(TljF 3. K Hill iCibrara Wortty (Taraltna &tatF This book was presented by Departinent of Agricultural Economics SPECIAL COLLECTIONS S457 Y6K37 TTT This book must not be taken from the Library building. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from NCSU Libraries Iittp://www.arcliive.org/details/ruraleconomyofy01mars RURAL ECONOMY O P Henry C. Taylor. YORKSHIRE. COMPRIZING THE Management of Landed Eftates^ AND THE PRESENT PRAGTIGE of HUSBANDRY IN T H £ AGRICULTURAL DIST'RICrS OF THAT COUNTY. Bj Mr. MARSHALL. the second edition, In two volumes. VOL. I. LONDON: Piintedibr G. Nicol, Bookfellcr to His Majefty, Pall Mall | G, G.and J. Robinso?^, Paiernofter RoW} and J. Debrett, Piccadilly. M,ecc,xcvi. n% Henry C. T^,vlor. ADVERTISEMENT. FROM Norfolk*, I paiTed, in November 1782, through Lincolnfhire, into YpRK- 5HIRE : where I fpent fix months : princi* pally, in obferving and regiftering its Rural Pradlices : a tafk I was the better enabled to perform, in fo fhort a time, as piy early youth was fpent among theni ; and my ac- quaintance, with the prefent Pra(5litioners, cxtenfive. When I left the County, in May 1783, I confidered myfelf pofleiTed of Materials fuf- ficient for the purpofe, which I bad at that time in view. But, on digeiling my papers (after I had feen the Pradlice of Norfolk ^ through the Prefs), I found many additions wanting, to render my Regifter fit, as a fepa- rate Work, for the public eye. I therefore paid this Country a fecdnd agricultural vifit, in March lafl, (1787;) and have made a A 2 farther * See the Preface to the Rural Economy of Norfoik, IV ADVERTISEMENT. farther ftay in it of nine months : during which time, I have not only filled up the denciencies, I was aware of; but have re- ceived a greater influx of frefli information, than I had any reafon to expect. It was mv intention, when I came into the Coont^^ to have made excursions, into its feveral Diftricls ; but having found, in the immediate enviro;:s of the station, full employment for the time appropriated to the County, I am under the neceflity of poft* poning the intended excurfions. 1 ppftponc them, however, with lefs regret; as, in ac- quiring a general knowledge of the Rural Economy of the Kingdom, the primary object is to obtain, with flillnefs and accuracy, the widely di^'ering Pracfices of Statio^is, chofen in distant Departments. The partial excellencies of intermediate Dis- tricts, howfoever dcfirable they may be> Are objeds of a fecondary nature. Pickering, 21 December 1787. PUBLISHED, March I78S. ADVER- ADVERTISEMENT T O T H E SECOND EDITION. THE Surveys that have recently been made, under the Diredlion of the Board of Agriculture, have precluded the neceflity of extending my Examinations, in this County. I have, however, purpofely refrained from profiting by thefe Surveys, in this Edition ; as it is my intention to go through the whole of the Board's Report?, analytically, and to felc6l fuch Notices, and Particulars of Prac- tice, as may have efcaped my own Obfer- vations, in the feveral Departments of the Kingdom. Indeed, it has been my defire, in reviling thefe Volumes, to comprefs them, rather than to enlarge their bulk, and to confine VI ADVERTISEMENT TO THE confine them, as clofely as I could, to my QWN Observations on the established Practices of this Department. For, it may be proper to reinark, that, at the time thefe Volumes were written, the Completion of my General Defign was in a {late of great Uncertainty'. I was therefore the more anxious to inftil into them the pradical Ideas, whjch a length of CiXperience had furnilhed, but which had not been pre- vioufly regiftered : and the precarious ftatc cf my health, at that time, was another motive for m.y wifliing Xo incorporate them with the Practice I was then regiftering ; more efpecially, perhaps, as it was the Prac-« tice of my native Country. But on revifion, I have found them, in genera^ fo firmly engrafted on the provincial pravflice of the Diflridj as not to be feparable from it, with- out violence. Some general Obfervations on the Extirpation of Weeds, being the chief part of the adventitious matter I have been abl(^ to fcparr.te, with flricl propriet)'. HoweveFi fcECbND EDITION. vii However, in profecuting this deliberate Revifal, I have been attentive to improve the general Arrangement of the Work^ and have made fuch other Corrections and Alterations, as Time and increafmg JExperience have enabled me to make. To each Volume, I have now prefixed an analytic TABLfe OF Contents ; as well to give the Reader a comprehenfive View of the general Subjeft, with its various Diviiions and Ramifications, as to lighten, as much as poffible, the Labor of Reference. London, Stptemier^ i'j()6* ANALYTIC ANALYTIC TABLE O F CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. \_ THE COUNTY OF YORK. Divided into Natural Diftrids, i. Weft Yorkfhire, 2. The Weilem Morelands. Craven, 3. The Manufacturing Diftrifl. The Vale of York. Eafl Yorklhire. Cleveland, 4. The Eartern Alorelands. The Vale of Pickering, $. Note on Nati-ral Districts. The Wolds, 6. Holdernefs. Confidered as a Subjefl of Rural Survey, 7. Rivers. Mines, 8. Manufadures. Sea Ports, Vol. I. a The Contents. The Weftcrn Divifion unfit as a Subje6t of Study. The Natural and Acquired Advantages ofEafl Yorkfhire, 9. Variety of SoU and .urface. Indullry of iis IriJiauitanu. Spirit of ioiprovemenc. THE VALE OF PICKERING* Introductory View OF this District. I. Its Situation defcribed, 10. II. Its Extent about 300 fquare Miles, III. Its Surface and Soils. IV. Its Climature behind its Latitude, 12. V, its Rivers and Brooks nnmerous, 13. Geological Remark on the Brooks of the Nor- thern Margin, N. 13. VI. Irdand Navigations, 14. An eligible one fuggellcd, 15. , VII. The Townfhips of the Vale, 16. VIII. The State of Inclofure. IX. Prefent Produdions, 27. y X. Ornamental Appearance. THfi Contents. xi THE RURAL ECONOMY O F THIS DISTRICT. DIVISION THE FIRST. ESTATES AND THEIR MANAGEMENTo Sect. I. Eitates and Tenures, i8. I, Size of EiUtes. II. Proprietors, 19. III. Tenures, 20. The ancient Privilege of Windrake de- fcribcd, 2 1 . Sect. II. General Management of Eftates, 21. Prefatory Remarks. Differs widely from the Norfolk PrafHcc Inltance of great Indaigence to Tenants. Its Effects, 2i. Inftance of an immoderate Rife of Rent, 24. Its Effed. A fair medium Rent is the moft advan* ugeous to all Parties, 25. Coniidence is the only Tie, between Land- lords and Tenants at Wiu. Eftates may be rented higiier under Leaie, thai at Will, 26. Leafes recommended, 27. The Management of Eitates is a Matte of the higheil Iroporunce in Ci\'ilized Society. 22 I. Manor xii Contents. I. Manor Courts, 27. Their many Ber\efits to a Country, 2§» Their Revival luggefted. II. Purchafe of Lands, 29. The Value of Lands fluftuate. Caufe of Flufluation. Principles obfervable in Purchafing and Selling Lands, 30. The prefent Purchafe Value of Lands in the Vale, 31. III. Tenancy. Moftly at Will, Some Church Leafcs. IV. Length of Leafes. V. Rent of Land, 3I. High in Proportion to Quality. Reafons afligned for this. The Rental Value of Land well underftood here. A Subjeft, in general, too little attended to, in the Management of Ellates, 33. VL Covenants and Cuftoms of Tenantry, 34. Tenants, heretofore, kept up Farms as their own. But Confidence being lofl, Leafes are be- come requifite, and Covenants neccflary. Woodlands now taken into Hand. VIL Removal of Tenants, 35. Time of Removal, in this DiftriA. Conditions of Removal. General Remarks on the Time of Re- moval, 36. VIIL Receiving Rents, 38. The I ime varies. The Manner bimple, 39. IX. Forms of Leafes. On the Ufe of Collefting the Forms of dif- ferent Diftrifti. The Head* of a r orm, in ihis DLbift, ana- lytically arranged, 40. Sect. Consents. jdii Sect. III. Inclofures, 45. Note on Judge Fitzherbert. The Frogrefs of Inclofure, in the 1 fland at large. Its Progrefs in this Diftrid, 47. The Townfhip of Pickering deicribed, 48. The fingular Hiftory of its Inclofure, 50. The Principles of Inclosure examined, 54- Origin of Commons. Fitzherbert's Authority. The Laying out of Townflilps, 56. Each 'I ownfhip was one common Farm. The infeparable Alliance of common Paftures and common Fields, 57. The former necefiarily belonged to the ap- propriated £«?/T Modes of Inclosure. J. Inclofure by Exchanges, 91. J. Inclofure by private Commiilion, 92. 3. Inclofure by Aft of Parliament. A GENERAL BILL OF INCLOSURE pro- pofed, 94. The Interefls enumerated, 9^. The Quantity of Approbation required, 96. Concluding Remarks, 97. SiCT.rV. Farm Buildings, 98. I. Materials. I. Stones the chief walling Material. 3. Pantiles a common Covering, 99, Remarks on their Manufafture, ico, 3. Deal, 101. 4. Bricks. 5. Cements. Ar.alyfis of the Cements of Pickering Caftle, IC3. General Observations on Cements and their Application, 109. An improved Method of Slaking Lijne« 114. A Cement yi!l thought of, 115. 6. Oak. II. Farmeries, 116, On Fancy Farm Houfes. General Principles in Rural Arc hi tec- TURI- The prevailing FarmYard of this Diilrift, 118. Inllance of a Chamber Barn, 1 19. Rcmarka en Chamber Barnfloors. A Simple Contents. xy A Simple Plan of a (inall Farmery ofiere^, 122. Inftance of a Granary over a Bam Floor, Remark on Bam Doors, 124. The YorkHiire Barn compared with that of M or folk, 135. III. Operations in Rural Archite^hire. I. Laying on Pantiles, 126. z. Copings of Roofs and Gables, 1280 3. Eaves Gutters, 131. 4. Water Citterns or Tanks, 132. ^. Painting Window Leads, 735. 6. Floors of Cement. 3scT. V. Drinking Places, 136. I. Made Pools, 137. The Methods in Ufe, in different Coub^ tries. The Yorkfliire Method defcribed. 1. The Run, or CoUeding Surface, 139. 2. Forming the Bafonof the Refervoir, 141. 3. Liming ihe Bed of the Clay, 144. 4. Claying the Bafon, 146. 5. Covering the Clay with Hard Materials, 149. 6. Seafon of Making, 152, 7. Expcnce of Making, 153. Remarks on the Utility of thefe Fools* '56- General Obfervations on Covering, 157, Pavement recommended, 159. 11. Made Rills, 162. Rife of the Praftice, in Yorklhire, 163, The Requifites in planning a Rill, 164. The Method of executing it, 165. The proper Fall. The Lnejnies of Made Rills, 16$. The Kill of Kirbvmooriidc. The firft Coft. ' Its Superin tendance. Inttance of Mifcarriage. Hints for preventing Mifcarrkges, N, HI. Field WelJs, 168. a 1^ S^.cp' xvi Contents. Sect. VI. Roads, i68. Their Hiftory, in this Diftria, fltetchcd, 1 6g. A Principle in forming Roads, 170. Remarks on Repairing, 171. Practical Remarks on Forming. Further Remarks on Repairing, 176. Working Way-Reaves recommended, 177. On the w'idth of Roads, 178. The Turnpike Bill deficient in this Re- fped. Remarks onGraffy Lanes, 179. On the Height of Road ITedges. Should be adapted to the given Countr)', 181. Sect. VII. Shores and Embankments, j8i. Definition of the word Shore, N. 181. A General Principle, i8i. The State of this Diftrid. The Weft Marflies an Inflance of proper Management, 183. The Eaff Marfhes the Reverfe. Practical Remarks on Reclaiming Fenn V Lands. Inflance Lf River Embankment, 187. Another Inflance, 189. A General Pri NCiPLE,inthe I^Ianage- MiNT OF Estates, 190. Sect.VIII. Fences, 190. I. Gates, 191. On the Height of Gat«. On Hanging Gates. General Jnftruiflions for Hanging Gates on Pivots 192. II. Fence Walls, 194. Remarks on their Eligibility. Their Conftruftion, in this Diilrifl, 19^. III. Pofls and Rails. Uied were as a Temporary Fence. IV. Dead Hedges, 196. A fuperior Method of Eddering. V. Live Contents. :^yH V. Live Hedges, 197. Prefatory Remarks. 1. Species of Hedgewood, 198, 2. Planting Hedgewoods, 200. With a Ditch. On level Ground, 201. On forting Hedge Plants, 202.' Burying the Plants ! 3. Defending young Hedges, 204. Setting Ridgets of Earth, on the outer Brink of the Ditch, 205. 4. Trainjng young Hedges. Guarding, Weeding, and Pruning, 206. On Prun -.ig with fingle Stems. 5. Aftermanagemeht, 207. Age of Felling. Method of felling, 20S. 6. Treatment of old Hedges. Reclaiming thin Hedges, 209. On reverfing the Ditch of old Hunted Hedges, 210. General Remarks on the Hedges of this Diftrift. Caufes of their Excellency. Their Ages afcertained, and remarked on, 211. Means to prolong the Duration of Hedges. Tenants have not a permanent In- tereft in Hedges, 213. A Hayward neceiTary on a large EUate, 214. Sect. IX. Hedgerow Timber, 215. Its EfFeft on Inclofures. General Obfervations on this Subje^, 217, DIVISION XviH C O K T E K T S. DIVISION THE SBCOND. WOODLANDS AND PLANTATIONS. SiCT. I, Natural, Woods, 219. PrcfatorA' Remarks on their pafl and prefcnt State, in this Dillritl. \. Raifing Woods, 220. From Sci-'ds. Nature's Method, 221. from Stools of Fallen Trees. The Praftice of thi? Diitrift detailed. The Progrefs of Sapling Timberlings, Remarks on " Wavers," 224. The Succefs cf Raifing Timber Trees, from Stools, uncertain. II. Selling Woodland Produce, 224. 1. The Age of Selling, 225. 2. The Mode of Diipofal, 226. Remarks en Sale by Acctiow. 3. The Method of Valuing 1 im'oer here. III. Taking down Wood Timber, 227. Method of Cutting. Peeling and Drying Bark. IV. Fallen Timber, 228. Markets and Prices. V. Bark of Oak, 229. \ I. Carriage of Timber, a30, A diftinft Employment, here. The Price of Carriage, by the Mile. /'.■z Inference drawn, refpeding the Propagation of linbcr, 251. Sect Contents. xiK Sect. II. Plantations, 231. The prefent Spirit of Planting noticed. The Plantations of the Woids, 232. The Beech recommendeJ. Inftance of Impruvement, by Planting and Draining a Moory Site, 133. A Detail of this Improvement, 234. The Progrefs of different Foreft Trees, on» ■ Drained Moory Soil, 235. Remarks on the proper Trees for fuch '^ Situation, 236. ' DIVISION THE THIRD. AGRICULTURE, Sect. I. Farms, 239. Sizes of Farms are remarkably fmall. General Remarks on this important Subject. Charafteriflics of Farms, 241. Sect. II. Farmers, 242. Sect. IE. Workpeople, 1244. Sect. IV. Beafts of Labor, 245. Their Hiftory in this Diftri(fl. Caufcs of the Decline of Oxen, 247. Their Eftimation, here, 248. Their Comparifon with Horfes. Hint on the Breeding of Working Oxen, 25CV Method of Working Oxen, here. Reflcitigns on the Age of Working, 25 1 . Skct. JM ' C O N' T E N" T S. Sect. V. Implements, 252. I. Waggon of the Vale. An laiprcvf ment of the Wheel wifher. N. G £ N E R A L R E M A K K s on thf propci Width beiAcea the Wheels of Carriages, Gateways propcfed as a Gauge, 256. IT. The Plow of the Vale, 257. Ge:.e.>.ai. Remarks od the Conftru£Uon ofPiO'Ai. III. The Common Sledge, 261. IV. The Molding Sledge, 262. V. The Winnowing Mill, 264. j:s Kifter)' in this Diilrid. Sect. VI. TI.e Weather, 267. The Barometer ; its real Pretenfions. l^ht ieuing oun and oJ*ir Guicies, 26S. Progrefs of i^nng, 270. [ Remarks on tnc 1 oiiation of the Oak and tne Aih. Th^ L^ects of an exceCivcly uct Summer teilowinga Succeffionofdry ones, 271. Sect. VII. The Plan ofManagementofFarms, 272. I. The Hiftory of Farm Lands, in the Vaje. The Eft'ecl of a Change of Management, 274. II. The prefent Objects of the Vale HuT- bandry, 275. Animal ProduAions. Marketable Crops, Sabofdinaie Crops, j.76, III. The Courfe of Practice, 277. Genera! Cbfervations on this Subject. It fhou'd ever be guided by exiting Cir- cumftances, 278. A Part of the Piadice of the Vale cen- (uied. SiCT. Contents. xxi Sect. VIII. Soils and their Management, 279. I. Species of Soil. A Variety of Soils ; its Effsfls on Ma- nagement, 2S1. II. Subfoils. Geological Remark, 283. Underdruir.ing. III. Reclaiming Rough Grounds, 284. 1. Sodburning Rough Sward. 1. Paring and Price. 2. Method ct" Burning and Price, .85. 3. Applying the Afhes, 288. A NEW Process ftruck out. 4. Proper Sealon of Sodburning, 290. 5. Crops which fucceed this Ope- raiion, 291. The V,"h?at Crop inftaftced. 1^ General Obsehvations on So DBU RATING. la Ufe on Strong Lands re- commended, 293. 2. Reclaiming Furze Grounds, 294. 3. Reclaiming Woody Waives, 2g^. Piadxical Remarks on Reclaiming Por-Est Lands, 296. Exemplitied on the Lands of Pickering, 298. An Inference refpe Note on the Rubbifh of Lime Quarries. Analyfis of the Driffield Chalk, 316. ». The Procefs of Burning Lime de- tailed, 317. 1 . The Conftruction of Limekilns. 2. The Raifmg and Breaking of Stones, 318. 3. Coals, and their Proportion to Stone, 319. 4. Methods of filling the Kiln, 320. 5. Mechois of drawing the Lime, with Remarks on " draw- ing" and' Handing" kilns, J. Coft and Prices of Lime, 324. Note on ihe Limekilns of Bro* therton. 4. Applicatior of Lime, 326. Its Euefts on different Soils. COMPARATI VeExPEK I ME NTS requiiite to afceruin its right Application, 327. The Crops for which it is ap- plied. 5. The Methods of Liming, 328. A Theory of this Procefs at- tempted. Different Modes of Preparation. An Improvement fuggel\cJ,_)30* 6. The Time of.preading. 7. <^antity fei on. IV. Dung, 330. SxcTr X. Semination, 331. Sict; Contents. Jtxiii SfiCT. XL Weeds and Vermin, 332. I. Species of Weeds. Catalogue ofCorn Weeds, 333* II. Means of Extirpation, 338. 1. By Fallowing, or Cleaning the Soil. 2. By Weeding, or Cleaning the Crop, 339- III. Vermin, 340. 1 . Mice, and the Means of deftroying ♦ them. 2. Rats, 343. 3. Dogs, 344. Canine Madnefs. Sheep worried by Dogs, 3 3 J. A 1 AX on Dogs propofed, 347, SiCT. XII. Harvell Management, 348. L Harvefting with the Sickle, 34.Q, The People employed. The IVietiiod of Cutting and Bind- ing The Advantages of employing Women in the Bufinefs of Reap^ ing, 350. Setting up sheaves. tl. Harvefting with the Si the, 351, Different Praftices recited. 1. Method of Mowing, 352. 2. Setting up Corn, in Singlets, or " Gaits,'' 353. Note on the Origin of this Praftice. Praftical Direftions in performing it. 3. Binding Singlets, 354. 4. Setting up Mown Corn, in Stooks, Remarks on thefe two Operations. General Remarks on Harvefting Barley ll Yorkfhire, which are highly cultivated; efpe- cially about Doncafter, toward Fe^"r)'bridge \ a paiTage worth perufing. Natural YORKSHIRE. JVATURAL AND ACQUIRED ADVANTAGES OF East Yorkshire. But if we attend to the eastern divi- sion, we fliall find colled:ed, within compre-r heniive limits, almoft every defcription of country which is interefting in rural affairs. A rich, well cultivated plains a group of almoft barren mountains, inviting objedls of improvernent ; a fertile vale, various in foil and cultivation ; with a trad: of chalky downs, terminating in a rich marfhland coun- try : including grafs land of every clafs, and arable land of almoft every dpfcription. It is the Ifland in miniature. Nor do thefe natural advantages, alone, render Eaft Yorkfhire a defirable objeift of ftudy: the industry of its inhabi- tants makes them peculiarly attentive to MINUTIAL matters; while the spirit of improvement, which has lately diffufed itfelf, among all ranks of men, renders this Diftrict fingularly eligible, as a field on which to trace the greater outlines of manag::- MENT» THE r H £ VALE OF PICKERING, INTRODUCTORY VIEW O F THIS DISTRICT. I. QlTl^-^iTTON. The fituation of this k-J diviiion of Eall Yorkfhire has been already given. Its outline is feme what oval. II. The EXTENT of its larger diameter about tliirtyfive miles ; its greatell: width about twelve miles : including, in its area, and the cultivated lands which hang upon its banks, and which as property belongs to ir, about three hundred fquare miles, or 200,000 acres. Ilf. SURFACE and SOILS. The area of the Vale is extremelv flat ; nearly leve> ; but being broken by hillocks, of diltcrent magnitudes, irregularly fcattered, — and fonie- timcs i Cleveland □ ^7 Jt-tirsUy I ' '-- 2 \ifrnnatcm *~* ^ 'itutc'nl ! * E a ItingA^'o od c ^ , . . c \l. \>^^A#r/7 Crarrif^ 1 The Vale, of Pickerixg \-n \Dal^^ '^-- Tnniti-' ' U/^^,*C!;j j, 5 hSithcrp / J- JN vui J?,/i7li7fi. -~-_ c,,r ^ I O \ •p. \ ■ti- '^i ^-».. o ^ 4 ^ ^'-'^o 1 '^ ^»^o^^* \ •t id its Adjacent Hiljls ■'" I '^ TT /^^ /.•«•//' /,-, )>-,-M /* (iitvi-,.- yRs*^ YORKSHIRE. i^ times by promontories fhooting from the marginal banks, — the eye can feldom judge either of its flatncfs or its extent. Thefe hillocks and headlands are invariably fertile ; moftly a fat clay : while the bafe on which they il:and is either a rich fandy loam -, the comxmon foil of the weft end of the Vale ; or; an inferior clay, intcr- fperfed with patches of moory foil : the prevailing foils of the marilies, and carrs, of the Eaftern divilion. The MARGINS are varioully foiled. The fkirts of the banks are moftly a rich middle loam ; dry, yet cool (how eligible for the fites of villages !) but generally decreafe in quality^ with the rife of the hills which back them *. The face of the wold hills (which on this fide are bold but not broken) termi- nates, at the fummit, in a thin chalky loam ; —the foil of Epfom and Banftead Downs. The range of hills which rife at Malton, and fill up the fpace between the Wolds and the Heights of Hambledon; which at prefent , I believe, through the fevcral diftri^ls c»f Eail Yorklhire. YORKSHIRE. 15 1796. Since the firfl edition cf this Work was publifhed, two fchemes have been fug- gefled, and furveys made, by oppoling inte- refts, for bringing fca coals into the Vale, by means of inland navigation ; the one from the port of Whitby, the other from that cf Scarborough. The latter is, by far, the molt pfafticable. The bafe of the Vale is nearly level, from end to end, and the eafi: end of it is not txcti- fively elevated above the tide ; and its dif* tance, from Scarborough, as appears on the map, is inconliderablc. This Ihort afcent being furmounted, the only difficult)^ would be palled. A canal, of feventy or eighty miles in circuit, might be run round the Vale, 'u:khout a hck ! and without injur}- to the courfes of the natural rivers. The direction of fuch a -canal would be nearly that of the dotted line cf the map annexed (though not traced for this purpofe). It would of courfe fupply four market towns, and upwards of fifty villages, with water car- riage : not only of fuel, manures, farm pro- duce, and timber; but of palTengers, — on the Duke of Bridgwater's plan of ftage boats : the cheapell: and moll ealV mode of travelling. From }6 VALE OF PICKERING. From the weft end of the Vale, a commu-* nication would not be difficult to make, with the canal, lately undertaken in the Vale of* York ; and thus open an inland communi- cation, by water, between Scarborough, York, Hull, and the manufacturing dillrid: of Weft Yorkihire. Should this Ifland continue to profper, half* z century longer, there can be little doubt of an improvement, fo felfevidcntly great, beu)g carried into effeft. VII. TOVv'NSHIPS. The feet of the marginal fwells are ftudded with towns and VILLAGES ; which, in fome parts, are not a mile afundcr ; but, in others, are farther dif- tant, and lefs regular. To thefc marginal townships belong, generally, the lands of the Slope, with a portion of the area or bottom of the Vale ; which, through this reafon, is thinly inlia- bited. From the center, weftward, a few villages are fcattered ; but from thence, eaft- ward, the entire area, one townCiip excepted, is included within the townftiips of the mar- gin. VIII. STATE OF INCLOSURE. A century ago, the marginal townihips lay, perhiips, entirely open ; and there are vef- tiges YORKSHIRE. 17 tiges of common fields in the area of the Vale. The weft marflies, church property, have been longer under inclofure : and the central townfliips were probably inclofed, long before thofe of the margin ; the foils of that part being adapted to grafs ; and while the furrounding country lay open, grafs land was of fingular value. At prefent, the en- tire Vale may be faid to be in a ftate of INCLOSURE; a fubje(ft which will be fpoken of, fully, in its proper place. IX. PRODUCE: wood, grafs, and corn : the two latter at prefent intermixt, from the center of the area to the fummit of the mar- ginal heights. X. The wood, though abundant, being confined principally to the vallies of the mar- gins, does not afford general ORNAMENT ; nor even appear to the eye at a diftance. On a near view, however, fome of thofe val- lies contain great beauties. The fituation of Rivaulx, the fite of a dilapidated monaftery, would fatisfy the moft craving eye. Were the extenfive woodlands, which thefe vallies contain, fcattered on the bofoms of the fur- rounding hills, the Vale of Pickering would be a pafTage of country, as fingular in point of beauty, as it is in natural fituation. VoL.L C THE THE RURAL ECONOMY O F THIS DISTRICT. BIVISION THE FIRST. LANDED ESTATES, AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. I. ESTATES AND TENURES. I. THE LANDS of the Vale are much" in the hands of fmall owners. The only large eftate, which it contains, lies on its Wcftern margin; and this, for magnitude and intirenefs, is exceeded by few cftates m the kingdom. The towns of Hemfley and Kirbymoorfide, with the villages in their neigh- YORKSHIRE. 19 heighbourhoods, and an immenfe tra6t of Moreland, reaching to the verge of Cleve- land, are included in the Dun combe eftate. The Earl of Salisbury has a confide- rable property fcattered acrofs the richer part of the Vale, from Sinnington to Brawby: and there are fome few other off eftates of Noblemen, in different parts of the Diflridt* II. The Crown ftill retains, in right of the Dutchy of Lancafter, fome property in the antient foreft of Pickering; and the Archbishop of York has i cbnfiderable eftate in the marfhes* Sir William St. Quintin Has a good property, about his refidence at Scampfton, and fome other Gentlemen have refidences and property in the Vale. But the major part of the lands of the Dif- tri fo high as twenty fhillings art acre* To fpeak of the medium rent df the Dif- trid: would be Vague ; the rate of rent is, of ought to be, proportioned to the quality of foils 5 and lands worth from a pound to a penny an acre may^ probably, be found on the {ziTLe farm. This variation of foil enables tl^ obfervant cultivator to make accurate diflindions, in the expence of management and produce j andjConfequently, in the rental values of lands of different qualities : and this may account, in fome meafure, for the extraordinary efti- mation in which good land is held in the Diftria. This diftin6tion isy in general, too little at- tended to, upon large eftates ; the number of acres being, generally, too much regarded, and the quality of the foil too little. Maps Vol. I. D are 34 MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES. are convenient inAruments in the hands o( managers of eftates ; hut unlefs they fhew, with fufticient accuracy, the quality ^r^fitu^ atiofif a? well as the quantity of the land they reprefent, they become dangerous guides in fixing a rental : an accurate valu- ation is much more elHmable than a hand- fome map. The art of funxying may be learnt in a fchool ; but the judgment requi- fite in the valuation of lands can only be obtained, by great experience in the field, and by fome confiderable fhare of knowledge. of the particular kind of land to be valued. VI. COVENANTS. Under the old tenancv, repairs wQzt done, and new ere<^ions made, entirely by the tenants, landlord allow- ing timber ; and, on fome extraordinary occafions, a fum certain towards the work- manfhip and the other materials. Gates and heiiges were entirely under the management of the tenant i landlord allow- ing timber for the gates and dead fences, as well as for implements^ ufed upon the farm ; alfo hedging fhiiF and brufhwood, for /m^/. The management of the land, too, was left to the tenant, who plowed and cropt it, in the fame manner as he would in all probability have done, had it been his own eilate. While YORKSHIRE. 35 While the neceffary confidence on the part of the tenants remained, thefe principles of management were abundantly fufficient. The tenants took care of the eftate as their own ; the landlord's only care being directed to the annual receipt of the rent. But finding the tenants alarmed, and feme of them no doubt dilTatisfied, with the recent additions of rent, it was thought prudent to introduce new re- gulations, refpedling timber and the manage- ment of lands. Woodlands have been in* clofed, and woodwards appointed. The plow has been reftrained, and particular crops prohibited. VII. REMOVALS. The time of the removal of tenants, here, is invariably Old Lady day. By the cuftom of this country, tenants at will are allowed to clear the premifes, pre- vious to the day of removal, of hay, Jiraiv, and manure ! quitting the farm, on that day> and leaving it entirely naked of every thing, except the icheat on the ground ; which, at harveft, he reaps and carries off'! paying only for the " on-fland," or rent of the land which the wheat has occupied *. D 2 For-^ * Barley fown before Ladyday, on fallow^ is alfo the tenant's, paying the incoming tenant fw Jhc on-ftand«ftly. 3^ MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES^ Fortunately, however, for all parties con- cerned, removals have, until very lately, been little pradiifed in the Vale : for a worfe time, or a worfe mode, could fcarcely be devifed. Old Ladyday is the middle of fpring feed- time ; — Aock are ftill in the houfe ; — the hay and ilraw partly eaten, and in part to eat ;— and, at that time of the year, the roads, having been foakcd and cut up, during winter, and iliffened by the winds of March, are in their very word flate. Thefe are difadvantages to the out^oin^ tenant. The inconveniencies of an incoming tenant entering upon a farm, deftitute of manure, and materials to raife it from, need not be enumerated. In Cleveland, the time of removal is much more judicious. The incoming tenant takes poireilion of the arable land at Candle- mas, — of the pal^ure grounds at Ladyday, and of the mowing grounds at Mayday ; — when the outgoing tenant quits every thing but the wheat. Thefe regulations are adm.irablv adapted to REMOVALS IN SPRING, and render them more eligible, in many refpevfts, than Mi- chaelmas REMOVALS; even when tem- pered with the Norfolk, regulations *. 0/J • See NoRF. Ecos. Art. Fokm of Lease. YORKSHIRE. 37 Old Michaelmas throws wheat feedtime too backward, and the unthralhed corn incurs a long and frequently tedious connexion, be- tween outgoing- and incoming tenant : be- fides, the hay, the turneps, the feedage of leys broken up, and of young clover after harvefl, make a long account between them : whereas, in Cle\eland, the wheat on the ground, and perhaps a little remaining hay, are the only things to be valued (or re- moved), and the remaining wheat in the barn (if any) the only thing the outgoing tenant leaves behind him. If the barns be cleared by Mayday, which in general they may be without impropriety, the connexion between the outgoing and the incoming tenant (or landlord) diffclxes, entirely, on the dav cf removal ; which, namely Cld Mayday, is an eligible feafon, and a leifure time of the year. The chief inconveniency, attending this mode of removal, is that of the incoming tenant (refiding, perhaps, at a dillance) put- ting in the fpring crops. But there is no day in the year, on which this difagreeable bufi- nefs can be done, without inconveniency to all parties -, and all that can be done is, to £nd out fuch days, and fix upon fuch regu- D 3 lationSjk 3? MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES. lations, as will reduce the inconveniency within the narroweft bounds poffible. From the obfervations I have hitherto made. New Michaelmas with the Norfolk regulations, and Old Mayday with thofe of Cleveland, appear to be the mofl eligible feaibns of removal. VIII. RECEIVING. The time of re- ceiving varies on different eftates. On one. Candlemas for the Michaelmas rents, and Midfummer for thofe of Ladyday, are the eilablifhed times ; and were they adhered to, better days, for the purpofc, need not be chofen ; though in ftricl propriety the iirfl: of March and the firfl of June might be flill better *. But to fuit the conveniencies or the caprice of the receiver, the ordinary times are feldom adhered to, the tenants be- ing left in a Aate of uncertainty, as to the time of receipt ; notices being fom^etimes given and countermanded, repeatedly : a flate of embarraffment this, to the tenants, which implies unpardonable management. On a large eftate, the days of audit fhould be as fixt and invariable, as the days of entrance and removal ; and nothing but extraordi-» nary circumflances can warrant a deviation. Upoa • Sec NoRF. EcoN. MiN. 47. YORKSHIRE. 