: 651", 677'- 79-- basistrigella, LithocoUetes, 2: 708''. Basket worm, i: i23'-28'. Bassareus detritus, 2:703*. mammifer, 2: 7i6'', 719''. bassettella, Euclemensia, 2: 708'^. bassetti, llolcaspis, 2:711"'. Basswood, injurious insects: borers: 2: 731'. apple wood stainer, r: 290*. Diaperis hydni, 2:497^. Elater nigricollis, 2:492^. Hoplosia nubila, 2: 722^. Mycetophagus flexuosus, 2: 495^ punctatus, 2: 495'-'. Passalus, horned, 2:492^. Platypus compositus, 2: 720'. Plegaderus transversus, 2: 491'. Tenebrio tenebrioides, 2: 493'- Triphyllus hunieralis, 2: 495*- Xyleborus pubescens, 2: 720'. gall insects: 2: 731*. leaf feeders: 2: 731''. Cistela sericea, 2: 518^. sucking insects: 2: 731*. batatus, Cecidomyia, 2:745^. Neuroterus, 2:618', 624', 624'. Rliabdophaga, 2: 745'. Hathythri.x meteori, i: 140'. pimplae, i: 140^. Batrachedra praeangusta, 2: 744*. salicipomonella, 2:746''. Battle»of the weak, i:24i'-52''. Batyle suturalis, 2:649', 663'. Bayberry, injurious insects: 2: 738«. leaf feeders: Adoneta spinuloides, 2: 706'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. Eu.clea chloris, 2: 706*. delphinii, 2: 529', 706'. indetermina, 2: 52S'. Prolimacodes scapjia, 2: 707'. Sisyrosea textula, 2:721''. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM l!ayberry,injurious insects ((-()«/'i/): leaf feeders: Tortricidia pallida, 2: 707''. Beautiful hickory borer, 2:426'', 431^-32'. bedeguar, Cecidomyia, 2: 734'. Bee family, i: 10'. Beech, scarlet winged clerid bene- ficial to, 2: 503'. injurious insects: borers: 2: 721*. Acanthoderes quadrigib- bus, 2: 702'', 715*. Acoptus suturalis, 2:715*. Agrilus obsoletoguttatus, 2: 701'. Anamorphus pusillus, 2: 72I». Anthophilax attenuatus, 2: 431', 4381 Apple wood stainer, 1: 257', 289'. ash borer, four-marked, 2: 462'. brenthian, northern, I: 263*. buprestis, divaricated, 2; 428«, 457«. Buprestis rufipes, 2: 701*. Centrodera decolorata, 2: 428', 456'. Ceruchus piceus, 2:492'. chestnut borer, two-lined, 1: 281^. Cratoparis lunatus, 2:499'^. Cryptorhynchus bisignatus, 2: 702*. Dendroides canadensis, 2: 494'- concolor, 2: 494'. Ditoma quadriguttata, 2: 489'- Dryobius sexfasciatus, 2: 702'. Elater hunieralis, 2:492^. nigricollis, 2:492'. Ephistemus apicalis, 2: 491'. Euderces picipes, 2: 446'. flat-headed borer, common, I: 87'^ fungous beetle, forked, 2: Beech, injurious insects (loii/'J): borers: Goes pulverulentus, 2:455^ Grynocharis quadrilinea- tns, 2: 46o'''. Hister lecontei, 2: 49r'. Hoplocephala bicornis, 2: 498^ Hyperplatys maculatus. 2: 433'- Hypulus simulator, 2:494'. Laemophloeus testaceus, 2: 490''. leopard moth, I:7S^ Leptura subhamata, 2: 675''. zebra, 2:451'. Lepturges symmetricus, 2: 493^- Melandrya striata, 2: 493^. Monarthrum fasciatum, 2; 751'- Nyctobates pennsylvanica, 2: 492^ oak weevil, gray sided, 2; 437'- Parandra brunnea, 2: 701*. Penthe obliquata, 2:493'. pimelia, 2: 493'. Phenolia grossa, 2:496'^. pigeon tremex. I: 63'. Platypus compositus, 2: 720'. red horned borer, small, i: 299'. Silvanus imbellis, 2:489' Smodicum cucujiforme, 2: 70i9. Tenebrioides castanea, 2: 492^ Tharops ruficornis, 2:492'. Uliota dubius, 2:490'. Urographis fasciatus, 2: 435'. Xyloterus politus, 1:257', 292'. leaf feeders: 2: 722'. Adoneta spinuloides, 2: 706'. Alceris ferrugana, 2: 744'. Anagoga pulveraria, 2: 728^. Apatela ovata, 2; 704'. GENERAL INDEX Beech, injurious insects {cont'd): leaf feeders: apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'- black walnut caterpillar, i; 305*. Brachys aeruginosa, 2: 703^. Denias propinquilinea, 2: 749'- Dichelonycha elongata, 2: 716'. Euclea delphinii, 2:529^, 706'. Eutrapela kentaria, 2: 728'. Fentonia marthesia, 2: 706'. forest tent caterpillar, i; 107'. Heterocampa bilineata, 2: 725°. biundata, 2: 727'. guttivitta, 2: 727'. Heterogenea shurtlefitii, 2: 707'. Hyperitis amicaria, 2: 722^. lanassa lignicolor, 2: 705'. io caterpillar, 2: 522'. Lithacodes fasciola, 2: 728''. locust leaf miner, i; 327'. luna moth, 2: 527'. maple leaf cutter, 2:541*. Natada nasoni, 2: 707'. New York weevil, 2: 517*. oak caterpillar, red-hump- ed, 2; 520'. Paraphia subatomaria, 2: 753'- Phloeophagus minor, 2; 742'- Plagodis fervidaria, 2:706'. promethea moth, 2: 557'. Schizura semirufescens, 2: 743*- Sisyrosea textula, 2: 721**. sphin.x, four-lined, 2: 509^, 546^ scale or sucking insects: 2: 722*. beech leaf aphis, woolly, 2: 601*. Putnam's scale, i:227''. Beech, blue, Coclilidion y-inversa injuring, 2: 717'. Beech leaf aphis, woolly. 2; 601^-2*. belangerella, Telphusa, 2:750'. bella, Utetheisa, 2:724*. Bellamira scalaris, 2:429', 467'. bellus, Callipterus, 2: 709'. Beneficial insects, 2:6o3*-i4'; key to, 2:652«-53». Benta malanogrammos, 2:651', 676'-77^ Benzoin, black-banded scale in- juring, I: 201". bethunei. Xylina, 2: 731''. bethuniella, Lithocolletes, 2:708'. Betula papyrifera, Chionaspis lintneri injuring, 1:227^. betulae, Apatela, 2: 749'. Oligotrophus, 2:621^, 647'. betulaecolens, Callipterus, 2:601'. betulella, Ac'robasis, 2: 749'. Calaphis, 2: 750'. Depressaria, 2: 749'. betuleti, Orchestes, 2:749'. beutenmulleri, Isochaetes, 2: 722'. bicolor, Adelocephala, 2:729'. Dolerus, 2: 741". Eustrophus, 2: 73T'. Phymatodera, 2:393'. Rhodites, 2:621', 647'. Rhynchite.s, 2: 518'. bicornis, Bostrichus, 2: 701', 721'. Hoplocephala, see H. bicornis. bicostomaculella, Gelechia, 2: 707'. bidentata, Nerice, 2: 725'. Tomoxia, see T. bidentata. bidentatus, Silvanus, 2: 721'. bifasciatus, Allandrus, 2:731''. Notoxus, see'H. bifasciatus. bifasciella, Lithocolletes, 2:708". bifidus, Telenomus, 1:145'. bifurcus, Boletotherus, 2:498'. bigeminata, Hyperaspis, i: 198*. bigsbyana, Chrysomela, see C. bigsbyana. biguttata, Apoda, 2: 529'. Cochlidion, 2: 707'. biguttatus, Laemophloeus, 2:490'''. bilineata, Falcaria, 2: 749°. Heterocampa, 2:725'. bilineata, Macrophya, 2: 73S'. bilineatus, Agrilus, 1:257", 280*- 83". bimaculatus, Molorchus, 2:715^. Tylonotus, 2: 726*. bimarginata, Haltica, 2:511', 573'-74«. binotata, Enchenopa, 2: 594'-y5'. Hyperaspis, 2:605'*. Mycetochares, 2:489'. binotatus. Copturus, 2: 730''. biographus, Xyleborus, 2:447'. Biorhiza forticornis, 2: 618', 619', 626''-27', 714'. hirta, 2: 712'. loxaulis, 2: 710'. nigra, 2: 710'. rubinus, 2: 711". bipunctata, Adalia, I: T74', 195', 206'; 2: 601'. Tetyra, 2: 753'. bipunctatus, Elleschus, 2: 742'. bipustulatus, Attelabus, 2: 506', 516'. Birch, injurious insects: borers: 2: 748''. alder borer, 2: 480*. Asclera puncticollis, 2:494'. birch horntail, slender, 2: 429'-, 466'. bronze birch borer, 1:257*, 284». Ceruchus piceus, 2:492'. Chrysobothris azurea, 2:429', 467'. sexsignata, 2: 721'. Corymbites sulcicollis, 2; 492*. Dendroides canadensis, 2: 494'- concolor, 2: 494'. Diaperis hydni, 2:497'. Gaurotes cyanipennis, 2:428'', 454*. Gonotropis gibbosus, 2: 494'*. leopard moth, 1:78'. Leptura vagans, 2:441'. Nyctobates pennsylvanica, 2: 492'. Pityophthorus.f/., I: 257', 296". red horned borer, 1:257'. small, i: 29S'. 8io NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Birch, injurious insects (eonfti): borers: Tylonotus bimaculatus, 2: 726*. Upis ceramboides, 2:497''. willow borer, mottled, i: 103^ Xyloterus, i: 257'. sp., 1:293'. politus, i: 292*^. Xyphitlria provancheri 2: 429«, 4652. gall insects: birch seed gall midge, 2:621', 647'. Hamamelistes spinosus, I: 246'-47'. leaf feeders: 2: 748'-49'. Adoneta spinuloides, 2: 706'. Alceris ferrugana, 2: 744'^. American dagger moth, 2: 525'- American silk worm, 2: 526*. Apatela brumosa, 2: 704'. dactylina, 2: 742'. distans, 2: 747'. funeralis, 2: 716*. hamamelis, 2:704*. interrupta, 2: 724^. leporina, 2: 747'. ovata, 2: 704*. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 551'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535*. Basilarchia arthemis, 2: 742*. birch leaf skeletonizer, i: 258', 3I5». Catocala relicta, 2: 743^. Cecropia moth, 2: 539''. Charadra deridens, 2: 704''. Chlamys plicata, 2: 703''. Dichelonycha elongata, 2; 716*. elm caterpillar, spiny, i: i6i«. Eustroma testata, 2: 743'. Eutrapela kentaria, 2: 728'. flea beetle, black-margined, 2:5o6^ 5i5«. forest tent caterpillar, i: 107'', no'. Birch, injurious insects {cont'd): leaf feeders; Gluphisia septentrionalis, 2: 747*- Graphiphora alia, 2: 704'. Heterocampa biundata, 2: 727*. manteo, 2: 705'. subrotata, 2: 716'. umbrata, 2: 705*. hickory caterpillar, striped, 2: 5o8«, 535''. Hylotoma pectoralis, 2:511', 57°'- lanassa lignicolor, 2:705'. io caterpillar, 2: 522'. Lithacodes fasciola, 2: 728''. locust leaf miner. 1:327'. luna moth, 2: 527'. Macaria praeatomata var. bisignata, 2: 753**. Morrisonia confusa, 2:727*. Nematus unicolor, 2:511', 571'- oak caterpillar, green, 2: 521'. Odontota quadrata, 2:731'. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2: 704'. Paraphiasubatomaria, 2: 753'. Phigalia titea, 2:728'. Phloeophagus apionides, 2: 733'. minor, 2: 742'. Plagodis fervidaria, 2: 706'. Polygonia faunus, 2: 742*. Priocycla armataria, 2: 749*. Pristiphora sycophanta, 2: 510*, 557'- Prolimacodes scapha, 2:707'. promethea moth, 2:557'. Pteronus latifasciatus, 2: 511', 572^ Schizura ipomoeae, 2: 705'. semirufescens, 2:743*. unicornis, 2: 705'. Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2: 724'. Tortricidia testacea, 2: 707''. tussock moth, white marked, 1:136'. Birch, injurious insects {cont'd): leaf feeders: Venusia comptaria, 2: 722'. scale or sucking insects: 2: 749'- 50'. Aspidibtus rapax, 2: 728'. birch aphid, 2: 601'. Eulecanium pruinosum, 2: 719'. Putnam's scale, 1:227°. Birch, paper, Eugonia j-album injuring, 2; 749^*. Birch, white, see Birch. Birch, willow, Tortricidia pallida injuring, 2: 707'. Birch, yellow, injurious insects: borers: Bellaniira scalaris, 2:429^, 467'. birch bark borer, 2: 429'', 468''. Xyloterus j/., 1:294*, 294'. leaf feeders: Pristiphora sycophanta, 2: 510', 557'. tibialis, 2: 748*. Birch aphid, 2:601'. Birch bark borer, 2:429', 468^-69'. Birch borer, bronze, 1:257*, 284"- 87'- Birch horntail, slender, 2:429', 466^ Birch leaf skeletonizer, i: 258', 3I5»-I7'. Birch seed gall midge, 2: 62i*, 647'. Birds, relative value of certain families, l:2g'-32*; feeding on gipsy moths, 1:27', 122'; feed- ing on forest tent caterpillars, I: III', III*; feeding on hairy caterpillars, 1:137'; how to in- crease number, i: 33'''; insect enemies, i: 25*-34*; probable results if insect depredations were not checked by, 1:32'; results of increasing efficiency of, 1:32'; value in keeping other pests under control, i:iii'; voracity, i:25®-26'. biscolorella, Agnippe, 2: 729'. bisignatus, Cryptorhynchus, 2: 702'. GENERAL INDEX 8ll bistriaria, Aplodes, 2: 720'. bistriatus, Paromalus, 2:389'. Bittersweet, injurious insects : tree hopper, two marked, 2: 594^- Zelleria celastrusella, 2: 741^. biundata, Heterocampa, 2: 727^. biustus, Leptostylus, 2: 715'. bivittata, Neoglaphyroptera, i: 140*. bivittatus, Xyloterus, 2: 335', 339', 36g'-70». bivulnerus, Chilocorus, see C. bivulnerus. Black-banded scale, 1:173^, 200''- 3'. Black elm snout beetle, 1:51', Black gum, forest tent caterpillar injuring, I: no'. Black-horned tree cricket, 2: 699'. Black-margined flea beetle, 2: Soe-", 515'. Black scrub oak gall, 2:618', 625^ Black walnut caterpillar, 1:258', 303»-58. Blackberry bushes, injurious in- sects: gall insect: rose bedegar, 2:621", 647°. leaf feeders: Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. Chlamys plicata, 2: 703". Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. scale or sucking insects: bramble flea louse, 2:689'. rose scale, i: 173*, 228'. Blackbird, i: 33'. crow, i: 27', 30', III''. Bladder maple gall, 2:620', 630'- 31'. Bladdernut, Putnam's scale injur- ing, 1:227-'. blancardella, Lithocolletes, 2: 708*. blanchardi, Chrysobothris, 2: 751'. blandella, Gracilaria, 2:720^*. Blastothrix sericea, 1:203'. Blazed tree borer, 2: 650', 671'. Blepharida rhois, 2: 737'. Blissus leucopterus, 1:6'; 2: 685'. Blue horntail, 2:649', ^^9'- Blue jays, I: 27*, 33^, 61', in*, 122', 137*, 166', 309'. Blue pine borer, 2:649', 660'- 6i^ Blueberry bushes, injurious in- sects: Eulecanium kingii, 2: 739'. leaf feeders: 2: 738'. Bluebird, i: 32", i66^ Bobolink, i: 33'. Boletophagus corticola, 2: 754*. ^epressus, 2: 754*. Boletotherus bifurcus, 2:498^ bolteri, Sesia, 2:429*, 470^. Bombycidae, i: 12''. bombycoides, Lapara, 2:651', 679'. Bomolocha abalienalis, 2:724'. baltimoralis, 2: 727*. madefactalis, 2: 720'. borealis, Harpyia, 2: 743*. Mordella, see Af. borealis. Pontania, 2: 745". boreata, Opheroptera, 2: 725'. Bostrichus bicornis, 2:701*, 721'. Bothrideres geminatus, 2: 505'. botrana, Polychrosis, 2:732'. boucheanus, Dibrachys, see D. boucheanus. Box elder, injurious insects: 2: 728»-29'. borers: Acanthoderes quadrigibbus, 2:715*. Ataxia crypta, 2:702''. Cyrtinus pygmaeus, 2:702'. flat-headed borer, common, 1:87'. Leptostylus parvus, 2: 702''. Liopus variegatus, 2: 720'. Xyloterus politus, i: 292'. leaf feeders: Archips semiferana, 2; 707*. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. tussock moth, white marked, I: 136'. Box elder, injurious insects (<■()«/'(/): sucking insect: box elder plant bug, I: 174', 239'. Box elder plant bug, i: 174'', -239", 40». Brachistes magdalis, 1:74*. phymatodis, 2:463'. brachyrus, Spathius, 2:401'. Brachys aerosa, 2: 506', 5I2'-I3'. aeruginosa, 2: 703*. ovata, 2: 506', 5I3''-T4*. Brachystylus acutus, 2: 735'. Bracon j/t., 2:406' agrilli, i: 73'. charus, I: 87''. erythrogaster, 1:266*. pectinator, 2: 391^. pissodis, 2: 401''. scolytivorus, 1:278*. simplex, 1:22'; 2:384*. Braconidae, i: 22'. Brake, crinkled flannel moth injuring, 2: 530'. Bramble flea louse, 2:652*, 6S8«- 89*. brassicoides, Cecidomyia, 2: 745'- Rhabdophaga, 2: 563*, 567*, 745', 746'. brendeli, Xenorhipis, 2; 701'. Brenthian, northern, 1:256*, 261*- 63'. Brephos infans, 2: 749'. brevicornis, Ceresa, 2: 717*. brevilineum, Physocnemum, see P. brevilineum. brevis, Stenoscelis, 2:455*, 494''' briseis, Catocala, 2: 743''. brizo, Thanaos, 2: 704'. Brochymena annulata, 2: 588''-9o', 590*. arborea, 2: 591'. quadripustulata, 2: 588'-89',5go-'. Bronchella hortaria, sec Epimecis virginaria. Bronze birch borer, 1:257'', 284*- 87'. Brown tail moth, i: 105', 163'- 66', 254'; birds feeding on, I: 8l2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM brucei, Melalopha, 2:743'. Bruchus miimis. 2:731'. brumosa, .Vpatela, 2:704^ brunnea, Colaspis, 2: 730'. i'araiulra, 2: 701*. brunneum, Ortliosoma, 2: 430' 487'-88'. Iirunneus, RhyncoUis,2: 666", 733', Inibalus, Ceresa, 2: 5gi'''-93''. Biicculatrix canadeiisisella, i: 258', 3I5''-I7''. thuiella, 2: 755'. trifasciella, 2: 721*. Buck moth, i: 258°, 310^-14'. Buckeye, injurious insects: borers: apple wood stainer, 1:290". Cucujus clavipes, 2:701*'. Xyleborus pubescens, 2: 720'. leaf feeders: Crepidodera aesculi, 2: 730^. maple leaf stalk borer, 2: 509', Proteoteras aesculana, 2; 540*. tussock moth, while marked, I: 136". Bud gall, 2: 750''. Bud moth, i: 20'. Buffalo tree hopper, 2: 591^-93'. Bullet gall, rough, 2:618'', 624°. spiny, 2: 621', 647". Bumelia, black-banded scale in- juring, I; 201*. Buprestid, banded, 2- 42S*, 458*'- 59-^ divaricated, 2:428". 457'-58''. golden, 2:648', 655«-56'. spotted, 2:339", Sgo'-gi-". Buprestidae, i: 11'. Buprestis consularis, 2:751'. fasciata, 2: 428", 458*-59*. lineata, 2: 751'. maculiventris, 2:650", 674-'. rufipes, 2: 701". striata, 2: 648'', 655*-56'. sulcicollis, 2: 751-. ultramarina, 2: 751-. Burning bush, injurious insects: 2:729'. Butternut, Foeniis tarsatorius beriRScia! 10, 500'. Butternut, injurious insects: 2 720-'. borers: Centrodera decolorata, 2 428=, 456-. Colastus truncatus, 2:491*, Cossonus platalea, 2:428^, 455''- Cryptarcha concinna, 2 491'- Cryptorhynchus parocluis, 2:494=. Gaurotes cyanipennis, 2: 428^ 454". hickory borer, painted, i: 264*. leptostylus, spotted, 2: 482'. ' Leptura vagans, 2:441'. Lepturges querci, 2:440''. Magdalis salicis, 2: 720^ Stenoscelis brevis, 2:494". Tenebrio tenebrioides, 2: 493^ Uliota dubius, 2:490". Xyleborus pubescens, 2: 702'. leaf feeders: Agrilus otiosus, 2:518'°. black walnut caterpillar, i: 303^ butternut woolly worm, 2: 508', 536I Cyrtolobus vau, 2: 7I7'\ Eugnamptus angustatus, 2: 703*. collaris, 2: 716^. hickory horned devil, i: 305». hickory tussock moth, I: 314'. Lithocolletes caryaefoli- ella, 2: 717^. luna moth, 2: 526'. Odontophyes aviingrata, 2: 7i6«. Thecla calanus, 2: 704'. tussock moth, white mark- ed, 1:136'. Typophorus canellus, 2: 5uS8, 537S. Butternut, inj. insects (cont'd): nut pests: Conolrachelus seniculus, 2: 512", 582'. walnut curculio, 2:512', 5S1'. scale or sucking insects: Cliionaspis ortholobis, 2: 744"- tree hopper, two-marked, 2:595". Butternut woolly worm, 2: 508', 536''- Buttoubush, injurious insects: dagger moth, smeared, 2: 560'. leaf feeders, 2: 719''. Buttonwood, injurious insects: ciliated tingis, 2:599*. tussock moth, white-marked, I: 136'. Bythoscopus fenestratus, 2:749'. variabilis, 2: 754^. c-nigrum, Noctua, 2: 727'. Cabbage butterfly, 2: 609'. Cacoecia argyrospila, see Archips. cerasi\'orana, see Archips. fervidana, see Archips. rosaceana, see Archips. rosana, see Archips. cacoeciae, Elachistus, i: 140''. cacographus, Tomicus, see T. cacographus. Cacoplia puUata, 2:702'. Cacus oecanthi, 2: 603". caelatus, Tomicus, steT. caelatus. Caenophanes pityophthori, 2: 389". calanus, Thecla, 2:704^. Calaphis betulella, 2. 750'. calcarata, Saperda. 1:49, 51', 98'- 100'. calcaratus, Scotobates, 2:493"'. calceatus, Prionomerus, 2: 732". calidum, Calosoma, seeC. calidum. Californian red spider, i: 14". Calitys scabra, 2:496'"*. Callcdapteryx dryopterata, 2: 73S\ Callichroma splendidum, 2: 735". Callidium aereum, 2:428', 450', 667». GENERAL INDEX 8r Callidiu.n aiitennatum, 2:450', 649^, 66o'-6i^ janthinum, 2:450"", 660', 751''. Calligraplia scalaris, 2: 750^. lunata, 2: 575'. _calligraphus, Tomicus, see T. calligraphus. Callipterus bellus, 2: 709'. betulaecolens, 2:601'. caryae, 2: 717'". castanea, 2: 721*. discolor, 2: 709^. hyalinus, 2: 709'. punctatus, 2: 709^. quercifolii, 2: 709'. ulmifolii, i: I72'', i76''-77''. Callirhytis tumifica, 2: 713°. callitrichoides, Pliiprosopus, 2: 740'. Calloides nobilis, 2:427*, 443'- 44-'- Callosamia angulifera, 2: 732^. promethea, 1:45'; 2:510', 557*. Calocampa ciirvimacula, 2: 743'. Calophya nigripennis, 2:737'. Calosoma calidum, I: 113'*. scrutator, I: 113^, 146'-, 161'. wilcoxi, i: 113°. calva, Limnobaris, 2: 734'. Calymnia orina, 2:704'. cambrica, Venusia, 2: 733'. campanula, Synergus, 2: 714^. campestris, Chalcophora, 2: 722^. Camponiscus americana, 2: 746', Camponotus herculaneus, i:5i'*, 90-. Camptobrochis grandis, I: 153^- 54'; 2:614^ Campylus denticornis, 2:748'*. canadaria, Melanolophia, 2: 753". canadense, Eulecanium, 2: 725*. canadensis, Dendroides, 2' 494'", 701'. Leptura, 2: 650', 670°. Spathius, 2:359^, 393'. canadensisella, Bucculatrix, i: 258', 3I5*-I7'- Canadian Leptura, 2: 650', 670'. Canarsia ulmiarrosorella, 2; 725''. canarsiae, Urogaster, 2: 532'. candicans, Chaitophorus, 2:748'. Candida, Saperda, 1:51', 84'-S6-. canellus, Typophorus, see T. can- ellus. canescens, Tetrops, 2: 750^. caniplaga, Ellida, 2:731^. Cankerworm, birds feeding on, i: 2S-. capraea, Eulecanium, 2:744'. Neoclytus, 1:257-, 279'-So^. capreana, Olethreutes, 2:741'. capsulus, Andricus, 2:711*. cara, Catocala, 2: 743'. Carabidae, i: 23''. Carbolic soap wash, i: 55°. Carbon bisulphid, i: 45'. Cardiophorus gaegates, 2: 667'. cariniceps, Pityophthorus, 2: 650'', 674'. Caripeta angustiorata, 2: 753-. divisata, 2: 754'. Carneades scandens, 2:609*. carnifex, Cosmopepla, 2:611*. Carolina, Stagmomantis, i: 24', 146'', 1 54-. caroliniana, r)isonycha, 2: 511"', 563^-64''. caroliniensis, Amphibolips, 2: 710'. Carpenter bee, large, 2:430', 484'. Carpenter worm, 1:7'', 12', 45', 51', 5i«, 7q''-84'; 2:439'^ -'>''■■' also Oak carpenter worm; Pop- lar carpenter worm, carpini, .Acalyptus, 2: 742^. Psylla, 2:723^ Pteronus, 2: 723". Carpinus caroliniana, 2: 514'. Carpocapsa pomonella, 2: 609-. carueli, Diaspis, i: 173', 229'. caryae, Acrobasis, 2: 716'. Balaninus, 2: 584'-S5'. Callipterus, 2: 717*. Cecido.myia, 2: 718-. Chionaspis, 2: 717'. Diplosis, 2:619', 628^ Epagoge, 2: 717-. Eulecanium, 2: 725*. Halisidota, 1:258', 3i4'-i5'. Lachnus, 2: 717'. Microcentrus, 2:717*. caryae, Monophadnus, 2: 508', 536'-- Schizoneura, 2:717''. caryae-avellana. Phylloxera, 2: 7iS^. caryaecaulis. Phylloxera, 1:247', 259'. 33i*-32': 2:619*. caryaecola, Cecidomyia, 2:619*, 62S'. caryae-fallax. Phylloxera, 2:718''. caryaefoliae. Phylloxera, 2: 718'. Coleophora, 2: 717^. Lithocolletes, 2: 717''. Nepticula, 2: 717*. caryaefoliellus, Vpsolopnus, 2: 717'. caryae-globuli. Phylloxera, 2: 71S''. caryae-gummosa. Phylloxera, 2: 718-'. caryae-ren. Phylloxera, 2: 718^. caryae-semen. Phylloxera, 2: 718'. caryae-septum i-ar. perforans, Phylloxera, 2: 7iS''. caryaevenae. Phylloxera, 2: 718'. caryaevorella, Gelechia, 2: 717''. caryana, Enarmonia, 2: 512*, 583'- caryarum, Eulecanium, 2: 717'. caryella, Monellia, 2: 717*. caryicolum, Isodyctium, 2: 716^. Carynota mera, 2:720*. Case bearers, 1:20'-, 106', i7o'-7i'; 2:706*. cassandrae, Auletes, 2:738'. cassinii, Tibicen, i: 234*. castanea, Atymna, 2: 721.' Callipterus, 2:721'. Orchesia, 2: 731''. Tenebrioides, 2:492°. castaneae, Anthrenus, see A. castaneae. castaneacella, Lithocolletes, 2: 721*. Tischeria, 2: 721*. castaneaefoliella, Nepticula, 2: 72 r\ castaneum, Cerylon, 2:489*. Castastega aceriella, see Thiodia signatana. 8i4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Catalpa, injurious insects: AspidioUis ulnii, 2: 725'. bag or basket worm, i: 127'. leaf feeders, 2: 735'. lightning leaf hopper, 2:598'. Catalpa, hardy, resistance to in- sect attack, i: 47^. catalpae, Cecidomyia, 2:735". Ceratomia, 2: 735'. Catapastus conspersus, 2: 72q^. Catbird, 1:31', iii', III', 122', 237^ catenaria, Cingilia, 2: 706''. Catocala amasia, 2: 705^. amatrix, 2; 747^. arnica, 2: 505'. . angusi, 2: 216'. babayaga, 2: 743*. briseis, 2: 743''. cara, 2: 743^ cerogama, 2: 731'. coccinata, 2: 705'. concumbens, 2: 743*. epione, 2: 705^. flebilis, 2: 716'. fratercula, 2: 705*. grynea, 2:743''. habilis, 2: 716'. ilia, 2: 705*. illecta, 2: 729*. innubens, 2: 729*, insolabilis, 2: 716'. Judith, 2: 716''. lacrymosa, 2:705*. meskei, 2; 747*. minuta, 2: 729*. neogama, 2: 719*. obscura, 2: 716®. palaeogania, 2:716'. parta, 2: 743'. . piatrix, 2: 719''. polygama, 2: 705'. var. crataegi, 2: 734". relicta, 2: 743^. robinsonii, 2: 716'. Serena, 2: 716'. similis, 2: 705'. subnata, 2: 720'. ultronia, 2: 705^ unijuga, 2: 747*. vidua, 2: 705''. Catogenus rufus, 1:261'; 2:489*. Caudonia pityophthori, 2:393'. caulis, Acarus, 2: 720'. cavicollis, Galerucella, 2: 510" 550'. cavus, Hypophloeus, 2:504*. Cecidomyia aceris, 2: 728*. albovittata, 2: 746'. ananassi, 2: 755'*. annulipes, 2: 746'. atricornis, 2: 746'. atrocularis, 2: 746'. balsamicola, 2:621', 651', 685'. batatus, 2: 745''. bedeguar, 2: 734'. betulae, see Oligotrophus. brassicoides, 2: 745^ caryae, 2: 718'. caryaecola, 2:619*, 628'. citrina, 2: 731*. clavula, 2: 736'. cornuta, 2: 745'. coryloides, 2: 745'. cossae, 2: 718'. cynipsea, 2: 718'. erubescens, 2:619', 627'. gleditschiae, 2:729'. glutinosa, 2: 718*. holotricha, 2:619', 628'. hordeoides,^: 745'. inopis, 2: 752'. liriodendri, 2: 732*. majulis, 2: 710". negundinis, 2:728'. niveipila, 2: 710'. nodulus, 2: 745*. nucicola, 2: 718'. ocellaris, 2:619', 629'-3o'. orbitalis, 2: 746'. pellex, 2: 620', 632'-33'. persicoides, 2:619', 628'. pilulae, 2:619', 627'', 714'. pini-rigidae, 2:340', 423^-25', 621'. pudibunda, 2: 722'. resinicola, 2: 340', 4io''-i3', 424'. robiniae, 2: 730'. sanguinolenta, 2:718'. serotinae, 2: 733'. symmetrica, 2: 710'. triticoides, 2: 745''. tubicola, 2:619', 628'. Cecidomyia tulipiferae, 2: 732'. verruca, 2: 745'. verrucicola, 2:620', 631'. Cecidomyiae catalpae, 2:735'. Cecidomyidae, i:ii'; 2:617''. Cecidostiba dendroctoni, 2:390'. polygraph!, 2: 390'. Cecropia moth, 2:508', 539'. cecropia, Samia, 2:508', 539'. Cedar, injurious insects: Atimia confusa, 2: 751'. cedar tree borer, 2:650', 675'. red cedar bark beetle, 2:392'. Tephroclystis miserulata, 2: 7o6«. Cedar, red, see Juniper. Cedar, white, see Arbor vitae. Cedar birds, 9. in'. Cedar tree borer, 2:650', 675'-76''. Celama triquetrana, 2: 724'. Celastrus, Euonymus scale injur- ing, i: I73^ 2I3«. celastrusella, Zelleria, 2: 741''. celsus, Xyleborus, 2:427', 446'- 48', 504". celtidella, Salebria. 2: 726°. celtidis - asteriscus, Pachypsylla, 2: 726^ celtidis-cucurbita, Pachypsylla, 2: 726'. celtidis-gemma, Pachypsylla, 2: 726'. celtidis-globulus, Pachypsylla, 2: 726-'. celtidis-mamma, Pachypsylla, 2: 621', 647''. celtidis- pubescens, Pachypsylla, 2: 726*. celtidis - umbilicus, Pachypsylla, 2: 726^. celtidis - vesiculum, Pachypsylla, 2: 726''. celtifoliella, Lithocolletes, 2: 717'. celtis, Chlorippe, 2: 725'. Cenocoelius populator, 1:85'. Cenopis diluticostana, 2:707'. pettitana, 2: 512', 579'. reticulatana, 2: 512', 580', 707'. centerensis, Cossus, 2: 430', 476'— 77». ■ centricola, Holcaspis, 2:711®, GENERAL INDEX 815 Centrinus lineicollis, 2:719'. Centrodera decolorata, 2:428', 456-^ picta, 2: 715'. Ceophloeus pileatus abietorum, 1:29'. ceramboides, Upis, 2:497'. Cerambycidae, i: 11'. cerasi, Myzus, 1:246''. cerasicolens, Aphis, 2: 732^. cerasifex, Eulecanium, 2:728*. cerasifoliae, Aphis, 2: 732'. cerasivorana, Archips, 2: 510", 552'. Ceratomia amyntor, 2: 509^, 546^. catalpae, 2: 735''. undulosa, 2: 509', 548'-49*. Cercopeus chrysorhoeus, 2: 721'. Ceresa brevicornis, 2: 717*. bubalus, 2: 5gi'-g3'. cerintha, Chamyris, 2: 733*. ceragama, Catocala, 2: 731®. Ceroptres arbos, 2; 714'. ficus, 2: 714'. inermis, 2: 714'. obtusilobae, 2: 714''. petiolicola, 2: 714*. Ceruchus piceus, 2:492', 701'. Cerura cinerea, see Harpyia. occidentalis, 2: 743'. scitiscripta, 2: 743'. Cerylon castaneum, 2:489*. Chaitophorus aceris, 1:49, 172', I74--75'; 2;6o4«. candicans, 2: 748'. negundinis, 2: 729'. nigrae, 2:744'. pinicolens, 2: 753'. populicola, 2: 74S*. populifoliae, 2: 748*. spinosus, 2: 709*. viminalis, 2: 744'. Chalcid, 2: 375'. Chalcididae, 1:22'. Chalcis ovata, I: 127', 138'. robusta, 2: 555'. chalcofrontella, Holcocera, 2: 754'. Chalcophora campestris, 2: 722*. fortis, 2: 751^ liberta, 2:648', 654^-55'. Chalcophora virginiensis, 2:648', 653^-54', 654', 655', 655*. chalybea, Haltica, 2: 724'. chalybeus, Orcus, 1:223'. Chamyris cerintha, 2: 733"*. Charadra deridens, 2: 704''. Chariessa pilosa, 2:449', 504'- charus, Bracon, i:87''. Chauliognathus marginatus, I: I53«. Checkered beetles, 1:23'. Chermaphis laricifoliae, 2:755''. Chermes abieticolens, 2:754'. abietis, I: 172'', iSg'-gi'. atratus, i: 188'. coccineus, I: l88'. geniculatus, 1:188'. hamadryas, 1:188'. lariceti, i:iS8'. laricis, see C. strobilobius. pinicorticis, i: 172', ig2'-g5'; 2:604'. strobilobius, 1:172', i87*-88'. Cherry aphid, 1:246'. Cherry leaf beetle, 2: 510^, 550'. Cherry scallop shell moth, 2: 510', 551'- Cherry worm, ugly nest, 2:510', 552'- Cherrytree, injurious insects : aphids, i: 242'. borers: buprestis, divaricated, 2: 428«. 