39 Upon another eftate, ftiil more confiderable than that above alluded to, the pradice is to receive a few days after the rents become due ; namely, about Lady day and Michaelmas, Worfe feafons would be difficult to fix upon. With relpea Brevium^ Juftice of Peace, and other works in the law, he left two on Rural Economy — the Boke OF Husbandry and the Boke of Surveying ;— the firft trcatifes, probably, which were v/rltten on the fubje(5t, in the Englifh language ; and the beft that were written, for more than a century afterward. There has been fome doubt about whether thefe two treatifes were really written by Judge Fitzherbert ; but I flatter mj- fclf I fhall, in its proper place, be able to adduce fufjicient evidence of" their being his produdJons* 46 INCLOSURES. herbage of town/hips, fays, " by that Is to be ** underllood the common pafture of the ** town whereupon the lierdman keepeth the ** tenant's cattle ; for it may be fo good that " the tenants need not to have any feveral ** pafture" [hnporting in this place ftinted pailure] ; ** but that their common pafture ** fhould be able to find all their cattle, both ** horfes, mares, hearts, and fheep : and fo " it was of eld time, that all the lands, mea- *' dows, and paftures lay open and unclofed. " And then was their tenements much better ** and cheaper than they be now j for the " moft part of the lords have enclofed their " demefne lands and meadows, and keep *' them in fevetalty; fo that their tenants " have no common with them therein." In this ilate the cultivated lands of the kingtlom appear to have lain, in Fitzherbert's day. For in his lafl chapter, the fubjedl of which is, " How to make a townihip that is worth " twenty marks a-year worth twenty pounds " a-year," he recommends incloiure; — not as a known improvement to be perfevered in, but as a fcheme eligible to be adopted. In the prefcnt century, more efpecially within the lafl fifty years, inclofure has made a. rapid progrefs j and its effcifls have in general, YORKSHIRE. 47 general, I believe, been equal to thole fore- feen by Fitzherbert, The garden is the higheft ftatc of cultivation 5 open fields and common paftures the loweft ; feparate in- clofares a middle ftate, which feems to be well adapted to the prefent population of this country. Let this be as it may, the fpirit of inclofure continues to be fuch, that, in half a century more, an open field, or an undivided common may be rare, and the remembrance of them will of courfe foon wear away. This is there- fore the proper time to regiller interefting fadts, relative to the fubjec^, and this Diflri confided of 3,700 acres of culturable foil, valued (by the commifiion under the inclo- fure) at 3s. to 50s. an acre rent ; and of a fl-ill greater quantity of heathy barren land, reaching to the center of the moreknds, valued (by the fame) from below 3s. down to 3d. an acre. The quantity of oxgang or common-field land (as above afcertained) 2 376 acres ; and the number of ancient ccm- VoL . I. E mon- 50 INCLOSURES. mon-right houfes, or lites of fuch houfeS, two hundred and fixty. To thofe 2376 acres *, and thefe 260 houles or fites, the commons belonged ; but in what proportion had not, for ages perhaps, been clearly underllood. Within memory, it feems, an attempt was made to llint them ; but the regulation lafted only one year. Be- fore and fmce that time, they have been, in the flrid:eft fenfe of the word, unjlinted c'om^ monsj for all kinds of commonable ftock ; excepting sheep and working oxen ; which la 11 were, by the hy-laivs of the toivn- f-fp> confined to the {tinted paftures, and the upland commons ; and the former, to the upland commons only. It may be taken for granted, that the firll mover to an inclolure is private mtereft, ra- ther than public fpirit. In the cafe of Pickering, the land owners, in general, were fatisfied with the open ftatc of the commons. Some of them who had inherited, — or purchafed at an advanced price, — lands which lay conveniently to the commons, were, ofcourfe, adverfc to an inclofure ; and the mere house owners were either appre- henfive of the fmallnefs of their claim, or their * Together with the meadow lands. YORKSHIRE. 51 their voices were too weak to be heard, among thofe of the land owners. Under thefe circumftances, the commons lay open, and would probably have conti- nued in that ftate> had there been no other intereft in the townfliip, than that of the owners of its lands and houses. But the tithe, of three or four thoufand acres of corn land, was an objedl of too great magnitude to be overlooked, by the lelTee (for lives under the Dean of York) j and, being i^txi, had charms in it too fafcinating to be loft fight o£ A(fluated thus powerfully, the Jejfee of the //>/^^j applied to the land owners, to join him in an application to parliament, for an inclofure. The land owners refufed. Their condudl, however, was impolitic and ill judged ; and a fair opportunity lofl is not eafily regained* The leflee of the tithes adled under a rel- iefs impulfe j and no matter the inftruments he made ufe of, fo they anfwered his pur- pofe. He, therefore, applied to the house OWNERS i who, feeing riches within their reach, which till then they had never thought of, grew frantic with expecflation. A law agent, well fuited to the defign, £ 2 Wiii 52 I N C L O S U R E S. was pitched upon ; and other agents, no lef*- qualified, gave him their beft alTiflance. An equal divifion of the commons, among the houfes only, was the prize held out ; and a bill, framed for the purpofe of obtaining it, was fent up to Parliament. A faint ill conducted oppolition was made, by the land owners ; but a more powerful in- terefl:, well applied, having got there before them, their intentions of throwing out the bill were fruflrated. Parliament, however, feeing probably the iniquity of the bill, without being willing to enter into a minute invertigation, or able, at their difVancc, to afcertain with conveniency fufficient facfls, left a principal matter open to a trial at law; namely, whether the commons fliould be divided among the houfes, only 3 or whether one moiety of them fliould remain with ** the lands of the townlhip, which, ** upon the firlt of January 1784, belonged ** to the owners of antient common-right " mefluages, cottages or lites." In confequence of this order of Parlia- ment, the queftion was tried, on a feigned iliiie, at the allize for the county, in the fjm- mer of 1785. The YORKSHIRE. 53 The trial was conduced with the fame ex- ertions, on the part of the promoters of the bill, and with the fame tamenefs and ilj judged confidence, on the part of its oppo- fers, as had been evident in every llage of the bufinefs. Thefe circumflances co-ope- rating with the " uncertainty of the law," a verdid: was obtained, in favour of the houfes. Thus, by management ^ — without even the (hadow of r^^^/ being offered, — the owner of a mere cottage without a garden-place, or of a heap of ftcnes which had long lain as ruins, and who could have no rightful ad- vantage whatever from the commons in their open ftate, became entitled to an equal {hare, under the inclofure, with the largeft land- owner ; who, perhaps, previous to the paf- fmg of this law, occupied rightfully, fome hundred acres. It is true, many poor families may gain a temporar)^ relief by this inequitable tranfa(n:ion ; and lo far the bill may have operated bene- ficially. But it muft be evident, to thofe who have a knowledge of the townfliip, and who think impartially on the fubjedt, that they might, with equal propriety, have been re- lieved out of the inc^ofed lands, or the per- il 3 fonal 54 IKCLOSURES. fonal property of the land owners ; and it could not be the intention of Parliament, to be inftrumental in transferring the property of one man to another, without a fufficientreafon ; ve may therefore fafely conclude, that Par- liament, in this cafe, were either impofed Upon, or judged erroneoufly ; or that they are in want of fome General Principles of Inc^osure, I fhall not prefume to dicTtate to Parlia- ment ; but as I have beftowed an unufual ihare of attention on this important fubjed:, and may not have another opportunity, fo fuitable as the prefent, of fpeaking my fentiments upon it, I will here throw together the ideas which have ftruck me, as a groundwork for further argument. It will be proper, in the outfet, to take a view of the origin of commons, and the iirft laying out of townihips, f itzherbert, whofe opinion in this cafe is valuable, fpeaking of cuftomary tenants, in his 1 3th chapter of Surveying, fays, " Cuf- ** tomary tenants are thofe that hold their •* lands of their lord, by copy of court-roll, *' after the cuftom of the manor. And there ^- t>e mar.y tenants wi,*hin the fame manor ** that YORKSHIRE. SS •' that have no copies, and yet hold by like " cuflom and fervice, at the will of the lord : ** and in mine opinion, it began foon after " the Conquefl. When William Conqueror ** had conquered the realm, he rewarded all ** thofe that came with him, in his viage *' royal, according to their degree. And to " honourable men he gave lordlhips, ma- *' nors, lands, and tenements, with all the in- *' habitants, men and women, dwelline in the *' fame, to do with them at their pleafure." And in his 40th chapter, in which he pro- pofes to improve by inclofure, he fays, " It '* is undoubted, that to every tov/nfhip, that " ftandeth in tillage in the plain country, ** there be arable lands to plovv^ and fow, and ** leys to tie or tedder horfes and mares ** upon, and common pafture to keep and " pafture cattle, beafls, and flieep upon; ** andalfo meadow ground to get hay upon." In another part of the fame treatife, chap- ter 4. ^' Of foreign paftures that be com- *^ mon," he fays, ** This is a dark letter to ** be underilood without a better declara- ** tion, for it may be underflood three ways. " In many towns, where clofes and paftures *' lie in feveralty, there is commonly a com-r ^* mon clofe taken in, out of the commons E 4 ** or 5^ INCLOSURES. ** or fields, by the tenants of the town, for ,** their oxen or kine, or other cattle, in *' which clofe every man is llinted, and fet " to a certainty how many beafts he ihall ** have in the fame, and of what manner of ** beafts they fhall be. Another manner ** of common is moll commonly in plain " chainpion countries, where the cattle go '* daily before the herdman, and lyeth near ** adjoining to the common fields ; and it *' may lie in two or three places or mere. *' The third manner of common is the lord's *' outwoods, that he common to his tenants, *' as common moors or heaths, the which •' were never arable land." The fame, or a fimilar dirtribution of lands remain, in every uninclofed townlhip, to this day. Each township is one common farm; laid out into tliree arable divifions, for coryi j a flat of meadow land, for f^iy -, — and one o^ vnort pn/iures, for ftock. It appears evident from obfervation, in dif- ferent Diftrids of the Kingdom, that, inlaying out a townfliip whicli contains a diverfity of foil, the dried and heft land^ have been laid out as arable fields ; the wcttefl, if futficient- ly found, as mowing ground ; and the re- mainder as pallure land, and as a fource of fuel. YORKSHIRE. 57 fuel. In fome townfhips, part of the pallure ground has been fet apart as a flinted pafture, for fome particular fpecies of cattle ; and, in others, part of the commonfield land has been laid to grafs, for the purpofe of tedder- ing horfes upon, in the corn year?, and feed- ing iheep upon, in the fallow year. In townfhips of a more uniform foil, good land, fit for arable, has been fet out as com- mon pafture ; for, in the days when town- fhips were laid out, it would have been lefs poffible to have cultivated and manured the common fields of a townfhip, without a com- mon pallure, than it would now be, when the ufes of clover and vetches are known, to manage a farm entirelv under the plow. It is therefore evident, that common paf- tures and comm.on fields are, in their original intention, and ever have been in their ufe, as infeparable as animal life and food: — it was pecefTary to keep w^orking frock, to till the fields, and almofl as neceflary to ha^e other live flock, to confume the flraw, and to raife manure. And it may be fafely drawn, as an inference, that the herbage of the common paflures of a given townfhip belong, in their Qriginal intention, to the arable and meadov/ lafids jS I N C L O S r R E S. lands of that townfhip : for, without themi the former muft have lain in perpetual fal- low, and the hay of the latter have been ufe- Icfs. Confequently, h the original intention t every hoiife which occupied a portion of the arable and ?neadow land of the townfliip, had a right to a like portion of the he?'bage of the coonmon paflures ; and this without any re- gard to the time of its being erected ; name- ly, whether before or after the laying out of the townfhip. But with refped: to fuel, and the panage, (when thefe were not referved to the lord) the original intention was undoubtedly diffe- rent; for a certain plot of woodland (for in- flance) was fet out, in proportion to the num- ber of boufes in the townlhip, at the time of fetting it out. This was a grant of the lord, to the houfcs in beings at the time of the grant -, which particular houfes thereby obtained an exclufive right to the fuel and panage thus granted ; cther^vife an unlimited and ex- ceflive increafe of houfes mi^ht have abridged the original habitations in their right, and have done away the original intention. Since the improvements in navigation, and in the art of mining, have taken place, many common woodlands have, probably, been cleared YORKSHIRE. 59 cleared away ; for it is evident, from ob- lervation, confirmed by tradition, tha^ many of the grafsland commons, which now remain, and which, a few years fince, were thickly fcat^ tered over the kingdom, were formerly co- vered wholly, or partiall)^ with Avood j the original fources of fuel and panage : which fuel and panage belonged excluiively to the original houfes : confequently, when the land which produced them was cleared, thefe hoiifes had a plea for an excluiive right to the herbage which fucceeded. Thus the ancient houfes having, by original right, a claim upon the woody and, by impli- cation, upon the herbage which fucceeded it, they became obje(^s of importance, compared with modern houfes ; and it appears to have grown gradually into a cuftom, which in time became law, that no modern houfe, nor even the lands of the townfliip which lay to them, fhould enjoy either the fuel or the her- bage of the commons. And thus the antient houfes, b3^im plication, gained in part, and, by ufurpation, entirely, a privilege oi prefenting the lands of the town- ihip, with the freedom of the commons ; which privilege has rendered them more valuable, than modern houfes, of equal iize ; and this di£- 6o I N C L O S U R E S. di&erence in value is the real intereft they have in the commons. It is the moft they ever had, or can of right have, v.'hilc the tcmir.ons remain open. For a mere houfe, without land, has neither plow to work, manure to raiie, nor fodder to con- lume, and cannot, in the ordinary courfe of hull'andr}-, make any ufc whatever of the bcrh.igc of a common. And with refpeft to the privilege of pre- fentation, it is equally vague, in the owner of an antient houfe, to lay claim to an equalized ihare of the lands of a common, becaufe he has a power of enfranchiling the lands of others, as it would be in a lay-pre- fenter of a living, to lay claim to tlie henelicc, becaufe he has die advowfon. Whatever the advo-icfyn is worth, fo much interefl the prefenter of the herbage of a common, or the profits of a living, has in that common, or that living. From thefe premifes v.-c may infer, that iiO\i\ neither an antient houfe without lands, of a given townil:iip, belonging; to it, nor a parcel of land without an antient houfe being held witli it, is entitled to any ihare of the common herbage of that townihip. But, when- YORKSHIRE. 6f whenever this houfe regains land, or the land is again laid to an antient houfe, the right of commonage returns. The right, therefore, only lies dormarit ; and is not, m either cafe, extinguiflcd. The fame of a fite. While covered with ruins, it can have no right either to fuel or herbage : but whenever the houfe is rebuilt and inhabited, a right of fuel returns ; and having had lands laid to it, a right of herbage. And whatever a lite is worth over and above the value of the land it contains, fo much ia- tereft it has in the comrnon lands of the townfiiio it lies in. The Lnterell: oi dormant land^ may be afcer- tained, in a iimilar wav : whatever their value is depreciated by the alienation from the commons, fo much Icfs interefl: they have in a diviiion of them. To {hut them out of an Inclofure Bill is to take them by fdrprize, and thruft them out of the townlhip ; thereby ftranslins that ri^ht which before had only llept i and which might the next year, or the next day, have awakened in its fulleft luflre. • Befide thefe particular interefts, there is one general intereft tcbe conlidered; namely, iht Jituation of lands, houfes, and fites, with refpe(ft to the common to be inclofed ; — for boufcSf #2 I N C L O S U R E 5. houfes, at leail, which are fituated contiguous to a common, had, in the firft inftance, have had, ever lince, and muft have, while the commons remain open, a greater benefit from its herbage, and have on that account been fold and purchafed at a greater price, than houfes iituated at a diftance ; and, of courfe, have a right to a greater fhare of the lands to be inclofed. The interefls oi fites vary in a fimilar manner. But, with refpedt to landsy this fpecies of intereft is lefs evident. While common fields and common meadows lie open, they have little advantage or difadvantage from fitua- tion, with refpe(5t to the common pall:ure< But where the arable and meadow lands have been inclofed, and the pal^ures remain open, fituation becom.es of confiderablc importance. And where the appropriated lands have been ion a: held in leveralty, and have been fold and purchafed under thofe circumllances, the lands which lie near to the common pafhires feem to have gained, by the circumftance of inclofure, ratified by long ufage, an extracr^ dinary zrA perrnanoit interel^ in the herbage ; an intereft which they can never lofe, fo long as the appropriated lands remain inclofed, and the YORKSHIRE. 63 the ccmmon paftures remain open. Hence, it is unwife in thofe, whofe lands lie at a dif- tance from the common paflure, to fufFer a partial inclolure to take place ; for by that means they are eftablifliing, to their own dif- advantage, a fpecies of intereft in common paftures, which before had no exiftence. Before we proceed farther, it may be pro- per to confider the Imits of commonright ^ on unftinted common paftures. It is generally underftood, and may, I be- lieve, be conlidered as the common law of the realm, that each commonright houfe has a power to fummer as much ftock on the com- mon, as the lands which lie to it- will winter; or, to fpeak more practically, a right to ftock in proportion to the value of the lands, re- fpedtivelyheldv/ith the commonright houfes: for it fo happens, that by improvements in huft>andry, iince the time of laying out town- ships, — more efpecially where the appropri- ated lands haye been inclofed, — commons in general are unable to fupport, in fummer, fo much ftock as the arable and meadow land can, in winter ; confequently, it is become im- prad:icable to adhere, ftridtly, to the antient regulation : which antient regulation, how- ever, I 64 1 N C L O S U R E ?. ever, though time has rendered it in fnort cafes impradticabic, is as flrong an evidence, as is neceUary to be produced, in favor of the herbage of unftinted commons belonging folely to the land. That the idea is antient, and not of mo- dem invention, may be feen in Fitzherbert ; who, in his 6th chapter, ** Of Foreign Woods, ** where other men have common, but where " the lord may improve himlelf," fays^ *•' It is clearly ordained by the ftatute of " Merton, and after confirmed by the fta- " tute of Weilminiler, that the lord fhall ** improve himfe If of his wafles — leaving his ** tenantsy//^t/V;?/ common. It is necefiary to ** ht knownv^hit isfupcient co.'/imon ; and that " to me feemeth by reafon lliould be thus : ** To fee hon' much cattle the hay and the *' draw, a hulband getteth upon his own te- " nement, will find fufiiciently in winter, if *' they lie in the houfe and be kept therewith ** all the winter feafon ; for fo much cattle " fhouid iie have common in fummer ; and " that is fuficicnt commzn. It confequently follows, that the occupier of a houfe without hnd could not, of nc^ht, keep catile upon the common in fummer ; becaule his tenement afi:cided YORKSHIRE. 65 afforded him neither hay nor flraw, wherewith to keep them in the houfe, during the winter feafon. Laftly, the intereft of the lord of the foil requires confideration. Here, Fitzherbert's treatife may be taken as a fafe guide. The groundwork, of the firil: feventeen chapters, is a ftatute of Edward I. named Extent a Ma^ nerii'y of which Fitzherbert himfelf gives the following account : " In mine opinion, this ftatute was made foon after the Barons' wars, the which ended at the battle of Eve(ham, or foon after, in the time of king Henry III. whereat many Noblemen were llain, and many fled, who after were attainted for the treafon they did to the king. And by reafon thereof their caflles and manors were feized into the king's hands. And fo for want of reparation the caftles and manors fell to ruin and in decay. And when theKin^and his Council fa w that, they thought it was better to extend them, and make the mofl profit that they could of them, than let them fall to the ground and come to no man's help and profit; therefore. King Edward I. ordained this ftatute to be made the fourth year of his reign, wherein is contained many and divers chapters and Vol. I. F ** articles, 66 INCLOSURES. *' anjcles, the which, at that time, were but " inflru) fufficie?Jt bite for the tenants' cattle. Hence, it clearly follows, that if the herbage of the common be more than fufficient for the cattle of the townfhip, the overplus, be it more or lefs, belongs to the lord. On the contrary, if the herbage of the common is not 7nore than fuffi- cient to fummer the cattle, which the town- fhip can maintain in winter (in an uninclofed ftate), the lord has not [merely as fuch) any intereft whatever, in the herbage of the com- mons within his manor. In another claufe, refpecfling outwoods fpe - cially, — the ftatute orders, that it " be en- *^ quired of foreign woods, where other men " have come-in, what part of thofe woods the ** lord may improve himfelf of, and of hov/ ** many acres, and for how much the vefiurCj *' that is to fay, the wood oi every acre may " be fold, and how much the ground is worth ** after the wood be fallen, and how many " acres it contains, and what every acre is " worth by the year." By this claufe, it is implied by Parliament, F 2 that M INCLOSURES. that the nrood of a common belongs folely to the lord : and Fitzherbcrt's expofition of it implies the fame idea : ** The declaration of " this ftatute is doubtful j becaufe of the ** non-certainty of what isfufficient commoJi ," —which having explained as above, he con- tinues, ** You {hall underftand that there be " four manner of commons, that is to wit ; — ** common appendant, — common appurte- '* nant, — common in grofs, — and common ** becaufe of neighbourship. Common ap- " pendant is where the lord of old time hath ** granted to a man a mefeplace and certain ** lands, meadows, and paftures, with their *' appurtenances, to hold of him. To this ** mefeplace, lands, and meadows, belongeth ** common, and that is common appendant. " — Common appurtenant is where a man *' hath had common to a certain number of *' beafts, or without number, belonging to ** his mefeplace in the lord's wafle : this is J* common appurtenant by prefcription, be- '* caufe of the ufe out of time of mind. — " Common in grofs is where a lord hath ** granted, by his deed, common of pafture '* to a flrangerthat holdeth no land of him, ** nor ought to have any common but by ** reafon of that grant by deed. — Common '' of YORKSHIRE. 69 ** of vicinity or neighbour/hip is where the " wafte grounds of two townfhips lie toge- ** ther, and neither hedge nor pale between " to keep their cattle afunder : this is com- *' mon becaufe of neighbourfliip j and it is *' not ufed nor lawful to pin the cattle fo ** goi^g y ^^^ i^ good manner to drive and ** chace befide fuch common." Of common in grofs, he fays, "the lord " may not improve himfelf of any parcel ; for *' it is contrary to grant, though there be fuf- ** ficient of common," But "ye fhall un- '^ derfland that how be it a lord may not im- ** prove himfelf of his wafte grounds, yet may '* he lawfully fall and fell all the wood, *' broom, gorfe, furze, braken, fern, bufhes, *' thorns, and fuch other, as free-ftone, lime- ^' flone, chalk, turves, clay, fand, lead-ore, *' or tin, to his own ufe ; for the tenant may " have nothing by reafon of common, but *' only bite of mouth with his cattle." Hence, we may conclude, that the cutting of fuel (if pradifed) was, t^en, merely on fuf- ferance. In his explanation of a claufe refpe(5ling panagCy &c. he fays, *' Where this ftatute '* fpeaketh depmiagioy that is to be underftoo4 ** where there is any mafl growing in the F 3 <* lord's 70 I N C L O i U R E S. * lord's wood, wherebv men's fwlne may be * fed and relieved ; what profit that may be * to the lord ; for there is no man that can ' claim of right to have the maft, the which * is a fruit, but the lord ; and the lord fhall * have it in foreign or outwoods, as well as ^ in his parks or feveral woods j and as the * quantity of maft is, fo the lord's bailey * ought of right to lay men's fwine there- * unto from Michaelmas to Martinmas, and ' to make a true account thereof at the lord's * audit, what he taketh for every fwine." Thus it appears, that not on\y fuel, but fanagey likewife, was originally a matter of fuiferance, when enjoyed by the tenants. From thefe premifes, and from the prc- fent infufficiency of commons, we may fafcly infer that the lord (merely as fuch) has no intereft whatever in the herbage of commons within his manor. But we may infer, with equal fafety, that of the lijood of a common the lord is fole proprietor ; except where a right of fuel and panage has been ellabliOied by long cuftom j for, in this cafe, prefcrip- tion has fruflrated the original intention ; and, here, the koujes have a joint intereft with the lord. Laftly, YORKSHIRE/ 71 Laftly, with refpecCt to heaths and peat- jnoorsj frcm which the inhabitants of a town- fhip have, by prefcription, a right of cutting fuel : The ftatute orders, that it be enquired of moors, heaths, and waftes, v/hat they be worth by the year : — and Fitzherbert fays, ** Moors, heaths, and wailes, go in like man- ** ner as the herbage of the town ; for the ** lord's tenants have common in all fuch ** out grounds with their cattle ; but they ** {hall have no wood, thorns, turves, gorfe, ** fern, and fuch other, hut by cujlo?^, or elfe '' fpecial words in the charter." We may therefore conclude, that the lord has no interefl in the hjerhage of a heath 5 nor in thtfuely except there be ??iore than Jiiffici' ent for the ufe of the inhabitants of the ancient houfes 3 in which cafe the lord feems to have an interefl in the overplus ; provided he can reap the benefit of it, without injuring the herbage* From the fum of this evidence it appears, that, at this day, lords of manors, in general, have no other interefl in the commons, with- in their refpeftive manors, than in the jnines, the quarriesy and the i^JGod, The herbage be- F 4 longs 7» I N C L O S U R E S. longs to the land ; and thtfoe/ (where cuT- tom allows it to be taken) to the houles. As to the right of foih it appears to be merely honorary : for the foil cannot be re- moved, nor turned to advantage, without de- flroying or injuring the herbage. A Icrd of a manor has, however, a claim upon the /oil, though indirect : for no man, nor fet of men, can break it without his confent. But this feems to be a claim of honor rather than oi inter eft ', for, while tlie commons re- main open, he cannot, in ftridl legality, reap any emolument from it. Thus we have enumerated five dillin^t in- terefts. I. COMMONRIGHT LaKDS* HELD WITH COMMON RIGHT HousrS. To thefe lands the • By COMMOVRIGHT land is meant the original com- mon field and common meadow land, and fuch other laad, lying within the townfhip, as has, by grant or prrlcriprion, a right of commonage when held with a rommonright houfe ; in conL-adiflinclion to fuch lands cf the tONvnfcipas have not, and to the lands of the reft of the kingdom -which never can ha\'c, by any legal a. 8f It will however be faid, that a fpecial jury, of the coupty in which the fite of Inclofure lies, ar^ the fitted to determine the rights of the claimants. This, in theory, is plaufible ; but is feldom verified in pradtice. In the cafe of Pickering, only four of the fpecial jury attended ; and one of thefe was a tradefman of the city of York. It is highly probable, that not one of the jury refided within twenty miles of the fite of Inclofure ; or had the fmallefc fliare of perfonal know- ledge, either of the fite, or the fubjedt of Inclofure. A jury impanelled, in any other county of the kingdom, might have been equally qualified for the purpofe. It was therefore a. mere trial at /c7'Z£;, which, to a proverb, is a game at hazard. The houfes were, once, within a point of lufing the game : Sir Thomas Davenport died, and Mr. B. (their two leading counfel) was put under arreft, the day before the trial was to have come on; and their agents, fanguine as they had heretofore been, now, on thofe accidents happening, gave themfeives up to defpair. But, by chance, or by management, the trial was pollponed. The houfes, now, came into court, fully prepared, while the land, by a train of ill luck or bad management. Vol. I. G was. ii 1 N C L O S U R E S. was, in efFedt, left without an advocate j and, folely by " the uncertainty of the law," loft its right. Even the houfe owners, them- felves, confidered the verdicfl as a game art- fully won — and their /arge allotments, as plunder bravely got. Right was out of the queftion : tlie idea of it had been abforbed, long before the decifion, in rancour and ill blood ; 2L circumftance more to be lamented, than the inequitable divifion of the commons* In the cafe of Knaresborough, too, a difpute, between the land owners and houfe owners, was ordered to be decided by legal contefi. There, as at Pickering, the houfea * claimed the whole ; but the lands happenings in that cafe, to employ the better forces, they gained the day. Almoft the whole foreft was divided among the land owners : even a me flu age * In this cafe the houfes were divided into mcffuages and cottages-— one melTuage was confidered as equal to twa cottages. This diftinction, which is not uncommon, has moft probably arifen from the circumftance of the wood- * lands being grubbed for the fake of herbage. A mefluage, namely, a houfe with which land was anciently occupied^ had not only a privilege of cutting fuel in the outwoods, but, of necefTity in early days, a privilege of taking plow- hoot ^ cartbooty &c. Hence, i ts claim upon the herbage which fucceeded the wood became greater than that of a mere cottage, with which no lands being occupied, had no ufe for implements of huft)andry. YORKSHIRE. 83 melTuage did not Ihare, on the befl land, more than two acres. The land owners had offered the houfe owners a greater propor- tion ; but they chofe to take their chance in a court, as other defperadoes take their chance in a lottery — a landed ertate, or nothing ; and, it is laid, what fome of them j/f the commons were afligned to the houses, /ja/f to the LAND, in prqportion to the land tax : a mode of divifion which has, I believe, been pretty generally adopted in the Vale. This method of apportioning the Ihares of the land owners is, in townfliips where the land tax is levied by rack rents, more equi- table, than it is in cafes where it is paid by ancient valuation, as it was in Middleton when the Inclofurc took place : but it can- not, in either cafe, be llridly equitable i nor approach io near to llridl: equity, as a valuation accordmg to circumflance^, at the time of inclofure. On thisy alone, an equitable diviSon of commc»nable lands can be made ; not with refpecl to la::d, only ; but with regard to every other fpecies of commonable p^/operty-. Whatever benefit the several in- terests, AND the individuals Op THE RESPECTIVE INTERESTS, RIGHTFULLY ENJOYED, PREVIOUSLY TO THE INCLO- SURE, YORKSHIRE. «^l SURE, OR WERE, in reverfioUy rightfully ENTITLED TO, (aS DORMANT LANDS AND houses), such PROPORTIONAL BENEFIT THEY ARE SEVERALLY ENTITLED TO, UNDER AN EQUITABLE APPROPRIATION. BEFORE I take leave of this fubjedl, I will note the effeds of the three different means of Inclofure, which have been, in different townfhips, made ufe of, in this Diilrid: : namely, 1. Inclofure by Exchanges, Sec. 2. Inclofure by private commiflion. 3. Inclofure by A6t of Parliament. I. Inclosure by Exchanges. In the northwefl divifion of the Vale, the common fields and common meadows have moftly been inclofed, progreflively, piece after piece ; either in the original flips, lingly , or more than one of them have been joined by pur- chafe, or by private exchanges between the feveral proprietors : by which means the whole of the appropriated lands of the town- fhips, in which this fpecies of Inclofure has taken place, have been, in procefs of time^ inclofed and held in feveralty. This method of Inclofure is attended with at leaft one difagreeable confequence. The common- 92 I K C L O S U R E 3. common-field lands having lain principally in fingle ridges, fome of them, perhaps, near a milw in length, the Inclofures are badly proportioned. They are either too long for their width, many of them refembling lanes rather than fields; or, if cut into lengths, there are no driftways to the inner divilions : — beiides, much unneceffary fencing, with all its attendant evils, is by this mode of Inclo- lure incurred ; and what is yet worfe, each man's property is llill, perhaps, fcattercd over ihe townihip. Imclosure by private commis- sion. Some entire towniliips (except per- haps th^ unllinted commons), and many ftinted paihires, ht;ve been laid out by com- milnoners, chofen unanimoufiy by the fcveral intereils concerned, without foliciting the aflillance of Parliament. By this means, the dii'tincS properties are laid together, in well fized and well pro- portioned Inclofures, with proper roads and driftways ; and this without the expence, the inconveniency, or the uncertainty attending an application to Parliament. 3. Inclosure by Act of Parlia- ment. Bv this expedient, the advantages abovementioned are obtained in their fulleft extent -, YORKSHIRE. 93 extent J but they are unavoidably burdened with a train of attendant evils, which render this mode of Inclofure much lefs eligible, than that of inclofing by general confent. T'i'^V, however, is frequently impradicable : obftinacy has its adherents, in every town- (liip i and where various interefls are con- cerned, as in the cafe of dividing unftinted commons, it is fcarcely poffible that every intereft, and every individual of each inte- reft ihould be of one mind. Therefore, without ycwd' exertion of legal authority, un- ftinted commons, in general, muft continue to lie open, ' But it does^ not follow that, becaufe fomc is neceiFary, much fhould be ufed. It may be received as a found pofition, that in cafes where an Inclofure would be highly beneficial to a townflilp at large, a great majority of the individuals concerned would forward a meafure, evidently calculated to promote their own intereil: 5 provided they could ob- tain it by fome certain and known vi\t2^\%^ It is the idea of giving up a certainty for an uyi- certainty, of entering the lift of contending interefts, and of being outwitted or over- powered by their neighbours, which deter men, whofe fortunes are not defperate, and whofe 94 INCLOSURES. whofe difpolitions are peaceable, from en- gaging in contejis about Inclofures- At prefent, a notice of a petition to Par-^ liament, for the appropriation of unftinted commons, implies the war-hoop — havock ! — and lie's the bed fellow who gets the mofl plunder. And, until fome GENERAL LAW OF INCLOSURE be eflablifhed, this uncivilized mode of procedure muft necef-- farily continue. The multiplication of flatutes has ever' been fpoken of as an evil ; and though pub- lic ads may in general be meant, private bills may properly be included. There needs no apology, therefore, for venturing to recom- mend one A(5l of Parliament which would preclude the pafling of a thoufand. Parilli Bills of Inclofure mufl occupy much of the attendance of Parliament, and divert their attention from matters of more public importance. Belides, private intereft, al- though it may not be able to exert its influ- ence in Parliament at large, may be difficult to fhut out, entirely, from its committees : but what can lower the dignity of Parlia- ment more, than private interefl being per- mitted, in any way, to warp its determi- nations ? That Yorkshire. %s That a GENERAL BILL OF INCLO- SURE might be framed, to anfwer the piir- pofe of an equitable appropriation of com- monable lands, in a much higher degree, than has been, or perhaps ever can be obtained, by feparate bills, appears, to my mind, indu- bitable ; and why fuch a m.eafure has not long ago been adopted, would be difficult for any man, out of Parliament, to conceive. It would be improper, in me, to di(Ctate to Parliament, and might be wTong to offer my fentiments, too freely, in this place ; but having ventured to cenfure tlie prefent mode of Inclofure by ACt of Parliament, it is incumbent on me to convey feme idea, of what I conceive v/ould be an improvement. In every townfhip, four distinct in- terests claim a right of fharing in its com- monable lands : namely, lands, kcitfes, tithes^ and the lord]hif. The tv%'o former have a benefit in commons, in their open flate ; but the benefit of the other two arifes, folely, out of the Inclofure *. Hence it follows, that it * The tithe of wool, lamb, and milk, only excepted; articles of fmall value, compared with the tithe produce erf" lands, in a ftate of cultivation. 1796. If, in any cafe, as in the appropriation ofmarfhe* or fens, the eftimate value of the ti:r;i fhould be greater, 9S I N C L O S U R E S. it is the confent and approbation vi the iv.o former interells, which ought to be obtained, previouijy to a change from the open to the inclofed ilate ; for the t\vo latter may be fuppofcd to be always ready to receive pro^ pofals for an Inclofure. It has already been feen, that when the tithe and the lordfhip are able to draw over to them a third interefl, they can gain the defired point. But the evil effecfts of Inclo- fiires, thus condudled, have alfo been feen. Therefore, in fixing a general rule, for the QUANTITY OF APPROBATION requifitC tO an Inclofure, the other interefls are more par- ticularly to be attended to. Were the lands and the houfes equally Situated, with refped: to the commons to be inclofed, a majority of each might be i^- ficient. But this not being the cafe, in any towniliip, a larger proportion feems necef- fary. Three fourths might, in many cafes, be too fmall ; but as Inclofures are, in all human probabilit}% beneficial to the public, it might hz impolitic to fix it higher. Thus in the open than in the inclofed ilste, the owners of fuch tithes ought not only to have a difienticnt voice, but to iiavc a fuitjblc rccompence. YORKSHIRE. ^7 thus it appears to me, that, in framing a general law of Inclofure, three fourths, in -vaiuey of the land, and three fourths, in num- her, of the houfes, with the confent of the lordof the foil, ought to be confidered as the requifite quantity of approbation. Authorized and guided, by a general law of this nature, the hvi'imtii of Inclolure would be fafe and ealy. Every man, before he fet out, would know, with certainty, his pro- portional fhare ; and the Adl would empower the feveral interefts to make choice of com- miffioners, to fecurc to them their refpedtive rights. Numberlefs Inclofures remain yet to be made j and it were much to be regretted, that the attention of Parliament Ihould be fo unprofitably employed, and that the pro- perty of individuals fhould be fubjeded to fo much hazard, as it is to be feared they will be, while common lands are continued to be appropriated, by separate bills, without any established principles of INCLOSURE *. Vol. I. H FARM * June 1796. During the laft feffion (1795-6}, a Bill, of the intention here propofed, was brought into Parlia- ment, by the Prefident of the Board of Agriculture. Bat Parliament being diffolved, before the BiU had pafied the lower Houfe, it now remains in fafpence, for the decilion of the new Piaxliament, 98 FARM BUILDINGS. FARM BUILDINGS. I. THE BUILDING MATERIALS, which are now in common ufe, on this fide of the Vale, are chiefly, Stones, Pantiles, Deal : But there are other materials, which require to, be noticed ; namely. Bricks, Cement, Oak. I. Stones. The flones, in ufe, are of t^vo kinds : freejlone and Ihnejione *. The former • In the quarries froni which thefe materuls are drawn, the limeflone generally forms the upper ftratum, rifing to within a few inches of the furfiace. The foil, itfelf, is ge- nerally a limeftone gra%'d ; under which is frequently found a flratum cf thin flaielike limeftone, that incrcafes in thicltnefe, as the depth increafes ; from one to four or fix inches thick; lying, in general, loofe and horizontal. Thefe are the « walling ftoncs" ufed m the iaces of build- ings ; YORKSHIRE. 99 former being lefs perifliable, are ufed for foundations, coins, cornices, and the coping of ridges and gables ; the latter, being more eafily raifed, and requiring lefs labor in dreffing them for ufe, are, in farm houfes at leaft, generally ufed in facing the walls ; and when properly hammered, and properly forted, fo as to give the thickeft to the lower courfes, leflening the fize of the ftones, from iive or fix to three or four inches thick, as the building rifes, a much Jieater material cannot be employed ; nor, if kept free from conftant moifture, one which is more lafting, or which preferves the face of youthfulnefs fo long. 2. Pantiles. Formerly, Jiraw and a hieavy kind o^Jlate were the common cover* ings ; but, of late years, pantiles have become Imiverfal, for ordinary buildings ; and blue Jlate for better houfes. In the fouthern counties, pantiles are con- fidered as an ordinary material : but the H 2 eftimation ings ; for which ufe, one of their edges is hammered into a bricklike form : an operation fomewhat tedious ; but not equal to that of chijfclling freeftone. Under the walling ftones, an irregular limeftone rock (of many fe^c in depth perhaps) is ufually found; and, under this, a bed of grit, or freeftone, of unfathomed depth. ICO FARM BUILDINGS. cftimation of them, there, arifcs from an im- proper method of ufmg them ; not from any intriniic demerit of the material itfelf, when properly manufactured. From London to Grantham in Lincolnfhire, fcarcely a roof of pantiles occurs : north of Grantham, they are become the almofl univerfal covering. They have two qualities fufficiently valuable to recommend them in any countr)' : cheap- nefs and li^^htnefs. Much, however, depends on the manufac^ turingy as well ai on the layingy of pantiles. If the materials be not fufficiently expofed to the adtion of the air ; or, if of diflimilar natures, though fufficiently tempered, they be not umtcd/uficientlyinto one homogeneous mafs, or uniform fubftance, the tiles that are made from them are liable to perifh ; not only before burning, as well as in the kiln, but after being expofed to the influence of the atmofphere, upon the roof of a building. Or, if the materials be good and well pre- pared, the moulds be truly made, and the moulding fkilfuUy executed ,—Mh if they be fuffered to warp in drying, or to twift in being fet injudicioufly in the kiln, they are wholly unfit to be laid on, as a covering ma- terial i and ever)' judicious workman refules them. YORKSHIRE. [91 them. Were workmen, in general, or thofe who have the fuperintendency of workmen, more fcrupulous, in this refpedt, than they generally are, manufacturers would be more diligent in their endeavours to approach the flandard of perfection -, by which means this, in many cafes, moft eligible covering might grow into univerfal eftimation. 3. Deal. In a Diilrid, furniflied with three confiderable fea ports, and a river na- vigation, it is no wonder that deal fliould have been long in ufe, as a building material. Floors have been laid with it, for near a cen- tury ; and, of late years, it has been ufed for almofl every purpofe of building. Beams, joifts, and entire roofs, are now, almoft uni- verfally, made of fir timber. 4. Bricks. Where ftones are far to be fetched, as towards the center of the Vale, bricks are become a common material. If brickearth be found near the fite of building, as it generally may in fituations where ftones are fcarce, clamp bricks are confidered,in this country, where coals may be had at a mo- derate price, as the readieft and (all things confidered) the cheapefl walling material, 5. Cement. Formerly, ordinary flone buildings were carried up, entirely, with H 3 ** mortar ;" 102 FARM BUILDINGS. ** mortar ;" that is, common earth beaten up with water, without the Imalleft admixture of lime. The ftones, themfelves, were de- pended upon as the bond of union ; the ufe of the " mortar" being merely that of giving warmth to the building, and a degree of fliir- nefs to the wall. The event, however, proves that walls built without lime have, in many inftances, Aood for ages. Even part of the walls of Pickering Castle, formerly elleem.ed a fortrefs of coniiderable ftrength, have been carried up with a cement, which, to appear- ance, feems little fuperior to common mor- tar : ncverthelefs, fuch is the eite(ft of time, upon walls which are expofed on every fide to the atmofphere, that they now hold to- gether with coniiderable tenacity. To this effecft of time ; or, more accurately fpeaking, to certain laws of nature which, in procefs of time, produce this eifecH" ; we ought, perhcip*^, to afcribe the ftonelike con- texture of the cements of ancient walls, rather tlian to any fuperior Ikill in preparing them. The citadel, or central ftronghold, of the fortrefs under notice, has been built with better cements ; which, however, vary much in YORKSHIRE. 103 in outward appearance. One fpecimen, which I have collected, is a fmooth chalklike fubftance -, another, a coarfe rough mafs, com- pofed of fand and fmall gravel, with a fmaller proportion of chalklike matter. In the fofle, which furrounds the outer wall, lies a fragment (perhaps part of the parapet or embrafures of the outfide v/all), whofe cement has acquired a ftonelike hard- nefs, efpecially the part which is expofed on the outer furface *. I have beflowed fomc attention on the decompofition of thefe four fpecimens. The refults are as follow : Exp. I. Cement of Pickering Castle: —the coarfe?- fpecimen, taken from the ruins of the cetitral tower ^ In general appearance, it refembles dirty chalk, thickly interfperfed with fmall gravel j fome of the granules as large as peas. Its tenacity that of common writing chalk ; the afperities eafily broken off with the fingers. H 4 One * The age of this fortrefs would perhaps be difficult to afcertain. l^art of the outer wall was repaired and foms towers raifed by (I think) Edward VI. But when the parts, which are here the fubje6l of notice, were eredted, is probably uncertain. They are faid to be of very great an- tiquity ; and are worthy of the refearch of the Antiquary, IC34 FARM BUILDINGS. One hundred grains, pounded, dried, im^ merged in water, and balanced together with the menilruum, loft in folution 2^i grains of air, and yielded by filtration 40 grains of reiiduum ; which afforded, by elutriation, 35 grains of gravel and rough fand, and 5 grains of fufpendible mudlike rnatter : the folution yielding, by precipitation, 64 grains of cal- careous earth. 2^ grains of fand and gravel, 5 grains of filt, 64 grains of pure chalk, 1 04 grains. From this analyfis it appears, 1 . That the proportion in this cafe (fup* pofing crude limeftone in lumps fit for burn- ing to be of equal weight with fand and gravel) was three meafures of unflaked lime in lumps, to two of fand and gravel. 2. That the fand and gravel, in this cafe, had been '■joajljidy either by the brook, which runs at the foot of the Caftle mound, or more probably, by hand ; the proportion of dirt being fmaller than that which is generally found among drift fand. 3. That the lime had not regained the whole of li^fxt air. The increafe of weight, which YORKSHIRE. 20| which appears in the fynthefis of this experl-f ment, is a fufficient evidence, were it not corroborated, even unto proof, by the defi- ciency of air thrown off in the folutlon. Tq try whether the increafe, on one hand, and the deficiency, on the other, agreed as to quan^ tity, I refufpended 50 grains of the chalk obtained in this experiment : it loft exactly 23 grains in folution; as 50 : 23 : ; 64 : 29!. Therefore, the increafe of weight, in this cafe, appears to be wholly owing to the deficiency of air. Exp. 2. Cement OF Pickering Castle; — -Jiner fpecimen of the central tower. General appearance that of ftale lime, run together with water, and baked to a cruft : almoft a pure white : furface rough ; fhew- ing the cells and the unbroken granules of the original lime. — Contexture, more brittle than common chalk ; full of pores j the ma- terials do not appear to have been well incor- porated, at the time of preparation. One hundred grains yield, in decompofition, twentyone grains of air. 42 grains of whitifh grit, 5 grains of fufpendible duftlike particles, 56 grains of pure chalk, 103 grains, io6 FARM BUILDINGS. Obs. Tiie refiduum, in this experiment, is evidently the powder cf freeftone. The par- ticles are fmall, and of irregular figures ; very different m appearance (when magni- fied) fi-cm common land. I >vas at a lofs to afcertain their nature, until pounding fome fireeftone, and wafliing it in the manner I had done the reiiduum, I found it to refcmble ex- a(5lly the fcrtytwo grains of wafhed grit of the experiment. It appears to have been pounded or ground ver)' Imall, and to have been ^ut through a fine fieve ; the whole being in a ftate oi grit ; no fi-agment fo large as a pin's head. It is obfer\'able, that the cement of this experiment is ii:eaker than that of the lal^ : but whether from the nature of the bdje, or from the -proportion of lime being lefs, or from the two united, is not evident. It is alfo obfervable, that, in the decompo- iition of this fpecimen, a urinous finell rofe, during the folution ; and that the edges' of the firft filter attract moifVure from the air. It is at prefent a practice, among fome plal- terers, to make yfe of urine in the preparation 9f plafter. Exp. 3. Cement or Pickering Castle: taken, irom the ruins of the cid cuter it^all facing YORKSHIRE, loj facing the northweft. Colle are fu- perior to thofe of moft men, has ftruck out a new idea relative to \}i\t Jlaking of lime for mortar. Lime, whether it be intended for cement or for manure, ought to be reduced entirely to a ^ry po^'der. And, for cement, it ought to be mixed, in this ftate, evenly and inti- mately with the iand. It YORKSHIRE, I13 It is difficult, if not utterly impofiible, to reduce lime entirely to poiuder, with water alone 3 fome part or other will always be fuperfaturated, and thereby be reduced to zpajie-y while the outfides, which are expofed to the atmofphere, will (unlefs the ftone be extremely^/f«£') fall in granules, not into pow- der. Every piece of parte, and * every granule, though but the iize of a pea or a muftard feed, is ufelefs, if not detrimental to cement ; for, with thefe, the grains of fand cannot be intimately mixed ; much lefs be coated with them ; as they may, and undoubtedly ought to be, with U?ne i?i powder. But if, inftead of water, wet fand be ufed in flaking the lime ; (piling it with the lime in knobs, layer for layer, and covering up the heap with it ;) thofe evils are avoided : no part is fuperfaturated, nor are any gra- nules formed by the adtion of the outward air. Belides, another grekt advantage is obtain- ed by flaking the lime, in this manner, with the fand with which it is intended to be incorporated. The two ingredients, by be- ing, perhaps, repeatedly turned over, and by palling through the fieve together, ne- VoL. I. I ceflTarily JT4 FARM BUILDINGS. ce/Tarilv beccme intimatelv blended : more intimately, perhaps, than they could be mixed, by any other procefs, equally fimple. If the fand be ivajhed (and all fand mixed with lime for cement ought to be wafhed) the labor of preparation i?, by this method of flaking the lime, confiderably leiTened. But, in xh^ preparation of cement, slak* ING THE LIME makes only one flage of the procefs 3 MIXING THE INGREDIENTS inti- mately, and uniting them clofely together, into one compa(ft homogeneous mafs, is an operation which requires the flrifteft at- tention. We have feen the ufelefsnefs of unbumt lumps of lime in cement ; and the good efFedl o{ puddling cement has been at leail conjecflured. Compatinefs feems to be eflential to the hardncfs of cement. When mortar is laid on with the trowel^ it remains in the Hate in which it is laid, and does not run together into a clofe form, like melted metal or LIQUID CEMENT. Much care, therefore, is requifitc, in the preparation of mortar for the trowel . Work- ing it, with the fpade alone, is infufficient. "Beating it with the edge of a board, a kind of YORKSHIRE. 1*5 of wooden axe, is more efficacious, but is very tedious. Mills for the grinding of clay are common, and fufficiently effedtive of the purpofe intended : but a mill, for the grind- ing of mortar, I have not yet feen, nor have I ever heard of fuch a contrivance. 6. Oak. This is, now, almoft wholly laid afide, as a material of the houfe carpenter; except for door and window lintels, wall- plates, and fome few other purpofes, which require ftrength and durability. The ports of Whitby and Scarborough take off the larger timber j and the refufe has, of late, been much in demand^ for the purpofe of inclo- fure. Deal has ofcourfe gained ground, as a building material. There are, however, fome few men, who flill retain a fufficient partiality for the oak, to ufe it freely In every fpecies of building, under a full perfuafion that, in the end, it will prove the chcapefl material. Having thus enumerated the materials of building, in moft common ufe in the Diilridl, I will proceed to give fom.e account of the BUILDINGS themfelves; and of fuch ope- rations, in rural architecture, as merit par- ticular notice. I 2 II. FAR- n6 FARM BUILDINGS. II. FARMERIES. The fplrit of im^ provement, which has fo evidently difFufed itfeif through this extenfive county, is in no particular more confpicuous, than in Farm Buildings; nor, perhaps, docs any part of it afford fo many ftriking inno^cations^ in this particular, as that which is under furvey. The Fancy Farm-Houses, which have been eredled in different parts of it, I pur- pofely pafs over. Tafle, whether true or falfe, mere ornament without ufe, is foreign to the prefent fubjeCl: and I have, in another work, profelfedly on the fubjecft of rural ORNAMENT, fpoken my fentiments freely, on ornamental buildings. In Rural Economy, llraight lines and rio-ht angles are firll principles, which can fehhm be deviated from, with propriety ; either in laying out a farm, or in planning Farm Buildings. Here, the great objetft is to obtain the de- fired conveniences, at the leaft expence, pre- fent and future taken jointly, fo long as the given conveniences may be required. To thefe principles w^e may venture to add,— the greater number of conveniences there can be included, in one building, the cheaper will thofe conveniences be obtained. There YORKSHIRE. 117 There is a certain width, which can fel- dom be exceeded, with propriety, in Farm Buildings ; but the nearer this width is ap- proached, the greater quantity of conveni. ency will, in general, be obtained with a given expenditure. The long cube form, with the plain fpan roof, can never be difpenfed with, without evident impropriety, in conilrudting Farm Buildings. The number of Inclofures which have, of late years, taken place, and the fpirit of im- provement, which has gone forth upon the Wolds, have given exillence to farmeries of almofl: every form and dimenllon. The practice of houling cattle in winter, which will be fpoken to hereafter, requires a greater quantity of building, than that of win- tering them in the open yard. But the quan- tity of barnroom requiUte in this country, even on the ara,ble farrns, is much lefs than in the fouthern provinces, where barley and oats are harvefled loofe, and where the Ihovel, or the fail fan, is ufed in the drefling of corn. Here, corn is univerfally bound, and the ma- chine fan in almoft univerfal pradlice. fn Norfolk, one man exped:s a floor of fifteen feet by twentyfour to himfelf j here," two men wUl thrafh, contentedly, on a floor^ nine I Q feet l!8 FARM BUILDINGS. feet by twelve ; ten by fifteen is a full fize4 floor. Such being the requifites of a Yorkfhire Farmery, it is no wonder that the new ones, which have been ere6led, {hould be compofed of a ftring of fmall buildings. They are generally fonned into a fquare, open to the fouth, in imitation of thofe of other countries, where cattle are wintered in the area between the buildings, not in the buildings themfelves. In one inftance, I have cbferved the cattle hovels fpun out, in fuch a manner, as wholly to inclofe the dung yard. But the hovels, in this cafe, were only fcven feet wide ; not wide enough for cattle to ftand acrofs them ; they being placed in them, lengthway, in pairs. The quantity of walling, the number of doors, &c. and the quantity of roofing, with the fubfcquent repairs incident to low flraggling buildings, render this, and every other plan which refembles it, altogether ineligible, in any Diftri6l where cattle are wintered under cover, Wide houfes, or open fheds, wide enough to permit cattle to ftand acrofs them* arc in many refpe(fts preferable. In oppofition to the Farm Yard laft men- tioned, there is, likewife in this neighbour- hood, an inflance of the entire Farmery (of a fmalJ YORKSHIRE. 119 fmall upland farm) being comprifed under one roof! The fite is a long fquare. One end is oc- cupied' by a fmall dwelling place for a ** hind," or bailiff; the ground floor of the remainder, by a flable and cattle houfes; over which are a barn and hay chamber; with a CHAMBER BARN-FLOOR ! a thing I had not feen, nor conceived an idea of, before I obferved it, in more inftances than one, in this Diftricl. This, juft noticed, is the only one I have feen, in a '/lew eredtion ; I have, however, had full opportunity of obferving the ufe of another, thrown over a cow houfe, in a large old building, which had long been ufed as a barn, flable, and bealt houfe. The advantages of a chamber barn- floor are drynefs, cleannefs from dirt car- ried in with the feet, and fecurity againil pigs, poultry, and various accidents, to which ground floors are more liable : for thrashing ii'/jeat upoi}^ chamber floors are obvioufly pre- ferable to ground floors y moll efpecially in low dirty fltuations. No effential difad vantage has yet ftruck me, refpedling a chamber thrafhing-floaar i but with refped^ to a chamber barn, I 4 there I2« FARM BUILDINGS. there is one which is obvious ; namely, that of having the corn at harvefl, a bufy feafon, to raife one ftory higher than ordinar}\ If a barn be built againft a rifing ground, this objeiftion fall?, in part, or wholly. Even on plain ground, it appears to me that (efpe-» cially where cattle are houfed) it would be groatly pverbulanced by the advantage of obtaining a fuite of flablcs, cart houfe, and cattle houfes, without the expence of roofing, in the firfl inftance ; and which, if fubftan- tially built, would laft for ages to come without repairs. The flooring of a chamber barn might, on the whole, be fomewhat more expenfive than that of a ground-floor barn ; but the thraihing floors, if of plank, would be laid cheaper, and laft much longer, in the former, than in the latter fpecies of building ; and the mow floors, if laid with clay on rods *, would foon regain their extra coil, in keep- ing the bottoms of the mows dry and fweet ; and in preferving it more fecure from ver- min, than ground floors generally do. It is not my intention, even to intimate, that in corn countries, fuch as Norfolk, Kent, • See tweRuhalEcokomy ofNoRioLK,Miv. 15- Y P R K S H I R E. 121 Kent, and other DiArl^fls, where cattle are wintered in yards, that chamber barns would be univerfally eligible ; but, in a country like this, or in any country, or on any farm» on which grafsland predominates, and where the houfing of cattle is pradifed, I fee no fufficient objed:ion to chamber barn-floors, nor to entire chamber barns. On the con- trary, it appears to me, that, on fmall grafly farms, in low damp fituations at leaft, they would be found fingularly eligible. But although a ciofe yard is unneceflary, where cattle are houfed, a fmgle building, like that which was laft defcribed, is perhaps too iimple, to be altogether eligible ; efpe- cially in an expofed fituation, where foma degrees of ihelter ar'; requilite. Two buildings, properly placed, would give this neceffary Hielter ; one of them a barn, with offices under it ; the other, the dwelling houle, placed at right angles with the former : the two buildings touching at the corners onlyj forming two fides of a fmall yard with their ends, for hogs, poultry, ^c. and a larger one with their fronts, for the dungpit, &c. with a fmall archway commu- nication between them. This, however, is intended by way of hint. J 121 FARM BUILDINGS. hint. To enter Into the particubrs of a plan, which I have not feen executed, would be breaking into the delign of the prefent work : neverthtiefs, it might be wrong to fupprefs'this idea (\shich ftruck me while I WAS iketching a plan of a Farmery on the above orincioles) with re^^ard to aspect. It is ufjal, in planning a farm yard, to place the main line of buildiiig with its front to the fouth ; in which cafe, two wings become necelTary to ikreen the yard from northealt and Dorthweft winds : and perhaps this has ellablilhed the common practice of incloiing a farm vard, on three lide?, with buildings. But if, inllead of the back of a building being placed to the north, the angle of two buildings were directed to that point, the yard would be moil elt*e^flually lk.reened from the north, the northead, and the northweft wind, without an unnecellary multiplication of low narrow buildmgs, to eke out a third iide with. On a capital corn farm, on which a num- ber of fubftantial buildings are required, three lines of building may be eligible ; but on any itnall farm, or on almoi'l any farm on which grafs lands abound, two lines of build- ing, forming a chcveron or carpenter's fquare, and YORKSHIRE. 123 and placed with the angle toivards the norths would, In my opinion, be greatly preferable. Another idea in rural architecture, new to me as that of a chamber threfliing- floor, I have feen executed, in a fiibftantial manner, by two of the firft occupiers in the Vale; namely, a granary over a barn FLOOR. In all other barns I have feen, -the fpacc over the floor, whether this be large or fmall, and whether the building be low or lofty, re- mains entirely ufelefs *. The idea of occu-^ pying the lower part of this fpace with a cattle houfe, as well as that of filling the up- per part of it with ^ granary, have perhaps been originally and recently ftruck out, ia this countr)' -f*. In the two inftances in which I have feen granaries over barn floors, the joifts are fupported by t^vo beams, thrown acrofs the building, and the flooring of the granary let * Except in one inftance, in which a very fpacious building having been converted i|ito a barn, joifts were thrown acrofs out of the reach of the flail, and the mows continued over the floor. t Since this was written, I have been informed, that, in fome parts of America, chamber barns, over cattle houfes, are in cqmmon ufe. 1796. 