457«. fiat-headed borer, common, 1:87-. fruit tree bark beetle, 2:453-. peach bark beetle, 2:428', 452-- red horned borer, small, i: 299'. Sesia pictipes, 2:453'. Xyleborus pubescens, 2:702'. flower cricket, white, 2:603'. leaf feeders: Apatela impleta, 2: 749'. lobeliae, 2: 704'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'. Azelina ancetaria, 2: 728'. bag or basket worm, 1:127'. Cherrytree, inj. insects {loiit'j): leaf feeders: Basilarchia astyanax, 2: 704*. brown tail moth, i: 164'. Cecropia moth, 2: 539'', Cenopis diluticostana, 2: 707'. cherry worm, ugly nest, 2: 552'. Cleora larvaria, 2: 743'. Croesus latitarsus, 2:748'. Euchlaena johnsonaria, 2: 706'. forest tent caterpillar, i: no', hag moth caterpillar, 2: 528'. Heterocampa biundata, 2: 727^ io caterpillar, 2:522'. larch lappet, 2:680'. leaf roller, oblique banded, 2:580'. Lithacodes fasciola, 2: 728^. Odontota quadrata, 2: 731'. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Plagodis fervidaria, 2: 706'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. rose beetle, 2: 575'. saddleback caterpillar, 2: 528'. Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. Sisyrosea textula, 2: 721*. Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2: 724'. Thecla liparops, 2: 704'. Tolype velleda, 2: 727*. Tortricidia pallida, 2: 707'. tussock moth, white marked, 1:136'. viceroy, 2: 559'. scale or sucking insects: Aspidiotus juglans-regiae, 2: 719'. Eulecanium cerasifex, 2: 728'. Cherrytree, black, Ceruchus piceus injuring, 2:492', 701'. Cherrytree, morello, apple wood stainer injuring, 1:290'. Cherrytree, red, Eulecanium caryae injuring, 2: 725'. 8i6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cherrytrce, wild, injurious in- sects; borers: 2:733'. Cyrtophorus verrucosus, 2: Parandra brunnea, 2; 701*. Platypus compositus, 2:720'. powder post beetle, 1:297". red horned borer, small, I: 299'. Sesia pictipes, 2:453''. gall insects: 2: 733'. leaf feeders: 2: 733". Adoneta spinuloides, 2:706'. Apatela clarescens, 2:733'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 510-, buck moth, i: 311'. Callosamia angulifera, 2: 732''. Cerura scitiscripta, 2: 743'. cherry leaf beetle, 2: 510', SSO-". cherry scallop shell moth, 2: 510'', 55I''- Coptodisca saliciella, 2:744^. Crepidodera helxines, 2: 742°. Cyaniris ladon, 2: 727'. Euclea chloris, 2: 706'. delphinii, 2: 529-, 706'. indetermina, 2: 52S'. Harpyia borealis, 2: 743'. leaf roller, v-marked, 2:531*. Lithocolletes blancardella, 2: 708". Machimia teiitoriferella, 2: 708=. Panapoda rufimargo, 2: 705*. Prolimacodes scapha, 2: 707'. promethea moth, 2: 557*. Schizocerus prunivorus, 2: 734'. Scopelosoma sidus, 2:705'. Serica sericea, 2: 553^. Sisyrosea inornata, 2: 728^. Tortricidia flexuosa. 2: 717*. testacea, 2: 707''. tussock moth, dark, 2:524'. walnut sphinx, 2: 518'. scale insects: scurfy scale, 1:215'. chersis. Sphinx, 2:727'. Chestnut, injurious insects: borers: 2: 720'. apple wood stainer, I:2go\ brenthian, northern, 1:263*. Callidium aereum, 2:428', 450'. Calloides nobilis, 2:427', 443'. carpenter worm, 1:84'. Ceruchus piceus, 2:492'. chestnut borer, two-lined, I: 257', 280". chestnut timber worm, 2: 427', 449'. Cryptorhynchus bisignatus, 2: 702\ Euderces picipes, 2:427*, 445'- Eupogonius vestitus, 2: 715'. flat-headed borer, common, i: S7'-'. Goes debilis, 2:702^. hickory borer, banded, I: 268'2. Hyperplatys aspersus, 2: 746'. leptostylus, spotted, 2:482'. Leptura zebra, 2:450'. maple and oak twig pruner, l:6i3. prionus, broad-necked, 2: 486'. lesser, 2: 4S7*. rustic borer, 1:260'. Sesia pictipes, 2:453*. scitula, 2:428^ 451-'. thunderbolt beetle, 2:427", 444'- Thysanoes quercus, 2:702'. Urographis fasciatus, 2: 435'. Xyleborus fuscatus, 2: 752'-. pubescens, 2: 702'. Xyloterus politus, 1:292'. leaf feeders: 2: 721''. Adoneta spinuloides, 2: 706'. American dagger moth, 2: 525'- American silk worm, 2: 526'. Apatela hamamelis, 2; 704*. ovata, 2: 704*. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'. Chestnut, inj. insects (cotit'd): leaf feeders: Argyresthia austerella, 2: 70S'. Catocala palaeogama, 2; 716^. Datana contracta, 2:725'. Ennomos magnarius, 2: 725*. subsignarius, 2:725''. Euclea chloris, 2: 706'. delphinii, 2: 529", 706'. Eugnamptus angustatus, 2: 703«. hag moth caterpillar, 2: 528\ Heterocampa guttivitta, 2: Ileterogenea shurtleffii, 2: 707". lanassa lignicolor, 2: 705'. Kronaea minuta, 2: 707^ Lithacodes fasciola, 2:728^. luna moth, 2: 526'. Natada nasoni, 2: 707^*. Prolimacodes scapha, 2:707'. Pryophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. Scolecocampa liburna, 2: 705'. Thecla calanus, 2: 704^. liparops, 2: 704'. Therina endropiaria, 2: 706'. Tortricidia flexuosa, 2:717'^ pallida, 2: 707''. tussock moth, dark, 2: 524'. Tymnes tricolor, 2: 515''. nut pests: , acorn weevil, 2:584'. chestnut weevils, 2:512'', 585^ sucking insect: 2: 721'. Chestnut borer, two-lined, 1:257', 28o«-83^ Chestnut timber worm, 2:427', 449''- Chestnut weevils, 2: 5I2\ sSs-i-SS'. Chestnut worm, 1:7''. chevrolatii, Otidocephalus, 2: 715'- Chewink, I: m*. Chickadee, 1:32-, 33^ 61', iii'', 122', 166*. black-capped, i: iii'. Chilocorus bivulnerus, i: 186', I 195', I93«, 208', 216', 223', 231'. GENERAL INDEX 817 Chilocorus similis, 1:223''. Chiloneurus albicornis, i: 182'. diaspidinarum, 1:212'. Chimney swift, i: 137*. Chinch bug, 2:685'; losses caused liy, i:6^ false, 2:651*, 685'. chinquapin, Figites, 2: 714'. Chion cinctus, 1:256', 267'-'68^. chionanthi, Periclista, 2:738'. Chionaspis americana, 1:173'', 207«-8'. caryae, 2: 717'. corni, 2: 736'. euonymi, 1:173^, 2I3'-I4". furfura, 1:173*, 2i4'-i6'. var. fulva, 2: 735'. , lintneri, i: 173®, 227'-28''. ortholobis, 2:744*. pinifoliae, i: 173', 22g*-3i'''. salicis-nigrae, 2: 744'. Chippies, i: 26'. chiridota, Lacosoma, 2: 706'. Chlaenogramma jasminearum, 2: 727'^ Chlamys plicata, 2:703*. chloreus, Nematus, 2: 703'. Chloridea virescens, 2:736'. Chlorippe celtis, 2: 725'. clyton, 2: 725'. chloris, Euclea, 2: 706*. Parasa, 2: 529*. choerilus, Ampelophaga, 2:738^. Chokecherrytree, injurious in- sects: borers: Agrilus vittaticolli'., 2: 720'. leaf feeders: bag or basket worm, i: 127'. cherry worm, ugly nest, 2: 5I0^ 552'. Hylotoma macleayi, 2: 510', 549'- tussock moth, white marked, I: 136'. scale insect: scurfy scale, 1:215'. Choragus sayi, 2:722^. Chramesus hicoriae, 2:336*, 336', 427', 448^, 502*. Chrysol)Othris azurea, 2: 429', 467'. blanchardi, 2: 751'. Chrysobothris dentipes, 2:648', 657'-58''. femorata, 1:51'', 86^-87', 261'; 2: 503*. floricola, 2:649', 657", 658'', 658'\ harrisii, 2:467^, 751'. pusilla, 2: 649', 658'. scabripennis, 2:753*. scitula, 2: 701'. sexsignata, 2: 721'. trinervia, 2: 751'. Chrysocorys erythriella, st-e Schreckensteinia. Chrysomela, pine, 2:653'', C^JS'- Chrysomela bigsbyana, 2:511'', 566'. conjuncta, 2: 747'. multiguttata, 2:742'. multipuncta, 2:566', 566'. philadelphica, 2: 752'. vnr. spireae, 2: 742'. phirsa, 2: 731°. scalaris, 2: 509', 542'-44'-. Chrysomelidae, l:ii'. Chrysomphalus obscurus 2:709*. smilacis, 2: 740'. tenebricosus, 2:728*. Chrysopa, 1:14'', 195"*. sp. l: l86'-, 231''. arcuata, i: 191^ Chrysopeleia ostryaeella, 2: 723'. purpuriella, 2: 730'. chrysorl.oeus. Cercopeus, 2: 721'-. chrysorrhoea, Euproctis, 1:28'. 105', 163^-66', 254'. Cicada, dog day, 1:174', 237'-38'. periodical, 1:173', 23i'-37*. Cicada septendecim, see Tibicen. tibicen, see Tibicen. Cicada killer, 2: 6o3'-4^. cicadina, Massospora, 1:237^. cicatricula, Andricus, 2:710'. Cicinnus melsheimeri, 2:706'. Cigar case bearer, i: 171*. ciliata, Corythuca, 2: 599^-600*, 719'. Ciliated tingis, 2: 599^-600^. Cimbex americana, 1:105*, I55'~ 58'. cimbicis, Phora, 1:158'. Sarcophaga, I: 158*. cincinnatiella, Lithocolletes, 2: 708*. cinctifrons, Cixius, 2: 717*. cinctus, Chion, 1:256', 267'-68'. Emphytus, 2: 735'. cinerea, Harpyia. 2:510', 559'. Hetoemis, 2: 726*. cinerella, Coleophora, 2: 747'. cinereus, Liopus, 2: 481'. Pandeletejus, 2:436'. Cingilia catenaria, 2: 706''. cingulatus, Oncideres, 1:256', 271-^-74''. cinnamomeus, Aradus, 2: 752*. cinnamopterum, Tetropium, set T. cinnamopterum. Cinyra gracilipes, 2:701'. Cistela sericea, 2: 518''. Citheronia regalis, 1:258^, 305'-6''. sepulchralis, 2: 752'. citrina, Cecidomyia, 2:731*. citrinipennella, Tischeria, 2: 708'. citrinus, Aspidiotiphagus, see A. citrinus. Cixius cinctifrons, 2:717'. coloepium, 2: 717'. pini, 2:753«. Cladius isomera, 2: 741''. pectinicornis, 2: 735'. Cladobius flocculosus, 2:744". salicis, 2: 744'. salicti, 2: 744*. clarescens, Apatela, 2:733'. claripennis, Euphorocera, see E. claripennis. Spathius, 2:389'. clarkei, Dryophanta, 2: 716*, 713'. Clastoptera, obtuse, 2:687'. pine, 2: 686'. Clastoptera obtusa, 2:687'. pini, 2:686'. proteus, 2: 598''. clavipes, Cucujus, 2: 489'-go'^, 701'*. clavula, Andricus, 2:618'', 624*, 714'. Cecidomyia, 2: 736'. claypoleana, Epinotia, 2: 509", 54o'-4i«. Clearwing, three banded, 2:429', 471'. clemataria, Abbotana, 2: 721^. 8i! NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM clemensell.i, Lithocolletes, 2: 728^ Nepticula, 2; 719^- Cleora cribrataria, 2:743'. 754*- larvaria, 2: 743'. pampinaria, 2:743'. Clerid, orange-banded, 2:502'. scarlet winged, 2: 503'. Cleridae, i: 23*. Clerus formicarius, 2: 500'. ichneumoneus, i: 278*; 2:502'. quadriguttatus, 2:649*, (>(>(>^- quadrisignatus var. nigripes, 2: 393'- Clethra alnifolia, 1:215'. clethrae, Nola, 2; 739''. Climacia, i; 18'. Clisiocampa americana, str Mala- cosonia. disstria, see Malacosoma. clisiocampae, Ablerus, hy A. clisiocampae. Cloudy bark beetle destroyer, 2: 653'. 693'-- Clover, red, locust leaf miner injuring, i: 327'. Clover leaf weevil, I; 18'. clymene, Haploa. 2: 704''. Clytanthus albofasciatus, 2: 7i5\ ruricola, 2; 715'. clyton, Chlorippe, 2: 725". Clytus pictus, j-('(? Cyllene. Coarse writing bark beetle, 2: 338*, 345'-5i'- 35I'*- coccidivora, Laetilia, 1:198*. coccinata, Catocala, 2: 705'. coccinea, Diedrocephala, 2: 717'. Coccinella novemnotata, 2:652', 691'. trifasciata, 2:652', 691*. Coccinellidae, 1:23'. coccineus, Chermes, 1: 188*. coccisugus, Hemisarcoptes, i: 2I3^ coccois, Rhopus, 1:185'. Coccophagus flavoscutellum, i: igif, 2 to'. fraternus, i: i8i'-82'. lecanii, i: 199*, 203'. coccophila, Sphaerostilba, 1:224^. Cochlidion biguttata, 2:707^. y-inversa, 2: 717'. cockerelli, Eulecanium, 2:725'. Cockscomb elm gall, i: 172', 186'- 87', 247^^; 2:620''. Codling moth, 2:609^ coelebs, Amphibolips, 2: 712*. Coelostetlius notatus, 2: 701'. Coenus delius, 2: 653', •697'. coerulea, Hylotoma, 2: 748'. coeruleus. Ichneumon, i: 138*. Coffee tree, Adocephala bicolor injuring, 2: 729'. cogitans, Eupristocerus, 2: 750^. cognataria, Lycia, 2:728'. Colaptes auratus luteus, 1:29'. Colaspis brunnea, 2:730'. Colastus truncatus, 2:491'. Coleophora caryaefoliella, 2: 717^. cinerella, 2: 747'. corylifoliella, 2: 723*. fletcherella, l: 171^. laricella, 1:106', i7o'-7i'. limosipennella, I: 106', l67'-68''. ostryae, 2: 722'. pruniella, 2; 733'. querciella, 2: 708'. rosacella, 2: 736'. rosaefoliella, 2: 736'. tiliaefoliella, 2: 731'. viburniella, 2: 738°. Coleoptera, i: 11'. coUaris, Eugnamptus, 2:716'. Leptostylus, 2: 720'. collinsi, Atropates, Irigg'. coloepium, Cixius, 2: 717'. colonus, Xylotrechus, i: 256', 259'- 61'; 2:671'. Colopha ulmicola, 1:172", 186'- 87'H 247'; 2:620''. Colorado potato beetle, 2:608'. columba, Tremex, 1:50', 54', 61'- 64, 261''. Columbia, Samia, 2: 755''. columbianus, Corthylus, 2: 702'. Colydium lineola, I: 292''', 293'. comma, Polygonia, 2: 509^ 545*- 46'. commelinae, Prodenia, 2: 716". commixtus, Leptostylus, 2:751'. communis, Hymenorus, 2: 701'. Melanotus, 2: 492*. Meteorus, .1: 138'. comptaria, Venusia, 2: 722*. comptoniella, Acrobasis, 2: 738^ corastockiana, Evetria, 2:340', 407'-lo', 411'. comstockii, Aspidiotus, 2: 728'. Ephialtes, 2: 409'. Comys fusca, i: 199'. concitina, Cryptarcha, 2:491'. Schizura, 2: 743'. concinnus, Cossonus, 2:751'. concolor, Cupes, 2: 753'. Dendroides, 2:494^. Saperda, 2:429', 469', 471', 474', 474'- concumbens, Catocala, 2:743''. condita, Platagrotis, 2: 752'. confederata, Eurycyttarus, 2: 721*. confinis, Pityophthorus, 2: 751'. confluentus, Amphibolips, 2:618', 625', 625-'. confusa, Atimia, 2: 751'. Morrisonia, 2: 727*. confusor, Monohammus, 2:334'- 35'. 339°- 36o'-63'. 364'- confusus, Hylobius, 2:751'. Limonius, 2: 667'. conica, Phylloxera, 2: 718'. conicum, Himatium, 2: 732'. coniferarum, Lapara, 2: 753''. Coniferous trees, enemies of, 2: 333'-425'; less destructive in- sects affecting, 2:648^-700'. coniperda, Pityophthorus, 2: 751'. conipositus. Platypus, ?■: 720'. conjuncta, Chrysomela, 2:747'. connecta, Apatela, 2: 742'. Conotrachelus affinis, 2:582'. anaglypticus, 2: 509', 544'. crataegi, 2: 734''. elegans, 2: 7I5''- juglandis, 2:512', 58i«-82*. naso, 2: 734''. nenuphar, 2: 5S2', 715'. posticatus, 2: 734'. seniculus, 2: 512', 582'. conquisitor, Pimpla, st-e P. con- quisitor. consimilis, Neuroterus, 2:711'. Pityogenes, 2:482'. Pityophthorus, 2: 503', 737'- consors, Pontania, 2: 745'. GENERAL INDEX 819 conspersus, Catapastus, 2: 729'. consularis, Buprestis, 2:751'. Contact insecticides, 1:35'; for- mulas for, i: 38^-39'. contatella, Salebria, 2: 730'. contracta, Datana, 2: 725'. Hydriomena, 2: 754'. convergens, Xylotrechus, 2; 734''. cookii, Amphibolips, 2: 712'^. copalina, Orthaltica, 2:737". Coptocycla signitica, 2: 730-'. Coptodisca juglandiella, 2: 720'. lucifluella, 2: 717*. ostryaefoliella, 2: 722^ saliciella, 2: 744''. splendoriferella, 2: 734*. Coptotriche zelleriella, 2: 708'. Copturodes longulus, 2: 702*, 751'. 'quercus, 2: 702'. Copturus binotatus, 2: 730''. coquus var. fulvipenne, Tragid- ion, 2: 702'^. cordifera, Leptura, 2: 720'. cordigera, Anarta, 2: 738*. Coriscium albinatella, 2: 708*. cuculipennellum, 2: 727'. corni, Chionaspis, 2: 736^. Schizoneura, 2:737'. Sesia, 2:428', 456■'-57^ cornifoliae. Aphis, 2: 737'. cornifoliana, Ancylis, 2; 736*. cornifoliella, Antispila, 2: 736'. cornigerus, Andricus, 2:437*, 451', 6i8^, 624'. Cornus, see Dogwood, cornuta, Cecidomyia, 2: 745". cornutus, Antliribus, 2: 730''. Passalus, 2: 492*. corrugis, Dryophanta, 2: 714'. Neuroterus, 2: 713'. Corthylus columbianus, 2: 702'. punctatissimus, 1:50*, 65'-67''; 2: 732^ corticalis, Tenebrioides, 2:492', 721'. corticola, Boletophagus, 2: 754*. Cossonus, 2: 751'. Corvidae, i: 30'. corvulus, Anthonomus, 2: 736'. corylanum, Exartema, 2: 723'. coryli, Monocesta, 2: 724^. coryli, Strophosomus, 2: 749'. corylifoliella, Coleophora, 2: 723«. Nepticula, 2: 723'. corylisella, Gelechia, 2; 750*. Lithocolletes, 2: 723*. coryloides, Cecidomyia, 2: 745^. Corylus americana, Cliionaspis lintneri injuring, 1:227'. corylus, Pteronus, 2: 750''. Corymbites cruciatus, 2:722'. hamatus, 2: 740"*. hieroglyphicus, 2: 653', 692*-93''. propola, 2:652', 692'. sulcicoUis, 2:492'. vernalis, 2: 752^. Corytliuca arcuata, 2:5g8''-9g', 720'. ciliata, 2: 599"-6oo^, 719'. juglandis, 2:749'. Coscinoptera dominicana, 2:737". Cosmopepla carnifex, 2:611'. Cosmophorus hopkinsii, 2:379^, 389'-9o'. cossae, Cecidomyia, 2:718'. Cossidae, i: 12". Cossonus concinnus, 2:751'. corticola, 2: 751'. crenatus, 2: 751''. piniphilus, 2: 751*. platalea, 2:428'', 455''-56'. Cossus centerensis, 2:430', 476'- 77'. macmurtrei, see Prionoxystus. querciperda, 2:477'. Cosymbia lumenaria, 2: 749^. Cotalpa lanigera, 2: 724*. Cotton worm, losses caused by, 1:6". Cottonwood, resistance to insect attacks, I: 47'. injurious insects: borers: carpenter worm, 1:80^, 84'. Hyperplatys aspersus, 2: 746'. poplar borer, i: g8', 99®. poplar carpenter worm, 2: 476'. willow bor 103'. ;r, mottled, I: Cottonwood, inj. insects {cont'd): gall insects: basal leaf gall, 2:620', 636''. poplar leaf stem gall. 2: 620', 635'. vagabond gall, 2:635'. leaf feeder: Cottonwood leaf beetle, i: 317'. scale or ;:ucking insects: Aspidiotus rapax, 2: 728'. Buffalo tree hopper, 2: 592''. Chionaspis ortholobis, 2: 744*. Cottonwood leaf beetle, 1:258', 3I7»-22'-. Cottonworm, 2:609'^. Cottony maple scale, 1:8", 12', 173', i96'-200''. Crab apple, injurious insects: leaf feeders: Mineola indigenella, 2:733'. Cranberry, red-banded leaf roller injuring, 2: 532^ crassimana, Limosina, 1:74'. crassipes, Pilophorus, 2:651', 686'. crassitelus, Neuroterus, 2: 710'. crassulus, Liopus, 2:715'. crataegi, Conotrachelus, 2: 734''. Nectarophora, 2: 735'. Pseudanthonomus, 2:733". Schizoneura, 2: 735'. crataegifoliella, Nepticula, 2: 734'. Ornix, 2: 734*. Crataegus, see Thorn. Cratoparis lunatus, 2:498", 499'. Cratotechus orgyiae, 1:138'. Creeper, black and white, i: iii'. Cremastus retiniae, 2:410'. crenatus, Cossonus, 2:751'. Crepidodera aesculi, i: 730'. helxines, 2: 742'. rufipes, 2: 510', 556". crepuscularia, Ectropis, 2: 743', 749'. Cressonia juglandis, 2: 506', 518'- 19', 720'. cressonii, Tenthredo, 2: 748'. cretata, Saperda, 2: 734". 520 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cribrataria, Cleora, 2:743', 754 ■ cribripeniiis, Pityophthorus, 2: 751'- cribulosus, Melanotiis. 2: 752-'. Crinkled flannel moth, 2:507', 529'-3o3. Criocephalus agrestis, 2:649^, 659'-6o'. Crioceris asparagi, 2:608'. crispata, Lagoa, 2: 507', 529'*-30^ cristatus, Prionidus, i: 140'', 146^, 324', 328'. cristifasciella, Paralechia, 2: 707'. crocallata, Tetracis, 2: 721-'. Crocigrapha normani, 2: 704'. Croesus latitarsus, 2: 74S'. Crows, 1:30', III*, 122''', 166', 237-; voracity, i; 26*. cruciatus, Corymbites, 2: 722'. crudiae, Hypothenemus, 2:715'. Cryplialus piceae, 2: 753'. striatulus, 2:376', 650'\ 673''. crypta. Ataxia, 2:702''. Cryptarcha concinna, 2:491'. Cryptocephalus guttulatus, 2: 703*. leucomelas, 2: 746'. mutabilis, 2: 703'. quadrimaculatus, 2:653', 695'. quadruplex, 2: 724'. schreibersii, 2:653'', 695*. Cryptolechia quercicella, 2:708'. Cryptorhynchus bisignatus, 2: 702'. fallax, 2: 715*. ferratus, 2: 702'\ lapathi, 1:49; 5i'. 100^-3'; 2: 469''. minutissimus, 2: 702'. obliquus, 2: 715', 737'. obtentus, 2: 720'. parochus, 2:494'. tristis, 2:702^ Crypturgus alutaceus, 2:753'. atomus, 2:338'', 35g''-6o'. Cryptus grallator, I: 87'. nuncius, i: 158*. Cuckoos, 1:30', iii^. III'', III*, 122', 137', 237'. black-billed, 1:27', 166'. yellow-billed, i: 27^ cucujifornie, Smodicuni, 2:701',] -41''. Cucujus clavipcs, 2:4S9'-go^ 701''. Cuculidae, I: 30'. cuculipennellum, Coriscium, 2: 727^. cucullatus, Athous, 2:701'^. culta, Acmaeodera, 2:715'. cultellator, Ibalia, 2:499''. cunea, Hyphantria, i: 142', 143'. Cupes concolor, 2: 753'. cuproideus, Pteromalus, 1:138', 139'- Curculio, two spotted, 2: 506', 5i6'-l7*. Curculionidae, i: 11". Curius dentatus, 2:702'. Currant, injurious insects: gall insect: willow shoot sawfly, i: 302''. leaf feeders: filament bearer, 2: 508', 530''. Priocycla armataria, 2: 749*. rose leaf folder, 2: 581''. Xylina antennata, i: 131'. scale insect: scurfy scale, I: 215'. Currant worms, 2: 607*. curvimacula, Calocampa, 2:743'. Cutworm, 2:609'. cyanana, Olethreutes, . 2:512', 577'-79'. cyanea, Gastroidea, 2: 742''. cyanellus, Rhynchites, 2: 567', 742'. cyaneus, Paururus, 2:649', 669'. cyanipennis, Gaurotes, see G. cyanipennis. cyanipes, Poecilonota, 2: 746". Cyaniris ladon, 2:727*. Cybocephalus nigritulus, I: 231'. cygnaei, Dendrophagus, 2:490'. cylindricus, Hister, 2:350', 354', 359''- Cyllene pictus, 1:256*, 264'-66'. robiniae, 1:49, S^'. 93'-97'- Cymatophora pustularia, 2:733', 738'. cymatophoroides, Pseudothya- tira, 2: 706'. Cynipidae, i: 10' . Cynipids, 2: 616', 616'. Cynips decidua, 2:619', 627'. floccosa, 2: 711'. frondosa, 2: 7I4-. juglans, 2: 710'. nigricens, 2: 711'. prinoides. 2:6ig', 627'. rugosa, 2: 713'. strobilana, 2:618', 625'. vesicula, 2: 710'. cynipsea, Cecidomyia, 2: 718'. Cynthia moth, 1:45''. cynthia, Philosamia, 1:45''; 2: 727'- Cypress, injurious insects : brenthian, northern, 1:263^ Cecidomyia ananassi, 2: 755'. tussock moth, white marked, 1:136'. cyriades, Eulophus, 2: 577'. Cyrtinus pygmaeus, 2: 702'. Cyrtolobus fenestratus, 2:597''. vau, 2: 717'. Cyrtoneura stabulans, i: 153*. Cyrtophorus verrucosus, 2:722'. dactylina, Apatela, 2: 742'. Dagger moth, smeared, 2: 511^, 560'. dalmanni, Habrolepis, 1:331'. dama, Lucanus, 2: 701*. damon, Mitoma, 2: 740''. Daremma undulosa, see Ceratomia. tussock moth, : 507S Dark 524''. Darkling beetles, i:23'-24'. dasycerus, Ecyrus, 2: 715'. Dasylophia anguina, 2:730'. Dasyneura pseudacaciae, 2: 730' serrulatae, 2: 750'. Datana angusii, 2:508', 535'. contracta, 2: 725'. drexelii, 2: 739'. integerrima, i: 2 major, 2: 739'. ministra, 2: 508', palmii, 2: 739*. persp'cua, 2: 737*. dearnessi, Phenacoccus, 2:735'. debilis, Goes, 2:702'. Spilochalcis, 1:140''. Decatomidea polygraph!, 2: 390' 3 , 303"-5''. 535*. 535''-3f'''. GENERAL INDEX 821 Decaying wood, borers in, 2:430'- 31', 484'; inhabitants, 2:484'- 94«. decemlineata, Doryphora, 2:608'. decemraaculata, I.estodiplosis, 2: 746'. decemnotata, Xanthonia, 2: 703". decidua, Cynips, 2:619', 627''. Deciduous forest trees, insects af- fecting, 2:426^-30*; leaf eaters affecting, 2: 5o6'-8l* ; frequent- ers, usually beneficial, 2: 588^- 6i4». decipiens, Acanthoderes, 2:429', 473*- Anthonomus, 2: 734'. Xylocleptes, 2:715'. decolorata, Centrodera, sc'e C. de- colorata. decora, Galerucella, 2: sii'', 566'. decorus, Arotes, 1:261'. decuriella, Dioryctria, 2:684*. Deer moth, i: 310^. definita, Hemerocampa, i: 133', 134' ; 2:507', 522^-23', 607'. Definitions, i: 8'-io*. deflorata, Ecpantheria, 2:742'. t)eidaniia inscriptuni. 2: 740^. Deilephila galii, 2: 736'. lineata, 2: 724*. Deilinia erythremaria, 2: 743'. variolaria, 2: 743^. delicatus, Apanteles, 1:138'. Macrocentrus, 2: 531*. delineata, Paectes, 2: 724'. delius, Coenus, .ttv C. delius. delphinii, Euclea, 2: 528', 529^, 706'. 7'iir. paenulata, Euclea, 2: 744'. Demas propinquilinea, 2: 749''. demotella, Acrobasis, 2: 719'. dcndroctoni, Cecidostiba, 2: 390'. Dendroctonus, 2: 337"''. frontalis, 1:6'. piceaperda, 1 : 6", 7'; 2: 33S'',379'- 85', 693^ pusillus, 2: 752'. rufipennis, 2:753'. simplex, 2: 752'. terebrans, 2: 333', 33S', 342^-45', 357^ Dendroides canadensis, 2:494', 701'. concolor, 2:494'. Dendrophagus cygnaei, 2:490*. dentatus, Curius, 2: 702'. Lachnus, 2: 744'. Phloeosinus, 2:336', 337', 338', 391^-93'. denticoUis, Myochrous, 2: 730'. denticornis, Campylus, 2: 748*. dentipes, Chrysobothris, 2: 648', 657«-58-'. deplanata. Phylloxera, 2: 718'. depressa, Phyllo-xera, 2: 718*. Depressaria betulella, 2: 749^. groteella, 2: 723'. robiniella, 2: 730'. depressus, Boletophagus, 2: 754'. Platycerus, 2: 722-. depsarium, Tragosoraa, 2:659'. Deptalia insularia, 2: 721'. deridens, Charadra, 2: 704*. Dermestes pulcher, 2:431', 489'. Derostenus primus, i: 328'. Desmocerus palliatus, 2: 737'. desmodioides, Pontania, 2:621', 63S'. detracta, Mamestra. 2: 716'. detritus, Bassareus, 2: 703'. devia, Scopelosoma, 2:705'. Diacrisia latipennis, 2: 727'. virginica, 2: 720'. Diaperis hydni, 2:497'-g8'. Diaphania quadristigmalis, 2: 737'. Diapheromera feniorata, 2: 508^, 533-'-35', 608'. diaspidinarum, Chiloneurus, i: 212*. Diaspis carueli, i: 173', 229'. rosae, st'e Aulacaspis. Dibrachys boucheanus, 1:127'- 28', 140', I40''. Dicerca, lurid, 2:427^,442^-43'. Dicerca asperata, 2: 701'. divarirata, 2: 428', 457'-58''. lurida, 2: 504'. obscura 7>ar. lurida, 2:427*, 442^-43', 499', 500'. prolongata, 2: 746*. Dicerca pugionata, 2: 750'. Dicerca punctulata, 2:648', 656'. tenebrosa, 2:648', 657'. tuberculata, 2:648*, 656*. Dichelonycha albicollis, 2:653', 694'. elongata, 2: 716'. fuscula, 2: 703'. subvittata, 2:723''. dichlocerus, Rhodites, 2:621', 648', 648'. Dichrooscytus rufipennis, 2:652', 6S7'-S8'. Diedrocephala coccinea, 2: 717'. difficilis, Paromalus, 2:389'. diffinis. Aspidiotus, 2: 731'. var. axillaris, Ilemaris, 2: 741'. Diglochis omnivora, I: 166'. dilutata, Epirrita, 2:706'. diluticostana, Cenopis, 2: 707'. dilutus, Monophadnus, 2:703^ dimidiata, Pheosia, 2: 747'. dimidiatus, Phymatodes, j-«v P. di- midiatus. Rhizophagus, 2: 721'. dimorphus, Synergus, 2: 7I4''. Dinoderus punctatus, 2: 701*. Dioryctria abietella, 2: 752''. decuriella, 2:684'. reniculella, 2:651', 684'. diospyri, Aphis, 2: 735'. Diphthera fallax, 2:738''. diplosidis, Syntasis, 2:412'. Diplosis sp. 1: 140'. caryae, 2:619', 628''. pini-rigidae, sen Cecidomyia. resinicola, x^'c' Cecidomyia. tritici, I: 6'. Diptera, i: 11', 21'. Dircaea liturata, st-e Phloeotrya liturata. discoidea, Saperda, 1:256*, 269''- 70''. discoideus, Elater, 2: 722'. discolor, Callipterus, 2:709'. dislocatus, Phyllobaenus, 2:389', 449'. 503^- Disonycha caroliniana, 2:511', 563''-64'. xanthomelaena, 2:564'. dispar, Porthetria, jcf P. dispar. Xyleborus, see X. dispar. 82: NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ilissimilis, Ilypothenemus, 2: V^S'- Stephaiioderus, 2: 702'. disstria, Malacosoma, scY M. dis- stria. distans, Apatela, 2:747'. Distenia undata, 2:720''. distortus, Neuroterus, 2:711''. Ditoma quadriguttata, 2:489'. divaricata. Dicera, 2:428*, 457'- 58'. Divaricated buprestis, 2:428', 457'-58'. diversilineata, Eustroma, 2:706^ divisata, Caripeta, 2: 754'. Dog day cicada, i: 174', 237^-38'. Dogwood, injurious insects: Anthrenus castaneae, 2:614^. borers, 2: 736*. Eupogonius vestitus, 2: 715''. leopard moth, 1:78'. Liopus punctatus, 2:432'. Molorchus bimaculatus, 2; 7I5''- Neoclytus erythrucephalus, I: 72'. oak bark beetle, minute, i: . 295'- Sesia scitula, 2: 42S'-, 451*. sugar maple timber beetle, 1:67^. gall insects: Cecidomyia clavula, 2:736*. leaf feeders: 2: 736'. Coleophora caryaefoliella, 2: 7I7''- Cyaniris ladon, 2: 727'. forest tent caterpillar, 1:110'. hag moth caterpillar, 2; 528'. Heterocampa biundata, 2: 727*. subrotata, 2: 716'. Lithacodes f asciola, 2: 728'' . •Schizura unicornis, 2: 705*. scale or sucking insects: 2: 730'. Chionaspis lintneri, 1:173'. 227*. salicis-nigrae, 2: 744'. Clastoptera proteus, 2: 5y8'. dohrnii, Kaliosysphinga, 2: 750^. Dolba hylaeus, 2: 739". Dolerus arvensis, 2: 741'. Dolerus bicolor, 2:741'. dollii, Memythrus, 2:746'. dominicana, Coscinoptera, 2: 737'. Dorcas parallelus, 2:492'. Dorcaschema alternatum, 2:726'. nigrum, 2:427', 444'*-45^ wildii, 2: 726'. Dorcatoma setulosum, 2: 748'. dormitans, Baileya, 2: 716'. dorsalis, Acordulecera, 2: 716'. Odontota, 1:258*, 325'-2g*. dorsimaculana, Phalonia, 2: 744^. Doryphora decemlineata, 2:608'. Dorytomus mucidus, 2: 746'. parvicoUis, 2:430', 475''. squamosus, 2: 742^. vagenotatus, 2:430-, 475'. Dragonflies, i: 146". Drepana arcuata, 2: 749*. Drepanosiphum acerifolii, i: 172^, i75'-76^ tiliae, 2: 731'. drexelii, Datana, 2:739'. Drosophila, i: 14'. drummondi, Melanophila, 2:753*. drupiferarum. Sphinx, 2: 726'. Dryobates pubescens medianus, 1:28". vilosus, I: 28*, 287''. Dryobiussexfasciatus, 2: 702', 722-. Dryocoetes, 2:337'. s/>., 2:386', 429', 468^-69^,673'. affaber, 2: 752'. autographus, 2:336', 337', 469', 650'', 672'. eichhoffii, 2:336', 337'. granicollis, 2: 720', 753'. Dryophanta clarkei, 2: 710', 713'. corrugis, 2: 714''. gemula, 2: 713'. liberaecellulae, 2:712*. longicornis, 2: 711'. pallipes, 2: 710', papula, 2: 712*. parvula, 2: 713'. pedunculata, 2: 712'. polita, 2:619', 626'. radicola, 2: 710'. • Dryophthorus americanus, 2: 752'. dryopterata, Calledapteryx, 2: 738'. dubia, Neuroterus, 2:710'. dubius, Pissodes, 2: 340', 401'. Thanasimus, 2: 345'',3S9*, 500'-!'. Uliota, .f^ U. dubius. Dull red willow leaf beetle, 2: 5 1 1*, 566". duricoria, Holcaspis, 2:6iS*, 624'. Dysphaga tenuipes, 2; 715'. Eastern pine wood stainer, 2: 37i'-72'. Eburia quadrigeminata, 2: 42S', 462'-63^. Ecdytolopha insiticiana, 2:430^, 47S'. echidna, Euchaetes, 2:722''. Ecpantheria deflorata, 2:742'. Ectropis crepuscularia, 2:743', 749'- Ecyrus dasycerus, 2:715'. Edema albifrons, see Symmerista. edwardsii, Thecla, 2: 704'. effractana, Alceris, 2: 744*. egenus, Agrilus, 2:715', 729'. Eggs, i: 14^-15^ eichhoffii, Dryocoetes, 2:336*, 337'. Elachistus cacoeciae, i: 140*. Elaphidion inerme, 2:702'. mucronatum, 2: 702'. subpubescens, 2: 702'. unicolor, 2: 702'. vilR)Sum, 1:49, 50', 59'-6i'. Elasmocerus terminatus, 2:449', 483*, 50l'-2'. Elasmus atratus, I: 140'', 145'. Elater discoideus, 2:722', humeralis, 2:492'. nigricollis, 2:492', 701'. sayi, 2: 701'. Elder, injurious insects: 2: 737'. willow flea beetle injuring, 2: 563'- elegans, Conotrachelus, 2:715'. Packardia, 2:529', 707'. Scythropus, 2: 752*. Ellema harrisii, see Lapara bomby. coides. Elleschus bipunctatus, 2:742'. ephippiatus, 2:511', 567'. Ellida caniplaga, 2:731'. GENERAL INDEX 823 Elm, American, resistance to in- sect attack, l:47''. injurious insects: 1:49. borers, 2: 724'. ant, large black carpenter, 1 : 90*. white, 1:89'. Anthaxia viridifrons, 2: 7I5-- apple wood stainer, 1:290^. ash borer, banded, 1:257-, 2So>. four marked, 2:462'. Bostrichus bicornis, 2: 721'. brenthian, northern, i: 263^ carpenter worm, i:So*. Catogenus rufus, 2:489*. Cucujus clavipes, 2:490'. Dendrophagus cygnaei, 2; 490^ Dorcas parallelus, 2:492''. Dryobius sexfasciatus, 2: 702'. elm borer, i: 50', 67'. dark, i: 257=, 288'-. elm snout beetle, black, i: 51'. 73-. reddish, i: 51% 75''. Goes pulverulentus,2;455'. Hister lecontei, 2: 491'. leopard moth, i: 78^. linden borer, 1:91*. Neoclytus erythrocephalus, 1:71'. scutellaris, 2: 715^. Otidocephalus chevrolatii, 2:715'. Physocnemum brevilineum, 2:428*, 462'. pigeon tremex, i: 50*', 61^. rustic borer, 1:260'. saperda, red-edged, 1:270'. Stenoscelis brevis, 2:494*. Tenebrioides corticalis, 2: 492'. twig girdler, i: 273'. Uliota dubius, 2:490*. Xyloterus politus, 1:292'. gall insects: cockscomb elm gall, i: 172*, 186'; 2:620^. ^ Elm, Amer., inj. insects {cont'd): leaf feeders: 2: 724^-25^. Abbotana clementaria, 2: 721^ alder leaf beetle, 2: 509', 542'. American dagger moth, 2: 325'. American silk worm, 2: 526". Apatela funeralis, 2: 716'*. . impleta, 2: 749'. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 551'. bag or basket worm, i: 127'. Basilarchia arthemis, 2: 7428. Brachys aerosa, 2:506^, 5I2«. ovata, 2: 506''. brown tail moth, I: 164'. Cecropia moth, 2:539''. Charadra deridens, 2: 704*. Chrysomela multiguttata, 2: 742'. Dichelonycha elongata, 2: 7i6». elm case bearer, i: 106', 167". elm caterpillar, spiny, i: 105*, 15S'. elm leaf beetle, I: 105', 146". elm leaf miner, I: 105', 162^. elm saw fly, I: 105', 155'. Erannis tiliaria, 2:731". Euclea chloris, 2: 706'. Eustroma diversilineata, 1: 706'. fall webworm, l: 142". flannel moth, crinkled, 2: 530'. flea beetle, black-margined, 2:515-'. forest tent caterpillar, l; no', gipsy moth, i; 120''. Gluphisia septentrionalis, 2:747*. gray comma, 2: 509*, 546'. hickory tussock moth, I: 314'. hop merchant, 2: 509', 545*. Elm, Amer., inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: Hylotoma scapularis, 2: 509^ 542^ io caterpillar, 2: 522'. leaf roller, red-banded, 2: 532^ v-marked, 2: 531*. Lycia cognataria, 2: 728'. Metanema quercivoraria, 2: 706*. Metrocampa praegrandaria, 2:749'. Odontota nervosa, 2:703'. Paraphia subatomaria var. unipuncta, 2: 706^. Phigalia titea, 2: 728'. Phloeophagus minor, 2: 742°. Schizura ipomoeae, 2: 705'. unicornis, 2: 705'. Sisyrosea textula, 2: 721*. sphinx, four-lined, 2:509*, 546*. spring cankerworm, 2; 509', 547\ Tolype velleda, 2: 727'. tussock moth, white mark- ed, l: 132', 136'. violet tip, 2:509', 544'. scale or sucking insects; 2: 725'- elm bark aphid, woolly, i: 172', 192-'. elm bark louse, 1:8'', 173', 203». elm leaf aphid, I: 172'', 176'. woolly, i: 172^, 177*. elm scurfy scale, i: 173'', 207'. maple scale, cottony, i: 173^ 196^, igS'^ oyster scale, 1:212*. Putnam's scale, 1:227'', 227^ Elm, English, injurious insects, 1:49. Elm, European, resistance to in- sect attack, 1:47*. Elm, red, see Elm, slippery. 824 Elm, Scotch, resistance to insect attack, i;47°; injurious insects, 1:49. Elm, slippery, injurious insects; l.jorers: elm borer, i: 7o\ Leptura emarginata, 2; 724''. Platypus compositus, 2: 720'. gall insects; elm leaf gall, red, 2; 620', Pemphigus ulmifusus, i;247**. leaf feeders; Bomolocha abalienalis, 2: 724'. Conotrachelus anaglypticus, 2; 509^ 544-'. Monocesta coryli, 2; 724^. Elm, white, Hister parallelus injuring, 2:491'. Elm bark aphid, woolly, i;i72', iga''. Elm bark borer, dark, i; 2SS'. Elm bark louse, i;S', S«, 4S', 1733, 203'-7«. Elm borer, 1; 50', 67''-7i*. dark, i; 257^. Elm case bearer, European, i: 106', i67'-6^-'. Elm caterpillar, spiny, i; 18', 48^, 105'. i58*-62'', 253''. Elm gall, coclcscomb, I: 172'', 1S6'— 87", 247°. Elm leaf aphid, i; 172'', i'jb''-yy'. woolly, i: 172^ i77'-78'. Elm leaf beetle, i;7V8«, 37', 43*, 48', 105', l46'-55«; 2;6o8«, 614*. Elm leaf gall, red, 2; 620'', 633''. Elm leaf miner, i; 105', i62''-63*; Elm sawfly, i: 105*, i5f;'-58'. Elm scurfy scale, i: I73'', 207'-S'. Elm snout beetle, 1:72^. black, 1:51', 73'-75'- reddish, i; 51-, 75^ Elm twig girdler, 1:273*. elongata, Dichelonycha, 2: 716'. elonympha, Allotria, 2:720'-. emarginata, Eeptura, 2: 436', 724*. Periclista, 2: 703'. Emphytus cinctus, 2; 735'. Empusa grylli, i; 146'. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Enarmonia caryana, 2:512', 583'. gallaesaliciana, 2: 746''. prunivora, 2; 734'. Enchenopa binotata, 2; 5g4'-95''. Enchodes sericea, 2: 727'. endropiaria, Therina, 2: 706®. English sparrow, i: iii', iii*, 133* 137', 166^, 206', 237-. Ennomos magnarius, 2: 725'. subsignarius, 2; 725'. ennucleata, .Synelys, 2: 733'. Ensign flies, I: 22''. Entedon antiopae, i: 161'. Entelus onerati, 1:74'. Epagoge caryae, 2:717'. sulfureana, 2: 730''. Epargyreus tityrus, 2:510', 556*- 57^ ephemeraeformis, Thyridopteryx, 1:49, 105*, I23''-28'. Ephialtes comstockii, 2:409'. ephippiatus, Elleschus, 2: 511', 567-^ Orchestes, 2; 567-. Ephistemus apicalis, 2:491'. Epicaerus imbricatus, 2: 733^ Epicnaptera americana, 2; 507', 525'. Epimecis virginaria, 2: 747^. Epinotia augustana, 2: 744^^. claypoleana, 2: 509', 54o'-4i'. pinicolana, 2: 753*. ratzeburgiana, 2:754''. saliciana, 2: 746'. salicicolana, 2:746^. epione, Catocala, 2: 705^. Epipaschia superatalis, 2:74o\ zelleri, 2: 740'. Epirrita dilutata, 2:706'. Episimus argutanus, 2:725'. Epithectis gallaegenitella, 2: 707*. E]>izeuxis aemula, 2: 754'. Epuraea truncatella, 2: 389'. Erannis tiliaria, 2: 731'. erectus, Hypothenemus, 2:702', 740'. eremicola, Osmoderma, 2:493'. Eremotylus glabratum, i; 145'. macrurus, 2: 549'. erichsoni, Laricobius, 2; 751''. erichsonii, Lygaeonematus, i: 254'; 2: 340', 4I8'-23^ erinacei, Acraspis, 2:619', 627*. Eriocampa juglandis, 2: 720'. Eriocampoides limacina, 2: 733'. Eriococcus quercus, 2: 709'. Eriophyes abnormis, 2:620', 631'- 32'. acericola, 2:619', 630'. fraxiniflora, 2:620'', 633^-34'. quadripes, 2:620', 63o'-3i''. querci, 2; 713*. salicicola, 2: 745'. thujae, 2: 755'. ulmi, 2: 725'. Ernobius granulatus, 2: 694', 752'' luteipennis, 2:694^, 752*. mollis, 2:653'', 694'. tenuicornis, 2: 752'. Eros aurora, 2: 746'. errans, Hadrobregmus, 715^. erubescens, Cecidomyia, 2: 619^, 627*. eruditus, Hypothenemus, 2: 740'. erythremaria, Deilinia, 2:743"*. erythriella, Schreckensteinia, 2: 737'- erythrocephalus, Neoclytus, i; 50', 70*, 7i'-73', 261'. erythrogaster, Bracon, i: 266". esurus, Syntomosphyrum, 1:140''. Euchaetes echidna, 2: 722''. Euchlaena johnsonaria, 2; 706'. obtusaria, 2: 721'. pectinaria, 2: 706'. serrata, 2: 728'. Euchoeca albifera, 2: 725*. Euclea chloris, 2; 706®. delphinii, 2; 52S', 529^ 706'. z'lir. paenulata, 2:744'. indeterniina, 2: 528^, 529^. Euclemensia bassettella, 2: 708*. Eucoila impatiens, 2; 714'. mellipes, 2: 714'. pedata, 2: 714'. stigmata, 2: 714'. Eucosma similana, 2: 749*. solicitana, 2; 749^. transmissana, 2: 749®. Eucrada humeralis, 2: 722'. Eudamus tityrus, sri' Epargyreus. GENERAL IXDEX 825 EuJemis vacciniana, 2: 73S'. Euderces picipes, 2: 427', 445''-46'. pini, 2:751*. Eufidonia notataria, 2: 753'. Eugnamptus angustatus, 2: 703*, 720*. collaris, 2: 716*. Eugonia j-album, 2: 749^. Eulecanium antennatum, 2:709*. canadense, 2: 725''. capreae. 2: 744'. caryae, 2; 725'. caryarum, 2: 717^. cerasifex, 2: 72S'. cockerelli, 2: 725*. fletcheri, 2: 755*. juglandifex, 2: 720^. juglandis, 2; 719*. kansasense, 2: 734^. kingii, 2; 739'. lintneri, 2: 732'. lymani, 2: 709*. maclurarum, 2:726'. nigrofasciatum, i: 49, 173', 200*- 3''- pallidior, 2: 755'. pruinosum, 2: 719'. pyri, 2: 717'. quercife.x, 2:709''. quercitronis, 2: 709''. rosae, 2: 736'. tarsale, 2: 736'. tulipiferae, i: 173'', 2o8*-io'. websteri, 2: 750'. Eulia juglandana, 2: 717^. ministrana, 2: 723^. politana, 2:651=, 6Si'-S2^. triferana, 2; 508^, 532'. velutinana, 2: 707*. Eulimacodes seapha, 2: 529''. Eulophus cyriades, 2: 577'. Eumenidae, 1:23^. Eunotus lividus, i: 199*. euonymi, Chionaspis, i: 173°, 213'- 14". Euonymus, injurious insects, i: 173=; 2:729-^ Euonymus scale, i: 173', 2I3'-I4''. Euparthenos nubilis, 2: 730*. Eupelmus .f/., 2:412*. limneriae, i; 140''. Euphorocera claripennis, 1:113^, 138-', 161", I66--'. Euplexia lucipara, 2; 749''. Eupogonius pinivora, 2: 751*. subarniatus, 2: 724*. tomentosus, 2:751'. vestitus, 2: 715'. Eupristocerus cogitans, 2: 750'. Euproctis chrysorrhoea, 1:28', 105', i63*-66'. 254'. Eupsalis minuta, i: 256', 261^-63'. eurinus, Alydus, .?« A. eurinus. European elm case bearer, 1:106', l67'-6S''. European praying mantis, i: 154^. European willow gall midge, i: 258'', 299''-302''; 2:620*. Eurycyttarus confederata, 2:721''. Eurymus interior, 2: 742'. Eurytoma sp., 2: 390', 393'. Euschistus ,f/. , I: 24''. fissilis, 2: 610*. politus, 2: 6i2'-i3^. servus, i: 146'. tristigmus, 2: 612^. variolarius, 2:6il'-i2', 676*, 677'. Eustroma diversilineata, 2: 706^. testata, 2:743*. Eustrophus bicolor, 2:731''. repandus, 2:667'. Eutettix seminudiis, 2: 749'. strobi, 2:688". Euthisanotia grata, 2: 740'-'. Euthyatira pudens, 2: 736'*. Eutrapela alciphearia, 2: 728-. kentaria, 2: 728'^. Euura nodis, 2: 745'^. orbitalis, 2: 745'^. ovum, 2: 745-. Euvanessa antiopa, i: 31', 48'', 49, 105', i58*-62*, 253*; 2:607*. Euzophera semifuneralis, 2: 733'. Evacanthus acuminatus, 2: 744". Evaniidae, I: 22'. Evergreens, less destructive in- sects affecting, 2:648^-700'. injurious insects: 2: 333^-425'. bag or basket worm, i: 123', 126'. balsam gall midge, 2:621'. pine needle gall fly, 2: 621'. Evetria comstockiana, 2: 340', 407*-io^, 411'. frustrana, 2: 340', 405''-7'', 407'. rigidana, 2; 340'', 407'. Exartema corylanum, 2: 723'. fagigemmaeanum, 2: 722'. footianum, 2: 724'. inornatanum, 2: 707'. permundanum, 2: 723*. versicoloranum, 2: 717''. zellerianum, 2: 749* excaecatus, Paonias, 2: 724'. excavata, Siobla, 2:719'. exiguissimus, Neuroterus, 2: 710®. exiguus, Neuroterus, 2: 710'. exile, Anomalon, 1:113*. eximius, Phytocoris, see P. exi- mius. exitiosa, Sanninoidea, 2; 733'. Exorista griseomicans, i: 138'. Explanation of Opiates, i:a333— 3434; 2: 757-800. externa, Macrophya, 2:716'. fabricii, Lophyrus, 2:752'. facetus, Lepturges, 2:715'. fagi, Phyllaphis, 2:6oi'-2'. • Pityophthorus, 2:702'. Scolytus, 2: 722*. fagigemmeanum, Exartema, 2: 722'. Falcaria bilineata, 2: 749'. falcula, Apatela, 2: 723^. Fall cankerworm, 2: 547'. Fall webworm, I: 12', 105', 131', I42'-46', 253'; 2:607*, 609'. fallax, Agrilus, 2:725'. Cryptorhynchus, 2:715*. Diphthera, 2: 738'*. falsarius, Alcoloithus, 2:740'^. False chinch bug, 2:651', 685'. False pine webworm, 2:650', 676'. fasciata, ISuprestis, 2:428', 458*- 59^- Holcaspis, 2: 713*. Lyda, 2: 733'. Phora, 1: 140'. Telamona, 2:717'. fasciatum, Monarthrum, 2:751*. fasciatus, Ips, 2: 370'. Oecanthus, 2:699'. 826 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM fasciatus.Urographis, 2: 426*, 434'- 36', 667^ fascicularis, Hemirhipus, 1:266*. Liopus, 2: 729', 730'. fasciella, Lithocolletes, 2: 70S', fasciola, Lithacodes, 2: 728**. Tortricidia, 2:529*. fascipennis, Baccha, i: iS6^. faunus, Polygonia, 2:742'. favosus, Neuroterus, 2: 713'. fayi, .Saperda, i: 257', 283^-84'. femoralis, Pyrochroa, 2:727'. femorata, Chrysobothris, i: 51'', 86^-87', 261^ 2: SOS-". Diapheromera, 2:508', 533^-35°, 6o89. femoratus, Andricus, 2: 712'. Pachybrachys, 2:752*. fenestratus, Bythoscopus, 2:749'. Cyrtolobus, 2:597''. Feniseca tarquifiius, i: 196'. Fentonia marthesia, 2; 706', Feralia jocosa, 2: 754'. Fern, sweet, injurious insects: borer: Auletes ater, 2: 715''. leaf feeders: Apion rostrum, 2:730^. Auletes cassandrae, 2:738'. Chlamys plicata, 2: 703'. sucking insect: Eulecanium cockerelli, 2: 725'. ferratus, Cryptorhynchus, 2:702'. ferrugana, Alceris, 2: 744', 749', 753'- ferruginea, Lophodonta, 2: 749". Syneta, 2: 74S". ferrugineipes, Limneria, i: 15s''. fervidana, Archips, 2: 50S*, 530'- 31', 609'. fervidaria, Plagodis, 2: 706'. Therina, 2: 754'. ficus, Ceroptres, 2:714'. Fig. white marked powder-post beetle injuring, 2:483'. Figites chinquapin, 2: 714'. impatiens, 2: 714'. Figures and plates of: .\blerus clisiocampae, 1:215. Acanthoderes decipiens, 2:473. Figures and plates of (cont'd): Acholla multispinosa, 2:613. Adalia bipunctata, 1:3358. Agrilus anxius, i: 285, 3418. bilineatus, i: 2S2. Agromyz^ aeneiventris, 2:634, 760. Alaus oculatus, 1:3416. Alydus eurinus, 2:613. Amphibolips confluentus, 2: 760. ilicifoliae, 2: 760. Anatis ocellata, 2:604. Andricus punctatus, 1:3432, 3434. seminstor, 2: 758. singularis, 2; 762. Anisota senatori3, 1:3370. Anomala lucicola, 1:3377. Anthophilax attenuatus, 2:488. Anthrenus castanese, 2:614. Aphrastus taeniatus, 2:515. Aphrophors p3r3llel3, 1:3377. Aphycus annulipes, 1:203. Arch3si3 g3leata, 1:3370. Archips fervid3n3, 1:3370. Asemum moestum, 2:661. Aspidiotiphagus citrinus, 1:212. Aspidiotus ancylus, 1:3364. perniciosus, 1:3362. Asterolecsnium v3riolosum, i: 3360. Aulacaspis rosae, i: 228, 3364. Automeris io, 1:3424. B3l3ninus n3sicus, i: 3370. Basilona imperialis, 1:3374, 3420. B3tyle suturalis, 2:663. Biorhiza forticornis, 1:3434. Bbletotherus bifurcus, 2:498. Brachys ov3t3, 2: 514. Brochymena annulata, 2: 589. 3rbore3, 2:591. Buprestis f3sci3ta, 2:459. m3culiventris, 2:674. C3litys sc3br3, 2:496. C3llidium antenn3tum, 2: 660, 782, 786. Callipterus ulmifolii, 1:3358. C3llos3mi3 promethe3, 1:3424. Calosoma calidum, i: 113. Figures and plates of (cont'd): Camponotus herculaneus, i: 3400. Cecidomyia cary3ecol3, 1:3334, erubescens, 1:3334. holotricha, I: 3334. pellex, 2:632. persicoides, 1:3334. pilul3e, i: 3334. pini-rigid3e, 1:3376. resinicola, I: 3376. tubicol3, 1:3334. verrucicol3, 1:3334. Centrodera decolor3ta, 2:456. Ceresa bubalus, 2: 591, 592. Chaitophorus? aceris, 1:3358. Chalcis ovat3, i: 128. Chalcophora libert3, 2:655. virginiensis, 2: 654. Ch3riess3 pilos3, 2: 504, Chermes pinicorticis, 1.3374. strobilobius,!: 3372. Chilocorus similis, 1:223, 224. Chionaspis euonymi, 1:3364. furfur3, I: 3362. pinifoliae, i: 3374. Chr3mesus hicorise, 2:446, 794, 798- Chrysobothris dentipes, 1:3377. fioricol3, I: 3376. pusilla, I: 3376. Chrysomela bigsbyana, 2: 566. Chrysopa .t/., 1:3377. Cimbex 3meric3na. i: 3368. Citheroni3 reg3lis, i: 3354, 3424. Clastoptera obtusa, 2:687. Clerus quadriguttatus, 2: 666. Coccinella novem-not3ta, 2: 691, trifasciata, 2: 691. Coenus delius, 2:697. Coleophora laricell3, 1:3372. limosipennella, 1:3406. Conotrachelus 3n3glypticus, 2: 544- juglsndis, 2: 581. Corthylus punctatissimus, i: 65, 66. Corymbites hieroglyphicus, 2; 692. Corythuca arcuata, 2:599. Cossonus platalea, 2:455. GENERAL INDEX 827 Figures and plates of (conl'J): Cossus querciperda, 1:3426. Cryphalus striatulus, 2: 673, 794. CryptocephaUis qiiadrimacula- tus, 2: 695. schreibersii, 2:695. Cryptorhynchus lapathi, I: 3368, 3402. Cyllene pictus, 1:3366. robiniae, i: 3342. Cynips strobilana, 1:3434. Cyrtolobus fenestratus, 2: 597. Datana integerrima, 1:3366, 3426. Dendroctonus piceaperda, 2: 382, 782, 796. terebrans, 2:343, 34S, 776, 792, 796. Dibrachys boucheanus, i: 139. Dicerca punctulata, 2:656. Dichelonycha albicollis, 2:694. Diplosis caryae, 1:3334. Dorc3schem3 nigrum, 2:444. Drepanosiphum acerifolii, I: 3358. Dryocoetes j/., 2:468, 469. 794, 79S. autographus, 2:469, 798. Elaphidion villosum, 1:3336. Elasmocerus terminatus, 2: 502. Enchenopa binot3t3, 1:3370, 2:758. Euderces picipes, 2:445. Eulecanium nigrof3sei3tum, i: 3360. tulipiferae, 1:3360. Eunotus lividus, i: 199. Euproctis chrysorrhoea, 1:3428. Edpsalis minuta, i: 262. Euschistus tristigmus, 2:612. variolarius, 2: 611. Euvanessa antiopa, i: 3356. Evetri3 comstockisna, 1:3376. ' frustrana, i: 3376. Galerucella decor3, 2: 566. luteola, i: 3350, 3408, 410, 412. Gaurotes cyanipennis, 2:454. Glyptoscelis pubescens, 1:3376. Gnathotrichus materi3rius, 2; 371. 373. 7g4. 798- Goes pulchra, 1:3354. Figures and plates of (coiit'ii): Gossyparia spuria, 1:3338. Habrolepis dalmanni, 1:330. Halisidots caryae, 1:3366,3426. tessellaris, i: 3426. H3in3melistes spinosus, 2:643, 644, 645, 646. H3rpyi3 sp., i: 3368. cinerea, 1:3426. Hemerocampa leucostigma, i: 3348. Hemileuca maia, 1:3370, 3426. Holcaspis f3sciata, 2:758. Hoplocephala bicornis, 2:498. Hormaphis hamamelidis, i: 3334; 2: 639, 640, 641, 642, 643. Hylesinus aculeatus, 1:289. op3cuIus, 2: 794. Hylobius p3les, 1:3376. Hylurgops glabrstus, 2: 665. Hypersspis signata, i: 1S2. Hyperplatys maculatus, 2:432. Hyph3ntri3 textor, 1:3356. Ibalis msculipennis, 2:499. Ips qu3driguttatus, 2:692. sanguinolentus, 2:692. J3nus integer, 1:302. K3liosysphing3 ulmi, i: 163. Lebia grandis, 2:690. Lepidosaphes ulmi, 1:3362. Leptur3 subh3m3ta, 2: 675. vagsns, 2:440. zebra, 2: 450. Liopus 3lpha, 2:481. Lophyrus abietis, 1:3376. lecontei, 1:3374; 2:413. Lyctus unipunct3tus, I:2g6. Lygaeonematus erichsonii, i 3372. Madarellus undulatus, 2:479. Magdalis alutacea, 1:3377. 3rmicollis, 1:3338. b3rbita, i: 3338. perforata, i: 3377. Malacosoma disstria, 1:3348, 3404. Melalopha inclusa, 1:3368. Melanophila fulvogutt3t3, 2 390. Melasoma l3pponic3, 2: 565. scripta, I: 3368. Figures 3nd plates of (front'd): Metachroma margin3lis, 2:683. Meteorus hyph3ntriae, I:I45- Mon3rthrum mali, i:2go, 291; 2: 794. Monohsmmus confusor, 2:786. scutellatus, 2: 7S6. Mordella borealis, 2:672. octopunctata, 2:433. Nabis rufusculus, 2:688. Neomysia puUats, 2:605. Notoxus 3nchor3, 2:696. bif3sci3tus, 2: 696. Obrium rubrum, 1:3414. Odontot3 dors3lis, 1:3428. Oec3nthus sp., I: 3360. nigricornis, 2: 699. niveus, 2: 602. pini, 2: 6g8. qu3dripunctatus, 2:700. Olethreutes nimbatana, 2: 576. Oliarius quinquelineatus, 2: 686. Oncideres cingulata, 1:3354. Orinenis pruinos3, 2: 598. P3ndeletejus hilaris, 2:437. Papilio tho3s, 2: 554. P3r3lechia pinifoliella, 1:3376. P3r3tenetus punctatus, 2:606. Parh3rmoni3 pini, 1:3428. Pemphigus populi-transversus, 1:3358. rhois, 2: 758. tessellat3, I: 3430. vagsbundus, 2: 762. Pentilia misell3, 1:222. Phellopsis obcord3ta, 2:496. Phen3coccus acericola, 1:183, 1 84, 3360. Phlegethontius celeus, I: 3426. Phloeosinus dentatus, 2: 392, 393. 7S6. 794. 798- Phloeotribus frontslis, 2:673, 792. Iimin3ris, 2:452, 792. PhylUphis f3gi, 1:3358. Phyllobaenus dislocatus, 2: 503. Phylloxera caryaecaulis, 1:3334. foveol3, 1:3334. Phymatodes dimidiatus, 2:670. Physocnemum brevilineum, 2: 462. 828 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Figures and plates of (i-ont'il): I'hytocoris eximius, 2; 685. Phytodecta pallida, 2: 558. Phytoptus abnormis 1:3334. quadripes, i: 3334. Pilophorus crassipes, 1:3377. Pimpla conquisitor, I: 112. inquisitor, i: 127, 137. Pinipestis zimmermani, 1:3377. Pissodes strobi, 1:3374; 2:790. Pityogenes jr/.,2:373, 374, 786, 792, 794, 796, 79S. ponderosae, 2: 794. Pityophthorus j/., 2: 373, 786. minutissimus, 1:3416, 2:673, 794- puberulus, 2:673. Plagionotus speciosus, 1:3336; 2: 382. 384, 386, 388. Podisus maculiventris, 2: 60S. modestus, 2: 610. placidus. 2: 607. Pogonocherus mixtus, 2:663. Polygr3phus rufipennis, 2: 3S2, 387, 388, 794, 79S. Porthetria dispar, i: 3354. Prionoxystus robini3e, i: 3342, 3398. Pseudopliilippia quaintancii, 2: 762. Pteronus ventralis, I: 323. Ptilinus ruficornis, 1:298. Pulvinaria scericola, 1: 179, 181. innunierabilis, 1:197, 198, 3336. Pytho americanus, 2: 788. Rh3bdoph3ga salicis, i: 300, 301 ; 2: 670. Rhagium lineatuni, 2: 780, 788. Samia cecropia. 1:3422. Saperda calcarata, 1:3344. candid3, i: ?f. f3yi, i: 3345. puncticoUis, 1:3344. tridentata, I; 3338, 3390, 392. vestita, i: 3344. Sci3r3 ocelUris, 1:3334. Scolytus quadrispinosus, i: 3416, 277, 2: 794. rugulosus, 2: 794. Serica trociformis, 1:3370. Figures and plates of (lont'd): Sesia acerni, 1:3340. albicornis, I: 3368. Sphecius speciosus, 2:604. Telea polyphemus, 1:3422. Termes fl3vipes, 1:88-89. Tetropium cinn3mopterum, 2: 669. Thalessa lunator, 1:64, 3384. Th3nasimus dubius, 2: 500. Thelis acuminata, 1:3370, 2: 595- godingi, 2: 596. Thiodis sign3tana, i: 169. Thyridopteryx ephemeraefor- mis.i: 125, 3350. Tibicen septendecim, 1:3358, 430. tibicen, l: 3370, 430. Tomicus ,f/. , 2: 790. bals3meus, 2:376, 377, 37S, 392. 776, 784, 792, 798. c3cographus, 2: 353, 357, 7S0, 792, 796. caelatus, 2: 353, 355, 792, 796. calligraphus, 2:346, 347, 34S, 764, 766, 76S, 770, 772, 780, 792, 796. integer, 2: 792, 798. pini, 2:352, 353, 766, 774, 776, 778, 792, 796. Tomoxia bident3ta, 2:441. lineella, 2:441. Tr3gosoma harrisii, 2: 659. Tremex columba, 1:62, 3384. Trioza tripunctat3, 2: 689. Tropaea luna, I: 3420. Typophorus canellus, 2:537. Uliota dubius, 2:490. Urographis fsscistus, 2: 786. Xyleborus celsus, 2: 446, 447, 794, 798. dispar, 2:446, 794. Xylina antennata, i: 3426. Xylocleptes J-/.., 2:460, 796. Xylocop3 virginic3, 1:3416. Xyloterus j/., 2: 800. bivittatus, 2: 370. lineatus, 2: 798, Soo. politus, I; 2g3, 2; 800. Figures and plates of (cciiil\/): Xylotrechus colonus, 1:259, 3414. sagittatus, 2: 663. undul3tus, 2: 671. Xyphidris prov3ncheri. 2:465, 466. Zeuzer3 pyrina. 1:3340, 3394, 396- Fil3ment bearer, 2:508', sso'"' fimbricornis, Thyssnoes, 2: 716'. Finch family, 1:31'. Fir, injurious insects: borers: bark borers, i: 6*. blazed tree borer, 2:671'. cedsr tree borer, 2:675'. horntail, blue, 2:649', 669-. spruce timber beetle, 2: 369'. leaf feeders: iir sawfly, 2: 340*, 415*. M3c3ri3 prseatomata viir. bi- sign3t3, 2: 753*. Nepytia semiclusari3, 2:753'. 01igi3 versicolor, 2: 754'. Paraphia subatomaria, 2: 753^ spruce bud worm, 2:417'. Tortrix packardiana, 2: 754''. tussock moth, white marked, 1: 136'. sucking insects: hemlock scale, 2: 652', 690'. Fir sawfly, 2: 340*, 4i5''-i6'. fissilis, Euschistus, 2:610''. Fitch's oak leaf miner, 2: joS-*, 533'- fitchella, Lithocolletes, 2; 508-*, 533-. Flannel moth, crinkled, 2:507', 529'-3o». Flat-headed borer, common, i: S\\ 86^-87'. Flat-headed pine borer, larger, 2; 648*, 6538-54'. smaller, 2:648', 654^-55'. flavedans, Platynota, 2:581^ 728''. flavicornis, Urocerus, 2: 751'''. flavipennis, An3spis, 2: 567'. flavipes, Neuroterus, 2:713''. Pelecotnms, 2: 722'. GENERAL INDEX 829 flavipes, Termes, i: 51*, 87'-go'. flavoscutellum, Coccophagus, i: 199^, 210''. flavus, Aphycus, I: iSi'. Flea beetle, i; 150^. black-margined, 2:506^, 515'. red-footed, 2: 510', 556'-. flebilis, Catocala, 2: 716'. fletcherella, Coleophora, 1:171''. fletcheri, Eulecanium, 2:755'. flexuosa, Heterogenea, 2: 529*. Tortricidia, 2:717*. flexuosus, Mycetophagus, 2:495*. Flicker, i: iii*. Flies, i: i6''. lace-winged, 1:14*. two winged, I: 11'. flocci, Andricus, 2:710^. floccosa, Cynips, 2:711*. flocculosus, Cladobius, 2: 744'. floricola, Chrysobothris, 2; 649', 657', 65S^ 658-\ Flower beetle, hermit, 2:493'. rough, 2:492'. * Flower cricket, 2:653''. white, 2: 602^-3'^. Flower flies, 1:24''. fluviata, Percnoptilota, 2: 725^ Flycatchers, 1:30'. Foenus tarsatorius, 2: 500^^. foliaformis, Andricus, 2: 710^. footianum, Exartema, 2: 724'. forbesi, Urogaster, 2:635'^ forcata, Phylloxera, 2:718*. Forest products, value, 1:255*. Forest tent caterpillar, 1:23', 25*, 48', 52', 105', 106^-15', 253*; 2: 550'; birds feeding on, 1:28'; parasites, i:2i', H2'-13''; rem- edies, 1:44'', II3*-I5''. Forest tree pests, i:253'-332'. Forest trees, groups of insects affecting, i: io*-i2''; insects of minor importance affecting, 2: 426'. Forester, eight-spotted, 2:512', 575^ Forests, annual losses caused by insects, i: 7'. Forked fungous beetle, 2:498^. formicarius, Clerus, 2: 500''. formosa, Amphibolips, 2: 712'^ forticornis, Biorhiza. 2:618', 626''- 278, 714'. fortis, Chalcophora, 2: 75I-. foveata. Phylloxera, 2:629', 71S'. foveola, Phylloxera, 2:619', 629', 71S*. frater, Raphia, 2:747'. fratercula, Catocala, 2: 705^. fraternalis, Hemichroa, 2: 703^. fraternus, Coccophagus, i: 181'- 82'. fraxina, Podosesia, 1:51*, 92^. fraxini, Thysanocnemus, 2: 726'. fraxiniflora, Eriophyes, 2:620'', 633°-34'- fraxinlfolii. Pemphigus, I: 196"; 2:727'. frenchii, Frontina, 1:113', IS^^- Fringe tree, injurious insects: Periclista chionanthi, 2:738'. Phlegethontius rustica, 2:737'. Fringillidae, 1:31'. frondosa, Cynips, 2: 714'. frontalis, Dendroctonus, 1:6'. Phloeotribus, jtv P. frontalis. Pityophthorus, 2: 702'. Frontina aletiae, i: 13S''. frenchii, i; 113', 138''. Fruit flies, i: 14*. Fruit insects, 2:734''. Fruit of deciduous forest trees, insects affecting, 2:512*. Fruit tree bark beetle, 2:453'. Fruit trees, injurious insects: apple borer, round-headed, i: 51'. fall webworm, i: 145*. gipsy moth, i: 120''. frustrana, Evetria, 2: 340', 405'-7', 407«. fugitiva, Limneria, 1:112', 309'', 314'- fulminans, Arhopalus, 2:427", 444'- fulvescens, Theronia, i: 1I2'-I3', 138". fulvicoUis, Philonix, 2:711'. fulvidorsum, Phlepsius, 2: 753*. fulvoguttata, Melanophila, 2: 339*, 390*-9ll fumiferana, Tortrix, 2: 340*, 416''- 18'. Fumigation, i:39'-4i'-'. funeralis, Apatela, 2: 716'. Fungous beetles, 2:431', 494*-99*. forked, 2: 498^. fur, Amauronematus, 2:741*. furcifera, Apatela, 2: 733''. furcilla, Panthea, 2:651', 679'-. So', furfura, Chionaspis, 1:173", 214'- 16". z'ur. fulva, Chionaspis, 2: 735'^ fusca, Comys, i: 199**. Lachnosterna, 2:753*. fuscatus, Xyleborus, 2: 752*. fuscipennis, Aphelinus, 1:212', 214', 222". fuscipes, Androchirus, 2:701'. Pteromalus, 1: 161*. fuscomarginella, Tischeria, 2: 7088. fuscotibiella, Nepticula, 2:744*. fuscula, Dichelonycha, 2: 703*. fusiform maple gall, 2:619', 630*. fusiformis, Andricus, 2:710*. Temelucha, 2:482^. futilis, Andricus, 2:710*, 715'. Periclistis, 2: 715'. galeata, Archasia, 2: 597'. Galeruca decora, stY Galerucella. luteola, stY Galerucella. Galerucella cavicollis, 2: 510'^, 550'. decora, 2: 511*, 566'. luteola, 1:8', 48', 49, 105', 146*, 55"; 2:614''. rufosanguinea, 2: 733'^. tuberculata, 2:742'^ galii, Deilephila, 2:736'. Gall berry, Apatelodes torrefacta injuring, 2: 549''. Gall insects, 1: 172', 259'; 2:615'- 48', 709^-14', 718', 720'', 726', 731*. 