124 i A R M B U I L D I N G S. let into ths walls, at the ends j fo that, not- withllanding the granaries may be furrounded with vermLi, they are, in a degree, fccure from their attack. In the floor is a trap door, \nth tackle over it, to raife and lower the corn from ^^d to the barn tioor. The height, befA-een the fiOor?, is thirteen /cGt. This, in my opinion, is too great a height, T^'i feet high is the moft the flail rcq^uires * ; and ever}' inch abo^^ that height renders the gran^r}-, in many reipects, lefs commodious. Confining the duft, which always rifes more or lefs in thrashing, appears to be the enlyobiefliontoa barn-floor granary : I mean in a barn with pitching holes to hoiife the com at. Butif vENTiLATORsweremade, immediately under the granary floor, with valves to open or (hut as the wind (hould change, the health of the thra{h,er would» iii &I1 probability, be lefs injured, than it gene- rally is, by this laborious and unhealthful employment. Indeed, in this country, where tall, wide folding barn doors are grown into difufe, vent * See NoRF. Ecos, MiH. 35. YORKSHIRE* 12^ vent holes of this kind are, in feme degree, necefTary to every barn floor. Even upon the Wolds, a corn country, the ufe of large doors is declining : fome good barns have lately been built, with cotnttiOn-fized doors ; one at each end of the floor : opening, how- ever, in two parts, one above the other ; fo that the lower half can be fnut, to keep out pigs and poultry, while the upper one is opened, to let in light and air. This is a fortunate circumflance for the owners of landed ellates : folding doors, large enough to admit a load of corn, are expenfive in the firft inflance, and frequently require repairs ; befides the thrafhing floor, be it of what material it may, being liable to great injury, in the ac mo:e than they merit. YORKSHIRE. 135 EARTH j and, over all, a covering of stones is laid ; for the double purpofe of guarding againfl drought, and for preventing the feet cf cattle from injuring the clay ; which alone is the caufe of retentivenefs ; and on the proper ordering of which the art princi- pally depends. But many other particulars are requiiite to be known, before the art can be fufficiently underllood, to be pratftifed with certaint}', 1 . The Run, or collecting furfacc, 2. The Refervoir. 3. Liming. 4. Claying. 5. Covering. 6. Time of making. 7. Coih I. The Run. A bare firm iurface, as a road, colledls the greateft quantity' of water. A gfoffy Jurface retains the rain water which faHs upon it, and which, in level iituations, is condudledinto the foil, by wormlioles and other inlets, v/ith which graisiand generally abounds ; efpecially in fummer, when a col- ledlion is of the greatell: value. However, if the fubfoil be retentive, ditches, efpecially of arable inclofures, will frequently afford a fupply, even in fummer ; but, in an upland SITU- 140 DRINKING PLACES. SITUATION, where the fiibfoil is generally ublorbent, a road, or an artificial run, be* comes neceflary. In upland Diftridls, as the Wolds of York- (hire, and the Downs of Surrey and Kent, the furface is generally broken into hill and dale, and diverfitied by fmaller vallies and inequalities. In fituations of this kind, ARTIFICIAL RUNS are moft wanted, and maybe mofteafily made. I have ittw fome faint attempts at making them, on the Wolds of this Dill:ri£t, by cutting a few grips, with a fpade, above the refervoir ; but they were too few, too ihort, and too feldom fcoured, to anfwer, in any confiderable degree, the in- tended pu^pofe. They, neverthclefs, ihewed plainly enough, the utility of channels for catching hafH^fhowers, falling on grajfyjlopcsy oiF which a confiderable quantity of water will efcape, provided there be channels, at proper diilances, to receive it. To reap the greatcft benefit from an arti- ficial run, and to make it with the greateft cafe, — form the bafon at fome confiderable diftance from tlie head of a valley; from which, down to the relervoir, open a main I hannel, by two furrows of a plov/, turned €utward. From this main llem, plow lateral branches. YORKSHIRE. 14! branches, with an cafy defcent towards it, along the iides of the Hopes, by iingle furrows, turned downhill ; by which means the plowing will be rendered ealy, the chan^ nels made free on the upper fides for the ad- miflion of water, and high on the lower fides for retaining it. The plow would not belefs expeditious, in fcouring, than in making the channels : or, perhaps, a more fledge-like implement would be iHll more effectual, than the plow, in clofing the filfures and wormholes, which prefently are fonned in watercourfes laid drv s and which, if left open, abfcrb an incon- ceivable quantity of water, before they be faturated ; efpecially if the current of water be retarded, by grafs, or other obftruclions. 2. The Reslrvoir. The Jituatlon of the refer voir depends principally on the run. Near the lide of a road is, in general, the moft delirable fituation ; provided a fufficient defcent can be had, from the road to the refervoir. Roads leadinp- alon^ the fides of flopes can only afford a fupply to the grounds on their lower iides. But, in this country, when a road leads dovim the defcent, it is generally furnifl:ied,on both fides, with ponds; fome of them, perhaps, not having more than a hundred 1-^2 DRINKING PLACED a hundred ynrds of run, off a narrow ro?d way; y"t, from that fmall quantity of furface> are fufficiently fupplied with water. In ihtfitucztion of a pond, there is one thing requifite, which does not fecm to be attended to, even by the mofl fkilful in the art. The requifite I fpeak of is that of admitting a wafte-vvater place, on the upper fide of the refervoir, to prevent the water, when the pond is fall, firom running through it; by which means it becomes fihed up, unnecef- farily. For the n»Lture of foul water is fuch, that, whenever it changes from a current to a ftaj^nant ftate, it der:ontes a coniiderable part of its foulnefs ; fo that the water, which leaves a full refer\'oir, is finer, than that which enters it ; the fediment of courfc being left behind in the refervoir. Where- as, if the current into the pond were to ceafe when the pond is fufficiently filled, the fediment of the overplus water would be got rid of. The pond would receive, in this cafe,- no other foulnefs, than that which was given by the ouantity of water, requifite to fill it *. The • A Cx^^X C.^.TCFl Pool, between the run and the refervoir, would arrcft rr.uch of the foulnefs of water, col- ]t€tii funi z road; and, in a fituation which could admit of YORKSHIRE. 14^ I'be form of the refervoir is, univerlally, that of a iliallow bafon, or more ftridly fpeaking, that of a flat cone inverted j the lides {helvino; flrai^ht from the brim to an angle or point, in the center. If the exca- vation be made fixty feet diameter, its greatefl depth is about feven feet : if forty feet dia- meter, the depth is about five, — before the coats of clay, &c. be laid on *. The firfl bulinefs, in Jetting out^ refervoir, is to take the level of the lite, and drive piles, as a guide in forming the banks, and in making the conducing channel, and wafle- water place. If the iituation be on ^ijlope, the excavated mold is ufed in forming the bank, on the lower (ide : if nearly levely the mold requires to be removed, or (if laid round the edge) the conducting channel to be raifed. If of it, v/ould be worth the trouble of forming. In many fituations, the mud it might collect, would amply repay the expence of forming it. ♦ A refervoir fet out twentytwo yards diameter, by feven f;et deep, u-ill, when finifhed, meafure about fixty feet by fix, and will hold about two hundred and ten cubical yards, or neir feven hundred hogfheads of water. Forty feet diamrter by four feet deep, when finifhed, contains fixtyrwo cubical yards, or two hundred hogfti. "ads (oflixty- three gallons, wine meafure). i44 DRINKING PLACES. - If clay or llone be excavated, it is laid leparateiy afide, to lave carriage. If the lower lide be railed with the exca- vated materials, they ought to be firmly worked together, or fhould He a fathcient time to fettk ; otherwil'e, the fide, thus formed, is liable to fettle, after the refervoir be nnimed ', by which means cracks are formed, and a mifcarriage enfues. The excavation having received the in- tended form, its fides are made firm and finooth, for the reception of the lime. •3; Liming. The ule of lime being mefelv that of preventing earth worms firom perforating the coat of clay, the proper quan- tity depends, in fome meafure, on the nature of the foil. A fat rich earth, among which worms alv»ays abound, requires more than a dead hungry mold, or a dry ilonev bottom j on which retentive pools are faid to have been made, without lime. However, as no foil, perhaps, is entirely firce from thofe enemies to ponds, it would be folly to rifque a mif- carriage, in any fitua^ion ; as the expence of liming makes but a fmail portion of the whole expence. The only preparation of the lime is that of flaking i:, and picking out the cores; no biting Y O R K: S H I R E. ifS fifting or fkreening being, in general, ufed ; though obviouflv uleful. It is ufually laid on with a fpade or fhovel j but a fisve wouldj perhaps, be found, by the inexperienced, a better tool ; and the extra labor no objedt. The thicknefs of the coat, laid on, is about half an inch. Half a chaldron of lime is fufHcIent to complete a pond of forty feet diameter. The principal part cf it is kid on, beneath the clay ; a few bufhels, only, being referved for fcattering round the edges, to prevent the worms from getting ifito the clay *. Vol. I. L 4. Clay- * A ftiU more fecure, and, on the whole, a more eli- gible method of liming has lately been thought of, and is now (June 1787) in practice, at Lockton (in this neigh- bourhood) by the CommiiEoners of Inclofure, in making PUBLIC DRINKING POOLS, for the ufe of the to'.vnfhip. Inftead of fcattering the lime,- in powder, it is formed, with fand, into mortar ; a regular coat of which is fprcad, about an inch thick, not only beneath, and zt the edges of the clay, but over the entire fufface. This is an obvious improvement, which appears, to human forefight, to bring this method of forming pools near to perfeftion. The clay becomes cafed, on either fide, with a regular coat of cement, and is thereby fecured, in perhaps the completeft manner poflible, from the attack of worms. The labor and expence, however, is by this method increafed. A pOnd, riineteen feet diameter, took two chaldrons anJ a half 146 DRINKING PLACED. 4. Claying. In this operation, the manual art, and the labor, principally center. Upon the Wolds, clay is ibmetimes fetched fix or feven miles j and is feldom found at hand, in fituations where artificial pools are moll \^'anted : the carriage of the clay, therefore, generally becomes a heavy article of expence. The choice of clay is thoucrht to be lefs efl'ential, than the working of it. Good ponds are faid to have been made with com- mon loamv moid ; but it is wron^ to depend -< ' or on any thing, but a ftrong dudiile clay, if it can be had, within a moderate diftance. The thicknefs of the coat, now pretty gene- rally laid on, is about five or fix inches, in the rough ; beating it down to about three inches. In the infancy of the art, two coats of»clay, of about that thicknefs, were laid on ; but one coat has been found efFe(flual, and much lefs expenfive. However, it is probable, it will not rrove fo durable. The half of lime, arid five Dnall cart loads of f^md. Both the materials were fifted, and worked up, In ihe ufual w^y. Into mortar. Great caution is neceUsry in laying on the clay, in this cafe. If the mortar do not lie fome time to ftiffcn, the clay difplaces it : if it get too dry before it be covered, it is liable to craclc. YORKSHIRE. 147 THe method of beating will be difficult to defcribe i yet it moil elpecially requires de- fcription. The drier the clay is worked, the lefs liable it will be to crack with drought, when fihiflied. In a dry feafon, however, it is necelTary to moiften it : for which purpofe the center of the pit is fometimes finiflied, firft, to colled: the water of fliowers ; the carriage of water being, in fome cafes, ex^ penfive. In laying on the clay, the workmen begin at the bottom of the pit, and work upward ^ laying patch after patch, or circle after circle, until the brim be reached \ taking great care not to carry on fticks, ftraws, dirt, or any kind of foulnefs, among the clay, or with their feet; and being careful not to difplace the lime, in throwing it on : to pre- vent which the lime is not fpread over the whole, at once •■, but is fcattered on, as it is wanted to be covered with the clay. A plot of clay laid on, and adjufted, it is beaten flat, with a wooden " mell," or beetle, made, at prefent, of thefe dimeniions : the head fourteen inches long, and three inches diameter ; the handle four feet long, and fuited in thicknefs to the hand of the work- L 2 man. 143 DRINKING PLACES. ftian. Beetles of difTerein fizes have been in ufc, in different ftages of the art ; but none of them have been found to be fo well adapted to the operation, as that in ufe at prefent. The fird operation is performed with the fiJe of the beetle, to level the protuberances, and fmooth the rou^hneffes, fo as to make the whole into a regular flieet of an even thicknefs. This effecfled, it is Aruck, forcibly, with the en^ of the beetle, which is driven down nearly, but not quite, to the lime ; leaving the furface full of fomewhat honev-comb- like cells or dints. If the beetle be ftruck, unguardedly, quite through to the lime, a piece of clay, and a little lime, if required, is carefully placed in the breach, to prevent a defedt, in the part thus injured.' The whole being gone over, in this man- ner, with the enJy the furface is again levelled down, with the J:Je, of the tool ; the work- man walking backward. The next beating is with the enJ, but not quite fo deep as before ; and the roughneffcs being again levelled with the JlJe, it is again worked over with the en^ ; but iiiW fhallower than in the middle beating. Tho YORKSHIRE. 149 The firft ftrokes with the end of the beetle ought to clofe the bottom of the clay, firmly, with the lime and the bed on which it is fpread ; — the fecond ought to unite the middle of the clay with the bottom ; — and the lall to clofe, without a pore, the upper part with the middle j — and the laft ftrokes, with thtjide of the beetle, ought to be fuffi- ciently forcible to clofe, entirely, the dimples formed by the laft-given flrokes with the end. If thefe feveral operations be thought infuf- fiCient, it is continued to be worked with the end and fide of the beetle, alternately, until not a flaw can be found ; the entire coat of clay being manufactured into a lead-like flieet, firm enoucjh to bear a man without an im- prelTion, and a horfe without injury *. c. Covering. The firil coat is of com- mon earthy to affift in keeping out the drought, and to mal^e a bed for the ftones i to prevent their afperities from piercing, and L 3 thereby * When two coats of clay were in ufc, the upper one was laid upon the rough furface of the laft end-beating ; by which means the two coats became, by the fubfequent beatings, incorporated in one thick fheet. A fubftantial method, .this, of which the prefent -cippears to be rather a refinement, than an improvement. 150 DRIKKING PLACES. thereby injuring, the fheet of clay. This coat may be three or four inches thick, ac- cording to the nature of the ftoncs with which it is to be covered. If thefe be large and irregular, mere earth is requifite, than when thf ilones are fnnall, fnr.ooth, or flat. The leaneft mcft infertile foil is fitteft for this purpofe. Worms and weeds are equally to be feared ; and a rich foil is genial to both. In this point of yiew, two coats of clay are much preferable to a coat •- of clay, and a cent of rich mold. Pondmakers feem not to be fufficiently #ware of the mifchievoufnefs of weeds : in- ^ deed, fome ponds will remain, for feveral • years, in a manner free from them. But I have feen others, in which weed?, even docks » '(near the edge) have grown luxuriantly. It •ns probable that the tap-rooted weeds ilrllvC throiigh the feveral coats ; and, whenever the roots decay, a perforation mufl be left. iSlold taken from a drv found hi;2:hland fituation is, in all human probability, lefs liable to propagate aquatic weeds, than the earth of a low fituation or a bog *'. The • I have obArved an LngCiious and fioiple mediod of kecpmg the weeds under ; efpccially at the edges, where t?wy YORKSHIRE. 15} The mold being rendered level and fmooth, ih^jiones are laid 011 : firlt covering the mold* with the larcreil:, laid with a flat iide down- ward, to prevent their finking down to the clay ; and upon thefe laying Imaller, until the coat be made five orlix inches thick *'. A PAVEMENT would be a more regular covering; and, if the ftones were fet in lime and land, would not only prevent worms from getting into the mold, and upp^r fide of the clay, v/hen the pond happened to be dry ', but would, in all probability, prevent ivecds 'y and, Vv'hen the pond required to be cka7icd irom. mud, would be a recrular floor to- work upon. The only objection I have heard made to PAVING the bottoms of ponds, is, that it would be a temptation to cattle to go into L 4 tjie they arc gene.r.illy mo'l abundant. Though all the fides of a drinking pool be open, cattle will go to particular places to drink J and, in thele places, the weeds are trampled upon and killed. Therefore, to check the ranked, |he parts which arc moft free are covered wieh thorns, while thofe which are weedy arc left open, for the cattle to drinlc at. * Sir::zv has been ufed between the clay and the ftoncs ; and, in the inftance (mentioned in a foregoing note) in which an improved method of liming was pra£lifed, a layer of thick y^A war, laid, grafs-fide downward, upon the lime ; aj>^, upon the uds, about fix inches thick of loofo flones. I5» DRINKING PLACES. the water, in hot weather ; and, by ftanding thefe, would not only foul the water, but in time tread up the pavement, and injure the cliy ; whereas fliarp loofe ftones prevent their going farther than the edge. If the ilones made ufe of in a pavement were fuf- iiciently large, the latter part of the objection would fall ; and whether cattle ftanding in a peol, in fummer, be detrimental or beneficial, may be a difputable point. However, whether or not the infide of the bafon ought to be paved, the rim ihould certainly be i^fbroad fmooth caufeway, with a gentle grafly llcpe from it ; efpecially on the lower fide ; that the cattle may approach the water, without wading in dirt, to the injury of the bank ; and without having fharp loofe ftoncs to walk and fj:and on, while drinking. A drinking pool, formed by a fkllful artift, full to the brim, free from weeds, and finooth round the tdgc, is, in a green paf- ture ground, as agreeable an object, as the eye can be entertained with. (). Season of making. Autumn is cf- teemed the bell: time. Drought and froft are both enemies to new-made ponds. In au- tumn, drought has genernllv abated, and a fuflicicncy YORKSHIRE. 153 rufficiency of rain water may be expefted in this feafon, to fill them before froll:s fet in. A covering ol Jlraiv over the ftones is the ufual guard againfl the extremities of fea-^ fons. If a refervoir be formed in a llope, where the lower fide requires to be raifed with loofe earth, it ought (as has been already intima-. ted) to remain a conilderable time to fettle, before the coatings be put on : otherwife, it is liable to fettle afterwards, and crack the clay. I have^feen an inftance of mifcarriage through this neg-led:. If there be much made earth requifite to be raifed, the excava- tion ought to be formed, twelve months be^ fore the claying be done, 7. ExPENCE. Although it is now twenty years fince the difcovery was made, the art is iHll partially hid under the veil of myftery ; and is not yet become familiar to common farm laborers. In this neighbourhood, ponds llill continue to be made, by men from the Wolds 'y all of them, in reality or pretence, pupils of the firfl inventor5. Thefe men generally work by the grois ; the price being in proportion to the diame- ter : but they feem to have no regular method pf calculation. Trn 154 DRINKING PLACES. Ten pouTids were given, and may now be considered as a medium price, for twenty vards diameter * ; forming, claying, covcr-f ing, and, generally, digging the clay, indu- ded : all carriage and extra labor being done by the empkyer. A circle twenty yards ic diameter contains in its area 314 fquare yards. TKcrefore, each fquare yard oijurficf coils, at this price, it ven penceha lipenny. The folia contents of % cone, whofc bafe is 6c feet diameter, and whofe height is fix feet, is 209.4. cubical 3-ards ; each of which cofts, in the above inftance, elevenpence - halfpeDny. Five pound? have been given for a pond, twelve yards in diameter : which is tenpence- halfpenny, each fquare yard oi furface ; and, fuppofmg it four f face ; or fifteenpencehalfpenny, each cubi- cal yard of water. The men, in the laft cafe, earned about three ihilHngs and fixpence a day, without; extraordinary exertion. In the firft mention- ed inftance, the fame workmen did not (ac- cording to their own affertion) make more than two (hillings and fixpence, a day. But a large pond gives longer employment ; and the bufinefs of pondmaking being uncertain and inconftant, travelling workmen can afford to make a large pond at a cheaper rate, than a fmall one. The curve fuperficiesy or fuperficial contents oithtjidcs, of a cone twenty yards in diame- ter at the bafe, and rwo yards high, is about 320 fquare yards. This, in making a pond of thofe dimenfion^. is fbe quantity of coatings for each yard of which near 'jid, was given in the lirfi inilance, and lefs than 'jd. in the laft. Sixpence each fquare yard of furf ace to be coatcd^may perhaps be taken as a fair medium price. To afcertain the quantity of coating, to be done, mxcafure the exacft circumference or rim of the pit, when finally formed and adjufted for claying : this dimenlion multiplied by half the X56 DRINKING PLACES. the length (or depth) of the fide (meafurlng from the brink, down the flope, to the cen- ter) is the quantity of fjrface to be clayed and coated. The digging would (under this mode of calculation) fall proportionally hea- vier, on a large pond, than on a fmall one ; but this would be counterbalanced by the advan- tage abovementioned. The quantity of clay ufed, in the firft in- ftance, was about forty cart loads, fetched about three miles ; in the lall:, about fifteen loads, fetched one mile. The quantity of lime, in the former cafe, one chaldron ; in the latter, half a chaldron. From the fum of thefe particulars, it is plain, that the larger the pond, the lefs, in proportion, is the expence. A refervoir, to contain two hundred cubical yards of water, requires little more than three hundred fquare yards of coating j whereas one, to contain only lifty yards of water, would require one hundred and twenty yards of coating : ccnfequently, a cubical yard, of the former, would only coft (at ninepence a yard for manual labor, ma- terials, and carriage) eighteenpence ; while the fame quantity, of the latter, would coil near two fhiliings and fixpence. The UTILITY of Drm king Pools requires not YORKSHIRE. 157 not to be dwelt on : but the superiority of pools, made in the manner above delcribed, to thofe which have formerly been made, bv fome other art, or which have been formed by nature or accident, may with propriety be mentioned. During the dry feafons which have prevailed of late years, it has been ob- ferved, that newly m^ade ponds retain a fupply of water, when the waters of other ilagnant drinking places are dried up. This can only be accounted for, perhaps, by their ptrftO: retentivenefs, and by their being free from weeds, which convert to their own nouriih- ment, and throw off daily by perfpiration, a great quantity of water. Upon the Wolds their excellence was moll: confpicuous :^ while one man was driving his ftock, three or four miles to water, his neighbours, who had " made ponds" upon their farm.s, were free from this fericus inconveniency. In many , fituations, artificial Drinking Pools may repay the expence of making, the Rrd dry feafon. Driving ftock to diitant water, in hot weather, and in a bufy feafon, is an expence, and a detriment to the flock fo driven, which it would be difficult to eilimate. General Observations. — On exa- mining ponds, in this neighbourhood, which have 158 DRINKING PLACE". have been made fome years, tlie evil eftecb ■of ccrjcring ivith hofc ftoncs is evident. For one, two, three, or more yards round their cdgeSj according to the time they have been made, the ufe they have been Hable to, and to the fteepnefs of their lides, — the ftones are entirely difplaced, or trodden into the clay ; which is, by this means, expofed to the feet of cattle, and to the open attack of drought and worms. For a wliile, the clay^ even thus expofed, prcfer\'es its retentive^J nefs ; hut, in time, it is deftroyed, and the moft valuable part of the pond entirelv loft. This etfevll is fo probahle, fo evident to be forefeen, that, en iirft reflection, it feems afto- nifhing fo unfuitable a covering lliould be univerfally adopted. A cattle, when it goes into a drinkiniT pit, necelTarily throws the chief part of its weight upon its fore feet ; which, in the acft of drinking raoft efpecially, are placed, as for the intention of forcing, w'hatever they ftand on, down the flope, toward the bottom ci the pit. Upon loofe flones, laid on a fteep furface, cattle cannot make a ftep, or move a foot, without pro-« ducing this efFecft, in a greater or lefs degree ; and, by repetition and length of time, the entire coat (except fome few which happen to YORKSHIRE. 159 to be trodden into the clay) muil, in the na- ture of things, be forced into the center. But this practice, evidentl)' abfurd as it un- doubtedly is, in this Diftrid:, was firil efta- bliihed upon the IVoIdsy whoit (lone is of a perilhable nature ; a fpecies of tv^^/^ ; which, on being expofed to air and water, and to the treading of cattle, unites into a cement ; which, forming a regular caling, preferves the clay from injury, for a conliderabie length of time. Loofe chalk as a covering was, there- fore, a crood thought of the iirfl inventors (in- deed upon the Wolds there v/as no alterna- tive) ; and it is not to be wondered at, that their pupils, moftly day laborers, fhould imi- tate the pi-a(flice, in this country, by making ufe of ly)Je [tones. Periihable or fcftjrones of any fpecies, a ftrong rough gravely or tv^nfandy would, I believe, be better than loofe hard unperifliable ftones. But, in this neighbourhood, where ftcnes of various kinds abound ; or, in any country* where ftones of a proper fize can be pro- cured, at a moderate expence ; there appears, to me, to be no choice, with refpeft to cover- ing. A regular firm pavement, flrong enough to bear flock witho!>t an impreflion, would. i6o DRINKING PLACES. would lafl through ages ; and although t^ic expence, in the firll: inAance, would be fome- thing more than that of loofe ftones, its dura- bility would, in the end, doubly repay it. Even the Wold oonds, which have been made, fifteen or twenty years, are many of them beginning to fail, and will, in a few years more, require to be freili coated : whereas, a pond properly paved would, in all human probability, remain perfect, for at lead a century. There would be an advantage of a paveix pond, which may notflrike ever)' one. The clay and its coverings, while the pond is filled with air, appear to be a firm folid mafs, which wouH require a great power to dif- turb it. But the pond being filled with li'ater, the texture of the clay is changed, and the relative gravity of all the covering ma- terials ccnfiderably altered. They no longer adhere to the bottom with the fame firmnefs, nor, in fz^, lie upon it Vv'ith the fame weight, they did before the \v ater was let in. For iff inftead of ftone, the clay had been covered with blocks of wood (for inilance), whofe fpecific gravity was lefs than tliat of v.'ater, they would have rifen to the furface, and have left the clay wJiolly expofed : even flones YORKSHIRE. i6i flones themfelves lie, in water, with little more than half their weight, in air. This propenfity in the covering materials, when covered with water, to rife towards the furface, and the ftate of foftnefs which the clay is reduced to, by a free communication with the water, render them very liable to be difturbed by thefeet of cattle ; while fubter- raneous watery after heavy rains, may infi- nuate itfelf beneath the clay, and not only difturb the lime, but raife up the clay, and afBft in rendering the coatings ftill lefs firm ; or, in other words, in promoting the general tendency of the- whole, to form an artificial . quickfand, or quagmire. But if a pond were properly paved, while the coats were yet in a firm folid ftate, the pavement, being an inverted dome, and act- ing as an arch agaihft their upward ten- dency, would preferve them, in that ftate, fo long as the arch itfelf ftiould remain per- fed: ', which would, of neceffity, be until the ftones were worn cut, or the foundation on which they refted ftiould give way. For the preffure of the feet of the cattle being di- rected towards the center, would v^t\iQr Jiiffhi than weaken the arch * ; while the fwelling Vol. I. M of * Hpnce, the deeper the fides of the Pool, the Jlronger the pavement. i62 DRINKING PLACES. of the clay and the foil (if any), with the water which would of courfe filter through the pavement, would afilft in promoting the general union. If irregular rough pebbles were ufed, the ftattefl ends ihould be placed downward, to prevent their injuring the clay, and the points upward, to prevent the cattle from Hiding into the pond while drinking ; as well as to prevent their fVanding upon tiiem, after their thirfl were quenched. But ftones hammered into a long-cubical form, like the Scotch flones now ufed in paving the ftreets of London, would make the firmeft pavement ; their upper edges cr ends being left rough, for the purpofes lait mentioned. It appears to me, that a well made pond, paved in the workmanlike manner, in which the ftreets of the metropolis are now in general paved, muil of neceflity remain perfe73 dangerous eqiiipoife, the greater injury the road will receive. Thu3, fuppofe a loaded waggon to weigh two tons. Upon level ground, each wheel would iullain half a ton j but, upon a (helving road, fteep enough to bring the load to the equipoife of overturning, the entire weight would reft upon two wheels, only ; each of which would, in this cafe, fuftain one ton ; confequently, if we reckon preiiure as injury, the damage done by a carriage, at the point of overturning, is twice as much, as that which is caufed, by the fame carriage, en level ground ; and the nearer it approaches to one or the other of thefe extremities, the more or lefs injury the road will fuflain by it. Nor is the injury, the road itfelf is fub- jed:ed to, the only evil effed: of afteep-lided road. The ADDITIONAL friction which is thereby caufed, between the inner naves of the wheel and the body of the carriage, &c. (or between the iron work which feve- rally belongs to them) gives an addition of rejiftance to the team ; whofe extraordinary exertion^ on this account, is at once injurious »to themfejves, and to the road. Moft of the ROADS about the metro- polis^ and many parts of the GREAT isORTH ROAD 174 ROADS. ROAD between Gunnerby Hill, in Lincoln- fhire, and Ferrybridge, in Yorkfliire, are, for road furveyors, proper fubje(!3:s of ftudy. The furveyors of roads. In general, are as uninformed, or as inattentive, about the re- pairing of roads, as they are about the form- ing cf them. Ruts are the principal enemies of a barrelled road. On a waved road they ferve as condudtors to convey off the water : but, on a convex road, the defcent of the water ought to be, immediately, from the crown to the channels on either fide. The great art, therefore, in the manage- ment of CONVEX ROADS, is to form them, in fuch a manner, as to prevent ruts, as much as pofTible ; and, if they appear, to be at- tentive in doifig them away, before any ma- terial injury take place. The obvious method of preventing RUTS is to keep the road low, at the crown, and guarded, at the edges ; fo that even top loads may be drawn over every part, with conveniency and fafety. Upon the roads above fpccified, it would be ditticult to endanger the moft top-heavjf load ; except by running wilfully upon the hedgebanks. Every foot, from fide to fide, k Y O R K S m il E. '/3 is fravelable road-y and every part impartially travelled over. On the contrary, upon the roof-like roads, of this and other countries, the driver of a top-heavy load dare not leave the top of the ridge ; and the drivers of loads which lie lower, for a variety of reafons, follow the beaten track : even horfemen, who are timorous, are afraid to leave it ; and thofe who are not fo, purfue it for obvious reafons ; no other part of the road being beaten, or con- venient to travel upon. Of a road, proptrly formed, the immediate channel on either lide (being a fpecies of ivajly^ay) is frequently the cieanell:, firmeft, and, if freed from ftones and other obflruc- tions, the pleafanteil: horse path. But who, poflefTed of common prudence, would ride upon the tender brink of an unguarded ditch ? The effcdl is notorious : horfes, and car- riages of every kind, are equally confined to the fame narrow track, upon the ridgi: ; frequently confiding of two ruts and a middle path, with no better quatcring, for horfes which draw double, ihaa there is in a narrow by lane, or over a rutiy common. The 176 k O A D S. The method of KEEPING convex roads IN REPAIR is not to permit them to be worn into ruts and holes, until they be impallable, and then to load the whole furface, found or unfound, with a thick coat of materials ; but to pay, from time to time, due attention to the wearing of them. Ruts and hollows, which are yet too fhal- low to require to be filled in, flioulJ be opened, on the lower fide, to prevent water from (landing in them ; but thofe, which are too deep for this operation, fhould be levelled in, without lofs of time. Upon fione roads y this may frequently be done, by collecting loofe ftcnes, and chipping off the neighbouring protuberances (equally tfangerous on the furface of a road) and bund- ing them in the hollows to be filled up ; thus removing two principal evils of ftone roadsy in doin^ awav a third. • But 'additional materials being, in many Cuif^s, requifite, tliey ought to be laid ready in proper recefies ; for the purpofe of level- ling irrequalitics^ as fzi\ as they are made ; srid thereby preventing the evil effecls of the ^orft ?nerr>v ''^T p v^^^ ^^'in "^ ^?;.