733'. 734', 736'. 742*, 745'- 46*, 750', 755'; key to, 1:258, 259; 2:6i8'-2i'; alternation of generations, 2:6l6'. Gall makers, 2:616^-17'. Gall mites, 2: 617'. 8:,o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM gallaegenitella, Epithectis, 2: 707*. gallaesalician.i, Enarmonia, 2: 746^ Gallflies, four winged, i: 10'. gallicola, Nematus, 2:637*. Podapion, 2: 751'. Galls, on willow shoots, insects forming, 1:258'; development of, 2:6l5'-l6'. Gargaphia tiliae, 2:731'. gargates, Cardiophorus, 2:667'. Gastroidea cyanea, 2: 742^. Gastropacha americana, see Epic- naptera. Gaurax anchora, i: 140*. Gaurotes cyanipennis, 2:428*, 454'-55''- , gazellula, Microclytus, 2:702'. Gelechia albisparsella, 2: 719'. bicostomaculella, 2:707'. caryaevorella, 2:717''. corylisella, 2:750'. 4 fungivorella, see Aristotelia. gallaegenitella, see Epithectis. hamameliella, 2: 724^. pinifoliella, see Paralechia. pseudoacaciella, 2: 730'. querciella, see Telphusa. quercivorella, see Recurvaria. vernella, 2: 708'. geminata, Packardia, 2:529*, 707'^. Tillomorpha, 2:715*. geminatus, Bothrideres, 2: 505'. Lepyrus, 2: 742^. gemula, Dryophanta, 2:713'. geniculatus, Chermes, 1:188*. gentilis, Phyllechthrus, 2:730'. georgica, Hyperaeschra, 2: 705^. gibbicollis, Ptosima, 2:730*. gibbosa, Nadata, 2: 506', 521'-'. Trichodesma, 2:724''. gibbosus, Andricus, 2: 709'. Gonotropis^ 2: 494*. gillettei, P^lilonix^ 2:711'. Gingko, resistance to insect attack, 1:47*. Gipsy moth, 1:8*, 12*, 105*, Ii6'- 23', 254'; birds feeding on, 1:27', 28', 29'; enemies of cater pillar, 2: 607', 613'. glabratum, Eremotylus, i: 145'. glabratus, Hylurgops, 2:649'', 665 '-66'. glandulella, Holcocera, 2: 5S5'-, 709'. glaucopterus, Opheltes, i: 15S'. glaucus vaj\ turnus, Papilio, 2: 704'. gleditschiae, Cecidomyia, 2:729*. gledilschiaeella, Mompha, 2:729''. globosa, Liodes, 2:748*. globosum. Phylloxera, 2: 718". Globular rose gall, 2:621', 647'- 48'. globulus, Andricus, 2: 714*. Holcaspis, 2:618*, 624', 714''. Rhoaites, 2:621'', 647'-4S'. Gluphisia septentrionalis, 2: 747*. glutinosa, Cecidomyia, 2: 718-. Glycobius speciosus, see Plagiono- tus. Glyptoscelis barbata, 2: 518*. pubescens, 2:653'', 695'. gnaphaloides, Rhabdophaga, 2: 745'- Gnathotricus asperulus, 2: 726*. materiarius, 2:339', 37l'-72'. retusus, 2: 751". godingi, Thelia, 2: 596'. Goes debilis, 2: 702'. oculata, 2: 715*. pulchra, 2:426*, 43i'-32'. pulverulentus, 2:455^^. tessellata, 2: 702'. tigrina, 1:256', 268*-69'. Golden buprestis, 2: 64S', 655^-56'. Golden oak scale, 1:258', 329'-3i'. Gonioctena pallida, see Phyto- decta. goniphorus, Poecilocapsus, 2: 728'. Gonodontis hypochraria, 2:732'. Gonotropis gibbosus, 2:494''. Gooseberry, injurious insects: Basilarchia astyanax, 2; 704^. J Polygona faunus, 2: 742*. rose leaf folder, 2: 512'', 581''. gordius. Sphinx, 2: 727'. Gossyparia spuria, i:S', 48', 49, 173', 2038-7'. ulmi, see G. spuria. Gouty oak gall, 2: 618', 623'-24'. Gracilaria alchimiella, 2: 724'. blandella, 2: 720'. juglandiella, 2:720'. lespedezaefoliella, 2: 730'. negundella, 2: 728'. salicif oliella, 2: 744''. sassafrasella, 2: 732'. stigmatella, 2: 744'', 747'. Gracilia minuta, 2: 748''. gracilipes, Cinyra, 2:701'. gracilis, Anaphes, 1:212', 222*. Orchesia, 2: 748*. Pontania, 2: 745'. Grackle, bronzed, I: iii*. grallator, Cryptus, 1:87*. grandis, Camptobrochis, I: 153'- 54'; 2:614'. Lebia, see L. grandis. granicollis, Dryocoetes, 2: 720', 753'. granulatus, Agrilus, 2:746*. Ernobi.us, 2:694*, 752*. Grapevine, Elasmocerus termi. natus beneficial to, 2: 502'' injurious insects: borers: Clvtanthus albofasciatus, 2: 715^ Madarelhis undulatus, 2: 430^ 479'\ maple and oak twig pruner, l:6i^ Neoclytus erythrocephalus, i: 72'. scutellaris, 2: 715''. Otidocephalus chevrolatii, 2:715'. myrmex, 2: 715'. pine borer, lesser, 2: 662*. powder post beetle, 1:297'. prionus, broad-necked, 2: 486'. twig borer, red-shouldered, 2:442'. flower cricket, white, 2: 603% leaf feeders: Aspidiotus uvae, 2: 717'. brown tail moth, 1:164'. flea beetle, red-footed, 2: 556'. GENERAL INDEX 831 Grapevine, inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: forester, eight-spotted, 2; 512', 575^ rose beetle, 2: 575^. scale or sucking insects: box elder plant bug, I; 239^ chinch bug, false, 2:685'. maple scale, cottony, I: 173^, ig6*, igS". tree hopper, two-marked, 2;595'. Grapevine beetle, light-loving, 2:651*, 682'. Graphiphora alia, 2: 704'. Graphisurus pusillus, 2: 753*. Grapholitha caryana, se^ Enar- monia. Grapta comma, j^-f Polygonia. interrogationis, see Polygonia. progne, see Polygonia. graptae, Telenomus, i: 161*. Grasshoppers, losses caused by, 1:6^; incomplete metamor- phosis, l: i5*-i6^. grata, Euthisanotia, 2: 740'. gratulata, Mesoleuca, 2:706'. Gray comma, 2: 509*, 546*. Gray sided oak weevil, 2: 426', 436*-37«. Green oak caterpillar, 2: 506*, 521'. Green-striped maple worm, 2: 50S*, 537'-38^- gregarious, Pachynematus, 2:741*, grisea, Apatela, 2: 724*. Archips, 2: 707'. griseomicans, Exorista, i: 138'. Grosbeak, rose-breasted, i: 26", 31-, 166*. grossa, Phenolia, 2:496'. , groteella, Depressaria, 2:723''. grotei, Xylina, 1: 130', 130', 131', 131^; 2: 728'. Ground beetles, 1:23^, 320*. Ground bird, 1:237^. grylli, Empusa, i: 146'. grynea, Catocala, 2: 743''. Grynocharis quadri-lineatus, 2: 46o». Guest flies, 2: 714'', 736\ Gum, Cucujus clavipes injuring, 2: 701-'. guttifinitella, Lithocolletes, 2: 740«. guttivitta, Heterocampa, 2: 727*. guttulatus, Cryptocephalus, 2: 703'. Gymonychus appendiculatus, 2: 609'. Gypona octolineata, 2:652'', 6SS'. habilis, Cat,ocala. 2:716'. Habrocytus thyridopterigis, i: 140'. Habrolepis dalmauni, 1:331'. Hackberry, resistance to insect attack, i: 47*. injurious insects: borers: 2:725''. Acanthoderes quadrigib- bus, 2: 702'', 7I5^ Ataxia crypta, 2: 702''. Elaphidion mucronatum, 2: 702'-. Liopus variegatus, 2:720''. oak borer, dusty, 2:426', 434''- .Scolytus fagi, 2: 722^. Smodicum cucujiforme, 2: 701', 741''. gall insects: 2: 726'. hackberry nipple gall, 2: 621*, 647°. leaf feeders: 2: 725'. elm caterpillar, spiny, i: I6i4. scale insects: Putnam's scale, 1:227''. Hackberry nipple gall, 2:621', 647^. Hadrobregmus errans, 2: 715^ Hag moth caterpillar, 2: 528'. hageni, Lithocolletes, 2:708'. Halisidota caryae, 1:258'', 314'- 15'- harrisii, 2: 719*. maculata, 2: 507', 523^ tessellaris, 2: 507', 523''-24'-. Haltica bimarginata, 2: 511', 573'- 74'. Haltica chalybea, 2: 724'. hamadryas, Chermes, l:lS8'. hamadryella, Lithocolletes, 2: 50S^ 532*-33'- hamamelidis, Hormaphis, 1:251'; 2:616'', 621^,639^-43^. hamameliella, Gelechia, 2:724'^. hamamelis, Apatela, 2:704'. Hamamelistes spinosus, 1:246'- 47', 251''; 2:616', 621', 643''-46'. hamatus, Corymbites, 2: 740''. Hand collecting, i:44*-45'. Haploa clymene, 2: 704*. Harmonia picta, 1:231*. pini, see Parharmonia. Harpiphorus tarsatus, 2:736'. versicolor, 2: 736'. Harpyia borealis, 2: 743'. cinerea, 2:510', 559''. scolopendrina, 2:747'. Harris's pine hawk moth, 2:651', 6793. Harris's Prionus, 2:649'', 659'. harrisii, Chrysobothris, 2:467', 751'. Halisidota, 2: 719''. Tragosoma, 2:649^^, 659'. Harrisimemna trisignata, 2:737'. Harvest fly, 1:174', 237^-38'. hastata, Rheumaptera, 2: 749'. hastiana, Alceris, 2: 744'. hastulifera, j^patela, 2:750'. Hawthorn, injurious insects: Heterocampa manteo, 2: 705'. locust leaf miner, i: 327'. rose leaf folder, 2: 581''. Hawthorn tingis, 2: sgS'-gg'. Hazel, injurious insects: borers, 2: 723'. Otidocephalus chevrolatii, 2: 71?'. myrmex, 2: 715'. sugar maple timber beetle: i: 67-'. flower cricket, white, 2:003^. leaf feeders; 2:723^. Anagoga pulveraria, 2: 728^. Apatela impressa, 2: 743'. oblinita, 2: 743'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''- 8: NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hazel, iiij. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: Aphrastus taeniatus, 2:515'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2: 535*- Attelabus rhois, 2:511', 574'. Bassareus mammifer, 2:716^. buck moth, i: 311'. Chlamys plicata, 2: 703'. Chrysomela multiguttata, 2: 742'. Cingilia catenaria, 2: 706-'. Cryptocephalus mutabilis, 2: 703«. Dichelonycha elongata, 2: 716'. Eucosma siniilana, 2: 749**. leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 580'. Lycia cognataria, 2: 728'. Monocesta coryli, 2: 724^. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. rose leaf folder, 2: 581*. Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. Smerintlius jamaicensis, 2: 724'. Thanaos icelus, 2: 742'. Tortricidia flexuosa, 2:717'. Xanthonia villosula, 2:703'. nut pests: 2: 723'. acorn weevil, 2:584-, 5S4'. 584°. hebe, Phaeogenes, i: i66-. Hecabolus lycti, 1:297'. hederaceus, Aphycus, i: 181'. Hedya signatana, 1:169''. Helice pallidochrella, 2: 729**. Helicobia helicis, I: 140". Heliophila unipuncta, 1:22*. 132'. heliothidata, Sciagrapha, 2: 730*. Helops aereus, 2: 752*. helvalis, Phlyctaenia, 2: 744'. helxines, Crepidodera, 2: 742'. Hemaris diflints var. axillaris, 2: 741', thysbe, 2: 738'. Hemerobius, i: 195'. stigmaterus, 2:653'', 697'''. Hemerocampa, synopsis of larvae, i: 134'. definita, 1:133', 134'; 2:507', 522*-23-, 607'. inornata, i: 134-. leucostigma, 1:20*, 44', 47'-4S', 49, I05«, I32«-42'"'; 2: 522', 524-', 607*, 609'. vetusta, l: 134^ -'(»•, cana, I: 134'. Hemichroa albidovariata, 2: 703'. aniericana, 2: 750^. f raternalis, 2: 703''. laricis, 2: 755''. phytophagica, 2: 703*. Hemileuca maia, 1:258^, 310''- 14'. Hemiptera, i; 12', 24''. Hemirhipus fascicularis, 1:266*. Hemisarcoptes coccisugus, i: 213'^ Hemiteles thyridopterigis, i : 127*. townsendi, 1:140'. Hemlock, injurious insects: borers: 2: 754'. apple wood stainer, 1:290". balsam bark borer, 2: 37O'. bujirestid, spotted, 2:339', 390'. Calitys scabra, 2: 496"*. Cryphalus striatulus, 2:673*. flat-headed borer, common, I: 87-. Leptura, Canadian. 2:670^. Leptura subhamata, 2:61^0'', 675-'. Monarthrun\ fasciatum, 2: 751'- Nyctobates pennsylvanica, 2: 492'. Phellopsis obcordata, 2: 49^)*. Pityobius anguinus, 2: 751"'. prionus, lesser, 2:487*. rustic borer, i: 261'. spruce timber beetle, 2: 369'. thunderbolt beetle, 2:444'. Xyloterus politus, 1:292*. Xylotrechus undulatus, 2: 650', 671'. leaf feeders: 2: 754*. bag or basket worm, i: 127". Eufidonia notataria, 2: 753'. Hemlock, inj. insects ((ont'd): leaf feeders: larch lappet, 2: 680^. Melanolophia canadaria, 2: 753'- Nepytia semiclusaria. 2:753"^. Selidosema umlirosarium. 2: 725'. spruce bud worm, 2:417'. scale or sucking insects: hemlock scale, 2:652', 6go'. Putnam's scale, 1:227'. Hemlock scale, 2: 652', 690*. Hepialus mustelina, 2: 753'. herculaneum, Apion, 2: 734*. herculaneus, Camponotus, 1:51^, 90'. Hermit flower beetle, 2:493'. Heterachthes quadrimaculatus, 2; 715^ Heterocampa bilineata, 2: 725'''. biundata, 2:727*. guttivitta, 2: 727*. manteo, 2: 705'. obliqua, 2: 705'. subrotata, 2: 716'. umbrata, 2: 705*. Heterogenea flexuosa, 2:529'. shurtleflii, 2: 529', 707^. Heteropacha rileyana, 2: 729'. Heterophleps triguttaria, 2: 727'. Hetoemis cinerea, 2:726'. Hibernation, i: i9''-2o'. Hickory, beneficial insects: Chariessa pilosa, 2: 504'. Elasmocerus terminatus, 2: 502'. Ibalia maculipennis, 2:499'. Phyllobaenus dislocatus, 2: 503-'. Xylonomus albopictus, 2: 500'. injurious insects: aphids: 2: 717'. borers: 2: 715^-16'. Acanthoderes decipiens, 2: 4298, 473^ quadrigibbus, 2: 702'. At\thaxia viridicornis, 2: 724''. apple wood stainer, I: 290'. Hickory, inj. insects {cont'd): borers: ash borer, banded, 1:257', 280^ four-marked, 2:428', 462'. Calloides nobilis, 2:427^, 443'- Cryptorhyncluis obtentus, 2: 720*. Cucujus clavipes, 2:701^. Cyrtinus pygmaeus, 2: 702'. Dicerca asperata, 2: 701'. Distenia undata, 2:720'. Dorcaschema nigrum, 2: 427', 444*. elm snout beetle, black, 1:73'. Euderces picipes, 2:427*', 445'- Eupogonius tomentosus, 2: 751'- flat-headed borer, common, 1:87-. Goes debilis, 2: 702''. hickory bark borer, 1:257', 275°. hickory borer, banded, J; 256', 267-'. beautiful, 2: 426', 431^. painted, 1:256', 264-'. tiger, I: 256'', 26S'. hickory snout beetle, 1 : 256', 274*. hickory timber beetle, 2: 427*, 446^ hickory twig borer, 2:427-, 448^. Hyperplatys aspersus, 2: 746*. maculatus, 2: 433'. Hypothenemus erectus, 2: 702'. leopard moth, 1:78^. Leptura vagans, 2:441'. Lepturges querci, 2:427", 439*- maple and oak twigpruner, i:6i^ Monarthrura fasciatum, 2: 751®. GENERAL INDEX Hickory, inj. insects {loiit'ii): borers: Neoclytus erythrocephalus, i: 7i», 72^ 72«. oak borer, variable, 2: 434^ passalus, horned, 2:492^. Phymatodes varius, 2: 702'. powder post beetle, l:2g6'. prionus, lesser, 2:487". red horned borer, small, i: 29S'. rustic borer, i: 256°, 259-. saperda, hickory, 1:256", 269^. red-edged, I: 270'; 2:427', 445''- Stenosphenus notatus, 2: 493'-- Tomoxia bidentata, 2:427'^, 441-. lineella, 2:427^, 441'. twig borer, red-shouldered, 2:442^ twig girjiler, 1:256', 271'. Tylonotus bimaculatus, 2: 7268. Urographis fasciatus, 2: 435'- Xyleborus fuscatus, 2: 752°. Xyloterus politus, 1:292'. gall insects: 2: 718'. Diplosis caryae, 2:619', 628-'. hickory button gall, 2:619*, 629'. hickory gall aphid, 1:259', 331'; 2:619^ hickory onion gall, 2:619', 62S-\ hickory peach gall, 2:619', 628'. hickory seed gall, 2:619', 628». hickory tube gall, 2:619', 628*. leaf feeders: 2:7i6'-l8'. Acrobasis rubrifasciella, 2: 750'. Alsophila pometaria, 2: 7o6«. 833 Hickory, inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: American dagger moth, 2: 525'. American silk worm, 2: 526«. Apatela brumosa, 2:704'. lithospila, 2: 721'''. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2;535'. Archips semiferana, 2: 707'. Bassareus mammifer, 2: 719*. black walnut caterpillar, i; 303'. Catocala epione, 2: 705^. piatri.v, 2: 719'. vidua, 2: 705'. Conotrachelus anaglypti- cus, 2: 544*. Cotalpa lanigera, 2: 724^. Datana contracta, 2: 725'. Ennomos magnarius, 2: 7253. subsignarius, 2; 725'*. Erannis tiliaria, 2: 731". Euclea chloris, 2: 706*. indetermina, 2:528'. Eugnamptus angustatus, 2: 703*. flea beetle, black-margined, 2: 5o6\ 5I5'-. forest tent caterpillar, i: no'. Glyptoscelis barbata, 2: 518^ Graphiphora alia, 2:704'. Heterocampa biundata, 2: 727^ umbrata, 2: 705*. hickory caterpillar, striped. 2: 508=, 535». hickory horned devil, 1 258', 305'. hickory tussock moth, i 258", 314*. Laemosaccus plagiatus, 2 703'. leaf roller, v-marked, 2 531'. Lithacodes fasciola, 2: 728*. 834 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hickory, iiij. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders : luna moth, 2: 526'. Machimia tentoriferella, 2: 708^ Mineola juglandis, 2: 719'. Morrisonia confusa, 2: 727*. Natada nasoni, 2: 707'. New York weevil, 2:517', 518=. Piazorhinus scutellaris, 2; 703'. Prolimacodes scapha, 2: 707'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. Rhynchagrotis alternata, 2: 704''. Schizura unicornis, 2: 705*. Scopelosoma sidus, 2: 705'. Sisyrosea inornata, 2: 728^. textula, 2: 721^. Thecla calanus, 2: 704'. tussock moth, dark, 2: 524'. white marked, i: I3(i''. Tymnes tricolor, 2: Sis', walking stick, 2: 533'. walnut sphinx, 2: 506*, 518'. Xanthonia villosula, 2: 703'. Xylina antennata, 1:129*, 131'. nut pests: acorn weevil, 2: 584''. Conotrachelus seniculus, 2: 512', 582'. hickory shuck worm, 2; 5I2^ 583'. walnut curculio, 2: 582^. root feeder: Lachnosterna fusca, 2: 753^ scale or sucking insects: 2: 717', 717*. Archasia galeata, 2: 597^. Chrysomphalus obscurus, 2: 709'. Eulecanium canadense, 2: 725'- caryae, 2: 725^. Hickory, bitternut, hickory shuck worm injuring, 2: 583^. Hickory, pignut, Dicerca, lurid, injuring, 2:427^, 442''-43°. Hickory bark borer, 1:257°, 275''- 79«; 2: 446', 502\ Hickory borers, 2:7l5'-i6'. banded, i:256\ 267'-68'. beautiful, 2:426^ 43i''-32'. painted, 1:256*, 264'-66'. tiger, 1:256*, 268*-69'. Hickory button gall, 2:619', 629'. Hickory caterpillar, striped, 2: 508«, 535'. Hickory gall aphid, 1:247', -59'. 33i''-32'; 2: 619''. Hickory horned devil, i: 258', 305«-6-'. Hickory onion gall, 2:6ip', 628*. Hickory peach gall, 2:619'', 628'. Hickory saperda, I: 256*, 269''- 70''. Hickory seed gall, 2: 619', 628^ Hickory shuck worm, 2:512', 583'. Hickory snout borer, 1:256', 274'- 75^ Hickory timber beetle, 2:427*, 446^-481 Hickory tube gall, 2: 619', 628'. Hickory tussock moth, 1:258', 3I4'-I5'- Hickory twig borer, 2:427', 448'- 49*. hicoriae, Chramesus, 2:336', 336', 427', 448', 502'. hieroglyphicus, Corymbites, see C. hieroglyphicus. hilaris, Pandeletejus, 2: 426', 436'- 37«. Himatium conicum, 2: 732'. hirta, Biorhiza, 2:712'. hirticauda, Pimpla, i: 139'. hirticeps, Pityophthorus, 2:751'. hirticula, Lachnosterna, 2: 7i6''. Hispa suturalis, iee Odontota dorsalis. hispidulus, Plocamus, 2: 721'. hispoides, Magdalis, 2:751'. Hister cylindricus, 2: 350', 354', 359*- Iccontei, 2: 491''. parallelus, 2: 359*, 372', 491'. Hog peanut, locust leaf miner injuring, i: 327'. Holcaspis bassetti, 2: 711''. centricola, 2: 711'. duricoria, 2:6i8'', 624'. fasciata, 2: 713'. globulus, 2:618', 624', 714^. Holcocera chalcofrontella, 2: 754'. glandulella, 2: 585', 709'. Holly, injurious insects: Harrisimemna trisignata, 2: 737*- .Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. Thecla liparops, 2:704'. holotricha, Cecidomyia, 2:619', 628'. Homalomyia scalaris, 1:140'. Homalota sf., 2: 389'. Homohadena badistriga, 2: 741'. Homoptera lunata, 2:508', 538*- 39'- va7-. edusa, 2: 743'. minerea, 2: 743*. Honey locust, resistance to insect attack, I: 47'. injurious insects: borers: ash borer, four-marked, 2: 428', 462'. Ptinidinm lineatum, 2: 729^. Xyleborus pubescens, 2: 720'. leaf feeders, 2:729''. Cleora pampinaria, 2: 743'. Euclea delphinii, 2: 706'. Lycia cognataria, 2: 728'. Schizura ipomoeae, 2:705'. tussock moth, white mark- ed, 1: 136*. . scale or sucking insects: Agallia quadri-punctata, 2: 598'. Aspidiotus ancylus, 2: 729°. Chionasjiis ortholobis, 2: 744*- Honeydew, i:244*-45*. Honeysuckle, injurious insects: borers, 2: 740'. leaf feeders, 2: 74t'. Harrisimemna trisignata, 3: 737'- GENERAL INDEX -35 Honeysuckle, inj. insects (cont'd) leaf feeders : Hemaris thysbe, 2:738^. Hop aphis, I: 248*. Hop hornbeam, injurious insects borer: Mastogenius subcyaneus, 2 701*. leaf feeders, 2: 722''-23'. Alsophila pometaria, 2:706'. Lithacodes fasciola, 2:728''. Prolimacodes scapha, 2 707'. Sisyrosea textula, 2: 721''. Hop merchant, 2: 509*, 545^-46'. hopkinsii, Cosmophorus, 2: 379^ SSg'-go'. Hoplia trifasciata, 2: 742-. Hoplocephala bicornis, 2: 498*, 499'- Hoplosia nubila, 2: 722'. Hops, aphids injuring, 1:242'. Hoptree, injurious insects: Nepticula pteliaeella, 2; 723^. orange dog, 2: 555". Papilio thoas, 2: 729'. Hoptree, red, tree hopper, two- marked, injuring, 2: 595^. hordeoides, Cecidomyia, 2: 745^. Hormaphis hamamelidis, 1:251'; 2:616®, 621', 639*-43''. papyraceae, 2: 750'. Hormiscus saltator, 2: 726'. Hornbeam, injurious insects: borers: Acoptus suturalis, 2:715'. Distenia undata, 2: 720''. leaf feeders, 2: 723*. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2: 535». Basilarchia astyanax, 2: 704'. Heterocanipa umbrata, 2: 705'- Hyperitis amicaria, 2:722^. Lithocolletes corylisella, 2: 723«. Metrocampa praegrandaria, 2: 749\ Odontota quadrata, 2; 731'. Orthofidonia vestaliata, 2: 706". Hornbeam, inj. insects {cont'd): leaf feeders : Serica trociformis, 2: 514'. Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2: 724'. Therina endropiaria, 2:706*. Horned oak gall, 2: 61S*, 624^. Horned passalus, 2:492*. Horntail, banded, 2:649', 668'. blue, 2: 649', 669'. Horse-chestnut, resistance to insect attack, 1:47''. injurious insects: 1:49. » borers: flat-headed borer, common, 1:87-. leopard moth, i: 78'. leaf feeders: Apatela hamamelis, 2: 704®. leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 580". Lithocolletes guttifinitella, 2: 740*. Selidosema umbrosarium, 2: 725-''. tussock moth, white marked, i: 105^, 132', 136'. scale or sucking insects: cicada, dog day, 1:238". oyster scale, 1:212®. Huckleberry, injurious insects: borer: sugar maple timber beetle, 1:508, 65-. leaf feeders: Basilarchia astyanax, 2: 704'. Datana drexelii, 2: 739''. Incisalia irus, 2:732*. Paouias astylus, 2: 738*. Sphinx gordius, 2: 727'. hudsonii, Pteronus, 2:511*, 569*- 70^ 746". Hulstea undulatella, 2: 725''. humeralis, Elater, 2:492'. Eucrada, 2: 722'. Purpuricenus, 2:702'. Triphyllus, 2: 495*. var. cyanescens, Hydnocera, 2: 6533, 693'-94-. humerosana, Amorbia, 2; 737''. humida, Rhyssa, 2:466'*. humuli, Phorodon, 1:248*. hyalina, Pontania, 2:621', 638°. hyalinus, Callipterus, 2: 709^. Pteronus, 2: 748'. hydni, Diaperis, 2:4g7*-9S'. Hydnocera humeralis var. cyanes- cens, 2:653", 693'-94''. longicoUis, 2: 723*. pallipennis, 2:653', 693'. subaenea, 2: 606*. unifasciata, 2: 721'. verticalis, 2:6o5*-6''. Hydria undulata, 2:510", 551*. Hydriomena contracta, 2: 754'. sordidata, 2: 743*. Hydrocyanic acid gas, 1:40'. hylaeus, Dolba, 2: 739*. Hylastes porculus, 2:752'. tenuis, 2: 752". Hylesinus aculeatus, 1:257', 288'— 89*. opaculus, 1:257', 2S8'. Hylobius confusus, 2:751'. pales, 2:649', 664''. Hyloicus kalmiae, see Sphinx. Hylotoma coerulea, 2: 748*. macleayi, 2:510', 549'-5o". pectoralis, 2: 511', 542", 57o''-7l', 74S*. scapularis, 2: 509", 542'. Hylotrupes bajulus, 2:649*, 664'. ligneus, 2:650*, 675'-76'. Hylurgops glabratus, 2: 649', 665'- 66'. Hymenoptera, 1:10', 21*; para- sitic, I: 202'. Hymenorus communis, 2: 701'. obscurus, 2: 701'. Hyparpax aurora, 2: 506*, 52o"-2i'. Hypatus bachmani, 2:726'. Hyperaeschra georgica, 2:705*. stragula, 2: 747*. Hyperaspidius jTj*., 1:216". Hyperaspis bigeminata, i: 198*. binotata, 2: 605''. signata, i:iSi*, 1S6', 186", Ig8*; 2: 605'. Hyperchiria io, see Automeris. Hyperitis amicaria, 2: 722'. Hyperplatys aspersus, 2: 746*. maculatus, 2:426*, 432*-33'. 836 Hyphantria cunea, scy II. textor. textor, 1:40, 105". I3i'> 142^-46', 253'; 2:607*, 609'. hyphantriae, Apanteles, 1:138*, MS"- Meteoriis, .>(•(• M. hyphantriae. hypochraria, Gonodontis, 2:732*. Hypomolyx pinicola, 2: 751'. Hypophloeus sp., 2: 374', 375'- cavus, 2: 504*. parallelus, 2:389', 449''. thoracicus, 2: 3SP''. 1 Hypothenenius aveccae, 2: 702'. crudiae, 2: 715'. dissimilis, 2: 715'. erectus, 2: 702'', 740'. eruditus, 2; 740'. lauassa lignicolor, 2: 705'. Ibalia anceps, 2: 714'. cultellator, 2:499'. maculipennis. 2:499', 7I4*- icelus. Thanaos, 2: 742'. Ichneumon coeruleus, i: 138*. subcyaneus, 1:138", 324'. ichneumoneus, Clerus, i: 278'; 2: 502'. Ichneumonidae, 1:21'. Ichthyura inclusa, sft: Melalopha. Icteridae, i: 30*. Idiocerus suturalis, 2: 597'. ignota, Rhodites, 2: 621', 647'. ignotus, Andricus, 2:711". Ilex laevigata, Putnam's scale injuring, I: 227'. verticillata, Putnam's scale in- juring, 1:227''. ilia, Catocala, 2: 705''. ilicifoliae, Amphibolips, 2:618', 625'. illecta, Catocala. 2:729*. imbellis, Silvanus, 2:489'. imbricator. Pemphigus, I: 196'; 2: 722'. imbricatus, Epicaerus, 2: 733'. imbricornis, Prionus, 2:486'. impatiens, Eucoila, 2:714'. Figites, 2: 714'. Imperial moth, 2:651', 677*-79'. imperialis, Basilona, 2:651', 677*- 79'. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM } impleta, Apatela, 2: 749^ impressa, Apatela, 2: 743'. inanis, Amphibolips, 2:618', 625^ inatomaria, Metanema, 2:747*. incertus, Andricus, 2:711''. incipiens, Pseudanthonomus, 2: 739'- Incisalia irus, 2: 732*. niphon, 2: 752'. incisuralis, Phora, i: 140*. 1 inclusa, Melalopha, 2:511', 560'- 6i3. 1 inconspicua, Magdalis, 2:719'. Incurvaria acerifoliella. 2: 509', 541-', 7285. indetermina, Euclea, 2:528', 529'- indigenella, Mineola, 2:733'. Indigo bird, i: 166'. Indigo bunting, i: 31^. indistinctus, Andricus, 2: 710''. inerme, Elaphidion, 2: 702'. inermis, Ceroptres, 2: 714'. Stictocephala, 2:652', 687^ infans, Brephos, 2: 749'. infensata z'nr. biclaria, Syssaura, 2:755'*. inferentia, Poecilostoma, 2:750''. inficita, Marasmalus, 2: 737^. infrequens, Isodyctium, 2: 703'. infumatana, Archips, 2: 717'. Injuries caused by insects, 1:6'- 7'- Inkberry, Dolba hylaeus injuring, 2; 739*. innotata, Apatela, 2: 716'. innubens, Catocala, 2: 729'. innumerabilis, Pulvinaria, 1:8^, 12*, 49, 173', 196', 200'. Ino reclusa, 2: 730'. inopis, Cecidomyia, 2:752'. inornata, Atymna, 2: 721'. Hemerocampa, i: 134'. Mecas, 2: 741'. Sisyrosea, 2: 72S'. nornatum, Exartema, 2:707°. Inquilines, 2: 746'. nquisitor, Pinipla, see P. inquisi- tor, nscriptum, Deidamia, 2: 740'. Insects, adult, i: 19^; definitions and classification, l:8'-io5; hi- bernation, I: iq*-20^; larvae, 1: i6'-i8''; incomplete metamor- phosis, i:l5*-l6''; no metamor- phosis, 1:15'; complete meta- morphosis, i: i6''-ig'; parasitic andpredaceous, i:2Q*-25'; pupa, I: i8*-l9'; transformations, I: 1 3''-20*. insiticiana, Ecdytolopha, 2:430^, 478'. insolabilis, Catocala, 2: 716'. insolitus, Pezomachus, i: 140'. insularia, Deptalia, 2: 721'. integer, Janus, 1:258', 302'-3''. Pteronus, 2:651', 683', 703'. integerrima. Datana, 1:258', SOSE- interior, Eurymus, 2: 742\ intermedia. Phylloxera, 2: 718''. intermediata, Mesoleuca, 2: 725=. interrogationis, Polygonia, 2: 509', 544''-45''. interrupta, Apatela, 2; 724'. interruptus, Agrilus, 2: 701''. inusitatumella, Ornix, 2: 734*. lo caterpillar, 2:506', 52i*-22'.' Iphidicles ajax, 2: 735''. Iphthimus opacus, 2:492''. ipomoeae, Schizura, 2:705', 729*. Ips fasciatus, 2: 370*. quadriguttatus, 2:652', 6gi', 692'. sanguinolentus, 1:293'; 2:652*, 69i'-g2'. Ironwood, injurious insects: borers: Goes pulverulentus, 2:455'. red horned borer, small, i: 299'. sugar maple timber beetle, 1:67*. leaf feeders: 2: 723'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549*. Heterogenea shurtleffii, 2: 707'. luna moth, 2: 527'. Natada nascni, 2; 707'. walnut sphinx, 2: 506*, 518'. GENERAL INDEX 837 Ironwood, inj. insects (cont'd): scale insect: Bulecanium quercitronis, 2: 709'». irregulalris, Neuroterus, 2: 711'. Priophorus, 2: 741'. irrorata, Oreta, 2:749°. irroratus, Phlepsius, 2: 717'. irus, Incisalia, 2:732*. Isochaetes beutenmulleri, 2: 722^ Isodyctium caryicolum, 2:716'-. infrequens, 2; 703'. murtfeldtiae, 2:703'. subgregarium, 2: 703'. isomera, Cladius, 2: 741'. Ithycerus noveboracensis, 2: 506*, 5I7•'-I8^ Ivy, poison, injurious insects, 2: 740^ leaf feeders, 2: 740'. Madarellus undulatus, 2:430'', 479'- woodbine borer, 2:430', 47S'. j-album, Eugonia, 2: 749-. jamaicensis, Smerinthus, 2: 724'. janthinum, Callidium, 2: 450^, 660^, 751*. Janus integer, I: 25S'-, 302^-3'. jasminearum, Chlaenogramma, 2: 727*. Jassus olitorius, 2: 597'. Jays, l: 30*. jocosa, Feralia, 2: 754'. Jodia rufago, 2:704'. johnsonaria, Euchlaena, 2:706'. Judith, Catocala, 2:716'. juglandana, Eulia, 2: 717^ juglandiella, Coptodisca, 2: 720'. Gracilaria, 2: 720'. juglandifex, Eulecanium, 2: 720°. juglandifoliella, Nepticula, 2: 720''. juglandis, Conotrachelus, 2: 512', 5Si«-82». Corythuca, 2:749'. Cressonia, 2:506', siS'-ig', 720'. Eriocampa, 2: 720^. Eulecanium, 2: 719*. Mineola, 2: 719'. Juglans alba, 2:454'. juglans, Cynips, 2:710'. juglans-regiae, Aspidiotus, 2: 719". Juneberry, see Shadbush. Juniper, injurious insects: borers: 2: 755*. apple wood stainer, 1:290®. Lepturges facetus, 2: 715'. red cedar bark beetle, 2: SSS'', 391'. 391'- leaf feeders, 2: 755'. bag or basket worm, 1:127'. Cingilia catenaria, 2: 706'. Hydriomena contracta, 2; 754-- Incisalia niphon, 2:752'. Mitoma damon, 2: 740'. Psallus juniperi, 2: 755'. Tephroclystis miserulata, 2: 706*. scale insect: juniper scale, i: 173*, 229". Juniper scale, i: 173", 229'. juniperella, Recurvaria, 2:755'. juniperi, Psallus, 2: 755'. juvenalis, Thanaos, 2:704''. Kaliosysphinga dohrnii, 2:750'. I ulmi, 1:105', l62''-63'. kalmiae, Sphin.x, 2: 509^, 54S'-. kansasensc, Eulecanium, 2:734'. kentaria, Eutrapela, 2: 72S'. Kermes andrei, 2: 709^ kingii, 2: 709'. nivalis, 2: 709*. perryi, 2: 709*. pettiti, 2: 709^ pubescens, 2:709°. quercus, 2: 709°. Kerosene emulsion, 1:35', 38'. Key, to beneficial insects, 2: 652°- 53*; borers, l:5o'-5i', 256''-57'; 2: 33S'-40^ 426''-3i', 64S'-5o'; gall insects, 1:258', 259'; 2:618'- 21'; leaf feeders, i: 105^-6', 258'; 2:340°, 5o6'-i2*, 65o'-5i*; nut pests, 2: 512°; sucking insects, i: i72»-745, 258'; 2:65x6-52°. Kingbird, I: 237'. kingii, Eulecanium, 2: 739'. Kermes, 2: 709°. klagesi, Trichodesma, 2:715'. Knotty rose gall, 2:621°, 648'. Konowia attenuata, 2:429^*, 466'. Kronaea minuta, 2: 707'. Lace-'winged flies, i: 154', 175', 191', 199'; 2:653', 697°. Lachnosterna fusca, 2:753°. hirticula, 2: 716''. quercus, 2: 703'. Lachnus abietis, 2: 754'. alnifoliae, 2: 750°. caryae, 2: 717*. dentatus, 2: 744'. laricifex, 2: 755'. longistigma, 2: 731'. platanicola, 2: 719'. quercifoliae, 2: 709-. salicellis, 2: 744'. smilacis, 2: 740'. strobi, 2: 753'. ulmi, 2; 725°. Lacosoma chiridota, 2:706'. lacrymosa, Catocala, 2:705''. ladon, Cyaniris, 2: 727°. Lady beetles, 1:23', 1S6', 206', 243'. black, I: 222-''. Chinese, i: 223'. fifteen-spotted, 1: 175', 195', 198*; 2:604'. nine-spotted, 2:652', 691'. spotted, I: 195'. three-banded, 2:652°, 691°. twice stabbed, 1: 195', 198°, 208', 216'', 223', 231'. two-spotted, I: 174', 195', 206'; 2:601°. Ladybugs, i: 320'. Laemophloeus biguttatus, 2:490'. testaceus, 2:490°. Laemosaccus plagiatus, 2:703'. Laetilia coccidivora, 1:198°. laevicollis, Metachroma, 2: 703'. laeviventris, Synergus, 2: 714''. Lagoa crispata, 2: 507', 529°-30°. lamprosana, Pandemis, 2:728''. lana. Andricus, 2:6i8°, 625°. lanceolaria, Apatela, 2: 742°. Land turtle, i: 237'. lanigera, Cotalpa, 2: 724°. 838 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lapara bombycokles, 2: 651', 679'. coniferarum, 2: ~S3*- lapathi, Cryptorhynchus, 1:49, 51', ioo''-3'; 2: 469''. lapponica, Melasoma. 2: 511', 564*"- 65". Larch, injurious insects: aphid: larch aphid, woolly, 1:172', 187'. borers: Hydriomena contracta, 2: 754^ Leptura subhamala, 2:675^. pine bark beetle, 2:351*, 352'. Tomicus caelatus, 2:354'. leaf feeders; 2; 755'. bag or basket worm, i: 127-. Eufidonia notataria, 2:753'. hickory tussock moth, 1:314'. larch case bearer, i: 106', 170''. larch lappet, 2:680^. larch sawfly, 2: 340', 41S', 418'. Lycia cognataria, 2: 728'. Melaholophia canadaria, 2: 753'- Nepytia semiclusaria, 2: 753*. Recurvaria obliquistrigella, 2:754'. Tephroclystis miserulata, 2: 706'. tussock moth, white marked, 1 : 1 3O'. sucking insect: 2: 755'. Tetranychus telarius, 2: 755^. Larch aphid, woolly, i: 172', 187*- 889. Larch case bearer, i: 106', i7o'-7i'. Larch lappet, 2: bsi^, 680'. Larch sawfly, i: 10', 254^; 2:340', 4i8'-23'. laricella, Coleophora, i: 106'', 170'- 71'. lariceti, Chermes, i:i8S'; laricifex, Lachnus, 2:755^. laricifoliae, Chermaphis, 2: 755°. laricis, Chermes, i: 1S8'. Ilemichroa, 2:755'. Tolype, 2:651*, 68o«. Laricobius erichsoni, 2: 751^ larvaria, Cleora, 2: 743'. lateralis, Pteronus, 2: 74S*. Saperda, I: 270^-71'; 2: 427', 445''. laticinerea, Xylina, see X. lati- cinerea. laticlavia, Anomoea, 2: 730'. laticollis, Prionus, 2:430', 486'- 87'. latifasciatus, Pteronus, 2:511*, 572», 748^ latifasciella, Nepticula, 2: 721*. latiferreanus, Melissopus, 2: 709'. latipennis, Diacrisia, 2: 727'. Oecanthus, 2:603*. latitarsus, Croesus, 2: 748". latiusculus, Listronotus, 2: 755'. Laurel, Eulecanium pruinosum injuring, 2; 719'. Laurel, mountain, scY Mountain laurel. Laurel, sheep, injurious insects: Pseudanthonomus incipiens, 2: 739*- lautus, Pityophthorus, 2: 751'. Laverna gleditschiaeella, sef Mompha. Leaf eaters affecting deciduous forest trees, 2: 5o6'-8l'. Leaf miners, 1:35'; 2:708', 722', 723^ 732«, 735^ Leaf rollers, 2: 707''-S', 723". oblique banded, 2:512'', 531', SSo'-Si-. red-banded, 2:508', 532'. V-marked, 2: 508', 531*. Lebia grandis, 2:652', 690'. lecanii, Coccophagus, i: 199', 203'. Lecanium nigrofasciatum, jiv Eulecanium. tulipiferae, see Eulecanium. Le Conte's sawfly, 2: 340', 413^-14*. lecontei, Agrilus, 2: 736*. Hister, 2:491'. Lophyrus, 2: 340', 4I3'-I4*. Magdalis, 2: 751'. Tachygonus, 2: 752^. lenticularis, Rhodites, 2:736''. leonardi, Melanotus, 2: 752^. Leopard moth, 1:8', 8', 12-"', 45*, 51', 75'-79*- Lepidosaphes ulmi, 1:49, '73'i 2Il'-I3». leporina, Apatela, 2:747'. leptinoides, Schizura, 2:716'. Leptocoris trivittalus, i: 174', 239'-4o'. Leptostylus, prickly, 2:428', 461'. spotted, 2: 430', 482'. Leptostylus aculiferus, 2:428', 461'. biustus, 2: 715'. collaris, 2: 720'. commixtus, 2:751'. macula, 2: 430', 482''. parvus, 2: 702''. sexguttatus, 2:751^. Leptura abdominalis, 2: 755'. canadensis, 2: 650', 670*. cordifera, 2: 720'. emarginata, 2:436', 724'*. nitens, 2: 702'. proxima, 2: 727'. subhamata, 2:650', 675'. vagans, 2:427', 44o*-4i'. zebra, 2: 428', 450^-51', 667'. Lepturges facetus, 2: 715'. querci, 2:427', 439'-40^ signatus, 2: 722'. symmetricus, 2: 493'. lepusculina, Apatela, 2: 747'. Lepyrus geminatus, 2:742'. lespedezaefoliella, Gracilaria, 2; 730S. Lestodiplosis decem-maculata, 2: 746^ septem-maculata, 2: 746'. Leucania unipuncta, str Helio- phila. leucomelas, Cryptocephalus, 2: 746'. leucophaea, Olene, 2:717'. far. basiflava. Olene, 2: 749*. Leucopis nigricornis, i: 182'. leucopterus, Blissus, 1:6'; 2: 685'. leucostigma, Hemerocampa j'tr H. leucostigma. libatrix, Scoliopteryx, 2:743'. liberaecellulae, Dryophanta, 2: 712''. liberta, Chalcophora, 2: 648', 654'- 55'. GENERAL INDEX 839 liburna, Scolecocampa, 2: 705'. Light-loving grapevine beetle, 2: 651*, 682'. Lightning leaf hopper, 2: 598^. ligneus, Hylotrupes, 2:650', 675'- 76'. lignicolor, lanassa, 2:705*. Synergus, 2: 714''. ligulellus, Ypsolophus, 2:707*. Lilac, insects injurious to: borer: lilac borer, 1:51', 104'. leaf feeders: 2: 737'. Apatelodes angelica, 2: 727'- ash sphinx, 2: 509*, 548°. wavy, 2: 509*, 548*. leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 5So». promethea moth, 2:510', 557'. Pyrophila pyraniidoides, 2: 704'. sphinx chersis, 2: 727'. Tolype velleda, 2:727'. scale or sucking insects: Aspidiotus diffinis, 2:731'. Euonymus scale, i: 213*. Lilac borer, 1:51*, 104'. limacina, Eriocampoides, 2:733'-. limata, Pantographa, 2: 731'. limbata, Ania, 2: 508', 530^. Lime-sulfur wash, I: 39^. Limenitis disippus, see Basilar- chia archippus. lirainaris, Phloeotribus, 2: 336*, 428^, 452'. limitata, Nyctobia, 2: 734". Pandemis, 2: 707*. Limneria sp., i: 138*. ferrugineipes, 1:158*. fugitiva, I: 112'', 309', 314'. lophyri, 2: 415-. pallipes, 1:145*. valida, i: 13S'. limneriae, Eupelmus, I: 140*. Limnobaris calva, 2: 734*. Limonius confusus, 2: 667'. quercinus, 2: 605*. Limosina sp., i: [40*. crassimana, 1:74'. limosipennella, Coleophora, i: lo6', i67'-6S<. Lina lapponica, see Melasonia. scripta, see Melasoma. Linden, resistance to insect at- tack, l:47''. injurious insects: 1.49. borers, 2: 731''. Euderces picipes, 2:446'. flat-headed borer, common, 1:87-. linden borer, I: 51', 91'. Parandra brunnea, 2: 701^ prionus, broad-necked, 2: 486'. gall insects: 2: 731'. linden mite gall, 2:620', 631'. linden wart gall, 2: 620', 63 1^. leaf feeders: 2: 731*. Adonetaspinuloides, 2:706'. alder leaf beetle, 2: 509'^ 542". American dagger moth, 2: 525'- American silk worm, 2: 526*. Apatela hastulifera, 2:750*. impleta, 2: 749'. morula, 2: 724'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'. bag or basket worm, i: 127-. Basilarchia arthemis, 2:742'. Cecropia moth, 2: 539''. Chrysomela multiguttata, 2: 742'. Cyrtophorus verrucosus, 2: 722-. Datana drexelii, 2: 739*. elm saw fly, i: 15S'. Ennomos magnarius, 2: 725''- subsignarius, 2:725*. Euclea chloris, 2: 706'. Eutrapela kentaria, 2: 728-. forest tent caterpillar, i: no*. Heterocampa manteo, 2: 705'. hickory tussock moth, I: 314'- Lithacodes fasciola, 2: 72S''. Linden, inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: Metrocampa praegranda- ria, 2: 749''. Odontota nervosa, 2:703'. Olene plagiata, 2: 725-. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2:704'. Paraphia subatomaria, 2: 753'- Prolimacodes scapha, 2: 707'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. Schizura ipomoeae, 2: 705'. Sisyrosea textula, 2: 721''. sphinx, four-lined, 2: 509', 546'. Strongylogaster pinguis, 2: 748'. Tortricidia testacea, 2: 707*. tussock moth, white mark- ed, l: 105^, 132', 136*. scale or sucking insects: 2: 731*. black-banded scale, i: 201''. Eulecanium capreae, 2: 744'- oyster scale, 1:212'. Putnam's scale, 1:227*. Linden, European, resistance to insect attack, 1:47'; injurious insects, i; 49. Linden borer, I: 51^, 9T'-g2-. Linden mite gall, 2:620'', 63i'-32'. Linden wart gall, 2:620-, 631^ Lindera odorifera, Chionaspis liutneri injuring, 1:227'. lineata, Buprestis, 2:751-. Deilephila, 2: 724'. lineatum, Ptinidium, 2: 729*. Rhagium, 2: 335^ 339\ 349*, 366=-6S^ 6653. lineella, Tomoxia, see T. lineella. lineicollis, Centrinus, 2:719*. lineola, Colydium, 1:292", 293*. lintneri, Chionaspis, i: 173'. 227*- 28'^ Eulecanium, 2: 732'. Liodes basalis, 2: 74S'. 840 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Liodes globosa, 2: 748'. Liopus alpha, 2: 430^, 4Si'-82*, 482S. var. cinereus, 2: 715°. cinereus, 2:481'. crassulus, 2: 715'. fascicularis, 2: 729', 730'. punctatus, 2:426', 432*. variegatus, 2:720', 730'. liparops, Thecla, 2:704". Liquidambar, leaf feeders injur- ing, 2:724^ liquidambar i sell a, Phyllocnistis, 2: 735^ liriodendri, Cecidomyia, 2: 732'. Nectarophora, 2:732''. liriodendronella, Phyllocnistis, 2: 732^. Listronotus latiusculus, 2: 755'. Litargus tetraspilotus, 2:741'. Literature relating to forest ento- mology, i: I2'-I3*. Lithacodes fasciola, 2: 728''. Lithocolletes aceriella, 2:728*. aeriferella, 2: 708''. albanotella, 2: 708*. argentifimbriella, 2:708'. argentinotella, 2: 725'. auronitens, 2:750*. basistrigella, 2:708*. bethuniella, 2:708'. bifasciella, 2:708'. blancardella, 2: 708'. caryaefoliella, 2:717*. castaneaeella, 2:721'. celtifoliella, 2: 717?. cincinnatiella, 2:708'. clemensella, 2:728'. corylisella, 2: 723'. fasciella, 2: 708'. fitchella, 2: 508*, 533'. guttifinitella, 2:740'. hageni, 2: 708'. hamadryella, 2:508*, 532'-33'. lucetiella, 2:731'. lucidicostella, 2: 728'. morrisella, 2: 730'. obscuricostella, 2: 723'. obstrictella, 2:708'. ostensackenella, 2:730'. ostryaefoliella, 2: 722'. Lithocolletes populiella, 2: 747'. quercialbella, 2: 708'. robiniella, 2: 730'. salicifoliella, 2:744'. tiliacella, 2: 731'. tritaeniella, 2:722'. tubiferella, 2: 708'. uhlerellEt, 2: 730'. ulmella, 2: 725'. lithospila, Apatela, 2:721'. liturata, Phloeotrya, 2:4g3'-94'. livens, Pachybrachys, 2: 742'. Livia vernalis, 2:753°. lividus, Eunotus, see E. lividus. lixaria, Racheospila, 2: 738'. Lobed oak gall, 2:618', 625'. lobeliae, Apatela, 2: 704'. Lochites j/., 2: 390^ Locust, injurious insects: 1:49. borers, 2: 729'-3o'. Agrilus egenus, 2: 715'. politus, 2: 741*. apple wood stainer, i: 290'. carpenter worm, 1:51', 79'\ 83'. Cucujus clavipes, 2:701*. Cyrtinus pygmaeus, 2:702^ Ecyrus dasycerus, 2: 715'. Leptostylus commixtus, 2: 751'. Liopus alpha, 2:482'. var. cinereus, 2:715'. variegatus, 2: 720'. locust borer, I: 51', 93'. locust twig borer, 2:430', 47S'. maple and oak twig pruner, l:6i-\ Neoclytus erythrocephalus, I: 72^ 72'. powder post beetle, 1:297-. leaf feeders: 2: 730'. Adoneta spinuloides, 2: 706'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535*. bag or basket worm, i: 127'. Bassareus mammifer, 2:719*. black walnut caterpillar, I: 305'. Catocala vidua, 2: 705'. Ecpantheria deflorata, 2:742*. Locust, injurious insects (conl'd): leaf feeders : flea beetle, red-footed, 2: 510', 556^ forest tent caterpillar, I: no'. Heterogenea shurtleffii, 2: 707^ io caterpillar, 2: 522'. locust leaf folder, 2:510', 556". locust leaf miner, i: 258*, 325'. Plocamus hispidulus, 2:721'-. Pyrrhia umbra var. expri- mens, 2: 737'. Schizura unicornis, 2:705'. scale or sucking insects: Aspidiotus juglans-regiae, 2: 719*. tree hopper, two-marked, 2: 595'. Locust, black, resistance to insect attack, i: 47'. injurious insects: borers: 2: 729'-3o'. leaf feeders: 2:730'. Micracis suturalis, 2:715'. Locust, water, Putnam's scale in- juring, I: 227*. Locust, yellow, Hyperplatys mac- ulatus injuring, 2:433'. Locust borer,,!: 51', 93'-g7'. Locust leaf folder, 2:510', 556'- 57*. Locust leaf miner, I: 258*, 325'- 29'. Locust twig borer, 2:430', 478'. logiana,Alceris,2: 733'. logiana var, viburnana, Alceris, 2:744'. lombardae, Pteronus, 2: 746'. London purple, i: 34'-35', 37'. Long sting, lunate, 1:63', 261'. longiceps, Baptolinus, 2:389'. longicollis, Hydnocera, 2:723'. longicornis, Dryophanta, 2:711'. longipes, Melanophila, 2:753". Rhopalophora, 2: 731'. longistigma, Lachnus, 2: 731'. longulus, Copturodes, 2: 702', 751'. lophanthae, Scymnus, 1:223'. Lophoderus triferana, see Eulia. GENERAL INDEX 841 Lophodonta angulosa, 2:705'. ferruginea, 2; 749". lophyri, Limneria, 2:415-. Lophyrusabbotii, 2: 340', 4I4''-I5'. abietis, 2:340", 4l5'-i6'*. fabricii, 2: 752*. lecontei, 2: 340*, 4I3'-I4''. pinetum, 2: 752'. pini-rigidae, 2: 752'. lorata, Sabulodes, 2: 754'. loxaulis, Biorhiza, 2: 710'. Loxostege obliteralis, 2:609'. Lucanus dama, 2:701®. lucetiella, Lithocolletes, 2: 731'. lucicola, Anomala, 2:651^, 682*. lucidicostella, Lithocolletes, 2: 728^ lucifluella, Coptodisca, 2: 717'. lucipara, Euplexia, 2:749''. iugubris, Triptogon, 2: 740*. Xyletinus, 2: 731^. lumeiiaria, Cosymbia, 2: 749''. luna, Tropaea, 2: 507', 526'-27'. Luna moth, 2: 507', 526'-27'. lunata, Calligraphus, 2: 575'. Homoptera, 2: 50S', 538^-39'. var. edusa, Homoptera, 2: 743'. Lunate long sting, 1:63^,261'. lunator, Thalessa, 1:63'-', 64, 261^. lunatus, Cratoparis. 2:498', 499'. lunifera, Pheocyma, 2:753'. Luperodes meraca, 2: 723'. lurida, Dicerca, 2: 504'. luscitiosa. Sphinx, 2: 742^ luscus, Neoclytus, 2: 715''. luteata, Tephroclystis, 2: 754'. luteipennis, Ernobius, 2:694', 752'. luteola, Galerucella, jtvG. luteola. luteotergum, Amauronematus, 2: 5118, 572'-73«, 750-'. lutescens, Aulacomerus, 2: 568'. Lycia cognataria, 2: 728'. ursaria, 2: 747'. lycti, Hecabolus, 1:297'. Lyctus parallelopipedus, 2:430', 483', 501'. unipunctatus, 1:257', 296''-9S', 4S33, 483'. Lyda sp., 2; 650', 676'. fasciata, 2: 733'^. Lygaeonematus erichsonii, I: 254'; 2; 340', 4iS'-23-\ Lygus monachus, 2:728*. lymani, Eulecanium, 2: 709''. Lymexylon sericeum, 2:427', 449^. Lysiteraius scolyticida, 1:278^. llacaria praeatomata., 2:738'. var. bisignata, 2: 753-. Machimia tentorifereila, 2: 708'^. macleayi, Hylotoma, 2:510', 549'- 50'. maclurae, Pulvinaria, 2: 737'. maclurarum, Eulecanium, 2:726'. macmurtrei, Prionoxystus, 2:427-, 439'. 477^- Macratria murina, 2: 742'. Macrobasis unicolor, 2:730'. macrocarpae, Philonix, 2: 713*. Macrocentrus delicatus, 2: 531'. solidaginis, 2: 531', 553-. Macrodactylus subspinosus, 2: 512-, 575^ Macrophya biliaeata, 2: 73S'. externa, 2: 716'. mixta, 2: 73S'. trisyllaba, 2: 737'. macrurus, Eremotylus, 2: 549'. macula, Leptostylus, 2:430', 482'. maculata, Plalisidota, 2: 507^, 523'. Megilla, i: 195', 320'. maculatus, Hyperplatys, see H. macnlatus. maculipennis, Ibalia, see 1. maculi- pennis. maculiventris, Buprestis, see B. maculiventris. Podisus, 2:6o8°-9*. Madarellus undulatus, 2:430', 479'- Madarus undulatus, see Mada- rellus. madefactalis, Bomolocha, 2:720'. Magdalis alutacea, 2: 340'-, 402'-3'-. armicollis, 1:49, 5i'-, 70*, 72', 74'. 75'- barbita, 1:49, 51', 70', 72', 73'- 75'- hispoides, 2: 751'. inconspicua, 2:719'. lecontei, 2: 751'. Magdalis olyra, i: 256', 274'-75'; 2: 503* perforata, 2: 340', 402^. salicis, 2: 720*. magdalis, Brachistes, 1:74'. magnarius, Ennomos, 2: 725'. Magnolia, injurious insects: Platypus compositus, 2: 720'. Xyleborus pubescens, 2:702', 720'. Xyloterus politus, 1:292*. maia, Hemileuca, 1:258', 3io'-i4'. Maia moth, 1:258', 3Io'-I4'. majalis, Neuroterus, 2: 710'. major, Datana, 2: 739'. majulis, Cecidomyia, 2: 710'-. malachitana, Olethreutes, 2: 735'. Malacosoma americana, i: 24', 28-; 2:510-, 55o'-5i', 606', 607'. disstria, 1:21', 23', 25*, 28', 48', 49, 52', 105', lo6'-l5', 253^; 2: 550'. malanogrammos, Benta, 2:651', 676'-77'. mali. Aphis, 2: 641'. Monarthrum, i: 257*, 289''-g2'; 2: 336'. malifoliella, Tischeria, 2: 734'. malus, Tyroglyphus, i: 213'. Mamestra atlantica, 2:704'. detracta, 2: 716'. picta, 2:608*. raammifer, Bassareus, 2: 716*, 719'. manteo, Heterocampa, 2: 705'. mantis, European, i: 25'. southern praying, 1:24'. Mantis Carolina, see Stagmoman- tis. religiosa, i: 25', 154'. Manufactured wood, borers in, 2:43o''-3i', 483'-g9''. Maple, scarlet winged clerid bene- ficial to, 2; 503'. injurious insects: borers: 2: 727''. ants, white, I; 89'. apple wood stainer, I: 290'. Bellamira scalaris, 2:429', 467". buprestid, banded, 2:428', 458'. 84: NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Maple, inj. insects (f(»«/''- obesus, Xyleborus, 2: 722^. oblinita, Apatela, 2:511', 560', 743'. obliqua, Ifeterocampa, 2:705'. Saperda, 2:430"*, 48o'-8l-. obliquata, Penthe, 2:493'. Oblique banded leaf roller, 2: 5I2^ 531', 58o'-8i-. obliquistrigella, Recurvaria, 2: 754'. obliquus, Cryptorhynchus, 2: 715', 737'. obliterans, Loxostege, 2:609'. Obrium rubrum, 2:428', 463'. obscura, Catocala, 2:716*. Synchita, 2: 701*. var. lurida, Dicerca, 2:427^, 442S-43«. obscuricoslella, LithocoUetes, 2: 723'. obscurus, Adoxus, 2: 739". Chrysomphalus, 2:709". Ilymenorus, 2:701'. obsoletoguttatus, Agrilus, 2:701'. obsoletus, Acanthosinus, 2:649*, 662'. obstrictella, I.ithocolletes, 2: 70C'. obtentus, Cryptorhynchus, 2: 720*. obtusa, Clastoptera, 2:687'. obtusaria, Euchlaena, 2:721'. Obtuse clastoptera, 2: 687'. obtusilobae, Aegilips, 2:715'. Andricus, 2: 709'. Ceroptres, 2:714'. obtusus, Balaninus, 2: 723*. occidentalis, Cerura, 2:743'. ocellana, Tmetocera. 2: 707^. ocellaris, Cecidomyia, 2:619', 629''-3o'. ocellata, Anatis. i: 175°, 195', 19S'; 2: 604*. Oberea, 2: 493'. Ocellate maple leaf gall, 2:619', 629*-3o'. octolineata, Gypona, 2:652*, 688'. octomaculata, Alypia, 2: 512', 575'. octopunctata, Mor'della, see M. octopunctata. oculata, Anatis, i: 186'. Goes, 2: 715*. oculatus, Alaus, 2:430*, 485'-86'. Odontophyes aviingrata, 2:716'. Odontota dorsalis, 1:258*, 325'- 29=. nervosa, 2: 703'. quadrata, 2: 731'. odontotae, Spilochalcis (Smicra), l:32S>. Trichogramma. 1:328". odoratus, Pteronus, 2:511', 562'- 63*, 741'. oecanthi, Baryconus, 2:603'. Cacus, 2: 603'. Oecanthus fasciatus, 2:699'. latipennis, 2: 603*". nigricornis, 2:698', 699'. niveus, 2:6o2'-3', 699''. pini, 2:698'. quadripunctatus, 2: 69g'-7oo''. Oeme rigida, 2:755'. Ohio buckeye, leopard moth in- juring, I: 78'. Olene achatina, 2: 507*, 524'. leucophaea, 2:717'. var. basiflava, 2:749''. plagiata, 2: 725'-'. Olethreutes capreana, 2:741'. cyaiiana, 2:512'. 577"'-79'. Olethreutes malachitana, 2:735'. nimbatana, 2:512', 576'. niveiguttana, 2: 724'. Oliarius quinquelineatus, 2: 652', 686'. Oligia versicolor, 2: 754'. Oligotropbus betulae, 2:621*, 647'. olitorius, Jassus, 2:597*. Olive, black-banded scale injur- ing, I: 2oi'-. olyra, Magdalis, 1:256', 274'-75'; 2: 503*. omnivora, Diglochis, 1:166'. Oncideres cingulatus, I: 256', 271'- 74^ onerati, Entelus, i: 74'. oneratus, Synergus, 2: 714'. Onychia armatus, 2:715'. quinquelineata, 2: 715'. opacicollis, Micracis, 2:702'. opaculus, Hylesinus, 1:257', 288'. opacus, Iphthimus, 2:492*. operator, Andricus, 2:618', 622'- 23^, 709*, 713'. opercularis, Megalopyge, 2: 726'-. Opheltes glaucopterus, i: 158'. Opheroptera boreata, 2: 725'. Ophion, I: 21*. glabratum, see Eremotylus. optiva, Megachile, 2: 728'. Orange, injurious insects; borers: apple wood stainer, 1:290'. Dorcaschema alternatum, 2: 726'. Elaphidion inerme, 2: 702'. Hvperplatys maculatus, 2: 433'. Leptostylus biustus, 2: 715'. maple and oak twig pruner, 1:61'. powder post beetle, 1:297'. twig borer, 1:273'. leaf feeders: orange dog, 2:555'. Papilio thoas, 2:729'. scale insects: Euonymus scale, i: 214'. Orange, osage, injurious insects: 2:726'. GENERAL INDEX 851 Orange, osage.inj. insects {cont'd): borers: Dorcaschema wihlii, 2: 726*. leptostylus, prickly, 2: 461*. leaf feeders; bag or basket worm, i: 127'. Cenopis reticulatana, 2; 707'. scale or sucking insects: Pulvinaria maclurae, 2: 737'. Putnam's scale, 1:227''. Orange-banded clerid, 2: 502'. Orange butterfly, I: 196'. Orange dog, 2:510', 554'-55*- orbitalis, Cecidomyia, 2:746^. Euura, 2: 745'. Orchesia castanea, 2: 731''. gracilis, 2: 748*. Orchestes betuleti, 2:749'. ephippatus, 2; 567-. niger, 2: 567', 742*. pallicornis, 2: 742*. rufipes, 2: 742'. salicis, 2: 742''. Orcus australasiae, 1:223'. chalybeus, 1:223'. oregonensis, Amauroneniatus, 2: 74i«. Greta irrorata, 2: 749*. rosea, 2: 749«. Orgyia antiqua, j-tv Notolophus. definita, sc'e Hemerocampa. dispar, see Porthetria. leucostigma, see Hemerocampa. orgyiae, Amorphota, i: 138'. Cratotechus, r: 13S*'. Telenomus, 1:138*. orina, Calymnia, 2:704'. Orioles, 1:30', 33', in-. 237'. Baltimore, 1:27', 30', m*, 122'-, 137', 166'. Ormenis pruinosa, 2: 598'-'. Ornix acerifoliella, see Tischeria. crataegifoliella, 2: 734*. inusitatumella, 2: 734'. quadripunctella, 2:734-. Orsodachna atra, 2: 741'. Orthaltica copalina, 2:737'. Orthofidonia vestaliata, 2: 706'. ortholobis, Chionaspis, 2: 744'. Orthoptera, i: 24*. Orthosoma brunneuni, 2:430', 487''-88-. Oryssus sayi, 2: 727''. terminalis, 2: 727''. Osmoderma eremicola, 2:493'. scabra, 2: 492'. ostensackenella, Lithocolletes, 2: 730'. ostensackenii, Andricus, 2: 713'. ostryae, Coleophora, 2: 722'. Pteronus, 2: 722'. ostryaeella, Chrysopeleia, 2: 723'. ostryaefoliella, Coptodisca, 2: 722*. Lithocolletes, 2: 722'. Nepticula, 2: 722". Otacustes periliti, 1:140'. Otidocephalus chevrolatii, 2: 715'. myrmex, 2: 715'. Otiocerus amyotii, 2:717'. otiosus, Agrilus, 2: 502'', 518', 729'. ovata, Apatela, 2: 704°. Brachys, see K. ovata. Chalcis, see C. ovata. ovatus, Pterocolus, 2: 703'. ovilla, Nola, 2:706''. ovum, Euura, 2: 745'. Owl beetle, 2:430*, 485'-86'. Oxyptilus tenuidactylus, 2: 754°. Oyster scale, i: 173*, 2ii'-i3*. Pachybrachysatomarius, 2: 730'-. femoratus, 2: 752'. livens, 2: 742'. tridens, 2: 740°, 742'. Pachylobius picivorus, 2: 751". Pachynematus gregarious, 2:741*. Pachyneuron j/. 1:186'. altiscuta, i: 182', 203'. Pachypsylla, 2:617'. celtidis-asteriscus, 2:726'.. celtidis-cucurbita, 2: 726'. celtidis-gemma, 2:726'. celtidis-globulus, 2: 726'. celtidis-mamma, 2:621*, 647'. celtidis-pubescens, 2: 726''. celtidis-umbilicus, 2: 726'. celtidis-vesiculum, 2:726''. venusta, 2: 726'. Pachyscelus purpureus, 2:715'. Packardia elegans, 2: 529'. 707-. Packardia geminata, 2: 529", 707'-'. packardiana, Tortrix, 2: 754'. Paectes delineata, 2: 724-'. pygmaea, 2: 724'. Painted hickory borer, 1:256', 264'-66'. Painted maple aphid, i: 172', 175'- 76". palaeogama, Catocala, 2: 716*. Pale tussock caterpillar, 2:507', 52j -24 . Paleacrita vernata, 2: 509'', 547'''. Pales weevil. 2:649', 664''- pales, Hylobius, 2:649', 664''. palliatus, Desmocerus, 2: 737'. pallicornis, Orchestes, 2:742'. Pontania, 2: 741'. pallida, Metachroma, 2:703'. Phytodecta, 2: 510*, 558'. Tortricidia, 2:529'', 707''. pallidior, Eulecanium, 2: 755'. pallidochrella, Helice, 2: 729'. pallidum, Phyton, 2:715'. pallidus. Neuroterus, 2: 712*. Spathius, 2: 359'. pallipennis, Hydnocera, 2:653-, 693^ pallipes, Dryophanta, 2:710^. Limneria, I: 145*. Neuroterus, 2: 710'. pallorana, Tortrix, 2: 733'. Palm warbler, 1:26-'^. Palmetto, oak borer, dusty, injur- ing, 2:434'. palmii, Datana, 2: 739'. Palthis asopialis, 2:705'. palustris, .\ndricus, 2: 714'. Pammegischia xiphydriae, 2:466*. pampinaria, Cleora, 2:743'. Panapoda rufimargo, 2: 705*. Pandeletejus cinereus, 2:436'. hilaris, 2:426', 436'-37'. Pandemis lamprosana, 2: 728'. limitata, 2: 707'. pandorus, Pholus, 2: 739'. Panthea acronyctoides, 2: 754'. furcilla, 2:651', 679'-8o'. Pantographa limata, 2:731'. Paonias astylus, 2:738'. excaecatus, 2: 724'. myops, 2: 733'. 852 Papaipema nitela, 2:429*, 468'. Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2: 704'. rutulus, 2; 750*. thoas, 2:5io\ 554^-55*. 729'- troilus, 2: 732^ papillatus, Andricus, 2: 712'. papula, Dryophanta, 2:712''. papyraceae, Hormaphis, 2:750'. Paralechia cristifasciella, 2:707'. pinifoliella, 2:65I'', 681'. Parallel spittle insect, 2:686". parallela, Aphrophora, 2: 6S6". parallelopipedus, Lyctus, 2:430*, 483', 501'. parallelus, Dorcas, 2:492''. Hister, 2: ssg'', 372', 491'. Hypophloeus, 2: 389', 449'. Parandra brunnea, 2:701*. Paraphia subatomaria, 2:753'. var. unipuncta, 2:706*. Parasa chloris, 2:529°. Parasites or natural enemies, i: 2o'-25*; 2:7I4*-I5'. Paratenetus punctatus, 2:606''. Parharmonia pini, 2:338'', 341'- 42*. Paridae, I: 32^. Paris green, i; 34^, 37^. parochus, Cryptorhynchus, 2: 494^ Paromalus bistriatus, 2:389'. difficilis, 2: 389'. Parorgyia achatina, see Olene. parorgyiae, Apanteles, 1:138*. parta, Catocala. 2: 743'. parvicollis, Dorytomus, 2:430', 475*- parvula, Dryophanta, 2:713'. parvus, Leptostylus, 2: 702*. Passalus cornutus, 2:492*. patiens, Andricus, 2:713*. pattoni, Andricus, 2:711*. Paururus cyaneus, 2:649', 669'. Pawpaw, injurious insects: Aphrastus taeniatus, 2:515'. Iphidicles ajax, 2:735*. Peach bark beetle, 2:428', 452'. Peachtree, injurious insects; borers: buprestis, divaricated, 2: 428*, 45 7«. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Peachtree, inj. insects {conl'd): borers; flat-headed borer, common, 1:87-. fruit tree bark beetle, 2: 453'. maple and oak twig pruner, i:6i2. peach bark beetle, 2: 428', 452^*. Sesia pictipes, 2:453*. twig borer, red-shouldered, 2:442*. twig girdler, i: 273'. flower cricket, white, 2:603'. leaf feeders; brown tail moth, i: 164'. forest tent caterpillar, i: no'. Mineola indigenella, 2: 733'. promethea moth, 2: 557*. rose beetle, 2; 575'. Scopelosonia sidus, 2: 705^^. walking stick, 2: 534^. Xylina antennata, I: 130', I3I«. scale or sucking insects: black-banded scale, 1:200'. box elder plant bug, i: 239*. Eulecanium canadense, 2: 725'- cerasifex, 2; 728*. cockerelli, 2: 725'. Euschistus variolarius, 2: 612'. Putnam's scale, 1:227*. Peartree, beneficial insects: Chariessa pilosa, 2; 504*. injurious insects; borers: buprestis, divaricated, 2: 458'. flat-headed borer, common, 1:87'. maple and oak twig pruner, l:6i\ Neoclytus erythrocephalus, 1:72". pigeon tremex, 1:63^. twig girdler, 1:273^. Urographis fasciatus, 2: 435'. leaf feeders: apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'. Peartree, inj. insects {cont'd): leaf feeders: bag or basket worm, 1:127'. brown tail moth, i: 164'. cecropia moth, 2; 539*. Cenopis reticulatana, 2: 707'. Erannis tiliaria, 2: 731'. forest tent caterpillar, i: 107'. rose beetle, 2: 575'. tussock moth, white mark- ed, I: 136'. Xylina antennata, I: 131'. scale or sucking insects: Eulecanium cerasifex, 2: 72S*. cockerelli, 2; 725'. oyster scale, i: 211'. Putnam's scale, i; 227^ Peas, injurious insects: aphids, 1:242'. Xylina antennata, i: 131'. Pecan, twig girdler injuring, I: 273*. pectinaria, Euchlaena, 2: 706''. pectinator, Bracon, 2: 391*. pectinicornis, Cladius, 2: 735'. Melasis, 2: 701*. pectoralis, Hylotoma, 2; 511', 542'. 57o'-7i*, 748*. pedalis, Pimpla, i: 112'. pedata, Eucoila, 2: 714'. Pediopsis basilis, 2: 597*. trimaculata, 2: 732'. viridis, 2: 744'. pedunculata, Dryophanta, 2: 712^. Pelecotoma flavipes, 2: 722''. pellex, Cecidomyia, 2:620', 632^- 33'- pellucidaria, Therina, 2; 753'. pelviculella, Moodna, 2:749'. Pemphigus acerifolii, 2:600'. aceris, 2; 600*, 728'. fraxinifolii, 1:196*; 2: 727'. imbricator, 1:196'; 2:722*. popularius, 2: 748'. populicaulis, 2:620', 636', 748'. populi-globuli, 2; 748'. populimonilis, 2: 748*. populiramulorum, 2; 74S'. GENERAL INDEX 853 Pemphigus populi-transversus, i: 247^ 2:620\ 635--3CI''- populi-venae, 2: 748-'. pseudobyrsa, 2; 74S'. rhois. 1:247'; 2:62I^ 647'. tessellatus, i: 173', l95'-g6'. ulmifusus, 1:247*; 2:620', Css''. vagabundus, 2:620*, 635'. penicellatus, Pogonocherus, 2: 737^ pennsylvanica, Nezara, 2: 717^. Nyctobates, 2:492'. pentagona, Aulacaspis, 2; 719^- Pentatomidae, 1:24'. Penthe obliquata, 2:493*. pimelia, 2:493'. Penthina cyanana, see Olethreutes. nimbatana, see Olethreutes. Pentilia misella, 1:222'. Pepperidge tree, see Sour gum. Perciioptilota fluviata, 2: 725'. perditor, Andricus, 2:709'. perforata, Magdalis, 2: 340-, 402'. Periclista albicollis, 2: 702'. chionanthi, 2: 73S'. emarginata, 2: 703'. media, 2: 702'. purpuridorsum, 2: 702'. subtruncata, 2: 702^. Periclistis futilis, 2: 715'. semipiceus, 2: 736'. sylvestris, 2: 736'. Peridroma margaritosa var. sau- cia, 2: 704*. Perilampus, 2:4o6'-7'. periliti, Otacustes, i: 140'. Perimegatoma variegatum, i: 140'. Periodical cicada, I: 173', 231^- 37*. Perissopterus pulchellus, i: 2gS', 231-. perminimus, Neuroterus, 2: 710*. permundanum, Exartema, 2; 723^. permutana, Alceris, 2.744^. perniciosa. Phylloxera, 2: 71S'. perniciosus, Aspidiotus, i:S*, 12*, 38', 173*, 2I6«-26^ Perothops mucida, 2: 722'. perryi, Kermes, 2:709^. persicoides, Cecidomyia, 2:619', 628'. Persimmon, injurious insects: 2: 735'- borers: twig borer, red-shouldered, 2: 442-'. twig girdler, 1:273'*. leaf feeders: Catocala piatrix, 2: 719'. Cenopis reticulatana, 2: 707*. Gonodontis hypochraria, 2: 732", Heterocampa manteo, 2:705'. hickory horned devil, 1:305*. persius, Thanaos, 2:742'. perspicua, Datana, 2: 737^. petiolicola, Andricus, 2: 618', 625', 714'- Ceroptres, 2: 714'. petitii, Neoforus, 2: 727^. petrophya, Sandalus, 2: 701'. pettitana, Cenopis, 2; 512', 579'. pettiti, Kermes, 2: 709'. pezomachoides, Acraspis, 2: 714'. Pezomachus insolitus, I: 140'. Phaeogenes hebe, i: 166-. Phalonia dorsimaculana, 2: 744^ rutilana, 2: 755*. Phellopsis obcordata, 2:496''. phellos, Amphibolips, 2:712'. Phenacoccus acericola, 1:49, 172*, i82'-86«. dearnessi, 2: 735-'. Plienolia grossa, 2:496'. Pheocyma lunifera, 2: 753'. Pheosia dimidiata, 2: 747*. Phigalia titea, 2: 728'. philadelphica, Chrysomela, 2: 752*. var. spireae, Chrysomela, 2: 742'. Philonix fulvicoUis, 2:711'. gillettei, 2: 711-. macrocarpae, 2:713'. nigricollis, 2: 7II-. villosus, 2: 713'. Philosamia cynthia, 1:45'; 2:727*. Phiprosopus callitrichoides, 2: 740'. Plilegethontius rustica, 2: 737*. Phlepsius fulvidorsum, 2:753*. irroratus, 2: 717'. Phloeophagus apionides, 2: 733'. minor, 2: 722^, 742'. Phloeosinus dentatus, 2: 336', 337', 338', 39i'-93'- Phloeotribus frontalis, 2:336*, 725". liminaris, 2: 336*, 428', 452'. Phloeotrya liturata, 2:493'. simulator, 2: 494'. phlogosaria, Plagodis, 2: 733'. Phlyctaenia helvalis, 2: 744'. I'hobetron pithecium, 2: 528', 529^. I'hoebe, i: 137". Pholus achemon, 2: 739*. pandorus, 2: 739'. Phora agarici, i: 140'. cimbicis, i: 158'. fasciata, i: 140*. incisuralis, i: 140'. minuta, i: 158*. nigriceps, i: 140'. setaeea, i: 158*. Phorodon humuli, 1:248'. Phyllaphis fagi, 2: 6oi'-2'. Phyllechthrus gentilis, 2: 730'. Phyllobaenus dislocatus, 2:389*, 449=, 5033. Phyllocnistis ampelopsiella, 2: 740'. liquidambarisella, 2:735*. liriodendronella, 2: 732'. populiella, 2: 747'. smilacissella, 2: 740'. Phyllodecta vulgatissima. 2:742'. Phylloecus flaviventris, see Janus integer. Phyllotreta picta, 2: 716''. Phyllotrox nubifer, 2:567*. Phylloxera caryae-avellana, 2: 7IS-'. caryaecaulis, 1:247', 259', 331'— 32'; 2: 619*. caryae-fallax, 2: 718"*. caryae-foliae, 2: 71S'. caryae-globuli, 2:718*. caryae-gummosa, 2: 7l8**. caryae-ren, 2; 718^. caryae-semen, 2: 718'. caryae-septum 7'ar, perforans, 2: 7iS3. carvaevenae, 2: 71S'. 854 Phylloxera conica, 2: 71S-. deplanata, 2: 718'. depressa, 2: 718'. forcata, 2: 718'. foveata, 2: 629". foveola, 2:619", 629^ 7l8\ globosum, 2: 718''. intermedia, 2: 718'. nyssae, 2: 735'. perniciosa, 2: 71S". picta, 2: 718'. pilosula, 2: 718'. popularia, 2: 748''. prolifera, 2: 748'. querceti, 2: 711^. rileyi, 2: 710'', 711^. rimosalis, 2: 718*. salicicola, 2: 745*. spinosa, 2: 718*. spinuloida, 2: 718*. subelliptica, 2:718*. symmetrica, 2: 718'. Phymatodera bicolor, 2: 393'. Phymatodes amoenus, 2: 502''. dimidiatus, 2:650^, 669'- 70''. variabilis, 2:426', 433'-34^. variiis, 2: 702'. phymatodis, Brachistes, 2:463'. Physcus varicornis, 1:208', 227'. Physocnemum brevilineum, 2: 42S*, 462'. Phytocoris eximius, 2:651', 685*. Phytodecta pallida, 2: 510*, 558'. Phyton pallidum, 2: 715^. Phytonomus punctatus, i: 18'. phytophagica, Hemichroa, 2: 703''. Phytoptus, see Eriophyes. piatrix, Catocala, 2: 719'. Piazorhinus pictus, 2: 703'. scutellaris, 2: 703'. piceae, Cryphalus, 2:753'. piceaella, Recurvaria, 2: 754''. piceaperda, Dendroctonus, 1:6*, 7': 2:338', 379^-85', 6938. piceus, Ceruchus, 2:492', 701*. Picidae, i: 30'. picipes, Euderces, see E. picipes. Rhabdopterus, 2:731*. picivorus, Pachylobius, 2:751^. Picoides americaniis. 1:28'. arcticus, I:2S». NEW VOKK STATE MUSEUM picta, Centrodera, 2: 715'. Harmonia, I: 231''. Mamestra, 2: 608*. Phyllotreta, 2: 716^. Phylloxera, 2: 718'. pictipes, Sesia, 2:428', 453^-54\ pictus, Cyllene, 1:256^ 264'-66'. Piazorhinus, 2:703'. Picus villosus, 2:454'. Pieris rapae, 2: 6og'. Pigeon tremex, 1:50', 54', 6l'-64, 261^ piger, Trichius, 2; 735'. pigra, Neuroteriis, 2:713'. pileatus abietorum, Ceophloeus, 1:29-. Pilophorus crassipes, 2:651', 686'. pilosa, Chariessa, see C. pilosa. pilosula. Phylloxera, 2:718'. pilosus, Rhinomacer, 2: 667^. pilulae, Cecidomyia, 2: 619', 627'', 714'. pimelia, Penthe, 2:493'. Pimpla, 1:21*. aiinulipes, i: 13S', 139'. conquisitor, i: 112*, 127', 138^, 139'; 2: 4i7»-i8'. hitticauda, i: 139'. inquisitor, i: 112', 127', 138', 139', 140'. pedalis, I: 112". pimplae, Bathythrix, i: 140^ Pine, beneficial insects: Hydnocera subaenea, 2:606''. Hyj)eraspis binotata, 2:605". injurious insects, 2:339'. borers: 2: 75i'-52''. ants, white, i: 87'. apple wood stainer, i: 290^. bark beetle, I: 7^ bark borers, 2: 333'-36'. Batyle suturalis, 2:649', 663'. buprestis, golden, 2: 64S', 655". Callidium aereum, 2:450^. Cardiophorus gargates, 2: 667'. cedar tree borer, 2:675'. Chrysobothris scabripen- nis, 2: 753». Pine, inj. insects {cont'd); borers: Clerus quadriguttatus, 2: 649', 666'. coarse writing bark beetle, 2:338', 345", 351*"- Criocephalus agrestis, 2: 64g--, 659'. Dicera tuberculata, 2:648', 656". Dryocoetes autographus, 2: 672'. eastern pine wood stainer, 2:339'. Hister lecontei, 2:491'. parallelus, 2: 491''. Hylotrupes bajulus, 2: 649', 664-. Leptura zebra, 2:451'. Melanophila longipes, 2: 753"- Melanotus communis, 2: 492". Nantucket pine moth, 2: 340». Neoclytus erythrocephalus, 1:73'- pales weevil, 2:649*, 664'. pine bark beetle, 2: 338**, 35 r\ 352', pine borer, blue, 2: 649*, 6fjo-. larger flat-headed, 2: 648'', 653'- lesser, 2; 649', 661'. ribbed, 2: 339'', 366*. pine Hylurgops, 2: 649', 665'. pine tip moth, 2:404''. pine weevil, white, 2: 339', 397'- pitch mass borer, 2: 338', 341'. pitch midge, 2:340^. pitch pine Retinia, 2:340''. Pityobius anguinus, 2:751". prionus, broad-necked, 2: 4S6'. Harris's, 2:649'', 659'. lesser, 2: 487*. Pytho americanus, 2: 368'- 6q'\ GENERAL INDEX 855 Pine. iiij. insects {cont'd): borers: Rhyncolus brunneus, 666". sawyer, 2: 360''. Scymnus tenebrosus, 2:66 spruce bark beetle, 2: 38 minute, 2: 338', 359'. Tenebrioides castanea, 2; 492-. tickler, 2: 365-. Tomicus, southern, 2:338", 356'- Tomicus caelatus, 2:338*, 354'- turpentine bark beetle, 2: 338», 342'>. Urocerus, white-horned, 2: 66S\ . Urographis (asciatus, 2; 426*, 434*'. Xylotrechus sagittatus, 2; 649^, 663'. gall insect: pine needle gall fly, 2:340'. leaf feeders: 2:752". Amorbia humerosana, 2: 737'. bag or basket worm, i: I27'''. Brachys ovata, 2: 514^. Cingilia catenaria, 2: 706=. Cistela sericea, 2: 51S'. Dichelonycha albicollis, 2: 694". elongata, 2: 716"'. Epagoge suUureana, 2: 73o\ fir sawfly, 2: 340'. Hydriomena contracta, 2: 75-1'- larch lappet, 2:651', 680'. Melanolophia canadaria, 2; 753''- Oligia versicolor, 2:754'. pine hawk moth, Harris's, 2:651'^ 679'. pine leaf miner, 2:651', 68 1-. pine sawfly, Abbott's, 2 340'. pine tufted caterpillar white, 2:651^, 679*. Pine, inj. insects {cont'd): leaf feeders: pine webworm, 2:651', 676'. false, 2:650', 676^ promethea moth, 2: 557*. sawflv, Le Conte's, 2: 340', 413^ Therina athasiaria, 2:706^. root feeder: Lachnosterna fusca, 2: 753°- scale or sucking insects: 2: 753'- cicada, dog day, 1:238^. clastoptera, pine, 2: 687'. Eutetti.v strobi, 2:688*. hemlock scale, 2: 652", 690^ Phlepsius fulvidorsum, 2: 753'. pine bark aphid, 1:172', 192'. pine leaf scale, i: 173', 229*. ring-legged tree bug, 2: 588'- spittle insects, 2: 652°, 686'', Pine, hard, insects on: Coenus delius, 2:697'. Corymbites hieroglyphicus, 2:692'. propola, 2: 692^. Ips quadriguttatus, 2:692''. Notoxus anchora, 2:696*. bifasciatus, 2:696'. Rhinomacer pilosus, 2:667'. tree cricket, black-horned, 2; 699'. four-spotted, 2:699'. beneficial insects: Hydnocera humeralis var. cyanescens, 2: 693*. pallipennis, 2:693*. lace-winged fly, 2:697*. lady beetle, fifteen-spotted, 2: 604*. nine-spotted, 2:6gi'-. three-banded, 2: 691'. Lebia grandis, 2: 690'. Micromus montanus, 2:697'. pine tree cricket, 2:698'^ sucking insects: .'\cholla multispinosa, 2 613'. Pine, hard {cont'd): beneficial insects: sucking insects: Camptobrochis grandis, 2: 614-. Euschistus fissilis, 2:610'. politus, 2:612'. tristigmus, 2:612*. Podisus placidus, 2:607', 607*. injurious insects: borers: Chrysobothris dentipes, 2: 64S', 657'. floricola,'2:649', 658*. pusilla, 2: 649', 658'. coarse writing bark beetle, 2:354". Limonius confusus, 2: 667-. Magdalis alutacea, 2:402'. perforata, 2: 402'. Nantucket pine moth, 2; 405-'- Pales w'eevil, 2:664*. pine borer, larger flat- headed, 2: 654*. ribbed, 2: 366''. smaller flat-headed, 2: 648', 654'. pine Hylurgops, 2:665'. pine tip moth, 2:340*, 403'. pitch pine retinia, 2:407*. pitch twig moth, 2:340*, 407*. Pogonocherus mixtus, 2: 649°, 663". sawyer, white spotted, 2: 364'. tickler, 2: 365'. Tomicus, southern, 2:354", 356*- Tomicus caelatus. 2:354*. leaf feeders: Abbott's pine sawfly, 2: 414'. Chrysomela bigsbyana, 2: 511*, 566-. Cryptocephalus quadrimac- ulatus, 2: 695''. schreibersii, 2: 695". Ernobius mollis, 2:694'. fir sawfly, 2:415*. 856 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pine, hard, inj. insects (con/'it): leaf feeders: grapevine beetle, light-lov- ing, 2:651', 682^ Metachroma marginalis, 2 651', 682». pine chrysoniela, 2: 695*. rose beetle, 2: 575". sucking insects: bramble flea louse, 2:652'', 688». Brochymena quadripustu- lata, 2: 590*. clastoptera, obtuse, 2:687". Dichrooscytus rufipennis, 2: 652', 687'. false chinch bug, 2:651', 685S. Gypona octolineata, 2:652'', 688«. hemlock scale, 2:6go^. Nabis rufusculus, 2:652'', 688'^ Oliarius quinquelineatus, 2: 652', 6863. Phytocoris exiiiiius, 2:651', 6859. Pilophorus crassipes, 2: 651', 6S6'. spittle insect, parallel, 2: 686'. quadrangular, 2:686*. Stictocephala inermis, 2: 652^ 687^ Pine, pitch, injurious insects: borers: Dicerca punctulata, 2:648", 656^. pine borer, ribbed, 2:367'. pitch midge, 2:410^ leaf feeders: fir sawfly, 2:415". pine needle gall fly, 2: 423". sucking insect: pine scale, woolly, 2:652', 68g'. Pine, scrub, Cecidomyia inopis injuring, 2: 752'. Pine, southern yellow, pine scale, 'woolly, injuring, 2:652', 689'. Pine, white, beneficial insects: American bark beetle destroyer, 2: 500'. Euschistus variolarius, 2:6ii'^ injurious insects: borers: Acanthosinus obsoletus, 2: 649'', 662'. balsam bark borer, 2:376^^. coarse writing bark beetle, 2:354*- ■ Dicerca tenebrosa, 2:648', 657". Eustrophus repandus, 2: 667'. pine bark beetle, 2:354". pine borer, ribbed, 2:366'. pine Hylurgops, 2:665'. pine wood stainer, eastern, 2:371''. Pissodes afifinis, 2:402'. Pityogenes j^., b, 2: 374". Pityophthorus .., 1:257', 294'. gall insects: Pemphigus populi-transver- sus, I: 247''. poplar twig gall, 2: 620', 634'. vagabond gall, 2:620', 635'. leaf feeders: 2: 746'-47'. American dagger moth, 2: 525'- American silk worm, 2: 526'. Apatela impleta, 2: 749'. apple tent caterpillar, 2:551'. bag or basket worm, 1: 127'. Basilarchia archippus, 2: 704'. arthemis, 2: 742'. Brachys aerosa, 2:513''. Catocala cara, 2:743'. parta, 2: 743'. relicta, 2: 743'. Cecropia moth, 2: 539'. Cerura scitiscripta, 2: 743'. Cleora cribrataria, 2: 743', 754-. Cotalpa lanigera, 2:724'. Cottonwood leaf beetle, I: 258', 317^ Crepidodera helxines, 2: 742'. dagger moth, smeared, 2: 511', 560'^ Deilinia erythremaria, 2: 743*. Ectropis crepuscularia, 2: 743'- GENERAL INDEX 859 Poplar, inj. insects (ionl'J): leaf feeders: Elleschus bipunctatus, 2: 742^ elm caterpillar, spiny, I: 105*, 15S'. elm sawfly, I: 105*, 155'. Euchlaena pectinaria, 2: 706*. Eustroma testata, 2: 743*. forest tent caterpillar, i: 107*, no'. Harpyia borealis, 2: 743°. cinerea, 2:510', 559'. io caterpillar, 2:522'. leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 5S0'. Maruraba modesta. 2: 742'. Melasoma tremulae, 2: 565'. Metachroma pallida, 2: 703'. Metanema quercivoraria, 2: 7o6«. Metrocampa praegrandaria, 2: 749^ oak tussock caterpillar, 2: 523'. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2: 704'. thoas, 2: 729'. Phlyctaenia helvalis, 2: 744'. Phyllodecta vulgatissima, 2: 742«. poplar leaf beetle, 2: 510^ poplar sawfly, 2: 511', 568-. poplar tent maker, 2:511*, 560'. Proleucoptera albella, 2: 744*. promethea moth, 2: 557*. Pteronus hudsonii, 2:511', 569'. vertebratus, 2:511', 570'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. Schizura semirufescens, 2: 743'- unicornis, 2: 705'. Serica trociformis, 2: 514''. Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2; 724'. Thanaos icelus, 2: 742". persius, 2: 742'. Poplar, inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: tussock moth, white marked, 1 : 136'. viceroy, 2: 510', 559-. webworm, fall, i: 142'. willow leaf beetle, spotted, 2:565^ willow slug, yellow spotted, 1:258% 322=. Xanthonia villosula, 2: 703'. Xylina antennata, 1:129'. scale or sucking insects: 2: 748'. Chionaspis ortholobis, 2: 744% salicis-nigrae, 2: 744'. Eulecanium capreae, 2:744'. Idiocerus suturalis, 2: 597'. oyster scale, 1:211"*. Pediopsis basilis, 2: 597'. Poplar, balsam, Saperdapopulnea injuring, 2:429', 474'- Poplar, lombardy, Proleucoptera albella injuring, 2: 747'. Poplar, silver-leaved, Proleucop- tera albella injuring, 2: 747'- Poplar, yellow, apple wood stainer injuring, 1:290*. Poplar borer, 1:51', 9S'-loo'. Poplar carpenter worm, 2:430*, 476'-77'. Poplar leaf beetle, 2: 510*, 55S5. Poplar leaf stem gall, 2: 620', 635*- 36^ Poplar sawfly, 2:511', 56S'-695. Poplar tent maker, 2:511*, 560'- 61'. Poplar twig gall fly, 2:620', 634'- 35'. popularia. Phylloxera, 2: 74S'. popularius. Pemphigus, 2: 748*. populator, Cenocoelius, 1:85*. populi, Apatela, 2: 747'. Pontania, 2: 746*. populicaulis. Pemphigus, 2:620', 636', 748=. populicola, Chaitophorus, 2: 74S*. populiella, LithocoUetes, 2: 747'. Phyllocnistis, 2: 747'. populifoliae, Chaitophorus, 2: -4S*. populi-globuli. Pemphigus, 2: 74S-. populimonilis. Pemphigus, 2; 748'. populiramulorum. Pemphigus, 2: 748*. populi-transversus. Pemphigus, i: 247^; 2: 620', 635*-36'. populi-venae. Pemphigus, 2:748'. populnea, Saperda, 2:429', 474'- 75^ Populus candicans, 2:471*. porculus, Hylastes, 2: 752'. Porthetria dispar, 1: 8*, 28', 30', 49, 105', li6'-23', 254'; 2:607'. posticatus, Conotrachelus, 2:734^. Potato beetle, parasites, 2:690'. Potato gall, oak, 2;6iS', 624'. Potatoes, false chinch bug injur- ing, 2: 6S5*. Powder post beetle. 1:7*, 257*, I 296*-9S»; 2:483'. ■ white marked, 2:430', 483'. praeangusta, Batrachedra, 2: 744*. I praeatomata, Macaria, 2: 73S'. I far. bisignata, Macaria, 2:753*. praegrandaria, Metrocampa, 2: pravella, Meroptera, 2:744'. Praying mantis. 1:146', 154*. I European, i: 154^. southern, i: 24'. Predaceous insects, l:2o'-25*. Prickly Leptostylus, 2:428*, 461*. primus, Derostenus, 1:328*. prinoides, Cynips, 2:619', 627'. Priocycla armataria, 2: 749'. Prionidus cristatus, 1:140*, 146^, 324', 32S'. Prionomerus calceatus, 2: 732'. Prionoxystus macmurtrei, 2:427', 439'. .477'- robiniae, 1:45'. 49. 51*. 5i'. 79''- 84'; 2:439*, All*- Prionus, broad-necked, 2:430', 4S6*-87'. Harris's, 2:649*, ^59'. lesser, 2:430', 4S7'-88*. Prionus imbricornis, 2:486'. laticollis, 2:430', 486*-S7'. pocularis, 2: 751*. Priophorus irregularis, 2:741'. 86o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pristiphora sycophanta, 2:510', 557"-58', 741"- tibialis, 2:748'. Privet, injurious insects: ash sphinx, wavy, 2: 509', 548*. Diaphania quadristigmalis, 2: 2:737'. proboscideus, Balaninus, 2: 512^, 5S5'-88». Proctotrypidae, 1:22". Prodenia commelinae. 2:716'. profundus, Anthonomus, 2: 719'. progne, Polygonia, 2: 509', 546". Proleucoptera albella, 2:744', 747'. smilaciella, 2: 740*. prolifera. Phylloxera, 2:748*. Prolimacodes scapha, 2: 707'. prolongata, Dicerca, 2: 746^. Promethea moth, 1:45''; 2:510', 557^ promethea, Callosamia, 1:45'; 2: 510', 557'- propinquilinea, Demas, 2: 749''. propola, Corymbites, 2:652', 692'. Proteoteras aesculana, 2: 540*, 540', 7258. proteus, Clastoptera. 2:598^. protumnusalis, Zanclognatha, 2: 705*. provancherl, Xyphidria, jtv X. provancheri. proxima, Leptura, 2: 727'. prudens, Trypanisma, 2: 707**. pruinosa, Ormenis, 2:598'. pruinosella, Tischeria, 2:708'. pruinosum, Eulecanium, 2: 719''. pruinosus, Andricus, 2:711'. pruniella, Coleophora, 2: 733'. prunifoliella, Nepticula, 2:733'. pruniramiella, Xylestia, 2:731'. prunivora, Enarmonia, 2: 734'. prunivorus, Schizocerus, 2: 734'. Prunus, Putnam's scale injuring, I: 227'. prunus, Amphibolips, 2:619', 62S'. Psallus juniperi, 2: 755'. Psaphidia thaxterianus, 2: 704'. Psenocerus supernotatus, 2: 736'. pseudacaciae, Dasyneura, 2:730'. Pseudanthonomus crataegi, 2 733"- incipiens, 2: 739'. pseudoacaciella, Gelechia, 2 730'. pseudobyrsa, Pemphigus, 2:748'. Pseudococcus aceris, .«v Phena- coccus acericola. Pseudophilippia quaintancii, 2: 652', 689'-9o'. Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides, 2: 706'. Psocus rufus, 2: 744'. Psomus politus, 2:726'. Psylla annulata, 2:728'. carpini, 2: 723-. Psyllidae, 2: 617'. Psysostegania pustularia, 2: 728'. pteliacella, Nepticula, 2: 723^ Pteris aquilina, 2:530'. Pterocolus ovatus, 2: 703'. Pteromalus sp., 2:393'. euproideus, 1: 138', 139'. fuscipes, I: 161', nematicida, 2:423'. puparum, I: 161'. vanessae, 1:113-, 161'; 2:555'. Pteronus carpini, 2: 723'-'. corylus, 2: 750'. hudsonii, 2: 511', 569'- 70'', 746*. hyalinus, 2: 748'. integer, 2:651', 6f;3'^, 703'. ? lateralis, 2: 748*. latifasciatus, 2:511*, 572^, 748*. lombardae, 2: 746^. marlattii, 2: 750*^. niendicus, 2:511^, 56i''-62", 741'. odoratus, 2:511', 562'-63'', 741'. ostryae, 2: 722'. pinguidorsum, 2:748'. quercus, 2: 703'. ribesii, 2: 607'. thoracicus, 2: 5I0^ 553'-54', 732'. trilineatus, 2: 730'. ventralis, 1:258', 322'-24'; 2: 746'- vertebratiis, 2:511', 570'. Ptilinus ruficornis, 1:257', 298^- 99'; 2:488-'. Ptinidium lineatum, 2:729''. Ptosima gibbicollis, 2:730'. puberulus, Pityophthorus, set- P. puberulus. pubescens, Glyptoscelis, 2:653*, 695'. Kermes, 2: 709'. Xyleborus, 2:396', 702', 720'. pudens, Euthyatira, 2:736'. pudibunda, Cecidomyia, 2: 722'. pugionata, Dicerca, 2: 750'. pulchellus, Andricus, 2:714'. Perissopterus, 1:208', 231'. Pityophthorus, 2:752'. pulcher, Dermestes, 2:431', 489'- 91-. pulchra, .\ndrlcus, 2:619*, 627'— 28'. Goes, 2:426', 43i*-32'. pulicarius, Pityophthorus, 2: 751'. pullata, Cacoplia, 2:702'. pullata, Neomysia, see N. pullata. pullus, Pityophthorus, 2:751', pulveraria, Anagoga, 2: 728'. pulverulentus. Goes, 2:455'. Pulvinaria acericola, 1:172', 179'- 82'; 2: 729'. innumerabilis, 1:8', 12', 49, 173', l96'-200''. niaclurae, 2: 737'. tiliae, 2: 731'. pulvinariae, Aphycus, 1:199'. pumila, Melinna, 2: 735'. punctata, Synchroa, 2: 666'. punctatissimus, Corthylus, 1:50', 65'-67'; 2:732'. punctatus, Andricus, 2: 018', 623'- 24'. Callipterus, 2: 709'. Dinoderus, 2: 701'. Liopus, 2:426', 432'. Mycetophagus, 2:495'. Paratenetus, see P. punctatus. Phytonomus, i:l8'. puncticollis, Asclera, 2:494'. Nodonota, 2: 730', 735'. Saperda, 2:430^, 478'-7g', 479'. punctiformis, Platynus, i: 153'. punctistriga, Artace, 2: 735'. punctulata, Dicerca, .fci' D. punc- tulata. Pupal stage, i: iS'-ig'. puparum. Pteromalus, 1:161'. GENERAL INDEX 86 1 purpureus, Pachyscelus, 2: 715'. Purpuricenus humeralis, 2: 702^. purpuridorsum, Periclista, 2: 202'. purpuriella, Chrysopeleia, 2: 730'. pusilla, Chrysobothris, 2:649', 658'- pusillus, Anamorphus, 2: 721'. Dendroctonus, 2: 752'. Graphisurus, 2:753*. pustularia, Cymatophora, 2:733', 738'. Psysostegania, 2: 728'. pusulatoides, Andrieus, 2: 712*. Putnam's scale, 1:173', 226*-27''. pygmaea, Paectes, 2: 724^. pygmaeus. Cyrtinus, 2: 702^. pyramidoides, Pyrophila, 2: 704'. Pyrausta thestialis, 2:739''. pyri, Eulecanium, 2: 717'. Sesia, 2:451'. pyrina, Zeuzera, sf,- Z. pyrina. Pyrochroa fenioralis, 2: 727'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. Pyrrhia umbra var. exprimens, 2: 737'. Pytho americanus, 2:335'', 339'- 368«-695. niger. 2: 751*. Quadrangular spittle insect, 2: 6S6*. quadrangularis, Aphrophora, 2: 686*. quadrata, Odontota, 2: 731'. quadridentatus. Platypus, 2: 720®. quadrigeminata, Eburia, 2:428', 4625-63'. quadrigibbus, Acanthoderes, 2: 702^ 715'. Tachypterus, 2:734*. quadriguttata, Ditoma, 2:489*. quadriguttatus, Clerus, JeV C. quadriguttatus. quadriguttatus, Ips, st-e I. quadri- guttatus. quadrilineatus, Grynocharis, 2: 460'. quadrimaculatus, Cryptocepha- lus, st-tr C. quadrimaculatus. Heterachthes, 2:715'. Xylotrechus, 2: 722'. I quadripes, Eriophyes, 2: 620' 630^-31'. I quadripunctata, Agallia, 2: 59S'. ' quadripunctatus, Oecanthus, 2: 699'- 700'. quadripunctella, Ornix, 2: 734'. quadripustulata, Brochymena, 2: 58S'-S9', 590*. Winthemia, 1:132', 138'. quadrisignatus, Clerus, 2:393'. quadrispinosus, Scolytus, j-tv S. quadrispinosus. quadnstigmalis, Diaphania, 2: 737'. quadruplex, Cryptocephalus, 2: 724'. quaintancii, Pseudophilippia, 2: 652', 689'-9o'. Quedius molochinus, 1:153''. quercata, Anthaxia, 2:510^. Metachroma, 2: 703'. querceti. Phylloxera, 2:711'. querci, Eriophyes, 2: 713'. Lepturges, 2:427', 439''-4o'. Schizoneura, 2: 709'. Telamona, 2:596'. quercialbella, Lithocolletes, 2; 708'. quercicastanella, Nepticula, 2: 708'. quercicella, Cryptolechia, 2: 708'. quercicellus, Ypsolophus, 2:707*. quercicola, Wollastonia, 2: 747'. querciella, Coleophora, 2:708'. Telphusa, 2: 707'. quercifex, Eulecanium, 2: 709*. quercifoliae, Andrieus, 2: 714'. Aphis. 2: 709'. Lachnus, 2; 709'*. quercifoliana, Tortrix, 2:508', 532*. quercifolii, Callipterus, 2: 709'. quercinigracella, Telphusa, 2: 707'. quercinus, Limonius, 2:605*. querciperda, Cossus, 2:477'. Pityophthorus, 2: 702'. quercipulchella, Nepticula, 2: 708'. Quercitron bark borer, 2:434'. quercitronis, Eulecanium, 2:709''. quercivoraria, Metanema, 2:706*. quercivorella, Recurvaria, 2: 707'. Quercus, se^ Oak. quercus, Balaninus, 2:585', 703'. Copturodes, 2: 702'. Eriococcus, 2: 709''. Kermes, 2: 709*. Lachnosterna, 2:703'. Platycerus, 2: 722', 727*. Pteronus, 2: 703'. Thysanoes, 2: 702'. quercusalbae, Monostegia, 2: 703*. quercuscoccineae, Monostegia, 2: 703''. quernaria, Nacophora, 2: 734'. Quince, injurious insects: borers: maple and oak twig pruner, 1:61'. twig girdler, i: 273'. leaf feeders: apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'. bag or basket worm, i: 127'. brown tail moth, i; 164'. Mineola indigenella, 2: 733*. Papilio glaucus var. turnus, 2: 704'. tussock moth, white marked, I: 136'. Xylina antennata, i: 131'. scale insects: San Jose scale, i: 173*, 216'. scurfy scale, i: 173*, 214'. quinquelineata. Onychia, 2: 715'. quinquelineatus, Oliarius, se-t- O. quinquelineatus. quinqueseptum, Andrieus, 2: 711*. Hachiospila lixaiia, 2; 738'. radcliffei, Apatela, 2: 733'. radicola, Dryophanta, 2: 710'. radicum, Rhodites, 2:621', 647', 736'. Radishes, chinch bug, false, in- juring, 2: 6S5*. rapae, Pieris, 2:609'. rapax, Aspidiotus, 2:728'. Raphia frater, 2: 747'. 862 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Raspberry bushes, injurious in- sects: flower cricket, white, 2: 603^ leaf feeders: flannel moth, crinkled, 2: 530'. rose leaf folder, 2: sSi''. scale or sucking insects: Euschistus variolarius, 2: 611'. rose scale, i: 173*, 22S'. tree crickets. 2: 603'. ratzeburgiana, Epinotia, 2: 754"*. reclusa, Ino, 2:730'. rectus, Balaninus, 2:512", 585', 5855-88". Recurvaria apicitripunctella, 2: 754*. juniperella, 2: 755'. obliquistrigella, 2: 754'. piceaella, 2: 754^. quercivorella, 2:707'. robiniella, 2: 730'. thujaella, 2: 755='. Red-banded leaf roller, 2:508', 532'. Red cedar bark beetle, 2:338', 39i'-93'- Red-edged saperda, i: 270^-71'; 2: 427'. 