^, — fr.ivJ- The YORKSHIRE. 177 The road between Lvnn and Wilbech, over the marllilands of Norfolk, is formed entirely of y?//, a fpecies of fea mud, fo fine as to be fcarcely palpable ; neverthelefs, with the precautions of keeping the furface free from fianding 'water, and oi levelling in the ruts and hollows^ with a ho^yfofaft as they are formed, \t is, in wet weather, one of the fineft roads in the kingdom. I have obferved, in other parts of the ifland, roads^ covered with nothing but com- mon fa}idy kept in good condition, by the fame eafy means. And the roads, which have been held out as patterns, are all managed, whether oi gravel or of Jione, in a iimilar way* Indeed, all well manao-ed turnpiice JiOADS have men conjlantly employed upon them, for the purpofe of repairing fmall breaches, in order to prevent large ones ; and every township ought to employ a no ad- man, or WORKING WAY-REAVE, One OF more days, in each week, throughout the year, for the fame excellent purpofe. Inftead of exhaufting the whole of the ftatute duty (as it is called) in laying on coat upon coat, at fome certain feafon of the year, and letting the roads lie until the return of Vol. I, N that T73 ROADS. that feafon, zs~ much r-glcnd, inthePROViN-r piALiSMs. {1796.) YORKSHIRE. 183 Many efforts, of this nature, have heen made, with fpirit and with fuccefs. The West Marshes, in general, are a ftriking inftance : for although they lie upon a flat, and but barely above the level of the waters of the Derwent, they are, at prefent, kept principally in an arable ilate, and chiefly in wide flat beds. Neverthelefs, by keeping open furrows, deep ditches, and clean fhores, the land, in general, is left as free from fu- perfluous moifl.ure, as if it were elevated a mile above the Derwent. But the East Marshes (and fome other fmaller portions of the Vale^ flill remain a difgrace to the country ; lying, chiefly, in a flate oi fenn — provincially " Carr /' — over- run with fedges and other paluftrian plants; which aflbrd, during a few months in fum- mer, a kind of ordinary pafliurage to young flock. In the winter months, they are gene- rally buried under water, and, in the fummer mojiths, are fubjed: to be overflowed. The .rem.cdy, in this cafe, (and in other cafes of a fimjlar nature, — of which almoil £very Diflirid: m the kingdom afl^ords an in- stance) is, to bank out the river, which .winds through the middle of it -, and, in N 4 doing i84 SHORES AND EMBANKMENTS, doing this, to sink a common shore, on THE outer side OF EACH EMBANKMENT. If, at the lower end of thefe shores, the RIVER Yitsfufflcientiy lou\ at the time of dead water, to receive, freely, the drainage of the marfh, the work may be completed, at an inconsiderable expenditure, compared with the magnitude of an improvement of this nature. Flood gates, placed at the out- lets, to give vent to the furface waters, col- le^ed within the (ite of improvement, and to orevent the waters of the river, in times of floods, from flowing back upon it — are the only additional requifites. If the furface of the rher, at dead water, fliould be found to lie too high, for the necel- fary depth of the Jhore, Marsh Mills *, placed in the lo^wer parts of the fite, will, in any ordinary cafe, do away the deficiency of fall. The expence of a mill is, in the firft inftance, confiderable ; befldes an annual ex- pence of repairs, and attendance. But fup- pofing the firft coft to be one or even two hundred pound?, and the repairs and attend- ance to be ten or even twenty pounds, a year, the whole expence would be inconfiderable, when ♦ See No*r. Ecov. Min. ii8. YORKSHIRE., i«S when compared. with the improvement of converting, 'perhaps, two or three thoufand acres of unprodu3ive fenny groundsy into ARABLE, MEADOW^ and PASTURE LANDS, o^ Jive, or perhaps ten times its valye. In the cafe immediately under notice, mills, if requilite, could be eifeiStive on ontt fide of the river only. The rivvlets and BROOKS, on the north fide of the Derwent, are too copious to be difcharged by a mill. But, by embanking thofe rivulets, and by furnifhing each compartment of the marfli with a mill, the delired improvement might, on a certainty, be made. On the fouth and eaftfide of the Derwent, lefs difficulty would arife : the embankment of one rivulet, per* haps, would be found the only addition re* quiliie to the general improvement *. It may be unneceifary to fay, that the "ex- cavated mold of the shores ought to go towards raifing the eankments; thus ob- taining, in one operation, the two principal means of improvement ; or that main ditches pug^^t * Since writing this article, a meeting of the pro* prietors of thefe marfhes has been held, to confider of an application to Parliament, for Jiraightening and en- larging the bed of the Derwent ! But the propofal was over- ruled. r86 SHORES AND EMBANKMENTS. ought to be led from the lliore, into tlie area of the fjte to be improved. One thing, however, may not be fo ob- vious : namely, the situation of the BANKS, with respect TO THE RIVER. If the BANKS be fet upon the immediate brinky as in general they are, they become liable to be injured, by the fmallell; deviation of the RIVER. Belides, the waters of floods being, by this means, confined (fuppofing a bankment on either iide) merely to the bed of the river, the banks require to be railed to an unneceii'ary height. But if the lines of embankment be run at 9L proper dijlance from the ri^cery as ten, twenty, or thirty yards, the banks are placed out of the way of danger, from the river ; and a greater area being left for the waters of floods to fpread over, their rife will be proportionably lefs, and the requilite height of bank will of courfe be ieiTened, in the fame proportion. Theory may conceive a ivafie of land by this means ; but experience ihews, that fuch an apprehenfion is ill grounded. The em- bankment is eouallv beneficial to the land it enclofes and to that it fliuts out from the river. The enriched waters of floods, now confined YORKSHIRE. 1S7 confined by the banks, depofit, on the in- clofed flips, the particles which, hitherto, they had fcattered over an extent of country. Bv this means the fwamos, and hollows of the flips, are prefently filled up \ and, in time, the entire furface is raifed. I have obferved an inftance of this kind, in which the ground, on the river fide of the bank, has been raifed, near a foot, above the natural level of the ground, on the other fide of it. By this elevation of furface, the land is not only laid dry, but, if the waters be of a good quality, is at the fame time enriched. Thefe flips, if of fufficient width, are An- gularly well adapted to the purpofe of ozier BEDS : and are eligible pasture grounds. The banks are places of fafety, for fl:ock to fly to, in floods ; a fpecies of refuge they had not, when the whole lay open. The EXPENCE of embankment, inordinary cafes, and under proper management, is far from exceflive. This Vale affords more than one inflance of RIVER EMBANKMENTS. Brawby mooK, containing about three hundred ^cres of low marfliland foil, over run, in an open ftate, V'ith furze and rufhes, together with fome inter-.^ i58 SHORES AND EMBANKMENTS. iatcrfpaces of fed gey grafs, was liable to be overflowed by the river Seven, which runs on the upper lide of it ; the Rye, which waihes it on the pther iide, being its natural Ihorc, Thefe three hundred acres are the entire property of the Earl of Salisbury , and, in tiieir open ilate, were let out in one hun- dred gaits, for young flock, at ten /hillings each gait, producing his lordlhip, in that liate, fifty pounds a year. The embankment coH about fixty pounds ; namely, about thr^e quarters of a mile, at one Ihilling a yard. But the niins of an old bank lelTened the expencc, in this cafe. The bank, when liniihed, was about (t\tT\ feet high j wide enough, on the top, for cattle to wjjk upon ; iloped fuiiiciently to prevent its fliooting, or being trodden down by cattle ; and faced with green fods, to guard againll llie floods Tjii? improvement is w^orth tracing. Be- (ides the embankment, which, it the old bank had not alTilted, might have cofl one hundred pounds^ a ro^d, through the middle of the fite of improvement, W2^ requifite to be formed ; — the whole to be inclofed ; and fome crcdions to be made. Suppofe th^ roadj Y O R 1^ S rt t R E. 189 road, the inclofure, and the buildings to cofl three hundred pounds, the whole expence would amount to four hundred pounds, or fifteen to twenty pounds, aveaf. The rent, in the firft inflance, was, I be- lieve, fixed at eight IhillingS an acre. Three hundred acres, at eight (hillings, produce one hundred and twenty pounds ayear ; I'o that, in the outlet, tliere appears to be a clear improvement of fifty pounds, ayear, In twelve or fourteen years, it may be worth twice that rent, the foil being deep, and of a quality which, though not rich, is fuited, by fitu^tion, to both corn and grafs. Whea the ftipulated improvements are made, by the firfh occupiers, the three hundred acres will be worth, at leaft, two hundred pounds ayeaf ; namely, foitr times its former VALUE. Another iilftanCe of river embankment occurs in t^is townfhip. The commifiioners, linder the A(fl of Inclofure, have wifely fe- cured the lower grounds to be inclofed, from the waters of floods, which have, hitherto, occafionally overflowed them. The remedy, in this cafe, was eafy : a partial embankment, only, was neceflary ; and the bank, in the parts where it wa^ wanted, feldom required to igo SHORES AND EMBANKxMENTS. to be raifcd, above two or three feet high. Neverthelefs, the advantage obtained, at this eafy expence, is that of enabhng the refpec- tive occupiers of the lands under inclofure, to change them, from a flate of unproducftive fward, to that of arable land ; and, by that means, to improve them, perhaps^ to three times their prefent value. If, in the management of estates, any fuperior faculty be requifite, it is that of being able to ftrike out and execute intrin- sic IMPROVEMENTS j fucli as givc a per^ manent increafe of re n troll, — vi^ithout diminifhins: the respectability of its owner. 8. F . E N C E S. THE PARTICULAR articles which re- quire to be noticed under this head are, 1. Gates, 2. Fence Walls, 3. rolls and Rails, 4. Dead Hedges, 5. Live Hedges. I. GATES. YORKSHIRE. 191 I. GATES. The common field gates of this country are, in general, made Jlighter and much taller than thole of other Diilridts. In Surrey and Kent, three feet eight or nine inches is the ordinary height of a gate ; which is, there, compofed of four common bars, and a ftrong top rail. Here, gates have generally fix or feven bars, all equally flight ; and the common heii>ht is five to fix feet. o Horses are the greatefl enemies of gates. A low gate, let its ftrength be almofl what it may, is no fence againlt a refolute powerful horfe. If he can place the mufcular part of his chcjl firmly againfl: the top rail, fcarcely any llrength of wood can refiii him. But if the top bar be placed high enough, to receive his windpipe y inllead of his chefi:, his power of injuring the gate is, in a manner wholly, taken away. It is, therefore, no wonder tliat, in a country where the breeding of horfes has long been a common practice, high gates (hould have' grown into common r.fe. The HANGING OF GATES is an art little underftood, even by the hangers of gates themfelves ; though highly interefting and ufeful in Rural Economy. A perfon, here, who has paid unufiial atten- tion to the fubjcct, and v/ho has, in reality, mack i)\ FENCES. made Hlmieif mafter of it, ftill continues to hang his gates upon pivots, fixed at the feet of the hartrees *. This was undoubtedly the original method of hanging gates, and is^ ptrhaps, all things confidered, the beft. It is probable, that, ill the infancy of the art, the foot of the hartree was itfelf formed into a pivot, while the upper part of it was confined to the poi't, or perhaps to a tree, with a rope or a withey* In the inll:ance under obfefvation, the up- per part of the hartree is hung, in the ufual manner, with a hook and eye ; and the foot of it is ihod with a pivot of iron, fet upon a large bani ftone» The great advantage of hanging gates on PI voTs is that of their being readily altered, with refpecfl to fall, or catching : moving the piTOt llone a quarter of an inch, this way or that, with an iron crow, is frequently a fuffi- cient regulation : the pivot, too, takes part cf the iveight of the gate. But gates, to be hung with pivots, require a peculiarity of CONSTRUCTION. Evcr}^ g^^tc, when • Hartree •, the pnncip.il end-piece^ into whirh the bar? are m-.rdfeci, and by which the gate is hung : oppol'^d A) :he HEAD, the oppwfite end piece. YORKSHIRE. 193 when fhut, ought to hang plumb and level ; that is, the head fhould be, everyway, up- right, and the bars horizontah This requilite, however, and at the fame time a proper fall, cannot be had in a gate made,//z //6fj^//j;T, and with zjiraight bar tree. Either the lower part of the hartree mull be crookedy or the gate mufl be made, out of the fquare ; that is, the bars mufl Hand fomew^hat obUquely, not perpendicularly to the har- tree ', and in this cafe the pivot mufl be placed, not in the center, but on the oiitjide of the foot : the firfl to throw the point of the pivot behind t\\Q pin of the upper hook, to give the gate a fall when open at right angle ; and the latter, to throw the point of the pivot without the pin of the hook, to give the gate a fall, at the poll, and make it catch with cer- tainty. This being underflood, it is eafy to con- ceive that, if the lower end of the hartree be crooked, and if the elbow or convex fide of the bend be directed, not to either pofl, but towards the middle of the gateway, the ne- cefTary falls may be had, without throwing the gate out of the fquare, or the pivot out of the centre of the hartree. I mention this method of hanging gates Vol. I. O the 194 FENCE?. the rather, as, notwithflanding Its advan- tages, it is gro\%Ti into almoft total difufe ; owing, it is very probable, to a want of knowledge of the proper principle of con- ftru(n:ion. I fliall, in another Diilrict, have occafion to fpeak fully of the method of hanging gt^fes on hooks. II. FENCE WALLS. The. common homeftall fence of this Dilh-idis l:W/j either of brick or llone. — Eattoning, in the Norfolk manner, is unknown, and c\oit paling fcldom made ufe of. In the morelands, and upon the limeftone heights, ilone walls are the common field fence. Liye hedges, are, in thefe fituations, flower of growth, and more difficult to raife, than they are. In warmer better foils ; whereas, llones are plentiful, lying, in fome places, an incumbrance to the furface. Inhoipitable and uncrn-mental as naked fione walls may fecm, they are, in many fitu- ations, the mofl eligible fence : — cheap and durable. They are of two kinds, ** double" and " fmgle :" the latter, which are compofed of fmgle flones, piled one upon another, arc a fufficient fence againfl flock, provided they be raikd hidi enoueh ; but are liable to be thrown YORKSHIRE. 195 thrown down, by the wind. The former, which are built in the common wall manner, but without mortar, are more expenfive in the firft inftance ; but, if properly raifed, will endure for a length of time, with little or no repairs. The MODERN FENCE WALL, of which many miles have been built in confequence of the new Inclofures that have lately taken place, is of the following form and dimen- jQons. The height five feet. The width, at the bafe, twentytwo inches, narrowing to fixteen inches, at the top 3 which is coped (as a guard againft flieep) with the widell: and flattefl of the ftones, laid afide for this purpofe. A frame of wood, of thefe dimeniions. Is fet up, as a gauge, and as a guide to the builder. The loweft^r/V^ which has, I believe, been given for raifing, carriage, and walling, is five fliillings and fixpence, for a rod of feven yards. But a (hilling, ayard, may be taken as a more medial coft. Each yard takes about a three -horfe-cart load of ftones. Ill, POSTS AND RAILS. In moft countries, the prevailing temporary fences are hurdles. Ports and rails are only uied for O 2 the 196 FENCES. the defending of young hedges, and for other permanent purpofes ; being generally put down by a carpenter, and are feldom removed, until they becom.e ufelefs as a fencing material. But, here, they arc confidered in a different light. They are (fpeaking generally) the only temporary fencing in ufe. If a piece of ground require to be divided, for one leafon, or for a few weeks, a line of ports and rails are run acrofs it ; not by a carpenter, but by a common farm laborer. And, when the purpofe is anfwered, they are removed and laid up, for another occafion. I mention this circumflance, as pofts and rails are more durable, and a much better fence againfl horfes and cattle, than hurdles are; and the labor of putting down, and removal, is much lefs than inexperience may imagine. IV. DEAD HEDGES. The ftakc-and- edder hedge prevails in this Diltricl:, and is, in general, conftrufted with uncommon ikill. The fi'perionty of conftrudlion lies, princi- pally, in the eddcring. In other places, the edders are tr'vnmed up to naked rods : here, the foray, towards the top, is left on. Thefe fprayey tops, being wound YORKSHIRE. 197 wound round the bodies of the fucceeding adders, lay hold of the flakes, thereby pre- venting their linng. If the twigs of the edders be infiifficient, brambles, or other pliable brulhwoods, are wound in, with the fame intent. But the moft eiFe(ftual way of preventing cattle from throwing off the edders, which method is here fometimes praftifed, is to carry on the tWo operations of eddering and filling together, burying thefprayey tops of the edders among the filling ; by which means they are effeiftually fecured from the horns of cattle ; and even, while they remain found, from the hands of hedgebreakers. V. LIVE HEDGES. The management of hedges appears to me a matter of fo much importance, in the management of an estate, and is a fubjedt to which I have paid fo much attention, that I always find it difficult, when- ever I fit down to write upon it, to confine myfelf within due limits. In this Difi:ri(!i, I find ample matter to animadvert upon. The finefi: hedges in the kingdom (if any one particular fpot can claim a fuperiority) are now growing in this neighbourhood; and more new ideas, re- fpeding the management of hedges, have oc- O3 curred 198 FENCES. curred tome, in the Diilri^fl now under notice, than in all the others I have examined. It would therefore be ^\TGng to treat the fubjedt {lightly, in this place. ^BiU I will endeavour to comprefs the matter, which I have accu- mulated, within as narrow a compai's as may be. The fubdivifions which the fubjecl", in this place, requires are : 1. The fpecies of hedgewood. 2. The method of planting new hedges. 3. The method of defending them. 4. The method of cleaning and training, 5. Their after management. 6. The treatment of old hedges. I. The prevailing hedgewood is the haivthorji. Formerly, it was in this, as in other places, gathered in the woods and rough grounds. But, at prefent, and for fome years pail, ** garden quick wood" has been pretty generally, though not yet univerfally, planted. But although the hawthorn is the common hedgewood of the Diftridt, and, in ordinary fituations, may be the moft eligible, I have feen crabtrce ufed on cold fofls, as v/ell as in bleak, fituations, with great fuccefs. In an inrtance where cr^btree and hawthorn weje planted. YORKSHIRE. 19V planted, alternately, by way of experiment, the crabtree plants have outgrown thofe of the thorn, in a ftriking manner. In fix years, they have acquired llems as thick as the wrift, with tops fufficient as a fence, againfl ordinary flock. Upon the Wolds, I have obferved the elder, a plant which braves the bleakeft fituation, rnade ufe of as a hedgewood ; but never faw it planted with fufficient judgment, to anfwer the intended purpofe. Neverthelefs, in the abundance and luxuriance of this plant, upon the moft expofed parts of the Wolds, it is evident that, with proper management, it mi2:ht at leaft be made a fkreen to better hedgewoods. The holly I have fecn raifed (in the prac- tice of a man who has paid great attention to the bulinefs of hedgeplanting, and in this particular with great fuccefs) with an unuflial degree of rapidity and certainty. The fecrecy of the art lies in the ti?ne of frajifplanting : a holly tranfplanted, in sum» MER, fcarcely receives a check from the removal : a fa6t, this, which few planters are aware of. — Thoufands of hollies are every year defrroyed, by removing them in the v/inter n^onths, O 4 2. Plant- 200 FENCES. 2. Planting. The common method is to turn a fod, ten or more inches wide, upon the brink of the intended ditch, and, behind this, to fet the plants, in a leaning pofture ; covering the roots with fome of the befl: of the mold the ditch affords ; and, behind the plants, to lay the remainder of the excavated earth, in a low broad bank. The ordinary ditch is ver}' fmall ; barely aftording mold to back up the plants with. Neither the ditch, in front, nor the bank, be- hind, are confidered, as they are in Norfolk, a guard to the young hedge. Tbc Pickering Inclosure Bill orders, that the ditches, in the lo'-joer grounds y when they are neceffar)- as drains, {hall be made four feet wide, and two feet and a half deep. But, for the uplands, no limits are prefcribed ; the diflarice, between the outer brink of the ditch, and the line of hedgewcod, being the only thing limited. This width is fixed, throughout, at four feet and a half. In this cafe, the outer bink of the ditch being the boundary line of each m.an's property, and a narrow ditch, only, being wanted, a flip of v/holc ground is left between the inner brink and the firft turned fod, for planting the c^uick behincj. One YORKSHIRE. 201 One deviation, liowever, from this general mode of planting under the Inclofure Bill occurs. In this inflance, a narrow trench, only, is dug againft the boundary line ; leav- ing fuffioient room, between the inner brink of the trench, and the line of quick, to place the dead fence ; by which means the owner of the land, getting his young hedges w'ithin his own premiies, is no way liable to the ill- nature or neirlio-ence of his neighbours. And, inftead of laving in the plants behind the firfl-turned fod, the ground is dug four or five feet wide, and the plants fet in a trench, upright, in the nurfery manner j having, in this cafe, a line of prepared earth on eitlier iide to feed amon?. Nor is tliis the only inftance 1 have m.et with, in the Diflrixfl, of planting hedge- wood ON A LEVEL. The fame judicious planter has, in dividing upland inclofjres, planted hedges v/ithout any ditch ^^'iiatever. His pradbice has been to plow a flip of ground, on each fide of the intended line of the fence, the preceding fpring ; and having previoufly dunged it, to plant it with potatoes. Du- rine fummer, the land is reoeatedlv cleaned with the hoe ; in autumn, the potatoes be- ing removed, the entire flip is gathered into fi ridge. 202 FENCE S. a ridge, with the plow ; and, the enfuing Ipring, the quick is planted, nurfery-wile, in a trench, run along the middle of the ridge. The fuccefs of this method has proved equal to what might be expelled, from manage- ment lb obvioully judicious. Another new idea, which has been flruck out, and carried into practice, by the fame perfon, is that of sorting hedgewood plants: not according to the thicknefs of their items, or the fize of their tops, but agreeably to the itrength of their roots. When the plants are put in, indifcriminately, the ftrong foon outgrow, and overpower, thofe which are weaker. But plants, which are iudicioufly forted, rife together, without de- Itroying each other. Befides, in doing this, many worthlefs plants arc thrown afide, and thofe which are weak are referred for fuitable fituqitions ; while the lirongeit are plar.ted where the greatefl: ftrength is re- quired. But the Iddcji idea I have met with in hedgeplanting is that of burying the plants! by covering up their heads, an inch or more deep, with mold : and this, not as an experiment, but in the pra(:^ice of a common laborer. The YORKSHIRE. ao^ The method of planting, in this cafe, is the common one of fetting the plants behind the *' cape-fod," or firft-turned fpit. But inflead of leaving the heads two or three inches above ground, the plants are fhortened, and the heads placed about an inch below the furface. Obferving a work of this kind, prefently after it was executed, I waited with impa- tience to fee the event. In due feafon, the plants made their appearance ; not in a number of irregular fpreading flioots, as from an expofed head 3 but riling, with one, or perhaps two or three, ftraight upright fhoots, of peculiar ftrength and beauty. They did not, however, rife at the fame time ; fome of them remaining in the ground, feveral weeks, after the earheft made their appearance. The covering of mold, there- fore, ought, perhaps, to be as fine, and laid on as light as poflible, to prevent obftrucftions to the tender fhoots in riling *. The * On clofe examination, I find, the talleft ftrongeft flioots rife from fuch as were barely, or perhaps impar- tially, covered with mold : fuch as were buried deeper are, atprefent (in the month of Auguft, thefirft year of planting), fhorter and weaker ; owing, perhaps, to their rihng later in the fpring. It is therefore probr.bh th;;t the lighter and thinner 20+ FENCES. The advantage of burying the plants ap- pears to be the valuable one of giving the youn^ hedge an upright tendency, and there!)y preventing the ftrength of the roots from being expended, on ufelefs fide fhoots. Plants, thus raifed, take the growth, and probably the habit of seedling plants. The roots, in this cafe, may be confidered as PREPARED SEEDS, fumifhed with a peculiar iT:ren":th of vegetation. 3. Defending. Ports and rails are the common dead fence. Sometimes one, fome- times two rows : a moft expenfive way of defending a young hedge. In the lower parts of the Vale, where ftones are not too numerous, and where deep ditches are requifite, the Norfolk method might be introduced with great propriety *. Bat, in iloney foils, that method is imprac- ticable : and, there, two rows of ports and rails, or fome other dead fence adequate to them, are, in inofl cafes, abfolutely necertary to good management. It tliinner the covering, provided it be fufficicnt to prevent fjde (hoots, the inure eligible h this pra6lice. Sorting the plants, t!jo, agreeably to tlie ftrcngth of their roots, is pro-* b.ibly requifite. * Sec NoR! ^ EcoN. Sect. Live Hedges, Subd. V. YORKSHIRE. 20^ It is therefore wife, in the framers of In- clofure Bills, to fecure the right of placing fences, during a certain number of year^, upon neighbouring allotments, as guards to the young hedges *. I have obferved, in more than one inftance, the good efiedls of fetting a fharp ridget of earth, on the outer brink of the ditch, as a guard to the face of young hedge plants j efpecially againft horfes. In one inilance, a young hedge was defended by two fmall ditches, one on either lide, with banklets of this kind, without any dead fence whatever ; and this, too, againll: well bred hunters: fuch as would, in a chace, have taken the hedo-line and both ditches, without hefxtation. Cattle are lefs terrified with thefe devices. The prac'Tiice of pricking thorns into the firft-turned fod, upon the inner brink of the ditch, as a guard to the face of the quick againft fheep, affords a degree of temporar}' fecurity; but deprives the plants of that air and exercifc, which is necefiary to a luxuri- ancy and firmnefs of growth. 4. Training. This department of the management cf liedges is too much neglected, in * See Se(5l. InclooUREj p. 79. 2fc6 FENCE S. in all countries. The planting, and the firil ere(flion of guard fences, generally receive a tolerable Hiare of attention. But repairing thefe fences, from time to time, — dcflroying weeds, — and giving the young plants a pro- per tendency, are matters which are feldom confidered as elTential to fuccefs. In this Diftrid:, the fr'.nt fence ii, in ge- neral, too little attended to, or neglected too long; the young plants being frequently brouzed and ftinted, before the necefiary guard be thought of, or placed. With refpeCt to rj^ecding^ however, the DiflriO is above mediocrity,". But in regard to training the plants themfclvcs, by fh^iking oiF the luxuriant f.dc flioots, and thereby promoting the upward grov/th of the hedg- ling, it is very deficient. I have, nevcrthelefs, had frequent oppor- tunities of obfervinij one inliancc, in which this requifite bufinefs, in the railing of hedges, has been executed in, perhaps, a fingular manner. Ii this inilance, each plant is trained with a fmgle Jler/i, — pruned in the nurfery manner. One advantage, of this method. Is that of rearing every plant, with a degree of certain- ty; the tops bcirg, in t'.iis operation, attended to. YORKSHIRE. 20; to, as well as the fl-ems : thofe of the ftronger plants being leflened, to give head-^ room to the weaker. Another very great advantage, efpecially on a flieep farm, is that of getting the young plants out of harm's way. Sheep are danger- ous enemies to young hedges ; and every expedient to guard agalnft their mifchievouf- nefs, in this refpedt, deferves at leaft a trial. Strong plants, judicioufly planted, and trained in this manner, may, with a degree of cer- tainty, be got out of the reach of fheep, in three or four years. The labor is coniiderable, but by no means exceffive. In this one inftance, the expence of labor appears to be greatly exceeded by the advantages obtained by it. The pruning fhould be done in winter or fpring, while the fap is down ; or while it is rifing ; not in the fummer feafon. 