445". Red elm leaf gall, 2:620*, 633^. Red-footed flea beetle, 2: 510*, 556'. Red horned borer, small, 1:257', 298'-qg'. Red-humped oak caterpillar, 2: Sof, 5i9'-2o'. Red-shouldered twig borer, 2: 442^ Red spider, Californian, i: 14*. Redbud, injurious insects: 2: 731'. borers: Dysphaga tenuipes, 2:715'. Ecyrus dasycerus, 2:715'. Elaphidion unicolor, 2: 702°. Lepturges querci, 2:440'. signatus, 2: 722'. Micracis suturalis, 2: 715'. Phyton pallidum, 2:715'. leaf feeder: Ptosima gihbicollis, 2: 730*. Reddish elm snout beetle, i: 51-, 75'- Redstart, I:27^ 166'. American, I: lii*. reductella, Tlascala, 2: 729^. Reduviidae, I: 24'. regalis,Citheronia, I: 258', 305'-6'', relicta, Catocala, 2:743". religiosa. Mantis, 1:25', 154'. Remedies and preventives for: alder blight aphid, i: 196'. alder leaf beetle, 2:544'. apple borer, round-headed, i: 85'-86'. bag or basket worm, I: 128'. birch aphid, 2:6oi''. biting and sucking insects, I: 348-46'. black-banded scale, I: 203''. borers, I: 45*-46'. box elder plant bug, 1:240*. bronze birch borer. I: 2S7". brown tail moth, i: i66*. carpenter worm, 1:45', 84'. Chaitophorus ? aceris, I: 175'. chestnut borer, two-lined, i: 282'-83^ chestnut weevil, 2: 588''. cicada, periodical, 1:237^. coarse writing bark beetle, 2: 35o'-5i-- Cottonwood leaf beetle, 1:320'- 21'. cynthia moth, 1:45'*. elm bark aphid, woolly, 1:192*. elm bark louse, I: 207'. elm borer, i: 7o'-7i'. elm leaf aphid, i: 177'. elm leaf beetle, 1:37', 43*, 154''- 55'- elm sawfly, i: 158*. elm snout beetle, black, 1:74". Euonymus scale, 1:214''. European elm case bearer, i: 168'. European willow gall midge, I: 30i'-2-. fall webworm, i: 146''. flat-headed borer, common, i: 87'. forest tent caterpillar, 1:44', II3»-I5'. forest tree pests, 1:254". Remedies, etc. {cont'd): forester, eight spotted, 2:575''. gipsy moth, i: i22'-23''. golden oak scale, i: 331''. hickory bark borer, i: 278^-79''. hickory borer, banded, 1:268''. larch case bearer, 1: 171'. larch sawfly, 2:423'. leaf feeders, i: 37'. leopard moth, 1:45', 78'-79^. linden borer, i: 92'. locust borer, i: 97'. locust leaf miner, 1:328^-29'. locust twig borer, 2: 478'. maple and oak twig pruner, i: 6i». maple borer, sugar, I: 54'-56". maple leaf cutter, 2:541'. maple leaf scale, i: 182''. maple phenacoccus, 1:186^. maple scale, cottony, 1:199'- 200'. maple sesian, i: 58'. maple stalk borer, 2: 54o'-4i'. maple trumpet skeletonizer, i: 169'. Nantucket pine moth, 2:407'. orange dog, 2:555'. oyster scale, 1:213'. peach bark beetle, 2:452'. pigeon tremex, 1:63'. pine bark aphid, i: 195*. pine bark beetle, 2:353'. plant lice, I: 35'. poplar borer, i: 100^. poplar carpenter worm, 2:477'. poplar leaf beetle, 2: 55S'. powder-post beetle, i:297'-98''. white marked, 2:483'. Prionus, broad-necked, 2: 486'- 87'. promethea moth, 1:45^. rose beetle, 2:575*. rose leaf hopper, 1:192'. rose scale, I: 228'. rosebud worm, 2: 577^. San Jose scale, i: 38', 224'-26'. saperda, hickory, 1:270'. sawyer, 2: 363'. white spotted, 2: 364'. scale insects, l: 35*, 39', 39'. GENERAL INDEX 863 Remedies, etc. (cont'd): scurfy scale, i: 216^. spiny elm caterpillar, I: 162'. spring cankerworm, 2:547'. spruce destroying beetle, 2: 385'^ spruce gall aphid, i; igi*. thorn limb borer, i: 284^. tuliptree scale, I;2IO*. tussock moth, 1:44'. white marked, i: 140^-42^: twig girdler, i;2-4'-. walking stick, 2; 535°. willow borer, mottled, i: 103*. willow leaf beetle, spotted, 2: 565*. willow shoot sawfly, I:303^ willow slug, yellow spotted, i: 324'. woolly beech leaf aphis, 2:602-. Xylina antennata, 1:132-. Remedies and preventives for insect depredations; arsenate of lead, 1:34', 37''. arsenical poisons, 1:35'. birds, I: 25^-34^. carbolic soap wash, 1:55'. carbon bisulphid, 1:45'. contact insecticides, i: 35^, 38'- 39». fumigation, i:3g'-4r-. hand collecting. i:44'-45^. hydrocyanic acid gas, 1:40'. kerosene emulsion, 1:35', 38''. lime-sulfur wash, 1:39^. london purple, i; 34'-35', 37'. paris green, 1:34', 37'. spraying, 1:41^-44*'. useless, l:36'-37-. whale oil soap, i: 35^, 38*. remota, Tenthredo, 2:748". reniculella, Dioryctria, 2:651', 684'. repandus, Eustrophus, 2: 667°. resinicola, Cecidomyia, 2: 340', 4io''-i3-, 424*. retardata, Apatela, 2:727'. reticulatana, Cenopsis, 2: 512', 580', 707'. Retinia, pitch pine, 2:340'', 407''. Retinia comstockiana, s^e Evetria. Retinia frustrana, see Evetria. rigidana, see Evetria. retiniae, Cremastus, 2:410'. retusus, Gnathotrichus, 2: 751^ Rhabdophaga batatas, 2: 745''. brassicoides, 2:563', 567^,745'', 746^ gnaphaloides, 2: 745'. rhodoides, 2: 745^. rigidae, 2: 620^, 636^. salicis, i: 258'', 299°-302-; 2: 620". siliqua, 2: 745'. strobiliscus, 2: 745*, 746'. strobiloides, 2:621-, 639', 746', 746^ 746^ Rhabdopterus picipes, 2: 731°. Rhagium lineatum, 2:335^ 339', 349\ 3665-68\ 665'. Rheumaptera hastata, 2: 749*. Rhinomacer pilosus, 2:667''. Rhinosimus viridiaeneus, 2: 748'. Rhizophagus dimidiatus, 2:721'. Rhodites bicolor, 2:621', 647'. dichlocerus, 2:621^ 648', 648*. globulus, 2:621', 647'-48'. ignota, 2:621', 647'. lenticularis, 2: 736''. multispinosa, 2: 736''. nebulosus, 2: 736^. radicum, 2:621', 647', 736'. rosae, 2: 621', 647'. verna, 2: 621*, 648-. rhoditiformis, Synergus, 2: 714'. rhodoides, Rhabdophaga, 2:745'. rhoifructella, Anacampsis, 2: 747^. rhois, Attelabus, 2: 511', 574'-75'. Blepharida, 2: 737'. Pemphigus, i: 247'; 2:621'^, 647^. Rhopalophora longipes, 2:731'-. Rhopus coccois, i: 185'. Rhus glabra, 2:647^. typhina, 2: 647''. Rhychagrotis alternata, 2: 704'. Rhynchites aeratus, 2:703*, 716°. bicolor, 2: 518*. cyanellus, 2: 567', 742'. Rhyncholophus .t/., i: 140*. Rhyncolus brunneus, 2: 666', 733^. Rhyssa humida, 2:466'. Ribbed pine borer, 2:335^, 339°, 366*-63'. ribesii, Pteronus, 2:607". rigida, Oeme, 2: 755'. rigidae, Rhabdophaga, 2:620*, 636'. rigidana, Evetria, 2: 340'', 407''. rigidus, Acamptus, 2:727'. rileyana, Heteropacha, 2: 729'. rileyi, Neuroterus, 2: 712'. Phylloxera, 2:710^711^. Schizoneura, 1:172', 192^. rimosalis, Phylloxera, 2: 718*. Ring-legged tree bug, 2: 588'-9o'. Robber fly, I: 146-. robiniae, Cecidomyia, 2: 730'. Cyllene, 1:49, 5i°. 93'-97'. Prionoxystus, see P. robiniae. Spermophagus, 2:731' robiniella, Depressaria, 2: 730'. LithocoUetes, 2: 730'. Recurvaria, 2: 730*. Robins, 1:32', iii*, iii', iii*, 122'-, 137', 166', 237', 309'; vorac- ity, 1:26'; daily food, 1:26". robinsonii, Catocala, 2:716'. robusta, Chalcis, 2:555'. Pontania, 2: 746'. Roeselia minuscula var. phylla, 2: 706'. Romaleum atomarium, 2: 426*, 434-'. rufuium, 2: 702'. simplicicoUis, 2: 751''. Root feeder, 2: 753'. rosaceana, Archips, 2: 512^, 531', 58o'-'8i--'. rosacella, Coleophora, 2: 736^. rosae, Aulacaspis, 1: 173*, 228'. Eulecanium, 2: 736''. Monostegia, 2; 735'. Rhodites, 2: 621', 647*. Typhlocyba, i: 172*, i9i'-92'. rosaefoliella, Coleophora, 2: 736*. Nepticula, 2:736'-'. rosana, Archips, 2: 512'', 581^. Rose bedegar, 2:621', 647'. Rose beetle, 2: 512', 575'. Rose gall, globular, 2: 621', 647'- 48'. knotty, 2:621*, 6482. long, 2: 621*, 648'. mealy, 2: 621', 647'. 864 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Rose leaf folder, 2: jia-*, 581'. Rose leaf hopper, 1: 172', I9i'-g2'. Rose leaf rollers, 2: 577", 579^ 580'. 58o^ 581^ Rose leaf tier, 2; 512'', 577'-7g'-. Rose root gall, 2:621', 647". Rose scale, 1:173', 228^; 2: 736\ rosea, Oreta, 2: 749'. Rosebud worm, 2:512*, 576'-77'. Rosebushes, injurious insects: borer: twig girdler, 1:273'. gall insects, 2:617', 736''. rose bedegar, 2:621', 647*. leaf feeders: 2: 735'*-36'. Alceris perniutana, 2; 744^*. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 55:'. brown tail moth, i: 164°. buck moth, 1:311'. Calligraphus lunata, 2: 575'. Cenopis pettitana, 2:512^, 579'- reticulatana, 2: 512", 5S0'. Deilephila lineata, 2:724°. forest tent caterpillar, i: no', leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 512'', 580''. red-banded, 2: 532^. v-marked, 2: 531'. maple worm, semilooper, 2: 508', 538=. Platynota flavedana, 2:728''. rose beetle, 2; 512', 575'. rose bud worm, 2:512-, 576-. rose leaf folder, 2:512'', 581'. rose leaf tier, 2:512', 577'. Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. Tortrix albicomana, 2:532'', 707°. tussock moth, white marked, 1:136'. Xylina antennata, i: 130*. scale or sucking insects: rose leaf hopper, 1:172*, igi'. rose scale, i: 173". 228'; 2: 736'. Rosebushes, wild, injurious in- sects: gall insects: bullet gall, s])iny, 2: 621', 647'. rose gall, globular, 2:621'', 647'. Rosebushes, inj. insects (cotit'J): gall insects: rose gall, knotty, 2:621', 648^ long, 2:621', 648'. mealy, 2: 621'', 647'. rose root gall, 2: 621", 647'. leaf feeder: rose leaf folder, 2:512', 581''. rostrum, Apion, 2: 730*. Rosy Hyparpax, 2: 506', 52o'-2i'. Rough bullet gall, 2: 618'', 624^^. Round-headed apple borer, 1: 51', 84'-86'. rubicunda, Anisota, 2:508', 537'- 38^ rubidella, Aristotelia, 2: 707', 709'. rubinus, Biorhiza, 2; 711'-. rubricoma, Apatela, 2: 726''. rubrifasciella, i\crobasis, 2: 750''. rubristigma, Sesia, 2:426',437'-38^. rubrum, Obrium, 2: 428', 463^. Rubus, Cryptocephalus quadri- maculatus injuring, 2:695'. rudis, Micracis, 2: 725'. rufago, Jodia, 2: 704'. ruficillata, Mesoleuca, 2: 749^. ruficollis, Oberea, 2: 732'. ruficorne, Platydema, 2:497^, 497°. ruficornis, Ptilinus, 1:257', 298^- 99'; 2:488^. Tharops, 2: 492^. rufimargo, Panapoda, 2: 705^ rufipennis, Dendroctonus, 2: 753'. Dichrooscytus, 2:652^, 687''-88'. Polygraphus, see P. rufipennis. rufipes, Buprestis, 2: 701'. Crepidodera, 2:510°, 556^. Orchestes, 2: 742''. Trichacis, 2: 5S5'-. rufosanguinea, Galerucella, 2: 733'- rufulum, Romaleum, 2: 702'. rufus, Catogenus, 1:261'; 2:489'. Psocus, 2: 744'. rufusculus, Nabis, see N. rufus- culus. rugosa, Cynips, 2: 713'. rugulosus, Scolytns, 2:336', 453', 503'. rumicis, Aphis, 2:729'. ruricola, Clytanthus, 2:715*. Rustic borer, 1:256', 259'-6l'. rustica, Phlegethontius, 2:737'. Rusty tussock moth, 2: 507'', 524', 524*. rutila^a, Phalonia, 2: 755'. rutulus, Papilio, 2: 750°. Sabulodes arcasaria, 2: 750". lorata. 2: 754''. transversata, 2: 509', 539'''. saccularius, Andricus, 2:712°. Saddleback caterpillar, 2:528'. saginella, Nepticula, 2:708^ sagittatus, Xylotrechus, see X. sagittatus. .Salebria celtidella, 2:726''. contatella, 2: 730''. salicellis, Lachnus, 2: 744'. saliciana, Epinotia, 2:746*. salicicola. Aphis, 2:744'. Eriophyes, 2:745'. Phylloxera, 2:745'. Polygnotus, 1:301'. salicicolana, Epinotia, 2:746''. saliciella, Coptodisca, 2: 744''. saLicifoliella, Gracilaria, 2: 744''. Lithocolletes, 2: 744*. salicifungiella, Aristotelia, 2: 746*. salici]')omonella, Batrachedra, 2; 746-'. salicis, Cladobius, 2:744''. Magdalis, 2: 720'. Orchestes, 2: 742''. Rhabdophaga, 1:258'-, 299^-302'; 2: 620'. Siphocoryne, 2: 744'. Tridymus, I: 301'. salicis-nigrae, Chionaspis, 2: 744'. salictella, Marmara, 2:741*. salicti, Cladobius, 2:744°. Salix pomum, 2: 636', 637'. saltator, Hormiscus, 2: 726'. Samia cecropia, 2: 508', 539'. Columbia, 2: 755'. Cynthia, see Philosamia. San Jose scale, 1:8'', 8°, 12°, 38', 173°, 2l6'-26'. Sandalus petrophya, 2:701°. sanguineus, Thaneroclerus, 2: 370', 503'. GENERAL INDEX 865 sanj;uiiiolenta, Cecidomyia. 2: -is'- saiiguinolentus, Ips, see I. saugui- iiolentus. Saiiuinoidea exitiosa, 2:733'. Saperda, hickory, 1:256', 269*— 70*. red-edged, i:27o'-7i'; 2:427', 445^- Saperda calcarata, 1:49, S'S 9^'" 100'. Candida, 1:51', 84'-86-. concolor, 2: 429', 469', 471^, 474', 474'- cretata, 2: 734"^ discoidea, 1:256^, 26g'*-70*. fayi, i:257-\ 2833-84*. lateralis, i: 270*-7i'; 2: 427', 445*. inoesta, 2:471', 474', 746*. mutica, 2:429*, 469'. cibliqua, 2:430^, 48o'-8l-. pupulnea, 2:429', 474«-75^ puiicticollis, 2:430', 478^-79*, 479'- tridentata, i: 49, 50', 67'-7i*, 74*. tulari, 2: 474'. vestita, 1:49, 51*, 9i'-92-'. saperdoides, Xylopinus, 2: 703^. saponatus, Monaclius, 2; 750^. Sapsucker, yellow-bellied, i: in*. Saratoga spittle insect, 2:686*. saratogensis, Aphrophora, 2: 686*. Sarcophaga j/. , 1:140'''. cimbicis, i: 15S*. Sassafras, injurious insects: borers: 2: 732'. maple and oak twig pruner, 1:61'. Micracis suturalis, 2:715'. sugar maple timber beetle, i: 67'. leaf feeders: 2: 732*. Abbotanaclementaria, 2:721'. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. Callosamia angulifera, 2: 732'. Coscinoptera dominicana, 2: 737^. Graphiphora alia, 2: 704'. hag moth caterpillar, 2: 528'. io caterpillar, 2: 522*. Olethreutes niveiguttana, 2: 724'. Sassafras, inj. insects {cont'ii): leaf feeders: Papilio glaucus -'*/;. turnus, 2: 704'. Platynota flavedana, 2: 728''. promethea moth, 2: 557*. scale insect: Eulecanium lintneri, 2:732'. sassafrasella, Gracilaria, 2: 732'. Sawflies, 1:10', 258'; 2:607", 609^, 702*-3*, 741'. .\bbott's pine, 2: 340'. fir, 2:340*, 4l5'-l6''. larch, 1:10', 254'; 2:340', 418'- 23'. I,e Conte's, 2: 340*. Sawyers, 2: 339', 339', 36o'-63'. marbled, 2:339'', 366'. white spotted, 2:339", 364'. sayi, Choragus, 2:722^. Elater, 2: 701". Oryssus, 2: 727-'. scabra, Calitys, see C. scabra. Osmoderma, 2:492'. Plathypena, 2: 747*. scabricollis, Xyloterus, 2: 752". scabripennis, Chrysobothris, 2: 753*. scalaris, Bellamira, 2:429*, 467'. Calligrapha, 2: 750*. Chrysomela, 2: 509', 542'-44'. Homalomyia, I: 140'. scalator, Plectrodera, 2:746'. Scale insects, 1:7', 12'', 35', 172*; 2: 709*, 717', 719', 729S, 732', 7345, 73g', 744', 755'; remedies, i: 39', 39'- scandens, Carneades, 2: 6og'-. scapha, Eulimacodes, 2: 529^. Prolimacodes, 2: 707', scapularis, Hylotoma, 2: 509", 542'. Scarlet winged clerid, 2:503'. schalleriana, Alceris, 2: 744'. schaumii, Oberea, 2: 493". Toxotus, 2: 722'. Schizocerus prunivorus, 2; 734'. Schizoneura americana, i: 172', l77'-78'. caryae, 2: 717^. corni, 2:737'. crataegi, 2: 735-. Schizoneura pinicola, 2: 753**. querci, 2: 709*. rileyi, i: 172', 192''. Schizura badia, 2: 738''. concinna, 2: 743'. ipomoeae, 2:705*, 729'. leptinoides, 2: 716'. mustelina, 2: 736'. semirufescens, 2: 743". unicornis, 2; 705'. schlaegeri, Stenoma, 2:708'. Schreckensteinia erythriella, 2: 737'- schreibersii, Cryptocephalus. see C. schreibersii, Sciagraphia heliothidata, 2:730'. Sciapteriin simulans, see Memy- thrus. tricincta, see Memythrus. Sciara ocellaris, .yci' Cecidomyia. tilicola 2:731*. scitiscripta, Cerura, 2: 743'. scitula, Andricus, 2: 713'. Chrysobothris, 2: 701'. Sesia, 2:428'-, 451^. Scolecocampa liburna, 2: 705'. Scoliopteryx libatrix, 2:743''. scolopendrina, Harpyia, 2: 747'. scolyticida, Lysitermus, 1:278*. Scolytidae, i: 11', I2'-I3'. Scolytids, certain structures of, 2: 336'^ -37'- scolytivorus, Bracon, 1:278^. Scolytus fagi, 2:722*. muticus, 2: 725*. quadrispinosus, 1:257', 275''-79'; 2: 336", 446', 502', 504', 505'. rugulosus, 2:33'; 2:453', 503*- .Scoparia basalis, 2:754*. .Scopelosoma devia, 2: 705'. moflatiana, 2:723'. morrisoni, 2: 705'. sidus, 2: 705-. tristigmata, 2: 705-. walkeri, 2: 705'''. Scotobates calcaratus, 2:493''. scripta, Melasoma, 1:258', 317*- 22'; 2: 564', 565'. scrutator, Calosoma, i: 113', 146'-', 161'. sculpta. .\mphiholips. 2:712''. 866 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Scurfy scale, i: 173*, 207*-8\ 214'- I6«. sciitellaris, Neoclytus, 2: 715''. Piazorhinus, 2:703'. scutellatus, Monohammus, 2:339', 361', 362', 364'. Scymnus J/. , 1:231'. lophanthae, 1:223'. tenebrosus, 2:666'. Scythropus elegans, 2: 752'. segnipes, Apion, 2: 742**. Selandria barda, 2: 609^. Selidosema umbrosarium, 2:725'. semen, Acarus, 2: 745'. semiclusaria, Nepytia, 2: 753". seiniferana, Archips, 2: 707^ semifuneralis, Euzophera, 2; 733'. Semilooper maple worm, 2: 50S', 538*-39'. seminator, Andricus, 2: 618", 622', 622'-23'. seminosus, Andricus, 2: 709'. seminudus, Eutettix, 2:749'. semipiceus, Periclistis, 2: 736^. semirufescens, Schizura, 2: 743'. senatoria, Anisota, 1:258"', 306'- 10'; 2: 527', 607'. seniculus,Conotrachelus, 2: 512*, 582'. sentana, Plalynota, 2: 738°. septem-maculata, Lestodiplosis, 2: 745«. septendecim, Tibicen, 1:173', 23i''-37». septentrionalis, Gluphisia, 2: 747'. sepulchralis, Citheronia, 2:752'. Serena, Catocala, 2:716'. Serica sericea, 2: 553'. trociformis, 2: 506'', 514'. sericea, Blastothrix, 1:203'. Serica, 2: 553'. Cistela, 2:518*. Enchodes, g: 727^ sericeum, Lymexylon, 2: 427', 449^ serieventris, Podisus, i: 113*, 161', 166'. serotinae, Acarus, 2:733*. Cecidomyia, 2: 733'. serotinaeella, Nepticula, 2: 733'. serrata. Euchlaena, 2: 728'. Serropalpusbarbatus, 2:650', 671'. serrulatae, Dasyneura, 2: 750'. servus, Euschistus, i: 146'. .Sesiaacerni, 1:49, 50', 56'-58'. albicornis, 2: 429', 469*-7o''. bolteri, 2: 429', 470'. corni, 2:428', 456'-57°. pictipes, 2:42s', 453^-54*- pyri, 2:451^ rubristigma, 2:426', 437^-38'. scitula, 2: 428'^, 451'. Sesiidae, 1: 12'. setacea, Phora, 1: 15S'. setulosum, Dorcatoma, 2:748'. sexfasciatus, Dryobius, 2: 702', 722'. sexguttatus, Leptostylus, 2:751'. sexsignata, Chrysobothris, 2: 721'. Shadbush, injurious insects: borers: Agrilus vittaticollis, 2: 720'. apple borer, round-headed, 1:51', 84*. Molorchus bimaculatus, 2: 715'- Sesia pictipes, 2: 453'. leaf feeders: 2: 734'. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 551'. Odontota quadrata, 2: 731'. Pteronus thoracicus, 2: 510*, scale insects; Flulecanium kansasense, 2: 734'- scurfy scale, 1:215'. Shade tree pests, more important, i:5o'-24o'; annual losses caused by, i:7*-8'. Shellbark, hickory onion gall in- juring, 2: 628'. shurtleffii, Heterogenea, 2: 529', 707'. Sibine stimulea, 2: 528', 529''. sidus, Scopelosoma, 2: 705'^ signata, Hyperaspis, see H. sig- nata. signatana, Hedya, i:l6g*. Thiodia, 1:106', i68''-6g'. signatus, Lepturges, 2: 722'. significa, Coptocycla, 2: 730'. siliqua, Rhabdophaga, 2: 745'. Silkworm, i: 18'. Silvanus bidentatus, 2: 721'. imbellis, 2:489'. planatus, 2: 731'. surinamensis, 1:295'. Silverfish, 1: 15'. similana, Eucosma, 2; 749'. similis, Amauronematus, 2:741'. Catocala, 2: 705'. Chilocorus, 1: 223''. simillimus, Spathius, 1:282*. similis, Andricus, 2:713". simplex, Bracon, 1:22'; 2:384^. Dendroctonus, 2: 752'. Melanobracon, 1:70'', 261'. simplicicollis, Romaleum, 2:751*. simulans, Memythrus, 2: 427', 43S". simulator, Phloeotrya, 2:494'. singularis, Andricus, 2:618'', 625'. Sinoxylon basilare, 2:427', 442'', 502''. sinuatus, Agrilus, 2: 504*. Siobla excavata, 2: 719''. Siphocoryne salicis, 2: 744". Sisyrosea inornata, 2: 728'. textula, 2: 529*, 721*. Slender birch horntail, 2:429-, 466'. Slug cater^jillars, 2:507', 527"-29'; bibliography, 2: 529'. Smeared dagger moth, 2:511'-, 560'. ■ Smerinthus jamaicensis, 2: 724'. Smicra microgaster, 1:74'. odontotae, .u-t-Spilochalcis (Smi- cra) odontotae. smilaciella, Proleucoptera, 2: 740". smilacis, Chrysomphalus, 2: 740". Eachnus, 5: 740'. smilacisella, Phyllocnistis, 2: 740''. Smilax, injurious insects: leaf feeders: 2: 740". sucking insects: 2: 740'*. Smodicum cucujiforme, 2:701', 741'- Snow fleas, i: 15^. Snowberry, injurious insects: leaf feeder: Hemaris thysbe, 2: 738'. Snowy tree cricket, 2:699'', 699*. Soja beans, locust leaf miner in- juring, I: 327'. GENERAL INDEX S67 Soldier bug, i; 166', 309'; 2; O07'- I3», 676», 677". spilled, i: 146'. solicitana, Eucosma, 2: 749*. solidaginis, Macrocentrus, 2; 531°. 553''- surdidata, Hydriomena, 2: 743*. Sour gum, injurious insects: 2: 735"- borer: Acanthoderes morrisii, 2: 732'- leaf feeders: Adoncta spinuloides, 2: 706". Ampeluphaga choerilus, 2: -38^ Euclea delphinii, 2: 529', 706". forest tent caterpillar, i; no". sour gum case cutter, 2:510', 555*-56-'. Sour gum case cutter, 2; 510^, 555«-56'- Southern praying mantis, 1:24'. Southern Tomicus, 2: 338^, 356*'— 59"- Spanwornis, 2: 706', 720*, 721', 727', 728', 730', 73I«, 733', 733», 734\ 738', 743', 743», 747', 749«, 749'. 750'. 753'. 753*, 753", 754\ 754'. 755*. Sparrow, 1; 237'. chipping, i: in', iii\ in*, 122*. English, 1:111', III"*, 137*, 166', 237'-; effect on local fauna, i: 133'. Sparrow family, 1:31'. sparsus, Pityogenes, 2: 752^. Spathius brachyrurus, 2:401". canadensis, 2: 359', 393^. claripennis, 2:389'. pallidus, 2: 359^ simillimus, i: 282'. tomici, 2; 379'. trifasciata, i: 278°. unifasciatus, I: 278''. speciosus, riagionotus, 1:49, 50", 518-56'; 2:443*. Sphecius, 2: 6o3*-4*. sperata, Apatela, 2: 747^. Spermophagus robiniae, 2:731'. Sphaerococcus sylvestris, 2: 709*. S|)haerostilba coccophila, 1:224*. .Sphecius speciosus, 2: 6o3'-4''. Sphecodina abbotii, 2: 739'. Sphinx, ash, 2; 509*, 548'. four-lined, 2: 509'', 546'. wavy ash, 2: 509', 548'-49*. Sphinx chersis, 2:727'. drupiferarum, 2:726'. gordius, 2: 727'. kalmiae, 2: 509', 548-. luscitiosa, 2: 742*. plebeia, 2: 741'^. Sphyrapicus varius, 1:28'. Spicebush, injurious insects: Amorbia humerosana, 2: 737''. Papilio troilus, 2: 732'. Tetracis crocallata, 2: 721*. Spilochalcis debilis, I: 140''. (Smicra) odontotae, 1:328'. Spined soldier bug, 1 : 146' ; 2: 608-'- 9*. spinosa. Phylloxera, 2:718". spinosus, Chaitophorus, 2: 709*. Hamamelistes, i: 246'-47', 251'; 2:6i6«, 62T», 643-'-46'. Podisus, 1:146'. 153*; 2:543', 608'. spinuloida. Phylloxera, 2: 718*. spinuloides, Adoneta, 2; 529\ 706'. Spiny bullet gall, 2:621', 647*. Spiny elm caterpillar, 1:18', 48^ 105', i58«-62', 253-'; 2:607*. Spiny oak gall, 2:619', 627". Spiny oak worm, 2: 507*, 527'. Spiny witch-hazel gall, 2:621', 643M6'. Spittle insects, 2:652^ 686*-87l splendidum, Callichroma, 2: 735'. splendoriferella, Coptodisca, 2: 734*- Spotted buprestid, 2: 339^ 390*- 91''. Spotted Leptostylus, 2:430', 482'. Spotted willow leaf beetle, 2: 511', 564"-65«. Spraying, proper apparatus, i: 43'-44'; cost of, i: 418-43''; direc- tions for, I: 41-. Spring cankerworm, 2: 509', 547*- Spruce, beneficial insects: American bark beetle de- stroyer, 2: 501'. cloudy bark beetle destroyer, 2: 653*, 693'. injurious insects: 2: 339'. borers: 2: 753'. apple wood stainer, 1:257'',. 289^ balsam bark borer, 2: 376-. bark borers, 1:6^. blazed tree borer, 2: 650* 671'. buprestid, spotted, 2; 339', 390'- buprestis, golden, 2:648', 655'. cedar tree borer, 2: 675'. Chrysobothris trinervia, 2: 751'. Cossonus corticola, 2:751'. Criocephalus agrestis, 2: 660'. Cryphalus striatulus. 2: 650=, 673I Dendroctonus pusillus, 2: 752'. Dicerca tenebrosa, 2: 657*. Dorcaschema nigrum, 2: 445'- Dryocoetes j/., 2: 673'. affaber, 2: 752'. autographus, 2:650'', 672*. flat-headed borer, common, i: 87'-'. Hister parallelus, 2:491*. horntail, banded, 2:649', 668'. blue, 2: 649', 669'. Hylotrupes bajulus, 2:664'. Leptura, Canadian, 2:650', 670'. Mordella borealis, 2:650*, 672'. Phymatodes dimidiatus, 2: 650', 66g'. pine bark beetle. 2: 351'. pine borer, lesser, 2:662°. pine wood stainer, eastern, 2:371'. Pissodes dubius, 2: 401'. 868 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Spruce, inj. insects {iniit'tl): borers: Pityoiithorus piilchellus, 2: 752'. sawyer, 2: 3t)o\ spruce bark beetle, 2:338', 354», yW. minute, 2: 338'', 359'. spruce destroying beetle, 2: 338', 379"- Tetropium cinnamopterum, 2: 650', 66g''. Tomicus caelatus, 2: 354'. Urocerus, white-horned, 2: 649', 667'. Xylotrechus unrlulatus, 2: 650', 671'. gall insects; spruce gall aphid, i: 172*, lSq». leaf feeders: 2:754'. Alceris hastiana, 2:744^. bag or basket worm, i: 127'. Feralia jocosa, 2; 754'. fir savvfly, 2. 340*, 415'^. Melanolophia canadaria, 2: 753"- Nepytia seniiclusaria, 2: 753'- I'araphia subatomaria, 2: 753'- pine chrysomela, 2:695'*, Plagodis fervidaria, 2*706*. Scythropus elegans, 21752^. spruce bud worm, 2; 340", 416'. spruce cone worm, 2:/'i5i^, 684'. spruce sawlly, 2:651*, 6S3*'. tussock moth, white mark- ed, I* 136'. sucking insects: 2:754*. Spruce, black, Phyllobaenus dis- locatus beneficial to, 2: 503'. injurious insects; borers: Crypturgus alutaceus, 2- 753*- IJryocoetes granicollis, 2: 753'. Pytho nigei . 2: 751''. Spruce, black, inj. insects {cont'd): borers: spruce tiraber beetle, 2: 369'. spruce wood engraver, 2: 650^ 674'. Xestobium squalidum, 2: 753'- Xyloterus politus, 1:292". leaf feeder: Recurvaria piceaella, 2: 754''- Spruce, Norway, injurious insects: Crypturgus alutaceus, 2" 753'. pine weevil, white, 2:397'. turpentine bark beetle, 2 343'. .Spruce, red, spruce wood engraver injuring, 31650', 674'-'. Spruce bark beetle, ice'; 2.338*, 386'-90*; birds feeding on, i: 28=. minute, 2" 338', 359^-60'. Spruce bark borer, 2:673'''. Spruce bud worm, 2- 340', 4i6*-i8^. Spruce cone worm, 2:651', 684'. Spruce destroying beetle, 2:338'', 379'-85', 693'- Spruce gall aphid, i: 172', iSg'-gi'. Spruce sawHy, 2:651', 683°. Spruce timber beetle, a; 339', 369'- 70'. Spruce wf)od engraver. 2. 650*, 674'. spuria, Gossyparia, i;S', 48', 49, 173^, 203^-7'. squalidum, Xestobium, 2:753'. squamosus, Dorytomus, 2; 742''. Squaw-huckleberry, Datana pal- mii injuring, 2. 739'. stabulans, Cyrtoneura, 1:153'. Stagmoniantis Carolina, i»24', 146', 154'- Stalk borer, 2: 429'', 46S'. Steganoptycha claypoleana, see Epinotia. Stenoma schlaegeri, 2: 708'. .Stenomesius sp., 2:410'. Stenopsis argenteomaculatus, 2: 721'. Stenoscelis brevis, 2:455', 494'*- Stcnosphenus notatus, 2:493', 715*. Stephanoderus dissimilis, 2: 702'. Stethobaris tubulatus, 2: 734". Stictocephala inermis, 2:652', 687'. stigma, .\nisota, 2:507', 527^. stigmata, Eucoila, 2: 714'. stigmatella, Gracilaria, 2.744*, 747*. stigmaterus, Hemerobius, 2: 653', 697'. stimulea, Sibine, 2: 528', 529''. stragula, Ilyperaeschra, 2:747*. Strawberry bushes, injurious in- sects: Euschistus variolarius, 2:612'. filament bearer, 2: 530'^. Typophorus canellus, 2:537'. striata, Buprestis, 2: 648', 655'-56'. Melandrya, 2:493'. striatulus, Cryphalus, see C. stri- atulus. strigosa, Melalopha, 2. 747'. Striped Cottonwood beetle, 2: 564'. Striped hickory caterpillar, 2: 5o8«, 535'. strobi, Eutettix, 2:688'. Laehnus, 2: 753'. Pissodes, 2: 339', 397'-40i', 402', 402', 402'. strobilana, Cynips, 2:618', 625'. strobiliscus, Rhabdophaga, 2; 745', 746'. strobilobius, Chermes, ii 172'', i87'-889. strobiloides, Rhabdophaga, 2: 621'-'. 639', 746', 746', 746''. Strongylium terminatum, 2:703'. .Strongylogaster pinguis, 2: 748'. .Strophosomus coryli, 2: 749'. Strymon titus, 2:733''. subaenea, Hydnocera, 2; 606*. subarmatus, Eupogonius, 2: 724*. subatomaria, Paraphia, 2: 753'. var, unipuncta, Paraphia, 2: 706''. subcompressa, Anacharis, 2: 714'. subcostatum, Platydema, 2:497', 667*. subcroceata, Nemoria, 2:706'. subcyaneus. Ichneumon, 1:138', 324'. GENERAL INDEX 869 subcyaneus, Mastogenius, 2:701'. subelliptica, Phylloxera, 2:718'. subgregarium, Isodyctium, 2: 703'. subhamata, 1-eptura, 1:650', 675'. subnata, Catocala, 2: 720'. subpubescens, Elaphidion. 2: 702*. subrotata, Heterocampa, 2:716'. subsignarius, Ennomos, 2: 725'. Mibspinosus, Macrodactylus, 2: 5I2\ 575'. subtruncata, Periclista, 2:702'-'. subvittata, Dichelonycha, 2: 723^ Sugar maple borer, 1:50*, 51^-56'; 2:443*. Sugar maple timber beetle, 1; 50*, 65'-67«. sulcicollis, Buprestis, 2:751'. Corymbites, 2:492'. sulfureana, Epagoge, 2:730'. Sumac, Phyllobaenus dislocatus beneficial to, 2: 503*. injurious insects: borers; 2: 737". Gaurotes cyanipennis, 2: 454'. Hyperplatys maci>latus, 2: 433'- leptostylus, spotted. 2: 482'. Liopus alpha, 2:430^48I''- 82*. maple and oak twig pruner, I.6i3. Oberea ocellata, 2:493'*. ruficoUis, 2; 732'. Pityogenes similis, 2:482'. woodbine borer, 2; 430-', 478«. flower cricket, white, 2:603'. gall insects; Pemphigus rhois, i: 247". sumac tomato gall, 2: 62I'', 647^ leaf feeders, 2: 737'. Anacampsis rhoifructella, 2: 747'. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2; 535*. Attelabus analis, 2: 720'. rhois, 2: 511', 574'. Copturus binotatub, 2:730''. Episimus argutanus, 2:725', Sumac, inj. insects (tont'J): leaf feeders: hickory horned devil, i: 305*- hickory tussock moth, i: 3I4». leaf roller, oblique banded, 2: 580'. Lepturges signatus, 2: 722'. Nodonota puncticollis, 2; 730'. Pachybrachys tridens, 2: 742'. Tetracis crocallata, 2:721''. sucking insects: 2: 737'. Sumac tomato gall, 2:621', 647'. Sunflower, poplar twig gall fly injuring, 2:635^ superans, Apatela, 2: 749'. superatalis, Epipaschia, 2:740". supernotatus, Psenocerus, 2:736'. Supple jack, powder post beetle injuring, i: 296'. surinamensis, Silvanus, 1:295". suturalis, Acoptus, 2; 715*. Anthonomus, 2:715*. Batyle, 2.64g\ 663^. Idiocerus, 2; 597'. Micracis, 2; 7I5*- Sweet fern, sc-e Fern, sweet. Sweet gale, injurious insects: Melanolophia canadaria, 2:753^. Rheumaptera hastata, 2; 749*. Sweet gum, injurious insects: borers: Leptostylus, prickly, 2:461*. leaf feeders: forest tent caterpillar, i: 1 10'. Gluphisia septentrionalis, 2' 747'- luna moth, 2: 526'. Phyllocnistis liquidambari- sella, 2 735'. Prolimacodes scapha, 2:707'. Sycamore, injurious insects, borers; Chalcophora campestris, 2 ^2■2.■. flat-headed borer, common, i 87'. Sycamore, inj, insects (cont'd): borers: leptostylus, prickly, 2: 461*. pigeon tremex, 1:63'. powder post beetle, 1:297'. leaf feeders: 2: 719'. .\merican dagger moth, 2: 525^ bag or basket worm, i: 127'. Chlamys plicata, 2: 703', Eugnamptus angustatus, 2: 703*. Tortricidia pallida, 2:707*. tussock moth, white marked, i: 136'. scale or sucking insects: black-banded scale, I: 201'. ciliated tingis, 2:600'. sycophanta, Anthonomus, 2: 742'. Pristiphora, 2: 510", 557'-58'. 74i«. sylvestris, Periclistis, 2:736'. Sphaerococcus, 2:709". Symmerista albifrons, 2:506', 5i9'-20-. symmetrica, Cecidomyia, 2:710*. Phylloxera, 2: 718'. symmetricus, Lepturges, 2:493". Sympiezus uroplatae, 1:328'. Synchita obscura, 2: 701*. Synchroa punctata, 2-666'. Synelys enucleata, 2: 733'. Synergus albipes, 2: 714*. campanula, 2: 7I4''. dimorphus, 2:714''. laeviventris, 2:714^. lignicolor, 2,714'. mendax, 2 714'. oneratus, 2: 714^. rhoditiformis, 2:714'. Syneta ferruginea, 2:748'. Syntasis diplosidis, 2:412'. Syntomosphyrum esurus, i: 140* syringae, Podosesia, i, 51', 104'. Syrphidae, i; 24^ Syrphus flies, i: 175'- Syssaurainfensata z/ar. biclaria, »: 755'. Systena marginalis, 2: 506*, 515'. taeniata, 21703'. 870 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Tacbina fly, red-tailed, i: 132'. Tachina mella. i:ii3\ 138*, 1 39°. Tachinidae, i; 22'. Tachygonus lecontei, 2:752*. Tachypterus quadrigibbus, 2: 734'- taeniata, Systena, 2:703'. taeniatus, Aphrastus, j*'^ A. tae- niatus. Tamarack, see Larch. Tan bark, variable oak borer in- juring, 2: 426', 433". Tanager.s. 1:31', 33'; voracity, i: 26^. scarlet, 1:27-'. iii', 166'^. Tanagridae,.i;3i". tarquinius, Feniseca, I: 196'. tarsale, Euleeanium, 2: 736'. tarsatorius, Foenus, 2: 500'. tarsatus, Harpiphorus, 2: 736'. Taxonus multicolor, 2: 748'. Telamona ampelopsidis, 2; 740''. fasciata, 2: 717''. monticola, 2: 596'. querci, 2: 596'. telarius, Tetranychus, 2: 755'. Telea polyphemus, 2: 507'', 526'. Telenomus bifidus, 1:145''. graptae, i: 161'. orgyiae, 1: 138'. podisi, 2: 609". Telphusa belangerella, 2; 750'. querciella, 2: 707'. quercinigracella, 2: 707^. Temelucha fusiformis, 2: 482*. tenebricosus, Chrysomphalus, 2; 728». Tenebrio tenebrioides, 2:493'. Tenebrioides americana, 2: 731°. castanea, 2:492°. corticalis, 2:492', 721'. tenebrioides, Tenebrio, 2: 493°. Tenebrionidae, i: 23^-24'. ttnebrosa, Dicerca, 2:648^, 657'. {enebrosus, Scymnus, 2:666'. Tent caterpillar, 1:14', 19'. Tenthredinidae, 1:10'; 2:616', 617'. Tenthredo atroviolacea, 2: 737'. cressonii, 2: 748'. remota, 2: 748'. tentoriferella, Machimia, 2:708". tenuicornis, Ernobius, 2:752'. tenuidactylus, Oxyptilus, 2:754'. tenuipes, Dysphaga, 2: 715'. tenuis, Hylastes, 2: 752'. Tephroclystis luteata, 2:754'. miserulata, 2: 706'. Teras hastiana, ji'^Alceris. terebrans, Dendroctonus, see D. terebrans. Termes flavipes, 1:51*, 87^-90'. terminalis, Oryssus, 2:727''. Pontania, 2: 745'. terminatum, Strongylium, 2: 703*. terminatus, Elasmocerus, see E. terminatus. tessellaris, Halisidota, 2:507', 523I-242. tessellata, Goes, 2: 702'. tessellatus, Anthonomus, 2: 742''. Pemphigus, i: 173', i95*-g6^. testacea, Tortricidia, 2: 529*, 707*. testaceus, Laemophloeus, 2:490*. testata, Eustroma, 2: 743^ Tetracis crocallata, 2: 721''. Tetranychus mytilaspidis, 1:14*. telarius, 2: 755'. tetraspilotus, Litargus, 2: 741'. Tetratoma truncorum, 2:731''. Tetropium cinnamopterum, 2: 650', 669''. Tetrops canescens, 2: 750^. Tetyra bipunctata, 2: 753'. textor, Hyphantria, seeYi, textor. textrinaria, Metanema, 2; 706^. textula, Sisyrosea, 2:529'', 721*. Thalessa, i: 21*. lunator, 1:63', 64, 261'. Thanaos brizo, 2: 704^. icelus, 2: 742''. juvenalis, 2: 704*. persius, 2: 742''. Thanasimus dubius, 2: 345', 389', 500'-:'. nubilus, 2: 384', 653'^ 693". trifasciatus, 2: 389'. Thaneroclerus sanguineus, 2: 370', 503'. Tharops ruficornis, 2:492'. thaxterianus, Psaphidia, 2: 704'. Thecla acadica, 2: 742'. Thecla calanus, 2: 704*. edwardsii, 2:704'. liparops, 2: 704'. Thelia acuminata, 2: 595'-96'. godingi, 2: 596'. univittata, 2: 709'. Therina athasiaria, 2:706'. endropiaria, 2: 706^. fervidaria, 2: 754'. pellucidaria, 2: 753'. Theronia fulvescens, I:ii2'-I3', I38«. thestialis, Pyrausta, 2: 739'. Thiodia signatana, i:io6'-, 168*^ 69'. thoas, Papili 354*. 356', 358\ 75'- Tomicus, pini, 2: 334', 338'', 351*- 54', 354*, 359', 376'. xylographus, 2: 355'. Tomicus, southern, 2:338', 356'- 59*- Tomoxia bidentata, ::26l'; 2: 427^ 441'. 442'. lineella, 2:427'', 441*, 44i'-42''. torrefacta, Apatelodes, 2: 509*, 549'- Tortricidia fasciola, 2: 529^. flexuosa, 2: 717-. pallida, 2: 529', 707^. testacea, 2: 529', 707''. tortriciformella, Menesta, 2:723'. Tortrix albicomana, 2: 532'', 707'. f umiferana, 2: 340', 4l6''-i8^. packardiana,,2: 754''. pallorana, 2: 733'. politana, see Eulia. quercifoliana, 2: 508^ 532'. Towhee, 1:27', 31', iii'. townsendi, Hemiteles, 1:140'. Toxotus schaumii,,2: 722'. Tragidion coquus iw;-. fulvipenne, 2:702'. Tragosoma depsarium, 2:659'. harrisii, 2: 649', 659'. Transformations of insects, i: 13'- 20'. transmissana, Eucosma, 2: 749'. transversata, Sabulodes, 2: 509', 539'. transversus, Plegaderus, 2:491'. Tree creeper, i: 213'. Tree crickets, 2:603', 653'. black-horned, 2:699'. four-spotted, 2: 6g9'-700*. snowy, 2:699'', 699'. Tree hopper, 2: 709', 740^. Buffalo, 2: 59l''-93'. two-marked, 2: 594'-95'. Tree of Heaven, resistance to in- sect attack, i: 47'. .\tteva aurea injuring, 2:735*. Trees, selection and planting, i: 46''-4g; resistance of certain to insect injury, 1:46'; massing of, i:47'-48=. Trefoil, two-marked tree hoppe: injuring, 2: 595'^- 872 Tremex o/., ^;499'- columba, l: 50', 54', 6i'-64, 261*. tremulae, Melasoma. 2: 565'. Triacaus atomus, 2: 738'. triangulifer, Urographis, 2:435', 725*- Trichacis rufipes, 2: 585'. Trichiocaniinis virainalis, 2:511', 568I-69'. Trichius piger, 2: 735'. Trichodesma gibbosa, 2:724''. klagesi, 2: 715'. Trichogramma odontotae, 1:328'. tricincta, Typhlocyba, 2: 725''. tricinctus, Memythrus, 2:429', 47I'. tricolor, Tymnes, 2: 506*, 515'. tridens, Pachybrachys, 2:740', 742*. tridentata, Saperda, 1:49, 5"'. 67'-7i', 74". Tridymus metallicus, 1:301". salicis, 1:301''. trifasciata, Coccinella, 2:652', 691''. Hoplia, 2: 742''. Spatliina, i: 278'. trifasciatus, Thaiiasimus, 2:389'. trifasciella, Kucculatrix, 2: 721'. triferana, Eulia, 2:508", 532'. triguttaria, Heterophleps, 2: 727'. trilineatus, Pteronus, 2: 730'. triniaculata, Pediopsis, 2: 732'^. trinervia, Chrysobothris, 2:751'. triiiotellus, Ypsolophus, 2:723'. Trionymus americanus, 2: 727*. Trioza tripunctata, 2:652'', 688'- 89'. Triphyllus humeralis, 2:495*. Triptogon lugubris, 2: 740'. tripunctata, Trioza, 2:652', 688'— 8qS. I'ar. inandarina, Oberea, 2: 746', triquelrana, Celama, 2:724'. Irisignata, liarrisimerana, 2:737'. Trissolcus podisi, 2:609'. tristigmata, Scopelosoma, 2: 705'. tristigmus, Euschistus, serY,. tris- tigmus. tristis, Cryptorhynchus, 2: 702'. Nodonota. 2:730', 742'. NEW VUKK STATE MUSEUM tristrigella, Anacampsis, 2: 723'. trisyllaba, Macrophya, 2:737'. tritaeniella, Lithocolletes, 2: 722'. tritici, Diplosis, 1:6'. triticoides, Cecidomyia, 2: 745*. Tritoma thoracica, 2:494'. trivittatus, Leptocoris, i: 174', 239'-4o'. Trochilium apiformae, see Aegeria apiformis. tibiale, see Aegeria tibialis, trociformis, Serica, 2: 506', 514', Troglodytidae, 1:32'. troilus, Papilio, 2: 732". Trombidium .f/., i: 113'. Tropaea luna, 2: 507', 526*-27'. Trurripet vine, Sphinx plebeia in- juring, 2: 741'. truncata, Mesoleuca, 2: 750". truncatella, Epuraea, 2: 389'. truncatus, Colastus, 2:491*. truncorum, Tetratoma, 2: 731'. Trypanisma prudens, 2:707'. Trypetidae, 2:617'. tuber, Andricus, 2: 710*. tuberculata, Dicerca, 2:648', 656'. Galerucella, 2:742*. tuberculatus, Pityophthorus, 2: 753'- tubicola, Andricus, 2:711". Cecidomyia, 2: 619', 62S'. tubiferella, I.ithocollete-i, 2:708'. tubulatus, .Stethobaris, 2: 734'. tulari, Saperda, 2:474'. . Tulip ajjhid, 2: 732*. Tuliptree, resistance to insect attack, i: 47'. injurious insects: aphid: Nectarophora liriodendri, 2: 732*. borers: 2: 732'. apple wood stainer, 1:290". Chalcophora cainpestris, 2: 722'. Fk-yrus dasycerus, 2:715". leptostylus, prickly, 2:461'. Neoclytus erythrocephalus, 1:72'- Tylonotus bimaculatus, 2: 726". Tuliptree, inj. insects (coiil'il): leaf feeders: 2: 732'. Papilio glaucus 7'a>'. turnus, 2: 704'. promethe^ moth, 2: 557". scale insects: Chionaspis salicis-nigrae, 2: 744'- tuliptree scale, i: 173*, 208'. tulipiferae, Cecidomyia, 2:732' Eulecanium, 1:173'', 2o8'-io*. Tuliptree scale, 1: 173*, 2o8'-lo'. tumifica, Callirhytis, 2:713'. Turdidae, i; 32''. Turnips, false chinch bug injur- ing, 2: 685'. Turpentine bark beetle, 2:338', 342'-45'. Tussock caterpillar, oak, 2: 507', 523'. pale, 2: 507', 523'-24'. Tussock moth, dark, 2: 507*, 524*. definite-marked, 2:507', 522*- 23-. hickory, 1:258', 3I4'-I5'. rusty, 2: 507^ 524', 524'. t white marked, i: 12', I4'I"lg*, 20', 44', 47», 105', I32'-42°; 2: 522'\ 524'', 607', 609'. Twig borers, 1:35'; 2: 339'-4o', 719'. hickory, 2: 427', 448'-49''. locust, 2:430', 478'. red-shouldered, 2; 427*, 442'. Twig galls. 2:745'. Twig girdler, 1:256", 27i''-74*, Tylonotus bimaculatus, 2: 726'. Tymnes metasternalis, 2:734". tricolor, 2:506', 515'''. violaceus, 2: 716'. Typhlocyba rosae, i: 172', I9i'-i)3'. tricincta, 2:725''. Typocerus velutinus, 2:426', 43I1'. zebratus, 2: 702''. Typophorus canellus, 2: 50S', 537'. Tyrannidae, 1:30'. I'yroglyphus mains, i: 213'. Ugly nest cherry worm, 2: 510', 522'. uhlerella, Lithocolletes, 4:730*. GENERAL INDEX 873 Uliuta dubius, 2:4(;o'. ulniella, Lithocolletes, 2:725'. ulmi, Aspidiotus, 2:725'. Eriophyes, 2: 725'. Kaliosysphinga, i: 105', 162*- 63'. Lachnus, 2: 725^ Lepidosaphes, 1:49, 173', 211'- I3^ Plocetes, 2: 724^^. ulmiarrosorella, Canarsia, 2: 725*. ulmicola, Colopha, 1:172*, 186'- 87'', 247'; 2:620'. ulmifolii, Callipterus, 1:172'', i76«-77'. ulmifusus, Pemphigus, 1:247'; 2: 620', 633*. ultramarina, Buprestis, 2:751*. ultronia, Catocala, 2:705'. uinbilicatus, Neuroterus, 2:619", 627'. umbra va)\ exprimens, Pyrrhia, 2:737'. umbrata, Heterocampa, 2:705'. iimbrosarium, .Selidosema, 2: 725^- uiidata, Distenia, 2:720'. iindulata, Hydria, 2: 510', 551*. undulatella, Hulstea, 2:725*. undulatus, Madarellus, see M. un- (lulatus. undulatus, Xylotrechus, see X. un- dulatus. undulosa, Ceratomia, 2: 509', 548'- 49'. unicolor, Elaphidion, 2: 702'. Macrobasis, 2: 730^. Misogada, 2: 719*. Nematus, 2: 511'', 57i'-72'. tmicornis, Schizura, 2: 705'. unifasciata, Hydnocera, 2: 721^ unifasciatus, Spathina, 1:278''. uniformis, Balaninus, 2: 584'', 585', 703'. unijuga, Catocala, 2: 74"''. unipuncta, Heliophila, i: 22', 132'. unipunctatus, Lyctus, 1:257*, 296''-98'; 2:4833,483'. univittata, Thelia, 2:709'. Upis ceramboides, 2:497'. Uranotes melinns, 2:734'. Urocerus, white-horned, 2:649', 667'-68'. Urocerus abdominalis, 2:649*, 668«. albicornis, 2: 649', 667«-68', 668». flavicornis, 2; 751'. Urogaster canarsiae, 2:532'. forbesi, 2: 635'. Urographis f asciatus, 2: 426', 434'- 36", 667'. triangulifer, 2: 435', 725'. uroplatae, Sympiezus, 1:328'. Urosigalphus armatus, 2:588'. ursaria, Lycia, 2:747'. Utetheisa bella, 2: 724'. utriculus, Andricus, 2: 710'. uvae, Aspidiotus, 2:717'. V-marked leaf roller, 2: 508'^ 531'. vacciniana, Eudemis, 2:738'. Vaccinium, black-banded scale in- juring, I: 201-. Vagabond gall, 2: 620', 635'. vagabundus. Pemphigus, 2: 620", 635'- vagans, Leptura, see L. vagans. vagenotatus, Dorytomus, 2:430', 475'- valida, Limneria, 1:138°. Vanessa antiopa, see Euvanessa. vanessae, Pteromalus, 1:113', 161'; 2:555'. variabilis, Bythoscopus, 2:754'. Phymatodes, 2: 426', 433'-34'. variana, Alceris, 2: 754'. varians, Nothus, 2:734'. Zeugophora, 2: 746*. varicornis, Physcus, 1:208', 227'. variegatum, Perimegatoma, i: 140'. variegatus, Liopus, 2: 720', 730'. variolaria, Deilinia, 2: 743*^. variolarius, Euschistus, sec E. va- riolarius. variolosum, Asterolecanium, I: 258', 329'-3i'. varius, Phymatodes, 2: 702'. vasaliata, Mesoleuca, 2:754'. vau, Cyrtolobus, 2: 717'. velleda, Tolype, 2: 727'. velutinana, Eulia, 2:707'. velutinus, Typocerus, 2: 426', 436*. ventilator, Marasmalus, 2: 737*. ventralis, Pteronus, 1:258', 322'- 24'; 2:746". ventricosus, Andricus, 2:713'. Venusia cambrica, 2: 733'. comptaria, 2: 722'. venusta, Pachypsylla, 2:726'. verna, Amphibolips, 2:713'. Rhodites, 2:621*, 648'. vernalis, Corymbites, 2: 752'. Livia, 2: 753'. vernata, Paleacrita, 2: 509', 547'. vernella, Gelechia, 2:708'. vernus, Neuroterus, 2:713''. verruca, Cecidomyia, 2:745'. verrucarum, Neuroterus, 2: 711'. verrucicola, Cecidomyia, 2:620', 631'. verrucosus, Cyrtophorus. 2:722'. versicolor, Ampelophaga, 2: 719', Harpiphorus, 2: 736'. Oligia, 2:754'. versicoloranum, Exartema, 2: 717'. vertebratus, Pteronus, 2: 511', 570'. verticalis, Hydnocera, 2:6o5*'-6*. vesicula, Cynips, 2: 710'. vestaliata, Orthofidonia, 2:706*. vestita, Saperda, 1:49, 5''. 9i'-92'. vestitus, Eupogonius, 2:715'. vetusta, Hemerocampa, 1:134'. viburniella, Coleophora, 2: 738'. Viburnum, injurious insects: Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. Cyaniris ladon, 2: 727', Heterocampa guttivitta, 2: 727'. leaf feeders: 2: 738''. Viburnum lantanoides, (hionas- pis lintneri injuring, 1:227'. Viceroy, 2:510', 559'. vidua, Catocala, 2: 705'. villosula, Xanthonia, 2: 703'. villosum, Elajihidion, 1:49, 50', 59'-6i'. villosus. Philonix. 2:713'. viminalis, Chaitophorus, 2:744'. Trichiocampus, 2: 511', 568'-69*. vinnula. Apatela, 2: 724'. violaceus. Tymnes, 2:716*. 874 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Violet tip, 2: 509'. 544«-45^. Vireonidae, i: 31''. Vireos, 1:26', ;}i*, iii-', in', in', 122'. red-eyed, 1:2/, 27', 27', 166'. yellow-throated, l.lbt^. virescens, Chloridea, 2: 736*. vir^inaria, Epimecis, 2:747''. Virginia creeper, injurious in- sects: borers: Madarellus undulatus, 2:430'', 479'- woodbine borer, 2:478'. leaf feeders: 2: 739'-4o'. forester, eight-spotted. 2: 512', 575-'. sucking insects: box elder plant l>ur, 1: 240'. Telamona mouticola, 2:596*. tree hopper: Telamona anipelopsidis, 2: 740'. virginica, Diacrisia, 2: 720'. Xylocopa, 2: 430', 484'. ■virginiella, Nepticula. 2:722'. virginiensis, Anisota, 2:704''. Chalcophora, 2: 648'. 653^-54'', f'54". 655'. 655''. viridiaeneus, Rhinosimus, 2: 748'. viridicornis, Anthaxia, 2: 724''. viridifrons, Anthaxia, 2:715'. viridis, Pediopsis, 2:744*. vittaticoUis, Agrilus, 2: 720'. vulgatissima. Phyllodecta. 2:742'-. •walkeri, Scopelosonia,2; yos'-'. Walking stick, 2:508', 533''-35», 608', Walnut, injurious insects: borers: Dysphaga tenuipes, 2; 715'. Eupogonius vestitus, 2:715'. Hetoeinis cinerea, 2:726'. hickory borer, painted, i: 264'. tiger, I: 268'. leopard moth, I: 78'. leptostylus, spotted, 2:482'. iMolorchus bimaculatus, 2: 715'- Walnut, inj. insects (cont'd): borers: oak borer, dusty, 2:426', 434*. priOnus, lesser, 2: 487'. saperda, hickory, i; 269'. leaf feeders: 2: 719'. Apatela impleta, 2: 749*. apple worm, yellow-necked, 2:535'- black walnut caterpillar, 1: 305''- Catocala habilis, 2: 716*. lacrymosa, 2: 705*. Conotrachelus anaglypticus, 2: 544'. Demas propinquilinca, 2: 749'. Eulia juglandana, 2: 717'^. forest tent caterpillar, 1:110'. Heterocampa manteo, 2: 705'. hickory caterpillar, striped, 2:5o8^535''. hickory tussock moth, i: 314^^. I.achnus caryae, 2:717'. luna moth, 2: 526'. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2: 704'. Thecla calanus, 2:704". nut pests: walnut curculio, 2:512', 581'. scale or sucking insects: 2:719'. Aspidotus rapax, 2: 728'. Eulecanium cockerelli, 2: 725*- Walnut, black, injurious insects: 2:719'. borers: hickory borer, painted, I: 264'. Micracis suturalis, 2: 715'. lylonotus bimaculatus, 2: 726^ gall insects: 2: 720'. leaf feeders: 2: 720'. American silk worm, 2: 526". black walnut caterpillar, 1: 258'\ 303'. Callipterus caryae, 2: 717*. Catocala innubens, 2: 729°. lacrymosa, 2: 705*. palaeogama, 2: 716'. vidua, 2: 705'. Walnut, black, inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: Heterocampa umbrata, 2: 705". hickory horned devil, 1:305'. Lithocolletes caryaefoliella, 2:717''. Olgia versicolor, 2: 754'. Schizoneura caryae, 2: 717^. Schizura leptinoides, 2: 716'. tussock moth, white marked, i: 136*. walnut sphinx, 2:506*, 518''. scale insect: scurfy scale, I: 215'. W'alnut, white, Cossonus platalea injuring, 2:455', Walnut curculio, 2:512', 58i''-82'. Walnut sphinx, 2:506', 5i8"-i9'. walshii, Apion, 2: 749'. Warblers, i: 26*, 31*, 33'\ black and white, i: in', 166-''. chestnut-sided, 1:166'. Nashville, i: 27'. yellow, i: 27'^, in'. Warty oak leaf gall, 2:619", 627''. Wasps, 1:23'. Water beech, sugar maple timber beetle injuring, 1:67*. Wavy ash sphinx, 2: 509', 548'-4g'. Waxwing, cedar, i:iii'. websteri, Eulecanium, 2: 750'. Webworm, 2:609-. fall, i:i2-, 105*, 131', i42'-46', 253''. pine, 2:651', 676'-77'. Weevils, i:ii*; 2:720'. Whale oil soap, i: 35', 38'. Wheat midge, losses caused by, 1 : 6-. Wheel bug, i: 140", 146'', 324', 328=. Whip-poor-wills, i: 137*. White-blotch oak leaf miner, 2: 508*, 532'-33'. White flower crickets, 1:24*; 2: 602^-3'. White-horned maple borer, 2: 428', 459^-60'. White-horned Urocerus, 2:649', 667'-6S'. GENERAL INDEX 875 White marked powder post bee- tle, 2:430', 483'. White marked tussock moth, I: 12^ 14', 19', 20*, 44», 47'. 105°. i32'-42''; 2: 522*, 524'', 607*, 609'. White pine tufted caterpillar, 2: 651', 679'-8o'. White pine weevil, 1:7*; 2:339', 397'-40i', 402', 402^, 402'. White spotted sawyer, 2: 339', 364'- ■wilcoxi, Calosoma, i: 113'. •H ildii, Dorcaschema, 2: 726'. Willow, injurious insects: 1:49. borers; 2: 74t'*- Aegeria apiformis, 2:429', 472»- tibialis, 2:429'', 472'. Agrilus politus, 2: 729'. Anthaxia viridicornis, 2:724'. bronze birch borer, 1:285', 287^ carpenter worm, i: 84'. Ceruchus piceus, 2:492'. clearwing, three banded, 2: 429', 47 1'^- . Lucanus dama, 2: 701°. Micracis suturalis, 2:715'. riectrodera scalator, 2: 746'. I'ngonncherus mixtus, 2: 649*, 663S. Saperda mutica, 2:429-', 469''. Sesia albicornis, 2:429*, 469*. bolteri, 2:429', 470'. Stenopsis argenteomaculatus, 2: 721". Stenoscelis brevis, 2: 494'. Tenebrio tenebrioides, 2: 493'. Tenebrioides corticalis, 2: 492". willow borer, mottled, l; 51', 100^. wiNow shoot sawfly, 1:258'', 302'. flower cricket, white, 2:603". gall insects, 2:617', 745'-46<. European willow gall midge, 1:258', 299\ Pontania desmodloides, 2: 621', 638'. Willow, inj. insects {cont'd): gall insects: Pontania hyalina, 2: 621', 638'. pisum, 2:620', 637*. willow apple gall, 2:620*, 636*. willow club gall, 2: 620**, 636^. willow cone gall, 2: 621', 639'. willow gall midge, European, 2: 620'. leaf feeders: 2: 74i°-44^. Abbotana clementaria, 2: 721''. Adoneta spinuloides, 2: 706'. Alceris hastiana, 2: 744'. alder leaf beetle, 2: 509^, 542'. American silk worm, 2: 526*. Anagoga pulveraria, 2: 728^. Anaspis flavipennis, 2: 567'. Apatela brumosa, 2: 704'^. distans, 2: 747". grisea, 2: 724*. Apatelodes torrefacta, 2: 549''. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 551°. bag or basket worm, i: 27''. Basilarchia archippus, 2:704''. black walnut caterpillar, I: 305*. buck moth, I: 311'. Catocala vidua, 2:705*. Cecropia moth, 2: 539^ cherry scallop shell moth, 2: 551". Chrysomela bigsbyana. 2: 511*, 566^ philadelphica, 2: 752^. Corythuca ciliata, 2:719-'. Cottonwood leaf beetle, I: 258', 317'. dagger moth, smeared, 2: 511', 560'. Dichelonycha elongata, 2: 716^ Elleschus ephippiatus, 2: 511', 567^ elm caterpillar, spiny, i: 105', 158'. elm sawfly, i: 105*, 155". Epagoge suUureana, 2: 730'. forest tent caterpillar, i; 110'. Willow, inj. insects (cont'd): leaf feeders: Gluphisia septentrionalis, 2: 747'- Gracilariastigmatella, 2: 747'. Harpyia cinerea, 2:510', 559*. Heterocampa biundata, 2: 727S. Hyperaeschra stragula, 2: 747". luna moth, 2: 527'. Lycia cognataria, 2: 728'. maple worm, semilooper, 2: 508', 538\ Melalopha albosigma, 2: 747''. apicalis, 2: 747'. Melasoma tremulae, 2: 565*. Metanema qnercivoraria, 2: 706". Metrocampa praegrandaria, 2: 749'. Morrisonia confusa, 2: 727'. oak tussock caterpillar, 2: 5233. Orchestes ephippiatus, 2: 567'-'. niger, 2: 567'. Paonias excaecatus, 2: 724'. Pheosia dimidiata, 2: 747'. poplar leaf beetle, 2:510", 558'- poplar sawfiy, 2; 569'. poplar tent maker, 2; 5ii-, 560". Pristiphora sycophanta, 2: 5108, 55,9^ tibialis, 2: 748". Pteronus mendicus, 2:511', 561^. odoratus, 2:5x1'', 562^. Pyrophila pyramidoides, 2; 704'. Raphia frater, 2: 747'. Rhynchites cyanellus, 2; 567'. Schizura unicornis, 2:705'. Smerinthiis jamaicensis, 2: 724'. Thecla liparops, 2: 704*^. tussock moth, white marked, i: 136'. viceroy, 2:510', 559'-. webworm, fall, i: 142'. 876 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Willow, inj. insects (coiit'i/): leaf feeders: willow flea beetle, 2:511', 563'. willow leaf beetle, dull red, 2: 511*, 566*. spotted, 2: 511', 5&4''. willow slug, yellow spotted, I: 258*, 322'. Psocus rufus, 2:744*. scale or sucking insects: 2: 744'- Aspidiotus rapax, 2: 728'. Brochyinena arborea. 2:591^. quadripustulala. 2: 590*, Buffalo tree hopper, 2: 592'. Chionaspis lintneri, 1:227'. Eulecanium caryae, 2: 725'. Melinna pumila, 2: 735'. oyster scale, 1:212*. Putnam's scale, i: 227"*. Willow, European, cottonwood leaf beetle injuring, i: 318'. Willow apple gall, 2:620', 636'- 37'. Willow borer, mottled, 1:8", 51'', ioo*-3'; 2: 469'. Willow club gall, 2:620*, 636'. Willow cone gall, 2:621', 639'. Willow flea beetle, 2:511', 563''- 64'. Willow gall midge, European, i: 258', 299*-302'; 2: 620'. Willow galls, 2: 745'-46\ Willow leaf beetle, dull red, 2: 511', 566'. spotted, 2:511', 564"-65'. Willow shoot sawfly, 1:25s'-, 302-- 3'- Willow slug, yellow spotted, K 258*, 322--24'. Winterberry, injurious insects: leaf feeder: Schizura unicornis, 2: 705'. Winthemia 4-pustulata, 1:132', 138'. Wisteria, two-marked tree hopper injuring, 2: 595'. Witch-hazel, injurious insects: borer: 2: 723*. leptostylus, spotted, 2:482'. Witch-hazel, inj. insects (coiit'il): gall insects: witch-hazel cone gall, 2:621', 639'. witch-hazel gall, spiny, 2: 621', 643*. leaf feeders: 2: 723'-24''. Adoneta spinuloides, 2:706'. American silk worm, 2: 526". Apatela brumosa, 2: 704^. apple tent caterpillar, 2: 551'. Datana drexelii, 2: 739*. Episimus argutanus, 2: 725'. hag moth caterpillar, 2:528*. Heterocampa biundata, 2: 727*. subrotata, 2: 716'. Prolimacodes scapha, 2:707'. Schizura ipomoeae, 2: 705'. Tortricidia pallida, 2:707''. Witch-hazel cone gall, 2:621', 639«-43^ Witch-hazel gall, spiny, 2: 621', 643''-46». WoUastonia quercicola, 2: 747'. Wood borers, i:7\ 11', 35', 256'- 57'; 2:339'. long-horned, i: 7^. smaller, 2:339'. Woodbine, injurious insects: Eustroma diversilineata, 2: 706'. woodbine borer, 2:430', 478*. Woodbine borer, 2:430', 478*-79''. Woodpeckers, 1:28*, 30'', 54*, 58'', 85«, 284'\ 287^ 2:3848, 453', 480'; activity, 1:29'; common and scientific names, 1:28''. downy, i: 61'. hairy, 2:454'. Wool sower, 2:618', 622', 622'. Woolly beech leaf aphis, 2:6oi*-2'\ Woolly elm bark aphid, i: 172', 192''. Woolly elm leaf aphid, 1:172'', I77''-7S'. Woolly larch aphid, 1:172'', 187'- 88«. Woolly maple leaf aphid, 2:600'. Woolly oak gall, 2:6i8«, 622»-232. Woolly pine scale, .2:652', 68g'- 90'. Wren, I: 32'. golden-crested, 1:191*. house, 1:26*. xanthomelaena, Disonycha. 3- 564'. Xanthonia decemnotata, 2: 703'. villosula, 2:703'. Xenorhipis brendeli, 2: 701'. Xestobium squalidum, 2: 753*. xiphydriae, J'ammegischia, 2: 466*. Xyleborus. 2: 337''. biographus, 2:447'. celsus, 2: 427*, 446--48', 504'. dispar, 2: 446*. fuscatus, 2: 752'-'. obesus, 2: 722*. pubescens, 2: 396', 702', 720'. Xylestia pruniramiella, 2:731'. Xyletinus lugubris, 2:731*. Xylina antennata, 1:49, i"5*r I29'-32''. bethunei, 2: 731'. grotei, I: 130', 130*. 131', 131'; 2:728'. laticinerea, 1:130', 130', 131', 131'. xyliniformis, .\patela, 2:749*. Xylocleptes, 2:336'. sp., 2:428'', 460'. decipiens, 2: 715'. Xylocopa virginica, 2:430', 4S4'. xylographus, Tomicus, 2:355'. Xylonomns albopictus, 2: 500'. Xylopinus saperdoides. 2: 703". Xyloterus, 2: 337'. sf., 1:257', 293'-94». bivittatus, 2: 335', 339'. 369'- 70». politus, 1:257', 292^-93*. scabricollis, 2: 752'. Xylotrechus colonus, i: 256', 259'— 61'; 2:671=. convergens, 2:734''. (juadrimaculatus, 2: 722'. sagittatus, 2:649', 663'- undulatus, 2:650', 671'. Xyphidria albicornis, 2: 42S', 459'- 60', 466*. provancheri, 2:429', 459', 465'— 66«. GENERAL INDEX 877 y-inversa, Apoda, 2: 529'. Cochlidion, 2: 717'. yellow bird, i: iii*. Yellow-necked apple \vc 5o8«, 535^ 535'-36'-- Yellow-spotted willow > 258", 322'-24'. Yellow striped oak i: 258', 306^-10^. Yellowthroat, Maryland 27^ U. raterpillar, l;26S Vpsolophu 7I7". ligulellus, 2: 707'. quercicellus, 2: 707' trinotelliis, 2: 723'. ryaefoliellus ,ali Zanclognatha protum 705«. zebra, Leptura, S(^tf I,, zebra. Zebra caterpillar, 2; 6o8^ zebratus, Typocerus, 2: 702^. zelleri, Epipaschia, 2:740''. Zelleria celastrusella, 2: 74r'. zellerianum, Exartema, 2: 749'. zelleriella, Coptotriche, 2 708«. Zeugophora varians, 2: 746'. Zeuzera pyrina, i: 8*, 45', 49, 51*. zimmermani, Pinipe^tis, 2: 340', 403^-5*, 409'. Zygomicros minutus, 2: 702'. ERRATA Page 74, line 12 from bottom, tor E n t e 1 u s, read E u t el u s. Page 105, line 3 from bottom, for K a 1 i o s y p h i n ga, read K a 1 i « s y- s p h i n g a. Page 162, line 15, ior Ka/iosyphinga, read Kaliosyspkinga. Page 1 63, legend, figure 23, for K a 1 i o s y p h i n g a, read K a 1 i o s y- s p h i n g a. Page 163, line 7 from bottom, for 257, read 237. Page 214 and 229; for Comstock, J. A., read Comstock, J. H. Page 233, line 4 from bottom, for Emily G., read Emily L. Page 239, line 3, for Leptocoriis, read Leptocoris. Page 278, line 1 1, for S p a t h i n a, read S p a t h i u s. Page 301, line 6 from bottom, for Polygonotus, read Polyg- ^/p^lTctuf