5. Aftermanagement. In thiis de- partment, the Diflri(5t under furvey excels : not in the manner of cutting, but in the fre- quency of it. Many young hedges are cut, before they are twenty years old ; and the cutting, of fuch as are thriving at leaf}, is ufually repeated, every five or fix years ; a practice which ought to be univerfally fol- lowed. 2o3 FENCES. lowed. Nothing is more injurious to a hedge, than unfrequent cutting. - The prevailing method of cutting is that of "buck-heading;" — namely, cutting the ftems off level, about three feet hi^h above the level of the inclofure ; generally winding a few ftraight boughs, horizontally, between the heads of the ftems, to prevent flock from forcino; throuo;h between them. A more Jifnplc, or a cheaper metliod than this, can- not, perhp.ps, be devifed ; efpecially as the ditch is feldom touched ; the roots being pur- pofely fuffered to ftrike acrofs it ; by which means they enjoy free pafturage on either f^e. On the Malton fide of the Diilrid, the pre- vailing method of cutting is that of plajhing^ in the Midli^nd manner : an operation which I lliall have occafion to fpeak fully of, in its proper place. 6. Old Hedges. The pradlice of re- planting wcrnout hedges, in the Norfolk manner, I have not met with, in this Diftrid:. Stoppir.g^n'jr/^'j with, dead hedging y there- by effectually preventing their ever clofmg again, is a piece of unpardonable manage- ment, which is nowhere more picvalent, than in the Vale under obferyation. One YORKSHIRE. 209 One inflance of exertion, however, in or- der to RECLAIM a live fence, from a row of large old thorns, the remains of a neglecfted hedge, occurs in this Diftri(fl, and would do credit to any country. It is the only one of the kind I have met with. The bufhes, or feparate detachments of the old hedge, being trimmed, on both fides, and the main flems cut out, at the ground, or headed at fuch heights as circumftances re- quired, the long llender boughs, growing in the line of the fence, were trained into the vacancies, with flrong flakes, in the espalier MANNER : a bank of earth having been pre- vioufly thrown up, and the lowefl ground- boughs LAYERED in it, in order to flrike root, and fend up frefh plants, to afTift in fill- ing up the vacancies, effedlually. This mode of treatment is not applicable to fuch hedges, only^ but to every live hedge, in which wide vacancies are found. The befl time for filling them up, in this manner, is when the hedge is felled to the ground. Another inflance of pradlice. In the ma- nagement of old hedges, which had been planted on broad banks, with ditches cr. either fide J and which, through the narrownefs of Vol. I. P the 210 FENCES. the pafture, and the negled of timely cutting, were become ftunted, and thin of ftems, merits notice. The thorns, in this cafe, were felled to th« ground ; the ditch, to the fouthward or weft- ward of the hedge, re-made ; and that, on the north or eaft fide of it, filled u'P with the exca- vated mold. By thefe means, the plants were fupplied, immediately, with frefh paf- turage in made earth ; and let loofe to feed, at large, in the adjoining inclcfure. The effea is ftriking. Perhaps, reversing the ditch of an old hedge (with 2LjingIe ditch) might invi- gorate it, in a fimilar manner, by giving the plants a fre(h field of pafturage. The expe- riment, however, ought to be tried with caution. Depriving old plants of all their main roots (though they were at the fame time cut off by- the ground) might be dan- gerous, c:*'" General Observations. From what has been laid, on the ordinary treatment of hedges, in this neighbourhood, it is evident, that their fuperiority is not owing to an excel - lency of management. The richnefs of the foil i the negleft of the ditches ; the fre- quency of cutting J and, above ell, the pre- fcnt YORKSHIRE^ 211. fent AGE of the hedges, account fufficiently for their present flourishing state. Thofe which ftrike the eye with a pecu- liar luxuriancy of growth, are about fifty YEARS OLD : and it is abundantly evident, that hedges, growing in a good foil, may, until they have reached that age, be headed fence^ high, with a degree of fafety. But, on a nearer view, it appears to me equally evi- dent, that the practice cannot be exercifed, in perpetuity, with any degree of propriety. On examining hedges, which have not been planted seventy years, and which have been treated invariably in that manner, I find they have already received irreparable injury. The underling plants are, already, fo far deflroyed, as to leave vacancies, of three feet or more in width j while the mailer plants, now no longer of themfelves a fence againfl fheep, have acquired flems of a tree-like fize. Felling to the ground, and training a range of neii) Jlefns, is the only effectual remedy of this evil. |But this, when de- ferred too long, is impradlicable, or at beft uncertain. Large old ftems will not, al- ways, fbirvive the operation ; but if applied, P 2 in iti FENCES. in time, and with due care, the remedy it certain. It would be difficult, perhaps, to prefcribe rules for felling hedges to the GROUND, by their ^^^j, or the intervals of time between the fellings. Perhaps, no hedge ought to ftand more than fifty YEARS, from the firfl: railing, nor more than thirty years, between t\it filling. But, by their sizes, and the ftate of their growth, fome general rules may with pro- priety be mentioned. No Jiem (howfoever healthful, nor how fizeable foever to the neighbouring ilems), of more than ayod?/ in circumference y ought to be fuifered to remain Handing. If there be a great difparity, as there gene- rally is, in they^2;^j of the ftems^ either the en- tire hedge ought to be felled, before any of them acquire the limited fize ; or; in head- ing them, the larger ought to be JJ:ortcned, proportional) ly to their refpe^ivefxes j in order to lefTen their deflrudlive tendency, and to give the weaker an opportunity of gaining, at leaft, a temporary afcendency *. If ♦ An expedient of this kind I havie feen executed with every appearance of fucccfs. YORKSHIRE. 213 If the plants, let their age and fize b^ what they may, grew mojfy, or wear the gcr jieral appearance oijiuntedncfs^ they ought to be removed, that a more healthy race may be trained up, in their ilead. The fame as to h e A D i n G . No particular age can be pointed out, for the firft cutting ; nor can any certain interval of time, between the headings, be prefcribed^ with flri(Ct pro- priety. Soils and fituations inHuence the growth of trees ; and, v.ie>ving the manage- ment of hedges in a general light, the tops ought to acquire a degree of usefulness be* ioi^ they be taken off. A bough, fx or eight inches in circumference^ ?s large enough for a Jiake ; and, when the ilrongefl have got to this fize, the remainder are generally fit for the Ji I lings of dead hedges : that, therefore, is the ftate in which jhey ought to be cut. It would, in my opinion, be better manage- ment, in a man who occupies his own ejlate, to burn them, and give their aflies to the winds, than to fuffer them to remain on the items, after they have reached that fize. But, in a tenant, wlio has no permanent in- tereft in the hedges he occupies, negled is F 3 J^r^ Qi4 FENCES. lefs criminal. — It matters not, to liim, whether the live hedges upon his farm remain lufii- cient fences, one or tivo centuries. He is no way concerned in the purchafe value of the eflate, unlefs it be in the depreciation of it. His plan of management (if he has any in this refpedl) is to make his hedges fubfer- vient to his own interell: i efpecidly when he has no certainty uf continuing in pofleflion. Thefe circumftances are not mentioned, here, with a view of breeding ill-blood be- tween landlords and tenants ; but to endea- vour to convince the former, that it is incum- bent on them to pay fome attention to the live hedges upon their eliates. It is now a ciiflom, pretty generally adopt- ed, upon wooded eflates, to appoint ivoodivardsj for the prefervation of timber and under- wood. — And, upon every large ellate, Iving in an inclofed country, it is, in my opinion, equally neceffarv to appoint a hayward, for the prefervation of its hedges. ' An EXPERIENCED HEDGEk would, per- haps, be the fittert for this employment. In ordinary cafes, as where heading, only, might be requifite, orders might be fufficient ; but to the raifing of new hedges, and the renewal of YORKSHIRE. 215 of old ones, perfonal attention ought to be paid, not only to the planting and the felling, but to the fencing and the weeding, until the ne^y or the renewed hedge be out of danger. HEDGEROW TIMBER. THIS is an interefting fubjec?: to the pro- prietors of inclofed eftates : and no country affords a better field for obfervation, than that under furvey. The old- inclofed parts of this neighbour- hood, when feen at fome diftance, have the appearance of woodlands ; the inclofures being rnoftly narrow, and full oi hedgerow timber. The age, on a par, is about fifty years. In half a century more, the value of the timber, of fome parts of it, if fuffered to ftand, will probably be equal to the value of the land : a circumftance, this, of no fmall im- port to the owner. But the detriment to the occupier requires to be confidered. In this country, it feems to be a general idea, founded perhaps on experience, that P 4 lofty 2t6 HEDGEROW TIMBER. lofty hedgerows are benfficiai to grafs land\ increasing its prodiKftivenefs, by their v^-annth, and giving fhelter and (hade to pailuring- ftock. The roots, even of the a/h, arc con- fidered as inofenji'-je to land, in a ftatc of grafs 'y in which flate, the grounds thus loaded with hedges and timber trees, is almoft uni- ycrfally kept. Indeed, it wt)uld be impollible, in their prefent flate, to occupy them as arabU Lind. There are entire inclofurcs, every foot of the areas of which mull neceilarily be occupied by afben roots -y neverthelefs, they give an ample fupply of hay and paflurage. One to two tons of hay an acre. And, in many of them, three acres will aflFcrd fufficient paf- turage, for two cows, of the largefl fize. The rent, from thirty to forty ihillings an acre. Strong evidences, thefe, that the roots of the afr are not ver\' injurious to grafs land. It is evident, however, that the oak^ when fufiered to thru ft its /wi? fpreading bead into the iiiclofure, is injurious to the herbage be- neath it ; that the kceoes of the apy are very detrimental to aftergrafs ; and that the hedges are annually receiving irreparable da- mage ; — no general plan of training up the trees, with tall ftems, having, I believe, Ln any inllance been adopted . YORKSHIRE. 217 General ObservatioxNs. From what is here mentioned, we may conclude, that the advantages accruing from the planting of tim- ber trees, in the hedges of inclofed common- fields, of a foil, and lying in a Situation, adapted to grafs, — are far fuperior to any difadvantages ariling therefrom, even where they have been fuffered to grow, in a ftate of almoft total negledt. Land which has lain open, and whichhas been kept in a ftate oi aration^ during a fuc- cefiion of ages, is equally produdlive oi grofs and trees. And it is generally good manage- ment, to let it lie in grafs, for fome length of time, after inclofure. In this neighbourhood, it is evident to common obfervation, that trees flourifh, with unufual vigour, in the newly inclofed laads of arable fields ; and that their injury to grafs land is inconfiderable, when compared with the value of the timber they produce. The low fpreading heads oitho, cak^ and the leaves of the aJJj, appear to be the chief inconveniencies, of thefe two fpecies of trees, to gJ'afs land. But an alternacy of corii and grafs is gene- rally eligible, on lands which our anceftors have made choice of for common fields -y and the roots of the af:) are not only obflruQions to si8 HEDGEROW TIMEER. to the plow, but the general nature of the plants is, in a lingular degree, inimical to com. It is, therefore, neceilan' to eradicate the ti/h from the hedgero\%'s, before the land be again broken up for arable ; or to preclude this tedious operation, in the firil inilancc, by planting oak in its ftead. The HEAP cf the oak may be raifed to fuch a height, as not to be mjurious to grofsy nor to the hedgs while yet in a youth- ful llate, even though it were fuifcrcd to run UD to its natural height. Whenever the inclofures are broken up for corn, the hedges ought, in common good management, to be headed, and kept in a d\^-arfiih ilat^ ; in which cafe tall-stem- MED OAKS would be a valuable iburce of T I M 3 E R , without being, in almoil any degree, injurious, either to the hedge, or to the CORN, growing under them. B'jtthe TRAiMiiG or youxg oaks, and the genera:. MANAGEMENT OF HEDGE- ROW TIMBER, can:iot, with any degree of prudence, be left to a mere occupier. View- ing hedges as nurfsries of tmaber, a hedge- man becomes eilentially necellary to every landed cilate. DIVISION DIVISION THE S5C0KD. WO O D L A N DS AND PLANTATIONS. I. NATURAL VvOODS. THE VALLIES, which fever the lime-. ftone heights, on the north fide of the Vale of Pickering, and give pafiage to the rivers and brooks, that take their rife in the morelands, it has been faid, are moftly filled with wood. Formerly, it is probable, conliderable plots of woodland were likewife fcattered, at the feet of thofe heights ; but, if there were, moft of them are now done away : fome few patches, however, remain. On the fouthern banks of the Vale, too, are fcattered fome valuable tracts of wood- land. The 220 W O O D L A N D S. The TIMBER of thtfc wocxis is chieflv OAK, with a fmall proportion cf a?h. BzECH, even upon the limef.iyne height-, a i:tuation to which it is peculiarly adapted, feldom if ever occurs, in natural woods : a degree of evidence, this, that the oak and the ASH are w.^/ryfj, lineally dcfcendca xrom the ancient foreil^, which heretofore occupied thefe hills ; and that the bejch is «'/ -' natrce of this part of the ki;;gdom. The lu^eflone heights of GlouceftcffhiTc, Herefordthire, and South Wales, are hung on every iidc with BEECH, growing, to all appearances, in a ftateof nature. The information which I have gained, Terpe raifcd from stools of timber trees, formerly taken down. This method of raifing woods is called ** fpringing" them ; or, with greater pro- priety, RE-SPRINGING them : a pra yet, but little in ufe. Therefore, among the yeomanry, alone, we muft look for that degree of indepen- dency, which is effentially necelTary to im- provements in Agriculture. No country, of equal extent, can boaft of fo numerous a body of yeomanry, as the Vale under furvey y nor any country, I will venture to athrm, where indullry and fru8:alitv are more confpicuous ; or where a perfonal in- dependency is more ftrongly rooted, among men in middle life. R 2 WORK. 144 WORK M E N. WORKxMFN. THE YEARLY SERVANTS of this Diftria: are noticeable, for the highnefs of their wages, and the lownefs of their hving, and for the length of their working hours. The WAGES, of an able man fervant, are twelve to fifteen pounds, ayear. During the late war, fifteen to eighteen pounds were given ! But the fimplicity of their diet more than compenfates for the extraordinary height of their wages. Miik Itill remains, here, a fbod of farmers' fervants. In fome places, anhnal food, tJiree times a day, is expeded ; here, once a day (except perhaps in haytime and harveft) is confidered as fufficient. In MALT LIQUOR, too, the farm fervants of this country are equally moderate. Neverthclels, if one may judge from their appearance, and from the quantity of labor they difpatch, their mode of living is con- ducive to HEALTH. The Y<)RKSHIRE. 245 The TIME OF CHANGING SERVANTS, which prevails through this country, is Mar- tinmas (Nov. 22.) *. The conveniency of this time of changing fervants, and the in- aonveniency of changing at Michaelmas, have been pointed out on a former occafion -j-. BEASTS OF LABOR, THE LONG AGITATED difpute, about the fuperiority of OXEN or horses, as beafts of draught, may here be coniidered with An- gular propriety. But, I am afraid, even this country will not furnifh fufficient evidence, for a final decifion. Formerly, and from time immemorial, four or fix oxen, in yokes, led by two horfes, alfo double, were the invariable " draught" R 3 or # Except in Cleveland, where Mayday is a more general time »-f changing. f bee ..iiNUTiiS OF Agriculture — Dates 10 and 12 October 1775. 246 BEASTS OF LABOR. or team of the country ; not only upon the road, but in plowing. Even in ftirring a fallow, four oxen and two horfes were gene- rally coniidered as requifite. And, in break- ing up a fallow, two men and a boy were the common attendants, of this unwieldy ex- penfive team. At prefent, there is not, perhaps, through- out the Vale, a iingle ox employed in tillage : two horfes, with whip reins, without a driver, is now the univerfal plow team for all foils, in almoll: every ftate. Upon the road, however — that is to fay, in farm carriages — oxen are llill in ufe ; but feldom more than a Iingle pair to a carriage ; —generally at the pole, with two or three horfes, at length, before them. Befides, a number of entire horfe teams, now, travel upon the roads j things which, formerly, were unknown in the country. On a general view, and in the opinion of men whofe age entitles them to be judges of the fjbjeet, there is not kept, at prefent, one- fourth of the worJiing oxen, which formerly were employed, in the Vale. Shall we hence argue, that becaufe oxen have declined, they are ineligible as beads of (Iraught ? It nilght be unfair to do it. There YORKSHIRE. 247 There are two evident caufes of the decline of oxen, in this country. Formerly, there was not only much more land in tillage, but the plow of thofe days was a heavy ill fhapen implement, requiring at leaft one pair of oxen extraordinary to draw it ; yet, unwieldy as it was, the quan- tity of land, then in tillage, required that it fhould be worked, in all feafons. At pre- fent, the plow in ufe is admirably con- ilrudted ; — light, and well formed for paffing through the foil. With this plow, and with the land in feafon, it is found, that the two horfes alone, without the oxen, are fulficient for the purpofe of tillage. This, in a country where the breeding of horfes had long been an eftabhfhed practice, was a fufficient qaufe of the dijujeofoxen in plowing. Their decline upon the road is, in part, owing to the fame caufe. Four horfes make two plow teams, and, occafionally, a road team. This accounts, in fome meafure, for the increafe of horfe teams, upon the road ; but it is not the only caufe of their increafe. When oxen were in common ufe, the roadi lay in their natural flat ftate ; deep in winter, and foft to the hoof in fummer : now, they are univerfally a rough caufe way of lime- R 4 ftones, 248 BEASTS OF LABOR. irones, in all feafons unfriendly to the feet of oxen. Even Shoeing is found ineftedoal, when they go conllantly upon the road. Under this change of circumftances, it is no wonder that the ule of oxen fhould have declined. On the contrary, it appears to mc a matter of furprile, that fo great a number fhould iliil be employed ; a circiimftancc which, in my mind, evinces their utiiitv as beafls of draught. Even the tiniber carriers (an inc.::r::us and wary fet of men) continue to ufe them ; though their ible emplojnient be upon the road. , They not only find them able to ihmd working, every day, provided their feet do not fail them ; but, what is much in their fevor, they are found to ftand long hours, better than horfes going in the iame pailurc. An ox, in a good pailure, foon fills his belly, and lays himfelf dovm to reft ; whereas a ihort fummer's night fcarcelv afibrds a hone time enough to latisfy his hunger. Another advantage of oxen is, here, held out. In ftiit pulls of every kind, mofl ^i^- ciallj in going up lleep hills, a pair of oxen areconfidered as a iheet anchor. Horfes, it b argued, are fearlui, and icon lofe their teet, in a fteep flippery road ; while oxen, where YORKSHIRE. 249 where they are unable to proceed, will ftand their ground. Indeed, oxen feem to be con- fidered as eiTentially necefTary, in an aukward hilly country. This idea, in a country where half bred hunters are the principal horfes ufed in draught, is no doubt well founded ; but where .thorough bred cart horfes are in ufe, it lofes much of its weio-ht. But what are thorough bred cart horfes ? Why, a fpecies of flrong, heavy, fluggifh animals, adapted folely to the purpofe of draught; and, according to the prefent law of the country, cannot, without an annual expence which no one beftows upon them, be ufed for any other purpofe. This fpecies of beads of draught cofl, at four years old, from twenty to thirty pounds ^ will, with extravagant keep, extraordinary care and attendance, and much good luck, continue to labor eight or ten years j and may, then, generally be fold for live (hillings, a head. If we had no other fpecies of animals, adapted to the purpofe of draught, in the ifland, nor any one which could be natu- ralized to the climate, cart horfes would be truly valuable ; they being much fu perior tQ 150 BEASTS OF LABOR. to the breed of fkddle hories, for the pur- pofe of draught. But it appears to me evident, from the ex- perience I have had, and the obfervations I have made, that were only a fmall tharc of the attention paid to the B R £ E D 1 N G of draught oxen, which now is bellowed on the breed- ' ing of cart horfes ; animals equally power- ful ; more adtive; leiscoflly; equally adapted to the purpofes of husbandry, (it harnelJed with equal judgment) ; lefs expenlive in keep and attendance ; much more durable ; and infinitelv more valuable after they have finiihed their labors — ^might be prodnced *. Oxen, here, are all worked in ^^itv, and always kJ, by one or more horfes. They are ufually broke in, at two or three years old ; and worked, until they be rifing fix i when * I do not mean to irtimats, that any breed of oxen would be equally fi: as horfes, fcr ttiC rnut only : I have had no experience oi either of them, in this kind of employ- ment i which is foreign to the prefeni fubjed : let cirrjcrs and draymen m:ike their own eiedion. All I contend for is, that, were a prop.-r aiteation p:^d to BREED, oxen, ar.d fpaycd heifers, equally a--; fit for the purpofes of ullage, the Ciniage cf nianure, hay, com, and fuel, and fjr every oAcr purpofe of DRAUGHT, in the ordinary buiinefc oi" hus- bandry, as the heavy cirt hordes a: pref:;at uj ufe, might bw obtained. YORKSHIRE. 251 when they are bought up, for the Midland, or South country graziers. Coniidering oxen as rearing cattle, which are worked occalionally during the years of growth, this plan of management is eHgible enough; but viewing them, abllractedly, as beajis of draught, that mode of treatm.ent is very injudicious : they are worked while they are feeble for want of age, aukward for wantof experience, and thick winded through a fullnefs of growth ; and thrown up fo foon as they have learnt to know their duty, and are become able to lland work. A fteer, like a colt, ought to be familiarized to harnefs, at two or three years old j but fhould never be fubjecl^ed to hard labor until he be five years old : from which age, until he be fifteen or perhaps twenty, he m.ay be confidered as in his prime, as a beaft of draught. An ox v/hich I worked feveral years in Surrey, might, at feventeen or eighteen years old, have challenged, for ftrength, agility and fagacity, the bell bred i:art horfe in the kingdom. The SPECIES of ox, worked in this Diflridt, will appear under the head Breed op Cattle, IMPLE^ iji IMPLEMENT S. IMPLEMENTS. THE Implements of the Vale, v/hich re- quire to be noticed, are, 1. Waggons. fledge. 2. Plows. 4. Molding fledges. 3. The common 5. Machine fans. I. WAGGONS. The waggons, and other wheel carriages of the Vale are, in general, confiderably below the middle fize. — A full ^ed Waggon does not meafure more than forty cubical feet : the ox cart — provincially ♦* coop" — about twentyfour feet. Their conjirudiou, though in many refpe(fts iiiigular, is pafied over, as being in no wife Pcc jliarlv excellent -. Bjt they have a defect which * Excrprir.g in two petty imprcvements, Vi-hich I have ha*.^ no: cbfeneJ el/jwhere. The one is a firaplc im- gnnremen: of the Wheel-washer — provincially " Run- ner'' — — 'A-hich frequeatly fticlcing in the end of the nave, we^rs off ihe ends of the !inch-pin ; thereby loung its prin- cipal intention. The improvement is made by placing a taoh; on the oater furfacc c^ the Wafher j ^^'hich, catching YORKSHIRE. 253 "Vwliich requires particular notice ; as it is not peculiar to the Yorkfbire waggon ; but is common, in a greater or lefo degree, to the carriages of other Di{lri(!l:s. The Turnpike-road Adt, made in the thir- teenth year of the prefent reign, orders, " that no pair of fuch wheels (common three inch wheels) paffing on turnpike roads, being above twenty miles from London, fhall be wider ihzn four feet Jix inches, from infide to infide, to be meafured on the ground ;" (that is, four feet nine inches from middle to jniddle of the ruts) " under the pe- nalty of five pounds !" The waggons of the Midland counties (the fize of them extraordinary large) run the width of five feet two or three inches, from middle to middle of the rut. Thofe of Gloucefi:erlliire (of the middle fize) run four feet nine inches wide : thofe of the Vale of Pickering only four feet three inches. AH the end of the linch-pin, prevents its turning round with the wheel j by which means the entire fri£tion is, as it ouc^ht to be, between the Wafher ?.nd the end of the box of the nave. Accidents frequently happen, for want of this precaution. The other improvement is a Falling DOOR, in the bottom of the fore part of the waggon ; for the more eafy delivery of lime, coals, and other bodyload^. 254 1 M P L E M E N T S. All theie '.vidths are much too fmallioz the rcfpeclive fizes of the carriages : atid how the franicrs of the Bill, above mentioned, could impofe a rellriiftion, evidently tending to deflroy the reads, they \v€re endeavouring to preierve, is a matter of fomc furprize. In the article Roads, page 172, the effe between the wheels, would YORKSHIRE. 159 Would admit of a proportional increafe in the width of the body of the carriage ; and this of a proportional redudlion of the height of the load. Advantages, thefe, befides the additional flren:^th which the carriage would by this means receive, which appear to me too obvious to require farther argument. II. PLOW. The plow, at prefent in univerfal eftimaticji in the Vale, is of the light, fhort, winding-moldboard fort, which, in different parts of the kingdom, goes under the nam.e of the Dutch plo'-ji\ or the Torkjkire plow. On the conftrudtion of a fhip, volumes have been written, without any univerfally receiv- ed principles being vet eftablillied. The Ber- mudians, who build by the eye alone, without either drawing or gauge to affiil: them, excel all other nations, in the conftrucflion of fmall veffels (the almofh ovAy produce of their iflands) ; which are remarkable as fail failers, and notorious for lying nearer the wind, than other veifels. Different as the fhip and the plow may be, in magnitude and general appearance, there is fome fimilarity, in the principles of their con- flruftion ; and the difficulty of fixing thofe principles, and of reducing them to a regular Vol. I. S theory. J58 IMPLEMENTS. theory, is nearly the fame in both. The art of conftru(5tion, in either cafe, is principally attamed bypra- productive, being exchanged for common- field lands ; which, at prcjenty being naturally well foiled, fttuated near a town, now inclof- ed, and laid down to grafs, are oi free times the value of the old grafsland ; fome of which flill lies, in an intermixed unimproved flate. This is the moll linking proof, I have met with, of much being to be done, in fome cafes, bya CHANGE OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT. This extraordinir}* improvement has not been effe(rt:ed, by the mere circumllance of Inclofure ; but principally by that of chang- ing OLD ARABLE LANDS TO GRASS, AND OLD PASTURE LANDS TO x^RABLE. A change which feldom fails, if properly made, of being highly beneficial to the OCCUPIER; and is frequently, as in this cafe, permanently beneficial to an ESTATE. The ancient fyflem of management being now nearly extincl, — and no circumitance of it, except the extreme induftr)' and frugality with which it was conduced, being worth prefervation, — I fliall proceed to coniidcr the Vale as an inclosed country, and defcribe its PRESENT GENERAL MANAGEMENT: together with the various^MPROVEMENTs, Wllicll \ YORKSHIRE. ijs which have been made in it, during the laft twenty or thirty years. II. The primary OBJECT of the Vale Hufbandry is Butter j put down into firkins -, the beft of it for the London market ; the inferior forts for the manufadturing towns of Weft Yorkfhire. Cows, barren, or in calf; Oxen, and fome feiw younger. cattle; ahd Horses, principally for the faddle,— have long been ftaple produ(ftions of the Vale ; and are annually fent out of it. In confiderable numbers, principally to the fouthern markets. Some Bullocks, and great quantities of Sheep, are fatted. In the Vale and More- lands, for the ports of Whitby and Scarbo- rough. Of late years. Bacon has been fent, in confiderable quan^ tity, into the Weft of Yorkfhire, and fome to the London market. Rabbits are not a ftaple article, in the Vale, or on its margins, though fome good Warrens occur. With refpedl to vegetable produce. Rape hiay be confidered as that which brings moft T 2 money 276 MANAGEMENT OF FARMS. money into the country. Since the inclofure of common paftures great quantities of Oats have been fent out of the Vale . Alfo fome fmaller oarcels of Barley and Pulse have of late years been fent down the Der- went. But, notwith {landing the goodnefs of the foil, and its fitnefs for Wheat, very little of this grain has been carried out of the neighbourhood of its growth ; having been wholly ufed in the home confumption. Of late years, however, there has been an overflow ; and Whitby has drawn part of its fupply, from hence. Befides thefe articles of market pro- duce, a variety of fuboj-dinate crops are raifed; as Grass, or natitral herbage; Clovejr, and other cultivated her- bage ; Turn EPS, for cattle and flieep ; Potatqes, for cattle and fwine : alfo Flax (manufadured in the Vale) ; ' Tobacco. III. The YORKSHIRE. 2.77 III. The COURSE OF PRACTICE. No regular fucceflion, of arable crops and fallow, can be traced, in this Diftridt. Every man follows the dictates of his own judg- ment, and fubjeds his arable land to fuch ufes, as are beft fuited to the general eco- nomy of his farm, in the given year. This mode of management is not peculiar to the Vale under obfervation, but is com- mon to other Di{l:rid:s, in which grass* LAND predominates; under which circum-^ fiance, aration is conlidered as a fecondary, and in mofl cafes a fubordinate branch of management. When the fward becomes unproductive, it js delivered over to the plow, and the foil kept in an arable flate, until another piece of fward begins to fail ; when the former is laid down again to grafs, and the latter broke up for arable. In the Midland counties, where this alter- nacy of grafs and corn has, in fome inftances, been in practice time immemorial, a regular courfe of hufbandry has taken place. But, here, where this fyftem of management is irr its infancy, and where the diverlity pf foils is almoil: endlefs, no regular round of ma- T 3 nagement a?8 MANAGEMENT OF FARMS. nagement can, with propriety, be at prefent purfaed. Land which has been kept in tillage, century after century, is prone to grafs, and will retain its fward, much longer, than land which has been, only a few years, under the plow. And a rich soil, coolly situ- ated, will retain its /ward, much longer, than thin-foiled upland. There are numberlefs i^ftances, in which the richer cooler parts of the early inclofed common-field lands have now lain, more than half a century y in grass: neverthelefs, the fivardj though perhaps mown year after year, and treated with no extraordinary care, Jiill remains unimpaired : the herbage well forted, and the produce ample. Therefore, to fubjecft the lands of this Diftrift, circumflanced as they are, at prejent, to any methodical arrangement, or regular round of crops, would be an evident impropriety. The only particular of the management of the Vale, in this refpecft, which appears to me cenfurable, is that of fuffering thi?i-Joiied thirfiy upland to lie in a iiate oi Jwardy per- haj^s as ** meadow" (mowing ground,) when it YORKSHIRE. «79 it would, I apprehend, pay much better, in a courfe of arable management. Tur- neps, barley, wheat, and the cultivated grafies, equally affed it. 8. SOILS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT. THIS COMPLEX fubjed requires, in the prefent inflance, the following arrange- ment. 1. Species of foil. 2. Subfoils and underdraining, 3. Rough grounds and clearing. 4. Tillage. I. SPECIES OF SOIL. The great diver- fitv of foils, which the Vale and its environs afford, has been mentioned. Viewed in this light, it is a fpecimen of country which admits not, perhaps, of comparifon. Within the * narrow limits ofa few miles, barren HE/tTH ^nd LOW fen lands are included; with T 4 almoft aSo SOILS AND MANAGEMENT, almoft every intermediate foil : unprodu(flive GRITSTONE LAND; thin flapled LlMEn STONE LOAM ; deeper and more produ(!?tive *' J&EDSTONE LAND * ;" ricll deep PEBBLY LOAM -f- ; flrong blue clay. And what renders this circumftance flill more remark- able, there are inllances in which the feveral fpecies of foils, here enumerated, are include^ within the fame farm. A farm, * Red-stone land. — This fingular fpecies of foil is compofed of loamSj of different qualities, intermixed with a greater or lefs quantity of foft fdndy ftones, about the ordi- nary fize of flints, and of a dark yellow or orange colour ; a fpecies of grit, or frecftone. The cultivated foil is, in fome jnftances, nearly half of it made up of thefe ftones j which, fome men are of opinion, afford, in themfelves, a degree of nutriment to corn crops. An inftance is mentioned (of this as of other ftoney foils), in which a great quantity of thefe ftones having been gathered off^ as an incumbrance to the foil, its produ£tivenefs was much lowered; but the flo.ies being returned, the foil alfo returned to its former ftate of fertility. Be this as it may, the foil under notice is, teyond difpute, one of the finefl; corn foils in the ifland. + Pebbly loam. This foil is noticed, as being the moft u/eful foil, taken all in all, I have aivy where yet ob- ftr\ ed. It is equally produvStiye of corfi or grafs ; may be worked as arable land^ in any fcafon ; and is found enough, Ingrafs^ to bear ftock in winter. I particularize thefe foils, aS they may, hereafter, with a variety of others, form a feparate fubjctft of inveftigation, YORKSHIRE. 281 A farm, thus varioully foiled, is a fpur to ingenuity ; obliging its occupier to break through thofe confined opinions, and narrow prejudices, which are too frequently con- tradied, in countries where a uniformity OF SOIL, and a regular routine of ma- nagement, prevail. This may account, in fome meafure, for the spirit of improvement, fo confpi- cuous among: the husbandmen cf the coun-» try under furvey. II. SUBSOILS. The feet and SIDES op HILLS generally abound in landsfrings, and COLD wet subsoils, caufed by the waters, abforbed by the upper parts of the fwells, lodjrin^ and ftrivin^ for vent, iji the lower regions. From the cloud of hills which rife to the north of this Vale, it might be expedied that fL vein of cold land would be found en its margin ; but obfervation proves the contrary. The waters of tlie Morelands find vent, in tlie daks and dingles ^^'itil which tliey are interfedled, and are entirely cut off from the Vale, by a deep valley, which lies between the moreland fwells, and the range of iime- iione heights tliat form the inmiediate Jjanks of the Vale ; while tJie heights, them- felves. 282 SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. felves, being in all human probability formed entirely of fifTured rock, receive into their bofoms the waters which their foils abforb, and which fmk below their bafes, or rife in rocky fountains at their feet. Near Pickering, the river Costa takes its rife ; not guihing forth, as from the mouth of a cavern, but rifing, at nuniberlefs aper- tures, through a filter of fand, which has pro- bably been brought out of the fiffures of the rock : the entire river, or rather river-like I brook, rifing within the compafs of a few acres. It is a fact worthy of attention, though perhaps eafily to be accounted for, that a tradt of country, containing about twenty fquare miles, lying above this cfRu-^, has fcarcely another spring belonging to it, nor fcarcely a perch of springy soil upon its furface. The limeflone and redflone lands lie all on ROCK, above the level of this fpring. The pebbly loam, which lies below it, is equally fortunate in a feam of gravel, which, tho' it lie fome feet beneath the furface, renders it fufficientlv dry to be worked, at all feafons, and to carry ftock, in winter, with impunity. Under YORKSHIRE. aSj Under thefe circumftances UNDER - DRAINING is rendered ufelefs ; and no inftance of it occurs in this neighbourhood, except in the improved peatbog, which was mentioned under the article Planting ; and which Hes in the immediate vicinity of ' the fource of the Cofta ; by v/hofe waters, before the channel of the river was made, that bed of moor had been formed. The wetter parts of the area received confiderablc improvement from underdraining. But altho' the fubftruclure of the margii^ is fuch as to preclude the ufe of underdrain- ing, that of \hQ /wells t which rife in the bot- tom OF THE Vale, renders this operation frequently necelTary ; and, in fome few in- stances, it has been pracflifed with great fuccefs. In the inftance which I moH; particularly attended to, thirty acres of cold unproduiftive land, lying on the Ikirt of one of thofe hil- locks, was, by underdraining, improved to more than twrice its former value. From a l1:ate of rufhy ill grafied fward, it was raifed, firft to a piece of prodin.'T;ive corn land, and is, now, a found well heri)aged grazing- ground. The ^^ATERIALS, in this c:.fe, v.ood. No flgnes, in the neighbourhood. In lg4 SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. In the MORELAND DALES, iinderdralning would, in many cafes, be a valuable improve- ment ; and, there, Jioni^s are abundant. The ofal freajlonesy which lie an incum- brance to the quarries of the margin, would pay well for carriage, into the bottom of the Val#. III. THE RECLAIMING OF ROUGH GROUNDS. The inclofures of commons and WASTE lands, which have of late years taken place, have direfted the attention of hufbandmcn, toward the clearing and break- ing up fuch lands, for the purpofes of agri- culture. I. SoDBURNiNG. The prawthod, and that which feems to be in the befi: efleem, is to fpread the afhes, as foon as they are cool, or perhaps while yet warm, and to plow the land, immediately, for the crop, with 2i palloza furr:>iDy to prevent the aflies from being buried too deep in the foil. Sometimes the foil is only rice balked, or talf plowed, — not plowed clean. Perhaps the moH eitectual method of mixing the afhes with th^ foil, the great thing to be defired, v/ould be, firil, to rice- balk, ^crofs the ridges ; and, then, to gather them up, with a clean plowing. This fammer has afforded me an oppor^ tunity of obfcrv'ing a fingular innovation, in the art of fodburning. Inllead oi the fods being dried and burnt, and the allies fpread on the pared furface, and plowed in, under furrow, the land, in this in- flance, was plowed, ftnmediately, as the paring was finiflied. the fods dried and burnt, aad the altes fpread upon i\i? plowed furf ace, to YORKSHIRE. 2^9 to be harrowed in with the feed, as a top- In executing this method, the ridges of the lands were cleared, five or fix feet wide, by throwing back the fods upon the fides of the lands ; and, as the ground was plowed, the fods were returned to nearly their former fituation ; being thrown on, rough, over the plowed ground. One plow took about three women, at tenpence a day, to follow it. The extra expence half a crown to three lliillings,*- an acre. The advantages propofed, by this novel practice, are thefe : firil, that of fecuring a burning feafon, with a degree of certainty, and witliout the expence of '* fetting" the fods ; which being kept hollow, underneath^ by the inequalities of the plowed furface, a free circulation of air is admitted, and the evil efie(5t of regrowing to the ground, en- tirely prevented ; ' and fecondly, thofe of mixing the allies more intimately and more evenly Vv'ith the foil, and of preventing their being buried too deep, by the firil plowing ; which, in this inflance, w^as necefiarily given very deep, the foil being of a moory nature, and in a Hate too tender and moift to be plowed with a Ihallow furrow ; which would Vol, I. U not 190 SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. not have laid the furface iiifficiently dry, for turneps, — the intended crop. Therefore, in this cafe, the management was obvioufly judicious : and whether the advantages of FORWARDING the drying, and of being able to ufe the afhes as a top- dressing, may not render the pradice gene- rally eligible, can be afcertained by expe- rience, only. 4. 'The time of fodburning depends upon thtfeafon and the intended crop. It is always unadvifeable to pare in a wet feafon. The covering moift and feeble, and the fods fopt with wet, fall heavy and flat to the t^round. The grafs foon rots ; and if the feafon continue moift, the roots will, in a little time, regain a footing in the foil. On the contrary, fods pared in dry weather fall light Oil the fpade, and are kept hollow, ■ underneath, by the grafs or other covering, which, in a dry feafon, are rigid ; bearing up the fods from the ground -, thereby admitting a circulation of air beneath them. By this means, the extra expence and trouble o^fcttmg is avoided, and the procefs of cineration ren- dered much lefs dithcult, and irkfomc. The CROP, therefore, ought to be, in fume meafure, fubfervient to the season. 5. ne YORKSHIRE. 291 ^. T!he crops moft in ufe, for fodburnt lands^ are wheat, rape, turneps, big, oats. It is feldom, however, that a paring feafon can be got, early enough in the fpring, for either of the latter crops ; the lafl more ef- pecially. Big, however, is frequently fown on burnt land, the latter end of May, or the beginning of June, with fuccefs. Rape and TURNEPS are the moft general crops, and upon the whole, perhaps, are the moft eli- gible : the month of June is a leifure time,- and generally a good burning feafon. How- ever, WHEAT, provided the land were fal- lowed, and the foil and afhes mixed together, by repeated plowings and harrowings, be- tween the burning feafon and feedtime, does not appear to be an ineligible crop. There have been inftances, I am told, in which the afhes (having been fpread in the middle of fummer) were fuffered to be grown over with grafs ; which being turned under in autumn, wheat has been fown on one plowing, with good fuccefs *. GeneralObservations.Sodburning appears to be one of the fources of improve- U 2 ment, * 1796. This is, in theory, a moft eligible practice ; and is entitled to full attention, on breaking up old rough grafs lands. 29« SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. mcnt, vrhich, being yet imperfedly under- (lood, require every effort of the farmer and the philofopher, to bring them nearer to perfe^Z'z////w to the infant plants. Out of this flatement of effects refult thefc general conclufions. Rich, deep soils, tliough covered with old fward, may be fbwn with corn, on one PLOV/ING. It is reafonable, however, that this plow- ing (hould be given, fome time before the ic.^^ be fown ; for the double purpofe of ex- poling YORKSHIRE. 301 pofing the inverted plow flices to the me- lioratino^ influence of the fun and air, from which they may have long been eftranged ; and of FORWARDING THE DIGESTION OF THE SWARD. It is likewife obfervable, that, in this cafe, a DOUBLE PLOWING (burying the fod at the bottom of the furrow) is obvioufly preferable to a fingle one. But SHALLOW, LESS FERTILE SOILS will not bear this treatment : they require either to be soDBURNT, or FALLOV.'ED, to rcducc the fward and meliorate the foil. But fallowing is expenfive, lofes, imnecef^ farilyy one year's crop, and does not change the texture of cohesive soilj to which, whether deep or ihallow, fodburning appears to be lingularly well adapted. The length of thefe reflexions will, I tniil:, find an excufe, in the magnitude of the fub- jeft which gives rife to them. The ROYAL FORESTS, and numbcrlefs PAROCHUL WASTES, afford at prcfent little benefit to the community; but are capable of affording great national advantage. To endeavour to forward their improvement, by pointing out the eaiieil method of accomplifhing it, is, therefore, the duty of every man, whofe experience joa SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. experience has led him to refledions on the fubjea. Improvements, thus condmfled, would be progrefiive and pkalurable -, requiring- no cxtraordlnar)' ihare, either of attention or capital. IV. TILLAGE. In a country in which Grass land is the primary object, ex- cellency in the minutia? of the arable PROCESSES mult not be expected : never- thelefs, where the invention is let Ijofe, and a fpirit of improvement prevails, we may hope to find fome special matter worthy of notice. The only particulars, which appear to me noticeable, in this place; are, 1 . Plowing with reins, 2. Laying lands acrofs flopes. I. Plowing with Reins. In this re- fpe6t, the hiifhandmen of the Vale excel. Various as are their foils, they plow them, invariably, with two horses, driven and guided with reins ; which at once anfwer the purpofe oi guiding and lirii'itig : thus far exceeding the kfs handy line, aiid the hand \vh;p of Norfolk * ! Proper ♦ Sec Norfolk-, Seclion iMrLEMENTs. YORKSHIRE. ^-3 Proper feafom for the operation are en- deavored to be caught \ but, even with this advantage, it is matter of aftoniihment, how fome of their ftrong deep foils are turned, by a pair of light llender horfes ; which, in a balance, would barely outweigh one of the four (or perhaps lix) which are ufed upon the hills of Surrey and Kent, in plowing foils of lefs tenacitv^ ! In Norfolk, the foil i? light, and the great merit of the Norfolk huibandmen lies in their expedition. Here, where the cufiom is to go only one journey y the quantity plowed, in a day, is much lefs than in Norfolk ; but generally more, even in the ftronger foils, than is done by two men and four expeniive horfes, in many other places. It has been a generally received idea, even among men who think liberally, and are in- clined to think well of the pra^flice of plow- ing with a pair of horfes, that it is only appli- cable to light THIN SOILS. Buttheeftab- liihed hulbandry of this country proves that idea to be erroneous. It ftrikes me, however, advocate as I am for the pradice, that, in fome cafes, efpecially where the foil is dee? and tenler, three horfes, at len^ih, would be preferable. But 3C4 SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. Bjt the plea held out againft thi"; manage- ment is, " We cannot afford it" ! The truth 15, land here has got up to the two-kohse- PLOw PRICE ; and tenants feem to be aware, that they cannot pay their rents, if they fend more than two horfes and one man to plow. \^'hat a flrong recommendation is this of the pradiice. 2. Laying lands across the slopes CF HILLS. The general practice, unlefs where the tumwreft plow is in ufe. Is to plow the fides of hills, up-and-do^Lvn, laying the lands parallel with die line of defcent, not obliquely acrofs it *. Where the subsoil is alforberfy this is perhaps the mofl eligible method ; the rain- water which falls on the land being, by this means, efie<^ually prevented from making its efcape, off the fide of the hili. For, unlefs rA/^rv be raifed very high, the water, in this cafe, has no propenfity toward the furrows, on either fide ; its tendency, when the lands lie fiat, being down lines lying parallel be- tween them : confequently, the rain w^tef, which falls upon them., m.ay run from the top to the bottom of the hill, without finding its ♦ But \ct the West of Ekgland; — Se£^ion V/heat. YORKSHIRE, 305 its way into the mterfurrows ; which, in this cafe, are rendered entirely ufelefs; as sur- face DRAINS. This circumftance renders the commori method of plowing the fides of hills alto- gether ineligible, where the subsoil is cold and retentive 'y and where the surface WATER is of courfe required to be got rid of, the quickeji -ssA poortefi way. To this end, the lands are thrown across THE SLOPE, nearly parallel with the horizon, merely giving fufficient defcent, for water to find its way along the interfurrows. TJie EFFECT of laying the lands in this dire(5tion is evident : the rain water, which falls upon them, has never farther to run, than the width of the bed it falls on ; (even fuppofing it to fall on the upper edge) for fo foon as it is caught by an interfuri-ow> the vegetable pafture is relieved from it. Hence, the narrower the lands, provided the interfurrows be fufficiently deep, the more immediate the efFedl. The only inconvenien c y, of laying lands acrofs the llope > is that of having the plitSy on the lower fides of the lands, to turn againjl the hill ; an operation which requires a good workman to do it properly. Vol. I. X BiJt o 06 SOILS AND MANAGEMENT. But there is an advantage, in this me- thod, which more than overbalances that in- con veniency. The PULL is always upon, or nearly upon, level ground; whereas, in the common direcflion of the lands, the uphill pull is intolerable to the bealts of draught, efpecially to horfes ; which, through fear or impatience, draw by jerks, eager to reach the top of the hill ; thereby fatiguing themfelves and the plowman, unnecelTarily, and rendering the work defedlive. The good effe(ft of laying lands acrofs flopes, is not only plauiible, in theor)^, but is verified, by pradtice. I have feenan inftance, in which land, which had heretofore been cold and poachy, improved, merely by chang- ing the direction of the ridges, to drv, SOUND, PRODUCT I VE'foil, worth nearly twice the rent, it was, before this fimple alteration took place. MANURE^ YORKSHIRE. 307 MANURES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT: THE SPECIES OF MANURE that are ufed in the Diftri(ft are^ 1. Afhes. 3. Lime. 2. Marl. 4. Dung. I. ASHES are ufed, chiefly, in the more- lands, where great quantities of turf and peat are burnt upon the hearth, for the double purpofe of FUEL and manure ; the afhes being confidered, as equivalent to the expence of colledling the materials. II. MARL. This is not found, in quan- tity, as afojjtly either in the Vale or the More- lands. The only marl, which has been ufed as a manure, is a produce of petrifaSfion, This marl, and the fountain from whence it flows, are noticeable. X 2 The 3o8 MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. The waters of " Newton-dale-well" have long been celebrated, for their virtues in cold-bathing ; and, for ftrengthening the limbs of children, they are, I believe, cele- brated juftly. An anniverfiry, relative to thefe waters, has been obfcrved, time imme- morial j and is ftill obferved, by the neigh- bouring youth, who meet at this fpring, upon fome certain Sunday in the fummer months, to bathe ; and — a poetic mind would add, — to celebrate the virtues of the water. The iilli^tion of this fpring is lingularly wild and romantic : the country, on every lide, mountainous and barren, excepting the narrow dale, or cultivated chafm, near the head of which the fpring is fituated. At the time thefe mountains and this chafin we're formed, the water, it is probable, gudisd out of the face of a perpendicular rock, which now rifes about eighty feet above the fpring j but, through the mouldering of the rock, and the accumulative effect of the waters, the bafe of the precipice, out of which they iffue, now reaches, with a fliarp afcent, to near the mouth of the fpring. The upper part of the flope, at leaft, has evidently been raifed, by vegetation and PETRIFACTION. Had not the hand of art been YORKSHIRE. 309 been alTiiling in removing, from time to time, the accumulated matter, in the form of " m^rl" and " iimeftone," and in leading the water by a channel from the rock, the fpring might, long lince, by overgrowing its mouth, have been the caufe of its own extinction. Thefe waters, at their fource, are remark- ably cold, and ftrongly chalyeeate to the talte, tinging their bed of a deep ruft co- lor ; but, as they fall down the bafe of the hill, they lofe, by degrees, their chalybeate qualities i lofing them, entirely, before they reach the foot of the Hope. What is equally obfervable, their Petri- F ACTIVE qtiality is, at the fource, barely per- - ceptible, and does not acquire its full eite(ft, until they have run fome twenty or thirty yards down the Hope ; about which point, they lofe, almoll entirely, their chalybeate t^^le ; :hough they Hill continue to ti/2ge the channel ; the color growing fainter, as the length of channel increafes *. Where tiie rill meets witli no vegetable matter, to petriiy (or rather to mcruji)y it X 3 forms * This fpring, which is at Icall an obje»5l of curioiky, and whofe waters may contain medical virtues which re- quire to be pointed oat, is fituatcd about two miles from S^ihergait-inn^ on the road between PicKERixG and Whitby. 3IO MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. forms an incrustation, at the bottom of its channel ; which, in time, being filled to the brim, the waters overflow, fpread over the flope, and incruft every thing which falls in their way i until having found fome hol- low channel (or perhaps in a ftate of nature having reached the face of the rock), they form a frefh rill ; which bein? annihilated, in the fame manner, the waters proceed, and return, along the face of the Hope ; thus forming, in an undiilurbed ftate, a natural femircon?. Where the fjrface has been free from mofs, or other vegetable production, the accumu- lated matter is wholly calcareous i of a light colour, re;cmbling the marl op Norfolk ; except in its being difcoloured, more or lefs, with a chalybeat tinge. Where mofs, liverwort, and other vegetables have been incrurted, a stoke-likz substance is formed : the former is called " m.arl,"— the latter " ftone." At prefent, the face of the flope is hol- lowed out, into great irregularity, by digging for, and carrjnng away the marl -^ leaving maffes of Jioney fome of them containing many cubical feet, ftandin^ above the pre-? fcnt furiace. Thefc YORKSHIRE. 311 Thefe ftones, though light, being full of hollowneiTes within — mere bundles of mofs and algse — have, by being long expofed on the furface, acquired a very great degree of hardnefs ; their fmalleft afperities being with difficulty broken off. By immerging the fragments in the marine acid, weakly diluted, the calcareous incruft- ation is leifurely diffolved ; leaving the vege- table matter, entire, and, to appearance, as perfect as when it was firfl incruHed -, tho' it may have lain, locked up In that ilate, a thoufand, or many thoufand years. Thefe ijegetable Jiones, likewife, have been carried away, and burnt as limestone. The quantity of lime^ however, produced from them could not be great; but mixed with the ajhes of the vegetables, a valuable manure may neverthelefs be formed. In a iituation fo reclufe, it is no wonder this valuable fource o{ manure fhould have /been, in fome degree, neglected. The bot- tom of the dale which winds below it, does not appear to have been much benefited, either by the waters, themfelves, or the mat- ter which they have formed. The principal part, of that which has been taken away, has been carried, up a winding road, over the top X 4 of 312 MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. of the mountain, to a neighbouring dale (Goadland) fome three or four miles diftant. Over and above the dilTiculty and expence of carriage, a fhilling a load has been paid, to the ielTee of the royalty, for thefe calcareous fubftances ; not for the purpofe of experi- ment, but in purfuance of eftabliflied prac- tice ; a fufficient evidence, this, of their vir- tue as a MANURE. III. LIME. This is, at prefcnt, a fa- vorite Manure, in the Vale. It is ufed in- variably, I believe, on every fpecies of foil, and in mojl cafes with great fuccefs. It feems to be, at prcfent, a received idea, that the bulinefs of aration could not be carried on, or at leaft that the prefent rents of land could not be paid, without ihe afliftance of lime. It is not my intention to attempt to prove, or difprove, the truth of this opinion. Suffice it for me to fay, in this place, that I am not acquainted with any country, in which lime is held in fuch high repute, nor where the man ufacflu ring of it is fo common a pracftice among farmers, as it is in this. Almofi: every principal farnur, upon the margin, burns his own lime. There are, befides, i^reat number of " fale kilns'' for linailer farmers, and for the centre of YORKSHIRE. ^ 313 of the Vale, where no materials for burning are to be had. There is an infiarxe^of one man occupying eight or ten kilns 5 burning two or three thoufand chaldrons, yearly. The LIME HUSBANDRY of thi^ Diftri£t, therefore, merits particular notice. The fubjedl requires the following divificn : 1 . The materials burnt. 2. The method of burning. 3. The coft, and the felling price, v 4. The foils, and the crops to which it is applied. 5. The method of applying. I. Materials. On the Northern MARGIN of the Vale, lime is burnt folely from Jiojiesy of different colours and con- textures. The fpecies mod prevalent are— a ftrong grey LIMESTONE GRANITE ; and a fpecies of blue and white marble, the blocks, whether large or fmall, being blue at the core, and lighter-coloured toward the outer furface. One hundred grains of the former, taken from a lower ftratum of Pickering- Castle-bank, yield fortythree grains of air, and ninetyfour grains of calcareous earth, leaving a reiiduum of fix grains ; chiefly a brown flit, with a few gy pfum-like fragments. One 314 MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. One hundred grains of the latter, taken from the lower ftratum of a quarry, near KiRBYMooRsiDE, afFord thirtvnine grains of air, eightynx and a half grains of diflb- luble matte" ; and thirteen and a half grains of refiduum, fine impalpable nit. The lime, produced from the former, is of a dulT^y colour, and fills in rough coarfe GRAINS * ; that, of the latter, burfls into a white volatile flour-like powder. The ftones of different quarries are dif- ferent in quality, but none of them differ widely from the fpecimens above defcribed. On the SOUTHERN heights, the pre- vailing material is a lingular fpecies of soft c A L c A R E o us G R A N I T E . Its colour a dirty white : its contexture refembling the grains of white muftard-feed, or the roe of fifh, run together with a cement of chalk or marl -f-. The hardnefs of this Jlone (if it merit the name) increafes with the depth of the quarr)'. The lower bloc!:s are ufed in building; but the upper ftratum, for three or four feet below the foil, is generally a stone marl of * Each grain being compofcd of a ferics of eggfltiped Ihslls, inclcfed wi'Jiin each other. t Rsf-iribii;:^, in contexture, the lime of th: Pickerln? ilone. YORKSHIRE. 315 of no mean quality, but varies in different quarries. I have not learnt, hov/ever, that in any inftance it has been applied as a ma- nure. On the contrary, it appears to be , univerfally caft, as an incumbrance, to the bottom of the quarry *. One hundred grains of the Malton Stone, taken from the middle of the quarry oppolite the Lodge at New Malton, yield fortyfour grains of air, and ninetyfeven grains of calcareous earth, leaving three grains of feiiduum, chiefly a brown iilt. But the ftones of different quarries vary in quality. One hundred grains, taken from a newly opened quarry, by the fide of the road * On this fide of the Vale, too, the limeftone rubble which lies between the foil and the rock, is much of it of the nature of marl, and might in many cafes be applied, as fuch, with advantage. Its efFe^, where it has been thrown "back from the edges of the quarries on Scallow- moor (a light loam inclining to a black, mocry foil) above Pickering, is ftriking. The earth of this rubble is fcrongly calcareous, and its ftones are frequently covered with a white efflorefcence, which is purely calcareou&v Great quantities of it might be collected ; and where a fit foil can jse found (by trying experiments with it on a fmail fcale) in the neighbourh:;od of a quarry, it would, in all proba- bility, pay amply for fetting on. For the bottoming of farm.yards and dunghilh, the entire " coping," the foil in- clufive^ would be found exceUe;;t, 3i6 MANURES AND xMANAGE^IENT. road leading from Malton to Callle Howard, yield only ninetyfour grains of dili'olublc matter. I mention this circumftancc, as the plot of ground, in which this quarry is dug, was bought, it feems, at an extravagant price, for the purpofe of burning lime; but the lime, it isjaidy proving of an inferior quality, a prin- cipal part of the money will be funk. This {hews the great ufe of analyfis, in afcertain- ing, without hazard, a knowledge of the qualities of limeftones*. One hundred grains of Wold chalk, ' taken from a lime quarry near Driffield, yield fortyfour grains of air ; three and a half grains of a foft mucilaginous refiduum; and iiinetyfix and a half grjiins of calcareous matter •\. 2. Burning, * In this cafe, however, if the fpeclmen, I happened to take, was a fair one, the bad quality of the lime cannot be altogether owing to the ftone ; v/hich, by this analyfis, is far from being a bad one, though iiiferior to that of the pre- ceding experiment. f In tliefe experiments the quantity of calcareous MATTER is inferred from the quantity of residuum, no more of it being precipitated, than a fufRciency to fhcw its (olour ; which, in every Cafe, was of pivwy "ivhitenefi ; a principal evidence of its being a pure calcareous earth, The quantity of air and the quanJty of residuum were, in each rxpe: imcnt, cloielj attended, to. YORKSHIRE. 317 2. Burning. In giving the detail of this operation, the following fubdivifions will be reqiiifite : 1 . Building the kiln. 2. Railing and breaking the flones. 3. Coals and their proportion. 4. Filling the kiln. 5. Drawing the kiln. I . l^he kiln. The materials are either lime- flone, entirely, or limeftone, lined with bricks on the infide. Neither timber, nor mortar, is here ufed, in building a lime kiln; the former prefently decays, and the latter, by alternately fwelling and flirinking, burfls the walls; befides rendering them, in the firil inflance, too tight to admit a proper quantity of air : no otlier air holes, than the " eyes" at which they are kindled, being made in the kilns of this diftrict '^ . T\\&form of the cavity is an irregular cone inverted. At the botton?, are generally twu eyes, oppolite to each other ; the cavity be- ing here contraded to a thin point, or Jiarrov.*- trough; the width that of the eyes. As the walls are carried up, the cavity takes, by de- grees, * 1796. In fome DIftriils, where tight walls are in ufe, fmall air holes are left to give the rcquifitc fupply. Sec Mid. Econ. Min. 2. 3i8 MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. grecs, a circular, or fometimes an oiWline; at the fame time receiving, as it rifes, a cO' nical form j until, having reached fomewhat more than Iialf its intended height, the form is changed to cylindrical -, or is fometimes confra^edxo\H2iTAs the top. The proportion, between the depths and the diameters of thefe kilns, is that of the depth j being, gene- rally, about one and a half diameter of the top. The /ize varies from fix to fortv chaldrons. 2. Tbejlones. Tlie art of raifing ftones Cin only be learned by experience, in the given quarr)^ in which they are to be raifed. They are fometimes raifed by the day ; fome- times by the load ; but, moil generally, the cndre hbcr of burning is taken, together, at fo much a chaldron of lirr.e. The breaking, of hard ftrong floncs, is a la- borious part of the operation of limcburning. On the north £de of the Vale, it is done, by men, with large iledgc hammers ; but, on the Malton iide, where the flone is foft, women are freq'jently employed in breaking. The medium //2;t' is that of the two hand?; but men, burning by the chaldron, will not, unlefs well attended to, break them fo fmall : flones, r.early as big as the head, are fom.e- times. YORKSHIRE. 319 times, but very improperly, thrown Into the kiln; for unlefs the proportion of coals be unnecelTarily large, the farface, only, is burnt to lime, the core remaining a lump of un- burnt Hone. 3. Coals. The Morelands, for the lafl fifty years, have furniflied the north fide of the Vale with coals, for burning lime, and for an inferior fpecies of fuel. The feam of this coal is thin, and the quality, in general, very ordinary. Before the difcover)^ of thefe coals, lime was burnt with furze, and other brufhwood; but notwithftanding the Morelands are, now, nearly exhaufted of coals (unlefs feme freili difcovery fliould be made), the Diftrid: is relieved from the apprehenfion of returning, again, to its ancient m.ode of burning lime. The Derwent, befide an ample fupply of coals for fuel, brings an inferior kind (both of them raifed in Weft Yorklhire) for the purpofe of limeburning. The eaftern end of the Vale is eauallv fortunate, in this re- fpe6t, by having the port of Scarborough in its neighbourhood. And fee Inl.Nav. p. 15. The proportion o£ coals and ftones varies with the quality of the coals, and likewife, but in a lefs degree, with the quality of the llonc : 320 MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. ftone: the method of burning, too, varies the proportion. Three chaldron: of lime front one of coals (the meafures equal) may be con- fidered as the mean produce. From two and a half to three and a half for one, includes the whole extent of produce of well burnt lime. 4. Filling. Some kindling being ufed at the eyes, and an extraordinary proportion of coals at the bottom of the kiln, it is filled up with flones and coals, in thin alternate layers ; thofe of ftones being five or fix inches thick ; with coals in proportion; the coals, if not fjfficiently fmall, being previoully reduced to a gravel-like ftate ; in order to run down, more freely, between the interfiices of the ftones, and thereby to mix, more evenly, with them. The ^materials are cafl into the kiln, with larcre fcuttles, or (hallow balkets j which are filled with rtones, by means of an iron-tooth- ed rake, compofed of four teeth, about fix inches long, of a head about a foot long, and of a handle about four feet long. If feveral men be employed, in filling a kiln, it is common for eaclV man to fill and empty hisi own fcuttle. But this is an uncer- tain, and therefore an improper, way of pro- ceeding. YORKSHIRE. pt ceeding. Much depends on the regularity and evennefs of the layer, and the due pro- portion of coals i and to judge of this, with fufficient accuracy, requires fome experience^ and a (leady eye ; efpecially when the kiln is on fire, and the cavity to be filled up is ob^ fcured by fmoke. If mofe than one perfon be employed, in this cafe, it is highly pro- bable the work will be impeffe- peanuKc, equal to chc contents of the kiln. This renders the emptying of the kiin very ealy; the lime being all throvra from the furfcce, or through a kind of door-way in the fide; not drawn otit o.' the eyes; T-hich are in thrs cafe, of no other ufe than to kindle at, arid to admit a fup- ply of air. Thofc kilns are much lefs expcnfive than the kilas of ton Diilri^a ; and more convenient. But query, Do they give as much heat, with the Cime quantin-' of coils, as a taller more cylindrical kiln ? YORKSHIRE. 315 kiln" coals, with carriage from the keels to the kiln, about 148. a chaldron (of thirtytwo buihels) th^ produce f better than three for one. The whole coji about 6s. ^t felling f rice 'ys* a chaldron. At Pickering, the /aSor is 2cd. a chal- dron : the price of " moor coals" and car*.. riage i6s. of ** Malton coals" and carriage, J 8s. The produce, if fufticiently burnt, f/jree for one. The mean cofi is therefore about 7s. 6ci the felling price 8s. a chaldron. The building and repair of kilns ; the wear of tools ; the value of the ilone in the quarry ; and, in fome cafes, the carriage of it from thence to the kiln, are drawbacks upon the profits, which appear in the above calcula- tions. If therefore the ftones be fufficiently burnt, the neat profit is, in this cafe, very fmall *. Y 3 4. Appli.. * Nothing, perhaps, would encreaie the profits of lime- burning, in thli place, more, than the kiln being filled by the hand of the mafter, or fome judicious perfon, not ln« t^refted in a wafle of coals. It is the intereft of men, who burn by the cluUdron, to underbreak the ftones, and to make up the deficiency of labor with an increafe of coals; which, likewife, will make up for neglect, or want of judgment, in filling. Let the ftones be raifed and broken by the chaldron, or the kihn j but let the filling be done by women 326 MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. 4. Application. It has already been bbfcrved, that lime is applied, indifcrhni- nately, to every fpecies of soil. On the higher drier lands, its utility is evidenX. At Malton, it is laid on a calcareous fitU "i^ith fuccefs. In a comparative experiment, fairly and accurately j-pade, on a rcdjlonc fi'tl above l*ickering, with three chaldron of lirhe an acre j the value of the lime, to the firfl crop, wheat, was not lefs than two quarters, an acre, and the fucceeding crop qf oats, (which flow are upon the ground, Aug. 1787.) is a il-ill ftronger evidence of the great utility of lime, in form cafes : in tnis cafe, the crop is at leaft threefold. Neverthelefs, it may be prudent in the occupiers of the cold molfl clays y in the bottom of the Vale, to lime v.-ith caution. Its ufe to the loofefandy foils of the Wed Marlhes is, I believe, fully eftablifhed ; yet, in a comparative experiment on a black moory foily on clay, its effed has thus far (the third crop) been detrimental^ rather than ufeful. It women and bo)'S ; h-^ which means induih'y v/ill be en- couraged, antl 'Mc flones, by palTing under the maftcr's eye, will of courfe be rejeded, if not fufficiently broken. YORKSHIRE. 3*7 It is not my intention to damp the fpirit of improvement, but to endeavour to dire(ft it to fuitable objctfts. Nothing, at preient, but COMPARATIVE EXPERIMENTS Can deter- mine the value of a given lime, to a giveii foil; and no man can, with common pru- dence, lime any land, upon a large fcale, un- til a moral certainty of improvement has been eflablifhed, by experience. The prevailing crop is wheat on fallow. It is alfo pretty generally fet on, for rape, turneps, or othfcr crop, iSttv fodbtirning, and fpread among the afhes. It is alfo, not un- frequently, fet on for barley. But its effedl, to thtjirji cropy except of wheat or rape, is, I believe, feldom perceptible. But beneficial as lime undoubtedly is, in fome cafes, to corn, its benefit to grass is ii matter in difpute, even among the farmers of Yorkshire. Incidents are authenticated in which, to general appearance, it has been detrimental. But without the afTiflance of comparifony the judgment is at a lofs to afcertain, with ?iny degree of precilion, the effeds of Ma- nures. Neverthelefs, general appearances, to thofe who have a knowledge of the nature of the foil, have their weight, Y 4 - It jiS MANURES AND MANAGEMENT. It feems, however, to be a generally rc-» eeived idea, that lime, which is laid on for grafs, is not thrown away j for, whenever the land is again turned up, its benefit to corn will have full effe(St. See Nat. Herb. 5. Liming. Long as lime has been ii\ common ufe, as a manure, the proper method, of applying it to the foil, is far from being univerfally pradtifed. The metkods of liming are various. The worll is that of laying it m large heaps, and fuftering it to run to jelly, bcferq it be fpread upon the land. iNcxt to this is fetting it about the land. In fmall hijloch -, for although thefe hillocks be fpread, before they approach the il^te of mortar, this method is injudicious. Lime, which falh in the open air, does not fall to powder, but breaks into checquers, or final] cubical malTes i which, being once buried in the foil, may remain m it, for ages, Without being mixt intimately with it. As far as experience and theory have yet reached, lime ought to be fpread in a ftate of PERFECT POWDER, and be mingled, inti- p-iately with the foil ; and thus, by aHlmilat- ing the two ingredients, form with them one Jaomogeneous, calcareous mafs. YORKSHIRE. 329 A fmgle fioney expofed to a moift atmo- fpliexe, falls inio fragments ^ not mio pcivder * . The fmaller the heaps, the nearer they ap- proach to fingle ilones ; there is a greater proportion o^ furfacey and confequently a greater proportion oi fragments^ It is therefore the practice, of judicious huibandmen, to fet lime upon the land, in ;.0AD HEAPS, and fpread it over the foil out pf carts, asfoon as it is Juffictently fallen. There is an inftance of pra(ftice, in this neighbourhood, and, I believe, only one, which is flilj fuperior tq that laft mentioned. }n this inftance, the load heaps are turned ever, not fo much to finifli the falling, as to gain an opportunity of burying the granulous furface of the heaps; by w^hich means the fragments are at kail leflened, if not reduced ^o powder. In the MOREL ANDS, a flill better pradicc Js faid to prevail. There, the heaps are inter^ layered, and covered ^f, with moi/l " turf^ piold** * It is obfervable, however, that piuch depends upon the nature of the ftrnc, from which the lime has been burnt. $tones of a uniform texture, asmoft marbles, arelefs liable to fall in granules, than ftones which are naturally com- pofed of grains, or are divided by fiffures into natural frag- J35 MANURES ANt) MAyAOEMENT. fHofif* (the rubbish from ^2.i and turf fud\ which bringing on a rapid fall, the whole is fet on fire, and the furface kept free from granules, by a covering of dry afhes. This leads to a general improvement in the method of slaking lime: Cover up the heaps, whether large or fmall, with soil, either of the field they are fet in, -or that of lanes or ditches, carted to them for the puf^ pofe ; and, if a fpeedy fall be required, thro\y water over this covering. See Art. Cement, page 1 12. 6. Time, 6cc. OF SPREADING. If lime be ufed OTi fallow for wheat, it is generally fpread on, in July ; good farmers making a point of harrowing it in, as fajl as it is fpread, and plowing it under, with a fhallow furrow, as foon as^ convenient. 7. The ufiial quantity fet on is three to four chaldrons an acre. IV. DUNG. Nothing fufficiently notice- able, refpecfting this fpecies of manure, has occurred to me; excepting fome incidents relating to the manuring of grafs land, which xviil appear under the head Natural Herbage; and excepting a general deiici-r ency in Farm-yard Economy, for which iee ^A?l^l-YARD Management. SEiMINATION. YORKSHIRE, 331 10. SEMINATION. THE SPIRIT OF IMPROVEMENT may have led fome gentlemen^ but, I believe, pot one yeonian, or regular-bred farmer, to make experiments in the drill husban- dry ; .^t leall:, not of late years. In the day of Mr. Tull, fome trials v/ere made of it \ but the refults were not fufficiently favorable to eilablifli it as a pra(Ctice. A fingularity in the method of fowing BROADCAST is noticeable ; though not pecu- liarly excellent. The common way is to go tiL'ice over the ground, fov/ing half the feed one way, and (returning on the fame land) half the other j the feedfman, in this cafe, filling his hand at one Hep, and making his caft at the next. But, in the method under notice, he cafts at e'lery Jlep, and fows the whole of the feed, at once going* over. This ^nethod is more expeditious, than the com- mon way J but it requires a fteady eye, and an expert hand, to feed the ground evenly. WEEDS, :j2 weeds and vermin. 1 1. WEEDS and V E R M I N. 1. SPECIES OF WEEDS. There are, in this Diltri(ft, men who have been fin^u- larly oblers-ant, with refpe anferinay — SI verwe ed. Fat hsn, — chciopodium aibufr*^ — ccinmon- ^oofefoot. o Fat hen, — chcnypodiitm "jtridf, — rcdjoint-ed goafefoot. Popple, — agroficmma gk/jago, — cockle. Btoney-hard, — /itlw'pennum ariienfc, — corii gromwefl. Ccrn \>\T\i^,— polygonum cjfTVohuIus,~c]lmb' Ir.z b-jckwced. Sour- YORKSHIRE. 335 Provincial. Linnean. Engli/b. Sour-docken, — rumex acetofa, — ^ common Torre 1. Sour-docken,-w*r///;;fA' acetofellat — ilieep's forrel. Great horfeknobs, — centmireafcabiofa^ — corn knobweed. Great blue-caps,— yZ^^^^/T? aruenjis^ — corn fcabious. Cuifhia, — berackum fpbondyilujn , — cow- parlnep. chrjJa?itbemumfegefum,-'Com marigold. Yer-nuts,— biinium bulbjcajlariumf — earth nuts, or pig nuts. daucus caret ay — wild carrot* centaurea cyanus, — bluebonnet. t7'ifoUiim melilotus -officinalis, — melilot. trifolium alpejlre, — alpine trefoil. Docke n, — 7'umex obtufifolius, - - broadleave d dock. Dpcken, — rumexJar;guif.^euSj-*-hlcody dock. carduiis nutajis^ — sodding thii^le. carduus eriopborus, WQOilyhc-aded thillie. tblafpi cafHpeJire, — common mithridate. lapfajia communis^ — nipplewort. polyganum perficaria^ — common perfi- caria. poly. 3s6 WEEDS AND V E R M I iV. Provincial, Linnean. Er.glijh, polyganum crciculare^ — hogweed. mentha arvenjisy — corn mint. cbryfa?2thcmum kucanthemumy — oxeyC daifey. ranunculus arvenjls, — -corn crowfoot. ranunculus acris^ — common crowfoot. cucubalus behcn^ — bladder campion. Cornbind, - — convolvulus arvenjisy — corn convolvulus* act tile a in illefo Hum , — m i 1 fo 1 1 . Saxifrage, — peucedanumjilaus, — meadow faflafras. lycopfis arvenJiSy — corn buglos. Bur-docken, — ar^ium lappa ^-^vlx^oq^/l, antirrhinum I'maria^ — common fnap* dragon. *valeriana locnjl a, -^com valerian. refeda luteola,—^M'e\d, Breckens, — pten's a^uillna, — fern. Crake -needle, — fca?zdix peSleti-Vcnerisy — lliepherd's needle. veronica hcderifolia, — ivyleaved fpeed- well. cerajlium vul^atuin, -^common mouft- ear. fumaria officinalis^ — common fumitory* euphorbia hcliifcopiay — fun fpurge. ana- YORKSHIRE. jj; Provincial. Lir.nean. Englijh. anagallis arvenfis^ — pimpernel. Jilago ge?-??7anicay — common cudweed. eiiphrajia odontites^ — red eyebright. ^//5r/6^r/j-;W/r^/^,~longrootedhawk* weed. myojGtis fcorpioides, -— fcorpion moufe* ear. ijiola fncolor,-^coxn\rLon panlie* prunella vulgaris^ — felfheal. Quicks, — trificum repens^ — couchgrafs. jeftuca duriiifciday — hard fefcue. White grafs, — holcus mollis, — couchy fofl grafs. avena elatiory — tall oatgrafs. agroftis alba, — creeping bentgrafs, alopecuriis agrejlis, — field foxtail. Droke , — lolium temulenfum j—ddirnel . dadiylis glomeratay — orchardgra {.^ * White grafs, — holcus lanatus, — meadow foftgrafs. Aih,-—fraxlnus excelfior^ — afjh. Afpen, — populus tremula, — trembling po- plar. White thorn, — cratagus oxyacantha, -^ hawthorn. Black (hoxnt-^prunus fphiofa, — floethorn. Vol. I. Z Briax, 33S WEEDS AND VERMIN. Prcv'mcial. Llnnean. EngliJJj. "Bi'iSLT,— rubtu f rut icofus,— common bram- ble. rubus ccefius, — dwarf bramble. Cat whiuy—rG/a JpinoJIJ/ima, —hurn&t rofe. Ku(ihuTn,—cnonisar'venJisfpino/ay— thorny re fth arrow. Ruftburn, — ononis repens, — trailing red- harrow. II. THE MEANS OF EXTIRPA- TION. There are two ways of extirpating weeds from arable land: hy falhiving, and by weeding, I. By the term fallowing, is meant repeated plowings, harrowings, 6rc. between the erops ; whether thefe plowings, &:c. be * thing to be defired j for although a total extirpation has not taken place, an annual faving of fome quarters of corn has been the confequerce. Under where the proportion of corn is greater j — where the bam is oftcner errpued, — and where piUar ftack-fraiKes, ar.^ piJar granaries, are generallj more in uie. YORKSHIRE. 34j Under an idea, that it was a change of FOOD which, in the barn, conftituted the^^/V, the fame principle was applied, in the cheefe chamber, and with the fame fuccefs. Here, ti'aps, baited with corn, were taken with avidity. In the garden, it was obferved, that much depended on the feafon of the year : there- fore, here, natural hiding places were fought for 5 and if convenient ones could not be found, artificial ones were made, in different parts of the garden ; with logs, ftones fet up hollow, on-edge, boards, &c. In thefe hiding places, a vajiety of foods are laid, for feveral days, whenever mice become troublefome ; and whatever food is preferred, with that traps are baited. By thefe means, the entire premifes have been kept almoft wholly free from mice. While the number is great, various kinds of traps may be ufed, provided they be pro- perly baited : for taking a remaining artful few, the common fteel trap, adapted to the iize of the moufe, has been found to be the moil effedlual. 2. Rats. This animal, equally artful and ijiifcliievous, is difficult to be taken by flra- Z 4 tagem: 344 WEEDS AND VERMIN. tagem : in farm homefteads, fituated near water, it is become almofl: impofiible to keep dewn their numbers. In every country, they are a growing evil ; not only in Rural Economy, but in manufa<^ure, and in do- jneftic life. Should their numbers continue toincreafe, with the' fame rapidity they have done fince the prefent breed got footing in the ifland, they will, in no great length of time, become a ferious calamity. They are, perhaps at prefent, an objed: of public at- tention. 3. Dogs. It is not through an antipathy to dogs, that I clafs them here among vermin. I am led to it, by fadis, which, though not extraordinary, ought to be gene-, rally known. A few years ago, the whole country was alarmed, with the apprehenfion of canine MADNESS. A confidcrable proportion of the dogs, kept in it, were adually mad. Much live Hock, and feveral perfons, were bitten. Fortunately, however, thus far, none of thefe have been attacked, by that horrid diforder i but they flill live under the dreadful appre- henfion of their l)eing, every day, liable to be feizedj YORKSHIRE. 345 feized, by the greateft calamity human nature is liable to *. In the courle of laft winter (1786-7) the value of SHEEP worried by dogs, in this townihip alone, was calculated ai near one hundred pounds. A fmall farmer, whofe entire ftock did not amount to more than forty, had thirteen llieep, and eleven lambs, worried in one night. Thefe * Since writing the above, no lefs than fc- en peiTons were, in this place, bitten by one dog ! Much li^'e flccic has alfo lately been bitten. In a neighbouring village a calf, which had been bitten, was feized witn madnefs, and bit the perfon who had the care of it. What aggra\'ates the firii-mentioned inftance is, that the perfon, to whom the dog belonged, knew that he had been bitten, a few weeks before, yet fufFered hiai to go loofe, though urged to the contrary. Surely, on culprits like this, fome fe\ ere penalty, or fome fevere punilhnnent, ought to be inflic^able. A general law againft every man, whole dog is fufFered to jiray^ in a ilate of madncfi, might have a good effect. If the prrik^ice of vcormlng be really efTevSlual, in pre- venting the mifchiefs of canine madnefs, a fevere penalty is due from every owner of a dogj which has not under- gone fo falutary an operation. Several inftances are related of perfons, to whom canine maducfs has proved fatal, in this neighbourhood. And the inftances of live ftock, which have fuffered by the fame means, are innumerable, 2\S WEEDS AND VERMIN. Thefe are not mentioned as fingular fadts : every Diilriifl, and almoft every year, afford inftances of a iimflar nature ; nor do I men- tion them to excite a momentary indignation, in the breaii of the reader j but in hopes that they may be inftrumcntal, in roufing the humanity, of thofc, who have it in their power, to mitigate the danger, and leiTen the quantity of evil. The quantity of human food, which b annually wafled on ufelefs dogs, is itfelf an object cf national attention. When the horrors of canuie madnefs, the wanton tor- ture of innocence, and the wanton deftruc- tion of one of the firft neceffaries of life are added, the object becomes of the firft con- cern to the nation. Who, even in thefe days of Public Economy, would think ten thoufand pounds a year ill beftov/ed, in doing away fuch an accumuktion ot public evil ? Yet who does not know that, in doing it . away, ten times ten thoufand a year might be drawn into the national treafury ! Let not the patriotifm of Princes, the ability of Minifters, or the wifdcm of Parliament, be fpoken of, in this countr)', until a national ABSURDITY, fo glaringly obvious, be re-^. moved. There YORKSHIRE. 3^7 There are men whom frlcndjlnp IncHnes . to the caufe of the dop^. Far be it from me to damp the flame of fiiendiliip. But is not the lamb equally, at leafl", entitled to our friend fliip ? Who fees the little innocent dragged to the flaughter without regret ; and who, without remorfe, could fee one lying mangled in the field, half alive, half eaten up, by the mercilefs, yet befriended (dog? But the operation of a tax upon dogs would, probably, be different to whfit is generally conceived. I am of opinion, that, were fiich a tax to be laid on judicioiiily, the imme- diate deftrucftion of dogs would be incon- fiderable. The tie of affe<5tion muft be weak which a fliilling, a year, would dilfolve : even the poor man's dog would die a natural death, under thofe eafy circumitances. — But what poor man would think of paying, even a fliilling a year, for a dirty troublefome puppy, for which he had not yet conceived any par- ticular affedtion? Thus the number of dogs would, annually, and imperceptibly, de- creafe. In fix or feven years, the tax would require an advance : its produdlivenefs would be Jcfiened, and the rearing of another clafs of dogs 348 HARVESTING. dogs would require prevention. In a few years more, it might receive its final advance. The produ^tivenels of the tax ought not to be confidered, as the primary objei5t of a tax upon dogs. The removal of the public evils, which have been enumerated, iliould be at leafl jointly confidered. Five fhillings a head would reduce the number of dogs ; and would, perhaps, be found, on experience, to be more productive than a lower tax. 12. HARVESTING. NO DEPARTMENT of Rural Economy difiinguiflies the northern, from the mid- land, and SOUTHERN parts of the Illand, io much, as the method hi Harvefling. And, perhaps, no Northern Diftridl is more flrongly marked, v/ith this diftinguilhing charadterillic, than that which is now under furvey. 1 . Cutting corn with the fickle. 2. Cutting cora with the lithe. I. THE YORKSHIRE. 349 I. THE SICKLE. It is probable that nine tenths of the corn, \^hich is cut with the fickle, in this kingdom, is cut by mefi. In Surrey and Kent, a woman may fometimes be fcen with a fickle in her hand. In Norfolk, it is a fight which is feldom or ever feen. Here, it is almoft equally rare to fee a fickle in the hand of a man ; reaping — provincially, *' Shearing, " — being almofl entirely done by WOMEN. Three women and one man make a fett ; who, of a middling crop, do an acre, a day. If corn be thin, a man will bind after four women ; if very thick upon the ground, he requires a boy to make bands for him. Sometimes, the bands are laid for the wom^en to throw their handfuls into j but, in general, they lay the corn in ** reaps," of about half a fheaf each ; the binder gathering it up carefully, againft his legs, in the man- ner wheat flraw is nfually gathered on the thrafhing floor. This is much the beft- way (though fomewhat more troublefome) ; tJw: corn being, by this means, bound up tight and even, and the flieaves made of an equal fize. • * - The day wages of a woman, in harvefl:, h lod, of a man 2S. Thus wheat, which in Surrey 35» H A R V E S T I N G. Surrey would cod los. to 12s. and which; in any country I have obi'epvtd in, would coft 7s. or 8s. is here cut for 4s. 6d. an acre. But the faving of fo much, an acre, is far from being the only advantage, ariling from the practice of employing women in the work cf harveft. The number of hands is in- creafed ; the poor man's income is raifed ; the paxiih rates are in confequence lefTencd ; and the community at large are benefited, by an increafe of induftry, and an acquilition of health. How conducive to ibis are the em- ployments of hufbandry, compared with thofe cf manufiii^ure ! And the work of Harveft, fo far from being thought a hardihip, l>, by women who have been bred to it, ccnfidered as a relaxation to domeflic confinement, and iefs agreeable employments. Wheat and rye are (tx. up in /hucks,**— provincially " fiooks,'* — of twelve or ten iheaves caeh j two of which are invariably ufed as ** hocd-iheaves"; for hooding, cap- ping, or covering the heads cf the reii* Twelve iLeaves are termed a " Aook /' in V, hich wheat, formerly, was generally itt up j but unkiS the ftr::w be long, two fTieaves arc lie: equal to the fafe covcrmg of ten. It is therefore, now, the more general pra a bow (ilmilar to that ufed in moiT: countries for mowmg corn outward) is aftixt to the Cthe, for the fame purpofe. The mov.er is followed by a woman, who makes bar.as, and " lays out" the corn into iLeaf. This ilie does, eithtrr with the hands alone, or with a (hort-headed, long-toothed wooden rake : gathering the corn with the rake ; and, when a iheaf is collevTted, throw- ing it dcxtroufly into the band, with her foot ; witliout touching it with her hands ; and, confenuentiv, without ih^ inconveniencv of ftooping. YORKSHIRE 353 /looping. If the crop be large, the worhan has generally a boy to make bands for her. A man, or a flout boy, follows to tie and fet up the (heaves -, or, if the crop be thin* one man binds after two fithes. 2. SETTING UP SINGLETS* To do this properly, and expeditioully, there is an art and dexterity requilite, which can only be learnt from practice. The band being loofely tied, at about the fame diftance from the head of the fheaf, as it ufually is from the butts, — the binder lays hold of the ears, with both hands, immediately above the band, and ilrikes the ilieaf down pretty hard upon its butts j in order to give it a flat even bafe. One hand (the right for inftance) is then loofened, and inferted edge-way into the middle of the butts. The body, with the arms in that poflure, is thrown forward, and brought round with a fweep to the right ; thereby fpreading the butts of the right-hand fide of the fheaf. The fituation of the hands is then changed : the right is placed upon the ears, the left within the fheaf, bringing them round with a fweep to the left, leaving the fheaf a hollow cone. If the face, in this operation, be turned toward the north, and, in the lafl fweep, an Vol. I. A a opening 354 HARVESTING. opening or breach be left toward thefouth,the rays of the fun will have admifTion, to keep the ground dry within, and alTift the wind in drying the inner fide of the flicaf. Thefe particulars may, on paper, appear tedious i but, in practice, an expert hand will go through them in a few feconds of time. There is, however, a much readier way of fetting up fingle (heaves ; namely, by lifting them as high as the arms will con- veniently reach ; and bringing them fmartly to the ground, with a jerking motion. This fpreads the butts ; but does not give the de- firable holhivnefs ; nor the firmnefs, which is requifite in windy weather. When the finglets are dry enough, for carrying, they are " bound," in the ufual banding place. 3. In BINDING SINGLETS, the band is laid upon x}^t. ground, about a foot from the ikirts of the fmglet ; which is pulled over upon it, and bound in the common manner. The original band of the firft fheaf is pulled off for the fecond ; fo that, without an accident, the rinl band, only, is required to be made, at the time of binding. This renders the ope- ration lefs tedious than theory may fuggeft. . The Y O R K S H I R E. •■* 355 The /heaves, when bound, are collected into heaps, and carried on the day of binding; or are fet up in {bucks, as accidents or conve- niency mav require *. 4. If the corn be *' bound," at the TIME of mowing, it is fet up in shucks t in which it ftands until it be fit for carrying. This is lefs tronblefome, than firft " gait- ing" and afterwards " binding" it. And if the corn be ripe, and the bottom be tolerably free from weeds, it is, perhaps, the more eligible method, for corn which is cut with the siTHE. But, for under-ripe, or weedy corn, though cut with the fithe ; and for all oats and barley which are cut with the sickle ; " ^aitin^" is ' o o here conlidered> as effentiallynecelTary; Corn A a 2 cut * Gaiting. This praflice is probably cf Scottifli extraflion. In the dialecl ef the Englilh language^ now ufed in the Highlands of Scotland, where this practice is much in ufe, " gait" is the ordinary name, (or the efta- blifhed pronunciation,) of the goat. In the dialect of the Celtic language, likewifi in ufe there, fingle fheaves fet up, as in this piaflice, are called gouracs \ — from gour^ a goat^ — gourac, a little goat; — the diminutive oi gour. Hence, there feems to be little doubt of the name having been taken from the animal. But whether the Saxon Scots borrowed the practice, and the name, from the Celts, or the Cskic Scots from the Saxons, may, now, be ifficult to trace. 356 "H A R V E S T I N G. cut with the fickle lies firaighter, and clofcr, in the band, than mown corn ; which, being more or lefs ruffled, with the fithe or the rake, does not bed fo clofely in the band ; the air thereby gaining a more free admifiion, into the center of the fheaf. li barley be fhort upon tlie ground, free from weeds, and well headed (efpecially the four-rowed barley or** big"), it is difficult to be " gaited ," the heads of the iheaves being too bulky, and the butts not fufficiently fo, to form a bails broad 'enough to funport them. Its flippery nature, ahb, renders it difficult to be kept in a loofcly tied band. Barley, therefore, is more commonly bound after the iithe, than oats are. But when it runs much to ftraw, and is weedy, or full of graffes at the bottom, gaiting becomes ellen- tially necefi'ar)^ to accurate management . Bar- ley is more liable, than any other grain, to take damage in the field ; and every means of forwarding its drying, thereby fhcrtening the length of time between the cutting and the carn-ing, ought to be employed. Shucks of oats arid barley, bound after the fithe, are generally left uncovered, until the time of carr)'ing. If, however, the feafon be unfettled, and the heads be pretty well weachered. YORKSHIRE. 357 weathered, while the butts are yet under dry, it is well to put on hood Iheaves, and thereby guard the grain from too great an expofure to the weather. General Observations on Harvest- ing Barley and Oats. The comparative advantages of harvefting barley and oats, in flieaf, are nu- merous. The wafte. throughout, is lefs ; the corn, efpecially in gaits, is, at once, got out of the way of the weather; the labor of carrying, houfeing, or ftacking, is much lef- fened ; much barn room is faved ; the labor of thrashing is lefs ; the flraw, if the harvefl prove wet, makes much better fodder ; and, under this circumftance, the corn preferves its color, in Iheaf, incomparably better, than it does in fwath. The apparent inconveniency of Harvefling corn in flieaf (I mean that which muft ftrike every one who has not duly confidered the fubjed:, and compared the nature and the quantity of labor, feparaiely, requifite to each of the two methods of Harvefting) is the increafe of labor, at the outfet. Bat if the laying out, arid the binding, be done by A a 3 women 358 HARVESTING. "ivomen and boys, or by men who cannot mow (which is almofl invariably the cafe) the bufinefs of mowing goes on the fame pace, or nearly the fame pace, as it would have done, had the corn been mown into fwaths. Befides, the repeated turnings, which frequently are requifite, and the cock- ing, which always is neceiTary, are entirely excluded, by binding. Upon the whole. It is evident, that the quantity of men's labor is diminiihed, cot increafed, by the prad:ice of Harvefling in fheaf. If, to this advantage be added, the (cafe and expedition, in the bufmefs of parry- ing (the moll: important bufinefs of harvell:, and that which requires the quickeft dif- pitch), we may fairly conclude, that, by Harvefling in fheaf, the labor, the anxiety, and the hazard of harveft are leiTened ; while the quality, and confequently the value, of the produce is increafed. My own pracftice having been in Diftri(fls, where Harvcfting, in fvvath, is the univerfal cuftom, I had ponceived, that the practice of Harvefting, in fheaf, was only adapted to ^ CGuntry thin of corn ; and that it was alto- gether impra<:i:icable, in what is called a corn COUNTRY. But the WOLDS of tliis Diflrivll leave YORKSHIRE.' 359 leave no room for fuch a conje